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  1. Lots of background since I plan this to be at least 4 or 5 parts. THE INITIATION High school had finally started getting better for Kelvin. It had just taken until February of his senior year for him to finally feel like things were finally going his way. His recent early acceptance to Columbia and his dreams of getting out of the small town in Upstate New York seemed to be unfolding for him exactly as he had hoped – something that never seemed to happen for Kelvin. His freshman year at Union-Endicott High School had been a rough one. Moving from a small elementary and middle school to a school with over 500 people in his grade was overwhelming for Kelvin. Kelvin had never been particularly social and quite introverted. He had always been at the head of his class academically but was never really part of the geek clique. He wasn’t a jock, in the band, an artist or any of the other dozen of groups that made up the classic high school social hierarchy. Kelvin was a guy without a country, so to speak and while he was occasionally lonely, he was actually usually quite comfortable being on his own. Any semblance of a normal freshman year died when in the spring his mother was diagnosed with cancer and by the start of summer his mother was gone. Losing his mother was difficult for Kelvin. She had been the one person he always felt he could talk to and who would listen without judgment. His father had always been somewhat disconnected from Kelvin. His father was a former high school A-lister, playing football and baseball and being good enough to make All-State through most of high school. Kelvin wasn’t exactly a disappointment, but he and his father just didn’t seem to have anything in common. Kevin’s father also tended to disappear after coming home from work using his homemade beer to drown the mundanity of his life. His father was never quite drunk, just very distant. After his mother’s death, his father seemed to almost completely disappear from his life except for dinners and occasional evenings together spent in relative quiet. Kelvin’s sophomore year, as could be predicted, was essentially a blur. With his mother’s death and his father’s self-imposed absence, Kelvin dove into his academics pushing himself even harder. Books became his escape and Kelvin’s world shrank to his home and his classes at school. In a rare incident of insight, Kelvin’s father pulled Kelvin aside toward the end of his sophomore. “Kelvin, I know things have been rough since your mom died,” he began, “but I’m concerned that all this focus on school is not good for you.” Kelvin shrugged in response. Kelvin’s father continued, “I think you need to get out and do something physical, so I signed you up for training at Scott’s Gym. Hopefully, this will help get you out a little bit more.” Kelvin nodded and sighed. And with that Kelvin began working out at least 5 times a week. After a few months, Kelvin’s dad didn’t think Kelvin was putting on enough muscle. One day, when Kelvin was ready to head to the gym his father pulled him aside into the bathroom. “Hey, I know you’ve been working hard and I want you to feel like you’re getting results. When I was in school we’d use a little something extra to help build a bit more muscle. Here,” his father pulled out a needle, “let me see your upper thigh.” Kelvin rolled up his shorts and his father stabbed the needle deep into his muscle, injecting Kelvin with the thick liquid. Smiling after the injection, Kelvin’s dad said, “There. We’ll start cycling you and see if we can’t get you some results you can really see and be proud of.” Kelvin knew the steroids could eventually cause problems but his dad had seemed so happy that he had finally found a way to connect with his son, that he didn’t have the heart to object. Through the rest of his sophomore and junior years Kelvin cycled on steroids and his body grew in both shape and definition. Kelvin knew things had changed, he could obviously see the changes himself, and also noticed how instead of being completely invisible he began turning heads of the girls at school which made him uncomfortable. The steroids had not only added bulk to his muscles but had two other effects Kelvin had not considered. The first was that by the end of Kelvin’s junior year instead of the light fuzzy treasure trail and chest that many of his classmates had, Kelvin was sporting a dense trail of fur from his crotch up to his chest which was also becoming thick with fur. Although his father smiled and said he was turning into a ‘real man’, Kelvin was self-conscious of the changes and tried to avoid showers after gym with his classmates. His arms and legs were equally hirsute and every afternoon he was sporting a 5 o’clock shadow. The second effect wasn’t as noticeable to others, but Kelvin was acutely aware of it. The extra testosterone and androgens flowing through his bloodstream had turned a normally horny teenager into a supreme horn dog. Kelvin spent much of his evenings online downloading and consuming porn. He found himself whacking off three, four sometimes five times a day to keep his urges in check. Kelvin also realized that while he initially had been downloading straight porn, he was now spending all of his time on gay porn sites. Kelvin had not given much thought to his sexuality, he had been too busy burying himself in school, especially after his mother died. Kelvin’s favorite videos were the ones where an older, furry, bearish guy got blown by a younger, but also furry otter or cub. He spent hours spilling load after load as he watched and dreamed of servicing an older, moaning, hot furry guy while gently rubbing the young guys head and murmuring out things like, “Yeah, work that dick. Show me that you want my load.” Kelvin always ended the movies after that scene because he knew that the next one would be the otter or cub getting fucked and while part of him found it exciting he just couldn’t see himself ever letting someone do that to him. Kelvin’s senior year started off unremarkably enough. By this time he had settled on going away for school, hopefully to Columbia where he’d have access to New York City and could leave small town Endicott behind. He could remake himself into whomever he wanted. No one would know him and it was a chance to start completely over if he wanted. Fall flew by and college application deadlines came and went. By the start of winter break, Kelvin was eager for the New Year and news about Columbia. He’d also told his father he was no longer interested in his regimen of enhancers but agreed to continue to hit the gym. And now, here he was, recently 18 and accepted to Columbia for the fall and the promise of a new life was just a few months away. His battle against the inevitable 5 o’clock shadow had led him to abandon all attempts at being cleaned shaven. Instead, he opted for leaving a day or two’s growth on his face – not quite a beard, but a short, neat patch of hair. Since his freshman year, Kevin had grown in height to about 5’10” and 195 pounds of muscle. His icy blue eyes stood out from his dirty blonde head of hair and the darker hair of his beard and body. The day after Kelvin had received his acceptance letter he was showering after gym class. He had waited until after his classmates had finished, as usual, since he was still conscientious of the differences between his and his classmates’ bodies. He was letting his mind wander about the freedoms he’d experience at Columbia, including maybe the chance to present himself on his knees to a hot older guy. His dick started to harden at the thought and Kelvin smiled. Suddenly, he heard a cough behind him and turned quickly – forgetting his half hardened dick was lifting into the air. “Hey, Kelvin!” It was Coach Foley, his gym teacher for the past two years. “I heard you got some good news the other day.” Kelvin gulped and felt the blood rush from his face. Coach Foley was about 35 years old and a former collegiate soccer player. He was perhaps a couple inches taller than Kelvin but not nearly as massive. Coach Foley had retained the upper body of his soccer player form but also had some of the softness that occurs as guys get older but still work out. His legs were solid unlike the softness of his upper body. Just looking at them, were convincing enough to believe that he was still actively running and kicking soccer balls daily. His gym shorts left little to the imagination, a good sized bulge forming in the front indicating either ample meat, potatoes or both. Coach’s hoodie was zipped up about 3/4 ‘s of the way and thick black hair pushed its way out all the way to just below his neck. His face sported a cheesy pornstache which looked oddly appropriate for him. Coach smiled as he noticed Kelvin assessing him. “Good,” he thought, “boy’s definitely showing some interest. I’m thinking this is going to go exactly as I planned.” Coach flexed his dick, tenting his shorts briefly, and watched Kelvin’s eyes get bigger while chuckling to himself. “I know things have been tough for you the last few years and just wanted to let you know how great it is that Columbia knows what a great catch you are.” “Uh, thanks, Coach Foley,” Kelvin stammered. Despite his embarrassment at getting caught staring, his dick refused to get the message to stand down. In fact, at the sight of coach’s dick suddenly tenting out his shorts, Kelvin felt his dick fill with even more blood and move from a downward position to nearly horizontal. Kelvin had always considered himself pretty normal in the cock department. Compared to the videos he watched Kelvin wasn’t exactly huge. Topping out at just shy of 8” long and about 6” thick he wasn’t nearly as big as the guys in the video. Coach Foley, appearing to ignore Kelvin’s obvious discomfort and pelvic reactions, continued on. “What classes do you have this afternoon? I’ve got the last two periods off for planning and would love for you to come by and we can celebrate your good news. And, of course, your recent birthday.” Coach smiled. Eighteen. The magic number. He’d been waiting all fall semester for the New Year and the opportunities it might bring. “Ummm, I’ve got AP physics and AP English, but my last two periods are study halls since I’m a year ahead in History and don’t have to take any more,” Kelvin responded. Coach nodded, but he had already known the answer. He had checked Kelvin’s schedule for the spring and had traded with another coach so that he’d have back-to-back periods that matched Kelvin’s schedule. “Good. Stop by my office on your way out and pick up your pass,” Coach said. “And oh, by the way, don’t worry, all young guys get boners whenever the wind blows the wrong way.” Laughing Coach Foley headed off into the locker room. Kelvin once again felt his face blanch and turned to make sure his now engorged cock was out of sight. Kelvin quickly washed off and headed to the locker room, making sure he got a dousing of cold water in a failed attempt to bring his dick to heel. Coach Foley watched Kelvin finish cleaning off. Coach’s dick popped up again tenting out his shorts as he watched Kelvin bend over to wash his legs. Coach couldn’t quite see it, but he could imagine Kelvin’s pink, virgin butt hole amid the furry crack just aching to be cracked opened. As Kelvin finished up Coach Foley headed back to his office. He quickly filled out Kelvin’s pass and handed it to him as he passed by. “Looking forward to helping you celebrate. See you in a couple hours.” Kelvin nodded, smiled and headed out of the locker room. As Kelvin walked away Coach smiled to himself. Looks as if he had timed things just about right. Stopping his meds right after the New Year, he figured his viral load had grown exponentially and was approaching maximum toxicity. Sure it was a risk, stopping his meds every year, but it was his duty to pass on his viral RNA to the next generation of worthy recipients. Unlike others he knew, Coach Foley was interested in quality and not quantity of conversions. Sure he could rough his boys up with a toothbrush or scratch their insides with lengthened nails to help the virus penetrate and take hold of their bodies. Coach thought of himself as a purist, he believed that those worthy of the virus would accept it and wouldn’t need the help of a toothbrush or nail. A worthy individual’s body would welcome the virus and let it in. The virus just needed the time to figure out if the host would be worthy. For the last 5 years, Coach Foley had watched and chosen a senior he thought was worthy of the honor of being infected. Infection meant never having to worry about raw sex, the way men should enjoy it. It meant a release to seek out other men’s DNA and to spread it far and wide. Out of the last five years, two of his choices had been worthy. His first and second choices had not taken. While they had been fun fucks, the virus had rejected him. His first success, David, had converted within a couple weeks of his first insemination. He was now a Junior at UCLA and had let Coach know that he was helping to spread Coach’s virus all over Southern California. Zack, his choice the year after David, had also been found worthy. Over his spring break, Zack had been sick and Coach smiled as he thought of fuck flu raging through him. Sure enough, he had converted and was now at school at Old Miss where he was spreading Coach’s viral genes to drunk and closeted born again Christians. Last year had been a disappointment. After two years of worthy conversions, Tyler, despite repeated inseminations, sometimes three or four times a day had failed the test. Tyler had been a true cum whore taking as much cum as Coach could find him. It just showed that even the perfect whore may not be found worthy. It would have been nice if Tyler had been worthy, as a natural slut Coach could have counted on him spreading his seed far and wide. Things happen for a reason, he sighed, and thought about Kelvin heading off to Columbia, with Coach’s DNA swimming in his bodily fluid and smiled. He noticed a small drop of pre-cum form on the head of his cock as it poked from beneath is gym shorts. A good sign that Kelvin might very well be worthy. As Kelvin wandered off to lunch after gym, he replayed what had just happened. Coach Foley had always been nice to Kelvin and, in fact, he had known his father. But something was odd about his interaction with Coach Foley. Had he just imagined seeing Coach’s dick jump inside his shorts as Kelvin’s cock grew and he had caught Kelvin staring? No, Kelvin must have been imagining things. After all those videos, he knew it was all just wishful thinking. Coach was just being nice and it was good knowing that someone recognized Kelvin’s achievement. Kelvin’s own dad had not managed to grunt out more than a perfunctory “congratulations” before disappearing into the cellar and back to his homebrew. Kelvin smiled, yes it was good that someone had noticed and it was someone one he respected like Coach Foley made it even better. And a quiet voice deep within his groin agreed that it was good that someone hot like Coach Foley had noticed. Lunch and afternoon classes seemed to crawl by. Kelvin found himself fingering the hall pass in his pockets as each period came to an end. By the time 8th period came around the hall pass had been worn thin. As he took his seat his hand once again went to the pass. Some doubts entered his mind. “Should I go?” he asked himself. “What if I get another boner? What would Coach think of that?” He fiddled a few more minutes with pass until finally picking himself up from his seat and heading toward the front. “Yes?” Miss Padakula asked. Kelvin fumbled with the pass and gave it to her. “Lucky you,” she said as she signed it and handed it back to Kelvin. “I’d give just about anything to get out of here myself.” Kelvin nodded a headed out to the gym. Kelvin didn’t know why, but his heart was racing and he kept having to remind himself to slow down. It wasn’t a race but somehow his body wasn’t aware of that fact. He moved through the corridors and soon found himself in front of the locker room. He hesitated for a moment but then screwed up his courage and walked in. Coach Foley’s office was the back, out of the way. It wasn’t the kind of place you’d just wander into without actively looking for it. As Kelvin approached the office he saw Coach seated at his desk with his back to the door. Coach’s office was a pretty good size. Having a winning football team had its advantages. His office was decent sized, housing a small desk and chair as well as couch along one wall. There was a single door, now wide open, with a thin slit of a window that was covered with paper like most of the teachers did to prevent people from staring in or students from looking out toward freedom. Coach Foley had his legs propped up on one side of the desk. His gym shorts slipping down just enough to leave his upper thighs visible and the narrow band of a jack strap along the edge. “Hey, Coach Foley. Made it,” Kelvin declared obviously. Coach turned around and smiled at Kelvin’s attempt at small talk. “So you did. Come on in and have a seat. Just grabbing a Coke here. Let me get you one and we’ll have a toast.” Coach Foley reached over to a small fridge and pulled out two Cokes. He handed one to Kelvin as Kelvin made his way to the couch. Kelvin accepted the open bottle and sat on the couch. Holding the Coke in his lap and leaning slightly forward. Coach began, “So, let’s have a toast to Kelvin for his early acceptance to Columbia! I also heard you might be getting a scholarship?” “Yeah,” said Kelvin, “I actually have a full ride.” Kelvin smiled. He hadn’t said that aloud to anyone and realized how proud that made him feel. Coach could see the satisfaction on Kelvin’s face and continued. “Okay, so that deserves a double celebration! So, a double celebration means we chug our first ones and grab another. You ready?” asked Coach Foley a glint in his eye. “Okay, if those are the rules,” Kelvin smiled back. Coach raised his bottle and tapped the top of Kelvin’s bottle then brought it to his lips and began to chug. Kelvin raced to keep up and began downing his Coke. The soda had a bit of an odd taste which Kelvin noticed but rapidly was lost in the effort to get it all down in one gulp. Coach Foley finished first and Kelvin saw Coach watching intently as Kelvin finished. A crooked smile crossed Coach Foley’s face. “Good job! Let’s crack open another one. Sorry it’s not beer, but I don’t really want to get busted for getting an 18-year-old drunk,” Coach Foley explained. Get him drunk? No. Have him spun out on G? Hell, yeah. Coach Foley started chatting with Kelvin making small talk, asking about his plans, his classes, and his work-outs. As they talked over the next 15 minutes Kelvin was thinking how easy it was to talk with Coach Foley. Where he was nervous before he felt himself relaxing and settling into the conversation. As Coach Foley talked, Kelvin’s attention began to wander. He kept finding his eyes wandering to either Coach Foley’s half-zipped hoodie and the hairy chest beneath or slipping down to Coach’s shorts and the bulge there. Every so often Kelvin would catch himself staring and raise his eyes to meet Coach’s eyes. Each time he thought he caught the glimpse of another smile. He was also sure that each time his eyes wander to Coach Foley’s groin the bulge there grew in size. Finally, after several minutes, he was sure he could make out the outline of a thick shaft lengthening along Coach’s thigh. Kelvin answered all of Coach Foley’s questions and, in between, took gulps from his second Coke. As he finished his second Coke, Kelvin slid back into the couch and closed his eyes for a minute. Opening them, he saw Coach Foley adjusting himself and staring down at Kelvin. “So, Kelvin. Haven’t heard about you dating anyone. Got your eye on anyone?” Kelvin felt a big lump form in his throat and gulped it down. “I, uh, have been pretty busy with school so I don’t really have time for other things,” as he let his thought trail off. “Funny,” started Coach Foley, “I’ve noticed you checking me out. You like what you see?” Coach watched Kelvin’s face and the struggle that appeared to be going on. “It’s OK, man,” Coach continued “Some guys like guys and some like girls and some like both. I’m actually pretty flattered that a guy as hot as you would even look at a guy like me.” Kelvin’s heart raced and his stomach clenched. Coach appeared to notice his loss for words but continued, “Haven’t told anyone you’re gay yet, huh? Probably not even yourself.” Coach laughed lightly, “In fact, would it help for you to know that I’m also gay? And not only am I flattered you think I’m worth staring at, but I’ve been checking you out since you started in my class junior year.” Kelvin was torn. A voice inside him screamed for him to get up and walk out, that this was wrong and shouldn’t be happening. Another voice though smoothed over the warning and urged Kelvin to tell Coach what he was feeling, to jump on board and let Coach know the secret that he had been hiding from everyone, including himself. “Coach,” he started, “you’re right. I’m gay.” With those words a heavy weight seemed to lift from Kelvin and something inside him broke open. “God, I’ve been staring at you thinking how hot you are and how much I want to touch you and press up against your naked furry body.” Kelvin suddenly shut up realizing he may have gone too far. Coach got up and walked over to the couch, bending over to pull Kelvin to standing only inches from his own body. “Kelvin, tell me what you want. I know you’ve been waiting, I’ve seen it in your eyes.” As he said this his hand slipped to Kelvin’s jeans and the growing bulge that was there. Squeezing Kelvin’s growing cock tightly, he leaned in and whispered in Kelvin’s ear, “I know you want to feel my cock. Go ahead and grab it. You’ve never held another man’s cock have you?” Kelvin shook his head, still unable to speak. Kelvin’s hands went to Coach Foley’s waist and down into his gym shorts. He could feel Coach’s jock and the solid shaft within it that he had noticed earlier. “Let me get these off. I’m pretty sure they are only going to get in the way,” Coach said as he took a step back. He pulled down his zipper on the hoodie, removed and tossed it onto his chair. Next, he released his gym shorts which dropped to the floor leaving him naked except for the black jock strap that cradled his balls and restrained his thick burgeoning boner. He slid back up to Kelvin and grabbed both sides of his face lifting Kelvin’s eyes into his own. “Close your eyes and reach down for my cock,” Coach Foley murmured just inches from Kelvin’s face. As Kelvin shut his eyes and lowered his hand to Coach Foley’s groin he felt Coach’s hot breath on his face and felt Coach’s lips press against Kelvin’s as Kelvin’s hand slid down to wrap around Coach’s hard and thickened dick. Kelvin gasped slightly as Coach’s tongue probed against his lips and pressed past into his mouth. Coach’s pornstache was soft compared to Kelvin’s scruff. He could feel it brushing against him as Coach’s tongue explored every inch of Kelvin’s mouth. Kelvin let out a second gasp as he tried to wrap his hand around Coach’s cock. It was so thick his hand could barely get around it. Kelvin’s own dick jumped in anticipation and strained against his underwear and jeans. He could feel his balls ache as if his semen was boiling in his balls seeking desperate release. His shaft was growing rapidly, becoming engorged with blood. He fumbled as he worked Coach’s shaft feeling the thick mushroom head and the large piss slit which was oozing sticky pre-cum. With each exploration of Kelvin’s hands Coach pressed deeper into Kelvin’s hungry mouth wrestling his tongue into submission. As suddenly as it began, Coach pulled his face away from Kelvin still holding the sides of his face. “Good boy,” encouraged Coach Foley, “How did that feel?” Kelvin could only moan as his hands continued to explore every vein of Coach’s shaft and weighed his cum-laden balls in the cup of his hand. Coach took a step back and Kelvin’s hand fell in front of him. Coach Foley took in Kelvin from head to crotch and smiled. “Two things will make this better. First, you have too many clothes on. So lose ‘em. All of them. I want you naked in front of me. NOW.” The last word came out strong and as a command. Kelvin was overwhelmed. Every fiber of his body needed this and needed to do what Coach asked, no what Coach ordered him to do. He quickly lost his shirt and pants, only hesitating as he reached for his underwear. Coach Foley’s eyes, however, bored into his own and the command repeated in Kelvin’s head. NOW! Kelvin was now naked in front of Coach looking into Coach’s eyes which locked onto Kelvin’s. “Good. You can follow directions,” Coach stated matter-of-factly as he stepped forward. “Just listen and do what I say, Kelvin. I know how to make you feel good, feel needed. Right now I want you to bend down and take my nipple in your mouth.” Kelvin dutifully lowered his head finding the nipple with his lips. “Now, start sucking. Keep it up until I say otherwise. I want you nursing on Coach’s teat because that makes Coach rock hard.” Kelvin concentrated on Coach’s nipple, at first tonguing it gently. As he worked the nipple Coach pressed Kelvin’s head from behind forcing him to work the nipple deeper and harder. Kelvin felt Coach’s cock pulsing against his thigh with each suckling. “See, how Coach likes that?” he heard Coach ask. Kelvin could only slightly nod his head in response. After a few minutes Coach switched Kelvin to his other nipple to be serviced. Coach moaned as Kelvin worked the nipples. Coach’s dick seemed impossibly hard and large against Kevin’s thigh. Coach slowly pulled Kelvin from his nipple and stared into Kelvin who’s eye were glassy, a sign that his G-infused blood was in total control. Coach smiled and as Kelvin looked into his face he spat into Kelvin’s open mouth catching Kelvin by surprise. “Bitch, you’re mine,” he growled. “You’re my fucking cum dump from now on. Whether it’s spit or cum,” or other fluids in the future Coach thought wickedly, “you’ll swallow them and thank Coach for choosing you.” Kelvin nodded and licked his lips swallowing the last of Coach’s spit. “Good. Now that we have that understanding,” Coach began, “it’s time to start feeding you coach’s gift of cum. His DNA. The more cum Coach loads into you the more likely you are to continue to grow into a fucking man.” At that Coach grabbed both of Kelvin’s nipples and squeezed tightly. A shock of electricity shot through his nipples and down to his dick which had continued to throb and demand release causing it to press firmly against his belly. Coach pulled down on Kelvin’s nipples and Kelvin’s knees buckled. “Good boy. Down on your knees. Time to worship Coach’s meat with that cock sucking hole of yours. Once you get Coach all the way down that pretty little virgin throat of yours, he’s gonna dump a load of his DNA down your gullet.” Kelvin went to his knees and as he did Coach’s hands when to Kevin’s shoulders and guided him to the floor. Coach’s jock was inches from Kelvin’s face and he could smell the sweat from Coach’s balls. It made him a bit dizzy but he managed to focus on the bulging pouch in front of him. Coach’s hands went to his sides and lowered his jock freeing his thick cock and balls. Kelvin sat mesmerized. Coach’s dick was shorter than Kelvin’s probably just shy of 7” but it was thicker than he imagined. Coach’s shaft was at least 8” around and looked more like a Red Bull can than a dick. A large drop of pre-cum glistened at Coach’s piss slit. He could see shining residue coating the front of Coach’s jock, evidence of massive amounts of jizz that Coach had been leaking. Coach Foley’s balls hung low and were easily a double handful. With their size they promised a large load of cum when finally released and Kelvin, unconsciously, licked his lips with that final thought. “Start with the head, Kelvin. Open your jaw wide and take the head in. See how it tastes. You’ll need to try and relax, because once we get started, we won’t be stopping until my balls are against you chin and my head is swollen in your throat and ready to feed you your first load of Coach’s cum.” Kelvin’s eyes stayed glued to the monster dick in front of him. It seemed impossible that he would be able to swallow it. He leaned forward while Coach pushed his hips toward Kelvin and the head popped into Kelvin’s mouth. Kelvin could taste the salt and sweat of Coach’s head and it made his head swim. Once inside he could taste the pre-cum which had been coating Coach’s jock. Salty and slippery his tongue slid around the tip and spread the pre-cum through his mouth. He had always thought of cum as sticky but when mixed with the spit in his mouth it became slick and he could feel Coach’s head slide more easily within his jaw. Coach smiled. He could feel Kelvin’s tongue on his cock head and knew that he was exploring the benefits of pre-cum. As Kelvin seemed to adjust to Coach’s girth, Coach shifted his hips sliding his dick down another inch or so. Kelvin’s expression became slightly panicked but Coach placed his hand on the back of Kelvin's head and rubbed it slowly. “Remember,” said Coach, “relax your jaw and breathe through your nose. You’ve got a lot more to go and you need to make it easy on yourself.” He could feel Kelvin relax as he stroked his head and told him how good he was doing. Kelvin had unconsciously started sucking on Coach’s cock. Coach always had his boys start with the nipples and this was why. After working Coach’s nipples sucking on a cock was a natural progression. It also primed his boys for the signals that he would use for Kelvin to suck harder and deeper like he had with the nipples. Kelvin had the first couple inches in now, but the remaining 4” would be the real test. Bending over slightly and holding Kelvin’s head in place he reached for a small brown vial he had made sure was placed within reach. “Ok, Kelvin. So far you’re a prime dick sucker but in order to get Coach’s load we need to get the rest of this dick down your throat. When I put this vial under your nostril I want you to breathe in deeply. It may burn slightly, but keep it up for as long as you can.” Kelvin nodded as best he could with his mouth wrapped around Coach’s dick. Coach lowered the bottle with one hand and pressed his other hand’s finger against Kelvin’s other nostril. “Inhale now, deep as you can,” Coach ordered. Kelvin breathed in deep and the smell slammed into him like a freight train. He rode it out and continued to inhale as Coach had instructed. His head began to swim and he felt Coach switch the bottle to his other hand and plug his other nostril. Without a word, Kelvin again inhaled deeply for as long as he could. The rush was less intense now that he had felt it once but his head continued to swim. Coach repeated it once more in each nostril before setting the bottle down and placing his hands on the back of Kelvin’s head. Kelvin’s head was swimming and he felt as if he might black out. “Now we’ll see how much you want Coach’s load.” Coach gently and steadily pushed his hips forward and applied pressure to the back of Kelvin’s head forcing him further down the shaft. Coach knew that they were getting to the critical point when he felt the edges of Kelvin’s throat on his dick’s head. Gently he rubbed Kelvin’s head and whispered, “Take a deep breath and relax.” Kelvin took a deep breath and again his head swam. Coach pushed his hips toward Kelvin while also using his hands massaging the joint of his jaw on both sides. Steadily as his hips advanced, Coach also pushed Kelvin's head further down the monstrous shaft. At first, Coach could feel resistance as his cockhead pushed against the narrowed opening of Kelvin's throat. Coach Foley continued to thrust forward and work Kelvin’s jaw at its hinge with his fingers. Coach could see a small tear form in the corner of Kelvin’s eye and Coach knew Kelvin was doing his best. The sight of Kelvin straining to get Coach's mushroom head past the start of his throat, caused Coach’s dick to stiffen in anticipation. As it did, Coach felt the familiar ‘pop’ as his head slid out of Kelvin’s mouth and into his throat. The last two inches of Coach’s shaft slid easily into Kelvin’s maw once Coach’s cockhead was nestled in his throat. Coach smiled. Not even a single gag, Kelvin was good, maybe good enough to be worthy, but they had time for that and Kelvin still needed to finish this lesson. Kelvin had been straining to admit Coach’s head into his throat and after last the deep breath, there was a silent but noticeable pop, as his throat relaxed and Coach’s masive head slid smoothly into Kelvin's throat. As Coach Foley’s hips moved forward the head slipped further down his throat, and before he realized it, Coach’s balls were resting against his chin. Kelvin sighed and relaxed further as his throat snuggly embraced Coach’s mushroom head and the final couple of inches of the shaft. Coach stayed still allowing Kelvin to get used to the monstrous cock lodged in his throat. Again Coach reached for the brown vial and again Kelvin dutifully inhaled as if moved from one nostril to the other. The now familiar rush rolled over him. He felt completely relaxed and felt as if he could feel every vein of the shaft buried deep in him. Coach was smiling. Now came the fun part. Coach began rocking his hips back and forth while keeping a hold on Kelvin’s head. He felt his cockhead slide smoothly in Kelvin’s throat, enveloping him and smoothly sliding along Kelvin’s throat. As he became certain Kelvin was tolerating his small thrusts he made his thrusts longer and deeper. Kelvin came close to gagging a time or two but Coach’s hands rubbed at the joint in Kelvin’s jaw and the gagging stop as Kelvin relaxed. Kelvin’s throat was smooth and Coach knew that it wouldn’t be long until his first load was deep inside Kelvin but he wasn’t in a rush either, enjoying the steady tempo and building need to blow. Kelvin was completely lost in the flood of sensations. He could feel his throat as it massaged Coach’s head with each pelvic thrust and could feel his own dick stiffen. He moved his hand to grab his dick and began stroking himself, slowly at first but then becoming more frenetic as his balls ached to spew their load. Suddenly Coach’s hips stopped and Kelvin felt Coach smack the side of his head hard enough to get Kelvin’s attention. Kelvin immediately dropped his hands from his dick and sat motionless with Coach’s cock deep in his throat. “Focus on ME, Kelvin,” coached growled. “You’re my fuck toy and you need to show me you’re willing to work to get Coach’s cum. You’ll get your chance after I finish and only then. If you EVER cum before me, you’ll be out on your ass and will never get another drop of Coach’s cum. You understand?” A passing moment of fear raced through Kelvin’s mind at the thought of never feeling Coach inside him again. He nodded as best he could and folded his arms behind his back to help remove all temptation to grab his own dick. “Good,” growled Coach. “I’m glad we understand each other.” Once Kelvin’s hands were away Coach returned to thrusting his hips, increasing his tempo even more. Now without the distraction of his own dick, Kelvin’s attention focused in on the shaft penetrating his throat. The rest of him faded away and all he could feel was his throat and all he wanted was to show Coach how much he deserved that load of cum. As he focused in he realized that by flexing his throat he could tighten on the downstroke and release on the upstroke. As he experimented with this new found ability he heard Coach moan loudly. “Shit, Kelvin,” coached breathed heavily, “You’re a quick learner.” Kelvin felt Coach’s tempo increase and he worked his muscles to keep up. Coach’s breaths were short and rapid. “Fuck Kelvin, I’m about to shoot. You better make sure that every single drop goes down. Coach doesn’t want a single drop spilled.” Kelvin tried his best to make a noise indicating he understood. “Here it comes, bitch!” and Coach Foley roared out as his dick began to convulse. Kelvin could feel every wave as Coach’s cum flooded down the thick shaft and deep into Kelvin’s throat. At first, Kelvin thought he might choke but he pulled Coach’s head as far down into his throat as he could. Kelvin lost count after five spurts of cum slid down his throat. He felt almost like he was drowning. Coach’s cum was viscous and he could feel it sliding deep down inside him. Eventually, Coach’s thrust became less frenzied and Kelvin could feel the massive cock deflate slightly but still it filled his now cum lubricated throat. “Now that was a fucking blow job!” Coach exclaimed. “Hope that was a good load. It was at least 4 days’ worth.” Coach relaxed but left the head of his dick resting in Kelvin’s throat. “Now it’s your turn Kelvin. Show me exactly how much you enjoyed swallowing Coach’s load.” Kelvin hesitated at first remembering Coach’s previous warning but the aching of his dick and the tightness in his balls won out. Kelvin barely managed three strokes before he felt his balls lurch upward and felt spurt after spurt of cum land on the floor behind Coach Foley. “Yeah, we’ve got a shooter here,” Coach applauded. As his orgasm died down he looked at the wads of cum which covered the floor. Kelvin had never cum like that before nor had he ever spewed that much cum. Coach patted Kelvin’s head and slowly tilted his hips back allowing his cockhead to once again ‘pop’ past the narrow entry of Kelvin’s throat and slip out of his mouth leaving a trail of spent cum as it slid out. Coach grabbed Kelvin by the nipples, squeezing them tightly while pulling him up from his knees. Kelvin found himself face to face with Coach Foley who was grinning widely, obviously happy. Coach bent over and once again pressed his lips firmly against Kelvin’s and invading Kelvin’s mouth once again with his thick and powerful tongue. As they locked for several minutes he felt Coach’s hands reach behind him and squeeze Kelvin’s ass. Kelvin shivered slightly and Coach backed his tongue and lips away. “Nothing better than tasting my cum in your mouth, Kelvin. You managed to swallow that huge load and I’m pretty impressed.” Kelvin smiled at the compliment. As each of them fished for their clothes Coach said, “Now we need to discuss a few things. First, as we discussed, you’re now my fuck toy to use as I want, whenever I want. In return, you’ll get a regular diet of my cum to grow strong on.” Kelvin nodded. He couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to take another of Coach’s load. “Second,” continued Coach, your ass will be down here every 8th and 9th period from now until the end of the school year. I’ve written a note to your counselor stating that you’ll be taking weight training as an independent study course. That will ensure we have plenty of opportunities for you to get fed regularly.” Coach smiled. “And of course, once we’re both comfortable and need a little variety maybe we’ll work on busting that other cherry of yours.” A worried look passed over Kelvin’s face and he spoke softly, “Uh, I don’t want to piss you off Coach but I don’t think I’m much interested in getting fucked.” Kelvin dropped his eyes knowing that Coach could very well tell Kelvin to get his ass out. “Kelvin,” Coach sighed, “Let’s make a deal. We don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with and will stick with what we both enjoy. If there comes a time, though, that you change your mind, I’m going to make you ask for it. Maybe even beg for it. And like our previous deal, once you agree, your ass will literally be mine to use. Deal?” Coach Foley saw a look of relief pass over Kelvin’s face. “Sure Coach,” said Kelvin, “That’s a deal I can live up to.” Coach smiled as Kelvin picked up his clothes and headed out into the locker room for a quick shower and to get dressed. It was a deal Coach could live with too. Kelvin was going to make this a challenge and Coach loved a challenge. Even with a high viral load, Coach wasn’t likely to get enough cum deep enough into Kelvin during just oral sex to see if he was worthy of Coach’s virus. He’d have to make sure that by June he had enough cum swimming inside Kelvin’s guts to determine if he was worthy. Already this looked like this could be a challenge. But Coach always liked challenges and he always played to win.
