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  1. Part 7 - The Winters Frost Conrad crept out of the house for the fifth morning running the cold dampness of the air assaulting him and not helping his mood. His parents were still coming to terms with the news he broke to them the weekend previously, Eddie his father was unable to speak to him explaining he needed time to think and understand the enormity of this. It didn't help matters that both Charlie and Joshua were going away for a few months returning in early March on their first tour of duty. Broken and missing Joshua badly they had become close both as friends and fuck buddies, this lead to Conrad deciding that he couldn't go on living in deceit like he had been. It was hard enough admitting to himself about his sexuality then coming out to his parents just made things worse, Jack was the only one he could and needed to talk to but he had not been answering his phone. He just needed to get today over with at college then we go up to the manor. The things that now played on his mind all boiled down to sex with men, he never thought he would miss sex so much with Joshua and he was finding it distracting and lonely. His phone rang and Conrad picked it up forming a big grin on his face answering it. "Hello Josh" Conrad said "how are you?". "Alright sexy how are you?" Joshua asked hoping Conrad was feeling good. Conrad sighed down the phone "I'm fine Josh, be even better if you were in bed with me". They chatted a while until Joshua needed to end the call "I miss you and want to make sure you are okay" Joshua said seeking clarification again. "Better now I have spoken to you, have a great time stuck with all those sailors" Conrad said giggling but in truth feeling even more down. Joshua hung up the phone and looked up the barracks from his seat in the grounds, he was still racked with guilt after their fir sexual encounter, he never meant to but found he couldn't withdraw quickly enough. Doing it once by accident he could accept, but the passion that took over them both rendered any thought of condoms in the subsequent times they met. Mostly he managed to pull out only then did he think he saw the disappointment etched on Conrad's face. Conrad loved the feeling of Joshua's orgasm the few times he had remained inside when ejaculating during the middle of the night when they both woke up aroused. Joshua looked over to the gym hall and saw Charlie exiting through the doors having finished his workout, standing up he put on a brave face and walked over to join him heading back to the dorm room to finish packing. Joshua was a ticking time bomb, one that was about to implode on himself yet alone sending out shock waves that Conrad would be unable to hide or take cover from. Having never been tested he didn't know for definite but had fooled around at home with some very dodgy characters in his past and knew he had taken at least two toxic loads up him. By evening Conrad returned home dropping his things off and heading up to the manor and down to the greenhouse but it seemed like no one had been there all week. He daren't go up to the manor itself without an invitation. He turned the light on and tidied things up and cleaned the tools that Jack was usually so meticulous in keeping spotless. "What are you doing here?" Simon asked frightening the living daylights out of Conrad "sorry" he apologised. Conrad put the tools down "I wanted to speak to Jack and hoped he would be here" he replied. Simon nodded "He is at the house in bed" he replied with a tinge of sadness "he will be happy to see you". Conrad put the tools down "Is he sick again?" he asked concerningly. "Yes" Simon replied looking a him "You seem out of sorts Conrad everything all right?" he asked. "Sort of" Conrad replied blinking back tears "can I talk with you after I see Jack please?". Simon shifted on his feet feeling uncomfortable not wanting to handle peoples baggage "Please Simon" Conrad begged. Simon smiled "Yes of course do you want to stay for dinner?" he asked Conrad waiting for him to finish. Conrad half smiled "I would love to thank you Simon". They walked up to the manor where Simon took Conrad's coat and showed him to Jack's room. Jack smiled seeing Conrad and complaining that Simon was fussing way to much now he was on the mend. They spent an hour catching up before Jack dozed off and Conrad left him to rest going back downstairs to the lounge where Simon was waiting. "Is he alright?" Conrad asked "please tell me Simon?" he pleaded. Simon nodded "He is a lot better and should be back on his feet by Sunday if he rests". "I hope so" Conrad said cheering up a little. Simon patted Conrad's shoulder "Come on lets eat" he said "champagne is your tipple if I remember rightly?". Conrad laughed "I only had it the once on my 18th birthday here" he replied "with Jack and you" he said. Simon nodded "Jack is really fond of you Conrad I hope you know that" he said sitting down at the table. "I owe him a lot Simon, he has taught me everything I know and helped me so willingly" Conrad replied. Simon smiled "He fought me when I told him you weren't to come to the manor after I found out". "You don't like me, that much I can tell?" Conrad asked causing him to look at him. Simon looked at him "Tolerate you, I value privacy Conrad, nothing to do with liking you" he said "anyway it is Jack you come to see". They kept the conversation light and Conrad drank way to many glasses of champagne, they were both enjoying each others company for the first time being alone together and Simon loved hearing about Joshua. He never even thought to ask Simon about Harry and the Arab guy, instead they drank and ate. Simon suggested they go in to the lounge after the butler cleared the dinner things away and dismissed him for the night. Simon brought the champagne with him and they both sat on the sofa in front the log fire listening to some classical music. Conrad got a little loose lipped opened up about his parents finding it hard to accept his choice in life, strangely Simon had the same problem with his family and only really accepted it after he made his fortune sniffing around for handouts but never came to see him. They laughed long in to the evening the central heating and log fire making the lounge warm and they both sat there in t-shirts. He wasn't drunk just merry and sitting with Simon felt very comforting, it helped that he had a pretty toned body that was bigger than Joshua and also taller and not unattractive he thought. It was confusing Conrad in his head with the champagne, Conrad was being brave and checking out Simon's muscles in his arms and legs making him laugh. Conrad sat back on the sofa laughing whilst Simon checked out his average sized muscles as he called them, he never realised that each touch Simon made was causing him to moan softly and giggle. In the blink of an eye and like magnets they kissed briefly. The heady mix of champagne and warmth of the room was proving to enticing for both of them. Simon sat back and chuckled "You should stop now whilst your ahead" he suggested smiling at Conrad. Conrad swung himself over sitting on Simon's lap "Why?" he asked "what will happen if we continue?" he asked teasingly running his hand along Simon's chest. Simon smiled stroking Conrad's arm "I will fuck and breed you" he said smirking sniffing a new victim "there will be no stopping me once I home in on you". Conrad laughed then leaned in and kissed him "You mean cum in me?" he asked "you wouldn't be the first" he said. Simon kissed and teased Conrad "Cum in you with my gift and convert you" he said with a sinister smirk. Conrad chuckled with no idea what he was waffling on about, all he saw was an experienced man who had a very erect cock. Leaning forward he kissed Simon falling in to the open arms like prey lured so easily, feeling his body moving Conrad came to rest on his back under Simon. He looked down at Conrad the champagne in his blood removing any remorse he might have for what he was about to do, the hunter was ready to swoop on his prey. In his eyes he had given fair warning and it was no longer his fault if the he didn't fully understand the impeding attack of this alpha hunter. Conrad pulled Simon's t-shirt off and stroked his body, bravely his hand moved down to the hunters weapon that was hard to touch. Conrad was lifted up his legs around Simons body kissing him passionately both naked his arse grinding against Simon's cock. Suddenly Conrad let out a louder moan and winced in pain his body being lowered on to Simon's cock with little effort, his legs held around Simon's waist his head rolled back from pure overload feeling the cock penetrating in to his body. He gave several upward thrusts and Conrad cried pushing at Simon's shoulders to raise himself up and stop him going in too quickly, his attempt futile at best crying louder and gasping but at the same time wrapping his arms around Simon's neck kissing him. The pubes around his cock flattened against Conrad's arse coming to rest fully immersed inside him, the prey was lured and captured. Conrad stopped kissing him and leaned back grinding his arse down deeper moaning then resting. Simon picked up the glass of champagne and watched Conrad knock it back, he smiled and kissed Conrad tasting the remnants of the Laurent Perrier's distinctive bouquet on his lips. Simon did the same knocking his drink back then sat back on the sofa allowing his prey to gently ride his cock, lulling him in to a false sense of security before he would swoop in for the kill poisoning the prey with his toxic venom. Conrad leaned back and felt he was taking even more of his cock and loving the feeling he slowly and elegantly he rode Simon feeling every inch inside him a steady motion they both enjoyed. Simon reached over and topped the champagne up holding the glass up to Conrad's mouth he poured egging him on to drink it all. Already reeling from the effects of too much champagne he was to far gone in sexual pleasure to care, throwing himself forward kissing Simon again grinding down harder. Conrad looked in to his eyes 'Fuck me Simon please' he half pleaded to him, he smirked and kissed Conrad 'You want a hard conversion?' he whispered watching Conrad nod. Simon pushed Conrad off his cock twisting his body around until he was over the back of the sofa, the hunter now ran his tongue along the back tasting and subduing his prey, his hips moved gently lining his cock up with the head poised. In one almighty thrust with his body weight behind he speared Conrad feeling his body react and the cries from the hunters first intentional strike, his hands holding the prey down over the back of the sofa he fucked hard and relentlessly pounding deeper each time his prey struggled. His attack continued until the last sign of any fight left the preys body. Taken by surprise an utterly loving the way he was held Conrad relaxed accepting the hunters control lastly his body began to ease from tension hoping to minimise the destructive force being borne down on him. The hunter knew the time to strike was coming his balls slowly tightening, any moment know he would launch the final attack on his prey, the prey that moaned between pain and pleasure pushing his arse up and back to take more. His body switched from hunting to kill mode, the thrusting changing to deeper penetrating movement no longer able to hold back the hunter pushed up hard grunting loudly. His body lunging further forward clamping his arms tightly around his prey securing and holding him deep on his cock to receive the toxic venom. There was no escape for the prey his venom was already being released rapidly coating the lining and finding any small breach to gain access and poison the prey. His cock pulsing hard in his prey continuously pushing it deeper, grinding and pushing to make sure there would be leakage and sealing the fate of his prey. Jack sat up in bed a shiver ran through his spine like someone walked over his grave. The manor seemed quiet enough and had no idea why he suddenly woke up with an odd sensation, he laid back down drifting off to sleep. Simon held on to Conrad his hips still pushing and grinding in to Conrad's arse forcing his toxic seed and cock deeper in to Conrad, still hard and turned on he gently started fucking again. Conrad raised his head and kissed him 'Fuck yes' he said smiling with his mouth open and moaning at the depth of Simon's cock inside him. His hands still clamped firmly around Conrad's body 'Oh god yes' he cried out like he was feeling the cock inside him for the first time. Simon didn't take long to finish giving a second dose of his venom to Conrad. He lovingly kissed Conrad's neck and shoulders keeping his cock inside plugging his hole preventing any leakage. Slowly he moved Conrad's body and laid him flat on the sofa coming to rest on top of him. Conrad held on to Simon's hand caressing it, a champagne and sex smile on his face his eyelids fluttering and nodding off. Conrad shifted "Fuck what time is it" he suddenly said panicking. Simon moved and Conrad winced not realising he was still inside him semi erect "3 in the morning". "Crap I am going to get in to trouble, how could you let me fall asleep?" Conrad asked. Simon smiled "I thought you was quite content being in this position" he replied kissing his shoulder. His hips ground against Conrad's arse "Fuck you're getting hard" Conrad moaned. He could feel Simon's cock expanding and growing in his arse, repositioning himself to lay flat on Conrad slowly he ground deeper hearing the soft echoing moans from underneath him. The grinding got more pronounced and Conrad lifted his head briefly kissing Simon, the thrill of his immobilised body trapped in this erotic state caused him to push his arse up several times moaning and waiting for Simon to push him back down. The grinding moved to slowly tender thrusts at first, Conrad became aware for the first time of the sound as Simon's balls slapped against his arse giving a round of applause. Quicker and quicker the sound came, Simons breathing changed in to a light panting with the occasional groan thrown in for good measure. Conrad slipped his hands around Simon's intertwining their fingers and holding on. The pace quickened again and his body weight shifted lifting his chest off Conrad's back ready to inseminate him with a third toxic load. Suddenly Simon growled long and hard pushing his hips down almost crushing Conrad's arse and jolting forward, Conrad moaned through the pain and discomfort feeling pulsations emitting deep in his arse. The grin on his face was not for Conrad to see whilst he looked down at the lad taking more of his seed deep inside. He held the position for ages constantly pushing in, each time he pushed Conrad's buttocks spread apart letting Simon get deeper ensuring he got a good breeding. Finally he collapsed on top of Conrad and kissed his neck. Simon rolled on to his side pulling Conrad with him stroking his chest, his cock plugging Conrad's arse keeping his toxic seed inside. Weirdly even for Simon this was one conversion he desperately had wanted to happen, all the years watching him grow up and now he was impaled on his cock, full of his seed changing the body. The initial panic over knowing he would get in to trouble either way he resided to stay in this comfortable position with Simon falling asleep until 8am. The sun was slowly rising bringing daylight in to the lounge, Conrad could see out of the window and the white hard frost that coated the landscape. he moaned at his headache from drinking too much last night. Feeling sore in his arse he moved closing his eyes at the discomfort and finally easing the semi erect cock out, he couldn't believe he had been so slutty last night but he was missing sex with Joshua. Simon mumbled and cuddled Conrad waking up in the process eventually sitting up putting on the clothes they left laying on the floor after being discarded quickly last night. He thought there would be a little awkwardness between Conrad and him but he seemed to be his normal self whilst they sat drinking coffee in the kitchen. Conrad left feeling like he was doing a walk of shame strolling down Hibiscus Drive so early that morning, the plumes of mist from his breath hung in the stillness of the freezing air. He walked into the house just as his mother was coming down the stairs. "Where have you been?" Jody asked looking at how rough he looked. Conrad looked at her "At the manor Jack is not very well" he replied passing her on the stairs. Jody looked at him "What again?" she asked in a caring voice "how is he?". Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Better hopefully he will be up and around on Sunday". "Conrad" Jody called as he walked up the stairs "You miss him don't you?" she asked. Conrad looked at her "Charlie?" he asked "of course I do". Jody shook her head "No that Joshua guy I mean". Conrad's expression changed and he nodded "I don't love him" he said "I do miss him though". Jody nodded "Give it a few weeks Conrad, we love you and it is hard for all of us at the moment". They were words of some comfort for him and he spent the rest of Saturday head in his book getting ready for his first part of his exam next week. Sunday morning he got a text from Jack telling him he was up and around if he wanted to go through his papers for the exam. He always thought growing up that gardening was simple but knowing Jack as he did now he was clearly very knowledgeable and Conrad relied on this to help him through the course. He had a way of making things seem practical rather than confusing. Of course sitting in the warming winter sunshine in the greenhouse that Sunday afternoon Conrad was in two minds weather to let on that he had slept with Simon, several times he nearly did but held back not sure how Jack would feel about it. Conrad breezed through the exam managing 86% which was the highest mark from the group of 15, six flunked it and would need to resit it the following year. Having Jack back and looking like himself a week later helped Conrad cheer up immensely as they planned the garden planting schedule for spring together, they sat quite close to each other as they always did. Conrad let slip that he had dinner with Simon that Friday night he visited, Jack suddenly had a horrible feeling. "How long did you stay?" Jack asked trying to keep it light. Conrad put his head down "Until the morning" he admitted. Jack put his hand on Conrad's arm "Be honest with me Conrad did you and Simon do anything?". Conrad nodded and looked at Jack "I'm sorry, I was lonely and having a bad time" he explained. Jack shook his head "Did he cum in you?" he asked straight out. "Yes" Conrad replied looking at him "is it relevant?" he asked. "Oh Conrad" Jack said looking at him "have you been ill since he fucked you?" he asked. Conrad looked curiously at him "No not since my cold a few months back" he replied then opened his eyes wide "he has HIV?" he asked. Jack nodded "Yes and like me he is not on medication for it" he replied. Conrad knew the dangers and that it was too late now "But hang on, you never told me you have it!". "Simon gave it to me years ago" Jack confessed "it was an accident as he didn't know at the time". Conrad sat in silence for what seemed like ages "Have I got it?" he finally asked. Jack went over and hugged him "Most likely he converted you" he said. Conrad raised his eyebrows "I remember something about him saying to convert me" he suddenly remembered "I drank way too much champagne". Jack nodded looking slightly angry "Can you take me to get tested?" Conrad asked thinking logically. Jack looked curiously at him "Yes, but are you not worried or angry at Simon?" he asked. Conrad looked at him "Furious" he replied "but what is done is done" he said "so you being sick?". Jack nodded "Yes it is that, but you can take treatment Conrad". Jack made an appointment for Conrad just after the new year, it didn't stop him thinking about it and each morning when he woke up he was expecting to be sick after what Jack had explained. He did a lot of reading about it on the internet and saw that the majority of people who contract live normal lives adhering to the medication. It couldn't have come at a worse time with Christmas upon them and Conrad had been living in dread now knowing what took place at the manor that night. Regrets and anger would rise and fall in him every time he thought about what Simon had done to him, he couldn't pin it down to stealth fucking since Simon had told him outright what he was going to do. But on the other hand why should he have known what he meant, he knew he had been the subject of a deliberate conversion and decided to keep clear of the manor needing time to think. On top of all that he had to face Christmas without Charlie, already the vibe was different in the house kind of empty without them both being there. He had a sleepless night and woke on Christmas Day feeling terrible, he manged to join his parents and grandparents for most of the day but went to his room at four in the afternoon, his head hurt and he was running a slight fever. He tried not to worry anyone but his mother kept coming up to check on him. Christmas night alone in his bedroom Conrad sat on the side of his bed fearing the worst and that Simon had been successful in transmitting his virus. Over thinking things as usual it dawned on him that it may just be a mild cold, like the one he had a few months back so maybe it wasn't what he thought. Eventually falling a sleep around 2am his head running thoughts of how he could exact revenge on him, what he never knew was that he caught a sickness bug from his last day at college that took a few days to appear. Late Boxing Day he felt better and joined in, early evening he got a video call from Joshua and Charlie both of whom were sporting nice suntans dressed only in shorts on a beach in the Caribbean. It didn't help when Joshua panned out and rubbed his cock 'I will be home soon on leave for 2 months so you better be ready for me' he said blowing Conrad a kiss making his eyes water 'I miss you both so much' he replied ending their call. Conrad sat on his bed and cried, he needed Charlie here and importantly he wanted to feel Joshua's body and hold him. He felt empty like nothing was complete in his life, would anyone even want to touch him now he was tainted. Given the chance he would jump at being in a relationship with Joshua but they were both very clear on where they stood in that respect despite the incredible love that had grown between them, he liked Joshua but was in no way in love with him. His thought wandered back to Harry and weather he should go to London for a few days after New Year and before college started again. Harry had a great Christmas at home enjoying the break. Moham had taken Harry to New York for a few days before Christmas on a so called business trip. On the flight back Moham handed Harry a set to keys to a private residence he brought for Harry not far from the office, part Christmas present and part bonus at doing so well at his job. Harry was completely respectful of Moham, except when in a hotel bedroom together. Adam had done a wonderful job mentoring Harry, they often kissed but so far no sex. They adored each other and wanted to keep their friendship real and they both knew sex was going to happen at some point. Despite protesting that he wasn't sure it was hiv Jack insisted he got tested anyway to make sure. A few hours later Conrad sat there in the park with Jack reading through the bottle of tablets the consultant had prescribed, his diagnosis had come back quickly with quite a high viral load already circulating in his body. It helped that Jack knew the consultant and getting the test and result quickly he couldn't stop the shocked looked on his face though hearing how high Conrad's viral load was. He held back and spoke with the consultant handing him a wad of cash. Conrad put the bottle in his pocket and looked across the park. Jack sat there in silence waiting for Conrad to say something but he remained quiet, he couldn't help thinking that Conrad's viral load was high for someone infected so recently. He looked at Conrad coming to the conclusion that maybe his body reproduced the virus quickly. "Conrad" Jack repeated trying to get his focus "are you alright?" he asked. Conrad smiled "I think so" he replied "I just don't know how I feel actually knowing for sure". "You must take the tablets, don't end up like us old twisted perverts" Jack said. Conrad laughed "I never looked at you in that way" he replied "well old maybe" he said laughing again. "Been a year you won't forget I bet" Jack said in reflection. Conrad smiled "Yes" he said "I have decided to seek Harry out, although not sure how he would react". Jack patted Conrad's leg "You will have no problem finding a lover either way Conrad". "Did I ever tell you that Harry was at the manor?" Conrad asked suddenly remembering. Jack stopped swinging "No" he said looking astounded "when was that?". "August, he arrived with the Arab guy in the helicopter" Conrad said looking at him. "Oh, I only knew him as E but I know who you mean" Jack replied "caught my eye" he said then stopped. "What?" Conrad asked knowing he was mid sentence. "Simon spent the night with him he won E in the auction" Jack informed him. "Auction?" Conrad asked sounding disgusted "you mean they bid to fuck?" he asked. "Spend the night with" Jack corrected him "but yes, Moham the Arab guy bid for him as well". Conrad laughed and looked at Jack "Been there and done that" he said looking at Jack's shocked face. Conrad explained how he got the money for the course "Not so innocent after all are you?" Jack said amused. "Does that mean Simon got Harry