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  1. Part 15 - December 2018 The second week of December was cold and the crisp morning frost glistened across the fields of Malvern. Inside he had never felt better although the freezing temperatures were biting through his coat as he made his way to the clinic. Stepping inside he was hoping for good news for once and Darren took a seat Dr. Edwards consulting room. After the pleasantries were out of the way he breathed a sigh of relief hearing the news that his hiv was under control. Besides this he was feeling healthier, he had given up drugs and was going to a free gym and getting fit. It had been a long struggle since his return from that June day out in London. His illnesses had gotten more frequent and couldn't bring himself to visit London again or text Sam. But he was now on the mend and so far he had gone three weeks without contracting anything. The headaches and nausea had also gone from taking the medication. He had found a job vacancy in a London theatre as a stage hand and applied for the job. He was invited to interview for the position although it didn't pay much it was a job and it had prospects. The worrying thing was if he could afford to live there if he got the job, he had already started looking for flat or house shares and working out how much he would have spare for food and other things. He walked out of the surgery and headed in to town. Having a bit of money from his benefits he was going to buy a shirt for his interview next week. He looked at his phone and found Sam's number and sent a text to him apologising for not being in touch and that he would like to meet him. Unsure weather Sam would reply or even want to meet him, he finished by texting that he owed Sam a coffee. Sam finished unpacking the last box and sat down, relieved he had finally got his new flat sorted out. It was the first time he had managed to buy a property outright thanks to his appearances in some shows during the year whilst teaching. His new flat overlooking Chelsea Harbour was miles away from the one he shared with Byron near Mountview in south London. His phone pinged somewhere and he began lifting cushions trying to find it. The smile on his face said it all when he saw a message from Darren, he had almost forgotten about him having not heard from him since June. Several texts later and Darren explained he was coming for an interview at one of the theatres. Sam knew the production crew but hesitated contacting them since he didn't know how Darren would take it if he found out. Byron rolled over in his sleep and started to wake, he sat up looking at Stefan with happiness at being back sleeping with him in familiar surroundings. Stefan still sleepy raised his hand and pulled Byron back down in to his arms and circling them firmly around Byron's body. The love between them only got stronger as the months went by, he didn't care if Stefan slept with women as long as he was the one who got in to bed with him at the end of the day. It had crossed Byron's mind that Stefan may have forgotten about their conversation a year earlier where he promised himself to Stefan in one years time if he still felt the same way. Stefan on the other hand had not forgotten and was biding his time until Byron was back in bed with him in Malvern. Stefan turned on his side facing Byron "You owe me an answer" he quietly said reminding Byron. Byson ran his fingers down Stefan's back "I thought you had forgotten" he said. "Don't be silly Byron" Stefan chuckled "But you do owe me an answer" he said leaning up. Byron rolled on to his back "No I don't" he said yawning. Stefan leaned up "Oh, do you not love me anymore?" he asked in a mocking voice. Byron turned his head looking up Stefan "Nah" he replied jokingly and leaning up kissing him passionately. Stefan laid back down smiling "So are you finally mine?" he asked. Byron chuckled "I have always been yours Stefan and you knew it" he leaned over and kissed Stefan's chest. Stefan ran his hand through Byron's hair and slowly pushed his head down further, he half expected Byron to resist initially. Byron just looked up at Stefan and kissed his abdomen, Stefan's hand guiding him lower until he began kissing the hardening shaft of Stefan's cock. Byron tenderly progressed not being to eager but allowing Stefan to guide him purposefully and dictate what he wanted, 'I won't last' Stefan muttered in between short gasps 'take it' he whispered. Byron's tongue circled around the tip of his foreskin just covering the head of Stefan's cock, his lips moved around the head pushing the foreskin back he got his first real taste of Stefan. Instantly his cock hardened fully, it was hefty and thick taking Byron by surprise. Slowly he worked Stefan's cock with very little pressure, just enough to tease and cause Stefan to push his hips up several times whispering Byron's name. Byron sunk his mouth lower taking more cock in his mouth until the sheer hardness met the back of his throat causing him to splutter and cough. Stefan gasped and pushed his hips up 'fuck' he cried releasing his load in quick jerks filling Byron's mouth. Instantly Byron thought about kissing Stefan but swallowed instead thinking that might not be a good idea. His moans continued as Byron gently sucked his cock which showed no signs of softening. He kissed Stefan's cock raising his head he looked at Stefan's cheeky grin, Byron had never loved him more than he did right now. Stefan pulled Byron up until he was laying on to of him, his arms holding Byron close. In one quick five minutes a lot of questions were answered since Stefan had wondered if it was any different being with a man and the answer was in his arms. Byron studied him carefully concerned by the look on his face "Are you okay Stefan?" he asked. Stefan smiled "I have never cum that quickly" he replied stroking Byron's back. Stefan went silent for what seemed an age "So why did you?" Byron eventually asked curiously. "Because it was you" Stefan replied "somehow it felt strange knowing it was you, weirdly nice". Byron looked down at him "You really were serious last year then?" he asked. Stefan nodded and grinned "I want to spend my life with you Byron, so yes totally serious". "Fuck" Byron said and sighed "I got to marry you then" he leaned down and kissed Stefan. Stefan leaned over and pulled some papers from under the bed and showed Byron, it was a house in Oxford that he had waited off signing on until Byron was with him. He sat reading through the details of the four bedroom detached property on an exclusive gated estate on the outskirts of Oxford. Stefan looked at Byron and asked if he wanted to drive down and look at it. Byron had one last look around at the house whilst Stefan waited for him downstairs in the kitchen. "Well?" Stefan asked "Do you like it?" he asked "Will you move in with me?" he kept throwing questions at Byron. "Slow down" Byron replied laughing "Yes to all" he said seeing a relieved look on Stefan's face. The third week of December leading up to Christmas brought a few snow showers, Darren stood waiting at the tube station nearly fifteen minutes earl. He was nervous waiting for Sam and apprehensively picked up one of the free magazines to read. He managed to turn one page before Sam appeared from the ticket barrier and smiled at Darren holding his hand out. "Your early" Darren said almost gushing with relief seeing Sam who looked just as sexy as he remembered. Sam smiled "So are you!" he said as they walked off towards the coffee shop. "What time is the interview you have?" Sam asked sitting down at a table. "11.45, really nervous though it is a big change for me" Darren replied holding his cup to warm his hands. Sam looked at him "Why this, I mean why in London?" he asked. Darren shrugged his shoulders "I have no life back at home, I need a clean start" he admitted to Sam. Sam nodded "I'm sure you will have what it takes, just be confident but not cocky in the interview" he said. "Thanks" Darren said "Finding somewhere to live if I get the job is a challenge, it is so expensive". "Concentrate on the job first" Same advised him. Sam had a spare bedroom in his new flat, several times it had crossed his mind to offer it to Darren but he needed to know more about him before he took that step. Sam walked with Darren to the theatre and insisted on waiting for him. The production manager noticed Sam waiting with Darren when she called him in dead on 11.45. The interview was quick, to Darren it looked like she was just assessing his nature rather than if he had any experience. He tried to be confident and for the most part succeeded, he found himself casually chatting with the production manager rather than interviewing. Darren explained he would need to find a place to lie if he was given the opportunity but could start as soon as they needed him. She stood up and shook hands with him as the interview came to an end. Darren was told he would hear later today. Escorting Darren out she nodded to Sam and went back to her office. Sam took Darren to lunch who protested saying he was in even more debt to him but he just couldn't say no to him, outwardly he showed no signs of being gay. But then Darren didn't either it was only when Sam caught that glimpse of the hook up app he knew. Darren was finding it hard not to look and stare at Sam whenever he spoke. He loved the way his mouth moved and his lips he thought, he was interrupted receiving a text message. He looked at the message for several minutes then looked up Sam 'I got the job' he said. Sam moved in and hugged Darren, it felt weird having a another guy hugging him like that, he couldn't deny that it felt nice and incredibly sexy at the same time. "What else did they say?" Sam asked smiling at Darren. Darren fumbled with this phone "They want me to start at the end of January". "Gives you time to find somewhere to live" Sam said and saw the look on Darren's face. "Shit yes" Darren said and looked up "Sorry I didn't mean to swear" he apologised. Sam laughed "Why are you apologising to me?" he asked. Darren looked at him "Felt right to" he replied "you know you being brought up better than me". This made Sam feel a little awkward "I like you for you Darren don't put on any pretence for me" he said. "You hardly know me though" Darren said thinking how strange he was behaving. Sam smiled "I would like to get to know you, the real Darren" he said in anticipation. "Why?" Darren replied looking confused "I have nothing to offer anyone, just my problems" he replied. Sam touched Darren's arm "You only have problems if you hang on to them Darren" he said using kind words. Darren smiled "Good thing I like you other wise I would punch your lights out for being so smart" he said grinning. Sam knew he was joking and laughed "I could take you down any day" he said staring at Darren. Darren tried to look mean but burst out laughing "You really know how to cheer me up" he said smiling. "How about we go watch a show?" Sam suggested "I can get free tickets" he said before Darren could speak. Darren looked at the time "I should get the train home but thank you" he replied. "Do you have to be somewhere then?" Sam asked feeling let down. Darren looked at his glass of water contemplating "No but it is getting late" he said. "Stay" Sam blurted out "I mean you can stay with me" he looked up "I have a spare bedroom" he said. Darren laughed "Your all fucked up what are you trying to say?" he asked. Sam smiled from panic wanting him to stay "I have a spare room if you want to stay the night" he finally said. Darren looked down twiddling his thumbs "I don't know" he replied shyly. One thing Sam hated was awkward situations around people, normally he would go straight for the sex part with no chit chat or getting to know them. Awkward as this was he also found it quite intriguing, not a challenge by any standard but he liked Darren the raw edginess that he exuded made him perfect in his eyes. Sam was no fool and guessed that Darren may not be as comfortable or out with his sexuality, there was definitely something hidden underneath that exterior. Darren sipped his water trying to avert Sam's gaze as much as possible, his head conflicted but he couldn't deny the attraction he had to Sam. He just wished he knew if Sam felt the same towards him which would make it easier. Darren made eye contact "If I do stay your not going to try anything are you?" he nervously asked. Sam studied him for a moment "Do you want me to?" he replied. Darren looked shocked at Sam for a moment unexpecting him to say that "Fuck!" he found himself blurting out. "Sorry" Sam quickly said back tracking "I didn't mean to imply anything" he stated anxiously. Darren could see the dread in Sam's face "Maybe I liked the implication" he said staring at Sam. Sam looked carefully at him "Have you done this before? Sam asked him. "No, well once but it..." Darren stopped and stood up panicking "I'm sorry" he grabbed his coat. Sam stopped Darren "Wait" he said holding his arm "if you just want to talk that is fine". Darren hesitated a moment and never expecting anyone to want to stop him leaving "Okay" he agreed. "It is the weekend, stay as long as you like" Sam said "I can show you London if you like" he offered. Sam made it clear that he could stay in his spare bedroom, Darren couldn't and didn't want to fight it off and agreed. Sam smiled seeing the look on Darren's face as they waited to exit the theatre. It had been the first time he watched a proper full on musical stage production, he was humming Defying Gravity all the way out of the theatre. What he loved most was how close the seats were to the stage and the recognition Sam got from four of the cast members when they saw him sat there. One of them even winked at Darren. He quickly ran through the programme in his hand and saw the ensemble member as Kurt, an American Broadway dancer who had a massive list of credits to his name. During the interval Darren kept reeling off that Kurt had worked with some of the biggest pop stars. It was gone midnight by the time they arrived in Chelsea and walked the off the Kings Road to Sam's flat. Darren had never felt so nervous or unsure of himself let alone of Sam. "Make yourself at home" Sam said closing the door and showing Darren the spare bedroom. He took his coat off and put it on the chair then walked in to the kitchen diner "Thank you" he said. Sam looked and smiled "I like lemon and ginger herbal tea to relax, can I tempt you?" he asked. Darren nodded "Never had it but I will try it" he replied watching Sam switching the kettle on. Sam took Darren to the lounge "Sit down. I'm just going to change out of these clothes". Sam disappeared in to his bedroom and stripped naked putting on his gym shorts and laving his white ankle socks on, he didn't even think twice as this was how he dressed in his home. Darren was taken by surprise when Sam walked through the lounge mostly naked except for the shorts and socks. His eyes instantly taken to the smooth and muscular firmness of Sam's body, and those legs looked amazing he thought before realising how overdressed he was in comparison. He could hear Sam in the kitchen getting the mugs ready before he reappeared in the lounge. "Won't be long" Sam said casually noticing Darren's look "sorry should I put more clothes on?" he asked. Darren shook his head "No" he said quietly "but I feel overdressed" he replied nervously. Sam disappeared and retuned with a pair of shorts "These okay?" he asked handing them to Darren. Sam went to finish making the tea whilst Darren stripped off naked and put the shorts on, caught by his own surprise of getting an erection putting Sam's shorts on he sat on the bed for a few minutes catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror. By comparison his body was getting fitter but nothing like Sam's, his tattoos randomly spread across his chest and arms gave him a some self doubt. Wearing his socks and Sam's shorts he walked back in to the lounge just when Sam put the mugs on the coffee table. Part of him was yearning for Sam's approval, he shook himself out of it wondering what the hell he was thinking before realising Sam was standing in front of him. "I didn't realise you had so many tattoos" Sam said looking at Darren's chest. Darren stood there feeling Sam's hand going over each tattoos "Are they horrible?" he asked tingling at Sam's touch. Sam smiled and removed his hand "No not at all" he said sitting down on the sofa. He felt left out in the cold wanting Sam to touch him again "Smells weird" Darren said smelling his herbal tea. Sam chuckled seeing the programme open on Kurt's picture "He took a shine to you" Sam said. Darren looked at the picture "That's silly" he said. "Kurt is gay and I saw him wink at you" Sam replied looking to gauge the reaction. Darren didn't say anything but looked at the picture "Dangerous person though" Sam said breaking the silence. "How do you mean?" Darren asked inquisitively. "He has hiv and likes knocking guys up" Sam replied looking at Darren. Darren looked shocked "How do you know that?" he asked trying to control his emotion. Sam put his mug down on the table "He fucked me at a rehearsal once" he confessed "I didn't stop him and couldn't stop him. I enjoyed it to much". Darren saw a tinge of sadness in Sam's eyes "I'm sorry" he said not really knowing what to say "You are gay?". Sam smiled "Yes, promise me you won't let him get at you" he said patting Darren's leg. Darren wiped his watering eyes "To late for that" he said timidly. Sam looked at the Darren who seemed so far away lost in thought, cautiously he put his arm around Darren and cuddled him. For the first time Darren felt safe and opened up explaining everything to Sam, he left a few bits out including the identity of the person. Sam