    5 points
  2. The weekend was approaching and I was cruising for some action on Craigslist. I noticed an ad stating there was going to be a barebacking fuck party and they needed more bottoms. So, being a committed BB bottom, I responded. The guy (Sam) explained he and his buddy (Nick) were renting two adjoining rooms for the weekend at a hotel and there would be no more than four bottoms - they were both bottoms and needed two more bottoms for the party. They were renting two adjoining rooms each with two queen beds. After exchanging notes, I understood that I needed to be: 1. Cleaned out at all times, including before I arrived for the party. Additional enemas would be administered as needed. 2. I could not refuse any cock and its load. 3. Poz loads were a definitely a possibility, and, were highly likely. 4. The party started Friday evening and continued until Sunday afternoon. 5. My holes were to be available for loads the entire time. 6. All fucking was going to be bareback - absolutely no condoms were allowed! Being neg, I worried about the poz loads, but the lure of that much cock invading my ass over a weekend was too much to resist. I signed on. I arrived cleaned out, but had mentioned my predilection for wine enemas. Having brought my own supply of wine, and it still being early on Friday afternoon, Nick and Sam, the organizers of the party, gave me a nice wine enema upon my arrival - 50-50, white wine (it doesn't stain if leaked) and water. I let it soak in for an hour and just after expelling it, our first two tops arrived, Being a bit tipsy, I was ready to suck and fuck. We had drawn numbers as to who would be invaded by the first cock. I had been lucky enough to be number two, and so it was in no time I had sucked the second cock nice and hard before rolling over to feel its owner stick it deeply into my tight (well, within reason), asshole. I was in heaven, taking my first cock, and its load, of the weekend. One I knew would be the first of many cocks and loads, far outpacing anything I'd done up until this moment. As I was getting my hole pounded by more cocks, er..., more tops showed up. I reveled in knowing that some, if not all, would be using my hole for their pleasure, and that I'd be taking my pleasure from them. At that moment, only slightly high, the knowledge that some loads would be poz, crossed my mind... I also knew that I had agreed to taking any and all loads and that, most likely, I would not know the "status" of any cock and its load inside me. Though still somewhat sober, I knew I was committed for whatever was going to happen to me. After responding to the ad, and finding out the "rules," I'd done some soul searching and finally decided that, if I hadn't already done so, sooner or later I'd take an, unknown to me, and even perhaps to its giver, a toxic load that would poz me. Getting pozzed, or, somehow, "dodging the bullet," was going to be a matter of fate. Perhaps, like some, Maybe, by an odd stroke of luck, I was resistant to the virus. Perhaps not, but travelling the path I was, of barebacking every cock I took, unless its owner wanted a condom, could (would?) result in me getting converted sooner or later. I had decided to stop worrying about getting knocked up and just accept it when it happened. Soon enough, my first load was in, and it was followed in no time at all by three more. Then there was a lull in the action, so, Sam suggested another wine enema, and of course, loving enemas, and wine enemas even more, I agreed. About the time it had soaked in nicely, six more tops showed up. I quickly lost the enema so my hole could be at their service. I began to lose count of who had their cock inside me and how many loads I'd taken so far. Part of the problem is that, since two of us were sharing a bed, sometimes the top went back and forth between our assholes. But also, the tops were circulating between beds and assholes, so who knew what cock was inside them, and for that matter, who cared? After who knows how many cocks and loads, someone decided I needed yet another wine enema. Who was I to protest? After letting it soak in, and expelling it, I noticed a clock read 11:00 PM and things were getting lively, As soon as one cock unloaded into me, it was replaced by yet another one, I was now beyond knowing, or caring, whether or not it had left its load in me. Viral status? What did the word "toxic: mean at the moment? Neither my asshole nor my inebriated brain cared. Yeah, there were guys, who as I recall now, who had scorpion and what (I now know to be bio-hazard) tattoos in the room, but which cocks had slid into my ass - well, by now, I no longer recalled, nor cared. Now I know what those tats meant, but at that point, I didn't. Not that it would have mattered. Poz loads were now not just accepted, they were readily accepted. Poz loads are part of barebacking, and I was an eager and committed barebacker. Poz loads are simply part of the deal, and sooner or later, one will convert you or not. I do recall one guy mentioning, as he shoved his cock balls deep into me, "I hope you enjoy my hot load." I asked him what ne meant by that, and he said he was pumping me full of his poz load. He sure wasn't the only one to tell me that, but which guy and which cock he was connected to began to blur. At that point, I knew I'd signed onto taking poz loads and at this point, so much poz seed was inside me, more wouldn't really matter. The guys (whomever) gave me another wine enema, and after that, sometimes I woke up vaguely knowing my hole was getting fucked really hard and good. I have no idea how many cocks and loads I took. At one point though, I was woken out of my drunken stupor by anal pain! My hole didn't just ache. The pain was intense! Stabbing! I finally realized that that something huge was inside me and that it was furiously pistoning in and out of me! "Take my poz load you bitch!" Well, I was just conscious enough to know that this guy was pounding the hell out of my hole and he was going to pump a deadly load really deep inside me, and... I was ready for it! I just relaxed, laid there, and reveled in the sheer pain he was giving my hole! I was calm, even though the pain of him ripping me open was intense. The wine numbed me and made it okay. I willing took his toxic load, and if he pozzed, me, then it was fate. In fact, as I laid there and faded back into sleep, I craved his huge cock and the toxicity of his load. Then I fell asleep again. I don't know how many other cocks unloaded into me after I fell asleep. I don't care. I just appreciate that their owners deemed fit to use my abused, open, receptive hole for their pleasure, even while I was drunkenly asleep. Maybe it was as much of a turn on for them as it was for me, to know they used my hole while I was "out." Whatever happened to me while I was that drunk, I deserved. In the morning, I awoke, my hole ached, but, as agreed, I stayed for Saturday's fun. Every stroke hurt my hole, which I accepted as my just dues as an anal bottom. with a hole for someone else's use and pleasure, (including mine, even if it hurt). Yes, sure enough, the fuck flu hit me - pretty hard - as one would expect. I am no longer the neg fresh meat at these parties (I am now part of the trio that organizes them, and I know I was somewhat set up, but I don't care, I had it coming and knew the risks going in), but my (not so longer tight) hole is still appreciated by all of the tops. Plus, even though I am a committed bottom, I have enjoyed sharing the gift, both as a bottom, as well as the occasional top.
    3 points
  3. This chapter is dedicated to a very hot lad on here ... you know who you are CHAPTER 7: The Sex Party - Part 2 As Mark fucks me, I can feel my sweat, I feel it in my pits and I feel it in the small of my back. One of the best parts of this experience, though, is that I can also smell most of the other guys in the room – man smells make crazy. Besides that there’s this wondrous sensation of a bare cock sliding back and forth, scraping across my anal ring, like a dull hacksaw being dragged across hot butter. Even with the shadowy lighting my senses are on overload. There are sites available to me, the shadows, the men, the smells and sounds of fucking. Seeing Mike getting bred and then ultimately taking poz cock myself, I feel as though all of my rational thoughts are gone and I’m being completely satiated now by my inner pig. At this point – I almost can’t believe what’s happening with my hormones – I’m eagerly pushing back on Mark’s cock in an attempt to show him how much I want my ass full of his poz cum. My dick is aching in this fucking evil cock cage. I will say this though, it’s making me focus more and more on my ass than my cock; it’s making me feel like a true bottom pig. I remember Chris telling me, “True bottom pigs always end up poz”, but the irony that some cheap, plastic sex toy might be the end of me, much faster than any strain of HIV, is not lost on me right now. “Uhhhhhh… uhhhhh… fuck that’s good”, he groans as he’s fucking me. My raging hormones and need for sperm are the only things in charge right now, "I WANT YOUR POZ CUM MARK! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! Ohhhhhhhh….", he pauses for only a moment, “Turn over”. He pulls out and I flip over, legs up, and he’s right back at it, “Wanna see your face … when I cum”. Mark picks up his pace, banging me harder, “Fuck yea… oh fuck, oh fuck … gonna breed that ass … fuck, you feel so fucking good”. “Give me that fucking poz load Mark … breed me deep, … give it to me”, that almost sends him over the cliff, and the pounding of my hole becomes fast and furious. "You’re so fucking hot and twisted, I fucking love it when bottoms beg me for my poz load. Love that you wanna take it ... you’re about to get it sexy”. "Fuck yeah! FUCK! Ahhhhhh… ahhhhh…. Oh yeah! Poz my hole Mark! POZ MY FUCKING HOLE!", I’m nearly shouting, I kinda hope Mike hears me. He lunges forward viciously, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…..”, and his raw cock starts to spasm, “OH Fuck! FUCK! … take my poz load”, “FUCK YEA!”; Mark is holding me tight and I know he’s squirting poz cum deep in my ass the same way Chris does. I want him to see that I acquiesced about my decision to take poz loads; I reach around to his ass and try to pull him in deeper as that weapon of his is unloading. “So fucking hot Mark”, I kiss him, I need him to know how much I need that seed in me. He removes his tongue from my mouth, “Fuck yea it was”, and then just as quickly he stands back, and my ass is empty except for the first poz load of the night. I don’t want to move, but I’m curious, so I do a quick half twist to check in on Mike and Jacob. The tops fucking Mike and Jacob are both in a rhythm, piston fucking them … I know it won’t be long before they each of them gets another positive load. It seems like only a few seconds go by when I feel hands on my ass and turn back around … it’s the hot top guy from BBRT I want. “I’m Trevor”, he’s says in an unassuming English accent, I melt. He feels me up and moves my legs so he can lap at Mark’s cum in my hole. He’s young and slim and looks so hot down there servicing me. This goes on for a while with me bending up and feeling his head, the sides of his face, his glasses. His tongue feels so good sliding and lapping at my hole, but it’s making my cock red and angry and it “FUCKING HURTS!” I try to relax my cock and focus entirely on the sensations in my ass. Trevor stops for a moment and climbs up on top of me, face-to-face, “Gonna breed you poz mate”, as he’s saying this I can feel his precum and the cold metal of his cock piercing rubbing against my balls and in the crack of my ass. We get a good look at each other, he’s 30, slim, dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. With him lying on top of me I can’t see his cock, but I remember from the profile that hot, uncut, 4mm pierced cock swinging between his legs, “I want it”. That’s when I hear the sounds of another top unloading and I can’t help but wonder if it’s Mike or Jacob getting the load. Mark returns and comes around to my side of the bed, he bends down and he’s close enough so he can speak softly in my ear, “Your bud over there is so hot, he’s taking poz loads like a champ, … he might leave here infected”, I have to ask, “How you got it right?” He nods and continues, “First guy that fucked him, been poz ‘bout 5 years or so now”, “Fuck”, “And Jacob took the host’s cum, he’s resistant to Truvada, pretty sure that’s who tagged me”. I’m not sure what all that means but between Mark’s words, and the cute guy lying on top of me, a steady flow of precum is draining from my soft cock. I feel like such a cum slut and I know I need another poz load inside me. I look over and a 3rd top is taking his place behind Mike’s ass and begins working his cock into him. “Ahhhh… ahhhhh… ahhhhh’ … I hear Mike moaning, maybe he’s a little sore after those first two guys worked him over. Top #2 fucking Jacob is groaning I know he’s gotta be close. I move my head to try and kiss my sexy new top friend, but he moves his head towards me, “Which one’s your mate?”, “One on the left”, “Nice”. Then he finally kisses me, “Let’s move, I wanna breed you in front of him”, “He’s gotta blindfold on”, “Doesn’t matter … c’mon”. He helps me up and we walk around the fuck benches to one of the other beds. The room is dimly lit but as we’re walking I can see Steven and then Alec, both of them being fucked. As we pass Mike the top fucking Jacob begins to groan, “Ahhhhhhhh…. Ahhhhhhhh… oh FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUCK!”, and I know he’s adding a load of unmedicated poz cum to what the host already dumped in there. I think, “Oh fuck … Jacob and I both got a load that’s resistant to Truvada – bet he doesn’t even know”. “FUCK YEA! FUCK! POZ MY ASS!”, Jacob is begging for that second load. I guess both of them fully expect to be infected when it’s all said and done. “FUCKKKKKK!!! OWWWWW! FUCK!”, I see a 3rd top, big hairy chest, with a decent sized, thick cock and a beard line up and slam right into Jacob’s ass. The top fucking Mike is giving him nice even consistent strokes. Now that I can see his chest I notice a red biohazard tattoo around his left nipple, and that ominous glowing red band on his wrist. In front of both of each of them, on the floor, are 2 glowing red bands; seems the tops are shedding them after dropping their load. I wonder what Mark did with his? I do a quick check and sure enough Trevor’s wrist is glowing red – every top must be poz. He guides me to the bed and positions me on all fours, not quite face-to-face, but nearly facing Mike. I know Mike can’t see me, but I also know, he’s going to hear every dirty, filthy, fucking thing that comes out of my mouth as Trevor makes good on his promise to poz my ass. I feel hands, then lube then bare cock, his piercing is kind of cold but he pushes firmly and that uncut English cock slides through my ring and disappears into me; I feel the warmth again. He pushes himself in further and now I really feel him, I’ve never had a pierced cock inside me, “OH fuck … I love this”, bubbles out of me. I see Mike’s head move a bit like he hears me, but I’m not sure if it’s from my words or the top guy banging his ass. That’s when I feel Trevor’s sac touching my ass and he leans down, “Not on meds either mate, hope you’re gettin’ what you want”, “OH FUCK!”, escapes me combined with a moan. “Beg for my poz load mate … beg for it”, I feel him holding steady, waiting to hear my affirmation. I squeeze my ass muscles on his cock to signal my intentions, “Yes … FUCK YES! Breed me! FUCK ME!”, I hear a soft “Fuck yea” from him. I slowly rock my hips back and forth getting his engorged cock moving out to the tip before pushing all the way back so he’s completely buried in me, then back again. “Want that poz cum, Trev”, that turns him on and he slams his cock down on that instroke, “oh goooood …. Ahhhhhh … ahhhhhh”, I moan under my breath. I think Mike realizes it’s me this time though, because suddenly he’s more verbal, “Give me that poz load man … fuck me full, poz my ass”, over and over again. It’s so dirty and fucked up but it’s turning me on, “Owwwww… owwwwww… fuck that hurts!!”, and I see an almost evil grin take over Mike’s face. I blurt out, “Oh fuck yeah … give me that poz load Trev!”, Mike responds, “Yeah … FUCK YEA! FUCK YES! SO HOT! TAKING POZ LOADS!” Now I know he knows it’s me. He pushes harder against me, leaning over my back, I feel his sweat on my back, “Ready for that poz load?”, “Yeah … yeah”, “Ready for that poz load?”, he asks again. Instead of waiting for my answer, he just leans back up, and at this point he starts rabbit fucking me. He’s pressing down on my ass, going in and out in fast, quick strokes, the kind that will cause almost any top to lose his load. “He’s unmedicated”, I think, he must want to see me poz, “Fucking give it to me Trev … Give me that poz load!”. “FUCK YEA!”, I can hear Mike as if he’s speaking directly to me. Pre-cum is boiling out of me and going all over the place. Trevor is fucking me solid, I might not be hard, but I’m making a huge mess on this bed. "Oh yea, fuck me!" I moan, as his hard cock pushes and pulls from the quick jabs against my ass lips. Between those fast jabs he’s giving me, and a few solid thrusts mixed in, I can really feel his piercing. Right now he’s so far up my ass I think I might end up tasting his load when that thing goes off. His heavy balls smack again and again against my ass cheeks with a wet “(smack)” from each thrust. I don’t know how long it’s been since that gun last unloaded, but his nuts feel wet and heavy. His fucking is so intent; I have no doubt you can see it on his face, as if he’s concentrating on his performance. All I can do is pant and try to breathe, as he fucks that hot English cock into me. I feel his cock begin to swell even larger, as his balls work hard to fill me with large squirts of his deadly white, male seed. I know it’s insane, but I want this so bad, “POZ ME! Breed my ass Trev!”. “OHHHHHH … OHHH FUCK ... I’m close … ‘bout to cum … ‘bout to cum”, he says as his cock starts spewing his toxic load into me. I instantly feel the warmth of his poz swimmers painting the inside of my ass, as he fills me with an unmedicated poz spunk; my second unmedicated load ever. "OH FUCK YEA!!! FUCK!!!", he nearly screams as he dumps his load in me. I keep grinding my hips into him, wanting that cock to fill every inch of me with his bug, even when his hips stopped gyrating, and his cock seems spent. I love the feeling of his massive cock just resting there inside me. He leans down and lays nearly on top of me again, “So hot mate … you got my unmedicated load now”, and I know Mike can hear him saying this by the look on his face. I feel like everyone is watching us have our little moment, but I know everyone is actually busy fucking or being fucked; I’m pretty sure Mike knows what just happened, though. When Trevor slides out of me, I think, “I hope he fucked Mark’s cum in deep”, the words, “SO hot”, coming out of my mouth. “Fuck yea mate… love that hot ass”, his accent driving me wild every time he speaks. He moves around to the front of the bed, “Looks like you earned another one”, showing me his red wrist band as he walks off. I look over and two different men are fucking Mike and Jacob. I didn’t think Trevor fucked me for that long, but there are now 5 wrist bands in front of Mike and 4 in front of Jacob. I’m not sure how I missed all the action, but these guys have obviously been busy.
    3 points
  4. I've been trying to work out a hook-up with a a 20 year old on BBRT who wanted me to break his cherry ass. I rented a room at a hotel and waited for him to show up. His pic was also torso, so I didn't know what to expect. He turned out to be one of the cutest guys it's ever been my privilege to fuck. His skin was smooth and pale, his blond hair was a mess, and his scruffy beard hid an incredibly cute boyish face. We got on the bed and after about 15 minutes of preliminaries, he was ready. I squeezed my cock into him; he was worried it might be too thick for him, but with some assist from Fort Troff's Grunt oil, I was inside his velvety ass all the way to the root. I fucked him slow because I wanted it to last. I had all these thoughts of what this experience and my cock might open him up to. By the end of next year, would he be backing his pale ass up against glory holes? Would he be the featured attraction at a sex party, taking loads from all cummers? These thoughts got me so worked up I had to hold back. I didn't blow my load until a full half hour of plowing his sweet ass. Then, after some recovery time, we did it again. I blew another load in his ass and then he jacked his plump cock to a satisfying orgasm as well.
