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  1. Took 61 hot loads over the 3 day weekend at MAL in Washington, DC. Mostly were anonymous. Dark room, door unlocked, ass up in a jock and blindfolded. A couple of the guys had some PA's that felt great. Everytime I heard the door start to open, my dick got hard wondering who was coming in to breed me. Very hot weekend.
    4 points
  2. I was in London all week on business and decided to stay over Saturday night and, for the first time, to attend Stable. Before the fucking started I saw a cute Asian mare, so when he came out I immediately grabbed him. After eating his young smooth hole for about fifteen minutes I fucked him deep and hard using a condom (as it was described as a "safer sex" party). As this was my first time at this event naturally I followed the safe sex rules, but after fucking for a while and watching the other guys fuck, I eventually realized that probably 2/3 of the guys were fucking bare and the bottoms were all begging for loads. I watched one old skinny guy breed the hot Asian so I decided he should get some real man seed in him so I shot all three of my loads last night up his little smooth hole, for which he thanked me. I also fucked four other guys during the night but each time I was near to unloading I found myself craving the young twink Asian hole, so I would seek him out and unload in him. See you at the party next month, boy.
    3 points
  3. The Canary "Pain is weakness leaving the body," Marine Motto "Did y'all drink all the milk," Leah called out in the hallway from the kitchen. She heard a 'Yeah' from his room. "That just ain't right, JT. Now how my supposed to have my morning tea?" JT didn't answer so Leah walk down to his door. "You up?" "No," said JT, muffled under the covers. "Well, you best get up or you'll be missing speech. And Miss Marshall don't like when you miss even one of her classes." "Then she's gonna have to come on over here if'n she wants to see me. I feel poorly." Leah opened his door and stood next to his bed, him hiding under covers. He peeked out to see her standing there, hand on hip, empty tea cup dangling from her finger. "Whew," she whistled. "What cat dragged you in?" "I don't rightly recall." "What'd ya mean, you can't recall? "What I said. I remember meeting someone and I had a drink, and then I don't remember. He must of put something in it, cause next thing I remember was being home in bed with my clothes on." "When? Saturday?" "Must of been Sunday." "You mean you went out Friday and don't remember anything till Sunday. Jesus Christ Almighty, JT. You were out of it for two whole days and can't remember a thing? Or you don't wanna admit to remembering a thing?" "Leah, lay off. I feel I got cramps and fever." She felt his forehead. "Well, you're sweatin' like a whore in church. I'll get you some Motrin." He looked up at her with sad puppy eyes. "What? Stop that. If you're feeling bad you probably did something you should feel bad about." She saw a stash of crumpled up money lying on his dresser. She counted it. "What in Sam Hill? You got two hundred and fifty bucks. How'd you come up with two hundred fifty dollars sitting on your dresser? I thought you were broke." "Uh, that's part of what I can't remember. I woke up in my clothes and saw the money and can't remember where it came from." "Jeremiah Tiberius Reynolds, you know you don't ever need be ashamed of telling me anything. You know I wouldn't tell your momma or you daddy. But you be honest with me, hear?" "I'd tell you, but I swear to the Almighty, Leah, I can't remember a thing after that drink on Friday night." Her spider eyelashes blinked as she looked him over. "Well, you look sicker than a dog. I'll tell the Academy when I get there. Lemme fetch you the Motrin and you sleep." "Thanks Leah. I promise to go out and get milk when I get up. I wish I knew where that money came from. Maybe it'll come back to me." Leah brought him back the pills and some water, kissed his forehead, and let him be. He heard the front door lock. He recalled full well where he'd spent the last two days and nights, although at the end, Saturday night, when he passed out after an hour of getting balls and dick electrocuted, the last six words he recalled, and there were only six while strapped to the bed, were Vinnie's. Each shock accompanied a word: Muscles, Are, Required, Intelligence, Not, Essential. MARINE. Vinnie ingrained it into him at every opportunity, and used it to signal that he was about to let loose pure hell, no holds barred, on whatever punishment he was inflicting on Jeremy. Jeremy kept waiting for the time when he and Vinnie would hold each other's balls and squeeze till one or both of them came. He kept waiting for Vinnie to say, Look at my dick, look at my dick, and then it would be over and Vinnie would collapse, like he did in his