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  1. Part 1 - The Meal Ticket Walking along the road in Knightsbridge it was already late in the evening and Conrad was a little lost trying to find the way back to his aunt's house. He often stayed up here during the summer holidays and visited with his cousin every evening who lived a thirty minute walk away to play on his xbox. Conrad was in London for two weeks and was taking the time to figure out how he would pay next terms fees and crucially the exams. Struggling to make ends meet he liked to be independent unlike his twin brother Charlie who was happy to visit the bank of mum and dad frequently, doing that have to be his last resort and would insist on paying them back not matter how long it took. Putting himself through college studying horticulture he never imagined the series of events that would unfold from this time of need. Somethings never crossed his mind like taking drugs or having sex with another man, Conrad was as straight as they come. At 20 years old he was average at best coming in at five foot nine inches tall, a swimmers build that lacked any sign of chest hair, just like his twin. The resemblance didn't stop there they both looked the same and that is to say ordinary, not head turners by any means and during school they constantly had a stream of girlfriends. Both of them had a weird strawberry blond colour hair and Conrad had brown eyes whereas Charlie had blue eyes that sparkled. To know them you knew that was the only subtle difference. Conrad began to recognise the shops and rowdy bars knowing he was only 10 minutes from the house. There were numerous young guys of all sorts standing outside one of the bars, some with shirts on others didn't and were showing off their muscular bodies like peacocks strutting around trying to find a mate. Conrad knew this was one of the gay bars and closing time was approaching and it amused him how some of the patrons now desperately searched for a fuck. It was one of several gay bars along this stretch of road and frankly it had never bothered him in the past, what did though was the limousine that drove slowly along behind him making him feel on edge. He could only assume it was slowing to deposit the passenger at the gay bar. Conrad could smell the cologne mixed with sweat the closer he got to the bar. Humid air still lingered after what had been a scorching day, they even had to stop play at Wimbledon for a few hours. Wearing only shorts and trainers Conrad had taken this t-shirt off for the walk back realising he looked just like one of the gays standing outside the bar that were leaning up against the wall. Some of the guys were chatting, others smoking but all watching diligently at any car that slowed down. The limousine had now slowed down and crawling along allowing Conrad to get further ahead of it. He thought the behaviour of the guys was strange at first then chuckled to himself wondering if they were escorts trying to pick up business.et further away from it, figuring that the guys leaning against the wall outside the bar were touting for business. Sure enough a car pulled in front of the limousine and one guy walked over to the car, after a few seconds of discussion he got in and the car pulled away. He just couldn't believe it was going on right in front of his eyes the noticed that several of the guys spotted the limousine and began moving edging closer to the curb of the pavement, in doing so they effectively blocked Conrad from passing easily. Dodging around the back of them and nearly crashing in to one that was moving forward. "Out of my way" he abruptly said to Conrad then looking at him up and down. Conrad looked shocked "I am just trying to get past" he replied annoyingly skirting around the back of him. Another guy spoke to the one he had the interaction with "Fucking straights always in the way". The guy laughed "Cute though" he replied. "Your just a slut like me Harry" the other guy replied moving right on the curb side. Stupidly Conrad looked over his shoulder whilst walking and saw the limousine slowly moving past the guys then it sped up a little and moved ahead of him stopping about 30 meters in front. You could hear the disgruntled moans from the guys who all moved back to the wall still looking at the limousine. Conrad heard the guys name Harry being called and he looking at Conrad and briefly made eye contact. When Conrad turned to carrying on walking a tall Arabic gentleman exited the limousine, jet black hair with greying sides and a black beard, he was solidly built and around late 40's possibly in his 50's and walking towards Conrad and spoke to him. "Do you have the time?" he asked in his heavy Arabic accent. Conrad looked at the man's wrist and gold rolex "You have a watch" he replied looking confused. He looked impatiently at Conrad "Do you have the time?" he asked again. Conrad realised what he was asking "Oh god no, I am not one of those" he replied nodding over his shoulder. "So you gay for pay?" he now asked "30 minutes for me to fuck you". "Are you serious?" Conrad replied shocked at how he continued to proposition him "I am not gay". He smirked "Even better" he said hinting to follow "£500 to fuck you". Conrad stood there rooted to the spot, had he really just been offered that much money to get fucked even though he had told the guy he was straight. Some bizarre decision had happened in his head from the lure of money that made his feet move following him. Was he really going to get in to the guys vehicle with no real idea of why? Conrad couldn't understand why his feet kept moving, the desperation for money was the contributing factor. Conrad felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up figuratively speaking and he glanced behind noticing several stares he was getting from the guys watching him, there was no mistake the looks were not happy ones. He held the door open and Conrad looked at it for a moment then at the man, he showed no friendly expression on his face and was more a business deal look nothing more. His body trembling a little at this bad idea but he still stepped inside sliding over the spacious seating, the leather smell instantly assaulting his senses along with cigar smoke. The strangeness in the way you could not see the driver through the blacked out partition window that was raised cutting them off from them. How bad can it be Conrad thought to himself watching the Arabic man climb in and the door closing like magic behind him. The limousine pulled away and he looked at Conrad for a moment. "Take your shorts down and lean over the back of the seat" he said in a just do it kind of way. Conrad embarrassingly pulled his shorts and underwear down and nervously leaned over the back of the seat "Like this?" he was asking to make sure. He said nothing taking his shirt off revealing a dark hairy chest and a very solid build, hanging the shirt up neatly on the coat hanger with his tie, he now undid his trousers revealing a bulge that looked enormous. Oh shit Conrad said out loud now concerned about what he had let himself in for knowing this was going to hurt. Conrad didn't even have time to think or back out feeling the body weight of the man leaning heavily down on his back the coarse hair on his chest making his back itch. He felt one arm laying over his neck holding him down in place, his other hand positioning his cock. Conrad let out a gurgling scream feeling his ass being pushed open abruptly taking the head of his cock inside he was almost sure he heard his ass tearing open, it burned like hell and the pain was excruciating. Conrad was gasping for breath his entire body engulfed by a pain that intensified the deeper he pushed his cock in, the thick shaft expanding his ass open wider. The agony and pain he felt left him unable to breath properly and he blacked out momentarily his eyes watering. Conrad snorted and snapped his eyes open crying out again in agony feeling his body and soul being crushed and destroyed by this man's cock. Wishing it would end so he could get his money and run, he suddenly felt a the sensation of he mans thick bush of pubes burying up against his hole. Getting a momentary relief from the pain only to become aware of the free arm circling around his waist ignoring his own cock it continued moved around like a snake until it held Conrad securely. Conrad felt completely immobilised and at the mercy of this man, the pain still burned deep in his body and gradually he felt like his ass was being pulled inside out. Each deep penetrating thrust made him cry out, unable to move his head he stared blankly out of the darkened back window in to the street lamp lit roads as they drove around west London. He was being fucked hard and steady, each thrust agonising with his calls to stop falling on deaf ears he could feel the warm breath from his benefactor who was now grunting and panting hard. Conrad let out one final loud agonising scream with the man pushing up hard, his cock sinking deeper than ever and simultaneously firing his seed in large thick gloopy streams deep in to Conrad's young body, electrifying jolts followed where each one seemed to penetrate him deeper. Conrad partly grunted and cried at the jolts from the man's orgasm and feeling relieved knowing this was over, even his eyes felt sore and his throat burned from the crying and screaming. Another painful long moan followed with the cock leaving his ass. He was still a little stunned at what he had done, confused, disgusted with himself and slightly dazed he heard a voice telling him to get dressed. Conrad pulled his underwear and shorts up seeing the lights from the bar appearing and the limo stopped exactly where it picked him up from. A wad of £50 notes was put in his hand and told to get out. The Arabic man grinned and lit up a cuban cigar waving Conrad away from the limousine he watched the door close and turned away in shame. He put the money in his pocket and stood looking at the brick wall in front of him. He felt dirty and degraded by his own actions stumbling towards the wall he leaned against it trying to gather his thoughts and compose himself. His ass felt like the pits of hell burning in so much pain he wanted to cry out in anger. "As gay as they come" Harry said walking up to Conrad "are you okay?" he asked. Conrad registered who it was "I'm fine" he replied standing up. Harry put his hand on Conrad's shoulder "Sure you don't need help?" he asked looking concerned. Conrad turned looking angry "Fuck off you queer" he responded shrugging Harry's hand off him. "Well fuck you" Harry replied punching Conrad in the face and walking off leaving him there. Rubbing his cheek and chin Conrad looked at Harry walking off re-joining his friends who all looked at him. It did nothing to help his self-confidence being looked down on by a bunch of gay guys in that way. Turning in the opposite direction he basically picked up where he stopped before getting in the limousine and painfully walked back to his aunt's house. He slept badly unable to get comfortable, every time he turned on to his left side he saw the pile of £50 notes on the bedside table. Unsure if the degradation and pain was worth it and to top it all he also now had to contend with a lightly bruised jaw from being punched. He couldn't ever remember calling someone queer like that since he had a school friend who turned out gay, then there was the man called Simon owner and occupier of Hibiscus Manor and Jack the gardener. Conrad was probably the only person in Hibiscus Drive who knew Jack was gay. By morning he woke managing to get a few hours sleep, his aunt went off to work and Conrad went to the bathroom. Sitting down he winced at the pain still around the entrance of his ass, he lost track of time sitting there his eyes watering every time the muscles in his ass pushed. Grabbing some toilet tissue he braced himself knowing this was going to hurt and he wasn't wrong, wiping gently he then stood up and saw rusty discoloured blobs floating in the toilet water. Not one or two but multiple ribbons of it. He felt sick again thinking about last night having never discussed using condoms, he had let a complete stranger fuck him and cum in his ass. Wallowing in self pity all day he sat out in the garden watching the planes in the distance heading to Heathrow and catching some of the late afternoon tennis matches on TV being played at Wimbledon. The pain in his ass had eased off although it was still agonising trying to poo he found out that evening. At least there was no more of the horrible stuff coming out of him, it was nagging at him wondering if the guy had hiv, but he did look respectable and bore a wedding ring. The following afternoon Conrad went to his cousins walking on the opposite side of the road away from the bar in case that Harry bloke was there again and didn't want to get in to any altercation with him. Stopping by the bank he deposited the money in to his account at the same time thinking about his ass and that the pain had all but gone. He spent the rest of the time with his cousin until 10pm. Heading back he walked on the same side of the road and sure enough he saw Harry standing there chatting with a guy. Harry noticed him and grinned giving him the finger. Conrad was so distracted by Harry that he didn't see the black limousine pass then do a U-turn in the road stopping a few meters in front of him. He wasn't sure at first if it was the same one until he started walking past it and the window opened and finger beckoned him over, there sat the Arabic man. He looked at Conrad and nodded "Same deal as the other night" he said smoking his cigar. Conrad saw the same guys looking at him from across the road "I'm not gay it was a mistake" he said. He laughed "You took it well and I need to fuck, get in" he said "£1k if you take like the other night". Conrad stepped back as the door magically opened "30 minutes" he said inching closer tempted by the money. "No" he replied "for as long as it takes me to be satisfied and empty my balls up your ass". Weirdly Conrad just saw the money side of it and slipped in to the seat next to him. It was gone midnight when he finally stepped out of the limousine after the Arabic man asked where he wanted dropping off. That was the extent of their conversation and his pocket was bulging with £50 notes again along with his sore ass that was even worse than the first time. True to his word it was only after the fourth time did he feel satisfied, Conrad just endured two hours of getting fucked stuck in the same position continuously, the Arab only took his cock out once he was done. And so it continued every other night he would get paid to be fucked by the same man in to the second week of his stay. Conrad was due to go home to Hampshire at the weekend and that Thursday afternoon he wandered around Knightsbridge bumping in to Harry who was dressed in public school boy uniform having finished classes for the day. Harry purposefully walked on a collision path with Conrad and every time Conrad stepped across so did Harry. The closer they got Conrad just gave up trying to avoid him. "How much have you made from Moham?" Harry asked stopping Conrad. "What?" Conrad asked looking at him "Man you still in school and whoring around?". "Shut the fuck up or I will punch you again" Harry replied smirking at Conrad. Conrad tried to pass by but Harry stopped him again "What happened to you being straight then?" Harry asked. "I am" Conrad replied looking at him unsure why he was still standing there hearing Harry laughing. "Was the money Moham offered too good to turn down?" Harry asked. Conrad blushed bright red not sure what to say "I am not gay" he said again. Harry just laughed in his face "You must be a fucking good bottom to take it from him so many times". "I am not gay" Conrad repeated to Harry "just get out of my face" he finally said having had enough. Harry cocked his head to one side "Your very sexy" he said. "I err" Conrad blushed again having never been told that by anyone "Sorry, what I said the other night". "That's okay, say it again and I will punch you harder next time" Harry replied making light of it. Conrad smiled and Harry shook his head "I have to go and do my homework, final exams coming up" he said. "Sure" Conrad replied awkwardly finding it amusing seeing an escort in school clothes. Harry walked off then turned "Meet me for a drink tomorrow evening, you know where" he said. He had to admit that Harry was one of a kind and in a way was a very attractive young and without a doubt he was flirting with him. Like himself he had copious amounts of blondish hair that made him look like a beach bum, those amazing blue eyes dazzled and he stood the same height as himself. Without knowing he was only 19 years old Harry had a pretty perfect body, not ripped but he was built for such a young person. Shaking his head Conrad was confused about meeting him and decided to sleep on it. He kept a low profile until Saturday afternoon, electing to stay in with his aunt that evening. Harry hung around the bar all of Friday evening chatting with his friends and keeping one eye on the direction he thought the guy would be walking from. By closing time Harry left the bar and walked home, it was no surprise the guy didn't turn up after all their meeting was not ideal. As difficult as it was he pinned to much on this so called straight guy but he couldn't help his feelings towards him, in truth Harry just couldn't stop thinking about him. Being an escort and finding a boyfriend was hard as most guys he met couldn't handle that part of him, even when he tried to explain that he did it for sex being a randy and very horny teenager. He was sad inside and tried to play his emotions down until he spotted the limousine and went running towards and tapped on the window. Moham lowered the window a little "What?" he asked taking a puff on his cigar. "The blond guy you had who is he?" Harry asked urgently "do you know where he lives?". Moham looked at him smiling "What's the information worth?" he asked putting the cigar back in his mouth. It was the last thing Harry wanted right now getting fucked by Moham "I just need to know where he lives". "It will cost you" Moham replied pressing a button and Harry stood back letting the door open. He sat next to Moham who looked at him and nodded down indicating for him to remove his jeans and underwear. Harry undid the zipper and the limousine pulled away. Moham put the cigar down and leaned over the back of Harry, his hand pulling his cock out that was already hard and he pushed it straight in to Harry's ass. He very rarely got to fuck Harry and liked that he was a little fighter when roughly taken, Moham loved the feel of Harry's body struggling. Harry didn't scream like the other guy he just wriggled and tired to reduce the impact by pushing his ass back. Moham had his arm secured around Harry's waist and with a steady brutal force he fucked him over and over until he shot his third load. Moahm spent fifteen minutes grinding his cock making sure Harry was properly bred before slowly he released him and sat back down doing his trousers up. The limousine stopped at the top of a road that Harry knew. "This is where I dropped him off" Moham said nodding down the road. Harry looked "So you don't know where he lives?" he now asked a little anger in his voice. The limo door opened "Down there" Moham replied lighting up his cigar "he screams when I fuck him". Harry slipped out of the limousine and the door closed immediately then drove off, he felt a pain of jealously at Moham's last remark or was it anger more importantly Moham had played him for a free fuck. He should have known since the man never spoke to guys he picked up, they just had to lean over and take it then get paid. Deciding this was a no hoper he turned to walk home even more upset than he was earlier. Saturday afternoon and Conrad headed back home for the Hampshire countryside, he had no regrets standing Harry up and didn't want the confrontation with him sensing they were complete opposites. His tuition fees well and truly covered by the £9k he made, the extra was pain money for enduring the nights he spent being driven around London taking a hammering from the Arab man. Sitting on the train out of Waterloo station he realised the thought of sex with the Arab had made him hard. Can't be he thought to himself, why would that turn me on? It was the start of his own confused emotions and state of mind questioning his own sexuality on the long journey until he reached home and the serenity of Hibiscus Drive. Sometimes your mind can hide things from you that only appear when you least expect them to. For Conrad he had subconsciously been fighting this battle for years and never even knew it.
