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  1. Virginity Lost Given that I received a mostly favorable reaction to my first posting, I thought I might post again only this time starting at my beginning. Since a younger age I had a curiosity in regard to being with a male, but other than some superficial touching, I had never really done anything in depth and most of my activity had been confined to females, though I wasn't overly active there either. After graduating high school, I decided to join the military where after my basic training and rate-specific training, I ended up at my first unit in New Jersey and not too far from New York City. With not a lot to do during my off duty time, I would often find myself cruising around in my car, mostly just looking though my attention was occasionally drawn to a girl about my age that I had seen several times in a local hang-out spot. Given my shyness though, I never made a move to initiate contact. Over time, it was common to come across other folk doing the same and during my drives I would begin to recognize some of the regulars. As this occurred over a somewhat regular basis, there was a particular larger dark car that began to catch my attention. It was driven by a male that was somewhat older than myself and I noticed he would often look somewhat intently in my direction when passing by. At first I didn't pay a lot of attention but after this went on for multiple different nights, I found myself glancing back and sometimes making momentary eye contact. This was in the days when CB radios were popular and a vehicle antenna often made it evident who had one in their car. I always had mine on and with most people hanging out on Channel 19, it was often easy to contact others there. One night while cruising, the dark car and I passed each other a couple times and after the third pass, he gave a call on the radio. I didn't answer though, not because I was completely uninterested, but more out of my overall shyness - though as far as he would know, my radio might not have even been on. This went on over the course of a few weeks and also included occasions where he would spend some of his time following behind me as I drove around, nothing overly bold but I would see him there for a while. He began to capture my interest and curiosity, particularly with nothing ever happening with my primarily heterosexual interests. It was about midnight after one of my typical Friday night 'strike out' cruising sessions when I saw the dark car and driver coming down the street. We were going opposite directions and as we passed, he gave a look in my direction and I gave a look back. I had a particularly high degree of unfulfilled horniness built up and with a mindset of maybe just letting fate play its role, I decided that if he would happen to call me that night that I might just answer him. Several minutes later our paths crossed again where we exchanged solid eye contact and when I heard his voice come across the radio, I answered. We talked a couple seconds and took our conversation to a less popular channel where we chatted for a few minutes. By this time I noticed that he was now behind me and with the lack of privacy on an open radio, he suggested that we stop somewhere. I pulled into a nearby empty lot and he pulled alongside where each of our windows went down. While I had seen him several times, I never had the opportunity to really see him good and my first impression was quite favorable. He was maybe in his 40's, a nice solid build and was dressed in casual clothes. We chatted for a couple minutes and just had just barely broken the ice when he said that the police in town don't really like people hanging around in lots at night and suggested we head somewhere safer out of town. It sounded reasonable and as he pulled out, I followed with a variety of thoughts starting to scurry through my mind. I had never done anything like this before (though honestly I didn't know exactly what 'this' would actually be) but with the hormones my younger years active and my curiosity toward the male gender, I found myself wanting to find out. We had driven several miles with the road becoming progressively more unrefined before he took a right turn on a hard, rough sandy lane to a very secluded and dark spot overlooking the water and with a good view of the roads in all directions. I pulled alongside and he suggested that I get in his car which I did. I don't remember what type of car he had, but know that it was much larger than most cars on the road today with a split bench seat with a folded down console divider seat in the middle and from what I could from see during the short time the dome light was on, a very spacious and open back seat. He might have had an idea before we met but I am sure it was quite evident after just a few minutes of our conversation that I was totally inexperienced, and he seemed to focus his best on making me feel comfortable through his words. I felt relatively safe overall and in his car we were separated by a good amount of distance with the folded-down console seat between us acting like a kind of protective barrier. As our talk became more sexual, I noticed that he had released the front of his pants and that he had taken his cock out but in the darkness it was difficult to really see much at all. The atmosphere was admittedly making me feel aroused though and I slowly let my hand move to the center of the console where it stopped and came to rest. Knowing that I could see him exposed and sensing my shyness, his fingertips reached out to softly graze the top of my hand and he asked if I would like to touch it. I didn't reply verbally but as my hand slowly moved and took it's place on his warm bare flesh, he knew the answer. The electricity was shooting through me and evidently he could feel the charge too because it didn't take long for his cock begin growing into a fairly nice erection within the grasp of my palm. His reassuring words soon had me gently massaging his cock while slowly working his foreskin back and forth over the head, feeling both warm and firm to the touch. With his outstretched arm, he reached over and began massaging my shoulder in tune with my movement. Several minutes later, the lead seemed to switch as as his massaging hand on my shoulder began getting stronger, I felt myself fondling his cock in a more pronounced way and in tune with the increased movement of his of his hand that was on me. "Would you like to suck it?" he said while looking directly in my direction. I looked back toward his eyes and while in the darkness he couldn't really see my expression, he took my lack of verbal response as a 'yes' and with his free hand, raised the console to make a wide open bench seat, then with the hand on my neck began pulling me downward toward his crotch. I couldn't really see anything to begin with so closing my eyes was more an act of a melting into the moment than an act of not looking and I soon noticed what with my sense of sight fully gone, my other senses became more enhanced, particularly in regard to the scent that I was now inhaling. I am not sure if he had not taken a bath for a while or if it was from his increased arousal, but either way, his man-scent was quite intense and ventured deeply inside my lungs as I began breathing more deeply to take him all in. Then as if unable to fully get my full breath, my lips parted to bring in more air and in the process his hand pulled me further down where the head of his cock entered my open lips. I didn't resist and instead went down on him first shyly and then more wantonly with his almost rancid taste awakening a primal feeling inside my body. His audible gasp told me that he was enjoying it too and when my instinct to blow him began to develop further, he rose and moved his pants down to his knees, giving me much more length to work with. As the fellatio continued, the hand on my head moved downward and onto my covered crotch where he began to touch and to squeeze, increasing my arousal even more particularly each time his grasp would grip relatively strongly. He then fumbled with the fastening at the top of my jeans and released it, pulled my zipper part of the way down, but in somewhat of a surprise he didn't go for my cock, but instead reached around behind me and dipped his hand deep into my pants. I let out an audible gasp but with his cock well inside my mouth, the sound that came forth sounded more like a wanton moan instead of a signal of being shocked, and thinking that I liked it, his finger dived deep inside my ass. I rose up and let out a loud squeal as pain erupted inside my asshole from his dry finger and sharp edged fingernail and I wanted to get away. "Wait baby" he said as his free hand came over to keep me bent down, "Let your ass take it, it will feel good, I promise." I didn't move but I didn't say anything either and I simply just stayed there in an almost suspended state. The actual pain of the intrusion didn't last real long but the soreness was still there and sensing that, he didn't go any deeper - but he didn't take his finger out either, letting it remain inside my body. As I adjusted to my anal intruder, his scented crotch reached out to me even more and I leaned down to continue my slow sucking of his bare manhood. This time it was different though and I was met with the surprise taste of pre-cum that was coming from his tip and it began flowing across my tongue and into my mouth. I melted into him a little bit and sensing my relaxing, his finger began moving inside my ass, not with in and out action, but at the same depth and in a more wobbling motion so as to not further abrade my partially torn hole. My soft moaning might have been a signal that I could be ready for more and he asked if he could put some lubricant in my ass and it would feel much better. I didn't give an answer because my mind was filling with a multitude of thoughts of what was happening to the point that I was starting to overload. I wasn't sure what I was getting into, or what I really wanted to get into, I just didn't know, but after a few more minutes of the finger massage inside my anus and with his cock still inside my mouth, I let out a muffled and apprehensive "ok" to give in to his request. With that, he gently pulled his finger from my ass, causing me to wince in the process, then opened his door and said "lets get in the back where we have more room." My hand slowly went to the handle on the door and as I pulled it, my mind went to thoughts of just going to my car and leaving because I was getting scared. As I stood up beneath the open skies and with the distinct smell of seaside air, I felt drawn back to the more primal setting of the car and before giving it a serious second thought, I found myself in the back seat and beside him. The reality of the situation hit starkly as he maneuvered around and started ridding himself of his pants, telling me to do the same. 'Oh Gawd', I thought as my fingers pulled my zipper the rest of the way down, 'What am I doing?' It immediately became clear what I was doing because moments later my pants and briefs were completely gone and we were both exposed with our sexual areas bare in the back seat of his car... The question now was: What was going to come next? Reaching forward, he folded the console seat back down to the lowered position and told me to lean over it, directing me where he wanted me to go. There was now a lot of space between the backside of the seat and the ceiling of the car which made it easy for me to assume my spot. In retrospect, the seat feature was likely the reason he had the car to begin with and it created a lot of room for a lot of possibilities including what would come next. The next thing I knew, he was rose up and his chest was immediately leaning over and atop my back. I quickly grew afraid but didn't know what to do because I hadn't gone out that night to be with a guy, let alone be fucked by one and there were so many conflicted emotions going through me. He reached forward to open the glove compartment, he said he needed to get the lube out, so I guess that his leaning over me was kind of necessary. He wasn't in any hurry though and he lingered on top of my back where I could feel his rock solid cock wedged between my bare cheeks. With my eyes going closed in disbelief and with my breathing quite pronounced, I felt the intense quandary of a growing sexual stimulation and genuine fear of the unknown. I think he sensed my trepidation and with my lack of doing anything to stop him, he quickly took the lead. "It feels good, doesn't it sweetheart" he spoke, with his left palm caressing my face and with his right lube-holding hand coming to rest on top of my right hand to keep me in place. I didn't say anything but instead slowly twisted my head to the left where he let his hand wander fully across my face, pulling my lower lip down and placing several fingers inside to take control of my mouth, causing me to moan wetly with saliva dripping from inside. With his fingers lodged in my mouth, his body pulled back and he flipped the top of the lube tube free and gave a firm squeeze causing a cold and wet sensation atop my exposed nether region. With an audible snap, the lube container then closed and dropped away and his fingers began working the slippery gel between my bare cheeks. I didn't know what to say or what to do and the atmosphere was just so conflicting. At the same time and in the moment though, I don't think I could say or do anything, I was simply in awe and in many ways I was like a deer in a car's headlights, unable to move and waiting for his finger to go back inside my ass. My mind started racing in a million directions with my heart and breathing at depths never before reached when instead of the finger that I was expecting, it was his cock moving in and before I had time to react, his head had breached the ring around my ass and his cock was halfway inside. I gave a startled "No" and tried to move away but in the confines of the cradling seats and with his body on top of me, there was nowhere for me to go. It hurt even more than his earlier finger stab inside my rectum and the sudden act brought no pleasure at all. I tried to say something more, but the words were not able to come because the fingers inside my mouth were effectively gagging me to where I couldn't say a thing at all. I did however manage to expel a muffled but sharp cry of pain though as he shoved forward a second determined time and his raw cock breached even further inside leaving my unprotected ass filled with his cock fully inside. I don't think I could have gotten up if I wanted to and with my slight and young stature and his prominently more muscular body, distinct weight advantage and his will to make it happen, I was essentially bound helpless beneath him - I was his for the taking. At this point though, he didn't force things any further and simply rested there, allowing my body the chance to stretch and adapt for what was inevitably yet to come. 'What was yet to come' was the scary part and to step back to the time when this was happening, New York was a hotbed for AIDS and the city was just a few short miles away (in fact the sky was illuminated with the city lights just to our north). Additionally there were no treatments to effectively help mitigate it's effects - you can easily and legitimately classify me as being very afraid. At the same time though there was also a certain allure to where I was, alone with him in his car; to the atmosphere, with our bodies practically bare; to what was happening, his cock inside my ass; and to the act that was occurring, having sex with a stranger in the night. I was enthralled. With his cock lodged inside my rectum, he began giving words of encouragement which brought me a certain aspect of ease, telling me how special the moment was and how beautiful the night was to finally be together, and that he had been attracted to me and wanted a moment alone with me for a very long time. I must admit that he was having an effect and his words were not only relaxing my mind, but they were also relaxing my body. It is not an embellishment to say that his cock had grown quite large and there was a definite pain in my ass, not only from the initial probe from his sharp & rough fingernail, but it was now being exasperated many-fold more with my tight little ass stretched many times beyond where it had ever been before. Even with the liberal lube that he had used, the physical stretching was more than my body could take and I know that he had torn me in more than one place around his girthy impaled cock. His encouraging words continued as I lay beneath him with my mind entering an almost trance-like state. The feelings of pain were also being dissipated and replaced with the sensation of love and an inner passion, particularly when his cock started to slide out and then back in, slowly moving again, and again, and again... I was being fucked. The fingers inside my mouth pulled my head gently and further to the side where he then removed his digits and his lips pressed against mine. His almost harsh bearded stubble scratching my soft and tender cheek, an interesting contrast to the warmth of the words he was speaking, his kissing and mouthing of words of love and support began to cause me to have a much more receptive body. I also found myself now wanting it to happen and interestingly I think I wanted it happen just as much to please him - someone that was loving me - than for my own personal satisfaction. At the same time, I didn't really know all that much about the actual risks involved - I had only glanced at the occasional AIDS headline, never taking the time to read through the full articles - but I knew enough to be aware that what was happening was potentially dangerously deadly. With a tear appearing and being held in the corner of my eye, I gave a sheepishly meek request and asked: "Can you use a condom?" The tear slid down across my cheek. His cock continued to slowly work inside my body, out the majority of the way and then back in until his bush and balls were firmly nestled against my flesh and his mouth came alongside my ear, "I don't have any, sweetheart", and with that he held me tighter with his actions becoming slightly more pronounced. "Can we do it another time? When we have some? Please?" I asked, his fucking growing noticeably faster and more full. "But we're together now, sweetheart" (admittedly the sweetheart word was beginning to make me melt every time I heard it and I felt like I was 'his' and that I was no longer an independent 'self'). "Your body is telling me that you want it, baby. You don't want me to stop now, do you?" and with that his fucking became even more aggressive. "Please." I almost pleaded. "We can do it tonight, but can we get a condom first?" "Please." This time I was clearly begging. Without saying a word and without even acknowledging what I said, he pinned me downward affirming his position of being in control and continued fucking me - fucking me for a very long time - pounding noisily inside, pounding me hard, pounding me bare, his breathing becoming faster and his sweat making me wet beneath him, my body becoming continually more sore - but I didn't do anything, I didn't try to do anything, I just found myself taking it My ass was getting more wet too and I don't know if it was from his pre-cum or something from inside me, but it felt like my loins were much more wet than from the lube alone. As if to confirm and reinforce the wetness I was feeling, he gave a hard downward plunge, his loins tight against my ass, his cock full and deep inside my hole, his arms wrapping me inescapably tight, my body bound between his chest and the seat, his body shaking almost violently and convulsing and he yells right inside my ear. "Oh fucking God I'm cumming. Oh. Fuck. God. Take it. It's fucking yours." His cock buries inside me. I couldn't do anything, nothing at all. I couldn't stop it, at least not now - it already happened. I began to look around, staring blankly in every direction, not seeing anything, but then also seeing something, the sky glowing above NYC, the things I had read - or rather the things that I should have read. The thought of AIDS was going through my mind - was it now going throughout my body? I truly didn't know about the risk involved, I didn't really know anything at all, just bits and pieces at the very most. I was scared. He stayed inside me and didn't move - I didn't move. We stayed like that for what seemed like a very long time and I don't think he wanted it to end because he never left, then when he started pulling back, it was only to reposition and move forward once again, slowly starting to fuck me once more. I was so conflicted, so confused, so worried, and yet at the same time, in a strange way, I felt so loved. He was no longer fucking me hard and rough like he was before he came inside me, but was fucking me soft and gentle like he really loved me and cared for me. I began to sob softly to myself but not hard enough that I thought he would notice, unless he could see my tears which should have been invisible in the darkness of the night. I didn't know why I was crying and whether it was because of the fear and finality in what had just happened, or if it was for a love that I felt envelop me and thinking that me must be truly loving me, loving being with me. It was then that he held me once again, his warm arms tight and cradling, his loins gyrating into my ass, and his cum definitely squirting inside my ass - again. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you" I said softly back, realizing my sobbing was likely apparent as I spoke. Perhaps not sure about my reaction or the reason for my sob, he was quiet for several minutes before finally asking. "Were you a virgin?" "Yes" I answered. It was my first time with a man and the first time I was ever fucked. He kissed my cheek. As we got dressed, I knew that I had a distant drive to get back and that I would be carrying him for a long time along the way - much too long to have any chance of expelling him and the possible danger that I was carrying inside my body. I thought of asking him before I left if he had AIDS or anything but to be honest, I was afraid to know. I knew that there wasn't any real treatment and that there were people dying from it and I didn't want to leave knowing that it was going to happen to me if he would have said he had it, so I just left. Perhaps it would take more than being fucked once (actually being cummed in twice) to become infected, at least I hoped. I spent the many days ahead paying much more attention to articles and reports about AIDS with the hope of finding some type of assurance that I wouldn't have it - but I never found anything that made me feel safe. I had what I had, if I had anything. I also probably had whatever he had, but only time was going to tell. The only thing I knew was that I didn't have was my virginity. I left it in a car that night. I left it with him when he filled me with his cum. Virginity lost.
