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  1. Bored and horny, I put an add online. “Taking anonymous loads”. Guy responds with a photo of a hard 8” cock and say’s that’s the only time you see it. Me and my mate need to nutt. Where and when?” Gave address. 15mins later I buzz him up lift. I’m waiting in the dark bedroom in jocks and on all fours arse up at end of bed, blind folded. I have my butt plug on the side table ready to slide in after they leave. I hear the two of them laugh and a hand slowly massaging my arse as a guy climbs on the bed in front of me. I can smell his crotch as I hear him undo his jeans and I feel a thick cock hit my face. I know the deal and I am sucking him off. No sooner is his cock in my mouth than I hear him groan in pleasure – he is happy with my work. He says to his mate, “How’s your end?” I feel a finger try to penetrate me and it stops, and I hear him say “needs a little lube”. I hear his jeans go down and I am thinking this is gonna be a rough dry fuck. But no. I feel his tongue dive into my hole and the tell tale feeling of a beard as he eats me like I am his dinner, and he hasn’t eaten in days. This goes on for about 2 minutes – not long. And his mouth is gone. In seconds it is replaced with what must be a 9-inch-thick cock and there is no waiting. He drives in me balls deep in one go. He holds it there for a bit to allow me to adjust and accept his cock. “Fuck man, he took me in one go” he says to his mate. The pain quickly subsides, and I am in heaven as he slowly starts to fuck me. His mate is face fucking me and says, “don’t take too long, this guy is good. I don’t know how long I’ll last”. His mate responds, “I’m close. Hold on.” The guy face fucking me pulls out and is bending down in front of me and I can smell cigarette smoke on his breath and then a tongue is down my throat as he kisses me. He also has a beard, and I am rock hard now. As he does his mate almost yells, “here it comes, oh fuck” and he bottoms out and I can feel the cock swell and pulse as he pumps rope after rope of his seed inside me. His mate kisses me and says, “that’s a 3-day load mate”. His mate pulls out and I feel empty suddenly. They switch places and I am presented with a semi hard cock covered in arse juice and seed to clean. “Now for the 5-day load – it’s gonna be big”. He fucks me hard and fast as I clean off his mate’s cock. I can feel drops of his mates cum dripping down my crack as he fucks me. It is quick and in minutes he is growling as he bottoms out and I feel the tell-tale signs of his load painting my insides. He holds in there for almost a minute. It must be the biggest load I have taken yet. He slowly keeps fucking me and he is not going soft. I can hear the wet sloshing as his and his mate’s cum is being mixed up and leaking out as he fucks me. He then flips me over on to my back without pulling out and I am rock hard dripping pre-cum. His mate starts kissing me like a love sick school girl and jacking me off and I just can’t hold back anymore and I shoot what must be the biggest load I have ever shot all over my chest. This makes me clench my arse muscles and send the guy over the edge and I get a 2nd load off him without him even pulling out. He says to his friend, “pass that plug over. Don’t want to waste any of this” and I feel my butt plug inserted. I can hear him panting now and the guy kissing me steps away too. I hear the tell tale sounds of them pulling their pants up and it sounds like they are about to leave, when I feel a tongue suddenly licking up my cum off my chest and then a slow sensual kiss as I taste my own cum. When the cum is all gone the guy kisses me softly and then moves to my ear and whispers “did you like that?” I respond, “fuck yeah”. “Did you like eating that cum”. I respond, “very much”. “Good, cause it’s the last neg load you will ever shoot”. And they are gone. I take the blind fold off and there is two pieces of paper on the bed next to me. Both blood test results with the names removed. Both showing high viral loads and a message at the bottom of one saying “you know how to find us. Let us know when you join the brotherhood”. I wank again and shoot another load all over me. I fall asleep with the butt plug in and don’t remove it until morning. Nothing comes out – I absorbed it all!
    13 points
  2. I wrote a reply on the topic Seducing Your Dealer and received pv messages asking me about Troy, and how we met. So I guess I'll tell that little story. Troy was dating a friend of mine who was pretty straight-laced, Let me be blunt, he was boring. Don't get me wrong one of the nicest, honest, and devoted friends you could have. Troy on the other hand would have a drink in hand cracking jokes. His presence was out there, standing at 6 feet with medium dark brown skin, brown hazel eyes, slim well defined cut body, and as I would find out later a beautiful thick 9 1/2 cut dick. When he and I first met we hit it off, we clicked. I had never been with a black guy before, not to my taste, so I didn't think of him in that way. One night we were at my house having drinks and getting ready to head to the clubs. Troy comes up to me and shows me his pipe and asks if I want to party. I tell him if I start I won't want to stop and I won't want to be at a club. I'd rather be home on Bbrt looking to fuck. He puts the pipe away and tells me not to say anything his boyfriend doesn't know and asks What's my profile name, Little Latin Bro. We head to the club and have a great night but all I can think about is Troy's pipe and wanting to PNP. As soon as I get home I clean up, break out my pipe, and jump on BBRT, time to fuck. When I log in I have a message from Tall Back to Breeder, hmm? It's Troy. When the fuck did he have time to jump on Bbrt and look for me? The sneaky fucker is a cheating pnper [banned word]. I open up his profile and mother fuck he's a hot slam pig, watersports, [banned word], verbal and the list is long. He has all kinds of pics, cock in ass, cum on someone's face, cum covered chest, obviously he's a big shooter. Being the good friend I am I unlock my pics and reply to his message. Don't call me a nasty boy with a profile like yours pig man, lol. As I begin to read my messages I hear a knock on my door, MF I'm high, horny as fuck, and who the fuck is banging on my door at 3 in the morning? I open it and it's Troy holding his pipe, he says, Is now a good time? He walks in and sits on the couch, opens his bag pulls out a water bong, fills it with his water bottle, and loads it up. Asks if I have porn, which I tell him in my room, he gets up and walks to my room. He sets the pipe down and undresses to his boxers and tells me to put in a video as he lit up the pipe. He nods his head for me to come over and sit next to him ON MY BED, who put him in charge? Ok, I like him taking charge. He begins to drill me with questions about my experience with incest, how old, who, when, and what we did. With Ms. T running through my head, the porn, the memories, and the huge tent in his boxers I'm getting hornier by the second. He leans over and shotguns me. "So little cousin you like it when your older cousin comes over when your mom and dad aren't home gets you fucked up"? I know where this is going. I nod my head. "Good, first I'm going to teach you to suck my dick, I'm going to play with that tiny little hole of yours until you are begging me to fuck you crazy. Before I steal that cunt I'm going to slam you up. Then I'm going to turn that cunt into a sloppy wet pussy that I'm going to knock up. I'm going to make love to you at least 2 or 3 times before I leave. My babies will be so deep in you, that you'll think you're pregnant." Just then he leans over and begins to kiss me. I don't if it was the Tina or what, but what a fucking kiss. Deep passionate aggressive, I'm fucking jello. Next thing I'm on my back, he's on top of me, we're making out like lovers, and he's in charge. We roll over, his hands push me down. I lick and suck his pecs, nipples, and belly all the way down. I try to take his boxers off, not yet he says, "Suck my dick through them". For the next, I have no idea how many minutes he tells me what to do before he pulls his dick out and I swallow it. I guess it must have been an hour or so of me sucking him and him playing and eating my hole when he gets up and tells me to go wash my face, I look like a slut. He smiles and winks at me. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom, we're both a mess. He stands over the toilet and says "I'm not pissing in you tonight, I'll leave that for next time". We both rinse our mouths and freshen up a bit then head back into the room. He tells me to sit on the bed grabs his black pouch and says, It's time, holding up two rigs. I made these after I read your profile. Ready little Cuz? He slams me and says "Don't worry" After he sees my dick goes soft (fucking tina dick) "That's not what I want. Mine has a little more to make my dick harder and fatter for you" I watch him hit himself and sure enough it goes straight to his dick. I'm spinning, on fire. I want that cock in me. He gets on top of me. We start kissing, he tells me he needs my cunt, he's gotta be in my pussy. He grabs the lube lifts my legs to his shoulders and pushes his fat head into me. Oh my fucking god I keep repeating until he's balls deep. We kiss and stay still until my insides rearrange to his big cock. Once he starts he goes for force at me. Making me plead and beg for more. I have no idea how long we went but he didn't lie. He came in me 3 times before he left. All night he kept telling me his nasty little cousin had the best ass cunt he's had in a long time. We became great PNP buddies.
    9 points
  3. Double Ass Up 2 So it's Thursday and I just got a text message from the other bottom guy I played with in the previous installment. We're planning on meeting up again tomorrow to both go ass up and take loads again but he just suggested we meet tonight for something different. I told him I was intrigued and he texted me a hotel name and room number and told me to meet him outside in 1/2 hour. When I got there he told me he's getting the urge to top again for the first time in years. I realized that actually sounded pretty good to me too. I also have not topped in an awfully long time. The room number he sent me was not one he had reserved, but some other anonymous guy who wold be ass up and ready in a dark room just like we were. He told me he had been messaging with this guy and it was his first time doing anything and that he was very inexperienced at being a bottom but excited to try this, just like we both had been our first time doing it. And the best part was this guy was neg, not on PrEP and pretty clueless. Hearing that made my little cock spring to attention. Knowing that both my new friend and I were recently pozzed and toxic as hell with that high VL of the recently converted. As we knew it would be the door was kept open by the little metal thing and we both went in. After taking a few seconds for our eyes to adjust to the darkness we spotted the guy in the middle of the bed, ass up just like he is supposed to be. We both wasted no time in dropping trou and with dicks already hard we climbed onto the bed, my friend started feeling up the bottoms ass while I reached under and started to stroke his dick. My friend lubed up from the bottle on the nightstand and inserted a lubed finger into the guy's hole causing him to moan out and then he pulled it out and pushed two fingers in, causing a louder moan. He then got into position and started to slide his dick head up and down in the guys crack until it found the guy's pucker and he started to push in. It took a second but his dick opened the guy's hole up and slid all the way inside until his pubes were brushing the guy's ass and his balls were nestled against his taint. He groaned out in pleasure as the bottom moaned again with pain and pleasure. He sat there for a second and I started slowly stroking the bottom's dick having acquired some lube from the bottle myself. I also held a fresh bottle of poppers under the bottom's nose which he inhaled greedily. As soon as the bottom was ready he pulled back out and then slammed back in. Then he started a jackrabbit rhythm, the air filled with the smell of lube, sweat and man sex and the sounds of skin slapping and moans and groans of pleasure. It wasn't long until I noticed my friend's pumping becoming more erratic and I saw his balls start to pull up so I knew he would be filling the bottom guy's ass with charged cum soon. My friend roared out and then as he pulled his dick out with a pop he whispered in the bottom's ear "you just took my poz load". I could see the bottom all of a sudden tense up, but I was already there and as my friend moved off I mounted the raised ass and shoved my cock into the now well fucked ass before he could escape. I was so excited that I was pounding away as fast as my friend had and also found that unlike normal, I was quickly close to cumming myself. I felt my friend massaging my balls as I was pumping and that pushed me over the edge and my cock started throbbing and I could feel the hot jets of my cum spraying as deep into the guy's ass as I could possibly get. I also realized I had be practically shouting "fuck fuck fuck" as I came. Ooops... hope the motel doesn't get pissed. Then again, this place is seedy as hell so probably not. Like my friend I also whispered in the guy's ear that I just gifted him a high VL poz load. Almost before I could finish I was pulled off by a big black guy who told me that he was next and to get out of the way. By this time the bottom guy was not fighting to get away at all and almost sobbing as he realized what was happening. I watched as the black guy slammed his dick in one stroke causing the bottom to squeal out. This guy's dick was at least twice as big as either my friend or I, not that in my case was saying much, but the black guy had to be at least 9" and thick as a Red Bull can. He quickly started long stroking the bottom and my eyes now well accustomed to the light I noticed a biohazard tattoo on his ass. Yep... 3rd poz load on it's way. It was then I noticed there were at least 7 or 8 other guys stroking their dicks and waiting their turn. My friend was on his knees sucking one guy who just got there to get him hard. I decided to do the same with the next guy through the door. Looking at the guys waiting I noticed that several of them also sported tattoos noting their status. My friend and I stayed until all the guys left and it seemed like nobody else was going to show up. We both took a second turn on the bottom. As we got ready to leave my friend told the guy that he had called all his "regulars" which is why so many had come. And I knew, why so many of them were poz and not on meds. The guy seemed a little shell shocked but my friend told him he'd be OK and to get tested in a week or so and then get back to him. So later that night my friend texted me again about tomorrow night. He told me it would be "Triple Ass Up", because the other bottom guy would be joining us. He figured since it was already guaranteed he was pozzed up he might as well jump in all the way. I like the way he thinks! Continue?
    9 points
  4. Part 3 I lay in a puddle on the floor, slowly loosing control of my limbs. My breathe hummed as it flowed through my lungs. The low light in the room brightened between a crimson and down to a blood red. Before me stood four men, real men. Not the whimpering plaything that laid on the ground like a sow waiting to be fucked. Doug and Jim smoked their cigarettes, jerked each other and chatted while Jim clicked through a selection of porn on the TV. Doyle was chatting with someone in the doorway while Doyle prepped a rig. My eyelids slowly rose and fell. My mouth agape and drooling while waiting for the next cock to fill it. My eyes adjusted to the stranger in the doorway. That dim red light exploded into a golden hue as we locked eyes. A bald portly man, larger frame with a beer belly about six foot. A fur carpet ran up his tummy and chest and flowed down his back. He sported a long beard, pure silver. What mesmerized me was what was between his legs though. I had given praise to Jim's set but Roger's dwarfed them. Two grapefruits swung low on him. The most massive set I had ever seen in person and I instantly new I needed them and the sweet cum that they contained. His semi erect cock stood at half mast with his foreskin still enveloping his tip with a generous amount still left over. He was only about 4 inches semi-soft but he was almost as thick of my plug I had worn all day. He caught me staring and winked and then focused on Doyle who was about to administer a shot. The porn on the tv played but I could only understand the grunts and groans. Jim and Doug, finished with their conversation and made their way over to me. Cocks at the ready. Doug pressed his curved penis into my already open mouth and my lips wrapped down on it and got to work. Jim bent down and chewed loudly on Doug's nipples. I made sure to be aware enough to swirl my tongue around Doug and massage his nuts. He didn't want to throat fuck me which was pleasant at this moment. Just every second I could focus on sucking his member. Doyle and Roger where still in the corner. Roger lifted his arm above his head and gave a loud cough. His glorious balls tremored. Doug relinquished his control of mouth and offered it to Jim. All these men wanted to use me. Jim seemed like he wanted to hurt me. He lacked the nicety that Doug granted my mouthhole. He slammed his cock in and out of it punching the back of my throat. Had I offended him in one of our last encounters? Or did he simply need to punish this cunt for being the receptacle that it was born to be? "This worthless fucking pig needs a bit more I think. You think that too faggot?" I could only respond with gurgles, spit pouring out in gushes between my lips and his meat. He wasn't wait for a response either way. Doyle and Roger had gathered slower. Doug leaned over and locked lips with Doyle, their hands rubbing up and down their bodies. Roger again locked eyes with me watching Jim fuck my poor mouth. My head was spinning from the tina, the lsd and Jim taking advantage of mouth but my eyes closed in on him like a beam of light. His look before had been one of friendly introduction but now his eyes were wide and his mouth agape with pure lust. Where he once saw a person now lay a plaything for him. He could have anything he ever wanted of me and I would offer it. Jim picked up pace punishing me. My mouth was flooded with spit and precum. Doyle had moved to begin sucking Rogers now fully erect cock. His foreskin still flowing over it like a deflated balloon. A pang of jealously sparked in me. Doug who was clearly enthusiastic for the torment Jim was giving me, grabbed my hair forcing me down further onto his penis. It began hitting the back and my eyes were pouring tears. I gagged and cried but no one wanted to help me. My oxygen was running out and I didn't know how to express my distress. They all knew I was nothing more than a plastic fucktoy this evening. "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. I'M CUMMING BABY. I'M CUMMING. FUCK YOUUUUU." He erupted into my mouth and between the gathered juices I did not now how big a load he shot. I gulped down the filthy mix and the sweet taste of jism erupted my taste buds. He pulled out and raised his hands to his brow to fling the sweat from it. Some of it fell into mouth and joined the elixir. Without hesitation Roger jumped down to join mouths with me. His tongue slapped around gulping the juices down his throat. He never stopped staring in my eyes. Was this loving gentleman the nasty beast that had heard of earlier? He roughly kissed me as our share of the cum covered both us. "Damn I think it likes you. You want some of its ass?" Barked Jim as he yanked me from the floor and away from my king "Now that I've tasted him I want all of him. Let's drag him over here" said Roger. Were my dreams about to come through as I joined DNA with him? Jim pulled my body over to a sling. My legs were barely working and he had to tug me the full way. I stood up in front of the sling and Jim pushed me into it with such force I was afraid the hooks would be ripped from the ceiling. He definitely had to hurt this whore tonight. They all lined up around me, caressing me and pulling my soft cock. These gods around me were gracious enough to focus on me. A worthless cumslut not worthy of it. My eyes again teared up in gratitude that they would share their seed with me. Roger presented himself at my open asshole. He shimmered in the room and appeared a golden light around him. "Baby boy. Do you want my cock in you? "y-y-y-es. I want your cock in me." "Say it again. You want my raw cock in you." "I want your raw cock in me, Daddy" "That's a good boy. That's a good boy" he repeated as his slowly pushed his beer can into my hungry boybutt. "That's a good boy..." I thanked god that they had taken the mercy to open up my asshole before Roger's monster had entered me. I was dull to the pain but nerves sent sent the message to my brain that something terrible was entering my poor rectum. He slide inch by inch and was fully in not soon after. I could feel his massive nutsack resting against my cheeks. His gentleness continued as he waited for my butt to acclimate to this girth. He leaned down close to my ear and whispered low so that they other men couldn't hear. "It's gonna be ok, baby boy. I'm gonna take care of you. You're gonna be ok with me." He slowly increased his thrusts. My eyes shot into the back of my head and he quickly attached his lips to mine. The taste of Jim's sperm still lingering on our tongues. Doyle and Doug gave me a soft encouraging smile, I assumed to me taking this next step into total whoredom. I weakly returned one. When I turned to Jim I saw nothing but disgust. His eyes told me that I should be ashamed for taking raw cock from strangers high out of my mind. He saw nothing but a depraved useless slut who was only for dumping a load in. I didn't know which side I believed more. Roger's full weight pressed into my chest. He must have been at least 260. His chest hair entangled with mine our nipples rubbed close as his gut sink. Our forms fit perfect. A male in the wild will bite down on a bitch to assure his breeding. Roger clamped down on my earlobe after licking it so gently before. His primal instincts were kicking in and something told him he had to lock me down so I wouldn't run away from his seed. As if I could or would. The thrusting increased. "Man, look at that slut taking that monster. "What a pig" Doug said with encouragement. I was so happy he was proud of me. He spit down into my open mouth to accent his compliment and I swallowed it humbly. I peered over to see Roger had never lost eye contact with me. His pupils flared to the edge and burned sweet lustful desires into my heart. I had always needed this man and now He had me. The passion between us caused Doug to blow his load. A shotglass full of cum blasted over our faces and dripped down Roger into my mouth and eyes. It burned but I couldn't turn my gaze from my daddy and all the love he was giving to my asshole. He began to snarl and grunt as his cock fell in and out of me. Finally his eyes closed shut and the girth of his meat pulsed and radiated through my entire body. "BABY, BABY, BABY, YOU GOT MY LOAD. YOU GOT MY LOAD" as he rested in me. The squirts seemed to go on forever. He leaned back in close with his face an inch from mine. "You happy baby?" "mmmmmm" I released in pleasure. "You like my load?" "I loooove your DNA inside me" "You want more?" "Yes daddy, I want more of you in me" "First one to cum in you tonight. Promise me I'll be the last to come in you. Promise? "I promise daddy. You be the last one to cum in me." We sealed our promise with a soft kiss. Like a promise in a fairy tale. He pulled his meat from my sloppy cunt and stepped to the back. Doyle took his place standing in front of my hole. To be continued...
