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  1. Was about 11 pm last night and I had just finished my workout when a 19 yo Latino guy who I’ve fucked with before from the gym waved me over. He asked me what I was up to. Told him I just finished up and was probably gonna head home. He said he been feeling mad horny all day. Told him I can help him out with that but the gym was about to close down. He said we can fuck in the parking lot. Told him I was down. So we headed over to his car, pushed the back seats all the way up and got busy. Was decently dark out and there was still a bunch of cars in the lot so it was pretty isolated. We stripped our clothes and I began sucking him off and feeling his abs and body. His dick got hard in seconds and he was thrusting his dick down my throat. My dick was also rock solid. Once his dick was covered in my saliva I straddled him and pushed down his dick inside me. We both let out a loud moan as I began to ride him. We were getting hot and heavy he was working my hole so good and deep the car was starting to rock. All of a sudden he looked over to the side and so did I. There was an older white man leaning on the car next to us just looking at us. He didn’t say anything or do anything was just looking at us. I started slowly riding again and picking up speed. My dick was grinding on his abs as his was working my ass deep. He told me to turn around and bend over the console. He got behind me and pushed his dick balls deep in me. He started pounding me with strong backshots. The man was still just standing there. I couldn’t help but moan loudly. After a few min the Latino guy told me to lay on my back and get my legs up. Being a good slut I did as told. He got between my legs and pushed my legs back and pushed his dick in my guts. He started to fuck me like I owed him money. Herd deep and fast the car was rocking and the man was still staring. I was moaning loud and my dick was dripping precum on my abs. After some time he began to grunt louder and said he was gonna cum in me. I told him I want his cum in me deep. I grabbed my solid dick and started to jerk it hard and fast as I was also getting close. After a couple more minutes he let out a moan and I felt his dick explode inside me. His dick was throbing in me as he shot multiple ropes. I shot my load all over his abs. He kept his dick inside me for a few minutes. By then the man got into his truck and drove off. The Latino guy slid his dick from my cum filled hole and we got dressed. He dropped me off by my car and drove off and I went home.
    9 points
  2. I don't often find time to get out between work and familial commitments so when I cruise I kind of rush myself so I can avoid a Walk of Shame situation. I'm 24 and I do have roommates and I do have family that I live and work with very closely. So one night I was cruising on Grindr while I was driving - and while I know that isn't the safest - it shows you how desperate I was to have sex. I really have a hard time scheduling it into my weeks or sometimes months between carpooling and opening and sometimes closing work with my coworkers and family. So I have some time, and I figure I can actually get away with spending some hours if not a night away. It isn't my first time hooking up with a 45 year old and it isn't my first time sneaking a night away. It was the first time somebody on Grindr hit me up with a message like," have you ever partied with Tina?" And my naive ass didn't know any better when he followed up with, "it's like ecstasy but it's powdered up." I smoke a lot of weed and I don't smoke any cigarettes and I don't drink but I have always been curious about ecstasy. Honestly, it takes probably an hour of me covering my tracks for the night and him to prepare his space but I make it to his house and there's a space prepared in his living room with a futon on the floor. I've never seen ecstasy never heard it called Tina and actually never heard that term before that night but I was used to hotel scenes and bathhouses and bareback sex. I'd probably been considering myself a barebacker for two years so this scene with the futon drove me wild. And he loads his Tina and we smoke it out of his pipe for my first time and I do feel the rush and take a deep breath and start rubbing my chest and we take another one and he shotguns me which I've never done with someone for weed but we do it throughout the night. And he takes my shirt off on the ground in what I find out later is his mother's house and she is on vacation. I love sucking cock so he stands up as I suck him and we talk about my first years barebacking and how I haven't gotten barebacked in a bathhouse but it's a fantasy. He gets my ass up on my knees and plays with my hole from his standing position and has me take another hit from the pipe and shotguns me. He tells me my ass is going to look so good ass up with his raw dick sliding in and my back is basically screaming arched while he says he's bout to get me slutty and fuck me piggy bare. He gives me another hit and shotguns me and tells me to lean over the couch with my knees on this bare mattress and he eats my hole and has me hit poppers and hands me the pipe to hit freely for a second while he talks dirty bareback. I'm taking poppers when he presses in and I'm rolling high and he goes in gently but he makes it in piggy. And once he bottoms out he holds it while he arches my back up and shotguns me again. Then when the pipe was safely set down I hit poppers and he went to town. Berating my ass with insults and his hips. He arches my back near maxed and spreads my hole apart at full pound. We both realized how much I enjoyed a slow spit hitting the spot where he's fucking. We both realize how much I love the term spit fuck me. He goes by SIr. Yes sir. We switch positions throughout the night - on my back and riding. And then my favorite again doggy where he does end up blowing his load full creampie. We settle down and talk and end up repeating the scene, probbly exactly as hot as the first time. I make it to work on time the next day.
    6 points
  3. 8. Oscar Sunday, the day after Eddie’s death and Father Lucius’ suspicious disappearance, is a warm summer morning. High above the island, a few gauzy clouds caught in a light breeze stretch across the deep blue sky. Wave crash softly beyond the dunes on the empty beach. Out at sea, miles east of the lighthouse, a regatta of sailboats race each other blissfully unaware of the horrors that have fallen or are ready to fall on a few residents of this cursed island. Jaxton knocks on the shack door. Peeling flakes of pink paint fall from his rap onto his sandals. A few moments go by before Tommy answers. The door creeks open and Tommy stands naked, rubbing his eyes. The slightest suggestion of crinkles in the corner of his eyes show his thirty-five years on this earth. Over his shoulder, Jaxton zeros in on Eros’ hairy ass lying face down on the futon. “What’s up?” Tommy scratches his hanging balls. Jaxton looks down at all his tattoos focusing on the red demon above his plump cock. Points. “That one is definitely your finest.” “Oldest one I have. What’s up?” Tommy repeats. “Mac says he doesn’t want the steaks he had for Eddie and Father Lucius to go to waste.” “Uh-huh.” “I can grill them for you guys. If you like.” “Hey, Eros. You up for a steak breakfast?” “Course,” he says, stirring from bed. He sits up with an impressive morning wood. “When?” Jaxton calculates in his head, slightly distracted by Eros’ enormous erection. “Um, maybe twenty minutes? I can fix them with some eggs. Uh, steak and eggs?” Eros yawns. “Sounds good. How’s Jesse?” “Sleeping,” Jaxton lies with a smile. “See you in twenty.” Tommy nods and closes the door. “No way that’s the same dreadlock bro from yesterday.” “Nope.” Eros gets up, goes into the bathroom and lets out a powerful stream of piss. “So he get brainwashed or something?” “Dunno.” Eros emptying in the toilet bowl makes it sound like Niagara Falls. “We should check on Chewy.” “C’mere first. I need my dick sucked.” Tommy is nothing if not accommodating. He walks in the bathroom and kneels before Eros’ dripping cock. Looks up. “You gonna drink my piss after?” “Course.” * Dante swings opens the pink shack’s freshly painted door. “Lasciate ogne speranza,” he says with his ironic smile. “Say what?” a fresh faced, twenty-five-year-old Tommy asks, peering inside. It not a bad place. Small, maybe, with a boyfriend the size of Eric. But it’s better than hiding out in the Bronx apartment avoiding Eric’s brother like he has for the past six months. “It’s something I wrote long, long ago: Abandon all hope,” says Dante, sweeping his hand into the shack. He’s the same height as Tommy, has the nose of a falcon, sad, alert eyes, and a cruel, straight mouth. “Lascia—uh.” Eric tries to repeat Dante’s phrase. “Lasciate ogne speranza,” pronounces Dante slowly, fingers pinched together, gliding through the air like he’s threading a needle. “Hope—it means—forget about it,” he laughs. The two boys’ stare at him curiously then scrutinize their possible future living arrangements. The taller one is dressed in a blue shirt, grey slacks, and white Converse sneakers; the blond one with long stringy hair is in jeans and a black t-shirt that reads, “FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK.” Dante sometimes questions Mac’s hiring choices. Both are nice to look at, though. The taller one is strong, but afraid of looking unintelligent—no, Dante thinks, mulling the adjective “unintelligent.” No, his fear is looking crazy. (Dante, if nothing else, is specific in how he writes about people.) The tall one is very beautiful in a very masculine way. His father, Dante muses, is a good father, wrestles with his sons after a hard day riding on the back of a sanitation truck. The mother, however, would be an exquisite beauty, the youngest and prettiest of three sisters, but extremely neurotic. Dante imagines the taller one’s family is allowed only to patronize restaurants that have male waiters, no waitresses—the mother wants no competition. There are no mirrors hung anywhere in the house. This neurosis would grow worse over time as her looks fade. Eventually she cannot leave her home lest people think her not still beautiful. Even her family would be discouraged to lay eyes on her. “What, what are you looking at?” she would say to a violator of this unwritten rule, her fingers fluttering in front of her face. It would be ingrained in him, this fear of growing old, of being judged by others. Like a bit of sand stuck in an oyster: a quality that becomes, over time, either a beautiful pearl or a malignant cancer. Pearl or cancer—TBD. The smaller one, quite defensive, is even more damaged, with many sharp edges to his personality. An early loss of a father is written all through him. He imagines life, Dante observes, squinting his aged eyes to read him deeply, life to him is a poker game and he has to get through it with only four cards to play whereas everyone else has been dealt five. Why? When did the damage occur? What becomes of him? * A teenage Tommy holds his skateboard in one hand while washing beach sand off his foot with the other. A few feet away there’s a middle-aged guy in sunglasses, slim but not skinny, shirtless, alone at a picnic table eating a burger and fries. Tommy, nose burnt and freckled from the sun, sets his skateboard down; his bare toe pushes it back and forth. He’s staring at the burger when the guy suddenly says, “Want one?” Tommy realizes the guy’s speaking to him. He didn’t know he was staring so intently, but he didn’t have breakfast—rarely did. He’s taken to slipping out of the house before his mom and her boyfriend, Conrad, get up. Extremely wiry kid back then, looks at most fifteen even though he isn’t. He still gets carded buying cigarettes, but his I.D.’s legit. The middle-aged guy doesn’t know that—just sees a skinny kid staring at him. Tommy rides the short distance over to him on his skateboard. The rubber wheels crunch over the gritty concrete. “Alright,” he says, taking up the guy’s offer. Guy gets up and puts in an order to a pimply girl at the snack bar window. While he’s away, Tommy sits at the table and shoos off an aggressive seagull trying to steal the guy’s last remaining fries. After a few minutes he comes back with a burger and fries in a plastic basket. Tommy lodges his long, straight hair back over his ears, says thanks, and then gobbles the burger noisily. That amuses the guy, the noise Tommy makes. Tommy’s downing a couple fries at a time when the guys asks his name. He looks over the guy in sunglasses for a second. “Tommy,” he says between French fries. “Perry Rosen. Esquire. How come you’re not at school, Tommy?” “Cause it’s Wednesday and I don’t go to school on Wednesdays,” he ad libs. Really he hasn’t gone to school since winter break on account of all his D’s and F’s. When Conrad smacks you for being snide at Thanksgiving dinner, you kind of lose interest in the future. Besides, what fucking business is it of this guy? “What are you—a truant officers? Why aren’t you at work?” “Because I’m on disability.” Perry tosses his last fry to the pushy seagull who nabs it mid-air and flaps off. “You like video games?” Perry lights a cigarette from his pack and offers one to Tommy. Tommy accepts it and stashes it behind his ear. “Gee, mister, what kid doesn’t like video games?” he gushes sarcastically, finishes his burger. “You gonna offer me candy next?” Perry laughs and raises his sunglass onto his brown wavy hair to get a better take on the kid. Tommy sees his brown hair matches exactly the color of his eyes. He presents Tommy with an appreciative smirk behind those watchful eyes. Tommy doesn’t trust this clown one bit, even if he is grateful for the meal. “You’re a smart ass, huh?” Tommy dangles a fry over his mouth and lets it fall in, not answering. “Fact is, I bought the new Grand Theft Auto.” “Awesome.” Tommy says sarcastically, but that tidbit has his attention. “You like some [banned word] picking up young guys at the beach?” “Nope. Just bored playing GTA by myself.” He flicks his ash, which tumbles over the concrete. Tommy senses what he says might be true, but still eyes the guy suspiciously while he finishes his fries. “C’mon. Let’s go.” Perry gets up. “I’ll drive you home afterward.” He puts the empty baskets on top of the trash bins. “You live around here?” “Yeah. Massapequa.” Tommy skates trying to keep up with Perry. He’s not all that bad looking, Tommy thinks, as they wind through the parking lot. Making an effort to get beside him, he observes his strong jaw, pointed chin, and a sly cat-like expression whenever he glances at Tommy—and he glances at Tommy a lot. On the skateboard he’s almost as tall as the guy, otherwise he’d probably be up to his nose. “You skate all the way to the beach?” Tommy nods, says, “Yep.” He takes the cigarette from behind his ear, cups his hands to light it. “This is me,” Perry says, as Tommy looks up. They’re stopped at a silver Mazda Miata. An older model but still makes an impression. Tommy skates around to the passenger side and gets in holding his board. There’s a blue Mother Mary plastic statue glued to the dashboard. He raises a dirty blond eyebrow at Perry. “Not guilty. Well, I am Jewish so I’m always guilty. But Mare was there when I bought this off an old geezer. Bad juju I figure if I break her off. Besides she’s looking out for me at the road. So what harm could there be?” He releases the roof hook on his side then reaches over Tommy and unhooks the other hook. “’Scuse me,” he says, leaning very close to Tommy. Tommy catches a whiff of coconut-smelling suntan lotion mixed with the musk of sweat. When he pushes the roof back, Tommy spies a small tufts of wet dark curls in his armpits. Perry pulls his sunglasses down, starts the convertible, revs the engine, then squeals out of the lot. Tommy hastily buckles in and hugs his board like a security blanket. The Miata roars down Ocean Parkway, taking the roundabout faster than any of the other cars. Perry pushes in the lighter and pulls a cigarette from his pack with his full lips. The ashtrays he opens overflows with butts. “So how old are you, Tommy from Massapequa?” he hollers as he guns the engine passing one car after another. “How old you think I am?” Tommy yells back. “Thirteen.” Perry eyes wrinkle with a smile behind his aviator frames. “Fuck you. Eighteen.” “You don’t look it. No hair in your pits that I can see.” He looks over at Tommy. Tommy lifts an arm to show him. “Some. It’s just blond. Why you care?” “I don’t. Prove it.” “What, that I’m not thirteen?” He gets out his I.D. and pushes it in the guy’s face. The lighter pops out and Perry press the glowing coil to his cigarette, glances at Tommy’s I.D. “Looks fake.” “It’s not.” Tommy slides it back in his cutoffs. The wind does a number on his hair making it flick in his face. He tries to put it behind his ears without much luck. He takes a hit off his cigarette and blows smoke into the turbulence. Looks out as the beach houses, scrub brush and dunes as they zip by. They drive for a while not talking. The guy seems to like weaving in and out, overtaking cars, which scares and exhilarates Tommy. He gives Perry a couple of sideways glances. Doesn’t look like a predator. Figures he’s in his forties, seems to keep in shape, has a few random dark hairs on his sternum, but smooth and deeply tan otherwise. He could be a high school track coach, if a high school track coach chain smoked. They pass over the Great South Bay Bridge. At the top of the bridge they’re flying so fast Tommy feels like any second they’ll take off and soar into the sky. Construction on the other side of the bridge and a stalled truck cause Perry to hit the brakes. As they squeal to a stop, he puts up a hand over Tommy’s chest to protect him. His hand falls back on the gear shift after he makes a detour to feel Tommy’s thigh. “Didn’t scare you, did it?” “Fuck no.” Tommy picks up the pack off the dashboard and takes another cigarette and light his old one with this new one. Perry looks at him and tries not to laugh. They ride the streets of Islip for several minutes, until they pull into the driveway of a two story apartment building: open garage parking on the first floor, apartments on the second. Tommy tosses his cigarette as they pull into a parking spot. Perry crush out his butt in the ashtray. “Be it ever so humbles,” Perry says, getting out. Tommy climbs out of the convertible, notices a Triumph motorcycle parked next to the Miata, wants to know if that’s Perry’s. It is, Perry confirms, as Tommy follows him up the back stairs. With the sunlight fading, Perry hold his set of keys close to his sunglasses, finds the right one, and unlocks the door. He usher Tommy and his clutched skateboard inside. It’s stuffy and smells like stale beer and cigarettes. Not surprisingly, on the coffee table there’s an ashtray brimming with butts. There’s an old, green couch with leopard print throw pillows and a La-Z-Boy over in the corner; a big screen TV sits on a stand opposite, with a DVD and VCR players underneath; unmarked DVD cases and video boxes are stacked on the sides. A swivel chair sits in front of a monitor on a desk, with game controls, and a PC tower adjacent on the floor. A framed Lion King poster adorns the hallway leading to the bedroom. It’s one of the only movies he love, a movie his mom—pre-Conrad—took him to when he was eight. “You like the Lion King?” Perry doesn’t answer. He’s quickly trying to clean up. Above the monitor there’s a huge framed photograph of the Savanna with a lion, lioness, and their cubs lying on a vivid green plain. He gets up close to it. In the corner there’s a small signature. Perry Rosen, 1999. “This really Africa?” Perry says it is as he’s closing a draw. He sets down his sunglasses and pack of cigarettes on the kitchen pass through. Tommy’s uneasy with what he sees in the dining area. A camera on a tripod, and in back of it are two stand holding up a dark grey backdrop. The backdrop spools to the floor behind a stool. A light on a stand aims at the backdrop, unlit. “What’s that?” Tommy wants to know. “What’s it look like?” Perry answers. “Like something a [banned word] would have in his apartment.” “Guilty as charged. But just a hobby.” Perry takes a cigarette from his pack and lights up. He turns on his monitor, boots up the game, and sits in the swivel chair and starts racing around the screen being chased by police cars. Tommy stands in back of him, still holding his skateboard. He’s familiar with the old 2D version of the video game—he’s played it often at friends’ houses—but this version is the new 3D one, and is so much cooler. For an old guy, Perry’s a pretty impressive gamer. He’s on it for a long time, screeching, shooting, before his avatar gets killed. He makes a big deal as he ceremoniously hands over the controls and the chair to Tommy. “Show me how it’s done, champ.” Tommy climbs in the chair and Perry watches him play. He cheers him on as he goes through various levels racking up wanted stars, money and guns. When Tommy fucks an in-game prostitute—racking up his health score—he turns around and shoots the whore to get his money back. Perry roars in astonishment and claps him on the shoulder. “You are one sick little fuck.” Tommy smiles in spite of himself. “I didn’t know you could do that,” Perry says. “I didn’t know I could do it either. Until I did it.” Tommy’s got a line of cop cars and helicopters chasing him. He gets distracted by the sound of a click, wipes out and his game character dies. He tosses the gaming controls on the desk and hears another click. Perry has his camera taking photos of Tommy. “My bubbee would have said something just like that.” He continues taking pictures of an increasingly annoyed Tommy. In a Yiddish grandma voice, he says, “’You never gonna know what you can do…unless you do it.’ She was all about taking changes, my bubbee.” “What are you doing, man?” “Taking a chance. Look how serious you are. Like a cross teddy bear.” Perry clicks several more times. Tommy holds up his hand to block Perry. “Ten bucks,” says Perry. “Aw, come on. Let me take a couple more.” He flips on the light on the stand. The brightness highlights the dinginess of the room: pale blue walls; a yellow water stain on the ceiling; burn marks on the checkered blue and grey linoleum floor, with a few more burn scars on the coffee table. “You serious? Ten. Just for some pictures?” Tommy asks distrustfully. Perry opens his wallet and takes out a ten dollar bill. “I said it was my hobby. Look.” He hands Tommy a photo album, dangling the ten out of Tommy’s reach. Tommy opens the album and flips through it. Page after page is of boys. None of them particularly good looking, just pretty average Joe’s; a few chubby ones, some even skinnier than him, like boys he goes to school with. Toward the back of the album he comes across a red flag—shirtless men, some with tattoos, some showing their hairy butts and, on the last page, some full frontals of pretty rough looking guys that look like they’re about to pounce on the photographer, fists clenched. “I knew you were a [banned word].” He gives back the album. “No. The boys are all legal. I have learned my lesson, your honor. Like I said, it’s just a hobby.” “Yeah, well, I gotta go.” “Five minutes and you get a ten spot.” “Not interested.” “You don’t have to, like, take anything off. You’re cute just in your trunks with your angry teddy bear face.” Tommy frowns and snatches the bill from Perry’s hand. He clutches his skateboard as he climbs on the stool. As Perry positions the camera framing Tommy tight, he says, “Would a smile kill you?” “Yes.” He grips his skateboard tighter to his chest. Perry takes a couple of photos then pleads with him to lower the skateboard, an inch, two inches. Tommy reluctantly does, looking stern and a little embarrassed. “Mind if I put on some music?” Perry asks. Tommy shrugs. He pops in Green Day, holds the camera close and moves with the music. Tommy thinks he’s such a doofus, the way he dances with his camera. It makes him sneer. “That’s it.” Perry starts clicking rapidly and sings with the song, “Don’t know where it goes. Yeah, curl that lip.” Tommy can’t help let escape a small smile at how dorky Perry is. “Gorgeous.” Perry’s really getting into the music and teasing Tommy with the camera. “I walk alone,” he sings getting the camera up in Tommy’s face. Tommy pushes the camera away and Perry swings it right back, taunting him. Perry falls to his knees looking up at him. “That’s it. Show me that distain. How fucked up is Tommy’s world?” Scorn is easy for Tommy to fall into. “That’s it. More. I walk alone.” Tommy leers at the man. “Go ahead, spit on me.” That takes him by surprise. “Say what?” “Yeah, or like you want to." Tommy considers what he asks. He feels the guy’s completely serious, so he spits on him a little just to see what he’ll do. It pushes Perry to a new passionate level. He starts clicking away like mad. “That’s it, that’s it. You think I’m some kind a loser, don’t you? Disbarred lawyer living in a shit hole like this. Come on, spit on me, motherfucker! Take it out on me—your fucked up little cunt!” Tommy sees he really gets off on this—and he doesn’t like what he’s saying—so he builds a big wad of saliva and hocks it at him. It lands on the guy’s forehead and runs down his face. “Wonderful!” Perry looks up from his camera. “That’s going to be a great one.” Perry puts the camera back on the tripod, shaking his head, more than a little embarrassed. He gets out a tissue and wipes his forehead and cheek. Tommy honestly doesn’t know what to make of this guy. Something reminds him how he drives his car, the fast-shifting moods. Something exhilarating being around him. “You’re a freak, dude,” he tells him. “Yes, I well aware of that.” He lights a cigarette. “I think you got a little freaky-deaky in you, too, Tommy from Massapequa.” He throws him the pack. Tommy pulls out one and lights it. He tosses the pack back to Perry. “What you said about being a disbarred—” “Yes, yes. I plead the fifth, your honor,” he says. Going into the fridge, he pulls out a couple of beers, offers one to Tommy who takes it. “What’d you, like, do?” Tommy pops his beer while exhaling smoke through his nose. Perry turns red face. He pulls the corners of his lips down in a mock sad face. “Uh, moral turpitude,” he says. Tommy doesn’t know what that means, but seeing Perry’s expression after he releases his lips—it’s a complex face he doesn’t know what to make of: angry, embarrassed, defiant, challenging—he knows he should drop it, but he persists giving Perry a quizzical look. “What’d ya do?” “Okay-okay-okay. Let’s just say, it’s why I wanted to see some I.D. from you. I’m not going up the river on a second offense.” There’s something shady, almost criminal, in way the guy’s eyes dart back and forth looking at him. It looks like he’s weighing what he’s going to do next. That same fear and thrill Tommy felt in the car. Tommy’s trying to decide if he should be wary of this guy or if he’s attracted to this side of him—he definitely feels danger coming off him. He’s never been presented with a choice like this before. Sure, he could walk out, but he decides he’s not going to. The guy could be a little deranged and he might like him more because of it. Perry smashes out his cigarette. “So,” he says, frighteningly normal-looking again like none of the past few second ever happened. “May I have my last two and a half minutes, please?” he asks, holding up his camera. Tommy shrugs his shoulders, puts out his cigarette. Perry pivots and puts on an old, scratchy Supremes record. As the music takes a hold of him, it seems to make him more stable, more average Joe, thinks Tommy. As Perry adjusts him on the stool, he sings to him: “Baby, baby…baby don’t leave me.” Tommy can’t help grin, if for no other reason than he’s relieved the guy’s like he was before. Perry is ready to shoot, but with his hands on his hips, the camera hanging on a strap around his neck, he says patiently, “Ya know, as much I love the street urchin look, can I get you to just brush your hair? Just a little?” “No,” says Tommy. He’s back to comfortably frowning at Perry. “Okay, wear this then.” Perry hands him a green knit hat. Tommy pulls it on. “Ah, you look like a cute little elf.” Tommy pulls it off. Now his hair is mussed at all angles. “Perfect,” says Perry, and starts shooting. Tommy gives him a disapproving glare, which Perry eats up. “Yeah, yeah. Right. You are so fuckin’ beautiful, Tommy. Has anyone ever told you that?” He stops, expecting an answer. Tommy’s not about to respond. Deeply scowls instead. “Well, you are ab-so-lutely stunning.” Perry grinds his hips to the music. “I’ve got this burning, burning, yearning feelin’ inside me.” He grabs his crotch and tease Tommy. “Ooh, deep inside me.” He pumps his hips at Tommy. “And it hurts so bad.” He steals a kiss. “Hey!” Tommy hops off the chair and pushes Perry backwards. “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry,” Perry shakes his head in shame. “I know. Bad Perry. Perry very, very bad. Never do it again.” Tommy’s more in shock than mad. He can’t tell if Perry is acting or really is just a complete mess—he’s on his knees begging for forgiveness. “Here,” he says, pulling out his wallet and handing over a ten. “I promise you. Won’t happen again. You can hit me if I do.” “I don’t want to hit you, dude. I need to go.” “No, don’t go. I’ll put away the camera. I got some dynamite pot. We’ll watch a movie. I’ll order Chinese.” Tommy purses his lips. Perry turns off the music and the light on the stand. “Really. Any movie you want.” He pats the couch. “Come on. Sit.” Tommy sits at one end and Perry flops down at the other. He digs in his cigarette pack and produces a rumpled joint. He lights it, takes a big hit and hands it to Tommy. He pushes off the couch and goes through the DVDs under the big TV. “So, what do you feel like? Girl on girl, boy on girl?” He gives Tommy his sly-puss sideways glance. “Boy on boy?” “Straight,” say Tommy, as nonplused as he can. Perry pops in a disc and sits back on the couch. Tommy tokes and leans in to give him back the joint. The movie comes on. Cheesy graphics spin in the title: Anal Angels. Tommy throws him a disparaging look. “What? It’s Charlie’s Angels except they like it up the butt. Where’s the harm?” They watch for a while, passing the joint back and forth, while busty babes get rammed by a tattooed biker and an immensely endowed Black guy. Five minutes into it, one of the “angels” take both guys up her ass. It’s in extreme close-up, right between their pumping dicks. Perry starts rubbing his trunks where a rising lump is building. “I don’t’ know about you, but this is making me really horny. It won’t bother you if I rub one out, will it? I promise, line in the sand.” Perry draws an imaginary line between the couch cushions, between himself and Tommy. Tommy acts nonchalant and makes like he’s cool with it, even though he’s getting horny too. The double-dicked angel seem to be really enjoying how much it’s ripping her ass apart, and, with the pot loosening him up, and Perry beating away, he thinks he should lighten up, too—maybe pull out his dick. Never mind he’d be jacking next to a guy. Honestly, he’s done it a few times before at a few different buddy’s sleepovers, after they’ve been drinking, looking at Penthouses, and getting trashed on weed. Doesn’t happen often, but it has happened. So why not? Tommy guzzles his beer, then pulls down his pants and starts whacking along with Perry. He focuses strictly on the screen getting himself hard. He knows Perry’s looking over at him but he stares straight ahead. Then Perry stops jerking, leans over, and slips his mouth over Tommy’s cock. This first time a warm, wet mouth takes in his dick makes him almost cum instantly. With his palms pressing into the couch, he looks up at the water stain on the ceiling and then down at dark wavy hair, feeling the man’s soft tongue swirling around his cock. How good it feels, how stoned he is—Perry’s spittle sliding down his shaft, wrapping around his balls. As Perry bobs, Tommy places his hands gingerly on the man’s hair. His dick’s really wet and Perry amazingly manages to slide his cock deep down his throat, all the way down till he’s swallowed his cock down to Tommy’s sparse blond pubes. Perry wraps his hand under his balls and plays with them, then strokes Tommy’s cock with a clench fist. He looks at Tommy. “Feels good, yeah?” Tommy moans lightly as Perry swirls his palm around the head of Tommy’s cock, gripping him harder. “Like it, son?” Something about calling him son triggers him. “I’m cumming,” Tommy breathes a second before he releases. Perry increase the pressure of his palm and takes in Tommy’s dick head and swallows all the cum Tommy’s gushes out. Tommy claws the edge of the couch and buck wildly with Perry continuing to swirl and suck as he continues to spew. He thinks Perry will stop after he finishes cumming but he’s still slurping away way long after he’s climax. “Stop. Dude!” He pushes Perry’s head off him. Perry picks up his beer and lies back. “Time was,” Perry says, swigging some beer, “back in the Jurassic age, I’d have charged you twenty for that.” Tommy sucks back some of his beer, too, and looks at the screen avoiding Perry’s eye contact. The man’s evaluating him, he feels it. Doesn’t know what more he could want. Perry finally turns away and watches a new “angel” in a sling, legs spread wide, pussy lips hanging and red gaping butthole pushing open. The Black guy is greasing up his hand and slides grease in her butt. Slowly he slides this entire hand into her red gape. Perry starts beating off again. Tommy sits there stunned that the girl can take a hand as big as the Black guy’s. Tommy sits with his mouth open and his trunks still at his ankles, his dick hard as metal. The angel writhes and shrieks, encourages the Black guy to fist her harder. Tommy’s mesmerized, eyes glued to the screen with Perry’s spanking his cock beside him. Perry reaches a hand over and fondles Tommy’s cock while he beats his own. “Payback time,” Perry sings. He turns to Tommy. “Twenty bucks, you do that to me.” “Huh?” Tommy looks at him confused. “No seriously. I want you to stick your hand up my butt. Fist me just like that.” “That’s not possibly.” “Well.” Perry pauses masturbating, and begins to cross-exam Tommy: “First of all, your initial response is you didn’t say no. Secondly, see, she’s doing it, so you can clearly see it's possible. And finally, I like it. More than like it. I love taking a guy’s fist. But if you don’t feel like it, I can always get online after I take you home, and find someone who will. But I’d really like it if it was you. Easy twenty.” “I doubt if I can.” Perry claps excitedly. “Sure you can. I’ll lead you through it.” Perry steps out of his swimsuit, very erect. “Leave you trunks on the floor. God you’re hot!” He takes Tommy into his bedroom where a sling’s set up, one very much like the one in the movie. A can of Crisco is clipped to one of the poles. Perry plugs in red chili lights strung around the sling, and climbs in placing a leg in each of the hanging straps. The room is all reds and shadows. The sling’s chains sparkle. Perry skin shines, his pits and crotch are dark as midnight. “You’re going to be great. Okay, put Crisco all over your hand. Now take a wad and push it into my hole.” Tommy follows his instruction, can’t believe he’s about to do this, but completely intrigued by the idea of fisting someone. Pushing the wad of Crisco into Perry, it’s the first time he’s ever touched a man’s asshole. He can’t say he’s repulse—actually the opposite—it’s the softest thing he’s ever felt. He hears the actress in the other room continue to screech in what sounds like pleasure and agony. “You sure about this? It’s gonna hurt you.” “Yes, and?” Perry says. “Now make your hand like this,” he instructs, pointing all his fingers together. “Slowly push on my hole. No, don’t let up. That’s it. Keep going in.” Tommy loves how silky Perry’s hole is, like velvet. He takes two greased fingers and traces the asslips in a full circle, much to Perry’s satisfaction. The guy’s gushing him with praise. “Like a duck to water,” he’s says, as Tommy penetrates his entrance. The hole relaxes open as he pushes in. He penetrates him without a bit of grimace from Perry at all. “Aw, fuck baby, you make my hole sing!” Perry reaches up to a hanging sack dangling from a support bar. It clanks from a number of bottles inside. He pulls out a brown bottle and takes a hit from it. He offers it to Tommy, who doesn’t know what it is, but follows Perry’s lead. Perry holds one of his nostrils as he sniffs, then the other. There’s a cloud that forms in his head that overwhelms him, a desire to push his whole hand inside Perry hole, a relishing at how nasty this is, amplified by how much he loves the filthiness of this. Perry’s lying back looking at the ceiling coaxing Tommy to continue going in. Tommy doesn’t need any encouragement. He loves the way Perry’s sphincter opens for him, creamy as rose petals the touch of his skin. He’s up to his third knuckle before Perry says to wait a second, let him get used to his hand, but Tommy ignores him and keeps pushing in. Perry’s breathing rapidly through tight lips, murmuring obscenities, when Tommy breaks through. He glides his palm in, diving straight into a cavern up to his wrist. Perry’s sphincter clamps around him like a handcuff—he’s captive in a way he’s never been. Perry’s breath slows, his face melts in total bliss. “Fuck,” Tommy says, surprised at the accomplishment. His hidden hand feels all wet and warm, slimier than anything he’s ever felt. When he wiggles his fingers, Perry’s eyes roll up in his head in painful pleasure. Perry uncaps the bottle again and Tommy leans forward wanting another hit. Perry gives it to him, as he instructs Tommy to fold his hand into a ball. Tommy does and Perry tells him how good he’s doing, what a natural he is. “A star is born, baby!” Perry heaves in ecstasy, sniffing his bottle. “Streisand’s got nothing on you!” Tommy tries variations he witnessed in the movie. He pulses in and out of Perry’s hole. There’s so many cross-currents of tissue rubbing across Tommy’s fist, like he’s guiding his hand through a spongy cave, ramming his hand through a winding tunnel of flesh. He withdraws his fist almost out then pumps back in. “Aw, fuck me, you own this hole. Anything you do, just remember I feel it times a hundred.” Tommy pulls his hand out, slides more grease into Perry loose asslips, and follows through with his fingertips re-entering the hole. “Yeah. Go deep. Yeah, deeper.” Tommy does and finds Perry’s rectum is an amazing, pliable object that has its own set of rules. It’s like he’s suddenly handed the game console that controls another man’s body. With his fingertips, he twists them one way and then the other, which makes Perry twitch and cry. He lets the palm of his hand glide against the walls in a one-eighty, then reverses. He feels a bump at the top of this man cave. He lets his fingers dance against it. Perry is twerks on his hand like crazy. “You found my prostate. No! Don’t squeeze it,” which of course makes Tommy squeeze it. Perry jerks in the sling. Tommy feels powerful, in command for possibly the first time in his life. It starts to get a rise out of him. His dick’s straight out, aimed at Perry sloppy hole. As he pulls his hand out, he replaces it with his erection. It slides in like he’s fucking warm butter. It’s like his cock is in warm, viscous mud. Like he’s fucking mucous. All the imagery bombarding him makes him harder. “Slide your hand inside with your cock, if you can,” Perry suggests, looking up in Tommy’s direction. He’s cross-eyed in exaltation, unable to see the boy in the red shadows, but feels every inch of him. “Aw, fuck,” he exclaims, as Tommy slips his hand inside, surrounding his penis with his hand. “Jack off in me, baby.” Tommy does. The act is sick and feels so good, and brings such pleasure to Perry who hitting the poppers like a maniac, offering Tommy some on occasion. When he does get a hit, he goes crazy deep into Perry, whose loving every second of it. Perry starts jacking again, hard as a rock. He gives Tommy the three-second warning and points his dick straight up. Tommy, straight off a hit of poppers, eagerly bends down and takes the man’s cockhead in his mouth. Perry explodes his semen immediately, which Tommy swallows. The clenching rectum spasms as Perry orgasms. Tommy’s first swallow of cum and how good his cock feels whacking inside a sloppy hole, makes him gush again—a second time within an hour. Tommy pinches off every last drop, then slowly pulls out a slick hand and wraps his fist around Perry withering cock. “No, please don’t.” But Perry’s begging makes Tommy smirk and stroke his cock harder. Perry bounces like a marionette in the sling, jingling all the chains, pleading to Tommy to stop. He takes pity and reluctantly lets him off the hook. Tommy jumps up hanging from the top bar of the sling with his non-greasy hand, swinging back and forth making monkey sounds. “I knew you were a freak, baby. Saw it in your eyes the minute you skated over to me.” Tommy drops to the ground, scratching his armpit, still making monkey sounds. “No really, you could make some serious coin doing what you do.” Tommy still feels the saltiness of cum in his mouth, the buzz of the poppers, the lingering euphoria of the pot. Looking at Perry resting in the sling, he wonders what it would be like to switch positions. He smiles, beaming contented for the first time in a really long time. Perry’s focusing now, finally coming back to earth. “Baby, you got a knack. And I’m not just yanking your chain.” He awkwardly reaches Tommy’s cock and pulls on it. He flops back, looking at Tommy admiringly. He needs work, he realizes, but the raw talent is there with a little dash of crazy. “Listen, I get fisted all the time. Sometime I’ll pay for it, sure—and I definitely will pay for that. But you must think bigger. You have got the right amount of nasty and recklessness that some men like, that some men seek out.” He leans forward as much as he can with his legs still suspended. He grabs Tommy’s ribs. “Come here.” Perry reels him in. Tommy flops like a ragdoll over Perry sweaty, slick torso. He allows himself to be kissed repeatedly by Perry all over his face—doesn’t kiss him back. He grins smugly, regarding him like he’s full of it. Perry notes his reticence. “Alright. I can work with that.” He releases Tommy who stands there, even now, with his half-hard eighteen-year-old constant erection. “We need a name on your profile. Tommy's too boy next door. We need to get you geared up in leather, introduce you to a little S&M, get pics of you on a few nasty sites. I bet there’s a ton of men to hook you up with. They’d gladly line up to be disciplined by a hot skater boy like you, grovel at your feet. You put them through their paces, all right, and they’ll be happy to pay for the privilege.” Tommy scowls at him, thinks this is all bullshit. “Yeah, just like that. That cross teddy bear face.” He inhales suddenly. As if his name appeared to him on a movie marque, Perry sweeps his hand across the ceiling for Tommy to read: “Oscar. You’re garbage to him.” Perry lies back dreamily grasping the chains above his head. Tommy spies the wet dark tufts in his armpits. He slips his semi-rigid dick back in Perry’s dripping hole, and leans over to lick his pits like he’s wanted to since the car ride. “That's right.. Get piggy, boy.” Perry takes control of Tommy’s head, holding it tightly in his pit while Tommy sucks on his sweat-drenched curls. “Clean it up. Lick all of it. Oscar, we are going to make one hell of a fortune, you and me.” He guides Tommy's head over to suck out his other pit. “We need just one tweak.”
