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  1. Part Twelve After a long shower and another quick fuck, Sammy and Eli joined me downstairs to share a joint and to strategize. “So how do we get John?” Sammy asked, taking a long drag. “Yeah, I am dying to hear this,” Eli said, taking the joint from his brother. “John is going to be involved, first thing we need to do is find a reason for him to be off the grid for a few days.” “Why?” Sammy asked. “Because it's going to take at least three days to break John, and we can't be worrying that your parents or whatever are going to be asking where he is.” “Three days?” Eli asked shocked, “Why so long?” I took a hit and passed it to Sammy, “Because John isn't like the two of you, he's going to take a lot more work.” “Like us?” Sammy asked. I nodded, “Both of you already had needs, they were just buried under ego and societal expectations.” Sammy looked at Eli shrugged, “I didn't know I wanted this.” “Exactly, you guys had this inside, John doesn't. John is a full blooded alpha. He likes being in control, he doesn't have a deep seated desire to be dominated. I mean he may in fun, like being tied up by a girl or blindfolded, but in the end he will always be in control. He doesn't like losing it, so it won't be as easy as you two.” “If he doesn't want it, then what are you going to do?” Sammy asked. “I am going to break him, hard. That takes time, and all of it uninterrupted. Once we start we can't have him sobering back up to take a phone call and then put him under again. He needs to be put down and then he needs to stay that way until he gives in.” Sammy cocked his head, “What are we going to do to him?” “Well first, we need a cover story for him to be away for a weekend.” “Our parents have a cabin by Lake Travis, we can say we're going there to fish and just have a guy's weekend.” Sammy nodded, “Yeah, if we tell him it's like a Parker brothers weekend, beer, weed and fishing, he'd go for that.” “He'd go for it if you asked,” Eli added, “He does whatever you ask.” Sammy smiled, “I'm the baby, I get whatever I want.” Eli rolled his eyes, “Don't remind me.” “Ok, so you guys can get hi to agree to this? A weekend in bumfuck?” They both nodded. “Perfect, so that will shut your parents and his friends up. Now we need a reason for him to swing by here first.” Eli and Sammy looked at each other and smiled, “Pussy, lots of it.” “If you have girls on tap, he will be here with bells on.” I looked over at Josh and Tony, who were playing Fortnite, “Hey guys, how many chicks can you get here this weekend?” Neither one looked up, “Um, all of them, why what's up?” “We need to have a party this weekend, and there needs to be girls on display.” Josh looked up, “You have a job?” I nodded, “Yep, I need the party as cover.” Tony looked over, “Anyone you're willing share?” “If we can tame him? Oh yeah.” He looked at each other and smiled, “Yeah, we can get as many girls here as you want.” “Enough to make it look like a target rich environment, but not so many that we can't control the flow of traffic.” Tony nodded, “Got it.” I looked back to the brothers, “That work?” “Can we sell John on a party with a ton of girls?” Sammy chuckled, “Yeah, I think we can handle that.” “Cool, I need to call my guy. I don't have any liquid molly, how much does your brother weigh?” “Um, 265 I think,” Eli answered, “Why?” “Because we don't want to over do it. Hey Tony, you remember how much we gave Scott the one time we injected him?” “I think it was 110 mg.” “100 at first, “Josh corrected him, “Then we gave him another 20 booster when he started coming down.” “Sounds good, if we get two 100mg doses, the first will out him under fast, and we can use the other 100 to keep him there all weekend.” “Isn't that dangerous?' Eli asked. “Look, we want to fuck your brother, not kill him. He's too big for us to just slip him a pill, that shit could take up to an hour to affect him and that's too long. We need something that will knock him on his ass almost instantly, he's a big boy, we aren't going to hurt him.” “So we get him here, then what you just stick a needle in him?” That made me laugh, “No, we dose his drink a little, when he's lightheaded we get him upstairs and then we stick him. Once he's under we'll tie him up and get to work.” I could see Sammy was hard from here. “So then we fuck him?” “Patience,” I said, putting my hand over his bulge, “This is going to be a multi step process. We need to dose him, get him into it, and then keep him on the edge until he can't remember what it's like not to be fucked.” “Yeah it's a trip,” Tony said, still playing the game. “At first you're out of it and don't know what's going on but then it goes on for so long, you kind of just accept it and after awhile, you like it. A lot.” “You did it to him?” Eli asked. “Yep, Tony used to be a grade A pussy chaser, didn't you Tony?” “Fuck yeah, tore that shit up.” Eli looked at me, “And now?' “Tony, turn that shit off and get over here.” Tony dropped the controller instantly and stood up. He was another striker on the team, 6'5”, fucking built like fucking moose, not so handsome but his body more than made up for it. He looked like one of those guys who would just kill you for looking at him wrong, because outside of this house he was exactly like that. He walked over and stood in front of me. “What the fuck are you waiting for?” He blushed and then got down on his knees, his hands fumbling for my shorts. Eli and Sammy watched as this mountain of a man fished my cock out and started serving me there, on the living room floor, in front of everyone. He made slobbering noises as he slurped my cock like it was a tootsie roll pop. Sammy openly rubbed his cock thought his shorts, watching this beast humiliate himself by licking the underside of my balls. Without even looking he reached over grabbed Eli's head and pushed it down into his lap. Eli moaned as he mouthed his little brother's cock through the material. “See?” I said, like it was the most normal thing in the world to have two guys service you, “With guys like Eli it's easy, he craves this shit. But Tony here,” I grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled his face up. His mouth was open and drool fell from his side of his mouth as he looked at me with hunger, “Tony here had to be broken and shown what he was put here for. Weren't you Tony?” Tony nodded. “Tony was an alpha before he met me. Now what are you Tony?” “Your cunt,” he answered automatically, “I'm your muscled cunt.” I let him go and he went straight back to my cock like a nursing puppy. “This is what we're going to train John to be. But you have to trust me, it's going to take time and patience.” Sammy and I looked over and saw Josh standing there, watching Eli service his brother, “Can I help?” Sammy pushed Eli back and undid his shorts, freeing his cock, “If you guys can share.” Both Josh and Eli fought for that cock, each one taking a side and licking it up and down, as Sammy looked on with pride. He was becoming quite the little dom, if I do say so myself. The week I spent all of my free time setting the weekend up. I got in touch with my supplier who gave me two syringes of liquid molly, some more liquid THC, five laced joints and a bottle of extra strength poppers that could stun an ox if I wanted to fuck it. I cleared out my room, making sure the bed was secure and that the frame was reinforced because I could believe that if John tried he might be able to cause enough damage to get free. The cherry on my little rape it though was a ventilator mask. It belonged to a CPAP machine but I modified it so now it was connected to the poppers. All I had to do was slip this over his mouth and nose and I could adjust how much poppers to air he was receiving. This should make it nearly impossible for him to be able to get his feet under him to resist. We bought the party supplies but I made sure to get a huge bottle of 190 proof Everclear with a long neck. This was going to be my stop gap when I thought he had too much Molly in his system. Once I had this all set up I went over the plan one more time with Sam and Eli. Eli had brought up the fishing trip, which John had agreed to and then Sammy bitched he didn't want to go because of the party we were throwing. “I told him this was my chance to score with college girls and he laughed and said I had no shot, but we could go anyways,” Sammy told me after school, “He bought it hook, line and sinker.” “Dude, when did you get so good at lying?” I asked. “I've always been a good liar. My parents think I'm a fucking angel, my teachers think I am a model student, trust me, the world sees one thing when I am completely different.” “You're a fucking sadistic fuck,” I said tweaking his nipples. “And you love it,” he said leaning over and kissing me. I don't know if I've mentioned it, but this could fucking kiss. I mean it was soft but aggressive, insistent but not overbearing. It was one of those kisses you got so into you weren't sure when it was over or not. If I knew it wouldn't go to his head I would have asked his secret, but there was no way I was giving this kid any more fuel for that fire. The only other thing that happened that week was I got home from practice and found Eli getting spitroasted by Tony and Scott in the living room. It was hot to see the squeaky clean Eli, who just last week had a girlfriend and a promise ring being grudge fucked by two jocks in broad daylight. I played through and fucked a load into him as well, I swear when we were done I think we were more out of breath than he was. It wasn't until Sammy came over and made him ride his cock on the couch that Eli finally let up. He was becoming the perfect little sub. Friday rolled around and the house was abuzz with energy. The guys were fired up about the party but they were also interested in my project. They had all taken a good look at John the time he was over and they all wanted a crack at that alpha jock's ass. Most of the team showed up and then the girls, by the time the Parkers showed up the party was in full swing. “Told you we were gonna be late!” Sammy said as they walked in the door. John looked around the room and I could see him give the room a sweep, his radar looking for who he wanted to fuck tonight. I'm sure I don't have to explain to you how popular we were right? I mean lacrosse players are like a hybrid baseball and football player. We had toned, firm bodies but more mass than baseball guys had because the sport was a lot more contact than not. So the girls that showed up to climb our cocks were not ugly by no means, and John could tell that at first glance. He saw me and gave me a nod as they walked over. “Nice party,” he said in that bro tone of voice. I looked around, “It's ok, it'll get wilder the later it gets.” He smiled, “Oh yeah?” I smiled back at him, “Oh count on it.” “What's on tap?” “You all want beer? We have vodka and rum too.” “Beer is fine,” John said and Eli and Sammy said the same. I went to the fridge and pulled out two beers and the special one I had whipped up for John. It had the same amount of THC that Eli's Mountain Dew had but John was pure muscle and had an easy 60 pounds on his little brother, so all it would do is loosen him up and make him super buzzed...but not comatose. I had three of these ready, by the third he would be stumbling and slurring, and easy target to get upstairs. I proposed a toast and made sure they all took a long drink before looking around for our trap. “Betty!” I called out to a fucking gorgeous blond with tits that defied gravity, “Have you met the Parker brothers? This is Sammy, Eli...” John held his hand out, “I'm John.” She looked him up and down, “I am sure you are.” They both laughed and she moved closer to him, “You on the team?” “Lacrosse? Nah I'm football baby.” She cooed, “I love football!” “Oh yeah?” he said putting her arm around her. She smiled as he led her over to the couch to talk. “Is she cool?” Sammy asked me. “She comes over sometimes to peg the guys with her strap on. Trust me, she is super cool.” They both watched as their brother sat down with her, thinking he was talking up some random hot chick. No idea she was as twisted as I was when it came to power plays. “She's probably gonna wanna watch us do him at some point, but for now she'll make sure he's drinking and relaxing.” “So what do we do?” Sammy asked, too excited to hide it. “You could go cruise college chicks, I bet you could score one easy.” He rolled his eyes, “Chicks are easy, I want a challenge.” God this kid was liquid sex. “Then chill out, go play COD with the guys and wait for your brother to get wasted.” Eli wandered over to Tony and Josh, who welcomed him like he was part of the team and not jut a cum bucket they used all week while Sammy sat down and grabbed a controller. And I just watched.
    9 points
  2. Was feeling extra horny on Saturday and just couldn't deal with another night of disappointing flakes on Grindr so I looked online and to my surprise found out that my favorite bathhouse had reopened, albeit with mask rules and limited hours...5 pm to 1 am. Fuck, it was already past 7. Cleaned out, took a quick shower, threw my stuff in my bag and made the 20 minute drive over the bridge from NJ. When I got there and asked for a room, the prices were cheaper than pre-covid, I guess because of the limited hours. My room was on the 4th floor, which usually means they are pretty busy since they fill the 2nd and 3rd floor rooms before starting on the 4th. Stripped down to my black leather lace up jock, lubed my hole, grabbed my poppers and went looking for some cock. I decided to start in the basement and work my way up, so took the walk down 4 flights of stairs. There was no one in the first basement room with the slings and fuck benches and no one in the shower. It looked like the sauna was turned off and the lights were on in the steam room. The 2 level glory hole room was hopping, though. Everyone had masks on like they were supposed to except the guys who were sucking cocks. I went to the lower level and managed to get a place at one of the holes. I sucked on 2 medium sized white cocks and a fairly large black one, but it was early and seemed like no one wanted to cum yet. Despite me sticking my bare, lubed ass into the aisle, all I got was a couple of gropes, so after the 3rd cock, I made my way upstairs. 1st floor never has any play, it's a common area, so went up another flight to the 2nd floor. There were a couple short hispanic guys in the movie area just sitting and stroking and looking half out of it so I kept going. Saw a couple promising cocks in open rooms that I might have to come back to. Made my way up to the 3rd floor and the dark maze. It was wall to wall people, just flesh everywhere. I started working my way into the maze, getting groped on the way and doing some groping. Finally found a cock that felt like fun. It wasn't really long, but pretty thick. I slipped in front of him and felt his hands reach up and start working my nipples as his cock rubbed through my crack. I took a big hit of poppers and grabbed his cock and started slowly working the fat head into my hole. Goddamn it felt good and he was so patient while I worked my hole open on his cock. Once I felt loose enough, I let go of his cock and braced my hands against the wall in front of me and took another hit of poppers. He took hold of my hips and started giving it to me good. There was a guy on either side of us and one was rubbing my balls and the other was working my nipples. The ball rubbing guy fed me some poppers a few times over the next 10 minutes while I got fucked so good. He grabbed me by the shoulders, pulled me up to his chest and said his first words, "I'm gonna breed your slutty little hole." He pounded me for another half a minute and I literally felt his cock throb as he shot inside me. I stayed there until he softened up and slipped out. I started moving towards the light at one end of the maze, but I didn't get past the next little cubby when I felt hands pull me in...very strong, very dark hands. I am such a sub bottom bitch for a strong black man that I didn't resist in the slightest. He pushed me into the cubby and got behind me and bent me over and told me he wanted some of my sloppy white hole. So I took another big hit of poppers and reached back and spread it open for him. He rubbed what felt like a pretty fat cock up and down my crack, using the cum dripping out of me from the last guy to lube himself, the he started pushing it into me. It wasn't as thick as the last guy but it never seemed to end. It had to be 10" long and there was a little resistance when he hit my inner ring, but he pushed through it, but not forcefully. I thought to myself, thank god, a guy with a big cock who knows how to use it. For the next 20 minutes, he gave me one of the best fucks I have had in a long time. His hands were rubbing all over me, talking nasty to me, varying his speed and rhythm, gyrating to hit all my spots, would go gentler when he felt me moving to take a hit of poppers so I didn't spill them...fuck, this guy was amazing. Finally he told me I was a good white bitch and I had earned his load and to get ready for it. He grabbed me by the hair and throat and pulled me back hard into him and held me there while he shot his cum into me. After 5 or 6 little spasms as he finished cumming, he pulled his cock out and told me to clean it. I crouched down to suck my juices off it and my hole was so gaped I could feel a breeze in it as I sucked him clean and his cum dripped out of me. When he thought it was clean enough, he pulled it out of my mouth, smacked my face with it, and walked away, leaving me crouched on the floor.
    7 points
  3. Part Eleven About an hour later Eli woke up, and found me sitting on the side of the bed. He jerked back, “Get away.” Oh lord, here we go again. I held up a bottled water, “Thought you might be thirsty after that.” “What's in it?” he asked defensively. I looked at the clear bottle and then to him, “Um, water?” He took it from me and drank half of it in one gulp, “Don't act like you didn't drug me before.” “Drug you? You got high all on your own, is this about us fucking?” He made a face, “You mean when you raped me.” I actually laughed at that, “Dude, look. You can say that shit out there because you think you need to save face or whatever, but truth of the matter is, you liked it and you know it.” He shook his head, “No I didn't.” I held up my phone and played some of the highlights from our session, his face fell in shock, but he didn't look away from the screen. “See that is you,”I pointed, “Riding me, begging for more. You don't look drugged, you look fucking turned on.” He shook his head and looked away from the screen, “I'm not gay.” I put the phone down, “Jesus everyone with things being gay and straight these days. You're right Eli, you probably aren't gay. But what you and me did, had nothing to do with sexuality.” I could tell from the look on his face he was not expecting me to say that, “What do you mean?” I scooted closer to him “It's about control and power. The fact of the matter is you like having control taken from you. You get off on someone having power over you. Believe it or not it' a pretty common turn on.” “I-I'm not like that,” he said as I got closer. I nodded and smiled, “Yes you are and that's ok man. Every guy down there has had their control taken away by me at some point. The fact they are being used and degraded is super erotic to them. They have girlfriends and fuck chicks all the live long day, but when I say fucking drop to your knees....they do.” He was caught like a rat to a cobra now. His entire attention was on me and my words, he had even stopped trying to move away from me as I edged closer still. “All of them?” I nodded, “I have fucked everyone of those guys at least once, and they got off on it. Do they seem gay to you?” He shook his head. “Are you gay?” Another shake. I was right next to him now, “Then why did you like it so much?” I leaned and pulled his head back. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed him towards mine. I shoved my tongue into his mouth, at first he was just frozen, not sure what to do. I smacked the back of his head and he started to kiss me back, at first timidly but after a few seconds it picked up steam and finally we were full on making out. I broke the kiss and I saw him, eyes closed, mouth open, completely into it. He realized we'd stopped and closed his mouth. “Look Eli, you're horny. Your girlfriend won't put out until you marry her, you're too nice to cheat on her, so you're about ready to fucking burst. On top of that you've been the low man on the Parker totem pole because of your dick for so long, you like it. In fact you get off on it.” He opened his mouth to say something and I barked, “I didn't say you could speak.” His mouth snapped shut. “You're obsessed with big cocks, at first it was because you wanted one but see...” I stood up and dropped my shorts, exposing my cock, “You spent so long idolizing them, they turn you on. You know you have a little dick and you want to service big cocks. That's not a gay thing, it's a power thing. You know my cock has power over you...” I got back on the bed, “And you want me to lord it over you.” I took his hand and moved over my soft dick. He just started for a few and then gripped it, holding part of it in the palm of his hand. “You want this Eli, you know it. You're just too scared to admit it,” my voice was soothing and reassuring now, “This is a safe place, no one in this house will judge you, make fun of you or demean you for what you get off on. I promise you.” He was getting to get me hard. “You promise?” I nodded, “Swear to god.” He watched as my cock got hard and then to full length, the admiration on his face was almost comical. He looked at my cock and then back to me, and you could see his mind whirling. Fighting against who he thought he was and who he really was. I reached up and softly stroked his cheek and he leaned int it a little. Then I grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down onto my cock. He groaned as he took it all. I let him bob on my dick for awhile, he needed to realize his hunger here in the light. Not drunk, not stoned, but here, of his own free will. He needed to accept how badly he wanted to be dominated and how far he would go to get it. He started licking my shaft up and down and even cupping my balls. He was really worshiping that dick. “Ok,” I said pulling my dick out of his mouth, “Lie down near the headboard.” “Why?” he asked and I pushed him down. “Because I said so motherfucker, you want to piss me off?” “No sir!” he said quickly, looking terrified, but his cock was leaking all the same. He scooted up towards the headboard and I tied his hands together again. I made sure they were secured and looked down on him. “See, now you're mine. You're going to lie there and let me do whatever I want, aren't you?” He looked up at me with wide eyes, “Yes sir, please sir.” I reached over and grabbed the blindfold off my desk, “Close your eyes.” He looked excited and scared all at the same time as he closed his eyes and I fastened the blindfold in place. It had weighted pads so there was no way he was going to be able to see anything. I made sure everything was in place and then tweaked his nipples some, “You like that?” He was looking around, following my voice, “Yes sir...I like it a lot.” And from the way his cock was bobbing, he was telling the truth. I got off the bed, “I'm gonna get naked and then you're mine bitch.” “I'm ready sir,” he answered eagerly. He felt the bed move and someone straddle his chest, a hard cock pressed against his lips. He moaned as the cock pushed into his mouth, filling it so wide his jaw ached. “Yeah, eat that cock,” I said to him, “Feel that shaft...lick the shaft, more...” His mouth went nuts as he followed my orders, his cock was leaking like a faucet now. “Yeah feel that big cock, you want that big cock don't you?” He answered the best he could with a huge cock in his mouth and I just laughed, “I'm gonna take that as yes sir.” His mouth was slammed again and again, it was obvious Eli liked being facefucked. The cock pulled out and he was panting, his tongue licking his lips. “You like that cock?” “Yes sir!” he shouted. “You want more of that cock?” “Oh please sir....please...” “You'd do anything for that cock?” “Anything...” I reached over and took the blindfold off. He looked up and saw Sammy, sitting on his chest, his massive cock covered in his big brother's spit. “You want my cock?” Sammy asked, Eli looked shellshocked. “No judgments here Eli, it's just us, no one will know anything,” I assured him. He looked to me and then back up at Sammy. Sammy pointed his cock down, towards his brother's mouth and leaned in. Eli's mouth refused to open for a second so Sammy just slapped his face with his monster. “Open up” smack “Eli” smack “We both” smack “Know you” smack “Want this” smack Eli had his eyes closed but from the way his dick was twitching, he was more turned on than he ever had been. Sammy put his cock back to his brother's lips, “Open up Eli.” Nothing. “Eli...” he warned, Nothing. “ELI!” he shouted and his older brother's eyes flew open. “Suck my fucking cock NOW!” This time the mouth opened and Sammy pushed his cock into Eli's mouth, both of them groaning. I let Sammy set the rhythm of the facefuck for a few minutes, I needed to see if Eli's lust was going to outweigh his judgment. When Sammy pulled out and Eli kept licking the under shaft of his little brother, I knew this was a go. I undid the belt and Eli's hands went straight to Sammy's perfect baseball ass and began to devour the cock he had so long wanted. Sammy had a hand on Eli's head as he watched his older brother worship his cock, ravishing it, devouring it, doing anything he could to push more of it in his mouth. Eli pushed Sammy off of him, and switching sides. Now Sammy was on his back and Eli was between his legs, just licking and sucking that cock for everything it was worth. Sammy watched as his older brother licked his balls with reverence, moaning and grunting as he tried to take the whole cock at once. It was a sight to see, Sammy's perfect, lean body, massive cock pointing skyward and his older brother on his knees, serving it like all fuck pigs should. Eli held the cock with both hands, jerking it, squeezing it, loving every inch of it. Sammy gestured for Eli to scoot up and his older brother complied like a kid of Christmas. Sammy pulled him into a kiss that Eli returned with gusto. Sammy's hips grinded upwards, that huge python slipping through the muscular soccer ass of his brother. Eli pushed back, relishing the feel of the massive tool he had lusted over for so long touching his bare skin. I grabbed some lube and covered Sammy's shaft liberally with it and then took a good gob of it and pressed it into Eli's hole. He gasped at the kiss and then moaned as I made sure the walls of his ass were slick and ready. Sammy was really driving his hips up and watching the nine inch monster split Eli's jock ass was as erotic as all fuck. Sammy pulled back a little and when he went forward, slipped it by Eli's hole, making the older boy shudder for a moment as it passed by. They did this for awhile, dry humping each other, Sammy's cockhead getting dangerously close to entering his brother, but the angle was all wrong. Finally Eli growled and sat up, the cock throbbing against his lower back. He leaned forward slightly and with great deliberateness, placed his little brother's cockhead to his tight hole. It pressed there and they both gasped a little as Eli pushed back and Sammy slowed started to breach his ass. “Ohh....fuccckkkk.....” Eli groaned as the head popped in, he started panting and placed his hands on Sammy's chest, “Wait...wait....fuck you're so big...” I expected Sammy to just shove his cock in, he had been waiting to fuck Eli for so long now, it was kinda expected. But instead he waited as Eli's hole got used to the massive intruder. Eli bobbed up and down on the first few inches before bearing down and pushing. Half of Sammy's rod plunged into Eli and I could see his hands clenching and unclenching around Eli's waist, he wanted to get to fucking so bad...but he waited. “Shit...shit...” Eli said through ragged breaths...”It's like a baseball bat...” I grabbed some more lube and covered the bottom part of Sammy's cock and shoved a couple of fingers into Eli's ass for good measure. I got on the bed and and held Eli steady. “Ok, here we go. Don't push down, don't thrust up, just sit there, and let gravity take you the rest of the way in.” Eli stopped moving and Sammy's hands dropped to his sides. I was holding Eli up now under his arms and once they caught their breath, I let go. Slowly half an inch at a time, Eli slid down his little brother's cock, moaning as it cleaved farther and father into him. “Feel that Eli? Feel my cock in you?” Sammy asked with a grin. “Fuck, fuck...jesus Sammy...your cock...too big....” “Take this cock, “Sammy barked, “You spent so much time drooling over it, now take the whole thing.” Eli was whimpering as he sank, Sammy's thick base stretching him ever farther open. “Tell me about my cock Eli,” Sammy said, “Tell me the first time you wanted it.” “I...I was....shit...you had to get a swimsuit for water polo....fuck!” “Go on...” Sammy pressed. “A..and....you went into the dressing room to try one on...oh...oh....shit shit shit....and you asked me to come in....fuck Sammy...” “I asked you to come in and...” “You had them on and your cock...fuck your cock was just stuffed to the side, filling the whole thing up. It was obscene, and you asked if it was supposed to be this tight and I could stop looking at your cock...you fucking incredible cock...” “What did you want to do?” “I wanted to rip those speedos off and just lick it, and suck it...and just...just....oooohhhhh.....” Sammy's pubes his his brother's ass. “You got it...you got it all...” Eli sat there, his face red with concentration as he felt all nine inches of his little brother's cock fill his tight little jock ass. Sammy reached up and pulled his brother's face to his, “I knew you could take it bro, I knew you were man enough.” Eli kissed him and I had to give the kid credit, he was reinforcing Eli's ego by not only giving him a compliment but equating his masculinity with bottoming. Damn I wish I had thought of that. “Shit...so big...” Eli moaned... “Come on big brother...” Sammy said and Eli locked eyes with him. “Ride my cock.” Eli closed his eyes and pulled up a few inches and he cried out as is ass complained about the huge girth of the giant jock dick shoved into it. He slid back down and he threw his head back in pleasure as he bottomed out. Sammy pulled him up and then thrust up and Eli let out a cry of pain. “Fuck...jesus...” I grabbed the poppers and shoved it under Eli's nostril. “Inhale.” He took a deep breath with no hesitation, I moved to the other on he took an even longer hit. I moved down to Sammy and put it under his nose, “Trust me, you will loses your shit.” He took two hits as Eli started to go under. “Oh fuck yeah...” he said grinding up and down on Sammy's cock like he had been made for it. Sammy made a sound and grabbed Eli's hips and actually growled. The two brothers went at it, one massive cock smashing into a tiny, little jock pussy, both of them lost in the moment. Eli was slamming himself down hard as Sammy raised his hips up to meet him. I was surprised I didn't see the top of Sammy's cock coming out of Eli's mouth they were fucking so hard. They were silent for a good few minutes, the only sound was flesh hitting flesh as they just fucked each other like animals. Finally Sammy pushed Eli off and threw his older brother on his back. He kicked Eli's legs apart with his own and just shoved his cock back into him. Eli grunted a Sammy began to piledrive into him like a madman. Eli was beyond words, all he could do was mew and moan as Sammy completely destroyed his jock pussy. I thought that was going to tbe the worst of it but Sammy grabbed Elis throat and bore down on him. “You're my cunt now, right? This is my cunt now!” Eli nodded, unable to speak with his air being cut off. “You're my cumdump now, this is my pussy and you will present it whenever I say, do you understand me?” Eli nodded again, his eyes rolling back into his head. I was about to stop him when Sammy let go and grabbed his brother's cock. “You belong to me know, this is my pussy, this is my dick. You live just to service me.” Eli moaned a low, “Yessssssisiitrrrr...” and then came like a freight train. Cum sprayed all over Sammy's abs as his brother convulsed around his cock, his arms failed and his toes curled as he realized his dream of getting grudgefucked by his little brother. Sammy pumped a few times and then pulled out of his brother, moving up to his mouth, “Open! Open your fucking mouth!” Eli opened his mouth as Sammy placed his massive head on his brother's tongue. He stroked his huge shaft twice and began spewing cum into Eli's mouth. “Drink it, drink all of it...that's your fucking milk now. This is what you eat for breakfast...” Eli groaned at the debasement but slurped up every drop of Sammy's massive load like a calf to a tit. Once he was done Sammy grabbed a hunk of Eli's hair, “Clean it off, lick your filth off my cock.” And like a tamed cat, Eli leaned in and licked all of the cum and lube off his little brother's cock, a smile on his face the whole time. Sammy looked over at me and winked, I had never been so turned on in my fucking life.