    11 points
  2. On contact, a loud moan escaped his chest. I knew I must be doing something right, so then I did even more. My thick tongue speared through the ring of his ass like a cock trying to fuck a virgin hole. I began tonguing him out for all I was worth… on a popper high, and on a mission. I love eating ass and find it still the best way to truly prep a hole for invasion, and he tasted great. So, I kept blowing spit into his hungry hole to get it wet as it continued to just keep opening up further and further for me. The moans of approval kept increasing in volume as I worked that hole. At one point he had his hand on the back of my head trying to push my face in even further as he ground his ass back against my tongue. Fifteen minutes passed when I knew I had my tongue in his ass as far as I could physically get it. The time was now right. I reached up and handed him the poppers and told him to take some good huffs of them. I quickly rose up behind him while he was huffing away, spit on my cock, and lined it up to his previously unavailable hole. Just as he was screwing the poppers cap back on, I pushed forward. The fifteen minutes of making mad love to his juicy boyhole had paid off, as my raw cockhead breached his ring and begin to slide on into his hole. Remembering past history, I took no chances. I plowed forward as fast and as steady as I possibly could, while pushing his ass along with the rest of his body tight up against the bookstore wall. This way he was pinned between me, and it, and had nowhere he could pull of it to. There was in his body what felt like a moment’s hesitation, but then I felt again that slackness of submission… that feeling when a boy just gives in and takes what he knows is coming. And as soon as I felt that I seized my opportunity and pushed all the rest of the way home. It may have taken awhile, but damn, did his kunt finally feel good. It fit my cock like a glove. And when I finally bottomed out in his hole, I gave an extra shove just for good measure so that he knew I was hilted fully in place. My sword was in his scabbard. The sound of the last wind getting knocked out of his lungs was my signal to let loose. I told him to take some more poppers and then to give the bottle to me. I took some heavy hits too, and while we were both feeling that popper rush, I laid into his ass and gave him the fucking that I had always wanted to give him. I pistoned in and out of his ass like a porn star. And he had one of those self-lubricating holes. The harder I fucked him, the wetter it got, which I love. To say that I brutalized that hole was an understatement. I plowed him to within an inch of his life, all the while pulling his head back by his thick hair and kissing him. I even bit his neck while I fucked him and gave him a hicky at a place that would be very obvious afterwards. And he just submissively left me do it like the obedient little bottom that I had already known that he was. Our coupling probably went on for a good twenty minutes. By this time, everyone in the place knew exactly what we were doing. I didn’t really care how loud I was getting. I WANTED everyone standing out side those booths to know EXACTLY what was going on inside… partly so they would wish it was them in there with me, but mostly because when we were done, I wanted them to know that that bottom bitch had been fucked royally. That was his cost for never having given me what he knew I so badly wanted. As I started to feel the cumload building up in my overstuffed nuts, he still had not shown the slightest glimmer of recognition as to who this was that was plowing his ass. So I decided to put my end-game strategy in play. I started asking him if he liked how my cock felt in his hole. And when he didn’t answer fast enough, or appropriately, I’d slap his milky white ass till I got the correct response, provided loudly enough. Everyone outside could hear what he was saying. In the pale light of that video booth the bright red handprints on his ass almost glowed and I got off on how it looked. Eventually he began to respond correctly, and loudly. So I asked him if he liked my fat cock. I asked him if it felt good plowing in and outta his kunt. I asked him if he liked getting Daddy fucked in dirty bookstore booths. All of which he answered yes to. Finally, I asked him if he liked raw cock barebacking his hole. I had to smack his ass hard to get him to answer that question, but when he did, he grunted out a loud YES. And that sent me over the edge. I grabbed hold of his hips, and started my final pile drive into his slutty ass, while he grabbed his cock and started stroking it for all he was worth. He knew I was close and he wanted to cum with me. Just as I felt my balls about ready to jettison my pent up load up and out outta my cock and into his hungry hole, I grabbed him again by the hair and pulled his head back, and I leaned slightly forward to where he his ear was close to my mouth, and as I erupted like a volcano into his sucking, grasping hole, I whispered just loudly enough into his ear Take…My… Dirty… Load… Mel.
    11 points
  3. Oliver ran the bar of soap across his chest as the shower filled with warm steam. his heart sank thinking about the impending meeting with Doug, but he held his resolve. Doug had to know how to stop this. surely he could reason with him? Oliver planned his options carefully but just couldnt seem to think of the right words to say. Why was doug doing this? he hadnt done anything to upset the fatherly looking old man. "i dont..." oliver paused, fumbling for the words. "dont...cum in me?" oliver stammered in embarrassment. oliver sighed, running the soap across his ass and remembering Dougs words. "pussy" he grimaced. he stood there as the water cascaded over his thin frame. Doug picked the worst word for his body when he violated the boy. he said it over and over as Olivers body helplessly opened to invite dougs tool deeper. "girls have pussies" the boy grumbled, reaching down apprehensively to touch his soapy asshole he was shocked to see his dick begin to swell. "no" he gritted his teeth. he had to control this somehow. Oliver arrived at the office reception and nervously tapped his toe. the place seemed, emptier than usual. He scanned the room anxiously and tried to rehearse his demands. "Oliver?" Treys chipper voice rang out as the boy sheepishly rose to his feet and shuffled down the hallway. "room 11." the boy smiled. Oliver tentatively smiled back as he entered the dim room and sat awkwardly on the examination table. He waited for what seemed like hours as mere minutes ticked by. Finally the door swung open and Doug entered. "hey ollie! hows my favourite patient feeling today?" "a little better i guess" olivers heart sank, remembering the gift his body accepted just a few days ago. "oh dont be so glum there buddy. once you take your medicine im sure youll perk right back up' Doug turned to the boy, syringe in hand. "i...i dont want to do this" Oliver protested, as the strong older man wound the tubing tight around his arm. "nonsense ollie the medicine is good for you. it helps your special little gift." Doug gently squeezed olivers thin white arm, coaxing the teens vein. "i mean, i dont want to..." Oliver felt ashamed to even ask. What was he even asking for? its not like Doug didnt hear his protest. Doug carried on as if the boy hadnt spoken at all. "little stick" doug cooed, as he dipped the needle gently into the teens vein. "This medicine is a little stronger ollie so you might feel a bit different than last time." doug smiled at the despondent boy. "please no" he croaked, as Doug pushed the contents of the powerful cocktail into the young mans body and released his arm. "look at me ollie" dougs voice echoed in his head as the boy began to cough. "that a boy, see ollie? the nice medicine makes you feel good all over" Olivers heart pounded in his chest. "nnnnn" he groaned, trying to push a sentence of protest from his throat as Doug began unbuttoning the boys shirt. "my girl...." ollie groaned as doug unbuttoned the teens denim jeans. "lift up ollie" Obediently he picked himself up and Doug slid the rest of his clothes off. "she...." oliver stared down at his now rock hard cock, the soft blonde hairs at its base sparsely decorating the boys prick as a testament to his youth. "did you do have some fun last night ollie? you didnt sneak your little poz cock inside her did you?" doug teased as he began undressing. ollie shook his head. "its okay ollie I know. Once you teach a boy about that special little hole between his legs, its hard to even remember how to cum without it" Doug fetched a tube of lube from the countertop and squirted a glob onto the boys cockhead as it gently throbbed in time with his heartbeat. Oliver watched as Doug gently placed the boys hand on his cock. "nice big strokes now ollie" he instructed, as he hovered over the boy, phone in hand. Oliver began fisting his cock. the syrupy lube felt nice on his dick as he sighed contentedly, jerking his prick obediently. "youre doing great ollie. See, your body learns naturally once a mans cock is inside. At first it just feels...different" Doug smeared a glob of lube on his thick tool as ollie stared, mesmerized by the mans pendulous balls and swaying meat. "but eventually those big cocks in your pussy start to change things." doug pushed the boy back on his elbows and began massaging a dollop of cool sticky lube into the boys hairless pink cunt, working his fingers inside with ease. "see ollie? see how your little pink pussy just opened right up? your body wants a man inside you. its a natural part of how you cum now and pretty soon, you wont be able to cum without it." oliver groaned around the mans thick fingers as they danced in and out of him. "See Ollie can fight me. he can huff and puff and say no no no as much as he wants" Doug lined his leaking cock up with the boy and pressed gently, his hole opening around the glistening tool to accept the head. "but ollies body? well that will never say no. it opens up every time for my nice big cock" Doug stroked the boys cheek as he slid deeper inside. "look down ollie" The boy gazed at his slim hips, watching the doctor take him once again. Doug was right. Oliver could write an entire speech in the shower about how he just wanted to stop, but there was no way to keep doug out of his guts if his hole wouldnt cooperate. "just a little more, youre doing fine." Doug seated his cock into the boy fully as he groaned, a gentle gurgle emerging from his guts. "see ollie? thats your pussy talking, not you." doug began to gently fuck the teen on his rod, drawing his cock fully from the boy in a lewd slurp, before sliding it gently back inside. "Pretty soon thats all youre going to listen to, just what your body needs." doug smiled as the boys cock fired a quick shot of cum across his chest. "f-fuck" ollie stammered. "thats it, open up for the big pretty cock" doug whispered to the boy as he continued fucking just as if Oliver had never cum. "did you miss it ollie? this was what your body needed. what that nice little girlfriend of yours cant give you. Tell me where the nice big cock is ollie" doug watched the panting boy search his mind. Why did doug keep asking? of course he was inside him couldnt he hear it? dougs cock was loudly churning the boys hole. "in my pusssssy" he smiled, as doug held the camera to his face. "theres a good boy" doug cooed as Oliver relaxed his hips and leaned further back.
    8 points
  4. Part 3 When I got home, I sent David a message and went to bed. "Sir, thank you for a great evening. I look forward to seeing you again. If you want to get together again before you go back to London let me know." For the rest of the week I didn't hear anything. It made me feel like I must have fucked up. The thing is, I jacked off every day as I couldn't stop thinking about that thick poz cum. I needed it deep in my guts. The last day David was in town, he sent me a message. "boy, it was great meeting you and seeing your desires....you will realize I have what you crave." I replied, "Yes Sir, You do have what I crave and need. I want to feel it in my guts." David responded, "Sir is getting ready to take off for home. This conversation isn't over, we can chat more in the coming weeks. I have one question, how many doses of your PrEP have you skipped since our meeting?" I immediately replied, "None, Sir." "That's too bad boy." The rest of the day I knew David was flying so we couldn't talk. I thought about that last statement. Did I want to stop taking PrEP? What would happen? Was I willing to accept becoming a pozpig? --- David and I kept chatting every few days after he returned home. Most of it was about his trip to LA and parties he was going to and guys he was fucking. Then it happened...I was asked to travel to London for two weeks for work. I immediately messaged David to let him know. "Sir, work is sending me to London for two weeks." I knew it was late in London when I sent the message and didn't expect a response. An hour later, I got a message back. "boy, excellent news. Sir looks forward to showing you the sights. I suggest you get a room at the Travelodge near Vauxhall." "Yes Sir! boy is sorry to have disturbed Sir so late." "It's okay boy, Sir just got home from planting His seed. Now I am off to bed. Still taking my your PrEP boy?" "Good night Sir. Yes Sir, boy has not ever missed a dose, Sir." I didn't get any response, I knew it was late so I didn't really think too much about it...however, it still played out in my head over and over that night. --- The next couple of weeks before my trip were a blur. David and I talked more and more while I was preparing for the trip. Then the day came for me to fly to London. I was excited and nervous about the trip. I had been thinking more and more about David's poz seed in my guts. "Hi Sir, boy is getting ready to board." "Have a good flight boy. Get some rest, you will need it."
    7 points
  5. "oh god jake that fucking hole" seth groaned. No matter seths original intention, he just couldnt resist an opportunity to plant a few more squirts of toxic cream into jakes guts. "I know he has such a hot little pussy doesnt he!?" mikey blurted thoughtlessly. "Mikey! ugh goddamnit" seth grunted as he pushed into the boys firm ass and shot his load. "hes not here to fucking bottom you greedy bitch" the boy hissed as he drew his prick out of jakes leaking hole with a slurp, slapping his ass. "hes here to stick that big filthy poz cock in pretty straight boys and fill them full of poison cum, not take toxic loads from your monster cock." "what??!" clint jumped to life and scrambled into the plush couch as mikey gripped the boys hips to control him. "oh come on clint we're all just one big happy family here." clints frightened eyes looked up at Jake, gently sawing in and out of the semiconscious boy beneath him. Jake stared back, a tinge of regret on his face as he whispered a single word. "sorry." Seth began rubbing clints shoulders as the boy resigned himself to his fate. "Jake got his nice gift from me. He used to be such a good boy, he would never ever play without a condom. But I changed all that. I made him crave the warm sweet velvety grip of a raw boypussy clint. I made him shoot over and over again until he quit thinking about anything but the hole." seth smiled. "now be a good boy and let the big cock cum inside." Clint moaned and sobbed as Mikeys balls softly slapped against his butt, his own body a silent and willing partner in his conversion as his hole happily suckled the throbbing meat. "sshh, youre doing great clint, mikeys almost there-" "Jake!" clint blurted between thrusts. "if i have to do this i want jake to do it. please. just let jake do it." clint pleaded with mikey as he slowed his thrusts. "goddamnit fine, Jake get over here, youve clearly fucked this boy stupid." Jake rose to his feet and traded places as mikey slammed deep and hard into Chris. "he has a boyfriend you know clint." Mikey grabbed Chris by the throat and began slam fucking the boys hole as he plowed the cummy pussy. Seth wiped the tears from clints face. "dont be a grump mikey." seth scolded. "just take your time clint. I know this is new, and sometimes new things can be a little scary, but I know youre going to love this. Jakes going to make you special." clint gave a half smile and sat up. "let me clean it first, please?" Jake nodded to the boy as he began licking away at his hard tool. "ok buddy, i think we're all set" jake said as he gently pushed the boy back onto the couch. Jake pumped a glob of lube onto the head of his cock, and carefully spread it between clints pink hole as he nudged the boys soft cunt. "im scared jake." clints voice was shakey as he stared into mikeys eyes. "its okay baby im right here." Jake pushed forward into the boy "feel me inside?" Clint nodded eagerly as they began gently fucking. Seth stood confused, fondling his swollen balls as he watched the beguiling scene unfold. Why the fuck did clint care? eight hours ago he was still just some nice guy mikey brought home from work to watch the game or some equally boldfaced lie, and now he not only obediently held his legs up for a poz cock but had a preference? Mikey hadnt dated in years, why would he? a cock is a cock. nothing more, nothing less. glancing over at mikey he watched the ravenous boy slap Chris across the face. "take my toxic fucking seed you faggot" he growled, buried to the hilt in the poor boys wrecked cunt. "now that is a fuck." seth thought. Something he just understood. but whatever Jake was doing? it was...almost exotic to him. "you can fuck me harder jake" clint offered tentatively. "there ya go buddy, nice and deep. feels good?" "clint groaned and nodded. "feels amazing." he sighed. Jake reached down to stroke the teens leaking tool. "no wait stop! youre gonna make m-me-" clint gasped as his nuts delivered jet after warm jet of juice across his chest. "its okay clint, dont fight, just cum on my cock. Im almost there" clints spasming hole was almost too much as Jake methodically continued stroking into the boys sensitive cunt. "Its time baby, are you ready?" clint reached down, spreading his ass for Jakes powerful cock. "cum in me. make me....make me poz." he pleaded with teary eyes. "sshhh" Jake soothed. he leaned down, face to face with clint as he pushed deep into his guts, spraying the boys insides over and over again with thick poz seed. "thats it clint youre doing great, take the load...take the load" Jake pulled his dripping spent cock from the boys ass as it began to leak. "oh no!" clints hands rushed down to cover his puffy ring. He couldnt just let jakes seed leak out of him, not after this. What if this was the last time? would Jake ever breed him again? Clint clutched the priceless seed as it dribbled out of him. "hey there dont worry about it" jake chuckled, "I make more you know..." clint laughed as Jake kissed the boy softly. "will you fuck me more?" clint asked bashfully. "of course clint. dont you worry about the conversion, Ill keep fucking you full of cum until youre nice and poz." Seth watched curiously. This was almost..dare he say it, romantic? no. This wasnt romance, it couldnt be. How could this kid go from straight laced and boring to some kind of...fawning Jake lover? It was all too weird. "what the fuck is love anyway." he scoffed to himself. "hey seth" mikey roused the perplexed boy from his train of thought. "get his arms and help me put him in the bathtub" mikey lifted Chris into his arms, his cock still seated deeply in the boy. "why" seth asked flatly. "because I just filled him full of piss and im not in the mood to rent a carpet cleaner." "HAH!" seth snorted. now that was more like it. As they gently laid Chris into the tub, Seth let out a sigh of contentment as his stream of hot piss spashed onto Chris, soaking his hair and chest. "such a thirsty boy" he whispered.
    5 points
  6. Welcome to the breeding livestock club. There is no greater high than the feeling and knowledge of another male spraying his warm essence, his DNA, into you and making it a part of you forever as some of it absorbs into the tissues of your fuck hole. And then to experience that over and over and over, it never gets old.