listened intently, not quite sure what to make of it knowing there was a bully and aggressive person sat in front of him. But he was captivated and wanted him, Darren was no ordinary closet case, he had an allure of a diamond in the rough that was fast stealing Sam's heart. "Darren, I'm sorry" Sam said "I can understand why it happened, you can only push people so far". Darren nodded "I never knew they held so much anger against me" he said "it was a real anger though". "Do you feel the need to get back at them?" Sam asked him. Darren shrugged his shoulders "I was stoned at the time then conflicted after..." he trailed off. He looked at Sam with a tear running down his face "I found out last month I had it" he said looking frightened. Sam hugged him tighter "It is scary Darren, trust me I know" he said comforting Darren. "I had been getting ill frequently" Darren said "I went to the doctors and found out why". Sam nodded "That's why I didn't hear from you?" he asked and Darren nodded again. Darren looked at him "I would never have known you had it" he said "you look so normal". Sam burst out laughing "Fucking cheek, normal?" he asked. They laughed grappling with their hands until Darren got the better of Sam "Okay you win" Sam said laughing. Sam took the mugs to the kitchen and returned looking at Darren "Bed time" he said. Darren stood up nervously wanting Sam to ask him but it never happened "I had a great night" he said. Sam smiled and ran his hand along Darren's arm over the tattoos he could feel Darren trembling. He had to know if Darren felt what he was feeling. Sam raised his head and found Darren staring at him, his eyes seem to tell him but also they showed someone who was scared. He held Darren and kissed him lightly on the mouth then hugged him for a moment waiting and hoping, there was no angry response more like one of relief. Sam moved away and offered his hand to Darren, without muttering a word Darren took it and Sam lead him to his bedroom. Darren visibly shook knowing that he was about to do what he had desperately wanted to but always afraid. Sam moved closer to Darren and gently held him allowing the nerves to subside a little. Darren was really struck by how fit the body was in front of him compared to his. The skin was soft and tight across the muscles, he spent ages touching Sam's arms and chest in silence and awe. Sam took Darren's hand and led him to the bed, he laid down on his back, both still wearing their shorts. He allowed Darren to continue exploring his body at his own pace, occasionally his hand would tenderly touch Darren's body, he loved the almost silent moans Darren would make as he knelt over him. Sam sat up and slowly caressed Darren's face looking in to each others eyes. Darren moved forward and kissed Sam on the lips, he felt Sam's facial hair touching his skin, his body alive with feelings and his cock already hard. The masturbation fantasies had become very real and very right. Darren felt himself falling forward as Sam laid back down, his body laying on Sam's. He didn't know how and when but his tongue was inside Sam's mouth and their lips were locked together, he was kissing Sam with mad passion drawn in by Sam's responsiveness. Darren pulled away and kneeled looking at Sam touching his body "Your body is so fit" he said with shyness. Sam kissed Darren's nipple making him giggle "You have a fine body too" he replied. Sam sat up and held Darren kissing him lightly on the lips "Do you want me to guide you?" he asked. Darren looked up starring again in Sam's eyes, their lips meeting again soft and tender. Sam slowly ran his hand around Darren's back and to his ass, taking his time allowing Darren to follow his lead. He kissed Darren on the neck and brought his hands around to the front brushing over the hardness of a substantial cock hidden away. Slowly he ran his hand over it, Darren moaned his body overtaken with the sensation of the kissing on his neck and someone touching his cock. He looked down to find Sam's fingers slipping the shorts down exposing his ass. Concerned if he should do them same to Sam his thoughts got interrupted by Sam slipping his hands around the back holding his ass cheeks firmly. Sam pulled Darren forward by his ass and rubbed his cock up against Darren's, he sought Sam's mouth and kissed him with more intensity, finding his feet he was beginning to respond to Sam with natural instinct. The bodies so close that Darren's began to push Sam on to his back, still kissing him he ground his cock harder against Sam's and lowered himself until he laid on top. A new sensation ran up his body feeling Sam's legs caressing his thighs almost hypnotically enticing Darren. He felt desires rising in his body, he kneeled back in between Sam's legs, his hands run up Sam's body and he watched him drifting in pleasure until he stopped. Sam smiled and took Darren's hand and placed it at his shorts. Darren looked for a moment, his fingers fumbled then pulling them off completely. Darren marvelled at the beautifully crafted muscular legs. Sam kneeled up and kissed Darren gently lowering him until he was on his back. He ran his hand along Darren's torso and arms 'beautiful' he said admiring the art work. Despite the sporadic nature of the tattoos they just worked on his body and looked perfectly in place. Sam inspected Darren's legs one by one and light hair covering them. Darren was almost ashamed of how he could become so helpless in the presence of Sam. He laid there naked with Sam kneeling over him taking in the beautiful form of the male body above him. He didn't know if now was the time to fuck him or if there was some foreplay ritual to be done. Darren looked up at him "Do I fuck you now?" he asked. Sam smiled at Darren "Just oral sex this time" he replied "when you are more comfortable we can". Darren held Sam's arm "Will there be another time?" he asked slightly taken back. Smiled and leaned forward to kiss him "If you want there to be, I do.". Darren pulled Sam down and instantly thrust his tongue in to Sam's mouth kissing him hard. Sam kissed his neck and moved lower placing gentle kisses across and down his body. Darren sensed he was moving towards his cock and seemed to clench his fists in anticipation. His hips twisted as Sam licked along the shaft 'oh shit' Darren blurted out, his cock bouncing as it throbbed. Sam moved to the head and expertly using his tongue he licked around the foreskin teasing it back over the head 'mother fucking...' Darren blurted out again then groaned deep in his chest, Sam took the head and began lightly applying pressure. He stared up at the ceiling in bewilderment not knowing what to do with his body, he had never endured such sensation and tried to flow the stem of swear words he wanted to shout out. He body slowly relaxing to what was happening to it. He raised his head and looked at Sam who was looking up at him, his mouth full of his cock 'fuck that is hot' he said throwing his head back on to the pillow. His hand roaming over Sam's head began to gently push him further down to take more of his cock. Sam saw his legs shake and felt the pulses beginning as Darren cried out 'fuck i'm gonna nut' he panted 'fuuuck, fuuuck' his seed jettisoned rapidly with some force behind it filling Sam's mouth. His hips bucked up hard ramming his cock further down Sam's throat. Sam choked and raised his head off Darren's cock wiping his eyes. He kneeled up and looked at Darren 'Fuck' he said coughing. "I'm sorry did I do it wrong" Darren asked still breathing heavily. Sam laughed "Hell no" he replied leaning forward and kissing him "that was hot". Sam laid down next to him, his hand resting on Darren's thigh. He was not going to push Darren to do anything, it would have to be on his own terms and when he was ready. Sam smiled as Darren's hand found his holding on to it lightly, they both quickly fell asleep. Sam woke at 10am and slipped out of bed dressing in his shorts he strode in to the kitchen to make coffee. Darren appeared in the kitchen rubbing his eyes and wearing Sam's shorts, seeing him standing there he looked vulnerable and almost scared. "Morning how are you feeling?" Sam asked walking towards him. Darren stood there and briefly smiled "Tired but good" he replied allowing Sam to kiss him tenderly. "Do you want coffee?" Sam asked. "Please" Darren replied and sitting down "Thanks, you know for being patient with me" he said. Sam smiled placing the coffee down in front of him "I guessed a lot of this was new to you?". Darren looked at his cup "Will you teach me" he asked "I mean if you want to see me again" he almost pleaded. Sam sized him up for a moment "Yes, I would love to" he replied seeing Darren smile. Sam was falling hard for Darren, he was the opposite in every way to him and that is what made the man sitting there appeal to him. As Darren left to head back to Malvern he turned and asked Sam if he would help him find somewhere to live when he came back to London in January. Sam nodded and said for him text a few days before he was coming and that he would keep any eye out for and let him know if anything came up. Sam closed the door to set about his day, he had a few presents still to buy before he went to his parents for Christmas. After new year he was heading up to Malvern to spend a couple of days with Sam and Stefan.
    7 points
  2. After reading Mr. Benson letter and thinking for a few I take him up on his offer. I'm to get rid of everything I own which is not much and his car will pick me up. The only thing I have when the car picks me up is the clothes on my back.Once in the car a blind food is put on and I'm placed inside the trunk, so I have no idea where they are taking me. Once we arrive its like a where house underground basement, I taken out of the car and told to remove my clothes as I'm to always be naked unless otherwise. I meet mr. Benson and takes to a room and tells me to sit. He says 3 things can happen to you here as you have no family and no one cares about but me. #1 You become one of my assistance. #2 You are given to another Master and he can do anything he wants with you. #3 You are incorrigible so we will either just remove your balls or your dick & balls and through you on the streets. #4 You are sent to Tijuana Mexico so the gamblers can use you as they take bets on how big of a dildo in length and diameter you can take. It's said you get your hole wrecked really good . I could not say the real thing as it would treat the rules here. Today we are going to show some of the good work we do as this one who we have been watching for some time goes around and beats up people who are Gay and leaves some with permeant injuries, so now it's our turn to get revenge. I'm sitting in a chair in this room with mirrors all around so I will be able. to see everything. The boy looks to be about 20 with a really hot mussel built body and is screaming like they are going to take his life. He is brought to a bench by two of Mr. Benson assistance and strap down tight and his legs are spread wide. Mr. Benson cones in the room in a robe and when he take it off you can see all his body piercings and tattoos. He knees down to the boy and says You have done a lot of damage to people that all they want to do is live in peace, so today we are going to give you something that will live with you till the day you die. Mr.Benson dick is like a rock it's bigger than a beer can is round and as long as my forearm and I took it balls deep. I can see Mr. Benson is rubbing his P.A. on the boys hole as he is screaming he is not a faggot, as Mr. Benson just laughs and in one sudden motion shoves his dick all the way in. The noise coming the boy is like he is being killed and it is as in a few weeks he will be carrying Mr. Benson POZ load for the rest of his life. Mr. Benson is fucking him as hard as he can and I can see some dark blood coming from his hole. When Mr. Benson explodes after 30 minutes of the hordes fucking I have ever seen he tells the boy to clean his dick and refuses to so Mr. Benson looks at me with a smile and I go over right in front of the boys face get on my knees and start to clean Mr. Benson dick with my mouth as the two assistance start to fuck the boy. After they were finished they gave the boy a heavy slam and a plug up his ass then took him to his cell. This went on every day and by the third week not only did he get the fuck flu but was begging to get fuck and slammed. Once he tested POZ he was released and the Police we waiting for him as he had arrest warrants on him for many charges. Mr. Benson knew some in the prison he went to and ask them if they could make him the prison bitch. It was said that that boy was the best bitch they ever had and left with full blown AIDS.
    6 points
  3. I'm still working Craigslist mostly as a TOP, if hey ask my status I say Negative as it's 50-50 fucking them raw. the ones who ask for a condom I use mine as I knew they break 90% of the time so my POZ loads don't go to waist. I go over to the bathhouse when I want to get fuck raw loads and get slammed or a booty bump as the daddies really like to parTy me up before they take there turns dumping their toxic loads in me. At the restaurant I'm doing very well nothing crazy but a finger in my ass, sucking a dick or someone playing with my dick. Then Mr. Aristotle Benson walks in with his 2 friends , the Maitre d tell me we are short handed so I'm to work Mr.Benson table as water and bus boy. Mr. Benson is dark skin with piercing blue eyes that look right into your sole with a grey beard, his suite must cost many thousand with the large ring on his middle finger. His two friends are dressed as well and look to be late 20s but dressed as well. They order drinks and one for me also as mine will be a special one. After I serve them drinks Mr. Benson tells me in a stern voice to stand and look straight ahead as his friend grabs my ass cheeks then squeezes them and slowly moves his finger on hole then two as Mr. Benson sticks his Hans into my jock strap then is stroking my dick. He ask when was the last time I had cum, I say yesterday, he ask was it jerking off? No it was in someone hole as the condom broke as I also sell my body, He and his friends are laughing. Mr. Benson is working the head of my dick with his thumb and I have four fingers in my ass. I can't take it and say to Mr. Benson I'm going to cum, he picks up a bowl as I explode into it. Mr. Benson puts his finger in as do his two friends and take taste, then tell me to lick the bowl clean. After diner Mr. Benson and his friends are smoking cigars as he signals me to get under the table and service his two friends. Both have 8-9 inch dicks with Prince Alberts piercing. It takes me a while but they both cum in my mouth so as I getting off the floor Mr. Benson tells me to bend over the table and as I do his two friends garb my arms tight. Mr. Benson gets up kicks my legs apart tells his two friends hold him tight as we are going what kind of faggot we have here. I have had a P.A. in my hole so I know the feeling as Mr. Benson is rubbing up and down my hole, as he puts the head of his dick I have the sense Mr. Benson has a very large dick as all of a sudden it feels like I'm being split in half as he drives balls deep with no lube and right through my second spinkter and that very few have ever done. His two friends are smiling and say to Mr. Benson you have a real slutty faggot here. Mr. Benson is rabbit fucking me for over 20 minutes as I know he is have a great time as he is balls deep and just stays there as I feel his dick pulsing and giving me his cum, I don't if its POZ or Neg as it cum from someone who knows how to fuck. When Mr. Benson pulls out I drop to my knees and clean off the cum and other juices from his dick. When I stand up he gives me a kiss and I see he put a envelope in my jock strap. I did not open it until I arrived home. There was a LOT of money and a letter and the letter said. Dear Faggot It was fun fucking you but you could become a better person like my two friends and you too could own faggots. if you are interested call they number in the next 24 hours or we will find another faggot for this once in a life time deal. Mr. Benson
    4 points
  4. Next up was Hamburg where I checked out the back rooms of TOM’s Saloon. It was a Thursday night and the crowds seem to be dying down a bit, so I was thinking “damn, I should’ve came earlier “. I ordered a beer and started to walk around the place getting to where the dark rooms were in the back of the bar. I started walking down the narrow hallway which had cubbies on one side. Leaning against the wall was an older bear with a full beard and rounded stomach. I barely had time to make eye contact with him before he grabbed me and shoved me into the nearest cubby. He pushed me into the corner while reaching to unbutton my pants and pull them down. Once my ass was exposed, he forced my head down so that my hole was exposed and available. He unzipped and pulled out a decent size dick that I didn’t have time to prepare for before he was shoving it in me. This was literally a raw fuck with no chance for lube. The first few minutes were painful as the friction of his fuck rubbed against my dry hole. Mercifully my ass juices began to flow and the tempo increased. With each charge of his penis as he roughly fucked me, my head banged into the corner of the cubby over and over. He leaned over me and grabbed my shoulders as I went from being impaled on his dick to smacked in the corner. He didn’t care; his needs were going to get met. After 15 minutes, I began to hear some grunts and groans as his cock pulsed his load into me. He pulled out, tucked himself back in, and left the cubby with not a word to me. My ass dripping, I rubbed the top of my head and pulled back up my jeans.
