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  1. Daddy Issues Hey everyone... first post here. Definitely happy I found this place- haven’t really found an alternative for people sharing stories, especially pertaining to this sort of subject matter. Loosely based on a series of encounters many years ago, but ones that I think back to a good amount. Decided to write about it. I was probably 21 or 22 at the time. Names, events, and descriptions have been modified for fun and because I can’t remember everything anyway. I hope some of you enjoy it. -- My stomach felt hot; the type of warmth that twists your gut on an empty stomach with nerves. And despite the beads of sweat dripping down my face, the rest of me was freezing. Standing outside the townhouse unit, bundled up in an oversized maroon hoodie and a pair of baggy black jeans, my hands were crossed and tucked under my armpits, teeth chattering as I waited in the chilly doorway. Even in the dark I could see the steamy clouds of breath with each exhale, and the gentlest draughts sent shivers across the sheet of sweat forming on my face. I was beginning to wonder if this had been a bad idea. It wasn’t that I minded the cold; the cold and I usually got along. But it was distinctly sobering. And the buzz from earlier was beginning to subside, leaving room for the more sensible parts of my brain to enter. And they were beginning to suspect that I was perhaps biting off more than I could chew. The cum threatening to leak out of my hole also raised a good point. My ex, Sam, had been especially rough today. Was I really up for more after that? Shouting at me while he fucked me like a ragdoll, twisting my sensitive nipples painfully until I arched my back and screamed, then stuffing his tongue down my throat as he emptied into my guts and practically threw my clothes at me afterwards... Sam and I... had issues. But he was also my main and only connection. And he liked the money while I liked to party—sometimes even with him. And our openness with one another tended to increase as a function of tina. Like I said—issues. Mercifully, I was spared further self-reflection when the door clicked and creaked open, revealing a firmly built father-figure who stood a solid six inches taller than me. I would have guessed him at roughly six foot two. “Sinking feeling?” I recited from adam4adam, smiling loosely, head crooked off to the side slightly. A grin spread across his face. “Just Chris is fine,” he greeted. “Daniel, right?” I nodded. “Come on in,” he invited, stepping off to the side as the door swung ajar. The contrast couldn’t have been more pronounced as I moseyed on by him. Aside from being substantially taller, Chris was large; broad-shouldered with the beginnings of a healthy paunch. He had the type of body that was once very built but had succumbed to a desk job and too much beer in later life. Atop his head, fiery red hair dotted with grey formed a halo around an emerging bald spot. There was lingering hesitation. But it was also cold and I very much wanted to find some warmth. The husky, broad build attached to the heavy voice was also something of a weakness of mine. So with all this in mind I muted Jiminy and stepped in past the threshold. The instant the door shut I found myself engulfed. Thick, fuzzy arms wrapped themselves around my chest, pulling me close to the grey button-up that draped loosely over the muscle-bear’s torso. Gasping, possibly on cue or as a reflex, I leaned into the embrace and craned my head up, parting my lips as his mouth pressed down on me and pushed his thick tongue inside. Meanwhile, one great big paw found my ass and squeezed my left cheek through the cold fabric, making me jump. He seemed pleased by this—as he pulled away, his face was bright with mischief. “Thanks for coming. I’m glad you could make it,” he growled. “Thanks for having me,” I responded sheepishly. “I’m glad I could come too.” He smirked. “Come on. We’re upstairs,” he instructed, grasping my hand as he lead me up the steps. As he pulled I had to hurry a bit to keep up. Passing the first door on the left, we scurried to the second, at which point Chris shoved it open and pulled me inside. The ceiling lights had been turned off; only the lamps in the corner and on the bedside table were lit, giving the room a dim ambiance. Immediately my eyes glanced to the nightstand- where a pair of old-fashioned glasses sat, their smooth edges catching the low light of the bedroom, making the red of the drink inside blush a deep crimson. Adjacent to it, a pair of syringes nestled together conspicuously. And below, a bag of crystals rested beside glass pipe and a little blue pill. At the sight of the needles, my heart began to pound. “It’s all right there,” I murmured. There was that doubt again. Was this a good idea. It wasn’t much of a question. But it might be a fun idea, I argued, and in many ways that was far more compelling. Either oblivious to my uncertainty or electing to move past it, Chris was already retrieving the glasses. Smiling welcomingly, he offered one. “It’s G. And Gatorade. You said you’ve done G?” I nodded, and reached out to accept. “Yeah. Thanks,” I murmured. Admittedly, I kind of hated G but declining felt rude. And anything to take the edge off sounded good so I smiled politely and braced for the worst. Nodding, he raised his glass. “Cheers,” he said, then clinked and chugged it back in one great gulp with what I assume was the Viagra, inviting me to follow suit. Following his lead, I drank the poorly masked acrid flavour, downing it in two swigs. Grimacing as I set the cup down, I sunk down onto the bed and reached for my shoulders, peeling away the thick layers of clothing I’d come wrapped in. Wiping my damp face against the inside of the scratchy fabric as it slid past my smooth stomach, the hoodie pooled messily on the floor. Meanwhile, Chris licked his lips and undid his belt, pulling the leather strap from outside his jeans as his murky eyes watched me undress. As my pants and boxers fell down around my lightly haired legs, showing off my freshly shaven groin, I could feel the buzz on my skin from his eyes outlining me- tracing over my lithe form as he drew his mental image. Looking back at him, by comparison he was a giant- I was barely five foot eight, with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and what could readily be described as a pallid complexion. Where my face was clean-shaven conceal my years, he wore his time with pride. I had no illusions that he was likely close to lapping both my weight and age; if I was a hundred and forty pounds, I estimated Chris at around two sixty. Maybe more. In his forties, if adam4adam was to be believed. In truth, I’d been very surprised when he’d even responded. But then we started talking and he rather directly advised that I was his type. And he was definitely mine. And despite the remnants of tina from a cloudy overcast, I could feel my cock twitch in anticipation. As he sat down next to me, I could feel the bed sag around him, displacing the mattress such that I popped up a bit. Pulling me close, I could see that his pupils were dilated like mine. I smiled. “Been having fun?” I joked. “Yeah, but just by myself tonight,” he replied, then all but dragged me onto his lap. Turning me around to face him, he seemed delighted to find how pliable and malleable my light body was in his hands, and I eagerly bent into his touch. “I’m glad we could fix that,” I returned wanly. He let out a chuckle. Digging his fingers into the smooth face of my ass, he began to peel the globes apart, making me shiver as I leaned against his chest. Then a probing finger touched my wet entrance. He paused. “What’s this?” My heart skipped a beat. “Oh,” I responded nervously. Instinctively my body moved to pull back, but then one of his hands rose and it was futile- like a steel cable across my back, locking me in place. “That,” I said slowly, my mouth suddenly feeling very dry, “That would be my ex.” A moment of silence fell upon us. The hand digging into my pucker pulled back and I managed to wrestle my face to the side. From the corner of my eye I could see him looking at his paw, examining the sheen of translucent cum on the tip of his index finger. To my surprise, he licked it. “Hot,” he responded, then reached back down, gathering more of the viscous fluid that had just started to leak out slowly onto his jeans. Once satisfied, I felt the arm on my back ease up and he let me pull back, only to press the cum-soaked finger against my lips. My dick immediately sprang to life. “Was it any good?” he asked as my mouth accepted the offering, swirling the tongue around his fingertip as he watched me lap away Tom’s juices. As the finger left my mouth, I licked my lips. “It was... alright, I guess. Kind of rough.” “I see,” he returned softly. “You like rough?” My voice hitched. Oh if only you knew, my brain snickered. On the outside, my voice returned coyly, “Sometimes. Maybe. Depends on the other person.” “I see.” Then a pause. All I could really feel was his fingers stroking my back gently. I began to wonder if I’d done something wrong. “Chris?” I asked. “Are you sure about this?” he asked slowly, carefully. “Sure about what?” I echoed. And then suddenly I was facing the bedside table. Following his bicep to forearm to outstretched fingers, I spied the instruments from earlier—specifically the rigs. “This,” he clarified. Oh. That. My stomach knotted. I licked my lips. “I think so.” “Think?” he repeated. Heavy hands stroked my arm, soothing and warm. I nestled in closer, enjoying the arm around my waist. A moment passed. Then another. Words were suddenly tough. I opened my mouth to speak but everything snagged and I gave up, shutting my mouth as I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. “Daniel...” he said gently, nearly making me jump. “It’s okay if you just want to smoke. We’re going to have a good time either way, right?” “I know but...” “But what?” he asked softly. Well, there it was; I wasn’t going to be allowed indecision here. And he had very graciously offered me a way out. My eyes wandered to the loaded pipe. The tina had melted into the lower hemisphere, giving it a pearly look. And in that pearly gloss there was something comfortably familiar to it. But as my gaze wandered back to the pair of syringes, all loaded and set aside for us, my heart pounded inside my chest. Excitement crept upon me. Sucking in a deep breath, I provided my answer before I could formulate a proper case against it. “I want to try it,” I admitted. “With you.” Chris stared at me for a good minute. Slowly, an eager smile spread across his face. “Good.” He almost sounded relieved. With the G beginning to hit me, a clumsy warmth had radiated outwards from my gut and sunk into the extremities where it settled. Messily, I shuffled off Chris’s lap, planting a kiss on his fuzzy cheek as I went. Rising from the bed, he gathered one of the syringes and looked around for a moment, brow furrowed in contemplation, before opening the drawer and retrieving a bright orange rubber strap and a pair of square swab packets. Settling down in front of me, kneeling to keep himself level, he tied the rubber band around my arm. “Make a fist.” Within a few moments, he’d found the vein. Tearing the packet with his front teeth, he wiped the faint bump with an alcohol swab and licked his lips, eyes narrowed in focus as the tip of the needle approached the raised flesh. “Let me know if it hurts. At all. Ok?” I nodded, sucking in a breath to brace myself. I didn’t like needles. Probably the main reason I hadn’t learned how to do this myself. Or done this. Well, that and Sam didn’t like them either. The prick through skin stung but only momentarily. Subsiding as quickly as it came, Chris glanced up at me, prompting me to shake my head. Nodding, he slowly he pulled back on the plunger, drawing a flash of blood. “Anything?” he asked. Once more I shook my head. “Good.” And then he pressed forward, unloading the chemicals into my arm. Wasting no time, he smoothly retracted the needle, placed a cotton-ball on the entry point, and released the orange band from my arm. “Arm up. Hold that. And lie back,” he instructed. Hand above my head, holding the ball in place as told, I sunk back onto the bed and wondered when it would hit me. It wasn’t long. Within maybe two seconds I could feel my skin flush, like I’d suddenly been plugged into the wall and electrocuted. Coursing over my arms, finding my chest and stomach, traveling down into my legs and toes, then all the way up my neck. Like a tingling, tickling fire the burning feeling built in my throat, rapidly reaching a fever pitch and I coughed hard, involuntarily releasing the cotton as I clutched my chest and heaved. With each retching gasp, pleasure ripped through my body, making me shake as I rode the wave. Above, Chris simply watched, smiling from ear to ear as I unraveled in front of him. Whether it was fifteen seconds or five minutes before I regained the ability to speak I do not know. What I do recall is what I said. “Holy fuck.” The remark was whispered as my hands moved on their own accord—up to my face, then down across my chest, and experimentally grazing my swollen nipples. Then they migrated south, detouring at my cock, exploring my twitching hole, and completing their lap by returning to my face. Everything twitched. My skin buzzed. And there was a ringing in my ears that made everything seem so close and far at the same time. “It’s... I can’t... oh my god...” I stammered, panting on the bed. In my head the apprehensions were melting away—reservations disappearing in a maelstrom of heat—leaving nothing but impulse, fantasy, and want. Everything felt like a good idea. Cum, piss, cocks, toys, fists, pain, humiliation- my mind jumped from idea to idea, pirouetting from scene to scene, electrified by the prospect of my current companion holding my hand as we delved into pig hell. Roaring through my mind, the need to be used like a fuck-toy all but raced through my head, liberated from its cage by the chemicals hijacking me. Peeling my hands away from my face, I turned to Chris. “It’s so much,” I whispered. To this, Chris chuckled, spotting his own vein as he aimed the syringe. “Just breathe, baby,” he instructed. “I’ll be there soon.” His cough was considerably less laboured. And as the strap fell away he began to undress, shucking his loose button-up over his shoulders, allowing me to see his powerful biceps and thick chest muscles that were loosely covered by red and gray hair. And, deliciously, a pair hairy armpits that reeked with sweat. Reflexively, I licked my lips. Then he began to remove his jeans, unfastening the button and sliding them past his hairy legs as he removed them with his boxers. He was already getting hard- between his legs sat a chubby cock, nestled in a patch of red hair and two huge, low-hanging balls. Resting his weight on his forearm, he settled on his side next to me. “So,” he asked, licking his fingers before pressing his hand against my chest. “How are you feeling?” The bass tones of his voice were lightened by amusement as his finger and thumb found one of my swollen nipples. Inhaling sharply as he rolled them between his heavy digits, I let out a yelp as he gave a quick squeeze. Finding my bearings, riding the exhilarating pleasure, I managed to suck in a lungful of air. “Amazing,” I breathed, rising from the bed, biting my lip as I took in his full naked body- from his huge hands to his growing dick, to the powerful centre that connected them all. Imagining my holes used like sleeves for every part sticking out of him—a human waste receptacle for his cum and piss. Someone’s boy to use. His boy to use. “Better than puffing it?” he teased, grinning from ear to ear. “Definitely,” I agreed. “Good,” he growled, pulling me close in a crushing kiss. Breathless as we broke away, I felt giddy. Suckling his neck, I moved in close, balancing myself on my knees around one of his resting thighs. I needed to taste him. Reaching gently for one of his arms, I touched the thin layer of fur, then lightly lifted it with his assistance above his head and dug my tongue into his hairy pit. With him palming the back of my head to pull me closer, I inhaled the heavy, musky smell and my body jolted with excitement. Lapping at the sweaty, salty, acidic flavour I drank greedily until there was nothing left and let out a pleading noise. Above, he chuckled throatily and released my face as the other arm rose in an invitation that I was happy to accept. Electing to not grip my head this time, his free hand found its way to my ass-cheeks, squeezing them hard enough to make me yelp as I continued to service him. Between the smooth globes his fingers crawled, teasing my hole as it traced the outside, gathering the leaking cum. Shifting my weight, I arched my back, inviting the finger for closer inspection. Still slightly slick with Sam’s load, his ring finger pushed onwards roughly, making every nerve tingle. But all I could think was more. “Please,” I begged. “Please what, boy?” he teased, extracting the intruding digit only to thrust it back inside. Pulling away from his pit, I looked at the heavy, hungry expression that had overtaken Chris’s initially welcoming features. Something distinctly dark had taken over his face—the same unhinged need the chemicals had unleashed in myself, but funneled through his want to control. My chest fluttered in delight. “I want you to use me,” I whispered. “To fuck me. To fill me.” Studying my face, all twisted with need, his dilated eyes narrowed slightly, his breathing soft and slow. “I’m gonna do a lot more than that, Daniel.” My breathing hitched. “I know,” I whispered. “I’m gonna ruin you,” he growled, burying his face in my neck, sucking the soft skin as he bit down. I let out a groan, feeling the skin tingle as his teeth sunk. Traveling up to my ear, he licked as he went, nipping my earlobe before settling his mouth just outside. I could hear his heavy panting and it made me crackle with excitement. “And you’d just let me, wouldn’t you,” he hissed, digging his finger deeper, coating it in Sam’s splooge, wriggling it to ease it in to the knuckle. “I bet you’d let a hundred guys fuck you if I wanted.” “And then some,” I agreed softly. “Two at a time even, all snug inside your little boy hole, just to make sure everyone’s served,” he growled as he pulled back only to slip his middle finger inside alongside, making sure I felt the stretching as his fingernail scraped against my insides. “As many as you’d want to fit,” I whimpered, revelling in the burn as he worked my hole. His voice made a rumble of appreciation. “Get that hole open, puffy, and swollen. Just oozing with cum,” he hissed, turning his fingers as he spoke. “Running down your legs in streams.” “Stuffing it back inside me with your hands,” I whispered, my heartbeat quickening as the words formed. “Shoving it into my guts with your arm. Cleaning every cock that blows inside me with my mouth.” Groaning, his fingers left my ass and were quickly shoved into my mouth. Nursing them, my tongue swirled around the faint taste of my juices mixed with the salty, musky flavour of Sam. All the while, his expression darkened, his teeth coming together. Glancing down, I saw his cock stood upright, thick veins bulging up every inch of the beer-can shaft, leading up towards a mushroom head leaking pre-cum. Pulling away from the fingers I sunk down, arching my back as my legs stretched to balance my body on my hands and knees. Up close I estimated him at approaching nine inches, maybe eight-and-a-half. Inhaling through my nose I took in the pungent aroma of dried piss mixed with sweat and his natural musky odour. Entranced, my mouth opened, drawing the head inside as my hand reached to grip the thick shaft. Making a noise of appreciation, he opened his legs a bit, running his fingers through my hair and resting them on the back of my head gently. Now, full disclosure—I am far from the best at blowjobs in the universe. And in many positions I frequently have trouble deep-throating. But in the moment, with the tina racing through me, I thought I could do anything and I found myself relaxing my jaw, easing the muscles and sliding down on him as best I could. It was somewhat successful. Letting out a groan as his head pressed my throat muscles, not quite unclenched enough or at the best angle for passage, his shaft slipped and slid along my wet mouth. My glands were working overtime, pumping out saliva as I dragged my tongue from trunk to top, swirling around his glans as I came up. Up and down I went, swallowing the excess spit as his hand guided me with gentle pressure. “Wait,” he grunted. Popping up for air, I awaited further instruction as he released my head and pointed to my crotch. “Bring that ass here,” he ordered. Obediently, I turned around, balancing on my hands and knees. Setting my legs around his thick torso, his back sunk into the mattress. Shuffling along until my mouth was lined up a perfect forty five degree angle with his cock and my ass stood above his pecs, his hands reached up, gripping my ass-cheeks hard as he spread them wide. The bed creaked—reacting to him rising—and I lowered my open mouth back onto his cock as his face pushed into my crack, beard scratching the inside of my cheeks as he dug in. Locked in his powerful grip, I inhaled through my nose, relaxing my throat as I measured the angle and aligned myself accordingly. And then I went slid down, feeling his cock brush against the back of my gullet. Easing up further, the entrance opened, allowing him to push past my throat muscles with a slight raise of his hips as I buried my nose in his pubes. Letting out of a guttural groan as I took him to the root, I could feel the sound vibrate against my ass, making me tingle with anticipation as my throat worked his massive rod. Meanwhile, he paused momentarily to stare at my just-leaking hole, before his wide tongue gave one long, slow lick against my puckered opening, sending shivers up my spine as I fucked my face on him. “Fucking hot hole,” he growled, then dug in, all but mashing his face into me. Scratching around my hole with his beard in the best way possible his thick tongue plunged into the load left by Sam. Sucking and slurping, making my ass as wet as he could as he sought depth I lost focus, tingling from end to end, and pulled up involuntarily to nurse his head. Below, his hips bucked. Right. Refocusing despite the warmth and tingling in my hole, I relaxed once more, breathing through my nose as I took him down. Pulling away from my hole for just a moment, he gave my ass a slam. “Tastes so good,” he rumbled, then dug back in. Slick with spit, acclimatizing to the motion and high as a kite, I got bolder. Pulling all the way up his head, I’d spend a moment focusing there, then lower myself and push past the throat muscles, holding him down as I swallowed around him. Then repeat. Following this rhythm, he’d dig hard, using his index and middle fingers to pry me open as he tried to stuff his whole tongue up my ass. Then as I came up he’d pull back, lapping at the salty cum, spit, and ass-juices that he’d displaced. Punctuating with the odd nip or bite against my cheeks, or stinging slap against my ass, we continued like this for several minutes—maybe five, maybe ten, it’s hard to say. Our cadence was broken by him pushing my waist off his body. “Get up,” he instructed. Pulling my mouth away from his cock, I looked over my shoulder. Face red, he was breathing was hard. “I want you to sit on it.” Crawling forward, I straddled his lap as he sat up. Guiding his cock to my slick hole, his hand grabbed my back and pulled me into a deep kiss, making me taste the mix of his spit, my ass, and Sam’s salty cum as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. Meanwhile, my hand gripped his slippery cock, holding it in my hand as it rubbed against my entrance. Briefly, Chris pulled away from the kiss. Reaching over to the bedside table his arm dug haphazardly through the contents of the drawer until he retrieved a tube of silicon lube and a small bottle of poppers. Popping the lids he greased his shaft and held the poppers below my nostrils, encouraging me to inhale. As the heat blossomed in my chest it mingled with the existing high and made my whole body shiver, muscles melting into putty. Meanwhile he capped the poppers and set them aside, placing his hands back to my sides. “Breathe and sit,” he commanded, then sunk back onto the mattress, placing his hands on my waist to hold me in place. Slowly, I began to lower myself. Despite being wet with spit, lube, and cum, it still took effort to accommodate him. Pushing past the sphincter, he slid in, stretching as my muscles groaned and ached at the intrusion. Gasping, I set my hands on his stomach, shutting my eyes as I took a deep breath. “It’s so much,” I whimpered. “I know, baby. Just breathe,” he encouraged. It was a slow process—I had no doubts that my guts had been roughed up but in a twisted way it made me want it more. Below, he’d stroke my sides reassuringly, telling me how good of a boy I was as I slid down inch by inch. Finally I felt it—the pubic hair rubbing against my pucker. I opened my eyes and glanced below. “It’s all there,” I breathed. “I know,” he confirmed, grinning from ear to ear. “How do you feel?” he asked. I shifted my hips. “Full,” I said blithely. “Very full. But good.” “Good,” he echoed. Reaching to the side, he retrieved the poppers. “Take some,” he instructed, handing them off to me. “I’m going to start moving.” Nodding, I uncapped the lid and took two long, heavy inhales on each side and focused on the feeling in my ass—each inch stretching my hole around him. In time with the heat spreading through my body, his hands returned their grip to my waist making my hips shift—as if doing so would help him get in further. Above I closed the bottle and tossed it aside. Pausing to appreciate the depth, we both stared at each other for just moment. Then slowly, I raised my hips only to come slamming down on him as his vice-like grip pulled at the exact moment his hips jerked in a brutal thrust. Establishing this as our rhythm, my legs rose once more. On cue, his legs pumped as his arms yanked me back down. Letting out a cry, I settled into the pace, holding onto him as we pushed onwards. Buried so far down that his balls slapped up against me as he pounded, my cock was only half-hard from the tina but it didn’t stop it from leaking pre-cum all over his stomach. Battering my prostate, all but forcing the fluid out of me, he drove in harder and harder with every shove. More. Please, God, more. All the while, Chris kept his eyes locked on mine, growling intermittently as he fucked Sam’s cum deeper into my ass. “Fucking slut,” he snarled, his hips lurching as he buried himself into me. “Seeing someone before me.” Another thrust, making my guts stretch as I gasped. “Took his load.” Thrust. “Then came right here for more.” Another thrust and I found myself breaking apart, dissolving into whimpers on top of him. “Yes,” I moaned. “Could have just come here,” he growled. “Instead made me wait all fucking day for you. But you needed his load, didn’t you?” “I did,” I gasped. “Sleazy, slutty boy. Coming over with some man’s load up your ass. Just can’t help yourself.” I couldn’t make words. He was so deep. Practically punching my prostate with his cock-head, I let out a noise halfway between a gurgle and a groan, covering my face with my hands as he took control of the pace. “Isn’t. This. Better.” Each word was punctuated with a brutal thrust. Knocked off balance, I threatened to tumble over and was forced me to lean forwards, pressing my hands against his pecs for support. “So much better,” I wailed. “Fucking right it is.” And with that, he gripped harder, digging his fingers into my sides—I had no illusions there would be bruises later—and pushed our combined weight forward. Letting out a yelp as I toppled over, my back hit the mattress. Then he gathered my legs and pulled them above his shoulders, dragging me up so he had a forty-five degree angle to drive into my hole. I couldn’t tell you how long he fucked me like that for—I just remember holding onto the bed and moaning as he pumped in and out of me, rocking my hips to meet his thrusts because I couldn’t get him far enough inside me. And then the furrowing of his brow as he shut his eyes and grit his teeth, signalling the end of the moment as he let out a guttural roar, slamming into me as far as he could. Inside I felt the delicious wet warmth spread inside my ass making my heart race as my legs squeezed him and my arms came up to hold onto him. My face buried itself in his neck. Being careful not to crush me under his weight, Chris came down, eyes shut, propping himself up on his forearms for support. My stomach was wet. More precum had been fucked out of me. I was even almost hard. And as we pulled away, and he opened his eyes, his mouth parted slightly, panting, studying me. “Slut,” he said softly. Through laboured breathing, I nodded. “My slut,” he corrected. And with that remark we reached a mutual understanding—that this was the price of admission for more. Gazing up into his murky blue eyes, my breath caught in my throat. Covered in our mingled sweat, skin pulsing with electricity, heart racing with chemically induced emotion, we both already knew my answer. “Your slut,” I agreed.
    7 points
  2. I always were interested in group sex and being kinky. Since my early years that I dream of being males little bitch. I always was afraid and impressed by tall and masculine man, always felt some kind of submission toward them. At some point in my adulthood I decided to try bathhouses. Of course after one time I was really into it. I continued to go, and then one day... I was travelling Europe and stopped for a week in Amsterdam. The weather was insane, its was in the middle of a heatwave. One evening I decided to venture in the redlight district and go see where was the good bathhouses. I was so suprised to see A LINEUP to enter the bathhouse. Mind you, in my native city, you're lucky if there is 10 guys in total. Si I immediatly knew I HAD to go. After a while I finally enter, and its jampacked, to the point I have a hard time not stepping on anyone's toe. I make my way to the dark room and start having fun. I start making out with this guy, he's bald and his body is toned and hot. I can't see him in the dark, but what a hot male look like. Lets call him John #1. At some point he tells me to wait and some back with a methpipe. Oh god, I never done this, not even done coke, only speed. I'm freaking out, but at the same time my partner was so damn hot, I really wanted to please him. So I took a hit. I felt a burning sensation in my lung, coughed up a bit, and right after, I felt like sexual desire was growing in me. I felt hot but so good, and I immediatly started going ham on John#1. He then took me slowly to the sling, and even tho I never done it I got in there . I feel his big cock playing around my ass and I'm in extasy. My brain is screaming to put a condom on him, but my body is demanding semen. He kisses me and I whisper to him "please breed me, I want to feel your male essence in me". He then penetrated me right away. I screamed, feeling a bit of pain, but mostly pleasure. My entire body was shaking and sweating, I was ready. I was ready to take that men hot load, whatever the cost. He came after fucking me for 10 minutes. I was still very high and horny, so I decided to stay in the sling. It took 30 seconds to feel another man in me. That one didn't even asked or kissed me, just went for it, and it felt so hot. He was thick, I could feel my hole being trashed out. He was also really aggresive, choking and spanking me. At that point I knew I wanted this alpha male cum so bad. I whispered to him "please, I beg you to cum, I want to feel your juice inside me, feel like a part of your masculinity is part of me. That's when he stopped fucking me and told me "You're gonna have to work for it Boy, and if you do well I'll bring some friends so you can take their loads as well... So, should I continue?
    6 points
  3. Cant help but to find myself looking dumber the more I workout and potent I get. Just jock muscle and a potent set of genitals.
    4 points
  4. As he was riding my cock, giving everyone ( now at least five people) a good show, my eyes fixed on to one black man, around age 40 maybe 6 foot tall slim build , with what looked like a foot long cock. Stroking it, and obviously enjoying the show. I gave him a nod of my head as if to say come closer.. which he did. I whisper to my boy, dont you want a taste of that..dont you wish daddys cock was that big...dirty nasty words to make him even more horny. The black man came closer , within reach of my bf and he touches it, opens his mouth and starts sucking.. Proud of my boy... at times seems sweet and innocent, but he's never questioned me about my cock.. is it clean? is it dirty? he's just accepted it however it is, raw and breeding him often... and now he's taking a stranger, a stranger at a video store, taking his cock and sucking on it.. i know I have to stop fucking my boy for a while and enjoy the show that is beginning. so i push him off of me and tell him to get on his knees on the floor.. He backs off from sucking the bbc and drops to his knees but then just as quickly goes back to sucking the black man. I sit back on the couch, touching myself, encouraging him and complimenting him on his cock sucking skills.. As much as i would like to see that cock erupt in his mouth, I really want to see it in his ass.. So I touch his shoulder and pull him back and bend him over the couch. Our new friend follows his movement and presses his thick dark meat up against his pink boy hole.. I kiss Eli and tell him how much i love him.. I kiss him deeply as that raw black cock pushes into his hole until it disappears inside him. As I' m watching this.. I can only imagine what might be going on.. After all this is the xxx vid store. Guys in here bareback all the time. Some are strung out on drugs, Some are homeless, Some have dirty toxic cocks.. No telling what best described the black man now on a mission to breed my boy.. And I wanted to watch it happen. I wanted to hear the black man groan as he was cumming, watching him push it in as deep as he could as he unleashed what I hoped was a huge load in his ass... I kiss Eli again . I look at him in his eyes and I ask him.. you want his load? he answered , Oh God Daddy, I do..... and with that I said to the black guy, I want to see you breed my son... and with that the black man lets out this sound of triumph and I know he's filling my boys gut with his first load of the night.
    4 points
  5. Last Thursday I was feeling pretty cockhungry so decided to whore out at the one of the local bookstores. As mentioned before, when in a super slutty mood, I like to find one of the darker booths and just back my ass up to the gloryhole. No questions are required or asked. That night ended up having an above average amount of guys willing to not only fuck, but do so raw. One guy pulled me out of the booth and fucked me in the hallway. I tend to prefer to stay anon, but he was a fucking hot punk type and had no hesitation saying "yes" when I asked if I could wear the pup hood as he rawdogged me. When all was said and done I had at least 4 loads in my hole (maybe more). I went to a private booth to bask in my filth and felched out a bit of the bounty to sample (even scooped some of my drippings off the floor, which is a first to be honest). I closed out the store at 2AM and somehow a piggy friend's ears must have been burning because I got a message on NKP asking if I wanted in on a threesome? I asked him should I shower and clean out, and he answered correctly with "hell no". So I grabbed some gear and ended up spending the majority of the time in the sling getting destroyed by our equally piggy younger friend with a huge uncut slab. Everyone very much enjoyed my very loose, very full hole and I was very grateful of the timing. I drove the younger guy home and ended up hitting one last bookstore (the REALLY dirty one) on the way home just because it was along the way and because I could use a topping off. Sadly no more nuts, but did have a guy almost fist me but I was a bit too sore from the shenanigans. This was an exceptionally productive night across the boards and one I needed badly. Enjoy some media from the festivities. Woof! .
    3 points
  6. During the next week, Eli and I went on with our lives. We stopped over to see his parents for Sunday dinnner and I remember thinking to myself if they only knew... lol If they only knew their adorable little son had his legs spread at the video store just two nights ago, taking raw anonymous black cock. Too bad I didnt video it, could have shown it over dessert lol He and I also had sex a couple times that week.. Each time as I'm fucking him, I'm talking to him about our adventures, making him even more horny than usual. Unloading in his beautiful ass, I knew I couldnt wait to the weekend. Luckily when Friday came , it was cold and wet outside. I knew this would mean there would be extra black men staying over night at the theater. Black guys always got in free and the homeless guys in particular would be looking for a place to stay warm and dry. Got there around midnight, and we'd be there for the next two hours at least. Soon as we got there, we scoped the place out and sure enough, I could count at least 6 black guys in the place, and maybe a few others. We went to the back room, which had a tv in it, and the light was bright enough for all to see what we were doing.. Couple of the guys immediately followed us and watched me go through the normal routine of getting both Eli and myself naked as soon as possilbe.. Had Eli on his knees sucking my cock and I waved one of the black guys over for some fun. He was probably in his 60s, frail looking. definitely had the look of someone who was either sleeping around , sleeping on the streets, or a history of drug use.. But none of that mattered when he pulled out a dark uncut thick monster from his pants. I watched my boy work that big cock in his mouth and was so turned on by it, that I dropped to my knees and we shared that cock together.. Then I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to see that nasty cock up my boy's ass. I took Eli and bent him over the couch and looked at my new friend.. He didn't hesitate. He mounted Eli like a horny dog would mount a pup. Slamming in that pre lubed ass of Eli's, I watched Eli's face grimace as he slammed that cock deep inside him. I watched him fuck him like he owned him, like he was auditioning for some porno movie! And lol he got the job!! He slammed Eli for what seemed like ten minutes before he says out loud, "Gonna Cum" And he pushes his weight down on Eli, and lets out a grunt and groan and what I'm also hoping is the biggest load of his life.. He collapses on Eli and I just wait patiently until I can get him off, and my mouth and cock into that now seeded ass.
    3 points
  7. Just spent the past 9 hours getting my arse raided & bred by big black cock! Got a msg on bbrt this afternoon from a slim/ripped hairy black Alpha bull top, he’d seen my ad & wanted a session breeding me, sent him my details & he was here within 30 minutes. I was gagging for him & was even more excited seeing how tall he was when he arrived! 6’3”!! He wasted no time when we got to the bedroom, pulled my shorts down, shoved me down on the bed & got his tongue deep in my pussy! I got hold of his fat 10” uncut dick & wanked it until he was ready to fuck my cunthole! His dick felt so good sliding in my arse, he went balls deep slowly the first few times them boom! He started destroying my cunthole plowing it as hard, fast & deep as he could, a proper bull fuck grunting & growling as I gripped his thick shaft. He had me face down on the bed plowing hard in me when he roared he was about to cum, balls deep in me I felt his dick pumping inside me. This stud has a quick recovery time, 10 minutes after breeding he was rock hard & back in my cunthole. 4 loads into the session he asked if I was into play with other guys, I said more the merrier! He got 2 of his mates to come join the fun! I now had 3 big black cocks to satisfy!! Pure heaven! One up my cunthole one one in my throat & the other playing with my nipples & cock. I’ve lost count of the number of loads the bred in me & how many orgasms the gave me, my cunthole is a squelching sloppy mess & my body is tingling all over!