    6 points
  4. ------- Chapter 4.2 - Busted ------- A few days later Ric was studying in his room when there was a knock at the open door. "Hi, Ric? Got a sec?" the guy asked. Ric recognized him from the floor and thought the guy had checked him out a few times. Will, he thought the guy's name was. Will was a thin guy that gave off a skater vibe. His long almost-straight brown hair hung over his head, covering half of his face most of the time. The few times Ric saw him out of his usual baggy tee and shorts he had a nice, developing body with small nipples perfect for nibbling on. While his body was naturally smooth, there was a nice trail below his navel. What the trail led to, Ric didn't know since he'd never seen Will out of his underwear, but he did know he had a nice ass filling up those white briefs. "Yeah, what's up?" Ric replied. "Uh... I know this is a weird question, but... do you like wrestling?" Will asked. Ric chuckled a second and said "Yeah, it is weird. No, I sucked at wrestling in high school and hated every second of it. I have a friend that was a really good and won tournaments but not me. Why?" "Oh... I saw a video... and there was a guy in it that wrestled... and had a tattoo like yours... he was hairy like you too... and his skin was about the same shade..." Will said, fumbling for words. "Sounds like an interesting video. Send me a link to it" Ric said, trying to hide his concerned look. A second later he added "I found out that this tattoo and placement are more common than I thought and a lot of Latino guys are hairy. Finding the guy in the video sounds like a needle in a haystack thing" smiling back at him. "Uh... I don't know if you'd like it. It's pretty strange and not very long. Thanks" Will told him as he slowly turned toward the door. "I like strange shit. Send it to me" Ric said, scribbling down his email address on a piece of paper. He handed it to Will and then whispered "You're one of the few on the floor to make a comment about the tattoo. I'd like to see this other guy's." He wasn't even sure which tattoo Will was talking about, but he assumed it was the biohazard. Will blushed and said "OK" before he walked back to his room. Ric wondered if it would be one of the two videos Rawson had just posted, but still wanted to keep quiet about his side jobs. Ten minutes later, an email popped up and it was from Will. There was link and nothing else in the message, but it was to one of the new clips Ric was in. He waited an hour and replied to the message "Hot clip. I didn't know you were into that stuff." The next day the dorm floor had a meeting and Ric showed up a few minutes late. He stood at the back of the group and realized Will was standing in front of him. As the RA went on about quiet hours and some repair projects he leaned in and whispered in Will's ear "You got a good eye. I'd appreciate it if you kept quiet about those videos, though." Will's head turned quickly and Ric saw the shocked look on his face, but Will slowly nodded "yes" before turning back to the meeting. Ric went back to his room after the meeting ended and found Eddy tapping away on his laptop. He closed the door, popped on some headphones and began prepping for his test the next day, trying not to disturb Eddy's concentration. The next evening, he was updating his escort ads again, trying to get more results. He first thought about taking the ads down for a little bit since the one comment about the porn clip mentioned that they found his ad, but since there were no more messages than normal he left it up. Just as he submitted the changes to one site, there was a tap at the door. Ric changed to the home screen and set the tablet face down. He looked over and it was Will. "Got a minute?" Will asked and Ric replied "Sure." Will came into the room and asked "Eddy coming back soon?" "Nah, he's at the library so he'll be back late" Ric said, followed by "What's up?" Will closed the door and asked "Is that really you in those videos?" "Is this just between you and me?" Ric asked and watched Will nod 'yes'. "You're not going to tell anyone else, right?" Ric then asked. "Yeah. I promise" Will replied, nervously fidgeting as he stood there. "Yeah, I did that video a month ago. It didn't go very well and those two clips were all they could use. I guess it's a free teaser to get you to buy the other videos or sign up for a subscription. Unfortunately, they're a bit more public than I'd like" Ric said softly. "Fuck. They were really hot but the other guy just laid there most of the time. The comments sounded like you did another video. Was that better?" Will asked. Ric chuckled. "Yeah... I thought so, but it was the first time I had ever done anything like that. I didn't think you'd be into gay porn, much less bareback stuff like that" he said. "Uh... yeah. I don't like to tell people I'm gay. Only a few people know. I'm still in the closet, I guess. One of my friends at home showed me some sites with... uh... edgier porn than what he called vanilla stuff... and I liked it, so I've been looking for more" Will said, his face red from embarrassment. "Nothing to be ashamed of, Will. Everybody gets turned on by different things. Some like vanilla, some like straight sex, some bondage, interracial, raw, piss... you name it. And who knows what you might like five or ten years from now. I like bare gay sex, cum and a few other things." A few seconds later, he continued. "What kinds of stuff do you like, Will?" Ric asked, looking up at him. He moved over to the corner of the bed, against the wall, and motioned Will to sit down on the other corner. Will sat down and turned toward Ric. "I like the same. I tried condoms a few times and they killed my boner or made my hole really sore. So... that's the kind of porn that I can relate to" Will said. He took a deep breath and looked down. "My friend told me that tattoo means that you have HIV and like to give it to other people. Is that true?" Will asked nervously. "There's a few meanings but that's a common one. But it doesn't mean that you want to infect others. It's just a symbol many poz guys use to show their status. Some are on medication and can't infect others, but once you're poz you always will be. It's permanent, just like the tattoo is permanent. I know your next question... yes, I'm poz. It's been about a year" Ric said, watching Will's jaw drop. "Damn. You don't look like you're sick" Will said. "It takes a while before the virus really affects you visibly and if you go on medications then it usually won't. Other than a week with the flu after I got infected, I've been healthy. Without the tattoo, no one would guess. So what turned you on with the clips you saw?" Ric asked, trying to change the conversation. A few moments later, Will continued "Uh, I really liked the closeups of the cock fucking the bottom's hole. And the second one where you could see the cock throb as you came and then pull out with that huge load running out of the bottom." Ric could tell that Will was getting excited, envisioning the clips in his mind. "Are they going to post any more?" Will then asked. "I doubt it. I'm surprised they were able to get those two. The bottom guy was really out of it and just laid there most of the time. I tried to get him more lively but it didn't work. I don't know what drugs he was on, but I doubt he remembers any of the fuck" Ric said, the disappointment clear in his voice. "Oh. There was that other one. Was that really better?" Will asked. "You know the site, so you know who the porn star that runs it is. His last full video had 4 scenes. Did you see it?" Ric asked. Will shook his head 'no' and he continued. "The first three scenes had real porn stars that fucked and bred him. I was the new guy and did the final scene. It was really fun, even if I didn't know what I was doing. I knew how to fuck, but that's it. All the other stuff like bending away to let the camera see was all new. It helps though to have a good partner and since Rawson is a pro, he made it easy. If that second shoot had been my first experience, I'd never think about doing it again" Ric said. "So you're going to do more?" Will asked, obviously excited. "We're talking about it. I just don't want it to be a repeat of the last one. I also don't want clips like those two getting all over the internet. I'm not sure I want to keep doing the wrestler character either, but it seems popular. We used it to obscure my identity, but I guess that didn't totally work" Ric said, winking at Will. "Oh. I guess if you're going to do regular stuff after you graduate that might be a problem, but those two clips were really hot. I hope you do more" Will said, the excitement still in his voice. Ric chuckled. "I have a few clips from the first one I did if you want to see them. I don't give them out since they're Rawson's but I edited the scene down to give guys a glimpse of it. You can buy the whole scene or video on his site" Ric said. "Yeah? I'd love to see it!" Will said, his breathing getting heavier. Ric didn't want any of his dorm mates to know what he did on the side but Will seemed interested and had promised to keep it quiet. He just hoped Will would keep his word. Ric got up and pulled out his old tablet that had pictures and videos he stored away. He quickly found the clips and clicked on the first before handing the tablet to Will. They were only a minute long, but Ric thought they were the best parts. Will watched the first video and Ric saw him stroking his cock through his jeans. "Shit, that's so hot. You fucked a porn star. It wasn't very gentle either" Will said. "Well, there was a theme for it and I tried to go with it. I'm not an actor or anything but it just felt like what would happen with a wrestler all full of adrenaline after a match meeting a horny fan" Ric said. He reached over and swiped to the next video and hit play. Will's eyes were glued to the screen and he stroked himself harder this time. "And here's the money shot as they call it" Ric said as he started the third clip. Ric didn't want to show Will the fourth clip, since that's where he really roughed up Rawson and bred him the final time and made sure he got charged up. Will moaned slightly as his hand gripped his cock, trying to prevent himself from shooting inside his clothes. Ric chuckled, not expecting how much it was going to turn Will on. "Fuck. Good thing he's on prep since you dumped a big load in him. I know how good it feels to pump your cum in a guy, but I don't know if my cock throbs like that. And it sure as hell isn't that big. Was he really ok with you cumming inside of him knowing you're poz?" Will exclaimed. "If you've seen many of his scenes, he loves to get bred and a lot of guys have filled him up. When you do those scenes you're not really thinking of each other's status, you just want to have a good time and show it off to the camera. To be honest, I really don't think much about it when I hookup either. I'm honest with guys and if they don't want to have sex with a poz guy I understand" Ric explained. Will passed the tablet back and tried to cover up the wet spot on his jeans. "I don't think I could fuck with a guy who is poz. I'd be too worried" Will said, squirming on the bed. "You said you mostly fuck bare. Are you sure you're neg? Lots of guys don't know and they pass bugs along without even realizing it" Ric said with a grin. "Oh... I'm pretty sure. I haven't gotten tested since that one guy gave me gono a couple years ago, but I feel fine" Will said. Ric laughed and shook his head. "A couple years ago? Damn, you should get tested more often than that. It sounds like you've fucked more than once or twice since then too. Do you normally do hookups or just have sex with fuckbuddies?" Ric asked. Will blushed and said "I had a boyfriend in high school but no one knew. We broke up when we went to college since we went different places. There were a few guys before that and I've hooked up with a some guys since I got here this semester." "Have you ever gone to the bath house a few blocks from here?" Ric asked. "Just once. I was nervous as hell but it was kind of fun" Will said, obviously embarrassed. "Well, on Wednesdays a local clinic does free testing there. You should go over and do the test while you have some fun" Ric said. Will nodded, stood up and then said "I should get back to studying for my class tomorrow. Thanks. I won't say anything, I promise, but it's cool that I know a porn star." His smile was big, but Ric hoped that he was being honest with him and wouldn't tell anyone. Ric realized moments after Will left that he was horny too. A few messages later, he was heading down the hall to Gabe's room. Gabe opened the door naked and smiling. Ric left a trail of clothes as they headed to the bed. There was a surprising push from Gabe's outstretched hand on the center of Ric's chest, forcing Ric to lay on his back. Gabe lapped his tongue down the center of Ric's chest, dragging it down the trail until it licked down his shaft before swallowing the first four inches all at once. The blowjob lasted a long time and Ric was happy to see Gabe easily take his cock into his throat now. While his throat flexed around the shaft, Gabe wrapped his hands around Ric's balls and massaged the full nuts before giving a slow tug. Slowly, he released his grip around the balls, then the shaft and pulled back, lightly grazing Ric's dick with his teeth. Ric shivered and looked down to see Gabe staring back at him with a devilish grin. "How about we do it doggy this time? Except for that fuck against a tree, its always been missionary" Gabe said. "Aww, ok. I kinda like seeing the expressions you make when we fuck but doggy is good" Ric replied, climbing off the bed. Ric moved behind him and hurriedly pushed his face into Gabe's lightly hairy ass. His tongue flicked and poked, coating the ring with spit and forcing some more inside. Ric only rimmed for a couple minutes before he needed to get his dick into Gabe's eager hole. He felt the ring wink over the exposed tip of his cock and knew Gabe wanted it as bad as he did. Ric pushed a little and then gave a couple more nudges until he felt the head break through. Both guys let out a deep moan before Ric started to gently plow deeper. "Fuck... that feels so much better than Drew's covered dick. He's got a nice cock, but always plays safe and doggy with guys. It must be a bi thing" Gabe said as he started to rock back and forth, fucking himself while Ric pushed in. "Maybe he doesn't like looking at the facial hair... It reminds him he's fucking a guy, not a hole. His loss, I think it looks hot and I like fucking guys" Ric replied, thrusting harder. He leaned forward, his hands gripping Gabe's shoulders near his neck driving his cock in harder and deeper. Five minutes later, Ric's hips were bouncing off Gabe's ass making a familiar sound as their bodies slapped together. Just like with his throat, with only a little warmup, he was able to drive his whole shaft into Gabe's ass. And like the flexes Gabe made with his throat, he did the same with his ass muscles. Two dozen thrusts later, Ric pulled on Gabe's shoulders until his chest was against Gabe's back. "Keep that up and I'm gonna breed you" Ric whispered in his ear. "That's why I'm doin it. Breed me deep" Gabe replied, clamping down hard on Ric's fully planted shaft. Ric drove in twice more while he wrapped his arms around Gabe's chest. One more squeeze from Gabe's sphincter and he began to shoot. His cum filled the tunnel, coating both Ric's cock and the battered, soft tissue. "Oh god that feels so good" Gabe moaned while Ric gasped for air. Ric knew he'd pumped almost thirty loads into Gabe and wondered why his bug hadn't claimed another willing bottom. The pair laid on Gabe's bed for a little bit until Gabe said "Sorry, but I need to get back to the paper I'm writing for class. This was a great distraction, though. Let's hookup again soon."
    4 points
  5. 7. I realized as soon as he had left what time it was and that I needed to go to sleep soon or I’d have no chance of being useful at work the next day. Matt wasn’t back yet so I walked naked to the bathroom, not that it would have mattered any more, and got ready for bed. It however, became very apparent very quickly to me that sleeping while locked and exceedingly horny was not easy. Maybe, I thought, I’ll get use to it, there was no way Mike hadn’t slept since he put on his cage. Tonight, though, there was going to be very little sleep for me. I tossed and turned, straining at my cage, and feeling my wet slick hole. I watched the hours tick by, my alarm getting closer and closer. Around three Mike came back in. I never closed my door all the way when I went to bed or it got too hot, and Mike peaked around the crack. Seeing that I was still up, he came bounding into my room. “Can’t sleep?” “Nope,” I grunted. “First night is always hardest.” He got in my bed and laid down next to me. He had stripped down to his jock before coming in and I felt his warm flesh against mine. “How am I so fucking horny?” “Because you’re discovering your new life,” he yawned, “you’ll get use to it eventually. It took me,” another smaller yawn, he was clearly drifting off, “like two weeks before I really slept well, but you’ll… be… fine.” He fell asleep curled up next to me and I shifted so we were spooning, his cage resting in my crack. We both smelled of cum and sweat, but it was comfortable. Wrapped in my cumdump roommates arms I drifted off into a light rather fitful sleep. My alarm came way too early and it felt impossible to drag myself out of bed. Mike was still there next to me and just sort of grumbled as I got up to shower and get dressed. When I left the apartment he had moved to his own bed and was laying with the door wide open, face down his legs spread, well used hole on display. It was murder getting to work. I felt myself straining in the cage and kept catching myself checking out every guy on the train. My day had barely started and already all I could think about was cock. Yesterday had been pure bliss, I longed to be naked feeling a man slide inside of me, not trapped in a button up shirt and a cardigan on my way to the office. By the time I was in the office I knew it was going to be a terribly unproductive day for me. Having settled at my desk and found a comfortable arrangement for my cage, I started doing just enough work that no one would notice or be mad at me while my mind wandered and I daydreamed about being fucked. Just after lunch is when I lost all self-control and was back on Scruff. I wasn’t really sure what my intentions were when I started but by four I had made plans with a guy not far from work to stop by his place before heading home. At 4:50 I packed up and snuck out a few minutes early. By 5:05 I was at his apartment and by 5:10 I was naked on my knees with yet another man’s cock in my mouth. The cute, tall, unassuming 30 year old ginger moaned as his cock grew to a hefty thick shaft in my mouth. I had told him about my cage and he had made me strip completely upon entering the apartment so he could look at my cock straining while he used me. It didn’t take him long to get completely hard, and knowing that a blow job was not why I was there, he soon had me on my back on his bed with my legs in the air. He bent me back, my knees next to my ears, as he dove into my hole with his tongue. After all the abuse yesterday, his tongue lapping at my hole felt amazing. I knew I was still looser than normal and my hole quickly opened up for him, begging him to slide his raw cock inside. He chewed and spat on my hole, making it slicker and wetter. I was becoming putty again. My whole body was becoming centered around my hole, it was all I could focus on. A long drip of precum was hanging from my cage but it felt inconsequential compared to what was happening with my ass. “Please fuck me,” I groaned, “I need your load” “You ready for my cock boy?” “Fuck yes!” “Good,” he straightened up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He spat a thick wad of spit into his palm and lubed up his cock, and lined it up with my hole. I had hold of my knees and I took a deep breath, feeling the pressure on my hole starting to mount, and then let all the air out of my lungs. My hole winked open and his cock, finding its mark, slid in. I wouldn’t say his cock was easy to take but my hole opened quickly for him and soon he was balls deep in me. “Fuck, this is a wet cunt,” he moaned as he bottomed out. “Fill me up.” “Don’t worry boy, I’ve got a big load ready for you.” We were off. He started long dicking me hard and fast, pulling his cock almost entirely from my hole and then banging it back in, hammering my second hole as he did. It didn’t take long and that part of me opened up to him too. Then I was just a sex toy he was using. He ground his cock into me, getting it as deep as he could. He tossed me over so that I was riding him, my cage smacking against his red treasure trail and his cock got yet further inside my guts. I grunted and groaned as he hammered up into me and I slammed my ass back against his cock. I was sweating now, as was he, it made my hole even more slick for him. “You’re going home full of my load boy.” “Fill me up. Make me fucking leak.” “A wet stretched out pussy full of cum.” “I need it.” “Pig.” “I need your fucking load.” “I’m going to breed you slut!” “Yes!” “Fuck!” “Please!” “Take my fucking…” he didn’t finish the sentence as he roared, and grabbed me by the shoulders. He forced me down onto his cock hard as it started to throb. He came for what felt like a deliciously long time, then his body went limp and his head crashed back against the bed. “Thanks boy, that was amazing.” “No,” I said sliding off his dick carefully, “thank you. I needed that.” “Hit me up next time you’re horny at work.” “I will!” I dressed and left him naked and sweaty in his bedroom. I felt pride, but as I got on the train home I knew I was still horny. Fuck!
    4 points
  6. Since the age Of 19, I’ve been getting fisted regularly today. I have a cunt that gaps easy, and dicks enter easy. Some tops call me a rubber hole. I love walking with a giant toy in my ass.
    4 points
  7. Clinically speaking, there is no recognized condition of “sexual depression”, but a reduction in libido is a characteristic symptom of most forms of depression, whether clinical or circumstantial (with the possible exception of manic states of bipolar depression, in which hypersexual behavior can become problematic). In other words, it’s more likely that you’re feeling less sexy because you’re depressed, not that you’re depressed because you’ve been less sexy lately. Depression has the tendency to reduce the ability to take pleasure in many things once enjoyed, and at a clinical level this is referred to as anhedonia. That’s not to say that not being able to get laid doesn’t suck, or doesn’t leave a guy grumpy and out-of-sorts. A well-known line I’ve often heard is: Sex is a misdemeanor - the more I miss, the meaner I get. And, sex is obviously known for its ability to elevate mood when you’ve had it. It’s all about the chemistry. You might take a broader look at your life circumstances right now and ask yourself if there might be other factors contributing to a drag on your mood and causing you to feel more down in general. This could result in you having less of a general interest in sex day-to-day, and that general reduction in interest may be resulting in a corresponding reduction in play, which you interpret as being the cause of the problem. The last couple of years have been really hard on everyone. Everyone’s life has been disrupted to some degree, and heightened stress is rampant. Right now, my local regular Top, who normally ruts me every week or so and loads me three times per visit, hasn’t fucked me in over a month. He messaged me to apologize and tell me that stress has gotten to him so badly that his blood pressure has shot up and the medication he has to take for it gives him erectile dysfunction. (Which illustrates how much it sucks to be me - possibly the best Top who’s ever used me now can’t get it up even when he wants to.) The point being, there may be other factors affecting your mood and sex drive, and if you can identify them, you might be able to address them. In the meantime, most professionals in the mental health care field would ask if you’re getting any exercise - that can go a long way to helping in this situation.
    4 points
  8. For far too long @drscorpio has been doing the bulk of the moderation here. I'm happy to announce that, going forward, @viking8x6 and @a6uldeve84u will also be moderating your posts. a6uldeve84u has been with the site for 11 1/2 years, viking8x6 for 9 1/2 years. Please be kind to them - especially the first few weeks as they learn how to be moderators.
    3 points
  9. I feel like for me, regularly hooking up was a coping mechanism - some would argue an unhealthy one, although I would say out of the ones I have available to me it's probably the healthiest - for the mental health problems I already had. When at the start of 2020 (shortly before the pandemic hit us here in Spain) I had something bad enough happen to make me lose my sex drive, it led to me spiralling down: Loss of sex drive = loss of sex life = loss of coping mechanism = further mental deterioration, including an even more inhibited sex drive. On top of that singular vicious cycle, I also gained weight, and so in the brief periods where I have felt better and wanted to have sex, I have felt unable to as my body image is considerably worse than it was (because my body in itself is worse) and like I know there are plenty of guys who are into bigger guys, but...I would just feel much more comfortable having sex if my body was how it was before - which was nothing special at all, just better than what I've got at the moment. While I don't think my use of hookups as a coping mechanism is necessarily unhealthy, my dependence on it as my only functional coping mechanism definitely was. It's best to diversify these things, so maybe you could take this opportunity to reflect upon if maybe what you are finding is that you don't have the desire to do stuff or interest in doing things, other than sex, and since you can't fill all your time with sex, you're running into issues. So like, try and maintain a healthy sex life, but at the same time, try and maintain a healthy non-sex life as well
    3 points
  10. Two days ago. Was about 11 pm last night and I had just finished my workout when a 19 yo Latino guy who I’ve fucked with before from the gym waved me over. He asked me what I was up to. Told him I just finished up and was probably gonna head home. He said he been feeling mad horny all day. Told him I can help him out with that but the gym was about to close down. He said we can fuck in the parking lot. Told him I was down. So we headed over to his car, pushed the back seats all the way up and got busy. Was decently dark out and there was still a bunch of cars in the lot so it was pretty isolated. We stripped our clothes and I began sucking him off and feeling his abs and body. His dick got hard in seconds and he was thrusting his dick down my throat. My dick was also rock solid. Once his dick was covered in my saliva I straddled him and pushed down his dick inside me. We both let out a loud moan as I began to ride him. We were getting hot and heavy he was working my hole so good and deep the car was starting to rock. All of a sudden he looked over to the side and so did I. There was an older white man leaning on the car next to us just looking at us. He didn’t say anything or do anything was just looking at us. I started slowly riding again and picking up speed. My dick was grinding on his abs as his was working my ass deep. He told me to turn around and bend over the console. He got behind me and pushed his dick balls deep in me. He started pounding me with strong backshots. The man was still just standing there. I couldn’t help but moan loudly. After a few min the Latino guy told me to lay on my back and get my legs up. Being a good slut I did as told. He got between my legs and pushed my legs back and pushed his dick in my guts. He started to fuck me like I owed him money. Herd deep and fast the car was rocking and the man was still staring. I was moaning loud and my dick was dripping precum on my abs. After some time he began to grunt louder and said he was gonna cum in me. I told him I want his cum in me deep. I grabbed my solid dick and started to jerk it hard and fast as I was also getting close. After a couple more minutes he let out a moan and I felt his dick explode inside me. His dick was throbing in me as he shot multiple ropes. I shot my load all over his abs. He kept his dick inside me for a few minutes. By then the man got into his truck and drove off. The Latino guy slid his dick from my cum filled hole and we got dressed. He dropped me off by my car and drove off and I went home.
