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  1. I want to the bathhouse tonight . I was in the dark room sucking on nice Italian cock when this hot daddy came up behind me bent me over in the dark room shove his big cock in my ass. Dump a big load in my ass. Still have his load in me.
    6 points
  2. Always worth pointing out that if his mum and dad hadn't fucked bareback, he wouldn't be here. We celebrate bareback sex all the time - every time a woman is pregnant and people congratulate the couple, throw baby showers, gender reveals etc.
    5 points
  3. This is not quite the same situation but fairly recently I contacted a guy on Fabguys who said he was looking for bareback. We exchanged a couple of messages and I told him my status. He shot back with “I don’t fuck with poz guys - UD or not - ever!” It was so stark and brutal and my first instinct was to tell him to fuck off and block. Instead, I politely replied that if he only plays bareback, he may shag someone not as upfront as I am - if he hasn’t already done do - and may possibly have reason to reconsider his attitude in the future. And then I blocked.
    5 points
  4. Chapter 12 I looked at my new friend and grinned. "So I didnt catch your name?" "My name is Dale." "Well Dale since my son here wants to be a giant asshole. I think he deserves to be treated like one and destroyed." I guided Dale's cock to my son's face. "Son see that drip right there. That's a combo of gonno and the clap. I am going to make sure before tonight is done you end up with all this flowing through ur veins. First choice son open ur mouth and suck him or face ur first consequence." Austin kept his mouth closed and was shaking his head no. "Alright, you asked for it. Back up a little dale" and with that I took his eyelids and opened them up and shook Dales cock so a droplet went right into Austin's eye. Austin yelled out. I laughed, "oh look at the little asshole not so brave now. You going to be a good boy and put that diseased cock in your mouth." Then Austin just opened his mouth and Dale put his dick to Austin's lips. "Good choice son. Suck that diseased cock. Suck it right out and let it enter you. You're such a whore letting Dale destroy you. I dont think I can contain myself much longer son." Then I thought screw it I already dropped one load into him. Why not a second one? Then I just rammed my cock into him. He had a muffled yelp, but Dale's cock made it hard for him to make much noise. Dale started to pull out of Austin's mouth. "no make him keep sucking that death stick." "I can't the fact ur pozzing ur son a second time will send me over the edge to fast with him suck on me. Plus i want to let another droplet form again so we can share more with him." I bent down and started kissing Austin. Telling him how pathetic he is and how nobody is going to want him after tonight so he better make a good impression. He instantly started going, "Yeah, dad make me a good boy. Give me that poz cum. Give me what I need." "Fuck son. You're such a good little whore." "Dad can you kiss me as you fill me again with that poz cum?" "Sure." I bent down and started kissing him because my balls were ready to explode. I had the biggest load ever. It felt like it just kept shooting and didn't want to stop. I eventually pulled out of him. "Hey wanna help me with this droplet." "Sure where did you have in mind?" "Take his dick there and spread that piss slit." I grabbed Austin's cock, which was hard and said, "what do you say boy?" "Please share that droplet with my cock. I need it." I spread his piss slit and touch Dale's cock to the piss slit. The droplet does right to my son. Dale goes, "Fuck that's so hot. I gotta fuck him now and load him up with my cum. Austin I have a very high viral load too." "That's fine. I want your load in me. Dad, will you kiss me while Dale fucks me?" "Sure, son." With that I went right to my sons face and told him what a good boy he's turning out to be and we kissed. Dale was right he was turned on for sure and it didn't take him long before he started grunting and unloading into my son. My son thank him and Dale said, "I think this has been the hottest experience i've ever had." Then he left. I looked around and almost forgot about Duke or anyone else being here. Let me know if you think I should continue....
    5 points
  5. Part 2 - Where It Began His words came out of nowhere and Alex was too young to understand what his brother was talking about. It was the second day in a row that Alden had been taken off to private lessons leaving Alex with Greta the governess to continue his education. On his return today though he pushed Alex out of the way and called him 'The Spare' then laughed running off to his room. The following day in lesson Alex asked Greta what those words meant, she tried to explain in as gentle way as possible. From that day on he knew his brother was destined to be king and he would just be a prince for the rest of his life. Alex would often pass by the private room where Alden was being coached to accept his role in life. Alex knew his brother and he didn't fail to impress when he lost his temper with the royal courtiers teaching him in constitutional matters. It was only after a couple of months had passed that Alex fully realised how lucky he was to be spared all of this and how easy he had things in comparison. Only on casual royal visits did the princes accompany the King and Queen, for the most part they remained away from public eye in the Balenciaga Palace on the outskirts of the capital city of Victoria in the beautiful and affluent country of Monrovia. The brothers were very similar in looks and mannerisms when observed from a distance, once you go to know them the difference in their characteristics was plain to see. Alden more outgoing and the leader when they played jokes on the household staff, he was also very dependent on other people and at the same time he was a sharp observant individual. Alex was more independent and hated the household staff fussing over him all the time, definitely the brighter of the two brothers, kind hearted and not afraid to help others. The one thing Alex had in abundance was a warmth and natural ability to connect with anyone. Never once did he put a foot wrong with the governess and was eager to learn. It was no surprise to his parents that he came top of the class every year he was in military school. When the royal standard flew over the palace the gathered crowd of tourists knew that the monarch was in residence, many of them standing at the main gates with cameras held aloft just in case they spotted the royal family in the grounds. During the summer months it flew over Greenacres Palace the country residence of the royal family, set in the peaceful countryside of the Greenacres estate. The palace was smaller than the Balenciaga, apart from the summer residency the family would spend several long weekends here entertaining other royal families from across Europe. Alex still didn't get how they were all related through the generations stemming back from the British Victorian era. Being the peaceful nation that Monrovia was its many inhabitants were happy, prosperous and had a very dignified respect to their royal family. The love they had for the Dowager Queen Beatrice, mother of the reigning King, was celebrated each year by parties held in the grounds of the Balenciaga palace over the weekend nearest to her birthday. The highlight was seeing the Dowager Queen with her grandsons Alden and Alex. The people of Monrovia enjoyed a quality of life was in many ways superior to their neighbouring countries, everything from healthcare to education and liberation was celebrated. The current Governor Premier was openly gay, married and won the last election by a landslide victory. To the outside world the country was one of the most desirable places to live, their strict border controls were in place to protect the people of Monrovia and anyone entering the country to live was expected to show they had gainful employment or the means to live without requesting state funding. Throughout his childhood Alex knew they were a different family, popular and everyone bobbing when they entered a room or passed down a line. To the young prince it was all very funny and had no real understanding until he reached his teen years. At the age of sixteen Alex was sent to military school training following in his brothers footsteps, Monrovia did its part as members of NATO taking part of training exercises although it was one thing the prince never got to be part of during his 4 years there. During the later part of his time at military school the prince became increasingly self aware of his difference, that and the interest in male bodies that were nearly always naked around him in the dorm rooms or showers. There was a discreet amount of playfulness going on yet Alex was always too scared to touch anyone since he could not guarantee discretion on the other persons behalf. It was during his last year that the Duke of Eisenberg's son Erik collared the prince and they kissed and masturbated each other in the shower. It may have been just an innocent boyish fondle in exploration but it was enough to ignite a spark in Alex, a spark that the young prince knew was never going to be extinguished. Alex would never know that Eric had told the story of their sordid showering to Alden until a few years later during their biggest blow up. When Alex was due to leave military school the young prince was briefed that he would be appointed a valet and security detail in due course. At 20 years old Prince Alexander of Monrovia was a pretty decent sexy looking lad, standing five feet ten inches tall with brown hair and eyes, his body was quite athletic and generously proportioned. A nice muscle tone that he had worked up during military school allowed him to carry himself to great effect. The prince was definitely seen as bed worthy sex god and his impeccable manners had the girls he met cooing over him for his affection. Whilst Alden at 23 stood an inch taller and a more heavily set frame from his exercising and now in full military training, he was even more stunning than Alex and usually kept his hair neatly trimmed. Alex on the other hand let his hair grow out, it wasn't long by any means but it was just the right length to grab a handful to hold him still when he was getting fucked from behind. It was this that Jackson found more than stimulating when he was in bed with the prince. When you took everything away and just had Alex standing in front of you he was definitely a catch, a wicked personality that hardly ever shone unless he was in the company of someone he could trust. His parents were discreetly aware that Alex showed no interests in girls and when Alden would go on and on about girls Alex would simply roll his eyes and the check out of the conversation. A month before his first full official state visit Alex arrived back at the palace, he had attended several low key visits in the last few years albeit it was only a brief appearance and quite frankly he could do without the one coming up, this one was a full blown state visit and all the regalia that entailed. It was hard going for him, so much standing and talking, pretending to be interested when all he wanted to do was hide away in his private quarters in the south wing of the palace, having only moved in to them two months ago he hadn't had much chance to spend time there. He was getting older and no longer needed a governess, just like his brother for his 20th birthday he was appointed his own suite of rooms or royal apartment as it was called in the palaces private quarters. His brother was in the west wing occupying the rooms next to the Dowager Queen, their parents had the entire east wing which was also where Alex and Alden had grown up. The north wing or central part of the palace contained all the state and ceremonial rooms along with visiting dignitaries accommodation. The private quarters were still magnificent in space and luxury, importantly they afforded privacy away from public glare. The royal families quarters were all on the first floor with a formal dining, lounge and reception rooms on the ground floor opening up in to the gardens in the east wing. The majority of the ground floor was were the offices and household staff quarters were located. Alex walked part way with his mother to his quarters having a quick catch up and reminding him to be in the downstairs reception room at 3pm for his meeting with the head of the household and his new valet. The Queen laughed watching her son rolling his eyes and glancing at her, he knew better than to question the decisions being made knowing it was happening no matter what he said. Alex kissed his mother on each cheek then bowed his head as she left him, there were still some protocols he learned that had to be respected, after all his parents were the King and Queen. Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt Alex arrived at the doors to the reception room at 3pm on the dot, the footman opened the door and announced his arrival 'His Royal Highness Prince Alexander', Alex walked in seeing Major Lipscombe standing there next to a sexy looking man dressed in a grey morning suite with white shirt and grey tie. The more Alex looked at the man the more he was warming to the idea of having a valet, he certainly looked well built under the suit and stood just marginally taller than himself. "Your royal highness" Lipscombe said bowing his head, "Welcome back home". Alex nodded then the man spoke "Your royal highness" he said then slowly bowed his head. "Your highness may I introduce Jackson who is appointed as your valet" Lipscombe said. Jackson bowed his head. "Jackson trained as Lord Denholm's valet" Lipscombe informed him. Alex looked at Jackson "How long have you been here in the palace?" he asked. "Almost six months your highness, I have been trained by the Kings valet" Jackson replied with respect. "Your protection officer finishes his palace training in 4 weeks and will be assigned to you then your highness" Lipscombe now told him. Alex let out a small sigh "Is it really necessary?" he asked looking at Lipscombe. "Yes your highness, royal protocol dictates..." Lipscombe started saying. Alex stopped him "Blah blah, yes I know, protocol this, protocol that" he said exasperated. Alex noticed Jackson trying to stop himself smiling, "Something amusing Jackson?" he asked. "No your highness" Jackson replied fighting his urge to smile. Alex smiled at Jackson "Be in my quarters at 6pm then" he said then turned and left the room. Jackson looked at Lipscombe "Is he always like that?" he asked. Lipscombe scowled at Jackson "He, Prince Alexander is a very nice young man, misguided a little but none the less he is a prince". "Of course sir, I didn't mean anything by that" Jackson said apologising. "The Prince needs a lot of training Jackson, he needs to tow the line and stop fighting at every turn" Lipscombe said. Jackson looked at him "I guess by your tone you don't like him" he said confronting Lipscombe. Lipscombe glared at Jackson "Just do your job" he said in an unfriendly tone. "You may go Jackson" Lipscombe said dismissing him, "6pm in the prince's quarters". Jackson didn't have to show any protocol to Lipscombe so he could walk out of the room facing away from him. Personally he thought Major Lipscombe was a nasty piece of work and couldn't work out whose pocket he was in to secure his position as head of the household. Jackson had designs on progressing up the chain and wanted the majors position. At 30 Jackson came from a civil background and fought off hundreds of applications when the palace advertised for a valet position. Residing with Lord Denholm who had employed Jackson from the age of 18 and trained him well, quickly he learnt the ropes of how a noble household was run. With strawberry blond hair and brown eyes he was quite a looker, his body was relatively smooth and well tuned from years of working out in the private gym at the Denholm's mansion. Jackson was gay and this part of his life he never broadcasted around the palace, his sexuality was no secret and for the most part he kept a low profile refusing advances from a couple of the other gay household staff. His involvement with the butler at the Denholm's had been a disaster of a relationship over several years and was partly what drove him to leave. Completely put off of from getting serious with guys he chose random anonymous men for pleasure. Inside work Jackson was devoted to his career and abided by all protocols that members of the royal household must adhere to including a non-disclosure agreement or gagging order as most of the staff preferred to call it. Jackson was