    4 points
  7. Just after 10pm Sunday evening I had a horny 23 yr old bi lad come over for a Pump n Dump. He was a tall stocky hairy lad with a very fat 8.5” uncut dick. He got to work on my arse straight away, I was on all fours & he shoved 2 fingers of lube in my cunthole then rammed his fat dick in me balls deep making me gasp and squirm a bit, he then forced me down flat on my font & punned me down as he raided my cunt hole hard. He plowed me for about 15 minutes before he bred his big juicy load in my, his dick pumped hard and fast inside me & his cum started leaking out of my cunt as he pulled out. He then pulled his jeans up & left. Abou an hour later I had a Turkish Uber driver come over to fuck me. He was very sexy, about 5,10” tall, fit hairy body and thick veiny 9” cut cock. We came up to the bedroom & got naked, he pulled me in for a kiss with one hand and the other slid down to my arse and started fingering my cunthole. He got very tme on and got me on the bed on my back, he spread my legs and rubbed his big bell end on my whole then slowly pushed it in. He felt so good inside me fucking hard & deep, he fucked me on my back for about 20 minutes then got on the bed with me & got me on my side do he could fuck me from behind. He was fucking me so good then his hand slid up from my belly to my nipples which we wired to my arse & started playing with them! My moaning got louder as the waves of pleasure flowed through my cunthole intensifying with every thrust! I begged him fuck me harder & he obliged, within seconds I felt the pleasure rapidly intensify “ Fuck you’re gunna make me cum’” I roared. He fucked me even hard saying “ yeah slut cum for daddy” he then said he was getting close too!! As i was telling him to cum in my cunthole I had a massive orgasm!! Roaring with ecstasy, legs trembling & cunthole spasming on his big dick. He shouted I’m cumming! and I felt his dick pulsing inside me & his warm cum filling me up! As he held me tightly & thrust in me hard my dick started squirting thick wads of cum as i orgasmed again. When he pulled his dick out he scooped up some of his cum in his hand & gave it to me to eat, I devoured it and sucked his dick clean. He then got dressed & left. I went back online & had got a few msg from a horny black guy who was working a few miles away on security night shift & was looking for a fuck when his shift finished at 6am. 32yrs old, 6’5” tall stocky/muscular build & very thick 11” uncut dick to demolish my cunthole with! He got here at 6:20am and his dick was hard & trying to bust out of his trousers! We got naked & on the bed, I wanted to suck him but only managed his massive bell end. He went down to eat my sloppy hole & he had me moaning so loud! His tongue was so deep in me it felt amazing! I thought it was going to take a while to get his monster dick in me but it seemed my arse wanted it in me as much as I did, on the third attempt he had his bell end pushing gently against my hole! I was aching to have him in me, I started playing with my nipples and suddenly I felt my hole opening up, he started easing it in & it kept opening! When he started fucking me I was on my nipples again & the sensation was so intense I was growling with extreme pleasure. He was here for 3 hours most of which is an orgasmic haze! After my first orgasm with him it was just a constant flow of multiple orgasms & sensory overload. My body is still tingling & my legs are still slightly trembling too & It feels like he’s still inside me.🤤
    4 points
  8. I should probably pause and just tell you a little bit about me. At the time of this story I was just shy of my 40th birthday, but already working that Daddy vibe that the boys love. 6 feet tall, and a solid, broad-shouldered, 230 lbs. Pretty muscular but with a nice solid belly to add to the bearish appearance. I’m hairy all over, especially my chest, and at that point it had just started graying. I keep my dark hair fairly short and at that time I generally sported a pretty full, already graying, goatee and longer sideburns. I’ve been told I have a great ass, and I’ve got a well above average, very thick 8-inch cock, that one fuck buddy has described as being like a club... the same thickness from top to bottom, except for a big flared rim on the head. I’m primarily a top, but I’ve also got a hungry ass that needs, and enjoys, periodic feedings. And at that point I had been Poz for almost 10 years. Mel settled on a film to have playing in the background and then after some quick mumbled greetings I grabbed his face and started kissing him. His soft compliant mouth quickly opened wide to accept my probing tongue and he tasted as good as I remembered. While I drooled some spit into his open mouth, my hands slowly slid down his back and cupped his shorts-encased, jockstrap-clad-ass As we made out, I slowly began kneading the cheeks of his meaty ass; my fingers sank into his sweaty trench and pressed on his hole through the material of his gym shorts. Even through the cloth I could already feel an accumulated dampness there, not sure whether he had arrived pre-lubed, or if it was a mixture of summer sweat and his own natural ass juices seeping out to prepare his hungry hole. Either way I was soon gonna find out, and I knew that either one would taste good to a sex hungry pig like me. As I fingered his crack, my other hand came round to the front and quickly slid up under his shirt, like a heat seeking missile looking for his nips, while he had his hands running up and down my back and pawing at my gym-shorts-covered, rapidly hardening, cock. As I found his one nip, I pressed down harder on his mouth with mine and began to kiss him with a passion and an intensity that he wasn’t prepared for. As I did, I latched on hard to the nipple between my fingers and pinched with everything I had till a loud breathy moan of pain escaped from him and into my mouth. He knew I meant business and I could feel his body start to go slack in my arms as his total submission began. I pushed him up against the wall of the booth and started madly grinding into him. I wanted there to be no question about what it was I was after. His hips started bucking back in unison as our combined rutting went into overdrive. As this was going on, I had kicked off my flip flops, preferring to stand barefoot on the cum-stained floor of the booth; feeling those dried loads of jizz beneath me. Somehow, their presence, along with the smell, connected me to the carnal energy that existed within the confines of that booth… a mini temple to the gay male need to spread their seed, anywhere and everywhere that they could. I shoved one hand down the back of my shorts while I continued making out with Mel and quickly pushed my shorts down. Being naked in a semi-public place always makes me go into overdrive and I wanted to be naked and exposed as quickly as possible. My hard cock got hung up on the waist of the shorts eventually springing free as it thwacked up hard against my hairy abdomen. Mel felt my raw exposed dick now grinding between us as it left a snail trail of pre-cum on the front of his shirt and shorts. The situation must have been getting to him to because he too began removing all his clothes while we continued to make out. At last he pushed my wife beater up and over my head and then came back in for a lip lock, while I reached for his shoulders and got ready to push him to his knees on that crusty floor. As he dropped, he grabbed hold of my throbbing club of a cock, while his mouth zeroed in on its target. His wet mouth engulfed my fuck stick as he started blowing me. I very quickly remembered just how expert he was at the art of oral pleasure and I moaned as his mouth went all the way down to my pubic bone on the first slide down my pole. I grabbed both sides of his head, lacing my fingers into his thick auburn hair and started to face fuck his sexy face. From somewhere poppers had appeared. He pulled off my cock and took a couple of huffs, handing them to me as he dove back onto my dick like a madman. The poppers had turned him into a slobbering cock-sucking faggot who was trying to inhale my whole cock to make me cum. But I had other ideas. He worked it hard, but before he could get me off I pulled free from his gaping mouth and pulled him up, while at the same time proceeding to drop to my knees. As I got closer to the cum stained floor, the smell of stale cum and poppers began wafting around my head like an aphrodisiac, making me even hornier than I already was. I spun Mel around, slid my arm up his back and pushed his upper torso against the wall, while pulling his ass back to my face, and just before diving in I took two giant hits of poppers. Now I was fully in the zone, and completely sex-crazed, as I spread his sweaty cheeks like a man with just one goal. My tongue zeroed in on his puffy pink hole, and then I dove.
    4 points
  9. Day 1 ( continued) I made it through security with no problems I even got a nice little pat down from a very hot security guard who winked at me when he felt that I had my butt plug inside. I got to the gate and handed the gate personnel my boarding pass and they started loading passengers into the plane. I sprung for first class tickets so I sat snuggly in my first class chair and had a very hot flight attendant come by and offer me a complimentary drink which I took. We made eye contact for a moment and he winked at me just like the security guard did. I sat in comfortably and my mind ran with thoughts of what the flight attendant and I could get into before our flight landed in Florida. The plane took off and the rumbling from the takeoff made my butt plug go in a little bit deeper causing me to whimper and moan a little enough for the flight attendant here and look over at me and give me another wink. And when we got to cruising outitude things started to settle down and the flight attendants started to serve snacks and drinks to its other passengers. When the flight attendant who winked at me returned to his seats I looked over at him and gave him a wink and a nudge that let him know I was interested in him and if he was wanting to go into the bathroom for a little quickie. He nodded and held up five fingers I took that as a sign to go in and in five minutes he would join me so I unbuckled my seatbelt and went into the first class private bathroom eagerly awaiting him. 5 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and figured it was him open the door and sure enough he was there with a nice smile on his face. He walked in and closed the door and locked it behind him and whispered that it really has to be quick because we can't be in here too long so we quickly stripped all of our clothes and started to make out with a fiery passion. I love that he had two matching biohazard tattoos over each nipple and thought to myself this is going to be an easy summer to complete. I started sucking his nipples shifting from left to right causing him to whimper a bit when my teeth graze across them. I worked my way down to my prize meat of a solid 9 in long and as thick as a beer can and thought to myself how did I get so lucky? After sucking this strong masculine meat he spun me around quickly and saw that I had a butt plug inside. He whispered in my ear did somebody already have a little fun before the flight? I whispered to him yes I got fucked by the cab driver that drove me to the airport and he filled me with his hot poz seed. This made him very turned on knowing that I already had a poz load in my guts turning helping to make me convert. He pulled out the butt plug and I could hear a nice pop when it got to the end and he quickly lapped up the little bit of load that was coming out of my ass and then quickly inserted his man meat in my hole down to the root and one shot. I moaned a little softly so that way nobody heard what was going on as a whispered in my ear I am very happy to help you convert more. He started fuckinh me with gusto and sure enough quickly deposited another positive load to mix with the first one. We were able to do this quickly with little to no sound so that way nobody knew what was going on and I was happy sitting back in my seat with a second pause load in my hole in the butt plug reinserted to help keep it there. As the flight attendant resumed his duties I caught the glance of another first class passenger that gave me a wink and a thumbs up clearly knowing what went on in that bathroom. This passenger leaned over to me and asked if he was good? I whispered to him that he was definitely good and wished it could have been longer. He then whispered to me if I was up for more and I nodded yes and he then whispered to me in a few moments we will have a repeat performance with him. After about 20 minutes the passenger got up gave me a nod and made his way towards the bathroom and I closely followed him in. this man was a little bit more rough with me but I was happy for it he wasted no time stripping pulling out the butt plug and shoving his cock in my ass with no foreplay. He fucked me nice and hard causing me to bite down on my shirt to keep myself from making too much noise I'm sure the bathroom rattled a little bit but nobody came to investigate which made it even more hotter. He quickly came in my ass and then whispered to my ear I hope you're on meds because I gave you a highly poz load up that ass. I whispered back telling him the cab driver and the flight attendant who fucked me before him were also HIV positive and that my summer was to be nothing but getting poz loads in my ass. He said to me enjoy your journey because it sounds like a absolutely positive one to have and chuckled and left the bathroom. I reinserted my butt plug and returned to my seat catching the eye of the flight attendant who saw me walking out of the bathroom and smiled. We were an hour away from our destination and the flight attendant came back up to me woke me up from a nap and told me to follow him. I followed him into the cockpit of the plane to where I saw the captain and co-captain were both sitting at their seats fully naked. The flight attendant told the captain and co-captain that I was to be the snacks for them this flight and they looked at me with a lustful hunger in their eyes. I could see the biohazard tattoo that each of them shared right above their pelvis below their stomach and the new that these two had to be lovers to get matching tattoos. I wasted no time going to the Captain first and putting his 7-in cock down my throat causing him to moan and shift to accommodate more into my throat I could tell he was getting close so I pulled off of him and sat straight down on his cock after removing my butt plug and letting him come into my ass. if it wasn't for the copilot flying the plane I think the captain might have had taken it into a downward dive with how he was enjoying this attention more than anything. Once I was done with the captain I moved to the co-captain and performed the same act getting the same results and once I was done I now had five positive loads wedged in my ass by my butt plug I was so satisfied with how my summer vacation was taking off. I went back to my seat after I put my plug back in and got dressed and finished my nap before we arrived.
    4 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Last night I got up some dirty, cruisy public toilet near my place. It's big and always a few guy there. Got naked and Took 5 loads and drank 5 loads of piss. Walking home I spotted some random guy at the park jerking off so I stripped off an took his load too.
    3 points
  12. As restrictions eased here in Sydney the saunas crept back into life last week. I am generally not a sauna fan, more of a naked sex party, darkroom slut, but it has been a very dry period for my mancunt in these past few months, except for my regular Indian FB on Friday nights and a couple of other spasmodic fucks from regulars who have bred me on and off for a period of time. As usual on Friday night I went to my Indian FB's for the usual two doses of his black cock. I left and thought "fuck it sauna here I come." I decided I was not going to entertain the prissy, picky parade that wanders around for yonks - so I stripped down to my jockstrap and hit the glory holes first. I wasn't in there 2 minutes when a beautiful fat uncut cock came through - and boy did i chow down on that, it just felt wonderful to have anon cock in my mouth again. He blew a bucketload - and I savoured every drop running my tongue under his foreskin to make sure i got every last straw. I then hit the dark room, and again in no time a slim Asian man bent me over against the wall and gave me a lovely 5 minute plowing. No sooner had he added his jizz to my FB's a bearish type guy was straight in. 5 loads later I was back in the real world and the one I am used to again. Seems like plenty were just there to bust their nuts and people were fucking rampantly. I was watching one guy plow a younger guy with a condom on nearby me. When one of my tops had unloaded, he pulled out of the guy he was fucking, discarded the condom and walked over and entered me. I hope the frenetic pace keeps up as I am back there on Friday night and hoping the joint is still pumping....seed!
    3 points
  13. After falling off the quarantine wagon a couple of times, I went six weeks without sex. On Thursday I started chatting with a cum dump on bbrts who was planning on hosting at a local hook-up hotel. He let me know when he was checked-in and I drove to his hotel. His door was shut and locked so I tapped on the door. A big dude opened the door and passed me on his way out. The cum dump was in a jockstrap on his back on a bed. I asked him how many loads he had taken: 2 guys in 30 minutes. I took my mask off and started felching the two loads out of his ass. It had been so long since I ate cum out of an ass and it was like honey to me. Eating ass always makes me hard and my pierced cock was stiff as steel. I put the head to the cum dump's hole and pushed it in. He hadn't taken a Prince Albert before and freaked a bit and told me to put on some lube. I did and pushed into him, this time balls deep. I could feel the warm cum from the other guys in the cum dump and fucked him for about 15 minutes. "Do you want me to knock you up with my poz load?" I asked. He got excited and begged for me to breed him, so I did. He locked his legs around me so he could get every drop of my load. I pulled out and he jumped off the bed and got on his knees and cleaned the cum off my cock. It was a good fuck. I probably won't be able to quarantine for so long again.