    3 points
  11. When we got to his place it was around 9pm. He invited me in and asked if i was hungry. I was and he heated up some leftover pizza and we sat down and ate dinner and drank some beers. We talked about our history. He knew he was gay from an early age. He had a few partners but has been single since he became poz about 2 years ago. I told him that i was bi and not out about it and did most of my exploring with gay masseurs. Also mentioned i had gotten into fisting. "What do you like about being fisted" he asked "I like feeling a mans hand in me and having that full and deep feeling and having my limits stretched. But its more than physical. Being fisted to me is the ultimate in offering myself to the man that i am with. To spread my legs and offer myself to him and allow him to take me, own me from deep inside. Having him deep in my controlling me is amazing." i said "You like giving yourself to your man", he asked looking at me deeply with his eyes "Yes i do. If the connection is right. I want to give myself totally to him", i said softly looking at him He leaned in and kissed my so softly. I leaned forward kissing him back our mouths opening and caressing each other's tongues. He picked up my hand and led me to his bedroom. We started to make out and take off our clothes. As we got naked he pushed me back on his bed. I pushed myself up to the top and lay there opening my legs for him. He lay on me and we made incredible passionate love or at least it felt like it. His kissing was so intense, assertive yet passionate. He was raping my mouth with his tongue and i didnt want him to stop. I opened my legs more as his cock was pushing at my hole. He then kissed me all over sucking on my nipples then going down on me briefly taking my hard cock in his mouth and then lifting my ass off the bed and he started eating my hole. I lifted up my ass to meet his mouth and held my legs back. "Ohhhh Brian eat me please", i moaned He kept eating me out and and moaned and writhed all over the bed. Then he got up on his knees, put my legs on his shoulders and put the head of his fat cock at my hole. He spat on his cock and pressed his head in. "Uggghhhh", i winced as his cock was so fat. He kissed and played with my tits and pushed in. It hurt like hell but also felt sooo good. Finally he was balls deep in me. He didn't wait this time to start fucking me. He started with short strokes then to long strokes and started pounding me. "Ohhhh your pussy is so tight. Its like a tight glove around my cock", he moaned and breathed hard as he picked up his pace His cock was stretching and pounding my hole. It hurt but also felt so good and he was banging my prostate. I started to moan in a whining bitch in heat sound and said" Uhhhh fuck me please. Fuck me hard, take me own me please". I tried to raise my ass higher off the bed to get more of him in me. I wanted all of him in me. "Ohh bitch you are mine aren't you. You want me to stop and pull out. Maybe put on a condom or you like it bare?", he said picking up his pace "Bare please and please don't sto fucking me please. Fuck me, take me and make me yours please", i begged "You want my seed in you?", he yelled "Yes i do please mark me, make me yours please", i blathered out I was in total ecstasy. I was high on the pain and pleasure. I had never felt this way before and my eyes rolled back and my ass uncontrollably started to spasm. I grabbed his hips and i didnt know what was happening to my body and i started to shoot spurt after spurt of cum all over his chest and mine. "Ahhhhhhh", he yelled as my ass was squeezing his cock hard "Here is comes bitch", he yelled I felt his thick cock expand and i felt his hot juice spurt in me and my hole suddenly felt all wet and warm. My ass squeezed even harder and i felt like i was having a continued orgasm. His fucking slowed down but he kept pounding me and grinding in me. He leaned in and kissed me deeply are lips locked. He leg go of my legs off his shoulder and i let them slide on his side and i wrapped them tight around his waist crossing them at the bottom of his back and wrapped my arms around his back. "Please stay in me please", i asked softly. "I need you in me", i said. He kissed me back deeply and said "Don't worry i wont", he said In our embrace he slowly kept grinding expanding my whole with his thick meat and massaging my prostate. It felt so amazing to have him in me and to feel his seed in me and my legs and arms wrapped around him. I drifted off with him in me. I was in heaven. I woke up to use the bathroom. It was about 2am. As i climbed back in bed i looked at him. He was so hot. He lay there on his back with his legs partly spread. His penis was soft but still meaty. I couldn't resist, climbed on the bottom part of the bed and started to lick him and softly suck on him as not to wake him up. After several minutes of licking him, teasing his head with my fingers and sucking lightly on him, his cock was at full mast. It was glorious. I dribbled more salaiva on it and then climbed on. I winced as its still a thick piece of meat but squatted down until half of his huge cock was in me and slowly kept sliding on it when finally i had all of him in me. I started riding him, putting my hands on his chest. "Hmmm someone needs Daddy's cock", he whispered "Yes Daddy I needed to have you back in me again", i moaned as a rode his meat He grabbed my waist and started to pick me up with his strength and pull me back down on his cock. I moaned like a total whore and threw my head back. He then got up and pushed me on my back while still keeping his cock in me. He lifted my ass off the bed and then piledrived into me. "OHHHH Shit", i cried "You wanted it you are going to get it", he moaned He fucked my hard like that only the top of my back on the bed and my neck bent looking up at this god who was fucking the shit out of me. He fucked me like that for what seemed like for ever then turned me over flat on my stomach, spread my legs and entered me from behind pushing down on my back. "OOHHHHH your hurting me", i yelled. It felt like he was tearing my hole. I grabbed the sheets and bit down on them. He essentially sat on me and pounded me mercilessly. "Bitch i am going make you pregnant.", he said in my ear as he grabbed my hair lifted my head towards him and gave me a wet sloppy tongue lock. He rode me like and then i could feel him tense up and his cock expand in me, "Here is comes boy....ughhhhhhhhhh", he grunted and felt spurts in me. "Ahhhh yes, breed me please", i cried out lifting my ass to meet his cock. He pushed my ass back down grinding his cock in me then lying on me kissing the back of my neck. "You're mine", he said as he breathed and kissed my neck "I know", i leaned back and said He rolled off of me after all his cock softened and all his cum went into me. I moved back to the top of the bed and put my head on his chest and fell asleep.' I woke up and looked over and i was in the bed alone. It was 9am. I put my head back down on the pillow. My ass was sore and wet. I started to think about last night and everything that happened. It hit me that i had fucked bareback and taken cum from someone who was poz. I started to worry about it. Would i get HIV? Would i get AIDS? What would i tell my family? "Good morning sleepy head. You were out last night.", he said. He walked over to the bed and sat next to me sitting up. "Good morning" i said quitely "You ok", he said "I am worried about last night", i told him "You mean about getting fucked bareback by someone with HIV?, he said "Yes. I am scared and worried and don't know what to do? Should i go see my doctor or go to a clinic?", i said worryingly. I started to tear. He sat next to me on the bed and i sat up next to him. As i did a bunch of cum plopped out and my butt made a little noise. I took my fingers and wiped some of it up and he leaned over and licked off my fingers and then kissed me deeply. I kissed back and opened my mouth to accept the cum juice. "That is how we taste together", he said. It then clicked what that meant. My pussy juice and his cum....this is how we tasted together. Pulling back, he said "It's up to you what you want to do" "That's the problem, i am confused", i said He put his around my should and i leaned in on him, his hand on my thigh. "I don't know what i want to do, i mean i took your poz cock and cum", i sobbed and looked up at him "I know i shouldn't have but i did", i said "Did you enjoy it", he asked "Yes a lot", i responded "Then what are you afraid of", he asked "Getting pozzed. I am angry at myself for letting this happen", i said tearing His hand was rubbing my thigh and now brushed against my hard cock. "Maybe you are angry cause you know you liked it. In fact you wanted it", he leaned in and started to kiss my ear "No i don't want to get hiv", i said "Are you sure cause your cock is telling me something else right now", he said as his hand was now rubbing my hard cock and i let out a soft moan "I can't be. I don't want to be pozzed", i uttered "You sure cause again your cock is telling me another thing", he said as his hand was now stroking me I just moaned back in a daze and conflicted "You wanted to give yourself to me, to let me breed you and make you a poz slut", he said in my ear "No i dont want to be pozzed please, i don't know whats going on", i said yielding to his maniplulations. My hand found his mammoth cock and started to stroke it. "You want it, you want me to poz you again", he said pushing me back "Don't worry i will take care of you. You will be mine", he said kissing my neck "Yes" i moaned "Yes please Daddy own me, breed me, poz me and make me yours I opened my legs once again and offered myself to him taking him in me. We fucked like this and doggy for the next hour. "Tell me what you want", he said fucking me "I want you to poz me please Daddy, please poz me", i cried out "Here you go baby. Take my load", ugghhhh and he unloaded another poz load in me. After several minutes in my arms grinding in my whole and while kissing and pulled back from the kiss. "Daddy how long will it take for me to be poz", i asked "I don't know but i will make sure of it", he said back and kissed me deeply. I thought I am his now and I love it.
    3 points
  12. FUCK...this story is sizzlin Hotrawbutt...keep it cumming...a drugged out Kid, high on T, E and G, eating ass, drinking piss and cum like a real whore, and taking raw cock and loads while laying in a sling in a dark basement play room!! Can't wait until the toxic Poz stud shoves a shard up the kid's hungry hole and leads him to the dark side!! If the kid is not already impregnated with toxic Poz sperm he soon will be...lucky boy!! Wish I were the Kid!!!🍆💦☣️🦂😈🐷😛
    3 points
  13. Chapter 10 The Guy yelled “ Fuck “, the guy replied “ You have no idea “. He proceeded to destroy the guys ass and probably with the cuts in his ass would get Pozzed tonight. The guy was gurgling, saying how great it felt. He was feeling the effects of that huge shard The guy kept fucking, getting as deep as he could. I could hear his grunts when the guy hit bottom or taped on the guys second ring. This went on for a while until the top guy said “ You ready to get pregnant Bitch ? “. The guy bent guy said “ Yes, Knock me up. Make a baby in me “. The guy was sweating a lot, I could tell he was not in control of himself, rather the Meds were taking him down the road to conversion. The guy with the Biohazard tat said. “ Ready or not, hear cums a hot POZ load into your guts you Fag “. With that he lunged forward and pulled the guys hips back. He had to have busted the second ring in the guys ass because he squealed and shock his head like a stuck pig. I wasn’t sure if he heard or realized that the load that he just took would probably send him home with a little extra gift. During all this I was enjoying a nice ass fucking from my friend. The Meth shard was working it’s wonders and the Liquid my friend shot up me had me as hard as a rock. I couldn’t get off, probably due to the Meth but that was OK. He pulled out of y ass and turned around and presented me with his ass. I eagerly pushed up his tight as. The guy that was sucking me started eating my ass. If anyone knows how sensitive a cock and everything gets when spun, try getting your ass eaten deep while spun. It is crazy wild. My friend said how good my cock felt up his ass., I had to agree. I stopped and was able to squeeze out a little piss. Mt friend said “ Fuck. You fucking pig”. I replied “ Looks who’s bent over taking some tina piss in his ass” . That got everybody’s attention. I went back to fucking and working my manjuice into is guts. I looked over to the Kid and he was getting yet another load shot in him from a guy that was hung average. I might have missed one or more, but I think it was his third load after coming down to the basement. The guy with the Bio-hazard tat came over to the kid and flopped his limp dick on the kids mouth. I wasn’t sure how clean it was but the Kid eagerly opened his mouth and stared sucking and licking the head. The guy said “ This is good youngster to break. He is already trained a little and ready. He will be fun to bring to the dark side “. The Kid just smiled and cleaned the guys cock like a good boy. I wondered how long until the kid going throat that size of a cock. The kid was getting fucked my a guy that had a very fat cock. You cold tell it wasn’t going in easy because the sling as rocking back and forth while he was stuffing that fat sausage up the kids ass. He pulled out without shooting and another guy came to get in the kids cunt. I noticed a PA that had a point on the end of it. He pushed his cock in the kids ass and went deep. The Kid moaned loud. I wondered if he took the second booty bump that I had given him. If he did he would really be enjoying this. The guy pulled out and you cold see red streaks on his shaft and under neath rings were hanging off the guys foreskin. I knew the kid had really been ripped up. The guy went over to the one guy that was recently bred The guy was bent over sucking a cock and the one with all the piercings walked behind him and proceeded to fuck the hell out of him. The guy tried to stand up but others held him down while the guy destroyed his ass. I knew he would be bleeding for a few days after this and would definitely go home with some diseases, just like a true fag should. A guy that was smoking and blowing huge clouds came over and stuck the pipe in the kids mouth. The kid took a couple huge hits and held it then blew them out. The kids pupils we are big as I have ever seen them.
    3 points
  14. ------- Chapter 4.1 - A League for Everyone ------- I expect some will not like the way this chapter ends. There may even be a downvote or ten. But not everyone Ric meets is a bug craving chaser. --- Ric walked out of the hotel, feeling pretty down. The porn shoot had gone poorly and while everyone blamed the other guy, Ric still felt partly responsible. He got back to his dorm room and spent some time answering a couple messages asking about escorting services. He really wasn't in the mood to talk about them and all but one weren't worth much effort to reply to. "They're just looking for free pics" Ric said to himself. Even the good one he figured wouldn't amount to anything. It was a quiet weekend and Ric spent most of his time studying for a test. Saturday afternoon, a message came in from Joe. "Want to come over next wkend? Got new recipes to try. u like thai?" Joe's message said. "ok. love thai boys" Ric replied. "thai food. bring ur own bois. btw, saw guy from hot tub. has a new tat on his pec. hope it was from our fuck with him" Joe replied. "thai food good 2. I like it spicy. same as our club tat?" Ric asked. "yeah. 3 inch on L pec. 2 bad he shaved whole chest 4 it. I liked his fur" Joe replied. "ikr it grows back tho. friday @6?" Ric replied and got "k" back. On Monday he got a message from Rawson in the evening. "Sorry about that. He was too wasted to perform. I saw how hard u tried." Other than a few messages back and forth with friends and his parents, the next week was uneventful. As the week drew to a close, Ric was happy to have a client to see Thursday night. His hope of limiting his escorting gigs to once a week had turned into praying he could get one a month. He got home with a nice wad of money in his pocket and laid down on his bed checking on what messages he'd missed while he was gone. A few were from friends which he replied to and then he moved over to his other phone. "We got a two short clips out of last session. On site now. You are popular even with a dead fish as a partner" was the first message from Ari. "U taged guy in last shoot. u stil got it" was the message from Rawson. "Want to partner for a gig again? Have a good 1" was the message from Paul. "Have another guy for a shoot. Think he will be much better. Are you interested?" came another message from Ari. "Thnaks 4 ur payment. CLick to get you're free gift" got deleted just from seeing the preview. "thanks for your time. that was amazing. Are you free in 2 weeks?" came from the client he had just been to. Since Eddy was not in the room, he looked over at Rawson's site to view the porn clips they were able to salvage. Both were 30 seconds long and Ric watched both, hoping no one would come in. It had been a lot of work to get one minute of porn, Ric thought to himself. They weren't bad but not nearly as good as his scene with Rawson in the first video. He thought that maybe he should just give it up and follow Joe's lead by only escorting during college for extra cash. Then he read the comments. "Shot my load as soon as I saw the wrestler again", "waste of that hot latin dude with that boring bottom", "I need to get that wrestler 2 knock me up", "Sorry Rawson, that wrestler is way hottr than u. he should b in every vid" and "found wrestlers escort ad. saving $ now" were the first comments that he read. There were over a hundred more and Ric continued to read each one. By the time he finished, his face was grinning. He went to sleep with his ego fully pumped. Ric walked out of the shower on Monday morning and saw one of the guys on the floor that had flirted with him a few times standing there waiting his turn for and empty shower. The guy had his eyes closed and was just leaning back against the wall. Ric started drying himself off and when the guy didn't move he said "Shower's open." The guy opened his eyes and stared back at Ric. He said "Fuck... You're even hotter up close" quickly followed by "Oh shit! I didn't mean to say that out loud... Uh... Thanks" before walking past, visibly shaken as he got into the shower stall. Ric said "Thanks. You're pretty hot yourself" and winked at him as he walked by. Ric went to his room, got dressed and headed down to breakfast. He looked around to see if anyone he knew was at a table but gave up and found an empty one to eat his food. Half way through his breakfast, the guy from the shower sat down across from him. "Uh, hi. Thanks for waking me up earlier. I might have stood there for hours, chilling" the guy said, chuckling. "It can get pretty backed up some times, I didn't want you to lose your chance. I'm Ric, by the way" Ric said. "Oh, sorry. I'm Mateo. Good to meet you. Sorry about my comment, earlier. When I'm not awake I say things that should stay inside" he said. "No problem. We all do that some times, but I meant my reply to be... audible" Ric replied. Mateo seemed to be surprised at Ric's bluntness. "Nice name. It makes you more unique than the tons of Matts around. You also miss out on the bad nicknames like 'door matt' that a couple of my friends endured in high school." Ric said, taking another bite of food. "I've seen you around and have been meaning to say 'hi' but I've been kinda busy." Ric said. "Yeah, you missed the first few weeks so I guess you've been catching up. We did a couple events on the floor those weeks to meet everyone, so you didn't get to do that awkward "Hi, my name is Tom. I like fishing and biking and wearing women's underwear" introduction in front of everyone." "Damn, that sounds like fun. Glad I missed it" Ric said, rolling his eyes. "I don't like any of those things, so sorry if it wrecks your image of me" Ric added, grinning back at Mateo. "I like biking, but my bicycle was stolen the first week of the semester. And I'd rather get fish at a restaurant and..." Mateo said, not finishing his sentence. "And?" Ric probed. Mateo leaned in and said quietly "I like guys but I'm not into dressing like a girl" before leaning back and looking embarrassed. "I've met some guys that get into that stuff, but I find it a distraction. I prefer guys to be totally naked. I guess that means we have something else in common other than the color of our skin. " Ric replied. Ric saw the sudden change in Mateo's demeanor. He was now a lot more relaxed. "By the way, I didn't start classes late, I was bouncing around dorm rooms. The first two roommates didn't like my sexuality. The first one thought I was going to rape him in his sleep and the second just made too many homophobic comments" Ric said. "Damn, I'm sorry. I didn't know. From what I saw this morning, the first guy would have been split in two if you did" Mateo said, laughing. Ric shook his head. It was now his turn to be embarrassed. After a few seconds he replied "Uh... maybe. I like to think I'm more than just a big dick..." "I didn't mean it that way. It is impressive, but the rest of you is too. And uptight straight guys are always scared of what they don't understand. Like how good it feels to get fucked" Mateo said. Ric nodded back, smiling. They were just finishing up their breakfast when Mateo said "I can't believe how easy it is to talk to you. I thought you were this stuck-up guy who didn't think anyone was good enough for him. I flirted with you a few times and you didn't even seem to notice" Mateo said. "I'm just an idiot sometimes. I only came out a year ago and I don't always catch on that someone is interested. Or I'm too shy to approach a guy. I'm getting better, but the confidence isn't always there" Ric replied. He didn't want to tell Mateo how many times he'd dreamed of having wild sex with him. He had finally found a guy at college that looked like him and was queer, but while he saw those flirts he was afraid to act. "I'm interested. Is that too subtle?" Mateo said, grinning. He got up and looked back at Ric, who quickly grabbed his tray and stood up. They dumped their stuff in the trash started to walk back to the floor. "When's your first class?" Ric asked. "1pm. How about you?" Mateo replied. "Two. Plenty of time to get to know each other. Is your roommate around?" Ric asked. "No, he spends all day on campus. Want to come over?" Mateo asked. Minutes later they were in Mateo's room, sitting on his bed. "Danny likes it warm in here, so I usually take my shirt off" Mateo said. He grinned over at Ric before he pulled the tee over his head and tossed it on the chair. "Same here" Ric said smiling and pulled his shirt over his head and laid it on the end of the bed. Mateo spent a minute looking over at Ric's body and felt his cock start to swell. "So... Gay or bi? Top or bottom? Kink or vanilla? Hookups or relationship? Cut or uncut?" Mateo fired off, covering the growing bulge in his jeans. "Wow. Uh... Gay, versatile but usually top, it depends, hookups or friends with benefits so far. You didn't notice? I'm uncut. Now your turn" Ric responded. Mateo chuckled and said "Gay, versatile bottom I guess, pretty vanilla, hookups but I'd kill for a boyfriend, and I'm a freak since I'm cut. I guess that means we're pretty compatible" Mateo said. "That left out a whole bunch of options. Like one on one or groups? Bare or covered? Spit or swallow? Bed or floor? Bathhouse or home? Naked or partially clothed?" Ric fired back. Mateo looked a little surprised at some of the questions. He swallowed hard and looked at Ric a moment before replying slowly "I've never done more than one on one. I try to use condoms, but sometimes I'm too horny to ask. I always swallow since I love the taste of cum. I prefer a bed, but the floor is ok. I've never gone to a bathhouse or any place like that. I've sucked a few guys in bathrooms but its usually too risky. Uh... the last one... naked every time. I even hate it when guys leave their socks on." A few seconds later he added "I'm scared to hear your replies and now I'm thinking we're not so compatible. "You haven't even heard my answers. Just cuz I've done some things doesn't mean they are my favorite. Yeah, I've done some three ways and group things, but I still prefer one on one. It's hard to find condoms that fit me, so I almost always bareback. Like you, I love the taste of cum so I always swallow. Uh, trick question, since it's more about what is available - bed, floor, couch, or tree stump. As long as it isn't a patch of poison ivy, I'm ok with it. Bath houses can be fun, but it's not a place you take a partner to for sex. That's more of a place to find a hookup. But since I've had sex there and not in my dorm room, I guess I'd have to say bathhouse. I prefer to wear as little as possible at all times, sex or not. If you'd come over to my room, you would usually find me in just a pair of shorts. And I only have those on since Eddy is much more modest" Ric said. "I think you're out of my league. I've been out and having sex for five years, but you sound a lot more experienced than me" Mateo said. Ric could see how deflated Mateo was. "I really don't think anyone is out of my league... and I lost my virginity only a year ago. My league is gay or bi guys, nothing less. Anyone that thinks another guy is below him, isn't worth wasting time on, they're actually at the bottom of the pile and too stupid to know it. I've learned a lot by someone pushing me to try new stuff. I also found some stuff I don't like. But... I think I forgot a big question... Foreplay first or just fuck?" Ric asked. Mateo seemed to be surprised that Ric was still talking to him. He quietly replied "Foreplay" expecting Ric to get up and leave at any moment. "Yeah, me too. In fact, sometimes its enough to spend a few hours with a guy, naked and exploring each other's bodies" Ric replied, moving a little closer to Mateo. "Enough?" Mateo asked. "Yeah, satisfying. Just like having a good conversation with someone can be as fun as having sex. That turns me on too. Foreplay might even last for days. Sex doesn't have to be foreplay, fuck, orgasm, and done in one meeting. It might be foreplay, wait a day, more foreplay, sex, wait, foreplay, sex, orgasm, sex, orgasm, foreplay, sex, orgasm, done. You can't do that with a hookup, but with a partner or a friend with benefits you can. Like today. You have to leave at 12:30 to get to your class so we might just spend the next two hours making out and letting our hands and tongues explore each other's bodies" Ric replied. He heard Mateo gasp quietly. He reached over and pulled Mateo's face close and kissed him. The second kiss lasted longer and the third got their tongues involved. Mateo made the next move and wrapped his arm around, pulling Ric closer. Ric's hands roamed over Mateo's smooth skin. Their Q&A never touched on what kinds of guys they were attracted to and while Ric preferred hairy guys, it wasn't a deal breaker. With a few dozen escort gigs under his belt, he found that body type usually didn't matter as much as attitude. Mateo was a little tentative about touching his body but Ric had no reservations. His thumbs started to rub over Mateo's nipples and each flick garnered a moan. One hand kept playing with his nips and then the other reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. Mateo didn't seem to be trying to get his pants off, so Ric put some pressure on him to lay him on his back. Next, he climbed off the bed and tugged on the jeans and left Mateo on the bed in a pair of plain white briefs. Briefs that had a decent sized bulge in them and a little wet spot. Mateo looked embarrassed to be mostly naked and vulnerable, but watched Ric shed his jeans and trunks in a few seconds. "Fuck. That cock is hot" Mateo said. Ric reached down and tugged Mateo's briefs off, leaving both of them naked. "Yeah, but you're looking pretty good too. Ric knelt down on the floor and licked up from the bottom of Mateo's still growing shaft, making him howl. Ric licked over the cock, covering the entire surface in spit. He gave a few flicks of his tongue over the head and then he sucked the shaft into his mouth. Mateo was writhing in pleasure, his body feeling a blowjob unlike any he had gotten before. Ric could tell that he was driving Mateo quickly to orgasm so he backed off and let the shaft slip from his lips. He was about to work his way upwards toward Mateo's mouth when Mateo sat upright and slid off the bed to the floor in front of Ric. They looked each other in the eyes for a moment and Mateo said "I want to suck yours. I know I won't get it all in, but I want to try..." Ric stood up and held his cock out. "Oh my god... oh my god..." Mateo muttered as he started to lick around the shaft. Soon he got into the groove and was sucking better than Ric expected. He wasn't going to push him too fast and just let Mateo try to go deeper on his own. After ten minutes, Mateo pulled off and looked up at Ric. "My jaw is sore. Can many guys get all the way down?" he asked. "Not all. Some can. Usually guys with a lot of experience. But you're doing fine and it felt damn good" Ric replied. He saw Mateo rub his hand around his cock and over the trimmed pubes. "Why do you trim them? It's easier to just let the bush grow" Mateo asked. Ric chuckled and didn't want to give him any of the real reasons he kept them trimmed, like "If it grows too thick it will cover up the tattoo" or "It makes my cock look longer, like this." Instead, he replied "Uh, I just like how it looks when it's trimmed a bit and not a jungle." When Mateo's hand rubbed above his cock and over the tattoo he knew what the next question was going to be. "This tattoo is a little scary. I think that's why some of the guys on the floor are intimidated by you. Why did you get it?" Mateo asked innocently. "Ah, that's more complicated. I got it for a group I'm in. It's their symbol and everyone has to have one." Ric said. "That must be some crazy group that would make you get a tattoo to be part of it. And one that means you're a biohazard" Mateo said. Ric took a deep breath and decided to tell Mateo his secret. "Well, the guys are pretty cool, but they can get a little crazy at times. In a way, I am kind of a hazard to some people. It means I'm HIV positive" Ric said bluntly. Mateo gasped and jumped back a few inches. "What?" he gasped out. "I'm not going to do anything to put you in danger, but if we're going to go much farther you need to know that" Ric replied. "Fuck. I'm sorry... Uh... I just don't know what to say" Mateo said. "Well, first I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything about it to anyone on the floor. It's only something that people I have sex with need to know. Second... as I said I wouldn't do anything that could infect you unless you want to. Third... if you don't want to get infected with HIV and you're going to have an active sex life, then you should get on prep. It doesn't do anything for other STDs, but its really effective and you can fuck raw all the time" Ric said, figuring that today's fun was over. "Oh... ok. I won't say anything. What can we do that's not too risky?" Mateo asked. Ric looked down and saw the panic gone from his face, his cock rock hard and his hand once again wrapped around the base of Ric's cock. Ric chuckled again, relieved how this was going. "No bare fucking and no swallowing my load if your gums are bleeding. The risk is low for most everything else. You got condoms?" Ric asked. "Yeah, of course" Mateo replied. "Then it looks like you're going to top if we get past foreplay" Ric replied with a wink. Mateo immediately went back to licking Ric's cock. He bobbed on it for a few more minutes until he pulled off again, trying to give his jaw a break. Ric pulled him up to his feet and began to kiss him again, feeling their cocks pressed next to each other and trapped between them. Ric let his hands roam all over Mateo's back and finally let them grab his butt, squeezing the firm muscles. Mateo moaned into their kiss and then he did the same to Ric. "Your ass is mine" Mateo said playfully after he ended the kiss. Ric laughed, picking Mateo up and laying him back on the bed. He licked down Mateo's body, biting gently on each nip and then kissing down until he had Mateo's stiff shaft back in his mouth. Ric went to work, sucking and getting Mateo moaning again. After deep throating him a few times, Ric pulled off and lapped his tongue over the brown shaft. He looked up and asked "Doggy or missionary?" Mateo laughed. "Only one?" Mateo asked as he reached under his pillow and pulled out a condom. Ric opened it and rolled it down Mateo's shaft. If he had any concern about fucking a poz guy, Mateo wasn't showing it. "Doggy to start" he said, sitting up as Ric crawled back on the bed. Mateo dribbled some lube on Ric's hole and coated the condom with it. He looked down at Ric's hairy ass and slowly pushed forward. Other than a few clients, Ric had avoided getting a covered dick in his ass since Joe had tricked him a year before. He knew he liked a bare fuck a million times better than a covered one, but he did what he had to do. His morning meet with Mateo had been fun so far, but he knew it would be better if he could get bred before he flipped and bred Mateo in return. While Mateo had a vanilla background, he was a decent fuck. His cock wasn't as long as Ric's, but it was nice and thick and felt good in his ass. He found it funny that his biggest worry was that the condom would break. Mateo had been drilling Ric's ass for almost twenty minutes. He had varied the thrusts and angles enough that it never got boring. Suddenly, Mateo yanked his cock out, slapped Ric on his ass and growled "On your back!" Ric was surprised at the change in attitude and didn't know if he was trying to prove to Ric that he wasn't a totally vanilla guy. Ric rolled and pulled his legs back, exposing his tender hole. Mateo leaned forward, pressing his cock back into Ric's hole. "Lube" Ric softly said and Mateo nodded his head, apologetically. A few drips of lube, a finger pushing it in and then coating the still hard, covered shaft was enough prep for the next plunge Mateo made into Ric's ass. Ric always enjoyed staring back on the guy that he was fucking, or in this case, fucking him. He could tell immediately if what he did pleasured the other guy or not. Mateo froze, his cock over half way in with his eyes closed and an almost blank look on his face. Slowly a smile reappeared and he began to pump in and out of Ric's hole. With a steady, if soft, pace plowing his ass, Ric worked his hole around Mateo's shaft, never gripping it too hard to cause the condom to break. He didn't care if he infected most guys he hooked up with, since they usually knew of his status and wanted his bug, but he really liked Mateo and decided that he'd let Mateo decide his own fate. There was something in their connection that was deeper than just a fuck. He'd already been accepting of Ric's status and knew that was not always the reaction he got. Even better, he was a fun guy to fool around with and he wanted to see where their sexual escapades took them. Of course, he wanted to fuck Mateo and preferably bare. A few more squeezes and he had Mateo extremely close to cumming. He really didn't want the cum to fill the condom but it was up to Mateo to decide where to shoot his neg load. "Fuck... FUCK... FUUUUUCCKKK!" Mateo growled. Ric stood still, knowing that any movement he made might trigger Mateo's orgasm and he wanted Mateo to be in charge of it. Suddenly, Mateo pulled his cock out of Ric's hole, ripped off the condom and shoved a pair of fingers back into Ric before he showered Ric's chest with cum. The second shot hit Ric's face and the last six spurts covered his chest and abs. After Mateo shot rope number three, his fingers had hit the spot and Ric began cumming on his own. Ric's toxic spooge mixed with Mateo's neg cum on his chest as the pair gasped for breath. "It doesn't look any different" Mateo said a couple minutes later as he stared at the pool of semen on Ric's chest. "Nope. Doesn't taste any different either" Ric said, staring back at Mateo's serious face. "Thanks for being honest with me. You could have said nothing and I would have gladly let you fuck me bare. Even cum in me. But now I have to be honest with you..." Mateo said with Ric's legs still on his shoulders. The smile from earlier was gone and Ric felt bad that a really fun fuck was ending on such a down note. Ric pulled his face down and kissed him. "What?" Ric asked softly. Mateo took a deep breath and replied "The condom broke after I started fucking you on your back." "WHAT? When?" Ric asked, turned on but also shocked. "Second thrust" Mateo said, shyly. Ric began to look more concerned. "Why didn't you pull out?" he asked. "It felt so good. I almost came inside of you too. Maybe next time..." Mateo replied, grinning. A few moments later, Mateo started to lean back and Ric reached up and held his hand. "When do you finish classes today?" Ric asked. "Four, why?" Mateo asked. "Meet me at the clock tower as soon as you get out" Ric replied. "We're going over to the clinic and get you on prep. I want to feel you shooting your load in me almost as much as I want to breed your ass" Ric said. The smile grew on Mateo's face. "That would be amazing" Mateo replied.