    3 points
  5. PART 1 Anyone who has been to Man’s Country in Chicago knows the setting. It’s one of if not the last of the old bath houses. There have been some modest upgrades in recent years. What I’m telling about happened several years ago when the place was sleazy and full of men who barebacked. Not that it isn’t that way today; it’s just different now in some ways. At the time, I was early 40’s. Good looking to most but not deluded into thinking I was “special” by any means. I stand 5 feet 10 inches, weigh 185, blue eyes, shaved head, one tat and two piercings, moderately hairy, and a bottom as well as a wicked sub for those wanting such. I’m fastidious in cleaning. No surprises for any top and definitely nothing that will turn off one because of lack of taking the time to properly prepare myself. Although a towel is what most men wore, I preferred and still wear my biker boots, chaps, black jock, harness, and a smile. So, I got settled into my room and decided to make my first trip through to see who was there and to be seen. Before heading out, I slammed and let that settle in on me. Then, I did my booty bump with a rig that had the needle removed. I pushed it all the way in my ass as far as possible before plunging that booty bump mixture into my ass. What a feeling. My last prep for my walk was to lube up my ass good (just in case) with a nice mix of warm Elbo Grease and Crisco, pick up my poppers, and head out. (The warmth of the Elbo Grease combined with the booty bump made my ass super hot and horny.) My usual routine is to do a slow walk through all three floors and then do it again. Sometimes I went back by rooms for second looks at particular men of course. Sometimes I even stopped off in a room for some fun. This night though it’s back to my room where I lightly re-lubed my ass, left my door open all the way, and climbed up on the bed face down head away from the door. Let no man pass my room and have any doubt what I’m after. It doesn’t take long before I get men passing by more than once. Yes, the chaps and harness deter some. Those that are bold enough to come in the room get well received. It’s usually I sense someone first and then feel a cautious hand on my ass. I respond by crooking my leg or raising my hips slightly to make my ass hole more easily available. He continues on with exploring me by rubbing my ass and other places. I feel a finger sliding around finding some lube and finally a full investigation that leaves no doubt that my ass is fully lubed and ready for fucking. This is a full thrust in my hole with one or more fingers. These are the men I need. I spend my time mostly in my room getting fucked. This trip is just like all my trips there. One man after another comes in and each with his own style eventually finds his cock sliding into my ass where he pistons his cock in and out using the cum from previous men to lube his cock to fuck me. I take load after load of cum in my ass resting after each is delivered by lying on my stomach so that gravity will pull that load of cum deeper into my gut where it will be absorbed eventually. I’m an addict for cum. This night I had taken around 10 loads of cum. Not too shabby but not my best. I’ve got 2 hours left of my 8 hours. I thought I’d take one more walk through before settling in for the rest of my time. I did the first floor where my room was and went upstairs making two rounds before heading to The Pit (basement). That was where I walked past a room that had an occupant and what an occupant he was. I had seen him about most of the night, but he didn’t seem interested in me. I had seen him on my walks and from my room. Now, I was looking at him in his room. He was about my height, shaved head, towel draped discretely, sitting upright with his back against the wall, muscled but not overly so, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, clean shaven, light dimmed but providing very good lighting. And, what attracted me most was a very well put together black man. As I said, he had not indicated any interest when we met walking or when I was in my room. However, my passing his room and my looking in was rewarded with that nod of hello. I wasn’t sure I had seen correctly, so, I went around the hallways in The Pit and came back to his room slowing my pace. As I passed again, he nodded and put his right foot on the floor. I stopped and said hello. Of course, I went inside and was told to close the door which I did. He picked up his towel and laid it on the stand while lifting his leg back onto the bed and spreading his legs. I climbed onto the bed between his legs and immediately moved forward bending over so that I poised momentarily over his cock. Gently lifting it up I put the head of his black cock into my mouth as I settled down onto my stomach bending my legs upward so that we both could fit on the bed. I began nursing his black cock in my mouth moving my tongue from side to side on the bottom while alternately going all the way down the shaft until his pubes scratched my nose and pulling back off until only the head was safely held in my mouth. The taste was delicious. I continued to stimulate his cock in this manner and in no time his cock began responding by growing ever bigger in length and girth. It didn’t take him long to fill out completely. My guess is that I was in the presence of a black cock that would measure somewhere about 8 solid inches with a gentle curve downward making it easy to slide way back in my mouth. I could tell that if he ever fucked my mouth hard I’d get my tonsils punched quite hard. I should be so lucky. He let me suck his cock for a bit and then said he wanted to really have some room to use my mouth and began to lift me off his cock. He stood up beside the bed and told me to sit on the bed and lean back. From there, he stood on the bed straddling me and came at me with his now blood-engorged black cock. I opened my mouth and accepted him as best I could only this time I was able only to get my mouth open wide enough for his cock to fill my mouth completely. He began to gently fuck my mouth with full thrusts going deeper with each thrust. I knew he was an expert at mouth fucking and let him set the pace. I was hoping he was equally interested in doing the same to my ass. For now, though, he took great pleasure as did I in shoving his now fat black cock into and out of my mouth giving himself pleasure of a warm moist opening. Gag I did at that piece of meat and even lost the ability to breathe when he would shove his cock all the way in and hold it there. I never yanked my head away but he knew when he had to pull out. He was an expert. Usually, I suck cock for a quick shot in my mouth of cum but mostly suck just to get a cock hard so that I can get fucked. This black man was delicious, and I wanted as much of him in my mouth as I could get. He could fuck my mouth and I would suck his cock as long as he wanted and probably then some if he insisted. Still, I did keep thinking of getting that beautiful cock in my ass. When he had enough, he pulled his glistening black cock out of my mouth and stepped down off the bed. Up my legs went while being pulled forward to the edge of the bed. He knelt down on the floor pushing my legs to my chest and drove his tongue deep into my ass. I grabbed the back of my knees and pulled them to me so that he could use his hands to pull my cheeks as wide as possible. His tongue was as talented as his cock was in my mouth. He licked and probed my hole for what seemed like hours but I’m sure was only a matter of minutes. With my hole lubed with his spit, he finally pulled away and began probing my ass with his fingers. He would gently insert them bend the finger making a hook and withdraw it. It finally dawned on me he was cum hunting. He must have figured I had cum in my ass, and he was going to get some. He then stopped totally and said that his room was just too small for what he wanted to do to me. I invited him to my room which had a double bed. He told me to go ahead and he would be along shortly. Well, that tells me I’ve been dismissed. It was delicious while it lasted though limited fun as it was. END PART 1 PART 2 Back in my room, I again lightly re-lubed my ass massaging it in my hole remembering what it had just felt. I climbed on the bed after opening the door wide. Soon enough I feel a presence and then a hand exploring my ass. I spread my legs and a finger found its mark. I heard a deep husky voice ask if I wanted to be bred and I responded definitely. He closed the door and told me to suck him. I got off the bed and knelt on the floor as he hung his towel on a hook. His black cock was already semi hard as I lifted it with my hand and held it at my mouth. I gently licked the head and finally swallowed it whole. Immediately his cock swelled filling my mouth. He put his hands on either side of my head and began a gentle but steady pumping in and out. He was in no hurry and was enjoying himself as I heard him groaning slightly with almost each entry. He pulled his blood engorged cock out of my mouth and pulled me up, turned me around facing the bed, and told me to bend over the edge. I did as I was told. He was about 6’ 4”, thick bodied, hairy, and bearded. A very handsome man. I felt his rough girthy finger enter my hole where he began to pummel the inside and soon felt him scraping with his nail. I was going to get a very good breeding by this man. He continued scraping a few times more. He withdrew his finger, and I heard him spit. He pulled my cheeks open and told me to hold them. He then positioned the head of his cock at my hole and said, “Hope you really want this and are ready.” I never got to reply. He rammed his cock the full length into my ass causing me to release the hold on my cheeks and attempt to rise up off the bed. He was an expert and knew what he was doing as I’m sure he had done this many, many times before. As soon as he had impaled me onto the full length of his cock he leaned all the way forward on me wrapping one hand over my mouth which was now open ready to begin a howl of pain only to be muffled. What a stunning painfully pleasureable entry. His weight held me down on the bed and his hand kept my screams in my throat. Just as I thought the pain was going to pass, he began fucking my hole hard. It seemed like days before the pain subsided even with all the cocks I had had in me that night but in reality the pain lasted only a minute or two. His hand was released from my mouth; he rose up off me but put one hand on my back, and began pumping in and out of my hole with the entire length of his fat black cock. This man was going to tear my ass up good before he made his deposit breeding me fully. I knew that he was going to load me up with his infected DNA, and I loved the idea more and more with each full length shove he made into my ass. Soon, though, I began to push back onto his cock and clamping my ass muscles tight around his beautiful fat black cock when he would withdraw it from my gut. He moved his hand from my back. I pushed back as hard onto his cock as he was driving into my hole. We fucked hard for a good long time when I finally heard him beginning to growl and pick up the pace even more. I stopped pushing back onto his cock and braced myself while clamping down on his cock as hard as I could. He began telling me he was going to breed my ass real good and to poz me up with his poison load because he was seeing some blood on his cock. I clamped down determined to milk out of his black cock all of his contaminated DNA as possible. About a dozen more pumps and with the deepest growl yet, he shoved his cock as far into my ass as he could as he pulled my cheeks wide open. His cock spasmed in my hole filling me with his gooey white breeding liquid. When he finished, he pulled out slowly. He was sweating as was I. I swiftly knelt down taking his cock into my mouth to suckle it and lick it clean. He departed, and I wiped off my sweat, fanned myself with a towel to cool down, opened the door, and climbed back up on the bed to wait for the next man. I was still settling myself when I saw a shadow. I glanced over my shoulder at the door where another black man who was very thin and short standing. He said he had heard me while he was walking by. I had thought my previous encounter had been unnoticed. I was mistaken obviously. So, this new black guy asked if I liked getting fucked. I told him I did. He asked if he could fuck me. I told him sure. He came in and shut the door. He hung his towel up and climbed up on the bed kneeling between my legs. I got up on my knees and felt his left hand on my cheek as his cock poked around trying to line up with my hole. Finally positioned, he placed his right hand on my cheek and began a slow push forward into my hole. His cock was maybe 6 to 7 inches and stuck straight out from his body. His entry was totally different than the one previous. He did push himself all the way in me but it was done with great ease. I was savoring it nonetheless as I knew this black cock was going to deliver another load of cum in my hole. He was not going to dally, and I calculated must have been either a bottom or a top primed to fire. I say this as he didn’t fuck me very long before he was pounding my hole and shooting his load as he kept telling me to take it and he was giving it to me. He pumped my ass the entire time he was unloading. When he finished, he slowly withdrew and hopped down off the bed, draped his towel and was out the door before I could get to clean off his cock. Well, his choice of service. I settled back down onto the bed looking at the time. I had about 45 minutes left of my 8 hours. It had been an interesting night. Of course being the cum pig that I am, I was never satisfied. A cum pig always wants more cum. END PART 2
    2 points
  6. Check out this hot one before it's gone ! http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/getting-fucked-bb-by-a-huge-VL-guy-part-2-my-conversion-29664741
    2 points
  7. I do ATM cause it demonstrates clearly that I am the LOWEST level of SLUT.
    2 points
  8. My boy gets a lot of piss. I use him a couple of times a day (Daddy's perogative) and a lot of the guys we pick up are into piss and piss games as well. A large piss intake will cause the kidneys and such to work harder, but then again so does a large alcohol intake. Just make sure you or your sub gets a lot of water and other fluids. Check the color of the drinker's piss and if it's too dark (like an amber) increase water intake or even Cranberry juice. I've never found a reason to limit my boy's piss intake. After all, that's what slaves are for.
    2 points
  9. I've been to Cumunion in NCY, Toronto, and Chicago. Steamworks in Chicago is the nicest setup, but I've gotta say the mix of men in NYC was off the charts hot: muscle dudes, twinks, Asian studs, Latino thugs, PrEPsters - definitely someone for every taste. The big open room in back is just wall to wall fucking. I couldn't even turn around without a cock poking my ass or my cock getting sucked. Mostly bareback, of course, but you can go at your own speed and connect as much or as little as you want. Just go! You'll be glad you did, man. I promise.
    2 points
  10. I like to do it to guys after they fuck other guys asses; great to be kneeling at a sling and have the top go from the guys hole to your mouth and back again. Nice and filthy, raunchy and depraved.
    2 points
  11. I always open my mouth wide after a Top pulls out of me, letting him know I'm ready to be a good bottom and suck him clean. I think it is part of being a bottom, at least for me. And yes, sometimes the cock is less than clean, but int he heat of the moment that's almost an added turn-on for me because it makes me feel like a real pig bottom. The taste / smell isn't always the greatest, but I just power through it and get off on knowing I'm pleasing the Top.
    2 points
  12. Yesterday was hot. Started out by my black rent boy coming over. He took $40 and another 40 in 420 as payment. One load in my ass the other down my throat. I love to watch the progression of what he will do to me over time. Straight as an arrow. But he likes to fuck me AND get paid to do it. 5'9", 160, 8 hung. Hard and straight dick. It NEVER hurts during or after. He is that good. Second guy answered my CL ad (I was "working" from home on Cap Hill DC yesterday...). Beefy black dude seemed pretty new at it but fucked me raw but I didn't get his load in me. He was late for work so it was quick and he shit his size able load on my syomach. I pushed some in my hole. He wants me to fuck him next. He is a virgin he says so would love to break him in. Third guy was a white guy. He wanted it anon so I left front door unlocked. Yeah in the middle of DC... hot and risky. He came upstairs (he in some Fed wonk taking a late lunch to raw fuck me) and proceeded to load me up fast. Never saw him except when I looked out the window when He left. He was hot... I was on my stomach with my ass up and jock briefs on. Since I already had two big dicks in me already he slid right in. He left a big load. I pulled he head down and kissed him and he came almost immediately. It was fucked up hot. Fourth guy... barely had time before BF came home but he was parked out front so I said come in. Holy shit Air Force guy in uniform on his way home. Short wiry young guy. Sucked him in his jumpsuit and then he pulled it off enough and said he wanted to fuck... dreaded words came out. Got a Condom? I decided I would allow that and he fucked and came quick. I made sure to grab the filled condom and slide his cum inside me. Smeared his cum on my BF's dildo so he would share the load. Sucked that Condom clean after pushing most of his cum inside me. Then my fucked up straight boy came over in the evening. BF hadn't met him yet. They both did blow and I sucked on my bowl so we were high. He sucked us both to completion and I fucked him raw. He said he would do anything for my dick so I made him give up his ass. I am the only one that has ever been in him so he struggles with my 8in. He would rather suck but I make sure he knows who is in charge so with my BF encouraging me I got it in and ducked him for a while. Didn't care that he was uncomfortable. It's about what I want. He is still asleep in our bed now...next morning. All in all a hot fucking day for me...
    2 points
  13. I have gotten well loaded there. For me it is all about the cum, so I let anybody fuck me. I almost think that doing so sends the message that I am down for anything and it gets me more cock..........
    2 points
  14. This isn't mine I've just altered it slightly to make it conform to breeding zones rules THE BUILDER - by pedro976 - This story is a work of fiction. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present area. By continuing, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. - - - - 1 - - - - Barbara Hastings walked down her hallway to the foot of the staircase drew, in one almighty breath and bellowed: "Thomas Hastings! If you do not drag yourself out of that pit of a bed now then you will wish you had not been born!" She was fairly certain that her neighbour's four doors down would have heard her shouting but she could not care less. She had a flight to catch and she was running perilously late. No response. She sucked in another lung full of air ready to bellow again but suddenly her eighteen year old son appeared at the top of the staircase. He was quite tall for his age. His skill as a runner and regular attendance at the local athletics club had given him a thin toned build. He was wearing just his pyjama bottoms exposing his smooth hairless chest. His blonde hair was tussled from where he had been sleeping and he blearily rubbed his eyes. He was a strikingly good looking boy. He took after his father on that front thought Barbara Hastings as she looked up at him. Shame that shit bag of a man had left them four years ago for that slut of a personal assistant. "What is it Mum?" He mumbled "its 7am and the school holidays! Why are you shouting up..." "Tom. For crying out loud" cut in Barbara Hastings "You clearly do not listen to a word I say. I am leaving now to catch my flight to The Hague. The builder starts today on the kitchen and you need to be up and dressed by 8am to let him in. Do not leave him on the doorstep waiting because you are in bed asleep, do you hear me?" It suddenly all came flooding back to Tom. His Mum had to travel for work and was going to be gone for four days. He had persuaded her that he was mature enough not to need any form of baby sitter and in any event she had arranged for the kitchen to be refitted whilst she was away. He had used the presence of a builder to argue that he would not be alone in any event. She had eventually agreed but on the condition he let the builder in each morning at 8am and stayed at home to make sure nothing went wrong. That suited Tom down to the ground. He wanted to crash out playing computer games and watching movies and was looking forward to four days without chores or nagging because if there was one thing Barbara Hastings excelled at, it was nagging. "Yeah I hear you" he answered. His mother was about to say more, clearly unsatisfied with his dismissive tone, but he was saved by the horn of the taxi that had arrived to take her to the airport. "That is the taxi, I am off, see you in four days" With that she grabbed her suitcase and rushed out the door. The slam echoed around the house for a moment before all was quite once more. Tom took a deep breath, yawned, stretched and then went straight back to bed. - - - - 2 - - - - Whoever was banging, Tom wished they would stop. He rolled over to the other side of his double bed and pulled the pillow over his head. The banging continued. What on earth were they doing he thought. "Shit!" he suddenly muttered. It must be the builder banging the front door. He scrambled out of bed and saw that the time was just after 8am. He could imagine his mother's face if she knew that he had fallen back asleep. It was not a nice image. "Shit, shit, shit!" he cried as he charged out of his bedroom and down the stairs. He got to the front door and without thinking he threw it open. What he saw in front of him made him gasp in surprise. Stood on the door step was the man who was clearly there to refit the kitchen. Tom could tell because there was a bag of tools in his hand and a builders van parked on the drive. What made him gasp was the size of the guy. He was huge. He towered over Tom and must have been at least 6'7" if not taller. He had a shaved head, piercing blue eyes and a firm square jaw line. His head rested on a massively veined neck that lead to the widest shoulders Tom had ever seen. His huge pectoral muscles were straining to rip through the material of his red t-shirt and his biceps twitched with power. Tom couldn't help notice that his tight jeans barely held a great bulge at the front, framed by calf muscles bigger than Tom's entire torso. Tom was so shocked he couldn't speak. His mouth just hung open. The giant man in front of him raised an eyebrow and asked in a thick Eastern European accent "You have kitchen done?" "Um, kitchen, um yeah?" Tom stuttered in reply, desperately trying to catch his wits whilst being suddenly conscious of the fact that he was still just wearing pyjama bottoms and nothing else. He involuntarily folded his arms for security. "I come in?" the man asked when Tom made no effort to move. "Um yeah, sure" Tom stepped out the way and the man walked in. Tom could feel the power radiating from his body as he went past him. There was something frightening yet magnetic about him. Like when you saw one of nature's giants, a lion or a polar bear up close. Tom led the man down the hallway. "Ok then, here is the kitchen. My Mum has moved everything out so you should be good to go" offered Tom. "Mmm" the man grunted. He suddenly turned to Tom and held out a hand the size of a shovel. "I Krzysztof" he introduced himself. "Oh yeah, right" mumbled Tom, embarrassed at his lack of manners. "I am Tom" and he took the big man's hand. His grip was like a vice and Tom winced as they shook. Krzysztof grunted in acknowledgement, turned, and put his tool bag down. He looked back at Tom who was stood frozen to the spot and fixed him with his piercing blue eyes. Tom felt himself wilting under his gaze and wished that he had stopped to put a t-shirt on. He must look so puny to this guy. After a second of awkward silence Tom decided it was time to leg it. "I will be upstairs... um... yeah" he mumbled and bolted out the kitchen and back up to his bedroom as quickly as his legs would carry him. He shut his door behind him and dived under his covers. He felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment. What the hell was wrong with him he thought? He had opened the door without a t-shirt on for God's sake. That was all. Why was he so worried about it? He couldn't put his finger on the answer. There was something magnetic about Krzysztof that meant you couldn't help but marvel at his powerful physique. Tom also realised that it had something to do with the way he had been feeling lately. He was no stranger to sex. Well on the internet anyway. He had a laptop and Ipad and his mother was singularly uninterested in monitoring what he did on them. Like most boys his age he was a masturbation fanatic. He jacked off whenever he had a spare moment. The internet was awash with free porn and he trawled the sites looking for new stuff to get off to. He had never had cause to question his sexuality until a few months ago. Bored of the same old videos he had strayed into the gay section on one of the websites. He had been drawn to videos involving what were called "twinks", young guys in their teens. He had watched a video set in a locker room where two athletic guys had sucked each other off then one of them had fucked the other. Tom had to admit that it was hot and he had imagined himself fucking another guy in the locker room after athletic practice. He reasoned that if he jacked off to straight porn where the girl was fucked up the arse then there was no difference to imagining fucking a guy in the same way. He had never found himself fantasising about guys who looked like Krzysztof though. Guys like that were not twinks but real hard, strong men who could break you in two as soon as look at you. Was he embarrassed by Krzysztof because he fancied him? No that couldn't be it he told himself. It really couldn't. Downstairs he could hear the sound of Krzysztof getting started on taking out the old kitchen fittings. He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to thinking about how massive his biceps were. The old fittings stood no chance against his strength. What would it be like to touch those huge solid muscles he wondered? "Fucking hell" he muttered under his breath breaking the spell of his day dream. He was determined not to think about this anymore. Grabbing a towel he went and showered, doing everything he could not to conjure up images of the huge hunk downstairs. Having got dried off and dressed into his usual t-shirt and jeans Tom was about to head down to get a drink and something to eat from the makeshift kitchen his Mother had set up in the utility room. She had put in a mini-fridge and microwave in there so that he could survive for the days that the work was being done. He hesitated though as he reached the top of the staircase. Going to the utility room meant passing Krzysztof and he really didn't want to. From what he could hear the muscle man was well into ripping out the old kitchen. Maybe he would be too busy to notice him go by thought Tom and with that thought offering him some courage he headed down stairs. At the end of the hallway he stopped and carefully peeked around the door frame at the entrance to the kitchen. He really wished he hadn't. Ripping out the kitchen was obviously hard work because Krzysztof had taken off his t-shirt. His body was absolutely packed with pumped up muscle. Tom could see his two large pert nipples erect on top of his giant pecs. Every inch of the guy was covered in powerful gym pumped muscle. Tom also noticed the mass of tattoos running down the builder's arms. He was too scared to look for long enough to make out what the pictures were. Instead he took a deep breath and darted past to the utility room. Grabbing enough snacks to see him through the day he darted back the way he came and up to his room. He shut the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He was determined not to go back downstairs until Krzysztof had gone home for the day. He passed the time playing his Xbox and hitting himself in the head every time his mind began to wander back to thinking about the builder. Soon enough 6pm arrived and he heard Krzysztof shouting up from the bottom of the stairs. "I go for day now" he called. Tom slightly opened his door and shouted back. "Ok, bye" He heard the front door open and then shut. Breathing a sigh of relief he waited until he heard Krzysztof's van pull away from the drive and went downstairs. The kitchen had been totally ripped out. Tom would not have been surprised if Krzysztof had done it with his bare hands. He smacked himself in the head again. "Stop thinking about him" he muttered out loud. - - - - 3 - - - - "You slag!" shouted one woman at the other. Tom was eating his microwave dinner whilst watching the soap Eastenders. He had no idea what was going on but these two women were going hammer and tongs at each other in their local pub. It was quite good. Suddenly the house phone began to ring. He put his dinner down and paused the telly. He wanted to see the rest of this cat fight. He picked up the phone from the table in the hallway. "Hello" "Tom, it Krzysztof" Jesus thought Tom, what did he want? He had pretty much succeeded in getting all thoughts of the man out of his confused mind and now here he was on the phone. "I left bag in kitchen. Can I come now to get it?" "Um..." Tom couldn't think of a reason to say no so he agreed. "Sure. Just knock the front door. I am at home." "Ok, be there soon" Krzysztof replied. Tom put the phone down. Jesus Christ he thought. He walked back into the front room. His dinner and the catfight on Eastenders no longer had any pleasure in them and he slumped down on the sofa. What the fuck was wrong with him? He needed to get a grip. - - - - 4 - - - - Even though he was expecting it the knock at the door made Tom jump. He walked out into the hallway. It was definitely Krzysztof. There was no mistaking his massive shadow through the frosted glass panelling of the door panels. Tom took a deep breath and opened it. "Tom" smiled Krzysztof "Ok for me to get bag?" "Sure" replied Tom standing to one side. Krzysztof walked in. The evening was a bit chilly and he was wearing a zip up hoody with a white vest underneath. Tom could just make out the central line of his chest separating those huge pectoral muscles before it disappeared behind the white cotton material of the vest. Krzysztof went into the kitchen and came back with his bag. "Can I use toilet?" he asked. "Yep it is just upstairs on the left" offered Tom and tried his best not to watch Krzysztof's muscular arse and legs as he climbed the stairs. Not quite sure whether he should wait holding the front door Tom decided to shut it and instead hovered at the bottom of the stairs. After a while of not being able to hear very much he decided that perhaps he should make sure Krzysztof was ok, and thinking of what his mother would say make sure that he wasn't stealing anything. Reluctantly he went upstairs. As he reached the top he could see that the bathroom door was ajar. He hesitated but found the courage and walked up to it. He tentatively pushed it open. "Krzysztof are you ok..." He stopped mid sentence and stood shocked. Not sure what to do. Krzysztof had taken off his zip up hoody and was now just wearing his tight white vest top. He was leant over at the side of the sink snorting a line of white powder from the top of the cistern lid. He looked up at Tom. "Me ok, left my bag with my stuff and need it for weekend" He seemed completely unfazed by the fact that Tom had caught him clearly doing cocaine in his bathroom. His Mum would have been screaming the house down and dialling 999 even as Tom just stood there, too dumbfounded to speak. Krzysztof must have taken his shock for something else because he said "You try" and he held out the rolled up twenty pound note he had used to snort the line to Tom. Tom didn't know what to do. His first reaction was to tell Krzysztof to leave but he was completely out of his depth. Then he felt a sudden compulsion to agree to Krzysztof's offer. But what was he thinking? He had only ever smoked a cigarette for fucks sake and now he was considering taking a class A drug. "I have never... um..." stuttered Tom, unable to resolve the conflict in his mind. "You do little" suggested Krzysztof and again offered the note. Fuck it resolved Tom. What could happen? People did it all the time. His Mother was