    3 points
  14. Seth was your typical poz bottom. Thick ass, thick cocksucking lips, and an endless lust for raw cock. Seth wash lazily finishing a cocktail at the bar when a boy caught his attention from the corner. "who's he?" seth asked the bartender. "guys name is Jake. Just made it into college on a sports scholarship last summer. hes dating a flight attendant out of town named Billy." "poz?" seth asked curiously. "no, neg top. he only ever plays safe. youd think condoms were his fetish." Where others saw a nice guy, seth saw a challenge. Jake. "Hey im seth!," Wandering over with a couple of strong drinks, he sat down nearly on top of Jake and proceeded to spend hours chatting as he bought round after round of cocktails. At some point long ago he'd switched to water while Jake finished his last shot of the evening. "hey buddy did you drive? you might need a ride home," Seth said, running his hand up and down Jakes leg absentmindedly. "s-sure" slurred Jake, as they both rose from the table and headed to Seths car, he took the opportunity to admire the outline of a fat seven inches in Jakes pants. As Jake dozed slightly on the ride, Seth reached over and slowly ran his fingers along the outline of his cock. "there we go" he said. "lets get those balls churning" pulling into the driveway, Jake roused and asked, "where are we dude?" "Oh, i didnt catch your address, so i figured you could just crash on my couch for the night. no worries buddy!" beamed Seth. Jake gave a smile and a sigh, and they both headed into the living room where Seth stripped most of his clothes off. "I dont really do pajamas, but feel free to make yourself comfy" Jake stripped off his shirt and jeans and glancing at the couch, he made out the figure of a large dog. Walking back from the kitchen with a cold glass of water Seth winced, "shit. sorry about that, her name is penny and shes practically impossible to get off the couch once shes down. Here, you can sleep in my bed. Youll wanna hydrate first though otherwise that hangover is going to be unreal" seth chided jokingly. Jake eagerly gulped down his laced water and wandered up to the bedroom with Seth. In a few minutes his heart was racing, his cock was throbbing, and he could barely keep his head up. "how ya feeling buddy?" asked Seth, as he reached over to slide Jakes boxers down. "i-cant do thiss" Jake mumbled, "boyfriend" as he softly tried to bat Seths hand away. "sure you can, relax buddy, im just stroking you. Doesnt that feel nice?" "uh huh" Jake sighed "thats right, just nice long strokes for your nice big cock. Its a little dry though so lets spit on it" Seth pursed his lips and let a thick glob of drool slowly land on the head of jakes cock, teasing it around and into the hole as he continued stroking. "I bet youre a big cummer Jake. those balls look so full. does it feel good when you pump them into your boyfriend?" Seth said as he began working them in his other hand. Jake squirmed and again tried to loose Seths grip from his rock hard erection only to be chided. "shhh none of that now, lets just relax and enjoy. You have such a pretty cock I just want to kiss it. Lets kiss your big cock" Seth again pursed his lips and placed them against the throbbing tool, slurping a few drops of warm precum from the head, he deposited it on his fingertips and began working them into his hungry poz hole. "thats right, just relax and let that precum flow." Seth carefully milked the thick cock for a steady stream of Jakes natural lube, slowly sneaking more and more of it up his hungry hole. "I have t-to stooppp" Jake moaned, pawing at Seths arm. "no baby we cant stop now, youre making so much precum and your balls are so tight. Its time to keep going baby." Seth planted another sucking wet kiss on the head of Jakes tool, dragging his sharp teeth around the piss slit until it was red, "We need to fuck dont we?" Seth asked as he rose to gently straddle Jakes toned waist "no i have a boyfriend i cant do-" Seth interrupted him with a kiss. "of course you can baby. im your boyfriend tonight and we need to keep going" Jake again sighed as Seth reached back and slowly began rocking his thick cock between his own equally thick ass and across the warm poz hole. "thats right, just look at me, relax and let your precum flow" seth whispered as the increasingly moist symphony was punctuated by Jakes pleading, "dont, we need condoms and i have a boyfriend," Seth slowly pushed jakes futile mass back down against the bed and once again hushed him "no baby if you wear a condom you cant fill my hole up. Dont you like feeling it kiss your head? Just relax and let my warm pussy kiss that nice thick head" Seth smiled as he began easing the tip of Jakes cock in and out in lewd slurps, milking the warm precum from his head and into his thirsty hole. reaching up to the headboard Seth opened a small brown bottle and placed it under Jakes nostril. "lets just relax and take a big deep breath" seth returned his hand to the thick cock snuggly tucked into his hole and began to gently stroke it. "oh, warm" Jake groaned as he gently humped. "yes baby. lets put more inside that nice warm pussy. it feels so good doesnt it?" Seth slowly rose up and down, stroking the length of Jakes bare cock in his poz hole. "i gotta cum stop" groaned Jake as Seth began to swirl his hips "no baby this is the best part, let the nice warm pussy milk all that seed out of your big balls" Jake panted and groaned in a futile attempt to prolong the inevitable. seth giggled and reached back, fondling Jakes drenched balls "just relax and cum, relax and cum" Seth chanted as Jakes eyes went wide and as if on command, his cock began belching thick neg cum into Seths greedy ass. "there we go" seth soothed as he rolled the big balls in his hand like a toy "no condoms, just cum, doesnt that feel so good?" "we gotta stop, this is wrong" jake panted, still balls deep inside Seths hot hole. "no baby lets stay inside the nice warm pussy. Once that big cock gets hard again ill milk your load right out. just relax and feel how good that pussy is" Seth coaxed, as he gently began alternating between massaging the cock in his guts, and feeding Jake more poppers.
    2 points
  15. Part 1 Summer break was about to start in one day and then I was off to college so I made sure to have an awesome plan for my summer vacation. My parents were both doctors and we were always busy with work so they knew we weren't probably going to be able to do anything for the summer so they were perfectly fine with me making whatever plans I wanted to. A little about me. My name is Zack and I am 6'2 I played basketball and football so I was your average jock with the body to match. I have jet black hair that I let grow out so it reached the middle of my back. My blue eyes were surprising since my mom and dad both have brown eyes but I was always told that I have my dad's mom's eyes because she had them too. Of course being on both sports teams my body was fit with a nice six pack and I kept my body trimmed with a happy trail leading into my pants. I have a nice thick eight inch cock with some nice low hanger to go with and I always kept my pubes nicley trimmed. My ass was always free of hair since I always thought it would make my firm bubllble butt look less bubly. So back to my plan. I was doing some research on my computer when school was out for the day on places around the country to go to for my vacation. What no one knew though that it wasn't musemes and amusement parks that I was looking for but in fact they were all bathhouses and other gay areas that were keen on getting fucked allot with some keen on getting someone neg like me to leave Poz. I have always jacked off to the Poz porn I could find online and would jack off wishing it was me getting the bug instead of the guy on screen. Living in New York I was always aware of the gay scene but never did more than just browse some of the porn shops and glory holes but now I wanted to make this summer my time in the gay lime light. I ordered some mini cameras so I could catch all the fucking that I was hoping for to relive the summer and to share with others who share the same dream. Thankfully when the cameras came in my parents weren't home so I didn't have to explain why I ordered them. I started to pack up my travel bag and bookmarked all the spots I have looked up so far and had my Grindr , adam4adam ready for any more interesting times ahead. Once I was all packed and ready I turned in for the night looking forward to the early start tomorrow morning. I woke up in the morning and said goodbye to my parents and started my journey to be pozzed.
    2 points
  16. Not far from my house is a cruise park that attracts mainly married men. I was feeling horny and decided to try my luck on Sunday afternoon around 2. I was walking the trails and sat down at the bench to check out the apps to see if anyone was nearby. I was sitting a guy in his 50s, looking a little sloppy with a tshirt, nylon shorts and a cap eyed me up and down while rubbing his hand near his crotch. He wasn’t really my type so I continued looking at my phone. While sitting there I thought, maybe he’s got a thick cock. I was feeling really horny and slutty and in no mood to refuse a hot load. so I followed him. i found him sitting on a bench, rubbing the outline of what looked like a nice cock. I approached him and he started to rub the outside of my shorts while I reached down to rub his thick meat. We were pretty exposed in the clearing but we could see on either side if anyone was approaching. He opened my zipper and pulled out my cock and started to give me an amazing blow job, he was at the perfect height to suck me deep and play with my balls. By this time he had pulled out his cock and I was not disappointed, he had a big thick head and a nice sized cock. He continued to suck me and ran his fingers up my shorts, slowly making his way towards my hole. I really wanted to feel his big cock in me so I said, mind if I sit on your cock? he says, you can try. I spit on my fingers, pulled my shorts down a little, just enough to sit back into his lap. I aimed his cock at my hole and it slipped in easily. I stated to ride his cock and he was getting into it, raising his hips to meet my thrusts. I slowed down and he started to go faster and then I heard that unmistakable exhale of breath as he filled me up with a nice big load. I started to stroke myself harder and exploded while he slowly slipped out of me. . i wiped my cock off, thanked him and slowly walked away with his load dripping out of my ass. I went grocery shopping with his load in me. I wanted to share my last load with you. I’m going to jerk off thinking about it. Nothing like hot raw sex in the park.
    2 points
  17. I was just putting Jake's phone down when another message came in. "Full blown guy here. Need to dump my load." There were some pics of a wasted guy with a few tats, he looked to be in his 50s. His cock was a good size and nicely proportioned. I messaged back: "pretty wasted here but ur welcome to use my hole. will leave door on latch. Address is...." I rolled Jake over onto his front and awaited the arrival of the new guy, which took less than ten minutes. I was in Jake's kitchen when he came in and I heard him head straight for the bedroom. I heard some noises...a belt been loosened..some spit being hawked...a few small grunts and then a nice steady slapping sound - the guy's balls on Jake's own nutsack. I opened and closed the front door to make as if I was another new arrival and then went into the room to observe the fun. New guy turned his head at my arrival but didn't miss a stroke. he was taking long, easy plunges in and out, squelching in and out of what was left of the kid's chute. "You know this kid?" he asked. I nodded. "he neg?" "he was" I responded. "he's had a poz load or two in him though" "I'm full blown" he said (I know, i thought) "but he asked for it, must really want the bug" "I reckon" I responded. The guy now had his fingers alongside his cock, sliding two or three in on each in-stroke and Jake's hole was not even coming close to closing up as he pulled out, there was no strength left in it. The new guy spent a little time with just his hand but in no time at all, his whole slender hand was inside Jake. I heard the kid gasp from his half comatose state as his pussy accepted the forearm of this beautiful man. "Fuck, it's nice in here" he stated as he went deeper and explored Jakey, wanking himself in his other hand. Pretty soon though, his cock head was back at Jake's entrance, sliding inside along with his hand. From there, the wanking continued, only this time inside Jake. "feels so good. warm, lubed, my fingers scratching at his guts, getting him ready.This is the killer seed kid...this is gonna knock you up. my thick veiny cock is gonna fire off my beautiful babies straight into your prepped body. You are going to absorb me, incubate me and in return my DNA is gonna destroy yours...2 His words were getting incoherent now and I knew the moment was close. I stood close behind him and watched him slam his hips forward, deep, hold there and then I saw his cock muscle squeeze and pulse. On this thin guy it was so easy to see the pulses under his skin, between his balls and arse, as he pumped himself endlessly into Jake....
    2 points
  18. Lets hope that when he arrives in London that he has forgot to bring his meds.
    2 points
  19. Fucking hot writing...totally shot my load.
    2 points
  20. Trump is not a capitalist. He took tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars from his father and ran most of his business ventures into bankruptcy. In the process, by stiffing hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of contractors who did work for him, he caused many of them to go into bankruptcy as well. He was so notorious for defaulting not only on vendor payments but on loans that starting more than twenty years ago, no American bank would lend him anything for even the smallest business venture. He was saved from yet additional bankruptcies by (a) laundering hundreds of millions of dollars for the Russian mob, mostly through Deutsche Bank, (b) hiring out his name to every two-bit fraudulent scammer of a foreign developer who used Trump's name to steal millions (or more) in local money, with Trump always getting his cut, and (c) pretending to be a billionaire developer on TV by being the kind of sociopathic asshole everyone in the business world already knew him to be. As has been noted by analyst after analyst, his so-called wealth has been vastly overstated for decades. At one point, in a deposition, he admitted over half his "wealth" was what he - and nobody else - considered his "brand" worth, and that it varied depending on how he felt that day. Of course, this is nothing new for a developer who builds a 58-story building and declares it to be 68 stories tall because he skipped ten numbers when it came to numbering floors. Everything about him is a con job, a scam, outright theft, or simply false. But hey, if that's the kind of business dealings you think are admirable, that's great - it tells us a lot about you. As for your comments on socialism: leaving aside your conflation of various and sundry kinds of socialism and non-socialism as all essentially the same thing - while ignoring that much of Europe's modern governance has socialist underpinnings - I'll just comment that I'm glad to hear you are so vehemently against socialism. Of course, it has made some inroads here in the U.S. - most prominently in the form of Social Security and Medicare - so I'm especially glad to know you're planning to reject any and all benefits under those systems - as surely you wouldn't want to be labeled a hypocrite for benefiting from socialist programs.
    2 points
  21. Toxic tops western pa , Ohio?
    2 points
  22. Never thought much about it,first time was kinda forced on me as a boy and just accepted...no craved is more correct-from then on.it was fun cruising park restrooms,public pools and anyplace a man could get blown.Lotsa times got a ride hitch hiking that led to a stop off in a citrus orchard.:)
    2 points
  23. doug took great care to keep the boys hole slick as he worked at a calm rhythm. It was important to making the transition as seamless as possible, from bright eyed straight boy to cockthirsty power bottom. These first few sessions were always special, watching the boy try to understand what was happening amidst the haze of the drugs and the wonderful new sensations rising inside them from Dougs warm cock. High, but not too high, Doug had perfected his fun little party needles over decades to make sure there was just enough of a boy left to break. With each thrust, Doug slowly shepherded Oliver off his once bright path of girlfriends and marriage, college and kids, to a nice dark world of cocks and cum. Looking to the clock, Doug had spent nearly an hour inside the boy and was slowly milking him to his second orgasm. "please, no more" the boy begged raggedly as his cock betrayed him at the command of dougs relentless pounding. "here we go, one more for me ollie and then we'll be all done." Doug took his hand off Olivers swollen prick and began pounding harder. "oh god no please, somethings-" Oliver couldnt make out the impending calamity inside him, but he knew something was coming. "just relax ollie, let it come. look at my eyes and let it happen." Oliver froze in a silent, gasping scream as Dougs meaty cock forced the cum out of the boy one last time. "thats it ollie let your pussy do it for you." Doug watched the boy as he grit his teeth and bucked wildly against the mans girth, slowly panting on the table. "oh god." he sighed. "oh my god" he stared at the ceiling. "see Ollie? I would never lie to you." Oliver just smiled at the handsome older man. he could feel Dougs heartbeat through the thick dripping cock inside him. Doug picked up the cellphone and began recording. "now ollie, whats in you right now?" doug held the camera to the boys face. "your dicks in my butt" he sighed. "no baby its in your pussy" doug inched in and out of the exhausted boy. "my pussy. its in my pussy" oliver mumbled. doug pulled the phone down to the boys spread legs and framed the union of the two. "I have some nice warm cream for your tired little pussy baby. does your pussy want some cream?" doug was now pulling fully in and out of the boys gaped ring with loud plops. "okay" the boy sighed, resigned as he laid in a puddle of cum. "i bet that pussys thirsty baby." If doug said his pussy was thirsty is must be true. "i do feel a little thirsty" oliver dreamily thought to himself as doug sprayed his first shot across the boys puffy gaped cunt. "that feels nice" the boy absently remarked as the warm poz spunk painted his ring. how long had they been fucking? he couldnt remember. Ollie just knew the hot splash of cum was soothing as it coated his tired hole. "good boy, drink it all up" Doug returned his throbbing member to the depths of the young mans guts and finished emptying his balls, rubbing olivers cum in slow circles along his stomach. Doug cleaned the last of the boys warm juices off his thick cock and turned to ollie as he reached for a paper towel. "no no sweetie, here" doug lifted the boys jeans to his hands and watched as he tugged them over his leaking ass and sticky thighs. "thats it. here you go" Doug watched as the boy took his shirt from the smiling doctor "but my girlfriends picking me up and i-" doug smiled at the boys inelegant attempt to explain why he shouldnt leave painted in jizz. "oh dont worry ollie its just a short little ride home im sure." Oliver sighed and slowly lugged his shirt over his sticky, cum drenched upper body. "atta boy ollie. Now, I want to see you again a few more times this week. I know this is all a little inconvenient" doug reached down the back of the boys trousers and easily dipped two fingers inside him. "but we need to keep working on that pretty pussy. I just know youll love it when were done." oliver groaned as the man fingered his sore swollen cunt lips, stirring the load inside before presenting his fingers to the boy. "go on, taste it ollie" the doctor instructed as ollie cautiously licked the mans rough digits. "salty." he remarked "thats right baby. boys who get pussies dont have salty loads inside, they only taste how sweet the cum is." Ollie thought about this quizzically for a moment. What had been a routine checkup a few days ago had turned into something he no longer had any real control over. the former virgin spent hours today high as a kite shamefully surrendering his most private body part to this guy. his girlfriend hadnt even seen his asshole and now this complete stranger had opened him up like a so easily, recording the boy as he helplessly orgasmed on the mans hard tool. documenting for all the world to see as Oliver patiently and obediently let the man pump more of his thick toxic seed into him. He laid violated as the man again filled him with cum, and his body obediently seemed to just...drink it up. Oliver saw no way out as he headed past the door and through the waiting room toward his girlfriends waiting ride. He hopped in and as the two headed for a movie oliver flexed his asshole, feeling the load he had taken shift around inside and continue to grease his pucker. His girlfriend seemed totally oblivious to him. to Olivers relief she arrived smoking a cigarette and clearly didnt smell the cum he was marinading in. There was just no way he could say anything, what would he even start with? "oh hey I just spent hours being turned into a girl, dont mind the smell its all just my cum its not like i could really fight it i mean the dick was just so powerful but hey at least its not his cum am i right? yeah thats inside my body I really just let that happen" Oliver rehearsed condescendingly in his head. After the movie the two headed back to Olivers apartment and he made an excuse that the theater was a little too warm to sneak a quick shower. A few more episodes of their favourite show and she was making out. "finally, a return to something fucking normal" Oliver thought, easing his pants off and trading the humiliating experience with Doctor Doug for the womans slender curves. Something was different though, almost wrong. just as the boy thought he was ready to fuck, his prick wilted in protest. frustrated, he finally gave up and called it a night. maybe today was just too stressful. too much action, or drugs? who knew. Oliver flopped down on the bed to check his messages. it was the nice nurse from the clinic confirming his appointment tomorrow at noon as Olivers jaw went slack. of course....dougs words burned in his mind. "no more girlfriends" he croaked. Whatever this monster was doing to his body was actually working. Dougs cock forced the jizz right out of Olivers nuts. his whole body screamed in a pure radiant pleasure, in a way he had never ever felt. he couldnt control it if he wanted to as the man worked the teens body against him. But his girlfriend? aside from a few kisses, he couldnt seem to stay hard no matter what she did. Whatever Doug did, just maybe he could...undo? Oliver hopefully set an alarm and tried to get some sleep for his next appointment.