    3 points
  8. Wow, it's been over a year since I updated this story. But here is a short new chapter. Enjoy and let me know what you think ! If you have ideas, I'm all ears. I was floored by the amount of videos Josh had filmed. They were all so perfectly organized, too. Each guy that had fucked him had his own folder, even if they were known as Daddy from the gym or Muscle Daddy #2. Josh proudly showed me an online website where he posted his videos, and people subscribed to him monthly. He had hundreds of subscribers, it was insane—though I wasn’t surprised, considering how hot the videos were, and I was lucky to have free access to them. “You can watch any video you want,” Josh said beside me, having sat me down at his comfy desk chair as he was sitting on my lap. I opened Brandon’s folder, curious to see just how many times he had filmed my son. I counted just 4 files, sighing with relief. Josh had made it sound like he had hundreds of them earlier. “Did you post them on your page too?” I asked, unable to stop from glancing back and forth between the computer and Josh jerking himself. The man was an insatiable little slut, and I was slowly turning into one as well, I realized as my cock sprung back to life just from the sight of him. “No, Bran didn’t want me to, these are just for my personal pleasure,” Josh grinned, creating a new folder and naming it Dad. “Here, our first video together, and probably my hottest one yet.” I watched him upload the video we’d just filmed together, my cock hardening even more as I watched the replay of what we’d just done. I heard the familiar sound of an incoming text from Josh’s phone. “Bran-bran liked our film,” Josh claimed, which I doubted very much. I shut my mouth, feeling terrible as I pictured my son watching his father having sex with his frat brother. I couldn’t even imagine how awful he must be feeling. I know I felt terrible at the thought of my son at home alone and lonely. “Hey, Daddy, what’s wrong?” Josh asked, lifting my chin up to meet his eyes. He looked genuinely concerned, his hands cupping my face as he leaned in to kiss me lightly. “Nothing,” I lied, turning my attention back to the computer to avoid Josh’s inquiring. I opened one video that had caught my attention in my son’s folder, titled Baby bro and Daddy. Just as I had feared, the video featured an older man, Brandon and Josh. The third guy was older, yes, but not older than me. He was bald, broad-shouldered, with a nice cock, I hated to admit. The video started with Josh as the cameraman, with Brandon and the “Daddy” fully clothed and facing each other. “What are you doing here, Daddy?” Brandon asked, and part of me felt sick to watch what was basically a gay porn video starring my son. “Just checking on you, baby boy, wanted to see how college was going.” Something I hadn’t done much in the past year, which made me feel even guiltier. Josh didn’t seem to notice, as he was busy kissing my neck and watching the video himself. I felt an impossible longing for Brandon right then, wishing I had my son here in my arms. “Fuck, good choice, Daddy, this is one of my favorites,” Josh muttered. “First time Bran-bran showed me how much he needs a Daddy in his life.” “I missed you,” Brandon said, putting his hands on the other man. “That’s why I came to see you.” They started kissing tenderly, the older man so gentle with my son I couldn’t bear watching it and skipped ahead, to a part where Brandon was getting fucked—bareback—by the stranger while Josh fucked the latter. I closed the video altogether, getting up from the chair so suddenly Josh almost fell on his bubble butt. “Damn it,” I cursed, and started pacing in the room. Josh stopped me and hugged me from behind, his hard-on pressing against my ass. “You miss Bran-bran, huh, Daddy?” Josh said, grinding his cock slowly between my cheeks, his hands stroking my chest and playing with my nipples as he kissed my neck. “I miss him too.” I let myself enjoy Josh’s expert hands and lips on my body, hoping the lust would take over the pain. The worst part of it all was that the lust did take over, and quite quickly. I threw my head back to rest on Josh’s shoulder, giving him better access to my neck. “You know what, Daddy?” Josh said between kisses and licks. “Tomorrow we’ll go back to your place, so little Bran can join in on the fun, what do you say?” That got my dick twitching, thinking about fucking my son again, and damn did that make me feel even more perverted. As if roleplaying with Josh wasn’t enough, my own biological son turned me on even more. Josh’s cock rubbed insistently on my hole and I pushed back on it. “Fuck, Daddy, you’re driving me crazy,” Josh whispered in my ear. He pushed me on his bed as he turned on one camera I hadn’t noticed earlier, expertly hidden in the corner of Josh’s room. He grabbed a tripod and set up another camera by the side of the bed. The kid was a professional porn star and director, it seemed. I was impressed and horny at the same time. I hadn’t considered myself an exhibitionist before this, but knowing I was going to be filmed gave me a new thrill. I was discovering all sorts of new experiences lately. Josh soon joined me on the bed, covering my naked body with his and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his strong back, my tongue caressing his while our cocks rubbed against one another. “Fuck, Daddy,” Josh said. “I can’t get enough of you.” “Me neither, son,” I replied, my hands traveling south to knead Josh’s bubble butt. I fingered his slippery hole, entering it smoothly and gaining a sweet moan from Josh. “Yes, Daddy, finger me,” Josh said, moving his ass back and forth to fuck himself on my finger, his cock leaking so much precum it slid easily along my own hardon. I captured Josh’s lips again, enjoying his talents as a kisser while I kept fingering him. “I want your cock Daddy.” Josh sit up and straddled my waist, guiding my cock right under his hole before he sank on it. “Fuck! You’re so big, Daddy,” Josh said as he started fucking himself. “Filling me so good, stretching my tight son hole.” I was speechless, lost in the moment. Josh’s hole was still so slick, so warm and velvety around my cock. I never wanted this to stop. I hated to admit it, but sex with these boys felt so much better than what I’ve had in the past with my own wife. I moved my hips to meet Josh’s rhythm, and sooner than I wanted, I felt myself on the verge of shooting my load. “I’m going to cum, son,” I panted, and as soon as I let the words out, I felt Josh’s walls clenching around my cock as he stopped moving and sat back. “Fuck yes, fill me up, Daddy, fill me up,” he said, looking me straight in the eyes. That was the trigger for my cock, and for the second time today, I shot deep inside Josh, my cock spurting more cum than I thought possible. Josh bent down to kiss me, my dick still lodged deep inside him with my cum. He eventually pulled my cock out, and got on all fours to show his hole to the camera set by the bed. “Such a big Daddy load in there,” Josh said as he fingered himself, scooping my load from his ass and approaching his face in front of the camera to eat every single drop. It was so fucking hot, watching him eat my cum while moaning appreciatively. “You guys, the best tasting cum in the world is your own Daddy’s load,” Josh said with a grin before he turned to look at me. “Right, Daddy?” I brought Josh back on the bed over me to cup his face and kiss him again, tasting myself on this tongue. I was intoxicated, and at this point, I didn’t even care that I was cheating repeatedly on my wife, that I was enjoying roleplaying incest sex with a gorgeous twenty-something. “It’s my turn now, baby boy,” I said, grabbing his cock to guide it to my entrance as I lifted my legs to wrap them around his waist. He took some lube from his bedside table, prepping my hole and his cock. The black bottle of lube caught my eye, and as I watched closely, I realized the lube looked a lot like…Cum. “Like that, Daddy?” Josh asked, having clearly caught me. “Looks real, doesn’t it?” He squirted some more lube on his fingers, bringing them close to me so I could see better—yep, looked like the real thing—before he spread the cum lube on his stubbled face, and it made him look even hotter. “Ready, Daddy?” Josh asked as he pressed against my hole. I nodded, and relaxed my shoulders and ass to welcome Josh’s raw cock. It felt amazing, his long hard dick hitting my prostate with each one of his thrusts. His dirty talk was driving me insane with lust. My own cock was hard again, which I considered a miracle at this point at my age. “Kiss me, son,” I ordered, brining Josh down to meet his lips as he fucked me harder and harder until he buried himself deep inside me and started shooting his load. “I’m coming, Daddy,” Josh said before he captured my lips to stifle my moans. No matter how many times it happened, it still felt amazing to have cum bursting inside you. I couldn’t believe just how good it felt, especially when it’s a big hot guy like Josh that does the deed while caring for you. Josh crashed in my arms as he pulled out, his heavy body on top of me. Josh was a great cuddler, and his body fit right into mine. “I love you, Daddy.” “Love you too, son,” I replied with a kiss on top of his head.
    3 points
  9. Spot on @BritBottom and beautifully put. I agree 100%.
    2 points
  10. I definitley am! honestly hate having my dick touched or sucked
    2 points
  11. oh fuck yes! a gorgeous story.. just how a boy should be used. would love to read more
    2 points
  12. This is a thoughtful and insightful observation. I wonder sometimes how many guys out there in boots and harnesses or watching leather porn videos know the true origins of the modern gay leather/bdsm scene. I also wonder whether knowing their fetish originated with the nazis would make a difference to them. After all, millions of people around the world drive Volkswagens and love them even though the company was originally formed by Hitler and run by the Nazi government. Somehow time and distance seem to alter the significance and purpose of things as they evolve and their origins recede further into the past.
    2 points
  13. Visiting Houston, so tried Club Houston last night and found that it was half price room night which may explain the full car park, a good sign. It’s a large club with a fabulous outdoor pool and jacuzzi. The cruising space is mainly corridors of rooms with a surprisingly small dark/maze area given the floor area. Steam room not available, still being constructed apparently. I had a video room but the picture quality was fairly dire. Free wifi. Overall a good quality bathhouse and the patrons seemed pretty friendly. Enough of the reviews already, what of the action? I’m versatile but this night I’d decided only to top so my expectations of action were lowered by 50%. However, I did pretty well fucking 6 guys and breeding two of them. Some of theses were in the glory holes and two in other guys’ rooms including a lithe daddy who I saw perched with his door open and as in the air for the 4 hours I was there so I’m sure my cum mixed with that of a number of other guys. The highlight for me was after I’d been in the club for over 3 hours and so I’d donned a metal cock ring lest I be soft at an inopportune time. I started out in a gloryhole booth and had been fucking a guy for a little while. Although I couldn’t see anything I had gauged him to be a fairly short and small guy based on where I had to position my cock and his small hands when he once reached through. He left his booth after a while and I followed shortly after and while I hadn’t seen him I sensed the short guy heading up the stairs to the sucking platform might have been him. I positioned myself behind him and was pleased when he reached behind him to grab my cock and manoeuvre it into his hole. I was soon fucking him again - I could tell it was the same guy by the texture of his ass, which was great. After 10 minutes of that I invited him back to my room. After fucking him some more I took the metal cock ring off (with some difficulty!) so I could thrust more deeply. Not unexpectedly, as it’s happened before, I heard a gasp, a squeal and a cry of ‘its so big’ when I recommenced thrusting as my cock is much thicker at its base. But the small Asian guy gritted his teeth and took it. After a while we stopped the standing doggy position and he lay on his face flat on the bed and I fucked him laying on top, which is my favourite position for finishing off and soon I had planted my seed deep in his ass.
    2 points
  14. Looking around on the different hook up apps, I kept seeing profiles for the same very hot bearded top dad turning up. He's in his mid-seventies, in great shape, and has snowy white fur growing wild all over him. Whenever I'd see his pics I'd feel this pull in my gut that I've come to associate with my daddy button. For many months I didn't reach out, then one day I sent him a quick email saying "hi" and expressing interest. I don't recall hearing anything much back from him and wrote it off as "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". And yet, every time I'd log in to these different apps he'd be online and every bit as magnetic and attractive as he was the first time I'd seen him. In a strange way, he became my own "white whale", just without the whole psychotic revenge thing. Time passed and, after my bareback bottoming epiphany earlier this year, I saw this handsome daddy on another app focused on bareback breeding. I reached out again and this time we had an exchange that resulted in a coffee meetup to size each other up. Meeting him I felt my inner submissive boy standing nervously front and center. He was polite, intelligent, funny, and had that special intensity that dominant daddies often have. We were seated at the back of the place with my back to the whole room. As we talked and he asked me questions, he reached out and quite unselfconsciously took my arm, stroking it gently as I answered his questions. His touch both soothed and electrified me. As his questions became more sexual and about our mutual daddy/boy and nipple kinks, one of his hands left my arm and his fingers tickled and squeezed a nipple through my t-shirt. I'd already been under his spell for a while, but this made me release a soft, surprised "Ohhh" as my eyes closed and my torso leaned into his fingers. It's hard to remember any other details of what happened while he played with my nipples unseen by the other patrons. As our chat came to a close he said he was very interested in getting to know me better and we agreed to play in the near future. Our first hook up at his place started the moment I was in the door. He kissed me as his fingers explored both my nipples, making my eyes close and part of my brain go fuzzy. HE called me boy and I called him Daddy so naturally. My glasses and my shoes came off and he led me into the bedroom where he had me strip and lay on the bed as he did the same. His compact muscular body was covered with fur everywhere and I found myself smiling. He directed me into the position he wanted and we kissed as we explored each other's bodies. He directed me to his pits, his nipples, and hugged me close, entwining with me so we'd have maximum skin contact. I felt his furry hard cock hot against me. At the same time he explored my skin and lips and neck and nipples, mapping the effect he was having on me. Regardless of my being taller, he maneuvered me into being his little spoon, wrapping his arms around me and seamlessly putting me in a restraint hold so I could not move as he nestled his cock into the smoother cleft of my ass. He'd carefully release one arm and stroke my nipples until I was writhing against him. He'd half-whisper "Good boy" as I responded to each change or escalation in his stimulation. He released me so I could lick his nipples gently and worship down the fur of his torso until I found his cock and slavered my devotion to it's root until it throbbed rigidly. He flipped me on my back and, spreading me wide, worked his spit into my boy hole with his fingers and then onto his bobbing cock. He picked up my legs splayed on either side and settled my feet against his shoulders framing his furry chest. His cock rubbed up and down my crack, spreading the wetness. More spit into my upturned hole as he nestled his cock into the foamy pool. He pressed in little by little, flexing and easing me open. I could tell he really wanted to just use his own juices to claim my hole. I focused on relaxing and reach out to stroke his nipples and feel his knob pull against my hole. He leaned in and slipped his knob inside me rocking a little, before doling out a couple more inches and repeating. Repeating this a couple more times I feel Daddy's cock fully in my hole. Pulling out halfway, he puts more spit on my hole and begins a slow fuck rhythm. It takes me longer to begin relaxing around his cock because being spit-fucked is more friction than I'm used to. Still, I endure it for Daddy who is holding eye contact with me as he builds his stroke depth and speed. He leans in flexing my legs towards me so my boy hole is stretched open around him. I realize as I stroke his nipples gently that Daddy's cock is especially blood-hard when I'm doing a good job. Inside me, my wetness meets his dad cock finally and I feel my hole relaxing into a state of supple acceptance. Feeling the shift as a surrender, he say "Good boy" and fucks into my boy cunt harder, each thrust jolting me. His eye contact is intense, and my reactions to how he's using me are also. Not loud, but honest and from the gut that Daddy is fucking with such determination. I'm softly saying "Thank you, Daddy" with each owning thrust. He flips me onto my side and, once again gripping my arms in a way that holds and restrains me, he fucks into me. Instinctively I hook my foot on his bottom leg and flex my body back into his cock. I earn another "Good boy" as his arms tighten their hold and he fucks into me harder. My mind is sliding into an basic, primal place. We change positions, take short breaks with different grips and holds, but always there is something that I'm meant to take in. He's in control, he wants my reactions, this is what being good looks like, feels like. During the short breaks we kiss deeply wound around each other. It's like Daddy's cock is still inside me. When my need or passion or primalness makes me grab and pull at Daddy, clearly needing more, he growls deeply in satisfaction. He runs his hands over my comparatively smooth skin, tracking patterns and finding the places that make me squirm and shiver. As he does, I caress the gorilla-wild fur that covers his body. I lap at his nipples and Daddy's cock digs into my torso as it gets that blood-choked fullness. Without warning he flips me on my back, legs back and positions them so the outside edges of my feet are against his shoulders. He spits into his hand and coats his cock and then my boyhole. He pushes in balls deep forcing me to let out a groan at the sensation of being full again. He brings my hands back to his nipples and begins to fuck me with clear intent in his eyes. After a few minutes Daddy's cock has my hole relaxed and he smiles at the sounds it makes fucking into my juicy softness. I smile back and tickle at his nipples hoping to please him into giving me his seed. He fucked me with his dad cock for half an hour, bringing me to a state of submissive need in a kind of haze. Then he dipped into some reserve and began to slap fuck my ass so hard I migrated up the bed and he needed to pursue me. Feeling hazy and needy I could feel Daddy was close, so I needed to be good. I concentrated on the muscles of my hole, first contracting, then relaxing, until Daddy groaned and growled "Good boy". His eyes filled with a feral light and he grunted as he began to cum, his body wracked with spasms as he poured his seed into me. We lay together, his cock nestled in my cummy ass, as he relaxed. He told me that he was pleased with me, that I'd been a good boy, and he'd like to have me visit him again. And so I have, with Daddy giving me my 82nd, 99th, and 103rd loads. In our later conversations, when his cum was safely fucked up into my cunt, we've talked about our mutual cum fetish and how he'd like to watch a group of men fuck and breed me so he can play in their cum and add his own. During our last fuck, Daddy told me he'd started jerking and freezing his loads so he can flood me with his seed and get that cum-fucking experience he's so into. Whether it's his loads, or loads he chooses for me, I just want to be a good boy.
    2 points
  15. PART 7: After Marcus had bred Shawn with his POZ cum and I had forced him into a double penetration in which I blew my load in him and caused him to involuntarily blast his load hands-free between he and Marcus, we were all quite worn out. We were in a tangle of flesh against flesh in his dorm bed kindof talking to each other until we all fell asleep. I woke up first, it was evening, per the lack of sunlight through the blinds. I was groggy but also noticing I had a huge erection against Shawn's stunningly thick bubble ass. I wanted to plow him immediately. But thought it seemed a bit rapey, so I opted instead to ease my head down towards his ass, kissing and licking his lean muscular back all the way down to his gluts. I began caressing and massaging his beautiful bouncy cheeks and opening them up to look at his tight pink hole. There were traces of both mine and Marcus' cum around his hole and a little pinkness to some of it. I suspected when I surprised him with the double penetration that I probably tore him a little, subsequently moments before Marcus blew is POZ load up Shawn's ass. Seeing his tight hole with pink POZ cum had my cock leaking. I slowly began licking his hole clean. His hole was soft yet tight, it took me awhile to start getting my tongue past his hole and up inside him. Once it was wet enough I began to slide a finger into him. That's when Shawn let out a long slow moan. I froze, giving him the option to tell me to stop. Shawn softly whispered, "Fuck Nick, please don't stop, that feels so good, eat my hole good baby." and continued to moan in pleasure as my finger began it's gentle rotations on his prostate while my tongue worked on lubing up his quivering boy pussy. I really wasn't able to control myself at this point, I slide up his body which was still wrapped around Marcus' naked lean and tight body. I aligned my fat cock onto his hole and spat into my hand for extra lube, and eased my wooden limb into his willing ass. With just spit for lube I was amazed that I was able to keep sinking into him without any drag or resistance. Soon I was in balls deep, slightly on top of his shaking body. When Marcus felt my body weight on top of Shawn, who was on top of Marcus, he woke up and accessed the situation quickly. Marcus said, "Damn Nick, you wake up horny or something? Me too," as he grabbed his massive uncut hard cock squeezing a drop of precum out of the tip. He asked Shawn, "you want another round boy?" Shawn simply moaned deeply. Marcus looked at Shawn's face and then looked at me, "Shit, Nick, you're already inside him aren't you?" I replied, "Yeah man, early bird gets the worm, I woke up hard as stone against Shawn's ass, and couldn't resist eating our cum out of his hole while he was asleep, and just couldn't stop myself once I started." I began fucking into Shawn's tight warm fuck hole harder as Marcus got up on his knees to shove his thick dick into Shawn's open mouth. Shawn just said, "Fuck yeah, give me that big black cock," as he deepthroated Marcus' pole over and over again, pausing for a second, to say, "don't cum in my mouth, I want you both to breed my ass again with your POZ load." I was watching Shawn work Marcus' cock like a magician, making it disappear and re-appear at a break neck speed. I pushed down on Shawn's strong upper body so that I could have a good support and feel his back muscles, because I was beginning to rail on his hole, building up to a fast cumming climax. The scene was too hot for me and when I looked down at his ass bouncing against my hips as I pounded my raw cock in and out of his hole it was a thing of wet dreams, I immediately started blasting deep inside Shawn's bowels. Shawn quickly realized I was filling his hole and began to tighten his hole around my convulsing cock, which made me cum continuously for longer than expected. I felt totally empty. Usually I feel like I'm able to go a few more times after I first nut. Marcus pulled his cock out of Shawn's mouth, got off the bed, and asked Shawn, "You want me to breed you with my toxic load? Huh boy? You want this big load up your ass with Nick's?" "Gawd yes, please. Please breed me Marcus!" Marcus didn't even give me time to pull out, he pulled my body aside with one powerful move. I collapsed on the bed as Marcus pulled Shawn's ass into the air, wrapped his hands around Shawn's fat ass and slammed balls deep into him. My face was next to Shawn's and his mouth was wide open from the sudden shock of being impaled by Marcus. His eyes were glazed over with lust. I began to kiss Shawn's face, then scooted my body under his so that I could passionately make out with his soft young lips. Marcus wasted no time, and within minutes he was unloading into Shawn. Marcus exclaimed, "YEAH TAKE that fucking load bitch! You feel me breeding your neg hole?" Marcus finished filling Shawn up but began to speed up his pounding again. I thought, "Ahhh, the old familiar, double loads. Marcus was gifted like that. Delivering two loads within minutes. I've been on the receiving end of that gift several times." Just as I could tell Marcus was about to nut again, he grabbed my legs which were underneath Shawn while I made-out with Shawn during his anal assault. Marcus yanked my body down the bed hoisted my legs into the air and planted his fat cockhead on my hole simultaneously jerking off his wet cock and forcing it inside my resistant hole. He sank his body weight on top of me forcing half his cock into my hole and began shooting his second load. It hurt like a bitch, but once it started happening I didn't want it to stop til he was satisfied. He pushed the rest of dick deep into me and held it there. Marcus looked over at the clock and responded, "Damn it's 10PM already, do you guys wanna shower up and maybe head to a bar or something? Maybe come back here afterwards and have another fuck sesh?" We were all in agreement with Marcus' plan. We walked a couple blocks to catch a bus to head off campus and out of town to check out the bar scene. We all looked like some normal looking young fellas out for a good time. We stopped into a bar and grabbed some beers. It was pretty chill. As it got later, a group of bridesmaids came in dressed up in there typical tiaras, penis shaped...every novelty imaginable and were already drunk...and obnoxious. Shawn and I rolled our eyes and started making snarky comments. Marcus however was staring at the bride-to-be. Sometimes I forget that he's supposed to be straight. Or is straight...still has his girlfriend Chloe and they still live together and fuck. But again, sometimes it catches me off guard when I see him undressing a sexy young girl with his eyes. Part of me wondered if we could get her home with us and I could get Marcus to breed his POZ load into her pussy, the night before her wedding. Fuck, it sounds hot, but also like maybe I'm having some sick thoughts about stealthing a soon to be bride, thinking about how she'll probably give it to her husband. I realized I'm hard as a rock in my jeans, and they aren't doing a good job at hiding it. I turned around toward the bar and ordered three shots of tequila and said to the boys, "We've probably worn out our welcome here, let's finish off with a shot of tequila and head out." Marcus and Shawn in their own ways happily agreed to the decision. Marcus did steal another longing look at the bride to be. We settled up our tab and started walking past the other bars toward the bus stop. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck," Shawn loudly whispered as he ducked away from the bar windows to hide behind Marcus and I. Marcus replied, "Why you buggin' man?" Shawn said, "Look inside that bar," pointing toward the end of the bar, "that's my old Poli-Sci classmate that kinda raped me I told you about." Marcus and I looked at a very good looking and muscular jock drunkenly clinging to both the bar and his drink. The guy had on what looked like a painted on t-shirt and jeans, showing off quite a body. Even in his drunken state, his face was beautiful, and sad/angry looking. Shawn began to walk faster, trying to get away, while Marcus and I just stood there staring at our friend's rapist. Shawn stopped ten or fifteen feet away saying, "COME ON! I can't let him see me!" Marcus laughed, then I laughed. Shawn said, "What the hell is wrong with you two?" Marcus looked at me with a full knowing glance then spoke to Shawn, "Do you think that hot drunken jock in there is gonna hurt you when Nick and I are here with you? Let's go in." I wholeheartedly agreed. But Shawn was giving us his adamant protests...as Marcus and I sandwiched him between us and forced him through the doorway. We had to literally push Shawn up to the bar right beside his assailant. I ordered us all beers, then loudly told the bartender to, "get this guy a drink too." That caught his attention and he groggily looked up at me, "Do I know you? I didn't ask for a drink." as he started to puff up a bit. That's when he noticed Shawn between Marcus and I. He was visibly caught off guard. Perfect. He said to Shawn, "Oh. It's you. Hadn't seen you in awhile, you skipping class a lot?" Shawn was silent, but Marcus jabbed his finger into Shawn's side forcing him to speak, "Uhm, no. I dropped that class." The jock just shook his head in the affirmative then looked down and said, "I gotta take a piss." "Shit," I said, "he's probably baling." But just in case I slid down to his drink I bought him and dropped half a xanex I had in my pocket into it. I always take one xanex with me when I go anywhere in public because I suffer from extreme general anxiety disorder. I've never ever thought about doing what I just did, but inside I furious with this jock prick who raped my friend and got away with it like he was entitled to. Marcus and I already knew what we were going to do to him the second we saw him and all it took was a knowing glance between the two of us before we entered the bar. I looked at Marcus, and he walked off toward the restroom. He was in and out and back in 30 seconds. He said, "He's in there, I think he'll be back." Shawn looked confused and scared he asked us, "Guys? What's going on?" I looked at him firmly and said, "He raped you. Even if you enjoyed it a little bit and even if you blew your load, HE RAPED YOU. You told him, "NO." Shawn responded to us both, "Look guys, I understand, I know you want to protect me too, but can't we just let it go? Please?" Marcus responded this time, "Shawn, if we just "let it go" then he's going to do it again, and again, and again. Maybe not to you, but someone else. Do you want other people to go through that too? He's probably already done it to other people, most likely since he was in high school." Shawn said, "I don't know guys. You're not going to hurt him are you?" I said, "Yeah, we are Shawn. But I'm going to make sure he understands why, and we aren't going to send him to the hospital or anything, he just needs to learn a lesson." The jock came back looking more sobered up and downed his laced drink and looking at Shawn said, "See you guys later, I gotta go find some tail." I grabbed the jock's arm, man his arm was nice...and said, "You going back to campus? I think our buddy Shawn is too drunk to get us back and we're just here visiting our buddy. Do you think you could get us back to his dorm? I'm not sure which one it is." Shawn picked up on our plan and began to act drunk and tired. The guy looked at Shawn then us and said with a smirk, "Yeah, I know where Shawn lives, I can take you there. Do you two have a hotel in town?" I lied and said, "Yeah, we'll probably head back to the hotel once we get Shawn settled in." The frat boy got us back to Shawn's dorm, and we all entered. I began taking Shawn's clothes off, and asked the jock-boy to help me. He quickly obliged, although I could tell the drink and xanex were kicking in as he fumbled with Shawn's buttons on his jeans. He began to pull Shawn's pants off of him, and I watched as he tried to discretely grope Shawn's ass. We had Shawn down to his tight undies and onto his bed. Shawn acted like he was already passed out. The frat jock said, "You guys headed back to your hotel? I can watch after him." I went over to the fridge and grabbed three beers as Marcus said, "Yeah but I think we'll have a beer first," he pulled out a THC vape pen and asked him, "you like to get a little high with us first?" Free weed, or THC in this case, caused the dumb jock to not worry as much about getting Marcus and I out of Shawn's dorm. Marcus and I knew he only wanted us out of there so he could rape him again. I thought, "Not tonight bitch. You're going to get what's coming to you." I brought back the beers to Marcus and the boy as he was exhaling a huge cloud of THC. Jockboy was sitting next to Shawn on his bed and started coughing and hacking, I handed him the beer and he took a big swig of it. I asked him, "So what's your name man? I'm Nick and this is Marcus. Shawn never told us your name." He looked at us with hazy eyes and said, "I'm David. Wait, Shawn told you guys about me?" Marcus responded, "Yeah man, he told us about a really good looking guy he had a crush on in his Poli-Sci class like day one." The guy, I mean, David, looked confused and said, "Oh. I knew he stared at me a lot, kinda creeped me out, but I didn't know he had a crush on me." That began a long conversation and as the weed and alcohol set in on David, he wasn't so anxious for us to leave. Before long an hour had passed, and David had passed out. Marcus and I fell asleep too, but not before removing David's shoes, socks, shirt and undoing his pants. We also set an alarm on our watches to make sure we woke up before David did. 8AM rolled around and right on time Marcus and I were wakened. We quickly got undressed down to our underwear, enjoying each other's body's along the way. We were both already erect. We woke Shawn, and told him he did a good job last night playing along and to just follow our lead. Next Marcus and I tied David's arms to the bed then tightly knotted some rope around David's ankles. We continued gently pulling his pants down, much to our delight he hadn't worn underwear. His erection was average, nothing to brag about. Typical. David moved around a little when we pulled his pants off, but Marcus and I were quick to tied his ankles to the end of the bed. I got out my phone and asked Shawn if he'd like to suck David cock while I videod. He happily obliged. Personally I know Shawn's mouth skills were excellent and in minutes David was waking up. It took him a minute to realize the entirety of the situation. He was naked, tied to a bad, Shawn was sucking his cock while I caught everything on video. David said, "What the fuck!?!? What the hell do you think you're doing?" I put my phone down and straddled David's lean tanned chest, I'd already shucked my underwear at this point. I showed David the video that I expertly captured. It looked as if he had his arms above his head, but not tied, and he was thoroughly enjoying a guy suck on his cock." I thought it was funny that Shawn continued sucking David's cock this whole time. He could've quit any time after I had got the video. Shawn's a good bottom boy. haha. David had a massive look of panic on his face. Marcus and I explained to him in no uncertain terms that this was direct karma and payback for what he did to Shawn in that bar alley. David protested and said that Shawn wanted it, because he stared at him all the time. It took several minutes before we finally got it through the dumb jock's head that he did indeed rape Shawn. He cried, and apologized to Shawn, to me, to Marcus. He begged us to let him go. HA! I got off of David while Shawn stood up looking down at him. He looked at David in his crystal clear hazel eyes and got on top of him, he placed David's cock in between those beautiful ass cheeks and began teasing David's cock tip in and out of his hole. David moaned then realizing the scene said, "Please? I'm not gay man, don't do this." Shawn laughed and retorted, "Didn't I beg you not to fuck me that night? Not to rape me? This time I want it. You don't want this?" As he slid fully down onto David's achingly hard cock. David couldn't help himself, he moaned and tried to hide the pleasure on his face as Shawn began to ride his bare cock. Marcus walked up to David's open moaning mouth and pushed his massive dick into his mouth. David quickly moved his head to get the cock out of his mouth and said, "No, not that. I'm not a cocksucker." Marcus slapped him. Shawn told Marcus, "No, David slapped me much harder than that when he finished raping me. Slap him one more time, but leave a mark." Marcus slapped David again, and job well done. He left a bright red mark and a slightly stunned David. Marcus said, "You're sucking my cock or I'm fucking your ass. It's your choice. Although, you might want to consider sucking me off since I was born HIV positive." David wasn't a complete idiot. He at least knew the risk of HIV transmission via a blowjob was virtually non-existent, and he also knew Marcus' huge cock would definitely injure his hole and likely give him HIV. So he leaned his head up and took Marcus back into his mouth. I was feeling quite left out. So I set up my phone to record all of this, and decided I'd crawl in between David's legs and suck on his balls while Shawn rode his cock and Marcus facefucked the poor frat boy. I got into position, admiring Shawn's thick ass bobbing up and down on David's dick before spreading David's legs and driving my long wet tongue into his hole. I heard David groan around Marcus' cock and his body reacted to my expert rim job. Soon I worked a finger into his hole. I finger-banged his prostate as I heard Marcus say, "Swallow it bitch! Swallow it or I'll jam it in your ass." This had me incredibly erect as I watched my fingers work in and out of David's hole. I had three fingers in him now and was working a fourth in. I could hear David begin his climax. I hadn't cum yet though. I quickly positioned myself against my hand that was working David's hole and made a swift transition of my hand with my cock. I was now fucking David raw. He immediately noticed the difference and between heavy breathing and his impending orgasm quizzed me, "You don't have HIV do you? Please don't cum in me!" I assured him I had tested negative just a month ago. I didn't volunteer the facts that I had stopped my PrEP and been letting Marcus breed me without his meds. So I wasn't lying really. I actually didn't know my status to be honest. My thick curved cock was positioning my mushroom dickhead directly against David's prostate, this set him off. He was panting and his entire body was covered in sweat, shaking and tensing up. David said, "Oh my god! What are you doing? It feels like you're jacking me off from the inside!" "I'm pounding your pussy's g-spot," I said, "just enjoy it. It's a hidden pleasure zone most men never use. You're going to have the biggest orgasm in your life." David was a mass of flexing muscles speaking gibberish as he finally erupted inside of Shawn. David screamed out as his body spasmed over and over, blasting ropes of cum deep into Shawn, which of course, had Shawn gushing his load all over David's body. Not to be left out, I growled loudly as I filled his bitch ass full of my questionable load. As Shawn was coming off his cum-high, he slowly slid off of David. I kept fucking his hole, but got into a better position, knowing that I was now pounding his prostate like a half fuck-god, half machine. David was slightly less erect, but his body was totally limp from the exhaustion. I continued my assault on his pleasure button deep inside him and just as I was blasting another load into him his cock jumped and jumped and started spewing cum all over himself. I gently began pulling out as I grabbed his head and slid my tongue into his mouth. For a second he resisted, but his body was completely worn out. He had no fight or energy left. He began to kiss me back until my cock was fully out of his hole. Marcus and Shawn were already cleaning up and just watching the scene unfold. We had to leave David tied up for awhile longer to ensure we were able to have a long discussion about everything that happened. Everything that happened with Shawn before he had to transfer classes up until the present, as Shawn was giving him a sponge bath.