    3 points
  5. Justin was warm inside and he loved that guys dick, he would let him fuck him anytime anywhere he thought. Then the hands returned on Justin's ass and the pipe was torched with it in Justin's mouth, He guy eased his fingers back in Justin's hole and then pressed his thumb again and with enough force and some slight movement right and left he popped back in Justin but this time Elephant Dick was right there to press his legs at Justin's shoulders so he could not pull off and had to let his hole stretch and open up. Justin was making all kinds of noise but neither of them cared or could make anything out. The guy in his ass withdrew his hand and then slide two rocks in him. Elephant grabbed the glass that was still on the nightstand and filled it up with the last of some fruit punch in the fridge and had Justin drink. Boy you need to stay hydrated, this would hurt less if you kept your fluids up, Just sucked down the nasty juice and started to feele light and tingly inside. The T had kicked in and the g was making him float like he was outside his body as the guy started to side his hand back inside Justin. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as his hole relaxed and opened up enough so the guy could slide his hand to the wrist and then slowly pull out stretching Justin and then press back inside and force his fist a little deeper. Justin was so high and his hole so hungry it was accepting this guys hand a little deep each time. Elephant unfastened the ball gag and took it out of his mouth and faintly he could hear Justin whimper and moan. He slide his hands under Justin's chest and started to tweak his nipples and the moaning and whimpering got loader. He told the guy to take a break and the guy inside Justin slide his hand slowly out of Justin and Elephant picked Justin up and flipped him like a pancake and he suddenly on his back, He grabbed his legs and pulled each leg back so his hole was fully exposed and fastened them to a cord that was attached to a color and then he fastened it around Justin's neck, his legs flopped forward slightly but his hole was still totally exposed. Elephants dick started to get hard as the guy re-entered Justin and started using one hand then then removing it and then the other pushing deeper into Justin. His head just above Justin's lips begin to leak and drops of cum landed on Justin's lips and he licked them and then opened his mouth and pulled up enough to grab the edge of the guys head and suck it like a tap, drinking down the guys pre-cum. The fisting continued and finally the guy was up to his middle of his forearm and Elephant said it's time as his dick got rock hard and popped out of Justin's mouth. He guy removed his the hand inside Justin and went to the bathroom to clean up and he could hear even with the water running Elephant stretching Justin's home with his huge rock hard dick. Justin's moans had turned painful and he began to bed Elephant to stop but he paid no attention to the boy and when Dan the fist guy came out of the bathroom he climbed on the bed and unfastened the cord holding Justin's legs up, it was not necessary since Elephant had both legs in his hands as his dick pierced Justin's ass. Dan climbed up and sat on Justin's face and said whore eat my hole. Justin shoved his tongue in the hole, it was musky and had a funky taste. He tried to pull off but the guy grabbed his balls and tina dick in his hand and squeezed it hard. Justin Yelped and then began to stick his tongue in the guys hole. He squeezed harder and said fucker lick that hole! You hear me. Justin began to lick the guys hole all over and the guy let up on Justin's dick and balls a little and started to moan. Dan spread he ass so Justin could lick deeper as Elephant slid deep and then almost all the way out and then back in again. Justin ate Dan's ass for twenty minutes and Elephant finally shoved his dick in deep and came. Justin thought fuck is he pissing in me, Elephant came buckets in Justin and then pulled out slowly and pulled the dildo Dan found in the bathroom and slide it into Justin effortlessly and then went and took a shower. Justin lowered his legs and kept his tongue licking and probing Dan's hole while Dan hit the pipe. Justin heard Elephant come back and grab his clothes and get dressed and told Dan thanks for opening up the cunt for me. May need you again when I am back I am going to get deeper in this fag. Dan said fuck yea dude you know I love wrecking boy cunt. With that Elephant walked out out of the room and Justin heard the door close. Justin eat and licked. He hard the guy texting and five minutes later the door opened and in walked someone. The guy he bud, you got a little slut for me? That I do said Dan, he eats a mean ass give it a try! Dan slapped Justin across the face and said slut, you are gonna eat some straight guy ass, make sure you show him how much you love it. The guy got up and started to squat over Justin and the guy said, just finished work and I need a slut like you to clean my hole for me. The straight guy lowered his hairy tight round muscle ass down so Justin could get a smell and taste of his hole. Dan grabbed his balls and squeezed them tight again and said fucker eat the dirty hole boy. Justin yelped again and stuck his tongue out again and got his first taste of that guys dirty hole, tasted so odd, sweat, musk and had to be shit. The guy must have taken a dump and not wiped. Justin wanted to cry but the pain on his sensitive tina dick and the crushing of his balls kept him from pulling back and he licked and ate the hole. Nice boy the straight guy said, deeper and lick all around my hole. I want my hole totally clean before I go home. The straight guy hit the pipe while Justin serviced his nasty hole and after ten minutes he said your turn. Justin could still taste the straight guys ass on his tongue and it was on his nose and it is all he could smell so when Dan climbed back on his ass tasted like the straight guys. Five minutes later the straight guy entered the bedroom and by then Dan was Jacking his dick and got up told Justin to open his mouth and shoved his dick down Justin's throat while he unloaded a five day load. Dan told the straight guy that the boy was all his, he had to go. He left a pipe filled with T and a vile of g if he needed it on the nightstand. Don't leave it you can drop it off at my apartment if you do not use it up. With that he got up and got dressed and left. The straight guy said, boy you are really lucky. Most faggot whores love straight guys and you are about to be my little clean up whore! You are gonna give me a tongue bath after work before I go home to my GF. With that he climbed up and lowered his jock ass down and he told Justin to lick his dirty hole. I just took a shit and I hate toilet paper boy. I could have showered but than what good are you! This time when he sat down on Justin's face he felt a fat dick rest on his chest. Justin ate and licked and started to enjoy the guys hole as he spread his ass checks and encouraged Justin to swirl his tongue and circle it around his hole. That a good faggot whore, Ten minute later he hard the pipe and he guy pressed his hole into Justin's tongue and Justin was tongue fucking the guys hole and he could hear him moan. What started out really nasty was not turning Justin on, he loved making this guy moan. Straight man ridding his tongue! Fucker he said, you are making my dick hard. Right there, deeper boy,
    3 points
  6. 11. After sending the videos Jim sent me of our fuck I lay on my bed naked staring at the ceiling for a while. The smell of sex had drifted into the room with me and I lay there breathing it in deeply. Good job boy!Read Sir’s text reply, It takes most boys almost a week to get to the level of hunger you’re at. But is this from just the rush of finally letting go or do you really have what it takes to be the pig our club is looking for? I’m that pig Sir! I hope that you are. So now we are going to test your commitment. I think your cunt has been through enough today. I am calling off your evening plans. You will refrain from taking any more loads tonight as well. You next appointment will be tomorrow at 4pm. You are allowed to take the plug out to sleep tonight, but you will need to work it back into your hole tomorrow before 4. The cage will stay locked. You will continue to drink all of your own piss. No more cock! Sir! Please! I’m so horny. That’s the point boy. Remember you can tap out at any point but there are no second chances. Yes Sir. I understand. Good. 4pm tomorrow. How the fuck was I going to make it till 4pm the next day. All I could think about was cock. I lay on my bed for a while, then I got up and got my laptop. I opened twitter and just watched porn for ages. I rocked on the plug, I swallowed down another load of piss. After a long while I decided I should bite the bullet and get the plug out. I lay on my floor, on my back in front of a mirror with a towel under me. I grabbed my phone and with my legs in the air aimed it at the massive base of the plug. I undid the straps and took a deep breath, then I pushed. It took a lot to push the plug out and when it finally shot from my hole and landed on the floor with a heavy thud I gasped. My hole was ping as swollen, for a long second it hung open and refused to close. It seemed to take ages for it to wink closed and even then, it never completely shut. A long stream of thick white cum oozed out of me. Still recording I videoed myself fingering my hole and then scooping it up and swallowing some of the cum that had dripped out. It was going to be almost impossible to sleep.
    3 points
  7. Preface Let me start with saying that I haven't been able to fantasize about anything other than bareback sex for going on five years now - it's the only porn I find I can jack off to, and it's the only sex I have where I'm actually fully committed to the sex. Even if I'm getting a blowjob, if I want to cum, I have to pretend it's a sloppy ass I'm fucking. That only works sometimes. I'd take a load here or there - from friends generally or, if I was feeling really risky, from a stranger (once every blue moon). I've always kept it pretty tame for the most PrEP about seven months ago now - and it's made me rethink a few things. I was in Chicago for Market Days this past weekend, and while my friends were all off being social, all I could think about was Steamworks. I'd been to the Chicago location once before, and was well aware that it was the best one. I even remembered the 3rd floor being my favorite (anyone who's been there knows exactly what I'm talking about - gloryholes). Finally, on Saturday afternoon while everyone was at the fair, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go just 'check it out'. That turned into quite a bit more. End of Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------ The moment I walked in, I knew exactly what I wanted. Raw cock through a gloryhole. Maybe just one or two, no big deal. That would at least satiate me. I was wrong. I ended up with (at least) ten loads in my cunt and even craving more. I made my way for the 3rd floor gloryhole booths which are pretty dark and seedy, and have a hole on the three sides that aren't the door. I entered the booth, wiped some spit on my hole, and put it up against the wall with the largest hole. I made sure my towel was visibly draped over the door, and I made sure you could see by my feet under the stall door that I firmly had my butt planted up against that hole. I heard the shuffling of a few feet, and the jingle of a few keys, but nobody entered the booth. Back downstairs to the second floor, I went for the (sadly) better lit booths but was still looking forward to anon cock. The one nice thing about these booths was that they have a hole on the door, conveniently right at cock/ass level, giving me a chance to show off my ass and towel at the same time. And so that's what I did. I put myself on display "hey, anonymous raw cumdump over here!" Patience is a virtue, and boy did I need it in spades that day. Several old trolls came by, peeking into the gloryholes next to me (why, I don't know. Isn't that the point? I don't want to see the anyone's face, otherwise I'd be fucking in a private room) and tried getting me to stick my dick through. Now, I wasn't exactly being subtle with my ass-vertising. Why they thought I wanted a blowjob, I'll never know. Finally, a finger started prodding my pre-lubed cunt. Eventually he entered the booth next to me, and presented a semi-hard, decently-sized black cock. Testing the water, I promptly got down on my knees and started licking and sucking at the meaty cock - which had him almost instantly hard. I coated it with a little more spit, turned around and lined it up to my hole. Bingo - he rammed on home in one quick thrust (thank the gods I'm not exactly 'tight'). I was elated - I was being what I always dreamed of being. Suddenly, however, my plans were de-railed. He left his booth, and I was pretty certain there was no load in me yet. I was relieved when he came and knocked on my door and, while I didn't exactly want to SEE the man that was using the random slut I was trying to be, I wanted that fucking load. So I obliged by opening and was greeted by a pretty fit black guy with glasses. He locked the door and I presented - again, not being subtle as to what I wanted. He quickly slid back in my loosening hole, and proceeded to fuck me (HARD) for about five minutes. Suddenly, again, he stopped, put his towel around his waist, and headed back out the booth. Disappointed at first, I reached back and felt that amazing, familiar wetness that you get when you took a fresh load. I had done it - I had finally become a public, anonymous raw cumdump. Was I satiated? Hell no. The booth room was quiet for a while and so I took a walk. Mind you it was 3:00 in the afternoon, and even though the bathhouse is right on the main drag where the fair was being held, it wasn't exactly as busy as I had hoped it would be. I finally settled in on the fuck bench, just around the corner from where I had just taken my first load. I turned my head away so I wouldn't see any of my assailants, but there was a lot of touching, and not enough fucking. A few guys came by and patted my ass, and then finally a second large black cock parked itself in front of my face. I was initially worried he was only going to want a blowjob (again, I wasn't being exactly subtle as to what I was looking for), but after I got that big snake hard, he moved around behind me, felt-up my hole and said "You've been in the sling already, haven't you?" (I wasn't going to argue even though I HADN'T been in the sling, I simply thought Let's just shut up and fuck.) This guy was another rough fucker, and even longer than the last one. I started to get that pain from having my internal organs rammed, but I was determined to do what I came to do. After a while, he must have gotten bored - maybe I was too loose for him? Whatever - his loss. He was quickly replaced by a very large man, though, with a very unsatisfying small cock. But that didn't matter - I still wanted the load. What I love about small cocks? They usually cum quickly, and you feel the sperm shooting inside of you since it's so shallow. Now I was really in heat - I knew I just let a fat fuck breed me, a man I would probably not even look twice at if I saw him on the street - and would've begged for his load if he'd asked me. Fatty was replaced by a middle-aged doughy guy - I didn't mean to see him but I accidentally saw his body. No biggie - didn't see the face so I was happy. This guy had a hard time staying hard, and would fuck me for a while, then slow down, get a little soft, then get hard again and continue fucking me. It was frustrating but I wasn't going to argue. He sadly pulled out (with a nice pop - great mushroom head) and I was fairly certain he didn't shoot in me. He was replaced, though, with another small cock - meanwhile a muscular gentleman came around to my mouth and shoved his hard cock in. Next thing I know, small cock pulled-out and the mushroom head slid back in. When did he get back, I thought? I heard him talking to the guy with the small cock, and then suddenly he disappeared again. Muscular BJ guy moves around to my hole, slid in, and came in about thirty seconds. Small cock followed, and, once again, the small cock came quickly. At this point I was doing pretty well. Mushroom head finally comes back - I could recognize the sound of his footsteps at this point, and points a VERY hard, greased up cock at my hole. He fucked me hard for about two minutes and audibly groaned as he emptied his balls into me. As annoying as his back and forth was, it was totally worth it. The room got quiet for a while and suddenly, large black cock number two grabbed me by the arm and saying "Come with me." I followed him, once again sad that I was seeing my breeder's face, but ended-up in his room. He roughly pushed me onto the bed on all 4's and goes right to work. I was moaning like a bitch in heat as he tore up my hole with that big cock, once again assailing my organs. "I haven't cum in two weeks" he mentioned, out of breath. Trying to make sure I was loud enough for all of the neighbors to hear me, I said "Fuck yeah! Breed me with that big load!" "I'm gonna fuck you for a while, bitch." Disappointed that he just said that, I stayed strong and took his assault like a good little slut. Eventually, though, it became clear to me that he wasn't going to cum, and my guts needed a break from him. I thanked him, said I needed a break, and went upstairs to hide in my favorite gloryhole booth. Taking my cumdump position from before, I saw a fat cock move through the middle hole - rock hard. Perfect, that saves me some work. I didn't even bother to suck it, but rather just spit on it and backed on up. He didn't budge, and soon I was riding that fat dick with gusto. Bent over all the way, I could see four feet in his stall, and could tell from the motion that he was getting fucked as he was fucking me. HOT. When he came, it felt like I was taking the top's nutt vicariously through him. Another decent sized, semi-hard cock came through the side I usually lean against, and I went to work trying to get him hard. He motioned with his hand to put my ass up, and so I did. He knew what I was there for, and maybe knew I'd already been bred six times at this point. I spread my cheeks and awaited the cock I wanted...nay...deserved. I felt the head poke at my hole and started to push my ass back on it. As sloppy as my hole was, and as much cum as I had in my cunt, something still didn't feel right. His cock was the hardest dick I've ever had in me, but it wasn't that good, warm sloppy feeling. I reached back and was disappointed to notice there was a condom on. I let him go for a minute or so but then pulled off - that wasn't what I was there for. Thankfully another hard cock came through the middle hole at that exact moment. I moved around onto that one, not bothering to suck him, but just backed up onto that average raw cock. As I was being relentlessly pounded by the guy (all the while thinking to myself Man, he knows how to fuck), I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was condom-guy and sure enough, he came in, still rock hard and still wearing the same condom. Turns out he had a passion for gloryhole sluts like myself and started pushing me back onto my current raw assailant. The man fucking me started to moan, and condom-guy asked "Yeah, is he breeding you?" "I think so" was the reply, and sure enough, his softening cock fell out with a *plop* and I hear the spatter of cum on the floor (too bad, wasted cum). Sweating, I wiped myself off with my towel and condom-guy asked "Are you done?" "That depends. Can you lose the condom?" "Not while fucking you, no." "Then I'm done." He gave me a frustrated look. "You didn't seem to mind five minutes ago." "I minded, which is why I stopped. Not interested." He slammed the door as he left the booth and I shrugged it off. His loss - he could've felt the warm, silky embrace of seven loads and a raw hole around his cock. I was disappointed I'd tainted my evening by even trying to take a cock with a rubber. I took my position back at the bench for a while, and achieved getting another two (unremarkable) loads - again, doughy motherfuckers probably desperate for some pussy. I was happy to oblige. Several other cocks slid in me but pretty obviously weren't ready to blow their loads yet, and so went on their way with full balls. I wasn't thrilled, but had at least gotten more raw cock. I was getting tired and thought I should probably go be social. That didn't last long as I took my position back in the gloryhole. I wanted a few more loads - you know, to at least get to the double-digits. Annoyingly, some twinky thing stood in the doorway of my presentation-hole and blocked the view, not to mention bogarted the booth that men with full balls were supposed to use to fill me up. Before I knew it, he was backing up onto his own assailant and I decided to watch for a bit. He was a good little cumdump like me, and when he was done, I thought he might like to take a try at my hole. He apparently felt the same way, and backed his ass up to my ass. *shrug* sure, I'll try a little bit of that raw hole while I'm here. It was sweet, warm and wet but not as wet as mine. I'm sure it would be by the end of the night but I wasn't going to stick around long enough to find out. I wasn't ready to cum, and decided to check out one more booth before I left. The man in the booth adjacent to me felt my hole up to the booth and roughly shoved a dry finger in. Once it got wet, it felt really good, but I wasn't there for fingering. I wanted cock. I turned around, put my fingers over the edge of the hole and he got the picture pretty quickly. I stuck a very hard dick up to the hole and I backed right onto it. As he did that, the booth in front of me was occupied and a long, fat white cock came through. It was bigger than any of the black dick I'd taken, and I was hoping the guy breeding me would hurry up. He didn't last long, and just as I went to put my still-fresh hole on that monster dick, he pulled away. Apparently he just wanted a blowjob and wasn't interested in what I had to offer. Ten loads. I think it's safe-to-say that I've finally taken the plunge into being a full-fledged, raw, anon cumdump. I'm already planning a trip to the San Francisco Steamworks this weekend, so, more to cum.
    2 points
  8. One of my fuck buddies just left after seeding me. He has eight fat inches and makes me feel like a virgin every time he fucks me. He's into incest play and mpreg fantasy. He's the father and I'm his son. He's got a big beard and a deep voice that really works for me. He smoked his pipe while I sucked him hard, then he said, 'present ass, boy.' He fucked me standing up and slumped over me groaning while he unloaded in me. He counted off the months to when I'd deliver his new son, and told me it'd be around Veteran's Day. I sucked his cock clean, then he fed me his piss. It was strong and salty. Then he got in his truck and went home to his husband.
