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  1. Part 9 - Day 6 At Sea "Wake up sleepy" Ramon said standing at the side of Luca's bed "your coffee Luca". Luca rolled on to his back seeing Ramon there "Morning, thank you" he said sitting up. Ramon opened the curtains "It is going to be another sunny day" he said walking back towards the bed. Ramon looked down at Luca and chuckled undoing the zipper on his trousers and freeing his cock. He straddled over Luca in bed and pulled his head forward pushing his cock in to Luca's mouth. It was the last thing he wanted this morning, the semi hardness of Ramon's cock forced in to his mouth was all the encouragement he needed to change his mind. With both hands holding Luca's head still Ramon decided today he would face fuck him. Luca looked up at the smile on Ramon's face struggling to keep up with the speed of Ramon, the now fully erect cock kept hitting the back of his throat making him gag and choke. He tried breathing through his nose timing the intake when Ramon pulled his hips back, finding this more comfortable Luca stopped gagging and closed his lip around the shaft applying more pressure 'good boy' Ramon said encouraging him. As usual it didn't take long for Ramon to orgasm when he looked down at the pretty face sucking on his cock like his life depended on it. Pushing his cock in he held still allowing his orgasm to rise slowly, the pressure from those succulent lips holding his shaft made his cock bounce. Ramon moaned softly releasing his seed in to Luca's mouth 'swallow, don't make a mess' he commanded holding Luca's struggling head. Ramon chuckled and pulled his cock out 'clean the head properly' he now commanded, Luca grinned using his tongue and lips he spent a couple of minutes making sure Ramon's cock was clean. Ramon climbed off the bed and put his cock away. "Drink your coffee and go to breakfast I need to change your bed linen" Ramon said turning to leave. Luca sat there watching shaking his head "Yes sir" he replied giggling seeing Ramon wink walking downstairs. Luca walked in to breakfast with his parents noticing the table was empty apart from Oliver who was enjoying a few minutes peace reading the ship's newspaper. They chatted a while until Oliver finished his coffee and stood leave and asked Luca if he wanted to join them sunbathing later on. Agreeing they planned to meet on the Duchess terrace around midday. His parents were going to the spa for the day and Luca was thinking of joining them as he wanted to feel Andre's body again but decided against it for sunbathing. With a couple of hours to kill Luca grabbed his book from the suite and went to the Balmoral lounge to read. It was quiet apart from one table in the furthest alcove, immediately he recognised Liam's head and his laugh. Thinking it would be funny he took the alcove next to them unseen, opening his book he started to read the next chapter. He could hear some of the conversation going on as it kept interrupting his reading. James looked over at Liam "So what happened then?" he asked "did you do it?". "Oh yes" Liam replied "it helped pinching his cruise card and I could see it in his eyes he wanted me". Brad laughed "You played it so cool with him even I could see he was desperate for you to acknowledge him". "Did he complain much?" Oliver now asked sitting forward. Liam smiled "A little mostly when my beard got on his ass" he said chuckling "but man he tasted good". "How many times did you breed him then?" Brad asked putting his glass of juice down. "Once" Liam replied "and I got it in deep and held him on it. Idiot never heard me say I was breeding him". James laughed "Doesn't count though, I stealthed him first so I am still the winner of the wager". "Yeah yeah" Brad replied "but you only get $10k since I live with you" he laughed slapping James's leg. "Short changed again" James replied "when you two pay up I will take us to Tahiti for a week courtesy of Luca's ass". Brad looked at Oliver "Your the only one that hasn't fucked Luca yet" he said "you still holding out?". Oliver shrugged his shoulders "Damaged goods now" he said then laughed "yeah I still fancy him like crazy, just can't explain it". Liam shook his head "Don't be a fool Olly it could end badly if you get involved now". "I can't help it dude" Oliver replied "never met anyone like him and I think he likes me". Luca sat there in shock hearing the conversation, he had been played and was now beginning to figure out things from their conversation. Anger boiled through his blood, he knew some of it was down to his own sexual need but to have a bet on his ass was crude and unforgiving. He concentrated hearing Brad talking again. "Are you going to bed him then, you only have two nights?" Brad asked grinning at Oliver. "Let's see how today goes he is joining us at midday to sunbath" Oliver replied smiling. Luca found it hard to listen to anymore of their conversation, part of him was devastated at how Oliver spoke about him and now just wanted to fuck him. It was time to make his exit, he slid around the seat and stood up about to walk out. He stopped, fuck it he said to himself. Turning around he walked in the direction that would take him past their table. Calm and collected he made a loud closing sound of his book then walked in front of the table. The four of them looked up seeing Luca and the look on his face. Without a word he looked at Oliver with daggers and walked off, 'Luca' he heard his name being called but he purposefully strode out. "Oh fuck" Oliver said "I think he heard us" he was pushing past Liam heading after Luca. "Leave it" James called out to him then turned to the Brad and Liam "I hope he doesn't tell his parents". Brad smiled "He won't, after all I know about him and his butler" he replied with a satisfied look. Oliver stood looking but Luca had disappeared. He continued walking making his way to Luca's suite, he found Ramon cleaning who told him Luca had not been back to his suite. Giving up he walked outside to the Duchess terrace that was quieter than normal since the temperature had dropped a little. He saw the lonely figure sitting on a sunbed looking out to sea, arms folded under his knees and hunched over. He had never felt so sorry or bad for someone seeing Luca, his face expressionless like nothing made any sense. Oliver figured a shit storm was coming one way or another and decided to face up to Luca now. He sat down on the sunbed facing Luca, there was no acknowledgement as Luca continued looking out to sea. "I guess you heard the whole conversation" Oliver said looking at Luca who didn't move or look at him. Oliver shook his head "It wasn't meant to be like this" he paused "fuck of course it was at first when we saw you". He waited but still no response "It was a wager to see who could get you first. I am truly sorry and regret it now Luca". Oliver leaned closer "After I got to know you things changed but I couldn't stop the others". "I like you Luca" Oliver said "I have never liked anyone the way I like you" he waited but Luca didn't move. "I am so sorry" Oliver said standing up "I believed I found someone I could love but ruined it". Oliver stood there for a moment waiting, Luca didn't move or speak and just stared out to sea. Oliver turned and left he looked back seeing Luca hadn't moved. The tear trickled down his face and Luca rubbed his cheek against his t-shirt sleeve. He felt the same as Oliver and that was what hurt him more, he just couldn't bring himself to look or talk to him right now. It was after midday, Luca had been sat on the terrace in his position for over an hour. He heard the Americans taking sunbeds and ordering drinks. Casually he stood up and walked across the terrace back to his suite. Brad called over to Luca but he never turned or acknowledge them and disappeared inside. "That is one upset Brit" Brad said to Oliver stating the obvious. Oliver nodded "He wouldn't even talk to me earlier when I found him" he replied "he just blanked me". Liam patted Oliver's leg "Let it rest Olly, we are getting off in two days and never have to see him again". "I know but I can't help the way I feel and I hate seeing him like this" Oliver replied sadly. Luca changed into his workout kit and went to the gym for a run, hoping he would feel better getting his anger and upset out of his body. Even with his headphones in and 3 miles in to his run he could not get the words from Oliver out of his head. Did he really mean what he said or was it just words, could he even trust him? One thing was quickly becoming apparent to Luca, he wanted to find love. After 6 miles Luca gave up and was about to head to the sauna when he saw James. Quickly turning around he walked in the opposite direction, he couldn't believe that out of the 2,600 guests on board he kept bumping in to one of the guys. Waiting and watching James who started working out he took the long way round and slipped in to the sauna. There were three men already in there and one clearly had a good look at Luca as he sat down. After ten minutes one guy left and the one that had checked Luca out sat there looking at him. It took Luca a moment to see that the guy was playing with himself, he stood up and walked out of the sauna bumping in to James. "Luca" James said standing in front of Luca who tried to push past him "wait Luca" he grabbed Luca's arm. Luca looked at his arm "Let go of me" he said angrily. James let go "Please speak to Oliver" he said "he is really upset about how things are". Luca watched a passenger walk by then looked at James "He is upset?" he said "how do you think I feel?". Luca walked off and James shook his head. Luca kept out of the way and excused himself from dinner with this parents, he wasn't feeling hungry and certainly didn't want to spend a couple of hours having to see the four guys. Spending the rest of the day locked up in his suite Luca had read his book then looked up at the clock, it was only 8pm. Feeling a little hungry he decided to go to the buffet and grab a salad. Andre waved off the rest of the spa team who were going to the crew mess and then the crew party. He changed in to civilian clothing and put his name badge on, not one for parties he was going to spend a quiet evening having dinner on deck then watch a show. Thankfully the spa crew had deck privileges meaning they could enjoy the host of passenger facilities. Liking the simple things in life he plated up grilled chicken and salad and found a quiet table in the nearly deserted buffet. Luca wandered up to the counter and made himself a salad then carrying his plate he walked through the buffet. His heart skipping a beat seeing Andre sat at a quiet table, he wore a tight long sleeved type of t-shirt that boldly accentuated the muscles on his arms. The blond neatly trimmed hair and attractive face was such an undeniable attraction for Luca. Luca found himself walking over to the table drawn to him "Can I join you?" he asked quietly. Andre smiled and stood up "Of course you can" he replied indicating with his hand for him to sit. "Thank you" Luca replied sitting down and noticing Andre looking at him in a very bewitching way. "Is that all your eating?" Andre asked and Luca nodded "have you had a bad day you don't look happy?". Luca put his fork down "Hasn't been a great day" he replied "people are not what they seem". Andre studied him for a moment "You should have come for a massage I would have helped". Luca smiled and chuckled for the first time in hours "I can't cope with you massaging me it drives me wild". Andre smiled back "Jūs vis dar esate labai seksuali" he said "You are very sexy Luca" he translated "I love touching your body". Luca blushed a little "No you are" he replied then repeated it in Italian "No tu sei". Under the table he felt Andre's leg caressing his, they chatted and flirted for nearly an hour. Luca had never found it so easy to open up with someone like him. Andre seemed considerate and very unassuming of his looks and body. Luca listened to Andre telling him about Lithuania and how things changed over the years and why he worked at sea. Constantly playing footsie under the table and laughing he had really cheered Luca up. Luca smiled "Thank you Andre I really needed this and you are the sexy one". "No you are" Andre replied smiling then went serious for a moment "I want to make love to you" he said quietly "touch and hold you all night". Luca didn't hesitate and nodded "I would really like that Andre". Andre nodded "Give me 10 minutes I will come to your suite" he said "we can't be seen leaving together". Luca nodded standing he could feel the need rising in his body leaving Andre sat at the table, the thought of him touching his body sent ripples of burning desire through his skin. The walk back to his suite seemed to take forever, the excitement running through his head made the corridor get longer and longer. At last he slid his card in to the slot hearing the lock unhinge he opened the door and walked inside. Breathing heavily he checked the interconnecting door to his parents suite to make sure it was locked. Standing in the middle of the lounge he subconsciously bit his finger from nerves, it was the first time anyone wanted to make love to him. Did he actually mean it or was it just a way to get rid of him, or did he just want to poke him and leave? Checking the clock only five minutes had passed, thinking he was going to pass out from anticipation having to wait another five minutes he was shocked hearing a soft knock at the door. Luca hurried over and opened the door to see Andre standing there, instantly their eyes met and Luca allowed Andre inside. Grabbing the Do Not Disturb sign Luca placed it on the door handle and closed the door locking it. He almost felt embarrassed to turn around looking at the door thinking Andre might see the desperation in his eyes. He tried to control his breathing and turned to face Andre, his eyes catching the full sight of the muscles in those arms covered by the tight fitting long sleeved t-shirt. Luca took a few steps forward and Andre smiled watching him, he could sense Luca's nerves. Having a quickie on the massage table to making love is a big jump for anyone and Luca clearly demonstrated uncertainty in what to do. Andre moved towards Luca 'just relax' he said then quickly swooping down he lifted Luca in to the air with ease, his arms holding and securing around Luca's back. Wrapping his legs around Andre's waist, his head fell naturally forward until he was inches away from Andre's. Looking at each other for a moment the tension was too much to bear for both of them. Andre rubbed his lips delicately against Luca's then applied soft kisses, Luca moaned softly and moved his arms around the back of Andre's neck. Gradually each kiss got more intense forcing their lips to part wider each time, slowly their tongues flickering touching briefly. Finally Andre locked his mouth against Luca's pushing his tongue deep in to Luca's mouth wanting to taste him. His legs shaking at first from the pure sexual allure Andre gave off, his body reacted lovingly feeling the muscles in his arms close and tight around his back holding him securely. Even if Luca wanted to there was no way he could escape from Andre now, his fingers caressed the back of Andre's neck the longer the kiss went on. Releasing a sigh of contented pleasure feeling the pressure ease against his mouth and lips, Andre looked him in the eye. There was no denying in the look in their eyes. Andre held on to Luca and carried him up the sweeping staircase to the bedroom and finally let go laying Luca down on the bed. Every movement Andre made was gentle, sensual with sexual phrasing, he was like a completely different person and Luca loved it. He kneeled up on the bed facing Andre and leaned forward their lips touching again with gentle caressing and soft kissing. Andre ran his hand along Luca's arms and over his shoulders then began lifting his t-shirt up, breaking their kiss for a moment he slipped it over Luca's head discarding it on the floor and resuming their kissing with Luca's upper body now naked. His skin tingled at the soft touch Andre made across his body. Luca gripped Andre's biceps feeling the sheer muscle under the fabric, his mouth now full of Andre's tongue devouring him lovingly. Luca's hands roamed down the arms then across to Andre's body he now lifted his t-shirt up feeling the warmth emitting from Andre's body the higher he pushed it up. Quickly Andre slipped it off his hands went straight to Luca's trousers making short work undoing them whilst Luca jiggled on the bed in his kneeling pose getting rid of them. His kissed Andre's chest at first and gradually moving lower he expertly used his mouth to unbutton his trousers, taking the tag of the zipper between his teeth he slowly pulled it down deliberately running his nose against the prize hiding in the underwear. Andre stroked Luca and rolled his head back moaning softly in to the air his trousers now around his ankles, stepping out of them he gasped looking down. Luca gently bit the inside of his thighs and licked below the elastic banding of his underwear. The small damp spot of precum evident to see, Luca ran his tongue over it and rewarded with the faint salty taste. He took the band of the underwear in his mouth and pulled down freeing Andre's cock, his tongue moved around the shaft straight to his balls. The soft sucking and licking sounds, the sensations spiralling out of control in Andre's body made him giggle. Pulling Luca up he kissed him deep then pushed him on his back. His hands ran along Luca's legs and grabbing his underwear he pulled them off in one movement. Neither of them knew the real desire the other had hidden since their first meeting, it was now only showing itself piece by piece. Luca teasingly coaxed Andre on to the bed and lying him on his back Luca leaned over and began kissing his body. His cock bouncing each time Luca kissed his nipple and ran his tongue sensually around them. Andre leaned up cupping Luca's face in his hands, staring intently into his eyes his mouth quickly finding Luca's. Wrapping his arms around Luca he pulled Luca on top kissing him more intensely, he used the opportunity to explore Luca's body in more detail touching every inch from his neck, back and finally his ass. His hands came to rest on Luca's buttocks, holding him, kissing him, Andre had never experienced such sensuality that he felt with Luca. Andre raised his hand and gently pushed Luca down towards his cock. Luca licked the slimly precum off Andre's stomach that had gathered, the salty taste assaulting his taste buds. Moving his tongue along to the base of Andre's cock he slowly licked and kissed the shaft hearing Andre moan in delight. Reaching the head of Andre's cock his tongue pushed the foreskin apart tasting more precum, his lips surrounded the head closing around it gently he moved his head up and down until the foreskin rolled back revealing the head. Andre moaned and raised a leg before letting it fall back down on the bed, his hand stroking Luca's head feeling his tongue swirling around the head of his cock. Luca stopped and looked up at the smile on Andre's face, he pulled Luca up kissing him hard he forced Luca over on to his back. His body moving on top and using his legs to push Luca's apart allowing him to slip in between them. Andre kissed Luca's chin and slowly licked up until he caressed Luca's lips, seamlessly parting Luca slipped Andre his tongue sealing their lips together they kissed lost in each other. Luca moaned wrapping his arms around Andre's back, his legs caressing Andre's thighs and waist. Soft erotic moans escaping them both filled the air, Andre moved pushing his legs under Luca's forcing them up around his waist exposing Luca's hole to his cock. Luca moaned again feeling the pressure of Andre's cock just above his hole, he knew the pressure being exerted would mean a quick entry and probably painful. The more Andre pushed the skin in it was guiding his cock slowly down. A puppy yelp and moan rose from Luca and swallowed by Andre who would not release him from their kiss. His cock had slipped painfully through half embedded in Luca's ass. Luca gripped on to Andre's back leaving red finger impressions as the pain eased. He held Andre close kissing him back trying to raise his head the more Andre penetrated him. Luca let out an excitable sigh feeling the coarse pubes against his ass. Andre broke from the kiss and looked down at Luca smiling. Their eyes focused on each other through Luca's aroused soft moaning feeling Andre's cock moving inside of him. The tender strokes drove Luca wild and Andre could see it in his eyes, he leaned forward and gently kissed Luca on the mouth. Their faces so close and maintaining eye contact until Andre couldn't resist kissing Luca again. His arm slipped behind Luca's neck holding him close, Luca held on to Andre his eyes half closed in his erotic state. His moans stifled by Andre's mouth, he could taste Andre and feel the quick movements his cock made inside. A series of bursts with rapid fucking and panting lead to more kissing and slow tender moments that continued for over an hour. The copious amount of precum provided adequate lube to stop Luca's ass getting sore, Andre's cock moved with slickness and the quality of a man who knew how to take a lover way beyond any fantasy and Luca was living it. Andre moved his arms lower around Luca's back and lifted him up, he was straddled across Andre's lap deeply impaled on his cock. The desire to scream and thrash about in ecstasy and drive down harder on his cock was becoming all to real for Luca, struggling to retain a little dignity he controlled himself to kissing Andre and grinding his ass. Andre moved again and now laid down on his back pushing Luca upright giving him control. Luca licked his lips looking down at Andre and slowly grinding his ass deep on Andre's cock, he caught sight of the shadow cast on the wall from the bedside wall lamp. Andre looked over at the silhouette being cast by them then looked up at Luca and smiled. Their hands entwinning holding each other as Luca revelled seeing Andre's biceps flex, he was never one defined by a persons physique but Andre was somehow so different and carried it off with such prowess that it drove Luca to ride him harder for several minutes. The moans from both of them increased, suddenly Andre pulled Luca forward kissing him and wrapping his arms around Luca's body to stop him moving 'you will make me cum' he said kissing the lips tenderly 'slow down'. Luca chuckled and kissed Andre's mouth, chin and neck slowly giving their bodies chance to relax. He sat upright taking the full length of Andre inside him again, his head rolled back sighing and gasping with his breath. Andre pushed his hips up watching Luca's expression and loving the moans he made, his hands roaming over Luca's chest and hips holding him and guiding his movements. Andre was on the move again and holding Luca he rolled him over on to his back, his legs securing Luca's in the air around his waist in a perfect missionary position. Luca's body wriggled from his dominant lovers movements, his arm behind Luca's neck again he leaned forward kissing him full on the mouth 'oh baby' he whispered increasing the speed and intensity of his love making. Luca arched his neck moaning and holding Andre's shoulders, he felt it, he knew it, Andre was close and it was reinforced the way Andre now kissed him harder like he was telling him it was going to happen. Luca held Andre tight knowing he would pull out before his orgasm, he wanted to enjoy the build up fucking and was not disappointed. Luca was moaning rapidly with each accurate thrust that was very different from his previous fucks with Andre, he was purposefully deeper inside him. Andre moaned and lifted his head 'Luca' he cried holding Luca still his body pushed up. Luca knew then that he was not going to pull out this time 'oh yes Andre' he responded between his panting and excitement feeling the cock inside him pulsing in orgasm. Andre held Luca tighter his body tensing and pushing forward to get deeper in to him, suddenly the rush of his orgasm ran from his balls along the shaft and exploding from the head in to Luca's ass. Luca's arms now held on to Andre around his back, the forward hard thrusts still coming causing him to cry in joy calling out Andre's name over and over. Andre closed his arm around Luca's neck holding him close and finding his mouth and closing his lips on Luca's, they kissed lovingly, their bodies slowly resetting. Luca held on hoping Andre was not about to whip his cock out and leave. His legs ached a little from being held in this position and it soon transpired that Andre was in no way finished. Kissing for nearly half an hour Luca could feel Andre's cock hardening from the semi state, quickly his hips began moving again. He continued to make love to Luca over three hours, never once did they let go of each other. their bodies firmly locked together, cock to ass, mouth to mouth. Andre finally rolled on to his side sweating and glistening in the subdued lighting. Luca thought it was over but Andre pulled him closer and continued kissing him, his hand caressing Luca's back and ass, his cock just about still inside Luca's ass was sexed out and slowly exiting. Luca had lost count how many times Andre had orgasmed after the fourth time. Luca had never felt this close or intimate with anyone before, the incredible tightness of their bond worried him. Would any other lover come anywhere near this or even compare to this experience. Luca rolled on to his back a big smile adorned his face, Andre reached over for his phone. "What's the matter?" Luca asked watching Andre playing with his phone. Andre put the phone on the bedside table "Nothing, just set my alarm for 6am". Luca sat turned to face him "Are you staying with me?" he asked running his hand along Andre's arm. "Of course, if you don't mind?" Andre replied kissing Luca "I have to be back at work by 8am". Luca chuckled and turned off the lamp his body soon pulled in to those strong arms of Andre, life couldn't get any sweeter he thought to himself lying there kissing with Andre until they both fell asleep. Luca woke hearing Andre's gentle and almost quiet snoring, he smiled finding it amusing that not only did he make love tenderly his snoring was so sweet as well. Turning over carefully not to wake him he was surprised when the arms around his body squeezed, Andre shuffled closer parking his cock between Luca's ass cheeks then the soft snoring returned. Falling back to sleep for an hour before he woke again. Andre was gently stroking Luca's chest, his cock was hard and the head was pressed poised at Luca's hole. His hand immediately went to Andre's thigh and slowly stroking it he moaned sweetly feeling the head pushing in to him. Andre kissed his neck slowly moving his body over Luca's until he laid on top pushing his cock deep in to Luca with ease. Raising his head fully awake Luca gasped and turned his head to be met immediately by Andre's mouth and tongue. His arms still wrapped around Luca's chest they slowly made love, Andre kissing and biting Luca around the neck was already close. His hips thrusting, grinding and gyrating deep in to Luca, he never raised his hips off Luca's ass instead Luca learnt to push his ass up each time he felt Andre applying down pressure. They remained connected together, the love in that moment binding them as one. Andre latched on to Luca's mouth kissing him 'Luca' he quietly released in a raspy voice then kissing him again he held his hips still. The love flowing from him in to Luca's body, only the deep breaths and tensing of his body revealed to Luca he was mating with him again. In the darkness of the bedroom he senses deprived he could feel Andre's orgasm, for the first time he was sure he felt Andre's seed entering his ass. Unable to hold or control himself Luca burst underneath his body, he could feel the warm slimy mess accumulating underneath him. He had no time to think about it feeling Andre's lips seeking his again. His body being pulled on to his side coming to rest still attached to Andre inside him. The hypnotic stroking of Andre's hand on his chest and the happiness of holding Andre's arm and bicep just seemed like perfection was holding him.
