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  1. **Part 4** Three weeks later and there had been no contact from the bearded gentleman and his side kick. I'd returned to the park and the public convenience four or five times each week but there had been no sign of them. Unless they went there, I had no chance of finding them or they me. I was getting desperate. Although I couldn't really understand why. Beard had fucked his poz load into me. Mission accomplished. He'd done the deed and spread his seed. I'd got what I wanted, probably. Why would we need to be in contact again. It was what he said, that they would see me again soon, meet my new family. Each time I'd gone to the park looking for them I'd seen other guys but, I had no interest in having sex with On the Wednesday morning of the forth week I woke and didn't feel to good. I'd gone into work But had to leave early. My head felt like it had cotton wool in it and I had no energy. I went straight home and had a bath. I thought the warm water would sooth the aches I was feeing in my shoulders and back. It didn't help. By the time I got to bed I felt worse. Everything ached. I had the start of a sore throat, I felt cold and my head was throbing. The following morning I couldn't even get out of bed to call in sick. I had a fever and my headache was nothing like I'd ever had before. Suddenly my stomach decided to reject anything that was contained in it. I vomited where I lay. The putrid stench engulfed the room but, I was too weak to move. I was convinced I was dying. That's when I started hallucinating. I saw Beard and Goatee peering at me and smiling. Other men were looking at me to, some were sneering, some even laughing. Even in my dismal state I realised I had the fuck flu. My body was changing. The virus was taking over my body, like Sarah Palin inhabiting a new host. Being possessed by the devil's seed. I hoped I would fall asleep and never wake up. Even being dead and in hell couldn't be worse than this living hell I was in. I did fall asleep. Boy, did I sleep. Slept the sleep of the dead. When I did wake I felt a little better. I was still tired but the fever had subsided and I just had a normal headache, which very mild compared to how it had been. I looked at my digital alarm clock to see how long I had been asleep. I left work early on the Wednesday and according to the clock it was now Thursday. But, that couldn't be right. I was so sick I couldn't go to work on Thursday. Then I saw the date. I had been asleep for a whole week. How was that possible? I checked my surroundings. Everything was as it was except, I remember vomiting the entire contents of my stomach on the bed, but the bed was clean. Maybe I'd been hallucinating about being sick as I had about Beard, Goatee and the other men. I had been in such a state I didn't know was real and what wasn't. I rested my head on the pillow and dozed off to sleep again. I slept for another six hours and when I awoke I felt even better. I went to the loo for a piss then into the kitchen to make tea. My throat was dry, I needed a brew. As I filled the kettle I noticed a folded piece of paper by the sink. That's strange I thought. I put kettle on its base and flicked the switch. I picked up the paper, opened and read it. Shocked I sat down at the kitchen table and read it again. 'Hope your feeling better. We'll see you soon. Your friends from the Public Convenience. My mind couldn't quite take it all in. I had pucked up on the bed. I had seen Beard and Goatee and who were those other guys? Were they the family Beard mentioned. Over the next week or so I made a slow recovery. The boss at the garage was well pissed off with me. Work had backed up and he even had to refuse taking on new jobs. Still when I eventually went back to work there was loads of overtime. I wondered how Beard and Goatee had found me. How they knew I had the fuck flu. How had they managed to change the bed clothes and clean the place up with me in it. I wasn't to sure about anything that had happened during the week of my unconsciousness. The only thing I was sure about was that I was now HIV positive. I had absolutely no regrets, now that the fuck flu had passed I felt fine. My sex drive had disappeared while I was recovering but, was now returning with a vengeance. I even had to visit the toilet at work, sometimes a couple of times a day, to wank off. I'd never done that before. My sperm looked the same but, I knew it wasn't. It was toxic, poisonous, poz sperm. Maybe that's what was making me so horny. The knowledge that I was possessed by the demon seed. One night on the way home I decided to visit the park. It was Winter now. The summer heat had long gone. It was cold and wet. There wouldn't be any guys looking for a quick fuck in the woods tonight but the public convenience was open. Although it wasn't particularly warm at least it was dry. I hadn't visited to often lately and when I had the place had been deserted. I even hung around in there sometimes to see if anyone wandered in later but, no one ever did. This night though my luck was in. As I walked in the little bulb was still straining to have any serious impact on the dark squalid interior. At the far end of the building I saw a figure leaning against the wall. I couldn't see his face but he had a slight build and as I approached him I could see he was fairly young, maybe 19 or 20. As he moved forward the pale light I recognised the face but couldn't place it. My cock was already rigid. Harder than it had ever been. This was the first physical contact I was about to have since last time I was here. Then I was a chaser, now I could be a gifter. I was really horny. I really wanted, needed to fuck this guy. He wasn't my usual type. Too young, too skinny. I unzipped and got my cock out. Not only was it harder than it had ever been, it actually looked bigger. My victim got on his knees and took me in his mouth. He had a sweet mouth. He loved sucking cock I could tell. He was good at it to. It was at that moment I realised who he was. He was the lad sucking the old guys cock in the woods the night I got fucked and pozzed in here. He was really going to work on me now, sucking and licking for all he was worth. I was really enjoying this, it felt great. Then annoyingly he stopped and stood up, looked into my eyes and said "Poz me" I was slightly taken aback. He told me that one night he'd seen me when he was sucking an old man off in the woods. He finished the old guy off and it had started to rain so, he made his way to the toilets but, the light was off, must have been a power cut due to the lightning, so he just stood in the doorway. He heard moaning and heard someone say "Poz me, please poz me" at which point there was a bright flash of lightning and he looked in. He'd seen me on my knees and a bearded guy behind me. He'd seen him ram his cock up my arse and another guy sit on my head. He said he was a bit scared so, ran off but, since then all he could think about was being fucked like he'd seen me getting fucked and pozzed and wanted it. He asked if I had definitely been pozzed up that night and I told him I had and how bad the fuck flu had been. He had his hand on my cock and was stroking it gently. "Please, will you breed me, poz me, I want it so bad. He undid his button fly and dropped his jeans to the floor then kicked them free of his feet. Then he removed his coat and shirt. I told him he didn't need to take everything off but he said "I want to be naked when you fuck me. I want you to see the body that your seed is infecting. It was freezing in there but, I did the same and removed everything. He told me he wanted it as hard as I had been fucked. "Show me know mercy. Fuck me as hard as you want, I'm yours. I want make sure it takes" He got onto his knees on the floor. It was still filthy, if anything worse than when I had last been on it. Guys had come in with wet muddy shoes on and it looked like no one had cleaned it in ages. I moved in behind him and parted his arse cheeks. Like I said, he wouldn't normally have been my type but he had a beautiful arse. Firm cheeks and a tiny pink hole which I started fingering. He was very tight. I told him I didn't have any lube and he said he didn't want it. He wanted it to hurt. He wanted to make sure he was infected. I licked my fingers anyway and stuck two up him. He winsed but didn't pull away. I played with his hole for a few minutes then positioned my cock on the rim. I waited a few seconds then, in one quick, hard movement rammed my cock into him. He screamed and started crying. I ignored him and fucked him as hard as I could. His hole felt great on my cock. Although it was cold in the building I soon began to warm up even though I was naked. I continued to fuck him hard. After five minutes or so he had stopped whimpering and was telling me to fuck him harder. My thighs were smacking against his arse and my balls were banging against his own. My hands gripped his hips as my cock rammed his hole. His hole felt wet now, I suspected from a little of my precum but mostly his blood. I was close. The pressure in my cock had reached its limit. I was at boiling point and I was about to boil over. I couldn't hold off any longer. I pumped his arse full with a massive load. I shouted in ecstasy. He knew I was filling him with poz seed and told me to give it all to him. God I was thinking, that was a great fuck. As I recovered I was aware of another presence in the room. I looked back and saw Beard looking at me with a huge grin on his face. How the fuck does know everything? **To be continued **
    11 points
  2. **Part 5** I moved back and my shaft slipped out of the young guys now very slippery hole. I glanced down and saw a dribble of pink fluid trickle down over his balls, some sticking to the mass of hair that covered them and the rest forming a small pooled mess on the floor as it mixed with with the filth. I looked back and half expected Beard to have gone but, he remained there still smiling. He told me to get dressed then beckoned me with his head to follow him. I glanced down at the lad, who was still face down on the floor recovering. "Leave that, I'll deal with it later" I followed Beard to away from the Public Convenience and out of the park to a dark coloured van. He opened the back door. There were bench seats along each side. He told me get in. I had an idea that he was taking me to meet 'The family ' as he called them. He closed the rear doors and I heard the front door open and close, the engine started then we began our journey. We were moving, for what I guessed, was about forty minutes. The van was being driven carefully and for the last five minutes it made several turns. Eventually it stopped and I heard what sounded like a large metal shutter being raised, like the garage doors where I worked. The van was driven inside and the shutter closed. The rear door opened and Beard beckoned me out. From the drivers side Goatee appeared. He had obviously been the driver. It was the first time I was aware of his presence. I had presumed that Beard had been the driver. Inside the building where we were was fairly large. It looked like an old factory or small warehouse. I was lead through a small door then another and up two flights of stairs with bare concrete steps. We reached a door with a key code lock and Beard, shielding my view of the did something that allowed him to open the door. Inside a carpeted corridor lead to another door with yet another door with the same type of lock. My mind was racing and so was my heart. What sort of place had I come to. I hadn't questioned where or why I had been taken to this place and had willingly gone with Beard of my own volition. Beard opened the door to another corridor. This had doors on each side along its entire length. There were ten doors on each side and at the far end an open leading to a large communal area. As we entered it I saw there were a dozen other men who had been mostly sitting, who when they saw Beard, immediately stood up. I thought I recognised some of the faces but couldn't place them. But one I knew immediately. He was sitting in a large chair by the far wall and he didn't stand as we entered. It was the same old man I had seen in the trees on the night I was converted recieving a blow job from the young guy I had just fucked. He looked at me and smiled. He stood up and walked over to greet me. He held out his hand and I took it. As he shook it he cupped his other hand over my hand as well. It was a very warm welcoming greeting. He then lead me back out into the corridor and opened the first door on the left. I walked in and he closed the door behind us. "Sit" It was more of a command than and invitation which was at odds with the way he had greeted me. He had a deep, well spoken voice and spoke with authority. Like a commander addressing his troops. To be listened to rather than conversed with. But, he also spoke with compassion. I was drawn to him in, entranced by him. I listened intently to what he was telling me. It was the first had heard him speak. When I'd seen him in the woods he had never uttered a word. He would just nod towards his crutch, whip out his cock and I would suck him to completion. He told me that he and some of his extended family, at which point he indicated with his thumb towards the men in the other room had been watching me for a long time. He told me they were very protective of their identity both individually and as a group. So, had to be very careful who they selected to become family members. He said that when you have a family there is nothing, absolutely nothing you won't do to protect them. He tone had changed when he said this. He was deadly serious and gave the impression that he meant exactly what he said. He said that this evening I had to make a choice and that once I'd made the decision, either way, there was no going back. If you become a family member you are a member for life. If I chose not to, I would never be given a second chance to join. That if having decided not to join, I tried to find the family or any individual in it that would be seen as a threat to the safety and security of the whole family and the consequences to be severe. Likewise, if I made the decision to stay then, for whatever reason decided to try and leave, the same inference would be drawn with same implications. He told me that before I make an informed decision he'd better inform me about the family and its purpose. He still spoke with authority but his tone had changed to more of a friendly, fatherly one. He told me that he and Tom, the bearded man, had met and were both already HIV positive some years ago. They both believed that being poz gave them a freedom that was denied to many gay men. They strongly believed that monogamy among homosexuals was against the laws of nature and that men need to have the freedom, if they so desire, to breed freely with whoever they choose. They decided to form a small group of poz guys who could freely breed with each other without fear or prejudice. Then they had the idea to bring in more men. To dilute the gene pool. All had to be poz or willing to be converted. A few guys that were already infected joined and contact was made, through various gay sites, with guys who wanted to be converted. Unfortunately alot of these men were just dreamers, flakes who got off on the idea but, were too scared and had no intention of actually going through with it. So, they, as a group, came up with the idea of physically recruiting men. Men like me who were always searching for sex. Men who wanted unhindered, uninhibited and readily available sex. Bareback sex. Men who had few friends, no family, no ties to anyone else, who wouldn't be missed from society. At least, not missed too much. He said "That's why we wanted you. We've followed you for about eighteen months. We were able to trace, fairly easily where you worked, lived, the odd sauna you visited and, obviously, your numerous visits to cruising sites and in particular the park and the public convenience. We've even hacked your computer and know the sites you look at, bbrts, breeding zone and nastykinkpigs. We even fitted a small GPS in the heels or under the inserts of your shoes so we knew where you were at any given time. When he had met me in the park that had been the initial part of the surveillance and vetting procedure as well. He told me that when I agreed to be bred and pozzed in the public convenience that was when they knew I was a prime candidate. In fact, he told me that my enthusiasm had confirmed it beyond doubt. There was one more thing that sealed the deal and that was when I fucked the young man tonight knowing I was likely to poz him. I was slightly annoyed at this invasion of privacy but also felt unbelievably honoured to have been chosen to be considered as a member. He told me that now everyone was considered as a family member. Anyone who needed help in any way would receive it. They would be supported through whatever difficulty they were experiencing. Like I had been during my recent bout of the fuck flu and like the young man I myself had fucked tonight. should his conversion be successful. I had been considering everything I had been told. I had many questions which he now answered. I could keep my job but, I would live here with the family. I would have my own room but, could sleep on my own there or with anyone else I wanted. Fuck anyone who was willing and be fucked by anyone. I would be expected to recruit other members who were willing to be pozzed and help other guys with recruiting, by being involved in surveillance and vetting. And the best bit, breeding recruits. Spreading the family seed, it's DNA. Ensuring the family tree continues. I'd already made my decision. I wanted to be part of this pozzed family but he told me to take a week or two decide. However I mustn't discuss this meeting or anything I'd learned here with anyone outside the family. If I did they would know. Now he told me to go and talk with my brothers. Ask them anything I wanted. Maybe a question will occur when you speak. If they are unable to help, come back and speak to me. And, if you feel horny to fuck or get fucked, enjoy yourself. After all that's what this all about. I had one last burning question. I figured as we'd discussed everything else down to the most intimate details I could ask anything. His answer gave me the answer to this and another question I thought I already had the answer to. "Can you tell me what's with the guy with the Goatee. Was he born like that? He looked at me sternly and placed his two hands together infront of him in a position that looks like a steeple. His eyes focused on me trying to evaluate my demeanour and closed his eyes for second before saying "That's Gavin, he tried to leave" **Fin**
    9 points
  3. PART 3: Chaos deepens I sat there for a few moments, trying to work my phone. I opened the apps and saw a few messages here and there. As I wrestled with the phone, I felt a cool touch on my leg. A bottle of poppers, the same bottle of poppers I had used earlier, left behind. I really enjoyed them and they made everything feel extra heightened but I felt too overwhelmed to even think of using them now. I checked Grindr and saw a message from a blank profile about 200 meters away. I guess I was? Wasn’t I? I just sent him my location without thinking much else. It took too much effort to even do that, but I figured. What the hell. Im already fucked. I could barely get that message out. I was so out of it. I was also mostly messaging with one hand. My free hand kept going to my asshole, rubbing the cum inside my hole. It felt loose and when I touched it I felt so alive. Another man had cum inside me and I could tell I wanted more. And I wanted it anon. I started crafting another message when his next one came in. I wanted to say, “I want it anon. Ill be ass up and waiting.” But when I read, then processed his next message, I thought, does anything change? Fuck it. No it doesnt. This was it. I was going to get another round. I had saw a few other messages from other hot accounts, but I spent all my energy on sending these messages. I felt like I had reached a peak state of fuck energy. I just wanted to get used. I put down the phone and rolled over, ass up. I resumed the position I took for the earlier guy and I started huffing poppers. I didn’t have to wait long. Moments later I felt the air in the room change. I wasn’t alone. He was here. I didn’t know anything about him and overall, our engagement was much shorter than it was with the guy who railed me earlier. I heard clothes hit the floor as he shifted himself up and onto the bed. “You wanna suck me until my friend arrives?” He had a bit of an accent. I took that as a command. I took a hit of poppers, shifted a bit but kept my face down, and shoved his semi-hard cock in my mouth. I heard him make sniffing noises as his cock got hard in my mouth. “You partying?” I just moaned. It was getting late and I suppose I probably looked high. I was grinding my ass up and down, while sucking this strangers cock. I never saw myself as a partier, but here I was, high and getting used by anonymous men. “You want a rip?” I opened my eyes and saw a bunch of white powder on the end of a key. I had no idea what it was, but I wasn’t feeling hesitant about anything. I leaned forward and sniffed and put his dick right back in my mouth. “Fuck yeah, that’s it. We are going to share you and you can have some fun with us, okay?” I just moaned again. “My friend likes it really discreet. Do you mind if I cover your eyes with something?” I couldn’t quite place the accent, but it didn’t matter. His cock tasted and felt amazing, I was really feeling the extra effects of whatever powder I just snorted, and I was so incredibly horny. I took another hit of poppers and moaned, “okay…” I didn’t intend it to sound so hesitant, my mind was made up and I was ready to step it up, but I also couldn’t believe I was doing this. He leaned over me and grabbed something out of his bag. Then, putting his hands on my head and fucking my face he said, “alright, he is nearby. You ready?” He slipped something over my eyes, a t-shirt, or bandana, whatever it was, it was soft but it completely obstructed the view. While his dick was still in my mouth he said, “Take another rip. We are going to get you fucked up.” He pulled out, grabbed my head, and positioned the powder in front of my nose. I snorted, and just as I did I heard the door open and close again. What a satisfying sound. “Hey. He is ready for you. Dive in. He is partying too.” I felt a tap on my leg and the weight of a body move up behind me. I had no idea who this was. We didnt even chat. Now I was high and getting higher, already filled up with cum from another guy, and here I was about to get used by two more. What. The. Fuck. I needed it. Maybe this is who I was supposed to be? I felt fingers at my hole. “Is this cum or lube?” It was a different voice. I just moaned, barely able to form words. He didn’t wait for a response. “Doesn’t matter. It will be cum soon enough anyway.” I heard the sound of a bottle, presumably lube, then I felt him shove his fingers in my hole. Something felt different right away. It wasn’t just the fact that I had been fucked, it was also a new sensation. Something tingled, stung a bit, and just… just felt different. He jammed fingers in and out of my hole while I was getting face fucked by this other guy. He stopped abruptly as the guy inside my mouth pulled out and slapped my face with his wet cock. “Yeh… rail this bitch” The energy shifted. The guy behind spread my ass cheeks, then I felt the head of his dick at my hole and then I felt him completely inside of me. He dove deep, just like instructed. The guy at my face planted his dick back in my mouth. Both kept up a steady rhythm. Guy in my ass laid it on me heavy, moving my body up and down with the bouncing of the bed. Diving deep and pulling out all the way so just the head was inside with each stroke. It felt amazing. It was really rocking me in ways that I experienced with the previous guy, but it also felt extra. My hole and lower half of my body felt like it was tingling, light, and euphoric. I could only grind my body up against his as he shoved himself deep inside me. He pulled my hair and my head back with one hand, grabbing my neck with the other. The other guy’s dick came out of my mouth leaving a long strand of spit behind that fell on my face and neck. “Take some more”. A key was placed at my face. I snorted. Hands were shoved in my mouth. I licked. It felt like there was a tingling in my mouth and head that was spreading down me to meet the tingling in my lower half. I was flying and loving every second. I wasn’t hard anymore, just a soft wet cock with strands of cum and lube running down my taint and balls. The guy in my ass was making bit wet slapping sounds as he plowed me. It felt like he was close. Suddenly he pulled out and I heard him grunt. The guy that was in my mouth leaned over and I felt my ass cheeks being spread apart, followed by warm spray of cum all over my hole and ass. “Fuck yeh. Lube him up.” He shoved his dick back inside me for a couple more pumps then dismounted. Tingles everywhere. “Have fun.” That was also that was said again between the two. The sound of clothes being put on then the doors opening and being shut soon followed. The other guy was on the bed, but just leaning back a bit, not fucking my face or touching me. I took a moment to sniff some poppers. Before they even hit I started grinding my ass up and down. “Fuck dude. You are hot. I wanna fuck you, but I dont think I am ready to cum yet. You cool if I invite someone else over?” I could barely speak but my body was telling me I needed to get filled. Now. “Okay.” I didn’t sound hesitant this time. I sounded desperate. “Fuck yeh.” He slapped my ass hard and shoved his fingers inside. I felt every bit of his fingers. The texture of his skin, the knuckles, the base, everything. It felt like I was a part of him. “I just sent your address to a few guys. We are going to keep you partied up and pounded out.” Who the fuck had I become?
    7 points
  4. Was horny as fuck last night. Got on to Grindr and hit up a bottom not too far away. He was younger and horny like me. We got chatting and arranged for him to be waiting for me ass up on his bed. I was about to head off when he asked if I'd wear a rubber. I said "No" He then asked if I'd pull out of his ass before I shot my load. Again I refused and told him I wanted to breed him. With that he said "I don't think that works for me" and we ended the chat. About an hour later I hadn't found anything and the first guy hit me up - he musta been well horny, he said "ok, you can fuck me raw and cum in me" I agreed and headed over to his place. True to his word he was on all 4s, ass up on his bed. Stocky hairy cub with a beaut ass. I stood behind him, dropped my jeans, grabbed his waist and shoved my bare cock deep in his ass. I gave him loads bareback verbal as I was fucking him "your bare ass feels great, it's better raw, ain't it, I'm gunna load you deep, aww fuck, I'm, gunna cum, yeah you want this, I'm breeding ya now." I pumped my seed in him, pulled up my jeans and left. I totally loved that he submitted to my raw cock and took his breeding.
