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  1. I had been working in the city for several weeks before I found the bar. It was down a dark, run down side street and only obvious from the gaudy neon light outside. I had read about it online, and most of the reviews used words and phrases like 'filthy', 'sleazy', and 'full of older men'. The prevailing opinion was you only went there once just to see how awful it was. I, on the other hand, was attracted to it precisely because of the sleaze and the sense of depravity in the reviews. For some reason I find myself drawn to encounters which would disgust most people, (although I had not had many such encounters myself). Well, once inside the bar, the music was playing loudly, and the dim lighting revealed the bar counter, a dance floor and a selection of tired and grimy tables and chairs. About six guys occupied the bar stools, chatting to the barman, who was a large, middle aged man with glasses. Somewhat nervously, even if excited, I took a spare bar stool and ordered a beer. Three of the guys on the corner of the wooden counter were giving me the eye as they chatted - a thin old guy probably in his sixties with a cap and thick spectacles, a fat guy about the same age whose polo shirt only just covered his heavy belly which hung over greasy trousers, and a younger, chubby guy with a pale face which shone with sweat, which was framed by thin, mousy hair. The man seated next to me greeted me, and we chatted for a while, which also served to calm me down so I could relax. After a while, I plucked up some courage and asked "So, does this place have a ... you know... dark room, or some place like that?" He gave me a wry smile. "Just downstairs. The toilets in the basement. That’s where the guys go and get up to all sorts." I sipped some more beer, feeling my palms getting sweaty and my heart beat faster. "But if you go down there, be careful with your wallet. It's easy to get your pocket picked when someone's sucking you off." I blushed and nodded. "Can't be too careful." "Oh, and use a condom." Uh oh. I thought, here comes the safe sex lecture. He must have seen my expression because he shook his head and said "No, I mean it. This 'ain't Disneyland. You let a guy in you bare down there, and you'll likely get knocked up, if you know what I mean. Some of them would love to get in your pants and give you a dirty load." My heart skipped a beat and I felt excitement and fear in equal measure. "Anyway," he said, tapping my shoulder, "I just thought you should know. I'm going outside for a cigarette." He got down heavily from the stool and disappeared outside. The guys at the bar were ignoring me now. I took another sip of beer, then went over to the narrow, dimly lit stairs to the basement toilets. At the bottom, a left turn led to a small space containing two cubicles with broken locks and a filthy sink. The urinals were straight ahead from the foot of the stairs, behind a screening wall. There was no one there. I didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved. I was in the area next to the cubicles when I heard a step behind me. I turned to see the three guys from the bar crowding into the space. They didn't say anything, but the thin guy with the thick glasses began to rub a rather large bulge in his threadbare trousers. I gave them a nervous smile, aware of my own trousers tightening at the groin. He slowly unzipped his fly, reached in and pulled out a thick, stiff cock. I took his cock in my hand, feeling the warm, silky flesh in my palm. "Do you want to suck it, mate?" he asked. The sixty-four thousand dollar question. The moment when I could still make a choice to stay or go. I made my choice, and bent forward and took him in my mouth, tasting the salty sweatiness as he dug in a pocket and took out some poppers. I heard him sniff deeply, then the bottle was offered to me. I stopped sucking long enough to take a big hit, feeling the chemical course through me. My inhibitions wash away, so I eagerly resumed sucking him. The bottle, meanwhile, was passed between the men and the powerful aroma filled the small space. I felt a hand grab my arse and stroke it through the material of my trousers. " Nice arse," said a gruff voice behind me. "Let's see it, then." I fumbled with my belt and zip, and then my trousers slid down to my ankles. I felt rough fingers dig into the waistband of my underpants and pull them down, exposing my bare bottom. I continued to suck the cock, until he lifted my chin and straightened me up, before kissing me on the mouth. I gasped as his tongue slid between my lips and I tasted beer and cigarettes on his breath. He laughed as he pulled away. "Bend over the sink, matey," he said. The young chubby guy was sweating profusely and grinning like a Cheshire cat. He had dropped his trousers and pants as he wanked a thin, curved cock and was beside himself with excitement. Slowly, I turned and bent over the sink, grabbing the edge of the cold ceramic bowl. Beside me, the fat guy was humming happily to himself as he pulled the polo shirt over his head, revealing a fat, hairy torso, and flabby belly. His body odour filled the space as he dropped his trousers and a thick, stubby cock sprang up between his fat thighs. There was a grimy mirror above the sink. I saw my reflection, face flushed from the poppers, and behind me the thin guy digging a crumpled tube of KY from his pocket. He unscrewed the cap, squeezed a dollop on to his forefinger, and roughly worked it into my arsehole, the filthy, rough fingernail scratching my delicate skin. "Here we go," he remarked, dipping to push trousers and pants down, then waddling behind me and sniffing from the brown bottle. I had one last moment of sanity. "Don't...don't you want a condom?" He chuckled and handed me the bottle. "Naw, we're all friends here, 'ain't we?" The young man giggled. " Fuck him, Bill!" I sniffed the poppers, felt a moment's fear as Bill pushed forward and then his cock slid up me in a delicious, slippery rush and I gasped and sagged over the sink. "There we go," Bill whispered and began to slide slowly in and out of me. "Jesus, he's got a nice arse!" He said to the others. "Proper smooth and wet." He fucked me for a few minutes as the other two clustered round and probed under my stomach to feel the base of the cock sticking in me. Suddenly, footsteps sounded on the stairs. I would have got up but the others seemed unconcerned, and whatever the case, I was pinned to the sink. In the doorway stood the man from the bar who had warned me about being careful. His face was a comic mixture of shock, disgust and lust as our eyes met. Bill stood back, and the man could clearly see his cock was bare and glistening with lube. "Want some, mate?" The man blushed and shook his head, but he didn’t leave and I saw his hand begin to rub his crotch. "C'mon then, Jamie." said Bill. "Climb on and fill yer boots before you blow a fuse!" The chubby young man waddled behind me and eagerly pressed his cock into my hole. It was thin and curved with a mushroom head, and went in easily. Unlike Bill, he fucked me in short furious strokes, gasping with pleasure as the sweat dripped from his chin on to my bare buttocks, "Oh..oh yeah..uuuh..uuuh." he grunted as Bill pressed the bottle to my nose. " Fuck 'im Jamie! " growled the fat man, " Give 'im that dirty load of yours!" My head swam from the poppers and I heard my voice squealing with pleasure and animal lust as the young man's movements got faster and more urgent. "Here...here it comes...aah!" he gasped, and I felt his cock stiffen and throb and knew he was spurting in me. At last he relaxed, and pulled out, staggering back to lean against the wall. I felt a drool of sperm run down over my scrotum and was aghast at what I'd done. Yet I didn't move. I looked at my swollen face in the mirror and licked my lips in shame and lust. The man was still standing in the doorway, rubbing his crotch. But now he was shaking his head slowly and looking at me as if to say "You stupid bastard." I felt a heavy body behind me and the flabby belly being lifted on to my buttocks as the stubby cock nosed at my hole. Bill bent beside me and kissed me again, remarking "There now, didn't I say we were all friends?" The fat cock slid into my dripping hole and began to mechanically fuck me. I gasped and hung onto the bowl as he rode me, all the time looking at the man who was shaking his head, but now had his cock out as the young man knelt before him and sucked it. "More than friends," puffed the fat man as he started to thrust fast and hard into me. "He's gonna be family after we knock him up!" then he grunted like a pig and shuddered all over as he came in me. He pulled back and I straightened up, feeling the sperm from two loads sliding out of me. Bill was grinning and he ruffled my hair. "Dirty bastard, ‘aren’t you?" The fat man pulled on his clothes, belched and disappeared upstairs for a drink. Idly, I watched the young man's head bobbing back and forth until the man gasped and spurted into his mouth. Not meeting my eyes, he scurried out. Jamie got up and pulled his trousers up, his mouth wet with spit and cum as Bill fastened his trousers. "Don't you want to fuck me?" I asked. "Not yet, mate. We've got a whole evening ahead of us.”
    9 points
  2. Part 2. There was a cluster of men at the bar talking to the fat man who was perched uncomfortably on a bar stool. Bill bought me a drink and we stood chatting with the group. I found it surreal to stand there talking about football with the sperm from two men swimming in my belly. I couldn't also help but thinking the men were, all in all, a sleazy looking group of older trolls, and I could clearly see they were eyeing me hungrily, obviously having been told about my performance by the fat guy. After a while several of them headed for the basement and didn't return. Bill, in turn, sidled up to me and gestured his head towards the basement staircase, remarking "They're waiting for you, sunshine," giving me an evil grin. I put down my drink, knowing what I was going to do, feeling the fear and loathing but unable to stop myself. It was as if a pit of depravity had opened up at the bottom of those stairs, and I was helplessly drawn to it. No-one would understand what I was doing, except these vile men who excited me so much. Bill dug out the filthy tube of lube and the poppers bottle and pressed them into my hand, suggesting with a leer "Here, you'll need these." I blushed and headed over to the stairs, aware of the bar man was watching me and knowing what he must have been thinking. At the bottom, I turned left to the cubicle area and found a group of men standing silently, waiting. More than one man had pulled out his cock and was stroking himself, his flesh rigid in the dim light from the cubicles as everyone watched an old man bent over the sink, naked from the waist down, who was being fucked from behind by a younger man with a bald head and earrings. I paused, intimidated by the atmosphere of sweat, lust and piss and the hungry eyes staring expectantly at me. I took a deep hit of poppers until my heart pounded and my body melted with excitement, then went into a cubicle and pulled off my trousers and underpants, folding them neatly on top of the cistern. I heard grunts of appreciation at my bare bottom, then I turned and the group pulled me in. Hands groped my body, cock and balls and someone hugged me, mashing his mouth against mine, kissing me deeply. I gasped for breath and felt myself giving way to the urge to breed with these strangers as my cock stiffened in rough hands. There was a big box next to the sink, housing a water tank or something, and I found myself pushed back until I was sitting on it. Beside me, the old man had reached back to pull his flabby buttocks apart, urging the man to cum in him in a soft, urgent whisper. Eager hands lifted my legs and bent them to my chest so my bottom hung over the edge and my hole gaped vulnerably as they pulled my legs apart. I held out the tube, and one of the men holding my legs grabbed it, twisted off the cap and rubbed a cold gobbet of lube into my hole making me gasp as he shoved two fingers into me, scratching and probably tearing the delicate skin with his dirty nails. The man grinned down at me and pulled his fingers out, transferring his hold back to my leg, whispered "He's ready. Who's first?" I could see by the sweat shining on his face he was turned on by what was going to happen to me. A short, stocky black guy wearing a dirty tee shirt which bore the word 'Sanitation', pushed his combat trousers and boxers down, and, standing between my legs, grasped his thick, veiny cock which was topped by a large pink head. Sweat dripped off his chin, falling onto my belly as he got into position and all four of us – me, the men holding my legs and the black guy – looked down and watched his cock push into me, opening up my hole then sliding up me until his short, curly pubic hair was tight against my arse. Then as he began pounding away, his balls began to slap against mine as he began to slide it in and out. He leered at me and leaned forward, searching for my mouth with his and clamping his big, soft lips on mine as his thrusts became more urgent. “Yeah!” whispered the man holding my leg, who continued urging “Fuck the bitch! Oh, fuck, you've got it coming now, boy!” The black man grunted as he thrust, mashing his mouth on mine and gripping my thighs as he worked to a climax. Then, he gave a loud gasp and pushed hard into me and I felt his cock throb and throb as he spurted. At the same time, the man beside me stroked my hair praising me in a hoarse whisper, saying “There you go. Good boy, there you go, good boy.” I relished his praise. At the sink, the old man gasped with pleasure as he received the cum from his lover, and as we gazed at each other, we exchanged a smile, recognizing each other as brothers in depravity at that moment. Then the black guy stood back and pulled his cock out of me, and a gush of warm spunk slid down my balls. The guy holding my leg slid his finger into my hole, scooped out some cum, and murmurred “Mmmm …lovely!” as he licked his finger clean. Then someone else was between my thighs, and I found myself looking into the face of the first man who had warned me not to go bare. He pulled off his tee-shirt, dropped his trousers and underwear, giving me a clear view of his long, thin cock which had sprung-up against his belly. Below his belly button was a black bio-hazard tattoo. He saw me look and grinned, asking "I warned you, didn’t I?” as he continued "But since you’ve been pozzed at least three times so far, I guess You won’t mind taking my load, right?” Without waiting for an answer, he slid into me. My response was to reach for the poppers bottle and sag back into his crotch in surrender.
    8 points
  3. It was a slow Tuesday night at the Hollywood adult theater in Lake City. Just a handful of guys, none of whom wanted to stick their dick in my mouth. That was unfortunate. I really wanted to take a lovely prick in my mouth, nurse to a full erection and enjoy the taste of semen filling my mouth. I love sucking dick and I'm good at it. Too bad the closet cases and "straight" guys infesting the theater wouldn't let me show them a good time. I was sitting in the gay room alone, idly stroking my cock and watching a pretty boy take a rough raw fucking from a big dicked black guy. I envied the kid. I didn't have the guts to bareback and take loads like I really wanted to. I'd only had two raw cocks cream my ass, and that was only because I was really drunk. Both times I'd been anxious for months afterwards, until I tested negative. That didn't stop me from jerking off remembering the feel of a bare cock in me, the intensely arousing knowledge that the cock was spewing cum in my ass, the feel of it oozing out of my butt and the taste of it when I wiped it off with my fingers and licked them clean. Ah well, I hadn't been drinking that Tuesday night and would content myself to sucking and swallowing. Now, if some faggot would just allow me do that. The door to the theater slammed and few minutes later a middle-aged white guy walked in the room and looked around a bit and left. Figures, goes directly to the gay room, sees a queer with his cock out and leaves. Oh, well. Not long after that the guy came back and looked at me. He stepped directly in front of me, unzipped and took his cock out. I took my glasses off and licked my lips and he stepped forward and stuck his very nice uncut, soft dick in my mouth. At last, a fag who knows what he wants! I lovingly worshipped his prick. I love uncut cocks, especially when they're soft as they slide in my mouth. I love slipping my tongue under the foreskin and licking the head, enjoying the distinct tastes uncut guys get when they aren't too scrupulous about washing. Before long I had him fully hard, a lovely seven inches of moderately thick meat. Unfortunately he pulled out and walked away, stroking his length. Ah, shit! Tease me and walk off. Just my luck. I had just about just about decided to jerk off to the video when the guy came back and stuck his dick in my mouth again. I nursed him again and was starting to taste precum when he pulled out and sat down next to me. He turned his head to me and leaned forward. I did the same and he kissed me aggressively. I returned the kiss eagerly. I love making out with tops when they're as good at it as this guy was. He murmured in my ear "I want fuck you your ass." "Mmm, that would fun. What's your HIV status?" "I'm negative, tested last week." "Great. Use a condom." "Absolutely." He stood up, took a condom out of his pocket and rolled it on his cock. I checked and it was lubed. I stood up and assumed the position, bent over a chair back. "Let me open you up a little." A lubed finger slid in me and worked my ass, then another. He was a little rough and it hurt a little. He rubbed a thick lube in me and got me ready. Fingers pulled out, I felt the condom covered dick rub my asshole and shoved in hard. He was a hard, fast fuck, pounding my ass relentlessly. I was in heaven. He must have screwed me for 15 or 20 minutes. Finally, he humped in hard and held. "Breeding you, bitch! Knocking you up!" Those words puzzled me, no man had ever said that when he fucked me. Whatever, it was a great fuck. My ass was thoroughly reamed out. He pulled out of me and I sat down. He had pulled tissues out and was pulling the condom off his cock. I motioned to him and he stuck his wet cock in my mouth. I carefully licked and sucked him clean, enjoying the taste. Odd though, there was a tangy, greasy edge to it that I'd never tasted before. He leaned down and kissed me, smiling. "Thanks for a great fuck. Welcome to the club." He wrapped the condom with a tissue, dropped them in a nearby trash can and left. I sat with a pleasantly sore ass, puzzling over his last remark. Surely he could tell I had had dicks in my ass before. One of the guys who had watched me get fucked sat down and took my dick in his hands. Mmm, good. I'd love a blowjob or handjob while enjoying that freshly fucked feeling. We made out while we played with each other's cock. He was was large and hard and oozing precum. After a few minutes he broke off and whispered to me. "Do you know that guy?" "No, never saw him before. Why?" Do you know your HIV status? He's poz." The bottom dropped out of my stomach. He had lied to me. Never the less I responded "I'm neg, but that's ok, he used a condom." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I saw him put it on, felt it when he was in my ass and saw him take it off and throw it in that trash can" pointing to the receptacle in which I had seen the top drop the condom and tissues. The guy reached over and gingerly fished out the tissues and condom, handed the wad of crumpled tissues to me saying simply "Check it." I unwrapped the tissues and looked. The condom was broken and bunched up. I felt the condom and felt what I thought was vaseline, then stood up and looked at the seat of the chair. There was a puddle there. I wiped some up and sniffed. Semen. The guy had doctored the rubber and shot a poz load in my ass. "Fuck. He shot in my ass." "Yeah. I thought as much. He's famous for stealthing guys." "How do you know he's poz?" "He told me. I'm poz too. He's fucked me before. I wish I'd had a chance to tell you. When he fingered your ass did it hurt?" "Yeah, it did. Usually I open really easy, with no pain. His nails were probably a little too long." "That was no accident. He was prepping you for his load. Scratching your asshole and rectum so you'd bleed and be more likely to get infected. I'm sorry, but my guess is that the virus is already in your bloodstream." "What can I do?" "Not much. Stock up on soup and electrolyte drinks. If you get the flu in the next few weeks it means you're infected. Go get tested later." I was sick to my stomach. I'd just been infected with HIV. My dick, however, was rock hard for the first time that evening. The guy next to me stroked my cock. "Odd reaction to getting stealthed." I was breathing hard. I realized that taking a poz load and almost surely getting infected had turned me on more than I'd been in ages. The hand on my cock felt great and I was about to shoot. I kissed the guy next to me and whispered to him "Fuck me and shoot another load of poz cum in me." My cock erupted when I said that. I really meant it. I was free. N o need to use condoms ever again or refuse any man's cock and cum. I was infected with HIV and didn't care if I got other diseases. "I'm really turned on watching you getting fucked and infected. I'd love to fuck your sloppy hole and make it a sure thing. Are you sure?" He held his hand to my mouth and I licked my last neg load from his fingers. I stood up, bent down, and licked the puddle of cum off the seat and tasted semen, assjuice and the coppery taste of blood. Infected, for sure. "Yes, do it. Make sure I'm knocked up." I bent over the back of the chair, reached back and spread my ass cheeks. The oozing head of his infected cock rubbed my asshole and he shoved in hard. My cock was rigid again, although usually it took a while to recover. I was so turned on knowing I had a dirty cock in me and was about to knowingly take dirty cum. He rammed his dick in me, fucking me as hard as the other guy had done earlier. I was in heaven, free at last to glory in pure faggot sex with no worries about anything but pleasing the cock in my ass. He hammered in and shuddered. I could feel his cock jerk and twitch and felt warm wetness in my guts. He moaned in my ear. "Pozzing your ass faggot! Fuckin' infecting you!" My cock twitched and I squirted my soon-to-be dirty cum onto the floor. One of the guys watching bent down and licked it up. My cock stayed hard. The guy rose from the floor, pulled a chair in front of me and bent over it. I stepped up and slid my newly infected cock in his ass. I wonder if he'd heard what the second poz guy had said to me and wondered if he cared. The guy was wet and I'd seen cum oozing out of him. I reveled in the feel of his slick asshole and the knowledge that my cock was bathed in strange cum. In spite of having shot two loads in a few minutes I emptied my balls in him quickly. I stayed in, enjoying the feel of his tight butt on my hard cock. Something nuzzled my well used asshole. I looked around and saw the first guy who'd fucked poz cum into me. He slid into my ass and whispered in my ear "How does it feel to be Another Infected Dicksucker, Son?"
    3 points
  4. "open the god damn door Adam" Becky shouted at the top of her voice......."i can,t i replied as im naked and in the shower"......."but im bursting for a pee" she screamed back "and if i dont go now i will pee allover the floor".......give me another 5 minutes and i,ll be decent by then. - i hollered............then she stormed off down the hall crying again. Becky and i share a flat to keep costs down as we are students and tonight she was going out with her ex to a show as she had bought tickets months before and they broke up only last week.....she had also asked me to accompany her as i told her i fancied the guy who works behind the bar where the show was so she purchased an extra ticket so i could see him........she wanted me there tonight also for some support and i guess a shoulder to cry on if needed however i was going to cancel at last minute as didnt want to feel awkward if she was going to be discussing relationship stuff with Brandon instead of enjoying the show with him as friends........she insisted i come. i couldn't tell her but i was busy douching my arse out in the shower and had done it many times before without her knowing - shower time was my time and i didn't like to rush cleaning out,often spending more than an hour washing and deep douching until i was squeaky clean inside and out.........she would just have to just piss in a basin like she had done before as there was no way i stopping my shower & douche time not even to let her piss. Becky had been in tears & been physically sick most of the week coming to terms with Brandon deciding they both split up however it was on friendly terms - she had no choice in the matter really........they had been together almost 6 months and seemed happy together and id met Brandon almost everyday when he came round to our shared flat - he was a lovely guy.......the barman was also Brandons friend and flatmate named Paul.....i was out and gay and Brandon often spoke of Paul mentioning to me Paul was gay too but he didn't mind flat sharing as he was a good guy,they also had a room each and Paul kept the place tidy - i used to get butterflies every time Pauls name was mentioned by either of them......Becky had told Brandon on more than one occasion that i,d told her i fancied Paul so i guess when the tickets were purchased they were hoping to hook me up with Paul and Brandon had probably mentioned to Paul or at least i hope he had. i stepped out the shower and dried myself off ,tidied up,wrapped my used towel around my slim waist and as soon as i opened the bathroom door to leave there she was standing there,looking at me before bursting into tears and forcing her way past me to let that pee out LOL.....i laughed to myself as i headed to my room,closing the door behind me as i entered.......i,d already laid out what clothes id wear tonight out on the bed and was getting excited with the thought of seeing Paul later......i put a tiny bit of aftershave on and proceeded to get dressed.....Becky knocked on the door and told me we would leave in about 40 minutes for a taxi ride to the club where the show was.......in the meantime i made myself a spliff and leaned out my bedroom window......i was feeling happy and it was a beautiful evening outside with the sun getting low - i was so looking forward to seeing Paul even if he didn't fancy me. just so you know Becky is 23 and myself 22.....i like to eat sensibly,try to look after myself and have a nice slim build,blue eyes and blond hair......both Brandon and Paul are beautiful black guys however Paul is the handsome one in my eyes and taller - he has a gorgeous smile too - not that ive seen him alot behind the bar as well to be honest im not a drinker and had always went to accompany Becky or our other student friends for the occasional night out........tonight felt different - i felt good,relaxed smoking the spliff and enjoying the peace and silence out the window.....i was quickly brought back to reality with another knock on the door from Becky shouting 5 mins and taxi will be here......almost 40 mins had passed already and i thought it was only 15 - id been day dreaming and buzzing throughout that time. i heard Beckys bedroom door close and heard her shoes walk down the wooden floor in the hall.....i met her as she got to my door and i have to say she looked a little bloodshot in the eyes but i said nothing for fear i made her cry again and she would perhaps end up not going if she thought it would have drawn attention to her.......she managed a slight smile anyway but wasn't her usual self so i complimented her on her dress and said it was a good choice to try cheer her up......we both got outside the flat and down stairs barely catching our breath outside as the taxi drew up to meet us......she had arranged to meet Brandon outside the club as she had tickets for all 3 of us to allow us entry..........Becky was unusually quiet during our short ride by cab so thankfully we didn't have to spend too long before it arrived right outside the club where Brandon was standing awaiting our arrival and i mentioned to her he was looking very smart before opening the door and stepping out..he approached and kissed her on the cheek but she sort-off pulled back so he turned around and shook my hand saying hi dude to me - he was looking very nice tonight for some reason but i told myself to stoppit and it was the spliff had me thinking like that especially when we got eye contact and a big smile during the handshake. Becky handed us a ticket each and Brandon told her some of her friends from college went in earlier and if she didn't mind both myself and Brandon would have a smoke outside before going in as the club had a no smoking policy...Becky said it was fine and headed indoors to be with her friends...Brandon gave me one of his cigarettes and we lit up.....he asked me how she had been and i said overall she was fine but had been sick and crying alot to which he replied "oh dear".......he then tells me Paul is finishing work in 1 hour and then tells me he had mentioned to Paul that i had the hots for him - then he laughed - saying i would get to meet him when his shift finished in 1 hour as he would join us.....i felt myself blushing and again he laughed and gave me a wink.........we finished our cigarettes and got ourselves into the club.
    3 points
  5. I'm with evilqueerpig on this and disagree with your friends, especially the married one. Tops can call me a bitch in the bedroom (or wherever) when they are fucking me but outside the bedroom (or wherever) I am a person, just like they are. I will not be reduced to just a hole in public or socially.