    9 points
  2. Part 3 Sweat dripped onto my face. I looked up at the wrinkled old face of my regular fuck bud Simon leaning over me as I lay on his bed, the sweat dripping from his face. He may have been in his 70's, but I love the way he fucked me, the years of practice pounding holes really making him a wonderful top to my willing bottom. Simon smiled at me and asked if I were OK, to which I nodded and replied "Oh Yes". Simon had already pumped his load into me, he took his time doing so, he always does, often fucking me several times before finally releasing what, on this occasion would be lubrication for what was to come. I could hear the noise coming from the rest of the house, music was playing and I heard lots of people talking, though could not determine the subject of the conversation, though I hoped some of it was about me. I moved my head up off the bed slightly to glance at the door to see Peter walking through the doorway. I'd only met him literally 1 hour previously, I'd arrived at Simon's house, Peter had arrived earlier than I, but other than Simon and myself, he was the only person here. I was briefly introduced to him, before Simon held me by the arm, and led me off to the bedroom informing me on the way out of the room "you'll see Peter later on, so don't worry". Peter stood at the end of the bed and began to remove his clothing. Shoes, socks, shorts, all laid neatly to one side as he removed them. He pulled down his underwear to reveal his already semi hard cock, not the largest I'd ever seen, but I was fairly sure he'd know how to use it, so I didn't care. Peter climbed onto the end of the bed and I got a better look at him, my eyesight not being the best, and things always look better close up. He had nice trimmed pubic hair, a very handsome cock, as I liked to call them, and some wonderful tight balls. I wanted to reach out and touch them, but at that same moment, Simon reached for my arms, moving one each side of my head, leaning on them to hold them in place. Peter pulled off his shirt, I instantly caught sight of the biohazard tattoo on his belly, my heart raced, I started to shake a little and as always, when I'm nervous, my cock shrank and hid away. I looked up at Simon, he just nodded at me "You know you want it, it's why were here" he said to me, then before I even has time to acknowledge him or utter a reply, he edged forward on the bed and straddled my face. My arms were held in place by his thighs and my face was firmly buried between his ass cheeks. I could smell the cum still on his cock, some had dribbled down onto his balls and was smearing over my face and his moist sticky cock rested down across my chin. Peter lifted my legs up and pushed a pillow beneath my ass. Simon held my legs up in place as Peter shuffled up the bed, resting his body against mine as he lent forward and started to kiss Simon. I then felt his hand rest against my balls and his cock push against my already lubed hole, it provided little resistance as his whole length slid in easily. Peter spoke to Simon, "I hope he gets what he wants", then he spoke to me, not that I'd know, based on my current position, "If you do, welcome to the brotherhood", he spoke to me so gently and caring like this was a bonding ceremony. I knew this day could change my life.
    6 points
  3. Hey guys I'm working from home now and, while I'm working quite a lot of hours, I do have more free time than usual. I'm also bored rigid as all I am doing is working and staying at home. I thought I might use the time to post a few more stories. Thinking about happier and hornier times serves as a welcome distraction for me at the moment and if it's the same for others I'd be happy to post a few stories over the next few weeks. But don't want to do it if people think it's inappropriate with all that's going on Feedback welcome Take care T
    5 points
  4. Seth told Ty that Justin would need to wait for another time. "This straight guy needs to be used, you still have access to that warehouse?" Ty said "yes" and pulled out of Justin, shoved a butt plug in him (a large one) from his bag. He untied Justin and moved him on the bed so he could sleep; grabbed a Xanax and a straw leaving Justin there with his hands tied above his head but not fasted to the bedpost. "Let me text my buddy and make sure the combo code hasn't changed," said Ty while texting his bud. Seth unfastened Rick's legs and told him to sit up. Rick did as he tried to say something but the ball gag was still in. Seth told him "Stand up," then put a robe on him - Justin's bathrobe, grabbed some flip flops from Justin's closet to walk him downstairs and put him in his van. Seth had a work van already rigged for fastening packages and cases of goods in place. He put Rick in fastening his feet to the floor and his hands to the wall of the van. Rick (ball gag still in-place) tried to get his attention but Seth just put a hood on Rick and told him to settle down. Then he locked the van and headed back up to get Ty. When Seth walked-in he saw Ty placing his last post on BBRT, Adam, Grindr and Doublelist. He placed the same ad on each and sent out a group text to some hung tops who had fucked the last guy they took to the warehouse. The posted ad read: Straight bottom needs lots of cock and cum tonight, he just lost his cherry and needs more cum. Married with kids this guy is one horny fuck and just wants your big dick and cum. 30 yrs old, 5'10 160 hot bubble ass and a tight pussy. Come drop a load in him in the warehouse district. Ty immediately started getting request and text back. but waited to answer until they got to the van. When they entered Rick was trying to get free, Seth did not say a word but grabbed his taser shot it at Rick. His body jolted and shook and then he fell as far to the floor of the van. He turned and got back in the driver's seat and pulled off while Ty gave out the address of the warehouse in the group text and started lining up tops. By the time they got to the warehouse there were more then 50 responses. From those Ty invited 30 and gave them the address and then Ty opened the warehouse and got the fuck bench ready they used last time and Seth grabbed Rick after unfastening him and carried him in and placed him on the fuck bench not too gently and Rick woke up as his legs were being tied in place and then his hands were unfastened and tied to the bench also. His hood was pulled off and a blindfold was placed on him and Seth said get him ready bud. Ty grabbed a point and a band and tied off Rick's arm and gave him a large a point and then removed the band and Rick's head came up for the hanging position and Ty removed the ball gag. Rick said nothing much but "holy fuck, shit, wow." Ty got a drink ready and fed Rick the straw and he was told to drink and Rick did and soon Rick was flying. Seth pulled out the butt plug and pressed his thick cock against Rick's ass and slide in and began to fuck him while Rick moaned and spoke mumbled nonsense. Ty told Seth the first guys just parked and Seth started to pick up the pace and pound the slut's hole as a 50 year old 6'4 200 pound muscled guy and 35 year old ginger 6'1 and 180 walked in and the 50 year old walked over to Rick and unbuckled his pants and pulled out a 9" uncut thick dick and lifted Rick's head and spread his mouth and stuck it into Rick as he started to suck and lick all over the thick head. Rick started to make slurping sounds and while Red held his head he unfastened his button fly and out popped a 10 inch long medium thickness dick with a large PA. Seth started to breath heavy and soon unloaded another toxic load deep into Rick. Red came around and got down to view the used hole and pulled Rick's ass checks apart; holding them there with a slight gape as Red lined up his PA and pressed his dick against the used hole and in it went as he drove his dick deep in Rick. He long-dicked Rick who started to show signs that it hurt. The old guy was rock hard now and he started to slowly press into Rick's throat while Red tore up Rick's insides with his big knob on the PA. He got up on the bench by putting his feet on the steps on either side and started hammering Rick and then he growled and flung his head back and said "fucking whore there is your first load from me!" Red got down and pulled his dick back still rock hard and eased the PA out and then grabbed a rag he had brought and cleaned up the cum and a light smearing of blood off his dick. He then went over and took the 50 year old's place and made Rick clean off his dick. Two more guys entered; a Puerto Rican dude and white eastern European looking guy. It was clear they had not come together.The Rican got to Rick first and pulled-out his fat beer can 7 inch dick and fed it to the boy. The white guy stood there and rubbed his dick while he watch the older guy fuck Rick hard. Five minutes later he shot his load deep. Ty came over with the marker, he had been looking for it and he put a plus sign on one hip in the center above Rick's ass check and a minus sign on the other. Then he marked five '+ marks' on Rick's ass cheek for the five poz loads he had already taken. The Rican guy - all of 27, neg(-), 5'10, 160 pulled out of Rick's mouth and went around to his ass and pressed his fat dick in Rick and fucked him hard for ten minutes while the Eastern European guy pulled-out his fat uncut dick (it had to be 8 inches) and let Rick suck on his head. Red and the 50 year old had left but told Ty they would be back with two more buds who needed to dump their loads. Ty said "make sure you guys are back for the DP round" as he pointed to a mattress all set up and ready to go. Rick took 35 loads in all, 27 poz most toxic and the rest neg. He wore the slashes to prove it. When it was all done, his hole was wrecked and puffy. The guys grabbed him and tossed him in the van, tied him up again with a hood on, took him to an alley two miles from the warehouse and pulled him out of the van. It was dark again and they grabbed his phone and ordered an Uber back to Justin's place so Rick could grab his car. They tossed his clothes on the ground with his shoes. "Dude your uber will be in ten minutes, get your ass dressed and go the fuck home." Ty then said "I'm gonna take off your hood. Stay facing forward until we've driven off. Got it?" Rick agreed and two minutes later the guys were gone and Rick was getting dressed and his ass was leaking cum all over. When the Uber driver dropped him off Rick was too messed up to go home so he ended up in Justin's bed holding him and feeling his ass and playing with the butt plug. He ended up fisting Justin and came in Justin twice before he finally fell asleep for a few hours.
    4 points
  5. But, wait... there's (one) more... -------------------------------------------- Colin got home after the trip and tried to get back to his normal routine. His girlfriend seemed to be hornier than usual and while the memories of the canoe trip haunted him, he was happy to be able to fuck her. A few weeks later he got the flu and was surprised how accommodating Ken was at work. "Yeah, there's a bug goin' around. Just get yourself better" he told Colin. His fever was over a hundred, but only lasted a few days. The sweats at night kept going for over a month. The rash that covered his chest and back appeared one day and had faded four days later. He was weak and sore and stayed in bed for most of the week. Once he recovered enough to go back to work, his sexual appetite came back with a vengeance. He was screwing his girlfriend every day the first week until she came storming into the apartment one night after he got home from work. "What skank have you been fucking? You gave me a fuckin' STD!" she screamed at him as she started packing her stuff up. "What? No! I ain't been fuckin any other chicks than you, babe" Colin protested. "How did I get the clap, then? Divine miracle? You fuckin' cheating asshole! Get out of my way and I never want to see you again!" she said as she stormed out, lugging his two large duffel bags full of her clothes out the door. He increasingly found himself back at the booths in the adult book store and even told a few guys to "back their asses up" to the hole. After a several more heated accusations from women he fucked, he went to the clinic and got tested for STDs. He showed up at work the day after he got the results looking despondent and working much slower than normal. Ken noticed him walking aimlessly around the warehouse and called him over. "You ok, Colin? You seem pretty distracted" Ken said in a fatherly tone. Colin shook his head and a tear ran down his cheek. Ken took him into the office and asked "What's up?" After staring at his feet for several seconds Colin replied "I'm fucked, man. I went to the clinic and they told me I got some STDs. Gave me a big shot, but said one they can't cure." Ken smiled back at Colin. "You'll be fine. It comes with the territory. You fuck around, you'll catch something eventually. I've had my share. If they give you drugs, talk to me before you start taking them, though. I know some people that would love to take some of your potent seed first" Ken said as Colin nodded and headed back to work. It had been over four months since the canoe trip but Ken finally heard what he had been hoping for. He had Colin busy almost every weekend after that, either fucking chasers or naive neg guys he found. Sometimes it was just one guy and other times it was two or three. If he couldn't find a victim, he would drag Colin to the bathhouse and have him breed whoever he could. Ken even found the occasional girl for Colin to fuck. Colin got used to fucking guys and as long as no one tried to fuck him, he was good with it. It was nice getting laid as much as he wanted and not having to deal with a relationship. "I'm a horny guy, but these fags can't seem to get enough" Colin thought. "Hey Colin, come here" Ken yelled out one day. "Yeah, boss?" Colin said as he ran up to Ken. "You takin' those drugs?" Ken asked. "No, you told me not to and I haven't been back to the clinic since they gave em to me" Colin replied. "Good. You up for another Canoe trip? You get to fuck this year" Ken said with a grin.
    4 points
  6. Part Two. I’d never been to a sauna before. I always wanted too but never had the courage, or more truthfully, didn’t know myself well enough. Several venues in my home town opened and closed over the years and I’d missed them all. I’d read numerous articles including the inflammatory rubbish posted on that great dustbin of knowledge, the internet media; I didn’t really know what to expect. Everything from a smelly disease infested den, to a Roman inspired bathhouse, although I wasn’t stupid enough to believe either of those, like everything, it’ll be somewhere in between. I’d entered through a shiny pair of black doors, I’d walked past them 1000 times before, always open, just inviting me to the delights that lay beyond. All I'd ever seen previously was a short corridor the end of which took a sharp turn to the right and disappeared out of sight. Today I took that sharp turn. My thoughts strayed to that first walk along that corridor. The turn revealed another corridor, it was walled with the most beautiful artwork, men in various states of undress, my eyes drawn to a leather clad figure wearing a jock. I gazed at the artwork, fantasizing about being dominated by this figure who was now real in my mind, I couldn't get this fantasy man out of my head. My thoughts suddenly became interrupted by reality, the reality of where I had chosen to go on this afternoon. I'd totally be lost in my thoughts and had no idea a figure, maybe clad in that leather jock, was stood inches behind me. The first I knew was two hand parting my cheeks followed within moments by the pressure of a hard cock against my hole. I was well lubricated and still quite open from the last cock so it took little pressure for the head of his cock to pass through my ring and bury itself deep. A shiver of pleasure moved straight up my body, emanating from this man's cock. I didn't hear a single word from him, the odd grunt was the only sound outside of the noise of his cock pounding my hole, a noise so hard to describe other than 'the noise of a cock sliding in and out of a well lubed hole'. He gripped my harder on my hips and dug his fingers in he pounded harder and harder then after a few short grunts, his cock pulsed within me and my second load of the day was dutifully delivered and gratefully received. He was gone. I felt his cum dribbling from my hole. I rolled over a looked up at the ceiling. The room was still dark, though my eyes were now used to the darkness. It didn't matter much, the room was featureless and painted black. Maybe I could see the odd fitting on the ceiling, something that looked like a hook, but not much else. I reached down and explored my hole. I ran a finger along the trail of cum dribbling from my hole, lubed up my finger, slid it inside then slowly pulled it out and rubbed it round my ring. It felt soft and swollen, just as it should be. I moved my hand up to my mouth and tasted the delights I had been left, the flavour of our bodily juices all combined to stimulate my taste buds. I sat up and shuffled forward until I could touch the floor with my toes, I was a little wobbly at first, I had been given a real pounding, but I regained my steadiness and felt around on the floor for my towel. I stood in the shower, a large room with several nozzles along the back wall and bench opposite for all the towels. I recognized the extra attachments hanging from the wall, I had one at home and had used it to clean myself before I came out. A man was stood just down from me, he smiled at me then got back to washing himself down. I watched him as the water streamed down my body, he looked at me again and smiled as he lathered the soap around his cock. Was this one of my new friends, I had no idea, and it was an exciting feeling. I stood outside the building, looking up into the air, I breathed a sigh of relief; the task was done and I couldn't stop smiling. If I'd have tried to think of a time I'd had more fun, well it would be impossible, this was it. Here and now. Would there be better times to come, you bet, but for now I was ready to go home. I walked off down the street, I could feel that the cum leaking from my hole was rubbing between my cheeks as I headed off to catch my train. Life was good.