    7 points
  4. The Workout, Part 2 "You're a little old to be chasing. Most guys do that when they're young and foolish" I replied. "I... I'm not really chasing. I just want to be less paranoid about it" sigmabtm said. I let his words sink in to both of us before I said "I got a good record, so if you're not ready I won't fuck you." The words astounded me and I wondered how they came out of my mouth. It didn't take long for him to respond, saying "If someone is going to do it, I want it from a guy like you." I pulled his tank over his head and then pushed down and forward on both of his shoulders. He knelt on the cushions and braced his hands on the back of the couch, like I'm sure he had done hundreds of times before. My body followed him down and I was on the floor on my knees as I looked at his ass. It was covered in the same fur as his legs and was firm from the daily workouts. I pried his ass cheeks apart and after gazing at my target for a moment, pushed my face in. There was no gasp of surprise nor a quick yelp. This was an ass that had been rimmed for decades. A seasoned pro at feeling tongues, fingers, dicks and maybe a fist or two use it for both person's pleasure. One thing I enjoy is tasting and breathing in the scent of a new guy and our workout had provided a lot of scent to take in. My tongue got to savor the salty taste of his sweat and his own unique pheromone smell. Sigmabtm's hole relaxed as my tongue explored and then gave a quick squeeze when it poked inside. He seemed eager to be penetrated and the more I rimmed him the more I wanted my cock to feel him wrapped around it. I feasted for almost fifteen minutes when my need to fuck started to take over. My tongue lapped up out of the crevice and along his spine until my cock was now riding the crack between each butt cheek. The shaft slid up until my balls hit his ass and then I dragged it back down. "One last chance to change your mind or the next thing you feel is my toxic cock entering you" I said softly. "Fuck me" was all he said. The spit I'd left inside his hole was not nearly enough lube and we both knew it. His ass cheeks pulled back my foreskin and seconds later my head was resting on his outer ring. I could feel it wink and after a few cycles I pushed in as he relaxed. Once past the muscle, I stopped. He let out a moan, showing me just how much he needed this. I kissed the back of his neck and then gave a firm thrust, plowing almost half of my cock inside him. "FUCK! Slow... slow... slow" he said. Most guys that I'd fucked like this just powered through, but sigmabtm wanted a more gentle fuck. He wasn't like most other guys and my gut instinct told me that he'd be a great fuck if I just followed his desires. I withdrew and added another gob of spit to my cock. My hips started to roll working my shaft in deeper with each stroke. The combination of the extra spit, my precum and his experienced hole soon got my balls to bounce off his ass. It may have taken a few extra minutes, but he felt damn good wrapped around my fuckstick. My thighs started to burn from the crouching position that I was in, drilling him with long firm strokes. I leaned forward, placing my chest on his back and fucked several more minutes before I then moved back so I was more upright. I gave a harder shove, driving from head to base in one long stroke and stood there before pulling all the way out. His groan told me that I was at the limit of how hard he wanted me to plow him. We had been fucking like this for almost a half hour and I wasn't sure how much longer I could stand in that position. Rolling him over on to his back, I adjusted him so his ass was hanging over the edge of the leather sofa. He surprised me with his flexibility and had his legs pulled back on either side of his body. The height was perfect and with me back on my knees, I easily slid back into his velvety hole. I stared back into his eyes and could see the lust in them. My strokes started out short and soon I was back to full thrusts. Sigmabtm reached up and started to play with each of my nipples. First with the left, with flicks and pinches and then he moved over to the right. This was a universal sign I had seen from bottoms my whole sex life. They wanted to feel the top's orgasm, flooding their vulnerable body with a potentially deadly load of cum. I fucked faster and faster until he said those magical words "Breed me." I planted my cock as deep as I could and I felt it throb with each shot of cum. We stared into each other's eyes, knowing I was delivering a life altering load deep inside him. I hadn't said anything during our fuck and he had only muttered a few brief phrases. All of our communication was done via gestures or facial expressions. My cock stopped pulsing and stood planted in his hole, holding in all of my viral sperm. After we both came down from our high and our breathing was back to normal, I slowly pulled my cock out. Surprisingly, not much cum came out of his gaping hole. I had planted that load deep. Sigmabtm let go of his legs and I watched as he rolled forward until we were face to face. He gave me a deep kiss that lasted for a few minutes. He pushed me backward and then pulled me to my feet as he stood. He led me over to the bedroom I saw as I had walked in and we laid down. I spooned behind him and he held my hand tightly. Both of us were drained from our double workout and we fell asleep quickly. It was almost midnight when I woke and felt his body against mine. My chest was firmly against his back and my rigid cock was cradled by his muscled ass cheeks. I began to roll my hips, humping him until I felt him start to stir. He was wide awake the instant I forced my cock back into his tight hole. sigmabtm let out a loud whimper as I pushed slowly inside him. His hole was a little slick from the earlier load but not much "Yeah, you need a thick poz dick in you" I whispered in his ear. "Fuck that feels so good. Keep fuckin' me" he replied. "Oh, I ain't stoppin until I dump some more of my charged seed in that neg cunt" I told him, getting another loud whimper and a quick dick squeeze out of him. I pumped him like that, on his side, for several minutes until I slid in all the way and then rolled him on his stomach. "Come on, tell me what you want" I goaded him as my cock started to drive in and out of his hole. "Fuck me with that big poz cock" he said as I churned up what was left of the load from earlier. It felt so good, coating my cock with each thrust. "Give me all of your dick... I need to feel it throb deep inside my cunt" he gasped and soon I was pulling out and sliding back in, making him feel every inch of my cock digging into his hole. "Mmmhmmm... not just a poz dick... a toxic dick" I growled in his ear. He replied "Oh fuck... It feels so good though" and I let out a sinister laugh. I kept long dicking him for a few more minutes. I knew his cock was rock hard and trapped between his body and the bed. My hands held him down as my cock relentlessly plowed into him. I knew from earlier that he didn't like hard fucks, so I was going to fuck until he begged me to breed him. "I'm gonna knock this pussy up" I growled out. My legs spread wider until they were on either side of his hips and gave me better leverage. The thrusts slowed but got a little harder. I played around with the strength, finding the point right below where he started to protest. A little froth from the earlier load circled around my cock and was being replaced by my constantly leaking cock. That cum had done it's job and was soon to be replaced with some fresh virus laden semen. I drove in, blasting past his inner ring and forcing a painful grunt from his mouth. My hips ground against his ass before I returned plowing his cunt. When I drilled deep another time, I'd found his breaking point. "Oh fuck... please... I can't take much more" he cried out. "I told you before, I don't pull out until after I've shot my load. You know what's gonna happen if I keep breeding this hole" I told him coldly. I'm sure he knew but he was just too scared to admit it. He whimpered again without saying it verbally. I wanted to hear him tell me he wanted my charged seed. "It might take 1 load... or two... or ten... or fifty. Everyone is different. The last guy's number was one and I've already given you that. Ready for number two?" I said breathlessly as I started to fuck faster. They were short, fast strokes and I could feel the friction warm up my thickening cock. "Oh god... no... I... I don't want to get pozzed... Please! Don't breed me. Pull out!" he gasped. His body was telling me something different though. I could feel his hole flex around my shaft, trying to coax my charged load from my balls. "Nope... not happening" I replied as my body got frantic as the impending orgasm built up. His hole gave a few hard squeezes and that spurred me on. I fell on to his back and then let the floodgates open. Pulses from my cock shot glob after glob of my sperm into his guts, each with my own primal grunt. He whimpered loudly as my cum filled up his fuck chute knowing that my virus was getting a second chance at claiming him. "Yeah... that's a good daddy. Take my buggy load and let it soak in and become part of you. The new you" I growled in his ear. I had never referred to an older guy that I fucked as a daddy, but it seemed right at that moment. His whimpers turned to moans and I felt his ass milk out a few more spurts while he shot his own load into the sheets. I chuckled and told him "See, getting poz bred turned you the fuck on, didn't it?" Both of us were covered in sweat and since we hadn't showered after our workout, we both had a glorious smell of sweat and cum wafting off our bodies. I rolled us back on our sides, my softening cock still inside his hole and we were back asleep a few minutes later. He was the one that woke first and as he pulled away from me, I opened my eyes. He was scampering out of the bedroom and I followed him. He was walking toward the toilet and as he lifted the seat I said "No. Shower." He gave me a confused look and opened the door to the shower and stepped in. I was right behind and stood in front of him in the center, grabbing my hard shaft and aimed it toward him. It was really stiff and a fountain of dark yellow morning piss started to shoot out, splashing over his tight abs. "Oh fuck!" he yelled out and his softer cock started to spray his own stream of golden piss. He hit my foot and soon started to aim higher. I saw a wicked grin on his face as his stream started coating my balls. We both marked each other with our urine and when our streams both died down, he reached over and turned the shower on. We both basked in the warm water, but my cock was not getting any softer. I turned him to the wall, raising his hands up on either side of my head and once again pressed against his back. "Oh fuck" he cried out as I pushed my cock between his ass cheeks. "It would be a shame to waste this" I whispered over the rain from the shower head. He was tight once again, but with a little spurt of piss I slipped inside. He whimpered once again, but didn't object to my bare cock inside his unprotected hole. My hips rolled and I plowed deeper into his hole. He let out a painful groan and I realized that my midnight load was now absorbed into his soft hole. I tried to push out a little more piss but that didn't seem to work. A few more strokes, though, and my lube machine was leaking once again inside him. Holding his hands against the wall and my chin on his shoulder, next to his head, my hips did most of the work. Starting slow, I built up speed and then slowed down again. I did this a few more times until my balls signaled that it was time to add another charged load to his hole. My cock started to unload as I was thrusting in, spraying my toxic spunk from just inside his outer ring all the way in until I was balls deep. Twitch after twitch from my cock signaled my balls were emptying all of their infected cream inside him. Just like the first fuck the night before, nothing was really said between us as I fucked and bred him again. I stayed planted in him for a minute after the last spurt and then slowly pulled out. We showered and playfully washed each other off, but I left him dripping my hot seed. After we dried off, I found my gym bag and dug out a clean pair of shorts and a tee. I put my sweats back on and then pulled my long sleeved tee over my head before grabbing my bag. He was standing there naked watching me, not saying a word. When I got to his front door, I said "That was a good workout. Let me know when we can do it again. Maybe Wednesday night?" He looked a little shocked and mumbled out "Uh... yeah. I'll see." The door shut behind me and I hurried back to my condo, getting in with just enough time to throw on a company polo shirt and sign in for the video conference. I'd be good as long as I didn't stand up and show off my sweatpants. About 45 minutes in and I heard my personal laptop chirp. I looked and there was a message from sigmabtm. "Booked Wed 7pm."
    5 points
  5. Haven't been playing for a while due to divide n work getting super busy, but have been active online chatting and seeing what potential options where. Online I noticed an old FB that fizzled out was there so got chatting and he had moved back into the area so we organised a catch-up for coffee just to see how we both where. Next day I take a long lunch and meet him at the coffee shop for a catch-up . The normal how's it going and he say get the coffees to go and we can go for a walk n chat. So walking along neither of us have gotten up to much and he says his place is round the corner so come see so of course .. I do. Sitting in the lounge he says how he remembers how it was fucking me, unzips his pants and pulls his cock out. I'm just stunned staring at he as starts pulling on his cock telling me to get over here and suck it for old time sake. So without a pause I put the coffee down and crawl over to him reach up, grab n start pulling, then just see how much I can swallow before gaging. I'm in heaven as I suck , lick n pump 7.5 in of thick uncut cock. He grabs my head forcing his cock deeper into throat telling me to lookup. Gagging I look up into his eyes and he tells me " that's the slut I remember" as he pushs my head back down gaging me more. 20 min later he pulls my mouth off his cock saying I'm a good cock sucker but he remembers something else I do even better n tells me to strip. Nurvious but in heat I comply n stripped and he does the same, standing naked in front of him he pulls me close and starts kissing hands grabbing my ass , kneeding it as I just kiss back. Turning me round and telling me to Get on my hands n knees he makes a bee line for my ass with his mouth n tounge making me groan for him. A minute of this and I'm in heaven. On my elbows and knees just groaning he stops and slaps his cock on my ass teasing my now wet relaxed hole his cock head and he says what he loved best was that I'd take it raw and just rams half in me as he says it. I scream in shock and a little pain but he just holds his cock there for me to adjust. I'm over the shock and he starts to sliding it back n forth telling me my ass feels good and he going to enjoy making it his. I'm still shocked and want to tell him to get a condom but hes hitting my prostate and it just feels to good. Groaning in pleasure I start pushing back telling/ begging him to fuck me. He tells me that's the ass he remembers and if I keep it up he wont last long. Hearing this I just continue pushing back in time with his thrusts saying fuck me. it doesn't take long till I feel his tempo change and I know he getting close. he says he going to cum pulls my hips in and pushes balls deep grunting. I can't feel it but know he's unloading a nice load deep in me. Five or six short deep thrusts and I know he's finished as he continues to fuck it deeper into me. 30 seconds of that and his softening cock slips out with him say how he needed that. I'm still there ass up on all fours looking back starting to turn round and reach for his cock and start to suck it clean. He looks down and tells me its good to have that ass back, and that we are going to have so more fun from now on, I just look up and continue sucking his cock. In the after glow of this I remember I still need to go back to work so ask if I can tidy up in his bathroom. He says yes and takes me to to bath room and turns the shower on. He tells me to hold it for a minute leaves and returns with a medium sized butt plug telling me to turn round as he slides it into me telling me I need to keep the plug and his load in me till I comeback tomorrow. I just look back knowing he owns my ass from now on and I'd do anything he tells me too
    5 points
  6. Chapter Five Jack caught a ride with me to Blackthorn's house. “You really think he can get my grades up?” I asked him. “Depends, I mean you're pretty behind. But I bet he'll find something you can do to earn the grade.” “Sheesh I hope so, if I lose my scholarship I don't know what I'd do.” “Go into porn?” “Huh?” “Nothing, just listen to what he has to say.” We pulled up to his house and I grabbed my backpack, “Did you bring your books?” Jack shook his head, “Nah, I'll just follow along.” As we approached the door it opened and Blackthorn was standing there looking buff as shit. He had on a tight black t-shirt that really showed his chest off and a pair of workout shorts that might have been old because they were pretty tight on him. He started to smile and then looked at Jack, “Um, this was a private lesson Palmer.” Before I could say anything Jack spoke up, “It's ok Mr. Blackthorn, I figured out what you were going to teach him and I'd like to help.” Blackthorn raised an eyebrow. “He told me about the private lesson you gave him earlier, and I thought if you were going to go into a full lesson, you might need help.” He cocked his head and he gave Jack a small smile, “Have you been giving him lessons as well?” “Well sir I've been trying, but I think he's finally ready to learn.” “Well then come in boys, we have no time to waste.” His house was pretty swag, I mean you could tell he was a bachelor. He must have not bought light bulbs because this room was fucking dark, I had no idea how we were going to study. There was a large blanket on the floor and pillows all around. “Sit, you guys drink?” Jack laughed, “Does a fish swim?” “Excellent, let me grab some wine, take your shoes off and relax.” Jack shucked his off quickly so I followed suit. “Dude, he might have forgotten I was coming by, this place looks like it's setup for a date or something.” Jack leaned back on a stack of pillows, “Maybe, but he's willing to teach so relax man.” I sat down and started grabbing my book out of my backpack. “Nope,” Mr. Blackthorn said coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and some glasses, “You aren't ready for a book yet Palmer, we need to go back to basics.” Man I was too stupid to even use the book? That sucks. Blackthorn sat down and poured us all a huge glass of wine. “Um, I don't really drink all that much,” I said looking at my wine. And it was true, I got stupid when I was drunk, a fact I learned in high school a couple of times. Both times I had gotten drunk I woke up at a friend's house, buck naked feeling like I had ran a marathon the night before. The guys always just said I was fun when I was that way but I didn't like it. “A relaxed mind learns faster,” Blackthorn said, indicating I should drink. Sighing I brought the glass up to my mouth and started to chug it. It was sweet, I mean it had that nasty alcohol taste but I drank it all pretty quickly. They were both just staring at me open mouthed. “What?” I asked putting the glass down, “You said drink.” Jack and Blackthorn looked at each other and smiled. “Ok then, well that should help. What was the last thing you recall us studying?” I thought really hard, but I was already getting a little wobbly, “Um, the civil war I think?” “Everett, we're going over Watergate, that's a hundred years later. You haven't been paying attention at all?” “No sir,” I said sadly. Was it hot in here? “We should quiz him,” Jack offered, “You know test and see what he knows and doesn't.” Blackthorn just looked at Jack in confusion. “We're going to ask you some history questions, and you try to answer them as correctly as possible ok?” I nodded. “But I know you, you're just going to say you don't remember to most of them, so let's give you a reason to think.” I didn't understand what he just said and fought back giggling and just asked, “Huh?” “For every question you get wrong you have to take off a piece of clothing.” “What?” I said shocked, “No way I'm not stripping.” “Then think hard about your answers,” Jack suggested. I looked at Blackthorn for help but he just nodded, “I think it's a good idea. The pressure of not wanting to undress yourself should give you motivation to recall facts.” I did not want to do this but he was the teacher and I remembered what Jack said. Just do whatever Blackthorn tells me so I can pass. I nodded, “Sure ok.” “Great,” Blackthorn said, “Who was the president during the civil war?” “Um, penny guy...Lincoln!” “That's right,” he looked at Jack, you lose. Jack paused for a moment and then smile, “You got me.” He pulled his socks off. “Ok Jack, who were we fighting against in the war?” “The south,” Jack answered. That was was way easy. Blackthorn looked at me, “You lose.” I wasn't sure how I lost since I didn't get a question wrong but Jack did it so I took my socks off as well. “Everett, who was Lincoln's Secretary of War.” I just stared at Blackthorn. “During the war, who was the man in charge of most of it.” “Um...Lincoln's son?” “No, Edwin Stanton, your loss.” I had never heard that name before but the wine was really hitting me and I just pulled my shirt off. “Ok, you got me.” “Jack, where was Lincoln shot?” “Ford's theater,” he answered instantly. “Everett, your loss.” “Man...” I said looking at what I was wearing, “Um, all I have are my pants.” “You still have your underwear right?” Blackthorn asked. “Um, no I've been freeballing it all day.” Blackthorn shook his head, “Rules are rules.” Sighing I stood up and wobbled a little. Jack jumped up and steadied me. “Thanks man,” I said unbuttoning my jeans. “Here let me help,” he said doing it for me. I pulled them down and stepped out of them, I was torn. It felt so fucking good to be naked because I was too hot but I was also naked in front of two guys. I sat back down and put a pillow over my groin. “Well that was fast,” Blackthorn said, “What are we going to use to motivate him now?” Jack thought about it, “Ok how about we move to strip poker rules? Loser has to do what the winner tells him too.” Those were the rules. When we played strip poker whoever was naked and lost again had to do whatever the winning guy said. I had lost one hand and they made me jog around the school statue completely naked. I nodded, “Ok fine.” “Everett, who was the president of the Confederacy?” “The what?” “The Confederacy,” Blackthorn repeated, “Of the United States?” I was confused, “You mean Lincoln?” Jack laughed, “The Confederacy was the south dumbass.” I blushed, “Well I didn't know that!” “Ok Mr. Blackthorn, you won, your dare.” “OK Everett, you have to have another glass of wine.” I made a face but nodded. Blackthorn jumped up and left the room. “Dude, I'm naked!” Jack just shrugged, “You should have been paying more attention in class.” “I thought you were coming along to help me.” “Oh I'm helping, trust me.” Blackthorn came back and sat down, “Ok little bit of wine,” he poured, “And take this.” He held out his hand and a little purple pill. It looked like a Flintstones's vitamin. “What's this?” I asked taking it from him. “It helps you with hangovers, for the next morning.” “Oh cool,” I said popping in my mouth and chasing it down with the wine. “So where were we?” he asked. “The confederacy,” I answered, leaning back on the pillows. “Right, so do you remember when the civil war ended?” I thought about it for a moment, “Um, 1900's?” “1865,” he corrected me. “Uh oh,” I said suddenly laughing, “I missed again.” “Jack, your dare,” Blackthorn said. Jack looked at me, “Ok, I get to tickle you for a minute straight.” “No way!” I said, trying to sit up but it was too late. Jack pounced on me, throwing the pillow off my crotch and straddling my waist. “Please Jack don't...” I begged. He tore into my side and I lost it. I was super ticklish, a fact Jack has lorded over me for years. “Beg for mercy,” he said as I tried to block his hands. “Please Jack, please!” “You want me to pick something else?” I nodded almost crying, “Please, anything!” “Promise.” “I promise, I promise!!' He stopped and I laid there, trying to catch my breath. “Ok, so anything.” I nodded and he stood up. He unbuttoned his jeans and my eyes got wide. “Dude,” I whispered, “Not here!” He dropped his pants, standing over me in just his black jockstrap. “You said anything.” he said stepping out of his jeans. “A promise is a promise Mr. Everett.” Sighing I just nodded. He knelt back down, closer to my face, his crotch just over my head. “Lemme feel that tongue,” he said. God I couldn't believe this. Just like Jack to find something humiliating and make me do it in front of a teacher no less! Man I am going to get him back for this. I leaned my head up and licked his pouch, the musky smell wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He didn't move so I kept going, his dick slowly hardening. He reached down and moved his pouch aside, his balls were now exposed. Man, this is the worst! I licked the smooth underside of his balls and heard him moan. “There ya go Everett, this is what you get when you don't study.” He was right, if only I had paid more attention in class I wouldn't be in the mess. I kept licking, sucking one ball into my mouth and rolling it around in my mouth. He gasped and I went for the other one. I just wanted this to be over with, I was already dizzy from he wine and now I was losing focus. I licked around Jack's balls, for some reason their smoothness was fucking cool. I was obsessed with the way they felt, so smooth, warm...they were like candy almost. Jack scooted down, straddling my chest now. His dick was hard as fuck sticking out of his jock. He pushed the head of it down towards my mouth and I opened it slowly, like I was in a dream. I tasted his precum as he pushed into my mouth and the taste was insane! The feeling of his dick on my tongue was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I grabbed either side of his ass and pulled him deeper into me. “Yeah buddy, eat that cock.” There was something in the back of my mind saying this was all wrong but I didn't care. Everything was like explosions all over my body. The feeling of the blanket beneath me made me tingle, Jack's ass on my chest was warm and smooth...everything was like a turn on and I was about to lose control. “Roll him over,” Blackthorn told Jack. “Come on big guy.” he said getting up and sitting near my head, “Come and get it.” I rolled over and crawled towards his dick, the movement on my hands and knees was like tiny electrical shocks. I went back to sucking his dick, now fully going down on him, wanting to feel his head hit the back of my