    6 points
  5. **Part 3** Fuck yes. Somewhere in my subconscious I'd always known. It's what I been searching for, longing for and needed sll my life. It's what I was born for, my destiny. I wouldn't be complete without it. "Yes, please. Give it to me. Breed me, please give your poz seed" A massive flash of lightning followed by the longest, loudest thunder clap I'd ever heard drowned out Beards reply and my scream as he thrust his huge cock into my hole. There was gentleness now, no subtlety, no mercy, just the raw power of Beard and his massive cock ripping my insides apart. As I attempted to move forward, not to escape, but just so he wouldn't penetrate me so deeply into my bowels, Goatee sat astride my head and clamped his legs tightly against the sides of my face, then leant forward over me, grabbing my forearms and placing his full weight on them. He was facing Beard encouraging him to breed me, poz me, make me pregnant. I was now completely immobile. Beard was pounding into my guts as hard and fast as he could. His hands gripping my hips. I could feel his sweat dripping off him onto my back and he was panting loudly. I was in so much pain. His cock was stretching my arse to its terminal width and length and tearing at the soft flesh in my hole. I was sweating to, from the heat and humidity but also the fear of him injuring me and the pain. I could hardly make a sound as I was gritting my teeth so hard. All I could do was grunt. He fucked me like this for what seemed liked an hour but, in reality, was probably only five minutes. Then suddenly he withdrew his shaft from my body. My hole was burning. I didn't think he had cum yet. Then I felt something cool and wet on the outside my hole which he then slowly and gently pushed inside me. He was applying lube for round two. He was very gentle now, applying it to every millimetre of the internal flesh of my arse. After the battering he'd given me this felt wonderful. I started to relax just as as I felt the head of his cock begin to tease my hole again. To my surprise he inserted himself slowly this time, giving my body enough time to adjust to his length and girth. Only then did he begin to fuck me again. It was slightly uncomfortable at first. My hole had obviously received some damage but the slight pain soon turned to immense pleasure as he slowly increased his rhythm. Goatee had released the pressure on my head and now moved away allowing me to breath more easily. The thunder and lightning was still raging and the rain had not let up. The heat and humidity still made our shelter uncomfortable but, I hardly noticed now. Beards cock felt wonderful inside me and almost everything else faded into the background and out of my thoughts. I wanted him to cum in me, breed me, fill my body with his seed, his sperm. For his babies to enter my blood stream and be absorbed by every atom of my being. But, I didn't want him to stop fucking me either. He was fucking harder now, his breathing becoming deeper. Sweat was dripping off him again and running down and across my back. Goatee was telling him to give me his seed and make me pregnant. Suddenly Beard shouted "I'm coming, I'm converting you, this is it" He pushed deeply into me and I could feel his cock pulsating as he pumped me full of toxic cum. It felt fantastic. My own cock was being stimulated as it rubbed against the filthy floor and this and the overwhelming physical and mental sensation of being fucked and pozzed made me shoot my own load. I came harder than I ever had before. My whole body was experiencing an intense orgasm which seemed to last for ages. I was completely lost in it. As I lay on the floor full of Beards cum and empty of my own I somehow felt like I had been reborn. I was in a state of complete serenity. Beard slipped out of me, his cock now flaccid. It had done its job and could now rest. As it did so, I could feel warm fluid dripping from my now empty hole. It dribbled from my arse down over my balls. I was concerned that I was losing the precious seed and told Beard. He laughed and told me that the sperm that were needed to impregnate me were already inside me swimming in my blood stream. He apologised for the hard, rough initial part of the breeding but, said it was necessary to open up the blood vessels to allow his sperm fertilise me. He then told me they had to go now but, that they would see me again soon and introduce to the other members of my new family. I asked how they would find me or I would find them but there was no answer. Suddenly the storm ended and the little bulb in the public convenience came on again and I could see I was completely on my own. My overalls were still where I'd left them and on the floor was a small pool of pink fluid. **To be continued**
    5 points
  6. I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing. “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have any pics. Damn. I wasn’t going to risk it tonight so I blew him off and told him I needed to see his pics before I connected. Thread: BrazilianJock: What are you into, stud? Looking for? Joshua4U: Hot times and not looking for anything in particular. U? BrazilianJock: Total top, man, love getting into some hot ass. Joshua4U: Don’t usually connect without a photo. BrazilianJock: You won’t be disappointed, man. You are exactly what I need. He invited me over. I caved. We agreed to meet at a parking lot and if all was cool, I’d go to his apartment close by. I was expecting it to be a bust, but I was intrigued. If I didn’t throw a bone when I saw him, I’d just excuse myself and leave. No harm, no foul. I showered and put on my favorite cock ring and jock strap and wore ripped up slut-jeans – just in case. I grabbed some lube and a beer. I arrived on time and sat in my car drinking my beer, waiting. Suddenly I realized I forgot to bring poppers, damn. Then I saw this chubby older guy walking over to my car and I thought, “Shit, I knew tonight was going to turn out like this.” Well I’ll just tell the guy that I am looking for something different. He walked up to my window and I started to lower it when he walked right past my car then kept walking. About the same time, a truck pulled up right next to me and a hot looking dark-featured guy rolled down the window. “Hey Josh, how’s it going?” I knew right then I was going to follow this guy home. “Name’s Rick. It’s American for Enrique.” Beautiful accent and beautiful boy. We got to his apartment, which was sparse and it appeared he might be staying with a friend. He said he was from South America, Brazil in fact and spoke with a silky beautiful Latin accent. This guy was reeking sexual energy. He walked like a confident hunter ready to claim his prey. He was tall and dark and had close shaved dark hair. He had a great smile and tight, fit, lean body. He asked me if I wanted anything to drink and then walked me straight to the bedroom with two beers in hand. We lay down on his bed which was nothing more than a mattress on the floor and started making out. He was an animal when it came to kissing. The kind of kiss that told you the sex was going to be incredible. He had his tongue all the way in the back of my throat and was starting to twist and tweak my nips a little through my shirt. Then ran his hand under my shirt and grabbed a nipple and twisted it while he reached another depth in the back of my throat. My cock stiffened immediately in response. He got my shirt off and started licking from my mouth to my neck and onto my left tit. It felt incredible. He started to bite down a little and then a lot; and then a lot more. Almost to the point I couldn’t take it, but he sensed this and backed off. My fucking tit was on fire and I was so fucking turned on. I took his shirt off and he had a perfectly smooth olive skinned body with abs so well defined that I could actually feel the ripples across his stomach. I licked his armpit until it was soaking wet and then sucked on his tits. First his left and then I left a saliva trail to the one on the right. I was rubbing his abs all over and went lower until I reached the waist band of his shorts. I slipped my hand inside and felt his wiry pubes. They felt like they were clipped which is a big turn on for me. Going further, I could tell he was hard and felt the base of his cock. It was thick and hot. Trailing down further, I was starting to realize this guy has a big dick; a really big dick. I must have had a reaction to this because he looked at me and said, “I love to see a guy’s reaction when he finds out about my cock, it’s a huge turn on.” I didn’t know what to say. I was trying not to appear overly enthusiastic because I didn’t want to let on that I was a whore for big dick. “Man, you have a fantastic cock” was all I could think of. I pulled his shorts down and he spread his legs and got comfortable. I look down between his legs and saw he had a perfect treasure trail from his navel to his bush, but his thick hard cock trailed up past his navel. He was uncut with a fat head. The foreskin on his cock wrapped tightly around the middle of the head creating a perfect halo. He was thick; I couldn’t touch my first finger to my thumb when wrapped around it. His piss slit was leaking clear goo and I knew I was going to have a challenge with this cock and my heart raced thinking about it. I put my face to his bush and smelled his essence. Then I licked the side of his cock and over his tight bush, down between his balls and thigh and up again to his bush. I licked up his cock and covered the head with my mouth. I tongued his piss slit and worked as much goo out of his cock as I could get. He had taken the back of my head and laced his fingers through my hair and tightened his grip. Rick started pushing his crotch closer to my mouth and my head closer to his crotch. I held my breath and took his cock into my mouth about 1/3 of the way. I was using a lot of spit. I was squirming and starting to moan a little. I came up off his dick, dribbled a lot of saliva down his cock, and then started going down on him again; more and more and a little more, until his cock would not go any further. I signaled to him that I was going for it and “punched” that huge cock past the ring in my throat. His cock was now free to slide the rest of the way down. He took the back of my head and pressed me all the way to his bush. “Oh fuck, yeah! Swallow my cock. Eat that dick, man,” he moaned. God knows, I was trying. His bush, completely coated with my spit, was in my nose and face. I inhaled through my nose, slowly and started to pull back, but only a little. I fucked my throat back down. Up and down, and up and down; little throat fucks. I could actually feel the area where my tonsils were getting warmer from the fuck. Then I controlled a “swallow” and that took Rick to new heights. “Son of a bitch, what are you doing? How’d you do that? Oh fuck yeah.” He pulled me off his cock sooner that I wanted. I was ready to devour his dick. I could have nursed on him much, much longer. He laid me back and got on top of me and kissed me again. He said, “Now I’m gonna make you feel good.” He licked down across my chest and stomach and to my cock head and took it in. He sucked my cock for a few minutes then licked my balls. Then he took my legs and lifted them up in the air exposing my ass. I felt his tongue swipe across my hole and I thought, “Oh yeah, this fucker eats ass, perfect. Nice.” I moaned to encourage him and he started really eating. He wasn’t getting the angle he wanted so he flipped me over and spread my cheeks as far apart as he could and dove in. He whispered, “I want inside there, dude. Give me the fucking hole, man.” He proceeded to chew and gnaw and lick and tongue my hole like it’s never been eaten before. I was pushing back on his mouth trying to help him get even more in. “Push out, man, let’s do this right.” I concentrated and pushed my ass lips out and felt his teeth scrape across and then secure my entire ass ring in his bite. Once he had it in between his teeth, he started sucking my hole like a mad man. I could feel his saliva dribble down my balls and onto the bed. I reached between my legs and felt my cock is was soaked with spit and precum. I let go of my cock for fear of shooting too soon. Rick pulled his tongue out of my hole and got up and went into the kitchen and came back with a few more beers. Excellent, I thought, we are going to take our time. We sat next to each other catching our breath, sipping beer and feeling each other’s equipment. After about two minutes Rick was ready for the next round. I emptied the beer in two guzzles and kept the last swig in my mouth. I took his cock and slide it into my mouth and let the beer cool things down. He was standing and I was kneeling. I spit his cock out because I could never deep throat him from that angle. I popped both his balls into my mouth. They were medium sized and hairless. He spread his legs and I saw his brown hole winking at me. I just couldn’t wait and I licked further back and hit my target. Rick grabbed my hand and put it on his cock and fucked my fist and pushed his hole onto my mouth with each backwards thrust. He was in ecstasy. Moaning and fucking. After what seemed like only 10 minutes or so of eating that smooth hairless ass, Rick was ready for more. He lay back on the bed and held his cock which was visibly throbbing. “Get up here and put your pussy on my mouth.” I jumped up on the bed and squatted over his face. He grabbed my ass cheeks, spread them apart and pulled me down onto his opened mouth and proceeded to get my hole real wet. He started fingering me with one hand and jerking his big Latin cock with the other. His foreskin was snapping back and forth over his cock head making his dick juice bubble. He added a second finger and started working them in deep. At some point he handed me a new bottle of poppers and said, “Here, open these and take a little hit.” It was like Christmas morning seeing that bottle of poppers. I tore open a new bottle of Jungle Juice and took a small hit. Just as I started feeling that warm whorish, lustful feeling spread throughout my body, Rick inserted a third finger stretching me open. My inner slut came out and I arched my back and pushed down on his fingers. I felt them stretch me open really wide and then slide in all the way down to the palm of his hand. I exhaled and emitted a “growl” sound. I kept eyeing the rock-hard angry cock he was jacking. He started fucking his fingers in and out of me making me squirm onto them. “Sweet, man, you got a nice ass. Do you want to sit down on this fat Latin cock and take a little ride?” It was rhetorical. He pulled his fingers out and the cool air whooshed up my ass. I wanted it to feel warm again. I moved and stood between his hips. I stared at his cock and squatted into position. His cock head and foreskin was covered with precum. I grabbed his dick and stuck the head at my hole and rubbed it against my ass lips to grease it up. He was really juicing at this point. I was, too. Rick said, “Ohh yeah, sweet. Nice, man, rub that juice all over your hole.” With that I pushed my body weight onto his cock but nothing happened. I tried again. His head was pretty thick and my ass ring was holding back. I wanted this cock in me so bad that I tried again, and then it unexpectedly popped in. I gasped and held my breath until I realized that I got the head in. I was looking at Rick and he said, “That’s it baby. Here take a big hit.” And he put the poppers under my nose. I took a huge hit, inhaled, and slowly started sliding down on that huge cock. The feeling was incredible and I made my decent until I felt his bush. It was one slow but steady slide all the way down his pelvic bone. He took my hips and held me still. “Just rock back and forth, man.” I did just as he said. I moved up a little and back a few times. “Joshua, you’ve got my entire cock buried up your hole. You feel so fucking hot. The inside of your ass is on fire.” I squeezed his cock and started milking his dick with my ass. I was feeling so hot and softly moaning uncontrollably. After about five minutes of rocking back and forth Rick said, “Stud, lift your ass up and off my cock and stay there. I want to fuck up into you, ok?” So I lifted my ass off his cock stopping at his cock head. He grabbed my hips and started slowly working his cock in and then out of my ass. Then he picked up spend and then he started laying into me. He was really fucking my ass with a lot of force. The friction was awesome. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. When I was able to refocus, he had a wide grin on his face and pulled his cock out. With his sexy heavy Brazilian accent he said, “I love fucking that sexy hole man; what I like most is the look on your face when I bury my cock into your pussy. It’s fucking hot. I love fucking a bottom who knows how to take cock.” He flipped me over onto my back and pulled my ass off the edge of the bed. He then took some pillows and placed them under my shoulders and lower back. He lifted my legs up into the air and spread them wide. Rick looked around until he spotted the poppers, then signaled me to get them and said, “Your gonna need them, stud. Take a deep hit and hold them in.” I felt the heat of his cock head at my opening again and I inhaled a long deel hit and held it in. Rick said, “Exhale.” Then he sank his swollen stiff cock to the root. I let go of the poppers bottle and grabbed his tits and held on. I screamed, “Yeah, I feel all that cock up in me, fucker. Give me what you got, hard as you want, I can take it. Fuck my ass.” At this point, Rick was fucking down into me as I looked up at his cock being stuffed into my ass at every onslaught. He was pulling completely out and shoving it back in and grunting with each reentry. Twice I saw his cock come out and it had his precum and my ass juice trailing off the tip. We were getting into a nice juicy nasty fuck. My favorite way to get it; wet, slippery, nasty and raw. He was now grabbing his cock and aiming it at my hole with each new plunge. I was delirious and begging him to fuck me harder and faster. Suddenly he pulled out, jumped up onto the bed and was feeding his cock to me down my throat. I sucked his cock and licked the juices off for several minutes. He told me he was getting close. I looked up at him and pleaded, “Rick, will you fuck me some more before you shoot?” He looked down and smiled and said, “Yeah man, but fair warning, I’m not gonna last much longer.” He got off the bed and lifted my legs back up again, but this time he pushed them back to the side of my head with my ass hanging off the edge of the bed. He got on top, popped his cock in me in one thrust and stayed there buried balls deep. He opened the bottle of poppers and gave me some and then took a hit himself. He said, “Come one you hot motherfucker, let’s bring this one home.” I clamped down on his cock as he started busting my ass for all it was worth. We were screaming unintelligible filth to each other. I swear my spine started tingling and I had this most amazing sensation deep inside my core. I knew I was starting to have an involuntary anal orgasm. Rick started first. “Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuck, I’m gonna shoot. Fuck you, man. Eat this!” With that, Rick pulled out and straddled my chest in lightning speed. I was barely able to tell what was happening because it was all so fast, but I was staring right at his enflamed cock head as it started shooting pelt after pelt of hot white jism directly onto my face. He was aiming for my mouth and I had it wide open. Rick said as he was shooting, “Oh yeah, man, that’s it. Take this load.” On the third or fourth volley he started hitting my tongue and mouth. I swallowed as much as I could catch and was open to receive more… and it came. This stud shot buckets of cum. Watching him shoot was so hot I couldn’t hold back any longer and I grabbed my own cock and started blowing my load. It was so fucking intense. All I could do was stare at Rick; not saying a word, not even breathing; but he knew I was unloading all over my stomach and his back. He looked down at me and said, “Josh, you look so fucking sexy with my load all over your face.” I had cum running down the side of my face, from my mouth, from my hair and all over my stomach and legs. I was in an aftershock state and just tried to control my breathing. Once I recovered, Rick threw me a towel and we showered together and made plans to meet again. That was the last time I underestimated Tuesday’s as a bad fuck night. It was the best. I get off on your comments.
    4 points
  7. And I'll add - once in a blue moon, you might miss out on something pretty damned good. Once, about 15 years ago, a guy hit me up - he was another bottom, profile noted he was partnered and submissive, very much not my general type at all. My assumption was that his partner probably wasn't particularly dominant or kinky so he was looking for whatever partial connection he could find, and I was ready to nudge him away. But he paid me a compliment, which I thanked him for, and then after an exchange or two of general comments, he said his partner had pointed me out and told him to contact me - that the partner (who, it turns out, WAS dominant, and all top) liked experienced bottoms and enjoyed fucking them while the (bottom) partner watched. THAT caught my attention. And the dozen or so sessions we had, subsequently, were among the best sexual encounters I've ever had. The bottom learned a good bit about how to take care of his partner's needs, I enjoyed serving as the demonstrator model, and all because I didn't ignore a bottom paying me a compliment one night. No, that's not going to happen often. It may not ever happen for you. But who knows what you've missed out on?