    4 points
  7. Guy down the street from me snuck in the garage last night after everyone was sleeping. Felt so good to get inside a stranger after weeks of quarantine. didn’t take long and I could feel his ass start to clench down. Heard his cum start to splat on the floor and I let loose and have him about 5 days of cum.
    3 points
  8. That was the initial protocol that came out 8 years ago. Since then "PrEP On Demand" was proven effective in numerous studies starting with the IPERGAY study. It shows that 2 pills 2+ hours before sex and then one pill daily until 48 hour after the last sexual encounter is sufficient to stop infection in men who have sex with men who's primary risk is anal sex (I don't believe it's approved for folks with vaginas). Bottom line, most people on this site don't need to take it for 28 days, 2 days is sufficient.
    3 points
  9. After the old man came in me, I felt something give way in my mind. I don't know if it was the smell of poppers permeating the dark, sweaty atmosphere or whether it was the filthy loads I had already taken inside me, but I felt my body shiver with lust and a need to breed like I was in heat. The man stroking my head felt the change as I squirmed and slobbered over his cock. He raised my head and saw my swollen face and bright eyes and grinned at me, revealing sores clustering over his lips. "That's a good boy!" He breathed. "You're nearly there. Accept it." He raised me up and grabbed my arm. "C'mon." He said. As he pulled me towards the aisle, I tripped over my trousers and pants, leaving them on the filthy floor so I was naked from the waist down. He dragged me down the aisle to the toilets which were off to one side. I was aware of men following us, mere shadows in the darkness like demons from hell. There was no light inside, and the small area reeked of piss. He groped to one side, and dragged me into a cubicle and sat down on the pan. Then he pulled my head down onto his cock . "Suck it, bitch!" He whispered. I began to slobber over his erection, literally shaking now with lust and depravity. I felt bodies cramming in into the space behind me, fingers dipping into my cum soaked hole and excited whispers and the sound of zips being drawn down. Then the first cock began to slide into me and a fat belly was lifted onto my bare bottom. The man began to thrust like a rabbit, working himself quickly to a climax as the others urged him on. "Hurry up! Don't take all night. We all want a turn!" He grunted, his cock throbbed in me as he spurted, and then it was literally ripped out of me as eager hands pulled him to one side and another cock was thrust into me. I was lost. I felt my legs open wide, stretching my hole as wide as I could and pushing back in heat to milk their diseased cocks. I was in heaven or in hell. I didn't care. All I felt was the hands stroking my face, his voice saying "Good. Well done. Take them all." and troll after troll emptying his balls into me.
    3 points
  10. Rick is one lucky whore! Maybe Rick and Justin become whore roomies?
    3 points
  11. PART 2 The guys all laugh. In a flash, my lower half feels weightless as Jordan lifts my ass clean into the air. I grunt in surprise, but no one else does so Jordan must’ve coordinated it. I feel him spit into my ass. “What a beautiful neg hole,” he murmurs as he dives in. “Not for much longer,” Renan says as he starts to suck me. Aman, Rafa, and Jin are still in their private threesome, but now, I’m no longer directly under them, so Jace takes my place. Mouth wide open, catching whatever sloshes down. “Fuck!” he exclaims as a particularly juicy wad of cum or spit… something frothy, drips into his mouth. “That’s good stuff.” I’m craning my neck to look at him and whine. He grins, spits whatever he swallowed onto his fingers then sticks them in my mouth. I suck greedily. I want every juice in me. “I’m gonna pull out,” Jin warns. As he does, Jace immediately moves up so that when Jin’s cock slides out, Jace’s tongue plugs up against Rafa’s hole. I can’t really see what Jin is doing from my vantage point, but from Jace’s moans, probably blowing him. A moment late, Rafa whispers that he’s tight again and Jace finally let’s go. “Fuck!” he says again, “that tastes amazing and I forgot how good of a cocksucker you are, Jin!” At least I think that’s what he said. It’s hard to hear though, everything he says has a gurgle to it, I know he’s keeping the cum and ass juice in his mouth still. He’d better be saving it for me. “Guys, I need some lube,” Jordan says, spitting into my ass more profusely, “the cummy kind.” Aman grins down at me and moves over to make out with Jace. I imagine Jace’s throat working furiously to pass the slop through. Indeed Aman makes sure to show me over Jace’s shoulder when the now decidedly foamy mess is in his mouth. From there it gets passed to Rafa, who takes a momentary break from where he had been taking sucking on my nips after being fucked so hard. Rafa passes it to Renan, and Renan shows me the mixture in his mouth before lovingly swallowing Jordan’s cock to the hilt. He bobs his head up and down, and I know he’s coating Jordan’s dick in a mix of all of our juices. He finally pulls free then spits the remainder directly onto my hole. Jordan’s cock is so coated it basically looks white at this point. It’s aimed right at my entrance and he’s grinning down at me. Aman and Rafa are both sucking on my nips now, driving me absolutely crazy with pleasure and desire. “Fuck… yes!” I grunt out. Jordan grins wider and nods to Renan, who’d been unscrewing two bottles of poppers. “Double hit,” Renan commands, bringing a bottle to each nostril. I clumsily inhale, since at this point I can barely move of my own volition, so fucked up and horny I am. “Hold,” he says. While I’m trying not to suffocate Jordan is slowly pumping it in. Just the head first; little by little. “Release”, Renan says. At the same time though, Jordan rams into me. At the peak of my high it feels like I’ve been blown into another dimension. The black spot in my vision from all the poppers nearly explodes. The minute I open my mouth to cry out, Renan clamps down on it, shoving his pulsing tongue down my throat, preventing the sound from escaping. Aman and Rafa increase the pace of their flickering on my nips, sending me into a frenzy, matched only by the pace of Jordan’s fucking and Renan’s violent make out session with me. I distinctly hear a wild crying and grunting sound and it takes me several minutes to realize that’s me. Completely out of control. At the mercy of my sex and the men all around me who have committed themselves to fucking me physically, mentally, and emotionally, into another level of existence. I would never forget this. I would never not want this. I would be ruined after this. Once Jordan really starts to pile drive into me, the added pain is expertly moderated by Jace and Jin, who start started simultaneously sucking and tonguing my cock, building up layers of pleasure. Renan pulls away then as well so I can see the five of them working on me. Aman and Rafa furiously lapping at my over-sensitive nips. Jaece and Jin fighting over my dick. Jordan, his two hands like vices on my thighs, standing and driving his dick downward deeper into the recesses of my body. Renan smiles at the perverseness of it all, “oh man you dirty little slut. You could’ve gotten pozzed up at any bathhouse, with any BBRT hookup, but you had to call us up. We’re the worst.” Fuck yes, that’s what I want. I want to go from 0 to 120. Fuck the in between. Inject that AIDS straight into me. Kill me now. I’m not sure if I said any of these things out loud but certainly I think it. “Just watch,” he says. He takes the two popper bottles I forgot he’d been holding then gets off the bed. In my haze, I barely see him appear behind Jordan. But there he is. He kisses Jordan’s ear, and then brings the poppers to both nostrils. Jordan is able to inhale without slowing down. Unlike with me though, Renan commands him to release immediately. If it’s possible I feel his cock get hotter inside me. Like he’s also trying to burn through to my core. I think he fucks me even faster as the poppers get him going. Renan feeds him another double hit. I feel tears flowing down my face. I’m being torn apart and I can’t even cry out anymore. My voice is gone. I can’t look at them anymore. My eyes roll back into my head. They’re stealing my senses. All of them, until I only pulse & throb, a mass of meat in their grip. Renan is making out with me again, except when my eyes flicker down momentarily I see that it’s Aman. And yet there are still two sets of mouths on my nipples so maybe they switched places? But then my eyes open again and I see that it’s Jace shoving himself into me. Then Jin. Then some dick is being shoved in my mouth. They’ve switched countless times. I’m pretty sure I passed out. An eternity passes. When my head is finally clear a little bit and I open my eyes fully, I see that now Aman is fucking me. Jordan and Rafa are chewing on my tits. Renan is sucking my dick. Jace is fucking Aman, and Jin is standing over me. Casting a shadow that I don’t even register until he clears his throat. “Did you forget about me,” he teases. Jin lowers himself further until his ass is just inches from my mouth. I marvel at how strong his muscles are that he’s holding himself in that position. I don’t think anyone’s had a go at his ass yet. It’s totally fresh! I see a speckle of white on the outside, just a hint at the treasure within. I crane my neck up and am barely able to touch his pucker with the tip of my tongue. The taste is cum, of course. I would know it anywhere. I’m straining to get more but it seems like Jin keeps putting himself just out of reach. “Savor it, babe,” he says softly, “the loads in my ass were not easy to get.” “Oh yeah,” Jace grunts in agreement as he thrusts into Aman, “Jin’s schedule was nearly impossible to coordinate. But I did it, see right before tonight, he was at a Treasure Island Media shoot.” My eyes widen. Jin chuckles and I hear him hitting the poppers. “Yeah I was a cumdump for an upcoming film. 30 dirty loads up there, all for you babe.” I remember that infamous scene. The jar of poz loads up Blue Bailey’s magnificent hole. TIM always a bit borderline with the poz stuff. See, these were dead loads. But if what Jin was saying was true… live loads… Involuntarily I crane even higher. I think I’m going to give myself a neck cramp. My hand aches to stroke my cock but, well, Jordan holds it down, preventing it from moving as he increases the pressure on my nip. Instead, Renan sucks me harder. “Oh my god,” I hear myself whisper as suddenly, Jin sits well and fully down, pressing against my face. I gasp in surprise, my lips mashed awkwardly against his outer ring as it dilates and I feel a torrent of cum flooding my mouth. Somehow instinctively I start to swallow to stop from choking. It’s glorious. I try to gulp a little at a time so I can savor it some. The salty, sweet cream sliding down my throat. “Hey don’t just swallow it!” Aman complains. I can’t stop myself though. It’s too good. This is all I’ve ever wanted. Being flooded with loads. Dirty loads. Toxic loads. Only secondhand. Or thirdhand, whatever, I can only imagine what this porn shoot was like, and it turns me on so much that I will eventually see it. I feel air hit my left nip as Jordan immediately shoves Jin forward so his ass leaves my face. Jordan dives down, covers my mouth with his own, and expertly sucks. I grunt as I feel the cum being diverted to his mouth, and we fight for it with our tongues. Jordan, however, isn’t nearly as fucked up as I am at this point so he wins and with a slurp, pulls away from my mouth. My tongue flicks out in defiance, trying to suck back up the little bit of cum stretched out like a tightrope between our lips. He smiles and then with a whoosh, sucks that up as well. I swallow the last little bit too deep in my throat for him to have reached and then pout at him. “No fair.” “It’ll go to good use,” Jin says, having turned around so he’s facing me again. “Besides I’m pretty sure I have more.” Saying that, Jin sticks a finger in his ass and shows me the cummy result. But rather than feed it to me, he starts swiping across the nipple that Jordan left free. Though it was fresh out of his ass, the cum still feels cool against my hard tit and I groan at the sensation. Jordan kisses Jin thanks for distracting me, feeding him a bit of cum when he thinks I don’t see. He moves behind Jace. I know what’s going to happen and so does Jace, who looks at me gleefully. I know Jordan’s just spit out that wad of pornstar cum and is lubing it up into Jace’s hole. Jace’s eyes close momentarily as Jordan slides into him. “Yeah,” he whispers, nibbling on Aman’s ear. “Fuck that dirty cum into my fucking poz hole.” Renan abruptly gets up and turns around to look at me as he lowers himself onto my dick, “I normally don’t take cock I know is neg, count yourself lucky!” It’s now a proper fuck train. Jordan into Jace. Jace into Aman. Aman into me. Me into Renan. Jin is like our coach. He’s feeding everyone poppers, saving me for last. He makes sure I can see clearly (or as clear as I can anyway) as each of the guys enters their poppers high, and the train speeds up. The noises become more animalistic. He’s feeding each one several hits. I know it’s going to be worse when he get to me. As he feeds Renan five back to back hits, I feel Renan’s ass so loose around me, there’s a puddle of cum starting to collect in my belly button from where it’s leaked out of his ass, dripped down my cock, and slid up my raised torso. Jin slurps it up. “Renan went to a proper vers orgy,” he explains. “The rules were so strict, literally you had to be vers, and you had to try to get every cock and every ass.” He rolls his eyes, “as if anyone counted.” Saying that he brings the poppers to me. His thumb is pressed firm against the entrance but even so I’m imagining the scent. “Ready?” I don’t really think so but don’t really have a choice. He props my head up against his thigh and gives me four hits. On my last exhale I really feel the train is pulling into the station. Someone is cumming. It’s not me, and it’s not Aman, must be Jace or Jordan. I can’t explain how I feel it. But in that moment, I feel like it’s more than just our bodies connected; it’sour souls. I feel the force of Jace pumping into Aman as if he were pumping into me. The wetness of Renan’s ass around me feels like Aman’s, or Jace’s. I’m at once pounding into all of them and them into me. Jin spits on his fingers then makes out with me, threading his digits between our tongues and letting me taste Renan’s sloppy ass juices & cum. Then he spits on his fingers and begin flicking my nipples. I am so far gone, honestly it surprises me I’m still able to feel or do anything. Well, to be fair it’s mostly the others who are doing the work. Renan is expertly milking my cock, and 3 sets of hands from the others guys are pulling on my thighs, legs, and feet. Jin gets up and kneels down to feed me his cock. In my poppers-addled state I take it down easily. I hear him making out with Renan as his fingers continue their expert ministrations on my sensitive nips. Somehow the fuck train continues even though someone shot already. Or did they? Maybe I imagined it. I’m imagining in a lot of things right now. Who were the pornstars whose cum I just drank out of Jin’s ass. Were they all poz detectable? Who went to Cumunion tonight and fed Jordan. Did he get AIDS loads? The guys who left their condoms for Jace to stick up his own ass. Whether or not Renan took every cock and fucked every ass, and if so how many was that. What were the VLs, a few hundred thousand? More? Whether at their party, Aman took more dick or Rafa, blindfolded as he was, so that he couldn’t possibly count. Was anyone so toxic the physicality of the disease became impossible to hide? Did Aman seek him out? Beg for the scythe of death to swing and penetrate deep in his hole? How much more poppers could I possibly do before my head exploded? Someone’s grunting again and I definitely feel like if it wasn’t cum last time this time it was. Again I feel it cumming into me and I feel like I’m cumming into Renan. But maybe that’s just the feeling of all the cum inside his hole migrating its way down my piss slit. Our union is so complete, and I’m so satiated. Maybe it was even me who came. To be continued...
    3 points
  12. Chapter 4: The Preparation As I laid on my stomach Daddy began first by massaging me. His hands felt fantastic. He started by gently rubbing my shoulders and then onto my back. I was literally putty in Daddy's hands. As Daddy massaged my back I almost fell asleep. Once he finished my back he skipped my ass and started massaging my legs. By this time my body was completely limp. He took his time on my legs and I must say his massage was feeling amazing. After Daddy finished my legs he then began rubbing my butt cheeks. His big hands on my smoothly ass was heaven. As he massaged my butt cheeks he would run a finger over my butthole. This was getting me excited and causing my penis to stir. After several minutes Daddy parted my butt cheeks and started licking my hole. I thought I had died and went to heaven. His tongue along with the little bit of stubble on his face was driving me crazy. Daddy took his time licking my hole and suddenly without warning Daddy stuck his finger in my ass. I jumped a little bit at first but Daddy kept his finger in me until I relaxed. Once I was released Daddy slowly started fingering my hole. His finger felt so good. As I dried up Daddy just spit on my hole to keep me lubricated. After I got used to Daddy's finger he then inserted a second finger in my hole. Again he kept his fingers still inside me until my ass adjusted to his two fingers. Daddy then repeated the process as before and before long I was loving having two fingers inside me. As my hole got used to two fingers Daddy withdrew his fingers which left me feeling empty. I didn't have to wait long because Daddy put some sort of lube on my hole and then he inserted three fingers in my ass. Again he waited until my hole relaxed and then started fucking my ass slowly. Somewhere deep inside me I started moaning but not like a guy. I was letting out feminine moans. Daddy absolutely loved hearing me moan like a girl. Daddy fucked my hole for quite a while before he withdrew his fingers to apply more lube. After reapplying more lube Daddy then inserted four fingers up my ass. The way Daddy was preparing my hole left no doubt in my mind that he wanted me to be well prepared for his cock. As my hole adjusted to having four fingers inside me I felt completely stretched out. While Daddy kept his fingers in place he whispered in my ear that his cock was coming back to life and it wouldn't be much longer before I had his cock up my ass. Daddy then slowly fucked my hole with all four fingers and I couldn't stop moaning. But this time instead of withdrawing his fingers Daddy applied a lot more lube to my ass and next thing I knew Daddy had his fist in my ass. And Daddy doesn't have a small fist so it definitely took my breath away. I could feel my hole gripping Daddy's fist. Daddy slowly started going farther in my ass and honestly I'm not sure how much of his arm I took. It took me a while to relax having Daddy's arm inside me but once I relaxed oh my God the feeling was intense. He fucked me slowly with his arm for a long time and I knew I could take his cock now. Az Daddy slowly fucked me with his arm I started cumming. Every thing he had done to my hole had me on the edge but his arm sent me over. My ass gripped Daddy's arm as my orgasm hit. Once I finished I was limp. My orgasm was very intense. As my hole relaxed Daddy withdrew his arm slowly and as his fist came out my ass made a plop sound. I giggled like a little school girl. Daddy whispered in my ear that his cock was ready. I wiggled my ass at him and awaited his cock.