    3 points
  6. I've been a lurking on this site for about a year now, but this is my first time posting because I just had to get you guy's thoughts on this. Me and a few of my friends(all Tops) were talking and I noticed that they only refer to bottoms as "bitches". Even my married friend calls his husband, "Bitch". I asked why they do this and they all said pretty much the same thing, "I fuck them, so I'm a man and they get fucked, so they're the bitch". I'm a top myself, but I never think of it like that. What are your opinions? Do you like it? Or do you find it weird? I would love to know your honest opinions.
    2 points
  7. No cock all week...but it is Friday and I have some great fucking lined up. A fresh stash of weed and T, no plans (other than to fuck as much as possible) for three days. YEEHAW.
    2 points
  8. I'm not saying this as a Brent Corrigan apologist but he was in a few movies and actually was not bad in a few. His critics might say he is a little queen who is stuck up and acts like he is full of himself. There are accounts of people, whether in the business or just fans, encountering this. I have never met him, nor has anyone I know, so I can't say one way or the other. In his Cobra Video days...he was a hot bottom...until other hot bottoms came along that were better! Kyle Ross (Helix) comes to mind...though there are a few others as well. Corrigan (aka Sean Paul Lockhart) was in a movie I really liked: "Judas Kiss." His supporting role was so good I thought that would be a spring board into more mainstream movies (he had a minor role in the Oscar-winning film, "Milk"). While he ended up starring in a few indie movies, "SPL" never captured the magic he had in "Judas Kiss." Either he just isn't a good actor, has a personality that turns people off, or can't escape his porn days (some combination perhaps). After his starring role in - the filled with potential but God awful movie - "Truth," he just kinda vanished. I know this. He's human. When he was young, he went through some fucked up shit. So wherever Corrigan ("SPL") is, I hope he's with people or a special guy that actually cares about him. However perv and nasty and taboo we might like our sex and porn, regardless of what we may have done or been in the past...we all could use love in our lives. Even if only a little.
    2 points
  9. I think NLbear is onto something. What goes on in bed...or while fucking/getting fucked is there...in the moment. The mood and atmosphere. In the scene/scenario. With the right guy. It's hot using verbal...bitch, cunt, pussy, hole, slut...poz cum whore...you get the point. But it only works if it fits. If forced it can potentially ruin a hot fuck. BUT outside the bed...I'm not your bitch (unless we enter a contract...?). I have a cock...hopefully shooting poz cum sooner than later. I have a hole...or whatever we refer it as (I like em all to be honest). However I'm a guy. Just a guy. And if I'm seriously with someone and they were referring to me as their bitch without humor or sarcasm...THERE'S WHERE THE LINE IS DRAWN. Don't call me your bitch unless your cock is pounding me and giving me a huge load!
    2 points
  10. I was 18, pretty hairy already and wearing my first beard, but not very mature. I went with a group of friends to a bonfire one of their relatives was having out on their farm. Lots of men and women of all ages there, and plenty of booze flowing. Being 18, I drank like there was no tomorrow, and had quite a buzz going. The crowd and heat from fire was getting to me, so I stumbled off towards the edge of the woods and sat down on a log. I leaned back, and before I knew it I was passed out. Sometime later, I heard a guy's voice telling me to wake up. When I lifted my head, I saw it was my friend's cousin I had met earlier that night. He was about 35, lean as a bean pole, balding, and had a red bushy beard. He extended his hand and I reached up and took it. He pulled me upright and I quickly stumbled into him. He caught me, called me a drunk ass, and sat me back down on log. I lean forward again, and my forehead rested right on his crotch. He laughed again, but I could feel his cock under his jeans. I uprighted myself, and the beer gave me the courage to just place my hand on his crotch and look up at him. He didn't say a word, just unzipped his pants and freed his cock. He stood there, not moving, and let me make the first move. I started sucking his uncut cock there in the dark woods, and I was amazed as it kept extending longer and longer. I had never seen a cock that long. An average thickness, but it had to be 10" long. I sucked all of it I could for a few minutes, before he pulled out and walked me a bit deeper in the woods. In a clearing, he got us both on the ground and lay on top. He kissed me (my first passionate one) and started undressing me. Soon I was naked, as was he, and he started licking my ass as he rubbed my balls. I was putty in his hands, and he pulled me back towards him so I was on all fours in front of him. He rubbed my hole a bit with his cocked, and then just pushed into me, opening me up for first time. When I felf his balls against me, I couldn't believe something that long was inside my ass. He fucked me for maybe two minutes before I heard him groan, and the thought of cum being unloaded so deep in me made my cock shoot involuntarily. I heard him whisper good boy as I was cumming. We fucked for the next 5 years, off and on, until he took a job out of state. He had three kids by then as well. I sure got a lot of action every time his wife was knocked up.
    2 points
  11. I seem to be in the minority here.....I identify as a QUEER man, but nonetheless 100% male......my ass is neither a pussy nor a cunt and I'm nobody's bitch.
    2 points
  12. This was about 20 years ago, but it was such a hot and crazy scene that I still remember it vividly. I was in Daytona Beach, FL on business. Staying at a hotel right on the beach. Next door to the hotel was a public toilet and shower facility with public beach parking. I had some free time one afternoon, so I decided to see if there was any action going on in the restroom/shower facility. I walked in and went into one of the two stalls that separated the urinal area from the shower stall. There was a peephole in the metal wall separating my stall and the 3 urinals. There were no partition walls between urinals, so peeking through the peephole gave me a clear shot of all 3 urinals. I sat in the stall for about 20 minutes watching various guys come in to take a pee. Saw some really hot dicks. Saw a couple of guys stroking each other off at the urinals. A couple of the guys would also bend over and suck on the dick next to him, until they'd get interrupted by someone else coming into the restroom. So, there was definitely some action going on in this restroom. I was enjoying being a voyeur and stroking my dick in the stall. But then it became kind of quiet in the restroom for awhile, so I decided I'd leave. Just as I was washing my hands I heard the heavy metal door scraping against the concrete floor. Someone else was coming in. So, I lingered at the sink to see who it was. In came a young man in his late 20's. Very handsome, 5'11", 185, in great shape with washboard abs and muscular arms. All he was wearing was a speedo with a towel wrapped over his shoulders, his flip flops slapping against the concrete floor as he walked in. He was pushing an umbrella type stroller with a year old baby boy that was struggling to stay awake. Oddly, the young daddy stepped up to the urinal that was right next to the sink I was standing at, in stead of the urinal at the other end, which is what most guys would have done for more privacy. He pulled down the front of his speedos and pulled out a gorgeous looking piece of meat that appeared to be about 8"s, uncut, with tightly curled black pubes that looked like they'd been carefully trimmed and sculpted. I was trying to be inconspicuous as I looked out of the corner of my eyes at his beautiful cock. But when I did turn my head slightly to get a better view, our eyes met. I was embarrassed at getting caught staring at his dick. But he gave me a friendly smile then began to slowly stroke his cock to show it off for me. His cock began to grow as he slowly slid his hand up and down his growing shaft. This young daddy's swelling cock was causing my own cock to swell again. But seeing his drowsy baby just behind him in the stroller was kind of freaking me out. The speedo hunk finally turned to me and said, "Sorry to ask this of you, buddy. But I want to wash this salt water off. If you have time, could you just keep an eye on my son as I quickly rinse this salt off?" "Sure. Of course", I said. He turned and walked back to where his sleeping son was. He pulled his speedos down and stepped out of them. His nearly fully hard cock stuck straight ahead of him. He didn't seem to be embarrassed at all as he stepped out of his speedos and hung them on the handle of the stroller, along with his towel. He was now completely naked, except for his flip flops as he walked into the shower stall. I leaned against the wall, next to his baby, as he turned on the water and waited for the water to warm up. "Shit! I forgot the soap. Could you reach in that bag on my stroller? There's a small bar of soap and a small shampoo bottle. Could you just hand those to me, please?" "Ya, sure. No problem", I said. I opened the small bag and found the soap and shampoo. I walked to the opening of the shower stall and handed them to him. His wet hand brushed mine as I handed them off to him. I glanced down at his cock. It was now at full hardness, sticking straight up, with beautiful, low hangers below. He bent over to place the shampoo bottle on the floor, giving be a great view of his solid, bubble butt. I lingered at the shower opening as he began to soap up his muscled body. His soapy fingers repeatedly lathering up his cock, balls and asscrack. Stroking his cock with the soapy lather as he looked me in the eye. I didn't bother to walk back to the stroller with his now asleep baby boy in it. I leaned against the wall of the shower opening as I watched this hunky dad showing off for me. He was making me horny as hell. I wanted to touch that beautiful cock. He rinsed the soap off then took a step towards me. His hard cock sticking up at a 45 degree angle. I stepped towards him and wrapped my fingers around his cock. Knowing that the loud sound of the metal door scraping the floor would give us warning if someone came in, I then dropped to my knees on the wet floor and took his cock into my mouth. He let out a soft moan as I began to suck his cock. One of my hands was massaging his balls, as I reached between his legs with my other hand and rubbed his puckered asshole. All the while, my mouth made love to his cock. It didn't take long for him to finally arch his back, let out a low growl as his sweet juice filled my mouth. I milked every drop I could from his cock. Then he quickly pulled his now softening cock from my lips, took another turn under the water to rinse off, turned off the water and stepped past me, walking towards his son in the stroller. "Thanks", was all he said as he dried off with his towel that was draped over the stroller handle, along with his speedo. He stepped into and pulled up his speedo and stuffed his nearly soft cock back into the the speedo. Taking hold of the stroller, he then quickly exited the restroom with the stroller. "Daddy..!!" I heard a young girls voice exclaim outside. "What the HELL have you been doing in there for so long?", I heard a woman's voice say. "I was about to come in to find you", she said again. "I had to wait for the shower. It was being used", he said. "Well, come on. I want to get these kids bathed and cleaned up", she barked as they headed for their car in the parking lot. As weird as it was to have this dad's young baby right there as I sucked off his daddy. It was also kind of hot, knowing that this "Str8" young father didn't care. He just wanted his dick sucked.
    2 points
  13. There are seemingly millions of websites that can give you much more information. Of course a local doc may be a great choice. But here is a quick (from my viewpoint) of taking HIV meds. Tons of proof that your life span will be longer if you keep the virus in check via medication. Higher CD4 and lower VL counts that result from the meds will allow your body to be less affected by opportunistic diseases that are common in those with compromised immune systems. Very, very few cases of medicated (undetectable) guys infecting others. Current research indicates that the earlier someone starts meds, the better LONG TERM prognosis. Side effects and cost are often cited as reasons for non-conformance to a medication regimen. Some evidence that those who are not consistent with adherence to the medication regimen may put themselves at greater risk for a issues like having some "morphing" of your strain that makes it more resistant to medication. Now from my own perspective. I got intentionally knocked up in August of 2015. Like you, I have had not symptoms. Also, I have not started any medication. That has been a personal choice---I have access via good insurance. However, much of my desire has been to fully experience all that getting infected and having the disease progress means. Just because you do not feel anything, you need to be fully aware that the virus is active. There are three stages of an HIV infection. The acute stage is the first stage as your body works hard to fight off the intruder (HIV virus). This is the time frame that some experience fuck flu. Your VL can grow wildly. Newly infected guys who do not know their status are responsible for many new infections each year. The second stage is latency. This is where you and I are. Once the viral war within an infected person is won by the virus, it settles into a period where it is replicating much more slowly. This can last for many years---up to 10 or more is not uncommon. You likely have a VL that would be high enough to easily infect others, but you may not have anything else going on. My own VL seems to be consistent around 200K. The final stage is often referred to as AIDS. The gradual growth of your VL over the long period of latency (and related loss of CD4 cells) makes you very much exposed to the opportunistic diseases that would normally be shut down by your immune system. The full blown AIDS guy simply has no more ability to fight those infections. It will be one of those diseases that kills the AIDS level guys, not the virus itself. Your time with AIDS is limited---perhaps 3-5 years before death. Starting medication at the later years of latency and during the AIDS phase MAY be able to help some, but the overwhelmingly high VL and low CD4 count at those stages makes the effectiveness of any medication suspect. I know I have made my choice and that at some point I will face the consequences of that decision. However, given my age, the normal course of the progression to an AIDS related death and my normal expected lifespan are quite close. As I said, the authenticity of disease and it's consequences are much of the reason I chose this path. However, I want to make it clear that this is simply one faggot's choice. There are other options and you much understand the disease, it's progression and what that means to you. Then you can make choices that are best for you.
    2 points
  14. The next morning Steve woke me up by sliding his cock in my ass and pounding away with my face in the pillow until he came in my ass. The sound of his parents milling around the house only made it that much hotter. I shot my load as I jerked off. We showered and went downstairs for breakfast. Steve told his parents we were going downtown and then to the mall. He said we would try to meet up with some of his friends and we wouldn't be back until after dinner. I was thinking, wtf are we doing today? Ha. Steve said to dress kinda slutty so I put on my jockstrap, a tight shirt, and jeans. Steve was in shorts and a tank. Steve said, Dude it's July wear some shorts and I told him I didn't have sexy shorts. Steve gave me one of his to try on. He was not my size, so the were kinda tight. I was almost too embarrassed to wear them. Steve said I looked sexy. I blushed. We drove downtown and Steve said we were going to a used bookstore. Images of a public sex place filled my head. We parked and walked down this street and to my surprise it was an actual used book store. We went inside and I geeked out a bit. I like book stores and used ones are pretty awesome because they are cheap and it is like a treasure hunt. We looked around for awhile and then Steve grabbed my ass and said look over there. I saw an area near where the owner stood, just across the aisle from him actually, that looked like it was all magazines. Steve said, see that black dude, he is looking at the porn mags. I thought - porn mags - do those still exist....like hello internet. But, whatever. Steve said, lets go over by him. We went over and stood by the magazines and the guy was flipping through a straight magazine - tits everywhere. I was nervous. Steve picked up a gay porn magazine and we looked at pictures of the guys together. The black guy, mid 40s, bulky muscular, and big looked over at us and smiled. He leaned in to pick up a gay magazine from one of the boxes and he whispered, "You fags looking for fun." Steve said, "Hell yes." The guy asked if we had a place to go and we said no. He said we could go to his place but it had to be quick. I couldn't believe it when we all left together. That was so quick. I could never have figured that out without Steve. We got outside and the black guy told us his name was Lou. We introduced ourselves and walked three blocks down the street and turned into what looked like a new housing project. Like maybe built in the 90s. We went inside and Lou said, "We gotta be quick. This is my moms place and she is at the senior center." He pushed his shorts down and out flopped a heavy and big cock. I dropped to my knees in front of him and started to lick and suck his cock. As his cock grew, it stretched my mouth wider. Man, this was a fat cock. I kept sucking and Lou put his hands behind my head and started to deep throat me some. I gagged some and thought I might throw up once, but he worked his cock further into my mouth and throat. My eyes were watering. I felt Steve behind me pulling my shorts down my thighs and he was rubbing my hole with his cock. I felt him try to push in but he was too dry and it hurt. I stopped sucking Lou and said, "Steve that hurts." Lou said, "Damn youngin, don't you know you gotta lick it before you stick it." Lou laughed and then we all laughed and Lou said, here use this. He gave Steve some vaseline that was sitting near his mom's chair. (knitting needles, tissues, vaseline, bengay, some pills, etc) It had to be her chair. Steve fingered some vaseline in my ass and rubbed some on his cock. He slid into me more easily and I went back to sucking Lou's cock. Steve fucked me hard. I was groaning around Lou's cock. Lou grabbed my head again and took over. He used my mouth and throat and Steve used my ass. Everything hurt, but it all hurt in a good way. I heard Lou ask Steve, "You close man? I'm gonna give this bitch my load soon." Steve said, "Fcuk yeah, me too!" I didn't have to wait long before Steve busted his load in my ass and Lou blew in my mouth. I swallowed as much of Lou's load as I could and the rest dribbled out when Lou slid his cock from my mouth. Lou kissed me. He licked the cum off my lips and said I was a sweet boy. I pulled up my shorts in the back as Steve got dressed. Lou asked us if we wanted to meet him at a bathhouse later that evening. Steve said yes. I looked shocked and a bit scared. Lou put his arm around my shoulders and said, "It's okay sweet boy. I won't let anything bad happen to you." I smiled at Lou and he said he would walk us back out of the housing complex and to the car. Steve and I went and had lunch, saw the State Capitol, hit Lark Street (supposedly a gay area), and then drove out to the mall. We hung out at the mall, saw a movie, grabbed food and then hung around the mall for about an hour. Steve said, we need to stop at CVS before we go to the bathhouse so we left and we got some water bottle enemas (the small ones) and some Magnum condoms. Steve got condoms some for himself (not Magnums) and said, "These aren't for you. You feel too good taking it raw. I want these for the bathhouse." I blushed. We drove to the bathhouse in Troy. I was really nervous. We went in and went through the ritual of first time visitors, a review of the rules, etc. We got a room to share. The guy asked if we were boyfriends and we said no, he said "Have fun and play safe. Everyone in there likes young guys like you. The first thing we did was go get undressed and Steve helped me douche. I insisted on using 3 of the 4 water douches we bought. I even refilled two of them with warm water just in case. I was really anxious about not being clean enough, but I think I was just channeling how anxious I was about being in a bathhouse at all. I knew about them sure, but just 3 months ago I had only had sex with 1 guy - Eli. Just one guy and now I was in a bathhouse. We walked around and I saw groups of guys and guys standing. Some guys grabbed for us and touched us, but it seemed okay enough. Then I saw Lou. He smiled his big smiled and came over and kissed me. He asked how I was doing and I told him I was nervous. He said, "Sweet boy will my cock calm you down?" I laughed and so did he. We went to the room and I dropped my towel immediately. Steve asked Lou what end he wanted and Lou said, I want to try his ass. Lou asked if I was cool with that and I said he would be the biggest cock I ever took. Lou said he'd take good care of me. Lou was true to his word. Steve took out the Magnums we bought and I said, "Because I wanted you to fuck me tonight Lou." Lou bent me over and immediately stuck his tongue in my ass. He stopped and said, "Sweet Boy cleaned himself out, huh?" I said yes and Lou dove back in and ate my ass for a long time. He would stop and finger me and say I have a great ass. I was sucking Steve's cock this whole time and eating his ass some. Steve was saving up for what he called a HUGE load for me. Lou kept eating and fingering my ass for at least an hour. He said that he loved eating ass. My cock would bounce every time he drove his tongue up my ass hard. God damn! That tongue felt so good. Lou then started to use lube to finger me. It was a black bottle and he said it is his favorite. I was sucking on Steve and kept feeling pressure on my ass. Next thing I know, Steve is saying "Fuck man, you have 4 fingers in his ass." Then he said a bit more timidly and in a breathier voice, "Are you going to fist him?" Lou said, "No way man. I'm not trying to ruin his ass. Just opening him up." Lou kept fingering and twisting his fingers in my ass. Steve was just sitting back and stroking his cock watching us. Lou had me get on the bed on all fours facing the wall. Steve was at the head of the bed stroking. Lou was now rubbing his big cock in my ass crack and dropping more lube in my crack and fingering more into my ass. Lou aimed his cock at my hole and slid in a bit. I winced, but I was ready. Damn that was a big cock. Steve said, "Wait man. You need to use a rubber." I said, "Yeah Lou, please put one on." Lou kissed my neck and slid his cock from my ass and said, "Sure sweet boy." I looked at Steve and mouthed "Thank you" Steve nodded at me. Lou put the Magnum on and rubbed lube on it. He jerked his cock some and said, "Usually rubbers make me go soft but you have the finest ass I've seen in a long time. I don't think I've ever been this hard wearing a condom." I winced as he slid inside me. Fuck this hurt way more than before. OMG! It hurt. It burned and I was not ready for it. I grunted and winced. Lou said, breathe baby and relax. He kissed me on my back and neck and rubbed some lube on my cock. Damn this was good lube. I started to relax and then I realized. OMG! I lost my virginity again. This is the first condom that's ever been in my ass. I thought back to Eli and the other guys. No one had used condoms, not even Steve. This was the first condom covered cock I'd ever taken. I was so proud of myself for being a good boy. But then Lou moved again and the pain was back. Fuck! Eventually Lou and I got into a rhythm and he started to fuck me. I was taking it better. I was moaning now. I was stroking my slick cock and Lou was steadily fucking me. Then he pulled out and dropped his whole cock back inside my ass all the way to his balls. Holy crap that burned. It was too much. I winced and said it hurt. Lou said, "Time for more lube." Lou took out his cock and lubed it again and then lubed my ass more and put some on my cock. I groaned when he slid back inside me slowly. Lou then pulled out and rammed back in again, over and over. Each time it burned more from the friction of the dry condom. I realized that unlike the cocks I'd taken bareback, condoms always needed more lube or it hurt. At least with big cocks like Lou's. Fuck it hurt and burned but he was also hitting places in me that felt really good. I mean really good. Lou said, "Have you ever used poppers?" I said no. Steve said yes. He told Steve to get some from his locker and Steve went off as Lou was fucking me. Steve left the door open when he left and by the time he got back there was a small crowd watching my 18 year old ass get plowed by a 40-something year old black man with a huge cock. I was moaning and blushing at the same time. I heard the guys mumbling and I knew it was about us. Lou kept fucking away at my ass. Steve closed the door and I heard at least one guy say, "Please don't close the door." Steve opened the poppers and took a long hit as he got back on the bed. Lou and Steve showed me how to take a bit as Lou was pounding my ass. In a few minutes, I was high. Things were blurry and I was loving the cock. Lou went back to taking his cock out, adding lube, and ramming it back in my ass. He stopped adding lube as I totally loosened up with the popper high. It still hurt and burned some now that he wasn't using more lube. Lou kept pulling out and ramming back in my ass. I was reaching for Steve's cock now and really wanted to suck him as I got fucked. I licked the head and balls on his cock, but Lou pulled me back on his cock instead. He had me balls deep and he pulled my frame up to kiss him. Lou kissed me with his cock in my ass. He pushed me down on the bed and took his cock out and rammed in again and then again and again. Steve had me do more poppers and Lou's cock felt really really good now. Lou was fucking me with long strokes, but no longer pulling all the way out. He was moaning now. He asked how I liked his cock. I said it feels so good inside me. Lou was really fucking me now and I had to lay flat on the bed ass up to hold my balance. He said, "Does my cock feel better now?" I said "Fuck yeah it does. It feels great. There's no burning and it doesn't hurt." Lou kept fucking me and fucking me. I was totally high and loving his cock. Lou said he was getting close to cumming. For the first time I realized, wow I won't be getting his load. He's wearing a condom. I felt safe and in control and happy that I was finally using condoms. He asked me where I wanted it and as he said it I felt his massive cock jerk and explode inside me. I felt very wet. Fuck that was so hot. I almost came from feeling him cum. Lou rested on my back and, after a few minutes, he pulled out. Lou said, "Aw Fuck Sweet boy, the condom broke while I was fucking you." I didn't think they could break. Shit I never thought of that. Lou said he must've been fucking me too hard. I looked and the condom was ripped and literally all the way at the base of his dick. I was so high and well fucked that all I said was, "No wonder it started to feel so good near the end." Lou smiled at me and said, "It always feels better bareback" I shrugged my shoulders as I felt his load leaking out of my ass. Steve said, "You are such a slut." Steve smiled at me, lifted my legs and asked if I wanted his cock. I laid back, spread my legs wider, and said I was. Steve fucked me hard. He said I was really loose and so wet. It didn't take Steve long before he came inside me with a roar. Lou watched and jerked his soft cock watching Steve fuck me. After Steve came we all went to shower. After I was done, I went back to the room and grabbed the poppers and then looked around for Steve and Lou. I took a long hit. I got a bit lost and wound up in a room with holes in the walls. I saw some other guys around and I looked through one of the holes. I saw a guy stroking his cock, but not much more of him. He slid his cock through the hole and said, "suck it." And, I did. I sucked and sucked. When my jaw got tired I took another hit of poppers. The guy came in my mouth and I swallowed. He said, "Thanks kid." Then another cock popped through. This one was darker, but not black, and I sucked on his cock too. He asked me to stand up and turn around so he could feel my hot ass. I did and he felt my used ass. He asked if I had been fucked that night. I said yes and I took another hit of the poppers. I felt his cock on my ass and the guy asked, "Is that cum I feel in your ass?" I said yes. He asked if I had any condoms. I said not with me but in my room. He popped his cock in my ass. He said, "Let's fuck here for awhile and then we can go to your room and get the condoms." I said sure and I felt his cock slide all the way inside. I said, "You can bareback me for a few minutes. Then we can get the condoms." The dude fucked me hard and fast. I had to put my hands on the floor to steady myself. Wow the cock felt good. The guy was speeding up and said, "I'm close. Do you want to go to your room?" I didn't know what I wanted. I knew we should go get the condoms but I didn't really care that much. His cock felt so good. The guy said it louder, "I'm going to cum. Do you want my load?" I heard myself say, "Cum in my ass man." And this dude I had never seen came deep in my ass. I felt him pull out of my ass and then I felt another cock slide inside me. This guy said, "Sweet ass man." I took another hit of poppers and the guy fucked me fast and quick and said, "I'm cumming in your ass." After he slid out of me, I stood up and stumbled some. I leaned against the wall, cum leaking out of my ass. I found my way back to the showers where I saw Lou shoving his cock in another twink. The twink was taking it raw. I got hard and then Steve found me. He got on his knees and sucked me off. I came in his mouth watching Lou cum in the twink's ass. Steve and I got dressed and left. He asked where I went and I told him about the room with the holes. He said, "The glory hole room. You are a total slut." He kissed me and we went back to his parent's house and passed out.