    4 points
  8. **Part 2** It occurred to me that this could be a horror film. The thunder and lightning, the dark stinking hovel, the unbearable heat, humidity and now a women. Was this what hell was like. The only saving grace was the brief view of Beards cock. He spoke. "You should get out of those wet things" He was close, but I couldn't see him. I turned slightly to my right and my forearm brush against the end of his cock. Instinctively I reached for it. It felt huge, hot and wet. I was overcome with a desire to get it in my mouth. He was so close now I could smell him. Sweat mixed with testosterone. I removed my hand and unzipped the front of my overalls. It was difficult to pull them off my shoulders as the wet material was sticking to my skin. I swore as I tried and then I felt hands behind me pulling at the garment and helping to pull it down my wet body. Eventually pulling it free and allowing it to fall to the floor. I then struggled to get my booted feet out of the legs. Almost stumbling I felt hands on me. On my shoulders, my torso and hips ensuring I remained up right. I thanked them and kicked off the overalls, finally free of them. Now I was naked, apart from my work boots. Hands began to touch me again. On my buttocks, my cock, my balls, stomach, chest and back. Slowly and gently touching every part of exposed flesh. I reached forward and found a body, as lightning lit up the interior of the building. It was Goatee. The body I saw definitely wasn't female but, there were no genitals. He had a man's belly, chest and broad muscled shoulders. My curiosity sparked, I reached forward between his legs. He was completely smooth apart from, what felt like a tiny protrusion right underneath him. He made no reaction and just let me explore him intimately. Hands behind me were feeling between my legs. Sliding up between the crack of my arse. I could feel the end of Beards cock occasionally brushing against my buttocks. Goatee turned around, now with his back toward me. Another brief illumination and I saw he had a symbol on his left arse cheek. It wasn't a tattoo. It looked red and raised from the surface of his skin. Was it a spider or maybe a scorpion. The flash of lightning was so short I didn't get a clear view. A combination of the heat, humidity, the rank stink of the location, the smell of the two men, the brief views I had of their bodies, the feeling of their hands on me and mine on theirs and the feeling of being naked and exposed, had me rabid with desire. My heart was beating so fast and my head was spinning. I wanted a man inside me. I wanted to be inside a man. I was losing control and had no inhibitions. Beard had a finger exploring the outside of my hole. His body was pressed against my back and a hand on my cock. Lightning lit the room and I saw Goatee getting on his knees in front of me. Steadying himself with his hands on my thighs. Beard slowly pushed a finger inside me as Goatee took my cock in his mouth. God it felt wonderful. His mouth was wet and warm and his tongue like velvet. Beards finger was dry and there was some resistance from my sphincter as he pushed it further inside with no lubrication. But, it felt good. I hoped he wasn't going to try and fuck me dry with his beer can sized cock. At this precise moment I was in heaven. Totally lost the sensations my body was experiencing. Beard had penetrated me as deeply as the length of his finger would allow. He was moving it gently, but firmly both in and out and from side to side. He removed it briefly and then replaced the single digit with two. I was lose enough now to take both. Still slightly uncomfortable, but filled with a longing to have his cock inside me, I pushed back slightly, encouraging him to stretch my arse enough to accommodate his member. Goatee was now sucking my balls and cock in turn. His oral skills were phenomenal. He seemed to know what I wanted and needed before I did. Slowly I felt him standing up. As he did so, his tongue was licking my body, entering my belly button then up to my nipples. I used to have extremely sensitive nipples but, due to lots of rough play they have lost some of their sensitivity. However he knew exactly how hard to bite. These two guys were driving me wild. They knew every button to press, with exactly the right intensity and for how long. Beard now had three or maybe even four inside me. So lost in the feeling, I hadn't even noticed him remove and replace them. I had relaxed my hole enough to allow him to stretch me further. I find can do this easily if a guy has been gentle initially and I trust that he won't just ram anything up inside that causes pain. Beard then lined up his knees directly behind mine and exerted enough forward pressure that I had to kneel down on the floor. The floor in there is always filthy. Guys who have been walking in the copse or the park tread all sorts of filth in. Mud, leaves, chewing gum, fag ends and even dog shit. I was always careful when I'd had a meet in there that I would avoid getting on the floor. Yet here I was, naked, on my hands and knee's. Beard was moving in behind me. I wasn't aware that he'd applied any lube to himself. He certainly hadn't prepared my hole with any. He began rubbing the tip of his cock on my hole. God I wanted him inside me. I just hoped I could take him. More lightning. Goatee had repositioned himself infront of me. On his knees with his taught large arse facing me and his hands were pulling his cheeks apart. His hand was covering the symbol on his arse. I wanted to see it but, his hole looked beautiful and took my attention. I had to taste it. Get my tongue inside him. His hole was open. I thought it looked well fucked. Under his hole I could see what I felt earlier. Where his genitals should be was a small hole with a small raised area around it. I realised this is where he passed from. In my naivety at the time, I wondered if he was some freak of nature or if he was a eunuch. Nullified by surgery. Either way his arse looked amazing. I leaned forward and began rimming him. He tasted so good. He was moaning as I explored, as deeply as I could, further inside him. Beard was exerting more pressure on me from behind. The tip of his cock head now just penetrating me. He pushed harder and I felt my arse open to accommodate him. He said "You want to join us, to become a member of our elite club, our brotherhood" At that very moment there was a series of huge flashes of lightning. When they join together so, it appears to be one long flash. Goatee had moved his hands away from his cheeks and I saw that the mark on his buttock had been branded on. It wasn't a spider though. The mark was a biohazard symbol. Now I knew the full meaning of what Beard had said. It took me moment to process the information. Crazy thoughts rushed through my head. Do I want this, really. **To be continued **
    4 points
  9. The sun, the bright long days and the heat of summer always makes me horny. The hotter and the more I sweat, the more I think about sex. The garage where I work, as a mechanic, is only a short walk to a local park. We're usually busier in the summer months servicing and maintaining customers cars so I can justify working late. It gives me the chance to earn a little extra cash and when I finish, usually at around nine o'clock, I can call in at the park or the public toilets, which are on my way home anyway, to see if there are any like minded guys hanging around. This particular Friday evening I'd stayed on a little later. I'd been changing the clutch on a customers car and wanted to get it finished as the workshop is closed at weekends and the guy needed it back ASAP. While the workshop is closed on Saturday the showroom is open so the guy could collect it from them. It had been a long hot sweaty day and I was filthy by the time I locked up at just after ten. I considered just going straight home for a shower and an early night but, I thought I may as well just see of there was anyone lurking around in the park. It was now late summer and the weather would be changing soon and the evenings getting darker. A few weeks and no one would be looking for any outdoor fun. I would be back trawling through the apps trying to negotiate my way through the time wasters. By the time I reached the entrance to the park it was already dusk. The main cruising area was off to the right and consisted of the public convenience with a copse behind. In size the copse was probably about a quarter of an acre and consisted of fairly dense beech, horse chestnut, oak and pine trees. If you knew where to look there were some small clearings with were perfect to get down and dirty with someone. I spent around fifteen minutes ambling through the trees on a circular path that leads through the center of the copse but, surprisingly for a warm summer evening, it was very quiet. The path then leads around to the left and eventually out by the public toilets. I had just turned onto this stretch of the path when I heard some movement to my right. I knew there was a small clearing here. It was a regular location for a quick meet. I parted some branches and saw a young guy on his knees in front of an older gentleman. I recognised the older man immediately. He was a regular to the park and I'd sucked his cock to his satisfaction a couple of times. He was leaning his back on a tree trunk while the younger guy was enthusiastically sucking his substantial cock and cradling his large hairy balls in one hand. The older guy saw me, looked over and smiled in recognition. I don't think the younger guy even registered I was there, he was so engrossed in sucking cock. I turned back onto the path. Having met the older guy before I knew he would soon blow a nice big load down the younger guys throat and be on his way home. Once he'd been satisfied he never hung around. He always delivered a nice big load though. The young guy was too young and skinny for my taste. It was dark now. Hot and humid. There was a storm coming. It had been threatening earlier in that day. The sky had been very dark around lunch time but, then the clouds cleared and the sun had be vicious in the afternoon. The workshop had been almost unbearable. It's tin roof amplifying the intense heat from the sun. I was sweating profusely now. Sure enough I began to hear drops of rain on the canopy above. The drops sounded heavy but well spaced. Any moment now, I thought, it's going be fucking torrential and I'll get soaked. I was only wearing my overalls and it had been so hot lately, nothing underneath. I was now about halfway back along the return path. I started walking a little quicker hoping to make cover before the deluge. I was just wishing I had just gone straight home when I saw two guys walking towards me. They were both quite large. Both were wearing T-shirts and shorts. It was dark but I could just make out one had a full beard and the other a goatee. These two were just my type. I love to feel a big belly on my back. They stopped infront of me blocking my path. The beard said "Hey, it's going to piss down, is there any shelter this way" pointing behind me. I said "No, the only shelter are the toilets behind you" Goatee said to Beard "We'd better go back then" Beard said "We aren't local, we've never been here before. Heard it was a nice place for an evening stroll" He smirked at me, then said "You lead the way, I presume that's where you're going " As I brushed past them I could feel my cock beginning to swell in anticipation. The rain had got heavier and I didn't want to hang around so I just said "Sure, let's go" As we walked I could feel their eyes on my arse and my cock now hard straining in my overalls. As we walked quickly along the path they asked what my job was and I told them. Beard told me he thought it was something like a mechanic as I looked kind of dirty. The way he said it, I knew exactly what he was thinking. About a hundred yards or so from the toilets the trees are less dense so, there was less cover from, the now torrential rain. The storm was in full flow and lightning was followed immediately by loud claps of thunder. I began running and the two guys behind me were struggling to keep up. I could hear their heavy foot steps and they were breathing deeply, panting with the effort. My hard cock and loose balls were being thrown around, up and down and from side to side in my loose overalls as I ran. I could feel wetness dripping in my crutch area to but, wasn't sure if it was coming from my cock or if it was just the rain in my soaked clothing. Finally we reached the toilet block. I was now completely soaked through. My overalls were dripping and stuck to my flesh from my neck and shoulders down my body to my legs. I looked at Beard and Goatee and they were the same. They were just as wet as me. Their wet T- Shirts revealed that Beard had both nipples pierced and some sort of tattoo on his ample belly. Goatee had a tattoo on the left side of his chest and only his right nipple pierced. Their shorts were clinging to them and I could clearly see the outline of a large flaccid cock under Beards shorts. Goatee had nothing visible at all. It was then that I noticed the skin on his face was very smooth. The Goatee was quite sparse and although he must have been at least forty years old he had the soft looking skin of a youth. The rain outside was even heavier now. Inside the toilet the only illumination was from a dim, low powered single bulb that barely lit the the place. The toilet was grim enough during daylight but, at night it looked squalid. Suddenly there was a very bright flash of lightning and with the extra illumination I could see Beard and Goatee removing their T-shirts. I could also see my cock sticking straight out, making a tent in my overalls. At that very moment the little bulb died. Another flash of lightning and I could see they were removing their shorts. Beards cock wasn't flaccid any longer. It was hard and huge. At least nine maybe ten inches long and as thick as a beer can. The lightning flash was over and I'd only had the briefest glimpse, but I could swear Goatee had no visible cock at all. Was Goatee really female, perhaps Beards wife? Fuck I thought, I'm not into women at all!
    3 points
  10. The way I see it, sex is completely natural, no matter how it happens to take place. More, sex with an audience makes fucking al the more interesting and exciting. I'm not necessarily talking about lovers making love together, since that implies a deeper connection than merely the sexual, that the lovers may or may not choose to put on display. I'm merely alluding to group sex, where it's all about the thrill of having sex with any number of other guys - every guy fucking every other guy - just for the pure pleasure of it. It follows, then, that group sex is a pleasurable, joy-inducing, Lust-satisfying pursuit that's akin to kids sharing their toys with every other kid, and everyone has a great time of it. A roomful of rutting men is nothing more, nothing less than the pure joy of "playing" with our brothers, celebrating our sexual selves, with each guy giving what he can to the others, and taking from the others what he so deeply needs.
    3 points
  11. FWIW, I'm not saying everyone deserves a detailed friendly reply as to why the recipient of the message is not interested. At a bathhouse, it's likely you'd shake your head "no" to someone who's putting the moves on you when you don't want him to. There's a big gap between that and ignoring someone entirely. I'm saying that if someone reaches out politely, acknowledge them. If you know up front you have no interest, you can add "Sorry, but I don't think we're a match - good luck!" and leave it at that. If someone pays you a compliment in their initial outreach, thank them. Again, you can add the part about not a match if you want. If someone can only type "hey" or "sup" - that's different. I'm OK with ignoring those generally, especially if you have a quick note in your profile to that effect ("If all you can say is "hey" or "sup", I'm not responding"). But that's ignoring laziness, not ignoring "unappealing" candidates. Turning someone down is almost never rude. But it can be rudely done, and ignoring a polite expression of interest (of any sort) qualifies for that. IMO.
    3 points
  12. I hate to be a spoilsport, but a vaccine taken today will only be very partially effective by the weekend - something on the order of 50% for HIV-negative guys (if I remember correctly) and even less for guys who are HIV+, even those who are undetectable. Not sure of your HIV status, but I wouldn't count on a Tuesday shot offering significant protection by Friday night.
    3 points
  13. I agree about the “IRL” vs online aspect of it. But the way I see it is it works two ways- both from the person being approached and the person doing the approach. In real life, let’s say in a bathhouse, you see a guy you may be interested in so you have a certain approach. It takes balls to approach a guy because you don’t know if he’s going to be into you or reject you. You convey a certain type of body language- smile at him, give a genuine greeting, etc. Often times online, guys are much more lazy in their approach. I for one, understand that this is primarily about hooking up, but I’d still like to be treated like a human during the interaction. I have it stated in my profile that if you approach me with just “hey” or “sup” or “head?” and can’t communicate in sentences greater than one word, we are not a match. And yet, I still get TONS of these lazy messages every single day. I’ve learned that guys who are lazy with their approach are usually terrible in bed and that is IF the hook up actually happens. Most of the guys who communicate in this lazy sort of manner I have found are never actually serious about meeting up. So to them I don’t respond. If a guy sends me a more thought out message that’s clear about what he wants and is into, and actually interacts like a human would in real life, I’ll respond even if I have a feeling he’s not my type.
    3 points
  14. Chapter 3 The Kid started coughing and was trying to get fresh air into his lungs. At the same time he felt the guy in his ass pull back a little and ram his cock up the Kid’s fuck chute as far as he could get, he wiggled to make sure the root had plugged the spasming hole wrapped around his cock. He let loose with a torrent of cum into the Kid’s ass The guy pulled his cock out of the Kid and the other guy got behind the Kid. He thought he was going to get fucked again but was surprised when the guy squeezed his cheeks and spread them open, then the guy stared sucking on the Kids gaping hole. The feelings were great to the Kid and he cooed and stated to relax. The heat in his groin was in total control of him now. He remembered this feeling and love letting this part of him go. The Guy stopped and the Kid was disappointed as it felt really great. The Guy took a hit on the Pipe and then went back to the Kid’s ass and Blew that smoke in the Kid’s rectum. He felt it go n and it really felt strange. The guy held the Kid’s cheeks together so it would stay in. The Guy took a second hit and then blew that in the Kids ass. He felt it this time even more, probably because of the Volume. The Guy squeezed the Kid’s cheeks together again and said “ That is really strong stuff ”. The guy opened the Kid’s cheeks and put his mouth on his hole. He stared sucking the white cloud out of the Kid. Between the two hits and the guy had and the heat of the moment he was extremely aggressive with his ass eating. After he got the smoke out he wanted more and began using his teeth to try to open the hole more. The Kid was saying that it hurt and was begging to go easier. The guy didn’t go easy, in fact he bit down on the Kid’s sensitive rectum and the Kid yelled. The pain was intense but in a perverted was it was mixed with extreme pleasure. The totally confused the Kid. He had never felt like pain was the path to pleasure before. He remembered feeling pain when playing in the past but never the intense feeling of satisfaction and pleasure at the same time. The first guy to fuck him was sitting next to him and patted his cock which was now a full staff and ready for another go. The guy looked over and over and said “ Why don’t you come over here and sit on this “ . The Kid got up and turned around and squatted over the cock that was pointing straight up. One of the guys moved it and aimed it at the Kid’s now tender asshole. The Kid started to lower him self down on it when the Guy grabbed his hips and forcefully pulled the Kid down in one swift move. This took the Kid’s breath away at the sudden intrusion. Even though it wasn’t a huge cock he felt as if he was a puppet impaled on a pole. They put the Pipe back to the Kid’s mouth and told him to suck. He did as he was told and before long his head was spinning and he was really enjoying the cock imbedded in his ass. One of the guys there were now watching the Kid get his ass probed deeper than before said “ How old is this Kid. He can’t be legal “. There he was , sitting on this pole grinding his now over heated ass to get more in him, with a nice hard on and no hair from his face down , He looked like a teenager. One of the guys said “ I think we have a really young one to mess up tonight. Little did they know that the Kid was in his early 20s and was out of college already. A guy got om each side and lifted the Kid up and then dropped him back down on the cock. Each time the Kid made a different sound. He also said “ This feels so good. I want more”. It didn’t take long for the guy to say he was about to cum again. He said that this was not normal but this Kid was so hot inside he couldn’t resist giving him more in his sloppy cunt. As he started to cum in this Kid’s ass one of the guys knelt down and started sucking the Kid’s cock. It was long until the Kid erupted into the guy’s mouth. The guy with his cock up the Kids as felt the ring of fire in the kid to start contracting on his cock, it was as if the Kid had a magical cock the could suck like any mouth could. The guy said “ Christ, this kid’s ass is trying to suck my nuts not him “. The two were connected more than most would ever get. About the time the guy was done shooting in the Kid’s ow very sloppy ass the Kid was done shooting his cum down the guy’s throat. There was a very relaxed and feeling between the two of them. He hadn’t felt this connection to anyone for a while. The Guy stared to move, and the Kid started to get off but the guy held him down, he had other ideas. He kept his cock up the Kid’s ass and stood up. This gave the Kid’s ass a strange feeling as he never moved around with anything up his ass. He decided he liked this new feeling
    3 points
  15. Not sure your age, but I was alive and paying attention back when this was happening. Here's a historical run down of Clinton and gay issues. Bottom line he was promoting gay rights during his campaign - which was radical for the time. There were two things that really caused him problems the first year of his presidency - 1) his support of gay rights and 2) Hillary's attempts to get the ball moving on universal healthcare. The Clintons understand that politics is about compromise (unlike Bernie who has accomplished almost nothing because with him it's all or nothing). So when Clinton couldn't get the full recognition of gays in the military he settled for Don't Ask, Don't Tell. It was still a step forward. There are some battles where you take what you can and fight another day. DOMA was one of those battles. To say Democrats or Clinton didn't support gay rights when they were at the forefront of the battle (in terms of mainstream politics of their time) is just ignorant. That's not how it happened. ^^^ THIS ^^^ is brilliant! Civil rights should never be voted on. It's always the place of the courts to point that out and change things. I'd add that I think the Jewish religion has it right on abortion issues. They believe life begins when you take your first breath and ends when you take your last breath. Which means the fetus is part of the woman until it's born. And being part of the woman - it's her body which she can do with as she wants. [BTW - I happen to disagree with the Jews on the life ends when you take your last breath bit. I think brain death is when you die, but that's the topic for another day.]