    3 points
  13. PART 1 I hesitate for a moment. I wish someone would call me but my phone for once stays silent. Here goes. I push the door inward and step inside. Mood lighting is perfect. Three short steps inside the hotel room and I see Jace lounging on the bed. He’s insanely gorgeous. Built, just the right amount of body hair, long legs, big feet. His large hands tug at his hard cock as he smiles at me. “There you are,” he says softly. “Hey,” I stammer, suddenly drained of the confidence that was there earlier. He sits up, “that doesn’t sound like the you on the phone, come here.” “Do you want me to take off my clothes?” Jack smiles and reaches out with his arms, “just come.” I’m pulled to him. Once I’m within reach, he gently takes my hands and draws me in the rest of the way. He kisses me, softly but fully. I moan into it as his tongue swirls around my mouth, painting it with… “is that cum?” I ask. He laughs against my mouth. “Sharp taste buds,” he remarks. He pulls away and smiles at me, his hands rubbing over my body. “Yeah I stopped off at a bookstore. Swallowed some cock, and felched out a few asses.” I groan hearing that, my dick already straining in my pants. He just smiles and pulls me in more. I suck his tongue with more gusto now, trying to get all the flavor. This is my fantasy after all, to be completely covered in cum. Devoured by it. The make-out session is so heady I don’t even fully notice when he’s somehow removed all of my clothes and pulled me into his lap. It feels like he’s entirely surrounding me, melding me into his body. He pushes me slightly off and I whimper. “Hang on now, we have a long night ahead of us,” he says, flashing another mesmerizing smile. He reaches over the nightstand and grabs a little brown bottle. “Just a little hit to get us started,” he says as he breaks the seal and unscrews it. I quiver with anticipation. “You first,” he says, opening the cap and bringing it up to my nose. “I’ll count for you,” he say, “big hit, ok? Counting down from 10, 9, 8…” He finishes the count down and then instructs me to hold it. I can’t release until he’s finished his own hit. Then we’re going to shotgun (well, as much as you can with poppers anyway). He winks at me and takes a 20 second hit. The bastard; my lungs are screaming and just when I think I’m going to burst, he lunges forward, clamps his mouth onto mine and releases the popper fumes into my mouth. I suck hungrily and we make out like that. I’m too light headed to continue so I finally pull away, gasping for air, the room spinning. “Good boy,” he says, “and looks like the others are here!” I turn around and see the other guys have indeed arrived. In my popper haze I can’t focus straight on any of them in particular. They look like a throbbing mass of hot man flesh that I just want to drown in. But in theory I know who they are anyway. “Oh fuck…” are the only words I’m able to get out. The guys laugh. Renan and Aman grab a hold of each leg and pull me off of Jace’s lap, so that I’m lying flat on the bed, belly up. Jace leans over my face and smiles before leaning down and kissing me more. I taste the poppers and cum on his breath and lose myself in the sensation and the hands I feel everywhere on my body all at once. I groan real loud the first time someone brushes my nips. The reaction elicits a laugh from the group and soon I feel a tongue lapping around on the bud. That will just about make me pass out in pleasure. I arch up my back hard. Jace uses his whole mouth to push me down and I feel a pressure on my arms and body as well. I gasp as another mouth closes on the other nipple. Two pairs of tongues are flicking me toward hell and I’m crying from how good it feels. Before long I feel another tongue swiping its way up and down my hard and leaking cock. It flicks particularly hard at that sensitive part just under the slit. I cry out; I need a break. Jace stops kissing and laughs at me, “already? We got a long way to go… but I suppose it’s hot to take a look?” he says as he props my head up on his lap so I can see the action going on. Aman and Jin are the ones flicking at my nips. Noticing that I am watching them, they slow their movements to long lathering strokes of their tongue. Still insanely hot but no longer do I feel like I’m going to pass out from the pleasure. They make sure I see all of it. The sharp, pointedness of their tongues and how they just perfectly brush across the head of my nipples, making them ache as much as my own cock. Speaking of which, Renan is now sucking on my balls as Jordan squats over my cock. I think he’s going to ride me but he grins at me instead. “Not quite yet, just wanna give you a gift,” he says as he pushes. There’s a wet squelching sound as he cums on my dick. Or rather, dripples cum out of his ass onto my dick. The warm liquid lands directly on my piss slit and I groan hard. “Yeah, let that dirty cum drip down your dick hole,” Jordan croons as he stands up over me and shakes his hard dick down at the rest of us. I think I feel some pre-cum hit my face. Or is that Jace’s sweat? Too hard to tell at this point. “I got about 20 loads in me, so that’s just a little bit,” he promises. Renan is now tonguing up and down my shaft. Spreading the cum. He’s careful not to swallow any, rather just lets it mingle with his spit and coat the entirety of my cock so that it’s shining with wetness. “Tastes amazing,” he murmurs. “I want to taste,” Jace commands. Renan moves up to oblige, Jordan takes his place, adding his spit to Renan’s and the cum from his own ass. I love this. Their mouths on me, the liberal amounts of spit coating every part of me. Their tongues pulsating against everything. I feel it like I feel the beat of my heart. Renan and Jace kiss messily directly over my mouth so I open wide. Letting them dribble spit and just a little bit of cum down my throat. “Hmm,” Jace moans. He pulls away and asks Jordan, “where did those loads come from?” Jordan replies, “bathhouse, Cumunion night. Mostly spent it ass up in the dark room. A few guys felt pretty poz. Thin and wasted, big bellies. All that. I hope so anyway.” Jace nods approvingly, “so guys I think it’s time we all took a hit. Anyone want to feed this pig?” Somehow everyone grabs a bottle of poppers from somewhere. I can see they’re basically all new. I’m going to get destroyed tonight. Jin volunteers with an evil grin. Almost simultaneously I hear the sounds of bottles opening. The guys all bring the poppers up to their own noses but he leans in to press the bottle to mine. “A deep hit come on, take it,” he orders. I breathe in until I absolutely can’t hold anything more in my lungs. He nods when it’s OK to exhale and when I do, I hear a bunch of breaths going out around me as well. “Another one,” he commands, taking the cap off again and holding it to the other nostril. What’s left of my vision is partly obscured by his hand but I see the other guys do the same. He feeds me two more hits, and the guys follow suit. By the time of the final exhale I’m seeing triple. I feel like my eyes are permanently crossed. Swimming in the popper high the guys get to work. I feel tongues on me everywhere again. Someone is throating my cock while another guy swirls his tongue across my balls and takes turns sucking them in. Jace has leaned over to suck on my nips letting me get a clear view of his. I instinctively stick out my tongue and flick his nipple. I let my tongue draw me in until my entire mouth is swirling around his hard nips, making him groan. Out the corner of my eye I see Jin nodding encouragingly. “I’ll catch up,” he says, somehow materializing two other popper bottles. He opens one and sticks it in his mouth, then the other two in each nostril and does two big inhales across the board. By the time he’s done and the bottles are capped again I can see he’s wild with horniness. Brushing his hands over his whole body. He leans over me and begins fighting with the guy currently on my dick. One moment they’re pushing each other trying to suck me the next moment they’re both licking up and down either side with the desperation of a child trying to not let a popsicle melt onto the floor. Both my nips are covered again with saliva and I once again am crying with the sheer pleasure of it all. They’re holding me down but I’m bucking up as hard as I can. Jace sinks into me from above, keeping me in place. I can barely breath. My mouth is on his nipple and all I know is to keep sucking as hard as I can while my nose is pressed flat against my face by the weight of his ribs. His sweat is dripping in my mouth and I swear the poppers have me so hot I can feel sweat flowing out from my pores. I don’t know how long we stay in that position but at some point I honestly can’t breathe anymore. I feel like I’m going to pass out from the lack of oxygen when Jace suddenly gets off me. I think he’s going to pull me in for a kiss but instead he moves in the other direction toward my dick. Now he’s completely hovering over me, there are three mouths moving across my cock and one on each nip. It’s pleasure overload so of course I open wide and take Jace’s cock in one gulp to the hilt. I love 69s and this is beyond perfect. The poppers have me so fucked up I honestly think god just let this cock suffocate me now. It could. Jace’s cock is the perfect thickness for my throat, and somehow, we were at the right angle where it just slides right in. My nose is against his balls and I’m breathing fine even though I can feel how extended my throat is. If you could see me I imagine you’d see the outline of his cock under my Adam’s apple. He grinds his pelvis into me, there’s no more to take in but still, head swimming, I’m begging for more. I’m not sure how long that goes on for but in my popper-addled mind it seems like almost forever. At some point Jace finally decides to lift himself off me. “I think you’re ready for a real treat”, he says, standing up full to stretch for a moment after our 69, then bending his knees again and squatting over my face. “Did more than just oral at that bookstore,” he says. As he lowers I can see how wet his hole is, how red, puffy, and swollen. “How many loads?” I hear Aman ask. “8 live ones, found about 4 more condoms that I stuck in there. Also one of the guys I felched wanted to fuck me, so I used cum from his ass as lube on his dick. Who knows how much he had taken. Yeah, there’s a lot of DNA up in there,” Jace responds. “How many confirmed poz?” Jin asks. Jace replies, “who knows but if the guys on Grindr don’t lie, then at least 2, a third guy was being very evasive so I’m guessing that means he was. And if so, he’s recently poz, probably pretty toxic.” My dick bounces suddenly hearing that, thwacking one of the guys lightly in the face. They chuckle. There’s some shifting on the bed and suddenly Rafa’s handsome face appears, taking up the half of my vision that Jace’s ass isn’t filling. “Sharing is caring,” he explains as he suctions his mouth over Jace’s ass. Jace let’s out a moan and there’s a very wet squelching sound. I see Rafa’s throat bobbing and I’m annoyed that he’s swallowed it all for himself, but I needn’t have worried. He pulls away from Jace’s swollen ass lips and instead grins down at me, full cheeks making him suddenly look very cute. I eagerly open my mouth and stick my tongue out as he slowly dribbles the cum into my mouth. It’s bitter, more so than I would usually have liked, but cum is cum. “Don’t swallow,” he warns quickly once he finishes feeding me the last of it. I nod, trying not to, though in my supine position the cum quickly pools at the base of my throat. “Jace, switch with Aman,” he says, gently pushing at Jace’s bubble butt. Jace obliges and Aman ceases his attack on my nipple, but Jace barely gives it a moment before he’s on the sensitive buds again. I groan and inadvertently swallow a bit. Now Aman is hovering over me, looking behind him to see what Rafa wants. “Perfect,” Rafa purrs stroking his hole. I swear I see it wink at me. Rafa gets on his knees, and lowers his cock to my face. “Cover my cock with Jace’s ass cum and your spit. Get it lubed up for me to shove into Aman.” I oblige and eagerly gather up the frothy mess in my mouth. I pucker my lips and push it onto Rafa’s hard cock as he pushes into my throat. A few strokes later and he removes a cock covered in white bubbles. “You don’t need any lube anyway,” Aman says as Rafa shoves up inside. I can see that since Aman’s ass swallows all of Rafa without any moment of hesitation. “Fuck yeah, cumdump,” I hear Rafa snarl. Aman murmurs an affirmative. I definitely can feel it. Aman is so loaded up that every stroke causes cum to leak out. Some drips directly in my mouth and I swallow greedily. More of it though just drips down Rafa’s cock and balls where it pools into small droplets I’m praying to fall so I can catch them on my tongue. Though the two fuckers above me are blocking the light, there’s so much cum I still see it glisten on the underside of Rafa’s cock. In a moment Jin pokes his head through Rafa’s legs, and opens his mouth to catch some of the loads, blocking me from getting any. I huff my frustration and he turns around to laugh at me. Some cum starts to fall from his open mouth and I eagerly open mine to catch but at the last second he slurps it back up and I see him swallow. He grins and I see him start to unscrew a poppers bottle. “Fuck Aman, that’s super sweet,” he says. Rafa is now pounding him so hard he can only groan. Jin gets the poppers bottle open and tilts my head up to feed me another hit. My head starts swimming again and I can’t concentrate enough to catch the cum that continuously rains down on me from Aman’s hole due to Rafa’s jackhammering. Jin takes a few hits himself then, as if understanding my predicament, leans over me, licks up the cum and then feeds it to me off his tongue like I’m a helpless baby bird. Rafa pulls out of Aman completely and Jin immediately grabs his cock and bends it backward toward him so he can suck off the cummy ass juices still there, causing Rafa to yelp, not that it stops Jin in the least. “Fuck…” I say, feeling the sensory overload. The entire time Jace and Renan have been sucking my tits and Jordan has been working my cock. I close my eyes and let the insane levels of horniness wash over me. Jace and Renan rub up and down my body as they continue their tireless exploration of my nipples. I open my eyes to see Rafa and Aman facing each other, feeding each other hits. Jin takes a break from sucking to egg them on. “More, yeah another one, come on make him take it.” I lose count because I can’t focus on anything, but it must’ve been at least 5 hits. Rafa moans when it’s all done and backs up more onto Jin’s mouth. But Jin has other ideas and quickly stands up, shoving up into Rafa’s ass without any warning. Aman holds Rafa down to keep him from moving. He stares Rafa in the eyes and mouths for him to take it. “At least…” Rafa groans as Jin doesn’t waste anytime pounding, “…at least we all came pre-loaded.” Aman chuckles as he stands up and feeds his dick to Rafa so that he gets it from both ends. This is all happening above me and I’m so spent by now my mouth is open and my tongue is just flopped out, catching whatever flies at me, whether it’s sweat or spit or cum. Aman grabs the pack of Rafa’s head and intensifies his pounding to match Jin’s. Somehow in between he still finds the breath to talk. “Rafa and I went to the same party to pre-game,” he says laboriously, “but we lost track of each other in the big house so I don’t know what he’s got up there. It was a hot raw party, and the organizers are the same ones that do those conversion parties, so I bet a lot of the guys were toxic or like Rafa, just don’t know or care about their own status.” He pulls out of Rafa’s mouth, giving him a chance to answer. Rafa takes a few gulps of precious air before looking up at Aman grinning with bloodshot eyes. “Hey! I’m probably toxic, too!” Aman nods, “Yeah, you’re such good friends with the organizers, you’re always at those parties, you probably got AIDS by now.” Rafa moans, “please AIDS, please at least that, fuck yeah… Tonight I just put on a blindfold and had myself locked in the sling, how about you, Aman?” Aman chuckles and shoves his dick into Rafa’s mouth again before answering. “I stayed upstairs in the bedrooms for some sweet tender love-making. Maybe that’s why the cum in my hole is so sweet.” “Nah, that’s because it’s toxic,” Jace chimes in the conversation. “Tender love-making doesn’t get you that many loads,” Jin taunts. “It does when you have a hole no one can resist,” Aman says proudly, “I tried my hardest to get fucked by every guy I saw. I don’t know how many came, but at least 40 dicks or so have been up in there. Hundreds of guys at that party.” I think Rafa tried to say something but so wrapped was his mouth around Aman’s dick that only a grunt came out. “Oh, so that’s why y’all didn’t want to come to CumUnion with me,” Jordan says from near my crotch. Aman just grunts as he continues driving his cock into Rafa’s mouth, “I’m tired of it… too many guys just standing around with their big egos. Not enough guys that are confirmed poz. I like our regular crew.” “Eh, I just like dark rooms too much,” Jordan responds. At this point, Rafa’s mouth is really starting to slime up. The stuff dribbling into my mouth from the action above is now a very thick, ropey consistency. Jace notices and leans forward to feed me a hit. “Will make it easier, just in case,” he explains. Then of course he takes a hit himself and kisses me naughtily. I wonder how he can stand it. My head is starting to pound from all the hits and I really want to be wrecked. Their teasing is driving me insane. “Fuck me already,” I say, “I need something toxic in me.”
    2 points
  14. In a hotel last week while traveling, I woke up in the morning horny as hell and wanting to swallow some cum. Signed onto Grindr and there was a young guy — white, athletic looking, brown eyes and hair, “18 years old” — about 30 feet from me. Since he was obviously in my hotel, I reached out and asked if he wanted to bust a nut before the day began. He said his family was checking out that day as they were on a trip. I suggested that he keep his key and after they had gone downstairs to check out he “run back up stairs to use the restroom”. Fifteen minutes later, I was in my gym clothes and met him outside the door to his room. I don’t know why I didn’t have him come up to mine, that was stupid of me. In person he looked young — like way younger than his picture. Before we went inside, I made him show me his driver’s license to be sure nothing illegal was about to happen. He was just older than the age of consent, which was good enough for me. We went into his room, which was one of those suite rooms with one bathroom and two connected bedrooms. This kid really had no privacy from his parents on this trip. He pulled me into the bathroom and I immediately got on my knees and undid his jeans. His cock was straining against his briefs and popped out as soon as I slid them down. It was beautiful — a slight curve, perfectly cut, and so well developed. Licking my lips, I sucked his head into my mouth, rolling my tongue over it until the boy released a soft, long moan. I went to town on that cock like my life depended on it, sucking and stroking, making sure this young stud knew how good an older man can service a dick. He grabbed the back of my head after a few minutes and took over, holding me in place as his strong legs pounded his meat into my throat. Pulling my hair, he shoved it all the way in and shuddered, and then my mouth was filled with the taste of my creamy, salty reward. I sat down on the floor, wasted and in cumslut heaven as his dick spasmed a few more ropes of boyjuice across my face and my sweatshirt. He was glowing with a sheen of sweat and the satisfaction of release. “You had fun,” he said, pointing at my own rock hard dick, which was straining against my sweat pants. He knelt down and began to rub it through the fabric, getting me closer and closer to busting when outside the bathroom the door to the room opened. ”We need to go!” said his dad as the kid and I froze in fear. As quietly as I could, I moved into the shower and pulled it closed behind me as he flushed the toilet and washed his hands to make sound. He stepped out of the bathroom and said, “Okay, let’s go.” I sat in the shower listening for a few moments after the outer door to the room closed. Once I was sure the coast was clear, I got up and left the room quickly, heading down the hall to the elevators — where the kid and his dad were still waiting. The dad looked just like his son, only a bit softer, a bit older and with a bit less hair. The son and I shared a smirk, and he glanced down at my crotch, where my deflated cock had left a clear precum stain. They got on a down elevator and I waited for one going up. I got back to my room and furiously beat off, blasting five ropes of thick cum across my bed. As I licked it up I thought of the young man, how good his cum had tasted, and how many men he’s going to please with that cock in his life.
    2 points
  15. Guess one good think to come out of all this is I have not worn deodorant for two week. Keep getting a whiff of my pits and my cock gets hard. Anyone else????