    2 points
  24. After moving to a distant state and losing touch with the crowd from the safe-sex party, we found ourselves back again in the Philly burbs for an extended period of time. By this time my bf and I had opened things up because I had finally gotten tired of never having my needs met, while his were always taken care of. He was constantly traveling for work, and doing his own thing, which left me to follow my own path towards what got me off. And get off I did… all up and down the Jersey Shore and all points in between to Philly. And that brings me to Berlin, New Jersey. Below the traffic circle. A place that for any pig who’s ever spent time in that vicinity, will need no further description. For those that don’t know though, there are two notorious book store/theater/arcades within a mile of one another, but on opposite sides of the divided highway. Both were usually very busy, and both had a varied crowd that patronized them. All kinds of guys, all kinds of cocks, and lots of ass for fucking. It was always a real pig’s wallow if ever there was one. And each of the places had their own unique character. It wasn’t uncommon to go back and forth between the two for a couple of hours looking for multiple loads, or asses to fuck. One Friday night I’m one of a few who are standing there by the video booths in the back of the one store, waiting to see what the next piece of hungry ass or horny cock was going to look like. We hear someone out front getting change, as the excitement level over the next prospect starts rising within all of us waiting there for the same thing. I’m nonchalantly leaning against the wall awaiting his arrival when who walks in through the arcade entrance, but Mel, of all people, looking nervous as fuck for some reason. Now it had been 6 or more years since I had seen him last, and except for maybe looking a little doughier, which didn’t bother me in the least, he looked like his same sexy self. And even though my desire for him had waned all those years ago, seeing him again made me want him all over again. And apparently, upon seeing me, he still found me his type because he immediately locked eyes on me ignoring everyone else standing there. But interestingly, there was not a glimmer of acknowledgment or recognition in those eyes. As far as I could tell, I was just a piece of fresh meat. Of course, we had to still go through the bookstore dance of shuffling about looking into booths, reviewing the selection of movies playing while furtively cruising, and then finally entering into a booth and leaving the door cracked while he waited for me to join him. Needless to say, once he did, I pounced, which is what I wanted to do before the dance even started. But I also did it to circumvent anyone one else from getting to his cracked door first. And I have to admit, the fact that he had no idea who I was, even though I really hadn’t changed much, just made me all the hotter and hornier for some reason. I decided to see how long I could push this figuring that he’d soon recognize me. So into his booth I slipped, locking the door behind me. I immediately put additional money into the coinbox to make sure that we weren’t disturbed for a long time, and then I turned to him. Aggressive doesn’t even begin to describe me. I was like a grizzly bear attacking its prey. And having the prior knowledge that he turned into a submissive little slut at the sight of hard cock, gave me the upper hand. It was the middle of summer and so neither of us was overdressed. Flimsy shorts, no underwear, and a wife beater on me with my now-graying chest hair pouring out of the top and out from around the sleeve holes, and a t-shirt and shorts on him and, as I’d quickly discover, a sexy little jock strap that perfectly framed the globes of his pale bulbous ass. And jock straps are like my kryptonite… though instead of weakening me, they do the opposite. He had no idea what he was in for. To be continued...
    2 points
  25. Day 1 So I got into the cab that was waiting to take me to JFK and was super excited when I saw that the cab driver was super hot and not one of those really old retired guys. I was in the back seat trying not to fantasize about him pulling over in a rest stop or a secluded area and fucking my brains out but that was a little harder to do (pun intended). I was rock hard and I needed to try and make it go down and thought if I could during the drive rub one out in my pants I would just change when I could so I wouldn't have to walk around in cum filled pants. I caught a few glances of the cab driver watching my in the mirror before he saw me and focused more on the road. I thought him watching me was hot so I decided to put on a little show for him when he looked again so I undid my pants and started to rub myself through my underwear. I lifted my shirt as well and started to play with my nice pink nipples and I swear I saw him lick his lips at the sight. The playing in the cab made it start to warm up so I took my shirt off exposing my body to him in fullness. I heard him moan and saw he had a hand in his pants as he watched me tease him. We drove like this for a while and when I saw we were coming up to a rest stop I asked him if he needed a break for a moment. He moaned a yes and pulled to the back of the rest stop. I got out of the cab just as I was and he did as well and within a quick moment we were kissing each other. He quickly shoved his tounge down my throat while pinching my nipples causing me to moan in his mouth and no sooner did we break the kiss he latched on my left nipple with his mouth like he was suckling from a teat. His hand went under the waistband of my underwear and wrapped around my precum soaked cock causing a whimper to come from me. After a few more minutes of foreplay he pushed me to my knees and undid his pants reveling a lushes bush and a thich 12 inch cock that made my mouth water. In preparation for this I practiced allot on large and long items to make sure I wouldn't be bothered with any cock size and was able to take his down to the root in one shot making him shake and moan. I slobbered all over his cock to get it nice and ready for what I truly wanted. I came up for air and was shocked to see that I had missed the biohazard tattoo that was on the tip of his dick. He saw me looking and told me that he has some condoms in the cab if I wanted me to use one. I told him that there was no way that I would want one and told him about my Poz pilgrimage trip and I wanted to end the summer with as many strains of the bug as I could find. This made my hunky cab driver smile and said well I am glad that I could start the beginning of what will be the best summer of your life as he spun me around and didn't waste any time shoving his cock into my aching ass. Thankfully I used enough saliva to help with some lube but with the fierceness of him plunging in like that I knew it was going to still be a bit painful and he would tear me a bit. Sure enough he pulled out and spun me around to show me the hit of red on his cock. This is to make sure you start to take my babies and to help you complete your goal. I kissed him and spun back around and let him continue his onslaught to my ass. He was pounding me for about fifteen minutes and he told me he was about to cum and he slammed into my hole one last time and unloaded with gusto a river of poz cum inside my ass. He shuddered and fell on top of my back and started to kiss my neck and nibble my ear. He whispered "here you go sexy the first of hopefully many Poz loads to infect you". He slid out of me with a plop and I asked him to go into the trunk and get my rubber butt plug from my bag and put it in. He did and we got dressed again and continued our drive to the air port. As I got out of the cab I hugged him and kissed him one last time and he gave me his card with his personal number on it asking for me to text him to see how the trip was going and that when I get back if I want him to pick me up again to call. I winked at him and told him I sure would and then I started to go check in for my flight.
    2 points
  26. Those sharp PAs will get the job done
    2 points
  27. Thanks for the positive feedback! I am excited to write more! So here is Part 2: --- “Let’s go to the bedroom faggot!” I picked Asher up by the waist and he wrapped his legs around me. We continued to kiss passionately, my tongue invading his mouth, tasting remnants of my own cum. I threw him on the bed. “Show me your fuckin’ pussy, faggot!” I demanded. He pulled his legs and ankles back, exposing his swollen cunt. It was puffy and a bit red. I got on my knees hovering above him, rubbing my big, fat, thick, white cock on his taint. His prick was stiff. I held his little faggot prick with my thumb and second finger, squeezing drops of precum out and making Asher suck my fingers. “Look at this useless fucking prick! No wonder you were born to be a faggot!” I was truly amazed by how tiny his dick was. It was truly fascinating. From an evolutionary point of view, it made sense. He needed a dick basically to urinate. But its small size forced this faggot to find sexual pleasure in other ways. His primary sexual organ was his pussy, made to take cocks and loads. And I was going to wreck this boy’s pussy! I spat on my cock again and slid up his cunt in one swift motion going balls deep. He yelped and screamed. I quickly covered his fucking mouth, leaning in next to him. “Shut up, you fucking cunt. You’re here to please me and take loads! I fucking own your pussy now, boy!” He whimpered and muffled, “Yes, Daddy.” He had both fear and amazement in his eyes. He was craving a Daddy to submit to but I could sense he was also a tad frightened with how rough I was being with him. But he was a faggot pussy boy and he needed to learn his place. I continued to slam my cock hard into his pussy, pulling all the way out then slamming back in. I pulled his legs so his feet were planted on my chest. He had sexy, small and slender feet, about a size 9. Much smaller than my big, wider, size 13 feet. I rubbed the arches of his feet, licking his toes while continuing to slam his pussy, looking intently into his eyes. Asher needed to know that his sole purpose was to please me and I would use every fucking part of his body for my own pleasure. Asher was a bitch in heat at this point, squirming and writhing, his toes curling every time I slammed into him. His little prick was bouncing while I fucked his sweet pussy. Precum was drooling out onto his little belly. I scooped it up and smeared it all over his face and gave his cheek a light slap. I then leaned in, placed my hand on his neck and began to choke him while fucking him harder like a rabbit. “Open your fucking mouth!” I slapped his cheek again, spat on his face and then spat into his mouth. I kissed him passionately then spat in his mouth again. “Good fucking pussy boy!” “Fuck, Daddy! Your cock is so big!!!” Asher screamed in ectasy. “What do you want, faggot?” I asked. “Your poz loads! Please, Daddy!!!” he whimpered. He pulled my hand to him and began sucking on my fingers. Damn this was a good, obedient faggot! “Who are you here to serve, faggot?” “You, Daddy. I am yours!” “Good fuckin’ pussy boy!” I slammed harder, putting my hands around his neck. He wrapped his legs around my back tightly. I gazed into his eyes. “You want me to knock you up, don’t you, faggot?” He nodded, whimpering and moaning. He needed my cum. Was it too presumptuous to think this faggot pussy boy was put on this Earth for my pleasure? His beautiful brown pussy felt like a perfect fit for my cock. “Okay, faggot, here it comes!” I shot at least six torrents of hot, toxic cum up his pussy. I moaned in agony and pleasure and collapsed on top of Asher, kissing his neck while he hugged me tightly and his legs still wrapped around me. We were a sweaty fucking mess. I got back on my knees and slowly pulled out of his pussy and inspected his faggot hole, cum with a pink tinge was leaking out, his pussy was gaping and was puffy. I had wrecked his pussy tonight! I laid down on my back and ordered Asher to clean off my cock. He obeyed, sucking me gently, tasting his pussy juices mixed with my cum. I then pulled him next to me to cuddle and hold him closely. He looked up into my eyes and we kissed passionately. “Daddy, what’s your name?” I burst out laughing. This faggot boy had taken my big fat cock and two of my poz loads and I hadn’t even told him my name yet. “Brodie, boy. My name is Brodie.” We dozed off and fell asleep with him nestled next to me, on my side, sniffing my arm pit and my arm wrapped around him tightly, rubbing and fingering his well-used pussy. --- Again, thank you for the positive feedback so far! Feel free to comment more to help me grow as a writer. If there are things you feel I could or should do differently, please comment or send me a private message. I'm a faggot pussy boy so I am here to serve 🙂
    2 points
  28. Part 3 Eric sat there breathing a little heavy as his dialated pupils darted back and forth between me and Steve. This kid was spun. I took his head in my hands and started kissing him, tenderly making out with him. Part of me just wanted to backhand him and rape his hole, but there was plenty of time for that coming up. I had no idea if Eric had to work tomorrow or not, and I didn't give a fuck. I had him where I wanted him and he wasn't going anywhere for a while. And when we were finished with him, his mind and his world would be so fucked up, he probably wouldn't be in any shape to return to the Magic Kingdom anyway. I pushed him back on the bed and removed his towel. His teenage cock was rock hard, even with all the T he had already smoked. I'm sure the Viagra was responsible. I removed my shirt and layed on top of Eric, kissing him deeply. He moaned into my mouth as my hairy chest ground against his smooth one. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as my tongue explored every inch of his mouth. I reached between us and found one of those pretty pink nips and started pinching it. He moaned louder as his hips started moving, grinding his hard on against me. This kid had probably never touched his nips before. I was awakening the slut in him he hadn't been able to release himself yet. After I had worked his nipples for a bit, I sat up and looked down at my sweet young prince. He looked back at me with those dark Tina eyes and panted in desire. Then I leaned down and licked the precum off the head of his cock. It tasted so sweet. I licked up his shaft where more precum a seeped down, and he moaned as I engulphed his entire rod, taking all six inches to the base. I nursed on his dick for a few moments while he groaned his approval. I didn't suck his dick for too long, cause there was somewhere else I wanted his load more. I knew he could probably cum once, but then the Tina would take over for sure and his dick would shrivel up. I pulled off his cock, much to his dissapointment, and stood up. I retrieved a pair of wrist restraints and rope, holding them up for Eric to see. "Are you ready, my Prince?" He just smiled up at me licking his lips and nodded yes. In mere moments Steve and I had Eric's wrists tied to the corners of the bed. I removed the rest of my clothes and grabbed some lube as I looked down at my living fantasy. His dark, hairy pits were fully exposed and that was the first place I went to next. I buried my face in first one, then the other licking and biting them as I breathed in his teenage musk. Eric groaned at this new erotic sensation that he never knew existed. I moved over to his nipples, licking and biting them as Eric moaned and lightly squeeled. Then I took the lube, and lubed up Eric's throbbing cock. I slid my ass down on it in one easy stroke. This kids average sized cock was no problem, and he groaned as I ground my hairy ass into his freshly shaved skin. I sat on him, using my experienced ass muscles to milk his cock. I played with his nipples as his hips started bucking upwards, faster and faster until his eyes rolled back into his head. "I'm cumming!" He gasped. "Oh fuck! Oh my God! Oh shit. Aaaaagggghhhh!" He cried out as he slammed his hips up into me. I knew he was experiencing the most intense orgasm of his young life because of the drugs. I squeezed my ass as hard as I could as he filled my guts with a big load of 18 yo cum. He just layed there trembling as I carefully dismounted him. He twitched and jerked as I took his cock into my mouth to savour the taste of his cum. He begged me to stop as I sucked the head of his overly sensitive cock. Post orgasm torture is a favourite of mine. I stood up looked down at my captive prince. He just stared back at me with those glassy eyes. His body was bathed in a sheet of sweat which made his pale skin glisten in the light. I couldn't wait to leave some marks on his tender young body. His dark hair clung to his forhead, and I swept it off as I approached my first target. I pushed his head to the side as I planted my mouth on his neck. I started to suck as if I were a vampire. At first, Eric moaned, but as I sucked harder it started to become painful for him. He tried to object but I just covered his mouth with my hand and kept sucking on that fresh young skin. Eventually I pulled off with a strong sucking sound and looked at my handywork. A deep, dark red hickey showed prominently on his neck, marking him as my slut. I knew in a matter of minutes, it would become a deep purple. Now to move on to the main event for me. This kid didn't know it, but he was just mere moments away from receiving the first of many dirty loads that he would receive over the next few days, and probably his life. I grabbed his ankles and pushed his legs back until I exposed the real prize. His beautiful, pink, virgin hole. It was a thing of beauty. It looked so fragile and delicate. It was almost a shame that soon it would be a gaping wrecked cumhole. I said almost. Steve held Eric's legs for me as I dove on that little pucker of paradise. In no time at all, my little future whore was moaning loudly as he discovered yet another erogenous zone he hadn't explored. "Oh God that feels so good!" He cried out. "Eat my ass. Oh God please!" I feasted on his hole, sticking my tongue as far up him as I could get it. He just continued to moan his enjoyment as I sucked, licked, and nibbled his pink pucker. After a nice long ass eating session, I went to the dresser and found a nice sized shard. Returning to the bed I grabbed the lube and squirted some directly into Eric's hole. Then I inserted a finger, slowly until it was all the way in. Eric moaned as he felt his asshole breached for the first time ever. I worked one finger in and out, alternating between my index and middle finger. Then I put two fingers in the boy while he continued to moan. His hole was relaxing quickly, thanks to the drugs we had given him. Then I picked up the good sized shard. I knew it was a lot for his first time, but he was young and healthy, and I wanted to fuck him up. I placed the shard on Eric's hole, then pushed it in with my two fingers. He let out a small hiss as the sharp edges scraped his tender flesh. I buried it in him as far as I could. "Oh God, it's burning, why is it burning?" He cried out after a few seconds. "Make it stop!" "Shhh my prince." I hushed him. "This is just a booty bump. It's going to make your ass beg for our cocks." I continued to push two fingers in and out of him. I didn't use a third, because I wanted him to still be tight when I entered him. I enjoyed the slight pinkness that appeared on my fingers. I knew he would absorb my babies into him that much quicker. He started moaning again and I knew the burning had subsided. Steve released the kids legs as I sat back and lubed up my cock. Then I placed his knees over my shoulders and placed the tip of my cock against Eric's hole. "Aren't you going to use a condom?" He asked me with a worried look on his face. "Trust me my prince." I said to him. "Condoms don't feel good, and I know what you need. You need to be released from your strict upbringing and taught the joy of man on man sex in it's purest form. And I'm going to do that. I'm going to release you." With that, I started pushing myself self into him, taking possession of him, owning him like no other man will ever again. It was enough to make me want to explode right then. I knew this first fuck from me would not be a long one. I was way too turned on by my fantasy coming true. But later, I would be able to fuck him for hours. I watched his eyes pop open when my cockhead past his sphincter. "Take it out please." He gasped. "It's too big!" I didn't say a word as Steve placed a popper soaked handkerchief over the young princes mouth and nose, so he was only able to breath in the fumes. It's so great to have a partner who already knows the right things to do. Eric went kind of limp as I pushed forward into him, and by the time I was balls deep, he was letting out a deep gutteral moan. I stayed still as Steve removed the handkerchief, and looked down on my barely concious prince. 12 hours ago, he was a friendly Disney employee with dreams of going to BYU. Now here he was, drugged up in the hotel room of a guy he didn't really know with a hard cock buried deep inside him, minutes away from having his guts filled with poz cum. I waited till his eyes fluttered, and he looked at me trying to focus. His mouth moved like he was trying to say something, but no words formed. I just grabbed his thighs and started fucking him. Grunts escaped his pretty pink lips every time I slammed myself into him. His head flopped back and forth as I rode him hard. He started to form words that sounded like, fuck me, fuck me, but I couldn't be sure. I grabbed his bottom teeth and opened his mouth, spitting into it a few times, enjoying the sight of my spit slide down into his throat. I was really close when I held his strong thighs against me and just jackhammered his little cunt. My whole body felt like it was exploding when my cock finally shot off and I let out a gutteral, "ooooohhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuck," as I filled that sweet Mormon boy with his first load of dirty cum. I just collapsed on top of Eric, barely able to breathe as I watched Steve lubing up his cock for his turn.
