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  1. I had planned it all out. I was nervous and took a glass of wine gulping it down. The knock on the door ,though expected ,startled me. I opened it. “ Hi”I said. The guy I met, smiled” Hello “. Even as I let him in I felt a sense of control start to flow away from me. He seemed more in control , more sure of himself. Another knock. I let the other guy in as well. He seemed less certain , but more certain than me. I was the one who set this up and yet I was the one that seemed more on edge. “ Would you like a drink?” “No “they both said . The first guy smiled and said “working”. “Of course”I stammered “ “Do you two know each other? .” The two guys looked at each other “ No” I sat on the edge of the bed. Was this what I truly wanted? A hotel room ? Two prostitutes or should I say Escorts? “ You both are Poz not on meds?” They now looked at each other more intently and then back at me. “ I am Neg, not on PREP .I only have tonight in London by myself... so... do you mind if I get another drink?”. “ So you want Raw, Poz dicks in your ass?” The first guy smiled.” You don’t need a drink, you need a huge hit of poppers”. I looked around taking in my surroundings, for the first time really, even though I had checked in four hours before. What the actual fuck was I doing ? Here I was in a hotel ,near the Airport about to have sex with two Poz Prostitutes. Six hours before I had been having a farewell lunch with friends. None of them would ever guess I would now be here doing this. “Who the hell was I ?” For a moment I thought I could pull out of this. I mean they would have seen this before, Clients chickening out. Wives , closeted. They would have seen it all before. But some fucked up Neg guy booking two prostitutes on online ads because they were Poz and I had had too much poppers up my nose and too much twisted fantasy in my my head. “ It’s ok” The second guy spoke for really the first time.” Take off your clothes”. I gulped and within seconds we were all taking our clothes off except our underwear . The first guy” So this is a conversion ?” Yes I suppose” I blurted. “ Fuck hot “ he replied. “Suck my dick “ and without any further hesitation I grabbed his cock and started sucking. “ Suck that Poz dick you sick prick” This made me hornier. While still sucking one of my arms went for the trousers on the floor, grabbing my poppers from my pocket then inhaling hard. “ Can I have some? “The second guy stepped forward and took the poppers from me. He took deep sniffs. “ Suck my cock as well “and pulled his hard cock out of his underwear. He had a PA attached to the end of his dick.. I started sucking this dick now. In the background a French bareback film was playing from my USB on the TV. “I am not sure about this” The second guy said. At the same time he didn’t take his dick out of my mouth. I stopped. “ I want this. I really want this. I need Poz toxic cum up my ass. I know what I am doing. I don’t want to make this uncomfortable for you, but I need to be Poz. You are doing me a huge favour that I can’t thank you enough for.” He smiled and eased himself. “Fuck you sick slut I am going to Poz you so hard that it won’t be just the toxic load that makes you Poz, it will be my dick ripping you apart and making you bleed. “ With that the second guy took the poppers off the first ,took a huge sniff and pushed the bottle to me . As I took the bottle, he pulled down my underwear and threw them off. He then pushed me face down onto the bed. “ You want a toxic dick I am giving you one.” I have no idea where he got the lubricant from. It could have been from my suitcase, more likely he had some. I felt huge pain but he seemed to know this and covered my mouth with his hand as I yelled. Then suddenly I saw a different popper bottle in front of me and I sniffed in heaven and started to relax. The first guy came around to my head and had his knees open against each side of my mouth. I started sucking his cock as I saw a third bottle of poppers appear before my nose. “ You want that big Poz dick . Keep sucking you whore. You fucking love that infected dick don’t you” I kept slurping and sucking. I felt guilt I was putting these two guys through this.I felt guilty I wanted this and yet it was though my soul desired this fucked up situation. “ I need to be Poz, infect me.Charge me up” I yelled. They swapped. I felt another hard dick up my ass. “ Make me pregnant. Knock me up”. I yelled. “You sick fucking slut take that fucking toxic dick” I heard. “Plant your dirty seed up my Neg Ass”. It seemed that each word made them release their inner Poz pig.” You are going to be fucked up so badly”they said. Each time they put their dicks in my ass and poppers up my nose I was one step closer to my goal. I started to lose all sense of who was doing what .One moment I was sucking on a PA, the next moment a fat juicy cock. Both were up my ass.My head was starting to ache with the amount of poppers that was in my head.” I need to be charged pregnant “ I said. All I could smell was sex and poppers. “ You know soon you will be fucked up ,truly fucked up. No escape. Pozzed well and truly” In the haze that was my head I thought I felt the PA, but the poppers were so much I have no idea. Then I heard a whisper.” You sure? “ against my ear. “ Make me Poz” I said. “I am going to charge you Po..... “and then silence. “You fucking sick twaisted slut.”I felt it inside. I always hoped I would. Here it was .I had a charged Poz load up me. I smiled as a dick left my mouth. I was so high in poppers I had no idea that the dick that now entered my body was the one with a PA attached. But the sudden pain made me remember.” You are fucked, you Neg slut. You will be pozzed by the time this is over “ More poppers under my nose. “ Fuck do you want a charged bloody load?” So the pain was not just the dick. “ Please” I pleaded “please do this ,make me Poz” The pace picked up. “You need to be toxic don’t you “ he said “ yes “ I pleaded. “You know this will fuck you right up.” He said. “ “ Yes” I pleaded . “Make me your toxic dump.”He breathed heavily in my ear and then stopped. I felt it . I felt it in my ass. In Heaven. I had crossed over. I was gone. For a minute, maybe less I lay there. All three of us were breathing heavily. My finger touched my ass . It explored inside my ass while the once fat Poz dick became limper. I took the finger out and saw it up against my eyes. Both blood and cum met my eye. “ Thankyou “ I said Well you paid us you sick fuck. Hopefully you got what you wanted” I smiled” I did”
    11 points
  2. Part 5 - Overlooking Hyde Park Conrad returned to the greenhouse and found Jack sat attending some new Hibiscus seedlings, he walked still in shock of what he had seen but went around things as normal calling it a day by 4pm. He couldn't shake how unnerved he was and the last thing he needed tonight was going out, promising Charlie they would have dinner out by way of an apology for the fight. Jack watched him leave and seeing the change in him that afternoon he was concerned that something happened, he headed up to the manor to ask if Simon saw anything that would explain the strange behaviour from Conrad. Simon had no idea and in his usual way of ignorance is bliss he didn't dwell on it anymore taking Jack up to bed for some late afternoon release. Charlie ordered the food and fetched the drinks sitting back down at the booth that they had managed to corner in the gastro pub. It was fairly busy for a Sunday evening with most of the patrons sitting in the beer garden enjoying the summer sunshine. Conrad was happy and in his element being out with Charlie, it made a change the two of them finding some time to talk things over before Charlie went back to naval training in the morning. "Does it still hurt" Charlie asked nodding at the fading bruise above Conrad's eye. "No" Conrad replied a little distracted "it will be gone in a day or so" he said. Charlie nodded "I guess mum and dad were right, 20 years before we had a bust up". Conrad looked at him "Did you say anything to them?" he asked knowing he didn't have to explain about what. "Of course I didn't" Charlie replied looking at Conrad "did you hear off Max?" he now asked. "Yes he sent me Harry's number" Conrad replied looking at his glass "the thing is I saw him today". Charlie grinned at his brother "And what happened?" he asked leaning forward. "Nothing he was at the manor at Simon's party" Conrad said adding "the Arab guy was there as well". "Bloody hell" Charlie blurted out then lowered his voice "You didn't talk to Harry then?". "No" Conrad replied "and I don't know if I will ever talk to him" he said taking a sip of beer. Charlie sat back assessing his brother "Do you fancy of him or not?" he asked quite casually. Conrad chuckled and looked at Charlie "Sort of" he sighed "part of me seems attracted to him" he replied. "I knew it" Charlie said leaning forward "you had a hardon when we played around before Simon turned up". Conrad blushed "Ew I don't fancy you" he said trying to be serious and stifling his giggling. "Yes you do" Charlie said with confidence "like having sex with yourself" he said grinning. Conrad laughed shaking his head "Your fucking screwed up Charlie" he replied. "What are you going to do about it, Harry I mean?" Charlie asked putting his glass down on the table. "Nothing, I am going to get my education finished first" Conrad replied "I have to sit that exam now". Charlie nodded "You mean the one you can take from selling your arse?" he said in a hushed tone. "Thanks Charlie!" Conrad exclaimed rolling his eyes "I don't need you keep reminding me what I stupidly did". Charlie chuckled "You know I am ever going to let you forget that Con" he said sitting back very satisfied. "I know, don't worry though I will get something on you hanging around with all those navy boys" Conrad hinted. Charlie laughed "Sharing a bedroom with another guy dressed in uniform" Conrad added "temptation". "Stop it" Charlie said trying to catch his breath from laughing "it is nothing like that" he looked at Conrad "seriously thing about Harry". "What is this fascination with Harry?" Conrad asked exasperated. Charlie grinned at him "For fucks sake Conrad he is in love with you". Charlie was a devious plotter and he was already getting an idea now Conrad had finally admitted that he was more gay than straight. Their food had gone cold by the time they finished eating unable to stop talking. Conrad crawled in to bed tired thinking over his encounter with Harry in London, he slept soundly but in the back of his mind the thought of telling his parents played over. By morning Charlie was packing his car at 7am ready to head off, Conrad grabbed some shorts dressing quickly he ran downstairs to say good bye catching Charlie walking in to pick up his last bag. "Seriously you was going to go without saying good bye" Conrad said reaching the bottom step. "How stupid do you think I am?" Charlie replied walking over to Conrad and hugging him hard. Conrad felt emotional for the first time at one of Charlies departures "When are you coming home again?". "Three weeks time" Charlie replied holding Conrad's face he looked him in the eye "you need to tell them". Conrad nodded "I know" he said "I will do it when I feel ready". Charlie kissed his brother on the lips surprising Conrad "I still love you Con" he said and hugged him again. Conrad fought back the tears holding Charlie tight only letting go when their mother appeared with a bag of food for Charlie to take with his favourites in. Jody could sense something going on between them but put it down to their weird twin thing they always seemed to have. Conrad went upstairs to get showered and dressed then heading out to college for enrolment day on the final course, this was going to be his hardest course and passing the RHS Botany Science exam would open many doors of opportunities for him all over the world. He felt a little stupid and embarrassed paying for the course that day, hoping that the administrator would not ask how he got the money to pay for it. It took him a moment to shake it off and they took payment confirming his place to start the following Monday. The rest of the day Conrad spent tending the flower beds along the road then weeding the flower bed on the little roundabout fondly remembering the days Charlie and he would cycle around it and that fateful day he met Jack. The manor looked eerily quiet compared to the weekend's activities. The week dragged by slowly and Conrad buried his head in the new books he had acquired for the upcoming course. Even he was struggling with parts of it at first, by far it was the hardest and most complex science he had come across. Writing things down to ask Jack about he carried on relentlessly searching bits and pieces on the internet so that he could understand the subject better. He visited the manor a couple of times and spent it in the kitchen garden checking on the progress of the herbs and vegetables with Jack, there was no sight of Simon during the days he visited. Thankful in a way so that he didn't get ahead of himself and asked questions about Harry and Moham being there. No matter what searches he did he couldn't find much on Hibiscus Manor, a place called Hibiscus Drive kept coming up and finally he clicked on the link. Harry looked at the street view on the 3D map and smiled knowing he had found it, he recognised the houses along the road and the wrought iron gates of the manor that he saw from inside it. Panning out he saw the nearest town was Bordon and a few miles from Alton, it certainly was stuck in the Hampshire countryside but he now knew where he saw Conrad working. Putting things together he figured that he must also live around the area, deciding if he saw Max again he would need to ask him outright exactly where Conrad lived. Harry finished his lectures and stayed on in the college library to finish his home study and decide what to do this weekend, he opened his phone and saw one message on his mobile banking app that was several days old. Opening it up he was gobsmacked to see £50k had been deposited in the account. He had literally forgotten about the payment he would get for the weekend but never expected that much. It brought a smile to his face and thankfully with him getting fed up with hanging out at the gay bar he needn't have worried. He really needed to spend some time looking for jobs in sales and marketing, so far that week he hadn't once been to the bar and he was hoping that the need would never rise again. The problem with Knightsbridge is that it is never hard to spot people who frequent the area since most had their little haunts, today was proving no exception. Harry left the library arranging to meet some friends in Hyde Park. He was watching the fuss going on outside the front of the Mandarin Oriental hotel with the doorman and concierge, two black limousines pulled up outside and the hotel staff stopped pedestrians to allow the VIP's to enter the hotel. Harry stood there waiting not paying much attention and waiting patiently, VIP's and limousines were quite common place at the hotel. Harry looked up to see if things were moving again and the occupant exited the limousine looked in his direction. Stopping himself from shouting out and saying hello Harry watched Moham making eye contact but also ignoring him in one move. Another business man exited the Limousine and Moham let him go in front calling the concierge over speaking to him. All Harry could see was the concierge nod understanding what was being asked and without a further glance Moham disappeared in to the hotel. The other limousine pulled up to the front with more people dressed in suits going in to the hotel and one of the receptionists came hurrying outside handing a key card to the concierge. Harry patiently waited until the car pulled away and started making his way across the front of the hotel putting his phone back in his pocket. Sergio the concierge stood there waiting until Harry got closer and walked up to him. "Good evening Sir" Sergio said stopping Harry who looked at him "your key to suite 920". Harry looked at the piece of plastic "Sorry I think there has been a mistake" he replied. Sergio remained business like "No mistake suite 920 make yourself at home and your gentleman friend will join you in an hour". Harry stood confused for a minute "Oh right" he said with Sergio directing Harry inside the hotel. "I will take you to the suite and you must wait there" Sergio said calling the lift. Harry stepped in to the lift with Sergio his face burning from embarrassment "Its not what it seems" Harry claimed trying to explain himself. Sergio did not look at Harry "Nothing is what it seems" he replied shuffling his feet "our guests discretion is of upmost importance". Harry was anxious and a little nervous standing in the lift going to the ninth floor and following Sergio to the suite, he opened the door and handed the key to Harry explaining there was water in the fridge and to order anything if he was hungry. Before he could say anything Sergio left glancing over his shoulder at Harry smirking. Sending a text to his friends explaining something had come up Harry looked out at the view over Hyde Park, so many times he had passed the front of the hotel and seen the rich and famous coming and going. He walked around the large suite that was immaculately kept, the bedroom off the lounge was decorated in a very Oriental feel with expensive bed linen. Feeling that Moham was going to want his way with him he went to the bathroom cleaned out then went back in to the lounge and put the TV on, he spent most of the time looking out of the window drinking a bottle of water ignoring the TV. He had some idea why he was here but a very real and unexpected twist would happen, at 7.15pm Moham appeared in the suite dressed in his business suite. "Harry" Moham said walking in "I didn't know if you would be here". "Why am I here?" Harry asked sitting back down on the sofa. Moham took his tie and jacket off and undid his shirt "Oh right" Harry said taking his t-shirt off. Moham smiled at him "I am taking you to bed" he said taking his trousers off and watching Harry do the same. "I suppose that is one way of looking at it" Harry replied half giggling. Moham walked towards Harry placing a finger under his chin "No I mean I am taking you to bed" he said. Moham leaned down his tall solid built figure and hairy chest was all man, this was the first time Harry had actually seen him nearly naked apart from him wearing underwear and socks. Harry caught by surprise feeling Moham kissing him and holding his lips against Harry's waiting to be reciprocated, parting his lips he tasted Moham who kissed him deep and lifted him off the ground. Pleasantly surprised and not expecting this he was being carried by Moham to the bedroom, there was none of the business only nature around Moham this evening in fact he appeared to be a totally different person. In truth the more time Moham spent with Harry the more he liked his very casual and youthful attitude, he was upset having lost out on spending the night with Harry at the party. The last time they spent in his limousine a change happened in the way they had sex, it was more unhurried that allowed Moham to relax more and enjoy the drama free experience. Unlike his wife who would only put out when it suited her and was more a duty than intimacy, he was drawn more and more to Harry's smooth body and skin that excited him when they were close. Moham carried Harry to the bed and laid him down gently, their kissing continued and Harry giggled with a mouth full of Moham's tongue feeling the beard scratching and tickling his face. He moaned feeling the full weight of Moham pressing down on his body slipping between his legs. The usual urgency gone and Harry allowed Moham to lay on him rubbing his already erect cock against him. Gently Harry coerced Moham on to his back, teasingly rubbings his hand over the cock hidden under the fabric causing a small damp patch of precum to appear. Harry straddled across resting his arse hard against Moham's cock rubbing back and forth kissing his chest and neck lightly, slowly inching towards his mouth again he was welcomed with a loving kiss. Moham slipped his arms around Harry holding him and caressing his arse through the underwear at first then sensually slipping his hand inside the elastic. Moham moaned in delight feeling the supple and smooth skin driving him wild he kissed Harry harder, both moaning with pleasure. Harry wriggled free of his arms and sank lower down his body kissing the nipples and running his face through the hairy chest that trailed off in a line down his naval. His hand ran over Moham's cock carefully watching his face change in to a broad smile between happiness and erotic pleasure. Harry kissed the exposed skin above the underwear and ran his mouth along the hefty shaft of Moham's cock still hidden in his underwear. He sat up looking down at Moham, the man of many dominant sexual encounters and few words was like putty in his hands at the moment. His thighs were sturdy and thick, lightly covered in black hair, the hefty arms that hid an abundance of muscle and capable of holding him tightly. Harry almost orgasmed just looking and being able to touch him so sensually for once. His fingers slipped inside the band of the underwear gently pulling them down exposing the thick eight inches of dark skinned pleasure that awaited. Harry leaned down and kissed the inside of his thighs watching Moham's back rise and fall his legs trembled at the sensation, he continued kissing around then gently licking along the shaft. A stream of precum oozed out hanging from the tip of Moham's cock tempting and teasing Harry, he licked under then around having a job trying to contain the bouncing cock that had a mind of its own. Harry gave one last lick sinking his mouth around the head and gently caressing it with his lips, Moham moaned louder pushing his hips up. Harry was teasing his cock and Moham was responding, his hand pushed Harry's head further down several times then stopped giving control back over to Harry again. Moham stroked Harry's head with his eyes closed moaning softly, they continued in this position for several minutes. Suddenly Moham leaned forward and pulled Harry up making short work of his underwear and throwing them on the floor 'Enough teasing I need to fuck you Harry' he said kissing Harry hard and positioning him above his cock. Harry spat in his hand and rubbed it against his hole, Moham waiting for Harry to grab his cock was surprised when he leaned forward pushing Moham back down on the bed kissing him. His arse rubbing against Moham's cock slowly pushing it up and letting it seek his hole. Moham wanted to push in so badly and just take him, he held back desperate to see where this was leading. Unable to speak locked in a kiss Harry slowly pushed down and gasped in to Moham's mouth, his hole stretching to accommodate the head penetrating through. He stopped pushing down and gently rocked his arse fucking the head of his cock. Moham slapped Harry's arse and moaned in pleasure still restraining himself from pushing up that was his natural instinct to do. Harry stopped kissing and looked down at Moham 'Is this better than just taking me in the limo?' he asked becoming aware that Moham was staring him in the eye 'Stop asking questions and sex me' Moham replied pulling him back down and kissing him harder than ever. Harry used his arse and continued teasing edging deeper down taking Moham's cock almost all of the way but holding back a little. Controlling sex with Moham was so strange to him and he was loving it, satisfied and enjoying the feel of Moham getting inside gently felt amazing. He started to feel the coarse pubes meeting his arse, the dynamic quickly change when Moham raised his legs pushing the rest of his cock deep inside Harry giving several sharp hard and deep thrusts before relaxing and letting Harry take over again. Raising himself up his hands grabbed on to Moham's thighs 'Oh fuck Moham' Harry moaned leaning back and feeling the full might of Moham's cock inside him. He spent several minutes slowly gyrating his arse watching the pleasure unfold in Moham's expression, his hands roaming across Harry's body and legs. Harry ran his hands up along the hairy chest letting out a massive moan of delight, Moham had taken hold of Harry's cock and was slowly rubbing it and pushing his hips up gently fucking Harry. They made eye contact staring again in to each others eyes that blew Harry's mind. He pushed down hard and felt the pressure release in his balls, closing his eyes his body jolted down and forward ejaculating over Moham's chest. His body shaking trying to rid the orgasm and unable to control himself, his eyes opened feeling Moham's hand on his face gently caressing him, his eyes still locked on Harry. Regaining some composure Harry looked down at the mess he had made coating Moham's chest chair with his cum, pulled forward he was kissing him again. Moham raised his legs and slowly fucked Harry for several more minutes then pushed him back up, Harry sank deep on his cock and moved his hips back and forth to Moham's pleasure. Unsure how it even happened but he was now holding hands tightly with Moham, his cock pushing up every now and then driving Harry to speed up. The continuous slapping sound as his arse met with Moham's groin filled the room, the subtle moans from both of them getting louder and Harry could feel the cock inside him swelling and getting harder. Moham let out a growling moan pushing his hips up harder and Harry ground his arse down, he cried in pleasure feeling the cock erupting in a series of over exaggerated pulses in his arse. Moham held Harry's hands tighter, hips pushing Harry up in the air almost lifting him off the bed and penetrating him to the hilt planting his seed deep inside. Held partly aloft by Moham's hips Harry ground his arse still feeling the pulses from the cock. His legs rose up pushing Harry forward in to his arms, their lips locked together frantically kissing and panting trying to catch their breath. Harry laid on top of Moham in his arms and firmly impaled on his cock, his head resting against Moham's neck. Harry played with Moham's chest hair releasing small pleasurable moans with Moham gently caressing his back. Moham kissed Harry 'Ready for more?' he asked like he was giving Harry a choice, he chuckled and looked him in the eye 'I know you like it more than once' Harry replied. The evening took a second surprise twist, Moham rolled Harry over on to his back still impaled on his cock and hooking Harry's legs around his waist. His arm slipped Harry's neck holding him, he kissed and began to fuck him in a missionary position. Using his thighs to keep Harry's legs up he fucked him gently and slowly taking his time and kissing him. In charge this time Moham didn't fuck excessively hard yet he still gave him a solid pounding before raising his head and looking Harry in the eyes, holding him tightly he shot a second load deep in to him. Moham released Harry from his cock and laid gently down on top kissing him then rolled on to his back, Harry stared up the at the ornately decorated ceiling completely wowed by what he had just experienced with the mysterious Moham. Half expecting that to be it, he was already thinking of getting dressed. "Hungry?" Moham asked running his hand over Harry's body. Harry looked at him "What more?" he asked seeing Moham grin. "Later" he replied "do you want to eat anything food wise?" Moham asked. Harry sat up and looked at him "I can't figure you out sometimes" he said "yes I am hungry". "Good" Moham said reaching over to the phone and ordering two lobster salads. Harry laid back down "Haven't seen you hanging around the bar recently" Moham said hanging the phone up. "No, I need to grow up and get a job" Harry replied rolling on to his stomach. Moham pulled Harry to him and kissed him again "What sort of work?" he asked. Harry ran his hand over Moham's chest feeling his cum in there "I have studied business so sales or marketing". "That's boring" Moham replied stroking Harry's head "sorry I didn't mean to disrespect your choice". Harry laughed "What do you suggest then?" he asked "apart from this" he said. Moham smiled "I don't know and I don't see you doing this as a choice of career". "Am I that bad at it then?" Harry asked grabbing hold of Moham's cock. Moham chuckled and slapped his hand away "No quite the opposite and tonight has proved it". Harry sat up and looked at "Proved what?" he asked unsure what Moham was getting at. "That I would like having sex with you on a more intimate basis" Moham replied. Harry chuckled "There was me thinking you could not get any more mysterious" he said sitting across Moham. Moham smiled up at him "Why don't you work for me as my assistant" he suggested looking seriously at him. "You mean sex toy?" Harry replied stroking his chest "no I need a proper job" he said patting his chest. Moham sat up and kissed Harry "It is a proper job, you manage my diary and travel arrangements" he explained. Harry smiled "Not sure Moham" he said pondering on it "is it not boring just sorting your diary out?" he asked. "It won't just be that" Moham replied "you will travel with me, I have a PA but I need a trusted assistant and adviser". Harry laid back down "Okay does it pay well?" he asked turning his head to look at Moham. "You will get a lot more of this" Moham said waving his cock around and laughing "How is £40k to start with?". Harry looked up at the ceiling "Sure why not" he replied smiling "thank you" he said. Moham smiled "I will give you the address of my office we can meet and discuss next week" he said standing up. Harry looked at him "This is real your not kidding me?" he asked. "No kidding but this part of us must remain very discreet Harry" Moham said looking at him. Harry nodded "So..." he paused "why are doing this for me?" he asked curiously. Moham studied him a moment "I trust you Harry and I like your company" he replied. Harry smiled "Same here and I know I can't get all loved up over you" he chuckled. "There is one thing Harry" Moham said looking at him "you slept with Simon at the party?". "Is that his name, the owner" Harry replied and Moham nodded. "Please get yourself tested, Simon is HIV positive" Moham said looking seriously at him. Harry sat quietly shocked before speaking again "But we used a condom" he said thinking about it. Moahm shook his head "Don't be fooled Harry, Simon is a nice guy but sex with a deviant pleasure for him" he said. Harry looked worried "You mean he would have tried stealthing me?" he asked. Moham nodded "Get tested and get on meds if he did I don't want you falling sick" he warned. "Why?" Harry asked looking at Moham with real concern on his face. Moham smiled "I like having sex with you Harry so you need to stay healthy, especially if you agree to work for me". Harry sat on the bed "And you?" he asked knowing that was a silly question to ask him. "No I am clean Harry" Moham replied "But get yourself sorted out if he has managed to infect you". Harry nodded the smile gone off his face "I will, stealthing me wow that is nasty" he said. Moham touched Harry's face "Just always be discreet about us Harry". "I will" Harry replied nodding "Moham, thank you I mean for this and being able to enjoy sex with you". Moham smiled "Now suck me off" he said flapping his hard dick around in front of Harry. Harry laughed and slipped his mouth around Moham's hard cock again slowly working it in a teasing gently way before receiving a gob full of his cum. It was one thing taking it up the arse but Harry preferred not to swallow and spat it out down the toilet. Moham chuckled and showered whilst Harry sat and watched him until he finished then showered himself, Moham dressed in one the hotels dressing gowns went in to the lounge and directed room service that had arrived with their dinner. Harry turned off the water and started drying himself trying to come to terms with the whole evening, it was becoming apparent that Moham had a soft spot for Harry and that was evident throughout the time they appeared to make love more than just fuck tonight. Moham walked in to the bathroom handing Harry a dressing gown telling him dinner was ready. Sitting down to eat Moham asked Harry a lot of questions and generally chatted to him for quite a long time explaining he would be based out of the corporate office in central London. Moham left the hotel at 11pm and invited Harry to stay the night if he wanted. He would have loved nothing more but his parents were expecting him home and he left the hotel a few steps behind Moham and walking off in a complete discreet