    2 points
  15. Asian guy lives in London leave some vids to share. Love to make done new ones and show more and more skin and face. http://www.xtube.com/profile/Asian4rawwhitedicks-33462381#videos
    1 point
  16. Getting My Poz Freak On What the hell did I get my 30 year old ass into this time? Here I was strapped in a sling in leather restraints in my black boots and jockstrap, horny as hell for pig play. A handsome, leather, bearded, muscled daddy-type was preparing a rig to slam into my arm. I woke this morning with a morning wood, horny and looking to cruise. I logged onto my favorite gay site and browsed the profiles. One headline caught my eye. It read, “Dominant Leather BB Pig!” His stats read: “Age: 45” “Height: 6’2” “Weight: 155 – 160 Lbs.” “Position: Versatile/Top” “Build: Muscular” “Body Hair: Hairy” “Cock: Large/Uncut” “HIV Status: Unanswered” “Drink: Socially” “Drugs: Yes” “Smoke: Yes” His description read, “Masculine man here, intense, and likes to go with the flow. Looking to smoke, slam, and perv out with like-minded pigs. Let’s get twisted and breed.” My cock sprung to attention. I unlocked my private pics and sent him a message that read, “Hi, hot profile. Pig boy here looking to expand my limits and do some serious piggin.” He replied, “Hot pics, boy! DOM, BB, pig, daddy here. Love to get you in my sling, get twisted and breed that hole. You like cum and piss? Want to parTy?” I replied, “Yes, I want your cum and piss. Let’s parTy.” “I only BB. You cool with that, boy?” “Yes!!” “Come on over, boy. The sling is up and ready.” He sent me his address and we set up a time to meet. I jumped in the shower and prepared for an afternoon of pig play, then slipped into my dirty jock stinking of piss, got into my boots and headed to his house. I knocked on his door. When he opened the door there stood one rugged looking, hot man in a leather jock and boots. The twists of his curly beard hairs ended around his nipples. He was muscular, with a hairy chest, and treasure trail that disappeared into his jock. I looked into those dark brown eyes and must have sprouted an instant boner. This guy was so fucking hot!! “Damn boy, get that sweet ass in here, and get those clothes off. Let’s get to piggin’.” I stripped down to my jock and boots, and he led me to his play room. He had leather gear hanging from the walls, a bench full of dildos and toys, and pics of hot naked men on the walls. There was a sling hanging in the middle of the room, and the moans of sex could be heard from the porn playing on a big screen tv. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode right out of my chest. What an erotic play space too. He pulled me to him and slipped his tongue down my throat as he kissed me with the most erotic, passionate kiss I ever had. I was putty in his arms. “Woof….you’re going to be fun!!” He grabbed my ass with a firm grip, and turned and walked to his wall of gear. He returned with a collar in hand, and strapped it tightly around my neck; then locked it in place with a pad lock. “That’s better, boy, now let’s get your ass in the sling and play.” I flipped myself into the sling, and he put my feet into the leather stirrups, then went back to his wall of gear and returned with leather wrist restraints. My cock was rock hard. With each throb my rod stood at attention and again dropped to my belly. He wrapped his hand around my cock and stroked the full length of my shaft, working precum to the end of my piss hole. With one finger he wiped up the precum from the head of my cock and made me lick it up. He then strapped the restraints around my wrists and secured them to the sling chains. “Now we’re ready to get started, boy. Trust me you’re going to love this as much as me.” He turned back to me again and pulled out a syringe. “You like to slam, boy, when you parTy?” I told him I smoked T in the past, but never slammed before. “It’s amazing, boy. You’ll crave to be an even bigger pig after slamming.” Smoking T made me a big pig, but I was totally excited after hearing how much more intense a slam would be. My cock throbbed hard at the thought of the pig play ahead, and my first slam. I was almost shaking I was so excited. He finished preparing the rig and turned and placed it on the table next to the sling along with a tourniquet. He then grabbed a catheter and lube and placed them on the table next to the rig. “From the looks of your cock all boned up, I think you’re ready for the ride, huh, boy?” “F….U….C….K, Yes!!” “I’m going to breed you good, boy. You ready to take my cum too?” “Yes, I want your cum and piss. Please!!” He chuckled and grinned, “Are you sure, boy?” “Yes, give it to me!!” “Are you poz or neg, boy?” “Neg, why?” He put the tourniquet on my arm, then grinned again, “Welcome to the club, boy. I’m going to poz your ass tonight.” My eyes widened and jaw dropped as I gasped, “You’re poz?!!!!!” He just grinned again, grabbed his already hard cock, and nodded yes. I struggled to get free from the restraints, “No!! Untie me!! Let me out of here!!” “You’re saying no, boy, but your cock is saying yes!!” I looked down and my cock was raging hard and pulsing. He turned his back to me, “Let’s just seal the deal, huh boy??!!” “Just untie me, please.” He grabbed a belt from his table and tightened it around his arm. When he turned back to me he had an empty syringe in his hand. He looked into my eyes. “You’re going to love this, boy!!” My cock again throbbed, saying yes, but my head was telling me no. He extended his veiny arm for me to see, then pulled the cap from the needle with his teeth, and lined the needle up with his vein. I watched him slowly poke the needle into his arm, into his vein, and he drew back half a syringe of blood. I again struggled to get free, as he wiped my now protruding arm vein with an alcohol swab. It was an easy find. He grasped my arm firmly to hold me still. All I could do was watch in terror and excitement. My heart was beating fast. He lined up the needle to my vein, and with a slow jab I felt the needle poke into my arm. He drew back on the plunger, mixing our blood together in the syringe. “Here is comes, boy!! And I’m not on meds, so I’m highly toxic. This is your conversion!!” His cock was rock hard. Precum oozed from the head of his shaft and dripped from his PA ring. (More toxic juice). I watched as he slowly injected his poisonous blood into my arm vein. “There’s no turning back. You’re mine!!” My cock again throbbed, and I stopped struggling. It was too late, but at the same time, it was so erotic. His toxic blood was now shooting through my body, and I found it turning me on, not off. “Fuck……yes!!!” “I knew you wanted it, boy. I want to give you all of me.” I let go of all the desires that burned in me for so long, “Yes….breed me. Poz me.” He again wiped my arm with an alcohol swab then pulled the cap from the rig with the T. He lined the needle up to another vein in my arm and grasped my arm. “I wanted you fully sober for my blood, and your cock tells me you are as excited about it as I am. Now let’s go for a ride.” He again slowly poked the needle into my arm, and drew back on the plunger. My blood flashed back into the syringe. “I’m in, boy.” I watched as he slowly emptied the syringe into my vein. He popped the tourniquet from my arm, and pulled the needle out. Blood trickled from my arm, and he wiped it with his finger then licked it up as my body felt the rush. My neck felt hot!! My heart raced!! Tingly sensations filled my body, and my cock again throbbed with excitement. My hole begged for attention. I wanted all his piss and cum. “FUCK!! It feels amazing!! What a rush!!” I felt an erotic sensation throughout my body. I wanted to be a total pig with this man. I wanted all his toxic cum in me. “Fuck me. Fill me with your poz cum.” “Easy boy, you’ll get all of my DNA and more. We’re going have a great time!!” He again tightened the belt on his arm, cleaned off his forearm with alcohol and picked up another rig of T. “You watching, boy?” He walked to the side of the sling so his extended, veiny arm was in clear sight. I watched intensely as he again popped the cap from the syringe with his teeth and aligned the needle to a protruding vein in his arm. With a slow advance he slid the needle into his vein and drew back on the syringe. His toxic blood shot into the syringe, and he slowly injected the blood and T mixture into his arm. He removed the empty syringe from his arm, and blood trickled down his arm from the injection site. He dropped the belt to the floor and put his arm to my mouth for me to lick up his blood. It was all so hot!!! He closed his eyes and grinned, “Fuck, yes!!! I’m going to enjoy pozzing you tonight, boy!!” His cock was rock hard with more precum leaking from its piss slit onto his PA ring. He walked toward the table next to me and opened the lube and catheter package. After lubing the tip of the catheter he grasped my hard cock and lined the tip of it with my piss hole. I felt the catheter spread my piss slit open, and he slowly advanced the tubing down my urethra. My cock again throbbed rock hard, and as the catheter reached my bladder urine shot from the end of the tubing onto my belly. He quickly clamped the tubing off, then leaned over and smeared my piss all over my chest and abdomen. The smell of piss filled the air. It was so erotic. Then without delay he stood up again and aimed his hard shaft up in the air. A piss stream shot from the end of his cock, dripping from his PA ring as he sprayed his piss all over my cock, body and face. I opened my mouth and he filled it with his piss. The taste was strong and salty as I gulped down mouthful after mouthful of his golden urine. Piss dripped from my stache and beard and teased my nostrils. I loved the smell of piss. Even walking into a men’s bathroom and smelling piss made my cock rock hard. My cock again throbbed and danced with each pulse as he soaked me with his scent. The last of his piss dripped and splashed from his PA ring to his legs and the floor. He again smeared piss all over my soaked body with his hand. He then leaned over and licked piss from my chest, running his tongue up my chest and across my lips as he buried his tongue deep into my mouth. I could taste his piss on his tongue as he again French kissed me. His tongue was buried deep in my mouth with his lips pressed firmly to mine. This man brought out every animalistic desire in me, and I craved for more. The catheter tubing stuck out from the head of my boned up cock, and he reached down and unclamped it. My piss started to spray out onto my belly, and he took the end into his mouth and drank every last drop of my piss then again clamped the tubing. He leaned over and again kissed me with a mouthful of my piss and fed me my piss while again slipping his tongue deep into my mouth French kissing me. Fuck, I was in heaven. “Now let’s work that ass of yours, huh boy? You want that ass opened up to take my poz seed?” “Fuck, yes, I want all your fluids in me. Charge me up!” He reached for his toys and lubed up a dildo that was about 8 inches long. It was smaller at the head, but widened as it reached the base. “Let’s stretch that ass open, boy.” He point at the base of the dildo, “This is 6.5 inches around.” My ass was begging to be used. He took the head of dildo and pressed against my hole. My ass quickly engulfed the head of the dildo with ease. I was flying high, and with just a little pressure I watched in the mirror above the sling as my hole took the full length of the dildo. I moaned with pleasure and tightened my ass around the toy as he worked the dildo in and out of my hole. “Fuck, yes…..work my hole.” “You like that, boy?” “God, yes….I love it!!” “Let’s step it up a bit. I want to open you up wide, get my fist in you before giving you my poz load.” He grabbed an even bigger dildo. “I’m going to wreck that hole, boy.” “Yes!! Give it to me.” He again lubed up the dildo and my ass engulfed the head with ease. “This one is 9 inches with a 7 inch base. I’m going to have that ass gaping when I’m done.” He worked the dildo in and out of my hole until my ass stretched tightly around the base of the dildo. I took the full length in me and he again began to work my ass harder and faster; each time slamming into my prostate, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. After stretching my hole wide open he removed the dildo. My ass was gaping open, and he took a large butt plug and lubed it up. “Here boy, this will wreck your hole for my fist.” He pressed the head of the butt plug to my open hole and applied pressure. My hole stretched even wider, and I watched in the mirror as the butt plug began to disappear into my guts. I thought my hole would tear open, but with one final pop, my hole wrapped around the butt plug and pulled the last of the wide, bulbous base inside. “Now keep that in you for a bit, boy. Feel good?” “oh….yes!!” “Are you thirsty again, boy?” He once again unclamped the catheter sticking out of the head of my cock and soaked me with my piss, only to lick it up and smear it on my body. The smell of piss teased my nostrils and made my cock throb rock hard. “I have more of my toxic fluid to give you, boy; time to point again.” My body was full of erotic, tingly sensations, and I craved to be a total sleazy pig for him. “Are you watching, boy? I like you to see me inject you with my poison.” “Fuck, yes….give it to me. I want your poz blood in me.” He took the same syringe he used earlier, and the thought of some of my blood entering his body made my rock hard cock stiffen even more. I watched him tighten the belt around his arm again, then clean a spot on the protruding veins of his rugged looking arm. He lined the needle up to his vein, and I watched the tip slowly poke into his arm. He advanced the needle into his vein and pulled back on the plunger, filling the syringe half-full with his blood. “The site of you slamming me with your blood turns me on so much!!! Give me your virus!!” He pulled the needle from his arm, put the tourniquet onto my arm, and cleaned off a spot on my forearm. I again watched him take the syringe and line it up to my arm vein. He grasped my arm to steady my vein, and then poked the needle into my arm. Seeing our blood mix together as he drew back on the plunger was hot. He then made sure my eyes were fixed on the syringe as he emptied another dose of his blood into my veins. Something stirred in me so erotic, so sensual. He was sharing every part of himself with me. He nudged toward the syringe, “Are you watchin, boy?” He again pulled back on the plunger filling the syringe with blood. The needle slipped from my arm and a trickle of his poisonous blood ran from my arm. He again lined up the needle to his arm and advanced into his vein. After getting a blood flashback, mixing our blood again in the syringe, he slowly injected my blood into his vein. He leaned over and again French kissed me with his tongue twisting with mine. At the same time, he pulled the butt plug from my ass, and worked three fingers into my gaping hole. “I want to feel my fist inside you, boy. Your hole is ready, and the sensations will feel incredible.” He lubed up his fist and arm, and began to finger my hole with three of his fingers, working them in and out; twisting is fingers around the rim of my hole. Then a fourth finger slipped inside with his hand cupped; and soon his thumb entered. He again twisted and worked his hand in and out. I was still flying high from the T. He worked his hand deeper and deeper into my hole, until his knuckle was ready to slip in. With a quick thrust, he opened me up and in popped his hand to the wrist. The feeling was total pleasure, sending tingling sensations throughout my body. He again worked his fingers farther into me, slowing searching and guiding their way in as he opened me up. He slowly withdrew his hand past my inner ring, and again opened it up, repeating back and forth, before fully withdrawing his fist from my gaping hole. “Your hole is wide open, boy!!” He slammed his fist into my hole more forcefully, and burning pain quickly turned to pleasure again as he repeatedly pushed his fist into me to his wrist and withdrew it again. I watched in the mirror as my hole squeezed tightly around his fist. He continued to work his fist in and out of me. As he pulled out for the last time my hole remained open. My ass lips were swollen and hung open and I noticed a trickle of blood dripping from my hole. “Fuck, boy, you’re ready for my poz seed now,” as he licked up the blood dripping from my ass lips. He then unclamped the catheter one more time and as piss started to spray from the end of the catheter tubing, he soaked my abdomen and slowly pulled the tubing out of my cock. Piss sprayed onto my chest and face as the end of the catheter slipped from my piss hole. I began to piss on myself and into my mouth, and he opened his mouth to lap up the piss from my tap. I emptied my bladder onto both of us. Piss dripped from his stache and beard onto my cock. He licked piss from my abdomen, then rubbed my soaked body, smearing my piss all over my chest, abdomen, and cock. He then engulfed my hard cock into his mouth, tasting my piss one more time. He stood up and stroked his raging hard, poz shaft twice, then with one quick thrust slammed his cock into my ass balls deep. He worked his death stick in and out of my hole ramming in harder and harder. When he pulled his cock out, it was tinged with ass juice and blood. My cock was rock hard watching him seed me, knowing he was leaking his poz precum into my wrecked hole. “You want my poz cum now, boy?” “Yes, give it to me.” “Beg for it!! Beg for me to poz your hole.” “Please, please give me your poz seed, sir. Charge me up!!” He again slammed his cock into my ass, and thrust in and out harder and faster, burying deep in me with his balls slapping my ass. “I’m working my poz precum into your bloody hole, boy. My virus will definitely get in to convert you.” “Yes, give me your cum!! I want every drop of your poison.” “Fuck, are you ready for it, cause I’m very close to seeding you?” My cock was pulsing with excitement, and he pushed me over the edge as I started to shoot my cum across my abdomen and chest. “Fuckin, hot, boy….here it comes!! “ He thrust in me one more time, and buried into my ass. I felt his cock throbbing and pulsing, filling my ass with all his toxic cum. His body jerked with each shot of cum from his cock. “Fuck yeah, boy. Take my poz seed.” “Fuck yes….I want all your DNA.” He held his cock deep in my ass until I felt his pulsing shaft stop throbbing. He then started to slowly plunge his cock in and out of my hole, working his poison deep in my guts. When he pulled out, his cock was tinged pink with poz cum and blood. His cum leaked from my hole, and he walked over to the side of the sling. “Clean my cock off, boy. Lick up that seed and blood.” I engulfed his cock into my mouth, and sucked every drop of blood and cum from his shaft. I then licked the head of his cock clean. “Fuck, that was amazing!!” “There’s no way you are not charged up now, boy. You’ll be seroconverting in no time. You’re mine, boy!!” Over the next two weeks, we swapped blood, and he seeded my ass with his charged cum 7 more times. And he was right, a week or so later I was seroconverting. I didn’t get all the classic flu-like symptoms so many guys get. I had a lot of night sweats, headaches, odd looking abdominal rashes, was very fatigued, and ran a fever. Knowing I was pozzing excited him and boned me up too. To celebrate we again swapped blood, but now we were swapping poz blood in our slams. We also swapped toxic seed, recharging my hole. After 5 years, we still pig and slam together, but now have converted 10 more chasers wanting our diseases. We continue to take all the toxic seed and blood we can get. My dad acquired gonorrhea, and he gladly gave it to me. We both had syphilis as well. We share all of our diseases with each other. Guess we are now in a daddy/son relationship, since he asked me to move in with him and continue exploring our twisted, taboo desires together. I of course said, "Yes!!"
    1 point
  17. can't stand those dicks who just respond to your pic. Got this add on recon where i m looking for "tot musc sub spanking slapping whore", and i get all these messages of interested guys, and then when i say i want to breed them they fuckin reply "play safe only" Even though it clearly says on my add is "bb poz top" Noone fuckin reads. I get when adds are too long, like neurotic fucks on scruff that have 6 full paragraph about their oh so unique self.. but even a few precise words is too much. Steve
    1 point
  18. at saturday there is a bareback sex party for hiv only guys and im hiv neg but i always wanted to get fucked by poz guys and i know the risk but im also a bit afraid of getting poz.. i get hard every time i think about the party but dont know if i should go
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Until death do us part (story a cheating boyfriend) – Part 05 The following day I called Dante and told him, that Marcus and his friends were still amazed of the good job he had done and that they would like to meet him again soon. I’ve made an agreement with Marcus, that the little bitch would serve them for more poz fuck. Quite a lot guys enjoyed the feeling to convert an innocent one. Tonight for example a group of perverted bikers were in town, looking for the right kind of fun. So I suggested to Dante, that it would be nice, if we would be able to repeat that whole game again tonight. Dante apologized, but he wanted to celebrate his anniversary with his boyfriend and they had already made plans for a romantic dinner. I was a bit disappointed and told him, that I was an invited guest. It would be impolite, if I refused the invitation, so I told him I would find someone else to accompany me. Silence…. “Hello…. ?” I asked through the telephone. “Well… maybe…. I can make arrangements…..” “But it is your anniversary” I interfered “That’s an important date… I totally understand that.” “Yes, but I would like to be with you also, and I don’t want you to meet other guys.” he answered slowly. “You know, I can still have dinner with him tomorrow…” he didn’t sound very convincing. We agreed to meet at 8 pm and to drive back to Michael’s place to enjoy another night of sex and action. Dante told his boyfriend, that one of very best friends had lost his kitten due to a careless driver and ‘she’ would be devastated right now and needed moral support. And his boyfriend believed him. Love is blind… you see…. I was staggered, when he showed up at the agreed time. His white jeans and white shirt was way too tight, but he looked hot in it. He stepped into my car and smiled cutely at me and then went down on my cock to suck me while we drove to Marcus’s place. I almost pumped my poisoned cum into his mouth, but I told him to go slowly. I wanted to enjoy the whole evening with him. There was no need to hurry. We entered the premises and Marcus gave us a warm welcome. “Here is the ‘fluffer-boy’ I told you about…. and almost 20 guys turned to Dante immediately and some of them high-fived him. The guys twisted his tiny and erected nipples, which made the boy moan loudly. Dante looked at me and whispered, that he didn’t recognize any of the guys from last night. Some of them looked quite dangerous and reminded him of a biker gang. I misunderstood Marcus (on purpose) and this was actually a totally different group than the other night. Dante sighed. He didn’t like this idea. More and more people got to know him. This was too dangerous, since he still got a current boyfriend. He turned to Marcus and said he was not happy with this development and Marcus totally supported him. He announced to the entire group, that the guys should respect the privacy of the fluffer, because his real boyfriend didn’t know, that he was here – sucking dick. The twink looked shocked as he saw the grinning and estimated faces of the bystander. The group of men nodded mockingly. They wouldn’t hold it against Dante, if he did a good job. Someone shouted ‘Give him the gift and send him back to his boyfriend’ Everybody was laughing – even Dante reluctantly did. “Oh well – where do you want me to take your loads. Do you want to splash into my eyes…. here? Like last night?” Dante asked softly. “Oh, that is important. Thanks for pointing that out. I suggested to this group, that you would suck dicks and would accept the guys shooting the cum right into your eyes.” Marcus told merely to Dante. “But imagine, they had the same event two days ago with another guy and they want to do something else. I told them, since you specified the rules last night, it would be fair, if they could decide tonight, what is hot…. and what is not.” he continued with his fib. He took Dante by the hand. “The group wants you to kneel… here! Yes… next to the sling…. no… more to the left. Perfect!” “Here you will suck the guys hard and as you can see, you will be placed next to the bitches ass, who will be abused in this sling tonight. This way the fucker can withdraw his cock from your mouth and immediately start fucking the whore. But he can also get out of the cunt and fuck your face for some assistance again. Do you get it?” Marcus asked Dante harshly. The twink nodded slowly. “This way you can concentrate on the next guy already and still assist the current top” he smiled at Dante. “They would also like you to swallow the cum after every third of fourth deposit. For this… you just move over here and put your open mouth over the asshole of the ass whore. Then he will fart the cum straight into your waiting mouth. You will wait until the cunt tells you he is finished farting into your mouth. Then you turn to us and show us the deposits. We tell you when to recycle the cum and then you simply swallow it. Don’t foget to show your empty mouth to us again. And you got to lick the asshole too. It should be cleaned out, so the next alpha male can get to business. Then you move back to your first spot again and the whole thing repeats itself.” Marcus looked expectant. “Can I talk to you, please?” he asked me. “Of course” I said but I showed no intention to move to a more private area. “Speak up….” “I don’t want to swallow the cum from guys I don’t know.” he whispered. The bikers grinned evilly. “Well…. hmm… well try to know them better. Ask their names, before you start sucking them. This way you would know them” I suggested. “But you told me, if I would swallow other guys cum, you would call me a cheater” Dante insisted. “No baby… I told you once, if you would suck a guy and swallow his cum – then you would be a cheater. But you are recycling the junk of other tops. The guy in the sling is the slut. He drains the nuts of these fellow gentlemen. You are just cleaning the mess up and this is exactly what a fluffer boy has to do.” I could see in his eyes he was confused. He wasn’t able to decide what was wrong and what was right. He lost his moral compass interacting with me. Every day a little bit more. Soon he would take dicks in a dark room. He was on its way to be a super bareback poz slut. “What about diseases? Are you all clean?” he asked and knew the answer already. Marcus told him, that he had checked all the papers one hour ago and all the guys were clean. No STD in sight…. such a fucking liar. “Oooookay…..” the boy sighed. Dante started to undress slowly. The guys were luring around him and touched his body. His nipples got twisted again and the blonde angel squirmed and squeaked from time to time. While he took his spot next to the sling, he got on his knees and three biker guys surrounded him. He started massaging their huge bulges through their leather pants and jeans. Suddenly there was a little commotion. The ‘slut’ entered the room and the guys went ballistic. Another twink actually got dragged into the room. He wasn’t able to stand on his own feet. He gazed around with a distant look. The dark haired teen has been drugged or he was totally intoxicated, or maybe both. The huge guys blocked Dante’s view. He just heard them clapping their hands, shouting obscenities. The ‘slut’ got positioned into the sling. He wore a tight jockstrap. Dante could see the hairless ass and he noticed, that the bikers were quite rough on the other young whore. He heard the boy moan, because some of the guys enjoyed squeezing the teen’s balls. “Are you the fluff-boy?” addressed to him. Dante didn’t react at once and got slapped into his face. “I said, are you the fucking fluff-boy?” the leather daddy repeated himself. “Yes Sir. My name is Dante” he replied sweetly. “I don’t care. Start sucking my dick. I want to fuck this filthy whore” he answered. “What is your name?” Dante asked politely. “I’m your first John… now start sucking, or you will deeply regret it” he roared. Dante started to unbuckle the heavy leather belt and opened the cage to a nice big cock. He was semi-hard, but even in this state it was impressive. Dante started licking the glans penis. The leather guy grabbed the boy’s blonde hair and started pumping his rapidly hardening cock deep into Dante’s throat. Really impressive, I thought. It must have been at least ten inches. The slutty bitch in the sling would definitely burst, if this king-size anaconda was raping his hole with this ‘big-gun’ Another guy needed already attention, although Dante’s mouth was still occupied he had to stroke at least one cock already, to keep the guys hard for the action. The leather daddy changed the hole now. He wasn’t the romantic type. You could see his positioned himself at the tight opening and while he drew the twink’s body closer to him, he used all his power to penetrate the ‘slut’ in one swift motion. You could hear the daddy grunt loudly, while he bottomed out. Although the bitch was sort of unconscious, he was still making whining noises and this made the biker even more aggressive. He slammed his pelvis against the young guy’s entrance. This was more than just an aggressive fuck. It was more like the boy got butchered alive. Although he had stamina, you could see and hear, that the first top was close to shoot. “You fucking dirty whore. This is what you get you filthy little punk. I hope I knocked you up you stupid cunt. Thought you could earn some money you bitch?” he groaned, “Now I will kill you…. I will kill you…. you little fag….. you stupid fuck…. this is all you can get….” and with this words he shot his highly toxic venom deep inside the ‘sluts’ ass. Dante had not time listening to all the shouting. He looked up to the second guy who wanted a blow-job, to get hard for the final act. “Hey my name is Dante. What’s yours?” he asked again “I’m your John too…. now suck!” the seconds guy ordered. Dante was so busy doing a good job and still his mind wandered to the sling. He imagined it could be him manhandled this way. And all of a sudden, he was scared…. curious…. excited…. He needed Scorpion’s dick. He wanted him so badly. Tonight…..