away for the next four days and he surely would have recovered from a single snort by then. He took a deep breath. He walked over to Krzysztof and took the note. There was a small line of the powder left and without allowing any time to talk himself out of his reckless agreement Tom lent down and snorted it. He straightened up and looked at Krzysztof who smiled at him. "You will be ok" said Krzysztof "it just little bit" and he laughed. Tom laughed as well. He wasn't instantly struck down dead and he felt the thrill of having done something incredibly mischievous. A few moments later that thrill was replaced with a feeling that Tom had never felt before. It was like the feeling you had at Christmas when you were a kid. Uncontained joy and excitement. Krzysztof laughed seeing the smile plastered on Tom's face. "It working yes?" "Yeah, I think so" replied Tom "Hey let's put on music" and with that he bounded into his bedroom to find his ipod. Putting it on shuffle he turned it up and felt the urge to dance. This was great. Krzysztof followed him into the room and sat down on the bed. Tom didn't know how long for but they chatted and chose tracks to play and Tom danced in front of Krzysztof. In his euphoric state he didn't notice the way Krzysztof looked at him. A passionate animalistic look of lust. The drug had put Tom completely at ease with this giant of a man. "You want more?" asked Krzysztof suddenly. Tom was too far gone now to give any answer other than yes. "Sure he said" and watched as Krzysztof took out a small bag of the white powder and racked it up in lines on Tom's desk. Krzysztof lent down and snorted two of the lines in quick succession. Tom took the note that he was offered. There were two lines left, much larger than the one he had done in the bathroom. He lent down and snorted one. "And other" prompted Krzysztof. Tom did as he was bid and snorted the second line as well. He felt the wave of the high hit him almost at once and he stood up and titled his head back as it washed over him. He suddenly felt the powerful presence of Krzysztof behind him and as he turned his head to see what had brought the massive builder so close to him he felt Krzysztof's arms encircle his waist and a hand go to his cock. "What... what are you doing?" he stuttered, still caught on the wave of the high. "Mmmmm little baby" was all Krzysztof offered by way of reply and he squeezed Tom's cock through the material of his jeans. It responded at once and was achingly hard within seconds. Tom was powerless in the grip of this huge stud. He was horny as hell though. The high had made him crazy to get off and he felt himself pushing back against the muscle hunk. "Yeah, baby wants me" growled Krzysztof and he let Tom go for the few seconds it took to pull of his vest, exposing his massive physique. Tom tried to turn but Krzysztof grabbed him too quickly and pulled him against him so that they were both facing once more to the front by the desk. Tom could feel Krzysztof's massive pecs pulsating and lent backwards against them as Krzysztof undid his jeans button and pulled both his jeans and boxers down to his knees. Tom was powerless as the effects of the two lines really started to kick in. His exposed teenage cock twitched in the air and his tight little bubble butt was exposed to the builder who held him tightly. Although he couldn't see behind him Tom could not mistake the sound of the zip on Krzysztof's jeans being lowered nor the touch of the man's massive cock head at the entrance to his tight butt hole. In a sudden moment of clarity he realised Krzysztof was going to fuck him. "Wait, Krzysztof, I..." he began but the hunk clamped a hand over his mouth and stopped his protests dead. "Shhh baby" he growled sexily in Tom's ear. Tom felt Krzysztof let go of him and realised he was reaching into his own jeans pocket to get something. Tom breathed deeply, trying to focus, the drug had him overwhelmed and before he could think with any clarity Krzysztof's arms encircled him again and he saw that Krzysztof was holding a small bottle of liquid. "Poppers baby" offered Krzysztof by way of explanation. Tom had no idea what that meant. Krzysztof undid the bottle top and held the bottle to Tom's nose. Tom caught the strong smell and guessed he had to sniff it. He inhaled deeply once and then again. Krzysztof took the bottle and Tom heard him sniff deeply himself. The effect hit him like a freight train. The wave of pleasure washed over him and there were stars in front of his eyes. His cock twitched uncontrollably. "Fuck" he moaned at the effect of the high. "I fuck" growled Krzysztof loudly who was clearly being driven wild by his own poppers rush. The huge muscular man put his hands on Tom's hips and suddenly he drove his monster cock straight into the boy's virgin hole. "ARRRRRRRRRRGH" cried Tom as the pain overcame the cocaine and even the poppers. Krzysztof bear hugged Tom against him as his pushed his cock in right up till the hilt. Tom was shaking uncontrollably in his vice like grip. Krzysztof still had the poppers in his hand and so he undid the lid and held the bottle to his boy's nose. Tom sniffed deeply, wanting anything to overcome the throbbing pain from his arse. Krzysztof lent down and sniffed at the bottle at the same time, the two of them inhaling the high.Krzysztof put the lid on the bottle and put it on the desk. He moved his hands down to Tom's hips and slowly withdrew his cock until only the tip was still inside the young virgin. Then he ploughed it back into the tight hole his huge thighs smacking against Tom's plump arse cheeks. Tom yelled out again but this time there was a cry of pleasure mixed with the exclamation of pain. He was so high all he could think was that he wanted this hunk to destroy his hole. His own cock was solid and leaking precum from the tip. "God Krzysztof" he moaned "fucking do me" The bull of a man needed no more bidding and he began to piston in and out of Tom who gripped the edge of his desk. Krzysztof's strokes were so hard and powerful that the boy was lifted from the floor. Suspended in mid air and held in place between the desk and the iron grip of his muscular builder Tom was nailed. In and in drove Krzysztof, wild on the combined high of coke and poppers. His cock was thick with veins and his bollocks heavy with spunk as he fucking nailed his little baby. "Fuck yeah" he growled "You fucking bitch" His insults, delivered in his thick accent turned Tom on even more. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt a pain and pleasure never experienced before. He could only moan and grunt like the whores he normally dreamt about fucking in the straight porn he watched. The noises from Tom drove Krzysztof on even more. Krzysztof suddenly pulled out of Tom's boy cunt, lifted him up and threw him over onto the bed. Tom lay there panting for breath. He felt down to his arse and could feel his hole gaping at the ramming he had just been given. He looked up at Krzysztof. The man stepped out of his jeans and stood there fully naked. His muscular body was glistening with the sweat of exertion, the beads running down his chest and tattooed arms. His cock was huge and pulsating. Involuntary spasms causing the shaft to quiver every few moments. "You like bitch?" he growled. Fuck thought Tom, this man was a God. His inhibitions were completely gone. "Yeah I like" he panted. "Call me Daddy" Krzysztof grunted. "I like Daddy, I like..." replied Tom feeling his cock throb. "You want Daddy to fuck you?" asked Krzysztof The reality of the massive cock tearing him open again caused Tom to hesitate. "Yes Daddy, but can I have a break..." he pleaded. "No break for little bitch" ordered Krzysztof and he reached out to the desk and picked up the bottle of poppers. He undid the lid and sniffed very deeply. Twice to each nostril. Returning the bottle to the table he stood looking down at Tom. Tom saw the poppers take hold of the stud and he saw the massive cock begin to twitch uncontrollably. Then with a grunt Krzysztof strode forward and grabbed Tom by the ankle, pulling him to him and flipping him onto his front. Two massive tree trunk arms planted down either side of Tom's head as the hunk lowered his massive body onto the boy crushing him. His huge meaty cock, aching with unleashed spunk found its hole and once more drove in deep. "FUUUUUUUUUCK" cried Tom but he was going nowhere. Krzysztof was making animal grunts and moans as he fucked the lad without mercy. If Tom had been nailed moments before this was something else. Drugs drove the massive animal on, adding to his power and stamina. For what seemed like an eternity Tom lay moaning and begging for his Daddy to fuck him as Krzysztof never let up. The only pause was when the builder flipped him onto his front so that his legs now rested on the massive shoulders and bent back down onto him exposing his hole to the air and then the builder began fucking him hard again. The sweat from Krzysztof dripped from his huge pecs and landed on Toms face and in his mouth. The drugged up boy swallowed it down, happy to taste his Daddies manly perspiration. The fucking went on, never letting up until Krzysztof changed pace and began to withdraw his cock all the way then plunge it as hard as he could into Tom. Each slow fuck was twice as powerful as the frantic pumping that had gone before and the whole bed shook as the builder's mighty tool speared Tom right into the gut. Krzysztof let out a huge grunt as he crushed his massive rock solid cock into Tom's tight hole. Tom was completely overcome by the feelings convulsing throughout his entire body. He moaned loudly each time Krzysztof drove into him, staring up into the hunks deep blue passionate eyes, begging him to fuck his hole. "Fuck me Daddy" he moaned over and over as Krzysztof did just that. Krzysztof's huge thrusts slowed momentarily as he lent back and reached for the poppers sat on the desk behind him. Picking up the bottle he undid the lid and lent in close to Tom, his massive shoulders forcing Tom's legs back behind his head so that Krzysztof's face was against his. "Sniff baby" he ordered and held the bottle to Tom's nose. Tom did as he was told and at the same time Krzysztof sniffed them as well. The two of them breathing in the strong odour of the drug and feeling it take hold of them. Krzysztof put the poppers to one side and lent back down to Tom. He began to passionately kiss the young boy, his tongue forcing its way deep into Tom's mouth. The muscle hunk's big full lips completely covered Tom's and completely owned him. Tom closed his eyes as his Daddy desperately and frantically snogged him. The poppers were doing their job and Tom felt their hot flush on his cheeks. At the same time he felt Krzysztof swell even bigger inside him. The stud pulled away and adjusted his position to ensure he could penetrate his young boy's cunt to maximum depth. He placed one huge hand over Tom's mouth and the other around his neck. He was going to cum inside this kid but the drugs in his system meant he was going to have to drill him without mercy. He wasn't going to let Tom even try to ask him to stop. This was about him now and no one else. He began by driving into Tom as deeply and forcefully as he could. He felt the boy buckle and shake at the violation and saw his eyes go wide with a mixture of pleasure and pain. "FUCK" Krzysztof growled. He pulled his massive meat almost completely out the tight hole and let the quivering of his cock massage the boys rim for a moment. Then he smashed it into the little cunt again, and then again and then again. He tightened his grip on Tom's mouth and throat and started to pick up pace. The ipod had run out of music to play and the only sound that filled the room was Krzysztof's massive muscular thighs banging against Tom's bubble butt, the huge roars of Krzysztof as he delivered each thrust and the muffled moans of Tom as he took the massive cock right up his tight hole. Faster and harder the muscular God went. He felt a huge load of cum building at the base of his shaft and he shouted out as he drove into Tom harder and harder, desperate to unleash his seed into his boy. He looked down at Tom who was staring wildly up at him, his eyes watering from being mercilessly ripped in two. Krzysztof gritted his teeth and the massive muscles on his arms bulged taut over thick pumped up veins. He drove Tom down into the bed causing it to creak and the headboard to bang against the wall in time with his massive thrusts. Then with one massive surge his cum was unleashed. It flowed up his massive stiff shaft and exploded out the huge round cock head coating the inside of Tom's arse with thick white spunk. Tom felt the hot mess spewing up inside him into his guts and cried muffled screams of lust and joy into the palm of Krzysztof's hand. "URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH" grunted Krzysztof as he slowed down his thrusting and let the convulsing of Tom's arse milk out every last drop of his man seed. Sweat was pouring of his pecs and forehead and he released Tom from his grip and stretched his massive body. Tom looked up with a mixture of awe and longing. "God..." was all he could manage "God..." Krzysztof collapsed on top of him and Tom put his hands around those massive shoulders. Their sweaty bodies pressing tight against each other, Krzysztof's cock still resting inside him. Krzysztof began chewing at Tom's neck and ears and the touch of the man's tongue and teeth caused Tom to moan loudly. "Baby not cum yet" whispered Krzysztof into his ear and at the same time the huge man began to rotate his hips. Tom felt the massive cock stir to life inside him as it slid around in the cum that had just been fired up his arse. "Oh God Daddy" moaned Tom and Krzysztof rolled over onto his back, being careful to keep his dick inside his boy. Tom found himself on top and took a deep breath of air. He placed his hands onto Krzysztof's massive pumped up chest to steady himself and then he began to gyrate his hips. He felt the huge man's cock move inside him and was hit with a new wave of pleasure. Krzysztof held his hips to make sure Tom stayed firmly on his dick but gave him the freedom to move his arse in the motion he wanted. Tom began to gyrate more quickly. It was nothing like the massive pounding Krzysztof had just given him, Tom was being much more careful and slow but the wave of joy rolled over him as he felt Krzysztof's cock brush his prostate. He noticed that the bottle of poppers was still lying on the bed and he picked it up and took a couple more deep sniffs, he held it to Krzysztof who did the same. Tom then began to bounce up and down on the shaft and Krzysztof slowly rotated his hips so that his cock slid back into Tom at a slightly different angle each time, causing new throbs of pleasure and making the boy moan and groan. Tom took hold of his teenage dick and began to slowly stroke his own spunk out. He used the sweat from Krzysztof's body as lube and built up a steady rhythm. "Baby cum for Daddy" growled Krzysztof and Tom began to bounce harder as Krzysztof pushed his hips upwards to help the little boy take every inch of his massive cock. The look of lust on the studs face sent Tom over the edge. "FUUUUUCK" he cried as hot creamy boy spunk sprayed out of his nob head and onto Krzysztof's pecs. "AHHH AHHHH AHHHH" moaned Tom as every last drop dripped out of him. "Fucking good yeah?" asked Krzysztof as Tom looked down at the huge load running over the hunks pecs and nipples. "Fuck yeah Krzysztof" he panted. "Daddy" corrected Krzysztof frowning. "Fuck yeah Daddy" repeated Tom. Quick as a flash Krzysztof rolled over so that Tom was once more underneath him. "Daddy hard again baby" he growled and suddenly and violently he rammed his still stiff cock deep into Tom. "FUUUCK" exploded Tom who was aware of the tenderness in his arse now he had cummed. Krzysztof withdrew and ploughed into him again. "We have all night baby" he promised and he pulled Tom tight against the sticky mess covering his massive chest muscles. He began his relentless pounding rhythm again the bed began to shake again. "Fuck Daddy" was the muffled cry that came from the boy completely encased in the builders huge arms. It was going to be a long night.
    1 point
  15. This is what I picture the builder looking like.
    1 point
  16. Fucking hell, you're off to a good start. More please!! You know what we need . . .
    1 point
  17. No, it sounds pretty normal, actually. I love rough sex. But I love it with someone or someones I trust. I think my sexual life would be a little easier if I could just be used and abused by any person. To let down my guard enough to be used the way I want, that has to be with someone I synch up with. I haven't quite figured out how -far- I'd go with someone I trust. Who knows? Maybe I'd let him and his friends use me, as long as I knew I wasn't going to wind up dead as a result. The point is, you can do as much or as little with people as you want. You may decide as you get older that you want to explore your fantasies. Or you may decide you like them as spank material, nothing more. But you get to decide, though. And you can change your mind as many times as you'd like. Just whatever you do, don't think you aren't allowed to explore them. They are part of you, for you to enjoy, and for you to find fulfillment in -- however you want to use it.
    1 point
  18. I would definitely sign up for that party! Hit me up if anyone wants to host one
    1 point
  19. I know what gift I want this Christmas, and I hope someone has already given it to me
    1 point
  20. It took me three years of daily seeding and lots of beatings, bondage and extreme discipline to get my son to accept that he was going to like gay sex and ask for it. The breeding he was getting didn't occur to him. It was the ultimate breeding and I let it go full blown like I was so I could teach him how to breed. Now I come home from work and he's got another high school freshman tied down and already flooded with his toxic cum. The kid looked around to see if I was going to save him. I just talked to my son and took my cock out to jerk off. This was the third week in a row.
    1 point
  21. I agree with NLbear. 20/30 min prep for a 5 minute 1-1 fuck? At least give me 30min. We can prolong it with switching positions, kissing, slowing down. AND round two is always welcomed! I had a regular who would nut quick. BUT then could put in 2 more rounds, he would last for hours. I'm NOT into the BH or group scene...In which case I see the value in a quick nut, quantity over quality
    1 point
  22. I expect ATM of all the bottoms in my playroom, not necessarily in public playspaces where we haven't laid down any ground rules. I call it the 'pig test'--it's a determining factor in whether a bottom will be invited back. I play with a lot of FF bottoms, so they really know how to clean themselves. I use very little H2O Anal lube. It has very little taste. And most of the lube in my playroom is spit and precum. And I almost always kiss my pig after he cleans me up. @rawpisspig--I have done the same thing. I attend a New Year's Eve orgy in my honor where I felch every load shot in every ass. Of course, I am going to clean the top's cock too, snowball the juices to the bottom, felch some of the creamy load and plow the rest of the it deeper into that ass with my big ol' dick....
    1 point
  23. I for one identify as a bottom bitch, and thoroughly LOVE being called a bitch/faggot/cunt etc...this is mostly in the bedroom, BUT i've been discreetly called by my rightful title in public...huge turn on! It's flattering to have a real man recognize me for what I truly am, a bottom queen. Being called a bitch keeps me in check, reminds me of my role, serving men and worshipping cock. I'm masculine in public so being knocked down a few pegs with a top's regular verbal degradation is a welcomed reminder that I am not his equal, I AM HIS bitch.
    1 point
  24. Dad/son Dom/sub couple outside of Rochester. Get off on watching guys fuck my boy (bareben on here) Host only. Dad poz 52, son poz (off meds) 24. Into most kinks, also looking for experienced disciplinarians for regular one on one sessions with my boy for training. I accept all tops/breeders/seeders for my boy. For myself, I like a nice neg Young hole up to about 30. Hit me up if interested.
    1 point
  25. I went to school that Friday as I normally do, day dreaming of Jacko, I met him about a year and a half ago and f loved him for as long. We're both 18 now, were the same size (about 5'7") I have reddy blonde hair he has light brown, I have blue eyes he has the most incredible green eyes you have ever seen. He's slimly muscular, with a six-pack and beautiful tanned skin; he hasn't got a pimple on him. I'm just slim, not bony, but not muscular either I have a light tan though. Every day when I see him. God, it feels like the strongest fist you've ever seen and squeezed has grabbed my insides. When I realized I was gay, I swore to myself I'd never fall for a straight guy, but god he is soooo fucking hot. And unfortunately he is straight. Oh sure I've seen him grab some other guys arses and pretend to be fucking them, but it is always just jokingly. There's another problem, he doesn't even like me, I've asked him (over messenger pretending to be someone else) and he's said he thinks I'm a geek. Anyway back to Friday, we had a sports carnival on so we were all wearing our sports uniform, I was sitting in admin listening to Jacko's sexy voice and looking at his tight beautifully small arse and getting glimpses of his pits whenever he raised his arms when the teach told us that we had to stack chairs or something before we left, on our way up to our basketball hall (were we have our assemblies before sports carnivals) someone pushed Jacko into me and both of us went down. This is when the Teach looks over and sees us, and admittedly it does look like we were fighting, so anyway off we get sent to the vice principle were we both swear it wasn't our fault, the vice yells and screams and tells us we have to stay here for the day and help the janitor. A whole day alone with Jacko, I could've kissed that guy. So off we get sent to the janitor, a remarkable nice fellow who sent us off to stack all the desks in the hall (it was the end of term, the other kids took care of the chairs but we got left with the desks) The janitor didn't even come with us, he went off for a smoke or something, so I got to talking with Jacko. Longest talk ive ever had and at the end he goes "hehe you know I thought you were a geek for the longest time, but your ok" And I'm like "yeah gee thanks". Anyway it was a hot day so we were both sweating a lot and I got the sweetest smell from Jacko, I had to keep myself carefully away from thinking about sex or I would have popped the biggest Bonner. Now in a perfect world, it being so hot and all Jacko would have stripped off, or at least taken his shirt off, but no I was forced to take matters into my own hands. No I didn't strip off, though I would have loved to, instead I punched him, don't laugh cause it worked, he tackled me and soon we got to wrestling in which I felt up a large amount of Jacko, god this kid absolutely reeked of sex, I of course got a Bonner so I had to stop wrestling, but as I said it worked and all hot after our brief tussle Jacko pulled off his shirt. He has the most perfect chest, with broad shoulders beautiful pecks and a very narrow waist, anyway not to be out done I took off my shirt to and we got back to work, laughing and talking and shit. About twenty minutes later we were done and we noticed the janitor, he wandered over and grinned at us and said "nice work, though next time please don't grab each other whilst at school, they invented the bed for that". We both laughed at that, though me a little uneasily, it was to close to what I really wanted. He then sent Jacko off to grab us all a coke each. When Jacko had run off bare cheasted and hot. The Janitor turned to me and said, "You want the lad, don't you?" I didn't even stutter, I was proud of that, I had done five years of drama lessons and the best thing it had taught me was to keep a straight face when lying, or in this case a revolted one "No! That's gross man" I edged away from, as any straight boy would have I hope. He laughed and said, "I'm not blind boy, and I can see it in the way you look at him, you look like a girl who's just had her cherry popped" Now that I didn't appreciate but before I could say anything he waved it away, Jacko was back, we drunk our cokes and Jacko reached for his shirt. "Leave it boy, the next jobs even more sweaty then this one" maybe the Janitor was trying to help something or me. For the next hour or so he had us chopping up wood to carry to the wood bin (a tree had come down about a week ago in a freak storm) After that we were both exhausted and so sweaty we seemed to have just been for a swim, I was a little sun burnt to. It was about 1:30 and the Janitor said we could have a half an hour break then we could have a shower and go home. Jacko and me sat talking softly and talk turned to sex, I was proud to tell Jacko about the blowjob I had (of course the name Mark changed to Sara and the fact that I was thinking about Jacko when it happened I didn't mention at all). Jacko sighed lustily and said how he wished he had had a blow, he complained about handies quite a bit, then he shifted and I noticed he had a Bonner too. I dunno what it was, maybe it was that I was so tired, but I lent back on the ground putting an arm behind my head and started rubbing my own Bonner through my pants. "Having fun there?" Jacko asked with a laugh. "Mmm yeah..." I moaned softly cocking an eye at him as I rubbed myself, my cock jumped in my pants at the sight of his face. He didn't seem to bothered by it "How big's your dick hard?" he asked. "Dunno, haven't measured it in ages". "Well drop ya pants and lets see". I stared at him for a moment, and then I laughed and said, "No you sick bastard". He laughed and dived onto me, I felt his hard dick jab into me as he held me down (with one hand no matter how hard I struggled) and grabbed my pants and pulled them down, then he ran off holding my pants in his hand, my hard dick quivered in the sun. "Get back here" I screamed, I was truly embarrassed, but I was really turned on to, Jacko eyes feasted on me. I ran after him, my cock bobbing with every step, and then I tackled him and kissed him... I have no idea were it came from, I just wasn't thinking I guess. I pulled back and saw his startled look "Ah dude, I was just joking" I said quickly and jumped off him, using my pants to hide my dick Jacko just stared, as if in shock, I felt really scared by then, why wouldn't he say something. Then we heard the Janitor calling us and I quickly pulled my pants back and we ran over to him, he eyed our boners then told us to go have a shower. We got into the changing rooms and stood their uncomfortable until Jacko said "You gay?" A hundred ideas bloomed in my head, some of them might have work but instead I just mumbled "yes". There was a long silence for a moment and then Jacko said "Um... look... I'm not... That is... I..." "Your not gay" I supplied. "No" he said. "Don't worry I wont try anything". He laughed "Yeah like you could do anything to me". "Which reminds me why did you pull my pants off". We joked around and got undressed and slid into the shower, we both still had boners. "Hey listen" Jacko said softly "I have a friend who gets... uh... he has a fa... a gay guy blow him and shit". "You want me to be your bitch?" I asked him archly. "No it's just that... I really wanna get some, and my friend, he said that fucking a guy up the arse feels almost as good as... You know"... Now this had deffinate possibilities. "I'm willing, but whatever you give to me I get to give to you." "You wanna fuck me?" his voice broke slightly when he said that. "Of course I do, you're the best looking guy ive ever seen." He hesitated, and then said alright. I stood their quivering; he had said I could fuck him. "God..." I breathed, and he giggled. I moved out of the shower and pushed him back against the wall and kissed him, he turned his face away and mumbled "no kissing" I pulled his face back and soon we were tonguing each other, his hands slid up my back, one grabbing at my arse the other at my wet hair. Our dicks pressed together and he moaned into my lips, I pushed him around until I could lie him down on the bench, we slid off but I didn't mind. I stopped kissing his mouth and started on his neck and shoulder my tongue licking beads of water off him until I reached his nipple. I sucked on both and nibbled them until the were hard, he has this birthmark right over his left nipple that was really cute. I moved his arms up behind his head and started licking at his pits, he moaned loudly then when I nibbled slightly he called out my name "JAMES!!!" which I liked. I slid down his body and started licking at his belly button then lower until I could suck on his balls, he was moaning constantly now and I wondered if I could get him to cum without touching his dick. I sucked on the head anyway and he gave out this warbling high pitch giggle, then I slowly slid up and down his cock, he cried out yes and came hard in my mouth. I swallowed all his seed and wished there was more, I felt this great swell of love, or something run through me. I slid up his body and he hugged me to him grinning, I leaned in and kissed him, pushing his own cum back into his mouth and when we parted a thin stream of whit connected our lips. "Thanks" he whispered hoarsely. "Don't thank me yet, I still have to get off" I grinned at him, I knew by now he was gay, even though he didn't want to admit it, but what came next caught me by surprise "fuck me". "What?" "Fuck me please." "It'll hurt, we don't have and lube." "Use spit, but please, I want your cock up my arse." Admittedly, it wasn't all that hard to give in, so he rolled over and I begin rimming him, he moaned softly and I continued for a while, then I slid a finger in and slowly begin finger fucking him, soon it was two, then three, then I turned him back over and raised his legs in the air. "I wanna see your face while I fuck you" I whispered. He smiled, and I spat on my dick, then slowly I began to push it into him, he grunted and I moaned and soon I had six inches of my quivering cock in him. "Fuck me, Fuck my arse hard James, I want your cock in me" he moaned. And I did, my cock slid in and out of that tight hole and I felt like I was in heaven, I didn't last long in that beautiful tight hole and soon I screamed "JACKO" and came in him. I fell forward against his well-muscled chest laid there moment as black spots swirled across my eyes. Then we kissed and got to our feet, we went back under the shower stream and I began washing him off, I felt my dick stirring again but I knew we had no time, soon the others would be back and wanting to shower after the carnival. "What did it feel like? When my dick was in you" I liked saying that. "I dunno, at first it hurt, then it felt like I had to shit, but then near the end it felt kinda good" He grinned wickedly "you'll fell my cock up your arse soon enough". I grinned and we went and towled off and got dressed, we went back outside for our shirts and found the Janitor waiting "you boys have a good fuck?" he asked. "What?" Jacko asked in a strangled voice. "You know a fuck, were one boy sticks his cock in the others butt." "How did you... that is... We never..." He laughed "please after catching that one without his pants and you both with stifles, then you taking 45 minutes to take shower, and both of you coming out with grins like those". "You wanted this didn't you," I said. "Yep, I love to see another pair of fags get some, even as much as I love getting some". Jacko stared at him wide eyed, I just looked, he was ok looking, if you liked 30 year olds, but I didn't wanna fuck him, not when I had Jacko. He smiled. "I do have a price though, for not telling what you two boys got up to... or into I should say... " "What?" I asked quietly. He only laughed...
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  26. Looking for real, not into cyber or a lot of blah blah, here are the required pics of my COCK that luvs neg boy hole and mixing up poz tox cum in my boy's cunt.
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  27. Just a few weeks ago hooked up with a buddy from Grindr and breed his hot ass. then I also got on the bed and had him eat my hole and then he bred me with his Poz load. never had his dick before and never saw how big it was until now. I took pics and video of me fucking his ass and breeding him.
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  28. Day four of being a eunuch. Less pain, starting to get horned up being nutless. No real effects yet.....but the next month should be a real ride. Still have not fucked as a eunuch.....but that could change soon. Several would like to be the top that destroys my eunuch cherry......