    3 points
  16. Chad’s Collapse into Chaos: Chapter 1 Note: There is a fairly long contextual intro. Jump to the spot with the pictures to get to the action. Chad: 29 5’9” 160lbs, slightly toned, drank and smoked weed occasionally. Has a good job in marketing/communications in sales. Vanilla life, recently heartbroken, and tries drugs and anonymous sex for the first time, while alone after a weekend at a music festival. ----- My life was in shambles. For years I had been with only one guy. We met when I was younger, not even out of the closet. Then again, I felt like I was barely out of the closet now. Still, I spent years with this guy. Our breakup felt sudden. Me? I’m Chad. Grew up in PEI, a relatively simple lower middle class life. Mom was a drunk, Dad left when we were young, but we managed. I grew up fantasizing about guys, but mostly avoiding relationships. As I got older, I went to school for business in a larger city out west and ended up working a few jobs in marketing sales. It was an easy gig. I showed up, acted charming, told the clients what they wanted to hear, and I made enough sales to perform well. In college I met Trevor out at a bar. He was making eyes, I was drunk enough to make eyes back. That lead to a years long relationship were I felt content enough to not dig any deeper. Trev? Clearly he felt different. I caught him cheating. I walked in on him in our apartment on the fringes between suburbs and downtown of the city we lived in. I came home early from work one day when I was feeling a bit off. My mental health sometimes gets the better of me, and this day, I just wasnt feeling it. It was just after lunch when I entered our townhouse. I always entered from the patio doors, as they were usually open, and our back yard was really hidden as the pathway to get to the back ran along the edge of a wall at the end of the townhouses. It emptied out onto a private terrace backed onto a greenway that led up to a highway. It was private. Too private I found out. I was about to walk in when I saw that Trev was blindfolded, leading over counter, while a stranger was jack hammering his ass. Both Trev and the stranger were facing away from me at a diagonal. I could see most of what was happening, but not all of it. I felt sick. Everything swirled and I wasn’t sure what to do. So I stood there. I watched. Trev was acting wild, wilder than he ever did with me. The top was really handsy, grabbing my partner in ways I didn’t know were okay. He slapped him, pulled his hair, and roughly grabbed his neck and choked him. Trev seemed to love it. I felt so conflicted. So shameful. This was nothing like when Trevn and I had sex. I could hear them through the door. The top grunting, Trev groaning, with both of them talking dirty. “You want it?” I could barely pick it out, but I could hear it. “Fuck me daddy, breed me.” I was shocked. Trev was fucking this stranger bare. I couldn’t watch anymore. I started to leave when I heard the top groan. “Fuck yeh, take it. Take my cum!” I nearly tripped over myself getting out of there and heading to my car. I got in, turned it on and drove away slowly. I continued on for a while, finally ending up at a part I used to run at. The entire drive there I was rock hard and leaking. My brain and heart were broken, but my cock and lust were on full blast. Everything swelled. Before I could sense what I was doing, I was rubbing my cock through my pants. I rubbed and rubbed, while I thought about Trev getting fucked raw by a stranger and taking his cum. I fucked him raw, but I was his partner. This was so shocking to me. But it turned me on. I rubbed and suddenly I was cumming through my underwear and pants. I panted, feeling raw, horny, and feral. I also felt confused. As I came to I noticed a car had pulled up next to me and in the driver’s seat a man was sitting there watching me. He winked at me. I felt sick. This entire time the car had been on and in park. I had to go. I left in a hurry, spreading crusher dust and gravel everywhere as I spun out of there. I couldn’t go home, but I didnt know where to go. —-- I drove around for a while before deciding to go to a friend’s. She wasn’t too far away and she was as a friend from home. She took me in, listened to my heartbreak, and told me I could stay as long as I wanted. The same day I broke up with Trev. I did it over the phone, I couldn’t tell him why. I couldn’t even form the words. I just told him I wanted him out of the house and with his things by the end of the week. He didn’t even seem to care, he almost sounded relieved. I knew he was sitting there listening to me while there was cum inside him from another man. Maybe this is what he always wanted. I definitely didn’t want it. I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. My friend told me this was “perfect timing”. That she and a few other friends were headed to a music festival in another city for a few days that weekend, and one of her friends couldn’t go anymore so there was an extra vip ticket. I had never been to a music festival and I tried to tell her I just needed to be by myself and recover, but she wasn’t hearing any of it. “Fuck that, you are coming, and we are going to have a great time. You will see!” They had rented an airbnb for 5 days in the downtown core, just a single train ride with a few stops over to the festival. It was hot and I spent most of the weekend drunk and high. I had never partied before, but my friend and company were prepared. They had a party kit with tons of supplies and most of them spent the weekend high on molly. I abstained, only drinking and getting stoned, until the final night of the festival. My friend was persistent. She said it would be a good time and to relax. Fuck it. I dropped some molly. The final night was amazing and surprising. I ended up making eyes at one of the gay guys in the group while dancing at a slow electronic band’s set towards the end of the night. He made eyes back. He took my hand and led me away to an edge, near some hedges, and we made out. We left the festival early and headed to the airbnb where he gave me a deep blowjob that felt like magic. But, just as I came, all I could think about was Trev getting barebacked while wearing a blindfold. I kept picturing myself in the position. Feeling what he felt. I was a top, only having been fingered a few times, including this night while the other guy blew me. I shot deep into his mouth while thinking about getting cock and jizz deep inside my hold. “Holy fuck dude, you shot so much and your ass really clenched onto my finger. You loved it.” Indeed I did, but I also felt a lot of shame. I woke up feeling awful. Friends and company were already packing up. I had driven a few of us here, but most were taking other rides or planes back home to where they lived. I was driving by myself. I had planned on leaving today, but I felt so awful. My friends saw it in my body and face. “Oh Chad, you look rough.” and “Fuck dude, you should sleep it off. We have the airbnb for two more nights. I was going to stay in the city but I can’t cause of work now. It is already paid for. I heard what happened man, you should stay and chill. Go to the spa or something and just relax. Here are the details.” I had already taken two weeks off work because of the breakup, so essentially, I was free. I said yes and as my friends packed up, and headed out. I was in and out of sleep, unsure of myself, feeling awful, and just happy I didnt have to move. Before leaving, my friend came over to say goodbye as I groaned. “Hey Chad, im heading out. This was a great weekend and I am so glad you came and I am even more glad you are staying for a bit. You deserve a break. Get out there, make some friends, meet guys, have fun. I left you some stuff in the kitchen. Have fun!” She leaned over, gave a kiss on the cheek, slapped my ass, and left. I fell asleep. I woke up hours later. The sky was already getting dark, I was starving having not eaten in 30 hours. I was also really horny. I woke up with a raging hard on and instantly thought about the previous nights blowjob and Trevor getting anonymously fucked. My heart started pounding. I rolled out of bed, with my hard on poking through my underwear, catching the corners of things. I had to piss but I was too hard. I walked into the kitchen, thinking about eating, but even though I was hungry, I didnt have the urge to eat. On the table there was a small bag, and a few bottles of rum. She left me quite the surprise. Inside the bag were 2 pills of molly, a few grams of weed and smoking supplies, and a note. “Have fun, be careful, and let loose. You deserve it. Call me if you need anything.” On the back of the note was the instructions for the airbnb. I eyed the weed. It was late, I wasnt going out. So I grabbed the weed, a bottle of rum, and headed to the patio in my underwear. I sat there, thinking about Trevor, the blowjob, and how my life was collapsing around me. I was 28, relatively good looking, had a good job, but I was no single and in the worst kind of possible way. I smoked and took swigs from the bottle as I watched the sunset. I wanted to crawl back into bed, but my hardon kept coming and going. I was getting pretty buzzed. I grabbed my phone, looked at my hard dick leaking through my undies, and downloaded a few hook up apps. I made a quick profile, using this image, with these details: Shynewlysingleguy: 29 years old, toned, 160lbs, vers top I took the pic quickly, setting it up. Why I wanted to show my ass, im not sure. I just kept thinking about how it felt from Trevors perspective. I didnt look at the apps anymore. I decided I needed a shower and as I walked back into the kitchen, I thought about the molly. I really enjoyed last night. I was shocked that I was even having these thoughts, but I was feeling desparate and horny. The “fuck it” mindset was really being pushed along by the weed and the rum. I set down everything, took off my clothes, reached into the bag and grabbed the two pills, and headed for the bathroom. I stopped in front of the mirror, looking at my body. I looked tired, but nice. I was tanned, and the lack of food and water over the weekend had my body looking so tight. I stared at myself and my cock, cut and pointing up towards my stomach. It was 7inches and average. I was afraid to touch it, feeling like I could cum at any moment. I threw the pills in my mouth, looked at myself directly in the eye, and swallowed. I jumped in the shower and gave myself a deep clean, avoiding touching my cock, but scrubbing everywhere sensually. It felt great. I had felt stoned and a bit drunk and I knew the molly would kick in fast with nothing in my body to stop it. I layed down in the shower letting the water fall on my body. It felt amazing. I laid there touching my body and making my way down to my ass. I lifted my legs and rubbed my hole while thinking of Trevor getting railed. Using soap, I fingered myself and lost track of time. My dick was bouncing and leaking. I could tell I was going to be very high soon so I stopped immediately. No more thinking, no more wishing. I needed to get fucked. I dried off and grabbed the my phone, rum, weed, and a bottle of water and headed to the bedroom, stopped, and turned the other direction. In the basement there was another bedroom, with a separate entrance. This is where I got the blowjob. Both me and the other guy entered this way and something compelled me to head there. If I was going to hook up, this would be the easiest way to do it. I jumped on the bed, pointing my still damp and naked ass towards the door, and opened Grindr. Right away there were messages. Already it was getting hard to function. I was spinning a bit. The molly was kicking in and I felt incredible. I was horny, my dick was rubbing against the sheets I was on. I wasn’t wearing anything and started to feel a bit insecure, but I felt to fuzzy to get up and move. He replied. Whoa. I was staring at the cock in the picture, thinking about the man behind Trevor, who was pounding his ass. Was this what his cock was like? Thick, hard, big mushroom head. Did it feel good? I needed to know. I couldnt bring myself to get fucked bareback. Not yet. I was wanting it so badly, but I just, the thought of a stranger, with the risks involved. I just couldn’t. He didnt reply back. I sat there refreshing the app, looking at other apps, then I got a notification. I had the volume on and the sound almost knocked me over. I opened the app. His message was there. It was then that I knew I needed to get fucked. I typed in the address. I dont know why I said stuff. Was that deliberate? The message took all I had. I was now fully high. I couldn’t write much more. He responded quickly. Suddenly I felt very vulnerable. I also felt nervous and I was shaking. I took a big swig of rum, then went for the water bottle but in my highness, I knocked it onto the floor. Fuck. I rolled over and half slipped off the bed to try and find the bottle that had rolled under the bed. As I peaked under the bed, my head upside down and swirling, I nearly fainted. But I saw the bottle and could reach it. It had rolled up against some clothing, something that the guy who blew me must of left behind. I grabbed the water and the clothing. As I rolled back up on to the bed, the bottle and clothing dropped onto my face. The bottle hurt, bouncing and rolling off into the pillow. But the clothes lingered on my face. They smelled raunchy but incredible. I laid there sniffing them not sure what they were. I opened my eyes and lifted them up. They were a jock, and they were covered in white dried cum. I almost passed out. I looked at the clock at the bedside table and it read 10:26. Almost ten minutes. I had been sniffing the jockstrap for almost ten minutes. I was rock hard and leaking, I needed release, but the jock was too good to ignore. I kept thinking about Trevor, seeing him in a blindfold ass up and taking it, and I was about to do the same. This jock was covered in someone else's cum, left behind, with the same of the encounter. Now I held it, the jock and the shame. I pulled down the jock strap and put it on. I rolled over, covered some of my upper body with the sheets, buried my head in the pillows, and waited. I heard the door open. … more to come.
    2 points
  17. After numerous requests, here is the next fictional account of the in the saga of the Kid. Other Kid stories are Kid got everything he wanted The Kid goes to his first bath house. As usual this is only fiction and not meant to actually be done. Some of this would send a person to the ER ( Or worse ) with an overdose. It is for reading enjoyment only, and of course arousing you if you need help with that. Chapter 1 The Kid has had some great adventures with his first party and then his first trip to a bathhouse here he was given drugs and plowed by some of the craziest guys and perverts in the world. He wanted to get back to the first guys next party but cold never arrange time. Between his work and girlfriend, there never seemed to be any time for his private perverted play. He contacted me several time to see what I was doing. I had to have some minor surgery and couldn’t get to the monthly party, and he wanted to have me there when he went next time. He was frustrated with his relationship because while his girlfriend was nymph when it came to sex she didn’t like sucking him to a finish and never would give up her ass. Sometime after his first party he had gotten a case of the Flue and his Girlfriend caught it from him and came down with it a couple weeks later. Since he had met Tina he had a deep driving need to play with her every chance he could and those were very few and far apart. The recovery after the first party was rough but he was able to get back to normal in a couple days after. The second party his recovery was a lot quicker, even though he had a lot more. His insides yearned to be spun again, his desire to feel stuff roaming in his ass and filing him was undeniable. He had met with a few guys but non seemed to satisfy his needs. One black guy was hung, he remembered it hurting and he took it waiting for it to feel better, but it never felt the way it did when Horse was lodged in his ass and Horse was bigger that this guy. One guy actually helped him some in a park one night, he was bent over a bench taking a guy with a small dick and after the guy shot what felt like a couple drops up his ass another guy came over and asked him if he wanted more with a little extra. The Kid started to get up when the guy pushed him back over the bench and proceeded to push a much larger cock up his ass. The guy felt different when the Kid realized this guy had a PA on his cock. It felt cool when it rubbed his hole before the guy grabbed the Kid’s hips and basically impaled the Kid on his cock. The Kid yelled at the sudden intrusion, the guy said “ Shut the fuck up, you want to bring the cops “ ? as the Kid stared to say no when the guy pulled partially out and rammed back in. all the Kid could do is squeak the word “ No “. The Bushes around the area rustled and a couple guys walked up, both had their cocks out and were jerking them. With the position of the Kid neither could get in front of him to get any service. The guy pumped a couple more times when he stopped. He held still. The Kid stared to back onto the cock when the guy slapped his ass and said “ Hold still you little whore “. The guy hen said “ Here comes the Little extra slut “. The Kid was looking at the two cocks off to the side and wasn’t paying that close attention to the guy in his ass. He wasn’t sure what he meant but then felt a warmth spreading in his bowels, he knew form past experience it was the yellow flood of the guy’s piss. The guy said “ Here is your extra, hope you enjoy it “. The Kid was in heaven, this was the first time since the time at the bath house he got this treatment. It really made him feel like a total slut, the pig whore of all whores. He only hoped he would end up getting the other guys cocks up his ass. When the guy was finished emptying his bladder, he started to slowly fuck the piss in the kids insides. He wanted to make sure the Kid could absorb as much as possible. He couldn’t hold off to long, this kids ass was great and had a natural ability to milk a guys cock. The guy cold tell he hadn’t been fucked much, at least not for a while. The Kid was slowly losing himself into the Acton up his ass. His whole body felt warm and almost to the point of being on fire. All he could think of was that he never wanted this to end. He could hear and feel the squishing of the cock as it slopped around in his guts. There was a pressure when he pushed in and it really felt good. The guy eventually picked up speed and some of the nasty mix started squirting out of the Kids ass. The guy slammed up into the Kid’s ass and said “ Take my spunk you nasty fagot punk “. The Kid said “ Yes, knock me up”. The kid could feel the throbbing cock up his ass, firing shot after shot into his ass. The guy slumped over the Kid for a few minutes and the Kid could feel a second twitching in his ass. The guy said “ Yeah, here comes a little more to help you out “. The Kid knew for sure he was shooting a second load of piss in his guts, pushing his cum into areas that it would never come out before it was absorbed. The guy finally pulled out and some of the nasty mix started dripping out, even with the kid in the head down position and trying to hold it in he couldn’t keep it from spilling out. The guy sat down next to the Kid. Even though he was off to the side he could see the cock that just split his ass. Even soft it looked Big and thick, it had an impressively big PA in the end of it, bigger that be thought. The Guy pulled out a glass pipe and started to heat it up. He could clearly see the white smoke in the bowel. the Guy looked over at the Kid and Smiled.
    2 points
  18. Finally was able to embark on taking my second raw cock, and a total of 3 loads in me. Met a new Dom top today. First, Locked in chastity, harness and hood on, I was tied to the posts of the deck outside and sucked him nice and hard, until I begged him to fuck me bareback. Was taken inside, put on all fours and fucked silly until he unloaded in me. I think we have created a monster! I want more, I need more.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. My opener: Excuse me. I don't mean to bother you but I'm a nymphomaniac virgin widow and I just completed my year of mourning. I've got a hotel room and a latex allergy and I'm just wondering what you were doing for the next twelve to fourteen hours?
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. besides sucking my own dad, i have always sought out dads with sons. It usually started with me talking to the son or dad at a nude beach or xx theaters and feeling them out if that kind of talk turned them on. Have to say almost 95 percent found it hot. over the years, have probably seen about 5 sons actually going down on daddy.
    2 points
  23. Love to hear the top during the pumping "I'm going to breed you" . Love it when a top is all verbal like that! Lucky bottom you had! Great post..
    2 points
  24. Reading through the responses here, find it interesting how the net and online experience is different than 'IRL'. Lol, even that acronym: "IRL" and many others, have come out of online culture. Is online not "real life?" i digress. i find it noteworthy that some ignore, or do not respond with even a few words or polite reply, because it would somehow be a gross waste of their time to acknowledge another human being who has reached out to them, Of course, they do not put it that way, nor do they likely think of it that way... i doubt the same people who do this would respond similarly IRL. i think the online experience promotes a sort of detached, drive thru experience where we have been conditioned to have it our way, have it now, or not at all. The person on the other end has become a commodity, or a service, and if they do no meet our criteria, we ignore or delete them as, not a person, but a disqualified product.
    2 points
  25. Done. I also deleted a bunch of other old stuff (e.g. Jabber user name) and added Telegram User Name since a lot of guys are on there. That said, Telegram links are still verboten since everyone posting them in the past seemed to be into kiddie porn (!)
    2 points
  26. 5 guys over the 3 day holiday. Fucking love how strong i have become.
    2 points
  27. Kevin had been curious for a while now. When he was about 15 he discovered that he had a more than usual interest in girly stuff, which made him question some other things. Sure he had a girlfriend and she was thrilled to find out Kevin would gladly join her on shopping trips or help with her make-up. But she never expected Kevin to read up on news feeds involving search terms like 'homo' or 'gay'. To be frnak, Kevin wasn't too sure himself what he was doing, or whether or not he was really interested in stuff like that or if he was just horny as fuck. Anyway, nothing happened in those years except a lot of straight sex. And once Kevin got a bit older and he went to university to study law, nothing changed. Kevin still had girlfriends, and Kevin was still jerking off on online sites that could probably be qualified as queer. The difference was that now Kevin had a little bit more privacy as his parents had rented a small appartment in the city of his alma mater. And as such, Kevin had plenty of time to really search the internet for all kind of devious stuff. And to engage in chatting and sharing some pics. Doing so, showed Kevin that he was not alone. A lot of men were jerking of thinking about the same stuff, and Kevin discovered that he quite liked knowing men got hard because of what he said, or what he showed. Of course, this quickly became an addiction. Logging on every time he could, trying to delay cumming as long as possible, so he could chat for longer as he discovered that once he came, he became a bit confused and embarassed. Luckily, chatting so often also meant that every now and then, the same people showed up. And some of these people were actually interesting to talk to, even if stuff often got back to talk about hard cock and the uses thereof. One of these men was really interesting. 52, married but in a sexless relationship, plenty of experience with men, had discovered his sexuality later on, enjoyed talking to young men and guiding them along, had a really nice thick cock, frequented the gay sauna a couple of block away, etc... And they chatted a couple of days, or weeks, and they actually got to know each other. Which of course also meant sharing some more personal details, like relationships, feelings, thoughts, and location. First a bit circumspect (near the cinema), later on a bit more specific, and even later - probably in a way to horny mood - Kevin shared an exact address. As he was cumming a he pressed 'enter' to send that address, of course he immediately felt scared and embarrased and he logged out. But nothing happened. A couple of days later, he was once again chatting, when that guy logged in, and the conversation started up again. As Kevin felt bad for treating the guy to a silent treatment, the conversation quickly picked up again. Talk went this way, and that way, and Kevin admitted he really liked seeing that thick cock. So the guy said that he was going to log out, and he would be at Kevin's place in 15 minutes. He logged off. 15 minutes later the doorbell rang. Again and again. But Kevin didn't open, because Kevin already came, and he felt embarrased and thought that he wasn't like this at all. Kevin didn't see the guy online for a few days and when he did, he quickly logged out himself. In the end, Kevin chatted at some other places, browsed some other sites. And he hoped that that man would be so pissed, that he didn't return. A week later, there came a knock on the door. The landlord was doing some repair work, and he happened to be painting the front door when Kevin's uncle dropped by, so he showed him in. Kevin doesn't have an uncle. So there he was, pretty fit, a tanning bed brown, smaller then expected, but definitely the guy from the chat room. He went inside, thanked the landlord, closed the door and set down on Kevin's bed. After a moment of silence he just said that he had the idea that Kevin needed to talk to someone like him in real life. He asked Kevin to come sit beside him, and of course Kevin's legs betrayed him by walking over to the bed. The same phrases as he had read online... That sometimes men feel things for other men. That this isn't a bad thing. Sometimes one needs to try it to know, but sometimes you immediately know it isn't for you. For example, if the touch of another mans hand on you thight feels wrong. Kevin's cock was the next body part to betray him. The simple motion of putting a hand on Kevin's thigh made Kevin's cock jump so hard, that the man couldn't help but notice. "So you do like it, he said...", and Kevin - flushed red - could only start to say "of course" before he received his first kiss from a man. It all went very quickly after that, almost rehearsed. The man stood up, pulled of his short and string (which he obviously wore when tanning) and went to wash his cock at the sink, while Kevin sat there on the bed. Once the man returned, with an incredible erect cock, he helped Kevin out of his clothes and sent him to wash his own cock. As Kevin returned to the bed, the guy made him stop before the bed. The guy sat down, looked at Kevin, and swallowed his cock. And Kevin was kind of surprised that this didn't feel so different, it was a wet mouth on his hard cock. But it was that fact that it was a man that made this so sexy. After a while, the guy asked if Kevin wanted to try this himself. Kevin didn't say a word, but went down to his knees for the first time in his life. That thick cock in front of him. Swaying from side to side. Smelling so much like a man. Glistening with precum. Kevin liked it. tasted it, kissed it, sucked it, cupped the balls, gently took the shaft in his hand and kept sucking it until the guy moaned that Kevin needed to stop. Kevin didn't stop. Kevn was wondering why he had waited so long to try and suck a cock like this. As Kevin was so enthralled, the guy pushed Kevin of his cock and motioned Kevin to sit down next to him. The guy started to say that sucking isn't the only thing men can do, but Kevin knew where this was going and said "Yes" halfway through the explanation. Kevin found himself on his back, face to face with the guy kissing him. Kevin noticed that the guy was doing stuff to his thick cock and Kevin's hole, but he was too much in the moment to care. "Just keep breathing", the guy said, as he started to push his cock into Kevin's virgin hole. It hurt like hell. Kevin almost screamed. Tears flooded his eyes. The guy stopped pushing, stayed in place, slowly pulled back and then went a bit deeper. It hurt all the way going in, and then some more. It hurt when the guy stopped moving and slid all the way out. It hurt going back in. It hurt until the guy hit that spot. It still hurt, but Kevin found out he liked this kind of pain, this sensation of a cock filling him completely. And Kevin relaxed and let himself get fucked. Kevin was confirmed in his suspicion that he liked cock. And the guy was still fucking him. Kevin lifted his legs a bit and received a kiss in gratitude and a cock just a bit deeper as reward. The guy fucked him untill he came. He started playing a bit with Kevin's cock, but Kevin remarked that he didn't want to cum. The guy stood up, washed his cock, dressed and left. Kevin stayed in bed a bit. Jerked of, while his fingers were probing his used hole. And came incredibly hard, cum shooting over his head against the wall. Kevin didn't know what to think. The guy wasn't online for a couple of days. When the doorbell rang on the third day, Kevin just opened the door.
    2 points
  28. Fuck. That armpit. Fucking perfect. It's fucking wet. This is from when I bred my éS Accels. I fucked it and gave it a 180 shuv to nose blunt. Like a facial, but for skate shoes. I cleaned them up with my fingers, licked my nut off my hand, and started making them look like this: Not mine. I could never make a left shoe look that fucking hot.
    2 points
  29. You bought the ticket when you made the decision to fuck once again and you got the result, whether desired or not, but I'll agree with ErosWired that the child deserves to be brought up in a loving family unit if at all possible. One question I'll ask: You mentioned she's had affairs, and since you didn't state the timing or proximity information, do you know for certain that the child is yours? If so, congratulations. If not, you have some other decisions. I'll diverge from ErosWired's view in one key area, your mileage may vary. I grew up in a two parent household, and it was far from perfect. It was very dysfunctional. Devoid of affection between the parents, and distant from the extended family. A dad who was king of the two-beer-buzz and had difficulty in keeping a job, let alone a career. A mother who was an alcoholic. Pretty fractured. Might I have been better off with one parent? In a way I was since the other parent was off and rarely every a presence in my life, even if he was physically there. The only glue keeping that relationship together was me, and when I went off to college, things fell apart very quickly. In the end, mom was mom and still is after two failed marriages and fractured relationships of all kinds, and dad never really understood how to be truly close to his wife or kid and just kept as far away as possible. If you're going to be a family, be a family. Rather than having to stay together for the sake of the kid, be an actual lasting presence in the child's life. Be the person that you needed as a kid, whether you and your girl cohabitate or not. Just having two parents in a home is convenient but doesn't always result in the right things happening. Good luck in your decisions.
    2 points
  30. On the one hand, I don’t cross-dress, so can’t speak to that area of your question. On the other, I’m a father of two, and bringing a child into the world rearranges your priorities in a radical way, very, very quickly. Unless, of course, you’re a piece of shit for a parent. When the child appears, the calculus changes - your life is no longer all about you anymore. There’s a growing, developing human being who cannot fend for itself, and you brought it to this hostile environment. It’s on you to ensure that that new person gets needs met and gets the best possible running start at launching off into life. And God knows it ain’t easy. Will you have to give up putting on women’s clothes and taking cock from strangers? Possibly, for a while. It will depend on what impact that activity might have on the child. Does it risk the destruction of the family unit the child depends on? If so, then, yes, you probably need to suck it up for a while and be a dad instead of a sissy slut. You bought the dad ticket, now you’re on the dad train. (It never really comes to a stop, but it will slow down in about 18-21 years.) I realize that telling you that you may need to set aside an aspect of your sexuality for a time seems like a steep order. But I can also tell you what can happen if you don’t. If your spouse (I’m assuming spouse, though you only call her “your girl”) learns of your behavior and decides that she isn’t willing to put up with that, you could face a breakup of the relationship - regrettable for you, but catastrophic for a child who will not be raised with both parents. Yes, it happens all the time, and children survive. But I’m not speaking theoretically. I’m speaking from experience. My two grew up in two separate houses on shared time, and it has hurt them. Only you can decide what your priorities are, and where your values lie. Only you can tell how much you’re willing to sacrifice for the love of your child. I don’t envy you the choices you have to face. I do congratulate you on your coming fatherhood.