sick as well?" Conrad asked looking a little concerned. Jack nodded "It is a high probability" he replied "I'm sorry I know we must seem like... I don't know". "Twisted perverts" Conrad replied smiling at Jack briefly "my life is ruined isn't it?". Jack put his arm around him "No far from it, I will speak to Simon make sure you are taken care of". Conrad scoffed "He has already done that" he replied angrily "tell him I want the manor" he joked. Jack laughed "Nothing like aiming high" he said kissing him on the cheek. To say Conrad was shocked about the revelation of Harry being auctioned off was understated, but then he was no different when he sold his arse for the course money to the Arab. Looking back it was painful but still incredibly hot he thought. He couldn't understand why he felt no different knowing he had hiv, holding the first tablet in his fingers he decided against taking it for now and put it back in the bottle. It was mild for New Years eve and Conrad headed up to the manor to check on his parsnips and sprouts that should be good after the week of frosty nights and mornings. He picked a few parsnips and went back in to the warmth of the greenhouse and started cleaning them up standing against the bench. Jack walked past the window smiling at Conrad and came in to the greenhouse closing the door behind him, it was quite humid and he quickly took off his jacket and standing behind Conrad and circling his arms around his waist. "How is my little gardener today?" Jack asked kissing him on the cheek. Conrad smiled "Just fine" he replied putting the parsnip in the basket. Jack squeezed him "No really, how are you?" he asked again just to make sure. Conrad turned to face him "What do you want me to say Jack?" he asked "that I hate everyone and the world". Jack leaned back looking at him "Hey" he said "is something wrong?". "Yes" Conrad replied unable to resist the temptation and longing he had for years now "you are what's wrong". Jack looked shocked but Conrad pulled him forward kissing him on the mouth "Conrad" Jack said pushing back. He looked Conrad in the eyes and they both snapped kissing frantically his body edging up until he sat on the bench with Jack between his legs. Both making strange noises kissing harder, Conrad's hand instantly delved down rubbing Jack's cock and undoing his jeans 'Conrad no we shouldn't' Jack said pushing back out of concern 'Yes we should we both knew this was going to happen' he said pushing Jack's jeans down and slipping off the bench. His mouth closed around Jack's cock moving down the shaft and back up licking around the head then back down again. Jack already had hold of Conrad's head forcing him further down on his cock holding him there feeling his throat gag then letting him off for air. He roughly pulled Conrad up kissing him then quickly spun him around pushing him over the bench. His hands yanking Conrad's jeans down popping the button off 'Your fucking right I have wanted to do this for years and your going to get it' he said spitting loudly on to Conrad's bare arse and fingering the saliva in. Conrad moaned like a wild beast 'Dam yes, come on fuck me!' he shouted out moaning when Jack jabbed two fingers in his arse roughly 'fucking rape me' he said out of nowhere, Jack held Conrad down 'Rape you' he laughed 'I am going to destroy that pretty arse of yours' he said aiming his cock up against Conrad's hole. He pushed hard his eight inches tearing its way through and not stopping until he was balls deep. Conrad cried out in agony trying to push up but Jack swiftly pushed him back down holding the back of his neck and pummelling in to arse. Conrad grimaced in some very weird sick pleasure and pain the grunts and cries echoing around the greenhouse. Jack should no sign of easing up and continued hammering his cock in long hard rapid strokes causing Conrad to gasp when he bottomed out each time. Jack stopped leaned forward and pulled Conrad's head up 'Is that what you want?' he asked jabbing his cock in again hard 'you fucking know I do' Conrad replied kissing Jack trying to suck the tongue out his mouth. Jack pushed him back down and started assaulting his arse again 'Fucking cock teased me for the last four years' Jack said pushing his cock in hard then wriggling his hips letting Conrad feel his cock jabbing inside in arse in every direction 'fuck yes' Conrad cried out, Jack laughed 'Payback time' he said gripping harder on to Conrad's neck and hammering in hard again 'here it comes' he cried out moaning 'fucking breeding you' he said moaning and panting in one final thrust he shoved in deep and Conrad yelped at the pulsing cock against the now tender sides of anal wall. Jack groaned his body shuddering releasing his seed 'fuck yes' he said jolting his hips again 'take it baby that's what you wanted' he shouted out falling forward. The last few drops of cum trickled out of Conrad's cock splattering on the flagstone floor of the greenhouse his whole body shuddering at the power of his own orgasm. Jack panted heavily struggling to get his breath back and resting on Conrad's back. Conrad held Jack's thighs keeping the hard cock inside his arse. Jack continued grinding his cock deep in Conrad for nearly 10 minutes until he began to soften. Conrad raised his head concerned "Are you alright Jack?" he asked. Jack nodded "Yes" he said through laboured breaths "takes me a while to get my breath back". "You made me cum without touching my cock" Conrad said kissing him lightly on the lips. Jack smiled "Shows how much you really wanted me I guess" he said standing upright pulling his cock out. "Ouch" Conrad tensed up "slowly it hurts" he said. Jack looked down at the streaks of blood on his cock "I got you good" he sniggered. Conrad pulled his jeans up but Jack pushed him down to his knees "You haven't finished, clean it up bitch" he said. It wasn't the most pleasantest of experiences cleaning cock after it being in his arse, Joshua certainly never expected him to do that. Fortunately he was pretty clean and only got the salty remnants of Jack's cum and the coppery taste that was his own blood. Really he didn't know what to expect from finally having sex with Jack all he could think was back to times when they laughed and joked around in the flower beds. Certainly there was some element of flirting that grew the older Conrad got leading to right now. Jack moved his growing cock away from Conrad's mouth pulling him up to his feet and kissing him. Conrad pulled his jeans up and sat on the floor "Fuck Jack" he said half grinning and grimacing in pain. "You wanted it" Jack replied zipping up his jeans "horny little fucker aren't you?" he said. Conrad chuckled "I never realised you were such an animal" he said looking amazed "seriously I never expected that side of you". Jack smiled "Well you know what to expect now" he said helping Conrad up "and I needed to make sure you got some of my DNA implanted in your body". "I think you did that my arse is sore as hell" Conrad replied then laughed. When he got home later that evening Conrad showered and went to bed, laying there he gently fingered his hole that was still tender. A small amount of Jack's seed seeped out and Conrad flipped over looking at the small red stained semen on his sheet 'Oh Jack' he said rubbing his cock and leaning down licking and sucking the cum up before swallowing it. He laid down on his back the thought of Jack assaulting his arse so violently, his erection felt incredibly harder than normal. Thrusting his hips up he rolled the foreskin back holding his cock tight jettisoning his seed like a bullet, firing up across his face and landing across his left eyebrow and into his eye stinging badly he squinted and jumped off the bed. His orgasm was so strong his legs couldn't hold him upright properly, his hips bucking with orgasm pulses in his cock that travelled down his legs, still expelling small amounts of cum on the floor and wall of his bedroom. Wiping his eye with his t-shirt and looking in the mirror he had a big case of pink eye and it still stung like hell. When he finally made it to the bathroom he bathed his eye in some warm water and put some eye drops in to stem the pink eye. It was another frosty morning and Conrad was up at the manor by 8am following Jack's instruction to tidy one the larger flower beds by the greenhouse. Jack turned up a little after 9am and saw Conrad kneeling down amongst the evergreen bushes. It was too good to pass by he thought feeling his cock expanding under his jeans, walking outside again it was eerily quiet. The only sound was Conrad discreetly clipping away some of the dead branches lower down on the bushes. Jack crept up behind him his cock already hard and hanging out of his jeans, the cold air accentuated his erection even more. Conrad heard the twig snap and was about to turn his head when he was pushed down with one hand letting out a cry as branch scratched the side of his face. Swiftly Jack yanked Conrad's jeans and underwear down and slipped his cold cock deep in to the warmth cosiness of Conrad's arse then dead weighting him he started pounding deep. Conrad raised his head looking in to the tangled mess of the branches in front of him, he struggled against Jack's assault in a pretend fashion. He was so turned on and strangely found it erotic being raped in the flower bed by him. Conrad gasped and pushed his arse up wanting to feel Jack deep in him again, he took it as a sign of struggle and pushed Conrad down with his hips, his free hand clamped over Conrad's mouth stifling his moans and ramping up the force of his thrusting penetrating deeper and feeling his balls tighten up sharply. Jack grunted and pushed down harder clenching his buttocks tightly lost in the most intense pleasure from his balls to the tip of his cock pumping him full of his seed again. Conrad thought it was all over but Jack was not done, he continued fucking Conrad until he was ready to implant more DNA. The second orgasm as big as the first and giving several rapid jabs to make sure Conrad knew he was fucked. Jack laid on top panting and wheezing heavily catching his breath. Lifting himself off and pulling his cock out slowly and large trickle of blood soaked semen escaped winding its way down his arse and over his balls 'Dirty whore' Jack said chuckling. Conrad kneeled up and pulling his jeans back up when he turned Jack had already gone and left him there. Shit he thought to himself trying to gather his thoughts and unable to explain why Jack had this intoxicating control over in sex. Conrad was cold and soaked when he walked in to the greenhouse "Morning" he said to Jack kissing him. Jack kissed him back "Morning, you look like you have been raped" he said smirking. Conrad put his pruning clippers down "Yeah crap fucker though didn't even say thank you" he said. Jack creased up laughing "Fuck knows why Conrad but I love abusing you and can you take it". Conrad kissed him slow and tenderly "Seriously sex is so hot with you" he said. Jack ran his finger across the cut below Conrad's cheek and licked the blood "You taste nice" he chuckled. Conrad shook his head still reeling from the incredible fuck had been subjected to, Jack took Conrad up to the manor sneaking him in to one of the bathrooms to get him cleaned up. Jack and Conrad had two or three random aggressive fucks in the greenhouse or up against trees in the ground over the next couple of days before Conrad went to London with his parents. His arse was still sore after arriving in London from Jack pounding his arse twice the evening before he left, the second one Jack tied Conrad down to the workbench and spent nearly an hour abusing his arse before giving him his going away protein. Every time Conrad woke up in the night he couldn't stop controlling himself and masturbated orgasming within minutes with the thought of Jack raping him and planting his seed deep inside.
    10 points
  2. Last weekend i texted a top bud of mine to get fucked - he's dominican, about 9 inches, similar height (6 feet) and jacked (he's personal trainer ). He responded that he had two friends over his place and wasn't free that day. i responded that he should invite them too as a joke, to which he replied "lol." After several hours he messages me with "change of plans - prep your pussy. will be over in an hour. wait ass up." Like a good cumdump faggot i got really excited, prepped my pussy, unlocked my door, and waited ass up in bed with poppers. My phone buzzes for me to unlock the apartment lobby. My bud then texts "we'll be right up" to which i responded "we?" Sure enough, about a min later, he walks in with what apparently were his two buds. i turn around in bed and he just goes "surprise" with this smirk on his face. Was hard for me to be pissed given what they looked like - one bud was black, also jacked, a bit over 6 feet, and about 9/9.5. His other bud was shorter - maybe like 5'9 - also dominican with an enormous dick. Had to guess it was over 10 inches easily and uncut with a thick bush. Being a cumdump i couldn't object to the surprise...all three of them took turns rearranging my guts doggy style. Ended up being a real beat down...they had clearly been drinking and were horned up. The shorter bud ended up being an almost sadistc fucker, which of course was fine by me since i believe only the top's pleasure is a priority and my pussy exists to serve alphas. They all took turns tapping me doggy style but he went so hard i uncontrollably pissed over my bed twice. i also asked him for more lube at one point given how hung and rough he was but he just goes "nah feels good to me" (the other guys just laughed when he said that) and then proceeded to fuck me even harder. i was struggling at that point to maintain my arch, and ended up ripping some farts accidentally and pissing at the same time. After he unloaded in me (the other two had already dropped their loads) he grabbed me, pulled me up, and then dragged me to the bathroom where he pushed me into the shower on my knees. He then just yelled "open up" - i opened my mouth and a stream of piss immediately starts going down my throat. it came so fast that i coughed and spit it up, but then he slapped me and just yells "i sad swallow." i regained my composure and he starts pissing again, but this time i made sure to swallow t all. Meanwhile the other two buds walk in and start laughing at the scene. At that point i was just in a daze...my trainer bud walks in the bathroom and just goes "good job fag." He and the black guy then walk out to start getting dressed. The third dude finishes pissing and then kneels down to me and just goes "squat." i start squatting (was on my knees) and he gets alongside me, cups one hand under my hole, and then just goes "fart it out." i then pushed the multiple loads out in his hand, which he then brings up to my mouth and just says "eat it." i proceeded to eat it dutifully while he observed me the entire time. After finally finishing he just smiles, spits in my face, and walks out of the bathroom. By then the other two buds are dressed...the third guys gets dressed quickly and they all proceed to walk out. The whole experience left me in a total daze with a sloppy wrecked pussy. One of the hottest fucks in a long time. By the way the pic below was taken by one of the dudes right as they walked in.
    7 points
  3. Just had my arse raided and bred by a sexy hairy muslim lad! Me replied to one of my personals ads saying he was a gl, hung well built muslim lad looking for a very very discreet hookup, would I be up for meeting without pics? He had me at hung and muslim so I replied saying I was definitely up for & was free now. He was ready to come over so gave him my address, 15 minutes later he was at the door. He was as described, big fit lad, nervous but also excited cos his big dick was rock hard in his shorts! His fat 8” cut dick was leaking a river of precum when I got it out of his shorts and started enthusiastically sucking It and he groaned with pleasure as he grabbed my head and started fucking my throat, gagging a few times really go his dick lubed for fucking. He pulled out and wanted my arse, we stripped & I got on all fours, he ate my arse for a bit then grabbed my arse firmly, his bell end on my hole then shoved it in balls deep and plowed me hard and fast for about 10 minutes then got me on my back holding my legs back and plowed in me again, his dick had a slightly up curve which was really hitting the spot hard. 5 minutes later I told him I was gunna cum, he kept plowing & said he was close too, I roared into orgasm and he started breeding his load in me a second or so later. When he pulled out his big load gushed out of my cunthole. He slumped on the floor next to me with a big smile on his face, we chatted for a bit and he was still hard so I asked him if he wanted to go again. His dick twitched and he said “ definitely mate” he got me face down, mounted my arse & plunged in balls deep and again gave it to me hard and deep! He fucked me in various positions for about 30 minutes ending with me on my side fucking from behind, he bred his load deep in me. He wanted me to cum again and started wanking my dick as he started fucking me again, I played with my nipples and shot my load everywhere.
    5 points
  4. I guess the neighborhood piano bar wasn’t the most adventurous choice for my scandalous night out, but it was a step I hadn’t taken before. My wedding ring was in my pocket, the first time I’d taken it off for any purpose other than what you’d expect. Here I was in San Diego, fresh off my successful conference presentation, all the pressure off and a few more days of seminars and social gatherings to look forward to. After a brief meet and greet with those who had attended my talk, there had been an early dinner. Standard academic stuff, I’d been through it many times before. But this was my first time traveling alone since I’d gotten married. Jake and I have been together for 10 years, and finally made it legal last year. He’d always had the flexibility to travel with me when I went to these meetings, but his new job made that impossible this time. So here I was all alone, and all the things I’d fantasized about so many times were now eminently possible - if I was willing to make them happen. The man across the bar raised his glass, and invited me over to his table with a smile and a nod. He was by far the hottest guy in this quiet joint, looked to be late-30s, great body hiding under his business attire, brown hair and olive skin - with strong features and a killer smile. I’d never been to this bar before - I’d visited the city many times for business, but could never bring myself to go out, both because work always kept me busy but also because my boyfriend, now husband, was no doubt sitting at home, lonely and missing me. Don’t get me wrong - I’d thought about going out, having the kind of fun my commitment wouldn’t allow me to have. I’d thought of little else for years. I love what I have so much, but the desire for variety, for exploring a new body, it consumes me. I’d suggested three-ways, or opening our relationship, but my husband is just not into it. And until now, I’d just accepted that as the price of admission for being with him. Even now, sitting in this bar and considering walking over to the handsome man flirting with me, I’m just exploring. Dipping my toe in the pool. Trying out what it feels like to be out in a gay bar alone for the first time in so many years. Maybe enjoying the attention of a man or two, but not seriously considering going any further. I’m a married man, very happily so. This is just some innocent fun. As I pushed away from the bar, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror behind the counter. I looked good, if I do say so myself. I’m no gym rat, but I keep myself in good shape, lifting and running a few times a week, staying active on the weekends hiking and biking. In that transition phase between 20-something boy and 40-something daddy type. My face had certainly earned its share of compliments, and I saw more than a few men in the bar take note of the way my ass looked in the jeans I’d put on back at the hotel. Even still, I was surprised a man as gorgeous as the one I was approaching had cruised me. Just my insecurities talking - it had been years since I’d been in this position, almost 10 years to be precise. My husband and I had met on the dance floor of a club in our town and had scarcely been apart since, other than my work trips. We fell in love fast and hard, moved in together, and were married the minute it became legal in our state. I don’t regret it for one second - well, except for that part about craving something new. But that happens in all relationships, right? “Have a seat,” the stranger said, flashing that thousand-watt smile. “I haven’t seen you here before. Not that I come here all that often, either. Are you from around here?” A brief pause, considering how honest I wanted to be here. I could easily spin a tale about myself and invent a reality that would serve the fantasy I was exploring. Or I could just say, “No, I’m visiting for work. Husband is back home while I’m stuck in a hotel in yet another strange town. Thought I’d come out and enjoy a drink and the local scenery.” I caught his eye and grinned at the corniness of the line I just delivered as he started to laugh, blushing mildly. “How about you?” “I live just down the street, but haven’t been here more than a handful of times in the past six years. I’m newly single, you see, and my ex wasn’t one for the bars. I’m not either, if I’m being honest. But I thought it was probably time for me to get out again and see if I might find some connection, you know? My breakup really took a toll on me, and I haven’t been very sociable lately. And now I’m sharing way too much information with a total stranger. Sorry about that. I’m Anthony, by the way.” “I’m Joey, and please don’t apologize! You don’t know how happy I am to just have a normal conversation instead of cheesy pickup lines or a bunch of small talk. I’ve been at the bar for half an hour and had to shoo away a few young twinks and an obvious alcoholic barely able to speak. I was beginning to think I should have stayed in my room and watched some Netflix. Please, tell me more.” “Well, to be honest I’d rather not talk much more about it right now. Like I said, it was pretty brutal on me, and if it’s OK with you, we could talk about pretty much anything else. It’s best not to dwell too much on the past, and instead think about moving forward and moving on.” Again with that amazing smile, melting me and giving me a jolt up and down my body - a feeling I hadn’t felt in so long. That feeling when you meet someone new, the chemistry, the intrigue. I had it in spades with this man. Dangerous, this feeling - but thrilling, and so I pressed on. We spent the next two hours at that table, exchanging stories, talking about sports and politics and music and everything but our relationships. I bought the next round, then he got the next. Each time, he moved a bit closer, spent a bit more time looking in my eyes, laughed a bit more sincerely at my corny jokes. His hand made its way to my thigh under the table, and I didn’t remove it. In fact, my hand went onto his, and we continued to talk and laugh and just BE with each other, so comfortable and easy, it was scary and wonderful. He brought my hand up on to the table and was running his thumb over my ring finger. He confessed, “I have to tell you, I noticed the tan line from your ring when I ordered my drink at the bar earlier. I thought a married guy like you might be easier to talk to than someone obviously on the prowl in a dark bar, you know? But as soon as our conversation began, I knew I was in trouble. Because you are such an incredible man. I never expected to spend the entire evening lost in your eyes, but here we are. Last call is approaching, and the last thing in the world I want is for this night to end.” A beat. A pregnant pause as I assessed my options. I had tucked my husband into bed before heading to the bar. He was fast asleep in our bed, content and assuming that I would be bored in my hotel room, as had been the case on so many of my work trips. Yet here I was, reveling in a connection like I hadn’t felt in 10 years. My wedding ring in my pocket, the first time I had ever taken it off with the intent of deceiving someone that I was single. And instead, that decision brought me to the beautiful man in front of me, a man so charming and sexy it almost hurt to look at him. And as I considered the possibility that I would go home with him, I realized he was too good to be true - a man just out of a long-term relationship, stepping out for the first time since, and about as low-risk as you could expect, if you’re considering cheating on your husband, but wanting to be sure you were safe. “Then let’s not let it end here,” I said before I allowed myself to chicken out. He stood, holding fast to my hand, and led me out of the bar. It was a pleasant evening, and we walked hand-in-hand the three blocks to his apartment, the sexual tension between us palpable. On the stairs in front of his building, he turned before unlocking the door and kissed me deeply on the mouth. Something about the romantic gesture, on the street on a beautiful evening, making out with a gorgeous man before heading into his apartment - I was about to burst from the fluttering in my stomach, the nervous energy building and making me do things I told myself I wouldn’t do. Tonight was supposed to be a bit of innocent fun, and here I was on the precipice of cheating on my husband. And I wanted nothing more than for this man to take me upstairs and continue this incredible evening.