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  29. He said he loved me… but he lied! (Part 3) Marc sucked on his boyfriend’s huge phallus. Little did he know, shortly before that, Josh had fucked another slut in the darkroom - unprotected. He had banged the shit out of an 18 year old teen-bitch and now he was sitting at the table with his buddies surrounding him and Marc lapped along the huge piece of flesh, cleaning the ass juices up from another filthy slut. They all laughed, when Marc made a concerned remark of the bloody streaks on Josh’s dick, but the twink under the table was either not so bright, inexperienced or simply tried his best to keep Josh satisfied. Two guys were still up to shoot their cum into the young Marc. They told Josh they needed to take a piss – and they asked if his new boyfriend could assist them. ‘Finding the loo?’ Marc thought. “Seems like I am spotless down there. Nice…. yeah take him with you and have fun” Josh said almost carelessly. Marc was a bit confused. Was there something he had said or done? “Be nice to my friends. Don’t come back complaining about them. I hate it if my lovers are causing more problems. You are here to solve problems. To make me and my buddies happy…. that’s your job,” Josh added. “Will you be here when I come back?” Marc timidly asked. “Yeah…. well maybe I will wander around bit and check out if I can see other guys to bump into. Don’t worry. I'll find you and then we will look for a cozy place…. so I can use your tight hole and…. make love to you and shit like that." Josh and his friends laughed hysterically. “Now run along with my two friends and don’t forget to make them happy too.” On the way to the toilets Marc saw the big bulges in the pants of the two guys, and he was sure they wanted to blow a load or two. Still Marc thought he might be able to avoid executing other blow jobs, so he undertook to convince them that he really should be with Josh, especially as he wasn't sure it was right for him to get mixed-up with them. Both of the guys listened to Marc's agreement, but continued walking me to the toilets. From time to time they grabbed their crotches to adjust their dicks. I sighed. Then we arrived at the urinals. “You know Josh is a great guy, with a big dick. You think you can handle that?” the second guy asked me that, while he took a good and long piss. “Well… we will have romantic sex…. lots of kissing. Slowly…. lovingly…..” Marc assured them. Both guys stared at each other and then started to laugh out loud. They couldn’t stop laughing. “Oh no boy! He is rough and likes it rough. If you fail to accept his dick in one stroke, then you will be history, that’s for sure. Do you understand that?” the latter asked, who also emptied his bladder. “I will never be able to take his dick in one stroke” I mumbled, more to myself. “Yeah, we know…. but we want to help you. We would be willing to open you up a little bit, you know? “You want to…. fuck me? Can’t I just suck you?” I asked them sheepishly. “This wouldn’t help you much with your problem, huh - getting Josh’s monster cock into your tiny little hole, in one smooth motion” both giggles insanely. Marc nodded slowly. “Believe us, it is better this way. Josh will be impressed, when you suck his cock into your body with your cunt, without flinching. He is a nice guy and he is trying so hard to find the right partner.” the guy with the dark hair chuckled. “Let’s get together into this stall and we will open you up with our dicks – you can decide, which one of us can shred your ass first” he said. “Don’t be too hard on me please” I answered, while walking into a stall first. “It is no use fucking you softly. Josh will wreck your asshole. We need to bang you the right way, so you get used to the pain and open up more… are you so fucking stupid to understand that?” the red head roared. “Stop fussing about it and pull your pants down a bit” he ordered me and someone of them closed the door behind us. I stood there, facing a side wall and fumbled at my buttons to open my pants. Both gents opened their zippers only and pulled their cocks out. They asked me, which one should fuck him first. I looked over my shoulder and said the red head could try to open me up a bit. He grinned triumphantly to his friend and moved behind me. I had revealed my ass. “Bend over a bit and hold your ass cheeks apart. I am a nice guy you know” he spit on his dick: “I will give you my spit even, so it is easier for your dry hole” he panted. I clenched my teeth, while the guy behind me rammed his 7 inch cock into my asshole without stopping once. I thought he would rip my ass apart. His friend cheered him on, while he jacked-off slowly. “Please – go slowly…. you are hurting me” I whispered. “Shut up” he snarled and started fucking me like a rabbit which made me yelp in pain. “You know, we will also deposit our junk in your pussy. This way you got even more lube up your ass…. what do you say, hm?” he asked me breathlessly. “No… please. Don’t cum into my ass. I am scared….. are you tested?” I wailed. “Yeah sure I am tested you bitch and now hold still. I want to enjoy my ride….. ayyeeeee…. whore.” For the moment I calmed down. I was scared of hiv and other sexual transmitted diseases. I didn’t realize, he just told me he got tested. But he never claimed the results. “Bend down more…. I want to ram my cock deeper into you” he forced himself deeper between my cleft. Meanwhile he started pinching my nipples. It hurt so much, because he turned and twisted them around brutally. “Yeah…. whore….. *grunt* you like my cock….. hmmm….. oh…. you are so tight” he moaned. I felt he was speeding up and so I begged him again not to shoot into me. I offered him, I would take his dick ass to mouth and swallow his cum. There was no response, just his heavy breathing and then all of a sudden he rammed his dick deep into me and stopped abruptly. I felt his hot breath on my shoulders and then I felt gush after gush erupting into my bowels and I sighed deeply. “Oooooh yeah bitch…. oh – man…. I am still shooting my hot load into you. Can you feel it bitch?” the raid head guy closed his eyes and enjoyed his orgasm before he slowly pulled out. My breathing was stagnant, but before I could calm down the second guy was at my hole and stabbed into me without further ado. “Noooooo “ I shouted desperately, but he covered my mouth with his right hand and hissed to shut up immediately. This guy was a bit thicker, than the other one, and had maybe 8 inches. Of course Josh would be another challenge, but right now I was in severe pain, taking my second cock up my arse tonight. I was almost grateful for the deposit of cum now. It made all really easier for me. Both guys looked at each other, when they recognized my ass moving to meet the fucking motion of the black haired guy. “Look at this bitch. You enjoy taking dicks. I knew it from the beginning, that you are a dick taking whore” he grunted while he fucked me with more enthusiasm now. I moaned loudly. It felt good to get fucked. I am totally into dicks, it just bothered me, that my good reputation was at stake. As long as no one saw me, sucking and fucking around tonight, I should be safe. My hands pulled my cheeks further apart to give my fucker more access to my hole. “Fuck me…. fuck me harder….” I encouraged him and outside at the urinals guys enjoyed listening to the action, which went on in our stall. This guy for example, made no noise at all when he came. He shuddered only a bit and then I knew he was loading my ass for the second time that evening. When he pulled out of my ass, I felt empty and I couldn’t move for the moment. I was so horny right now, but there was also the feeling of being cheap and common. My boyfriend was sitting outside, waiting for me to return and what did I do? I enjoyed being fucked by another guy, who was a total stranger to me. “Don’t tell Josh, that I was so willing…. okay?” I begged them softly. My legs were slightly apart and I felt the cum dripping out of my hole and running downwards along my legs. This was so embarrassing. “Well, don’t worry about it too much. If he loves you, then he won’t mind you, being a cock-addicted whore” the red head said. He unlocked the door and closed his pants while walking outside. The other guy just looked at me with cold eyes and closed his pants also. He went out without saying a word. My heartbeat was racing. I slowly pulled my pants up. I had to find Josh…..
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  30. we walk from the car park towards the apartment building - im walking without my shoes or shirt on and dont care - Paul has his arm around me across my shoulders and Brandon is slightly ahead but looks back every so often to catch Paul and i stealing kisses with each other........Brandon reaches the entrance door before us and opens it then holds the door open wide for us both to pass in front of him......"nice ass " he said looking at me and then lets out a slight wolf whistle and laughs..... i approach the steps to reach the upper 1st level......Paul is matching my steps on each tread walking up the stairs and level with me he manages to slide his hand down my waistband and his finger or fingers were back inside me fingering my hole as i tried to walk....my legs were feeling a wee bit wonky but we managed to get up the 2 flights......no-one was around so Paul gave me a deep snog and again i got to taste his beautiful soft lips - he is a good kisser i thought then i blurted it out "i love your kisses baby"....... "dont i get one" Brandon asked so i turned and let him kiss me for the first time too........"mmmmm - lets get inside" Brandon said as Paul opens the door to their flat and im offered to step into the dark hall before him and the door closes,light comes on and door locked........"welcome home" Paul says followed by "make yourself at home" as he opens the lounge door letting us all enter........"we can have a shower first and some drinks to keep you hydrated - but lets shut the curtains first" Paul said as he headed across the room to close them and switching a table lamp on too.......i put my shoes on the floor at the end of the sofa and dropped my shirt over the arm of it - i,m rushing like fuck and my arse feels very very wet but i still plunk myself down on the sofa - Brandon had disappeared into his room i had assumed but comes back with a large glass of water for me before disappearing again - i think i easily gulp half of it down......i fish my mobile phone out my trouser pocket and switch it on.........fuck me i thought.........ive a mixture of 15 unanswered calls and texts all from Becky...........she,s asking where i am and where Paul is and where Brandon is and asking why i left early......as i read through each text im not really able to concentrate on everything she has said but each becomes more cheeky like she is my parents demanding answers to where i am and she is pissing me off with that attitude as she surely knows im with Paul - the final text asks where her female friend is who was left chatting in the club with myself and Brandon and she asks me to call her asap to let me know whats happening..... "fuck her" i said out loud and i switch my phone off and drop it over the side of sofa hoping it lands near my shoes.......Paul kicks his shoes off along with his top and comes to join me on the sofa - i instantly get that butterfly feeling again as i immediately put my arms around him for a cuddle......our lips meet once more and im now pulling him onto me as i sink into the sofa getting us both comfortable and half lying down - his lips and kisses are beautiful and his tongue found its way back down my throat and mine down his - mmmmmm beautiful......as my minds racing im thinking to myself that we should have met months ago and im aware my dick isnt getting hard and my hole is twitching like fuck like its on overdrive....."we have a rule in this house" Paul said and he laughed - "no trousers" and he starts to undo mine so i start unbuttoning and unzipping him too........Brandon comes into the lounge and has stripped already but is wearing a dressing gown and says he is off to shower and hope we can join him soon.. Now that we are both alone Paul gets up from sofa and pulls my trousers all the way off leaving me fully naked sitting there then steps out of his own.....i honestly can,t believe how large his hard cock is and im seeing it for the first time in full light....i can,t believe that huge thing was all the way inside me in the car......im feeling like a champ now and i surely deserve a medal or a gift........he smiles and drops to his knees pushing himself forward inbetween my knees and leaning in to kiss me deep all over again....im feeling the tip of his hard cock at my ass crack as it lines itself up along the sofa cushion and as if im programmed to do so i raise my feet off the floor and pull my legs open and back so my thighs are resting on my chest........"please fuck me again Paul" i begged and his tongue went deeper - we were both letting out small moans of pleasure as our lips ate at each others "please fuck me" and then i felt his cock head start to push into me.........my hole felt loose as half was inside me before i knew it then he pushed it all the way to the base "oh fuck baby,fuck me" i cried out "fuck your huge cock in me and fill me right up" i cried.......my hole felt like it was pulsating as it was stretched out around his thick cock then he started pulling out halfway then back in again to the base with a firm stroke....in and out in and out.....my hole was doing these summersaults again inside and massaging itself against the skin of his raw cock and spunky lube then Pauls fucking got harder and rougher......he loves me i thought to myself so i push my hole out to meet each thrust and im in heaven.....my hole didnt know if it was coming or going but it was begging for more and loving every thrust,feeling every move he made.......i felt like i had gallons of spunk up me as my holes making these slurpy sloppy sounds and his balls are banging against me hard too "please baby....fuck me harder" followed with "i love you"....."im going to fucking own your ass" he said and ramps it up by fucking me even harder like a crazed animal ,he,s pulling it all the way out and stuffing it back in just as fast and balls deep to the base........."oh baby fuck me....please dont stop" i cried followed with use me and fill me with your spunk".....i am totally lost,spinning and spun out to fuck and i feel like a fucking animal getting impregnated and demanding Paul "do it harder baby"........this all continues for at least 20 minutes and im sweating allover the sofa and feel my back sticking to it - Paul is sweating too even though he hasnt smoked any tina tonight.....he is breathing heavy and still dropping me kisses now and again during the arse stuffing he is giving me.....then im aware of Brandon in the room watching us as he is lighting the pipe again. Brandon stops and pulls out and jumps right next to me on sofa and with my back still facing him he pulls me up and onto him and my hole somehow automatically finds its way back onto his cock and i slide myself down onto it all the way........at this point Brandon has got himself onto the sofa too and is kneeling at the side of me with a lovely big smile as he offers the pipe upto me......my hand reaches out like i know exactly what to do and i dont need told to inhale it deep,then hold as long as i can before letting a huge cloud out which floats around us..........Paul is kissing my ears and neck and i fucking absolutely love that - do that to me and it drives me crazy with lust......."and another" Brandon says as the pipe finds my lips again and i repeat the process......Paul takes the pipe next and inhales a big one and i sortoff have my head turned to watch him and he then plants his lips on mine and exhales it into my mouth ensuring none escapes....i feel his tongue push into me at the same time and i suck on his tongue like a slut wanting all his wet saliva in my mouth.....then i exhale......im now gently trying to ride my hole on Pauls cock but it aint so easy when you are spun but he puts both his hand on my hips and helps me buck up and down and my arse is feeling out of this world......."another" said Brandon but this time he inhales then shotguns it into my mouth locking his lips into mine.........."good boy" i hear Paul say and im trying to ride him harder almost getting all the way off and plunging down just as fast......."i think we have a nice slut" brandon proclaimed and i blurted out "fuck me like a slut" and they both laughed.......we continued fucking like this for at least another 10 minutes and i just knew all that spunk up my hole was now leaking out and coating Pauls cock and balls - i could smell it - fucking beautiful smell i thought to myself.......i was hoping it handnt leaked out so much and left a stain on their sofa otherwise i wouldnt be invited back again.
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  31. Reminds me of the time I stumbled into Rawhide in New Orleans. I was pretty tipsy and somehow or another, I ended up bent over the pool table, while some guy fucked me, and another guy sucked me off below the table. This all being done in front of everyone at the bar. My next conscious thought, I remember being in the bathroom, and the guy who fucked me was washing his dick in the sink. I asked him if he'd used a condom. He laughed and walked off
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  32. CHAPTER 7: The Sex Party - Part 1 We park a distance away from the house. As we’re making our way towards it, it strikes me how ordinary it is compared with the others; nothing about it seems particularly special here. I feel a light buzz from the alcohol and the butterflies are creeping up on my stomach. I’m pretty sure with that firm grip Mike can feel my left hand sweating. I feel light headed, I think, “How many times will I get fucked tonight?” I feel like there will be lots and lots of hot sex – I’m horny, excited and scared all at the same time. The scared part of me feels as though, if I’m going to go through with this, then I really need to make peace with the very real possibility of ending up HIV+ now. Honestly. An HIV+ man is fucking me bareback on a regular basis right now and I beg for his cum every time – I must be ok with this outcome, right? Chris is fucking me regularly I’m just not sure I’ve thought this through, or how I’ll even react if I get that news one day. The carnal part of my brain isn’t having any of this nonsense. Mike is holding onto me, there’s obvious lumps in our pants and right now I know we both want to be rode hard and put up wet. I know I need it raw, and I want lots and lots of cum, deep in my ass. I refuse to let any fear of being HIV+ interfere with what my body is craving. I look at Mike, “Hey … you ok …”, “I’m good”, “No … I mean, are you ok if, … if I, …if” … I can’t find the words. I lower my voice, “You know,… if one of us ends up poz-itive”. Mike pulls me closer … he just looks at me and smiles, “We still gonna fuck?”, is all he says and laughs -- pig. I’m not sure why but this makes me feel better, I just nod and we both laugh. Mike squeezes my hand tighter and pulls me close against him, “Lots of hot fucking tonight babe”. When we get to the front door I’m thinking we should knock, but Mike knocks just once and we walk right in like we own the place. The house is elegant, nice architecture, there is crown molding nearly dripping off the walls. The lights are dim. I can barely make out the sounds of music and voices nearby, but can’t tell where exactly they are coming from. Mike guides me out of the Foyer to a room off to the left and it’s also quite striking. The room is nicely decorated and someone has setup a computer monitor with gay porn playing. I watch it for a moment, yep, guys fucking, guys breeding ass then the collage flips to a solid back ground with text on it, “ - Clothes up here - Come downstairs - Bareback only “ I look at Mike and he’s already got his shirt off, “Get naked babe”. Having not done this before I look a little lost but I follow Mike’s lead and soon we’re both naked, “Clothes over here”, and he points to a piece of furniture with some cubby holes for storage, “Follow me”. I’m glad he’s here. Mike grabs my hand again and we go down what seems to be the only obvious staircase. When we get to bottom of the stairs Mike release my hand and we enter another room that is even more dimly lit; it feels almost like another Foyer. The music and voices are louder now and it has an almost club like feel to it. Unlike the upstairs though this isn’t nearly as formal, and there’s actually someone waiting here for us. “Hey guys … hey Mike”, he says, and grabs Mike and immediately pulls him in for a hug and a kiss. He’s a very hot guy and for a moment I naively think he might be our host. He looks late 30’s, short black hair with a smattering of gray, well-trimmed beard and enough chest hair to give me ideas. He’s wearing a glowing red arm band, a leather chest harness and a shiny chrome cock ring. “Fuck … I hope he’s a top”, escapes my lips softly before I even realize what I’m saying. He breaks the kiss, “And who’s your cute friend?”, as he looks right at me, “Mark this is my friend Kev … Kev … Mark”. “Nice” is the only word that comes out of my mouth as I’m looking down at his cock. When I look back up he grabs me and pulls me in for the same greeting he gave Mike. Releasing me, “Ok first thing… assume you saw the monitor upstairs, bare only”, he smiling widely as he says this, “Also”, pointing at a small table with a whole bunch of stuff on it, “I guess you guys didn’t wear a jock tonight? It’s alright … all bottoms are required to cover their cock, the host likes it that way and always provides a few extra or…“, and his voice changes slightly, “…if you’re feeling adventurous there are some of these” and he points at a few odd looking contraptions. Mike pipes up, “Chastity device?”, Mark just nods, “Yep”. Without so much as a word Mark hands Mike a red jock, Mike kind of laughs, “And … Kev will take one of the cock locks”, I know I must look like a deer caught in headlights as they both laugh, but Mark hands me one of them. “Your cock and balls go in there… then this goes on … “, and he’s demonstrating as he explains, “Do I really need to…”, he looks at me, “No no… you can wear a jock too if you want actually, but these things will definitely test how much of a committed bottom you are”. I’m feeling playful, I look at the device a bit and nod, “What the hell … I’ll give it a try”. Mark smiles. He helps me lock my cock up as Mike gets his jock on, now our cocks are covered; its snug, but I honestly feel like a total bottom wearing this thing. “If I get a hard on this is gonna hurt like hell”, “Yeah … don’t do that”, he says. “One more thing, the host always provides OraQuick tests for the bottoms, so you guys can maybe find out more than ‘I don’t know’’, if you haven’t tested in a while”. I just look at Mike with a question on my face. He realizes I’m still a little confused, “It’s just a mouth swab babe … “, and then he mouths the words, “H-I-V test”. Mark interrupts us, “Results take ehhhh… ‘bout 20 minutes”, I must look surprised, “… you don’t have to wait for ‘em sexy” and he’s opening the packs and handing us cotton swabs. “Swab your gums and then drop ‘em right in here”, he says as he’s coordinating all the little pieces and parts. We both swab our gums, “Then what happens?”, I ask. He smiles, I must seem so naïve, “Well when all is said and done, I’ll put a little envelope with one of these babies in your pants pocket for you”, holding up two colored cards. One of the cards is red with a “+” on it, and the other is white with a “-“ on it. “You can check out the result when you get home or whatever … white card means you got a negative result, and …”, I interject, “Red means poz”, he just smiles, “There you go!”. After put the swabs into the viles and he closes them up, I think, “That’s a hell of a way to find out you’re HIV+ after taking raw cock from positive men at a sexy party all night”. “Still think you’re neg, Mike?”, “Think so… dunno”, “And you sexy?”, he asks me. I sit there for a second thinking about just how much Chris and I have been fucking, “I … I don’t know either I guess”, Mike looks at me, “It’s cool babe”. “We the only ones here?”, I ask, “Nope couple of other guys got here just before you”. “When the party gets going you’ll notice that all the tops are wearing glowing wrist bands like this one”, as he makes obvious the glowing red band on his wrist, “Same colors as those cards … same meaning”, the muddles the rest, “Good luck finding a white one”. Then he looks slyly at me and grabs my ass, “Sure hope I get some of that tonight”, Mike laughs, “*cough* PIG *cough*” and that breaks up any sexual tension. My mind is going a million miles a second, but I’m not frightened, Chris has been breeding me for a while now, I’m used to taking poz cock, and I’m horny as fuck. When I look down at Mark’s big cock, I can see the veins, all I can think is how much, “I want that thing inside me right now”. “You gonna’ be doing this all night?”, I ask almost worried, “Haha … hardly … don’t worry, I’ll be joining the fun as soon as whoever else is coming gets here, things are locked up and these”, shaking one of the viles, “finish”. Then he says more seriously, “k guys … Got all that?” We both just respond with a, “Yeah”, but I can feel I’m still a little jittery. I look at Mike, he just gives me that sexy look of his, and I calm down. I start to ask Mark, “How long have …”, but Mike grabs my arm and shakes his head at me, and I realize it might be rude to ask that question and cut myself off. Mark seems to know what I’m getting at though and responds, “It’s cool Mike … I got diagnosed almost a year ago … I think I converted at one of these parties honestly”, and he laughs. I smile, I can’t take my eyes off that hot cock, “And you’re? … top? Nice.”, I want to feel him fucking it in and out of my ass. “Versa Top … “, he catches my attention and looks me directly in the eyes with a look that could cut steel, “… and incredibly horny tonight too, better watch out”, grabbing his dick and raising his eyebrows at me for emphasis. His faces changes to a shady grin saying those last few words in a tone that really says, “I’m gonna breed you hard, deep and raw”. I feel my heart racing –poz or not, I want that cock and his cum inside me. I look at his eyes, then his cock again and then back to his eyes. “Ok guys, before things get too hot and heavy in here let me show you where the other bottoms are ‘til things start”, and he points as the room continues around a corner. We go through a couple of small rooms and into another room with a bar and some couches and chairs for sitting. There are two guys already in the room talking and having a drink. I start thinking, “This is it then”, and as if Mark can read my mind he says, “This is where all the bottoms meet up before it gets crazy. Once I lock things up upstairs, the host will come by and get this show on the road … shouldn’t be long. Drinks over there, Mike I think you met Jacob last time, … and that other cutie’s name is Alec. You guys have fun.”, then he disappears. Jacob is wearing a red jock that looks exactly like Mike’s and Alec is wearing a white one, odd; I feel like the odd man out with my cock locked in this thing. Jacob looks like he’s about 23 or 24, 5’9” with blonde hair and a trimmed go-tee. Alec is Indian descent, young, he barely looks 18, then I kind of remember his face from one of the BBRT profiles, I think his profile actually states that he’s 19. As they greet us I can tell he’s about 5’6” with very dark brown hair, and unlike Jacob, clean shaving. Both of them are really cute, “Too bad they are bottoms”, I think. I start making a drink, “Kev … come over here”, Mike says and I see him sitting next to Alec and as I pour a drink they start lightly making out. I take a large sip of my drink and set it down and walk over plop down right next to Mike. Mike kisses me, “Guys Kev … Kev”, Jacob looks over at me, “Nice to meet you … been before?”, I shake my head no. “It’s a lot of hot sex”, Mike nods, and I hear Alec, “I haven’t been before, either”. “You guys … Bottoms?”, I look at them with my question, “Haha … nahhhh my boyfriend Hayden is, but I’m versatile, … tonight I’m fucking horny for cock and he’s working”, and Alec pipes up, “I am too! I’m mostly a bottom though.”, he says. Jacob looks and me and tugs at my cock, “Love that dude, I’m glad someone chose to wear one”, I give Mike a bit of side eye. “Gonna find out who’s the biggest whore tonight”, Mike says as he laughs and he continues, “See who ends up …” but his voice trails off before finishing and him and Jacob both look at each other with a laugh and a knowing smile. It only seems like a few minutes when Mark appears with another body to join us. We all look over at him, “Guys, Steven … Steven guys,… why don’t you go ask them who’s the biggest whore”, and we all immediately break up laughing. Steven chose a chastity device like me and Mark reaches around and gives it a bit of a tug before heading out of the room – such a flirt. Steve looks like he might be in his 40’s or 50’s, rugged face, some gray mixed in with a head of black hair, and that jaw of his is amazing. Steve definitely has a nice build to him for a bottom. “Come on over man … join the pile on the couch”, Jacob says in his most flirtatious sounding voice yet. I think Jacob is a bit drunk, he’s so open right now, and touchy -- I like it. After a few minutes of “touchy feely”, someone, that I can only assume is the host, enters the room. “Hey guys … Mark says the doors are locked now and we’re ready to get things going. Few things,… should be lots of hot fun tonight, I had a lot of tops request to join, more than usual”, several of us cheer, “Just remember, bareback only, and in case you don’t know, most of the tops are poz,…”, showing the red arm band again for emphasis, “don’t ask about it, … just go with the flow, and have fun”, he says as he rubs his cock. I see Jacob and Mike look at each other. “Also, no going upstairs, unless you’re leaving. All of the sex stays down here. There’s 2 full bathrooms down here, some beds, a sling, some couches, and 2 fuck benches … but those are already spoken for“. I guess I must look kind of puzzled at the “spoken for” part of that, but all of us are just sitting there completely caught up in his words. As if he’s reading my mind, “Mike and Jacob messaged me and asked to be used on the fuck benches, since no one else asked, that is where you guys will be”, they both high five, “FUCK YEA!”. It starts to hit me, “Holy fuck I was right!”, this entire downstairs area is just one big fuck dungeon. I have to admit I’m curious about the fuck benches. As he’s telling us all this I can feel my hand and cock fidgeting against the acrylic, trying to rub my caged cock – I’m so horny right now and this thing is making me aware of every inch of my soft cock. Mark re-enters the room, “Hey Mark … we good?”, the host asks, “Yeah… all ready to go”, he says. “Mike, … you and Jacob, you’re coming with me and Mark”, they both stand up. Then I see Mark pass a red blind fold to the host, and holding one himself, he and the host blindfold Mike and Jacob. The theme of red is not lost on me, I’m very curious to see what happens next. This is an interesting twist, I think, it looks as though Mike and Jacob will be getting fucked anon all night. “Ok guys … we’ll lead you in just follow carefully”, as they start exiting the room, “The rest of you can follow us … I hope everyone has some hot fun tonight”. We all walk through another hallway into a much larger room lit in red and with what appears to be all of the things the host mentioned. There are naked men and glowing red bands everywhere, and I think all of us want to see what’s up so we follow and watch Mike and Jacob being led to the fuck benches in the center of the room. I start to wonder how much cum our tight little asses will take tonight, and if we’ll leave here poz or neg. The host, Mark and a few of the other guys help Mike and Jacob onto the fuck benches and latch them in, “You guys good?”, I can hear them both answer, “Yeah”, and like good bottoms, their asses are raw, exposed and ready. With the guys secure, several hands begin lightly lubing up Mike and Jacob’s ass using their fingers to play and massage in the lube. As I’m standing there watching, I can see that even with the blindfold, Mike and Jacob both seem horned and ready to be fucked and bred. I’ll admit I’m kind of jealous I was hoping Mark will fuck me. The host nods at one of the other guys and he brings over a container with two solid white lumps sliding around in it, my mind is wondering what that is. I wonder if its cum, but I can’t tell. Sure enough Mark and the host push one of the white lumps into each of them, “Ahhhhhhh… fuck… fuck”, they both start to groan, “Just some frozen seed guys … relax, relax … it’ll warm up”. I had my answer. Steven and Alec start to wonder away probably to cruise some of the tops. My mind wonders if they are ready to be HIV+, then the thoughts hit me, “Will I end up positive, too? Am I even ready to be HIV+?” Before I can get the thoughts out of my head, I hear the host’s voice, “Guys … listen up, we’ve got 5 horny bottoms tonight, but these two, specifically want to be brought into the brotherhood… just try to remember there are 3 other bottoms here that want to be fucked and bred. Tops not on meds get first go at the fuck benches.” I feel my face going white, “Mike” softly escapes my lips, and then I feel a warm hand on my ass. I hear a voice, “Looks like they got a bit of the Devil’s dick”, its Chris, I’m so glad it’s him, I just look at him with a question. I’m still in a bit of shock, “Its a frozen lump of poz cum to get ‘em properly lubed. Mike told me he’s ready to be positive.”, Chris rubs my ass, “Makes my cock so hard”, I look down and sure enough he’s rock hard. I look at my own and cock and realize that without this cock lock I’d be hard as a rock over this news, too. “You into that too babe?”, he says. I can only agree, I nod again. “Good.”, he smiles as he says it, then he kisses me and walks away. Now his statement, “…might be more chance of you getting infected from Mike’s cum than mine”, comes back to me, and starts to make more sense; he knew Mike wants to be infected. I knew that no matter what news either of us get, or what happens tonight, Mike’s cum will still end up inside me. I watch the scene playing out with Mike and Jacob, the hands, the naked men. Both of their asses are exposed and look so pink and tight under the light … honestly, I almost want to fuck one of them. My cock tries to expand and I feel it ache… “ow… ow… ouch… fuck, calm down”. Our host turns around and makes the first move by mounting Jacob, the red glowing band around his wrist very real to me. As he starts I hear that kind of guttural moan, the kind that lets you know a man is being fucked. A few of the other tops gather around Mike when something unexpected happens – Mark steps away from the action. Most of the tops are touching and feeling both of them and at both ends of the benches. I’m almost in aww just watching the action. I know any second a poz cock will find its way into Mike’s hole, like Jacob, and I want to see him get penetrated. A hot looking Latin guy with a nice chest lines up behind Mike and starts to work his cock into him. I think, “It’s so fucking hot knowing they are taking all of these loads anon.” I suddenly snap out of my trance when I feel Mark touching my ass and as he waves his hand in front of my face, “Kev … hey bud”. I smile as I look at him and my eyes are instantly on his cock again, “Hey”. He moves one of my hands to his cock and I can really feel how big it is, “You ready to play?”. “Fuck yea I am”, is all I can say as I stare at his cock. He leads me over to one of the beds and I climb on my back, “Turn over sexy”, he says, and I instantly flip onto all fours, “This way you can watch your buddy getting knocked up”. My cock hurts now, those words, the action, he’s right, I can see the top’s balls as he’s bangs again and again into Mike’s ass. The cock lock is doing its job on me; I feel like such a slut now. Mark pushes the head of his cock against my hole and suddenly the bareback sex part of this sex party becomes real for me. I think, “POZ men are going to fuck and breed us all night, and right now it’s what we all want”. It occurs to me that maybe I’ve accepted that my testing positive may or may not happen and may or may not be a bad thing. I reach back pulling my ass cheeks open to show Mark I’m ready and willing to take what he’s offering me. “Good boy … I love slutty bottoms. You want raw dick huh?”, but he doesn’t wait for me to respond and I feel the head of his cock already in my ass. “Fuck yeah … oh fuck that feels good Mark … fuck me”, and he uses my hips to brace himself as he applies steady, slow pressure, pushing all the way into my ass. This time it’s him, “Oh fuck yeah … so fucking tight … you feel so good”. Mark starts fucking me with slow, even strokes as I watch Mike and Jacob groaning while an unmedicated HIV+ top bangs each of them. I can feel Mark’s sweaty balls touching my ass, “Fuck yeah Mark … breed me deep, fuck me full of poz cum man”. “Oh fuck yea … beg for my dirty seed you slut … you’re getting it”, and Mark picks up the pace of fucking me. It goes like this for several minutes, him using me, and me begging him for his load. I can feel every inch of him inside me. This continues on and on with the grunts and groans of man on man sex filling the room. When I hear it, Ahhhhhhhh…………. fuck………….. fukkkkkkk…. fuckkkk… “ and I realize the Latin guy fucking Mike is cumming, “Fuck yeah …. Fuck!”, he goes on. His cock is pushed in tight against Mike’s back side and it seems like his load will never stop cumming. The entire scene turns me on, “FUCK! FUCK! OWWWW…. AHHHH”, Mark thinks I’m just encouraging him but my cock is in serious pain due to the cock lock. Watching Mike and Jacob being fucked and taking Mark’s cock is making me want to bust out of this thing, but I know I need to resist. The Latin top pulls out and of Mike and a taller black top wearing leather boots and a cop’s hat takes his place. Then our host pulls his cock from Jacob and a glob of semen comes streaming down the crack of Jacob’s ass… I put my tongue out, I want that.