throat. “Yeah, you like that don't you buddy?” I nodded while I blew him, I liked it a lot right now. My legs were nudged apart and I could feel Blackthorn behind me, spreading them with outward. I was on all fours, head down in Jack's crotch, ass up and I just didn't care. I wanted to say this wasn't me but everything felt so fucking good I wanted it to be me all the time. I was so focused on Jack's dick that I didn't even notice Blackthorn's face near my ass. I didn't notice until his tongue licked my hole. If Jack hadn't been holding my head I would have jumped up screaming. Instead I just screamed around his dick as Blackthorn's warm tongue moved again and again around my hole. Now I was fully extended as I kept blowing Jack but pushing my ass back onto the teacher's tongue. “Yeah that's it buddy,” Jack said stoking my hair, “Back up into that, come on, show him you want it.” As it darted into my tight hole for a moment I blacked out a little it felt so good. I came off of Jack's dick and screamed, “Please sir, do it some more.” Blackthorn's hands grabbed my ass and he plunged his face into my ass hard. His tongue speared into me and I actually squealed as I put my head on the ground and stuck my ass up higher. “Tell him champ, tell him how it feels.” “Oh sir it feels soooo good! Like that, deeper, harder...sir please harder.” His hands pulled my cheeks apart even more and his tongue went deeper, causing me to just scream in pleasure. I couldn't form words as he forced it in and out again and again, each time it going just a tiny bit farther than before. I was pushing back as hard as I could to meet his movement, I wanted that in me, I needed it...I wanted more. “More sir, more...” “Does it feel good?” Jack asked grabbing my chin and making him look at me. I looked up with a big goofy grin on my face, slobber running down my chin. All I could do was nod. “You want more?” Another nod. “You want it deeper?” Several nods. “Ok,” Jack said to Blackthorn, “Switch.” Jack got up and I watched his dick bob away with regret. But it was ok cause Blackthorn sat down and his dick was right there. Now he had a man's cock, thick, strong, not as long as me but it was a solid cock, like my dad had. “Come on Everett, it's ok.” he said pushing my head down towards it. I closed my eyes and began sucking the man's cock, his taste was completely different and the second I tasted it I wanted more. His hands were entwined in my hair and as I bobbed up and down he was massaging my scalp, making my entire head tingle in pleasure. Jack's tongue pushed into me and I whimpered again around Blackthorn's beefy dick. I began pushing back again, hoping Jack could get it in deeper than Blackthorn. As Jack tongue fucked me I slurped up and down Blackthorn's dick, I couldn't take the whole thing in my mouth it was so thick, I moved around the sides like it was a huge, flesh popsicle. I began to whine as I realized Jack wasn't going any deeper. “You want more?” Jack asked me. I nodded around Blackthorn's dick. “Ok, I'll give you more.” Something smooth pressed against my hole, something pretty big. I wanted to look at what it was but Mr. Blackthorn was pushing my head down to keep me sucking. Whatever it was slowly started to enter me and I felt the same sting as when Billy put three fingers in me. But with the sting came a whole other sensation, like the pain itself was a kind of pleasure. I remember what I had learned and relaxed, pushing out as it went in. “Fuck!” Jack said as whatever it was pushed inches into me. My ass spasmed around it, not used to anything that big in it and certainly not going in! It pulled out a little and I felt the spot where it had left ache with emptiness. I pushed back quickly, not wanting to lost the feeling, impaling myself on it another couple of inches. “Fuck Ev, you really want this?” I pushed back again, ignoring the pain and focusing on the fucking fireworks going on in my ass. Something bumped up against my ass and it took my spaced mind a second to realize that it was. That was Jack! The haze in my head vanished as I realized I had a dick up my ass! I tried to pull back but all I did was push onto it more. When it hit bottom I felt that same tingle as when Billy touched me and my eyes rolled back in my head. Jack pulled his dick back a few inches and then pushed into me again. His dick slide right over that spot and I felt myself moan in spite of myself. “Yeah, come on big guy, you can do it.” I didn't want to do it but every time he moved his dick my body just went nuts and I found myself pushing back onto him. My body was meeting his thrusts as I mentally screamed for him to stop. Finally Blackthorn let go of my head and I was able to talk. “Jack! Jack....you're...uhhh....stop...please...oh god....” Jack kept fucking me, each time my train of thought shattered as I instinctively pushed back into it. “What Everett, what do you want?” “Stop...fuck...stop fuc...ohhh...” He had stopped his dick right at the spot and was just moving it back and forth like not even a quarter inch. My thoughts blurred as all I felt was fucking sex. My reason and complaints just went away as a blinding light of pleasure overwhelmed me. I don't know how long I was like that but when I came back I was covered in sweat, moving like mad. “Yeah Everett, yeah...fuck yourself, come on stud harder...” I was confused to what he meant until I realized I was doing just that. I was rocking back and forth on his cock, he had stopped moving and I was fucking myself on it. The sound of my ass hitting him was loud as I used all my strength to rear back and take all of his cock deeper and deeper. “Yeah, come on boy, harder.” There was half a moment's hesitation but it vanished as I forced his cock to hit that spot in me again. It was fucking everything and I felt what little resistance I had left just vanish. “Yeah...fuck me Jack, harder...harder...” “Yeah?” Jack asked surprised, “You asking for it now?” “Please Jack, fuck me, please...” His hands went back to my waist and he thrust forward as I pushed back. And everything inside of me just exploded. The impact of his dick into my ass was like a bomb going off, and I just went nuts. “Yes, yes....fuck me, fuck my ass....harder Jack, harder!” “You like that Ev? You like getting fucked?” “Oh yeah, fuck me Jack, fuck me all night.” “Beg me Jack, beg me to keep going.” “Please Jack, please....” I said trying to push as hard as I could back. “You really want this?” I nodded and whined. He pulled his dick out. I turned around panicked, my ass sting from the emptiness. He sat back, “Here's my dick bud, come and get it.” I realized that this was different, that I was no longer being fucked, that he wanted me to go over there and do it myself. I could hear my ego scream and me not to do this, that I was straight and I needed to stop. I saw Jack's dick twitch a drop of precum pooled up at the tip... I moved over, straddled his waist and guided his cock into me. “Come on big boy, ride me.” I put my hands around his neck, looped my legs under his knees and pushed myself down on his member. I threw my head back and moaned as I felt it bottom out in me. My sexuality screamed in despair and I just slammed myself again and again on his dick. “Whose my fucking jock bitch?” Jack asked. I slowed a little and he added, “Only jock bitches get fucked...” And again it was another line...a line my ass didn't care about. “I'm your jock bitch Jack, I am...” “Who owns your ass?” “You do Jack, you do....” “You gonna let me fuck you anytime I want?” I nodded, “Just fuck me Jack...harder.” He began to thrust up with my movements and I fucking squealed again. “Yeah scream for that dick, come on bitch...fuck yourself....harder, faster...” I did everything he said, not caring about anything else in the world but the pleasure I was feeling. “You want me to breed you?” he asked. I didn't know what that meant. “You want me to shoot my load into you? You wanna feel my cum in your tight jock ass?” I nodded, not sure what I was doing any more. “Stroke your cock for me,” he commended, “Lemme see your big dick react to me fucking you.” I grabbed my dick, who had been ready to fire off at any second and he began to push up like a fucking jackhammer. “Come on bitch, come on you knock bitch...take my seed....take it....” “Breed me Jack....fucking breed me...” I cried as my hand blurred up and down the length of my cock. “Cum for me bitch, cum for your man...” “Jack....JACK!!!” I honestly lost time. My load shot and I think I passed out for a moment. It was like an out of body experience, I could feel the warmth of Jack's cum flooding my ass, the throb of it as he just shot again and again....I could feel his nails dig into the muscles of my back as he held me there, pressed against his sweaty body, making me take his load like the jock bitch I was. I could feel the cum splash against my face and I know my tongue darted out to catch what I could. The wet warmth against our chest and abs was like a baptism as a part of my mind realized what complete ecstasy felt like. As I collapsed forward into Jack he embraced me and pulled me into him. He leaned in and kissed me hard, and I found all I wanted to do was kiss him back. Jesus Christ...what have I become?
    5 points
  7. I hear what your saying, but even if you don't plan to bareback, you should be on PrEP. The CDC and WHO both say sexually active gay men should be on it. Condoms can fail. If you want to stay neg, you should be taking it. Tell your parents and your doctor that you are just being extra safe.
    4 points
  8. I have been a member for over 10 years and a moderator for 5. I probably haven't gone more than a handful of days since I joined without visiting the forum. It's just part of my life now. I have made a number of good friends on here. At this point, BZ is part of my normal. If it makes me more horny, it has been doing it for a long time.
    3 points
  9. Not really. For a porn star, I am generally not a sexual person. I can DO it, but my interest comes in waves. BZ doesn't excite like it did in the beginning. It's not better or worse, just *different*. But I will say that my mind has been opened to a few things I didn't expect, and I'm happier with those discoveries. Am I hornier? No. Am I getting laid more? Not really.
    3 points
  10. Was horny and connected with a guy from grdr. We started fucking but neither one was feeling the fuck. Decided to stop and leave. Mutual decision that the vibe wasn't there. Went to the local ABS since I was horny and hadn't gotten off. Got tokens and went to the back room in a booth with a nice GH. Was watching a movie as my cock grew. Saw a finger in the hole and I stuck my cock in. A nice warm mouth took my cock and started sucking. Felt great with his tongue swirling around. My cock was rock hard. I asked him if he liked to get fucked. He turns around and presents his ass against the hole. I play with his hole a bit. It is wet and ready for my cock. I slide inside and start fucking his hole. I was really horny and started to pound that ass from the other side of the GH. He pushed back and I pushed in deeper..I could tell I wasn't gonna last long and shoved deeper. He pushed back waiting for my load. I shot a big load deep inside his ass and had to hold back moans of pleasure. He squeezed my cock and worked every drop out. Turned around and sucked me clean. I love ATM. I zipped up and left. Was still horny and saw a fuck bud online. Told him what I had just done. He said he was horny and if I wanted to pound his hole he would be glad to get my dick up there. I went over to his place and we got undressed. He put on some porn and sucked my cock. He said my cock tasted great with cum and ass on it. He got me so hard. I sucked his cock too. Fingered his ass and turned him around. I slipped my cock deep inside his hole. We fucked and fucked. I pounded his hole and shot a hot load up deep inside.. My bud turned around and sucked my cock again. It made me hard again..We fucked more and I ended up shooting 2 more loads deep inside his ass..We sucked and kissed and it felt so damn good. I left with a satisfied cock and smile on my face. We will hook up again soon as his ass felt so amazing and he loved my cock deep inside. He thanked me for the 3 loads I put deep inside his ass! Love when I can get ass when I'm horned up. I made arrangements to breed a couple buds on Thursday. So addicted to breeding ass.
    3 points
  11. Part Two We were a few minutes into Fortnite and I could see him start to relax. “So baseball huh?” He nodded as he fired, “Shortstop.” “Nice, that's a tough position to play.” He shrugged as he killed a player, “I'm not bad.” “So you have to be super popular right?” He shrugged again, “I gotta a lot of friends.” “Girlfriends?” He looked over and smiled at me, “A few.” I wasn't surprised but I made a big deal about it, “Dude, you a player?” “I like keeping my options open,” he said taking another hit, “How much pussy you get?” I lifted my shirt to show my abs and grinned, “Dude I'm starting attacker, I'm beating them off with a stick.” He gazed at my torso and then looked away, “Nice abs.” “Lemme see yours.” He looked at me with a loopy smile and pulled his shirt off. God damn I was right, this kid was perfect. He had nice pecs and a fucking eight pack with deep, defined cuts. His nipples were dark, quarter sized and begging to be bitten. “Jesus dude,” I exclaimed truthfully, “Can I touch?” He nodded and I ran my fingers up his abs and then to his pecs. He closed his eyes for a moment and I knew the joint was kicking in. I tweaked his nipple and his eyes flew open as he gasped. “Don't man! They're super fucking sensitive.” “Oh really?” I said with an evil smile. He nodded and I could see the unfocused gaze in his eyes, “Yeah....my girl knows I'll do anything once they start getting tweaked.” He was feeling no pain. “Anything?” I said reaching out and giving them a twist. He let out a moan and tried to swat my hands away, “Come on man...” His eyes were barely open and his hand just fell to his side. “You said anything...” I said pinching them again. He whimpered and I saw him stick his chest out, just begging for more. “Come on man...” he whined. I leaned in and licked one and he gasped, “What the...” I nibbled on it and he moaned and his protests fell flat. I moved over to the other nipple and he just kept making noises that might have been words but I wasn't sure. I went back to tweaking them with my hands as I moved up and nibbled on his neck. He threw his head back and stopped fighting it. I moved up to his ear and he squealed a little. “What are you...” he slurred as pressed my mouth to his. At first nothing, he just laid there but as I moved a hand over his crotch he responded with a moan, which allowed me slip my tongue in. His cock started to harden in his shorts and as it did he began to kiss back. I don't even think he knew what was going on any more, he was just enjoying it. I couldn't believe what I was feeling, his cock got bigger and bigger under my touch until it seemed massive. I broke the kiss and opened his shorts, he was just lying there, drool at the corner of his mouth. “Lift your hips up Sammy,” I said pulling them down. Like a good little boy he raised his ass as I slipped his shorts and boxer briefs down. A fucking man's cock slipped free and slapped his abs with a solid thud. I looked on with amazement, this high school kid had a cock bigger than mine! It was easily nine inches and too thick to wrap my hand around, I know because it was the first thing I did. “Ohhh....” he moaned, eyes still closed, as I stroked the length of him. Jesus Christ he was hot. His pubes were trimmed neat and I could see his balls were smooth as a baby's bottom. He had a deep tan line that told me he had spent most of the summer in nothing but swimming shorts. “Jesus you're fucking huge,” I said out loud. He smiled and nodded, “It's a family thing...” he muttered. “Your brothers are hung too?” With slurred speech he said “Parker family tradition...” and then trailed off. I leaned down and licked the huge purple head and he groaned and thrust into my mouth. “Yeah....suck my cock...” He had no idea who he was talking to...he just wanted to feel good. I could make him feel good. His cock filled my mouth as I tried to go down as far as possible. His hands weakly gripped the sides of my head as he tried to face fuck me. He was a leaker, a steady flow of precum filled my mouth as I worshiped this kid's horse cock. He got into it, bucking his hips like a bronco as my tongue tried to swirl around his shaft. I let it slip out of my mouth and the wet slap of his cock against his shredded abs was as erotic as fuck. I licked the underside for a while and then moved down to his balls. They were bigger than fucking eggs so I took one in my mouth and swirled it around. He moaned ever louder as I relished the smooth skin. I moved to the other and he was just crying out in pleasure and I slathered him with my spit. He was in heaven and didn't give a fuck who I was. Grabbing the sides of his muscular thighs I pulled them apart and leaned him back some, exposing that perfect baseball ass. I don't know if you've ever fucked a baseball player but let me inform you, they have the best asses. Hard, tight melons of pure muscle with just enough meat to jiggle. I loved baseball players and knew I was going to take my time with this ass. I licked under his balls and his moans stopped. As I moved down and assaulted his perineum he let out a low growl that told me I was the first one to do this to him. He tried to grab my head but I was leaning him back farther and farther in the bean bag, exposing his ass to the air. Spreading his cheeks I could see hit tight little pink hole looking back at me, dying to be broken. As I started licking around the outside he let out a lustful, “What are you doooooing to me?” As I got closer to his hole I could see his pucker tighten up, a reflex that most straight men had. I pushed my tongue into the center and felt the resistance stop me. “No...no don't...” he panted, his words slurring badly. Reaching up I tweaked his nipples and he let out an excited chirp and his hole opened in reflex. And my tongue dove in. There was aborted squeak from him as I pushed my way into his virgin ass. His hole was fighting the feelings he was experiencing, it would clench shut and then open fully, allowing me deeper entrance, which caused him to resist again. We fought like this for about a minute before he let out a sigh and his hole relaxed completely. My whole tongue violated his ass and he let out a moan of complete pleasure. He wasn't the first start jock I had tongue fucked, now that he stopped fighting me I need him to want it, crave it. I don't want to brag but I had a pretty talented tongue. The girls and guys I had eaten out had complimented my on the length and strength of my tongue and from the sounds little Sammy was making he was enjoying it too. He had moved from fighting to allowing to actually pushing back into the invader as I pushed his legs apart wider to get just a quarter inch more access. He was babbling mess, this fucking pretty straight jock was begging me to tongue fuck him blindly and we had just started. I stopped and lowered his legs and he gave me a panicked look for a moment until he felt my finger push into him. His mouth opened in shock and I leaned in and kissed him hard. Again I don't think he even knew what was happening, that I was a guy or anything. All he knew was pleasure so he went with it. The walls of his ass fluttered around my finger as he kissed me back. I could hear the sloshing from my spit and slid a second finger into him. He moaned into my mouth as I pushed deeper into him, looking for the key to our next adventure. My fingertip moved over his prostate and his ass clenched as his tongue went nuts in my mouth. I stopped kissing him as I started to just pound his joy button with my hands. “W-what....no....ohmygod...what are you....oh harder...” I smiled as he went from concerned to shocked to rapture in a moment of seconds. I slid my fingers out and said, “Push out...” I shoved three into him and he stopped breathing as his ass tried to cope with the girth. He looked like he was going to complain when I rubbed two fingers over his spot and he just relaxed and practically purred. “Yeah...oh....yeah there....” he panted as I drilled him hard. His huge cock was spitting precum all over his abs as it twitched every time I hit him. He was too out of it to stroke himself off, he was just delirious with all the new sensation he was feeling. Once I felt no resistance at all from three fingers I knew it was time. I slipped my shorts off with one hand as I kept finger fucking him. My cock was bobbing in front of me, begging for some fun. I slowly removed my fingers and he hissed and then let out a plaintive moan. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed some lotion and slathered up my cock. “You like that?” I asked, moving over him. He gave me a stupid smile and he nodded. I raised his ass again and pressed my cock to his hole. “This is going to feel even better,” I said as I lowered his ass. He slowly pressed down onto my cock, the head cresting at his tight, little opening. “Wait...wait...” he said panicked. His eyes were wide open and he was clawing at my chest, “Wait...no....what are you...” I gripped his cock and started to stroke him which caused him to moan and lose concentration for a moment. The head of my cock popped into him and he gasped as I just stayed still. “No...no...you're....don't...you're in me...” he whined. I kept stroking him as I tweaked his left nipple. His eyes closed and he just groaned as he slid another inch down my cock. “Uhhh....” he whimpered as he kept sliding further down on my cock. I felt his ass cheeks hit my pubes and I knew I was balls deep in this kid. “W-wait...” he pleaded as I pulled slowly back. Instead of answering I just trust forward. He grunted and then let out a sultry moan as his cock twitched. I pulled back again and waited before thrusting into him. Again he grunted and then sighed, and I knew I was hitting him where I needed to. I began to piston into him and he began to moan, his head thrashing back and forth. I made sure to push up with my end thrust, making sure the head of my dick hit him squarely where it counted. His cock was rock hard as I began to fuck him hard, his hands that had been on my chest trying to stop me moved to my shoulders as he hung on. I spread his long legs and just went for it as he began to just whimper with each push. “W-w-hhhattt....” he asked as his cock bobbed back and forth. “You like that Sammy? You like that cock?” He shook his head as I slammed him again and again, he was saying no but his cock was begging for more. I grabbed his ankles and spread him wishbone style as I began to lay into him hard. His perfect little body was covered with a sheen of sweat as his eyes rolled back into his head and just accepted his fucking like a good boy. I really gave it to him for a few minutes, no words, no variety, just a plain old fashioned fucking. This was the next part about harvesting a straight jock's cherry, repetition. After about five minutes I stopped and pulled out of him. He gasped as my head plopped out of his former virgin hole and he looked at me confused. I moved over to the other beanbag and then pulled him over, his ass over my cock. “Come on Sammy, you know you want it.” He looked conflicted as his pucker touched the tip of my cock. “Come on...you can do it...” He closed his eyes and slowly lowered himself onto my cock. The look of radiance on his face as he felt me enter him almost made me cum right there. He bit his lower lip as I he bottomed out on me. He sa ton my cock and opened his eyes to look at me. “Good boy...” I said putting my hands on his hips. I raised him up some and he moaned as I let him go, falling on my cock. I did this about a dozen times before I could feel him helping me. Slowly I lessened my grip and watched as this little baseball jock began to fuck himself on my cock. “You like that Sammy?” I asked as he bounced up and down. He nodded as he slammed down hard onto me, each time that donkey dick spurting a little more precum. “Tell me you want it Sammy, tell me what you want....” He was silent as kept fucking himself so I stopped him and his eyes flew open and locked with mine. “Tell me what you want.” You could see the conflict on his face so I pushed into him. His eyes closed and he moaned and I stopped. “What do you want?” “Fuuuck mee....” he pleaded, the last dregs of his resistance vanishing. I pushed up into him and pulled him closer as I began to bunny fuck him hard. His arms went around me as he geld on for dear life. My cock was smashing his guts everywhere and from the whimpers coming from him it was everything he hadn't know he wanted. I could feel him pushing down onto me as I pushed up, our hips slapping loudly as we both got into it. He was out of it, he didn't care of he was straight or gay or whatever. He was too fucked up to know anything but pleasure and he wanted more of it. And I was ready to give it to him. After a few I tossed him off my cock and told him to get on all fours. He assumed the position and looked back at me like an eager puppy. I grabbed the back of his sweat matted hair and rode him for all it was worth. He was begging me after a minute or so, I mean what could I do but give the boy what he wanted. I watched the muscles in his back roll as he reached under himself and started stroking his big cock. “You like that cock Sammy? You like that cock in you?” “Yea..yeah....fuck me....fuck me harder....” he said between strokes. Grabbing his neck I pulled him up and began to nibble on his ear as I fucked him. He whined as he fisted his cock for all it was worth. I applied pressure and cut off his air as he got closer. If he knew he was without air he didn't show it, all he did was stroke faster and push back onto me like his life depended on it. I heard an aborted choke from him as his ass tightened around my dick. Letting go of his throat his cock exploded with cum. Ropes and ropes of teen cum painted my floor as he convulsed around my hard cock, feeling his first fuck in all it's entirety. After about four shots he whimpered as his cock kept flowing, his ass tight as a vice. My cock began to pulse and I knew I was about to breed his jock boy good. I pushed all the way into him and whispered into his ear, “Take my load boy, fucking feel me shoot into your pussy.” As I began to cum he moaned, it was a combination of shame and lust as a part of his mind realized what he was doing while the other part of him loved every second of it. He passed out on my cock, his body spent from his first violation. About an hour later his brothers came looking for him and found him asleep on my bed as I played Fortnite. “I think he drank too much,” I said smiling, “He just passed out.” John rolled his eyes, “Typical Sammy, talks a good game but is a little bitch in the end.” He reached down and picked his little brother up, “Thanks for looking out for him man.” I gave him a wink, “My pleasure man, he's a cool kid.” They both nodded and left, leaving me with a satisfied smile. And a desire for more....much, much more.
