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  1. Sitting at the table sipping a soda Nicklas watched mr Wilson busy in the kitchen.He looked with a growing interest in this man....and liked his lean body,so hard and raw looking....Nicklas loved watching the cock outline in the shorts Mr wlson had slipped on.He liked that cock...never thought he would say it but Mr wilson had awakened something in him.And it was during this time lost in thought and admiration the object of his thought tapped him on the shoulder saying"earth to nicklas"...and seeing Nicklas'gaze was fixed on him...said quietly"we can take ten minutes or so,Nickals.Would you like that?Giving a quick nod...Nicklas and mr wilson dragged eachother down the hall to the big bedroom....taering Nicks clothes off mrr Wilson was again irresistibly drawn to Nicklas,and seeing that youthful cock so hard and fairly throbbing mr wilson's lips soon wrapped it and started descending down Nicklas excited cock...Hearing a moan of pleasure from beneath him...Pressing his hard cockhead to the lips of nicklas and feeling the youthful lips part and tongue dart foorth,tasting,teasing,tantalizing...accepting the cock that had only yesterday inseminated him for the first time.Nicklas like the taste of it....and wondered if Mr wilson's cum would tast the same as his own?But it didn't,and giving his first blowjob to a man was another thing checked off his list of new things to experience...as soon as he came Mr wilson stopped contact with Nicklas,leaving a hot hard throbbing cock that still begged for attention."I'm going to want you tonite Nicklas,you cannot cum yet."Mr wilson told him..."just let it build for me"and witrh that he left nicklas to see WHO THE FUCK was knocking on the front door.
    7 points
  2. I'm going to do something I saw @LeatherScorpionFF do with voting that I thought was a good idea. I want to hear from you. Who should win and claim Senator White? Vote using the "Like" feature at the bottom. Hunter (Upvote) Matt (Piggy) Other Option Known to Me (Thanks) I just want to try this out to hear from you.
    5 points
  3. Try and have your tops get in the habit of giving you a 24 to 36 hour advance notice. I mostly fuck my few regular bottoms who are usually pre-cleaned and ready to take me long and deep. For instance, I will start contacting my weekend bottoms on Thursday evening to see if they're available. But short notice fucks are a recipe for mess and an embarrassing situation.
    4 points
  4. Part 9 Hunter (2013) “And how do you expect us to get to Senator Gregory White?” Matt had just told me about the man he wanted us to wishbone. Sure, I’d heard of Senator Gregory White, a Republican politician who spoke out against the gay community. He was an attractive man in his forties, the type of man I’d go after if I saw him in a bar, but it would be unlikely to find this man in a gay bar unless he was picketing outside. That’s why I found myself stunned when Matt made him our target. “It may or may not surprise you,” Matt said, “that the senator isn’t as pristine or honest as he presents himself to be.” “Yes, I’d be shocked to find out a politician isn’t what he says he is,” I said. “What exactly do you know about Senator White that’ll have me inside him and him inside you?” “I know that he’s a closeted gay man,” Matt said. “A lot are,” I told him. “I just fucked one in Kansas. Something tells me that he was an easier fuck than any senator could be.” “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Matt said. “I have a friend who works for an agency that supplies, let’s say, the right fucks for the right price.” “And is this friend someone you claimed?” Matt smiled. “It has its added perks beyond the obvious. Now I have someone who can get me valuable information. It seems Senator White likes to have both men and women come to his apartment in secret, though, as of late, there has been an uptake for what he calls a ‘third listing’ fuck.” “What’s that?” “It’s our specialty,” Matt said. “You see, he likes dominating men, just like he does with women, fucking the shit out of them until they can’t walk the next day.” “I’m sure you’re excited for that experience.” “But he also likes getting fucked. It’s a punish-and-be-punished situation. He fucks me while you fuck him.” “Our wishboning made easy,” I said. “But, if you haven’t noticed, we don’t work for this company, and we don’t know when he’ll be needing us.” “He’s created a bit of a pattern,” Matt said. “Whenever he’s up for election or has been struggling against falling numbers, he gets what he calls “aches” inside him. These aches are his inner gay slut coming out, needing to fuck and get fucked. From what I know, we’re reaching that time.” “So, it’s all chance?” I asked. “I’m not sticking around for months just to compete against you for a senator.” “It’s not exactly chance,” Matt said. “His assistant is another dick I claimed. His wife fucked White behind his back, and I managed to get to the assistant’s cock before anyone else could. He’s been setting the senator up with interviews and situations that will definitely bring about his aching. In a few days, he’s set for another interview, and his numbers, as I’ve seen, are shit. It’s perfect. I’ve set it up so that whenever he calls for his “third listing,” we’ll be ready to step in and start wishboning his ass.” I smiled, admiring the pride radiating off Matt. As he explained his plan, his dick grew hard, leaking pre-cum. “I’ve always seen myself as a devious fucker,” I told him, “but I’ve got to admit that this plan is significantly more layered than anything I’ve ever done.” “And we aren’t just doing it for ourselves,” Matt said. “If we can get to Senator White, we can expose him for who he really is and remove his toxicity through our own toxicity. He’ll no longer be able to corrupt once we’ve corrupted him.” “That,” I added, “or he’ll manage to fuck all the other men in his party, giving us a sizeable legion of men to our cause.” “It’s a win-win,” Matt said. “Now, all we have to do is sit back and wait.” I stepped forward, grabbed Matt’s dick and squeezed. “Until then. Let’s get reacquainted.” __ Three Days Later I opened the briefcase, revealing a ball gag, a flog, three harnesses, a collar, and a leash. Senator White looked up at Matt and I and smiled. Welcome to the “third listing,” I thought. Matt and I had been briefed on what Senator White liked and didn’t like by Matt’s man within Pidyn Corp. We knew what he expected, but we also knew when we’d turn the tables and make the night our own. For the time being, we’d have our fun, but once the moment came, we were prepared to make our move and compete for the senator’s time. “It’s time, sir,” I said, taking the gag out of the briefcase. “Open.” “About damn time,” Senator White said, stepping forward and opening his mouth. I slipped the ball inside his mouth, Matt stepping behind him and strapping it tightly in place. I ran my hands along the straps that ran over his cheeks, feeling his beard beneath. He was a handsome man. I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t change and simply accept the type of man he was. Normally, my fucking was done with a selfish intent, but now, I’d be using my dick to punish a man who punished the very men he fucked over. Karma, I suppose. “I believe it’s time to relocate, sir,” Matt said, leaning down and whispering in the man’s ear. He licked his ear and then playfully bit, causing Senator White to shudder. “Will you come willingly, or should we attach the leash now?” Senator White shook his head, his eyes showing the hunger he had for us. He brought us back to his bedroom where I spread the briefcase’s contents out on the bed. As I did so, I admired the room’s contents. It was a nice room, proving he had money. I knew this apartment to be only one of his residences; if I managed to claim him, I’d definitely look into making this one of my stops whenever traveling across the country. After all, I didn’t just fuck men for their time; it was also good to have men who served me. “Time to strip down,” I said, taking the flog in hand. “We need to get sir looking his best.” Matt grabbed the man’s suitcoat and pulled it off his body with force, catching the senator off guard. I watched intently, moving my fingers through the flog’s lashes. Senator White’s eyes were wide, but he wasn’t afraid. I saw in him a desire to be controlled, to be pushed beyond the limits he previously knew. “And this tie,” I said, stepping forward and moving my hand up his chest, pulling the tie into my grasp. “I think we’ll find use for this.” I slipped it off his neck, noticing the man’s Adam’s apple quiver. “Nervous?” The senator shook his head, eyes narrowing slightly. He was definitely going to be one of ours by the end of the night. There was no chance for escape. Matt grabbed his shirt and tore it off, buttons flying across the room, shocking the senator and creating a sudden fear in his eyes. I reached out and grabbed his face, holding his gaze steady. My eyes focused on his, commanding him to pay attention. “However you’ve been treated before, sir, will pale in comparison to what we will do with you tonight. You are a rich, powerful man. For tonight, we will take control. Do you understand, sir?” Senator White’s eyes remained wide as he studied my face, starting full of fear, then anger, then lust. His chest was heaving with the excitement of the moment. “That’s good, sir,” I said, releasing his face. Matt pulled off his undershirt, revealing a strong, hairy chest on which there were already small tattoos present. One appeared to be the letters of whatever fraternity house he had been a member of in college. Another was of handwriting, spelling the name “Tess.” “Who was Tess?” I asked, tossing the flog onto the bed and grabbing one of the harnesses. It was a bulldog harness, leaving two chain harnesses for Matt and me. “An ex-girlfriend? Your first time?” Matt managed to secure the harness over the senator’s chest while I crouched down and faced the man’s bulging crotch. I ran my hand along it, feeling his size. He was impressive. I undid his belt and dropped it on the floor before unbuttoning his pants and slowly pulling the zipper down, my eyes set on the senator’s eyes which looked down at me with a strong desire. “Are you aching?” I asked, grabbing his belt loops and pulling his pants down. “Do you want me to suck you off?” Senator White nodded his head, almost pleading for me to ease his ache. I left his pants around his ankles and cupped his bulge, feeling his balls which moved under my touch. “I would, but I’m a traditional top. The only cock being sucked is my own.” I stood up and faced him. I ran my hand across his face, tapping a finger on the ball within his mouth. “I don’t think you’ll manage to suck any dick with that in your mouth, but that’s alright. We aren’t here for you to suck cock, are we?” Senator White shook his head, his hands reaching forward and grabbing his crotch. “I think we’re ready,” Matt said. “Good.” I stepped back from the senator and looked him over. A large wet spot was spreading across his underwear, proving him to be desperate for our touch. “Kneel on the ground.” As the senator kneeled down, Matt and I removed our suitcoats and our shirts, making sure to display our strong, dominant bodies to the man who was on the ground looking like a dog waiting for a treat. With that in mind, I grabbed the collar off the bed and pulled it around his neck, making it slightly too tight, causing the skin beneath to go red. I watched as his Adam’s apple hit against the collar, causing slight discomfort. I smiled. “Looks like we’ve got a good dog on our hands,” Matt said, revealing his naked body. Since his tattoo was on his back, it was easier for him to hide his toxicity, but he managed to keep his back out of sight. “I think he needs to go for a little walk before we start.” As Matt attached the leash, I stripped the remainder of my clothes, pulling on an added piece of attire not supplied by Pidyn. Matt had given me a leather band to wear around my arm, hiding enough of my tattoo to keep the senator ignorant. Pidyn tested their workers for diseases, meaning their clients could trust on a clean fuck, but since we’d wormed our way into the session, we knew Senator White wouldn’t suspect anything as long as we were careful. I pulled the band on while the senator was distracted, Matt walking him around the room like a dog. “I don’t want to see you behind me,” Matt said, pushing the man forward as he crawled across the floor. He looked at me and winked. “Are we ready?” “We are,” I said, my leather band secured along with my chain harness. Senator White turned as he crawled along the floor, seeing my full naked form for the first time. His eyes grew wide as he saw my hardening cock which was starting to drip precum. While I would normally have his nose buried in my pubic hair, breathing me in and tasting my pre, it would create an advantage over Matt. We agreed to play fair, though I knew my thick, monster of a cock was already giving me an edge over Matt as this pathetic man was already desiring me and what I’d give him. “Crawl to me,” I said, pointing down on the ground with one hand while my other grabbed the flog. The senator moved forward, eyes following me as I walked around him, letting the lashes run over his naked back. “Has someone been bad?” Senator White nodded, moaning through the gag. Matt smiled at me, tightening his grip on the leash, pulling the man’s head and neck back, arching his back. As he did so, I brought the flog down, whipping the senator’s back. “GAH!” the senator cried, shaking slightly from the sting. For a moment, I was worried that my enthusiasm had gotten the better of me, but I saw the man look back at us and nod his head, urging us to continue. “Do you want more?” Senator White nodded. I brought it down again, causing his back to grow red with each lashing. I wouldn’t draw blood, but I would make sure he’d feel the impact for days after. Then again, he’d be feeling the impact of that night regardless. Matt and I took turns torturing the man who spoke out against us on the news but then submitted to us in the bedroom. I found my cock aching from how hard I was watching this man suffer, but I also knew that he was getting pleasure out of our punishment. We needed to make this man pay, and that time was fast approaching. “Have you had enough?” I asked, watching Matt bring the flog down again, the leash held tight in his other hand. I stepped down on the senator’s hands, my balls pressed against the man’s forehead. The man moaned something we couldn’t understand, but Matt and I knew our time had finally come. Let the games begin.
    4 points
  5. Note: I didn't write this story. I found this on a website in Brazil, so the story was in Portuguese. I'm just translating it. It's a big story and this is just the first part. If you like it, I'll translate the rest. I'm sorry if my English is not that good. ____________________________________________________ Whenever I do drugs, I get electric and horny as fuck, so today was no different. I started to use co.ke around three in the afternoon and I've already opened the Grindr to see if there was someone to give me dick. A guy from out of town, fucking hot, messaged to me, and we arranged to meet and he was the first. The guy was 25 years old, bearded, thin and around 5,6. Before we started, he said he was addicted to fisting holes and that he had a gel with him that was great for sticking his hand up a man’s ass. I accepted without thinking twice. And the guy knew how to do that, goddamn it. He was patient and calm, and in the end, I found all of his hand and almost half of his arm inside my ass. I was open and swollen, the way a male has to be when another tells him so. In the middle of all that, there was a lot of dirty talk, spitting and armpit licking, because I wanted to smell the scent of a real man. What a delight it was to receive that hand inside me, breaking into my ass, opening me, turning that hole into a cunt of respect. After I was very wide, the man put me on my back and started to push his cock inside me, inch by inch. I felt that big cock poking at me, his pubes hitting my ass. The smell of sex invaded the whole room and, within minutes, he announced that he was cumming. I felt my ass filled with that hot cum with him saying: “Look how nice it is to put my charged load inside that ass. You will be leaking poz cum.” My horniness was unimaginable and with just a handjob I also gushed liters of thick cum. The first guy left and I again started the search for the second one. I chatted with a guy I always have sex with, he's really hot, black, tall and with a 10 inches heavy cock. He has no frills and no shame. When he fucks, he does a lot of damage. In minutes, I was riding a cock again. He treated my ass right, with a lot of pumping. I felt that dick invade my rectum and make it a worthless object, which made me crazy. In the middle of that hot fuck, we were doing it dog style, he held me and announced that he was going to cum: “Take it, your little whore. I’m breeding you good with my poz cum. Take my poz load, son of a bitch. Aids whore.” I left his house quickly, because I already had another fuck scheduled. The was almost hiss neighbor, so I just walked. I left one's house and went to the other. This third guy was a more serious guy, white, angry and brutal. As soon as I entered his apartment, he was already taking my clothes off and saying: “I don’t want to hear your voice today. You will take my cock bare and quiet. If you disobey, it’s going to be a lot worse.” I didn't care about anything anymore, I just wanted to feel more cock inside me. And like magic, I saw stars. The son of a bitch punched his whole dick in one go and started cursing me, saying he knew I already had my ass full of cum and was going to use other people's load as lubricant. I was all open. I was loving to get fucked in that position, face down, that he had put me. The man put all his cock inside me, then he announced that he was cumming. And more of that hot poz sperm went inside me. I got out of there and got back to the Grindr. In less than 20 minutes, I found another man. He was short, he worked out and was very hot. His dick was much smaller than the others, but he knew how to use it as he worked miracles. Everything happened inside his car, and I took the fourth load of the night. After that, I stopped at a park and went to the public bathroom. I waited for about 30 minutes, then a guy came in looking at me from a distance and working his cock inside his pants. That was the sign I had been waiting for. I sucked the man until he came in my mouth, pouring me the purest cum straight from the source. But I was still not satisfied. I wanted more and more and more.