    9 points
  2. “Hi Mike, I’m Jason Dr X’s assistant. Very nice to meet you” ”Nice to meet you too Jason, please come in” Mike held the door open for Jason, as he stepped inside. “This shouldn’t take too long Mike, I just need to collect a few samples and we will go over what to expect on Saturday. Assuming all the STD panels come back good. I know you said you haven’t caught anything, but we just want to make sure.” ”I completely understand” Mike replied. ”Kitchen table work okay for what we need?” He asked as he led Jason into the house. ”Yep that works perfect!” Mike led Jason to the kitchen and pulled a couple of chairs out. Jason removed a backpack from his shoulder and set it down while taking a seat. Mike followed in his own chair. ”Okay Mike, first thing and I hope you don’t mind. I need you to sign an NDA before we go any further. “ ”What is the NDA for?” Mike asked “Basically states, that you won’t discuss or disclose anything we talk about today or the procedure. The Dr likes to keep this on the quiet side and does not want details to be shared in the public” ”Okay, I can completely understand that” Jason pulled a folder from his bag and removed a document from it. He also grabbed a pen and handed them to Mike. Reading them over Mike signed and dated them, sliding them back to Jason, he put them back in the folder. ”Okay, now we can do the blood draws and other samples we’ll need Mike.” Jason started pulling tubes and containers out of his backpack. “So I’ll take two blood draws, a mouth swab, a urine sample, and just before I leave I’ll need a semen sample.” ”What’s the semen sample for?” Mike asked, feeling a little embarrassed. ”Well you stated that you’ve had a vasectomy, so the Dr. just wants to make sure you are still swimmer free”. ”Ah, yeah that makes sense” Jason started the process of the blood draws and as he did, he started to give Mike some background on the Dr. “Dr. X, and yes, he is a real Doctor. He’s been a general practitioner for about 10 years now. He spent a year in Africa doing Doctors Without Borders. While there he contracted HIV. Unfortunately, his particular strain is med resistant, so he does everything he can to stay healthy. There is a whole story behind this, but it is his to share. (*hint*). The idea behind his insemination procedure started when he had a patient come in with flu symptoms. The gentleman was obviously not feeling well, but he was actually happy and asked the doctor for an HIV test. Confused the doc asked him why that made him happy. The patient went on to tell him that he had been chasing HIV for over a year and letting anyone with it have sex with him bareback. He went on to explain that he knew he sounded crazy, but he truly wanted to have this, it spoke to him on a very deep level and he felt it was the next step in his journey of life and once he had it. Somewhere down the road he would like to share it with someone else who felt the same way. To be able to pass on his DNA and keep it living. So basically, that is where the idea for the insemination procedure started. The doc liked the idea of passing on his DNA, but he would only do it with individuals that were absolutely positive about it and were looking to further their own journey. Like you Mike” While Jason has been talking about this, he had drawn my blood and swabbed my cheek. Now he asked ”Think you can give me a urine sample?” ”Sure” Mike replied. Taking the cup, he went into his bathroom and filled it up. His mind was completely racing with all the information that he had received so far. Screwing the company back on, finished up and washed his hands. He brought the cup back to Jason. Jason started talking again. “Okay so, here’s what to expect now Mike. We will have the results back for all the tests by Tuesday, so once they are in I will give you a call. At that time assuming everything is good, we will send over a kit that you will need to use on Friday. Do you think you can take Friday off by chance? You’ll be on the toilet a lot.” ”Yeah, I can take Friday off. What is in the kit?” ”It’s basically a smaller version of a colon cleanse, just to make sure your completely cleaned out for the insemination. We have found it really helps because not only are you completely empty, but it also slightly irritates the lining for better reception of the semen. So on Saturday morning, I will pick you up at 8 AM. Once in the car I will ask you to put on a blindfold, this is just so we can keep the location of the office anonymous. Once in the office and in the room, the blindfold can be removed. At this point, you’ll do a little paperwork , then I’ll have you disrobe and get on the stand. I’ll prep you for the procedure. Then at 10 AM, the doctor will come in, he will explain the whole procedure, what to expect and what happens. He will perform the procedure, then after it is complete I will clean you up. You can then get dressed and I will take you home, blindfolded again. We will go over the aftercare while you are at the office also okay?” ”Yeah, that all sounds good, I’m really excited and kind of nervous too” “No worries Mike, any other questions you have at the moment?” ”Umm I don’t think so” ”I threw a lot of information at you, so if you think of anything, let me know. I’m really happy to answer any questions. So we’re about done here. Except for the semen sample. You ready for that?” ”Umm yeah I guess, kinda weird doing that with you here” Jason laughed. “No need to be embarrassed Mike, We’re just a couple of guys. Here stand up quick.” Mike stood up and before he could even say a word, Jason grabbed his gym shorts and pulled them down. And In the next moment he had Mikes cock in his mouth. He was taken completely off guard, but then that all went out of his head as Jason worked his cock over with his expert skills, Mikes head tilted back as a moan escaped from his lips. Jason definitely knew what he was doing. Mike was in heaven as he felt his cock going down the back of Jason’s throat, Mike knew he would cum fast if he kept that up and Jason must have read his mind because he kept the deep throating up. Mike looked down at Jason as he bobbed his head up and down his shaft. “I’m getting close” he mumbled. Jason grabbed the cup from the table, never missing a beat as he sucked Mikes cock. ”Oh god! I’m gonna cum!” Mike yelled Jason pulled off his cock and put the head in the specimen cup and he stroked Mikes cock. Mike let out a loud groan as the first shot of cum exploded from his head. More followed as Jason slowly milked him completely. He felt mike shudder and then released him from his grip. ”There we go!” He said as he stood up. “See that was easy” He laughed as he looked at Mike. Mike looked back at him. “Wow! That was amazing!” ”Holding the specimen cup up, Jason said. “This reminds me, no more for you this week. Please refrain from a sexual activities including masturbating. Doctors orders! Now I need to get going, we need this specimen fresh for examination.” With that, Jason packed everything up in his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “Remember, if you have any questions please get in touch with me. I’m happy to answer anything.” Jason started walking towards the door, and Mike followed him, still a little dazed from the head he just received. Reaching around Jason, he grabbed the door and opened it for Jason. ”Okay, I’ll be in touch on Tuesday” ”Okay, sounds good! Thanks for everything Jason!” Looking back, Jason smiled and winked at him. “Talk to you soon”
    7 points
  3. (Cont…) That knock would play out in my head for years to come. That knock was the start of a slippery slope — a slope that would ultimately lead me 10 years later, blackout in a trashy motel, throating a 9mm pistol, effectively destroyed no matter the rules of his game. But that night 10 years ago? I just thought it was going to be some quick, rough fun. — Part 2. I felt my phone buzz. “Just knock when you’re here.” Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I was so fucking in over my head. And fuck me, I knew it. I had walked maybe 10 feet up his concrete driveway in East LA. And you could hear my heartbeat out in Malibu. I knew I was in over my head, but also knew how hot that was, how much it made my dick stir and my hole pulse. I was going to get fucked by this latino thug, maybe he’d slap me around a little, call me a puto. Maybe he’d even want his cum inside me. I was ready to have some fun, and that adrenaline? That uncertainty? It was hot. I could use some rough sex. But David? He wanted exactly what he told me he would want. My 20-year-old self… I just didn’t realize. I didn’t listen even when he told me exactly the truth. I didn’t listen when he repeated it before I came over that night. I didn’t listen, and I, well, I guess I needed the lesson. I needed that ultimate moment that shifts your life path, that moment when we discover who we really are. I far from knew it yet, but that's the lesson I needed. Its like some god of debauchery, some figure meant to corrupt born-fags — he let me ignore the warning signs, he let me look past so much... all of David's own warnings, all of those bullshit sexual assault seminars on campus about responsible behavior, all those things that Pastor Eric told me I'd be drawn to if I chose to be gay. I ignored all of it. And, well. There I was. Hard as a rock. I knocked. I remember how he opened the door, never showing himself. I remember the scent of sweat and man and drugs — I’d remember… after it was over… I'd remember that smell. That smell, that filthy reality — it was my future. I knew it. Somewhere deep down… past the porn, and the fantasy… I just knew. Years later I’d remember how that smell meant I was really getting used. Fucked Up Used. There was a connection there, some cerebral soldering that would turn every drug fueled gang bang of my 20s into a drug unto itself. An addictive one. One that meant I'd pursue extremes, submit myself to Men, hurt myself for men. It meant I'd sell myself to men not for profit, but to prove a point about hierarchy. That smell eventually meant I was doing it just fucking right; that night, that night it was simply new. David opened the door. After I stepped inside, into the dark, I got a glimpse from a light in the corner. He was fucking huge. Built. 6’3, maybe 6’4. Fit, dark skinned. Tatted with full sleeves. “Christ” was written across his chest. I couldn’t see it, but I knew: he was hung. I shut the door and smiled at him. I was going to have some hot, rough, fun sex. And then he slapped me. He slapped me so hard my head spun. He drew blood. Not a lot, but enough that I felt it and saw it on my hand. I had to catch myself with a step sideways. I was so off balance, and he caught me. I guess you’d call it a catch? He reached one arm out, and it was enough to support my entire weight. I remember thinking he cared. That I told him I liked slapping. That this was fun. It would be fun. I just need to, reset, ya know? This was just a heavy start. “You knocked, fag. We know what that means." And then -- and it felt so odd -- he touched my hair with his free hand, he touched it gently even. Like I was a prized possession. My cock had gone from shriveled with fear to rock hard instantly. I remember answering him, trying to sound seductive. "That we get to have some fun?" I coyly answered. "Not 'we' faggot." He pulled his arm back, made a fist, and our eyes held contact. He punched me square in the face, my body going limp as he pulled out his other arm; I hit the floor and I was out fucking cold. He, for the first time that night, was rock fucking hard.
    6 points
  4. Chapter 48 continued ... The feet to the wooden fuck bench were capped with steel and was situated inside a 15" high steel rectangular trough, so any piss or cum from my parTy would during the course of the long night collect. And with 6-6-6 party goers there was going to be an insane amount of cum and piss being produced. Either side of the fuck bench and to the front and back of it were a set of small steps so anyone and everyone could have full access to me, whether that be fucking my mouth, cunT, or just pissing on me from splashing warm wet height. The trough, fuck bench, and myself were also inside a huge three sided cage (with behind me being the open entrance), with the cage being 10 foot by 10 foot. The wall of the cage that was in front of me was just one massive mirror so I could see everything going on behind me. When I did regain consciousness not only did I discover that I was tied down, I soon learned that I had a spider gag strapped around my head, and had a steel collar with internal spikes around my neck. I soon felt a tug, and via the leash connected to this steel collar my head was brought up so I had nowhere to look but straight ahead into the wall to wall mirror, and there he was, my poz Arabian demon bull holding onto me tightly with the leash. As he firmly pulled on the leash he fucked me with strong powerful merciless thrusts as the Asmodeus chanting that I first heard earlier in the basement bellowed out from the speakers to this abandoned warehouse. Yet now, that sternum stabbing pain I was feeling earlier had completely disappeared; This meTh'd up p☣️z faGGot was now wide OPEN, and ready to accept absolutely anything and everything anyone had to share! And behind us I could now see 100's of completely unmedicated highly charged up PiGs, all of whom were wearing Gas Masks as per dress code, and who were all either completely naked, or completely naked with thigh high waders. They were either looking towards me masturbating, or fucking each other, with no build up to penetration, just grabbing hold of each other and slamming in their toxic meaT with one another. It was an extreme t☣️xic frenzy.
    6 points
  5. i always douche. honestly, i pretty much do a full on clean out, here's a pic of my shower...notice the cleanout nozzle on the hand sprayer, pretty much on there all the time lol. i honestly don't mind if my Top doesn't mind, for spontaneity sake. That's my primary regret about clean out, it ruins spontanaiely. When a Top wants to breed, i want to be able to bend over any time, any place, i love going with the heat of the moment, never been a fuck planner. 😉
    5 points
  6. Chapter 47; *The 9 poinT turn continues* After he had finished writing on my chest and forehead his tirade of nasTy talk abruptly stopped as he took to a sudden intense concentration. Picking up the 9th broTherhood shoT he spent some time feeling around my neck, and very slowly, in went the needle, and very slowly the plunger depressed, pushing in Ayan's virus and a hiT of meTh, straight next to my brain! He took the needle out pressed on the puncture site, and whooo0000ssSh, I got an instant erection and as soon as I was fully hard I started shooting a bucket load of poz cum, the biggest load of my life, shooting all over my face, and into my frantically gasping and grunting mouth. - Oh fuck YEAH, swallowing your own poz fuck juice. What a nasTy slut. Now keep STILL. I instinctively brought my legs up with my feet on the ground and bent at the knees, then let my legs fall to the sides, then I began to whimper and kept on repeating over and over and over; Fuck me ... Fuck me ... Fuck me ... Fuck me ... Fuck me As I kept in repeating this two worded BEG Uncle Todd plunged in the 4 poinTs in each arm. NINE broTherhood shoTs in a few minutes, and I was now desperate for all the Dick and the highest viral loaded filthy toxic seed in the world to destroy my already highly charged toxic and bloodied battered cunT. My meTh giver knelt between my legs and slid his spiked PA Dick loaded with Gono pus, HIV & Hep C. I had no worries about catching anything from him. Firstly I was so off of my head I did not care, and more importantly, I was infected with everything he had anyway, from type of infection right down to each specific strain and genotype! Plus Uncle Chad's aggressive CRF19 strain, and all the other bugs in between that I had caught. I was now one serious fucked up meth'd off my head filthy bug bucket of a dirty nasTy whore! Uncle Todd brought his Leather executioner clad sunken cheek gaunt yellow faced yellow eyed sick face up to several inches from my face, and began to spit on me several times, laughing really arrogantly. Once his spit was added to my face of my own poz cum I had just shot over it and the99 written on my forehead he brought his body upright and began to fuck me again, but this time I must have been hallucinating as his canine teeth looked like they were growing into long fangs, and his Hep C yellow eyes turned a complete demonic glowing red. I now lost complete track of time and space so did not know how long he was fucking me for but he at one poinT stopped and ordered me to kneel with my bubble ass resting on my heels, facing the reversed pentagram circle, to look up at Ayan and not to remove my gaze from him. I did as I was told. This solid Arab stud was eerily motionless with his head still bowed and hands still clasped behind his back. Todd took a small silver sword that lay against the altar and pricked my finger with it, wiping the droplets of blood onto a piece of paper. As he done this he was chanting the ancient language just like he did when he was at mine when he demon fucked me. And in a small swift action he tossed the bloodied paper into the goblet of flames. As the paper began to burn all the bulbs from the dimly lit lamps blew, all the candles blew out, and the speaker system playing the Asmodeus chant cut out; We were in an instant plunged into total silence and complete darkness! Several seconds passed when where the once lit candles had been forming an open circle had been, a wall of flames shot up, waist up to Ayan, lighting up the entire dungeon basement. No sooner had light been restored I once again could see Ayan, a possessed Ayan! He still had his human body, but his head had become a bulls head, complete with long horns and a gold nose ring, and brightly glowing red eyes. The Scorpions on his chest were dancing and flicking venom in my direction, and his Monster of a Dick was no longer 90% flaccid. It was fully erect, pointing towards the ceiling, and oozing a thick cream coloured substance out and over his long thick shaft. In the background Todd was furiously masturbating, and bellowed another order to me; - Go to him PiG. Enter the circle and kneel before your Master. I crawled seductively towards my Arabian demon bull Ayan as I dripped heavily a salty meTh sweat, and as soon as I reached his feet, the flames that were at the opening to the circle closed around us, the circle now fully sealed, with nowhere to run and escape if I wanted to! He lifted me up like I was a feather, positioning his bull Dick at the entrance to my cunt. Rushing off of my tits on my massive meTh hit I rocked my hips and panted. I was desperate for him to be INSIDE me. He gave a few loud bull snorts then in one firm pull down of my body he rammed deep into me causing an instant sharp winding pain to the bottom of my sternum. He was too much to take; - Please stop. It's too much. I can't ta... But, the demon of Asmodeus inside my bull had no time nor patience for my pathetic pleas and commenced a ferocious bull fuck assault on bloodied up gaping highly charged up cunT. It was all too much for me and I lapsed into a semi conscious state with my body going limp including my head flopped forward with my eyes rolling into the back of my head. As I with each second felt that winding pain to the bottom of my sternum I kept on having flashbacks of various events in my life with my boyfriend Lew, family, and friends, with Todd watching on as I continued to be brutally devoured; - Fuck YEAH, destroy that poz PiG's nasTy cunT ... Stick it to the whore! And that is the last thing I remember hearing before I completely passed out.
