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  1. I had been thinking about having some more professional pictures taken of me for a long time, but kept putting it off knowing that the 'self' pics I have always seem to do the trick and did I really need more than that? The answer was always no. One night, on a whim, I posted an ad on CraigsList, in the Men for Men section, inquiring about a local photographer to take some nude and tasteful pictures of me. Of course I have nudes, self taken, but I wanted someone else's view and skills of taking pictures with an artistic mind. As expected I received multiple crude or amateur responses and it took me a while to sift through them, one of the responses caught my eye. His name was Ed and he had a photo studio in town and offered to take some erotic nudes of me with no expectations or cost, but if one was really good I would agree to let him use it in his studio. I would also get all of the digital files and Ed would keep nothing. Pretty easy for me to agree to, since there was no skin off my back to possibly get some great shots. Ed and I connected via email first and it was pretty professional from the get go, which I appreciated, but I wanted to make sure that if the situation arose, he was alright with more soft porn type photos of me enjoying myself. Ed was totally fine with this and offered to walk me through some of his non-public online gallery to give me some ideas of what he has done with other men and clients. I was pretty excited about this and we set a time. Ed said he would email be back from his personal email so there wasn't any 'business' ties to our conversations or thoughts. I said sure and waited for his email. Ed's email came in soon after. I opened the email and read the pleasantries. I saw the time we were to meet online and go through the gallery, but I also noticed a profile link for what appeared to be Ed's Adam4Adam profile. This couldn't be an accident, right? Of course maybe he just has it there with his personal email. I don't know, but I had to click on it. I was led to Ed's profile and read through his words, summary, and then looked at his available public pictures. Ed was very attractive, should length graying hair, seemed to be fit, but my vision was pulled right to his soft cock, hanging naturally it seemed to be at least six to seven inches soft, shaved balls, and well trimmed pubes. First impression? fucking gorgeous. Oh I wanted to see his 'private' pics, but definitely didn't have the nerve to ask for that, not yet anyway. Ed and I were to connect via hangout so we he could lead me through the gallery. When it was time I opened the video chat link and waited for Ed to join. It seemed like I had been waiting for a long time, but in reality it was my excitement that made the wait that much longer. Ed joined rather quickly after our scheduled time and it was great to finally talk to him. We covered some pleasantries and then Ed asked some questions. "So Tim, would you like to see some artful nudes I have and have had hanging in my gallery at one time or another?". Ed asked. "That would be great! I am very interested on those that started kinda where I am, no experience and no idea what I really want", we both laughed. Ed laughed too and said, "you bet, I think I know what you want to see". Ed shared his screen and started going through the gallery quickly looking for someone specific. "Ah, here he is. This is Joe, he came to me with the same thoughts you have. He had plenty of 'selfies' and 'gay web site' pics, but wanted something done a little more tasteful. We met in my studio and all of these were taken in an afternoon. What do you think?" I was looking intimately at every photo. Many were relaxed poses on a bed or lounger, Joe was naked and semi aroused it most of the pictures. The lighting was awesome and the environment was great, Joe seemed to be in a very relaxed environment. "I think these are perfect for what I am looking for. I see Joe in mostly the same poses, can you handle other positions and thoughts?" I asked Ed. "Of course Tim, let me find a few others that might be more what you are thinking". Ed navigated to another client and past his front photos to a 'second' page. "Are these more along what you are thinking?". The new set of pictures I now saw were incredible and exactly what I was thinking in the way of pictures. There were one of this new guy of him hard...holding his cock, up on all fours, a dildo in his ass...they were all very nice. Ed commented, "I can see by your stares and the silence these pictures have grabbed your attention". Ed laughed "Fuck Ed". I caught myself and corrected my reaction, "sorry Ed. I mean yes, these are exactly what I was looking for. Can I ask you about this session?". "Of course Tim, I am very open, you can ask anything you want." Ed said. "Thank you Ed, I really appreciate that. For this session, how did this start? What were his thoughts on what he wanted and the obvious, did it go any further, pictures of him cumming?". "Great questions Tim. This is Robert. Robert wanted some new pictures that might be 'action' type pictures. We started with different poses and soon enough Robert was aroused and it just led from there. To answer your last question, yes Robert came very hard at the end of that session". I was getting hard hearing Ed talk about the photo session, this is exactly what I was looking for. "That is hot" "Yes Tim, it is very fucking hot. So, would you like to schedule a session for yourself?" "Yes Ed, I would love that". We worked out a time to meet up at Ed's studio. Meeting Ed I arrived at Ed's studio as we had discussed. The studio was in an older building down town, more of a loft style studio or apartment. Ed was wearing a loose fitting button up shirt, shorts, and sandals. "Welcome Tim, please come in" he said while letting me in. I almost felt him staring me up and down from behind. I immediately noticed the erotic photography on the walls, men posing in many settings and poses. After closing the door Ed said, "you like my work?". As I continue to go over the different photos I answered, "very much. They are just great, very real, very sexy". Ed chucked, "ha, you should see the ones I keep in my office. those are much more...revealing". I turned to Ed, "I would love to, can we? It might give me some ideas". Ed said 'sure' and led me down one of the hallways to a large open room. The floor was wood but a majority of it was covered with a plush area rug. A desk stood towards the end with some draped windows behind them. "Great office", I said. I then took in the photos on these walls. Fuck! They were all so hot. The artistic nature flowed in these as well, but there were some of men aroused, men masturbating, men hard, men leaking, and men fucking. I just stared, not being able to look away. "These might be a little more than you are looking to do, but maybe they inspire some inspiration", Ed said. I walked in closer to on in particular. The photo was black and white and showed a man on all fours. He was being fucked by a rather large cock with a top down view, as if the viewer is the one doing the fucking. "Amazing" I said. I was looking intently at it, getting aroused, and didn't sense Ed coming up next to me. "Yes, this is a good one". Ed almost startled me. "I remember it well. Do you like it?". "Oh yes, it is very sexy. I don't know how you were able to get that point of view, it is incredible. Well done. They obviously had this in mind when they came here, right?". "Oh it takes some skill, and luck, to be able to capture this in the moment", Ed said while air quoting. He then added, "yes I think he had this in mind when he came over". I thought about that statement, I am sure he meant when one of the men made the arrangements. Ed quietly moaned and I think he adjusted his cock in his shorts. "Let me show you to the studio and changing room", he said. Ed showed me into the studio, which had some different furniture pieces and props for pictures. Off to the left was a small room that had a couch, few chairs and what looked like a makeup desk. "Here you go, you can change in here, or undress in here, depending on how you want to start Did you have something in particular you wanted to wear or are you wanting to go right to naked?", Ed asked. "I am want to start with a thong mesh jock and go from there". "very nice. will give you a few and check on you before I am ready". Ed closed the door behind him. I set my bag down on the couch and started removing my clothes. Under my shorts I wore a jock and my silver cock ring. I took the jock off but decided to leave my cock ring on, I was semi aroused anyway so removing it would take a little while. I stripped off my shirt and dug the mesh jock out of my bag. I slid it on and made sure my cock and balls fit in the front pouch, and then adjusted the thong in my crack. As I admired myself in the mirror, I started to get semi hard. A light knock on the door came and Ed asked, "everything going alright in there? I am ready when you are". I moved to the door and opened it, standing back so Ed could see. "Do you think this will look ok?". Ed looked me up and down then said, "fuck yes, it is hot". Ed reached out and pulled on my thong string by my hip, then "turn around so I can see the fit". I turned my ass towards Ed. I felt his fingers slide under the fabric of my thong string running down my crack. His fingers trace the fabric down over my hole and he paused there before pulling his fingers back. "Yes Tim, this will be great, and you wear it very well". I turned back to Ed and it was now I noticed he had changed his shirt and shorts, to more of a looser tshirt and sports shorts that I could make out the prominent outline of his cock head and a new wet spot. I looked up and smiled at Ed. Ed took my hand and let me to the couch. "Let's start with you sitting here, facing me, one leg up". As I moved into position I couldn't help but stare at Ed's shorts and the growing wet spot. After a couple series in similar, but different positions, Ed saw me staring and said, "sorry for leaking Tim. I don't normally start leaking just by taking pictures". "oh, no need to apologize Ed, it happens to the best of us". We both laughed. Ed had me pull the mesh jock aside, releasing my hard cock. "That is great Tim, just like that, don't play with your cock yet, let me take a few". Then Ed said, "maybe turn over so you are resting on the edge of the couch, on all fours, cock still hanging free, but the fabric covering your hole". I did as Ed instructed and while he was moving behind me taking pictures, I asked, you said don't normally start leaking by taking pictures, so when do you start leaking?". I heard Ed stop moving and he answered, "usually when a hot client is showing me their ass". I turned my head to look at Ed. His cock was very hard now and VERY prominent in his shorts. "Just kidding Tim" and we both laughed. "I normally start leaking when watching porn or checking some websites I like. I stood up from the couch and removed my thong all together and then assumed the same position. "Same here" I said. "That is great Tim, here let me straighten out some of those cushions", Ed said and moved in behind me. As he bent over my ass and back he held on to a cheek with one hand while he pushed the cushions back to where they should be. He leaned over the other way and this time his cock, behind his shorts, touched my hip. "there, that should keep them up". Ed's hand was still on my cheek and hard cock touching my hip. He asked, "would you like a toy and try to take some of those pictures"? His hand moved over my ass cheek to my hole and