    5 points
  5. Ohh yes a cum filled dirty stained gloryhole makes the sex much much more sleazy dirty and horny. The smell of musky ass, smelly unwashed cock, heavy piss scent, dried cum, fresh cum.... knowing that lots of dirty horny cocks and ass have been in contact with that hole makes it for me even more dirty sex. I love it knowing that by sticking my cock through a used hole my cock .. my whole crotch gets in contact and covered with other mens DNA. I love the strong smelly stuff very much. My cock also does always carry a heavy smell and taste... always. It even has smegma. I on occasion I have seen with my eyes (3some, cottaging sex, gangbang) that several cocks (mostly from lorry drivers) present where smelly, unwashed, plain dirty. And they slid bare up an ass.. fucked and unload there smelly cum. And than it was my turn to slide in that very smelly fuckhole. I go mental... fucking ass smelling these heavy smells. Just love this very animal way of having sex. Who likes this also?
    4 points
  6. Taking in the news that Jack, my son, has gotten into the party scene… It feels like I just slammed again for the very first time. Hearing the rentman in the next room got lit with my boy and fucked him in LA last spring was jolting, like the whoosh of that first point, the sudden drop in your chest and feeling of whoa. Then realizing all the different avenues this opened up for the sex between us... that was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of ecstasy. And now, like any slam rush, I am about to fuck the rentman senseless. But unlike topping after I have slammed, where I shove my cock up the nearest available and consenting hole without even bothering to lube it up, I am approaching rentman’s ass a little more thoughtfully. “Tell me.” I’m standing in the doorway of the bathroom, erection jutting forward. It takes rentman a few seconds to notice, transfixed as he was by the video of my boy getting spitroasted by two gorgeous black daddies he told me he found online, and who had become more than fuck buddies. And this video is transfixing. I almost lose my train of thought recalling the day Anthony told me about these guys. They were his west coast dads. I hadn’t met them yet - and with what rentman just told me, I understand why, these guys definitely like to party. They may have been the ones who got Jack lit the first time. But Jack had told me a lot about them. He had been vague on how they met. But he had been very detailed in other areas. The home cooked meals, and once a month, a trip to Roscoe’s in Hollywood for Chicken and Waffles. When he bought his car - an 84 El Camino he was determined to restore, they helped him find a good mechanic and a better body shop. The older one, Dave, even taught him how to do laundry the proper way, a lesson I had failed to impart despite repeated efforts over 18 years. And of course, they took him to the bathhouses and circuit parties. Judging by the dilated pupils I’m just now noticing Jack has in this, and probably other videos, they took him to plenty of other parties as well. I stare at these two beautiful Black men, each of them drilling my boy’s cunt, my boy screaming out in absolute perverted ecstasy, and my cock is painfully hard. I’m leaking so much precum it looks like I’m low key pissing. Feeling playful, and wanting to get rentman’s attention, I start helicoptering my dick, dousing him, myself, the bed and everything else in the immediate vicinity. He’s surprised at first, but I picked a good little pig to fuck tonight, and he’s on his knees licking it off his arms and my legs. He’s got that lustful look in his eye that you can only get when you’re high, a look that says ‘I’m using you to use me.’ It’s the kind of look I’ve given plenty of men, and plenty more have given me. It’s a look that makes my painfully erect cock bounce uncontrollably. Rentman sees my dick jerking on it’s own accord, and he actually whimpers. Like a puppy. There is nothing in the universe he wants, needs, more right now than to get pounded long and hard. Not oxygen. Not water. Not food or validation or respect. Just my cock. And more crystal. He crawls over on all fours, mirroring the video playing where Jack is crawling to the second Daddy - Derek - after being bred by Dave. Rentman starts sniffing and licking my cock, my balls, my taint, my hole. But I stop him “Tell me,” I repeat. And he’s puzzled for a second. I can see it click in his head. “Oh, you mean the kid in the video? He was so much fun. Insatiable little cum slut. I met him at a bathhouse called Flex. “ Oh I know Flex. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that my boy would like it there; the first time I went I said “this is my kinda trashy.” “Anyway, I was with a client, this doctor I fuck once a month. Dude flies me out there, loves getting fucked by me. Terrible lay though. Doesn’t know how to bottom and since he’s a doctor you can’t tell him anything. So I’m finishing with the Doctor, and I go outside to smoke a cigarette. I see this cute blond twink sucking a bunch of cocks around the hot tub. I sit and watch the show for a minute, but it gets broken up when the staff comes around - you’re not supposed to fuck in the water, apparently. Well, I swoop in immediately and invite him back to my room. One of the big ones with a big bed.” He takes a long hit off the bong, slowly exhales, blows a couple of smoke rings on my dick. “He laid down on the bed and turned the porn on, and then he looked at my reflection in the mirror - I don’t know why but I found that so hot - and asks me where the party’s at. I didn’t think anything of it, everyone gets high there, so I pulled out my bong and torch, told the kid to help himself. I had smoked plenty with the Doctor. The kid took 3 or 4 big rips and was flying. He got on all fours and started shaking his ass, wiggling it and licking his lips, still keeping eye contact through the reflection in the mirror.” He pauses for another rip off the bong. “I’ve never had someone ask me to eat their ass that way but it was such a fuckin turn on. So I fucked him for an hour or two, and then I had to leave to get to my next client. Gave him a couple of rocks and some G tho so I’m sure he stayed turnt that whole night. Where’d you find this video by the way? I love homemade porn, and I bet a bunch of my clients will as well.” Instead of answering his question, I said “show me.” I can hear the slightest trace of annoyance in his voice when he says “show you what? Mind if I take another hit?” The second question he asks as he’s in the process of taking a hit, he’s reached that point of being spun where he cannot begin to care about anything but his own dick and hole. I love a good rentman. “Show me how you fucked the boy in that video. Pretend I’m him. Fuck me just like you fucked him.” Rentman is amused but also turned on, I can see he’s going to comply. “Well, first thing then you’ll have to take a bunch of rips off the bong.” One, two, three, four major clouds later, I’m shaking with anticipation and the drugs. My heart is racing, my dick is bouncing, my asshole puckering, eager to be opened up by this stud and then fucked senseless. Just like I fuck Jack. Rentman stands up, puts his hand on my chest, and pushes me onto the bed. Wordlessly, he grabs my calves and pulls them up, getting me flat on my back. He sees the precum flowing freely from my cock, and dabs a finger on my dick head, drawing back a long strand he takes in his mouth and hungrily devours. He drops to his knees, and I know what’s coming next. I feel his hot breath in my crack, the scruff of his beard causing a little bit of friction that I find pleasurable, and leaving the musk of my asshole all over his face, which is a major turn on for both of us. And then I feel his tongue slowly licking my asshole. Lapping at it, the way a dog laps up some water. The way I lap at Jack’s hole. This goes on for 10 minutes or so, as he keeps feeding me shotguns, trying to get me as spun as humanly possible. After spitting on my hole one last time, He stands up, and repositions me so that the porn is behind him, “so you can watch” and he gestures to his phone. I make a quick decision. “Hold up a second.” I get up, and go to the bathroom. “Let’s do this right.” I open my toiletries case and pull out two syringes that I had preloaded, .5 each. I don’t party that often, and I slam even less, but after giving a great speech at a very lucrative conference and finding out that my boy is just as much of a meth craved cock whore as I am… Well, I knew this would be one of the nights where I go balls to the wall. I walk back out and rentman is taking more hits off the bong. He looks up, sees the syringes, and licks his lips, subconsciously echoing Jack’s invitation to lick his ass. “Can you admin yourself?” Rentman nods. I hand him the syringe, and he starts prepping his forearm with an alcohol wipe. I do the same. We pull the cap off the points simultaneously, but rentman quickly puts his back on, stands up and grabs his jockstrap, jeans and shirt. For a second I think he’s about to leave, but then he sets the phone down to record. Ah, he’s one of those guys I think to myself, and I decide to follow suit, as it were, putting my clothes back on too. Whenever I stumble across a slamming video, I think its so hot the way the guys take all their clothes off and start playing with their dicks almost immediately, no matter whether they are top bottom or side. Clearly rentman enjoys it too, and is one of the guys who gets dressed just so he can slam and get naked again. Thanks to rentman’s roided out body, his veins are huge and easy to hit. Mine are too, although that’s more from a lifetime of clearing the brush on the 2 acre lot my house sits on. Both of us insert our needles at the same time, his registers just a fraction of a second before mine does. We both push the plunger down, and I’m feeling the rush even before I pull the needle out. “Holy shit,” is all rentman says, as he starts coughing and taking off his clothes. “Fuck yeah” is all I say, through an even stronger cough. The warmth of the rush is almost overwhelming, as I rip my clothing off, literally ripping the shirt I had just put back on. “Come here.” Rentman’s voice has changed, lost all it’s playfulness and charm. Only lust and domination remain. I get on all fours and crawl to him, the same way he crawled to me, the same way Jack’s gonna be crawling to the both of us (I’ve already decided). “On your back. Spread those cheeks apart. Let me see that cunt.” I follow his instructions with enthusiasm. My asshole is puckering uncontrollably, begging for his cock, which is hard as steel and thicker than anything I’ve taken in a long, long time. “You want it like that kid? Well here you go.” He shoves his whole dick up my ass in one sudden thrust, and even though it’s painful, I take it in stride. I even look up at him and, feeling my playful side return, say “is it in?” Rentman gets a wicked smile across his face, right before lightly slapping me across the cheek. “Is it in? You tell me.” He starts thrusting wildly, slamming his dick into me over and over. I notice he’s matched the pace of the video, where Dave is once again fucking Jack. I’m in the same position as my boy is in the video, and I’m loving it almost as much as he is. My cock is rock hard and I start jacking it furiously while rentman continues his unrelenting assault on my ass. “Fuck oh yeah fuck me fuck that cunt give it to me fuck yes oh my god fuck me.” I can’t tell if it’s me saying this, Jack saying it in the video, or if I’m even saying it outloud, I’m that fucked up on the crystal. But except for the first night with Jack, this is the most intense sex I’ve had in years. Maybe because I’m pretending to be Jack. I don’t bottom very often, and Jack hasn’t even mentioned the possibility of me topping him - something I’ve been meaning to ask him because he clearly knows how to top, and from the videos and webcams I’ve watched, he enjoys it. “Yeah you like that big fat dick slamming in you? Dirty meth whore. You should fly us out to LA and we can take turn on that kid. I bet he’d love to get DP’d by the two of us.” Sweat is pouring off his forehead and chest, it feels like rain washing over me, and I’m just as thoroughly sweaty. Both of us are close to cumming. Rentman quickens his pace, I can feel his cock somehow get harder and harder in my hole. My own dick is covered in precum, and I’m jerking it in pace with rentmant’s powerful thrusts. “We don’t need to go to LA. He’s only an hour away,” I say, keeping eye contact with rentman as his orgasm continues to build. “Oh yeah, how do you know that?” “Because he’s my son, and you and I are going back to my house to get him high and fuck him senseless.” It’s enough to send rentman over the edge, as he busts a huge nut in my hole, I can feel 10, 12 spurts of his cum hitting inside me. That, in turn, sends me over the edge, and I shoot an equally large load all over his chest, my stomach, my face, a few arcs even hitting the TV, where Jack has just shot his own load all over himself. The two Black daddies in the video are panting just as hard as rentman and me. I point to the screen, ask rentman if he knows either guy - there’s a tiny snippet at the very end where they both show their faces. “Oh shit that’s Derek and Dave. Yeah I know them. They used to be porn actors before starting their own studio. I’ve actually done a couple of scenes for them.” My face breaks out into a smile of unrestrained deviance. “Get them on the phone.”