    2 points
  16. Part 9 - 21 Years In The Making Maria called out from the open door asking if I wanted breakfast before she started cleaning. I sat down at the island in the kitchen and ate some fruit and yoghurt chatting away with Maria then helped her clean the lounge by our bedroom. At midday I received a text from Mike telling me that Steve had arrived and they were setting off having picked up Sean from the diner as he worked an early shift. It was a good couple of hours from the airport side of Dallas where they were. I was about to go for a swim when the there was a knock at the front door. Maria was already there and signing for a delivery, she held a couple of parcels in her arms and walked in to the family room. "Tommy, you have parcels here" she called out. I wandered in carrying a towel "Who are they from?" I asked putting the towel down on the counter. Maria shrugged her shoulders "I don't know there is no sender details". Curiously I looked and saw it was send from a depot in New Jersey "That's strange I don't know anyone there". Maria looked at me "Well someone knows you, but why it has been sent without a return address?" she asked. Well curiosity got the better of me when Maria handed me the scissors to undo the smaller parcel. I remove the packaging to find a white shoe box, on the lid was two highly embossed black letter J's back to back. I must have broken the world record in smiling as Maria laughed seeing my face light up. Everything clicked in to place and I knew who the anonymous parcels were from, eagerly I opened the box to find a pair of running trainers, pale green and white in colour with the two letter J's embroidered on. There was a little hand written note inside that I read 'From my new range'. Silly I know but just that note brightened my day. "Those are a fine pair of trainers looking at the quality" Maria said rubbing my head. I looked up at her "It's not the trainers, it's who they are from" I said and she nodded and smiled. "This one is from the same sender" she said handing me the bigger parcel. Removing the outer packaging it was a much larger box, again white in colour with the two letter J's on the lid, removing it I unfolded the lining paper to discover a black suit with another hand written note 'TFT tailored just for you and some other bits. Happy birthday, J M E'. I smiled reading the note, it meant the world to me as he hadn't forgotten me, I knew exactly who the E referred to on the note. Lifting the suit up there was boxes of underwear and 4 polo shirts in different colours. I picked everything up and took it back to the bedroom and left them on the bed for now. Returning to have my swim I spent nearly an hour enjoying the cool water in the pool as the heat of the afternoon was encroaching and getting very oppressive meaning there was a storm looming somewhere on the horizon. Standing on the doorstep the car pulled up, Steve was the first out and run straight for me leaving the car door open, he kissed me and hugged me tightly clearly happy to see me. Mike walked over with Sean who was gobsmacked looking at the ranch house in a world of his own taking everything in. Sean was a bundle of nerves and felt way out of his comfort zone, I wasn't going to let him feel uncomfortable so I walked up to him and planted a big kiss squarely on his lips and held him. "I'm so glad you came Sean" I said to him watching his amazing smile appear on his face. "Thanks for inviting me Tom" he said. "And don't worry we will look after you" I assured him, taking his hand we walked in to the ranch house. Sean looked around "Is he not here?" he asked seeing a confused look on my face "your step-brother" he said. "Oh, no he is working, he will be back around 6pm" I replied then stopped "Why are you interested?" I asked. Sean chuckled "No, I mean not in that way. Mike said he was pretty sexy wanted to see for myself" he said. I laughed "Yeah he is" I said putting my arm around his shoulder "very very sexy, what else has he told you?" "That he is pretending to be straight" Sean replied looking at the grin on my face "Oh no you haven't?". I knew what he meant "Oh yes, he is my step-brother" I laughed sounding ridiculous and emphasising the words. Mike came up behind us "What are we doing then?" he asked slapping our asses. I suggested sitting out by the pool which everyone agreed to as a nice way of cooling down and relaxing as they had all had busy weeks. Lucky them I thought showing them in to our bedroom to get changed, Steve was first to notice the boxes on my bed. "They arrived then" he said looking at the trainers. I walked over to him "Did you know about this" I asked seeing him nod. "Yes, I had to discreetly send your measurements to Jacob. He still thinks about you, so does Eddie" he replied. Steve hugged me "Thanks Steve. I thought they would have forgotten about me". "No way, put them on" he said nodding to the trainers "give me your phone". Steve took a photo of the trainers and posted it on my twitter feed "Marcus asked me to do this" he said. I saw a response come straight away from a Joshua_Medina 'Can't wait to try them on :))' so he was following me and quite avidly so it seemed. Steve asked who it was and I told him he would meet him tomorrow as an old school friend of mine. Mike looked at his profile picture 'gay' was all he said slipping in to his swimwear. Sean sat on the bed looking a little embarrassed and without saying a word I pulled a pair of trunks out from my chest of draws and handed them to him 'You can keep them' I said quietly to him. I made sure during our afternoon that Sean was well looked after and included, after all I had some idea what he was going through. Maria produced a jug of homemade lemonade and fruit, Sean was quite happy swimming around with me in the pool, Mike poured a couple of cups and brought them to the side of the pool. We had no idea where time went, Brad came out of the bedroom French windows on the terrace smiling, he had already changed out of his works clothes and seeing Mike and Steve he went over to say hello. "And who is this?" Brad asked walking towards Sean who was standing very close to me in the pool. I pushed Sean forward "This is Sean, and this is my step-brother Brad" I said "say hello nicely you two". Sean blushed and held out his hand to Brad who took it, he could feel Sean tugging "Don't you dare" he grinned at Sean. "Don't do what?" Sean replied looking all innocent gripping harder on Brad's hand. Brad laughed "Your so brave" he said mocking Sean who in turned pulled Brad forward in to the pool. Sean tried to escape but Brad had hold of him in a frontal bear hug until he apologised and Brad released his hold on him. Brad climbed out of the pool and took his shorts and t-shirt off he looked over at Sean 'I like you' he said grinning at him and grabbing a towel to wipe his face. Sean certainly cut a figure in the pool I noticed and so had Brad. I pushed Sean to the steps telling him we need to get dry and cleaned up for dinner, exiting the pool Brad passed us both a towel and kissed me on the lips giving Mike the opportunity to wolf whistle whilst Steve and Sean looked on confused at the situation. I took Sean in to the bathroom to shower "Your really a nice guy Tom, I'm so glad we met" Sean said. I leaned against the sink watching him stand under the water "Same here and Brad likes you" I said. Sean smiled "No ones ever been this nice to me before, they all think I am rough trade" he admitted. Brad walked in to the bathroom "Sexy rough trade" he said, Sean quickly covering his cock embarrassed. I laughed "Don't mind him" I said "anyway people are to quick to judge Sean" I said as Brad took his clothes off. "Do you mind?" Brad asked me. "No, I should tell you we slept together last weekend" I said being truthful to Brad. Brad smiled "Not so innocent are you" he said stroking my face "And your not so innocent either" he said to Sean. Sean stood aside as Brad walked in to the shower standing close to him "Mind washing my back?" he asked. I left them to it and went back to the bedroom "Did he get in the shower with Sean?" Mike asked. "Yes, quite proud of him, he is beginning to really embrace who he is" I replied sitting on the bed. Steve looked up "Who Brad or Sean?" he giggled "That's one threesome I wouldn't mind". The one thing Brad and I had discussed was about having a type of open relationship that he had heard gay people did. Yeah that completely threw me but he stipulated it was only open as far as we were both involved, I felt more comfortable about that idea rather than just being open completely. My stipulation to the rule was no women and he laughed and said he was done once and for all with Melinda. Brad and Sean returned from their shower as I was putting the polo shirts away in the closet. I called Sean over and gave him a JJ polo shirt since I had collected quite a few of them now and they were cluttering up my closet. He was close to welling up at my generosity and out of thanks he said he would wear it tomorrow at my birthday dinner. The evening was pretty noisy with lots of chatter and laughing. Steve and I left the rest having coffee whilst we went for a short stroll mostly to catch up on things in LA, he was good for the gossip and he didn't disappoint. Eric's contract expired and wasn't renewed and he was shown the door. Patricia was at wits end being bombarded by requests for me to model, he did confide in me that her profit forecast had dropped by 20% mostly due to me. As bad as the terms were I did kind of feel sorry leaving things in such a mess. Steve stopped and told me that she has found my twitter page and was following it, Eddie has refused point blank to shoot for her and Jacob has terminated their agreement. I wanted to hear more about Eddie but Steve cautiously evaded the question. We started walking back to the house and he told me that Patricia had suspected he would be seeing me this weekend. I looked at him "That's not all is it?" I said putting my arm around his shoulder. "No, she asked me to fish around and if you would model again" he said "I have to report back tomorrow". I chuckled "So she hasn't fired you for seeing me then?" I asked. Steve laughed "No, she would be lost without me and she knows it" he replied "would you ever consider it?". I stopped walking and looked at him "To be honest I have put it all behind me Steve" I admitted to him. He smiled "You have no idea the publicity storm you caused going in to JJ's in Dallas last week". I smiled at him and continued walking "I don't want to know" I said "I'm happy here". Steve chuckled "Well let's just say she was annoyed, livid, probably angry you weren't hers" he said. "I do miss it a bit. I mean it was fun and I met some amazing people" I said slapping Steve's ass. "This Brad and you thing serious then?" he asked answering his question "Mike says it is". I kissed him on the cheek "Getting there I think Sean being here may help a little more". "Yeah, he is so god dam straight looking and attractive for a young guy" Steve confessed entering the house. Steve grabbed hold of me "She wants you modelling for her Tom, just adhoc, nothing contractual" he emphasised. "I'm not saying no, but I just don't know yet" I said "she didn't believe me about Eric and that hurt". "Okay enough of that I have done my bit now lets enjoy this weekend" Steve said joining the other three. It was way past midnight when we decided to head to bed, Seth and my mother had arrived back home from their date night and were pleased to see Mike and Steve and thought the world of Sean and his over politeness until Seth told him to act normally. Brad showed Mike and Steve to their room in the main house and I took Sean back to the east wing. "So Joshua comes tomorrow and you and he will bed here if that is okay with you?" I asked him. Sean smiled "Yeah I can crash anywhere" he said. Brad walked in "Oh your not sleeping here come on" he said dragging Sean up from the sofa. "No it's okay really" Sean protested but was not winning. "Here you take my bed I will sleep with Tom" Brad said pointing defiantly to the bed. "Okay dude you win" Sean said chuckling. Brad looked over at Sean "If you get lonely you can hop in with us". "Brad" I said shocked and amused by his complete change "I'm sorry Sean" I giggled. Sean grinned and shrugged his shoulders getting in to Brad's bed. I climbed in to my bed and Brad picked up the book and put it down next to me, I tried to protest that it was late but I couldn't say no to him. He snuggled down and I started reading, Sean leaned up in bed looking over at us for a few minutes. He slipped out of bed and came round to the other side of me jiggling his way in to bed. I ended up with both their head leaning against my chest, arms around their necks trying to hold the book steady. I continued reading and Brad turned the pages for me, Sean was obviously knackered and he quickly fell asleep against me. Brad took the book and placed it at the bottom of the bed, I leaned over and turned the light out. By morning I was cuddled up to Sean and Brad was spooning me, being stuck in the middle of two hot guys was literally hot, pushing the sheet down in an attempt to get some air around my body to cool me down I was trying to be discreet so not to wake them. It was already 10am my movement had stirred Sean and he pushed his chest up closer to me, his arm laying across me and on Brad. My phone started ringing and I quickly tried to pick it up leaning across Sean I grabbed it and answered the facetime call from Mike. "Are you awake, we are?" he asked still laying in bed "happy birthday The Model Called Tom" they both shouted. For a moment I had forgotten "Thanks guys" replying I held the phone away getting all three of us in shot. I heard Steve screech "No you didn't" he said laughing at the sight of us and waking Brad up. "I need to go swim I am so hot stuck here in the middle" I said to Mike and Steve. Steve nodded "Meet you at the pool in 5" he said and they hung up. So I tried to get out of bed by going towards the bottom but Sean and Brad thought it would be funny to hold my legs and keep dragging me back every time I nearly made it to the end of the bed. Brad managed to flip me over on to my back and Sean straddled me holding my arms down. He leaned forward 'Happy birthday' he said and kissed me on the lips giggling. Brad pushed him off and had his turn 'Happy birthday sexy' he said moving his head closer, our lips meeting and kissing for several moments as Sean sat there making funny noises. Brad let me go then slapped Sean's ass. I was laughing so hard I forgot what I was doing until Mike walked in and came to my rescue helping me escape them. I ran out naked and jumped in to the pool then heard splashes behind as Brad and Sean followed me out. Steve stood there and whipped his trunks off 'What the hell' he said, Mike pulled his down and jumped in. Everything felt different and a certain fun had returned, something that seemed to have been amiss from my life and between Brad and myself for ages. Maria came outside wishing me happy birthday and set breakfast up for us on the terrace, it took a while before she realised we were all naked and threatening to take pictures of us if anyone got out before she was done. Hungry wasn't the word when we sat down and ate finally, I sent a text to Joshua making sure he brought some swim wear with him, he sent a reply confirming he would and he was leaving his parents now. Mike was excited to meet the guy in the flesh and find out if he was gay. I had cards from each of the guys, Steve had managed to wrangle some CK shirts from a shoot which were amazing, not as good as Jacob's of course but still they fitted me perfectly. I had made it clear I didn't want gifts from anyone just them here celebrating was enough. Seth and my mother popped by wishing me happy birthday and handing me the only present I asked for, a new phone. They were heading out for the day and would be back later in the afternoon for the birthday dinner. A little while later Maria appeared telling me a car was pulling up, I jumped up and ran to the front door and opened it just as Joshua got out, he looked even sexier in his tailored shorts and casual shirt. I ran over and hugged him as he wished me happy birthday. "Come on, let's go meet the guys" I said but Joshua held back. "Tom" he said and I turned to face him "I don't want things to be awkward or you to find out from anyone else". I smiled and grabbed his hand "Joshua" I said and he looked me in the eye "Be yourself here" I said. He smiled and walked with me in to the house "Bit nervous meeting your friends" he said. "You know Brad" I said, I didn't want to tell him everyone here is gay, he had to find that out himself. Brad was in the family room getting coffee "Hey Joshua, nice to see you out of your business suit" he smiled. "Hi Brad" he stumbled blushing looking at Brad "you certainly look different with no clothes on" he said. "Guys meet Joshua" I said taking him out side "Joshua this is Mike, Steve and Sean". They each came over to say hello, Sean as usual his shy self hung back. Mike, Steve and I saw it straight away, the moment Sean and Joshua clapped eyes on each other it was like the 4th of July between them. Both being coy and probably feeling attracted to each other beyond reasoning. It was to be frank quite amazing seeing this happen in front of your eyes, they shook hands awkwardly trying to avoid each others gaze. "There is you answer" Mike said winking at me. I seized the opportunity "Joshua want to help me with the picnic" I suggested. "Yes, of course" he said beaming at me passing Brad as we walked inside. "Here" I handed him the hamper basket "you okay, now you have met them?" I asked. Joshua looked at me "Tom, I feel a little silly" he started saying "but Sean... is he gay?" he asked in a hushed voice. I handed him napkins "Why do you want to know?" I asked waiting for him to reveal himself. Sean looked out to the terrace "The way he looked at me just now" he replied not giving anything away. "He seemed to fancy you" I replied passing deli meats to him "Do you fancy him?" I asked. Joshua paused for a moment then looked at me and nodded "Yes" he replied staring at me waiting for a response. I wrapped the bread and handed it to him "He is single, and an amazing person on the inside". I could see Joshua smile "Thanks" he said packing the bread in the hamper basket. "For what?" I asked holding up the salami and chorizo "Italian or Spanish sausage" I grinned. Joshua turned to me "For not judging me" he said "Umm never had either" I could tell what he was thinking. I laughed waving the sausages "Both I guess" I said handing them to him. Joshua held the sausage up and looked at me "So which do you prefer?" he asked looking at me waiting. Chuckling at him "Put them in the basket" I said watching him "Chorizo" I replied and winked at him. Joshua picked up on my response and almost like a different person he immediately began opening up. We continued to chat and pack the hamper up, outside Brad and Sean were certainly hitting it off sat on the terrace talking, clearly you could see Sean gazing at Joshua standing next to me in between conversation. I considered for a moment playing matchmaker but thought it might be pushing Joshua or Sean to far. Through all the things that had happened I really had forgotten how much I actually liked him in high school, we sat together in several lessons but it just goes to show you never really know someone until you are out of school. "I am sorry, you know for all the time at school and I never really spent with you" I said to him. Joshua looked up surprised "I guess outside of class we had our own friends. Anyway you was popular" he said. "Popular?" I asked looking at him "you will need to explain that" handing him some cheese. "Brad and you always had girls flocking around you both, you two really stuck together" he explained. I chuckled "He was looking after me, living way out here we just bonded, rather to well it would seem" I told him. Joshua nodded "Yeah I guess so" he stopped looking at Brad "It makes my day when he comes in to the bank". "Who Brad?" I asked and he nodded, I smiled looking at Brad. Joshua looked at me "What about you, I mean you must have guys clammering to bed you?" he asked smirking. I smiled "Well there was a photographer" I said then stopped "this conversation is for another day Joshua" I said quietly. Joshua took me by surprise as if he knew something was under there and hugged me "Sure, I understand" he said. He smiled "Does that mean we will see each other. I mean as friends" he quickly corrected himself. "Of course, anyway I want to see how things progress" I replied winking at him. Joshua looked confused "What things?" he asked me closing hamper lip. I smiled "Just things" I said placing the rest of the cheese in the fridge "Come on to the SUV with the food". I wanted to tell him about Brad but decided it was best if Brad made the move when he was ready to tell people or if they caught us kissing, since Joshua's arrival Brad had played it down a lot. We loaded the SUV with the hamper basket and Joshua asked where we were actually going. Stupidly I hadn't told him so pointed out towards the trees and told him about the shallow Medina river that runs through here and it is a place Brad and I escape to during the summer. Brad and the others appeared carrying blankets, towels and a couple of books. I laughed and told him we probably won't be reading. I tried to deliberately put Joshua and Sean together but Brad insisted Joshua sit up front with me whilst the 4 of them squeezed in to the back seat. We walked through the small line of trees in to the open bank fronting the river, Steve, Sean and Joshua all gasped at how beautiful it was here, leaving the hamper in the car for the moment we set up camp on the banks of the river and proceeded to walk a couple of miles following the river and wading in the water. We hadn't gone 50 meters until Brad came by my side and took my hand. Joshua looked on stunned seeing the look Brad gave me as we walked. Steve chuckled and bumped against Joshua knowing he was trying to figure out what was going on between Brad and myself. Joshua deliberately slowing Steve down to get out of earshot from us. "I thought Brad was straight" he said to Steve. Steve put his arm around Joshua "They have been in love for years, just afraid to show it" he said. Sean turned and stood there "Come on you two, stop gossiping" he waited for Joshua and Steve to catch up. They quickly made eye contact and looked away trying to hide whatever they were feeling. Joshua made idle chat with Sean bringing up the rear of the group some 5 meters behind us. Joshua stumbled slightly on a sharp pebble in the water, his hand brushed Sean's regaining his balance. Neither looked at the other as Sean purposely brushed his hand against Joshua's, all you could hear was Joshua laughing. I turned back and smiled, I could see that relationship working as they already had a spark that was unlike anything else I had seen except for Mike and Steve, but that was just outright flirting to start with which developed very quickly moving to the bedroom. Returning to our spot after walking for several hours we sat down and enjoyed our picnic sitting in the sun dangling our feet in the river. Sean was the one who picked up the book and came and sat by me pleading to read a chapter. Mike and Steve wanted to walk the other way up river so they trotted off, we got comfortable and Brad sat behind me resting his head on my shoulder arms around my chest as I began reading. Sean and Joshua laid down close to each other sneaking glances, it was almost palpable waiting for them to share their first kiss and I didn't know what they were waiting for. You would have thought that the romantic setting by the river would be enough. After an hour reading Sean rolled on his stomach resting on his elbows, he clearly wanted to say something but his nerves beat him and he picked strands of grass slowly. I really felt for him knowing he was not the kind of guy who was brave enough to be upfront with his emotions. In Joshua's case he was feeling it and couldn't keep his eyes off Sean, everything about him was just what Joshua imagined to find in a person. The dark clouds were looming and the trees began rustling, like a jack in the box Brad and I jumped up and started packing things up. Piling back in to the SUV we drove back to the ranch house and had a swim in the pool before the storm closed in then went to change for dinner. True to his word Sean put on the polo shirt, I pulled him with me and got out a Jacob strap, his eyes lit up 'I've always wanted to wear one of those' Sean said as I handed it to him. He quickly discarded his underwear and put it on, looking at himself in the mirror he was stunned how much it accentuated your package and he kept grabbing it. I walked over and kissed him 'It is yours to keep', this time he did shed a tear and hugged me hard. Mike walked in having already changed and copped a feel of Sean "God you look amazing" he said hugging him. Sean grinned "I feel so fucking horny dressed like this" he said. Mike looked at me "I have an idea, got another one?" he asked "And a polo shirt" I knew what he was thinking. "Joshua" I called out from the bathroom waiting for him to appear. He almost fell over looking at Sean when he walked in "Here put these on" Mike said to him. Brad had now appeared "Oh this looks interesting" he smirked feeling Sean's exposed ass. "Come on Tom" Mike said "you as well". So the three of us were dressed the same in JJ polo shirts and jock straps, I was desperately trying to hold back as my cock wanted to thrust out being so turned on at the moment seeing the other two. Mike grabbed my phone and told us to go out by the pool. The storm was raging and the black clouds provided the perfect backdrop, I stood in the middle arms around both of then and Mike took a photo and handed me the phone. I laughed saying Eddie could not have caught that better showing Sean and Joshua who just smiled and looked at each other. Joshua was first to ask me to put it on my twitter feed and Sean agreed, I typed 'Birthday celebration and dressed to impress with friends' I linked Joshua but Sean didn't have an account but they both nodded and I hit the tweet button. My followers were still going up, it seemed the more I posted the more people followed me. Within 10 minutes there was over 50k likes and hundreds of comments mostly about wanting all three of us in their beds. Joshua picked up his phone which kept going off as well to find he suddenly had three thousand followers which had gone up by 2,980 in a short space of time, most of his followers were family and friends something he had forgotten. Joshua was taken back for a moment 'Fuck people will know now' he said and shrugging his shoulders. Sean looked "How so, it doesn't refer to anything" he said studying the picture. Joshua laughed "We are wearing jock straps" he pointed out. Sean glanced at Joshua grinning "Yeah, and you look fine" he said drawing out the word fine in his Texan accent. Joshua stared at the picture "You sexy" was all that could get his lips to form. Finally we sat down for my birthday dinner, our parents liked everyone around the table even though they were outnumbered 6 to 2 on gay people. The birthday cake was my favourite black forest gateaux, ever since a young age I loved that taste of morello cherries and chocolate. It was strangely my only indulgence and the best way to my heart if you knew me. The champagne was poured toasting me, I then reminded everyone that Joshua was 21 this week and we toasted him. My phone vibrating all through dinner with PM's dropping in my twitter mail box. As coffee was being prepared I quickly opened my phone and told Sean and Joshua that our picture had been liked by over 60k a feat they couldn't quite comprehend, but neither could I in all fairness. The third message I saw in the list had photos attached and I saw it was from Marcus's private account, the pictures showed that the polo shirts and jock straps from the on line service had all sold out since I posted the picture. The message was brief 'Amazing, take the two guys to the Dallas store, gifts waiting for you all', I smiled and put the phone back in my pocket. The best part of my birthday was having the people I wanted here, my parents went off to their room and the six of us sat outside chatting in the warm evening air now the storm had abated. Steve was feeling randy and dragged Mike off to bed, Brad shouting after them not to make a mess leaving us all laughing loudly. It wasn't long before we headed indoors at just after 11pm, Joshua strangely looking around and asked where he was sleeping. Brad the ever consummate host said he had a choice of in the lounge or in one of the beds but he would have to share with Sean. This was breaking new ground with Joshua since he had never been in bed with another guy, he had a few discreet booty calls around Medina and they were usually quickies before the men went back to their wives or girlfriends, there were very few actual gay men in Medina but plenty that liked to flit the other way for some uncomplicated relief. We gave Sean and Joshua Brad's bed, I would say that was due to Sean having it the night before but he ended up in our bed anyway. It was so cute as they both took apprehensive steps still holding back the pending eruption that was going to happen some time soon. Well that was the plan but no sooner had Brad pestered me to read, there was four of us in one bed, Sean and Joshua either side still in their jacob straps, Brad laying on his stomach in between my legs, his head resting on my stomach occasionally rubbing his chin against my groin making me laugh and but also giving me an incredible erection that I didn't bother hiding. What didn't help was Sean rubbing my left nipple then Joshua started on my right nipple, I threw the book down on the floor giving up 'Fuck I know when I am beaten' I said. Brad lurched forward and kissed me, surprisingly Joshua ran his hand down Brad's body causing him to stop kissing me and look at him. Joshua quickly removed his hand but Brad grabbed it and pulled it towards his own erect cock, he looked like he was going to freak out opening his mouth Brad quickly closed in and kissed Joshua deep. He kissed me then kissed Sean as I took a turn kissing Joshua. Hands roaming everywhere from asses to cock. I pulled away 'Stop, Stop' I called out, the three of them looked at me wondering what I was doing 'You two need to be together, have some alone time' I said thinking about them. Sean looked at Joshua who shrugged his shoulders then full on assaulted me with their mouths kissing and nipping me on my neck and chest. I tried speaking in between laughing wanting help, Brad sat on his knees with his cock out stroking it with one hand and rubbing mine through my underwear with his other hand. Powerless but also very turned on I laid back and pulled Sean up kissing him which halted his attack on me, a strand of saliva between us as I quickly moved on to Joshua who surprisingly kissed me full tongue mode, he was no novice at kissing I laughed inside. Brad grabbed Joshua and gently teased him downwards to his cock, panic overtook he turned to look at Sean for some reason, but he smiled and egged him on. He needed no encouragement and gladly fulfilled a hidden fantasy of his involving Brad, closing his eyes his slipped his lips around the head of Brad's cock. Sean leaned over me and freed is cock pushing it in to my mouth, having done this before with him I knew what he liked as I teased the head of his cock with my tongue then washing the bathing the shaft in saliva I began to work him steadily all the time letting him get deeper in my mouth, all I could hear was the gasps and short moans from Sean, his hand holding my head in place as he began to move his hips quickly partially fucking my face. Brad flipped Joshua on to his back taking up a similar position as Sean had and began working his cock in Joshua's mouth 'holy fuck' Brad spurted out as he began fucking his face harder, Joshua's hands gripping Brad's balls his other hand moving over Brad's ass and teasing his hole. Brad lost control reaching an incredible orgasm the likes he had never felt before. Quickly pulling his cock out and resting it on Joshua's lips it bounced rapidly before firing his hot seed which just seemed to flow without stopping. Joshua opened his mouth and took the last few squirts of seed running his tongue over the head of Brad's cock. Watching the most sexual scene unfolding before his eyes Sean stopped face fucking me but I could feel his cock pulsing in my mouth I knew he was about to unload, I got the first load smack bang at the back of my throat causing me to gag before he pulled his cock out of my mouth. With no choice I swallowed and teased the head of his cock with my lips that quickly coated in his creamy warm fluid. I never knew how devious Sean was as he looked at me then started pushing his cock back in to my mouth forcing me to take more of his cum until I was only left with the sticky remnants around my chin and lips. Joshua looked at Sean and flopped his cock out 'Your turn' he said grinning at him, Sean chuckled and slid around the bed as I watched before I realised Brad's lips were around my cock. I looked down not really believing what I was seeing as he performed many of the same actions that Joshua had done to his cock. I was already about to burst my load but something in the way he slowly worked my cock sent me to a tranquil calming place, I wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible. I suddenly found Joshua's body laying next to mine, we both leaned up, I watch Sean working Joshua and he was watching Brad working me. It was only a moment but we seemed to be moaning at the same time then grabbing each other we kissed hard and passionately almost trying to suck each others tongues out, I could taste Brad in his mouth and he could taste Sean in mine. The desire we both felt being worked by the ones we fancied was to much for both us, our kissing enhancing our arousal as we both seemed to time our orgasms locking our lips firmly together. I think I gave the first jump pressing my lips up harder to his and moaning in his mouth, he immediately responded. Sean took Joshua's cock deep as he orgasmed receiving the full force his mouth flooding rapidly. Brad pulled off and licked my shaft as I shot my load over Joshua and myself. Sean so turned on by our kissing leaned over us and drippled the cum from his mouth over our locked lips, we carried on kissing. Sean grabbed Brad pushing him back on the bed and kissing him with the remains of Joshua's cum. Surprised and almost freaked out by Sean's dominance Brad did relax wrapping his arms around him, Brad really seemed to enjoy the feeling of his body lying on top of him. By the time Joshua and I finished kissing we looked up and saw Sean resting in Brad's arms watching us. I sat up and chuckled 'Best birthday ever' I remarked collapsing back on the bed giggling. Joshua moved round and pulled Sean towards him he stroked the side of his face as their heads moved closer together, finally their lips meeting and kissing. Brad and I smiled at each other happy to see them finally kissing, and kissing, and kissing. In fact Brad and I ended up taking the other bed and left them on mine as they couldn't keep their hands or mouths off each other. What time did they stop?, I have no idea, Brad turned the light off at 2am and we cuddled up kissing and falling asleep...