    1 point
  33. Part 2. There was a cluster of men at the bar talking to the fat man who was perched uncomfortably on a bar stool. Bill bought me a drink and we stood chatting with the group. I found it surreal to stand there talking about football with the sperm from two men swimming in my belly. I couldn't also help but thinking the men were, all in all, a sleazy looking group of older trolls, and I could clearly see they were eyeing me hungrily, obviously having been told about my performance by the fat guy. After a while several of them headed for the basement and didn't return. Bill, in turn, sidled up to me and gestured his head towards the basement staircase, remarking "They're waiting for you, sunshine," giving me an evil grin. I put down my drink, knowing what I was going to do, feeling the fear and loathing but unable to stop myself. It was as if a pit of depravity had opened up at the bottom of those stairs, and I was helplessly drawn to it. No-one would understand what I was doing, except these vile men who excited me so much. Bill dug out the filthy tube of lube and the poppers bottle and pressed them into my hand, suggesting with a leer "Here, you'll need these." I blushed and headed over to the stairs, aware of the bar man was watching me and knowing what he must have been thinking. At the bottom, I turned left to the cubicle area and found a group of men standing silently, waiting. More than one man had pulled out his cock and was stroking himself, his flesh rigid in the dim light from the cubicles as everyone watched an old man bent over the sink, naked from the waist down, who was being fucked from behind by a younger man with a bald head and earrings. I paused, intimidated by the atmosphere of sweat, lust and piss and the hungry eyes staring expectantly at me. I took a deep hit of poppers until my heart pounded and my body melted with excitement, then went into a cubicle and pulled off my trousers and underpants, folding them neatly on top of the cistern. I heard grunts of appreciation at my bare bottom, then I turned and the group pulled me in. Hands groped my body, cock and balls and someone hugged me, mashing his mouth against mine, kissing me deeply. I gasped for breath and felt myself giving way to the urge to breed with these strangers as my cock stiffened in rough hands. There was a big box next to the sink, housing a water tank or something, and I found myself pushed back until I was sitting on it. Beside me, the old man had reached back to pull his flabby buttocks apart, urging the man to cum in him in a soft, urgent whisper. Eager hands lifted my legs and bent them to my chest so my bottom hung over the edge and my hole gaped vulnerably as they pulled my legs apart. I held out the tube, and one of the men holding my legs grabbed it, twisted off the cap and rubbed a cold gobbet of lube into my hole making me gasp as he shoved two fingers into me, scratching and probably tearing the delicate skin with his dirty nails. The man grinned down at me and pulled his fingers out, transferring his hold back to my leg, whispered "He's ready. Who's first?" I could see by the sweat shining on his face he was turned on by what was going to happen to me. A short, stocky black guy wearing a dirty tee shirt which bore the word 'Sanitation', pushed his combat trousers and boxers down, and, standing between my legs, grasped his thick, veiny cock which was topped by a large pink head. Sweat dripped off his chin, falling onto my belly as he got into position and all four of us – me, the men holding my legs and the black guy – looked down and watched his cock push into me, opening up my hole then sliding up me until his short, curly pubic hair was tight against my arse. Then as he began pounding away, his balls began to slap against mine as he began to slide it in and out. He leered at me and leaned forward, searching for my mouth with his and clamping his big, soft lips on mine as his thrusts became more urgent. “Yeah!” whispered the man holding my leg, who continued urging “Fuck the bitch! Oh, fuck, you've got it coming now, boy!” The black man grunted as he thrust, mashing his mouth on mine and gripping my thighs as he worked to a climax. Then, he gave a loud gasp and pushed hard into me and I felt his cock throb and throb as he spurted. At the same time, the man beside me stroked my hair praising me in a hoarse whisper, saying “There you go. Good boy, there you go, good boy.” I relished his praise. At the sink, the old man gasped with pleasure as he received the cum from his lover, and as we gazed at each other, we exchanged a smile, recognizing each other as brothers in depravity at that moment. Then the black guy stood back and pulled his cock out of me, and a gush of warm spunk slid down my balls. The guy holding my leg slid his finger into my hole, scooped out some cum, and murmurred “Mmmm …lovely!” as he licked his finger clean. Then someone else was between my thighs, and I found myself looking into the face of the first man who had warned me not to go bare. He pulled off his tee-shirt, dropped his trousers and underwear, giving me a clear view of his long, thin cock which had sprung-up against his belly. Below his belly button was a black bio-hazard tattoo. He saw me look and grinned, asking "I warned you, didn’t I?” as he continued "But since you’ve been pozzed at least three times so far, I guess You won’t mind taking my load, right?” Without waiting for an answer, he slid into me. My response was to reach for the poppers bottle and sag back into his crotch in surrender.
    1 point
  34. There are seemingly millions of websites that can give you much more information. Of course a local doc may be a great choice. But here is a quick (from my viewpoint) of taking HIV meds. Tons of proof that your life span will be longer if you keep the virus in check via medication. Higher CD4 and lower VL counts that result from the meds will allow your body to be less affected by opportunistic diseases that are common in those with compromised immune systems. Very, very few cases of medicated (undetectable) guys infecting others. Current research indicates that the earlier someone starts meds, the better LONG TERM prognosis. Side effects and cost are often cited as reasons for non-conformance to a medication regimen. Some evidence that those who are not consistent with adherence to the medication regimen may put themselves at greater risk for a issues like having some "morphing" of your strain that makes it more resistant to medication. Now from my own perspective. I got intentionally knocked up in August of 2015. Like you, I have had not symptoms. Also, I have not started any medication. That has been a personal choice---I have access via good insurance. However, much of my desire has been to fully experience all that getting infected and having the disease progress means. Just because you do not feel anything, you need to be fully aware that the virus is active. There are three stages of an HIV infection. The acute stage is the first stage as your body works hard to fight off the intruder (HIV virus). This is the time frame that some experience fuck flu. Your VL can grow wildly. Newly infected guys who do not know their status are responsible for many new infections each year. The second stage is latency. This is where you and I are. Once the viral war within an infected person is won by the virus, it settles into a period where it is replicating much more slowly. This can last for many years---up to 10 or more is not uncommon. You likely have a VL that would be high enough to easily infect others, but you may not have anything else going on. My own VL seems to be consistent around 200K. The final stage is often referred to as AIDS. The gradual growth of your VL over the long period of latency (and related loss of CD4 cells) makes you very much exposed to the opportunistic diseases that would normally be shut down by your immune system. The full blown AIDS guy simply has no more ability to fight those infections. It will be one of those diseases that kills the AIDS level guys, not the virus itself. Your time with AIDS is limited---perhaps 3-5 years before death. Starting medication at the later years of latency and during the AIDS phase MAY be able to help some, but the overwhelmingly high VL and low CD4 count at those stages makes the effectiveness of any medication suspect. I know I have made my choice and that at some point I will face the consequences of that decision. However, given my age, the normal course of the progression to an AIDS related death and my normal expected lifespan are quite close. As I said, the authenticity of disease and it's consequences are much of the reason I chose this path. However, I want to make it clear that this is simply one faggot's choice. There are other options and you much understand the disease, it's progression and what that means to you. Then you can make choices that are best for you.
    1 point
  35. I was in London last weekend and I received a message through Growlr from a nearby guy who wanted to come to my hotel room to fuck me, but he said he would only top raw. If that was a deal breaker, it was a deal breaker. But no condoms. I messaged him back that I also preferred raw. That was all he needed to hear; he definitely wanted to come over to seed me. I responded, giving him my room number and hotel, but told him to give me 40 minutes to douche and shower. He knocked at my hotel room door in 35 minutes. I opened my door to find an extremely handsome, 40 year old, Italian guy with dark, curly hair and a day's growth of stubble on his chin. I let him into my room, locked the door, and he immediately began to kiss me. I undressed him as we kissed, then we both fell naked on the bed. I worked my way to his cock and sucked on him until he was fully hard. Then I lifted his legs, rimming his asshole. He then took command, flipped me over, positioned me on my knees, knelt behind me and put his hard cock against my hole. I reached for the lube and poppers that I had next to the bed on the night stand, giving him the lube, as I took a deep breath of poppers. He then asked to use my poppers. Once I was lubed, he slid up into me. All seven uncut inches of his Italian dick quickly slid up into me. He slammed and pounded my ass for about ten minutes before he finally filled me with his hot load. After he came, we lay next to each other and kissed. About two hours later, he messaged me again. He said he had been chatting with someone online, and he wanted to bring the guy over to watch him fuck me, after which my Italian buddy said he wanted to fuck me again. "I'm up for it," I replied, "come on over." He messaged me back in a few minutes, to say they would be at my room in twenty minutes. Unfortunately, when my Italian friend showed up, he said his internet hookup had no-showed, but he wanted to fuck me again. This time, I straddled him and took his cock into my ass as I leaned forward and kissed him. We fucked this way for about five minutes, then he flipped me on my back and fucked me like that for another ten minutes. Then back on my knees, until he finally planted his second load into my ass. I slept that night with both his loads in my hole, awakening in the morning to find the hotel sheets covered with his cum that had drained from my ass as I slept. I'll be back at the same hotel this weekend. He's supposed to be arranging to bring some of his top buddies to seed my hole. I'll keep you posted if it happens.
    1 point
  36. Im curious about peoples experiences at cumunion too. Thinking of going to the one in Dallas this Friday.
    1 point
  37. I personally don't see a problem if you want to exchange all fluid intake for an exclusive piss only intake. The only problem I MIGHT see is the potential for dehydration. Although piss has a lot of water content, it does also include waste fluids which will reduce the amount of water available for your body to process out of it when compared to pure water. That said, definitely would encourage you to do so as long as it doesn't start impacting health.
    1 point
  38. After the first one, you'll want more. It is like a drug.
    1 point
  39. Part 8 I walked out into the quad, my first time outdoors in over three hours. I felt a trickle of cum slide out of my ass and the disgust of what I had just done really hit me. Every other fuck, and every other load of cum dumped in me was forced. This time, I was not forced, I stripped for another man, I gave him my ass and let him fuck me. I heard laughter, but there was no one laughing. I felt my stomach rumble and realized I hadn’t eaten anything in a day and headed to the nearby snack shack to get food. I saw people staring, people pointing and people checking me out. I grabbed my food and found a quiet table. I sat there and stared at my food, hearing words in my head about being pozzed and taking AIDS loads. I lost my appetite as the fear of getting sick and dying became all I could focus on. I heard my father’s voice saying, “Queer’s deserve to get AIDS and die horribly.” I took out my phone and google’d HIV infection. I learned that there was a medication that could be taken to prevent getting infected. I also learned about PrEP and how to get it. I thought maybe I could get it at the health center so I ate my lunch and walked over. I got to the clinic and checked in. A nurse called me back in and took my vitals. She asked what I was here for and I told her. I could see the disgust in her eyes as she shamed me with her look. I heard her mumble, “You need to pray.” I waited in the room for the doctor. I heard a knock and the door opened. The doctor walked in and he looked to be in his early 40s. He sat down across from me and looked at a clipboard. “Hi Joey, I hear your looking to get some medication?” I said, “Yeah, I need to get medication to…” I couldn’t finish the sentence and broke down in tears again. How the hell did I have so many tears in me? The doctor sat with me and said, “You want to prevent getting HIV? Is there a particular reason you think you need this medicine? Have you done something that would make you think you’ve been exposed?” I nodded and cried more. “Tell me what you did Joey. Tell me why you want this.” He stared at me and I told him what happened, about the night at the rest stop, the bathroom and the incident with my professor. When I finished, I could see a look of awe, lust, and disgust on the doctor’s face. He moved his clipboard and I saw a huge bulge in his pants. I dropped to my knees and crawled over to his legs and reached to his bulge. I tried to fight it and could not. The doctor put the clipboard down and just watched me. He slapped me across the face and told me, “What do you think you’re doing Joey? This is highly inappropriate.” I sat at his feet, the pain from the slap still burning. I looked up at him, not moving. “You’ve taken how many loads?” “91 in the ass and one in the mouth.” “In less then a day.” “I can give you the prescriptions. But, I think you’re going to earn it aren’t you?” I looked at him and nodded. He stood up, and grabbed me by the hair. He pulled me over to the exam table and told me to take off my pants. I did as was told and before I could do anything further, he pushed me down on to the table, and put my ankles in stirrups. He looked down at me and slapped me hard across the face again. “You’re going to lay there and not say a word. I’ll be right back. If I hear a sound, you’re going to regret.” I nodded my head as he turned and walked out of the room. The door was left open after he walked out. I could see people walking by the door, and caught a couple of people looking in at me. One guy, an older guy who looked like he was a custodian, stopped and stared at me. I saw him look both ways to the side, and he slipped in the room and shut the door behind him. I started to say something and he put a finger to his lips. He walked up and took his cock out of his pants. It was already hard and had a ring at the end. He lifted his shirt up and I saw a tattoo of a bio-hazard symbol. He smiled and again placed a finger to his lips. “This hurt, you stay quiet or make trouble.” I pleaded with him, silently. He smiled more and I could see teeth missing and sores on his tongue. “Shh, baby. Papa going to make you hurt.” He put his dick to my hole and shoved in. The pain was excruciating and I struggled to remain silent. I failed and squealed loudly. The old man smiled and punched me hard in the guts until I quieted down. He ripped my ass apart, pulling all the way out and slamming back in. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine being somewhere else. I didn’t hear the door open or close again, but I was brought back to reality when I heard the doctor’s voice say, “Open your eyes Joey.” I did and saw him watching me. “This is why you’re here, because you can’t keep your legs shut and let any man fuck you. Hector here, he’s a regular patient of mine. He’s infected half the campus with one bug or another over the years. Right now, he’s got every thing. Syphilis, gono, herpes, and AIDS. You didn’t even stop to ask him to put a condom on did you? Just let him shove his filthy dick in you. Did you even ask him if he was clean?” I looked at the doctor and shook my head. Hector sped up and looked at the doc and said, “I finish?” The doctor nodded, “Yes Hector, finish in him.” I pleaded with them, “Please don’t do this to me.” Doc simply slapped me in the balls and said, “Shut up Joey. You’re a whore, you want this.” Hector grunted and I felt the burning as he dumped his cum in me. Hector finished shooting and pulled out. He looked down and grinned, “You bleed like bitch.” I looked at his cock and saw streaks of my blood on him. He smiled and said, “Thank Dr. D.” he put his dick, blood and all, back in his pants, zipped up and walked out. The doctor stepped between my legs and told me, “Close your eyes, Joey. You don’t want to see what is coming.” I closed my eyes and as soon as I did, a memory tore my mind apart. I saw a face, but not a human face. It was red, scarred, and horns rose from out his forehead. He grinned and his teeth were fanged. I tried to scream but no sound came out. A voice came to my ears, “You have done me proud Joey. You have taken almost 100 loads in your hole. Some neg, but they can’t all be winners. Are you learning to enjoy being a whore? I’ve watched you. You’ve brought a new boy in to the fold. And you even willingly used your cunt to get ahead.” I shook my head. A low chuckle, “Oh Joey, you’re going to fight until the bitter end aren’t you? Resist you’re true nature as a son of my seed.” I just stared ahead at the face, the demon. He continued, “You haven’t put all the pieces together yet have you. Who you are, why you were chosen for this? I will tell you one thing, although when you wake up from this, you may decide to forget it. Your end is coming soon; I won’t tell you when exactly. But know that it will be an epic ending to your journey. Until then my son, open your eyes and see the next step on your journey.” My eyes snapped open, just in time to see a huge cock at my ass. I opened my mouth to scream, but the doctor’s hand slammed over my mouth and his wrapped around my throat. “You had to open your eyes? Why boy, why did you have to look?” The head of the cock, the monstrous thing extending from the crotch of the Dr., began to stretch my hole open. “Open that little pussy for me Joey. Let me push Hector’s disease further into you.” I tried to squeeze my hole tight, which only caused the Dr. to become angry. “Oh Joey, I really wish you hadn’t done that.” He pulled his cock out and I felt him slather a cold gel on my cunt. The gel soon turned warm, then hot. My eyes snapped open completely at the fire on my hole. “That should just about relax you. Don’t fight me this time boy. It’s only going to get worse for you.” He again pushed into me, this time I tried to squeeze but I couldn’t move. I felt my hole stretch, then stretch even more. “If it helps you to relax, I’m only 7” long, shorter then Hector,” he said with a wicked grin. I remembered the feelings of Marquise at the rest stop and Sir #2 in the bathroom. They were both smaller then this. The closest I could compare was Marquise and Coach double dicking me. This was still bigger. “Oh, Joey. I don’t think you’re hole is going to be usable after I’m done. It’s going to be destroyed. You ready?” I tried shaking my head, but he held me firm. “1…” I shut my eyes “2…” “God, please help me. I am sorry for my sins.” Laughter, and the face appeared again. “You call out for him? He’s not taking your call right now. I hear you though Joey. You’ll survive this and your hole will too. Don’t worry, your hole will be fine.” “3…,” I opened my eyes as he slammed, full force, into my cunt. “Oh Joey, I haven’t felt a cunt around my cock in years. Everyone sees it and then refuses to let me near their cunt or their ass. I’ve paid hookers and they give me back the money.” He pulled out a couple inches then pushed back in. “I need a picture of this. You’re not going to scream if I move my hands are you?” I shook my head. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He started taking pictures of my cunt wrapped around his cock. He recorded video of him pulling out and sliding back in. “God that’s beautiful. Want to see what your ass looks like wrapped around me?” I shook my head, and then nodded. He turned the phone around I could see it. My cunt looked like it was spread 8-9 inches wide. I could see drops of white and red on the cracked ring. He continued to fuck and then said, “I’m going to shoot in you now.” And I felt again, the burning of my colon by a load of cum. It took almost two full minutes for him to slowly remove his dick, telling me he did not want to cause me any permanent damage, even though he thought my hole would stay distended. He snapped a last picture of my hole gaping then gasped, “What the…” He quickly fumbled with his camera, switching to video to record my hole tightening back up. “How the hell are you doing that Joey?” “It’s my… gift. From the ma… from Him.” The doctor looked at me as if I was insane. “Get up, the nurses are due back any minute.” He helped me out of the stirrups and my legs collapsed downward as if stone. I watched the doctor shove is soft cock, larger than many hard cocks, back in his pants. He threw my pants at me, “Hurry up.” I dressed and he handed me a brown bag. “The directions are in there for both the meds. Good luck with it Joey.” I started walking out, stopped at the door and I don’t know what came over me. I turned to him and said, “Thank you Sir.”
    1 point
  40. Damn, has it really been two months since I updated you all on Joey? Well as an apology, I've just finished writing Part 6. Hope you like it, it's a bit different. Part 6 After over an hour of non-stop breeding the guys finally finished. The man who took control looked down at me and said, “Good job Joey, you’re a really good cum dump. Sad that you’re not enjoying it, but who the fuck really cares as long as you keep spreading your pussy for us.” I looked over at Brad and see tears streaming down his face, cum drops on his lip. I smile at his broken spirit. I look back at the leader and ask, “Can I go now, Sir?” He smiles, a wickedly evil smile. “Not yet Joey, I don’t think you’re done yet.” I let out a whimper and start, “Please Sir, my…” He cuts me off with, “Quiet your mouth Joey. You leave when you’re done, no sooner.” I hang my head and say, “Yes, Sir.” Sir #2 turns to Brad and chuckles, asking, “How are you doing Brad? Did you enjoy sucking all those dirty cum covered cocks?” Brad whimpered a negative response. “Oh, that’s too bad. I guess I had you misread. I thought you were a little scared fag hiding yourself.” Brad muttered, in a voice that sounded like it was in pure pain, “Fuck you, I’m not a fag”; I knew immediately he was in for a world of hurting. And it came quickly. Brad’s head whipped to the left after he got back handed across the right cheek; even I felt a little sorry after hearing the smack. His head whipped back to the right following a back hand to the left and he was then pulled to his feet. “You know punk, I was close to letting you go, until you went and mouthed off to me. Now I think we’re going to teach you your next lesson. You’re not ready to be a man yet. You see Joey there, he’s a man. He’s below real men and his only role is to spread his boi pussy and take cum from real men, but he’s still a man.” Brad looked at me as this was being said and I just stared through him. “You Brad, you’re below even little Joey there. In fact, right now, you’re going to learn how far below Joey you are. Strip!!!” Brad looked back at Sir #2 and said, “Please, don’t do this to me.” “Strip, NOW. Or the slaps are the least pain you’ll get.” More tears, but Brad slowly stripped down to his underwear. Sir glared at him, until he got the message and the underwear came off. “Get on your knees, punk.” Brad dropped down next to me. “Now, if we look at the order of men in this room right now, there are three types. There’s the Alpha, me, who sets rules and fucks little bitches like you. Then there’s the Beta male, that’s you Joey. The beta is below all Alphas and exists to serve Alpha’s in different ways. Then there’s you Brad. There’s no word yet to describe you, other than “Bitch”. You, as a bitch, are below even Joey and would be submissive to him if he were man enough to dictate it.” I looked at Sir #2, a confused look on my face. He continued, “Now bitch, you also are so low, you lose the privilege of being named. To teach you your real value, you are going to clean Joey off. In the same way you cleaned the Alphas.” Brad, no, bitch’s eyes went wide and his face looked as if he was gonna throw up. “No, please, not that.” I looked from Sir #2 to Brad, bitch, and back to Sir. “Sir, what do you mean he’s gonna do?” Without moving his eyes from the trembling bitch, he said, “He’s going to clean your ass, with his mouth and tongue, of all the cum you swallowed in there. I’m thinking that between what’s in you, sliming your cheeks and what’s fallen on the floor, which he’ll also be cleaning, you’ve probably got a pint or two of cum in you.” “Sir, he doesn’t have to do that, he…” I stopped as Sir’s eyes snapped to me and I saw the rage flaring up within them. “Don’t you ever contradict me boy. I may not own you, but I will punish you. And I know the truth about you, so I will punish you hard enough that you’ll remember it for days.” I squeaked, “I am sorry Sir.” I looked at the bitch, still kneeling in front of us, naked. My heart broke, a little, for what he’d be going through. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought he deserved it. “Now bitch, you either get your face between Joey’s ass in the next 3 seconds or your first lesson in pain begins.” I continued to watch Brad’s face as he contemplated his options. It seemed as if he was going to risk a beating, but at the last second he began shuffle crawling behind me. “I told you three seconds bitch,” just before a loud smack shattered through the tile walls. Brad screamed in pain as the belt slashed across his back, leaving the start of a large red welt. “Two seconds, or another one,” Sir said. Brad moved faster and I felt his face on my ass. SMACK, the belt came down again, forcing his face into my ass. “If I have to tell you a third time, I aim for your balls. And yours are an easy target for me bitch.” Soon I felt his nose on my cunt and his face motionless between my ass. “Joey, help the bitch out and reach back and spread your ass for him.” I reached back and did as ordered, baring my asshole, my pussy, to this bitch. “Tell him what to do Joey. Enjoy your time as the one in charge. It may never come again.” I didn’t know what to say or do at first, but a voice in my head gave me some ideas. “Eat my ass bitch. Stick your tongue in my hole and start digging.” I heard a loud whimper and felt a tongue on my hole for the first time. I reached back and smacked his head, “Don’t just touch it, dig in.” To help him out, I pushed my hole out and pushed his head forward at the same time. “Oh god, that feels so good.” I felt the contrasting feeling of his tongue sliding in and a wave of cum sliding out at the same time. “Oh god, there’s a load for you, swallow it bitch.” For the next several minutes the bitch ate my hole, licked my crack and even licked the tile floor of dropped cum. All the while, Sir stood above us and smiled. Occasionally, I saw a look on his face of pure evil and could only wonder what he was planning. Finally, my ass was as empty as it was going to be. Sir simply said, “Stop, bitch.” This time I was the one who whimpered as the tongue pulled away. Sir chuckled. “Get up Joey, I have two final treats for you.” It took a couple of minutes for my body to adjust to movement again and soon I was standing next to Sir. He handed me a slip of paper with the number 11 on it, “You know what this is boy?” I said, “Yes. Does this include the two guys before you?” He shook his head, “No, just me and my crew. And it also does not include you swallowing bitch’s load.” I looked down at him and he was curled into the fetal position. I looked back at Sir and asked if I could ask a question. He nodded. “What’s next for him?” Sir looked at me, “You know Joey, I have no clue right now. I know his path is going to be different from yours, as you follow into the Brotherhood. He’s not going there, but he will be becoming a cumdump in is own time.” I looked at him, “What do you mean the Brotherhood? What is that?” Sir looked at me and said, “You really don’t remember do you? What happened to you last night? Before your party at the rest stop?” My anger flared up and I started to say something before Sir touched my lips with a finger and sending a burning feeling through me. “Don’t say anything I’ll need to punish you for.” I looked in his eyes and a clear memory popped into my head, causing me to lose my balance and fall into Sir. “Was, was he real?” and tears rolled down my face. I felt so humiliated as Sir laid a hand on my ass and stuck a finger in me. “Yes, Joey. He was very real and he selected you for us, his willowing followers, to use.” “Are you ready for your treat?” I looked at him and nodded. He turned me around and told me, “Tell the bitch to sit up.” I willed my self to give an order, but it came out as “Sit up Brad.” “It doesn’t have a name Joey. It’s a bitch, remember that.” “Get on your fucking knees you stupid bitch.” “Much better.” The bitch moaned and whimpered and started moving. “Joey?,” Sir held out the belt. I took it and wailed on the bitch until he got up. Sir finally grabbed my wrist and had to order me twice to stop. “That’s enough Joey, you don’t want to hurt him too bad.” I looked back at Sir and said, “Yes I do.” He glared at me and simply took the belt from me. The bitch looked at me with tears streaking down through the cum that was drying on his face. His eyes were flashing between fear, pain and a look of desolate despair. I muttered, “I’m sorry.” Sir looked at me, “don’t apologize.” Sir said, “Your treat?” I looked at him and nodded my head. “Open your mouth bitch,” Sir ordered, while staring at me. I looked out the side of my eyes and saw his mouth open. Sir looked at me, “Do you need to piss?” As soon as he said, I felt the pressure in my bladder. “Piss on him. Piss in his mouth. No drinking yet; just humiliate him.” I took hold of my cock and aimed at his face. The look in his eyes went from fear to a terrifying look of despair. The piss started as a trickle, but soon the stream was arcing out to his chest. I raised it to his mouth, remembering coach pissing in me and making me swallow. The two guys earlier making me lick a urinal that was a few feet away. “You’re lucky bitch. I had to drink my first time.” I pissed in his nostrils and finished with a couple shots to his eyes. I flicked the last drops and turned to Sir and simply thanked him and he nodded in response. “Your other treat is his clothes. They look about your size. Get dressed and get out of here.” Bitch watched me dressing in his clothes and I reached in to grab his wallet and keys, which I handed to Sir. He opened the wallet and handed me the cash, less then $20 and kept the rest. I walked out the restroom hearing the words, “Put those shorts on bitch, we’re far from done.”