    1 point
  21. Met a guy at the bar two nights ago. Both drunk I was also High. We walked back to my place. After stopping a few times to blow him. Finally got back to my place and we had barely walked in the door and he whips in out again for me to suck. We're both stripping down then he bends me over the back on my couch and spots on my hole and eased his cock in me and just goes to town on my hole. He shot his load and proceeding to stumble to put his clothes back on to leave.
    1 point
  22. I like filth too, wouldn't mind rollling on a piss soaked mattress covered in cum drenched, with you.
    1 point
  23. Thanksgiving dinner was in less than three hours, yet there I was, bent over my couch with the building’s handyman filling me with his own, personal gravy! This was my year to host the ‘orphan’ Thanksgiving dinner. I have a group of friends who have neither family nor significant others, so we get together and have our own holiday occasions. I had gone all out this year - turkey, ham, pies, all the trimmings, and the condo looked great! My dealer had dropped off a huge supply of the strongest 420 in DC, the liquor store delivery took up an entire extra table, and I even had a local landscaper come and deck out my balcony with seasonal flowers and plants and provide inside greenery - everything was perfect and all that was left was to finish cooking and do some last minute cleaning and tidying up. That is until the thermostat went bonky and decided that the only setting it could do was ‘hotter than the underside of Hell’. I frantically called the front desk and they were their usual, unhelpful selves, but said they would put a call into the condos’ handymen to see who might be able to help, but they were all off for the holiday so no guarantee. While the weather was not horribly cold yet, I didn’t relish the idea of having to leave the balcony door open all afternoon and evening just to try to stop my guests from burning up. In the meantime, I propped the door open, pulled a fan out of storage, and got back to stirring, whisking, and basting. About 30 minutes later I heard someone yell, “MAINTENANCE!” then heard the sound of keys and swearing. I dropped the spoon I had in my hand, grabbed a towel, wiped the streams of sweat off my face and barely took two steps out of the kitchen before I saw one of the handymen in my condo hallway. First I was pissed that he just let himself in, but then was relieved that someone actually showed, so I tried to smile. My smile faded fast when I realized who it was - Jointer Jim. That’s not his real name of course, but that’s what everyone called him. Our building handymen are an odd looking trio - one is an older, extremely overweight man who is literally wider than he is tall; the second is a young guy who is handsome, clean cut, and always polite; the third is Jointer Jim. He is tall, lanky, middle aged, and missing the index and middle finger on his right hand and the worst disposition in the world! Always pissed, angry, rude, condescending, and a total asshole. Fuck! Jointer Jim lost his two fingers from fucking around in shop class in Jr. High. I guess his real name was James or Jim. He set his tool box down by the mini-bar I had set up, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, and boldly opened it, poured himself a huge drink, and gulped it down, then set the empty glass back down with a BANG. He gave me a twisted grin, wiped the remnants of drink off his chin, and asked, “What’s so fucking urgent that my phone gets blown up on my day off?” I was stressed and sarcastically said, “Why don’t you pour yourself another - sounds like you NEED it - and if you don’t realize the problem yet, maybe you are not the right man for the job,” and then walked back into the kitchen. I was in no mood for dealing with him and thought right then that sending him away might be the best thing. I heard his tools clanging as he dug around in his bag and tried to ignore that he was there as I went back to prepping food in the kitchen. A few minutes later I was shocked back into focus as I caught a whiff of something that was not cooking in the kitchen and went back out to the living room. There was Jim, bold as fuck, smiling as he exhaled a cloud of smoke from my good 420. I don’t smoke, but find it sexy when a top does, and for just a split second my ass pulsed in hunger. Then my anger flared as I said, “What the fuck do you think you are doing? Ever think of asking first? That’s for my guests!” He just smiled, took another hit, then grabbed the TV remote and said, “I’m going to watch the game a bit while I finish this.” It was not a question, just the demand of a rude asshole. I growled, “Fine. But they’ll be here for dinner at 6:00 and it would be nice if my place was not a sweatbox, and if all my drink and shit was not gone before then.” Dinner prep was hard to focus on as I continued to fume about his attitude and then I realized I had not even asked if he had fixed the problem with the thermostat. I stomped back out to the living room to find Jim casually laid back on the couch, his feet up on the ottoman, drink in one hand and blunt in the other. He just gave me his cocky grin and a flick of wrist toward the wall. I walked over, the thermostat seemed to be working fine again and he had set it back down to comfortable 70 degrees. I turned, he exhaled followed by a small cough, I grit my teeth and said, “Thank you,” and left him as I went back into the kitchen. I heard the balcony door close and the blinds coming down and when I stepped out of the kitchen Jim just looked at me with a fuck off grin. I shook my head and went back into the kitchen. I could hear the sounds of the game from the TV, smell the heavy cloud of weed, picturing him in my mind with his feet up and that ‘fuck you’ grin. I stopped - the sounds had changed - it was no longer the cheering of a roaring crowd but the demanding voices of a mandingo gangbang - shit! I scurried back out of the kitchen and stopped. There was Jointer Jim, his pants down around his ankles weighted to the floor by his massive set of maintenance keys. His legs were skinny, his hip bones showed either from the angle of the light or from how thin he was. Jim moaned as he looked at me, his blunt held between his teeth, his upper lip curled on the end in a smirk. He then took his blunt out, let a long, thick drool of spit descend from his dry lips like a leaf slowly falling from a great Oak tree, which landed mid-shaft on his dark, ebony wood. I gasped a little as Jim used the spit to slick his dick with his clawed hand - there was something wild and taboo about watching his fucked up hand jack his mighty rod. He turned full towards me and said, “Get on your knees fag boy and suck my dick. I know you want to.” A mix of anger at his assumption and excitement knowing how much I desired his dick right then washed over me. I started to protest, “I...I’m not a fa….” Jim snarled, “STOP RIGHT THE FUCK THERE. Yes you ARE! You forget - COCK SUCKER - I’ve been here before. I’ve seen your pile of porn flicks. Not this stuff that I’m sure you haul out for the DL brothas, but that nasty shit you usually have stacked at the bottom of the pile - you know what I’m talking about.” Yeah, I did, and even managed to blush just a little, which made him laugh and choke on his smoke. Serves him right. “Come on then, hike that skirt up and get on your knees and gag on my dick like a good cock sucker. Then if you do me right, maybe - just maybe - I will dig them guts out and give you some real man juice,” Jim tempted. All thoughts of dinner prep went out of my head as I watched him hit the blunt and his dick start to swell with blood as it engorged itself in the delights of the porn flick. I quickly stumbled out of my pants, knelt on the wool carpet, and hefted his meaty dick up to eye level. It stared back at me, winked, and drooled a little. I spit on the head, Jim laughed, and as I guided the phat head to my mouth he said in between puffs, “THAT’S IT FAG BOY... ...OPEN THEM LIPS… ...LET ME HEAR YOU GAG ON MY SHIT… ...GIVE ME THAT SLOPPY NECK… ...CHOKE ON MY SWEATY DICK… ...I AIN’T WASHED MY MEAT IN ABOUT A WEEK, THAT’S WHAT PUSSY MOUTHS ARE FOR… ...TAKE YOUR TIME, THERE AIN’T NO RUSH… ...THAT’S RIGHT, GET IT NICE AND WETT SO IT’LL GO IN SWEET AND DEEP INTO THAT ASS… ...I DON’T FUCK EASY, NOT AT ALL, SO IF YOU CAN’T TAKE IT LIKE A BROTHA GIVES IT, YOU BETTER SWALLOW MY NUTT.... ...OH YOU PAUSING NOW? WONDERING IF IT’LL FIT?... ...BEND THAT FAG ASS OVER, LET ME MAKE IT FIT!” “Can I get the poppers and lube?” I pleaded. Jointer Jim stamped out the finished blunt, “No. I’m trying to stuff that tummy MY WAY! I like a bitch who tells me it hurts, cries that my dick is stretching them walls, putting her on her period - so you trying to get nasty and get bitch fucked and that pussy hole super soaked, or we done?” I mumbled a pathetic, “Yes,” and he slapped my face and said, “Speak up faggot bitch - let your BBC Master hear you!” So I did. I debased myself for his pleasure, and every plea and whimper and second of pathetic begging made his onyx monster grow and harden. “That’s what I like to hear,” Jim chuckled, “Hungry ass that’s need that itch scratched, that hole broken, them guts shredded - well you better hang onto your panties cause I’m about to get down and bang that hole WIDE-THE-FUCK-OPEN!” Jim’s clawed hand snapped close across my face as he leaned over me - my submissive body kneeling on the ottoman, my hole wet and eager to feel him push inside. As his throbbing knob punctured my outer ring, Jim tapped the remote and turned up the volume of the rape scene on the porn flick to drown out my own cries. His long arms squeezed my sides, his claw clamped tighter across my mouth and face while he began to rape fuck my hole. There’s something hot as hell about a top who takes what he wants, fuck like he wants, forces a bottom to serve him the way he wants - and I was totally willing to let him use me any way he needed. The long, black dick pulled almost all the way out, angled to the left and SLAMMED back in. I yelped, whined, and cried out. Jointer Jim laughed and did it again. He then shifted his stance to scrape the other side of my guts before just slamming my bussy straight on. “FUCKING JUICY PUSSY HOLE - TOTAL BITCH - THAT’S ALL YOU IS - NASTY, MOTHA FUCKIN BITCH HOLE.” I yowled like an alley cat in heat when Jim yanked his dick out of my now gaping hole. He walked over to wall where the thermostat was, bent down, rooted around in his toolbox and laughed like a trickster as he stepped back behind me. “AIN’T NOTHING BUT FUCKING AIR - CHRIST YOU A HUNGRY ASSED FAG - LOOK AT THAT SHIT - EATS IT RIGHT TO THE HILT,” Jointer Jim said while he tested the elasticity of my now-broken ass ring with the large handle of a screw driver. Not satisfied with my response he shifted a large hammer into his clawed hand, the rough wooden handle pointed at my quivering chute, “OH HELL YEAH - YOU FEEL THAT - CAN TELL BY HOW THAT BACK ARCHES, THOSE HIPS DROP, JUST LIKE YOU READY TO DROP SOME BABIES. YOU EAGER FOR MY MANDINGO BABIES? BREED THAT PUSSY? BAREBACK THAT FUCK HOLE? RIDE THAT ASS RAW SOME MORE? FUCKING SLUT!” I started to buck my ass, riding that wooden handle, trying to feel the metal hammer head kiss my cheeks when Jointer Jim yanked it out, dropped the sloppy tool to the floor with a clang, leaned back over and began to rape fuck my ass again. “YOU WANT THIS NICCA CUM? TELL ME WHAT A SLUT YOU ARE? BEG FOR MY SHIT - BEG FOR MY NICCA BABIES - BEG FOR ME TO TEAR THAT ASS END TO END AND SIDEWAYS - OH YEAH - THAT’S IT - STROKE IT WITH THAT SILKY HOLE - STROKE MY DICK - STROKE MY MOTHA FUCKIN DICK - COME ON - PUSH IT BACK - RIDE THAT SHIT - RIDE IT! HARDER - HARDER SLUT BITCH - YOU WANT THIS NUTT? RIDE THAT SHIT HARDER! FUCK YEAH! DUMB ASS FAGGOT - FUCK YEAH - SHOW ME THAT ASS NEEDS THIS DICK DEEP - WANT IT DEEPER? HERE YOU FUCKING GO - GETTING CLOSE - FUCK YEAH - GETTING CLOSE - WHERE YOU WANT THIS NUTT? HUH? WHERE YOU WANT THIS NUTT? WANT ME SHOOT IT INSIDE THAT FAG PUSSY? THAT’S WHERE YOU WANT IT? HERE YOU GO FUCKA - HERE YOU GO - HELL YEAH! TAKE THIS NICCA NUTT - TAKE IT! TAKE IT! MILK MY DICK! TAKE IT….” Thanksgiving dinner was in less than three hours, yet there I was, bent over my couch with the building’s handyman filling me with his own, personal gravy! Jointer Jim’s nutt started to froth out of my ass as he continued to pump my hole and I had to ask, “Can you cum again?”
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  24. Anyone planning to be at DILF and CUMUnion at CCBC? Seeking loads.
    1 point
  25. Every town should have a bar like this Wonderful story hope it continues.
    1 point
  26. It wasn't bareback (mostly), but my two of my friends and I (we're all bottoms) had a contest on who could get fucked the most during spring break in Mexico. The proof was how many cum filled condoms we had. Our suitcases was filled with sex toys, condoms, lube, and hardly anything else. We stayed at a gay resort that was known for its wild night life in the surrounding town. At the end of the week, I came in a distant second at 27 used condoms, including 7 that was torn. A few of them was used but I had to scoop cum out of my ass or spit cum into the rubbers because some wild tops took it off and we fucked raw and they came in me or I finished them off orally. The best time was the second to the last night when my friend (who won with 42 condoms) invited a bunch of black French college guys to the room. I got nearly half of my condoms from that night/early morning. I was so sore the next day that I could only take two dicks the next day. The last one was especially hard because he was this out of control, insatiable thick-bodied Blatino top with a cock the size of a Monster energy drink can, who fucked me four times. He had a condom on at first but he kept going soft because the condom was too tight and he said it felt no bueno. As soon as he took it off and sank his dick in me balls deep, he was good to go. His dick was one of those that was firm but not super hard, so he could fuck me with all his weight behind it and it didn't hurt too much, although my anus was very tender and slightly bleeding. Because he was semi-hard,he wa able to snake his fuck meat deep past my S-curve and touch me in places very few could. After he was done, I scooped out handfuls of cum from my gaping hole, cum that was tinged with blood, filled four condoms, tied off the ends, and added them to the Ziplock bag holding my other trophies. The plane ride home was painful, trying to sit still with my ass on fire. I couldn't take any dicks in me for a week. I also contracted a (cureable) STD. My uber-slut friend who won caught three STDs and needed surgery for an extreme case of hemorrhoids. He later admitted that probably took way more dicks and that 42 was probably about 1/2 the number.
    1 point
  27. You're the perfect hot breeding machine mate!
    1 point
  28. Aunty T is cumming to stay for the next few days with 3 of her ffriends. Oh dear ... I've nothing to wear
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  30. I'm a whore simply because if you ask to breed my hole I'll give it to you. I never say no. I care 0% who fucks me, as long as their cock goes in me hard, and comes out drained.
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  32. As a guy who was in a long term relationship with a girl, I find girls physically attractive and enjoy sex with them, I don't really find guys attractive, I do however love getting topped by guys and get off knowing they are using my ass to nut in, I really enjoy tops who want to spit in my mouth and piss on/in me. I guess I enjoy the whole being used for the pleasure of others and watching others get off fucking me.
    1 point
  33. When I was 19, getting fucked baeback by my best friend and his thick 9" cock, bent over the hood of my car at sunrise. Oh, and parked about 6' off the highway. I was looking directly into the eyes of passerbys as he was getting off in me.
    1 point
  34. Tulane University. Man was I ever happy to be here. I was scared and kinda lonely when I first arrived. I met my roommate. Ugh! What a tool he was. A cross between a ROTC guy and a computer nerd with thinning blonde hair (at 18!) and a square face. His name was Erik and he was nice enough. We didn't have much in common from moment one though. I immediately sought out other guys on the floor to introduce myself to. There were some fucking gorgeous guys on my floor. During the first week there were various orientation events happening on campus. We started classes and I got my handle on the campus itself and started to feel comfortable. During one of the orientation seminars, we were in the auditorium for the diversity seminar. During this seminar, a dude came out on stage. He seemed really nervous. He was a senior and I watched him in awe as he told the whole freshman class that he was gay. I later found out that he came out to everyone that night - all his friends, no one knew beforehand except the event coordinator. Afterwards, the guys and I were walking back to the dorm and talking about the diversity seminar. I was quickly becoming friends with three guys: Ben, my neighbor; Paul, who lived down the hall and was loud and quiet all at the same time; and Jason, who was fucking gorgeous, built and I already knew had an impressive cock (thank you showers). Paul was really quiet about the seminar. Ben and I were saying how strange and brave and kinda shocking the "coming out" was. We all expected the racial and gender diversity stuff, but we hadn't expected the gay stuff. Jason just said, "Whatever. The guy looks like a dork. I bet he couldn't get any pussy if he tried." We all laughed. Then we heard there was a liquor store close to campus where we could purchase alcohol - Louisiana is pretty lax with its purchase and consume laws. I could buy at 18, but Ben could not because he was 17. I was surprised, but I took my SoCo and left the store I drank so much SoCo that night sitting outside the dorm and hanging with the boys that when I found myself being led upstairs by Jason later, I was not surprised. Except Jason took me to his room and not my room. Jason told me to take off my clothes and I did. He then dropped his shorts and said, "Give me a blowjob." My drunk ass totally gobbled his cock right there in his room. He moaned softly, leaned back on his bed and said, "I knew you wanted my cock." I sucked his cock for awhile, but I started to choke because it was so big. He told me to stop and said he didn't want me throwing up his cock juice. He told me to lie on the floor and I did. He spread my legs and grabbed some lotion. He lubed up his cock and slid it into my ass. It hurt, but I was drunk and relaxed quickly. He started to hammer my ass with quick strokes. He said, "You have a tight ass slut." He banged away at my ass and came hard inside me. Then he said, "You gotta go now." I left and went to my room. The next morning I work up with a wicked hangover and I couldn't believe how much it hurt. I stayed in bed all day. Paul and Ben came and got me for food and then that night, Jason, Paul, Ben and I all went to another orientation seminar. This one was about sex. Basically the lecture theme was - we know college is a time to experiment, but please play safe. There was a play where people would walk on stage and kiss each other - girls and guys in twosomes, threesomes, same sex, opposite sex - until there were like 40 people on stage. Then one of the last people stepped forward and said, "I was a virgin until tonight. I didn't use a condom with the guy because I assumed he was relatively safe too. I cared for him. What I didn't know was that his sexual history exposed me to diseases from all of these other people on stage." I was stunned. I looked at Jason. Jason and I hung out again that night. I told him how surprised I was at the play we had seen that evening. I said we should have played safe and used a condom. He agreed and was kinda sheepish about what we had done. He never asked for my sexual history, nor I his. We went and got more liquor that night. We drank some, but not as much as the previous evening. He fucked me again that night and most nights until he got a girlfriend about mid-September. We used condoms most times, but not always. We tried to play safe though. Ben and I were taking a Psych 100 class together. It was massive and in the largest lecture hall on campus. Because it was such a large class, the university used it for other lectures and some experiments. I filled out a sexual history once in the class as did 300 other people; experiments like that. One day, we got a lecture on safe sex and promiscuity on campus. The nurse said Tulane had a very high STD rate and it was because people got drunk and didn't use condoms. The person from the health center told us that there were already 4 HIV positive cases on campus in the past year and more syphilis, crabs, gonnorhea, etc. She was trying to shock us. I was kinda shocked. I was scared too. I didn't want HIV or anything else. I was getting fucked by only one guy, but I had no idea how many other people he was having sex with. The next class there was a guy invited to lecture. He seemed like a regular guy, 32 years old, fit, brown hair, attractive, nice body. The professor asked him to talk about gay life in New Orleans. He talked about it and then he focused on the promiscuity. When we talked about sex I felt like he was looking right at me. His eyes bored through me as he talked about sex with men. Then he shocked and scared me more than anything I had heard since I heard Eli beg for Jason's cum. He said, "I have HIV. I fuck guys regularly. I think it is the other guy's responsibility to ask me if I have HIV and to ask me to use a condom. If the guy doesn't ask, I don't tell. If the guy doesn't ask me to use a condom, then I fuck him bareback. It is the other guy's responsibility to ask, not mine to tell or disclose." I must have been staring at him open mouthed. The class was probably staring at him open-mouthed and shocked. I heard a guy say, "Dude that is just fucking wrong." The attractive lecturer said, "Sex is between consenting adults. If you don't ask and don't tell me you want or don't want something, then it's on you." He said there are exceptions, like underage sex and rape. He said in both of those situations the other partner is not consenting. A girl asked, "What if your partner is too drunk or high and doesn't think to ask you about HIV or to use a condom?" The lecturer said, "Getting drunk or high is no excuse for you not taking responsibility for your life. If a guy I meet at a bar is drunk enough to want to go home with me and then doesn't ask me about my status and then we fuck and we don't use condoms, then it is still his fault." I couldn't help it. I was fucking rock hard in my shorts listening to him. I was thinking about all the guys I'd sucked and been fucked by who hadn't used condoms. I had not asked for condoms or told these guys that they didn't need to use a condom - what the lecturer referred to as bareback sex. I knew I was at fault for my actions and I was shocked by them. Basically, this hot 32 year old gay guy was standing in front of the class telling me it was my fault if I got HIV. And my cock was hard. I was so blown away. I think I was in a trance the rest of the day. I beat myself up all day and all night for my choices. I ran and went to the gym for the next few weeks, but I never got that guy or his admonition out of my head. I had knowingly let guys I did not know fuck me without condoms and cum inside me. I was obviously distracted and that is when Jason grabbed me and told me he had been invited to a fraternity party that weekend and he wanted me to go with him. I agreed..........
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  35. Interlude (non sexual and I'll try to keep it brief, but it's important) After my visit to Steve's home, I went back to spend the last few weeks of pre-college summer with my family at the cabin. My aunt and uncle, mom and dad and my brother. It was a good time, but also highly sexually frustrating. I felt like I couldn't do anything gay or sexual around my family. I felt so ashamed of the things I had done and even more ashamed of how it still turned me on when I thought about the sexual encounters I'd had. Steve called once and we talked but he could tell I was being guarded. He spoke for awhile on his end of the phone and asked leading questions so I would only need to say yes or no in response. He understood my situation and urged me to use this time to come out to my parents. He said they might be great or they might totally suck. He convinced me that I couldn't go away to college and keep my feelings and relationships separate from my family. He said it would be like living 2 lives and I'd never feel whole in either one. I agreed with him as I wiped the tears away that streamed down my face. That night my aunt and uncle went into town to meet friends for dinner. I took the opportunity to tell my family. My father stared at his plate, my mother cried and my brother asked me to pass the corn. My father is very religious. He stared at his plate for a long time and then slammed his fist on the table. He said, "You're weak. You've always been weak. You will always be weak. This is just more proof that you will fail at life. I'm glad I have at least one son who isn't a total failure." He got up and left the table and did not speak to me the rest of the time at the cabin. He sat in the back and looked over the woods. My mother cried and cried. He talked about how I would die from AIDS, how I would never have children, how I would never marry, how I would always be lonely and never really be in a relationship. She mostly cried and told me how lonely I would be and how sorry she was that I was gay. The rest of the time at the cabin she would watch me with pity in her eyes. My brother just kept eating. He said nothing. Later he asked me to go for a run. We went on my route into Cooperstown and back. We pushed each other to a heavy pace. We didn't talk. It felt good to run and let all the feelings seep out of my body like sweat. We ran every day after that. Never speaking, just running. He would banter, of course. But, to my brother, my being gay didn't matter because it didn't interfere with his world. As long as we still did things together that he enjoyed, I was no different than I was prior to coming out. The summer at the cabin was finally at an end. My aunt took me aside and said my parents had told them I came out. She hugged me and said to call her if I ever needed to talk. She urged me to use condoms. She said she knew so many beautiful young men like me who died in the 80s and 90s. She said, AIDS is horrible. Please promise me that you will use condoms. I'll never forget one phrase, "I love you and I don't want to bury you." She hugged me tightly and I cried some. My uncle came in and put his hand on my back. He gave me an envelope of money and said thanks for taking care of the cabin. We love you very much. One week later I was at Tulane University in New Orleans for my first semester of college.