    2 points
  17. Part 8 - The Spell Of Medina As much as my spirit lifted seeing the ranch house I knew that facing the wrath of Brad was going to come, never returning his calls or texts I had a feeling he would be pissed beyond belief. My head couldn't fathom out why things were going so rocky between us, oh yes, I suddenly thought remembering why but also that feeling of when he kissed and pushed me to my knees blowing him still made me feel horny. I figured he had gone back to Melinda since there was no sign of him when I entered the house. Seth and my mother were sat in the family room so I popped by to let them know I was back. Everything on the outside appeared normal and I told them about my weekend missing out the sex part naturally. My mother was more concerned about me finding a job and telling me I was reckless throwing in what could have been a good career for me, whilst she understood my reason she thought it was a bad move on my behalf. She excused herself as Seth and my mother were going to friends for dinner and she had to get ready, I sat and watched as she left the room. "You going to tell me what is going on?" Seth suddenly asked out of the blue. I looked at him "In what way?" I asked wondering what he was getting at. Seth came and sat by me "Come on were not silly Tom, did something happen between you and Brad?" he asked. "Why would you think that?" I asked unconvinced he knew anything. Seth looked at me "You have been inseparable growing up and these last few weeks have seemed different". I sat back in the sofa "We are just living different lives" I replied lying through my teeth. Seth patted my knee "Not so different really, I have always known underneath there was more to Brad" he said. I sat forward and looked at him "I don't know what you mean" I replied raising an eyebrow. Seth smiled "I know how you feel about him Tom, but when your ready you can talk to me about it". Seth stood and left the room leaving me somewhat stunned and confused. I had dinner alone and later that evening I spent half an hour chatting with Mike and Sean during his break. The room was empty and felt cold without Brad's warmth in the air, I picked up my phone about to text him as I wanted to know where he was, well really to find out if he was with Melinda. Bad idea I thought and just snuggled down and slept. Brad returned and knew I was home choosing to sleep in the lounge, I had no idea he had come home and he also left early for work before I woke up. I had cleared the way for the weekend about having my 3 friends to stay. My mother was a little disappointed that I didn't want anything more flamboyant for my 21st, I relented about all of us going to dinner on Saturday in town when I would rather have had a quiet dinner at home with family and chosen friends. By lunchtime Sean confirmed he would free the entire weekend and was coming down with Mike and Steve on Friday afternoon. Being only Monday I had to get through the week. I picked up my journal and packed some fruit and water then jogged down to the Medina river for some exercise. My head was running through the conversation with Mike about getting me an interview, giving me food for thought and was considering his offer. After all it would be a job to fill in until I got the career in media that I had studied for. Thankfully the sun was out, laying on my stomach I pulled my journal out and wrote about the weekend in sketchy detail since I knew Brad had taken to reading it behind my back. There was no point in hiding it any more I decided. I wrote about Chad and my lucky escape as Mike called it. I was so wrapped up and chuckling about some bits that I looked over to have a conversation with Brad before I realised he wasn't there. I closed the journal feeling a little down hearted, truthfully I missed Brad more than I realised. I stood up and walked over to the stream bare foot and dipped my feet in to the cool water bubbling over the pebbles, the sound filling the air had a very serene and calming affect on me. I sat down on the bank with my feet in the water just looking at the scenery and contemplating many things. Mike was certainly right that I could have the pick of men, I just needed to root out the bad ones and find me a good one to keep as it looked like Brad and I would never really happen. I smiled to myself recalling the evening in the nightclub where I didn't go short of attention, but in fairness no one had really caught my attention like Brad could. I laid back annoyed with myself thinking they had to be like Brad. Wandering in to the bedroom Brad had come home early from work on the off chance he saw my things on the bed he quickly rifled through trying to find the journal before he noticed my ruck sack was missing. He sat on my bed and picked up the shirt gazing off in to the distance before finally standing and putting on shorts and t-shirt. Brad needed time to think so he left on foot heading along the dirt road to the river. The heat was building so I laid down on my stomach with my head close to the water bracing myself for what was about hit my face. Closing my eyes I dipped my face in the water and pulled up sharply laughing at how cold the water was, down I went again rolling over with laughter then back on to my stomach. It was cooling me off so down I went again and managed to hold it a little longer, when my head surfaced again I looked at my reflection in the water mesmerised I was oblivious to Brad approaching. "What the hell are you doing?" Brad shouted across to me sounding angry but concerned. I jumped up scared out my skin "Fuck you idiot" I replied turning to see his worried look. Brad walked towards me "I thought you were..." he started saying before I cut him off. "Thought I was doing what?" I asked anxiously. "You had me worried, what you wrote in the journal" Brad said getting nearer to me. I took a step back "I knew you had read it again" I said annoyed at him. "I'm sorry, I needed to understand you" Brad said stopping me in my tracks. "I have decided to move to Dallas" I said to him. Brad shook his head "Fuck I have been so worried about you, I am going to free myself from all of this" he said. reciting my words from the journal. I looked at him "Oh, god no I wasn't going to do anything stupid just move away" I said. "Because of me?" he asked his expression changing "Do you hate me that much?". I shook my head "No, you know that isn't true" I said. Brad looked at me then stepped forward quickly putting his arms around me hugging me tight "What if it is you I need?". I tried to make sense of what he said "Don't do this Brad" I said getting upset. Brad looked intently at me "Are your feelings for me here" he tapped my chest where my heart is. I nodded "You have read enough about my feelings, I just can't stop how I feel, that's why I have to go". Brad shook his head "Then no, I won't let you leave Tommy" he said. "It's not easy now things have changed. It is hard living like this, you can't stop me leaving" I said. "Is that what you think?" Brad said tightening his arms around me. Suddenly his face was very close to mine and I could feel his breath on my neck "Your not leaving" he said. Brad pulled me close his lips brushed lightly over mine then firmly he pressed his lips against mine kissing me twice before teasing them apart and kissing me properly. He caught me by surprise and I couldn't tell if he was being serious, I mean I was kissing my step-brother, but not just kissing we were locked together at the mouth and it just kept going on. This kiss, this single moment by the Medina river became the defining change in both our lives. It felt so right but deeply wrong on so many levels, neither of us cared as we held each other, bonded as one in a very real intimate level, it was a bond far more than lovers could share. To me I suppose it was when I finally began to understand how and what real love felt, he was tender and very sensual with me, gradually our hands roamed over each others body. Sinking to our knees and we fell on the grass still locked together as if making up for so much lost time. Brad stopped kissing and looked at me "You do know how perverse this is?" he said looking intently at me. I found a new confidence building inside me "Yes but I don't care" I replied. "There is no going back if we do this" he said looking me in the eye again. I faltered for a moment "Isn't this wrong if your straight?" I asked him. Brad kissed me again "Tommy are you really that bad at being gay" he chuckled "I have just kissed you". I smiled "Take a look at my life, that is how bad I am" I said looking at him "So what are you?". "I don't know Tommy, but I know you mean so much to me, I love you in a way I can never love a woman" he replied. I leaned in an kissed him to test his true resilience, willingly he accepted my kiss, my hand held his back and the feeling of his body pressed up against mine was intoxicating, tasting and feeling Brad I had never felt so alive. Fathoming Brad out at times was not easy, I guessed that what he tried to express was that underneath he was gay but never had the braveness to be open about it or even act on it. He would confess to me sometime after how brave he thought I was facing it head on like I had at such a young age and embraced it although with some reservation when it came to men. Brad hugged me when we stopped kissing "Just be patient with me" he said. I pushed him away to look at him "I thought you said" I stopped totally confused now. "I mean.. I can't explain it Tommy only I don't want to end up driving you away" Brad said letting me go. I sat up full of turmoil "Did you mean what you just said?" I asked looking at him. "Yes, I know inside I am gay but fought and supressed it for so long it's not there yet" he said trying to explain. I looked at him "This is so fucked up" I said shaking my head. Brad held my hand "I want to be totally sure and not mess us both up if things don't work out" he said. I nodded knowing he was thinking clearly "Yes, I can see what you mean" I replied squeezing his hand. Brad smiled at me and stood up "We should get back to the ranch" he said holding out his hand to me. I took his hand and effortlessly he pulled me up "I am serious about us" he said looking me in the eye. It was the first time I felt that brad was being very honest with me about his feelings, he had obviously thought about it and wanted to go cautiously in to the unknown. I would never push Brad to do anything until I was sure he was confident in himself, after all going from a straight jock that banged pussy like it was a game of skittles to a gay jock was a big step in my eyes. We walked back to Medina slowly holding hands, it was sort of romantic on my half as I couldn't have asked for anything more but I understood he was fighting his own demons. We arrived back in time for dinner and quickly washed and changed our clothes. Seth looked up at us both smiling at the sight of us talking and annoying each other as we had for years but in a brotherly love way. I completely forgot about the weekend coming up and Brad was excited that Mike and Steve were coming to stay. He was a little less comfortable when I mentioned Sean, more so because he didn't know him but that was going change on Friday when he met him in person. Brad undressed for bed as usual totally naked only this time I was not sneaking glances but looking at him dead on as I undressed. Brad went in to the bathroom to clean his teeth and I waited for my turn, strangely it was quiet we had said nothing to each other since being back in the bedroom so I was unsure what to expect. I put my tooth brush pack in the holder and looked in the mirror, was I having second thoughts? Briefly it flickered through my head but my heart told me he was the one I had always wanted and desired, give me 100 Eddie's but I would always choose Brad no question. 'Where are you going' he asked as I walked towards my bed, I turned to see him pull the sheets back on the empty side of his bed. I didn't need telling or asking and just walked straight over and climbed in next to him, his arms quickly wrapping around me. I played it down and let him lead the way as he cuddled and held me tightly, I was under no illusion that sex would be taking place, still it felt good as if it was where I was meant to be. Slowly he kissed my neck, the desire in Brad was evident as he quickly sought my mouth kissing me deep. His hand slowly roamed down my back feeling my ass, he held his hand there and we stayed locked together kissing for quite a long time. So long that we both drifted off our mouths only millimetres apart. Strange erotic flashes in my head, vivid dreams appearing in colour briefly, over and over. I was underneath Brad clawing his back screaming at him to fuck me harder and harder, the smile on his face contorted with his mad ass wrecking thrusts like he was trying to break me in half from expressing his love and passion, fading out the dream replayed again. There was something wild and animalistic about the dream replaying, would it ever get to the end or keep fading out. Another round played over this time his hands holding my chest down on the bed, hammering at me 'come for me you fucking bitch' he screamed in my head I was looking down on myself 'fuck yes' my eyes closed arms flaying around as the cum shot out of my cock with such force I thought it was going to bore a hole in the wall, instead it seemed to disappear in thin air. I could feel the warm sticky mess trickling and sat bolt upright gasping "You alright Tom?" Brad asked sitting up. I was sweating and panting "Dream" I managed to say pulling the sheet off me. Brad looked and laughed hysterically laying back down "I didn't even touch you". I laughed seeing the funny side of it and climbed out of bed "Lick it up" I said to Brad giggling. He looked at me holding in his laugh "Fuck no" he said and turned over. I went in to the bathroom and turned on the shower to wash the mess away giggling to myself all the time even as I was drying myself I still found it funny having such an erotic wet dream. I never noticed Brad stood there looking at me until he walked up behind me and kissed my neck 'come back to bed' he said taking the towel and throwing it on the floor and leading me back to bed. I quickly fell asleep with Brad's hand gently making circling motions over my chest. When I stirred in the morning I realised Brad was out of bed and showering, of course he had work, I thought today I could help the ranch hands out and earn some money. It was only then I realised the money in my account and I needed to get most of it moved in to a savings account so that was my task for the day sorted. I got up and grabbed my workout clothes as I needed to hit the gym just as Brad came out of the bathroom naked as usual. "You got to stop doing that" I said to him looking up and smiling. Brad walked towards me "Why does it turn you on, does it make you want me even more?" he asked pulling me up. "Very funny" I replied running my hand down his chest watching him smile. He kissed me and got dressed "I will get up earlier tomorrow, we can work out together" he said. He kissed me again and headed off to work with Seth and I hit the gym for a couple of hours. Showered and dressed I drove in to Medina to sort out the savings account, you know the type with a higher interest rate so my money could earn money. Walking in to the bank was something I never really did, surprised how busy it was I joined the queue and busied myself on my phone to pass the time. One clerk in particular caught my attention and I didn't recognise him at first as I was captivated by his stunning looks and beautiful smile that he would flash when dealing with customers. The closer I got his desk came empty and I made my way over to him. Sat opposite him he looked familiar but I couldn't fathom out why at first then it clicked, Joshua one of the guys from my class, he had really changed since high school. "Tom, wow can't believe it is you, the famous Tom" He said greeting me warmly. I smiled "Joshua been a long time, and just exactly why am I famous?" I asked thinking that he wouldn't know. Joshua offered me a seat "I follow you on twitter, didn't realise you were back in Medina" he said. "Oh you do?" I looked surprised and chuckled as the thought crossed my mind if he was gay. He seemed to go all embarrassed and quickly asked "What can I do for you Tom?" going all business like. We spent half an hour sorting out my savings account and transferring all but $10k in to it. Josh couldn't believe how much money I had earnt from a short stint at modelling but even more so couldn't fathom why I would give up such a well paid job. "You turn 21 this weekend" Joshua said noticing my date of birth "I am 21 next week" he smiled. "I never realised we both had birthdays so close" I replied. He chuckled "Well you and your step-brother were always so close you never had time for anyone else at school" he replied. I sat stunned for a moment "God was I really that bad at school" I laughed. "All done" Joshua said handing me the details of my new account. I checked over them and smiled "Thanks, we really should catch up" I said feeling a little guilty. "I get off in 15 minutes do you want to meet for coffee?" he asked quietly. "Yes, yes I would love that, meet you at the diner" I replied shaking hands with him and leaving. Walking outside the bank I wandered along the row of shops slowly heading to the diner, popping in a few of them to browse around just like I use to when at school. Remembering Joshua at school he had a mess of hair and seemed to have acne breakouts but that all seemed to have cleared up, just goes to show how closed off I was at school. His dark hair was short and neatly trimmed along with his pale brown eyes. Body wise he was average and could get lost in a crowd discreetly except for his looks, he had grown in to his looks and was for all parts stunning, I remembered he hated sports and always got out of it and would rather sit with his face in a book studying. I noticed he stood my height as I entered the diner just ahead of him. We got a booth in a quiet part away from anyone else and ordered coffee. We chatted for half an hour fondly dissecting all the kids in our class and where they were now, he seemed to know a lot more of what they were up to now. He then turned the subject to Brad and telling me how he would come in to the bank every week and was always chatty with him. "I'm sorry Tom I have to get back to work" Joshua said "it's been great catching up with you". Smiling I stood up "I'm sorry for not being more of a friend at school" I said ashamed of myself. Joshua stood "Well maybe we can meet up, you need to tell me all about your modelling" he smiled. I looked at him for a moment "Come to the ranch on Saturday I have a few friends coming over for my birthday". "Really?" Joshua said surprised "Oh, well I guess I can come over late afternoon if your sure". "God yes, we can toast your upcoming birthday as well" I said giving him my mobile number. We parted at the door and shook hands and I watched him walk back to bank imaging how nice it would be to have sex with him. It then dawned on me that he would probably be the only straight person there amongst my little group. Second guessing that maybe it was not such a good idea, oh well I thought it's done and he would probably not come as it had been so long, I unlocked my car and drove back to the ranch. The rest of the day I spent researching jobs in media but was getting more and more depressed, all of them wanted experience. I sent out an application to a couple near Dallas to get a feel for the ground. I decided to go to the gym again and then swim, Brad came home as I was in the pool and stood at the door to our room watching me quietly. I had no idea how long he had standing there but I lit up when I saw him, he smirked at me and told me dinner was nearly ready. Climbing out of the pool and wrapping a towel around me Brad followed me inside and pulled me to him. Hi pinned my arms against my side and leaned forward trying not to get wet, he kissed me softly gradually applying more pressure until he slipped his tongue past my lips and into my mouth kissing me deeper. His kissing always started out like a test as if he was being cautious or just unsure. "Dinners ready you..." My mother stood there looking shocked at the scene before her. Quickly Brad pulled away going bright red in the face "Sorry I should have knocked" she said rushing out. I was stumped and horrified turning to look at Brad "Ooops" I said which seemed fittingly for the moment. "Fuck" Brad said "I guess dinner is going to be weird, you go I have lost my appetite" he said to me. I grabbed his arm "No way, I am not doing this alone, together or not at all" I said having had enough of the game. Brad looked at me silently for a moment "I don't know if I am ready" he said biting his finger. I hugged him "I think it is to late for that Brad" I said smelling the scent of him as I held him. He breathed a shaky heavy breath against my neck "And if it goes badly?" he asked nervously. I looked at him "I know it is not easy Brad, it's a big step but if you want me we have to do it". Brad nodded "Are you sure about me?" he asked summoning up some courage. "Only if you are absolutely sure and serious about me not leaving" I replied. Brad ran his hands over his face slowly "Fuck it, get changed" he said and kissed me again. Julia walked in to the family room "Where are they?" Seth asked looking up from the table "What's wrong?". Julia sat down and in a quiet voice "They were kissing Seth, I mean kissing" she emphasised. Seth patted her arm "We knew something had to give with them, they were ruining each other" he said calmly. "I know but it is seeing it, I wasn't really prepared to see it happening" she said shaking her head. Seth kissed her "I admit it's not ideal, you can't stop what they are feeling" he said the voice of reasoning. She looked at him lowering her voice more "Why doesn't it bother you?". Seth smiled "Sort of knew, come on you saw how Brad was when Tom left, the writing has been on the wall" he said. Julia sighed shaking her head again "What if it goes horribly wrong, people will talk as well" she said. "I don't care what anyone thinks it's not illegal and it is not their business" Seth said assuring her. It was a mess I will give you that, I didn't think we would get caught like that, my mind kept going back to the chat I had with Seth that night. I now began to realise that Seth knew something was boiling and it was no bunny rabbit, all the things he had said to me now made sense. Changed and ready I saw Brad biting his finger nervously and did something so bizarre, I grabbed his finger and put it in my mouth causing Brad to giggle. He looked at me "I suppose I can stop doing that now" he said. I gave him his finger back "I know you do it when you are nervous or upset" I replied holding his hand. Brad smiled and shook his head "There's no keeping secrets from you is there". "Secrets" I smiled "Come on let's get this over with" I said dragging him by the hand to dinner. "There you are" Seth said as we appeared at the door as if nothing was going on. Brad sat down at the table and looked at my mother and his father "Sorry" he started but my mother cut him off. "Let's eat" she said doing her best to act normally, I burst out in a nervous laugh as Maria served dinner to us. Brad was pretty quiet during dinner and answering questions in monosyllables, picking at his dinner he kept glancing at my mother looking for some response but she was avoiding any talk about what she had seen. Seth caught my gaze and smiled at me. "Have you decided what your doing for your birthday Tom?" Seth asked me. I looked up "Well if it's nice might take the guys to the river for a picnic" I replied seeing my mother nodding. "Is that it?" Seth replied "I mean you don't want anything else, big party?" he suggested. Shaking my head "No that's the last thing I want, oh I did invite Joshua, he works in the bank" I said. "Oh yes, he came here once for your birthday" my mother said looking at me "such a nice young man now". I saw Brad smirk when I mentioned his name "Do you know him Brad?" I asked knowing he did. "Yes" he replied "I see him when I do the banking, we always have a little chat, always asking after Tom" he said joining the conversation. "Would you mind if Joshua stayed over Saturday and joined the birthday dinner?" I asked looking at them. "Of course he can" my mother replied "we just let Maria know what you want for dinner" I nodded and smiled. "What is the matter with you Brad?" Seth asked after having enough of his mute state. He looked up a little shocked "Oh nothing" he replied looking back at his plate. "Are you worried what we think?" Seth asked looking at both of us. Quickly glancing at Brad I could see the fright in his eyes like he had been caught red handed with his hands in my underwear, the look was not dissimilar to that when we had just been caught kissing. Strange but the air around the table was not of dissent but more of a just tell us kind of feeling. I could feel my mother's gaze on me waiting, it was not as bad for me since I had been open about my sexuality with them from 15. It was Brad I felt concerned for as it would be a huge step and one from which he could not back step from easily once he opened up. I held Brad's hand "Well I suppose you have guessed something is going on" I said feeling Brad squeeze my hand. My mother looked at us "Are you in love with each other?" she asked out of the blue taking us by surprise. Brad looked at me and nodded, Seth chuckled "Good, I'm gad that's out in the open now" he said. So nothing is ever that easy and whilst Brad had pretty much revealed his feelings to me we still had a way to go. One thing for sure he certainly relaxed more and was no longer afraid of showing affection towards me around the ranch. We spent the rest of the evening in our bedroom, Brad was still somewhat taken back by the evenings events so we laid in bed together and I read to him for over an hour. Only this time Brad would caress my chest as I read, my arm around his shoulder and his head resting against my chest it was to coin a phrase total perfection. These kind of evenings were what we enjoyed most, the two of us just relaxing. When I turned the light off and huddled down in the bed, his arms slipped around me and we would kiss for ages until we both felt the sleepiness washing over us. This was how our week panned out and on Thursday Joshua sent me a text confirming he would like to come and that he would be here at midday on Saturday. Mother was pestering me about the sleeping arrangements, I knew that Mike and Steve would share a bed, but Sean and Joshua we decided to put in the lounge next to our bedroom since it had two comfy sofas that were ample in size to use as beds. I kept a beady eye on the weather forecast and it was looking good, Saturday might peak at 35c and then some storms in the evening but for the day it looked good. Friday morning I was rinsing my hair in the shower after a hefty work out in the gym with Brad and Seth. Brad was getting his work clothes out of the closet and undressing, he was quiet and I jumped feeling his hands wrap around me as he got in the shower with me. He kissed my neck "Do you remember the last time we shared this shower?" he asked placing small kisses on my neck. I had to think then nodded "Oh, yes I do, but it was cold water that night" I replied as he squeezed me tighter. "Thank you so much for loving and looking after me" Brad said turning me around. Every time I looked he took my breath away "You will be late for work" I said as his faced move closer to mine. The way he kissed me in the shower was unlike any other kiss, it usually started off with several small kisses before he would go full on. But today his mouth parted immediately with no hesitation, my mouth was ready to receive him and our tongues met as his lips closed in pressing firmly against mine. We stood there with the warm water cascading over our bodies enhancing the sensation we both felt as we shared one of the best loving kisses. My heart was pounding from desire, baby steps I reminded myself, although today was a big leap in the way he was reacting to me and feeling my body as we kissed. I pushed him off 'Shower, work' I reminded him leaving him under the shower receiving a gentle slap on the ass from him. The only thing on my mind at the moment was the thought of me sitting there beating off to him showering, I shook my head giggling and wondering if I was becoming an over horned up sex maniac. Anyway I did, not beat off you understand, I sat on the floor drying my self watching my muscle jock, yeah he wasn't as built like Eddie, instead he was beautifully formed and I could understand why all the girls from high school swooned over him. I was so in love with him, no one ever had or would ever take my breath away like he did and would do so in my life. I walked with him to the garage and kissed him goodbye and walked outside as he drove off with Seth. My mother had already left for work so was alone with Maria the housekeeper. I watched the SUV disappear and looked around at the expanse of land and how the sunlight danced across the fields towards the trees hiding the Medina river underneath. This place, the place I never thought I would be happy living at looked to be the most wonderful place on earth right now. It was like magic prevailed and Medina had cast a spell that washed over me like a warming gentle breeze, I felt more a part of Medina than I ever had...
    2 points
  18. “All right folks, settle down please,” my request might have been ignored by the class were it not balanced by my deep, booming baritone. It was always a challenge trying to keep the kids thinking of me as a trusted approachable confidante while continuing to command their respect as an authority figure. Luckily I had an advantage in the commanding department, standing at least a head above most of them at my full 6’6’’ height, and weighing double what they did with 230 pounds of solid muscle, due to my addiction to the weight room and my years of athletics, first as a student wrestler, then as coach of the high school team. I knew from personal experience that the coaches and trainers who got the best results were the ones who could still do everything they asked their team to do. There was also the possibility that I kept myself ripped and rock hard so I could keep up with the young firm fuckers who I met on the weekends at the gay clubs in the city an hour away, but we’ll get to that later. Not surprisingly, the lunchroom full of teens responded exactly as I expected, transforming from a swarm of squealing, socializing, self-obsessed psychos into seated, silent, smiling students. “For those of you who are new to the school or have selective summer amnesia from too much sun and daytime tv,” my joke got a few laughs and some eye rolls, just as it did every year. “this is senior seminar and I am your wise and wonderful leader, Coach Adams. Over the next few months, we’ll be meeting here every morning with one goal in mind. Any idea what that goal is…Ben Stone?” Ben was co-captain of my wrestling squad, easily one of the most popular kids in the school, and the consummate player. He’d gotten under the blouses and into the panties of most of the girls in the room and probably a couple dozen junior and sophomores. He was also known to cut class, make only enough effort to maintain his athletic eligibility and convince his adoring fans to do his papers for him. Usually I had no reason to call him out on his shit since he was one of the most enthusiastic athletes I knew, but I didn’t fuck around when it came to this class. Thus he was so caught up in texting under the small fold out desktop connected to his chair in the second row of the lecture hall that he hadn’t noticed me coming closer until I was right next to him, collecting his phone and clasping my hand on his shoulder. His slouched posture, splayed legs and half-lidded eyes suddenly morphed in front of the entire class until he was the definition of attentive. Still it was too late to figure out what I’d asked him, so he just stammered and looked more and more freaked until I was sure the rest of the class saw how serious I was. “The one goal of this class: for each and every senior graduates with good grades, good test scores and goes on to a great university.” After a decade of running this course, I knew I could deliver everything I just explained, and more. Since senior seminar was instituted at Regent Academy, the dropout rate was practically nonexistent, the collective GPA of the graduating classes was a 3.8, 97% of grads went on to receive degrees from four year universities, and many of them earned scholarships and entry into the Ivy League. What began as a class designed to catch the kids who were slipping through the cracks, had grown into a required course for every senior at Regent. The program was so successful other schools were paying top dollar for us to set up similar seminars, while national education programs were writing articles and essay about it in journals and textbooks. So, yeah, I was pretty sure I’d have no trouble doing it again for these kids. When the bell sounded for passing period, the 70 kids lined up and headed out with my signature verifying that they’d each signed up for a weekly session with our college counselor, 4 or more test prep sessions with teachers from various departments at the school, and 2 or more extra-curricular activities that they could put on their college résumés. As each kid passed, I shook his or her hand and offered congratulations on taking the first step towards a college degree. 70 hands later, I waved to the last girl out the door and turned back to my desk, not expecting to see a tall handsome young man still standing by the extra-curricular sign up forms at my desk. He must have been new, because I made it my business to know every senior by the first day of seminar, and there was no way I’d somehow missed a cute piece of meat like him. “I don’t know if they had bells at which ever school you used to go to,” I said, walking over and stacking the many papers on my desk. “but at this school it means it is time to haul ass to your next class. You can come back and get your form signed by me after school, just hurry off before you end up being late on your first day. Not the best way to make a first impression.” “You’re right about that sir,” the boy said, smiling at me, causing my cock to twitch beneath my khakis. It was a good thing I wore my tightest jock today. “I do owe you an apology for being late this morning.” “Since I didn’t even notice you coming in late, we’ll call it even. Now hurry up or you’ll be apologizing to your next teacher too.” Walking to the door and opening it, I was stunned to look back and see him chuckling while taking his messenger bag off and dropping it onto the chair opposite mine. Cute or not, this kid needed a reality check if he thought I was joking, especially when I’d spent the past hour lecturing on the responsibility he’d be taking on in my class. “Maybe I’m not being clear enough. Either you get out of my class and into your next one or I’ll have you sent straight back to where ever you learned that it is okay to ignore your teachers.” “Actually, I’m the one who wasn’t clear,” the boy responded, obviously trying not to laugh, which made my temper flair and my Dick stiffen. “I’m not apologizing for being late to class.” “Watch it Kid!” My voice got louder and deeper and I felt my face getting red as I crossed to him and prepared to drag him out of the room, if necessary. “I’m apologizing for being late to work,” his words stopped me dead, just as my hand reached out to grab his firm, muscular arm. “I’m not a student Coach Adams. I’m Andrew Macintosh, your intern for the year.” After we had a good laugh about my mistaking him for a student, Andrew and I sat down so we could get to know one another. Currently in his first year of a master in education program at CSU, Andrew was new to the area and excited to get started as my intern. Maybe I was used to seeing teachers go back to school for their masters or maybe it was the fact he’d graduated college at 19, but either way I couldn’t get over how young he looked, and I wondered how the kids would ever take him seriously if he was only 2 years older than they were. That’s why when He tried to convince me to refer to him as Andy, I insisted he go by Mr. Macintosh in front of the students. We ended up compromising and agreeing I’d call him Mr. Mac. As for me, it had been so long since I’d gone by anything other than Coach that I told him I’d probably ignore anyone who called me by my real name. “Coach it is then.” There was that smile again. Even in my smallest jockstrap I could feel my Dick throbbing and leaking against my leg. Thank God he couldn’t see under the desk. “So coach, what’s next on the agenda? What classes will I be helping you with this year?” “Well that’s a good question, cause you just sat through one of the two classes I teach all day,” Mac’s surprise was clear on his face, so I decided I’d better explain. ……………… When I first started at Regent, all I knew how to do was wrestle and coach wrestling. Since you can’t major in heavyweight wrestling positions, I’d floated through college from major to major until my senior year when I looked at what credits I had and realized the only major that offered me any chance of completing the requirements before I aged out of my athletic scholarship was English. After medaling at a couple wrestling tournaments and making the Olympic team as an alternate, I had big dreams of opening a gym where I’d coach young guys who wanted to be competitive wrestlers. Even with a degree and my credentials, no bank was going to loan me the money to start a gym, so I started looking for work that would allow me to save enough on my own. I tried personal training, private security, even modeling for a while, but everything I tried that was steady didn’t paid well enough to let me support myself and save for my gym, and I couldn’t rely on booking the jobs that paid bank. That was when a customer at the gym where I trained recognized me from my college wrestling days. Turns out I’d kicked his ass at every match, and he’d kept an eye on my career from my exhibition matches to my Olympic try, but lost track of me ever since. After he discovered I was working odd jobs, he asked me to go for a drink and discuss my dream of opening a gym. We drank until my tongue got loose and I admitted to doing to modeling for some men’s underwear catalogues, which he asked if he could see. Back at my apartment I reluctantly pulled out the proofs of the catalogue and pretty soon we were joking about how little I had to cover my big uncut Dick. Before I could say no, he said he wanted to wrestle me again and told me to strip down. This guy might have been in my weight class in school, but as he pulled off the oxford shirt and crisp grey wool slacks he’d worn that day to his investment firm, it was obvious he’d kept in shape, but no longer had the musculature he’d need to take me on. Still, I was drunk and in the closet and he was hot as hell, so we stripped to our jocks and I got out a mat I used for working out. Just as I thought, I had him pinned in seconds every time. When the fifth ‘match’ began, he almost got me in a choke hold because I’d lost focus due to his jock-clad cock pressing against my butt. Instinct kicked in and I accidentally went 100% for a second, flipping him over me in the air and wrapping my legs around his head. Realizing I was choking out the first and only potential investor in my gym, I loosened my legs and started to pull away, but stopped when he grabbed my thighs, leaned forward and sucked my semi-hard Dick through the flimsy white Bike jock. Moaning, I spread my legs and let him wriggle free so he could uncover my cock and suck it for real. In minutes, I was balls deep inside him, breeding his ass on the floor, and listening to him admit that he’d fantasized about me since the first time he saw me in my singlet. When he left that night around midnight, with three loads up inside his hole, he set up a time for us to meet at his office the next day. Imagine my surprise when I walked in and was greeted by pictures of him with his wife and young son. All business, he explained to me that the only way a bank would ever give me the loan was if I got a steady job and held it down for a few years. Crushed, I let him suck me off on his plush leather sofa, and left with no clue what I could do to convince a bank I was trust worthy. A week passed before I was approached at the gym by another man who explained that my investment banker friend was also a friend of his and he had some possible work for me. Unsuspecting and figuring there was no way a married man would share what had happened between the two of us, I met this guy at his house so he could look at my résumé and as it turned out, he was a recruiter for some major business firms. When he mentioned that our mutual friend had told him I’d spent some time modeling for underwear catalogues, he told me he had to see them to be sure nothing I’d photographed would come back to disqualify me from a position at one of the firms. This led quickly to asking me for a live show and soon I was sliding my Dick in his was while he bent over his kitchen table and begged for me to breed him. When I went to leave that night he apologized for wasting my time and told me I didn’t have enough experience to work for any of the companies he recruited for. Crushed again, I almost ran into a young guy as he let himself into the house. Looking panicked, the man thanked me for the training session and insisted he’d see me for another one sometime when his son wasn’t just coming home from wrestling practice. Scarred and shocked that he would have me fuck him with his son possibly catching us at any moment, I stammered some hello and good bye and ran out as fast as I could. A few days later at the gym, I saw the teen pointing me out to someone and the two of them heading my way. Frozen with fear, I prepared for the guy to arrest me for god-knows-what, even though I’d done nothing illegal. Instead I was pleasantly surprised when the teen introduced himself again and explained that the man with him was the athletic director from his school. When his son almost caught the two of us, his dad had quickly made up the fact I was his trainer, but he must have had to explain more because his son told me that his Dad explained that I had been a nationally ranked wrestler and when he told the athletic director at his school, the man insisted on meeting me. Turns out the wrestling team was currently coached by an over-zealous father who’d been all state in wrestling years earlier. This made him an expert, even though the team had zero wins all season and some of the kids were transferring to different private academies in order to be on a team where they might win. After I verified my history and accolades, the athletic director invited me to come to a practice the next day and see if I might be willing to coach the kids. It probably took me 5 minutes before the inept techniques and out of date practices of the volunteer coach forced me to laugh. 5 minutes more and I was yelling out corrections for his stupid directions. 2 more minutes and I had half the team watching as I demonstrated the proper hold positions. Turning beet red, the father got in my face and started yelling profanities telling me he would kick my ass for this. Instead I offered to wrestle him to see which one of us was more suited to coach the team. Looking at the athletic director to get some support, the dad got even angrier when the man threw up his hands and told us to go for it. Stripping off his shirt and sucking in his gut, he did some stretches and began trash talking me. He was promising a world of hurt and a hospital stay, until I stripped off my own shirt and shorts, revealing my Olympic singlet. He got very pale as we got into the first position, and I think he whimpered when the bell sounded. Fastest pin I’d ever made. I asked him if he wanted a rematch, and he just shook his head and left. That same night, the AD of the school explained that the only way he could hire me as a paid coach was if I could work in some way on the academic side too. For the third time in the past few weeks, I felt empty, knowing there was practically nothing I could offer. But before I could leave, the man asked me what my degree was in. When I said English, he smiled and said I could teach remedial English as a visiting lecturer, and in the mean time, the school would pay for me to take the necessary classes to complete my teaching certificate. 2 years later I celebrated my 25th birthday by receiving my teaching certificate in front of my all-state wrestling champion team.
    1 point
  19. Moving back to Elephant & Castle on Friday - want to get back into outdoor and public sex. Would be great to get a group of guys together who are keen to get naked in parks or meet and wank at bus stops or public benches. Anyone know Burgess Park? Great bushes for late night head giving or fucking my cunt full of your heavy load....
    1 point
  20. Felched POZ Cum I was out having a few drinks catching up with an old fuck buddy, Carl. He told me he had been having a blast with new guys. He told me he was off PrEP and enjoying anonymous cumdump situations. I was sort of surprised as we’d only had pretty vanilla sex, bareback, but not kinky. He told me it was such a rush taking a load not knowing if it was toxic or not. I asked if he was a bug chaser, and he shrugged saying, ‘if it happens, it happens…’ That got me a bit boned. He told me he was hosting a guy that week who was likely POZ and wanted to know if I wanted to join in. I remembered him giving excellent head, so I figured why not? So, Wednesday, I snuck away from my desk at work and drove to his house. As he told me it would be, the front door was cracked open. All of the curtains in the living room were drawn shut, so it was pretty dark. Carl was on his knees, blindfolded with his mouth open and tongue out when he heard the door creak. He was naked and stroking his stubby fat cock. I pulled my clothes off and stuck my dick in his mouth. He gobbled on my cock, reminding me, truly, just how good his blowjob skills were, and I heard the door creak. A tall, rail-thin guy walked in, spiky dark hair and beard. He nodded at me, pleased to see Carl doing a good job. I moved behind Carl who got on his hands and knees. As the stranger pulled out a long thin cock and slid into Carl’s mouth, I knelt down to his ass, not surprised to find it already cummy. Carl had taken at least one load. I fingered it, trying to convince myself not to eat it, but I couldn’t hold back. I lapped at Carl’s furry asshole and was rewarded with gobs of fresh seed. I fisted my cock and ate Carl’s hole as the stranger pummeled his mouth. Carl was gagging and moaning on that long cock and the stranger growled as he fired his cum into Carl’s throat. I didn’t hear Carl swallow. The stranger zipped off, nodded to me, and left. As soon as the door was closed, Carl ripped off the blindfold and spun me around, an evil grin on his face. His cheeks were bulging and a droplet of spooge leaked out of his lips. He pushed my face down to the carpet and spread my ass cheeks. He forced his tongue into my hole and fingered that load in his mouth into my guts. He had me groaning with pleasure and slapped his stubby dick against my ass. He rammed his thumb into me, and I was glad for the cum lube. He was so horny he barely got his dick inside me before he fired off a huge load. He bred me and added his cum to what he’d tongue-fucked into me. As he came down from his orgasm, he ordered me to be back next week, this time a half hour earlier, and to bring a blindfold…
    1 point
  21. “You’re a lifesaver, Tim!” my friend Peter cried as he strode up to my car pulling two large suitcases. Peter and I were both in our late twenties and had known each other since college. He was already a vice president at a major financial institution, but he was still a little bit irresponsible bordering on careless when it came to his personal life. Hence, him calling me for a lift from the airport because he didn’t realize Uber and Lyft drivers had months ago announced a strike on this very night. “Well, you’re alive, at least,” I chimed in, hopping out into the cold autumn night air to help him stow his luggage. “I still can’t get over you getting a month-long business trip in London, you lucky bastard.” “Oh, the company got its money’s worth out of me,” he sighed, walking back to the passenger’s side door. “Just get me to my front door and let me crash.” I laughed as we hopped in and clicked our seat belts, giving him a quick peck on the lips before pulling out of the pick up lane. “How have classes been? Are the brats still whining about everything like when we were freshmen?” Peter asked as he adjusted the radio. “Of course. This one guy threw a fit after I deducted five points for him using the wrong form of ‘its’.” “Please tell me he’s a science major.” “English. He wants to get a doctorate in Victorian lit, actually.” Peter winced, but his face changed immediately when a Britney Spears song came on. I knew better than to interrupt the music, so I didn’t get a chance to ask him about the boys of the UK or tell him about my three-weeks-and-counting-long sex drought. It took about a quarter hour to reach his place, and by then he already looked like he was succumbing to Hypnos’ embrace. He started to get up, but I tut-tutted him and made a show of opening his door. “Such a…” “Gentleman is the word you’re looking for.” “I know you much too well to believe that,” he chuckled, leaning in and kissing me as he stood up. “Then what would you call me?” “A naughty little slut.” “That’s what you say to the man who just rescued you from the airport? Wow.” “Yup,” Peter grinned. This time I initiated the kiss, pulling away just as he was starting to melt into it. I hefted his suitcases out of the trunk and followed after him as he searched among his keys. “Still got it!” he assured me as he held one up, inserting it into the lock. He swung the door open and pressed the nearby switch, illuminating the entryway. “Well, I guess my part is complete,” I inferred, wheeling his luggage next to the shoe bench. “Is it?” Peter asked. “I dunno. You’re in charge.” Peter pressed me against the wall and kissed me hard. His tongue was deep in my mouth when I heard him shut the door and turn the lights off again. His hands unbuckled my belt and pulled my button-fly apart before my eyes could adjust. “I thought you were tired.” “Shut up and let me enjoy myself.” “Yes, sir.” “Were you hard the whole drive home?” Peter asked, the tiniest glint of moonlight reflecting off the whites of his eyes. “Yeah,” I moaned as he freed my cock from my boxer briefs. I felt his hot breath warming my PA before he changed his mind and lapped at my balls. “You’ve got such a gorgeous cock, Tim.” “You say that like you forgot.” “How could I?” he asked earnestly, swallowing my right testicle. “Fuuuuuuuck,” I hissed. “That’s it. I want to see a fountain of precum leaking out of your cock head.” He continued to work on my sack until my dick had obeyed his command. He grinned up at me, pumping the foreskin back before tracing the perimeter of my glans with his tongue. “You look so fucking hot sucking my cock, Pete.” The monster straight up deepthroated my seven-and-a-half inches with no warning. I practically collapsed as he inhaled my member until his nose was buried in my trimmed pubes. The fucker didn’t even come up for air for a good half minute. “I needed this,” he coughed once he’d pulled off. “So I can expect a five star review?” I joked, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. “Only a four-and-a-half. Your dick is too clean; it doesn’t have that nice ass, coconut oil, and cum flavor straight from another boy’s booty.” “I can fix that,” I assured him. I pulled him up and tried to spin him around, but he stopped me. “Wait, Tim. I just got off a six hour flight,” he laughed. “Ah, gotcha,” I replied, trying my best to mask my disappointment. “You know how much I love impaling myself on this fat, pierced cock,” he reassured me. “And I will, as soon as I’m ready.” “I guess I can settle for an excellent blow job.” “Who said anything about settling?” Peter winked, spinning me around. “You wanna get fucked, boy?” “Fuck, yeah.” “I bet you hopped right in the shower and cleaned yourself out the moment I hung up.” “Hole in one,” I answered as he guided me onto all fours on the bench. I kicked off my shoes and he pulled my jeans and underwear past my ankles to join them. “That’s what I like about you, Tim. You’re a professional slut.” I blushed, but only for a split second. My cock leapt up against my chest the instant I felt Peter’s breath on my hole. “So smooth,” he cooed, flicking his tongue against it. We started a call and response: his tongue moving in reaction to my moans and vice versa. “You like that?” he asked, pushing my sweater and t-shirt up so that I could remove them without interrupting the flow. “You know I do.” He instructed me to prise my cheeks apart, allowing him to insert his tongue deeper into my hole. “Not fair,” he whined, delivering a sharp spank to each mound of flesh. “God gave you such an amazing cock and this fucking cock-milking bubble butt, too.” “Nobody said life was fair,” I chuckled, earning myself another half dozen spanks. Now it was my time to whine as he pulled away to remove his clothes, first kicking his shoes across the foyer and then making quick work of his dress shirt and slacks. True to form, he’d flown commando, and now his drooling six-inch prick was fully visible. He pulled his own foreskin back and pressed the glans against my wet hole, seeing just how far he could go with only saliva and precum for lube. I tried to lock eyes with him, but I winced with each prod. “You like that, Tim? Do you want it inside you?” “I do,” I hissed. “But I need some lube.” “I guess I can acquiesce to that demand. But next time you’d better come pre-lubed with cum,” Peter replied seductively. “You haven’t been getting fucked like you should, have you?” “No, I haven’t.” “It’s a good thing I came back when I did,” he tsked, reaching into one of the pockets of his checked bag. My cock jumped again when I saw him retrieve a bottle of BoyButter. Peter showed more self-restraint that I would’ve, taking his time to work several lubed fingers into my hole as he jacked his slicked cock with his other hand. By the time he’d achieved the desired result I was practically howling for him to fuck me. “Ready?” “Please!” I felt his head push past my outer ring, then my inner ring. In spite of his efforts, the previous three weeks’ inaction caused me a decent amount of irritation. “Catch your breath, Tim,” Peter ordered, carding his hand through my hair. “…I’m good.” “You sure?” “Yeah.” He leaned down and kissed me on the back of my neck, then resumed his push forward. When he had almost completely sheathed himself, I pushed myself back, catching him completely off guard. “You little shit!” he laughed. “You almost made me cum.” “You’re that close?” “It was a long flight, okay?” he answered defensively. He spanked me hard when I shook my butt in response. Normally I could count on Peter for self-control, but from the sound of his ragged breathing and the rhythm of his thrusts I knew this fuck was not destined to last. I decided to put him out of his misery and prove once again the “vers” in my online profiles’ “vers top” classification. “Bad…boy,” he whined, trying to hold me in place with his hands. “Gonna make you cum,” I replied, bouncing my bubble butt up and down on his cock. “No…you…won’t.” “C’mon, Pete…breed me!” His whole body went rigid, then the convulsions started. He shook from the top of his head to the tips of his toes with each rope of hot cum he blasted into my hungry ass. His orgasm was so intense we made the bench move four inches away from the wall. “Timmy, you naughty fucking slut,” he whispered as he collapsed onto me. “You absolute fucking cum dump.” “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He reached around and kissed me, but had to pull away as he was still struggling for air. “I wanted to take it slow.” “You can take it slow for round two.” “What makes you think there’s going to be a round two?” Peter inquired, running his hands through my hair. “Because I know you,” I chuckled. “Oh? I dunno, I’m getting pretty tired and I don’t know if you’re welcome anymore.” “So you don’t want to churn up your cum in my ass and seed me with a second load tonight?” He didn’t even need to reply. I felt the first jolt of his next erection against the walls of my insides. “I guess,” he said, trying to sound exasperated. “But we’re fucking on your bed. I don’t know if this bench can withstand much more fucking.” “If it breaks in the next year, you’re buying me a new one,” he warned, pushing himself up and startling both of us as his cock popped out of my ass. “Fuck, I really made a mess.” “How bad?” I asked, pushing my butt back towards him. He wiped his index finger up my crack and pushed it into my mouth, letting me taste the mixture of lube and his cum. “Not bad at all.” We both laughed as I worked my way up to my feet with his assistance. He kissed me hard, grinned, and then slid across the hardwood floors toward the stairs in his rainbow socks. I chased after him, nearly managing to catch him before he’d flopped on his king size bed. “It’s going to be a minute.” “You’ve got exactly one,” I warned, straddling him at just the right distance that he could only lick the tip of my glans if he leaned forward. I pinched one of his nipples and cupped his smooth balls as he struggled to taste more of my still hard cock. “Bastard. Gimme that cock!” I inched forward, allowing him to swallow just the head. He shot me a dirty look but dutifully sucked what I’d given him. “More.” “‘More’, what?” “More right now, goddamnit!” I shook my head and pulled back, pushing my cheeks against his half mast cock. He struggled to thrust against me, but all the leg muscle I’d gained from swimming, volleyball, and soccer kept him locked in place. “You fucker.” “You love it.” Unfortunately for me, Peter had been on the wrestling team all through high school. The second I looked back to assess the state of his cock, he tossed me up and onto my back. “Wait.” “Fuck waiting,” Peter growled irritably. “You’re getting fucked hard and fast, and this time I’m not letting you get away without emptying your balls.” I moaned as he followed through with his promise, sliding his cock back into my cum-sloppy hole. He leaned down and kissed me hard when I tried to say something. “You should be getting fucked like this all the goddamn time,” Peter continued, leaning back. I lifted my head up to say something, but all I saw was him taking my cock…in his mouth. He was sucking my cock while he fucked my cum-filled ass. My eyes rolled back in my head and I went limp. The next five minutes were pleasure overload. I couldn’t form any coherent thoughts, much less verbalize them. My muscles, which only moments before had served me, became utterly compliant to Peter’s wishes. “Mmmmf.” I was vaguely aware of a slurping noise as Peter simultaneously deepthroated me and buried his cock against my prostate. It was too much. I spurted stream after stream of cum down Peter’s throat as my ass clamped down on his cock. Not even the lake of cum inside me could provide enough lubrication to keep him in motion, although he struggled to keep thrusting. “Unnnnhh!” His second orgasm was even more intense than his first, and I could’ve sworn he didn’t stop unloading in me for a solid minute. Once he’d finally stopped, he collapsed onto me, snaking his arms around my back. “Welcome home,” I chuckled, kissing his neck. “I hope you don’t have plans tomorrow,” he whispered, cuddling against me. “Let’s sleep in late, fuck, have some breakfast, fuck some more, watch a movie…” He’d fallen asleep. He’d fallen asleep, and the bastard was still inside me. ————— I heard the pad of footsteps just as I finished plating the first batch of pancakes. Looking up from the stove top, I caught sight of a naked Peter glancing back at me with heavily lidded eyes. “The bed got cold without you,” he muttered, annoyed. “But I guess since you made food I can forgive you.” I stuck my tongue out at him as he walked behind me, taking me in his arms. I wasn’t wearing anything but an apron, and I could already feel his cock stirring against my butt. “Y’know, I completely forgot to tell you something last night.” “What’s that?” I inquired, squeezing a dollop of syrup onto each stack of pancakes. “I forgot to pack my meds with me when I went overseas. It’s been a full month since I’ve had a dose.” I froze up. “You’re on PrEP, idiot,” he laughed, lightly slapping the back of my head. “I just figured I should let you know in case some eager young twink wants to slide his bare cock into your ass while it’s still full of my unmedicated cum.” “Pete, I went off PrEP three months ago.” “…what?” He pulled away and started to pace back and forth behind me. “Fuck, why?” “I’ve only been having sex with undetectable guys, and not that much. I just figured I didn’t need it.” “Fuck, Tim. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he muttered. “We still have time. We can get you PEP, and…” I felt like I was able to pass out, but then I looked down and saw something incredible: my cock was completely erect, making a tent with Peter’s apron. “Tim, I’m so…if I’d known…” “Pete, wait.” I turned around and pulled the apron to the side so he could see my cock. It was already leaking precum. Peter’s face rapidly changed from bewilderment to concern to…arousal. “What are you trying to tell me, Tim?” “You already know,” I replied, looking at Peter’s rapidly hardening cock. “Then I guess,” he started, spinning me back around and leaning me against the kitchen counter, “we’ve got a busy weekend ahead of us.”