    2 points
  29. Seth grinned as his ministrations had their intended effect, and he slowly resumed fucking Jakes hard bare cock in long, deliberate strokes. "there we go" whispered Seth, as Jake unknowingly began to thrust into Seths warm hole. "push nice and deep baby, youre doing great" seth slid jakes hands atop his hips and began stroking his own cock. Seth wasnt here just to get the boy to fuck him raw. Seth wanted Jake to want to fuck raw, and he admired the thought of another glistening poz cock in his ever expanding collection of boys who once played by the rules, but have long since forgotten anything but how to dump their toxic loads nice and deep, over and over. aiming carefully so as to paint the boys lips, chin and chest in hot poz seed, Seth moaned as he rewarded Jakes efforts and milked his length, turning the boy into a poz picasso. "taste me" seth whispered, as he pushed gobs of his warm cream from jakes chin into his open mouth, which he obligingly sucked and swallowed. Seth slid two fingers through the river of poz seed pooled on Jakes chest and tucked them under his thrusting ass. "I bet these lips want some tasty honey too." he chided, as he began circling Jakes virgin hole. Working another glob of thick poz seed against his ass, Seth began to slowly press into him, "open wide baby, let me in, thats it." Seth stared into Jakes eyes as he moaned, continuing to thrust as Seth began to alternate between massaging and scraping his boy button. "feels so nice doesnt it? Lets taste a little more" Seth slid his digits out of the boy with a light pop and again back through the pool of poz jizz before returning hem to Jakes raw pink hole. as Jakes cock began to swell he stared into seths eyes with a mix of confusion and lust. "just a little more baby, youre almost there. Keep fucking, thats the way" Seth encouraged Jake, as he began to pound the boys prostate in rhythm to his own thrusts. jake groaned and thrust deep, just as Seth had taught him, unloading deep inside as Seth grinned atop him like a mighty king, generously massaging poz seed into his tight fuckhole. Slipping his fingers out, he sucked the seed from them and slowly let the dozing boy slip out of his swollen pussy. As morning turned to noon on a warm saturday, Jake was roused from sleep by an almost impossibly perky Seth, offering him a towel and a nice hot shower. Jake reached down to his morning wood and felt the still moist mixture of poz juices on his member, vaguely recalling the nights events. "I shouldnt have done this, I really need to get out of here..." he sheepishly announced. "Aw, Why? I thought we could be really good friends!" Seth chirped with a smile. "The kinds of friends who have lots of fun, and share excellent..." he paused to slip his fingers into his sloppy hole, sucking them clean in a single motion "taste." he said, holding eye contact with Jake and proceeding toward the bed. "We also wouldnt have to tell your boyfriend at all! it would be our secret" he smiled, straddling once again the young mans toned hips and hovering above Jakes thick tool. Jake scowled, staring at the hungry power bottom as he grinned like a Jackal atop him. He was right. "Just make this a weekend thing, and forget about it" jake thought. "lets get some condoms first?" Jake suggested with a half smile. Seth gave a gentle push and coated Jakes cock in his own warm cum. "no baby, really good friends dont use them" he instructed, deliberately working the poz slime into Jakes shaft. "good friends always bareback, jake. They fuck and fuck and always shoot their cum inside" seth lectured, as he tucked Jakes thick head at the entrance of his ass Jake sighed in contentment and without thinking, gently began feeding his cock into the toxic hole. "there ya go! now tell me how it feels" Seth beamed, as Jake instinctively gripped the power bottoms hips and began driving. "hot" Jake panted, "and wet." "thats right! hot ant wet and good. raw holes are the best for your cock. They make you cum fast and hard." Seth was now being bounced atop the boys increasingly desperate thrusts. he needed to cum. "and you can cum in me whenever you want! good friends will always let you shoot inside." Jake groaned loudly as he dumped his third load into the sucking toxic cunt. seth slipped off Jakes softening cock with a plop and a smile, and dove onto it to clean things up, alternating between licking and 'accidentally' sucking with his teeth until the boys cock glistened and the juice was faintly pink. Seth gave Jake a quick kiss and headed to the kitchen to cook some late breakfast. "Remember Jake, if you need to cum you can cum in me!" Seth gave a quick slap of his ass and left the boy to wander into the shower.
    2 points
  30. MODS: I think the website needs a "top" button to scroll back to the top of a page in the topics. (Gosh, that was a lot of more 'top' than one can find on Grindr. LOL) It's annoying to find a topic update with a new post, and find it at the bottom of a page. I want to go back to the forums when I'm done reading it, and scrolling manually is a chore.
    1 point
  31. I wish to meet a guy like that, I will play everyday of my life with that cock, and will take all his cum in my face, mouth and my ass many times a day. You are a luck guy!!
    1 point
  32. I saw that also!
    1 point
  33. I said I wasn’t going to comment any further, but I feel it necessary to point out that the “patriot” pictured above is doubly in violation of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, 36.10 (the Flag Code), sect.176 (Respect for flag) subsect. (a) and (d). These state, respectively, that the Flag shall not be hung stars-down except as a signal of extreme danger to life and property; and that the Flag shall never be used as wearing apparel. These images of young jocks and Twinks-for-Trump (one of whom has the most vacant expression I have ever seen on a human being, as though there’s nobody at home in there at all) reflect a variation on the familiar “young, dumb and full of cum” stereotype - except in these cases, they’re young, dumb and full of shit.
    1 point
  34. Got an appointment to get my dick pierced on the 24th. Yay! I'm doing sex right before the piercing - but is that safe? Will I be too sensitive for a piercing? Should I refrain from bottoming after? Surely someone here knows these things from experience.
    1 point
  35. Love the idea of masks in a bathhouse. Now if someone could make masks printed with "Top", "Bottom" and "Verse" it would make it all that much easier and more anonymous
    1 point
  36. It’s working for me man. Usually I’m blindfolded but since this started I ask that we both wear masks and it’s crazy hot to watch a random masked guy lift my legs. Now just seeing guys on the street masked makes my hole twitch.
    1 point
  37. Wow got fucked in an alley last night. Was chilling at the park, and this BBC from Grindr hits me up. He couldn't host, and I didn't want to go home first. He said he had a 4 day load and we could find a good spot in an alley. And he was just a few blocks away. We meet outside his place, and go in the alley the next block over. Found a semi-isolated spot near some trash cans and a dumpster. About the spot I'd choose to take a piss. We pull our pants down and he gets to work. I'm taking black dick in an alley and it feels so good and dirty. That and the humid air. He seriously feels amazing. 5 mins later he tells me he's gonna cum and all I can respond with is my moaning. He dumps that big load in me and we are done. We pull up our pants, and we go our separate ways. I'm such a whore
    1 point
  38. Decided on another neighborhood walk for the 4th of July to see if anyone was shooting off fireworks. Headed out about 9pm as it was just getting dark wearing a red tank top and jockstrap and blue gym shorts with my red Nikes and a good flashlight. Was surprised by just how many families were outside with either fireworks or sparklers. Before I knew it I was back in that part of the neighborhood and just thinking about what happened last time I started to get a hardon. Got to the house and he was outfront in a lawnchair with a buddy sipping beers watching fireworks that just started across the street. I started to turn around and head home but he called me over to join them. Asking if I wanted a beer as they both had one. I said sure and followed him in the house to get one. His friend followed too. He opened the fridge and I saw the beer was in the bottom bin so I bent over to grab one. He noticed the red jock as he patted me on the butt. I jumped not knowing what to think of his friend. But all was calm. He suggested we sit on the back porch with our beers as a more private place to watch the fireworks. I felt the vibe especially after the second beer on the couch between them. One thing led to another and I found myself naked between them with just my jockstap and Nikes on with both of their hard cocks showing thru their shorts. I took turns sucking on both their cocks to the sounds of the neighbor's fireworks going off. One to the next until the host started playing with my ass as I sucked his friend. First one finger then two and finally three. I heard some clothes rustling and then felt his cock starting to enter my fuckhole. No lube except for his dripping cock. He pounded my ass as I continued to suck on his buddy til he came. His buddy asked if he could have a turn as his wife was out of town. He fucked me like he hadn't had sex in awhile and loaded me up good. We finished our beers and then the fireworks stopped. I walked home in the dark with cum dripping down my leg. When I got home I ate what cum I found that was left and went to bed.
    1 point
  39. Chapter 1: True Dark Convert Samael slowly inhaled the scent of the bar: cigarette smoke, vapors of booze, and the oils that preserved the harsh yet slick leather gear of the patrons of the bar. He inhaled deeper; his paranormal senses reaping the sensations no mere mortal human could detect: lust, gluttony, envy, and then finally he honed in on that sweet emotion that hinted innocence. The fear was mild, being managed by bravery and courage that Samael had bestowed upon the young man but he maliciously grinned as his gaze focused on his target. Across the bar Kane sat on a wide bench trying to keep to himself while he stared with wide eyes around the bar. His nervousness would normally have kept him far from a gay leather bar but he reassured himself reading his messages. The young man had a large denim vest with cut off sleeves and had tried his best to pull off a tough guy look; even waxing his blond hair and regretting how he looked like a slick 50’s style grease-ball but the sleek shine of his skin would tell an experienced patron that he was nervous. Kane was sweating, his courage starting to question his belief in whether his contact would show. Trying once again to discreetly check the photos sent to try to find a match in the nearby crowd. “You shouldn’t hold out for a no show-” Kane heard to his side and he looked up at a middle-aged burly man holding a drink. The modest bear wore a blue and metal harness and gave a cheerful grin. “Life’s too short to wait around for patience.” The young man tried to look confident as his brain raced to respond with something witty but Kane couldn’t help but try to discreetly move back. The older bear laughed and fondled a tiny metal canister before taking a quick inhale from it. “Sometimes you gotta seize the night and jump to the exciting thrills.” Kane saw the metal canister offered to him as he heard a separate cold deep voice. “Or the boy is being obedient and waiting for a proper daddy to show him the ropes at the pace he knows is best for him.” A firm hand gripped Kane’s shoulder as the hunting stranger looked up behind his prey. At first there was a look of cool before the bear’s face dropped and he nodded before turning off. Kane’s heart started to slowly pump back to life from the uncomfortable situation before he slowly looked up past his shoulder to see his liberator. The young man nervously grinned before quietly saying “Hi”. Samael’s facial expression changed from cheerful to stern. No human would have heard those words with the loud music and voices but he distinctly addressed the greeting. “Funny, I was beginning to think you weren’t just acting for fun through the messages boy.” The observation was simple but it worked. Kane started to focus in the same mindset as he had flirted and submitted through online messages. The environment around them wasn’t such an interference as was previously feeding the boy’s nervousness as he corrected himself. “I apologize Sir, I’m adapting to this new experience and I honor the opportunity to finally meet you Sir.” Mental logic started processing quickly in Kane’s mind; trying to review as much as he consciously memorized to make sure he was following the rules that had naturally formed when talking to Samael; a man he found himself desiring to follow and learn from. He tried his best to stay as he was and not waver or move unless ordered to. Kane’s eyes had met Samael and he eagerly awaited a response to continue. Those eyes of Samael’s reflected the occasional strobe light as they drew in the young man’s gaze, reading him and the younger male’s eagerness. Samael’s face remained cold and stern as he patted his long awaited subject. “Very good boy, go get me whatever is on tap and a double shot of bourbon.” The elder ordered and firmly handed Kane some cash. Kane firmly gripped the bills and walked to the line for the bartender. He tried to look confident and firm; a slight ping of concern that he might ask for ID since he technically was 19. Luckily the facial hair had developed earlier in life than most and did add a couple of years helping him slip through the front door or so he thought. He didn’t even realize an obvious problem when he handed the cash over to pay for Samael’s order. “You’re a bit short son.” Kane looked and realized he had only been given $3. His face was surprised and instinctively tried to turn to look at Samael but caught himself before he could face defeat. It had to be a test. “Sorry about that.” A hand slipped into his pocket and Kane pulled out a $20 before trying to smoothly hand it off to the bartender. The young man’s chest sunk when he realized that was his bus ticket home and he only got back $5 from that one bill. He nervously put the cash he got from Samael in the tip jar hoping it would be suitable for that embarrassing encounter before he retrieved the beverages. Samael was wetting a cigar with his mouth and Kane got a better look at him in person on his return. The leather daddy’s beard was black reaching down to the bottom of his pecs which were covered by a leather vest unbuttoned; revealing a thick skin but what appeared to be 3 vertical scars down the front. As he approached closer with the drinks he noticed deep red outlines and highlights upon his leather gear, boots and belt holding his jeans that sternly accented his outfit. “Let’s go outside boy.” With that Samael looped his arm around the boy’s shoulder and guided him through the crowd to the outdoor patio. A grin emerged between the elder’s lips as he was anticipating making the boy squirm but had to keep his ambitions in control. He definitely couldn’t let him fully wander far with too many fallen souls to scare him off after finally luring him in. As soon as they were within the door’s range he lit the cigar and Kane shuddered, smelling the aroma; deep, rich, and a burning that was all new to him and intimidating. He especially was thrilled when Samael didn’t care to shield his exhale from the boy and Kane tried everything to avoid coughing but he couldn’t. “You’ll get used to it, it helps to develop those darker tastes we talked about.” Samael put away his lighter and tasted the beer. “Any cash left boy?” A quick response sputtered out. “No Sir.” “Oh really?” Kane felt a firm hand on the back of his neck and he was forced to face those disapproving eyes again. “So how much did it cost?” He didn’t think he would have to be forced to admit how Kane resolved the shortfall. So of course he had to be direct as he felt the pressure on spine. “It was $15 Sir.” “So how is that covered with the $3 I gave you?” Samael puffed on the cigar drawing in the smoke in his mouth. The ember from the small fire reflected wickedly in the pupils of the leather daddy’s eyes; almost scaring Kane to try to escape but all he could do was start to crumble. “I used a $20 I had to cover it.” The chest had started to release tension and relax at the confession but Samael’s brow furrowed and the unfamiliar stench of cigar smoke bombarded Kane’s breathing. “So what happened to my $3 if you blew your $20?” Samael demanded as Kane coughed. “This is what happens when you’re not direct with me boy, you choke on useless words.” Struggling to get his breath back as he felt his lungs swell a bit. “I was-” He stressed but one look at the man before he forced it out. “-ashamed Sir. For not even checking how much you gave me before I ordered your drinks. So I tipped the $3 to the bartender.” Kane had sunk to his knees and found Samael’s boots, well cared for leather with red embossed engraving and a silver emblem but he couldn’t make it out being dizzy. But kneeling before the boots changed his focus and the dominant man caught it. “Boy when I ask you a question you never lie to me and you sure as hell answer it directly. Give me what you have left and I’ll let you kiss and lick my boots.” There was a slight hesitation as Kane instinctively reached to grab the last of his currency. What was he going to do to get home? He couldn’t call his family or friends to pick him up, they would ask too many questions. Why did he have to give his safe passage home to someone he just met tonight in person? That last thought occurred right as Kane reached up holding that $5 bill to the man he was bowing before. “Good boy.” The paper slipped out of his fingers and the sensation of complete vulnerability started to sink deep within Kane. Others were watching, he felt shame overwhelming him in his emotions. But he looked up and seemed to know but not realize that was necessary. “Now you may ask, boy.” On his knees looking up, Kane could sense about a dozen sets of eyes beaming at him besides the bold pair he stared into before him. The pressure converted the anxiety into obedience and he eagerly said. “May I kiss and lick your boots, Sir?” Samael felt a ping of regret wondering if he’d passed the point and if it had interfered with his plans. He was enjoying this, forcing a man with his power to submit to this humiliation and obedience but there was a greater purpose laid out for Kane he had to commit to. “Yes boy.” As Kane crawled forward and licked the toe cap and lining of his boots, Samael tried to focus the drive. He was confident the boy before him was the perfect being to fulfill his needs but he feared he had already planted the dark ideas too forcefully now. “Get up and sit down on the bench boy.” Samael ordered and Kane seemed a bit heart-fallen as he obediently stopped and sat in the directed spot. A couple others gestured disapproval in the short discipline but they went to mind their own business. “I guess I got carried away.” Kane’s mentality seemed to shake as he saw a gentile face looking down at him. He warmed up to his developed personality and immediately went into a polite gentile response. “It’s completely fine, I feel like I might be a bit over-eager.” A smile and chuckle emerged as Samael rubbed the younger man’s head, that smile bearing into a malicious smirk out of site as he