kept his finger there. "yes please Ed, I would love that". "Great, give me a minute, be right back". Ed squeezed my cheek and headed to a near equipment bench. He opened one of the drawers. He seemed to pull out a dildo and some lube. Ed hurried over and I now saw clearly it seemed to be a six inch dildo, lube, and also poppers. I started to get hornier and hornier the closer he got, and yes is apparent big cock was bouncing all over the place. Ed came close to me on the couch and asked, "can I help you with these?". "I would love that Ed, thank you". I arched my back and next felt some cold lube drip onto my ass and Ed rubbing it all over my hold and around my full balls. He then lubed up the toy and used his off hand to spread my hole open a little...and slowly worked the dildo in to me. I moaned out loud, "fuck that feels good". my cock was now dripping. "I think these will be hot". "Tim, hold this in you I need to capture this". Ed got his camera and then said, "mind if I take off my shirt, a little hot in here now", and he laughed. "of course not, please do". I could tell the hand with lube on it had found his hard cock in his shorts, the evidence was obvious. I watched Ed peel off his shirt. He wasn't hairy at all, just some small graying patches in the middle of his chest. "much better, ok if you want to slowly work that in and out of you...perfect". Ed got closer and started taking pictures. I took the dildo and started sliding it in and out of me, fuck it felt so good. Ed said, "now quickly pull it out and I will get your hole wide open". I did as Ed asked and Ed got closer and closer, taking pictures. "You are beautiful Tim. I hope you let me hang one of these in my office". "I would love that Ed". my hole was aching, but I took the dildo into my mouth and sucked on it to get it wet. "fuck Tim, that is hot. Pretend it is a big wet cock, suck on it", Ed said. "yeah, suck on it. damn great pics Tim". Ed stopped taking pictures and I heard him breathing a little harder. I opened my eyes and saw Ed had pulled his cock out of his shorts and was stroking it, watching me. His cock was so gorgeous, probably nine inches and leaking precum now. "want to get some of you sucking my cock?" Ed didn't really wait for an answer, he got on the couch next to me and started leaning in giving me access to his big cock! I dropped the dildo and started squeezing Ed's big cock. I lowered my head to his cock, licking it clean of any precum and then sucking him into my mouth. "suck that big cock Tim. do you like my cock boy?". Ed asked while holding the back of my head. I just moaned loudly. Ed's hand left the back of my hand and trailed down my back to my exposed, pre lubed hole. I felt his fingers now circling around my hole and in a moment he slid one of his fingers in to me. Then two fingers, I moaned around his thick cock. As Ed finger fucked my ass I took his cock out of my mouth and told him, "please fuck me baby". "oh Tim, I really want to but we shouldn't". I was still holding Ed's big cock in my hand and looking up at him, "why? do you have a boyfriend?" "No", Ed said. I continued, "don't fuck your clients?". "No, it isn't that Tim". "Please Ed, I want you in my ass so bad". "Tim, I am poz and not on meds. I want to fuck you so bad, take pictures of my cock in you, but I want you to know the risk". Here I was, on all fours, in front of a gorgeous man and his gorgeous cock. This is the time to make that decision. "Ed, would you please take pictures of your cock in me, bare?". Ed asked, "are you sure Tim?" I just said, "yes". Ed leaned down and kissed me, got up with his camera and got behind me. I could feel his cock then lay on my crack. Ed then started sliding his cock back and forth across my hole! I knew he was taking pictures now and it just turned me on even more. "Tim, are you ready? Your hole is so wet and ready for my cock. Tell me to fuck you now". "fuck Ed, please...put your big cock in me, I need to feel you deep in my ass". Ed stopped sliding, and I felt him pushing his cock down as the head was right at my hole. That big cock started opening me up, the pressure was intensifying as he slowly pushed past my tight ring, finally I felt a little relieve and Ed stopped pushing! "baby, my cock head is in you, I need to take some pictures...please hold still". I could feel Ed's cock in me, pulsing, as he captured the moment for me. "Fuck Tim, I might have to hang this one in my office. Your ass is nice and tight, just wraps around my cock. Are you ready for more?" To help Ed know how I felt, I pushed back on his cock a little. "Tim, damn....I love it...take my cock as much as you want". I pushed back on Ed's cock a little more, feeling him slide into me more and more! He was stretching my ass more than I had been before and I loved it. If I thought about it, I knew the dangerous position I was now in, this poz top man was leaking in me, and Ed was not on meds. I couldn't help but let him fuck me more and more. Ed put the camera down and grabbed both of my hips to help him get deep in me. "please keep fucking me Ed, don't stop". Ed started really fucking me will full long strokes of his big bare cock. "I love watching my cock slide in and out of you", Ed said. As Ed started sliding in and out of me quicker I thought I could feel him swelling. "Tim I am going to pull out and cum all over your sexy ass". I immediately turned my head over my shoulder, "please don't pull out, I need to feel you cum in me...please". "you want my poz cum baby?", Ed asked I put my head on the pillow in front of me and loudly said, "breed me with your poz load, I want it so bad". Ed picked up the pace, "oh yes boy, you are going to get all of my cum in you". His pace started to pick up and soon Ed said, "get ready baby, here comes my poz load" "fuck me full Ed, poz my neg ass". I couldn't believe I was shouting this to a poz man, but I wanted Ed's load deep in me, changing me! That is when I felt Ed swell and finally shove deep in me and start shooting. my cock erupted underneath me. His girth and depth was all it took for us to orgasm together! After grunting and shooting, Ed finally collapsed on my back...kissing my shoulders. He said, "thank you Tim, that was so fucking hot. I love fucking you." As he slowly fell out of my sore ass, I said to him, "I want more Ed"
    7 points
  2. This happened just a couple hours ago. I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. Everyone else was asleep in the house. I decided to hope on Grindr just to see who was on there that time of the morning. I got hit up immediately by a faceless profile with the title Looking. No stats no pics. He asked for a pic and I sent him one of my ass just after it had been loaded. He asked where is was and I told home but can't host and if he had a dick pic. He sent one of a beautiful black cock. Probably 8inches. He then asked me to come to the tennis courts and I told him I needed to clean out. He said he didn't care to just come and he would have something to clean up if needed. (Luckily didn't need it). I'm sneaking out the house at 5am to get dick now. I'm texting while driving and ask him his status since he didn't have it listed. He's says neg and he's going in bare cause he doesn't have a condom which is cool with me, that's how I wanted it. I get there and it's still dark. He says hes on his way and to go into the restroom and wait for me. Now I've never done it here before and worried a little but my horniness takes over and I just wait. He finally gets there and dips into the dark bathroom with me. I drop to me knees to suck him hard but he says it's not necessary. I pulled the back of the shorts down and bent over the sink and took a hit of poppers. He spits on his dick and rubs some on my hole. He hits the mark and goes in deep and omg it was heaven. He starts pumping and says fuck yeah, this is good ass. He's pumping away and I'm moaning and telling him to breed me. He picks up the pace and drives deep and I feel his dick pulse. He pulls out and says sorry for it not being longer and I tell him it's cool, felt great. We sneak out the dark bathroom and he asks me if I'm cool and I say yeah and head to my car. I'm sitting there a moment and he messages me telling me thank you. It took all over 5 mins start to finish but damn I glad I did it.
    4 points
  3. Chapter 65: Who's Your Daddy Part 3 Before I could say a word, the stranger planted his lips on mine, for a good five minutes. I pulled away and said dad. Yes it was my real dad that had just planted his seed in me. My real dad said yes son. I still love you, even though you are a part of someone else now. I started crying. I wasn't angry or sad, but joyfull. I positioned myself between my 2 dads, and we passionately kissed each other as they dried the tears from my eyes. My real dad started by saying that he was happy for me and my step dad, yet envied him for being the one to convert me. My real dad said he had always had a special connection with me, but the timing just wasn't right. With the pending divorce and my just starting to discover M2M sex. My real dad said that even so he still loved me and would still be a part of my life, along with my step dad. My real dad then said in more ways than one, and got up turning around to reveal a biohazard tat on his ass cheek. He explained that my step dad and he were fuck buds, and that he had been kept in the loop the entire time. He added that he and my step dad had long conversations about meeting today, and that it was my step dad that suggested he go on a med break, and share their toxic seed with their son. My step dad then said it was time to share more of his seed with me, and told me to ride his cock, facing him. Of course I jumped right on him. It wasn't long before my step dad asked my real dad to join us. My step dad said I could handle it, as I'd taken on the twins already. Dad said he was impressed, but angry he didn't know that. My step dad just said now you do, and get in our sons ass and let's fuck him good! I've had the twins bigger cocks in me at the same time, but this was an entirely different situation. Knowing both of my dad's were fucking me. Them feeling their toxic cocks rubbing against each other. Knowing that my real dad had hoped to poz me, but not mad at my step dad for doing so. The fucking was quite furious, and I could feel both their cocks starting to pulse and release their seed in me. I don't know if they came at the same time, but if not it was pretty close. Once my real dad pulled his cock out of me, their loads oozed out of my hole as I shot my load on my step dads face and chest. My step dad pulled out, and I greedily licked their loads from the soaking cum covered sheets. My step dad said kiss me son, and I said you already got my load, I'm sharing this with my real dad, who said fair is fair. My step dad suggested we head to my room to continue our fun. He suggested we slip into our swimwear and grab our beach towels and if mom came back early, we could say we were at the pool.
    4 points
  4. I was in a tearoom on a business trip last year that was totally insane. At one point one of the cleaners came in and stood watching the action, didn't participate but didn't do anything to stop. One of the players was full on jacking his huge uncut cock in view of the guy too.
    3 points
  5. This brought back memories of the main university library where I went. The marble steps went down to the lowest level where there was nothing but a mens bathroom where you could hear the echoing of footsteps before the heavy door opened. Its reputation was well known. I never quite understood why there wasn’t a women’s down there.