    4 points
  7. I'm an evil twink. My latest conquest was a muscled Italian stud with a gold wedding band. Nothing gets me hornier than being a straight married man's side piece. Knowing he has a wife and kids at home sends me over the edge. He has been coming over to my place every week for the past couple months straight from his office. And I wait for him ass up, ready to take a pounding. The problem was that he doesn't trust me enough to fuck raw. I dreamt of his huge thick Italian cock sliding in my pink raw hole. It's all I'd been craving. After he'd leave, every time I'd rummage like a raccoon through the waste basket for his used condom. I have eaten it, tried pouring it into my hole, and even inserted the dirty rubber in my hungry hole. Not the same. Anyone remember Mark Bentson's famous top ten stealthing tips? I loved reading his site iblastinside back in the day. There were two tips for bottoms that I felt tempted to try. "If you control the condom, you control the whole trick. Condom brand selection can be the most difficult but luckily there’s always someone giving some away for free, either at sex clubs or doctor’s offices. Grab a handful. I find the colorful generic Durex brand brings me the most luck. Generally, you can’t find the bulk ones, but I did at Drugstore.com where there’s some variety packs there. My favorite seem to be Durex Rainbow Color. OPTION 1 The season (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) is getting perfect to begin preparation. Put your condoms in your car for a few days, especially if you can sit them on your dashboard. Then bring them inside and put them into your freezer straight from the extreme heat. Then take them back outside to the car. Doing this a few times — extreme heat, extreme cold — really breaks them down but only once or twice helps. OPTION 2 Pinpricks through the wrapper and the condom if you don’t have the time or patience to switch off with the extreme temperature technique is also fine. I recommend getting a very small pin and only poking though the side with the printing on the condom wrapper. If you are careful, this leaves the see-through side intact; tampering there is more likely to be seen." I performed both options on the only pack of condoms I had. Now for the next step. "Yes, bottoms can stealth, as many of them told me. But in many cases, they aren’t in the driver’s seat, so to speak, since they cede control to the top. However, here’s a few things a bottom can do if there’s options to do so. First and foremost, get rid of all condom-safe lubricants but not the bottles they came in (maybe not all… when you do have the barebacker over, you might prefer one). Fill up these “safe for condom use” bottles with oil or petroleum lubricants. Now let’s say you’re going to his place to use his condoms and his lube. After you’re all cleaned out, take a nice glob of petroleum jelly and coat your insides. By the time you’re there, your pussy will be dripping for him (and won’t be a very friendly environment for condoms)." The next time my Italian stud was due to come over, I fingered my hole with a giant glob of Vaseline. My little twink cock stiffed up at the thought of getting his bare dick. I couldn't help but moan while I lubed myself. Naughty boy. My man finally arrived, straight from his work, dressed in his suit and tie. "Come here you sexy fucker." He growled while hastily undressing. I kissed him deeply, cupping his strong jaw and holding him close, as his large hands groped my body, finding my pert ass. "Daddy I missed you." I said between kisses. "I miss your hot mouth, son." He smirked as he pushed my head down to his crotch. "Daddy loves your holes." I moaned as I worked his cock, swallowing his thick girthy cock deep and sucking like a pro. "Good boy," he said as I looked up at him with my mouth wrapped around his dick. He tapped my cheek and signaled me to the bed, while grabbing one of my prepared condoms from the nightstand. I got on all fours with my jockstrapped ass in the air, anxiously looking back to see how he was making out with the tampered condom. He seemed to have put it on without issue and lubed it up. Game time. He slipped his cock in with some effort, but finally he got to pounding my ass doggy. I took a hit of poppers and melted into the bed, my hole eagerly accepting each thrust. My ass clapped as his hips slammed against me, his sweat mixing with the lube. Heaven. I prayed that he wouldn't notice when the condom broke. Not wanting to risk getting caught, I thought maybe cowboy would be a better position. I signaled for him to lay down and I managed to see that his dick was still wrapped up before I sat on him. I wonder why it hasn't broken yet. "Take daddy's dick." He instructed. I began to bounce on his lap, thrusting his cock deep in and out. I kept a good rhythm, making sure to clench my ass on each ascent, in an effort to rip the condom off with my ass. We reached a frenzy when I finally felt a snap inside me as I rode him. I watched his face to see if he could tell what happened. As far as I could tell, he didn't notice, but his eyes rolled back into his head and moaned deeply. He was cumming inside me. He held me down on his cock as he unloaded, grunting as each rope of cum coated my guts. I was in cumdump heaven, finally bred and seeded by this hunk of a man. I got what I deserved. After a moment of rest, I got up, making sure to clench my hole to keep everything inside. "Oh shit I think the condom came off." He said, as his cock slipped out of me bare. "Damn really?" I feigned surprise. Still holding his cum and rubber inside me, I promised him that I was healthy and he had nothing to worry about. I kept up the act until he left. Afterwards, I inserted a butt plug to hold his seed inside me, I needed his babies to soak in me as long as possible. Did I feel a little guilty? Yes. But was it worth it? Hell yes! Please don't judge me.
    3 points
  8. Of the places I've lived: Denver would have to be my favorite. That is where I spent most of my 30's and started going to bathhouses. In addition to the great orgies at he baths, there were also tearooms, parks and bars were I knew I could duck out to pretty much anytime I had a few minutes and at least get sucked and sucked usually more. I spent my late 20's in Dallas, and have some great memories of hooking up in the parks, tearooms, and ABS there. I got a lot of sex, but can only imagine what it would have been like if I had been more adventurous. I spent my early 20's in various places in Illinois and never seemed to have much trouble hooking up in any of the larger towns or no trouble at all if I made the trek to Chicago., (or St Louis and Indianapolis for that matter) Minneapolis, I've never actually lived there but have worked there for extended periods of time for the last 20 years. Sadly they don't have any bathhouses, but there is plenty of sex to be had in parks and tearooms and hooking up but not fucking at the gay bars. I've also recently discovered there is a "house" party, that is essentially a sex club, 3 nights a week where you can show up pay $20 and fuck your brains out for 3 hours. I've been lucky enough to travel to a lot of places for work and vacations and have had some great sex: LA, at least for CumUnion parties can't be beat. The group pig action I find at the LAX Sanctuary hosted events is exactly what I need to satisfy my inner slut after being stuck blue balling for months on end where I live now. Bathhouse sex (although the CumUnions at 1350 were poor cousins to the ones held at Sanctuary) and warehouse parties are also sure fire bets for me. Palm Springs, even beats Denver for ease of hooking up. I've never struck out at CCBC and have recently discovered that I need to add the Barrack's underwear nights to my Palm Springs itineraries. San Diego, I used to have a lot of fun at the Vulcan bathhouse and still find plenty of fun at a particular beach. Just about any bigger town in the midwest and mountain west US or central Canada (from the Rockies to western Ontario, I can find plenty of like minded men to satisfy my sexual needs.
    3 points
  9. Thanks for the replies, gents. Just a little info, this is a true story. Troy and I aren't real cousins he was just feeding into my fetish for incest. I might write more about us but I'm thinking of writing about some of my other adventures with incest roleplay. Believe it or not, I've had hotter.
    3 points
  10. I have great sexual memories from all over the country. I always travel with potential sex play as part of the equation. Here are some highlights from my sexpig life so far. Palm Springs: CCBC, Always stayed for Palm Springs Leather Pride and was immersed in a week of sexual use from waking to sleeping. I could get used til I was exhausted at like 3am, crawl into bed, ass gaped nd leaking, sleep hard and deep for 5 hours, wake up, stumble out of my room and into a sling and continue the public promiscuous play. SF: Folsom St. Far: cock hanging out in public, getting fucked and fisted in public and solid night time sex parties for several days, including a CumUnion party i was so used at the by the last of the 33 guys t use me, i was so gaped, the top jerked off inside my ass. The cum and lube leaked thru my clothing and left a wet spot on the seat of my Uber. I was pig proud Cleveland OH: CLAW: Every year I have attended has been amazing, both in sexual use and the guys I have met. I have also gotten to be the demo bottom for the Fisting Basis class for multiple years (which I do with the same instructor at Pig Week), a demo guy for the sounding class, and given my own seminar on the Power and Philosophy of Promiscuous Living. Being a high use service mare at 2023 Horse Market was a huge highlight for this pig. NYC: Cock Bar: In addition to solid sex play hookups, my most recent visit included getting fisted in front of patrons at the Cock Bar by one of the dancers. I went on to orally service him and another dancer and have sex with multiple patrons in the main bar and the bathrooms.. These are my people Atlanta GA: Home: so many great memories here even before I moved here. One highlight is chronicled on this site by another member who watched the heavy use I endured and indulged in at a CumUnion. At the most recent Atlanta Dominion BDSM party, in addition to being fucked and fisted openly by guys, I was sounded and then cathed by an real life EMT in medical gear, while i was enjoying the pleasure of that, he slid his fist in me and I was in the Pleasure stratosphere. Orlando FL: I lived in Orlando and never wanted for sexual use. My highlights range from heavy use at Club Orlando bathhouse to the point i was late meeting friend for dinner because I couldn't say no to guys still wanting to use me, and I'd been there all day playing to the blow out fisting party my husband arranged on our trip last week to ensure i was fully sexed to the max. Having sex with a housekeeping Cast Member is also a huge highlight. Only happened once but I would welcome it again any time. Fort Lauderdale FL: Grew up here. Always attend the 10-day sex marathon that is Pig Week. So many highlights here...from filming as one of the porn star for the gangBang Lottery, to being kept poppered up at a sex party by one guy while others took turns in me til i just hung open so wide i had to sleep in a diaper that night so much cum an lube was leaking out of me, to being in a public fisting chain at one of the parties to being on my back on a low stage at the psycho circus party, lubed up, poppered up and a throng of guys gathered around watching us power bottoms taking hours of use and waiting turns to play in us so tat my ass was never without a hand or penis in it (sometimes both at once) for more than a few seconds)...
    3 points
  11. Part 31 Watching Kevin approach the bed with two liquid-filled syringes in his hand I listened as Drew explained to me and my son how this was going to be done. "Okay, Jer," he stated in a husky voice, "we're going to give you your slam first. You already know what to expect and how fucking great the rush feels when it hits you." "Fuck yeah I do!" Jeremy answered eagerly. Still talking to Jeremy but looking in my face Drew continued. "As soon as the waves hit you we're going to give Daddy, I mean your dad, his slam. As soon as it hits him he's going to push his cock inside your spasming ass. That will give your ass a jolt like you can't imagine and your ass is going to suck your dad's cock balls deep in you so you'll both feel hornier than ever together at the same time. Okay?" he asked us both. Jeremy didn't hesitate to let us know he was ready and I nodded excitedly at Drew. I watched Kevin fasten the belt around Jeremy's arm as I'd seen him do not too long ago on the computer. I was so engrossed in watching Kevin and Jeremy I was startled when Ryan took my left arm and began tying it off. He grinned at my astonished look and said, "Want to get you set for your slam stud so we can give it to you as soon as Jeremy feels his." I nodded my understanding and watched him mirror what Kevin was doing to my son. I saw both needles inserted to our respective veins then both syringes filling with our blood and mixing with the contents of the glass tubes. Then Kevin said, "Here it comes boy," as he pushed the plunger all the way down sending more of the liquified drug into Jeremy's system, while Ryan held mine steady until it was time. Just as before I saw Jeremy shudder and arch his back and heard him gasping for air as he was wracked with a series of powerful coughs. Then Jeremy began writhing on the bed, moving his hands all over his muscled torso, and we all heard a primal growl start in his throat and build quickly. At that point I was no longer able to watch the slam's progression on my boy as I heard Kevin say, "Do it," and I stared as Ryan gave me my first slam. Just as I was thinking I wasn't feeling anything, then WHAM! My head snapped backwards, my head and heart were pounding loud and hard, I felt a tightening in my chest and an almost deafening roaring in my ears. My body started shivering and convulsing and I was sure I was having a fatal heart attack. Deep coughs began in tandem with all of these things then it seemed my mind went silent. I was vaguely aware of two things: I could hear Jeremy still coughing as if from a distance, and my whole psyche and being were fixated on the need to have all the hot sweaty raw nasty sex I could. As I felt that need rapidly growing I heard Drew beside me saying what I ached to hear. "Now, Daddy Justin," he whispered even as he took hold of my throbbing cock. "Fuck your son! Slide your dirty cheating incestuous daddy dick inside Jeremy's fucking ass! Fuck him until you breed him stud!" With those words he let loose of my raging shaft as it pressed against Jeremy's burning 19 year-old hole and and was almost sucked into his flexing fuck chute! Jeremy's ass was still convulsing and spasming as I slid deeper and deeper into the warm wet for*idden places no father's cock is ever supposed to enter - my own son's ass! Tighter than any of the other three asses I'd been in today and more satisfying than I could have imagined. And more erotic because of the fact that it WAS my son I now had my bare cock buried in, something society called wrong and evil and despicable. I didn't give a damn what society said - this felt too good. Fucking my jock son Jeremy's cum-filled ass with the cock that had fucked him into existence. My head started to clear and I became aware of Jeremy's hands clawing at my back, his strong legs wrapped tightly around my waist, and his raspy voice crying out, "OH FUCK YESSS! Fuck me dad! Gawd you feel so fucking good in my ass! Pound me! Fuck me! Fill me up with your cum! Fucking do it!!" Bellowing in raw lust-filled carnality, I began fucking in and out of the hole impaled on my dick. We were both spewing profanity and vulgarity as our moans echoed around the room. Too soon, I felt my orgasm ready to explode. Suddenly I knew I wanted to be looking into Jeremy's eyes when I started to breed him with my incestuous cum. I caught Drew's eye and managed to moan out, "The blindfold. Take it off! I want him to see my face when I cum in him! Now! Do it! I'm about to cum!" As I slammed home one final time into my hot son's cum hungry hole and I felt the first eruption of my seed blasting from my piss slit, Drew grabbed the blindfold and yanked it off and I was looking deep into Jeremy's confused horny face as I cried out, "Take your dad's cum, son!" (to be continued)
    3 points
  12. Double Ass Up So I was on one of those location based phone apps... You know which one. I saw a profile on there which had a nice looking ass with a cream pie dripping out of it. I sent a message complimenting him "Nice creampie, I love taking them too". He replies back "Thanks, you have a nice ass too". I asked him "You on PrEP?". His reply "Nope". Me "Me neiter. You're going to get knocked up!". Him "Probably." Me "Me too". He says "I'm hosting in my motel room, if you can split it with me you can come over and take some loads too". Me "Sounds great, what hotel and room number?" He sends me the number so I take a quick shower, get cleaned out and head over, it's only a couple miles away over along IH35. When I get there he lets me in, the room is dark and we leave the door proped open with the little bar thing. I strip down like he is, just to jock underwear and we both get up on the bed ass up. It doesn't take long before we hear the door open and shadows enter the room. I feel a hand rub my ass and I can see that his is also being checked out. Two tops. Very soon I hear him groan out in pleasure and a grunt from his top guy and I know he's getting it. I also feel fingers checking out my already lubed hole. They pull out then I feel the head of my top guy's dick sliding in my ass crack until it pushes inside causing me to groan out as well and my top guy to give his own grunt. Then all I can hear is moans and groans and flesh slapping. I'm feeling nothing but pleasure as the big dick pounding me is rubbing my prostate just right making my little cock drip into my jock. All of a sudden my top stops and pulls out. "Switch?" he asks the other top. I hear the other top grunt out "OK" and he stops. I feel them moving around behind us and suddenly my hole is stretched wider than it has ever been and the big dick just keeps pushing in until I feel wiry pubes on my cheeks. I can't help but moan out because it burns a little, like a dick hasn't done in me in a long time. Very soon I feel him pull back out and then he pushes in hard and fast so I can feel is massive balls smack my taint and then he really goes to town. Both tops are pounding us like crazy. The room is filled with the sounds and smells of raw man sex. I'm interrupted by my head being pulled up by my hair a dick in my face which I accept into my mouth. More tops have showed up. It's going to be a good night. Soon I feel the huge dick in my ass start to throb and the guy pushes all the way in and holds it there as I feel jet after jet of hot cum being pumped deep inside me. I head the other bottom's top guy growl out "take my poz load you slut!". My top guy whispers in my ear "you just got a 5 day high VL load too". Before I can even process that, the guy that was in my mouth has pulled out and is moving behind me. I have a chance to look around a little and I see there must be a dozen guys standing around stroking themselves and getting ready to use both of us. And they do. One after another until the wee hours of the morning. After the last ones leave both myself and the other bottom guy are left laying together on the bed in puddles of cum, with dried cum spots all over each of us, and our holes gaping and drippng seed. I ask him "how many loads do you think we took?" He says he personally lost count after 14, and he was sure I took as many as he did. That sounded true to me too. We took turns rinsing off and getting dressed and then left, exchanging mobile numbers. A couple weeks later I got a text from him saying "We should do that again soon" I texted back "Hell yes, but I won't need to be worried about being impregnated next time". I'd been to the clinic and got my results. He texted me "Me either, my pregnancy test just came back Pozitive". We made arrangements to do it again... Looking forward to it this Friday.