    2 points
  16. I always wanted to belong. To something. I never knew what it was and I was always a loner, you know, the socially awkward kind, the weird kid at school who everyone avoided. I did well at school, graduated, got a good job, everything you were told to do right? After all that I still never felt like I belonged anywhere. Why do I come out with all this right now and when does it become interesting? Well you see I'm in a dark room, it's quiet, the only thing I can hear is the sound of my own breath and the thumping of my heart beating hard and fast and my mind tumbling over and over the thoughts of my path to where I am right now. There's a noise. Footsteps, barefoot on a tiled floor, a gentle not unpleasant sound. The first sounds I'd heard beyond the gentle hum of the air con and the faint street noise coming from somewhere above me. The footsteps halted, I knew they were by the door of my room, I could see very little other than the floor as I was lying face down, bent over, with my feet touching the floor. Whatever light that was able to make it's way into my room was largely blocked by what was about to be my first step into a new world. I felt his legs pressed against mine, I felt two hands on my back, resting gently, they lifted slowly but returned with an audible slap making me buck and let out a grunt, maybe a scream, I'm not sure. I found my arms held in place, then the pressure of his whole body pressed against mine. I could feel his weight, he was not a small man, and I knew instantly the feeling of copious amounts of hair brushing my body. Something was whispered in my ear, I didn't hear it, it didn't matter to me anyway, I wanted one thing and right now, this man was it. He stood up, I was released and could breath again. I felt a single hand on my ass cheek, his thumb rubbing, exploring along my crack. I heard him spit then moments later felt the sticky liquid flow down between my cheeks. His thumb rubbed across my hole back and forth, working his spit around and around until he slipped a finger in. I let out a quiet, virtually inaudible "mmmmm" as he pulled his finger out. The tip of his cock rubbed across my hole, I heard him spit again, into his hand I guessed as his cock pulled away, but returned just as quickly, presumably carrying more of the home made lube. There seemed a pause in time, everything stopped momentarily, before I felt pressure against my hole. "Take it all", his low deep voice growled. I felt the head of his cock push it way through then within seconds he was buried deep. The shock of what felt like his massive length making it's own hole drove all the breath from my lungs, I gasped, gasps of ecstasy, as he help my hips and began pulling away and then burying his cock again, thrust after thrust after thrust. Each time he buried deep I could feel his massive mound of pubic hair brushing my crack, and with each thrust, the air was pushed from my lungs and as quickly as I could gasp it back in, the next thrust took it away again. I had no concept of time at this point, was it 5 minutes, or 50, it didn't matter, but suddenly the thrusting changed, this big man shook like a tree in the wind and with a cry out of "take my load, take it" he bucked several times and my ass received its first ever load. My new, yet unknown friend pulled away, he gently patted my on the back and walked away. I led there still and solitary for a few moments. "Job done", I thought to my self. An involuntary "Yes!" cried out from within me, as felt I belonged for the first time. Did my cry attract attention, i thought the open door did that and I was right. I wasn't sure of my next move, so I just stayed where I was.
    2 points
  17. Let me start with a declaration: this encounter happened yesterday on my way back from Melbourne to my farm in Gippsland but part of it is fictionalised; reflecting what I hope transpires next. Having been in virtual lockdown on the farm for most of the past fortnight, I made a quick trip to see my dealer. I wanted to stock up (as it were) knowing that tighter restrictions were pending in Australia. (They were announced yesterday, effective midnight last night, so it turned out As is my wont, I stopped at Tooradin Pier and messaged a young bloke, Ricky, I’ve hooked up with occasionally for the last six months or so. He’s a total bottom boy and a very appreciative cumslut. He looks younger than his ID says but he’s a very experienced young piggy boy who lives for getting wire fucked. Usually I stop there at night but this was mid-afternoon. Instead of smoking in my car, I decided discretion was the better part of valour and took my pipe into the toilet/shower block. After a while, there was a knock on the cubicle door and I opened it fully expecting it to be Ricky. It wasn’t. It was the young guy whose car had its hood up when I arrived. I’d offered him a jump start earlier but he declined, saying his dad was already on his way. ”Just wanted to warn you that you can see the smoke” was all he said initially. I thanked him for the warning and asked if he’d like a puff as thanks. It was obvious that’s what he wanted. I passed him the pipe expecting him to take a drag and leave but he indicated that he wanted to come into the cubicle. I won’t lie; I was surprised. He was young, very tanned and pretty good looking, despite an average hairstyle (to my taste). Without really hesitating, he stepped in and took the pipe and took a huge drag. As he exhaled, he blurted out, “fuck that’s good stuff” and offered me the pipe. I told him to keep going, to take as much as he liked. He did exactly that. After a few deep puffs, he passed me the pipe and observed, “ leaned forward and asked, “you don’t inhale deep enough”. That’s true actually. Never having been a smoker, I’ve never been particularly good at inhaling anything, be it smoke from tobacco or weed or a pipe. I tend to swallow pipe smoke to get as much into me as I can. Apparently it’s amusing to smokers to watch my trying to smoke. Without prompting, he took the pipe and said, “Shotgun?”; inhaled deeply and leaned in. It wasn’t bad. I blew the smoke back into his lungs and, after initially accepting it, pulled back sharply. But, instead of saying anything, he took another deep puff and leaned in again; this time he kept coming until hi lips were pressing against mine. I reacted as any gay or bi guy would and we were kissing. Full on; tongues probing. He stopped only to take another deep drag and leaned back in. At some point, I was playing with his nipple and the groan he gave out seemed to be the green light to lift his shirt and start sucking his nip. He was loving it and lifted his shirt over his head; I took the opportunity to lick his pits and all I heard was “fuck yeah”. I started working his nipples while he took some more deep drags from the pipe. Eventually, he pushed me away slightly and said those dreaded words: “look, I’m straight. How much gear do you have?” I showed him one of the 8balls I’d just bought and stuffed some large shards into the pipe. ”I want some. What will you want to give me a few points?” I took out probably 3-4 points, wrapped it in some toilet paper and said, “Honestly? Nothing. This is for you.” He grinned and leant in to kiss me. “You kiss well for a straight guy mate”. “ You kiss almost as well as my girlfriend” and, with that, he started kissing me passionately. After a while, he broke off and said, “My dad’s going to be here soon. Can I get a g if I let you suck my cock?” I told him I’d spot him a g without that. But I really wanted to see him naked so I started pushing at his cock. He was hard. “Can I see it?” He started pushing his shorts down with a grin. His boxers followed. He watched my reaction and said, “I could do with a blowie anyway” and he leaned in to kiss me again, this time slowly raising his hand up my back . Once he reached the back of my head, he started exerting downward pressure. Gently at first, then more firmly. I sucked his nipples as I bent my knees and licked his torso the rest of the way until I was directly facing his cock. It was an impressive dick; more pretty than imposing. ”How do you like it sucked?” but he seemed more bewildered by the question than anything. So I gently tongued his foreskin, then the rest of the head. He started back and groaned. “Like this?” Before he could answer, I sucked head strongly and said, looking up at him, “or this? Or...” Then I plunged my mouth over his entire cock. My lips touched the base and I looked up again; his reaction to me demonstrating my deep throating skills was honestly priceless. His eyes were rolling; his groans were loud enough to be heard outside I was certain. But that was his problem really, not mine. I kept working his cock and his balls. He was enjoying himself so much, he’d even forgotten about the pipe until I gently took it from him and took a drag. I think he expected me to stand to give him a shotgun. His moan was beautiful when I took his cock back in my mouth and slowly exhaled. He went to take back the pipe but I indicated he should wait. He watched me take another deep drag and allowed me to turn him around as I gave the pipe back to him. He was busy taking another puff when I spread his cheeks and licked his hole. Then I plunged my tongue inside his arse, as far as I could; he wasn’t protesting one bit as I worked his hole and blew the smoke inside him. After a while, I asked him if I could show him something I thought he might enjoy; he wasn’t protesting. I’d expected him at least to say something about not wanting to be fucked but he didn’t. It wasn’t my intention either; I was just going to insert a shard into his arse and work it with my mouth and tongue but, honestly, I half suspect he might’ve let me put my cock inside him if I’d asked. But I pulled back and told him I was going to booty bump him to see what he thought. Sure enough, a sizeable shard on the end of my index finger elicited an enthusiastic nod. I didn’t muck around either. I found his hole and pressed the shard around the edge for a few seconds, saying “Ready?” moments after I’d already pressed it inside him. My finger was inside him fully and I started pushing the shard into him; feeling the walls of his arse and pushing it as firmly as I dared. That produced his first protest. It had clearly cut him slightly but, instead of easing off, “Just bear with it. I’m trying to get it into your bloodstream”. Sure enough, he noticeably tried to relax and within seconds, his sphincter was relaxing. This little straight boy, this stranger, was loving it. After some time, his phone pinged. “Fuck, my dad’s here.” The mood changed instantly. He was no longer in the moment. He needed to get out and he was suddenly self-conscious about what he’d just been doing. I switched to protective mode. I helped him straighten himself out and gave him his gear and said, “I’ll give you my number. Don’t give me yours so you’re in control. If you ever want gear, let me know and I promise you there’ll be no catch. We’ll just have a smoke and talk, ok? No sex, no favours. Now, get out there and I’ll follow in a few minutes.” He leaned in to kiss me. Surprisingly. And whispered, “can I fuck you next time?” I could have fallen over; I didn’t need to answer that. After a few minutes, my phone pinged. “Stay there. I’ll tell dad I need to let my car run for longer .” And then: “A gram if I fuck you?” Just ten, Ricky responded to my earlier messages. He was minutes away and wanted me to slam and breed him; he had fits on him. So I responded to the young straight bloke whose name I still didn’t know: “You ok if my mate’s here? He wants to be fucked and loves loads. We can fuck him together.” He didn’t respond. Minutes later, Ricky knocked on the door. He was already lubed. I prepped a slam for him and rammed inside him. Later, there was movement outside the door: “it’s me. Let me in.” *** This is mostly true up to the point the young straight guy left. I left the toilet block a few minutes after he did. He sort of acknowledged me as I got into my car. I’m pretty sure he’ll contact me when he wants more gear. I think his father called him, Shane but I’m not certain. I hope he does ring me. I won’t lie; I want to fuck him but I want him to fuck me even more. Young Ricky got back to me when I was halfway home. I turned around and he came back to the farm with me and stayed the night. I just took him home.
    2 points
  18. Please write and share them. I've been spending a lot of time lately watching PornHub, XTube and such. And memories of some of my sexual adventures have been flooding my mind, lately. I've been thinking of doing the same and sharing some of my past sexual exploits. I'll look forward to reading yours and others. Share away.
    2 points
  19. Be a dog, catch the scent - just don't start humping their leg on the bus or train otherwise you'll find yourself locked up in the kennel!
    2 points
  20. Got a huge load yesterday from my boyfriend. What you see in the pic is our new lube from Ft. Troff which we both love. After this pic he slid his thick 7.5” raw cock up my hole til he came.
    2 points
  21. You responded to my brother post and yes my Bf and I are still fucking him as we both are Poz undetectable.
    2 points
  22. When he pulled out, I squatted down and licked his small cock clean. Seemed the least I could do. Then I did the same for Bill as he bent over the desk, burying my head between his flabby buttocks and licking up the cum from his warty hole. "Thanks," said Bill and sent me off to make a hot drink as Peter began to sweep up the foyer. It was nearly time for our shift to end. As I watched Peter's pert arse as he swept up, an idea occured to me about something we could do on our way home....
    2 points
  23. I got a message on fab one day from a young guy in his early 20s asking if I wanted to suck him off in his Dads garage. He sent me a pic of his cock and it looked good so I headed over. When I got there the boy waved me in and told me to come up to the office. He was sitting in a chair naked, wanking himself. His cock was huge so I started to strip off and then started to suck him. After a bit he bent me over the desk and shoved his cock up me and started to fuck me. I`d already shot a load all over the floor when the boy started to pump his seen into me when we heard someone coming up the stairs to the office It was his Dad. I was pulling up my trousers with spunk seeping out my hole and his son was pretending to be on the phone with no clothes on. He must have known what was happening but didnt say anything.
    2 points
  24. Now may not be a good time to take up wrestling. But I would surely love to!
    2 points
  25. This was several years ago, when my man was out of town for work, before we had a totally open relationship. After several days of trying to be good and faithful i could not take it anymore. This happened several years ago, when my man was out of town for work, before we had a totally open relationship. After several days of trying to be good and faithful, I had reached my limit and I needed some anonymous cum. I re-downloaded Grindr and started to get prepped for play. Of course, there were the usual bots, fakes, and flakes that you always get when on the apps; however, it only takes one willing and able top to fill a hole. I knew what I was looking for: an anonymous top from out of town that only fucks raw; and the Bareback Gods were smiling down on me that day. I found my target relatively quickly after creating a profile. He was average looking, 6 foot, with a killer body, and well hung. He was visiting his parents who live a couple blocks down the road. We made plans for him to text me when his parents were fast asleep in bed so we could meet up for some late-night outdoor play. My dick was rock hard thinking about taking his seaman deep into my guts. It was still in the early evening so I had plenty of time to get clean out and prepped. Then the only thing left to do is watch porn and edge my cock when I waited for my text to go and take his cock for a ride. I was ready to go by 10, dressed in the standard late-night cruising; jockstrap, track pants, hoodie, and flip flops. With just my phone, poppers, and lube in my pocket; I was horned up and ready for my queue. The text came at 11, and it was simple and direct: “cum take my cum.” And I was quickly out the door to meet my breeder. My cock twitched, and I was out the door walking towards my top in the dark. He was waiting for me in the shadows of the driveway, free-balling in gym shorts and a t-shirt. I didn’t even see him at first, and almost walked past him, except for his low call for me “over here.” As I approached his deep voice, I saw that he was at full mast and stroking his thick meaty cock. I pulled my poppers out dropped to my knees and started to worship his manhood. We are under a tree, between a truck and a privacy face. His shorts drop to the pavement as quickly as my knees do. I face inches from his throbbing 7 inches of cut cock. I take a deep hit from the brown bottles and start by teasing his smooth balls with my tongue, smelling his manhood. As I’m lapping at his nuts, his dick is twitching above; gently smacking me on my right cheek. I slowly work my tongue up the bottom of his cock, licking and teasing the vein until I get to the head. I want to tease his for a while longer. My tongue darts down the length of his dick; and my mouth engulfs his balls. I give them a through tongue bath, and take another deep hit. My mouth is back at his balls, and works it way back to the head; and I finally give him the blowjob he has been anticipating for the 10 minutes that I have been teasing him with my talented mouth. The blow job does not last long, its not why I’m there. But I need to feel this beautiful cock tickle my tonsils for a few minutes. I work it for a while with my mouth. Let him fuck my throat for a few more minutes. Finally, I have had enough, and I get up from my knees in front of him. I’m finally face to face with my nameless top. No words are spoken, as he reaches around and slips his right hand down the back of my pants and finds my hole immediately. As we make out in the dark, under that tree he starts to massage and tease my ass like I did with his cock. Going back and forth from playing with my hole and my sensitive nipples. He works a finger into my cunt, driving it deeper and deeper into me. Then a second finger joins the first. At this point I am panting like a bitch in heat, bucking my ass back onto his intruding hand. I am hunger and ready to get fucked like a whore. Our lips break away from each other, as we take a moment to catch our breath, we each take a step back to look each other over. His shorts are still around his ankles, his hard cock twitching in the wind, ready to fuck. I reach into my pocket and hand the lube over to him. I brace myself over the hood of the truck parked in the driveway, as my track pants drop to the pavement like his did 20 minutes earlier. My jock strapped ass is out in the wind, I take an even deeper hit from the brown bottle, and prepare for the assault I know I am about to receive. He lubes up his thick meat, and he smears some lube unceremoniously on my waiting hole. Quickly, he lines up his cock, and pushes to the hilt in one swift stroke. It takes my breath away. I feel his neatly trimmed pubes against my smooth round ass, and his hands grab my hips and hold me down onto his cock as it throbs inside of me. My ass slowly adjusts to the invasion, and relax. I relax even more as I inhale deeply on my trusty poppers. He slowly pulls his shave out of my, until just the tip of his perfect cock is left inside me. I sigh in my moment of relief, then his cock slams back in to me. This starts the cycle of him slowly withdrawing and then violently fucking back into me. I start to adjust to the fuck. I’m totally turned on getting used by this stud in the driveway of his parent’s house. I lose control and start to moan and bet for him to fuck me like the filthy slut that I know I was born to be. At this point he is jackhammering my hole, and calling me names. “dirty slut, I can’t believe you are getting barebacked by a stranger.” My only response is more moans, and pleads for his cum. “You whore, you don’t even know my name and you’re begging for my seed.” I push my cock back onto his cock as hard has he is fucking it into me. We are both breathing heavy and panting in our animal passion. His balls tighten up, and whispers in my ear, “take my babies.” He pulls his cock out of my ass after he fucks his sperm deep into my body, and smacks my ass with his hand. And then it ends as soon as it began. His shorts get pulled up and he makes a beeline for the house. I’m still catching my breath in the driveway with my pants around my ankles. I take a few moments to savor the encounter before I pull up my pants and head home. My desire to get breed is not satisfied, now I only want more.