    2 points
  31. PART 2 As we walked through my front door, Conrad reached into his backpack and took out a box of rubbers. “Can’t forget condoms,” he said with an awkward laugh. I took them from his hand, managed a vague sort of nod, and threw them on the dining room table. My boys usually insist on condoms—at first. But after a little bit of chemical intervention, they always transform into eager raw cumholes. Only once did I end up with an especially stubborn kid who kept trying to wrap my dick, so I resorted to a backup plan—a stash of broken rubbers with little holes poked in the reservoirs. Didn’t matter in the end. By the time the condom tore apart while I was pounding his negboy hole, he was so high he tore the shreds of rubber away from my cock and ran his finger along the raw shaft as it plunged in and out of his chemmed-up cunt, his eyes glazing over with the deep-buried desire to be a bareback whore. I always get what I want. I told Conrad to take a seat on the couch and help himself to the pot. Meanwhile, I walked to the kitchen. I took a few sodas out of the fridge and poured them into glasses I’d already dosed with a cap of G. I love G because it transforms uptight boys into ragdoll sluts in a matter of 20 minutes. The taste can be tough to hide, but I recently found a dealer who consistently delivers high-potency GHB that doesn’t taste awful. In fact, after diluting the stuff in 12 ounces of Pepsi, it only leaves a subtle aftertaste—perfect for serving to unsuspecting negboys. As I finished my little cocktail, I heard Conrad’s voice from the couch: “Hey, what’s this?” That made me grin, because I knew exactly what he was talking about. On a tray in the middle of the coffee table, I’d left a bong full of pot. And right next to it, I’d left a little glass pipe full of Tina. Every single time, my negboy visitors are deeply fascinated by the glass pipe, so all I need to do is pretend like it’s nothing too special. “What’s what?” I asked. “I’m just wondering what’s in this little glass pipe thing full of white stuff.” “Oh, that,” I replied, walking into the living room with the G-laced Pepsi. “Not sure you’re ready for that. It’s called T. It can be really, really fun. It makes me horny as fuck, and I bet you’d have a blast on it. But maybe we should just take it easy—just stick with the pot, you know? Here’s some soda, by the way. Drink up, little bro.” He took a few gulps of Pepsi while holding the glass pipe, looking at it intently. My dick stiffened. “Actually, I’m curious,” he said. “Would it be cool if I just tried it?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure, bud—be my guest. But let me show you how to work it, OK?” I sat down next to him, my hands visibly shaking with excitement. “Alright, now hold that pipe up to your mouth. Yeah, just like that. I’m gonna light this little torch and heat up the stuff in the bowl. Just wait a moment. See that? See the little wisps of smoke forming? Now when I say go, just start inhaling very lightly and steadily. Lightly and steadily. Got it? OK, bud—go ahead. Start inhaling. There you go. Good boy. Just take that swirling smoke into your lungs and hold it until I tell you otherwise. Got it?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “OK, little bro,” I said to him, taking the pipe away from his mouth. “Hold it, just for a sec. Then exhale it through your nose. There you go. Fuck yeah—good boy! Now again.” That first hit was a nice fat one—the cloud emerging from his mouth and nostrils was thick and white, and my cock dripped at the smell of the Tina emanating from his lungs. From that point on, with each cloud of meth that escaped his lips and his nostrils, he was losing a little bit of his innocence. For the second hit, I gave him the torch to operate, and I talked him through it. The result was another giant hit of solid white clouds pouring out of his mouth and nose. “OK, boy—do one more. You’re on your own. I think you got it.” He immediately hit the pipe again, and I turned away to hide my giant, triumphant grin as Conrad smoked away all his defenses. “I’m just gonna put a little entertainment on the TV here, OK? Oh, and don’t forget your soda.” When I turned on the TV, it automatically started playing one of my favorite movies. It’s an amateur video shot by a filthy pig I know from the Midwest—a wrestling coach who likes to chem and poz some of the hot little jockboys on his team. He’d sent me a few videos, but this was my favorite: a sexy, ripped, piggy 18-year-old named Lance was all slammed up and taking loads from a roomful of coaches and former teammates. Behind me, I heard the click of the torch again. Fuck yeah, I thought, this boy is already fuckin’ hooked. As I turned back to face him, I took off my wife-beater. Conrad froze in place, the pipe halfway to his lips, smoke billowing out of his mouth. He just stared at my hairy chest, his eyes dilated pitch-black. “You feelin’ good, little bro?” He gave me a dazed nod, his mouth agape. “Why don’t you take off your shirt, huh? Show off your sweet little body. Do that for your big bro?” He peeled his tank top upward, revealing his flat stomach with its ridges of ab muscles, then his compact little muscular chest. He was just starting to develop a treasure trail down the center of his stomach, leading past the waistband of his shorts to the bulge of his cock that strained against his zipper. His soda was gone; the G would be hitting him soon. I walked over to the couch and took the pipe from his hands. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, you’re just about the sexiest boy I’ve ever seen." I ran my hand down his torso, and he sighed a deep, hungry sigh. "Listen, buddy: I have a few more things to show you. You wanna learn from your big bro?” He half-grunted, half-moaned in response. “OK: I’m gonna do a hit. Then I’m gonna blow it into your mouth, and you’re gonna blow it back in mine, then back and forth we go until we can’t go anymore. It’s called a shotgun, and it’s one of my favorite things to do with a sexy little bro like you.” I put the pipe to my lips and took a deep, thick hit of white smoke. Then I put the pipe down, turned to Conrad, sealed my open mouth against his, and exhaled my cloud into his lungs. A moment later, he breathed the Tina smoke back into me. We repeated that three or four times until the mouth-lock became a deep kiss, and we kept making out while the shotgun escaped our mouths and dissolved around us. As I kissed him, I loosened his shorts, pulling them down the length of his lightly hairy legs. His underwear followed. Then I slipped off my gym shorts; my cock bounced free with a gentle “thwack” against my stomach. I maneuvered Conrad so that he was stretched out before me on the couch, and I laid down on top of him, my cock rubbing against his. We continued to kiss. I grabbed the pipe, took another hit, and shared another series of breaths with my boy. Then he spoke, hesitantly. “Hey, big bro? Just in case you’re wondering, I’m all cleaned out and ready to go. My ass, I mean. The last dude who fucked me showed me how to do all that stuff. So…anyway. In case you’re wondering.” I smiled at him and mussed his hair. “What are you trying to tell me, little bro? You want my cock sliding in that sweet little butt?” He blushed and shrugged. I leaned into his ear and whispered: “Don’t you worry, buddy. It won’t be long before I bury my fat cock deep in your hole.” He shivered beneath me, then kissed me again. The G was kicking in. He was almost entirely in my hands. A few more minutes of teasing and prodding, and he’d do anything to get impaled on my raw cock. “Get on the floor, little bro,” I said. “Face the other direction, on all fours. Ass in the air. Back arched. No—back arched, like a fuckin’ fag. Much better. Good boy. Now reach back and spread that hole for your big bro.” His hands grabbed each side of his perfectly round butt, spreading it to reveal a smooth, pink, tight hole that pulsed with every breath he took. I knelt down, placed my hands over his, and wrapped my mouth around that aching little boycunt, pushing my tongue into his body, every one of his nerves quivering as I dove greedily into his wide-open throbbing cock-hungry 18-year-old partied-up fuckhole. He gasped as I kissed that sweet little fag-pussy with the same intensity that I kissed his mouth a few minutes earlier. I spit a few huge gobs of saliva on his cunt and worked them in with my tongue. His hole loosened up, welcomed my mouth and my spit, became noticeably warmer. He really was a fuckin’ hottie: such a tight little body, great definition from his calves to his chest, with the roundest, most perfect little boybutt I’ve ever seen. And the cock! He had the kind of thick, veiny dick that would make any top’s hole twitch. Enough butt-eating, I thought. It's time to fuck. “OK, little bro—one more thing to show you," I said, standing up so that my dick hovered over him. "I want you to take a fat hit off that pipe, then blow it onto your big bro’s cock. Can you do that for me?” He nodded, grabbed the pipe, and got the smoke swirling like a regular chemwhore. “Good boy. You like that smoke, huh?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “Just feed on that smoke, pig. Feed on that smoke. Your big bro wants to see you get fuckin' tweaked." He put down the pipe, knelt directly in front of me, wrapped his mouth around my cock, and exhaled a thick cloud of white smoke that enveloped my dick. The smoke traveled up my stomach and chest as he began hungrily slurping on my poz shaft. He wasn’t a bad little cocksucker, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled his head away from my dick and guided him onto his back. “Pull your legs back, little bro.” He did, revealing that sweet little hungry cunt, still dripping with my spit. I began rubbing the length of my cock across his hole, watching his eyes flutter and his mouth drop open as he pulled his legs back a little further and looked at me with a kind of desperate pleading. “You ready for some dick?” He could only manage a whimper in response. “I can’t wait to give it to you, bro. But one thing you gotta know first. If it turns out to be a problem, then we can do something else. We don’t need to fuck, you know.” He nodded again, half-listening, every bit of his energy focused on the cock rubbing against his chemmed-up faggot fuckhole. “So here’s the deal, little bro. I only fuck raw. Natural. Bareback. And if a boy won’t let me fuck him the way I want to fuck him, then he’s not getting fucked. Got it?” Conrad glanced over at the TV, where the bottomboy was spreading his little jockbutt for yet another raw cock. Then he looked back at me. He reached down to spread his boyhole, just like the guy in the video. “Give me your dick, skin-on-skin,” he said, his eyes a solid-black void. “Bareback my fuckin’ hole. Please, bro.” “Fuck yeah, boy. You been fantasizing about raw dick, huh? Watching bareback porn?” “It’s the only kind of porn I watch. It’s the only kind of fucking I really want to do. Please give me your dick, bro. Your raw dick. I need your fucking raw dick. Please.” “You gonna make me pull out?” “No, dude. Please cum in me. Breed me.” “And when we go to the bathhouse after this—you want other dudes to breed you, too? Breed your chemmed-up cunt?” He paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eye, giving himself some time to overcome the shame of his boyhood secrets. “Yes,” he finally said. “I want my hole dripping with cum.” I nudged the head of my raw dick up against his hungry little butt, and his whole body shook. His breath went shallow. Then my cockhead slipped through that first outer barrier, enveloped by the warmth and tightness and innocence of his negboy hole, and I leaned down to kiss him, a sloppy kiss. “I’m dripping precum in my little bro’s hole,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m lubing you up with my seed, faggot.” By this point, Conrad was alternating between “fuck yeah” and “fuck me,” and he wrapped his arms around my back, murmuring “do it” three times. That’s when I began pushing the rest of my raw cock into the radiant warmth of that chemmed-up fuckhole, and he gasped as he surrendered everything to me. “This is how we were meant to fuck,” I whispered in his ear as my dick continued to disappear inside him. “You aren’t a true bottom boy until you’ve let a man split you in half bareback, until you’ve given up your hole for him to eat and pound and breed. I’m so proud of you, little bro.” With that, I directed his attention toward the TV. “But there’s one thing you should look out for,” I said, taking on a serious tone. “Some guys in the bathhouse will have a tattoo like that.” I pointed up at the screen. A young topdude was pounding the bottomboy bareback. Every time he pulled his cock away from that hungry little fuckhole, you could see a biohazard tattoo right next to his dick. “Do you know what that tattoo means, little bro?” He shook his hand. “Danger, I guess?” “Well, sort of. It means he’s poz. Just something to be aware of, because you probably don’t want that.” I glanced back at him, and the look in his eye was pure hunger. “Unless…,” I said, pretending to be confused, “Unless you’re turned on by that?” He shot a devilish glance at me, and I answered with a giant grin. Then he grinned, too. “You want some poz dick at the bathhouse, bro?” “Fuck yeah.” “Yeah? You wanna get knocked up?” He just kept grinning, and his body started shaking again—a kind of shiver, all fear and anticipation and excitement. “Such a good boy. Such a fuckin’ dirty boy. I love it. I’m so proud of my little bro.” And then, with no warning, I pulled my dick out of his hole. Conrad gasped. He suddenly looked lost and empty; the pleading returned to his eyes, and he pulled his legs back and spread his ass and whimpered. Meanwhile, I stared him down. “Sorry, little bro, but something just occurred to me. You didn’t ask about my status. Don’t you want to know my status?” “I don’t fucking care. Please, bro. Please give me your dick.” That made my dick drip: I don’t fucking care. “Good answer, buddy. But I think you deserve to know.” I nudged my dick up against his hole, and he tried desperately to maneuver his ass to get more of my meat lodged up in his guts. “Here’s the deal, bud: I’m fuckin’ poz. This is a poz cock teasing your hole. You like how this poz cock feels inside you?” “Yes, fucker. Please give me more, fucker. I need more. Please, bro.” “What’s that, buddy? I’m not sure I heard you.” “Pound my ass raw with your fat poz cock. Fucking PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE, BRO.” “You wanna get knocked up? Knocked up with your big bro’s virus?” “FUCK YES.” “Say it.” “KNOCK ME UP, YOU SEXY MOTHERFUCKER.” “Fuck yeah, you hot little chemmed-up faggotboy.” I shoved my poz dick back inside that boy’s hole, and started pounding. I didn’t last long. I felt the toxic seed gathering up in my balls, brewing, getting ready to shoot. Conrad was staring me down with those giant black pupils, his legs spread wide, his hole peeled back and exposed to allow my dick maximum penetration. He just kept nodding. Nodding. Smiling. Telling me with his eyes that he wanted my gift. As I got closer to shooting my toxic load, he wrapped his arms around me and alternated between little whimpered chants of “poz poz poz” and “fuck fuck fuck.” “Goddammit, you hot little fag,” I whispered. “Goddammit. You’re gonna get my load. My fuckin’ sweet infected load, just for you, fuckin’ sexy little negboy bro.” And then, with pulse after pulse of my raw cock in his wide-open wet fuckhole, I bred him. Pozzed him. Charged that little faggot ass up. Gave him my virus. Then, as my dick stopped shooting volleys of poz sperm, I kept pushing my cock deep inside him, pushing my toxic cum into his guts before collapsing on him, my poz cock still buried deep. Conrad sighed, a long contented sigh. “That was amazing,” he said. “Oh, little bro,” I whispered in his ear. “I have so many fuckin’ plans for you—you have no idea.” I pulled my cock out of him, then guided his mouth to taste the poz seed coating my shaft. He slurped on it greedily, my dick still warm from the hunger of his hole. “Such a good boy,” I said. “Such a hot little pig. So proud of you, little bro. Now, whaddaya say we get your sweet little knocked-up hole to the bathhouse?” MORE SOON…
    2 points
  32. Not Entirely My Story. I took a great story and took it the next level with strong POZ overtones. If this is not allowed in this FORUM. Please allow me to delete and carry on. Girlfriend's Brother Pozzes ME While She Is At Work. I had gone over to my girlfriend's house and we were to go to see an afternoon movie and then to dinner. Amy's brother Andy informed me that she was called into work until 4 because her manager was sick. Andy was just about ready to go swimming and he asked me if I'd like to join him. I started to decline as I didn't have a swimsuit and I told him so. He told me that had a few extra swimsuits and we went to his bedroom. All he had were Speedos and I was a little shy about wearing them. He finally talked me into it and while I chose the pair I wanted, and in a flash he was already changing, unashamed, as he undressed before me. He had a great body and I was a little taken aback by the fact that I had noticed such a thing. What really intrigued me was a biohazard tattoo he had right above his long thick cock. Amy had always said he was the black sheep of the family and they always spoke in hushed tones about whenever a non-family member was in earshot. I had no clue what it was other than he was more likely gay, but that did not bother me…all that much. I undressed slowly, hoping he would go on out without me and let me change in private, but he did not. I turned away from him slightly, but I could feel his gay eyes up my straight ass as I stood there naked. I turned briefly to snatch the Speedos from his bed, and I'm sure he got a look at my cock. Strangely, I stiffened at the thought. After dressing, we went to the pool and swam and tanned for about 2 hours. We wrestled a little in the pool and I felt his hand graze my package a few times. Each time letting it linger there a bit longer than the time before. I stiffened, again. "Amy should be home in about another hour," he said. "What do you want to do to kill time?" I told him I didn't know, but I definitely wanted to change first. "Do you need to shower or do you just want to dry off?" he asked. I told him I'd like a shower. This gave me an excuse to change in the bathroom, and maybe take care of this half a boner I had going on. When I got inside I realized I had a slight problem. I had tied the string in the Speedos in a knot, and I could not get it out. I told Andy and he happily agreed to help get the knot out. On his knees, his hands working only inches from my cock, he got the knot out in about 5 minutes. But not without incident, though. His hands occasionally brushed my cock and it reacted to his gentle touching, even if it was by another guy. He saw and felt my hardening cock and said, "Is it wanting Amy?" I just smiled, embarrassed. He got to his feet and asked for the Speedos, as he was headed for the laundry room. "Can I bring them after I take my shower?" I asked. He said, "I don't want to make two trips." I hesitated, and he asked, "Embarrassed by your body? Don't be." He took his Speedos off to show me that there was nothing to i exposing his biohazard tat again. "Well?" I took them off and handed them to him. "Thanks," he said, then kissed me. As he held me I felt his cock stiffen against mine. His cock was getting hard and so was mine. "Does Amy give head? I do," he said, and he stroked my cock my rock hard cock. He stopped, turned, and went to his bedroom. "Joining me?" he asked. I don't know why I did it, but I followed him. I followed him down the hall to Amy’s room. When I walked into the room where I had fucked his sister countless times. He was lying on her bed and I laid down next to him with his hard 8 inch cock pointing straight up. He rolled over and kissed me, then his lips began kissing my neck, chest, nipples, stomach, and then found my crotch. His right hand was between my legs playing with my ass as he licked my balls and cock. I thought I was going to cum before he started sucking me off. Pre-cum appeared at the head of my cock and he carefully licked it off. Then he started to take me down, little by little, until he'd swallowed it all. His sister did give head, but not like this. He was great and the apprehension I had was now gone. I could feel the orgasm coming, my cock ready to explode. His fingers slowly explored my hole with one and two fingers. He knew I was about to cum, too, and he removed his mouth and stroked my cock as my wad shot all over my stomach. I thought he was like his sister, a non-swallower, but he licked all my cum off my body while he slipped a second finger into my ass. Andy laid next to me, and I told him that he gave great head. He held my hand, then led it to his crotch. It felt odd having someone else's cock in my hand. "I want to get a nut, too," he said. "Are you going to blow me or am I going to have to fuck you in the ass?" I decided to go down on him, and I did it directly. No wasting time licking his balls or cock. I didn't really know what I was doing or if it was correct, but Andy was moaning, so I kept it up. He was doing most of the work, his hand on the back of my head, his hips thrusting, much like what I did to his sister. Suddenly, he pulled his cock from my mouth and shot his wad all over my face. He kissed me and licked it off. He got up and got a jar of Vaseline from his dresser. "I thought I made it clear I didn't want to be fucked," I told him. "No," he said. "I want you to fuck me," and he lubed up my cock. He was on all fours, waiting for me to enter him. Even with the lubricant, his ass was tighter than Amy's pussy. It felt so good. It was odd. I could feel my balls occasionally slapping his balls as I pumped, and when I came, I came inside him. "That was great," he said. "Getting fucked is better than fucking because of the stimulating of the prostate. Plus, I got a gift for you!" I looked at him quizzically, but he just ignored me and pushed me on my back. He lifted my legs, fingered and ate my ass. He had me moaning in seconds. I felt myself get close to cumming. He leaned in and kissed me with tongue exploring my mouth. He said that was hot as he leaned down and took my cock into his mouth and sucked me and cleaned me off. I was still horned up when he pushed a finger into my ass. I jumped at the invasion, but it quickly felt good. He looked me in the eye. “We have an hour. I want to give you my gift” he said meekly as he pushed a 2nd finger into my hole. I gasped and begged him for his seed. In a flash, he had his cock lightly lubed and as he slowly withdrew his fingers he pushed his thick cock into me. I felt so full, but it felt so good. I soon felt his trimmed pubes against my balls. He had all of his 8 inch cock in me. He pistoned his meaty cock deep into my ass. I begged for his seed. “Ask for my gift” he insisted. I wondered what he meant, but I begged him for his present. “I want your gift,” I exclaimed as he slapped my ass hard. He jackhammered his raw cock in my ass. I was breathless. I held my legs up from behind my knees. I try to spread them as wide as possible to give him all the access he needed or wanted. “Give me the gift” thinking I was asking for his seed. He jackhammered my hole. I could feel myself wanting to pee. He was hitting the spot in my cunt that I had never felt before. He buried all 8 inches of his poz cock into my hole. He shouted out that he was pozzing my faggot hole. I came all over us. I never came hard in my life. I literally shot cum over my face hitting the headboard of the bed. We both laughed at my eruption. He laughed as he bred me. We were so entrenched in our love making that we did not hear the front door open and in the doorway was Amy with her fingers in her panties watching her brother breed me. I could feel his cock expand, pulse and shoot his tainted load into my virgin ass. I laid there breathless as Andy’s cock retreated from my soon to be pozzed hole. When Andy rolled off he saw his sister fingering herself. “I guess we pozzed another one huh sis” he quipped. I heard two things that made my eyes pop open in a flash. The fact Amy was watching us and he had just pozzed me. I tried to cover myself up, but I realized my clothes were in Andy’s room. I tried to rationalize what just happened and did Andy say “pozzed another one”. I asked him what he meant, and that is when Amy spoke up. “Yeah, we are both poz you see those notches in the bed post” I looked at the notched post there were at least 15 on her bedpost. She said, “there is one for every boy that Andy and I have pozzed in the last 2 years. Ever since, we had a 3sum with our poz daddy and he pozzed us both.” “our goal from that day on has been to poz as many straight acting fag boys like you” she said matter of factly. I slumped my head knowing she was right. I had been secretly craving cock for a while. I just needed a push out the door. I reached over touching Andy’s face and thanked him for his gift. I climbed back on the bed on all fours and asked him to fuck me doggy to make sure it took. Amy grabbed her dildo and sat in her chair and watched her brother breed her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend with another poz load. Wouldn't you know it, he was right. That statement got me curious and I let him fuck me. Afterwards, we showered together, toweled each other off, and then kissed. He grabbed my cock and whispered, "I'll let you know when she works again," and I enjoyed my relationship with him as much as with Amy. Do you think I should do a part two? Let me know what you think. Feedback is greatly appreciated so is hot chat. Joey I am a bareback slut who is surprised he is not poz yet
    1 point
  33. Because it’s not about wanting oblivion, or even about just wanting sex. There’s a complex psychology at play that seeks to compensate for strong feelings of powerlessness and/or dissatisfaction in life, coupled with low self-esteem. A desire emerges, in desperation, to take action to take control of life circumstances in a way that will remove perceived barriers to satisfaction. At the same time, the self-esteem deficit produces an impulse to desperately seek acceptance from others in any form, and while sexual intercourse can be taken as a positive acceptance, this approach to it carries significant risk that it will be a negative acceptance, laden with denigration and abuse. But for someone desperate for any kind of acceptance, this is better than nothing or outright rejection, so he continues to seek it out. There is nothing rational about this lifestyle. No element if it, no justification for it, can withstand sensible, level-headed scrutiny that considers the person’s well-being. The fact that people are nonetheless driven to attempt it in spite of the obvious risks and inevitable consequences suggests that it originates from a psychological state that would likely benefit from therapy before the person embarks on a course of individual self-destruction.