    5 points
  7. Chapter 46; *The beginning of a 9 poinT turn* 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉 ........ 💉! I could now hear another chant bellowing from the basement speakers just like from when I was in the bathroom. However, this time the chant was to Asmodeus; Upon reaching the bottom of the steps I could see my boss Ayan facing away from me wearing a hooded black cloak. All I could see was the shape of the cloak as it covered him. By the broad shape I knew it was him. I immediately froze on the spot as I watched the ritual unfold. Ayan was mumbling something which I could not hear through the loud chants bouncing off the walls, ceiling and every object contained within the dark basement. He was surrounded by a large open circle of lit black candles as he sat on a bright red reversed pentagram etched onto a black marble floor. In front of Ayan was a shoulder height altar with tall black candles burning in silver candelabras and burning incense on top of it, and leaning against it at ground level were two more goat skulls, and some small silver swords. As he mumbled something unintelligible to my ears he was cutting his finger tips and rubbing the blood that he drew from them onto small pieces of paper which was followed by throwing the blood tainted paper into a goblet of flames. As I watched on I heard in the background the basement door shut, bolt, and be locked. I might have been high but I suddenly felt I really had to get out of there. I quickly turned around, and Uncle Todd stood there, naked, wearing his executioner hood, and moving his basement key holding wrist up and down in my direction; - Going somewhere are we? Not so fast PiG! He suddenly had an angry tone in his voice and a very stern look; - I TOLD you to lay in front of the altar. The beast does not favour disobedience. Lay on your back, legs together, and your arms by your sides facing up. Now GO! - Yes Sir *I responded meekly* I lay in the position I was ordered to, sideways to the altar and the entrance to the open circle that Boss Ayan was inside, in between both. I could not see his face properly because his head was slightly bowed and because of the large hood to his cloak. Todd came over holding 9 syringes full of meTh 💉, walked inside of the reversed pentagram circle, where his husband stood up, removed his cloak to reveal his massive broad Arabian physique marked by those two Scorpion tattoos on his pecs 🦂🦂. Without a word uttered he extended his arms in front of himself where he then had two tourniquets attached, with Todd promptly drawing charged up t☣️xic blood into each and every one of the 9 shoTs of meTh, immediately turning them into broTherhood shoTs. The two tourniquets were removed then attached to my arms. - Now keep VERY still. - Yes Sir. One by one I had 4 broTherhood shoTs attached to each arm. As they were inserted into my veins I had my head very slightly turned to look at my boss, who was now stood in the middle of the circle, right on top of the reversed pentagram, hands clasped behind his back, and head bowed. His HUGE unmedicated Monster donkey Dick very slightly swung like a pendulum on a Grandfather clock. It looked to be at least 90% flaccid. With 8 broTherhood shoTs of meTh and blood infected with HIV as a minimum stuck into my arms ready to be injected, a final instruction came; - Straighten your neck, look straight towards the ceiling, and keep completely STILL. - Yes Sir. He placed the 9th broTherhood shoT resting on my navel, went and got a permanent red marker pen, and wrote on my chest; S6AT6A6N's WHORE. And then he wrote onto my forehead; 6-6-6. As he wrote on me Todd began to get really verbally nasTy with me; - Look at you, what a complete fucked up nasTy whore you are full of absolute rotten viral filth, and becoming more toxic by the minute, and wanting even more ... ... Don't worry, with these 9 broTherhood shoTs your current viral load of 274 million WILL definitely increase, and with99 parTy goers tonight ALL of whom are going to blow their fucked up filthy seed up your poz piggy guts your current viral load is going to fucking explode. 💀🦂☣️
    5 points
  8. English is not my mother tongue so please excuse my typos etc. Part I It was a normal day for Daniel. Boring work in the office, small talk with his co-workers during coffee break and couch and Netflix afterwards. The only thing that seemed somewhat exciting was his online activity. He had several profiles on all the gay dating websites and apps. Most of them were anonymous, showing no pictures of his face but maybe one or two of his body. After all he was proud of his muscles and liked to show them off a bit. Most of the time he only tried to get some dick pics from other users online, to wank too, or exchange some hot videos. At 25 Daniel was somewhat afraid of real sex. He came from a very catholic family and was always told, that sex without being married or even worse gay sex, would lead to STIs which would then lead to certain death. Even though growing up he realised that this was non-sense, the fear of him catching anything remained. The few times Daniel had sex; he was very cautious of being safe. Condoms were used basically for everything, even wanking and he only got penetrated once by a friend in college. He did like it, but his friend was too annoyed of always covering up for the smallest bit of interaction so that they eventually stopped their intimate relationship. For the last year or so Daniel didn’t meet up with anyone for sex, and even though he was horny basically all the time he only ever wanked to videos people sent him. He preferred bareback videos, they seemed forbidden and hot at the same time. He loved stroking his dick while he watched “Assbreeder82” fuck yet another twink. “Assbreader82” was an online user on one of the dating websites Daniel was using. One of the only ones that didn’t stop writing after they realised, that Daniel would probably never meet up for actual sex but was only hunting for more videos and pictures to wank too. Quite the opposite was the case, he called Daniel his little fan boy, and whenever he fucked another guy and filmed it, he sent it to Daniel. They had been doing this for quite a while now, and Daniel watched “Assbreeder82” fuck quite a number of guys, always bare and always cumming inside their unprotected holes. “Assbreeder82” was a daddy-type kind of guy. He was quite hairy with a well-defined torso and a beautiful cock that must have been about 19 cm long and quite wide. He certainly always stretched the bottoms hole and a number of them complained that it was to thick. He however didn’t seem to be bothered by that and simply held poppers under their noses and told them they knew what they were getting themselves into. While Daniel was laying on his couch, checking his messages and settling in for yet another evening at home, he got a message from “Assbreeder82”: Hey fanboy, what are u up to tonight? Daniel got excited, Assbreeder82 only contacted him when he got new content to watch and Daniel could really use some excitement today. Nothing much, just chilling on my couch. Got any new vids for me ? He didn’t have to wait long for a reply. Not quite, but I do have something more exciting for you! Interested fanboy? Daniel was curious what his chat partner was up to. It was unusual for him to be so mysterious, their chat was usually rather flat. Him sending him a new video and Daniel replying with praise and horniness how amazing it looked. Nethertheless he answered. Oh a surprise for me ? You bet I am interested coming from you. The familiar sound of him receiving a message followed shortly after. You’re in luck, I am fucking a twink today and would like some audience. So you will join us today. I know you do not want to get involved and I am fine with that. I respect your boundaries… at least to some extent. But unless you show up today and prove to me you are a real fanboy; you will stop getting videos from me. You can film or just watch, that’ll be up to you but there are no clothes allowed. Here is the address, and that is the boy I will be inseminating today. Be ready for some nice pig action, and don’t bail on fanboy or should I rather say …. Daniel- While reading Daniel had been getting quite horny, but after reading the last sentence he was in shock. Daniel never told Assbreeder82 his real name, nor did he give up any information that would clue anyone who he was in real life. Yet this man new his firstname, and if so who knew what else. He was in a state of excitement and horror and surely horny as fuck. He realised, that he loved the power Assbreeder82 seemed to have over him. He liked the demanding tone the message had and most importantly, he couldn’t wait to see the main character of all his wanking fantasies, fuck right in front of him. Daniel got ready. This would be an exciting day after all, he thought. Then he left his apartment. More to cum 😃
    4 points
  9. so im bi-curious and only bottomed once and loved it. that was a few weeks ago and i overhead one of my gay friends say i had a nice ass, I've known this guy for a few years since he was friends with my ex gf. we were at a party at his house and everyone left. he asked if i needed a taxi to go home. i was really direct and said but i did hear you think i have a nice ass. he was tipsy too and said "what can i say, im a gay guy but would never try to pull anything on you." i said "well i've only bottomed once before and loved it." he said "bro you gotta be kidding me i had no idea lol." and i got kinda too aggressive and pulled my pants down saying "what if i wanted you to stick your dick up my ass?" he was so shocked and said "omg yes lets get you cleaned out and get you ready. you're gonna love this." he was still so surprised and said "fuck i cant believe this is happening." i got ready and then took him to a bedroom, slid down my pants and said "this is where you dick is going. and i want it bare too." i bent over the bed for him and said im ready. then i felt his rock hard dick trying to slide in me. i said "babe its almost in, you got this!" and then i felt it......his bare dick went all the way up my ass and i got such an adrenaline/dopamine rush from it. having my good gay friend's dick up my ass was sensational. he told me my ass felt amazing which turned me on so much. honestly i felt kinda closer to him because he was so nice and gentle with me. but what really got me excited as fuck was when he said he was about to cum inside me. i was like "holy fuck babe cum in my ass i want it so bad" and then i felt his dick throbbing and swelling inside me. it actually opened my ass up a little wider and all i could say to myself was "fuck yes my gay friend is cumming in my ass and i fucking love it." he said hes down to do it again next week and i asked him "are you sure i didn't make things weird for us" and he said "fuck no are you kidding? that was awesome. i never could've imagined you'd be into this. your ass is so nice and tight i can't wait to stick it inside you again," is it rare the a guy like me could love the feeling so much when it's only his second time? i mean it barely hurt at all and made me feel so hot to be doing it.
    4 points
  10. I have a shower shot hook up but it is connected to the toilet. Makes cleaning out nice and easy. And yes I like to be nice and clean.
    4 points
  11. I met him on one of the hook up apps. I was so fucking horny. He was horny. It was late at night and he was only 10 min from my place. He was a cute 21 year old with blue eyes and brown hair. He had a hairy chest and a hot ass. 7c too. I couldn't say no. Everyone was asleep and my cock was throbbing. I invited him over but didn't expect him to really arrive. He did! It was 2 am. He was on my back porch when I looked outside. It was dark out and nobody in the neighborhood was awake it seemed. I let him in quietly. Told him not to make noise so the dogs wouldn't bark. Took him to the basement. "everyone is asleep we need to be quiet." I said. We started kissing. His tongue darting inside my mouth and mine inside his. It felt so good. I needed it and he did too. He likes older and I like younger. He told me he is 21. I melted in his arms. As we were kissing we got naked. Our cocks rubbing together. I licked his nipples and he licked mine. Both of us so horny. He bent down and sucked my already hard dick. I turned him around and rubbed my dick over his hairy ass cheeks and around his hairy hole. I got the lube and we both lubed up. I put him on my desk chair and he stuck his ass out for me. My cock just went inside. He moaned and pushed his ass against me. I put my arms around him and felt his back against my hairy chest. It felt so good. His warm skin against mine. My cock inside him. We fucked and both moaned softly. He got up a bit and we kissed again as he turned his head to me. Those blue eyes omg those blue eyes. I fucked him hard and shot a load as he was jerking his cock. He shot all over the chair. I let him take a quick shower in the basement bathroom. "be quick and quiet" I reminded him! He kissed me. He jumped in the shower. The only towel I had was the one we came on. He used it to wipe off and said "it smells wonderful" OMG I want to fuck him again and again. BUT, he had to go and it was late and everyone was asleep. I went upstairs and he followed. Everyone was still asleep. It was quiet. He kissed me at the door and smiled. I didn't even get his name. But I will remember his beautiful blue eyes and that hot ass! He left and when I looked at my app. he had sent me a thank you. I thanked him for coming over. I hope I see him again. I jerked another load thinking about our encounter. I'm horny just writing this now. I need more sex. I need to unload my cum till my balls are empty. BH
    4 points
  12. Chapter 48; *Waking up at my parTy* I do not know how long I had been passed out, but when I finally regained consciousness I found myself tied face down on a fuck bench, in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I was at my parTy!