    2 points
  9. Chris is an 18 year old senior in high school. Straight, dark brown hair, Brown eyes, swimmers build, captain of the track team. His beautiful girlfriend, Ann. Who, he fucked every chance he got. Chris knew he had a hot body, and that certainly didn’t go unnoticed by Jack, his 56 year old next neighbor, who secretly lusted and had discreetly watched Chris from his bedroom window, Jack who was 5,6 slim with sliver gray hair, had fantasized on fucking the clueless young man. Jack’s best friend, Oliver, who was a year older, then Jack over weight and was 5’8. Both talked about what they would do with Chris, if they could get their hands on the 6’ foot stud. and as fate would have it, an opportunity would happen for Oliver and Jack. Chris was getting ready for work at the comic book store he worked at. He was by himself after 4 when his boss left. It was a mom and pop place, so no security cameras, he was alone. He would see customers and by closing it was dead slow. Jack and Oliver knew the shop closed at 8 and with that, they went to see Chris, to ask him about comic books. At least that was their story. Around 745PM, Oliver and Jack showed up, Chris was surprised. “Hi Chris,” Jack said with a very cheerful voice. “Hello Chris,” came from Oliver. “Hello Mr. Morgan.” Hello, Mr. Reeves.” “What brings you here?” “First of all, it’s not Mr. Morgan, it’s Jack.” “And I’m Oliver.” “We’re looking for the Amazing Spider-Man 700.” Oliver said. “He’s looking to get it for his nephew, he can’t find it anywhere.” Jack finishing up Oliver’s sentence. “Let me check the back issues.” Chris goes to the back, Jack puts a roofie into Chris’s soda. “I got it” as Chris comes from the back. “Thank you, Chris!” Oliver says, paying for the book. “Thank you for looking” Jack says with a grin. The men quickly leave, Chris fishes cashing out for the night. Takes a sip of his Soda, slowly feels dizzy, trying to keep his balance, but passes out. At that moment both men come back in, Oliver locked the door, while Jack goes to check on Chris, who is out cold. Quickly, putting their plan into action, Oliver gets Chris’s keys and goes to hide his car, so everyone thinks he has left. Jack, using Chris’s finger print to unlock his phone, setting up a fake profile on various gay websites that caters to older men. Oliver returns, having parked Chris’s car three blocks away from the store. Oliver and Jack manage to get Chris into the back and unto the couch. Both men slowly undress the young man, Oliver is impressed by what he sees. Chris’s smooth chest, the pubic hairs above his soft dick, but once it got hard and thick it would be great to play with. Chris let’s out a moan, slowly waking up, finding himself staring at Oliver and Jack naked standing over him. “What’s going on here?” As Chris slurred his words, and barely able to move. “It’s ok Chris, just enjoy it and relax.” Jack said in a soothing voice, easing the young man’s mind.” Oliver, went to go get Chris’s soda, giving him a pill viagra to get him hard and with the roofie still in the soda, Chris passes out again, Jack puts lube on his dick, which is now hard, and puts some lube on Chris’s hole, slowly sliding his 7 inch cock into the young man. Oliver, watches Jack fuck Chris, who’s own cock is now hard thanks to the viagra. Oliver set up a camera to record all the action, and to use it, against Chris, if he should try and say anything to anybody about this. Jack felt himself starting to cum inside Chris, who was now half awake unable to speak and seeing Jack between his legs and his cock in his ass. “Here, it comes Chris!” Jack let’s out a loud yelp. Shooting his load into him. “My turn.” Oliver says, as he positions himself between the young man, not using lube due to the cum leaking out of Chris’s ass. ”I’ve waited a long time for this.” Oliver said. Chris couldn’t do much, the roofie took much of his energy, and was surprised to see he was hard. All Chris could do was take it. while Oliver was finishing up, there was a knock at the door. Jack went to answer it, and to his surprise, there were eight men ranging in age from 53 to 77. “Hi, I believe this is the place where we get to bareback a hot jock.” said the man with the eye glasses, who was 5’2 and stocky. “Why yes it is” Jack said with a grin. Pointing to the back, Jack locks the door, and follows the men to the back. “My he is beautiful.” One guy said. Oliver shoots his second load into Chris. “Times up, Ollie, we have to give these fine gentlemen a turn with our boy.” each of the men took turns fucking Chris. Who couldn’t do much but take it, Oliver started jerking Chris’s cock, while deciding to fuck him again. “Chris, this is a night you’re never going to forget.” While shooting another load into the young man’s ass. And at the same time, Chris shot his load all over, in which Oliver, fed Chris his own load, who licked it off his the next morning , Chris woke up in his bed, thinking he had dream the whole thing, until he got a text from Jack, with a link to the video saying “Don’t day anything to anyone, or we will release it all over the internet.” Chris now was their personal cum and he knew he couldn’t tell anyone either
    2 points
  10. Well, I'm definitely getting a type from that grouping...
    2 points
  11. For the record, I’ve known a number of American Muslims and never has one tried to convert me to their religion. Can’t say the same about your “harmless little Christians,” whose right-wing factions operate as America’s Taliban. These people like Trump because he is stacking the American federal judiciary with lifetime judges whose sole qualification is their desire to impose right-wing Christian Sharia law upon the rest of us. Harmless Christians your ass.
    2 points
  12. A beautifully crafted tale
    2 points
  13. Fraternity Initiation Adam was barely 18 and was starting his first year at an out of state university. He was the only one from his graduating class to be attending this university so he did not know anyone at the school when he arrived. The first person he met was his roommate, Jake Ryan. Adam spent a lot of time with his new roommate and friend. Adam learned that Jake was a member of a (not well known) local fraternity Pi Omicron Zeta, or as it was known on campus POZ. Jake invited Adam to meet his friends and fraternity brothers. As Adam spent more time with Jake and the guys in the frat, the more he liked them. He also noticed that all the guys were built somewhat like him. They were all tall, around 6 foot tall (Adam was 6’2”), thin and lean (Adam had a 28” waist), and were athletic (Adam played volleyball in high school). With how small the fraternity was, Adam learned that the frat only allowed 3 new members each semester. Adam liked the guys in the frat and he wanted to join. There were not that many guys being considered this month. Adam was one of 5 guys that were being recruited. There were parties and socials were the members of the frat were able to get to know the prospective members. The time came where the fraternity was to decide which 3 guys were to be invited to join POZ. It was a Friday when Adam was sitting at the desk in his dorm room when an envelope slid under the door. On the front of the envelope were the three Greek letters Pi Omicron Zeta. His heart was beating when he opened it up and he stated: “You have been cordially invited to join the brotherhood of Pi Omicron Zeta. You are to arrive at the house tonight at 8:00 pm. You are to wear only blue jeans, an old white t-shirt and tennis shoes (no underwear or socks are to be worn). If you are not there promptly at 8:00 pm this bid will be retracted.” Adam was thrilled. He looked down at his watch when he noticed that it was a little after 7 and he still needed to take a shower. He quickly showered and got ready. As he got dressed he thought about the instruction, “no underwear or socks are to be worn”. Adam was used to wearing shoes without socks, but he had never gone without underwear before, do this would be a first for him. Adam arrived at the POZ house a few minutes before 8. He walked up to the door and there was a note on the door that said “Enter”. Adam walked in to find another note placed on a chair with a blind fold, a glass of water and what looked like a formal document on a table next to the chair. This note instructed Adam to sit in the chair and put the blind fold on and drink the water down. The note also let him know that once he drank the water there was no turning back and to signify Adam’s willingness to join POZ he was to sign the document on the table next to the chair. Adam knew that fraternity initiations were secretive so it did not faze him to follow these instructions. He sat down and placed the blind fold on then drank the water. Adam was sitting there for a few minutes when he started to feel funny, like he was floating. Then…….. The next thing Adam knew he woke up still with his blind fold on. He suddenly realized that he was naked and couldn’t move. He felt as if he was restrained in some sort of hammock. He then heard a familiar voice of Reese, the frat president say “He’s awake, remove the blind fold.” Adam then saw that he was in deed naked and so was everyone else in the room. He was in a sling with his arms and ankles tied down to chains that were suspended from the ceiling. Adam had an idea that initiations were crazy, but was this more then he bargained for. Reese continued to speak, “Adam, you are to affirm your wish to be a member of Pi Omicron Zeta!” Adam responded “I do affirm I wish to be a member of Pi Omicron Zeta.” Adam didn’t think much of what was going on, until he felt something touching his ass. He felt something cool shove into the ass. Reese than instructed “Let the initiation begin.” Reese then stepped up to Adam in the sling. He was standing between Adam’s legs. Adam looked down and notices that Reese was stroking his cock as he looked directly into Adam’s eyes. Reese’s cock looked huge to him and he noticed that he had a very large PA in it with what looked like a stud on the end. Adam said “What the hell are you doing?” Reese looked into Adam’s eyes and just said “Relax pledge, enjoy.” Then Jake shoved a bottle under Adams nose and covered his mouth, “Breath in deep Adam, enjoy the feeling.” Adam had no choice but to breath in deep through his nose and take in the aroma from the poppers that were held under his nose. Within a short time Adam started to feel warm and felt his heart begin to race. What he didn’t know was that Reese had inserted some Crystal Meth in his ass and it was starting to take affect. Adam was starting to fly high, but still had a sense of what was going on around him. Reese then stepped up to Adam’s ass and aimed his 8” cock at Adam’s hole. He looked into Adam’s eyes as he penetrated into his ass. Reese said, “This weekend you offer POZ your ass as we offer you our gift, a gift we share with each other often we now give you.” The group repeated what Reese had just recited. Adam looked into Reese’s eyes as he realized that he was getting fucked by Reese. Reese looked down at him and whispered, “You will receive this gift from each member of the fraternity.” Adam was not sure what Reese meant by “This Gift”. Adam asked “What gift do you mean?” Reese looked deep into Adam’s eyes and said “The gift of HIV!” Adam was now flying higher then he had ever been in his life. He had smoke pot a few times but had never done anything else. Now Meth had him so high, he was starting to moan as Reese pounded away at his ass. Reese began to breathe deep and said, “Welcome to POZ” as he shot his poisoned seed deep in Adam’s gut. As Reese pulled his cock out he wiped his hand across it and held it up for all to see the blood that he had caused with his studded PA. He stepped away, the next POZ member stepped in. The fraternity vice president Aaron was quick to replace Reese’s cock with his own 7 inches deep in Adam’s ass. Aaron pounded away at Adam’s ass as Jake fed Adam more poppers. Adam was really moaning now and Aaron was getting ready to plant his seed deep in his hole. This went on all night long with each member of the fraternity taking his turn until the last member; Jake took his place at Adam’s hole. Jake told Adam, “You did good buddy, really good.” Jake began to slowly pump in and out of Adam’s well used ass. He took his time building up to the point of no return and said, “Now you will take your last seeding and shoot your last clean seed” as he then stroked Adam’s cock and brought him to climax. Adam was released from the sling and placed in a bedroom up stairs as the group prepared for the next initiation.
    2 points
  14. It is a pity Mr Benson did not send him to Mexico for some of those really big cocks
    2 points
  15. Online looking to [banned word] on wi-ck-r or if any boy Pussy is about and needs knocked up get in touch - if it’s pretty enough I will travel to breed it
    2 points
  16. Usually all night. I like to fall asleep with the guy’s cock still inside me; feel it slowly going down and stimulate it sufficiently to keep it semi-erect (at least) and dribbling pre-cum until we start fucking again. I made a point of doing the same to the young bloke who moved in with me. After I fuck him and cum in him, he loves the sensation of me spooning him, cock deep in his arse, too. Even though he still identifies as “a straight bloke who loves fucking guys and being fucked” and regards me as his boyfriend/big brother/lover, he’s hooked on the intimacy and sense of fullness (I often take Viagra Professionals to ensure I’m hard all night just so my cock presses against his insides all night...when I take more than one, I love the throbbing and bulbous effect it has on the head of my cock and he loves that sensation. As do I when he’s done the same.😛)
    2 points
  17. At first you say to yourself that you might as well keep taking their loads because they've already bred you. But pretty soon there'll be another man who you want so bad that you let him blow his load inside you. Then you'll tell yourself, 'well, just those three.' Surprisingly soon after that , it'll be, 'well, just those thirty.'
    2 points
  18. He's all for spreading it around. He'd be happy to knock you two up, too. He also wants to watch me take a dog's knot. I'd do anything he wants me to do.
    2 points
  19. These are my people lol I completely agree. I am a dedicated ass enthusiast and rimming is my favorite and this is how I like it! If the butt is furry on any of these options, even better! I’ve also encountered a boy whose butt is always completely clean and has a tangy taste that almost tickles my tongue. I spend literally an hour just feasting on that ass before sliding my cock in when I see him because it’s so addicting.
    2 points
  20. Fucked at the Berkeley baths on Saturday night by two fine cocks. Actually three but the first guy almost didn’t count because he unleashed his gusher so quick as soon as he stuck his 9+ in me, then ran right out leaving my room door open. I love presenting my ass to passers by in my semi-darkened room, so I assumed the position and waited. In about five minutes a 60ish white guy walked in, dropped his towel, and exposed a thick, veiny cock. I sucked it for a couple of minutes knowing I’d get what I wanted because I caught a whiff of ass each time I buried my face in his bushy pubes. I turned around and he entered smoothly yet forcefully. He was quite the filthy talker and claimed he had fucked four guys that night already but only given one a cum injection. “I’m sure this velvety ass of yours will get me off big time,” he whispered. His rhythm increased and then took a massive hit from his poppers, which he shared with me mouth to mouth. That’s what it took to open me up and allow his fat dick in all the way. He pumped fast, short strokes until letting out a moan that could be heard across the Bay. He flooded me with so much jizz that I found it hard to believe he had seeded anybody before me that night. not long after that breeding, I noticed a shorter black man with a long grey salt/pepper beard wandering the halls looking for booty to ravage. I asked him if he’d tickle my butt crack with his facial fur and we got right down to it. He had a Gene Simmons-esque tongue that he slid inside my hole so deeply that I thought he was aiming to stick it all the way through me and exit my navel. Our fucking position was a little unusual at first given his short stature, but I pulled him up on top of me and spread my legs so he could dick me down missionary style. That long beard made me go wild, which in turn brought a big grin on his round face. That smile turned slightly mean when he felt his balls jump and knew he couldn’t hold back his thick and creamy load any longer. Damn, what a firehouse worth of cum he gave me...so much that I temporarily felt pleasantly bloated from the pressure of the two mixing loads in my hole. He took off to rinse the sweat from his body and said “I have to find and fuck you again, and I usually get here at 5:30 right after work on Saturday.” No phone numbers changed hands, but I’m going to be searching for that little bearded stud again, as soon as this weekend.
    2 points
  21. Justin waiting nervous yet excited kneeling facing the bed. His jock framed his bubble ass and his hairless butt. Brad Marks new found buddy walked in and said good slut boy, that ass look pretty nice there. Bet that shit is hungry as he slipped between Justin and the bed and forced his cock deep in Justin's mouth. Damn boy, you are one hungry slut! Brad Spit on his hand and especially two fingers and started to rub the boys hole, Justin tried to squirm but the dick formed down his throat kept him in place and before long Brad slipped a finger and then two up Justin's tight ass. Fuck boy that is tight, you might be a virgin! My lucky night! Just thought, fuck he wants my ass. I had not planned on that tonight, Brand's fingers kept sliding in and out of Justin's ass and before long Justin was moaning and enjoying it. Fucking whore, Brad said, as he kept finger fucking Justin and involuntary moans kept vibrating on Brad's dick and this low moan escaped Justin's lips. Brad pulled his hips back and slid his dick out and his fingers and told Justin to get up on all four on the edge of the bed. Justin hesitated and Brad slapped the back of hid head hard and just quickly got into place. Just was still dizzy and his head hurt while Brad put a bottle under his noise and said inhale. WTF Justin thought, I do not do drugs nut quickly inhaled not wanting to get hit again. Brad moved it to the other nostril and he said whore inhale, Justin followed three more time so each nostril took three hits and then Brad put the cap on it and pressed Justin's face into the bed and spit three times on Justin's hole and then on his hand and lubed up his dick and started to press his dick into Justin and slowly he opened the kid up and Justin started to whimper and say you have a condom on right? Without saying a work Brad put a pillow over Justin's head and started to fuck him relentlessly. Brad called him a dirty whore, fucking cum slut and cock hungry queer before shooting a huge load in Justin. The popper's had warn off and Justin's ass was sore. Brad kept fucking the boy, Justin thought he would have stopped after cumming in his ass but Brad was working up another load and after another five minutes she shot another load into the boy. With that he lifted the pillow and bend down and whispered, little slut you know know what your hole was made for. Be ready in an hour a buddy of mine needs your little slut hole! Justin wanted to shake his head no but just stayed right there and waited as Brad pulled his dick out and he said Beautiful little whore cunt on you. You will be just like this when my buddy walks in and I text you. Then he slapped his head again and said, don't fucking make me hurt you boy. Do as your are told and you will have a great time! Leave my cum in your ass boy and I want you to text me after my buddy leaves! Do you hear me? Just said Yes, in a soft voice. Good little whore, then Brad slapped his ass and left the room and got dressed and Justin heard the door shut and eased himself off the bed and slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He text Mark and did not get a response and then fired up BBRT and send him a message. Justin wrote: Mark I sent you a text, in about 50 minutes another guy is going to be here to fuck me. I really was not ready to get fucked but your buddy who came over fucked me and came inside me twice and he is really rough. I am not sure what to do, I feel like I should lock the door and take a shower. I need to talk to you please hit me back. Justin text again 30 min later. Mark I only have 20 minutes, please tell your friend not to send his friend. Brad text Justin ten minutes later and said: Slut boy, you still have my cum in your cunt? Justin, Yes. Brad: That is Sir to you. Justin: Yes Sir. Brad: Good Whore Boy, you ready for more cum? Justin: Silence Brad: Boy do not make me come over there and hurt you. Justin: Yes Sir. Brad: Not that is my whore boy! Brad: My buddy just text he is five minutes away, go get on your bed in that jock, Take your phone. Justin: Yes Sir. (Justin's heard was beating hard and he legs were shaking) Brad: He just parked he is coming in. Justin: I am ready Sir. Justin heard the door open and close, then steps toward his room and then a belt, zipper and pants dropping. It was dead silent and then Justin felt a hand on his back and then a blindfold was slipped on. then the guy walked around got in front of Justin and it sound like he was texting on his phone and snapped a couple pictures. Then more pictures and texting from the rear and the guy pulled Justin's checks apart and said nice cummy hole boy. Then he felt the guy grab his angle and slip what felt like a thick angle bracelet and the the other ankle and then both wrist. It was then that Justin heard the door open and close. His first thought was that Brad, he hard steps toward the bedroom and then a guy undressing while the first guy tied his arms to the headboard. Then the first guy got in place and fed Justin his cock. Fat uncut cock, had to be eight inches. Justin began to suck on his cock and the other guy started to eat his cummy hole. Justin loved that feeling but thought fuck is that guy really eating cum out of my ass, the guy tongue fucked him and then pulled off, spit on his hand and he lubed up his cock and started to slide in. OMG Justin thought as this big dick tried to invade his cummy hole, Without poppers it hurt like hell, then the guy stopped and he felt a finger but if felt really sharp and then the finger pulled out and then another. Fuck that hurt and suddenly Justin felt relaxed and warm. The guy pressed his dick against Justin's hole and slowly pressed inch after inch in until all nine inches were inside Justin. Fuck that is some good whore pussy the guy fucking him said, slowly sliding all the way out and then driving back in and he fucked like this for ten minutes and then said greedy bitch wants my cum. Fucking take it bitch and with he shot his load in the boy. He pulled out and told Mike, I know know his name is Mike Justin thought, thank bud that was a great piece of ass. Text my buddy it was his turn! Mike said invite whoever you want. The door opened and closed and in walked a tall skinny white guy, he quickly dropped his pants and his dick was rock hard in no time had to be 10 to 11 inches. He spread Justin's legs further and slapped his thick dick on Justin cummy hole and then slide his cock slowly to the base. The guy fucking Justin's mouth pulled out and Justin gasped and moaned, whispered OMG, please fuck me, you feel so good and muck more. Most of it was inaudible but after two minutes of fucking the guy whit the magic dick show a huge load in the boy. The guy said dude, that is one fucking hot hole. I will be in back in an hour to drop another load. Then he pulled out and got dressed and headed for the door.