one of the elite group that spent time close to their member of the royal family, even Major Lipscombe was not privy to this world as it was behind closed doors. Dead on 6pm Jackson walked in to the small pantry area from the staff passage way and knocked on the door to the lounge of Prince Alexander's quarters, slowly opening the door he walked in. "Your here then!" Alex said coming in to the lounge and checking Jackson out properly for the first time "Good evening your highness" Jackson said bowing his head. Alex smirked trying to keep himself together "Well come on then let's get this over with". Jackson followed Alex in the dressing room "Has your highness decided what to wear?" he asked. Alex turned and looked Jackson up and down "No his highness has not. Undress me" he ordered trying to keep a straight face. Jackson bowed then stepped forward and reached up to unfasten the buttons of the prince's polo shirt. It was the first time Alex caught the male scent of Jackson standing so intimately close, he closed his eyes inhaling quietly but deeply and getting lost in a world of erotic fantasy. "Your highness, may I?" Jackson spoke and Alex opened his eyes forgetting where he was. "What?" Alex replied, "Oh yes of course" he replied lifting his arms up. Alex couldn't help letting out a moan as Jackson wrestled with his shorts "Careful!" he said. Alex could tell Jackson was trying to stop giggling, "Mind the crown jewels" Alex said. "Excuse me one moment your highness" Jackson said backing off and trying to cough the laugh out. "When you have finished you can run me a bath" Alex said putting on a bath robe. Jackson nodded "Of course your highness" he watched Alex dropping his underwear. "Catch" Alex said flicking his under wear up on his foot in the air. Jackson reached out catching them effortlessly, "Well done!" Alex said smirking at him. Jackson could see a very mischievous person under the prince's outer exterior, he smiled and bowed putting the underwear in the dirty laundry basket and went off to run the bath for his prince. Alex went through his clothes looking for something to wear for dinner, fortunately it was just family so it required nothing fancy, he was finding it hard to concentrate knowing he was curious and incredibly turned on by his valet, he understood roughly what valets did but he was about to push this further entering the bathroom. Jackson had taken his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves to stop himself getting wet, Alex stood there naked and waiting casually leaning back against the marbled wall. Jackson turned opening his eyes widely "Your highness" he said gesturing to the bath. Alex walked past and climbed in to the bath "Would you like to wash me?" he asked. Jackson hesitated a moment. "In fact I order you to wash me!" Alex said sitting in the bath. "Yes your highness" Jackson replied, "Will your highness require all of you washed?". Alex smirked "When I trust you then you may wash the crown jewels" he replied giggling. Jackson smiled shaking his head, it didn't take long for Jackson to notice that the prince was sporting an underwater boner and this in turn was causing his cock to stir and had him thinking of all the things he would love to do to the prince. There was never any indication that the prince was bi or gay, it was confusing to Jackson figuring out the signals if there was flirting or just the prince being himself. Nowadays there was no need for secret signals or discreet meets in bushes late at night, being gay was an acceptable part of life across many countries and especially here in Monrovia. The only problem with this was you could never really tell them apart as straight men had become more metrosexual in their attitude and mannerisms. The prince laid back resting his head against the end of the bath staring at Jackson. "You are my first you know" Alex said keeping his eyes focused on Jackson. Jackson glanced at him "I hope you will guide me to things you like your highness" he replied. Alex closed his eyes "Why?" he asked, "Aren't you suppose to anticipate my needs before I know I need them?". "Of course your highness" Jackson replied, "As I get to know you it will fall in to place". Alex smiled and opened one eye "Jackson, drop the highness thing it is so tedious". Jackson stopped washing Alex's leg "I do not think that is wise your highness" he said. "Protocol when other people are around" Alex said looking at him, "When it is us be normal with me". Jackson smiled and nodded "And what do you propose I call you, when it is us?" he asked. "Alex" Alex replied then smiled, "If you dare of course" he added opening one eye again. Jackson saw that twinkle in his eyes "Oh I dare" he said flicking water at Alex. Alex chuckled "I could have you thrown in jail for doing that" he said smirking broadly. "Is that so, then who would catch the royal underwear when you flick them off?" Jackson asked. Alex grinned with his eyes closed "Fuck you!" he said in a soft tone. Jackson tutted and pinched the prince's toe "That is no way for a prince to behave" he said amused. Alex opened his eyes and caught Jackson's "I am serious Jackson, be normal with me". He stared at the prince "I will try but it is who you are" Jackson reminded him. "I know, I just want normal conversation, someone I can feel relaxed around in private" Alex said. Jackson stood and held open a towel "Come on shrimp get out of the bath!" he ordered. Alex poked his tongue out and stood up "How brave of you" he said, "Now dry me". Jackson laughed and threw the towel at him "Do it yourself". Alex threw him a look making Jackson laugh, he was nervous about this whole idea of treating the prince normally and rightly so. It wasn't like the prince had been hidden away from public view, the royal family were very careful to shield the boys as they grew up so not a whole lot was known about Prince Alexander. In the space of an hour Jackson had discovered a very bright, genuinely funny and nice guy hidden inside. Combined with his looks they all equalled dangerous traits that Jackson liked in a man. With the prince dressed and leaving, Jackson tidied up in the dressing room and bathroom then went down the servants passage way to get his dinner. "Jackson" Lipscombe called from his office as he passed by. Jackson stuck his head in the door "Yes" he replied. "Come in" Lipscombe said, "Sit, so tell me how it went?" he asked. Jackson chuckled sitting down "Well I think his highness needs whipping in to shape" he said. Lipscombe smiled "Prince Alexander can be a little tyrant he likes to do things his way". "Yes I got that impression" Jackson replied, "And my god he talks!, wouldn't shut up". Lipscombe raised an eyebrow "Really?" he said smiling, "Well that's a start I guess". Jackson nodded "Major, he did ask that I talk to him normally in private" he explained. Lipscombe sat pensive for a moment "Retain correct protocol when in public and do not overstep the mark" he said. "Of course" Jackson replied in a matter of fact manner. "Good" Lipscombe said, "And I expect you to be my eyes and ears with the prince in return". Jackson raised an eyebrow "Certainly not" he replied causing Lipscombe to glare at him. "Jackson do not cross me" Lipscombe said sounding serious, "You will keep me informed of what goes on". Jackson stood "I will tell you what I think you need to know and nothing more" he replied. Jackson left the office with absolutely no intention of telling Lipscombe anything that went on between the prince and himself, only what he thought would be useful for him to know. He knew enough about the trust that had to exist between valet and master and his liking of the prince so far would go very far in keeping his lips tightly shut. A few days passed by where nothing untoward happened, Alex was enjoying the time he spent with Jackson and they would gossip about the other staff and Prince Alden and his girlfriend Princess Elethera whom Alex didn't care much for. Jackson confirmed that many of the staff agreed with Alex's conclusion that Elethera was after a crown, and the crown of Monrovia was very desirable. By the fourth evening Alex was returning to his quarters a little tipsy from drinking wine at the dinner where his parents were hosting Princess Elethera and her family for a few days. Besides Elethra and her parents the Sovereign Prince Andreas was also staying at the palace. At 30 years old and next in line to the Hellenic throne, he made Alden look like a mouse compared to his attitude, demands and complete arrogance. Alex disliked him from the word go, despite his very Greek looks which were stunning to say the least. His dislike went so far it upset his father the King when he outright refused to chaperone him then eventually they negotiated an agreement to keep him entertained during the day and at dinner. "You don't look very happy Alex" Jackson said walking in to the dressing room. Alex turned to him "That prince is a dick, I really don't like him" he replied. Jackson shook his head. "Dinner was awful and he looks down at me" Alex complained bitterly. Jackson undid the buttons on Alex's shirt "Stop complaining he will be gone soon" Jackson said. Alex could feel Jackson's breath on his cheek "Do not tell me what to do" he replied smirking. "Why?" Jackson asked looking at him inches from his face, "I thought you wanted to be treated like a commoner". His words were left hanging in the air before Alex replied "I do" he replied softly. Alex felt his shirt falling away from his body and stood staring in to the mirror, a strange but unhappy look was etched across his face. Jackson stopped and watched the sad expression on his prince. Jackson slipped momentarily and stepped forward putting a hand on Alex shoulder rubbing it very gently. The prince stared in mirror at Jackson's reflection like he was about to break down, it was like Jackson knew and he gently put his arms around the prince comforting him. In turn Alex leaned back accepting the welcome embrace, he then turned around to face Jackson. Unsure what was driving this Alex leaned forward and his lips touched lightly against Jackson's before he realised what he was doing and pulled back apologising profusely. Jackson stood there smiling with his head cocked to one side, his prince didn't need to say anything and Jackson dropped his professional manner feeling this was the right thing to do. Slowly he put his arms around Alex and gently hugged him again. Alex raised his arms and encircled them around the valet, his hold was much tighter and he rested his head on the shoulder of Jackson. His suspicions confirmed by Alex reacting this way yet he could also tell the prince was scared to invoke anything further. Alex took the scent of Jackson in and he felt an incredible sense of comfort, he knew this was wrong and breaking almost every rule in the royal protocol book by overstepping the mark but he couldn't deny his attraction to Jackson was increasing second by second. Almost in unison they moved their heads until their lips touched again momentarily. Jackson let out a desperate sigh "This is wrong I am sorry" he said trying to move away. Alex held on to him "Please, I need this" he said almost tearing up. Jackson hugged him tightly again "I would do anything for you Alex please know that" he said. They stood alone in the dressing room, his valet holding him and giving the young prince some much needed companionship. Jackson's head was in turmoil yet he couldn't and didn't want to let go of the prince. Alex was unfolding before Jackson's eyes, the young prince had shown his sexuality for the first time inside the palace. His hold was tight in a comforting way and he whispered to Alex 'You can trust me Alex, nothing goes outside of these rooms'. Alex lifted his head and looked at Jackson nodding, he wanted nothing more than to be taken to bed by him and was mustering up the courage to go through with it, slightly disappointed he was lead in to the bedroom where Jackson put him to bed and wished the prince a good night. The silence and stillness of his surroundings only compounded to the loneliness he was feeling.
    5 points
  6. I entered their room, I've never been inside. it felt like a club, LED lights around the ceiling and corners, a nice big TV, and a huge bed. Stephen was in bed alright, slowly stroking, a porn compilation was playing on the huge television. I walked up to the edge of the bed and without looking at me Stephen pointed down to his cock. I climbed onto the bed and crawled to him replacing his hand with my mouth on his cock, my ass facing their bathroom. Stephens hand wrapped around the back of my head and he guided me up and down, moaning. I heard the bathroom door open and Cory dove into my ass with his tongue, it felt amazing. I wanted Cory to stick his cock in my ass already, but I knew Stephen would be going first. I was right. Stephen pulled my head off his cock and up to him, "Ride me". As I climbed onto him he reached over, pumped lube into his hand, then onto his cock and reached under my balls and shoved 1 finger into my ass, moving it around. I placed his cock at the entrance and slowly sat down, it would go in a bit, and my ass would start to reject it, so I'd start over. All of a sudden a wash cloth was placed over my face, I gasped, getting a huge whiff of some odd chemical, I immediately got dizzy. "Fuck is this chloroform?" I thought to myself. My ass loosened and his cock sunk deep into my ass, my mouth opened, and I took even more of the chemical into my lungs. I didn't pass out, instead my head was swirling and throbbing. I heard Stephen say, "Ride it bitch, make me cum." I slowly worked his cock as I've seen countless girls do in porn. I felt Corey's hand wrap around my cock from behind, his dick was in between my ass cheeks. This was the most pleasure I've experienced when it comes to sex. Corey's hand is no pussy but the combination of all of this was driving me wild. "Do you want to cum?" Stephen asked, taking over for Corey. I nodded. He slapped my cock, reached up and grabbed my throat pulling me down to him. "Do you want to cum?" he asked again. "Yes Sir" "Good straight boy, or are you our secret little faggot" I nodded again, my head throbbing. "Say it!" "I'm your secret little faggot" "Corey didn't hear you" As I went to say it louder the rag was placed over my mouth again, there was a different smell, a familiar one. My head swirled some more. "Earn it, if you want to cum" Stephen said letting go of my throat. I rode his cock as best I could, it never slipped out and he started meeting my movement, I lost track of Corey. "That's it, that's it." he said through gritted teeth. His hands grabbed my ass and shoved me down onto his cock as deep as it goes as he moaned and lurched, I couldn't feel the cum but I could feel the base of his cock tensing up. Stephen reached up and grabbed my throat again pulling me down to him, bringing me in for a kiss. Our tongues danced and traded saliva as he moaned. I felt what assumed to be Corey's cock at the entrance to my ass. He pressed it in, Stephens cock was still in there. I gasped into Stephens mouth, his cock popped out, and Corey took over really pounding my ass. His hands gripped onto my hips and he kept a steady pace. It wasn't long until he filled my ass with his cum as well. Stephen ended the kiss pulled me past next to his head. "We're thirsty, go pick us up something." he said into my ear. A large plug was being pressed into my ass. "Our cum stays in you." Corey finished getting the plug in and slapped my ass. "Light blue Gatorade please, lemon lime for yourself". He gave me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I changed in front of them in a cum drunk poppered up daze. I grabbed my keys, phone and mask from the front room and headed to 7-11. I picked up the Gatorades and 1 for Katie as well. As I was purchasing them, and hand pinched my ass. I jumped slightly and turned around. Standing right behind me was Thomas. "FUCK" I thought. Thomas laughed and was holding an unsuspecting twink in his arm, they were buying condoms and beer, but I could smell the alcohol through my mask. "Join us tonight, your ass felt amazing" He said reaching out for me. "No thanks," I said dodging his hand. This poor kid isn't going to be fucked using those condoms tonight. Thomas laughed and as he slapped my ass I felt his hand hit the plug. And from his reaction, he knew what he hit. "Damn, come on you slut, I'm more fun than that plug." I grabbed the bag of drinks and snacks and bolted out of the 7-11 to Thomas laughing and a few others checking me out. I rushed home, gave the drinks to Stephen and Corey, changed and went to bed after drinking a whole water bottle and half the Gatorade. The plug stayed at their request.