    3 points
  15. Near me (in Providence RI) I used to go to the bathhouses to get fucked. One day I stumbled upon their "blackout" days where the entire place is dark... And I was totally hooked! It doesn't matter what I look like, or what the top looks like. It's so perfect. Just strip and put my ass in the air and wait. The feeling of a stiff cock probing my tight hole without any warning is spectacular! It's like when someone cums inside you suddenly without the usual tell tale signs...
    3 points
  16. Anon is the best. For my 18th birthday, I put up a craigslist ad offering my body to as many men as possible from 8PM-4AM. I lost count after #12. So many cocks, so much lube, so many poppers. Best way to start being a man.
    2 points
  17. I wear both terms "Slut" and "POZ" as badges of pride so its hard for anybody to slut shame a totally trash can cum dump like me haha, though many have tried. Total agreement with OP that POZ guys are more appealing to me, as I love the feeling of POZ cum being blown in my hole.
    2 points
  18. I wouldnt say its the "only" form of sex I like, but I think its definitely the most arousing for me. I spend most my days off when im at home, just inviting guys over all day and night, often times waiting for them with a blindfold, on my back, feet up, so that when they walk in my apartment, I am just there a piece of fuck meat waiting to be used. Love the feeling of not knowing who it is thats using me, and just taking a load blindfolded. Sniffies is the best for finding this, as most of the profiles that message me there are completely blank slates with no description, stats, or pictures, so I just disclose my address and apartment # and wait for them to arrive while I wear a blindfold.
    2 points
  19. I realize I’m in the minority on this, but when I want a massage I want a massage by an actual CMT who knows what he’s doing. I don’t want a handjob or a blowjob or a quick fuck.
    2 points
  20. Part 8: The Still After Craig died, Hamish plunged into a sinkhole of outrage, despair, and bleak sadness. He had finally let his guard down and allowed himself to love a mortal and now, for the first time in nearly half a millennium of life, he was truly experiencing grief and loss. It was even more wrenching because he had never before let himself feel so deeply for another human being. Most of all, he was being torn to emotional shreds and tatters by the horrific way in which Craig’s life had ended, an end which neither he nor anyone else could have predicted. Healing took years, although it didn’t seem very long to Hamish – a mortal would have been much more conscious of the lengthy, endless, dreary days of loneliness and desolation. In time, his broken heart healed somewhat, and became – well, not whole by any means, but as whole as it would ever be again. Hamish resumed his travels, roaming the country by himself. He found himself in Edinburgh when King James VI’s court chamberlain was hiring palace staff, and with his cultured manners at their polished best, he quickly found himself in place as a chamber servant to the King. That, in turn, predictably led to another assignation in another royal bedroom, as soon as James became aware of his stunning appearance – still looking exactly 32 years old and a bit, of course. James was completely versatile, and Hamish now found, thanks to his experiences with Graham and Murdo, that he thoroughly enjoyed flipping from time to time, or even within a single evening’s session, between top and bottom. Since James was also versatile in his gender preferences, Hamish found himself experiencing his first-ever sex with a woman. She was the wife of a knight in the king’s guard, and she and her husband had both taken turns in the king’s bed – separately and together. Meg was a jolly, engaging soul, with a great sense of fun that definitely lit up the royal bedroom during her 3-way with the king and Hamish. Since both he and the king seeded her before Hamish planted his second load deep in the royal ass, he couldn’t help wondering if she would conceive and, if so, which man in her life would be the daddy! Much more rewarding to Hamish was the night he spent with Meg’s hubby, Glen, while Meg was occupied with the king on another occasion. As tight and muscular as you’d expect a guardsman to be, and as well-endowed as virtually all of James’ favourites (the king had a real fetish for big cocks), Glen proved to be just as versatile as the king and had just about the fastest recovery time Hamish had ever seen (other than his own, of course, which was almost legendary). Glen also had a real gift for making a man feel good in many different ways while his sizable tool was buried deep in his bottom’s ass. Hamish was quite willing to let Glen fuck him and cum inside him twice – at least, until his cock demanded its chance and he in turn fucked and bred Glen three times in a row. When Hamish at last pulled his dick out, the hunky guardsman pleaded for mercy, and then lay there on his back, gasping for breath, as the flood of immortal sperm slowly flowed out of his wide-stretched hole. When Queen Elizabeth of England died at Richmond Palace, near London, in 1603, James was named as King James I of England, thereby becoming James VI and I. His court correspondingly grew greater, and so did the number and stature of his favourites. Hamish stayed with the King (and Glen, too) for the first few months until his coronation, but then begged leave and was granted permission. James was a fickle man, one who ricocheted from favourite to favourite throughout his life. He treated Hamish fairly, giving him a generous parting gift, but could hardly have been said to care all that much. It was all old news to Hamish, too. By now, he had been through so many affairs with so many famous and infamous people that he was becoming more than a little bored. Status and fame, in and of themselves, didn’t do anything for him, as they once had, and while he still enjoyed sexual pleasures, there was nothing to them beyond the physical act. That was the basic problem. He still missed and lamented Craig. How could he not, when they had shared their lives with each other so thoroughly, so completely, for 15 years? After so much emotional intimacy and intensity, it was hardly surprising that going back to “nothing but hookups” began to seem relatively sterile and unrewarding, at least as far as his emotional life was concerned. But what surprised him more was that he again found his thoughts turning to Alan. Hamish could sense that his connection to Alan had remained unfractured by his impulsive venture into romance with Craig. He knew full well that theirs was a bond that transcended idle human emotions like jealousy. What was surprising to him was how thoroughly Alan had disappeared from his conscious mind throughout the previous twenty-some years. Hamish was still learning about the nature of living in a bond with another immortal. What he now began to understand was that the lines of communication, conscious and subconscious, began to lapse into silence and stillness unless tended regularly. Those lines didn’t vanish altogether – the nature of the bond made that impossible – but neglect would certainly make them go quiet. As this began to dawn on Hamish, he started to wonder which of them it was, he himself or Alan, who was triggering those thoughts in his mind. Which of them was reaching out to the other? Or, as seemed at least as likely, were they both doing it? Then, his thought process went farther. What, he wondered, had Alan experienced at the moment of his climactic battle with the demon, followed by the death of Craig, who he had loved so dearly? If ever there had been a time when every last bit of Hamish’s mind and body was totally engaged in the moment, that fight for his life and for his love was it. Was Alan “tuned in” to him that night? From there, it was a quick jump to wondering something further: had Alan been the one who had mentally prompted him to realize that he had the strength of two demons in him because of their bond? At this point, Hamish could have sworn that he heard in his head, just for a moment, Alan’s characteristic dry chuckle, his most common kind of laughter – have amused, half sardonic. “Well, I guess that answers that question,” he said aloud. The tavern waitress caught it, and said, “Pardon, sir?” in a puzzled tone. “Nothing. Just thinking my thoughts.” And someone else’s thoughts too, he mentally added. Hamish was gradually waking up to the reality that, as an immortal, he was simply too old for the world in which he lived. Everyone around him was a mere child by comparison. He became more and more aware that they were children indeed, not only in relative age, but even more in relative maturity and wisdom. Their most intense preoccupations and dreadful problems were all old familiar sights which he had seen come and go dozens of times in his lengthy life span. This was one of the dominant characteristics in Alan as well, a kind of detached amusement and mockery mingled with sadness at the silliness of so much of the world. Hamish knew that he wasn’t getting it transmitted to him by Alan because it was simply the natural outcome of living so many life spans of the mortals around him. At last, he realized that what his heart and mind -- his soul, really -- needed was to be with Alan again. He needed Alan because of their bond, but also because he had far more in common now with Alan than with any other person he was ever likely to encounter in the world. And so, he set out to try to find Alan once more. Easier said than done. He began by paying much more attention to the thoughts of Alan that drifted through his mind, searching for clues or some indication of whether he was drawing closer to his bonded partner’s location. As he listened to his own thoughts more closely, he began to discern a pattern. Regularly, images of towering mountains came up when he thought of Alan. The Highlands. Some looked familiar, some less so. Then, one morning he awoke from sleep with an unmistakable mental image from a dream, an image of Alan standing and looking at a solitary mountain of distinctive and unforgettable profile, once seen, never forgotten: Ben Loyal, in the far north of Scotland. Hamish headed his steps that way. Of course, it took a while, going as he always had on foot. He also got diverted by some minor adventures along the way: a rugged farmer near Ben Nevis, a tavern keeper in Inverness, and others. The most memorable of all was when he landed in a small country village tavern, in the year 1635. With few travellers on the roads this far north, his company was mostly local people and a noisy, roistering crew they were. Hamish had always been partial to a few rounds of good ale, but before long he was recommended to try the particularly fine locally made whisky. He did, and it was every bit as good as popular report made it. Later in the evening, a tall, well-built redhead, perhaps 30 years old, entered the tavern, and everyone shouted welcomes to “Andrew.” The newcomer spotted Hamish, all too plainly eyeing him up (no one else in the place looked particularly enticing) and steered his steps over to Hamish’s table. “Welcome to our hometown local bar. I’m Andrew.” “Thank you. Hamish,” as they shook hands. “A fine old Scots name. Where’s your home?” “I’m really a homeless wanderer now, but my birthplace was close by Dunadd, in Kintyre.” “A MacAlpine?” “Yes, indeed. And yourself?” “Not a clansman. Name of Chalmers. My family roots go back to Edinburgh, but I was born in Perth.” “And now you’re living here in this village. What’s your business, if I may ask?” Andrew gave an amused chuckle. “You’re drinking it, my good man. I’m the master distiller.” Hamish eyed him with a new respect. “Your product is certainly admirable. How do you come to be here?” “I learned my trade from the master distiller here, and when he died, I took on in his place. If you’d like to know more, I’d be happy to take you through my distillery.” Hamish regretfully declined – for the moment. “That sounds fascinating, but I’m suffering from severe road fatigue at the moment. Perhaps we could do it tomorrow? I’ll be here for several days before carrying on north.” “By all means. Rest you tonight, and tomorrow night I’ll come again and find you.” They shook on it, and Andrew stood up and crossed over to the bar, where his friends all crowded around, offering congratulations and slapping him on the back. Hamish wondered why they were congratulating him, until he heard one of them saying, “Another notch for the bedpost, eh, Andrew?” Andrew merely smiled in reply. Hamish smiled a small smile of his own as he heard those words. If this small-town distiller thought he had latched onto an easy and willing victim, he had another think coming. Hamish hadn’t had any action for a while, and he was definitely pumped for being top man and calling the shots. Tomorrow night promised to be interesting at the very least, and maybe a good deal more. The next evening, Hamish was treated to something new in his experience. He’d enjoyed a glass of whisky here and there, but never been inside a distillery. The highlight of the building was the still, a large copper vessel which he knew must have cost a small fortune. Andrew could guess what he was thinking. “I’m sure my father rolled in his grave when I used my inheritance to buy that. He was a fierce old Calvinist who could have given John Knox a run for his money, and never touched a drop of liquor in his life. But I had that still made, to my design, and that still made me.” After taking Hamish all through the distillery, Andrew led him into the master distiller’s small, neat little house. “Any questions?” Hamish smiled. “Anything else you do that would set your father rolling in his grave?” Andrew laughed. He stepped towards Hamish, but Hamish moved even faster, seizing Andrew’s tall, lanky body and kissing him, driving his tongue into Andrew’s mouth. Slowly, he backed Andrew up across the kitchen until they came up against a closed door on the far side. Andrew fumbled behind him, turned the handle, and got the door open without breaking the kiss. At this point, Hamish moved faster until they backed into the bed, and crashed down together across the covers. The kisses got more and more passionate as they fumbled around, trying to undress each other. It was Hamish who first uncovered a proud, slender cock of a good length, surrounded by a nest of flaming red hair. He quickly swallowed it, bringing a loud groan from Andrew. Hamish considerately swung his hips around until his cock came to rest above Andrew’s face, giving Andrew a chance to finish undressing him and set him free. Before long, they were locked in a frantic sixty-nine, except that Hamish was having no trouble deep-throating Andrew’s cock but Andrew was finding Hamish’s sturdy manhood rather more of a challenge. He bravely carried on, however, continuing to work on the shaft as he felt Hamish’s mouth leave his cock and travel south between his thighs, prying them apart and beginning to work his way into the crack. After licking it for a few minutes, he returned to Andrew’s cock, but then took a finger and began prying into Andrew’s hole with it. By now, Andrew was proving himself a fast learner, following Hamish’s lead and actions at his end. With two cocks in two throats and two fingers in two asses, it was just a matter of time – and it was Hamish who exploded first, pumping a large dose of semen into Andrew’s throat just seconds before Andrew let his load fly into Hamish’s mouth. After a few minutes of breathing space, they sat up against the wall at the head of the bed. Andrew got up and left the room, throwing a “be right back” over his shoulder. He soon returned with a pair of dram glasses of whisky. Hamish swirled his whisky in the glass, inhaled the fumes, and commented, “Curious aroma.” Andrew laughed. “This is my special edition product, which I serve only at home and only to, umm, certain guests. Go ahead and taste, but to really get the point of this one you need to drink the whole dram at once.” Hamish took a tentative taste, liked it, and tipped his head back, shooting the entire dram in one swallow, as Andrew did the same with his. Andrew then took the glasses away and came back, sitting next to Hamish. “Well, that certainly tasted good but I’m not sure what was so special about it.” Andrew laid one arm across Hamish’s shoulders and placed the other hand on Hamish’s thigh. “Give it a minute,” he replied, “and relax while you’re waiting. Close your eyes.” Hamish closed his eyes and sat there. After a minute, Andrew moved his hand gently up Hamish’s thigh, towards his crotch, and at the same moment, Hamish said, “Whoa!” as he felt suddenly dizzy, then realized that his cock was swelling up to its full dimensions, all in a few seconds. In fact, he was sure that his tool was bigger and harder than he’d ever felt it before. Andrew chuckled. “Works like a charm, every time. Nothing insidious, just a little blend of herbs from an old recipe handed down in the former master distiller’s family. When he died, I inherited the recipe along with the distillery.” Hamish opened his eyes and saw at once that Andrew’s cock was standing as fiercely erect as his own. Both of them were already leaking copious amounts of precum at the tip, and both were twitching, eager for some action. All in a moment, Hamish realized that he needed to fuck ass, now. He quickly grabbed Andrew and flipped him over, face down on the bed, kicking his legs apart and prying his ass open. Andrew was a bit startled by the speed of Hamish’s movement, but he had no objection to being fucked by this sturdy young (as he thought) Scottish stud. Andrew grabbed his cock, stroked it once or twice, placed the tip against Andrew’s hole, and muttered, “Get ready.” A second later, he gave a single mighty thrust and buried the whole thing deep inside Andrew’s ass. Andrew yelled aloud, then clamped his mouth down on a handful of clothing. It was actually Hamish’s pants, and the rich blend of man smells made Andrew even hornier than before, if that were possible. Hamish wasted no time, beginning to pound Andrew’s tight ass mercilessly, driving in fast, hard, deep, deeper than he’d ever gotten in another man. Somehow it was a surprise, yet no surprise at all, that he began to feel his orgasm coming in barely a minute. Stopping now wasn’t on the agenda; Hamish probably couldn’t have stopped, even if he wanted to. He kept hammering away and in just a few more moments sprayed an enormous blast of seed inside Andrew’s quivering hole. The mere feel of his orgasm set Andrew off too, his ass convulsing around Hamish’s cock as his own dick pumped his cum out beneath his belly. Before Andrew had even finished cumming, Hamish had already begun pounding his ass again. Not only had his cock remained at full mast without even a moment’s delay, but he could feel the next load already gathering itself in his balls and starting its journey up to the launching port. Andrew, too, remained rock hard, and was steadily moaning and calling out in ecstasy, demanding of Hamish to fuck him harder, fill him up, keep pumping his hole, keep cumming in him, all that good stuff. Hamish had no trouble complying. Orgasm Number Two actually began with Andrew rearing up and shooting a jet of sperm at the walls of the room, and with that, the convulsions of his hole yanked a second load out of Hamish, seven more big squirts which filled his hole and began squelching out around Hamish’s cock as Hamish kept ramming away at him. But then, Hamish pulled out, turned around and flopped on his back on the bed. Andrew started moving to get between his legs, but Hamish shook his head and barked, “Get on it!” Andrew climbed up over Hamish and squatted, seed drizzling out of his ass as he sat down, taking Hamish’s solid meat deep inside him again. Andrew began to ride up and down on Hamish’s studly tool, slamming down on his hips and then pulling right up until only the tip was inside him, and then back down hard and fast. He was facing Hamish’s feet, but his moans and cries were loud enough that Hamish heard every word. Anyway, it took only about three more minutes before Hamish, locked and loaded, fired Load Number Three up into Andrew’s now wide-open cunt. Andrew simply kept pounding himself on Hamish’s big cock. Nothing speaks to the power of the special recipe so much as the fact that, even after cumming so forcefully, twice, in not much more than twenty minutes, Andrew’s dick remained so hard and so powerfully erect that it kept pointing steadfastly at the roof beams, not even bouncing in the slightest degree as its owner bounced up and down on the huge cock inside him. It took a little longer this time, somewhere in the neighbourhood of seven or eight minutes, but it still seemed like no time at all before Hamish gasped out, “Fuck, I’m going to cum again!” Andrew immediately yelled, “Yes! Yes! I’m cumming too! Cum right with me!!!” In a few more seconds, it happened. Two loud chains of grunting and moaning filled the room as Andrew’s cock shot straight up, so hard that the first squirt hit the wooden beam overhead. By the time his second shot flew out, Hamish was again shooting like a mad thing inside Andrew’s ass. He took a moment to wonder: how could the man’s hole possibly hold in so much sperm? After another minute or two, they finally slowed to a halt – both of them completely worn out. Andrew lifted off of Hamish’s cock, which was finally starting to soften a little – and Hamish quickly saw the answer to his question. It couldn’t. As soon as Andrew came clear of Hamish’s tool, a stream of cum flowed out of his gaping ass, and it kept flowing even after Andrew laid down beside Hamish, the two of them cuddling each other. At last, Andrew raised his head enough to look at the clock on the wall. “Seven orgasms total in just under thirty minutes.” “Seriously?” “I told you that special recipe was good.” “Good? It’s stupendous!” This, from an immortal who’d never had trouble reaching multiple orgasms, was high praise indeed. It’s a pity that Andrew didn’t realize just who Hamish really was, so didn’t catch the full degree of awe in the words. Hamish stayed with the distiller three nights in all. The second and third nights were near repeats of the first, except that on Night Number Two it was Andrew who gave Hamish’s ass the greatest workout it had ever had in close to six centuries. After those three nights, though, Hamish knew that I was time to carry on with his quest. He thanked Andrew for the hospitality, and especially for the chance to sample the special recipe whisky. It would be nearly three centuries before Hamish passed through the town again. By that time, the village had grown into a sizable town and had gained status as a royal burgh. The site where the distillery had sat was now occupied by a Victorian hotel of unimpeachable respectability and ugliness, in equal proportions. Just outside of the town, a sizable complex of buildings proved to be the home of one of the leading modern distilleries. Hamish wondered if it was the latest lineal descendant of the old establishment where he'd had the wildest sex of his long life – and if so, if the special recipe was still tucked away in a dusty old file somewhere in the back of the business office. Probably not, he mused. A recipe like that would certainly be handed down by word of mouth only. Nonetheless, that thought was still enough to keep him laughing for an entire day.
    2 points
  21. Great backstory chapter!
    2 points
  22. about 1/2 the massages I get end up in sex - always bareback!
    2 points
  23. Chicago’s IML. It’s the time of the year where all of the pigs come out to play. I am no exception. It usually requires I be on antibiotics for a few weeks after but it is well worth it.
    2 points
  24. I have found as a bottom that things always go further than originally intended or discussed. My first time started in a club darkroom which I intending to get a blowjob but on going down the stairs to explore what was on offer was grabbed by a guy who had been watching me in the bar area and had made me for a bottom. I have never understood how he did that. Having followed me down the stairs as t took my first step in the darkroom itself he was onto me. he only words he said to me at that point was "do you have a condom" when I send no, he pulled me into one of the larger booths, pushed me to my knees and shoved his cock in my mouth. I had no idea how to suck a cock properly but its amazing how fast you can learn and improve when you have to. I wasn't asked about anything, and I was was so taken aback I never said anything to object. Hauled to my feet, spread eagled against the wall, he just fucked me and it was really really painful. First oral, first anal, first black stud, and went from gay virgin to slut in around 15 minutes. What I didn't realise was that the door to the booth didn't lock. It was only when he had unloaded up me and withdrew, that I looked around at him and saw the small crowd that had gathered to watch. The only other thing he said to me during the whole time was when he finished, saying "great ass". Of course, he was standing there with my trousers down legs spread and ass out, so thinking back that comment may have been directed at others rather than me. and of course as soon as he stepped away, he was replaced. I was trying to get my trousers up and get out but had no chance. Had my head dragged down by the hair and a cock shoved in my mouth in a matter of seconds and received a really hard face fucking being dragged around to expose my ass, and then I received my first spit roast as well. It was scary as fuck, but also exciting, and whilst at the time I was only thinking of getting out of there, later and since I never regretted the experience. It showed me what I always was and have since accepted, a submissive slut whose thing is being sexually dominated. I have also found since that there aren't that many genuine dominant tops around, plenty of tops will fuck you, but a natural dominant who knows how to use a bitch, not so many.
    2 points
  25. I literally let any male do anything they want to my body. that means any age, any looks, shove anything up my ass, piss wherever they want, spit in my face, use my throat or ass for a urinal, strangle me, drug memoir just destroy my sluthole.
    2 points
  26. 5 He soon returned to the room, but his clothes did not. There he stood with a hairy chest and muscular body: a real man. But the best part was his massive cock. I'd never seen a white cock that big before, even in porn. And just below it were two big balls I could tell were full of cum. He climbed on the bed and started kissing me again while pulling on my nipples. Then he stopped and looked me right in the eyes. He didn't break his stare as he gently grabbed my right hand and placed it on his massive cock. "Go ahead honey, it's yours now," he said with pride. I let out a big smile as I began feeling his long and thick cock, now with both hands. Then I took his balls into my hands, not believing how heavy and full they were. He moved his cock toward my face and I sprung into action. I kissed, licked, and sucked that gigantic tool like my future depended on it...because it did. He let out moans and the occasional words of encouragement as his cock got harder and harder in my mouth. He then pulled away and I must have made a very sad face. He just laughed and said, "Don't worry my love, we're just getting started." He laid down on his back and instructed me to climb on top of him the opposite direction. I was soon bobbing on his cock again. I felt him pulling on my now wet pink panties. At this point he could do anything to me and I wouldn't protest, but I did hope he wasn't going to waste effort on my little dick and balls. Then I realized he was only pulling down the back of the panties to expose my pussy. I let out a giant moan (his cock still crammed in my mouth) as his tongue glided across my pussy lips. Soon his tongue was making love to my hole and I could barely concentrate on sucking his cock because I was in so much ecstasy. Then he started to work a finger in my hole, and then another. I was tight but welcomed the intrusion. Once a third finger soddomized my special place, he knew I was ready. He gently picked me up off of him and laid me flat on the bed. He said in a deep and masculine voice, "Tell me what happens now, sweetheart." I replied with, "You fuck my pussy. You fill me up with your seed. You knock me up. You give me a baby." He put on a crooked smile as he spread my legs and instructed me to hold them back. He slipped the string of the panties to the side to expose my hungry hole. Next I felt his massive cock head at my pussy door. It started poking inside of me. The pain was unreal. I'd never been fucked by something this big before! My combination of moans and winces were encouraged by him saying, "That's right baby, let it all out. I know what you need. You'll remember this night forever." I sure hoped I would. To help me get through the pain, I pushed my hand with the ring on it into my leg. That feeling of cold metal on my skin was a reminder of the commitment I'd made not just to please him tonight as his wife, but to myself to get impregnated. As his massive tool bottomed out in my pussy, he held it there so I could get used to the feeling. I'd never felt more full! He leaned in and kissed me as my pussy began to relax and let his cock explore. Soon the pain vanished and I felt nothing but pure pleasure. I couldn't believe the sounds I was making as his cock plugged away at my insides. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, he looked into my eyes and said, "Are you ready for your husband to inseminate you?" I could barely get the words out between moans, "Yes! Give me your babies!" Just like that, he let out a roar from deep inside his body and drove his cock as deep into me as possible. I could feel it pulsating around inside me, imagining all those sperm swimming up to find my egg. Finally, he collapsed on top of me. After a few minutes of kisses and praise, he gently pulled his cock out of my hole, leaving a massive load inside. I was exhausted but couldn't help but smile with glee. His seed had been planted.
    2 points
  27. Great last chapter. Don't know why you were "worried" at all 😀
    2 points
  28. Last night after work drive out to Little Neck Video after hearing it's back to being open 24 hours. Got there it was open but only the attendant and I was there so I went to use the bathroom and another guy walked in. Used the bathroom and headed to the booths and he was still there. Older guy kinda scruffy looking noticed me checking him out he said hi I said hi back and he grabbed his crouch. I walked over to him stated feeling him up his sweatpants was damp like he might have either spilled something on him or possibly pissed on himself. Still Dick is Dick in my book and lead him into the booth. He pulled out eight inches not too thick but definitely hard. Took some hits from my poppers and swallowed his dick to the nuts. He wanted a hit of my poppers and I let him while I slowly worked his dick. When he handed them back I took another good couple of hits with his dick deep down my throat He started moaning how good my mouth was and then he started shoving my head down his Dick until he came in my mouth. He thanked me and I noticed he had drool coming out of his mouth so I think he might have been high on something prior to showing up. But Damn addict or homeless that was some good a dick. Only disappointing part I was hoping he wanted some ass, I was willing to let him take it and beat my shit up
    2 points
  29. I have quite a few times. Been told to fuck off a few times. Sucked a lot of straight cock because of it too. The single greatest time I did and it worked out was when a repairman came to our house we were renting to fix and appliance. When he arrived I had been jerking off to cocksucker porn and I never finished, so I was horny as fuck. He was there maybe an hour and as he was done he asked to take a piss before he left. I guided him to the bathroom and all I could think of was how bad I wanted to suck his cock. When he came out I just went for it and asked if he wanted a blowjob before he left. There was a long pause, then he looked at his watch and said he had 30 minutes to kill before his next job and a blowjob sounded like a good way to do it. I was elated and even moreso when he unleashed one of the thickest 7 inch cocks I have ever seen. Needless to say, when he left we were both very satisfied.