    4 points
  5. Hi guys quick note before i start i'm new at writing fiction (first story >.< ) but thought since i have enjoyed so many of your amazing orgasm inducing tales i should try contribute to the community, so any feed back is more than welcome as its the only way we get better. a quick sorry in advance for the punctuation i have dyslexia and its a bitch. this story is based on all those films where the monster is loose and hunts its pray transforming them into creatures like itself, which always really turned me on ... and seems a natural fit for a genetically modified poz monster who wants to convert as many as possible with its toxic dick. nobody dies in this story they just become infected with super HIV developed by a shady pharma corp and transform still living into there new form. i hope you all enjoy and on with the story...... The group walked up to the glass and steel building of Gentech, its massive sign still lit proclaiming “Gentech a better world for all”. But with the lights in the building out and all personnel gone it looked eerie and dead they knew the building was fully evacuated except for basement levels where the labs are and from reports those lab floors were like a small labyrinth. The basement levels had been sealed due to a biological containment alarm with the twelve scientists who working at the time were still down there needing extraction. That was the job of S.R.A.R.G, a search and rescue group used by government to get assets out of compromising situations, the group sent was delta squad a five-man strong retrieval team each hand picked for their skills. The Figures moved up to the doors and slipped inside with military precision, five figures in all wearing black bio-containment suits the front figure held a tablet with a metal wand hooked up to it they waved it though the air of the large glass atrium the tablet lit up green, the figure nodded and they moved quickly across the marble floor their footsteps and rustling suites echoing off the glass and steel in the still darkness they reached an elevator and the front figure typed a code the beeping seeming too loud by far, the metal doors slid open with a shush of air and the group stepped inside without a word, the elevator descended. The figures remained silent the elevators doors opened again and they stepped into a small concrete room only just big enough to hold them all, a red light pulsed on the wall a message flashing on a small black screen underneath “containment breach full lock-down in effect” the figure with the tablet moved up to the large blast door that took up one wall like the entrance to a tomb. he plugged the tablet into it with a small cable, swiftly moved his hands across the glass pad within a few seconds the red flashing light stopped and the large metal door rumbled up. the figures braced themselves but they were only met with a set of glass doors leading to a long corridor lit with dull yellow emergency lights no panicked scientists. The lead figure pushed the glass door open carefully and waved the metal rod it took a few seconds but the tablet once again showed a green icon on the screen, the figure pulled the mask free from his face with a sigh of relief “all clear guys” he was greeted with a rush of hot moist air that smelled like a locker room, “Air isn't too fresh though makes sense with the air con off down here, but the system says there are dangerous no toxins or gasses ” He quickly striped off the rest of the bio hazard suite showing the black military boots, fatigues, jacket a bullet proof vest over the top seemed filled with tech gear, the man was in his twenties 5 foot 9 with sparkling green eyes his blond hair shaved up the sides and back and let to grow long on the top it made him look like a surfer dude who had dressed like a swat officer for Halloween. The other four followed his lead pulling off the black suits to show similar cloths, “if nothing is showing up why the lock down Gray?” Nate was a large man and team leader he looked in his early 30’s with a body that had been carefully sculpted at the gym, his chestnut hair and beard were both buzzed close to the skin Grey looked back up from the tablet and shrugged “no idea, I would need to get into their computer systems to have a look at what they were working on, mission brief just has they were outsourced by the military intelligence on a number of sensitive projects” Nate nodded and looked over the group “right where are going to split up and find the people trapped down here while Gray pulls the files from the main computers … mission control want to know what the hell they were playing with down here” he pointed at two men one could have been a blond frat boy not over 25 and the other with olive skin black hair “Jackson and Alverez you two search the labs and office area me and cooper will escort Graves to the main server room and then join you, be careful we still don’t know what triggered the biohazard alert ” Both men saluted and Jackson and Alverez moved into the Lab complex guns drawn Nate watched them disappear around the corner and had a bad feeling but looked as Gray and Nick cooper a 5;12 Black man with a swimmer's body and Scowled “let's get this done fast”.
    4 points
  6. What people forget is the power dynamic in all of this. Yeah you can like and connect with certain guys ( I myself when it comes to men isn' t attracted to twinks) but you don't have to get on a mégaphone and proclaim it to the world. A simple no thanks works. Furthermore, relegating certain individuals as second class citizens in the community or constantly denigrating them not only fucks with their self esteem but creates a power dynamic of have and have not. This is not preference.
    4 points
  7. Last time I was in Palm Springs I was hit up my a handsome 71 daddy top who was only 1100 feet away on grindr. He was married to a women but was simply needing an ass to unload in. i figured he was at the hotel but he told me he was local. I told him I had to check out in 45 minutes and if he could get over real quick I’d be happy to take his load. Much to my surprise there was a knock on my hotel door about 5 minutes later. I open the door to see a very handsome executive looking dad- Just my type. We talked for a minute and I could tell his was a bit nervous but soon enough we were both naked. There was lots of touching and rubbing bodies together which was probably the perfect foreplay him. Soon I found my tongue deep in his ass he as beautiful, tight, and clean daddy ass and I was prepared to breed his ass instead. I rubbed my cockhead on his hole and he moaned so I asked him if he wanted my load. He moan and pushed back a little on my cock which my cue to start but before I could make any headway I think he came to his senses and he told me he wanted to fuck me instead. So he sat up on the edge of the bed and I sat right on his cock and road his cock just like that. He had a perfect uncut daddy cock that you could tell was under serviced. I massaged his balls as I road him trying to coax as much cum out of him as possible. Mid stroke he told me to stand up and we stood up together with him still balls deep in me.He bent me over the bed and I knew what was coming. He pounded me as hard as he could and you could hear his breathing quicken and he had purpose with every thrust. A loud groan escaped him as he shoot rope after rope of sperm in my ass. I tighten my ass grip around his cock trying to milk every drop of cum out of his balls. We talked for a quick minute and then he was gone. Not 30 minutes after his last message on Grindr I had his load in my ass. I had enough time to rinse off in the shower and check out of the hotel. My whole flight back to Dallas I could feel his load leaking out of my ass.
    4 points
  8. There is an old saying in life – “many a good tune played on an old fiddle” – well didn’t my mancunt get to realise how true that was last night. Apart from a couple of spasmodic regulars and one every Friday night regular (except tonight as he has a work function), things have been horribly dry for this little cumdump in recent months. I have gone from getting bred up to 20 times a week to two or three if I am lucky – it is the leanest period I have had in 20 years. Last night I was on Grindr – hoping, horny and praying. A guy hit me up – saying he was visiting friends in the area and was keen to fuck me – if I was interested. We exchanged some pics and his cock shot got me straight away – fat and thick. I gave him my address and punctual as – he was over within the hour. I had readied myself and opened the door in a jockstrap and my t-shirt. As is usual when I invite a new fuck over, I throw on some music, whack a bit of porn on the tele and use the mood lighting. He was in his late 60’s I am guessing. I didn’t give a fuck – I just wanted cock in me. In no time I had his fly undone and was presented with this beautiful fat cut cock, which I immediately swallowed. He was groaning already and I thought “don’t you fucking cum sunshine.” He didn’t, and started to undress himself why I treated his meat with my mouth. We left behind a trail of his clothes as we worked our way into the bedroom. Then he got to work – man this man had magic fingers. The groaning changed from him to me in no time at all. “That bubble butt deserves a right royal fucking,” he said. He asked for lube and although I don’t like it much I handed him the tube while he kept touch typing on the lips of my mancunt, spitting on his fingers, easing a couple in, then pulling them out and massaging my outer hole. I was insane by the time he slid his cock into me doggy style. He probably had a blue pill, but who cares. For the next 40 minutes he fucked me in every position, slid his cock in and out at different angles, pulled right out and plunged back in. He was some fuck. In his younger days I am sure he made plenty of bottom boys squirm and squeal with delight just as I was last night. I actually got off on thinking how many holes he would have made happy with that lovely fat cock over the decades. By the time he came – he sweat was dripping all over me. As he gradually pulled out he was totalled. I immediately whipped around and went to work to clean his cock. “I wasn’t expecting that,” he said gasping for breath. “And I wasn’t expecting to get so well fucked so it’s the least I could do,” I replied. I spent a good five minutes working my mouth over every centimetre off his dick and ball sac. I knew there was going to be no “seconds” but he was one hell of a fuck. Turns out he lives 200 kms south of Sydney and was on his way back home when he picked me up on Grindr. He never asked for a condom and I never offered one. I slept happily with his load in me and I felt the warmest I have been for some time. We swapped numbers and I told him I would always be available anytime he was back in town. Never judge a book by it’s cover!
    3 points
  9. I figured it out on my own. With a little help... My dad had pornographic novels. No pictures except on the cover. I kept finding them hidden in the barn, the basement or under the front seat of his car. I found the first two when I was 10 or so. I was fascinated by the drawings on the covers--of half naked women in provocative poses--but I never thought to read the book. I found two more a few years later. He had made the switch from straight to bisexual stories. This time I read one. My parents were gone for the night and I lay on the couch, fully dressed, on my stomach. I began grinding into the cushion as the sex scenes began. Suddenly I had my first dry orgasm. It felt wonderful---but I was also frightened. Had I just had a heart attack? I did it again the next time I was alone--but in the meantime had also found the hidden copy of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex....and I knew what was happening. I progressed to stroking soon there after. And to producing semen--cumming into an old sock or some holey underwear my mother had told me to throw out. Soon I was tasting my creamy load. I liked the taste of my cum. A lot. My dad's taste in porn changed in the early 70's. It was now gay. And with covers that were rip offs of Tom of Finland drawings. I loved the leather and the oversized bulging dicks ripping through the denim jeans on the extremely hunky men. Right around that time, I had also learned I could contort my skinny body so I could suck my big dick myself--if I went heels over head. I began pumping loads down my throat...and saved innumerable socks from a sticky end...
    3 points
  10. Part 2 Jackson and Alverez were carefully checking each room, it was like a maze down here they had been in three Labs and 2 offices, and so far, they had found nothing except one dishevelled office papers scattered and chair over turned with what looked like black ink up one wall but that could have been caused by panic when the alarm sounded. Jackson moved up to an open glass door way to what looked like an office area small cubicles filled the space like any office in America where the windows would have been seemed to be computer screens showing the containment breach information and advising all to get to the shelter for decontamination. The screens provided no real light only casting more shadows but he though he saw a movement towards the back of the room. He muttered into his mic “Jackson to Alverez I think I've seen someone I'm moving into the office south of the lab you're in now” he moved into the room and heard a click behind him Jackson looked back to see the door had closed and a red light flashed over a slot for a key card Alverez’s voice came back over the com link “heading to you now” Jackson muttered again. “The damn door closed on me I will check on this contact then move back and try open it” a brief “Rodger “ came back over the mic and Jackson sighed and lifted the gun beginning to move. He moved down the aisle of cubicles with careful trained motions scanning for anyone who could be hiding, but the flickering computer screens and the emergency lights caused dancing shadows that made this almost impossible. He was halfway through the room about to give up when a soft thud behind him made him spin around. Something grabbed his head. There was a blur of colour in front of his face. He went to let out a shout of alarm, but it was muffled by something being forced into his mouth then down his throat. It was slimy and dripping something; he gagged at the sensation and pushed back, stumbling backwards. He landed hard on his ass looking up at what had just attacked him with his hand trying to wipe the fluid from his mouth and his eyes wide. The creature has once been a man but now … It was naked and tall maybe 6:02. Its skin was grey and pulled taught over bone and over defined muscle. Its body hair and eyes were jet black. Spider webbing across its body were black veins that pulsed with a strange toxic green light converging over the thing's heart forming an eerie replica of the bio hazard symbol. Jackson felt his eyes pulled down to the creature's crotch. A massive member hung between its legs. It was still swinging from when the thing grabbed him, and it was getting hard. Jackson was finding it hard to think, hard to breathe. His mind was fuzzy. He was too hot; he could feel his body break out into a sweat and needed to get out of his cloths. He needed to be near the creature. Its black eyes not leaving his, Jackson's hands moved clumsily to the clasps on his vest and pulled the release buckles. It clattered to the floor forgotten as he pulled off the jacket and t-shirt tossing them to the side exposing his body to the humid air, Sweat was trickling down his chest and abs both dusted with light bond hair. He realised he had never been so horny. Every nerve was on fire. He fumbled with his trousers his eyes never leaving the glorious creature In front of him. The creature seemed to sense its prey was ready and moved up to the young man caressing his body with its fingers and tongue. Jackson shivered as it seemed to spend time licking and smelling every inch it could reach abs, biceps armpits. Then when the thing's tongue and mouth pressed over his left nipple, he let out a moan of pleasure. Hard as iron and leaking precum, his cock strained against his trousers. The thing could sense the pure fluid leaking from its prey. Its hands moved to his fatigues; they were ripped off of him and flung into the darkness. The same fate befell the boxers - one swift movement and Jackson was naked only his socks and boots left, His six inch shaft hard as a rock pointing at the creature almost offering the large droplet forming on the tip. Jackson moaned. Desperate for it to touch him, his mind screamed for him to stop. "What are you doing you're not even gay and this thing is a monster!" Even that went silent when the thing sat down in front of him its head moving forward its tongue delicately licking up the droplet of precum before its mouth engulfed his whole member with one swallow. Its throat massaged him as if trying to pull the cum out of him. Waves of pleasure crashed through him; his mind almost lost to the pleasure and fog of the thing's saliva. After a short time, it pulled back and Jackson let out a whimper of loss. Collapsing unable to stand, his legs were weak after the onslaught. The thing caught him and lifted him to its face that long tongue moved down his taint. Jackson's whimper became another moan of pure pleasure as the hot breath of the creature and its long tongue met and invaded his hole. It would circle and then press in deeperf each time the ooze doing its job and opening Jackson up and getting him ready for the Gift his maker was about to give him. The creature and Jackson could hear something banging, screaming and shouting, but they were both too consumed with the hunger to pay it any real attention. The headset down by the vest on the floor was buzzing with sound, but it, too, was forgotten now. All that mattered was the thing and the pleasure it was giving him. Jackson felt himself get lowered by the things strong arms, and he felt a pressure on his hole. His mind tried to fight back. He tried to struggle, but the things grip was like steel; tears welled and fell down his face as the thing forced him down onto the huge toxic cock. He cried out as he felt like he was being impaled by molten iron his hole trying to stretch impossibly wide. His last true thought was, "This can't be happening." Then the head broke through. A flash of white-hot agony took him, but mercifully his thoughts faded and with them the pain. It was still there and spreading though him like a wild fire from where that toxic member had entered him, but the pleasure beat it out. The creatures precum already starting the corruption that would take him soon enough. He was face to face with the creature now half impaled on its cock. Full of lust wanting more, needing more. he kissed it deep. The tongue again went down his throat. There was no gagging now, no revulsion. The toxic thing moved him up and down slowly at first then faster more urgent. He broke the kiss, and Jackson's head was thrown back screaming with the pleasure as each move brought him higher and higher. Each pump of its toxic cock brought him closer. Without warning, the creature grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him balls deep ripping him open inside fully planted, fully claiming its prey. It looked him in the eyes as it screamed out its triumph, pulsing rope after rope of thick black corruption into its new creation flooding it so there was no turning back. Jackson let out one final moan of pure ecstasy as he was forced to take the whole massive toxic length. He did not notice the tearing or the pain only the pleasure as the Toxic Thing's pulsing cock had sent him over the edge, and his own cum erupted from him. The mouth of the thing he was riding swiftly engulfing his steel-hard cock not missing a drop and sucking the last of his pure fluids from him. Everything went still except for Jackson panting. The thing pulled him off of its softening cock and held him in its arms black toxic cum and blood spilling from Jackson's ruined hole and dripped down his leg pooling on the cheap office carpet like spilled ink. He whined and twitched, and the change started in earnest. His skin was already going gray, and veins were spider webbing across is body inch by inch. His dick was growing as the body fat seemed to be draining away from him. As Jackson was being reborn, the thing carried him from the room almost tenderly. Alverez looking on in horror from behind the bullet proof glass unable to help his friend.