manner. He was a little cautious about the offer but had the details of the company and decided to fact check it in the morning before Moham called to arrange the meeting next week. Conrad and Jack spent most of that weekend chatting in the greenhouse, the pair of them checked over all the hibiscus beds along the road to make sure they were flourishing The weekend past so quickly he didn't want it to end but he had college on Monday. Conrad finished his first few days of lectures and Harry was still coming in to his head seeing the face in the helicopter taking off. He had declined going for a drink with the 15 other students on his course who were quite a bit older than him and them trying to figure out how such a young person got accepted on the advanced course. He had a quick phone call with Charlie on his walk back home and spent the evening doing his assignment with Jack's guidance over video call. He thought going back to college would mean him missing Jack a bit but they had set Wednesday evenings aside as their night and this week was the first going out to dinner at the local pub. Charlie though still aired on the side of caution when Conrad rattled on about Jack and kept his mouth shut, he had to learn to trust his brothers judgement and knew they had a very close friendship but nothing sexual as far as he was aware. Harry made his way in to central London and left the tube at Holborn following the directions to Moham's head office. His quick internet search of the company RMJ Equity Ventures lead him to the website where he delved deeper in to the company that seemed to have a multitude of subsidiaries in a variety of fields some very lucrative and others that had been purchased, the assets stripped and sold off. He learnt more about Moham and his real name Raheem Mohammed Jazeer, his own personal wealth was thought to be in the billions having built the company up to its current estimate of £3.6 billion through careful investment and cash reserve. It also surprised him to see his wife was 10 years younger and the 2 children in their teens. There was very little else about Moham, no gossip or scandal just a very shrewd businessman and owner of the company, family man who he knew didn't get the bed time treats or adoration he liked. The address of the building looked pretty modest and decorated in cream and brown colour palette, Harry had to wait in the reception until Moham's personal secretary Elspeth came down to meet him. "Harry Ashley-Cooper" Elspeth asked approaching him looking down her nose. Harry stood up "Yes that is I" he replied offering her his hand. "I am Mr Raheem's personal secretary Ms Phelps" she said in a very unfriendly manner "come along" she said. Harry felt sick to his stomach wondering what was instore for him "Thank you" he replied walking to the lift. "Mr Raheem has not given much detail about you" Elspeth said pressing the button and hurrying him along. Harry felt it was more of a you need to tell me now remark "An assistant to him" he replied being evasive. "To Mr Raheem" Elspeth corrected him "you need to learn to address him correctly or you won't last long". "Of course" Harry replied politely trying to be nice with her and failing spectacularly exiting the lift. "The HR manager is with Mr Raheem sit here until you are called" she said pointing to a sofa. Elspeth sat behind her desk along with two other assistants who all looked up at when he arrived, she quickly snapped her fingers like a school teacher telling them to get back to their work. The area was furnished to be comfortable enough for a short wait and several people came on to the floor dropping things off and leaving again glancing at the nervous Harry. He studied Ms Phelps a little deciding he didn't care for her much, but then she was no different speaking to the other two assistants who said nothing and got on with whatever she gave them to do. Harry watched the two doors opening and a tall dark haired and very attractive man in his early thirties exited closing the door behind him, he walked over to Elspeth's desk, the minute she spoke to him it was like a different person was there, tactful, respecting and polite manner to her tone and indeed when she walked over to Harry she was completely polite. "My Ahsley-Cooper this is Mr Prestley our HR Manager for RMJ Equity" Elspeth said introducing them. Adam shook hands with Harry "Please call me Adam and you are Harry right?" he asked. Harry nodded and smiled "Pleased to meet you Adam" he said watching Elspeth furrow her eyebrows. "Well Harry lets not keep Mr Raheem waiting any longer he is looking forward to meeting you" Adam said. Elspeth moved out of the way letting Harry pass "Adam what job is he interviewing for?" she asked. "Executive Business Assistant to Mr Raheem" Adam replied "Oh and please sort coffee out for three, quickly Elspeth". "Yes of course Mr Prestley" she replied hurrying off. Adam shook his head "This way Harry" Adam said guiding him to the office and looking at him "yeah I know". Harry laughed then stopped abruptly "Sorry know what?" he asked worrying himself. Adam smirked "Dragon lady" he replied "efficient and organised but my god she is a brutal nutcase". "Oh right" Harry replied giggling watching Adam open the door, they walked in closing the door behind them. "Mr Raheem this is Harry Ashely-Cooper here for the Executive Business Assistant position" Adam said. Moham came round from his desk and smiled "Thank you Adam" he said "Harry so glad you came please sit". Harry shook hands on a very professional basis and sat down, it took a few seconds for him to stop remembering their night at the hotel and started to talk about his studies. Adam asking a lot of questions and Moham talking about the job and what is expected and that he would be privy to confidential documents. It went on for over an hour before Harry was asked to leave the office and wait for Adam, he closed the door and sat down on the sofa. Elspeth looking over at him several times. Adam sat back down opposite Moham and looked over the notes he had taken and closed his folder. "Do you trust him?" Adam asked Moham putting the folder down on the empty chair. Moham nodded "Implicitly" he replied looking up at Adam "what do you think, will he cut it?". "I think he will" Adam replied sitting back in his chair watching Moham "well brought up and educated". Moham smiled "You have already made up your mind" Adam said "I will get the paperwork sorted". "Thank you Adam" Moham replied "and put him in the office next to mine" he said. Adam stood and picked his folder up "You sure about the salary Moham?" he asked. Moham nodded "Take him under your wing and mentor him Adam and put him on the management trainee programme". "Thank you I will enjoy mentoring him" Adam replied grinning. Moham checked his email "Keep it in your pocket around him" he said glancing at Adam. Adam stood there "Is he?" he asked waiting and Moham looked up and nodded. "Ah so he is my replacement" Adam chuckled walking towards the door. Moham looked over "Adam, keep an eye on him I think Simon got to him" he said. "Fuck Moham" Adam said with holding the door handle "him as well?". Moham smirked "I keep losing at the auction". Adam grinned at Moham "You know I won't be able to keep my hands off him". He heard Moham laughing closing the door and took Harry to his office to sign all the paperwork and non disclosure agreement, starting salary and start date. It was happening so quickly for Harry and he walked out of the building with Adam securing a well paid job and starting next Monday. Adam had a quiet word with Harry and agreed to meet him on Friday and take him to the clinic to get checked over. He was quietly embarrassed about the whole thing until Adam explained that he was poz and probably by Simon as well 7 years ago. Immediately the two of them formed a bond, it helped that Harry thought Adam was very sexy and wouldn't mind fucking him. Harry woke on Friday morning feeling worse for wear, Adam sat with him texting Moham from the rapid test centre at the clinic. He was prepared for the worst case outcome and was in no surprise when he tested positive for hiv. the doctor explained that the virus was not fully integrated in his body and was why he hadn't been ill to date, he was given a prescription fortunately it was a one a day pill which didn't seem to bad. He took the first one at the clinic and Adam took him for a coffee afterwards to make sure he was okay. "So did Moham ask you to look after me then?" Harry asked. Adam put his coffee down "Yes and I will mentor you at work" he said "Ms Phelps is really pissed off". "Why?" Harry asked "I did nothing to offend her she was just horrible to me". Adam smiled "She has to report in to you". Harry threw his hands up "I haven't even started and people hate me" he said chuckling. "Moham is a hard boss Harry but you will be just fine he likes you" Adam said finishing his coffee. Harry grinned at Adam "I like hard men, actually I am quite hard looking at you" he said. Adam looked at Harry then shook his head smiling "Harry, Harry, Harry, one day" he said chuckling. Harry laughed and leaned closer "You can be my bitch" he said looking at him. Adam looked at his watch "If I wasn't working I would bang the arse off you now and see who is the bitch". They both laughed causing a few people to turn looking at them "Harry promise me you will call if you need to talk" Adam said. Harry nodded "I will, it helps knowing you I can talk to someone if I need to" he said. Moham was not surprised by the news and pleased that Harry was starting meds straight away. He was somewhat annoyed that Simon had done it again to someone he took there. Harry though felt kind of relieved, on the whole he was quite positive about it but still checked in with Adam later that day and over the weekend. He settled in to his new job with Adam as promised mentoring him until he was settled, gradually he took over managing Moham's diary and casting his eye over documents before running through them with Moham. He fitted in well but lacked a passport so he couldn't go on the first business trip and Elspeth lorded it up over Harry rubbing his nose in it when she had the chance. Harry half expected to be bent over the desk in Moham's office frequently but he was astute enough to know that business was business. He made great progress on the management trainee programme and really loved his job. The one thing Harry never got was bored, Moham had such a variety of companies and a complex diary that Elspeth couldn't really manage it effectively. After a month and just before 5pm Harry walked out of his office to do his last task of the day to run through Moham's diary for the following day. Harry went through his appointments and explained he had moved two meetings to the morning putting him on a back to back run of meetings but it freed up his afternoon to catch up on other business. Moham scratched his beard "How did you manage that Harry?" he asked looking surprised. "A little juggling" Harry replied "It means you have meetings all morning..." started saying. "Brilliant" Moham said putting his diary down "you certainly know what your doing". Harry sat there feeling a little proud "Thanks" he said and Moham looked up and smiled. "The 10am to midday meeting I would like you there I think you will learn a great deal" Moham informed him. "Yes sure" Harry replied and Moham handed a folder to him. "Read through this it will get your prepared" Moham said "and your passport has it arrived?" he asked "Should be here next week" Harry replied "am I getting my first business trip?" he asked excitedly. Moham chuckled and smiled "Yes in a few months to do with this meeting tomorrow". Moham smiled watching Harry leave, he had made the right decision with him. Harry saw Adam sat in his office waiting for him, they had bonded so well and went out for dinner two or three times a week at some fancy restaurant courtesy of Moham who sometimes came with them. Harry loved evenings out with Adam who was so easy to talk to and get along with. Sitting there he fancied Adam like crazy but for some reason he again thought of Conrad, he had no idea what he would do if he found him. In his heart he knew he was going to Hibiscus Drive and find Conrad to get an answer one way or another from him. Harry being so busy now always ended up putting it in the back of his mind.
    6 points
  3. You're a special case though. Even the lowest faggots, trannies, and hookers are disgusted by what trash you are.
    3 points
  4. You might be a worthless, dirty, subhuman faggotwhore, but whores like you are useful. You're an easy fuck, a talented cocksucker and men can do shit to you that they can't do to anyone they respect or think of as a human being. And just knowing how many men have been inside you is a huge turn on. You're a human fleshlight. Did I mention how easy you are?
    3 points
  5. Stopped in at the cruising woods today, saw a few cars thought I'd see what was going on, felt a rain drop, 10 minutes later I'm poppered up, shorts down on the ground, its pouring rain, top decides I don't need my shirt, yanks it up to my shoulders as he's fucking my brains out and telling me I'm such a faggot whore for making him fuck me in a downpour that ,my friends, was an alpha male (cock could have been bigger but I'm a size slut anyway)
    3 points
  6. I’ve reached the age where all I ask is that he can stand unaided and has most of his own teeth...
    3 points
  7. I met him online. 21 yo bottom daddy pleaser. Dark hair and blue eyes average body. Fairly hairless. He loves to suck my cock hard and take my cock and loads up his hole. I took him to a dad bud I know. He is hairy and bearish and loves to fuck and breed like me. The three of us connected and started kissing as soon as we got into the apartment. We took our clothes off and our boy started to suck and lick both dicks. He was on the floor and sucking dick and both balls. Getting us hard and ready to fuck his hole. Daddy #2 was first to slide inside the 21 year old hole. Dad said the hole is "amazing and already wet" he pounded that ass and pumped his dick in and out. He flipped the boy on his back and was pounding him missionary with his legs and feet up in the air. My cock was dripping watching the pounding. Daddy slammed inside and started to cum. He shoved his dick deeper and deeper inside our 21 year old boy. His cock slowly came out and he moved away. The boy started to suck Daddy #2 to clean off his cock. I took my place at the boys ass hole. My cock was throbbing with excitement. I slid inside. A warm wet hole. My favorite. I started to fuck boy as he was sucking the other daddy. I banged his hole hard. Boy was moaning and groaning with pleasure. I slammed his hole with my cock as it expanded and I shot a huge cum load deep inside. Daddy took my place and was playing with boy hole and I got sucked and cleaned. This happened several times and after 3 hours of fucking and breeding I had dropped 4 loads deep inside. We parted ways and agreed to do it again soon!
    2 points
  8. Yep, I was right, the Trumpanzees are becoming incoherently ranting nutcases. They prove my point daily.
    2 points
  9. I went to the cruisy park during my lunch break yesterday. There was a young lightskin dude with his shirt off just standing around. I went down the trail to the fuck spot and he was following. I loosened my belt and pulled my khakis down and showed my ass. His dick was sticking straight out in his shorts so I bent over then felt his finger in my slippery pre-lubed crack. Then I felt his warm dick head pushing and slide in all the way to the balls. He pumped for a minute then shoved in deep and quietly moaned and I could feel his cum pumping deep in me. He pulled out and left and when I turned around an older black guy was standing there jacking a big fat dick. So I bent over again and felt him slide into me. He reached up and grabbed my nipples while he fuck me deep with a nice stroke until I felt him pump in and start pumping a huge load deep into me. My hole was sloppy but felt so good. I walked back up to the main area and saw another black guy slowly walking the trail. I walked down to a dark shaded area and pulled my pants down over my ass. I felt him finger my sloppy hole then I felt a big warm dick head push against my hole. He fucked me and busted quickly, and pumped for almost a minute while holding my shoulders and breathing hard. Three big BBC loads in 20 minutes, I was in heaven and went back to work loaded and horny.
    2 points
  10. WOW now my ass needs lots of cock!!
    2 points
  11. I haven't hooked up in a while because of COVID, but finally couldn't take it anymore. So posted an add on doublelist and hopped on Grindr looking around. Hit up this hot married guy in my apartment complex. He said he would be free in an hour or so. So I got cleaned up and cruised apps while I waited. Finally he hit me up and I headed over. He has a hot uncut cock. I sucked till he was hard and covered in drool. Then he lubed me up and went to town. He fucked me over the edge of the bed, on my back,standing up. Kissing me, choking me, and tugging on my nipples. Then fucked me up against the where he finally shot his hot load deep. Then I came home and figured that was probably it for the night. When I got a message from a double list guy. Hot built guy in his 50's. Email had a hot pic and said "want my load?" I said yes of course. He said he was on his way. While I was getting ready he texted that he had to stop to piss. I replied Oh....yummy. 2 seconds later "you want to drink from the tap?" I excitedly replied "yes. " I waited dressed on my knees in the middle of my apartment. He came in got undressed and walked over. I took his hot as fuck cock in my mouth and started sucking. Then he stopped me and said "be still" I sat with his cock in my mouth for about 2 seconds before he started filling it up with his hot piss. He was pissing faster than I could drink so he just pissed all over me and the floor. I sucked him for a minute or so, then he said "I want that ass" I stripped, we went to the bedroom and he fucked me hard and deep. It felt so fucking good. He shot his load hard into me with a loud groan and "fuck yeah." Then collapsed on the bed. I rolled over and as we were talking his cum was running out of my ass all over the bed....his load was fucking Huge!!! What a way to break the quarantine.
    2 points
  12. Reading that STIs numbers are on a rise especially in Montreal post COVID restrictions relaxation, I feel that we as a community have lost a golden chance to eliminate STIs during the lockdown. If we would have stuck to physical distancing including sexual encounters I believe we would have eliminated most of the STIs from our community. What a lost opportunity!!
    2 points
  13. Some nameless people sound increasingly desperate that their insistence on false narratives - that Democrats are imploding, that Trump is wildly popular, that he's going to sweep to an unprecedented victory in November - is not, shall we say, catching fire. But then when you barely skate into the presidency via the electoral college despite losing the popular vote by millions, and when polls show less than 85% of the people who voted for you last time are planning to do so again, and when you've done absolutely nothing whatsoever to grow your base beyond its racist underpinnings, I suspect there's not really much more you CAN do than sound increasingly desperate. And when you start making noises about delaying the election - the kind of thing dictators in failed nation-states do, to maintain power - and even your own party says "Sit down and shut up, asshole, the election is set by law and you have no power to alter it", then expect those desperate bleatings of Hair Furor to increase in number and volume - along with those of his white supremacist trash base.
    2 points
  14. Opening My Boy Up after A Few Months Last year, due to some crazy work circumstances, we decided to take some time off from sex with other guys. We’d jerk each other off, and I’d rim and blow him, but his hole was basically closed for business for a few months, even to me. He just wasn’t feeling very sexy at all and wasn’t in the mood to get fucked by me or by anyone else. I love sharing him with other guys, especially hung guys, most especially hung guys who will play raw and will breed him. I just love sliding into his hole after it’s been opened up and stretched out and filled up. One night before falling asleep, I got him onto his knees, ass up, and I ate him good, forcing three fingers into his ass with plenty of spit. It made me precum buckets, so I was smearing that from my cock to my fingertips and greasing him up with that. I slapped my bare cock on his crack thinking he might let me fuck him, but he wriggled away. As he flipped onto his back, he kept his legs spread, he pulled me up to his face, and he kissed me hard as he jammed three or four fingers into his now-hungry hole. “Babe, why don’t we find a really slutty celebratory way of opening me up for use again, and soon?” I kissed him back and told him I’d come up with something. We jerked each other off, as he told me about missing fresh loads in his cunt. He told me he missed getting bred by guys who might be POZ and came instantly. I lapped his load off of his chest and tongued it into his asshole. He whimpered and told me he was looking forward to tomorrow night. The next morning, I went to work. I fired up S**** and G***** and saw who was online. I chatted with a few regular guys we’d hooked up with. I messaged three who were close to my office, one of whom was POZ and usually undetectable, but had let his meds regime slip, and three who were close to our house, one of whom was POZ and never on meds. At my lunchbreak, I waited on the corner. My three buddies showed up within about five minutes of each other. They each went to the bathroom before heading to meet me and jerked off a fresh cumload into a styrofoam cup and brought it with them. I’d stopped by a coffee shop and grabbed a carboard cup holder. I collected their loads and poured them all into the same cup. There must have been nearly an inch of seed in that cup. I wrote my boy’s name on it and put it in the staff kitchen in the fridge. Before leaving for the day, I texted my boy and suggested that he take a long hot shower and get rinsed out really good. On the way home, I swung by our favorite porn shop. I bought a new bottle of poppers, a clear plastic anal syringe, and a nice thick 10” dildo. While I was there, I went into the booths and knelt in front of a gloryhole. I only needed to wait a few moments before a juicy tan dick came through the hole. I sucked him off as well as I could. Just before he was about to shoot his load, I grabbed my styrofoam cup full of seed and he shot his load into it. I stayed on my knees and had sucked two more strange dicks before firing my own load into the cup. It was now at least an inch a half deep, and three of those loads I didn’t ask status… When I got to our neighborhood, I waited on the corner and messaged the three guys close to our apartment. Two of them brought cups with their fresh cum in it. Leaning over a garbage can, I poured their cum into the cup. The last guy, the unmedicated one, showed up and said, ‘I couldn’t cum just by jerking off, man. Let’s go back in that alley and you can suck it out of me.’ I’d already blown three strangers for their seed, so what was one more? I followed the guy back behind a stack of filthy mattresses and got on my knees. The guy whipped out his uncut POZ cock and slapped it on my face. I sucked his cock as deeply as I could and let his balls slap against my chin. The guy rewarded me with a mouthful of POZ cum which I spit into the cup. It was now at least two inches full of cloudy white ball juice. When I got back to our house, my boy was still in the shower. I went to the kitchen sink and rinsed out the new syringe and filled it full of cum. With the last guys’ loads there, it was warm to the touch and full. I hid the cum-loaded syringe and dildo under my pillow and joined my boy in the bathroom. I climbed in the shower, and we made out as I fingered his hole. Under the showerhead, I knelt down onto the tiles and let him bend over and spread his cheeks. I lapped at his ass and forced in a few fingers. I told him he was in for a fun risky evening. He asked if I’d invited anyone over, to which I replied, ‘no…’ He wondered aloud how risky it could be then without any special guests. I just winked. We toweled dry and tumbled into the bed. I presented him with the fresh poppers and he took a big hit. My boy buried his face in his pillow as I reached for the syringe. I squirted a good amount onto my fingers and worked three inside his ass, still too tight and too dry to accept the dildo, but warming up very quickly. I forced in more cum and got four fingers inside my boy, really opening him up. I pulled out the dildo and teased his hole with it. I squirted more seed onto that dildo and forced the head into him. He moaned and looked over his shoulder at me, begging for more. As more and more slipped inside his quivering pussy, I kept squirting more and more of the guys’ cum onto the shaft. I finally got the dildo balls deep in him and flipped my boy over onto his back. I was leaking precum as my boy moaned taking every inch of that long fat dildo. I let my precum drip onto it and forced it inside his ass over and over again. When I knew I was about to cum, I held up the syringe. He looked curiously at it as I squirted the last of the fresh cum onto my own drooling cock. I pulled out the dildo and slapped my dick against his now-gaping hole. His lips were puffy and red streaked with the cloudy cream of many men. I grabbed my cock by the root and drove it all the way inside him. As inch after inch sunk into my boy’s hole, I told him where all the cum came from. He moaned in approval, especially knowing that I’d coaxed out at least one POZ load just for him in a filthy alley. Fucking my boy felt so good. He was so wet and opened up that I could barely feel the walls of his pussy. I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock and managed to shotgun my cock and hand into his sloppy cunt. Feeling all that spooge squelch and slosh around really got me close. My boy had been huffing the whole time and held the bottle up to my mouth. I took a deep breath and rode the high as I shot ropes of cream into my boy’s cummy guts. At exactly the same time, my boy shot his own load all over his belly without even touching himself. I collapsed onto him and we furiously made out as I rammed my fingers in and out of his stretched-out chute telling him that he’d been bred by at least nine guys’ sperm. I had my boy spread his ass wide and took a few snaps of his gaping well-bred hole to send to the guys kind enough to help open my boy up for the first time in months.
    2 points
  15. I rolled off his still body. He was still breathing , which made my cock twitch as if it knew the fun wasn't over. The kid knew what he was getting, he'd said as much in his emails and I knew my account was untraceable, besides, my tag was telling everyone I was still tucked in at home. My hand was groping my cock, absent mindedly probing my piss slit with my little finger. I'd been sounding earlier and it was still gaping wide open. With my other hand I pulled the speedos off the kid, who was still lying prone on the floor. His hole gaped back at me, like an old whore's. It was leaking all kinds of fluids: cum, blood, maybe some piss. He'd clearly been well used tonight. An opportunity flicked into my mind, I'd need to make a small sacrifice but it would be worth it. As I played with my cock and his gaping trench, the kid began to stir. I played the kindly helper, letting him sit up and offering a little stimulation to perk him up. He didn't seem to remember what had just happened and seem to have no clue about the wrestling meet that we'd arranged. Instead, I picked him up in my arms and carried him through to his bedroom, sitting him down on my belly on his own bed. He was instantly attracted to my cock, rubbing it through my speedos which we quickly took off. In time, he swung himself round to face it, making it easier to play with. His two hands could just about get round my cock head and he became as fascinated with my open piss-slit as I was with his gaping chute. As I probed him with my hand, his finger began to probe inside my cock and pretty soon he was able to get his whole finger in, and his own clitty cock grew hard. Watching this wasted bag of skin and bone pleasure himself while feeding my piss slit and marooned on my top of the foodchain body was getting me seriously turned on. "Feed your clit into my cock" "What?" "Your maggot cock. It's no thicker than your finger." He understood and pulled off my hand to lower his cocklet over my raging hardon. The scene was incredible, like some monster walrus being offered a tiny morsel of fish. He was shaky at first but soon steadied and I felt him at my entrance. he was stiff, with abut 3 inches, which is much smaller than some of the shit I've had up my piss slit, but he slid in easy and the kid was flexible enough to set up a rocking motion: he was fucking my bull cock and getting pretty heated. I started a cock flex on each of his out-stokes which was enough to give him a good squeeze though in my head I was crushing this puny intruder. He kept it up for a few minutes and I was able to put my fingers back in him until his body went rigid and I felt him pumping a small amount of his useless DNA into my greedy cock before collapsing between my thighs, my cock drooling into his body as he lay upon it. "My turn", I thought
    2 points
  16. just took 3 guys loads blindfolded on some guys couch in his apartment. guys sounded like they were late 20s-early 30s, probably white. solid average cocks with one extra long and another extra thick. good hard fuck, spit roasting. one of them gave me 2 loads.he was loving how I take loads anonymously. was asking stuff like if I take loads from strangers all the time without seeing them and loved how I told him some guys fuck me without even speaking to me. I got to do a lot of cocksucking and they were not rough but loved spitting in my face and calling me a slut and a whore and a faggot.one guy was jamming in a few fingers alongside his cock.
    2 points
  17. I waited until the Full Blown Guy was gone and then pulled on my briefs. Jake was sleeping, his frail body rising and falling as he breathed shallowly. I needed to get to my own apartment , so I snuck out, leaving the door on the latch, figuring Jake could do with a decent rest. ---- Ray's story. It was way later than I'd intended but it had taken ages to get hold of the chems I wanted and I was now hornier than ever. I'd chiselled off my "tamper proof" curfew bracelet and was determined to have a good time. I knocked quietly on the apartment door but only succeeded on pushing it open. Great, the kid was expecting me. I let myself in and scouted out the place, finding him asleep on the bed. I stripped off my joggers and tshirt, setting my massive bulk free. I was already in my wrestling speedo and semi hard. Then I shook Jake awake. He was really tiny, 90lbs looked like an overestimate, and in his naked state I could see a pair of tiny shrivelled nuts and a clit instead of a cock. He looked kind of confused as he sat up but I slapped him gently round the face and tossed a pair of my 8 year old nephew's swimming trunks at him. he got the message and poured himself into them pretty easily, a perfect fit. At that, my cock filled out fully. It's thickness means there is no way for it to lay flat in my speedos so I end up looking like I've got a butternut squash tucked in there. Scares the shit out of most of my opponents. I led him through to the living room where there was more space. "Remember, no limits. which means I do what the fuck i want. " The kid looked scared. "You asked me not to seed you but, to be honest, my death seed the least of your worries. I'm gonna mangle up your little body, crush the fucking life out of you. I won't stop until I want to". At this point, he made a run for the door. A side step by me and he met a wall of flesh. Seconds later, he was under me on the hard floor, my belly spreading out over his back and touching the floor on either side. His head was under my chin and his legs between mine. As I lay there, I could feel him compressing under me, his breathing coming slower and slower. I was ending his pathetic life by doing nothing. A couple of humps of my hips and I felt him crunch under me. It was perfect but too quick so I rolled off him, needing more time to enjoy my prey...