    3 points
  6. I've read around on this site for a little while now, wanted to join and share some of my own experiences and how I got into bareback sex. I'm a 32 year old male, I live in the North West UK and I've been with guys since around the age of 22. Had my fair share of sex, with regular fuck buddies and also anonymous 1 off meets, but I'd always been a safe only guy, always using condoms. Last August during the Bank Holiday, I'd decided to give myself a much earned break and booked a hotel in blackpool for 2 nights so I could have some 'me' time in one of the saunas for the weekend. I've been to the sauna in blackpool numerous times and I was hoping it would be nice and busy for the Bank Holiday and I could unwind and get used by some anonymous guys for a couple of days. I arrived on the Saturday and checked into my hotel and hit the sauna straight away and luckily enough I was able to get a weekend pass so I could go as often as I wanted. On the Saturday, I went there over 2 separate spells between 1pm - 3:30pm and then again between 6pm - 8pm and I was glad to see a fair few men there. Lots of variety and plenty of guys looking for fun, I spent my time on the Saturday in the gloryholes giving guys head and swallowing numerous loads, as well as letting a few guys fuck me if they used condoms. I went back to my hotel feeling fully satisfied and I was looking forward to the following day, hoping it would be just as busy! After walking down the sea front for a little while I went back to the sauna again about 12pm on the Sunday and it was a lot busier than the previous day and a fair few of the older daddy type tops were there too which is my absolute favourite. After giving a few guys blow jobs in the gloryholes, I got chatting to a guy whilst in the hot tub and he'd asked about going to one of the booths together so I happily accepted. He was in his mid - late 40's, grayish hair, dad body (oh my god I love proper daddy types lol) and was about 7 inches or so. We went to one of the booths and we kissed for a little bit before he started to eat my arse and finger me for a little while. He was very, very good with his tongue and I wanted to make sure he was enjoying himself so I made sure to sit on his face whilst I was giving him head. His dick wasn't massive, but his pre cum tasted so damn good and he had some very heavy and full balls that he needed to unload. I lay on my back and opened my legs and he started to position himself to enter me, I grabbed a condom and he told me 'I don't like using them, they are a dick killer for me'. I replied I only play safe and he took it quite well and allowed me to put the condom on him and he slid inside me, slowly fucking me whilst we kissed. As he started to fuck me deeper and I moaned louder, he started to get quite verbal himself telling me how good my arse felt, that he'd love to feel me raw and how I should be bred exactly as he intended. I just carried on kissing him and asking him to fuck me harder but hearing him be so verbal about wanting me raw for some reason was really turning me on. I decided to get on all fours and let him fuck me from behind and the booth we were in had a TV monitor on, with a guy also on all four's, but begging for the guy in the video to fill his arse with cum. In the heat of the moment I found myself also really wanting this random man to cum in me, he started to fuck me from behind and he told me again how good my arse felt and after remembering what he said about condoms, I asked him 'would you get even harder if you didn't have that dick killer on?'. He pulled out of me and said 'Too fucking right it would, raw is better and you know you want it', and he then leant down and playfully bit my arse cheek. I was all caught up in just being ridiculously horny and taking a little inspiration from the porn on the TV monitor, I reached between my legs to feel for his dick and I peeled off the condom for him and threw it to the side. I started to shake my arse for him and he let out a 'hmmmm you filthy little boy' and I guided his dick back inside me. In that moment, I was legitimately shocked at how different bareback felt, skin on skin felt so much better and as he pushed himself inside me, asking me if I wanted him to breed me. My inner whore came out and begged for him to fill my arse up with every last drop and he started to pick up the pace and I was throwing my arse back on his dick like my life depended on it. Whilst all this was happening, I was getting hit with thoughts of finally taking bareback dick, whilst also having no clue if he was clean or not and with him continuing to be verbal about breeding me, I found myself craving his cum and giving 0 fucks about the consequence. It didn't take long for him to bury his dick deep in my arse and he moaned so damn loud and I could feel his dick twitching and shooting his cum up my arse. Instinctively, I found myself saying 'breed me daddy, fill my arse with your cum, put it as deep inside of me as you can'. Once he'd come, I wanted to clean his dick off (I'd never done arse to mouth, found out I really like it lol) and he gave me a kiss before leaving the room. I got back to my hotel later that afternoon to take a nap and that was when some of the worries started to settle in, but it didn't last long as I felt so excited about finally getting barebacked and it feels so fucking good. Since then, I've been much more relaxed with condoms, I don't ask guys to use them and unless they bring it up, I take it raw and can honestly say it's been the best decision I've made!
    2 points
  7. Does anyone else get turned off by condoms in porn? I’m sure this has been discussed before but it’s just such a turn off for me. I can be hard at and about to nut and all of a sudden I see a condom and I go limp. It’s an automatic turn off for me. Anyone else have the same opinion?
    2 points
  8. I’ve been doing anon pump and dump scenarios periodically over the last 10 years across mostly Canada and occasionally the US as both a top and bottom and I thought that I’d draft a guide document for anyone thinking of organizing it to be a cumdump bottom for the first time. Hope this helps and let me know if I’ve forgotten anything. Checklist of main things to pack (not exhaustive): Change of clothes Lube (I prefer vaseline as the main lubricator- cheap and will keep your hole operational the entire night and in addition, a small sized silicone lube placed on the bed where the top can spot it in low lighting. I prefer small sizes because I’ve had a top be way too excessive with the lube. Totally wasteful and messy) Condoms (obviously not our preference but I’ve found having it explicitly stated as an option in your ad raises your response rate substantially. You can always request them to cum on your hole afterwards or get the load out of the used condom afterwards. I’ve had some hot straight guys that will only do safe. Best not to restrict your options imo) Jockstraps (I bring spares because when one is soaked with cum and cold and clammy it’s a bit uncomfortable) Poppers (make sure the tops dont steal it afterward. I like the european ones that have the evaporation resistant caps so the poppers stay strong and avoids spillage which has happened to me before due to clumsiness and not being able to see) glasses/ contact case and solution (hotel rooms are dry and my eyes dry out after a couple fucks) Blindfold (the first few times I did it I cheated and used a see through blindfold (amazon) because I was scared that something would happen. But now I do it properly using a cheapie I think I got from dollar store - more of an immersive experience and I think the really paranoid discrete ones are more comfortable with a heightened level of anonymity. This is optional for some people depending on their comfort level I think. I don’t recommend going for any kinky mask or gear or hood etc without clearing it with your respondent first. I remember showing up as an anon top to a hotel room and the btm was decked out in gear. I would normally be ok with it but was just surprised and kinda pissed that he didnt at least give me a heads up. Laptop and hdmi cord (if you plan to play porn as an ambience. Personally when topping I’ve found the porn volume to be distracting if too loud and was a little nervous the neighbors would hear. Also you might not want to pull out anything too kinky. Alot of the respondents are straight and/or new to gay sex. They’re delicate - don’t weird em out before you get their load) Water (stay hydrated. Try to avoid eating though and absolutely no coffee unless you want to spend another 45 min douching) Phone charger Anything you need for comfort or to keep you entertained during your downtime when you’re waiting for the next guy Any cosmetic or bathroom items that you might need Duck tape (I use this to keep the door from locking. More sustainable than using the door latch which I’ve found some tops reset) Cap, optional (I like the sporty look.. Plus added bonus of keeping the tops from grabbing your hair if they make you suck their dick) Mouthwash (some guys will surprise you with unexpected kissing and cuddling so best have good breath in preparation for that. I personally love it when blindfolded - really heightens the experience without having the person’s attractiveness bias your state of mind.) Bottle douche or small plastic bottle of water Plastic bag (to put all your gross stuff in when you’re done) Any party drugs that you might use, a cumdump session is a good time for them (I guess kinda controversial but it makes it funner. Dont go overboard as you still want to retain the ability to react if the top starts to do sketchy shit like try and steal from you or be overly rough or something. I’ve never had any major problems like stealing etc. but I’ve had one guy be overly rough with a thick 8 incher - honestly not cool at all even with poppers and makes subsequent fucks less enjoyable and less accessible as the muscles tighten up. Since then it’s something that I keep in mind. Honestly, having a clear mind is much more enjoyable for me in my experience than say getting drunk before doing it. One of the cool things about anon is your heightened sense of awareness as you hear the top open the door, hear his belt buckle and his zip and feeling his body warmth before feeling his cock. It’s fun) Tips: Location is very important - don’t just choose a hotel/motel carelessly. I think tops are more likely to travel to you if it’s close by so pick somewhere densely populated. One time I picked a hotel that was right beside a truck stop rest area and got a good bit of trucker loads. Certain hotels have put in curfews due to covid where you need your room key to enter the front entrance. This sucks but is generally restricted to 3.5/4+ star hotels. A huge chunk of your respondents are discrete and some of them are next level paranoid. I’ve had guys cancel because the room location required that they pass through the lobby as opposed to being accessible from the parking lot. I personally use super 8 or travelodge if the location is ok because of parking lot access, price and I think they are less likely to react if they notice guys showing up . I’ve found the best rates to be on hotwire. I don't think it's a good idea to use your home as an anon pump n dump location. Although you're saving money, I think you risk theft of your possessions and revealing your identity to someone you may know or who may use this information against you. Not worth it. Call ahead (like the morning of) and request early check in. If they have clean rooms most will be ok with it. I’ve gotten in as early as 10 am (normal check in is 3pm) before. The more time you have the more loads you can get. Scheduling has never kinda worked for me. I think a reasonable standard allotment would be a 30 min interval. Most guys cum quick- like 5 min or less. I’ve found that being open about possible overlaps is preferable than having them be surprised. Remember, some of them are delicate - they will flee at the first sign of something not going according to plan. Douching needs to be done exhaustively until the juices run clear. Remember that you’re planning to get fucked for a long time frame so make sure you do it properly. I use a hose attachment that connects to my shower fixture( you can find it on amazon). Unfortunately, most hotels’ shower fixture can’t attach to it so you need a separate bottle douche or if you’re ghetto like me use a bottle of water (thin plastic is easier). Try to watch your diet the day before - keep it minimal and no coffee and no fatty foods. Avoid eating during your cumdump hours Obviously use a throwaway email account. Protect your identity and dont have your name anywhere. If you’re doing this locally, use a different grindr account. The last thing you want to do is hurt your normal hookup chances because the guys in your area now know you’re into anon cumdumping. In fact, it might be better to just head out of town and slut it up where no one knows you or could somehow recognize you. Most guys will be fine but a small set of guys will be troublesome. Occasionally you may come across tops that takes a wayyy too long a time to cum (imo 1hr+ cuz they want to edge and didnt bring it up beforehand is unacceptable), or that try to hang around and watch without asking (yes, very creepy), or that just can’t get it up at all (it happens, no judgement, but sucks from a sex point of view), or that completely ditch the concept of a pump n dump and start doing everything from massages to small talk to whatever (breeding is #1 priority!). This point might be controversial because I think some bottoms might take submissiveness to the extreme and just allow the top to do whatever but I feel like this approach can definitely screw up your plans for the day. The way I approach these scenarios is to be polite but clearly communicate that I’m not comfortable with this or that and if things really cant get back on track, then I suggest that maybe things arent working well today and maybe we should just call it off or take a break or something. Don’t be judgemental or critical - it might not be their fault or they didn’t understand the scenario or something. Be mindful that you are after all in a room alone with a stranger. Be kind but communicate clearly if you’re uncomfortable. Secure your valuables. Ideally the room has a safe. If it doesn’t, might be better to keep your wallet etc in the car than risk the chance of being exposed to theft. Keep any stuff that needs to be in the room hidden to minimize temptation. Just in case Example Ad template: Obviously, your ad is super important. Your goal is to maximize the number of loads you can get and you want to communicate your expectations as clearly as possible. Definitely include a picture as it will hugely affect your response rate. Spend some time to try and get a good butt shot that hopefully will pass through doublelist and locanto’s restrictions. I personally like natural lighting and an angle that makes your butt look as big as possible.I have no idea what their criteria is. I’ve had some butt pics pass but be rejected in a later ad and vice versa. Remember to renew your ads and repost them on the day. The majority of my respondent demographic has always been guys in their 40s to 50s, some married. So imo it makes sense to renew after standard work hours when they’re likely to be home and have free time. Make sure that all your stats and details are correct. I think many guys when browsing will be suspicious of fake ads so try and aim to be clear so there is no misunderstanding. Craigslist was by far the best platform for this kind of thing but y’know rip. I use squirt message boards, doublelist, locanto, bbrt and grindr. Takes some micromanaging but the more you can distribute your ad the higher the rate will be. Though understandably you may have preferences on the kinds of guys you want showing up, consider that 1) you wont see them anyways, you’ll just feel their dick if they stick to the standard pump n dump expectation 2) the majority of guys wont show up so you might not want to be too picky. I personally still request basic stats (though most will send in the first email) just because it’s nice to visualize when getting fucked by him and helps me kinda keep track of my fucks for the day. A template of one I used this past weekend is below. Other examples can be found in the cumdump poppers trainer video (google it). I posted an initial one 2 weeks before the date I was kinda aiming for to get an idea if anyone would be interested before committing to booking and setting a date. I then edited it the Friday of the weekend to include the date and location and either refreshed it or just posted a new ad. I got a decent response rate but I think there’s room for improvement. Just my speculation but I think certain key words in your ad might help or hinder you depending on the culture of your area eg cumdump, loads, pump n dump. Calgary kinda sucks for this kind of thing anyway. My largest response rate has been in Seattle so far. Pride week especially in whatever city is also a great time. Most guys regardless of city will not follow through, maybe 10-20% on an average session will legit show up. Saturdays or public holidays are good days to set up — Hoping to organize an anonymous pump and dump scenario at my hotel room. Me: <insert your stats> Scenario: The door will be left propped open. When you come in, the room will be dark and quiet and I'll be naked ass up face down blindfolded and in a jockstrap. Lube and condoms (optional) will be to the side of the bed. Pull your cock out, use my ass to bust a load, then zip up and head out. No strings, no complications, no bs. Just straightforward easy and convenient fucking. Completely discrete. I haven't set a date or location yet - just trying to get an idea if anyone would be interested. Serious only. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. — Overall, if you’re new to anon fun and thinking of trying it, I say take the plunge and go for it. It’s a different experience from a normal hookup and one major advantage is that a surprising number of hot (based on cock/body pic and when I used to cheat with my blindfold) straight/bi (unconfirmed) discrete guys will show up for this. It definitely helps though to do a bit of planning or think some things through beforehand.