    2 points
  13. "FDA Approves Apretude: First Injectable Option for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis" "Key takeaways: Apretude (cabotegravir) is a long-acting injectable medication that can prevent HIV contraction and is targeted at people at high risk for exposure. Apretude is typically injected into the muscles of your buttocks every 2 months by a healthcare professional. There are ways to save on Apretude. If you’re eligible, a manufacturer savings card can help you access Apretude for as little as $0 per injection. A patient assistance program is also available." [think before following links] https://www.goodrx.com/apretude/fda-approves-apretude "WHO recommends long-acting cabotegravir for HIV prevention" [think before following links] https://www.who.int/news/item/28-07-2022-who-recommends-long-acting-cabotegravir-for-hiv-prevention
    2 points
  14. Got a message from this guy I have played with before once or twice. He is young 30s and I guess i would describe him as a quiet pig. Didn't meet him on a bb site but on Adam and we started talking and I asked for it bb and he was cool with it. Found out later he actually is really into it and does it all the time and he might even be poz (hasn't been tested in a very long time he says, but he fucks poz guys). Fast forward to today when he says he needs to blow a load and he is at his office which is about 15min from me. I cleaned out quick, rammed a plug in me and rushed over. He let me in his office which is in one of those suburban office complex district with a bunch of businesses all mixed together. He took me up to his floor with a bunch of cubicles. We went into a conference room and closed the blinds. I dropped to my knees and undid his jeans to get to his cock. I only sucked it for a short time because he was rock hard and I wanted fucked! We both got naked that's when he discovered the plug. It turned him on and he fucked me with it for a bit. Then he ripped it out and put me on my back on the conference table then he lubed up with some lube I brought. It was really hot me on my back on a conference table at his office with my legs in the air and him fucking me raw. Shortly after he pulled me off the table and bent me over it to fuck me for a bit. Then I got on my back on the floor and he fucked me like this. It was very short lived as I was screaming to be loaded up and he doesn't last long anyway. He floods my hole with his cum and then stands up. I lay there happy for a minute before getting up to suck the dripping cum off of his cock. I put the plug back in and we got dressed and both left. I just got home and took the plug out. Seems like most of his load absorbed, but a little dripped out. I've never been fucked in an office before and I usually don't like being fucked in public places, but this was hot. Hope there weren't any cameras
    2 points
  15. Hot piece of writing, I felt like I was experiencing this myself, and am well boned. Great as it is, but well worthy of a follow up……..
    2 points
  16. Yeah potent alpha nut knocked u up bro
    2 points
  17. Mmmmm great piece of writing. Chapter 2???
    2 points
  18. That is good to know, maybe I should call my btms faggot more often.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. My last few loads where Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Went to my boyfriend's house on Tuesday and he gave me his load and I gave him my 5 day load while a buddy of our with a beer can cock was deep in my ass. Later on at night I had a latino daddy with a big uncut cock fuck me and while I was riding him he breed me deep. He loves my ass and wants to breed it again. The Wednesday morning had a red hair bear come over and he breed me with his uncut cock while on his way to work. Then later on that day I had another latino daddy with a uncut cock breed me ass. He asked me if I wanted daddy's load and of course I said yes.
    2 points
  21. If it's an actual matter of size, where his erection is thicker than your jaw's maximum aperture, then you can only do your best. It just doesn't fit, and it's a good thing your cunt has no teeth. It seems unlikely that your mouth is actually that small, though. The only way to know for sure is for him to take control and force it into your skull up to the limits of his comfort. You'll learn what's possible and work towards that goal when you worship.
    2 points
  22. As a top, I know exactly when the condom breaks or slips off. The difference in sensation is obvious immediately. Whenever it happens, I play dumb. Maybe they meant it to, maybe it was an accident. Either way, I'm going to shoot in there.
    2 points
  23. Here’s Armond reeling in a big catch.
    2 points
  24. Hope this isn't going to be too long for people to read but want to share my recent first time and know what others may think about it. I'm married and occasionally suck cock because of experiences many years ago which i have posted here before. As I am married I don't get much opportunity. Back in May on the bank holiday we had for the Kings coronation I had the opportunity to go out on my own. I got on my hookup app and soon had the interest of a mature top couple and after a few messages I was driving to their home to suck them both. When I arrived I was asked if I would be ok being hooded and plugged. I'd never done anything like that before but my sub brain was already kicking in and I said yes without really thinking about it. They were both well built men in their late 50s or early 60s but both quite fit. Once I had agreed they were quite forceful in telling me to undress. Once I was naked I had a rough hood put over my head. It wasn't tight fitting so it wasn't too scary but there was only a large hole for my mouth and i couldnt see anything. I was then told to kneel and get on all fours. I felt a cold slippy feeling around my bum and felt a buttplug being pushed in. I'd never been plugged before but it went in ok and i felt quite excited by it. I was then told to straighten up but remain kneeling and i was aware of a cock in front of my mouth demanding my attention. I went straight to it. Hands and mouth. Taking it deep, sucking hard. I started to hear lots of verbal abuse which motivated me more onto that beautiful large and hard cock and i received a good throatfucking and took his load deep without tasting. I could feel hands caressing my balls from underneath and behind and was aware that i had quite an erection myself. They were talking to each other about me. Calling me a slut and a little whore. They said i wanted fucking. I didn't say no. I just remained quiet and at their service. The plug waa removed and i felt the cocl at my hole. I was extremely nervous and worried about embarassing myself. The cock pushed in a long way helped by the lube left by the plug and i was being fucked for the first time. Bare cock in my ass taking what he wanted. I was his slut and his cock whore and i loved it. To be honest my heart is still thumping nearly 3 months later. I suppose i even may have been filmed, but they seemed like ok guys. I hope they liked what i gave.
    1 point
  25. Curiosity got me one day. He made it very available. DoubleList ads were constantly up asking for raw loads form big hung black dicks. One pic after another of him gaped or getting fucked raw by bbc. I texted “sup” with a pic of my dick, semi flaccid. I have a fat 10 inches on a skinny body. He responded promptly and we made arrangements with no small talk. Soon after, I was en route to ass-pound a stranger who was experienced af with hung jocks. I enter his room to find him ass-up, waiting, twerking. Clean, lubed-up and well-prepared, he was a perfect host. He’s a chub with plump cheeks. Room was clean, and neat; wipes, condoms, and lube were available at the bedside. Power bottoms like this are an answered wish. I was conscious about all the dudes he had received before me. This was only my second encounter with a man. So soon as I dipped in, I did my best to murder it in a way I might be remembered. Launching long, accurate, world-rocking backshots, cheek-smashing haymakers, and punishing knockout strokes from behind, before climbing up on top to piledrive a 5-day-load in deep. I lasted maybe 15 minutes. Afterward he seemed impressed, but also surprised. He asked for permission to record the next time for OF, and said the pics that I’d send did me no justice. I guess I’m just bigger in person. Another bootycall in my area; Another romantic encounter, as long as you think mean, raw, big dick breeding is as romantic as I do. Now I regularly load him up enjoying the knowledge that I’m his rudest, meanest fuck ever, as much as I enjoy the comments from viewers of his posts on pornhub and the like.
    1 point
  26. ^^ditto this.^^ (though i'd trade out use for "select." It's another step forward in prevention. Here's a link to cost info for Apretude (brand name of the injection). "Federal law requires that insurance plans cover certain items and services associated with PrEP. Call your insurance company to see how this may impact you." [think before following links] https://apretude.com/apretude-cost/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=what+is+apretude+used+for&gclid=CjwKCAjwgZCoBhBnEiwAz35RwsO1sEy4QdtL8UHWiYDarkfIuqsa1Az54MRvoFnp7QaixZQUqNQ1cBoCDkIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
    1 point
  27. i cannot say i've ever encountered an "ugly dick," and i'm part of the >1000's club. Of course, most know that sort of assessment is subjective. i hooked with a Guy once who had no legs, amputee up to His pelvis. Had been in an accident as a kid. Because He didn't have legs, His ass was pretty much non existent and His cock had also gotten injured in the accident, so it wasn't 'normal.' i had a great time with Him. His dick was different, but was all Cock and i loved being with Him and receiving His Cock. On a different note, i see a cock as being both physical and as part of a Mans psychological wiring, e.g., His want/need/drive to penetrate, fuck, orgasm, seed, impregnate, etc.. As one of those on the far end of the sexual spectrum, i don't perceive myself as having a "cock." Sure, i have a penis, i'm not deluded, i just do not associate with what i have and what a Man Who has the above mentioned drives/needs/wants has. i have met a few men who's internal dick was not attractive to me, but i still would not call that "ugly."
    1 point
  28. That empty feeling is definitely a big motivator for kicking up endorphins that make me seek cock and cum. Love it.
    1 point
  29. Washington DC - Half and O Street LA - bathhouses (mostly closed now) Chicago - Man's Country, Man's World and the Bijou
    1 point
  30. Hope to read more, it is a Nice start
    1 point
  31. Jeremy would need more than his dads cock after a good slam.
    1 point
  32. Je ne suis qu'un déchet et je cherche un proxénète pour être une pute pour un vieux réfugié migrant sans abri dans les pires endroits effrayants, nu sur un poteau avec mon gode
    1 point
  33. The way I see it, it's the TOPS responsibility to open the Hole properly. The bottom has to be willing, of course - but the delightful work is the Top's job.
    1 point
  34. I'll never forget the thrill I got when I backed my ass up to glory hole to try and entice the hung top who had let me suck his cock but didn't want to feed me. I got his load, and I felt like I'd won the lottery.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Part 2. The crystal in my bloodstream had begun to spike and I could feel my heart pump faster and faster. This along with the LSD made me hyperaware of every sensation as Doyle continued to french kiss my asshole. He slowly pulled away and headed to the toy chest to grab a replacement. The bench beneath me began to breath in rhythm with my labored panting. I looked over to see what he had selected but I had an inkling that I already knew what would been soon filling my hungry chasm. Jim and Doyle had a favorite they liked to call "the captain". A flesh tone dildo about a foot in length and 3 inches in diameter. I'm glad I prepped myself with my huge plug but I knew this bastard wouldn't be quietly sitting with in me. They intended to ruin my hole with it before the games really begun. The captain and I were well acquainted, Doyle scooped two fingers into a tub of elbow grease and slathered it around my hole. Teasing my insides a little while he did it. The tina made my cock worthless and shriveled but he stroked it softly none the less which drove electricity though out my body. Again, Doyle was the much kinder of the couple. "Here, this will help" as he reached over and pressed a bottle to my nose. I inhaled for a long while until he pulled away. The room started spinning and I could feel my hole begin to relax and pucker. The pressure of the flared cockhead entering me made me jolt a slight bit but I was able to fight instinct and slow pushed my butt back onto it. The pop as it pushed past my lips made my entire body shake and my eyes shot upward as pain and pleasure crackled through my nerves. Only a few inches in and I was already melting into the leather that pressed into my face. Voices erupted from the stairs a room away and the nervousness I thought I had long lost returned. I felt like I could count the very steps they took towards the room but it didn't deter Doyle from pushing more and more of the monster dildo into me. "You two took a while up there. I'm just starting to open him up" said Doyle. "Doug and I were catching up and having a drink. He wanted to do a point where the light was better" "Good to see you Doyle!" a faceless voice said behind me. Doyle left the dildo hanging out from me and rose to greet the stranger. I could hear some soft kissing and then some soft whispers while they caressed each other and became reacquainted. I wasn't even worth the attention to them. I had entered the realm of plaything in this room. "So this is tonight's event? Beautiful looking ass" a cold hand slapped against my bottom and then began pushing the girth in and out of me slowly. "He's opening up a bit but for his sake I wanted to ease him in" "You're too nice to it. It came here for a reason" quipped Jim. He was all mood now. It. That is what I had been reduced to in his eyes. Not a playmate or a lover but a soulless beast made for a sole purpose. To be fucked. To be bred. To be tossed away. Ego death had begun to set in. "Lemme get a better sight from over here" said Doug and made his way to the front of me. He was a balding thinner man in his late 50's. Wired and tone without almost no body hair. An outie belly button caught my eye for some strange reason and I became fixated on it. His cock was smooth and already greased that tilted upward in a drastic curve. "This the little piggy, huh? This the little piggy that wants to get fucked, huh?" He slipped his cock into my mouth without waiting for an answer. The dildo in my ass began moving in and out with a faster pace clearly uninterested in easing me into it. Jim was definitely behind the wheel. Graciously they slathered more lube onto it which was one nicety I wouldn't be granted often. Doug increased the speed of fucking my mouth. Self admittedly I am not a throat queen and gagging started to ensue. A pool of spit began gathering on the bench below me. He pulled from my mouth and crotched down to get eye to eye with me. "Don't worry baby boy. I won't wear you out too soon. We got all night." He pressed his lips to mine and wrestled tongue to tongue all the while the giant dildo pressed further and further. I began to wonder how many inches they had gotten in but soon dismissed the though. I was not in the right mind to question it. A second chime from Jim's phone beeped and stilled the energy in the room. "Roger said he'll be here in about 20" "Do I know Roger?" asked Doug "You met him at the Eagle...year...2 years ago? He was banned for a while." "Oh that guy." Doug locked eyes with me. "He is a sleazy pig with a capital S. You'll love him" little did they know how true that statement really was. The dildo was slowly pulled from my rectum and again the pop against my asslips made me quake. "I know he likes them a bit worn in and I think it's had enough practice. Anyone want first dibs?" They were casually talking about who got the first go at me first like I was an arcade machine. It was fitting. "You're our guest so I think it would be right." Doyle said to Doug. "You're too kind" I glanced over and saw that Doyle was standing besides a video camera he had set up. "For record of the courts" he chuckled. Doug made his way behind me and begun tapping his cock against my hole. "Damn this bitch is LOOSE. Look at that fucking cunt" I puckered in and out invitingly at his comment. Without ceremony he plunged his meat into me and hammered away. I love a man of action. "Oh damn. Oh DAMN this is a nice fucking butt!" I started to see stars explode and contract as I yelped with pleasure as he pounded his raw dick into my asshole. He put the full weight of his body on top of me and wrapped his arms around both myself and the bench, pinning me against it. The curvature of his dick was an interesting sensation but it was drowned out as he pressed his face to mine and grunted like a wild ape. "First one in your cunt tonight, huh? Makes me fucking special, huh? You're gonna be my special little cumdump, huh?" I could only make animalistic responses but he understood clearly and continued to mate with my hole with ferocity of a wild dog. Jim appeared before me and presented his massive sack to my mouth while stroking his foreskin up and down. He knew that this was still my favorite. I enveloped his sweaty balls into my mouth and may have grazed a bit with my tooth but that was expected with the rhythm of being fucked by this animal from behind. "Eat my fucking nuts you whore." I needed no goading and took the entirety of them into my mouth, running my tongue acrost those cum machines. Our camera man stood diligently at the sidelines to make sure my humiliations were fully documented. Jerking his cock and giving no direction. These men knew exactly how to treat a bitch like myself as they filled me from both ends. After an eternity Doug slowed his torture of my butt. "Damn boys. I don't want to burn out too soon. This pig took a good start though." He exited me and stepped to the side to light a cigarette. A third chime from a phone. "Roger is here. Doyle you want to go see him in?" He left to see their next guest in. The room quieted as Jim and Doug took their break. I was writhing against the bench though. My entire body was churning with lust as I had been opened up and disgraced by these men. Doug noticed and took pity. He helped me up from the bench and seated me on the ground to catch my breath. "For real. Roger is a real disgusting fucker though. He is going to turn you Inside. Out. Don't worry, I'll be here to protect you though" He grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth into his, again invading with his tongue. Was this my white knight? Was he going to save me from the nasty beast entering upstairs? A monster with only the desire to destroy and desecrate my young hole. I had hoped so as I again heard voices in the darkness emerge from the other room. to be continued...
    1 point
  37. If you want to fix them, report your post and attach the updated copy. Someone will replace the post with what you send.
    1 point
  38. Long time lurker first time poster. I'm 42 and live in Atlanta, love getting fucked bare, going to CumUnion, PigWeek. Always interested in going to sex parties/getting whored out.