    2 points
  18. Chapter 4 I opened my eyes Saturday morning, groggy with sleep, and smiled to myself, thinking about yesterday. I turned to my right and saw that Adam and Jack were still asleep, with Jack snuggled up behind Adam, his arm around Adam’s chest. They looked so cute together like that. I sat up, went to the bathroom to pee, and when I returned, I could see that Adam and Jack were beginning to stir. Adam’s eyes were closed, but he had a big smile on his face. Jack’s eyes were also closed, but I could see that he was humping Adam’s butt. I climbed back into bed and laid down next to Adam, kissing him deeply on the mouth. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. “Morning Uncle Mike,” he said. “Hi baby. How you feeling?,” I asked. “Oh, horny as usual. Daddy’s cock is up my ass, so I can’t move. It’s so hard being me right now,” Adam joked and then leaned up to kiss me again. I kissed Adam for a long time, then broke away saying “Morning pig brother. Getting an early start, I see!” “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of fucking Adam’s ass,” Jack said. “Thank you Daddy. I don’t have to tell you you can fuck it any time you want,” Adam replied. I leaned over to kiss Adam some more, and reached down to play with his cock, which was rock hard and his foreskin had fully retracted to reveal the sexy fat head. I slowly jerked Adam’s cock while Jack methodically slid his cock in and out of his son’s ass, making the boy purr with delight. “Oh Daddy, I love how your cock feels buried inside me. Just exactly where it belongs. Please just shove it all the way inside my ass, and hold it there.” I looked over at Adam’s ass and could see that Jack’s whole cock was inside Adam, his pubic hair crushed against Adam’s furry butt. “Please just hold me tight, Daddy,” Adam said, and Jack put both of his arms around his boy and held onto him. “Oh Daddy, thank you. I love you so much Daddy, your cock is making me feel so good. I can’t believe how lucky I am that Uncle Mike found me yesterday and that you discovered us. I would’ve never had the courage to ask you to fuck me but it’s something I’ve wanted ever since I knew I liked men.” “Oh baby boy. I love you,” Jack said, holding Adam as tightly as he could, and nuzzling his neck. I could see him begin to move his hips back and forth, making Adam moan with pleasure. “OK, daddy now fuck me hard. Make me really feel your cock inside me. Take charge of my ass, own it. Make it yours, even more than it already is,” Adam said, thrusting his ass back onto Jack’s fat cock which was picking up speed, pummeling Adam’s hole. I reached up to kiss Adam again and he pulled my face hard toward his. I was still idly stroking his dick which, coupled with the pounding his ass was receiving made him moan deeply with pleasure. I broke our kiss and leaned down to take Adam’s fat, hard prick in my mouth, deep throating him and making him moan even louder. I maneuvered myself around so that my cock was staring him in the face and it quickly hit the back of his throat like the great cocksucker he was. We began sixty-nining with me fucking Adam’s throat just as his Dad was fucking his cunt. I knew that Jack wouldn’t last long and I wanted Adam to cum right after his Dad bred his hole so I tried to pace it. I could feel that Jack was beginning to speed up in his pounding of Adam’s ass, and Adam was moving his ass back to meet Jack’s every thrust, which meant he was basically fucking my mouth. I loved it and tried to deep throat Adam’s cock every time he thrust it into me. Jack began to pant loudly and said “Oh baby, I’m gonna fill your your hot little pussy with Daddy cream. Are you ready for me, baby?” Adam let my cock fall out of his mouth and leaned around to look at his Dad. “Oh yes, Daddy. Breed your boy. Mark my ass as your property with your load of cum. Shoot it inside me,” he said. Jack was pounding Adam’s cunt really hard and then I felt him tense up and release his load. Adam was moaning loudly saying “thank you Daddy, thank you” I kept up my mouth work on Adam’s fat dick, while Jack kept his cock buried inside Adam to the hilt. “Oh, fuck! Uncle Mike, you’re making me cum!,” Adam said, groaning loudly. Just then the first of five spurts of cum hit my mouth as Adam unloaded a huge wad of boy cream into me. I kept it in my mouth as his breathing began to return to normal, then I sat up, leaned over and kissed Jack, passing his son’s load of cum to him. Jack eagerly sucked the load of cum from my mouth as we kissed deeply. Then he reached around and passed the load to Adam, completing the circle. Adam swallowed his own load of cum and laid back with a contented look on his face. “Wow, guys, what a way to wake up. Can we do that every morning, Daddy?,” he asked. “You bet, sport. Every night too,” Jack said. We all lay back in a heap and enjoyed the afterglow. After lying in bed for an hour, talking, cuddling and laughing, we all got up and showered together in Jack’s bathroom which has a shower big enough for 6 guys, with shower heads everywhere, and endless hot water. I reached over and soaped up Adam’s back making sure to clean the crack of his hot little butt. I let my finger reach inside once or twice and Adam moaned like the little whore I knew he was growing to be. “OK, boys none of that, we’ve got Alex later,” Jack said, grinning. He slapped me on the ass and I finished washing Adam’s back, reaching around to playfully kiss him. Jack threw on some shorts and went downstairs to make us breakfast while I rummaged in his dresser for something clean to put on. I availed myself of one of my brother’s hot jockstraps. I pulled it out and could smell that it was unwashed, and a bit ripe. I pressed it to my nose and inhaled the amazing scent of Jack’s cock and body. I pulled the jock on, which felt hot even though it was slightly large on me, since Jack was bigger than I. Adam came in as I was putting it on and wolf whistled. “Damn, Uncle Mike, you shouldn’t wear anything but jockstraps. That makes your ass look amazing,” he said. “Thanks baby. Glad you like it,” I replied, bending over so he could get a good look at my furry asscrack. Adam walked up behind me and roughly shoved his index finger up my hole, eliciting a moan from me. I could’ve easily let him take me right there, but I remembered what Jack had said, so I reached around, kissed him roughly and slapped his hand away. “There’ll be time for that later, pig,” I said. “No fair, Mikey, you show off your cunt to me like that, how can I resist wanting to touch it and and fuck it?,” Adam replied, rubbing my hairy ass. We both laughed and I finished getting dressed so we could go have breakfast. Jack was calling us to come down and eat. We sat down and quickly wolfed down the food Jack had made for us. “Did Alex text you again?,” Jack asked Adam. “He did. He wants to know when he can come over and fuck me,” Adam said. “You just tell him that you’ll be ready for him around Noon. Lubed up and waiting, just like he asked last night,” Jack said with a big smile. “He won’t know what hit him.” “What’re you going to do Daddy?,” Adam smiled and asked. “First of all I’m gonna scare the shit out of him, then I’m going to fuck him hard. You watch, your Uncle and I will turn butch old Alex into a greedy cum dump in no time.” Jack smiled and started to laugh. “OK Daddy,” Adam said. “You’re the boss!” “I sure am, baby. Now text him and go get ready. Wear a nice tight jockstrap for Alex and lube up your cunt really well. I’m sure you won’t have any problem convincing Uncle Mike to help you with that.,” Jack said laughing and winking at me. It was already 11 and we figured that Alex was pretty horned up and would be over right on the dot of 12. Adam and I went into his room and picked out a sexy yellow jockstrap for him to wear. It was a little on the tight side to show off his nice package, and framed his furry ass cheeks really well. I kissed Adam and had him get on all fours on the bed. I reached over to get the lube from his nightstand and began to lovingly grease up his pussy so that it would be ready for what was coming. I reached as far inside his hole as I could, and could feel the, still warm, load that his dad had shot inside him just a few hours before. I pulled my finger out of his ass, tasted it myself and then stuck it in his mouth so he could taste the hot daddy cream that was inside him. Adam sucked on my finger, licked it clean of the jizz and turned to look at me and said “is that from Daddy?” I nodded and he moaned and said “fuck that’s hot.” I pulled my shorts down and greased up my already rock hard cock, and slid it into Adam’s cunt until it hit bottom. I could feel Jack’s load of jizz inside him and I wanted to lube Adam’s hole with it, to spread it around. I had just started to fuck Adam slowly when Jack came into the room. “Hey, slow down guys. Alex will be here soon!” “I know, I just wanted to spread your load around inside Adam’s cunt for Alex,” I said. I pulled my cock out of Adam’s hole, much to his displeasure. He whined a little when I pulled it out, saying “oh please fuck me some more, Uncle Mike!” “You little whore. We’ve created a monster, Mike,” Jack said, grinning. He reached over and slapped Adam’s furry butt and said “Just you wait, baby boy. You’re going to have all the cock and ass you can handle this afternoon.” “Thanks Daddy. I know you’re going to make sure I have fun. You get to shoot the last load inside me,” Adam said looking at his father with lust. Jack glanced over at the clock and noticed that it was 11:55. Almost time for our plan to go into action. “OK, Adam, you get ready for Alex, Mike and I are going to hide in the laundry room and when he gets started fucking you, we’ll come into the room and ‘confront’ him about what he’s been doing. You play along and act surprised and scared of me, got it?,” Jack said, smiling at his son. He reached over and kissed Adam on the mouth which automatically made Adam close his eyes and moan. “I got it Daddy. You’ll be proud of me,” Adam said. Jack and I went into the laundry room where we could see through Adam’s door if we carefully peered around the corner. We quietly closed the laundry room door most of the way, leaving it unlatched so we could open it without making a sound. On the dot of Noon, we heard the front door open and footsteps walk through the house. We heard the footsteps come near and enter Adam’s room, and a low voice said “There you are, whore. Just like I asked you. All lubed up and ready for me to rape. I was going to bring a buddy from work along today. I told him all about you, but he could get away. Next time. You’ll love him. I saw him in the shower at the gym once and he has a huge cock. It’ll split your hot little cunt right open. But that’ll have to wait until next time. For now, it’s my turn.” Jack and I could hear Alex removing his clothes. A belt hit the floor and shoes being kicked off. Then the splorch of the lube bottle and soon there was heavy moaning coming from Adam’s room. “Oh yes, sir! Thank you, sir! Thank you for raping my cunt today, sir!,” Adam said. This, I knew, wasn’t play acting. He loved getting his ass fucked. and Alex was a hot man. Jack and I listened to this go on for a few minutes, grunting and dirty talk and moaning from Adam’s throat. I sure as hell was hard. This was going to be fun. Jack tapped me on the shoulder and mouthed the word “NOW” and I very quietly pulled the laundry room door open. Neither Jack nor I was wearing shoes, and we were able to creep silently in the direction of the moans and groans coming from Adam’s room. Standing in the doorway, I had an intense feeling of de ja vu. I had just seen this yesterday. Alex’s powerful frame was standing behind Adam, cock buried all the way in his ass. Alex was a tall man and had a big, broad, furry ass, and strong legs to match. It was clear he had played some kind of sport like hockey or soccer in his past. His big beefy body was still well muscled with a hint of a beer belly. Jack was the first to speak. “Excuse me, but you seem to be fucking my son. What’s up with that?,” he said calmly. Alex turned toward us, yanking his dick out of Adam’s ass and began to splutter. “Um, hey Jack, um, it’s not what it looks like, it’s, um, we were, um wrestling,” he said. Adam turned around saying “Daddy don’t do anything rash!” He was playing it up to the hilt, exactly as Jack had asked him to do. “Don’t worry baby, Daddy knows this isn’t your fault. Wrestling your cock inside my son’s furry little ass? Practicing your ‘holds’ on him? Or is he practicing his sphincter’s holds on your cock? He’s pretty good at those, as Mike and I have recently found out,” Jack said. “What? You’ve been fucking him too?” “Only since yesterday. Mike here let himself into the house with his key and saw you pounding Adam’s cunt. He hid until you left and then I repeated the discovery when I came home and found Mike balls deep in my boy. Let’s just say I’m not especially mad at you Alex, I’m mad at you for not sharing,” Jack said, laughing. Alex let out a deep breath. He knew we weren’t going to kick his ass for fucking Adam. “So what do you wanna do now,” Alex asked. “I think you should go back to what you were doing when we walked in on you. Sorry to interrupt. But I also think you owe me now,” Jack said. “You’ve been fucking my property and there’s payment due for the use of that property.” Alex smiled uneasily. “What exactly did you have in mind?” “Oh just your ass. Repeatedly and at great length. With our cocks. Probably going to make Adam fuck you too. Then you’ll have all three of our loads inside you and you’ll have fully paid the debt. What do you think? That fair?” “I don’t get fucked,” Alex said, frowning. “I’m a top.” “Oh come on, Alex. Never once? Never wanted it?,” I said, teasing him brutally. Alex turned beet red and said “well yeah, once. A buddy of mine in college fucked my ass.” “And did you like it?,” I asked, moving toward him. Alex turned redder still and stammered in a low voice. “Um, well, um, yeah. But only faggots get fucked in the ass and I’m not a fucking faggot.” Jack looked at Alex and smiled. “Well, I think you are. You’ve been fucking my son for a year now, yes, I know all about it, Adam told me everything. How you picked him up in the toilet (naughty naughty!) and have been fucking him right here under my nose, in my house. We’re gonna make you pay and you don’t have a choice. So you might as well relax and enjoy it. Right, Mike?” “Right, Jack,” I said. Adam was lying on his back on the bed, looking incredibly sexy, and smiling the whole time. “The jig is up Alex,” Adam said. Lie down and take it. Daddy and Uncle Mike will fuck you good. Alex kept saying no, but his cock was screaming ‘YES!’ He fell onto the bed next to Adam, face down in the blankets, defeated. “Be gentle,” he said. “It’s been a long time.” “Jack, you do the honors. I’ll take sloppy seconds,” I said, laughing. “Alex, don’t look at this as getting your ass roughly violated, look at it as opening up a new horizon of pleasure and orgasms. If this works out, the four of us could have a lot of fun together.” Alex turned and looked at us, wanly smiling. “You think? My wife and I haven’t had sex in years, and so I started getting my cock sucked in t-rooms and adult bookstores. Anywhere it was anonymous. It’d be nice to have some buddies I could have a beer with and fuck our brains out.” I could see that his cock was still rock hard. Damn, the man was blessed. I finally got a good look at it and it had to be 8.5”, really thick and cut. No wonder Adam had gotten addicted to it. “OK, ass in the air, big guy,” Jack said. “Remember I’m short so you gotta crouch down so I can fuck you.” Alex got on his hands and knees and I handed the lube to Jack. Adam maneuvered himself in front of Alex and started swatting Alex’s handsome Daddy face with his fat cock. Alex was sticking his tongue out so he could lick the head of it and finally opened his mouth and took the whole thing in. It was clear he had sucked a few cocks in his day. Meantime, Jack was lubing up his fat uncut cock and Alex’s ass. I laid down on the bed next to Alex and leaned in close to him and said, “Don’t worry, we’re not going to hurt you. Just relax and let Jack drive. Trust me, I know more than anyone that he knows what he’s doing.” Alex looked at me, took Adam’s cock out of his mouth and smiled and then closed his eyes and kissed me passionately. I could feel him relax, as if a huge burden was being lifted from his shoulders. I knew this was going to be hot. Watching Jack fuck anyone was intensely sexy, but watching him fuck a beefy man almost a foot taller than he was really turned me on. I continued to make out with Alex while Jack opened up his cunt for the assault to come. I could feel Alex tense up a little bit, and knew that Jack was beginning to enter him. I broke our kiss and looked up to see Jack’s greasy cock slowly slide up Alex’s chute. I handed Alex the bottle of poppers and he took a huge hit. As soon as he did, I saw Jack’s cock slide the rest of the way to the hilt in Alex’s cunt. Jack was still for a moment to allow Alex to get used to the huge schlong penetrating him. Fuck that’s hot. I leaned down again and whispered to Alex “that’s it baby, you’ve got my brother’s whole fat uncut dick inside you. How’s it feel? I know I’ve loved it since we were kids.” Alex’s eyes rolled back in his head for a minute and then he looked at me and said “It feels amazing. I lied earlier. My college buddy used to fuck me 2-3 times a week, and I loved it. But I chickened out and thought I was being less of a man for loving cock up my ass.” I smiled and looked at him. “You’re not less of a man. You’re a hot fucker and your cunt’s getting fucked by one of the best.” He smiled, laughed and started to speak when he starting moaning uncontrollably. I looked up and saw that Jack was beginning to pump his huge dick in and out of Alex’s ass. I went back to kissing the moaning Alex. Adam was beginning to feel a bit left out of all of this, so he managed to slide under Alex, grabbing hold of his fat cock and sliding it up his cunt. So Alex was the meat in an Adam and Jack sandwich. All of the moaning was making the room sound like a cheap whorehouse, which it kind of was. I whispered in Alex’s ear “can you feel the load of cum that Jack deposited in Adam’s cunt this morning when we woke up? Drilled him hard and good.” “Oh fuck, that’s what’s lubing up his ass and making it all wet. What a dirty whore this boy is. I knew it when I picked him up in that bathroom,” he said with a smirk. I just smiled and said “I’m glad you broke him in. I’m glad I watched you yesterday. It was really hot.” Alex moaned loudly as Jack’s cock bottomed out hard in his cunt. “Oh fuck this is great. My ass feels so fucking good with his cock inside it. I’ve never felt this turned on!” More loudly he said “Fuck yeah, Jack, rape my cunt. Fuck that pussy hard and breed it.” Jack grunted and picked up speed in Alex’s hole. “You’ve got a tight fucking hole, you nasty pig. Think you could just come into my house and fuck my only son up the ass? Now you’re paying for that, you dirty pig.” Alex moaned louder and said “you’re right Jack, make my ass pay for what I did to Adam. Make me your bitch and breed that bitch. Knock me up.” Alex was caught between Jack and Adam. Jack pumping his ass full of fat uncut dick, and Adam sliding up and down on Alex’s cock. I was just along for the ride, kissing him, playing with his hairy chest, nipples and balls. I squeezed his balls and he moaned really loudly. “Harder,” Alex whispered in my ear. I obliged him by squeezing his nuts harder which elicited deep moans from his throat. “I....I....I.....I’m CUMMMMMMMMMING!,” Alex moaned and I could feel his whole body tense up. Adam began to moan, “fuck yeah, Alex, fuck my cunt, breed my hole again. Add your load to Daddy’s load in my pussy. Give it to me.” Alex stopped moving and I could tell he was shooting an enormous load into Adam’s asshole. Jack, however had not stopped his assault on Alex’s ass. “You ready boy fucker? You ready for Jack to breed your big hairy cunt?,” he asked Alex. “Fuck yes, give it to me. Make me remember what getting my cunt bred feels like. Shoot it inside me,” he moaned. Jack pounded Alex mercilessly and then held still. He was shaking all over, I could tell he was shooting an enormous load inside Alex’s ass. “Fuck yeah, give it to me, breed my cunt. Give it all to me, don’t waste a drop. I need it all inside me, Jack. Make me pay,” he said, panting hard. I sat up and laughed. “OK, my turn!” “Um, I’m not sure I can take another pounding like that, Mike,” Alex said. “Tough shit. You’re a man, you can take it. Outta my way, Jack.” I pushed Jack aside and his cock popped out of Alex’s ass with an audible noise. Jack flopped down on the bed and he began making out with Adam. I could hear Adam quietly whispering in Jack’s ear. “Oh Daddy. Thank you, thank you.” He leaned over and passionately kissed his father. Meantime, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t need much lube since Alex’s ass was wide open and full of Jack’s cum. I spit in my hand and slid my cock into Alex’s hole, eliciting a deep moan from him. Damn it felt nice and tight. The man hadn’t been fucked in a long time, that much was clear. I knew I wasn’t going to last long, since I’d been watching what amounted to a porn movie play out in front of me for the last 30 minutes, so I just started in to pounding Alex’s ass. He moaned loudly saying, “Oh fuck yeah Mike. I can take it. Oh god, I fucking need cock inside me. Fuck my cunt. Fuck me hard.” I laughed and obliged him by unleashing a fury on his ass. I began to pound Alex’s big furry butt hard and Adam and Jack were egging me on. “Fuck yeah, Uncle Mike, rape his cunt. Mark it with your seed,” Adam said, laughing and playing with his still rock hard cock. Jack leaned down and sucked on Adam’s cock a bit and said “Adam’s next. He gets the last load. Then payment is made in full, Alex. Three loads up your cunt, three breedings, Daddy, brother and boy, all seeding your cunt.” Alex moaned louder and said “yes, yes, yes, I need another load. I need to pay for what I did. Over and over again.” We all laughed. Jack had been right, it wasn’t hard to turn Alex into a begging whore for cum loads, once the proposal was put to him the right way. I sped up and said “here it comes, bitch. You want it, don’t you?” I pulled my cock most of the way out of Alex’s ass, as if I was going to stop fucking him. He moaned loudly and said, “Please, please don’t stop fucking me, Mike. I need your cock. Please breed my slutty cunt. It needs your load to add to Jack’s load.” Alex pushed back hard taking my fat cock all the way back up to the hilt in one fell swoop. He moaned loudly when I hit bottom and I began fucking him even harder. I could feel that I was just seconds away from blasting his cunt full of cream and said, “Fuck you, pig. Take my fucking load of filthy cum in your cunt. Take it!” I stopped fucking him and my huge, fat cock was throbbing and shooting load after load of jizz into Alex’s cunt. Alex had been turned into a blubbering idiot. “Fuck yeah. Oh fuck yeah, thank you for breeding my cunt. Fuck that load of jizz feels good inside me.” “Next!,” I said. Adam came around behind Alex and pushed him face down on the bed. He climbed on top of the much larger man, his short muscular boy’s frame looking very sexy against the beefy, furry body beneath him. “You ready for me, sir? This boy’s gonna rape your cunt, and return the favor you’ve done me so many times,” Adam said. “Oh fuck yeah, Adam, fuck me you hot little pig boy,” Alex said. “You say the nicest things, Sir. Here comes pig boy’s fat cock,” Adam replied. Adam pointed his thick piece at Alex’s hole which was throbbing and covered in ass juice and cum slime. I had a feeling he wasn’t going to last very long and within 2 minutes he was panting loudly. “Here it comes, Sir. Pig boy is going to breed you. Are you ready?,” he said. Alex just moaned assent by saying “yesssssss” and Adam went rigid while I kissed him long and hard. I reached around to stick my fingers in his wet, juicy cunt right as he began to shoot. He climaxed so hard I thought he was going to break my fingers. I massaged the sloppy insides of his pussy and then slowly felt him relax. We all collapsed into a heap on the bed. The room reeked of sweat, cum and sex. My favorite smell.