    2 points
  9. As a top who frequents cum dumps and prefers them I appreciate all of the work and second what was said. The anon vice, easy access, and tons of loads from strangers in a random warm home really make it all with it.
    2 points
  10. Yea...I like it when they say, "Just let me put the tip in."
    2 points
  11. Hell yes. Pozed in 84. And there s shit load of us. And i mean 100k and more. That's the real dirty secret that no one wants to talk about, the fact that so many of us survived, which damper the dramaqueen need for drama
    2 points
  12. Although I grew up with an affinity for rainbows and putting on shows, I never made the connection to gay shit until I was much older. But I distinctly remember when I decided I liked boys. In junior high, I had different classes all over my school, enabling me to see many other people during the day. (As a sidenote, I was in the same school as my younger sister for two years and we almost NEVER saw each other there.) And there was this boy with beautiful sandy blond hair. It just flowed freely off his scalp, and he had a sweet face. I called him Evan, but we didn't have any classes together. Passing him in the hall between 3rd and 4th period was a highlight of my school day, he was just so nice to look at. Then one day it hit me that I had a crush. I wanted to talk to Evan, but it would be so brief and so random that I didn't find the words. I was 12 - what the hell did I know about cruising? And of course I didn't ever talk to him, and then he was just gone one day. Didn't see him again. I couldn't exactly make inquiries because I didn't have a name and it would draw unwanted attention. But I had discovered I liked boys, and not girls, and when I took to jerking off at that age, I imagined what I remembered of Evan's face. And it terrified me. I had always been "different", but this wasn't "natural". I kept such thoughts and feelings to myself for next few years until I figured out what it all meant.
    2 points
  13. I try not to discuss HIV with guys from the 80’s. It’s like talking war with someone that has been in combat. I am glad I converted when I did.
    2 points
  14. As you know, usually I bottom - but if faced like a sight such as this ...🐷 LOVE the set-up, BTW
    2 points
  15. About 4 days ago I contacted one of the moderators and got a response right away about the chat being down. He doesn’t use it much and so did not notice anything unusual. His response was that it was down for him as well, after he checked it out. So I figured it was now brought to the attention of the moderators at least. In my opinion, from experience with my own questions, the moderators and even rawTOP, himself on one occasion, do respond right away to questions. They may not know exactly the reason for a technical glitch, but they are on the mark for responding to queries. I think the old adage ‘patience is a virtue’ should be exercised when dealing with a website that none of us pay for. Sorry to now hear that rawTOP is unwell and in hospital. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    2 points
  16. I agree with you. I've heard this "total bottoms are selfish" argument before too. People like what they like. I can make the argument that tops are selfish because they don't want to do the prep work required to be a power bottom. They just show up, pull they dick out pump, nut & bolt. Easy peasy.
    2 points
  17. Once he’d composed himself, I excused myself to grab some snacks and more beers. When I came back, he was sat leafing through a ‘male art photography’ book. He slammed it closed as soon as he saw me, “Err… Sorry, John…” “No need to be sorry. Look at anything you want,” I said, putting the tray of snacks and cans on the side table. I sat next to him, “Did you like the pictures in that book?” “Well… They’re good pictures… But, erm… Do men really do those things?” I knew exactly what he was asking – the images in the book went rapidly from nudes, to shots of oral, anal and rimming – but gave him a hammy confused look. “Like… Do you let men put their wi… cock in your mouth? Do they lick your bottom?” His cock twitched a little with each thought and his eyes betrayed him. I gave him my best matter-of-fact look, “Well, yes, Dan. I suck cock, fuck and rim arse, and vice versa.” He stared at me in what seemed like awed disbelief, unconsciously licking his lips and fingering his shaft. “Does it upset you, me talking like that?” He shook his head a little bashfully, mumbling some kind of catechism under his breath. “Look, you can get dressed and go home whenever you like. I won’t be offended.” “Oh, no, Mr… John. I just don’t know how to talk about this.” His eyes kept flicking down to my hard-on, which was now glistening with precum, but nowhere near what he was producing. It was literally running down his shaft. “That’s OK. Let’s have some snacks and just chat.” And so we did. I steered the conversation to his college plans while we ate and he became more relaxed and talkative. After food, We started on our second beer and I lit another spliff. After he’d had a couple of tokes, he started to get a little agitated again, “Erm…” he seemed to choke on his words. “Just say whatever you want. You won’t shock me, and I won’t mock you for getting it wrong.” “It’s just…” I fixed his eyes with mine, reaching out to run the back of my hand over his chest and belly until gently gripping his shaft. “You can tell me to stop anytime.” He grunted his assent. I released his cock to start stroking his thighs and tickling his balls. I knew I had to take it easy or he’d blow his load in moments and who knows how he’d react to that if I hadn’t got him relaxed again. I moved in closer to whisper, “I’m glad you aren’t wearing body spray. Men smell much better when they’re natural.” Then I kissed his neck, down to his shoulder and across his chest, flicking my tongue over his nipples. Each touch elicited a light moan, and I could feel him relaxing with each new sensation. By now, he was lying back on the beanbag and I gently lifted his left arm, taking a deep hit of him before kissing then licking his pit. “Oohhh!…” His cock pulsed against my belly and his head fell back. I lapped at his sweat, covering my face in his scent, until I felt his hand on the back of my head. He inexpertly guided me across to his other pit, and I made sure to graze my chin stubble across his nipples on the way. After a few minutes savouring him, I pulled away a little and moved in to kiss him. He tensed at first, not knowing what to do, but soon enough opened to me and we exchanged a deep kiss. Now he was relaxed in the zone he was a natural. I broke the kiss and looked deep into his eyes, “I’m going to suck your cock, now. OK?” His eyes widened and glinted. He just nodded. I kissed my way down his chest, over his belly to his leg and that wonderful crease between his thigh and ballsack. I lapped all around his thighs and balls, taking each into my mouth as I passed. Then licked up the length of his shaft until I could get my tongue into the lake of precum crowning over his foreskin. Then licking under the ʼskin, over the head, pushing his ʼskin back, and taking the knob in my mouth. I slowly took him further into my mouth, giving the full tongue treatment over his head and shaft, until I had him poking at my throat. Not wanting to spook him, I started pulling back, only to repeat the process, and again, and again… A little further each time. Is it wrong that hearing him mumble his catechism made me crave his cock even more? It wasn’t too long before I had my chin pressed hard against his balls, and I flexed my throat around him before pulling back to dive back down again. His muttering was getting more earnest – I took it as a sign he was going to cum – and he grabbed my head and yanked me off him. He was staring down at me looking worried, “You… You’ve got to stop… I… I’m… I think I’m going to pee.” The thought seemed to horrify him. I smiled at him, “You’re not going to pee, Dan. Don’t worry.” I went straight down on him again, his hands still on my head, and started long-sucking and tonguing his shaft while stroking his balls which had nearly disappeared back inside. It took maybe 20 seconds before, “AARRGGHH!” and he started shaking bodily, his hands falling from my head as the first spurt of cum splashed from his head between my lips to the back of my throat. The force of the jet made me cough, and his cock twitched so strongly he popped out of my mouth. The second spurt hit me square in the face. A third fountained into the air to splatter over both of us. His cock slapped his belly as the fourth laid a trail from his face to his navel. I lifted his cock, taking his fifth jet on my face before getting my mouth round him. Ready for the sixth pulse, I used it to lube him into my throat, taking jets seven and eight before pulling back to taste nine and ten before sitting up to look at him. He was still juddering, as if fitting, breathlessly reciting, and pumping cum onto his belly. There were four or five weaker spurts before his cock started slackening and the last of his load oozed from the tip. He was lying out, head back eyes close, mouth open. An almost angelic look of satisfaction on his face.