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  36. I got back to the truck, now clad in only my running shoes and running shorts. I threw my shirt on the seat next to me. Fuck! That was so hot. I was already getting hard again thinking about his semi-hard cock running in my crack and his fingers in my ass. Damn! I was so horny to get fucked now that I was sad the man had left. I didn't even know his name. I sat there thinking about how hot the whole scene was and that it lasted less than 20 minutes. That's when I saw them, three guys in SUNY Oneonta shirts getting out of a car and stretching. I was like, FUCK! The college guys at Oneonta. I remembered that the last guy I'd sucked off told me about another park. I grabbed the map out of the glove compartment and saw the park was called Wilbur Park. I started the pickup and drove down the road to SUNY Oneonta. I got there 10 minutes later. The whole drive I was thinking about the man fucking me. I had wanted him to fuck me. I didn't even know the man and I had wanted his cock inside me. If we'd had a condom, I know I would have let him fuck me. Then I remembered the things I we said before I came. Had he gotten me to admit I wanted him to fuck me without a condom? I didn't even know the guy. I wouldn't let just any guy fuck me without a condom. But, then I ran the conversation over again and I realized I really did say that I wanted him to fuck me "just like this right now." Fuck, that was so slutty. But, I'm so glad he couldn't get hard enough to do it or I probably would've let him. Fuck! I was so horny. As I drove through, I was shocked at the park. It was full of kids and young families. The was a playground and a pool. Parents and kids everywhere. FUCK! If meeting guys was hard at the empty Riddell Park, then meeting them here was going to be impossible. I decided to park and walk around. I parked by the tennis courts and walked around a bit. I put my tank top on even though it still smelled like that guy's cum. I walked up to the pool and then decided there was no way I was going to "cruise" here. I walked back to the pickup and on my way saw some hot shirtless guys playing tennis. I stopped and watched them and their cocks and asses bounce in their shorts. I was starting to get hard again. Then I felt a person standing next to me. I looked over and it was the college guy from last week at Riddell Park. He smiled and said hi. So did I. He chuckled and said, "You must be horny. I didn't think I'd see you here less than a week after you blew me." I blushed. He said, "No offense or judgement dude. I'm really glad to see you." He said, "Do you want to come to my place? It's over there," and he pointed to apartments that were just off the park. I said yes. We walked over to his place. We talked about something, but I don't remember what. I remember thinking about sucking his cock again. As we left the park, he got close to me and grabbed my ass. He said, "No underwear, nice slut." I told him they were running shorts - mesh inside to hold it all in. He then said, "You smell like cum. You really know how to turn a guy on." I blushed. I took off my shirt. He pushed me up against a tree in the wooded area separating the park from the apartments and kissed me. I kissed him back. I felt his body in his shorts and polo. He felt good. He slipped his hand down the back of my shorts as our growing cocks pressed together. I pushed up his shirt and kissed his chest. His hand pushed my shorts down in back and he was grinding my back and ass into the tree. I felt his abs and undid is shorts buttons and dropped to my knees. I grabbed his rapidly hardening cock and stroked it and looked up at him. He looked around and said, "Suck it slut." I took him in my mouth. He was musky and salty. I sucked him and he held my shoulders. This was the second cock in my mouth in one hour. I loved it. I pushed my shorts down in front and stroked my cock as I sucked him off. He was moaning softly. I could feel his cock getting harder and almost rigid in my mouth. He said, "Fuck me. You need to stop or I'll cum." I kept going. He pulled me up on my feet and got on his knees and took my hard cock in his mouth. I moaned and said holy shit. I hadn't had a mouth on my cock since Eli. I looked around and realized how exposed we were and that through the trees people might see us. I got a little scared but then the pressure from his mouth on my cock made me look down and I forgot all about it. His hands were on my ass as he was sucking my cock. He was a great cock sucker. If I hadn't cum twice already that morning, I'd've shot my load already. Then I felt his hands reach into my crack and find my hole. He slipped in two fingers inside me with little resistance. I just grunted a bit. He fingered me and I was in heaven. I stepped out of my shorts. Naked now except for my running shoes, I was putty in his hands. I felt a finger from his other hand slip inside me too. I winced but let him keep going. It all felt so good. He stood up and we made out fiercely. He stepped out of his shorts and boxers and his hands were still on my back and ass. He stroked me some and I spit on my hand and stroked him too. He turned me around and dropped to his knees again and grabbed my ass, spread my cheeks, and spit on my hole a few times. He fingered his spit into me using one, two, then three fingers. He kept rimming me as he increased the pressure from his fingers. He was stroking his cock and I was stroking mine the whole time. He stood up and kissed the back of my neck. I heard him spit a few times and then he spit and rubbed it on my ass. Then I felt his cock push at my hole. I pushed back and adjusted and bent over and spread my legs to accommodate him. Oh god, it hurt at first but it felt so good to have a cock in my ass again. I grunted and winced as he pushed farther inside me. He made me squeal a bit and he stopped but I said, "Keep going. I'm ok. You feel good." He pushed in until his cock was buried in my ass and his pubes were on my ass. I pushed back naturally and he started to slowly fuck me. I was stroking myself as he fucked me. We only fucked for a few minutes before he pulled out and came all over my ass and hole. He shot like 6 or 7 ropes of cum on my ass. He dropped to his knees, turned me around, and sucked my cock until I came in his mouth. He swallowed. Fuck! That was so hot. Exhausted I leaned against the tree. We kissed and he told me his name was Tom. I gave him the number and we got dressed. He wrote down his number and said I was such a hot fuck. He kissed me and said he wanted to see me again. I said definitely. He walked to his apartment and I went to the pickup. It wasn't until I got to the pickup that my post-cum haze wore off. I realized my ass was wet with his cum and I slipped my hand down the back of my shorts and felt the cum on my ass and rubbed it on my hole. As I was slipping my finger covered with his cum in my ass, standing next to the pickup, in the middle of the park; I realized three things. 1. Holy shit! There were kids around me. I had to stop. 2. We hadn't used a condom. 3. I was slipping his cum into my ass. I stopped, pulled off my shirt, and rapidly wiped his cum off my ass wile trying to look inconspicuous. I was blushing and I remembered what I had been taught. Everyone told me to use condoms and I had just had sex with a guy and hadn't used one and I had almost let another guy fuck me without a condom today. What was wrong with me? I got in the pick up and drove back toward to the cabin very upset with myself for being so careless. When I got back to the cabin, I showered and busied myself doing some chores. I berated myself all day long. I was so angry at myself. That night when I went to bed, I jerked off as usual and I thought about how hot all the sex was during the day. When I came it was to the image of being bent over, hard cock in my hand, Tom's cock in my ass, against a tree, in just my running shoes. Fuck that was so hot!
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  37. CHAPTER 5: Last week Mike stayed at my house, or me at his almost every night, and he bred my ass every single time. Mike cums harder, and in a larger volume, than most any top I’ve been with … as least seems like it – since when we’re together, almost all of his cum ends up in my ass. Mike likes taking cum too, apparently. Several times, when we’re naked together, I’ve reached around to feel his hole, and I’d swear it’s wet with a load. I know someone is breeding him, and I’ve got a very good idea of who. The last time we fucked I begged him, “Fuck me the way Chris fucks you … breed my ass babe … cum in me”, Mike just moans when I talk nasty to him like that. I still have mixed feelings knowing that Chris is fucking Mike bareback, and squirting HIV+ cum into his him; but it’s his choice. I know Mike could end up testing positive, but when we’re together, and his raw cock enters me, all of that goes out the window, and all I do is beg for cum. This week hasn’t been nearly as exciting for me. Mike and I haven’t been able to get together for our regular fuck sessions. I’m so fucking horny – I want a man’s seed in my ass right now – I need to be fucked. I sign into BBRT, it’s often hit or miss for me, but it feels like my best shot for getting bred right now. The “Local Parties” link catches my eye, it reads “(5)”, which is odd because usually it just reads “(2)”, and more often than that, none. There are the usual “Cum hole visiting” type parties, but what’s interesting to me is a party labeled, “HUMP Day Cum Party”, and it’s tomorrow night; Tops, Bottoms and Versatile guys welcome. I haven’t had a lot of group sex but suddenly I’m interested. I click into it, and the detail pretty much confirm it. This is a group sex party for a mix of guys. I click on the host’s profile link, he’s a hot looking guy in his 40’s. He’s a versatile top and his status reads “Undetectable” – I think, “Damn that’s a hot poz dick”. I shake my head, my libido is betraying my logical thoughts. I say “fuck it” and unlock my pics for him. Going back to the party invite, in the 2nd paragraph of text, the host stresses that he doesn’t want to end up with all tops or all bottoms but interested guys should unlock and wait for a reply. My cock is obviously interested, I can feel the precum. So far, fifteen guys have been accepted. One of the tops has a hot looking cock, so I click into his profile, and it’s Chris. I give it all of two seconds thought and unlock for him, too. Back to the party list, and the next shoe drops, “that’s Mike’s profile”, I mouth. I decide to click on his profile link. “He’s changed a few things”, I think. For one thing his preferred position now reads, “Bottom”; which feels odd considering how much he’s been breeding my ass. Largely his profile is the same, but his HIV status now reads “Not Sure”, instead of “Ask Me”, and his looking for HIV status reads, “Positive Only”. My face immediately feels flush. The hot guy who’s been breeding me lately, and that I have close feelings for, is telling everyone on BBRT that he wants to bottom solely with HIV+ tops. “How long has this been going on? Did Chris convince him to do this? Is Chris trying to give Mike HIV? Does Mike want HIV?”, the thoughts all criss-crossing my mind. My head starts to swim a bit. I feel weird, I enjoy sex with Mike so much, and Chris too. I think, “How did it comes to this? When did it happen? Why the hell hasn’t he told me about his decision?” I wasn’t sure what to do about all this, but after a few minutes, I resolved that in some way I had started down this path, and I wasn’t backing out now. I like Mike, I like Chris, I’m not about to push away guys I’m seriously into – even if one of them is poz. I gulped and went in to edit my profile. I changed my status to “Not Sure” too, and my looking for status to “No Preference”. It felt oddly comfortable. Chris has fucked me, and I know Chris is fucking Mike a lot lately, and Mike is fucking me a lot lately; I can’t be 100% sure I’m still negative. This feels more honest. I still wasn’t sure about it, my head still lightly swimming, then I hit the save button; I wouldn’t be able to change anything for another 24 hours. I logged out and tried not to think about what any of it means, my cock is rock hard, I texted Mike. Me: Hey sexy Mike: Hey babe Me: Can I have Chris’ #? Mike: Yea … sure Mike: 713-555-5555 Me: Thx Mike: Have fun : ) I could have explained why I wanted Chris’ number, but Mike knows how horny I am, he knows why I want it. I text Chris. Me: Hey Chris … What’s up? Horny? Chris: Ummm … sorry, who is this? Don’t have this # Me: Sorry, its Kevin, Mike’s friend Me: Horned as fuck here Chris: Haha yep yep Chris: I remember that hole Chris: I’m always horny Me: Wanna fuck? Chris: Can’t host Me: You can come over lol Chris: You are horny, aren’t you? Chris: Almost done with work, after? Me: How long you think? Chris: ‘bout an hour Me: Cool Me: Remember where I live? 1392-B Selmfield Lane Chris: Cool … yea think so Chris: Message you when I leave, prob take 15 minutes to get over there Me: Cool I decided to make sure I’m ready. True to his word, Chris texts me with “omw” almost an hour later. I’m horny and so ready for his cock and cum. I responded with “Door unlocked, in bedroom”. About 10 minutes later I heard a car pull up and I peek out of the blinds – yep that’s him. My heart rate skyrockets, and I can feel my hands get a little sweaty. I grab the lube and a towel and set them on the bed beside me and get into position, head down, ass up. I hear the front door open and shut and footsteps followed by his voice, “Hot”. All of this immediately followed by the sounds of clothes being removed … then I feel his hands on me, “Hey sexy … thanks for inviting me over”, then I feel a tongue in my ass, and I moan, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh… Ohhhhhhh fuck… ahhhhhhh so good”. He knows he’s got me. Using his thumbs, he spreads my ass cheeks and starts to really work the crack of my ass. His tongue making long, slow trips the entire length. When his tongue passes my hole he pauses and makes his tongue into a point, and pushes against my hole. Soon this pressure becomes full insertion of his tongue into me. Grabbing solidly onto my hips, he begins to tongue fuck my hole. I wasn’t expecting this kind of penetration from him, but I love it. The feelings coming from my ass are mind blowing. I’m moaning and crying out, loudly – it just seems to egg him on, as he presses more firmly into me. His tongue is making me crazy; I grab my cock and began to jack off. He quickly pulls my hand off and stops eating my tight hole long enough to tell me not to touch my cock or cum just yet. I’m going crazy; his tongue has me hard, wet, and begging to be fucked. The head of my cock is dark purple, and a huge spot of precum is forming on the bed beneath me. Then it all stops. I feel him squirt some of the lube on my hole making me jump. I hear the slick sounds of him applying lube to his cock. Without thinking, I blurt out, “Fuck me Chris …, please hurry, please fuck me. I feel his hands and cock as he positions his cock in my crack, rubbing it just over my hole. “Relax sexy … I’m going to breed you right”, he says. All I can do is moan my approval. “FUCK!”, I think, as he presses the head in, “This is taking forever … It’s stinging, but I need his cock and cum so bad”. “Fuck me Chris! Give me your poz cum”, is all I manage to get out. I freeze, realizing what I’d just said. Chris doesn’t seem to notice and continues to slowly work his cock into my hole. I can feel his ball sac pressing against my cheeks, as he strains to get all of that hot cock into my ass. He groans and I know he’s got it all the way in. He starts to fuck me with, long, intentional strokes, “Fuck yea … love that ass … my raw cock feels so good in there … you loving my bare cock?”, “Oh yeah … oh holy fuck you feel so good”, “Yeah ... keep taking it, gonna give that ass another load”. His breathing is labored, and his rhythm is making my ass feel so good, that any thoughts about asking him not to cum in me are nonexistent. I want this raw cock, poz or not, I want his cum inside me. That realization makes me groan and squeeze down on his cock, “OH fuck yeah ... What you are … that makes my cock feel good”. “I’m not going to last too long man, this ass of yours is just perfect?”, “Oh yeah?”, “Yes … ahhhh ... so good”. Despite the warnings he’s going to nut soon, he keeps banging my ass, withdrawing his cock almost completely and then sliding it all the way back in. After relaxing a second, he spread my legs further and began a rapid assault. It isn’t but moments later when he grunts that he can’t hold back any longer, “Gonna nut … gonna cum”, “Fuck yea … breed my ass … fucking breed me!”, I blurt it out, I can’t believe I’m saying the words. “Fuck yea dude, you want another load of poz cum huh?”, and I said it, “Yes. Yes. Yeah … I want it. I want your poz cum Chris”. He’s still going, barely able to speak between breathes, and with one last full insertion, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … ahhhhhhh… Fuck!! Fuck!!”, his cock throbs and I know another load of Chris’ poz seed is flowing deep in my ass. His cock is flooding my ass and I can feel some leaking out as he slows down. We’re both sweating, I’m now fucking full of his poz cum, and I’m still hard as a rock, “That was so fucking hot”, is all I can manage. He groans a “Fuck yeah”. He doesn’t move though, I know he can shoot multiple loads and with his hands on my ass and his still hard cock in my ass, I think he might be going for round two here in a just minute. I lay there, head down, wondering if I’m HIV+ now or what, when he speaks, “You ok if I keep going … I got at least one more in me”. I’m quiet for only a second, “Yeah … I’m good ... fuck, go again, I’ve been wanting this all day”. “Turn over”, I immediately flip over and notice an evil grin on his face. I raise my legs and drape them right over his shoulders, making my hole available to him. Without so much as a word he inserts his cock back into my hole, this time though my ass is well lubricated with his cum, and there’s no resistance. He pushes as far forward as possible so that we are nearly face to face. He just sits there a moment completely buried in my ass. I can feel his cock twitch occasionally, and I instinctively squeeze my ass muscles around him. He chuckles, "So hot when you do that!", I nod not able to say anything. I’m completely focused on his cock. He’s so close, I can smell his body, "Mmmmm, you worked up quite a sweat! You smell so good." I stick out my tongue and taste some of the sweat from his chest and neck. He sees what I want and moves his arm over my face, I lick my way right into to his armpit. "Fuck yea! Get in there and slurp up that sweat from my hairy pit. You did that … got me seriously hot and bothered, so you get to clean me up." I bury my face in his hairy pit and inhale. I’ve always been into armpits and guy smells, but Mike never seemed into it, Chris smells amazing. I quickly begin licking at his pit, lapping up the sweat from the thick hair he has under there and practically stuffing my face into his hot pit. He adjusts, moving his other arm and pulling me over to his other pit. "That's so fucking hot, lick up my sweat and funk, you're making me feel good!" After I lick and suck at both pits he pulls me back to look at me. He smiles at the smear of sweat all over my face, then kisses me softly on the lips. He moans...maybe from his own scent...and shoves his tongue inside my mouth, giving me a sloppy, wet kiss, it’s the way you kiss a cumdump not a lover, but I love it. I feel his cock twitch in my ass again and pull away from his mouth. I cock a smile at him, "I hope you're going to give me another load". He gives me a sexy smirk, "Yep. You’re getting at least 2 loads of my cum today.” He immediately starts to pull out a little, then slides in then out a little more, then back in ... it obvious neither one of our cocks had gone soft. In the span of what seemed like a minute or two he is fucking me again, going out of his way to hit just the right spot with every thrust, and I’m thrashing around, moaning, and grabbing the sheets when I’m grabbing onto his thighs trying to get him in deeper. I look up into his face and see him staring right into my eyes, watching my reaction to his movements, it seems like we both want this – I’m letting a guy who is positive fuck me, and I’m ok with it, and he’s fucking a guy who could become positive. He’s just smiling at me. "Oh yea, … think I've found just the right spot, and I'm gonna make sure you feel every inch of this poz cock!", there he said, “POZ COCK”, I’m taking poz cock. “Yes … fuck yea … fuck me with that poz cock!”, it just boils out of me. “I want your poz cock, Chris!”, he obviously like what I’m saying because he started to pump faster. Even though he may act like he’s helping me learn to like poz cock, I can tell by his language, and the way his eyes kept rolling upwards, that he’s getting off on breeding a guy that’s neg. "FUCK! Fuck that feels so good … your ass is so good, I thought I might last longer with this second load, but your hole is just wrapped around my bare cock so perfectly, I'm not gonna hold out much longer." “Fuck yeah … Fuck yeah … ahhhhhh… I want it … fuck me, breed my ass the way you breed Mike”, “Ahhhh yeah … that how you want it huh? Been fucking Mike a while now … tell me how much you want this poz cum”, “Fuck yeah!! I want it Chris … I’m pretty sure I’m still HIV-negative, I might not be if you keep fucking poz cum into me”. “Tell me” … the breathing is hot and heavy, “Fuck me and cum inside me Chris! Fuck your poz cum into me the way you do Mike!”. I can feel myself getting close as well. I’m not sure if I can just lie there and let him keep fucking me after I came, so I decided to see how much he wants to breed me. "Oh yea … fuck yea, …bet my hole is nice and lubricated from that last poz load you squirted in there, fuck, is that you gets you off Chris, seeing us neg guys become HIV+?". He just keeps fucking me, he’s right over me, sweating and grunting when a response of “Fuck yea I do” escapes his lips. He admitted it he wants it, then I think, “Do I want it? Does Mike?”. I love dirty verbal talk during sex and this bit seems to have gotten to him because his eyes widened and he started pumping faster and deeper. The sheer piggishness and lust of our sex is about to push me over the edge, too. His sweat is dripping down onto me, and I reach up and pull his head down to kiss me. His tongue and mouth meet my tongue and mouth, and that does it for both of us. “AHHHHHHHHHH ... AHHHHHH”, I cry out into his mouth and he lets out a muffled roar in my mine. My cum squirts everywhere in the slim space between our bodies, and once again his raw cock is pulsing inside me. I know he’s filling me up with more of his HIV+ sperm. He releases my mouth and buries his head in the pillows beside me and rests his body on his elbows while he tries to catch his breath. After a bit he pulls back and looks at me again, “So fucking hot”, is all he says. He slowly pulled out of my ass and collapses on the bed next to me. I move to lick his still half-hard cock, trying to get up any remaining cum. We just look at each other, sweating, huffing, not really saying anything. He smiled at me, “I really enjoyed that,… you’ve got an amazing ass”, I smile, “Me too … you’ve got an amazing cock”. He hesitates, “Not to get too serious, but you know I’m on meds … might be more chance of you getting infected from Mike’s cum than mine”. That thought hadn’t really crossed my mind before, “How long you been fucking him?”. The flow of conversation was easy, conversational, more curious than anything else, “A few months … we met on BBRT, he said he was versatile but really horny and wanted to bottom”. He looks at me as if he knows the next question, “He knew I was HIV+ before we fucked the first time”, “Cool” is the only response I can give him. “Tell me about this party you guys are going to tomorrow night”, he laughs, “Haha … still horny huh? A friend of mine is putting it on, just a bunch of horny guys fucking and getting fucked – all bareback though, he’s very strict about that”. “Sounds like fun to me”, “You should go”, “I put in an invite request”. “I’m definitely going to be there if you want another load of poz cum from this”, grabbing his dick for full effect. I look down at his cock and then at his eyes, I know he’s HIV+ and I know I want more of what that cock can give me, “Fuck yea I do”.