    3 points
  6. At a hook up I didn't get a hard on - had a stressful week before and had some personal issues distracting me. I honestly hoped to get off and honestly offered a fuck... The guy was pissed and reproached me for not getting hard and started a real drama out of it. I offered him three options: - maybe I don't get hard because he's not the cupcake I thought to be? - if he needs an all-time ready-steady hard dick, it's a dildo what he needs, and not a human being that isn't ready like a tool with loaded batteries at any time... - to piss off I'm aware that a date expects a hard dick when one is out to get fucked, and that I, as a top, am the one to deliver and I provoke hope for that when I accept a hook up, but hello...! We're humans, no machines or apps... I had countless of guys without a stone hard rod for various reasons that no one's to blame for.
    3 points
  7. It depends on what you’re doing to try to clean out. Your rectum is normally empty until you’re ready to have a bowel movement, and any waste matter is collected above the rectum and held while water is absorbed from it. The rectum is around 6” in length, which is also on the high end of the average for cock length, so if the Top has an average endowment, a deep cleaning for a short notice hookup is probably unnecessary, and will draw more matter downstream, resulting in a more complicated cleanout. A simple rinse of the rectum to ensure it is clear should be adequate for an average cock. For a long cock, you’ll have to go a bit deeper, but try not to fill yourself very full - fuller than just the rectum, but try to limit the washout to the next few inches of colon, where firm or semi-firm stools would be gathered in preparation for expulsion. I use a shower-shot type method, and will generally give myself about a 10-second flow for a rectum cleanse, and 15-20 seconds for a longer cock. If I go to 30 I know I’ll get a deeper cleanse, but I can expect to add 15-20 minutes to the cleanout. Beyond that is deep-cleaning territory, usually stages of 50, 40, and a series of 30-second flows that can take up to 45 minutes, followed by rinses at 20, 15 and 10. Definitely not for what I would consider short notice, but I can pull it off with an hour’s notice if I’ve been maintaining diet.
    3 points
  8. My ex was a porn junkie. He loved watching porn and stroking. Constantly. But he loved taking video of me plowing a hot hole and creampies to the guy's hole. But he REALLY loved taking video me taking hard cock(s) up my hole raw and getting bred on camera. He would stroke his cock the entire time he was filming. His unedited stuff was pretty good, because he watched so much porn - he knew the kind of scenes he liked seeing... so he filmed the say way. I still have videos of me topping/bottoming from 15 years ago and I love to throw them on and jerk off while remembering me seeding a hot hole or a hot load across my own ass from a hung top. We spent the money on a decent camera with a light, so the quality was pretty decent. Lots of married Daddy's breeding me. Ex had to ensure NO faces. I also edited a lot of the camera jostling etc out of the final. So it was a lot of frisky stuff - just all looked NSA (which in itself is kinda hot). Singles. Doubles, Triples. And even one gang bang where I took 9 loads from 4 guys over the evening. (I still have the original files from that night too.. whahooo!). After we split up, I found a couple of other guys who were into pics - random or posed. I love ass play, and a lot of my picture collection is with other FB's who like to play with a hole and toys and FF... so, there is some excellent quality stuff there... both picture and recently, video. It's fun to run two cameras... either one stationary and aimed and you try and remember it is there... LOL... or one in each guy's hand. Get the same fuck from two different angles and also different quality of shots. I take that stuff and mash it together into a 5 or 10 minute Amateur movie. It's a hobby. And it's a great hobby if the other guy(s) into it!! Love making amateur porn. (Pics are from 5 movies with the same top breeding my hole)
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Part 8 Senator Gregory White (2013) “We can’t continue allowing people like this to influence the younger generation,” I said, staring down the reporter. She was smiling at me, her eyes focused on mine when she wasn’t looking me over. She had large eyes, expressive. I was wondering what I could get them to express if given the chance. “Elaborate,” she said, emphasizing her lips as she spoke, almost pouting. It’s as if she was trying to make me imagine what her lips would feel like on mine. Though, that’s not where I’d want her lips to go. “The people of Virginia don’t want their children to be interacting with people who are, forgive the word, predators.” “Are you saying that you believe members of the LGBTQIA+ community, specifically gay men, to be predators, Senator White?” “I believe that there are individuals my voters are afraid of having around their children,” I explained. “There are dangers my constituents are aware of when it comes to the gay community, and I’m here to make sure your viewers are made to understand this.” “And you stand by these opinions even though you’re receiving significant backlash.” “I’m a strong man,” I told her, smirking. “I’m not easily knocked down just because someone pushes back. I’m working to get our society back to normal.” “And by that you mean the whole husband and wife scenario? Having 2.5 kids, the white fence, the perfect house with the front yard?” “I mean having what America has always seen as being suitable,” I told her. “And by that, you mean normal?” “For the lack of a better word.” “You aren’t married, though, are you Senator White?” she asked. “Not as of yet,” I said, smiling. Knowing the camera was only focused on my face, I reached my hand down to my crotch and gently rubbed over my growing bulge, making sure the reporter would see. “I’m too busy making sure I’m able to act as the voice of the people, but I always make sure to make time for what is important.” “And with that,” she said, “I thank you, Senator White, for giving us your time. Until tomorrow night, I am Jessica Latmore. Goodnight.” “And we’re clear,” a voice on the other side of the bright lights said. I could hear commotion around us as Jessica handed off her tablet to an assistant. “That went well,” I said. “If you say so, Senator.” “I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure about you interviewing me instead of Chester Reeves, but you managed to do well enough.” She stared at me, a brow raised. “Did I? Well, I’m so glad you think so.” “Don’t worry that you’re not as quick on your feet as Chester. You’ll get there over time. I’ll remind you, interviewing political figures like myself isn’t always easy.” “And I would like to remind you,” she said, her tone shifting, “that you were the one who brought up the gay community, not me.” “Why say that?” “So that when your team starts telling you that your numbers are dropping and you’re getting a ton more hate-mail than usual, you can’t blame me for making you say anything you didn’t want to say. You did that all on your own.” “I just tell it like it is,” I told her, moving forward in my seat, my bulge hanging over the edge, more pronounced. I could see her eyes looking down at it, analyzing. “I find people like that about me. Don’t you?” “As a matter of fact,” she said, “my girlfriend and I don’t care for you at all.” She stood up and walked off the set, leaving me sitting alone as the lights were dimmed. __ “I don’t want that bitch ever interviewing me again, do you understand?” “I understand,” my assistant said, typing on his tablet. We sat in a black SUV, heading to my apartment. My face felt warm, my pulse quick, as my anger after the interview had failed to diminish. After leaving the set, I went back to the dressing room they had given me, threw a dish of peanuts at the wall, turned over the coffee table, and stormed out with my assistant running after me. “It’s unprofessional the way she talked to me,” I shouted, kicking the seat in front of me. “And who the fuck has a dyke interview a Republican Senator? What the fuck? I mean, you don’t send a vegan to interview about a barbeque competition.” “I’ll speak to someone about it, sir.” “You better,” I spat. “This is the kind of shit that gets people fired. Understand?” I leaned back in my seat, my hand moving down to my crotch which had long ago gone flaccid. There was a slight pain in my balls which was driving me insane. The reporter had knowingly gotten me hard just so that I’d be stuck here with blue balls. At the same time, the pain was radiating down to my asshole, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. Every time the driver hit a manhole, I felt my manhole tighten and my body shiver from the sensation. Fuck, not again. Why did this happen every time an interview went to hell? “What do I have tomorrow?” “You have a meeting with—” “Cancel it.” “But, sir—” “I said, fucking cancel it. I need the rest of the night off, and I don’t want you disturbing me until Thursday. Is that understood?” “Yes, sir.” “Good.” The car pulled up to my apartment and I got out before my assistant could fuck anything else up for me. I’d fire him soon. I only hired him because I fucked his wife and felt guilty about it. That guilt didn’t last long, but I hadn’t found the time to fire him just yet. The fiasco with the lesbian reporter would do the trick. I’m sure it’ll be easy to make it his fault. “Good evening, Senator White,” the residential concierge said. I nodded to him. I knew his name once, but I couldn’t remember it now as I stormed through the lobby and entered the elevator. They seemed to switch men every few months, and I had enough trouble remembering the names of the people who worked for me. I closed my eyes as the elevator rose, trying to calm myself, suddenly seeing before me the reporter’s full lips. I couldn’t believe someone as hot as the reporter would rather eat out a pussy than suck a dick. Then again, the idea of the reporter having her head squeezed between the tight thighs of another woman did get me hard again. My hand reached down and started massaging my bulge, my fingers moving down further to my balls. Fuck. I could still feel the throbbing ache in my ass, the ache which arose only once in a while, especially as things went to hell. During every election period, I found this ache revealing itself again, almost taking control. Normally, I could fuck my way through the ache, let my cock manage the burning which flooded my body, but, every once in a while, there was only one thing I could do to satisfy this… desire. “This is Charles the concierge,” the voice said over my phone. That’s right. His name is Charles. “Yeah, Charles, this is Senator White in 8D.” I entered my apartment, locking the door. “I’m calling just to let you know that I’ll be having some visitors tonight. They work for my campaign, but they’ll need to be let in through the building’s private access. They’ll be coming up through the secondary elevator. Discretion will be key.” “Of course, sir,” Charles said. I turned off my phone and entered my bedroom where I stashed my one phone in a locked desk drawer. From it, I removed another phone, entered a code, and searched through my contacts. The ache was growing stronger, causing me to scroll through my information with one hand while my other hand ran over my clothed body, feeling my hardening cock, my swelling balls, and my nipples which were visible through my dress shirt. I found the contact and hit send. “Pidyn Corp,” a voice said. “May I have your identification number?” “382533,” I said. There was a pause before the voice said, “Welcome, platinum member. How may I help you?” “I need my third listing provided for tonight,” I said, pouring myself a glass of whiskey which I shot back. “I need them here within the next hour. Standard protocols are to be followed.” “Of course, sir,” the voice said. “We’ll charge accordingly. Anything else I can do?” “Yeah, make that thirty minutes.” I ended the call and shot back more whiskey, allowing the burning in my throat to course throughout my body. Everything inside me was screaming to be released, the hibernating animal that I kept hidden clawing its way out. Fuck, I needed this. I needed everything. I paced throughout my apartment as I waited, turning on the television to calm myself. “Reports are showing Senator White’s approval rating is starting to fall since his hateful comments concerning the LGBT community have grown more frequent,” the news anchor said, my face smiling in the picture next to him. “While many Virginian voters do support the conservative politician’s stance on the economic crisis, his comments concerning sexual identity have been found to be critical and out of touch with the current political climate.” I hit the mute button, watching as the reporter kept speaking, watching his lips as they moved, admiring them as they puckered to say the “wh” in White. They were even better lips than the reporter from earlier, and I found the aching inside me pulse from the mere sight of him. There was a ping from the phone I had used to call the service, alerting me that my “delivery” had arrived and was on its way up. I finished another drink and went to my door, reaching it as a knocking filled the apartment. Fuck, could they be any louder? I opened the door to find two men standing before me, both in suits, both looking as if they were men who, like me, worked in an office or in a position of actual power. They looked like the men I encountered every day, the men who held power, who thrived on imposing their wills on others. “May we come in, sir?” the one man asked. “We have a delivery for you.” “What is it?” I asked, waiting for the response I’d decided upon within this scenario. “It’s the Apollo Package, sir,” the one man said, slightly puffing out his chest. “It’s urgent that we make this delivery in private.” “Of course,” I said, satisfied. I stepped to the side and let them pass, admiring them as they went by. This service had sent over all types of men for me in the past, ranging in fitness levels, height, hairiness, and even accents. These two men I found to be the sexiest men I’d ever been sent. Both were taller than I was, with broad shoulders and, from what I could see, fit bodies that filled out their suits nicely. Impressive bulges were noticeable in their pants, one more than the other. The man with the larger bulge held a briefcase in his hand, and I admired the veins I could see under the skin, running down to larger, strong fingers that gripped the handle tightly. My cock jumped at the sight of him. “You have everything needed?” I asked, eyes on the briefcase. “We have everything you’ll need tonight,” the one man said. “We’re sure of it, sir.” Both men exchanged looks, smiling. “What are your names?” I asked. “Well, Senator White,” the one man said, “To keep with your identity, I am Mr. Gray, and he is Mr. Green.” “No,” I interjected. “I’m not looking for the fake, fucking names they give you to sound exotic and shit. What are your actual names.” Both men exchanged glances, smiling. “I’m Matt,” the one man said. “This is Hunter.” Hunter, the man holding the briefcase, was staring at me, a slight smile turning his lips. I loved the way he was looking at me, a look I’d given the bitch reporter before she blew her chances. I could see that he wanted me, and my hardening bulge proved I wanted them both, but especially him. “You’re both experienced in what I require?” I asked them. “Along with the required discretion?” “We’ve been briefed, sir,” Matt said, “concerning your desired… debriefing.” “Good,” I said. “Well, let’s get started.” Hunter nodded and opened the briefcase.
    3 points
  11. Here you go 😈👅🐽🍆💦
    3 points
  12. Nothing sexier than nasty mature man. Love worshiping their cocks
    3 points
  13. i have been told by a number of guys that they got pozzed from fucking me. i assume a lot more tops have been pozzed while digging around in my guts without knowing it or who just didnt tell me. usually they are cool with it but on the rare occasion where they acted pissy, i was just like what did you expect, i’m a public use cumdumpster and i was likely full of cum and taking loads from random strangers when you fucked me. even if i was neg, i almost definitely had poz loads polluting my hole when they fucked me. its no secret that i’m a whore.