    1 point
  34. Peter returned from the shower, dressed and ready to go. Arthur was puffing and grunting as he fucked me over the counter. Peter's mother slapped his sagging buttocks and laughed. "Dirty old sod! Come on Peter, I need to get to the supermarket before it closes." Bill let her out, then came back and said "I'll put the kettle on, Arthur." The old man nodded as Bill went into the kitchen. After a few minutes he grunted loudly and I felt his cock stiffen and throb as he came in me. "Lovely!" He said, sliding his cock out and a gush of sperm splashed onto the floor. Bill returned with two cups and nodded to the mess on the floor. "Clean that up, Timmy." I got a cloth from behind the counter but Bill shook his head and grinned at me. "Forget the rag, you slut, use your tongue." They watched as I got onto my knees. There was a large puddle of cum on the filthy floor. I felt Bill's hand on my neck pushing me forward. Then my mouth touched the gooey, cold sperm and I began to lick it like a cat. It tasted cold and salty and I felt my cock stiffen as I knelt licking up Arthur's sperm. "Hey, Arthur, take my tea into the sitting room will you? I won't be a minute." Arthur went off with the cups and I saw Bill's shorts fall to his ankles. "Got me going Timmy!." He knelt behind me, and slid his cock easily into my slimey hole. He started to thrust in and out, at the same time pushing my face onto the floor and rubbing it into the pool of spunk. More feet appeared and I heard as voice say. "Any chance of a cuppa, Bill?" "Won't be a second, mate. Just going to cum...ahh, that's nice!" With that he shot his diseased load in me and stood up. "Go in the sitting room and I'll bring it through" Said Bill. Then he smoothed my hair and said "Oh, before you get up, Timmy, there's another load of spunk behind you now which needs cleaning up!"
    1 point
  35. In 2017 I was at a business conference in St. Louis. After I got done for the day I popped over to Club St. Louis which is a nice bath house in a somewhat sketchy part of town. Had a nice time playing. Two guys took turns fucking me in a sling. Had a lovely time on the roof patio sharing a joint with a cross-dressing fem bottom. As the night wrapped up I stepped outside at about 1:00 am and planned to call a taxi from there. Before I could dial a big black guy who looked homeless yelled at me from the street. He was standing under a light pole pointing his finger at me. "Hey can I get five dollars from you?" I said "How big is your cock?" He pulled down the front of his pants to show off a 9 inch monster as thick as my wrist. I walked down to the street to take a closer look. He flopped it at me a couple of times and grabbed it by the uncut tip and pulled it up in the air. "You like this?" I nodded and reached out to stroke it. "You fuck?" "Maybe." I pointed at the dark space between two buildings across the street. "Lets go over there." As we got into the dark part I got disoriented and slowed down. He bumped into me wrapped an arm around me. Suddenly I figured out I had put myself in some danger, but he was cool and started rubbing his cock against my ass. I slid my pants down and pulled out my poppers and started hitting them. "Suck it." I dropped to my knees and took his cock in my mouth. It smelled strong and musky. I struggled to get my lips around and slide them up his shaft. I felt his cock start to swell. Salty precum dripped into the back of my throat. I pulled loose and swallowed then stood and hit the poppers again. His fingers rode into my crack which was still lubed from the bath house. He shoved one finger up, then two. I moaned a little and pushed my ass toward him. I felt his big cock head pushing up against my asshole. "You ready?" I hit the poppers again and creaked out a "yes." He shoved his cock and the head popped straight in. He paused for a moment then pushed the rest of his cock inside me. The thickness spread my ass too wide and he took my breath when he shoved all the way in. I had to ask him to stop for a second. When he started again we were both in the rhythm. Within a minute I could feel him shooting up my ass. As he pulled out I took his hand and shoved a $20 in it. Worth every penny and then some.
    1 point
  36. 9 Punishment and reward Brad, who had fallen asleep after playing with his ass because his master hadn't come anymore, woke up. He had woken up sober and for the first time since he was in the room, he wasn't upset with his thoughts. Because of the rest he had received yesterday, a kind of acceptance had come over him and a need for it. Acceptance of his situation that he could not change it anyway, he began to feel affection for his master, in need of chems because he had already become addicted to the intoxication and its exciting effect. The thoughts of His body had become accustomed to the use and began to long for it. His thoughts were no longer the things of his past life but they consisted of almost complete sex and especially extreme sex with men. He was still enjoying himself in his bed and was pulling on his stiff morning erection. His other hand went to his cunt and he no longer felt a tense sphincter but a slightly gaping hole. His finger slid in on its own and he started fingering himself while playing with his cock. He withdrew his hand and thought that he had to get ready for should the master come along. He got up and stepped to the place where he had to rinse himself, he also refreshed himself for a moment and when he was done he went back to the bed. Just as he took a seat on the bed, Jack came in. Brad got a warm feeling about himself at the sight of Jack. Get on your knees and put your head down and don't look at me slut jack said in a commanding tone, from now on when I get into the room I want you to greet me like that. Brad was shocked by Jack's hard way of talking and did what was asked of him without hesitation. Jack took some wristbands, ankle straps and a blindfold. He put the wrist and ankle straps on his slut and put the blindfold on him. Brad had to stand up again and Jack saw that this had to excite Brad because he saw that he had a stiff pole. What do we have here slut, are you excited ? Inside Jack was happy with what he saw, it meant that Brad had changed and that his work had paid off but he couldn't let Brad know. This can't be slut, you're not here for your own pleasure, you're here just for my pleasure, Brad had to know his place and that place was not at the top of the chain but at the bottom. He pulled Brad's hair and asked him if he had in the time he had been everything. Brad who was shocked by what happened and by the harshness with which he was treated again lied and said no master I have not sprayed any seed yet. You're lying slut said Jack, I know you've been jerking that you've cum and you've been licking your own seed. Brad tried again to say he hadn't done it and Jack patted him on the back of his head. Do you think I'm retarded or something. He took some chains and attached the wristbands to them. The feeling of fear and fright took over to Brad and he hoped that he was just fastened to scare. For a moment it was quiet in the room, Jack looked with a smile on his face at the terrified Brad who did not know what was going to happen. Brad heard footsteps it was Jack who walked up to the wall to take some attributes again. He came back to Brad and without saying anything he placed some squeezers on Brad's tiles, he was startled and curled his toes from the pain. Then Jack took only squeezers and placed them all over Brad's body. The last 3 he placed on the back limp dick and sack of his slut who couldn't hold it anymore and started moaning from the pain signals his body was giving him. Silence said Jack, this is the punishment you get for lying and for playing with your pole without permission. Jack took a seat behind Brad and started hitting his slut's body with his whip. With each stroke Brad gave moaning sounds coming from the mouth of Brad's toes curled he curled in pain and he tried to bite the pain but the pain signals came from all sides of his body. Jack enjoyed this and went one step further. He stopped flogging for a moment and took the chains and hoisted them a little higher so that Brad could only stand on his toes and had trouble standing in one place. Jack took the whip back and now came to stand in front of Brad. He tapped quietly against one of the squeezers and Brad felt the squeezer start to slide over his skin and come loose. Unloading the squeezer was not a nice feeling, it was a painfully acute feeling that Brad got and he danced on his toes from the pain and wept loudly. Silence slut accepts your punishment. Brad tried to say sorry but there went the next squeezer and again he got a shot of pain. Jack took a step back. Do you know why you are being punished, he asked Brad. Brad was still bewildering the pain said as soon as he could yes, yes. Jack shook his head and now hit one of the squeezers with the whip so that it also came loose. This hurt even more and Brad let out a loud scream. Even though his mind was busy processing the pain shoots, he knew that he had answered wrongly. His thinking pattern had already changed and he said again as soon as he could yes master, I know why. The next battle followed and this time some pinchers fell off. Well so slut, you start to learn to always speak with two words to your master and creator. Sorry master, I won't do it again Brad exclaimed and in the meantime a few more blows followed. With each stroke, Brad howled and struggled to stay on his toes. Now only the squeezers remained on his nipples, she flaccid dick and sack. I hope you learned your lesson he said to Brad and hit the 3 squeezers of his dick and sack in 1 time. Brad screamed in pain. Jack put the whip away and stood next to Brad and whispered in his ear. What you have undergone now is nothing compared to what I can do to you. But I'vealready had to help you so that you can't play this with yourselfanymore because you can't control yourself. He went back to the wall and took a cock cage. Brad felt Jack touch his flaccid dick and felt something cold being put around it he heard a click of a lock. Jack took off Brad's blindfold, he squeezed his eyes in front of the bright light and he wanted to look down but that didn't work because Jack was holding his head. From now on I decide when to play with your dick, understood. Brad nodded and shei Yes sir. Jack pulled the squeezers on Brad's nipples and said I hope so, at that moment the squeezers unloaded and Brad moaned loudly. He pushed his thumbs on the nipples and the pain Brad was experiencing quickly ebbed away. Jack took hold of Brad's head and stuck his tongue in Brad's mouth who answered the kiss with his tongue. For a moment Jack kissed Brad and when he interrupted the kiss he spat in the face of his slut. He unloaded the chains Brad was able to stand on his feet again but he was equally exhausted by the blows he had received and sank through his legs and fell to his knees. Well so slut he said to Brad, get right on your knees without asking. Jack came to stand in front of Brad who was still catching his breath, drinking slut. Brad opened his mouth and Jack stuck his flaccid dick in the mouth of his slut and started emptying his bladder. Brad who was still sober let it all happen because he was still exhausted from the blows he was getting and tried to swallow everything. The piss filled his entire mouth and a few drops fell to the ground. When Jack finished and pulled his pole out of Brad's mouth he saw that there were a few drops on the ground he pushed Brad's face into it. You know you can't let anything go to waste from me and Brad stuck out his tongue and licked the drops off the ground. Brad came back up and longed for a boost of chems, his body longing for a daze. Make your master hard said Jack and if you do your best you can get a reward. Brad opened his mouth and wanted to place his hands on Jack's body to find some support but he got a chat to his head. Without using your hands slut said Jack. Brad opened his mouth again and took his master's half hard pole into his mouth and started sucking hard. Jack shook his head and pulled brad's hair and pulled his pole back. Did I tell you I want it hard. You may learn how to spoil a man's cock. A real whore starts quietly and spoils a cock because he likes to do it, you act like you want to get rid of it quickly. Start over. Brad nodded and said sorry master. You shouldn't say sorry slut you have to do it right. What else should I do with you if you can't even suck a dick properly. He opened his mouth and with his tongue he licked around his master's glans. He had to do well because his master's flaccid dick moved up and down through his lick and began to swell. He kissed and licked Jack's big thick mushroom and gently sucked it in. Good slut that's already much better said Jack. Brad quietly sucked at the top of his master's pole and worked it in little by little more until he was all the way in his's mouth. He felt Jack's dick getting harder and harder and filling his mouth more. The feeling of having a piss-smelling cock in his mouth made Brad horny and he felt that his cock wanted to get hard but that it didn't work out. He still hadn't seen what his master had done when he was blindfolded. He sucked and licked Jack's thick hard cock more and more intensely. Jack pulled his slut's hair and told him to learn to watch the man he sucked on his cock. Brad sucked on and now looked at his master. Jack shook his head and said slut you have 1 more chance or you'll get another lesson from me. You have to look like a slut enjoying himself, you have to look like a hungry whore who wants to suck the seed out of that cock and not like a scared or disinterested dick. Brad understood what his master was telling him to do and looked at his master as if he was licking a lollipop and enjoying the taste the lollipop gave him. That's already better, but you still have a lot to learn. Brad tasted his master's precum and he went into ecstasy, his eyes became smaller and began to turn slightly and for the first time Jack saw a sober slut look at Brad. Well so slut that is I wanted to see. Enjoy your master's fat pole. Jack grabbed Brad's head and pushed his pole deep into his throat. Brad was already able to suppress his gag reflex well and his throat became more and more accustomed to being fucked deep throat. Hmm this is the slut take your master's full pole inside. Jack started thrusting into the mouth of his slut and wanted to discharge his seed but stopped because he didn't think he deserved it yet. He withdrew his stiff drool-lined cock from his slut's mouth and went to the table where the chems were. Brad stayed on his knees and looked for the first time at his dick which was now trapped in a steel cage. He wanted to pull it but he knew if he did he would be punished again. Jack came back with a small mirror with 2 fat lines on it. Brad looked Jack in his eyes, those 2 lines were new to him, he was already used to smoking Tina or getting horny from a burning sensation in his cunt or getting a squirt. Here slut, daddy has for you your special vitamin K. You may soon pinch one nostril and sniff a line with your other slut and then you do the same with your other nostril. Dare to blow it away and you will pay for it. Brad's body calmed down at the thought of getting another shot of chems right away and he couldn't wait to work the line into his nose. He placed his index finger against his nostriland pushed it shut and like a pro he sniffed the first line inside. I see that you exactly need a new fix slut, so greedily sniffing that first line. Brad enjoyed the feeling of calm feeling he got from the line that had just disappeared into his nose. He now pinched his other nose and sniffed the other fat line. He came back to sit up, Jack grinning at the sight of Brad's face. Oh slut, you're a real drug whore. Clean your nose because it is full of white powder. Brad rubbed his hands over his nose and at that moment hitand into the chems. He started to float and his body felt like rubber. Jack straightened him up and Brad really struggled to get his body under control. How he had gotten that he could hardly control his own body anymore. Jack put him in the sling and fastened his arms and legs. He took a chair and the special lube and a jar of grease. Brad had trouble moving, he started drooling and his body felt numb. He saw Jack take a seat on the chair and he felt Jack push his fingers into his cunt. He felt the burning sensation rise again and he began to moan. Jack waited a moment and once pulled on Brad's trapped dick and hit his balls a few times. Brad barely reacted and Jack saw that his slut was flying wellw as. Jack grinned, ready for your first steedebutt slut. Brad mumbled something unintelligible, he enjoyed the warm feeling he got and begged his cunt to be filled. The empty feeling in his hole was short-lived as it felt a thick dildo push against his sphincter and slide in. Jack pushed the dildo all the way into Brad's cunt. That goes very smoothly Slut I'm proud of you. He took the thick dildo he had placed on the fucking machine and pushed it against Brad's sphincter. The sphincter was already fairly open and with a little effort the dildo slid in nicely. Brad who was still drooling was droolingviolently, the greasy dildo stretched his hole all the way open. Jack started fucking his slut with the dildo and pushed him deeper and deeper until he was on the two rings and couldn't go any further. I will open that second ring with my fist slut don't worry said Jack and Brad who was completely in trance. After Jack had fucked Brad's cunt with the dildo for a moment he took him out of the meanwhile gaping hole. He took the jar of fat and took a quantityof egg in his hands, he smeared it over and into the hole and worked 4 fingers inside and made twisting movements with his hands. Brad was still flying heavily but the heaviest effect of the chems was diminishing. He still had no control over his body but could already think a little more clearly and had stopped drooling. He groaned at the feel of the four fingers stretching open his hole. Jack now took turns pushing his hand inside the gaping hole, only pushing his thumb in with him was not yet possible. He took some more fat and pushed his hand in again and turned around in Brad's cunt and placed his other hand and pushed it in as well. Brad felt that his cunt was full and his sphincter at his maximum and started moaning. We're not going to stop slut yet, you're almost there. He took a bottle of poppers, poured some on a cloth, put it in a gas mask and placed the mask on Brad's head. Brad couldn't help but sniff the aroma, Brad started flying and moaning more violently again. Jack felt that his closingmuscle was relaxing again and took some more fat and pushed his hand inside. He felt he was almost there and with his other hand he pulled on the sphincter to make some more room and then it happened. The pinch of the thumb was over the sphincter, disappeared into Brad's lair and sothe rest of the hand went in. Jack was now up to his wrist in Brad's cunt, Brad moaned heavily because with each breath he sniffed a new load of poppers and was completely tripping. Jack made a fist in Brad's cunt and spun around in it. He withdrew his hand a bit and felt that he was back on the sphincter. He pulled and pushed every time until he was back at that point. Brad didn't know what he was feeling, in his mind his cunt was central and it had to be filled. But his cunt was already filled but he wanted more, he wanted deeper, he wanted it harder. He felt perfect with his master's fist in his cunt but it wasn't enough. Jack withdrew his hand from Brad's cunt and took off the mask. The chems were almost finished and Brad needed another trip. He took the pipe filled it with crystals and took a lighter. He loosened Brad's arms and gave him the pipe and lighter. I want you to blow clouds slut. Brad nodded and melted the crystals in the pipe and inhaled the white smoke. He held it in as long as he could and the moment he blew out Jack pushed his fist back inside Brad. Brad called out loudly fill me master, fill my hole with everything you have. The fist went in much smoother and Jack wanted to get through the two rings. He pushed on until he reached the second ring and stroked it with his fingers. Meanwhile, Brad continued to blow big white clouds. Jack felt his slut's hole getting hot again and felt the tension on the two muscles slacken. Jack gently pushed his fingers through the opening and Brad began to moan more violently again and called for more. Jack withdrew his fist and now also loosened Brad's legs and helped him out of the sling and threw him on the bed. Sit on all four slut Brad who was flying back did what was asked of him. Brad stepped back to the table of the chems and took a bottle and threw it on the bed. Drinking slut it will do you good. The bottle was provided with a good dose of G and Brad drank it eagerly. Jack came back behind Brad and he smeared his fist and his arm up to his elbow with grease. He gave another bottle of poppers to Brad and told him to sniff like he had just sniffed that line and Brad did what was asked of him. The G started to work and perfectly complemented the Tina which was already flying around in system. He sniffed the poppers and he felt Jack push his fist inside. The moment the fist was sucked in was the supreme moment of pleasure for Brad and he showed his master that he enjoyed this by pushing his ass back and ramming the fist deeper into his cunt. Well so slut, fuck yourself on your master's fist. Although this was only the first time Brad had been fisted, he was a natural talent. Jack released his fist into Brad's hole and stretched his fingers. Brad was still riding his master's fist and enjoying every moment. Jack felt the second ring again and pushed the second ring open with the help of Brad who was riding harder and harder on his master fist. Brad moaned loudly and fell down on the bed. Because of his and riding harder and harder on his master fist, he had without realizing it himself ensured that Jack had been hit by the second muscle and was now completely in his intestines. Look at you what a dirty, horny whore you are. So hard riding on your master's fist. Look what kind of slut you've become. You make your daddy proud son. Brad groaned at hearing what his master said about him. He wanted to get the arm even deeper but he was exhausted. Jack saw this and thought it was enough. He withdrew his arm from Brad's gaping hole and turned it on his back. Brad's eyes turned in his eye sockets, he was sweating profusely and his mouth fell open and he was gaping for breath. I'm proud of you today slut. You have shown that you have embraced your true self. Tomorrow we can see if you get through your first test. Jack wanted to rest him but Brad didn't have enough and wanted seed. Give me your seed master squirt my hole full of your seed. Jack looked at the squirming Brad on the bed begging for his seed and grinned loudly. You want my seed slut. You don't have enough yet. Well I hope you can handle it because you will get my seed. He pulled Brad to the edge of the bed and pulled his legs down to his neck. His stiff pole sat effortlessly into Brad's gaping hole and he went straight to his balls in Brad's cunt. Brad groaned with pleasure. Oh slut your tight pussy is gone, from now on I can pound you as hard in your cunt as I want. He took another narrow dildo and stuck it by his cock into the gaping hole. Oh yes master, Brad groaned. Fuck my hole, it's completely yours. You didn't have to tell Jack that twice and he started pounding Brad hard and pushed the dildo inside each time. Every time Jack's hard dick came in, precum came out of Brad's flaccid caged dick. Jack reached his high point and moaned loudly. Here comes the slut. Here comes your reward. Brad felt his hole fill with his master's seed. Jack withdrew his limp pole and he saw his seed running out of Brad's gaping cunt. He licked up his own seed and kissed Brad and let the seed run into his mouth. Brad tasted his master's seed and swallowed it eagerly. Rest from my son, and make sure you are ready for your test tomorrow. Brad could barely say yes sir and fell asleep.