    2 points
  18. Yesterday afternoon it was a beautiful sunny day not exactly warm, but a beautiful day nonetheless. I was crazy horny and had been thinking about cock all day. I needed to find some dick, so I fired up Sniffies and started looking at the cruisy park near my house. I saw a little bit of action going on there so I decided to drive down and walk the trail some hoping to get my ass fucked but if I strike out it still was a beautiful day to be outside. I drove to the park, parked my car, and got out and headed for the trail. I have been walking maybe 15 minutes when I got to one of the very discreet cruising areas. I went off the trail to check out the spot and when I got there to my surprise, there was a boy sitting on a rock looking very sus. I was really taken back because I never see boys his age when I’m out cruising. He was wearing running pants and a hoodie, but the hood was down and I could see he had beautiful, long, blonde hair that came to his shoulders. He probably weighed 110 pounds, and would fit every definition of twink. As I walk towards him, he blurted out awkwardly “you looking“ which surprised the hell out of me, and I started looking around for a cop or a camera or something but there was nothing. I responded “yes I am“. Again, I was shocked because this is normally not how this kind of thing goes down. It was apparently obvious that cruising was brand new to him. After I responded, again bluntly he asked “do you top” which gave me pause for a second but situations like this don’t come around often, so I was like “I sure do“ and it was easy to see that he was excited and nervous at the same time. I walked over to him and took one last look around and pulled my cock out over my waistband and shook it at him. He immediately dropped to his knees and started sucking my flaccid cock. He was so beautiful and so eager that my cock swelled to rockhard in no time at all. My cock is pretty big and he was definitely struggling with it a little bit because he kept trying to deep throat it, but eventually he gave up on that. He stood up, pulled his pants and underwear down and leaned against a tree. He asked me if I had a condom to which I responded no. He paused for a second and said “are you clean?”. I wasn’t going to lie to the boy so I replied “I have no idea” and he responded “ummm, ok”. I pulled out my little bottle of lube and dripped it on my dick. I also put some on my fingers because his pink hole was dry. I worked in two fingers which slipped in fairly easily and moved them in and out. He was moaning as I moved my fingers which got me pretty excited. I noticed that his anus definitely had seen some action at some point, because in between the beautiful pink spokes of his hole there looked to be a scar from tearing I would assume. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful young hole. I took my cock and rubbed it up and down his hole a few times and then eased it in with very little effort. As soon as I pushed my cock in all the way to the root I was surprised by how tight he felt. Being that my fingers slid in so easily, and it didn’t take a lot of effort to mount him he felt surprisingly tight. I started off slow, but I was giving him every inch of my cock and he was moaning with each slow push. It literally was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen the way his pink hole gripped my penis on the out stroke. It was almost like he was prolapsing a little bit but it was fucking hot. Just the way his anus was gripping my cock got me really excited so I held his hips tightly and really started to fuck this boy good. He was getting a little loud and because I was fucking him hard. You could hear the slapping sound kinda echoing in the woods and I got a little worried that someone might hear us. Fortunately, I was still thinking with my cock, so I ignored any worry I had. It didn’t take long and I was just about over the edge when he said “fuck me daddy, am I a good boy?“ and that was it for me. I started pumping multiple days worth of cum deep in this boys guts After I could feel the pumping stop, I pulled out and spread his cheeks with my hands. I watched as huge drops of my thick seed, rolled out of his gaping ass, and landed inside his pants. he just leaned there catching his breath. I asked him if he wanted me to get him off and I offered that he could fuck my ass if he wanted to. He politely declined which being a bottom I totally understand where he was coming from. He told me it felt amazing and thanked me. In my post nut clarity I asked him how old he was and he replied “don’t worry I’m legal“ and I left it at that. He pulled up his cummy pants and made a joke about how cold my jizz was against his skin and him and I walked out together back to the parking lot. He had a car so he couldn’t been too young. we both got in our cars and left. I am a very dedicated Bottom and it’s so rare for me to top that it really was extremely exciting for me.
    2 points
  19. Chapter 64: Who's Your Daddy? Part 2. Dad opened the door and let the stranger in. I could hear him taking his clothes off, and him and dad kissing. Dad told him he just loaded me. The stranger got behind me and removed my plug, rubbing his cock with the cum that was seeping out, before gently pushing his cock in me, taking his time. I totally remembered this guy, as he was pretty much the only one that made love to me at the practice party. My dad started kissing me, and told me to tell him how slutty I was. I told the stranger I was now a poz pig, but I loved how both he and my dad made love to me. My dad said you love my cock don't you son? I of course said yes dad. Dad asked me what I loved most about his cock, and he said that it was the one that converted him, creating a bond that not many other fathers and sons have. My dad then said more fathers should have such a bond, and I agreed. They then put me on my back and the stranger continued to make love to me. As he was about to cum, he spoke for the first time saying I love you. I immediately recognized the voice and ripped off my blindfold to reveal..... To Be Continued!
    2 points
  20. My reason for faking both the orgasm and the sex sounds is to encourage the other party. The last thing we need where I live is to discourage guys from becoming sluts, and because there is so little casual sex a lot of them are pretty inexperienced.
    2 points
  21. Found two straight lads crusing. It's was a quiet night, no women around for them. They'd clearly seen me hanging around for a while. After quite a while with no action. One of them approached me and called me fag boy. Asked if I wanted a couple of loads as there was no pussy around they needed to nut inside something badly. They told me to bend over the bonnet of their car, look away and not make any noise as they were going to imagine my ass was a wet pussy. I bent over thinking they'd lower my shorts but they didn't. One of them ripped them open and they both spat on my hole. One threw his jumper over my head. They both bred me 🙂
    2 points
  22. Part 17 I'm not sure but I think I blacked out but not for long. When I came to Kevin's solid fit body was still laying on top of me and he was still breathing heavy with his face buried against my neck. And his thick cock was still in my cummy asshole and it was still hard. Opening my eyes my vision was blurred and I had trouble focusing. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest and in my temples, causing me to close my eyes again. Two intense fucks back to back, first from Drew then from Kevin, had me exhausted physically. Yet, still, a voice in my head was saying not to stop now. I wanted more. That thought had barely entered my head when I was aware of a wet cockhead pressing against my lips. I opened my mouth and felt hard flesh pushing in. At the same moment, I opened my eyes to see Ryan kneeling by my head sliding more of his dick into my mouth. Our eyes locked in mutual heat and animalistic hunger. Instinctively I grabbed his asscheeks to pull more of his meat toward my throat. Ryan grinned hotly at me and ran one big hand through my sweat-drenched hair. “Oh yeah, Justin. Suck my big cock and get it hard and wet. Get it ready to slide all the way in your guts.” I moaned around his fat rod as my lips seemed stretched wider than ever. But I didn't mind. I wanted to suck him and taste him and make him feel good. His precum was covering my taste buds making me eager for more. I hummed around his cock and tightened the muscles in my mouth squeezing down on his shaft. “Fuck yeah, man!” he moaned loudly. “I can't wait to feel your cheating daddy ass squeeze my cock like that when I fuck you.” His dirty talk was making me hornier. Ryan's big dick came out of my nursing mouth suddenly as he had to change his position when Kevin finally stirred and raised his head from my neck. “Fuck buddy!” Kevin breathed huskily, his face mere inches from mine. “You got one damn sweet ass man. I haven't cum that hard or that much for a long time! Your hole felt so damn good around my bare cock. I'm going to be wanting some more of it,” he said with a glint in his eyes. “You'll get more,” Drew's voice said. “Now that Daddy Justin knows how good it feels to get fucked I'm sure he's going to be wanting more too.” “Damn right!” I croaked eliciting a laugh from all 3 studs. “But,” Drew continued, “it's Ryan's turn now to fill him with more cock and more cum.” “Hell yeah it is! So get your dick out of him Kevin so I can give him mine,” Ryan said in a playful tone but leaving no doubt he was more than ready to fuck me and add his cum to what Drew and Kevin had already spewed in me. “All right, all right. Let me pull out first,” Kevin murmured making all three of them laugh again. I let out a long guttural groan as I felt Kevin's long still-hard cock withdrawing from the depths of my hole. He kept pulling and pulling until finally I felt it tug at my abused asslips as his cockhead came free. Then I heard Kevin saying, “Damn guys look how his hole closed right back up as soon as my dick came out. He's not losing any of the cum in him.” Then I felt Ryan's muscled hairy body stretching over mine as he stood between my legs and pressed forward against my naked flesh. We didn't say a word as we opened our mouths and slid our tongues between each other's lips. I could feel Ryan's precum covered mushroom head pushing against my pucker as we made out. Another hard bare cock seeking entry to my tweaked up cheating married daddy ass as Drew called it. And I wasn't going to deny what we both wanted at that moment. I pulled my mouth from Ryan's and stared into his handsome sweaty face and black pupils. “Fuck me, Ryan. Shove your hard cock all the way in my hole and fucking use it until you cum! Breed me damn it! Breed me!” “Whatever you say, daddy,” Ryan huffed then did exactly that. He shoved every thick hard bare inch of his manhood balls deep into my guts. I tried to scream but the force of his thrust into me knocked the breath out of me so all I could do was gasp. Ryan had not moved his cock any at all once he had it buried in my ass. I was still trying to catch my breath and fight the feeling that I was going to pass out. Then Ryan's face above mine, one hand playing with my hard nips. “Breathe, dude,” he whispered softly, gently pecking my lips. “Just breathe and let your ass adjust to it all. Focus on how good it feels having another dick inside you. You get hot feeling your ass filled with another cock don't you daddy? It turns you on knowing that you're letting three men fuck you and breed you. And you love giving yourself up to the sleazy forbidden sex. And doing it all behind her back makes it so much hotter and better. Right?” Ryan's soft seductive voice, his dirty talk about cocks and getting bred all helped me to regroup. And he was right. It WAS hotter knowing that my wife had no clue. I felt Ryan flex his massive tool inside me and it made me groan. “Yeah, it feels so good, so perfect with a dick in my hole. And knowing she doesn't know...is...even better,” I said in a low voice. Then feeling a sensuous darkness overwhelm me I grabbed his furry hard nips in my hands and told him, “Fuck me, Ryan! Hard and deep! Give it all to me!” Then as if out of nowhere I heard Drew say, “He's going to, Daddy Justin. Don't worry. But first take some more fuck smoke to get you good and ready.” Drew knew I wouldn't turn down more fuck smoke, even with a cock in my guts. I took three long pulls on the glass pipe and felt the buzz run through me. I knew this was going to be another awesome fuck!! (to be continued)
    2 points
  23. Definitely hate condoms in porn unless it’s stealthing or broken.
    2 points
  24. I know it’s been said before but I wish there were more actual breeding. Why fuck raw if you’re gonna pull out to shoot? None of us do that. When I cum I cum deep. Love watch true breeding and watch the tops cock pulse or his ass clench as he cums. Then pull out slow and see cum drip out! That makes me blow my loads!