    4 points
  7. While Rick was breeding Javiers tight little butt I had to be careful as to not cum in Javier's mouth...so I stopped him and said let me get under you and suck on your cock a bit so, this way I can see Rick's beautiful uncut cock going in/out of Javier's fuckhole.....So we switched Javier wanted to continue sucking me but I said No i dont want to cum in your mouth I want to save it for your hole. Oh it was a beautiful site watching my man's toxic cock going in/out of that tight little latin ass....I could see streaks of red on his cock as he continued to pump him harder and harder....Soon he was screaming out "BOY HERE'S MY TOXIC CUM, IM GOING TO FLOOD YOUR FUCKING HOLE" I almost came as he said that and thrust his cock into that hole with a powerful punch.....I could feel the sweat dripping off of him and some of the cum as he pulled out of Javier's seeded hole....Javier got up off of me and stretched his legs, he was a bit wobbly after that but it was all good...Rick said DAMN boy you have a tight little fuck hole...Javier smiled back and said it's perfect for cocks to breed...Javier started to lay back on the bed, but I caught him and said whoa boy "it's my turn" with an evil grin...I let him lay on his back as I put his ankles on my shoulders and was able to easily slide my cock into that hungry cummy hole of his...It was good that Rick opened him up a bit and i used his cum and blood as my lube....I started out nice and slow getting used to his wet used hole on my hard toxic cock...But after a bit I picked up the pace and started riding his ass hard with a good rhythm. Oh he loved it and he started to play with my nipples lighly and rubbing them and then pinching them a bit....This sets me off and in now time I was shooting my toxic load up his neg ass....Oh it felt great to unload inside of him....
    4 points
  8. Fuck!!!!!!!! Went to a local sex party tonight...."Best party Ever 🍆💦🐷🤪!!" Got fucked and bred at least a dozen times...and even topped a couple of cute bottom boys!! Three parties cumming next month...I won't be able to walk!!!
    4 points
  9. "AAH!!!" Nate screamed as his hole was slamed again. Although this man was quite a bit smaler than Rogelio, nates abused ass was starting to feel the pain. Although Nate couldnt refuse. Everytime this man, who nate couldnt even see, hit his cum covered prostate, Nate purred like a kitten. The head of this new penis reminded Nate again and again, that he was in fact a sex slave to John. He looked over and saw Rogelio and John talking.He saw John and Rogelio shake hands, and then he saw Rogelio give John a large wad of cash. After a handshake and a kiss, John walked out of the shop. "What?" Nate's blurred mind thought.as another man came in his newly poz hole, causing his pussy cock to leak precum. Nate was grabbed byba bunch of people and turned around to see two guys laying on a bench. Their cocks pressed tightly together. Their legs intertwined. "C'mon slut." An elderly man said, who was fat and had a small cock. Nate was repulsed by him until he realized he had just been fucked by him. He sheepishly obeyed. He was picked up by two burly men and his ass cheeks were spread apart, letting out the loads of Rogelio and the ugly man. Nate felt a sad that Rogelio's load was leaving his body. A deep voice laughed behind him. "Don't worry, I bought you. You will have more of me in you. " 'What? John sold me?' Nate's mind raced to see what this meant as the crowd laughed at his cummy hole dripping on the two 6 inch cocks waiting to enter his hole. "This slut doesnt need any lube. Hes already to go!" A man cheered. "Hey, the slut will be used by Frenando and Albert and then the slut is done!" Rogelio shouted. Followed by a lot of groans. Nate closed his eyes as he was lowered onto the dicks. They felt huge. There was some resistance at first. Nate's anal walls screaming as they were expanding, and then he sliped as his feet were placed on the bench, Nate screamed in pleasure at the happy accident. He had swallowed both cocks into his ass, his prostate was screaming in pleasure causing nate to leak prostate liquid on the floor of the store. The two men penetrating him moaned in pleasure. "Oh yeah bitch that feels nice..." The man who he assumed was Albert said. "AY PUTO! QUE BIEN!" screamed the man who Nate assumed was Fernando. Nate then stated to lightly moan as he slowly put his feet on the bench, pushing the cocks further into his hungry hole. Nate then slowly started to lift his hips, a move he learned was called reverse cowgirl, or cowboy in his case. Nate moaned in pleasure as the precum of the cocks cause his hole to be further lubricated, after a minute his hole had adjusted and Nate went faster and faster slaming his hole onto the two cocks. Nate didnt notice, but he was smiling bigger than the Cheshire cat himself. Rogelio noticed this and moved closer to nate and kissed him. Nates eyes instantly opened to find Rogelio's dark brown eyes staring back at him. Nate grabbed rogelio's face and started to kiss him with such passion, that Rogelio had to force nate back onto the cocks that he was trying to statisfy. Rogelio pulled nate off the bench and told the guys to get up. Rogelio then laid Nate on Fernando, who had a slightly bigger cock and lifter nate's legs into the air, as soon as Fernando had reentered Nate Rogelio motioned for Albert to enter as well. Nate moaned in bliss as Albert pounded Nate. "Enjoy that slut?" Rogelio asked. Nate quickly replied, "Yessir!" Rogelio smiled and smacked his cock on Nate's face. Nate tired to grab it with his tougne but Rogelio wouldnt give his cock to the hungry whore. Nate moaned and gave Rogelio a sad look. Rogelio grinned. Yes he had paid John a ton of money but it was going to be so worth having his own gringo slave. All of a sudden Fenando cried, "im cumming!" Cum spalsed against Nate's Prostate causing him to start to tigheten his hole, causing Albert to scream, "Here i cum, take that load bitch!" Nate was as hard as a rock and went to touch his cock when Rogelio firmly smack his hand. Rogelio grabbed nate and lifted him off the men. "Nate you are mine now. I have the pics of you, and made some more. Do as i say and go to the back of the store and walk up stairs. On the second right is a bathroom go shower." Rogelio said as he firmly smacked Nate's loose ass. "Yessir" Nate repiled dazily. "For the rest of you, you have had your fun with my slut now get out of my store." Rogelio told the crowd as they all groaned and Nate walked to the back of the store, complerly naked, him dripling down his hole and leg. Nate was now Poz he knew it. He grinned. He didnt like John really, yeah he was attractive but Rogelio. Damn Nate was going to have fun. Whats next for our pozzy church boy? --------- Sorry for the lateness of this post. I couldnt post for a while and then i couldnt get back into it. There should be another instalment shortly. Happy Fapping!
    4 points
  10. This just happened. A pretty hot guy I've seen on the apps before was on Grindr and right near my place. I pinged him and he pinged back. I invited him over to my place. He warned me he was sweaty from a walk. I hadn't cleaned out, so we weren't going there. I asked if he wanted head. He said sure, so he walked over. He was about my height, build and age and a stud. As soon as we got to my place, I got on my knees and he dropped his shorts and pulled out a 6 inch cock. I went down on him and took him down my throat to the root. After about five minutes, he said, "Can I cum in your mouth?" I didn't say anything. Rather, I grabbed his rock hard ass and took his cock head down my throat just as I tasted a first volley of salty-bitter cum. After than I got his cock all the way in my throat and he shot about 6 more vollies. He said "Thanks" and left.
    3 points
  11. Chapter 13 I looked at the board next to Duke. There were well over 30 tallys. Someone had taken him out of the sling and taken his penis cage off. He was literally on all 4 hours with one cock in his mouth and another up his ass. He seemed like he was in heaven. I got a little closer so I could see his hole. He definitely was dripping cum everywhere from it and his once tight hole was no more. I figured I should egg on Duke's fun and shouted, "Do we think he's ready for some DP yet?" the crowd shouted, "yes". I figured if he could start working 3 cocks at a time it would allow him to rest sooner. I was so impressed with how he was letting guys just do whatever they wanted to him. He had a bunch of hickies, someone wrote the word 'faggot' on his forehead in marker, and his nipple rings were definitely irritating his nipples you could see how sore and tender they appeared. One thing I didn't notice was anyone feeding him some piss and I was needing to go. I went up to him and told the guy excuse me but I needed his mouth for a moment. The guy stepped aside. Duke put my cock in his mouth just like old times and I looked down and told him to drink every drop. Then I let my stream go. He drank every drop like a pro. "Hey guys, he's a little dehydrated I think. Don't forget to fill his stomach with your piss too." I looked back over to my son.... He was only at about 15 loads. I saw my owner taking him down off the sling and leading him to the rear entrance. I was confused and went to follow. My owner stepped in front of me. "Don't worry about him right now. He wasn't drawing nearly the crowd I had hoped because he's still learning his role. So I made a deal with a couple of guys for him." "What deal did you make?" "Well they are going to introduce him to Tina and then he and his group of buddies are going to gang bang him." "no, that's not right. I never signed up for drugs. That's not right." "Yeah, it is right. They paid me $500 to be able to take him to their van for 90 minutes. Plus they are supplying the T. Just think how much of a whore he will become if he gets hooked on that. He doesn't seem as into this as Duke for there. This is exactly what is needed." I knew arguing would be worthless so instead, "So I am getting half that money right?" "Hell Ill give you 80% and you decide how you want to share it with these boys and yourself. We have made over $5000 on them already tonight and it's only been 4 hours." I looked around there were easily 20 or so guys still in the room waiting for some fun. I hoped Duke would be able to keep it up. This would be hard even for more. "wow, we have made a lot. Do you think they would find if I go sneak a peek of them using Austin?" "Probably not, they may even want you to add another load to his pathetic hole." On that note I headed for the side door.
    3 points
  12. There’s a new guy at work, works in a different department in the building next to where I work. I see him from time to time and we’re always catching each other checking us out. We held gazes at each other to the point that the girl in the cubicle next to mine’s has noticed. But every time I approach, it’s all small talk and he quietly backs off. I’m persistent, though, as he’s very fuckable and has an adorable smile. He’s a real lanky, 6 ft something, light skinned black guy, late 20s, buzz cut, cute face in a Trevor Noah kind of way. Anyway, we bump into each other in a meeting and we get to talking afterwards, decide to meet up for drinks at a bistro near his place the next evening. Meet him there and we click, social lubrication helps a lot. He mentions that COVID put a crimp on his sex life, especially since he moved here mid-pandemic and hasn’t gotten laid since arriving. I tell him that I maybe able to help him with that. He grins and we walk back to his place. As soon as we step in the door, I undo his pants and yank in down. His semi hard cock leaps out of his boxer briefs and is already drooling precum. I squat down and push him against the wall while I get to work with my mouth, throat, and hands. After several minutes, we make our way to the bedroom and get naked. We get into 69 position and he tongues my hole and fingers it while I continue to deprive myself of air by gagging on his dick. I start to straddle him and ask if he has lube handy. He tells me that he does, but is afraid to fuck because he doesn’t have any condoms. I reply with that I’m cool going raw but he insists that he doesn’t wanna hit it bare. I shrug and tell him ok, and proceed to kinda ignore his dick, concentrating more on his balls and taint. I can tell he’s getting a lil frustrated and says, “Ahhhhh fuck it.” He pushes me on my stomach and mutters a half hearted “You’re clean, right?” but before I could even answer, I hear him rifle through this nightstand. He puts the nozzle of the lube bottle on my hole and gives it a few pumps. I massage it in me as he lubes his dick. He places his dick at the entrance of my boi-pussy and leans into it. I hear him gasp as he sinks in balls deep in less than a second, probably surprised at how it took little effort to get in me. He had some very decent meat on him, at least 8 inches, since he bottomed out in me with a couple of inches to spare. He starts pounding me hard, hitting the inside of my guts. I wanted to try and get him into the groove and slip into my s-curve but before I knew it, he blew his load deep in me. He slowed his pace but I swear it took him a full minute to unload his balls. He nut felt hot in my guts. He pushed his now semihard cock fully into me and collapsed. I think he past out for a bit and I just savored the feeling of his dick me me. I then start to feel him kissing and licking my neck and the pulse in his cock start to make him erect again. He got on his knees and grabbed me by my hips and pulled my ass up to his crotch. I kept my head down but arched my back. Again he fucked me hard and fast, his dick bottoming out with each thrust. We change positions, me on my back, and resume fucking. I grab the back of both my knees and pull it into my shoulders. Now he finally had the angle to slip into me balls deep. The new found sensation to go so deep drove him wild. Within a few minutes, he busted his second load in me. The look on his face was priceless: eyes rolled back until only the whites showed, mouth agape, uttering grunts and single syllable curse words. After a few moments, he unknotted his dick from me and fell on his back onto the bed. His breathing was hard and he glistened in sweat. I roll over, grab his still erect cock by the base, and proceed to give him an achingly slow blow job. He tries to push me off, probably because his dick is hypersensitive, but I lock my lips and stroke my tongue along the glans of his cock head. His body jerked and convulsed as I got his dick deeper down my throat as I played with and squeezed his balls. Within a minute, I was able to coax one last load out of him. I felt his cock spasm in my mouth but not much came out, a lot less than the cum that was leaking out of my hole and down my insides of my thighs. I knew he was fully spent and Incompletely drained his balls. He now comes by my office a lot more. He’ll even grab my ass or give me a kiss when (I hope) no one is looking. We’re supposed to hook up again this up coming weekend. Wondering if this is gonna be a regular thing.