    3 points
  11. Seth was your typical poz bottom. Thick ass, thick cocksucking lips, and an endless lust for raw cock. Seth wash lazily finishing a cocktail at the bar when a boy caught his attention from the corner. "who's he?" seth asked the bartender. "guys name is Jake. Just made it into college on a sports scholarship last summer. hes dating a flight attendant out of town named Billy." "poz?" seth asked curiously. "no, neg top. he only ever plays safe. youd think condoms were his fetish." Where others saw a nice guy, seth saw a challenge. Jake. "Hey im seth!," Wandering over with a couple of strong drinks, he sat down nearly on top of Jake and proceeded to spend hours chatting as he bought round after round of cocktails. At some point long ago he'd switched to water while Jake finished his last shot of the evening. "hey buddy did you drive? you might need a ride home," Seth said, running his hand up and down Jakes leg absentmindedly. "s-sure" slurred Jake, as they both rose from the table and headed to Seths car, he took the opportunity to admire the outline of a fat seven inches in Jakes pants. As Jake dozed slightly on the ride, Seth reached over and slowly ran his fingers along the outline of his cock. "there we go" he said. "lets get those balls churning" pulling into the driveway, Jake roused and asked, "where are we dude?" "Oh, i didnt catch your address, so i figured you could just crash on my couch for the night. no worries buddy!" beamed Seth. Jake gave a smile and a sigh, and they both headed into the living room where Seth stripped most of his clothes off. "I dont really do pajamas, but feel free to make yourself comfy" Jake stripped off his shirt and jeans and glancing at the couch, he made out the figure of a large dog. Walking back from the kitchen with a cold glass of water Seth winced, "shit. sorry about that, her name is penny and shes practically impossible to get off the couch once shes down. Here, you can sleep in my bed. Youll wanna hydrate first though otherwise that hangover is going to be unreal" seth chided jokingly. Jake eagerly gulped down his laced water and wandered up to the bedroom with Seth. In a few minutes his heart was racing, his cock was throbbing, and he could barely keep his head up. "how ya feeling buddy?" asked Seth, as he reached over to slide Jakes boxers down. "i-cant do thiss" Jake mumbled, "boyfriend" as he softly tried to bat Seths hand away. "sure you can, relax buddy, im just stroking you. Doesnt that feel nice?" "uh huh" Jake sighed "thats right, just nice long strokes for your nice big cock. Its a little dry though so lets spit on it" Seth pursed his lips and let a thick glob of drool slowly land on the head of jakes cock, teasing it around and into the hole as he continued stroking. "I bet youre a big cummer Jake. those balls look so full. does it feel good when you pump them into your boyfriend?" Seth said as he began working them in his other hand. Jake squirmed and again tried to loose Seths grip from his rock hard erection only to be chided. "shhh none of that now, lets just relax and enjoy. You have such a pretty cock I just want to kiss it. Lets kiss your big cock" Seth again pursed his lips and placed them against the throbbing tool, slurping a few drops of warm precum from the head, he deposited it on his fingertips and began working them into his hungry poz hole. "thats right, just relax and let that precum flow." Seth carefully milked the thick cock for a steady stream of Jakes natural lube, slowly sneaking more and more of it up his hungry hole. "I have t-to stooppp" Jake moaned, pawing at Seths arm. "no baby we cant stop now, youre making so much precum and your balls are so tight. Its time to keep going baby." Seth planted another sucking wet kiss on the head of Jakes tool, dragging his sharp teeth around the piss slit until it was red, "We need to fuck dont we?" Seth asked as he rose to gently straddle Jakes toned waist "no i have a boyfriend i cant do-" Seth interrupted him with a kiss. "of course you can baby. im your boyfriend tonight and we need to keep going" Jake again sighed as Seth reached back and slowly began rocking his thick cock between his own equally thick ass and across the warm poz hole. "thats right, just look at me, relax and let your precum flow" seth whispered as the increasingly moist symphony was punctuated by Jakes pleading, "dont, we need condoms and i have a boyfriend," Seth slowly pushed jakes futile mass back down against the bed and once again hushed him "no baby if you wear a condom you cant fill my hole up. Dont you like feeling it kiss your head? Just relax and let my warm pussy kiss that nice thick head" Seth smiled as he began easing the tip of Jakes cock in and out in lewd slurps, milking the warm precum from his head and into his thirsty hole. reaching up to the headboard Seth opened a small brown bottle and placed it under Jakes nostril. "lets just relax and take a big deep breath" seth returned his hand to the thick cock snuggly tucked into his hole and began to gently stroke it. "oh, warm" Jake groaned as he gently humped. "yes baby. lets put more inside that nice warm pussy. it feels so good doesnt it?" Seth slowly rose up and down, stroking the length of Jakes bare cock in his poz hole. "i gotta cum stop" groaned Jake as Seth began to swirl his hips "no baby this is the best part, let the nice warm pussy milk all that seed out of your big balls" Jake panted and groaned in a futile attempt to prolong the inevitable. seth giggled and reached back, fondling Jakes drenched balls "just relax and cum, relax and cum" Seth chanted as Jakes eyes went wide and as if on command, his cock began belching thick neg cum into Seths greedy ass. "there we go" seth soothed as he rolled the big balls in his hand like a toy "no condoms, just cum, doesnt that feel so good?" "we gotta stop, this is wrong" jake panted, still balls deep inside Seths hot hole. "no baby lets stay inside the nice warm pussy. Once that big cock gets hard again ill milk your load right out. just relax and feel how good that pussy is" Seth coaxed, as he gently began alternating between massaging the cock in his guts, and feeding Jake more poppers.
    2 points
  12. i'd just turned 18 and was feeling down. "Why don't you ask your brother antionio about swinging, it might cheer you up" dad suggested. My brother told me that if I waited in his room at 7pm he could teach me about swinging. I waited in his room. I could see some strange objects on his bed. I wondered what they were and what they did. My brother entered his room. "The only rule in my room as that we dont wear anything even condoms." He said taking his shirt off. I got undressed down to my undies and he had his boxers on. "I can see your nipples poking out your bra, let me kiss them" he said. I took my bra off and sat on the bed. He kissed my nipples gently, it felt so good. I started twiddling his. "Oh yeah sis that feels good" he said picking up one of the objects. He turned into and it vibrated. He ran it over my body avoiding my panty area. I could see something moving in his boxers. I went wet and he could see. "Well I think your pussy wants to say hello to me?" He said gently pulling my panties off. I felt my pussy lips getting wetter and bigger. Then he kissed my pussy gently. It felt amazing like nothing I'd ever had before. "This is what swingers do, they pleasure each other. " he said as he moved the vibrator towards my pussy. "You have a beautiful wet pussy that I want to pleasure all night" he said. "Sure bro if there's enough room in here for us both" i said. He stroked my nipples then took off his boxers. His cock was huge. I bent down and sucked his cock. "Wow sis that's making me so hard" he said. We then kissed and cuddled. He was laying behind me, his cock was very close to my pussy. We went to sleep for a few hours. Once we woke up, I could feel his cock stroking my ass gently. I moved round to face him. His started stroking my pussy again. I was stroking his cock. "Swingers like to make love, they put their cocks in wet pussies, or mouths or asses or even all 3" he said. "You've already been in my mouth" I said. He started stroking my pussy with his cock "make love to me, show me how to be a good swinger" i said. He inched his cock slowly forwards until it had slipped into my wet pussy. It felt so good, skin on skin, his latino cock in my pussy. He then moved his cock gently in and out of my pussy "i want to pump my love juice into your virgin pussy" he said. I kissed him to agree. I had no idea what love juice was but was about to find out. Then i felt another one of his toys on my pussy. This one was stronger, it gave me more intense pleasure. Then I heard him grunting loudly "that's my love just going into you" he said.
    2 points
  13. I love being in a harness as the Top can grab me put me in the position he wants. It also a fashion statement of the leather community. Harness are real thing and if you go to any event you see many with them.
    2 points
  14. As a original poz bottom now toxic vers I love to be whipped while strapped to a fuck bench and poz bred so pain is good
    2 points
  15. A lot of it comes down to not being an asshole. You don't have to be rude about your preferences, but you also don't owe anyone an explanation for why you aren't into them. Putting "no blacks, no asians" in your profile because you can't be bothered to say "no, thank you" to people who don't do it for you seems like being an asshole to me. Repeatedly asking "but why won't you give me a shot?" is definitely being an asshole.
    2 points
  16. It was quite early in my sex experience. After a while of topping i wanted to try bottoming, and had quite a few hookups as a bottom. It felt great! I was strict on always using condoms though. But it was this one time, I remember it well. He had a super hot profile pic on Grindr, and straight to the matter when chatting. I remember his apartment too, and his bedroom with large windows ith view to the street outside his flat. I asked him if he had a condom, and he said "sure". We got naked, started kissing, and soon he was on top of me. He was so handsome, and made me really horny. Then he suddenly asked "Sure you need a condom?" I was baffled by the question, since i assumed it was already decided. "Its a thousand times better without it..." Sounded like he gave me a choice - but really, who says no to something thats a thousand times better? So I went with it, and he fucked me hard, lying sideways on the bed. All RAW. Before he shot his load inside me he said "Im cumming soon. Filling you up with my sperm". Then he fucked harder and rougher and came inside my ass. Looking back - I was a virgin until that point. Condom sex isnt sex, and have you first tried sweaty, RAW breeding its no way back. Never touched a condom ever since.
    2 points
  17. Made yourself a friend instead;-)
    2 points
  18. My thought is people are attracted to what attracts them and no one owes sex to someone he isn't attracted to.
    2 points
  19. Tuesday afternoon my Sicilian mate Enz txt me asking if I fancied going over to his for some fun with a bi/Str8 guy he’s been hooking up with. Enz is 37, 5’10” hairy tanned muscular body & very hairy bubble arse. His mate Is Iain, 32, 5’11, average hairy body with a massive 10” uncut dick. I got there a short while before Iain, got naked & blew a few clouds with Enz & had a few puffs on his spliff. When Iain arrived my cunthole started twitching with excitement, very masculine scally bit of rough. When he stripped his soft dick was an impressive 5” or so with a good few inches of foreskin overhang!🤤 I love dick with overhang. I got on my knees between his legs & started sucking his dick hard while he blew clouds with Enz. Iain’s dick seemed to just get bigger & bigger to the point that his big swollen bell end was all i could get in my mouth. I was ordered onto the bed, head down. I felt Iain’s hands grab my arse & spread my cheeks. His stubble was rough on my arse crack & cunthole, he licked my hole then pushed his tongue in me. He had me groaning loudly with pleasure for for the 5 minutes he’d been eating my cunthole. He stopped when I begged for his huge dick. I did blowbacks with both of them before getting on my back, Enz was straddling my face holding my legs back, his dick & balls resting on my face. Iain rubbed his big bell end on my hole making me cunthole ache with desire, as he started to push it in me I started rubbing the tips of my nipples. They’re wired to my cunthole & as my hole started to stretch waves of pleasure flowed from my hole deep into my guts & my hole began to open up & take his monster dick. His dick felt so fucking big inside me & so fucking good too, from my back he flipped me to doggy for a while then to my favourite, on my side being fucked from behind. He fucked me harder & faster with every thrust going balls deep each time. His big swollen bell end & 1/2 the length of his thick shaft pushed & rubbed against my prostate as it slid in & out of my cunthole intensifying the levels of pleasure surging through my cunthole & guts. My loud moaning & groaning was about to turn into howling with sheer ecstasy! Iain loved how noisy I am, spanking my arse hard as he raided my cunthole. I was rocketing to orgasm & barely managed to say I was close when my orgasm went off like a nuclear bomb making my legs tremble & my howling turn into gasping yelps! My cunthole was in orgasmic spasm gripping his huge dick inside me. Soon after Iain started to groan louder, he told me he was gunna flood me with his huge cum load. I begged him to breed me telling him to put his baby in my belly! To get my pregnant! This seemed to tip him over the edge, he let out an almighty roar as he thrust his pulsating dick as deep in my guys as he could. I felt his dick pumping hard inside me & his warm cum filling me up, my hard dick spontaneous started squirting big wads of my thick cum everywhere. My whole body was tingling for a good 30 minutes after. It wasn’t long before I was hungry for dick again, Enz & Iain were going at it & heading to the shower for some piss fun, I’d left my grindr & scruff running with I was being fucked & had msgs to respond too. 2 of the messages go me hard & my arse aching so I replied to both In turn saying I was gagging to get them inside my arse. The 1st was a 68 year old stocky hairy daddy called Pete, he was looking for a quick pump n dump & only 350 meters away. I told him to come over now. The second was 28 year old hairy mixed race lad called Justin. He has a muscular swimmers build, tight black curly afro man fur covering his big pecs, his belly, arse & legs & a sexy natural bush around his fat veiny 9” uncut dick. I told him I’d be ready for him in an hour. Pete arrived & fucked me against the wall in the wall near the front door, he fucked me very hard & bred his big load in me & was gone within 25 minutes. Justin is a good looking lad & even more so in person, his stunning green eyes were captivating & when he smiled he had me wanting his babies! He fuck & bred me 4 times, twice in the bedroom twice in the living room while Iain & Enz were fucking too. The last fuck was more a mini group fuck cos the lads joined in fucking me twice & it ended with them breeding me one after the other. A few hours later Enz was having a 3sum with a muscle daddy couple in the bedroom while Iain got down to fucking me again, with Enz busy in the other room we were more intimate & flirtatious. We were mutually into each other & it would have been obvious if Enz had seen us. Iain had me pinned down on my back in the armchair plowing his dick in my hole as we kissed. When he stopped kissing me I asked if he’d be up for fucking me regularly at my place without Enz. I told him I really liked him, he jokingly asked if it was his dick I was really after. Both I replied, I find genuine masculinity, natural dominance & a sex drive as big as mine extremely attractive. Having a massive dick to dominate me with is the icing on the cake. I then put my hand on his cheek & looked him dead in the eye & said “ Now show me how much damage you big dick can do to my pussy” he smiled & growled as he fucked my pussy as rough as he could. He manhandled me & roughed me up getting me in the positions he wanted me in. He gave me multiple orgasms, one was so intense I actually pissed myself. At 4am Enz was still busy with the daddy’s I briefly interrupted to say I was going home. Iain decided he wanted to come with me. He went & told enz he had some stuff to sort out at home & was gunna get a lift from me. Enz was only interested in the daddy’s so we left him to it & came to mine. My cunthole is now swollen & red, his big dick is red to from fucking so hard, I love it. I’ve got so much of Iain’s cum in my guts i can feel it slouching around inside me & my guts gurgle loudly as I move about. We’re both still horny as fuck & after initiating a little gently rubbing my finger on his arse hole which he liked I now wanna get my dick in him.🍆💦💦💦
    2 points
  20. Part 5 - Overlooking Hyde Park Conrad returned to the greenhouse and found Jack sat attending some new Hibiscus seedlings, he walked still in shock of what he had seen but went around things as normal calling it a day by 4pm. He couldn't shake how unnerved he was and the last thing he needed tonight was going out, promising Charlie they would have dinner out by way of an apology for the fight. Jack watched him leave and seeing the change in him that afternoon he was concerned that something happened, he headed up to the manor to ask if Simon saw anything that would explain the strange behaviour from Conrad. Simon had no idea and in his usual way of ignorance is bliss he didn't dwell on it anymore taking Jack up to bed for some late afternoon release. Charlie ordered the food and fetched the drinks sitting back down at the booth that they had managed to corner in the gastro pub. It was fairly busy for a Sunday evening with most of the patrons sitting in the beer garden enjoying the summer sunshine. Conrad was happy and in his element being out with Charlie, it made a change the two of them finding some time to talk things over before Charlie went back to naval training in the morning. "Does it still hurt" Charlie asked nodding at the fading bruise above Conrad's eye. "No" Conrad replied a little distracted "it will be gone in a day or so" he said. Charlie nodded "I guess mum and dad were right, 20 years before we had a bust up". Conrad looked at him "Did you say anything to them?" he asked knowing he didn't have to explain about what. "Of course I didn't" Charlie replied looking at Conrad "did you hear off Max?" he now asked. "Yes he sent me Harry's number" Conrad replied looking at his glass "the thing is I saw him today". Charlie grinned at his brother "And what happened?" he asked leaning forward. "Nothing he was at the manor at Simon's party" Conrad said adding "the Arab guy was there as well". "Bloody hell" Charlie blurted out then lowered his voice "You didn't talk to Harry then?". "No" Conrad replied "and I don't know if I will ever talk to him" he said taking a sip of beer. Charlie sat back assessing his brother "Do you fancy of him or not?" he asked quite casually. Conrad chuckled and looked at Charlie "Sort of" he sighed "part of me seems attracted to him" he replied. "I knew it" Charlie said leaning forward "you had a hardon when we played around before Simon turned up". Conrad blushed "Ew I don't fancy you" he said trying to be serious and stifling his giggling. "Yes you do" Charlie said with confidence "like having sex with yourself" he said grinning. Conrad laughed shaking his head "Your fucking screwed up Charlie" he replied. "What are you going to do about it, Harry I mean?" Charlie asked putting his glass down on the table. "Nothing, I am going to get my education finished first" Conrad replied "I have to sit that exam now". Charlie nodded "You mean the one you can take from selling your arse?" he said in a hushed tone. "Thanks Charlie!" Conrad exclaimed rolling his eyes "I don't need you keep reminding me what I stupidly did". Charlie chuckled "You know I am ever going to let you forget that Con" he said sitting back very satisfied. "I know, don't worry though I will get something on you hanging around with all those navy boys" Conrad hinted. Charlie laughed "Sharing a bedroom with another guy dressed in uniform" Conrad added "temptation". "Stop it" Charlie said trying to catch his breath from laughing "it is nothing like that" he looked at Conrad "seriously thing about Harry". "What is this fascination with Harry?" Conrad asked exasperated. Charlie grinned at him "For fucks sake Conrad he is in love with you". Charlie was a devious plotter and he was already getting an idea now Conrad had finally admitted that he was more gay than straight. Their food had gone cold by the time they finished eating unable to stop talking. Conrad crawled in to bed tired thinking over his encounter with Harry in London, he slept soundly but in the back of his mind the thought of telling his parents played over. By morning Charlie was packing his car at 7am ready to head off, Conrad grabbed some shorts dressing quickly he ran downstairs to say good bye catching Charlie walking in to pick up his last bag. "Seriously you was going to go without saying good bye" Conrad said reaching the bottom step. "How stupid do you think I am?" Charlie replied walking over to Conrad and hugging him hard. Conrad felt emotional for the first time at one of Charlies departures "When are you coming home again?". "Three weeks time" Charlie replied holding Conrad's face he looked him in the eye "you need to tell them". Conrad nodded "I know" he said "I will do it when I feel ready". Charlie kissed his brother on the lips surprising Conrad "I still love you Con" he said and hugged him again. Conrad fought back the tears holding Charlie tight only letting go when their mother appeared with a bag of food for Charlie to take with his favourites in. Jody could sense something going on between them but put it down to their weird twin thing they always seemed to have. Conrad went upstairs to get showered and dressed then heading out to college for enrolment day on the final course, this was going to be his hardest course and passing the RHS Botany Science exam would open many doors of opportunities for him all over the world. He felt a little stupid and embarrassed paying for the course that day, hoping that the administrator would not ask how he got the money to pay for it. It took him a moment to shake it off and they took payment confirming his place to start the following Monday. The rest of the day Conrad spent tending the flower beds along the road then weeding the flower bed on the little roundabout fondly remembering the days Charlie and he would cycle around it and that fateful day he met Jack. The manor looked eerily quiet compared to the weekend's activities. The week dragged by slowly and Conrad buried his head in the new books he had acquired for the upcoming course. Even he was struggling with parts of it at first, by far it was the hardest and most complex science he had come across. Writing things down to ask Jack about he carried on relentlessly searching bits and pieces on the internet so that he could understand the subject better. He visited the manor a couple of times and spent it in the kitchen garden checking on the progress of the herbs and vegetables with Jack, there was no sight of Simon during the days he visited. Thankful in a way so that he didn't get ahead of himself and asked questions about Harry and Moham being there. No matter what searches he did he couldn't find much on Hibiscus Manor, a place called Hibiscus Drive kept coming up and finally he clicked on the link. Harry looked at the street view on the 3D map and smiled knowing he had found it, he recognised the houses along the road and the wrought iron gates of the manor that he saw from inside it. Panning out he saw the nearest town was Bordon and a few miles from Alton, it certainly was stuck in the Hampshire countryside but he now knew where he saw Conrad working. Putting things together he figured that he must also live around the area, deciding if he saw Max again he would need to ask him outright exactly where Conrad lived. Harry finished his lectures and stayed on in the college library to finish his home study and decide what to do this weekend, he opened his phone and saw one message on his mobile banking app that was several days old. Opening it up he was gobsmacked to see £50k had been deposited in the account. He had literally forgotten about the payment he would get for the weekend but never expected that much. It brought a smile to his face and thankfully with him getting fed up with hanging out at the gay bar he needn't have worried. He really needed to spend some time looking for jobs in sales and marketing, so far that week he hadn't once been to the bar and he was hoping that the need would never rise again. The problem with Knightsbridge is that it is never hard to spot people who frequent the area since most had their little haunts, today was proving no exception. Harry left the library arranging to meet some friends in Hyde Park. He was watching the fuss going on outside the front of the Mandarin Oriental hotel with the doorman and concierge, two black limousines pulled up outside and the hotel staff stopped pedestrians to allow the VIP's to enter the hotel. Harry stood there waiting not paying much attention and waiting patiently, VIP's and limousines were quite common place at the hotel. Harry looked up to see if things were moving again and the occupant exited the limousine looked in his direction. Stopping himself from shouting out and saying hello Harry watched Moham making eye contact but also ignoring him in one move. Another business man exited the Limousine and Moham let him go in front calling the concierge over speaking to him. All Harry could see was the concierge nod understanding what was being asked and without a further glance Moham disappeared in to the hotel. The other limousine pulled up to the front with more people dressed in suits going in to the hotel and one of the receptionists came hurrying outside handing a key card to the concierge. Harry patiently waited until the car pulled away and started making his way across the front of the hotel putting his phone back in his pocket. Sergio the concierge stood there waiting until Harry got closer and walked up to him. "Good evening Sir" Sergio said stopping Harry who looked at him "your key to suite 920". Harry looked at the piece of plastic "Sorry I think there has been a mistake" he replied. Sergio remained business like "No mistake suite 920 make yourself at home and your gentleman friend will join you in an hour". Harry stood confused for a minute "Oh right" he said with Sergio directing Harry inside the hotel. "I will take you to the suite and you must wait there" Sergio said calling the lift. Harry stepped in to the lift with Sergio his face burning from embarrassment "Its not what it seems" Harry claimed trying to explain himself. Sergio did not look at Harry "Nothing is what it seems" he replied shuffling his feet "our guests discretion is of upmost importance". Harry was anxious and a little nervous standing in the lift going to the ninth floor and following Sergio to the suite, he opened the door and handed the key to Harry explaining there was water in the fridge and to order anything if he was hungry. Before he could say anything Sergio left glancing over his shoulder at Harry smirking. Sending a text to his friends explaining something had come up Harry looked out at the view over Hyde Park, so many times he had passed the front of the hotel and seen the rich and famous coming and going. He