    2 points
  25. Part 6 Now don't misunderstand. My little brother was and is a total sex pig whether one on one or in a group. He's versatile and loves getting fucked and sucked just as much as he loves fucking an ass or sucking a hard cock until he gets a mouthful of cum. No matter how much booze he drinks or how much weed he smokes his dick stays hard and he's ready to get naked and nasty. After all, he's the one who seduced me when he was 18 and turned me from a straight faithful married man to loving cock and cum almost as much as he does. But despite all of that I was pretty sure he'd never done any hard drugs. So, I was excited to see what kind of slut my little brother would be once I got him fucked up on T. Chad was starting on his third hit in a row from the pipe and the two clouds so far had been big and when he looked at me I could see in his eyes the meth was already affecting him. Sitting on the hotel bed facing each other I reached out and started slowly jacking his cock as he did his third hit. “Yeah little brother, that's it. Suck that smoke in. How are you feeling buddy? It's hitting you isn't it?” I asked in a low lusty voice. My hand was almost covered in his thick precum oozing out of his piss slit in a steady stream. He blew another huge cloud then looked straight at me with a hunger in his black eyes I hadn't seen before. “Oh fuck, big bro! Oh damn man I am so horny! I'm loving this bro! Fucking loving it!” I gave a slight laugh and told him, “Yeah I can tell. I've never felt your dick so hard and big! And it almost looks like you're cumming with all the precum you're leaking.” He wrapped his fist around my own throbbing prick and squeezed tight making me moan in pleasure and pain. “Your cock is pretty damn hard and dripping too big bro. Looks like both of us need to cum bad, and soon!” Letting go of my rockhard cock, Chad moved from a sitting position so that he was laying on his back and pulling his strong muscled legs up and back toward his chest. “Fucking beautiful, little bro,” I breathed as he gave me a perfect view of his jock ass and hole. “C'mon, Lance,” he panted. “Slide your big bro hard cock in my hole and fuck me! Fuck your little brother hard and deep until you fill me up with your ropes of incest cum! Fuck me man please! I need you to fucking pound me!” I sat up on my knees and moved forward until my dripping cockhead was pressing just enough to be felt on my little brother's chemmed up anxious hole, making him groan and pull his legs back even more. “You feel that little bro?” I said softly. “You feel that wet cockhead against your asslips? That wet cockhead that belongs to your own big-dicked bro? You want my married fat cock to open up those asslips and push every bare inch inside your jock butt and fuck you until I give you the cum I should be giving my wife?” “YES, damn it! Yes Lance that's what I want. It's what I need. Shove your cheating fucking cock in my ass and pound the hell out of me! Incest fuck your little brother and breed me deep! Do it fucker! Please do it!” Chad was almost sobbing from the need to get fucked by me. A need I knew was heightened by the tina in his body. And the need I had to be inside him was something I couldn't resist any longer. “If that's what you want little brother,” I growled thrusting my hips forward powerfully and slamming all 8.5 inches up inside his tight warm hole at once. His hole clamped down tight on my meat and I knew I wouldn't last long before giving him my seed. I heard what sounded like a gurgling noise and looked at my naked little brother laying under me. His lips were open and the sound was coming from him as his eyes rolled up in his head and his back arched up off the bed. “Fucking...tight...sweet...hole,” I panted, laboring to get the words out. “A hole made for cock,” I grunted as I began withdrawing from the deepest part of his ass. “A hole made for cum,” I yelled as I drove my full length back inside him. “A hole that belongs to me you nasty fuck! I own your ass little brother and your big bro is going to take good care of it!!” I was moving in and out at an increasing pace. I could feel my nuts drawing up already to shoot their load of adulterous cum deeper inside Chad's body than I'd ever shot. Chad was writhing under my weight and the unrelenting powerfuck he was getting. He reached up and grabbed my biceps and practically screamed, “Oh gawwwdddd yes, Lance! Pound me, pound me, pound me. Make that ass yours big bro! Breed me dude! Please bro give me your fucking cum!!” His pleading and loss of all control took me over the edge and I felt my cock throb and begin firing shot after shot and rope after rope of tina cum in my little brother's clutching ass where we both wanted it to be. My most intense orgasm ever. (to be continued)
    2 points
  26. I had an allergic reaction to a banana Jan 1987- landed in the ER via ambulance( my BP at the minor emergency clinic that I drove to was 70 over 40 and unsteady) The clinic hit me with 6 shots of epinephrine and 6 shots of diphenhydramine, so I was pretty much floating for a few hours,luckily. One thing that was very common in the 80's, when a single 30 and older man had any medical crisis was to assume it was AIDS.I recall some nurse pushing a hollow needle into that spot on the wrist/thumb juncture to draw bone marrow for testing. He was apologizing about how uncomfortable it was, but I was so deep in shock and drugged from the clinic that I felt nothing. A week later, the cardiologist who had been my ER doctor called me and told me to come in to his office, the results were in ( in those words, I was already planning how many weeks I had left) And then the next day I got pissed at getting that type of a phone call, and pissed at how biased the medical industry was to gay men at the time. I went to the docs office, got the news, he followed up with a Western Blot test, and I learned my viral load was 84,000 and my T count was 45. AZT was the killer drug they pushed back then. I had been keeping a ledger sheet with the names of friends and the date of their death already, and already had 15 to 20 names init. I refused going on any meds. The only complication I had for 12 years med free was a case of walking pneumonia, and probably came down with it as a result of working a full time job and then at night working another 5 to 6 hours at a part time job out in the weather. When I eventually did go on meds it was late 1999 and the first generation of anti retro viral med combo's was just coming of age- drugs like epivir, viramune, etc. Once I began meds, I was laser focused on following the dosing schedule and not missing a dose. I have gotten on Dovato recently, 1 pill a day with just 2 drugs combined init, and have to say, I feel healthier than ever before. I cannot stress it enough tho- I believe the most important thing is and was making it a priority to never forget to take the meds exactly as prescribed. I lost a 85 year old poz friend 11 months ago. He had been in NYC in the 70's and 80's , even working the door at Rawhide for a while. He lived in Greenwich Village, went to a lot of the bars ( ahh, the MineShaft !! lol) and parties, and mid 80's he tested poz. I knew him the last 20 years of his life, and he was healthy and on meds. He even got covid twice, and neitherr time was it more than a cold that dragged on for a week or so. Being poz/AIDS didn't kill him, he made a left at a light and got slammed by an oncoming car. I mention his case, because for a lot of you neg guys, hearing a poz result from a blood test is not probably the thing that will kill you one day. ESPECIALLY if you monitor your health and stick to the dosing schedule of the HIV drug you will eventually go on.
    2 points
  27. Just a few minutes ago, I saw a dear friend who tested positive in 1985. He has definitely had health issues, to the point where side effects of the medications have created significant health problems. He is, however, obviously alive. I also have a friend, one I have not seen for a while, who thought he became positive much closer to 1980. He is still alive, happily retired.