    2 points
  22. UPDATE: With the new software I've added a "Member Map" for Cumdumps. In the navbar it's under "Other". Just add yourself on the map. It'll be a stop gap until I get Cumdump.Network up and running. I'll keep it up if it's popular and doesn't cost too much in mapping queries. ————— For a while now you guys have been discussing the idea of a cumdump network - basically guys in different locations that will take any load on call, no questions asked. Let's stop the talking and turn it into a reality... If you want to be a cumdump in the cumdump network post a message here with the following info: Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Times you're generally not available: Age: Height: Weight: Ethnicity: It would help a lot if you attach a picture, but that's optional. If you don't want to give your cell number, you should get a throwaway cell or a Google Voice Number for the purposes of scheduling hookups. Before posting numbers we'll send a text to verify that the person behind that number wants to be part of the cumdump network. For location - a major intersection near you is best. Otherwise your zip code or the zip code near you. Outside the US, give the equivalent level of detail. Basically I need enough information to drop a pin in Google Maps near your location without all the pins for you and other cumdumps near you being at the center of your town. I'll create a Google Map which I'll post on CumdumpNetwork.com Do not respond to this thread except to give the information above. All discussion should go in the original thread. Tops, if you have problems with any of the cumdumps on the list, please let us know and we'll delist them if we feel it's warranted. Remember - the cumdumps should not be asking many questions - they should take your load without hesitation. That said, if a cumdump had an unpleasant time with you, they're allowed to say 'no' to future hookups.
    1 point
  23. the rest stop is real, everything else is... I’m a senior in college, play baseball and am deeply closeted. For a few years, I’ve stopped at a rest stop near the airport for some under the stall fun, knowing I’m far away from anyone who’ll recognize me. On a few occasions, I’ve even gone to a truck with a trucker to suck him off in privacy. I’ve never gone further then sucking, even when some of the truckers have wanted my ass. Some have even offered me money, but I’ve been too scared. One Sunday afternoon, I was fooling around on a cruising/hook-up app when a message popped up. I looked at the picture and the guy had no face pic, but the body picture was nice. I opened the message and was kind of shocked by what it said. “That was a really hot blow job you gave me a couple nights ago.” I looked and reread the message again, shocked that a message this direct and revealing was coming to me. I responded back, “Think you got me mixed up with someone else.” Few minutes went by with no response, and I was thinking the guy had been too ashamed to respond. Finally, just as I had put the message aside, I got another notice of a message, from the same guy. Thinking it’d be a simple, “My bad” response I opened the message. The words in the message chilled me to the bone. “No, you stupid punk. You sucked my cock, in my truck at the rest stop on I-5, near the airport. We started under the stall, you in the middle one, me in the handicap stall.” I again read and reread the message, thinking to myself that I had sucked a guy off in his truck the other night, and it had started in the restroom. I had never had a public/anonymous hook-up find me online. I tried to play it off and replied back that he might have mistaken me for someone else. Few minutes later, another reply. “No boy, it was you. Gray sweater, Cal Bear logo front, hoody. Jeans and green running shoes. We went to my truck where you sucked my cock. You begged me to let you swallow my load. When I touched your ass, you shoved my hand away and said you don’t get fucked. Sound familiar yet? Or do you need to see your lips wrapped around my cock?” The fear jumped from a six to about 12 when he described exactly what had happened, down to the color of my shoes. What terrified me most was that he implied there was a picture of me sucking him. I responded back, “What the hell is going on?” Ten minutes of silence and I was in a panic. Finally he responded, “What’s going on is I want a piece of that hot boy ass you got or the video of you sucking me, begging for my load and swallowing it like it was the last drink you’d ever get accidentally pops on Xtube.” Immediately after the message came an image alert. I accepted the picture and I see my face, very clearly, with my lips wrapped around the cock. A second file comes through, this one of an audio file. My stomach turns to rock as I hear myself begging, “Give me your load. Let me swallow it.” I’m almost in tears, terrified of what this means. I respond back, “What do you want?” He replies, “I told you I want that ass of yours. I want those tight ass lips stretched around my cock. It’s your choice boy, your ass is mine either way.” I looked at his response and tried to figure out what I could do. After realizing there was no way out, I responded back. “When?” The response was immediate, like he knew he had me. “You’ll be at the rest stop tonight, 9:30 sharp. Wear a jockstrap. Go in the handicap stall. There will be a bag with a couple of items and instructions. Follow the instructions and wait for the next step. Remember, if you’re not there at 9:30, the video goes to Xtube and maybe your coach will get a copy of it also?" End part 1. let me know if you want part 2.
    1 point
  24. Justin had just broken up with another girlfriend. This is the third one in a year and a half. Struggling and fighting his urge to be with a guy, he had played with a few guys on vacation and in between girlfriends. Sucked a dick here and there and jacked off with buds while they watched porn and even fucked two guys. He had secretly hoped a couple of the jerk off buds had been interested in fucking him and often jacked off to it. Most of the time Justin searched for guys online to talk to and jack off about and with. One guy he was talking to Mark in California asked him if he had ever been on BBRT, just asked what that was and Mark told him he needed to check it out. He sent him a user name and password, Mark used this account when he was whoring out a bottom and told Justin to use it for now it's paid for and check out all the hot guys there! Let me know what you think? Just spend the next three days searching profiles and he found lots of hot guys and really huge dicks on the site, he started reading the profiles and not just looking at the pictures and he found that a lot of the guys were POZ. Just started to quickly close the profile once he realized a guy was POZ. For the next three day he enjoyed BBRT and jacked off several times a day. Mark hit him up while on BBRT from his profile. The exchange is below: Mark : Hey little slut, how is it going? See anyone you want to fuck or get fucked by? Justin: Yes, Justin had written down the names of several guys who he wanted to fuck him, he gave him three names! Mark: Nice, I see you want to get fucked. You only sent me tops. Good pics bud! Too bad they are are so far away. Justin: Yea, I have never been fucked but really want to try it. Mark: Too bad I am not there, I would def help you out. Justin: I have you on my list, your pics are amazing and that huge uncut dick makes me want to suck you till till you cum. Mark: You would be on your knees in second of me walking into you place and I would be using your throat deep before I fuck and load you. Justin : OMG that would be so hot, If you are ever here I want to do just that. Mark: Be careful what you wish for! Justin: I am so horny know, I really need to jack off but I have to go to work. TTYL Mark: Yes you will! Mark starting searching form some guys to start breaking in little Justin. The first guy Mark lined up was a young white guy with a thin 8 inch dick. Mark sent him a message and a few others guys. It was not long till his first choice hit him back saying, we are both tops not sure this will work.
    1 point
  25. A few months ago, I blogged about hooking up with an ostensibly straight young bloke who was the boyfriend of the sister of one of my dealer’s. Since then, I’d been helping him out with his rent at the hostel he’s been staying at but it wasn’t much good for hooking up. We’d hooked up a few times at venues and hotels and he’d stayed at the farm for a few days once. The place in town I’d been sharing since I’d moved to the farm wasn’t feasible given my friends were there too so I decided to lease an apartment. Overlooking the city skyline, pretty modern, two (and a half) bedrooms. Nice ‘get’ really. When Tard first came over, I hadn’t told him I’d leased it long-term and was thinking of inviting him to live in the spare bedroom; obviously the idea of leaving him alone here three days a week most weeks worried me a little. But I intended that first time to stay in the city for at least the week and see how it went. I think I asked him if he wanted to move in on a trial basis the next morning as he was fucking me. We sealed the deal by me flipping him onto his back, sharing a slam and me slam fucking him. It’s been a few months now and, in all honesty, it’s working out better than I’d hoped. We’re not in a relationship but we are living together in every sense except that neither of us expect fidelity. Tard was essentially homeless when we first ‘got together’ so I offered him to share my new place. From the day he moved in, he’s made it clear he prefers to sleep with me in my bedroom even though he has his own room. So far, I’m loving the arrangement. For a kid who basically left home when he was 14 and has lived on and off the streets since then; who became a father himself at 14 or 15 and again at 19 (he’s just announced that his girlfriend of sorts is four months pregnant and she’s intending to keep the kid), who’s spent some time in both juvenile detention and in an adult prison; and who’s supported himself and his drug habit by selling his body since he was young, he’s surprisingly ‘together’ at least in relation to me. He asked me if I minded if he took up escorting again to support himself and his kids and, of course, his drug habit; we talked about it for a long time as I wanted him to be certain that it wouldn’t affect his sense of self. He was more concerned about “sponging” off me. So I’ve been actively helping him establish himself as an escort (versatile and, yes, he works bare and seems literally to have no limits to what services he’s willing to offer) and I must admit it’s been incredibly hot watching a few of his ‘appointments’ with his clients. I filmed a couple of the sessions for him with the clients and I must admit that Tard and I have fucked to the vids already. I booked a session for him with a couple of escorts I’ve regularly hired and they’ve really taken him under their wings. He’s had a couple of bookings with them already and the three of them have done two amateur porn scenes with him mostly getting fucked. One took Tard to a gangbang in Sydney to introduce him to some of his clients and not only did he do very well, he was booked for a breeding party a couple of weekends ago which ended up being three days wired, with his legs open, taking multiple loads. According to the escort who organised it for us, there were some poz tops there; it’s hard to tell on the vid but he’s pretty sure a few poz loads were pounded into Tardy. And he’s decided that’s going to be his focus in escorting; cumdump at bareback parties, with an especial openness towards poz tops breeding negative holes like his. (He’s already persuaded two of his straight mates to be straight cumdumps with him and he does seem to have a talent for identifying straight men who might be interested. (He loves playing with other straight guys and teaching them the wonders of wired gay fucking.) Last Friday week, he brought two young blokes home (from his outreach centre) and we ended up having sex with them; one fucked Tard brutally and we all ended up fucking the younger one. That one’s proven a real cutie.
    1 point
  26. love to add my DNA inside that hole..several times.
    1 point
  27. Hey yall, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is you can stop arguing. There isn't any point and you are wasting time, time that could be better used in other ways. Besides No one is changing their mind at this point. You believe who you believe and you're not changing it because that means you'd have to admit being wrong...and we''re never wrong are we? The bad news is you can stop arguing right now...because its over with. Democracy has died and we're pretty much just waiting on the fire to burn it all down. This administration has shit on the constitution, wiped its ass with the American flag and had the nerve to say they are the true Patriots and care. I don't really know way this thread even exist on BZ especially since there isn't a scat sub-forum. Thats what I think...we should start a place to discuss scat related info and this can be the first entry. In the mean time its been great knowing yall, i suggest getting out there and fucking and enjoying as much as you can before all of the dumb asses (and us to really, I mean we allowed this to happen ..) burn it all down. The divide is to great and aint nobody willing to give an inch or take an inch....well except me i'll take all the inches you want to give. Sidenote; as a general rule for three years now I will not fuck anyone who supports Trump. I don't care how little their dick is.
    1 point
  28. the more versatile you are, the more sex you will get (depending on circumstances of course) and the more fun you will have. roles are for parker house
    1 point
  29. Feb 12, had a good few days. Im sitting at 58 loads so far. Still shooting for 75 by the end of this month. This coming weekend, I'm heading to a party. I should be able to make a dent in that number.
    1 point
  30. Took advantage of cheap airfare to bounce around Europe during the holiday season. Had a great time getting my ass used in lots of places but there seem to be a common theme! I was used hard! It’s always fun to be the new guy in town that everyone wants to use. While in Munich, I went out one night to camp. I had a lot of use and fun in the cubbies that make up a part of the bar and even got fucked and loaded in the bathroom. After my hole was loose and dripping, I had a couple that commandeered me in one of the cubbies. Both guys had a nice German sized dicks which means they were thick and meaty. For a while both of them switched off using me, all while speaking in German which I don’t understand. Finally one guy took over and just went to town on my hole. He fucked me hard for a good 45 minutes while the other guy just watched him use me. There was an intensity to his fucking and for the whole time he didn’t stop pounding me. Just when I thought my legs were about to give out, his big German sausage unloaded into me. After he was done, the watcher turned to me and spoke in English. He thanked me and stated that his partner rarely found anyone that he could fuck so hard and for so long. I was very pleased to have obliged but I did need a break before starting my next round!
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  31. 69ing, while he rims me, or 69ing while getting fucked by a 2nd top
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  32. Justin bolted out the door and headed to the address and there was a note on the door. He opened it and the note read: Fuck toy, the door is open. Come in and drop your clothes but leave the jock on. There is a twin mattress on the floor and a blindfold and poppers on it. Face away from the door and get on all four with ass pointing to the door. Put the blindfold on and take the hit the poppers six to eight times. Justin opened the door and it was pretty dark but entered and took his clothes off and his eyes started to adjust and he could see the mattress and he knelt down and got on all four picking up the poppers and the blindfold and slipped on the blindfold and started hitting the poppers. His ass was already tingling and the poppers only intensified it. He waiting and nothing happened, he hit the poppers again and then he felt a hand on his ass. It traced his ass and found his crack and then rubbed his hole and slide a finger inside. Justin moaned. Just felt a coolness as his ass was being lubed up and then another finger slide in, now two fingers were fucking his hole. Oh yea that;s it Justin moaned. Justin felt another hand, this time at his head and then a straw and Justin did not have to be dole to drink, it was as nasty as last time but Justin remembered how he felt afterward last time and he sucked it all down and within minutes he was relaxed and zoned as the guy slipped a pillow under his chest and took his left arm and then his right out from under him and then curled them back behind his back and tied them together. The guy fingering Just had slipped two nice rocks up Justin without him feeling it. Justin soon was flying. The two guys both pulled back and Justin was ass up chest in a pillow and flying. Then Justin heard the door and clothes drop and then a hand on his ass and again the guy felt his ass and found his pucker and slide a really thick finger in him. Justin moaned, then another finger and this guy was rough. Finger fucked him for three to four minutes and then pulled out and lubed up his dick and slide in the boy. Fuck that was on fat dick Justin thought, it may be bigger than the other dick he fell in love with earlier tonight. The guy fucked Justin for a minute and spit on his back and said slut open that cunt. Justin tried to open up more but the guy did not seem pleased and pulled out and then Justin felt pressure on his hole and the force became more intense. Poppers appeared at Justin's nose and the guy said fucked you are gonna give me what I want, breath and relax that fucking hole. The pressure subsided and Justin heard a guy say here this one should help hit him open and then you can just that huge one on him. The pressure continued and Justin took a few breaths and the head popped it, fuck that felt good he thought and then the guy started pushing and the dildo seemed to get thicker as he went in. Justin moaned and the guy kept working his hole with the tapered dildo and at first two inches and then three and Just was not taking four inches and his hole was stretching to take the thickness, The guy started pulling it all the way out and shoving it back in and then again and again and after five minutes Justin had seven inches inside him and he was moaning like a bitch in heat. The guy pulled out the dildo and Justin felt so empty and then he felt the other dildo and this time he was stretched enough that the pressure and resistance gave in after a minute and this thick dildo stretched him open one, two and now bottoming out at three inches. Then the guy said I knew you would fucking open up. Then the guy told the other two, the boy needs something to drink and a little something to lift the mood. The dildo eased out and a straw appeared at his mouth and fingers started to probe and Justin got two more rocks and some more g. The dildo worked back into Justin's hole and Justin moaned and said more please more!