    4 points
  13. I was home from college for the summer, my parents are divorced so I spent the first part with my mom the second part with my dad, my Dad was a tall hairy broad bloke, had a Charlton Heston look about him too. My dad picked me up at the airport, grabbing my luggage he threw it in the truck then hugged me "It's great to see you" he smiled. I smiled back "It's great to see you too". He opened the door "Let's get out of here, before security runs us off." We chatted on the journey, Pulling in the driveway he turned to me "I couldn't get alot of time off so I will have to go to work, but if you will take me you can have the truck so your not stuck at the house." I didn't have a car so this was great, I didn't know how I was going to pass the time at home. I settled into my room, then called it a night I was really tired from traveling, so it wasn't long before I was asleep. The next morning came, my dad popped his head in "Steve it's time to get up , your gonna take me to work." I rolled over to say something but he was already gone, I got up, got dressed, and met him at the door. He smiled "Did you sleep ok?" He grabbed his coat it was freezing outside, I forgot how cold it got here. I simply nodded my head as I was still half asleep, grabbing my coat we were out the door. He handed me the keys "I'll let you drive so you can remember how to get to my new workplace." Opening the door he climbed in and we were off. After I dropped him off I went home and right back to bed. It was 4:30 so I left the house to pick up my dad, he climbed into the truck "Hey man I see you found your way." He chuckled I smiled "Yeah " My dad turned to me "Hey let's go get something to eat and have a couple of drinks I never got to celebrate your 19th birthday with you." I thought this was a great idea, so he had me go a different way. As we turned the corner I noticed an old adult bookstore, it was right behind my dad's workplace. I tried not to make my stare obvious, I felt my cock stir, I readjusted myself and asked my dad where he wanted to eat. After dinner it was late so we went home and to bed, All I could think about was that fucking bookstore. I looked it up the store online it was known to have gloryholes which got my dick hard. I had gone to a bookstore close to the campus and had my first gloryhole experience but, I'm straight. I like pussy just as much as the next guy and will fuck some pussy every chance I get. But I love having my dick sucked, I don't give a fuck who's doing it a mouth is a mouth. The next day came and I dropped my dad off at work, I thought I would leave early to pick up my dad and hit it up the bookstore then. Dad turned to me "We'll go out for dinner tonight so we can catch up some more ok." Dropping him off, I drove around the block to check out the bookstore again, it was on, I would come back early to pick up my dad and hit the store then. As my day went on, i was horny, grabbed keys and made sure not to drive by my dad's work I took another route, parking the truck down the street so as to not be noticed. Once inside I walked up to the counter nervously, the guy took my entrance fee and I was heading thru the door. It was a long hallway with booths down one side, there were signs with warnings which I paid no attention. I opened the first door no gloryhole so I went down further picking another booth. Looking in I saw the hole on the one side, jackpot I thought, entering I put some money in as the porn started playing. I was in the booth about 10 minutes when I heard the door open, close and lock, the screen lit up. Before long I saw a finger come thru the hole I dropped my pants, stood up, and put my dick thru the hole. It was amazing the guys mouth was so warm, I could feel my cock slide across his lips as he sucked me, a moan escaped my mouth. I hadn't had pussy let alone head since I got here and my balls were aching for release. I pushed my pelvis as flat to the wall as I could so he could suck every inch of my cock "That's it man suck that fucking cock" I whispered. He pulled off it "Hell yeah, you gonna give me that load dude." He wasted no time going back down on my cock. I began to face fuck him I knew I wouldn't last long so I told him to take it slow, it was no use I felt my fucking nuts tighten up "Dude I'm about to blow this down your fucking throat." I started to breathe heavy as I started shooting, my dick throbbed over and over as I filled the guys mouth and throat with my jizz. He kept sucking til I was empty "Fuck man you about drowned me that was a fucking load!" He exclaimed. Pulling my dick back thru, he got up and left, it wasn't long before someone else entered the booth and another finger was at the hole. I didn't think I could cum again so soon but I stood up, putting my dick back thru the hole, feeling another wet warm mouth my dick began to get hard again this guy was better than the first "Oh yeah dude your gonna get this load." I could already feel another load brewing in my balls. This guy was quite the eager cocksucker "Oh man I want you to cum all over my fucking face!" Starting to suck my cock first his hand then his mouth I could feel his tongue licking the head of my dick, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back, he started to pick up the pace when I told him I was going to bust. I tilted my head back "Oh fuck man here it fucking cums!" With that I felt my balls tighten again, I gasped as I shot my load, he licked the head and stroked me at the same time. He got up to leave as I looked at my cell phone thinking I had better get out of here to pick up my dad, as I opened the door to walk out the other guy did to. I looked at him smirking as had my cum all over his face, he didn't even bother to wipe it off. Walking away, the door to the hallway opened again, looking up I froze, it was my dad. Ducking into the booth the guy had been in I closed the door and locked it. I stood by the door so nervous, thinking I could try to leave, an attendant came thru the hallway telling me to put money in the machine, I couldn't go back out right away in case my dad was out there so I had no choice. I put some money in and the movie began to play. I heard the door to the booth I was previously in open, close, and lock then the porn started to play. Standing close to the gloryhole the other person would not be able to see me but it didn't seem to matter because I saw his finger rubbing the hole. I thought what the fuck I have time to get my dick sucked again, sticking my cock thru the hole I felt another warm mouth, in this cold weather I loved the sensation of pulling my cock out in the cold air then having it engulfed by a hot wet mouth. There was no doubt this guy had sucked some cock before he was a pro, he didn't mess around he was all throat, all the way down til I could feel his nose in my pubes. Applying the perfect amount of suction and hand stroke on the way back up, I couldn't say a word, I was absolutely speechless. I had already cum twice so this one wasn't going to be easy but rather than say anything I just let this guy suck my cock, enjoying his skills. My cock was rock hard, I didn't think it was possible but he got me there. He pulled back every so often to just stroke me so I never knew when he was going to go back down on me, it was fucking awesome. He pulled back off my cock, this time he seemed to take longer. When he went back down on my cock it felt so fucking good I couldn't believe it I let out a gasp, it felt like velvet, it was so tight, warm, but not as wet it felt like pussy. I pulled back away from the gloryhole a little so I could see his lips, when I looked down I didn't see lips, instead I see the guys hairy ass. He had my cock right up his ass, I started to pull out but he reached back grabbing my balls so I couldn't, he immediately started to ride my dick. I could feel how good his ass felt....it worked! Squeezing his ass tight with every upstroke he was literarily sucking my cock with his asshole. I stood at the wall gape mouthed, I was in fucking ecstasy I couldn't say a word. I had never fucked anyone thru the gloryhole before, when a guy would put his ass up to the hole I would pass or pull out, but this guy was so moist, i think he was carrying a load already, it was like silk. This time I could feel my load building I wanted to say something but I couldn't it was just to fucking good. I wanted to cum in this guy bad so I started to fuck him as I felt my load start to explode. I came so fucking hard in this guys ass I wanted to absolutely scream! He could feel me cumming as my knees buckled against the wall, I thought I would pass out. I groaned as I shoved my dick as deep in his ass as I could. He reached back grabbing my balls so I couldn't pull out "That's it boy cum in my fucking ass!" He was panting and groaning... Fuck me...., I recognize that voice..... it was my dad! I stopped as he continued to ride my cock me unloading the last drops of cum in him. Trying to pull out he held on to my balls, I knew if I told him to let go he was bound to recognize me, I had no choice and let my dad finish riding me before he pulled off my dick. Once he was done I flew out of the bookstore, jumped in the truck and hauled ass. I pulled in to parking lot to pick him up as he walked around the building, my heart began to race. I had to think,think...It was to late as he was in the truck "Let's get something to eat, I'm starving." We sat down to dinner and nothing was ever said about the secret ass-fucking I gave him at the bookstore, I felt that he really didn't know it was me, I was relieved.although he did keep scratching his ass at times. We drank and talked about his work day and I just smiled "What you smiling for?" He looked at me I looked back at him, the handsome masculin father of mine "Just glad to be here Dad." I was smiling thinking about how my dad was sitting across from the table with his ass full of my cum and whilst here will fill him again and agsin, anonymously of course... Thanks Dad
    3 points
  14. I love a dick with jewelry banging against my taint
    3 points
  15. Chapter 45; *The return of Uncle Chad* ... I suddenly felt something penetrate my bloodied cunT, BUT, I could not see anyone there. And whatever it was it began to fuck me with the sling swinging back and forth. I actually felt whatever it was inside of me move in and out of my gaping demon fucked poz hole, and all I could do was let out muffled grunts through Todd's soiled Jockstrap .... OUCH; From out of nowhere I felt a sharp claw like scratch scratch me from near my left nipple right down and across to the bottom of my right rib cage. What the fuck was that!? Then I heard a voice speak softly to me in my right ear; - Stevie, .... Steeeeevie, I am back. Uncle Chad is here. Uncle Chad is fucking you. Nothing can separate us now. We are bound by our blood bond for eternity! This could not be, he only died this morning. Well, it was him, returned as a dark spirit, and he would fuck me or anyone else I was with if he wanted to, if the ports were open for him to enter our realm. My bloodied cunT was fucked like this for a good full hour. It hurt, but I loved it. I loved it because I was now a fully fledged poz PiG, and even though I was still at heart a Top if any other Top from now on wanted a piece of my poz ass, then, it was theirs! I also loved it because it was Uncle Chad even though he was no longer in the form of the kind man I knew briefly, and even though he was now presenting as a dark entity. About 15 minutes into the full hour I am sure I heard faint voices from the bedroom. It sounded very much like Uncle Todd, and my boss Todd's husband, Ayan. Mere seconds after the full hour had elapsed I heard the rattling of the door knob and the door was unlocked. As it opened Uncle Chad's dark force left quicker than a blink of a eye, the light went on, and the Lucifer chant was stopped. In walked Todd, and indeed Ayan who was wearing nothing but a pair of trackie bottoms. For the first time I saw his face and huge Scorpion tatted chest at the same time. He smiled at me knowingly when he knew that I now FINALLY realised for sure that he was the ''Silent Stranger'' from Aiden's club on the night of my dancing gig. Everything was now falling into place! - Well well well, look what we have here. That sweet little NEG English boy has been playing with fire, and has got burnt. Still English, but by Christ, certainly no longer NEG. [ Ayan said smugly ]. He continued to speak; - I think it is time he got some of what I have to share, don't you Darling [ ... as he strapped a tourniquet to his bulging bicep ] Uncle Todd smirked knowingly at his husband, and taking a syringe of meth he inserted the needle into his husbands arm, withdrew some blood, and then bam, I was receiving my second broTherhood shoT of the day. The silent stranger's HIV was now rushing into my system without having even ever laid a single finger on me. The new hit of meth hit my system and I was flying so high that I was suddenly having visions of my gang-bang at Aiden's club, and was now badly craving that amount of Dick and cum inside of me that I had received during that one night. Well, careful what you wish for. Because that night in question was just the starter. Tonight was the main course! - That's a deep scratch you have there ... - That wasn't on him when I left the room after Demon fucking him earlier. Must have had a visitor after I left. Ayan picked up the kicked over wooden stool, sat on it at the foot of the sling, and proceeded to FFist me continuously for the next two hours with the final several minutes of those two hours aggressively punch FFisting me on a continual loop. No relent. My cunT was now bloodied and completely trashed, yet my welcome to the broTherhood parTy had not even started. - Darling, let's go an eat dinner, then afterwards I'll go to the basement and commence with the ritual. What did my boss mean by ritual? Uncle Todd & Ayan both left the bathroom, leaving me laying in the sling, restrained, lights off, with Uncle Todd's pus-piss soaked Jock still stuffed in my mouth, and my bloodied cunT leaking cum and my cunT juice. A short while later Uncle Todd returned, removed his rank jock from my mouth, released me from the restraints, and guided me as I was unsteady on my feet to the red Leather couch where I properly rested with some fresh hot bone broth I was just given, with relaxed chat. After a decent rest and idle chat it was me that inadvertently abruptly directed the rest of the night in the direction it would be going; - What did Ayan mean by 'ritual'? - Well, shall we go and see, I reckon he is about now ready for YOU! C'mon PiG, finish up your broth and let's go. I quickly finished my broth, and off we went, down the staircase to the ground floor of their grand house, and across the hallway to the door leading down to the basement. As Todd went to open the door I started to shake. I was completely naked, yet, I was high on meTh and the house was warm. My inner being had sensed imminent Dark DANGER. He opened the door and gave me a gentle push so I had no choice but to step onto the top step. - That's it, now go down to the bottom of the steps, walk over to the altar and lay sideways to it, between the altar and outside of the opening to the circle where the beast will be waiting for you.
    3 points
  16. I left the toilet clothes in hand and butt naked. My cock still hard and dripping. I was a little torn between wanting to watch him knock up some 18-year-old and getting cock up my ass myself. But my quivering ass made up my mind for me. My ass still felt the assault from that AIDS daddy in the restroom. Having his cock up my ass for just a few minutes pounding away coating my guts with his toxic precum for just a few strokes made me uncontrollably horny to get fucked by anyone. I wanted to cock up my ass. Any cum, lots of cum, from anyone who would do it to me. I was really hoping the rumors I had heard about this place in Evening were true. The sun had set but the night was clear and the moon was pretty close to full. I walked to the edge of the woods and stood there gently stroking my cock before I walked in. Giving my eyes a chance to adjust to the change in light. I looked back toward the toilets. I saw the shape of a young guy moving towards the toilet. He was stripping off his clothes as he approached. When he got to the door he tossed his clothes in some shrubs next to the door. I heard the squeak of the door as he entered. I don’t know what possessed me to do what I did next, but I walked back over to the toilets and pulledthe kid’s clothes from the bushes. In the light I could tell that his clothes would fit me OK. There was a pair of basketball shorts that would be a little snug but not bad. There was an oversized T-shirt, perfect. And a jockstrap. I held the pouch to my face and sniffed deeply. Unmistakable scent of teenage boy underwear. I had smelled it enough time with my own two boys. I knew what teen boy cock smells like. I slipped on the jock. Tossed my clothes into the bush where his he been. And took his clothes with me. I stepped onto the trail at the edge of the woods. I walked down the path able to discern shapes and movement in the half light. There were other guys in the park. I don’t know where they had come from because there were no cars. There must be another access to the park. I walked along quietly gingerly until I got to a spot I recognized. It was a spot where almost 3 years ago I had been pozfucked by a hot young guy. The spot where my quest for AIDS started. I stepped off the trail and took a few steps towards the figure out the dark. He started moving closer to me. As he got within a few feet we recognized each other. It was the kid who passed me almost 3 years ago. And he recognized me. ” hey there,” he said “ Haven’t seen you around here in a while. Back for more?” He reached up and grabbed my cock. Pulled me in for deep kiss. I wrapped my arms around his body and he felt smooth but kind of bone. He pulled away and I looked him up and down. Above his right that was a biohazard symbol. He had a slightly wasted look. He reached up and grabbed my cock. Pulled me in for a deep kiss. I wrapped my arms around his body and he felt smooth but kind of bony. He pulled away and I looked him up and down. Above his right path was a biohazard symbol. He had a slightly wasted look. We started talking and making out. I dropped to my knees and took his cock into my mouth sliding in deep as I could into my throat. While I was sucking him he confessed to me that the guy in the toilets had converted him a month before he fucked me. He told me I was his first breeding after he was positive. He also told that he had full-blown AIDS at this point. That turned me on more than I could say. I slid his cock deep in my throat as I could. Milked it with my throat muscles. He moaned grab the back of my head and started face fucking me. Slamming his cock deep into my throat. After a few minutes he pushed me away. ”Fuck dude” he said,”you’re an amazing cocksucker.but I want that ass. I want to give you my virus.” He pulled me up and pushed me back around up against a tree. He squatted down behind me and spread my ass cheeks. He buried his face in my ass, tonguing my hole, working it in an out.I was moaning like the slut bitch that I am. Begging him to pause my ass up. Begging him to slide his aides babies up into my guts. ”Oh fuck dude. I want that ass so bad.” he muttered. He stood and unceremoniously plunged his cock deep into my ass all the way to the hilt. I screamed and moaned at the same time. He rested his cock in me as he slipped a poppers bottle under my nose. He held my nostril shut and I breathe deep. Reached up and held his hand in place. I breathed in three or four times in that one nostril and then switched. I breathed then three or four more hits in the other nostril. I was flying high as his cock started pistoning in and out of my hole, Tearing up my guts and banging my prostate hard. I was moaning and begging for a seed. Begging for his aids babies. Begging for his virus in my bloodstream. Then I started begging him for demon seed. Begging him to bring me over to the Darkside. In my mind all I could think was that I was sacrificing my ass to pure evil. My cock was hard and rubbing up against the material of the jockstrap. As the kid fucked me I shot a big load into the pouch of the jockstrap. And as my ass clamped hard for my orgasm his cock began to spasm in my whole. He grabbed my hips hard and pulled me as close up against him as he could get. Pushing his cock as deep in my body as it would go. Past my second sphincter. Deep into my guts he poured his aids. I can’t explain it but ass his semen filled my body a kind of shadow fell over my soul, fell over my vision. Not only was there no going back at this point, there was no desire to. There was only desire for cum. There was only desire for pleasure. There is only desire to please anyone with a cock. Deep in my soul I knew that I had given myself over completely to cock, cum., and pleasure. He stroked his cock in and out of my ass a few more strokes. He rested against my back. His cock gently slid out and he stepped away from me. I never saw him leave because as soon as he stepped away someone else stepped up and another cock slid into my hole. After three more cocks and three loads in my ass I finally left the woods. Cum was running down my legs but I didn’t care. I felt so complete so satisfied. As I walked by the toilets I checked the bushes. The clothes were gone. Some random kid who just got an ass load of aids was walking around in my clothes. It was then I realized all I was wearing was the jockstrap. As I approach the road I slipped on the shorts. And jogged my way back to my car. I never bothered to change clothes or to put on the shirt. I just threw myself in the car and went directly to the porno store And spent the rest of the night worshiping cock and accepting seed from anyone.