realized that Kane’s purity had preserved itself just in time. And the boy’s ambitions revealed his suspicions. Putting on his caring act he pursued his ploy “Kane, there was a question I needed to ask you that I didn’t feel was appropriate online.” The boy raised a brow, intrigued as they had discussed many [banned word] topics and kinky topics but it had all been fantasy and thoughts before, never actually playing or acting it out. Before Kane could inquire Samael asked. “What was your deepest desire when you started checking out the websites and interest in the leather community?” Kane seemed confused, not by what was asked but realizing this is what was driving him earlier when he was on his knees and his craving to submit and lick the boots had full control practically. He recognized and identified it but couldn’t seem to understand it. “Well, I…” Desperation fed by paranoia brought up panic in Kane as he started to think in a submissive manner. “Sir, I feel a purpose to-” “No, no.” Samael calmly interrupted. He softly hugged the boy to his body, feeling Kane’s hair on his chest as he squeezed and rubbed. “You haven’t seemed to answer this question yourself. And you need to fully comprehend what this ambitious purpose will result in if you continue to allow it to motivate you.” Kane felt so assured he was in the hands of pure experience and wisdom; and contributing to his eventual doomed fate it was divine truth. He was searching blindly through his mind, breaking down the sensations and trying to deduce what had led him to this point. “I needed to escape.” “From something dangerous?” “No, from….well actually it feels like I needed to escape to something dangerous.” The leather daddy’s hopes were building into gratitude in his efforts and purpose. Samael implored. “Well that doesn’t sound normal but what was holding you back from pursuing your needs?” The answer presented itself plainly before Kane but he couldn’t believe it. “No, that can’t-” Samael thought to keep the boy on track but he knew he was already in a mental tailspin to realize the truth. He knew it was inevitable at this point. “I grew up never missing Church, never hating another man or woman, being brought up to eventually follow my father’s guidance into the ministry. I’ve never known anything other than the bright spirituality of our Lord and Savior. I’ve never gotten to explore and understand the-” Kane stopped and seemed to struggle to speak the words he couldn’t comprehend. “I can help you explore the...drives and unknown things you wish to discover. But I can’t help you if you can’t identify what’s holding you back.” Samael motivated, waiting to hear what he had patiently waited for nearly in four months. Kane stuttered, almost as if he was about to cry but then an emotion helped him conquer the uncertainty and build determination: doubt. “I have to escape from my own purity.” Samael couldn’t help himself, he chuckled eventually laughing with a boom as he squeezed and held Kane tighter. The boy was concerned initially that he had said something foolish but the laugh brought a chill of wickedness that grew concerning. Before he could contemplate another thought of concern Samael released him from the hug and leaned down. “Boy, I can help you escape from Purity once and for all.” Kane heard those words and instead of relief a burning drive erupted in him that caused a yearning for unrestrained freedom but alerted his spiritual sense of self preservation and control. “But-...what will happen to me-” “More than likely you will slowly start to escape from the bounds of purity as this world was born in Sin and temptations assure no escape. You find a yearning to indulge and enjoy the satisfaction of Sin but your spiritual clarity won’t let you damage your reputation of a pure soul, will it?” Kane felt trapped between himself and a guiding power of undeniable logic that was trying to save him. “But what will happen to my soul?” Samael thought to take a gamble, but he was afraid that he would lose control and devour the young man before him. But there was no other alternative; he needed that final motivation. Samael voided the gap between Kane and him, bringing their lips in a deep and passionate kiss while forcing his essential hunger to subside with great effort. Samael broke the kiss, struggling for air and so was Kane. The young man panted heavily wide eyed at the man who had broken the illusion secretly harming himself. “What will happen to your life? This is your time and place to make the choices that fulfill your purpose.” Kane’s face was in a state of wonder and epiphany before he sternly looked at the man he needed. “Help me.” The foul being revealed it’s malicious smile at the boy as he exploited the surrender. Kane’s expression didn’t even falter as his capulation was determined. “You weren’t going to need that money for the bus anyway. I’m taking you home to corrupt you.” Kane’s hands had been tied, his eyes blindfolded, and ordered to remain quiet and to clear his heads of all thoughts. After the realization of what he needed most from his desires he thought that last order would be quite impossible but a fog seemed to manifest in his thoughts; slowing the transition of his logical thinking or any sense of question. In those rigid moments before he succumbed to this mental state he thought he might have been drugged but it was nonetheless the ability of a fallen angel. Samael didn’t release the mental fog until Kane’s body was fully restrained upon a round stone altar with his own symbol bestowed since before time. The boy’s body was fully exposed to the light of the burning oils and lamps that casted glowing reflections upon statues, metal emblems, and artifacts unfamiliar to humans for millennia that cast swirling shadows around the room. The only natural light that didn’t emit from a malevolent object were sparse lights from the city trying to reach in from the skylights of the warehouse roof. But even the stars would not show through to the lair of sinful bounds pulsing from the pit of the abandoned factory basement. Knowing he had to work quickly before his window would close forever and Kane would be lost to the primal inhibitions of mankind, Samael sliced through the palm of his hand before smearing it on the center of Kane’s back chest. The warm blood started to increase in temperature and start to burn the skin causing the offering to call out. “What have I done?!” Kane bellowed into the altar, unable to move as he felt the searing mark his skin before vanishing into vapor. “You have betrayed your soul, banishing your sense of purity from it and denying its purpose.” Samael replied back, yelling boldly to echo and impact his victim. He could sense the one emotion building up in Kane’s soul that he needed most of all to pull him through and use him as a host. There was a lack of fear, shame, or doubt; guilt was overcoming the boy who willingly fell before wicked intent. “I beg Mercy! I pray for Salvation from our lord and savior! Condemn my wretched soul once you save me from the wicked!” Samael grinned, Kane’s subconscious thoughts were being manipulated against him and generating guilt; the one sentiment that would preserve the purity long enough for him to harvest and manifest the new being. He couldn’t help but enjoy the mental torment Kane was subjecting, in a way to himself. Especially as his blood continued to mystically mark his skin in long forgotten patterns and phrases that were channeling changes to the host body. “You deserve none. God will not follow you here and I will be your savior through darkness and whatever light you may try to face. Your own body betrays your sense of innocence as it reveals what your true desires ache for.” Kane’s body vibrated with blissful sensations and soon his cock achingly grew erect; the full shaft sliding across the altar as pre-cum barely helped; the friction scraped his cock head as it dragged across the rough stone surface. The light scratches burned as the blood triggered a reaction from the altar and amplified masochist desires in Kane. The mere human cried out for release from this distress; sensations he couldn’t fathom corresponding all at once upon him. The wretchedness of what occurred before him caused Samael’s own cock to pulse with veins that turned into a deep unholy black. Samael’s body reacted to the progression of the ritual, slowly revealing the spiritual being within as it’s lust for the event grew immense. The pupils in his eyes had grown dark before emitting red glimmers of immoral radiance. Hairs in his beard had changed to silver and white; the patterns showing grim age and an abominable reflection around the face of what used to be human. The piercings on his body showed ancient dark symbols that pulsed and glowed in random sequence as the muscles near each emblem fed with each surge in demonic energy. Fangs snarled as a long tongue emerged from the mouth of the body as claws grew and stretched in a fierce method from the man’s bare feet and knuckles. There was no longer a grin, or hint of any corrupt joy upon the being as it stared hungrily with a purpose at the human flailing against the metal restraints. The full leather harness complimented the body as it grew and warped. It showed the cursed symbol of Samael and a demonic symbol that ended with sharp, clawed biohazard symbols, glimmering a vicious red amongst the unnatural shadows. A deep voice erupted as the being approached it’s victim. “Your purity is no longer bound to your soul, you have denied your right to approach the gates of paradise.” Samael’s cock completely swelled to a fierce fourteen inches with bulbs and ridges; inspiring intimidating thoughts of sinister repercussions. “You will surrender your purity to the birth of a grim being to be bonded to you; grow with it in strength, presence and corruption as you walk among the earth. You will surrender your body to God’s venom and let it course through your veins till your body turns to ash. Allow the dark one within you to grow upon the life suffering of mankind through the venom as it contaminates you and any body you bond with as one.” Kane gasped in horror with his sentence even as his thoughts profusely echoed in his mind. He felt the restraints vanish without a sound in the shadows as he heard Samael step up on the altar. He turned over, slowly crawling back as terror started to grow. The boy recognized the being nearly twice his size in height as the monstrosity version of the leather daddy. And yet with all emotions and wicked pressures weighing on him he still strangely felt the yearning to submit. “Sir!” Kane pleaded as he climbed forward and fully bowed nude before the demonic master. “I beg of you, I pledge my servitude in whatever time and commitment submitted as I am. To fulfill in any way adoration of you as my master.” Samael paused his approach as he maliciously started laughing at the human and suddenly Kane gasped as his own voice bellowed in his head; different phrases all at once but each one clearly distinct before and after. “I will serve you with full commitment, Sir.” “I want to be owned by you Sir.” “Your will shall be my fate, Sir.” “I do not want to know purity by your will, Sir.” “I want to be corrupted by your will, never questioning my dark desires and ambitions, Sir.” “I want to earn the right to call you my master, Sir.” Kane deeply panted in confused lust as his cock dribbled pre-cum with endless fathom at the self realization of what he had just heard from deep within. He heard from Samael “You have already surrendered yourself to your deepest desires. Your plea is of no necessary matter even to you.” Kane felt a weird mix of defeat yet fulfillment, wanting to feel foolish it took him this long to realize what he wanted but before he could contemplate he saw a muscled clawed foot before him and he looked up, seeing all the dark, toxic, and malicious tattoo’s, markings, and scars etched on the scuffed muscles before his eyes met the captivating glare of his master. “Now submit to your desires and receive what I shall bestow upon you.” The faulted man gazed over the glowing biohazard markings constrained within a pentagram, and the symbol he strangely trusted was the one bonded to the mythical being before him. With barely any struggle, Kane turned around on all fours and presented his body before the dark being. “Please Sir, I gladly accept and honor what you are about to grant me.” Kane heard a roar of hunger before he felt the force of Master Samael pinning him and prostrating him with the unholy toxic cock. The nerves overloaded with severe pain and emotional despair that his brain started to pass out but his master halted that human function first. The shaft was still intruding the bowls of Kane, causing the human to scream out in excruciating pain as he felt his virgin hole torn and shredded. As his conscious mind attempted to make peace with his fate he gagged as he felt an invading tongue and gnawing kiss. Master Samael was invading Kane’s other hole and choking him with his profane tongue. The human who had discarded himself from his initial species initially thought it was to extend the torture but as he retched he felt an intimate factor. Kane’s eyesight was getting fuzzy with what was happening to him but he thought he saw his new demonic master express a sense of devotion in his work upon Kane; however he didn’t realize it was in more ways than one. Samael’s abilities concentrated as he invaded deeply into the human being; tuning in to match the spiritual connections of Kane and starting to viciously attack it. He had to break through to the soul so he could use Kane’s purity and innocence as long as they could both trap it. Samael was incredibly surprised; he truly had found the perfect human to fulfill his purpose. His feat would have been nearly impossible if Kane hadn’t been able to accept his actions and ambitions as his own and fulfill them without regret. His purity would have easily escaped as fear would have denounced his ambitions. And he had already corrupted too many mindless poz pigs over the decades. Despite Kane’s surrender to his demonic master his soul was still resilient and unable to deconstruct with any human will on itself. Samael’s attempts were proven fruitful though as eventually the human’s soul fell apart and imploded; it’s spiritual entities of morals, purpose, ambitions scattering and revealing it’s core purity. This was quickly and wholly engulfed by Samael with malicious and savory success. And for once the demon felt the pieces that had once been Kane and felt a slight emotion of regret. With their bodies, Samael started to glow violently as he stressed difficulty containing and holding the essence that was toxic in a way to all malevolent beings. Like radiation it was severely damaging the demonic master but with the talismans on his leather harness he overcame the core entrapment that had once claimed Kane. “Soon my slave, you will boast how this part of you that restrained you with such irrelevant purpose in life was corrupted and enabled you to spread blissful toxic lust.” The demon growled as he exploited the entity inside him into a fowl spiritual being. Unfortunately with Kane’s soul shattered, his body simply reacted to the physical sensations that he could feel: intense pain, the pressure from Samael’s body, tongue and shaft. His eyes listless and void, Kane would never be close to human again once Samael’s curse was completed. “Finally, I can enjoy this act of unholy initiation…” Samael was relieved as he withdrew his tongue from the front orifice of the body he was raping, allowing it to breathe properly. The demonic shaft, however, swelled and pulsed as not only would it be a charged toxic demon load, but one that would infuse another spiritual entity. As the demon plunged it’s profane dick into the human body it snarled. “You were so easy in the end to surrender to me. If it wasn’t for your purpose I would have corrupted your body long ago and kept you as a submissive slave even in human form.” Heavy amounts of blood and feral yellow bodily fluids squirted and dribbled out of Kane’s ass as Samael’s member plunged in. “I barely could contain myself waiting this long. But I had to entrap you in the purest form possible. And now that I know what you’re capable of, I can hardly regret forcing you through this.” The body’s anal region was pulverized as the shaft continued to forcibly invade. The demon seed was already dripping and corrupting it on a biological level: the HIV virus rapidly corrupting the cells with a toxic strain synthesized after years of mutations and transfers. The altar was vibrating with an ominous tone as it responded to the blood mixing between innocent and malice. Samael shuddered in bliss, barely keeping himself up. “You will pass this on with dark intent to innocent humans like you once were” Samael grunted as he could feel his member plunge deep into the muscles and tissues. He could only imagine how much blood he had infected mutilating Kane’s body like this. However he sneered; feeling a dark and twisted sensation as he got suddenly stimulated and his shaft started to rapidly swell. “Not only will you be pozzing humans like I would have inevitably done to you, but you shall be given more. You will help me in rescuing humans from their purity that they have used to enslave themselves. Behold the gift that I force upon your existence!” The skin tissue on Samael’s shaft started to harden as it expanded, forcing the brutally raped hole to stretch even further. Crystallized shards of demon cum started to emit from the slit and encased themselves in the blood drenched bowels to slowly transform the body into a malevolent being of darkness. The deep pants and groans coming from the dark beast grew rapid and quicker until a deep breath was forced and a shrieking roar bellowed from the jaws as an abominable orgasm ripped through him. Jets of demonic cum varying from potent yellow to toxic black rocketed from the slit and flooded the former human body it had mated with. The blood rapidly fused and started to change with a dark shadow genetic structure; the new demonic DNA spreading and corrupting other parts of the body in what would be a painful and masochistic thrilled sensation. The grim eyes of Kane slowly began to gain a sense of life as his spiritual entity was formed with a modified evolution. The former human feeling a sense of confusion, intense pain, and overwhelming sensations tying dark bliss and sadistic intent clawed at the surface of the altar as he called out in his state of wretchedness. He felt a slimy tongue wrap around him and invade his mouth. Kane suckled the tongue with intrigue, finding it almost calming to the overwhelming impacts that were erupting through his body. It was the only kindness he received as it guided him into a kiss with the mate that had remade him. The act passionately invigorated lust as it continued to plunge it’s rear member into him, forcing the seed it spawned deeper. It reassured the new formed demon of its place was well intended and in a way safe within the will of the monstrosity that had made him. With that it’s master allowed the sensations to overwhelm what was human to allow the new being to pass out in peace.
    1 point
  40. it is never ever appropriate to take an antibiotic as a prophylactic ... antibiotics resistance is real. if you did happen to pick up an STI the chances of you having the proper dosage and for the appropriate duration is slim and having the right antibiotic even slimmer. there is already a strain of resistant gonorrhea let's not make it a possible syphilis as well ...