    1 point
  39. Part 5 I broke the kiss and grabbed his shirt, undoing the buttons. Overcome by his lust, he stood up and started to undo his pants, kicking his shoes off. It took little time for his clothing to join my pants on the floor, his naked body exposed to me. I felt a shift in my mind, a presence that filled me with a surge of orgasmic power. Somehow, I knew Hunter was with me, seeing Mr. Fey through my eyes, examining the prey I had caught. My cock ached as it tried to spring free, blood pumping out of anticipation, and I knew Hunter was pleased. Mr. Fey took care of himself. He was muscular, clearly working out when he could, but I could tell his regime was far from what it had been when he had played football in college. With the muscle there was also a thin layer of fat, creating a strong body. A thin layer of hair covered his chest, though it was far less than my own. His married cock was fully hard, wishing to be impressive, but it looked pathetic compared to my own and the cock which had blessed me. “Impressive,” I lied, kneeling down and gripping his balls. I moved them in my palm, knowing what was about to happen to them. “Does your wife blow you?” “No,” he moaned, looking down at me with anticipation. “Not anymore.” “Too bad,” I said. “Could she ever do this?” I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock down in one go. “Oh, fuck,” he cried, grabbing my shoulder to balance himself, my tongue running along the underside. Twice that night I had been forced to taste the cock of this inferior man, but I knew it would all be worth it once he was claimed. I pulled myself off him, leaving his cock slicked up with my spit. I pulled off my jockstrap, allowing my own cock to break free. Mr. Fey looked down, his eyes wide as he took me in. “Fuck,” he said, falling to his knees, his eyes still glued to my cock. “You’re huge.” “Guess I’m just lucky,” I said. I grabbed the base and squeezed, a drop of my poz pre-cum leaking out and hanging from the head. “Wanna taste?” “Uhm,” he said, our eyes meeting again, the lust for me still present, though still mixed with his fear. “I’ve never… I’ve never sucked a cock before.” “Don’t worry,” I told him, my hand moving to his face again, at first caressing his cheek before moving to the back of his head to guide him closer. “Just try it once. Just try to even take the tip.” That’s all it’ll take. He opened his mouth, his tongue moving out, reaching for the drop of toxic pre-cum that would start his journey into depravity. I felt a warmth envelop my cockhead as Mr. Fey suckled at the tip, tasting the very pre-cum he would soon be producing in his balls. As if a switch went off in his head, he moved forward, taking more of my cock into his mouth. “Do you like that?” I asked, knowing perfectly well that the taste of the pre-cum was ensnaring him, acting like a drug, making him an addict instantly. Though he’d never sucked a cock before, his brain was rewiring itself, his ability to suck a cock of any size now second nature. Scratch that, first nature. I looked down at Mr. Fey who worked my cock, his mouth skilled in extracting more of Hunter’s pre-gift. His eyes looked up at me, and I could see the fear diminishing, dying away as we started to take over his body. “Since I already got you off,” I told him, relishing the pleasure he was bringing me, “it seems only fair that it’s my turn. Don’t you think?” My cock slipped from his mouth as he said, “Yes. Whatever you want.” His mouth reached for my cock again, but I stopped him, tilting his chin up. “I blew you,” I told him, my bare foot tapping the head of the cock I had sucked off not even an hour ago. “But I think it would be better if I was to fuck you instead.” “Fu… fuck me?” Mr. Fey managed, some of the fear returning to his eyes. “I… I haven’t been—” “You haven’t been fucked,” I finished, already knowing this about the closeted man. “But you want to get fucked, don’t you?” He nodded. “Then why not now?” I asked. “Why not get fucked the very same night you sucked your first cock?” I watched as he thought this over, his mind working out what to do. “You’ve already come so far,” I said. “Why not go just a bit farther?” The potency of the pre-cum was already working its way through his body, breaking down his defenses. What this man would normally have refused to do in the past, like be fucked by a student and cheat on his wife, would become a desire he couldn’t refuse. “You don’t have to worry,” I told him, turning on the compassion, helping him believe that I was someone who truly cared. “I won’t ever tell your wife or anyone. It’ll be our little secret. No strings attached. I’ll be gentle, and if you don’t like it, we can stop. You can even fuck me instead. What do you say?” He stared up at me, the fear in his eyes growing stronger for a moment before fading to the background again, replaced now by the same lust which had brought him here, closer to breaking free. “Alright,” he said. “Fuck me.” “With pleasure.” I pulled him to his feet, kissed him again, charging his lust for me, for what he knew was dangerous and wrong, and pushed him back onto the bed, noticing my reflection in the mirror hanging over the bed. I smiled, seeing myself for the first time for what I was: a predator. I pulled off my shirt, revealing my strong, hairy chest, knowing that my tattoo was out of sight, keeping Mr. Fey unaware. I started to flex, showing him my muscles, proving he wasn’t the only strong man in the room. “Fuck me,” he said, his hands reaching out to my chest, his fingers running through the hair and feeling strength beneath. His fingers found my nipples and squeezed them, extracting a moan from me. “You like what you see?” I asked. “Yes,” he said, a genuine smile filling his face. “I’m not the same kid you used to teach, am I?” I said, climbing onto the bed and grabbing his legs, running my hands along his warm skin, pulling them up and over my shoulders. “Most definitely not,” he said, smiling. “You’re a fucking gorgeous man.” “So are you,” I lied again. Lifting his legs up, I grasped his ass and pulled his cheeks apart, revealing the hole about to be claimed. I lunged forward and started to eat his hole, opening him up to what would surely bring about considerable pain and pleasure. “What are… what are you…” Mr. Fey tried to speak, but his breath was heavy, pleasure filling his body as my tongue entered him, tasting his virgin hole. “I’ve got to get you ready for me,” I told him, spitting into my hand and rubbing it over this hole. I slid one of my fingers into my mouth, wetting it, and slowly inserted it into his ass. “Fuck,” he choked, grabbing his legs and pulling them back, welcoming me into his body. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I lied, massaging his hole, opening him up to what would transform his body into a servant to my Master. “I’ve got to get you opened up for my cock.” Mr. Fey looked down through his legs, spotting my hard cock. His eyes grew wide, as if he hadn’t just had the same cock inside his mouth, dumping toxic pre-cum into his body, already starting to rewire his brain. “Will it fit?” “Only if I open you up first. That’s why I’m getting your hole ready,” I said, a second and a third finger already inside his body. The pre-cum was doing its work, changing his body to accept his fate. His mind didn’t know, but his body was already accepting its new allegiance, knowing Mr. Fey was no longer in command. I played with his hole as I played with his mind, bringing the trapped perverted monster inside him closer to the surface. “Please,” he moaned, his hole squeezing my four fingers, “just fuck me. Fuck my virgin hole.” “You’ve got it,” I said.
    1 point
  40. PART 6 I raised my body up and started riding Mike’s fat cock, and I could feel the existing loads being churned up in my hole. Jake and Justin were off in their own daddy/boy world, completely ignoring the loud fucking happening on the other side of the bed. After a minute, Mike stopped me and rolled me over on my back so my legs were in the air and he could pound my cunt for all it was worth. I could feel every time his cock traversed my boy pussy, and I loved every fucking inch of it. My hole felt greedy and insatiable from all the drugs and getting bred twice already. Mike started to pound me really hard while he shoved his tongue as far into my mouth as it would go and said “OK, boy, where do you want my load!? There’s only one right answer faggot!” I could feel his cock getting thicker in my pussy and I begged him loudly “BREED ME DADDY! I need your fucking load in my pussy!! I wanna get as many loads as I can!” He laughed and said “this load was going inside your pussy no matter what you say.” Mike slammed his cock in and out of my hole a few more times and then shoved it as far in as he could. I could feel it throbbing, the spurts of cum getting shot far into my guts. I grabbed onto his ass and pulled him tight into my hole while we frantically made out and he spit in my face, licked it off and then spit it back at me. Justin and Jake had finally come out of their stupor and were watching us while Mike bred me. When Mike finally collapsed on my furry chest, breathing heavily and sweating like a pig, they both clapped. After a minute we disentangled ourselves from each other, and turned to watch Justin and Jake with Mike lying behind me on his side holding me and idly playing with my cummy hole. Jake still had his fat jock cock shoved up his Dad’s hole and was slowly grinding against Justin’s cunt, which made him moan like a cheap slut. Jake teased his Dad, “You ready for my load, Daddy man? Or maybe the old man is tired out. Maybe I should stop.” He started to pull his cock out of Justin’s hole, and Justin just grabbed onto the cheeks of Jake’s muscled round furry ass and pulled it right back inside. “No fucking way are you going to take that cock out of me before you dump a load. Daddy’s hole is hungry for your cock Jakey boy.” Jake smirked and started to pound his Dad hard, emphasizing each word. “I told you….NOT. TO. CALL. ME. THAT.” Clearly the boy had outgrown a diminutive and had told his Dad so. Justin just egged him on. “Oh yeah, JAKEY BOY? You think you’re man enough to breed your own Dad? You got a nice thick load for my hole? You gonna knock your Dad up?” Jake moaned and closed his eyes, concentrating on pounding his Dad’s hole as hard as he possibly could. Justin’s ass was gaping wide open every time Jake’s thick cock pulled all the way out and then he would just slam it back in, balls deep, making his Dad moan even louder. “What a fucking pervert. Begging your own son to fuck your fag cumdumpster. You ready for my load, old man? You want your own son to breed your fucking hot hairy pussy? Is that what you fucking want? You want my fucking incest cum? SAY IT! TELL ME!” I couldn’t believe how fucking hot this was turning out to be. Mike’s cock had gotten hard again and he was slowly pumping it in and out of my sloppy jizzed up hole while I played with my soft but hyper sensitive tina cock. “FUCK YEAH, JAKEY BOY! Fuck your old man! Shoot your fucking load in my hole! Make me your fucking bitch! Get your Dad pregnant like a good boy!” “I. TOLD. YOU. NOT. TO. CALL. ME. JAKEY!” With each word, Jake yanked his cock all the way out of Justin’s gaping cunt and slammed it back in as hard as he could. Then with a loud groan, I could tell Jake was finally shooting his load of cum in his Dad’s hole. Justin started to blather about love and grabbed Jake’s neck and pulled him in for a long, deep kiss. Jake’s hips stopped pumping and his nuts relaxed as he released the final dribbles of his jock boy cum into his Dad’s hole. After a minute or two of catching their breath, they both collapsed into a heap on the bed. Mike stopped fucking me and just held his hard cock in my greedy hole, keeping it wide open for the next raping it was going to get. We were all taking a break when the phone loudly rang, interrupting our sex stupor. Justin reached over and picked up the phone, annoyed. He just said “YES?” A deep voice on the other end said “Mister Peterson?” “Yes. What do you need?” “Um. This is a little weird. I’m Gabe, I’m one of the bellmen. I ran into someone I think is a, um, friend of yours on the way up in the elevator. Little short guy in a tank top?” Justin laughed, smiled and said “Hold on. Actually Adam, it’s for you.” I looked at him like he was nuts and then I remembered the bellman in the elevator. This was bold and brave. I took the phone from Justin and said “Hello?” “Hey dude, remember me from the elevator?” “Sure, man. But how did you figure out which room I was in?” “Not gonna lie. Stalked you a little. After you got off, I opened the elevator door before it left and watched while your sexy ass walked down the hallway in your tight shorts. I saw which room you stopped in front of. I sent you a text but you didn’t respond so I left you a note under the door.” The boy was persistent, which probably meant horny as fuck. But he was also incredibly sexy. I looked around the sweaty bed at my companions and looked at the time. It was 1015. The boy had gotten off at 10. “Is there room for one more in this house of debauchery and jizz rags?” I asked the others. They all laughed and agreed that Gabe could join us. “The boys say thumbs up. Be here as soon as you can.” Two minutes later, Gabe knocked on the door of the room. I answered the door totally naked and brazen, just like Gabe was being. He had changed out of his uniform, and was wearing a tank top and a skimpy pair of shorts with a jock underneath. He was about 5’9” with a trim, muscular build and a forest of black hair on his chest to match the mop of black curls on his head and a neatly trimmed goatee. He was clearly packing an impressive cock in his jock. He came into the room and I introduced him to Mike, Justin and Jake who all waved from the bed, cocks at various stages of hardness. Gabe noticed the bong on the bedside table and said “you guys partying? FUCK that’s hot!” Even though it was Justin’s room, Mike was kind of the instigator of the whole thing and he stood up, grabbing a towel to wipe off the sweat from fucking my cunt. He walked over to the table, grabbed the bong and torched it taking a long thick cloud off it, then reached over to Gabe to pass him a shotgun. Gabe relaxed and let the older man take over and control his breathing with smoke. Meantime, I knelt down on the floor and took off Gabe’s sneakers and socks and then pulled down his shorts, smelling the ripe jock which he’d obviously been wearing all day under his hot uniform. Mike continued to give Gabe shotguns from the bong, while I sniffed his amazing smelling jock, a combination of piss, cum and sweat that I found incredibly intoxicating. Eventually I had to see Gabe’s cock and pulled the pouch aside to find a really fat 7” long uncut piece, completely hard with a head that smelled just like the pouch of his jock. I was in faggot heaven. I took Gabe’s cock in my mouth, glancing over at the bed where Justin and Jake were making out and watching Mike, Gabe and I in the middle of the floor. I shoved it all the way into the back of my throat, gagging myself on his cock so that I could get used to how thick it was. Mike continued to give Gabe hits off the bong which he shotgunned to me. I was completely spun out of my head and my pussy was on fire. It was desperate for another cock inside it. After a few minutes of savoring Gabe’s beautiful uncut cock, I came up for air and said, “please fuck me, dude! I gotta have your cock.” “Fuck yeah, man! Let’s get up on the bed. His cock was dripping saliva from having fucked my throat, and we got up on the bed, next to Justin and Jake, who were taking a rest and having some father/son bonding time, making out like crazy and playing with each other’s cocks and cunts. I got up on the bed with my big hairy ass sticking out and Gabe just slid his fat uncut cock all the way in my ass with no other lube than the saliva and the loads I already had inside me. It was fucking glorious. “Holy shit. How many loads do you already have in your hole, dude?” I told him it was three, but I honestly couldn’t remember. I couldn’t stop moaning since his cock had set my ass on fire. Gabe said “Mike, why don’t you plug that faggot’s mouth so he shuts the fuck up.” Mike laughed and got up on the bed and I took his beautiful cock in my mouth, tasting the dried cum from fucking my cumdump earlier. I was spun out of my mind, pussy full of cum and another cock from another complete stranger and deep throating Mike’s amazing fat cock that I was completely obsessed with. Gabe started to fuck me while standing up with my ass over the edge of the bed and I met each one of his thrusts to let him know that he could fuck me as hard as he wanted to. He laughed and said “can’t rape this little whore, can you?” Mike and Justin laughed and Mike said “don’t worry we already have. His pussy is there to be used hard. He’s getting paid for the deal anyway, so use him as much and as long as you want. We rented him for the whole night.” “Oh is that how it is, faggot? You selling your sexy pussy to these nice men? Bet they paid you a pretty penny to breed this sexy furry cunt. You’re nothing more than a dirty little cumdump aren’t you? Fucking fag.” Mike, Justin and Jake all laughed. I took Mike’s cock out of my mouth long enough to laugh along with them. We all knew we were all dirty faggots, reveling in the sweat, cock and cum of hot dirty man to man sex. “Of course I am. I want your load in my whore cunt. You man enough to give me a load, big bro?” Gabe responded by growling and shoving his fat uncut cock as far up my hole as he could. It felt amazing and I immediately pushed my ass back as far as it would go, while going back to deep throating Mike’s beautiful daddy cock. While Gabe was reaming out my sloppy pussy, Justin and Jake were flipping around so that Justin could fuck his son. I looked up and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jake lined up next to me on the bed, so that Justin could stand next to Gabe while he fucked his son. Mike pulled his cock out of my mouth, and went to refill the bong, so I was able to make out with Jake and whisper to him quietly how hot it was that his Dad was about to fuck his hole. He kissed me deeply and we made out while Gabe continued to pound my hole, causing me to moan while Jake’s tongue was in my mouth. After a minute or two I felt Justin get up off the bed and he walked around and started making out with Gabe, while he lined his fat Daddy dick up with Jake’s already lubed hole. Justin and Gabe continued to make out when all of a sudden, Justin slid his entire cock into Jakes hole in one long thrust, causing his son to squeal a little bit and then moan as the cock that made him found the home it had been looking for for a long time. Gabe stopped fucking me so that he could make out with Justin while Justin started to slowly use his son’s cunt for his own pleasure. I grabbed Jakes face and pulled it to mine, shoving my tongue as far into his mouth as I could get it, holding on to him while his Dad picked up the pace and Jake went crazy. “Oh fuck, Daddy! I can’t believe I’m finally getting your cock in my pussy! I’ve wanted it for so fucking long.” Justin pulled away from Gabe and started in on Jake. “Fuck yeah, Jakey.” As soon as he said that diminutive, I heard Jake moan a little louder. “I’ve wanted to fuck you for a long time, son, I can’t believe I can finally fuck your pretty jock butt full of my fat daddy cock . I should’ve known that my son was a dirty fucking fag whore. Our whole family is a bunch of fucking sluts. Tell me what you want, son….tell Daddy what you are.” He pounded a little harder as he said that, and make Jake yelp a little as his cock touched parts of Jake’s hole that he hadn’t had touched before. “I’m a filthy fucking cumdump, Dad! I need your load. I need you to knock up my fucking fag pussy! I want you to fuck me all the time Dad! I want you to make me pregnant!” “That’s what I wanted to hear, son. I know what you need. YOu’re gonna get a nice thick load of daddy cum in your pussy and then I’m gonna give you a big load of chem piss up there too. You want that, you fucking whore?” “Oh fuck yeah, daddy! I want anything that comes out of your cock in my dirty fag slut pussy!” Gabe had picked up the pace again grabbing onto my shoulders so he could fuck me hard, with the with the same rhythm that Justin was fucking Jake. “Fuck man! You’re gonna piss up his ass!?” Justin and Mike just laughed and Justin said “of course. It’s a hole. You can piss in it as well as breed it.” Gabe just grinned and said “FUCK yeah! That sounds so fucking hot. OK, fag, I’m gonna breed you and then I’m gonna dump the huge load of piss I have up your cunt. If you don’t want that, tell me now, pig!" I just moaned and pulled away from making out with Jake for a second to say “fuck yeah, dude! Piss up my cunt! I want ALL of it!” Everybody laughed and Justin and Gabe went back to fucking the two of us boys on the bed while we continued our intense make out session. Mike was laying back against the headboard of the bed, slowly stroking his fat cock while he watched the two of us get bred. Justin