    3 points
  17. Older, Not Wiser The show on the TV ended and the next episode looked pretty lame, so I turned off the TV and picked up the laptop to do a little surfing. I hit most of my usual hookup sites and had a couple emails at a few of them. There was one from the older guy and I opened it first. "sorry for not replying sooner, been busy. Yes, I'm sure. You up for meeting?" the message read. I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with an older vanilla guy, but I figured it was worth getting a little more info. "maybe. u on prep?" I sent back. The little green dot next to his profile told me he was online and I wondered if I would get a reply back. It was only a couple minutes and I heard the "ding." "What's that?" he had replied. I chuckled to myself wondering just how experienced this guy was. "a drug" I replied, being intentionally vague. Less than a minute later I had his reply. "I don't do any drugs other than pot on rare occasions. Do you?" he asked. I shook my head and laughed. I responded "pot 4 me 2." I knew this guy was in way over his head and yet my cock got hard thinking about dumping a toxic load or two inside him and letting fate decide what happens. Once he was poz he could become the sex pig he's always wanted to be. I hadn't gotten another message, so I sent one "when u want to meet?" A few other sites didn't generate any interest and I was about to give up when I got a message back from the older guy (phnx469). "Sorry, wife interrupted. meet @ 6pm?" he said. This was getting more interesting. Was this guy yet another married bi guy craving poz dick? I sent back "ok. where?" and he answered right away "20th floor by elevators." Chuckling to myself I wondered if he was college boy's dad. Yeah, there were over a dozen other condo's on the floor, but it was really hot to think I might have a chance at knocking up a real father and son. Coming back to reality, I replied back "u going 2b alone?" "Yes. Wife n kid will be shopping" he replied. I licked my lips and typed out "ok." With a few hours to kill I watched some porn and then showered. While he wanted to meet at the elevators, I took the stairs instead. I felt a little more winded than normal for climbing nine flights, but put it down to my more sedentary life locked up at home and with fucking my only real exercise. "Gonna have to come up with a workout schedule I can do at home" I thought as I opened the door. Looking down the hallway, I spotted someone near the elevators and walked calmly towards them. As I approached he seem startled that I didn't come via the elevator. I wasn't really sure that it was him since the pictures were of a smooth guy and I could see chest hair popping out of his tank top. His legs showed a decent amount of hair on them below his jogging shorts and he had several days growth on his face. "Phoenix?" I said quietly and he nodded. One thing I don't like is guys sending out pictures that are either old or different on how they look. A new piercing or tattoo is fine, but 30 pounds heavier or like in this case, much hairier, is deceptive advertising. He said "Follow me" and started walking down the hall. He wasn't walking towards college boy's condo, so another fantasy was gone and I tried to figure out what I was going to do. One option was to turn and go back the way I came but that seemed like a cowardly way to end this. I followed him down the hall and was surprised when he opened the door to the other stairwell. As soon as we got inside, I put my hand on his shoulder and said "Stop." Phnx469 seemed to be surprised. In a hushed tone I said "What's the deal? Your pictures don't really look like what I see right now and you aren't even naked yet." He stared back at me a moment, looking confused. I flicked my finger over the tufts of hair poking over the neckline of his tank top. "Oh that. Yeah, my wife wanted me to shave my body hair and that's when the pictures were taken that I used on the site" Phnx469 said. Pushing him against the wall, moving about six inches nose to nose and no where near a good social distance, I looked him in the eyes telling him "Dude, that's not cool. I don't mind hairy guys but you clearly are showing a smooth guy on your profile. What else is totally wrong?" He was nervously shaking and I saw him try to speak, but nothing was coming out. On the third try he mumbled "Nnnnnothing. That's the only thing that changed. I... I... I hated shaving it all the time." I realized that I may have given him that "try kinkier stuff" goal accidentally by getting a little dominant with him. That wasn't my intent, but it helped get my point across and I told him firmly "OK, that's your one and only fuck-up. If anything else doesn't check out, I'm gonna be outta there and you're never getting another chance. Understand?" He nodded and I backed up, letting him get by and head down the stairs. We only went down one floor and ended up going into apartment 19J. I looked around and chuckled to myself, thinking I was suddenly in some grandmother's apartment. Lace was everywhere - on tables, on the curtains and on the 'art' on the wall. All of the furniture looked like it had been stolen out of Queen Victoria's castle. I hoped it was his wife's style choice but at least one of these pieces was probably going to have a cum stain or two on it soon. I gently guided him towards the sofa and told him to strip. "Bed?" he asked and I said "Nah, this looks like a better place. I can watch the door in case anyone comes home." "Let me get a towel" he then said. I chuckled and told him "Just don't make a mess and you'll be ok" before I put my hand on the back of the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down. I raised my foot and pushed them the rest of the way to the floor as I said "Suck me quick before I see how that cheating ass of yours is." It wasn't a bad blowjob but nothing that was going to make me shoot right away. He knew how to do it, unlike a lot of straight or bi guys, he was just nervous sucking cock in his living room in full sight of the door. I rested my hand on the back of his head, which got him to take more of my stiffening cock into his mouth. He was struggling with the thickness but was doing a good job of keeping his teeth off my shaft. Wrapping both hands around the back of his head, I eased my cock deeper until it hit the back of his throat. He began gagging right away but I held it there a few moments before letting up and allowing him to breathe. "Oh fuck! I don't know if I can take that" he gasped out. "Oh, you will. If not down your throat then up your neg ass" I replied, pushing back in. It went deeper this time and I gave a little shove just before I pulled my cock out. He stood there staring at my spit covered cock and then looked up at my eyes. I knew he was having second thoughts but at this point I was committed. Unless he was a really bad fuck, he was going to get fucked and loaded up with my special DNA. Rubbing my cock over his lips as he looked up at me, I wanted to feel his tight pussy stretching around my cock. Letting go of his head, I grasped his arm and pulled him to his feet, turning him around and giving a gentle push to the corner of the sofa. He kneeled on the floral fabric cushion, bracing one hand on the arm and one on the back of the sofa. I knelt down and pried his hairy ass cheeks apart, pressing my face in between and rimming his hole. He was clean but there was the faint taste of lube so I didn't dig my tongue in any deeper. I forced some spit in though and based on the quivering of his sphincter he was relaxing a bit. "Perfect" I thought to myself and stood up, dragging my cock along the spread crevice until it found it's next target. Pulling the rest of my foreskin back, I pushed the dripping tip inward until I felt it give. Phnx469 started to groan loudly so I leaned forward and put my hand over his mouth. "Fuck, you're tight. Relax or this is really gonna hurt" I whispered in his ear. Adding more pressure, the further in I went the louder he yelled. My hand muffled some of it but I was glad we were not in the bedroom near the neighbor's apartment. I gave the side of his head a whack with my other hand and said "Relax, damnit!" His grip on my shaft loosened a little and I got another few inches in. "Is this the first bare poz cock you've taken?" I asked. "Mmhmm" he groaned out. "Good, then let's make this a memorable fuck" I replied, rocking my hips back and forth. I plowed a minute or two and then pulled almost out and dripped some more spit on my cock. He probably had everything setup in the bedroom, lube and maybe even condoms on the night stand, towel on the bed and maybe even a hidden camera to record the deed. But I was going to do this my way. Thrusting my hips, I went back to slowly plowing his tight hole and opening him up. He stayed still and while tense, he wasn't fighting my dick. I don't know if he got tired or relaxed more but after a couple more minutes his hole loosened its grip slightly so I could drive in easier and faster. The groans and grunts from him also had a less strained tone to them so I uncovered his mouth and moved both hands to his shoulders. It gave me a good stance to fuck him harder. I still hadn't given him all of my cock, it kept bumping into his inner ring and making him grunt but I hadn't broken through yet. Moving back a few inches, I changed my angle of attack and started digging the head of my cock in different directions. I knew the second I hit his prostate from his loud moan and the quivering of his sphincter around my cock. Surely he was leaving a nice wet patch of precum all over his wife's flowered couch. His cock wasn't the only one that was flowing precum. His hole was getting juicy and giving off those sloppy pussy sounds I love to hear. Part of me wanted to keep fucking him until his family came home and found him getting fucked by a stranger but I didn't want to deal with the drama. I drilled him harder for a few more minutes and then slowed down. I looked over his shoulder and on the table next to the couch was a picture of him, a woman and a teenage boy. "That your family?" I asked, grinding my hips on his ass. "Yeah" he said with a worried tone. I just chuckled and began thrusting again, turned on by him looking at his wife and kid while some stranger barebacked his cheating cunt. My balls started to tingle and I knew it was time to fill him up with my tainted seed. Shoving in hard, I broke past the inner ring and phnx469 let out a loud yelp. I dragged my cock slowly back and rammed in again garnering a painful "Oh fuck!" One more shove and I couldn't hold it in any more. The first few spurts fired off as I was shoving in and the next few were planted deep inside him. He moaned out another "Oh fuck!" while I growled breathlessly "Take that fuckin' poz load!" Each throb of my cock pumped more virus filled semen into his ass and it felt damn good. Rolling my hips a few times as the last few shots of cum pumped out made sure that his guts were painted with a thick coating of my cum. We stayed connected for a couple minutes until we were both breathing normally and my cock had started to soften. Slowly, I pulled out and saw a glob of dark pink cream run out of his stretched out hole, off his balls and on to the cushion of the couch below. As I backed away, he slowly stood up, his cock still hard and dripping the last remnants of his neg load. The back corner of the sofa cushion was wet and creamy as well as the seat cushion where he dripped while I fucked him. The scent of cum permeated the air and I knew he was going to have a hell of a cleanup job before his family got home. I picked up my shorts and put them on, grabbing his shorts and mopping the sweat off my face. Tossing his shorts at him, I started walking to his front door. "Thanks, man. You got a good ass and I'm sure that won't be the last poz dick you take" I said over my shoulder. Opening the door, I began walking down the hallway to the stairs at the other end. Just after I passed the elevators, the car arrived and out walked a woman and her son. They both headed in the other direction and I almost burst out laughing. Phnx469 wasn't going to have time to clean up the mess on the couch and he might not even have any clothes on. He really was going to have an interesting evening.
    3 points
  18. One of the first full blown loads.
    2 points
  19. I laughed at the boy begging me to rape him. Then I spit in his face. “Dirty little faggot. Careful what you wish for. We’re gonna ruin this sloppy cumdump.” I started to plow him steady and hard, feeling the hot walls of his ass sucking my dick inside. I could feel he was already lubed up. The boy started to moan as my cock sank all the way up his hole. I looked over at Jesse, who had come back in the room, followed by a short, well built mid 20s guy. The newbie’s mouth was agape like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. I just smiled and waved him over. “Hey dude. Take your clothes off and come fuck this faggot. How many loads does the kid have in him, Jesse?” Jesse laughed and said “two from me, and two from some random Daddy types who left just before you got here. Nice big cock on those two. Adam was begging for their loads. He’s such a fucking whore.” Adam moaned on the bed as I kept up a steady pace fucking him. The new guy quickly shucked his clothes, showing off a nice tight body with a big fat dick. He was short and smooth with a sexy brush cut, and his cock was uncut. He also had a nice treasure trail from his furry stomach down to thick pubes. An impressive dick hung there, rock hard. I reached out grabbed his cock, and played with his foreskin which barely uncovered the head. He moaned loudly. “What’s your name kid?” “Brian,” he said. “This is so fucking hot. I had a hell of a week and really need to bust a nut.” “Stick around, Brian. We’ll get you fucked up and fuck all night,” Jesse said. He smiled big and pointed to the bong on the table and the big bag of T. “Oh I don’t do drugs,” Brian said. Jesse smiled even bigger and said “It’s cool, you can do them or not do them. Your choice.” Clearly Jesse was gonna give the kid a booty bump whether he wanted it or not. He had a nice firm ass that I knew we were both going to be inside by the end of the night. Brian moved around to the front of the faggot and shoved his ample cock in Adam’s mouth and both of them loudly moaned. Brian fucked Adam’s mouth for a bit then leaned down and spat on his face, licked it off and grinned. Then he leaned over and started to make out with Adam who moaned louder and started riding my dick even harder, trying to get my cock as far up his cunt as it would go. The boy was on fire. Jesse leaned down and started to make out with Adam and Brian, playing with Brian’s rock hard cock. Jesse leaned down and took Brian’s cock into his mouth while I began to fuck Adam harder, so both of the boys started to moan for different reasons. One because his cunt (and reason for living) was getting split open by my fat dick, and the other because his equally fat dick was being swallowed by a handsome bearded cock sucking pig. I wanted to last longer, so I leaned over and whispered in Brian’s ear “Why don’t you fuck the faggot now? He’s all lubed up and squishy with strangers’ cum.” Brian got a wicked grin on his face, then stuck his tongue in my mouth and then we rearranged positions so that he could slide his rock hard dick into Adam and I laid down to take a break, alternating between making out with Adam and Jesse and whispering dirty things in their ears. “You gonna booty bump this kid,” I asked Jesse? He just smiled and looked at me with his huge black pupils. “What do you think?” I just smiled and made out with him harder. I had a feeling our young friend was going to end up with a butt full of cum, just like Adam. Brian pounded Adam’s cunt hard for about 15 minutes while Jesse and I made out with him and egged him on to breed the fag harder. Finally, the shortness of his breath told us he was about to blast the faggot full of another load of sperm. I leaned over to Brian and said “come on, dude, give that faggot your load. Knock him up. The little whore needs more cum to lube up his pussy.” “Fuck, I”m gonna cum!,” Brian moaned and I could see his nuts pull up as he dumped another load our little rugby dump. Adam moaned and begged, “please shoot your fucking load in me. I need your cum inside my cunt. FUUUUUCK.” Breathing heavily, Brian collapsed on Adam’s back and his cock popped out of the boy. I reached down and could feel the cum start to leak from his jizz hole. When his cunt was empty he started to moan and beg “Please. Fuck me. I need more cock. Please.” “What do you say boys? Should we find some strangers to gang rape this cumdump?” They both laughed and said “fuck yeah!” Jesse grabbed the bong and leaned over to give Adam another huge shotgun of T. I leaned down and took it from him and tried to give it to Brian, who turned his head away. He laughed nervously. I blew the smoke away from him and thought “we’ll get you yet, boy. You’re gonna be begging me for my dick before the end of this night.”
    2 points
  20. I won’t get bred if I haven’t douched. If your diet is good it takes little to no time to make sure you are clean. I always travel with a douche. It makes me feel better when I have a random hook up at the park or bookstore.
    2 points
  21. Things to keep you busy: the shampoo challenge
    2 points
  22. I don't always know their names but I love the latin muscle studs (tops and bottoms) of StagHomme. And they don't always pull out for porn.
    2 points
  23. The memories of the session with Toby, Michael and my new fuck Milos lingered. In my mind, cock, arse and bloodstream. Toby moved in with Milos who didn’t return home. He extended his internship in my company which meant I got see a lot more of him in the office and across my office. His arse was so tight and sweet tasting that using it almost felt like an obligation. Sucking Toby’s seed from his cunt became an regular ritual; as well as the occasional anonymous lunchtime load he delivered. It seemed only polite to send him home occasionally with my own load as a pre dinner starter for his filthy boyfriend. Outside of work my routine fell into an easy rhythm. Swimming, the occasional fuck - random or regular - and hard abusive fuck sessions with my boyfriend. Life was perfect. Except Jacques had disappeared. I roamed the pool at night, I wandered around the estate - and realising the amount of horny cock and arse available - and visited the sauna taking more cock and arse as I searched. In vain. He’d clearly left. All that was left were the memories and the fantasies. Neither filled the hole in my cunt that needed filling. I’ll even admit that sometimes as my boyfriend raped my hole I’d imagine it was Jacques equally long but thicker shaft ripping into me. As he dropped another load into me, I dreamed it was Jacques load, which I imagined was thick, creamy and loaded with toxins and chems. it always made me cum so hard. This pleased my boyfriend, and sometimes I admit I imagined telling him the truth. If only so he would beat me and fuck me even harder. As the weather improved, I started swimming in the nearby lido. It was basically a lake with two jettys. The newest was clearly signposted, had a life guard post and was popular. But half an hour around the lake was an older, more desolate jetty. Warning signs made it clear that it was dangerous to swim here unattended and in the years I’d been using it there had been some near accidents. And fatalities. Mainly inexperienced swimmers who had swum out too far. I loved it. As a strong swimmer I had no qualms and for most of the time I was alone. Occasionally I’d see another guy but always in the distance. And because it was so remote, swimming bollock naked was acceptable. The cold water was invigorating. Strangely I’d never had sex there. Or picked up. It wasn’t that sort of place. And I liked that. I tended to go first thing. Sometimes there was a gentle fog on the water which parted as I swam to the middle of the lake, floated on my back and shut the world out. Usually with my hard cock rigid and sticking out of the water. I never touched it. It seemed wrong somehow. Because of my search for Jacques, I was probably the fittest I had ever been. Not only had my boyfriend commented as he used my body and holes, but even the women in the office started flirting with me. And more than once I caught the closet fags in the office casting lustful glances in my direction. And as I fucked Milos over my desk I couldn’t help but admire my own rippling muscles as I slammed into his cunt. One morning as I turned in to swim back to my pile of clothes - yeah, it was that safe - I spotted a runner along the shore line. Even from where I was he looked fit as fuck as he jogged along the shoreline. His singlet billowed our in the way they do on a muscular frame and his shorts hugged thick thighs. As I swam a bit closer he paused by my clothes. I paused. He didn’t look like a thief. As I watched he peeled off his singlet and stretched, wiping what must have been sweaty, reeking pits with his tee before smelling it. His hand dropped to his crotch and he clearly readjusted himself before slipping it back on, and turning ran back along the shore. But it wasn’t that which caught my attention most. My cock had gone rock hard because the guy was inked. Top to toe. It was Jacques. But by the time I got to the shore, he had disappeared. I quickly dressed, ran to my car and put my key in the ignition. My cock was stiff and leaking into my cargo shorts. I closed my eyes and leaned back. My hand dropped to my crotch as my mind wandered back to that night in Jacques department. The spliff. The kiss. His moist lips on my cock ... Suddenly someone banged on the driver’s window of the car. I sat up bolt upright, wincing as my cock was bent against its will inside my trousers. Angrily, I looked out hit hit the button to lower the window. I was about to swear, and there he was. Jacques. In singlet and shorts. Sweating. Smiling. My anger dissipated as he leaned into the window. “Hey dude, what you doing here?” My car was suddenly filled with his scent. My cock went so hard I winced again. “Swimming. Uh, how are you?” “Good man. Good. Running. Not seen you about here before.” “No. I only come here when it’s warmer. No seen you at the pool.” “No. I’ve been away for a few weeks for work. Got into running but will head to the pool again. What do you think?” He pulled away and pull up his singlet. Fuck, he was ripped. And as I looked, I could see his cock swinging in his running shorts. Determined not to be distracted, I looked him straight in the eye. “Not bad. You’ve been working hard.” He laughed. “Yeah, man. Looks like you’ve been keeping trim too.” “I try. Swimming mainly. And some weight.” “Yeah. Looks like you’ve filled out.” I blushed not sure if he had actually noticed I had filled out of he was referring to the tent in my pants. I coughed. “Well, I’d better go. Things to do.” Without a second though he vaulted over my car’s bonnet and opened the passenger door. “Hey man, you could at least offer me a lift. I’m shagged.” Without waiting, he clambered into the seat and buckled up. Staring at me, he smiled. “Drive.” I put the key in the ignition, started the engine and started to drive back to town. Jacques leaned down to turn on the radio, brushing my knee as he did so. He was chatting away. He’d been to Canada and then New York but loved returning “home”. He asked what I’d been up to, how work was. To be honest I was trying to concentrate on driving and getting my cock to go down. I was almost faint with the smell of his sweat. I just wanted to get out of the car. “Pull over.” I was jerked back to reality and he was motioning to a turning. “Pull over. I need a leak.” Obediently I pulled over. He opened the door, leapt out and disappeared into the bushes. “Don’t you need a leak?” I stared into the bushes from where the voice had come. My mouth was dry. Truth was I needed a piss. After my swim I had drunk almost a litre of water. But my cock was hard. Fuck it. I needed a piss. I got out of the car and looked around. I could see the road but still locked the car. I followed Jacques into the woods. The sunlight dappled through the leaves and suddenly I was in a clearing, and Jacques was leaning against a fallen tree. He’d taken his singlet off. He was incredibly ripped. And his tattoos were covered in a layer of thick fur. I gasped. He chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve left my fur grow. Like it?” He stretched his arms above his head and looked straight at me. “Strip.”