    1 point
  22. It should not be forgotten that there are still countries in which you can be, at the very least, jailed for being even suspected of being gay. And, at worst, executed. Throw in extremist religious views, and we, as LGBT, are still in great danger. Even in the US, extremist religious and political leaders, encourage harm be perpetrated against us. To paraphrase, Those who forget the past, are destined to repeat it.
    1 point
  23. Love this story...woke up last night hoping for another chapter and wondering what Brad, Tom, Joshua and Sean were doing. Your writing style makes them seem so real...sooooo hot and sexy! Woof!!
    1 point
  24. I’m afraid this is accurate. At this point Trump could be shown on national television at Mar-A-Lago eating a barbecued baby for lunch and his adherents would still support him. We cannot hope to persuade them. So we must outvote them.
    1 point
  25. In the last half a year it’s gotten a ton of traction. The close of Manscountry helped, but I think guys finally realized its cheap, there’s minimal policing and they have been steadily making improvements. Sunday’s are usually busy all day, weeknights late and obviously Fri/Sat nights. I’ve had 6 load nights and had 0 load nights despite tons of guys. So you never know. But the clerks are nice and the layout is well suited for both one on ones and groups. Far busier than Ram by leaps and bounds.
    1 point
  26. Never have used a rubber in my life...Not even tried one on ....Proud to have bragging rights on that....I don't believe in rubbers and don't understand why any guy would put one on
    1 point
  27. ,I was smoking pretty regularly with a group of guys. I was their bitch to use when they smoked me out. The fellow that introduced me to the pipe turned me into a crossdresser and started to who're me out just so he could watch. I got to the point that I would do anything he asked since I didn't have my own supply and was addicted to the T and had come to enjoy being their Tina who're. No one in the group slammed. They warned me against it if I brought it up. Isaac cruising sites one night and started chatting with a really hot guy. It didn't take long for him to ask if I partied. Not wanting to scare him off I hesitated. His next question was "have you ever slammed?" I told him that I hadn't and had been, warned off. After more conversation my future dealer sealed my future by sending a clock pic and inviting me over the next. He was well practiced with his seduction and deep down I wanted to take this next step. I arrivedd. He kissed me softly. Offered me a pipe a said he had a few things to do before he could playback. I just kept hitting the pipe and was starting to feel it he came b back in decked out in leather. I offered the pipe to him but waved it away and told me he only slammed. Then he gave about ten reasons why slamming is better. He left out the one about after the slam he had for me he would have a new customer that couldn't escape his web. He was so hot and he was so confident. He was a health care professional as well. I wanted anyway, no time like the present. He tied me off and explained what I would feel. The flash of red made my clock twitch. He emptied the barrel quickly. He told me to stand and raise my arm up as he released the band. At first I felt nothing and then bam. My sknees buckled and I fell backwards onto his bed I couldn't breathe. I was going to die. I never got him to tell how big that first slam was but I've met a number or other guys who fell,under his thrall. Most think it was at least .6 maybe more. It was probably ten minutes before anything other than Oh Fuck!came out of me .All the lights were out and I was rolling from side trying to get my hands up my cunt. When my new god mercifully shoved his very large cock deep into my soul and hooked his arms under my legs and rolled me back so there was no escape I knew I was starting a new life. He fucked me long and slow. He told me how to gently rub his nipples the way he liked. He kept whispering things in my ear very softly. I couldn't make out what he said but I could feel him taking control of me. Then he started a chant that I instinctively started to say with him After about ten minutes I was so ready to cum. He sensed it a told me to think of the slam as I did. Another ten minutes and as the most incredibly intense orgasm ever he asked me if I was poz. I told him no. He asked if it bothered me if he was. Given the circumstances I told him no. He said that's good because I already gave you two charged loads and here comes number three. He then went back to whispering but now I could make out some of the words. He was hypnotising me. This went on for a couple of hours but now he fucked me in different positions. He finally pulled out and got on his cell. After about ten minutes he turned back to me and said.time for another slam . I started to say I had to leave He quickly cut me short saying that it wasn't a.question, stick out your arm. As he was wrapping the tubing around my upper arm he told me that this day changed me. He said that I belonged to him and I had no free will anymore. He was going to be my meth dealer and when he said it was time to slam I couldn't resist. He said some of his other customers were coming to pick up a large order and they were horny. He was, of course right . Not only was I too spun to resist the idea was so hot I didn"t want to. He said this would be a smaller dose since.His customers usually liked to slam their fuktoys. My new life had.begun.
    1 point
  28. Sorry but that’s horseshit. Fine in fantasy not so good in real life. Everyone, and I mean everyone......all bottoms, tops and in between. Everyone is entitled to set their own limits. What you set as a limit maybe differ from what other people set as limits. And everyone has the right to say no whenever they want, even after sex starts. It doesn’t make them any more or less of anything. It makes them human.
    1 point
  29. I would be in a relationship with a slutty bottom for sure. Set up a scene at a motel or bathhouse where my partner is sucking my Cock while Various Men Fuck and BREED his hole. He does not need to know what the guy looks like or status. I will eat his ass and cummy hole and then add my load to his Cum-filled ass.
    1 point
  30. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 5 There we were...two slammed up boys worshipping their Daddy’s tits...humping Daddy as our legs entwined around his. “Fuck yeah boys...my fucking chemmed up pigs.” Daddy sighed. Holding both of us up tight to his strong pecs, we continued writhing as puppy’s hand moved down my back. Raising my ass, I gave him access to my cunt...puppy began exploring my cunt lips. “GRRRRRR!” puppy growled. “Fuuck! Yeah!” I responded. “Fuck me puppy. Feed my hungry cunt!” I begged. “Go ahead puppy, take it. You earned it.” Daddy laughed. “That cunt is fucking tight and deep. Go on! It’s yours now.” My eyes went to puppy and saw the look of authority wash over him. He was my alpha and I was about to find out just what he was capable of. Daddy disengaged and got off the bed. Both of us, acknowledging that Daddy was our superior, watched from the bed as he went and grabbed a black leather upholstered chair from against the wall and placed it at the side of the bed making sure he could see everything. “OK boys...continue. Give your Daddy a fucking show.” Daddy sat back and spread his legs wide...giving us full view of his hard cock. Puppy growled...rolling on top of me, he took my neck into the crook of his left arm...holding me there. “Fucking cuntboy...you’re gonna service your alpha...fucking give up that cunt to me?” “Fuck yeah puppy! Fucking take my cunt...it’s yours!” I yelled as my ass rose feeling his packed red jock pouch pushing into my ass cheeks. “AWW! FUUCK!!!” I moaned. Still holding me like this, puppy grabbed a chain hanging from one of the front bed posts with his other hand and attached it to my collar as I felt his breath on my face. “My cuntboy...” he exhaled, kissing my neck tenderly. Releasing my neck, puppy grabbed the chain from the other post and connected it to my collar and rolled off me. Puppy proceeded to shackle my ankles to the lower bedposts...leaving me on my hand and knees...cunt exposed. Moving to the side at the head of the bed, puppy stood arms crossed. “Fuck yeah...slammed up cuntboy,” he stated as he admired his cuntboy. Puppy climbed on the bed moving between the chains connecting my collar to the bed posts and sank to his knees and presented his bursting jock pouch. My mouth began to water... Puppy smiled, slowly pulling down his jock exposing the thick root of his cock. “Yeah cuntboy? You want puppy’s cock?” he teased. “AWWW FUCK … YEAH PLEASE PUPPY! I WANT YOUR COCK!” I begged as puppy gyrated his hips in front of me. I knew my place...and my place was to service. “Come on cuntboy...show puppy how much you want this cock,” puppy goaded me on. “Ya think that I’d waste my cock on someone who’d just lie there and take it? SHOW YOUR ALPHA. CUNTBOY!” he ordered. My slammed up cunt, now possessed with nothing but thoughts of puppy’s cock, took over. My back arched and my ass began rotating...offering my cunt to puppy’s fat cock as my throat let out low rasping pleadings. “Please puppy...I need your cock!” I moved forward and began sniffing the red pouch now leaking precum...I took in puppy's scent, recognizing the familiar scent all men emit in their crotches. Finally, satisfied that I proven myself, puppy pushed down his jockstrap releasing his hard uncut cock. I gasped...taking in the thick sheathed cock suspended above a set of huge balls. My mouth watered...imagining the amount of cum held inside. Puppy grabbed the base of his cock and slapped it across my lips sending the stringy leaking precum onto my face. “Fucking cock’s gonna fill your cunt...but first, service it...service your alpha’s cock cuntboy!” I quickly moved to explore the thick foreskin covering the cock. “AWWW, Fuck cuntboy...” Puppy shivered as my tongue moved under the flap and began circling the cockhead tasting the sharpness of his cock. Pushing forward, my lips drew back the skin...my tongue invading puppy’s cock slit...determined to take in the leaking precum. Puppy held my head tightly as he shoved his cock back down my throat...but I resisted and pulled back, holding onto the foreskin with my teeth, I began to chew. “AWWWW FUUUUCK!” Puppy yelled as he released my head. “AWWW FUCK YEAH CUNTBOY! FUCKING SERVICE MY COCK!” puppy yelled as he arched his back presenting his uncut cock. Pushing back the skin, my lips moved over his pulsing cockhead and I sucked it in as puppy jammed it down to his smooth crotch. “Fucking cuntboy...take it!” puppy ordered and began the face-fucking. His rapid movements wouldn’t allow me to get a rhythm...I couldn’t breathe. I began gagging... “Easy does it, puppy! Give cuntboy some air...we don’t want him passing out on that cock of yours,” Daddy joked. Puppy eased up and I took a deep breath. Then suddenly, puppy jerked me back down to the root and held me. I finally met puppy’s rhythmic thrusting as he pulled his cock half way out. Puppy spat and it landed on his shaft. I instantly went forward catching his spit and took his entire cock back down my throat. Puppy patted my cheeks and pulled out. “Cunt time...” puppy laughed and moved off the bed. Daddy urged us on. “Cuntboy, you’re about to be bred by your alpha!” I moaned as puppy climbed back on the bed between my legs. “Fuck yeah cuntboy. I’ve been waiting for this for a while. Daddy told me all about your conversations and what he was planning. I've thought about you and how hot your cunt would feel swallowing my cock.“ My cunt went wild... ”Yeah, slammed up cuntboy.” puppy continued stroking his cock. “MMMM fucking look at that cunt...full of Daddy’s cum.” He began to lick and chew at my cunt lips as I begged for his cock. ‘Fuck yeah puppy. Please! I need it!” I pleaded as puppy continued slurping my cunt. “Oh yeah. Fuck me puppy. Fuck my cunt and fill it with your cum.” Puppy rose...placing his hard cock at my cunt, he pushed through my sloppy cunt lips. “Here it is cuntboy. I’ve waited a long time to do this.” Shoving his cock in quickly, I let out a gasp. Puppy laughed, “Fuck Daddy... This cunt is so hot and tight still. Fucking feeling your load inside!” Puppy began his invasion of my cunt and we fell into a steady rhythm losing myself in the feelings in my cunt...until the spell was broken. Feeling someone grab my head, I snapped out of it. It was Daddy. “Yeah cuntboy. Suck my cock. Fucking two cunts on this one now.” He climbed back on the bed. I hungrily swallowed Daddy’s cock as he settled in front of me. “Oh fuck, cuntboy. Service Daddy’s cock while puppy feeds your cunt.” Daddy encouraged. I was in heaven being filled by cock in both ends. My body was now a cunt. Suddenly, I felt puppy quicken and start pounding me rapidly. “Fuuck Daddy! This cuntboy is so good. Thank you for giving him to me... I’m gonna fucking cum!” Puppy's cock spasmed...filling my cunt with his seed. The thrusts continued until Puppy let out a final grunt and fell on my back. I sighed...it was done...my cunt was full of my Daddy and my alpha’s cum. Puppy wrapped his arms around my chest and held me tightly as I held our Daddy’s cock in my mouth. We caught our breath and puppy pulled out...our sweaty bodies separating with a sucking pop. Again, I felt the emptiness I always dreaded when my cunt no longer contained cock. Then I felt it...puppy’s breath on me as he spread my cunt lips with his fingers and started sucking and chewing my cunt lips. His loud moans filled me... puppy was eating out my cunt! "Fuck yeah puppy! Taste my cunt juices." I yelled releasing Daddy’s cock pushing puppy’s tongue deeper inside me. Satiated with the fluids running out of me, he rose and moved to Daddy’s side. "Fuck yeah cuntboy. Look at my face. That's what your cunt is full of." He then leaned in and gently said, "Taste it cuntboy. Taste your cunt." I let out a moan and began licking puppy’s dripping face...my tongue feeling the slight stubble on his face. I let out a sigh..."Aww Fuck. Tasting my cunt." Seeing puppy and I bonding, Daddy removed himself and motioned puppy to replace him in front of me. “Go on puppy...I know what comes next right after you cum.” Daddy joked as he grabbed the yellow waist band of my jockstrap and released it with a snap. I jerked... Puppy positioned himself...presenting his slicked-up cock to me as Daddy moved behind me. “How’s that slammed up cunt of yours cuntboy...still hungry?” Daddy asked feeling my exposed cunt lips. My cunt spasmed.... “Go on puppy...feed him that recycled slam piss...cuntboy needs to get used to your piss mixed with mine.” Daddy ordered. I opened my mouth greedily taking puppy’s cock down. There I was...on my hands and knees chained to the bed...on display... Feeling puppy take a deep breath, I relaxed my throat and prepared for the torrent of piss sure to come out of that cock. Looking up into puppy’s eyes with a pleading look, puppy smiled releasing his slam piss. I growled...knowing the piss that I was taking had once been in Daddy. My throat pulsed as I swallowed. Puppy laughed and pulled his cock still shooting the hot yellow piss, out of my mouth leaving me surprised and wondering what I had done wrong. He aimed the stream at my face...intentionally moving it away from my mouth as it tried to follow the flow. He was gonna make me work for it! Dripping off my face and upper chest, the piss began pooling into the indentation puppy’s hard body and my hands made on the bed. I could feel the piss around my fingers as they wriggled in the wet warmth. Sensing their movement and seeing the desire in my eyes, Puppy released my collar chains and my head went down. My thoughts ceased...instinct now took my body over as I lost myself and fed. My tongue lapped up the acrid piss that I was now so hungry for. “Yeah...cuntboy’s got the hunger for piss now puppy.” Daddy stated matter-of-factly as he released my ankles. “Get up cuntboy...on the floor...on your knees.” I growled into the slick rubber sheets taking one last taste of piss and climbed off the bed... “Puppy...he’s earned it...bring it.” Daddy ordered. Not understanding what this was about...I watched puppy walk over to the shelves...leaving a trail of piss drops reflecting the red lights on the floor. I heard the rattling of metal as he pulled a bundle of leather from the top shelf and he turned back to me...holding a bulldog harness between his outstretched hands... I looked closer assuming it would be a match for puppy’s...only it wasn’t piped in red it was yellow. I moaned. “Yeah cuntboy...you earned it. Fucking urinal cuntpig now aren’t you?” Daddy laughed. “AWW FUCK YEAH DADDY! FUCKING PISS!” I groaned as puppy dropped to his knees and placed it on me. Satisfied that the straps were secure...puppy grabbed my framed pecs and held them playing with my tits. “Fuck...I’m gonna love feeding you piss cuntboy.” Daddy stood proudly looking down at us... Daddy held my head and I felt his finger go into my mouth. I knew what was coming and I looked up at Daddy’s face and waited for the question. “That cunt of yours make a decision yet, cuntboy?”
    1 point
  31. Hey guys, if u missed chapter one it can be found at https://breeding.zone/topic/33550-new-city-new-story-bisexual-chapter-1/ Warning: This chapter contains use of drugs, explicit sexual details and more. This should only be viewed by consenting adults... and if you don't want to see this stuff, why are you on this site????? In part 1: new kid on the block, we met Aidan, a tall blond scruffy white stoner-type teen with blue eyes, wide shoulders, tight abs, bubble butt and bigger than average dick who dropped out of high school, got his GED and took to the road to gain some life experience and become a writer. After a few months of bad jobs, cheap rooms and no direction, Aidan found his was to Denver where he got a job at a bookstore and befriended his trainer at work, Liam, a recent college grad with brown hair, green eyes, athletic build, large Dick, and a lot more life experience. Aidan and Liam are practically inseparable, despite the fact Aidan has never met a guy who is openly bisexual before. Having been raised by a pastor and college theology professor, Aidan led a somewhat sheltered life, even though he and his parents have always had open minds when it comes to sexual orientation and lifestyles. One night while they are out at a bar, Aidan convinces Liam to tell him one of his wildest experiences, so Liam tells him about a time in college when he and three of his friends gang banged two girls. Once the story is over, Aidan tries to find a place to jack off and ends up catching Liam getting head from some girl at the bar. With little encouragement, he joins them and feeds his load to the girl while Liam tells him what happened after the gang bang with one of the guys. Aidan takes the girl home with him and the two of them fuck all night. When she goes to leave, she asks Aidan if he wants to try Tina the next time they play, and he doesn't know what it is. Her response: "Ask your friend." Chapter II: new experiences make better writers "How did it go last night ABs?" Liam asked his buddy, combining his initials to make a nickname that also referenced his muscular torso. Aidan had become used to the moniker and had even begun to enjoy the way it made him feel: special. He answered Liam, as they ran the track at the nearby rugby field, by giving him the entire play-by-play in exuberant detail, embellishing certain details for effect and glossing over certain particulars including the moment they fell out of bed and breaking the towel bar in the bathroom by trying to put the girl up on it. jogging to a stop so they could catch their breath and stretch, Liam slapped his pal on the back and congratulated him. As they were about to start up again, Aidan grabbed Liam's sweaty arm and pulled him to the side of the track for a chance to find out something that had been bothering him for hours. "Dude can I ask you something?" the younger of the two asked, looking around to be sure he couldn't be overheard. "Of course bro," Liam responded, moving in closer while pulling them both a little further off the path, sensing his friend was about to ask something that wasn't fit for public ears. "You can always ask me anything, you know that. Hell after the shit I shared with you and a bar full of strangers last night, I'd be offended if you didn't feel like you could ask." "Cool Lee, it's about something that bitch said when she was leaving this morning," he paused and looked around one more time. Sure he was not going to be overheard, he continued quietly, "when I asked her what she wanted me to stock in case I had her over again, like booze and pot and stuff, she said something about...tina?" "What's your question ABs," Liam said after a minute waiting for the boy to ask something specific. "You need to know where to get some or what?" "No, well maybe, but what I need to know is..." embarrassed to ask, he looked away and said the rest very quietly. "what is it?" "what did you say?" Liam leaned closer, not hearing Aidan's request. "What is Tina?" Aidan said a little louder, causing Liam to smile and chuckle a little, before asking if his teen friend was for real. "Yeah I'm for real. I have heard of Molly and x and that stuff, but I don't have a fucking clue what Tina is. I was going to look it up online but until my internet is installed the only places I can do it are at work or the library and I didn't want to be arrested or fired for looking up some weird Spanish fly shit or something." "Dude!" By this time Liam was full-on laughing, and was having a hard time not making a spectacle of the two of them. He tried to suck the laughter down as he put his arm around his buddy and led him over to their gym bags on the lawn. "Tina is crystal ABs, you know, Meth." "Seriously?" Aidan stopped and stripped off his sweaty tee shirt and toweled down as he wondered how he'd never known that term. His father had run a rehab group for addicts in his home town for years and he was sure he'd heard all the slang for Meth, heroine, crack, coke and the like. "So she wants us to do meth?" "I guess," Liam said, trying not to stare at his friend's tight abs and low hanging running shorts, which revealed the top of a bike jockstrap waistband. He turned back to his own gym bag and slid his clean tee over his head, hoping it was long enough to cover the semi he was growing under his own shorts and jock. "Do you think I should get some Lee?" his friend's question caused Liam to turn back to him. As far as Liam could tell, Aidan's only experience with drugs was trying some tabs of x and a few lines of coke at some parties in New Mexico before he'd moved to town, if you didn't count the copious amounts of weed the teen smoked when he was hanging at home or chilling Liam and his buds. Liam's own experimentation had gone much further, but he had never admitted just how far he'd gone with drugs. "I mean, what do you think it's like?" "I... that's not... I don't know if you're ready to handle something like Tina, Aidan," grabbing his bag he turned and started walking back to his apartment, not watching but still aware that his young bud was only a few feet behind him, trying to get his attention. "That kind of thing is not like anything you've done before and you can't just decide to try it with some girl after one night together." "What's the big deal man?" Aidan was trying to pick up his pace to catch up with Liam's stride, but Liam was keeping a step or two ahead so Aidan wouldn't be able to see the look on his face. "The whole reason I left home and came out here was to gain life experiences just like this! No writer ever wrote a great book by playing it safe. Besides, it's not like I'm gonna try it once and quit my job and start hooking for drugs or anything. I just want to try it once or twice to know what it feels like." "And what if you like it so much you can't stop or end up doing something when you're high that you regret?" Liam stopped and turned on him so abruptly that Aidan almost ran into Lee's muscular chest. "You can't just jump into that stuff head first with someone you don't know that well." "Oh shit Lee," Aidan smiled at a realization. "You've done it before, haven't you? You've tried Tina! What was it like? What did you do when you tried it? Did you do something you regretted?" "That's... not the point," Liam spun back around and was back on his way, picking up his pace even more to avoid the teenager's questions. "You just shouldn't do something so... dangerous with someone you barely know!" "So I should do it with someone I can trust?" Aidan said, following his friend with eager curiosity. "No, that isn't what I meant," Liam slowed down and let his buddy catch up to him. "I just don't think you can handle something like meth bro. It is a serious trip and it makes you higher and hornier that you thought possible, and it doesn't take much before you can find yourself so tweaked out of your mind that you can't see that what you're about to do might make you hate yourself or worse." "I'm not some stupid kid asshole," Aidan said, now angry and walking ahead of Liam. "I can take care of myself and I know when to stop myself so I don't end up sucking Dick for crack or holding up a liquor store or something." "So you don't regret jerking me off last night?" Liam said loudly enough to stop Aidan in his tracks and get the kid to turn back to face him. "I saw that look on your face last night after we came on that bitch's face. You weren't even high last night and your hormones and a couple drinks made you so horny that you let a dude play with your cock and kiss you. If you can tell me you didn't hate yourself after we messed around last night, then I won't say another word about it." "Fuck you Lee," Aidan stepped in close and talked in a hushed tone filled with disdain. "Yeah I felt a little weird about what happened last night, but only because I have a lifetime of memories of church freaks and homophobes telling me that type of thing is a sin. But I don't feel weird now because it didn't mean anything, it was just two guys helping each other out and getting off while a girl ate our cum loads. Just because I'm not bi like you, doesn't mean I'm some pansy ass sheltered little preacher's son from the boonies. I'm not going to say no to an experience because you or anyone else says I should, and I won't let any fuckers make me do anything I can't handle." Liam watched his friend turn and leave in a huff and stood there for a few minutes wondering what he was doing. Why was he suddenly acting like an over protective big brother instead of being the chill, open-minded guy he prized himself to be? Aidan was only a few years younger than he was and despite his youth, he was already more determined and focused than anyone Liam knew. Shaking his head at himself, he dashed towards Aidan's crappy apartment complex and caught his buddy just as he was about to shut the door to his basement apartment. "ABs, Aidan, dude, I'm sorry," Liam apologized and pushed his way into the tiny studio. "I didn't have any right to pull that shit on you. You're your own man and you can do what you want. I just want to be sure you can trust the person or people you are with when you try stuff like Tina, so you don't make a mistake like I've made in the past." "Thanks bro." Aidan pulled his friend into a hug and almost let it linger too long before pounding his fist on Liam's back and pulling out of it. "I appreciate the worry but I know what I'm doing. But maybe if you told me what your experiences have been like I'd know better what to watch out for." "Not a chance ABs," Liam said, picking his bag up and heading back to the door. "There are some things even I'm too embarrassed to share. Just promise me you won't try it without somebody you can trust to watch your back." "how bout you?" Aidan's question stopped Liam with his hand on the door and before he could begin to protest, Aidan continued, "there's no one else I trust here as much as you, and I'm not even sure how to get something like Tina unless you hook me up. That way, you can be sure I'm playing it safe and I can make sure you don't make any MORE decisions you might regret." "Fine," Liam gave in after a moment, eliciting an excited cheer from Aidan. "Just remember to follow my lead, always stick to what I tell you, and keep away from any sketchy situations. I'll see if I can hook us up with some favors next weekend after work, cool?" "Yeah, I promise I'll be the perfect pupil." Aidan's excitement was clear in his tone, even though he was trying hard to play it cool. "Very good, grasshopper," Liam said, sharing a laugh with Aidan. "now take a shower, you're ass smells like cheap hookers and dirty jockstraps." ---- That week seemed to go by incredibly slowly for the two friends, with work and planning keeping them busy enough that they barely had time to chill or even chat before Friday arrived. Finally there was less than an hour left as the clock was inching its way towards closing, when Liam asked Aidan to help him reorganize some boxes in the basement. Checking to be sure the coast was clear, Liam pulled Aidan between some tall shelves and pulled out a small cloth bag and told Aidan to take a look. Pulling the drawstrings apart, Aidan turned the top of the bag into his hand and watched as a glass pipe, small section of a plastic straw and a plastic baggie containing some small see-through rocks slid out into his open palm. "Is this what I think it is?" Aidan whispered a little too louder, causing Liam to cover his mouth before smiling and nodding at his friend. Taking the glass pipe and motioning for Aidan to listen for the door, Liam slid the tip of the straw into the bag, filled it with some of the crystals, and deposited them into the round end of the glass pipe. Aidan's eyes were locked onto Liam's actions and his heart was beating harder than he'd ever felt it beat before. All week he'd wondered if he'd have the courage to try Tina as was planned but he'd figured it would just be him and his friend in Liam's apartment and he could back out if he got scared, but here in the basement at work he could barely breathe and he had to be cool and go through with it because he wouldn't be able to make any excuses without possibly drawing attention or taking too much time. "lighter?" Liam whispered, pulling Aidan back to reality. The terrified teen nodded and produced his lucky Zippo and watched as Liam lit it and held it to the bottom of the clear glass bowl. The rocks crackled and cracked and began to melt, turning into a cloud of white smoke as Liam rolled the bowl back and forth over the open flame. "inhale when I say go.'' Aidan leaned in, his body obeying as if in a trance while his mind screamed out 'no, stop, make him hit it first!' but it was no use. Liam signaled, and on cue he emptied his lungs and sucked in the smoke from the pipe as hard as he could until he could no longer inhale. The taste was almost non-existent, but as he began to exhale, it burned very differently from the pot and cloves he was used to smoking. He tried his hardest no to cough, but a couple small ones escaped into the elbow of his shirt; which he had turned his mouth towards. Opening his eyes he thought he'd find Liam looking angry at him for not being able to smoke without coughing but the college boy was busy lighting the bowl and taking his own hit from it. As Liam exhaled into Aidan's face, both of them felt a rushing wave of tingling power wash over them. "Holy shit. That is..." Aidan couldn't find a word fully capable of describing what he was going through at that moment. Taking the pipe, he let Liam show him how to light it himself and took another hit. As the smoke poured out of his mouth for a second time, he decided to keep describing it. " amazing... like having an orgasm and riding a roller coaster while jumping out of a plane." "That good huh?" Liam whispered back to him, taking his second hit. "I knew you'd like it." The two men handed the pipe back and forth a few more times, evolving into taking shot gun hits from each other's mouths on each exhale, in order to get as much from each hit as possible. Soon the bowl was empty and Aidan was asking Liam to load the rest. "Not yet," Liam said, pulling out breath mints and some body spray for them to use. Checking to be sure the coast was still clear, he snuck the pipe back into the bag with the Tina and straw and put them into a big pocket on his cargo pants. "This was just the teaser before we go get more from my guy after work. I was going to wait till we got off, but this way you won't be riding your first hit when we get there. Nothing is as obvious as a first timer looking to score some party favors, except a first timer looking to score party favors right after his first hit." "what do you mean, party favors?" Aidan asked, having trouble not reaching down and whipping his cock out right that second. Liam was right, he was higher and hornier than he ever remembered being, even compared to his few times with x and coke. "It is code for Tina or almost any hardcore substance," Liam was also using all his focus not to reach for his own cock or grab at Aidan's. "Now help me get these boxes onto the right shelves for the rest of our shift so we don't have to go back on the floor." The two tweaking men spent the next 30 to 40 minutes getting the pallets cleared off and everything put away, only stopping once to each do a line of Tina off a laminated form explaining the companies drug policies. "It would be a crime not to," Liam said as he crushed, drew out and snorted the first line before handing the straw to Aidan and watching him do the same. Suddenly it was 630 and announcement went across the store that they were closing and customers would be welcome to return the next day at 10AM. The guys shared a look that spoke of both anticipation and nerves before turning to climb the stairs and close up the store. As Liam had planned, most of the closing duties were covered so once the drawers were counted, all the men did was clock out, grab their coats and head out the door. Fresh air filled their lungs as they stepped out into the evening dusk, and it made Aidan high all over again. Feeling a tug at his arm, he let himself be led to Liam's car and got in, sitting silent for a second as he waited for his driver to go around and get in on the other side. They drove quietly for a few minutes before Liam began to explain that they were heading to the home of a man named Benjamin who would be hooking them up for the evening. When prompted, Aidan produced the 60 dollars he'd been told to bring, and Liam added it to a stack of his own that looked to contain 5 or 6 20 dollar bills, reminding Aidan that Liam was probably putting in more in order to keep the younger one out of trouble and out of debt. Pulling up outside a split level blonde brick house in a nice area of town ten minutes from their store, Liam turned off the car and announced they had arrived. "This is it?" Aidan gave the home a thorough inspection and felt confident he never would have believed this was were they were going. More likely a home like this would contain a family of four with two dogs, a cat and a gerbil, with nothing more exciting going on than the occasional dropped dish, blown fuse or burst pipe "What did you expect, a shack in the woods with a neon sign that said 'crack den?'" Liam tucked the money into his pocket along side his phone and deposited his wallet and all his keys except for the key fob that unlocked the car into the glove compartment. Following his lead, Aidan did the same, before the two of them disembarked and made their way up the thin concrete walk to the front door. "Be cool." Knocking three times, they stood on the front stoop for a minute before Aidan heard the sound of someone walking towards the door. A shadow moved over the pee hole and lingered longer than was probably necessary, causing Aidan to feel like he was being scrutinized by someone who was serious about who they let in. "Hey Benji man, it's Lee." Liam's quiet declaration began a chain reaction down the many locks of the door, eliciting clicks and snaps as five different tumblers turned and creaked until finally the door slid open with a whoosh of air that gave the impression that this entrance was sealed better than most Ziploc bags. "Let's go in ABs." Stepping inside, Aidan found himself even more surprised by the interior than he'd been by the exterior. Laid out in front of him was a living room adorned in beautiful décor with nice plush tan couches, wood and glass coffee and end tables that matched the bookcases and entertainment center, which held a nice collection of novels, DVDs, video games, electronic devices and framed a huge flat screen TV. Seated on the couch was a burly older white man with thinking brown wavy hair and a full, but well-trimmed beard. He was busy playing Assassin's Creed and barely looked over at us as Liam said hi and called him Dave. So enthralled by the surroundings that he forgot what they were doing, Aidan almost screamed when a tall, slim, muscled black man in his mid twenties appeared from behind the door before shutting it, locking all the many locks and motioning them to go in and have a seat. The two friends walked into the room from the entry hall and took their places, Liam on the couch next to Dave and Aidan in a leather arm chair, while Benjamin, or Benji as Liam had called him, played host. "You guys want anything? Water? Soda? Cocktail?" Benjamin's deep voice showed signs of education as well as an upbringing in a less polished neighborhood, and it caused Aidan to look back at the man with more attention than earlier. He was shirtless, and ripped from head to toe with tattoos dotting his light brown skin, but Aidan had failed to appreciate how intricate the tattoos were until that moment. Luckily Liam answered for both of them that water would be fine, because Aidan had lost himself in the amazing detail of each line and curve of the man's ink collection. The trance was broken only by Benjamin disappearing into the kitchen, allowing Aidan to turn back to the gents at hand. "Dave, this is my buddy Aidan." Liam made introductions, causing Aidan to reach out to shake the older man's hand, but only getting a nod from the distracted bear who was busy murdering some aristocrat on the screen while slouching into the corner of the couch in his ball shorts and open Hawaiian shirt. Benjamin reappeared from the other side of the living room, where Aidan guessed the kitchen wrapped could also be accessed. Handing each of them an open bottle of water, Aidan greedily chugged two thirds of it before looking up and seeing Benjamin and Liam both giving him disapproving looks. "You always this stupid or just too trusting?" Benjamin asked Aidan, making the boy stutter an apology while looking confused. "Don't sweat it bro, I didn't put anything in your drink man, but you never know who might so don't be downing open bottles of water unless you open them, coo?" "Would someone really do that Benjamin?" Aidan looked at his bottle with wide eyes. He'd heard of people being drugged, but he'd never thought that he could be. "Call me Ben man, or Benji if you're a Tool like Leroy here," Ben laughed and motioned to Liam, the two of them sharing in some private joke over their names. "and in all honesty, yeah. Some niggas might try to slip some shit in a pretty white boy's drink and once you take a swallow you never know if it will just fuck you up a little or if you'll wake up two days later tied to a bed in Bangkok while a dozen Mutha fuckahs rape yo fine white ass. Hell, if you're lucky you wake up, and not just end up in a morgue somewhere." "Stop scaring the new meat Benny," Dave paused his game and pushed the younger black man away from Aidan, causing him to topple onto the seat next to Liam. "Don't let him freak you out kid, we're all on the up and up here. He just likes to make straight bitches squirm, right Liam?" "Right Dave," Liam couldn't help joining with Ben on a quick laugh at Aidan's terrified face, before winking at his bud to reassure him. "So you guys got what we came for?" "I got it right here," Ben said, grabbing Liam's hand and placing between his legs, outlining a thick big bulge running down his jean-clad thigh. "Fuck you Benji," Liam gave Ben's cock a squeeze even though he was pretending to be pissed. "fucking dog with a bone... you know what I