was first and he said “fuck yeah, Jakey! You want Daddy’s load! Tell me what you want, baby boy! I wanna hear it from you loud and long!” Jake moaned and pulled away from me. “Please, Daddy! Fuck my furry boy hole! Rape me like the dirty little fag whore I am! I desperately need your load of cum!! Fuck! The cum that made me is going up my fag pussy! Please Daddy!” Jake’s dirty talk pushed Justin over the edge and he started to pound Jake’s jock boy hole faster and harder. Jake continued to egg his Dad on with an endless stream of filth from his mouth telling his dad he was a dirty faggot and a nasty slut whore who would let any man fuck his boy pussy. That was it, he kept pounding harder and harder and then he was still. I couldn’t see them but I was sure his nuts were pumping an enormous load into his son’s furry ass.” Justin sighed and was trying to catch his breath while his cock was still all the way inside Jake’s hole. Gabe took it as an opportunity to breed me, and he sped up, asking me “where do you want my load, faggot? Do you want me to knock up your pussy? You want your big bro to make you pregnant? Is that what you want, faggot?” I just moaned and said “FUCK yes! I need your load so badly!” He continued to pound my hole harder and harder, I was making out like crazy with Jake and my brain was exploding with all of the intense feelings in my ass from Gabe’s big fat uncut cock that was raping me into the stratosphere. Finally he said “fuck, faggot! I’m gonna cum in your pussy! Gonna breed you! FUCKKKKK! NOW. BREEDING YOU, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!” He kept pounding my ass and then stopped and shuddered and shook. Mike got up off the bed to hold onto him since he looked a little wobbly. I could feel Gabe’s cock throbbing in my pussy and was pushing my ass back onto his cock as far as it would go. I wanted that load all the way up inside me and was going to do anything I could to get it there. Finally, Gabe caught his breath, and started to laugh and then reached over to make out with both Mike and Justin, whose cock was still hard inside his son’s pussy. Justin pulled away and said “you ready to give these boys a nice fat load of chem piss?” Gabe laughed and got a wicked grin on his face and said “fuck yeah…..let me….hang on a second……NOW.” Then I could feel his piss start to flow in my hole. Jake moaned at the same time and Justin said “here you go Jakey! Gonna give you a nice thick piss booty bump so you can turn into even more of a sloppy whore.” Jake and I both sat still, looking at each other intently with eyes like black saucers. Both Gabe and Justin dumped big loads of piss up our holes and then Mike said “well fuck, boys, who gets my load of chem piss?” I managed to catch my breath, laughed and said “give it to Gabe!” His cock was still hard inside my hole he was so turned on. Mike laughed and said “you think you can handle it, pig?” Gabe laughed nervously and said “your cock is pretty big, and I’m not cleaned out.” Mike just laughed and said, “don’t worry, we can fix that." At that point, I kind of tuned out what was going on because suddenly, Gabe’s load of chem piss hit me hard and my ears started to ring. Jake was having the same thing happen to him, but even more because Justin had had more T. Neither one of us moved, but both Jake and Gabe had pulled out of our holes. Mike grabbed some towels and made sure that we weren’t getting any in the bed but we were still on the bed, head down, ass up letting the chem piss marinate in our pussies. Justin reached over and pushed Gabe down onto the bed so that his ass was sticking up like Jakes and mine. He leaned over and asked Jake how he was doing, and his son just said “it feels……really……fucking…..warm, Daddy. I know my hole is going to be even hungrier in a few minutes.” Justin laughed and said “It sure is baby boy. I love you, son. I love that you’re as much of a slut as your dad is.” Jake laughed and said “is that a challenge, Daddy man?” They both laughed and Justin laid down on the bed so he could make out with his son while he had his pussy in the air letting the chem piss go deeper. Then suddenly, Gabe’s face was down next to ours and I could hear him say “oh fuck. OH FUCK.” I looked over and Mike’s thick cock was slowly pushing into Gabe’s hole. I handed him some poppers off the nightstand and he took three long drags on each nostril and then exhaled, relaxing. Mike’s cock slid all the way to the end of Gabe’s hole and without saying a word, he started to piss. A huge thick load of chem piss up our cute bellhop’s pussy. Gabe moaned and within a minute or two he started to say “oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” over and over again. I grabbed onto his face and said “it’s ok big bro, just let it wash over you and go with the flow. Your pussy is about to get wrecked.” Gabe grinned and moaned again, grabbing my face and desperately making out with me while Mike held his cock all the way inside Gabe’s ass. It was going to be a long night.
    1 point
  41. Totally agree! I really appreciated the bunch of supporting messages I got on this thread and via DMs! Obviously, I haven’t been able to use it much but been gently jerking it (not alone) and I’ve been loving it and the looks I got for it! 🐷
    1 point
  42. Not in the ass but around 6 minutes the bottom is fed 40 loads through a funnel. [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/italian-gangbang-3878804
    1 point
  43. Hello Sirs! New here but a fan for a long while. Recently out of a relationship and finally taking the plunge to become the true cum dump pig I am. Please feel free to message me! Looking to convert but I’d like to earn it first. 😈🐷 Off prep and ready to go! Very few limits.
    1 point
  44. I have to say, I'm not into pain, the way you describe it. One exception is that I LOVE my butt cheeks slapped & smacked alot. I also love my pucker hole smacked around. I can't get enough of that shit. 👅
    1 point
  45. To me, it is just as important to get in his head as his body. Verbal abuse sets the the tone and and emphasizes anything you do to him physically. Hair pulling is hot; pulling his hair while you choke him is hotter; doing both while whispering in his ear that he is a dirty little faggot that was born to get fucked and take loads is hottest. Tell him how you want him to act. Tell him what youre going to do to him and how he should feel about it. Tell him how good it feels to relegate him to an object simply for you sexual gratification. "Mmmmm you little faggot boy, are you my bitch in heat? You want me to fuck your sissy boy pussy? Show me you want it, slut. Show me how much you want it, bitch. Mmmm, oh yeah, I'm gonna shove my fuck meat in you. Oh, yess...I know it hurts. You gonna cry? My lil bitch is gonna cry cuz I tearing your pussy? STOP YOUR CRYING! Take this dick! I'm gonna fuck you until you cum all over this dick like a real bitch. Fuck yeah, you love it when a huge cock rips you apart, huh? That's right bitch, love my dick! Tell me you love my dick. NOW YELL IT OUT! I WANT THE NEIGHBORS TO KNOW THAT YOU LOVE MY DICK! Now ask me nicely to spank your ass. Beg for it. I don't believe you, say it like to mean it." Vary your tone, cues, and volume. Keep him guessing. Push and pull him in psychologically (like a love-hate thing). Make him verbalize back what you want to hear. It all reinforces in his mind that he's there to serve you. ...just speaking as a psychology minor and total bottom who has been in many dom relationships/settings.
    1 point
  46. Aaron woke up in the middle of the night with his little brother wrapped around his body from behind. He could feel Ryan's hard cock tucked into his ass valley, and he could swear his ass felt damper than it should be than just from sweat being cuddled against. He guessed his brother had been hard for a little bit and was leaking precum. His precum sure feels like its doing what its supposed to, as Aaron felt like he was pretty wet back there. Aaron loved the way his brother was holding him tight, his slow even breath going across his neck, his brothers hand on his pec just barely touching a nipple. His brother Ryan was fully asleep, but was gently moving his hips. Ever so slightly humping Aaron. Aaron's dick was getting really hard thinking about his brother humping him in his sleep. As Ryan's cock slide along his ass crack, Aaron's cock a little harder. Aaron shifted his ass just a little bit, opening his cheeks just a little, opening the valley to his hole. Ryan's cock suddenly slid across his hole on the next humping motion, causing Aaron to moan a little. As Ryan's cock slid across he was spreading his copious dripping precum with it. Aaron's lust level was beginning to rise. He's wanted Ryan to fuck him for a long time, now more than ever. Aaron wanted the last of Ryan's negative load in him. Ryan's cock slid across his hole again, spreading that much more precum. The hairs within Aaron's ass valley were now very wet. Aaron shifted a leg just slightly, and opened the valley to hole a little more. Now when Ryan's cock rubbed across his hole, Ryan's long foreskin caught a little on Aaron's hole and his cock was almost guided to his hole. Ryan's cock also dipped a largest glob of precum on Aaron's hole. Ryan muttered in his sleep, something Aaron couldn't quite make out, but he did make out his name. When Ryan next muttered he moved his hand a little, right onto one of Aaron's hairy nipples. His fingers moved with their own mind and teased the nipple. "Aaron....... love you......inside you." Ryan humped again, squirting a little more precum out right onto Aaron's hole, and his cock head stuck a little on the hole. Aaron moaned and pushed back a little with his ass. Ryan pulled back a little, but Aaron with his pushing his ass back kept Ryan's cock head against his hole. Ryan's foreskin was kissing Aaron's hole the whole time. "... be inside you, Aaron." Ryan moved forward, squirting big glob of precum through his foreskin just to the inside of Aaron's hole, lubing Aaron's hole to received his cock. Which Aaron willingly and lovingly accepted. Ryan's cook began its slide right into Aaron's ass. Aaron's hole held onto Ryan's long foreskin, and his cock head peeked out of the skin inside Aaron's ass and squirted more precum lubing its way deeper into Aaron. Both Aaron and Ryan moaned. Ryan in his sleep, and Aaron very much awake and lust filled for his brothers cock. Ryan's cock slid deeper and deeper inside his brother Aaron's hairy ass. Aaron's ass began pulsating around Ryan's cock, sucking on Ryan's cock, as Aaron's cock pulsed outside his body. Aaron's cock was starting to drool its toxic lube. Ryan was slowly humping into Aaron, with each humping motion going deeper and deeper into Aaron. Each stroke now rubbing Aaron's prostate, forcing more toxic juices out of Aaron. Ryan moaned again, but this time the moan was of lustful waking. "Oh, oh, fuck, Aaron....." "Easy, Bro, easy. Stay inside me, fuck me, Bro." As Aaron said this he twitched his cock causing more toxic juices to drip out, and more importantly made his ass twitch on his brothers hard cock that was deep in his fuzzy ass. "Oh fuck Aaron, I'm inside you. Your ass is so hot around my cock. Oh fuck." Ryan felt Aaron's ass twitch, which made him pull back and shove forward again. "Fuck me Ryan, give me your cock, give my your cum. I want the last of your clean load." "I've wanted to fuck you for so long. God, your ass is so hot, so tight. Oh fuck, I'm not going to last long. Fuck Aaron." "Thats it little Brother, fuck me. Oh fuck your cock is hitting my nut inside." Ryan reach down with his hand, feeling down Aaron's hairy body, to his pubes, and grabbed his big Brother's hard dripping cock. He started jacking his Brother's cock, rubbing the foreskin on the head in time to his humping. Aaron was moaning even more with this double pleasure. "Fuck me Ryan, give me that cock. I want your raw sperm, give me the last of the usable sperm." "Oh, fuck I'm going to cum Aaron, I'm going to shoot inside you. Fuck I can feel my cum boiling up." Ryan started thrusting hard and in short stabs deep into Aaron, at the same time gripping and letting go of Aaron's cock. Aaron felt his cum boiling up as well. The suddenly the brothers shot their loads simultaneously. Ryan's going deep within his brother and in a greater amount than Ryan can ever remember shooting. Aaron's shooting onto the bed, his pubes and Ryan's hand. The brothers were breathing hard. Ryan brought his hand up to his mouth, and licked off a good portion of Aaron's toxic semen, loving the taste of his brother, of his toxin. He then brought his hand to his brother's mouth, and Aaron lick up his own cum as well. Then they kissed, sharing Aaron's cum between them. Suddenly though, Ryan had to take a wicked piss. "Aaron, I gotta piss real bad. Let go of my ass so I can get up. Aaron pulled Ryan more to him, "No Bro, don't go. Let it go in me, like I did to you. Give me all the last bit of negative fluids you have. Let me fill you fill me up." "Oh, fuck, Aaron here it comes. Oh fuck it feels good pissing into you. Oh, oh, its getting so hot around my cock. Oh, god, I didn't know it felt this good to piss inside someone." Aaron was moaning in pleasure as he felt his Ryan's not piss filling him up, deeply filling his colon. Aaron shot out a little more cum as his ass was being filled. Ryan was still panting in his lust of the activities. "Love you bro" "Love you Bro"
    1 point
  47. Part 2 Tim and Bart left the room for a short time to let the brothers relax in the post gifting bliss. Both brothers were still hard from the gifting, especially Aaron as the drugs would be keeping him hard for a while longer. "Aaron, I can feel all the warm piss in me. It feels soooo good. Your cock is still sort of pulsing too. I'm still wanting to be fucked. Please fuck me a little more. Pllleeeease." Yes, Ryan was still under control of the melted shards, but he also loved having his brother in him, which he's wanted for so long. Aaron knew it was already too late to be careful, and the drugs were still boosting his lust level. His cock made the decision for him, and he slowly started pumping into Ryan. Slowly in and slowly out, he was paying attention how the warm fluids drifted around his cock. How his foreskin uncovered his head and he could feel more warm. "Ryan, you feel so good around my cock. Can you feel me moving inside you. You like that?" "Fuck, Aaron, go faster, please go faster." Aaron started moving his hips harder and faster. His lust levels were going up, his urge to breed was kicking in. Now that he didn't have to worry, he had to breed. He wanted to breed. He started pushing as deep as possible into Ryan. "Aaron, more, give it to me. Fuck, your scratching that itch. Oh fuck, I love it. Give me more." "Fuck Ryan, I'm getting close again. I'm going to shoot some more into you. You want more of my cum?" "Please, give it to me. Shoot it into me" Aaron moved his hips a little harder, going as deep as possible with each thrust. Then Aaron felt the pulse of his orgasm, and shoved as far as possible and shot. His head falling back and moaning loud, shooting another good sized load into his brother. Bart and Tim just came back into the room as Aaron was shooting into Ryan. They just smiled. "Way to go big bro, give him another dose, shoot your cum into your little brother." Aaron was completely in the throes of this orgasm. Making quick hard thrusts with his hips, moaning loudly. Ryan was moaning as loudly, shaking his head from side to side. "Let's get you two moved over to the shower area, and get you two cleaned up." Bart and Tim released the wheels locks on the frames and wheeled the two brothers over to the large shower area. Bart unlocked all the straps holding Aaron inside Ryan, and Tim slowly pulled the brothers apart. Ryan and Aaron moaned as they were pulled apart. As Aaron's cock popped out of Ryan, all of Aaron's fuck juices and peed came rushing out of Ryan. All with a pinkish hue to it. Ryan moaning as all was gushing out. Aaron watched all the fluid pour out, turned on by what he saw but also a little sorry for what he was seeing. Ryan would have to be infected with that coloring to the fluids. Bart worked on freeing Ryan, while Tim worked on freeing Aaron. After the brothers were released, Bart started up the showers for a nice hot shower for them all. Bart keep Ryan to himself, while Tim worked on Aaron. Bart began soaping up Ryan all over, almost lovingly soaping him. Feeling his body all over. Ryan's nipples perked up to the soaping, which Bart tweaked them, causing him to moan a little. Ryan's penis started hardening back up to become his lovely man cock. Bart loved how much foreskin Ryan had, how it keep the head all covered with such beautiful skin. Bart had to get that cock in his mouth, and got down on his knees, pulled Ryan's foreskin back and saw the beautiful purple pink head with a piss slit almost as big as his brothers. Bart put his tongue on that slit and then pulled the skin up and over his tongue. Bart loved feeling his tongue buried in a foreskin. Ryan moaned as Bart moved his tongue around his head inside the skin. Ryan suddenly spurt a small amount of precum which went right across Bart's tongue, causing Bart to moan with Ryan. Aaron was being washed by Tim, just as carefully and lovingly. Tim loved the feel of the fuzz on Aaron's chest. He then washed down Aaron's muscular back to his nice fuzzy ass, running his finger around and around Aaron's hole, making Aaron moan. Tim then slowly inserted an finger into Aaron's warm depth's. He found Aaron's prostate, and tapped his finger against it. This caused Aaron's cock to bounce up and down. While Tim was playing with Aaron's ass, Aaron saw Ryan getting what looked like the best head he'd ever received. Tim wrapped his arms around Aaron, and pulled Aaron against him. Aaron felt Tim's hard cock rubbing in between his fuzzy cheeks. He loved how Tim's cock head ran across his hole now and again. Bart saw Tim rubbing against Aaron and knew where that was going. "Look little bro, look at how your big bro is getting rubbed. My buddy is rubbing up against him, getting him ready for his big cock. You want to watch big bro get fucked?" Ryan just nodded his head. Aaron saw this and wiggled his butt at Tim. Tim took hold of his dick and pointed it more fully at Aaron's hole, and then slowly began sliding it into Aaron's tight ass until he was balls deep in him. "Oh my god, your cock feels so good in my ass. Oh fuck, that's the biggest I've had I think. Oh fuck." Ryan loved watching his brother taking a cock, a little jealous it wasn't his cock inside him. "You like seeing your big bro taking cock don't you. Makes you all hot doesn't it little one. You want some place warm to put your nice big cock." Bart lubed up his own ass, and then put his back to Ryan reaching behind to grab Ryan's hard cock. He pulled Ryan by his cock towards his ass. "Push it in little one, push your hard cock in my ass. Ah fuck, that's it. Oh, such a hard big cock. Oh fuck, it feels so good sliding into me. Look big bro, look at your little bro fucking me. Look at his cock sliding into me." Aaron watched as Ryan slide his cock into Bart, he loved the look on his brother's face as his cock was going deeper into a hot fuck hole. He also was feeling a little jealous of Bart having his brother's cock in him. That jealousy went up a little more as Ryan started pumping his dick in and out of that ass. The moaning and groaning went up in volume with two men getting fucked. Bart loved feeling Ryan's cock sliding in and out. He could be doing it a little harder. Bart got a wild idea of having a fuck train. "Hey little one, you want big bro back inside you, you want to be fucked while you fuck. It would be so hot." Ryan could only nod and moan louder. Tim heard this and pushed Aaron over to his brother, and while he was still fucking Aaron, took hold of Aaron's hard cock and held it as he pushed him into Ryan. Aaron could only groan and help push himself into Ryan. Now as Tim pushed into Aaron, Aaron pushed into Ryan and Ryan more into Bart. Tim was getting close to shooting into Aaron. "Fuck big bro, I'm getting close. I'm going to breed that tight ass of yours. You ready for an ass full? Oh fuck, its going to be a nice toxic load for you." Tim pulled out a little further that jammed in hitting Aaron's prostate hard, and then firing his load into Aaron. Aaron was caught off guard for the prostate hit and suddenly went into overdrive into his brother and began shooting another of his loads into his brother. "Oh fuck Ryan, he's cumming in me, and its making shoot into you. Ah fuck, I can't help but cum." Ryan moaned as he felt Aaron cumming in him. Just as Aaron finished cumming, Ryan's prostate had enough rubbing by Aaron, and he shot a huge load into Bart. "That's it little one, give me that nice clean load. Ah fuck, I can feel that hot cum shooting in me. You've got a great load." All the men were breathing hard. They all pulled out of each other. They rinsed off the new sex fluid. Then Bart showed the brothers to their flat upstairs where they would be staying for a week of so.