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  33. Piggy Raw Sex leaning to the dirty side. Really LOVE eating ass - long as it doesn't taste like soap.
    1 point
  34. Justin was still flying and horny as fuck, he sent a message back and said he was interested in being considered! Told them he was a new bottom but could take really big dick. That he was neg and and clean. Justin looked at this guys profile, damn there were some really huge dicks, black, brown and white ones. He played with his tina dick and then started looking at others around. Another message came in and he immediately went to see if it was about the party but it was not. Justin opened it and this one read, Boy a couple of our mates are getting married Next weekend, his best men need a party favor to pass around and breed. Hit me up if you are free and can travel to our hotel? We are military, frat and gym guys with big dicks who need some boy pussy to get off in. Can you take DP? Deep throat? large dildos? Justin's tina dick was leaking as he responded: Hey, you guys sound really hot. I am pretty new to bottoming but just took some really big dick tonight. Have a very large butt plug in holding the cum inside. I am totally down to be with some hot military, frat and gym guys. Not sure what DP is but I am sure I can take some large dildos. Justin hit send and he saw a email and opened it. It was from the first guy Justin started to read it. I thought you were going to be a good one, the guy wrote. You have a slot for a try out, be at 1241 Marks Street, it is a warehouse and the door marked B will be unlocked. Come in and you will find a single locker to put your clothes in and once you are naked proceed to orange door and you will find a small bench between glory holes. The smaller hole is for your head and the larger one for your ass. You must be there at 3 pm or you loose your spot! Got it? Justin quickly emailed back and said yes SIr. What is the tryout can you tell me more. and the email back was good, make sure your ass is good can clean and you are ready to deep throat, you will be given supplies to help so no need to bring anything. No more questions, be there if you want to have a chance to come to our GB as the guest of honor. Just sent a reply back that said Yes Sir I will be there. Then he notice the guy signed off. The other guy had not sent back a replay but that was the following weekend. There was an email and Justin was so excited. He opened it and it was an address. Be there in 20 minutes and wear a jock and some gym shorts and a t-shirt. Don't right the bell or knock just walk in, Lights will be low and get on all four on the twin mattress on the floor and slip the blindfold on, Email me when you leave, Justin wanted to tell him he had a butt plug in and ask if he should leave it in or take it out. The guy said no emails and his place was about a five minute walk. Just hopped in the shower and showered and worked hard at trying to get the plug out and finally it popped out and all kinds of cum and some blood shot out of his ass and ran down the drain. Justin cleaned out again and more cum and blood shot out. One more time and just water and cum shot out. He dried off and slipped on a clean jock and gym shorts and a t-shirt and shot an email that he was on his way.
    1 point
  35. Rhyheim Shabazz has one of the few Only Fans accounts that I feel is worth my money. He posts lots of content, and it is all very hot and professionally made. I also really like the fact that he is a hot, hung top who fucks his bottoms hard, but he is still affectionate and considerate to him. I like watching hot sex, but I do prefer when it feels like lovemaking and not punishment.
    1 point
  36. Fuck yes! Totally this. i sit in the end stall and I can see men pissing. It’s so hot. im addicted to licking the toilets and floor around them. I lick the seats, under the seat, around the rim, the floor. Love at the end of the day when it’s late and quiet, I will be brave enough to lick the floor in front of the metal trough where all the piss is collected. Cleaners must wonder why it’s so clean! I love licking the metal urinal too and the collection of piss - but have to be quick in case someone comes in. when there is fresh piss the metal is warm! a while back I was in a remote office, and everyone had gone home... it was an old building and I had the key. I don’t know what came over me... it wa the start of my pure filth degrading stage. I was having a piss and the just got horny looking at this old metal urinal.... I looked the doors... went to the men’s room. Took off all my cloths and crawled on the cold tiles to the urinal. I liked clean all the tiles and spilled piss around it. The the urinal itself. The cold bitter metal taste, but warm and wet where I’d just pissed. Then despite it seeming gross I started licking the piss up in the bottom. All of it. The I laid in it as best I could and used what piss I had left to cover myself. fuck it was so horny. I’ve trained myself to ruin my own orgasm so I can cum and am still horny. licking up cum and piss from a cold metal urinal was amazing. im addicted. It’s better than any sex.
    1 point
  37. Justin was still flying and wondering where the other guy was and then he hard to door open and several footsteps toward him. Thank go he thought, Justin was so horny and needed some dick. He could not believe how amazing it felt and wanted more. The blindfold was still on so he did not even turn around to see and his hands were still bound. Justin's ass was still tingling as a finger touched his cummy hole and started to rub and then the finger popped inside. Justin gasped and then the finger was removed and he felt it against his hole and that sharp pain as the finger slide deep inside him. He thought fuck is that guy back and then out and another sharp pain as the finger was inserted again just as Justin pushed his ass back and arched his back a dick slapped his face. Then the guy said Fucker open your mouth in a rough raspy voice. This guy must have thought Justin was talking too long as he slapped his head harder than Brad had. Justin opened his mouth and the guy slapped his fat dick on Justin's tongue and the guy said stay right there. The guy slowly slide his cock into Justin as a guy got in place behind Justin after spitting on his ass and then as the guy started to press his fat dick against Justin's hole the guy with his dick in Justin's mouth grabbed his head and he impaled Justin on his dick as the guys grabbed his hips and shoved his dick in without mercy. The boy was partied up but not ready for two beer can dicks roosting roughly and tearing his ass up and stretching his throat. Justin was in pain and he could could not breath, he tried to pull of the big thick cock but the guy held him as the guy behind him piston fucked him. Then the guy holding his head let go and pulled back enough for Justin to gasp and cough and eventually caught his breath and then a a smack harder than the first. Fucking whore, get back over here and suck this dick, Justin obeyed and got the cock back in his mouth and tried to suck on it but the guy wanted more and grabbed his head and shoved it down on his dick and slowly fucked Justin's throat and Justin tried to relax but his ass was hurting as the guy behind him started to pick up the pace and two minutes later the guy fucking him shoved in deep, deeper than he had been before and shot his load. Justin hoped he would pull out but the guy just stayed there pulsing his dick, Then he said, fuck you are every bit the whore my buddy said you would be. I am gonna go hop in the shower and rinse off while the guy fucking your throat takes his turn. He is thicker then I am but make sure that throat is ready for me when I get out of the shower slut! The guy slowly fucking his throat pulled out and Justin again gasped and coughed and finally started to breath normally. The guy said fucker, one day you will be able to really deep throat me. You will learn and another slap against the head not as hard as the last time, Justin said Yes Sir quickly, finally boy the guy said and then he opened a bottle of popper and put them under the kids nose and said inhale slut, Justin did and the guy went to each nostril and soon Justin was flying. Then Justin was fed a straw and told to drink and he did, it tasted like some terrible generic grape punch. He hesitated but the guy said drink it all, between the poppers, G and the T up his ass Justin was again feeling so horny and ready to be fucked. Justin was so horny, he said please fuck me Sir. Boy you will get fucked soon enough. Justin's ass was tingling and he was press back trying to find some dick. Poor horny cum slut, I have a big dick for you, hope you are really ready for it. The guy got off the bed and Justin felt legs pressing his legs to open up and then he felt a fat dick against his ass. He wanted to push back but his hole was fighting to open up. Justin thought fuck, that feels so much bigger then the dick I had down my throat and the pressure intensified and then he pulled off. Poppers when under Justin's nose again and he inhaled and while he was inhaling and flying the pressure began again. Justin make a loud animal sound like a moose or some load bellowing moan as the dick at his anus stretched this hole and slowly pressed inside him. Oh fuck he whispered, I can't, please stop.... Then after about three minutes of pressure the guy bottomed out inside Justin. The poppers hit again and the guy begin to slowly pump a little inside Justin's hole. Tight as fuck the guy said, give him some more to drink! The key kept pulsing back and fourth hardly moving, the straw appeared and the guys said drink fucker, he recognized that voice it was the guy he had in his throat, just swallowed it all and calm started to come over him and he wondered if the guy he sucked gave him the juice who was in his ass? The popper appeared again and he was made to take eight hits and the guy behind said fuck that did it bro. Justin felt relaxed and the guy in his ass started sliding in and out more and Justin began to moan, softly at first and then louder. OMG I love that big dick, fuck me please. Then a slap against the side of his head and he immediately said Sir! Sorry Sir. Now open up that cunt for my buddy and give your ass to him! Here me boy and with that Justin quickly said yes Sir. Good whore the guy said, the guy was pumping deep and long and opening Justin up. Justin could hear the guys dick making squishing sound as he fucked his hole and then the poppers again, Justin was flying and before long he opened up enough and the guy fucking him bellowed holly fuck take that load you fucking bitch and shot in Justin. He slowly pulsed his dick for another minute and then pulled out and thirty seconds passed and he shoved it back in and Justin gasped. Fuck that hurt he thought....
    1 point
  38. His eveolution continues, and it's only been one additional month :) I got off work a couple hours early yesterday afternoon and was horny as fuck. Been working a ton for 2 months and haven't had my usual frequency of sex. I was really craving to get banged and loaded up but open to whatever happened. Almost as soon as I got hime this same latin slut texts me to ask how I'm doing. Figured he wants to set something up for the weekend but told him I'm horny as fuck right now - is he free? He said he has to meet a client for dinner at 6:00 - it was about 4:30. I told him I also have plans at 6:45 - any chance he could come over and just suck each other off? He said if he could shower and change clothes at my place he could come by - and I could fuck him since he's already clean - not sure what kind of setup he has at work, but he's ALWAYS clean to get fucked even coming from work lol. He shows up about 20 mins later and strips down - he's so hot every time I see him! We had to keep it pretty short.....basic suck n fuck - ate his big muscle ass for about 5 mins bent over a chair then told him to come sit on my face on the bed. I love that so much and was so horny I shot some cum, but just a little. I assured him that wasn't the load. He wanted missionary, which I like too as bottom, but I switched him to doggy facing the mirror for the breeding. He didn't make any move to play with his hard cock or to cum, so he was happy to just take my load, then got up to shower and get all nice looking for his client :) Then he starts telling me he's hooked up with other top daddy I DP'd him with a month ago 3 times since then. He also tells me he hooked up 5 times with another lean muscle daddy I referred him to a few months ago. He originally said that buddy of mine is "too ematiated looking" for his taste. My buddy is 50yo, super lean with abs, which is tough at this age to not look skinny in the face unless you're jacked on steroids too. So apparently the guy's big hard cock won out, and Brazilian stud overlooks the ematiated issue lol. Then he proceeds to ask me if I ever go to Flex, our bathhouse. I said yes, but it's been awhile. He claims to only go about once a year (but I'm learning this is almost definitely a lie). He just ahppened to go a couple weeks ago in between all these other guys I've personally referred to him. He brags to me that some visiting bull daddy ate him out so deep that he came. Then bragged the daddy bred him THREE times, then felched his loads out of his hole while recording it. He said he was so grossed out by the felching, but also majorly turned on. This is right in line with his evolution as a muscle pig over the past year. He wouldn't let me rim him in the beginning. Now he LOVES his ass eaten, but gotta wait a couple mins before he'll make out lol. I give it a couple more months, and he'll be going Ass to Mouth and cleaning the cocks straight out of his cummy ass. I'm glad I didn't write him off for being too vanilla. He' also bragged he got 9 loads at the sex party a couple weeks ago where I first met him, so he's gotten bred so much in the past month!! Thought this stud was a total top from watching him in action at the first sex party, but he's turned into a major bottom whore and has been total bottom every single time we've played in the past year and a half.........glad he still uses his big Brazilian cock from time to time tho! Just wish he'd use it on me sometimes :)
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  39. My brother ask me to write this after reading some of the stories here so this is my first time writing.