    2 points
  26. Part 8 - Day 5 At Sea Luca woke with a heavy head and sat up in bed slowly rubbing it. He didn't have that much to drink to cause his bad head he thought to himself, it took him a moment to realise that Brad was lying next to him sleeping. Not so worried about his heavy head he was concerned about how sore his ass felt and that Brad was still in his bed. Last thing he remembered was kissing Brad and falling asleep after getting pounded the third time. Brad felt the bed moving and sensed Luca had woken up, opening his eyes Luca was sat up looking down at him. "Morning" Brad said running his hand along Luca's back "sorry I didn't mean to stay over". Luca studied him for a moment "That's okay" he said being pulled back down in to Brad's arms. "Thank you for the amazing sex" Brad quietly said kissing Luca. Luca smiled at him "You certainly now how to fuck my ass is so sore". Luca heard the suite door opening and looked at the time "Dam" he said knowing it was Ramon with his coffee. "Morning Luca" Ramon said climbing up the stairs and stopping at the top looking at them both. Luca looked embarrassed whilst Brad laid there calmly "Sorry I only brought one cup" Ramon said looking at Brad. Brad lifted his head "We can share" he said smiling at Ramon. "Aren't you in the wrong suite?" Ramon said sarcastically walking towards the table. Brad laid back and made a show of stroking Luca "It has nothing to do with you, you can leave". Ramon plonked the tray down and looked at Luca "Enjoy" he said and turned to leave. "Ramon" Luca called after him but he carried on walking down the stairs, he was about to jump out of bed. Brad pulled him back "Ignore him Luca he is just the butler". "How can you disregard a persons feelings like that?" Luca asked Brad in an annoyed tone. Brad leaned over and poured a cup of coffee "You should have thought about that before having sex with me". "Drink your coffee" Brad said handing Luca the cup "your only blowing him for his pleasure". Luca took a gulp of coffee and handed the cup to Brad "And you didn't fuck me for your pleasure?". Brad smirked "I think you got just as much pleasure the way you kept pushing your ass up on my cock". "Still you shouldn't treat people like that" Luca said getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. Brad looked at him smiling "Want to shower together?" he asked moving and sitting on the edge of the bed. Luca stopped and looked over at Brad whilst holding the bathroom door open "Come on". Luca squeezed his eyes shut, his body pushed up against the shower wall his sore ass taking the full force of Brad's hard cock yet again. Powerless to stop him the feeling in his ass was like it was being poked by an hot iron bar. His head leaned back in to the crook of Brad's shoulder riding through the pain he was enjoying sheer power of Brad inside him. His hands pulling Luca's ass cheeks wider apart to get deeper and grind Luca hard against the shower wall. He was horny and soon clamped his arms around Luca's chest and waist holding him delivering a fourth load. Brad kissed Luca's neck, his cock firmly locked inside Luca. Reaching over for the complimentary body wash he lathered up Luca's chest from behind, slowly working his way down the body and grabbing hold of Luca's cock. His hips gently grinding his cock in Luca he began masturbating him and biting at his neck, kissing him, tweaking his nipples. Luca's knees buckled from his orgasm but Brad held him up and kissed Luca harder right through until his orgasm finished. Brad chuckled and slowly pulled his cock out seeing a drip of pink fluid hitting the shower tray mixed with the water and soap it quickly washed away. In order to be discreet they both headed to the main buffet to grab some breakfast, in theory Luca really wanted to hide from Ramon and felt it was best to keep out of his way for the day. After breakfast Luca went back to his suite and put the do not disturb sign on the door and spent the day chilling out reading in the peace and quiet. Several times he looked out on to the terrace below and saw the four American guys swimming and lazing by the pool, taking reflection of his voyage so far he had been blinkered to what gay sex could really be like. Yes he found Andre hot and loved feeling his body on top of me, but Brad brought out a side in Luca he never knew existed. One thing he never counted on was experiencing unprotected sex and how good it really felt, catching anything was the last thing he was thinking of. Mid afternoon Luca put his book down, he had moved downstairs and sat on the sofa where he could see down the terrace. Standing up he walked over to the window moving the net curtain he looked out at the expansive views of nothing by sea and sky. Oliver saw the curtain move and watched Luca looking out at the view, excusing himself and putting on his t-shirt he walked inside and up the two decks to Luca's suite. He had no plan of action, all he really wanted to do was be near Luca and talk. Luca's parent popped in asking if he was joining them for afternoon tea and listen to the string quartet. Declining and electing to have tea in his suite he was going to read a few more pages before ordering. A few minutes after the doorbell to the suite rang, Luca looked over to the door and ignored it until it rang again. "Luca" Oliver said standing there at the door when he opened it "haven't seen you today". Luca opened the door all the way "Come in" he said "I am having a quiet day reading". "Am I disturbing you, I can go if you want" Oliver offered walking inside. Luca smiled "No, I quite like your company as long as your not trying to get me in bed" he said laughing. Oliver turned and smiled "I am unarmed" he replied laughing and holding his hands up. "Sit please" Luca said "I was beginning to think all 4 of you were trying to bed me". Luca noticed the smile go from Oliver's face "You are aren't you?" Luca asked now his curiosity rose. Oliver nodded "Sort of" he replied "I mean all four of us took one look at you..." he said trailing off. Luca walked over to him "Would you like to join me for afternoon tea?". "How very British" Oliver said laughing "yes I would love to if you don't mind". Luca about to pick up the phone looked at Oliver "Oh and don't mind the butler if he gets funny". Oliver laughed "Are you still doing it with him?" he asked "I know Brad caught you blowing him". Luca poked his tongue out "Very funny, that is all we do" he replied "and I kiss him". Luca ordered afternoon tea and hung up the phone "Do I get to try that then?" Oliver asked grinning at Luca. "Which?" Luca asked knowing full well what Oliver was referring to "or both?". Oliver smiled "Kiss I think first" he replied "I would like to take things slowly with you". Luca sat down besides him "I don't know" he said studying Oliver "how do I know your intentions and honourable?". Oliver mulled the question for a moment "Put some faith in me Luca" he replied looking serious. Luca chuckled and hearing the doorbell ring he called out "Come in" and Ramon entered. The smile quickly left Ramon's face seeing yet another guy sat with Luca "Your afternoon tea gentlemen". Luca chuckled "Thanks Ramon" he said feeling Oliver nudging him watching Ramon set the tea and scones out. Luca looked at Oliver then to Ramon "Oliver would you like to try?" he asked looking back at Oliver. "Sorry?" Oliver asked looking confused. "I will pour the tea Ramon" Luca said putting his hand on the pot to stop Ramon. Ramon looked at him "Very well sir" he replied glancing at Oliver "do you need anything else?". Luca looked at Ramon "He does" he said pointing to Oliver. Ramon looked at Luca then at Oliver who had a shocked look on his face. By the time Oliver turned back to look at Ramon he was already kneeling on the sofa in front of Oliver unzipping his trousers. Trapped Oliver smiled shaking his head at Luca, his head pulled forward straight on to Ramon's cock. Oliver grabbed Ramon's hips and quickly begun working his cock. Luca sat there open mouthed unable to figure out where this had come from, it was like he was pimping Oliver out to his butler. The scene in front of him was making his own cock hard, he played host and poured Oliver a cup to tea then sat back and watched. Ramon smiled at Luca then pulled Oliver's head forward holding it in place, he moaned and thrusted his hips forward releasing his cum in to Oliver's mouth. Standing up he put his cock away and zipped up his trousers. Luca leaned over and kissed Oliver catching him again by surprise. Ramon picked his tray up 'Enjoy your afternoon tea gentlemen' he said smiling and walking out leaving Luca and Oliver alone. Luca grinned "Saves me having to do a little job later". "You pimped me out to your butler" Oliver chuckled "You know that is going to cost you dearly for that". Luca laughed "Sugar in your tea?" he now asked so casually. Oliver burst out laughing "Your bloody crackers" he said lunging forward and kissing Luca "no sugar". It turned out to be the strangest afternoon tea with Oliver, so much laughter and talk. Oliver told Luca things he had never told anyone else, from how he made his fortune to his life in New York and his home. Luca explained about his job offers, graduation and some of the sexual encounters he had at university. He also confessed how this voyage had opened his eyes and allowed him to be more comfortable with his sexuality in front of people. By the time Oliver left it was already coming up to 6pm, they had spent 3 hours talking. Luca had found someone interesting, his biggest worry was the 8 year age gap but you would never know it looking at Oliver. He was charming and definitely hands on with his stroking and touching of Luca whenever he could. Oliver returned to his suite smitten having spent time getting to know Luca, not only was the guy sexy as hell, he was incredibly intelligent, respectful and well grounded. He had a sense of humour that Oliver got and played to it. Oliver felt that every sign was there and Luca was interested. Tonight Oliver and Liam were hosting a cocktail party in their suite and Luca relented after much persuasion by Oliver to come along. Luca had an hour to get ready, thankfully it was an informal evening so he didn't have to worry to much about what to wear. Despite Oliver co-hosting he spent quite a bit of time chatting with Luca and his parents, Liam was still playing the aloof one with Luca. It was driving Luca crazy and the more Liam did this the more Luca was determined, he couldn't explain why he was drawn to him. His subconsciousness was driving him and he needed affirmation from Liam that he was a catch for any man. Embarrassingly when they all walked to dinner together his parents invited the four guys to dine with them. Luca took his chance and took a seat next to Liam casually and ignored him. Liam only managed it through the starter before sussing out that Luca was playing him at his own game. An accidental brushing of the leg causing Luca to look at him, Liam carried on his conversation with Gio as if nothing had happened. By the time the main course was finished their legs were touching, Liam still made no show of it and Luca was holding in his need to laugh at their game. The group was the last to leave the restaurant, Luca excused himself feeling tired he needed and early night. He felt Liam bump into him that lasted a little longer than a normal accidental bump. By the time Luca looked Liam had turned his back and said good night to everyone walking off. He couldn't decide what Liam's game was, all through dinner and accidental bumps were turning Luca on and this was one strange and very tempting man. Luca walked out on the promenade deck and do a couple of laps walking around before retiring. His parents went to the theatre and Luca enjoyed the solitude of his walk clearing his head. Opening the doors he stepped inside and walked up the stairs to his suite. Fumbling around in his pocket he banged his head on the door "Fuck" he said unable to find his cruise card. "Lost something?" Liam said turning the corner smiling and holding Luca's cruise card. Luca walked over "Very funny" he said reaching out "you stole my card" he continued as Liam held it higher. Liam looked at Luca "Do you want it back?" he asked waving it around just out of his reach. "You like to play games don't you" Luca said giving up "please give me my card back". Suddenly Liam moved forward causing Luca to step back his gaze fixed on Luca "You can have it back soon". Liam stood in front of Luca opening the door and gently pushed him inside "No more games". Luca watched him close the door and place the card on the table, he walked towards Luca who stood there like he was waiting for something to happen. Liam stood close and ran his hand down Luca's arm, the closeness of his body and the way he touched him shot down any resilience he may of had. Luca looked up in to his eyes for a moment then felt the bristles of Liam's cropped beard against his face. Lightly he kissed Luca's cheek moving around and closer to his mouth. Their lips met and Luca's seamlessly parted inviting Liam to kiss him. The beard tickled Luca's chin and face with their mouths firmly locked together, he kissed and held Luca's body close. The tender firm kissing melted Luca as he stood in his arms, hands roamed downwards cupping Luca's ass with squeezes and caressing movements. Thoughts of his early night diminished rapidly, Liam was to good an opportunity to pass by. Slapping and caressing his ass harder made Luca grind his groin in to Liam's. Then by magic Luca felt his trousers falling down his legs, the light fingered Liam made quick work and he stepped out of them standing half naked. Slowly Liam's hand slipped inside Luca's underwear his kissing increased in intensity, his finger working from the top of his ass cheek rubbing and letting it slip deeper between his cheeks finding the prize. Using a circling motion with his finger Luca moaned and pushed his body forward closer to Liam's again. Acting like it was a signal Liam took the cue and slipped his finger inside Luca's hole, Luca tried to pull back caught by surprise and failed being held by Liam's free arm. He moaned in to Liam's mouth and rose on tip toes the deeper his finger probed massaging the inside of his hole gently but enough to stir Luca making his legs wobble. Liam pulled his finger out slowly then licked it seductively keeping his eyes fixed on Luca. Abruptly he was spun around and pushed on to the sofa his head hanging over the back, his underwear pulled down and Luca shrieked briefly feeling the coarse beard scratching at the sensitive lips of his hole. He raised his head moaning as the wet warmth of Liam's tongue ravaged his hole devouring it like a desert course. Liam slipped his trousers down teasing his cock out of his underwear, already slimy with toxic precum. His nine inches showing beautifully and the head glistening, he moved upwards leaning over Luca rubbing his cock against Luca's hole. He turned his head 'oh fuck' Luca said gulping and catching a glimpse of the monster, moaning loudly he bit the edge of the sofa feeling Liam pushing the head of his cock in with purpose. His hand holding Luca's shoulder to stop him moving forward. Liam began teasing Luca pulling the head out then pushing it back in until there was no more resistance and it opened up nicely. Letting go of Luca he slapped his ass harder spitting at the closing hole and lashing it furiously with his tongue. Luca emitted a noise halfway between a cry and moan. Both hands clamped down hard on to his shoulders and again he moaned feeling his hole distending to take the head of Liam's cock. He continued teasing Luca's hole every time he pushed back in it went a little deeper. Luca gripped on to the back of the sofa making soft moans and whimpers, weirdly he was enjoying the teasing in an almost hypnotic state. Liam had enough of his cock inside and began working the shaft through the tightness in a steady fluid motion, slipping deeper and deeper inside. Luca lost all inhibitions and breathed heavily through the feeling like his whole body was expanding to accommodate Liam's cock. He moaned louder and longer feeling the coarse pubes brushing against his hole, Liam came to a stop with the full length of his cock now inside Luca. Wrapping his free arm around Luca's waist holding him in place his hips slowly gyrated and moved with small strokes still keeping a tight hold on Luca. The movement was enough to give Luca the sensation whilst allowing him a few minutes grace to get use to his cock. The sheer thought of this cock inside him made Luca feel slutty, that feeling surfaced the more Luca was driven and turned on 'fuck me' he begged Liam, 'oh yes fuck me' he begged again. Liam smiled kissing the back of his neck and biting him gently then introducing slow longer and deeper strokes. Luca cried biting on the back of the sofa, the intense deep penetration felt like he was being stabbed on the inside and experiencing a whole new sexual sensation that ran through his body. Liam slowly picked up the pace with his strokes, drawing back more and more each time until he was feeding Luca the entire length deep in to his core and holding it there for maximum effect. Liam slammed in hard taking Luca by surprise whimpering he raised his head unable to form any words he simpered with every breath. Liam ground his cock deeper in to Luca who pushed his ass out wanting more of it, the rhythm slowly switching until Liam moved in to breeding mode unable to hold back from busting his nut. Luca continued moaning quietly with all nine inches deep inside he could sense every change in Liam and knew he was building up to his climax. He felt the arm loosen around his waist and suddenly is clamped on to his other shoulder, Liam leaned up and growled deep in his throat his grip on Luca preventing him moving away and keeping him perfectly positioned on his cock. The thumping sound grew louder and quicker with his balls hitting Luca's ass hard, he growled again feeling his balls nearing journeys end. His hands glided up and circled around Luca's neck, squeezing sharply he felt Luca's body tense in response and his ass clenched down on his cock. Luca opened his eyes his face going red he made no sound and quickly moved one hand to his cock managing one stroke before he shot his load over the sofa. Liam thrusted in hard again his ball sack tightening quickly and giving several more deep thrusts he moaned heaving a deep breath in relief releasing his toxic load deep in to Luca 'fuck yeah take my toxic seed' he growled out pumping harder and grinding in to Luca's body. Releasing Luca's neck he collapsed forward on Luca's back, securing his arms around him tightly keeping Luca impaled on his cock. The small tears in his anal lining quickly coating with toxic seed. His deep thrusting slowed into gentle massaging pushing his seed in deeper. Luca came down from his head rush panting heavily, his ass still full of Liam's cock was beginning to feel sore. Liam clearly knew how to fuck and Luca wanted him to stay inside all night, he knew he couldn't take another round of that. His body slowly relaxing from the most intense orgasm and sexual experience he ever had. Strangely the way Liam grabbed his neck tightly had brought him into orgasm so quickly. Breathing an almost sigh of relief feeling Liam extracted his cock slowly, gradually he could feel his ass readjusting and closing from the vacant space left as the cock finally exited. Liam kneeled down and started licking Luca's hole again, he pushed back enjoying the tender feeling of his tongue. There was only the faintest taste of semen and Liam inspected Luca's hole, he had ploughed the field and planted his seed deep. Standing up he pulled his underwear and trousers up then tucked his shirt him making him look respectable again. It was done so quietly that by the time Luca turned on to his back to sit on the sofa the suite door was closing and Liam was gone. Luca picked his clothes up and went upstairs, his cock was hard again with thoughts running through his head of when Liam grabbed his neck. He could only remember Liam growling the words 'fuck yeah take' before he closed off reaching his own orgasm. Collapsing on the bed and smiling he was enjoying this trip more than he thought he would. He did question weather it was he that was out to bed all four of the Americans, or was it the other way since it was strangely so easy. Oliver came into his thoughts and would he know he had slept with his three friends. There was something he liked about Oliver, deciding tomorrow he would try and spend some more time with him. Leaning over he turned off the light and fell in to a very fulfilled and satisfied deep sleep.
    2 points
  27. Ch.9 Kneeling in the hot soothing water I could have stayed there sucking his cock for ever. Well a long time anyway. He had other ideas. Clearly he had been enjoying the starter but was hungry for much more. He pulls my head back and kisses me again freeing his cock from between my lips. His hands slide down from my head to my shoulders and he pushes me backwards until I am standing in the centre of the pool. He turns me and pushes me down until I am bent in front of him, my hands on the side of the pool gripping the edge in anticipation of what is to come. “From what I heard you’re a cum hungry slut so I want you to know two things before I start.” I think I tried to stand at this but I felt his hand on my shoulder pushing me down with surprising strength. “One. I’m not going to go easy on you. But I promise you’ll want more by the time I’m done with you.” As he says this his fingers are already teasing and probing my hole and I am softly thrusting my hips at his touch. “Two. I already know you take all loads so mine will be nothing new to you. Ready for my poz dick boy?” He wasn’t asking so much as telling me his status. Before he has finished talking his cock head is already pressed hard against my arsehole and I can feel myself opening. Fuck he is big though. Especially with no warm up. I am panting and desperately trying to push down, to relax my hole. I want to be fucked but I don’t want to be ripped apart. He keeps pressing forwards. My hole springs around the head of his fat dick and I groan at the full sensation. He keeps up the pressure and more of that cock is pushed into me forcing my channel to widen. “Fuck! Its too much! I can’t. I can’t!” I am sobbing as he presses even more into me. At the moment its just pain. Deep internal and inescapable. I know I’ve been used and pounded before but that was after serious warming up. This is my warm up. His huge dick making its own path inside me. My fingers are pressed hard into the side of the hot tub. And for a few minutes the only sounds are the bubbling of the water and my pained gasps as inch by inch this man makes me take his whole length. With my eyes screwed shut every sensation seems amplified and the throbbing from my anal walls is everything I can concentrate on. So when I feel his breath on my neck And his hips pressing me from behind I am in no doubt that he is all the way inside me. “There you go. Now we can have some fun.” The feeling as he pulls backwards out of my stretched arse is so hard to describe adequately. My hole is gripping him as he withdraws and I am pushing down trying to open up to make his passage easier. I know I am moaning and sweating with the effort but at no point do I even try to move away. As I feel the ridge of his cock head pulling at my ring he suddenly shoves forward and starts filling me again. I groan as he shoves at least half his length into me. To stop myself being thrown forward into the side of the tub I have to push back, back against him, all the way back onto his mammoth cock. “Yeah that’s the way boy! Make yourself take it all.” Like I have a choice now! Like I was ever going to refuse. Even through the pain that is still radiating from my spread fuckhole I can feel the pulsing pleasure that is beginning to reveal itself every time his thick tool rubs across my prostate. With every thrust from him I am pushing back and shove after shove his movements become easier, faster. Beneath me I can feel my cock growing harder as I squeeze and push my anal walls around the invading dick. Before long he is fucking me, hard deep fucking that I am taking and welcoming. The water splashes around us with each pounding of my hole and we are both grunting with the heat and exertion. “I knew you’d love it boy!” “So fucking big, so fucking big!” My response is all I can manage, rational thought is being fucked out of me again and I am reduced to a hole for men to enjoy. My cock is bouncing and pulsing in the water as my arsehole is turned into another man’s cumdump. The pain from my initial opening is all but gone and even that has become part of the pleasure. Knowing my cunt is so full, so stretched and bringing pleasure to this amazing cock has my eyes rolling. He speeds up and his hands are kneading my cheeks harder and I can tell he’s going to unload everything into me. “Do it!” I yell as I push myself onto him meeting his thrusts. “You want it don’t you boy?” “Fuck yes! Fill me up! KNOCK ME UP’” He jams into me all the way, then a slight withdraw, before short jabbing pumps push his spasming cock to coat my insides with his thick infected spunk. For my part I keep clenching my hole and pushing onto him to milk every drop from his heavy balls. His hands are rubbing up and down my back as we both hold there panting in the after fuck glow. As he recollects himself he pulls out of me and I nearly collapse. I manage to sit at the edge of the pool feeling almost weightless as the water flows around me. I don’t even realise he has climbed out of the pool before he says from the doorway, “I’ll look for you later, I think you’ll be wanting some more of this before you’re done for the night.” I smile stupidly as he gestures to his soft, but still sizeable cock. I am still trembling from his fucking. There’s just no way I can say no.