    2 points
  24. It really changes for me. A beautifully shaped ass may draw me to it--but if there is no talented use of that hot looking hole once I'm inside, I will move on (if other asses are available at a Cum Union or sex party.) But I am an ass man--I find something to excite me with just about any butt. The men I return to are the men who know how to work their inner muscles to milk my cock. I never/rarely test the inside with a finger. My tongue, yes.
    2 points
  25. A while back i commented on here how i knew a hot guy for about 2 years that i had met on grindr. And for those 2 years he always fucked me with a condom . His dick is amazing a good nine inches or more , thick and big ballz . Think Rocco Steeles dick exactly like that no lie! But he always used condom i hated that and he never kissed or made out . With him it was always a quick one nite stand . He would come to my place and out the door in 10 mins . It got to the point i wasnt even enjoying it anymore so i stopped replying to his texts . Then yesterday he texted me out of nowhere after knowing nothing about him for probably more than 2 months. He said he was really horny and hadnt had sex in 2 months. I tought eh what the heck i also been really horny and havent had sex since all this quarantine shit started . I live in los angeles California were they been really strict with the lockdown . So i was really horny and needed something up my ass BAD!!! So even tho i knew he used condoms i was so desperate i told him fuck it come over. Ive got deep cleaned enema and all and called him over. When he showed up to my door my jaw dropped . I mean he was already good looking now he was even better. Hes tall about 6'4 nice worked out body he cuban/Mexican and has a nice full beard . Just how i like them . Im short 5'6 skinny twinkish ,smooth bubble butt so latin men like him are my favorite. Once we were in my roon we both instantly got naked and laid down on my bed. And for the first time ever in 2 years he pinned me down against the bed and started kissing me passionately he stuck his tongue down my throat and made out real good . He then started kissing my neck and going down and sucking on my pink nipples and bitting them again first time he ever did those things. What took me by surprise was that he also ate my pink smooth hole for the first time ever. Then i sucked him off he got rock hard then we 69ed for a while he ate my ass out while i sucked his dick . So he then put me doggy style and i tought UgH he gonna put on the condon now. But nope he for the first time ever sticked it in raw and with no lube only spit. Fuuuuck it Fucking hurt but felt so good cuz like i said his dick is huge and thick . He fucked me 4 times in that day every way and position imaginable and shot all his loads real deep inside me . It got to a point he was actually making love to me. It wasnt like before were it was a quick 10 minute one nite stand and no kissing. This time it was very different we made out while he was fucking me and he kissed all my body and made me hickies all over my neck and on nips . He was telling me how he always wanted to fuck me raw but never asked me because he always tought i was gonna tell him no. So after we were done i told him in available every day at what ever time. Since i live alone and working from home. He told me im also available every day 24/7 . He now gonna come over every day. Yum cant wait ! I guess something good did come out of this quarantine
    2 points
  26. Load number 3 in my tight cunt. The strong, hairy beast on top of me roared as his grip on my ankles tightened and he added his seed to the sperm cocktail churning around inside me. He smelled like sweat and cigarettes. Combined with the smell of piss in the gas station bathroom and chemicals in my throat, it made my head spin. He rolled up a ball of spit behind his crooked teeth and shot it at my face. It was thick and a little bubbly, like his cum. His cock inside me felt natural, like it was filling up an empty hole inside me. “Good slut!” he exclaimed, satisfied. I moaned as he slipped his cock out and I suddenly felt incomplete. He jammed two fingers into me roughly. Some of the cum leaked out of my ass and dribbled down my legs. I put on my g-string and denim cutoffs. He put ten bucks into my back pocket and kissed me. Some wads of his own spit got caught on his mustache. I normally didn’t ask for payment outside of work; hell, sometimes I would pay to get my ass creamed. But I was low on drugs, and it turns some guys on to shell out a few bucks afterwards. It reminds them of how little I’m worth. He hopped in his car, and I got back on the street, struggling to keep the loads in my ass. Almost 1AM, and the roads were empty. Everything was dark except for the street light and the neon lights at the sports bar the block down. Properly lubed up and feeling piggy, I could finally go to work. A little buzzed from my booty bump earlier that day still, every few steps felt like one, and keeping track of time was difficult. Every sound made me jump. The hot, stickiness grinding between my asscheeks and slowly trickling down my legs made the walk better. I’m 20, 5’9”, Asian, perfectly smooth, waxed all over my entire body, and fit. A lot of guys liked that. Some people told me touching me was like feeling a girl, but my pussy is tighter, and I’m sloppier, hungrier, trashier, and longer-lasting than any girl they’ve fucked before. I arrived at the basement club. Barry, the guy at the desk, knows me by now. The only reason he lets me do what I do here is because sometimes I let him fuck me. Over the course of my career, he’s pumped me with enough sperm to fill my body. “The boys are downstairs at the back of the maze,” he said. “Don’t cause any trouble, fuckin’ tweaker. Don’t want you to pass out again – I’m not taking care of you next time.” I don’t remember what life was like before I was a trashy slut anymore. No... I was always one. This is who I am. I was born and destined for this life. The maze was dark, but plenty of dicks and dirty words graffitied onto the walls stopped you from running into them. Besides, I knew where to go. I walked into the sling room. A white, flickering light swung from the ceiling, creaking as it rocked back and forth. Fourteen guys stood there, either in leather chaps and harnesses or dressed normally and rubbing their bulges through their jeans. Some of them were handsome, some of them were trolls. All of them were at least 35. Bags of white crystals, pipes, and points were being passed around the room. One of the guys was packing a giant three-foot bong with weed. Backwards hat, basketball shorts, chiseled body. He was one of the younger ones. They greeted me warmly and handed me a bottle of coke, which I assumed was spiked with GHB. I took two large gulps. Maybe it was placebo effect, but I immediately felt the room turn floaty and my body felt hot. “Yo Ricky, you sure we can fuck this kid raw?” one guy said. His voice was booming. He was wearing a ski mask and was a tall, broad-shouldered and broad-chested man. He had a gut, but you could tell he was strong and could snap me in half easily with his titanic arms. The bulge through his jeans ran down his thigh. “Hell, I think I’d break him apart. He’ll be feeling my dick in his throat when I fuck that little pussy.” “Then break him apart, John. What, ya worried about the kid? You like him or somethin’?” Ricky said. The masked man squints at me through his eyeholes, grabs my chin, and runs his tongue up my neck, over my jaw, and up my cheek. My face was still sticky from being spit on by the guy in the gas station bathroom. His other hand slides down my back and tailbone until his middle finder rubs my g-string right over my ass. The strap is now sticky, warm, and soaked with the cum oozing out of my hole. I moan as I feel his breath against my face, like a wolf about to eat his prey. “Nah,” he snarled. “I don’t feel nuthin’ for him. Hey boy. I’m gonna shred your lil’ pink cunt, and then I’m gonna knock you up with my lil’ babies.” The other men laughed. My chest fluttered. My ass had been loosened up by the past few fucks that night, but a gangbang will wreck your hole enough. I was already nervous, but his dick looked like a python. Ricky was my pimp, boss, and master. He’s Italian, tall, strong, hairy, and had dark features. He perpetually smelled of cigarettes. He’s not associated with the mob, and he doesn’t kill people... with guns anyway. Ricky’s a businessman who sells bodies, but he has his moral standards. He doesn’t kidnap boys because he knows there are boys like myself who seek him out, who willingly become his whores... and that’s what keeps him passionate about his work. The jock handed me the bong, its giant piece packed full with what looked like a small shrub. He handed me the lighter. “Torch it, man. It’s gonna be a long night for you.” “Thanks,” I said, holding the carb and putting the fire to the weed. I sucked. One... Two... let the fire go. Three feet of glass instantly filled up with a thick white smoke. As the grass burned the smoke turned so thick it had a yellowish hue. Just as I released the carb, John shoved my head down, forcing my mouth over the hole. He held it there as I inhaled until I felt the smoke basically fuck my lungs. I choked, smoke flying out the sides and through my nostrils. “Yo, suck it you little bitch! If you can’t even take that, how are you gonna take fourteen cocks?” the jock yelled. It took me four full inhales to clear the smoke. Meanwhile, John slowly unbuttoned my cutoffs from behind. They fell to the floor around my boots. His hands floated up to my chest and he grabbed my small pecs as he nibbled my ear. I passed the bong to the next guy, but my head was already spinning wildly. I coughed for a full five minutes while the men offered me more of the coke and felt me up all over my body. I felt the blood vessels in my eyes instantly constrict. Everything was slow, I was so high I could barely utter a word or respond to what anyone else was saying or doing, and my skin felt hypersensitive. The men moved in on me. Countless dirty hands (some even with rings!) and tongues slobbered and violated me. A fat finger entered me. I was so high it felt like the first thing to enter my ass all night, an incredibly new and fresh feeling. I moaned, louder than I thought. It almost startled myself, I was practically yelping with pleasure, like a virgin getting his sweet spot gently tapped for the first time. I was drowning in men’s bodies. The high was so strong, their dirty talk was only a buzz in the distance. All I could really hear was the loud heartbeat in my ears and my own moans of ecstasy. “His ass is so warm and sticky already. How many guys did he let cum inside him?” “What a sloppy piece of trash. I can’t wait to get my turn at that cunt.” “I call dibs first.” “I’ll take his mouth then. Don’t waste the meat.” A few chuckles. Some guy was now eating my ass. His face was buried between my asscheeks, his tongue wriggling furiously against my hole. I could feel his unkempt beard rub all over my ass. I was euphoric. I love my job, I thought to myself. By becoming less than human at a young age, I’ve descended into a world of drugs, cock, cum, and service, and feeling my body being pleasured, knowing that these men wanted to pleasure their cocks using my holes, knowing I was nothing more than a sloppy cum rag to wipe their dicks with, a vessel for their cum... That fulfilled all of my inner desires. “More!” I screamed. “Cock... fuck me... breed me... use me!” I moaned incoherently as they touched me. “Aw yeah, the pig wants it. Oink, oink!” one of the men snickered. “Where’s the T? Someone put that slut in the sling and wrap a tourniquet around his arm.” “Man, if this kid’s parents could see him now.” More laughter, this time louder. Ricky watched in the corner, taking his turn at the bong. The man loved to indulge, but always stayed in control, making sure his money-maker didn’t get too out of line or refuse any of the men their pleasure. Continued in Part Two.
    1 point
  27. I had met up with this middle age guy over a year ago. He had a motel room. People stopping by. I dropped by and dropped a fast load in him. It seemed like a blur. He’s been asking for a repeat ever since. Then this past Friday it worked out. He asked me over to his house to do it again. Said he had someone else coming by too, and could I prelube his hole? Here in the outer-yet-still-affluent DC suburbs, in the past red politics type gravitate towards northern VA, and blue politic types towards MD. Even though that is changing fast, there are still pockets of deep red in the Northern VA suburbs. He lives in one of those. Way out on the rural edge, his neighborhood is a gated community. Seriously, two gates and a guard to get in. Manicured landscape, homeowners’ association-approved mailboxes . . . all propriety and safety. I park my pickup in the tiny two car garage drive. He greets me at the door wearing only a t shirt and takes me to the first floor master - leads me through HER house. His wife’s I mean. Her kitchen. Her tacky bric-a-brac. HER bedroom. And her’s it is. King size bed. Linens she obviously picked. Her dresser covered with her photos. Her bible on her nightstand! He’s already got a towel down on the end of the bed. Before he climbs on it, he spreads another on the floor below it, just in case. Nice. Dirty. He climbs on, legs in the air, and I am in him balls deep and raw. Ahhhhhhhh. feels so amazing having him squirm around wanting my dick. And I’m fucking away in and out head swimming like it does. Her pictures. Her decorations. “She’ll be gone all day volunteering, don’t worry,” he said. Worry? Worry? I was just hoping she would walk in. They’ve probably been married 30 years. It would blow her mind to find him ass up taking raw dick IN THEIR BED. And best of all her dirty pig dick-loving slut husband was getting fucked again after me. There. Her bath towels are catching juices from his precum slick ass. I would love to make it last but HER BIBLE SITTING ON THE NIGHTSTAND LIKE SHE ACTUALLY READS IT is just too much. I blew my load hard inside him FUCK a huge load. FUCK FUCK FUCK what a mind trip. Conservative values in this country are the sham. They are fake news. Imagine how “Christian” she’d be to him if she caught him. Probably not as accepting as she is about what President Trump did to Melanoma.
    1 point
  28. 56 Dean Street in London argues that HIV transmission rates in countries with effective treatment may be dealt a blow by lockdown. Briefly put, most HIV transmissions occur in the period of a couple of months after HIV infection where someone has not developed antibodies to HIV while in fact being highly infectious. It is possible, especially if people get tested post-lockdown as quickly as possible, HIV infection rates might get permanently reduced. This is arguably especially the case now, with prophylactic treatments like PrEP and effective treatment regimens like TasP being widely available. [think before following links] https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/05/01/hiv-chain-broken-transmission-lockdown-coronavirus-56-dean-street/
    1 point
  29. Last week I had grindr up as I was traveling and had a guy from southern Missouri contact me asking if I was looking for a top. I was getting ready to stop for the night and met him at a truck stop close to where he lived. He jumped in and I was already naked haven driveun the last 100 miles or so that way. Well as soon as I could get his pants off I saw his nice cock at attention and I swallowed it taking it all the way in so my nose was against his skin. I sucked on his cock going as deep as I could and nearly off then back on. When he was almost ready I climbed on top of him rubbing our cocks together and bitting his nipples after a little while I laid on his chest an we kissed for awhile then I whispered in his ear I need you to plant your seed in my ass. He was very thick and a little longer than average and I'm really tight but he took it slow and once he was in it felt so damn good. He started slow and slowly started to fuck me harder and harder. He said I'm going to cum, you're so tight I cant help it and all I could say was plant it deep. I felt his cock start to spasm and then the warmth of his cum in my ass. I went to bed happy knowing his seed was in me. Well today driving across northern Nebraska I got hit up by another grindr user looking for a blow job in a small town. We made arrangements to meet. I went into the bunk of my truck and took off my pants. When he climbed in I could hardly wait to get his pants off. I sucked on him for a little bit then had him lay down on the bed. I had him in as deep as I canall, it's my favorite thing to get their cock so deep I choke on it. After a while I climbed on top of him so we could kiss and we could feel each other's bodies against each other then I whispered in his ear I needed him to give me a big load in my mouth and I was going to swallow every drop. Then I went back to work on his cock going from my nose right in his pubic hair to my lips right at the bottom of the tip of his cock. It wasn't long and he started moaning and saying that he was going to cum which made me work harder. Then I could feel him start cumming and I pulled out just enough to get as much of his tasty cum on my tongue as I could and I swallowed every drop of his sweet cream and then licked off what was still leaking out. Damn I wish I has a hard cock in here now with a huge load of cum
    1 point
  30. Very nice. U are a great fag btw, knowing and accepting who u are born to be
    1 point
  31. There is nothing like fucking a Virgin hole.
    1 point
  32. Preach. Though I have no issue or take offense to anyone calling me a faggot. I have completely embraced my depravity and endure to submit to men. When wielded as an insult it is powerless, when wielded as an acknowledgement, it is a call to submission. But as everyone else pretty much said, it’s highly subjective.