    1 point
  48. Sorry for the delay in posting the next and final chapter... Here you go. Can't wait to hear your thoughts... I stood there watching as my boyfriend bounced up and down on Jean's huge hard cock. He was grunting with pleasure as he lowered himself hard against Jean's crotch and pulled himself off, again and again. Jean was guiding him by tweaking hard on my boy's nipples. They were moaning back and forth in French, and I couldn't understand a word. My boy threw his head back and rode Jean's cock and then raised himself up and pulled off. He opened his eyes and saw me standing there dumbstruck. He walked over to me as his hard cock bounced up and down. He wrapped his arms around me and stuck his tongue in my mouth. “Please. I want this. I NEED this!” His hands worked down to my pants, and he unzipped, allowing my now-hard cock to plop out. “We NEED this.” He drew me to where Jean was laying, milking his hard slimy raw dick. It wasn't until my boy pushed my face down into Jean's crotch and I smelled my boy's ass juices that I even realized they had been fucking bare. There was a bit of foamy cum puddled at the base of his cock; It must have been my morning's load having worked its way out with Jean's fucking. I knew it was totally wrong, and maybe a bit dangerous to be playing with this guy who had just lost his lover to AIDS. But it felt so good to be sharing this incredible experience with my boyfriend that I decided to just go with it. My boy wriggled my pants down and Jean pulled my shirt over my head, forcing my tongue to bathe his huge sweaty balls. I ran my hands all over his burly furry chest until my fingers came in contact with his over-sized nipples. He must have been into clamps or something they were so big. My boy pushed me forward until I could chew on Jean's nipples. “Plus sévère! Harder!,” Jean shouted as he forced my face into his chest. My boy was spreading my cheeks. I was always a top with him, and he never paid any attention to my ass at all. It felt great as he pulled my cheeks apart and dove his tongue into my hole. When Jean had had enough of my nipple play, he shoved my face down to his crotch. I swallowed his stick uncut member as deeply as I could, lapping my own cum off his pubes. My boy inserted a finger or two and started loosening my ass up just the way I usually loosened his. I was groaning as Jean held my face down on his dick. He pulled me up again and yanked my legs so that they were alongside him and my ass was an inch over his drooling cock. Jean shouted something in French to my boy that must have been “Put it in his hole!” My boy eased my ass lower until Jean's cock was right at my asshole. My boy was egging me on, encouraging me to take this stranger's bare cock in my ass. “You gonna take his dick? Gonna take his raw load? Gonna milk that cock until he cums?” My head spun, and I saw stars as Jean lurched forward until the head of his cock was splitting me in two. My boy lowered his face to my ass so that he could drool on and lick Jean's cock as it disappeared into my gut. Jean fucked me hard for a few minutes until my legs started to give out. I leaned forward and Jean grabbed my head, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I could feel my face burning as his stubble ground into my sensitive skin. I heard my boy's phone snap as he must have been taking photos of my ass full of raw French cock. He kept snapping as he came up behind me and eased his dick up against my hole. I realized he meant to fuck me alongside Jean! I knew there was no was to protest but I let out a muffled groan into Jean's mouth as my boy speared my ass. They double-fucked me until I was crying in pain. My boy came first, jamming his dick as far into me as it would go. The extra wetness in my ass helped the pain and he then plopped out as Jean jack-hammered into me until he too lost his load, breeding me deep. I pulled off of Jean and collapsed onto the rug. My boy snapped a few pics of their cum running out of my ass and onto the priceless rug. Jean scooped me up, naked in his arms as he kissed my boy hard. “So glad you two were able to make it today. I was afraid you might, how do you say, chicken out.” I figured out that my boyfriend had planned the whole thing. He had wanted me to take this guy's load and had planned the whole weekend just so it would seem like chance. As their loads leaked out of my slack hole, Jean carried me up the stairs and through a gallery into a bedroom. I heard the sound of machines clicking and beeping. There, in a huge canopy bed, hooked up to machines, was a shadow of a man close to death. I knew at once that this must be Jean's lover. I had thought that he was dead, but I realized that Jean had never actually said so, only that his lover had AIDS. Jean laid me down next to his sleeping lover and crawled on top of me. My boyfriend climbed into the bed on the other side and removed the man's oxygen mask and kissed him gently. The man woke up and Jean caressed him and unbuttoned his pyjamas. Together, they pulled down the sheets and Jean swallowed the man's cock. It felt tender and beautiful to be so close to such an intimate moment between lovers running out of time. My boy kissed gently down the man's gaunt frame and joined Jean lapping at his lover's hardening dick. He was at death's door but had no problem getting hard. It was one thing to get double-fucked by this dying man's lover and my boyfriend, but I felt really strange, and very horny, watching these two tongue-bathe a diseased AIDS cock. When the man was fully hard and oozing precum, my boy lapped up a pearl of clear juice and crawled over to me, feeding it to me. I realized that I had toxic precum in my mouth and nearly fainted. I was reeling as my boy swiped some of the man's juice and began rubbing it into his own ass. Jean helped my boy straddle the dying man's body and aimed his lover's bare cock into my boyfriend's quivering ass. It was the third dick my boyfriend had taken that day, and it slipped in easily. My boy lowered himself all the way onto his dick and moaned with pleasure. I heard the machines beeping faster and faster as the old man's heartbeat quickened. My boyfriend leaned forward to kiss the dying man, now gulping for breath without his oxygen. Jean crawled up behind my boyfriends's ass and licked up and down his crack. Jean fisted his cock to full hardness and slipped in into my boyfriend's ass. My boyfriend whimpered as he took those two cocks. I was mesmerized knowing he had an old man's POZ cock bare in his hole. Jean was crying out as he fucked my boy harder and harder, pumping his hips into my boy's body. He went in balls deep and let his load go, filling my boy's ass with his seed. The old man gasped as he too lost his POZ load. They were a sweaty pile of arms and legs, tangled in the sheets. They separated as I came to my senses. I had just watched my boy knowingly take a POZ load. Jean spoke in French as my boy replaced the man's mask and the machines whirred back to normal. My boy nodded. Jean turned to me and said, “Thank you for allowing that to happen. Both of you two will carry on our line for years to come.” I didn't fully comprehend until later that Jean was also POZ. He had also been fucked by the rent boys who had been fucking his lover. I wound up taking his load again once after I had figured it out what had happened and why we were really there. After all, my boy had two POZ loads simmering in his hole and I wanted to even the score. Driving back to our hotel that night, we both had toxic loads leaking out of our asses. My boy explained to me that Jean and his lover were actually his clients, and that taking their loads meant a great deal of money for his firm and for us as well. My boy explained to me that Jean was on meds and I was likely not going to catch anything from him. My boy had not wanted to expose me to any real risk of becoming POZ. He had taken that role for himself as the old man likely had a very high viral load. He asked if we should go on PEP medication, and we decided against it. We would let nature run its course, just as it had for Jean and his lover.
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  49. Here's what I think you were asking for with the Red Devil and continuing into 2 additional parts: Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 1: When I was 18 I went to a Halloween party with a bunch of other gay freshmen. The Halloween party was hosted by an older man who got off on all us college kids. There were other older guys all aroud too. I went as a lifeguard in red trunks and flipflops. I was real tan then and I've always had washboard abs and real nice body. I could feel the eyes of everyone burning into me when we wlaked through the door. I looked at the other hot guys around the party. There was a Roman gladiator. There was a priest. But the best was this older muscle guy who was some kind of demon or devil. He had huge pecs and was completely painted red. He had a shaved head and long horns. All he was wearing was a leather thong and heavy leather boots. I noticed him following me with his eyes. They were bright blue. My dick stirred, but then a drink was in my hand and my friends distracted me. I danced with my friends for a long time. We drank a lot and started getting horny. The whole room was getting horny. My friends and I did some tequila shots and soon enough began feeling it. Then some of them started making out, which got the room started, and many people started disappearing into other parts of the house. I went to piss and in the hallway found the first fucking session going on. A kid from my Econ class was dressed like a lifeguard like me and some hot dark haired guy from a different school was fucking him. He was dressed up as a mechanic with his overalls open down the front to expose his dick. I stopped and looked. The guy wasn't wearing a condom. I was shocked but started to get hard. I went on to the bathroom door. Someone was in the bathroom so I got stuck waiting. The kid from Econ was moaning loudly. The top was fucking him so hard you could hear his hips slapping against my buddy's ass. My buddy reached out and jerked me off through my shorts and we looked at each other, both of us completely amazed at what was going on. The mechanic guy fucking my buddy started grunting and said "I'm fucking cumming!" My buddy tried to pull off but the mechanic dude held his shoulders in place and unloaded inside him. My buddy looked panicked. The top, on the other hand, pulled out, smiled and walked out to piss out the side door. I was about to follow when the bathroom door opened. "Can I push it out?" my buddy asked. I told him sure. I was jealous yet was also glad I wasn't in his position. We went in the bathroom together to discover another kid from our school getting barebacked in the shower. I knew what bareback was but hadn't done it before. I was too hard to piss so I left my buddy to push out the cum and deal with everything by himself. Walking through the house I saw it had evolved into a full on orgy. The 'priest' was getting fucked by a 'doctor' in the kitchen by the vodka. A fairy with a real great ass was barebacking the shit out of a construction worker on the floor by the 'fridge. In the dining room, Peter Pan from my college was on his back on the table with the Roman gladiator's huge bare dick up in him. I watched as a quiet guy from my school who was dressed up like a ghost was coaxed to his knees by a slightly older dude dressed like a cop. I was starting to feel kind of left out and went back to the living room. People were still dancing there, even though it was definitely more sexual than before. The hot red demon dude was still there, and he followed me with his eyes. I could tell he was claiming me. He walked confidently to me and we exchanged greetings. His red skin looked so real I asked if I could touch it. "Sure" he said. His chest was hard. His abs were firm. His arms were big and muscular. Next I knew he was kissing me. His lips were powerful. His tongue took control. His strong hand enclosed mine and pulled me behind him away from the living room. There was no point in resisting, and for that matter, I didn't want to. In the dining room, the Roman gladiator bellowed and came powerfully in Peter Pan's ass and my shy ghost buddy was taking the bare dick of the cop like a champ. The scene in the kitchen revealed a new set of men fucking each other. The bathroom door was half open and my buddy from Econ class was bent over taking more bare cock. I heard him ask for a load from the 'sailor' who was barebacking him. The sailor grunted and seemed to be unloading as my demon-hunk shoved me against a wall and started making out with me again. Soon my dick was in his mouth and I glanced over to see my buddy getting yet another bare dick up his hole. While the beautiful demon man ate my dick, I saw him release his dick from the leather thong he was wearing. He unbuttoned it and fell to the ground. His dick was probably eight inches, uncut and was also painted red. He had gone all out. I leaned against the wall and moaned - the blow job felt so good. Then before long I felt his manly fingers probing my ass. I knew where this was going. I was going to be his boy. He was going to fuck me. I opened my ass to his fingers. He turned me around and pulled my red shorts the rest of the way off. I was completely naked. He ate out my hole while another kid from our school unloaded in my buddy's ass. I didn't feel bad for him anymore. I wanted to be him. I wanted to feel the demon's cock in my hole. My wish was soon satisfied as the demon man stood-up, picked me up in his arms and laid me on the center island in the kitchen. I looked into his blue eyes. He positioned my feet on his shoulders. I thought of asking for a condom, but I already knew there were no condoms here. And I didn't want him to put one on me. I wanted his seed. He spat on the palm of his hand and lubed up his cock. I felt the head pressing in. It hurt. I relaxed and coaxed him in. He kept pushing until he bottomed out. "Fuck yeah" he said. "You like my demon cock, kid?" "Fuck yeah" I said. "Give it to me." "Oh I will" he said with a deep laugh. He started fucking me. His dick felt hot, his muscles straining to get it all in me. My buddy took a break from the orgy to come watch me get barebacked for the first time. "Fuck that's hot" I heard him say as the eight inches ramrodded in and out of my ass. I just threw my head back and let the demon stud take over. His raw dick plowed me and his hands held me down, pulling at my flesh. He was owning me. "You're mine" he hissed. "Fuck yeah" I said. "Take me." He picked up the pace and started grunting. I thought that meant he was going to cum and I started squirming. I wasn't really ready. "Cum in his ass!" someone said. It was my buddy. I looked at him. He was jerking off and the mechanic from earlier was behind him about to enter him again. "Fuck yeah" the muscular red demon man said. "Here it cums." I panicked but was really turned on and started panting "yes" over and over. The beautiful muscular demon man growled and then let out an animal roar as he bucked into me. I could feel his cock growing and pulsing as he shot inside me. He shot for a long time like he hadn't cum in a long time. "Fuck yeah" he said. "Take my demon seed faggot! You like that? Ung!" He slowly pulled out and I saw the red make up had all come off his dick and it was coated in cum. I hadn't cum yet and stood erect leaking precum. "Hot" said the man dressed like a demon. "No turning back now, cumslut. Go get some more." And then he disappeared. Egged on by my buddy I took the mechanic's third load of the night right there on the kitchen floor, and then my buddy unloaded in me. Finally, I found the shy kid in the dining room again. The demonic stud was finishing up inside him. "No, don't cum in-" he didn't get it out when that animal roar happened again. I quickly took my place there and didn't last three strokes before I dumped a white hot load deep in his panicked guts. When it was starting to wind down and my friends were pairing off or calling taxis, the demon stud found me again. "You're mine tonight" he said. I looked into those piercng blue eyes. "You're getting more" he said. I willingly held out my hand and felt his strong hand wrap around mine again. That was how it started. **************************************************************** Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 2: We got in the car and started driving away. I was scared. My friends had left together or with other guys we knew. Here I was with a demon man who's name I didn't even know. I had cum in my ass. It was still up there. It felt amazing. I asked his name. "Tonight you call me 'master' and I call you whatever the fuck I want" he said. "Breakfast tomorrow we can do names and favorite tv shows." My cock roared back to life. "Ok" I said. "Ok MASTER" he corrected me. "Ok master." I looked over at his body, which glistened red as we passed under the streetlights. His dick out in the open since he didn't bother to rebuckle the leather