    2 points
  19. Chapter 3 It was Friday night and after a post sex nap, the three of us hung out at Adam and Jack’s house. We ordered dinner in, and were sitting on the sofa chilling out when Adam’s phone buzzed on the table. He picked it up and smiled, and since we were all sitting around naked, I noticed his cock twitch. “Who’s that?,” I asked Adam. Adam blushed slightly, so I really began to wonder who it was. I glanced over at Jack and could tell that he was thinking the same thing as I was. “Um, it’s Nick’s Dad,” Adam said. “Oh really?,” said Jack grinning. “What, did he want?” Adam was snuggled up next to his Dad, and he handed to phone to Jack, who took it and smiled. He turned it around and showed it to me. On the screen the text message said “Your cunt was good today. Need to knock it up again tomorrow. Tell me what time. Be ready for an assault.” Jack smiled, and said “leave Alex to me, baby boy.” Adam snuggled up closer to his Dad and nuzzled Jack’s shoulder. “Thanks Daddy. I’m the happiest boy in the world right now.” Jack looked intently at Adam’s phone and began pecking at the keyboard. “There we go,” Jack said. He held the phone up for me to see and I read his reply to Alex. “I’ll be in my room, naked, lubed up and ready for whatever you have to dish out, Sir.” Quickly, Alex’s reply flashed on the screen: “Good. I’m gonna rape your hot little pussy hard. I’m bringing a friend with a huge cock too.” Jack and I both laughed. I’d figured out his plan, but Alex had drifted off to sleep, curled up next to his father. Jack set the phone down, and leaned over to kiss me on the lips. “You’re a hot little fucker, Mike. I’m really happy about this afternoon. I don’t know when I was that hard or that turned on,” he said. “I don’t know that you’ve ever shot that huge a load in my ass, big brother,” I said. I leaned in and kissed him again, more gently than earlier. We kissed for a long time, then laid together watching a movie, until it was time for bed. Adam had been sleeping the whole time, quietly, and when the movie was over, Jack leaned in and said “Spend the night.” He nudged Adam and said “hey baby boy, it’s time to go to sleep.” “OK Daddy. Can I sleep with you tonight?,” Adam asked. “I’m not going to let you sleep in your own bed very often from now on, Adam. Your old man’s a horny goat 24x7 and one of your jobs from now on is to take care of my cock,” Jack said. Adam smiled a huge sleepy smile and looked up at Jack lovingly. “Any time you want, Daddy. My cock and ass are your property.” Adam stood up and Jack smacked him on his furry little ass. “That’s my boy,” Jack said. “Now get in bed.” We all trooped into Jack’s bedroom. We’re all pretty small, but having a king sized bed makes sleeping three to the bed a lot easier. Adam laid down on the bed first, and Jack and I slid in on either side of him. Jack leaned over and started making out with his son, gently pulling on Adam’s nipples while they kissed each other deeply. Despite having 5 or 6 loads of jizz up his ass, Adam hadn’t cum today. Like both myself and his dad, Adam was blessed with a fat, uncut dick and I had decided it was my mission to stuff it up my ass, which was still lubed by the huge load Jack had deposited inside me several hours earlier. I leaned down and began sucking on Adam’s cock which was partly hard from the make out session with his dad. He began to moan when I deep throated his thick dick, and very quickly it reached its full hardness. I made sure that I left a generous amount of spit all over the head, which was just peeking out of his foreskin. Adam was laying on his back, with his father on his right, so I just spit on my hand, applied the spit to my hole, climbed on top of him and slid down on his dick in one movement. “FUCK Uncle Mike!,” Adam said. “Your hole is so fucking juicy. Damn it feels good.” Jack chuckled and said “it’s full of daddy juice, baby. The best kind of lube there is. I want you to fuck your Uncle as hard and as deep as I did this afternoon. I know you’re a fantastic bottom slut, baby, but Daddy wants to turn you into a stud fucker as well. Now go to town on your Uncle’s slutty whore cunt.” My brother knew the nicest things to say. Jack leaned over and began biting and pinching Adam’s nipples hard, which elicited moans of excitement from the teen’s throat. Moans of “FUUUUUUCK Daddy!” and “Harder Daddy!” I started to ride Adam’s fat dick more quickly, feeling the head of it pounding against my ass walls and prostate. My nephew was going to be one hot little fucker when Jack and I got done with him. Quickly, Jack moved around behind me but I was far too lost in feeling Adam’s fat cock raping my hole to notice. Suddenly I heard a squirt bottle of lube and felt Jack’s hand on my upper back, pushing me down onto Adam’s torso. “Uh oh. Here it comes,” I thought. “Hold him down, Adam,” Jack said. “He may try to squirm away, but his slutty hole has done this before, many times. He’ll get used to it in a minute. If he screams, just gag him with that jockstrap.” Adam reached up and put his strong arms around me and held me down, kissing me hard on my mouth. With that, Jack began determinedly sliding his huge cock inside my pussy, right next to his son’s. I started to scream involuntarily and was rewarded with a ripe, smelly, sweaty jockstrap in my mouth, the funky odor and taste of it quickly took my mind off the fact that I was being split open by two really fat dicks. The moans coming from all three of us were loud enough to wake the dead. Jack leaned over to the nightstand and handed me a bottle of poppers and I took a huge sniff in each nostril, making my head spin. The poppers helped my hole quickly get used to the assault it was getting from both cocks, and opened me up to a gaping size to accommodate the massive girth of the two dicks that were raping my pussy. “Just sit still and let Daddy drive, baby boy,” Jack said. Adam was lying beneath me moaning like a bitch in heat as the heat from my slutty hole and the friction from his father’s cock made his dick feel amazing. Meanwhile my deep moans were turning from pain to pleasure and were muffled by the smelly jock in my mouth, which I was getting off on sucking and sniffing while my anus was ravaged by two fat cocks. Jack picked up speed and began to really assault my cunt, and every time he pulled all the way out my muscles were so relaxed and spread that my hole was left gaping open ready for the next long stroke of his fat cock up against Adam’s schlong already nestled inside my hole. Jack pounded me harder and harder, until I was reduced to a moaning idiot. I never shot a load of cum, but my ass made me cum at least three times while he was assaulting my cunt with his cock. I could feel him building to a huge orgasm and after about 10 minutes of full on ass raping, Jack finally shouted “I’m gonna breed you little brother!” and I could feel his huge cock throbbing all the way inside me as he deposited his sperm as far up my ass canal as his cock could go. All of the friction from his dad’s cock had left Adam moaning and groaning below me. He was solidly holding on to me, and I was frantically kissing him hard on the mouth while he and his father raped me from behind. After he came, Jack kept on pistoning his cock in and out of my gaping cunt, knowing that the lube of his loads would make Adam shoot his load of boy cum up my pussy. Soon enough Adam, too, shouted “You fucking whore, Uncle Mike, I’m gonna breed you too!,” and I could feel him loading my hole with a huge load of cream, while I desperately held on to him, shoving my tongue into his mouth. Jack rolled off me and streams of cum dripped from my sloppy cunt. Adam’s piece was still buried deep in my gaping, sloppy, cum-filled ass. He was still rock hard as only an 18 year old can be. Jack turned around, leaned over and began licking he outside of my ass, paying special attention to licking up the wads of cum that were dripping from my chute. He licked around the shaft of Adam’s cock, still buried inside my cunt, eliciting moans from the kid, who began to slowly hump my ravaged, sloppy, greedy pussy. Jack came up gasping for air, and moved up the bed and began kissing both Adam and I, with his beard and mouth covered in cum. We both eagerly licked the loads from his lips and beard while intensely kissing each other. I came up for air and looked at my big brother smiling and said, “you are such a bastard. I’m not going to walk straight for a week.” Jack got a shit-eating grin on his face and said “you deserved it, you dirty pig. and don’t tell me you didn’t love getting split open.” He was right, I was in heaven, and had rarely felt so much pleasure in any part of my body. I was completely spent, but Adam wasn’t finished with me yet. “Uncle Mike, can I fuck you again, my cock is still SO hard,” he said. I leaned down to kiss him again and said “of course baby boy.” I took a huge snort of poppers, and started gripping his dick with my ass muscles, which elicited moans of pleasure from him. “Do you wanna fuck your slutty Uncle’s hole again, boy? Is that what you want? Tell your dirty piggy Uncle what you want, baby,” I said. I continued to flex my muscles and grip his cock. Adam got a nasty glint in his eye and said “you’re such a fucking dirty whore, Uncle Mike. Dad said it himself. Your slutty cunt just opened up for both our cocks at once, and after getting raped by two cocks all you want is more. You know what I think, Uncle Pigboy?” “No, what’s that boy?,” I replied. “I think you’re nothing but a filthy cumdump for our loads. Isn’t that right, Uncle Mike?,” Adam said, pulling his cock all the way out of my gash and roughly jabbing it back inside me, making me groan loudly. “That’s what I thought. See, Dad, he’s nothing but a whore for our dicks!” “If anybody knows how much of a whore my brother is, it’s me,” Jack said. Adam quickly rolled me over on my back with my legs over his shoulders and began to pummel my ass with his fat uncut boy cock. It felt so good in my ass, I began to moan and groan and beg him for his dick. “Oh please, Adam, fuck your slutty Uncle’s hole. Give me that fat cock, I need it inside me. You’re right, I’m just a cumdump for you and your dad. Load me up with your cum. Breed that fucking ass of mine,” I said, loving how my ass was making me feel. “You’re such a dirty pig, but I love fucking your sweet hairy cunt. It makes my dick feel so good. All that cum in your chute is just lubing up my cock so it’s all frothy and slick,” Adam said. Adam continued his stream of filthy talk and fucked my cunt as hard as he could. Jack laid next to me and played with my cock while he passionately kissed me and whispered in my ear how hot the whole scene was. “Oh god, you can’t imagine how turned on I am watching Adam rape your pussy, little bro. I can’t wait until he shoots in your cunt again and breeds that hole with another load of family cum,” Jack whispered in my ear. “He’s going to turn into as much of a whore pig as you if I have anything to say about it. And wait until you see what I have planned for Alex.” Jack leaned away from me and smiled at me with a huge evil smile. He sat up and leaned over to kiss his boy. “Fuck his whore cunt, boy. Rape that cunt hard. I wanna see you shoot another load up there, so we can knock him up good.” Adam kissed Jack hard and said “Yes, Daddy! You tell me when you want me to cum and I will!” “That’s my boy,” Jack said. Adam picked up speed and was brutally raping my cunt, just like Daddy asked, for a few more minutes, letting a stream of filth come out of his mouth. Jack then licked his fingers on his left hand, leaned over and roughly shoved four of them up Adam’s hole in one fell swoop. “Oh FUCK YES DADDY!,” Adam said. “Oh my god that feels great! Please fuck my pussy, Daddy! Please make me cum inside Uncle Mike!” Jack was roughly fucking four fingers in and out of Adam’s ass which was still sloppy from being fucked earlier. I could tell he was playing with Adam’s prostate and Adam kept gasping every time Jack would touch it. “COME NOW BOY!,” Jack said. “Of FUCK DADDY! I’m shooting my load! Uncle Mike, I’m BREEDING YOUR HOLE!,” Adam said. “Fuck me baby boy! Fuck your slutty uncle’s cunt! Breed my ass, shoot that load inside me!” I was begging for his cum and could feel his cock throbbing hard and another huge load of creamy boy cum shot into the depths of my pussy. Jack was holding Adam up since he seemed a little shaky from the intense orgasm, and he slowly relaxed and laid down next to me. My hole was a sloppy mess and I could feel little bits of cum dribble out of my ass onto the bed. Jack leaned down and licked it up from the bed and from my ass and fed it to me again. I greedily licked it up. Jack laid down next to me and we all fell fast asleep, covered in sweat and smelling like the whores we were..
    2 points
  20. a #8 here...butt it's not dick size I'm interested in---it's willing and capable hole that gets my dick hard as a rock
    2 points
  21. I started playing with my hole around 12, I would put anything remotely phallic up there (I do now too, but having young kids makes it difficult and thus far more infrequent). Screwdriver handles were definitely number one in the old days. I am a sucker for the taste of my own hole so I used to fuck myself with open bananas and eat them afterwards, kielbasa works well too. I would also put gummy candies into my hole, push them out and eat them, covered in all my ass-goo. The good old days, nothing like a trip down memory lane to get my hole twitching AGAIN!
    2 points
  22. I discovered a sauna in a run-down part of town in walking distance from my office. The reviews said it was a bit sleazy and was a sauna for “men not twinks” which I found intriguing. So I headed off there one afternoon. The guy who let me in through the nondescript door in a side street was probably in his fifties, pudgy and wearing tee-shirt and shorts. He smiled as he charged me the entrance fee. “New here, aren’t you?” he asked. I nodded as he handed me my key. “Well, enjoy,” he remarked with a grin. It was pretty run-down and smelled a bit of damp. As I was getting undressed, a nude man appeared beside me. He was old and skinny with a paunch and he had a big cock hanging down with some foam around it where he had shaved his pubes. “That’s better,” he commented in a thick, phlegmy voice. adding "I like it smooth.” I said something neutral and stripped off my pants. “Nice tatts” he remarked, looking at the designs on my bottom and arms. “Thanks,” I answered. I wasn’t used to this kind of direct talk, and felt excited as I headed to the sauna. After a while, he came in and sat beside me. He wasn’t wearing a towel and his cock was semi-hard against his thigh. “Least it’s a bit warmer in here, eh? Bit cold outside. First time?” “Yes,” I replied. Nodding, he asked my name and followed-up with some general questions, his hand resting idly on my thigh as his fingers caressed my cock. I gasped, but he was quite nonchalant and talking about the weather as he stroked me to full erection. “Nice cock," he remarked, adding “You bottom or top?” His blunt question somewhat embarrassed me, but still I was able to answer "Well, bottom mostly.” His cock was erect now, thick and covered in veins. I also notice he had apparently at some point slid a cock ring around his tool. “Want to fuck?” I didn’t know what to say, but not wanting to appear naïve or nervous, I just shrugged and answered “Sure.” He levered himself off the bench and I followed his flaccid, wrinkled buttocks along the corridor (he hadn’t bothered with a towel) until we reached a room with a large, oval bed in the middle. Tossing a small bottle on the mattress he muttered “Poppers, if you want em.” There were some packets of lube on the side. He tore one open and rubbed it on his cock, then pushed me onto my knees commanding "Bend forward and rest your head on your arms.” When I was in position he asked rather incongruously, “So what do you think of the place, then?” “Not bad...”I started to reply, feeling this was a weird time to be starting a conversation, but then I felt his bare cock pushing into my arsehole. I gasped as I opened for him and after a brief struggle, the big head slid up me in a rush. "Don’t - don’t you want a …condom?” I asked. He was deep in me now and starting to thrust slowly in and out, making me sigh with pleasure, answering “Nah, I hate the things and haven’t used them since I was diagnosed. Here, take some poppers," handing me the bottle, even as my mind took in what he’d said: I was being fucked raw by a poz cock. I took a sniff and felt myself relax into it. He was sliding rhythmically in and out, all the time talking to me as if we were waiting for a bus or something. It was bizarre, and yet it seemed to distract me from worrying about what I was doing. Suddenly, the door opened and the pudgy guy from the front desk came in with a black bin-liner. “Don’t mind me!” he commented, adding “Seen it all before. Just emptying the bins.” He bustled around clearing up, when all the time I was kneeling there being fucked. “Nice bum,” he remarked, stroking his crotch. “Many in today, Bill?” asked the man fucking me, although in truth he was beginning to pant and his movements were getting more urgent. “Yeah, a few now, Sid. Mostly regulars." Sid gasped and said “Hang…hang on. I think I’m going to cum. Yep…here it cums!” With that his cock swelled and throbbed and I realised to my horror that he was filling me with spunk. “Nice,” he commented contentedly, stepping back one or two steps so his cock flopped out and a dollop of slimy cum slid down my balls. The other man, Bill, dropped his shorts and a stubby erection sprang up stiffly under his flabby belly. Before I even had time to react, he got behind me, steadied my bottom with one hand and thrust his cock into me with the other. It was so matter of fact, so nonchalant without even asking I just sagged in shock as he began to thrust eagerly in and out. “Put..put the kettle on….Sid," he gasped, explaining “I’ll make a cuppa when I’m done.” Bill nodded and left as Sid worked his way to orgasm. “Gah!” He gasped at last “ Fucking beautiful!” He pushed hard against me and came in me, stroking my thighs and panting happily as he spurted. “Phew! Nice one!” he remarked as he withdrew, giving my bottom a playful slap. “Want some tea?” He pulled some tissue from the dispenser on the wall and wiped his dripping cock before stepping into his shorts. I just nodded and followed him downstairs, numb with what had happened. There was a small patio with a table and two plastic chairs. Sid sat on one reading a paper. On the other was a pool of what looked like sperm. Sid saw me looking and said “Some dirty bastards in here, alright.” I suddenly felt helpless with the filthiness of it all, and yet the pure animal pleasure excited me. Slowly I lowered myself into the seat, feeling the anonymous spunk oozing between my buttocks and coating my hole. Sid looked up and said “You’re not poz, are you?” I shook my head. “How did you know?” He shrugged. “Something about your face upstairs, the shock when I said I had been diagnosed.” He turned back to his paper and lit a cigarette. “Anyway, better get used to it. Neither Bill nor I are on meds, so you’re probably pregnant already.”
    1 point
  23. Years ago...like probably 7 or 8 years ago... I had finally succumbed to my need for cock and cum. At the time I was in my mid-30's, married with 2 boys, decent looking furry guy, bearish, 5'10" 170# and nice fat 7" bone that blasted big loads. And I was (and still am) a minister in an evangelical mega-church. Not a well-known one and small in comparison to alot of them. My slide into gay sex started like alot of guys like me - checking out dick pics, then porn, then furtive hook ups in parks and tearooms far enough away from home not to be recognized. I loved nothing more than sliding my lips over a fat dripping cock sliding through a hole in a cubicle or toilet stall or porn store booth. I progressed from fucking with condoms to fucking bareback as a top. The first raw fuck I ever had was with a legal high school kid in a public park. He watched me walk into the wooded area behind the toilets and followed. He was about 5' 8, br/br, buzz cut and smooth torso. No six-pac but fit and firm. I stopped about 50 yds into the trees and pulled out my hardening cock. He wasted no time, stripping off his shirt as he approached me and sliding his board shorts off as he stepped in front of me. So young and smooth and oozing sex. I wanted him...bad. We started making out, sucking each others cocks, he started feeding me poppers. When I was flying and moaning like a whore he flipped around and backed his sweet hole onto my bone - all the way to the root in one swift motion. His ass was so firm and round and fuckable. And it was cummy. I didn't realize it at the moment. His hole was just slick and warm and I was so buzzed on poppers I didn't give a fuck about rubbers. I pounded his sweet hole. Pulling almost all the way out and pushing back in. Speeding up and slowing down. Grinding in circle. He was moaning and spewing more filthy talk than I had ever heard. "Breed me. Rape my boyhole. Make me your bitch. Pretend I'm your son and your forcing me to take it." Making it last until I couldn't hold back I blasted cum up in him for what seemed like a full 5 minutes. Cum was dripping out of his hole. I stayed in him and kept fucking til I slipped out. He spun around and cleaned off my cock. He was still hard and dripping. As he cleaned my cock, he started tongue-washing my balls. He turned me around and in my poppers/post orgasm haze I didn't resist. He passed me the poppers and started eating my ass. I hit the brown bottle hard. Fuck. I had never felt so good. His tongue pushed deeper and deeper into my hole. He added a finger then two. I hit the poppers hard again, pretty sure I knew what was coming but I couldn't stop it. He stood and placed his hard cock at my hole just as a wave of poppers rushed over me. He pushed in slow and steady . I moaned, "Fuck me, boy! Fuck me." And he did. He started slow but sped up quickly. His cock banged my prostate hard and my cock popped back up. He pounded for I don't know how long. I was blissed out and could only feel his cock and his hot torso against my back. At some point my cock exploded and I was shooting jizz onto the ground without touching myself. He straightened up, grabbed my hips and moaned, "I'm breeding your hole. Take my load. Take my babies faggot." And he came up my ass pulse after pulse. His cock pushed deep into my body. I was letting him. Begging him for it. Hitting the poppers again. I felt like I was one with some part of myself I had never experienced before. The kid shuddered a few times and his cock slipped out of my ass. Before I could recover enough to turn around he had his shorts up and was heading out of the park. My ass was dripping cum as I watched him moving off and all I could think was, "What did I just do?" and "Fuck, I want more....now." He had left the poppers behind and as I dressed myself and caught my breath, I decided it was time to head to the porno store the next town over. I got back to my car and there was note on the windshield. It read: "Hey dude, great fuck. Loved taking your load. Just so you know, I already had three loads in my hole when you fucked me and I have HIV. And no meds. Enjoy the gift faggit." (more to cum)
    1 point
  24. I picked up the pace, my PA and, indeed, whole bulbous cock head now breaching his inner ring on each thrust. Something in there was catching on my PA, driving me crazy with the feeling but also from the thought of what I was doing to him. My bicep snaked it's way around his slender neck, flexing as I revelled in my own power. "Gonna knock you up kid", I growled in his ear. His struggles were a delight. The little body squirming ineffectively under me. "no! no, you said you'd pull out" I humped down on him harder. My body beating the struggle from him. "nah, you said that". I squeezed harder as my balls began to evacuate my potent seed into his receptive guts. A big load, owing to lack of action during these strange, locked-down times which was now been forced into his body. He'd stopped struggling and I think his little cock had climaxed at some point. I lay there, holding him in place, willing my babies to feed off him, knowing he'd be trying to dump them as soon as I let him. ,,,,, Later, after he'd gone, I wondered whether he'd find his way to an STD clinic or GP or whether lockdown would increase my chances of converting him. Who knew? I went back to my weights putting my energy into keeping my big body toned and strong. I needed it for my work as a trainer and builder (furloughed from both for now) and also to snare the kind of hot twinks that I love though they were thin on the ground since the Covid-19 lockdown belatedly hit this great city. A little more about me: outside of the bedroom I'm in no way aggressive. I'm single, and easy going. I help out with youth groups and look after my neighbours in the small apartment block in which I live in central London. I play rugby, wrestle and swim for fun where my 6'2'' 240lb frame helps or hinders (depending on which I am doing). ..... Out on my little balcony later that afternoon, I heard my upstairs neighbour knocking around. "Jake, how you keeping?" I shouted up at him. "Yeh, ok, I guess, bored as heck though man. Not seen anyone in about a week". "Really? What about your folks?" "They are isolating, got symptoms and they can't risk giving it to me." "Oh, yeah, course. Sorry to hear that". Jake was in his late teens, maybe early 20s. A fragile kid though, immune system issues. The apartment was bought for him and I'd never known him go out to work since he had moved in a year ago. he never went out much at all, to be honest. "Anything I can do to help?" "Been hoping you would say that...actually I've been looking out for you, everyone else seems to have left the city!". There were six apartments in total in our little block and they were indeed unusually quiet. "What can I do for you?" "Would you be able to get me some supplies? I'm out of bread, milk and pizza, and I need my meds picking up from the chemist before the bank holiday". "Sure thing. I was going to the shop before the Easter break anyway. I'll come up and get your list now" Up one flight of stairs and Jake was waiting, door open, list in hand. At 5'5'' he probably didn't weigh 100lbs wet through. A cute little face under dirty blond hair but not really my type, at least I'd never thought of him that way. "The chemist shuts at 6pm. I'm so glad you can get this for me" he said, handing over a prescription and a short shopping list. His eyes seemed to linger on my groin, not unusual for me when I'm in my running shorts which ride fairly high but I brushed it off and headed out on my errands. ..... I spent a while in the supermarket at one point almost picking up a hot young soccer player but his straight mates got too close and he scarpered but with my phone number shoved in his shorts. I was still horny at the checkout when I remembered the chemist. "Fuck! They'd be long closed by now". I checked anyway but they'd locked up for the break so I made my way back to Jake. He invited me in but asked me to sit at the other end of the sofa and I explained what had happened. The meds really seemed to throw him, so I offered to do my best to get him some over the weekend and to be on call 24/7 in case something happened and he seemed to calm down. I gave him a beer from my shopping bag which initially he refused as he'd not supposed to drink and we watched some TV together. WWE wrestling seemed to be his favourite so we watched that together. I began to tell him how wrestling really worked, both pro and freestyle and he was clearly psyched that I actually did this sport which he loved to watch for fun. "Have you been on TV?" "No man, but there's a few vids of me wrestling kicking about on Youtube and the like". In the end, I could only find one video on a non-porn site but we watched it with Jake eagerly questioning me. About then my phone bleeped: Soccer boy from the supermarket. He wanted to play. I made my excuses with Jake, made sure he had my number and promised to check in on him first thing tomorrow. ..... Not five minutes later I was buzzing soccer-boy up to my door. I had him strip to his briefs in my bedroom, admiring his toned body and little cock bulge. Then he undressed me, pulling my running singlet over my head and easing my running shorts down over my thighs. His eyes caught on my biohaz tat, lurking above my cock and lit up at the sight of my heavy PA and hardening cock. I let him lick for a minute or two before shoving my length down his throat after laying him on his back on my bed. I love mounting a twinks head and throat like this but I was really craving his shapely little arse so after five minutes I had him come up for air and flipped him onto his front, exposing that peachy, wrinkled hole. My fingers slipped inside, telling me he was no novice though he was still very tight and I slapped his pucker with my PA several times, teasing him and dripping my pre over him. With that it was time to push forward and open him up... "Wait! You need to rubber up!" he was handing me a jonny that had been in his shorts. "Really?" Not been one of my usual online hookups, we hadn't discussed this. "Just the tip...to get you open". I pushed harder, the edge of my PA disappearing in him but his hole resisting me hard. "No man. I've seen your tat. I'm not on prep". My cock swelled at this news. "No condom, no fuck". I smiled. "ok, ok", grabbing the rubber off him and rolling it over half my shaft, it was tight as fuck. A quick wad of spit, for my benefit, and I was plunging into his mostly dry hole. Between his legs, pushing them wide apart while I worked my full length in. "fuck....fuck...fuck, you are hurting me" he whimpered, getting louder. I thought of Jake upstairs, not wanting to alarm my little buddy and pulled out of my new fuck toy. "got any lube man?" he asked, taking in my still rubbered cock. "nothing proper" I lied "but we could try this". I reached for the vaseline. "Sure, ok". I got him to lie on his back and push open his hole as i put a few thick gloops inside him before wiping my fingers clean on his chest and placing my cock in his entrance. Sliding back in, I could see he was in relative heaven and in no time I was balls deep. His little hands were grasping around my cock base, amazed at how wide I was but checking for the precious, life saving condom. I did him a 'favour' and pulled out, stretching the rubber so that it went right down to the base and he kept it pinned there as I plunged back in, now reassured it wasn't unrolling inside him. His own stretching and the vaseline made it inevitable and with one hard thrust i felt the rubber break. "mmmm....I'm through your inner cunt now", I reassured him, placing my musky armpit over his cute face to give him too much to think about as I could feel my beast literally shredding his velvety insides. I held on as long as I could, listening to him moan, thinking of Jake upstairs but now not because of the disturbance but because of his cute skinny body. It was all too much and my cock began to flex, depositing my dirty seed so deep inside this fertile twink that I knew he wouldn't feel it or be able to push it out in a hurry. With that, I ripped my cock out of him and pulled off the shreds of rubber from it before sitting astride his chest, pinning him to the bed as he tonged my cock and balls clean of his own ass juices while he jerked his cock juices up my back unaware of my DNA seeping into him
    1 point
  25. He guys! Here's a continuation of my first story, Pozzing Jeff. The first entry is also an entry in the "Tell me a story, PArt 2" thread. This will be a story I continue off and on. Enjoy the first part! ------- Jeff's Conquests Ch. 1 Bens POV I was boned the entire drive to Jeff's place. He said he had a surprise for me, although I couldn't for the life of me think of what it was. My thoughts were interrupted I approached his house and pulled into his driveway. At the same moment my phone buzzed. 'Good timing', I thought to myself. There was a text message on my phone which read <<Just walk in as soon as you get here. Dont worry about knocking >> I smiled walking to his door. I quickly shut it behind me before turning around and getting a view of the interior. The wet spot on my jeans doubled in size. Jeff's head was rolled back on the headrest with his arms outstretched along the back of the couch. He had his knees wide, allowing the slim twink with the brown spiked hair better access to his rock hard cock. He had slipped it out of his jeans and the slut was bobbing up and down on it like a pro. I slowly made my way over and took a seat next to him. He looked up and smiled at me with that look only some one in the throws of ecstasy can make. I smiled back at him and leaned down to kiss him. He moaned into my mouth and out tongues danced for a few minutes before he pulled back. “I was afraid we had scared you off,” I admitted. “Well, for the first two days you did. I kept going over it in my mind. I was so conflicted. I was so horny, yet so scared.” “So what happened?” I asked. He leaned back up, gave me a quick kiss and answered "Well, I got sick. Not terribly, but enough to know what was happening. You see, the whole time I obsessed over it, I never got around to getting to the doctor,” he said with a smile. "Officially I got the news yesterday.” I leaned down, gave him a sloppy kiss, and murmured “Fuck baby, that's so hot. You're carrying my strain.” “Fuck yeah I am. I was so boned in the doctor's office. By the time I got back to the car my briefs were soaked with precum.” “Damn, that's fuckin' hot, babe. You on meds yet?” “Not yet. Not sure if or when I will go on them.” “Great," I grunted, asking “so, who is this beautiful cocksucking slut?” “This is Andrew. Andrew, this is Ben.” Andrew paused, looked over at me, and without saying a word, unzipped my pants, although before he took my cock in his mouth, he did murmur “Pleased to meet you.” “Fuck,” I moaned. His mouth was like silk. I let him work my cock for a few minutes before turning back to Jeff and asking “How'd you two meet?” “Breeding Zone. He saw a comment I left on a story and messaged me. We made arrangements for tonight, and the rest, as they say, is history. I didn't tell him about you until you walked in.” “Fucking hot. Holy fuck that mouth is so hot. I was edging at home, and boy, he's got me fuckin close.” Andrew pulled off my cock and slowly jerked me, giving me a broad smile of self satisfaction, only to comment “We can't have that. Your load needs to go somewhere else.” I looked back at him, returned his smile and asked “You know what you're getting into?” “Fuck yeah. My boyfriend has fantasized about getting me pozzed. Figured it was time to surprise him,” he answered, matching my smile. “Fucking hell that's hot!” I exclaimed as I leaned down and kissed him, cuffing him lightly as I praised him saying “Good boy.” Jeff leaned over to whisper in my ear while Andrew returned to his cock. A smile quickly spread across my face as I got up, took my pants off and left the room. I was back in less than a minute after finding what I was looking for. I got on the floor behind Andrew and lowered his pants. Fuck his ass was beautiful. He was thin, but beautifully sculpted. His ass was perfect, round and tight, and his cheeks parted ever so slightly, allowing me a peak at the prize just beyond. I couldn't help myself and leaned in and pressed my tongue from bottom to top, causing him to push back against my face and to moan around Jeff's dick. Jeff in the meantime threw his head back against the couch. I spent about twenty minutes eating the slut's hole. He was having a difficult time sucking dick while trying to fuck himself on my tongue. I could feel how tight he was; I could barely get my tongue any deeper than his opening. Both of our dicks were leaving a pool of precum on the floor. Pulling back I admired his hole. He was thin and hairless, his tight hole was glistening and peaking back at me. I grabbed the Elbow Grease (I'll need to tell Jeff it's my favourite) and applied some to Andrew's hole. He may have looked tight, but my finger slid in easily, and in no time, another slipped in beside. The slut was ready. I pulled out the toothbrush that Jeff had me grab and slowly slid it into Andrew's hole. He grunted and looked back at me. I pulled out the brush and showed him, explaining “Relax baby,” as I reinserted the brush, adding “We're just getting you ready to accept our seed.” He pushed his ass back towards me and returned to Jeff's dick. For ten minutes I slowly worked that brush in and out of him. He grunted in pain a few times, but for the most part he moaned in genuine pleasure. In no time the bristles were a light shade of pink, and I knew he was ready. For that matter, so to was I - or so the large pool of precum on the floor under my cock seemed to indicate. “Looks like you're ready, slut,” I said, showing him the brush. “Jeff, would you like to to he honours?” “Fuck yeah!” “Remember to savour it. This is the first time your cock has been in an ass since converting. This your first poz cock, boy?” “Yes sir. I've never been so turned on!” “Good boy. Why don't you climb on top of Jeff? I think it's time for you to get pozzed up.” I didn't need to say anymore as Andrew slowly got up, removed the balance of his clothing and climbed up on the couch. Jeff in the mean time lubed his cock and was holding it straight up, primed to take Andrew's poz cherry. Jeff was leaking like a faucet. More than I was in fact. I understood how he was feeling. This is his first ass after learning he was poz, and even more exciting was the fact that the hole was neg and wanted his poz cock. Andrew straddled Jeff and slowly began to impale himself on his cock. I sat back on a chair opposite them and jerked myself watching them. Both threw their heads back amd moaned as Andrew made his way to the base of Jeff's cock. Andrew remained motionless for a moment before slowly starting to rise up on the rock hard piece of flesh inside him before slowly dropping back down. I couldnt help but think how hot it would be for Andrew to have a biohazard sign tattooed on his lower back. Fuck my cock was so sore! “Fuck Jeff your cock is so big!” “You like that cock, faggot? That's a real man's cock fucking you.” "Hell, fuck yes, Sir. Poz my ass, please?” "Yeah you want my toxic seed? I'm almost there, faggot. You sure you want it?” "Oh fuck yes! I need it so bad! Please poz me up! I need your HIV!” “Ugh, fuck, here it cums! Fuck your ass is so tight! Ugh, ugh, ugh, fucking take it!” And with that Jeff started to unload into Andrew. I could see his hole quiver from my seat, and I could see the spasms of his cock as he fired off his potent seed into the willing slut. I needed a piece of that! “Oh fuck I can feel it!” exclaimed Andrew as he came to rest on Jeff's thighs. He leaned down and kissed before slowly getting off and laying on the couch next to his breeder. He had that blissed out well fucked expression on his face. I couldn't take it anymore and got up. “You ready for another poz cock?” I asked, my hard cock pointing the way. “I'm not sure. He really fucked me good!” “Too bad. You got me all worked up and I need to breed. Get on the floor, I've got a potent load for you as well. “Yes Sir!” Andrew saluted before getting off the couch. “How do you want me?” “On your knees, face down, ass up.” He assumed what I think of as the perfect cumdump position. There was a light ring of cum around his hairless ass, and as I was lined-up my cock to his hole, a small drop of Jeff's seed escaped. “Fuck your hole is so beautiful. I cant wait to destroy it!” I remarked as I slid balls deep into him. “Fuck me! I need it so bad!” “I'm not going to last long! I've been on edge for hours!” “Give it to me! Poz me up!" “Fuck, stud, here it cums! Take my toxic seed!” With that I slammed into his ass and unloaded my two day load. “Fuck!” Andrew screamed and I felt his hole clamp down on my cock. I knew what was happening. Jeff did the same thing when I first unloaded into him. The slut was cumming. After a minute to catch my breath, I slowly pulled out of Andrew. A torrent of cum poured out of his ass. Jeff appeared with the same butt plug I gave to him the night we destroyed his ass. He slid it into Andrew. “Keep that in for as long as you can. And when you get the fuck flu call me!” “Will do!” We slowly got dressed and chatted for a bit while drinking beer. Andrew has a smile on his face the entire time. I can't wait to hear what his fiance thinks!