    3 points
  12. (This story originally appeared in 2014 on my now defunct tumblr blog) I was in trouble. I was in very, deep, inescapable trouble. Here I was stranded on the side of the road, because I had ignored the last fuel for (x) number of miles signs back near Gallup. All told this was one of the worst places in America to run out of gas. The nearest town’s highlight was a trailer park full of Mormons and a crater from an ancient meteor strike. No fuel for dozens and dozens of miles. And it was getting dark. I popped the hood under the waning light, and opened the trunk; the universal sign of distress on the road. When I opened the trunk I remembered I had an Obama 08 sticker on the bumper. And an HRC equal sign. Given where I was stranded both of those things could make some serious anger come my way. Before I could really think about what to do, I heard a vehicle approaching behind me. Turning to look I spied a pickup truck slowing down as it passed me, then start backing up. The middle aged guy who got out of the driver’s side was amazing. He was easily six and a half feet tall, broad shoulders, and his arms looked like he could benchpress my skinny hipster ass. “You need a hand, pal?” he asked, his voice was a clear baritone that made me a little weak in the knees. His jeans were packed full at the crotch and so was the plain, stained t-shirt he wore. “Uh… yeah! I kinda fucked up and didn’t fuel up past Gallup.” “That is a pretty good fuck up.” He chuckled jovially, “I live just up the road and have some fuel I could give ya.” “Really?” I asked, almost incredulously, but I didn’t want to offend either. “Sure.” He shrugged, “Only problem is I’m coming off of a twelve hour shift and might not be able to drive ya back here, so if you don’t mind crashing on my couch?” “Sure, thanks… uhh I’m Matt.” I reached out my hand. He smiled and shook it, “I’m Zeke.” I got a little fascincated by the gray that was creeping into his beard. Fuck this guy was hot. There was a bit of an awkward silence which he broke, “You need to grab anything?” I chuckled, “Yeah, just give me a minute.” I reached into the car and grabbed my laptop bag, my accordion and my backpack. I tossed these into the extended cab to his own upturned eyebrow at the bulky leather case. “What’s in the big case?” he asked curiously. “An accordion.” I said without a hint of irony. Here I was, a twenty four year old, college educated, shaggy haired, skinny musician of obscure instruments with a mustache that has seen waxing recently. I was probably so far outside this guy’s experience he’d probably have me hiking back to my car in less than an hour. As he drove and the miles sank by I began to regret brining the accordion, but it was too fucking expensive to leave in a car overnight in the middle of the desert. “So where are you headed, you playing in a band?” he asked. “Yeah, actually.” I said, “I kind of.” I fumbled over some words then got out, “I’m meeting friends in Flagstaff to play a gig in the park downtown tomorrow night. We’d been practicing back in Dallas for a while and I kinda wanted to drive out here to clear my head before the show.” “Cool.” He said, “What kind of music do you guys play?” I smiled a little bit, here we go! “We’re kind of gypsy punk. There’s a guitarist, a drummer and a bass player, but also a violinist, and me on the accordion.” “Oh!” he said with a boom of recognition, “Like Gogol Bordello!” I was stunned. “Yes! Them and Caravan Palace are our huge influences.” “I love Gogol Bordello.” Zeke announced, turning on his blinker, “I drove to Vegas to see them. Great fuckin show!” We turned up a dark dirt road, in the distance I could see the lights of some houses out on the scrub plain, but with the sun down it was hard to tell where the road began and the darkness ended with the headlights. The truck stopped soon in front of a darkened house, maybe a hundred feet off the main road. We got out and Zeke helped me carry my stuff inside his darkened ranch style home. As lights went on I could tell he lived alone. No woman alive would have put up with exposed beams in the walls, and sheets of dry wall stacked in the living room. “Did you just move in?” I asked. “Yeah… five years ago.” He chuckled, “Wanna beer?” “Absolutely.” I set my stuff down near the couch and he passed me a can of Tecate. He’d been living here for five years and hadn’t gotten much done around the house in the interim due to a demanding job all the way down in Globe. “I moved here for the job from Phoenix, but my boyfriend at the time didn’t want to so we called it quits.” Zeke said, “We still get together whenever I’m in town though.” I breathed a sigh of relief after swallowing some beer, “Oh thank the gods!” I leaned back on the plush couch with a chuckle, “I was afraid my queer ass was going to get kidnapped into a Mormon fringe cult!” Zeke laughed, a big throaty laugh, “You read too much Huffington Post!” That little taunt made me laugh, because it was fucking true, “But seriously,” he dead panned, “They’re in the house down the road.” We laughed some more. A television lay dark, and I asked, “Wanna hear some of my band’s recent practice sessions?” he assented and I hooked the laptop to the flatscreen. I kicked off my sandals so I could crouch to see the HDMI port. “You smoke?” he asked. “Not cigarettes.” “Good!” he got up and disappeared down a hallway. By the time he got back I was pressing play on the sound file. It was one we were proud of; a cover of Crowded House’s “Don’t Dream Its Over”. Zeke sat back on the couch with a tray and a bag of weed. I helped pick out the stems and seeds and we smoked. It was some really good bud. “Yeah,” he said lazily, “I have it mailed from a friend in Oregon. It’s the only thing that can help me unwind these days.” “I just jack off.” I admitted, “I can’t afford to smoke good weed, so I just go without most the time.” We were stretched back and listening to the hyper, jazzy punk that was playing on the speakers. It seemed a little odd being juxtaposed with the heady, relaxing buzz now coursing through our brains, but Zeke was really digging it. “I’m gonna hafta come out and see your show tomorrow,” he said, “this is good. This is a lot more punk than gypsy, but I’m loving it.” He said with a smile and stretched out. The couch wasn’t big, so when he spread his arms over the back of the couch he basically had put his arm around me. I smiled and melted into him a little bit, but not too much to be presumptuous. I nestled into his shoulder and puffed on the last of the joint. “You really got it down to the nub.” He said. “Don’t burn yourself, dude.” “I have nimble fingers.” I admitted, with the best side-eye I could muster. He caught it and smiled, and pulled me into him. “Wanna fuck around, kid” he whispered into my ear and I shivered. I put the roach down on the arm of the couch and cupped my hand on his crotch. “Yeah,” I said with a wicked little grin, I groped him, feeling his growing stiffy and not immediately registering just how thick it was becoming, “weed always makes me horny.” He moaned, deep from his diaphragm and turned my face to his. Our lips met open, and immediately our tongues were getting to know each other. My hand went from groping him to his pec, and I squeezed gently. He pushed me back onto the cushions and moved on top of me, mashing our mouths together, and then making a trail down my neck. I groaned, joyfully. Zeke’s hands went under my They Might Be Giants shirt and tugged it off my head, exposing my pale skin, covered in light brown hair. He made another trail down to my left nipple and sucked it hungrily. I gasped over and over again in sheer pleasure. His hands were undoing my belt and unzipping my pants when he went to my right nipple and slowly started to tug down my pants. He met some resistance as the denim bunched up at my mid thighs. He chuckled, “What the… fucking hipster legging crap!” He declared with no small amount of sarcastic bluster as he tore my pants down my legs and threw them across the room. I laughed giddily. I was in a blue pair of cheap underwear I had dyed myself, and he smirked at the little panties. The older man gripped my growing erection through the cloth and began to jack me. His other hand worked into the leg of the undies and started to fiddle with my hole. I was moaning wildly on his couch when his finger entered me. “You get fucked on the regular, boy?” he asked, with no small amount of authority in his voice. “Yes, sir.” I said, knowing exactly where this was going, and wanting to help it along. “Good.” He said, pulling out his finger, “Bathroom’s down that hall on the right, Fleet enemas are under the sink.” He pointed to the hall and I got up and made use of his facilities. Here I was, on some god forsaken stretch of I-40 about to get my fuzzy hipster ass plowed by a hot rural daddy bear. “And put those little fag panties back on when your done in there!” his voice boomed through the house. I shuddered in expectant delight! I finished put my underwear back on and ventured out into the living room. Zeke stood shirtless, packing a bowl. We each took a hit, and after taking the bowl off of me and placing it on the kitchen island that overlooked the living room he pulled me by the neck into a kiss. His hands ventured back into my briefs and his fingers dove into my crack and across my hole. I whimpered into his kiss. Zeke then shoved me over the back of the sofa and shoved my undies aside, exposing my hairy hole. He shoved a finger into the first knuckle and I gasped. His finger was followed by his tongue and I was a quivering mess hanging onto the back of the couch. He continued to tongue and finger fuck me for a good while, spitting into my hole to help things along when needed. Every time I heard him spit and felt the wetness splat against my crack I’d gasp, knowing what he was prepping me for. Finally he pulled away and dragged me off the couch by my waist. He motioned me to my knees and I came face to face with the monster his genetics had made. His dick was wide as a can of Redbull and nearly a foot long. I gaped, not sure what I’m supposed to do with it and its wide dripping piss slit, when he gripped the back of my hair with his fist and sank his cock in. I choked and he said, “Calm down, and take it. You’re not singing tomorrow, right? So fucking take it!” I repositioned his cock, slightly, and swallowed as it approached my gag reflex. His length sank down, but only so far. I was still a few inches away from his pubes. But he let up on me, content with the progress I’d made, “Good boy. That’s how a good boy sucks his daddy’s dick, isn’t it?” I nodded when I came up for air, “Yes, sir.” He smiled, leaned down and kissed me, “Up. Come on.” He said, and led me down the hall, past the bathroom and into a bedroom strewn with clothes, and dominated by a king size bed. He picked me up and tossed my smaller 5’8” frame onto the bed, and climbed on after kicking off his boots. We made out some more, smoked a bowl from a bed side table, and continued making out as I worked his jeans off his legs. “You play raw or wrapped?” he asked. “I’m on cool.” I said, purposefully not answering him, hoping this man I’d just met would take the lead and breed me deep. “Good.” He said with a smile, “I’m undetectable so we should be good.” “Yes, sir.” I continued kissing him, and groped the monster cock between our bodies. He smiled and led kisses down my furry frame, ending again at my asshole. He pushed my legs up and I gripped them in my arms as his tongue renewed its assault. He grew impatient with the cloth obscuring my hole, so he tore the cheap fabric out of his way. I was shocked, but too turned on to give a shit about cheap briefs. I was clearly in the hands of a master. At forty-five Zeke knew well his craft, and was working me in a frenzy. I needed cock. Desperately; as if I was still the seventeen year old virgin who’d never been fucked. “Oh, god, Zeke… please, uuuuhhh.. fuck me…” “What’d you say, boy?” he spit into my hole. “Fuck me!” I said louder. “With what?” he spit once more. “With your cock!” I moaned, sounding like I was crying, “Fuckin, breed me, daddy!” He dug into the side table and came back with a bottle of lube. He spilled some over my asshole and worked in into me with his fingers, while he lubed his dick with the other hand. Zeke positioned himself and pressed the head of his wide cock to my hole and began to press forward. I opened to him, more easily than I ever had for anyone, and I’d never seen a cock as thick as his. I needed to be rimmed this good from now on, I thought as he began to sink his girth within me. “That’s a good boy!” he moaned with a dopey smile on his bearded face. “Oh daddy.” I uttered, higher pitched than I meant, and amazed at how full my ass had become. He bottomed out and bent over between my legs. I let go of my knees and wrapped my legs around his waist. Our mouths met again and we wrapped our arms around each others shoulders, pulling us closer together. He began to hump. Gently, but authoritatively. He claimed me at both ends, with cock and tongue, and I moaned into his mouth with appreciation. I hadn’t been taken like this in over a year, not even by the hot middle aged dude I met busking downtown last summer. Zeke picked up the pace and held himself upright with an elbow on either side of my head. I got the feeling he hadn’t had any ass in a while, given that he lived in Chambers, Arizona, hundreds of miles from the nearest gay bar and surrounded by desert. Despite the long absence of raw boy hole in his life, the man above me lasted a good long while. He’d pump furiously into me, his sweat dripping from his body and face, then slow down and lower his mouth to mine. His perspiration tasted marvelous. A delicacy, and I tasted it on our lips. When he’d backed off from his orgasm long enough he’d start up again. Time became an inconstant. It ceased to have any meaning with my ass and prostate under constant assault by this big bear of a daddy. He fucked me silly. I tried to make words, but they just devolved into moans, groans, and long drawn out vowels. I came twice; a torrent each time erupting from my cock and coating the hair on his chest and belly. He scooped some up each time and tasted, loving the taste of pliant boy juice. After the second time, he began to fuck me hard. And he became a lot more aggressive; which was perfectly fine by me! “Open your mouth, you useless hole.” He demanded. When I opened up, he spit into my mouth. I swallowed. “Again.” He said, not missing a punch to my prostate. His next load of saliva missed and hit me on the face. He spit again, hitting me this time square on the tongue. "Swallow it." I did. A strong hand went to the base of my throat while he wrapped his other arms around my neck. Then the jack rabbiting began. I lost all control of myself, and I came again. I nearly blacked out. My eyes refocused on his face, inches from mine. His breath hot on the side of my face as it screwed up tight and he growled, loudly. He held himself balls deep inside me as he unloaded his seed. His teeth clamped down on the side of my neck and bit down. He wanted to mark me, inside and out. Claim me. And all I could do was hang onto him. To wind my arms and legs tighter around him, moan at the hickey he was leaving on my neck, and marvel at how drained dry my balls were. He reached over to a control behind the bed, and the lights went out. We slept there, just as we lay, with his cock deep inside me. The next morning he fucked me again, with no less vigor. Then we made breakfast and went to take care of my car. Back at the house I updated my bandmates on my arrival time, douched again, and we fucked yet another time. This time, with him holding me by the ass against whatever walls and surfaces we could find. We then loaded up his truck and drove to Flagstaff. The show went well, although it wasn’t a big crowd it was very energetic and was picking up what we were putting down. My bandmates met Zeke at the after party in a bar downtown. Terry, the drummer, instantly saw the appeal. Zeke was also enamored with the almond complexion and bright green Mohawk of the Texas born Lebanese drummer. Zeke had made reservations at the Monte Vista and the three of us went back there and had a wild night. Terry was a bit of a spanking bitch, and we had a good time fucking him at both ends. By the end of the night me and Terry had assholes dripping with cum and Zeke had been seriously satisfied. Terry decided to drive back to Dallas with me and we spent two days at Zeke’s house getting our holes reamed. Zeke broke out his leather gear and we became his bitch boys. I got piss showers from both of them and Terry eventually took his fist. We implored Zeke to think about moving to Dallas. I suppose the absence of our willing holes would prove to make a more convincing case. Only time would tell.
    2 points
  13. Saw this boy in the sauna, in the common fuck room. It was quiet so it was just me and him. He was presenting his hole and looked directly at me and said “fuck me daddy” I mounted him and buried my cock up to my balls in his ass. I was getting well into it when I realised he was fukkin stoned and it was obvious he thought I was his BF. He’s still moaning “fuck me daddy” Should I pull out? Nope, I carried on fucking him until I emptied my balls in his hole and left him dripping with my sperm. Well, what would you have done???
    2 points
  14. The Workout I laid in bed after the alarm went off and thought about the past few months. My original "one fuck should hold me for a few weeks" lasted one fuck. As the virus got more prevalent in my blood the more I needed to fuck. Most of the guys knew my status and some others seemed to actively avoid the topic so I never pushed it. I could tell by their comments whether they were worried about catching something other than Covid and most weren't. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text messages I had. A couple were from people at work, one from my brother and one from Tim. "Dad got his first confirmed victim since he stopped his meds. He's like a kid at xmas" was his message. "Sweet. How about u?" I replied. While I saw him fuck Dragonboy and his cousin, I didn't know how active he had been since he converted and whether he was spreading my bug. I caught up on emails and news and got out of bed. I decided that I wasn't going to shower for a few days and get a nice scent brewing on my body. I'd only shower if I had a hookup that didn't want some smells to go with it. Work kept me busy most of the day and I looked up and it was after 2pm and I hadn't had lunch yet. Sitting down on the couch I noshed on my sandwich. I felt a pull from my laptop and while I wasn't planning on cruising online, I quickly found myself browsing. I had a few messages from guys which I read through pretty quickly. The three day old faceless profile with a one word description of "horny" didn't even warrant a reply. A couple more were from guys that just didn't appeal to me and I sent off "No thanks" messages. One was from a guy that I'd chatted to for over a year and we never could hookup. The other two I replied to and had just hit send on the second one when my phone buzzed. "thx for hooking my cousin up with the runner. He's done him 2 more times so far" came the message from Dragonboy. A smile came over my face, knowing I had done the right thing forwarding on Allcum4me2's contact info. My job was complete and it was now the cousin's turn to make sure there was at least one more guy in the club. It did surprise me how eager he was and I wondered why. Was it the right guy I picked out or did he just need to go out and infect any guy he could. I also wondered if Dragonboy was really still neg and how many more loads it would take to convert him. I'd long since blown past my "3's the limit" with him and really wanted to make sure he never shot another neg load. Not that it would matter, since he was a total bottom. The browser on the laptop flashed the window, indicating another message had come in. As usual, I took a look at the profile before reading the message. Normally, I'm not interested in guys more than five years older than me and this guy was eleven. And that was if he used his real age. The pics, though, were pretty good. At first I thought they might be 10 or more years old, except that one was of him next to a statue downtown that I knew had been put up a year ago. He (sigmabtm79) looked like a white version of me - the same height, the same build, similar chest hair with a nice trail that led to a fat uncut cock like mine, his head was shaved with a trimmed beard. There were a few differences aside from the shade of our skin. He had a few piercings (a septum ring and both ears) and a couple star tattoos - one on each forearm. Oh, and he was neg and a versatile bottom. "Hi. I like your profile. I think I've seen you at a few places, Steam and working out at Warehouse 32 Fitness" his message read. After thinking about it a few minutes, I really hadn't remembered seeing him at either the bathhouse or gym. "Hey, thanks. I like yours too. Haven't hit either place since lockdown. I miss em" I replied. "Me too. At least my building's gym reopened a month ago" he sent back right away. "I wish. All mine has is a sauna. Used it a few times n got sweaty without the steam ;)" I countered. "Lucky guy(s). You could come over some time and use the gym here and get sweaty" he responded. Grinning, I typed out "I might have to. Running stairs, crunches and push-ups isn't doing it for me. I like having something to look at to keep my mind exercised along with my muscles." "Let me know when. It's always deserted, but there's a 6 person limit and I have to sign up" he replied. I thought about it and realized I would be stupid to not take him up on the offer. At the least I'd get a free gym to workout in and maybe even a new fuckbuddy. I replied "Sure. How about tonight? Any time after 6:30." I didn't get a reply for the next five minutes and I figured I'd lost him. I did another lap around the sites and didn't see anything interesting. I was about to close my laptop and go back to work when I got a message from him. "7PM. 1hr max, sorry" he replied. A few more messages and I knew where to meet sigmabtm. He was waiting for me on the sidewalk as I arrived a few minutes early. He was wearing sweatpants and a zip-up nylon jacket covering up his body, a mask that covered most of his face and a baseball cap. Still, I knew it was him from the size and shape and the lack of anyone else standing around. I followed him inside his building and into the elevator which we took up to the fourth floor. He swiped a badge and we walked into a nicely laid out gym area. It was probably a tenth of the size of my regular gym, but it had most of the amenities. There was a twenty-something woman doing some yoga in the corner and us. Sigmabtm took me into a small locker room and I took off my sweatpants and long sleeve t-shirt and put them into the small gym bag I had brought over. He took off his sweats and jacket, revealing some compression shorts and a low cut tank top that showed a lot of skin and his trimmed fur. He pulled his mask off and smiled back at me. He looked good, maybe even better than the pics I saw on his profile. Once back in the gym area we did a few stretches and then started out slow. Slow didn't seem to last too long and when I watched the woman leave, sigmabtm increased the rate of our workout. First there were some bench presses and then we worked on some obliques. We chatted a bit and I found out he played baseball in college and used to be a personal trainer but gave it up for a boring job at a bank for a bigger and more steady income. A few minutes later, he pulled his tank top off to reveal his nicely muscled body. While he didn't have perfect washboard abs, they were damn close and I hoped my body looked that good in ten years. I took my sleeveless tee off too and he grinned as he walked over to the treadmills. As he passed, he pinched my left nip which helped fill the pouch of my jockstrap. We started to jog on the inclined treadmill and soon settled in to a nice pace. Sigmabtm looked over as we jogged and I could tell he wanted to say something but kept stopping himself from speaking. Finally, he said "So, is it true that the guys that have 'ask me' on their profiles are all poz?" It was hard to keep my stride and I almost tripped before I recovered and looked over at him quickly. "I doubt all are. Some probably never get tested, some like to keep things private and I'm sure some are poz, both undetectable and toxic. Why?" I asked back slightly flustered. "Just asking. Your profile says 'ask me' when it didn't used to... and I heard some comments from guys at the bathhouse who said you're poz" he replied with a sly grin. Obviously he knew something about my status and even some of my history but still wanted to meet, so he must not be bothered by it. "Someone has been checking me out for a while" I replied, getting back to my normal stride. I looked around and we were still the only people in the gym. I even increased the incline a little before adding "I was undetectable, as you saw on my profile. I changed my them when I ran out of meds and the doctor couldn't refill the 'script. I didn't really know what my status was so it seemed the right thing to do." "Poz, either way. Right? Unless you found the cure" he replied with a laugh. We kept jogging for a few more minutes and then he said "You never changed it back, so I assume you aren't back on meds, yet. Or do you just like to make guys guess?" I'd never had this kind of frank discussion of my recent history before. I had told guys it, but that was right before I was about to fuck them. This was like two guys chatting about the football season as they worked out. I wasn't even sure what answer he wanted to hear - undetectable so that we could fuck like rabbits and he wouldn't get infected, or toxic because he wanted to take a charged load. "It took a while to finally get tested and get the new prescription. Some riots and this covid thing kinda slowed things down" I replied. I almost saw a hint of sadness before he asked "Ah, so you're back on meds?" I laughed to myself, finding myself in the exact same situation as before. Did he prefer me to be toxic or undetectable. Or maybe even unknown and waiting for my next test to find out if I still was viral. "I got em, I just haven't started taking them yet" I replied as I slowed my pace back down to a walk and then hopped off the treadmill. He looked over at me and slowed down as well. He seemed unsure how to keep the conversation going. I'd answered the question with the same clinical attitude that the rest of our talk had. sigmabtm got off the treadmill and stood facing me. "I assume that you've been keeping to yourself during this whole time. I mean, with covid and your immune system, it wouldn't be good for you to be... uh... active" he said, staring back at me. "Not as much as I should have. But guys have needs, right? As long as you're careful a few hookups can keep you sane, as far as I'm concerned" I replied, with an sly grin. His eyes got bigger and his jaw dropped a bit. He stared at my near naked body, watching the sweat drip down my face and chest, the bulge in my shorts and my glistening, muscled legs. He looked back at my face and asked "You played safe?" "You've seen my profile. I never do. And I never pull out. Why waste a good load?" I said back to him, calmly. "Shit" he said quietly before looking up at the clock. "Uh we only have a few minutes... They're kind of strict on limiting people to one hour, even if no one is scheduled or waiting. Anything you want to work on before we have to go? " he said, apologetically. I muttered quietly "Your ass" before saying "Let's just finish up with a few presses. I need to build my arms back up. Spot me?" We went over and I added another ten pounds on the barbell and took my place on the bench. sigmabtm stood there in position and I looked at the pronounced bulge in his shorts as I started my reps. I made it to twenty and then set the bar back on the stand. We swapped spots and I was spotting him. I saw him lick his lips as he looked up at my crotch before lifting the bar and starting his reps. "You fucked with other poz guys?" he asked as he paused his lift. I replied "Not really." He seemed distracted as he put the bar back after only 14 pumps. "Uh, we gotta get out of here. I don't want to lose my gym privs and they're really being hard asses" sigmabtm said. We headed back to the locker room and once inside he said "Can't use the showers here, but you can rinse off at my place if you want." "Sure, sounds good" I replied, putting my sleeveless tee and sweatpants back on. I followed him out of the gym and up to his condo. When the door clicked shut, sigmabtm turned and pushed me against the wall and planted his lips on mine. It was an intense, but short, kiss. "God you're a fucking stud" he growled out before leading me inside the condo. Now, it was time for me to take charge. We got into the living room and I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Slowly, I pushed him to the couch and grabbed his shorts with my free hand and tugged them down. It took a little work, but once past his hips, they rolled down. Another tug and they cleared his muscular thighs and were at his feet. Leaning in close, I wrapped my arm around his waist and found his cock pointing straight out. I whispered into his ear "You know I'm poz, you know I'm toxic, you know I only fuck raw. You want this, don't you?" It only took a second, but he whimpered out "Yes, sir" He moaned as my other hand felt over his firm ass. I sucked on his earlobe, flicking my tongue over the stud before pulling back and letting it pop past my lips. "Are you on prep?" I asked in a whisper, keeping our conversation low. It's not like anyone else was there in the condo to hear and the windows were closed. He slowly shook his head 'no' before adding "I stopped last year."