    2 points
  28. Received an SMS about an hour ago asking if he, Zane (it turns out his dad was saying ‘Zane’ not ‘Shane’) could come to my place. Had an argument with his girlfriend and wants to “earn more gear”; his words. He said he’d like to spend the day with me and even hinted that he’s up to try anything. Already asked him if he minded me slamming; he asked what it’s like and, after I described it to him, he wants to try getting slammed. I’ll show him some vids of guys getting slammed and fucked for the first time; hopefully that’ll persuade him to let me fuck him while he’s rushing. Of course, I couldn’t respond quickly enough. He’s on his way. I’m REALLY looking forward to this. I know I’m going to take his cock and I am absolutely going to flip him over and try easing my cock inside his boy cvnt. If he lets me fuck him from there, I’ll be ecstatic. I love popping cherries, especially straight ones.
    1 point
  29. This morning I woke up at 3am to take a piss, and could not get back to sleep for the life of me. My husband is soundly sleeping next to me. So, I pick up my phone; check Instagram, Grindr, the news. I’m reading the News on my side with my back towards my sexy man and I feel him put his arm around me; immediately finding my oh so sensitive nipple, giving it a gentle tweak. As he pulls me closer to him, I feel his hard cock resting between my cheeks my ass. My senses go into overdrive, my cock comes to life. I let him slowly tease my nips, before I grind my ass back into his cock. After awhile of this silent tango, I reach back and grab his throbbing cock. He is harder than I have ever seen him and his balls are freshly shaved and full of cum. I am horned up and ready to go. My hand finds its way to my bedside drawer and I pull out lube and poppers. The inpatient cock behind me gets lubed first, then I take a deep hit of poppers and prepare for the assault I know my hole is about to receive. Like clockwork the meaty cock behind me finds my hole at once and slowly slides in to the hilt. Balls full of cum are resting against my ass. This is the calm before the storm, I can tell Taylor is in a selfish top mode, and I am eager to satisfy him. I am ready to work for my reward. The fucking starts slow and shallow. Then gradually builds in speed and force. Soon is pulling all the way and slamming his thick cock back into me. This fuck is for his pleasure I can tell, at this moment I’m just a hole to receive his seaman. Taylor slams back into me and stays buried; balls deep. Suddenly I am flipped prone. I can feel the full weight of his 6’4” muscular build and me continues to plunder my ass. Faster, and faster the fucking continues, until I hear his breathing get heavier and heavier. The thick cock that is deep inside me gets even thicker as he groans “I’m cumming, take my seed.” His keeps his cock inside of me as I jerk off and spray my cum across the sheets below me. When the horse sized cock is withdrawn from my hold its followed by a river of seaman. I get a smack on the ass, and go to make the morning coffee.
    1 point
  30. I do. For me it's about every other month when I just need fucked. Get as much dick as I can and still want more.
    1 point
  31. One of my teachers used to say, "A gentleman doesn't expose his armpits". So flash some pit, unless you're a gentleman...😈
    1 point
  32. First time fucked was raw and was mostly unplanned, but I knew if I went back to his house. His intention was to fuck me I wasn't wrong Within 5 minutes, I was naked on his bed. He reminded that from day 1 he was going to fuck me and fuck me raw. I nodded and he ate my sweet hole. I was soon begging for his 8inch cock to breed my married hole. It took him forever to get it all inside me, but he finally did and he stayed there all weekend (wife was out of town). I went back very often
    1 point
  33. i don't see being a bottom as a matter of obligation or duty, more of nature? i.e., it seems to be my natural drive to take a Mans cock and desire to penetrate, breed. If a Man approaches me and wants to slide in and unload (or piss for that matter), i'm going to turn over or bend over and present my hole. i don't ask about things like STI's, and typically, neither does He. Having said that, i don't fetishize disease. i don't purposely chase or try to spread disease. i get tested regularly because i LOVE Men and don't want to see anyone getting sick or hurt and i encourage everyone to get tested regularly, for their sake and for the sake of our community.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Same here. I use deepthroat to lube the cock. My saliva in my throat is nastier than in my mouth. After it, the cock slips easier into my hole. Now I can play only with my dildos. I don’t use lubes, I swallow the dildos deep into my throat and it is also good for that kind of play.
    1 point
  36. Short Version: For those whose other head won’t allow them to read. I was driving to a larger town to do some shopping. Got hit up by a guy on Growlr who invited me over, so I changed direction and drove about 30 minutes out of the way. That guy flaked and as I was leaving town this other guy hit me up on Grindr and said he needed to fuck, so we met. Nice looking black guy 5’11, 165lbs, lean, shaved body, decently hung and the chemistry was instant. We did all the foreplay and he fucked me with a condom. It was suppose to have been a quickie but I got him hard again while he was cleaning up and we started over. The second time he had me on my back at the edge of the bed my legs over his shoulders and he pounded me hard for ten minutes or so, and then it happened. I was laying there content as I could be. He started grunting and moaning and I felt this warm sensation filling my hole. I knew instantly it was his load, but this was the first time I had ever felt a guys cum actually fill me. Needless to say my heart skipped a beat and I was already wanting more when he said “Oh, dude the condom slipped off.” I told him it wasn’t a big deal I was on Prep. So we just kept fucking the rest of the afternoon. I think five or six times and that many loads minus the first wasted one. When I got home I sat on the toilet, and it was no wonder I felt his cum filling me. This guy must have shot bucket loads, because they just kept pouring out of my ass, so that in the end it looked like there was enough to fill three shot glasses. Long version: For those who have probably gotten the baby batter off the brain I ended up getting the rest of the day off from work after lunch on Thursday. So I decided to go to one of the larger towns and test my credit limit. I live in the Texas Panhandle so it’s an hour and half or two hour drive to any decent sized town. Which means that while driving, I sit there and play on hookup apps seeing who’s in each town I pass through. I got hit up by this hispanic guy on Growlr who said he was in heat and wanted to play. I bought his line and changed direction, he wasn’t far about thirty forty minutes out of my way and I needed to fuck. When I got ten miles from that guy I started telling him I was close, I don’t know if he lost interest while I was driving or was just a flake period, but he stopped responding. It was a small town with less than 3000 people, so I kind of hovered around town just looking at it and waiting to see if that guy would respond. Then I got a hit on Grindr. He was an middle aged black guy late forties, but he was what you would call my cup of tea. He asked me what I was doing, I told him I just got flaked on and was about to leave town. He said, “Why, I need to fuck.” I said “Awesome that’s what I wanted to hear.” We exchanged some nudes and I told him I was traveling and asked if I would be able to clean up at his house. He said the house was rented and the water wasn’t turned on yet, which kind of excited me. I love fucking in places that really weren’t meant for it. I said no big deal. Because when I travel I have a little leather shaving box in which I keep condoms, lube, a butt plug to loosen up with, and douching things. He sent me the address, and on the way over I stopped at a gas station and bought two gallons of water. I drove to the house. It was run down with a bad roof and overgrown lawn. I was instantly turned on. He came to the door and I got my first look at him. I do believe count me in on all fours was the motto I took when I saw him. I went in with my water and little fuck kit, we said the heys and how are yas. The inside of the house was also run down, the ceiling falling in from the leaks in the roof, old cloth furniture and dirty carpet. I set the stuff down and we walked into the bedroom. I turned around and started kissing him, running my hands over his cloths to get a feel for his body. He was a good looking guy, shaved head, tall, and thin. The kissing must have tickled him the right way because he was all over me and we started undressing. I got out of my cloths faster than a guy in a moo moo could but he fucking teased me leaving his blue boxer briefs on hiding a nice bulge. I pulled him down on the bed and we kissed for a bit getting the feel of each other. The chemistry was instant though. He stood up and I pulled his underwear down and got the sight I had been craving. This guy was gorgeous, he was lean with a slight six pack sinuous legs and muscular shoulders and arms, he was light skinned with a shaved head and thin mustache, full lips, firm tight ass that I found while we were making out, and he was hung. He stood up I pulled the underwear down and there was this semi firm uncut cock handing about seven inches soft. It made that perfect little water fall that hung cocks do, with the head dangling below the balls. It was a good girth, enough to fill a hole but wouldn’t bring you to tears or tears when you first try to take it. I was sitting on the side of the bed and I took his cock in my mouth and started working his head until he got hard, I pulled him down on the bed getting him on his back and worked him awhile just enjoying the size. He asked me if I thought I would be able to take his cock, I knew it wouldn’t any trouble but I told him, “Probably or I guess I’ll scream trying.” He laughed and got off the bed and pulled a condom from a drawer, I got in my little fuck kit and gave him a single use lube packet. I got him on his back again, I like to sit on a cock and take it in my sweet time. I sucked him hard again put the condom in my mouth and rolled it down his shaft with my lips. I blew him long enough to lube up, then I mounted him cowgirl and started in on his cock. I was wrong about the girth, the fucker was fat, and it took me a beat and some of that “hurts so good” to get it balls deep. Of course he didn’t mind, his cock was rock hard which was helpful. Once I started riding him with ease he had had enough of that position he pulled me off stood up beside the bed and told me to bend over and leave my knees on the edge of the mattress, he slid back in and started pumping me hard. We had a little misunderstanding I said, “Oh man that’s it” and he though I was petering out, I said “ No man, that’s the fucking spot.” Which was all he needed to hear. He got in balls deep and just started thrusting as hard as he could which made my cock start oozing. We did that for about five minutes before I started getting leg cramps. Now I had to made a delicate move here, which was to get him to pull out and on his back so I could start riding him again, and as we all know getting between a top and a hole is like getting between a dog and his food. I semi pulled it off. I grabbed his arm and kind of twisted him around onto the bed, he got what I was going for. But he got off kilter and half his body ended up hanging off the mattress; one leg, shoulder, and ass cheek hanging off. I just went with it rather than trying to get him back on the the bed fully. I mounded him one leg folded on the bed and the other standing up off the floor, and I just started impaling myself hard on is cock. I started pinching his nipples which sent him over the edge, in less than a minute he started moaning. He pulled my hips down and blew his first load in the condom. We stayed in that position with me softly grinding on his cock until it went soft. He got up and walked into the bathroom and started using the water I had brought to wipe his cock off. I came in behind him and we had a little chitchat while cleaning up. He told me how good I was, and I told him he could have all he wanted when he got ready again so I started kissing and licking the back of his neck and nibbled his ear lobe. Just like that he said, “I’m ready now.” We walked back into the bedroom. For some reason he liked to do things standing so he sat me on the side of the bed and held his cock in one hand and grabbed my head with the other and put my mouth on his cock, and he throat fucked me for a few minutes. He got rock hard again and I couldn’t deep throat anymore so he grabbed another condom from the drawer pushed me on my back and slipped it on, he pulled my legs over his shoulders spit on my hole and slid his cock back in. Apparently he wasn’t at all tired from the last go around because he fucking pounded my ass so hard and good that I could feel him bottoming out. I was in ecstasy this time, not that the first wasn’t great, but I was comfortable this time. On my back, my legs in a good position and I was being reamed beyond expectation. Then he did something that drove me wild. He had shave balls and his pubes were trimmed short in a rectangular patch. His little landing strip was about two inched wide and the hair was coarse which is what put me over the edge. When he bent down to kiss me he drove that coarse hair into my perineum grinding it in, and that scratched an itch I didn’t know I had. This made me break my don’t cum first rule by blowing a load all over my stomach and chest. Seeing the cum really got him going and he stood back up off the bed took hold of my knees and just pounded the shit out of me (not literally of course). This is when it happened. Something I have read and heard time and again from guys, which is that they feel cum filling their holes. I had never felt a guys load when he shot it even though I fuck raw whenever given the chance. They guy started moaning again and I knew he was close, so I was just waiting on him to finish since I had blown my load he was wearing the condom. Then I felt a very warm thick sensation in my ass. I knew instantly it was his load, and it excited me so much because I had never felt that before and because I could feel the warmth keep growing. I wanted him to stay in, so I pulled him down to and we kissed for a while until he got soft again and his cock slipped out. He stood up and I laid there sound as a pound, savoring. He said, “Oh. Dude the condom slipped off,” I said, “It’s no big deal to me I’m taking prep.” He gave me this slight smile and cooly said “Oh. Ok.” Okay my ass. With that smile and the gleam in his eye I just know the “Come on Down” theme from the Price is Right was playing in his head. After that session, the guy was needing a cigarette bad but was out. So we got in my car and drove down to the store got the smokes, something to drink, and went back to his house. He barely made it in the door before he was ripping the pack open. He lit one in the living room while I stripped again as fast as my pants would allow and then started in on him. I walked back into his room to get something I came back and he was sitting all man spread on the couch playing on his phone, smoking, and there was that gorgeous fucking cock draped over his balls. I pulled the coffee table back got on my knees and started giving him head while he smoked. I stood up to get him to go back to the bed and he grabbed my dick, which was hard from all the foreplay, and started sucking me. This was a nice surprise. The guy was definitely a top though because that lasted about a minute. Anyway that’s not what I wanted that day anyway. We went back into the room and fucked at least three maybe four more times, each time with those condoms in their proper fucking place. Hidden in the drawer. So after three hours of fucking he was getting tired and in that limped dick heaven state of mind, so I just lay there and he fucked me missionary for at least thirty minutes. It was hot, we kept lips locked whenever I wasn’t licking his neck and shoulders or nibbling his ears. The heat between us built up and it got really sweaty which is another one of those tactile feelings I love. You know, two bodies slick and gliding on each other. He got a little stiff legged fucking so long so he stood on the side of the bed again and finished fucking me doggie. I don’t know if it was because this last fuck had more intimacy or that it took the longest but after five or six loads this was his hardest orgasm. He started moaning again saying “oh fuck, oh fuck,” like he could barely get the words out it felt so good. He thrust hard and collapsed onto my back pushing me into the bed. And there it was again, a final warm gush in my ass. I didn't feel the others except that first one but this one I did. We lay like that, him on top of me, for awhile. Even after his cock went soft it just stayed in my hole right where I wanted it. Eventually someones phone rang and that was it. I got up, got dressed, fixed my hair so I didn’t look like I had been fucked all afternoon and went home. When I got home I trusted a fart and my underwear got sort of wet, so I sat on the toilet and deposited what he deposited. It floored me. I looked down into the bowl and there was already a massive load but it just kept coming. I didn’t get to see the cum in the condom but that guy must have just gushed fountains. By the time I was satisfied I had dumped it all, I know those loads would have easily filled three shot glasses.
    1 point
  37. thats say my top fucker. he inject his toxc cum load in me
    1 point
  38. couldn’t believe it. Standing there holding the kid’s note. Realizing I had HIV swimming at my ass. I was still buzzed from the poppers and still horned up for more cock up my ass. But I knew I had to do something about this. At that point in my slide into perversion, I wasn’t ready to be HIV positive. I had a church, a wife, two sons... I could lose all that right at that moment right at that point in time. I knew what I could do. My congregation had been working with an AIDS hospice for several years. I knew about pep. The strange thing was, I wasn’t completely freaked out. I wasn’t afraid or angry or disappointed in myself. I wasn’t mad at the kid. The truth is I was horned up as fuck. I knew I wanted more cock, more raw cock in my ass. I wanted as much cock as I could get. My choice for the moment was to head to a hospital. There was a hospital about 40 miles away where I wouldn’t be known and I went to the walk-in clinic. I gave them some bullshit story about fooling around in and a broken condom and just being a little worried. They did a quick test to check my status - negative of course. They prescribed a course of anti-retroviral’s. And told me to come back in three months for a test. I did get test at three months later but not there. I got a Home kit and it came back non-reactive and I had it confirmed at the local STD clinic. But none of that stopped my slide into bareback sex. I couldn’t help myself now. For a while I went back to using rubbers except for sucking cock which I did a lot off. I knew three or four good porno stores within a couple hours drive of my house. I would go out in the afternoons on Saturdays and spend hours in a booth in a porno store sucking every dick that came through the hole. I didn’t care. It could be an old cock, young cock, Big or little, cut or uncut, I didn’t care. I just want it hard dripping cock sliding into my mouth into my throat. I craved cum. I craved bitter cum, sweet cum, from any cock I could get into my mouth and into my body. Big or little, cut or uncut,. I didn’t care. I just want hard dripping cock sliding into my mouth, into my throat. I craved cum. I crave bitter cum, sweet cum from any cock I could get into my mouth and into my body. it wasn’t long before I took another load. After getting my test at the three months and knowing that I was clear of HIV, I started thinking about hard cock up my ass again. I started thinking about that kid in the woods sliding his raw hard cock up my ass balls deep. I fantasized about that encounter over and over again thinking about his cock swelling in my ass rammed in balls deep. I could still imagine his cock firing spurt after spurt toxic cum up into my body. Every time I thought about it I stroked off. I slid my cock through my spit laden hand. I fantasized over and over again. Seeing his smooth young body. Feeling his nice hot smooth warm ass. And I started craving cock. I started craving poz cock. I gave up topping with rubbers and left my load indiscriminately in any ass that would take my cock. I loved sliding my hard cock into some stranger in the porno store. A month after I confirmed that I was still negative, I found myself back at the same park where the kid shot is toxic load up in me. I sat in my car for a few minutes stroking my cock looking at porn on my phone. I wanted it again. I wanted that boy’s cock again. I had already started checking out bug chasing on the web. Reading stories about guys who took HIV-positive loads into their asses willingly. But I never really considered it something I would do until that moment sitting in the car stroking my cock thinking again about that sweet smooth boy. As I sat there in the car stroking in the public parking lot, cars moving by me, people walking back-and-forth, I started muttering to myself. I started muttering about wanting cock. And then I said there’s something I had never said before. I said it out loud. “ I want poz cock. I want some guy to shoot his aids babies up my ass. I want HIV. I want aids.“ and then almost like a prayer I said “ God I want aids. Give me a aids up my ass.“ I put down my phone. Tucked my dripping cock back in the my pants. I got out of the car and walked back up into the woods. I just knew somebody would be in there. Somebody who wanted to fuck me. Somebody who wanted their cock sucked. And I was rightlm I didn’t get aids that afternoon. I didn’t get a poz cock.But I did suck off two old trolls with stubby dicks. Their cocks smelled slightly rank. The smell of old piss. They were uncut. But they were there. They had hard cocks and I sucked them both. I switched back-and-forth from one to the other. I suck them deep. I slobbered all over their balls. I begged him to come in my mouth.They called me a faggot and they called me a whore and they called me the bitch, but I loved every minute of it. I loved swallowing their bitter cum. They both shot a huge loads that dribbled down my chin. I couldn’t help myself I wanted cum. Any cum. As I was there on my knees, second guy coming into my mouth, the first one turned his cock toward my face and let go a stream of piss. They laughed at me. They both laughed. They both called me a worthless piece of shit faggot. I just mumbled,” Thank you sir.“ And sat on the ground as they walked away soaked in their Piss and tasting there cum. Licking up what had dribbled from my mouth. It was at that moment I knew I was a bug chaser. I started planning in my mind how I would start my next raw fuck. With somebody I knew had a high viral load. I was going to get myself knocked up
    1 point
  39. I began using objects probably at 12, i discovered the handle of a hammer was a long hard fuck about 13, found my moms dildo around that time but it had a bent head and hurt like fuck, i still stuffed it up my faggot ass with KY jelly, a shitty lube lol
    1 point
  40. I was 7 when I first experienced anal play. It was a finger. Loved it from there start.
    1 point
  41. Same here. Never wear deodorant anyway but now I don’t have to shower either If I don’t want to. Huffing my own pits and crotch smell keeps me permanently horny and more or less perpetually edged since they closed the office. I smell like a sexed-up homeless junkie, all testosterone and pheromones - such an aphrodisiac I wish I could bottle and sell it. Anyway it’s definitely a silver lining to working remote for the duration.