    1 point
  41. thanks for the positive feedback guys. it makes me enjoy my debauchery. Part 3 Why the fuck did I say what I said? Why didn’t I tell them about Coach? I began walking towards my dorm. I was not paying attention to the world around me when I walked into someone. “What the fuck man, watch where you’re…” I looked up and felt my stomach tighten. It was the guy from outside the dorm. “You fucking little faggot, you just keep cumming onto me don’t you.” “No, asshole. You’re the one who…” “Shut your mouth bitch.” I did. “I warned you earlier. Now it’s time.” He grabbed me by the back of the shirt. “It’s time you learn some manners,” and he began shoving me over to a building. People watched as he did this, no one stopping him. “Let me the fuck go asshole.” “I might, when I’m done using you bitch.” He walked me into the building and to the closest bathroom. “Get the fuck in there, and strip.” “What, no.” “You can either get in a stall and strip, or I’ll strip you out here and let guys watch.” “Fuck you,” I moved to get away from him. “Again, you’re the one getting fucked, not me.” He grabbed the back of my shirt, tearing it further, and for someone who didn’t look very big, he was surprisingly strong. He jerked me back, tossing me to the floor. I came very close to cracking the back of my head on the tile floor. He reached down, pulling me up by the front of the shirt, ripping it down the middle while doing so. He pulled the shirt over my head and threw it on the ground. “Nice piercings,” twisting hard on each one, turning the bars, and my nipples almost 90 degrees. I groaned in pain, and begged him to stop. He let go of one nipple, moving his hand to the button on my shorts. He was in the process of unzipping them when the door opened and another guy walked in. He saw us in the middle of the bathroom and walked over to take a piss. “Don’t let me interrupt you guys.” I looked over at the new guy, tried to beg him for help. My attacker simply whispered, “Do it, see what happens.” I started to say something and stopped. The other guy saw me staring at him and just laughed. “Really man, you want both of us? At the same time? Man, that is some seriously fucked up shit.” He looked over at my attacker and cocked his head, letting him choose. My attacker thought briefly, and then said, “Cum on over, but I get first crack at his cunt.” The new guy walked over, setting his bag on the floor. He stood behind me and helped force my shorts down around my ankles and instructing me, “Step out of them,” which I did. I heard the guy behind me sniff the air and then said, “Damn, man. You are not getting first crack at anything. This bitch has been marked, and he is leaking cum.” First guy laughed, “I know. He and I had a run in an hour ago, he was with a guy old enough to be his dad; I think it was his boyfriend or something. He was leaking then. Dude, how much cum do you have in you?” I looked at him and pointed to the tattoo. “No fucking way. That’s disgusting.” The second guy asked what. “Bitch says he has 77 loads in him.” The second guy, “Un-fucking real. I’ve done sloppy seconds, even sloppy thirds. But 77, damn he’s gonna be open like a tunnel back there to have taken so much.” They moved me over to the sinks and mirrors. “Stick that pussy out for us. Let us see that fine ass.” I tried to tell them to let me go, but they only laughed. “You’ll go when we’re done.” They worked together to push me over, causing my ass to be on full display. “Lift your head up and look in the mirror. I want to watch you watching me.” I lifted my head as ordered and looked him in the face. I was horrified by what I saw, a phone stuck in front of his face, apparently ready to record what ever he was gonna do. “Smile for the camera, bitch.” He reached into the sticky crack of my ass and said, “Let’s find that sloppy pussy, see if we can use it.” After digging around for a moment, in the cummy remnants of 77 rapes, his finger found my hole. “I don’t fucking believe this.” “How loose is it? Can you get several fingers in there?” “He’s not loose. He’s as tight as a virgin.” “Let me feel,” and another hand entered my ass crack. He too found the hole and whistled, “Guess we can have some fun wrecking his hole.” Guy number one took his cock out and used cum from my crack to lube up. “I’d ask about a condom, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want one do you bitch?” They both laughed at his joke and he slid his cock between my cheeks. He handed the phone to the other guy, “Do me a favor, record this, just keep my face clear. Can’t let the guys see me take this bitch, or they’ll all be begging to swallow my cock.” I looked at his reflection in the dirty mirror. His eyes were staring back at me. “Please, don’t do this. I don’t…” I gasped as, for the umpteenth time in less then 15 hours, another cock was shoved up my ass. As with each violation before, it hurt as if I was losing my virginity. “Holy shit, this bitch is ridiculously tight. But there is so much cum in him.” I could hear the squelching sound that only meant the cum in my ass was getting fucked either deeper in me, or was getting pulled out by the big cock raping me. “Damn, I can’t believe he’s taking you balls deep. What a fucking cunt.” He started fucking, and I could see the signs in his face, and hear in his sounds, he was losing it very quickly. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna dump in you. You want it boy? Tell me you want it.” I shook my head, and said, “No. Please…” and again, my ass was set afire with the scalding of another load. “Oh fuck, yeah, bitch I told you. Shooting deep in that sloppy cunt.” A couple of spasms more, and he pulled out. The other guy tried to wait, but was ready. “Cum on man, let me in there.” The first guy took his phone and moved after a few seconds, and I watched as number 2 moved in behind me. He shoved his cock in my crack, expecting a loose hole. His reaction would have been comical, if I wasn’t about to feel another cock in my ass. His eyes widened and he gasped, “Holy shit.” He found my tight hole and, regaining his composure, said, “Open your tight cunt for me.” I pushed out, and he slid in, riding the stream of cum, all the way in. I grunted in pain, and he just smiled at me, “I think I’m in love with this pussy. I’ve never been in such a tight wet hole.” He started fucking me, trying to last as long as possible, but he only lasted a few seconds longer than the first guy. “Oh, god. Oh yeah. I’m fucking cumming in your cunt boy. Here you gooooooooooooo.” #78 and 79. If I ask him, will he slam my head in the mirror? Strangle me? Snap my neck? He pulled out and spent a few seconds to gather himself. “Get on your knees and clean us up.” The first guy just looked at the second guy and smiled. I turned and dropped to my knees. Two wet cocks, covered in who knows how many different strains of cum were shoved into my mouth. I gagged on the pure disgusting taste and knowledge of where this cum came from. After they were satisfied that I had cleaned them well enough, they each moved to a urinal to piss while I stayed motionless on the floor. Number 2 watched me not moving and said, “Crawl over here, you fucking slut.” I fought it, but I couldn’t stop myself from crawling over on my hands and knees. “Just like a trained bitch. How far will you let me go?” I looked at him and could only mutter, “Please.” The guy grabbed my hair and pulled me into the urinal, “Lick it.” Number 1 said, “Dude, that’s a little much don’t you think?” Number 2, “Nah, he’s going to enjoy it.” I looked at the white porcelain of the urinal and saw a few drops of piss and some stray pubes. I wanted to vomit but my tongue reached out and licked the drops up. I looked up at my demented captor and begged, “Please, just let me go.” He laughed and said, “I still gotta piss. You interrupted me when I came in here and I think you should apologize for that.” I looked at him and said, “I’m sorry.” He snarled at me, spit in my mouth and said, “I don’t think you mean it. Tip your head back in the basin boy.” I put my head in the basin of the urinal and closed my eyes. “Open your eyes faggot,” and I opened them to see another camera staring down at me. “I think this video might make a few extra dollars. I know there are guys who’ll love seeing a naked jock getting his face soaked with piss and even drinking it.” As he finished saying it, a stream of hot, clear piss started from his cock. The first drops hit my chest, but soon it was hitting my face, slipping up my nose, causing me to cough. “Open that mouth and let me fill it up.” I sat there feeling so disgusted as my mouth was filled with hot piss until it started dripping out. “Swallow.” I tried to swallow, but it caused me to choke and lose most of it. “You fucking bitch, I told you to swallow.” I was kicked in the balls and told not to mess up again. He pissed straight in my mouth, making me swallow it as quickly as I could. Number 1 stood there and muttered, “Damn.” As number 2 finished his piss, he looked down and said, “Thank me for your drink.” I looked at him, wanting to tell him to go fuck himself, but again, my words were not mine. “Thank you Sir for pissing on my face and letting me drink it. I’m sorry I spilled it, I will do better next time.” Both guys started to laugh and number 1 said, “Fuck, this is so disgusting. I think I want to try it. Get your mouth over here bitch. I want you to drink me, but don’t you get me wet.” I maneuvered so that I had my head tilted backwards, my mouth just under his cock head. He started pissing right away and number 2 was getting it all on video. I managed to swallow most of his piss, with only a few mouths full spilling. After they were done, they both got dressed. Number 2 gave number 1 his email asking for the video of me taking his cock and cum. He even told number 1 he could make some money posting the movie. Number 1 looked at me, and said, “I think this bitch is going to be making some people a lot of money.” Number 2 left, and number 1 leaned back against the sink, looking at me sitting naked on the floor, still leaking cum from my ass and piss dripping from my face. “You better get dressed, before some more guys come in here. Unless you want more guys already?” I looked at him, silently, and grabbed my shorts. I slid into them and stood up. He threw my shirt to me and said, “Dry your face.” I dried my face and did not take my eyes off of him as he walked up to me. “I’ll be sure to see you around Joey. I think I’m going to be making some fine use of that boy pussy you got there. And, I think I have some guys who might like to use it too.” He looked at his watch, “Damn it’s almost 11:00, got to run to class. I’d keep a close eye on Yeti today, if I were you. I think there’s already one video of our meet and greet earlier. I think there’s gonna be another one pretty soon of you spreading your ass for my cock.” I started to say something when he stuck a finger over my mouth. “Shut up, Joey.” He looked at me and something in his eyes chilled me to the bone. His words burned deep into me, “Keep fighting boy, I am enjoying your pain.” Suddenly, his eyes flared and he lightly touched his lips to mine and I felt a searing, burning touch from them. Deep in my mind, a brief image flashed of a red face and horns, laughing. Suddenly, I was slapped hard across the face. “Don’t you ever try and kiss me you fucking queer. I’ll break your neck if you do that again.” He turned and walked out, leaving me alone in the bathroom.
    1 point
  42. Holy fuck ! The inflatable butt plug that Trex had shoved up my hole, felt enormous ! Trex asked me, “How does that feel ?” “Huge,” I said ! He said,“Good. That’s how it’s supposed to feel. He handed me another bottle of water and told me to chug it all down. Trex took a minute to check his messages, then he told me that a buddy of his was going to be stopping by to pick up some “supplies,” and that the guy would probably be hanging around for a while. “Right now, I think you need some more TINA,” Trex said, his deep voice booming ! He retrieved the torch from the shelf, lit it, then, instead of handing the bubbler pipe to me, he applied the torch to the bottom of the bowl, and told me to stroke his cock while he took a hit. He was so fucking thick that my hand didn’t come even close to going all the way around it. He groaned loudly, as I stroked my hand up and down the length of his monster cock. “YEH,” he called out ! His cock got harder and thicker, and he kept flexing it while he steadily pulled the clouds into his lungs. For a few seconds, he held his breath and returned the pipe and the torch to the shelf. Then, he leaned over and blasted a huge Tina cloud right down my throat. He grinned when I blew the cloud back out, and watched it wafting all over his BBC. “I’ll be right back,” he said. When Trex came back into the room, he had a red plastic cup in each hand. “I think Danny boy is ready for a little G ! But, first, you need to hit the pipe, again.” I felt like I was already flying pretty high. Don’t get me wrong. I was feeling great ! Trex placed the red cups on the shelf, then handed the lit torch and the bubbler pipe to me, and he stroked his cock as he watched me take a hit. After I blew out a big cloud, Trex placed the pipe and the torch back on the shelf, and he picked up the red plastic cups, handing one to me, and he said, “Cheers,” just before we both gulped down the G. While we waited for the G to kick in, Trex pinched and twisted my nipples, driving me wild, and I stroked his BBC, still absolutely in awe over the size of it. A few minutes later, Trex moved around to the end of the sling, and he turned the release valve on the inflatable butt plug, causing it to make a loud whoosh as the air rushed out of it. He slowly pulled the deflated butt plug out of me, and checked to see if everything was alright. Now that my Tina charged hole was empty, I was feeling desperate to get fucked. Plus, I could feel the G kicking in, and it was really making my head spin. I saw Trex grinning at me. He knew what I was feeling. Again he lubed up the butt plug, and pushed it only about half way inside of my hole before he started inflating it, “Awwwww, YEH,” I moaned, as the butt plug grew thicker and thicker, stretching my opening. “Oh, FUCK, that feels good !” “Yeh,” Trex said ? How about now,” as he popped the butt plug past my opening, then pulled it all the way out, again ? “Holy FUCK,” I said, just before he popped it back inside my opening and proceeded to fuck it in and out of me, repeatedly, rattling the chains on the sling as it swung up and back. “Oh, fuck, fuck, FUCK” was all I could say. When the doorbell rang, Trex shoved the butt plug all the way inside my hole, and left the room. It seemed like a long time before he returned, but it might have been only less than a minute. “Hey, Danny boy, this is Dantrell. Dantrell, this is Danny,” Trex said, making the quick introductions. “Hell, yeh, I think this’ll do just fine,” Dantrell said, looking me up and down. Trex gestured his hand toward the shelf, a silent invitation for Dantrell to help himself to the pipe, which he quickly accepted. While Dantrell fired up the bubbler pipe, and took one hit after another, Trex went back to working the partially inflated butt plug in and out of my hole, stretching my opening, more and more, his BBC flexing regularly as it got harder and harder. Trex said, “Hey, Dantrell; how about getting out of those clothes ? Show Danny boy here what you got ? As a guy who is addicted to cock, especially BBCs, I was watching Dantrell’s every move. And, he definitely didn’t disappoint. First, he stripped off a long sleeved flannel shirt that was already unbuttoned, followed by a baggy tee shirt, and an untied pair of high tops. As he slid down his equally baggy jeans, and stepped out of them, I could see what appeared to be a very impressive dick, flopping around inside his blue and green plaid boxer shorts. And, when he stripped off the boxer shorts, I was a lot more than impressed. While Trex’s cock was definitely a lot thicker, Dantrell certainly had him beat, in length.
    1 point
  43. Again not mine I just altered it to fit breeding zones rules THE BUILDER - by pedro976 - This story is a work of fiction. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present area. By continuing, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. - - - - 1 - - - - Krzysztof's spunk splashed across Tom's open mouth, coating his lips and tongue in thick creamy cum. "FUCK YEAH" grunted the massive muscle hunk as he stroked out the last few drops into his little boy's mouth. Tom was lying on his bed staring up wide eyed at the builder who was straddling him, his massive legs were either side of the eighteen year olds head. Moments before the thick meaty thighs now framing his face had been pounding Tom for the second time that night. His arse was still raw and open from the merciless fucking. Once the effect of the cocaine wore away Tom was pretty sure he was going to be barely able to walk. At that moment though he didn't care. He was still experiencing the effects of the drugs and he was completely in awe of the man God who had opened up a whole new world of pleasure to him. Krzysztof looked down at him and smiled. "Good little baby?" he asked, wiping his slippery cum covered cock against the teenagers plump lips. "God, yeah, it was good" replied Tom breathlessly. Krzysztof raised an eyebrow and Tom realised immediately that he had forgotten to refer to Krzysztof in the way he preferred. "It was good Daddy" he corrected himself. Krzysztof laughed "You learn baby" and then climbing off Tom and standing up he said "I shower" and with that he walked out of the bedroom. Tom watched the massive Eastern European builder's broad muscular back and powerful arse as he left. He breathed a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling. "Wow" he muttered to himself, but what now? He was completely wired on the cocaine and was not tired at all. He heard the sound of the shower from the bathroom. After a short time Krzysztof returned and pulled on his jeans and vest. "Are you going?" asked Tom disappointedly. "Yes" replied Krzysztof and saw the dejected look on Tom's face. "You come" said Krzysztof. "Oh" said Tom, a smile replacing the frown "Where to?" "You see" came the builder's mysterious reply. - - - - 2 - - - - Tom had showered himself then the big man had led him to his van and they had driven away from his house and into town. Tom's enquiries about where they were going were met with silence and so instead the two of them had made small talk about other stuff. The drugs were wearing off a little bit though and Tom began to worry a bit about what he was getting himself into. Soon enough Krzysztof parked the van next to a row of garages and turned off the engine. "We here" he said, picking up his bag and opening the driver's door. Tom got out the passenger side and walked around. They had arrived at a small block of flats. The building was well lit and looked pretty modern. Still, Tom could not help but feel more than a little apprehensive about what he was walking into. Then again it was night time, he was not too sure what part of town they were in and he had no means of getting home. Following Krzysztof who had begun to walk into the building was his only option. The huge man turned around to look at him as he caught up and must have noted the apprehension on his face. "Don't worry little baby" he said "I sort you out in flat, make feel happy again" and he gave Tom a reassuring smile. Tom assumed he meant more cocaine. It is ok he told himself. He had only sniffed a small amount. The tiny line in the bathroom and the two lines in the bedroom. That was not so much he reasoned. Even if he did a little bit more he would be back home tomorrow and there was plenty of recovery time before his mother returned from her business trip. Krzysztof rung a flat number and the security door buzzed open. The two of them went in and took the lift. "My friend, he has, what do you call it, top floor flat" Krzysztof tried to explain. "Oh" Tom realised what he was saying "You mean the penthouse flat?" "Yeah" smiled Krzysztof "The penthouse" and the way he pronounced the word made Tom laugh. "Hey, no laugh at accent" Krzysztof complained and he took Tom's head in the iron grip of his massive hands, leant down and kissed the teenager forcefully. Tom responded in kind and felt himself getting instantly aroused. Before he could do anything else the lift pinged and the doors opened. Krzysztof pulled away "Come" he beckoned and the two of them left the lift and walked into the corridor. It was obvious to Tom from the single door that the flat they were going to was the only one on this floor. Krzysztof didn't knock the door because it had already been unlocked. Tom could hear that dance music was playing inside. Pushing the door open the two of them walked into the flat. Tom had to admire his surroundings. The entrance led straight into the main living area which was modernly furnished to a high finish. There were two large leather sofas either side of the room. In the middle was a huge matching leather table that was the size of a double bed and Tom assumed could be used to sit on as well as keep magazines and stuff. Double doors led out onto a wooden decked balcony that looked out over town. It was lit up with night lights and the doors were slightly open to allow the breeze in. It was a bit much to take in, especially the massive flat screen television on the wall which was playing a porn movie involving a huge gay orgy. "Hey Krzysztof" shouted a voice and a guy walked in from a room that Tom assumed was the bedroom. He was a little shorter than Krzysztof but was still over six feet. It was what he was wearing that caught Tom's attention first. He had a leather cross belt strapped tight across his defined hairy pecs. On his wrist he wore a leather gauntlet and then a pair of tight leather trousers. That was it. Tom raised his eyebrows. He had seen guys wearing leather on the various porn sites he visited but he had never really thought it was something that would turn him on. It did now though, his cock stiffened a little at the site in front of him. Tom took in the rest of the guy. He had short close cropped dark brown hair, designer stubble and was around forty years old. He was muscled but nowhere near as large as Krzysztof. His face was angular and he had sharp eyes. He was very sexy. "Mateusz" greeted Krzysztof and the two men hugged. They spoke in Polish for a short while making Tom feel a little uncomfortable before Krzysztof turned and introduced him. "Mateusz, this Tom. It his first time" explained Krzysztof. "Hello Tom" greeted Mateusz and before Tom could say hi in return the man grabbed him by the waist band and pulled him against him. "Mmmm" he growled leaning down so his face was against Tom's. He stretched out his tongue and licked up from Tom's chin across his mouth and to his nose in one motion. Much like a lion may lick the face of its mate thought Tom. "We will make your first time a good one" he promised Tom and laughed. Tom was not quite sure what to do so he smiled nervously. Mateusz let him go. "Rack up some stuff Krzysztof" he ordered "then you can get Tom changed and we can have some fun" Krzysztof used a little mirror that was sat on the large sofa table and laid out six lines of cocaine. "Guests first" offered Mateusz and Tom took the rolled up note he was offered. He hesitated slightly. Should he do more drugs? He accepted that he didn't really have much choice given his situation. Fuck it, he thought. He would just do this little bit more, the first lines he had done back at home had made him feel amazing and if he was going to stay with these two guys then he guessed he was going to need that feeling again. He snorted both the lines and allowed the wave of euphoria to begin to take effect as he watched Krzysztof then Mateusz snort up the remainder of the cocaine. "Right" said Krzysztof taking Tom's hand "You change" He led his boy into the bedroom from where Mateusz had emerged. Tom followed not quite sure what was expected of him. The cocaine had made him not particularly bothered. He laughed when he saw the collection of leather gear on the bed. "I never thought I would ever do anything like this" he said picking up some of the kit. "You put these on" said Krzysztof holding up a pair of leather wrist gauntlets. Tom slipped them on and did them up. He noticed that each gauntlet had two clasps and he realised that they could be locked together like handcuffs. Krzysztof held out a leather jock strap. It was studded and the way it was designed meant that Tom's arse would be totally exposed and only his cock would be covered. He realised he was going to get fucked again. His cock twitched at the thought. He quickly got undressed as he chatted and laughed with Krzysztof at what leather kit to wear. The cocaine had done its work again and Tom totally relaxed. He slid into the studded leather jock as Krzysztof reached out and put a studded metal dog collar around his neck. There was a full length mirror standing in the corner of the room and Tom stood and admired himself. He looked hot. Krzysztof pulled off his own clothes and stood completely naked watching him. His cock was fully erect and throbbing. Tom saw him in the reflection of the mirror and turned to look. "Wow" he said admiring the man's muscular body once more. "Just... Wow" Krzysztof laughed and flexed his massive body. "Are you wearing anything?" Tom asked Krzysztof. "I too big" replied the giant and to illustrate his point he held up a leather strap that Tom assumed was meant to go around a bicep. Krzysztof flexed showing of his muscles and Tom realised the strap would not even fit around one half of the hunk's huge arms. "Come on you two" shouted Mateusz from the other room. "We need this" said Krzysztof and he picked up the full length mirror and carried it from the bedroom and into the living room. Tom took a deep breath and then followed. - - - - 3 - - - - He walked in to see Krzysztof positioning the mirror in front of the sofa table that dominated the centre of the room between the two large sofas. "Here's our boy" said Mateusz "Looking good you little leather bitch" he laughed. Tom laughed with him and his cock twitched in the jock. "Looks like your horny" said Mateusz and he came and stood right next to Tom looking down at him. He took Tom's face in one hand. "Are you horny for me baby?" he whispered to him. Tom's cock was rock hard now. "Yeah" he whispered back. Mateusz snogged him deeply. His tongue slid into Tom's mouth. Tom tried to respond but Mateusz's tongue dominated his own and pressed deep into his throat. "Mmmm" growled Mateusz pulling away. "Do you want to feel great Tom" he whispered to him. Krzysztof was stood watching them slowly wanking his massive tool. Tom, at that moment, only had eyes for Mateusz who held his head tight, gazed deeply into his eyes and fixed him with a smouldering stare. "Do you?" he asked again. "Yeah" Tom replied. Transfixed by the gorgeous eyes staring into him. Mateusz reached to a small table on the side and picked up a small clear glass tube that ended in a little ball. It was had trails of smoke coming from a small hole at the end and Tom realised it was a pipe of some sort. "Smoke it baby" ordered Mateusz. "Is it cannabis?" asked Tom. "Not quite, its meth" came the reply. Tom had no idea what that was. He guessed it was some sort of cannabis and because it was only smoking he thought it can't be that bad a thing to do. Mateusz held the pipe to Tom's lips and Tom inhaled. Smoke billowed out his mouth at first and Mateusz told him to breathe deeply and hold the smoke in. Tom tried again and this time he succeeded in smoking it properly. He exhaled and then had another go. "That's enough for the minute mate" said Mateusz and he handed the pipe to Krzysztof who held it to his own lips. Tom was about to ask what he could expect to happen but he didn't need to for just at that minute it hit him. The cocaine was one thing but this was something else entirely. The high was so intense. His eyes rolled back into his head. "Woh" he said. "Good isn't it" laughed Mateusz who had been smoking the meth before Tom and Krzysztof came in from the bedroom. Krzysztof came up behind Tom. He handed the pipe to Mateusz who took a huge drag and held the smoke in his mouth before bending down and snogging Tom. Along with Mateusz's tongue, Tom's mouth was filled with the meth vapours. His cock was raging hard and he opened his lips and let Mateusz dominate his mouth once more. He felt Krzysztof take his hands and pull them behind his back. He heard the clasps of the wrist cuffs lock. His arms were now secure behind his back but he didn't care as he took all of Mateusz's big tongue into his mouth. He moaned and Mateusz pushed harder against him, gripping the back of his head and snogging him hard. Tom flinched slightly as he felt Krzysztof slide a finger into his tight hole. "You so tight baby" growled Krzysztof as he pushed in a second digit and began to finger fuck his little boy's hole. Tom couldn't reply as Mateusz's tongue pushed his own down and pushed deep into the back of his throat. He could only moan with the pleasure flowing over him. Mateusz released him and Krzysztof took his fingers from Tom's tight pussy and put his massive arms around him from behind and held him tight. Mateusz stepped back and took a final drag on the meth pipe. He put it down and then slowly and deliberately undid the zip on his leather trousers. Tom's eyes widened. Mateusz took out in his hand a massive cock. It was well over twelve inches thought Tom. Longer and thicker Krzysztof's and that was the biggest tool Tom had ever seen until now. "Hold him" Mateusz said to Krzysztof and Krzysztof spun Tom around so he was facing him. He gripped the trussed up lad tight in a muscular embrace. Tom's head rested against his powerful pecs. Tom felt that Mateusz had come up behind him and then he felt the huge cock at the entrance to his hole. He squeezed his eyes tight shut. Mateusz took hold of his hips and Tom felt his sphincter begin to rip open as the massive cock head pushed hard into him. His arse muscles gave way under the onslaught and Tom felt the huge shaft follow. It never ended and Tom felt light headed and dizzy as Mateusz grunted and pushed into him further. Krzysztof tightened his hug and held the boy still. "FUCK BITCH" grunted Mateusz "TAKE IT ALL" and he pushed the last few inches into the teenager. Tom cried out and Krzysztof pushed his head against his massive chest muffling the cry. "FUCK YEAAAAAH" laughed Mateusz. "The little bitch has taken it