walked around the large suite that was immaculately kept, the bedroom off the lounge was decorated in a very Oriental feel with expensive bed linen. Feeling that Moham was going to want his way with him he went to the bathroom cleaned out then went back in to the lounge and put the TV on, he spent most of the time looking out of the window drinking a bottle of water ignoring the TV. He had some idea why he was here but a very real and unexpected twist would happen, at 7.15pm Moham appeared in the suite dressed in his business suite. "Harry" Moham said walking in "I didn't know if you would be here". "Why am I here?" Harry asked sitting back down on the sofa. Moham took his tie and jacket off and undid his shirt "Oh right" Harry said taking his t-shirt off. Moham smiled at him "I am taking you to bed" he said taking his trousers off and watching Harry do the same. "I suppose that is one way of looking at it" Harry replied half giggling. Moham walked towards Harry placing a finger under his chin "No I mean I am taking you to bed" he said. Moham leaned down his tall solid built figure and hairy chest was all man, this was the first time Harry had actually seen him nearly naked apart from him wearing underwear and socks. Harry caught by surprise feeling Moham kissing him and holding his lips against Harry's waiting to be reciprocated, parting his lips he tasted Moham who kissed him deep and lifted him off the ground. Pleasantly surprised and not expecting this he was being carried by Moham to the bedroom, there was none of the business only nature around Moham this evening in fact he appeared to be a totally different person. In truth the more time Moham spent with Harry the more he liked his very casual and youthful attitude, he was upset having lost out on spending the night with Harry at the party. The last time they spent in his limousine a change happened in the way they had sex, it was more unhurried that allowed Moham to relax more and enjoy the drama free experience. Unlike his wife who would only put out when it suited her and was more a duty than intimacy, he was drawn more and more to Harry's smooth body and skin that excited him when they were close. Moham carried Harry to the bed and laid him down gently, their kissing continued and Harry giggled with a mouth full of Moham's tongue feeling the beard scratching and tickling his face. He moaned feeling the full weight of Moham pressing down on his body slipping between his legs. The usual urgency gone and Harry allowed Moham to lay on him rubbing his already erect cock against him. Gently Harry coerced Moham on to his back, teasingly rubbings his hand over the cock hidden under the fabric causing a small damp patch of precum to appear. Harry straddled across resting his arse hard against Moham's cock rubbing back and forth kissing his chest and neck lightly, slowly inching towards his mouth again he was welcomed with a loving kiss. Moham slipped his arms around Harry holding him and caressing his arse through the underwear at first then sensually slipping his hand inside the elastic. Moham moaned in delight feeling the supple and smooth skin driving him wild he kissed Harry harder, both moaning with pleasure. Harry wriggled free of his arms and sank lower down his body kissing the nipples and running his face through the hairy chest that trailed off in a line down his naval. His hand ran over Moham's cock carefully watching his face change in to a broad smile between happiness and erotic pleasure. Harry kissed the exposed skin above the underwear and ran his mouth along the hefty shaft of Moham's cock still hidden in his underwear. He sat up looking down at Moham, the man of many dominant sexual encounters and few words was like putty in his hands at the moment. His thighs were sturdy and thick, lightly covered in black hair, the hefty arms that hid an abundance of muscle and capable of holding him tightly. Harry almost orgasmed just looking and being able to touch him so sensually for once. His fingers slipped inside the band of the underwear gently pulling them down exposing the thick eight inches of dark skinned pleasure that awaited. Harry leaned down and kissed the inside of his thighs watching Moham's back rise and fall his legs trembled at the sensation, he continued kissing around then gently licking along the shaft. A stream of precum oozed out hanging from the tip of Moham's cock tempting and teasing Harry, he licked under then around having a job trying to contain the bouncing cock that had a mind of its own. Harry gave one last lick sinking his mouth around the head and gently caressing it with his lips, Moham moaned louder pushing his hips up. Harry was teasing his cock and Moham was responding, his hand pushed Harry's head further down several times then stopped giving control back over to Harry again. Moham stroked Harry's head with his eyes closed moaning softly, they continued in this position for several minutes. Suddenly Moham leaned forward and pulled Harry up making short work of his underwear and throwing them on the floor 'Enough teasing I need to fuck you Harry' he said kissing Harry hard and positioning him above his cock. Harry spat in his hand and rubbed it against his hole, Moham waiting for Harry to grab his cock was surprised when he leaned forward pushing Moham back down on the bed kissing him. His arse rubbing against Moham's cock slowly pushing it up and letting it seek his hole. Moham wanted to push in so badly and just take him, he held back desperate to see where this was leading. Unable to speak locked in a kiss Harry slowly pushed down and gasped in to Moham's mouth, his hole stretching to accommodate the head penetrating through. He stopped pushing down and gently rocked his arse fucking the head of his cock. Moham slapped Harry's arse and moaned in pleasure still restraining himself from pushing up that was his natural instinct to do. Harry stopped kissing and looked down at Moham 'Is this better than just taking me in the limo?' he asked becoming aware that Moham was staring him in the eye 'Stop asking questions and sex me' Moham replied pulling him back down and kissing him harder than ever. Harry used his arse and continued teasing edging deeper down taking Moham's cock almost all of the way but holding back a little. Controlling sex with Moham was so strange to him and he was loving it, satisfied and enjoying the feel of Moham getting inside gently felt amazing. He started to feel the coarse pubes meeting his arse, the dynamic quickly change when Moham raised his legs pushing the rest of his cock deep inside Harry giving several sharp hard and deep thrusts before relaxing and letting Harry take over again. Raising himself up his hands grabbed on to Moham's thighs 'Oh fuck Moham' Harry moaned leaning back and feeling the full might of Moham's cock inside him. He spent several minutes slowly gyrating his arse watching the pleasure unfold in Moham's expression, his hands roaming across Harry's body and legs. Harry ran his hands up along the hairy chest letting out a massive moan of delight, Moham had taken hold of Harry's cock and was slowly rubbing it and pushing his hips up gently fucking Harry. They made eye contact staring again in to each others eyes that blew Harry's mind. He pushed down hard and felt the pressure release in his balls, closing his eyes his body jolted down and forward ejaculating over Moham's chest. His body shaking trying to rid the orgasm and unable to control himself, his eyes opened feeling Moham's hand on his face gently caressing him, his eyes still locked on Harry. Regaining some composure Harry looked down at the mess he had made coating Moham's chest chair with his cum, pulled forward he was kissing him again. Moham raised his legs and slowly fucked Harry for several more minutes then pushed him back up, Harry sank deep on his cock and moved his hips back and forth to Moham's pleasure. Unsure how it even happened but he was now holding hands tightly with Moham, his cock pushing up every now and then driving Harry to speed up. The continuous slapping sound as his arse met with Moham's groin filled the room, the subtle moans from both of them getting louder and Harry could feel the cock inside him swelling and getting harder. Moham let out a growling moan pushing his hips up harder and Harry ground his arse down, he cried in pleasure feeling the cock erupting in a series of over exaggerated pulses in his arse. Moham held Harry's hands tighter, hips pushing Harry up in the air almost lifting him off the bed and penetrating him to the hilt planting his seed deep inside. Held partly aloft by Moham's hips Harry ground his arse still feeling the pulses from the cock. His legs rose up pushing Harry forward in to his arms, their lips locked together frantically kissing and panting trying to catch their breath. Harry laid on top of Moham in his arms and firmly impaled on his cock, his head resting against Moham's neck. Harry played with Moham's chest hair releasing small pleasurable moans with Moham gently caressing his back. Moham kissed Harry 'Ready for more?' he asked like he was giving Harry a choice, he chuckled and looked him in the eye 'I know you like it more than once' Harry replied. The evening took a second surprise twist, Moham rolled Harry over on to his back still impaled on his cock and hooking Harry's legs around his waist. His arm slipped Harry's neck holding him, he kissed and began to fuck him in a missionary position. Using his thighs to keep Harry's legs up he fucked him gently and slowly taking his time and kissing him. In charge this time Moham didn't fuck excessively hard yet he still gave him a solid pounding before raising his head and looking Harry in the eyes, holding him tightly he shot a second load deep in to him. Moham released Harry from his cock and laid gently down on top kissing him then rolled on to his back, Harry stared up the at the ornately decorated ceiling completely wowed by what he had just experienced with the mysterious Moham. Half expecting that to be it, he was already thinking of getting dressed. "Hungry?" Moham asked running his hand over Harry's body. Harry looked at him "What more?" he asked seeing Moham grin. "Later" he replied "do you want to eat anything food wise?" Moham asked. Harry sat up and looked at him "I can't figure you out sometimes" he said "yes I am hungry". "Good" Moham said reaching over to the phone and ordering two lobster salads. Harry laid back down "Haven't seen you hanging around the bar recently" Moham said hanging the phone up. "No, I need to grow up and get a job" Harry replied rolling on to his stomach. Moham pulled Harry to him and kissed him again "What sort of work?" he asked. Harry ran his hand over Moham's chest feeling his cum in there "I have studied business so sales or marketing". "That's boring" Moham replied stroking Harry's head "sorry I didn't mean to disrespect your choice". Harry laughed "What do you suggest then?" he asked "apart from this" he said. Moham smiled "I don't know and I don't see you doing this as a choice of career". "Am I that bad at it then?" Harry asked grabbing hold of Moham's cock. Moham chuckled and slapped his hand away "No quite the opposite and tonight has proved it". Harry sat up and looked at "Proved what?" he asked unsure what Moham was getting at. "That I would like having sex with you on a more intimate basis" Moham replied. Harry chuckled "There was me thinking you could not get any more mysterious" he said sitting across Moham. Moham smiled up at him "Why don't you work for me as my assistant" he suggested looking seriously at him. "You mean sex toy?" Harry replied stroking his chest "no I need a proper job" he said patting his chest. Moham sat up and kissed Harry "It is a proper job, you manage my diary and travel arrangements" he explained. Harry smiled "Not sure Moham" he said pondering on it "is it not boring just sorting your diary out?" he asked. "It won't just be that" Moham replied "you will travel with me, I have a PA but I need a trusted assistant and adviser". Harry laid back down "Okay does it pay well?" he asked turning his head to look at Moham. "You will get a lot more of this" Moham said waving his cock around and laughing "How is £40k to start with?". Harry looked up at the ceiling "Sure why not" he replied smiling "thank you" he said. Moham smiled "I will give you the address of my office we can meet and discuss next week" he said standing up. Harry looked at him "This is real your not kidding me?" he asked. "No kidding but this part of us must remain very discreet Harry" Moham said looking at him. Harry nodded "So..." he paused "why are doing this for me?" he asked curiously. Moham studied him a moment "I trust you Harry and I like your company" he replied. Harry smiled "Same here and I know I can't get all loved up over you" he chuckled. "There is one thing Harry" Moham said looking at him "you slept with Simon at the party?". "Is that his name, the owner" Harry replied and Moham nodded. "Please get yourself tested, Simon is HIV positive" Moham said looking seriously at him. Harry sat quietly shocked before speaking again "But we used a condom" he said thinking about it. Moahm shook his head "Don't be fooled Harry, Simon is a nice guy but sex with a deviant pleasure for him" he said. Harry looked worried "You mean he would have tried stealthing me?" he asked. Moham nodded "Get tested and get on meds if he did I don't want you falling sick" he warned. "Why?" Harry asked looking at Moham with real concern on his face. Moham smiled "I like having sex with you Harry so you need to stay healthy, especially if you agree to work for me". Harry sat on the bed "And you?" he asked knowing that was a silly question to ask him. "No I am clean Harry" Moham replied "But get yourself sorted out if he has managed to infect you". Harry nodded the smile gone off his face "I will, stealthing me wow that is nasty" he said. Moham touched Harry's face "Just always be discreet about us Harry". "I will" Harry replied nodding "Moham, thank you I mean for this and being able to enjoy sex with you". Moham smiled "Now suck me off" he said flapping his hard dick around in front of Harry. Harry laughed and slipped his mouth around Moham's hard cock again slowly working it in a teasing gently way before receiving a gob full of his cum. It was one thing taking it up the arse but Harry preferred not to swallow and spat it out down the toilet. Moham chuckled and showered whilst Harry sat and watched him until he finished then showered himself, Moham dressed in one the hotels dressing gowns went in to the lounge and directed room service that had arrived with their dinner. Harry turned off the water and started drying himself trying to come to terms with the whole evening, it was becoming apparent that Moham had a soft spot for Harry and that was evident throughout the time they appeared to make love more than just fuck tonight. Moham walked in to the bathroom handing Harry a dressing gown telling him dinner was ready. Sitting down to eat Moham asked Harry a lot of questions and generally chatted to him for quite a long time explaining he would be based out of the corporate office in central London. Moham left the hotel at 11pm and invited Harry to stay the night if he wanted. He would have loved nothing more but his parents were expecting him home and he left the hotel a few steps behind Moham and walking off in a complete discreet manner. He was a little cautious about the offer but had the details of the company and decided to fact check it in the morning before Moham called to arrange the meeting next week. Conrad and Jack spent most of that weekend chatting in the greenhouse, the pair of them checked over all the hibiscus beds along the road to make sure they were flourishing The weekend past so quickly he didn't want it to end but he had college on Monday. Conrad finished his first few days of lectures and Harry was still coming in to his head seeing the face in the helicopter taking off. He had declined going for a drink with the 15 other students on his course who were quite a bit older than him and them trying to figure out how such a young person got accepted on the advanced course. He had a quick phone call with Charlie on his walk back home and spent the evening doing his assignment with Jack's guidance over video call. He thought going back to college would mean him missing Jack a bit but they had set Wednesday evenings aside as their night and this week was the first going out to dinner at the local pub. Charlie though still aired on the side of caution when Conrad rattled on about Jack and kept his mouth shut, he had to learn to trust his brothers judgement and knew they had a very close friendship but nothing sexual as far as he was aware. Harry made his way in to central London and left the tube at Holborn following the directions to Moham's head office. His quick internet search of the company RMJ Equity Ventures lead him to the website where he delved deeper in to the company that seemed to have a multitude of subsidiaries in a variety of fields some very lucrative and others that had been purchased, the assets stripped and sold off. He learnt more about Moham and his real name Raheem Mohammed Jazeer, his own personal wealth was thought to be in the billions having built the company up to its current estimate of £3.6 billion through careful investment and cash reserve. It also surprised him to see his wife was 10 years younger and the 2 children in their teens. There was very little else about Moham, no gossip or scandal just a very shrewd businessman and owner of the company, family man who he knew didn't get the bed time treats or adoration he liked. The address of the building looked pretty modest and decorated in cream and brown colour palette, Harry had to wait in the reception until Moham's personal secretary Elspeth came down to meet him. "Harry Ashley-Cooper" Elspeth asked approaching him looking down her nose. Harry stood up "Yes that is I" he replied offering her his hand. "I am Mr Raheem's personal secretary Ms Phelps" she said in a very unfriendly manner "come along" she said. Harry felt sick to his stomach wondering what was instore for him "Thank you" he replied walking to the lift. "Mr Raheem has not given much detail about you" Elspeth said pressing the button and hurrying him along. Harry felt it was more of a you need to tell me now remark "An assistant to him" he replied being evasive. "To Mr Raheem" Elspeth corrected him "you need to learn to address him correctly or you won't last long". "Of course" Harry replied politely trying to be nice with her and failing spectacularly exiting the lift. "The HR manager is with Mr Raheem sit here until you are called" she said pointing to a sofa. Elspeth sat behind her desk along with two other assistants who all looked up at when he arrived, she quickly snapped her fingers like a school teacher telling them to get back to their work. The area was furnished to be comfortable enough for a short wait and several people came on to the floor dropping things off and leaving again glancing at the nervous Harry. He studied Ms Phelps a little deciding he didn't care for her much, but then she was no different speaking to the other two assistants who said nothing and got on with whatever she gave them to do. Harry watched the two doors opening and a tall dark haired and very attractive man in his early thirties exited closing the door behind him, he walked over to Elspeth's desk, the minute she spoke to him it was like a different person was there, tactful, respecting and polite manner to her tone and indeed when she walked over to Harry she was completely polite. "My Ahsley-Cooper this is Mr Prestley our HR Manager for RMJ Equity" Elspeth said introducing them. Adam shook hands with Harry "Please call me Adam and you are Harry right?" he asked. Harry nodded and smiled "Pleased to meet you Adam" he said watching Elspeth furrow her eyebrows. "Well Harry lets not keep Mr Raheem waiting any longer he is looking forward to meeting you" Adam said. Elspeth moved out of the way letting Harry pass "Adam what job is he interviewing for?" she asked. "Executive Business Assistant to Mr Raheem" Adam replied "Oh and please sort coffee out for three, quickly Elspeth". "Yes of course Mr Prestley" she replied hurrying off. Adam shook his head "This way Harry" Adam said guiding him to the office and looking at him "yeah I know". Harry laughed then stopped abruptly "Sorry know what?" he asked worrying himself. Adam smirked "Dragon lady" he replied "efficient and organised but my god she is a brutal nutcase". "Oh right" Harry replied giggling watching Adam open the door, they walked in closing the door behind them. "Mr Raheem this is Harry Ashely-Cooper here for the Executive Business Assistant position" Adam said. Moham came round from his desk and smiled "Thank you Adam" he said "Harry so glad you came please sit". Harry shook hands on a very professional basis and sat down, it took a few seconds for him to stop remembering their night at the hotel and started to talk about his studies. Adam asking a lot of questions and Moham talking about the job and what is expected and that he would be privy to confidential documents. It went on for over an hour before Harry was asked to leave the office and wait for Adam, he closed the door and sat down on the sofa. Elspeth looking over at him several times. Adam sat back down opposite Moham and looked over the notes he had taken and closed his folder. "Do you trust him?" Adam asked Moham putting the folder down on the empty chair. Moham nodded "Implicitly" he replied looking up at Adam "what do you think, will he cut it?". "I think he will" Adam replied sitting back in his chair watching Moham "well brought up and educated". Moham smiled "You have already made up your mind" Adam said "I will get the paperwork sorted". "Thank you Adam" Moham replied "and put him in the office next to mine" he said. Adam stood and picked his folder up "You sure about the salary Moham?" he asked. Moham nodded "Take him under your wing and mentor him Adam and put him on the management trainee programme". "Thank you I will enjoy mentoring him" Adam replied grinning. Moham checked his email "Keep it in your pocket around him" he said glancing at Adam. Adam stood there "Is he?" he asked waiting and Moham looked up and nodded. "Ah so he is my replacement" Adam chuckled walking towards the door. Moham looked over "Adam, keep an eye on him I think Simon got to him" he said. "Fuck Moham" Adam said with holding the door handle "him as well?". Moham smirked "I keep losing at the auction". Adam grinned at Moham "You know I won't be able to keep my hands off him". He heard Moham laughing closing the door and took Harry to his office to sign all the paperwork and non disclosure agreement, starting salary and start date. It was happening so quickly for Harry and he walked out of the building with Adam securing a well paid job and starting next Monday. Adam had a quiet word with Harry and agreed to meet him on Friday and take him to the clinic to get checked over. He was quietly embarrassed about the whole thing until Adam explained that he was poz and probably by Simon as well 7 years ago. Immediately the two of them formed a bond, it helped that Harry thought Adam was very sexy and wouldn't mind fucking him. Harry woke on Friday morning feeling worse for wear, Adam sat with him texting Moham from the rapid test centre at the clinic. He was prepared for the worst case outcome and was in no surprise when he tested positive for hiv. the doctor explained that the virus was not fully integrated in his body and was why he hadn't been ill to date, he was given a prescription fortunately it was a one a day pill which didn't seem to bad. He took the first one at the clinic and Adam took him for a coffee afterwards to make sure he was okay. "So did Moham ask you to look after me then?" Harry asked. Adam put his coffee down "Yes and I will mentor you at work" he said "Ms Phelps is really pissed off". "Why?" Harry asked "I did nothing to offend her she was just horrible to me". Adam smiled "She has to report in to you". Harry threw his hands up "I haven't even started and people hate me" he said chuckling. "Moham is a hard boss Harry but you will be just fine he likes you" Adam said finishing his coffee. Harry grinned at Adam "I like hard men, actually I am quite hard looking at you" he said. Adam looked at Harry then shook his head smiling "Harry, Harry, Harry, one day" he said chuckling. Harry laughed and leaned closer "You can be my bitch" he said looking at him. Adam looked at his watch "If I wasn't working I would bang the arse off you now and see who is the bitch". They both laughed causing a few people to turn looking at them "Harry promise me you will call if you need to talk" Adam said. Harry nodded "I will, it helps knowing you I can talk to someone if I need to" he said. Moham was not surprised by the news and pleased that Harry was starting meds straight away. He was somewhat annoyed that Simon had done it again to someone he took there. Harry though felt kind of relieved, on the whole he was quite positive about it but still checked in with Adam later that day and over the weekend. He settled in to his new job with Adam as promised mentoring him until he was settled, gradually he took over managing Moham's diary and casting his eye over documents before running through them with Moham. He fitted in well but lacked a passport so he couldn't go on the first business trip and Elspeth lorded it up over Harry rubbing his nose in it when she had the chance. Harry half expected to be bent over the desk in Moham's office frequently but he was astute enough to know that business was business. He made great progress on the management trainee programme and really loved his job. The one thing Harry never got was bored, Moham had such a variety of companies and a complex diary that Elspeth couldn't really manage it effectively. After a month and just before 5pm Harry walked out of his office to do his last task of the day to run through Moham's diary for the following day. Harry went through his appointments and explained he had moved two meetings to the morning putting him on a back to back run of meetings but it freed up his afternoon to catch up on other business. Moham scratched his beard "How did you manage that Harry?" he asked looking surprised. "A little juggling" Harry replied "It means you have meetings all morning..." started saying. "Brilliant" Moham said putting his diary down "you certainly know what your doing". Harry sat there feeling a little proud "Thanks" he said and Moham looked up and smiled. "The 10am to midday meeting I would like you there I think you will learn a great deal" Moham informed him. "Yes sure" Harry replied and Moham handed a folder to him. "Read through this it will get your prepared" Moham said "and your passport has it arrived?" he asked "Should be here next week" Harry replied "am I getting my first business trip?" he asked excitedly. Moham chuckled and smiled "Yes in a few months to do with this meeting tomorrow". Moham smiled watching Harry leave, he had made the right decision with him. Harry saw Adam sat in his office waiting for him, they had bonded so well and went out for dinner two or three times a week at some fancy restaurant courtesy of Moham who sometimes came with them. Harry loved evenings out with Adam who was so easy to talk to and get along with. Sitting there he fancied Adam like crazy but for some reason he again thought of Conrad, he had no idea what he would do if he found him. In his heart he knew he was going to Hibiscus Drive and find Conrad to get an answer one way or another from him. Harry being so busy now always ended up putting it in the back of his mind.