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  38. Chapter 3: After that first hook-up with Mike, we made a regular point of getting together a couple of times a week; sometimes more. He’d come to my place, or me to his, he fucks my brains out, breeds my ass … lots of hot piggy sex. I always end up with an ass full of cum. It’s been nearly a week now though, and I’m really horned and about to go crazy – I need to be fucked. I’m honestly feeling like a bit of a pig. How did I get so hooked up on one guy’s cum? I don’t care. I decide I’ll message him on Kik. Kevin: Sup He doesn’t immediately respond … then my phone buzzes. Mike: Hangin with my friend Chris, horned Kevin: Me too ... come fuck me Mike: Gotta finish up here first … 6 ok? Kevin: yep At that moment an image of a huge cock inside a tight ass appears. Kevin: HOT! Mike: Told you about Chris, right? Mike: That’s him >=) Kevin: MMMMMM Mike: Ok if I bring him too Kevin: Yea Mike: k … told you he’s poz right? Kevin: yea Kevin: It’s cool Mike: Showed him your pics Mike: Thinks you’re hot Kevin: oh yea? Mike: haha … prob wants to fuck you too, he pretty much only tops Kevin: Pic? Mike sends me another pic. Chris is definitely hot. He looks like he’s about 27, nice short cut brown hair, trimmed up beard and beautiful eyes. Then another pic appears, same cock dripping cum over a spread hole, cum is everywhere; Mike knows how to get me hard. Then he follows that up with a link to an XTube video … I’m about to click on it when another message comes through. Mike: Pic is Chris’ cum in my hole and all over my ass Kevin: Fuck he’s got a hot cock Mike: I know Mike: Vid is Chris breeding me Mike: Wait ‘til you feel him doing that Kevin: MMMMMMM Mike: See you in a bit I click the link to the video and all you can see is a guy on all fours taking a cock bareback … he’s begging for raw cock and cum and the top is encouraging him … ‘til the top reaches a big orgasm, and he shoots all of it inside. I need to be fucked like that so bad right now. Mike says he and Chris are coming over at 6 so I decide to get into the shower and get myself and my hole cleaned out and ready. I feel mixed about letting a poz guy fuck me bareback but I’m so turned on after talking to Mike I’m not sure I can say no. I can’t get the images of Chris’ cock and cum, going inside Mike like that, out of my head. I want to beat off right here in the shower, but somehow manage to stay focused, and not touch my cock. As I’m drying off I finally come to a decision, “Fuck it, I want him to fuck me, and I want him to cum in me the way Mike does”. I quickly finish up, I’m cleaned out and ready to go. I feel silly thinking about what should I wear to answer the door but I find myself doing it anyway. I grab a pair of white athletic socks and my favorite ball cap and that’s all I’m wearing. I want to set the tone. I think, “No need to be coy about it … you want him to breed you”. Mike and Chris arrive not much later and Mike lets them in. I can hear them talking, and come popping out of my room, “Hey guys!” I see Mike smile, and he moves to kiss me, “Oh… hey… this is Chris… told you about him”. I move and he kisses me too, he says softly, “Damn Kevin … you’re hotter than Mike let on”. I blush a little bit. I look over at Mike, who’s already removed his clothing, “This way”, he says, pulling both me and Chris toward my bedroom. They’ve been here all of 2 minutes and I already feel a bit attached to Chris, maybe I’m needy, maybe it’s those eyes. Mike and I start making out, Chris moves in closer, and then there’s this mad mash of tongues as the three of us are making out. Chris reaches around and puts a hand into my ass crack… then pulls back, I grab his hand and move it back to my ass; I want him to know I like it there. We break apart and Mike, not wasting any time, leans over the end of my bed ass up and ready. “Someone needs to be fucked … get him ready”, I hear Chris, “Fuck yea I do”, says Mike. I think Mike’s ass is “so hot”, exposed like that, I can’t stop myself and bend down, “There’s some lube there”, pointing, and then bury my face into that hot little ass, “Ahhhhhhhhhh….ahhhhh… fuck yea … eat my hole… so hot”. I love eating Mike’s ass, it gets him so horny. I hear Chris removing clothing and lubing his cock, “Looks like a hot, twisted boy slut needs another load in that ass”. I move off of Mike, I can’t help it, I want to see Chris’ cock. “Another load?”, I think, I’ll have to remember to ask about that, then I hear Mike, “Yeah man … needing another dirty load in there”. Chris removes his tank top and joins me and Mike naked. “Don’t hold back this time man … I want it, hard, raw, intense ….did I say hard?”, Chris just looks at him, “Pig. You want more of my raw cock ehh?”, not really expecting an answer. I look at Chris, “I’ve got poppers if you want ‘em”, handing him the bottle, he smirks, “You’ll want these babe”, throwing them down beside Mike’s head. Chris and I just stare at each other as he gets ready to lay into Mike, “Go lay on the bed beside him … help him through this, but be ass up and ready for me”. The direct approach, I like it … I just smile. Laying down beside Mike I feel myself pushing my ass up. I think, “I want this stud to fuck and breed my ass like he does Mike’s”, it’s scaring me, but exciting me all at the same time. Mike and I put an arm around each other’s back and we’re close enough to kiss … our bodies touching all the way down past our asses. “Please Chris … c’mon man, breed me, pahhz … “, Chris interrupts him, “Yeah you want this”, spanking Mike’s ass with his cock,”… you want this cum … don’t you pig?”, “Yeah”. Hearing Mike beg for cum and seeing him, submissive like this, a slight look of comfort and surprise comes over me. Then I see that look on Mike’s face and look back at Chris, I know he’s teasing and putting pressure on Mike’s hole. I hear Mike moan, “Ahhhhhhhh…”, and I know the head is pushing its way inside him now. Chris moves his body up and over Mikes, covering most of him, and from the look on Mike’s face I can tell Chris’ cock is about to bottom out. Chris kisses Mike’s back and neck and leans in closer, “Yeah baby … gonna give you another poz load from this poz cock … that what you been needing?” I look at Mike, his eyes are closed, he’s gone, “Yes … yeah man … nail me … really give it to me, do it this time”. I think, “This time?!”, I realize how little I really know about Mike. All this talk about “poz cock” is freaking me out a bit, but my hard cock wouldn’t lie to me – would it? Chris for his part isn’t letting it go, “Fuck yeah ... gonna get that load where it belongs”, and Mike blurts out, “In my hole”. After just a few brief warm up strokes Chris puts his full weight into fucking Mike, and from the way the bed’s moving, he’s forcing his cock in deep. Watching all this gets my cock rock hard and I suddenly feel the urge to be the one begging Chris for a load of his cum … his poz cum. I’m so fucking horned. Mike is going crazy from being penetrated, it’s like I’m seeing him in a whole new light, but I’m so fucking horny I can’t think, and sometimes you gotta ask for what you want. I push my ass up further, reach back and spread my cheeks and looking at Mike just spit it out, “Please Chris ... please breed me too”. Chris just keeps fucking. Mike’s eyes open … he smiles at me, “You sure you ready for this babe?”, I smile back nodding, “Yea I think so … I’m just so horny right now, I need it so bad”. “When he starts fucking you he’s not going to stop until he’s cum inside you too”, I nodded, “I know … I know … it’s cool”. Mike just grins, “Alright … you gotta ask for him for it then”, “I thought I did”. I look back at Chris again, “Chris … will you fu’… uhmm”, and I try to sound more serious, “Chris will you breed my ass?”. Chris keeps grunting, ignoring me, he just keeps pounding Mike’s ass. I can see they’re both sweating, and Chris is really moaning and I bet he’s close to dumping his load. “I told you he’s poz, right?”, I nod, Mike’s eyes rolled a bit, “Ohhhhhh… fuck yea … Well … you gotta ask for him for his poz cock … otherwise he’s not gonna fuck you”, Mike’s eyes close, the expression of bliss obvious on his face. I gulp. Hundreds of things float through my mind, images, thoughts, ideas … it’s almost overwhelming for just a brief second. I swallow, open my mouth, and state matter-of-factly, “Chris will you please fuck me with that HOT poz cock of yours and cum deep inside me?” I feel myself nearly breathing the words when I mention his cock and cum. I look at Mike for approval he seems shocked and happy all at the same time – if that’s possible. Chris looked down at me, then kisses Mike, “Looks like your buddy wants my poz cum too”. Mike smiles at that statement, “Yeah I think he does”, and then he looks at me, “Don’t worry Chris can cum more than once”. I realize Chris probably just dumped a load of poz cum in Mike. I feel him tapping my leg, “Ass up again boy”, then to Mike, “Come suck this clean”. I move my ass and look back to see Mike sucking Chris’ cock, it seems so freaking huge. “Ohhhh yeah…. Clean that cock boy … MMMMMM … get me ready to breed your boy”, I can’t take my eyes off Mike’s head bobbing up and down on Chris’ cock, I think, “That cock will be inside me in a minute”. Mike seems very happy being Chris’ bottom, it’s amazing to watch him like this, I think he’d suck him ‘til he squirts again if no one said anything. Chris wants to fuck though, “Ok … I’m good … time to get in that ass”. Chris looks at me, “You need lube?”, “Yeah some, please, I’m tight”, he smiles devilishly. Chris takes some lube and greases his cock and my hole, sliding a finger in the way Mike likes to do me, but then backs it out almost as quickly. I try to relax when I feel it coming, “Ahhhh … ahhhh”, it stings, as the head of his cock eases its way into my ass. “Ohhhhhh fuck … fuck … fuck… “, I can’t stop the words, “You ok boy?”. “Yeahhh… Yeahhh… haaaa …ahhhhha… I’m good… ahhhh… just haaaaaa… stings, but feels good too”. Working me, like he did Mike taking several long, slow strokes to figure out the best angle and see how tight I am before diving in too fast, feels good. Mike moves around to my face and presents his amazing cock to me. He’s always so cute the way he almost beams when he’s in a “top” position, I know what he wants, and open my mouth, letting my tongue go to work on that amazing dick. Then I feel it … Chris works his strokes into a rhythm and I can feel his sweaty sac and chest against my body, I know Chris is poz, and I know he’s going to cum inside me… I also know I’m hard as a rock. I pull Mike’s cock from my mouth, “Just like that … ahhhhhhh … oh fuck yea… ohhhhh that’s good … give it to me”. I don’t want him to stop, not that he’s going to, it’s clear we both want the impending climax. I go back to sucking Mike’s cock. Chris pounds me for what seems like hours, he’s got a strong rhythm, it’s clear to me why he’s only tops. He’s groaning and sweating and just keeps working my hole. I look over at my phone and realize he’s been fucking me a total of maybe 10 minutes but it seems like longer and my jaw is starting to ache from sucking on Mike. Chris pulls out, “Flip over”. I flip onto my back and I think, “Open sesame”, as my legs immediately go up without so much as a word. Mike moves his face to mine and kisses me as Chris reinserts his fuckstick and gets back to work, “I wanna put this second load in deeper”, I pause from Mike’s kiss and my eyes get wide, he just looks at me as if to say, “… told you he can cum multiple times”. Mike moves so his cock is just over my mouth and starts to jack off,… there’s no going back, if I end up poz I’m apparently meeting it head on. My legs are on Chris’ chest and his cock is pounding me, it feels so amazing to be fucked this way. Knowing I’ve already got a load from him is keeping my cock hard as a rock. Mike moves a hand down to my cock, it’s electric, I can’t hold it back, “I’m gonna cum… fuck … I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum”. I want Chris deeper inside me, so I push down on his cock, and I feel my load building … “Ahhhhh.. ahhhhh… FUCK! FUCK! … CUMMMMMMING!”, and my cock shoots squirt after squirt of my seed all over my chest, all over Mike’s arm; it’s going everywhere. My ass grips Chris’ cock like a vice, but he pushes hard enough to keep fucking into me while I orgasm. My eyes are closed but Chris’ grunts tell me he’s getting close, Mike is encouraging him, “Fuck yea man… really give it to him … breed that ass”. Followed quickly by Chris, “Ahhhhh …ahhhhhh …..fuck…oh…ahhhhhhhhhh… FUCKKKKKKK! FUCK YEAH!”, then Mike, “FUCK YEAH!”. I’m getting cum in both ends with Chris fucking a 2nd load of poz cum into me. I join in, “Fuck yeah man! … Fucking give it to me!”. Chris looks at me completely serious, but smiling, he just keeps stroking into me as his cum squirts into my guts, working his load in. His strokes start making that sound that comes from a wet cummy cock fucking a well-used ass … the afterglow is intoxicating. Chris finally pulls out and lays down on the bed beside me, Mike joining him and we just chill in the few minutes following some very hot, pig sex. Mike looks at me smiling, “You good?”, I nod, “Yeah … very good”. I look over at Chris, “That was so fucking hot!”. He smiles back.
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  39. Wow. I had forgotten about this one. You guys are in luck; I have four more chapters already written. I'll start on editing them in the morning to post...
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  40. Bi Bottom Turned Part 3 Mike slowly began to feel like he was crawling up out of a well. Sounds were getting more distinct, and he was still getting tonguefucked. He could hear what sounded like several guys talking and laughing. And then.....yes, there was a tongue in his hole. He felt a hand and a blob of something cold on his hole. Then a finger started to slide inside his hole. "This cumdump is ready." Mike held his breath. He wanted this like he had never ever wanted cock. He didn't even really know where he was or if this was all really happening. He feels a cock bump up against his hole a few times. Then he feel it pushing into his hole. Mike was instinctively resisting and clenching his hole shut, and then someone put a bottle of poppers under his nose, he inhaled deeply just once and his hole opened up. That cock slid just inside, popping the head in but no more. Mike heard what he thinks is Jerry say, "This hole is primo. Hungy, tight, and fucking smooth. Boys, we are gonna have a good time. This set-up went perfectly." Mike felt the shaft sliding in bit by bit. Jerry would pull out a little then stroke in a litter deeper each time. But every time he was about to bottom out, Jerry would hold it and not go any deeper. Mike eventually was literally panting. Panting to get that cock in deep, panting to get fucked. "This raw hole around my cock? Nothin' better than this." Mike was getting raw cock. He heard it and he could feel it: no rubber'd up cock felt like this. He could feel the heat from that cock. He groaned and they heard and began egging him on. He wanted this and he tried to hide it from himself. But he couldn't hide now. Now all he was focussed on was that cock. Soon Jerry began longstroking his cock all the way in and all the way out. But on every out stroke, he'd pause just a moment and didn't take his cock completely out of Mike's hole. Then he'd slowly slide his cock deep, and eventually began bottoming out in this cumdumps hole. Mike was spinning. He was overcome with lust and desire and hunger. It was so powerful that he lost track of time and space and any other point of reference for reality except for this cock in his hole, and this room of guys watching. Mike couldn't tell how long Jerry was fucking him, but after a while he could feel Jerry pick up the tempo. He was steadily and rhythmically fucking Mike now. It sent Mike into absolute bliss, this steady strokes of a hard raw cock in his hole. It was unbelievable. Suddenly, Mike could feel that motion, that hardness, that driven way of fucking: Jerry was getting closer. Mike wanted it. He absolutely wanted it and he didn't want Jerry to stop. He still had his eyes covered, but it didn't matter. This was unbelievable. "Ah, fuck I am gonna shoot." "Lube him up, man. C'mon, make that hole slick for the rest of us. He wants your load, don't ya, fuckhole?" "Yes. Please. Please", Mike said quietly, like he was pleading. Mike felt that cock start to get really hard, hard enough so that he could actually feel it. And then Jerry buried his cock deep in Mike's hole and Mike felt that cock swell and pump up, then again, then again, then again. And there was a brief moment where Mike thought he could feel a warm something deep inside of him. He could feel his eyes rolling back and he fought it. Jerry pulled out and right away after some shuffling sounds, Mike felt another cock slowly sliding into his hole with more shouts of encouragement from the others, although Mike didn't know how many. This cock was fucking thick. Mike could feel it literally stretching his hole open. It didn't hurt and Mike was amazed cause this wouldn't be happening if he wasn't high out of his mind. He wouldn't be able to take this cock, no way. But now, he wanted it. And this top was determined. He was giving it to Mike slowly so Mike could get used to the girth, but there was no way this top was stopping even if Mike asked. Mike could tell. He could sense this top was taking his hole no matter what. But was this guy fucking Mike bare? He assumed so. He also hoped so. He couldn't believe it but he felt like he was free and he wanted raw cock and come. He always has. Eventually, this top was giving it to Mike in good long hard strokes. And deep, right to the base, right to where Mike could feel the tops body bumped into his. He fucked Mike for a while - it seemed longer than Jerry's fuck. But sure enough, eventually, Mike could feel this cock get harder and harder. It started to feel almost uncomfortable. He felt hands on the small of his back, pushing Mike down. Mike was just saying over and over and over, "Oh my god, oh my god.". He didn't want this to end. Ever. The top started just pounding it into Mike, and then with one extra hard and extra deep shove, sunk his cock into Mike, held it still, leaned in and whispered, "Take my load, hole. Open up that hole for my seed." Mike felt pulsation after pulsation as this top was undoubtedly dumping his load into Mike. Mike groaned and moaned. It was incredible. While lost in bliss, that cock pulled out and another one began to slide inside, this time deeper and hard right off the bat. Mike started to feel like he was going to black out, and he fought it. He tried to move but was still strapped onto that fuckbench. He could feel himself slowly going under and he was losing the fight to stop it. All of a sudden Mike was out cold.....
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  41. I've always preferred outdoor sex. When I can, I've sometimes been completely naked. I was probably converted at park known for cruising. I've been seen taking cock by a few that weren't cruising. Reactions have ranged from college kids being surprised ("oh my god!"), to ignoring us, to stopping to watch for a while, to approving comments ("looks like your having fun"). Second for me is the baths/ adult theater. I enjoy having others watch and getting so horny, they have to slide their cock inside me too.
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  42. When I was 21, I got fucked on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras while hundreds of men watched and took pictures and video. Very fucking hot.
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  43. If you remember the US version of Queer as Folk, the popular club was called Babylon. That's actually a club on Church Street in downtown Toronto and goes by a different name. Anyways, it was a Thursday night, I was there w/ some buddies and this little slut kept coming around and rubbing his ass against my cock. I finally had enough and when he came back around and turned his back to me, I pulled his shorts down, spit on three fingers, rubbed his hole, spit on my cock and impaled him. We were against a back wall towards a corner. I had a beer in one hand, my hand on one of his hips and just drilled him for about 90 seconds before I popped. When done, I just zipped back up (I just pulled my cock out of my jeans), he pulled his whore shorts up and walked away. that was the one and only time. That said, I saw a lot of fucking going on in that club. A lot of fucking.
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  44. “Now who want’s to be the first to help this boy get all eighteen of his birthday loads? Oh, did I mention that when the birthday boy came to the baths tonight he was a virgin.” An older guy stepped up, I couldn’t see his cock, but Tom pulled his fingers from my hole and I was soon equally as full as the old guy started to pound away. Tom kissed me and then turned my head to the side so that he could force his cock down my throat. The old guy didn’t last long and soon he was moaning and spluttering as the cum shot out of his cock into my ass, and all the while Tom was feeding me his cock. Apparently just outside of my field of vision a line was forming because no sooner had the older guy stepped aside then a young thing blond twink took his place. And so it went on and on, and all the while Tom was gagging my on his cock till he shot a load down my throat. I kept count for the first ten loads and then after that I lost track. By that point though my hole was so stretched out that the guys with average sized cock were invisible to me and I could only feel the big ones. It was as if the rest of my body had shut down and all that remained was my ass; my cum and sweat covered ass. It wasn’t just my ass that was covered in cum, some where around the seventh top guys had started jerking off over me and now there were ropes and pools of cum all over my thin twink torso. Henry still stood beside me, occasionally fucking some guy waiting to breed me. Tom had clambered into the sling next to me and now had his legs in the air and was well on his way to catching up to my count. As a big fat black man pulled his equally fat cock from my hole and I could feel a river of cum flowing out of my hole. A few guys cheered and shouted things like: “look at his hole gaping,” “he’s fucking wrecked,” “that cunt will never be tight again.” I was in heaven. After all that time wondering what sex would be like, just wanting to get it over with and now here I was wreaking of cum and sweat my hole gaping wide, I had found my place. A new guy appeared between my legs and as I watched him line up his cock with my hole I thought he looked rather familiar. He was about six feet tall and squarely built with jet black hair and super dark five o’clock shadow. It was the guy from the desk at the entrance, the one I had rented my locker from. I felt a thick cock slid easily into my hole and he leaned over me and taking in my cum covered body said, “I knew you’d be popular birthday boy, but I didn’t know how popular. I’m just glad this cunt was still here when I got off work even if it is basically destroyed.” He bucked into my hole for a few moments and then seeing Henry said, “You taken charge of this boy hole then Henry?” “Yep, plucked his cherry myself.” “Sweet, well seeing as you’ve already let every guy in this place wreck this boy’s cunt mind if I just ruin him for life.” “Go right on ahead Sam, do what you like.” I had no idea what they were talking about but Sam pulled his cock out of me and examined my hole for a minute. He then began rubbing around my abused and stretched ass ring sliding his finger in from time to time. Slowly he worked in first two, then three, then four fingers inside of me. The pressure mounted as he began to work his thumb in too twisting his hand around inside my hole, pushing forward a little with each twist. The cum smeared all over my ass acted as lube and eased Sam’s entry and in what seemed like no time with a soft pop my hole swallowed his hand. I moaned like the bitch in heat that I had become as he started to fuck me with his hand. Cum splattered out of my hole and onto the floor as Sam worked his hand deeper and deeper into my guts. I really have no idea how long he fisted me or how deep he got. My eyes had rolled into the back of my head and all I could focus on was the sensations coming from my ass. Several times cum shot from my own cock without my having even touched it, but it did nothing to slake my lust. When Sam finally pulled his fist and his cock from my ass after cumming twice I realized that the room had emptied out quite a bit. Henry was depositing another load into Tom who looked as fucked out as I felt, and a few men were hanging around the perimeter but the massive crowd had gone. “Where is everyone,” I asked weakly. “Gone kid, it’s eight am,” Sam replied. Holy shit, I had spent the whole night in the sling, I had never even made it to the hotel I had booked. “How about one last load from us two and then we’ll get you cleaned up boy,” Henry said helping Tom from the sling. “Yes please,” anything to keep this day from ending. Henry and Sam helped me from the sling and the two of them supported Tom and I on unsteady legs back to Henry’s room where Tom collapsed on the bed. “Get on top of him boy,” Henry commanded, and despite the fact that my legs felt like jello I mounted Tom’s ever hard cock and then practically laid down on him with it still inside me. Henry slid his cock easily inside of me next to Tom’s cock and slowly began to fuck me. Sam made to leave but Henry told him to stay, and in fact Sam got behind Henry and slid his cock inside Henry’s big meaty hairy ass in a quick smooth stroke. The four of us then shared what was honestly the most tender fucking that happened that whole night. We had been bonded together by what we had done with each other and it showed in how Henry controlled the smooth easy tempo of the other three till finally he and Tom blasted inside of me adding to what I thought must honestly be a gallon of cum in my ass and Sam planting the first load of the night in Henry’s ass. We then disentangled ourselves and made our groggy way to the showers. Henry washed the cum from my body but made sure not to remove any from my hole, though a good quantity was simply running down my leg out of my gaping hole while Sam cleaned off Tom. We went to our lockers and put back on our street clothes, it felt weird to have them on at all. Henry grabbed my phone out of my locker before I could put it back in my pocket and the three guys quickly passed it around putting their numbers in, and then we all did the same for Tom. Then we left. I drove home in a sleepy silence, and when I got home I walked past my parents muttered something about having a good time and went up stairs to pass out. When I woke up sometime around dinnertime my phone was glowing with texts from my new friends; I smiled. Perhaps the rest of my summer wouldn’t be such a dry spell after all.
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  45. The three of us walked through the hallways. Only Henry, who was in the lead, wore a towel. Were were heading towards the main common room. When we were passing a large group of men, several of whom had turned to stare at us, Tom grabbed me from behind, and with ease slid his cock into my cum dripping hole, gave me a few quick hard thrusts before pushing me after Henry who hadn’t stopped walking back out towards the patio. Tom repeated his quick pounding act on the patio in front of another large group of guys. Henry led the way to the dark corner of the patio and into the even darker corridor and then to the door of the sling room. There were many more guys there now then there had been the last time I looked in the room. Still, only one sling was occupied, but not by the black guy I had seen before; however, there was now a group of about twenty guys all standing around him, each with a raging hard-on, waiting to breed the guy's hole. I practically ran to the sling where Tom and Henry helped me and to get me situated properly. Once my legs had been put up into the stirrups, Tom roughly slid four fingers into my hole as Henry turned to the tops around the other man. “Hey guys, don’t wanna take you away from what you’re doing but it’s my friend’s birthday and his first trip to the baths and he wants to get his hole used pig style. So this little twink’s formerly tight hole is open for business."
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  46. The ginger man left and closed the door behind him. Tom flopped over onto his back on the bed, his cock, already hard again, pointed up towards his stomach. Without really thinking about what I was doing I moved over and sat down on Tom’s beer can thick cock and began slowly riding him. “So I guess you want more then birthday boy,” Henry asked smiling. “I wanna take loads till my hole is comepletly full.” Somewhere in the back of my mind I once again shocked myself. Taking Henry’s cock had changed something in me and I needed to be fucked senseless. There was also a part of me that knew that after tonight it would be a long while before I would make it out of my parent’s house to get fucked so I had better take it while I could. “Well then,” said Tom, moving around behind me on the bed, “why don’t Tom and I get your new boycunt nice and stretched out and then take you to the sling room and tell them you’re open for business.” “That sounds amazing,” I replied. “I knew you were gonna be fun when I saw you.” Tom grabbed my by the hips and pushed me down on his cock, and Henry started to press his cock head against my already filled hole. “What are you doing!” I almost screamed. “Just relax birthday boy, you’ll love it.” I took a deep breath and Henry dribbled a big glob of spit onto his cock as he increased the pressure. Slowly I could feel my hole giving way and opening up for his cock. Then suddenly my hole gave way and Henry sank balls deep into my ass, his cock pressed against Tom’s. It was like losing my virginity all over again, I was being stretched in all new ways and I loved it. Jesus, what had taking that first cock done to me, I just wanted my hole to be stretched wide by cock all the time. I was full and yet I felt so loose it was unbelievable. Ecstasy washed over me with each deep thrust of the two thick cocks inside of me. I leaned down and kissed Tom and he twisted my nipples hard, and then I twisted around to kiss Henry who forced his tongue deep into my mouth. The two of them were building up speed hammering away harder and harder. They seemed to be competing with each other to see who could slam me the hardest and who could cum first. The cum from my first three loads sloshed out around their dueling cocks and they both worked their way towards cuming again. I felt like my hole was getting looser and loosed as they pounded away, and I started to push myself back on them dreaming of the cocks I would take in the sling room. Then Henry grabbed my shoulders and bottomed out inside of me and shot his load, this sent Tom over the edge who started cuming just seconds after Henry. Henry collapsed on top of me and I feel forward onto Tom in such a way that my face was now in his hairy sweaty pit. I took a deep breath attempting to regain composure after my last breeding and got a big whiff of Tom’s ripe pit. It was amazing, it smelled vaguely like a locker room but instead of being disgusting it was arousing. I pushed my face further into his put and started licking at the dense hair. Tom groaned and thrust his once again softening cock into my hole a few times. “You like the taste of my pits boy?” I looked up from my new favorite thing, “God yes!” “You should taste them after I work out they’re even better.” Tom fucked his quickly hardening cock into me a few more times. Henry clambered off of out pile and said, “Now don’t start breeding him again or we’ll never get the kid to the sling room.” Tom pushed his cock in as deep as it would go one more time and then relaxed allowing his dick to pop from my ass. “You ready to go to the sling room boy,” Henry asked. “Fuck yeah!” I jumped off of the bed and grabbed my towel from where it lay discarded on the floor from earlier. “Why don’t you leave that here and show off your new cummy slut cunt to all the guys on the way there, maybe even draw a bigger crowd. “ “Ok!” “Damn, the kid’s become a slut in just two hours,” Tom commented. Two hours? Was that all it had been. My life was changing fast. “Lets go get you bred stupid kid,” Henry said, opening the door and leading us out into the hallway.