    1 point
  42. 1. Because Covid-19 is far more contagious than HIV and can therefore spread very fast. 2. Because with a hospitalization rate of 20%, Covid-19 has the potential to completely overwhelm the healthcare system (as has already happened in Italy). It's not just gay people who need to be avoiding contact. It's everyone. I did the math yesterday for the US (based on CDC numbers) and if we don't slow it down, we could easily have 40 million cases by the end of April. I know that sounds ridiculous, but honestly, that's the way the math works out. 😕
    1 point
  43. Sunday night hooked up with a guy off the apps who's profile stated he was looking for monogamy. In chat he said he preferred safe, but loves bareback. All I needed to know. Mr 'Prefers Safe Monagomy' bred me 3 times at his place. Figured it might be last hookup I have in a while, going to be busy this next week at work I can tell with the plague that's going around.
    1 point
  44. That happened to me years ago in key west I had on short, a tank top, and flip flops while on a crowded dance floor two bears stated to undo my shorts I let them to see how far it would go before I new it the the guy facing me had my arms in his hands and his tongue in my mouth the guy behind me in a quick second had my shots down to my ankles and his cock balls deep in my fertile ass pumping away they were talking to each other about knocking me up at the time I didn’t know what that was it didn’t take long for the bear to dump a hot load in me , it felt great I just pulled my shorts back up , thanked them and continued to dance g the night away
    1 point
  45. Part 4 - Day 1 Farewell New York Luca stepped out in to the mild sea air on the port side of the ship's promenade deck and walked towards the aft end. There were many passengers strolling around doing the same and walking down their dinner before the second show started at 10.30pm. Coming toward the aft end of the ship he could hear the drum beat from the band playing in the Duchess Room ballroom. The closer to the aft he got the beats changed to music coming from Thrusters the nightclub, he walked around the aft taking a look at the wake being left by the ship's propellers. In the far distance the lights of New York could just be seen. Luca smiled to himself, it had been a wild few days exploring the city and maybe he would come back again. For now though he said a farewell then began the walk along the starboard side. Stopping midship and opening the door he stepped inside and found himself by the Balmoral lounge, it was pretty quiet and decided this would be an ideal spot to have a drink and read for a while spotting the several private little alcoves with comfy sofas and chairs. Luca walked up to the bar oblivious to Oliver who was sat several stools down. "Good evening sir what can I get you?" the bartender asked. Luca looked at the bottles on the shelf "Vodka and coke please, high ball glass with plenty of ice". Handing his card over the bartender swiped it "Sorry sir you have to be 21 to have alcoholic drinks". Luca looked at him for a moment "I am 20" he exclaimed surprised by the bartender. "Sorry sir we are still in US waters you have to be 21 to drink" the bartender explained. "Oh" Luca replied "just a coke then please" he said watching the bartender prepare his drink. The bartender placed the drink in front of him "Tomorrow evening you will be able to buy alcohol". Luca thanked him and wondered off. Oliver watched Luca in the mirrors of the bar wall weaving his way around finding a quiet spot out of the way. Half toying with the idea to go and sit with Luca, then his luck changed seeing the bartender go for a break when his replacement arrived. Oliver called the new bartender over who topped up his champagne and then he ordered a vodka and coke in a high ball with plenty of ice. Picking up the two drinks he made his way through the lounge area until he reached the last little alcove and saw Luca, his head buried reading the book. Oliver smirked and placed the drink on the table causing Luca to look up. "Vodka and coke plenty of ice" Oliver said smiling at a very uncomfortable looking Luca. Luca looked at the glass and smirked "Are you spying on me?" he asked looking up at Oliver. Oliver chuckled "No, I was sat a few stools down from you at the bar" he said waiting to be invited to sit down. "Where are your friends?" Luca asked noticing Oliver was alone "I thought you were all attached at the hip". Oliver laughed "They have gone to watch the show, something about eyeing up one of the male dancers". "Oh I see" Luca said quietly "Thank you for the drink but you didn't have to buy me one you know". Oliver smiled "Are you going to invite me to sit down?" he brazenly asked "I won't interrupt your reading". Luca looked up at him "You already have" he replied then smiled "I guess you better sit down then". Oliver sat on the chair next to Luca "How come you don't have an Italian accent like your father?". "I was born and educated in England" Luca said picking up the glass Oliver placed down "Salut". They clinked glasses "What is with the champagne are you celebrating?" Luca asked looking at Oliver. "Maybe" Oliver replied pausing a moment "celebrating meeting a new friend" he said looking Luca in the eye. Luca sat back in the chair "Is that so, who said I was your friend?". Oliver put his glass down and smiled "Who said it was you?" he asked throwing Luca off for a minute. "The drink is one way of me congratulating you for graduating" Oliver added watching him carefully. Luca was sure that Oliver was hitting on him "Oh" he said pausing "and what are the other ways?". Luca closed his book "I'm sorry for interrupting your reading" Oliver said his eyes fixated on Luca's looks. "No your not" Luca replied placing the book on his lap "and you didn't answer my question?". Oliver smiled and for once he was stuck for words "There are many ways" he finally said standing up. Luca noticed the bulge showing through Oliver's trousers "Maybe you will have to show me" Luca replied smiling. Oliver picked up his glass "I will let you read your book" he said holding his glass up. Luca watched Oliver disappear from view and left the book on his lap hiding his own erection, unable to fathom out how a conversation that quick could turn him on so quickly. Picking up the vodka and coke he quickly downed it almost giving him brain freeze in the process, on the plus side it helped his erection loose stability and soften back to it's normal state. Oliver couldn't stop smiling leaving Luca behind suspended like that, he knew it was now a matter of time. Clearly Luca was a person who loved being flirted with and was lapping it up, the guy was a head turner for sure. Unassuming, clever and also incredibly nice, the more Oliver chatted with Luca the more his feelings surfaced and swirled around his head with conflicting emotions. Oliver headed toward the theatre to catch the last half an hour of the show. Luca stood up and went back to his suite flustered and frustrated he had never felt so wound up or horny, he needed something to calm him down. Picking up the phone he ordered hot chocolate to help him relax then stripped and took a quick shower. Ramon was laughing and joking with Glen in the butlers pantry, their shift already over and room service now took over the Duchess Grill suites if they required anything. The phone rang and Marly the room service stewardess took the call and began preparing the tray. Glen called over to Marly asking who the order was for, she looked at the note and said it was for 1052. Ramon walked over as she put the pot of hot chocolate on the tray and offered to deliver it on his way back to his quarters since it was one of his guests. Picking up the tray he said goodnight to Marly and Glen and headed down the corridor to 1052. Luca was upstairs pitting the bathrobe on when he heard the doorbell to his suite ring downstairs. He heard the door open then Ramon's voice "Your hot chocolate sir, do you require it upstairs?". "Yes please" Luca called out tightening the belt around his robe and towelling his hair dry. Luca returned in to the bedroom seeing Ramon climb the stairs, he had no butler jacket on. Instead he was dressed in his white shirt and black trousers. The shirt was tight over his relatively small frame, tight from the firm muscle that he could clearly see now. Thank god he had the oversized bathrobe on as it superbly hid his growing cock again seeing Ramon dressed like this. He had never really thought of Asian or Oriental guys in a sexy way before, but Ramon was one fine specimen out of his uniform. "Shall I pour?" Ramon asked looking over to Luca who was just staring at him "sir, shall I pour?" he asked again. Luca looked at Ramon's face "Yes" he replied all flustered "Sorry" he said disappearing in to the bathroom. Ramon chuckled and had to stop pouring for a moment to get control "I put some extra chocolate in for you". Luca stood against the bathroom wall "Thank you Ramon" he managed say hiding his embarrassment. Ramon watched the bathroom finding it funny how quiet he had gone "Shall I put by your bed?". Luca appeared at the door composed "You are still working?" he asked suddenly realising it was a stupid remark. Ramon looked up and smiled "I was just on my way back to my cabin sir when you called". Luca felt a rush going through his body thinking about being in Ramon's cabin with him "Call me Luca". Ramon put the book on the bedside table and faced Luca "Is there anything else you need Luca?". Again he stood staring at Ramon "I don't know" he said "I can't think of anything". "Perhaps you would like me to tuck you in bed" Ramon suggested watching Luca who giggled stupidly. Luca looked at the bed "Maybe you could warm the bed up for me" he now suggested noticing Ramon looking at him. Ramon knew he could loose his job if word got out and thought for a moment "How warm do you like it?". Luca was horny and needed some male company "Incredibly warm" he replied "hot even". Ramon began to unbutton his shirt slowly, his eyes fixed on Luca who watched each button being undone. His eyes lowering the further down Ramon went. He undid the cuff buttons and slipped out of his shirt, Luca almost gasped seeing the lightly tanned smooth skin. A tattoo of a lions head on his right breast lead in to tribal markings going all the way down his arm to his wrist. He couldn't take his eyes of Ramon's small frame and beautiful muscle that melded perfectly with his body. Fuck what the hell was he doing he suddenly thought seeing Ramon let his trousers drop to the floor. Too late now to back out now, the more he saw of Ramon the more he was drawn to him. His underwear fitted tight against the tiny waist and there was no doubt whist his frame may be petit, the package was in his underwear was large. All the time Luca spent watching Ramon he never saw him step forward and loosen the belt to Luca's robe. He suddenly became aware of Ramon's hands running up the fabric the pushing the robe over his shoulders letting it fall to the floor. Luca stood in his bedroom totally naked and exposed. Ramon facing him wearing only his underwear and black socks raised his hands and touched Luca's body. Gently moving his hands upwards Luca inhaled then breathed a sigh of desire from his touch, the hands ran over his nipples caressing them and up to his shoulders. Looking each other in the eye Luca felt the pressure applied to his shoulder forcing him down to his knees. Ramon took perfect control of Luca watching him sinking to his knees, moving closer he rubbed his crotch in Luca's face. His hands moving behind Luca's head holding him in place. Luca breathed in through his nose, the scent of a man who had been working all day danced around his nostrils sending his senses in to overload. Luca reached up and pulled Ramon's underwear down freeing his semi hard cock. It was thick and long, the head still covered by foreskin Luca ran his lips over the shaft. Holding Ramon's thighs he felt the trembling running through down his legs, his cock bounced and grew more. Luca moved his mouth further along the shaft then opening his mouth he surrounded the head of Ramon's cock. Ramon gasped his fingers dug in to Luca's head pulling him forward and forcing his cock further in to his mouth. Luca had bitten off more than he could chew and choked when it reached the back of his throat. Adjusting his mouth by opening it wider invited Ramon to force his way in again. His hands holding Luca's head for a moment before releasing him, Luca gasped for air a few times then quickly opened his mouth and took it again. Ramon allowed him to take control for a moment enjoying the feel of Luca sucking on his cock. Unable to believe this was happening Ramon smiled and looked down at Luca's eager puppy eyes staring back up at him. Taking control again and pulling Luca's head forward with more force he managed to get three quarters of his eight inch cock in to Luca's mouth and throat. His hips began fucking Luca's mouth fast then slow, each time Luca choked Ramon held his head firmly in place. He looked down the watering eyes of Luca, he owned this bitch that was for sure. The Filipino instinct of owning their prize took over, he was not going to relent until his bitch finished the task 'Come on suck it' he commanded Luca to obey. A gently slap to the head before pulling Luca back on his cock and skull fucking him until he came close to vomiting. Ramon grinned at Luca watching the tears running down his face. Luca struggled to breath and was swallowing down his vomit, unable to control the situation his head and thoughts were in pure heaven. Gently he felt Ramon release the tight grip on his head allowing him to take control sucking this monster. His mouth was beginning to ache so he applied more pressure around the shaft, the salty taste of Ramon's precum spreading over all his taste buds. Ramon gasped and moaned, his hands closing in again on Luca's head 'yes baby suck it' he managed to growl the words out before exhaling a long deep moan. Luca tried to move his mouth off Ramon's cock feeling the pulsing begin, he was stuck fast and knew he was about to get the load. Two more thrusts forward and Luca closed his eyes like he was bracing for impact. Suddenly he felt the rush of air in his mouth. Ramon took his cock out of Luca's mouth and shot a stream of cum over Luca's face, hitting his left cheek and nose he then pushed the head between Luca's lips. Luca held his head back open mouthed, Ramon looked him in the eye and then his mouth seeing his cum coating Luca's tongue and rapidly filling his mouth 'swallow' he commanded and Luca obeyed. Ramon felt amazing having busted a big load with his cute guest. Standing back he told Luca to go clean himself up. Luca went to the bathroom and washed the cum off his face and dried himself. Returning to his bedroom Ramon was already dressed and replaced the now cold chocolate with a hot cup placing it by the bedside table. Luca stood there naked watching him, the very sweet natured butler that had just dominated was quite hard to comprehend. Ramon picked up the bathrobe and folded it neatly on the chair "Would you like me to tuck you in?". Luca chuckled and smiled "Sure why not" he replied getting in to bed. Ramon handed him his book and pulled the duvet up "There I think you are all set, don't make a habit of it". Luca leaned back against the pillow "Good night Ramon and thank you" he said watching Ramon pick the tray up. Ramon came over to the bed "Good night Luca" he winked. Ramon leaned over and very gently kissed Luca on the mouth. He stood up turned and walked down the stairs stopping to have one last look, he smiled and disappeared. Luca heard the door close and opened his book to read a few pages. The thought suddenly occurred to him that despite everything he still had his sexual frustration. He chuckled quietly and started reading trying to put it out of his mind. He fell asleep with the bedside light on and the book open in his hands.
    1 point
  46. There is a flaw in the structure of the poll - there are no options for “Hell No” or for “I’d rather suffocate in a vat of my own dung”.
    1 point
  47. Don't know if you need a psychologist, but definitely you need multiple opinions, which you're sure getting here! Like you, I was turned on with bareback, excited by the risk, and conflicted about converting. Even took poz loads and didn't convert. And when I thought I was ready, the gifters I knew seemed to disappear! But eventually, I got it. And after a really miserable fuck flu, I'm back, cocked, and loaded with silver poz bullets! It seems my dick's harder than ever, my balls work overtime producing more seed than ever, and am having awesome sex--including some guys who want my toxic gift. Is it psychological? Is it the virus replicating? Both? Maybe? All I can offer is my lived experience--and my semen, if you want it! ?
    1 point
  48. The first time topping bare was unplanned. A guy asked if I wanted to do it without a condom. And, I did! It was great! The first time bottoming, it was planned. I wanted to know if it felt just as good having a bare dick in my ass as it did having a warm ass wrapped around mine. It did! The rest is history.
    1 point
  49. Oh fuck yeah!! That sTraighT jock Tina-loving ass is headed for the wildesT times of his life!! Great writing, PHXariesAZ , as usual! Please don't tell us this story ends here! There's so much more for Troy - and US! - to enjoy!
    1 point
  50. I found him on BBRT a couple weeks ago. 23, lean and ripped and newly diagnosed poz. A few messages and I was in the car on my way over. I pulled up in front of the building and could feel my blood pounding in my temples. I got out of the car and could hear crickets. Neighbors were watching tv and getting their kids ready for bed. I climbed to the second floor of his apt building and rang the doorbell. I was so tempted to run away. But my cock was stiffening in my pants at the thought of taking his poz load deep up my neg ass. I'm 25 and in good shape, and have been taking it raw now and then for over a year. Nothing like knowing a top is flooding me with his seed. For longer than that I've been jerking off to the idea of getting knocked up by a hot poz-fucker. No idea why it turns me on but it gets me going like nothing else. So the other night was the end of a long journey to pozzed bottom, and this newly diagnosed boy was happy to help. He opened the door and smiled. Wearing only basketball shorts I could already see his semi hard cock hanging down his thigh. We made out on the couch as soon as I got in the door and then we paused. I asked him about his viral load. "Over a million" was his reply. My cock stiffened and my mouth was immediately on his 7 inch beauty. He moaned and stroked the back of my head, then made me stop. "Don't make me cum in your mouth." "That would be a waste" I joked. We stripped down and went to the bedroom. He started rimming my hole and fingering me pretty rough, doing a good job at getting the hole prepped for his dick. Then he did it. I looked deep into his brown eyes and felt the head of his dick, his poz dick, press against my hole. He hadn't used a lot of lube, but he was precumming like crazy. I closed my eyes and took in what was happening. This hot guy just a couple years younger than me was willingly infecting me at my request and we were both loving it. I felt his cock slide all the way in and thought about the virus-charged precum coating the inside of my ass and being absorbed into my blood. I already knew that particles of the virus were finding their way into me. My cock was like granite and bounced up and down as he picked up his pace and fucked me harder and deeper. He plowed me for a good ten minutes, roughing up my hole with his dick. The only sounds were his breathing, my heart pounding in my ears, and the bed sqeaking under his assault. My hole got slicker and slicker from his toxic precum. He mostly kept his eyes locked on mine and I kept mine locked on his, enjoying the fuck and imagining the massive amount of HIV coursing through his blood, into his precum, and into me. Finally, he got a wicked grin and said, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum." "Fuck yeah, infect me" I urged him. I couldn't believe the words left my mouth or the smile that overtook me when I said it. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, and grunted quietly as his cock started to inject his massive viral deposit deep into my guts. He shot what must have been a multi-day load up in there, and I came instantly knowing that billions of particles of HIV were exploding into my body through his dick. He fucked it in deeper, then just lay there with his semi hard cock plugging my hole. When he went a little softer and we just laid there panting, I felt some cum trickle back out, and I wiped it up with my finger and looked at it, mesmerized. "Wow that was fucking hot" was all I could say. "Fuck yeah" he panted. "Do it again." His wicked grin came back and he fucked me again, shooting another viral deposit deep inside me. By the time the night was done, he had put his HIV-laced cum into my ass three times. When I left, he told me to keep in touch. And I will. Tonight, I have swollen lymph nodes and a low-grade fever. I had massive flu-like symptoms for a couple days earlier in the week. In my bones, I know his attempt took and massive stores of the virus are pumping through my veins and in my dick. So we're chatting on BBRT right now. And he's getting a 24-yo neg bottom over there for us to share. I won't be lying when I tell him my last HIV test was just a couple weeks ago, and I'll be the one taking my new friend's cum one more time. Just in case we need to try again.
    1 point
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