    1 point
  26. I needed a drink. It had been another crappy week at work plus ever since my boyfriend and I had broken up a month ago I haven't had sex other than being intimate with my right hand, let alone go on a date. So I was really looking forward to meeting some new guys to have fun with. This Friday night was still a bright sunny spring day and had a good crowd of hot men milling outside the Soho gay bar chatting, smoking and generally checking out who is going in and out. Quickly entering and on the hunt, I made my way inside, started looking around for tonight I fancy someone different, someone edgy and dangerous, a guy or guys I want to ‘get down dirty with’ but it was a little overwhelming at first: the banging music and crowded bar made it already a hot and sweaty atmosphere as I squeezed my way through the throng and found a spot at the end of the bar then waited ages before the bartender eventually asked for my order, the wait did however enable me to see where people were and that I was stood next to the steps down to the toilets…! The heat in such a confined space made me gulp down my beer in double quick time then spent about 10 minutes of just looking around at men of all shapes and sizes, some were touching each other a lot and I could just see off in one dark corner two guys kissing one another and openly feeling each other up and then one of them pushed the other down into his crotch! Fuck I was horny and frustrated now making my ass twitch excitedly wanting to be filled rough and hard. I was about to order a second drink when I saw HIM, this huge man, fantastic thick but well-trimmed beard, white shirt straining to contain his rippling muscles and showing a hint of tattoos sprouting from his collar and cuffs. It looked like he was walking right towards me through the crowd of sweaty, drunken, horny guys so I flashed him my brightest smile and he responded with a nod. It was just like in a film, as if it was just him and me in the room, by the time he was standing next to me my lean 6'1" frame looked child-like against him. Not only did he appear to be 40ish but he wore his status with pride; the hair on the side of his head was shaved to show off his what looked to be a fresh Scorpion tattoo and as I looked him up and down I couldn’t help but notice he was definitely sporting a bulging packet in his tight trousers. I couldn’t help but lick my lips wishing they were around his cock this instant. Although I would never consider myself a “Chaser” I couldn’t contain myself. "Do you want to go somewhere for a little fun?" I asked. He didn’t speak, just nodded to the right indicating going downstairs to the Gents toilets. “I need a piss” I announce and headed down the stairs and once inside the stench of stale piss from the open trough made my nostrils flare, the dank wet floor already had cum splats showing fresh activity and the dirty sink just added to the sleaziness of this coupling. I stood waiting and right on cue in came Mr Big. There was no foreplay or kissing just a simple instruction, “On your knees boy and suck.” He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down onto the floor so his 9 inch or so looking cock was right in my face, I press my nose in the growing crotch then quickly unbuckle his belt, pull the zipper down to release about 9 or 10 inches of hard throbbing muscle. He glanced down, "Get to work boy, I want to try out my new toy." "Suck my cock fag?" he demanded with a sneer looking me straight in the eyes. . "Yes sir. Please let me suck it," I beg feeling the heat off his cock and inhaling the musky scent of this alpha male as his heavy bull balls hang low dangerously full of toxic cum ready to change my status in one rough fuck. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and he set his dick on my tongue. It felt so soft against the inside of my mouth. I started to go to town sucking and licking his thick cock. I only took it about half way at first because it was so massive. I kept twisting my mouth all around his dick while I licked the head with my tongue. Once I had warmed up to it he grabbed the back of my head and began to force his dick further and further into my throat. "You're gonna take it all the way you little faggot," he said as he got increasingly more aggressive with every thrust as he pushed his dick further down my throat and each and every time I gagged. When he finally got it all the way down my throat he kept it there for a few seconds. I couldn't breathe and I tried to pull away but his grip was too tight. Finally, he let my head go. As he pulled out I coughed up a huge amount of saliva which ran out of my mouth and down my shirt. He did that again several more times, each time holding my head there longer and longer. At one point he had his cock jammed down my throat for what felt like an eternity without letting me breathe. I panicked thinking I was going to pass out. After the last time he pulled out there I was kneeling on the wet floor gasping for air snot, spit and saliva running down my face. "Get up bitch," he ordered, "Get in the cubicle, I don’t like an audience." And as I stand I begin to undo my belt, but obviously not fast enough for him as he rips at my trousers with fly buttons pinging in all directions. “Now get in there.” "Yes sir. I want you to teach me who's boss." "That's right faggot. You'll never forget me." He started rubbing my ass cheeks and slaps my head down into the cistern. I see stars and instantly feel a metallic taste in my mouth. "Don't move boy. You need to learn to take it and my dick is getting a little impatient to sample the goods, you ready to get fucked faggot?" he asked. "Yes sir, please fuck me raw," I was getting so turned on knowing I was finally going to be fucked. He pushed the head of his cock into my waiting hole and I could feel it stretching to allow it inside. "Oh shit," I yelled, "It hurts so fucking much." "Shut the fuck up and take it boy." I had never had something this big up my ass without spit or lube and being fully opened up first and yet I could feel my hole stretching to its limit to accommodate this intruder. "Stop please I can't take it," I begged, knowing how futile that request was going to be and that he would just push in further. Sure enough, he ignored my begging. He bucked his hips, pushed in another inch before pulling almost all the way out just leaving the head inside my pulsing hole but it was only empty for a second because he slammed his cock right back into my hole. This time the pain intensified as he slid his cock all the way up my hole and I could feel his balls slap against my ass. "Oh my god, you're so fucking big," I said trying to ignore the fire I felt in my hole. "You like having a hard cock shoved up your ass little slut?" he asked. "Yes sir, it feels so fucking good,” I lied, “I want you to destroy my hole." "Well since you insist," he replied and started to frantically fuck my hole. Over and over he forced his throbbing dick into my now not so tight hole and it was either his pre-cum or my ripped-up chute bleeding that lubricated the assault and the pain eased into pleasure. When he pulled all the way out my hole stayed open even with the absence of his cock until he slammed in hard until his bull balls slapped against my ass. "Yeah, fuck me harder sir. I don't want to be able to walk straight afterwards." The dirty talk was turning us both on so much. "What do you want boy?" "I want you to cum Sir" I replied. "What do you want from me?" "I want you to breed my ass Sir." “No, I saw you staring at my tattoo, so go on, say it slut!” “Breed my hole with your charged cum, Poz me, knock up my slut hole, I want it, no, I need it NOW!” As soon as I said that he started fucking me even harder. My swinging back and forth shins hitting the porcelain bowl, my face pushed in to the cistern just added to the force of his thrusts as I had nowhere to go. I felt like his cock was stabbing direct in to my stomach. He grabbed my straining hard dick in his hand and began jacking it frantically. It didn't take seconds for the pressure in my balls to release. "I'm cumming!" I moaned as I shot a huge load all over the toilet seat and wiped it up with my fingers then licking them clean. As my sphincter clamped down on his shaft with each spurt of cum from my cock he asked "You ready for my load faggot?" "Yes Sir, shoot it up my ass. I'm ready for it." "Ahhh! Fuck. Yeah. Here. It. Cumms" he announced leaving gaps in the statement as he punched in on the inward strokes, then moaned as I felt his dick twitch and release its load into my hole, spurt after delicious spurt, four or five distinct pulses and then he started fucking hard all over again. "Fuck yeah, pushing it in deep" he said as he let his cock empty the last drops of poison into me. That was by far the best fucking I had ever had. "Don't let any of my cum fall out of your ass boy. I want you to leave it in for a good while," he said as he pulled out of my gaping hole only to use the blunt head of his cock to push back in any escaping cum. “Now clean me up like a good faggot should.” I lick and slurp any cum and ass juices off his still rock-hard dick and then pay particular attention to his piss slit to feast on any dribbles of Poz cum coming out. He popped his cock back in his pants, zipped up and was out of the door and as I gathered my clothing, ripped and piss-soaked trousers I realised I had more than these as a souvenir of this fucking. As I was getting dressed I felt so much pain from both the rough fucking and clenching of my ass cheeks to keep his load in my battered ass it was then that I noticed something in my pocket. He had slipped a piece of paper in my pocket with his number on it in case I wanted to meet up again for a repeat. I had to call a cab to take me home because there was no way I would have been able to walk and saved his number in to my mobile. When I got back to my flat I took off my trousers and pants and noticed a mixture of blood and cum was leaking out of my hole. I immediately got hard again and spent most of the night jacking off to the memory of what had just happened before I fell asleep hoping to feel that big dick battering my hole again real soon.
    1 point
  27. Definitely. I’m kinda hoping she’s not and finally gives in to her desire.. it would make sense if she isn’t because she needed help to poz Tucker. she’s obviously liking the risk because she keeps fucking the same guys..
    1 point
  28. Woof just gets better and better.
    1 point
  29. Ricky 503 969 4318 Portland OR 97201 Times available 24/7 Age: 60 Height 6' 1" Weight 250 lbs Ethnically: French Welsh Scottish English and Cherokee Native BBRT - Trousersnaker / Breeding Zone - Gonopodium / NKP - Pdxthickcock
    1 point
  30. Love jerking off to your blog FelchingPisser, now I will be jerking off to thoughts of you piss fucking a load into me.
    1 point
  31. Tucker shuffled down the stairs to wait for Caitlin. After a few drug filled days of fucking Tucker felt sick. Trissa explained he was probably just coming down from the powerful narcotics and shouldnt concern himself as she texted the news to Caitlin about the young boys new gift. "I dont know if i have another party in me" he sighed heavily as Trissa idly fondled her clit. She couldnt send the boy back in this state, it was simply unthinkable. Caitlin was excited to use her new poz boy toy and Trissa was going to make sure he was in tip top condition. "Here" she smiled, producing a few random pills. "just a couple of Aspirin for my poor baby. You sure were amazing last night." Trissa soothed as the boy gulped down more unmarked narcotics with a swig of G laced water. Trissa loved watching billie feed her throbbing cock up inside the little straight boy. "they always protest at first" she thought, but remembered throughout the evening Billie managed to sneak her leaky poz cock back up into the boy two more times, showering his insides with thick poison seed she made sure to keep inside him, each time reminding him what a good boy he was. "and hows my tuck doin today" caitlin beamed as the wide eyed boy hopped in the car. "a lot better now. Trissa gave me a few aspirin and i feel just great all over." Caitlin looked into the boys glassy saucer pupils and smiled. "thats good baby. We're going to have a fun little party at my place." she grinned, placing her hand on the boys throbbing crotch she gently massaged the powerful organ throughout the ride home. Tucker babbled on and on about the wild few nights with the insatiable woman, how she rode him and about a beautiful woman who fucked him. "god thats hot. did she cum, tucker?" caitlins cunt drooled at the thought of the seeing tucker impaled on a thick veiny cock. "yeah three times! she came im my butt three times." tucker swooned. As caitlin guided the intoxicated boy from the car she undid the button on his jeans anxioously. marching him to the bedroom his jaw dropped. "tadaaa!" caitlin exclaimed, revealing two nude girls slumbering in the king sized bed. "I played tour guide today for a group of highschool students looking to enroll this semester. Say hi to Lacy and Abbie." Tucker was confused at the sight of the girls, their clothing neatly folded alongside them. "are they...okay?" tucker asked, as Caitlin slid the boys rock hard cock out of his pants. "oh theyre great. We had a few drinks and i guess they just had a little too much." caitlin eyed the empty cough syrup bottle on the dresser. "anyway tuck," she continued, as she opened her phone and began recording, "We're going to turn them into women" she coaxed, pumping a clear bead of precum from the head of the boys cock. "doesnt that sound fun?" Tuckers eyes roamed the two girls, their small perky breasts, their slender curves, and the whispy hair above their nubile young pussies. "h-how old are they?" he whispered. "oh theyre plenty old enough tucker dont you worry about that. lets start with Lacy..." Caitlin pulled the boy toward the slumbering girls legs and knelt him between them. "i dont know...i dont think i can do this" tucker mumbled as his cock bobbed above the girls lips. "youre right tucker this is a bad idea...here" Caitlin squirted a glob of lube into the girls slit and wiped a dollop onto Tuckers dripping tool as he groaned. "Thats better, now you should be able to get inside her." tucker watched Caitlin gently nestle his cockhead between the girls glistening labia. She knew after so much diligent conditioning the boy wouldnt be able to fight a tight bare pussy anymore. "yessss" she hissed, working her clit as the head of the boys cock slithered into the unconscious woman. "it wont go..." tucker looked down quizzically. "push deep and hard tucker youre doing great." Tucker pulled back a few inches and thrust hard, piercing the girls hymen and burying himself in the virgins luxurious tight cunt. "good boy, now give her a nice deep fuck." caitlin pushed the camera nearer to the girls sex as it gripped the boys throbbing prick. admiring the frothy pink cream building at the base of his cock. She certainly wouldnt remember her first fuck, but Caitlin would. "good boy, keep going" she cooed into his ear as he gritted his teeth. "ungh! shit im cumming!" tucker moaned as his cock began kicking deep inside the girls sex, bathing her cervix in warm baby batter. "that a boy, let it all out" Caitlin reached down to rub tuckers bloated sack as he unloaded into the teen. "One down, one to go." she grinned.
    1 point
  32. Dragon on Fire I got back and finished up the rest of my work day, getting a little distracted now and then when I'd get a whiff of the cum from my sweaty cock along with the general sweat smell. It was intoxicating and I decided to bask in the aroma until the next morning's shower. The only issue was that it kept my dick partially hard and when I thought about how tight Sanjiv's ass felt around my cock it got fully hard. I'd never seen him naked and I tried to piece together what he might look like laying on the bed naked with his tightly bound boyfriend watching me fuck him. His brown skin covered in a pelt of black hair, probably neatly trimmed like his facial hair but still proudly displayed. His hard cock dripping his newly charged precum out of his long, thin dick. His legs pulled back as I shoved my cock back into his ass while his helpless boyfriend gasped. Shaking my head and getting up to get another glass of whiskey, I told myself to stop obsessing with him and to move on like I used to do. How was I getting so lucky this time? When I was toxic the last time, most of the guys I found who were willing to fuck were already poz and few of the neg ones were as hot as the guys I was finding this time. I rattled through the list of recent guys and wondered how they were doing and if their body had accepted the gift I gave them. College boy was easy and I knew what happened. Even better, he seemed to be embracing his new status with enthusiasm. But what about the guy in the laundry room? I hadn't seen him online at all and wondered if he got freaked by getting bred by a stranger and was now back to being a safe guy and not hooking up with the apps. The older guy had been so eager and now was invisible. There was the artist too. He didn't care if he got knocked up just as long as he got fucked hard and filled with some stranger's seed. From the collage that he showed me, he didn't usually fuck guys more than once, but I didn't know for sure and hadn't seen him online again since the day we hooked up. The whiskey was gone and it was time to stop reminiscing about what might have happened. I went to bed and slept soundly, remembering just a few bits of my dreams. When I woke, my dick was it's usual wooden pole it took a while to go down. A shower, coffee and some breakfast later, I was back at work until lunchtime. It had only been 4 days in a row, but I felt like I should be heading back to the pharmacy to drop another load in Sanjiv, but I'd told him that was it unless he somehow escaped my bug. I made lunch and sat down on the couch and surfed while I ate. I had barely loaded the set of cruising sites on my web browser when I got a message on one. Flipping over to the tab, it was from Dragonboy. "Cool, either him or his cousin is horny and wants to hookup again" I thought. That quickly changed when I read his message. "My cousin is sick right now. Are you responsible?" the message read. The message sounded more like one of Dragonboy's messages and not his cousin's. "Covid?" I replied, playing a little dumb but understanding what he was hinting at. "No, but some of the symptoms are similar. Did you give him something?" he asked again. "A few loads of cum, just like you. How are u feeling?" I replied. "Fuck. He's poz isn't he?" Dragonboy quickly sent back. I really didn't want to have this conversation over IM and I wasn't sure that I wanted it face to face either. Taking a deep breath, I sent back "Be there in 5." With the laptop closed, I put the rest of my lunch in the fridge and pulled on some sweat pants. I put on my mask and ran down the stairs to his condo. Dragonboy opened the door on the second knock and glared at me. He looked sexy standing there in only a pair of track pants and no mask, but I knew he was pissed. It wasn't a "I'm going to kill you" glare, but a "what the fuck did you do" glare, so I went inside. I followed him into the bedroom and saw his cousin laying on the bed with a sheen of sweat all over his naked body. His cousin turned his head and smiled weakly back at me before saying "Sorry no now." "You didn't answer my question. How are YOU feeling?" I asked Dragonboy. "Who the fuck cares. My family is going to kill me when they find out" he replied, clearly irritated. "Why do they need to know? There's no need to broadcast it. Do it on a 'need to know' basis. Unless you're planning on him getting a big biohazard tattoo. Then it would be pretty obvious." I paused and then added "Actually, done right that might look pretty hot on him. You should take him to your tat guy. He needs some ink" I said, grinning back at Dragonboy. He shook his head and then glared back at me again. "I guess. No one in the family knows he likes cock, so I guess its just another secret" Dragonboy said somberly. "Is this from fucking with you?" he asked after a few moments. "I wasn't the only one fucking him. He seemed to be getting some other action too" I replied. "No. You're the only one. Your friend too" he answered. "Ask him. He shouldn't have to hide it from you anymore, now that you know he's gay" I told him. Even with a language I didn't understand, I could hear the pain in the cousin's voice as they talked. He was hurting as his body fought a futile battle. I didn't see a rash, but most of his glands were swollen and he obviously ached and had a fever. "Damn, you're right. I guess he's been hooking up more than I knew. I'm sorry to accuse you. I thought you and your buddy were the only ones..." he said when they were done. "It doesn't mean it wasn't us. What is he going to do when he recovers? Is he a bottom or versatile?" I asked with a wink. Dragonboy gave me a confused look and then looked back to his cousin. After a short discourse with his cousin, Dragonboy chuckled and told me "He's a bottom for westerners but is a top for other Chinese guys." A grin slowly grew over my face "Maybe we need to find a few Chinese guys for him to fuck, but I think any true bottom would want to take a hot load or two from him too." It took a moment but Dragonboy realized what I was talking about. At first he looked a little shocked that I would suggest it and then I saw him try and hide his growing cock and knew the idea turned him on. There was a long pause and I was trying to decide whether to take the opportunity to leave or to take advantage of the situation. As usual for anything related to sex, my little head did the thinking and I moved closer to Dragonboy. His face said WTF, but he didn't say anything out loud. I put my hand on his shoulder and guided him over to the bed. My cock was straining at the trunks I had on under my sweats and I leaned in and said "Get on all fours and start sucking your cousin." He pushed his trackies down and climbed on the bed. He hung his bare ass off the edge, but it was obvious he wasn't sure about the second part of my instructions. I got it, for some people, family is off limits but I thought it would look hot. I pushed my sweats and trunks down and then cleared my throat. That was all the encouragement he needed and he leaned forward. Not a word was said but Dragonboy gave his cousin a gesture and soon he was in position with the cousin's legs spread on either side of Dragonboy's body. The cousin had a worried look on his face as Dragonboy's mouth engulfed his partially hard shaft. He slowly started to suck and I dripped several gobs of spit on Dragonboy's hole. A little more got used to slick up my dick and a minute later I was pushing my bare cock into Dragonboy once again. It felt warm and tight around my shaft and got even warmer from the friction of my barely lubed cock in his tight chute. A couple dozen strokes later, my precum had added some additional wetness and I was able to start thrusting harder. Looking down, the cousin was now propped up by some pillows and had both of his hands on either side of Dragonboy's head. It was hard to tell if he was pushing Dragonboy's head down on his cock or whether in his weakened state he was just doing what came natural when a guy was sucking his cock and gently guiding his mouth down. I was doing my best to help, since each forward thrust pushed Dragonboy's body down on his cousin's shaft. It had been a long time since I had felt Dragonboy's mouth on my dick, but I did remember he was an outstanding cocksucker with little gag reflex. His cousin's cock was smaller than mine, but the six inches of fuckstick was a nice surprise for a small framed guy. Dragonboy's face was bouncing off his cousin's trimmed black pubes and both seemed to be moaning. I was drilling him over and over with long strokes and I almost thought we could go on for hours like this. But, I rarely stay in one position for a long period of time when I fuck and this was no different. I wanted more leverage and to pound him harder. I leaned forward and initially used his shoulders to brace myself. We fucked like this for a few minutes and then I moved my right hand to the back of Dragonboy's neck. My hand wrapped around the back of it, gripping him tightly and I then started to fuck his face on to his cousin's dick as my hips pumped into his now loose and sloppy hole. I looked at the cousin and his eyes were closed and moans were emanating from his mouth. He was still covered with sweat but it didn't seem to bother him and a smile had started to form on his face. The pleasure was hiding any pain he had at the moment. The moans turned to grunts and I saw him buck his hips up a few times. He collapsed on to his back and grunted a few times before shoving his hips up when the orgasm hit. I forced Dragonboy's face down as hard as I could and let his cousin flood his throat with what might be his first toxic load. The sight didn't help me extend my fuck much longer and when the cousin stopped writhing, I began to hammer Dragonboy's ass. Pulling him off his cousin's spent cock, I wrapped my arm around the front of his neck. The thrusts slowed down but got more intense as I slammed balls deep into his cunt. Cum was dripping out of his mouth as he gasped out "Breed me" a few times. That was never in doubt and after a few more shoves, my cock began spewing another potent load of cum into Dragonboy's defenseless gut. He let out a contented moan as his ass filled with my spunk. When the pulses died down, I gave a couple more jabs before pulling out. Dragoboy fell forward and laid there a moment before quickly spinning around and he began licking the cum mixture off my cock and balls. He had never done this in any of our meets and it took me by surprise. A pleasant surprise. He was thorough and perfectly combined the pleasure aspect with the cleaning side. I doubt there was drop of cum left on my dick when he stopped, only a fine sheen of saliva and a still rigid cock. He leaned back and took a glance over at his cousin who was now passed out. The orgasm had sapped what little energy his body had left and now he needed to recover. I held out my hand and pulled Dragon boy off the bed and to his feet. Bending over I pulled my trunks and sweatpants up and watched him do the same. Quietly, I turned and walked out of the bedroom with Dragonboy right behind me. I stopped as soon as we were in the living room and turned around. "I... I didn't expect this to happen" he said to me. I wasn't really sure what "this" was - the fuck that we just did or his cousin getting charged up. I went with the former and replied "Yeah, me either, but it sure felt right even though the timing might make it weird." Dragonboy followed me to the door. I stopped and turned around, looking at him seriously. "Keep him hydrated and watch his fever. If it gets too high, you gotta take him in. Otherwise, just let it run its course. I heard the clinic on Kingston is doing testing by appointment now and you should take him there when he's able to get out. OK?" I told him in a hushed voice. He nodded and I turned and opened the door, walking out into the hallway. Going up the stairs, I felt strangely satisfied. My balls were empty, my cock was happy with a good workout in a great hole and best of all there was another guy wandering around with my bug inside him.