    2 points
  15. Totally makes me hornier. It almost inspires me to get piggier and expands my limits from all the stories and encounters I read on here. Also love the dirty messages I get from total strangers. Those really make me horny
    2 points
  16. In the beginning of learning to bottom, there was always a little pain. I very quickly learned to relax my hole. Nowadays, I only have discomfort if the guy is super thick and/or overly aggressive. I don't know if you have even done yoga or any other kind of focused stretching. When you get the position just right and the muscles loosen and your body moves a little further in a way it has not before - it's like that except the muscle is your hole. There is this warm, hard presence inside you, and it feels like violation and comfort at the same time. You know that feeling when you take a really big dump (sorry - not into scat - I just don't know another way to talk about it to someone who doesn't bottom). The stretch is a little uncomfortable but very pleasant. Being fucked is like that except it isn't just a moment of it; it goes on and on the whole time he is inside you. It's pretty overwhelming even after almost 40 years of doing it - intense, stretching pleasure over and over with every thrust. It feels like being brought to the brink of orgasm - not so close that you know the nut is coming but that almost-there point right before - and kept there for as long as it lasts. Even more so if he is hitting my prostate. Honestly if you can do that to me, my mind pretty much goes. I am just lying there consumed by pleasure unable to do much of anything except enjoy the ride. When he cums inside you, then everything changes. It was all intensity and stretch and friction, and now it feels so warm and slick inside. It is such a feeling of accomplishment to know you were able to get him off with your hole. It feels so good to have his seed inside you.
    2 points
  17. at first, I was nervous AF, but I settled down after he first walked in. I heard him snicker and call me a "fag", but he slipped his oversized cock into me and immediately pounded my slutty hole. I knew I would do it again. He made me cum. He finished . I needed more. I got it 5 more that night
    2 points
  18. I'm very happy to be on BZ, to chat with like-minded sexpigs and to read posts on here. I've grown to be experiment more sexually and be more uninhibited when it comes to sex. I continue on my bb sex path, calm with my decisions. Knowledge and support from all on here is power!
    2 points
  19. Yes. Until I came across BZ I didn’t know other guys shared my passions. And reading their experiences has opened up horizons...
    2 points
  20. 100% bareback. Stopped using rubbers a long time ago. No intimacy or passion when wearing a rubber. Fuck naturally and enjoy fellas!
    2 points
  21. I like it when the top who's raw fucking me asks "can I cum in you?" just so I can tell him "YES!". It's kind of a turn-on for me. Gives me a slutty-like feeling inside letting the top know that he's welcome to go right ahead and drain his balls in me:)
    2 points
  22. I have not done a lot of fully anon recently but I did when I was younger at a bathhouse. Not having the distraction of or thoughts about the looks of a guy I could fully concentrate on the feeling of a cock pushing in my hole and the feeling of being fucked. Until that time I was a bit picky about who fucked me and that was no longer an issue here. Tbh I was in my own bubble knowing I needed his cock to make me feel good and the top probably feeling the same just needing a hole to get off in. It was fucking hot.
    2 points
  23. Two more loads from another fb about a half hour after the other fb i wrote about yesterday left three. It was a surprise. a guy i had hooked up with about a year ago just recently showed up at my door a few weeks ago. He only had a short time and i sucked him off. Before he left, he asked for my phone number. He put it in his phone, then called me, but i didn't label it, so i didn't know it was his. He called me yesterday right when another fb was breeding me, of course i ignored it. Then he called again after the other FB was gone, so i answered and he asked if i wanted hook. i said yeah, and he told me he was waiting on my front porch lol. i opened the front door naked, clenching and holding the other three loads in, and lead him back into my bedroom. i don't think he has a lot of experience, he doesn't really understand what a total bottom is and he pushed me down on the bed and went to sucking me. i have enough sub in me that i let him, but he didn't really connect that i don't connect that way and stayed soft and small... he didn't understand. i flipped and sucked him, which he really liked and i told him about the loads in my pussy and asked if he wanted to fuck. Wow, He ended up fucking me for about an hour and a half and added his own load to what was there... i love how you can tell, even when a guy is a silent cummer, because my hole was suddenly wetter and sloppier. He was one of those guys who stays hard after cumming and just kept going, i was moaning and whimpering uncontrollably, which just seemed to drive him on. He got close to making me cum a couple of times that way, but then would change the thrust and i didn't. He pulled out and asked me to suck the cum off his cock and he wanted to cum down my throat too. That took awhile, but he came hard, holding my head and his cock in my throat. Sweet guy.
    2 points
  24. Part Ten His cock was bobbing as I worked around the shaft, stroking him as I went. He was thrashing back and forth in pleasure as he moaned for me to keep going. I got him pretty close and then moved to this thighs, nibbling the inside of them while his cock calmed down. I couldn't have him shooting yet, cause when he came he was going to come down off his fuck high and get freaked out about being with a guy. I needed to keep him just this side of delirious without blowing his load. I raised his legs up and started working on his balls. Unlike Sammy they weren't shaved and his pubes were kinda wild. That told me he was indeed a virgin cause any guy these days would do a at least a little mascaping if someone was gonna see your shit. Once I stated licking his moans became louder and I knew I was the first tongue to ever touch him down here. My tongue trailed all over his ballsack, making him blubber in response. I needed to get to his ass but from this position it was going to be a challenge. I stopped, grabbed a pillow and nearly folded him in half, as I placed the pillow under the top of his ass. Once I let his go his ass was propped upright, giving me access to that little soccer ass, no waiting. I went back to his balls and then moved down to below him. I don't know if you've ever had that space between your balls and ass worked on but let me assure you, it is a first class ticket to your complete pleasure, no waiting. Once I started he yelped in surprise which was replaced with moans and pleads for me to stop, do it harder, faster...Eli didn't know what he was saying any more, he was just feeling things he had never dreamt of before. Once I had him reeling I moved lower, pulling his hairy cheeks apart, looking for the treasured land. He may have been into this but he was still under the impression he was a straight male with some semblance of control over what was happening so when I began to lap around his hole he freaked. “Wha...no...not there....” he exclaimed as his ass tightened up. I could hear him struggling with the belt but I knew that was a waste of time. I kept knocking at his door but his ass remained closed, he was not going to go gently into that good night. Which meant plan B. I sat up and he had terror in his eyes as he realized he couldn't get free and I was in control. It's an important time in breaking someone, this is where they would scream, running into the night, or they would accept their fate and enjoy it. It was all how you played it. I got up and opened my dresser drawer and pulled out a small brown bottle. Getting back onto the bed I opened it and brought it up to his nose, “Inhale.” “What's that!” he asked, real panic in his voice. He started breathing through his mouth which meant he was going to fight me. Had to admit, I liked it better that way. With my other hand I grabbed his throat and pressed in. He gagged for a moment as he struggled. “That's it, tire yourself out,” I said patiently. He thrashed a few times and then I saw his eyes start to lose focus. I let go, closed his mouth and put the bottle up to his nose, “Inhale.” He did, dazed and slightly unaware of what was happening. I put it up to his other nostril and ordered him to do it again. With two huge doses I out the poppers down and went to work between his legs again. This time when my tongue probed his virgin ass he moaned and I felt his tiny rosebud open and close in response. I shoved my tongue into him and he whimpered as he found himself impaled on my face, his body sending him feelings he had never felt before. I ravaged his hole, getting as deep as I could while he was zoned out on the poppers. It was important I had his ass adjusted to my tongue before he came to and started to fight me again. Both of my hands spread his meaty thighs apart as I dove my tongue into him over and over again. His head moved side to side as he called out in passion, the poppers not making him care what was happening to him. Once he was good and moist I moved back to his head and slipped a finger into him, slowly but forcefully. “Ung....” he cried out at the violation. I grabbed the bottle and held it to his nose again, “Inhale.” This time he didn't fight me, he just took a deep breath from one side and then the other. I out the bottle down and began to finger fuck him in earnest. At first he babbled, I hear no...not this....please....and some other crap, until I was able to press far enough in to find what I was looking for. My finger moved over his prostate and his whole body jumped as if shocked. “Yeah...there it is...”I whispered in his ear as I began to just smash his joybutton again and again. It was like having a puppet, I moved my finger and he jerked all over, his cock burping precum with every contact. I slipped a second one in and he protested again, another round of poppers later and his head fell back as he let out a thirsty, “Yeess.....” as I went to town. He was trying to push back as I nearly slipped my fingers out and then slammed them home. He was completely into it, when I pressed a third finger to his hole I said, “Relax...here comes more.” This time when the three of them forced their way in he let out a low groan, but he did indeed relax his ass instead of complaining. Now I was just pounding him, spreading his walls as much as I could while still assaulting his prostate to keep him in check. Once there was almost no resistance from his ass I began to move into the last phase. “You like that don't you?” I asked, making sure I accented every word with a thrust. He nodded, sweat flying everywhere. “You know why?” I asked. He didn't answer, he just kept pushing back onto my hand. “Who know why you like this Eli?” I slipped my hand off and he let out an audible moan of disappointment. “It's cause what you were made for,” I said moving between his legs. “What?” he asked, breathlessly. “It's why god gave you brothers such big dicks and you got this tiny little thing,” I said griping his cock. It was anything but little, but it was his delusion I was playing into so fuck it. “Nooo....” he whined. “It is a tiny little dick, you know that Eli, come on, admit it.” I kept stroking him and his he kept trying to deny it. “Come on Eli....admit it to me...” He let out a huge breath and said, “I have a tiny dick...I do....” “You know why?” He looked at me with huge eyes. “Because he gave you something better,” I said slipping my fingers into him slowly, “He gave you this perfect jock pussy,” I hit his prostate and his back arched as I just attacked it mercilessly, “Feel that Eli? That's your pussy, you feel that?” He shook his head but I just kept hitting him over and over again. “What is it Eli? Tell me what this is...” He finally burst out with a savage, “MY PUSSY! IT'S MY JOCK PUSSY!” I slipped my fingers out and he fell back to the bed, his entire frame coated with sweat. “See, not so hard to admit is it?” I reached over and grabbed the bottle and a small tube of lube. He was just breathing heavy, his cock swollen and aching, dying for release. “Can I cum please?” he asked in a pathetic voice. “Oh you're going to cum...” I said coating my cock with lube, “But I haven't told you, you know why god gave you this pussy?” “Why sir?” I tossed the packet off the bed and moved the bottle up to his head, “Inhale.” This time he leaned in to do it, no resistance, no fighting, in fact he looked eager.” He fell back onto the pillow and I put the poppers down. “He gave you this pussy so you could make yourself useful,” I lined my cock up to his hole, “See....you're here to make big dicks feel good.” I pushed into him and he just groaned, too deep into his popper high to protest. “This pussy is for big cocks Eli, you're meant for big cocks.” I thrust into him fully and he let out a low moan as I bottomed out in him, letting his tight, little jock ass get used to my dick. “This is what you wanted Eli,” I said not moving, feeling the walls of his ass contract around my ass, trying to struggle with my thickness, “You look at those big cocks and you want them, you want to worship them...you want them in you don't you?” I slowly stated to slide out and then reversed and slammed him again. He let out a grunt as my hips slammed him. Another slow pull out and an ever harder slam. This time the sound was high pitched and longer. “Come on Eli, you like that? You like servicing that big cock?” I slammed him a few more times and each time he struggled to catch his breath. I picked up my pace and he called out a strained, “Wait...stop.” I paused and he looked up at me, lust filling his expression. We stared at each other for a long second, I was wondering if had snapped out of it, if this was where he fought me. Instead he looked at me and said, “I need another hit.” With my cock still in him I leaned forward and grabbed the belt, unlocking it as his hands fell to the bed. “It's right there,” I said gesturing to the desk. He reached over and took the bottle and took two hits all by himself. He put it down before he groaned and fell back to the pillow. “Ready?” He nodded and I began to fuck him for real. And he let out a loud, “Fuck yeah...” as I raised his hips and began to pile drive him as hard as I could. “Yeah feel that cock Eli? Feel that big cock in your pussy? You like that? You like that cock?” “Fuck me....” he intoned, “Fuck my pussy.” He reached towards his cock and I slapped his hand away, “Do not touch that!” His hands went to his side as I fucked him faster, his hands were clenched, two handfuls of my sheets in them as he held on for dear life. “You feel that cock? Come on Eli...you like that cock?” “Feel so good...”he admitted, his voice distant and dreamy, “Such a big cock...” “This is what you always wanted Eli, you wanted a big cock, needed it.” He nodded as I grabbed his legs and spread them. “You need that big cock Eli?” With his legs spread like a bitch I began to destroy his ass and he just cried out. “I need it...please sir...give me that big cock.” “Always wanted a big cock didn't you? You'd watch Sammy, watch his big cock, wondering what it would feel to have one, to touch one...to have on in you...” I put his ankles on my shoulders as I leaned in, pressing even further into him, “Right Eli? That's what you dreamed of? Dreamed of big cocks?” “Yes...yes....wanted them....so much...” He was pushing back into me hard and there was no doubt his hesitation was gone. He was completely into this, there was no turning back for him. I paused and slipped my hands around his back, “You know what I really think you wanted?” Our faces were almost touching, “What?” I pulled him up until he was straddling me, my cock wedged in his ass. He groaned from the new position, I was hitting all new parts of his manpuusy now and he was feeling it. “Know what you wanted all along?” I asked, pulling him up off my cock a few inches. “What sir?” I grinned and said, “I think you wanted to feel Sammy's cock this whole time.” And I let his waist go, and watched him slide down my cock, the image of Sammy fucking him in his mind. “Nnnnoooooo....” he protested as he bottomed out on my cock. I pulled him up again “Yeah you did, you always worshiped your brothers, you always wanted to service them, make them feel good...you wanted to feel Sammy's huge cock didn't you?” I let him go again and he slid down my entire length, groaning the whole time. “Come on Eli, admit it,” I said pulling him up again, “How bad do you want your little brother to fuck you?” This time when I let him go I thrust up, making him yelp in shock. “Imagine his huge cock, feel how good this feels,” I said bouncing him up and down a few times for good measure, “How good would his cock feel?” This time he closed his eyes and let out a moan that told me he was not only feeling it, but was ashamed as fuck for feeling it. “That's what you need Eli, big cocks, lots of big cocks up your pussy. Right? You want Sammy's cock up your pussy, don't you? Don't you? Come one Eli...you want that don't you?' He was now riding me willingly, him pushing down as I thrust into him. He was lost, he was completely in the fuck zone, there was nothing else that counted right now than this sex. If his dad walked into the room right now he wouldn't stop, He wanted this, need it on a primal level. “Come Eli...say it....” “I want big cocks...” he said panting. “What big cocks?” “Big cocks...big cocks for my pussy...” “Whose cock do you want in your pussy Eli?” I reached down and grabbed his cock. “Tell me whose cock you want to cum Eli...you want to cum? Tell me...” He grabbed my shoulders and impaled himself on my thick cock willingly, “Sammy, I want Sammy's big horse cock in me...I want Sammy..Sammy....Sammmy....” His cock exploded in my hand, covering both of our chests with what felt like gallons of cum. He had no ability for speech any more, he was just speaking tongues as his ass clenched again and again on my cock. “Gonna breed your pussy...” I said feeling myself lose control. “You wanna have my babies Eli? You want me to breed you?” He nodded, “Cum in my pussy...please...cum in my pussy....” I grunted as I shot load after load into another Parker brother. His twitched as the last of his orgasm hit him and then fell forward into me. I laid him back onto my bed and slipped my cock out of him. He was so sexy now. An hour ago he was a straight, virgin soccer jock with a girlfriend and promise ring. Now he was a cum covered slut who had just begged me to fuck him while fantasizing about his little brother fucking him. I could see my cum draining out of his wrecked hole and knew, this was a job well done. “Holy fuck...” Sammy said stumbling out of the closet. I turned and looked at him, “Shhh...don't wake him up. I'm pretty sure he's sober now.” Sammy made a face and I pointed for the door. We both sneaked out as quietly as possible. Once at the stairs he looked at me with bright eyes, “Dude, that was amazing! I was so...” I could tell, the front of his shirt was stained with cum. Leaning in I kissed him, “So you liked me fucking your brother?” “Fuck yeah!” “You wanna fuck him next?” A look of pure lust passed over his face, “Fuck yeah!” I just smiled, I had created a monster.