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  47. First his mouth stopped licking about my quickly loosening sphincter and then his fingers pulled out of my hole and I felt incredibly empty. I looked back at him to see what was happening and my heart soared when I saw him kneeling behind me getting his cocked lined up with my hole. Henry hocked a big glob of spit onto his pole and began to rub his cock head around my loosened hole. All thought of the condom’s I had tucked into my towel were gone, despite the fact that they now lay with my towel on the floor, I wanted his cock and I wanted it as soon as possible. I began to rock back against him again, trying to get his thick cock head to slip inside of me as he rubbed it up and down my crack teasing my hole. After a moment I was successful and I felt his cock head first catch slightly on my hole and then begin to push inside. His cock was still significantly larger then his three fingers and as Henry pressed it harder and harder onto my hole I began to panic that I wasn’t going to be able to take his spit-lubed cock. Then just as I was about to say something my hole gave and his thick mushroom head and the first few inches of his cock sank into my ass. I almost screamed, but Henry wrapped his arms around me and held me close and he slowly slid the rest of his cock inside of me. It seemed to take forever but eventually I felt Henry’s balls bounce lightly against mine and his thick, dense pubes tickle my ass cheeks. I had thought that I had felt heat in my hole before with just his tongue but now I felt fire, a fire of lust. Despite the slight pain and uncomfortable stretching that was happening to my guts I never wanted Henry to take his cock out of me again, that was until he started to deep fuck me. He very slowly withdrew his dick till only just the head remained inside of me and then equally as slowly he would sink back in to the hilt. As I adjusted to the new sensations of being fucked and my ass blossomed around his cock, my ass lips clinging to his shaft each time as he withdrew, Henry began to pick up the pace. I moaned loudly as he began to fuck me in earnest, each time he slammed his cock in me causing me to whimper like a whore. Once more Henry hugged me close to him as he slick his dick in and out of my hole, but this time he pulled me upright as well and then suddenly flipped us both so that he was laying on his back and I was sitting stride him with his cock still firmly stuffed up my ass. I was now facing the open door as I desperately bounced myself up and down on Henry’s cock. I felt his hands on my hips guiding my frantic rocking and I closed my eyes giving into the sensations completely. Not thirty minutes ago the most I had ever done was kiss a guy and now I was riding a massive daddy cock, raw, in a bathhouse and loving every single second of it. “Turn and face me,” Henry instructed, and I impaled myself to the hilt on his cock and spun around like his dick was a carousel pivot point. Henry bucked his cock up into me and pulled me down for a kiss. Sweat dripped off of both of us and Henry had begun to emit a pungent musk that made my head swim. He just smelled so manly in that moment. Like a hunky hairy construction worker who had been working in the sun all day, it was a smell that only a true man could make and it made my 18 year old brain spin. “I’m going to cum soon boy.” “Don’t stop,” I practically screamed. “Do you want me to pull out?” Take his cock out of my ass? Never, I needed that cock to stay inside me, “Don’t stop fucking me!” “Ok boy,” and Henry started to buck harder, and then with a quick shift of his weight he flipped us again so that I was on my back with my legs wrapped around his torso and him still pounding away at me. The sweat dripped from his face and chest landing on me. There was no pain now, only joy, my hole had opened completely and was now taking cock like a bottom boy’s hole should. “I know you were gonna have a sweet hole when I saw you walking around but damn it’s all the better for being a cherry hole too. And now I’m gonna blow my load deep inside of you. You read for that boy? You read for my load?” “Yes, cum inside of me. Fuck your load into me.” “Here’s the first load of your life boy,” and with that Henry slammed in balls deep and kept his cock pressed into my hole as far as he could while his dick twitched and shot a huge load of cum inside my hole. I felt shot after shot of hot liquid flying into my hole and I was filled with an entirely new sort of warmth by it. That was too much for me, and despite not touching my cock at all sense Henry had began playing with my ass I shot the biggest load of my life all over both or our chests where it mixed with our sweat. After a long while Henry’s cock began to soften and he let his dick slip from my loose and now gaping hole. “How was that kid?” “Amazing. I’ve never cum like that before.” He kissed me and my cock began to get stiff between us again. “Damn boy, I would have thought that after getting fucked for the first time you would have been done in.” “Actually I’m hornier then I was when I got here.” “Well shit boy. You wanna try getting fucked by some other guys?” I hesitated for a moment pondering his offer, but the feeling of Henry’s cum leaking out of my gaping hole made my mind up for me. “Yes.” “Well then let’s go find something to challenge that talented hole of yours.”
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  48. #3. Jason I had managed to drift off a bit, into a liminal state between wakefulness and sleep, where my mind was able to wander and to imagine what was would happen the rest of the afternoon. I was interrupted by a light knock on the door. It shocked me back to the present reality. "Ready?" Nathan asked, but the door was still closed. "Yeah," I said. I sat up on the side of the bed, and then shakily, I stood up, ready for my next man and my next breeding. The door opened, and a tall black man stepped inside. From the light spilling in from the hallway, I could see an impressive mane of dreadlocks hanging down his back. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, and a black tank top. Even in the dim light of the bedroom, it easy to see that he was impressively muscular. "Hey," he said, as Nathan closed the door behind us. I had to look up to see his face. He had a wide smile and a bit of a goatee. He had definitely taken care of himself, but I still guessed that he was probably in his early 40s. He was starting to show his age: his goatee was dark but was flecked with bits of grey. Plus, as I looked closer, I saw that his dreads also had bits of grey. The grey only re-enforced a quiet confidence about him, he knew his place in the world and he had the strength to assert it. "Hi," I said. "I'm Jason." I felt very small next to him, almost vulnerable, especially wearing just the thin jockstrap. He smiled. "I know," he said. "I'm Eli." He took a small backpack off, and put it on the floor next to the bed. In a surprisingly smooth motion, he pulled off his tank top, flipping his dreadlocks over his shoulder and down his chest. His chest was just as muscled as his arms, and the dreads hung all the way down to just below his waistband. "Having a good afternoon?" he asked. "Yeah, I am." I said. On a dark street, I'd be trying to avoid him, but in the intimate setting of a bedroom, he seemed surprisingly calm and easy-going. "Uh, Intense, but also very fun," I said. "That's what I want to hear, white boy,” he said. He took off a watch and put it on the bed table, then kicked off his sneakers. He reached into his backpack, and pulled out a glasses case, just like Sean's earlier in the day. "You party?" he asked me. "Yeah, I do. Did some earlier today," I had a warm flush race over my body. I was already anticipating the rush of the drugs. "Good," he said. "But now it's time for us to share a bowl." He pushed down his sweatpants, exposing very tight pair of white underwear. I tried not to stare; it was literally the biggest basket I had ever seen. I wondered how I was going to be able to take it all in either my mouth or ass. Through the tight fabric, I could see a fat, long shaft seemingly wrapped around his hip. In addition, he had heavy balls that were pressed against his underwear. He pretended not to notice my stare, and sat down on the bed. He motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat down, feeling the warmth of his body so close to mine. Only then did he open the case and pull out the glass pipe with a fat bag of tina. He loaded up the bowl with the drug, carefully measuring out far more than I thought we would need. "Don't want to try to reload it with my hands covered in lube," he said, grinning. He had a brilliant white smile, greatly enhanced by the contrast with his rich, dark skin. I tried to focus on him filling the pipe, but my attention kept on shifting between the pipe, his muscular chest and arms and most of all, his massive basket. "That should be just about enough for me, I think," he said. I looked at the pipe, and there was a huge pile of crystal in it. He dug into the bag again, and added several more big shards. "And just a bit for you." He took a torch and started to heat the bowl, melting the mound of drugs. "You first," he continued. "Guys always seem to need a bit of help to handle me." He twitched his cock; even through the underwear I could see exactly how big it was. He handed me the pipe, and I put the stem in my mouth. He continued to hold the torch and it wasn't much longer before the pipe began to sputter and smoke. I took a long hit, filling my lungs with the thick smoke. "Don't skimp on it," he said, urging me ever onwards. "Nathan says you're pretty much a virgin, to both partying and getting fucked. So you need to get loaded. In both senses." Even after he took the torch away from the bowl, it still filled up with the smoke a few more times. Under Eli's watchful eyes, I made sure I got every bit of the drug. "Good job. Now, shotgun it to me," he said. I turned to him and he opened his mouth. Our lips locked while I exhaled my hit into his lungs. He surprised me, holding the kiss for longer than needed. His tongue started to explore my mouth. His free hand wrapped around me, and he pulled me closer. I didn't expect this closeness from such a man. Pressed tight up against him, I could tell his body was solid; he was all muscle and not a bit of fat. "Oh fuck, that's good," he said as he exhaled my hit. "That first one is always the best, don't you think?" I just nodded in agreement, and handed him the pipe. "The second hit doesn't suck either," I said, as he put the pipe in his mouth and started to heat it up again. Still warm, it didn't take long for the bowl to begin smoking again. He puffed on the pipe much longer than I did, rolling it back and forth on the torch and letting the bowl really fill up each time, before sucking the white clouds into his lungs. He held the hit for a while as he handed me the pipe and torch. "Your turn," he said, letting only the slightest bit of the cloud escape. Greedily, I took the stem and started to smoke it. I kept the torch on it, but I hardly needed it to get a good hit. "Here's some extra for you," Eli said. He exhaled his hit right into my face, engulfing my head with a thick white cloud. Even though he was only a few inches from me, I could barely seem him through the dense smoke. As Eli's cloud slowly dissipated, I finished up my own hit, and let the torch go out. The drug hit my system quickly, and it was clear that Eli's source was very good. This was some potent tina. His cock was going to be a real challenge, but with the powerful drug fueling me, I knew it would be an incredibly fun ride. I held my hit as long as I could and then exhaled. The familiar feeling of horniness was hitting me. I wanted to get Eli naked, explore his body and most of all feel that massive cock in my hungry, needy hole. "My turn," he said, taking the pipe from me. I could see that we were nowhere near exhausting the pipe; there was still a big pool of crystal at the bottom of the bowl. While Eli heated up the pipe again, I wondered if he was planning to smoke the entire thing during his short visit with me. I was definitely nearing the limit for my drug use; I didn't know what I would do or how I would behave if I smoked any more. Eli seemed to have no such concerns as he sucked down on the pipe, carefully letting the bowl re-fill several times. "Ready?" he asked me, as he pulled the stem out. I nodded and exhaled, ready for him to shotgun his hit. He leaned in, forced his mouth against mine, and blew his hit into my lungs. Compared to Eli's lungs, I could barely take much from him. He filled me up far before he had gotten close to finishing exhaling. We continued the kiss and I ran my hands over his smooth, muscular chest. There was just a hint of hair leading down from his navel, disappearing into his tight white underwear. I ran my finger along the waistband, wondering what was hidden behind the taut fabric. "You wanna smoke my other pipe, boy?" he asked me, as he exhaled the last of his hit. "Yeah, I do," I said. I was a bit scared of the sheer size of his bulge, but knew that his size was the least of the dangers that Eli presented to me. "Can I?" I asked. "Of course," Eli said. "Isn't that what you're here for? Sucking my cock and making me feel good." He stood up, and pushed down his briefs. I nearly gasped when I saw what he had been packing: a fat, thick, long, cut black cock. It was the largest cock I had ever seen and it wasn't even hard yet. At the base hung two large balls. Somehow, Eli had managed to slip a metal cockring on. It pushed his equipment out and further emphasized just how well endowed he was. "Yeah, I know. It's a monster,” he said, noticing how I was staring. "Isn't it?" "Yeah," I said, almost speechless at his endowment. Coupled with his easy-going masculinity, he was like an ebony god. Eli sat back down on the bed, his legs spread wide. "Gotten anyone else this big today?" "No one as big as you today. Or ever." "All white boys today?" he asked me. "Yeah," I said. Suddenly, I wanted his black cock in me. I wanted it because it was big, because it was hard, and most of all, because it was black. It was the ultimate transgression, the mixing of the races. "That's too bad," Eli said. "Come on, Jason," he said, "Kneel down and find out how good black cock can be. Show it some respect. Give my black mamba a kiss." He motioned for me to get between his legs. Mesmerized by his cock, I did what he told me to do. I got off the bed and knelt down between his legs. Like the rest of his body, his legs were solid blocks of muscle. I could imagine him closing them around me and crushing me easily. Leaning in to his groin, I let my nose fill with his scent. He smelled like a man should: a bit of sweat, a bit of musk, and a bit of dirt. It was almost as good as a hit of poppers. "Like it, huh?" he said. I looked up at him; he was flashing a brilliant white smile while waiting for me to take his cock into my warm mouth. Again, I didn't know what to say. I was drunk on his maleness and flying on his drugs. "Yeah," I finally managed. "Right on," Eli said. "One more hit for you, white boy. Then you can get to work and get me hard and wet." He held the pipe out for me to take. I rested my arms on his thick legs and he positioned the stem in my mouth. He also took care of the torch for me. He melted the crystal so that a beautiful wisp of white smoke escaped from the bowl. "Go ahead," he said, when the pipe was just right. "Hit it." I did my best. I wanted to impress him. I drained the bowl a few times and let my lungs fill up with the smoke. Finally I nodded, letting Eli know that I was more than satiated. I was right at the edge; another hit and I'd be too far-gone to control myself. But for now, I was at just the right place. All I could think about was getting him hard and getting him off. And finding out more about him: I wondered what his story was, and how he had joined this unique club of men, the band of men whose cocks could kill. "My turn with the glass cock," he said, as he took the pipe from my mouth. "And your turn on the black cock," he said as he pointed to his cock. "Go ahead, suck on it." I leaned in and took the head of his cock into my mouth. There was already a bead of pre-cum there for me to lick off. I had to be careful not to exhale any of the crystal smoke. I didn't want to waste any of it. While I started to get myself acquainted with Eli's cock, he watched me intently. I licked his head and then started on the shaft. "Nice, Jason," he said. "I like a boy that can hold his hit like that. You're gonna do just fine when you're choking on my shaft." With that, he put the pipe in his mouth and lit the torch. While he heated up the pipe, I stretched my mouth wide, and started by swallowing his cockhead. Even soft, he was more than a mouthful and I strained to get even just the head into my mouth. But it tasted so good. He was a delicious combination of sweat and pre-cum. I didn't care how hard it was going to be to take the entire thing. After a bit of effort, I was able to get his whole cockhead in my mouth. Eli was patient, doing his hit, but still moaning softly when I ran my tongue over his piss slit. While I could still breathe, I exhaled my hit and engulfed both of us in a thick white cloud. Eli finished doing his hit. He held the still-smoking pipe in one hand. "Take more of it, Jason," he said, resting his other hand on the top of my head and gently pushing me onto his cock. "It's feeling so good already." His challenge was clear, as was my goal: we both wanted me to deep throat his huge cock. Opening my mouth even more, it was easy to take an additional inch or so. But then his cockhead hit the back of my throat. I dreaded the next, necessary step. In response to the tina and my oral skills, Eli's cock grew longer, fatter, and harder. At first, he didn't get as long as I feared; his cock mostly got fatter as the blood rushed in and lengthening a bit. But, the downward curve in the middle got more pronounced, making it harder to work into my mouth. As I lavished more attention on it, his cock started to get longer. It was when I least expected it that it began to grow longer. A lot longer. Terrifyingly longer. It grew from nearly eight soft inches to a hard and enormous eleven inches. "It's big. I know." he said, exhaling his hit. "And the better you are, the bigger it gets." "Don't think you're near done," he said, before putting the pipe back in his mouth. I had got as much of his cock into my mouth as I could. The next step would be to let him invade my throat. It wouldn't be easy. But then, the entire day seemed to be about things that weren't easy, about things that scared me. This would be one more thing like that. His cock was hardly easy and more than just a bit scary. "Come on, Jason," he said, taking the pipe out of his mouth for a moment. "It's not going to deep throat itself." Eli flicked the torch and started to do another hit. I did my best to relax, finding the hiss of the flame strangely comforting. My mind was racing because the drugs, and the torch's white noise helped me to focus. I swallowed slightly, and forced myself further down onto his cock. "Oh, fuck. That's what I was looking for," Eli said, as his cockhead entered my throat. His shaft more than filled my narrow throat. As he started to press against my windpipe, Eli hit the glass pipe hard. He seemed to be mocking my inability to breath at all as he took in deep lungfuls of air mixed with the rich methamphetamine smoke. I was on the edge of gagging, but couldn't bear the thought of disappointing him by choking. Instead, I focused on the discomfort of his cock in my throat. I was the one letting him dominate me. I was the one who was eagerly swallowing his fat snake. I was the one who was choking on his black pipe. I was the one who was unable to breath. And I was the one whose cock was twitching at the entire experience. I kept on taking more of his cock down my throat and wondering if I would ever get to the base of his shaft. I had my eyes tightly closed, focusing on getting his entire dick into my throat. When I heard Eli exhale his hit, I opened my eyes just in time to see another big cloud of smoke drift down. Even though it felt like I was stuffed full of his cock, I could now see that it looked like I had barely taken any of it. I couldn't imagine how I was going to get the rest of his dick into my throat. At the base of his dick his close-trimmed pubic hair still seemed so far away. "Just relax, Jason. Other boys have taken it all. You'll take it all as well. I'm sure of it," he said. I wasn't clear if had made a prediction or given me a command. He rested an arm on the top of my head, pressing down on me. In response, another half inch of his cock slid into my throat. He leaned over and planted a kiss on the top of my head, as I suppressed the urge to gag again. "Great way to be spending the afternoon," he said. "Hot fucking white muscle boy sucking my cock while I get high. Only a few more inches for you to swallow, white boy." I closed my eyes again, and focused on the warmth of his shaft. It was gently pulsing in time with his heartbeat. I knew if I thought about how thick his cock was or how long it was, I would immediately start gagging. The warmth was something safer and easier to concentrate on. It reminded me how alive Eli was, how real this experience was, and how much we both needed it. My body was starved for air and my mind was filled with crystal, so was hard to focus on any one thing. This scattering of thoughts was a blessing in disguise, because my brain managed to turn the lack of focus into not just a desire for sex, but also a need for Eli's cock and especially his cock in my throat, my ass, and my body. I built up a world where the only way I would live was to take his entire shaft into me. Even though each small millimeter of his shaft stretched and scratched my throat, I took it. I had heard of cock worship before, and I knew with certainty that this was what I was now doing. Was this how a fundamentalist Christian thought of his relationship to Jesus? But instead of a mythical man who died for our sins, Eli was a very real man. A very real man whose semen carried the seeds of my own salvation. A very real man whose cock I was impaled on. "Right on Jason. Only a bit more to go," Eli said. I opened my eyes again, and saw that I had almost taken his entire cock. My throat was stretched wide. I wondered if his cockhead was already in my stomach. But I repressed those thoughts and instead concentrated on the good: on how he was going to give me a new life. A diseased life, yes, but a life without worry, a life without shame or fear, and most entrancing, a life with Nathan. While I worked the last half inch of his cock into my throat, Eli did another hit. As he puffed on his glass pipe, I took the last of his black pipe. My chin was right against his balls, his short pubic hairs were scratching my nose, and my mind was exploding in pride at having taken all of this dark god's manhood in my mouth. "Damn, boy. That's so fucking hot, seeing you choke down all of my cock," Eli said. He exhaled his hit, another big cloud. "Seems like you deserve a reward." He must not have exhaled all of the hit, since another cloud drifted down when he finished talking. "And I know just what you need to get ready for the next level." I wondered what he meant by the next level, but I had to focus on the living, pulsing snake inside of me. His cock was right at the edge of my abilities, and I didn't want to disappoint him. "That was amazing," he said, and started to gently lift my head off his cock. Even though pulling off his shaft was a lot faster than swallowing it, it still felt like it took forever. Whenever I thought I was almost done and waiting for his cockhead to pop back into my mouth, there was another inch with no satisfaction. Finally, the fat cockhead entered my mouth from my throat, and I could breath again. I gasped for air, staring at the glistening shaft in front of me. Still wet with my spit, it hung down from its own weight. I wanted to suck it again, to keep it hard and happy, and to get that hot and deadly reward. "Glass cock for you, now," Eli said. "I think I'm good," I said, but I still straightened up and got ready for the pipe. "You were very good at sucking my cock. But you can always do another hit of tina," he said, as he stuck the stem in my mouth. I didn't protest. Eli lit the torch, and heated up the bowl. I was surprised that there was still any crystal left in it, but the bowl quickly filled with the white smoke I didn't know I was craving. I inhaled, easily draining the bowl a few times in succession. "More," Eli said. I let the bowl fill up again, and then drained it again. "Still more," he said, and I repeated the process two more times. "Good enough," he said. Not wanting to disappoint the ebony god, I took a few more hits, until my lungs were nearly bursting. "Better," he said. "Now, hold it for me." As he had been feeding me the crystal, I had felt his cock brush against my chest, and knew that I'd do anything to feel him inside me once more. I did as I was told; holding the hit of crystal was such a small thing to do to make him happy. He leaned in. "Don't exhale before I tell you to," he said, before he locked lips and began to kiss me. With his mouth covering mine, I couldn't have exhaled even if I wanted to. Besides, he had told me not to exhale, and I needed to make him happy. Plus, I was enjoying the intimacy that he was willing to share by kissing me. That such a masculine, dominant man was willing to open himself up to another man was an unusual situation for me. He continued to probe my mouth as his hard cock rubbed up against my chest. I could barely contain myself; I wanted to jump on top of him, and feel his thick rod penetrate my hole. But I knew that would come soon enough. I did my best to restrain myself, despite the tina coursing through my veins. Breaking off the kiss just long enough to speak, he said, "Give me your hit." I exhaled into his mouth, and he sucked up my entire hit. I was glad to finally get a chance to breath again, but wondered how I would behave once the hit took effect. "Nice hit," he said, holding it in his lungs. He broke off the kiss, and stood up. His cock was level with my face, and I took the opportunity to lick off the head. "Not quite yet. But it's good you are an eager boy," he said, pulling me off his shaft. He turned around, and knelt on the bed. "First, lick my ass," he said, pushing his muscular cheeks right in my face as he exhaled the hit. Without thinking, I dove into his ass, licking his musky, sweaty hole. As I did it, he lit the torch and did another long hit. I pushed my tongue into his hole, feeling him open up for me. He moaned in pleasure as I probed his warm hole. It was a totally unexpected move from him, to let me lick, kiss and penetrate such a private part of his body. He was such a textbook example of a dominant top, but I would eventually let him enter and penetrate me and fulfill his own imperatives. As I licked his ass, he continued to suck on the pipe and filled his lungs. "Oh fuck," he said, "Don't stop." The torch went out, and I heard three more puffs on the pipe. I pressed my face deeper into his ass, my tongue pushing as far as I could into his tight hole. From how tight he was, it was clear it had been a long time, if ever, since he had taken a cock. And he had certainly never taken anyone as large as he was. I lost myself in his ass. His muscular ass cheeks pressed against my face, forcefully reminding me of my place in the world. I could taste the sweat and musk on his tight hole, reminding me what I was doing. I didn't mind; I was where I wanted and needed to be. I was kissing a god's ass. It wouldn't be long before this god rewarded my dedication to him with what he alone could provide me with that afternoon: a hard, deep, raw interracial fuck, ending with a thick load of this black stud's HIV-infected sperm. As I probed, explored and pleasured Eli's ass, he continued to hit the pipe, heating the bowl, drawing a hit, holding it, and then exhaling it slowly. Given my position, I took the opportunity to reach around his waist and grab his now-hard cock. It was still wet and slippery enough from my blowjob; it was just slippery enough for me to easily stroke it, even if it was so thick it was hard for me to wrap my hands around it. "Oh damn, boy," Eli moaned between hits. "That's what I need. Lick my ass and stroke my cock." I wanted him inside me. Although the two men were completely different, I couldn't help but think of Nathan. Each of them epitomized a particular model of masculinity and used it to command obedience and respect. Nathan was the perfect example of an understated, mature man, confident in knowing what he wanted and certain that he would get it. In the wild associations of my drugged-out mind, I pegged him as almost British. In contrast, Eli was brash, almost loud about his masculinity. His manhood was wrapped in muscle, swagger, and the unerring knowledge that he could take anyone in a fight. For either one of them, I wanted to be their bottom and was overjoyed at letting them satisfy their needs with my body. Now it was my turn to moan. "Please, Eli. Fuck me," I said, while I licked his tight, unsullied asshole. Once I had formed the mental image of his cock sliding into my hole, complete with his heavy balls dripping their sweet and deadly pre-cum into my body, it was hard for me to imagine any other pleasure. I wanted him to fuck me, fuck me hard, fuck me deep, and finally breed my hole. I knew it was going to happen, but now I couldn't wait. I needed to be penetrated, and I was hungry for more sperm--his sperm--in my hole. "Got that itch now, don't you, white boy?" he asked me. "That tina finally kicking in for you, huh?" He had put down his pipe, and was enjoying me rimming him. He got off his arms, and turned around on the bed. Because of his new position, I couldn't rim him any more, but now had a close-up view of his cock. He handed me the pipe and torch. "One more hit for you, boy," he said. I knew better than to protest, even though between Sean and Eli, I had done more than enough. I was worried about doing more. I worried that I'd loose control and end up going further than I had ever planned. I took the pipe, and saw that even after all we had smoked, there was still plenty of the drug left in the bowl. Despite my misgivings, I forced myself to light the torch. I heated up the bowl, getting ready for the hit. As a few wisps of smoke started to escape from the pipe, I inhaled and drained the bowl. "If you want to take this," Eli said, grabbing his cock and giving it a good shake. "You're going to want to do that. And a lot more