    3 points
  13. Never skip leg days at the gym. Lots of squats, lunges, and power jumps. They really build your quads and gluteus for those long haul riding sessions, plus they make that booty firm and look fine AF. Oh, and don’t forget core work outs, too. As for riding, especially on a couch, have him scoot his ass forward until it is nearly off the edge of the cushions so you can plant your feet on the ground to bounce. Reverse cowboy works well, if his legal are spread apart. Your can lean forward a bit and place your hands on his knees to give you an assist when you feel that burn in your legs. If you’re in regular cowboy, straddle his hips with your knees and grab the back of the couch for support. And if his dick is as long and fat as you say, get that meat pushed past your s-curve and grind in a circular motion.This one works well if you’re in reverse cowboy, inside his legs. Happy Riding!
    3 points
  14. Their wives don’t fuck them. And you’re a whore who’s never going to say no. Easy.
    3 points
  15. Part 4: Rogelio breeds nate. Nate gazed into Rogelio's deep brown eyes. Nate felt complete as Rogelio kissed Nate again. Nate allowed the forgein tounge to dominate him. Unlike John or the professor, Rogelio was tender with nate. Despite the jeers if the other customers Nate could only hear and see Rogelio. The smacking of nates lips agains rogelio's. Rogelio pulled off of nate's lips, lifted Nate's legs high in the air and then Rogelio bit Nates neck. With a soft sucking of rogelio giving Nate his first hickey, Rogelio's penis slowly entered Nate's hole, without any preparation. At first, Nate's hole resisted, because despite Rogelio being smaller than John, he was definitely thicker. Nate gave a high pitch groan. When rogelio was able to put the head of his penis in a miracle happened. Nate's hole started to wet itself. Nate had woken up various nights on his mission with a wetspot on his holy underwear, but always thought it was his body telling him to eat more vegerables. But Rogelio had somehow turned on his love button and caused Nate to leak clear fluid. Rogelio smiled as he then was able to shove the rest of his thick cock into Nate. Nate's pussyboy moans filled the store. Causing the crowd to fall silent. Rogelio then started to twist Nate's nipples, causing his mlans to grow louder. "Oh yes rogelio!" Nate moand. "Fuck me harder please sir!" Nate begged. Rogelio grinned as he kissed Nate's nipple and slowly, excuciatingly slowly, stared to pump his own penis in and out of Nate's hole. Up and down Nate's prostate. Rogelio then grasped two hands over Nate's throat and held tightly, but loose enough for nate to breathe. And then the real show began. The wild latino then kicked into high gear. His cock filling Nate with pride and joy. Nate's girlish slutty cries grew louder but more incoherent. "Oh fuck! Yessir! Oh god yeah!!" Rogelio matched Nate's energy. "Yes, good slut. Nice and wet and tight for papi rogelio!" Rogelio huge cock filled Nate's hole.Rogelio started to grunt like an angry ape. Which made Nate even hornier. Rogelio smiled as he saw Nate precum from his cock. "Yes boi. Time for you to be a poz slut!" Rogelio grunted. Rogelio grasped Nate's pussycock and started to jack it off. Which drove Nate over the edge. Nate exploded with cum all over his chest and new crop top. Nate's hole tightened around Rogelio's cock. Rogelio smiled. "Get up. You arent getting off that easily." Rogelio pulled out pulled Nate's crop top off and threw it to the adoring crowd. Rogelio then grabbed nate and made Nate wrap his arms.and legs around Rogelios superdefined chest and abs. Rogelio then slipped back in the hole and wildly start to fuck Nate, while walking into the crowd. Nate's post nut cries were louder and more feminine. Somehow this turned on the crowd more as Nate felt the crowd feel him and Rogelio. Then nate felt rogelio's cock grow inside him. Almost bursting his anal walls. "YES BITCH, TAKE MY POZ LOAD!! TAKE IT!" Rogelio cried as he filled Nate. Nate hardly had time to recover when Rogelio passed Nate off to the crowd. Which Nate had noticed for the first time were totally naked. Rogelio kissed Nate and Nate kissed passionately back as his anus accepeted his next visitor.
    3 points
  16. Part 3 Nate got up from the bed. The professor was quickly getting dressed. Nate walked over to his dressed and pulled out his holy white Mormon underwear. How could he wear it now. It wasnt him anymore. SMACK! Nate yelped as his ass was slapped hard by the professor. "Who gave you permission to pick out your outfit, slut?" The professor grunted Nate stared in shock. The professor continued. "You no longer have control of your body. You agreed. Master John left me in charge. Find me your shortest shorts and smallest t shirt. And hurry." Nate hurried and grabbed his 4 inch running shorts from when he did track back in high school, and an old cut off t shirt from track as well. He brought them to the professor for insoection. "Would this work?" The professor grunted. "It'll have to do. We are going shopping anyways. Put them on. We leave in 2 minutes." Nate quickly dressed. The shirt barely covered his pecs and the shorts were a size too small, his butt was on display for all to see. Nate heard the professor chuckle. " yeah, this will do slut. This will do very well, a little too long for John's taste but very acceptable lets go." Nate went to reach for his phone and wallet when he got a slap on the ass again. "No. Come." Nate quickly put on a pair of tennis shoes and followed. He felt exposed in the early summer light. He no longer had the protection of the Holy underwear to ward off unwanted advances. He followed the professor to his car in the street and saw 5 men staring at him all smiling. Nate wasnt attracted to any of them but felt very self aware. The professor guided nate into the car and started to drive. They drove for about an hour in silence. Nate got the impression if he spoje he would get punished again, and while he found out he loved spankings he didnt want to get hard. They pulled up to a sketchy strip mall and he saw it. "AL'S GAY SEX SHOP" Nates blood went cold. Surprisingly John's truck was parked out front. Next to the sex shop was a spots clothing store. Nate had never heard of the name and didnt really care. He was shaking with anxiety again. What was happening.... What had he done? The professor ordered nate out of the care abd Nate complied. John smiled. "There he is. My smooth bitch boy. Thanks professor you may go." John walked up and grabbed nate by his shorts as the professir left. "Hmmm. Good boy." John grabbed nate by his neck and kissed him. His other hand roaming the newly shaved body he lifted up the shorts about two inches and turned nate around. "Hmm. Thats about right." John's hand went up the shorts and rubbed Nate's whole. Nate gave a high pitch moan. John gave a deep chuckle. "They are going to have so much fun with you. There are only 2 rules for you slut. 1. You cant say no to anyone sexually for the next 72 hours. That also includes school on Monday. Your last day. And 2. No condoms. You are a cumpig. Break either rule and everyone you love will know how much of a whore you really are." With a swift spank John lead nate into the clothing store. Nate nodded in agreement. "Of course sir." They walked into the clothing store. There must of been 20 men there and they were all staring at Nate. Nate looked for women but couldnt see any. Nate thought that was very strange. A 6'3 jacked latino wearing a muscle shirt and sweat pants. His 8 inch schlong waving as he walked up to john and nate. His Carmel skin enhanced his muscles, making Nate hard. Reminding him of the fellow missionaries he wish he had sex with. He presentsd himself in a thick Mexican accent, "Hi, my name is Rogelio. How can I help you today?" John answered, "i need to dress my slut." Nate's jaw dropped. Rogelio smiled. "Of course. What are you looking for?" Before nate could answer John smacked his thigh. "I need 7 pairs of 3 inch shorts, 7 muscle shirts and 4 crop tops if you have them." Rogelio grinned, "of course. Do you wabt a dressing room?" Nate's mind screamed yes! But john reflected for a moment. "No. I want to get the store discount today." Rogelio smiled, "I will give you 50 percent for public.viewing and 80 percent off if I get to have sex with him." John grinned "lets do 80 percent." Nate nearly fainted in horror as Rogelio grabbed nate's shorts and lead him to the center of the store. "Undress, puto." Nate did as he was told. The other men in the store gave Wolf whistles, loud compliments, and walked towards nate. Nate loved the attention he felt as he was naked, he was free. But his nerves made him soft. But before too long Rogelio reappeared with pastel colored shorts. They were all shorter than Nates shorts. He quickly put on a bright blue pastel. Rogelio whistled, "you pick them good John. Hmm. I may give what you want for free if i can keep him for the night." John chuckled. "I got some more training to do. Maybe next week." Next week? Nate thought he would be done Monday. His graduation was nexg week. Rogelio gave nate a small pink crop too to wear and it was so snug bate saw his nipple through his shirt. "Thats it. It all fits. Now i want my prize." Rogelio grinned at john. john nodded. "Ok, slut. Undress me." Rogelio stepped up on the stand and nate kneeled before him. Nate untied his shoes and took them off quickly as well as tve socks. Nate got hard as he ubdressed Rogelio which impressed the group watching as he felt a soft smack on his ass and john yelling at someone to wait his turn. Nate reached and pulled down the sweat pants, Rogelio's hard dick slapped Nates face causeing nate to smile. John and Rogelio shared a smile knowing, Nate was never going back in the closet again. Nate started to lick Rogelio's cock when he got a smack on his face. Nate looked sorrowfully up. Rogelio replied to the sad looking cockslut. " I said undress me. Bitch." Nate quickly obeyed pulling the sweatpants off of Rogelio and for good measure kissed his feet. Which tasted really good, like vanilla. Nate shook his head and stood up. Taking off the muscle shirt exposing the Mexican sex god in all of his glory. Rogelio smiled, and kissed nate deeply. Rogelio guided nate off the stand and over to the cash register desk. He motioned for nate to sit on the desk, which nate did like a good little pussyboy. Rogelio whispered in Nate's ear. "I have HIV. Does the bother you?" Nate said, "no sir". But it shook him to his core. Nate was a virgin 24 hours ago. He was now going to have HIV. Nate then smiled. He was free. He could do anything. Nate smiled as Rogelio told Nate to lay back and slipped him out of his new short shorts. ______________________________________________ Part 4 coming later tomorrow. Rogelio poz breeds Nate.