    2 points
  25. Part Nine Leaving me with a throbbing hard on, “What the fuck is that kid doing to me?” I asked myself. It wasn't hard to have the guys set up a COD night. I ordered pizza and buffalo wings, a bunch of beer, coke and one 2 liter of Mountain Dew. I opened it up and slipped enough GHB to make him feel like he was completely wasted. I tightened it back up and made sure that no one was to touch it. I set up the camera in my room and made sure there was room in my closet for Sammy to watch this go down. Finally I out one hit of Molly in my pocket, so there was no time lost looking for it. A quarter to seven they knocked on the door and I felt my dick stir when I opened it and saw Eli up close. He was taller than Sammy, maybe 6'3” in sneakers with an unruly mop of hair that was too long for him. His face was cute in a Shaggy from Scooby Doo kind of way, his face was tanned from practicing in the sun and a light sprinkling of freckles danced across the bridge of his nose. His t shirt hung off of him, making him look like a scarecrow until you got down to his legs. His legs were fucking sex. Hard thighs, huge calves and a tan that made me want to see where it ended. All in all he was one of those super cute, skater looking guys that wander around all college campuses. The only difference is that his siblings were fucking Greek gods and everyone knew it. I assumed this was how that one Hemsworth brother felt, two brothers that were liquid sex and then him, who would have been handsome in any other family but was now just the normal one. Eli was the normal one and he knew it. “Hey man, come on in,” I said nodding him by. Sam walked in behind him with a bratty smile on his face that made me want to either smack him or kiss him. Or both. I watched Eli's ass as he headed over to there the guys was, I was going to enjoy eating that out. “We good?” Sammy asked me. I nodded, “The closet is empty, when he gets woozy go hide so you can watch.” He was cupping his cock through his shorts and I shook my head, “Focus. Remember, this is about control, not just sex.” He nodded and tried to look serious, but it wasn't working. I headed over to the TV where the guys were choosing the teams. I sat down and watched, waiting for my time. Once they had teams they came up with a list of order and as I had requested, Eli was one of the last ones to play. As the first two guys went at it he walked over to me, “Anything to drink?” “There's pizza and wings over there and all the drinks are in the fridge.” He nodded and wandered off. A few moments later his head popped around the corner “Hey, is this Mountain Dew fair game?” “Dude no one here drinks that, someone bought it by mistake, it's all yours.” He smiled, “Sweet.” Sweet indeed. He came and sat down next to Sammy and me with a plate full of molten spice wings and his two liter. “Love these wings,” he said biting into the first one, “John and him don't like spicy foods,” he gestured at Sammy. “There's no taste, it's just fucking hot!” Eli grinned and took a huge swig off his two liter, “I know, that's what's good about it.” I pulled out a joint, “You wanna spark with us?” Eli nodded as he kept eating, “Hell yeah.” I lit it and passed it to Sammy first, “This is strong shit though, so be warned.” Sammy took a long drag and then passed it to Eli. “I candle my smoke,” he said, taking an even longer one, just to outdo his little brother. This guy was so predictable. He passed it back to me and went back to devouring his wings, taking a drink after each one. By the time the joint came back around to him again he was buzzed. “Whoa,” he said taking a small hit, “You weren't kidding about this shit.” “Told you, it's medicinal.” It was nothing of the sort, but he didn't need to know that. “Fuck...” he said, almost dropping the joint. “Dude, thought you could hold your smoke,” I said taking it away from him. “Me too,” he said, his words slurring slightly. “How much have you eaten today?” I asked sounding concerned. He held up his plate. “Fuck man, here, take this.” I pulled the molly out and put it in his hand. “Whas this?” “Super B complex and caffeine, it's a super booster man.” He just nodded and popped it into his mouth and took another swig. I waited as he swayed on his seat, his plate of food falling off his lap. “Whoa!” I said grabbing the plate off the carpet, “Ok man, you're blitzed.” He just giggled. “Ok, come on man,” I said putting an arm under his shoulder and helping him up, “You can go lie down until your turn is ready.” “My drink...” he said as I walked him towards the stairs. “It's cool man, I'll bring it up later.” “K...” he said as I walked him up to my room. “Your weed is too strong..” he said as walked him into my room and laid him down on my bed. “I tried to warn you man, we like our smoke hard around here.” “Fuck it's hot in here...” “No it ain't man, it's just you.” It wasn't just him, it was the space heater I had on but again, things he didn't need to know. “Here, take your shirt off.” I pulled his shirt up and he raised his hand as I peeled it off. And marveled at the body of Eli Parker. Where Sammy worked out and it showed, Eli literally had no body fat whatsoever. His metabolism must be off the charts because he looked like he had a god damned ten pack. His muscles were all solid and toned like nothing I had ever seen before. He sighed a little bit as I had taken his shirt off which meant the Molly was kicking in. “Dude,” I said feeling his abs, “You're fucking ripped.” He gave a little moan from my touch and then gave, “Thanks man...lots of soccer.” “Still hot?” I asked and all he did was nod. “Here,” I said pulling his shoes and socks off, “Lift your ass up.” “Huh?” he asked looking up as I tugged his shorts off, leaving him in just pair of white, Hugo Boss briefs. “Feel better?” He laid his head back down and nodded. I turned off the heater with my foot and whistled in admiration “Your calves are amazing.” I was feeling his legs up with abandon, all I got from him were sighs of contentment. “That feel good?” I asked, tracing up his thigh. He nodded with a huge smile on his face. He was hard but I avoided his groin and moved up his abs again. He arched his back, pressing upwards into my touch. When I got to his fat nipples I gave one a tweak and was instantly rewarded with a lustful moan. “Noooo.....” he said, not trying to remove my hand at all, “Tooo sensitive...” “Oh is that a Parker thing, you all have delicate nipples,” I said as I pulled on both of them at once. He bucked again as he whined in pleasure. “You think John has sensitive nipples?” I asked, moving up to his ear, “You think you could make him scream like this?” The thought of having something over John was a huge turn on for him and he groaned as I licked around the edge of his ear. “Ohh......fuck....”he intoned, moving his head to the side to give me more access. “That one of your spots?” I asked in a whisper. He nodded and I stuck my tongue into his ear, making him scream as he pushed my head further into him. I moved down his neck and he began to make sounds close to a purr as I nibbled lightly. “No....no marks...” he pleaded. “Shhhh...” I said putting a finger over his mouth, “No one knows what were doing.” He seemed to calm down and I slipped my finger into his mouth as I went back to his neck. His tongue swirled around it and I knew this kid was horny as fuck. I moved down to his chest, taking each nipple into my mouth and biting it softly, making him squeal each time. He was fully hard now, his cock straining at his briefs like a dolphin trying to breach the water. I cupped it and he pushed into my hand, I moved quickly back to his ear. “Uh oh, someone is hard.” He raised his head and looked down at his hard cock and then laughed. “You liking this bud?” He nodded. I put my hand over his dick again and his eyes closed for a moment before he shook his head, “No....no....not a fag.” “Dude I ain't one either....you're the one who's hard.” I rubbed him through the thin material again and he groaned in response. “Look man, I'm not into guys but I'll help you out, you know bro to bro?” He looked like he was resisting the option so I nibbled on his ear again as I rubbed his hard on. “Oh shitttt......” he whined as he pushed into my hand again, smearing precum all over the front of his underwear. “It'll just between us ok, no one has to know. Bro to bro.” I stopped rubbing him and he whimpered. He looked over to me, “No one?” “No one.” “Not gay though...” “Just bro stuff....” I assured him. He was silent. “You want me to help?” Eyes still closed he nodded. “Take off your underwear.” I know Sammy was watching so I wanted him to see how important it was to make the guy do these things himself, so later he can't say he had no control. He reached down and pulled them off, tossing them to the floor. His cock was nice, a solid seven and half inches of beef. A respectable length any guy would kill for, any guy who wasn't a Parker. He knew he was the runt of the litter when it came to cocks, so the key here was to fluff his ego up, making him that much more receptive to my advances. “Dude nice cock,” I said gripping it and slowly tugging on it. “Fuc......thanks.....” “I mean it, you're huge,” I said, pretending to weigh his dick in my hand. “You should see my brother's....” “Sammy have a big cock?” I asked, stroking him. “Huge...he used to come downstairs in just undies on and his cock was thick as fuck.” As he was talking I was stroking him harder, licking his ear, getting him to equate Sammy with sex. “You just stare at it?” He nodded, “I'd kill for that cock.” I let the obvious double entendre go. “Ever see him fuck someone?” I asked, gripping him harder. “Yeah...fuck.....oh....no....but I know he has.” “Your little brother tears up pussy I bet.” He groaned, “Yeah...if I had that dick I would....oh yeah...that feels good.” “Can you imagine Sammy's huge cock fucking someone?” “Yeah...” he hissed as I rubbed the tip of his dick. “You ever jack him off?” “Wha? No!” he said vehemently. “Can't you imagine though, that thick ass cock in your hand...what it must feel like to stroke that?” I was stroking him as I talked. “I...I....He stammered. “Just feeling the flesh move up and down his shaft, I mean I bet that feels fucking boss.” He sighed, “Yeah...it would....” I stopped stroking him and got off the bed, he looked up at me confused. I tore my shirt off and kicked my shorts off, standing naked next to the bed. He was staring at my cock. I'm not one to brag but I have a thick eight inches that is a bulldog kid of member. My head is huge and it intimidates anyone who sees it. “Like that?” I asked, moving on to the bed with him. “You're huge,” he said in awe. “I'm ok here feel...” I moved his hand over my dick and at first he did nothing. Then, as if in a dream, he began to stroke me slowly, his eyes glued to mu piece the whole time. “Yeah, see that's a big cock right?” He nodded, licking his lips. “Hey, I know what will feel good,”I said pulling my dick from his grasp. I knelt between those fucking thick legs and licked the length of his dick. “Ohh.....shit.....” “Feel better right?” I asked, and then went back to licking. “Fuck yeah, that is....oh yeah....” I put my head around his head and he went wild. He was bucking his cock up as I slathered my tongue all around it. He grabbed my head and was just losing his shit. I popped up, pretending I was out of breath. “What the fuck man?” I exclaimed. “S-sorry....I was just...it felt so good.” “It's supposed to, here, your turn.” I moved up and straddled his chest, putting my dick near his face. “I'm not going to suck you...” I reached back and stoked his hard cock, “Come on man, bro to bro. I did you, now you do me.” He was staring at my dick like it was a cobra, “You'll do me again?” I nodded. His tongue darted out and licked the tip of my head and I made a sound like it felt good. He licked again and I pushed forward, sliding my dick into his mouth. It first he did nothing but as I played with his dick he slowly started to swirl his tongue as he had with my finger. “Yeah, suck my cock. You like that big dick? You like seeing a man's cock?” He moaned around my shaft as my words penetrated his mind. “Come on, show me how to treat a man's cock. A big cock. A real cock.” His tongue sped up and I could tell the demeaning words were getting to him. Like most guys, on some level they wanted to be degraded, they wanted to be pushed down. It was a hierarchy thing that none of us understood, but right now Eli knew I had the bigger cock so I was the bigger man. And he was worshiping the bigger man. I let him work me over for a while before I pulled my cock back, his tongue fell out of his mouth, trying to follow it. “Yeah you like that?” I said, still straddling over him. He nodded, his face flush. “Lick my balls,” I said moving them over his mouth, “Worship them...” His tongue reached up and started to lick the underside of my balls. His hands gripped the sides of my waist as he steadied me, giving himself better access. “Clean them good, show me how you worship big dicks, the kind of dick you wish you had.” He licked faster. “Right? That's it right, you want a cock like this?” He nodded and said, “Fuck yeah!” I grabbed the top of his head and pushed it back, “Fuck yeah, sir.” Our eyes locked and I could tell we'd hit a barrier. He was defiant about this, and was about to resist. I slapped his face with my cock, “Feel that, feel that dick.” the slaps were loud as fuck and his eyes closed each time, “You feel that fucking cock boy?” He nodded. “Answer me boy!” He opened his eyes and looked at me. I pointed my cock at his mouth, “You want this dick?” With a defeated tone he sighed, “Please sir, let me suck your dick.” He opened up as I started to facefuck him hard. He held on for dear life, his tongue trying to pleasure me but soon he realized, he wasn't a active participant in this, I didn't need him to do anything to get off. He wasn't a partner in this. He was my cum receptacle. “I'm gonna shoot...” I said, feeling my balls start to churn. He tried to push me off him but I wasn't moving. “Gonna shoot a man's load down your throat, gonna fucking drown you.” He kept struggling and I grabbed his throat and he stopped moving. “Do not swallow. Do not spit it out. Hold it on your tongue, you hear me?” He looked up, scared as hell. “You hear me?” He nodded as I felt my head pulse. “Fucking eat my cum cocksucker.” He moaned as I shot into his mouth, it was a pretty good load and he choked a little as cum spilled out the corners of his mouth. I slowly pulled my member out and laid down next to him. “Open up, show me.” He opened his mouth and it was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen. This straight, soccer playing virgin showing me my load on his tongue, begging for me to let him swallow. “Good boy, what a fucking stud,” I said leaning in to kiss him as I began to stroke his cock again. He moaned and kissed me back, my cum coating both of our mouths. The way he writhed under me, I knew that this boy was going to be easier to break than I thought.
    2 points
  26. Part Six Josh was way into his game when Sammy moved between him and the TV. “Hey move,” he said, looking around Sammy. “Turn off the game,” Sammy said. “Come on man, move...” Josh looked up at looked at Sammy... And was lost completely. Sammy was standing there, khaki shorts on, rubbing himself through the material. You could see the bugle of his cock bend downwards, making it look like he had a fucking python stuffed in there. Which, in a way, he did. The effect on Josh was laughable. He licked his lips automatically, I'm sure he didn't even notice. His mouth hung open as Sammy just stood there, rubbing himself to full hardness. “Get off the game,” Sammy ordered again. Josh dropped the controller to the floor, eyes still locked to that huge bulge. Sammy dropped his hand, “Get to it.” Now let me set the scene for you. Josh was 20 years old, 6'2”, 3 percent body fat, on a full ride because of his athletic ability. He had 60 pounds of muscle and a couple of inches of height on Sammy. Sammy was barely 18, fresh face, kicking body but that of a high school jock, not a college athlete. The difference between the two was a joke, so it was incredible to watch Josh slowly slide out of the chair and get to his knees as he began to unbutton Sammy's shorts. It was hot as fuck watching Josh lowering Sammy's fly, letting them slip to the floor. Sammy had a pair of black Calvin Klein boxer briefs on and the front tented out obscenely, his bull cock barely contained by the thin cloth. I walked up behind Sammy, whispering in his ear, “Ok, so you see what he wants?” Sammy nodded. “But you need to make him work for it, worship it. You can't just let him suck your dick, make him earn it.” Sammy grabbed Josh's head and pushed it into his bulge. Josh went nuts, his mouth cupping the cock through the cloth, a sultry moan escaping his lips. “Now,” I whispered, “You have to put him in his place, make him prove how bad he wants it.” “You like that cock?” Sammy asked with a sneer that was turning me the fuck on. Josh nodded as he continued to lick around Sammy's bulge. “How bad you want it?” “So bad...” Josh exclaimed breathlessly. “That was weak,” I said. Sammy pulled Josh's face up to make him look at him. “I said how bad you want that fucking cock?” Josh was literally drooling, “Bad...” “Then you're going to do whatever I say right?” Josh nods were a blur. Sammy waited a second, “Then suck my cock.” Josh tugged Sammy's shorts off, the giant cock slapping up against the baseball stud's flat abs with a sound that filled the living room. Josh reached up and grabbed the base of Sammy's cock with a reverence I'd seen used on antiques and works of art. His tongue inched out and licked the bead of precum off the massive head and Sammy groaned in response. “Steady,” I said bracing him from behind, “This is more than just pleasure, you're trying to shape him, mold him. If you just sit there and take it then he's in control, you have to control everything.” I took Sammy's hands and placed them on either side of Josh's head and then moved it Josh's mouth down Sammy's cock. At once he started pushing Josh's mouth down his shaft, causing him to choke almost instantly. I took control back at once, “No...it's not about cruelty,” I said letting Josh up, he pulled back, choking and trying to get his breath back,. “We aren't here to hurt, we're here to control.” Sammy looked back at me confused, “How?” I looked back and Josh was sitting there, waiting to be fed again. “Grab his head.” Sammy took Josh's head. “And show him where you want him.” Sammy lowered Josh's head down on his cock and Josh took it happily. “Now you want to guide him,” I kept my hands over Sammy's and slowly pushed Josh down on the mighty cock. Josh gagged a bit and I held Sammy's hands steady, “Don't force, but be insistent.” Josh slowly began to deep throat Sammy's monster, and I heard Sammy groan in response. “Yeah see,” I whispered, “No chick ever did that did they? Look down.” Sammy opened his eyes and looked down at Josh, “You got a college guy choking on your cock. How many chicks have thrown themselves at this guy and he's on his knees serving a high school kid. You feel that? You feel that power?” Sammy nodded. “That's what this is about.” “Oh fuck...” Sammy exclaimed, “Enough...ok...” He pushed Josh's head off his dick and Josh came up gasping for breath, red face from exertion, eyes locked on that cock. “Don't wanna come yet,” Sammy said, seeing the needy look on Josh's face. “I still have to fuck you.” I could see Josh try to hide his excitement as he just nodded, “Sure.” “Disrespectful,” I whispered to Sammy. Sammy grabbed Josh's chin with his hand and held it there, “You want to get fucked?” “Yeah,” Josh answered. “Yeah what?” Sammy asked. Josh paused and then he looked down in shame, “Yes sir.” “Ask me,” Sammy demanded. “Fuck me sir.” “What?” Sammy asked. “Please fuck me sir!” Josh said with a shout. “Tell him to go upstairs and ready himself.” Sammy looked st Josh, “Go upstairs, wait for me.” Josh sprinted up the stairs, looking like a kid who was about to get presents on Christmas. “Ok,” I said turning Sammy to me, “Deep breath, calm down. You can't just go up there and fuck him. If you shoot too soon then the whole thing is a wash. So relax, get your control back. Ok?” Sammy nodded, though his cock was still sticking up like a yardstick. “This is about breaking him,” I explained “You need him not to just like it, you need him to surrender to it. That means pushing him hard, setting the pace and wearing him out. He can't be a partner to this, he has to be the receptacle. You guys aren't fucking, you are breeding him. Got it?” Sammy nodded. “You're gonna wanna get caught up in the sex. Resist that urge, hold off on cumming as long as you can. You really need him to just beg for it at the end. Literally beg you to get him off.” “I can do that, he said, his cock twitching at the thought. “Ok, I'm gonna be watching, so make it good.” Sammy smiled and we headed upstairs, to destroy Josh's little jock ass.
    2 points
  27. Part Five I put Sammy in my bed and went back downstairs to finish my breakfast. Josh was chillin, loading up a game of COD on the TV. “Told you he was hot,” I said sitting down. “Fuck yeah, can you believe the cock on that kid?” he let out an appreciative sigh and started his game. After about an hour I saw Sammy come downstairs, dressed with his sneakers in his hand, making a beeline for the front door. “Whoa there, where you going?” “Gotta go!” he said starting to run. “Sure thing, let me know how your brothers like the video.” He froze. I played the video Josh took of him riding my cock and his head fell. “Come over and sit down.” He dropped his shoes and sat down on the other couch. I played the video again, “So you understand the situation right?” “I just wanna go home,” he pleaded. “Come over here,” I said patting the seat next to me. He sighed and plopped down. “I don't want to send this,” I told him, “This is for you to sit here and listen. When I'm done, I'll delete it and you can go.” “You're lying.” I held up two fingers, “Scout's honor.” He relaxed a little, “So talk.” I put the phone down, “Ok look, you're freaked out about all this, I get that.” “I'm not gay,” he said quickly. I laughed, “Dude this isn't about gay or straight, no one said it was.” He made a face, “Then what is it about?” I put my arm around him, “It's about power.” He was listening. “It's about power and control. Some people want it, some people like to give it. I took control of you, and you liked it. That doesn't make you gay, it makes you...” I leaned in to kiss him, “It makes you mine.” Our lips touched and I could feel him respond. “Look, I like you kid, that's the truth. I would love nothing more than to just use you until you cry, and I will, but I saw you earlier, and I'm thinking there is more to you.” “More what?” he asked. “More,” I said nuzzling his neck. He sighed and let me and I almost started to go at this kid again, but I was making a point. “Look, let's set out the ground rules. You're mine, period. That isn't in question, got it?” He nodded, looking nervous as he was eager. “So just because you're under me, doesn't mean you're under everyone,” I nibbled on his ear lobe, “You just need to find your place.” He let a small moan out, “What place?” “Look, you're the youngest, no one listens to you, you're always last to matter right?” He nodded. “Your brothers pay you no mind and you just have to go along with whatever right?” Another nod. “Don't you want to change that?” “Sure, but how?” I smiled, “Power and control.” He gave me a small smile. “Look, you have the cock of a god, a perfect body, you have all the marking of an alpha, you just need to learn how to be one.” “How do I do that?” he asked, a little hunger in his voice. “Learn to control people.” “Like my brothers?” “Not yet, that's gonna be a larger job, but I told you. Some people like to be in control...” I looked over at Josh, “Some people like to give it.” “Him?” he asked. So far we had been talking to low for Josh to hear and he was so caught up in his game he didn't care. “He wants your cock bad, like super bad. Walk over there, make him suck it and then fuck the shit out of him.” “Now?” Sammy asked, fear creeping into his voice. “I'll be here guiding you, this is your first step into becoming something more. Take it.” He watched Josh play for a while, who knows what going through that pretty head of his. “So I just walk over and tell him to suck me off?” I chuckled, “First thing you need to do is walk over and assert dominance.” “How?” I grabbed his crotch, “This, this is going to be all the dominance you need until you learn how to do it yourself. Trust me, most guys will buckle just seeing this monster.” “All the girls that have seen it say it's too big.” “There's no such thing as too big for guys. We just see it as a challenge, and most guys see a bigger dick as a sign of hierarchy. Bigger the cock, bigger the status.” You could see from his face he was getting into this. “Walk over there, tell him what you want and show him why he needs to listen to your commands.” He nodded, “And you'll be here the whole time?” I nodded, “I wanna see my puppy feed his bitch a bone.” He took a deep breath and then got up, walking over towards Josh. Here we go!
    2 points
  28. Part Four We settled in and smoked it up. I kept watching Sammy carefully, after a a couple of minutes I could see the goofy grin on his face. I put my joint down and moved over to the couch he was on, “You ok?” He looked at me with unfocused eyes and nodded. I took the joint from his hand and put it down, “It's hot in here isn't it?” “Yeah kinda...” he slurred. “Let's get this shirt off them.” He sat there as I took his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. God there was that chest again. This boy had no idea how hot he was. I reached down and tweaked one of his nipples and he instantly responded. “Yeah you like that don't you Sammy?” He nodded and I leaned in to nibble at the other one. “Oh fuck...” he moaned as I alternated between the two of them, driving the kid nuts. When I stopped his face was flushed and he stared at me with naked lust. I leaned in and kissed him hard and was instantly met with his tongue. He was into this, big time. I moved to his neck and he just threw his head back, giving me full access. He was grinding under me as I assaulted him with my mouth in every possible. After he was worked up I moved back “Take off your shorts.” It was important that he did this himself. He was here voluntary but I needed him to fully commit to this. I need him to do this of his own free will, so next time we didn't need the pretense of the joint. His hands fumbled at his waist for a few seconds and then he pulled them down, boxers and all in one go. His cock was already hard, jutting out looking like a fucking baseball bat. “Jesus fuck,” Josh exclaimed, “That's massive.” “Yeah, all the Parkers have a big dick, don't they Sammy?” He nodded with a smile, “We are blessed...” “How big are your brothers?” Josh asked with a hunger. “John is way bigger...” he said with a dreamy tone in his voice, “Eli isn't as big as me,” and he covered his mouth as he laughed. “Move,” Josh said dropping to his knees as he began to worship Sammy's monster cock. “Oh fuck yeah...” Sammy exclaimed, grabbing the sides of Josh's head, guiding him down. I heard Josh gag a little and the grin on Sammy's face told me he was used to that. I shucked my sweats off and climbed on tot he couch. My dick was now eye level with Sammy and he looked over at it blankly. “Open up.” He didn't move and I grabbed his head and moved it towards his face, “Suck my fucking cock.” My cockhead pressed against his lips and for a few seconds nothing happened. And then I felt his tongue swirl around the head and finally I entered his mouth. It wasn't anything great, it was obvious the boy had never had a dick in his mouth before. “Cover your teeth,” I demanded, smacking the top of his head, “Use your tongue more.” With every order he responded until our little high school jock was sucking dick like a pro. I guided his head like he had done to Josh and I could tell he was getting into it by the way his tongue kept doing laps around my shaft. Josh on the other hand was in hog heaven with the kid's fuckpole. He held the bottom with one hand and licked the top half like an ice cream cone. “Josh, start rimming him,” I said. Josh looked up at me and his pupils were huge, he was way into this kid's cock for sure. “Start prepping him.” John nodded and raised Sammy's leg up a little to get access to his ass. As soon as Josh penetrated him I could tell from the was Sammy moaned around my cock. I stood over Sammy's chest, my cock still in his mouth. His head was all the way back as he choked on my cock as he was getting rimmed. There was something primal about two college guys just using this high school jock for our own pleasure. On the surface Sammy looked like the perfect all American boy, but here he was with a cock in his mouth and a tongue up his ass. It was more than just debasing the kid, it was like I was fucking the entire neighborhood at once. “Relax your throat,” I told him as I stopped pistoning and slowly pressed my cock down his throat. He began to gag and I said, “Breathe through your nose, just relax your throat like you're going to swallow.” He stopped struggling and I could feel my head touch the back of his throat. Slowly I shoved my cock down, feeling this baseball boy deep throat his first cock. I pulled it back and could see the tears in his eyes from effort and I smiled, “Good boy, so good.” I cupped his face and leaned down to kiss him, which he responded to instantly. We made out for a good while as Josh kept loosening his ass up for the main attraction. I pulled back and looked at him, “You ready to get fucked?” His looked half eager and half terrified but he nodded slowly. I climbed down off the couch and tapped Josh on the head, “We're ready.” He came up for air, huge smile on his face, “This kid is fucking hot!” “Tell me about it,” I pulled Sammy to his feet and then took his place on the couch. “Come on champ, you know what you want.” Sammy moved to sit on me, expecting me to do the work. “Grab my cock, line it up.” I ordered, again making this his decision, not mine. I felt his hand grab my dick and then move it into place. I felt that tight, little hole and looked him dead in the eyes. “You know what you want.” Slowly he began to lower himself onto my cock, his eyes closing and a small whimper escaping his mouth. Inch by inch my cock sank into him, all of it done by him as I didn't move a muscle. Finally I felt his ass settle on my lap which meant he took my whole cock willingly. “Good boy,” I said kindly, stroking his hair, “You ok?” He nodded, and I kissed him again. Like any puppy it was important to give positive reinforcement for good behavior. He kissed me back and I could feel his ass squirm against me. “You ready?” He nodded. “Go for it.” He pulled himself up and I felt my dick move in that impossibly tight ass. As he slid back down he let out a hearty moan and threw his head back in delight. Again he lifted himself and then slammed down harder. By the fifth he was really going for it. On the sixth I pushed my hips up when he came down. The effect was instant as he let out a loud, “Fuck!!” and his cock let out a hefty spurt of precum. I grabbed his waist and started moving this kid around like a fucking sock puppet on my dick. He was wild, head thrashing from side to side as he called out, begging me to fuck him harder. This kid may have been straight last week but since then he had discovered he had a hungry pussy that needed to be fed all of that didn't matter anymore. Josh had his phone out and was capturing the moment in all it's glory I smiled and gave a thumbs up to the camera and Josh panned around to show Sammy's face. “You like that Sammy? You like getting fucked?” “Oh yeah, oh yeah....harder....fuck me harder....: he panted. Josh gave a thumbs up saying he had caught it and I knew Sammy was ours for life now. “You like that cock?” I asked and Sammy nodded, sweat flying off his matted hair. “You like getting fucked don't you kiddo?” “Yeah....love it....harder...more....” I looked over his shoulder to Josh, “You heard the boy, he wants more.” It took Josh a moment to figure it out and once he did the gin on his face was pure evil. “Hand me his joint,” I asked. I took the joint as Josh lit it and put it in Sammy's mouth, “Big drag buddy, come on, hit it like a real man.” Sammy took a four second drag and then swallowed it, coughing a few times after. The effect was instantaneous, he let out a strained, “Whoa...” and he became wobbly on top of me. I handed the joint back to Josh and gestured for him to get behind Sammy. “Ok, you good? You like that?” He nodded blankly, his eyes focused on nothing. “Do it man,” I said to Josh. I felt Josh's cock press next to mine and then slowly push into our little baseball boy. “Wha...” Sammy exclaimed slurring his words, “Wha you guys....nooooooo!” Josh cock pushed into the already tight hole and Sammy didn't know how to process it. “Wai...wait....” he panted, “No not...oh fuck...not this....” Josh's cock next to mine felt incredible as he pushed all the way into Sammy. We both stayed still as the jock's ass fluttered around our cocks, trying desperately to adjust. “Come on Sammy...” I said cooing, “You wanted more.” I pulled him up and he let out a plaintive moan all the way, “No....tooo much....: I let him go and he slowly slid down our cocks, “Fffuuucccckkk.....” he hissed as he bottomed out again. I raised him a few inches and let him go again and the noises began to change. “Yeah, see....you know what you need,” I said pulling him up again, “You need your pussy filled.” This time I slammed down and his eyes flew open as he tried to steady himself on my shoulder, “FUCK!” he screamed, “Oh fuck, oh fuck...” he exclaimed as I began to bounce him up and down a few inches faster. Josh was nibbling on the back of his neck as he both fucked him, trying to overwhelm the boy with as much pleasure as we could. I kept pulling him up farther each time until he was moving up and down nearly the entire length of our dicks. “Oh yeah...yeah....oh god...” he huffed, giving up the fight, his head slumping down onto mine. Now we really went at it. We both forced our way up into him as hard we he could and each time he would whimper and moan as he took it. His ass was adjusting to the girth and the pain must have lessened be cause I could feel Sammy pushing back slightly after about two minutes. “Oh you like that Sammy?” He didn't answer or raise his head, but he was pushing back all the same. “Yeah Sammy likes his pussy smashed doesn't he?” As I talked to him his pushes became harder. “Come on Sammy, tell me you want more...beg for me.” He didn't say anything so I stopped moving him. “Forget it Josh, he doesn't want it.” Josh began to pull out and Sammy's head came flying up, “No! NO I like it...please...” He was pushing back, trying to push Josh's cock back into him. Josh responded by slamming into him and Sammy let out a low growl. “You want us to fuck your pussy?” “Yeah...fuck me...fuck me...” he begged. “Fuck your pussy?” He hesitated. “I ain't a fag Sammy, I only fuck pussy....don't you have a pussy?” He looked confused and I looked at Josh, “Fuck it, let's roll.” Josh pulled out again and Sammy started to panic. “Yes, I have a pussy! Fuck my pussy...hard....come on please....fuck me!!” I smiled and said, “Good boy, “ and kissed him again as Josh thrust into him. Now Sammy was riding our cocks willingly, his hands on my shoulders and using his strength to pull himself up and then meeting our hips as he trust into him. Watching the muscles in his torso work as he desperately fucked himself was so fucking erotic. “Yeah Sammy likes this...” I said taking a hole of that monster between his legs, “Why did god give you such a big dick...” I pulled him down hard making his scream, “When you have such a fuckable pussy!” “Fuck my pussy...harder...yeah harder...faster...” he demanded as I stroked his cock. “What would your brothers do if they caught you riding our cocks Sammy?” He let out a moan and I could feel his cock throb in my hand from the thought. “You think your brothers have hungry pussys too? You think the Parker brothers want to get fucked?” He didn't say anything but his moves became more frantic as he got off on the image. “You wanna see us fuck your brothers Sammy? You want that?” He looked up with a hunger in his eyes and said, “Yeah...fuck them...fuck them hard....” I felt his cock jerk and knew he was about to blow. “You wanna fuck your brothers Sammy?” He let out a “FUCK!!” that must have been heard across the neighborhood as he unloaded on my chest. Wave after wave of cum exploded out of his monster dick, his ass clenching bring me and Josh to the edge. “I'm gonna cum,” Josh said panting. “ME too.....so close...” We began fucking him harder and Sammy squealed like a pig as he assaulted his already sensitive prostate. “Yeah gonna fuck your brother Sammy....gonna slam them hard....” He was just speaking gibberish now as his cock kept trying to shoot. “Fucking breed this kid,” I roared as I let loose into his guts. Josh was right behind me and we filled this little high school jock with enough cum to impregnate a dozen girls. We both stayed still as we shot load after load into him, the whole time Sammy begging for something... Josh let out a sigh and pulled out of the now wrecked ass. Sammy was on my chest, like a tired puppy from a long day of play. “You like that Sammy?” I asked him, pulling his face up for a kiss. He gave me a smile and then kissed me passionately. Yeah, this was going to be fun.