    1 point
  33. Can't wait for Saturday!
    1 point
  34. Id love for you to bloody my hole up and gift me with a toxic load of your cum
    1 point
  35. Finished writing the tail end of Chapter 45 tonight, and just whacked out Chapter 46 too ... The writing juices are back, and Stevie-boy is on his way to his ... Welcome to the broTherhood parTy 💉☣️💉🐷💉💦💉😈💉
    1 point
  36. #8 Half Swedish & Half Mexican switch. 5ft 7 120LBS. black hair brown skin I have a 4 GA. P.A and other body piercing.
    1 point
  37. Voted with #7. I would love to have voted #9, but of course I am blessed with hands and forearm(s) to stretch a hole to my greedy satisfaction. I will add to the size that my Dick happens to have a strong curve when fully erect, and have been given feedback on how it glides over and into the prostate causing the pig I am fucking intense pleasure. I feel very blessed to have that curve! 🍆
    1 point
  38. My previous vote on here was Dylan James, but that was just for his killer looks and hot guys he's always with. The past few months PigBoy has kept popping up more and more (and I've been hooked). As a vers guy, If I could pick a porn star to actually have sex I'd want to whore around with PigBoy. Love that he's vers and his cock is hard as fuck (and cums hands-free) while he gets fucked. Like his hot body, but redneck, less than "perfect" look. One scene he's taking huge black cock in the ass and drinking piss, then next he's breeding some twink. Next scene he's sucking feet and sucking ass! He doesn't seem to have a "type"and just horny and piggy to fuck all the time. Lots of interracial sex, groups and always smiles with his face covered in piss and cum. It seems like he's honestly having a good piggy time whether he's top or bottom :)
    1 point
  39. oh man im actually a little scared how much i loved it. the fact that he's my friend and i felt his hard penis going all the way up my ass was heaven. i thought it was the hottest thing i had ever done. i also felt the head of his dick rubbing against my prostate and ive never felt anything like that in my life. it was so intense but it got me so turned on. i don't regret one second of what i did. next time i want him to bend me over in the shower and stick his nice dick up my ass all night. and feel him cum in me. i felt so comfortable with him. he;s out of his mind excited about this which makes me glad. i love getting fucked so much now omg 🙂
    1 point
  40. I spent my "formative years" cruising rest stops. As soon as I got my license at 16 I started going to one on the Northern State Parkway on Long Island. Usually always scored and got a blow job there. Train stations restrooms too on the LIRR. I'd really started years earlier, about 11 years old believe it or not, in the lower level rest room at Roosevelt Field shopping center. To this day have no idea what first led me there - it was like instinct in an animal, knowing the way home without ever having been there before. So many good memories and, the one arrest...
    1 point
  41. Part 3 A Pick up So, I really had thought I wasn’t gonna ever see that boy again. His hole was gonna be a fun memory from a simple vacation. I wasn’t near as adventurous by nature when I was home. But my kinks are still my kinks at home. So, I still like to get in a hole with jizz in it and the risqué and seedy as well when the chances arrive, but don’t want to get arrested or in trouble either. So, I still go and see what is going on in the cruising parks and the seedy mall bathrooms. This day I was in the mall to pick up some work slacks. There is one bathroom at the mall that can get cruisy. It has a long hallway after the entrance door to another door. You can hear as each one opens and gives guys a chance to get decent. Also, the handicapped stall is at an odd angle in the back that makes it hard to see feet unless u are looking real hard. So, I have caught many guys in there and thought they were doing things but only saw a bj once. And everyone knows it’s the cruisy bathroom. I have never done anything in there. I almost did something with this hot little twink, but it didn’t work out. But today I walked in and I could tell someone was in that stall. It had gotten quiet, but I could tell something was going on. I grabbed a paper towel and dropped it just so I could look under the stall and sure enough 2 pair of feet. And then I heard the whisper “Just keep fucking me slowly till he leaves.” I do my best not to giggle at the thought that they think they are getting away with this but also keep from getting hard. I catch that unmistakable smell of cum as I walk to the last urinal to take my piss. They are doing their best to be quiet but whoever that bottom was couldn’t sit still and I could hear the slick movements of a lubed ass riding a cock. When I was finished, I turned around to walk to the sink to wash my hands and looked through the slit between the stall door and saw the bottoms face. He looked familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. I washed up and headed out of the bathroom and decided to wait on the bench right across from the bathroom. Now this bathroom is in a back hallway in the mall and gets little to no traffic usually anyway. So, I waited. And then I heard the obvious noises of sex, so good skin to skin slapping, some good moaning. It was all pretty faint thru 2 doors, but it was a quiet hallway. Then I heard “YES SIR, BREED MY SLUT HOLE.” And the sounds died down. I was hard as a rock. There was a part of me hoping I could go in there as the other guy came out. But then I remembered who he looked like. That face was the one I remembered seeing as he was getting pounded at the bathhouse. My dick got even harder. Here was a chance to fuck that boy again, if it was him. I was so distracted. I saw the big hulk of a mountain man walk out of the bathroom that had to be the top that had just destroyed and seeded this slut’s hole. And I just randomly had a different idea pop into my head. Before I could shake it out of my head here comes the slut out of the bathroom. It is him. Bitch is wearing some super short running shorts with a jockstrap I can see the straps on just inside his shorts. And a fucking mesh crop top. If he would have been sucking a sucker, I would have thought him the quintessential easy-twink cum-dump of comics. He was looking a little shy but super happy as he came out of the restroom and I acted on instinct. “Oh, hey Slade, I thought I saw you earlier in the mall.” I said as I walked up to and hugged him, smelling the sex and sweat on the boy. “Surely you remember me, we met in Orlando. I thought you were super hot and wanted to ask you out but figured we were both on vacation and no chance of anything there. But here you are now. I think you should come with me and I’ll show you a good time tonight.” The slut looked utter dumbfounded. It was a good look on him. I could tell he was mulling over his options until he finally just nodded. I was surprised it had worked. I mean I had no idea what his name really was. But I could see the submissive streak in him, and I had already fucked him twice. Plus, he had some hulks scuzz slowing churning in his ass already, not to mention how many other men’s ball juice in there, which just turned me on more. I figured he wouldn’t turn me down too hard. He wanted more dick and just hoped I would give it too him. He wasn’t expecting the other things I wanted from him. So, he followed me as I went into the mall. “I have to pick up my slacks I have had ordered and tailored before we can go.” I said. “Oh, do you want me to wait outside the store or by your car?” “No, you don’t have to do that.” “I’m not really dressed for that. I don’t want to embarrass you, sir” And there it was. He called me sir already. He didn’t know my name and he knew I didn’t know his and already he is giving up power. “It’s okay. I invited you to come with me, I’m not embarrassed by you, I think your hot. If I want you to come along, come along.” I said. He nodded. He squirmed a little bit as we walked. I’m pretty sure he was trying to keep hulks load in his ass. It was hot to watch and think about. We got to the store and I walked in first and even held the door for Slade. I gave the cute 24 yo brown haired decent bottom, Tad my receipt and he went to fetch my slacks. It was fun to watch his ass leave, even if I only ever had it with a condom. Jerry the other sales guy was both eye fucking and judging the hell out of Slade. Jerry doesn’t look like much, just mid 30’s in shape guy, dark hair, green eyes, but always had a decent bulge in his tailored pants. Tad said he was a decent fuck but tended to cum buckets from a short fuck. So not always worth it for Tad. I decided to start looking at some shirts to see what Jerry or Slade would do. Jerry came over and asked Slade if he needed help with anything. Slade looked to me to see what he could say. So, I said “Slade, let Jerry pick out some underwear for you, he’s good at that.” Jerry grinned, “Slave, really that’s what you call him out in public, and make him dress like this?” “His name is Slade with a D. And I didn’t choose that outfit, though I do appreciate it” I said. The slut I named Slade looked super confused. But he was looking at Jerry with some lust in his smile, and that bulge in his eyes. “Jerry, show him the limited-edition stuff in the back, I’ll buy him 2 pair. It makes for a better present on a first date than some flowers or candy.” I said Jerry escorted Slade away without another word. But the look on Slade’s face when I said date was palpable. I couldn’t tell if it was excitement or disappointment. But off they went. And a few minutes later here comes Tad with my pants. “Here ya go,” Tad said. “Where did your friend go?” “Oh, Jerry is picking out some underwear for him. It’s my present for him for our first date.” “He’s your date?!? Really?” “Well I picked him up here at the mall, but yeah. I have seen him before when we were both on vacation in Florida but this is the first real date” “And you sent him to the back with Jerry?” Tad exclaimed “You know Jerry will try to fuck him” “Yes Tad I do know that, and that’s fine if he does” “You don’t think Jerry will be successful in bagging what’s his name?” “His name is Slade” “Slave? Did you buy him on the internet or something?” “No, Slade with a D. Or at least that is what I am calling him. I picked him up outside the cruisy bathroom.” “So, he’s a hookup and you don’t care if Jerry fucks him first?” “He was getting fucked in the bathroom right before I picked him up, but its not a hook up. I really wanna take him on a date” “I don’t understand” “I like slutty boys Tad; you should know this by now. It is the reason you and I were never more than a hookup” and at this pronouncement another customer walked into the store. Some 40’s white guy that was nothing much to look at. I went and looked at socks while I waited for what I hoped would be an even more well loaded slut that I could wine, dine, get fucked, and then take home to cuddle and play in his hole.
    1 point
  42. Like the others who've voted thus far (early on), I think it depends on circumstances. Beyond the issues of reclamation, etc., though, I think it's important to remember that if you're addressing someone with the term, their preferences absolutely trump anything else. No matter how liberated YOU might feel by reclaiming the word, if you call someone a faggot who's offended by the term, and you don't apologize/retract/cease using the term with them, you're not liberated, you're an asshole.
    1 point
  43. "So... the canoe trip? What happened there?" Chris asked. Andy laughed again. "After I graduated, my dad invited Ken and his partner over for a BBQ. Ken cornered me in the kitchen when no one was around. He said his gaydar was goin' off the charts on me. 'Are you gay?' he asked, his face just a couple inches away from mine. I didn't want to out myself to my dad's friend, but I figured since he was gay it would be ok. Next thing I know, I had Ken's dick down my throat and my dad walks in. 'Hey Steve! Yeah, he's a faggot alright, just like I told ya. Great cocksucker too. You should bring him on the canoe trip' Ken told my dad while he kept fuckin' my face" Andy said. Chris bit into an egg roll and waited for Andy to continue. "So?" he eventually asked. "Well, my dad didn't want me to go but I kinda begged him to let me. I thought it would be like the camping trips my family went on when I was a little kid" Andy said, laughing. "I walked in on a conversation he and Ken were having right before the trip and I heard my dad say 'I'm sure he's clean' and then they changed the topic when they saw me. I decided to stay quiet on my status and figured I would bottom the whole time since there was less risk for the tops that way" he added. "You got fucked by everyone?" Chris asked, wondering how close it was to his experience. "Eventually. Until I got there, I didn't know I had no choice but to bottom. My dad wouldn't fuck me the first two days, but then Ken made him fuck me in front of everyone around the campfire. It was weird, but I just pretended it was just some anon fuck with a daddy like I'd done a hundred times before. My dad even said while he was fucking me 'Guess it doesn't matter any more'. That kind of confirmed my suspicions that they were all poz too" Andy said. "How'd you know?" Chris asked. "Just like with you, guys made comments alluding to it. You actually called us out on it during the trip. I didn't. Colin didn't. God, he was so fuckin' clueless he didn't get tested until months later. Who knows how many people he infected before finding out" Andy said. He paused a moment and then continued "I didn't say anything or get visibly ill after the canoe trip, so about two months after the trip my dad made me go get tested for STDs. I pretended to be shocked when I got my results but it was kind of hot hearing the words again" Andy explained. "They just thought I was one of those guys that never shows symptoms when they convert. If only they had seen me when I really did. I was sick as a dog for two weeks" said Andy. "Do you still fuck with your dad?" Chris asked after a long pause. "No, not really. Since I got pozzed I've been mostly topping. Dad is also a top, though I think he likes getting fucked by Ken. I think Ken is the one that pozzed him. I've walked in on them a few times and Ken is always fuckin' my dad. The best part is that I no longer have to sneak guys into the house to fuck. Dad is cool with it and it can be funny in the morning when the guys we fucked the night before are walking around the house naked and run into each other" Andy said. Chris nodded as he finished the last of his dinner. "Thanks for taking care of me. I can be a real ass when I'm sick. I just want to be alone" Chris said. "No problem. I've done it for a bunch of guys and kind of enjoy it. There's something about watching a guy convert and knowing you had a part in it" Andy replied. Chris grinned back at Andy but didn't say anything else. Andy got up and tossed out the takeout containers in the garbage can and then went to wash the forks, spoons and glasses. As he dried the last one he turned to Chris and said "You've already picked out your first victim, haven't you."