    2 points
  30. Chapter 5 It was Friday lunchtime. I was feeling a little guilty about what may happen that evening. I had been given an address to attend at 9 pm, it was Steve the tattooists house apparently. The discussion with Sally had got me thinking whether I was doing the right thing. My phone pinged. It was Luke. ‘ Hi u ok? ‘ the text message read. ‘Yeah fine’ I replied, . ‘I’m just feeling guilty, there’s something I should know about the other night’ Luke went on’ ‘’ Don’t be, I wanted it. U know I love BB and I wanted u to fuck me raw and cum in me’ ‘ but you don’t know something’ he said. ‘I know you’re poz, is that it? Sally told me’ ‘ ‘ Yeah well kinda, I am poz and I’m on meds but I’m a bit sketchy with them and I hadn’t had any for four or five days so it’s a bit risky I’m sorry I tried to tell u’ ‘ I know u did, Sally told me that too. I didn’t want you to say cos I might have chickened out, and I didn’t want to . I wanted your load. Poz cock turns me on’ ‘ Really ? In that case I feel better, are u on prep? ‘ ‘ No ‘ I replied, and sent the horny smiling emoji. Luke sent one back. ‘ I think you may need to see my cock again then’ he said, sending me a pic of his hard cock. ‘ Mmm but only if u don’t take your meds! ‘ I sent back. I was getting quite turned on by the sex conversation. ‘Maybe some of your swimmers are doing their job already! ‘ I messaged. ‘ I would love to breed u!’ He said ‘Joe won’t let me and It turns me on breeding ass’ ‘ I will definitely let you’ I was messaging now without thinking. When I’m horny I say what I really mean without being reserved. ‘ and btw poz talk gets me horny,’ ‘ OK , I’ll take u to Queen Molly’s on Saturday, you will definitely have a good time there one way or another’ We made arrangements for Saturday. I was horny now and couldn’t wait. It had also got me in the mood for that night too. I wasn’t going to bail out, I was up for it. I was gagging for cock by the time I was walking up to Steve’s house that night. I was let in by Phil. I was taken to a room and ordered to strip. Then another guy came in, dressed in only a harness and a Jock. He was heavily tattooed on his torso and arms. I also noticed a biohazard tattoo by one side of his cock and a simple + tattoo on the other. He had a PA and nipple piercings . ‘ This is Lee, one of my best subs. He will get you ready. ‘ I was then left alone with Lee. ‘Phil has got you a harness, I’ll help you with it if you’ve not worn one before. You will be wearing that and a jock only, like me. I guess you know you will be taking poz cock tonight, and that’s why you’re here.’ I couldn’t help getting hard at the thought of it. ‘There are four guys out there , Phil, Steve and two others. You will get another tattoo as well, and a piercing. I can recommend a guiche, let me show you.’ He lifted his sac and showed me a piercing underneath. It makes you feel horny all the time. You will soon be wanting a PA when you’re in his stable’ Lee continued. ‘ He rents me out sometimes, cos he knows I’m a pig’ With that he turned round and showed me a tattoo of a pig on his ass. ‘You will get this tonight’ Lee showed me a little symbol of what seemed to be a P and an S intertwined at the back of his neck. ‘That means they have bred you. You know the next one after that…..’ He then put a blindfold on me and led me through into what felt like a larger room. Phil spoke. We are all here, and we are all ready to play. We are also all positive. You are not. ….Yet. ‘ he said ‘ I have to know that you are ready to play. Get on your knees and confirm ‘ ‘ Yes I’m ready to play ‘ I dutifully said. ‘Are you scared?’ He asked. I was apprehensive, buy my hard cock gave away that I was turned on. I nodded. ‘A little’ I replied. ‘What about? ‘ ‘ Getting the fuck flu’ I said’ I’ve heard it can be bad’ ‘ ’it can ‘ he said. ‘But you should embrace that. That is your body fighting against the gift. It can’t win and you know the seed will take you over. At that stage there is nothing you can do but hope it takes over you quickly. You will then be producing your own toxic seed, ready to pass on. But you must be ready for it first’ ‘ I am ready’ The pep talk had had the effect on me that I knew it would . I was ready for cock. ‘Open wide’ I opened my mouth and Phil put his large cock in. Suck. I began to suck as Phil fucked my throat. I gagged a little but he didn’t let up. He held my head and said ‘ you will have all the cum you need tonight boy’. He then stopped, pulled out and I was lifted from behind, upwards. It was clear I was being carried and placed in a sling. My wrists were tied And my legs also. I was still blindfolded. I opened my mouth to breathe and another cock slid in,. I thought it was Steve’s, I felt his PA at he back of my throat. I felt a tongue roughly rimming me, working my hole. I then felt a coldness, lube was being applied. ‘ Now is the time that you will beg for my cock. Once it is in I don’t withdraw until U have my poison cum in you. ‘ He pressed his cockneys against my hole. It wouldn’t take much force to enter me. Steve pulled his cock out of my mouth, allowing me to answer. ‘What do you want,boy? Tell your master!’ ‘ I want your cock in me sir! ‘ I said without thinking ‘and your cum please .I need it’ ‘You must want to convert’ ‘ I do, I want it’ I said again, so horny, Phil was playing with my cock and balls . He then pushed in me, ‘ You will have it then!’ He said as he started fucking me. Steve pushed his cock back in my mouth. I was aware of other noises, it sounded like fucking and I heard other voices. Lee must be being fucked as well I thought. I was busy working on Steve’s cock when my blindfold was pulled off, the room was quite dark with only two dim low lights on. ‘ I’m nearly there, I want to look in your eyes when I cum. I want you to know what I’m giving you’ Phil continued’ ‘ You will always remember this moment’ He looked in my eyes. I held his gaze. I felt he was looking into my very soul, taking it over and making me his permanently. ‘ Here it comes’ Phil let out a growl and pushed hard into me. I could feel his cock flex and knew that was the moment. I had taken real poz cum in me. Willingly. I hadnt cum. I was horny. The deed had been done but I wanted more. Phil pulled out, but before I could get used to the feeling Steve slid his cock in me. I had a PA in me for the first time , it felt good. ‘ you want more pig? ‘ I just nodded. ‘good, cos you’re getting it’ Steve then started fucking me as hard as Phil had. I could only imagine what his PA was doing to my insides. I looked over and saw Lee on his knees with another guy’s hand pushing into his arse . Lee was loving it ‘Fist my pig hole’ he was demanding. ‘You ever had black cock boy? ‘ Phil asked. I shook my head as my arse was being pounded. You will tonight, this is ‘Mo ‘ He will fill you with his black poz seed, but only in your mouth tonight. If you want it inside you’ll will have to come back for more’ I was aware he was filming me. How long had that been going on ? I briefly thought. ‘Open your mouth’ I opened my mouth. ‘ Mo will now piss. You will drink’ Before this latest order could register, I felt a stream of warm piss flow into my mouth. I swallowed as best I could. ‘ Now suck the bro’ Mo worked his cock semi erect into my mouth . It was the biggest cock I had taken. I sucked, as Mo wanked. Steve began panting. ‘ Here comes load number two’ as he pushed into me. Mo was now wanking furiously as he was stiffening. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came and I wanted it all. ’ Uuhhh! ‘ he groaned as he shot rope after rope of cum in my mouth and over my face. I felt a butt plug being inserted. Steve ordered. ‘Leave that in ‘ we don’t want seed wasted. ‘ I swallowed Mo’s cum and felt my arms and legs being untied. My arse clenched on the butt plug. That wasn’t going anywhere. I was helped unsteadily to my feet. ‘ Now we will mark you’ Phil said. ‘You will soon know your path and be begging us to take you there. Steve has a small studio for special tattoo work here.’ What did they have in mind? …." to be continued ……,,,,
    2 points
  31. 6. We went to a bar a couple of blocks away that we both like, had some food and a couple of beers. We didn’t talk more about Mike being locked or my discovering the joys of being a cumdump, we just chatted like normal. Yet it was still hot knowing that we were both horny as fuck and full of cum. About two hours later we came home, and almost as soon as we were in the door Mike stripped down to just a jockstrap. “Well, now that you know about the cage and how often I get fucked there’s no point in hiding it. Plus, I just like wearing jocks.” “Doesn’t bother me,” I said, stripping down to my own jock. I tossed my discarded clothes through the open door of my bedroom. Mike got really close to me just then and said, “So here’s what I’m thinking.” “What?” “You have three options. You can one, blow that huge load you’ve been building all day alone in your room jerking off; you can bend me over, not waste it and cum inside me; or…” “Or?” I felt like I knew where the ‘or’ was going and I was intrigued. “You go in the kitchen, get a couple of ice cubes and get your cock soft and as small as you can, and then I’ll lock you up in my old cage and you can see how you like it.” I didn’t think about it for a second before saying, “I’ll be in the kitchen.” Mike went in his room and then followed me a moment later. He handed me what looked like a hard, plastic cock ring. “Get this on first, and then make sure you go soft again.” I slid it on just as I started to get hard just from touching my cock. With the ring in place Mike grabbed two ice cubes out of the freezer and wrapped them in a paper towel. He pressed them under my cock making me gasp. Quickly my cock went soft again, and as soon as it did Mike swapped the ice for more plastic and in a flash had my cock locked tightly in a clear plastic cage. I watched my dick harden again in excitement and press against the plastic of the cage. The tension was enthralling. “You feel alright, not so tight you can’t get blood flowing or anything like that?” “It feels amazing.” “Good. Ok. So I’m going to keep this,” he held up a small gold key, “for a week.” “What? Wait, I thought I would… you said you had caged yourself.” “And I did… and now I’m caging you. Don’t worry, in a week I’ll ask you if you want to take it off and you can let me know what you want to do.” He grinned, patted me on the cheek and then left with the key. For several long moments I stood in the kitchen, and then I pulled up my jock and followed Matt out. He leaned out of his bedroom door, “I just got a text from a top, so I’m gonna pop out, and leave you to enjoy your first evening caged.” He grinned wickedly and then disappeared again to get dressed. I felt exhilarated and a little panicked. A few minutes later Matt was gone and I was sitting in the living room naked with my newly caged cock straining against its plastic prison. I was even more horny than before and knew I should go to bed so I could get up for work the next day but was also certain I’d never be able to get to sleep without some kind of relief. I did have a couple of dildos I’m my room so I got up and pulled the largest one (a sensibly thick 8” black silicone with a nice set of balls at the base) and squirted some lube on it. Usually it took me a little while to get this dildo inside me, rubbing it around my hole and teasing it open slowly before feeling the silicone shaft slide deep; today, however, as soon as it touched my hole I felt myself open up and slide it inside. Matt had been out of the apartment for five minutes and I was ball deep bouncing on a dildo. I road harder and harder feeling the shaft pull at my well fucked hole. Bouncing up and down I groaned as it pushed against my second hole almost long enough to force its way through. I was sweating and moaning, I felt like I was in heat, but I wasn’t satisfied. Even as I ground my hole against the balls of the dildo willing it deeper I knew that I wasn’t going to be satisfied by its silicone shaft. My phone was right in front of me on my bed. I grabbed it, now just sitting on the dildo completely impaled, and started scrolling the apps again. Before messaging anyone I leant back and took a photo of my straining caged cock to send to anyone I might invite over. There were messages from guys I had hit up during the afternoon, and I skimmed over the profiles. I wasn’t feeling as picky about who they were as I had been earlier. In fact the only thing I felt picky about was the thickness of their cocks. A few guys had unlocked private albums and I opened those first. Two totally reasonable guys with average cocks and one really hot guy with the sort of body you get from regular gym attendance and a love of good food and beer. He was furry and thick, with a full beard, and the thing I was seeking: a fat cock with a broad flat looking mushroom head, a shaft that swelled to an even more massive base, all erupting from a heavy bush of dark brown hair. I needed him inside me. I sent him a woof and a new message, I unlocked my album, and started scrolling for more while I waited for a reply. I hadn’t really noticed but I had started rocking on the dildo still lodged in me while looking at this guys pics. I was desperate. A few guys and I started talking, nothing that felt very promising. Then he messaged me. Hey boy, still horny? Fuck yes! I replied quickly enough that I knew I seemed desperate. Good. I’ve been horny all day. I’m on my way back uptown from dinner you want my load before I go home? Yes Sir. Where are you boy? I sent him my address. Convenient. I’m 4 stops away on the train. I’ll message you when I get off. Fuck yes! This beast of a man was on his way to fuck me. Thank god! Perfect! I hope you don’t mind but I’ve got a couple of loads in my hole already, and I’m sitting on a dildo right now. I took a picture of the toy lodged in my hole and sent it to him. Good boy, keep riding that dildo till I get there. Then I can just spit on your pretty little cunt and slide in. Holy shit that was so hot. I felt like I was going to start drooling. One other thing… I sent him the picture of the cage I had taken. My heart was pounding waiting for his reply. You should take vers out of your profile boy, you’re clearly a pig hole. Youre going to love the massive load I’m about to give you. I didn’t hear from him for about ten minutes and I was a mess riding my dildo by the time I got his, Off the train, be there in a moment, message. Then, not five minutes later, he was buzzed up and knocking at my door. I got up, leaving the dildo where it was sticking straight up from the floor by my bed, and completely nude, covered in sweat, with my cage straining in front of me, walked to the door. He growled when he saw me, “Fuck yes a hungry little pig.” He looked around and then said, “Your roommate doesn’t happen to also be a horny caged bottom, does he?” I laughed a little nervously, “Um yeah he is, actually hes the one who put the cage on my… well its kinda… I’m not sure how to explain it but I found out about him and his caged today and it was so hot and made me so horny that I decided I wanted to try, and I’ve spent the whole day getting fucked and then like twenty minutes ago Matt put this cage on me and now I… I need to get fucked so bad I cant think,” I was rambling I knew and color had filled my cheeks. The beast of a man just grinned toothily at me from under his bushy mustache and said, “I’ll have to thank him next time I use his pussy for turning you then. Two cumdumps in one apartment, I love it.” He pulled his shirt off exposing his broad chest, ample fur, and thick dark pink nipples. He put his hands behind his head and said “Come give me a kiss pig.” I rushed over to him, and lifting up on my toes a little I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to kiss him. He pulled me close with one massive paw and kept the other behind his head. I could smell his pit, the thick sent of man, wafting up and engulfing me. I was putty in his hands. He broke our kiss and guided my face to his pit. I didn’t have to be told twice and buried my face in it. Lapping at the hair, and sucking the sent in, I worked till he moaned and said “good pig.” I felt him shifting as he kicked his shoes off. As I moved to his nipples he used one hand to undo his belt, grunting as I licked at the hard flesh, my hands running over his fur covered stomach. His pants fell to the floor and I took that as my cue to do so too. I fell on my knees and was brought face to face with the straining pouch of an old once white Bike Jock. I rushed ahead, pulling the pouch to the side and unleashing my prize. The heavy veined shaft sprung forward, and I caught the bulbus head in my mouth, eliciting another moan from my Adonis. “Get my cock nice and wet,” he grunted, as I started to give him an extremely sloppy blow job. Spit started to cover my chin and his big low hanging balls. I was sweating more and more, I felt like a whore. My cock had started to leak a little from the cage, creating a small puddle of precum on the floor, and my balls ached for release. I had both hands on the man’s hairy thighs, grasping at his massive cheeks, willing him more and more into my mouth. “Fuck boy, you give a damn good blow job, but how about you go get on your bed with your ass in the air for me.” “Yes Sir,” I responded looking up from the floor, my eyes watering slightly. I basically sprinted to my bed, and leapt onto it with my ass pointed at the door as he followed me in. He walked up behind me and smacked my ass hard making me yelp, then he drew a massive wad of spit into his mouth and hawked it onto my already wet hole. I looked over my shoulder as he rubbed the head of his cock on my ass, spreading his spit around more, and then took a deep breath right as I felt him begin to push inside. As his head ground against my hole I let all the air out of my lungs and felt my ass bloom open for him. He grunted and slide completely inside me in one smooth motion. It was wonderful. His thick cock stretched me open wider and wider as his balls came to rest against my ass. His head had pushed past my second hole and he worked his way in but I had been so overcome with bliss that I hadn’t even noticed it. “Fuck, two perfect pussies in one apartment, I’m going to be here all the time,” he said as he started to fuck me. He was slow at first, drawing his cock out gradually till only the head was still lodged inside me, then pushing back in with just as much patience till he was past my second ring and I was nothing more than a whimpering hole. His cock was the perfect thing for me in that moment. The stretch from his girth perfectly complimented my decent into being a pig hole. Had someone else gotten there first my week, well my life, may have gone very differently. This cock was the key that unlocked what I wanted to be, and as he picked up the pace I was becoming more and more myself. By the time he was hammering the full length of his cock in and out of my now loose and squelching hole the vers boy of yesterday was lost and a total bottom, caged, bottom pig slut was left in his place. I had lost myself completely in the joy of meeting each of his thrusts with my own when he said, “flip over, I’m want to see your face when I breed you.” His cock was then gone from my hole for a moment, and the feeling of emptiness made me sad and horny at the same time. I could tell I was gaped open from the fucking and it turned me on knowing my hole was wrecked and no longer a tight little pucker; but the feeling of being alone, and not being full made me sad for a second. Thankfully as soon as I had flipped over and had my legs in the air his cock returned and slid somehow still deeper inside me. I let out a deep animalistic groan as he slid home again and started to fuck me. I held my legs back, giving him as much access to my hole as I was physically able to give. He looked amazing as he fucked me, like some wild animal man in heat rutting into his whore. I tried to keep my eyes rolling back so I could watch him use me. His face was covered in sweat, the fur on his chest matted down with it. “Fuck boy, you ready to feel my load?” “Yes! Please breed me,” I panted. “I’m going to fucking breed your cunt.” “Yes!” “Fuck, take my load whore.” He shouted the last word and then let out a roar and he punched his cock into me one more time and started to unload volleys of cum into my worn out ass.
    2 points
  32. Chapter 4 I got home and went straight for a hot shower. Again I needed to clear my head. I came out dried off and looked in the mirror. The piercings and my new tattoo looked good, they were showing who I was. My phone pinged. There was a message from a number I didn’t recognise. ‘Hi it’s Luke, Sally’s friend. She told me you had joined Team Boy but hadn’t come out properly yet? Would love to help you with that sometime’ it read. ‘er yes that’s right’ I replied, trying not to sound too keen. ‘Cool, I’ll take you to the Queen Molly in the village tomorrow, it’s a good place to start, I’ll call at 9’ It appeared I was continuing my journey, without even trying. Luke called for me spot on 9 the next night. We sat together with a drink each. ‘So, she says you’re single and definitely looking for cock’ Luke said. I was aware of his hand on my thigh. ‘Erm well I’m single and I suppose a guy would be good’ I replied. ‘Come out with me and Joe sometime, you’ll have a good time’ he continued. ‘By the way, like those piercings’ . I had a tight t shirt on and the outline could be seen through the material. It made me feel hot. We chatted a while more and an hour quickly passed. I had work the next day so didn’t want to be back too late. Luke was kinda hot as well. As we got home I thought I would take a calculated risk. ‘Fancy coming in for a quick coffee? ‘ I asked. ‘Thought you’d never ask!’ Luke sat in the centre of the sofa, ‘I’ll make the coffee later’I said as I sat next to him. We kissed straight away, his hand moving to my belt. He pulled it and opened my jeans. My cock sprang free. ‘Mmm nice cock ,we can have fun with that! I would love to fuck you but I haven’t got any condoms’ he said. ‘Sshhh’ I replied. I wanted to see his and again pulled his trousers open until I could see his stiff cock. Not as thick as Phil’s but still a good 6 inches. I went to suck it straight away. I knew I was becoming a bit of a cock queen, I just loved it. After a couple of minutes frantic sucking, and Luke still playing with my cock, I knew I wanted him in me. I shrugged my jeans down, pulling them off. Before Luke could move ,I had straddled him on the sofa. I tried to lube my hole with saliva as best I could, and positioned his cock next to my hole. I lowered myself slowly down. ‘I need to tell you something ‘ Luke started. ‘Ssshhh!’ I said again, now working my arse up and down on his cock. It felt tight and good. ‘Just fuck my arse’ I whispered. He didn’t need asking twice. ‘’Get up’ he ordered’ I want to fuck you from behind, I can get in deeper’ he replied. I bent over on the sofa, allowing him full access. ‘ Well, that is a hot tattoo! Definitely won’t be using condoms now’ Luke said’ gonna give you my full load’ as he slid his cock in deep. ‘Fuck yes just cum deep in me, I want your cum’ I blurted out as Luke started pounding my arse hard. After a few minutes of hard fucking..’ Here it comes, take it all’ Luke breathed in my ear as he unloaded in me. I knew from what Sally had said there was some risk Luke may have not been taking his meds. I got off on the risk as I walked my cock and came just as Luke was pulling out. ‘Fuck, that was hot’ Luke said’ you have a great ass, will definitely be seeing that again, and loading it with my seed’ ‘Anytime!’ was all I could say. We kissed again as he left. I wanted to sleep with his cum in me. I-was just finishing my sandwich at lunch the next day when my phone pinged again. It was Sally. ‘ Hi Neil, Luke told me you went for a drink at the Molly last night, but you both behaved yourselves? ‘ ‘yeah that’s right’ I said’ Cool, that won’t last long with Luke, you can tell me to mind my own business, but I’ll go with you to the Health clinic, I think you should get on Prep, you don’t want any of Luke’s little poz swimmers in you when you’re unprotected’ she went on. If only she knew. I wanted to keep her onside. I would go, after all I didn’t have to take any….’ok ‘ I replied ‘he didn’t tell me he was poz and I wasn’t going to ask’ . ‘ He will tell you soon enough I guess. I’ve arranged an appointment tonight after work, they have a Drop in session on Thursdays.’ I walked in with Sally. ‘I’m a big boy I’ll be upfront with them’ I said. The nurse asked,’ Are you in a high risk group for hiv? Do you have unprotected sex with other men? ‘ ‘yes’ it was very matter of fact. ‘Ok, we have to do a quick test as you have to be negative to have it .’ She took a quick thumb prick test and some more blood. I felt a little faint, but also a rush. It was my first test. It came back negative. They would do a full test on the blood but subject to that they would prescribe me Prep. ‘Remember, you can pick this up on Monday , but it isn’t PeP, so if you have just had unprotected sex or have sex this weekend with someone who is viral, then it won’t protect you. It takes seven days to be effective’ I tried not to look guilty, I had a good idea what may be happening tomorrow……
    2 points
  33. In my 20s I was a versa bottom and liked guys well into their 40s more than I did guys my own age. In my 30s, my range became 20s-50s. I discovered I was multiorgasmic in my mid-to-late 30s and became a versa top. That didn't really change the range of ages in which I was interested though. In my 40s, I moved over to a total top and my interest range became 20s-60s. Now that 60 isn't as far in the distance as it used to be for me, my range is 40s and above. I'm honest about my age in all my profiles. I won't ping anyone under 40, but if someone under 40 pings me, I'll respond. If we hook up, we hook up. If we don't, his loss. (I tell people all the time how old I am and am consistently told that I look 10-15 years younger. There's no picture over the mantle, I doubt it's good genes, and I'd be lying if I said it was good living. So, <shrug>.) In OH so many ways, youth is wasted on the young. I neither ascribe to nor worship at the cult of youth. I do see it for what it is though. And it rather bores me. (And I just realized a large part of that may be my naturally contrarian nature, where I shy away from what everyone else does.) As others have said, older men know who they are, what they like/don't like and what they want. The same can't be said for as many young men. Twinks are nice to look at but I don't think one of them could handle a 3+ hour session of sex with me like a more mature man can. I'm way past the age where looks matter to me, in part because I'm old enough to know that a pretty package could contain something ugly and putrid. So things OTHER than looks are what attracts me to men. Many of them DO revolve around body hair, but there are other things I find attractive too. And I like builds from skinny right up to linebacker. (I find a Pooh belly OH so attractive, especially when it's hairy!) So, yes, I would fuck Quasimodo if he ticked off any of a number of boxes on my list of things I like in men. Even if I fucked a man who is older than me every day for the next 20 years, I still wouldn't make a dent in that population. But I would do my damnedest to make sure every one of those 7300 men had an experience that they would remember for years to come!
    2 points
  34. Seeding my son After about ten minutes of enjoying Tom's mouth pleasuring my cock, I pushed him down on the bed and spread his legs, dove-in and began to eat his young neg pussy, getting it wet for its first poz breeding. Tom moaned and squirmed as my tongue worked to get inside his hole, slowly opening it up for the later invasion by my cock. As his bud begins to open to my tongue, I start rubbing my thumb along the edge and slowly inserting it. Soon, I can get both thumbs in and spread out his hole. My first two fingers begin to slide in, and soon they are doing what comes natural to them. My nails begin to dig into his lining, making small tears for my bug to get into his system with. "Please, Dad," begged Tom, "get that poz cock in my cunt and give me your bug. Make me poz with the same cum that made me!" I looked into his eyes and saw the desire, the want, the need in there. Still I asked "Are you sure you want this?" "Yes, Dad, breed me with your poz cum!" I leaned down and kissed him as my cock found his hole and began to slide into his neg cunt. Soon I felt my balls hit his ass, and knew I was going to blast his hole with my poz seed even if he asked me to pull out now. I slowly began to slide my cock in and out of his cunt, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in. Tom moaned in pleasure as my cock pounded his hole, tearing it up more as I broke through his second ring and really started to pound him into the mattress. Since I knew he was going to be taking loads all night from Dave and me, I let my first batch of Swimmers build quicker than I normally would, so soon I felt the tingle in my balls that signaled my poz cum would soon be impregnating my son. "Last chance, son," I cautioned. "Give it to me, Dad. Plant your seed in me." "All right, here you go!" And with that I shoved all nine inches into him and let go. It was a good sized load, and Dave would soon be using it to fuck his own loads into my son to make him our son. I stayed inside till I knew all my seed was now in his ass, then I slowly withdrew. Dave was standing beside me, and as soon as I was out, he climbed onto the bed and lined-up his cock. I lay down beside Tom and we kissed as Dave's eight inch plus cut cock slid into Tom's cunt, remarking "That load feels so good in there. Your cunt will be well on its way to being infected soon," as he pounded Tom into the mattress. Tom, meanwhile, moaned in pleasure around my kiss. When Dave took-over kissing Tom, I got off the bed to retrieve a few things to help Tom's conversion. When I got back from the bathroom, Tom was writhing under Dave. I knew from watching Dave breed other boys, that he was getting close to adding his poison seed with mine in my son. As I climbed back onto the bed, I grabbed the plug from the nightstand, and just as I began to give Tom another kiss, Dave groaned "Take my dirty seed, son!" Dave stayed in Tom until his entire load was planted deep inside. While he slowly pulled out, he kissed Tom. Once his cock slipped out of Tom's cunt, I pulled my surprise from behind my back: a new hard bristle toothbrush. Tom smiled at me when he saw it, and grabbed his ankles, giving me full access to his now opened and well bred cunt. I slid the brush into him and began to vigorously brush his innards to help his lining become even more receptive to allowing the virus into his system. While brushing his hole, my cock sprang back to life. Once I was sure that the brushing had done its part of the job, I pulled the brush out, and sure enough, the bristles were a nice shade of dark pink. I showed it to Tom as I lined my hard cock up with his cunt again and sank into it. This fuck, I took my time with and varied my technique as I gave him pleasure as well as continuing to work that deadly seed into his ass lining. Tom's cock had stayed rock hard the entire time we had been fucking him, which was close to an hour now, and Tom's breathing began to change, and I realized that he was getting close to shooting his possibly last neg load. Dave noticed it too, and leaned down and took Tom's cock into his mouth. As Dave went down to Tom's balls, Tom grabbed the back of his head and kept him there as he groaned, shooting his load into Dave's mouth. The sensation of my son's ass clenching around my cock as he shot into my boyfriend's mouth caused me to go over the edge, and a few strokes later I growled too and shot my second life-changing load into his cunt. Dave rolled off, and, for the second time that afternoon, I slowly pulled out of Tom's cunt, which was most definitely destroyed. Reaching over, I grabbed the plug and slid it in, remarking "That will keep those loads in there until we can recharge and add some more." Tom leaned-up and kissed first me, and then Dave, thanking us by saying "I hope your gift takes soon. This has been exactly what I wanted." "Well, if I know our seed, in about two weeks you will be sick as a dog." We all spent the rest of that weekend fucking my son, and we all knew that when he left to go back to school on Monday morning that he was well on his way to being infected. The next few weeks Tom spent every moment he could with one or the both of us getting fucked and brushed and every other trick we could come up with to ensure that he would come down with our bug, and sure enough, a few weeks after our initial meet-up, Tom came over and felt sick from the fuck flu. Dave and I spent the weekend taking care of him and giving him more of our toxic cum. A few weeks after he was better, I sent him to the free clinic where he learned he was now carrying our strain in his system. We all went out to celebrate, and it was then that Tom told us that now that he was confirmed poz, that he wanted to spread it to the guys on his wrestling team. Dave and I offered to help if any of the guys would be up to it. He smiled at us, and said he knew a couple of guys that would like to be fucked by some hot daddies.
    2 points
  35. i'm a total bottom with a side of sub. i was long ago insemenated and impregnated by a Man pissing deep in my ass, so it's been on a list of my wants/needs ever since. im mostly bottom with need/desire to be anally penetrated, but am a cocksucker secondarily and have had a fantasy for a few years now of 'drinking from the tap." my bottom/sub parts are thoroughly integrated into my psychosexual wiring. I.e, to me a Mans 'cock' is way more than the organ between His legs... and His piss to me is another form of a Mans semen, particularly when He sees Himself the same way. Compatibility. That to say that my interest in "WS" or piss, is not so really about the piss, but about so much that surrounds our psychological wiring about piss. About 95% of urine is water, about 5% Is stuff the body is getting rid of, 'waste.' Lots of mammals use piss to mark their territory. Generally, culture describes the act of pissing on someone as a degrading, humiliating act. Go into any mens room and listen to banter while guys are pissing and you'll often hear declarations of how good it feels to piss: "the pause that refreshes." So there is a pleasure, release feeling commonly associated with pissing or "relieving" oneself. And so much more. As a bottom with some sub nature, my psychology can attach to all of those things. To me, there so many ways to connect to a Man (who is similarly wired from a Top perspective) with piss. Him pissing on me is a combination of Him receiving pleasure and release in an act that is also simultaneously humiliating and degrading to me, even when it's done with no intent of force or meanness. As a matter fact, to me, a Man pissing on me with a knowing smile is a hell of a lot more "Dom" than one who has to be forceful or mean. So it's not surprising to me that i'd end up wanting to receive a Mans piss from His cock. But again, not generically. i've seen a lot of the piss porn where a Top pissing in a bottoms mouth and it all comes right back out again. i.e, the bottom is not actually drinking or swallowing the Mans piss. i have this involved fantasy/desire of a Man who is into the mind fuck part of this as much as i, that He wants/needs to 'make' a bottom guy who His 'toilet' as much as i want Him too need/want that. But then, i hate pretend or role play... i want real, this is all about deep connection and bonding of our 'kinky' parts. And i know for that to happen, there are practical considerations. i honestly had concerns about my ability to take a Mans piss i my mouth. Up the ass? No problem. i've slept with a gut full of a Mans piss all night long, ensuring absorption and impregnation from Him as i slept... next morning when i pee, i can smell His piss in my pee, and i know He impregnated me. Drinking? i wasn't sure how i'd respond to the taste or quantity. Would either, or both, overwhelm me? i knew i'd want a patient Top to work with me and help me acquire the skill, because i wanna swallow every drop. To me, drinking His piss is sort of like drinking His cum. Not exactly, but i'd never think of spitting out a Mans cum. So this last weekend, i got t chance to finally try. i had a Top friend staying with me and He woke me up in the night saying He had to piss. So, i knelt in the shower and took His cock in my mouth. i only took it about 3 inches in, about half way. i didn't know what to expect and didn't want to choke or gag and end up spitting any out. So i tasted it. His was sort of bitter, not bad, but bitter. i expected it would be salty, but it wasn't. It was almost like lime? It wasn't "good" but it also wasn't "bad" tasting, so i was able to take it. As i gained confidence, i took His cock to my throat and, luckily, it wasn't so much that i couldn't keep up with swallowing. That was better in a way because i didn't taste it and i felt like i was taking it better. As His flow increased and didn't let up, i did start to get a little overwhelmed (fear?), but over all i was pretty successful and was pretty happy and pleasantly surprised at my ability first try. i think i will become good at it pretty quickly.