    3 points
  14. We are now at a major junction in this story, so, it's time to vote for what you would like to see happen whilst Sir Doug is on the phone to his brother Keith. Uncle Terry has at least one hour at his disposal. Using the following react emojis on this comment; Pig emoji: Uncle Terry to get the blood slam kit from his bag, blood slam sub pig-boy Jason then fuck him until blowing a toxic load deep in his guts. Like: Uncle Terry to fuck sub pig-boy Jason until blowing a toxic load deep in his guts. Upvote: Fuck sub pig-boy Jason for several minutes, then fuck his face, then cum on the vinyl play sheet and make sub Jason eat it all up. Thanks: Behave and just sit on the couch wanking whilst watching over sub pig-boy Jason fucking his hungry cunt.
    3 points
  15. Well, maybe I'll just accept the pleasure of wearing the shirt and giving her a Dehner right where it surely doesn't belong. It's almost always too hot in SoFl for Full Dress anyway.
    2 points
  16. If I'm in a full-blown relationship with someone I stay faithful to that one person. Also I won't have sex with a guy that is cheating on his spouse, male or female. I love sex, but don't want to be the guy that put that strain on some couple's relationship. I'm a bit old fashioned I guess, but it works for me.
    2 points
  17. Votes cast: Uncle Terry to get the blood slam kit from his bag, blood slam sub pig-boy Jason then fuck him until blowing a toxic load deep in his guts = 10 Votes Uncle Terry to fuck sub pig-boy Jason until blowing a toxic load deep in his gut = 6 Votes Fuck sub pig-boy Jason for several minutes, then fuck his face, then cum on the vinyl play sheet and make sub Jason eat it all up = 3 Votes Thanks: Behave and just sit on the couch wanking whilst watching over sub pig-boy Jason fucking his hungry cunt = 0 Votes 84% of votes cast want to see sub Jason as a minimum get a toxic load blasted deep into his guts, with nobody at all voting for Uncle Terry to behave himself. You're all pigs, and I love it! 😈🐽 I'm tied up with other stuff for the next few days, but will return to publish more very soon.
    2 points
  18. Not the best pic but freshly fucked. Without a condom of course.
    2 points
  19. My poz dirty hole after being bred by a guy with a VL over 1 million
    2 points
  20. Halloween Horror CHAPTER ONE THE GRIM REAPER Living in a small redneck town had more disadvantages then advantages! Everyone knows your fucking business and have no qualms about spreading it around, talking behind your back even when they are right in front of you and then there is the “I’ll just be an asshole to your face in front of everyone.” On all that trying to stay in the closet in a small town is damn near impossible, but when it comes out it rocks the town to its core. That’s what happened to me. You would think that these inbred rednecks would have known that a single man in his mid thirties who didn’t date was gay, but when they didn’t. It wasn’t until a plain brown package order ripped open a little and the mail woman saw the dildo I ordered, was when the talk started. I just said fuck them and did my normal routine and ignoring them just drove them crazy. The real fun shit started on Halloween night. I didn’t want to stay home and pass out candy to the breeders fucked up offspring, so I decided to go to the next town over Halloween Haunted House and Maze. In my skin tight jeans, commando and showing off my large bulge, flannel shirt and boots I head over to the town 30 miles away. As I got out of my truck the seam in the ass of my jeans ripped. Other would say it was convenient, maybe in a different town or city yeah, but it was an inconvenience here. I was glad I had a spare shirt in the truck, dirty but would do the job since I was going to tie my flannel around my waist to hide the hole. I paid my way in and headed to the maze, I could hear screaming and laughing from all over the large dry corn field that was cut into a maze. I decided to go in and started to walk. That’s when I heard the voices. “It’s the faggot” one voice said “Got a hard cock for you to choke on” said another The unseen men voiced insults and pretty obscene sexual harassment. I laughed at the insults and my cock grew harder with the sexual stuff. It was hard to hide the eight inch throbbing cock down my leg, but I didn’t care. I must have taken a wrong turn because I was at a very dark dead end. As I turned to backtrack, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the corn stalks. “I got what you need” the figure dresses as the grim reaper said. He guided my hand to his crotch, where I felt his hard cock through his costume. It was thick and at least nine inches. His free hand was rubbing my ass under my flannel shirt and almost instantly found the rip and started to exploit it. “Yeah, heard you fags were more prepared than a scout” he said as his finger found my hole. He pushed me slightly forward at the waist and I went along with it. His thick dry finger pushed against my hole, scratching the soft flesh. I pushed back and felt his finger slide in and the finger nail scratching my flesh. I bit my lip, but ignored the pain. I was horny and this was more than just me stroking and riding fake cocks for my sex life. He lifted my shit up, exposing my gaping jeans and exposed hole with his finger deep inside. He slowly fingered my hole and using his nail to scratch my insides as he fingered me. “Got to get you ready for the tricks and the treats in the maze” I just stared out into the darkness. It wasn’t long until he pulled out his finger and spit in his hand, then rubbed it on my hole. I braced my hands against my thighs and waited. I stood felt the head of his cock pushing at my hole. I took a deep breath and my hole gave, allowing him to push his cock balls deep with one thrust. I scream loudly from the pain. “Scream all you want faggot, no one cares here in the maze” Grabbing my hips he started to ram his cock in and out of my holes. It was tougher than I fuck myself with the dildos. My hole was slowly adjusting from his assault and the pain quickly turned to pleasure. “Trick or treat faggot” he asked between his breathes. “Treat” I said “Fuck no faggot you are getting a trick” He pulled his cock completely out and rammed it balls deep over and over. I felt my precum oozing out of my piss slit, running down my leg. “Soon you will have my trick” I pushed back meeting his hips! “Hell faggot, you might think it was a treat” He rammed in and held his cock deep in me. I could feel the cum pulse through his shift with my ass ring. “Take that load!” He yelled, “you cum loving faggot” I had never felt pleasure like that fuck that I just experienced. “Love fucking faggots and passing along the gift” I was clueless then about the gift. As he pulled out he said: “Find the scarecrow” I heard the rustling of the corn and as I turned to see who just took my hole, I could only see darkness.
    2 points
  21. True, some of them are... but, they do put on a good show to get me off. lol
    2 points
  22. I am 65 , fit and an enthusiastic bottom . Eveny now and then I get a young man that likes silverfox bottoms. My last load was from a 22yr old that likes older men. He really got into fucking me. It was very hot. I have been fucked by many men of all ages. Some of them memorable, a lot of them not so much. This young man was very memorable. Not a big dick but he knew how to use it. He can cum back anytime.
    2 points
  23. Those were good years at TIM! A lot of really good dirty nasty porn back then- it seemed more real then today imho
    2 points
  24. The performers in the Lucas films look as if they just emerged from a photo shoot for a glossy fashion magazine (if any of those are left nowadays). Raw Fuck Club has performers who tend to look like normal human beings. HDK, Dick Wade, and TIM not only reintroduced the world to bareback sex, but the guys in the videos were hardly physical fitness fanatics.
    2 points
  25. Here's another point to remember about down-ballot voting. "Jaws" takes place in the early 1970's (the book was published in February 1974, meaning it was written sometime well before that and almost certainly set in what was then "present day". The movie version came out in 1975. Jaws 2 came out in 1978 (not based on a separate book), so we're talking at least 5-6 years between the first book's writing and the second film's creation. And yet, the same stupid motherfucker idiot was still the mayor, all those years later, despite how much his royal fuck up over closing the beaches led to just how many deaths again? THAT is what happens when you don't turn out to vote in local elections. And there are places, I'm sure, where that idiot would have been governor by about 1984.
    2 points
  26. Hot af. It may become a new kink for me. Especially because I wanna hook up with this guy again. Love going home filled with cum and my husband doesn’t know. This is an even hotter way to get filled.
    2 points
  27. You know it’s funny. Despite my old age, 64, I still wanna be a top daddy. Lol. As long as daddy dick is working in there is no conflict between the Cialis and my stimulants, all is good. I just like to fuck and be that nasty pig I am
    2 points
  28. Personally I've no picture and have no intention to upload one, and last year when I joined I assumed to be ignored by anyone. And I found respect instead! Confront (even on difficult topics) and respect, by people here. Then, with someone I have roleplay fun, with others it's just small talk, I participate to discussion when I find it appropriate, and no worries. It's a forum and IMHO sending our own real life related multimedia material mustn't be mandatory. But for hookup, not at all! Being this a public site I'd never leave my personal phone number here! Maybe the author has simply found the wrong place to hookup in! Sorry I am quite laughing now, fantasizing about myself trying to access a dating app and talk there like I do here. I'd be the world's clown 🤡🤡🤡 Anyway I'm really happy any time someone writes "nice profile" on my box or follows me, I'm please to wake someone's interest in confront. Then, they just come (cum?) and go, I don't claim long-lasting friendships here! I have already many very good friends in real life.
    2 points
  29. In the event you're still around, Breeding Zone is far more than merely a hook-up website. Sorry you're so disappointed; many of us find it productive for all kinds of reasons. Good luck.
    2 points
  30. Many years ago, when I was still in my late 20's, I was dating this guy (kid really) named Josh. He was several years younger than was I, and several degrees less mature. We had been dating smoothly for about a year when I finally introduced him to a couple who were friends of mine, Rob and Erik. For better or worse, prior to meeting Josh I had had three-ways with them once and a while, and I had told Josh about some of these encounters. Rob and Erik lived about two hours away and they invited us up to spend a weekend in the city, drinking and having a good time. Now, knowing Rob and Erik, I knew that their idea of a 'good time' would probably mean all having sex together, and I knew it would be hard for Josh to resist. Hell, it would be hard for me to resist! Rob was defintely the whore of the couple: he was very outgoing and very handsome and very much a bottom. All with the body of an Olympic swimmer. Erik was the smaller of the two guys. He was also more reserved, frankly he was a bit nerdy. He was also a top with a nine-inch cock. While Rob was a fun bottom who really got off on being fucked, it was Erik that I enjoyed making cum, because Erik shot like one of the fountains at the Bellagio. He always launched several spurts, usually hitting the wall and ruining sheets in the process. I always wanted feel Erik shoot in my mouth, but was not allowed to. You see, Erik was poz while Rob was not. And Erik was always very cautious. Josh and I discussed the prospects of an invitation from Rob and Erik and had agreed we were content to remain a monogamous couple and we would politely decline any sexual offers - if they were presented. On that Saturday evening, we had been out drinking and having a grand old time and we all probably had a bit too much. We got back to their place and I decided it was time to get ready for bed. When Josh finally climbed in and we were laying in the dark, he told me Rob had kissed him while he was in the bathroom, and had invited us to have sex with them. "Josh, we talked about this. We said we were not going to do anything wth Rob and Erik." "But you have, and you liked it! Why don't we? It could be fun" Josh whined. "Josh, this is precisely why we talked all this out beforehand. So that it wouldn't become an issue." "But it's still an issue!" "Let's just go to sleep. Night." I could feel Josh stewing next to me while I was trying to relax. About five minutes later he sat up and announced, "Well, I'm going to go fuck Rob and Erik." "Have fun with that," I said and rolled over. "You're being an asshole," Josh spat as he left the room. My stomach churned into knots. My boyfriend had just left me to go have sex with two of my friends, after we expressly talked about NOT doing that very thing. I was seethingly mad, and hurt and upset. I tried my best to go to sleep, although it was difficult when I could hear noises start coming from the other room. After about five minutes I heard someone walk in to my bedroom. I initially hoped it was Josh, but it was Erik. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired" I answered. "Are you sure it's okay that Josh is in with us? It feels... awkward... without you there too. This was so like Erik, always the nice one. And the one I liked best because of it. "Yeah. He's a big boy. It's his decision. Go. Have fun. I'll see you in the morning." Erik hesitated, then slowly left. Try as I might, I just couldn't fall asleep. Notwithstanding my conversation with Erik, I grew more and more upset with Josh with each passing minute. How could he be treating our relationship this way? Is this how little he thought of me? Of us? Probably ten or fifteen more minutes went by, when I heard someone enter my room again. Again it was Erik. "So, um... is Josh neg?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" "Well, because Rob is riding Josh's raw cock right now and I was just curious" he said, as he sat on my bed. "I see. Yeah, I could have predicted that. I figured Josh would be angling to fuck Rob if he got the chance. And they'll be at it for awhile. Josh takes forEVER to cum." I knew Josh had a thing for Rob. For that matter, EVERYONE had a thing for Rob. He was quite charming. And I knew Rob would like Josh, because Josh had a thick eight inch cock with a wicked left curve. Plus Josh was in his early 20's and fucked like a demon. "I guess that leaves us out," Erik sighed. And that's when I decided. Fuck Josh. Fuck all this. I was going to have Erik fuck me. "Go get your supplies. We're gonna fuck," I told him, sitting up and giving him a deep kiss. "You sure?" he asked. "Go. Now. Hurry!" Erik was back in a flash. "I don't even think they noticed me come back in the room," he told me when he got back. We started making out, and soon I was going down on Erik's enormous rod. I had always felt extremely lucky to have Josh's big cock to play with, but Erik put Josh's dick into perspective for me. Erik is massive. Easily every bit of nine inches, and the thickness of his cock was verging on ridiculous, especially the middle of it. Toward the middle his cock flattened out, and it was wider than four fingers across-- then it tapered again to normal size at the base. I could only get about half his cock in my mouth before I couldn't fit any more in without the risk of teeth. Or tearing the corners of my mouth. While I worked on Erik, I could hear Josh and Rob ramping up in the other room. They were getting loud, and Rob was starting to vocalize a bit. I wanted to get Erik in me so I could add to the fuck noises and let Josh know that a REAL cock was nailing me. But I was nervous as fuck. Before when I used to have sex with Rob and Erik, it was mostly blow jobs, and me fucking Rob. Erik had tried to fuck me twice before, but I could never get him past the midway point. It just hurt too damn much and I always had to make him stop. And Erik, being the nice guy, would lose his hard on if he felt like he was hurting me. But I needed him to fuck me tonight. All the way fuck me. To permanently wreck my ass for Josh's cock. I told Erik I was ready, so he grabbed a condom and lubed up. And I generously lubed my butthole. "Here, I brought some poppers," Erik announced, adding "They're fresh, and should help." Erik lay on his back, and I straddled his monster cock. I hit the poppers and started easing down onto him. I