    1 point
  44. If I had a dollar for everytime this happened to me. Jeeeeeez. Good cum dumps are so hard to find too! Put a ring on that slut next time you see him 😈
    1 point
  45. Part 7 - Once you start cheating...... A few years ago I was up in Scotland for a family occasion and was staying in a hotel in the centre of Glasgow. On the Saturday morning I woke up feeling particularly horny. I debated having a much needed wank but decided that, as I had a free morning, I would try to line up something more exciting. After a shower and breakfast I went on line and before long I was chatting to a fit guy in his mid-30s, whose name was Alex. His profile said he was a top and also said "safe only" - but he had already told me that was just in case anyone he knew saw his profile and he was definitely up for a bareback fuck. He told me his partner was supposed to be going out with one of his friends but was waiting to confirm so he was not sure if he would be free. I was really hoping I could meet up with Alex as he was a really good looking lad and I was really horny to be fucked. I didn't hear back from him for a while and I started chatting to another guy who was on his way to work in Glasgow and was really close by. He wasn't really my normal type but I was horny and so was he and soon he was in my room. He didn't say very much as I sucked his cock for a while and then licked his arse before bending over the bed. He pushed up me and began to fuck. He fucked me really well and when he came he shot what felt like a big load up my arse. When he had finished he pulled out, pulled his pants up and left. I was still feeling horny and went back online. I got messaged almost immediatley by Alex who told me his partner had now gone out and asked me if I was still up for being fucked. I told him I was definitely up for it and, after a moment's consideration, I told him I had just been fucked by another guy and asked him if he was alright with that. Alex asked me if the guy had fucked me bareback and cum in me and when I said yes to both he sent me a smiley face and told me he was on his way. A short time later, Alex arrived and he was even better looking than his pictures suggested and before long his pants were down and his cock was in my mouth. I sucked him for a while and as I sucked him, he reached down the back of my pants and began to play with my arse. I moved round to give him better access and his finger went up my hole. "Oh fuck," he said "That's really horny - I can feel the cum in you!" Without a word I pulled my trousers and pants down below my arse and bent over. Alex went right up me and began to fuck. This was just what I needed - a fit guy fucking my arse and I enjoyed every minute of it. Alex fucked me for a while and then pulled out. I went down on his cock for a while and then we stripped off and soon he was back up my arse. I ended up on my back with my legs high in the air as Alex pumped a load of cum into me. Alex pulled his T shirt on and I got us both a cold drink. Alex told me he had started cheating on his partner a few years before when they were spending a week in a cottage in a rural part of France. He said they had got friendly with a couple of French guys who were holidaying in the cottage next door. They had a few drinks together one evening and early the next morning Alex had been walking down to the nearest village to get bread and milk while his partner had a lie in. He was joined by one of the guys from the cottage next door and they had started chatting and then flirting with each other and they had ended up in the woods and soon he was sucking the French guy's cock. Alex told me he was the top in his relationship and had not been fucked for a while and when the French guy said he wanted to fuck him he didn't resist - he pulled his shorts and pants down and bent over. They didn't have a condom so Alex let the guy fuck him bareback and cum in his arse. They repeated this every morning, with neither of their partners any the wiser and Alex told me he really got off on the fact that he was fucking his boyfriend every night and then taking a load of cum up his own arse every morning. About six months later he had been on a Christmas night out with his work colleagues and had a few drinks. On whe way home he got talking to his Eastern European Uber driver and they ended up parked in a quiet spot with Alex bent over the back seat as the Uber driver fucked him bareback and depsosited a big load of Eastern European cum in his cheating arse. Alex admitted that he loved letting guys cum in his arse and before long he was kneeling up on the bed in just his T shirt and socks. I licked his arse for a while and then lubed him up and slid my cock up him. I enjoyed every minute of fucking him and I could tell he was enjoying it just as much. I started slowly and then began to fuck him harder as he gave contented little grunts and then I shot a nice big load of cum right into his arse. Somehow I always enjoy shooting my load up the arse of a guy who's going home to an unsuspecting partner, especially when the guy has got caught up in the moment and maybe gone further than he meant to. One of the horniest experiences was in the mid 2000s when my friend Alan and I were spending a long weekend in Ibiza without our partners. I always had fun when I was with Alan - he always had plenty of confidence and would often go for it when I might have held back and over the years that had lead to a lot of horny experiences for both of us. One night we were enjoying a meal on the terrace of a very nice restaurant by the sea. The restaurant was getting busy and, as we had a couple of spare places at our table, the waiter asked if we would mind if another couple joined us. We said no problem and he led two guys who looked in their mid-30s to our table. When they had settled in and ordered their food, they introduced themselves. They were a couple from the north of England and had been together for about seven years. We all got on well and I liked one of the guys, David, very much - he was easy to talk to and had a similar sense of humour to me. After a while I could tell from the way the conversation was heading that Alan was discreetly trying to find out if the two lads might be up for some fun with us. He didn't get very far, however, and it seemed clear that the two of them did not play around. A little later, his partner had gone to the toilet and David asked us what we were doing the following afternoon. He said his partner was going to visit some historical site with a friend and he would be free. Alan told him we were intending to visit the gay beach at Es Cavallet and invited David to join us. We arranged a time and place to meet and I was interested to note that David did not mention the arrangement to his partner when he came back to the table. Alan and I had some fun in a club that night and the following afternooon we set off to get the bus to the beach, meeting David at the bus stop as arranged. I still wasn't really sure if David was just intending to spend the afternoon with us at the beach or if he had anything else in mind. I knew that Alan had every intention of getting into David's pants and I was happy to let him take the lead. Once at the beach, we hired three loungers and found a spot set back in the dunes, just out of sight of the beach and settled down for the afternoon. David was good company and the three of us enjoyed swimming in the sea, listening to music and reading. There was also quite a bit of flirting going on and when Alan stripped off his shorts and lay face down on his lounger, I could see David checking out his arse. After a while, Alan turned over and lay on his back. His cock was starting to harden and and he took hold of it and motioned to me to join him. We were completely hidden from the beach so I went over to Alan, knelt down beside his lounger, took his cock into my mouth and began to suck it. I looked over at David, who was watching intently. I sucked Alan's cock for a while and then motioned to David to come over. He hesitated, but only for a moment. Soon his cock was out and in my mouth and I took turns sucking him and Alan and then David went down on Alan. David was bent over with his arse in the air and I pulled his cheeks apart and began to lick his hairy arsehole. We changed places and now I was rimming Alan as he sucked David's cock and then Alan reached into the pouch of his bag and handed me a small sachet of lube. I took it and rubbed some lube into his hole as he continued sucking David's cock and then I pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed it slowly right up his arse. I fucked Alan for a while and then motioned to David to come round and take his turn. Once more he hestitated, but only for a short time and then he moved round beside me. I pulled out of Alan's arse and took hold of David's cock but he pulled back. "I....I... can't," he muttered, "I need a condom....." I said "We don't have any." as I pulled his cock towards Alan's arse. David was silent for a moment and then he moved in behind Alan and seconds later he pushed his bare cock up Alan's arse and began to fuck him. I moved closer to him and soon my hand was on his arse as he fucked Alan and then my finger found his hole. I began to finger David's hole as he fucked Alan and then I put some lube on my finger and began to push it into his arse. David was close now and before long I felt his arse clenching on my finger as he began to shoot his load into Alan.. When David had finished cumming he pulled out and Alan stood up and moved in behind him, motioning to him to bend over. "No," he said, "I....I....can't....." David's voice tailed off as Alan positioned himself behind him and began to push the head of his cock against David's hole. Then David bent forward and Alan began to fuck him. It was a real turn on to watch Alan barebacking David's hairy arse hole and soon I could tell that Alan was getting close. I wondered if David would ask him to pull out but he didn't say anything as Alan pushed his cock up David's arse and held it there, shooting his load deep into him. I went up David's arse as soon as Alan pulled out and now there was no resistance. David was moaning softly and playing with his cock as I fucked him and after a while I realised we were no longer alone. A tall dark haired guy was watching us fuck, his hand down the front of his shorts. I grinned at him and he grinned back and moved closer as I took hold of David's hips and began to fuck him harder. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and soon I was shooting my load right into David's arse. The dark haired guy had his cock out now and was wanking and when I pulled out of David's arse, he moved forward. David looked round but did not say anything as the dark haired guy pushed up him and began to fuck. After about ten or twelve thrusts, he threw his head back and pushed hard up David's arse and I knew that David was getting another load up him. When he pulled out, I could see the cum sliding out of David's hole - it was a very horny sight. David was very quiet as we all went for a swim and he left a short time later. I was fairly sure he had not intended to go as far as he did - and had almost certainly not intended to end the afternoon with three loads of cum up his arse. I had another very horny experience a few years ago when I was spending a weekend in Brighton with one of my friends, Peter, who was over from Germany. We were staying in a hotel on the sea front and that night we went out for a meal and a goup of lads in their mid-20s were at the next table. It was not long after same sex marriage was legalised in the UK and we had learned earlier that they were on a stag weekend for one of the group - a slim, dark haired lad called Jordan. We had got talking to Jordan and another lad, Sam, who was Jordan's best man, in the hotel bar earlier that afternoon. Jordan was a nice lad and told us that he had been with his partner since they met at university and he was really looking forward to his wedding. When Jordan was at the bar, Peter asked Sam if he would have to keep Jordan on the straight and narrow on his stag weekend. Sam laughed and said there would be no need, as he had never known Jordan even look at another guy since he had met his boyfriend. A little later, Peter and I were having a drink in one of Brighton's gay bars when the lads from the stag party came in. Jordan had now obviously had a few drinks and was clearly enjoying himself. They stayed at the bar for some time and were still there when we left. About an hour or so later, Peter and I were rounding off the evening in one of the smaller gay bars. After we had been there a short time, Jordan, Sam and another lad came in and soon they were downing shots with a couple of guys who had been standing at the bar. I noticed that Sam was flirting with one of the guys while the other guy chatted to Jordan. A little later I got up to go to the toilet and I noticed that Jordan was no longer at the bar and nor was the guy he had been chatting to. I made my way downstairs to the toilet and went in. The toilet had two cubicles and a long urinal and I noticed that one of the cubicle doors was shut. I took a piss and then waited for a moment but no one came out of the cubicle. After a few more minutes, I decided to satisfy my curiosity and went quietly into the other cubicle. The music from the bar, though still quite loud, was muffled and I was fairly sure I could hear noises which suggested that more than one person was in the other cubicle. I climbed carefully up onto the toilet and looked over. Jordan was bent over the toilet, his pants and trousers at this ankles and the other guy was standing behind him, fucking him up the arse. The guy doing the fucking was quite good looking and I had a perfect view of his big thick cock thrusting up Jordan's slim arse. It was a very horny sight - especially as I could see that the guy wasn't using a condom. As I watched, Jordan bent further forward and I could hear him moaning as the guy began to fuck him harder. I watched as he thrust up Jordan's arse a few more times and then held his cock still and I knew that he was breeding Jordan's soon to be married arse. Jordan and his friends left the bar shortly afterwards, with Sam and the other guy supporting a very drunk Jordan, presumably with no idea that his cheating arse had just been loaded with cum in the toilet. Part 8 to follow
    1 point
  46. I only go bare. Sex is designed to pass DNA on to a recipient. Bare feels better because that is how sex was meant to be performed. If I can't trust the person I'm having sex with and I think about wearing a condom, then we should not be having sex. When I bottom and a man ejaculates in me, we are sharing his most individual and personal self. We are coming together as two people the way sex was meant to be, even if only for a moment.
    1 point
  47. Part 2....... I got so obsessed with my dad since that day when i left my spunk in his arse st the ABS that I arranged activities where I could see him naked like Gym showers, swimming etc and sniffing and checking his used jockeys from the laundry. He had a great manly body and such a beautiful dick and bullballs, nice. I was kinda messed up mentally because I still wanted and loved pussy, but this was my Dad, my father, my guardian, protector and I was planning and scheming and perving on having him again. I fought it, but lust came calling Hard. Anyway, that's that, my dad had bought me a scooter to get around instead of using his car and I used to sit outside his work at the cafe to watch him, there he was, grey beard, tall and strong, handsome in a grey 3 piece suit getting in his car, he was early today. I followed him, sweating in my helmet, but unrecognisable, he pulled up in the park I jumped, my phone rang, it was my dad, I could see him, he asked me how I was, did I fancy dinner tonight etc, yes , I asked what he was doing, he said he was sat at his desk busy, catch u later I said. He got out of his car and walked into the restroom, kinda looking out of place in his suit. I left my helmet on and went in, 3 stalls, 2 taken, I went into empty cubicle and could hear muffles and odd bangs to walls, I noted a Hole in wall, covered over with toilet paper, I move it and see a beautiful hairy arse moving back and forth in the hole on his side and some groaning going on, I look under the stalls and see black office shoes and grey office trousers over the top of them and ankles backs of, dad's, my dad's ankles, obviously being fucked by hairy arse Man, I was kind of jealous for some reason, but severely boned up. I am in the stall 10 minutes, listening and wanking to my dad getting fucked, it went quiet, but then I hear someone come in to the next stall. I look through the hole and its my dad! My dad pulls down his pants and much to my surprise he is sporting a 9 inch king of a hard on. He sits down on the toilet and starts stroking it. I put my visor up on helmet and my mouth to the glory hole and In two seconds I feel the head of his cock slowly slipping into my mouth. I start to slowly suck the head of his cock , my fathers cock in and out of my mouth inching it closer to my throat. Soon I am deep throating my dads beautiful cock till the hairs at the base are tickling my nose. I can smell his pubes, his groin, his man sweat hear him start moaning and he begins to fuck my throat faster until I feel and taste the first jet of sperm hit the back of my throat. I move my face back because I want the rest of his cum in my mouth so I suck the head while stroking his shaft. The next warm spurt hit the roof of my mouth and ran down under my tonge. As I swallowed my dads first mouthful of warm sperm I heard someone going into the stall on the other side of him. My dad heard it to and pulled his cock out of my mouth and through the glory hole but not before one last rope of warm cum landed in my mouth. I heard dad breathing hard in the stall and watched as he sprayed the rest of his cum in the toilet. I looked through the glory hole and in the stall was my dad, backing onto the hole in the wall, being jerked forward, so he is obviously being fucked and I still have dads cum in my mouth and here he is with his pants down getting fucked groaning again, i seen his face, his getting fucked face. He taps on the partition hole and puts his mouth up to the glory hole and I immediatly shoves my dick through the hole into my dad's mouth and starts getting really tuned on. i hear a door open and close and feel a difference on my dick, my dad was again riding my bare dick, it was so warm and silky that I found myself spurting warm cum in to my dads used arse. I now added my cum to the two strangers cum in my fathers arse My dad finaly pulls it back out through the hole and is gone. I sat on the toilet slowly stroking my cock feeling the stickiness on my dick and the warm sperm in my pubes from the strangers cum in my father's arse and his spunk taste still on my tonge. My phone rings, its Dad...........tbc
    1 point
  48. Soo.. Not something ive ever done before, letting a random giy ive just met fuck me. Although sooo something ive fantasised about. Just never thought id go through with it. Anyways 11th july is a holiday here in northern ireland and after a few drinks ..more than a few..i was talking to a random older dude who invited me back to his. Horniness & alcohol taking over i went.. When we got there he gave me loads more to drink & next thing i know im in his bed that had a mirrored wall behind it & hes fucking me bare. Telling me hes going to plant his seed deep in me never been so turned on in my life. He came in me twice. I stayed there the night & he drove me home next day. With his number & the promise of more nights the same & even with mates of his. Cant wait
    1 point
  49. I found him on BBRT a couple weeks ago. 23, lean and ripped and newly diagnosed poz. A few messages and I was in the car on my way over. I pulled up in front of the building and could feel my blood pounding in my temples. I got out of the car and could hear crickets. Neighbors were watching tv and getting their kids ready for bed. I climbed to the second floor of his apt building and rang the doorbell. I was so tempted to run away. But my cock was stiffening in my pants at the thought of taking his poz load deep up my neg ass. I'm 25 and in good shape, and have been taking it raw now and then for over a year. Nothing like knowing a top is flooding me with his seed. For longer than that I've been jerking off to the idea of getting knocked up by a hot poz-fucker. No idea why it turns me on but it gets me going like nothing else. So the other night was the end of a long journey to pozzed bottom, and this newly diagnosed boy was happy to help. He opened the door and smiled. Wearing only basketball shorts I could already see his semi hard cock hanging down his thigh. We made out on the couch as soon as I got in the door and then we paused. I asked him about his viral load. "Over a million" was his reply. My cock stiffened and my mouth was immediately on his 7 inch beauty. He moaned and stroked the back of my head, then made me stop. "Don't make me cum in your mouth." "That would be a waste" I joked. We stripped down and went to the bedroom. He started rimming my hole and fingering me pretty rough, doing a good job at getting the hole prepped for his dick. Then he did it. I looked deep into his brown eyes and felt the head of his dick, his poz dick, press against my hole. He hadn't used a lot of lube, but he was precumming like crazy. I closed my eyes and took in what was happening. This hot guy just a couple years younger than me was willingly infecting me at my request and we were both loving it. I felt his cock slide all the way in and thought about the virus-charged precum coating the inside of my ass and being absorbed into my blood. I already knew that particles of the virus were finding their way into me. My cock was like granite and bounced up and down as he picked up his pace and fucked me harder and deeper. He plowed me for a good ten minutes, roughing up my hole with his dick. The only sounds were his breathing, my heart pounding in my ears, and the bed sqeaking under his assault. My hole got slicker and slicker from his toxic precum. He mostly kept his eyes locked on mine and I kept mine locked on his, enjoying the fuck and imagining the massive amount of HIV coursing through his blood, into his precum, and into me. Finally, he got a wicked grin and said, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum." "Fuck yeah, infect me" I urged him. I couldn't believe the words left my mouth or the smile that overtook me when I said it. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, and grunted quietly as his cock started to inject his massive viral deposit deep into my guts. He shot what must have been a multi-day load up in there, and I came instantly knowing that billions of particles of HIV were exploding into my body through his dick. He fucked it in deeper, then just lay there with his semi hard cock plugging my hole. When he went a little softer and we just laid there panting, I felt some cum trickle back out, and I wiped it up with my finger and looked at it, mesmerized. "Wow that was fucking hot" was all I could say. "Fuck yeah" he panted. "Do it again." His wicked grin came back and he fucked me again, shooting another viral deposit deep inside me. By the time the night was done, he had put his HIV-laced cum into my ass three times. When I left, he told me to keep in touch. And I will. Tonight, I have swollen lymph nodes and a low-grade fever. I had massive flu-like symptoms for a couple days earlier in the week. In my bones, I know his attempt took and massive stores of the virus are pumping through my veins and in my dick. So we're chatting on BBRT right now. And he's getting a 24-yo neg bottom over there for us to share. I won't be lying when I tell him my last HIV test was just a couple weeks ago, and I'll be the one taking my new friend's cum one more time. Just in case we need to try again.
    1 point
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