    2 points
  21. doug took great care to keep the boys hole slick as he worked at a calm rhythm. It was important to making the transition as seamless as possible, from bright eyed straight boy to cockthirsty power bottom. These first few sessions were always special, watching the boy try to understand what was happening amidst the haze of the drugs and the wonderful new sensations rising inside them from Dougs warm cock. High, but not too high, Doug had perfected his fun little party needles over decades to make sure there was just enough of a boy left to break. With each thrust, Doug slowly shepherded Oliver off his once bright path of girlfriends and marriage, college and kids, to a nice dark world of cocks and cum. Looking to the clock, Doug had spent nearly an hour inside the boy and was slowly milking him to his second orgasm. "please, no more" the boy begged raggedly as his cock betrayed him at the command of dougs relentless pounding. "here we go, one more for me ollie and then we'll be all done." Doug took his hand off Olivers swollen prick and began pounding harder. "oh god no please, somethings-" Oliver couldnt make out the impending calamity inside him, but he knew something was coming. "just relax ollie, let it come. look at my eyes and let it happen." Oliver froze in a silent, gasping scream as Dougs meaty cock forced the cum out of the boy one last time. "thats it ollie let your pussy do it for you." Doug watched the boy as he grit his teeth and bucked wildly against the mans girth, slowly panting on the table. "oh god." he sighed. "oh my god" he stared at the ceiling. "see Ollie? I would never lie to you." Oliver just smiled at the handsome older man. he could feel Dougs heartbeat through the thick dripping cock inside him. Doug picked up the cellphone and began recording. "now ollie, whats in you right now?" doug held the camera to the boys face. "your dicks in my butt" he sighed. "no baby its in your pussy" doug inched in and out of the exhausted boy. "my pussy. its in my pussy" oliver mumbled. doug pulled the phone down to the boys spread legs and framed the union of the two. "I have some nice warm cream for your tired little pussy baby. does your pussy want some cream?" doug was now pulling fully in and out of the boys gaped ring with loud plops. "okay" the boy sighed, resigned as he laid in a puddle of cum. "i bet that pussys thirsty baby." If doug said his pussy was thirsty is must be true. "i do feel a little thirsty" oliver dreamily thought to himself as doug sprayed his first shot across the boys puffy gaped cunt. "that feels nice" the boy absently remarked as the warm poz spunk painted his ring. how long had they been fucking? he couldnt remember. Ollie just knew the hot splash of cum was soothing as it coated his tired hole. "good boy, drink it all up" Doug returned his throbbing member to the depths of the young mans guts and finished emptying his balls, rubbing olivers cum in slow circles along his stomach. Doug cleaned the last of the boys warm juices off his thick cock and turned to ollie as he reached for a paper towel. "no no sweetie, here" doug lifted the boys jeans to his hands and watched as he tugged them over his leaking ass and sticky thighs. "thats it. here you go" Doug watched as the boy took his shirt from the smiling doctor "but my girlfriends picking me up and i-" doug smiled at the boys inelegant attempt to explain why he shouldnt leave painted in jizz. "oh dont worry ollie its just a short little ride home im sure." Oliver sighed and slowly lugged his shirt over his sticky, cum drenched upper body. "atta boy ollie. Now, I want to see you again a few more times this week. I know this is all a little inconvenient" doug reached down the back of the boys trousers and easily dipped two fingers inside him. "but we need to keep working on that pretty pussy. I just know youll love it when were done." oliver groaned as the man fingered his sore swollen cunt lips, stirring the load inside before presenting his fingers to the boy. "go on, taste it ollie" the doctor instructed as ollie cautiously licked the mans rough digits. "salty." he remarked "thats right baby. boys who get pussies dont have salty loads inside, they only taste how sweet the cum is." Ollie thought about this quizzically for a moment. What had been a routine checkup a few days ago had turned into something he no longer had any real control over. the former virgin spent hours today high as a kite shamefully surrendering his most private body part to this guy. his girlfriend hadnt even seen his asshole and now this complete stranger had opened him up like a so easily, recording the boy as he helplessly orgasmed on the mans hard tool. documenting for all the world to see as Oliver patiently and obediently let the man pump more of his thick toxic seed into him. He laid violated as the man again filled him with cum, and his body obediently seemed to just...drink it up. Oliver saw no way out as he headed past the door and through the waiting room toward his girlfriends waiting ride. He hopped in and as the two headed for a movie oliver flexed his asshole, feeling the load he had taken shift around inside and continue to grease his pucker. His girlfriend seemed totally oblivious to him. to Olivers relief she arrived smoking a cigarette and clearly didnt smell the cum he was marinading in. There was just no way he could say anything, what would he even start with? "oh hey I just spent hours being turned into a girl, dont mind the smell its all just my cum its not like i could really fight it i mean the dick was just so powerful but hey at least its not his cum am i right? yeah thats inside my body I really just let that happen" Oliver rehearsed condescendingly in his head. After the movie the two headed back to Olivers apartment and he made an excuse that the theater was a little too warm to sneak a quick shower. A few more episodes of their favourite show and she was making out. "finally, a return to something fucking normal" Oliver thought, easing his pants off and trading the humiliating experience with Doctor Doug for the womans slender curves. Something was different though, almost wrong. just as the boy thought he was ready to fuck, his prick wilted in protest. frustrated, he finally gave up and called it a night. maybe today was just too stressful. too much action, or drugs? who knew. Oliver flopped down on the bed to check his messages. it was the nice nurse from the clinic confirming his appointment tomorrow at noon as Olivers jaw went slack. of course....dougs words burned in his mind. "no more girlfriends" he croaked. Whatever this monster was doing to his body was actually working. Dougs cock forced the jizz right out of Olivers nuts. his whole body screamed in a pure radiant pleasure, in a way he had never ever felt. he couldnt control it if he wanted to as the man worked the teens body against him. But his girlfriend? aside from a few kisses, he couldnt seem to stay hard no matter what she did. Whatever Doug did, just maybe he could...undo? Oliver hopefully set an alarm and tried to get some sleep for his next appointment.
    2 points
  22. Doug busied himself with the usual workload for the week. He'd finished editing and selling Oliivers debut video a few days earlier and was truly impressed to review it at the end of the day. Doug appreciated his technique. most people wouldnt be able to control themselves at the sight of a teens virgin hole, and he'd certainly had his moments of raw lust, slamming his fat cock into restrained boys who howled in protest. "ah, youth" the tall man reminisced. So long ago. Doug had found his sensual side after he turned 50. He knew he would get much more satisfaction from Oliver by making sure he stayed in one piece as the teen took his meat. To make a good boypussy takes dedication, and doug saw this dedication in the video as he watched the slender teens fuck hole surrender to his fat cock. This was dougs highest artform, taking nice young men and grooming them as servile, submissive fuck holes. Away go the dreams of college, of marriage, and kids, to be replaced with only the pure raw sex they soon learn to crave. Oliver slumped into the waiting room seat. He had come down with a fever earlier that week and had wondered if it was something to do with his flu shot. or maybe he had the flu already? Olivers mind was pretty hazy. he'd never fainted from something as simple as a flu shot before, maybe this was something more serious? the teen tapped his foot as his mind wandered back to the last appointment. At least he'd gotten the physical out of the way. "Oliver?" the chipper voice announced oncemore as the boy looked up from his distraction. "Oliver the doctor will see you now" the friendly male nurse announced, and the boy rose to follow him. "any symptoms bud?" the nurse began taking his vitals. "oh uh, yeah kind of like the flu i guess." The nurse smiled as he made a mental note to confirm the boys charts for the nice little bug Doug gave him. He had always enjoyed seeing Dougs prey return to him, each reporting their conversion without a care in the world. "well well! its ollie! I see youve met Trey" doug stepped into the room with a warm smile as he clapped the nurses shoulder on his way out. Trey was one of his first glorious conversions. doug had spent weeks drugging the boy, pumping him nice and full of poz seed, and breaking him down for a brand new life. now Trey wouldnt dream of starting a day at work before making a stop at the bookstore or the park to get a pussy full of random seed for the day. "well ollie i think what we have here is a vitamin deficiency" doug declared in his best clinical sounding voice. "vitamins! thats it!" ollie confided to himself. how could he forget? i mean poptarts have vitamins but its probably not good to start every breakfast with them. his train of thought was momentarily interrupted as Doug wrapped a piece of tubing around the boys upper arm and swabbed. "make a big fist now ollie and we'll get you the vitamins you need." Oliver obediently complied and Doug injected the various contents of the syringe, releasing the band and watching the boy squirm and groan. "i think you need a little more vitamin D too" Doug sat next to the boy and opened his phone. ollie looked down with glassy eyes and watched himself, he was nude. "i dont remember this" he slurred. "ssh, this is the good part" doug turned the volume up and Olivers face turned to remorse as the video finished. "see ollie? Im sorry but i couldnt let you go trying to treat anything or clean yourself up." doug soothed as he began undoing his pants. "you did such a good job making me cum, but you had to keep the nice cum inside so you could have your gift" a tear ran down his face as ollie watched Doug drag his thick poisonous cock from his pants. "dont be sad ollie, i promised to turn your little hole into a nice pretty pussy and im going to keep that promise sweetie. Its just the best holes, the prettiest ones, are all poz." ollie watched mesmerized as a clear bead of precum emerged at the head of dougs massive cock. "it sure looks nice doesnt it ollie?" doug guided the boys hand around the length of his tool. Oliver had never seen a cock so big before, he'd never held anyone elses dick but his own, but Dougs felt warm and natural as it pulsed in his hand. "I know what you want to do ollie, dont be scared, its natural for boys to suck." "i-im not gay." ollie bashfully replied as he moved his head closer to dougs lap. "that doesnt matter ollie, just look at the nice big cock and take your time." olivers heart raced as he opened his mouth wide and began to suck dougs cock. "it...does feel pretty natural" ollie thought as he swallowed dougs precum instinctively. "There you go ollie! see? all boys like to suck, its just something in their nature, especially with big cocks." doug watched as ollies head bobbed up and down. As much as doug knew a load in the boys mouth would be nice, he had every intention of honoring his word. "okay buddy thats enough. Lets take those clothes off so we can keep going" Ollie reluctantly obeyed, the room had gotten very warm anyhow. "sorry" oliver blushed as the teen covered his raging erection. "oh dont be shy ollie, hop up on the table now and lie back." Ollie climbed on the table and clumsily laid down. why did Doug keep calling his butt a pussy? The drugs made it confusing to think about as doug lifted ollies thin legs and slid him to the edge of the table. "you have such a pretty pink hole ollie." Oliver blushed as Doug lowered his mouth to the winking boys most sensitive orifice and began greedily tonguing it. "ah! that tickles" oliver jumped at the sensation of the mans fuzzy beard on his butt as his laughter turned to a low moan. "oh fuck yeah" he panted, lifting his hips for Dougs hot tongue. "see ollie? I told you i would keep my promise." Ollie looked down at his rock hard cock. "im not gay i have a girlfriend" he protested,trying to ignore the precum smeared across his abs. "no baby no more girlfriends, just focus on your little pink hole for me." Doug continued chewing,sucking and tonguing the teen to a symphony of moans. after fifteen minutes oliver was a sweating, panting mess and just as intended, his soft relaxed hole was puffy and swollen. Doug squirted a blob of lube on his drooling cockhead and nudged it against the boy, dipping inside. "no please dont fuck me again I cant. I dont-" doug quieted the boy as his big dick continued its voyage into the slender teen. "yes you can ollie, see? we're making you a nice pretty pussy, and pretty poz pussies love big cocks." Oliver looked down in shock as his body betrayed him, the warm tool filling him completely in a clean stroke. "theres a good boy. tell me how it feels" ollie struggled to find the words. Dougs cock was...there. the whole thing, the angry swolen head, the shaft, all of it somehow made it deep inside his body. Oliver felt violated, carnal, as he watched the doctor begin sliding in and out of his most private and personal orifice. "full" ollie declared, as Doug squirted another glob of lube onto his shaft and watched it disappear in the teens shiny pink hole. "do you like being full of me?" doug watched the panting boys hips begin to move on their own. Ollie just grunted and nodded as doug pulled out with a lewd fart, gaping the boy. "there we go ollie youre doing great. That nice pink pussy looks so good" Doug took a moment to admire the kids guts as he skewered him once more effortlessly. "looser and looser baby thats it, take the nice big cock" doug whispered to the boy as he jerked his precum soaked dick. Olivers body wobbled back and forth on the table as doug sped up the pace and the boy groaned. "so good" he panted between slaps of the mans thick poz rod. "there you go ollie see? boys with pretty pussies get nice big cocks inside"
    2 points
  23. Hot poz cumdump traveling to atlanta from north Carolina requested a pozz load from me..
    2 points
  24. In the summer of 2010 I flew to Spain for a week in the sun. After a couple of days of debauchery in Barcelona, my boyfriend and I took a train to the seaside town of Sitges, which several of my friends had recommended to us. So I found myself on a train filled with many hot, sexy men. I'm 35, 5' 11", with short, buzzed, brown hair, a youthful face some facial hair that I've allowed to grow into a closely trimmed goatee. I have blue eyes and a solid build. I'm not particularly hairy, but my chest and stomach are covered with fur, which I keep it trimmed and neat, not shaved. My cock is cut, above average in size, and seems to be always hard. I would describe myself mostly as a vers bottom. I only bareback with my boyfriend, but will sometimes blow other guys outside of our relationship and even then I insist the guys wear a condom. My boyfriend of three years and I had the talk; the talk that gave each of us approval to play outside the relationship without any guilt. We also talked about how if we fucked or got fucked by anyone, we would always wear a condom. The afternoon we arrived at Sitges, I stopped at a sex shop and picked up some single-use lubes, a couple of condoms, and a bottle of poppers. That evening, around 12:00 AM, my boyfriend and I went to XXL. While it wasn't all that busy, the music was amazing, so we danced for a while and the place gradually filled up. There were muscle bears, bears, otters, twinks, the 'guy next door' type, in short, there were men of all shapes, ages, and sizes. After about an hour on the dance floor, my boyfriend disappeared, seemingly for ages. I figured he must be upstairs in the dark room. I've been to the odd dark room in my time, but mostly it's always been a lot of groping and a few blow jobs that haven't turned into anyone cumming, at least in me. Anyhow, I decided to see if I could find him, so off to the dark room I went. The narrow dark room was pitch black, and, as it turned-out, so packed with men that I found it difficult to navigate. While I could see some shadows, that was about it, so hands proved to be the only way of exploring. Not surprisingly most of the guys were wearing t-shirts, and I took the time to explore some well-developed, hairy chests. I also encountered several cocks, so while most of the guys seemed to be fully clothed, a fair number of the guys were nearly naked. One of the nice experiences was that I could pretty much feel anywhere and no-one pushed my hand away, whether I was exploring some guy's chest, his neck, the small of his back, or slide my hand into the waistband of a guy's pants. Many a guy would even wiggle a little so I could reach further in his underwear and feel his ass and crack. I was feeling a little drunk and guys were grabbing my ass. I walked along and this one particular guy grabbed the back of my belt and pulled me backwards towards himself. I let him pull me to him until I was standing directly in front of him, my ass pushed up against his crotch. His hands started roaming my chest, under my t-shirt, rubbing my nipples and rubbing my entire front and cock through my jeans. I was hard and he could feel it. He began to lick my neck, and almost involuntarily I reached behind my ass, the palms of my hands rubbing the front of his shorts. To my pleasure I found the top button of his shorts was already undone and the zipper was half down. He massaged my shoulders a little and whispered something Spanish in my ear. He was rock hard. I was able to lower the zipper a little lower and I reached into the front of his shorts. This seemed to be a invitation for him to reach down, unfasten my belt and fly and lower my jeans. I leaned forward away from him a little and he slowly pulled my jeans down and then my underwear, only pausing for a moment to grab my hard cock that sprang forward when he yanked down my pants. Other guys were still passing in front of me in this dark room that was more of corridor than a room, but other than the odd grab-and-rub of my cock, all the action was coming from the guy behind me. And let me say, he knew exactly what he was doing. I reached inside his underwear and felt a large, fat, uncut, dripping cock. Fuck, was he horny. I moved my hands so that my palms were facing and rubbing his furry belly. With one hand firmly and slowly jerking my cock, he pulled his shorts and underwear down, and they fell to his feet, so I kept exploring his body. With his free hand he began rubbing the crack of my ass, his firm fingers going right for my hole. They were rough and he was intent on trying to push a finger inside me. My pants were only partially lowered, certainly not quite at my feet, but I still had to lean forward to grab the small tube of silicone lube I had in my pocket. Retrieving it, I handed it to him. He flipped open the bottle and I thought he was going to rub some on his finger to lube my ass, but instead, he pushed me forward a little and he began lubing his cock. Obviously he thought I was giving him the green light to fuck me, but I wasn't. I didn't want him to fuck me without a condom. Not here, and not with a guy I didn't know or couldn't even see, but I was a little drunk and it was all happening pretty quickly and before I realized it, he was pulling me back towards him and his cock was lodged between my cheeks. His cock was really solid and his hands on my waist were strong and pulling me back on his cock, the head of his cock was pushing right for my hole now and I knew he was going to push it in. Raw. I thought for a second he was going to miss my hole but he didn't. I didn't want him to miss so I leaned just a little forward and then I felt him enter me. Slowly and firmly, my ass was stretching as he kept a firm hold on my hips. It felt fucking amazing. My mind was racing. I thought I either pull away now completely, or enjoy our session. I decided on the latter. I reached into my other pocket and fished out my poppers, but found I had to lean forward to reach down enough into my pockets because my jeans were now halfway down my legs. When I made this move, he pushed right in. All the way in. I could feel his pubic hair on my ass. His cock was inside me and he was holding me there, still for a couple of seconds, but not for long. His hands were on my waist and his cock was completely inside my ass. I opened the poppers and took a hit - a deep hit. He took the bottle from me, and I heard him take four deep hits, then he handed the bottle back to me, so I took another hit. Although I was now flying,and everything was a little out of focus, I could still feel the thump of the music and I could feel bodies pushing past us in the dark room. I was sweating and flying. He held onto my waist and pulled me on and off his cock, steadily, not fast, but with the serious intention to fuck me deeply. He straighten me upright with a few gestures, and then he began licking and sucking my neck, whispering in my ear, licking my ear. I tried to turn my neck and head so he cold kiss my lips. He took the hint and we kissed a little. I could feel stubble on his face. He was sweating, breathing heavily, and his tongue pushed into the corner of my mouth. As the position was very difficult on both of us, we stopped kissing and he placed his hands on my hips. I took the hint and began to rock forward and backward, slowly. I wanted him to enjoy my ass, so in my mind I was imagining that I was jerking him off with my ass, clenching and unclenching my ass muscles so he would not be able to stop fucking me before pulling out. He started a regular steady rhythm of fucking. I opened the bottle of poppers and took another hit, and he followed suit, taking several strong hits. The entire time I moved forward and backward on his cock. He was fucking me more deeply and I was completely enjoying the sensation of his cock inside my ass. As his fucking intensified, my mind was flying. All I could think about was what we looked like. What he looked like and what is cock looked liked pounding in and out of my ass. His fucking was taking on an animal like quality. I could hear him grunting. I reached down and grabbed my cock and started to jerk. He was pounding my ass so fiercely I thought I might bounce right off of it but he kept amazing control. I could hear the music of the club and I was loving every minute of the experience: the beat the music and the hot raw cock in my ass. I reached between my legs and I could feel his cock fucking my ass. I felt it with my fingers as it was pounding in and out of my ass. This must have driven him a little crazy because his fucking began to get harder and I could hear him grunting and his body started to spasm a little. He was cumming in me. I could feel him cumming inside me. He slowed down a little and then his cock popped out. Cum immediately ran down my leg. He turned me around and pulled me towards him, kissing me passionately. For the first time our cocks rubbed together. His was gradually going soft, even if it was sticky with his cum, but my cock was hard and pressed up against his. His hands grabbed my ass and he pulled me very tightly towards him. That was enough for me, and I came, shooting between our bodies and stomachs. He knelt down and licked my cum, taking my cock inside his mouth for a couple of seconds, sucking out the last couple of drops of cum from out of my cock. Then he stood up, pulled up his pants and said 'ciao' and disappeared. He was done, I was done, so I pulled up my pants and went off in the opposite direction, wondering if my boyfriend was also getting into some trouble. Anyone have any stories from some fun they've had in Sitges?