    3 points
  17. Hey guys. I decided to write another series. Currently, this series is meant to have 11 parts. One safe sex twink's journey to being a bareback bottom. He's 22 when we begin. It's 1999. He's grown up his whole life hearing nothing but safe sex lectures and only having sex with condoms, even with boyfriends. He has just finished college and started a job. He's 6' tall, 170 lbs, flat stomach (but he thinks he's too fat), runs and works out, blonde, curly floppy hair and blue eyes. He's hot and sexy (but he thinks he's average). Part 1 Matt is at his third bar of the night. This one is a club. Small, only gets started after 2am. Techno and EDM are blasting. Matt is in tight jeans and a shirt that hugs his pecs and shoulders. He's dancing. Drink in hand. Matt is drunk and having fun. Matt loves coming to this bar. He always hooks up here. Guys are drunk and horny. The music is sexy. Matt is usually on his back or doggy getting some guy's condom covered cock stuffed inside him by 5am. He loves coming here. Matt scans the room. His friends are dancing with him. Everyone is looking to hook up. He can feel that sexual energy. It makes Matt dance harder. A space opens on a box just in front of him. It's about 3 feet off the ground. Matt hops on and keeps dancing. Dancing above his friends now. The box is kinda crowded but not terribly. He can definitely move his hips. Looking around the room; Matt sees familiar faces. Guys who have fucked him. Guys he has made out with. Guys he has danced with previously. Guys he just knows from seeing their faces in the bars and clubs. There are a few guys Matt would love to go home with tonight. The red head with the rockin body; or the Latin guy with that sexy accent Matt spoke with in the line waiting to get in the club; or the dark haired, geek chic guy who is sexy as fuck. He's scanning the crowd. Enjoying what he sees. Matt let's loose to dance some more. A few minutes into dancing Matt feels a body next to his on the box. He looks at the guy. It's geek chic. Matt smiles. Geek chic smiles back. They dance together front to front. Geek chic turns Matt around. They grind together for a bit on the box. Matt feels the guy is hot for him. A cock is pressing on his ass. Matt grinds back on the cock. The guy gets harder. Geek's hands are all over Matt. Matt is feeling the guy behind him on his hips and legs. He feels more solid than he looks. Matt turns around and introduces himself. He doesn't catch the guy's name (too loud in the club). Matt says, "Let's get drinks." The two of them hop off the box and make it to one of the bars. The line is ridiculous, as always in the club, so it takes awhile to get drinks. The guys talk. Matt finds out the geek is a grad student, lives close by, and is versatile. The guy convinces Matt to undo his tight jeans so the guy can feel his ass. Matt does it. By the time Matt has ordered drinks, the geek has two fingers in Matt's ass. They kiss at the bar. The geek says, "finish your drink and lets fuck." Matt finishes his drink like a shot. So does the geek. They both say goodnight to their friends and it's off to the geek's place. Less than a 10 minute walk later, Matt is in the geek's apartment. Books everywhere, a decent view, and a mattress and box spring on the floor. The guys are so sweaty. It's August. The geek turns on the air conditioning, but it's a window unit. The geek takes off his shirt. Matt takes off his shirt. They kiss. Geek pushes Matt on the bed and clothes come off - shoes, socks, jeans, underwear. Matt thinks the geek is super sexy. The feeling is mutual. Matt is sucking the geek's cock. The geek is telling Matt he gives great head. The geek pulls Matt off his cock and rolls him onto his back. The geek gets Matt's legs up and is making out with Matt. Their cocks are sword fighting. The geek moves his cock between Matt's ass cheeks. Matt moans as the cock rubs his hole. Matt is going to get fucked soon. Matt looks over, condoms on the bookcase next to them, lube right there, he's comfortable. No worries here. The geek is a safe sex guy just like him. Matt kisses the geek hard. The geek and Matt reposition so the geek can make out with Matt and rub his cock all along Matt's ass crack and hole. Matt moans again. The geek'c cock is about 6.5" and thick. It's going to take a minute to adjust, or so Matt thinks. Matt knows he's tight. Guys tell him that all the time. Matt kisses the geek and the cock is rubbing his hole. They are so sweaty that the geek's sweat is dripping onto Matt. While they are kissing, it happens. The geek's cock slides right into Matt's ass half way. Matt and the geek are both surprised. Matt says, "Fuck that's never happened before." The geek slides in more. Matt grabs the geeks ass. The geek looks at Matt questioningly. Matt says, "keep fucking me." Geek fucks Matt good. Matt is moaning and grunting as his legs are on the geek's shoulders. Geek says, "My cock feels so good in you bareback." Matt says, "Keep fucking my ass." Geek fucks Matt so hard that Matt slides off the mattress onto the floor. Matt's ass is still up on the mattress, but his shoulders and neck are on the floor. He's looking up at the geek. The geek keeps fucking Matt. Matt is jerking his cock. The geek is sliding his cock all the way in and out of Matt's ass. Matt sees that cock has no condom on it every time the geek pulls it out. The geek keeps watching Matt as he is getting fucked. Matt is loving it. Matt is moaning like a slut now. Matt says, "No cock has ever felt this good in my ass." Geek says, "That's because I'm fucking your slut ass bareback." Matt says, "Feels so good." Geek fucks Matt a few minutes longer and cums deep in Matt's ass. Matt's eyes go wide. FUCK! A guy just came inside him bareback. The cums feels so warm. Matt's cock jerks in his hand and sprays cum all over his twink body and face. Matt and the geek get in bed together. They sleep together. Matt and the geek make out and Matt tries to fuck the geek bareback the next morning. The geek won't let him. Says he doesn't usually bareback. Matt says he doesn't either. Matt says the geek was his first bareback fuck. The geek doesn't believe Matt and Matt can see it on his face. The geek and Matt swap head. Matt swallows. The geek does not swallow. Matt goes home in the morning with the geek's cum still in his ass. Matt knows what he did with the geek was slutty and not safe. But Matt knows that he wants to get fucked bareback again. Matt tells himself he will just have to save bareback fucking for his next boyfriend. He swears he'll never fuck bareback again with a hookup.
    2 points
  18. Predators and prey Michael was a good boy. He was a good pupil and always listened to his parents. He helped old people in crossing the street and was involved in his church. And Michael believed in God. Still there was a dark secret hidden in this otherwise always friendly guy. Michael fantasized of being sexually dominated by men. His parents didn’t know he was gay. To the extent either of them thought about it, both his mother and father assumed he was shy with girls, but that eventually he would grow out of it. Neither ever considered Michael might be a dick-taking faggot. Now, at the age of 18, having received his driving license, Mike felt an overwhelming urge to get fucked. The urge grew from day to day. In his mind he was ripped open by one, two, three, sometimes even four guys. He wanted to serve them with his body. He instinctively knew his role was to be on the receiving end. Living in a small village, where everyone knew each other it was impossible for Mike to stare at the other boys. He was always keeping his little secret to himself and never gave anyone the opportunity to think otherwise of him. He was the cute Christian neighbor boy, who was saving himself for the right girl. “Mom?” “What is it” his mother yelled from the kitchen. “Can I borrow the car, please?” he asked politely. His mother came into the hall. It was almost 10:00 o’clock in the evening. "Why do you need the car at this hour," she asked. "I forgot a school book at a buddy's house and I need it for an upcoming exam," Michael explained. His mother trusted Michael in all of his action and although she was worried about him, driving in the dark he convinced her, that he needed the book urgently and would be back soon. Michael’s father died two year ago from cancer. Since then he was ‘the man’ in the house. His mother smiled to him and asked him to drive slowly and to be home soon. Michael took the keys from the table and told his mother he would return soon and that he might chat with his friend a bit. Michael never mentioned a name and his mother didn't think to ask which of Michael's friends. In any event off Michael went in his mother's car. Of course his destination was not a buddy's house, but rather a cruising lot where gays met to fuck each other. He read about the place on the internet. His destination was a parking lot which adjoined a nearby forest. As he drove into the parking lot, Michael thought "Now is the time to get some action." In the forum he read about the cruising area. It was well visited and people wrote about their sex encounters which made Mike always horny. He read about the option of being fucked bareback. Mike knew about condoms, but sex was never a subject at home. He knew condoms prevent a girl of becoming pregnant, but he was not a girl. Believe it or not, but Michael was unaware of the dangers of STD’s or HIV. This was just not part of his world and although he needed cock, he was also full of doubts, if the path he walked would lead him straight to hell. He had to drive quite some miles and in the back of his mind was hoping his mom didn’t check the mileage after all. Finally he arrived at his destination. It was almost 11:00 pm. There were several other cars parked in a big parking lot. Although the parking lot was officially a rest area, none of the cars were occupied with passengers. Mike was hard. He was wearing a tight blue jeans and a blue shirt with an imprint of his school, St. Barnabas. His heart was beating so fast. He thought it would burst inside of his chest. His jeans almost did anyway, showing a nice bulge, although Mike had not the biggest gun for sure. He opened the car door and exited the vehicle. He couldn’t see anyone although the moon was shining bright. Slowly he started walking towards the forest. He felt his ass tingle in excitement. Tonight he wanted to take cocks into his arse. He wouldn’t mind if some guys would use him and although he had dreams about the only one, he knew this was impossible for him. His was expected to get married one day and have a bunch of children. But he also had this needs and for tonight he would let guys be in charge of him and his young body. Michael entered the forest and suddenly saw a first couple engaged in sexual activities. He was so horny. This was the first time, he saw two guys actually doing something. One male was on his knees and was sucking a daddy type. The bearded hunk was around 40 and observed Michael instantly. Michael was actually looking shyly at the big cock of this dark haired top but was too afraid to stand still and start jerking or so. So he continued his way deeper into the darkness while the guy who had just focused on Mike pushed the sucker away and told him to fuck off. He had set his mind on this young twink, who was obviously the first time at such a place. Maybe he was a virgin. He closed his jeans and followed Michael. Other guys had also noticed the fresh meat and like predators they surrounded Michael eye-fucking the youngster. Michael was so excited. He had the feeling he wasn’t almost able to breathe. He passed some guys on his way through the woods. Deep voices reached out to him, enticing him with open invitations, such as “Hey there young one, need some hard dick?” And “What’s up, puppy? Looking for a daddy?” and again, “Hey boy, let me fuck your tight hole.” The sweet invitations to partake of debauchery of which Michael had only passing knowledge. He was too shy to reply, but he smiled cutely at all of them and was always looking at their big bulges and that was quite inviting for all of them. Another hunk actually stopped Michael by holding him by his shoulder and asked "Are you looking for some dick? We are all here to give it good to you. All you've gotta do is to spread your legs, you little cunt." Mike looked at the front of this guy's jeans. The buttons were open already and a thick cock was sticking out of his pants. Without a word the stud increased the pressure on Michael's shoulder and pressed him down onto his knees with the simple command "Suck." “I don’t know…how," Michael replied in a quiet, reserved whisper. “Are you a fucking virgin?” Mr. Big asked loudly. Michael nodded, in abject shame. “A fucking virgin,” Mr. Big replied with a coarse chuckle, adding “You know, you're gonna taste and feel many cocks tonight, little one.” With this pronouncement Mr. Big grabbed Michael's hair, pulling him down closer too his cock. “Just open your mouth and suck my dick. And take care of your teeth. Don’t scratch me with your fucking teeth” With that Michael was got his first taste of cock. He tried to look up to this macho fucker, but sucking for the first time, took much of his concentration and so he tried to take as much of the fuck meat into his mouth. The big guy pushed his dick further into Mikes throat and he choked on his cock. This was fucking great Michael thought. He hoped he would get used hard tonight. He wasn’t able to see, but 6 other guys were already jerking off. They had all heard the news, that this fucktoy was a virgin obviously. “Do you want to take dick up your cunt?” the guy above him asked. “Yes – please” Mike answered and blushed. “I just used my last condom bitch – you got some?” he asked loudly. “No – my mom would kill me, if she found condoms in my room”. "Your Mom?" the guy snickered. “You take it bare?” he asked loudly, so everyone nearby could hear the questioning. “Yes if course, that’s not a problem. I would love to take it raw. I will accept everyone” Michael replied and continued sucking dick. “Good boy. Very good boy. Let’s go. There is a shack nearby with a mattress inside. This is just the place we need to fuck you hard and give you some charged loads. Let’s go!” the male commanded. He dragged Michael by his arm and forced him to follow him through the woods. Michael now saw some other guys who were grinning at him wickedly. He felt like the star of the night. He knew everybody was wanting him and he was willing to accept every dick in his body. There was a glade in front of them and there he could see the booth. He was scared, but also excited. He wanted to be used. He needed cock. Tonight was the night he finally would experience what it meant to be a fagboy…
    2 points