    2 points
  28. FICTIONAL STORY! It was a normal Friday night out in Berlin and I had met up with some friends to grab a drink in a newly opened gay bar in centre of town. The crowd was young & cute like me (FYI i’m a 19 y/o twink). People mostly stayed in their respective groups, distinctly cornered in, throwing a look now and then over the room at other boys. Yet they didn’t take the initiative to move over taking the initial contact. Like most young people the self-confidence clearly had no correspondence to the appearance so a lot of alcohol is consumed to ease the tensions and inhibitions. And like every weekend we drank quite a lot. We had a good time, drinking and laughing, but around 4:30 in the morning it was time to head on for something else. A part of the group wanted to go to a bar where they play mainstream pop music. This very small bar was always fully packed, and it was hard for anyone to really move around. The toilet queue was awfully long, and getting a drink in the bar took so long that you got sober by waiting. This was at least my opinion, but my friends didn’t agree. We, therefore, split and I left them to their miserable choice. My mind was up for some trance music at a nice bar filled with straight acting, well-tuned cute guys. The bar I went to had an open atmosphere, 3 floors: one for trance music downstairs, one for mellow dance music upstairs and a dark room on the top floor. I never visited a dark room before and couldn't understand why people want be fucked by unknown guys in the dark.. I arrived club around five-o-clock in the morning. The dance floor was packed. I drank, chatted to people and danced to a great DJ for three hours which felt shorter than that. Around eight only 15 people were left. I headed for the bar and ordered a last vodka-tonic, although I was quite drunk already. After a while two very hot Arab guys came up and sat next to me. They were wearing tight t-shirts so I could see every detail of their muscular bodies. I think that they were a few years older than me, but max 21-22. We started to chat loosely: they asked me if I was alone and if I lived in Berlin. One of them put his hand on my thigh and caressed me slowly; the other moved his hand inside my shirt and over my back. It felt they were going forward a little bit too quickly so I escaped the situation by saying that I needed to go to the toilet. I went upstairs to the toilets on the second floor, where there was no one. I could feel I was turned on by the touching and wondered what to do next. I had never been with two guys before. If it was only one than things would be a bit easier. When I got out of the toilet one of the guys stood outside waiting for me. He smiled and asked me if I was intimidated by both of them touching me. “Somewhat” I replied. “Which of us do you like the most?” he asked. “I think you’re both cute” I said and added “and very sexy”. “You’re very sexy too and I could see when you went away that you have a nice little bubble butt ass” he replied. “Thanks!” I flushed a little bit embarrassed. “So if it was just me, would you like to have some fun?” he asked. I looked at his hot muscular body and could hear myself saying: “Yes, why not”. “We can go to my place. I don’t live far from here” I suggested. “No, my friend is waiting downstairs and I’d prefer that we just go up to the dark room” he said and smiled. “Well… I don’t really like dark rooms, because you don’t know which guys are in there” I replied. “It’s ok” he assured, “the club is almost empty by now and there would be no one there except for us. So come on, I can tell for sure that both of us want a little fun” he insisted. “Just a quick one… you suck my big dick and afterwards I suck you.. Okay?” He put his hand over his package and I could see a distinct, large bulb on his jeans. “OMG! I need that big Arab cock in my mouth” I thought to myself. He approached me, pressed his body against mine and started to kiss me with deep tongue movements. Wow, this guy knew how to kiss! It felt like heaven! Impossible to resist. At this time I was quite drunk and his gentle treatment of kissing and caressing my cock with his hand inside my jeans. “You’re hard and horny! so let’s go…” he said, and took my hand and led me up the stairs to the dark room. Up there he opened my jeans, pulled them down completely to the ground and sat in front of me. My cock swelled hard as he took it in his mouth and worked it good. One of his hands went off to my ass and started to play with my hole. One finger went in, then two. Slowly he started to finger fuck my my ass. I felt a burning sensation in my ass, but his lips around my cock was so hot that it overpowered that sensation. Was he preparing me so he could fuck me? That wasn’t the deal! But the fingers in my ass felt so good that I couldn’t protest. After a while, he stood up, we kissed with deep tongues. Then he pushed my head down to his big dick. I followed his every move and the orders he gave me, and it was clear who was in charge. My ass started to feel empty so I tried to put some of my own fingers in side my open hole He slapped my face with his XL-sized dick before he pressed it down my throat. His cock went down all the way and he fucked me rather roughly until gasped for air. He noticed I was choking and gave me a fraction of a second to breathe in before he continued pressing it down as deep as he could. The taste of salty sperm mixed up with saliva filled my palate; I had to swallow some to keep up with his intense and deep mouth fucking. He ordered me to lift my ass up so I did was I was told. Suddenly I could hear him whisper something in Arabic. A second later I felt someone coming up from behind putting his hands on my buttocks. I had thought that we were alone in the dark room. Who was this third person who now wanted to join in? Was it his friend who had gone up earlier to wait for us? It’s clear that they planned this from the start. The other guy immediately took over my ass. I felt a small plastic tube enter my ass. A few seconds later i felt a liquid filling my ass. Then he pulled the tube out. Thinking it was lube i didn’t react. Two fingers began to slide in my ass. As my ass became more open he added more. There was a feeling that was spreading to my body. I began to sweat and I felt more horny that I could ever feel. I thought that this was due to considerable amount of alcohol in my body so I stopped sucking and was about to stand up to take a break. The Arab guy in front of me noticed my hesitation and quickly locked both of my hands and put his arm around my neck. He was much stronger than me, and although I tried to resist I couldn’t get away. Suddenly I felt the guy behind me trying to push his big cock in my ass. The pain of this thick cock ploughing its way into my tight ass was sobering me up. Desperately my hands fought to get released but all in vain. “Please wait!” I squeaked, “I need to…” “What is it? Don’t you want to play anymore?” one of the guys interrupted. “Well, just let me get some lube and a condom from my pocket” I begged. “No way! I only fuck without condom or lube. Open up slut! ” he grunted. I wanted to reply but he silenced me quickly by pulling my head back by a steady grip around my hair with one hand and putting the other over my mouth. An extremely intense and very rough fucking followed. I could feel every inch of his big cock as it forced its way in and out in what felt like an eternity. It was almost like my ass would turn inside out of the deep ploughing and I felt my anus swelling. Inside me every show of the top of his cock sent electric shocks through my entire body. After a while my whining changed into groaning and moaning. His friends slapped my face and rammed his cock into my mouth to shut me up. Something started to take over my mind and I began to have thoughts about wanting bigger cocks in my ass and begin a total bottom slut. My ass was now completely open to serve his raw huge cock. The Arab guy behind me started to moan louder and louder. With a deep grunt he filled my insides deep with a huge amount of cum. He withdrew and got up in front of me ordering me to suck and lick his cock clean. I did as I was told and swallowed every drop. “Good boy! Our sperm will change you for good!” he said. “Now, lie down on the floor!” his friend commanded. He forced me to lie down with my chest facing the floor. He got on top and guided his huge cock towards my hole. He pushed into me; I felt the head enter me. A moan escaped my lips. He almost pulled out fully and then he just rammed it in full force. “Now, we’re going to see if I can fuck this slut even harder.” They both put up a laugh of joy and excitement. He fucked me harder and faster. “I saw how you looked at my cock down in the bar, craving it. We are converting you into a load taking slut. You think that you can return to your normal life, but within a few weeks you will give in to your true calling; big raw dicks and cum”. He kissed me on the check and licked my ear. Then he intensified the fucking; I felt the entire weight of his muscular body as he pumped my ass with his massive cock like a machine spinning out of control. By now the penetration went more smoothly because of the generous load that his friend had previously delivered in my butthole, which functioned as a perfect natural lubricant. My ass had also got more used to the rough fucking and had opened up considerably by the penetrations of his friend’s large cock fucking me so violently. Something in my mind took over and i started to enjoy having this good-looking, young sexy Arab stallion plowing my ass hard. I was their little white toy! And when he started hitting my G-Spot I was in pure ecstasy. “Yes, do me as hard as you can” i blurted out. “We own you now that our DNA is deep inside you” he whispered in my ear. Then he came with a roaring and we were both exploded as he shot several streams of hot cum deep inside of me. Then he and his friend dressed quickly, gave me a kiss and left. I sat for a while in the dark to get myself together. What was it I had experienced? My ass was warm and swollen with cum of the two guys dripping out. A smile spread over my face. I started to jerk myself and came quickly. I left the dark room and the club. On my way home I stopped by a gay sauna that had opened its door in the morning hour. I went in, changed, sat at the bar and ordered a juice. As I sat down at one of the tables a bit away from the bar a young black guy came up to me and asked if he could sit down. “Sure” I said. We were there just with our small towels around our waists. He had a perfect body and he noticed my eyes screening over him. He let his towel open so I could see his enormous dick hanging in the open. My eyes couldn’t help staring at it. “I saw you in the dark room. I was hiding in a corner with a friend when you came in. The two guys fucked you up good” he said. His words took me by surprise and I didn’t know what to say. “They knew exactly what to do to change you into a willing bottom” he added. “They knew what to do?” I replied. “Yes! The fact that you’ve come to this sauna and didn’t go straight home or to the police or anything must mean that you want more” he said smiling. He started to stroked his hand over his big cock that had started to rise. “Let’s go to my cabin and i will tell you what they did to change you into a willing slut. I’m not like them!” he said comfortingly. He took my hand and caressed it gently. I looked at his cock and felt how mine grew to create a visible bulb under the towel. He noticed and said smilingly “That’s clearly a YES!”. We stood up and walked up two floors to his cabin were we dropped the towels and started to kiss. Then suddenly I was grabbed from behind by two other black guys. I was pinned down with my face pressed into the mattress. “Hold his arm still” one of them said. I felt how my bicep was tied of with a band. Then I felt a needle stabbing my arm. “Like I promised I will tell you what they did: When they fingered you they loaded your ass with a drug called Meth!” the black guy said. “You had no clue what was happing. This is not how we do it. I like to tell my sluts that I injected them with T.” after saying that the band snapped loose. They released me and told me to raise my arm. As I sat up I began to cough. A wave of sluttyness came over me. “This will boost your carving for big dicks and cum. So don’t fight it!” said one of the other black guys. I looked over to them and saw 3 hot black guys stroking their enormous black cocks. And like he said I couldn’t resist it and crawled over to them. “Does he know that we and the two Arabs are POZ? ” whispered one guy to the other. “We will tell the slut after we bred him several times!” answered the other one laughing. —THE END —
    1 point
  29. Prologue You’d never be able to tell by the way that I look that the cute little twink next door with the perfect boyfriend was a deviant cock whore that craved nothing more then to be filled with cum as much as possible. My cum lust was going to be my downfall. Here I was freshly 19 chained to a sling getting my tight hole pounded by a hung daddy. “Yeah boy take my cock you slutty little faggot” said the daddy. Behind him there was a line of men forming all waiting for a chance to get in my hole and fill me with cum. “Oh god daddy, please fuck me. I’m yours, make me yours please.” I said. “Oh yeah baby keep begging like that and I’m gonna cum.” Growled Daddy. “Please Daddy give me your cum.” I begged. “Mmm. Fuck baby I love your hole I’ve been waiting for this for weeks. What kind of cum am I gonna give you?” Asked Daddy. “Poz cum daddy.” I replied. “Oh you’re gonna get it boy. I’m about to Poz your stupid neg faggot ass. Are you ready for it boy?” Questioned Daddy. “Yes. Please daddy Poz me. Make yours forever, ruin me. Knock my faggot ass up daddy.” I responded.
    1 point
  30. Exactly so. Which is why this is so concerning since we’re talking about humans. Have you met us? We’re terrible, as a species, at doing the right thing if it requires effort - and thinking requires effort. Humans have the ability to think independently, but God knows not that many of them actually do it. And genuine human interactions? Try Grindr and see how long it takes to achieve a genuine human interaction whilst leveraging technology. The perspective that you obtain from an AI is not an unbiased objective viewpoint by virtue of the fact that the machine itself does not hold a bias; any result it may produce is only as good as A) the available dataset from which it draws, and B) the nature and structure of the query posed to it, which may inherently draw bias. The AI’s source material isn’t some neutral, balanced, factual, true well of information - it’s an amalgam of the information that humans have fed into it, information riddled with bias from every angle. If a query is asked in such a way as to leverage a given bias, then that bias is likely to be reinforced. Example: A person asks an AI to write a paragraph proving that the Earth is flat. Now, the Earth is not flat. That’s been thoroughly debunked. But the query didn’t ask for that information, so instead, the closest match to what is requested is the misinformation published by those whose agenda is to prove that it is. If a (nutjob) human can make a case that sounds convincing enough to persuade another human, so can the AI. The AI will simply take the bias fed into it, distill it, concentrate it, and feed it back out. And the AI won’t actually know the difference, and won’t actually care, because caring is not something it can be programmed to do. Programming an AI to have knowledge is one thing - programming it to have wisdom is something quite different. In terms of an AI’s usefulness in providing an alternative viewpoint that might shed light on cultural trends, etc., I would point out that truly meaningful analysis of datasets is achieved through careful planning of study methodology. I fear there will be a tendency for people to treat AI like a “black box” where you enter in a question and an answer pops out, all neat and tidy, and no one has to fuss with all that complicated science or confusing math or annoying logic. The AI said it’s true, so it must be true, right? Because that’s the way most people treat the Internet already, and once the AI relieves them of the necessity to think, it will be the natural progression. It’s not that I take a dim view of what artificial intelligence is capable of, you understand - it’s that I have a very fatalistic view of what humans are going to do with it. Our track record with technology sucks ass.