    1 point
  41. 3. “Be there in ten,” the text was from an unknown number and I had no idea who it was. While he was messing with my phone the twink had invited someone over. Maybe it was the bear I had given my address too? The uncertainty fed my hunger. A text from different unknown number came in, “Fuck that video of you taking that twinks cock is so hot. You want another load?” So, the twink had not only told guys they could come over he had sent them a video of him fucking me. I thought for a minute and then responded yes to this unknown person. I started going through Scruff and Grindr to see who the twink had talked to. It seemed he had given my number to almost a dozen guys and sent the video of his raw cock in my hole to several others. I felt used and expose, I loved it. Steadily guys responded. Some were apparently grossed out by the idea of using a cum filled whore, others were turned on by it. Guys unlocked their pics for me, but I barely glanced at them. Anyone who said they were interested I sent my number to. The buzzer went off, and I let whoever the twink had invited over in. I considered for a moment putting some shorts on before he got to the door but decided that it was pointless. He’d already seen me taking the last guys cock raw, and knew what he was coming over for. The mystery man knocked on the door and I opened it fully nude. It was not the bear I had been talking to, in fact I had no idea who the guy was. He was in probably his mid-twenties, right around six feet tall, and very thin. He had a cute slightly stubbly face, and floppy hair. He growled and pushed his way into the apartment. “My friend Alex told me that there was a horny cum dump here and I should come breed you. Hope it’s alright I came over unannounced.” “Um, yeah, you didn’t text me?” “No,” he laughed a little nervously, “Alex just gave me the address and I live just around the corner. Is that a problem.” “No,” I said, “its just, I think your friend Alex invited some others over too, and… well… someone said they would be here in just a few minutes.” “Fuck yes,” the new guy said, “We can breed you together. I’m sure he won’t mind. Why don’t you start sucking my cock and I’ll let him in when he gets here.” “Fuck, ok! Oh, I need you to take a video while you fuck me.” “Need?” “Well this guy, my… my Sir wants to see all the cocks I take today.” I could feel my cheeks flush as I spoke. “Damn, alright pig.” He winked at me and took his t-shirt off and pulled off his shoes. He dropped his shorts and underwear together and tossed all his clothes to the side. His ass was skinny but super hairy. My cock twitched looking at it. When he turned around my jaw almost hit the floor. I had thought his friend was hung but this boy put him to shame. Thich and already starting to stand out from his dense pubes this twink was packing a fucking tall boy. He leaned back against my door and guided my head towards his cock. I didn’t need much encouragement. I opened my mouth and swallowed his quickly stiffening cock. Just as I found my rhythm, and his balls had started slapping my chin the buzzer went off again. I made to pull off of his dick but he held my head in place with one hand and buzzed the guy in with the other. I kept gagging on his dick even as I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. The guy moved up a little so that he could open the door just as the knock came. Still on my knees with a cock in my mouth, I watched as the guy opened the door and let in the stranger. This was the bear I had been expecting. “Fuck, when you sent the video of you taking that cock I didn’t expect to find you with one still in your mouth pig. You breed him, yet kid?” “Nope just got here myself. The pig told me he was expecting someone else but I decided to stay and enjoy myself.” “Hey, the more the merrier.” They laughed as the twink pushed his cock all the way down my throat. I couldn’t see what the bear was doing but I assumed taking off his clothes. Then suddenly the twink pushed me off his dick, and said “get him hard.” I turned around to see the bear naked in front of me pulling on his semi erect cock. He was stocky with a little bit of a belly and covered in hair, literally the perfect definition of a bear. His chest hair swirled up towards his beard and connected at the base of his neck in a thick tuft that somehow made me weak. I crawled over to him and started sucking on his cock, feeling it swell till it was stretching my jaw. He was impossibly thick. At the same time the twink came up behind me, and pulled me onto all fours. I felt him spit on my hole and then slide into my slick guts. I moaned around the fat cock I was sucking and relaxed into the deep fucking he was giving me. “Oh fuck, this cunt is full of cum,” the twink said as he plowed into me. Each thrust of his cock forced more of the bears fat cock into my mouth making me almost choke each time. Some part of my brain was shocked at what I was doing, but mostly I was thrilled with myself, and that shocked me even more. “I need a turn in that cunt,” said the bear, pulling his dick out of my mouth, “switch with me.” “Where’s your phone pig. I’ll record him fucking you.” “Oh, the pig likes to be recorded does he?” “His Sir say he has to get video of every cock he takes.” They were talking about me like I wasn’t even there… and I liked it. I was nothing but a toy to them. I handed the twink my phone from where it lay on the floor as the bear lined up his fat cock behind me. “Make sure you get his face as I slide in, even with all this cum my cocks going to stretch him out.” The twink nodded that he was filming, and clearly had the camera aimed straight at my face. Then I felt the wide blunt head of the bear’s cock on my hole. He had been right, even with all the raw dick I had taken and the massive amounts of cum inside me his cock still was going to stretch me. There was a long moment of him pressing his cock against my hole before I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, relaxing so that his cock slid inside of me. I felt my eyes bug out, and my mouth hung open as I bloomed open for him. The bear grunted as he pressed the full length of his cock inside me. I was sweating and moaning, but also wiggling my butt against the bears furry hips. He started to fuck me slowly and the twink stepped forward so his cock was right in front of my face again. I swallowed him, tasting cum and ass juice on his dick. He continued to record as he fucked my face and the bear railed my hole. There was nowhere for me to go, and nothing for me to do. I was just a set of holes for them to use. I loved it, I loved my new role as cum dump. I was so thankful to Sir for starting me on this path, and I couldn’t wait to see him later that night to tell him so. The bear clearly wasn’t going to last long. He seemed intent on destroying me quickly and depositing his load. He bashed against my hole, grunting and dripping sweat, till suddenly with a low growl he slammed inside and held his cock in me while he unloaded. He let out a long sigh of relief as his balls drained deep inside of me. I squeezed my hole around his cock, milking the load out of him. “Fuck boy, I hope you enjoy that too day load.” He pulled out and slapped my ass. “Clean my dick off so I can go back to work.” I let the twink’s cock fall from my mouth and spun around to clean the cum from the bear’s dick. It slowly went soft in my mouth as I licked him clean, when he was satisfied he smacked his mostly soft cock on my cheek and got dressed and left. The twink in the meantime has slammed back in my freshly bred hole and started hammering away. He twisted his fingers into my hair and pulled my head back keeping me in place as he ravaged my ass. I was screaming and groaning, begging him to breed my ass. Despite his pace he took a long time to finally build up to a nut. My knees were sore and my neck ached from being pulled back, by the time I heard him grunting and felt a shift in his pace. He finally started to buck wildly in and out of my hole as he groaned “I’m cumming, I’m breeding your cunt.” For a long moment afterwards he held his cock inside of me, his body shaking. The slowly he pulled out. “Here’s your phone pig,” he handed me my phone back. “I added my number and sent myself a text so I can get in touch when I need to dump another load.” Then he left, and I was alone, naked and leaking cum in my living room.
    1 point
  42. This is part of why I always identify as non-binary. I personally don't wanna be grouped with most of the rest of the vagina owning populous. Guys are just... easier. In pretty much every sense of the word. If I had a dime for every time I was told "you aren't like women" or "It's so weird you just say what you want, and it's not complicated" or other shit like that... I'd be sitting pretty. I'm sure there are others like me out there somewhere, but fuck if I've actually met any of them.
    1 point
  43. I laughed at the boy begging me to rape him. Then I spit in his face. “Dirty little faggot. Careful what you wish for. We’re gonna ruin this sloppy cumdump.” I started to plow him steady and hard, feeling the hot walls of his ass sucking my dick inside. I could feel he was already lubed up. The boy started to moan as my cock sank all the way up his hole. I looked over at Jesse, who had come back in the room, followed by a short, well built mid 20s guy. The newbie’s mouth was agape like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. I just smiled and waved him over. “Hey dude. Take your clothes off and come fuck this faggot. How many loads does the kid have in him, Jesse?” Jesse laughed and said “two from me, and two from some random Daddy types who left just before you got here. Nice big cock on those two. Adam was begging for their loads. He’s such a fucking whore.” Adam moaned on the bed as I kept up a steady pace fucking him. The new guy quickly shucked his clothes, showing off a nice tight body with a big fat dick. He was short and smooth with a sexy brush cut, and his cock was uncut. He also had a nice treasure trail from his furry stomach down to thick pubes. An impressive dick hung there, rock hard. I reached out grabbed his cock, and played with his foreskin which barely uncovered the head. He moaned loudly. “What’s your name kid?” “Brian,” he said. “This is so fucking hot. I had a hell of a week and really need to bust a nut.” “Stick around, Brian. We’ll get you fucked up and fuck all night,” Jesse said. He smiled big and pointed to the bong on the table and the big bag of T. “Oh I don’t do drugs,” Brian said. Jesse smiled even bigger and said “It’s cool, you can do them or not do them. Your choice.” Clearly Jesse was gonna give the kid a booty bump whether he wanted it or not. He had a nice firm ass that I knew we were both going to be inside by the end of the night. Brian moved around to the front of the faggot and shoved his ample cock in Adam’s mouth and both of them loudly moaned. Brian fucked Adam’s mouth for a bit then leaned down and spat on his face, licked it off and grinned. Then he leaned over and started to make out with Adam who moaned louder and started riding my dick even harder, trying to get my cock as far up his cunt as it would go. The boy was on fire. Jesse leaned down and started to make out with Adam and Brian, playing with Brian’s rock hard cock. Jesse leaned down and took Brian’s cock into his mouth while I began to fuck Adam harder, so both of the boys started to moan for different reasons. One because his cunt (and reason for living) was getting split open by my fat dick, and the other because his equally fat dick was being swallowed by a handsome bearded cock sucking pig. I wanted to last longer, so I leaned over and whispered in Brian’s ear “Why don’t you fuck the faggot now? He’s all lubed up and squishy with strangers’ cum.” Brian got a wicked grin on his face, then stuck his tongue in my mouth and then we rearranged positions so that he could slide his rock hard dick into Adam and I laid down to take a break, alternating between making out with Adam and Jesse and whispering dirty things in their ears. “You gonna booty bump this kid,” I asked Jesse? He just smiled and looked at me with his huge black pupils. “What do you think?” I just smiled and made out with him harder. I had a feeling our young friend was going to end up with a butt full of cum, just like Adam. Brian pounded Adam’s cunt hard for about 15 minutes while Jesse and I made out with him and egged him on to breed the fag harder. Finally, the shortness of his breath told us he was about to blast the faggot full of another load of sperm. I leaned over to Brian and said “come on, dude, give that faggot your load. Knock him up. The little whore needs more cum to lube up his pussy.” “Fuck, I”m gonna cum!,” Brian moaned and I could see his nuts pull up as he dumped another load our little rugby dump. Adam moaned and begged, “please shoot your fucking load in me. I need your cum inside my cunt. FUUUUUCK.” Breathing heavily, Brian collapsed on Adam’s back and his cock popped out of the boy. I reached down and could feel the cum start to leak from his jizz hole. When his cunt was empty he started to moan and beg “Please. Fuck me. I need more cock. Please.” “What do you say boys? Should we find some strangers to gang rape this cumdump?” They both laughed and said “fuck yeah!” Jesse grabbed the bong and leaned over to give Adam another huge shotgun of T. I leaned down and took it from him and tried to give it to Brian, who turned his head away. He laughed nervously. I blew the smoke away from him and thought “we’ll get you yet, boy. You’re gonna be begging me for my dick before the end of this night.”
    1 point
  44. I’ve sucked loads of old cocks in the park. they seem surprised I’d be interested. but I’m not their to date hot guys. I’m there to get on my knees and suck cocks. men that would normally disgust me have had my mouth. Dirty homeless guys and men I’d normally feel superior to... once im on my knees they are superior and in charge. I’m there to suck cock.
    1 point
  45. Same here - bravo! Haven't had a condom in the house, on my dick or in my ass in over 12 years. Hate the smell, feel and thought of them-- just not sex unless its wet, bare.
    1 point
  46. There is a club in Sitges called Bukkake. Had a great time, lovely walking around scooping cum off my face and eating it while looking for cock.
    1 point
  47. Same here. Cum all over my face - all in my beard - is my fetish, ESP. with guys watching. I get off on stepping out of an XXX bookstore booth into a crowded hallway like that. Usually, advertising that I'm a cumdump like that results in... more guys using me! 🙂
    1 point
  48. PART 5 I spent the next day feeling guilty and certain that I had HIV, when I wasn’t busy jerking of relving the whole scene. Then I would feel guilty again. How could I break all the rules my first time out? I had let a guy with HIV fuck me raw and I had even let him cum inside me. It was only when I jerked off that I let myself admit I hadn’t let him cum in me, I had made him cum in me. Why had I done that? The next day after that my horniness got the better of me and I logged on, just to look at his profile I told myself. Before I could get there though, I noticed I had a message. I clicked and it was from him and he had sent it late last night. “Chris, First of all, I had an amazing time with you and really felt a special connection. And i am really happy that I got to be your first Top. You left pretty quickly and I think I know why... the fact I am hiv positive. I normally wouldn’t have even met a guy quite As young as you, but you were just so sexy in your pictures and so eager to be with an older guy like me, i gave in. And then you had such a pretty hole and it smelled so good. And then it tasted so good. And you got my cock so hard with your mouth. I couldn’t help needing to be inside you and I gave in. And you needed it. You needed my cock inside of you. And you knew I wouldn’t use a condom. Or maybe you just didn’t think. You just gave in. And when I was fucking you and you couldn’t have it stop. It just couldn’t stop. You had to have my cock pistoning in and out of you. Even when you knew it would make me cum and I told you I was close. You gave in. You pulled me in and squeezed my cock with your hole and accepted my load. A poz guy was shooting spurt after spurt of his cum into your guts and you gave in. You wanted it. At first when you left, I felt a little guilty and thought maybe I shouldn’t have let it go so far. Here you are, 18 and now you have my hiv cum inside you. And you’ve taken it bareback. You are going to want to get fucked bare again. It’s too addicting. You will give in. You will need it. Cock and cum. Deep in your hole. You will just have to... give in. And I will be waiting to take care of your needs again. When you are hungry and can’t hold off anymore, come over. But there’s no condoms allowed here. And no pulling out. And you will leave full of my cum. Signed, Tim.” I wasn’t just hard when i finished reading that, I was sure i would cum if I even touched my cock. And then I noticed he was actually online. And without hesitation, I gave in. I messaged him, knowing that I was agreeing thAt I did want what he wanted too, to fill my ass with his cum. “Tim, I can’t stop thinking about it. Can I come over again?,” I wrote and hit send. It was maybe a minute later that I got my reply. It was one word,Now. My reply was just as quick, “On my way.” And after a few minutes cleaning myself up, I was out the door. And for the second time in 3 days, was on my way to be a hot older Top man’s bottom toy. The hiv thing definitely went thru my mind, but not nearly as much as the thought of how it felt like he had cum a quart of jizz inside me when he had shot last time. It was the cum I kept thinking about, taking cum.
    1 point
  49. PART 4 Tim’s cock wasn’t even halfway in me and I was sure I was being torn up. My first cock was huge and I was trying so hard to relax. But as he slowly worked his hips and worked that massive rod into me, my hole finally seemed to open up. And it felt so good. Instant bottom. And he just kept slowly pumping that man cock into me. “Fuck your hole is so tight. Such a hot little hole,” he grunted. Inspired by the fact that I was pleasing him, for the first time I pushed back against him. I wanted more of him inside me. I wanted to make him feel good. I wanted to make him cum. “Yeah, you like it. You like that big cock inside you don’t you?” He asked. “So good, feels so good,” was all I could get out, as he picked up speed. He wasn’t pounding me, but he was getting more aggressive and taking longer strokes. I had never even imagined it could feel so good. And knowing my hole was making his cock feel good got me so hot I knew i couldn’t even touch my cock. It was like steel and precum was pouring out. I would cum the second I started stroking. And now I was getting pounded. Each slam home knocking my breath out. “Oh god oh god oh god,” who knows how many times I said that. “So close. Fucking tight little boy ass,” he grunted through clenched teeth. “Wanna.... wanna make you cum. Cum in me. Cum in me, “ I begged. He was frantic now, his thrusts getting erratic. It seemed like he was close. “Can’t cum in you. Gotta... gotta pull out. Fuck gonna cum. Oh fuck gonna cum.” I don’t even know where it came from or why it seemed so important to me, an 18 year old virgin, but I wanted to make him cum with my ass. I didn’t want him to finish jerking off. “No! I practically shouted reaching out my hands and pulling him into me, just as he was trying to pull out. Gripping him, I felt him buck and spasm as his giant cock erupted inside of me. I ground into him as I felt his cock pulse and instinctively knew what thAt meant, each spasm meant a shot of cum spraying into me. And it spasmed a lot. I loosened my grip as he finished and I felt his orgasm subside. He slowly slid out of me and looked down. “I’m Sorry. I shouldn’t have let you, I shouldn’t have finished inside you,“ he said quietly. I looked up at him, naive as I was. “Why? It felt so good. I swear, it felt SO GOOD. And I wanted to make you cum with... with my butt. And I FELT it! Your cum. I could feel it like in me,” I said like a kid that just discovered candy. He just looked at me in the same way and said, “Chris, it’s not... it isn’t safe for... I have HIV.”
    1 point
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