  19. Part 14 I was sitting at the table the next morning as mom was finishing up breakfast. I watched her wondering if she had any clue about my dad fucking another woman. As I was pondering this, my dad walked into the kitchen and gave my mom a big smootch on the cheek. "Morning dear." He said as he patted her on the butt. "Morning hun." She replied, patting him on his cheek. My parents have always been affectionate to each other and seemed to have a strong marriage, so it confused me even more that my dad was cheating on her. But then like Colt pointed out, who the hell was I to judge? After all, I could still feel a slight ache in my ass from Colt fucking me. "Well look what our son has on his neck, Doris." Laughed my dad. "Get lucky this weekend sport? That's my boy!" I was mortified because I had completely forgotten about the massive hickey Colt had left on my neck. My hand went up to instinctively cover it. "Now Bill, you know I don't approve of that." Said my mom. "I think it's trashy." "Oh come on." My dad replied. "Boys will be boys." "Besides," continued my mom, "with as much time as he spends with Colt, I don't even see where he has time for girls." "Maybe they found a slutty cheerleader and double teamed her." Joked my dad. "Stop it right now!" My mom demanded. "I will not stand for this kind of talk! And you're embarrassing the boy. Look, he's blushing." "Oh come on. He knows I'm just joking, don't you son?" It was true. I was blushing. But not just from the conversation. The sex talk made me think about eating my dad's cum last night, and I was getting hard. "It's ok mom." I said as I wolfed down my food. "Dad's just teasing me. But I gotta shower before I'm late." I said as I jumped up from the table. I ran upstairs and turned the shower on before checking myself in the mirror. Damn, Colt had left a huge deep purple hickey. I thought about trying to cover it up with some of mom's makeup, but realized it would be a futile effort. I would just have to deal with it. I quickly showered and headed out the door. I saw Colt almost immediately at school. He was wearing one of his thermal tops that he wore when we went hunting. I have to admit, I loved seeing him in it. The white fabric clinged to his body and accentuated every one of his muscles. "Guess I'll have to wear these for a few days." He laughed. "Well, that's what you get for being such a nasty slut!" I whispered to him. "Yea, I guess so. See ya later." He waved as he ran off to first period. The rest of the week flew by with Colt and I hooking up as much as we could. We just couldn't get enough of each other. We even managed to find an unused supply closet where could fuck each other during school. And I'll tell ya, there is nothing quite like the feeling of sitting by Colt in Trig with a freshly fucked hole full of his cum. And we both had started wearing butt plugs to keep in each other's loads during class. I would casually gyrate my ass on my seat and feel it pushing against my prostate causing my dick to leak. Life was good. Friday night found us heading back into the city for one of Colt's shows. Unbeknownst to me, it was about to become my official debut. He had snuck our football gear into a duffle bag in the back of the truck. I didn't question what was in it as I assumed it was the sex toys we had purchased. We casually hit the pipe back and forth as we traveled down the highway and were already nicely spun when we arrived at Dante's and Carlos'. "I gotta surprise for you." Colt said as he tossed the bag on the bed. "Tonight, you're going to star in your first movie." "What the fuck Colt!" I asked, shocked. "I don't know man. I don't think I can do that." "Come on baby." He said, pulling me into him and kissing me, using his seductive, persuasive voice that he knew could get me to do anything he wanted. "Do it for me. Do it for your big daddy. It'll be so hot." "But what if someone finds out?" I asked with genuine concern. "No one will find out baby." He purred. "I promise. Do you think I would have done everything I have if I was worried about someone finding out? Now here, hit this." He said as he handed me the pipe. As I hit it, he unbuckled my pants and pushed them down. "Colt, I......." My voice trailed off as I was getting lost in the T and Colt's power over me. "Shhhhhh baby." He hushed me as he pulled my shirt over my head. In no time flat he had me completely naked. "Now baby, let's get you dressed up. My mind was in a fog of drugs and lust as Colt put on my football gear. The full uniform. Pads, cleats, jock, pants, helmet, the works. Then I sat on the bed as I watched Colt strip and gear up. "You guys ready?" Asked Carlos. "Yea, were ready." Answered Colt. "Then let's begin." Said Dante. "Oh man this is going to be hot!" Carlos started filming as I watched Colt tie off my arm, swab me, and stick the needle in. After he pushed the plunger and I layed back coughing, he did the same to himself. Then he slowly removed my helmet, then his own. He stared deeply into my eyes as he leaned in and started kissing me, tenderly. We made out for a few minutes before he slowly pushed me back and unlaced my pants. Fishing my hard cock out of my jockstrap, he began slowly sucking my cock. He licked it all over before eventually deep troating it. I groaned as he worked his magic on me. After sucking me for a while, Colt stood up and untied his pants, pulling out his big cock. "Let's see what kind of mouth you got, faggot." He growled as he grabbed the back of my head pulling me into him. I instinctively opened my mouth and took him in. "Oh yeah." He moaned. "Suck my cock you cocksucking fag." He ordered me. I lost myself in the moment and really went to town on his dick. "Oh yeah, straight football boy." Colt laughed. "You ain't no straight boy. Straight boys don't suck cock like that. You're a fucking queer!" "Yes sir." I mumbled with his cock stuffed in my mouth. "Say it fag. Say your a cocksucking faggot queer!" He ordered me. Pulling me off of his cock by my hair, he shouted at me. "SAY IT!" "Yes Sir!" I panted. "I'm a cocksucking faggot queer!" "That's right you are!" He said as he spit on my face. Then he grabbed the back of my head again and rammed his huge dick all the way down my throat, holding me tight against his pubes until I ran out of air and started flailing my arms. Then he pulled out and I gasped for air as I spit up phlegm and it ran down my chin. He grabbed my hair and started to throat fuck me. And it wasn't a gentle throat fuck either, he was brutally slamming into me over and over as I choked and gagged. Eventually, he pulled himself from my throat, picked me up and threw me face down on the bed. He pulled my pants down to my ankles and smacked my bare ass a few times. "Let's see if your faggot pussy is as good as your cocksucking mouth!" He barked as he mounted me. He wrapped one of his python biceps around my neck, choking me. Then, with only spit covering his cock, he rammed it into me in one hard thrust. "Aaaaaaarrrrrrgggggg!" I screamed as my eyes filled with tears. Even though I had taken his cock many times, this was different. This was straight up rape. Dante handed Colt a popper soaked rag which he held over my nose and mouth. Soon the chemicals started doing their job and my hole loosened up a bit. But that didn't slow Colt down at all. He fucked me as hard as he could as tears flowed from my eyes. "Say you like big cock up your faggot hole, bitch. Say you love having your pussy ass queer hole raped like a little bitch. SAY IT YOU STUPID CUNT!" He shouted. "Yes Sir." I sputtered through my tears as he continued to choke me. "I love having cock up my queer hole! I love having my pussy faggot hole raped by your big cock!" "Beg me to rape you harder, faggot! DO IT! Beg for my cum in your worthless cunt!" "Please Sir!" I begged through my tears and pain. "Please rape my worthless cunt harder! Cum in my ass Sir! Cum in my worthless faggot ass!" I don't know how it was possible, but Colt managed to rape me even harder! He pounded me over and over while I continued to sob. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Colt began to huff and puff before announcing, "I'm cumming bitch! I'm cumming in your faggot queer ass!" With that he buried himself in me and held still. I could feel his cock swell and throb as he pumped his cum deep inside me. And to my shock and surprise, my own cock that only until now I realized had been hard the whole time, started shooting off, soaking my jock and the bed beneath me. Colt collapsed on my back as the last of his load slowly dribbled out of his cock and into my brutalized hole. He rolled off me, with a satisfied grin on his face. "Well, let's not let the bitch get comfortable, get up here Carlos!" He instructed the Mexican. "Let's get this cunt naked!" They stripped me of my uniform and laughed when they discovered I had shot my load from my raping. And the next thing I knew, Carlos had me on my hands and knees and he was ramming his fat Mexican cock into me. I started to moan as his was fuck wasn't as brutal as Colt's and was much more pleasurable. Colt just smiled as he patted me on the head like a dog. "That's a good boy." He praised me. "That's a good little faggot slut." I felt a deep sense of pride that I was making Colt happy. After Carlos had added his load into me, Dante moved in. I watched as he coated his dick in a coating of crystals. I anticipated the oncoming feeling of the burn with a mixture of fear and longing. My pussy was aching, but I somehow wanted it to ache more. And I wasn't disappointed. Dante sunk his big black snake into me and I hissed and moaned as my body shook from the intense burn. I instantly wrapped my arms and legs around Dante and started begging him to fuck me. "Fuck me stud! Fuck my slutty faggot pussy!" I begged him. "Give it to me. I'm a faggot bitch hole to use and fuck! Oh God, FUCK ME!" Dante started fucking me deep and hard, and I just begged for more. "I'm tired of listening to this faggots mouth." I heard Colt say as he climbed by my head. He grabbed my hair and pulled my hair back, causing my mouth to fall open. He had a straight shot right down my throat, and he took full advantage of it, burying his bone all the way down my gullet. He wrapped his hands around my throat so he could feel his big cock stretch my throat out and stroke his cock at the same time. After Dante shot his load deep inside me to join the other two, Colt returned to my ass, giving me another brutal fuck. By the end of the night I had taken 6 loads in my hungry pussy. The final shot for the camera was a close up of my red, ravaged hole as I pushed my rosebud out and it dripped cum. We decided to spend the night at Dante's and Carlos' that night in the spare room. We were still wired and horny as Colt climbed between my legs. "I got one more in me baby. Come on, let daddy in." I didn't even try to refuse as I spread my legs. This time, Colt was gentle and loving and he made love to me. "I'm so proud of you baby." He moaned into my ear as he sawed in and out of my pussy. "You did so good tonight. You made daddy very happy. Daddy loves his slutty little meth whore. I love you so much." "I love you too daddy. I always want to please you. I always want to make you happy." "You do baby, you do." He moaned as he started cumming in me. Of course, my own cock shot off at the same time.
    2 points
  20. Another hot load pumped into the boys hole before he heads home. Should I fill his hole with my hot piss and send him on his way in a thick diaper to soak up anything that leaks out Or send him on his way free balling and let him soak his pants for everyone to see as cum and piss leaks from his pussy?
    2 points
  21. I used to worry about what other people thought of me, then I heard the quote "What other people think of you is none of your fucking business." and it resonated with me. Fuck em.
    2 points
  22. Love this advice - I think you should lead a virtual exercise class for us starting with the "Long Dong Squats", moving to "Bottom Belly Flops" and finishing with "Sphincter Surprise and Advanced Cum Ejection"! Not recommended for the average Planet Fitness crowd but could start a new trend in hot nude yoga!
    2 points
  23. The guys an idiot I got more std's when I played safe I rarely catch anything (how is beyond me LOL) sorry but condoms don't stop crabs and unless you wrap it when you suck it everything you can catch while barebacking you can catch sucking raw cock. Like tallslenderguy said you catch more disease from just walking around then barebacking. He probably smokes and eats like shit so he's your basic hypocrite.
    2 points
  24. Oh well done you! Thanks to research when I started out on my barebacking journey I sought out U/D guys as I figured if someone was upfront enough to say they're U/D rather than nothing. then they probably were U/D. Once I tried barebacking I of course was hooked and nowadays I tend not to ask statuses but that's my choice, sometimes I take event based Prep, other times not, again my choice. But going back to your story U/D guys are the best bet for guys such as the one you mention simply by the testing regime but I don't need to tell you that.
    2 points
  25. That's nice boy... better than hearing.... 'good that he's gone for good' 😎😉😋😆 I miss interacting with you too.
    2 points
  26. That's the first time I've heard that saying. I hope you don't mind, but I am going to steal it and use it! So often in my working life I get people who think they can challenge data with some weird anecdote. The issue usually is that it is very hard for them to let go of their belief/anecdote whatever data you present.
    2 points
  27. Got to nut in a new hole last night. Cookout, lots of bears and cubs. One chubby young cub I hadn't met before was shitfaced drunk and had me sneak off in the dark to the back of yard for a quick pump n dump. He was there with a date and he didn't want anyone to see us. Lol I figured what the hell, so I let him guide the process, and since he was begging for my load, I gave him as assful. 😈
    2 points
  28. As I got outside and reached into my pocket to grab my keys the note that Javier handed me fell to the ground. I picked it up and opened it up to read it. It stated.. He wrote down his phone number and Jack, I would love to take your poz load and join you.. I folded up the note put it back in my pocket and started up my car. I got home and Rick was in his home office finishing up the work day. He was on a conference call so I waited until he was done. Once he was done I went into the office and hugged him as he sat in his chair... He swung around and asked how are you feeling baby? I said im good, kind of mixed emotions. He looked at me and grabbed me by the waist and said it will all be fine, and with that he started to unbuckle my belt and drop my pants. He could see that my cock was getting hard talking about being poz so he took care of it as he started to gently suck on it and then picked up the pace as I was about to cum. Wow i shot a full load of my new poz seed in his hungry mouth, he got up out of the chair and kissed me so I could taste my poz seed in his kiss. I said Yea, it will all be good. After we got cleaned up I told him about the lab tech guy Javier and the note he gave me as I left the Dr's office. Rick asked me what do you think we should do? I said well I think we should gift him what he's been chasing for...Rick smiled and said good answer boy...Now is the time to do it before you start your meds, I sent Javier a text message and said he's got two poz cock's that will gladly gift him his wish. After a few minutes later I got a text back with a smily emoji and the words YEA. I replied back lets look at this weekend any plans? Javier replied back and said only plans i have is a weekend of poz breeding with you guys.
    2 points
  29. So I work security, I am working a work site and the construction worker manager saw me on Grindr. He brought me to his work trailer, closed the blinds, and dropped his jeans. I got down my knees and started to make love to his dick. He wanted ass, so I dropped my paints and spread my knees and his 8 incher went in balls deep. He shot his load deep in me and I suck him again to clean his dick off. He told me, " I want more and asking your boss to request you". I found out later he was married and I wondered, what is it with married men and them being so horny. I am a slut and cannot say no to a bull load.