    1 point
  36. I wish I had a bf who was into anon fucking, so I could organize his trains.
    1 point
  37. I would have nothing against two cocks. It means more cum to swallow into my stomach.
    1 point
  38. Noon It was a nice day at school, around noon and during our break between classes and Jessica was walking towards me. Jessica and I met in our junior year of high school and she immediately fell for my bad boy vibe. Our first date was at the movie theatre and I pulled the old movie theatre arm behind the girl trick because bitches love corny shit like that. And that shit actually paid off because I fucked her right outside of her house when I dropped her off that night. And now we've been together for a year. We were even voted cutest couple this year, no surprise there. I'm this barely legal, unobtainable bad boy that all of the girls want to fuck and love to fuck, and most of them do. I also stand at 5'10" and weigh a nice 160 Ibs. and I've been told I have a boy next door look, although that's far from my reputation. So stands to reason that Jessica isn't my only honey, just my main honey. She just doesn't like having sex as much as I do and when she does, it's usually over fast. So yeah, there's other girls that I fuck occasionally. Like Anna. Anna is this dirty little slut that texts me every other day craving my dick. Of course I don't always give it to her when she wants. Anna's my bitch, not the other way around. But I do dish it out to her when I'm craving that extra bit of sexual submission. Anna loves being treated like a bitch, and I love fucking her like one. The same goes for Leann, Jalyn, Hannah, Erica, Madison, Cara and Susannah, give or take a couple. "Hey Andy! I know it was your 18th birthday yesterday and I'm really sorry that I missed it but I'd love to make it up to you." "Yeah girl? How you plan on doing that?" "Just meet me at 118 Bennevue Place around 6 tonight." The bell rang. "Girl, what'd you say?" "My cousin's letting me housesit for her while she's on vacation! Just be there tonight for a stimulating surprise honey!" With a wink, a kiss and a sexual tongue movement, she turned and ran to her next period. Damn, stimulating surprise, the tongue, that can only be one thing. Sex. This is it, I'm gonna treat Jessica like a bitch tonight. And if that's not her surprise, I'm gonna fuck her like one anyway. I'll take her back to my place and fuck her right in the car however the fuck I want and then take her inside and plow her again. After tonight, she's gonna wanna fuck me so much I won't need any of those other girls again. Yeah, that's the plan. Show her how to submit to your masculinity. You can always tell when a slut's a slut. And that wink proved it. I can't believe I haven't noticed it before. I was always too caught up in her apparent prudeness to realize that she just needs to know how it feels just once to figure out it's what she's been missing. Suddenly, these next 6 hours feel so far away. 3:30 New text from Jessica. "Can't wait to see you tonight, babe! I just gotta finish up here with Hannah and then go home and freshen up. Can't wait to give you an 18th birthday to remember!! XOXO" Fuck! She was with Hannah. Hannah knows that Jessica and I have been together for a year but that hasn't stopped her from getting her pussy pounded by me every few weeks. Hannah is even more sexual than Anna is. When I fuck Hannah, sometimes she want me to tie her up first and just slam into her as deep as I can. And if I can say one thing, it's that I'm damn proud of my 8 inch uncut cock. And when I'm fucking Hannah, she just groans out and cries in moans of ecstasy and you can tell she just loves the feeling of being taken by a man. Sometimes she asks me to slap her a little bit and being a gentleman, I do what I'm asked. Never hard though, never enough to leave a mark, just enough to get her to scream out my name. And just last week, she asked me to fuck her in the ass. I've never fucked a girl in the ass before but from the stories I've heard it would be the tightest thing I could fuck and feel so good. So I went for it. I put that bitch on her knees and fucked her for half an hour in the ass, all while she was screaming for more. Yeah, there was no way she was telling Jessica anything, she had just as much to lose as I do. But damn, now thinking of that assfucking I gave Hannah, these next couple hours can't come sooner. Just edge myself in the meantime. 6:02 Late! Always late, but two minutes isn't so bad. Hell, better than most days! GPS says I have about another minute til I reach 118 Bennevue Place. Fuck I'm so horny. Gonna fuck her in her cousin's house, probably right on the couch. Won't even make it to the bedroom before I get put that bitch to work. Finally here! I'm not even gonna knock, just gonna walk right in and show her that I'm the kind of man who takes what I want. "I'm here bitch! Ready to fuck you raw!" Shit, why'd I say raw, I don't wanna not use a condom. I just meant good and long until I can't take it anymore. Too late, already here guns blazing. I walked deeper into the house and found the lounge. There were four guys playing poker on the couch, cards set up on the table. They just looked at me in awe and surprise. Well damn, that's embarrassing. New text from Jessica: "SO SO SO SORRY BABE!! This project is taking longer than I expected. Same time, same place tomorrow? Sorry again, XO" Dammit! Now I'm standing here with four guys looking at me, horny and now angry as fuck that I'm not getting laid tonight. Might as well explain myself to these men. "I apologize for that crudeness. I must've typed the wrong address on my GPS. Unless this is 118 Bennevue Place?" "Why yes it is, there's also a Bendview Place though on the other edge of town. Very common mistake. Most people just knock on the door when they make it though, not announce to the room what's about to happen. I'm Dan." Dan looked like he was in his late-30s, slightly overweight but in a masculine way. The other three guys also looked like they were around the same age, but one was more in shape than the others. "You seem to have caught our card night. Right now we're playing blackjack, would you like to join?" The more in shape one said to me, "My name is Clark." "Ahh uh-- sure. My girlfriend just called off anyway and blackjack is my favorite card game. I'm Andy." And it gave me some time to cool down before I went home and called up Madison to see if she were up to getting her ass owned tonight. "Great! This here is Joe and Derek." And Clark motioned towards the other two men sitting around the table. "Here, I'll deal the next round. So, what was going on tonight that brought you here?" 6:28 And while we played a couple rounds, I told them about Jessica and how we were supposed to meet up at the address at 6 for a good birthday treat and how she stood me up last minute. "Sounds like you're pretty bummed about all of that. You seemed so excited before you read that text. You hitting or passing?" "Hit. You mean when I came in screaming about fucking her raw?" I laughed, "Yeah, that was supposed to be the plan. But now I'm here playing cards with the four of you and thinking about which bitch I'm gonna call and fuck later on tonight. Damn, I busted." "Oh, sounds like you have quite the night ahead of you. Dan, hit or pass?" Clark said. "Definitely hitting.. Yeah, I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say we understand what you mean," said Dan, "our night kind of turned out the same as yours." And Dan gave him a peculiar look. "Yeah! 21 bitches!" "Oh yeah, you mean to tell me you showed up to this house expecting to get laid and ended up playing blackjack? Come on, I doubt it." They all just exchanged a look and shrugged. "Yeah, something like that." said both Clark and Derek simultanuously. "Well come on then, spill!" Dan started telling me how their night started while Clark was dealing to Joe and Derek. "We were actually waiting around for an escort about an hour ago and then we were called up and told that it'd be a no-show. So we decided to make a night of it instead, and here we are, cards." "No way, an escort!? There's services like that around here!? Damn, I might need to take down that number, even though I do happen to get plenty of free pussy. I'll just take it for emergencies, can you give it to me?" "Oh certainly," Dan said, "you ready? 818-555-7622. You can call anytime, but they only have a few employees so you have to make an appointment." Joe ended the round with 20, Derek busted and Clark also got a 21 and tied with Dan. Then he set the cards down instead of shuffling and started talking. "So let me get this straight? You have a girlfriend that you were going to see tonight and fuck, but since she's not coming, you're gonna call up a different girl or an escort to do it with instead?" "Well yeah, Jessica is great and all, but she doesn't have the same sex drive as me and sometimes I just need to bust a nut all over a bitch's face. And she never lets me do that, these other girls though. Man, they all love being treated like a bitch and being taken by a man. You can see it in their eyes, all it takes is a certain look and you can tell how dirty of a slut they are." "And you think you're a man?" Derek said, "And that you can really know how to give it to a girl?" "Hell fucking yeah, I leave those girls craving my dick in their pussy. They call me up for days after, begging sometimes, I fucking love it. Which reminds me, it's already almost 7, I gotta get going and figure out which lady's getting the lovin' tonight." And when I picked up my phone and stood up, all four of them also stood up and Dan quickly walked out of the room. Clark and Derek were motioning towards me and Clark started to talk to me. "You're a little disrespectful punk, ain't you boy?" And just like that, the whole vibe in the room changed swiftly and dramatically. "No, what he is is a little disrespectful bitch!" Dan walked back into the room with a bag, "I grabbed the goodies." He set the bag on the table. "What the hell's going on?" I was getting both nervous and scared, but I was also sure as hell not going to let whatever the hell they were thinking happen. "Stop whatever the hell it is your doing?" "We're just gonna give you a good time. I could see it in your eyes Andy, I know you wanna be treated like a little bitch. Look at you, getting squirmy, no need to be nervous Andy, you're gonna get what you want tonight," said Derek. And he grabbed my arm as Joe grabbed the other one. "We're gonna totally give you what you want. On your knees!" "Fuck this, no way!" And they pushed me onto my knees as Dan was unzipping his pants. I can't believe this. Four guys, I have no chance getting out of their hold. And Dan's unzipping his pan-FUCK! Dan had his 7 inch cut cock out and was walking towards me. Clark was off to the side taking his clothes off too, but when he whipped his out, it was a whopping 9 inches thick uncut. "Come on, be a good boy, take my cock." Joe and Derek were still holding me to my knees and Dan was now rubbing his cock around my face. "Fuck this, I'm straight man! I don't want to suck your dick!" I was struggling for freedom when Clark grabbed my face and made me look at him. "It doesn't matter if you're straight boy. You're gonna be a bitch tonight, you're gonna be our bitch. And you aren't going to be leaving until you realize that you were born to be one." And he held my nose until I gasped for breath and pushed me down onto Dan's dick. It hit the back of my throat and I was choking on it when Clark pulled me off of it. "See, that's it little bitch. Ram that fucking cock down your throat. You like that?" "Fuck no!" And he rammed my face onto Dan's cock again, and this time pulled my head back and forth so that I was getting face fucked. Each time Dan's cock hit the back of my throat I choked on it for more air. "Stop! I don't wanna be doing this!" "What was that? You want another one? Joe, looks like you're up. And Dan took hold of me while Joe whipped out his 7 inch cut cock and pulled my head down to take all of his. His was easier to take than Dan's because Dan already opened my mouth up. But Joe fucked my face harder than Dan did, and I was completely humiliated. "I'm gonna bust my nut!" Joe screamed and I was suddenly so scared. It was horrifying enough that they were force fucking my mouth, adding cum to the mix didn't sound pleasant. "Not yet, there's still a long night ahead of us." said Derek and replaced Joe's cock with his 8 inch cut cock. "Please- no more. It's too big! I don't wanna be doing this! I'm not fucking gay! This is gay shit!" "Not fucking gay, eh? Let's see if we can change that." And Derek started pumping his cock even deeper in my mouth so that my eyes were watering and I could feel it slam down my throat with each thrust. "That's right bitch, choke on that cock! Come on, milk it!" "Fuck you!" I managed to say when he let me up for air. He slapped me and pulled my head down on his cock once more, which felt even deeper than before. "You hear that boys? He wants to fuck! Come on, let's show him how he treats those girls! Show him who the real bitch is! Let's fuck this disrespectful prat!" And then Dan emptied the bag onto the table. Condoms and lube fell all over the place and I was suddenly 100x more scared and nervous than before. They were going to fuck me. In my ass. Like I fucked Hannah. Shit! I started to groan out choking, but Clark chimed in. "I don't think we're gonna be needing that Dan," and a sudden relief came over me even though Derek was still pumping dick in and out of my mouth. "He came in here saying he was ready to fuck his girlfriend raw. I think we should only give him the honor." Fuck! "Good idea!" and Dan worked with Joe to put me on my knees. They pulled my jeans and my briefs off and Derek kept facefucking me while Dan got behind me and started to lick my ass. That was definitely new, no girl had ever eaten out my ass before. I even asked, all the pussy I was always eating and they never returned the favor. It felt so good, I actually let out a moan. "You hear that? He likes it. He likes his little boypussy being teased. You like that boy?" I let out another moan and Derek took this as a sign to fuck my mouth faster. And so while there was a dick forcefully being shoved down my throat, I still moaned because of the ass rimming. "Yeah, fuck boy, get your ass nice and ready to take my cock. This your first cock boy?" "Fuck you!" "Oh then it is. Well I can tell you that you will certainly love it. By the looks of how good you've been doing on those cocks, you're a natural little bukkake boy. You ready to get your virgin hole pumped bukkake boy?" I could only groan out a wince with Derek still fucking my face. Then he motioned for Clark to come over and he did. He grabbed me by my hair and made me look into his eyes. "You like that boy? You like having your boypussy eaten out? Or are you moaning because you've realized how much you enjoy a warm cock down your throat? I'll show you what real manhood feels like" He said it real deep, just like a man. And before I could say anything, he had shoved all 9 of his inches down my throat, further than the other three went and I choked on it. And then I found that I wasn't resisting anymore. In fact, Clark wasn't even forcing my head down on his dick but I was sucking on it myself. "There you go boy, you do like that cock, don't you? Come on, keep going down on it. Just like that, goood boy." "Fuck you!" I didn't hate it, but I still didn't wanna be here. And fuck these guys for making me blow them. I moaned louder than I was before as Daniel worked his tongue around my hole. "You hear that? I think it's time," Joe said and Dan positioned himself behind me and spit on his cock. "Take off his shirt." And they stripped me of my shirt and took the rest of their clothes of as well. "Time for the real fun to start." "Fuck you guys! My ass isn't gonna be fucked!" I struggled, but I was pinned down and Dan thrust in the head of his penis. "FUUUCK!" was all I could say while Dan was inserting his entire 7 inches into my ass. It hurt so fucking bad but the rest of them were holding me down so I couldn't leave. Once Joe was all the way in he left it and started to wriggle around, stretching it for more. "Fuuuuckk me!" I groaned out in pain. Not because I wanted them to, but because I was helpless. "That's what we're doing boy! Now shut up and suck my cock. I want you to do it all on your own, no help from me." And all I could do was obey. So I put Joe's dick in my mouth while Dan was pounding my ass. "Oh yeah boy, down the shaft. Damn you're milking my cock so good." I was still groaning out, but with each thrust the sound came out as moans and then Joe's dick in my mouth also muffled my cries. "Fuuuck! Hear that moaning? Bitch boy loves the cock. You like that cock bitch boy!? Tell me you like that cock." "No!" "Tell me you like that cock!" And Joe slapped my face while I was still sucking his cock down my throat. "Tell me!" And he slapped me again, Dan took the cue and slapped my ass while he was fucking me. "You want that again?!" "No! Fuuuck.. I like that cock." "Whaaat?" "I like that cock!" Fuck so humiliating! But I had to admit that this wasn't as bad as it seemed as first. The cock hurt at first, but the pain actually turned into pleasure and my moans became more frequent. Dan was still pounding at my ass, bringing his cock all the way out then all the way back in really forcefully. I grunted and screamed. "Hell yeah you do! Like that cock boy?" "Yeah, I like it!" And he forced cock down my throat and then let me up for air. "Come on boy, tell me how much you want it!" "Give it to me!" The more he made me say it, the more I actually started to believe it. He pulled me down on his dick again and Dan was pounding my ass harder than we was before. "Oh come on boy, tell me how much you want it!" "Give me your cocks! Pound my ass!" And Dan started to fuck my ass harder still. Joe started to fuck my face too. "Yeah, this what you want boy?" And the two of them were both fucking me as hard as they could. One on each end, rhythmically pounding me into each other's cocks. "Bust your loads." I head a deep voice say. I almost forgot Clark and Derek were in the room. And he just told them to bust their loads. "Yeah, you want us to bust our loads boy?" said Joe. And Dan kept on slamming his cock into my ass. "Mmmnmm." I couldn't say much without muffling, but I groaned out a no. "What was that?" and then I got more slaps to both my ass and my face. "Mmmnmmmm." And Dan started spanking my ass more while fucking me, I surprised myself when I gave out a little moan. And he took that to do it some more and so he spanked me repeatedly while giving my ass all he can give. Joe smacked my face. "I'm sorry one more time." And he took my head off his cock and looked at me. "Yes, please bust your loads." He smiled and inserted his cock into my mouth once again. "No don't!." "Doesn't matter bitch, it's happening." I tried to wriggle free, but the two of them started to pound my ass and mouth once again rhythmically until they were both close to climaxing. "That's a good boy! You're our little bitch now. Look who's fucking who raw! Bet your girlfriend doesn't know that you can take a mean cock. Let's show her!" And Clark took my phone off the floor and started to take a video. "Let's show her how much her bitch boyfriend loves to get fucked like a little slut." My humiliation reached a max as I was helpless about the entire situation. Both my ass and my face were being fucked and it was all being recorded. And I could do nothing. "Oh yeah, come on bukkake boy, are you ready?! Are you ready to be seeded for the first time. You ain't no virgin bitch boy now. Fuuuuck!" Both Dan and Joe started pumping their dicks violently and I could feel them both tense up. I started screaming out moans as they were both pounding into me as hard as they could. And suddenly I felt waves of cum being squirted into both my ass and down my throat as the two of these men rammed them both in as far as they could. I could do nothing but swallow Joe's load as he kept his hand firmly around my head until it was all down my throat and Dan pumped a few extra times using his own cum as lube. "That's a good boy. You learned to take those dicks pretty well." Dan pushed his dick in one last time and then took it out and gave my ass a squeeze. "Fuuuck man, nice little virgin hole. Well, not anymore." And he smirked at Joe and the two of them laughed together. "You enjoy yourself?" "FUCK NO!" I told them. I did mean it, but some part of me felt aroused. "Really? Looks like you enjoyed it." And Clark motioned towards a pool of cum from underneath me. "The lad came at the same time as you two did. Something about being a little bitch getting fucked by real men turn you on boy? Don't even have to answer, that little pool of cum underneath you already tells us. Yeahhh. You loved having Joe's cum being shot down your throat didn't you? Or was it Dan's up your ass? I bet it was both. You just loved being filled up like a little cumslut. It's okay, you can admit it." "I'm not admitting anything! This is all gay shit and I didn't fucking like any of it!" I lied. I mean, I meant what I was saying. But even I couldn't deny that there was a pool of cum below the very spot where I was being spitroasted. "Then I guess we're not done with you just yet. 7:39 "What do you mean we aren't done yet?" I looked up, already feeling drained from what just happened. I burped and a little cum leaked out of my mouth. As if I wasn't humiliated enough. "OOOH Did you get that on camera?" Derek asked Clark. I forgot that they were recording this too. Damn, they were just bent on humiliating me. "Hell yeah I got it on camera. We really want to prove to his girlfriend how much of a cockwhore her little boyfriend really is. You hear that? Come on, tell the camera what you are." Clark was encouraging me to lower myself even more. "Fuck this shit man! I'm not fucking gay!" "Then what about that cumshot bitch? You fucking spooged because both of your holes were being used as a cum dump. You even have some leaking out of your ass now." Clark was talking to both me and the phone, making sure everything was being recorded for the sole purpose of making sure I was as demeaned as possible. "Come on, you came into the house wanting a raw fuck and we're giving it to you. Treating you like you treat all your girlfriends. Tell me, do they complain as much as you? Do you're bitches cry out while you're fucking them?" "Fuck no, my bitches are always craving my cock. And fuck you guys!" "We just were fucking you. And since it appears that a bitches job is to crave cock. Looks like you have some more work ahead of you. You just haven't been broken in enough, you'll turn around. Just wait and see." Clark told me as he grabbed his crotch in his hand. "Walk over to me, get down on your knees and take my manhood into your mouth. Don't complain." I only stared at him for a few seconds thinking about what to say. But the situation was still hopeless, so I did as he told me. I talked towards him. He was looking into my eyes as I did so and all I could see was lust. This man had a lot more planned for me tonight. I got on my knees with my eyes still focused on his. I kneeled there still for seconds longer before I opened my mouth and began to wrap my lips around the head of his 9 inch penis. But before I could go down on it more, he pulled it out. "What the hell man?!" And he slapped me in the face. "I said not to complain. Now work for my cock." And I listened to him again. I wrapped my lips around his head, and he pulled it out again. I looked at him and went for it again, and he pulled out again. "That's right boy. You want that cock you have to work for that cock. Come on, go down on it." And he was still pulling away every time I tried to wrap my lips around it. "Dude, come on!" I was getting beyond frustrated. I didn't wanna be doing it, but since he was making me and not letting me, I was particularly annoyed. "Come on what? What is it you want from me boy?" Oh that's what he wants. "I'm not gonna beg for your cock." I said defiantly. And as expected, another slap to the face. "You will if you don't want it tearing up that cute little ass of yours." Clark made a good point and so once again, I was forced to obey him. "Fuck- come on, give me that cock. I need to suck on that dick." And this time when I went down on it, I was allowed to take it all the way in. I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride at finally getting it into my mouth. That's a little weird but feeling that of pride made me work harder on the cock than I had before. I was sucking on Clark's dick and actually having some fun with how warm it felt down my throat. I started to work it faster, enjoying the feeling even more every time I felt his cock ram the back of my throat. I was also aiming to fit as much of it in as I can. "That's right boy, now you see what I mean. You were born to suck a dick. I bet Jessica didn't know you were this good. Tell Jessica that you want my cock straight boy." "Mmm," I didn't wanna say anything at all or even remember that all of this was being recorded. He smacked my face. "I want his cock Jessica," I muffled out looking at the camera but wasn't really understandable with Clark's 9 incher down my throat. He caught on so he took his cock out for a second and motioned the camera towards me. "I want his cock so bad Jessica. I love having it down my throat." "Then keep milking me boy. Go down on it." And he grabbed my head and starting facefucking me for a little boy. "Come on little faggot! That's right, milk my cock!" That only lasted until I had to come up for air, and then he let me go, but this time I went for his cock on my own. "That's right little slut." And I caught myself by surprise with a moan. "Hear that boys? He's close. Isn't that right? Want us to fuck that tight little ass of yours again?" "No, please don't! I thought you said if I did this you wouldn't do that again." "That was true then, but bitches don't get to negotiate. And what'd I tell you earlier tonight?" I just looked at him. "That you're our bitch tonight. You do what we say when we want you to. I told you Andy, I could tell from the way you looked at us earlier that you wanted to be our bitch boy. You wanted us to completely use and take your body however we wanted to. You already have two loads in you, now it's time for more. Do you understand me?" I merely whimpered and then nodded. "Tell everyone on camera what you want. Give this message to your mom, tell your mom what's about to happen." "Hey Mom," I said hesitantly. "Uh- I'm about to be fucked." "Come on, give her the details. Tell her how much you love it." "I've already been fucked tonight and I've had four cocks down my throat. One shot his load down my throat and one shot his as deep in my ass as he could. I think they're about to do it again." "Hell yeah we are! Tell her how you like it!" "I really like it Mom, the way they fill me up. I can feel their masculinity and their manhood just feels so good to have inside me. The feeling of cock down my throat was actually nice and I can still taste the warm cum I swallowed." Like before, the more I say this stuff, the more I actually convince myself I believe it. "Turn around, show her your ass." "This is what Dan did to me." I bent over and showed the camera my ass. It was tight again, but had dried up cum running down the leg. "He fucked my ass good and bred me. I can't wait until they give me more." "That's good boy. Now come back over here and continue to suck my dick. Watch this video." I listened to Clark and took his 9 inches in my mouth once again. I worked down the shaft with my tongue and found that I did in fact enjoy sucking on this man's penis. He turned the camera off and went into the videos. He started playing the video where Dan and Joe were fucking me together in unison. Seeing the video while sucking on a cock aroused me and I felt my own dick get hard again. I was watching myself getting bounced off of two cocks in both ends. One right into another. Seeing myself like that, I wasn't bad to look at at all, and the two cocks I was remembering, I moaned out a little more. I began to suck more rigorously. Watching the video and sucking the cock. I was getting more aroused every second. "Tell me what you want. All you need to do is ask." "No.." I could only say faintly. While I was repulsed with myself for actually enjoying blowing Clark, I was even more repulsed with the fact that I actually did want to get fucked again. ~"Oh yeah, come on bukkake boy, are you ready?!~ the part in the video where Dan and Joe both came was coming up." "What was that?" "Nooo.." I whispered this time, coming closer and closer to giving in. ~Are you ready to be seeded for the first time. You ain't no virgin bitch boy now. Fuuuuck!~ I was now watching and remembering these two guys fuck me and the way their cum felt shooting down my throat and into my ass. I also saw cum shoot out of me onscreen at the same time. All three of us cumming at the same time. I moaned, surprised about what I was about to say. 8:00 "Hold on let me switch back to the camera. Go on, say whatever it is your want to say." "Please fuck me." I whimpered, putting the cock back into my mouth afterwards for a reason not to repeat myself. "Say it a little louder, so the camera picks it up." Damn you Clark. "I want to get fucked again." I said a little louder. "How do you want it?" This was hard enough to admit, but he really wasn't gonna stop. "I want it just like last time." I wasn't lying now. "Yeah, well then get ready bitch." Clark motioned for Derek to get behind me. "You haven't fucked our slut yet, you can have the honor." And Derek smacked my ass. "You ready for this one slut?" Truth is I was very nervous, but I was ready. It started to feel good when Dan was fucking me, so this might work out. "Yes, please fuck me." "Call me Sir!" "Please fuck me Sir!" And he shoved his cock into my ass. He was about halfway in when he stopped and started to go slower. He was certainly bigger than Dan. Derek had an 8 inch thick cock. He started to motion back and forth and fucked me deeper with each thrust. "Oh yeah boy, just like that. Let's ease it in, we'll get to the real fun." And he kept easing it into my ass. I was whimpering out in both pain and pleasure when Clark grabbed a hold of my head. "All of a sudden you forget you had a job." And he shoved his dick back into my mouth. Derek had all 8 inches inside me and picked up the pace when Clark started facefucking me."Yeah this is what you wanted. You saw that video with you getting used like a fucktoy and you just loved it. You realizing now boy?" "Mmmhmm." I muffled as the two of them worked me over. Derek pushed on my back and arched my back more as he continued to slam into me. Each time his balls making a louder slapping noise against mine. "Tell me how much you want it." "Mmmmmm" And the two of them picked up the pace. I still felt humiliated. Humiliated that my body betrayed me and gave into these four men. I felt my body turning over and now I was on my back, and the two of them entered me again. Derek's dick went even deeper into my ass while Clark was holding my legs back and fucking my face. I couldn't do much but squeal about how they using me. "Little fucktoy getting worked over. That right? We're gonna give you what you want don't worry. We're even fucking you raw still, just the way you like it." Derek started pounding into my ass really hard. Clark took his penis out, and Dan's penis replaced it. Dan was apparently back in the game and ready to play again. I took Dan's penis as Derek's was still pumping into me. "OOooo fuck, I'm gonna bust. I'm gonna bust my nut. Where do you want me to cum bukkake boy?" "Cum into my ass!" I didn't know where it came from, but I just agreed to be seeded by this man. "Cum into my ass what?" "Cum into my ass Sir!" "Fuck yeah, you ready? You ready? Make sure you get this on camera!" And he kept pounding relentlessly. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" And I felt him jerk during his last thrusts that told me he had just planted his seed deep inside me. "That feel good?" "Yeah that felt amazing!" There was no point in hiding it now. I was enjoying myself and these guys knew it. Dan took the news well and started to fuck my face while Joe got ready to fuck my hole. "What about you?" I asked Clark. "I'll get my turn. I don't think you understand that this night is far from over." Clark told me before he left the room. Joe entered his cock into my ass and my eyes rolled back.There was no longer any pain when he penetrated me, only pleasure. And while I was wondering where Clark went off to, I was also too lost whimpering as the two of them took turns fucking my two holes. Joe's dick dug into my ass as Dan was pulled his dick out of my mouth. Then Dan went deep down my throat as Joe pulled his dick out of my ass. And this went on for who knows how long. Clark was still out of the room and Derek was recording the whole thing on my phone. I was still hard, but Derek slapped my hand away every time I went to play with my dick. Pretty soon Dan started to tense up and soon after that he shot his load of cum onto my face, and then rubbed around my lips like lipstick and put it in my mouth again. "Clean my cock boy." And I began to lick all of the cum off his cock and into my mouth. Joe was getting excited watching this and kept pounding my ass. "Now swallow boy." I did as I was told. Since this was the second time Dan came, this load was smaller, but I still had to gulp to take the load down my throat. Clark came back into the room with a sly smirk on his face. Joe was now so excited that I felt like I was gonna cum from being fucked alone. But before I got the chance, he pounded me with the third load I'd received that night. In my ass anyway, ass - 3, throat - 2. "Good, made it just in time. How you holding up bukkake boy?' Clark said, looking at me while I was trying to regain my footing. "I'm holding up just fine." "You like it yet?" "I'm getting used to it. There's a difference." "Well let's see if we can still change that." And with that, 5 other guys walked into the lounge. All of them with a look of lust in their eyes. 9:26 "What the hell is this?" It was one thing being used by the 4 guys already here. At least three of them had already used me and it felt close to being over. "I told you you're night wasn't even close to being over. I called over 5 more guys to come and use your hole. What's a little cockpig without a bunch of cock?" Clark was saying this to me with a smile on his face. The other guys started to laugh with him at me, some removed their clothing. "Now come on, you know what we want by now." "Fuck this, I've had enough!" I know there's no wait out of this predicament. If the four guys overpowered me, there was no way I was getting out now. "I wanna go home." "But you're just getting good at taking our cock, pig. Weren't you just moaning out for more of theirs?" And he motioned towards Joe, Derek and Dan. "Yeah, you were just screaming out for them to fuck you. You even cleaned all the cum of Dan's dick and swallowed it all. Would you like to see the footage?" They all laughed again. "Fuck you! You guys are making me do this!" I was trying to plead my case, but it was futile. I know that they were making me do this stuff, deep down I know that's the truth. But those some of those sounds I was making were real. I was enjoying it. But there's no way I was gonna admit it. "No way I'm gonna admit it! I'm not your little cockpig. I'm your straight victim!" "Oh now that's just not true. Here, I'll prove it. Walk on over here and start sucking on some cock, stop complaining about it." There was still nothing I could do except listen. So I walked over to the group of now 9 guys and got on my knees. "That's a good little straight boy." He put air quotes around the word straight, bastard. "Now what is it you want?" "Who wants to get their cock sucked first?" And then I looked around and got a view of all of the cocks in the room now. Three of the guys were around 7 inches and one of them was also uncut. Another guy was 8 inches, and then there was a monster cock that looked just around 11 inches. Thankfully he wasn't the one that approached my head first. I dreaded the time where he would step forward. One of the guys with a 7 inch cock took my head first and forced it down my throat. "You were right Clark, this boy really knows how to take one down the throat. Where'd you find him?" Mystery man #1 said. He looked like he was in his 40s, but he was in really good shape. Even as a straight guy, you could tell he was considered attractive. "He came to us Greg. He just wondered into the house three hours ago begging to be fucked," Clark smirked at me as he said that, "All we could do was oblige. But now that he's broken in. There's no need to have one end unoccupied. Get in there Les! Fuck his raw boy ass!" Another of the men with 7 inches stepped forward and kneeled down behind me. It wasn't long until he was fully in my ass. He fucked me slower than the others did and I was really grateful about that. Greg on the otherhand loved spitting on my face as I sucked him off. He'd spit on me and then rub it all over. There was nothing I could about what was happening, so all I could try was to get through it. "Come on Les! Let's give this boy what he came here for!" And just like that, they both picked up speed. This was the third time tonight that I was being fucked like a dog, or a bitch as they kept saying. "See Andy? Fucked like a bitch. You like it now, don't you?" Clark was the most vocal men of the group. He got off on seeing me like this, cock in both end and me unable to do anything about it. He was trying to get me to admit that I like cock. I couldn't admit that. "Oh fuuuck yeah I do. Pound my ass Les! Pound it harder!" Les started ramming into me harder and Greg's dick was replaced with another. 