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  40. CHAPTER 10 There was a party happening that night and starting around 8pm. I didn't really have anything better to do so I thought I'd go. Mike said all drinks would be on the house and being with Ricky actually sobered me up a bit so I thought it'd be good fun. I definitely wanted to take it easy this time because I knew what trouble drinking too much got me into last night! We got to the party round 830-9 and like last time, Mike seemed to know everyone, and once again, I felt a little lost. I was up at the bar grabbing another (free) drink when I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard someone whisper in my ear, "Glad to see I didn't take too much out of you today." I turned around & was pleased to see Ricky smiling back at me and gave me a warm hug. "Is this the guy you were filming with today? You were right, he is damn hot." said the guy he was standing with (who actually wasn't too bad either!) "Oh yeah, he's a natural!" Ricky smiled, putting his arm round me. "Though I don't think it was his first time in front of the camera. He's already got an agent, Mike signed him up for the scene!" That kinda threw me, Mike said I'd pestered him to be in a scene.... "Hope I didn't speak out of turn," Ricky apologised. "I really did love doing the scene with you, you just seemed at home in front of the camera and especially with Mike agreeing to the scene for you, I just assumed..." Fuck, Mike had set me up! I was so furious. I stormed off from Ricky and went looking for Mike. I found him shortly after and walked up to him angrily. "Mike, what the fuck man.....you lied to me. I never agreed to do a scene at all, you just said I did!" He smiled back at me, "Man, you were so drunk I could've said this morning that you'd have done anything and you'd have thought it had happened. And anyway, Tyler told me you had a thing for black cock so I thought you'd love it!" Holy fuck, how did he know Tyler? "He's done some scenes for me and mentioned what a great fuck you were so I thought I'd get you out here and film a scene..." Holy fuck, I'd been set up by this prick! "But I figure you can't say anything coz well, we all need to keep this a secret don't we.." I could have thumped him, I DEFINITELY didn't want anything to do with him. As I walked back up to the bar to see if Ricky was still there, a guy came up to me. He introduced himself as Dean from a company called VIP Crew and asked if I wanted to make $100 for being an extra in a scene. They were short a couple of guys and all I had to do was stand up the back and dance. I didn't have anything better to do and wanted to be away from Mike for a while so I agreed. Dean smiled and walked me out to a waiting limo where there were already about a dozen guys in there. There was someone up the front of the limo talking to a handful of guys when Dean made his way to the other group of us as the limo took off. "OK guys, now like I said, all you have to do is dance in the background. You don't have to do any more than that if you don't want to and we sure as hell aren't gonna pay you any more if you decide to do anything else!" and we all had a good laugh. I struck up a conversation with the guys I was next to, both were regular actors that wanted to have a night off but couldn't resist the lure of being paid to have some drinks, dance and watch a live sex show. I quickly agreed that it was a pretty sweet deal! We pulled up at the club and there was a crew waiting out the front of the limo filming us as we left, I quickly made my way in. It was a pretty seedy club but we had it all to ourselves - I guess it was easier to hire it out that way!We were just dancing around in the background as we'd been told, the camera occasionally came over towards us but it was mainly focused on the guys that had been sitting at the front of the bus as they started kissing and peeling each other's clothes off. I had to admit it was pretty hot in every sense of the word in the club. The dancing was making me get a bit hot & watching these guys start kissing & sucking each other was getting to me too. I'd never actually seen it happening in front of me in any sense, whether it be in real life or on screen, but it really was a huge turn-on to watch. I heard an unmistakable sniff next to me and I turned to the guy who's eyes were totally glazed over, "Want some poppers man?" I was too turned on to refuse and took two deep hits. I guess it was a combination of being drunk, horny & high but I felt amazing and I could tell the guy that gave me the poppers was feeling the same. He grabbed my ass in both hands & pulled me in close for a kiss. I had no absolutely no idea who this guy was but we were making out in the club like we'd been lovers for life. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a camera moving it's way towards us but I didn't really care. We broke off and smiled at the camera, when I noticed that two of the "stars" were dancing completely naked and kissing so hot and hard with each other. The camera moved away from us when I took 2 more hits of the poppers and made my way over to them. I just needed to suck cock so bad and theirs looked so beautiful so I knelt in front of the two of them and started licking them up and down. I was looking up at them as I did though they kept looking over to the side (at the director maybe?) but I didn't care, I just wanted their dicks. I could hear the extras yelling out their approval in the background but it was just white noise as I was concentrating on the job at hand, or both hands actually. The two guys peeled off my clothes and before long I was on all fours in this nasty club, getting pounded at one end while I sucked cock at the other. I'm sure the guy that had arrived in Vegas a few short hours ago would've been shocked and appalled at what I was doing but I was loving it all too much to care. It was all a bit of a haze but I'm thinking all of the "stars" had a go at my ass as I kept feeling my ass open for a very short time before there was a new cock in me, and then I'd be sucking a different cock as well. I think by the time they'd all finished inside me (at one end or the other) it must've been around 3am. The director yelled out "That's a wrap" and there was plenty of cheering and I stood up a bit groggily. The director gave me my $100 and said that even though I shouldn't be treated like one of the main actors, I'd be allowed to use the showers with the other guys. They were horrible showers in there and the hot water only lasted a short time. As the cold water hit me I could hear the stars in the other cubicles talking about how it was all so unexpected that I joined in and that there'd have been no way that they'd have done what I did for $100. They were even calling me a "dumb whore" which, combined with the cold water, sobered me up a hell of a lot. What had I done? I'd not really even see these guys' faces and they came in me so many times. Was I really a whore? As I dried myself off, I ordered a cab and then slipped out a side door of the club to make my way back to the hotel room. END OF CHAPTER 10
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  41. 1 point
  42. Ch.3 It all gets blurry after this. I was already in the middle of a fuck high and still trying to process everything that had just happened. Now, however, I was in the middle of a cluster of men. All had just watched me bred and judging from the stiffness of the cocks on display they all wanted to join in adding to the cum cocktail now inside me. I felt several pairs of hands on my skin. Stroking me, poking and pinching me. Groping and exploring my body as I remained on my hands and knees like a prize bitch before judges. My nipples were being pulled and my cock was squeezed and stroked as I panted at the overwhelming attention. I felt multiple fingers probing my arsehole. Several at once stretching me even more than the thick cocks of the last two to fuck me. I was moaning and gasping continuously as the sensations all played against each other and left me almost delirious with lust. Pretty soon there was a hard cock right in front of my face and without thinking I opened my mouth and began sucking the tip. Other cocks appeared and were wanked next to my face as I continued sucking the first cock offered. The first guy pulled away by some unspoken signal and was replaced by another cock and I just kept sucking and licking. One would stay in my mouth for a few moments, maybe a minute or so, then they would step aside for another to press between my lips. Behind me it was largely similar. While I was busying myself giving blowjobs to any cock I could reach my arse was receiving a lot of attention. I had been spanked and fingered constantly since being surrounded but eventually someone took the initiative and mounted me. I’ll never know who they were but they fucked me hard and fast for a few minutes before grunting and depositing their own sticky load deep inside me. This was met with a small cheer and as he pulled out of my freshly fucked hole someone quickly replaced him and I was rocked on yet another anonymous cock. Several guys just jerked off over the fuck scene adding to the multiple spunk loads already soaking me. My arse was a sloppy, well fucked mess, I can only imagine it was pretty well gaped and puffy from how it felt to me. My face was dripping from loads as guys had pulled from my mouth to glaze me with cum like a victory mark. I honestly don’t know how long I was in that position or how many men took turns on me. All I know is that throughout the entire event my cock was leaking and tingling just on the edge of orgasm without release and this kept me begging for more. More cock. More cum. Any cock. Any cum. Eventually the numbers thinned as guys were spent or realised how long they had been there. I was left pretty much at the point of collapse, face down arse up, across the bench. There were I think five or six guys still there. All older but still sporting very hard cocks. They weren’t fucking me though. They were just stroking me and slowly bringing me back to my senses from the non-stop gang fuck I had endured. “Damn boy! That was fucking hot to watch.” “Yeah, you are one of the dirtiest cunts I’ve seen in here for a long time!” I smiled and lay on my back staring at the ceiling just revelling in the sensation still running through me. The constant prostate stimulation was keeping my own cock aching and throbbing but for some reason I just didn’t want to touch it. As I start to relax I feel someone step between my thighs and grab my ankles. I assumed he was one of the group who had stayed with me. He grinned down at me and dropped his towel to reveal a sizeable cock with a thick P.A piercing as I groaned at the thought of this working into me I noticed the scorpion tattoo on his hip the tail pointing aggressively towards the base of his shaft. My eyes go wide at the obvious implication, sure I’ve just been bred multiple times, but on the come down I was regaining a semblance of sense and I tense up a little. He chuckles pushes my legs wide and guides that thick poisonous dick to my sloppy open fuck hole. There is almost no resistance and he slides in my cum slick channel easily. “Nice wet cunt.” He leers down at me as his hips begin to rock. Damn he is deep in me and that PA is pressing on me in ways I’ve never felt. The other guys are just watching and jacking their cocks along with the pumping motion of this large toxic cock as it prepares my hole for another shot of venom. I am rolling my head back as he begins to increase his pace. My hands are clawing at the surface of the bench and my hips are bouncing onto him as he sets the pace. My body knows what it needs and it is reacting without my conscious action. “How many loads you got in you son?” I can barely garble a reply of “Dunno” “Good boy! Why count them? There’s never enough for a slut like you anyway.” I know it’s the truth. Even so I can feel myself blush. Naked, cum filled, cum covered. Just been fucked multiple times in front of lots of guys. But somehow its this that causes me to blush. He chuckles again and increases the pace. Fucking me harder, my hole is making obscene noises as he mixes all of the cum already in me up. I am back to panting and moaning when he throws his head back and grunts. His cock throbs inside my arse and I know he is delivering his dangerous cumload as deeply as he can. He slides himself from my very well used cunt and pats my shoulder. “You’re definitely in the club now boy. But I think my friends still want to make sure.” He gestures to the other men remaining and they help me stand and, in confusion, I allow them to lead me across the room on shaky legs where they push me back onto the sling and strap my ankles to the chains.
    1 point
  43. I took my first ever load through the gloryhole and I Have made it a regular feature of my cum collecting duties for 30 years! As much fun as regular sex is, nothing beats the feeling of putting my cunt against the wall and having an anonymous cock unload deep inside. I love everything about the ABS. The smell, the old cum in the walls, seat and screen (which I love to lick off) and the used condoms in the trash can which, when opened, provide the lube I use when I’m in a booth. I learned that trick when I was just a young and hungry pussy boy. On older gentleman came in my booths And was rooting around in the garbage. He pulled out 4 tied off condoms. He took out his Swiss Army knife and cut the tops off. He told me to bend over the chair and then he pushed the condoms into my cunt. Once in, he fucked them deep into my guts until he unloaded and then stayed to watch as I shit them and the loads out onto the seat. He told me to eat and I ate until there was nothing but latex left. Still the best fuck of my life.
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  44. Hey guys thought I’d introduce myself. I’m Luke, age 29, living in Dallas. I’m a total cumdump whore by nature but I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for the past 5 years, the last 3 of which we were married. When we separated back in October we had not had sex since April 2018! So I’m newly single and VERY ready to mingle lol. I’m rediscovering my old whore self in the best way! I used to regularly take loads all the time, I once took 34 loads from 27 men in one night 6 years ago when I was single. That’s what I want to get back to. I’m a pretty open minded, few limits sub bottom slut who will take it any way he can get it. If you’re ever in Dallas and need to dump a load in an ass quickly or use me for the weekend and whore me out please hit me up and I’ll be happy to be serve.
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  45. CHAPTER 9 "It's happening here?!?!" I looked at him, shocked. "Yeah, we thought it was a good big area for the interviews beforehand, and then to shoot the scene." "I can't do this man, I don't do any gay stuff any more. It's never even crossed my mind since the holiday" That was a little bit of a lie. I had thought of it occasionally, but more because I couldn't believe that I'd done such a thing. "That's definitely not what you said last night, you said you couldn't wait for more cock. And there was a line of guys a mile long that were wanting to oblige. We were a bit disappointed it's a 1 on 1 site to be honest" I was mortified. Could I have really done that? I knew I was really drunk but I was shocked that I'd agreed, no WANTED, to do this. I walked to my bathroom in shock and had a shower, thinking to myself how I could get out of it. As I was under the shower I heard Mike come into the bathroom, "Make sure that ass of yours is good & clean. The crew's on the way up to the room now." Oh fuck, there was no way out now. I was drying myself in my bedroom when I could hear Mike ushering people into his bedroom which made me nervous as hell. Mike came in as I was in my tshirt & shorts, "Perfect, no need to change, they'll love you like this. Just go on through to my room when you're ready." Ready?!?! There was no way I was ready, I didn't really want to do it at all. I tentatively opened the door and saw a couple of guys and a camera. I nervously introduced myself and looked at the guys, expecting one of them to be the other guy in the scene. I was told that I'd do a short interview first and then the "talent" would come in. We had a little chat beforehand where I was told that I was to say that I'd never been with a guy before etc etc. I answered the filmed questions best I could, trying to be as confident as possible before they announced it was time for Ricky to come in. The door opened, and in walked a very tall and incredibly well built black guy. The crew started snickering when they saw my jaw drop as he entered. They probably thought I was concerned about being with a black guy as my "first" (if only they knew) but I was shocked at how handsome he was. The guy was beautiful! He was a little muscly but not overdone and he greeted me with an amazing smile. I had to admit I had butterflies as I was sitting next to him and we did a little interview together. Before I knew it, they were asking us to kiss. It didn't register with me, until he gently took my face and pulled me in for a kiss. He was such a great kisser, and my hands went to his muscly arms without even thinking. He felt so good to touch, I couldn't help myself! I could hear the director softly saying, "Move your hands to his cock...." Ricky guided my hand there and god, it would have had to have been 8 or 9 inches already! This was gonna get me in all sorts of trouble! My hand slipped inside his shorts as we kissed and I slowly started to rub his hardening dick. It had been a while since I'd had another man's dick in my hand so I'd forgotten the feeling. I had to admit it did feel pretty good to feel his cock getting longer & thicker as I stroked him. It wasn't until I felt Ricky's hands on my shoulders gently moving me down his body that I saw the cameras out of the corner of my eye, I guess I'd forgotten about them too! It was with a mixture of excitement & fear as I started to pull down Ricky's shorts. I knew it was going to be big, but I wasn't really sure how big it was going to be! Ricky made sure the cameraman got a good view of my face as I pulled his shorts down. I could hear the cameraman ask me, "Are you ready?", all I could do was nod eagerly. As I pulled it out, I just stared at it for a few seconds. I'd never seen such a massive cock up close before in the daylight before. The crew laughed as I stared at it, "Look at him, he's hypnotised!" I had to admit that I kinda was! I took him in my mouth & I could hear Ricky groan, I'm glad it felt as amazing to him as it did to me. I'd forgotten how great it felt to have a dick in my mouth and I was shocked how quickly I'd taken to it again. I could hear Ricky moaning, "Oh fuck, he's sooooooo good. He's a natural!" I wasn't sure whether he actually meant it or not but it was still good to hear that I hadn't lost my skills! Ricky's stamina was amazing, I'd been giving him a blowjob for 10-15 minutes and he'd shown no signs of cumming despite being rock hard the entire time I was blowing him! I'd forgotten that the camera crew was there until I heard the director whisper, "OK Jeff, lose your clothes & get on all fours on the bed for us." Oh fuck.....that. I looked over & could see a camera lined up directly where my face would be and Ricky guided me gently to my position. As I was on all fours, I could hear the director and Ricky saying to each other what a sweet-looking ass I had and the director told Ricky to get a taste of it. Before I knew it, I could feel my cheeks being spread apart & Ricky's tongue dived deep into my hole, it felt so amazing. I'd always enjoyed going down on my wife and now I was getting that feeling from someone who really knew what he was doing! I'm sure the camera at my face got a heap of good shots of me moaning as Ricky ate me out. It could've gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours, I don't know but as soon as I heard the director say to Ricky, "OK, lube your cock up" I snapped out of the heaven I was in pretty quickly! I'd never been fucked sober before, it was always either drunk or with poppers (even when they wearing off), so I had to admit I was pretty scared when I could feel Ricky's monster dick poking at my hole. I wasn't sure who I heard saying "Take it nice & easy" but I was so thankful as I could feel Ricky's cock start to enter me. I heard the director ask me, "Where's Ricky's dick Jeff?" I'd seen this question asked so many times on casting couch videos in straight videos I watched and it always turned me on. This time it was in my turn to look into the camera and say, "It's in my ass". My ass slowly started to adjust to Ricky's dick as he pushed further and further into me. I was in incredible pain but Ricky was actually pretty soothing as he told me how well I was going. I know he probably says that to all of the guys but it certainly helped! I could feel my ass getting used to him as he went deeper and it actually felt so good as he begin to thrust. He even pulled completely out a couple of times and was able to push back in again without too much pain for me, I could hear the director saying "God, look how open he is!" I hope Ricky hadn't destroyed my ass! It was after about 10 minutes of fucking me that I heard Ricky ask, "Where did you want me to cum?" Before I could answer, I heard the director say "Yeah, in his ass. We've got enough footage". I guess that question wasn't meant for me! Ricky grabbed my hips & really began to pound me, (my ass was so numb now!) and with a massive groan he shot deep inside me. I could feel his hot sweaty body against me as they asked how good it felt and he said I was one of the best he's ever had. I couldn't help but smile sheepishly at the camera when they said that. I couldn't help but say how amazing it felt, coz it did! Ricky pulled out of me and quickly went to the bathroom to towel off. The director told me how great I'd been and to get in position for the blowjob scene. "I'm sorry, what?" "Yeah, we always do a short blowjob scene where you get a facial as well...oh cool ready Ricky?" Ricky emerged with a smile on his face and his cock rock hard again. How does he do it? He smiled at me, "Don't worry, it'll only go for 5 minutes or so. Even though I get hard again quickly, I don't rend to last as long." Thank Christ for that, my jaw was still sore from the first one! He'd done a good job as I could barely taste the lube on his cock and it did feel good to be able to suck him once more. Thankfully he was right and it only took about 5 minutes of me blowing him for me to feel his dick ready to explode. He pulled his dick out of my mouth and he shot so much over my face, that no wonder my ass felt flooded! I heard the director tell me to wipe some off my face, lick it up & wave to the camera which I did. I had to admit it felt really fun Ricky sat me on the bed and pulled me onto his lap and we filmed a little after the scene chat with the director. I was shocked at how friendly Ricky was and that he'd made it all feel so natural for me. He was really affectionate with me after and it did make me feel really good, we shared a couple of kisses as we chatted which took me by surprise. We ended the behind the scenes and I apologised to Ricky for leaking on his lap, he smiled at me and said not to worry, it was his anyway! The director told me that I'd done a great job and that they'd have me back anytime. Ricky pulled me in close and said "Only if I get to work with him!" which made me laugh, and blush a little bit. We said our goodbyes and Ricky said as he got his clothes on and left that he hoped he'd run into me at one of the parties later in the week. Mike laughed and said, "Oh don't worry. He'll be there. He's part of the industry now!" I guess I was.... END OF CHAPTER 9