    1 point
  31. I would cheat on both my two long term boyfriends regularly. Cheating was very quickly fetishized in my head when I was probably 18 or 19 and I was dating Dillon.
    1 point
  32. From memory I think I only faked it once. I just wanted it to be over quickly.
    1 point
  33. I sometimes work as a dancer at a gay strip club in town and get hit on by guys who want to do more than get a lap dance. They seem to thing I’m a wounded bird that needs to be saved or to set me up in an “arrangement”. I’m flattered but also a bit pissed as it’s condescending, like I need “saving” on account of what I do. If they got to know me as a person they’d find out I’m about to get my bachelors degree. And I get it. Some of the guys there play into that, accepting cash and gifts. They have it harder than I do and I don’t judge. But yeah, the “white knight” or savior complex isn’t a good look on most guys.
    1 point
  34. The only time I like them in porn is when they come off. 😉 There's a few scenes and amateur stuff where the top or bottom asks to remove it and that's hot to me.
    1 point
  35. @Carlos1881Funny you should use the “white knight” wording. I just had that realization with a family member and that exact phrase came to me. I’m a good position and have helped out with some financial issues for a family member until I found out that throwing good money after bad doesn’t help and only pisses me off… so I’ve decided to spend the money on myself and enjoy it. I’ll be sending postcards and pics from my trip to them.
    1 point
  36. My last male sub BF and I use to perform on webcam. At the time, he was in his early 20’s and I was in my late 30’s. This was over twenty years ago when we lived in NYC. He was very slender, 27” waist, and typically shaved smooth to appear more feminine. I am 6’3” tall and weighed over 100 pounds more than him. We both loved it. The attention we received was very erotic. We did made sure not to show our faces though. I’d love to find a sub where I could explore filming and taking photos again. this is a photo from back than with my fat cock in his little pussy.
    1 point
  37. I was feeling extra horny today and working from home. I fired up the gaydar.co.uk website to see if anything interesting happening, but intending to continue working. I soon got a chat message pop up from a local top boy. Aged 28 and between jobs, his was called Steve. His profile said slim 6ft 2in tall and large cut cock and only safe sex. I didn’t think much would happen with my age in the mid 50’s and a bit of a bear build, but chatted for a while. In the convo I told him I sometimes used GBL to relax during sex. He asked what it was so I told him. He was curious to try it, but was worried about the date rape reputation. I suggested if he wanted to try using the G in a safe place, why not pay me a visit? To my surprise he said yes. I gave him my address and arranged to meet an hour later, giving myself time to prepare. When he arrived his body and good looks exceeded my expectations. He was not slow in making out with me as soon as I closed the front door. We were in the bedroom stripping off clothes within twenty seconds and soon laying naked on the bed kissing deeply. His cock was gorgeous and a good thick eight inches. We snogged and 69’d for a while before I reminded him about the GBL. I’d made up a 2ml dose in a glass of water. It stood by the bedside. “Al I’m really nervous about this stuff. Do you mind taking it and showing me how it works on you?” “Yeh that’s fine by me Steve. If you like what you see I can set you up with a fresh dose. It takes about 15 minutes to kick in.” I quickly swallowed the G tainted water and returned to the bed with him. As we made out for a while longer I saw a bio-hazard tattoo on his shoulder. “Steve, are you poz?” “Yeh, is that a problem? I’m into safe except with my boyfriend. Are you poz?” “Nah I’m neg, if we fuck wear a rubber ok?” “No problem.” “We made out some more exchanging blow jobs and generally both getting more excited. Soon Steve was fingering my ass. I reached over to the bedside table, retrieved the lube and passed it to him. Pretty soon he was fingering me deeply and working the lube deep into me. I was getting well relaxed under the influence of the G. Soon his knob was pressing against my ring as he spooned against my back in the comfort of the sheets. I was pushing back against it. He suddenly moved away. “Hang on Al, I’ll just get rubbered up.” The unmistakable sound of the packet being torn open and a condom rolling down his shaft followed. “Steve, Don’t hang around, just fuck me.” He spooned into my back and gently eased his cock into me. It felt fantastic. He started to tenderly fuck me as I drifted off to sleep under the influence of the G. When I awoke Steve had gone and his side of the bed was cold. I reached down and felt my ass pucker. It was wet and slippery. I smelled my fingers. It was cum. As I sat up in the bed more cum oozed out from me. Looking around the floor I saw an unrolled, but unused condom laying on the floor.
    1 point
  38. Sex addiction is a hell of a thing.
    1 point
  39. Funny, I met a guy over his place and he had a makeshift glory hole. I could see he was a bear and had a hungry mouth and ass. ( he had ass pics on his profile) I have a dad bod so it doesn’t bother me unless a guy is really obese. He sucked my cock hard turned around and I swear it felt like his ass hole swallowed my cock! It was fantastic. He was one of the two holes I mention above. It felt like his hole molded around my cock. Needless to say that hungry hole took a couple nice wet loads from me. I’m not sure with screamed louder, me or him when I blasted deep inside!
    1 point
  40. immediately click to the next unless the title indicates "broken condom", "condom to bb" or something like that. I actually LOVE borken condom porn or AGREEING to take it off. I used to do that a lot in the early years - start with condom, then take it off when the dick wouldn't stay hard. Removing the condom worked better than viagra for keeping my own dick hard lol.
    1 point
  41. As a Black feeder, I only let white fags suck me off. I've had a couple of Black guys suck my dick and Latino. Idk man something about it just doesn't sit right with me but white men sucking me off just feels right.
    1 point
  42. Im neg and on prep. Been bb only for almost 5yrs now. But still picky about who i let breed me.
    1 point
  43. 🤚🏾I’m still around. Got pozzed in the early 80s and I’m still around.
    1 point
  44. My ex bf that gave me HIV was diagnosed in 1985. He would tell me stories of how everyone he knew was dying and his survivor guilt. When I was diagnosed in 2000 treatment was not great but at least we had something. I can’t imagine how terrifying it must have been to have hiv and there was no medication that you could take. Men were just waiting around to die.
    1 point
  45. I was diagnosed in 1993, but hadn't ever tested before then. I likely sero-converted in the late 80s when I annually would get a horrible case of what felt like flu, so it could have been any of those. I also started getting a lot of skin rashes in the late 80s; one doctor (though I didn't think she was a particularly good or skilled physician) proclaimed that must have been it. She was insisting that I begin immediate treatment with the early ineffective antivirals and was generally an idiot.
    1 point
  46. That’s disgusting and disturbing really....
    1 point
  47. Incest and pedo porn are hot. Got to skate the edges and just drop hints. Or find a good hot site that doesn't monitor or give a fuck. OR trade stories with like-minded pervs. There is nothing illegal with narrative stories about pedo. Several years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that child porn can only be illegal if it involves actual depiction of underage children, which it says inherently is harmful to the child. But open discussion of sex with, rape of, or other abuse of children or anybody else is not in itself illegal. That is not to say that the morality police won't take note and watch for specific illegal activity, like trading pics. Nifty has a good selection of incest stories and has started relaxing its limits. Pics are dangerous, even if privately traded.
    1 point
  48. Part 5 After being drugged & fucked Logan slept for 2 days. When he finally woke up he was hungrier then anything. The young stud known as 'the gifter' made after that Logan had plenty to eat as the two were all alone I the house. After Logan had digested his food 'the gifter' took Logan back to the bedroom where he prepared a large slam for Logan and a small one for himself. As Logan sat there watching the points being prepared he felt so run down from being awake and high for over 3 days. 'The gifter' talked him through the process of preparing the points letting Logan know that he's going to want to be able to prepare his own fix when he needed one. Logan listened as best as he could focus in his tired state. He watched as a tourniquet was placed on his arm. Logan was told how to find a his vein, swab it off with alcohol, stick the needle in, register a flash of blood and then push the plunger down. After the needle was pulled out if Logan's arm he didn't have to be told to pull off his own tourniquet. Logan coughed out hard as the drugs flowed through his body and into his brain. He laid back on the bed as 'the gifter' did his own slam. The two snuggled up with each other as they enjoyed their respective rushes they began to kiss. Soon enough they were kissing. Without any guidance Logan was tongue dueling with 'the gift'. With the drugs again fueling his actions Logan was enjoying the action. Soon enough Logan eagerly moved into position to suck the cock that not only took his virginity, but probably gave him HIV, only time would tell. Logan was enjoying the cock in his throat as his ass was not just getting a good rimming, but a few rocks added for a booty bump. This had Logan being to be fucked. Once 'the gifter' was sure that Logan had enough Tina in his as he put Logan on his back, kissed Logan and slowly slid his cock inside Logan's hungry hole. As Logan was pinned to the bed by 'the gifter' he pulled out another point he had prepped, worked a tourniquet on his arm and quickly slipped the point in his vein. Before Logan knew what was going on the point was empty and the tourniquet was pulled off. Logan coughed out hard as he began to hear ringing I his ears and he could focus his eyes. 'The gifter' began to pound away at Logan's ass. Logan was so high and fucked up he could only lay their and moan. 'The gifter' didn't hold back as he flooded Logan's ass with more poz seed then he did the first time he fucked Logan. The two studs spent the next 2 days fucking, sucking and kissing as Logan was not only hooked on Tina, but was also hooked on cock.
    1 point
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