    2 points
  29. worst is when the hide it and try to make it look like bb porn. I see the condom and I give it a neg review an turn it off. I like when a studio shows the bare cock going in and out. Even better when the cum is shot inside and drips out. Why isn't all porn like that? And don't get me started on all the studios that have the fake moaning and groaning. Give me real sex sounds!
    2 points
  30. One man’s blessing is another man’s curse and for me I’ve got more than my share – an extra long dick (just over 10 inches), an extra wide dick (just shy of 8 inches round), and I shoot cum like a farm animal (up to ¼ of a cup a time). Truly. The dick? Well that’s thanks to my father for sure who was even bigger than me and the cum? Well I don’t know, could be him too, but the doctors call it Hyperspermia - a condition in which a man can ejaculate a massive volume of semen and and extra bonus is it comes with a high sex drive - thus my continuous frustration. Sex for me has almost always been a series of one frustrated encounters after another. Fucking size queens hit me all the time bragging how they can take me, how they love big dick, how they want my cum – that is until I split their hole open with just the few inches and then they fucking tap out and run. I’ve never worn condoms; my hyperspermia makes that impossible as the amount of precum I produce makes my dick so wet and slick they won’t stay on. That’s how I got AIDs – splitting bottoms open. I learned quickly a little blood was a given, a lot was expected and for me, doesn’t bother me in the least. For the bottom? Yeah they freak and make me stop. So to get by and try to relieve my constant need to nutt, I’ve sold condoms online full of my cum, made some pay-to-play solo porn flicks of me shooting, escorted trying to give facials or creampies, sold batches of my load to a fertility clinic, and I even created a Tumblr account talking about my curses and thinking I’d document those bottoms I found who could take me and wanted my POZ load. None of that really helped or panned out in the end. Just wasn’t the same. Have I fucked and bred a guy totally before. Yeah, of course, but few and far between and so I mostly have to be satisfied with a little oral, a little ass around the tip of my dick, then finishing off when I am home and alone. I want more, I need more, I need to breed and infect some ass and fill a bottom’s guts full of my cum – why else would God have given me what he did? I had frankly about given up until one day when I received an email: “Good afternoon. I am Dr. Mike. My practice has recently begun a new treatment regimen for some of my patients that I believe you are perfect for. I have many years of developing specialized, treatment regimens for my patients and would like to invite you to come to my office on Monday at 3:00 p.m. for a consultation. There is no fee for the visit or treatment regimen. Please refrain from all sexual activity for at least 48-hours prior to the visit so I can fully assess the volume of your semen output and your ability to ejaculate more than once for comparison purposes.” OK, I wasn’t exactly sure how this Dr. Mike thought he could help me since no one else had ever been able to. I tried to find what I could online about Dr. Mike and there was the standard fare, but his medical specialties did include treatment of HIV, AIDs, and other infectious diseases. What was surprising was how little there was about him. Most doctors these days have social media and site after site. Not this Dr. Mike. He was almost like a ghost – almost – but in digging through some chat rooms on the dark web I did come across a series of stories that mentioned Dr. Mike doing some pretty twisted, fucked up shit that made my dick drool and bounce and I quickly emailed him back to confirm I would be there. Dr. Mike’s office was located in Northeast Washington, DC, in an older brick building. I got to the office and rang the bell as the office was closed for the day. I waited a few minutes and then heard the locks turn, the door opened, and I was met by a man in white coat. Dr. Mike was in his mid 40s I guess, about 5”11, 180, and fairly clean cut looking and I thought handsome. He shook my hand, asked me to step inside, and locked the door. I then followed him through another door and down a hall and his office was like the rest of the building, older and somewhat run down looking. Near the end of the hall he stopped and motioned me to enter an exam room that was somewhat bare except for an odd table contraption bolted to the middle of the floor that was occupied by an apple assed guy. The guy was kneeling on a small bench part of the exam table on a pillow, with his chest on the table, his arms forward and his head resting on its side. A leather hood was strapped to his head, hiding his features and all that could be seen were closed eyes, his nostrils, and mouth that was slightly agape, relaxed. Leather straps wound around his calves, thighs, and he looked like a big Z splayed out. The next thing I noticed were several Polaroid Cube cameras attached to the metal table and on several small tripods all pointed to the guy’s ass from various angles. Yet, that was not the strangest part. I hesitated as I looked at the IV pole that was at the end of the odd table next to a set of monitors being watched by another man in a white coat who wore a medical mask that was inflating and deflating against his face as he breathed in and out. The other man was speaking softly to the guy on the table, “Time to dream little man.” I turned to the squeak of a metal stool being rolled away from a small table as Dr. Mike pointed to a chair by the door and said, “Please disrobe and sit in the chair here please.” I looked from him, to the other man, to the bottom. I was confused about what was going on but the sight of the that naked body looking like a sacrifice on an altar stirred my deep, dark desires and needs. I sat down in the chair, my naked ass sticking to the leather seat as Dr. Mike rolled himself close and flipped open a manila folder. “Normally I would want to do a full set of labs myself and an exam, but I received a copy of your medical file from your previous doctor and well – both your HIV and hyperspermia are well documented so I figured we should dispense with such pleasantries and get right to it.” My dick started to lengthen. Dr. Mike motioned to guy on the table, “Most gay men wait too long to get tested for rectal cancer. It is best to start young and technology now allows us to test in the office with High Resolution Anoscopy, but it does require anesthesia – a special cocktail of Fentanyl, Ketamine, Propofol, and a few other medications.” What the fuck? I knew what those drugs were, well at least I had heard of them and I looked again at the man in the white coat and the guy on the table. Fuck! They had drugged him and knocked him out! Dr. Mike set the open folder partially on my right leg, my dick now hardening more and stretching down my left. He started to ask me a series of questions and I hesitated and looked at the other man. Dr. Mike followed my gaze, shifted his stool to block my view, set his hand on my thigh in a reassuring manner and said, “Do not mind Dr. Collins,” and with that continued his questions and making the appropriate notes in his folder. “Are you currently off all meds?” I lied and said, “No.” Dr. Mike paused; frowned a little, set his pen in the crease of the folder and with his right hand reached out and grabbed the shaft of my now hard dick. “I need you to be totally honest with me if you please,” he said, “Unlike other doctors you may have seen in the past I need the unvarnished truth and not an answer that you think should be given or that you erroneously believe I may wish to hear. Understand?” I nodded and he asked again, “Are you currently off all meds?” This time I answered honestly and said, “Yes and no. I take them sometimes because…well I had read that if you do that then you can become resistant, and I just wanted to…I...” Dr. Mike smiled, made a note in his file, set his pen back in the folder and reached out again and this time slowly stroked my dick a couple times as he said, “Thank you for being honest. Yes, you can build a resistance and I will draw some blood so we can order a genotype test to confirm exactly which meds you are resistant too and then plan accordingly.” I moaned as his touch made me lose focus, but I blurted, “Yeah but I don’t want to take… or be…I…” Dr. Mike smiled, leaned in a little, stroked my dick a little faster and said, “Oh you misunderstand. Our goal is to INCREASE your resistance and viral count. That is what you want isn’t it?” What the fucking kind of doctor was he? My dick answered for me as it started to drool. The questions from Dr. Mike continued, “Do you use any recreational drugs? Willing to do others? Known STDs besides AIDs? Do you have receptive anal intercourse? Penetrated a bottom fully against his will? I imagine it is difficult given your size. Let me see – yes – I expect only a bottom with years of fisting could naturally take you.” Dr. Mike’s stroking skills were superior, that’s for sure yet somehow I don’t think he learned that in medical school. Dr. Mike continued with his list of questions and it was increasingly difficult to focus. Apparently satisfied, he closed the folder, rolled back over to the small table, grabbed an iPad, flipped opened the cover and showed me a video that had been paused. “This is Lucas,” Dr. Mike said as he tapped the video and it started to play. There was a yellow sticky note on the screen covering the person’s head, but from the wisps of hair that showed and the clothed body whose size seemed to match the guy on the table, appeared to be a shy twink of a guy - young but legal. Lucas had recorded a message verbally affirming he was legal, and his willing to submit to all ‘treatments and procedures’ as prescribed by Dr. Mike and Dr. Collins on that date, among the other stand release and approval statements. The video finished and Dr. Mike said, “I can assure you that the person in the video is the same as the one currently being monitored by Dr. Collins. Patient confidentiality requires that his face be covered even though you are now part of his treatment team. You understand? This is totally anonymous. You will never know his identity, nor he yours.” At the word ‘anonymous’ my dick spasmed and a long line of nutt drool proceeded down my thigh. Dr. Mike smiled in a way that held no warmth or humor. He then tapped the iPad screen a couple times, swiped, and I could hear sound as another video started. Dr., Mike adjusted the sticky note then turned the iPad around so I could see. In this one, the guy was naked, his arms out wide as he did slow turns that showed his hot ass and tiny twink dick. He paused facing the camera and began to speak in the same voice as the first video. The twink stated his first name, stats, and this time the message release statement was not the kind found on any standard form: “My name is Lucas Si…just Lucas. I am of sound mine and judgment and confirm that I have asked for a no limits fuck today. I am aware I may be unconscious and unable to provide further consent, but I DO consent. Totally. I want this. I want to get rape fucked by some big dick and be a total cum dump. Have totally been fantasizing about it for like forever and… well…so today it may happen – I mean will happen. No one is forcing me to do this. I am volunteering and WANT it. I also want it raw, no condoms at all, and understand the guy or guys who may fuck me might HIV+ or whatever. I don’t care. That shit don’t matter to me whatever they got. It’s all good. I’m on PREP so it’s all good. I just…hell! Is that good? Can we get this shit started? I’m horny as shit and need some dick!” Dr. Mike smiled that dark smile again and said, “As you can see. All legal bases are covered no mattered what may come. I am quite proficient in working within the boundaries set by my profession as well as expanding those boundaries as needed. One final note. What would you say – hypothetically of course –if there was an individual such as say someone like this young man you just saw on the video who in their mind can only imagine something like a big hit of G? Imagine how they would feel after the fact becoming aware of the full extent of the ‘party hole’ they went down. Also – hypothetically – wouldn’t it be a shame if the same young man BELIEVED they were on PREP when actuality they were on a placebo combo as part of a blind drug trial they had previously consented to? Especially one in which the results had shown rampant degradation of their immune systems due to other factors prescribed as part of their treatment regimen?” Damn! This was one fucked up doctor and with every word my dick pulsed and continued to stream more precum. I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, but my dick did as Dr. Mike reached out, wrapped his warm hand around my pulsing shaft, and expertly stroked it. “I know you have tried to find bottoms that would allow you to POZ them, that would allow you to flood them with your fountain of death,” he said with a calm voice full of confidence in every statement. “I know you have no qualms making a bottom bleed. I know you always hold back when you have intercourse – physically in the act as well as in your ejaculation. That is unhealthy and as your physician, I must provide a treatment regiment that will ensure your full well-being.” I leaned back in the chair and moaned in pleasure as Dr. Mike’s fingers deftly worked my dick as he continued, “You have been given a gift – many gifts – and those gifts need to be shared – and so I offer the first of but many cum dumps for you to use, to mark, to infect, to enjoy in ways you never imagined possible.” I groaned again and licked my lips as my breathing got faster and my heart started to race. Dr. Mike suddenly released his grip on my dick, rolled his stool to the side, grabbed another clipboard, held out a pen with a disarming smile, but an evil glint in his eyes and said, “These are the consent forms for your treatment. Sign and date here – initial here – there.” He flipped the page, “This page affirms that there is no monetary payment due, however there is a co-pay of no consequence that we will address later.” I couldn’t put pen to paper fast enough and once the forms were signed, Dr. Mike rolled his stool back, set the clipboard down, stood up, gestured towards the waiting ass with his left hand and said, “My patient is waiting,” before he calmly walked over and stood by the tied up bottom. Nervously I stood up and followed: my raging dick leading the way and dripping my toxic cum in long drools with every step. Just inches from the unconscious bottom I realized how my dick was perfectly aligned with his waiting hole as if…as if Dr. Mike knew my exact height and other measurements and had planned accordingly. But how? Dr. Mike just smiled and nodded as I tentatively stepped closer, my flesh pressing against the bottom’s. I turned to Dr. Mike who said nothing, but just nodded. I gently reached out and inserted my right index finger between the waiting mounds of twink flesh. His ass crack was totally hairless, as was the rest of his body – whether natural or manicured – it did not matter, it was sexy as fuck! I slid my finger against his puckered ass ring and with but the slightest effort of pressure it slowly opened and sucked my finger in to the hilt. No resistance, no squirming, no fighting. The bottom suddenly let out a low, guttural moan and I yanked my finger back in surprise and shock. Dr. Mike just chuckled and with his hands still clasped in front of him like he was monitoring a science experiment of no regard, he turned to Dr. Collins and ordered, “A little more if you please.” Dr. Collins flooded the IV input with a wave of milky white slumber. Dr. Mike turned and looked at me expectantly. I had never really fucked in front of an audience and the whole situation was beyond fucking strange. Dr. Mike held out his hands, palms up in an apologetic gesture and said, “Given the current treatment, at least this time, I must be here to attend my patients – you and him. In the future – if you decide to continue under my care – I expect that will not be necessary and only Dr. Collins will need to monitor such aspects of your visits. However, my plan for treatment is that – based on your performance – hypothetically of course, that a first treatment may be such as we have today with the patient totally unaware and unconscious. Next time, maybe it will be a lighter sleep. The time after, maybe semi-conscious, but still restrained. The time after that? Who knows? You may find that having your way with someone completely restrained yet fully conscious is more to your – shall we say medical needs?” There was that fucking dark smile again. Dr. Mike was an evil, twisted, son of a bitch and part of me wanted to be just like him! I needed to fuck. I needed to breed that ass and knowing he was knocked out, anonymous, NEG, and that I might infect him sent me to the fucking moon! I stepped closer, lining my dick head with Lucas’ asshole. No, no names – this was just some cum dump – some dirty bottom willing to take any raw dick and I planned to POZ him good. This time I jammed three fingers all at once at that ass ring and just like before it opened, but damage was done. Dr. Mike issued a small chuckle and “Yes!” as I dug my nails into the bottom’s hole, harder and harder, over and over, yearning to break through the walls of his drug induced state to hear him moan in pain and beg for mercy. That never happened, which only spurred me on to finger fuck his hole rougher. I glanced to the side to see Dr. Mike adjust his own hard dick and I smiled. Yeah, that’s right, I could be as twisted as he was, just watch. This bottom would remember the day I bred him and when I finally pulled my fingers out they were nice and red. I then started to slap his ass – full on arm swings – and those apple cheeks went from white, to pink, to red, to shades of purple in no time. God damn I wanted to bust right then! My hand hurt from slapping him so hard and yet not a single moan or sound escaped those pink little lips that protruded from the leather hood over his head. While Dr. Mike was clearly into it, Dr. Collins seemed oblivious and totally focused on his patient and the monitors. Fine by me. I took a step back, slid my right hand up and down my shaft a few times to coat my death rod with my POZ, sticky precum, wiped my hands on the bottom’s sides, then grabbed the two biggest handfuls of flesh that I could and squeezed and dug in. I PAUSED, LOOKED AT DR. MIKE, AND AS HE MET MY EYES I SLAMMED MY DICK THROUGH THE BOTTOM’S OUTER HOLE AND BURIED MYSELF INSIDE HIM! The bottom’s body made no movement at all as I ripped him open. The pillow beneath his legs became stained. While I expected to see the waves of pain ripple through his body, his ass never clenched, never tried to push me out, never fought back. Somewhere between his fresh stab wounds and his brain all nerve impulses just faded away – thank you Dr. Collins! I clenched his flesh tighter in my grasp. I wanted him to be bruised, sore, and it was time to rape some ass. I grunted and growled as I pulled out and slammed all 10-inches+ of my raw dick into my victim’s hole and the more it got wet, the harder I fucked. My balls were bursting, ready to breed and infect this cum dump. My fountain of death was ready to explode like Deep Water Horizon and forever alter the world! I PICKED UP MY PACE, AND FUCKED AS HARD AS I COULD. I WANTED TO RAPE THAT ASS – HURT IT – INFECT IT – BREED IT – FILL HIS GUTS WITH MY LOAD! DR. MIKE WAS RIGHT – I HAD MANY GIFTS AND THIS BOTTOM WOULD GET THEM ALL AND AS I LOOKED DOWN AND SAW MY RED-COATED DICK I LOST IT – FROZE – AND SHOOK AS MY HYPERSPERMIA DELIVERED WHAT FELT LIKE A QUART OF INFECTED AIDS NUTT INTO THAT BOTTOM’S SHREDDED ASS. Oh yeah, in addition to shooting a lot in volume, my orgasm – my real orgasm which have been few and far between – seem to last for fucking ever and by the time my dick stopped spurting and I was able to let go of the flesh clenched in a death grip in my hands, I felt like I would pass out. With my dick still inside his unwilling hole, and streams of ass juice and my cum frothing out around my semi-hard dick, I flopped on top of the twink’s body feeling utterly satisfied for the maybe the first time ever. Dr. Mike was behind me, pressed his body against my naked ass and reached out and laid his right hand on my chest, “Please, if you could just stand back up, we do not want to impede his breathing.” Oh shit! Something about his touch, his body pressed to mine, the feel of his hard dick through his pants … fuck I don’t know – set me off again and I started blowing another load up that bottom’s hole without even another stroke. This one racked me to my bones and every spasm that burned through my body was felt by Dr. Mike who moaned and held me as I POZZED that ripped up ass all over again! When my balls were finally drained, my dick slid out of that beaten hole like a python that had just gorged on a herd of goats and was ready for a long nap. Dr. Mike stepped back, wiped his hands one against the other, smiled and said, “There. Now if you please. Get dressed and I will see you back here next Monday, same time,” and with that he left. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!) (Dr Mike: Biohazard and Healer – all story links here - https://breeding.zone/topic/34692-dr-mike-biohazard-story-links/#comment-384265 )
    1 point
  31. Standing at the bar I surveyed the offerings of the evening, which were pretty slim for a Friday night. Mostly old guys, not the younger twinks I was looking for. There were a couple I had already done that were desperate for a repeat, and why wouldn't they? I was a God. And I knew it. My name is Josh. I'm a prime piece of 18 (though my fake ID says otherwise) year old all American, blond haired, blue eyed fuck machine. 6'2" of smooth, tan, jock muscle with broad shoulders, hard pecs, narrow waist, washboard stomach, strong thighs, big calves, an amazing rock hard bubble butt, and the fattest 10 1/2" cock anyone would be more than grateful to worship. God damn I'm perfect. But like I said, I like those young leather twinks. Guys I can really lord my awesomeness over while I abuse and dominate them, making them beg for the mere privilege of being in my presence, and thank me while my horse cock rapes their hole like never before. However, I don't like repeats, even though they were desperate for me to take them again. Hell, everyone was desperate for me. Those old leather queens could barely keep their tongues in their mouths as they eyed my splendor, wishing I would give them the time of day. But they can look all they want, they ain't gettin! I took a fresh drink from the bartender and leaned my back against the bar, resting my elbows on the bar, sticking my chest out behind my open leather vest so they could get a good view of this perfect torso they'd never get to touch. One of the guys came up to the bar right next to me to get a drink. He was probably in his 50's, about my height. He wore a leather harness over his very hairy barrel chest. As he waited for his drink he leaned his bearded face into my ear and asked how things were going this evening. I turned my head away as I mumbled a response so he would know I wasn't interested. He just got his drink and went back to where he had been and stared at me. I just drank my drink and ordered another one. As I started my next drink, I started to feel strange, kind of light headed and dizzy. The feeling got stronger, so I figured I needed some fresh air and headed for the door. As I stumbled into the alley, I noticed the guy in the harness had followed me out. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my chest just as everything went black. I started to come too with no idea where I was. As my foggy head started to clear the first thing I noticed was a rubber mask covering my head. It had plastic eye holes to see out and some kind of tube for breathing. I started to panic and scream and thrash around. That's when I realized I was constrained. It didn't take me long to realize I was in a sling. My arms and legs had been securely tied down so the only movement I could make was a little bit in my torso and my head as I thrashed and screamed. "Looks like my new toy is finally awake." I heard a voice say. "Now the fun can begin." I stared in horror as someone came up to my head. I could see he was holding some kind of glass pipe that he proceeded to light and inhale. The next thing I knew, my mask entirely filled with a thick, white smoke. I had no choice but to inhale it. I coughed a bit as it hit my lungs, but more and more kept comming. Quickly I felt waves ripple through my body as my heart sped up and my brain started to race. Next I noticed someone with a long, thin syringe that had no needle on it. It was filled with some kind of liquid. He proceeded to start to insert it into my ass and I started to panic again. I was a fucking top! I had never had anything in my ass before! But my feeble protests were to no avail. In it went and very soon I started to feel a kind of burning in my ass. Quickly the burning turned to desire. Fuck, my ass was wanting cock. What the hell was happening to me? I didn't have long to ponder my fate as I soon felt something hard pressing against my butthole. My cries of no did no good as I felt a hard cock slide into my virgin hole, spreading my asslips apart, ripping me open. I howeled as my rapist buried himself to the hilt and I felt his pubes grind against my flaming hole. I could hear the room erupt in cheers as this conquest was made. Dear God! How many men were here witnessing my downfall? I could hear all kinds of cameras going off as I took my first cock ever. Again I didn't have long to ponder before the man grabbed my legs and started pounding my ass as hard as he could. I just yelled and cried as I was brutally fucked by what had to be a big cock. He would pull it all the way out before slamming it back in to the hilt. I could feel it deep inside me, plundering past my prostate, opening me deep inside. Much to my shock, after about 5 minutes it started to feel different. It started to feel good. Instead of screaming I started grunting in pleasure. "Oh.......oh.......Oh........Oh." I grunted each time he buried it deep in me. After what seemed like half an hour of steady pounding the mask was removed from my head and someone held my up so I could see my rapist. It was the guy from the bar pounding me with a cock at least the same size as mine. "Look at me boy!" he ordered as he continued to ride me. "I want to see my new slaves face as I breed him for the first time!" With that, he buried himself as deep as he could and pumped me full of his hot cum. I could feel his cock pulse deep in my guts as I got my first breeding ever. When he finished, he pulled out and moved to my head. I could see his cock covered in cum, blood, and some shit. Without a word he just rammed it into my panting mouth and forced me to clean everything off of it. Then again, without a word he started to piss in my mouth. I was shocked and choked and gagged as he emptied himself straight down my throat, but I had no choice but to swallow or drown. He didn't pull out till he was empty. Leaning down into my ear he whispered,"Welcome to your new life, jockboy. You will be the nastiest slut in this city before I'm done with you." My cock hardened at his words.......