than just that." I didn't doubt him; it was a big cock he had. I drained the bowl a few more times, then held the cloud in my lungs for as long as I could. Eli took the pipe from me, and set it on the bed table. In exchange, he grabbed the lube and poppers. "Don't pass out there, white boy," he said, as he finally gave me permission to exhale. I looked up at him; he was looking down at me, his dreads had fallen over his shoulder and were hanging down his chest. "Go ahead," he said, his brilliant white teeth flashing against his dark skin. I smiled and he nodded; his dreads bounced against his taut skin and then hit me in the face. Surprised by the sudden contact, I exhaled and the white smoke momentarily obscured his dark skin, and hid his black cock. I was now totally lost in the high, not caring about anything but pleasure. He reached down, grabbed me by my shoulders and roughly threw me onto the bed. "You'll need these," he said and tossed the poppers by my head. As he forced my legs apart, I remembered that he had said "need," not want" about the poppers. I did a quick hit. He grabbed my hips and pushed them up, so that my ass was level with his cock. I was now on all fours with him kneeling behind me. We were in a perfect position for the long-awaited anal pounding to begin. He was fully erect and ready; I could feel his cockhead rubbing up against my ass. And I was itching for a fucking, but still wasn't sure if I could take his massive cock. "Go slow," I asked him. "I've not been fucked much before." "I go at my pace, boy," he replied. "But don't worry. You'll love every second." He poured some lube on my ass, and stuck two fingers into me. "You've got a tight white hole. Gonna feel fucking good opening it up with my fat black cock," he said. He added a third finger, and just as I got used to the three, he inserted a fourth. I knew that asking him give me a chance to get used to it would probably be futile, so I opened the poppers and did a hit. "Maybe a bit slower?" I tried. "Right on. That will open you up good, Jason." I think it was the first time he had used my name that afternoon. But there wasn't much time for me to think about it before the poppers hit, and I found myself pressing up against his hand, trying to get his fingers deeper into me. He slid them in and out a bit, letting me get used to it. "You hungry for it, boy? Want to get opened up by my monster?" He was more accurate than he knew in his description of my need for his cock. I was not just hungry; I was starving. The poppers were still in full force, not the mention the crystal. The two drugs answered for me. "Yes, please. Give it to me." He poured more lube on his cock and worked it into the length and girth of his shaft. I did another hit from the poppers; I knew I was going to need all the help I could get. Eli pressed his cockhead against my hole. My experience had been that big cocks rarely got very hard; Eli was definitely an exception. Even just his cockhead felt like he was trying to force a boulder into my hole. He kept one hand on my ass, guiding me down on his cock, while the other hand steered his shaft into my hole. Of course, he had to force the cockhead into me, in order to just open me up. But once he got in, he paused and allowed me to get used to his size and presence. Even through the all the enhancements I had done, he hurt. He hurt like a dull glowing poker was being rammed into me. He hurt like that very first hit of crystal, the one that had permanently opened my eyes. "Just relax," he said. He tightened his grip on my waist, letting me know not only that he was near me and ready for me, but also that he was holding me down, holding me in place. I couldn't squirm away from his cock, nor did I want to. I did my best to manage this dilemma, starting by taking another hit of poppers. Right when I thought I couldn't take it any longer, he pulled out. But the relief I imagined his absence would give me didn't come. I could still feel my muscles stretched and screaming, trying to close up around where his cock had been. He took the opportunity to squeeze more lube right into my hole, and the cold fluid finally brought me some respite by numbing some of the most painful sections of my ass. Before my hole could close completely back up, he slid his cockhead back into me. This time, the pain wasn't so intense and the pleasure almost obvious. He was able to press a few centimeters of his shaft into my hole. "Relax," he said. However, the details of trying to relax when I had a fat, hard cock stretching my ass open were far from easy. I did another hit of the poppers, and focused on how warm and alive his cock felt. Even if there was a rubber that fit Eli, I didn't think he could fuck me with a condom on. It was only the ability for each of us to feel the other so intimately and completely that even made his penetration of me possible. Eli was dripping pre-cum, which really helped lubricate his passage into my body. He would push in a bit, forcing me to open up, then pull back, and let me relax. Despite his outward swagger and bravado, the reality of the fuck was surprisingly slow and measured. After a few minutes of work with Eli pressing his cock into me, and me struggling to stay relaxed and open, we had gotten about a third of his cock into my hole. He paused. "How are you doing, boy?" he asked. "Good, actually," I answered. "I thought this was going to be a lot worse than it is." With the help of the drugs and my eager hole, I was opening up nicely for Eli. "As I said, the first time is always slow and easy." "It's good." Not only did it not hurt as much as I had feared, I was also finding a lot of pleasure in taking his big black cock. There was something deeply natural about this black stud forcing his raw cock into my white ass. It was natural that his thick black tube was dripping infected pre-cum into my vulnerable hole. I pushed back against his shaft, and felt another inch slide into me. "Not that bad, huh?" Eli said. He leaned over me and I felt the heat of his muscular body against my back. "Want more?" he whispered into my ear, his breath warm, moist and close. I nodded without ever thinking. I wanted all of his cock inside me. I wanted him to start pounding me. I wanted him to tell me who was the dominant man this afternoon, who was the one with the cock, who was the one who would force me to take his pre-cum deep, and who was the one that would shoot his load deep in my in my hole. He paused for an agonizing moment, while he poured a bit more lube on his cock and let it dribble into my hole. "You're doing great there, Jason," he said. "Fucking hot, seeing my black cock slide into your tight white hole." He thrust his hips, and I felt one more inch of his cock slide into me. I was getting used to being the bottom. While this might have once been too painful, all I could feel was the pleasure of my ass getting opened. "Almost there, boy. Just another few inches, and you'll be properly impaled on my cock." I took another hit from the poppers, and nodded my head for him to proceed. I was not just ready for it, but needed it. I needed it like I had never needed cock before He took my cue, and pushed further in. The next inch was surprisingly easy, but then his head hit something deep in my body. I gasped, and realized I had never been penetrated this deep before. "It's that last bit that's always the hardest," Eli said. "Deep breath. Long hit. And we'll drive it all the way home." I took a big breath, opened the poppers, and, as instructed, did a long hit. Eli stood still while I sniffed from the brown bottle. As I put them away, he gently rocked his cock back and forth, exploring just how deep he could go before the pain overcome the pleasure. He then waited for the poppers to hit me. "Please," I moaned, once again thinking only of the pleasure for my hole. He pushed in the rest of his fat cock. It still hurt, but it was much better; if he only gave me a few more minutes of gentle probing by his cock, I would be in pure heaven. "It's all the way in, boy. Balls deep in that hungry white hole." He pulled his cock out some, then pushed it back in. "So fucking tight. Going to be fun getting you opened up properly." "Opened up?" I asked. My sex-fogged mind wondered what he meant by that; I thought he had finished doing just that. He didn't say anything in reply. Instead, he slowly pulled out the entire length of his cock until only the cockhead remained in me. Then, he pushed it all back in, until his low-hanging balls were once again slapping against my ass. "Right. Opened up properly," he said. He continued to thrust in and out of my hole, slowly increasing both the force and the speed of the thrusts. "It can take a lot for me to get off." I did another hit from the poppers and relaxed while Eli continued to pound my hole. As he got in deep, there was still a bit of pain each time his thick head found some new stretch of virgin, untouched territory. But it was a manageable pain and a small price to pay for the glory of his massive cock fucking me properly. As he continued, his pace changed: his thrusts were slower but deeper. Eli leaned into me, forcing me onto my stomach and resting all of his muscular weight on me. His body was already warm and definitely sweaty from the fuck, alternately he would stick to me and then slide smoothly against my skin. I stopped trying to analyze my emotions and feelings, and just let the black man dominate me. "Having fun bro?" he asked. "Oh yeah," I said. The crystal was hitting me hard, and it was difficult to think coherently enough to even formulate that short response. All I wanted to do was feel cock in my ass, and especially a big, black, raw cock. "Breed me," I grunted. "Yeah?" he asked. "You want my poz load in you? Seed that tight, white, neg ass?" He was whispering this in my ear, his breath hot against my skin. When he was done speaking, he nibbled a bit on my ear. He could be both aggressive and tender. He let me know that he would do whatever he wanted whenever he pleased to my body. But at the same time, his teeth scraped the skin just enough to send an electric chill down my spine, ending right at the hole where his cock entered me. He knew exactly how he was making me feel. I had to focus on the cock inside me. Having something to concentrate on was useful. My mind was no longer racing from through to thought, and I once more contemplated my situation. A black man was fucking me raw and his huge cock was dripping a toxic mix of sperm, pre-cum and the deadly virus into my unprotected hole. The raw black cock was sliding smoothly in and out of my hole with each stroke, Eli pressed Sean and Jake's toxic juice deeper into my hole, and deeper into my body. He was bigger than any man I had taken before and each stroke found fresh stretches of my hole, stretches with no defenses against his attack. Eli grabbed my torso; despite my muscular build, I was small in his hands. He wrestled me onto my side, and then proceeded to flip me onto my back. He managed to keep his cock in my hole and barely paused his fucking of me. We had ended up face to face, and I found myself staring into his dark brown eyes. I was surprised to see how closely he was watching me. His eyes were darting all over my face, as he tried to discern the slightest change in my expression. Maybe it was just his black skin or perhaps it was the thick dreadlocks that were hanging over his shoulder hanging onto my chest, but it seemed like he was from a very different world than Nathan, Sean, Jake or myself. It was a harder world and a more complex one. Finally, I decided to break the silence. I wanted to know more about him. "How long you been poz?" I asked. "About three years now. It's a long story." He didn't sound like he meant it dismissively, just that he wasn't sure if I would be interested in his tale. "I think you've already made your choice," he said. He leaned in and kissed me. Even though we had kissed while shotgunning the crystal, it was a surprising move. He was still so dominant and controlling. But now it was different. Like the saying went, it wasn't gay if you didn't kiss. And he had kissed me. "Yeah, I guess I have," I said. "But I want to know about you." My statements and Eli's sudden kiss changed the energy in the room. Eli's fucking slowed down even further. He was taking longer and deeper strokes, no longer using me just as a hole to get off in. Instead, he now actively wanted to be inside me and to use his cock to give me pleasure. Eventually, he would use it to give me his load, something we both craved. He rubbed his goatee against my cheek, and then licked my ear. "Then you'll get the story," he said, going in for a particularly deep stroke with his cock. "I didn't get to make the choice you're making. It was forced on me." "Would you do it again?" I asked. "I don't know. I hated rubbers. I still hate them. Of course, they never fit me. I like skin-to-skin fucking. And I fucking love to party and play." He had nearly pulled his cock out of my hole, and took the opportunity to slide it back in. "Plus getting to breed a guy. That can't be beat. But it's not all easy. Being poz. Especially if you can't get used to the drugs." I had been slowly stroking my cock, enjoying the fuck. It was hard for me to believe that something that felt this good and natural wasn't good. But I knew that most of my rational mind had been suppressed. Suppressed first by my desire for Nathan, then suppressed by the crystal, and finally suppressed by this big black cock. I was now being driven by my need for pleasure. Crystal, cock cum, and virus were my only goals, and although I was aware of the all the risks I was taking, it didn't make much of a difference to me. I could never ask Nathan to wear a condom to fuck me. And I never wanted to wear a condom if I got to fuck Nathan. Sean, Jake and Eli were not much easier to ask. To deny them the pleasure of fucking me raw, the pleasure of breeding me, the pleasure of letting their virus live on in my body seemed like a denial of all that was important about desire and all that was important about desire between two men. "I want you to breed me," I said. "Good thing, white stud, because you weren't going to get a choice there." Once I had the pleasure of getting bred, I had taken all the loads willingly. But I was also glad that Eli didn't want to give me a choice. Today, of all days, getting bred had to be both something I gave up of my own free will and something that was taken from me. I urgently needed Eli to mark me, and I certainly didn't want him to give any way out. Not that he would take it. His weight pressing against my legs was forcing them apart. That alone told me who was in charge here. It also let his cock get deep into my hole, which further drove home the fact just how well I was getting fucked. And how little input I had in the decision at all. "I made my choice a while ago," I said. "Lucky man," Eli said. "You had a choice. And you'll be getting some damn potent cum. I'm not on meds right now." "You're not?" Suddenly he had become much scarier. And much sexier. I knew that his cock was a loaded pistol. But it was a game of Russian roulette. I didn't know if he chamber I got would have any virus. But with Eli, every chamber was loaded. And that was exactly what I craved. "Nope," he said, very matter-of-fact. "Bad reaction to the last one. And my numbers aren't so bad to make me want to get back on." "That means..." I trailed off. "Yeah. A proper poz fucking." He smiled, slammed his cock deep into me, and then continued. "I came very late to fucking men. I had a girlfriend, did what I thought I was supposed to do." He had started telling his story, about how he became poz. "Yeah, I'd occasionally jerk off with a guy in the gym steam room. Sometimes, if I was really horny, I'd cruise the park and get a blow job" He continued, explaining how he had found the Internet and the entire DL culture. Of course, it had been easy for him. A masculine, hung top was always in demand and the bottoms would do anything to please him. And, no one was gay, so everyone was clean. Condoms were never needed. Or even discussed. But then it got harder for him to hide. His girlfriend started to ask difficult questions. "I was having a lot more sex. And we were having a lot less sex," he told me, his balls pressed tight against my ass. "She tried to spice things up for us, getting stuff like toys and restraints. It didn't do much for the amount of sex she was getting, but the boys I picked up loved them. And then, finally, what was going to be just a no-strings trick got complex. Far more complex." "How so?" I asked. When he walked in and undressed, I had put him in a category of big dick, little depth, but now he was becoming someone real. I wondered how Nathan had met him; wondered if Eli had ever fucked Nathan. Or maybe if Nathan had even gotten to fuck him. Nathan was the type of man who could do that, convince the pure top to take a cock. Eli continued; he story still hadn't even gotten to the point where he had caught the bug. "Oh, it wasn't just plain fucking anymore. Javi and I would hang out together. We'd go drinking, then one or the other was always 'too drunk to drive' and would have to spend the night. Sharing a bed. Hell, I even started to kiss Javier when I was fucking him." He leaned in and kissed me; his tongue forced itself deep into my mouth. Even though he had just wrapped his arms around me, his tongue was jammed deep in my mouth, and his massive cock was splitting me in two, I was suddenly jealous of Javi. I was jealous that the two had been able to explore their feelings more deeply. I was jealous that they had been able to discover what turned them on and made their cocks hard and their asses itch. I was jealous that they had discovered what made them happy even after Eli had drained his balls into Javi. "And?" I asked. So far, this story didn't seem that bad. "Well, I was still leading a double life. Fucking around with guys, while still supposedly straight with a girlfriend. And by then, I wasn't just fucking around with Javi, but still lots of other guys. From online. Steam rooms at the gym. Cruising the park at night. Fucking every piece of hot ass I could find." He paused in his story. It was long enough for him to throw his dreads over his other shoulder. "You know Sean?" he asked me. "One of Nathan's boys?" "Yeah, I do now. You're fucking his cum into me." I tried not to think about Sean as "Nathan's boy." I wanted to be that boy so badly. "The bastard," he said, although he was still smiling. "Always gets to the hot ass first. Almost as bad as Nathan. But I should have guessed he'd be one of the guests of honor." I knew it was pointless, but I tried to force myself to remember to ask Nathan about Sean. I was so high I could barely keep track of where I was and who was barebacking me. Remembering to ask Nathan about someone several hours from now was going to be nearly impossible. "I met him online. It was late, Javier and I were horny, and he was eager to get fucked." "And?" "He came over. He had a bag of tina, and a pipe. That was the first night I had ever done it. Crystal that is. And of course, I loved it. So did Javi. I nearly got fucked that night, I was so high." "But?" "Nope. Never been fucked. Ever." I had gotten my answer about Nathan. His cock was hard inside me, reminding me that he was the top today. As he always was. "Even high on crystal, I'm still 100% top. Except when I bottom." He paused for a moment and adjusted his position. "Javi, Sean and I started to play pretty regularly there, at least for a while. Then one night, Sean invited another guy over." "Nathan?" I asked. I already knew that it was Nathan, but I asked anyway. It made me feel close to Nathan that I was getting fucked by the same guy who had fucked him. I wanted the same sperm that had been inside of Nathan to be inside of me. "Yeah. You fucked him yet?" "Not yet." "Too bad. You're in for a treat. He's got an amazing ass. Anyway, the four of us ended up at a sex club that night. First time I had been to one. And I was like thirty-eight! Like a kid in a candy store -- we were all naked, sharing a room, doing lines of tina and I was getting to fuck everybody I saw." He continued. "We must have been there for 36 hours or something. I lost track of time and how many guys I stuck my cock in to." "Sounds fun," I said. I figured that Nathan and Sean had been poz by then. I wondered if Eli got to fuck them raw. But he always fucked raw. And high on crystal, of course they were barebacking. "Yeah. Took me a few days to recover from that. And almost as soon as I had recovered from the crystal crash, I came down with a wicked case of the flu." "That what I think it was?" "I still don't know for sure. But yeah. A few weeks later, Javi got sick as well. We'd been fucking the entire time. And fucking raw. Javi got tested first." "Poz?" I asked. "Of course. Then I got tested. Poz as well." "How did it feel? To be poz?" "Scary, of course. I was still occasionally fucking my girlfriend. And of course, we never used rubbers, since she was on the pill. And I was still hiding all of the sex I was having with guys. There were a lot of guys to hide. And a hell of a lot of sex. But it was liberating. I didn't worry about sex any more. All bareback. All the time. Javi and I would get tweaked up, go to a bathhouse or sex party, and fuck every bottom we could find." "Like me?" I asked. "Oh fuck yeah. Especially white muscle bottoms. Had you been there, I'd have fucked you into next week." He slammed his cock into me again, letting know just how forceful he could be. I realized that so far today, he had been holding back on me. As he pounded me harder and deeper, he was also getting more intimate and close. Part of this was just him telling me about his life, how he had come out, started partying and then gotten pozzed up. But, the crystal was also important in helping us get to this point. However, most critical thing was the act of having sex, the act of barebacking. The act of me letting him insert a part of his body into my, and sharing the closeness was it. If there had been any barrier at all, even just a thin rubber sheath between us, it would have been different. It would have been an impersonal and unpleasant intrusion into my body, more a medical procedure than sex. Him sharing his cock and story with me was nothing short of magical. "You really want my seed?" he asked. "My bugged up sperm?" "Yeah, I do," I said. "Absolutely. You think you got it from Nathan? Or someone else." I wasn't sure which one I wanted the answer to be. I wanted to be closer to Nathan in any way that I could. But there was an itch also driving my desires and actions. I wanted more loads, from more guys. I wanted as much as I could get. I wanted every load to be infected, every load carrying a different strain. Every load would have evolved through so many varied and diverse men, until finally it reached me and infected me. "You're way spun, aren't you?" he asked. "Yeah, I am." I had to agree -- I don't think I had ever been that high before. "Hot," he said. "Something really satisfying about shooting my poz load in a tweaked up white bro." He slammed his cock in and out, letting me feel every veiny inch of his massive tool. "Then watching them try to keep my toxic sperm in their holes. You going to hold it for me, boy?" "Yes, of course man." It just seemed appropriate for Eli to hold his cum as long as I could. It was appropriate for every man. "Good boy. Tell me what you want again." "I want your jizz. I want your infected, HIV-laden sperm." I lost any sense of personhood, and was begging him for his dirty cum. "Please, man. Give it to me, Eli." Eli's thrusts were getting harder, more intense, and as impossible as it seemed, I felt his cock firm up and lengthen in my hole. I knew he was getting close. "Please, man. Breed me. FUCKING BREED ME MAN," I begged him. "Yeah, boy, take my dick scum," he moaned, as he slammed his cock into my hole. Deep inside my body, his cock pulsed and pumped, and I got the start of another load of sperm shot right in my hole. That was only the first spurt of several; as his orgasm continued his cock continued to pump out shot after shot of thick, white cream. As his ejaculate filled my hole, it lubricated each of his thrusts. The slippery hole let him fuck me harder, which, in turn, made him cum more. It seemed like several minutes passed before this virtuous cycle of sexual escalation finally came to a halt. His balls were totally drained. "Fuck yeah, boy. I needed that. And I think you needed it as well." "Of course. Thank-you Eli," I said. He collapsed on top of me, his sweaty, muscular body pressed against me. He moved around and started to kiss me. "My pleasure, boy," he said, between deep kisses. "We should do this again soon." We lay there, together, his still-hard cock in my ass, his tongue in my mouth, and we could enjoy each other fully. I was happy and had long ago stopped worrying about the time. Eventually, his cock softened more, and it popped out of my hole. He shifted slightly in order to look at his watch. "Damn. Need to get going." "Too bad. That was nice. Really nice." I wanted Nathan to come in, and join us. I wanted Nathan to watch me get fucked by Eli, then have Nate slide his cock into my spermy ass. I wanted Sean to join us, and add another load from his cock. And I wanted all of us to share the pipe, and then start another intense round of breeding my tender, negative hole. "Well, Nathan knows how to find me," he said. He lifted himself off of me. I was about to get up, but he put a hand on my lower back. "Stay there. I want you to keep my swimmers inside you." I didn't need to be told twice, but still turned my head so I could watch him get dressed. The most difficult step seemed to be him forcing his still-firm cock into the too-small pouch of his underwear. Once that was done, he dressed quickly, throwing on his sweats and tank top. "Be good. Or have fun. And take some pictures for me," he said. "But I bet Nathan has that covered." He obviously knew about Nathan and the cameras. Eli gathered up his various supplies, party and otherwise and put them in his backpack. "See you soon, I hope," I said. He quietly slipped out the door, leaving me in the dimly lit room. I had only his massive load in my ass to remember him by.
    1 point
  49. Well, I'm sitting typing this with my arse slowly oozing cum and lube from the fuck session I finished about half hour ago. Went out 'cause it was too hot to stay indoors and walked down to the beach to catch some sun and cool off in the sea. Surprisingly it wasn't too busy. There were only about half a dozen lads in trackies mucking round with a football. Excellent, I thought and settled down where I could get a good view. Very nice view it was, also. Tight bodies on show, cropped hair, baseball caps. After about 20 mintues the lads had had enough and started to drift off towards the cafe. One of them stayed back and sat about 10 yards away from me. He was about 19-20, 5'9", nice body, pierced left nip, an ethnic tat on his right arm. Anyway, we caught each other's glances and eventually he came over and we started chatting. It was obvious we were gonna have some fun. It was just a matter of where and how. I made the move and suggested he come back to mine. He agreed and ten minutes later we were in my flat kissing and playing with each other's bodies. He had a fantastic arse - small, firm: very fuckable. He started playing with my tits which really got me turned on and I ground my crotch into his. I got one hand down into his trackies and began feeling his arse. I slipped one finger into his crack and started working his hole. He loved it and pushed back so that my finger slid into his pussy. He was fucking tight and I knew i was gonna have a good time using him. We stripped. I covered a couple of fingers with spit and pushed them both as far up his hole as I could get them. He was very responsive and his hole opened up for a treat. I lay down on the bed and he climbed on top of me and stuck his arse in my face. I couldn't resist the offer and buried my face in his arse while he sucked on my cock and, I imagine, got a good look at the biohazard tattoo just above my groin. I stuffed my tongue in his hole and started eating him. He tasted fantastic and I felt him take my dick all the way down his throat which was also pretty cool. After about five minutes of this, I knew I had to fuck him. I got some lube and greased him up just enough to make sure I could get in without too much trouble. He stuck his arse up in the air and I pulled his cheeks apart and got a good look at his pretty hole. All slick, slightly open, pulsating: waiting to be fucked. I eased the head of my dick into him and told him to push himself back on to me, which he did until he had the whole of my eight inches inside. Then I went to work on him slowly at first then fast then hard banging my dick up him. He loved it, talking dirty begging me to do him harder and to breed him. Seemed like he knew what the tattoo meant and wanted me to be his bug daddy. I wasn't gonna say no, that's for sure. I flipped him over and tried him that way - he was just as good writhing around as I fucked him. I flipped him back and went for it doggie again. I held his hips and really let go, laying into him as hard as I could until I shot a huge load of my dirty seed into his guts. He loved the fact that i had filled his arse with my toxic cum. After I pulled out he began playing with his arse slipping his fingers in and tasting the mess that covered them. For such a young lad he was pretty piggy - not that that bothered me. I love pigs. He started playing with it and before long he was hard. It was a nice dick - bigger than mine: a good nine inches, thick and uncut. I thought he would just wank and cum but he had another idea - he wanted to fuck me. Given the fun I had just had, I couldn't say no. I greased-up my arse and let him give me the business. He was good and seemed to be enjoying himself. I laying on my back, legs in the air, looking up at him as he used my hole, pumping his dick in and out. Being relatively young he didn't last long before he shot. He tried to pull out, but I wrapped my legs round his hips and prevented him. Naturally he ended up shooting most of his load inside my hole, although some spurted-out onto my ass lips, which felt good - as it ran over my arse. He licked-up what he could find before he got his tongue in my arse to taste it from source. Afterwards we dozed for a bit before he had another go at me. That was even better. Longer and harder, making me really feel it. Nice big load sprayed deep inside me. Then we said our goodbyes and off he went, leaving me with the juice oozing out as a reminder - a very cool afternoon indeed.
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