did pretty well at the start, but then I hit the thick part, and my ass would slide no further. Not even with poppers. I tried sliding off, lubing, and reinserting. I tried bouncing a bit, and easing my ass downward on each stroke. Still no good. Then I just tried forcing my ass downward which made me gasp and cry out a little in pain. "Damn! I'm hurting you. I knew it wouldn't work," said Erik despondently. I could feel his hard on slipping away. Fuck. I desperately wanted his horse cock inside me, but it just wasn't working. I was angry at myself for tensing up and not being able to take it, and I felt bad that I was once again going to disappoint Erik. I quickly pulled off of his cock, ripped off the condom, and started sucking him again while stroking his shaft. This got him going again, and soon he was oozing precum. Josh and Rob were really going at it now. We could hear the rapid slaps of groin against ass while Rob was desperately (and rather loudly) urging Josh to fuck him harder. I wondered how much of this verbal display was for our benefit. That's when I made the decision. I was drunk, horny, and very angry with my boyfriend, so I grabbed the lube, re-lubed Erik and my asshole, and got back on top of him. Erik's cockhead was at my hole before he came to his senses. "What are you doing? I don't have a condom on!" he whispered loudly. "I'm getting this fucker inside me NOW. At least once all the way." "We can't... we shouldn't...." "Just don't cum in me," I said as I began to work him inside my ass. In he slid, but once again, I was stopped at the midpoint of his shaft. But damn it, I was going to take him regardless of the pain. So I hit the poppers hard, waited for the wave of euphoria to hit, and then I squatted down. Hard. It hurt. Man, did it hurt me. I think I could feel my sphincter tearing a little as the thick part forced inside of me. I instantly broke out in a sweat, and tears stung my eyes. But then suddenly with a painful pop he was inside, and I slid down to the base. And now along with the pain in my ass, there was a dull pain deep inside my guts where his head was stabbing up into my colon. Erik grabbed my hips and steadied me as I sat impaled on his massive pole. "You ok?" he whispered. "Oh my god, that's a lot of cock," was all I could get out as tears ran down my cheeks. "This feels amazing," he said. "You know how long it's been since I've fucked a guy? Nine months. And I had to stop fucking that guy before I came because he was in so much pain. Rob always picks up other tops for us to mess around with, and even though some of them see my cock and want to try, they never manage it." I bent down and kissed Erik. And slowly lifted myself so I could start to ride him. I only ever pulled halfway off him, because the thick part of his cock was knotted inside me and wouldn't pull past my protesting butt hole. But I must say, the tug on my hole from the inside was an amazing feeling. Slowly we worked up a rhythm, and between that and poppers, I suddenly found myself getting fucked steadily by Erik's dick. Even though my asshole was still on fire, the pain was slowly giving way to pleasure. Incredible pleasure. The thick part of his cock was like a Mack truck driving over my prostate with every stroke, and the sheer volume of cock moving in and out of me was making every inch of my body quake and tingle. We eventually, slowly, rolled over so that I was on my back, legs spread and in the air and he was on top. We did this maneuver completely without disengaging his cock from my hole. Erik liked the leverage he could get in this position and we could also kiss more easily-- which we did. Erik set up a steady rhythm of pumping my hole while we kissed and sucked each other's tongue. If I listened, I could hear Josh and Rob really putting on a show now. Josh was shouting things like, "Take my cock, bitch!" as Rob answered with the scream "Oh God! Oh God! Ah! Ah! Ahhh!" over and over. I thought that once Erik was in me, I would give them some verbal back in return, to get some revenge on Josh. But it just didn't feel right anymore. What Erik and I were doing was far too intimate, and I was content to stay quiet. So was he. From the angle that Erik was fucking, and from the size of his cock, he was edging me closer and closer to orgasm with every thrust. I could feel it building slowly... from the inside. Deep inside. I wasn't even touching my cock, but I knew that I was minutes, perhaps seconds, away from cumming. I was trying to delay it with snorts of poppers, but to no avail. Thankfully at about that time, I hear Josh shout, "Fuuuck, I'm getting close! Your ass gonna take my load, bitch?" I whispered "Erik, you are getting me really close. You keep fucking me, and I'm gonna cum." Rob meanwhile shouted between grunts, "Ugh! Fuck me! Ugh! Give me that cum!" "I'm really close too," Erik said as he kept fucking me. I heard Josh's now-familiar, animalistic "rrrrrRRRRR-UGGGH! UGGGH! UGGGGGGHHH!" as he started cumming inside Rob's hole. "Oh God, just don't stop fucking me, Erik!" was all I managed to say grunt as the cum started spewing from my cock in streams across my belly. "Oh FUCK, I can feel you cumming! It's gonna make me shoot!" shouted Rob as he starts grunting repeatedly. I was staring up at Erik, as he looked down at me with a mixed look of sexual passion and concern. "Oh no... I can't stop. Oh God, I can't stop it. I can't..." Erik stopped pumping, his breath caught, and that's when I felt it. I felt Erik's ridiculously hard and thick cock start to throb as it was parked motionless inside my ass, stretching my hole even further with every pulse. His prodigious, positive load filling my guts. He shuddered, his breath ragged as his cock charged my insides. "Oh shit! Oh I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Erik kept repeating. I hushed him with a kiss as his cock occasionally still twitched in my rectum. As we kissed, I heard the shower start and I knew that Rob and Josh were getting cleaned up. We stopped kissing, Erik looked at me and said, "What are we gonna do?" "About what?" I said. "This never happened. They fucked, we didn't. We just talked and waited for them to finish. Sound good?" "But... I came in you. And I'm poz. What about you? What about Josh??" "You let me worry about me. I begged you not to stop fucking me. And that thick cock of yours wasn't coming out again til you went limp. Besides... you liked fucking me raw, didn't you? Tell me the truth." "It was fucking amazing," he said. "I felt so... connected... to you. I kinda want to do it again." "And I gotta admit I loved feeling you cum inside me. I think I've wanted it for a long time. How about we leave you inside me, pretend to be asleep, and make those two sleep together tonight so we can fuck again" I suggested. So that's just what we did. We rotated around so that Erik was behind me, spooning, and we covered up. Josh came in a few minutes later and we pretended to be asleep. Josh tapped me to wake me up. I groggily said Erik was passed out and that I was pissed, and I wasn't waking him up. Then I told him to go crash with Rob. Josh said "Whatever" and walked out. Erik bred me twice more-- never pulling out his cock til the very end. Once later that night after we dozed a bit, and once in the morning before Josh and Rob got up. By the last fuck, Erik was long dicking me with his whole cock - the thick part punching past my hole and driving me wild with the most intense fuck pleasure I'd ever experienced. When Erik finally did pull out of me I felt so empty inside. And I don't mean just my ass. I felt like crying. Plus, my asshole hurt like it had never hurt after a fuck session; I was totally torn up. The sheets could attest to this fact, as they were a blood and cum stained mess. And even though Erik was positive, I was bound and determined to keep as much of him inside me for as long as I could. We all had a tense, hung over breakfast and said our terse goodbyes soon after. I broke up with Josh after our drive home, citing his immature behavior, but knowing it was because I didn't want to be the one to infect him. As I knew my negative days were probably over.
    2 points
  31. 👅 My personal preference. The looser and sloppier the better! 🐷
    2 points
  32. I am so glad that my Master wanted to properly open what was my tight 18yo ass back at that time; before starting to turn me into a cum addicted whore. Now nearly 4 years later I cannot be thankful enough.
    2 points
  33. Part 9; ''Uncle Terry'' After I got home from the gym I gave up my remaining two hour window of ''me time'' and Sir worked on my cunt with toys, and his Fist in the sling. I then went upstairs and prepared a huge array of different snacks and made sure the beer was chilled. 8pm arrived and Sir let his friend Terry in who had just arrived and walked with him to the living room where I was waiting at the spot, kneeling on the floor, right by where apparently Terry would like to sit (at the right end of the couch) with a Silver platter with a cold beer to welcome him with. All I had on was my steel chastity cage (I had been permanently locked now for 3.5 weeks) and the nipple clamps. Sir was in his usual full Leather gear of trousers, shirt, tie, Muir, and knee length Police Boots. Terry was naked except for a Leather executioner hood and army boots. He was not of a beefy muscular broad physique like Sir. No, he was very lean with even more prominent veins than Sir. His eyes appeared to be dark and were deep set. In walked Sir and his friend Terry, they were already laughing about something. - And this is the boy, Terry. - Very nice. I see what you mean Doug. Stand up boy, let me get a proper look of you.... Oh fuck YES, what a perfect little piggy you have here. Is this beer for me boy? - Yes Uncle Terry. In the middle of the living room were a bunch of dildos on top of a vinyl play sheet and lube ready for the floor show I was to give at some poinT this evening. Sir and Uncle Terry sat down and drank their beers as I was on all fours parallel to Sir as his coffee table for the evening. Well, for a part of the evening.... - Hey Doug, I brought the tina for the pig like you asked me to. - Hey boy, bring Uncle Terry and I in another beer, and a few plates of the warm savouries. There's a good boy. I went to the kitchen and brought in the chilled beers and warm snacks. - Okay Terry, he is all yours my friend. Terry, or Uncle Terry as I would call him took me to the centre of the room onto the vinyl play sheet and talked me through how to light a pipe and how to blow clouds. My first ever tina rush. This felt completely different to K and LSD. I felt highly super aroused, super alert, my heart beat faster with my breathing rate increased too, and I felt all round exhilarated. I felt fucking invincible! Once Terry and taught me the joys of tina he walked back to the couch and it was now I saw what appeared to him having barely any ass. I definitely could see his anus sticking out. - That was good of Uncle Terry to bring you some tina, wasn't it boy. Now as a thank you give your Uncle Terry a toy show. I needed no prompting, and as Uncle Terry and Sir drinking their beer and eating their snacks I in my high and horny state took the largest of the four toys available, lubed it up, and took all of it deep into my cunt, and with my hands resting on my thighs I rode the beast that was in me like my life depended on it. I grunted and moaned with an intense look on my face as I looked in Uncle Terry's direction. Still chewing on a sausage roll he came up to me and tightened my boy-tit clamps. He had to have tightened them a lot as I was feeling a pain in them I had not felt before. He then yanked on the chain very hard. A pleasure-pain coursed through my body as I looked up at Uncle Terry with the intense look on my face growing and me riding the toy even harder. By now he was fully erect. Not as girthy as Sir, but definitely longer, with the both of them measuring 8.5" in length by 6.5" girth for Sir vs 12" in length by 5" in girth for Uncle Terry. He looked over at Sir... - Fuck, this is one hot and nasty cute pig you have here Doug mate. - Thanks Terry mate. But remember, no touching. No man is allowed to touch him during his first year of training. - Best things come to those who wait. He stood next to me beating off his 12" toxic meat whilst drinking his beer and chatting to Sir who was sat in his upstairs armchair. Uncle Terry put his empty beer bottle down on the floor. - Is that one dead Terry mate? - Yeah. - I've just finished mine too. Normally my boy would fetch us one, but as he is mid show I'll get us both another one. - Thanks Doug mate. Sir left the room and Uncle Terry did not waste even one hundredth of a second. He came right up to my face and slapped his poz piston hard once on each cheek. - With a highly charged poz load bursting to escape from my balls I bet you'd love this toxic Dick of mine deep inside of your neg guts, bareback, no condom, high risk... My cunt twitched and tingled, and I looked up at him and nodded as I whimpered. Was the tina turning me into no Dick and no loads refused cum slut? Either way, the contract I had signed with Sir was nowhere near my mind now! Talking of which Sir came back into the room, by which time Uncle Terry had stepped away from me. I think to cool down he went and sat on the couch albeit he kept staring at me as he drank his beer and spoke with Sir, and as I continued to ride the largest toy to hand in my meth high. It was not long before they both had finished another beer. - Terry, I'll fetch us another beer, get him blowing more clouds will you. Good man. I'm going for a piss too. - Sure thing Doug. Uncle Terry knew he had more time with me this time with Sir's added toilet break. I was now blowing more clouds and I was now so fucked up on tina I would have allowed Uncle Terry to breed me right here and now. Why did Sir allow me to get wasted on tina if he knew it would effect me this way in losing any inhibitions I did have or any rational thought, and if he knew that Uncle Terry would breed me given the chance, and that it was in my contract that even just a touch from another man was not allowed during my training? Uncle Terry stood right in front of me in my now freshly refuelled meth hazy high, beating his highly charged and fully erect meat to the poinT where a generous load of poz pre cum suddenly oozed out. I stuck my tongue out to which he stepped forward where my tongue immediately made contact with the underbelly of Uncle Terry's throbbing toxic shaft and licked up and over the piss slit to lap up all that delicious salty poz pre cum. I then licked over the head to his Dick as I looked up at his deep set eyed face. Taking one hand he placed it behind my head and pushed it forward, forcing my mouth onto this fucker's poz piston. Sir was teaching me pretty well with the whole gag reflex so I managed alongside my intense meth horned up state to take in a full 8" into my mouth before the gag reflex started to kick in. At the first sigh of choking Uncle Terry pulled his toxic Dick out of my mouth.... - You really are a fucking nasty whore. Contract already broken. But don't worry, I won't be saying anything. He sat down back onto the couch and continued beating his virulent poz piston. Sir came in some more cool beers, some extra warm savoury snacks, and he knew that I would be needing it.... A bigger dildo to ride on. The biggest of the four available to me during the evening so far was 9" in length and thin. The one Sir had just now brought in what a 13"er in length and girthy. Perfect to show Uncle Terry I could take him balls deep. Could I? And so the show went on with Sir and Uncle Terry eating, drinking, chatting, laughing, watching me, and myself continuing to fuck myself. The longest length I had ever taken in my cunt happened to be with Sir when he used a 11" in length dildo on me once a week ago. Would I be breaking a record? Well, yes, in no time at all that 13" girthy toy was rammed deep in me, every last millimeter. Sir and Uncle Terry were getting very low on their beers again and Sir was about to ask if more was needed for his sexy guest when.... Sir's mobile phone rang. - It's brother Keith, I have to take this. Sir left the room to take the call. Keith was Sir's 60 year old brother who Sir was close with and they had even more contact in recent months as their mother had a moderate stroke three months ago, and Keith was the main carer for her. Uncle Terry knew Sir and his family very well, as Terry met Doug on the club circuit in 1987 when Doug was a mere twink at age 19 years old, and Terry had just turned 30. So in 36 years of knowing the family Uncle Terry knew all too well that the call that Sir would be having now with his brother Keith would be lasting at least one hour minimum!