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  46. Hell yes it is poz men fuck better and deeper and much harder
    1 point
  47. Is it just me? or does the smell of suntan lotion make you even hornier than normal? A friend with benefits told me it is because in Canada it is so freakin 'cold in winter, all our GOOD memories are associated with the smell of cocoa butter tan lotion. LOL. I was chilling out on a Sunday afternoon. The sun was beatin' down on my deck. Tunes were hot. Cocktails were cold. I was lathered up in lotion and sweaty and drippy and horny. Hopped online and was immediately greeted by a buddy. A fuck buddy. I have sucked and fucked with him, his partner separately and the two together. They like to get a little piggy and that suits me fine. R always tops. His cock is uncut and is always hard. The fucker shoots massive loads as well. He should, he's only 30. His partner P is the older man in the relationship - early 50's. Average cut cock that is ALSO always hard. He flip/flops depending on his mood. I invited them over, but they weren't going to be free until around 9 pm and hell, I was horny NOW! There really weren't a lot of guys online on a sunny Sunday afternoon, and I sighed and resolved myself to a wank. I didn't want to wait until 9. I had just purchased a new dildo and thought this would be a great time to try it out solo first.... and I hoped in the shower and gave myself a nice leisurely clean out. This tool was about 12 inches and thick, so I did a really thorough job. Once I knew I was sparklin' clean, I grabbed my toy and got starting really dumping a big glob of lube up my hole. I took a couple of huffs of poppers and relaxed immediately. I was horny and I wanted this big cock. I was working my way down on this big black dildo and enjoying myself while watching a hot furry Daddy with a shaved head sitting down on his partner's big uncut cock. It looked fabulous, and I mimicked him as he slowly worked that hard cock deeper into his hole. The deeper he went, the deeper I went on my fake thick black dick. It still felt great and I fantasized that it was ME in the video starting to rock back and forth on that big dick. My cock was rock hard and I was just ready to start working it when my phone CHIMED. I wouldn't normally bother looking and would just finish getting off, but I saw it was a new 'friend with benefits' I had met a few weeks ago. It was fucking hot and I wanted a repeat. U was a very fucking sexy black guy who had just relocated into the area. He didn't know a lot of people and was looking for a fuck buddy and friend. Perfect. He was versatile and our first visit was pretty fun... cum everywhere. So when I saw his name pop up, I texted him back and asked how he was doing. I knew he had company coming from Windsor for the weekend. He replied he had just dropped his 'aunties' off at the train station and was about 5-10 minutes away. Was I free for a quick visit? He was passing through on the way home and had company coming for a visit. Of course he was welcome!!! Perfect... a good hard romp with a hot guy and then he has to leave. LOL. I was already cleaned out, so I just threw on a cock ring and a bright jock and headed downstairs. He was there in a few minutes and within 5 minutes he was sitting in my chair, legs spread, me in between them suckling his 8" cock, while he watched a hung thick black Daddy working his big dick into a white bottom Daddy. He said he loved this particular movie because it had a couple of interesting parts that really turned him on. I was happy we enjoyed some of the same porn, and really worked on his big cock. I had him groaning and moaning as I swallowed his thick cock and licked his hairy balls. I worked a slick finger slowly into his hole and gave him a nice gentle prostate massage while I continued to slowly deep throat him. He played with his nipples and looked down at me while I worked up and down on that wet meat. I slapped his thick cock on my tongue and he groaned and pushed forward, trying to slide that fat fuckstick deep into my mouth. I was talking dirty to him the whole time and I could feel his prostate get hard and he starting shooting cum. Massive load. Tasted great. As I was licking his cock clean, his phone went off. It was his buddy who was on his way to visit and he was about one hour out. "U" covered the phone and whispered.... "Want to meet my best friend? He's a cool guy. He's kinda hot too. We have been friends forever and fuck buddies for years. Oh, and he has a massive cock. I think you'd like one another". "Oh ya... tell him to drop over.... let's suck and fuck. Top? Bottom? Versatile?" "Top. HUGE cock.. you're gonna love him". Then he pushed me forward over the massage table and starting sliding his thick knob against my pucker. I could feel the fat head splitting open my hole with each thrust up and down. Just a little at a time. Fucking tease! But he kept at it and then he gave it that one last slow push right from the edge of my hole right in to my ass ring - with his balls resting on my balls. Fucking hot. He started slow little thrusts. Told me I was going to be very happy with his buddy G. That G liked to fuck hot white Daddy hole and he was going to love MY hole. He told G that I was a great cocksucker and a hot fuck.... they had been fuck buddies long enough that they both knew what the other guy like. So I start egging him on. I taunt him a little bit to turn his crank..."You gonna load my hole up with your hot seed before your buddy gets here U? Are you gonna coat my guts with your poz sperm and get me ready for your dude friend?" He groaned and started to fuck a little harder. "You've had your aunties underfoot for three days. I bet you got no jerk off time to yourself. You need to blow another load. Blow it in my ass. Get your rocks off knowing that your buddy will be second man inside. Let's see if he notices". He groaned again and started really digging into my ass. "C'mon U. Slide that big cock head in past the second ring and unload up there. Your buddy G will have it down coating his cock when he slides in. Give me a load of your cum dude". That did it. He grabbed my hips and just pummelled the living fuck out of my hole. Banging it. Pushing into the second ring. Holding it. Pulling out to the edge. Slamming that big dick and opening me up. "I can feel your ass muscles milking my cock head. Holy fuck. Keep milking me and stroking me with your hole dude. Wow". Then I could feel the warmth. I could feel him give that one last push. In nice and deep. Plugging that second ring with the fat head of his dick as the hot poz sperm starting pumping into my guts. I squeezed his cock as he stroked from the rim of my ass all the way back into my guts. Slow. Pumping and squishing. Careful to not spill any. Then he slapped my ass and said "Let's hit the hot tub and wait for G". So U and I hit the hot tub at 5pm to wait for his buddy to show up. When he does, I'm struck at how fucking handsome this black Daddy looked standing at my front door. His eyes lit up a little when I opened the door and he gave me a big smile. "Hi ... I"m G. Wow.. U wasn't kidding when he said I would like you....you are hot" He had me blushing like a school girl. "C'mon in and we're in the hot tub." He smiled when he walked out on the deck and I saw him coyly give U a subtle 'thumbs up'. I had already sat down in the tub when G pulled his shorts off and placed them across a chair. His cock looked to be about 8 inches SOFT and monster balls swinging underneath it all as he sat down into the tub. Holy crap! U wasn't kidding about it being big. We had a nice 15 soak and got to know one another and I gestured for us to head back into the house where the porn was running. We got back inside and I pointed to the same chair where U had sat earlier. U went and sat in the chair next to him and just smiled. I dropped to my knees and pulled G's legs apart. That big cock was running at half mast and I could see it lengthening AND thickening at the same time. I leaned forward and looked right up at him and grasped his cock in my hand. My fingers barely reached. I'm a piano player with long fingers! It had to be 6-7 inches round. Probably the fattest cock I have ever seen. And he was looking down at me and smiling and nodding. I licked the precum off the tip and he visibly flinched in the chair... he twitched again when I swallowed the fat uncut head and pushed the foreskin back with my tongue, while swirling around the sensitive head. He groaned and was thrashing a little as I worked his big cock down my throat. I paused for a hit of poppers and looked over that U. He was sitting stroking his hard cock (again!!) and smiling at G. "You enjoying that hot mouth G? Doesn't he suck cock like a pro? He is a pro! He knows how to work a cock buddy. Enjoy yourself". And back to it I went. And slobbered and deep throated that big cock for about 15 minutes. G suddenly pushed me away gently and gave the universal sign for 'turn around'. I leaned over the corner of the massage table and made sure my ass was at a good height for him and I waited. A few seconds later, he gave my hole a big swipe with his tongue. Then he immediately shoved his tongue into my hole and opened it up quickly. He pulled back and spit. Then he leaned forward and licked some more. I pushed my ass out and he started sucking on my ass lips and moaning. I could see him stroking that big baseball bat slowly while he ate my hole and slobbered. He reached around and stroked my dripping cock as he slowly slid his cock across my hole. Repeatedly. Him and G even fucked the same. This was gonna be interesting. He took his time and had incredible hip action. He slowly pumped that fat head back and forth. I could feel my hole opening up. It was sucking his cockhead inside my hot guts. I wanted to see that big cock splitting me open into a round pouty ring of flesh. He leaned over my shoulder and licked my ear and whispered... "You are a sexy man. I am going to open your hole up for my big cock and the two of us are going to enjoy fucking one another. I can tell. And then I'm gonna load your ass up with a big load of Detroit cum dude. You're gonne love it". And the fucking really started to happen. Insistent. Slow. Pushing. Twisting. Some short punchy thrusts, followed my out to the edge and back inside thrusts. I took a few more hits and willed myself to enjoy this huge cock who was enjoying my hole. We both felt my ass give away and that monster was going to go up inside. We both knew it. He did it in one slow slide. I opened my muscles up and totally relaxed as this monstrous cock opened me up. He was groaning and saying "Oh fuck.. oh fuck... oh gawd he can milk a cock U... you were SO right". I was totally enjoying his nice deep thrusts and zoning out a little when on one of my forward thrusts, I felt a big hard cock at my lips. I immediately opened up and U slid his dripping cock into my mouth. The two friends locked hands over top of me and gave me a good solid air tight suck and fuck. They were telling me that this was a very hot scene and they were talking about my hole and how good it felt and how juicy it was and tight, and what great ass control I had - when suddenly G looked across my back at U and said... "You fucker. You've already loaded this Daddy up with your hot cum haven't you? No wonder it is so juicy". U laughed and said "Ya bitch. I loaded him up first. You're getting sloppy seconds". That was the magic thought... G roared his head back and went crazy pounding my ass. He actually lifted me off the ground twice while unloading deep in my guts. Of course, that set of U and he unloaded in my mouth... telling G that he was cumming as well. This put ME over the top and my load started spewing everything. Suddenly G pulled out of my ass and U pulled out of my mouth. As I was trying to figure out what happened, U shoved his dripping cock into my dripping hole and rammed right in to his balls. Then he stroked in/out and churned up the two loads inside me.... and churned in a third. Meanwhile, G was stuffing that cummy, sloppy big fucking dick into my mouth. I was moaning and licking the cum off his cock and balls, then worked my head down gently onto his foreskin and sucked it clean. What a fucking treat. We gathered our energy for a bit and talked about 'things we had enjoyed' (notes for next time). G lapped away at cleaning the outside of my hole and licking all the mixed cum from the three of us. It was pretty hot and I was getting horny again.... but the guys had to go. Of course, my first question was "How long are you visiting for dude?". LOL Turns out he is here for a week. Got a text from U this morning thanking me for a very hot and sexy night and showing his hot Daddy buddy a good introduction to Canada. GRIN. That's me. The fucking BB ambassador! grin. The second text was better though... U told me that G wanted another go at my mouth and ass before he went back to USA... would I be interested?? Hell ya! Just as the guys were driving away, my phone rang.... my two other FB's were really horny and wanted to cum see my new sling. Did I wanna play? They both wanted to unload and I couldn't see any logical reason to say NO... so I said... get your asses over here. Let's play
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  49. Part 7 Master didn't replace the plug that evening. We spent the rest of the night watching old movies, since neither of us could sleep, in each others arms. As I started to come down, my ass started to ache real bad. Master assured me this was normal after all the cock I had taken. We went out for breakfast at the same place we had before. Travis was working again and smiled as he approached our table. I felt a rush of embarrassment knowing he knew what a pig I was, and tried to avoid eye contact. "Hey Frank. Hey slut." He said. I tried to laugh it off. Gay guys call each other sluts all the time. I glanced around to see who might hear. Luckily it was a slow morning. "Got time for a break Trav?" Asked Master. "Yea, it's really slow. You're actually my only table right now. I could take 10." "Ok boy," said Master looking at me. "Go to the bathroom and get ready to give a stellar blow job. If he doesn't cum in 10 minutes, that will be noted." I just nodded and headed off. In a few seconds Travis entered and locked the door behind him, unzipping his pants, revealing an already almost hard dick. He didn't say a word to me as he grabbed my head and shoved his cock in. My throat was almost as sore ass my ass, but I didn't dissapoint. I proceeded to suck him like a starved animal, and within about seven minutes he was pumping his load down my throat. He pulled out and deposited the last couple of drops on my forhead. "Proof for Frank." He grinned as he zipped up and walked out. I returned to the table, hoping the few people there wouldn't notice the cum. As I sat back down, Master smiled and wiped the cum off, sticking his finger in my mouth. "Good boy." He said softly as Travis came to take our order. After a breakfast that I still wasn't hungry to eat, but forced down, Master led me back home. The rest of the day was lazy, more movies, then Master had me cook us a light dinner. After the dishes were done, Master called me into the bedroom where he lay naked, his fat, veiny cock sticking up as he stroked it, watching footage of me in the sling getting fucked. "This is just rough footage," he said. "I have to edit it down. Now come here bitch." He grabbed me and made me straddle his chest, as he gently fingered my hole. I winced in pain. He grabbed some lube and applied it to his cock. "Now sit down boy." I carefully placed his mushroom head to my burning hole, and slowly, with much effort, eased it in my battered cunt. I hissed as I slid down it, eventually managing to settle all the way down, his pubes rubbing my inflamed tissue. "Good boy, now just sit there." I could feel him flexing his cock in me as he reached for my nipples. "Milk it boy. Use your muscles to milk my cock." His pinching of my nipples made my hole instinctively squeeze his pole, and he smiled. "Ok boy, here's the deal. I will take you part time. You will spend weekends here, but also expect to be summoned once or twice during the week. I expect you to always be available for me and whatever I say. I understand, on occasion, you may have unbreakable plans. Be honest if you can't make it, but if it happens too often, I will dismiss you. Now, as you can tell, I enjoy sharing my property with my friends. I find immense pleasure in watching my whores get used. Not every weekend will be like this, obviously, this was special. But you can always expect more than just my cock. Do you understand boy?" "Yes Sir." I answered, doing my best to please his cock with my burning ass." "And you will never refuse an order boy. I think you all ready understand that. Now, I have your home and work number, you won't need mine. I know your work schedule, so don't be surprised if I call you into service during your lunch hour. Now, I give you one last chance to back out, now that you've come down a lot. Do you want to, boy?" "No Sir!" I said, as he increased the torture on my nipples. "I want this Sir." "Good boy." he said, pulling me into a kiss. I whined as he fucked my aching pussy, kissing me deeply until he shot. "Now go home boy, and wait for me to call you." I dressed, and left his apartment, walking slowly home, digesting this extraordinary turn of events in my life.
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  50. Part 3 After Logan had swallowed his first load of cum the man took Logan into the living room of the house where there were about half a dozen guys sitting around waiting for him. He was told to get on his knees and crawl over till each guy and suck each guys cock and swallow each load of cum. One by one Logan sucked each guy and swallowed every drop if cum and as the meth I his system began to fade. The man knew that Logan would need another slam before he was going to be fucked for the first time. They took Logan back to the bedroom he woke up in and told him to sit on the bed. He was given some Gatorade to drink that was laced with GHB as 'the chemist' entered the bedroom. As he drank the Gatorade he saw 'the chemist' load a syringe with crystals then add some water to get the meth to dissolve. Logan was finishing up his Gatorade as the GHB began to take effect. He didn't try to resist as 'the chemist' placed a tourniquet on his upper arm. Logan watched as 'the chemist' found a good vein and slipped the needle in, drew back getting a flash of blood before emptying the contents. When the tourniquet was removed Logan began to cough harder then he had the first time. Through his coughs Logan heard 'the chemist' tell the man as he requested, thus one was stronger then the first slam. Logan was breathing really fast as he rode a rush that was much stronger than his first slam as he laid back on the bed. The man stood over Logan as a naked guy came into the room. The guy looked closer to his age as the man left then in the room alone. The guy climbed on top of Logan, looked into his eyes and told Logan to relax as he leaned in for a kiss as he heard someone say that the kids newly poz and his vial load will easily convert the new meat. Once again Logan was lost in the drugs as he willingly accepted his kiss as Logan felt the guys cock stiffen between their bodies. Logan was quickly giving into the drugs and sex not knowing if he'd ever see his family or friends again. As the two were sharing spit and tongues he maneuvered Logan so that Logan could suck stone cock while he got his ass ate for the first time. This was all the lube Logan would get before he had his cherry taken. Once the young guy thought he had a minimal amount if lube for Logan's as he repositioned Logan where he could hook his legs under his arms as he pointed his cock towards Logan's ass. Logan felt the tip hit his ass as the guy moved his hips enough to get his cock right at Logan's hole. The guys pushed his hips forward as his cock began to slip inside his body. Logan couldn't resist the pleasure he was starting to feel as the cock inched its way home until Logan felt three guy's pelvis bump up against his ass. They kissed again as Logan began to not only get his first fuck, but a poz fuck. Logan had no clue what he was getting but the guy fucking him was nicked named 'the gifter'. He was an addict that needed his fix and agreed to get pozzed and become a member of the crew. He'd get the 'fix. He'd need as long as he took as much cum as possible, never went on meds and when he was needed to 'gift' someone he would only be given a small slam and drugs to keep his cock hard. With all that he was known for cumming multiple times and usually big loads. He knew after he was done with the 'deed' he'd get a larger slam and get fucked all night long. Logan felt the chock inside his ass begin to swell as the guy kissed him before looking into his eyes and telling him in broken English that he was giving Logan his first charged load. Logan didn't comprehend the meaning at the time, but once he got the fuck flu, as well as being addicted to the drugs he was being given, he'd understand. In the few hours Logan was fucked by this guy he took 5 loads when the guy pulled out. The guy looked at Logan's hole as a little but of cum seeped out before he roughly stuck a dildo inside his pozzed filled ass. The dildo would force the poz cum deeper inside Logan's body. After a good 5 minutes of the dildo it was roughly pulled out. It was replaced by a brush that would scrap the walls of locks ass mashing sure the bug would get inside his blood.
    1 point
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