    1 point
  37. Part 3 Slut training lesson one Well slut, what do you say to this said Jack. Will you work for your pleasure. Brad looked at Jack doubtfully, what should he say to this. His pussy was screaming for him to join in, his body was craving attention but his mind didn't want to go along with it yet. Jack saw that Brad was stuck with his thoughts and fingered the hole of his new slut. Brad began to ride Jack's finger. I want to hear slut, will you work for this pleasure and stopped Brad from fingering. Don't stop said Brad softly don't stop. You know what I want to hear Jack said. I .... I ..... yes what you said Jack. With hesitation there came out anyway I will work for it sir from Brad. It wasn't that hard slut. I knew you would work for it. You want your pussy filled and when I am done with you you will scream you want to be filled, you will say it without hesitation. Brad was embarrassed by what he had just said. This was not him, he was not gay. But still he could not resist the cry of his pussy to be filled. Well then said Jack then we will put you to work. He took a leg spreader from the wall and untied one of Brad's legs and in the meantime attached the spreader between his two legs. Brad who felt his legs were free was too late to react. The chems that were still coursing through his body had dazed him. His arms were untied from the bed and Brad thought for a moment of wanting to escape but he was pressed hard against the bed by Jack. What were you thinking slut, I'm loose I'm quickly trying to escape. Brad had no strength to resist and Jack placed his large and firm hand around Brad's neck and squeezed it so he couldn't breathe. I'll tell you 1 time kindly after that you won't get off cheap. You are my property from now on and you go and stand where I say understood. Brad couldn't answer and felt himself getting lightheaded and nodded. Jack loosened his grip and Brad got back into oxygen. Understood slut. Brad who was afraid to be grabbed again and said immediately and without hesitation yes sir I understand. Brad had to sit down on the bed and Jack took the harness he had laid ready. Put it on Jack said, Brad took the harness and put it on and Jack closed the straps. Brad had to put his arms on his back and Jack clicked them to the ring attached to the back. He was helped off the bed and had to stand up. The cane between his legs didn't make that easy and the chems made him stand and twist on his legs. Jack took some chains from the wall and while he was fastening them, Brad was thinking about whether he could escape or not. He looked at his options but he couldn't think clearly enough yet and his legs were weak and with that stick between his legs it wouldn't work. He had no choice but to stand because if he tried anything Jack would intervene immediately and who knows what he would do. Jack had attached the chains to the ceiling and loosened one arm from Brad's back and clipped it to the chain. He did the same with the other arm and Brad was now standing upright with his arms spread across the room. Time for some training said Jack You've had enough to enjoy he said and he stepped over to the wall and took some props. He placed a nipple clamp on each nipple and Brad squealed out. Don't cry slut this is just the beginning. He tied off the balls with a piece of string and hung a weight on them. Brad curled his toes and tried to swallow the pain. Jack came up behind Brad and took a whip in his hand and lightly struck Brad's ass. Brad shocked from the blow and the shock caused the weight to swing back and forth pulling on his balls. With the swinging of the weight it pulled more and more on his balls causing his scrotum to be pulled out. Brad had conflicting feelings running through his body. He experienced both pain and pleasure. Jack gave another stroke this one was already a little harder and again he gave a cry. With the next stroke I don't want to hear another scream slut. Do you understand? Because if you give any more cries I will hit harder and harder. Brad didn't want him to hit harder and on the next stroke he tried to hold back and only let out a light murmur. You learn fast Jack said, that's the way I like it. The next stroke he gave was against Brad's cock and this time he couldn't hold back and let out another moan. You know what this means slut and Jack gave another stroke but this time it was harder. The weight on his balls swung back and forth violently pulling firmly on his balls but Brad forgave the pain and did not let out a cry. Good girl. Brad received a few more strokes of the whip and couldn't hold on any longer he wanted it to stop. Please stop this I can't take any more. Jack came to stand in front of Brad and pulled on the nipple clamps. I decide when we stop. Brad squealed out and curled his toes. Stop screaming Jack called out and pulled even harder on the nipples. Brad once again forfeited the pain he began to sob and tears ran down his cheeks. Jack took the whip back in his hand and was now striking the nipples. Brad had no strength left and little by little he was sinking through his legs more. Jack grinned, we will have to train you slut you need to get stronger because with such a weak slut we are nothing. Jack put the whip away and went to the table with the bottles and took the pipe and some crystals. We will give you back some strength he said. Brad was near the end of his strength and wanted it to stop. You may blow some clouds. You can choose he said either you do it yourself or I put the mask on it is up to you. Brad didn't know what to say. He didn't want any chems, in fact he would have preferred to leave but he also knew he had no choice. Maybe if I do it myself I can make sure I fake it. I'll do it without the mask sir see Brad. Good choice, Jack said. He took the pipe and showed Brad how it worked. When I say inhale you do so until I say stop. You can't breathe out until I say so, you understand slut. If you don't do this then you will get from the whip. Jack had the whip in his hand. Brad knew he wouldn't be able to fake it because he didn't want to get hit again. Then rather walk around high anything is better than that pain. Jack took the pipe and lit it the crystals began to melt and the smoke formed. He placed the pipe against Brad's mouth and said inhale slut and hold it. Brad did his best because he didn't want to get another hit from the stick. He held in the smoke and as soon as he could he blew out a big white cloud. He felt a warm feeling come over him and Jack said breathe in again and he did what was asked of him. The more he breathed in the white smoke the warmer he got and the hornier he got back and he felt the energy coming back. Jack repeated it a few more times and as soon as he saw Brad's eyes begin to spin around in his head and his pupils were in his head like flying saucers he stopped. Brad was completely gone. The other chems hadn't fully worn off yet and if anything he was getting a new batch in. Yesterday he had never taken drugs and for the last few hours he had not been sober. Before he would realize it himself, he would be addicted and couldn't live without it. Brad had fallen into a trance. He heard the moans from on the flat screen and he felt Jack's firm hands caressing his body. Brad groaned and Jack stopped stroking. He unloaded the weight on Brad's balls and also removed the nipple clamps. Releasing the weight was a relief for Brad but releasing the clamps made him moan in pain. His arms were also loosened and secured back on his back. The cane was taken from between his legs and finally Brad could reposition his legs the way he wanted. On your knees said Jack. Brad got down on his knees without a problem and thought he could rest for a while. His head was spinning, his pussy was itching and he was as horny as could be. He looked at the screen and saw a boy who was also on his knees and he was sucking the cocks that were offered to him. Brad liked what he saw and opened his mouth and his tongue came out and moaned lightly. He couldn't think straight anymore because if he could think straight it wouldn't have found this horny. Do you like what you see slut. Do you want to suck a pole too. Do you want to indulge your master and embrace your real slut side. Brad couldn't make any sense out of it and he wanted to say no but Jack couldn't hear that it was more of a moan and mumble than a no. Ok then said Jack and he stepped to the wall and took a mouth spreader, he placed it in Brad's mouth and attached it to his head. Brad's mouth was completely spread open and drool started pouring out of his mouth. Brad didn't really realize what was happening because his head was spinning. Before we go any further you need to drink some more slut said Jack and he took the rest of the Getorade pulled on Brad's hair pulling his head back and telling him to drink it all without spilling a drop. Jack poured the Getorade laced with G into Brad's mouth and he obediently swallowed it all. Brad had to stand back up and sit in the shower. I have to piss first said Jack. Jack took his pole in his hand and started pissing all over Brad's face. Brad felt humiliated and didn't want this and tried to stand up. But with the piss falling past him onto the floor of the shower he slipped and fell headfirst into the wall. You shouldn't try to avoid this slut. From now on, you're a pisser and soon your mouth will be a mouth to piss in. You'll like it and you'll learn to swallow it all neatly. Brad shook his head and tears began to form. Brad who was wet with piss had to crawl out of the shower on all fours until it was in front of the bed. Jack set himself on the bed and took hold of Brad's head. His mouth was still spread wide open and drool was running from his mouth. Jack spat into Brad's mouth and he looked at his eyes which were now spinning around even more in his head. The G is starting to work again he thought. Time to teach him to suck. He took hold of his limp pole and placed his thick fat glans on Brad's tongue. It's time slut, it's time you thanked your master for all the pleasure he has already given you. Brad could do nothing and tears were running down his cheeks. This was the moment he would have to suck and cock for the first time. He did not want this, but he knew he would have no choice he could not possibly close his mouth and could not leave . The last drops of piss dripped onto his tongue and this was how he tasted piss for the first time. It made him gag. Are you going to gag already said Jack and my pole is not even in your mouth yet. Jack pushed his already half hard cock into Brad's open mouth. Even before Jack could say now you can gag, Brad got a disgust reflex because Jack's penis was way too big for Brad's mouth who had no experience with sucking. Don't you dare throw up slut, you could lick it all up. Instead of being disgusted you should lick my pole clean with your tongue, later you can learn to suck, first you should learn to use your tongue. Even though was he horny from the G and the Tina yet Brad began to weep and tears ran down his cheeks. Jack had had enough and pulled his hair and told him to lick and Brad couldn't help but lick Jack's pole with his tongue. Carefully he began to lick. But Jack was not content with this and took hold of Brad's head and pushed his pole completely inside, Jack's cock was completely up to Brad's throat and again he started gagging. Jack slapped the head and told him to stop gagging, he needed to indulge his master's pole. Brad got a new surge of horniness over him the G gave off a new load of horniness and his pussy began to call back to be filled. Tears welled up in his eyes, wet with piss, drool running from his mouth and a thick pole in his mouth. How could anyone possibly enjoy this he thought but still he was horny and wanted his ass filled he couldn't stop the feeling , no matter how much he wanted to. Jack withdrew his almost hard pole and Brad gasped and began to babble something unintelligible. The G and Tina were firmly working making him tell his thoughts. But because of the mouth spreader, Jack didn't immediately understand what he was saying. What he understood from it was pussy and stuffed. Jack was able to make ends meet and took hold of Brad's neck and looked deep into his flying saucers. Do you want your pussy filled slut, do you want to enjoy. Brad who no longer had control over what he said or did nodded. A smile appeared on Jack's mouth. Good, you'll have to earn it then. Jack stood up and picked up a medium plug and smeared it with Tina lube and with the suction cup he placed it against the wall. Brad had to stand up and walk over to the wall. He saw the plug hanging on the wall and he got a fright. Jack looked at Brad and said this is what you wanted right? You asked for it. Brad who was so high and had no idea what he was doing or saying just nodded. You can spoil your own ass later. You can show me how much you want that plug in your pussy. But first I will take off your mouthpiece. Jack took the spreader out of Brad's mouth also loosened his arms and placed him in front of the wall and made him bend over and lower himself until the top of the plug pressed against his pussy. Brad felt the tip pushing at his pussy and a warm feeling came over him. His mind told him to insert that plug fully that way he would be complete. He tried to sit on the plug to get it into his pussy that way but Jack stopped him. So hasty, do you have such a need for your pussy to be filled slut. Don't forget anything first. You should be grateful to your master for giving you this. How will you thank me for this. Brad couldn't say anything at this point would prefer to push that plug in so his pussy would be filled and he would have a perfect feeling. You can give me a blowjob first and if I like it you can sit down and give yourself some pleasure. Brad who couldn't think anymore was in doubt anyway. He wanted that plug in his pussy but he didn't want to suck that fat cock. The call of his cunt won over his doubt and he opened his mouth. Good for you said Jack and now take that fat pole in that slutty mouth of yours. Jack stood with his fat black cock right in front of Brad's open mouth and Jack said start licking it with your tongue and work it right in, slut. Brad stuck his tongue out and carefully licked at the thick head of Jack's cock and took the tip into his mouth. The realization that he had a cock in his mouth voluntarily brought tears to his eyes again. But still he continued he needed a filled pussy. His mouth slid further over Jack's firm pole and he pushed back as Brad slid the butt plug deeper into his hole. Feeling his pussy filled and pulled open made him hornier and he took Jack's pole even more into his mouth as deep as he could. After he had Jack's cock almost completely in his mouth he began to suck on it lightly. Jack pushed Brad further back and the plug was at its thickest point and slid all the way into Brad's pussy. Now he felt complete and the idea of having a cock in his mouth no longer bothered him. He began to suck and lick as best he could. Because he was going at it so violently, the suction cup detached from the plug. Jack was satisfied and groaning slightly sat down on the chair he had prepared. Brad sucked like a man possessed. Yes sletje suck but good on. Soon I will reward you with your first nice load of seed. Brad didn't hear this he was now in a complete trance he felt the plug pushing against his prostate and the pre-cum was running from his limp Tina cock. With his one hand Jack took hold of Brad's head and began to set the rhythm Brad followed Jack's rhythm along and with his other hand he pushed and pulled lightly on the end of the plug giving Brad an extra boost of horniness. He stopped sucking for a moment and sang out a loud moan. Yes, one more please. Brad was shocked by what he said to himself but by the blissful feeling of the plug in his ass he didn't care about the rest and sucked firmly on Jack's cock. Jack let him suck firmly further and regularly pulled the plug until the moment he was about to squirt. Then he took a firm hold of Brad's head and with a few violent thrusts he came to his climax and squirted solid gobs of seed into Brad's mouth. Brad felt the cock of pulsate and a stream of salty sweet seed come into his mouth, by what happened he got a surge of clarity. He didn't know what to do there had just been a man cumming in his mouth. He couldn't do anything because Jack had his head so tight and and cock filled his mouth so nothing could get out of his mouth. Jack, who was still enjoying the aftershocks, said to Brad, we will still be able to make something of you. Your sucking technique needs some work but for a first time this was not bad. I will now take my pole out of sluts mouth but do not dare to spit out my seed. This is my gift to you and you must keep it in you. You will have to swallow everything neatly. Brad knew that if he didn't do this he would get knocked or spanked and as soon as Jack pulled back his limp cock he tried to swallow the seed but it didn't go right away. His stomach turned and he wanted to spit it out. Jack pressed his hand to Brad's mouth and said swallow slut. You can do it and on the second try Brad swallowed the seed. Well that wasn't bad for the first day said Jack. Now you can regain strength he said. Lay down on the bed. The plug was removed from his cunt and Brad's arms were fastened again. Brad let everything happen. He was still high and overwhelmed by what had just happened. Jack took a sleeping pill from the drawer of the closet and stuck it in Brad's mouth. Brad swallowed it with some water he got. Sleep now but tomorrow we will continue working on your slut training. Brad got sleepy, his eyes fell closed and his mind where at full speed processing what had just happened. Before he fell asleep he realized that he was not going to get out of here and that this was just the beginning. What would he have to go through next.
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  39. I'm really into watching and being watched. I think that's why I love kicking back in a sling, at a sex club. It always attracts a group of men who want to watch me getting fucked or they want to be the next guy to fuck me. I go to a nude beach a lot, and I've sucked my share of cocks while other guys walk by and check it out. I would love to be fucked at a nude beach with a group of men up close, jerking their dicks while they watch me get fucked, but it hasn't happened yet.
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  40. She had sex with you out of the blue? After not having sex with you for years? Possible that she could’ve gotten bred by another cock, found out she was knocked up, and then fucked you as an attempt to cover or get you on the hook for providing for them both by making you think the kid came from your seed.
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  41. I came home to find my boy, Drew in our bed with another boy he'd met in a bar. They were goin at it hard with my Drew's raw cock pounding this boy's asshole.I undressed and sat watching them while stroking my cock. Drew said to the boy, "my Daddy wants to fuck you" then to me "you willl fukkin love his ass" I got on the bed with him and buried my face in the new boy's ass and ate him out good. When he was good n wet I mounted him and went in deep. Man, he felt so good. I pumped him hard and shot my load inside him. I pulled out and Drew was eager to get back in him. He went balls deep, fucked him and emptied his balls. When Drew had finished I spread the boy's legs and shoved my tongue up his asshole and licked out Drew's and my seed - fukkin hot. I want more of that boy's ass.
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  43. Part 2: I was spinning and so horny. I knew I was being watched from another room and I was about to be offering myself up to another man to get used. I realized I never told Host that I wanted to get used raw, I assumed he filled in the details. My asshole was vibrating and my body was tingly. I kept hitting the poppers while seeing images of past fucks float through my mind. The butt plug felt amazing and I just kept thinking about how it will feel to have a nice raw dick in there. I was so wrapped up in my own experience that I didnt even notice when someone showed up. I felt a hand on my ass and that was my first clue. Then I felt that hand reach for the buttplug and pull it out and insert it again, followed by, "nice". I could barely hear, it was as if the ambient noise in the room was the loudest sound. Behind my eyelids there were a myriad of colours and I was feeling fucked up. I was probably acting like such a tweaked out whore. I pushed back on the buttplug and the guys hand and groaned. I popped my chest down on the bed and reached back looking for a dick. I found semi hard cock in underwear. I padded at it and moaned. "Yeh, you want that cock?" I just groaned. He moved around to the side of the bed and I hopped up and over and immediately started sniffing and mouthing his dick through the undies. He kept plunging my ass with the buttplug. It faced very little resistance and because of the booty bump, I was flying. I wanted him hard and inside me asap. I flipped out his dick and swallowed it to his balls. He smelled amazing. His dick grew quickly and it was soon filling my mouth. He was uncut and likely about 7ish inches, slightly above average, but average thickness. I was assaulting his dick with my mouth while he pulled out the buttplug. He tapped me slightly and said, "turn around and open that ass". I did as I was told, leaving a stream of spit from his dick and my mouth coating my face as his dick slid against my body as I turned around. I took a huge hit of poppers, popped my face and chest down and reached back and spread my cheeks and pushed back. His dick slid up and down my ass. "Fuck yeh, you want it dont you?" I grabbed his dick and positioned it at my hole, and pushed back as he pushed forward. It slipped in easily and went straight to the base. He responded by groaning. I started moving back and forth on it right away. I was there to get fucked, nothing else. I was tweaking hard and just really wanted it and nothing else. I forgot I was being watched. I could feel my phone vibrating, probably grindr messages. "Fuck dude, Im not gonna last long. I can cum. Where do you want it?" I just groaned. I propped myself up a little bit, moving my blindfold up just a touch but keeping my head down, I opened grindr to see the messages. The guy inside me asked again. "Dude, oh man. Im so close, where do you want it?" I just pushed back on his dick. He groaned and just started picking up the pace. In my messages on Grindr there were some new profiles and messages, and a few messages from Host. I opened his first. Host: "Damn this is so hot. He looks hot." Followed by "Man, is he in you raw? Fuuuuuuck". That was it. I wrote, "He is gonna cum quick. I want more." I could feel the guy inside me picking up rhythm. No messages from Host back. So I copy pasted my location and details to the other messages, mostly anonymous older men profiles, one younger guy, and wrote Host again. The guy inside me bottomed out, pulled my hair and head back, and groaned loudly. "Shiiiiit fuck, Yeh, take it slut" and pumped me hard full of cum. I could feel his raw dick inside me pulsing out my first load of the night. I was in heaven. He didnt linger long, just slapped his dick at my hole a few times and stepped away. I went back to grindr, no messages yet. I wrote Host again. "He creamed me. I can feel it inside me. Do you like watching?" Still no response. The guy who fucked me slapped my ass and walked out. Shortly after I heard the door to the bathroom open and felt the buttplug reinserted in my ass. It was Host. "You are a dirty slut." He pulled the butt plug out again and then back in. "Let's make sure none of that leaks out. I have another guy coming to fuck you, he is parked on the street." He walked around front and put his dick in my mouth. It was leaking and rock hard. "he knows I am watching, so enjoy being the star of the show." I groaned. This was gonna be an epic day.