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  34. Part 8; ''Contracts'' Some might say that cleaning Sir's Dick was a bit of a mistake as when I started to clean it, it was in a semi erect state. And now? He was fully erect again! How could this be. He'd only just cum a short while ago. - You've done such a good job boy I think you should get on Sir's chair with him, facing him, and sit on his Dick. I needed no more encouragement, and I hopped on for the ride, my cunt impaled on his Fuck Weapon balls deep. He put his cigar on the table, wrapped his arms around me, and thrust his pelvis upwards to fuck me slowly as we kissed passionately. I moaned in ecstasy through the kissing and fucking. What more could a pig want. - Now I understand more how hungry your cunt is boy, it is doing it a disservice having you on your LSD come K high, having my cum blasted deep into your guts, and only having my Dick in it. You deserve more. He reached over for the K bottle and measured out another small dose, and bam, down went my third dose. - Ugh, so damn bitter. He stood up with me impaled on his Dom Dick and he carried me over the the sling, threw me in, restrained my ankles and wrists, and continued to fuck me. Only fifteen minutes or so had passed when... - I'm becoming numb again in my cunt, Sir. He gave me a knowing smile, got the crisco, and got to work Fisting my hungry cunt again. For the next several hours we alternated our play between Fisting and fucking, the sling and being on the vinyl covered mattress, with plenty of passionate kissing, and sweat! We were near the end of our session, and at nearly 8am we had been going all night. I was now lying in the sling getting Fisted... - How far are you now Sir, at your elbow? - About half way up my bicep, boy. He unrestrained me and took me over to the vinyl covered mattress, put me on my back and entered me with my legs in the air and wrapped around him as his body was close to mine with his face close to my face too... Nothing could stop my destiny! - Fucking hell pig, you are super loose now, I can barely feel your cunt even touch my Dick now. My favourite. Let's make it so you are loose all the time. - FUCK YES PLEASE, Sir. I'd LOVE my fag-cunt to be permanently trashed. - So, if I was t☣️xic and not on meds now you would not care if I came deep inside your piggy guts now? - No Sir, I would not care. Was that me, or the drugs, or both talking? - Damn. That's fucked up. I have a very good friend. Terry. 66 years old. I know he is highly charged. He said to me the other day over a beer that his current viral load is.... I don't know what exactly, I am sure he said it is over 14 million now. I know he'd like you. Would you care if he fucked you without a condom and came deep inside of your cunt? - If it was what you wanted I would not care. I am here to serve you, Sir. He withdrew from me and wandered off. Upon his return a few moments later his executioner hood had been replaced with a Gas Mask, but he was still in his Leather Waistcoat and knee length Police Boots. He flipped me back onto al fours but this time he had my head so it rested on the vinyl covered mattress, my forearms resting either side of my head, and my head facing the mirror. We now both went quiet, and all you could hear now was the squelching coming from my one cum load, well fucked and very well fisted cunt, and his Vader sounding breath from the Gas Mask. Taking a firm hold of my hips he launched into an immediate firm and steady fast paced hard fuck. A few short minutes went by and Sir's pace quickened. The grip on my hips tightened, Sir's breathing became erratic, he slammed in and held his Fuck Weapon deep inside my piggy-fag guts as his Gas Mask covered head tilted upwards and once again I heard his almighty roar. And this pig was getting load number two! The nipple clamps were now released from my weeping boy-tits, a butt plug was planted into my now gaping cunt, and we both went to his bed. He slept soundly. Me, well, not so well... I was still high! Once he woke up he without saying a word rolled me onto my front, took out the butt plug, entered me, and fucked me for a few minutes until he shot his load. And that would be part of my job description as his soon to be live in house boy, to give up my body to his desires anytime he wanted to have me. I could never say no. Not that I would want to. Over the next week I recovered from my night of chem play, quit my job, quit my flat share, signed the two contracts for two years for being a live in house boy and for being a sub in training, and moved in with Sir. Oh, and in that time my little boy-tits had time to crust over and heal. They definitely were bigger now than before. The sub training contract stipulated that I were to make myself available for 8 hour training sessions 3 times a week on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting at 8pm after a 1 hour forced workout (usually focusing in on building up my glutes to being even more beefy and muscular than they already were) to take place in the cellar play-dungeon which would always include; fucking, fisting, rimming (me to Sir), breeding, tit workouts with the clamps and other tit devices to give me those huge pig-tits Sir knew that would look great on me, toy play, etc. Not all training sessions were to be with hard Chems, sometimes just poppers. I'd still do my own workouts at the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday. The rest of the time was to train my mind how to in short live and breath being a sub in every waking and sleeping moment. I also signed my name to the fact that no other man was allowed to touch me for at least the first year which Sir would then review. He did little to my knowledge have a plan tucked up his sleeve for the 1 year review! The house boy contract stipulated that I was in charge of all the cleaning, cooking, and serving of food. Sir was in charge of ordering what we needed. I would also clean Sir's Leathers and act as a table if he was desiring to use me as such at such a particular time. And of course not forgetting the boot shining -- I was good at that, and I loved it! It was a Wednesday and I had been living with Sir and being trained by him for two and a half weeks now. My little boy-tits were becoming more accustomed to the training into getting them bigger, and my cunt was definitely becoming much looser. Last night's training session there were no Chems involved, just some poppers. Sir and I were having breakfast. - Remember the first night we had together I told you about my very good friend Terry. - Yes Sir, I remember what you said about him very well. - He will be coming over this evening at 8pm. When you get home from the gym where you would normally have your two hour window of ''you time'', you will do a warm water enema which you know how to do by yourself now, and go down to the cellar. We'll be having a bonus training session with the toys to make your cunt nice and loose for when my special guest is here. - But Sir, I thought... - Go on boy. - I thought no man was to touch me for at least the first year of my training. - Correct. I want you freshly opened up as you will not just be serving us food and drinks, but you will be putting on a toy show for us.
    2 points
  35. Part 7; ''Beach Balls and Flying Piglets'' - Do I have your permission to speak Sir? - Go on boy, what is it? - My answer is yes Sir. - Your answer is yes to what? - To being properly trained by you as the best sub you could ever desire to own, and being your live in house boy. - Even after the HARD fuck you just received? - Especially so Sir. You gave this faggot what he deserved, what he craved, what he needed. - Let's take a short break pig. I'm going for a smoke. Always choose in life what makes you happy. Sir went to his arm chair, relit his cigar and puffed away watching me, wasted on the mattress. I was knelt parallel to the mirror and my inner being immediately connected with the fact that I was drug fucked, a Dom was using me and most likely had not finished with me tonight just yet. With one hand I tugged hard on the chain to my boy-tits clamp, and with my other hand I stuffed as much of my hand as I could up my cunt. Soon my hands fell away from what they were doing and I rolled onto my back where I was now hallucinating brightly coloured (orange, yellow, and red) balls float all around the room. This eventually had me pointing at what I was seeing and giggling. - What's so funny boy? - Those red, yellow, and orange coloured beach balls floating around the room, they look fun. - I had better come and play with them with you, then, hadn't I. Sir came to the vinyl covered mattress, flipped me onto all fours again, entered my now much looser and battered cunt balls deep and fucked me firmly and slowly as he held onto my rubber harness. After fucking me like this for a while he pulled me upright and wrapped his arms around me tightly as he slowly fucked me with the slow upward thrusts of his pelvis. He spoke into my ear... - You are such a good boy. I am very happy you are coming to live with me as my live in house boy, and to officially be trained as my sub. In my LSD come K high it felt like we were in this embrace and position fucking for days. I did not want it to end. His beefy hairy body against mine, holding me tight, using me, having his dick buried deep inside of me, taking basically what was his. I was in pure hog heaven. - I really want you to cum inside me.... Are you sure you are undetectable Sir? - Don't worry boy, I can assure you I am undetectable! I closed my eyes as we continued to fuck in this tight unison Sir-sub grip. - I desperately want your cum in me Sir. And I wouldn't care if you were t☣️xic. I would want it deep in my guts even if you were detectable. - My my, someone is a hungry pig. I opened my eyes again, and had now started to hallucinate seeing little flying piglets chasing after the floating beach balls in the air causing me to once again giggle. - What is making you giggle boy? - Little flying piglets chasing the floating beach balls Sir. They look so funny...... 🔴🐷🟡🐖🟠🐽 It was now time for Sir to unload his balls. He pushed me forward again so I was on all fours and my arms were straightened out below my shoulders with clenched fists to hold me up for support, with my lower back arched out so my ass was pushed out. Sir held onto my rubber harness and commenced fucking me again, this time still all the way in and all the way to the tip and so on, but the rhythm was that on the inward stroke he was only pausing for about half a second not a few seconds, and when he reached the tip of his Dom Dick to my gripping cunt lips there was not the few second pause like earlier but an immediate firm and hard inward stroke. I could sense he had gone from third to fifth gear.... - So are you telling me that if I was unmedicated you'd allow me to fuck you without a condom? - Yes Sir - And if I had a viral load that was in the tens of millions you'd allow me to shoot my seed deep into your piggy neg guts? I replied by turning my head and looking into the mirror we were parallel to. He sensed what I had done and looked into the mirror too, locating my eyes, and once he did he looked into them, scanning for my inner being to speak to him. And I did with my eyes and face animating with a strong firm nod for ''YES'' He turned his head so it faced forwards, let go of my harness and positioned his arms either side of me with fists clenched onto the vinyl mattress, and his pace shot to sixth gear, fucking me with a fast and determined pace.... - Oh fuck.... I'm gonna cum - Breed me Sir. - FUCK.... I'm gonna cum. - Flood my faggot guts with your hot seed, Sir. He slammed in for the final stroke and holding in balls deep, with his head thrusting upwards as he roared.... 💦💦💦💦 *GRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNT* 💦💦 💦💦 His hips released their tension seeing his Fuck Weapon release out of my faggot cunt a few inches, then.... THRUST back in balls deep and holding. This happened a few times until he became more and more spent. As he further came out of the orgasm phase he came back upright, held onto my hips, and with his still fully erect Dom Dick fucked me slowly. As he fucked me like this he spoke.... - Fuck boy, you are one super hot nasty pig. You're MINE now aren't you fag-boy? - Yes Sir. And I cannot wait to work for you and to be trained by you. I promise to be your loyal, obedient, subservient, hard working fag-boy. He withdrew his Fuck Weapon out of my now well used cummy-cunt and went for a puff on his cigar on his arm chair. I know I needed a lot of training, but I already had a good idea of certain things Sir liked so I crawled over to him and without a word I looked into his eyes, took a hold of his gorgeous thick Dom Dick that was semi erect now, and took to cleaning it, using my tongue swirling around and from base to tip, and tip to base. - One of many things I like about you boy - Initiative!
    2 points
  36. Part 6; ''Golden Feathers and Drool'' He again slid back in balls deep but this time did not pull out, instead he looked up at me and leaned in to once again kiss me passionately and deep. As we kissed he rocked his hips to fuck me and I moaned loudly with my cries of ecstasy muffled with our deep kissing. A while later I again watched him as he watched the length of his shaft slowly slide all the way in and all the way out.... - Sir, I... - Yes boy. - I am unable to feel much of anything again. - How do you feel? - Just like earlier.... Super calm and serene, feeling like I am floating, happy, very relaxed, but loss of sensation in my limbs and to a great extent my cunt. He immediately got to work on Fisting me again. But instead of doing an hour non stop he stopped after half an hour to quickly put a drop of something onto my tongue. Then straight away back to Fisting me again. Fifteen minutes had now passed since the unknown drop of fluid was put onto my tongue.... - Want to know what I gave you on your tongue a moment ago? - Yes Sir. What was it? - A little something extra to go with your K. This time.... LSD. You are going to love this trip. He worked on stretching my cunt for another half an hour at which point the K buzz started to wear off again but I was beginning to come up on the LSD.... - I am really feeling you stretching me again Sir. Back to halfway up your forearm. - No boy. Almost at my elbow. I started to giggle, and feel euphoric. - A-ha, I see what's happening, the LSD is kicking in. Let's get you in a more suitable position. He lifted me out of the sling and told me to go the the vinyl covered mattress where I was to get on al fours. It felt like I floated onto the mattress. On all fours I had my arms stretched out in front of me with my hands clenched up in fists to give me sturdy support, and I arched out my lower back to push my beefy ass out for the taking. Sir came up behind me and positioned his Dom fuck weapon Dick at my now gaping wide cunt hole, slid in the head to his shaft, grabbed hold of my peachy hips, but before he could slam in balls deep the LSD had to be heard.... - I feel feathers on my hips... I am being held onto by a pair of feathers.... Look Sir, there are thousands of golden feathers floating through the red mist around us. Sir knew I was on a good trip so joined in with my visual hallucinations, joining me on my magic carpet ride if you will. He slammed in super hard and balls deep into my guts causing me to grunt and thrust forwards. Remaining balls deep he pulled my body upright using my rubber harness and fucked me like this, his pelvis thrusting hard as it could on each HARD inward stroke. I was now high on K and LSD with my cunt getting a good hard pounding with a steady fast pace. He had stamina! - Look at all of those Golden feathers boy, so many are landing on your beautiful torso, look at them - Yes Sir, they're twinkling against my skin as they land. In my tripping state I tried to pick these golden feathers off of my glistening sweaty body, and in my head I was doing just that. Sir abruptly pushed me forwards again so my clenched fists were now directly below my shoulders to support my body weight. In this position he had a bigger range of movement and with that he took a firm grip of my rubber harness and started to fuck me.... HARD.... and FAST. - Yes, you take that fat Dick faggot boy. Fucked up on K and LSD, tripping out of your faggot brains.... Take it you CUNT! And without taking a break for a single second nor slowing down he fucked me fast and aggressively for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was a good fifteen minutes which is long enough to brutally fuck someone without mercy. He finally stopped to catch his breath, and went to slowly slide out with the intention of slowly sliding back in again, and so forth, but when he slid out to the tip.... - Fuck pig, I think you are bleeding a little. He pulled the tip of his Dick out, stood up, and commanded... - Clean me up boy. - YES Sir. I got on my knees and with my alpha stud towering above me I cleaned him up, licking up and down and around his throbbing thick veiny fuck shaft. Once he was satisfied with my service he positioned the tip of his Dom Dick into my mouth, took a hold of the back my head, and slid in. I couldn't take the whole length (that one needed practice) and he was so thick I had difficulty taking it, but I did my best as he now face fucked my mouth. He started off slow and built to a pace where he was now thrusting in harder and deeper, and even though I was not taking in the whole length I began to gag, choke, and splutter, my spit drooling out of my mouth and onto the vinyl sheet below, and Sir's boots too. The Dom Dick was released from my mouth where I fought to catch my breath. Sir took a hold of my hair and yanked it so my head was forced upwards so I had no option but to look at him... - You are a good little cock sucker, aren't you fag-boy? - Yes Sir. He spat on my face then thrust his face fuck weapon back into my mouth, and immediately took to face fucking me with brutality. And as he did... - That's it cock sucker, you take it, fucking take it. And if you officially become my houseboy and Sir's sub in training we will be getting rid of that gag reflex. Again I found myself gagging, choking, with more of my drool falling onto the vinyl sheet below and again onto Sir's boots. He walked off and returned with a riding crop. - You've dirtied my boots, get on all fours and clean up that mess, faggot. - Yes Sir. As I licked up my own saliva he repeatedly struck my beefy hairy ass cheeks with the riding crop, as to tell me that it is unacceptable to dirty up his boots. I could not agree more. One thing I wanted to learn is to not gag. After boot shining Sir's boots for some time he told me to kneel upright so bum hairy beefy ass cheeks rested on my heels as he inspected my work. - Good job boy. You are very fastidious. Good boy. Sir patted me on my head, and I looked up at him looking down at me with a look of satisfaction to my work, and a contentedness of having such a cute subservient obedient slutty pig by his side.