mean." "Yeah, how much you want?" Ben sat up and reach down below the end table, retrieving a wooden box. Opening it, he pulled out a scale like the ones used to weigh pot, some small bags, and a small plastic Tupperware container that opened to reveal lots of crystals just like the ones Liam had smoked with Aidan at work. "A shirt, plus 2 tabs of v and a couple caps of g," Liam spoke with authority, impressing Aidan, who was trying to look cool although the warm temp in the room had him sweating bullets. Dave was involved in his game again and seemed totally unpaved by what was happening, so Aidan figured this must be a pretty common occurrence. "Damn you boys got a party planned huh?" Weighing some of the crystals, Ben didn't look up as he spoke. "got the cash for all that?" "yeah, how much?" Liam leaned in and watched Ben weighing the stuff as they spoke. "For a shirt, 2 tabs of v and a couple caps? 200?" Aidan almost choked hearing the total. "Nice try man, most that shit is worth is 140." Liam calmly responded, sounding like he was negotiating for an apple from a street cart. "140 my black ass," Ben looked up for the first time and turned to Liam. "This is prime time stuff white boy, it's worth 140 by itself. Gotta add the rest up to 180 at least." "Only if the v is dipped in gold." Liam came back. "How bout 150 and my usual bonus later?" "You ain't that fine Leroy," Ben responded. Liam shrugged and leaned back against the back of the couch, causing his shirt to ride up a little a reveal his fuzzy muscly abs, which he rubbed his hand across. Aidan watched as Ben licked his lips. "A'ight bitch, make it 160 and we got a deal." "Done." Liam fished the wad of bills from his pocket, lifting his shirt even higher to gain access, and Ben smiled as Liam stuffed them into the pocket of the dealer's jeans, not coming back out for a good 10 seconds. "Now let's get a bowl loaded and get fucked up." Ben produced a bong from below the table, but instead of the classic bowl Aidan was used to seeing, this one was like the pipe he'd smoked at work with Liam. The dealer filled a tiny metal straw with crystal from his own stash, as Liam put a few crystals from his new bag into the bowl, which Ben then added to with his contribution. Turning to Aidan, Ben lifted the heavy glass water pipe over to the teen and motioned for him to take the first hit. Accepting nervously, Aidan held the pipe to his lips as Ben lit a small butane torch like the one Aidan used to crystallize the crème Brule at his last restaurant job, and began to melt the huge collection of rocks in the glass bowl at the end of the bong. When white vapors began to swirl, Liam nodded to Aidan and the young man took it as a sign and began to inhale as deep as he could. He was sure he wasn't getting anything but when he went to exhale, a giant cloud came out and he coughed like he had never smoked before. Ben laughed, but Liam gave him a thumbs up and motioned for him to pass the bong to Dave. The older man had paused his game for a second and lit and smoked the bong with no assistance. Once he'd taken it in, he turned to Liam and pulled the younger man's face to his and shotgunned the smoke into his mouth, ending with a tongue filled kiss. Liam exhaled almost as much as Aidan had, even though it was second hand from Dave, before taking the bong and hitting it himself. As he exhaled, he too coughed, and then, complaining of the heat, peeled away his sweaty polo, and kicking off his shoes and socks so he was in nothing but his baggy cargo khakis which rode low enough to reveal the black waist band of his white undies. Ben muttered some comment about Liam's nipples before taking his first hit off the bong, which he decided to shotgun to Aidan. Leaning over the arm of the couch, he curled his finger to the straight teen and Aidan scooted in until there was less than an inch between their lips. As his exhale began, Ben locked eyes with Aidan, who sucked in as much smoke as he could, without realizing he was leaning closer to catch it. Suddenly their lips touched as the last of the smoke escaped, and Ben pulled back after a quick peck. Letting his lungs deflate, Aidan felt his nerves buzzing as he worried about what these guys might want from him, but once he was taking another hit, he looked over and realized his new best friend was seated only 5 feet away and was there for the simple purpose of ensuring he was safe and happy. They continued to smoke for the next 25 minutes, until Dave got too tweaked to continue his game and suggested they put on a movie. As Ben reloaded the bowl, Dave pulled out a big black leather book of DVDs and asked Aidan to pick one for them to watch. At first it was just some raunchy r rated films and some bad ads action flicks, but slowly the book turned into a collection of pornos, each of them dirtier and kinkier than the last. Some were gay, some were straight and a few were bi, although most of the bi DVDs looked like they were only for bi males, containing no lesbian action. Thinking he should keep things from progressing any further, Aidan was about to turn back to the front of the book when he found a DVD that made him freeze. It wasn't a professional DVD like the others, and it had no picture on the cover to suggest what went on in it. All it had to identify it was a date from a few months earlier and a few words written across it in red sharpie: Benji, Leroy, & Mark gang bang Emily. Smirking, Aidan looked up and pulled out the DVD, handing it to David who read the title, and smiled back at Aidan. Liam and Ben were too busy passing a pipe between them, having decided the bong was too cumbersome, and talking in hushed tones to notice Dave and Aidan's conspiratorial glances. It wasn't until the DVD was in and began to play that either of them even realized Aidan had picked one. Liam leaned forward to make it less obvious that he'd been whispering with the ripped ebony god on his right, and handed the pipe to his friend, only glancing momentarily at what was on the screen. Reaching for his bottle of water and taking a swig, he stopped mid gulp, slammed the bottle down on the table and stood up, spinning back to face the TV. "No no no no! No way man!" Liam protested, reaching for the remote on Dave.a far side, which the older guy was quick to snatch away and hold out of Liam's reach. "Come on Dave, we're not watching this shit, not with ABs, I mean Aidan here." "ABs?" Ben asked, taking the pipe from Aidan and showing no sign of worry that this DVD was showing. "It's my initials, A. B." Aidan said, catching the remote as Dave threw it over Liam's head, and holding it far from Liam as he came around the table for it. "Come on, 'Leroy' it's just a little video." "Fuck you Aidan," Liam said, missing his chance as Aidan tossed the remote back to Dave. "No chance am I gonna let you see me in this. Come on Benji, we can't let him see the... thing." "What thing?" curious, Aidan looked at the two men across the room, both of whom just laughed and dropped the subject. "We got at least an hour til then, more like two, I'll turn it off before that Leroy," Ben assured his friend. "I swear." "Fuck. Fine, whatever, but as soon as you-know-what starts, it goes off, deal?" Liam turned to both men and made them promise before returning to his seat. They'd all been so distracted trying to control the viewing, no one had been paying attention, so they were already a few minutes in. On the screen were Ben and Liam and some other guy, each lounging or sitting on the edge of a huge king size bed. All of them were naked except for boxers or briefs, and they were passing around the same pipe that Aidan was smoking right now, while they watched porn on a screen just outside the shot. If there was any doubt that the sound coming from the screen was porn playing, the hard ons that each of the three of them were displaying made it a sure thing. They shared the occasional comment about what was happening on screen and inquiring about the where abouts of Emily but mostly they stayed focused on hitting the pipe and groping themselves through their undies. Without warning Ben and the guy Aidan assumed was Mark decided enough was enough and they dropped their undies, letting their hard dicks pop out. Aidan gasped, making his fellow smokers laugh, when he got a peek at Ben's huge Dick. It was at least 10 inches long and uncut, with a tattoo around the base that he couldn't quite make out. Mark walked between Ben and the camera and Aidan almost gasped once more as he switched his focus to this guy's 9 inches of also uncut meat. Taking his first good look at the man, Aidan was surprised to see that Mark was latin, and probably about the same age as he was. Totally engrossed in checking out the two nude men in the film that he had all but forgotten Liam, he managed to remember just in time to look over and watch as Liam pulled off his own undies, and the familiar 8 inches of circumcised cock, that Aidan had handled just a week ago, was also free. Watching in a mix of horror and awe, Aidan sat dumbstruck as Liam sank to his knees and began jerking and licking the other two men's monster cocks. "See?" Liam said to Ben and Dave. "Aidan is freaked out, we should turn it off." Aidan almost agreed when a noise on the screen got Liam off his knees and back into bed while Ben pulled on some boxers (which Aidan would have sworn were Mark's) and disappeared off screen for a minute. Upon his return, he was followed by a beautiful girl with long, light brown curly hair, a gorgeous curvy tall body, a sweet innocent young face, and the cutest young voice. Aidan's cock jumped in his pants as she took a hit from the pipe while Ben removed his boxers, walked up behind her and began to undo her fly. Crawling across the bed, Mark and Liam met the two of them at the foot and started unbuttoning her shirt and taking turns kissing her while encouraging her to take more hits from the pipe. Now nude and getting progressively higher, Emily couldn't help but moan and giggle as three men took turns touching her in every sensitive area they could get to. "I gotta hit the head," Liam announced as he stood and left the room, poorly masking his discomfort over the public showing of his private group session. While he wanted to stick by his friend, Aidan was now in lust with the teenage bombshell on the screen and had no choice but to let the video unfold as Ben pushed her back on the bed and told her to suck Liam's cock while he and Mark took turns eating her out and sucking on her fits. In the real world, Ben was enjoying himself on screen, as was Dave, so the two of them didn't hesitate to undress and begin jacking. Looking over when he heard Ben's zipper coming down, Aidan gulped and turned back to the TV so he didn't have to face Ben's real life monster meat or the massively thick cut and pierced penis that Dave had revealed. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the men stroke themselves to full mast, and wondered what was taking Liam so long. A moan from the TV signaled the first penetration as Mark began to slide his thick Latin snake into Emily's shaved snatch, and Aidan couldn't help but reach down to feel his own cock. For a split second, panic swept over Aidan as he realized his cock was no longer hard, and, in fact, had shrunk to the smallest he'd ever felt it, at least in the past few years. Before he shouted for someone to call 911, Liam reappeared and seemed to know what was happening without even turning the corner entirely. "Dude, can you get us those Viagra tabs?" Liam's request made Ben groan and drop his Dick, turning his attention to the wood box where he kept his Tina stash. Seconds later he fished out two blue diamond-shaped pills, and tossed one to each of the guests. "Thanks man, I don't know about you ABs, but I got a serious case of Tina Dick and nothing helps get me up again like a little V." Tina Dick? Right, me too man." Pretending to be in the loop, Aidan realized that 'Tina dick' must refer to Tina making your cock soft. Swallowing the blue pill with a gulp of water, Aidan was grateful that he hadn't tried this with some girl and ended up thinking his Dick was broken. Returning his focus to the video, Aidan saw that something had distracted the guys on the screen and now it was just Liam and Emily laying bed smoking from the pipe, with Ben and Mark no where to be seen. Since the video had lost its appeal and Liam had distracted the real Ben, the party changed focus and Ben said he wanted something to eat. Asking if anyone else was hungry, Aidan was surprised to say no, even though it was now nearly 10pm and he hadn't eaten anything since having a granola bar before work. Too nervous to eat at lunch time, Aidan figured he'd get the munchies with Tina just like with weed and could eat once he was high, instead all he felt was horny as fuck, hotter than hell and thirstier than a fish on dry land. When he asked for something more to drink, Liam offered to get him something, and suggested Dave might like to show Aidan around the house in case he needed to find the kitchen or bathroom later. "My pleasure," Dave stood and towered over Liam and Aidan by a few inches, probably standing between 6'5 and 6'8. Even at that height, he and Ben were probably within an inch of each other, making Aidan wonder if Tina caused growth spurts. "follow me young master, and I'll see if we have something cooler for you to slip into." Walking and talking, Dave led Aidan first to the kitchen and powder room which were just off the entry hall past the living room. Between the other end of the kitchen and living room was a small dining room with an expensive cherry dining set. Cutting back across the kitchen, Dave pointed out the detached garage across the backyard before they crossed into the entry again, this time descending the stairs into the basement where Dave explained they spent a lot of time in the summer when it got this hot. The main area which Dave referred to as the rec room, was carpeted in what looked like orange shag that had survived there since the 70's with a couple black corduroy couches facing a flat screen that was almost as big as its friend upstairs, but didn't come with the surround sound speakers, various electronic devices and awesome entertainment center. It was mounted on the wall, above a blonde brick fireplace, with two long cords attaching it to a surge protector and simple DVD player from ten years ago. On the far wall was a sink and bar and a door that led up a small staircase and into the back yard. To the left of the stairs was a tight hall with three brown doors, one leading to a full bathroom that had a huge steam shower, one leading to a bedroom that was locked up tight, and one containing just enough space for a washer, dryer, drying rack, ironing board and a small chest of drawers. Reaching in to the top drawer, Dave retrieved a pair of blue shorts with yellow piping that looked like something magnum p.i. would have worn in the late 80's, a small green well worn t shirt, and a pair of cheap rubber flip flops. Aidan looked at the clothing and realized it was for him, which made him laugh a little as he declined to put it on. "Suit yourself," Dave shrugged and set the stuff on the dryer. "Just seems to me that you're sweating like a hog in your long sleeves and slacks, and those clothes will be ruined if you keep sweating like that." "I guess you have a point," Aidan smiled and picked up the shorts and tee, hoping Dave would move to the door. He didn't budge, obviously planning to watch the teen change. Resigned to the fact Dave wasn't gonna leave without a little peek, Aidan unbuckled his belt, undid his pants and let them drop to his feet, confident that his shirt hung low enough to cover his briefs. Pulling the shorts up his legs, he secured them over his butt and waist before unbuttoning his shirt. Looking up at Dave for the first time during the strip, he smiled to himself to see the beast of a man almost drooling over his fuzzy thighs and calves. Pulling his shirt down to just one arm, he swung it over his head and let it loose perfectly timed so it flew into Dave face. While he peeled away his undershirt, he listed as Dave took loud, long sniffs at the scent of his sweaty oxford. Donning the tight thread bare green tee, he pulled it down as far as it would go, but some flesh still showed between its hem and the waist of the ridiculously short shorts. "Damn you are hot boy," Dave complimented Aidan as he bent down to remove his socks and slip into the flip flops. A hard smack rang through the small room as Dave's palm hit Aidan's turned out ass cheek, causing the boy to yelp and jump up and out into the hallway. "Too bad you're straight. Well, shall I show you the rest of the house?" Up, up, up they went to the second story, peeking behind door after door to view the hall bathroom, linen closet, the guest room, an office with an expensive computer set up, and finally the master suite. Jaw agape, Aidan looked around the master and confirmed it was the room from the video, as Dave went past him to the master bath to empty the ol' garden hose. By the photos on the nightstand and dresser, Aidan realized this was Dave's room, which surprised him since he believed the house belonged to Ben. Opening the top drawer of the dresser, Aidan began pawing through leather harnesses, Velcro bondage cuffs, metal nipple clamps and various rubber and plastic toys. Glancing in the mirror to see what he'd look like in a leather collar, Aidan caught the reflection of Dave's pierced Dick as he emptied it into the toilet. With the light on and door wide open, Aidan couldn't help but stare as the man began stroking the cock while he peed. Closing his eyes, Aidan imagined getting to feel the massive pierced cock in his hands. He fantasized about stroking with Dave while the girl from the video suck them off. Reaching into his short shorts, Aidan could tell the Viagra was working as he was now fully erect and leaking into his briefs. He palmed his cock as the images in his head transformed and the girl on her knees became Liam, begging to suck Aidan's big cock until it exploded. He was so lost in his fantasy he didn't hear Dave finish in the bathroom and come up behind him. "thinking happy thoughts I see." Dave's voice was low and deep and his beard was soft and scratchy at the same time as it rubbed across Aidan's shoulder. Jumping at the feel of a rough manly hand joining his in his shorts, Aidan stopped jerking and pulled his hand free, where Dave caught it and moved it back against his own naked stiff penis. "Don't stop on my account. I promise not to tell your friend if you tell me what got you so hard." "Just picturing the girl from the video." Aidan spun out of Dave's grasp and dislodged the hand from his cock. "Wonder what's happening in the video, wanna see?" taking the steps two at a time, he bounded into the living room and almost ran over Liam. "There you are!" Liam handed Aidan the unopened bottle of Gatorade he'd brought for him. "I was looking for you to see if you wanted to try some ghb with me." "Sure, where? In the kitchen? Let's go." Pushing Liam ahead of him, Aidan led them through the living and dining room and into the kitchen so they wouldn't run into Dave as he made his way back from upstairs. Needing some time to cool off and get away from his molester, Aidan would probably have said yes to doing anything in the kitchen at that point, so he only half listened as Liam explained that ghb was kinda like drinking a ton of liquor or being roofied. "... Pretty much just helps to even you out so you're not too tweaked." Aidan caught just the end of Liam's explanation as Ben handed them each a shot glass. Looking at how little was in each one, Aidan realized how strong it must be, so it was no surprise that Liam was protesting to Ben about his being twice as full as Ben's or mine. "We made us a deal remember Leroy?" Ben winked at Liam, who turned and smiled half heartedly at Aidan before shrugging and downing his shot. The other two men followed suit, and Aidan gagged a little at how bad the taste was. Ripping the lid from his Gatorade, he swirled and gurgled a few gulps of Gatorade before he was sure he wouldn't Ralph, and then asked how long it would take to go into effect. "5 minutes or so, but we should go back into the living room and finish the movie." Ben led them towards the couches, but Aidan made an excuse that he needed to get his phone from his pants and take a leak, so he could avoid seeing Dave for another minute or two. "A'ight bro, just make sure to go through the kitchen to get back to the living room, cause people sometimes come to buy stuff and might be in the front hall and I doubt you want them seeing your ass in that shit." In the laundry room, Aidan felt guilty for avoiding Dave when he found his shirt and pants hung nicely on hangers. He decided to go right back up and apologize for being a freak, and figured it was too soon for anyone to be in the hall yet, so he went ahead and turned into the entry instead of going through the kitchen. Before he made the turn into the living room, what he saw stopped him dead in his tracks. On the couch in front of him was Liam, his arms pinned behind his back, his pants and briefs around his knees, with Ben on top of him, holding his arms with one hand while the other was busy trying to force a finger into the white boy's hole. "Please stop Benji! Aidan could be hack at any second!" Liam's pain and fear were undermined every time he tried to buck free and Ben's finger managed to get a little deeper in his ads, eliciting moans that betrayed his hunger for what was happening. "Stop before he sees me like this!" "That hitch is coming back through the kitchen and Dave is there to give us the signal before they come in here," Ben worked a second finger in Liam's asshole, making him cry out. "Besides, you and me made us a deal that I get to seed that pussy." "Not on your life Benji," Liam fought a little harder when Ben announced his intentions, which only drove his butt further onto the fingers. "I said I'd do what I did last time, which was suck you and Dave off and let Dave suck me off, nothing about fucking me." "Yo mouth may be saying it doesn't want to get that butt pounded," Ben started rhythmically thrusting his fingers in and out of Liam's hole, forcing sighs and moans to escape his lips. "but that ads is hungry for it, ain't it Leroy? Ain't it?" "No, please, uuuhhhhn, you'll rip my ass up," Liam collapsed onto the couch and Ben started to move up like he was going to mount Liam right then and there. Aidan was sickened, but found when he looked down, that his hands had pulled his big cock from its cotton prison, and were stroking for all they were worth. "That's the plan cunt boy." Ben pulled out his fingers, spit into his palm and rubbed it along his shaft, getting it up to its full length, looking bigger than earlier on the video. Aidan suddenly realized his friend was about to get raped, and the haze around him lifted just long enough to remember why he was doing this with a trusted friend: so neither of them would do something they didn't want to do. He turned down the hall and shoved his cock into his shorts and jogged down to the kitchen. "Ah, here's Aidan!" Dave called out, obviously trying to warn Liam and Ben. Shuffling and some curse words could be heard from the living room as Dave made small talk and tried to slow Aidan's progress back into the other room. By the time he made it to where he could see his friend, Liam was back in his briefs, but his pants were now around his ankles, and Ben was across the room in the leather recliner, stroking his massive uncut Dick like everything was normal. "Everything okay?" Aidan asked, sitting next to Liam and looking for signs that his friend needed help. "Yeah man, just waiting for your slow ass," Liam responded, smiling and elbowing Aidan, before leaning over and picking up the pipe to take a hit. Not believing what he was seeing Aidan sat stunned as he watched Liam chat with Ben and Dave like he had just almost been raped by the dealer's humongous uncut doing. Taking the pipe in his hands, he wondered if he imagined the whole thing. "Let's finish this bowl quick boy," Ben commanded as he took a hit. "After we finish it, Leroy promised to finish helping me with something downstairs, right Leroy? Gonna help me drain those pipes and take whatever comes out till they are empty, just like you promised?" "Sure Benji," Liam reached over and took the pipe, agreeing to let Ben fuck his hole under the pretext of plumbing, not even batting an eye. "I promised to help you snake that drain, and I will." Aidan was wide eyed and slack jawed as his friend handed him the pipe. Whether Liam was saying he wanted to get pounded or not, Aidan didn't know. All Aidan knew was a) he had to find a way to spy on Liam and Benji when they went downstairs, and he was hard as a rock imagining Liam getting fucked. To be continued in part 3... Included below are some photos that inspired me.
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  32. I will gladly and yes please may I make a video for your viewing pleasure. My last on included the other guy pissing all over me, then cutting off all my clothes except for the t shirt and underwear that he left on shredded almost to nothing. I get hard just thinking about it, dying to do it again
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  33. Leading him into the bedroom, I picked up the remote control clicked on the tv, launching it immediately into a revolving loop of the hardest, sweatiest and wettest porn. We stood and watched the scene for a while, two guys - one my favourites, dirty Aussie boi Kieron - pounding a shaved headed British guy in a black and white jock. Each thrust keenly showed on the bottom’s ecstatic face. I looked at Milos who was licking his lips. I jumped onto the bed and onto my back, reaching into the draw I pulled out my pipe - always loaded with T and a lighter. “Wanna join me?” I asked. Milos looked uncertain. But I’ll let you into a little secret I m’ve learned about boys like Milos. They start off smoking spliffs cos it’s cool and poppers because they’re good for wanking and that first bout of getting fucked with rubbers. Then they get into the gay scene and take some coke and before they know it they’ve graduated to pills, mdma and prep because when you’re high who wants to fuck around opening a condominium packet? They think they’re party boys with their lines of coke, pills, powder and V. And finally they start taking the odd bump of k. For them, k is hardcore. I mean, who ever wants to fall down a k-hole more than once? For them, Tina is for losers. Who wants to become an addict and fuck up their lives? But that’s the secret they harbour deep in their souls. By this point they’re watching hard, bareback porn - the hardest. They’re popperbating to raw fucking, doing piss (only) when they’re high and spending time in saunas and dark rooms. But in the back of their minds they’re not intrigued by Tina, they want to try it and just want to find someone they trust, who won’t make them take too much. And “just the once” because who doesn’t want to be a bottom boi slut n whore at least once taking load after load and hopefully from a group of men they’ve never met? Gentlemen, may I present Milos. Poor fucking cunt. He was hungry for Tina. Just the once. I was going to make him my Summer Time T Whore. He looked uncertain but I could tell from his eyes that he wanted to. I lit the pipe and watched the smoke start to swirl. I took a gentle toke and placed the pipe on the bedside. I stretched, flexing my abs and closing my eyes, I started to knead and stretch my bollocks, lifting my hand to my face to sniff the mix of all day musk, sweat and his saliva that made my bollocks wet and sweaty. I knew he was watching. I could feel it. I spread my legs and let my hand drop to my cunt and moaned a little. I felt pressure at the end of the bed, and opening my eyes, I saw Milos straddling my feet. I smiled and beckoned him over. Pulling him into my arms, I drew him in for a kiss. He didn’t resist and our tongues proved each other’s mouths and without thinking about it Milos got his first taste of T smoke. I pulled him in closer, my hand cupping his jock. I told him he was “gorgeous”, “sexy” and “hot”. And I wasn’t lying. He was. And I knew at some point during our session I would tell him I “loved” him. And at the precise moment I probably would. In the midst of animalistic, drug-fuelled fucking there is always a momentarily lapse into “love”. I opened the poppers and took two deep huffs and closed the bottle without offering it Milos. Pulling him back towards me, he instinctively opened his mouth and drew in my poppers breath. Swapping breath, clean, poppers or otherwise is such an amazing thing - neither of you wanting to pull away until you’re dizzy. And good prep when debasing a new boi. Finally we pulled ourselves apart and I dropped my hand to his arse. The butt plug was still there and as I began to leverage it in his hole we kissed, his hands finding and tweaking my tits and making me moan involuntarily. Finally I pulled it out and looked at it, glistening and sticky with his arse juices. I pushed it into my mouth, savoring his salty taste in my mouth before he greedily pulled it out of my mouth and sucked on it himself. I grinned, pulling it back I traced it down his back and inserted once again in to his wet hole before pushing him down towards my cock. He slid down and took my cock to the back of his throat, involuntarily gagging as he miscalculated how long and thick my cock had become. He pulled back and drew a line of precum from the head of my cock to his lips before sliding down my shaft again. His hands kneaded my bollocks as he gorged and spat on my cock. One hand lightly fingered my hole before he pulled it back and took a deep sniff. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his fingers into my mouth, eager to taste my own musky cunt. As he sucked my cock, worshipping it I picked up the pipe, lit it and took another gentle toke. Holding it in, I replaced the pipe and stared at him. Like a feral animal he moved up my body and grabbing my head in both hands pushed his lips against mine and opened his mouth. For an instant I held my breath and then ever so slowly, I released the vapor into his mouth. He sucked my breath into his lungs and held back from releasing. Our eyes were open and we were staring at each other. As I watched, his pupils dilated and his cock, still trapped in his jock shuddered as he pushed it against my own throbbing tool. He pulled away and breathed out, burying his face in my chest. My hand slid down and grabbed his cock through the sports fabric and whispered: “More?” He looked up. The confusion was gone, replaced with a new look, a desire for more smoke, for the opportunity to releases the depraved cunt he had been hiding for so long. I handed him the pipe and lit it. Guiding him I coaxed him to take two short tokes and then a deeper one. Taking the pipe from him, I pushed him into his back and swung behind him. I pulled up his legs and revealed his arse in all its glory still strapped into the jock. His arse was hairy, from cheeks to crack and when I pulled his cheeks - muscular and hard - apart, I sighed as I saw the dark fur covering his crack and hole. I bent down and took a deep breath and my cock went rigid as I inhaled the smell of his unfucked cunt - I caught a faint whiff of sweat and rubber from the dildo before running my tongue the length of the groove. Milos gasped as he felt my my tongue travel between his cheeks and then return to start lapping and chewing on his hairy hole. I inhaled again as I pulled his cheeks further apart, and slightly buzzing began to push and probe at his hairy hole, seeking to taste the insides of his arse, still sweet and unbattered by my cock. I pulled his arsehole apart, probing it with my fingers and tongue. Milos opened the poppers and took a deep hit before handing the bottle to me. Two deep huffs and I was eating his cunt out, pushing my tongue deep into his hole, gobbing on it and prising it open to watch my spit get swallowed up before exporting him to push his rosebud out for me to chew. Before I lost all sense of time I stopped and pulled off his jock. His cock sprang free and, uncut, as it sprang back it spewed precum all over his hairy belly. I pulled back his gorgeous foreskin and focused on his cock, his hands moving to the back of my head. I growled as I swallowed his cock, pulling in his generous foreskin with my teeth and sliding my hand up and down his spit-wet shaft. I slid a finger under his arse and gently eased it up his hole making him gasp. I pulled it out and pushed two fingers into his mouth, feeling his tongue swirl them with gob before pushing them back into his wet home up the knuckle and twisting them in sync with sucking his cock. His hands found my tits and tweaked them, making me spurt precum. I finally pulled off and pulled him to me for a deep, wet snog as I continued to finger his boi cunt. We were now sweaty, and slightly high so I grabbed the pipe and we shared a few clouds of T. We were in a frenzy of kissing, grappling and sucking each others cocks and licking out each other’s pits when I suddenly found his legs over my shoulders and my cock primed. Without asking I rammed my cock into his hole. No niceties or pleasantries just my raw, unrelentingly hard cock deep in his cunt. He gasped as I ripped into his hole, and for an instant tried to push me off, but as quickly realising this was what he wanted. His legs wrapped around my body as I started to pound his hole open. Each thrust causing him to wince and grunt in pain, but his legs pulling me back in deeper every time. We were locked together, eyes locked, my balls slapping against his butt with each deep stroke; only stopping to pull out before slamming back in and making Milos yelp and grin. Our breathing in sync, I told him how tight he was, and he answered telling me how he wanted me to use and open up his cunt; breed him; fuck him in every way. And I responded by pulling his head back by his hair and gobbing in his mouth, calling him my cunt boi and how I was going to stretch his arse, breed him and fill him with my piss. But not yet. After one final hard deep thrust, I pulled out and pulled his arse into the air. I looked at his hole. It was slightly more open, but not enough. I pushed my tongue in and tasted my precum as he automatically pushed his bud out into my mouth. His hands reached round to strike and squeeze my cock before I pulled him up and we faced each other on our knees. His cock was dripping as I grabbed it. Pulling back his foreskin I wiped his cockhead with my fingers and licked them. I leaned over and opened the draw. As he watched I pulled a box out and opening it took out a bolt, and dexterously weaved it into the head of my cock. “Fuck, yeah man,” he whispered as he stroked his cock and balls. I leaned over the bed and picked up his bullet. I gave it to twists and held it under his nose; then repeated it for me. It burned it was so strong. Taking a bottle of water from the side of the bed I drank half of it before watching Milos finish the bottle. Then I pushed him into his back and fell into his sweaty, open arms. As we kissed we started to feel the heat in our bodies increase as the k started to take effect. I love K. I love the sensation it gives me of being outside my own body but most of all I love how it makes me as sweaty as fuck and rampant. Tonight was no different and I know what I wanted. I lay down and swung him on top so his arse was over my face. He needed no instructions and pushed his wet, sweaty, fucked hole into my face. I moaned as I was smothered by his hairy arse and felt him lean down to suck my cock and chew on my piercing. My hands rubbed and pummeled his hairy sweaty back as I tried to push my face quite literally into his arse. Every so often he would pull back and push his cock down my throat, taking charge as he fed me cock and cunt, only stopping to gob on my face or share hits of poppers. We were laughing from how sexy and horny we felt. The verbal was hard and dirty and we were in tune. Suddenly he pulled my arse into the air and pushed his face into my butt. As I’ve said before, I’m not one for being eaten out but tonight I gasped from the sheer pleasure of feeling his stubbled face and rough tongue on my sweaty musky hole, matching my own tongue on his cunt lap for lap. He told me how good my arse tasted - musky, sweaty, earthy - as he spread my cheeks and pushed his fingers in. Subconsciously I thanked God that i’d been on a light diet for the last few days in preparation for my original plans to be a total bottom for the whole weekend, as never before had I wanted someone’s tongue in my arse as I wanted Milos’. Releasing me he rolled me over and into all fours. Throwing me the poppers he spread my cheeks and burrowed into my arse. As I watch the porn - now Josh Weston being fucked by a bunch of black dudes - Milos licked, chewed and ate out my arse as I reached back and held his face against my arse, only pausing to rub his uncut cock against my hole. I could feel my hole getting wetter and wetter and the urge to give up my cunt was almost overwhelming. But not tonight. As he once again teased my hole with his cock I reached under and squeezed his bollocks hard enough to make him yell and unbalance him. I seized the opportunity and push him into his stomach and rammed my cock into his unprepared arse, forcing one arm up behind his back. As he struggled I slapped the side of his head. “No, you cunt. You don’t get to fuck me. I’m going to make you my sub boi and ruin your butt.” I slapped his head again and as he begged me not to stop I plowed his arse with deep hammer fucks, pulling all the way out before ramming my cock back in balls deep. As he breathing grew ragged his arse finally gave way and I drove my cock deeper than ever before, feeling his arse muscle give in as he gave in to the piercing ripping his insides open. I released his arm and slide two fingers in under my cock, widening his hole, and feeling my precum ooze out. I pushed his head into the pillow and became focused on thing and one thing only, opening up his arse with my cock and fingers. Beneath me, Milos was grunting not from pain but from a new sensation deep in his cunt he’d probably not experienced before but which every bottom eventually comes to feel - the need to be filled, pounded and used. Once that feeling takes over nothing else matters. Suddenly Milos was pushing his arse against my cock in synchronous rhythm, and pulling his arse cheeks apart so that he could feel me as deeply as possible. I flipped him over, and pulling his legs open, pushed my cock into his arse. Now we were one sweating, seething bestial mass of flesh. Joined cock to arse, lips on lips, tongues wrestling in each other’s mouths, we had reached that moment when we were connected. As I felt my balls tighten, I grabbed his head in both hands and our eyes locked. His hands reached round to pull me deeper, his fingers finding my sweaty cunt and fingering my hole. I couldn’t hold back any longer and with a yell I began spewing my spunk into his hole. Spasm after spasm wracked my body as I released wad after wad of cum into his hole. His hand went to his cock and within seconds he was cumming at the same time, each jab of my cock releasing a torrent of his spunk over his sweaty hairy body and my heaving chest. Still I kept fucking him, pushing my spunk deep into his guts. For an eternity we remained fused as I unloaded my balls until finally I collapsed on him, still snogging as he scooped his seed and smeared in over my lips before kissing me. Finally I pulled out, and rolled over onto my back, fluidly pushing him down and feeling him lick my cock and balls clean of any cum that had managed to escape. Catching my breath I rolled him over me and buried my face in his arsehole. Without a pause, I felt Milos push his arse over my face and as I opened my mouth, I felt a stream of my cum, precum and his arse juices flood into my mouth as he sucked my cock. It tasted so good and I swallowed the load, feeling it burn my throat as it flooded my own stomach. Rolling off, Milos kissed me once again, his tongue searching out any residue from his insides in my mouth. At least, temporarily sated we lay there, panting in each other’s arms. Still slightly buzzing from the K and T, we stroked and caressed before I rose up with my still hard cock slapping between my thighs and beckoned him to follow me.