8 inches found their way to my mouth and remained still in front of me. He was waiting for me to come to it. I wrapped my lips around his head and he caressed my face. I worked his cock slowly up and down the shaft. Clark referred to this man as Damon. "Hellll yeah, make love to that cock!" Damon didn't want to facefuck me, he wanted me to suck his cock like I loved him. So I continued to work it as slow as I could as my ass was getting pounded raw by Les. I was grunting and moaning because by now my ass was able to take the cocks a little easier. It certainly wasn't the worst. Les also spanked me quite a few times, something I surprisingly found that I enjoyed. I always spanked Hannah as I fucked her, and I never saw what she enjoyed about it until now. He spanked my ass again and this time I moaned really loud, which encouraged him to pick up speed. My moan also seemed to get Damon close. "Oh ooh ooohhhhh fuckkk boyyy! Swallow that load!" And I didn't take my head off his cock as he exploded his cum into my mouth. There was too much of it and I had to spit some out. Which didn't seem to please some of the other guys. Clark started to groan. And Les kept on fucking me. "Fuck! You were supposed to swallow that entire load bitch. You know what happens now?" I looked around and noticed that there were less guys in the room. Looks like Joe and Derek both left, I guess the both of them already got their full. Or rather, their release. Damon was also getting dressed and gave Dan a shake as he was walked out. He turned and nodded to me appreciatively before he was out of site. Now there were still 6 guys here. "Fuuuuck meee," I grunted as Les kept on pushing his cock in and out of my ass, "what happens?" The guy with the 7 inch uncut cock walked forward at the same as the guy with the monster cock. "You get to please both of these cocks at the same time. You hear that boy? Sucking both cocks while getting fucked by another. That's three cocks inside of you, you think you can handle that?" I grunted as the uncut guy pressed his cock into my mouth. "Hold on there James, you should all switch position." Les pulled out while they repositioned. He laid on the ground and they told me to ride it "Fuck this, I don't wanna ride on that." Riding on it would give me control over something for the first time all night, but it would also give an indication on whether or not I was actually enjoying it all. "You will do it bukkake boy." And Clark stared at me intensely which led me to crouch over Les' body and settle down on his cock. It was a different feeling than being pounded on my knees. It felt like it was in deeper though too, but in a different way. I kept my eyes averted from Clark as I started to move up and down the shaft. James grabbed my face and pulled me toward his cock. I wasn't sure how to handle riding a cock and sucking on one but I knew I had no choice but to try. And before I knew it, I was doing both successfully. The guy with the monster cock was referred to by Dan as Kent. And Kent moved his cock closer to my face as well, only stroking it. Les kept still while I rode on his member, but after awhile he started gyrating his hips upward fast. I stood still and moved on over to Kent's cock and tried to fit the 11 inches in my mouth. I could hardly get halfway down on it. Les told me he was about to cum, which released something in me. I started to bounce back against him as he slammed into me upwards. "Give me your cum! Fuck my ass full of your seed!" And just like that Les squirted load after load into my ass. "You seemed to like that straight boy," he was teasing me, "you took that two-week load like a champ and he positioned me so he could remove his cock and himself from beneath me. As soon as it was out, I felt my ass oozing cum. I felt so dirty, but I couldn't help being aroused. It certainly didn't help that they were still not allowing me to cum and that Dan was now the official videographer for the evening. "Since you liked it so much Andy, why keep it empty?" And Clark pat me on the head as they put me onto the couch instead of the hard floor. I was put on my back over the arm rail and Greg took up the mount. To keep my from falling off, Kent took up the other side so I'd remain sturdy. Greg started to fuck my ass with his 7 inches and Kent was slowly working his monster into my throat. "Yeah that's right boy, open your fucking throat." Clark was grabbing my face and opening my jaw wider so that Kent could put his 11 inches even deeper. Every time I choked or needed some air, they would give me a very brief break before setting me to work again. They kept encouraging me to open up my throat so it'd be easier to fuck and pretty soon it felt like I had the majority of Kent's cock down my throat. He began to fuck my face gently, letting me adjust to his size. Greg was still fucking my ass and occasionally stroked my cock as he did so. So many times I got close to cumming, but he'd always release it before I got the chance. I was still feeling a little betrayed by my body for liking everything that was happening, and that feeling grew every time I felt my hand trying to stroke my cock as this was all happening. It didn't matter though as it was slapped away every time it got close. "No cumming for you bukkake boy! You're night still isn't over." Clark kept telling me this and every time he said it I believed him more. I'm already carrying four loads in my ass and I'm sure another one's gonna get fucked out of James any second now. My mouth has been filled three times too, and Kent was sure to fuck another one even deeper than the rest went. "There's still a few things we oughta try out." I started groaning and Kent took his cock out of my mouth to let me say whatever I was trying to say. "Fuck man, haven't you given me enough." I was already feeling drained and filled with 8 loads, I don't know how much more I could take. "I don't believe you fully appreciate it yet." I started to moan as Greg kept thrusting into my ass. "See uhh uh, I do uhh enjoy it." "Then shut up and keep proving it." And he motioned for Kent to ram his entire 11 inches down my throat. I choked and started to tear up some more while Greg started pounding my ass relentlessly. "You getting all of this Dan?" "Hell yeah, recording this slut on his own phone. Can't wait to press the send button." I started to worry and could only groan out my misery about that as the two cocks kept me penetrated. "What was that slut? Don't you want everyone to know what you've been turned into?" I grunted some more as Greg picked up the pace. "Oh hell yeah bitch, keep on making noises," I did as he said because my body was still betraying me. I couldn't help but make noises as the both of their cocks were burying themselves into my body. And with Kent's monster, the only noises I could make were moans. "Yeah just like that bitchhh.. just like that.. yeah let me milk my cock boy.. take my load..ahh..AAHHHH!!" His last thrusts were powerful and I felt his cum squirt deep into my ass. Fifth load. I felt another warmness his my chest moments after. James had been stroking his cock over my body as Kent and Greg worked me over. Apparently he had cum seeing Greg shoot his load into me. Greg finished up by licking some of the cum that was leaking out of my ass and swallowing it. James smeared his cum all around my chest and put some onto my face too. "You have that feeling yet boy? You enjoying being seeded by some men." Clark had that same smirk he's been giving me all night. Kent took his cock out of my mouth to let me reply. Greg and James put on their clothes to leave and Les still undressed and with Dan watching the phone. It was back to only being four guys and me. "Fuuuck, I don't know what to say." It was the truth. There was the part of me that was still completely revulsed with all that was going on tonight, but then there was that part of me that moaned while my holes were being stuffed. "Tell me that you want me to fuck you." And Clark looked at me in a way I hadn't seen yet. It was like he knew exactly what I was conflicted about. Clark had been one of the only ones that didn't fuck me, and he had what would be the biggest dick I'd take in the ass all night. At least it wasn't Kent who wanted me. He seemed satiated with fucking my face. I only had a few seconds to think about what I was going to say. 10:49 "I don't want you to fuck me!" I said exasperated. I actually did kind of want him to fuck me, but I couldn't forget everything he's done all night. "You've been taking advantage of me all night and I just want to go home!" "Fine, I won't fuck you. Come on Les, you ready to fuck him again?" Clark motioned to Les who perked up and headed right on over. "Hell fucking yeah, this is the finest boy pussy I've ever had the pleasure of taking." And he smacked my ass. "You're still making me do this?" I said pleadingly. They moved me to doggy style position again. Kent in front of me and Les behind me. Les was working my hole with his fingers, using the loads already inside of me as lube. I was moaning as he did so. Kent was also pushing his cock against my lips, but not entering my mouth, only just touching it against my tongue. "Actually no, you're free to go if you'd like." Les slowly entered the head of his cock into my ass but didn't push it any farther than that. He motioned it back and forth very slowly, making sure to keep only the head in. I didn't believe them. But the way the two of them were teasing my holes, I wasn't sure I wanted to call their bluff. Would they actually let me go? Kent stuck the head of his cock into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around it and barely brushed my tongue on it before he pulled it back out. They were teasing me. "I don't believe you." I moaned out softly, sucking on Kent's head. Instead of making the choice, I figured I'd keep them talking and see what happened. "You don't have to believe us." Clark said. The both of them thrusted there heads in and out a little faster and then shoved a little more of their cocks in gently before they pulled them out completely. "You're free to go right now." And the two of them started to walk away from me. "WAIT!" Fuck, I had my out and I didn't take it. "Wait for what?" Clark said, his smirk returning. "I do want you to fuck me." I said, finally allowing myself to accept what was happening. "I won't complain anymore and I'll take whatever it is you give out." All of the cocks in the room twitched with excitement, including my own. 10:59 "That's right, tell it to the camera boy!" And Dan got closer to me, his cock upright. "I want to be fucked." "What else boy?" "I want to suck on some more dick." "Hell yeah boy, suck on some of my cock." I had already taken two of Dan's loads earlier, but if he was ready to shoot out another one, I guess I agreed to let him. I moved down on his cock and he put the camera right in front of my face. I've seen this in porn many of times, the POV shot. Thinking about the POV porn I've watched aroused me and I started to work on his cock more. Lathering it up with spit and fucking my own face with it. "Hell yeah boy, work it! Come on Les! Come fuck this boy's little ass." And Les motioned behind me and inserted his head into my ass again. He still teased it with only the head while I was moaning and working on Dan's cock. He was still teasing after a couple minutes and I started to push back onto it. "Hell yeah boy, fuck your own ass. Take what you want from me." And these words inspired me to bounce back onto his cock and ride it on me knees. I told them that I was done complaining about the situation and it was right now that I decided I really wouldn't. I was bouncing back on his still cock, fucking my own ass as hard as I wanted to while also going down on Dan's shaft. "Mmm keep going, keep fucking me just like that." I felt a rejuvenated rush as I decided to enjoy this rather than fight against it. "Keep fucking yourself just like that boy, you're doing a fine job." Dan passed the phone to Les, who got some POV shots of him fucking my ass. And then they passed the phone to Clark who recorded them plowing me together. "Since you like fucking yourself so much, why don't we switch positions?" They moved me into a squatting position again. As soon as Les was positioned I sat on his cock going straight down to the base. I started to bounce up and down and for one of the few moments of the night, I didn't have any cock in my mouth at the same time. I was facing Clark, Kent and Dan while Les was watching my ass bounce up and down his cock. "Oh keep fucking me. Fucking ram my ass." I was getting more into the spirit as I rode Les' cock. I looked at the other three and they were just watching and recording and smirking. "Yeah what is it you want boy?" I felt him start to tense up as I continued to move up and down his cock. "You want his cum boy? You want him to plant another load into your tight ass?" Clark said to me, still with that smirk. "Or have we shown you enough?" "Yes! Fuck yes, fuuuuck me." My cock was rock hard bouncing up and down as I took Les' cock over and over again, still unable to touch it. "Shoot your load into my tight ass." "You're tight what?" Les asked as he took over the motions. "My tight ass, fuck my ass deep." I was squatting over and getting my ass plowed by Les' 7 inches. "You a cumslut now boy?" Clark said, still encouraging me to want more."You want another load?" "Yes! Fuck another load into me. Plow it deep into my ass to join the others." "Fuuuck yeahhh boy! Plowing into your sweet little boy pussy. Your cunt! Take my seed, take my seed, TAAAAAKE MY SEEEeeeed." He kept his cock in my ass and we moved together back to doggystyle. "Now don't you let any of that cum seep out of your ass, you hear me!?" He took his dick out and a little cum came out with it. He smacked my ass the hardest it's been smacked all night. "WHAT'D I SAY?!" I couldn't help it, some more came out as my body reacted to the ass slap. He smacked it again, "That's it boy." I was expecting another slap, but instead he started to lick my ass clean. It surprised me but my body enjoyed it. I was moaning out while he rimmed my hole. "Hell yeah, eat that ass." "Eat that boy pussy." I heard Clark say with his deep voice. "Hell yeah, eat my sweet little boy pussy. That feels soo goood." And my back was arching itself to let him reach even deeper with his tongue. After a few minutes of this he retracted his face and came around to the front of me. "Open your mouth boy." Clark told me, something about his deep commanding voice made me not want to disappoint him. So I opened my mouth, which was immediately filled with cum. "MMmmMmM!" I was surprised by the sudden gush of cum that filled my mouth. That's what Les was doing down there. He was getting as much cum out of my ass as he could and now he spit it into my mouth. He held my mouth closed and told me I was to swallow it or pay the price. Clark had the phone right in front of my face, waiting for me to swallow the used load I'd just been given. My mouth was so full and there was so much to swallow that I couldn't take it all in one gulp. It took three gulps until all the cum and spit was down my throat. "Hell yeah, great money shot right there. Proves this little slut loves milking cock for cum. Isn't that right?" Clark knew exactly how to tease me and make me feel used. "Little cum slut knows what it's like being used like a bitch now. Teach him what he's been giving his girls. Now he's our little girl. Told you I knew you wanted this when you walked in. Only a matter of time before you realized it too." He was right, on some level I did enjoy being treated like a bitch and used. But I still didn't forget what he'd done. "That's something I never wanted to know about myself!" "But now you do realize, don't you? How many loads have you taken tonight?" "Six in my ass and three in my mouth, fuck, more than three in my mouth if you count what he just did." Dan and Les high-fived each other, Kent smiled and Clark spoke again. "And how are you liking it?" I stammered over my words for a second, thinking about what to say next. "You can admit it now. We've all been here watching you take them over and over again. We've seen you scream out for more and try and touch yourself and fuck yourself." I was still at a loss for words, trying to think of anything to say, but he was right. "Got you fucked good and raw, just like you're always fucking those bitches. Just like you were planning on fucking Jessica tonight. But no, turns out you were the little bitch." I was taken back by this, and I stammered over my words before I finally found the right ones. "At least I never needed 8 other guys to fuck my girls like bitches." And that caused a sudden change in him. He walked over to me and stood over me looking into my eyes. "I don't need 8 guys to help me fuck you, they were just here for the fun of using you for the first time. Get your holes nice and prepared for me to use. Now I'm gonna ask you something I've asked you once already, do you want me to fuck you?" Midnight I glared at him for a few seconds, and then nodded. "Good, now that you've agreed that you're the bitch, you get to pick how I take your cum filled ass." I actually felt honored. I was being given a choice. Hmm already been fucked on my back, I rode a cock and I was fucked like a dog. I was trying to think of any other ways that might be fun. "I want to suck on your cock some more first." He smiled and nodded. I knelt down and took his 9 inches in my mouth. I had sucked on his cock for a little earlier, but I didn't fully realize that he was uncut until now. I started playing his his foreskin, which made him groan. I kept up on that for a few more minutes, while also remembering to lick the tip and go down on it every so often. Les left while I was working on Clark's cock. "GGOOODDD I can't wait to fuck that ass. Been watching you turn into a fucktoy all night and now that you are, I'm good and ready to take your once virgin ass." Now that I agreed not to complain anymore and let my body fulfill its twisted fantasy, I was more keen to feel my ass fill up with another cock. I took his uncut cock out of my mouth, making sure to lick the foreskin once more and locked our eyes. "I'm ready for you to fuck me now." "Hell yeah boy, eager little fucktoy. How do you want it?" "I wanna be bent over again, taken like a bitch dog." "Fuck yeah, I can help you with that." And just like that, I was pushed down to my knees. "You ready for this cock boy!?" "Hell yeeeeaaahhhhh!!" He inserted his 9 inch dick into my ass as I was agreeing, causing me to moan my pleasure out loud. Once he was fully in he started to pump my ass. It was the biggest and thickest one I had to take that night, but he didn't care. He shoved it in over and over again and all I could do was keep moaning. "Yeeaaahh boy, nice and raw, just like you like it. You're beautiful ass looks so fucking good bouncing.. off.. my.. dick....!" And he pressed into my ass harder with each word. "Come on boy, scream for my cock!" "Keep fucking me! Uh uh, UHH, yeah harder. FFuuuckk! Just like that." Every time his balls hit mine my cock got closer to exploding. "You still straight, boy?" I answered honestly, this was a one night thing, no matter how fucking great it was making me feel. "Yeah, I'm a straaight uh.. boy..!" He pressed into me harder, making even me doubt what I was saying. "Fucking the straight boy raw! You sure do love dick now straight boy. Look at you! Backing your own ass off my dick. You're not a straight boy anymore fucking faggot. You're a cockslut!" "Mmmm Uh uh!" He was still pounding into my ass so hard. It was hard for me to speak all I muster up was grunts and moans. "You're tight little fuckholes filled up with cum and you're asking for more. Damn, ass used for hours and still as tight ever! Tell me you're a fag faggot." "Mmmm mmm uhh!" His 9 inches still ramming into me, I couldn't say much else. "Tell me faggot! Tell me what you like! What you've become." He kept fucking me harder. "Mmmmmmm mm mm uh uh UUHHH!" Still all I could do was grunt and moan. Geez this was the hardest and deepest fuck all night. "F-f-f-ffffffuuuuuuuckkkkkk me! Fuck me in my faggot ass!" "Get that on camera Dan?!" He relented a little bit on the ramming and was inserting his dick into my ass slowly. It was a great change of pace. "Hell yeah, got that on camera." He was circling the room recording me getting fucked from every angle. Right in front of my face now. "You have become a little slut, haven't you?" "Yes, yesssss uh, I hhaaaave UHH!" I spoke to the camera and Clark was still slowly taking his dick out, except now pounding it back in. "And what else do you want?" Phone still in my face while I'm getting fucked. "Uhh uhhhh!" I couldn't talk to the phone without moaning. "I want you to fill my ass with your cum Clark!" "Hell yeah, breed your hole boy. I can do that for you." He picked up the pace. "Get over here Kent, shove your dick into his mouth. Shut him up while I finish into his fuckhole." Kent walked over. His cock was only a few inches away from my face and I dove forward a little for his 11 inch monster. I took in as much as I could, which was difficult since my jaw was hurting a little now. "Hell yeah bitch! Tell me you like it!" "Fuckkkkk meeee, I want your cocks. I want your cocks so bad. Keep fucking me just like this." This was the same position I was fucked in the first time when Dan and Joe worked together to seed me. The first time I came, only time. "Breed my hole! Fill me up! Both of you!" "That's the spirit boy!" Clark took his dick out of my ass, leaving me only sucking on Kent's. "Beg for it!" "Fuck, don't stop fucking me!" My ass felt empty. "Come on, it's now so bad now." I backed up against it and he pulled away. I let out a moan of disappointment. "So you need to be seeded now bitch? He shoved it in once and pulled it back out. "UUUHH! FFFUUUCK YES I need to be seeded. Breed my hole Clark!" "Ffffuck yes! Breed your faggot ass!" He pumped into me again. "Yes! Breed my faggot ass!" I reached for my cock to stroke as he began to fuck me again, still sucking on Kent's cock too. "Ah ah ahhh, none of that "straight boy."" Dammit, still not allowed to cum. "No stroking, you're not getting off just yet. Still more to do bitch!" Clark said and his pace picked up. These were the last two guys, I moaned at what he said wondering what else he could have left for me. "Fuck I'm close. How's that mouth doing for you Kent?" "Aaah just fine." I worked his cock slowly while he kept digging it further down my throat. "I've been thinking, you want to help me seed this faggot back here?" He smacked my ass and I moaned. "See? He's up for it." He smiled at Kent who agreed fast and took his mouth out of my mouth. The two of them laid down on the ground and started to do what looked like scissoring. Their two cocks right next to each other, damn they were both so long and so thick. They looked like two water long water bottles next to each other. They stroked the two of them together while I looked at them confused. They looked toward me and gestured towards their cocks. "What the hell am I supposed to do with those?" Kent gestured a sucking cock motion with his hands. "The hell!? That's sick!" Looking at Clark "Come over here now and suck your ass off my cock boy. Clean the cum off it." Dan grabbed my shoulder and pushed me forward reminding me that despite enjoying myself, I was still here because they forced me to enjoy it. I knelt down in front of them, looked at them both in the eyes and started sucking Kent's cock first. His monster had been down my throat so much throughout the night that it had gotten easier to deep throat it. "That's enough boy, clean my cock!" I moved over to work on Clark's dick. It tasted much more like cum than Kent's dick, but that made sense. It tasted completely different and it made me feel dirty. "Good little bitch, clean that shaft." And he shoved it down my throat leaving me to taste it everywhere in my mouth. He fucked my face for a couple minutes until he let me come up. "How do those two cocks look together boy?" "They look like the arms of a thin girl!" "Then try imagine yourself getting fisted by one of your girls when you're sitting on them." He smirked and gave my cheek a light pat. "What!? You're fucking kidding! Those are huge! Too big, I can't take them." I tried backing away, but Dan was there to hold me in place. "Ah ah ah, remember, no more complaining. Just another thing to enlighten you on. You've liked everything else." He had me there. I was perfectly fine to start complaining whenever I wanted to though. These men didn't own my ass. "No fucking way, I'm not yours to just fucking use anymore." I felt a sudden rush of confidence. Only three men here now. "What the fuck did you say to me faggot?" I stood up. "I'm not your faggot and I can't handle those cocks." "Not our faggot? You've been craving our dicks for hours now cumboy." "Fuck that! I'm done with this shit." I turned to walk away but Dan had the phone set down. He grabbed me and pulled me over the two of their cocks. "You're not leaving here until everyone is done using you bukkake boy. Almost there, now saddle up!" And he pushed me down. "Take one cock at first and ease the other one in." "Thanks for the advice." I said back to him resentfully. "Fuck you guys." I started to squat and took Clark's dick first. It went in deeper in this position. Once I got used to it, I picked up the pace of my bouncing. "Hell yeah, back to wanting that cock boy?!" I gotta admit getting fucked sure did feel good. No way I was ready for another cock though. "Baaack to wanting uUH one cock!" "Tells me you're ready for that other one." He lifted me off his cock and they put their cocks together. Dan was there to help me stay stable and to push me down onto them once both their heads were in. "FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!" I screamed out in pain as the two of their heads were in. Only their heads. "I can't do this." I was breathing heavily. "They're too big." "Come on boy! Take themmm!" And they were both slowly lifting their hips off the ground. I would've rose with them but Dan was there to make sure I didn't. "Take your first huge cocks!" Clark had been fucking me for awhile, but Kent hadn't done so yet. This was the first time that his 11 inches left my mouth and found their way into my ass. My ass was in agony, but I felt a sense of longing to relieve him of his cum. I stopped struggling as much, but I still grunted and groaned as they worked in. Dan started pushing on me harder and I lost a footing along the way and slipped down to the base of their cocks. "FFFFUUUUCKKK Uhhh uh uuhhhh!" It hurt so much but I couldn't help it. My cock was spurting out the load it had been holding in all night. You would've sworn it was saved up for a month with how big it was. "Hell yeah boy, told you you'd like this!" My cock stayed hard and now the two of them were completely in my ass. Once I regained the footing from my violent orgasm, I started working on stretching my hole so it wouldn't hurt so much. "Yeah boy, take our cocks! Stretch out your hole and milk them good!" It still hurt a lot, but I was powering through the pain. I started bouncing up and down slowly, groaning out. "Damn I missed that cumshot for the video!" Thank god Dan was too busy pushing me down on the dicks that he set the phone down. "Not gonna happen again." Now that I was riding it, he took over the phone. "Hell yeah! Just like that!" Clark was still groaning. "Using your own cum filled hole as lube to fill you up some more. You like this now bukkake?" "Uuuhh, yeaaahh.." I actualy did. I picked up the pace and they were both grunting. Clark and Kent were both pounding into my ass as I was squatting over them. They were in as deep as the both of them could go and the room was filled with the loudest moans of the night. "I'm getting close bukkake! You want my cum!?" Clark said and he picked up his pace. "Not yet!" Kent screamed. "Let's change positions." They moved me so that only Kent was lying down, they positioned me to ride him while facing towards him. I sat down on his cock and it slid in with hardly a problem. "Oh yeah, sit down on that baby. Feel good for you?" His eyes were open and looking at me filled with passion. "Uuuh yeahh.." I stroked his dick with my ass slowly. He pulled my face down near his and started to kiss me. At the same time he picked up his pace and started to pump into me. I was groaning, but our lips touching muffled the noises. He slowed down again. "Uhhh, fuuuckk me just like thaatt.." His 11 inches was going in and out slowly. "Whatever you want baby." He kissed me again as he was slowly pumping my now willing ass. Something about his lips felt right. It was weird. He was wrapping my body up in his strong arms and kissing me passionately. Of all the times I was fucked tonight, this was the first time I didn't feel used. I felt wanted. I realized I hadn't seen much of Kent throughout the night either. Between getting fucked and sucking all those cocks, I didn't get a good look at half of the guys. He was a very masculine man, also very strong. His physique was solid and built. I didn't mind that this man was fucking me. I started to moan out again and then I felt another cock press up against my ass. I was so caught up that I almost forgot Clark was ready to penetrate me again. "Hell yeah, this will be a great shot for his girlfriend to see." Dan was obviously ready for this. Clark eased his head into my ass. It was much easier to take now that I had worked through the pain once before. I didn’t have to bounce as much as I was either because Clark just pumped from behind, rubbing against Kent’s motionless cock and stretching my ass with each thrust. “I dunno Kent, I’m kinda thinking it’s time to load this boy up!” Clark started to growl out his sentences, getting louder and louder. “Alright Clark finish it.” The only motivation he needed. Clark started grinding his dick deeper into my ass. “That’s it baby, take my cum! Take my cum! Been such a good boy you deserve this!” He took me off Kent’s dick and started to bury his into my ass on its own. I was just in doggy over Kent while Clark was fucking me raw, getting ready to unload. Kent was kissing me passionately, wrapping his strong arms around my shoulders and telling me I was doing a great job. It felt really good to hear. *SMACK!* Clark spanked my ass, “I’m cumming baby, I’m gonna cum into your bare ass!” The tempo increased until he started to tense up. “That’s alright baby, just like that. You good and ready, aren’t you.” Kent’s voice was so soothing and soft. He kept kissing me as Clark was going still. “It’s time boy, ready to be bred?! Better be ready, here’s my cCCUMM!” I could feel shot after shot unload from his penis and go deep into my open ass. He pumped a couple times and then just rested it in there for a second. With his cock still in, he leaned over my body and whispered into my ear. “This ass has been so good all fucking night man, my cock’s still resting in there. Raw. A little piece of this ass will always be mine cumdump.” Then he just got off and left. A little anticlimactic, but he was done with me.
    1 point
  39. I agree. I was fucked and bred by the same men for years in the bathhouse and bookstore. They fucked me dropped their loads. Talked about our other raw encounters and that was it. No names or personal things.
    1 point
  40. Part 6 the point of no return Brad's mind was working at full speed, the chems still coursing through his body. He was immensely horny, yet he was still trying to take control of the situation. He had been kidnapped, drugged, tied up, had sucked a man and swallowed his seed, drank his own piss and his ass, his cunt had been fucked and he had begged for this himself. What happened to him, he found himself dirty from all that he had done but at the same time it wound him up. He was in a knot with himself. Did he still like women or did he from now on fall on men, he did not know anymore. He didn't know what to think or do anymore, he had to get out of here but because of that collar he couldn't get further than the door. The TV was still playing a horny porno movie. Brad couldn't control himself and watched it and he felt his cock fill with blood. He looked down at his cock and he noticed that he was getting aroused by seeing the men on the TV, the realization came in that he was definitely not straight anymore and he was not comfortable with this. He was a straight quarterback a real man, a guy who fucked pussies and not a fag who lay with his legs open to be fucked and suck dicks. Yet his hand went to his pole and he began to jerk himself off. He played with himself for a while and let go of his thoughts, still he couldn't cum and after more than an hour the chems had worn off. Due to the lack of chems in his body he began to get down and started and was exhausted, his body longed for another hit of chems. But the pipe and crystals were nowhere to be found. The door opened and Jack entered. Straighten up slut you've had enough rest. Brad stood up and went to stand next to the bed. He was still down and was shaking a little and starting to get cold. He knew what was happening to his body. It was already craving chems. He still wanted to fight it but he knew he would lose the battle. His mind was not strong anymore it was clouded by what had happened in the last few days. He was tired and hadn't had a real moment's rest. Jack saw that Brad was shaking and a grin appeared on his face. He knew Brad's body was craving chems and that he would do almost anything for it, this was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment when the straight quarterback would ask to get another shot and sober up on his knees to suck his cock. These are the moments to cherish he thought, the moment when a muscular dude becomes a real chem whore and you have him completely in your power. Is there something he asked Brad, Brad looked into his eyes and wanted to ask for chems in some form but he fought it. Jack looked at Brad grinning and thought to himself, let him fight it some more he will be craving some Tina soon anyway and then I will have him fully in my power. Bend over slut so I can pull out your plug. Brad bent over and Jack pulled the plug out and set it on the floor in front of Brad. On your knees and lick clean he said. Brad got down on his knees and took hold of the plug and he looked at it but he started to get disgusted at the idea of licking it. The plug was full of slime from his pussy, leftover seed and blood. Did I say you can hold it Jack said and he got a whipping on his back. Brad cried out and dropped the plug. Come on puppy clean lick. Tears sprang to Brad's eyes and he crawled on his hands and knees to the plug and carefully stuck out his tongue. Lick said I, I don't have all day. Brad carefully licked the plug and tasted the Jack's seed again. Faster, and he got another stroke on his back and one against his ass. A red welt became visible on his ass. Take it in your mouth like you would suck my pole slut. You can, you love nothing more than sucking my fat cock, you're a real slut and you shouldn't delude yourself into thinking otherwise. Tears ran down Brad's cheeks and he opened his mouth and took the plug in as far as he could. Jack laughed, you see you can do it, it's not that hard slut. Embrace your new status and everything will be much easier. Brad was shocked that he didn't have to gag at the idea of him swallowing semen. He licked the plug clean and once it was clean Jack stroked his head. Good girl, next time you can do it faster. Again Jack asked Brad if he needed anything and again Brad tried to fight it but he wouldn't last long, his body was craving a new dose of chems. As you wish Jack said. He watched Brad twitch more and saw that he no longer had full control of his muscles. He came to stand in front of Brad with his limp cock. If you want a new high slut you have to ask, we are here to help each other slut. Brad couldn't fight it anymore and embarrassed and defeated came out of his mouth asking for a new dose of chems. What are you saying Jack said, I didn't understand you. Brad spoke a little louder, can I have another dose. That's not how you speak to your master slut, you know that and gave him a whack with the whip. Brad forgave the pain and then spoke loudly may I have another dose sir. That's better slut. You can get a shot if you work for it. You don't get anything for nothing. If you want Tina you will be allowed to pleasure me a little first. You can start by sucking my dick stiff. Brad opened his mouth and carefully took hold of the limp cock without any emotion and put it in his mouth. He needed a new hit Tina his body was begging for it. You can do better slut shouted Jack this way you won't get it stiff. If you, want to feel better you will have to show that you want to indulge my cock that you enjoy sucking my pole. Brad understood what Jack was saying and tried harder. But still he felt no change in his master's limp cock. He stopped for a moment and looked questioningly at Jack, hoping he would tell him what to do. I said that you have to show that you want to indulge my cock and that you love nothing more than to indulge a cock. Again he took the limp cock into his mouth and as he sucked on his master's cock he looked into his eyes. Something was happening to Brad. He saw Jack's approving look and it wound him up and he started sucking with more abandon and his own look changed, he was no longer without emotion but a little slut look came on his face. A look that betrayed that he was enjoying sucking a cock. Jack's pole grew hard. Jack enjoyed the transformation he saw unfolding in front of him for a moment longer and then pulled his stiff pole out of Brad's mouth. Brad wanted more and put his hands on Jack's ass and pulled the stiff pole toward his mouth. Are we getting greedy slut, haven't you had enough of your master's cock yet. Brad began to go into a trance and moaned and wanted that blissful rod in his mouth. He could just barely reach the large glans with his lips and eagerly licked at it with his tongue. He had now completely surrendered to his true self and really enjoyed sucking a cock. You're asking for it slut, I'll shove it down your throat and you won't get Tina until you swallow my seed. At the words seed and swallow, Brad felt a warm feeling rise and he opened his mouth as far as he could. Jack thrust his big black monster as deep as he could. Brad gasped as Jack's cock was completely in his throat. Jack began to thrust into Brad's mouth. From Brad's mouth, drool ran down his throat. Brad groaned and began to jerk his own pole with his hand. Jack was enjoying what he was seeing. The transformation was almost complete. He had transformed a tough straight guy into a cock craving bitch. Good girl, you're doing a good job but don't touch your cock. Keep sucking but good slut suck your master's stick you will get a nice dose of seed and Tina later. At those words Brad jumped up. His body would soon be fed a new load of Tina, he longed to be back in the clouds and flying. Jack pulled his cock back a little and let Brad suck and lick his cock again a little. After a few minutes of firm sucking from Brad, Jack felt he was going to squirt and pulled Brad's hair with both hands and said here it comes slut here you have been waiting for. Just swallow your master's dirty seed. Enjoy my babies let them fill your stomach and transform your mind into a cum craving whore. Brad felt his mouth fill with strands of seed and without thinking about it he eagerly swallowed the strings. He craved more and with each string that came out of his master's head of penis he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The taste of his master's seed was delicious and he licked at the thick glans for as long as he could. Jack moaned heavily and after he finished he took hold of Brad's chin and looked deep into Brad's slut eyes and said he was proud of his slut. Brad's mouth was still open asking for more cock and seed and Jack flummoxed into Brad's mouth, Brad swallowed he eagerly. Do you think you deserve a hit of the pipe now slut. Brad looked at Jack longingly and nodded yes. Jack took his key and opened the cabinet took out the pipe and some crystals. He had put the chems in the cabinet and locked it so Brad would sober up and crave Tina. His plan had worked because Brad ate out of his hand and he did just as planned. He took the pipe and held it out to Brad. Brad who couldn't control himself anymore and had to get a hit Tina and took the pipe in his hand. So rushed, can't do without slut. Brad nodded embarrassed. Jack grinned, I'm glad to see you've become a real Tina whore, slut. We will have a lot of fun with you and you will get a lot of Tina if you do what is asked of you. Jack lit the pipe and the crystals began to melt, the smoke formed and Brad's eyes lit up at the sight of it forming. Once the pipe was filled with smoke he pulled in the smoke and held it for as long as he could. Release said Jack and Brad blew a big white cloud. Brad wanted another hit but Jack now took a firm pull from the pipe and held the smoke in and took hold of Brad and pushed his mouth onto Brad's and blew the smoke into Brad's mouth. Brad felt the warmth come back into his cold body, his spastic features began to lessen, he had more energy and he began to float slightly again. After a few more solid blows, he was ready to be used again. Jack put the pipe away and took out a bottle and told Brad to piss in it. Brad let his bladder