    2 points
  37. BZ is not a hookup or cruising site, nor is it intended to be one. It's a discussion forum. As it happens, there a quite a few discussions here about good hookup sites & apps. You might review these:
    2 points
  38. The guy runs who Lucas entertainment is a Trump supporter, so personally, I wouldn’t buy any of his movies or support him in anyway.
    2 points
  39. That's how i try to keep my hole. I am so loose that I can take a fist in my slack ass in under 60 seconds. And still want to get looser...but that's the FistPig life...
    1 point
  40. But its NOT ghosting if you don't even know their REAL first name and/or phone number.
    1 point
  41. It's interesting how few posts he had and how long he has actually been a member. That's a big part of it as well...
    1 point
  42. I'm sorry, I know this is off topic but this made me laugh much more than it should have. 😅
    1 point
  43. Sorry for the poor quality of the picture. It’s a still from a video. My buddy had just pulled about 8” of a baseball bat out of my ass and left me gaping.
    1 point
  44. Thanks lil' bro @sus-tor you would have enjoyed it... you would have been the same age as Kieran, Too...
    1 point
  45. It's fucking incredible, love it totally anonymous, drives me absolutely crazy with both guys cum at the same time.. hope you get your wish soon
    1 point
  46. Love getting cummed on cumm in my mouth then drinking piss
    1 point
  47. Rose continued to visit a few times a week, and I made sure that Josh's visits coincided with her being there. I was fucking her raw most times now, topping her up with my viral DNA, apart from when it was her time of the month. I'd got some XL rubbers in for that (which I'd peppered with pin holes before opening). Josh was curious about Rose and I dropped a few unsubtle hints that she fancied him. "She loves your, toned body man, I think I'm too big and heavy for her". "Really? She's so hot. But what about Sarah?" "I won't tell if you don't. Think of it as a posh wank, while she's not putting out for you". Rose agreed she'd fuck him if I wanted her to, so by the third week, Josh and Rose found themselves in my room. Josh was boned but nervous while Rose unwrapped his disappointing cocklet from his lycra shorts and engulfed it in her mouth. Rose was freshly fucked by me and her overstretched gash was dripping with my toxic lube. Watching from the doorway, Josh's little pale arse was a massive turn on for me as he humped Rose, clearly wanting to get inside her. "Have you got a condom?" he asked, urgently She scrabbled in the bedside drawer, grabbing one of my XLs, handing it to Josh who fumbled with the packet, finally getting into it. The rubber easily slid over his rock hard nubbin, loosely gripping the sides, with the spare length gathered up at the base of his cock. My alpha cock jumped at the sight of it, enjoying its superiority although Josh didn't seem that phased as he plunged into Rose. And the man-boy could fuck, well kind of. He was like a little Duracell Bunny, hammering away quickly in the juicy wet entrance of Rose's pussy. If he had 7 more inches, she'd be in heaven - as it was, her face told me that she wasn't feeling a lot at all and her hand soon found its way alongside Josh's cock and two fingers slipped inside. The extra friction generated by the additional body parts inside Rose seemed to please both of them. Josh's face took on an expression of ecstasy and Rose was moaning quietly while the condom was rolling off Josh on each outstroke. He was getting closer and closer as the rubber dropped off and stuck to the bed. I could see that his cock was covered in a white foam, made up my superior cum load and Rose's own (no doubt poz) juices. He pulled out one more time before diving back in. I could see his perineum flexing a few times as his cute little load joined my own. I imagined my killer sperm hunting out his runty boys, overwhelming and feeding off them. It was such a turn on that I pulled a surprised Josh off Rose, grabbed the discarded rubber and stretched it over my own cock head (purely to show him our size difference) before plunging back into Rose. I imagined I could feel Josh's weak little load lubing me up as the rubber slipped off, just in time for me to release my predator seed...
    1 point
  48. Part 9 - Secrets and Revelations Conrad sat in the greenhouse on the phone with Joshua he loved hearing his voice, the soft velvet tone that shrouded and cuddled his soul, making him feel special and wanted he was desperate to see him. Picturing Joshua staring in to his eyes constantly telling him how special and lucky he should feel being with him, his funny joke of owning him and how no other man could ever come close to what they shared. He was not wrong and Conrad's placid and very impressionable nature readily accepting every word that came out of Joshua's mouth. A bewitching spell that fell on him from high above slowly but ever so surely taking Conrad over, clouding his perception and only seeing how wonderful and lucky he was. "I will be home soon" Joshua said "then you will be mine again Conrad, in my arms and only I will matter". Conrad sighed in agreement "I miss you so much, miss touching you, miss you making me feel good" he replied. "I know you do Conrad, you make me feel really good and you need me" Joshua said in his teasing voice. "Need to be in bed with you Josh" Conrad replied desperate for his affection and approval. Joshua chuckled "I will fuck you senseless I have months of pent up desire waiting just for you" he said. "Stop it" Conrad replied in a dreamy voice "it is like I can already touch and feel you" he said sighing "need to be with you Josh". "Soon bairn" Joshua said very slowly "real soon. I have to go, remember your mine Conrad all mine". Joshua hung up from the call waiting for Charlie to get back from the shop before boarding the ship. He was extremely happy the way things were going with Conrad, he knew the time to strike was coming with Conrad waiting in anticipation for his return. The weekends of nothing but sex with loving dominating words he showered on him had got inside Conrad's head, impressionable, now susceptible like putty that was now malleable in his hands. Joshua went over to Charlie to help with the shopping bag all smiles and feeling on top of the world. Several nights that week when either Conrad or Simon felt down they were drawn together taking solace with in each other, sometimes sexing the sadness out of their bodies or just sitting cosied up in the lounge talking. No matter what he did or how busy he tried to keep himself everything just reminded him of Jack. The week after Jack's funeral Conrad walked out of the manor with the wheel barrow trying to whistle and thinking of Joshua, his body and that sexy face, he belonged to him and was the only one that mattered in Joshua's life. He started tending the flower beds outside the manor tidying them up then working his way down number 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2. he crossed over and started on number 1 then moved along to number 3. Annoyed that one of the flowers that Jack had planted had been slightly crushed when the new family moved in. He went home and dug up a healthy one from his own flower bed transplanting it to the bed outside number 3. He was oblivious to the owner coming out and walking across the dive towards him. "Morning, so you are the mysterious person who looks after the flower bed along the curbs?" Felicity asked. Conrad jumped a little "Morning" he said standing up "yes they all have hibiscus flowers" he replied. Felicity nodded "I am Felicity Emir we moved in just over a week ago" she said holding her hand out. "Conrad" he said shaking her hand "I live at number 8 with my parents". "Oh the twins right?" Felicity asked, Conrad nodded "horrible day apparently when we moved in" she said. Conrad nodded again "Jack's funeral" he managed to say "he was the gardener up at the manor". "So sad" she said "and you have taken over doing this from him?" Felicity asked. "Have done this for years with Jack" Conrad replied "he got me in to gardening when I was 7". "How wonderful" Felicity said smiling at him "sorry about the one that got crushed". Conrad looked at the plant in his wheelbarrow feeling a strong emotion taking over him "Yeah, kind of crushed just like me". Conrad apologised and rushed off back to the manor trying to control his emotion. Jamal watched him from the bedroom window having been in another argument with his mother over finding work but frankly he couldn't be bothered and still raged at being moved from Guildford to this place stuck in the middle of nowhere. Although his interest in the area suddenly perked up seeing the guy gardening out front, just my type to fuck he thought to himself grinning then paying attention to rolling up his spliff for later. Amused since his mother thought she got rid of it all before they moved but he kept a stash safely hidden away finding a discreet spot by number 1 where he could hide and smoke it. Jamal sat there watching the world go by, except very little went by the gated community. He sat up spotting the guy coming back out from the manor and heading to number 5 and busied himself with the flower bed. Jamal hid his freshly rolled joint and put on his jacket, he had heard the rumours of the previous gardener being gay when his mother spoke with family at number 4 across the road. Jamal casually walked out the house telling his mother he was going to say hello to the guy doing the flowers, her response was for him to be nice and not to aggravate him. She knew her son and his above normal privileged upbringing resulted in a lack of manners or obedience, his father didn't help and Jamal could do no wrong in his eyes being his pride and joy. He walked towards Conrad who looked in a world of his own going around weeding the digging over the flower bed. "Hello oik" Jamal said standing there "nice to see the low life help working as they should". Conrad turned to look at him fuming "What did you call me?" he asked standing up gripping the fork tight. Jamal smirked with his cocky arrogant look "Oik" he repeated again staring at Conrad. "Ah right, so you lack any manners I see" Conrad replied disconnecting from any further conversation. Jamal laughed "Silly little oik" he said moving closer "you need to learn your place in society". Jamal wrestled the fork out of his hand and threw Conrad to the ground placing one foot over his chest laughing and holding him down in humiliation. Conrad grabbed at his foot twisting and pushing trying to get it off only to find the pressure increase. "Learn your place oik" Jamal sneered chuckling at him "the more you fight the harder I press". Conrad grimaced "Get your foot off of me" he shouted at him. "Not until you appreciate how superior I am to you" Jamal emphasied his words clearly pressing down again. "I am warning you" Conrad shouted at him again trying to move Jamal's foot. Felix the butler came rushing out of the manor sprinting down the street like a superhero, despite the placid appearance he was a burly 6 foot late 40's man and doubled up as Simon's bodyguard. Jamal looked up hearing the footsteps approaching very quickly, he cried out falling two feet back from the force of the push Felix issued knocking him flat on his back almost winding him. Felix helped a shaking Conrad up to his feet who had anger in his eyes and tried calming Conrad down just as Simon arrived. "What happened Felix?" Simon asked coming to a stop. "He had Conrad on the floor standing on his chest" Felix said nodding to Jamal who was slowly sitting up. Simon went over to Conrad "Are you okay, did he hurt you?" he asked. "I'm fine" Conrad replied brushing the chest of his coat to remove the footprint. Simon walked over to Jamal and offered his hand to help him stand up, no sooner was he on his feet he crumpled back down receiving a back handed slap from Simon. Simon leant over "Don't ever touch him again do you hear me?" he said angrily. "My father will hear of this and he will sue you" Jamal replied taking a video of the blood on his face. Simon grabbed the phone and smashed it "Don't threaten me or you might just disappear one night". "I will have you" Jamal replied threatening Simon and wiping his face scampering backwards. Simon laughed at him "Bring it on" he teased "but I warn you now you will lose". "I am so sorry" Felicity called out running down the drive "get inside now" she shouted at Jamal. Jamal stood up and looked at his mother "Don't tell me what to do" he said huffing and walking off. "Conrad are you alright" Felicity asked watching him nod "god I am so sorry, he is out of control, I don't know what to do with him". Simon could tell she was at wits end with him "He is rebelling against us moving here" she explained. "Well he can make up for it and do some of hard gardening tasks around the manor under Conrad" Simon suggested. Felicity nodded "Dam right he can, when do you want him?" she asked without even questioning them. Simon smiled "Tomorrow morning at 8am, Felix here will keep an eye on him". "He needs discipline" Felix chipped in "I will break him in" he said. Simon chuckled "Ex army he knows discipline" he said "I will send him here to collect your son". Felicity nodded "Thank you and I am sorry" she repeated "just don't pay him and check him for drugs when he arrives". "Are you sure?" Simon asked and Felicity nodded "Felix you have got your work cut out with him". "You think Sir, easy as squeezing lemons" Felix said confidently escorting Conrad back to the manor. Conrad spent the night at the manor paying more attention to Felix than usual having never really engaging in conversation with him before he was intrigued and asked a lot of questions to Simon about him. The following morning Jamal was fetched by Felix and once inside the gates of the manor he had him stood outside up against the wall and strip searched him in humiliation whilst Conrad watched from the bedroom window chuckling at how angry Jamal looked at his treatment. "Are you sure about this Simon?" Conrad asked a little concerned. Simon walked over and laughed at the sight of Jamal in his underwear outside "Yes" he replied. Conrad turned to him "Nasty public school boy" he said facing Jamal again "quite sexy in a way". Simon agreed and laughed "I will protect you Conrad be assured, Felix will as well". Jamal was sat in the greenhouse with Felix standing guard "Morning Felix" Conrad said arriving. "Morning Conrad, he is all yours and has been briefed, call if you need me" Felix said disappearing. Jamal sat there looking at Conrad "Fucking oik" he said turning to face away. "And a good morning to you" Conrad replied ignoring his remark "helipad needs trimming" he said. Conrad put shears down in front of Jamal "I could stab you with them" Jamal said looking at Conrad. Conrad picked up some pruning scissors "You got two minutes to get there and start" he said walking out. Jamal sat there for a moment "Fuck" he said picking the shears up "where is it then?" he shouted at Conrad. Conrad pointed to the far side of the grounds "Over there" he said turning to watch Jamal plodding over. "Quicker" Conrad shouted stifling his giggle whilst also still very weary of Jamal's attitude and keeping a distance between them. He smiled standing there watching Jamal for a good hour whilst he trimmed the long grass around the helipad, Jamal was slow and obviously detested what his mother had done to him as a result of his behaviour. Despite the chill in the air the day turned out to be a crisp and clear with plenty of sunshine. Felix walked down to the helipad every hour checking on Jamal's progress. When he turned to leave he told Conrad to come up to the manor at 1pm for lunch and bring thing with him. Conrad fond it funny that Felix only referred to Jamal as Thing and said he will only use his real name when he earns the respect to be called by it. At 12.45pm Conrad walked over to Jamal and told him it was lunchtime but first he had to clean the shears. Jamal did as he was told and Conrad inspected them nodding, Jamal looked like he wanted to engage in conversation but Conrad was in no mind to talk to him instead telling him to follow him to the manor kitchen. Felix had put soup and a sandwich on the table in the kitchen for Conrad and gave Jamal beef broth and bread sitting him on a stool in the utility room. Jamal protested that he couldn't treat him that way but Felix ignored him and poured a nice warming cup of coffee for Conrad. The housekeeper Beth walked in to the utility room and laughed seeing Jamal sat there and came back in to the kitchen and kissed Felix on the cheek, Conrad noticed they both wore wedding rings figuring they must be married. "Do you not think this is a bit harsh?" Conrad asked in a hushed voice. Felix grinned "Not after what he did to you" he replied "he will learn to be respectful". "Felix can I ask are you and Beth married?" Conrad spoke tentatively putting his spoon down. "Yes" Felix replied "and Simon helped Beth get residency here in the UK and this job". Conrad nodded "I didn't realise he was nice that way" he said. Felix sat down "Simon has his flaws but I would do anything to protect him for what he has done for us". "I see. I hope he is starting to like me a bit more rather than tolerating me" Conrad said laughing. Felix chuckled "Simon likes you more than you think. Have to admit I never pegged you