    2 points
  30. Chapter 11 As I looked over at Duke I noticed he already had two tallys and had another guy in him already. Duke I could tell was smiling even though he had a cock in his mouth. He was the perfect pig. The passion he had on his face and as he was serving these cocks even shocked me. I knew he was a piglet but this was even blowing my mind. That happiness never seemed to leave his face regardless of the cock in him (mouth or ass). He truly recognized that his sole role is to service guys and collect their cum. The number of people waiting to get a piece of his hole was impressive. Clearly they could see the piggy side of him and wanted a piece :-D. Then I looked back over at Austin. I couldn't help my thoughts from how did he even find himself here. How did I not know he was gay or at least curious I guess. What is he going to think after this is all over. Did he know from the start I was gay? Then my thought got interrupted by this stranger talking to me. "What do you think?" I responded, "Sorry, I wasn't listening. What do I think about what?" "Well you're that kids father right? I think I heard him say that after his blindfold was taken off." "Yes, I am and I had no idea he was going to be here." "Well since you are his dad I figured I would ask you if you wanted to help me share my gifts with him." "What gifts do you have to share?" "Well I have a high viral load. I also have chlamydia and gonno, as you can see from that little drip that's coming out of my dick right there. God my cock burns from them but I didn't want to start treatment until after tonight's fun. I also recently found out I have syphilis too - there is a chancre right back in my ass region. How do you feel about helping me really gift your son?" "What about Duke over there? I think he'd appreciate that more than Austin there. I mean look at him he's like a dead fish over there. He is not nearly as fun." "Yeah, that's why I figured I would share with him. It'd make it hot having his own father help me gift him. Show him his role too like the other dude clearly already knows and accepts." "Are you going to do it regardless if I help or not?" "Yeah, but figured it would be hotter with you." "Fine, lets do it. He is kind of embarrassing me acting like a dead fish." We both went over to Austin. Austin looks at me with a look that could kill and then proceeded to start telling what an asshole I am. How he couldn't believe I would do this to him. I bent down and whispered in his ear "you better be nice to me cause I am going to be help this guy who has just about every disease pass them on to you. So the harsher you are the more I will make sure they take." Austin started getting louder and trying to get himself out of the sling. I just looked down and grinned. "ok, you asked for it." 🙂
    2 points
  31. PART 2 SLAP SLAP SLAP! "AAAH YES!" The professor came in Nate, cum filling his hole. As the professor swished his cock out, Nate's hole felt differenr. It felt empty. Nate felt the cum seeping out of his hole he felt satisfied for the first time in a while. He grinned widely as his lovers, if you could call them that. John stood over him his big lean frame towering over Nate. Johns soft cock, long and thick waved over Nate's sweaty white face. Nate reached Up to suck it when he was quickly slapped. "No slut. Not now. Now is time to clean you up. Show us your bathroom." Nate slowly started to rise. But his thick tree trunk legs were weak and he felt thick creamy liquid leak out of his hole onto his leg, then finally to the floor. The professor quickly grabbed him,"not so fast. Where is the bathroom boy?" Nates mind whirled, he had been fucked. By his professor and a stranger! Holy fuck! He would lose his family and friends, everyone he knew. Despite his rising anxiety he pointed to the bathroom door. John and Connor slapped Nate's ass and told him to move. He limped across the floor to the dingy small bathroom. John opened the cabinet and found a razor. "Hurrry boy, shower off, dont want to have cum stuck on your furry leg." Nate stepped in the shower. Nate wasnt hairy, it was mostly peach fuzz, while he was a bulk of a man, Nate didnt have a clearly defined stomach or ass. Nate had dreamed of shaving all of it off. But what would his family think.The hot water cleaning off the cum. He felt the professors strong hands knead Nate's back. He heard and opening of his shampoo bottle and he felt the professor wash him clean. Nate still felt empty, needing more cock. Then the shower turned off. Johns voice boomed through the bathroom. "Okay nate. Timr to make you a pretty slut." Nate twinged at this. He already thought that he a was attractive sure he was no supermodel but he was an atteactive man. Nate turned around to see John, fully clothed and a razor and can of shaving cream in his hand. "Do what I say or I will leak the videos to all of your family and friends." Nate was confused. How? When? John then held up his phone to see himself moaning as the professor fucked him. Nate's blood ran cold. "Yessir. Please sir delete the video. " John smiled. "Yeah. I will but its shaving time. I hate it when sluts think they can look like whatever they want to. Bitch youe ass needs to be smooth. Now your Professor here loves to take care of his bitchboys. I dont. But I leave you two to shave yourself down. The professor will bring you to me later. You are offically mine." He passed the razor to the professor and kissed Nate. John then left the apartement. Nate shuddered. What had he done? He had just turned his life over to some stranger? Then he felt a soft kiss on his shoulder that reassured him. The professor. Damn what was Nate going to do. The professor seemed to read Nate's mind. "Finals were last week. You will be fine. You just have my final on Monday right?" Nate nodded and weakly walked to the bed and stared at the ceiling as the professor started to put shaving cream all over Nate's chest. The professor lifted Nate's arms and shaved the hairy pits Nate used to be so proud of. The professor carefully shaved off all the hair of Nate's arms, neck and chest on the front aide. Kissing the smooth skin. "Hmmm nate you are going to be one popular slut. So good and obedient" nate smiled at the praise. Then the professor slowly shaved nate's pubes and caressed his hairy balls. Nate's cock shot straight up and he felt the cold metal of the razor gently shave away the hair. Nate noe knew his fate. He was no longer a man. Just a mancunt. To be used for his masters' wishes. As the professor finished shaving the legs he gestured for Nate to flip over, which he did with a "yessir."nates cock was still hard and his hole itched as the professor finished shaveing him. The professor then stuck his face in Nate's ass. His tounge penetrating the abused wall of the anus. Nate loved the pleasure it sent through his system. He felt empty again as the professor lifted his face off and then yelped in pain as the professor entered his now smooth ass. Nate moaned as his prostate once again was set on fire. Precum leaked from nates cock. Slam slam slam. Nate pushed back as the cock brushed against his prostate. Nate started to cum again, for the third time in an hour, without even touching his cock. The professor moaned as his hoke tightened again. This caused his own cock to swell and flood the walls of nate. Nate moaned eternally grateful for this new caling in life to serve men. With a slap, the professor told nate to get dressed. They had errands to run.
    2 points
  32. In the morning I woke up a bit confused at first and then saw Darren's big hairy body next to me and suddenly remembered. To my surprise rather than being angry about what happened I immediately got massively hard. Darren's powerful cock felt intense inside me and filled me in a way I had never experienced before. The poz cum inside me reminded me I belonged to a real man - a dominant. Darren began to stir and getting thicker and longer. The poz snake was back. I started to suck it carefully hoping he would not mind and he stirred and moaned "yeh, good boy, take daddy's cock". At this I climbed on and eased it into my ass fucking myself on the poz weapon. I leant across and whispered in Darren's ear "make me yours sir". Jake woke up and was like "woah man, you've done enough you don't need to take any more dirty seed". I kept fucking myself on Darren's cock and said "sir, I'm already converting to you! I want to be your sub! I love your cock". Darren flung me off his cock and face down on the bed. He rammed his cock back into me and pounded intensely. He shouted "tell me what you want" and I screamed "poz cum sir, YOUR poz cum" and with that he growled and pushed his cock into me fully and spurted filling me with his toxins. Jake was astonished and said "why did you take more dirty cum, don't tell me you like it?". I replied to look at Darren, how muscular he is, how hairy, how big his cock is and I said "can you imagine such a meaty cock filling you - it is intense. And his poz cum marks me out as his lad". Darren said "that's right boy, you belong to me now and I will always be inside you whats your name anyway?. I replied it was Dave. We showered each other, Darren slipped me his number and we headed off. On the way home Jake asked so many questions about me taking poz cum and even began to ask about what having such a big cock in me felt like. The next Saturday Jake texted me to ask if wanted to go back down the club but I replied I couldn't as I'd arranged with Darren to spend the evening and the night together. Jake said I must be hungry for that cock. Darren fucked me slowly and tenderly saying we were becoming one. I felt so safe like I belonged in his arms. We drifted off to sleep but were awoken by a text at 3am from Jake saying he was so drunk and was really horny and could he watch Darren and I fuck if we did it again that night. Darren chuckled and said "sure". When Jake arrived Darren said "why don't you both kneel on the ground and kiss this massive snake like good little pups. We both hungrily did as we were told. Darren said to Jake" you loved having Dave's cock in you last week and I've made him rock hard - this could be your last chance before my seed takes hold". He threw us the poppers and we hungrily sniffed. Jake said he needed me and I put on a condom as I knew Jake loved them and slid my cock into Jakes hole. Jake sniffed some more poppers and stop a moment and I pulled out. He sniffed yet again, rolled the condom off me and backed onto my cock saying "its my only chance to feel you raw before Darren converts you". We fucked passionately for about half an hour until I shot my last neg load into Jake's hole and we kissed more. Despite having shot a big load with me inside him Jake was still hard - he said "wow raw feels so good - just a pity I can't take Darren's monster". Darren stood behind Jake hugging him with his raw cock against his hole and wispered "who says you can't".
    2 points
  33. I just took back to back loads here at Blacks Beach maybe 30 minutes ago. I still have both loads in me. As soon as this big dicked older white guy came up and wrecked my hole,maybe five minutes later a good looking Mexican guy with a nice guy came alone. Both left nice loads in me. Ima go back down the side of this hill and see if there's anymore loads to be had.
    1 point
  34. Happened several times to me. the stigma around barebacking will always exist sadly. i'm a proud barebacker as well and i don't be ashamed of that to show that on gaychats when im looking for loads. since prep is available, barebacking is more and more accepted in the bisexual / gay community but there always be men who resist bareback sex and looking down on men who does. i just ignore this type of men, call me what u want i really don't care. yeah i be a prepslut and get STD's all the time. my hole is a seedcontainer for every guy and you know what? i fucking love it to be that whore😉
    1 point
  35. thanks for the follow, youve got a beautiful cock. hundreds more pics and vids of me on www.twitter.com/jonny4dad
    1 point
  36. Anyway, don't worry too much, your result is common amongst hiv+ diagnosis. Unless u are bugchasing for strains then you should be disappointed 😜
    1 point
  37. I was in a hotel for a week rehearsing for a performance and was alone so I brought a dildo and was riding it most of the week, I saw there was a sex shop near the rehearsal place (there's truck stops off an exit so there's a bunch of stuff) and I wanted some poppers. Rehearsal was just in the morning so I was done for the day, it was like 4/5 and I was using my toy and figured I'd toss on some shorts and a jock (it's all I wear, just more comfortable) and run over. Pull in and theres fucking 20 cars in this place. I've been there before but it's been years and I was assuming it was a company nearby using the parking because there's no booths or anything inside. Go in, buy poppers, see two people walk in and go right into a giant black room. Well.....now I'm horny because my ass is lubed, loose, and I got poppers hahaha. Walk in, it's like 5 open rooms with couches and videos and dudes too pussy to make moves, I see a guy in one room with a dick out and an empty spot so I gave him a look and he smiled and I went over and sucked him. I just pulled my shorts off so everyone could see my asshole, took 3/4 hits of poppers and sucked. Within 45 seconds there was a dick in me hahahahha. The guy came in my mouth and split and then I just took on a handful a dudes, mostly ass. Haven't done that years but.....the feeling was there! Lol
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Starting slow and holding it deep helps to create a stronger connection and lets bodies and movements sync. Slower movements can let the top edge and prolong his pleasure. When I topped, this usually led to a more intense orgasm. As a bottom, long and slow gives a continual massaging action that stimulates but doesn't wear me out. It makes me feel well used and open but easily ready for more.
    1 point
  40. I still have the sensation of having an erection but the cage stops it so I cannot get hard I feel to need and want to get hard but the cage stops it but I come by getting annually penetrated now
    1 point
  41. Growing up without a father I’ve developed many Daddy issues. I was lucky enough that the next man that my mother decided to marry had hidden desires. We developed a very close and secret relationship, where we expressed our affection towards each other sexually. It started with just touching, kissing and then evolved into going down on each other and him taking my virginity with his really fat 8.5” cock. He was a very sweet, caring and loving man. When he took my virginity he was very gentle and took it slow bc he knew that he had a huge cock and it hurt. I told him that I loved him, not to stop and that it hurt so good. Eventually he stretched my hole to the point that it didn’t hurt anymore and lube wasn’t needed. I knew that we had to keep it a secret bc no one would understand it. I felt extremely lucky to be able to come home, go down on my Daddy and satisfy all his needs. His daughter my step sister Cassandra would get jealous sometimes bc how much time we spent together. He explained to her that I grew up without a Daddy and have some catching up to do. One night I caught her spying on us in my closet. After our Daddy left, I opened the closet door and closed it behind me. She was in shock and wasn’t saying anything. When I reach down into her panties she was soaking wet. I took her cloths off and fucked her, as I was fucking her in the ass I told her that’s how we show our love towards each other
    1 point
  42. Had a lot of married blokes off here, majority bareback no Question of condoms.
    1 point
  43. Met up with a guy last night. He had sent me a pic of a very nice 8" cock. Could tell he was skinny and inked from the pic, not my usual type, but a load is a load. no question about status. Went to his place, had agreed on a dark room breeding. Got to his apartment, door was ajar, and I already knew to go down the hall and into the room on the left. The place was a bit sketchy looking. When I entered the room he told me to strip and get on the bed that was right in front of me. I had my poppers and got into the bed in all fours. He came up behind me and lubed up my hole and his cock. Told me to hit my poppers, as I did a few hits his cock was pushing into my hole. I moaned like a cheap whore as he bottomed out. I didn't get a chance to get used to his cock before he started fucking me. Within 5 minutes of hard pounding he groaned and shot his load deep in my ass. I figured that was going to be it when he started to pull out, but he then pushed back in and started fucking me some more. He lasted about 10 minutes for the second breeding before he groaned again and shot load number 2 in my hole. No sooner than he finished cunning in me he to!d me he was going to give me one more load before he was done using my ass. He started fucking me again like a man in a mission and shot his third load in my ass. He pulled out and I could feel the cum dripping out of my hole. I got dressed and left with three loads deep in my ass. By the time I got home, I had a big wet spot on the seat of my shorts...oink!