thong he was wearing. He was hard too. I was dizzy as we drove. I was totally shitfaced. Thank god the demon guy was driving. He handed me a tube of something. "Rub that on my cock" he ordered. "Yes, master" my dick leaked precum through my lifeguard shorts. The tube contained red make up. I took a glob and massaged it into the head and up and down the shaft. He moaned his approval. "Good boy" he said. "Now let it dry." A large glob of precum bubbled up from his nuts through the slit and stayed there. "Lick that off but don't fuck up the make up" he ordered. I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned over I carefully extended my tongue, tasted just the precum and felt it transfer itself to my mouth. I pulled away and swallowed it. "Good job" he said. I let my hand rest on my hard cock and stroked some. "You have a choice" he said. "Either one-on-one with me or one more party. You're getting fucked either way." "Another party" I said. "As long as you still fuck me again." He laughed a deep dark laugh. "Oh I will" he growled. My dick jerked. He made a turn and soon we were going off onto a country road I'd never before seen. Two more turns and we went down a long dirt road. At the end was a country farm house decorated for Halloween, a number of cars parked around the yard. We got out and walked up onto the porch. From inside you could hear a throbbing dance club style beat and a lot of moaning and grunting. A stunningly gorgeous guy slightly older than my age stood on the porch dressed like a Greek god. He smiled and held out his hand. "Keys please" he chirped and winked at the older guy. "Good to see you" my demon master said. He felt behind the Greek god's ears. "Whoa" he said. "Did you get the fuck flu?" The god beamed. "Yep. I'm acute right now." He looked down at me. "Freshman?" "Yes" said the red muscle dude standing beside me. The gorgeous key taker leaned down and kissed me. "I'll see you later for sure." That whole exchange was way over my head especially since I was drunk, but when I asked a question, my master just kissed me and we did a shot together in the kitchen. People were fucking all over the place. Fat guys, thin guys, young guys, old guys, all over the place, there was a mass of fucking flesh. My dick and ass were hungry to get in on the action. "Master, fuck me please" I asked. He looked at me in his demon red makeup with those piercing blue eyes and horns and said "The real fun is out back." He led me by the hand outside to a bonfire, surrounded by six or seven guys. All were dressed like the guy who broght me - demons of different shades. All were huge, muscular guys at least five or ten years older than me. I longed to have all of them inside me but didn't think I'd get that lucky. I was introduced as "the new recruit" and felt myself massaged on all sides by muscular hands. I threw back my head and looked at the moon as I was lifted up and stripped of my shorts. My legs were spread and hands probed my ass, my hole. My dick stood straight up towards the sky and the warmth of the fire made me sweat. I was placed on a picnic table and given another shot. My head was swimming. I thought I might pass out. "Am I his first poz load?" someone asked. I had no idea what he meant. "No" said my master. "I loaded him earler." "Hot" came the reply. I looked up to see a hot dude maybe 27 years old with bulging muscles, ripped abs and piercing blue eyes. He had horns on too, was also dressed like a demon, but all painted white. "You ready?" he asked. "Totally" I panted. I felt his slick cock pressing against my hole. He took his time on the outside, massaging all around. It took too long so I worked myself down onto his dick, getting splinters in my back and not caring. Grunts of approval went up from the crowd as he pierced me and I cried out in pleasure. I felt all pf him up inside me as he started fucking me hard. He threw back his head. Silhouetted by the moon I could see his form as he strained and bucked and thrusted. He leaned close and whispered in my ear. "Fuck I'm gonna cum! You want it?" "Yes" I replied. "Unnnngh!" he grunted, and came inside me. A cheer of approval went up. "Yeah! Convert him! Load him up! Charge him!" I felt complete and still wanted more... and I looked around at the men I hoped would give me more. So naturally I begged for it there on that table. ******************************************************* Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 3: While still inside me, the white demon man was handed a tube of make-up and he smeared red all over my chest. He set it down, pulled out, and used his dick to push his cum back into me. I felt flushed from all the alcohol and was in a frenzy to get fucked more. When a blue-painted demon man lined up against my hole I put my feet around him and pulled him in. In ten seconds his balls were slapping against the lean muscles of my ass. I could see the veins in his arms as he held me down, controlling my responses to his violent assault on my ass. His face was painted blue but I could see a beard, a strong jaw line, a muscular neck. He leaned down and kissed my adams apple with a lot more tenderness than I'd expect. I smiled at him and stroked his cheek and his beard. All of a sudden his expression became very gentle as he sighed a gentle "Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhh!" He collapsed on top of me and I could feel his balls pulsing as he finished unloading deep in my gut. I heard my "master" laugh and say "Keep the scene going, you fuckin' softy!" The blue demon kissed me gently and then applied more of the red make-up to my neck and shoulders. He carefully pulled out, making sure not to spill any cum, and made way for another man. This guy was Italian-looking, was not painted any color but had a great furry chest and leather as well as horns. His dick was uncut and I wanted to taste it. I got off the table and sucked him. He grabbed my hair and took control of my rhythm, burying his huge fuckstick in my throat and blocking my windpipe. As I struggled for air, he held me in place. I could taste his precum filling my mouth and throat, but as I couldn't fill my lungs, I started to get scared and tried to pull away. He forced me down harder, then yanked me to my feet by my hair. He kissed me passionately, feeling my body while his tongue went as deep as his precum faucet had a minute ago. He looked me deeply in the eyes. "Can I hit you?" he asked. "Not hard enough to hurt much at all." I was so drunk and horny my dick pulsed its permission so I said 'yes'. He backhanded me, sending me sideways onto my knees. It didn't hurt badly but I was drunk so my balance was off. My "master" lauged again and said, "Easy Tony!" "I didn't hurt him" Tony said, yanking me to my feet. "Did I, slut?" he asked. I shook my head 'no'. "Good" he said. "Now time to get fucked." He roughly bent me over the picnic table and slammed into me. A cheer went up from the crowd. He pummeled my ass so hard my face was hitting the table. I was so turned on I liked it and I reached back to spread my ass cheeks apart for him. He grunted loudly, ramming me. "You like it, don't you slut?" he roared. Under his onslaught I couldn't even respond. He grunted loudly on every deep violent stroke into my ass, then he started shouting on every stroke, timing his exclamation for each down stroke: "Fuck! Fuckin' whore! Take that! Cock! All the! Fuckin! Way! Up! In! There!" "YEAH!" I managed to yell. This was so fucking intense. "YEAH!" he screamed back. He went back to gunting and groaning on each stroke with increasing intensity, then went verbal again, "Yeah! Yeah! Yuh! Yuh! I'm ready! Get ready! Here it cums!" By now the crowd was roaring. "Ready? Ready? YOU READY? READY? AAAAGH!! AGGHHH! AGGHHH!" With the last thrust he collapsed silently on top of me and lay there breathing heavily for a minute or two. I was really close to cumming. He smeared some of the red paint on my ass, then he was replaced by one after another. Each fucked me and bred me and filled me and painted me red. My buzz was starting to wear off and I was getting tired in the blaze of the bonfire. Finally it was my master's turn. I looked deep in those blue eyes and welcomed him as he brought me one last shot of alcohol for the night. I gulped it down and set it to the side. He entered me gently, owning me. "You've done very well" he said. "Thank you master." "I can't hold out long because I've been jerking off, watching all these men fuck you and breed you, but I want you to ask me to cum in you." "Cum in me please sir" I asked. "Like you mean it" he demanded. "Please, sir, cum in my ass!" I pleaded. "Fuckin' say it like a man!" he growled. "Fuck me sir! Cum in my ass!" I yelled. "LOUDER! Want my fuckin seed bitch?" he roared angrily, pouding the fucking shit out of me. "FUCK YEAH SIR! GIVE ME THAT FUCKING LOAD YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! FUCK!" "OH, FUCK YEAH! THAT'S MY MAN!" he growled and he threw his head back and roared like a lion as he emptied himself into me. I reached for my cock to finish myself off but hands grabbed my arm and restrained me. My demon master looked down at me, panting, and smiled. He placed a pair of costume horns on my head, took my hand and helped me stand. Cum ran down my leg. I felt dirty and complete at the same time. In the firelight my shadow was 40 feet long. My horns pointed into the distance towards the field and my shadow dick was long and erect, pointing maybe five feet towards the porch. A cheer went up. Someone handed me a large hand mirror: I was totally red except for my dick. I looked like a younger version of my "master." He hugged me, wet with sweat that started to smear some of our makeup. "Do I get to cum?" I asked. "In a second" he said. "Now you've made some fuckin' stupid choices tonight. You didn't ask the HIV status of a single man who barebacked you tonight. You took all those fuckin' loads and you begged for them." I was really scared all of a sudden, but my dick didn't go down. "All the guys are negative, aren't they?" "Every last load you begged for was poz" he said. "FUCK!" I screamed. "What the fuck were you thinking?" "What were YOU thinking?" he asked. "If you had asked any one of us we would have told you." He put his arm around me. "Now if you want, I can get you showered and get you to the hospital for a single shot of an antiviral that will block your conversion, but you can never come to this party again and you can never see us again." My dick still was hard. "Or, we can finish the job and make sure it takes. And you'll be welcome here anytime." The other men looked on. I was still fucking horny as hell. I don't know why, but I reached up and kissed him and let my weight slump into his arms. He kissed me deeply and lifted my legs. A cheer went up from the crowd. "I'm scared" I said as I felt his dick enter me. "It's okay" he whispered and kissed me. He fucked me there in the dirt, gently and sweetly. We breathed heavily and panted, but not a word was said. His breathing got jagged and I knew he was depositing his bugged-up seed inside me. I reached for my dick but he held my hand away. "That was poz load number 14, little man." "Wow" I said. "We're mostly on medicines and don't have a lot of The Bug in our cum because that's what happens over time. The door guy, though. He's freshly converted. He's got a HUGE viral load and he's your final top for the night. You WILL be positive after this. You ready?" I nodded. The stunning gorgeous guy who took the keys came towards me. He smiled and kissed me. "You'll be so glad you set yourself free from ever worrying about this shit again" he assured me. I was soon on all fours as he slid his nine inch fuckstick into my cum-lubed hole. He fucked me hard for a good five minutes. "Oh yeah! You like it?" he asked encouragingly, almost with a chipper edge in his voice. I couldn't lie. "Yeah" I grunted in reply. "Me too! Oh, fuck your hole feels so good." "Fuck yeah!" I breathed. I gave over to it, and soon he was holding onto me by the shoulders to keep from knocking me over from the force of his fucking. "Oh fuck yeah! I'm gettin' close! Want me to convert you?" "FUCK YEAH!" I roared. "OH FUCK! I'M GONNA BLOW! I'M GONNA FUCKIN' BLOW! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I'M FUCKIN' INFECTING YOU! FUCK YEAH! FUCK! FUCK!" I found myself screaming, "Fuck yeah! Fuckin infect me! Fuckin infect me! Fuckin infect me!" along with him as the Greek god unloaded in me. Simultaneously I felt my master's mouth enclose my dick and I started shooting, squirt after squirt after squirt filling his throat. The gorgeous guy collapsed onto me and we fell into the dirt. He left his dick in me. As we lay there he told me what to expect. How I didn't need to be afraid. How there would be hard days during the acute phase. Some bad reactions to medicine at first, but he told me about hot fuck sessions he'd had post-conversion, and I felt him get hard again inside me. He fucked me in the dirt for another few minutes and unloaded in me again. And again a few minutes later for a total of eighteen poz loads. I didn't think I had any more energy that Halloween night, but then my demon master told me about one more surprise he had in store for me. Finally, as dawn began to creep across the Pennsylvania sky, I began to grow tired, ready for sleep, and terrified of what I had just done: I, a college freshman, painted in red demon paint, surrounded by men in various states of demon attire, most of whom had intentionally fucking infected me with HIV. And by the end of it all I had willingly accepted it. As my head began to clear, my demon master took me into his arms and kissed me. He held me as my brain took in the enormity of what had just happened. I had WILLINGLY given up my HIV- status. Yes, they had first just worked on my naivety, but at the end of it they had told me. Bluntly. Directly. FUCK! I lay in the dirt, cum oozing from my superfucked ass. And I grew hard again for reasons I couldn't understand. My master then revealed his surprise. He led me to the shower in the basement of the adjoining house. One by one, the men who had pozzed me washed themselves, clearing away the makeup that had obscured their features. Some were pasty. Some were tan. Some were hot. Some were not, aside from their bodies. One by one, I saw the demons in their undecorated, masculine glory. Finally it was my turn. The red make up was washed off, and I was just as I had been. I kneeled there, dripping, before my master, who had showered with me. He stood over me, and I recognized him as the professor of martial arts at my school. I had registered for one of his classes. He swore me to 'fucking secrecy you fucking bitchcunt slutwhore.' I easily swore. Then, there in the leaky, rough shower in the basement of this old farmhouse, I got down on my knees and worshiped the man who had owned me. I licked his veiny cock, his shaved, muscled chest. Finally, the reality of my new life set in as he bent me over, instructed me to brace my arms against the rough stone walls of the basement, and lined up at my hole. He wasn't gentle. Frankly, he was vicious. He rammed into me. He tore me. He fucked me so hard, I almost cried, but I wanted it. I felt him tearing the flesh in my hole and my cock got hard again, bobbing jaggedly between my tired legs as I looked down. Precum dripped from my fully erect cock. Finally, makeup free, costume free, just real poz-on-neg, he warned me: "I'm ready. You want my load?" I just kept my mouth shut. I knew what a bottom was for. Without an answer from me, he just kept it up, and finally he just stiffened there in the shower, silently depositing his infectious load in me. No disguises, no pretending - just raw, man on man sex in the most base animal way. "FUCK YEAH!" I cried. "INFECT ME!" He did. After that, it took a while 'till I was ready to go see what had happened to me. I kept finding myself avoiding all the guys I had met on Halloween night, but I kept finding myself on sites like rawtop.com, thebreedingzone.com, barebackbastards.com, bugshare.net.... reading stories, fantasizing about being pozzed. All the sites were great, but thebreedingzone.com was (and still is) my favorite. The total experience was new, scary, yet exciting. What kind of fucking LUNATIC fantasized about being pozzed?!?!?!?! I tried to understand. Finally, I chatted with a guy who helped me understand. It was about FREEDOM. The freedom to FINALLY fuck without fear, because the worst fears happened and could be managed with medicine when the time came. Life wouldn't end, sex wouldn't stop... it just would get better from a lack of worry. So finally I got tested, and of course was poz. And I got myself onto the email list for the hottest fucking poz party in Pennsylvania. And you want to know the hottest fucking secret of all? Aside from the location and the specific costumes and such... a whole lot of this story is true. I got pozzed, and I loved it and I knew it was happening, and it was the last fucking thing I ever expected as it went down. Fuck yeah.
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