    1 point
  25. The following is a true story. I wont go into much discussion about it here, but at a young age I did play with a friend the same age as me for a while. Then he got a girlfriend and decided he was straight. Our time together taught me that I was gay and loved to get fucked, and had nobody to fuck me any more. There was an ABS in my neighborhood that I passed every day on my way home from school. There were big signs in the blacked out windows that said "private video viewing booths 25 cents". I lived with my mom, and we were poor; we did not have access to the internet at home so I did not have access to porn. I told myself that I would go into this porn shop as soon as I was old enough. A few days after my 18th birthday I did just that. I was nervous. I stood in front of the store next to it for a very long time to make sure nobody I knew was near who could see me go in. As soon as I got into the store I saw the signs that said "Video Booths" and made a bee-line there. When I walked into the arcade, I was surprised at what I saw. Men were standing around and walking the aisles. I expected everyone to be embarrassed about being there and immediately lock themselves into a booth. I was not comfortable about being out for everyone to see and ducked into the closest booth and latched the door. I thought ahead and brought a pocket full of quarters with me, I did not want to have to ask a clerk for change. I put a few quarters in the slot, switched the channel to a scene with two guys fucking on some gym equipment, unzipped my pants and started feeling myself. I noticed a hole in the wall of the booth just as a guy got into the adjoining booth. I was startled at first and didn't understand; then I realized (or thought) 'oh, guys put those in there so they could watch each other jerk off'. I was also curious about seeing a real cock, other than the only one I had ever seen, which I had not seen in a few years. I knelt down and started looking through the hole. The man was was in his 40's. I liked that. I had found myself attracted to older guys for a while; I didn't know my father really well so I think I had a daddy complex. He didn't have a gym toned body, but it was a decent build, and he had a couple of tattoos. I liked what I saw. He unbuttoned his jeans, took his cock out, and started rubbing it. He continued for a few seconds as it quickly got fully hard. It was quite impressive, much bigger than my friends, probably about 7 inches, maybe more. He slowly jerked off for a few seconds more then started moving toward the hole. When his dick came through the hole, I realized what he wanted. I put my mouth on it and started sucking. After a couple of minutes, he took his dick away and asked me through the hole if I wanted to join him in a booth that didn't have a hole. I said ok and he told me that the one next to his didn't have one. I zipped up and walked over to the next aisle and went in. He locked the door behind me and took his pants off. I did the same. He took out this little brown bottle and sniffed from it, then motioned to me as if asking if I wanted it. I asked what it was. He said, "They are called poppers, it's nothing illegal, it gives you a little buzz that only lasts a minute or so; take a small sniff and if you don't like it, it wont last long" I took the bottle, and sniffed. I liked it. I sucked on his dick for a while, and then he pushed me away gently to ask if I like to get fucked. I said that it had been a long time. He handed me the bottle and had me sniff again. Then he said he really wanted to fuck me but didn't have a condom. I don't know why, since I learned about the risks in school, but I said it was ok. He pulled out some lube and prepared us both. I bent over. He handed me the bottle, told me to take tow very deep hits and then hold onto the bottle. I inhaled deeply. He timed it perfectly, right as the rush from the poppers hit me he plunged deep into me. He started slowly, then keep increasing his speed and intensity until the point where he was furiously pounding me. My ass started to feel a little raw, and although I was loving it, I was a little relieved to feel his cock spasm inside me; I didn't want to hurt for days to follow. We started getting dressed. I commented about the tattoo above hit cock. "It looks like the biohazard symbol like in the hospital, that's pretty cool". "Oh shit, you don't know what that's about?" I shook my head. "I'm sorry kid, I thought everybody knew. It means I have HIV".
    1 point
  26. I’m a complete cumdump slut. I live for having men cum in my holes, or on my body. I’m a very outdoorsy and active guy, and wear little clothing when it’s warm outside (which is all the time in the region I reside). What I do wear is usually skimpy, so men know I’m easy and available. When I’m at work, I get away with tight pants and button up shirts, with a jockstrap (or commando). I used to live in a small town, which made finding cock difficult (except at the local bookstore), so I’d often travel to larger cities to live out my fantasies. Hardly a day went by when I didn’t have at least two cocks shoot their cum deep in me at the adult bookstore. Weekends I was busy, taking anonymous cocks at bookstores, bathhouses, parks, or just hooking up via grindr in bigger cities. What as missing from my life were friends who knew all of me and accepted me. My co-workers did at times stimulate my intellectual curiosities, but I found them to still be rather conservative and at times just dull. In general, friends were hard to come by in my area. Most just didn’t want to delve into politics, science, and society as much as me. Almost all did not want to be friends with a slut, so I kept secret my cumdump antics, and brushed off judgment of my non-work attire by saying I felt restricted by clothing. They bought it, so I kept running with it. When it came to dating….well, it didn’t happen. I hadn’t had a date at all since living in a small town! Why would you date a slut if you weren’t willing to befriend one? Things changed when I was finally able to move to a bigger city and very quickly found those who accepted me as a cumdump. This is the story of how I met my best mates, and even fell in love. PART 1 – A cumdump finds friends surprisingly easily and plans the seduction of his crush… From left to right they are Chad, Stanley, Ryan, Toby, and Steven. I met them at my first ever venture into the gayborhood after moving to the area less than 3 days ago. The bar had a superhero theme night, and I like wearing costumes. I was waiting in line for the bathroom, and the group of them was in line behind me. They were mulling over one of their phones, laughing occasionally. The line progressed, and I stepped forward. One of them - I soon came to know as Chad - saw the opening space and pushed the one dressed as Robin (Toby), who stumbled into me from behind. We didn't fall, but his hands did end up on my shoulder and on my ass. The only barrier between us was my skintight Spiderman costume, as I only wore a jockstrap underneath. Usually, I’d wear less, but I also didn’t have many options since most of my boxes were still unpacked at my new place. "I'm sorry! Are you ok?" he asked. Did he just squeeze my butt? I stepped away from him straightening myself out. "I'm fine. No worries." I replied. "Watch where you're going, Toby!" We turned to see his friends laughing at their friend’s mishap. After some quips between Toby and his friends, he asked formally introduced himself to me. I put my hand out to shake his, "I'm Slade!" Toby introduced himself, then introduced me to the rest of his friends. As we chatted, and discovered common interests, I found myself drawn to Ryan (wolverine). He was so sexy! We all chatted and had a good time until it was my turn in the cue to use the bathroom. I stepped into the available stall, pissed, and walked out to wash my hands. I saw Ryan and Stanley still waiting, and waived at them after I dried my hands. Stanley called me over and invited me to join them the rest of the night. I agreed, thankful I made new friends so quickly. I spent a few more hours chatting with the group afterwards. The loud music made it hard to talk, so we ended up on a patio bar above the venue. Ryan and I connected instantly. He was more than wicked hot, as at one point he seemed to get semi-hard in his yellow tights…holy shit was he huge! Not yet fully hard, he was at least 11 inches! He noticed my gaze on his crotch, but we laughed the awkward situation and kept things g-rated. We discovered we were both actually nerds in our own way, and we spent several hours laughing, exploring new topics, and all together forgetting we were in a group. I really liked Ryan, but assumed he wouldn’t like the real me…the insatiable cumdump slut. Ryan was intelligent, wise, and overall a nice guy. He’d never want me. I resigned myself to having a good friendship with Ryan. Around 2 AM I started to feel tired and excused myself. We all said our goodbyes, and exchanged numbers saying we would meet up again tomorrow night. I started walking away to close my tab at the bar, which was situated just behind where we were sitting. While I was waiting for my turn, I heard Stanley say, “Ryan, he’s cute…and you two couldn’t stop talking with one another…you should ask him out!” Oh shit! They didn’t realize I was still within earshot. This is awkward… “He is cute, but I doubt he’s my type sexually. Ya’ll know what I like. Well, what WE like,” replied Ryan. Toby laughed and loudly announced, “Yea, a cum-filled slut!” They all shushed their loud friend, as I processed the information that they all like cumdump sluts. My face turned red, and my cock started to harden. “He checks all the boxes, but I doubt he checks that one. He’d be a nice new friend though…better than some” replied Ryan. I’m assuming he smirked and glared at Toby. I got lost in thought, momentarily present to hear the group had moved on to meaningless conversation while I finished paying my tab. I got an Uber home and stripped down to my jockstrap, and collapsed on my bed. I lay there digesting what I just heard. Ryan. Loves. Cumdumps. My heart fluttered. I concocted a plan for the following day to make Ryan recognize me as a cumdump, hopefully opening up an opportunity to explore more than just friendship. I drifted off to sleep with a smirk on my face. Waking up the next morning I was hard as a rock, but I decided to do nothing about it. I wanted to cum as Ryan deep-dicked my hole, sloppy from prior use. Instead I researched my new friends…some call it ‘lightly stalking’, but I call it prudent research in this day/age. I discovered them all on grindr, and learned they were all tops. Funny, I thought Steven and Toby were a couple, as were Stanley and Chad. Their profiles were mostly nondescript, but I did notice that all of them left the safe sex section blank. There wasn’t enough to confirm Toby’s announcement that they love cumdumps…so moving forward meant risking a new friendship. I contemplated this as I busied myself with other tasks. I spent the rest of the day unpacking and cleaning. By 5 PM I was mostly done and had made up my mind to take the risk and assume my new friends do love cumdumps. I had read about a nearby forested park men cruised at, so I decided I wanted to go for a run to explore the city more, and to spend some time at that park. I cleaned out my hole and got dressed in ankle socks, sneakers, a black jockstrap, and short, white running shorts split all the way up the side. My athletic bubble butt was spilling out the bottom of the shorts with my straps clearly visible. I decided to not wear a shirt that would cover my toned athletic body. It would just get damp with sweat and be uncomfortable. Stepping outside I hit the pavement, listening to the sounds of the city as I flew by. After 30 minutes, I ended up at the hidden parking lot entrance of a forested park. If I didn’t know to look for it, I would have missed it. There were a few cars around, and feeling curious, I walked towards a large wooden post with a map of the park and was staring at that when from beside me I heard. "You're a fag slut, aren't ya? I can tell from how you're dressed." I whipped my head towards the voice and saw a handsome, athletic man in his early 30s dressed in hiking boots, shorts, and a t-shirt. The man wasn't wrong. I am a fag slut, yet I stuttered from surprise, trying to find something to say as he walked towards me and pointed out a location out on the map. "I'll be there in 2 hours and I want you to be bred by at least a few guys who cruise that area first." He then turned me to a trail next to the sign and pushed me in that direction. I couldn't resist. I complied and walked through the woods, taking turns I remembered from the map. This was perfect, I had planned on meeting the guys – specifically Ryan - tonight with several loads in my hole, so all was going as planned. I knew I was in the right place when I came upon a hot older gentleman playing with his dick through his cargo shorts. My approach caught his attention - first panic, then lust. I licked my lips and he motioned me over. I immediately dropped to my knees and undid his shorts. He was going commando, because out sprung a 9" thick dick. I'm in Heaven. I launched onto his dick and swallow it halfway down my throat. I gagged. Damnit, I’m better than that! I close my eyes and focus for a second, relaxing my throat, and feel his dick slide deeper into me until my lips are at the base of his cock and my nose is in his pubes. "Holy Shit! You are a fucking dream! Fucking hot faggot slut!" he yells. He then grabs my head and starts plowing me as hard as he can. After a few minutes of that, he pulls out of me and I gasp for air as spit drips from my mouth and onto my chest. He tells me to take off my shorts and bend over a tree. I comply, holding my shorts in my hand. He spits a few times on my hole, and then slips his tongue in me as I moan. After a while, I groan, "Fuck me." The stranger stands up and I feel his cockhead at my hole. He applies pressure and enters me. He stops after 2 of his glorious 9 inches are in me, I presume to let me adjust. I smirk as I open my hole and shove back, swallowing his cock to the base with ease. It’s been a few days, but a whore is always ready. We both let out a deep moan. He now senses my hunger and proceeds to fuck me hard. Our sweaty skin slapping with each thrust must have been heard throughout most of the cruising area. I didn't care. I was in heaven. All too soon I felt his cock pulse and his thick hot cum coat my insides. He slowly pulled out of me, and I clenched my hole around his cock so as not to let any cum escape. He slapped my ass and said thank you. I was about to stand up, when I felt another cockhead at the entrance to my hole. I didn’t resist and in one thrust a thick 8 inch dick was buried in my cum-sloppy hole. I moaned as he started to fuck me. I was feeling bliss that sent shivers across my entire body. The second guy also did not last long, no more than a few moments passed before he dropped his man scuzz deep in my hole. When he stepped away, I quickly glanced and saw another handful of men behind me. Smirking, I turned around and pushed my ass out inviting the next man. After the third and fourth guy, I blissed out and lost count of how many men took turns on my ass. Not all had large dicks, but I didn’t care. I was a cum receptacle. I was brought out of my high when the man I met at the park entrance grabbed my head and brought me in to a kiss. He tasted of alcohol and weed, and had clearly returned from a workout. He smelled of sweat. He broke the kiss to ask “how many loads?” “I… don’t… know…“ I mumbled between moans as my hole was being ravaged by another man. He repeated his question to the crowd of men, and the first guy who fucked me was still there and said, “slut took 15 loads so far.” Oh shit! I am definitely primed for Ryan, but I still wanted more. Park entrance guy said, “Excellent! I love cum sloppy holes. Let me in him.” The guy currently fucking my sloppy hole stepped away as park entrance guy pulled out a massive 11 inch dick and plowed into me. I yelled from the sudden pain/pleasure I felt. My yell quickly turned into loud moans as he started to fuck me by pulling his dick out slowly then slamming it back in. After a few minutes of this, he started to pound me hard, and cum was pouring out my hole and down my legs, soaking the pouch of my jockstrap. Men were encouraging him to fuck me harder. Some even came on my legs and back as he thrust deep in me and planted his seed deep in my hole. He stepped away, and someone else was about to take his place, when I stopped them. I needed to get home and prepare for tonight. With my hole barely closing, leaking copious amounts of cum, I slipped on my shorts and raced home, realizing that if I stopped everyone would still smell and see the cum they plastered my back and legs with, and the cum trailing down my legs from my hole. Luckily I made it home quickly and without much incident. I bumped into a handsome older gentleman who was probably left wondering what he was covered in. I tore off my clothing, throwing it in my hamper, and plugged my hole with a large plug and showered. It was a bit after 9:30 PM when I got a group text from the guys. They were planning where to meet to go out. I was ready for this and suggested we go out to a specific bar I had learned about through some research. It was known for having men cruise in one of the bathrooms, which apparently had gloryholes in the stalls. The rest of the guys were indifferent and said OK. I texted Steven and Toby separately asking them for their help in getting ready since they lived together nearby. They said OK and told me they’d be over by 10 PM. When they arrived, I was in nothing more than a jockstrap, still plugged. I saw both their eyes bug out and when I turned after inviting them in, I saw them grinning at one another in the mirror facing my door. I really hope this works! “Thanks guys, I’m just bad at knowing exactly what to wear. Do you want a drink?” They shook their heads no. “Well then, why don’t you follow me to my bedroom?” As they followed me Steven commented on how my apartment looked nice. When we arrived to my bedroom, I stopped right where I had uncharacteristically left a towel on the floor. “I’m so sorry for the mess!” I bent down to pick it up, exposing the plug in my hole. “Holy shit! Are you plugged?” asked Toby. I laughed gently, throwing the towel into the hamper. “Yes, I am. It helps keep the loads in after I’ve been fucked.” This was a risk. I knew they liked cum sluts, but I could lose friends so quickly if they found this too much to handle. I swallowed slowly waiting for a response. They stared at me, then glanced at one another. I couldn’t read their expressions. “How… many loads?” asked Steven. I hesitated for a second. My heart jumped. This was it. “Sixteen” Another moment of silence ensued. Oh shit, my gamble failed! “Guys, I’m sorry-” I was cutoff as Steven rushed at me and kissed me deeply. Toby got behind me and joined our kiss. I reached down to both their cocks, feeling them through their shorts. Wow they were both already hard, and big! Their hands explored my nipples, ass, and cock. I broke the kiss to say, “I’m so happy I learned you all like cum sluts!” “Wait! Explain, what do you mean ‘learned’?” asked Toby. We stopped fooling around for a second and sat on the bed. I told them I was a cumdump, and about overhearing their conversation the prior night. Toby seemed emberassed, but I said I didn’t mind at all since I clearly am a cumdump slut. I told them how connected I felt with Ryan, and assumed he wouldn’t want me until I heard what Toby said about cumsluts. Toby started to get excited and gushed about how this is perfect, and Ryan deserved someone like me. Ryan apparently had been chatting all day with Toby about how much he liked me, and was debating to still ask me out. Toby also explained that he and Steven are a couple, and both tops, but they have a solution they both love, fucking cumdumps regularly. That’s how they met at a bathhouse, constantly competing to get into the same holes. They also met Ryan at the bathhouse, who introduced them to Chad and Stanley – also a top-top couple. Ryan was interested in a more conventional bottom-top arrangement. While the rest of them found love in each other, he always held out for someone who checked his damn boxes. Steven started to mimic Toby’s excitement when I asked them if they thought Stanley and Chad would want to fuck me. They said they know they would, as they also love cumdumps. “I have a plan...but first, I want you to fuck me hard.” Steven wasted no time throwing me back onto the bed, removing his clothing and slipping his cock into my open mouth. Toby, now naked as well, lifted my legs, and yanked the plug out of my hole. Cum rushed out of my hole before I could slam it shut, which he gathered with his hands, and lubed his long 10 inch pole with it. He slammed his cock in me, eliciting a yell that evolved into a groan. They fucked me at both ends for at least 10 minutes until both blew their loads. I slammed my hole shut to hold one in, while swallowing the entirety of the other. I knew I would gape soon, releasing all the cum in me, so I slammed the plug in my hole again. Toby spoke first, “What’s the plan, slutty Slade?” I grinned when he gave me a nickname. “OK, so I picked the bar for tonight because I heard the one bathroom in the basement is heavily used for cruising.” Steven nodded in confirmation. “My plan is to flirt heavily with Ryan and make him want me more, but after a drink I’m going to go to the bathroom, and I am going to take any cock willing to fuck my hole through the gloryholes. I want you all to keep Ryan busy, and don’t let him in the gloryhole bathroom. After an hour of me being gone, send the first of you to come ‘check’ on me, by which I mean fuck me and breed me. Each one returns and tells Michael how you couldn’t find me, but thought you saw someone that looked like me flirting with some guy on the patio, or somewhere else. I want to make him jealous, even angry. But make sure you keep him away from the bathroom.” “Why would you want that?” asked Steven. I smiled and replied, “He will fuck me harder if he’s all revved up from jealousy and anger.” The guys grinned at one another. I continued, “After all of you have fucked me, hang out until Ryan reaches a boiling point, then tell him there is a cumdump in the gloryhole bathroom he should go fuck to let off some steam.” “OK, that’s hot, but how will he know it’s you through a gloryhole?” asked Toby. “He won’t know it’s me. While he’s fucking me, I want one of you to come in to the bathroom and tell Ryan that everyone’s ready to leave for another bar soon, but no one could find me, so you sent me a text in the group chat. Encourage him to breed the cumdump slut on the other side of the gloryhole until he shoots his load. As soon as he’s done, I’m going to plug my hole. I’ll text that I’ll meet you out front, then clean up and join you.” I told Steven and Toby. Steven spoke first, “I don’t get it.” I continue, “Well, when we are walking to the next bar, I want you all to talk about the slut at the gloryhole you all fucked. Be explicit. Then ask me if I got a chance to fuck the cumdump. I’m going to reply… ‘I was the cumdump.’” Toby put his hand on my lower back and just mouthed the word ‘wow’. “Too much?” I asked. Toby replied, “No, it’s hot. I’m curious to see what happens then.” “Me too” I replied. “For now, I should get dressed.” Turning to Steven I asked him to call Stanley and Chad to see if they’re down to join in my endeavor. He left the room with a smile on his face, dialing Stanley. I opened my closet and asked Toby, “What do you think Ryan would want to see me wearing?”