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  34. Part 52 Randy and I were both startled by this gasp and rolled over to look towards the kitchen doorway. There stood my straight friend, with his mouth agape and staring at us wide-eyed in shock. I could tell he was having trouble wrapping his mind around what he was looking at. His mouth kept opening and closing, trying to figure out what to say and not being able to put into words what he wanted to say. Here I was under Randy with his huge cock still deep inside my ass, on my back with both legs wrapped around him. What a sight it must have been to my straight friend who had no idea what I had been up to. Randy took his time pulling his cock out of me and rolling off of me. He was in no way embarrassed it seemed. As he got off of me, my legs were still widespread and I could feel some cum slipping out of my hole and running down across my balls. It must have been quite a huge shock to see from a guy who knew nothing about this kind of thing. I am sure he didn't even realize, yet, that he had already taken a hot load earlier. He was going to be in for another shock real soon. My friend finally dropped into a chair with his mouth still trying to make coherent sounds. His eyes were bugged out and I could tell he was completely shocked and surprised by what he had just seen. Randy and I were having trouble trying not to laugh at the looks going across his face. He just sat there with his mouth opening and shutting and his face getting redder by the minute and his eyes bugged out and rapidly blinking. It was quite a sight to see and I couldn't help but wonder what he was going to look like after I told him he had already taken a load in his own ass just like I had? I also wondered about when he found out those loads were very high viral loads of hiv cum? This was going to be, I was quite sure, both comical and tragic. What would my friend do when he found out what had happened? Not much he could do except to rush his ass to the hospital to get PEP to hope it stopped his infection, that is if he could even think straight after he found out. I decided I had better get at least some shorts on and get him calmed down. I got up and grabbed my shorts and went to the kitchen to start some coffee. When I came back my friend was calmed down a little and was sitting with his head in his hands. I told him he should come to the kitchen table so we could have a cup of coffee and talk. He got up and walked like a zombie to the kitchen and collapsed in a chair. In a few minutes, the coffee was ready and I got us each a cup and then Randy walked in so I got him one also. My friend was looking at us both like he saw aliens or something. He still was not comprehending what he had seen. I then told him to get ready for a triple shock. He looked up then and his face was definitely a study in questioning. I started to tell him and stopped a few times before I could put into sensible words what I wanted to say. First off I told him the reason I had not been around as much lately is that I had become entangled in man to man sex, mainly out of curiosity to start with and then it had become almost an obsession. I told him about my new neighbor and owner of the property and the one who had first done me. I then went on to tell him about several others I had had sex with including Randy who I finally introduced him to, also explaining that Randy was also an exotic male dancer. After all this, my friend's eyes were kind of bugging out again. I told him about him getting way too drunk to drive home and that he had somehow staggered outside in my backyard where he had dropped his shorts and took a piss. I told him I had tried to get him back into the apartment, but that he had been too out of it to make it and too heavy for me to carry so I had left him out there hoping he would sober up a little bit and then I could get him inside. I then told him that while I was inside waiting on him, he had apparently got up from the ground, dropped his shorts, maybe to take another piss of something, and had passed out bent over the picnic table out there with his shorts still at his ankles. He still had not said a word yet. I then told him that I came back outside in a bit to check on him and, this part was kind of hard to tell him, found Randy with his big cock rammed up his ass. His eyes got even wider at that. I told him I had told Randy he was married and was straight and not into man to man and he shouldn't have done that. Rand broke in to say he was so sorry about that, but that with him bent over like he was and his pants down he had thought he was just one of the usual guys that were around here. I went on to say that by the time I got there, Randy had already just cum up his ass. Since it was too late to stop, we had just come inside ourselves and since Randy was a fantastic stud, we had done it ourselves also and that was when he walked in on us just as we finished up. My friend finally was able to speak a bit and told us that must be why his ass was sore and seemed to be damp. Randy and I just nodded. My friend then asked what the third thing was since I had said it would be a triple shock. I definitely had trouble putting into words this next part to him. I finally got it out though as I told him that Randy had HIV and was not taking any meds, so his viral level was quite high and the load he had shot up my friends ass was probably a huge load since he always came a lot. My friend almost passed out then. I then decided to shut up and let him digest what had happened and to wait to see what he would do.
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  35. Moderator's Note: This part includes descriptions of sex with a woman. Normally, we would not allow that, but in this case, the straight sex serves to further the story of Marcus and Nick. If straight sex becomes a larger part of the narrative, it will have to be moved. For now, this is to warn you not to read on if reading about straight sex will be offensive to you. PART 4: Marcus, Chloe and I had all been working hard during the week and were counting the hours til the weekend, we had planned on going on a roadtrip together to an all inclusive resort in order to de-stress. We had Saturday night booked and we were excited about being able to unwind. Friday evening came and I got a text from Chloe saying, "Marcus should be home soon, we were texting earlier and thought it might be fun if we went ahead and traveled to the resort tonight to get the most of tomorrow as we could, what do you think?" I responded back that I was already packed so it'd be cool with me, but we didn't book a room for tonight. Chloe texted that she checked and there were many rooms still available. I got to Marcus and Chloe's apartment about an hour later, Chloe was the only one there so we waited on Marcus together and had some drinks, he'd have to be the DD and get us to the resort tonight. We chitchatted while we waited and imbibed on our cocktails. Chloe said, "Sooo, Marcus says you have a big dick?" "I don't know about all that, it's probably bigger than average but it's not as big as Marcus'," I responded. "Marcus' cock is fantastic, but it's actually a little too long, he can't get it all in me," Chloe sighed. Boy, did I know what she meant. Except, Marcus COULD get it all inside me. That made me smile. Chloe and I were getting kinda trashed, we finished off the tequila that we were going to take with us to the resort. Chloe texted Marcus to stop by the store to stock us up on liqour for our weekend. Chloe blurted out, "Can I see it?" "Huh?" I was dumbfounded. "Your hard cock," Chloe said matter of factly, "Can I see it? Marcus won't care, he talks about us all the time." Talks about us? Did she mean Chloe and Marcus or Marcus and myself? She was already on her knees in front of me on the couch rubbing my quickly stiffening rod through my jeans. I mumbled, "I don't think we should do this, I mean, you and Marcus..." Her small hands looked and felt good, especially when she whipped my boner out and started stroking it. I'm gay, but I'm not dead. Chloe was very beautiful too, I wish women did it for me. Although I guess they do, because she's stroking my hard cock right now, I just didn't know...Chloe engulfed my cock into her mouth and went down to my trimmed pubes in about 3 seconds. "ARGHHHHhhh...ahhhhhh, fuck that feels good," I surprised myself by saying. She was using her hands and mouth like her grandmother's life depended on it, and it was feeling crazy good. I just wish it were Marcus doing this to me instead. I closed my eyes and imagined it was him on his knees deep throating my dick and making me feel so hot. I felt her stand up with my cock still in her mouth working me over good. I kept my eyes closed and continued to think of Marcus' sexy mixed lips pistoning up and down on my hardness. Chloe came off my cock for a second and started forcing my dick into her pussy. My eyes flashed open and watched my bare cock breaking past her tight pussy lips with just spit for lube. I don't know what was going on, I'm so gay, but fuck this felt amazing. I started to speak in protest, but she covered my mouth with her hand and was riding me rough and hard. Chloe breathed into my ear, "Please, just give me this. I can't let Marcus cum in me, especially since his new insurance hasn't kicked in and he's not on his meds, and I NEED it, I need to feel a man cumming inside me." I shook my head "no," but she didn't stop, and I was getting close to cumming already. She was bouncing up and down on me so fast I couldn't help it. She reached down and started rubbing her clit and I felt her pussy tighten around my cock and she started convulsing, her body was erratic and tensing up, she was CUMMING! I looked down to see my cock suddenly very wet with her juices and I immediately started blowing my load inside her, letting out a loud, "AHHHHHHH I'm cumming!" We cleaned up in silence. I felt guilty as hell. I didn't even want to do that but I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't look at her right now. Chloe could see the guilt on my face, "It's okay Nick. Marcus told me I could." "What do you mean?" I asked with a very confused look. "Look," Chloe answered, "Marcus knows I'm not comfortable with him cumming in me, and he also know how much I like to be filled with cum. So...he said if I could get you to fuck me, then it was okay." I sat there quite perplexed by her admission. I responded,"Chloe, you're gorgeous, but you know I'm gay, I didn't really want to do that." Chloe said, "Yeah yeah, I know. You like cock and ass, but you have to admit it felt good, and you were doing me a huge favor. Don't think about whether or not you wanted it. Just think of it as helping a friend out. It wasn't so bad was it?" "No," I said, "it wasn't bad at all, it's just...I don't know," Her phone dinged, it was Marcus and he was headed up. He came into the apartment and kissed Chloe, gave me a fist bump and said,"Damn, it smells like fuckin' in here." My face went bright red and he stared right at me, "Nick, dude, it's fine, I already know. She texted me before she hit on you. I'm just surprised you got hard." Relief filled me and also confusion again. I answered, "Well, I didn't really have a choice, my dick was acting on it's own accord." Chloe and Marcus laughed at that. Marcus quipped, "I know the feeling, sometimes you can't stop your dick from doing certain things." I was again, another shade of red, knowing full well, he was referring to breeding my hole even though he's straight. We loaded up the SUV and headed to the resort, after about 30 minutes of driving, everything was back to being normal. Our dynamic hadn't changed one bit, we were laughing and blasting music, having a great time together. It seemed like we were at the resort in mere minutes. Chloe and I started loading our weekend supplies and suitcases onto the luggage cart while Marcus got us a room. We met Marcus in the lobby and headed up to the room. Room 669, the irony wasn't lost on any of us. We all Snapchatted each other standing next to the room number on our door. We had a good laugh at that. But once the door opened, I noticed a very nice living room/kitchentte and through that was a big bedroom. We wheeled our haul into the room and began unloading. That's when I noticed there was one bed. Chloe actually noticed first and asked Marcus why he only got one bed. Marcus responded,"Uhm, because that's all they had. When you checked to see if rooms were available, you didn't ask what kiiiind of rooms." he laughed at that. "The couch pulls out to a hideaway bed anyway, so we're all good." We all set ourselves up and Chloe made everyone drinks. Marcus vaped some THC with his k-stick pen and we took tiny hits off of it. Chloe and I preferred alcohol. My head was spinning a bit, but in a good way. I suddenly felt really exhausted and mentioned I had to lay down before I FELL down. I told them to get up so I could pull the couch out. Marcus said,"We wanna stay up awhile, just go lay down in the bed It's a California King anyways." I knew not to argue, he's stubborn as hell. I promptly passed the fuck out. I don't know what kind of THC that was but I was floating. I felt someone taking my shoes off. "Good" I thought, I hate sleeping in my shoes, for that matter I hate sleeping with anything on. "Well, we can undress you," I vaguely heard Chloe say. "Here, let us help you." Did I say, "I hated to sleep with anyting on" out loud? I don't know for sure. Oh well, it felt like there were 8 pair of hands on me right now, pulling my clothes off. It felt nice. Oh wait, they're taking my underwear off too. I'm hard though. I finally moved and was trying to cover my erection, but Marcus grabbed my hands and put them to my sides. He said, "Dude, we've already seen it. Just relax and go to sleep." as he covered me up. It wasn't long before I felt their bodies next to mine, and naked? yeah, I could feel their smooth warm skin all over me. I was in the middle. Chloe was in front of me fitting into the curve of my body and Marcus was spooning behind me. I was so hard right now. I drifted off to sleep again. In and out of sleep I went and came. Came? Cum. I giggled. Oh yeah, I came inside Chloe. Chloe had scooted in tighter next to me as I slept on my side. Her skin felt so nice against mine. She reached back and placed my cock in between her thighs as she was the baby spoon. She began to lightly snore. It was cute. Next thing I remember is feeling Marcus' hard cock in my ass cheeks. Fuck I love your cock. Marcus whispered into my ear, "Shhhh, she doesn't know." Damnit, is my inner monologue coming out loud again? I'm going to have to be more careful. I drifted back to sleep. I awoke with a hand on my cock. It was Chloe's. She was rubbing my cockhead on her pussy, gyrating against me, shaking the bed. I felt Marcus' arm on my thigh as he lifted up Chloe's leg and my cock slid into her. "Wait. What's going on?" I said. I heard Marcus quietly say against the back of my neck with his hot sexy breath, "You're going to breed my girl's pussy again." His muscular tight toned body was enveloping mine, and forcing my own body against Chloe's, subsequently forcing my cock deeper in and out of her tight cunt. She was moaning as she rocked my cock in and out. Marcus' body felt too good against me. I honestly didn't care that I was fucking pussy right now, and it was a huge turn on that Marcus was practically forcing me to. I felt Marcus' hard thick cock head knocking on my hole as I fucked Chloe. My hole was soaked with his precum and was beginning to get wetter and more relaxed at each thrust. His stone-like member was fucking in and out of my tight hole a couple inches and suddenly, he broke past that second barrier and was fully inside me. I let out a guttural moan of satisfaction. As horny and turned on as I was, I became even more so when I remembered Marcus wasn't on his meds and hadn't been for over a month. He was so against fucking me at the gym because of that. But right now, I guess he couldn't control that foot long dick of his. I began to ram into Chloe's hole and she was breathing hard and her body was shaking, "FUCK ME Nick! Fuck my pussy. Cum inside me." Chloe yelled at me. She had no idea the real reason I was pounding her so hard was because I was actually throwing my asshole back against Marcus' monster cock trying to get him to nut in me before he gained a clear head. Marcus was running his hands over my body grabbing onto me and squeezing tight, as I felt him go rigid and his dick blossomed inside me knocking hard against my prostate. Oh my god, he's cumming in me! Fuck yes. I felt him unloading torrents inside of me, and that's all it took for me to start blasting another load into his girlfriend. Chloe felt me cumming and she also started climaxing. She was writhing around on my cock as we both came down from our orgasms. She slowly pulled off my cock. I let Marcus stay inside me. I drifted back to sleep. I awoke that morning in a haze. Chloe was no longer next to me, but I felt Marcus' strong tight body against mine. Cuddling me. "Thanks for giving her what she needs buddy." I heard him say. "I guess as long as I'm getting dicked down by you," I responded, "then I don't care to help her out. But what about you not being on meds?" Marcus turned me around and kissed me, "Look, you're on PrEP, you said it'd be okay...I feel a little bad I couldn't control myself, but watching you fuck my girlfriend, man, I HAD to fuck your tight hole." With that, he quickly got up and wrapped my legs around him as he filled the space between my legs with his young ripped body. He spat on his hand and aimed his cock right at my hole while his other hand covered my mouth, he plowed into my quivering ass. "OH FUCK!" I yelled. Marcus was fully inside me, he looked down at me and said, "Sorry, but I gotta be quick, Chloe is out getting our breakfast and I need to cum again." I couldn't say no. I let him have his way with me. Marcus was immediately pounding my hole pulling almost all the way out and ramming back in balls deep. His balls were slapping against my bare ass as his monster cock disappeared and reappeared at an alarming rate. It hurt, but it felt too good to stop too. He had me bent in half, and his cock was pummeling my prostate like Rocky Balboa on a hard training day. I was leaking precum like crazy as he built himself up to another climax. His caramel skin had a sheen of sweat covering it, his muscles were pronounced as he used every bit of his strength...and length...and girth to ravage my insides. My eyes were rolling back into my head as he repeatedly assaulted my prostate. "Oh fuck!" I exclaimed. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Ohhhhh myyyy god I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming!" I hadn't even touched my cock. Marcus' never ceasing beating on my prostate worked me up so quickly I started blowing a hands free load all over myself. It was shooting out onto my chest, neck and face. Marcus briefly looked down while I was going off, and that's all it took for him. His head reared back and he roared, "FUUUUUCKKKKKK!!!!!" as his thick monster cock exploded his poz load inside me... Authors Note: Thank you everyone for reading my stories and commenting on them how much you enjoy them. These take about twenty minutes to write, but I have to be in the mood, so to speak. I appreciate everyone who's found these as fun as I have.
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  36. I had gotten really good at posting on Craigslist when it was still up. I posed as a married guy who had never been with anyone except my wife and I was looking for a young princess who also had only been with one guy and wanted to see what it was like to be with another man. Myself at 6'1 tall and lean muscled body and a big dick I would get lots of replies. I could not hit up all the young ones right away but would circle back after deleting all the Bull Shit responses. There were ten really great response, six from white girls, three Latin girls and one Asian. For what I had planned this week I had a hard time picking between one innocent white girl and the little Asian who would have made a great little cunt to use. I began talking to both and made my decision based on their partners schedules. I would work that little Asian girl over later since her boyfriend was in town and she could not be gone for more than a few hours without him knowing she was up to something. Now Molly, the white girl husband was going to be gone on a hunting trip in the mountains and would gone for five days starting on Thursday. Bingo, that as perfect! We decided to meet on Thursday for a drink at a bar about 40 minutes from where she lived, it was more than an hour from where I live and it was close to a hotel I have stayed at that has these little remote cabins that are not attached to each other and would be perfect for what I had planned. We time to get to know each other for about a week each day when her hubby went to work. I found out she was was not on BC, she said we had to use protection. I asked her when her last period was for two reasons, I wanted to make sure our timing was right and I also wanted to track her general ovulation cycle to see if she would be ovulating while we were together and that is why the condom. It could be she just wanted to be safe so I wanted to find out. Based on her last period it was my first suspision, she was indeed going to be ovulating over that week. I convinced her to not make any plans in case we hit it off we could play around a few times while he was away. She told me a lot about him, they had been trying to have a baby but it had no worked and she still hoped to have one. She loved sex and wanted to know what it would be like to take a bigger dick than her husbands. He was 7" but on the thin side. She complimented me on my thick 8.5 inches and admitted she never even sucked another guys dick. She also admitted she loved being eaten out but her hubby doesn't often do that for her. I know she was going to be fun, Wednesday I had her set out what she was going to wear on Thursday, I told her I wanted to think about how hot she was and what she would look like walking in the bar. I had other reasons for having her do that as I had set up another Craigslist ad for a gang bang. Little while girl needs lots of cock and cum was the headline. I received over 100 responses. It is always the case even though I specified what I was looking for everyone wanted to toss their hat in the ring and take a go. For the first and second night I was very choosy. I immediately deleted 30 of them as old, fat and creepy. I had some young college guys, blue color types, Latins, BBC's and two Middle Eastern Types. They continued to come in and I saved the best ones. I found out who was free this Thursday thru Monday evening and shared a few more pictures of our price almost virgin we were going to breed. Gave them the hotel info and got their numbers to text in a group about our beauty. There were 23 who said they were available Thursday. Molly and I mad plans to meet at 1 in the afternoon on Thursday, just hours after her hubby left. I had taken Thursday, Friday and Monday off. I made to the bar at 12:30 and already had a drink waiting. I order one for her as she told me she loves the drink Sex on the Beach. I had some G with me and T back in the hotel room and knew we were going to have a great time. I told her to text me when she parked and she did. It was 12:55 and I took the vile out and put some G in her drink and put it away. A few minutes later, in walks Molly in some killer fuck me pumps, tiny mini skirt and tube top. She was fucking hot, I started to bone as she walked toward me. She was hotter than I had imagined, I text everyone "do not text me back but our little slut is here and I will have her ready in an hour."
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  37. SORRY for my english that a REAL story !!! 4 days before my birthday in 2015, i was looking for sex on Internet in Montréal... nothing special in my mind exceped, fucking and getting fucked. We chatted a bit until we recognised each other and he invited me at his place. I left my husband (we're in an open relationship since the beginning) So i left around 23h and i got to his place at 23h30... He's really my kind of men... the kind of men that breaks all the barrier you put... We talked a bit, we undressed and we start to kiss... For a reason that i ignore why, i asked him he was still using chems and he said yes. I asked him if he would like me to take some (i trust him) so we could have a long night together. (i stopped seeing him in the past because he was too much addict to chems). He gave me GHB, MDMA and just a bit of K... and then we started to play, slowly. After 45 minutes, i started to feel my fingers wierd... so i understood that the chems started to act... I was off meds for the first time and he says that he was off too... so still contagious. I got rock hard the moment he said that... I have NO idea what he took for chems... and he but his dick against my ass and start to push a bit... mu ass opened and "absorb" his dick almost instantly... Since he was deep inside, he stopped... and he started to piss in me... The feeling with XTC was unbeleivable. I kept all his piss inside... so i got nother kick with the chems that was in his piss. I absorbed it completly! Then he started to explain why he wanted to piss in my ass... to irritare inside and make my rectum more vulnerable to his viruses... and... to his syphilis! He's a big precummer, so i got sure to have a lot of toxic fluid from his ! When he started to fuck in his piss, he and I were very verbal for infectious fuck... He felt active more than passive... and i could say that he was feeling RADIOactive !!! Thanks for the chems, my ass NEVER burn. he fucked me slowly, to make sure that the skin of his cockhead was correctly connected and against every part of my rectum! After a couple of hours with some breaks to breath, I surrender completly to him... then he talks showed me twisted things... like a documentary of a Parasyte Wasp who sting his prey to inject larvea eggs that's gonna eat the prey by inside and "reprogram" the mind of the prey to protect the larvea until the larvea eat all inside the prey... and like a Komodo dragon who bites an anumal and wait for the bacterias in the saliva takes effect to slowly destroy the nervous system of the animal bitten and come eat it alive... That turns me on at a level you can not imagin ! I was demanding more! With him, i had NO limit. I would be fucked by a DOG, a DONKEY ,ANYBODY or ANYHTING if he asked. Just to please him ! I learned that night a lot of thing. I learned to accept that i was STILL chasing... for something MORE... We continued to fuck, he pissed in my ass 2 other times. We played for 14 hours (including several breaks) and he came just one time in my ass... at 13h00 and we stopped to fuck at 14h00 after i came in his ass. Now, i would like to do something similar... but no more with him but with someone else... I'm not using chems normally... but for things like that, i would certainly use ! Sick, infectious, toxic and proud of it!
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  38. A boy's redundant dick should ALWAYS be flaccid. In and out of play! He can easily achieve this if he fully understands that his ONLY sexual organ is his cunt. His focus should be 100% on SERVING his Top(s), fulfilling all desires and needs. Personally, one of my desires and needs, is to pump INSIDE my DNA, with absolutely no pulling out. The way nature intended! It is completely about mindset and attitude, thus a boy should also completely submit his mind, not just his body. His redundant dick should also be LOCKED in chastity. By completely redirecting his mindset a boy can physically derive pleasure from his prostate instead (I have a curved Daddy-Dick for that particular spot), which is much more pleasurable for him which in turn is much more pleasurable for me, as hearing his intense screams of euphoria are a HUGE turn-on!
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  39. I genuinely would LOVE to make a male pregnant. It must stem I suppose from my innate male nature to need to carry on my genes. Would explain why I have a very strong attraction towards Female to Male Transgender. If it were anatomically possible, I'd LOVE to make you pregnant @DannyBoyCMH 😛
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  40. When I came back in this kid was cleaning her pussy and sucking out the cum and pussy juice Dan and filled her up with and hi sown I guess. He pulled out and said fuck this is hot, I hot off twice in her and she taste so fucking good. I had plans for this kid, he climbed on her and fuck her for five minutes and shot off again and pulled out and before he could get a chance to go down on her again I said what is your schedule like tonight, can you come back and do this all over again. We are running short on time and if you are free at 4 today you can have her again. He said sure as he tucked his dick back in his sweats and pulled on his t-shirt. Rock hard as he left and said he would be back at 4. The kids turned me on, he was so young and fresh and the fact that he ate all of Dan's cum was hot as fuck. I pulled my dick out and slid into Molly and she was so wet, he had sucked and licked as much of Dan's cum out and shot his wad again so between the two of them her pussy was sloppy and wet. I fucked her for ten minutes and shot my load in right beside the kids. Pull out and I was all frothy with our cum and thought one day that little boy is gonna suck my dick clean after fucking some cum filled woman. I whipped my dick off and not more then five minutes later another knock at the door. I opened the door and this pretty little guy was standing there. The other kid was tall and average looking, skinny as fuck with a big dick and this little guy could model and maybe he did if he is not he can make some good money. He stood 5'8 nice muscled chest and arms. I invited him in, honestly I rarely ever thinking of fucking a guys ass but if I do and it has happened all of three times this would be what they need to look like, pretty as fuck and have a bubble butt that is begging for cum. I asked him his name and he told me Derick, must want to fuck him since I never asked the other kid what his name is I think it was Rick if I remember from his first email. I guided Derick over to her and asked him how much experience he has and he said he just watched porn. I told him he needed a mentor and a hot women to explore and he had found both this weekend. He did not say anything and I had to ask him if that is what he wanted and he said yes. I told him to give me his hand and he did and I guided it to her breast while it was still in my hand and rubbed his hand over her breast and told him to squeeze it, I got behind him and nestled my crotch against his ass and he seemed uncomfortable but I told him I wanted to show him a few things and he relaxed as I grabbed her left tit and he worked her right one just like what I was doing. She was moaning and I told him to lift up his arms as we both stopped for a sec and I pulled off his shirt as he put his arms up above his head. He was tight and had a v from his shoulders down. I pulled my shirt off too, I was not sure why but I wanted to feel his skin against mine. We went back to touching, grabbing and twisting her nipples and I told him we should suck them and he got down and started to lick her nipple and I got on the other side and suck and nibbled and he watched and followed what did. I asked if he ever kissed a girl and he said only on the lips. Okay need to practice and I said kiss her, he tried and I said more like this and I grabbed her and made out with her and put my tongue in her mouth. Try again I told Derick and he did but not well,. Let me help you, I had a mentor help me when I first was with a girl. I grabbed his head and pulled him and and gave him a kiss, he was uncomfortable at first and I feel his resistance and then he started to enjoy it. We made out for two minutes and I pulled off and said I think you have it. We can practice again later but we need to move on. I started to slip off my pants and told him to do the same, He turned away so I could not see his junk but his ass is all I wanted to see anyway. I pushed down his pants while he was still in his shoes and then had to bend over to untie them. That sweet bubble butt spread just enough to see his pink hole. Such a sweet little cunt on that boy. I was boned when he turned around and he stared at my rod, He was too and his thick 7" would fit nicely in her but needed him to suck and lick her pussy clean like Rick had done. I told him it was time to eat pussy, it is one of the hottest things to do and that I made her cum a few times before he got there so she had pussy just for him to lick, suck and eat our of her. I asked if he had seen men eat pussy in porn and hopped up on the bed and said yes ad went down on her awkwardly but he was getting the job done. I rubbed her clit while he did it and she came again and he lapped away. I moved down to the end of the bed and told him what a good job she was doing as he was on his knees bent forward eating her up exposing his rose bud all hairless and perfect. I wanted to lick it but did not want to freak the boy out. I put on hand on his head pushing his tongue deeper into her and the other on his ass cheek and felt his ass. I kept telling him what a good boy he was and that she was loving it and he should suck and eat all her juice. While he was sucking her pussy I let my finger slip down and gently touched his little rose bud and he started to lift his head so I pushed him deeper on her. Ten second later told him it was time to fuck her and he got positioned and slide in her and hit was all of 20 seconds and he shot. I told him that was lesson one and he should come back at 4:45 and he agreed, He said I am still horny can't I stay and I told him I had things I needed to do but he should come back at 4:45 and not to cum before he fucked her again. I watched as he put on his clothes but I stayed naked and he kept watching my dick, I can make it bounce and I was so I could keep his attention. He thanked me for helping and asked if we could practice kissing again soon I told him of course boy and I leaned in and gave him a kiss and let me dick rub on his hand. I gave him a minute and he thanked me and said he would comeback and I saw him to the door and let him stare at me and my dick as he got into the car. Fuck he needs my dick in his ass in the worst way. I need to get her ready for the college boys coming to DP her.
    1 point
  41. It was no more than five minutes after I unloaded in her that there was a knock at the door. I had given her another booty and pussy bump and she was awake enough to sip some punch with more g in it. She needed it as she was starting to moan and be more verbal. I opened the door to find three guys standing at it and two more parking to get out of their trucks. Three college boys (two white and one Latin) , a tall ugly looking dude and a muscular black dude ( I did not remember inviting him). The tall homely dude make me think if he knocked her up what the hell would this kid look like but I recalled why I invited him. He had a really thick club on him and he was sporting 10". The college boys were quick to undress and take turn on her. They called her a nasty slut and whore while they fucked her and one by one they blew their nut in her. The Latin kid took the longest but eventually blew in her. The ugly dude and black gym dude were stroking and they both had impressive dicks but homely motioned for the black dude to take her and that he did. He fucked her and hammered away and she was starting to wince again. He was tearing her up inside you could tell and making circular motions burrowing her cunt out. This went on for 20 minutes and he blew his load. He pulled out and while he was cleaning up I asked him if he wanted to come back and how he heard about it. He said Mo sent me over and told me she needed a black kid and I should donate. I told him he should definitely come back and he said bro I already planned on knocking that bitch up. While I was talking I later found out his name was Dan had positioned himself and was slapping his fat dick on her wet cum filled pussy. He started to slowly push into her and she make a new sound I had not heard. It was at a higher pitch and went on as he was stretching her out. He seemed to grow as he got excited and he was so fucking thick I was not sure he could get it in her. He took his time but his slow patient fucking seemed to be opening her up. He sounds were increasing so I went to my bag and brought out a ball gag and worked it into her mouth and tied it on her. It helped but Dan told me to put a pillow over her head while he did his work and it would help. That it did, you could hear muffled noises while he tore her open inch by inch. It must have been ten to twelve minutes before he got all the way inside her, well far enough to start long fucking her. Must have gotten in eight inches at least and it must have still hurt since those muffled noises had not turned or come down in pitch. It was all of twenty five minutes and he shot his wad in her and make the most animalistic grown as he unloaded his seaman in her. He turned to me and said, " I love turning a young girl into a whore, she is my cum whore now." I have fast swimmers and need her a couple times a day so she carries my kid. He pulled out his dick all frothy with cum and I thought fuck this dude has to come back. It was getting close for Mo and Nigel to get back and I got Dan's number before he left to make sure he came back and got to use our little slut.
    1 point
  42. I got up and pulled out her chair and told her I had already ordered her a drink and she sat down and said thank you and took a sip of her drink. She took another sip before I could say you are so beautiful and sexy. She immediately thanked me and sipped her drink. I could tell she was nervous and before I knew it she had sipped it dry and I told her I would get her another. I did and slipped more G in this one and brought it back to her. She was feeling great by now and when I returned she thanked me and told me I was very hot. She took a few more sips of her drink as we made small talk and I could see she was getting really fucked up and I told her, lets both down our drinks and get out of her. My hotel is close by and I will drive. I helped he into my jeep and drove her to my Motel, I had told her hotel but it was a old hotel but the private cabins were nice and gave us lots of privacy. I had rented the furthest one hidden up with some trees blocking the comings and goings. It was perfect for what I had planned. We made small talk and by the time we made it to the hotel Molly was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. I grabbed her after I parked and carried her in. I placed her on the bed and slipped off her mini skirt and panties at the same time and then her tube top strapless bra. She just looked so amazing in only her high heals and naked on that motel bed. I wanted to fuck her right then but I had told the guys I would have her ready. I shot off a text to my two buds who had been at the bar and seen everything. They were parked outside and they quickly came in so we could get started. I had the bathroom set up for her enema so her ass was ready to fuck and we slipped some T in a booty bump and pussy bump. Then she was strapped to the bed hands tied and legs lifted and blindfold. She moaned and moved a little but never opened her eyes before we slipped the blindfold. I got to taste her pussy first, she tasted amazing and her little cunt was tight I could tell. My two black buds went next and Nigel made her cum within five minutes of starting and fuck this little slut was a squirter. Nigel got up and slapped his big fat dick on her cunt and started to rub his head on her clit and there was a knock on the door. I had almost forgot I had sent the group text with the room number and directions also. It was one of the college guys. Tall nerdy dude and he walked and and got naked and I told him to take the first round, she was far too tight for us and he should break her in. He had 8 but modest girth. He got up on the bed and lined up his prick and slide into her pussy, it was already wet from being eaten out and cumming once, he slide in to her tight pussy and she yelp and moaned some as he fuck her for five minutes and shot off inside her. He started to get dressed and said he had to get back to his girl but he would be back later to nut in her. Just as he opened the door in walked another college guy. He was 5'9 and muscled and only in gym shorts and tank top and he was naked before any of us could fuck her and it would be good for her to take one more modest dick before we tear her up. He hops up on the bed and his girth continues to grow and although he is only seven it is fat as fuck. I thought maybe we should have had another dude before him but oh well. He slide his fat head up and down her pussy for a minute getting her excited and then he slide his head in and you could tell it hurt, she did not scream but her moan turned into a wince and he did not hesitate and slowly fucked her deeper and deeper till he was balls deep. She continued to wince until she started to moan and he started to pound her hard and before long she came again and two minutes after she came he shot his wad deep in her. He was not quick to pull out and slow fucked her a little more and then pulled out and put his tank top on and his gym shorts and said he would be back in two hours. Nigel got up and said it was time for his long 9" dick and slide in her and she winced again and he did what the kid did and just fucked her for 10 minutes and shoved deep and came in her and Mo was next with his fat pipe and he did the same thing fucked her had and without even a moan slide in deep and unloaded. They said they would be back at midnight after their shift in the factory. I had to take a turn as I was fucking horned beyond belief. I fucked away and unloaded in her cummy cunt before anyone else got there.
    1 point
  43. I was 14, he was 30’s or 40’s. I met him in an aol chat room. I snuck out, met him on a corner near my house where he picked me up in his truck. We drove to a secluded area and parked. As I was sucking his cock he rubbed lube on my hole and fingered me. I decided I wanted to feel him inside me. I climbed onto his lap, as he rubbed his cock against my hole. The tip of his cock caught on my hole and I pressed down on it. He sucked in some air and tried to stop what was about to happen. I begged him saying I just wanted to feel him inside me for a moment. He wanted it too as he soon started pressing into me. It wasn’t long until I was bouncing on his cock, moaning as he opened up my boyhole. He tried to get me to stop as he got close to cumming, but his cock felt too good and I didn’t want it to stop. As he reached the point of no return, he stopped fighting it and let his need to breed me take over. He shot his load deep inside me as I came all over his chest. After he dropped me off, I walked home in my pajamas feeling his massive cum load leaking out of my gaping boyhole.