    1 point
  32. Hi, I’m looking for all the BBC’s in Toronto that want to take part/help me with my epic fantasy/goal. I want to get my tight virgin white boy body barebacked gangbanged by a group of well hung huge BBC’s non stop for a entire weekend (meaning starting friday night and not ending until sunday night) the BBC’s will not have any limits, do what you want and use me however you feel like. I want the BBC’s to break in and stretch my virgin holes as hard as they want, actually the more painful you make it for me the hornier you will make me. I don’t want the weekend to end until every ounce of boyhood is brutally and painfully fucked out of me, and I am fully feminized into a white BBC addicted sissy slut. here is a pic of my white boy bum that I want turned into a BBC craving boi pussy. I want It left gaping and winking at the end of the weekend
    1 point
  33. I left home when I was 18. I knew I was gay, and I knew my family would not accept me. I went to the Culinary Institute of America on scholarship and graduated top in my class and have been working for 8 years now for two really great famous chefs, and I love my life. I'm 6' 185 lbs, and I work out two hours 6 days a week, one hour in the morning before work and one after work. I'm also a cum slut who can give it as good as I can take it. I love dick! Enough about me. I received an invitation from an Aunt asking me to come to a family reunion this year. I was going to blow it off but my brother called and said I really should come in that my Aunts and Uncles were all getting old and it would be good for me to see them. After a lot of guilt tripping I agreed, booked my flight back to Louisville KY and rented the nicest car I could find on Turo. I drove in to my small town in Carter County and had booked a room at a bed and breakfast. I arrived the night before the reunion, and when I got up the next morning I skipped the country breakfast and went for a 2 hour run. I got back and showered and headed to Grayson Lake State Park for the reunion. The reunion was just what I expected, "You have grown up so much" "What do you do now?" "Your a cook?" "Are you married? dating?" "You know Kim who was in your class is still single you should call her" "A good looking man like you should be married, you're not one of those gays are you?" I was just about to say yes and just leave after 20 minutes, and then I looked up and saw them. Not one but two perfect specimens of manhood. They walked up to my brother and a cousin I knew and started talking so I walked over and my cousin introduced me to her son and his friend. I quickly found out her son who played football was sadly 17 and had already got his girlfriend pregnant but then I found out the other boy was 19 years old. He had graduated from high school and started college but had to drop out for some reason. His dream was to go to New York and be on Broadway. His name was Alex, he was 5'11" ish and probably 175 or so. You could just see the outline of a 6 pack through his tight polo. His blue eyes light up when he found out I lived in the big apple. My brother, cousin ,1and her son moved away to get food, and the kid and I continued talking. I told him he would have to get rid of the mullet if he came to New York, and then I heard the magic words. I would do anything to just get to go to New York and try to be on Broadway. I smiled and said, "Be careful what you say. Someone may take you up on that." He looked confused, but then my cousin's son came over and said they needed to go. I told the kid if he really wanted to go to New York to give me a call, and I would try to help him. I handed him my card and figured that was it. I went back home called my brother and told him why I had been away for so long and that I did not plan on coming back unless I had to. We agreed that was probably best, and I haven't spoken to him since. But a month to the day my phone rang, and I answered. I heard this timid voice. He said he was Alex and we had met at the family reunion in KY. I asked how he was, and he said, "Well I made it I'm in New York." I'll admit I was shocked but in the back of my mind I was really looking forward to seeing him again. I asked where in the city he was, and he said the bus station. I asked if he had any money, and he said he had all of his savings about $2300. I told him to take a cab and gave him the address to the restaurant and when he got there to ask for me, Chef Jay. About an hour later, I looked up and there stood the same hot ass blond stud minus the mullet and with a backpack. I fed him and put him in my office till my shift ended then we headed out. I told him I work out for a hour every night, and he was welcome to join me if he wanted or he could just crash at my place. He said a workout sounded great. We got to the gym and he pulled out his workout clothes, tight shorts that came about mid thigh and a wife beater. The work out was great and I really got a good chance to check him out. Great bod with a 6 pack and from the looks of things a very nice package. After we finished we went back to my place and I showed him where he could put his stuff and sleep. Apartments in New York are small but my roommate had moved out a few months back so all was well. I showed him the shower, and told him he could clean up first. Without hesitation he started taking off his clothes and before I left the room I saw his soft 6 or 7 inch cock just hanging there. It was all I could do not to drop down and start sucking him. But I reminded myself he's straight at least for now. After his shower I cleaned up, and then we sat down to discuss his plans. I told him I could get him a job at one of the restaurants I worked at. It would be long hours and hard work, but I would try to make sure he could audition for parts. After a while I went to bed, and so did he. The next morning, he was up and ready to go to the gym with me at 5:00 AM. I noticed he had the same clothes on so I asked if that was all he had, and he said yes. I took him in my room and gave him a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and before I could close the dresser he had dropped his shorts and was naked. I love free ballers and had to smile knowing I was commando too. The workout was great again. I told him I was going to shower at the gym, but he could clean up at the apartment if he wanted and asked if he remembered how to get back. He said he did, and his plan was to look for acting parts the first part of the day and then he would come to the restaurant at 2 like I told him. I made him a prep cook, and he was doing really good. This went on for a few days. On Saturday after work I asked if he remembered our conversation at the reunion. He said he did, and I said you remember how you said you would do anything? He said he did. I told him his two auditions for parts were because of a phone call from me, then I said and we need to work out some payment for the guy and food and rent. His head dropped for a second, and before I could say a word he started pulling off his shirt and when he looked at me he had this big smile. He then started taking off his jeans and asked if my tattoo of the bio-hazard sign was because I was trouble or because I was poz? I guess it was my turn to be shocked not his. I said I was poz, and then asked how he knew what it was. he reached over and started taking off my clothes and said he saw it at the gym and knew exactly how he was going to pay his rent if I was interested. I asked if he was poz and again he smiled and said, "I will be soon." For some reason I asked what his family would say and he said who gives a fuck, I came out before I left and my dad kicked me out, told me he had now place for a fag in his family and to go get sick and die. I asked if he always did what he was told and he said he didn't plan on dying anytime soon but he certainly planed on getting sick. As he said this he dropped to his knees and started sucking my dick. After sucking me for about 20 minutes we made out for a few minutes and then he said are you going to fuck me with that thing or what. I turned him around and bent him over and started to eat out his ass. I reached over and grabbed the lube and eventually started shoving it in with one finger. He looked back at me and said, "That's enough fuck me I need that dick." I told him it would hurt, and I needed to loosen him up to take my 8 inches. He looked in the mirror in front of himself and said, "I a god damn man and a dick sucking fag. Just fuck the hell out of me." I stood up behind him and aimed my cock at his hole. As I placed my head on his hole he started pushing back on me. I shoved in him all the way and stopped. He was screaming into a pillow and when he looked back up at the mirror with tears in his eyes he said, "What the fuck you waiting for? God dammit fuck me! Fuck my god dams ass and turn me in to a poz cum whore. Fuck me please!" And so I did. We fucked three times that night and two times after our work out at 5. I was late for work, but it was worth it. After a few weeks Broadway and acting no longer seemed important. After about three weeks of fucking his ass and yes him fucking me too, he got the fuck flu. I took a weeks vacation and fucked the hell out of him every chance I got. After the flu, I introduced him to the gay boys at work and told him to have fun. Not long after that he and I started a relationship fucking each other and any hot young stud who would let us fuck them or who would fuck us. Maybe I'll go back to the reunion next year with my new boy toy and see what they all say.
    1 point
  34. I’ve been blowing a str8 buddy for a couple of years now - especially when he’s hit a dry period. Recently he’s been asking what it feels like to fuck a boy’s ass and why I enjoy it so much. I said why don’t you try it for yourself but he’s never taken the plunge. Last Saturday he thought he was coming over to get his cock sucked but I’d arranged with my boy, Drew to be there as well. Drew douched out his hole so he was clean and fresh. My buddy arrived and we got naked and Drew and I got on our knees and sucked his cock. Drew stood up and bent over the couch with his legs spread. I also stood up and led my buddy to stand behind Drew, I held his cock and told him, now’s your chance to find out how good fucking a Boy’s ass is. I guided his cock into Drew’s hole and he pushed in. Man I’ve never seen such a grin on my buddy’s face. He pumped drew’s ass and with a loud grunt he shot his load into Drew. I didn’t want to waste Drew’s freshly seeded hole so I fucked him and mixed my seed with my buddy’s. I think he’ll be back for more of my boy's ass.
    1 point
  35. Do you get many messages on here ? It doesn’t happen much for me it seems 😕
    1 point
  36. I love verbal tops so it’s a huge turn on knowing he’s going to breed me and telling me he’s close. It opens the door for me to start begging for it and really get into whatever the top needs to get him to cum.
    1 point
  37. I prefer them to have full control as they grace my mouth with their manhood
    1 point
  38. like someone else said, its the anticipation that is so hot. that sound when the door opens and you hear their zipper drop. feeling them stick it in, pump away, call you a few names, groan, zip up and go. in your imagination they all look like Shemar Moore even if they really look like Duddley Moore. ive had three hundred or so dudes pump me full of jizz while im blindfolded and ass up (damn, i miss craigslist...)
    1 point
  39. Exactly, same here. It gives me warm kind of feeling, then I wank. 😊
    1 point
  40. Cum dump Tina loving, bottom for your use, takes any and all loads. Hmu - must be local and able to host.
    1 point
  41. Your attitude hits me hard. I grew up with jock brother that had it all -talent, looks, personality, athletic. He was one year older than me. Taught me how to jack-off. He always initiated contact. I never said no. We played for 7 years throughout high school and college . Like Eli, I need to have someone recognize my hunger and take action, control.
    1 point
  42. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): DB 🎉 Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): 314-640-8118 😈 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): 63103 STL Times you're generally not available: varies 🤘 Age: 35 Height: 5'10" Weight: 220 Ethnicity: White
    1 point
  43. I hadn't had any poz cum in months, but last night I rode two poz dicks and got my pussy creampied by both of them. I feel so much better today. 🏳️‍🌈
    1 point
  44. Yep! And if the top goes and slips his dong into someone else's fag-hole and not my own, even after I sucked it clean so be it. It's up to the top which pig hole he wants to use and breed. Im just a hole and deserve to treated like one.
    1 point
  45. Part Eight So this is what I learned about Eli. He was 19, a serious soccer player and avid gamer. He had an online addiction to FPS games like COD, Halo, and Overwatch. His favorite drink was Mountain Dew, his favorite food was buffalo wings and he had dated the same girl since freshman year of high school. He was the typical middle brother, jealous of the power the oldest had and jealous of the attention the youngest had so suffered from a pretty bad self esteem problem. That was all I needed to take this kid down. “So this,” I said holding up a vial, “Is GHB.” Sammy nodded. “We slip this into his Mountain Dew and he will zonk the fuck out within minutes.” “Is it dangerous?” “Not with the dose we're giving him. A strong dose will just knock him the fuck out but we don't want that. We just need him loopy.” “Ok, so he drinks then what?” “Once he is wasted we give him one of these.” I held out a yellow smiley face tablet. “Is that a vitamin?” God this kid was too innocent. “It's a hit of Molly. Once he is stumbling around we get him to take one of these and I'll take him upstairs to sleep it off.” “And then what?” I just smiled. “So do I get to do him?” “Not yet, right now we need him to fully commit to getting fucked and liking it. If he sees you he'll freak the fuck out and it will be almost impossible. Remember, we don't want to force him, we can't to make him want this.” “Eli isn't like that. He's a virgin, saving himself for marriage and the whole thing. Him and his girlfriend have chastity rings and everything.” My cock just twitched at that information. “That will make it all the easier. I'm gonna have a camera set u in my room, which we'll use for motivation later.” “Can I watch?” Sammy asked eagerly. “Sure, but he can't see you. You can hide in my closet for something.” “Cool! But how are you gonna convince him to come over?” “You tell him we're having a COD tournament tonight, free food and drink and a trophy for the winner.” “You think that will work?” “I think he will see a bunch of jocks, just like John, and he would love to come over here an kick our asses at the game and prove he is better than us. It's part of his middle brother complex, he is dying to prove himself. And, he will be flattered that we asked just him and not John.” “John wouldn't come anyways.” “Sure, but that doesn't matter. Eli wants people to like him more than you two, so the invite will stroke his ego.” Sammy cocked his head, “It's kinda scary how good you are at this?” I put the molly away, “I have a knack of reading people. It's a gift.” “Why didn't you use that stuff on me?” I looked at him and knew I should just lie. There was no earthly reason for me to tell this kid that I had him smoke a spiked joint to get him in the mood. All I needed to do was smile and tell him some bullshit and it would be fine. But something wouldn't let me lie to this kid. “I did, the joint you smoked that night was laced.” He smiled, “Yeah I figured that, no way any weed is that strong. I mean why not feed me some Molly of put something in my drink?” “Because I didn't want a comatose zombie. I didn't want to fuck an unconscious body, I wanted to fuck you. I wanted to watch your face as you realized how much you wanted my cock. I was dying to see the moment you broke and stopped trying to be straight and just went with the pleasure you were feeling.” “What if I wasn't into it?” I had no answer to that. I mean he was right, I should have gave him a molly or spiked his drink a little, that one joint was enough to fuck him up but not completely take him out. Why had I risked it? What was it about this kid that was fucking me up so bad? “I don't know, maybe I knew you'd be into on some level.” He laughed and moved over, straddling my lap, “I think you like me.” I raised an eyebrow. “I think you saw me and you were like, fuck I want some of that. And deep down you were hoping I'd want some of you.” “You think?” He nodded with a huge grin. “I think you have a huge ego and need to get taken down a peg.” He leaned in close to my face, “Well come on alpha, peg me.” I pushed him off my lap and onto the ground, “Nope. I need my stamina for your brother tonight. Besides...you've been a bad boy, and bad boys don't get fucked.” He whined a little and then stuck his tongue out at me. I tried not to laugh but failed pretty badly. “Get out here, go tell your brother about the tournament, be here by 7.” He stood up and saluted me, “Sir, yes sir.” God that was hot. “GO!” I shouted and he left. Leaving me with a throbbing hard on, “What the fuck is that kid doing to me?” I asked myself.
    1 point
  46. This forum is all about sexual freedom. If he likes getting pissed on by hookers it's his own business. It's the least objectionable thing about him.
    1 point
  47. Not alone - the worst is when someone has titled or tagged the video to make it sound like bareback. I hate when I spend a few minutes watching a hot set up only to have it turn into rubber-porn.
    1 point
  48. Lots of questions to unpack there. So let's deal with them separately. First, dispense with the "something really fucked up with me" or "evil" ideas. Those are value judgments and, unless you're violating someone's consent or otherwise putting that person at risk, they're useless terms. The question you don't ask here is "Can I keep my desires in check and not act on them?" Only you can answer that. That isn't to say you MUST keep them in check; but your partner is operating under the assumption, presumably, that you have no such desires. So, IF you can't keep them in check - or even if you're not sure you can do so - then you owe it to your partner to tell him. (If you were sure you could keep them in check, though, I don't think you'd be asking for advice, so I'm going to assume you figure you'll eventually give in to the dark side.) That doesn't mean you tell him you're going to do X or Y. You tell him you have these feelings, you've had them a while, and you do not want to put him at risk, nor do you want to hurt him, but you recognize it's not fair to him to not know what's up, and ask him what he wants. Tell him you're not acting on anything in the interim, but y'all need to talk about the status of your relationship. He may insist on your foregoing those desires as the price of staying with him. He may reject the idea of staying together outright anyway. But he may come to decide that he'd rather remain in the relationship (even on a non-sexual basis) with you able to indulge certain things on the outside. He may want to know about them; he may prefer not to know. He may insist that if you're going to do it, you go on PrEP, so that you don't end up with a lifetime of treatment costs ahead of you (that may impinge on your ability to financially plan the future). I'm not saying that's likely - but then I don't know you or your partner or what your relationship's like. But it seems to me like part of you wants to keep him, if possible, as your partner. And if that's the case, breaking it off pre-emptively is a bad idea. Give him the chance to weigh in on how you might be able to make it work. If he breaks it off because he can't handle that, you're no worse off than if you ended it on your own.
    1 point
  49. Hey guys, sorry it's taken so long. I'll have a new chapter up tonight. Hope you guys haven't lost interest? Part 4: My face still stung from the slap as I looked at myself in the mirror. I kept hearing those words in my head, “I’m enjoying your pain,” and the voice seemed familiar, yet not familiar. I felt like I was going to puke, so I entered a stall and leaned over the toilet, but nothing came out. Not wanting to face the campus, I sat down and pushed loads of cum out of my ass, hearing the sickening splashes of the globs dropping into the water. I wiped my ass a few times, each time feeling my hole slime up a little as more cum leaked out. There were four stalls and a handicap stall, I was in the first one. The other stalls were empty when I heard the bathroom door open and footsteps come towards the stalls. I looked up as the guy passed my door and entered the stall next to me. I stood up to leave when I noticed a large hole in the wall, through which I could see the guy pushing his pants down and sitting on the toilet. Not knowing why, I sat back down. I sat there quietly and waited for the other guy to take a dump and leave, but instead I started to hear the unmistakable sounds of a wet cock being jerked off. I looked through the hole and sure enough, there was a hard cock being jerked. The guy must have seen my movement, or my eye through the hole, because before I could do anything, he was standing up and pushing his cock into the hole. “Suck me man,” was all he said to me and I opened my mouth to have him slide in. I wanted to puke his cock smelled and tasted so bad. When he heard me gagging, he laughed and said, “Forgot to shower this morning, feel free to clean it off for me.” I tried to pull off of his cock, but his words chilled me to the bone. “You suck my dick bitch, or I’ll break your teeth and then fuck your worthless faggot mouth.” I slowly slid back down, giving a blow job that would not make any guy cum. He knew what I was doing and got upset. “Suck my fucking dick like you mean it cunt.” I still did nothing, basically just sliding my lips up and down. He yanked his cock out of my mouth and out the hole. I thought maybe he was going to leave. Instead, he opened his stall door and walked in front of mine. “Open the fucking door NOW bitch, or you’re going to regret it even more.” I don’t know why, but despite feeling somewhat safe behind the locked door, I reached out and slid the lock open. The guy standing before me was about 5’9, not remarkable in any way and with his cock hanging softly out his pants. Despite his generic look, there was some thing that made me listen as he ordered me to my knees. On my knees, in the stall, he stood and looked at me. “Such a little pussy fag boy to be following orders from me. You wanna suck my dick for real now?” I shook my head and said, “No.” He looked at me, a look of confusion on his face. “Open your mouth faggot.” I slowly opened my mouth. “Stick your tongue out,” and I did. “Stay just like that boy,” and he pulled his phone out. “I think I recognize you, don’t I?” With tears in my eyes again, I simply nodded. “Let’s see, something’s missing…” With his camera recording, he spit a huge glob of spit and phlegm straight into my mouth and on my tongue. “Yeah, that’s why I recognize you. Swallow that spit you fucking freak and thank me for it.” I pulled my tongue in my mouth, felt the glob slide back in my mouth and I swallowed it. “Thank you.” “Open up again.” He took a step in and placed his cock at the edge of my lips. “Slide your pussy mouth all the way down and swallow my cock. If you fuck up again this time, I’ve got an idea that you’re going to hate.” I tried to slide down his cock, but I was so disgusted by the thought of another guy walking in and seeing this that I could barely focus. “I warned you boy. If I feel any teeth between now and when I shoot, I’m taking teeth with me when I leave.” He set his phone on the toilet paper dispenser, the camera at almost level height with my head. With his left hand, he curled his fingers into my hair and yanked my head forward, shoving his dick deep in my mouth and into my throat. “That’s it bitch, open that cunt throat for me.” He angled my head so that he could thrust past the top of my throat and slammed balls deep in me. He held me there for what seemed forever, my air flow slowing and then eventually ending all together. This began a panic in me and I tried pushing him away, but he held firm, laughed and said, “Yeah boy, fight me. There’s only one way I’m pulling back.” In my panic, feeling life blur around me, I pushed at his legs, slapped at them, slapped at his stomach; nothing but slight thrusting of his cock in my throat. Finally, in full panic, something struck me (both physically and mentally). Using the last bit of strength I could muster, I grabbed at his balls and pulled. “You fucking little queer,” he grunted and pulled his cock all the way out of my mouth. I fell forward, gasping for air, and landed in his smelly balls. He grabbed my head again, tipping it back slightly and as I gasped for another gulp of air, he shoved balls deep in me again, but this time he didn’t stop. Instead, he introduced me to what would later be identified as skull fucking. “Yeah bitch, you’re going to really have to learn to suck cock if you’re going to be at the gloryhole. Unless, you’re the kind of faggot who backs his ass up to the wall and lets guy fuck him like a girl. Is that what you are?” I struggled to shake my head, but his hands in my hair were like vises. He continued to rape my mouth and I could hear other sounds as more guys were coming in to the bathroom. Some guys were disgusted by what they saw and called us faggots. Some only called me a faggot and told the guy pounding my throat to, “Fucking destroy his faggot throat.” I heard one guy tell the throat fucker, “Bring him out here, I wanna see something.” Slamming his cock in my throat again, he began pulling me by the hair, on my knees, into the main area, between the urinals and stalls. My shorts, which had been around my ankles slid all the way off, leaving me in a torn shirt, jockstrap and shoes. I looked around and saw about 6 guys watching, some rubbing their cocks in their pants, two were openly stroking themselves and the one who had me pulled out, was pushing his pants down. He reached down and grabbed my ankles and swung me around and told the guy in my throat, “Back up against the wall.” The guy in my throat began to ask, “What…” and the older guy just said, “Shut up you little punk, or you’ll have my dick down your throat in a minute.”
    1 point
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