down as being gay". Conrad chuckled "Same here, everyone said it was because I spent so long with Jack" he replied. "How stupid people are" Felix said "Knowing Jack I don't know how he managed to wait so patiently before having you in the greenhouse". Conrad looked at him in surprise "How the frig do you know that?" he asked. Felix chuckled "It is my job to know everything" he replied "The flower bed was the funniest one". "You saw that as well?" Conrad now sat there looking embarrassed. "Yeah had to watch it twice to believe it" Felix said laughing "sure you know there are security cameras all over the place". Conrad shook his head "That is how Simon knew" he said looking down as his soup "I wish he was still here". Felix smiled "I know, we all miss him Conrad" he said patting his shoulder. They sat and had a very interesting conversation where Felix let slip that he was also protecting him as the people in Simon's lives were important to him. He made Conrad laugh when he told the story of Jack whittling on about Conrad this and Conrad that until he stuffed a bread roll in his mouth to shut him up one lunchtime, he finished off telling Conrad that when he was only 9 Jack already talked about you being the son he would never had. "My god" Conrad said standing up "need to get thing back to work" he said chuckling. Felix stood up "Beth and I like you being around Conrad, Simon does as well" he said. Felix walked over to the utility room "Wash your bowl up then back to work" he barked at Jamal. Conrad chuckled "Hate to get on the wrong side of you" he said, Beth chuckled turning to look at Conrad. "I should teach you some self defence young man" Felix said "It will help you should you need it". Jamal said very little to Conrad over the next few days and was set jobs to do that no one else liked doing, sweeping the terraces and picking out weeds that sporadically appeared on the gravelled courtyard at the front of the manor. Felix had him cleaning the numerous satin coated kitchen cupboards removing all the finger print marks until they shined like new. Felix started giving Conrad some self defence lessons, including nasty tricks to get out of situations by kneeing his opponent in the balls if given the chance. When Felix was satisfied on the third day Jamal was allowed to sit at the table in the kitchen but not to speak to anyone. Slowly but surely Jamal was learning that with a little more respect he was given more in return, from more breaks during the day to eating the same food that Conrad was being given for lunch by Beth. Conrad never expected that working for Simon would mean having more freedom around the manor and provided with food when ever he wanted it, he was fast becoming more and more part of Hibiscus manor life. Simon even made sure that Conrad had time to spend several hours studying in the kitchen after setting Jamal some jobs to do. He was revising for the final written exam. The studying taking his mind off Jack and at the weekend Conrad went out regular as clockwork to tend the flower beds along Hibiscus drive. Jamal weeding the courtyard again kept looking down the drive, nearly every single house he went to the owners came out and chatted to him giving him coffee and biscuits or the odd bottle of wine as a thank you. Happily Conrad looked down the road at the flower beds that were beginning to flourish again with more daylight ensuing each day. Conrad returned to the manor and greenhouse pulling his book out of the bag along with a bottle of water he sat studying waiting for Jama to finish on the courtyard. Jamal approached the greenhouse watching Conrad for a moment before walking in. He sat down opposite Conrad who looked up at him "Have you finished?" he asked. He studied Conrad for a moment "You think this is funny?" Jamal asked. Conrad looked up then went back to his book "I asked if you had finished?" he said again. "Are you bent like that old gardener was?" Jamal asked watching Conrad look up "did you fuck with him?". Conrad sat there in silence "You don't look like a poof" Jamal continued teasing him "you like cock up you?". Jamal was getting irate being ignored by him "Well, answer me shirt tail lifter" he said angrily now. Conrad packed his stuff away and stood up walking out in silence "Fucking arsehole" Jamal called after him. Jamal sat there fuming and bolted up running through the grounds to find Conrad and catching up with him just before he reached his home. What got him angry more than anything was how Conrad completely ignored him and was in no way bothered or concerned. Conrad heard the rapid thump of the feet running towards him and stopped turning coming face to face with Jamal. "You may be boarding school toff but in real life you are nothing" Conrad said walking up the drive to the front door. Jamal looked at him "Yeah well..." he was stumped for words "I'm not an oik" he called after him. Conrad simply turned and smiled closing the front door "Fuck you" Jamal said under his breath going home. In truth Jamal actually was growing to like Conrad, he could see how clever Conrad was and knew his stuff about the gardens, it was the way he ignored every insult that he found amusing. Jamal sat on the window ledge of his bedroom looking over at number 8, he watched for almost an hour listening to music until he saw Conrad's parents leave in their car. Putting his coat on he went out avoiding his mother and walked across the road up to number 8. He rang the doorbell and waited for what seemed an eternity until Conrad opened the door dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. Seeing Jamal standing there he closed the door "Wait" Jamal said "please" he pleaded to him. Conrad opened the door "What, you now want to insult me on my doorstep?" he said very calmly looking at Jamal. "Can you help me learn this?" Jamal asked "I know you don't owe me anything for what I did or have said to you". Conrad looked down shaking his head "Nice try but not good enough" he replied moving to close the door. "I'm sorry Conrad" Jamal spoke with urgency "sorry for hurting you and your feelings about the gardener". Conrad spoke quietly "Jack, his name was Jack. He was well loved along this road for years". "I am very sorry" Jamal said and Conrad could hear some sincerity "will you tell me about him?" he asked. Conrad opened the door "Why would you be interested in him?" he asked looking slightly perplexed. Jamal shrugged his shoulders "I want to understand Jack, you talk a lot about him to people at the manor" he replied. Conrad looked considering him for a moment "Is it too late to get to know you as well?" Jamal asked. "Depends if your going to continue insulting me" Conrad replied looking at him. Jamal shook his head "No, I am sorry. I took my anger out on you for my family moving here" he explained. Conrad opened the door and invited Jamal in. Spending the entire afternoon drinking coffee and chatting where Jamal listened to the story of how he met Jack and his natural love for horticulture rubbed off on him leading to this career choice. Of course he left the details of his real cause of death out and the fact where Jamal had sat in the greenhouse was where Jack would passionately assault him. It was a slow burn since Conrad didn't trust Jamal one bit for the moment. The following day he spent a lovely day up at the manor gardening with no Jamal around Simon came out and helped or tried to, he chatted away to Conrad enjoying the friendship that was building between them. As usual he was invited for dinner and Conrad graciously accepted knowing how much Simon missed Jack and his witty back chat. Monday morning Conrad sat his final exam he had given Felix instructions for Jamal to use shears and cut the grass by the flower beds outside the manor gates. He didn't protest and worked tirelessly making a pretty decent job. On Tuesday morning Conrad came out of his house and find Jamal standing there at the bottom of the drive waiting for him. "Morning" Jamal called out watching Conrad walking down the drive "how was your exam?" he asked. Conrad grinned "I am impressed that you pay attention sometimes" he quipped "hard but think I did okay". "So are you finished college now?" Jamal asked trying to make conversation. Conrad glanced at him "Yes unless I flunk the exam then I have to study again" he replied. Jamal looked at Conrad "Your smart, you will pass" he said confidently "me I am just a useless no hoper". "I would go more spoilt privileged brat to be honest" Conrad replied causing Jamal to stop walking. "Thanks for that" Jamal said sarcastically "your right though. How rich is he?" he asked looking at the manor. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Rich enough to make people disappear" he said chuckling. Jamal smiled "You are quite funny and decent" he said "you never answered my question the other day?". Conrad opened the gate to the manor "What question?" he asked looking at Jamal wondering if he was referring to him being gay. "If you would teach me about gardening" Jamal replied looking serious. Conrad chuckled and closed the gate "To start with it is called horticulture". Felix kept an eye on Jamal reporting back to Simon that Conrad was now teaching him to look after the kitchen garden. Indeed their friendship grew gradually and now Jamal was spending most days up the manor, dropping his obnoxious exterior and actually turned out to be a really polite and well mannered lad, even Felix started showing him a little more respect. Conrad was putting all his energy in to looking after the gardens, Jamal had a day off that Simon forced upon him that last Friday in February. Conrad sat in the greenhouse alone thinking of Charlie and Joshua who were due to sail back in to Portsmouth on Monday, he was so looking forward to seeing them both. It was four weeks since Jack died and he had become emotionally stronger yet still found himself talking away to Jack like he was still sat next to him in the greenhouse shedding a few tears. Jamal turned out to be a nice distraction and from appearance looked like he was now enjoying spending time with Conrad being taught the intricacies of horticulture, he was totally astonished when Conrad checked the acidity of the soil never realising how much science was involved. Conrad picked a few flowers that looked perfect and packed up early afternoon, Simon and he were going to see Jack and lay some fresh flowers and see the tombstone that Jack had designed. "Ready to go?" Simon asked standing at the door. "Yes" Conrad replied picking up the flowers. Simon handed Conrad a hefty envelope that looked all official "This is for you from Jack's solicitor a little business to take care of first". "Oh" Conrad looked at it and put the flowers down. Opening the large envelope it contained a copy of Jack's will and letter from the solicitor, inside was a separate envelope that he put down on the work bench and read the solicitor's letter aloud "Dear Mr Grayson, pursuant to the last will and testament made by Jack Openshaw and witnessed by Mr Simon Burge, Mr Raheem Mohammed Jazeer and endorsed by Clegg & Simpson Solicitors on the 4th day of December 2017 we hereby fulfil the deceased instruction. The envelope marked 'property' contains the title deeds to Jack Openshaw's property in your name along with numerous other instruction detailed in the attached copy of the will highlighted for your perusal". Conrad looked at Simon holding back the tears and picked up the copy of the will finding the section highlighted "To my dearest friend who I watched grow up, Conrad Grayson. I leave you my house in Alton to do with as you wish. The entire collection of horticulture books and tools currently held by Simon Burge for safekeeping are also left to you. My solicitor is holding a £1.4 million trust fund that will be released to Conrad Grayson to purchase any house on Hibiscus Drive when one comes available, or to be paid in full after 5 years irrelevant. Adam Prestley has been left a sum of money for you should you decide to honour me in a way only you should know by now. It is my way to thank you for bringing much colour and vigour to my life over the years that I was lucky enough to know you and watch you grow". Conrad shed a tear and wiped his eyes. "Wow" he said looking at Simon "I never expected anything from him having given me so much already". Simon sat down next to him and smiled "There is a codicil to the will that I made him add" he said. Conrad looked at him "That is an amendment is it not?" he asked folding the document up. "Yes, you need to sign this to activate the trust fund" Simon said handing him a document. Conrad shifted uncomfortably in his seat reading the document "Why is it done like this?" he asked. Simon handed him a pen "It stops anyone trying to freeze the assets, paper trails you know" he said. "Sounds dodgey, I guess you mean Jack's family" Conrad said hovering over the document with the pen. "A little" Simon chuckled "it protects everything he left to you" he said watching Conrad sign. "I don't understand much of this and probably don't want to" Conrad said nervously. Simon stood up "At least put some trust in me Conrad to look out for you" he said. Conrad watched Simon placing the document in the envelope and suggesting they drop it off before visiting Jack. Conrad stood and kissed Simon on the cheek and picked up the hibiscus flowers for Jack's grave. He didn't dwell or think on what Jack had left him and after dropping the envelope off they walked up the grave where the tombstone had now been placed. Conrad saw the cupid with A, hibiscus flower with C and a scorpion in the middle engraved at the top. Wiping his eyes he laid the flowers down and spoke to Jack in private for a few minutes before Simon came over and spent a few minutes saying some words, he turned and walked back to Conrad. "I have a letter for you at home from Jack" Simon said putting his arm around Conrad. "A letter?" he asked "why now are you telling me?" Conrad looked confused at him. Simon turned to him "I was instructed to give it to you one month from his passing" he explained. Conrad nodded "I see". "It is for you to read in private that is all I know" Simon said opening the door to the limousine. Conrad was pleased that emotionally he had held it together despite the emptiness left by Jack. He was handed the letter that was still firmly sealed and went home to his bedroom almost too afraid to read it. His mother had told him that Charlie had called and confirmed they would be docking on Monday and home on Wednesday. It was just the tonic he needed to cheer him up right now. He felt the envelope and there was something hard inside, slowly he undid it and pulled out the hand written letter, a separate sealed envelope and a key secured to a gold chain fell out. The letter was dated a week after Conrad was diagnosed. "To my loving friend Conrad, this will be hard for you to read since it would be one month from leaving you. I had to think carefully about writing this so not to cause you to much worry or concern and what I am about to tell you must go no further, especially to Simon or anyone close to you. That much you must promise me Conrad and keep this secret. The day you was diagnosed with HIV you had a very high viral load, you will probably understand that what happened next was unethical but I paid the consultant to analyse the virus in your blood, he is an old school friend of mine so it paved the way a little. Simon's strain is definitely in your blood but it is not the dominant strain of virus. It might be hard for you comprehend but you will understand when the time is right why I got your blood analysed. You were already infected before Simon got to you, I know you had sex with Moham but he is very careful and definitely not carrying HIV. Unless there were others you elected not to tell me about the only other person I know of would be Joshua, I saw a slow change in you since you started delving in to bed with this person and I can't help worrying what his motive is but tread carefully and never sign anything over to him. I have instructed Simon to take care of you Conrad, you may not want or be happy about that but it is the least I can do to make sure you are protected and never go without. Simon has grown fond of you even though he may not have shown it over the years he took great pleasure in watching you grow up around the manor, always remember that no matter what lies ahead you can always and must turn to Simon. There is one last thing that I kept secret from everyone and I am leaving it to Adam and you, Simon always paid well and gave big bonuses (I mean big!) and I never spent any of it except to buy my house in Alton that I left to you, instead I took the cash out and placed it in a locked box in the greenhouse. That way the paper trail goes dry as to where the money went, Simon is so loaded with money he has no idea what to do with it. You should have the key which is in the envelope, it is hidden under the third flagstone to the left of the entrance. Take the box and the enclosed letter to Simon he will sort the rest out for you. I trust you Conrad, destroy this letter and never mention it again. Simon is there for you and if you need any affirmation you can turn to Adam he will be willing to help if the time comes. Please take care of yourself and I will be waiting for you, Jack". Conrad sat looking at the letter, parts of it made no sense failing to understand what Jack was actually writing