run and the bottle filled with dark orange piss. Just show your master what kind of slut you are said Jack when Brad was done pissing. Just show your master how you thank him for the Tina he gave you. He handed the bottle of warm chem nectar to Brad who put it to his lips and in the horny intoxication of the Tina he had just received he poured the bottle down his throat and like an accomplished piss drink he drank the bottle empty. He felt the warm piss running down his throat and into his stomach and he was proud of himself, proud that he could please his master. For a moment, a moment of clarity returned and he wondered if this was the life he wanted but his horniness took over. Well done slut, your belly is now filled with your master's seed and your own chem piss. Soon you will be flying back like never before. Jack stuck his finger in the pouch of crystals and some grit stuck to it. He came up behind Brad and pushed his finger into the open pussy. Brad enjoyed the attention his pussy was getting and moaned in pleasure. He felt the burning sensation coming on and knew that soon he would be very hot get and would float back, that his pussy would scream to be filled and that he would let his true self come back out. Jack took him to the crotch and attached him to it. He took a piece of cloth, stuck it in Brad's mouth and tied him up. Brad was horny, horny because of the Tina that was going crazy in his body, horny because the chem piss was starting to do its job and horny because he was tied to a cross and because he knew he was going to be used, used by his master. The man who had taught him that he was a bottom slut, that he was not a real man but a boy who had a cunt to be filled a mouth to suck on a real man's cock. But Jack went out of the room and Brad stood there alone tied to the crotch. Brad was flying more and more into the clouds and his body and cunt were screaming for attention. The door was open and he heard Jack talking, who was with Jack and would he come and fuck him too. The idea that someone else was coming to use him excited him even more and he was breathing heavier and moaning loudly. Jack came back into the room along with 2 more naked men. Brad who was so high had the drool running out of his mouth and moaned. The first was heavily hairy and heavily built just like Jack and had a shorter but even thicker cock than Jack and had a fat PA ring . The was other was slightly muscular, pale, fully shaved and crawled on all fours and hung on to the chain that connected to his nipple rings via his harness and had a mask over his head. Jump on the bed puppy said the hairy man. Good dog said and he was wiggling his tail. In his ass was a butt plug with tail attached. Jack came and stood by Brad. This is Tom with his dog, and they will show how a real slut should behave. In his previous life Nick was a tough muscular wrestler, but he has discovered his true self and now goes through life as a dog. You have to pay attention slut, you will learn a lot from this. Brad felt the ground sink beneath him. Would he only get to watch another slut get the pleasure of being used. He needed attention himself, his hole needed filling and he wanted to scream for attention but Jack took hold of his nipples and twisted them hard. This time it's not about you slut. You have to know your place. Brad curled his toes in pain. He got another smack against his and was instructed by Jack to pay close attention. Jack stepped up to the dog and rubbed his head. What a good pup you are, he said. Yes said Tom, last week he had the fucking flu and now he has come to terms with his new status. It did take some time to get him clean and behaved, but now he knows his place. So this session is his last before he is castrated. He took hold of the balls and pulled. That's right, bitch, tomorrow your balls will come off and you'll get your slut stamp. From then on, you're just a den to be used and you can go to the kennel with the others to start making money. The dog wagged his tail. For you anything master, I don't need balls to serve you and I look forward to my biohazard tattoo Jack laughed and gave a few pats on the puppy's ass. That's the way we like to hear it puppy, I'm sure you will serve your master well. I'm in anticipation for mine to get his fuck flu, we made a first attempt yesterday but tomorrow he gets a blood slam to seal his fate. You will see there is still work to be done on his behavior and manners, but we have also only started his training. He is starting to break but there is still a long way to go before he can be released. Brad watched as the bitch got the attention and petting from his master. He felt shortchanged and he was shocked at himself for feeling jealousy. He wanted to sit there, he wanted to get petted on his head. The puppy had to get off the bed and was taken to the shower. A drinking bowl was put in front of him and he had to open his mouth. Tom and Jack took hold of their poles and began to piss and the pup had to try to catch everything. Everything he didn't get directly into his mouth dripped off his face into the drinking bowl and he would have to lick it out of the piss bowl afterwards if he wanted to drink. The puppy eagerly swallowed the piss given to him by his masters. When they were done the piss dripped off the puppy's snout and the drinking bowl was half full. You can do better than that said Tom and he kicked the balls of his puppy. The pup whimpered in pain. Enjoy the pain puppy because tomorrow they will come off. The sling was hung up and the dog had to lie in it and his arms and legs were secured. Jack went to the little table and took out a syringe and a bottle of saline. Brad watched what the men were doing and he hoped he would get some attention too if he made some noise. He groaned and wanted to get attention by yelling. Tom stepped up to Brad and pulled hard on his balls. Brad screamed in pain. Your master has a lot of work to do with you, you need to know your place bitch. You need to learn that real men choose who they play with and who has to watch. You don't deserve to play with you your behavior leaves a lot to be desired. This is not about what you want but what we want. Behave or else you will get nothing. Brad who was baring the pain nodded and understood that he had nothing to want here. Tom stepped up to his puppy and took the syringe in his hands. This is the last night you will have your balls, we will take advantage of that. Tom filled the syringe with saline and he inserted the needle into his dog's scrotum and emptied the syringe. The sac filled with saline and Tom repeated this several more times. With each syringe he emptied, the sac began to fill more and more and it began to stretch and come up hard. After the last syringe he was untied and had to go back on all fours. His balls were filled with the saline and hung down heavily. His scrotum colored a dark red because it was straining his skin so much. Tom and Jack looked proudly at the bullocks they had made. Jack took hold of the padded scrotum and pulled lightly on it. The puppy moaned lightly. What are you going to do with it tomorrow Jack asked, are you just going to take out the balls or are you going to remove the sack as well. We haven't decided yet, Tom said, we are asking for both. But I think his sack will be removed as well we have a few left who don't have a scrotum. One thing is for sure after tonight he won't have a hard-on anymore and his testosterone will be low making him a willing object. Tom laughed loudly and Jack grinned and the puppy sat proudly wagging his tail. Brad who was watching jealously but intently saw that the puppy was doing what was asked of him and that he did not speak without being told to do so. The puppy had to crawl around the room and every time he took a step his stuffed balls hit his legs. The heavy stuffed sack gave him a painful but at the same time blissful feeling. This would be the last time he could proudly have his stuffed sack used before his transformation was complete and he was ready for his new life. He was placed on a table so they could get a good look at him. Jack took a wooden board and slapped the puppy's butt. He growled, Tom took some clamps and placed them on the stuffed bag. Now the puppy whimpered in pain. Stop whining called Tom. The puppy barked for the first time and let its tongue hang out of its mouth. Jack quietly continued to beat the dog's butt until it looked nice and red. Tom took a whip and struck the balls of the puppy who now began to whimper again. One by one he took off the clamps and every time a clamp flew off the pup howled. Brad who was still flying and longing for some attention watched with wide eyes how the pup was used by the two masters. From his flaccid cock dripped his pre-cum. He remained silent and he hoped that his good behavior would make the masters notice and that he would soon get a reward for it. He got a few more punches in his balls and when they had let him suffer enough Tom said to his puppy and the puppy barked loudly a few times. It's time for your slam said Tom and the puppy had to lie back in the sling. The plug was removed from his butt. He has been trained that when the plug is out of his pussy he is not a dog for a while said Tom. Jack looked at him approvingly. You have trained him well. From now on you have to call him cunt said Tom he doesn't respond to anything else, isn't cunt. Yes sir said cunt. Brad watched as cunt would get a slam. He himself was in need of a fresh load of Tina too. He felt the previous load starting to wear off, what he did not regret was that his cock was starting to get stiff. As much as he wanted to be used, it turned him on to see the boy lying there. Now he knew for sure, he had changed. He couldn't go back to his former life, he would forever be a slut. The fact that all he could think about was a cock and be used was proof that his true self had come out and that he had actually always been a cock sucking whore. Jack took hold of a point and a strap he tied off the upper arm and looked for a good vein. After he found it cunt felt a small prick. Ready to fly cunt said Tom. Yes sir I am ready to fly and to give my cunt completely to you. Rape me sir, break my cunt in two. I hope you will be satisfied with my cunt and I will do my best to please you. Good cunt we will see if you have earned our seed later. Jack saw a register and then pushed the plunger of the point which was filled with 0.7. Pussy coughed firmly several times and then he started loudly Yeah fuck fuck fuck rape me wide my ass. Fill me with your DNA give me your virus, I need it so bad. Brad's pole was mega hard, his chems were almost finished and he was jealous of pussy who had just gotten a solid slam and was lying there enjoying it. But what was he crying out from DNA and virus. Even though he was starting to get sober his thoughts were still fairly cloudy. He became jealous as he watched Jack move his cock towards the mouth of pussy and it began to suck him like a man possessed. He saw how Jack was enjoying himself. Jack looked at Brad and saw that he was jealous and couldn't stand to see another slut enjoying his master. Jack enjoyed seeing Brad jealous. Jack called out to Brad, this is how you should suck slut look closely then you can try to do it just as well. Tom came and stood next to Brad and pulled on his stiff cock for a moment. I see you are well horny. Brad enjoyed the moment's attention and gave a loud moan. Soon Jack and I are going to fuck pussy good because he has been such a good dog. You see slut, if you are good and do what you are asked then you will be rewarded. You don't deserve to be pampered with our cocks yet. Brad wanted to speak but because there was a piece of cloth in his mouth he couldn't. He wanted to beg to be used and wanted to ask what he had to do to be a good slut. Tom only heard some mumbling and pulled Brad's hair. You haven't figured it out yet, slut. You can only speak when you are asked to speak. Brad understood and nodded. From now on, he would only speak when he was asked to. He wanted to enjoy himself and not have to watch from a distance how someone else got pleasure. But now he had to watch and that made him very sad and he began to feel ashamed that he had not done his best. He was sure that from now on he would do his utmost best. to please his master, and that he would become proud of him. Brad realized that his last bit of resistance had been broken and there was no going back, he had become a slut and he would do anything to become the best slut for his master. Pussy who was still sucking Jack on his cock was moaning loudly. Tom came up behind him and stuck 4 fingers covered with shards of Tina into his hole. Cunt felt his hole getting hot and stopped sucking moaned with pleasure and thanked his master and asked to be fisted. Tom nodded in the affirmative but pulled at the saline filled balls of pussy, knowing your place pussy. You know you can only speak when you are asked to. But you will get that fist and Tom pushed his thumb in and formed a fist and in one motion he pushed his fist in. Brad watched his eyes widen as Tom's arm disappeared into the hole of pussy and he began to fantasize that it was happening to him and he began to rub his ass against the crotch and let out moaning sounds. Jack looked at Tom, your slut thinks it is exactly horny Jack said Tom. Exactly said Jack, I think he will be very willing already tomorrow. Both laughed loudly and Tom proceeded to fist Kut's hole. Tom removed his fist the hole of pussy and saw a nice rosebud come out. Jack looked at it and patted Tom on the back. Tom looked at Jack and nodded at each other, time to fuck him properly. Pussy was untied and had to take a seat on the bed. Jack got on the bed and pussy who was flying high came and sat on Jack's stiff cock and started to ride him. Jack slapped Cunt's ass firmly and she moaned with pleasure. Brad watched this happen and he felt the tears well up. He felt humiliated, cheated and shortchanged. He had never experienced these feelings for a woman let alone a man. He began to realize that he had feelings, but this time it was not for a woman but for a man. Brad realized that he would do anything to like being seen by his master and forgave his grief and tried to hold back the tears. Even though it hurt Brad to see his master enjoying himself he still thought, let him enjoy himself my master deserves to enjoy himself and I should be happy when my master is happy. Tom also got on the bed and pushed pussy against Jack's chest, that way hollow came up more and he could push his cock into pussy's hole too. Pussy felt Tom's cock join it and moaned with pleasure. Fuck yeah he exclaimed. Tom pulled at pussy's hair and began to thrust violently. Cunt moaned loudly and after a few minutes both Tom and Jack felt they were going to squirt. Tom pulled his cock out of Kut's hole and pushed it into his mouth as fast as he could. Cunt sucked for a moment more and felt his masters juice flow into his mouth. Jack groaned for a moment and cried out here comes my DNA cunt , from now on my babies are in your blood and with a few last firm thrusts he too squirted his seed. Cunt fell down exhausted on Jack's chest and removed his limp cock from Cunt's gaping hole. Tom took back the plug with the tail and pushed it into the gaping hole. It wasn't far off that the plug fell out. That's how wide the hole of Pussy was made. Tom took the mask of pussy put it back on and he had to sit back down on the floor on all fours. Tom looked at his dog and said what do you say dog. The dog barked wagging his tail and started licking Jack's feet. Good dog said Tom. Come on let's go, tomorrow is your big day. Tom took the chains back attached to his puppy's nipples and left. Jack came and stood next to Brad and untied him. He had to get down on his knees and lick his master's cock clean. Finally Brad thought, finally I get to suck a cock again. But the pleasure was of short duration. As soon as Brad had licked his master's cock clean he made Brad stop and he had to lie down on the bed. I hope you learned something from this slut. I forbid you to play with yourself and take Tina later. It's ready for tomorrow, but if I see you've been playing with yourself or taking anything at all. Then you won't get off easy. The door closed and the lights dimmed. Brad was alone again, in need of attention. He was horny wanted him to be played with and his thoughts, feelings were completely in knots. The chems had worn off and he was crashing. What was he to do so his master would like him.
    1 point
  41. I think we need to understand Mac’s story. How is he connected to all these supernaturals? And who and what is Dante?
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. No still means no, its not about age or being beautiful. No is No. I had a bloke who followed me around and everytime I got with someone he intervened and moreorless got rid of the person. Despite polite requests from me, he continued to harass me. Final straw was when he grabbed me again and scratched my inner thigh and groin to the extent of blood that I snapped, this bloke used to sharpen his nails into pointed nails. I reported him to the management, showed my ripped skin, he was asked to leave and signs were put up that No means No.
    1 point
  44. Hot chapter. Sure they will fuck bare eventually 😋
    1 point
  45. On my knees looking up at him as I throat his lovely hard cock. Letting him gag me if he gets carried away. Open mouthed just off his cock as he spurts so he gets to see the sperm fly into my mouth. They love that
    1 point
  46. Travelling with work yesterday as I got to the hotel I opened up Grindr. Before I even got out of the car a 30 year old white guy hit me up asking if I was looking. I said yes looking to get fucked anon ass up face down bareback. He sent me a dick pic and he was about 7 in. I sent two ass pics and he said he could be there in 10 minutes. I was ass up face down with blindfold on, door propped open I heard him enter the room and undress. He got on the bed behind me rubbing my ass then grab the bottle of lube and lubed up. He slid in slow but after a minute or two started picking up the pace pounding my ass. When I heard him start to breathe heavy after about 10 minutes I told him to breed my ass and within seconds he pushed in and held it as a started cumming deep. Just before the first guy got here a 22 year old white guy message asking if I was looking and sent a dick pic. He was about 7 in. I sent one ass pic and asked if he was into bareback and he said yes and could be there in 5 minutes. While getting fucked by the first guy I got a message said he was in the parking lot. As the first guy was walking out I messaged and told him the room number and he said he was on the way up. I can hear him unbuckle and unzip his pants as he told me to slide down to the edge of the bed. He lubed up slid in and after a minute or two started to pound me pretty good and within five minutes he said I'm ready to cum and I told him to breed that fuckhole. He unleashed a pretty good load inside me as I could feel him pumping several times inside. He pulled out zipped up and left. Few minutes later I got a message from a 35 yr old athletic black guy I've hooked up with several times. he's about 8 inches nice dick. Said he was leaving work and could head right over. Before he said he loves my ass and that there's chemistry even though he's only fucked me anonymous ass up face down. I've only seen a dick pic of him. He comes in on dresses and begins to rim my ass. After a few minutes he positions behind me lubes up and slides in. He fucks me for a good 10 minutes and then pushes in and holds it as he breeds my ass. After he leaves he messages back that he hasn't cum in days. After he leaves I looked to see if I can find a 4th load before going to dinner. About 30 minutes later he messages again saying he's leaving the grocery store and wondered if I wanted a second load. I said sure. He came back and fucked my ass for about 5 minutes and then loaded my ass a second time. Four loads in 1.5 hrs. Afterwards I showered and headed to dinner.
    1 point
  47. Thanks for the follow mate, that's a fucking beautiful big dick. Total bottom cumdump lad here in the UK. 1000s more pics and vids on www.twitter.com/jonny4dad or www.xhamster.com/gay/creators/jonny4dad
    1 point
  48. ------- Chapter 1.2 - The Closeted Couple & The Cowboy ------- Ric had forgotten how much sex could improve his attitude. The hookup a couple days prior had made even doing laundry on Friday night less of a chore. He sat there waiting for the dryer to finish and when the last person had left the room he fished out his work phone. "Next week pretty open so I can do gig. M or Tu? any time after 4" he typed and sent off to Paul. "cool. Monday@8. send addr Mon" Paul sent back a few minutes later. Ric smiled and knew he'd have plenty of time to prepare after class for the job with Paul. Like last time, he didn't know a lot about the meet, but was excited to do another one with Paul. The one last Spring had turned out really good and with no firm jobs coming from his own ads, it was good to have a chance to make some money. The buzzer went off, telling him his clothes were ready and he collected everything and went back up to his room. A lot of people were milling around when he got off the elevator and he felt everyone was staring at him. Doing laundry on a Friday night told everyone he didn't have a social life and now they had seen the proof. Even his roommate Eddy, the guy who studied unless he was sleeping, had dressed up a little to meet some friends. Ric put all of his clothes away and decided to wander the hall and see what was going on. It didn't take long and he ran into Dan and Scotty standing in the open doorway of a dorm room, obviously drunk. He'd seen them around the floor, always together, but hadn't talked to them since the awkward breakfast. "Guess I need to get a fake ID too" Ric thought to himself. "Hey guys, whatcha up to?" Ric asked. "Hi, just standing around, drinkin n talkin" Dan said. There was a little pause and Dan stared at Ric a moment before he blurted out "You really gay?" Ric chuckled hearing a slur to Dan's words. "As gay as you are drunk. Why?" Ric asked. "Cuz we don't know of any other gay guys on the floor. I'm sick of hearing guys talk about bangin pussy" Scotty said, slurring his words just as bad as his boyfriend. Ric glanced around and didn't see anyone nearby and said "There's a few, based on some of the reactions I've gotten so far. You sure they're not talkin' about guy's pussies? But... I doubt you'd want hear about the guys I've banged this semester" grinning afterwards. "Oh fuck yeah we would! We don't fool around with other guys but it would hot to hear how a stud like you does it" Dan said. "Prepare to be bored. Uh... you got any more of what you're drinking? I haven't gotten buzzed for almost a month and I'd like to get on the same drunk level as you guys" Ric said. Dan turned and slipped into the open door and came back with a six pack with 2 beers missing. Ric looked at the carton and said "Mmm, good stuff. But... you guys got drunk on one beer?" Scotty giggled and said "No, that's our second six pack. Let's go inside so you can tell us all the juicy details." "Uh, maybe" Ric said. Once inside, Dan kicked the door closed. A few seconds later he added "Its a little warm in here, I'm going to take my shirt off. You guys can too, if you want." Soon, they were all shirtless. Dan sat in the corner of the bed and then Scotty sat down in front of him. Dan wrapped his arm around Scotty and kissed the back of his neck while Ric sat at the other end, facing them. The best description of them that Ric could come up with was "nerdy twink". Both had brown hair, Scotty's was short and Dan's shaggy. Dan was trying to grow a goatee, but it was pretty sparse and Scotty was clean shaven. From seeing them in the shower, he knew neither had much body hair except for their bush and pits. Dan was thinner and Scotty had a little bit of muscle on his body and a firm bubble butt. Ric had also saw gotten a glimpse of their average sized cocks. "Fuck, this is so hot being able to do this with someone else around" Scotty said before taking another sip of beer. Ric smiled. "I hope you cuddle like that when you're alone, too. It's good to hold someone close" Ric said. "Yeah, but since we don't share a room, it's hard to find a time when we can" Dan said. "Oh. Do you know when your roommate is coming back?" Ric asked, not wanting someone to surprise them. "Sunday night, so Scotty is staying here until then" Dan said, grinning and obviously excited at spending a lot of time with his boyfriend. "Ah, now the shower bit makes more sense. It wasn't just a shower" Ric said, grinning back at them. He watched both of them blush. A few seconds later, Ric asked "Uh... Where did you get the beer? I'd love to have my own stash." Ric was hoping they knew a place that would sell to freshman. "My brother stopped by earlier with a care package from home. Besides the stuff mom packed, he stopped and got a case of beer and some condoms for us" Dan said, chuckling. "Condoms? Does he know you're gay?" Ric asked. Dan nodded and replied "He's one of the few. He caught me fucking Scotty last year and has been really cool about it, thank god. He didn't say anything to our parents either." "Great, but if you guys only have sex with each other, you don't need condoms. Scotty isn't going to get pregnant" Ric said, shaking his head in disbelief. "Sex class told us to always use condoms" Scotty replied. "That's for straight kids. So... you guys never tried it without them?" Ric asked. "Oh god, no. It was drilled in our heads. Always use condoms unless you're trying to start a family" Dan said. "But you're gay. And monogamous. You guys can actually have safe, bare sex. No risk of kids or STDs" Ric said. "Are you sure?" Scotty asked. "Positive" Ric said and then chuckled at his pun. A moment later, he continued "You won't believe how much better it is when you fuck or get fucked raw. And then when the top cums inside, it feels even better." Both Dan and Scotty's eyes were wide open and their jaws were dropped. "See, I told you he knew a lot more than we do about being gay" Scotty said. "I don't know everything. But that's the good part of having gay friends. You share what you know or you learn by doing new things. I had a really good teacher, but I still ask lots of stupid questions" Ric said. Ric could tell the couple were getting a little excited and eager to try out fucking without condoms. "Let me grab another beer and then you guys can have fun barebacking for the first time" Ric said a few seconds later. "No, stay. We haven't heard about all the guys you've met up with and you're really good eye candy" Scotty said. "Can you stand up again? I never get to see a hot, nearly naked guy up close. Just in the locker room or showers here" Dan said. "Have you looked in the mirror? You're both sexy guys. If you weren't together, you both could easily pick up other guys" Ric said, standing back up and feeling like a piece of meat at the butchers. "The tattoos look cool too. I almost missed the lower one, its partly covered by your shorts and body hair" Scotty said. Ric stood and pulled his shorts and the top of the jock down so they could see all of the biohazard tat. "One's sexy and the other looks dangerous" Dan said, gazing up and down Ric's body. "I got the lower one as part of a club initiation. I need to trim my pubes again so it's more visible. My mom hates the upper one, which just makes it more cool to me" Ric explained, chuckling. "What kind of club makes you get a tattoo? A motorcycle club? A gang?" Scotty asked, reaching out and trying to touch the biohazard tattoo and Ric's pubes. Dan slapped his arm, whispering "That's rude!" Ric moved a little closer and said "I don't mind. Uh, it's a special, invitation only club back home. Once you pass the test you can get in. That's about all I can tell you about it." He sat down again, before things went any further. While he'd love to fuck either or both of them, they were just too naive to charge up now. "I bet you have lots of guys hitting on you. You have to be getting a lot of action" Dan said. "Not much. Even the doctor at the clinic was surprised" Ric said. "Clinic?" Scotty asked with a worried look on his face. "Yeah, I get tested to make sure I haven't picked up anything. It's one of the risks of hooking up with guys you don't know. But, other than a couple guys on campus and a party a friend of mine had, my sex life has been dead. You guys probably fuck more than I do" Ric said. A grin came over both Dan and Scotty's faces. "Just about every day. We had to find a better time to use the shower, though. That's why we haven't seen you in there too much. Fifteen minutes later and we get the showers to ourselves" Dan said. Ric finished off the beer and smiled, wanting to let them see what sex without condoms was like. "Good to know. This time, I really am going. Have fun and let me know if you like it better bare. I'm sure you will" he said as he stood up and picked up his tee. Ric closed the door behind him and went to the bathroom to piss. Ric stood at the urinal, wondering how one beer could make so much urine, when another guy staggered up and took the spot next to him. "Lotsa new guys on da floor this year but you're the sexiest" the guy slurred out, swaying back and forth as he pissed. Ric chuckled before he checked the guy out. The guy had cowboy written all over him, from the hat down to the tight jeans and boots. He was surprised that the guy would hit on him, but he figured he was one of those guys that was straight until he got drunk and desperate. "Thanks, lookin good yourself" Ric said as he shook off his cock. "Ya really think so?" the guy replied. Ric pulled his shorts up and moved behind the guy, rubbing one hand on his ass and grasped his shoulder with the other. "Mmhmm, this ass feels really nice. Bet it's hungry for some dick, too" Ric whispered into the guy's ear. The guy moaned as his stream slowed before replying "It fuckin is... been way too long since I got fucked good." Ric reached around and wrapped his hand around the guy's cut cock, rubbing the tip with his finger and squeezing the shaft. "Mmm, nice dick too. Have to keep that in mind" Ric said, letting go of the shaft and licking the piss off his finger. "Got your room to yourself tonight?" Ric asked. "Uh... yeah... follow me" the guy said, zipping up his jeans and turning around. Ric was about to back away when the guy groped his cock and squeezed a few times. "Aaahhh, packin too. Nice" the guy said as he walked away. A minute later they were walking into the guy's room at the other end of the hall. Ric checked the nameplate and saw the names "Jack" and "Toby" and wondered which this guy was. A quick second glance and he saw a little bronco sticker next to Jack's name and a soccer ball sticker next to Toby. The lock clicked shut and Jack turned, pulling Ric in close and kissing him. There were a few small lights on in the room, giving a soft glow that allowed them to see each other, but not too bright. They spent a few minutes making out before Ric's hands slid down the cowboy's back, firmly gripping his ass. Jack moaned into the kiss before he reached down and pushed Ric's shorts down. Ric could taste the alcohol in Jack's mouth and felt his body swaying in his arms. Jack's hand slipped into the jockstrap and felt the growing shaft. "Fuck... it's getting bigger" Jack said before he started stroking the shaft. Ric unbuckled Jack's belt and then opened his jeans. They fell down part way and Ric slid his hand inside the back of the his trunks, rubbing along the crack. The moan returned, louder than before until Jack broke the kiss. He took his hat off and set it on the desk and then took his tee off. Ric dropped his shorts, pushed off his jock and set them, along with his shirt, on a chair. Jack laughed a little and said "You're not wasting any time, huh?" "Its just easier for me to strip down" Ric said with a grin. Jack sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his boots off before Ric helped tug his jeans off. When Jack looked up after removing his trunks he was staring right at Ric's still growing cock. "Fuuucckk" Jack groaned as he stared a few more moments before wrapping his hand around, pulling back the foreskin and licking over the head. Now it was Ric's turn to moan. Jack's tongue licked around the now hard shaft, tasting the sweat and lingering remnants of piss. Soon, he was opening his mouth and took the first few inches inside before starting to suck. The more time Jack spent on his cock the more Ric decided his initial thought about Jack's orientation was wrong. Totally wrong. Jack slowly pulled off, letting Ric's cock pop out of his mouth and he slowly looked up to Ric's face for his approval. Ric grinned back at him and Jack scanned back down, pausing just above his cock. With one hand around the base of Ric's dick, the other rubbed over his groin, spending extra time over his pubes. Ric thought he knew what Jack had found, but stayed quiet. Jack resumed sucking for a few more minutes until he let Ric's cock pop out of his mouth again. Jack rolled on to his back, pulling his legs back and presenting his furry ass. Ric smiled back, looking Jack over from his chiseled, scruffy face, over the furry, trimmed chest, pert nipples, wide trail and trimmed pubes that surrounded a very stiff cock. Ric knelt down, swallowing Jack's hard cock and flicking his tongue around the shaft. He let Jack's precum coat his tongue and then pulled off, licking down the shaft and over his balls. Pushing Jack back a little, he licked over his hole a few times before spitting on the pucker and pushing it in with his finger. A long, sexy moan came out of Jack's mouth. After adding a few more gobs of spit, he stood up slightly and pressed his cock to the throbbing hole. He expected to hear Jack ask for a condom at any point, but as his cock pressed in he heard nothing except heavy breathing. A moan accompanied the breach of the outer ring. Ric paused and looked up at Jack, who's eyes were closed and a smile was on his face. A few rocks of his hips plunged the bare cock deeper followed by a few harder pushes. Jack's chute had a nice grip, firm but not too tight, telling Ric that Jack had taken more than a few cocks in his life. A few more deep breaths from Jack let Ric get almost all of his shaft in. Ric pulled back a few inches and drove back in, stopping short an inch and against the inner ring. "That tattoo mean what I think it does?" Jack asked, his eyes still closed and Ric almost rooted in his hole. "Yeah. Want me to stop?" Ric asked. "Ooohhh god... fuck no, I need it bad" Jack replied softly. Ric chuckled to himself and began to plow his cock in and out of Jack's ass, wondering what Jack needed - a cock, a bare cock or a poz bare cock. Jack was one of those verbal bottoms, always muttering "oh fuck" or "fuck yeah" or "oh god" among the grunts and groans and the occasional gasp. Ric always liked bottoms like this. He could tell what the guy liked and when he went too far. The constant tapping at the inner ring eventually let Ric push through and the cry Jack let out was an even mix of pleasure and pain. Ric began to pound him harder and Jack's muttering got louder. Suddenly he felt a thumb rub over his right nipple and it sent shockwaves through his body. His cock couldn't get any harder but it did throb several times. Ric slowed his thrusts but each one got stronger, his cock easily sliding into the slick tunnel. When Ric's breathing got labored, Jack opened up his eyes and stared back at Ric. "Breed me... please... fuckin' breed me" Jack begged. A few more thrusts and Ric felt his cock start to pulse, pumping a large load of cum into Jack's fertile hole. Jack's moan as he felt the warmth fill him up was the loudest yet and Ric hoped the neighbors were gone. There was a puddle of cum on Jack's chest too and once he spotted it, Ric lapped it up. They stood there, each smiling at the other while Ric's cock slowly softened. Eventually, it fell out and Jack let out a whimper, making Ric laugh. "Feeling empty?" Ric asked. "Oh hell yeah. That was fucking awesome. I can't believe I did that... I've never gotten such a rush. My heart was about to leap out of my chest!" Jack said. "Cuz my dick was bare or because I'm poz?" Ric asked. "I usually fuck raw. I've fucked a couple poz guys, but they said they were undetectable. I've never been fucked by one though" Jack replied. "I'm not undetectable" Ric said seriously. He watched Jack's eyes open wide and his jaw drop. "You can hit the clinic to prevent getting infected, but you have to go in the next day or two" Ric said. "Or you could fuck me again to increase the odds. Or is that too weird a thing to ask?" Jack asked. "Nah, not weird. It turned you on, didn't it?" Ric asked, feeling his cock start to stiffen again. "Its not just that you're poz. It's that you know how to fuck. And you're cute. And your dick felt really good inside me" Jack said, his face showing how bad he wanted to get fucked again. "You're damn hot yourself and know how to take dick. You just need to know that if I fuck you again, I'm going to keep fucking you until those balls are filled with my bug" Ric said, leaning in closer to Jack's face. The tip of Ric's cock was resting on the tight pucker and Ric knew that Jack was squeezing his ass tight to keep all of the cum inside. "Uh... you won't fuck me after I'm poz? That's all you want?" Jack asked. "Fuck no, nothing like that. I just want you to know that if we fuck again, I'll keep fucking you and you will get knocked up. And we'll keep fucking even after you're toxic" Ric replied, pressing harder on Jack's hole. A few seconds later, it relaxed and Ric slowly slid back in. Ric felt the warm cum coat his cock as it drove deeper into Jack's gut. Jack gripped his cock a few times and smiled back to Ric. "God, that does feel good inside me" Jack said while Ric slowly drove in and out with long strokes. Ric grinned back, giving a firm thrust and planting every inch inside Jack. "Mmm love to have my dick inside a hot guy who loves to take cock. But... I hope that cock of yours isn't just a decoration" Ric said, resuming his long strokes. Jack laughed. "I usually top, but I saw your dick in the shower a week ago and wanted to know if I could take it" he replied. Ric's thrusts slowly got faster and longer, occasionally breaking through the inner ring and making Jack squirm and gasp. When he began plowing harder, he was bouncing off Jack's firm ass. "Oh yeah, you can take it... no problem there" Ric said breathlessly while trying to delay cumming again. It just felt too good and he wanted to go on longer. Jack chuckled and rubbed his hand over Ric's sweaty chest. His right palm grasped Ric's left pec, pressing hard against the nipple and piercing, driving Ric ever closer to orgasm. Ric shoved in, slamming the bed and Jack's head into the wall. "Gimme that poz load, Ric. You want to knock me up and you can see how bad I want it" Jack growled a second before his other hand twisted Ric's right nip. Ric grunted loudly, planting his cock all the way inside Jack's chute. His body shook with each pulse of his cock, pumping more cum inside Jack's battered hole. When Ric's cock stopped throbbing he looked down at Jack, both of them covered in sweat. "Next time, you're topping me and I get to work you over while you fuck, bastard" Ric said, grinning at him. "Deal. Your ass looked damn good too. I just don't know what I'll be shooting then" Jack replied, breathing heavy. "I don't care if a guy is neg, poz or unknown as long as it's a good fuck" Ric said.
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