    1 point
  27. Totally love getting fucked in darkrooms by anonymous guys. It’s so hot knowing I’m just a piece of ass to be fucked and filled and used as a cumdump!
    1 point
  28. Got a great one at the adult store last night in the back booths. Through a glory hole this guy out though a slightly bigger than average cock that was hard as rock with a huge cock head. My favorite after uncut. But he was wearing a condom. So I started to suck him and chewed on that reservoir tip a little, turned around and let him fuck me. He fucked me violently. The booths were shaking. My booth door opened up and it was locked from all the shaking. The condom was starting to hurt a little so I hopped off his cock turn around and sucked him and managed to take off his condom and then got that cock head in my mouth and he instantly came. He did not soften up and was totally ready for more so I figured he has a huge load in there so I turned around to ride it raw but he pulled away and tapped on my ass. I motioned for me to come closer to the home and he whispered he was newly poz would only fuck with a condom. I really wanted his dick no matter what so I agreed and out on another condom, one with our a reservoir tip. I wanted to suck it but he said no and to turn around. I worked some spit in my home and did what he asked and he entered me. It felt so much better. So he pounds me for a good 5 minutes when I could tell he was really close so I loosened up so I can take him really deep. If I can't get his cum I figured he should slam my prostate and make me pee right then and there and that's what he did. I knew he was unloading inside me and could feel every pulse of his cock. He pulls out and I could see he's got a massive load in that condom and even better, it was dripping through. I lucky that right up and out his still hard cock back in my ass and milked that poz load right into my ass. I could feel him finally stating to go soft so I hop off and suck the little that was left in the condom, took the condom off and sucked him a little more and cleaned him up. In the back of mind in thinking this is so wrong and so right as he pulls up his jeans zips up and leaves. I waited till I heard him leave the store and jumped into a single booth to just jerk off in a single booth and enjoy that afterglow. Took a big a poppers and I can feel their massive load at the base of of my hole and worked that back in. A lot more cum must have squeezed out before he pulled out. It was huge. I figured it's now or never so I completely stripped down. Got on the floor and worked my legs up the booth wall with my head and shoulders on the ground. Took another big hit of poppers and got my hole to open up. I could feel the load work its way back into my hole and I jerked off and came all over my chest and face. Took one more hit and just stayed like that for a few minutes enjoying the moment. Never felt so in control. So far that load is still up there. I have no clue if he was poz or not as everyone is full of shit anyway. But I think he doctored that condom beforehand and put it when he figured he could knock me up with me ever knowing, except I did..lol. Now I've been fucking raw and taking loads regularly for about 16 years. My first raw fuckbud bred me over 100 times before he found out he was poz and I stayed negative all the up to early March of this year which was my last test. I usually test once a year but I'm gonna do one the end of the month and see if last night's action does the trick.
    1 point
  29. I miss Darkroom sex...I have had such great times and many a full arse from them...
    1 point
  30. On command that pic is courtesy of me not the girl in the photo
    1 point
  31. It sounds so smart and nice. I want a relationship, such like this you described. A relationship, that is based on deep love and intelligence, tolerancy, and mutual understanding. I hope he will be ready to open when I will be. Or vice vers. At this moment, I feel totally the same that you wrote: ” It wasn't a hardship for me because from the first time he came in my ass, I didn't want anyone else. Sex with him was so exciting that I didn't feel the need to take other cock.” I complete this not only with sex but general. My thoughts are always about him. If my phone signals that a message came, I immediately become excited if he is who texted. It was almost 20 years ago when I last felt something like that, when I felt in love with my ex boyfriend.
    1 point
  32. I went to Steve's house and it was actually Stefan one of my brothers. He wanted to lractice gently in my pussy until id had the babies then be the next father. But soon the babies were overdue. Both Steve and antionio tried to break my waters but it didn't work. "These are so heavy" i said to my dad. He invited me to sit on his lap. "On you're big cock dad?" I asked "sure let me birth the children with the cock that made you". It worked took over an hour of trying to get the right position to break my waters but soon the babies were out. They looked just like their dad. I called Steve up the next day and arranged to stay with him for a weekend.
    1 point
  33. A few months later I discovered I was pregnant with twins. My brother was one of 4 adopted quite some time ago. "My love juice shows you how much it loves you by making babies" he told me. Then he helped me make a swinging profile online. It was a bareback only forum. I made sure that I had "fuck me pregnant" in my profile. Soon I had a few responses. We got chatting and Steve agreed to meet up with me the following week.
    1 point
  34. This. If you are rejecting an entire race of people out-of-hand, regardless of their individual attractiveness, that deserves some close scrutiny. If you are objectifying and fetishizing an entire race of people, that deserves some close scrutiny. If there are ample men of different ethnic groups in your community and you can say you've never been sexually attracted to a black/latino/asian/south asian, white etc. man, that deserves some close scrutiny. If there are ample men of different ethnic groups in your community and you can say you've never played with/fucked a black/latino/asian/south asian, white man etc., that deserves some close scrutiny. All this noise about "not being able to say no to sex with men of a specific race" is just that. Noise. It's as silly as the straight men reacting to "me too" by saying they are afraid to even *talk* to a woman in case they do something wrong. Talk, just don't be an asshole or a rapist. How hard is that? The same is true when dealing with different ethnic groups, just don't be an asshole or a racist. Anyone who says that not rejecting an entire ethnic group of men out-of-hand is the same as not being able to refuse a man from that ethic group isn't being intellectually honest. The step after not rejecting *everyone* in that group, is being open to *someone* in that group that you *are* attracted to. For example, as a rule I'm attracted to men who look very sexually mature (bigger, stronger, hairier), so it's easy to imagine writing off asian men who don't generally fit that as well. However, there are asian men that I find myself very drawn to who put out that strong, sexually mature vibe. It's simply a matter of being open to them.
    1 point
  35. I wonder if at some point Charlie's hormones will take over and he joins his mate and twin brother in bed. Never mind the girlfriends 😉
    1 point
  36. We're entitled to our preferences, but we need to be respectful.
    1 point
  37. Will do. That's what I figured, but wanted to be sure before I started bulk-reporting what I perceived to be misplaced stuff. I'm sure some significant portion will be deemed "OK" just as they are, and no skin off my back if that happens.
    1 point
  38. The Xian church has been the most destructive force to human relationships but trying to equate sex and Love as being synonymous and pushing sexual monogamy, even though it is the rare exception among mammals rather than the rule. You can have a whore's life and a loving relationship BUT both of you must be on the same page. The guy met at FWA last year totally by chance turned out to be the Love of my life. He is a sex pig like me and we are both promiscuous. he know I do porn work and has even done camera work on several of my scenes. He is like me and understands sex is a physical animal drive in our male DNA and it has nothing to do with the emotional and spiritual commitment of Love for each other. We have very easy going relationship because the cloud of jealousy doesn't hang over it. Thus, ours is not like most relationships, made n the failed Xian mold, which is controlled by Jealousy of the Outsider construct. We know each other is the most important person in our life and they come first. no matter how many guys we have sex with because it feels fucking awesome to do. Find a guy that secure in himself as a person and be that way yourself and you will have a great life of satisfying your sexual appetite all you need and still have an awesome guy live for. And be honest with guys up front. Anyone who meets me knows I will never do sexual monogamy as it is not a Natural condition for the male to exist in.
    1 point
  39. I did sign up for therapy last year as I felt my sexual behavior was out of control, tho it's not personality disorder. It helps me to understand myself and my needs better. Nowadays I try to identify if I were horny or just lonely/bored, and only look for dicks when I'm actually wanting it.
    1 point
  40. My wife of 13 years found out I'm gay because I accidentally piped gay porn audio through her Bluetooth headset. She threw me out and I lost my anal virginity that night. But let me back up. Familiar story. Religious family from the south, got married to Jen when I was young and horny enough to trick myself into thinking I was straight. The first time I saw gay porn was at my bachelor party. My college pals and I got loaded and were hanging out in an openly gay friend Russ's dorm room. He liked to tease me about being religious and talk graphically about his sex life to my obvious discomfort. To celebrate my pending nuptials, he decided to torture me by putting on gay porn. It was a really raunchy orgy scene with like 20 mostly middle aged biker looking guys having unprotected anal sex and saying the nastiest fucking things I had never even contemplated. I turned bright red which I could have played off as embarrassment except for the obvious hardon. Russ drunkenly, laughingly pointed it out and I didn't bother playing it off at all. I just kept watching as Russ and the others started in on some dumb debate or another. A few minutes (and several creampies) later, Russ stopped the DVD and the other guys bought some dumb straight porn comcast vod. We kept drinking and carrying on and soon enough passed out. ... The wedding was amazing. Everyone had a good time. As the night was winding up, Russ pulled me aside and slid a disc in my tux's inside pocket. Smirking he said, "I made a copy for you bro. Just in case you need a little help in the bedroom". He walked off long before I could come up with anything to say in response. My cock, however, got half hard. ... 13 years on, things weren't great with the wife. I treasured Russ's movie the most but had curated a small collection. I had a clear interest: group and gangbang sex with breeding. One Friday night we were barely interacting. I told her I was going to watch a movie downstairs. She stayed upstairs. I put on Bluetooth headphones and started some impressive but soulless comic book movie but soon my mind wandered and I decided to watch some gay porn--Russ's movie. What the fuck, I thought. I'll use it like he suggested and get laid tonight. I watched almost the whole flick, 4 scenes, 33 cumshots, 14 internal. I'd counted. Relentless dirty talk, I especially love the nasty bottom who keeps calling himself a cumslut. I turned off the movie and decided to make my move. I got my cock to soften and headed up the stairs. Jen had an odd look on her face but I was horny as fuck and wanted to get my nut. I put some corny, married guy moves on her and she was pliant if not obviously excited. Unfortunately nothing new. I got her on the bed and was trying to get her undressed when she stopped me, looked me right in the eye and asked me what movie I'd watched. What? What movie did you watch? Ironman. No. What movie did you watch? The look on her face was... Not good. Somehow she knew. Listen I-- I experienced it with you. All of it. My headphones connected too and I listened to everything. Have you done that? No, I said truthfully. I don't believe you. I understand but it's true. You are going to leave and never come back. I am going to get tested and so help me... It went on for some time. I packed a suitcase in a daze and drove off. I pulled over at a filling station and rented a hotel room on my phone. What the fuck, I got a nice room downtown, about 20 miles from our suburban spot. I also paid for accounts on squirt and a couple of other hookup sites I'd come across when horny. I stopped by the local CVS and bought lube, a douche and vodka. I also replied to a couple of guys. Once I got the to the hotel I got cleaned up and texted with a few guys. I gave a mid 40s Hispanic guy my address and room number. I had a drink and got naked. I played porn on my laptop. Soon he knocked on the door. I let him in. He was about 6', 240 with a beer gut. We walked back to the bed and I undid his jeans and took his cock into my mouth. He muttered to me in Spanish that I didn't understand, but his thickening dick told me enough. He took off the rest of his clothes and laid back on the bed. I did my best to suck on him but couldn't take him very deep before I choked. He was about 6 inches but tapered to a thick base. My own 6.5 inch dick was rock hard and dripping precum. I grabbed the lube and put too much on his cock and turned around and stuck my ass in the air. I heard myself ask him to breed me. He didn't hesitate, pushing in slowly until he was balls deep. My cock shrank from the pain but I was in ecstasy. He started thrusting hard and I had an out of body experience. It was so intense, having another man's penis deep inside my body. He flipped me over, pushed my legs apart--thank you couple's yoga!--and fucked me missionary. He didn't last much longer. You want my cum white boy? It was the first thing he said in English. Yes I whispered? Huh? He replied, suddenly irritated. Cum in me. I said looking him straight in the eyes. He made me repeat myself, which I did delightedly. His breathing got rough and he buried himself in me. He twitched for a while and then relaxed, panting with his dick still inside. He slapped my right thigh and pulled out, a little semen and lube flowing out. ... To be continued
    1 point
  41. There are many good breeding videos in Xtube but I found this one particularly hot. There is good rhythm to the fuck which lasts a few minutes. Very hot to hear the top moaning while he unloads in that hole. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/anon-young-latino-breeds-me-at-gloryhole-44581401
    1 point
  42. It’s being full that does it to me. Admittedly some of my dildos are pretty fucking big and the same is true for getting fisted. Glad to know it’s not just me 😉
    1 point
  43. No sorry, as an actual black male race play is NOT a turn-on. Kinda like the bareback porn thread awhile back asking why is it that black men are always portrayed as HIV Mandingos who always have to top. Yes there are black men who sexualize trauma like the constant stress blacks have of being construed as different, depraved and dangerous. Such trauma is a literal punch in the gut. Imagine dealing with this multiple times a day over decades. There are plenty of non-black men who exploit this sexualization for their own benefit. (“Oh it’s just harmless play.”) I am not some bleeding heart or a victim, but a black man who simply wants to be perceived as a human. Not a Mandingo. Not a nigger. Not merely a BBC. Stop it, it’s offensive. But as our recent global troubles have shown, no one gives a damn about anybody if they can make a buck or bust a nut. So I look forward to further race-splaining by those who say it’s mere fun or “live and let live” but don’t know what it feels like to actually be black.
    1 point
  44. I had been hooking up with this bi marine - total alpha. Early 20s, big dick with a thick bush, white corn-fed look. Basically he'd stop by and let me suck him off while he kicked back with some beers. Was a pretty regular thing. One day I was at a dive bar in the area and spotted him with his buds. He nodded at me and started walking toward the back. I followed him outside to this empty alleyway, at which point he shoved me on my knees. I figured he was gonna let me suck him off but he suddenly started laughing...like this arrogant smirk...and said a fag like me should be so lucky to be a urinal for an alpha like him. Then he tells me I better swallow every last drop or otherwise i'd be walking home covered in piss...I panicked for a second before he started to unload. Ended up swallowing the majority of it, but couldn't help spill some on my tshirt. He finished, laughed again, spit on me and said "text you later fag" before zipping up and heading back in. Was one of the hottest things ever.
    1 point
  45. I've never been in a bar or sex club but I've been to parties where I took on groups. Sometimes I knew everyone but most of the time it was strangers fucking me and loading my ass. I turn 21 at the end of May and plan to start exploring the scene right away. My ultimate goal is to spend a whole weekend getting my ass serviced by anonymous dicks.
    1 point
  46. I started like 2 years ago to bottom for any guy who wants to fuck me. was at the sex club at a glory hole wall. as I sucked an unknown cock, a gut touched my ass and pushed his cock inside me. with the other cock in my mouth I never turned my head around. in a few minutes the unknown guy had bred me... since I love just bending over in the fuck bench or glory hole having no clue who fucks me and letting literally anyone use my hole. even better if they shoot their babies inside me
    1 point
  47. Was at Steamworks last night, dark area, on the f/bench. Head down, poppered up, anywise could use my hole and that's they way I wanted it. Didn't care about what they looked at and for the most part, about the cock size either. It was just about getting fucked, filled with cum and waiting for the next cock. And there is that anticipation when you hear footsteps behind you and feel them caressing your ass, you have no idea who it is, or the size of the cock, but I'm will to take it all
    1 point
  48. As a top I love the darkroom fucking, it allows me too project my own fantasies . And it was the same for me when I was a bottom, not that I ever turned away a cock, but a darkroom made me open immediately for any one I didn't push away a small one because the big black one was nearby for example, cause you can only feel what is in you and not see what is hovering around you LOL As I get older I often run into picky bottoms in bath houses - guys were specifically looking for younger or taller or more muscular or ethnic etc. I have noticed that the pickiest of bottoms, if they go into the darkroom, take any previously turned down cock That alone shows to me the power and overwhelming positives of a dark room in each bathhouse being truly dark
    1 point
  49. Did the sauna/bathouse yesterday,quite busy at lunchtime. got a new bottle of poppers, really lubed my arse good and proper, had a few sucks in the shower whilst showering, love shower sex. later went into the steam room, found my favourite corner angles seat, i positioned myself on my knees on both corners face in the corner alcove and exposed my hole completely, not long before i felt hands on, touching me, feeling my arse, balls cock, i love that pre fuck feeling, the anticipation, the darkness and the steam, the smell of sex and spunk, mans sweat and poppers, then i felt a dick started to slide inside my hole, straight up and hard, balls slapping against mine, cum quick, pulled out, that was all it needed strange fingers probing my hole feeling the spunk and then just entering my arse, i had my poppers to hand, no clue as to what they look like, i counted 7 cocks entering my arse, i felt under at every cock whilst they were in me and not one condom was worn, just pure bsre dicks fucking and shooting their cum in me, great time.
    1 point
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