    1 point
  44. Tucson Just ordered some news toys, including a sling with all of the accessories, from Fort Troff...everything should be arriving this Friday, 7/23 and I want to break everything in on Saturday afternoon and evening. Any guys interested in helping me out?
    1 point
  45. Yesterday I was at a baseball game. I started talking with this young guy. He said he had an apartment near by and why don’t I drop by for a drink After the game we walk to his place. I had no indication he was into guys. He brings two beers and then says he is horny. His girlfriend is out and he wants to get off. with that he takes off his shorts to reveal a nice 7” dick. I take off my shorts and he just turns me around. With one move he shoves his dick in my ass. He pounds away until I feel him tense up and he explodes in my ass. When he pulls out I can feel his cum dripping down my leg. He said thanks and since his girlfriend would be home soon would I mind leaving The whole thing took 10 minutes .
    1 point
  46. About two weeks after the first blood slam I started running a low grade fever, felt fatigued all the time, and woke up drenched in sweat. We talked about my symptoms. Since they were similar to the fuck flu he decided to take advantage of my compromised immune system. He pounded his toxic dick into my hot fever hole without lube. He spit on his dick and shoved it in, tearing me open. I slammed a large amount of his blood. I’d love to post the security camera video of all of the depravity, but for some unknown reason we always fucked with Game of Thrones playing in the background and it kills the vibe of the dirty verbal pozzing. I know I’m sad too... At this point we’ve been very depraved for a couple of months so I jokingly took an OraQuick. To my astonishment it was negative. I had already scheduled my normal 3 month check-up so I told my doctor about the symptoms of fuck flu. I asked for a viral load test because it counts virus cells present in a sample as opposed to the standard HIV-antigen test which only tests my immune system for antibodies. About 4 days go by and the doctor called wanting me to come in to discuss my results. I’m rather tech savvy and have the phone app for where I get my labs drawn. They automatically upload as soon as new results are posted. Within minutes of getting off the phone with my doctor I receive a push notification from the app. And guess where I was when I get the notification? If you guessed IKEA you’re right. I’m walking alone through the linens shopping and I look down at my phone. I burst with happy tears when I saw the Viral Load of 141,000. If you’ve ever been to an IKEA it’s busy place, people are staring. I laid my items down and leave. I head over to my makers apartment when he gets off. I climb into bed with him because at this point I haven’t told anyone yet. I open the lab app and tell him to read. I can still see the excitement on his face, and I have to say the sex that night was extra special because I got to shoot my first poz load. A couple days go by and I show up to my doctor's appointment. She is not a nice lady, but she was being super nice. I told her that I “know” and that she didn’t have sugar coat anything. The following week she orders additional labs for a full HIV work up. A few more days pass and I get the additional lab results. I now have a viral load of 6,650,000 and CD4 count of 314. I wanted to stay off meds for some time, but my maker told me to start taking meds due to how fast my CD4 count dropped and how high my VL went. If you knew our relationship you'd know I cannot say no to him. I picked up my prescription and went back to his place. He opened the dresser drawer where he keeps the needles and gets a 3mL out and a fresh 23g needle. I slam 3mL of my toxic blood into his veins. After some time on meds we'll be taking a break so I can be the toxic strain-collecting boy I’ve always wanted to be. And then I'll be able to recharge his toxic hole with my pierced dick.
    1 point
  47. Wouldn't it be better for people who oppose cheating to start their own thread? What other solution can you think of to leave space for people who enjoy cheating, or who don't cheat but do get turned on by the topic? The original poster asked for advice about playing while everyone is stuck at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Opposing cheating seems off-topic. One of the things I love about Breeding Zone is that there's room here to discuss a broad spectrum of sexual practices, including extreme ones. Unlike deliberately seeking or transmitting STDs, taking strangers' cocks and cum through glory holes, and other practices that are discussed openly and enthusiastically here, cheating is common and not extreme. (I mention this as a comparison of sexual behaviors, not as an endorsement.) Straight people cheat, married people cheat, heads of state cheat, famous fundamentalist Christian pastors cheat, there is historic evidence of cheating going back to ancient times, and cheating is one of the most common topics in literature. Do you mean to forbid the topic, either explicitly, or by drowning out discussions with negative replies? For a moment I thought I was reading r/survivinginfidelity on Reddit, and it was a boner-killer.
    1 point
  48. I don’t understand guys who post their Wickr screennames saying they want to chat, then within 2 mins. of chatting, they want to cam/phone. That’s great if that’s what you like, but just fucking say so. Don’t act surprised when I don’t want to cam or phone with you within 30 seconds of talking.
    1 point
  49. I wrote the original story over a year ago, I appreciate the feedback I’ve received and never got to writing that second chapter but I owe it to those who patiently waited (and asked ;-)) —Again, this is mostly fantasy with inspiration drawn from reality— *Part 2* “Knock knock.” I awoke with a start. How long had I been asleep? It felt like hours but it was more like a few minutes since the porn scene on TV had not changed. “Knock knock.” Oh right, someone was at my door. “Yeah?” I called out while scrambling to hide my contraband in case it was a nosy worker. “It’s me” a familiar voice said and I opened the door to see the Latin stud who had promised to come back. And sure enough, he wasn’t alone. “Sorry, I dozed off,” I said, closing the door behind us. “What’s your name again?” He smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t give it to you earlier. I’m Gabriel.” He motioned to his friend. “This is Jairo, one of my buddies I was tellin’ you about.” My cock started twitching as I surveyed our new company. He was Latino as well, but in his late twenties with closely buzzed hair, several tattoos on his arms and torso, and the hint of a six-pack I was instantly reminded of some boys I went to high school with. I extended my hand to shake. “Hey man, I’m Dino.” He caught my hand at the middle and I had to quickly change my handshake into a fistbump. “Sup bro. Nice ass!,” he added. We stripped off our towels and it was my turn to gush. He was already hard and his cock looked to be about nine inches with a wide, uncut head and a thick vein framing the shaft. “Fuck! That’s nice,” I blurted out, I pulled out the pipe and lighter and offered it to both of them. “I like shotguns by the way,” I said and Jairo nodded as he lit the bowl and rolled it while I got on my knees. He bent down and blew into my mouth, and I wrapped my lips around his head while exhaling a solid cloud of vapor. I felt a tingling in my head as the smoke rolled and directed my senses towards pleasuring the piece of meat in my mouth. “Mmmmmmmmm!” was all I could muster as I started bobbing my head back and forth, adjusting to his girth and length. “Fuuck yea... that’s wassup,” they both grunted in approval while Gabriel started stroking his own, now hard, cock. He then took a long hit and I only pulled my mouth away from the dick in my mouth long enough for a hot, cloudy kiss. More tingling in my brain. “Fuuuck,” I growled as he grinned at me. Jairo patted the mattress, “Up on the bed, I wanna see this dick splitting you.” I eagerly did as I was told and in an instant was on all fours with my ass pointed up. “Fuckin hot,” I heard as Jairo ran his throbbing member up and down my still cum-glazed hole. I started whimpering like a slut in heat as he teased me. “Yeah? You want this bareback dick in you?” he whispered in my ear as I nodded in earnest. “Please.... please stick it in,” I pleaded. “You got it, boy,” he laughed and pushed the head past my hole in one blink. “Oh shit!” I exclaimed as my eyes widened in a mix of pain and pleasure. I turned around to see Jairo closing his own eyes in apparent satisfaction. I knew he wanted to inch his way in but I couldn’t control myself and thrust my ass back on the entire length. “Oh, oh FUUUCK! SHIT,” Jairo moaned as my hole flexed, placing his hands on my sides while Gabriel handed me the pipe. I was so lost in my haze I hadn’t realized he was recording me with his phone. “Nice,” I said, indicating the camera. Looking into the lens, I took the longest hit I could hold while at the same time Jairo slowly started to fuck me. The feeling was bliss and I slowly exhaled another solid cloud of smoke. Gabriel slowly nodded in approval behind the camera and I began thrusting myself to meet Jairo’s jabs. “Fuuuck! Ah! Ah! Ah!Ahhhhhhhyyyyeeeeahhhh,” I screamed into the pillow as he bottomed out and almost hit my second hole. “You like that?” My answer must have been written on my face; “‘Course you do,” he said with a shit-eating grin on his face. “You’re so good... fuckin’ slut getting what he needs.” “Uh-huh,” I automatically nodded as Gabriel set the phone down to give me another shotgun. “Turn over, so he can fuck you missionary,” he muttered and resumed recording. I flipped over and held my legs wide for Jairo to continue his assault on my hole. Facing each other, I now noticed a biohazard tattoo near his hip. “Oh shit!” I thought to myself. I admit I had been turned on by pozzing stories and videos but it was something I never acted on. But now, in my drug-fueled swirl, the flash of hesitation I felt evaporated and a primal desire gripped me as I became fully turned on by the fact that this cholo was barebacking my negative hole with his poisoned rod. “You like charged dick, huh boy?” Jairo asked as he entered all the way and bent forward to kiss and pacify my whimpering with his lips and tongue. He straightened up and closed his eyes. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” was all I could say as I relaxed my body and looked up at the two men with me. “Shit, puto, I’m getting close,” Jairo suddenly said after a few minutes, biting his lip. “Ready for my babies?” he asked and his pace picked up. “Knock that pussy up?” My mind was on autopilot as I gasped out “Yeah! Yeah! Flood me, knock me up with your poz juice!” “Yeah?! You sure? Well - here - it - fucking - COMES! F-F-FUCK!!!!” he yelled and slammed his weight on me as I felt his cock pulse rope after rope of his dirty seed into my hole. “Yeeahhhhh, poz him up, that’s it, that’s it boys,” Gabriel said as Jairo steadied his breath and slowly pulled out. “Don’t worry, you’re still getting more,” he added as I looked longingly at his cock. He straddled my face and lowered himself so I could greedily slurp it clean of all the sweet juices dripping from his foreskin. “Damn bro, you’re fuckin’ down with it. I like that,” Jairo said need a cigarette and shower, catch you in a bit?” “Fuck yeah, for sure!” I said, laying down to relax and let the rush subside. We fist-bumped again and he stepped out, leaving Gabriel and I alone. “You like G?,” he asked and pulled a small bottle and dropper from a bag he’d brought with him. It’d been a while since I’d taken any but I absolutely loved the way it made me even more of a pig. I nodded. “Ooh, yeah.” I took the bitter dose, washed it down with my Gatorade and began the waiting game. That’s all for now!
    1 point
  50. I usually cum at some point during a session (not always), but almost always after I have gotten my top off as many times as he wants me to. Like if I'm giving a bj to a guy who is just going to cum once, I will jack myself a bit while sucking him, but I don't really seriously masturbate until he has cum (or lets me know he is extremely close to cumming). I don't like when tops touch my cock, even just a handjob, really hate being blown but will do it if my top insists. I also jack myself a bit while getting fucked, but avoid cumming (sometimes I will cum from getting fucked alone so it can't always be helped) until my top has been satisfied. I've met guys online who claimed to be 100% top, but then we get naked and they see my dick in person (measured at 7.5" but have been told MANY MANY times it is at least 8.5" or 9") they get all "omg that cock is huge let me suck it/sit on it/jack us both off" and that ends the session for me (I have literally put my clothes back on and left or told the guy to get out; "You said you were a top, if you lied about that, god knows what else you lied about, STD status and other crap? Anyway, I'm not into this, get dressed and go"). A top playing a little with my dick while he fucks me (meaning he gives it a quick tug but doesn't have his hands on it for more than 2-3 seconds) doesn't bother me, afterall my body is his for the session so he can explore me if he likes.
    1 point
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