about in places. The last few words he wrote brought tears to his eyes, how he missed the sexy man looking him in the eyes assaulting his arse with that devious but loving grin on his face that Conrad enjoyed looking at. He wiped his eyes knowing that Jack had pin pointed who infected him, it was all making sense why Joshua had apologised for accidentally ejaculating inside him the first time. What was weirder was since that night Joshua never made an attempt to put a condom on. Jack was right and the letter was controversial, he took it downstairs and walked through the kitchen where his mother and father sat talking over some document, he spotted the image of two kangaroos at the top of one letter before Eddie shuffled the papers putting them away. "What are you up to Con?" Eddie asked. Conrad looked at his father trying to discreetly put the documents away "Matches" he said "I need some matches". Jody looked sternly at him "I hope your not smoking weird stuff like that Jamal" she said standing up. "No" Conrad replied looking shocked "give me some credit" he said "I need to burn this letter". Eddie held out his hand "Let me have a read" he said. Conrad chuckled "Err sorry no, it is private from Jack and I need to destroy it" he said. "All very cloak and daggers" his father said noticing Conrad looking at the documents under his arm. "Here you go" Jody said handing him the box of matches. Conrad walked outside to the bottom of the garden to one of the flower beds and dug a small hole. He read the letter one last time using his phones torch. He smiled knowing that only having sex with four men so far he could discount two which left Simon and Joshua, both strains in his body. he crumpled up the letter placing it in the hole then lit it watching it burn completely then covering it with soil. He sat there on the damp grass unable to believe that Joshua had infected him, weather accidentally or deliberately he would need to find out. Conrad chuckled and stood up 'devious bastards all of them' he said smiling and walking back to the house. Walking in to the kitchen his parents still sat at the family table deep in conversation. Conrad sat down with them "I need to tell you both about Jack" he said getting their attention. Eddie sat back and studied him for a moment "Did he... I mean did he touch you when you were younger?". "Jesus no" Conrad replied looking shocked "no, he left me some things in his will". Eddie completely changed and relaxed and Conrad knew his father must had worried about that for a long time after coming out to them. He sat and explained about the house in Alton and also the trust fund that was set up for him to buy any house on Hibiscus drive when one became available. "You could have brought number 3" Eddie said "if you had known before today". "So how much is in that trust then, I mean houses around here go for just under £900k" Eddie asked. Conrad looked at them both "£1.4 million and either way after five years the money is mine" he said. "Hell Conrad" Jody said looking at him "so that means in five years you get all that money?" she asked. Conrad nodded "If no houses come on the market then yes" he replied "the solicitors hold the trust fund". Sometimes you think you know what is going on in life, the three of them sat there in a very awkward silence for a moment, Eddie looked at Jody then Conrad, Jody looked at Conrad then back to Eddie and nodded. Conrad's father pushed the documents he had under his arm forward his hand resting on them. Eddie looked at his wife then Conrad "Conrad I have been offered a job in Australia" he said. "I see" he replied not looking to shocked "I wondered how long it would be" he said "is it close to gramps?" Conrad asked. "Yes" Eddie confirmed "we wanted to speak to you both before making a decision" he said. "You can come with us" his mother said before he could say anything. "No" Conrad replied and smiled "my life is here" he said "Simon wants me to take over from Jack". Eddie looked at him "Like a job?" he asked. Conrad smiled "Yes, £50k a year working the gardens of the manor" he confirmed. "Wow" Eddie said smiling and nodding "you certainly have got yourself sorted out Con, good for you". Jody held Conrad's hand "Darling this is happening quickly, we would need to be in Australia in 2 weeks". "So have you made up your mind?" Conrad asked looking at them both. "Nearly" his father confirmed "we needed to find out if we could get visas and they came through today". "We wanted to give you boys the option of coming with us so we had visas approved for you both" Jody told him. Conrad looked a little down "You have raised us and kind of done your job, you should do what is right for you both" he said. Eddie looked at him "We will have to sell this house though to buy a place in Perth" he said sounding sad. Conrad smiled "So sell it to me" he said looking at them both "that way it remains in the family". Jody looked at Eddie "This is happening then" she said then looked at Conrad "you sure you won't come?". "No" Conrad replied "I can visit you anytime out there" he said "what about Charlie? he asked. Jody nodded "He is going to finish his navy training then transfer to the Royal Australian Navy". Conrad looked saddened "He is going with you then" he said. "Yes" Eddie confirmed "but it won't be for a few years he still has to finish training". "I know that is going to be hard on you" Jody said holding Conrad's hand tighter. Conrad nodded "Yes but we are grown up now we need to follow our hearts" he said smiling at them. Eddie looked over at Conrad "So you seriously want to buy this house?" he asked. "Yes" Conrad replied quickly "how much do you need to buy a place?" he asked. "Gramps has put a deposit down on a 5 bedroom place just north of Perth about £400k I guess". Conrad looked at his father "I will buy it for £1 million it will help you get started over there". Monday morning Conrad called the solicitors and put the wheels in motion and told Simon of his parents plan whilst Jamal was outside cleaning the pool terrace. Simon felt sorry for Conrad hearing that his twin was also going to move to Australia, at the same time though he was hardly here what with the training. "Are you sure you are okay with this Conrad?" Simon asked looking concerned. He smiled and nodded "Yes, well I think so it will be lonely in the house" he admitted. Simon smiled "You can have Jack's room here if you want, just say the word" he offered. Conrad looked a little upset "I can't sleep in that bed" he said looking horrified "it holds to many memories". "I can get it replaced quickly" Simon said allaying his fear "even decorate it if you want". Conrad sat quietly for a moment "You seriously don't mind?" he asked. "No it is more a question if you forgive me enough to stay here when you want" Simon said sincerely. Conrad chuckled "I will never forgive you Simon" he replied "I like you and like being around you". Simon smiled "Good enough" he said calling Beth in and asking her to replace the bed in Conrad's room. Charlie was finding it hard to keep up with everything that had gone on when he arrived home to much celebration and a delayed Christmas. Joshua had gone home to Newcastle and was coming down at the weekend since they were back in training the following Monday. Thursday morning Conrad grabbed Charlie and took him up to the manor, he had been given permission to show Charlie around where he now worked. Charlie though was more interested in seeing this Jamal or Jam as Conrad referred to him as but was no where to be seen since Simon banned him from coming up whilst Conrad showed Charlie around. For the second time in his life Charlie met Simon and was invited in for lunch with them leaving shortly afterwards to visit his girlfriend. Conrad scratched his neck rubbing his fingers over the gold chain remembering the key. "I have something to do Simon" Conrad said lifting the chain and key over his head. Simon looked confused "What is that for?" he asked nodding to the key. "Jack left me a box hidden in the greenhouse that I have to give to you" Conrad said standing up. They both walked across the gardens to the greenhouse where Conrad counted three flagstones to the left and felt it give slightly. Simon helped him lift it up and retrieve a large metallic box that was quite heavy. Conrad sat down and used the key to open the lock and lift the lid. sheet covered the contents and there was a letter addressed to Simon that Conrad handed to him. Simon opened and read the letter quietly whilst Conrad lifted the sheet off to reveal bundles of £50 notes. "Dam" Conrad said looking at the numerous bundles of money "What is it all for?" he asked Simon. Simon put the letter down "Jack's instruction is a 50/50 split between Adam and yourself" he said. Conrad kept looking at it "Come on let's get this up to the manor" Simon said standing up. They walked back to the manor carrying the box where Conrad left Simon to deal with it heading back down to the greenhouse and filling in the hole left by the box replacing the flagstone securely. He returned back to the manor and completed some documents with Simon who joked that Jack was shrewd enough to move the money to avoid any death duties. In all there was half a million pound placed in an off shore account for Conrad and the same for Adam. Conrad sat down reeling at the amounts involved that Jack had left to him. "I have to fly to Monaco this weekend Conrad to deposit the money" Simon said looking up at him. Conrad chuckled "I don't want to know Simon, the less I know the better" he said. Simon laughed "Very wise, stay at the manor if you want Felix and Beth can look after you" he offered. "That's very kind of you Simon but Josh is coming down this weekend and we stay in a hotel" Conrad explained. "No" Simon said almost too abruptly then changing his tone "nonsense stay here, I trust you" Simon said kindly. Conrad smiled and walked round the desk sitting on Simon's lap and kissing him on the cheek "Thank you". Simon stroked his face "You know I use to fuck Jack over my desk" he said winking at Conrad. "Really?" Conrad asked "with all these things on it" he said. Simon laughed "Yes, he always picked them up after we finished" he replied staring at Conrad. Conrad laughed realising he was being moved on to the desk "Oh fuck" he giggled. Friday Conrad sat in the greenhouse close to Jamal showing him how to take a cutting from the hibiscus and potting it on to grow and new plant. They spent several hours creating a whole new batch of cuttings to grow and Jamal was enjoying himself for once happily talking away and revealing what life was like at his all boys boarding school. Conrad looked over at him "Is it true what they say about boarding school?" he asked. Jamal knew what he was getting at but played him a little "What is that?" he asked back looking at him. "You know" Conrad said hinting "is it like prison?" he now asked. Jamal laughed "Kind of" he replied potting another cutting "you mean fucking?" he asked looking at Conrad. "I suppose that is what I mean, does it really go on?" Conrad asked turning in his seat to face him. "Yes" Jamal replied "loads of blow and hand jobs go on constantly" he said. Conrad chuckled "I bet you were a good sucker" he said ducking when Jamal threw a handful of dirt in his way. "Cheeky little oik" Jamal snapped at him "you know what happens to oik's in boarding school" he teased. "No and don't call me that" Conrad replied unable to stop grinning at their playfulness "well?" he asked. Jamal made a ring with his thumb and finger "They end up lose down below from too much cock" he said smirking at Conrad. Conrad threw a handful of compost at Jamal "So are you lose then?" he asked laughing. Jamal "Dirty oik" he said chuckling then looked at Conrad "did you ever do it with the gardener?". Conrad stopped laughing and looked at him "What makes you think I am gay?" he asked in a shocked tone. "You ask way to many questions about boarding school and I bet you have a hard cock" Jamal replied. Conrad stood "Is that so" he said grabbing his cock that was not hard by any means. Jamal walked over to Conrad and rubbed his hand on Conrad's crotch squeezing and feeling "Not hard" he said. Conrad pushed his hand away, Jamal grabbed his hand pulled it against his crotch "I am though" Jamal said. Conrad tried to pull his hand away "Jam stop it" he said finding his hand being forced to massage Jamal's cock. "You want it oik" Jamal spoke in an incredibly sexy way "you want me inside you" he said. Conrad's hand began deeply massaging the cock freely feeling the fullness of it, Jamal slowly turned Conrad around. He had strength and Conrad now found himself bent over the work bench, only this time it was Jamal and not Jack standing behind him undoing his jeans. It was enough to freak Conrad out.
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  49. CHAPTER FOUR THE SKELETON I looked down and I had shot a huge load in my pant. Thankfully it wasn’t higher on my jeans or it would have looked like I pissed myself. I went deeper into the maze, farther from the light area, I kept walking even though I thought I was getting lost. As I waked down a path that was narrowing, a small opening caught my eye. I entered and went a few feet and found the Skeleton. I stopped suddenly! Sitting on a bale of hay, was a man dressed in those cheesy skeleton suits, bone in a black fabric, except this man was so wasted that the costume looked like his actual skin. He was literally skin and bone. “Afraid?” I shook my head no. “Prove it faggot” I walked until I was about a foot away from him and dropped to my knees between his feet. I reached out and felt for an opening in the crotch of his costume. When I found it, I slipped my hand in and pulled out his cock and balls. His cock was growing quickly. It was ling and thin with a big acorn head. “Full blown, overflowing with mutated strains” I wrapped my lips around his cock and slowly slid them down his shaft. I took him deep in my throat, until I was pressing my face into his crotch feeling his pelvic bone. I slid back until his cock head was on my tongue. A sweet and salty taste excited my tongue as I licked the head until I slid back down on his cock. “Taste the disease leaking into your mouth” I moaned with his cock deep in my throat. My mouth was watering. “I want that hole” I stood, turned and bent over, presenting my ass in his face. I felt his tongue dive deep in my crack and invade my hole. His hands spread my cheeks as he pushed in further. I heard my jeans rip some more. And at this point I could have cared less if I walked out with my balls hanging out. “This hole is fucked and so are you” He stood and slowly slid his cock into my hole. Our moaning was loud. Hell I wanted another redneck mother fucker to find us and shove his cock down my throat. “So sloppy, so wet,” moaned the skeleton He slowly fucked my hole as if savoring the diseased cum massaging his cock and my hole. He would pull out until his cock head was pulling my hole outwards, then would slide back in before his head could pop out. “My death is near” he said, “but my strain will live on in you” He was slowing down and was having problems breathing. He popped out and payed back on the bale of hay. “Ride me” I straddled him and lowered myself onto his hard cock. I slid all the way down but didn’t put my weight on him. He was catching his breath as I slid up and down his cock with my hole. Using my thighs, I slid my hole up and down his shaft as I watch his breathing slow. Panic set in as my mind wondered if I was literally fucking this man to death. He reached up and grabbed my hips and increased my speed. “Just like that” between gasps of breath I kept the pace; but knew I would be able to keep going for long. My thighs were started to burn a little. “Don’t stop” Taking a deep breath, I continued. His cock felt so good up my used hole. If physically possible I would have fucked myself on his cock all night. “I’ve mutated beyond medications, full blown AIDS running through my veins! My cock was starting to twitch as I heard this, slowly growing down my leg. I fought back the urge to rub it again through my jeans. I start to pinch my nipples through my shirt. My cock was now rock hard and the head was in the cold wet spot of my jeans. I squeezed my hole around the Skeleton’s cock and he reach up and started rubbing my cock through my jeans. “Not gay motherfucker if it’s not skin on skin contact” he said as if I really fucking cared. I moaned from the pleasures. I wanted to cum again so the pulsing of my hole would drive him over the edge. My horror of being infected had now turned to a craving of more, more infected, more diseased cum. “Keep going,” he urged, “my balls are aching” He was breathing more erratic as a cough fit started. Each time he cough he would thrust his cock up my hole. I reached under and felt his ball sac, it was tight around his balls. “Going to flood you hole with AIDS, mutated AIDS” I moaned loudly. The craving was overwhelming. He started grunting between coughs, signaling he was emptying his balls in my hole. My cock throbbed knowing I was getting his death seed. His arms fell, hanging of each side. He was motionless. I stood and slowly backed away. He laid there motionless. I didn’t even check for a pulse. His head lifted up slightly and he whispered: “Dracula” Then it dropped again. I backed out and left in a hurry.
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