    1 point
  33. Hello! I have a frozen collection going. I am using containers that are about 3.5 oz. I have a penis mold that holds I think 6oz. I am ddf with test results going back well over a year. I would be willing to sell but we will have to check shipping costs to you after we talk about the cumcicle cost. rdnk_993@yahoo.com In TN
    1 point
  34. Part 6. One Saturday night, while Adam, Jack and I were lying in bed after a nice relaxed fuck, Jack got a phone call and got up to go in the other room to take it. Adam and I were cuddling in bed and he leaned over and laid his head on my chest and said, “Uncle Mike, can I ask you a question?” “Sure, sport, what is it?” “Well, I...” He trailed off, stammering a little bit. “I’m kind of embarrassed about this.” “Baby don’t be embarrassed. You can ask me anything,” I said. “Well, see....I have this fantasy. It kind of involves a bunch of guys...umm...” Ah, I could see where this was going. Our little boy wanted a gang bang, and he wanted to be the star of it. I waited, wanting him to say the words himself. “Well, I don’t know if Daddy would approve, or want to be in on it. I’d want both of you to be there, to make sure nothing happened to me and make sure the guys were cool. Do you think he’d be into it?” “Fuck Adam. You sure are a filthy pig,” I smiled at him and rubbed his head. Adam looked slightly embarrassed and said nothing. “Of course I think he’d approve. He’d want to vet the guys to make sure that anyone who’s fucking you isn’t a sleaze and will treat you with respect. Some guys think they can treat bottoms rudely and I know neither your dad nor I will stand for that, OK?” “Thanks, Uncle Mike. You’re the best.” Adam leaned up and began to kiss me hard on the lips. I already had Jack’s load in my ass, and had fucked Adam. I thought it was going to be a one load evening, but apparently my nephew had other ideas. I reached down and felt his cock hardening in my hand while he reached over and began to play with my ass which he had conveniently spat on so it was slimy with liquid to lube up my hole. I was lying on my back and Adam broke our kiss and rolled me over on my furry stomach and began to eat my ass like a man who hadn’t had a meal in weeks. He was shoving his tongue far up my hole getting it ready to be penetrated by his fat uncut boy dick. I was in for a treat. Adam was mostly a bottom but once in a while he got very toppish and insisted on fucking me, which I was extremely willing to oblige. The boy had a nice fat uncut cock at least 8” long and really thick, just like Jack and I. Whenever we were together, everyone knew we were related. We looked a lot alike, although Adam was a little shorter than Jack and I and not as furry yet. We knew it was a matter of time before his hairy chest blossomed and he was covered in the family fur. I was moaning like a bitch in heat as Adam began playing with my cunt, opening it up with Jack’s load so that he could slide his cock inside me. I got up on my hands and knees and he got behind me. He spat on my spasming hole again and slowly guided the huge head of his cock, barely peeking out from its foreskin home into my cunt. Of the three of us I was the most versatile, but damn I sure loved getting fucked by my nephew. His 18 year old cock was absolutely rock hard, despite having cum just 30 minutes before. He stopped after the head popped in and let me get used to his fat piece. I reached over and grabbed the bottle of poppers off the nightstand and took a huge hit of them, capping them and handing them back to Adam. As soon as the poppers hit me, I just backed up on his cock taking the entire fat length of my nephews cock up my well travelled cunt. I was in fucking heaven. I let out a deep sigh and felt the head of his cock bottom out all the way deep in my ass. Adam leaned over my back and began kissing me and licking my ears which always got me worked up. I was panting heavily, begging my sexy nephew to fuck me harder when I felt someone on the bed next to me. Jack had come back in the room and was lying on the bed grinning at me. He leaned over and kissed me roughly, his beard scratching my face. He kissed me for a long time and when he broke our kiss he said, “Fuck that’s hot. Watching my own son fuck my hot brother up the ass. Damn. I sure the fuck am lucky that all the men in my family are furry big dicked sluts.” We all laughed and Adam pulled his cock all the way out of my hole, making me feel empty and greedy. “You’re such a little bastard, Adam. Shove that back in my cunt and fuck me hard, boy!” “Anything you want Uncle Mike!” With that he rammed his cock all the way inside me as far as he could go, causing me to move on the bed and gasp for breath. Jack laughed and flopped his fat dick in my face. “What do you think, Adam, should we rape both of his holes? Filthy pig seems to want it pretty bad, don’t you think?” “Fuck yeah, Daddy! I love to see you shove your fat cock in Uncle Mike’s mouth. Skewer him from both ends.” Jack got up on his knees, pulled my head roughly around and shoved his cock all the way down my throat. He’s got a really fat, long cock, but I’ve been sucking it since we were teenagers so I’m used to how fat it is. I love his cock in my holes. As soon as his cock hit the back of my throat, as it had so many times since I was 13, I let out a low moan and Jack laughed. “That’s my brother. Always been a whore for cock, always will be a whore for cock.” I took his cock out of my mouth and said, “You wouldn’t have it any other way, you fucking pig.” Jack laughed, shoved his cock back in my mouth and started raping my throat. Just the way I liked it. Both of my holes were filled with the cocks of the two people closest to me. I was in pig heaven. The two of them got a rhythm going fucking both of my holes. My ass was feeling fine, but my jaw was getting sore when Jack leaned over and whispered something to Adam. He got a huge smile on his face and pulled his quickly pulled his dick out of me, The sudden loss of the cock that was setting my cunt on fire made me turn around and say “What?” Jack slid down on the bed next to me, laughing. “Just you wait, brother, just you want.” He laughed some more and said “NOW!” With that, Adam lifted me up, Jack slid under me and Adam lowered my ass onto Jack’s fat Daddy cock. My ass was once again full and very happy. I could hear Adam behind me spitting on his cock. He scooted up behind me and pushed down on my furry back so that I was impaled on Jack’s cock but face down on Jack’s chest. Jack stopped fucking my cunt and wrapped his arms around me. “Uh oh, now I’m in for it!,” I thought. I braced myself for the assault to come. Adam was on his knees behind me and slowly began to insert his cock into my slutty cunt, opening it up for both cocks. I took the largest hit of the poppers I possibly could. My cunt relaxed and I felt Adam’s cockhead pop into my hole. He slowly drove his dick home inside me and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I was moaning uncontrollably from the poppers and the feeling of my cunt being stretched to the limit by my brother and his son, both raping my willing cunt. Jack was holding onto me so I couldn’t move and he let Adam do all the work. The boy was learning how to be a first rate fucker in addition to becoming the greediest, sluttiest bottom boy I’d ever met. I was in love with how they were assaulting my ass, and I was moaning so loudly that jack reached over and shoved a pair of underwear in my mouth. “Christ, Adam, fucking whore won’t shut his fucking trap. Rape his cunt harder son. You like how that hole feels?” “Shit Daddy. It’s SO fucking hot that your cock is inside Uncle Mike alongside mine. I can’t believe he just opened up for our cocks like that. But your big load of cum was already inside him so I guess it figures. He’s such a pig, isn’t he Daddy?” Adam laughed and pounded my greedy cunt harder. “Damn right he is son. We wouldn’t have it any other way. We’re all pigs, and we should rut like them. Here smell this.” Jack lifted his arm and I could smell the amazing scent of his sweaty armpit. I’d always loved the way Jack smelled, we’d first started having sex when we were teenagers after he caught me sniffing his underwear one night when he came home from drinking with his buddies. He was a little drunk and I was sitting on my bed furiously jerking my cock with his jockstrap over my face, sniffing it. I heard the door open and saw him standing there with a huge grin on his face. “So my little brother loves cock, huh? Lucky me.” We stayed up half the night and I ended up losing my virginity to his huge fat cock, falling asleep with two loads of teenaged Jack cum in my ass. I’d been hooked on his smell, cock and ass ever since. “Fuck Daddy! I love the way you smell, it makes my cock a little bit harder every time I smell you, even if I’m just walking around the house.” Jack laughed and said “you and your Uncle Mike have that in common, baby boy. I’m glad you like it. It even turns me on sometimes if I catch a whiff of my own armpit while I’m working. But enough talking. FUCK that cunt! Rape his hole and make him feel you inside him!” “YES DADDY!,” Adam yelled and redoubled his assault on my ass which by now was a sloppy stretched out mess of a hole. Luckily the underwear he stuffed in my mouth were Jack’s so I was getting a double dose of him, both the smell from his pit and the taste of his cock and ass in the underwear. It was just like old times. That plus rubbing against Jack’s hairy body were making my dick stiffen. For a few minutes the room was mostly silent with my constant moaning muffled by the underwear in my mouth. Adam began to pant hard and he yelled “Fuck Daddy! I’m going to cum inside Uncle Mike’s pig hole!” “Do it baby boy. Do it, I wanna feel the cum shoot out of your cock! Shoot it boy!” “Yes Daddy! FUCK! I’M CUMMING!! I could feel Adam’s cock pulsing in my wrecked cunt and the cum shooting inside my ass. He left his cock shoved all the way inside me and Jack took over, jackrabbiting for a minute until I could feel his cock in turn begin to pulse and shoot a huge load inside my ass. I was going to be sore in the morning, but I didn’t care. My ass was on fire and felt SO good. Adam slipped his cock out of my ass and it began to leak streams of their related cum. Adam reached down and scooped it up , then reached up and shoved his fingers roughly in my mouth. “Eat those fucking loads, Uncle Mike, you filthy whore.” I moaned and lapped at his fingers, desperate to get the cum off his fingers and into my mouth. We collapsed in a sweaty heap and Jack began to lazily play with my cock which was still rock hard. I smiled at Adam and said, “you should ask your Dad about what we were talking about earlier.” Adam blushed and said “Uncle Mike!” Jack smiled at us but never stopped playing with my cock. “What are you talking about Mike?” “So, Jack, it seems that we’ve created a monster. Little Adam here wants us to arrange a gang bang where he’s the star attraction. You think we can arrange that for our little boy?” Adam turned beet red but I could also see he was excited. Jack laughed loudly and got a big grin on his face. “Fuck yeah!,” he said. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than watch my own son get gang fucked by a bunch of strangers. Lots of big fat cocks shooting loads of cum up my boy’s hole. MMMMMM...” I could tell he loved the idea since his cock was beginning to stir. It quickly grew to full mast, he rolled me over on my stomach and slammed it home in my cum filled fuckhole, leaving me moaning like a bitch in heat. It looked like we were going to be here all night. I woke up the next morning with sore a very sore asshole (Adam dumped another load of his thick boy cum up my ass after Jack was done) and nuts completely drained of cum. It was Friday morning and Jack had already gone to work, leaving Adam and I sleeping in the king sized bed. I decided to pay my sexy nephew back for the night before. I dove under the covers and began to gently feel the sleeping boy’s furry butthole. It was still moist and I could see the remains of a bit of cum on the hairs in his crack. I leaned down and began to slowly lick his butthole. Nothing like being awakened by a hot rim job. I began to get rougher with Adam’s hole and he slowly started to make noises as if he was waking up. “Wahhhh? Daddy? What’s going on?” I switched to playing with him with my fingers for a second to respond, “just a little payback for your fat cock invading my cunt so many times last night, baby boy. I wanna send you to school with a load of Uncle cum up your hole.” Adam buried his head in the pillow and moaned. “Oh fuck yeah, Uncle Mike. Breed me like the dirty whore I am.” I went back to rimming him, which elicited constant moans from Adam’s throat. Occasionally globs of cum would ooze out of his hole and I greedily lapped them up. Then when I couldn’t stand it anymore, I mounted Adam’s furry little ass and quickly shoved my entire cock inside him all the way to the hilt. “Fuck yeah, Mike! Fuck my hole. Rape it. Make it yours. I want you inside me!” I began to pound the boy hard. He was going to be very sore sitting down today, if I had anything to say about it. The remains of Jack’s cum from the night before were coating the sides of my prick and I knew I wasn’t going to last long, and after just 5 minutes I knew I was going to cum, and told him so. “Take this fucking cum you dirty little whore,” I whispered in his ear. “Oh yeah, Uncle Mike, breed my hole Knock me up and make me yours!” He was moaning like a bitch in heat and begging for my cum. I tensed up and my cock began spurting a huge load of cum into Adam’s hole. I caught my breath and quickly pulled my cock out with a lewd sound of cock and cum and hole all trying to stay together. Adam turned over and grinned and said “I love you Uncle Mike.” “Come on, Adam, let’s get in the shower and I’ll drop you at school.” Jack and I decided that the gang bang would be a surprise. We’d tell Adam it was going to happen but not when, so we could build up his suspense and keep him on the edge of his seat. We told him to be ready at any time. School was finishing up and he was getting ready to graduate so time would be more free. We knew we’d have to invite John, Alex, Nick and Rob which meant that since our friends were there, none of the strangers would get out of hand. A buddy of mine has a playroom with a sling and enough space for a decent sized group of guys so I asked him if we could use it. “Hell yes, as long as I get to fuck him.” I’d had David’s fat cock up my ass more than once and taken my turn in his sling so I knew Adam would be in good hands. With David included we were now up to eight horny guys to shove their cocks up my slutty nephew’s hole and use him the way he wanted. We decided to post the gang bang on Craig’s List and I also talked to some other piggy buddies who I thought might want to fuck a sloppy 18 year old’s dripping cunt. Jack and I spent some time together coming up with just the wording for the ad. When posted, it read: Come Fuck My Son My brother and I are more than just friends with my 18 year old son. He asked us for a treat, so we’re going to arrange it. Let’s face it, the boy is a filthy cum dump faggot whore and needs men to rape his hole. Any hot guys with fat dicks are welcome....he's a perverted slut who craves cock. Use him hard then dump a load in his cum sloppy cunt. Be as rough as you want, we'll get him fucked up and he'll be begging for more. Once he gets too dirty, we'll hose him down inside and out with piss and then start all over again. Let's see how many loads he can take. The boy is 5’4”, 140 lbs, furry, muscled and a wrestler so he’s got a nice body. You must send photo to be considered for this party. Organizers will be in touch with the details. Don’t be a flake. ============ It also contained a photo of his furry little ass, which we both thought would be sure to have the guys beating down the door. It’s a mighty fine little ass. As soon as we posted it, Jack reached over and pulled me down to his crotch and I started lazily sucking his fat cock, one of my favorite things to do in the whole world. He took off his shirt and scooted his shorts down so we could spend some quality brother time alone. But the internet quickly had other ideas. After a few minutes of mellow blowjob, I noticed that every minute or two, the computer on the coffee table was dinging. Over and over again, it insisted on being paid attention to. I pulled off of Jack’s cock (something I’m usually loath to do) and looked up at him, laughing. “Are you going to get that? I think we may have actually created a monster.” Jack grinned and laughed and said, “yeah, I guess my dick can wait. I’ll just fuck your cunt while you’re sleeping.” I sat up, and he pulled the computer into his naked lap. “Holy shit, Mike, look at all these responses!” I looked at the email program and saw that, indeed, there were at least 10 responses already and the ad had only been live for 15 minutes. “I think we’ve got a jackpot here, Mike,” Jack said. “And look at some of these guys!” Jack was right. The first ten guys were all hot. All different body types, bears, twinks, thin, muscled, hairy, smooth. But they all had something about them that made them hot. We both knew from past experience that any sort of party like this was bound to attract a certain group of flakes who were just in it for the thrill but would never show up. But if this was any indication of who was interested in gang banging Adam, it was going to be a fun evening. “Damn, I’d let any of them fuck my ass,” I said. “Well that’s not much of a stretch you fucking slut.” Jack closed the lid and set the computer back on the table and said “Back to sucking my fucking cock, you filthy pig.” “You sure do know how to sweet talk a guy, Jack.” I smiled and went back down to my rightful place with my sexy brother’s cock in my mouth, knowing this was just a warmup for him shoving it up my ass, the place where it belonged. Jack and I told Adam that the plan was progressing, but we were maddeningly (to him anyway) light on details. We wanted the whole thing to be a surprise and were determined that it stay that way. We let Alex, Nick, John and Rob in on the details because they were crucial to our plan coming off without a hitch, but both of us swore them to secrecy. On the appointed Friday night, we told Nick to take Adam to the movies after school, a late afternoon matinee. That way we could have him in place to be kidnapped for the gang bang around the time the men who responded to the ad were getting off work. We figured we’d load him up for the first round and then keep the guys coming all night. So to speak. As they were leaving the movie, Nick texted me “The balloon has gone up.” I turned my phone around and showed it to Jack, Alex and David. We were all sitting on the sofa in David’s playroom in our jockstraps, waiting for this moment. I had instructed Nick to put a little present in Adam’s drink. I told him to make sure that Adam had a little bit of his drink left and then put a few drops of very strong Ecstasy dissolved in liquid in the drink and make sure Adam drank it all. This had apparently gone off without a hitch. We wanted Adam horny and ready for cock when he arrived at the play space. David’s a hot fuck buddy...a doctor and a total versatile ass pig. He’s 35, 6’ tall and 180 lbs. of lean muscle and also the furriest motherfucker I’ve ever seen which is saying something. Every inch of his body is covered in dark hair, except his face, which he defiantly keeps clean shaven. But he’s also one of those hot hairy guys who instantly needs a shave right after he finishes shaving. David also has a nice fat cock which he loves shoving up hairy assholes. I knew he was going to be a good start to the evening. Jack and I got to be the first fucks of the evening, being family and all, but David was our gracious host and I wasn’t about to deny him the pleasure of sloppy thirds. Adam and Nick were leaving the movie theatre when the rest of Jack’s and my plan kicked into gear. As they were walking up to Nick’s car, John and Rob walked up behind them with ski masks on and shoved a ball gag in Adam’s mouth and handcuffed his hands behind his back. They put a hat over his head and quickly shoved him in the back of the car. John climbed into the car next to Adam and Rob rode shotgun up front and they quickly drove to David’s house. Adam knew it was going down and the E was already kicking in so his hole was starting to get hungry. He had never rolled before and was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed when the car pulled to a stop. Rob and John pulled Adam out of the car in front of David’s house and hustled him into the garage. They were all excited and their cocks were hard at the thought of what was about to happen. They knew this was going to be a night to remember. Rob pulled the hat off of Adam’s head, took the ball gag out and said “Are you ready little buddy?” “I’m so ready, I feel really strange and I’m SO horny! I love you guys for doing this for me!,” Adam said gushing in the way that people high on ecstasy do. He hugged Rob tightly, letting his hand drift down to Rob’s fat cock, knowing that soon it and a bunch of other men’s dicks were all going to be inside him, making him feel like the slutty pig he knew he really was. Adam couldn’t wait to see what his Daddy and Uncle had in store for him. There was a knock on the door and Jack stood up in his hot jockstrap and said “It’s showtime men!” It was 630 and we had until 730 before the first of the guests were supposed to arrive. Adam walked into the room, followed by Nick, John and Rob who were quickly shedding their clothes. We told them all to wear jockstraps and Jack brought Adam’s favorite slutty jock with him for him to wear. “How’s Daddy’s boy feeling?,” Jack asked. “Oh Daddy, I’m the happiest boy ever. I can’t believe you set this up for me. How many guys are coming?,” Adam said. “You’ll just have to keep count of how many of them blow a load up your hot little hole, now won’t you?,” Jack told him slyly. “How’s the ecstasy treating you?” “The what? Oh! Is that why I feel so amazing! Daddy you know how to treat me. Thank you.” Adam reached over and hugged his Daddy tightly. “You’ve got too many clothes on, baby boy. Men let’s strip this cumdump and get started.” All of the guys laughed and began pulling Adam’s clothes off until his furry little body was naked. Jack looked over at his son and said “here, put this on. I brought your favorite jock. Hurry up. Daddy gets to go first.” “Oh Daddy, thank you!” Adam quickly put the jockstrap on and looked to Jack for guidance. “What do you think, Mike? Start with the bed or the sling?” “Let’s start with the bed and move him to the sling when he gets nice and sloppy.” Jack pulled Adam onto the bed with him and I could see the rest of the group taking their hits of E. Jack, David, Alex and I took them as soon as the text came telling us they were on the way. This was going to be a nice roll. I knew that within an hour hands were going to be everywhere and we’d be dealing with the strangers we’d invited to use Adam’s sloppy cunt. Jack and Adam were lying on the bed passionately kissing each other, on fire really. The E was having its effect and they were talking quietly to each other, I knew that Jack was whispering in Adam’s ear how much he loved his son and how Jack couldn’t wait to see a bunch of men dump their loads of cum up his beautiful furry little butt. Adam had a huge smile on his face the whole time and kept quietly saying “thank you Daddy, thank you Daddy.” I grabbed a bottle of lube, reached down and greased up Jack’s fat cock and Adam’s hole. Jack smiled at me and hoisted Adam’s legs over his shoulders and said “here we go men, let’s get this party started! You ready baby boy?” “Please fuck me Daddy. I need you inside me!,” Adam said. “Now please!” With that he sank his cock all the way into Adam’s hole, which made both Jack and Adam moan deeply. Around the room, hands and mouths were playing with cocks. This was Adam’s party, but I had a feeling everyone here was going to leave the room with at least one load of cum up his butt. Jack’s cock was slowly moving in and out of Adam’s furry hole, which was making my cock hard. I never got tired of watching my brother fuck his hot young son. I laid down on the bed next to Adam and leaned up next to his face. “Are you feeling good baby boy? Do you like the present that Daddy and Uncle Mike got for you?” “Oh yes, Uncle Mike. Thank you!” He moaned as Jack’s cock hit bottom again and massaged his prostate. “I want to feel like a totally depraved whore tonight. I can’t believe how good I feel! I love you both SO much!” I laughed. I’d seen this before with newbies to taking ecstasy. I leaned over and touched his slightly furry nipples and kissed his full lips. “Just wait until you see some of the cocks that are coming over later to use you. You’re going to be glad that you got started with Jack because some of them make him look small.” Adam got a slightly panicked look in his eyes until I said “don’t worry baby, no one’s going to hurt you. But they’re sure as hell going to stretch your cunt out. You never know what’s going to end up in your ass when you’re at a party like this.” With that, I heard a squeeze bottle of lube behind me and could feel David’s hot furry chest behind me. “Mind if I drop in?,” he said. With that he laid down behind me and quickly shoved his cock all the way up my ass, making me groan and beg him, not to stop but to fuck me hard and rough. I could feel every inch of his 9” cock throbbing inside me. “Oh fuck that feels good,” I said. “But remember Adam’s the star here, I’m just one of the supporting cast.” “Oh don’t worry,” David said. “I can come as many times as I want. E does that to me. I also haven’t jerked off in a week in anticipation of this!” David began to pound me hard from behind and I held on to Adam who was getting pounded from above by his Dad. I leaned over and whispered in Adam’s ear “I guess we’re both whores tonight, eh boy?” Adam smiled and pulled my face to him and kissed me deeply and hard. “I guess we are, Uncle Pig.” I glanced around the room and both John and Nick were bent over the couch moaning like slutty whores. John was getting fucked by Rob and Alex was fucking his son up the ass. It was a beautiful thing. So many hot guys and this was just the beginnin g! Jack started to speed up on Adam’s ass and began to pant. “OK, baby here’s the first load for you. Right out of the cock that made you.” “Oh yes, Daddy, your cock feels so good inside me! Give me your load, breed your boy! Make me your whore!” “Oh fuck boy, you sure know how to sweet talk Daddy. Here comes that load. you want it? Tell Daddy what you want!” “Give it to me! Shoot that fucking load deep up my cunt Daddy! I need it! Give it to me hard!” Jack sped up even more and everyone else in the room stopped fucking and held still with fat cocks buried up hot asses and watched. Jack mercilessly pounded his son’s hole, and Adam took it like the champion bottom we knew he was. Suddenly Jack held still and I could see his ass clenching. I knew he was cumming his usual first huge load of cum. “YES DADDY!!,” Adam yelled. I kissed him hard on the mouth and whispered in his ear that he was a good little whore and that I was next. Jack collapsed on top of his son and, slowly, his cock slipped out of Adam’s now sticky hole. David was balls deep in my ass and I turned around to kiss him on the mouth. I whispered to him, “when Jack moves, let’s get into position with your cock still inside me!” David kissed me again and nodded enthusiastically. Jack moaned and then rolled off of Adam and yelled “NEXT!” and we all laughed. His cock was glistening with cum, including some that was still dripping from his foreskin. I turned to David and asked him if he was ready. I told Adam to roll over on his stomach and stick his ass in the air, and like the good little whore he is, he quickly complied. “Uncle Mike gets to be Lucky Pierre tonight, baby boy. You read for a helping of Uncle cum up your sexy little hole?” “Fuck yeah, Uncle Mike! My cunt is so hungry for cock right now. I’ve never been this horny before!” I knew Adam was going to be begging for cock for hours, since we had more E where the first one came from and maybe another surprise or two for Adam. His hole was glistening with lube and little streaks of Jack’s cum, so I just rubbed the head of my cock, which was just peeking out from the foreskin, in the cum to lube it up a little bit. David’s cock was still buried inside me and he reached his already lubed up hand around to give my cock a little help. He pulled my foreskin back and lubed up the shaft of my cock so it would have no trouble slipping inside Adam. Underneath me, Adam moaned loudly and I asked him “what do you want baby boy? Huh? Tell Uncle Piggy what you want?” “Oh please let me have your cock Mike, please. I need it inside me.” I had a feeling we were going to be hearing this line a lot tonight. The boy was a true cock hound, made only to be filled with dick and used for men’s pleasure. Their pleasure was enough for him, I half expected his head to explode. I slid into Adam’s silky smooth cunt and drove my dick all the way inside him causing him to moan loudly. From across the room, Nick and John took a break from kissing each other while their asses were getting nailed and cheered him on. “Take that cock! Take that cock!,” they chanted. We all laughed some more and Adam said “Like I have a choice? Like I’d ever say no to a fat uncut dick up my ass?” We all laughed again and I pulled my cock almost all the way out and plunged it back in Adam’s cunt as hard as I could, almost causing David’s cock to fall out of my ass. But David was a champ and kept my ass filled with his dick while my cock was reaming Adam out. Adam’s hole felt warm and smooth and slippery. It really made me extra hard that Jack’s cum was already inside him, lubing the way. I laid down on Adam’s back with my cock buried all the way inside his ass, and David laid on my back so I was truly sandwiched between these two incredibly hot men. Jack was lying beside Adam, kissing him passionately as only a Dad and son can do. I leaned in and stuck my tongue in to kissed my sexy brother and nephew. David and I quickly developed a rhythm. It was almost as if he was fucking Adam with my cock. The pressure of his fat 8” cock on my prostate was intense and I knew I wasn’t going to last very long on this first load. David could sense that I was getting close and he just let his cock rest all the way up my ass while I pounded Adam’s cunt mercilessly, whispering a nonstop stream of filth in his ear. “You dirty fucking cumdump. You asked for this, didn’t you, you filthy fucking faggot? You want all these men’s cocks inside you, don’t you? You want them all to knock you up and shoot their cum inside your cunt don’t you?” Adam moaned loudly and kept repeating in a low voice “yes, yes, yes, oh, yes, please fuck me. Never stop fucking me! Oh my god, I love you so much Daddy, I love you Uncle Mike, please keep fucking me!” I knew that wasn’t just the E talking. I pounded three last times, as hard