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  44. Part 2 I joined a few friends at a high top table to chat awhile. There was a lot of good energy in the bar tonight, with a steady stream of guys coming and going. It would be like this for a few hours as guys made the rounds of the city’s bar scene. The 20-somethings tended to rotate through, enjoying their new freedom of being legal and being able to come and go as they pleased. The younger guys were more limited in their options, this being one of the few places that allowed under 21 to socialize. That was part of the attraction of this place for me — it offered what I was shopping for. Eventually I went back to Randy to buy the next round for the table. Alex and Miguel were standing there, and I struck up a quick conversation. These two were an unusual pair, and there was a mixed understanding of whether they were a couple or just roommates. Alex was Puerto Rican and a nursing student, having just turned 21 last month. His roommate Miguel was an exchange student from Brazil who ended up transferring here at the end of his exchange last summer. These two amuse me, not just because they’re each adorable, but because they both hide who’s fucking them from the other. I met Alex on Grindr, building a three-week conversation until he accepted an offer to meet for drinks one evening while Miguel was working. We had a couple drinks in my loft, talking about his schooling and travels. I love to travel, so we had a lot of destinations to talk about. Alex had seemed nervous at first, but was relaxing the longer we talked. I poured us a third round of drinks and then offered him a tour of the loft. We talked about some of the art pieces that caught his eye, where they came from, and some unique anecdotes about the artists. We were in the bedroom talking about a small piece I’d purchased from a young artist in Toulouse when Alex noticed the sling in the alcove behind my bed. It was deliberately placed to be in a recessed space where I could control the lighting and energy in the space. Alex was fascinated. He touched the leather straps and asked some questions about using it. “Why don’t you jump in and see what it feels like?” Alex hesitated, but he couldn’t take his eyes off it. “Go ahead. Just jump in.” I took his cocktail glass and coached him into the sling. He was still fully dressed; I wanted this to move slowly, savor the young man’s nervous desire. Alex squirmed a bit, trying to settle into the sling comfortably. “It’s meant to be naked in, but you get the basic idea,” I said. I lifted his ankles, “You’re feet would go through these two stirrups, so you don’t have to work to keep them up. It spreads your ass open for the top.” I gave the sling some motion, deliberately bouncing his ass against my groin. Even through our jeans, I could feel both of us getting hard. “Do you fuck a lot of guys in this?” “Mmmmm hmmmm,” I nodded, now running my hands up under his shirt. His skin was so smooth, and I could feel the muscles in his abs flex as I playfully stimulated the nerves with my finger tips. Alex groaned softly. “I think you’re ready to be one of them.” He just looked up at me, his eyes in a dreamy state. I know that look — the look of desire pushing aside all other thoughts in a boy’s head. Alex was radiating nervous anticipation. I pulled off his shoes; he didn’t protest. I pulled off his socks and massaged his feet; he groaned again, letting his head roll back and relaxing. It would have been much easier to have him stand up and undress, but I didn’t want to risk breaking the spell of seduction. I undid his jeans, and awkwardly shuffled them off his hips and pulled them up to expose his ass. I could have just fucked him like this, his pink hole was accessible. But I wanted more, and so did he. I wet my thumb and gently massaged his tender hole while the other hand methodically removed. One pant leg, and then the other. It took a couple minutes, but I got his pants completely, feeling immense satisfaction as they dropped to the floor, all the while my thumb was massaging his hole. He was moaning softly. I stepped around to the head of the sling and pulled his shirt off, much easier than his jeans had been. I looked down the full length of his body. His caramel skin was taught against his lean frame, his legs dangling off to either side of the chains helping suspend him midair. I stepped back to his ass, slipped his legs into the stirrups, and pulled out my cock. “Damn. Your cock looks really big.” “It is.” “Do you have poppers?” “I do. Have you used them before?” “No. But I’ve seen them in videos.” I slid open a tiny drawer beside the sling where I kept the supplies handy, and handed him the bottle. Parted of me wanted to explore Alex’s body longer. But my cock was raging, and Alex’s hole was hanging just inches away, open, ready…. “I don’t get fucked a lot,” he admitted nervously. “I’m mostly a top.” “Good for you,” I said. “I’ll be gentle.” I pumped some lube into my hand, and glazed my long cock with it. Getting a couple more pumps of lube, I fingered some into his anxious hole with one hand, while the other spread some on Alex’s shaft, too. I was admiring its size as I lubed it. I’m sure lots of bottoms loved his dick. But here and now, he was going to be a repository for my seed. I noted Alex was holding the bottle of poppers, but hadn’t used them yet. I could sense his anxiety, the roiling mix of fear and desire battling inside him. The fantasy had become real, and he was at the brink of being fucked in a sling by a big dicked notorious whore. He wanted it, but was terrified to have it. “Unscrew the cap, and hold on to it. Don’t drop it. Pinch one nostril close and inhale through the other. Get the bottle closer. That’s right. Now switch sides. Pinch that nostril closed. This time hold it in for a second hold it. That’s good. Now release your breath slowly.” I took the bottle and cap from him, sealed the bottle closed, and placed it on his chest. His eyes took on that half open – half closed look as he succumbed to the poppers. It was time to take Alex. “Feels amazing doesn’t it?” I pressed the head of my dick into his young hole. He gasped, his breath coming louder and faster, and he lifted his head to look right into my eyes. His face was desperate, terrified, and eager all at once. He knew what was about to happen. He knew it was inevitable and that he couldn’t stop it from happening. I pressed my slick cock further into his awaiting hole. “Fuck, that’s tight,” I said. Alex winced, and I felt his sphincter spasm. “Just breathe. Keep breathing. It’ll be good in a second.” Alex wanted me to pull out. He didn’t think he could handle it. But I knew better. I pushed in further, and Alex let out a deep groan. I pushed in until my balls were touching his bare ass. He looked up at me. Powerless. Realizing his façade of experience had been stripped away, exposing him as a newbie that wasn’t sure what to do. He was overwhelmed with the sensation of my big cock filling him. I started to push the sling back and forth, letting the motion slide Alex’s adorable body up and down my shaft. His ass was like a vice. “You like that?” “Oh my gawd,” he whimpered. “Good boy. Just let yourself enjoy it.” I started to move my hips, adding more movement inside his hole, stretching him open further. It was becoming more comfortable to fuck him. Alex began to moan. “That’s it. Feel that big dick inside you.” “Ohhhh ….. ohhhhhh … fuck ….. fuck,” he whispered softly. I let my hands explore his caramel skin. He felt so good! Alex was lost in the sensations competing for his attention. My fingers danced across his body, stimulating his legs, abs, lats, and chest. All the while my cock worked his tight ass, priming the youngster for his new role as my cumdump. It wasn’t going to be long. I knew he wouldn’t last too much longer before his tender hole became sore. I felt the pressure building inside my balls, knowing it would be a big load. I had worked toward this moment for weeks. The texting. The grooming. This adorable Puerto Rican kid was ready to take my load. Alex sensed it; he looked up at me as I began fucking him more deliberately, the chains of the sling rattling louder as I got closer and closer to release. He wanted to ask me to pull out, to shoot my load across his body, but the words wouldn’t come to his lips. He wanted to be bred, and knew this was his chance for it. “That’s right, boy. You’re getting bred.” I pumped him hard, my cock on the edge of release. Alex moaned. His eyes were pleading. His face looked so innocent in that moment. That’s when I took him. “Gah!” My dick erupted. So did his. My seed pumped inside him, transforming him into my cumdump. His load shot up along his abs and chest, actually splashing some into his open mouth as he gasped at the unexpected climax. I pumped a few more times, waves of ecstasy crashing over me as I took Alex. The innocence was gone from his face. It was replaced with shock at his own transformation. He had just given himself up for another man’s load inside him. He had tried to deny to himself that’s why. He had come here tonight, but he couldn’t lie to himself any longer. We showered. He dressed, though I stayed in just my towel, letting my cock hang loose beneath it as we sat on the couch talking a few minutes before he left. I could feel. My load inside the boy. He also knew he felt different, though he couldn’t explain the feeling. “This is just between us, right?” “It is,” I assured him. “Miguel cannot find out.” “Not a problem. I wouldn’t say anything to him.” To this day, standing here at the bar with the two of them, Miguel doesn’t know that Alex has been a semi-regular in my sling. Alex comes some evenings while Miguel is working or studying with a group. The adorable boy slides into the sling each time. Now I have some prep time beforehand, setting up the dim red lighting, putting on club music for a good fucking beat, even introducing him to wrist restraints. No, Miguel didn’t know about any of that. But Miguel was keeping his own secrets from Alex.
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  45. If anyone was curious, this is our Sammy, John and Eli...
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  46. Grant Sam might have had Sam as his fuckbuddy at college, but I had a fuckbuddy too. Except in my case we even tried dating for a while. It did not work out for us for a number of reasons. Aiden was almost exclusively a bottom and I wanted a dick up my ass. Secondly he was very jealous and insistent on having a monogamous relationship but I wanted more variety than that. After college we moved to different cities but still remained in contact. Aiden eventually found a very attractive guy Grant, and they became boyfriends. From what Aiden told me it seems that Grant was almost as much of a bottom as he was. So what did they do sexually then? Mostly blowjobs, but also the very occasional fuck and even though they were a monogamous couple, they always used condoms. Sounded familiar! I was quite surprised to receive an email from Aiden to say that Grant would be spending a week at a conference near to where Ben and I lived and that he would like to meet me. I had seen quite a few pictures of Grant on Facebook, and I was just as keen to meet him. An incredibly hot bottom who was obviously not getting fucked as often as he would like. Although he was with Aiden, I thought this would be a great opportunity to try and get him into bed and fuck a toxic load into him. All the more so because Aiden had phoned me more than once close to tears because he and Grant were having relationship issues, usually because Grant wanted to be fucked and if Aiden wasn't going to do it he wanted permission to go outside their relationship to get it. Aiden was having none of it but he assured me many times that he did not think that Grant ever acted out his desires. Grant had once asked Aiden why he and I broke up, and Aiden had told him point blank that it was because I wasn't into monogamy. Grant knew I was married to Ben as Aiden and I had swopped a lot of pictures and tales over the years. One thing I had never let Aiden know is that Ben and I had a totally open relationship and that we fucked around freely. After some to-and-froing of emails and text messages, we arranged to meet Grant at the hotel he was staying at and take him for a drink at a local gay bar. Both Ben and I made sure that we were dressed as sexily as possible, with jeans that made the most of our crotches. As I pulled up in front of the hotel Ben and I could not believe our eyes. Grant was way hotter in person than we imagined. Tight faded blue jeans packing a massive bulge, tight white t-shirt framing a muscular torso, golden hair and blue eyes, with a gorgeous smile. One look and Ben and I both wanted to fuck him so bad. We got out of the car to greet him and I could not help noticing that he kept glancing at our crotches. Ben hopped into the back seat and Grant sat beside me. I started describing the various local bars but Grant looked at me with a smile. "I've had a long day. You said you guys live close by and I'd like to see your place and get to know you better in a quiet environment. If you have something alcoholic to drink why don't we just go to your place." He looked at me earnestly and I swear that the massive bulge in his jeans had swollen a little. We walked from the car to the front door making small talk and I noticed that Grant seemed a little distracted. Nervous perhaps? Was he planned to cheat on Aiden or was he thinking that we were going to seduce him? I don’t know about the first, but Ben and I were definitely planning on the latter! I opened the door and let them in ahead of me, waving them towards the couch. “Why don’t you guys get comfortable on the couch while I get us each a beer? We have all sorts? Any preference?” “An IPA if you have one” was his response, which was fine as Ben and I like them and we had a few in the fridge. I had carefully left a few bareback porn DVDs lying around on the coffee table where no-one could miss them: “Bareback Blond Boyfriends”, “Raw Cheating Lovers” and a few others including my favorite “Raw Load Takers.” As Ben led Grant to the couch I saw his eyes widen. “Wow. Bareback porn. Aiden won’t let me buy any, as he says you shouldn’t reward them for promoting unsafe sex.” I thought to myself; Yup, that sounds like Aiden. “Well, if you like we can watch one.” I sensed a hesitancy in Grant. Forbidden fruit was calling. “But only if you want to. We won’t try anything. We're married.” (Yeah Right). I could see a hunger in Grant’s eyes as he looked straight at me. “No, of course not.” He paused, “You choose a good one, one that you like.” I brought the beers and slipped “Raw Cheating Lovers” into the DVD player. An appropriate choice for what I was planning. We made small talk and sipped our beers for a few minutes as the movie developed. At about the point when the first trick shot his load into the first cheating lover Grant brought the conversation around to sex. “Fuck, I don’t know when last I watched bareback porn on a screen bigger than my cellphone. It’s hot!” I laughed, “Yeah, like cocks, the bigger the better.” The action on the screen was obviously starting to stimulate him, as the bulge in his pants now stretched out in a fat straight line almost as far as his jean pocket. He was obviously packing some serious meat. I also caught him stealing glances at Ben and my crotches all the way through the conversation, and our cocks were already hard in response to his interest. He asked the question that was brewing all evening: “You guys are obviously really into bareback porn. Maybe even as much as I am. Do you bareback each other? Aiden and I still use condoms even though we have never slept with anyone outside of our relationship. At least, I know I haven’t.” Ben answered for me. “Yes, we got tested after we got married. Only with each other. We don’t fuck around.” (Liar). As the screen showed the bottom’s wrecked ass leaking cum from an internal cum shot Grant asked us. “So which of you guys is a top? Aiden and I are both bottoms, which sucks.” Ben and I were obviously thinking along the same lines as we both answered. “Both of us.” "So who bottoms?" "Both of Us. We're versatile." He looked at the now very obvious growing bulge in my thin khaki pants. "So you guys bareback. Does it really feel so much better than with condoms?" This line of discussion was really turning me on and I started leaking pre-cum and creating a slick patch around my cock head. "Fuck Yeah", I responded. "The only thing that feels better than pumping your load into a juicy ass is having someone fill your gut with his sperm." By now my cock was drooling so much that the patch was about the size of a quarter and very obvious. I could see the lust in his eyes. It was time to step things up a notch. I looked hard at him and said. "By the looks of things the movie and the conversation have got you quite stimulated." For a fraction of a second I could see the doubt and confusion in his eyes as he realized what it was that he wanted so badly. I continued before he could change his mind and chicken out. "Based on what you're packing in your jeans you should try to top more. There's lots of guys that would love to have that up their ass.” He didn’t respond to that but asked. "I want to see you guys fuck bareback. I've never seen it live and up close before. Then you can fuck me with a condom. I've never cheated on Aiden before, but we'll be safe and he'll never know. Ben needed no encouragement and started stripping down to his black and red jock briefs. I always told him that the cutout at the back really framed his ass well, and he had obviously chosen to wear them today for maximum impact. I undressed a little more slowly, putting on a show for Grant. Grant made no moves to undress but was rubbing his cock through his pants. I went straight for Ben’s ass and started eating it out and getting it nice and wet ready for fucking. Now I really needed someone to suck my dick and get it slicked up with spit as I wasn’t going to use lube but Grant wasn’t taking the bait. He had now unzipped his pants and was working his dick with his hand. I could see with satisfaction that it was now drooling copious amounts of pre-cum. Such a waste that he was a condom bottom. With a juicy dick like that he should be a bareback top. I spat on my hand and slicked up my cock and then spat again into Ben’s hole and slid all the way in. It was slick and juicy with somebodies cum, not mine. My slut husband had obviously taken a load from someone not too long before. Just the way I like it. Fucking a sloppy hole. I started fucking him with deep hard strokes, slamming my crotch into his ass with every thrust. By now Grant was naked on the couch with his ass over the edge jerking his meat while he watched me fuck Ben. I made sure that the fucking was as juicy and wet sounding as possible and I could imagine what was going through Grant's mind. As I started getting close I whispered "now" in Ben's ear and he turned around and started kissing Grant on the mouth while I pulled out of his ass. I made sure that Grant saw me grab a condom from the side table, tear open the packet and roll it over my dick. Then I went down between his legs where he could not see me and slathered his hole with lube. I pulled back on the condom and it broke as planned. I pulled back the shredded latex onto the base of my cock and slowly started introducing it into his hungry anus. It slid in surprisingly easy for someone who reportedly did not get fucked often enough. “Oh fuck, that feels so good. Damn!” he uttered as I bottomed in his bowels. “You like my dick filling your hole huh?” I slowly started fucking him with longs strokes so that he could get the maximum pleasure from my bare dick sliding up and down his hot anal cavity. “Fuck yeah, it feels different than when Aiden fucks me. Better. Thicker.” I grinned at him and thought, but didn’t say aloud “and bare, lubed up by some anonymous guy’s cum from Ben’s ass.” “Maybe it’s because he is really a bottom and doesn’t know how to fuck?” I just chuckled and picked up the pace. His dick was starting to leak profusely and he moved his hand to start jerking off. I held it away. “No, not yet. Later.” I was fucking him hard and fast while Ben was deep kissing him and it did not take more than thirty seconds or so before I started dumping seven or eight massive squirts of scalding hot poz cum deep into his colon. "Oh fuck. FUCK. Yeah FUCK!" was all Grant could say as he felt the cum shooting against the walls of his bowels for the first time. As he came down from his orgasm I saw him looking at me with a strange expression as if he suddenly realized something. I slowly pulled out of his ass so that he could see the shredded condom. I saw the wide eyed shock in his eyes as he observed the damage and understood that he had taken a load for the first time. The shock quickly turned to lust. “I guess that’s why it felt so good, it was bareback.” “Yeah,” I responded. “Feels good doesn’t it? Maybe you’d be a top more often if you were not dealing with tight numbing latex on your cock.” His rock hard dick was still drooling pre-cum into the puddle that was forming on his belly. He was obviously not turned off by the idea. “I’m the only one of us who hasn’t been fucked yet, so why don’t you try and fuck me. Bareback. And see what it feels like. Put that big dick of yours to good use and you may find that you like topping when you can fuck bare. You can even cum in me.” Ben grinned with agreement. “And then Ben can fuck you.” Greg was still on his back on the couch and before he could say anything I went over and lowered myself onto Greg’s dick, after slicking it up with some of the pre-cum from his belly. I started riding him like a champion and I could see he was experiencing sensations he had never felt before. It was almost too much for him and it was not long before he shot his first unprotected load deep in my gut. Ben was watching all this with his dick in his hand, planning the next move. As I slowly lifted myself off Greg clenching my ass to prevent any cum leaking out Ben spoke. “Let’s take a break for a few minutes and then I’ll can fuck you and you can fuck me.” “Bareback?” he asked. I thought that was a dumb question considering the sex we had just had. “Yeah, of course” was my response. Greg spent every evening with us for the rest of the week, and by the time he went back to Aiden, Ben and I had each given him five or six toxic loads. He parting words to us were. “I’m not going to say anything to Aiden, but I’m going to start fucking around behind his back, and topping, and giving loads. All bareback of course.” I just smiled. Yeah. Within a few weeks those loads are going to be highly toxic.
    1 point
  47. Find a new Doctor. Truvada has been used for years on HIV+ patients. Hep C is usually transmitted by blood. He is steering you away from PReP for no good reason.
    1 point
  48. Part Three. I was so high still from either the poppers or the stuff he was putting in my ass I had a hard time keeping up with him as he headed for a group of cars parked along the roadway. Dan stopped and opened a car and grabbed a bag and said “come on piggy, time to make you a whore”. He heads down this path and over a bridge to another trail and ends up under some kind of tree that’s branches all most come the ground with a picnic table under it. STRIP BITCH! Off come the shorts in a heartbeat. He then pulls out two Styrofoam pads and puts one on the bench part and tells me to get up and kneel on it, he then pulls out a dog collar and puts it on me and fastens two chains to the collar and secures them to the ends of the table. He then ties ropes to my ankles and spreads them wide and ties them to the table ends. My hands are handcuffed and tied to the other side of the table. He said this is where the real fun starts my friend. He grabbed his lube and plastic bag, hands me a bottle of poppers “you won’t need those very long bitch”. I can no longer see behind me or move much, but I know I am going to get my ass packed with lube and whatever is in that bag. I feel him filling my ass with lube and I am pushing back wanting more than that damn finger. I all of a sudden hear someone cough; as I look up there is three guys standing in branches with cocks out jacking them, when Dan said “almost ready come on it”! Dan, then asked me if I ever partied; I said sure! (Thinking beer). Dan said I am sure this is going to be a lot more then you ever dreamed of! He then had his friends grab my arm as he wrapped some band around my arm. I am so high from whatever was in the lube, but now I am scared shitless, not knowing what he is doing, then I see him with a syringe and needle coming up to my arm, I start to fight, but I have no where go and not able to fight very well. Dan tells me to calm down that what he has been putting in my ass is the same that he is going to give me now, just more. I see the needle go in my arm and the band come off. I am still in a panic, but aware that these guys seem to be getting naked and see guys grabbing each other’s cocks and feeling my body all over. I put my head down and can see someone is now behind me and feel his cock going into my ass, no pain, no problems. I can hear myself telling myself or them how great it feels, “Please fuck me, please fuck me, fuck yes”. I find myself pushing back wanting the strangers cock in me. My hair is then grabbed and I am now getting my mouth filled with a nice cock and hearing what a complete pig I was. I think it was Dan who said, “He was a straight bitch yesterday, and a cock, cum, chem whore piggy now”! I look out of the corner of my eye and see Dan standing there naked, and more guys seem to have found our hiding spot! I feel the first guy in my moth explode and I start to swallow his cum like a baby to milk. Then hear the stranger in my ass telling Dan he was going to knock this bitch up, then grunted and said take my fucking hot load you cunt!! And I am sure it was a hot load, it felt great!! Two more are now filling my holes and start talking dirty to me about making me one of them, a toxic bitch for them to use for years to come because no one else will want me!! I was confused, but didn’t care at that point, I was getting gang-banged by complete strangers, high as fuck and loving every minute of it and wanting more. Dan leans down as I am gulping another load down my throat and laughs saying, “you have no idea what these guys are talking about do you pig?” I can’t really answer at this point with a cock filling my belly with his seed and the other holding my hips and just slamming into me telling me I am going to be a pregnant piggy before the days end!! I thought back to yesterday and the thought girls must be going through knowing they were getting pregnant and carrying a man’s babies in her, and I was a proud bitch at this point, me pregnant with other men’s babies swimming in me, knocking me up with their seed!! I looked up at Dan, the guy pulled his cock out of my mouth and I just said “I am proud to be the bitch to these men and carry their babies in me”! I want to feel every guy in the world put his seed in me!!. Dan then asked if I knew what being Poz was, I just shook my head “no”, “you will bitch, you will”! As the last of the men, who I was told come down to the park on their lunch hours and after work to release a load or two were done, and only Dan and I were left and even he fucked me again and made me clean him off, released me from my bondage and kind of curled up on the table and fell asleep……………..
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