    1 point
  44. I'm not a chaser I hate that term but I do like my boys on the thick side, bears and chubs very welcomed. But honestly I'm not into one body type. I fucked guys that were bodybuilders to chubs sooo
    1 point
  45. For the next 15 or 20 minutes the room was filled with the sounds of leather Daddy's chaps-covered thighs and heavy balls smacking again and again against the sub pig's hairy sweaty ass cheeks as Daddy pounded away at the increasingly accepting formerly virgin hole, along with the deep moans and groans of pleasure/pain and lust and the dirty chem-fueled outbursts alternately begging Daddy to fuck him and thanking Daddy for using his hole, and the incessant "click" of the lighter as even during this initial hard fucking I continued feeding all 3 of us huge hits from the pipe. I had just given Trevor a gigantic shotgun which we traded back and forth a few times then we began noisily making out. My tongue thrusting deep inside Trevor's mouth I could feel the vibrations running throughout his entire body as Daddy banged that hot horny hungry pig hole. When Daddy was as horned up as he was tonight, with the thought of beginning this boi's conversion, transformation and acceptance, I knew he would spew a fucking HUGE load of unmedicated poisoned jizz into the depths of the hole surrounding his dick. And my own thick leaking POZ cock throbbed thinking that THAT huge toxic load of Daddy's would be the very first load ever dumped in this pig's hole - initiating him into the sensual dark pleasures of taking cum, wanting it, needing it, not caring about his fucker's status. I couldn't wait to slide my own unmedicated cock into his willing hole, feeling Daddy's thick load coating the way. I pulled my lips back from the pig's lips and looked into his dark-as-hell eyes. He smiled lustfully at me then suddenly arched his back and moaned loudly as Daddy plunged hard and deep at a new angle hitting more uncharted territory in the neg cherry hole. "OH YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Oh gawd, Daddy! I love it! I love it!! Fuck you feel so good Sir! I'm your sub pig boi Daddy! I'm yours to use for your pleasure! Just keep fucking me! Fuck! I can't believe how good it feels!"" "I knew you'd like it boi", Daddy growled deep in his throat as his breath became more ragged. "Your hot hole needed to be fucked to make you a true sub pig. You like Daddy's dick in your ass pig? You like feeling Daddy's cock plow deep into your guts?!" "Yes, fuck YESSSS Daddy! Make me your pig! Plow me! Fuck me!" I blew out a cloud of smoke into Trevor's face and asked lustfully, "Do you want Daddy to breed you, pig? Do you want our hot leather Daddy to cum in you? He's cum in me so many times and the feeling is fucking unbelievable! And with his cum being charged up - with Tina", (smiling at Daddy as I said this), "you'll be higher than fuck! Do you want it?" "HELL YESS!!" the boi screamed out. "Then tell HIM", I said. "Beg him for his cum. Tell him how much you want him to breed you. Begging him for it will make him cum even harder inside you." Trevor locked eyes with Daddy. "PLEASE Daddy! Please cum in me! Breed me and shoot your fucking seed into my guts! Let me feel what my pig brother has felt! Please Daddy, I need you to breed me!" Daddy pushed the sub boi's legs back further as he thrust forward harder and said, "That's all I needed to hear pig. Get ready bitch! Here comes your first ever cumload and it's like nothing you ever hoped for!" And with that Daddy bellowed and slammed one last time into Trevor's bug-bound manhole!
    1 point
  46. Friday the 13th, Part 3 The manager of the adult book store called out that he was closing in 10 minutes. That seemed kind of odd, since it was only 10:00 PM. But, I could hear arcade doors slamming all around us, so I took that as an indication that everybody was clearing out. As we started pulling ourselves together, the manager walked by and said that we could stick around if we wanted. Tony and I both shrugged, and he said we should see what the guy had in mind. The manager checked to see that all the booths were empty and that everybody was gone. Then I heard the front door deadbolt, followed by several breaker switches clicking off, killing some of the lights. When the manager returned to the video arcade, he told us that he had an apartment, upstairs, and that we could come up and hang out if we wanted. As we followed him up the stairs, he casually asked us if we partied. I probably sounded a little too enthusiastic when I blurted out, “Sure !” He just said, “Cool,” then he introduced himself as “Ray.” The first room at the top of the stairs was the kitchen, followed by a large living room which, judging from the sling hanging from the ceiling, had been converted into a playroom. Taking a quick glance around the room, I noticed 2 black leather sofas and a black leather chair and a desk with two long shelves above it. My eyes were immediately drawn to a small collection of glass pipes on the lower shelf. Okay ! I think I’d like to hang out here for a while. Ray hit the TV remote, and the 60 inch flat screen lit up with 2 men in full leather, both of them wearing gas masks, one of the men kicked back in a sling, his ass getting a good pounding by the other guy. I would have been happy to stay right here, but Ray directed us down the hallway and showed us where the bathroom was, in addition to 2 bedrooms. Back in the playroom, Ray told us, “There’s plenty of bottled water in the fridge and several pipes there on the shelf. Have at it. I’ll be out in just a few minutes.” He disappeared down the hall, and I went right for one of the bubbler pipes from the shelf while Tony chose a regular pipe. In addition to the hits I was taking from the bubbler pipe, each time Tony hit the glass pipe, he shot-gunned another big hit down my throat, so I was quickly getting ramped up again. Tony said, “Atta boy. I like seeing you fucked up.” When Ray came back into the playroom again, he looked completely different from when he was downstairs in the adult bookstore. He was wearing boots, a vest, and a black jockstrap. Wow; he had a very hot, beefy build, kind of like what a wrestler or a football player would have. Plus, I couldn’t help but stare at the big bulge that was straining against his jockstrap pouch. He must have seen me checking him out because he took the pipe and the torch out of my hands and motioned me to get down on my knees, in front of him. While holding the pipe and the torch in one hand, Ray used his other hand to pull down the front of his jockstrap, letting his big cut cock flop out, right in my face. I immediately took it in my hand and started sucking on it, taking more and more of his cock into my mouth, even as it kept growing bigger. After each hit on the pipe, Ray blew a big cloud down toward his cock. Then, he motioned for me to stand up, and he shot-gunned another big cloud into my lungs, then quickly pushed me down onto my knees again, and shoved his cock all the way into the back of my throat, so that I couldn’t breathe, the cloud trapped in my lungs. I could feel his cock getting harder as he held one hand on the back of my head, keeping his cock jammed against the back of my throat. He must have played this game enough times to know what he was doing. He was staring intently at my face and, just as I thought I might pass out, he pulled his rock hard cock back a couple inches. He grinned, seeing the tears in my eyes as I gasped loudly and exhaled, blowing what was left of the cloud all around his cock. He let me take a couple breaths, then he grabbed the back of my head again and skull fucked me, hard and fast, making me suck in small breaths of air each time he pulled his cock head out of my throat. In the mean time, Tony had been hitting the pipe and chugging one bottle of water after another, partly to stay hydrated while he partied, as well as to build up a lot of chem piss. I knew that about half of the Tina we smoked ended up in our piss, and it made no sense to waste it. Now, Tony had completely stripped down, and I was admiring the size of his cock, not as big as Ray’s but, still very impressive. Hot body, too, beefy and muscular, like Ray. As soon as Ray let me go, Tony took his place, and he shoved his semi hard cock into my mouth. I was able to take just a few deep breaths before Tony told me to hold still. Then, I knew what was coming. He shot a steady stream of chem piss that forced me to guzzle it down as fast as I could. When he was completely drained, I felt like I could finally breath normally, again. While Ray checked out his phone, Tony told me to get in the sling. He didn’t have to tell me twice. From watching me in the video arcade, downstairs, he knew how much I liked to get fucked. Plus, there’s nothing hotter than getting fucked while I’m kicked back in a sling, wearing my bare assed chaps, my legs up in the air, with my boots resting in the stirrups, and my ass just a few inches beyond the end of the sling, putting my hole at the perfect height for any man to walk up to me and fuck my hole. Tony was wearing a snug steel cock ring, and, with just a few strokes, his cock was hard and ready to go. He handed me a bottle of poppers, and I took a couple of long hits just before I felt his cock head pushing against my hole. After the workout I got in the video arcade, Tony’s big cock slid right in. Ray had seen me hitting the poppers, and he had noticed that I liked the porn video of the guy wearing a gas mask while he got his hole pounded. Ray disappeared down the hall for a minute, and when he returned he was carrying a silicone rubber gas mask. He said, “Here, let’s try this on you,” and he proceeded to fasten it tightly around my head. Even though my breathing sounded a lot like Darth Vader, It was hot looking out through the screen, looking back and forth from Tony fucking me and the guys fucking in the porn video. As I kicked back in the sling, Ray stood beside me and pinched my nipples and watched Tony steadily fucking me. I could tell that he was thinking. He walked over to the desk, then came back with a good size shard that he held on the end of his finger. Ray told Tony to pull his cock out of my hole, which he did. Then, Ray took Tony’s hard cock in his hand and carefully placed the shard on Tony’s piss slit, just far enough in so that it would stay there. Next, he told Tony to push his cock all the way inside of me, again, then shoot out a very small stream of piss. He said that it would force out the shard, and the piss would make it dissolve quickly, deep inside my hole. Holy fuck ! I could feel the burning sensation almost instantly. My heart beat faster and faster. I was breathing really hard. I could feel my hole clenching Tony’s cock as he kept up a steady rhythm of slow, deep fucking. Ray had a big grin on his face, and he said, “I think he likes it.” Then, he looked at me and said, “How do you feel ?” Even though the gas mask fit very tightly around my head, I was able to nod my head, which I did. Ray walked over to the desk and returned with a cotton ball. From watching the porn video of the 2 guys with the gas masks, I was pretty sure what was coming next. Ray opened my bottle of poppers and dashed some onto the cotton ball which soaked it right up. Then, he unscrewed the cap from the filter cartridge canister that was attached to the gas mask. He placed the poppers soaked cotton ball inside, and screwed the cap back on the canister. All the time Ray was doing this, his cock kept getting bigger and harder, hanging down at about a 45 degree angle, and jumping a few inches each time he flexed it. He was really getting into this. Now, I was inhaling a little air and a lot of popper fumes. That, combined with the Tina shard deep in my hole, made my chest heave as my lungs tried to get enough air to my brain, and my heart beat even faster. “Here, let me in there,” Ray said to Tony. Tony pulled his hard cock out of me, and stepped aside. Ray took his place, his cock head easily finding my hole. I tried to moan even louder when Ray slammed his big hard cock into me. The combined sensation of the Tina and the poppers and Ray’s cock stretching my hole was incredibly intense, but I didn’t want it to stop. I think that Ray knew it because he grabbed my hips with both of his hands, and pounded the hell out of my ass, until he was ready to shoot his load. Then, he switched to very long, slow strokes, letting it build and build until he couldn’t hold off any longer. He pulled back one more time, then groaned loudly, as he rammed his cock all the way back inside me, and fired a huge jet of cum. Again and again he slowly pulled back, then rammed his cock back into me, his entire body jerking and shuddering with every jet of cum that he blasted into me. Finally, Ray was completely spent, and he pulled his cock all the way out of me. Amazingly, his cock was still rock hard and flopping around, like he was ready for more. I think that Tony recognized that I needed a break because he stepped up and handed me a butt plug which my still hungry hole gladly accepted. When I was out of the gas mask and breathing a little more normally, Ray threw me a towel so that I could dry off my head which was soaking wet with sweat. Then, I downed a bottle of water, and climbed out of the sling, stumbling over to the leather chair where I collapsed. Ray asked me if I was okay, and I said that, yes, I was fine. It felt good to drink more water and just relax for a little while, gazing at another porn video. And, it was only a little while before Ray came out of the kitchen carrying 3 red plastic cups, saying, “Here. This will fix you right up.” I had pretty good knowledge of partying, so I knew that it was G. No problem. The three of us clinked our cups together, said, “Cheers,” and swallowed the contents.
    1 point
  47. Friday the 13th, Part 2 With the slam that Tony had just administered, I was definitely feeling a huge rush as my heart pounded the Tina through my veins and into my brain. In less than a minute, my brain sent an urgent message to my ass that I desperately needed to get fucked. Tony was way ahead of me. He knew exactly what I needed. He said, “There’s an adult book store about 6 blocks from here. At this time of day, that’s one of the few places you can get fucked, and it’s especially busy on a Friday afternoon, during commute time, when the business men from downtown stop in there to suck some cock, get their cock sucked, or fuck some ass before they have to get on the freeway and go home to the wife and kids, for the weekend.” Before we went to the adult book store, Tony wanted to get out of his work clothes, so he grabbed a small carry-on bag from his SUV, and changed into a pair of 501’s, boots, and a motorcycle jacket. Last, he pulled his big cock and balls through a snug steel cock ring, then packed everything down one leg of his jeans, making a great bulge as he buttoned up his 501’s. It probably took no more than 2 minutes, but it seemed like it took forever. At last, he was ready to go, and we drove to the book store, parked, and went inside where Tony paid the manager, and we walked back to the video arcade, which was dark except for a row of red light bulbs adding to the glow of the small video screens that lit up each booth. Just as Tony had predicted, there was a pretty good crowd, and more than a few men in business attire. When we saw a guy exiting one of the booths, we both went in, leaving the door ajar. Tony pulled the bench around so that the end of it was close to the wall, directly below a glory hole. Then, he sat on the bench, with his legs together, and motioned for me to lie on top so that my legs were up in the air, and my hole was positioned right at the glory hole. There was a steady stream of men opening the door to our booth, checking us out, then moving on. It didn’t take long for the top guys to figure out that I wanted to get fucked. Very soon, a guy entered the booth next door, and I heard him lock the door. In no time, his cock was hard, and he pushed it through the glory hole, and into my hungry hole, as Tony fed me a couple of hits from a bottle of poppers. At first, the guy fucked me slowly, gradually going deeper, then fucking me harder. I’m into being watched, so it was a big turn on for me to see several guys standing in the open doorway of our booth, watching me get fucked and hearing me moaning loudly with each thrust of the guy’s cock pounding my hole. When he was ready to shoot his load, he slowly pulled back most of the way, then slowly pushed all the way in, again. He did that 3 or 4 times before he suddenly let out a loud moan, and slammed his cock deep inside of me, and held it there. I could feel his cock head throbbing each time he blasted a stream of cum into me. Just when I thought he was finished, he started fucking me again, giving me a good pounding, until his balls were completely drained. Then, he pulled out, and I heard him unlock the door, and exit. The next 5 men who fucked me were all business, each one following a pretty similar pattern of entering the booth, locking the door, pulling out their cocks, stroking themselves hard, then fucking my hole, every one of them fucking me bareback and dumping their loads inside me. Each one quickly buckled up and left. That was fine with me. Just keep the cocks coming (and cumming). When the next guy entered the booth next to ours, I didn’t hear the door being locked, so I knew that he must have wanted the crowd to watch him fuck me. Almost immediately, I saw an extremely thick black cock head at the glory hole. Tony gave me a couple more hits of poppers, then pushed me forward so that my ass was pressed right up against the glory hole. “OH, FUCK, FUCK” was all I could say, feeling that BBC head pushing against my hole until it finally popped past the opening and he was inside. Tony kept feeding me the poppers, and I was glad that the black stud took his time, letting me get used to his size. Still, I was moaning louder than ever, and I was sure that all the guys watching us were really enjoying the show. I was really glad that Tony had slammed me, back at the bar. The Tina was definitely in charge, and it was telling my brain that I needed that BBC fucking me and stretching me, no matter what. The black stud kept up a slow pace, gradually shoving deeper and deeper inside of me until his BBC head was hitting my inner ring. He had to be proud of his size, and I was sure that he wanted me to know it and to remember it. This black stud really knew what he was doing. I felt him carefully bumping his huge cock head against my inner ring, giving me a little time to get used to it, hearing me moaning and sighing with each short jab. Holy fuck, it was incredible. Between the Tina and the poppers, my heart was slamming, continuously, and all I wanted was more. And, I got it. Having lulled me into a state of ecstasy, the black stud held his huge cock head against my inner ring. Without warning, he gave a very quick shove, and forced his way inside my inner ring, locking us together. I let out a very loud gasp, and I was pretty sure that Tony knew what had just happened. He had a big grin on his face, and he just said, “Oh. Yeh !” All the time, he held a firm grip on my hips, keeping my ass firmly pressed up against the glory hole so that I would have to take as much of the BBC as possible. The black stud was rock hard, and I could feel him fucking me past my inner ring, and pulling back only far enough to stretch the ring. I laid there, getting fucked like that for what seemed like a very long time. Then, I could hear his very deep voice groaning, with each short thrust, until he couldn’t hold off any longer. I could actually feel huge jets of cum splattering deep inside my guts. After he had pumped every last drop of cum into me, he waited for his cock to go down. His softening cock head popped back through my inner ring a lot more easily than when it had first been forced in. I could hear him buckling up and getting ready to leave. I watched the open door of our booth, wanting to get a look at the stud who had just given me the greatest fucking of my life. As he walked by, he gave a salute of recognition to Tony, then he gave Tony the, “Call Me” sign.
    1 point
  48. Part 6 I lay on the cot in our room, my mind spinning, my asshole both hurting and still wanting more. Master sat in a chair, smoking a tobacco pipe and just looked at his new property. Master. I didn't even know his name. This man now owned me, fucked me up, and whored my ass out, and I had no idea who he was. All I knew was I was his property now. Just a little over 24 hours ago, I was the supreme being. Now here I was a chemed up fuckslut. A God like jock brought down to sub human levels. I was just a cumdump toilet, and I was loving it. Master took another little baggie out, and layed out 2 fat lines on the dirty floor. Handing me a straw, I snorted them both, causing a burning in my throat. But this was something different. Quickly a new sensation took over me. I just layed on the dirty floor and stared into space, unable to move. I was aware of my surroundings, yet felt like I was out of my body. "You're in a K hole boy. Just ride it out, it won't last long." What else could I do? I couldn't move. I just floated into outer space. After a while, I have no idea how long, I drifted back into my body, but still felt like a puddle. I felt Master doing something around my cock, then the prick of a needle. Soon I could feel my cock trying to get hard in the spiked cage. The spikes digging painfully into my flesh. But oddly, the pain just further excited me. Master then wrapped a band around my arm and soon I felt that prick again, followed by the most intense rush I've had yet, and a coughing fit. "That was a .5 slam bitch. Now you should be more than ready for the rest of the night. I told you, you're the main attraction tonight!" With that he grabbed my leash and led me down the hallway to a large room. A large crowd of men had assembled, waiting for me to arrive. I was made to stand up, and my wrists were placed in cuffs hanging from the ceiling. Ankle cuffs were also attached. Then the chain's attached were pulled apart, stretching my body out spread eagle, so I was hanging with only my toes touching the ground. WHACK!!! I screamed out in pain and shock at the sudden contact of a whip against my bare back. Quickly more and more were administered to my vulnerable body, back, shoulders, thighs, calves and ass. I wailed and spasmed in pain, jerking around as I hung there, unable to protect my naked body. For the first time, tears started flowing from my eyes. Over and over the whip attacked my body, till I burned from head to toe. Then the attacks started on my chest. The entire front of my body was whipped like my back had been. Up and down it hit me, leaving burning welts all over. My nipples were attacked extra hard as I threw my head back and howled. Finally, my balls were savagely attacked, causing such pain I thought I would pass out. But the drugs kept me concious. And my cock strained within it spiked prison. Finally, my body burning, covered in sweat, I was released from the chain's, and placed in a sling. I was quickly tied down and immobilized. Then Master approached me, lubing up his hand. With no effort, he rammed 4 fingers right in my sloppy cunt. I moaned as he pushed them around, in and out, stretching me further. Soon he added his thumb, pushing more and more against my sphincter. Someone tied a popper soaked rag around my nose, and I inhaled deeply. Then it happened. Masters fist popped through my assring, right into my guts. I saw stars and the neurons in my brain exploded like the fucking 4th of July! I twisted and jerked, crying in extasy as Master made me a puppet on his arm. He pushed deeper in me, past my inner ring, opening me deep. Soon half of his hairy arm was buried deep in my pussy. Someone unlocked my cock cage, releasing my big cock, allowing it to throb freely. Then Master pulled his arm out, leaving his fist in my cunt. Next he lined up his cock next to his wrist, and pushed it inside. Grabbing my hard cock with his free hand, he jerked me hard and fast while he jerked his own cock inside my ass. Soon we were both blowing our loads in the most intense orgasm I had ever known. A huge built up load sprayed all over my chest and stomach while Master jerked his load off into my ass. The crowd just watched in amazement. He pulled out of my ass, and left me there in the sling. The rest of my night was spent getting fucked and fisted by anyone who wanted to help permanently pulverize my teen jock cunt. My cunt would never be the same after that night.
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  49. Part 2 Please be aware, this story contains drug use, bareback sex and questionable morals. So keep reading if you like perverted stuff like me. If you were wondering, I hadn’t included any of the sex stuff when I told this story to Mac. Most of the stuff before I began teaching I skimmed over all together, because it wasn’t until I was teaching full time that I realized I didn’t really want to open a gym anymore anyway. Sure, now I had a steady job that paid REALLY well, but I also had the opportunity to work with great kids who wanted to be great wrestlers, and none of the hassle of owning my own business and paying off a bank. The only downside to my job was the actual Job. I was a remedial English teacher who hated teaching remedial English. Most of the time I was in the classroom was spent counting the minutes until I could be back in the gym coaching. Once wrestling season was over, I would get so depressed about my job that I started drinking and sneaking into the city to go to gay clubs and meet men to fuck. It was one such trip into town that I met Darius, a big muscular black guy who was not my type at all, but that didn’t stop him. After many rejections, Darius started introducing me to friends of his that were just what I liked: Tall, trim or muscular young men with masculine demeanors, bubble butts and cute boyish smiles. Since I was unable to take men back to my place, (after all it was nearly an hour away) and most of the boys Darius introduced me to were in the closet or living at home, the only option was heading back to Darius’ house and fucking around there. Once or twice I said no, but usually I was drunk, horny and hungry to fuck and ended up pounding some sweet 20ish ass on Darius’ guest bed while he watched and jerked off. No one has ever called me an idiot and I knew almost immediately that Darius was a drug dealer and these boys were customers who he’d get high in exchange for seducing me. When I let it slip to him that I knew what was going on, he got much more open about smoking and snorting stuff right in front of me. I’d always been a good boy when it came to drugs, but it did make me wonder every time I watched some guy sniff a bump of coke or take a hit from a crystal pipe, and suddenly he was desperate to be fucked or begging to suck Dick. I’d decided I’d stop going back to Darius place at the beginning of summer vacation, gathering all my courage to say no if he asked me to meet another boy that weekend. Arriving at the club, I was certain in my ability to walk away until I saw who walked in with Darius. Blinking to clear my vision and make sure I wasn’t hallucinating, I looked again and my jaw fell open. If this was a hallucination, it was the most bizarre hallucination I’d ever heard of. The boy at the side of my drug dealing pseudo friend was none other than one of my former wrestling students. The same wrestling student who’s father was coach of the team when I started. Tim was his name, and I hadn’t seen him since the end of last year when he finished his junior year and left to attend a school here in Denver where his Dad’s business had transferred him. Only standing about 5’9”, Tim looked tiny next to Darius’ 6’1” form. What his baggy t-shirt and sagging jeans didn’t reveal was his ripped muscular body that he’d used to make his way to the top of the pack in his weight pack. Even when paired with kids who were 3, 4, or even 5 inches taller than he was, Tim could wrestle them to the floor with his powerful core muscles and quick, strong legs. Part of me felt sick that Tim was now following a drug dealer around a gay club, obviously high on something, but another part of me was drawn to the pair of men. I told myself I would just go over to make sure Tim was okay, but I knew as I got closer there was something else I wanted to know. “Shit!” Tim tripped over the stool next to him when he saw me standing next to them and turned to book it. Unable to catch himself, I reached out and grabbed his hand before he reached the floor, and pulled him upright again, not letting go in case he decided to run again. “How did you know I was here coach? Please don’t tell my dad, he’ll kill me.” “’Coach’ had no idea you was here Timmy boy,” Darius jumped in, emphasizing my title so I knew he was now aware of what I did. “Your pal ‘coach’ comes here all the time to pound butt just like the rest of us, Right ‘coach?’” I didn’t answer but my silence spoke volumes. Tim’s eyes got even bigger as he began insisting there was no way I’m gay, that I was the straightest guy he’d ever met, etc. Looking up at his wide eyes, his pupils were so big they looked like black pools with just a tiny bit of blue around the edge. My heart sank as I confirmed that Tim was there so Darius would get him high, but as much as I wanted to insist he go home, I couldn’t get the words out. I just stood there, gripping Tim’s fore arm until I realized Darius was suggesting we head back to his place to hang out and catch up. “No, I think I should drive Tim to his house and have a talk with his Dad.” I didn’t believe the words even as I said them, and as Tim begged me not to, I saw Darius smirk and wink at me just when Tim cried out “don’t tell my dad, I’ll do anything.” At Darius apartment, I kept repeating the mantra in my head “you’re only here to keep an eye on Tim, you’re only here to keep an eye on Tim, you’re only here…” I lost my train of thought as Tim began describing his glory days wrestling, and pulled off his shirt and jeans in order to demonstrate. I’d never considered messing around with a student before, but technically Tim wasn’t my student, he hadn’t been one for over a year, and now he was not even in high school. Yea they were all excuses for what I wanted to do, but I couldn’t stop my cock from getting hard watching Tim act out the match where he medaled at his last meet. It took every last ounce of control I had to stay on the couch where I was watching, instead of jumping up, ripping the white boxer briefs and wife beater from the teen’s muscular body, and raping him over and over without even a thought about whether Darius or Tim might tell anyone. The only thing stopping me was one tiny voice saying “he’s one of your students.” As if he could hear the voice, Darius leaned in to me and spoke quietly so only I could hear him. “Why don’t you take a hit off this pipe and let go for once?” Looking down he was holding a glass bubble pipe in front of me with a lighter. Closing my eyes, I shook my head no and dug my fingers into the arm of the couch to keep from screaming. “That’s cool, You don’t need to try it for it to have an effect on you. Watch this, Hey Timmy, wanna hit?” My eyes popped open as Tim paused his story and looked over at me like he needed to know what to do. I should have said no, made him get dressed and driven him home, but I was silent. “’s cool T-boy, I told coach you’ve already smoked a couple bowls tonight, he don’t judge,” Darius lied to Tim when he said he’d already told me, but I figured as much and I certainly knew now. Once again Tim looked at me and smiled, unsure if he should. I opened my mouth to tell him he was just a kid and not to do it. “You’re a man now Tim, do what you want,” My ears heard my voice saying it, but I didn’t honestly believe it until Tim smiled, stood up, walked over and took the pipe from Darius. Pulling his undershirt up from the bottom, he used it to wipe the sweat from his neck and face before peeling it further until it went over his head. Standing with his crotch right in front of my face, Tim lit the torch and started melting the crystals in the light blue glass pipe. As if it was happening in slow motion, he put his lips to the pipe and started inhaling the curling white wisps of smoke. My body burned hotter as his chest expanded, pushing out his muscular pecks, framed by the shirt that was now only attached around his shoulders. Ashamed, my focus lowered, making me notice the trail of downy fuzz leading from just below his sternum. The hair thickened, darkening and moving out slightly as it spread down between his expanded ab muscles, suddenly spreading sideways just as it disappeared under the waist band of his fruit of the look boxer briefs. He must have had no more room inside to continue inhaling, causing him to cough. Each spasm of his cough meant tightening his six pack as his lungs were forcing out and releasing the cloud of Tina into the room. “Light it for yo’ coach Timmy, he wants to try suckin da pipe too,” Darius smirked at me, knowing I was losing my resolve and wouldn’t be able to say no much longer. I’d surprise him, I decided, turning to Tim to tell my former student I wasn’t into drugs. “You’ve never tried it?” Tim sank to his knees on the floor in front of me, leaning in with the pipe in his hands. “No and I don’t-“ I managed to get out that much before Tim smiled and cut me off. “Let me show you Coach,” he insisted, starting the torch again and moving to melt the crystals. “I want to teach you something after all you’ve taught me.” Possessed by the words of this handsome, eager young man, I nodded yes and let him explain how to melt the crystals, rotate the bowl, and wait for the smoke to billow. Hypnotized, I could only go along with it when he told me to lean forward and inhale. As soon as my lips met the pipe, I felt the smoke filling my mouth, throat and lungs, but my eyes couldn’t stop looking at the sweaty, nearly naked boy who was feeding me the first hit of drugs I’d ever had. Surprisingly it was much cleaner than hitting a marijuana pipe or a cigar, I wasn’t even sure I was getting any until I exhaled and a huge blast of white filled the air between Tim and I. “Wow, it’s huge Coach,” Tim’s voice made my cock ache and my head spin. We passed the pipe between the three of us, with Darius insisting Tim sit between me and him. The couch was small enough that we had no other choice but to be in contact with each other the entire time. I tried not to look when Darius would slide his hands over Tim’s bare tight or squeeze the boy bulge, and it almost drove me insane watching Tim from the corner of my eye when he’d assumed I was too focused on taking a hit to notice him tweak Darius’ nipple or stroke the obvious snake running down his thigh. “damn it’s hot as balls in her bro.” Darius stood up and peeled away his sweat soaked white tee and tight black jeans so all he had on was a pair of orange briefs tenting obscenely. “You should strip down and get cool bro.” “nah man, thanks.” I was embarrassed by the fact that standing up would have revealed how hard I was, but more than that, I knew I had worn only a jockstrap under my pants that night, and the pouch was nothing more than some see-through mesh. “your funeral dude,” Darius turned his attention to Tim, taking his barely covered Dick in his hand and waving it at the teen. “I gotta piss and grab us a couple coronas, but when I get back, it gonna be time for yo’ ass to pay me back fo’ smokin’ you out.” “Dream on Darius! No way am I gonna let you fuck my virgin pass with that thing,” Tim called after the dealer as he rounded the corner and walked down the hall into the bathroom. “Sorry Coach.” “For what?” was he sorry because he wasn’t going to let me take his virginity? Did he think he could stop me if I did what I knew I had to do? Was he apologizing because he knew it was gonna be his fault? “You know, I said…fuck.” Tim lowered his voice when he repeated his four-letter faux pas. Feeling it bubble up from my stomach, I couldn’t stop it as it worked up my throat and into my mouth, bursting out of me. Yep I lost control and laughed as hard as I could ever remember crying. “what? What are you laughing at? What?!?!” “You… you’re apolo… you’re apologizing for saying fuck,” I laughed hard again, but got control and took a couple deep breaths. “You’re apologizing for a bad word coming out of your mouth when I just watched you engage in underage drinking at a club, get half naked at a strange dude’s apartment, smoke meth in your underwear, and grope a big black cock in exchange for drugs. I think we’re past needing to apologize for swearing.” We both laughed hard for a few minutes until we actually laughed hard enough that we both slid off the couch onto the floor. Without thinking, I stood up to get back on the couch and I heard Tim stop laughing and mutter something like ‘whoa.’ Looking down I stopped laughing too when I realized what made him stop. I was standing over his head and my crotch was so pushed out that the waist band of my shorts had pulled away from my abs, leaving a space where Tim could see all the way up my shorts’ leg and out the space at my waist. Whether or not there was enough light shining through for him to actually make out my cock, I couldn’t tell. It really didn’t matter though since the shape of my head was clearly visible against the outside of the shorts’ material. Uncomfortable with the silence, I sat back down and tried to turn on the TV with the remotes on the table next to me. After a few failed times I gave up, tossed them into the arm chair across the room and reached instead for the pipe. Lighting the torch, I took a big hit and exhaled just as Tim got up and was once again standing with his crotch in front of my face, only now it was beginning to grow hard. “Can I take a hit coach?” I looked up and met his eyes and held out the pipe. He took a big hit and handed it back to me. I started to hit it again as Tim slid a hand into his undies and masturbated his teen cock. “You must be dying from the heat coach, you can get comfortable if you want, it’s just us guys here, just like in the locker room. Nothing wrong with just letting it all hang out.” With that, Tim pulled his hand free, placed his fingers on either side of his waist and shoved his boxer briefs down to his feet. As he returned to standing up straight, I coughed and sputtered out smoke at the sight of his hard, cut 6 inch boycock. A drop of precut was hanging at the tip, and I wanted so badly to lean forward and lick it off, but I was too busy turning crimson and choking on smoke. Tim grabbed the pipe from my hands and sat down next to me, patting my back. When I finally stopped coughing and felt like I might not die after all, I looked over at Tim who was taking a hit himself. Rising to my feet, I started by unbuttoning my shirt until it hung open over my abs and massive pectoral muscles. Next I kicked off my shoes, and toed off my socks. Tim reached forward to touch my chest as I went to unbutton my shorts, but I grabbed his hand and slowly forced it down by his side, reminding him that we were just a couple of guys letting it hang out. Picking up the pipe, I told him to light the torch under it while my free hand undid my button and opened my fly. Spreading my legs so the shorts would stay on, I took the lighter and rook a hit from the pipe. When there was finally no more room in my body for even a hint of smoke, I exhaled. Just as the giant cloud reach Tim’s face, I relaxed my legs and butt enough that my shorts lost their grip and slid to my feet. When the smoke cleared my hard Dick was jutting straight out in my jockstrap about and inch from Tim’s face. “Holy shit coach,” Tim whispered. “it’s… it’s … it’s fucking huge.” “I’m gonna keep hitting this but when I finish this bowl, I won’t be responsible for what happens.” My voice had become unrecognizable to my ears, as if the Tina was talking instead. Deep and harsh, the words were made even more terrifying by the fact that I was unable to stop the monster that was planning to turn them from a threat into reality. “It’s all your fault Tim, Remember that.”
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  50. Part 3: Chuck took me over to the gym at which he and the neighborhood guys workout. Entering the gym, I noticed the guy at the front desk had a drawn look to him and he was eyeing me like I was fresh meat. Chuck introduced me as being new to the area and he wanted to show me the gym and see if I wanted to join. The attendant welcomed me, and gave me a complementary admission, as well as key to a locker and a fresh towel and told that the initial visit would be free and if I wanted to join the gym to cum back to the front and we could discuss membership. Chuck led me through door to the locker room which was non-descript. I remarked to Chuck that I didn’t have my workout clothing, to which he replied "Don’t worry, we will just use the sauna and then I'll show you the rest of the gym." Not knowing any better, I followed Chuck’s lead, stripped-off my clothing, and wrapped the towel around my waist, heading off to the sauna. Stepping into the sauna, Chuck and I were the only guys there, and Chuck remarked "All the guys hit the sauna when they come to the gym." Sure enough, after a couple of minutes a couple of guys wandered into the sauna and greeted Chuck. Chuck introduced the guys as Tyrone and Julio, explaining to them that this was my first time at the gym and I was new to the area. Tyrone and Julio both said hello to me and sat on either side of me. After a few minutes another guy entered the sauna and Chuck introduced him to me as Pete, saying that I was new and should be properly introduced. Pete looked at me, smirked, and walked over to where I was sitting and then dropped to his knees and opened my towel, took my cock into his mouth and began to suck me to full attention. As this is happening Julio and Tyrone both dropped their towels and showed their nine inch cocks to me, nuzzling my lips. I took the hint and alternately sucked on each of them. Between the cocks in my mouth, and Pete's attention to my cock, it didn’t take long until I blew my load in Pete’s mouth. Pete swallowed most of my cum but then got up and proceeded to kiss me, feeding some of my cum back to me in our deep kiss. Tyrone and Julio then suggested we leave the sauna and they would show me how they work out. As we got up, I noticed they had the same bio-hazard tattoo as Chuck and realized quickly that I was going to be bred again. Before I could contemplate saying no, Tyrone and Juilo directed me to an open workout area and pushed me down on the mats. While Julio fed me his cock to suck, Tyrone began to lick my ass and finger my hole. I could feel my hole being torn up by his jagged finger nails and it wasn’t too much longer before I felt Tyrone enter me with his cock. Tyrone was hard and rough in fucking me and before I knew it he came in buckets in my hole. Before I had the chance to catch my breath Julio took his place, and proceeded to continue the fucking of my hole. Julio worked me long and slow and he was in my ass for a good 45 minutes before he finally pulled out leaving me in a puddle of cum. I then licked Julio’s cock clean of my cum, Tyrone’s cum and my blood. Chuck looked at my worn out expression and said I was ready to go home. Chuck thanked Julio and Tyrone for showing me the benefits of the gym and then lead me to the locker room to get dressed. As I dressed I could feel cum leaking out of my hole, and then Chuck drove me back to my place. He walked me up to my apartment and remarked "The guys who fucked today weren’t on any meds, and with the potent loads you've taken over the last few days, well, the bug is sure to take." Chuck then continued saying "...but to be sure, Tommy and I will fuck you until you get the flu - and then I have a plan for you, - once you convert...." To be continued
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