as I could manage with a slab of furry muscles on top of me and a fat 8” of cock buried inside my hole, and yelled “Here it comes, you fucking whore. Another load to grease up your cunt!” I could feel my balls contract four or five times and shoot a huge load of semen into my nephew’s ass. “Oh thank you! Thank you Uncle Mike! Thank you!” Jack had been idly playing with Adam’s nipples while he watched his son get pounded and when it was over I caught my breath and said “OK, the host is next. The family has greased you up, baby boy, now it’s time for a stranger. I hope David won’t be a stranger for long!” David slipped his cock out of my greedy ass (which didn’t want to let him go) and stood up. I rolled over off of Adam’s back and began making out with Jack. I could hear panting from the other side of the room as well as low moans from both John and Nick. I knew they were both in good hands since Alex and Rob had a lot of stamina and could fuck for hours. David tapped Adam on the ass and the boy got on his hands and knees with his beautiful furry ass sticking straight out. David spread Adam’s cheeks and spat into his crack, then shoved his thick finger into Adam’s greedy fuckhole, causing the boy to moan. “Please David....” “Please what, pig? Tell me what you want! A good pig asks for what he wants, so do it. What do you want pig?” Adam was clearly rolling really really hard on the E and desperately wanted his cunt filled. “Please David... please.” “Please what, whore?” David slapped Adam hard on his ass cheek, causing a red mark to form. “Tell me what you want!” “Cock. Oh fuck, please. Cock. I have to have cock. FUCK ME! Please FUCK ME!” David spat again, this time in his hand. He knew there wouldn’t be much need for cum, now that Jack and I had both deposited our loads inside Adam. He rubbed the spit on his cock which was already lubed up with my ass slime and silicone lube. “You want cock boy? You deserve cock?” “I need cock. I don’t deserve it but I need it! Please I have to have cock. I NEED cock inside me!” David looked at me with a wicked, shit eating grin on his face and said “here we go, whore!” With that he slammed all 8 really fat inches of his cock into Adam’s cunt which was becoming sloppier with each stroke. David began to pound Adam hard with his dick, telling the boy what a sloppy two bit whore he was and how he lived for cock in his filthy cunt. I knew David was into talking dirty and he was really good at it. I’d been on the receiving end of his filthy mouth more times than I could count. Jack was still lying next to me, holding onto Adam to keep him from falling off the bed from David’s rough, intense fuck. I turned around and scooted down under Adam, took his limp cock in my mouth and began pinching his nipples hard the way I knew he liked it. Adam was panting hard as David’s fat piece of meat slammed in and out of his cunt over and over again. David was breathing equally heavily and his stream of talk about Adam’s sloppy whore cunt hadn’t stopped. The man did good work. From underneath, I was transfixed on David’s fat cock (which had split my hole open on many a night) as it slammed into Adam’s hole just a few inches from my nose. I could see that the cock was coated in butt juices and frothy cum and I flicked my tongue out and could taste the amazing flavor of Jack’s and my cum mixed with Adam’s hole. David kept fucking Adam hard and both of them could sense it was near the end. But before he came he wanted some answers from the star of the evening. David was panting heavily until finally he pulled his cock out of Adam’s hole and stopped. “What do you want, boy? Tell me what you want.” Adam just moaned and said “COCK! I need COCK.” My nephew had been fucked into oblivion by cock and the E. The others had stopped what they were doing again and watched. They all wanted to see David dump his load in Adam’s ass. We all laughed and Adam just moaned again. He could barely speak. The E had apparently hit our boy pretty hard. Jack was holding his head and kissing him hard while he moaned some more. Softly, I could hear Jack say “tell the nice man what you want, baby. Come on, tell him.” “I need your load inside me, David. Give it to me! Fuck me until you shoot your cum in my cunt! I need as many cocks and loads as I can get!” “That’s my boy,” David said. His cock was hard as a rock and glistening with the froth of the two loads of cum that were already inside Adam’s pussy. He roughly slapped Adam’s ass and shoved it back inside. “Here it comes baby! Number 3!” David shoved his cock all the way into Adam’s ass. “Thank you! Thank you! Fuck me!,” Adam said. David pulled his cock out of Adam’s ass and cum began to dribble out of his hole. I leaned over and caught the drips of cum that were running down Adam’s asscrack, then turned around and fed them to him. After I passed him the cum from my mouth to his, I held his hands in mine and smiled. He laughed and said “Oh god, Uncle Mike! I’ve never felt this good before. My hole feels like it’s on fire. I have to have cock in it! Somebody please fill me up with cock!” All of us laughed, and the four others, separated, and lined up behind Adam to dump their loads. One after the other Alex, Nick, John and Rob all took a break from fucking each other to dump a load into the star of the evening. It was almost time for the Craig’s list boys to start showing up, and I wanted Adam to be dripping cum. First up was Alex. He knelt behind Adam and just roughly shoved his cock in his son’s friend’s hole. Adam moaned loudly and begged Alex for more. “Please fuck my cunt Alex. Fill me up with your cock and cum. I have to have it.” Alex grinned and fucked harder and very quickly he filled Adam with load #4. Next was John, who mostly bottomed, but had a really fat cock. He knew Adam was the star tonight, but I could tell he was jealous of all the attention Adam’s hole was getting. I knew I was going to have to surprise him with a load of Uncle Mike jizz later on in the evening when he wasn’t expecting it. John pounded hard at Adam’s cunt and very quickly added load #5 to the frothy mixture that was roiling in Adam’s guts. The last two were Nick and Rob. Nick was Adam’s best friend (and maybe lover? Jack and I weren’t sure). Nick pushed Adam down on the bed on his stomach and laid on top of him. He slowly slid his cock inside his best friend’s cunt hole. I could hear him whispering in Adam’s ear, but I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying. I could only tell that it was causing Adam to moan in ecstasy as his hole was filled with Nick’s fat boy dick. Nick held Adam down on the bed and pounded his hole mercilessly, banging his cock into that cunt until it the 5 loads of cum were frothing all over his hole, ass cheeks and taint. There was frothy cum everywhere, and still Nick pounded, letting loose a stream of invective which caused Adam to moan louder and louder. “You’re just a filthy cumdump, aren’t you Adam? I’ve known you since we were kids, and now I find out you just live to have cock and cum up your cunt. Right?” “Oh, Nick, baby, fuck me harder. Give me your load! I have to have it. I need it inside me. Please fuck me!” “Fucking faggot hole.” Nick grinned at the rest of us who were watching this hot scene unfold. Suddenly he slowed down and slid his cock out of Adam’s hole until he was hovering over it. He had Adam’s cheeks spread open and I could see the hole pulsing slowly, ready to be slam fucked again. “Give it back to me! Please, Nick! Please give it back to me! I have to have it inside me!” Damn. The boy was on another planet from all the cock and the E we’d given him. “Do you deserve this cock baby? Tell me you deserve my cock and cum inside you. Beg for it some more.” “Oh Nick, you know I have to have it. I need cum inside me. I need cocks splitting me open and fucking my cunt. My cunt isn’t happy unless it has a cock inside it. Please give it back to me!” Adam tried to back up onto Nick’s cock and after a bit of teasing, Nick finally allowed Adam’s ass to impale itself on his dick. Adam moaned deeply and said “oh thank you Nick! Thank you for your cock!” I was beginning to think we had created a little furry monster. Nick laid down fully on top of Adam who was moaning like a crack whore, and pounded his cunt until he started to get short of breath. “Here it comes baby. Tell Nick what you want!” “Oh Nick, baby, cum inside me. I have to have your cum in my hole! FUCK ME!” Nick grunted loudly and released his cum into Adam’s hole causing the boy to groan some more. Just then I heard my phone let me know I had a text message. I ran over and grabbed it off the shelf and looked at it. “Hey man, is the gang bang still on?” I texted the guy back that it was and gave him instructions on how to find us. “Cool, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” So here we go. The strangers were on their way and we weren’t even finished with the friends. It was going to be a fun night.
    1 point
  35. Freddy was visiting his first bathhouse. He was just a few days past nineteen. Freddy was out and open about being gay for years now but never really did anything. Never had a boyfriend. Never even had done anything sexual before today. He was handson and in good shape. Standing at 5'9 black hair brown eyes with a slightly tanned skinny body. He was spending time studying and playing sports. Too busy. Today he change all that. He had let a couple of guys suck him off and returned the favor. This was all done with condoms. He did not know the difference. This bathhouse had a section he was told to avoid by one of the guys he was with. Freddy was told that going there ment submiting to certain things he may not want to do. Well, after a few hours Freddy decided to take one last walk around the place and if he saw nothing new he would leave. He had his fun. He saw the area he was warned about before and did not plan to enter. However, a man came out of one of the rooms. Freddy knew this was one of the bigger rooms that could hold multiple amount of men. The man was fully clothed. "Kid, I need to talk to you." Freddy was a little nervous about this. "Don't worry kid. We are supposed to be shooting a porn film in here and a camera operator is out. We need someone to just hold a camera and record. That's all. I can pay you 250 bucks for this. What do you say?" Freddy was intreguied by this. "Just the camera and nothing else?" "I promise you will do nothing you do not want to do." Freddy agreed. The room was plenty big. There was room for him, the other camera guy and the director. Freddy was given a robe to wear as introductions were made. The director said to call him Pete and the other cameraguy was called Mack. Freddy was given a camera on a tripod and was told he just had to keep the lens focused and record where Pete pointed. Mack knew what was needed from his camera. A georgous young guy walked in completly naked. He was only carring in what looked like a drivers licence. Which was strange bec Freddy had to turn his in for the room he had. HE looked very young and seemed very excited. Pete had this new guy sit on the bed. Pete stayed off camera but talked to him. "So, tell us your name." "Call me Seth." "'Seth you got that second ID so you could be here?" "I did. Here it is for all to see." His last name was blocked but it showed his name was Seth and that today was his 18th birthday. "Now Seth, I want to make sure you understand everything you are agreeing to and that you concent to all of it." Seth replied, "Oh yes, I know everything involved. I am absolotely POSITIVE, I want all this." Pete had the guy pose for a couple of minutes when the doors opened a second time and another man walked in. This man was huge in more ways than one. About 6 feet 4 inches tall. He must have weighed over 200 pounds and it was all muscle. He also had a dick that looked like it was 10 inches soft. He was covered with tattoos. He had a couple of different biohazard and scorpion ones. Freddy knew what was happening now. Seth was going to get Pozzed. "This little faggot looks cute. I get to give him my gift on his birthday. This will be fun." Freddy felt his dick get hard. He tried to controll it but could not. This was turning him on like nothing he had seen before. Seth tried to suck the new guy's dick but was unable to. He did not have the experience to take it all into his nouth. "Lie on your back" Seth was told. The big man, no one said his name so we will just call him Pozzer, removed a couple of items from under the bed. They were a bottle of lube and a toothbrush. Freddy was confused about the toothbrush until Pozzer put a little lube on the bristles and inserted it into Seth's ass. Pozzer pushed it around for a few seconds and pulled it out. It was covered with blood. Pozzer then put some lube on his massive and hard dick. Seth was told to lift up his legs and grab his ankles. He did as instructed. Pozzer then shoved his cock right into Seth's ass. It was tight and Seth yelled out in pain and pleasure. Pozzer pushed harder and harder until Seth had taken all of his dick. Pozzer was violent with his grinding and fucking. Seth was in extacy. He was yelling out "Fuck me, Poz me. Give me all of it." Pozzer was more than happy to do it. Pozzer came multiple times into Seth's ass. Freddy could see some cum drip out even with the huge dick blocking the way. Seth also shot a couple of loads of his chest. When Pozzer said this was his last load Freddy felt something happen. No one was touching him. He was not rubbing his dick against anyone or thing. He could feel that he was about to cum. As Pozzer shot his last load Freddy started to cum as well. The director say what was happening and moved quickly to swallow Freddy's load. Pozzer slowly pulled out his dick and had Seth lay there while also licking the cum and blood off of Pozzer's cock. Peter suggested that Freddy lick the cum off of Seth. He did so. He tasted cum for the first time and loved it. "Well Seth, it looks like you took your first Poz loads. Any regrets?" "None. I am headed to the doctor's office tomorrow to get tested. I cannot wait for the results." Pozzer then said, "I am super toxic and you got multiple rounds of my death cum. You are infected for sure." Seth jumped up and hugged Pozzer like he had recieved the best gift ever. Seth even had tears of joy over this. Freddy had to admit that he had never been this turned on before. "Now Freddy," Peter said, "Are you ready for your turn to be Pozzed?" Part 2 coming soon.
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  36. Part 4 - Beyond The Gates Friday morning Conrad walked up to the manor reading the text from Max that that included Harry's mobile number, he was embarrassed finding out that Max knew as well but it came as no surprise. Conrad kept going over the message and how it looked like he had broken Harry's heart, pathetic he thought affording himself a little smile the guy doesn't even know me. His mind elsewhere excited as Saturday Charlie was coming home for a couple of days, he was still racked by guilt over the way he tried to beat Conrad up and wanted to take him out for dinner. By the time he reached the gate Conrad couldn't bring himself to contact to Harry in case he thought it was a sign of interest, no matter how cute and sexy the guy is it was a step to far. He stopped himself thinking but what if he always had that outlook and never took that step. Conrad reached the greenhouse just as Simon was leaving in a hurry back to the manor. Harry walked over and kissed Jack on the cheek making Jack chuckle. "Your getting way to familiar" Jack said kissing him back on the cheek "you found your gay side yet?". Conrad smirked and sat down "Don't know" he replied "you are the only man I have kissed". "Right we have lots to do outside" Jack said gathering tools "come on pretty boy no time to sit". Conrad stood "Why all the urgency?" he asked. "Simon has guests coming Saturday until Sunday" Jack replied "got to tidy up around the pool". "This is slave labour you know" Conrad said taking his t-shirt off. Jack shook his head "Nice body" he laughed "anyway you will have to make yourself scarce for the weekend". "You mean I can't come up here?" Conrad asked looking sad. Jack pushed him out the door "You can come here just not the manor or terraces and don't be seen". They arrived on to the pool terrace and started tidying up the flowerpots and hedges making everything look presentable and perfect. The August sunshine and heat making it hard going for both of them. Simon stood at the study window watching them both hard at work in the heat and finishing his phone call. He walked over to his desk and put some money in an envelope then headed to the kitchen and grabbed some cold sodas from the fridge for Jack and Conrad. "You both look hot" Simon said then laughed more to himself "here cold drinks" he said handing them each a can. "Thanks" Conrad said opening the can and sitting on the ground. Simon handed him the envelope "A little something to say thank you for your work Conrad". "You don't need to Simon" Conrad said holding the envelope up. Simon smiled "Yes I do, can't expect you do all this work for nothing". Conrad put the envelope in his pocket "I will keep away this weekend" he said sipping the soda. "Don't be silly you can use the greenhouse but keep clear of the gardens and terrace" Simon replied. Conrad was going to stay away from the manor until Jack said they needed to graft some more plants on Saturday morning. Conrad tried all Saturday morning to get out of Jack what was going on but guessed it must be some sort of party overhearing that two helicopters would be arriving around lunchtime to drop people off in the grassy meadow at the bottom of the grounds that doubled up as a helipad every now and then. Harry arrived at the bar and Moham appeared within minutes dead on time to pick him up. Nodding in approval at how he was dressed in a smart trousers and shirt. They drove towards Chelsea then across the Thames arriving at the heliport within a few minutes. Harry stepped out of the limousine and looked at the shiny black helicopter waiting, Moham gestured for him to follow. Harry nearly wet himself in excitement approaching the large beast with the passenger door held open for them, strapped in the door was closed. They lifted off and banked over the Thames heading west following the river for several minutes before turning south west over the sprawling suburbs of London and in to the countryside. "First time in a helicopter?" Moham suddenly asked Harry. "Yes" Harry nodded "where are going?" he asked looked out the window. "Hampshire" Moham replied "another 25 minutes and we will be there". Harry nodded "Am I spending it with you?" he asked. "Maybe" Moham replied looking at him "depends who bids the most for you" he said smiling. Harry looked confusingly at Moham who explained that after dinner the group of men would bid on each guest they brought along in a silent auction and they would remain with the man until Sunday morning. Harry asked more questions and which Moham happily answered, it was the longest conversation he had ever had with him. He explained that it was purely sexual indulgence and companionship for wealthy men who could not be seen enjoying sex with other men. Harry found he liked talking with the mysterious Arab of few words and it helped him feel more at ease with Moham. Harry looked at Moham "The other night" he said unable to know what to say "thank you". Moham looked at him curiously "For what?" he asked. "You know, letting me enjoy sex with you" Harry said bumbling his words a little. Moham smiled "I needed to enjoy myself rather than just release my load" he replied. Harry nodded and looked out of the window "I actually enjoyed you sexing me" Moham said. "Same here" Harry replied turning to Moham "I mean well you know what I mean" he said embarrassed a little. "Don't read anything in to it Harry" Mohan said looking at him "I am married and have children". "Of course" Harry said "but maybe we can do it like again sometime?" he asked. Moham chuckled "Maybe" he simply replied, in truth Moham was getting to like Harry. "So will you be bidding on me?" Harry asked making Moham laugh. "Of course" Moham replied "I may not win but don't worry you will still make a lot of money". Harry looked at him "More than the other night?" he asked noticing the helicopter descending. Moham smiled "Ah yes you get 50% of the winning bid as a thank you" he said. Harry sat there dumbstruck for a moment "Invites like this are very, very rare Harry" Moham told him. "I am not surprised" Harry replied "thank you for inviting me". Moham looked out of the window "So what is it with you and this other blond guy?" he asked. "Conrad. I just don't know" he replied "I think I fell in love with someone I don't know" Harry said looking at Moham. Moham laughed "The straight guy who is not so straight after I finished with him" he said smiling. "I mistook his twin brother for him and dobbed him in it big time" Harry said shaking his head. Moham chuckled "Now that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time" he said. "It is not funny" Harry said looking serious but laughed realising how funny it really. Harry knew that it probably wasn't that funny for Conrad being the person who would have to explain things he didn't think he would ever need to. Conrad heard a helicopter approaching and peered out in to the garden before Jack pulled him back reminding him to be discreet. Harry and Moham walked across the lawn to meet Simon, Harry could hardly believe his eyes looking at the toned body of this man and immediately put him on his secret to do list. Simon saw a very wild charm in Harry and knew who he was going to bid hard for him tonight. Conrad watched the helicopter rising above the trees and flying off whilst he packed his books away and said good bye to Jack and that he would pop in at lunchtime tomorrow to finish off. Walking around the side of the manor to the gates he quickly hid behind the wall as a limousine arrived then darted out of the gate. Completely oblivious that Harry was only meters away from him. There were 10 at the table for dinner, 5 wealthy men and 5 not so wealthy hot men ranging from Harry's 19 or known as 'E' to Greg's 26 known as 'A', no names were allowed to be known amongst the group. The rules were each man had one bid on each guy, minimum bid was £10k and maximum £100k. Jack as usual would oversee the bidding and would then take each guy to the winning mans bedroom at 10pm. The bids could only be made in increments of £10k a go, in the event of a tied bid the guy they were bidding on would choose a name out of a bag and hand it to Jack without reading it. The men left the dining room and went to the study to place their bids having got to know each of the guys around the table over dinner. Harry seemed to be the only nervous one there plus the youngest. Jack looked at the bids and sure enough 'E' had three bids of £100k each, he took the bid notes and put them in a black bag and called 'E' out of the lounge. Harry picked one bid note out of the bag and was tempted to read it but handed it to Jack. Jack looked at Harry and winked "Three high bids for you" he said smirking. Harry laughed "Did you bid on me?" he asked "I would love to be in bed with you". Jack smiled "No I don't bid, but maybe you leave me your number before you go" he said. No one knew the results and the men headed up to their rooms. Several minutes later Jack took Harry out of the lounge and up the staircase opening the double doors to the master suite. Simon laid there on the bed propped up waiting then drew the biggest smile on his face seeing Harry walk through the doors. Jack closed the doors behind him leaving Simon and Harry alone, poor kid he thought to himself grinning. Harry couldn't have been happier seeing the man entirely naked on the bed, shedding his clothes quickly he hopped on the bed standing either side of Simon's body looking down at him and rubbing his cock. Simon laid back looking up at the young body enjoying the little tease show. Simon moaned loudly feeling Harry's foot playing with his balls and hardening cock 'come down here' he commanded. Harry lowered himself down and instantly locked lips with him kissing frantically and wildly, rolling around on the bed. He sat on top of Simon running his hands up along the muscular chest and hair. Yeah he thought to himself, Moham would have been a comfort but too painful to enjoy but this he could handle and was looking forward to enjoying sex with him. Simon flipped Harry on to his stomach laying on top of him grinding his cock up against Harry's hole 'Time for some real fun' he said between kisses on the back of Harry's neck, slowly he moved lower and lower down the back and the peachy coloured firm young buttocks. His tongue slipping between the arse cheeks on a treasure hunt, Harry moaned feeling the tongue hitting the spot. Simon was driven wild lashing his tongue out of the young hole knowing full well he intended on breeding the boy up good. Pulling Harry up on his knees and reaching between the perfectly formed thighs Simon found Harry's cock, it was hard and throbbing already leaking precum under the foreskin. Gently massaging the cock hearing Harry moan in pleasure Simon continued lapping at the beautiful hole, slowly he slid a single finger into the moistened hole that clamped around it the further he worked it in. Harry made little pleasing moans and groans feeling a second finger teasing his hole open wider. Simon's dick throbbed so much it hurt 'You want to me fuck you?" he asked and Harry nodded mumbling 'Yes, fuck me' before moaning louder the deeper his fingers penetrated him. Simon kneeled up pressing the broad tip of his uncut cock against the spit moistened hole, he prodded and teased listening to the sweet moans Harry made. He was about to go in rubbing harder against the hole 'Condom' Harry called out pointing the bedside table where packets of lube and condom sat. Impatiently he leaned over and picked up a condom and several packets of lube, well versed in this situations he knew what to do. Fighting the urge to hold Harry down and take him anyway, the last thing he wanted to do was frighten the young lad off. Tearing open the packet he rolled the condom down over his toxic pre-cum covered head and shaft. Opening the lube he liberally applied it to Harry's hole working it in with his finger quite roughly that he seemed to enjoy. Simon lined up to his arsehole and pushed hard forcing his way partly in ignoring Harry's yelp and initial discomfort. He was caught by surprise with the force of the mans penetration trying to relax his arse. Grabbing Harry's hips he pushed all the way in to the hilt finishing off with several rough thrusts then resting balls-deep and looking at the quaint arse stretched around his cock. Inching forward and forcing Harry down he laid on top pinning him on the bed and grinding his hips, he loved hearing the pleasing moans and revelled how the hole gripped and clenched tight against his cock. He kissed Harry's neck feeling him squirming in delight under his body. Slowly drawing his hips back until only the tip of his cock remained in him he let gravity take over knocking the air out of Harry mid moan pushing up to the hilt harder this time. Unsure if he was in agony or pleasure, Simon's body weight prevented him moving. His hips began bouncing off Harry's arse forcing his legs to spread wider in response, his cock ploughed with wet slapping sounds. Harry raised his head delirious from pleasure 'fuck me' he pleaded like a desperate sex starved person. His fingers grabbing Harry by the back of his neck holding him down he pounded hard and fast, the clenching around his cock coming and going in spasms as it loosened up to the relentless pounding tearing away at his arse. The needy groans driving Simon into thoroughly fucking the lad giving him a taste of what was to come. Slowing down Simon kneeled and pulled Harry with him back to his knees, his head buried in the pillow wallowing in enjoyment. He looked down to where his condom covered cock was pummelling at the hole, close to coming he needed to rip the condom off and really get going and enjoy himself. He moved in to slow long strokes letting the lad savour and enjoy the full length and girth albeit restrained by the latex covering. He continued moaning and pushing his arse back on to Simon's cock, the lad was so needy and ready. Adding a slap to his left arse cheek Harry arched his back and squealed in delight. His hands still gripping on to the hips he began to pull all the way out then plunge back in roughly, Harry pounded the bed grunting and moaning loudly. Repeating over and over adding a slap to alternative arse cheeks and teasing Harry's hole keeping him guessing as to what was coming next. Pulling out his hand gripped the base of his cock slapping the head hard against the winking hole, the ring now bright pink and starting to gape inviting him in. Simon groaned plunging back in pulling Harry back spearing him deeper. Harry threw down all his defensives rendering himself in to a full fuck slut begging to be fucked. Hearing him beg for his cock just made Simon harder slipping out of the needy hole. The hole seemed to pulse with each heartbeat and he couldn't resist the temptation any longer grinding the head against bright pink hole he needed to feel he real sensation of the this lads arse around his cock. Slapping him again he plunged deep in to the needy slut moaning out loud and pressing his face harder against the pillow to muffle his own sounds. Pulling out and hooking the thumb of his free hand under the band of the condom he gave another slap to disguise the snap of the condom being ripped off in one swift movement then dropping it to the floor. Quickly plunging back in and giving his arse another slap to distract any noticeable change he may have felt in his arse. Already the toxic pre-cum rubbed against his anal wall, Simon groaned grinding his bare cock in the arse and moving in several long strokes he looked at the stretched hole lovingly surrounding his naked cock and slapping each arse cheek for good measure. He was waiting for Harry to beg him to fuck him and teased his arse with several hard thrusts then long strokes, he didn't need to wait for long for Harry to raise his head 'Please fuck me' he cried out 'fuck me' he said over and over. Simon grinned behind him 'Want me to breed your arse?' he asked thrusting in balls-deep 'Oh god yes breed me, fuck me' Harry desperately urged. Not needing any more invitation Simon repositioned his hips leaking more toxic pre-cum and using his weight to drive in deep forcing Harry back on to his stomach. Clamping his legs open by hooking his feet under Harry's legs Simon was deep inside there was no bouncing this time. His hips moved up and down rapidly grinding and fucking away deep in his arse. Completely unaware he had given the man permission to breed him, he was so far gone through his own need to get fucked and enjoy the moment. Simon switched in to breeding mode he wanted to take this lad and give him his DNA and toxic load that had been building in his balls, he didn't care if he was neg or poz but guessed he was neg when asking him to wear a