all." He put his mouth next to Tom's ear and whispered "How does it feel to have all my cock in you baby?" Tom let out a muffled cry. "Fuck him" growled Krzysztof and Mateusz took up the idea. He slid the massive shaft out all the way and just as Tom's tight hole began to close he slammed it back into him. Tom's cries were muffled into Krzysztof's huge body. Mateusz began to fuck Tom relentlessly, pounding in and out of him. The meth, mixed with the pleasure and the intense pain caused Tom to black out for a moment. He tried to say something but only animal grunts were coming from his lips. The fucking was intense and Mateusz was moaning loudly as he fed his monster meat into the boy. Tom felt himself blacking out again and the last thing he heard was Mateusz moaning that he was going to breed his hole. - - - - 4 - - - - Tom slowly opened his eyes. He was laying face down on the sofa table in the centre of the room. Jesus, he thought, he must have finally slipped into some drug and sex induced coma. He tried to move his arms but realised that he was still wearing the wrist cuffs and they remained locked behind his back. He was about to get up and ask for someone to take the things of him but before he could do anything his tight boy hole suddenly exploded with pain as it was forced open. "AWWWWWWW FUCK" he cried out as the pain around pleasure rippled out from his sphincter muscle. Tom could not turn to look behind himself but the full length mirror was still positioned in front of where he lay and he looked into it to discover the source of his violation. He expected to see Krzysztof or Mateusz behind him but instead there was an insanely muscular ripped black man stood there, his huge hands clenching Tom's hips tightly. He had obviously just driven what was an enormous thick black cock into Tom's little arse. Tom took in the stranger's appearance. He was very tall and very muscular, every bit the size of Krzysztof. His pec muscles were so ripped they had thick veins appearing at their edges that ran over his shoulders and down his bulging biceps and trunk like arms. His nipples were massive and one of them had a silver metal bar piercing. The defined six pack of his stomach was matched only by his perfect V shaped torso. There was not an ounce of fat on him. Finally Tom was able to look at his face. He had strong afro-Caribbean features, a neatly trimmed goatee beard and from what Tom could see a shaved head. He was wearing a leather police officers cap. Around his arms were tight bicep straps making his muscles bulge even more. He wore a leather harness over his shoulders and chest and leather gauntlets on his wrist. He looked as if he had walked straight out of a fetish porn movie. He must have arrived when Tom was out of it. Tom felt the man's massive shaft push further into him, it kept coming and Tom thought it would never end. "Urrrrrrrrrrrgh" he closed his eyes tight and winced as the cock slid up deep inside him. Just when Tom thought he couldn't take anymore he felt the man's thighs touch his little bubble butt and come to a halt. "I have woken our little slut up" he heard the black man say in a deep voice and there was laughter. Tom lay still with his shut and tried to get used to the monster cock throbbing inside his hole. "Hey Tom, Tom baby, open your eyes" said Mateusz. Tom did as he was told and saw that Mateusz was knelt down next to him. The man cupped Tom's face in his hands. "Ok baby?" he asked "You are going to love Marc fucking you, but you probably need some help" and Tom saw that he had in his hand the little pipe that contained the meth. Mateusz held it to Tom's lips and the boy smoked it. He inhaled deeply. "Hold it in baby" commanded Mateusz and Tom held the smoke at the back of his throat and felt the vapours rushing straight to his brain. He eventually breathed the smoke out. The high came to him almost instantly and it was very strong. Mateusz watched as Tom's pupils dilated and then he gently patted Tom's cheek before standing up. "You're good to go stud" he said to Marc. "Right on" he replied, the sense of anticipation in his voice was clear. Tom breathed deeply as his high swept over his body, loosening his joints and relaxing his inhibitions once more. He looked into the mirror and saw the black hunk keep one hand on his hips and place the other over the wrist cuffs that still bound his hands behind his back. He pulled Tom back towards him so that his cock entered the lad all the way. "Mmmmmm" moaned Tom in pleasure. "We are going to start slow baby boy" promised Marc and Tom felt him begin to withdraw his huge meat. It slid back out of his cunt almost all the way to the huge cock head. Marc let it rest at the entrance to the teenager's hole for the moment before he let his powerful hip muscles move his tool back down inside the boy's cunt. "Yeah baby" he whispered "Nice and slow" "Mmmmm yeah" replied Tom. The gentle sensation of the cock slowly sliding against is prostate and deep into his guts made him shiver with pleasure. "Fuck that's good" he groaned as Marc began a slow but powerful rhythm. Each time making sure he pushed his hard thick cock as far as it would possibly go in, before slowly sliding it back out. Tom laid his head to the side to be more comfortable. He could see that Krzysztof and Mateusz were sat naked on one of the sofas smoking the meth from the pipe. Krzysztof saw him looking and blew him a kiss. "Don't worry, I fuck you more soon" he promised Tom. Marc slowly fucked Tom's hole with powerful muscular strokes. Tom moaned with each long thrust and withdrawal. Marc pulled out of him. "You're going to ride me now baby" he ordered and he undid the clasp to the wrist cuffs and let Tom's hands free. Tom brought his arms round to his front and sat up. He rotated his shoulder and felt the feeling come back into them after having been bound up in one place. "You ok little mate?" asked Mateusz who was still sat on the sofa smoking the meth with Krzysztof and enjoying the show. "Um yeah, I think so" replied Tom but as he tried to get up his legs were weak under him and he stumbled. Krzysztof jumped up from the sofa, the meth pipe still in one hand and caught Tom in the other him before he fell completely. "Easy baby" said the giant man and he cuddled Tom against his strong muscular chest. Tom rested against him, feeling his warmth and also feeling his legs come back to life. Krzysztof had encircled him with his huge arms and he looked down at the boy and Tom looked up. They smiled at each other and Krzysztof put the meth pipe to Tom's lips. The teenager was hooked on the intense high it gave and sucked in a deep lung full. Krzysztof still held the pipe there and so Tom inhaled a few more times whilst clinging to the hunk. Krzysztof passed the pipe back to Mateusz and picked the boy up in his arms. He cuddled him tight. "Now better" he said. Tom looked at him with big eyes. His pupils dilated from the wave of the high now washing over him. They kissed passionately and deeply. After a short time Krzysztof pulled away and moaned deeply. "Baby so horny" he growled then glancing over to the other sofa he smiled and said "Someone wants you" Tom looked over and saw that Marc was sat on the sofa watching them. The huge black man had his legs spread wide. He was still in his full leather gear and he had his massive dick in his hand. He was stroking it slowly. Krzysztof carried Tom over him. "I said you were going to ride me baby" said Marc. Krzysztof lowered the boy down onto the massive black shaft. Tom felt the dick stretch open his sphincter and then slide up inside him. Krzysztof lowered him all the way down so he was sat on Marc's lap facing the dark ripped stud. "That's fucking hot" he heard Mateusz comment and Krzysztof stepped away from the two of them. "Mmmmmm yeah" groaned Marc and he took hold of Tom's hips to make sure every last centimetre of his huge cock was inside the lad. "God that's so deep" moaned Tom, tilting his head back. "Ride it boy" ordered Marc. Tom lifted himself slowly to the top of the black dick and then allowed himself to slide down it to the base. "YEEEEEEAH" growled Marc and as Tom began to repeat the motion Marc thrust his hips upwards causing Tom to moan in pleasure and pain. The meth had hold of the teenager and he placed his hands on Marc's big pecs as he began to bounce harder and faster on the dick. "FUCK BABY" groaned Marc and he gripped Tom's hips tight and pistoned his cock into the boy's tight little cunt. Tom was moaning continually now as the huge shaft tore him into. They were fucking wildly. Tom put his hands around the back of Marc's head and rested his face against his. They looked into each other's eyes. Grunting and moaning, high on the drugs and determined to fuck like animals. "You fucking bitch" whispered Marc into Tom's face as he drove his dick harder and faster into him. He spat into the teenagers mouth. "Fuck me, fuck me hard" begged Tom as he swallowed the spit. Marc began kissing him hard as he gripped his hips tighter and ploughed him. Their tongues frantically exploring the others mouth, their spit mixing together. Marc spat into the boys mouth again and again. Tom loved it and gripped the man's head tighter so that his tongue could be as far into the hunks mouth as it would go. Marc plunged his cock into Tom as hard he could but gripped the boy hard so he stayed impaled on it. Tom leant backwards and moaned loudly. The frantic fucking had suddenly stopped and the contrast of having Marc's huge meat resting all the way inside him sent waves of pleasure from his arse all over his body. He leant back and rested placed his hands on Marc's thick legs to steady himself. "God" he whispered and took deep breaths. Suddenly he felt a pair of hands reach around from behind him and begin to tug his nipples. He moaned and turned his head around. Krzysztof had moved behind him and Tom lent his head back against the man's massive chest and looked up into his face. Krzysztof had seen how much his baby had enjoyed Marc's gob so he spat down into the boy's face. "You like" he said and before getting an answer he bent down and started to snog Tom ferociously. Tom moaned and kissed Krzysztof back, Marc's cock was still throbbing inside his tight hole. Krzysztof pulled away and produced two bottles of poppers. He handed one to Marc who undid the lid and sniffed deeply. "Come here baby" Marc ordered and Tom lent back in towards him. The two of them inhaled the poppers together. Taking long deep sniffs. Tom felt his head get hot and his face flush and let the effects take hold of him. Krzysztof reached around from behind him. Tom had heard him sniffing deeply on the second bottle of poppers but now that bottle was placed under his own nose. Mark held the first bottle up to him allowing Tom to have one bottle under each nostril. The aroma flooded into him and he felt dizzy at the effects. Suddenly next to Marc's huge black dick Tom felt his arse being stretched even more. He realised in a panic that Krzysztof was forcing his own massive dick into the tight boy cunt. Tom went to wriggle away. "Hold him" Krzysztof ordered Marc and with his free hand the black leather hunk gripped Tom around the waist in a vice like hold. "Just breathe deeply" Marc said reassuringly and with the two bottles of poppers under his nose Tom breathed in through his nose then out through his mouth. A continuous circulation of fresh poppers aroma was flooding through him. But even with the help of the poppers relaxing him Tom thought he was going to die. Krzysztof pushed into him slowly. Tom couldn't even cry out. He just squeezed his eyes tight shut and whimpered. All the while the poppers were taking holding of him. The pain was intense but it was mixed with a throbbing pleasurable ache that sent spasms through his arse. Just when he thought he was going to pass out Krzysztof stopped. "I in you now baby" he said. He had pushed his thick cock all the way into the boy and it now rested tight up against Marc's throbbing monster. The two muscle men's meaty spunk filled bollocks rested on each other. Both Marc and Krzysztof took the poppers away. They sniffed them themselves before putting them to one side. "Ready?" asked Krzysztof. Tom had become a bit more accustomed to the two huge cocks inside him. He breathed deeply. The poppers had made him feel like a dirty horny bitch. He wanted this. "Yeah" he said softly. "Tell us baby" said Marc "Tell us how much you want your Daddy's to fuck you yeah?" "I want my Daddy's to fuck me" begged Tom "I want your big Daddy dicks inside me, I want it so much" "Do you want Daddy cum in you?" growled Krzysztof in his ear. "Yeah, I want your cum in me, I want my Daddy's to make me their bitch" "MMMMMmmmm" moaned Krzysztof, turned on by hearing the innocent little boy begging to be treated like a whore. His dick swelled in the lad stretching his hole further still. "You're a lucky boy because you have got three Daddies' here" said Marc and Tom realised that Mateusz had come over to them. He was sniffing from a bottle of poppers and once he had finished he playfully ruffled Tom's hair. "Where do you want your third Daddy to put his dick?" asked Marc. "In my mouth" answered Tom quickly. Marc laughed "What do you say boy? Ask properly?" "Please Daddy" begged Tom "Please feed your big Daddy cock into my mouth" "FUCK" growled Krzysztof "It time for little bitch" and Tom felt him pull his cock out from his hole before smashing it back into him. Tom cried out in pain and Mateusz took the opportunity to stand on the sofa next to where Marc was sitting with the boy on his lap and grab Tom's head in his hands. He shoved his twitching wet cock into the lad's open mouth forcing it right down his throat. "FUCK YEAH" moaned Mateusz and he began to face fuck the little bitch. Tom's own moans and cries were muffled by the massive shaft pistoning in and out of his wet teenage mouth. Krzysztof had his huge hands on Tom's shoulders and was using his might to pull the boy down onto the two huge dicks that were inside him. The muscular builder began to drive upwards into him as hard as he could. Marc held the boy tight against his massive pec muscles. His arms were around the boy's waist and his biceps bulged as he hugged him tight. He began to thrust his hips upwards and he could feel his shaft rubbing against Krzysztof's as they alternatively ploughed in and out of the little cunt's tight pussy hole. "Take those dicks baby" moaned Marc "you take your Daddies big dicks" Krzysztof was wild. He only cared about getting off. The drugs had made it difficult to cum whilst driving him crazy with lust. He rammed his monster meat in and out of the boy as hard as he could. His great thighs smashed mercilessly against the little butt. The rubbing of his dick and smacking of his bollocks against Marc's was loud in the room. The three Daddies' were moaning loudly. Egging each other on as the dicks violated the little teenager. They drove into his arse and his mouth without stopping. Tom was held so firmly he could do nothing except take what his Daddy's were giving to him. The meth and the poppers had driven him crazy with lust and he moaned as the dicks tore into him. He wanted his Daddy's to give it to him so much. "I am going to cum, I am going to cum" cried Mateusz and he pulled his cock from out Tom's throat and began to wank it furiously. He used his other hand to grip the back of Tom's head. Krzysztof and Marc began to pound the boy as hard as they could. Their dicks smashing into him. Tom moaned and cried out his head back and his mouth wide open ready to receive Mateusz spunk. "FUUUUUUUCK" cried Mateusz and his nob head exploded as thick strands of Daddy spunk fired out his slit and coated Tom's mouth. Huge globs of it splashed across the boy's young face and into his hair. "AHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH" cried Mateusz as he shoved his cock back into the hot little mouth. He rammed it deep down the boy's throat allowing his spunk to dribble out and into the lad. "GOD" he cried before pulling his dick out and wiping it across Tom's cum coated lips. Krzysztof and Marc were still pounding the tight little pussy with stopping and Tom, the warm cum in his mouth and over his face, moaned loudly. "YEEEEEEES, YEEEEEEES" shouted Marc and Tom felt a great eruption in his guts as Marc drove into him with all his might and unleashed wave after wave of searing hot spunk inside him. "SHIT BITCH" he groaned and spat into Tom's face. His saliva mixed with Mateusz's cum and ran down Tom's chin. Mateusz laughed and Marc moaned in fulfilment. Krzysztof slowly eased off his pounding and Tom felt Marc slide out of him. "Lick his dick" ordered Mateusz as Marc stood up next to him on the sofa leaving Tom on his knees and Krzysztof still behind him with his dick imbedded deep to the hilt. Tom took hold of the huge black rod and put it in his mouth. Mateusz pushed his own dick against Tom's lips and the young lad took hold of it. He cleaned his Daddy's cocks with his tongue making sure to swallow every last drop of their cum. Krzysztof watched from behind him and when he saw that Tom had licked up all the creamy mess he picked up Tom by the hips and stood up being careful to keep his dick firmly plugged in the boy's arse. He carried him over to the sofa table and put him down on it so he was facing the mirror. Tom, on all fours, looked at his own reflection and the sight of the huge muscle stud behind him his giant hands clamped firmly on Tom's hips. "I going to fuck you now" promised Krzysztof and he began to plunge his dick in and out of the tight hole. All the time he fixed his gaze on Tom's in the reflection of the mirror and watched his taut hugely muscular body tense and flex as he pounded the teenager's cunt. Marc and Mateusz came and stood either side of the massive Eastern European builder and ran their hands over his chest and shoulders. Tom took the pounding, moaning and whimpering. He saw that Marc was pulling Krzysztof's nipples driving the huge man on even more. Mateusz had picked up one of the bottles of poppers and undoing the lid he held it under Krzysztof's nose. The hunk sniffed deeply and the poppers drove him wild again. He was a fuck machine. He pounded Tom's hole without any let up. The giant dick smacked into the cunt again and again. Marc's spunk still coated Tom's arse and Krzysztof's dick was lubbed up on it. It allowed the muscle God to drive into Tom without resistance. Tom moaned loudly as he watched the stud behind him high on poppers fuck him like an animal. Krzysztof took another sniff of the poppers then pushed Tom down so he was no longer on all fours and instead was lying on his stomach. The builder climbed onto the sofa table himself and began to pound Tom even harder. He could feel the spunk building and he drove on and on into his baby. "Get the Dildo" said Mateusz and Marc reached back to the sofa and picked up the large plastic object. He handed it to Mateusz who put it against the entrance of Krzysztof's hole. The powerful muscular arse of the builder was pounding up and down as he nailed Tom onto the sofa table. Mateusz pushed the dildo and felt the resistance of Krzysztof's own tight cunt. "YEEEEEEAH" growled the big muscle stud as he felt the dildo enter him and Mateusz pushed it in further. The dildo pushing into his arse sent Krzysztof over the edge and felt his massive bollocks tighten. "FUUUUUCK" he cried and he rammed his cock deep into Tom's cunt as his hot semen poured like a torrent out his nob slit. It flooded Tom's arse with thick Daddy juice. "AHHHHHHHHH" cried Krzysztof as he slowed his thrusting and let his dick empty. He slowly came to a halt and pulled out of the boy. Tom collapsed. "God, God" was all he could mutter over and over. Mateusz took hold of him and rolled him over. He laughed "amazing yeah baby?" "God" was all Tom could say and Mateusz laughed again. Krzysztof strode around to Tom's face. His body was glistening with sweat. He wiped his cock over the boys face. Mateusz still held the dildo that he had used to push into Krzysztof and he put it to the boy's lips. "Lick your Daddy's scent off of it" he told Tom and so the boy opened his lips and began to run his tongue over the plastic. Krzysztof put his own dick into Tom's mouth and the lad tasted his Daddy's arse and his cum at the same time. Suddenly Tom felt a wave of pleasure spreading over him. Marc had knelt down and put Tom's legs over his shoulders. He was deeply licking the cum out of the gaping teenager's arse whilst wanking his cock hard. "MMMMMMMM" moaned Tom over the mouthful of cock and dildo. Suddenly he felt his cock begin to spurt load after load of spunk. "Yeah baby" growled Mateusz as Tom's entire body convulsed as he covered himself in his juice. After every little drop had leaked out Marc stood up and the three men stood around Tom looking down. "Phew, fuck, that was hot. Lets shower" said Marc and led the way from the front room. "I will bring the dildo" said Mateusz. Krzysztof laughed and picked up his little boy. Putting Tom over his shoulder he patted his arse and carried him into the bathroom
    1 point
  44. Hungry Hole I agree. Generally like the verbal, being called out on my need to be dominated, humiliated and referred to as a whore. Make me beg for that load! Last night I went to Cumunion for the first time. Can't say I will be back, but once I realized it was not a crowd that I am typically attracted to, I decded to make the best of it. Got about 10 or 12 cocks in my ass, five loads in my hole. Didn't come, but that wasn't my goal. I was struck that none of the guys that fucked me said thanks. The second of the tops who came inside did (nice guy, we talked after for a while) and I think the first guy who did was appreciative although not explicit. None except the second guy were verbal at all. But the other three just unloaded and left. If anything, they seemed a bit contemptuous of me, before, during and especially after they filled my hole. And given the mindset I was in, it got me more and more turned on.
    1 point
  45. i love morning piss... i like it when it really tastes like piss, not water. Also, there's something really hot about a man drinking beer and pissing in my mouth.
    1 point
  46. Warning bisexual chem story Once I licked his cock clean he told us to go to my room and had me remove my jockstrap and lie down on my bed. He grabbed a medium size butt plug but first had me lick it as he told the girl to finger me but she told her boyfriend that he should and we all watched as he slowly moved towards me until she told him to hurry up or his hole would be nexted. As he was about to stick a finger in me Jack told him to shove three in and to fuck my hole fast and he pushed awkwardly but almost as fast as he started Jack grabbed the plug from me and told him to put them in my mouth and I'd clean them. As soon as he pulled them out of my ass Jack slammed the plug in. I was sucking his fingers as his girlfriend hugged him from behind and rubbed his hard cock. She told him that he must like me sucking his fingers and that she heard boys give the best head and asked him if I was sucking his fingers good. He said it felt amazing and could tell I liked it. Jack had pulled down the girls panties and told the girl he would make me eat her too. The girl took her boyfriends other hand and pushed two fingers in her pussy and then told him to switch hands so I tasted pussy for the first time. She asked if I had tasted it before and I shook my head a little and she asked if I ever wanted to and I shook again but then she asked if she told me to eat her pussy would I and she orgasmed on her boyfriends fingers as I nodded. For then had me show them my stuff, the boy's clothes, the bum toys and finally when he was ready to open my diaper drawer he stopped and got the pipes ready for me and the guy. For the first time I heard the guys name which was Bill. I saw Jack was giving both of us big hits. I was excited as I knew something would happen and when Bill finished his hit Jack told Kathy that Bill should get comfortable and winked to her. She started to undress Bill and when I gave Jack my pipe he told me to pad up which meant he wanted me to put on a diaper. Kathy had removed Bill's pants and boxers and was picking up my jockstrap when they saw me grab the diaper. Bill didn't look like he wanted to put on my jockstrap but she told him she'd get a diaper if he didn't put it on. Jack put a baseball hat on me backwards and pushed me to my knees but before I could get his cock in my mouth Kathy said she wanted to see me blow Bill. She pulled his cock out of the jock and told me to suck him and I moved to him as he was about to say something but she told him to grab my head and enjoy it. His cock was hard and dripping. As I swallowed it I tasted something weird but I was starting to fly higher than I had been all day. Kathy slid down next to me and said she loved seeing my blow Bill. She asked if I would suck him and swallow his cum. I nodded and she said she hadn't sucked it all week because he had the clap. She said she wanted to watch me suck his dirty cock and eat his infected cum and then after I swallow his load she wanted to spank me for being so nasty. She asked if she spanked me good would I eat her pussy after as she has Bill finger me again. I was so high and I knew I was going to catch VD from him but I nodded and sucked harder. Jack told Bill to hold my head and use me like he always wanted to do to a girl. Bill did it and soon was skull fucking me. Kathy had Bill admit it was the best blowjob he ever got and that he would want boys to blow him again. Kathy was fingering herself and Jack moved her hand and pushed two of his fingers into her. He told Bill to watch him finger her and that he should use me harder. Bill started to make me gag and would hold me as I would thrash about. Kathy screamed for him to cum in my throat now as she started to have another orgasm. Bill's load went right into my throat and belly so I didn't get to taste him. He told me to swallow and he held me still. Kathy screamed for him to keep fucking my face as she had another orgasm. Jack finally pulled his fingers out and Bill had me turn around to suck them. We went back in the living room for awhile and Jack told Bill that he could get a blowjob from me whenever he wanted and Bill agreed he would look for other boys and share them with Jack. Kathy got so excited when she saw my diaper was getting wet. Jack told them that sometimes he'd piss in my diaper too and he did a little and got Bill to also. Jack finally handed me a massive rock and I hoped I was getting fucked again, but once I took my hit and Jack had me on my knees I was happy to suck him but he wasn't hard as usual. I started flying as he held my head and started pissing. He told them I hated this but it proved I was their boy to play with. Kathy told Bill to get up and she wanted him to piss in me too. Jack told him to piss real slow and to hold me tight and then when he finished he shoved me on to Bill's cock. It took Bill a minute to start but he had a full bladder and took a couple of minutes. Kathy fingered herself again as she watched. When Jack and Bill switched she told Jack to finger her as they watched us. She was getting close again and when Bill finished pissing she told him to push and hold my head between her legs. She yelled for me to get my tongue in her and eat her out. I barely got started as she screamed and came again. I liked how she thrashed my head as she had her cum. Jack then stood me up and pulled down my diaper and had me lay across Kathy. He removed my butt plug and told Bill to sit down too so I could blow him while Kathy spanks me. Once Bill sat down Jack reached for Bill's cock and rubbed the butt plug all over it and then had me suck it. Jack told them that boys like me acted best when you made them do nasty stuff and they like and need to be spanked and Kathy started. Jack explained that while I liked being spanked it would soon hurt and I'll beg for them to stop. As Kathy wasn't spanking hard enough Jack took out his belt and in minutes I was crying and begging them to stop. That's when Jack announced his plan. They would stop spanking me and give me a huge hit if I let Bill fuck me raw and breed me with his infected cum. I said he could fuck me with a rubber and they spanked me more and I said OK just don't make him cum in me and Jack told me that when I took the pipe and my head was flying I wouldn't care so just tell us to do it to you. Jack then took the belt from Kathy and swung so hard that I couldn't even speak and he did it five times and when I stopped screaming I told them to do it. Jack and Bill left the room and Kathy told me she came again as I was screaming and she hoped to cum again as Bill came in me. When they returned they got the pipes ready. Kathy told me to tell them that I wanted Bill to fuck and breed me and I told them.
    1 point
  47. I'm married, closeted, and love to be fucked and bred. I also love sex with women. I consider myself bi. I'm only interested in men for sex and not any kind of emotional connection, like I feel for women. I suppose if women were as easy to hook up with as men, I'd have sex with women more than men. I'd still have to get my ass fucked every now and then, though.
    1 point
  48. I have locked many bottoms into chasity and taken the control away it is very hot to see them turn into a total cum dump willing to do as told and live to please a cock. another way is to diaper and humiliate them take there man hood and ability of standing in front of a toilet make them piss the diaper and wear it as well as stand willingly in front of you and allow you to piss into the diaper they are wearing. then tear a hole in the back of it and fuck them long and hard. while you use and humiliate them for being in a diaper filled with your piss remind them what the warm feeling is as you fuck them. once you fill the bottom with cum ask him how it feels to have your hot piss in his diaper and your hot cum in his hole? he will be a slut to you the rest of his life
    1 point
  49. My dad raised me alone and from a very early age made it normal for me to see and touch his dick, help him get off and being touched by him there as well. Of course, this turned into a real relationship when I grew older and he started to fuck me several times each day. We played around with others, too (he was only top, but wanted to give me the chance to fuck as well), travelled a lot, kissed and held hands in public and fucked at every opportunity. Unfortunately, he died when I was 19... It was the best and most awesome time of my life.
    1 point
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