condom. He had him pinned down and begging to be fucked that was all he needed. He was trying not to think that he was stealthing him knowing that would make him blow his load to quickly, instead he focused back to Harry leaning forward and kissing him. Sweat trickled down his back fucking Harry as hard as he could, his hands gripping his shoulders tighter with each thrust burying his poz cock deeper. Harry moaned in to the pillow loving each thrust and every minute of this mans sex, the smell of his sweat assaulting his nostrils like a drug. Harry moaned louder feeling his cock pulsing out of nowhere and firing his load in to the sheet under him. His hole suddenly squeezed down hard in a series of contractions his body shuddered and bucked up against Simon's cock. The heightened stimulation against his cock sent him over, rearing up growling then grunting in pleasure he gave several more thrusts pushing against the constricting hole. Trapping the lad underneath Simon began to ejaculate his toxic seed deep inside painting the neg hole, each bucking down indicating another volley of cum saturating the lads arse. Moaning in sheer pleasure Simon ground his cock in the lads hole ensuring a proper breeding took place. Both their bodies relaxing and catching their breath Simon kissed Harry's neck and slowly pulled his cock out, the lad let out a pleasured long moan. Rolling on this back he pulled Harry to him kissing and holding, he was totally unaware that this man had stealthed him. Harry looked at the clock it had gone midnight already and Simon turned the light out keeping Harry close they fell asleep. Conrad looked at the message again from Max, still undecided he turned the phone off and put in his bedside table along with the herbology book he was reading when the envelope slipped out of the book, he opened it and found £500 inside and a little thank you note from Simon for his work. Smiling Harry turned the light off he slept uneasy with Harry in his head, finally around 5am he managed to fall asleep properly. Simon was first awake and slipped out of bed removing the spent condom off the floor and using the bathroom, when he returned Harry was half awake and horny. He took advantage kissing him neck and slipping on top and effortlessly gliding his raw cock inside the soft supple arse. Harry made no protest and pushed up urging Simon to fuck him, slowly Simon took his time allowing his toxic pre-cum to do all the work this time. After an hour of teasingly fucking the lad he reached orgasm letting the first pulse of his toxic seed deposit inside before pulling his cock out shooting the rest over Harry's arse. He giggled and laid there a few minutes before Simon told him to go and shower. Harry stood in the large shower letting the water cascade all over him and thinking about the sex last night. The man certainly had technique, something that he lacked in the sex department. Spending the night with this man brought home the reality that he was lonely for a lovers companionship. Deciding there and then he needed to find a boyfriend and give up trawling the streets around the bar. Certain it was the closeness he felt with the man falling asleep in his arms like lovers would do, that was where he wanted to be in life. To love. To be loved. The people he already knew only wanted to bend over or stick their dick in then go. The feeling of being lost in life and getting hooked on quick fucks for pennies was ruling over him and it had to end. Drying off and getting dressed in shorts and t-shirt that he packed in his ruck sack, Harry walked out in to the bedroom and Simon took him along the landing. He stopped by one of the windows near the staircase and looked out along the perfectly kept road and houses. "What a lovely road to live in" Harry said to Simon who stopped and joined in "everything is so clean". Simon nodded "Hibiscus Drive" he said "and this is Hibiscus Manor". "I live in a nice house, nothing compared to this or those" Harry said looking at number 10 and 8. Simon could tell he was well spoken and educated and actually liked the lad "Come on breakfast" he said. Harry turned to walk down the stairs at the same time Conrad walked out of number 8 on to the road towards the manor. He knew Jack wouldn't be around until midday so he had an hour to look at the kitchen garden he was creating round the side of the greenhouse. He saw a BMW X5 leaving the manor with blacked out windows on his walk and figured that guests must be departing, he waited until the coast was clear and discreetly walked around the side of the manor hiding in the greenhouse out of view. Moham received a phone call at 11.30am that was business and he needed to take care of it before getting in the helicopter. Simon took Harry to the study and got him to enter his bank details in to a screen to transfer the money over, forgetting about the reward as it was called he still had no idea how much the payment was. Simon explained that the money would be in his account by morning, apart from the silent auction no one said anything about money so he took their lead and kept quiet. Harry waited around in the lounge getting bored, after around fifteen minutes he walked out of the bi-fold doors on to the terrace watching the helicopter approaching then landing at the far end of the gardens well away from the flower beds. "Moham needs another half an hour" Simon said standing at the doors watching Harry. "Thanks" Harry replied "beautiful view from here" he said looking at the numerous flower beds. Simon stood by him and smiled "I have a great gardener and apprentice so it would appear". Harry nodded "We grow tomatoes in our garden but that is about it" he said. Simon looked at him "I have a feeling you will be back" he said patting Harry's shoulder. "Really?" Harry replied "I enjoyed last night with you makes a change to spend a proper night with a man". Simon chuckled "Yes, I think Jack my gardener fancies you". "Ah right" Harry said smiling "wants my number before I leave" he said looking at Simon. "He will be down at the greenhouse shortly I expect" Simon replied noticing a little hesitancy in Harry. "Take a walk around the gardens to find him, I will let Moham know" Simon said leaving the lounge. Harry stood at the doors thinking about Conrad and looking at his phone, the message from Max said he had given the number to Conrad but there was no sign of him being in touch. Harry walked out and down the stepped terrace passing the flower pots and heavy floral scent they were giving off. He started to wander across the lawn and around the numerous flower beds that were immaculately maintained. Hoping to find Jack amongst the gardens he kept walking around until he ended up at the pool terrace then started back tracking heading down the garden and across to the other side. Jack walked in to the greenhouse and saw Conrad with his headphones in listening to music and potting on some lettuce he was growing ready to put in his new kitchen garden. He took a moment looking at Conrad, he couldn't believe how incredibly sexy Conrad looked right now. It was the beauty of his very placid unshakable nature that he found so enduring. Busy inspecting one of the lettuce plants he was so focused and never heard Jack creeping up behind him. His body jumped a little until Conrad noticed the tattoos on the arms circling around his waist. Conrad smiled and without thinking he turned his head and kissed Jack full on. Quickly moving his head away he took the headphones out. "Sorry I don't know why I did that" Conrad said going a little flushed. Jack smiled cupping his chin bringing it forward he kissed him back "I really don't mind you kissing me". Conrad smiled "It was nothing intentional" he tried to explain. Jack sat down next to him "They are coming on well" he said "so is your gay side" he chuckled. Conrad smiled "Fuck off" he said in a polite manner "finished, better put them out for the day". "Need a hand?" Jack asked standing up. Conrad shook his head "Nah I can manage and I need to weed the kitchen garden I noticed some coming up". Conrad walked out carrying the two trays of lettuces heading around the back of the greenhouse and hedges to the kitchen garden. Jack got his pruning shears out and started sharpening them and looked up seeing 'E' appear from around one of the taller flowering beds. Harry spotted him and walked towards the greenhouse standing just inside the doorway. "This is where you hide then?" Harry asked watching Jack sharpening the shears. "Busted" Jack replied smiling "did you enjoy last night?" he asked. Harry nodded "Yeah he is pretty hot the guy I slept with and had some great sex" he said moving closer. Jack had second thoughts about giving his number in case Simon did the deed "Excellent" he said. Harry felt Jack going all weird and evasive "Well I am just waiting for my ride back" he said walking out. Jack made no attempt to stop him and watched him leave making his way back across the lawn to the house. He felt a little guilty and sorry for him but in Simon's eyes business was business and you don't keep in contact with Simon's victims. Harry saw Moham walking with Simon and Moham's valet who was carrying Harry and Moham's bags. Simon was chatting to Moham and heard the words 'until next time' before bidding good bye to Moham and completely ignored Harry going back to the manor. It was just sex Harry thought to himself and trying not to be upset at being ignored in that way. Conrad pulled the last weed up and heard the helicopter starting up, he walked in to the opening lookingtowards the makeshift helipad. Instantly he thought his eyes were playing tricks and almost dropped the tools he was carrying. He looked hard and immediately knew it was the Arab guy. Rooted to the spot he watched him climb in to the helicopter then the blondish lad stepped in and sat down buckling up his seatbelt looking out the window of the closing door making eye contact with Conrad. Failing to register at first he stumbled trying to undo the seat belt but the engine wound up to quickly and lifted the helicopter off the ground. "Moham tell them to go back" Harry asked pleadingly and disturbing him from his text message. Moahm looked at him "Go back?" he asked but the helicopter was already banking away and gaining height. "Conrad was down there!" Harry exclaimed. Moham just looked at him "Really?" he asked in surprise "sorry but I have to be back in London" he said. Harry looked out the window in desperation but couldn't see the gardens anymore, had he really seen Conrad he began to question himself unsure if it was. The more he thought about it on the flight he was sure that was Conrad, but why was he there he asked himself. Thee problem he now had was he had no clue where in Hampshire they were and knew Moham would not say their exact location. He only had one lead and that was the name of the mansion Hibiscus Manor. Not for the first time he felt his heart being ripped out again by this elusive guy, it was driving insane being unable to actually get to him. He felt physically sick unable to fathom out why he was so drawn to Conrad. Conrad watched the helicopter getting higher and saw the underneath it banking round to the left and disappearing beyond the trees. Seeing Harry again like again was a head scratcher for Conrad, a shock and he didn't quite know what to make of or even if Harry was bothered, he could tell by the expression on Harry's face that he recognised him. Not only that but Moham was with him sending a shiver up his spine at the very close call with recent history. He heeded Jack's advice to remain discreet but he really wanted to and needed to ask Simon. Things though were about to change over the next few weeks for Harry and Conrad would end up being the last thing on his mind except for the odd occasion when reminded about hm.
    1 point
  37. I broke away from the cigerette tasting tongue that had invaded my mouth. What is happening to me? I had so many naked men around me, touching me forcefully and it was fuckin pitch black. What the fuck am I doing? Naked hard dicked men, these men were forcing me to bend over, I resisted, but I had no control, I was fuckin scared. I fell down, bent over, feeling squashed by sweaty bodies and feeling constantly groped, fingered and felt a hot mouth on my dick. Lots of hands, hairy and smooth bodies; naked bodies pushing and rubbing against mine. My jockstrap was gone, there must have been about 12 or more naked blokes in this small dark room. I was forcefully pushed forward and found my face between a few hard cocks that was forcing my mouth to open, trying to push my lips open, No No No,I clenched my mouth shut!!!, I was not doing that, I wanted to get out , Let me out!!!! I was fed poppers and took some deep hits of fresh strong poppers, I gave in, I sucked these cocks and gagged, some cuming in my mouth, another one, and another, just constant hard cock entering my mouth on and on. I felt my legs being pulled apart, whilst hands were stroking and feeling me, something like Lube I imagine was shoved up my wet arse from the constant rimming and fingering I had been recieving. I was so hot. I felt dizzy and felt like i was going to pass out, I stood up and said I needed to get out of here, I was ignored and instantly felt a Dick of an unknown dark figure ram up my arse, the first couple of seconds was painful killing me and I honestly felt like I was passing in and out of conciouseness, the poppers were strong and after a while I seem to come too and I felt different sizes of cocks going in and out of my arse. I need to leave this room, I shouted, I was ignored further being constantly fucked by different guys and I felt like I had been sucking every one in this cesspitt whilst iI was being multiple fucked, Someone must have gotton under me at some point and was licking all my balls and gently massaging my dick and more gentle than these other gropers, I felt so sensative, my body was tingling, my arse was burning and I was getting non stopped fucked by whoever these blokes were and he was licking the cum up from my dripping hole. I let him rim me, He then moved around and kissed me with cum from my arse into my mouth, I was feeling horny, receptive and after more poppers and sucking cock which I was now enjoying i let him fuck me and fuck me hard and boy was he good when he shot his load deep into my arse wih the other loads in me, I felt fucking hornier. I needed more poppers, my dick was being Sucked. He pulled my head off these cocks to suck his cock clean and this meant my arse was now open to anyone and soon I was being entered one after another and was now being fed other cocks, some cum-covered and slimy, others fresh and clean. Some guys came in my mouth during this, and after another 10 or 12 fucks and more loads later, I gave up counting the dark strangers using my holes, the action seemed to calm down around us. I got the impression that a new bottom had become the centre of attention. I had been there about 40 or 50 mins. My ass was literally dripping with cum by now. I thought I was prepared to end and leave, the new bottom who just came in was at the side of me and he went to the back of me and worked my hole with his fingers and lube for ages, licking his fingers and putting them in my mouth, I was so relaxed. My ass was on fire burning but nice if that makes sense. I then felt him lunge forward,his naked hips rubbing against mine, he was getting fucked and then a fat dick entered my arse, we were being fucked side by side our hips, skin , bodies rubbing together. Other guys appeared, I felt shattered, my legs were stretched open along with the cheeks of my ass as another faceless dick pounded deep in my arse, I felt like I was drifting in and out, but the other bottom had his arm round my shoulders, we kissed each other deeply, tongues affectionatly kissing whilst we were both getting fucked by strangers. Who are these faceless shadows fucking us?, Why am I enjoying this den of eniquity? Who is this faceless man I am kissing?? He then whispered to me that we were going to the little room attached,It was dark, but my eyes seem to know how to move around, it seemed to be a dark corridor, narrow, we walked through although my legs were like putty, there were naked blokes on both sides, we had to push through them, pitch black, naked guys, hard cocks sticking in my body, lots of hands were on me, kissing, tongues, some one sucking me, it was absolutely pitch black! I loved it, the guy holding me stopped and said, who wants to fuck him? I was again bent over in this dark wet smelly narrow corridor on some stairs/ steps that went no where and was repeatedly fucked and hard by some hard naked figures, I was leaning with my hands on the stairs in front for support. Must have took at least another 9 loads and possibly more in there and have no idea who they were, what they were like, just cock, grunting, pushing cumming in me etc. But the bottom bloke seemed ok, I did something totally weird for me, but bent down and was licking his cummed arse out, I like this smell, this taste. I was sore, but felt horny eating this familiar hole and went looking for more. What is this room with clamps, A stock and that looks like a sling..........??
    1 point
  38. That would have been even better. Getting down on your knees and sucking your fathers cock knowing he's disgusted by what a cocksucking sissy his faggot son is.
    1 point
  39. I am 100% a gay guy. Never desired to fuck a pussy. But FTMs make my cock throb, leak and I want to breed their pussies! Not only breed but also eat them and stick my tongue deep in! Never thought that I will desire a pussy like that! The idea of impregnating one can push me to the verge of orgasm!
    1 point
  40. I made three videos with FTM partners. They are on [think before following links] https://transmaleerotica.com/main.html and I believe are now free. I loved doing them. Two of the guys let me use all three holes. Terrific sex.
    1 point
  41. I'll go with #7... It's fun and I'd definitely say having it is better than not, for me. The one downside is that guys are constantly wanting to bottom for me, unless they are strict tops... yes, even the "versatile tops", at least in the online cruising world. Not a problem if I'm in the mood for it, but it gets old that it's all the time. And don't get me started on guys that are oral-only - sadly getting it sucked does very little for me. So I wind up saying "no" to sex quite a bit, and I'm pretty sure that's just wrong.
    1 point
  42. I'm bi, masc, married to a woman and my hole 100% twitches and spasms when I think about getting pounded out. When it comes to fisting, because of the pressure of the fist (or huge dildo or cock) I squirt piss when I get fisted and I fucking love it. The buildup to my hole pushing out whatever massive object is filling me, and my cock uncontrollably squirting when I finally evacuate it is one of my favourite sexual sensations, though I immediately want to be filled again.
    1 point
  43. There is a brief mention of GHB in this post being used to lower inhibitions. Dinner time rolled around, and Jerol had texted Billy and myself saying what time to be ready and he'd meet us in our dorm room. Billy found it "so funny" that Jerol had invited us both to dinner. He had no idea I watched Jerol take his straight boy cherry, just as he did mine. Jerol knocked on our door, I was sweating, I don't know why I was so nervous. Part of me was scared Jerol would try something with both of us, thereby outing me...or what I'd done with him. Then again, I already know about Billy, and it didn't bother me, so I guess that would be okay. I'm just so nervous, about something(s). Jerol looked damn good. He was wearing a tight t-shirt and tight khaki's that really, really showed off his bulge and ass. I was trying very hard not to look at his package. I broke out in another sweat when he grabbed me and pulled me in for a group hug. My hand kinda drifted down to Billy's ass on accident and fuck, I got hard. I'm still in the habit of wearing my jockstraps so fortunately it kept my 7.5 guy down, but I gotta say I clearly had something going on in my pants. I should've worn loose jeans. We had a great time at dinner. We ended up not really eating, we started at a bar table because of the wait, and Jerol's ex-girlfriend was our waitress so by the time our name was called we'd all decided we'd just stay where we were at and enjoy some more half-priced beers thanks to the ex. We all laughed and talked like we had known each other for years. We were checking out girls saying what we'd like to do to them, yet, I kept catching Jerol giving Billy and I a certain "look." When we settled up we were walking back to campus and went right by a fairly empty pub, it looked pretty chill so we decided to pop in since Jerol knew the bartender, he knew we wouldn't get ID'd. I was freshly 18 and Billy was about to turn 19, although with his babyface, he looked younger. We each tried a flight of beers, which was cool, getting to sample a lot of different types. I was beginning to feel kinda weird. I guess I'd drank too much on an empty stomach. That didn't explain why I was getting so horny though. I could barely keep from touching Jerol and Billy. Billy seemed to be in the same predicament as myself. Any excuse to touch and we'd take it. I finally said we'd better head back to the dorms. Jerol said he'd get the check, Billy and I were happy to let him treat us, we waited by the door. Huh...that looked like a $100 bill Jerol gave his bartender buddy. I know we didn't drink anywhere near that amount. Maybe he was just tipping him really well. By the time we got back to the dorm I was hot, I felt like my insides and crotch were on fire and my jockstrap strained to keep my cock down. I had already untucked my shirt on the walk back to try and hide it. We entered the dorm room and Jerol asked if we wanted some more beer or a drink. Billy quickly said,"more beer!" I felt dehydrated and "off" so I asked for water. Jerol said, he'd go get it from his dorm, but he was gonna change too and get more comfortable. I told Billy,"he's right, I need to change too, I'm hot as fuck right now." I turned the a/c down to 65F degrees and started clumsily and quickly ripping my clothes off with my back toward Billy. I heard him doing the same. I turned around and caught him bending over trying to get his legs out of his pants. What the fuck?! Billy was wearing a jockstap! AND I could see his perfect smooth ass and a wet pink hole buried in those cheeks. I was burning up inside now and I don't know what happened but when I saw him bent over...I couldn't control myself, I'd pushed Billy down onto his bed on his stomach, and yanked his pants off his legs. "Let me help ya man, you seem to be having problem with these pants," I said menacingly. Well now my face was a mere foot away from his ass, it smelled of soap and a little sweat, I was so hard my cock had pushed it's way out the side of my jockstrap. I grabbed his ass cheeks and buried my tongue into Billy's hole. I don't know why I"m doing this. I'm acting like an animal. I didn't ask Billy if he wanted this or anything. Gawd, his hole tasted good. I couldn't get enough of it. I was eating it like a medium rare ribeye. It vaguely registered with me that Billy was moaning like a bitch in heat as I tongue fucked his glorious boy hole. He didn't have a single hair on or in his ass. His hands reached back and spread his thick ass so I could get in deeper. "Wh..what are you doing?" Billy breathlessly said "I pulled my face out of his ass, and began apologizing,"I'm so fuckin sorry man! I, I don't what I'm doing." "Don't STOP!" Billy yelled I dove straight back into his hole. He was so clean and delicious down there. I couldn't help myself, I got up behind him and placed my cock onto his hole and spat down on it as I began to shove my hardened wood into his incredibly tight bitch ass. I'm fuckin delirious from horniness at this point. I've lost all self control. Billy first let out a deep groan, then screamed as I sank all 7.5 inches into his hole with just spit for lube. I was balls deep in him now. He was panting hard and I apologized again, I don't understand what's come over me, I was sawing my cock in and out of his hole while I held his arms down on the bed and basically raped his hole. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and ready to blast out. And just like that, Billy began moaning,"OH SHIT! OH SHIT! FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" As he shot his load onto the bed his hole clenched and milked my shaft like a machine and I let loose. There was no turning back as I fired off load after load after load into his warm pussy. We were panting and struggling to gain some sort of composure. I just realized we could be caught any time by Jerol. "Fuck Billy, that was so hot, I'm sorry, we better get dressed before Jerol comes back." I said. "Stay right the fuck there boys!" Jerol said. I whipped my head around to see Jerol naked stroking his giganic cock. Billy didn't even move. It was like he didn't give two shits about anything right now. "Jerol!" I exclaimed,"I, uhm, I don't know what happened, Billy and I were undressing, and I saw him bend over, and, and well, I couldn't stop myself." "Relax man," Jerol responded, "that's the GHB and viagra in you. My buddy at the bar spiked your beers, that's why I ordered us all those bitter deep lagers and IPA's, so you wouldn't taste it." "You fucking drugged us!" I yelled back, I was mad, but I hadn't moved out of Billy's ass, I couldn't leave it. "Dude, it was hardly anything, you're horny as fuck, I can see that, and you feel amazing with no inhibitions right? What's wrong with a little fun? You had to have known I was gonna fuck you on your little visit here right?" Jerol rationalized his actions to me. Fuck it, he's right. I just want more ass, more fucking. "Stick that cock in me Jerol," I commanded. It felt odd telling him what to do. But I wanted to feel that pain and know I'm taking such a monstrous cock inside my tiny hole. He wasted no time in grabbing the oil out of his shorts on the floor and slicking his erection up and pouring some on my twitching hole. He began to rub his cockhead on my aching hole and I pushed back toward it, feeling the pain and hugeness of it, at the same time my cock was going in and out of Billy's tightness, I felt my cum leaking slowly from Billy's hole, so I scooped some up and reached around to rub it on my own hole. I felt Jerol starting to enter me now. FUCK IT HURT. But I grit my teeth hard because I was so horny, I was gonna take that huge cock no matter what. He was sinking into me when Jerol pushed a bottle under my nose, "inhale real big, both nostrils" he told me. I was scared. I didn't know what this was. "I don't wanna do any more drugs Jerol, I'm so horny from what you already slipped me," I complained. "Relax, it's totally legal, it'll just get your hole to open up a little bit." Jerol explained. I wasn't opposed to that, so I began inhaling through each nostril. Fuuuuck....oh my gawd, he's sinking the whole thing into me. All ten inches were pushing past any tightness and ripping me open. I felt his balls on mine, he was fully inside me. He made me take another hit of that bottle and I began to buck back against his cock. My own hard cock was now pumping in and out of Billy's hole while I fucked myself on Jerol's horse cock. I was in a state of painful bliss. It was probably the pain that kept me from falling into whatever realm Billy was in. He just laid there moaning over and over and telling me to blow another load inside him. I began to pick up the speed and was really ramming into Billy's sweet hole. Jerol's cock had stretched me to my max and I felt it thicken. I knew that feeling, he was about to blow. I grabbed Billy's hips and began slamming his ass so fast, that I felt Jerol start exploding inside me which in turn brought me to my own climax, I yelled,"FUCKIN TAKE MY CUM! YOU FAGGOT WHORE!" As I blasted another huge load into Billy, he was a quivering beefcake moaning and mumbling something about taking my loads and being a slut. We slowly unhooked ourselves from each other. Billy crawled up on his bed and rolled over onto his back. I got up there too and Jerol crawled in between Billy's legs, lifting his lifeless limp legs up and I watched as Jerol sank his cock into Billy's wet beat up pussy. I sat there and jerked off while Jerol blasted another load into Billy, I was cumming when Jerol told Billy to take his filthy poz load. What was that again? He told me that once too. I came inside Billy two more times that night as Jerol nutted inside me too. We all fell asleep naked and cum dripping from mine and Billy's holes.
    1 point
  44. I am blessed with a fine extra thik slab of meat that shows great even soft. I am too thick for many guys to take though my own high use hole can accommodate most anything you can think of.
    1 point
  45. 6 but I’m on prep so I’m not sure if you’d count that the same way. I was a 1 of 2 for most of my twenties (happily took BF’s loads regularly once we’d both been tested). In my late twenties I gradually went to a 6. By gradually I mean I was a 1 but I liked saunas and sometimes I’d be too drunk and horny to care. Especially if he was hot. When prep came out I said goodbye to condoms. 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all the same to be honest. You can’t make your own judgment about someone’s HIV status. If you’re fucking raw, unless it’s your partner assume he’s positive (and even then people can lie.)
    1 point
  46. I love Drunk on Cum movies, it is time for TIM to make a new film with a lot more sperm.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. We didn’t have to look far, as soon as Henry stood up I saw standing in the door way a tall All-American sorta guy with short cropped brown hair, a swimmer’s body with generous patches of hair growing all over the place and a white towel that was tenting out something fierce. Henry walked over to the guy and extended his hand and introduced himself. “Tom,” the guy replied and stepped into the room. I guessed that he was about twenty-four. “Now Tom, would you believe that that boy laying on the bed with his legs still spred wide and my load dripping out of his ass was a virgin an hour ago.” “No shit?” “No shit, and not only that, today is his 18th birthday.” “That’s one hell of a birthday kid,” Tom addressed to me, and then turning to Henry, “So are you getting to have the fun or are other people getting a shot at him?” “He says he wants more so I suppose go ahead.” Henry stepped to the side and Tom walked over to me. I was extatic, not only had I gotten my cherry popped by a gorgous man, now I was about to be fucked by a guy I would have pegged for a straight jock. Tom undid his towel and let it fall to the floor right before he climbed on the bed and got between my legs. I couldn’t believe the size of his cock, Henry’s was big, but this guy had a can of Guinness with a mushoom on top for a dick. Tom leaned in and kissed me deeply, his cock finding my cummy hole. “Happy birthday,” he started to press inside of me.
    1 point
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