videos, and there'd be a manly hug and it would be done. But it never came. All Vinnie did was abuse him the whole time. Yeah, at the beginning he made him feel things he never did, and it was crazy, but he was so out of it because of the slam. By the time Saturday morning came around, things started to make sense, but then he saw Vinnie shoot up and his real suffering began. He was gagged so he couldn't tell him to stop, only yell while getting kicked in the balls when he couldn't take any more. Or when he actually got a screwdriver stuck down his shaft and electrocuted, it went on for so long he lay at the end just twitching with every round of electricity. Vinnie got frustrated and slammed him again, and ramped up the abuse a hundred million times. His tits were electrified, pins stuck in them. He got a mask put on him and a vice put on his balls and felt them get crushed, but because he couldn't see what was happening, all he felt was pain. There was no fun in just pain. Vinnie laid him back, gentle like, and Jeremy thought he was going to be nice to him. Vinnie put a gas mask over his head filled with popper smell and was starting to get into it because of the aroma and Vinnie playing with his cock. But then he felt a needle go through the skin between his balls and his shaft. It wasn't a point for slamming. It was just the needle part. He screamed into his gag and inside the gas mask, but that didn't do nothing. Another needle when in right above that, and on and on until Vinnie had put in a stack of needles that reached up to the head. Jeremy thought that'd be the end of it. But after a long wait he heard Vinnie unwrapped another set of needles. He said in a different tone of voice, one lacking any emotion like the first night, one that sounded cold and clinical, "Muscles," and another needle went right through his dick head. It hurt more than anything he'd ever felt, a feeling so intense things went dark for a moment. Vinnie waited for Jeremy to get back to full consciousness. "You back with me, cowboy? Camera's are rolling. We don't like dead air. Where were we? Right. Are," and a second needle perpendicular to the first, punctured through his urethra, out the top of his glans. Jeremy screamed, then made rapid pleas through his gag. He didn't have to pay him, just stop. He wouldn't tell nobody, just let him go. "Required," Vinnie replied. A third needle when in his pee slit and out the right side of his glans. "Just three more to go, partner. I'm sure you heard of Jacob's Ladder in Bible class. I did in catachism Well, this is my take. Intelligence," and with that Vinnie shoved another needle in Jeremy's pee slit emerging out the left side of the glans. Jeremy repeated 'please, please no,' which fell on deaf ears. "Not a ladder going to heaven, no," Vinnie stroked all the needles that ran up Jeremy's shaft, "but one going down to hell. This one's going to smart, sport. Take a big hit. Not!" and Vinnie punctured Jeremy's left testicle straight in with the needle going all the way into the core. Jeremy thrashed in his chains, trying to push himself off the bed. He pounded his fists against the bed, grabbed at Jeremy. "Essential," and the last needle punctured his other testicle. Jeremy tried to hold it in, but Vinnie pulled out the needle apologizing. "Sorry, partner, missed the center target. Once more, Essential!" Jeremy shrieked straight for one minute until the acute unimaginable pain subsided to only to an intense painful throb. His whole member was a constellation of wounds each one individual, taken together excruciating. Vinnie kept playing with Jeremy's cock and the needles gouging him. Jeremy felt the familiar alligator clamps that had shocked his nipples and earlier when the screwdriver was in his cock in the wee hours of the first night. Those early e-stims, Vinnie called them, those were a "three-piece warm-up band, JT. Now get ready for an opera." It agonized him, Vinnie hooking up the electrodes to the needles in his cockhead and shaft, but when he place the clamps on his testicles every movement made adjusting them tore through the center of the internal flesh of each ball. "Done in a second. You just hang in there, partner." Jeremy whimpered but endured the pain. There wasn't much else he could to. "Now I remember you don't like having your butt played with and I can't blame you. I'm the same way. And believe me I don't derive any pleasure in this but what's an opera without base notes." He felt Vinnie pushing a lubed object the size of a quail's egg up his butthole. It slid passed his sphincter and land next to his prostate. "Hope that wasn't too personal, but I think we're pretty much beyond that. Okay, orchestra tuning up." Electrodes randomly zapped each part of his cock and ass and jolted him in every direction at once. Then quit. At first he only felt, or not even felt, thought, yeah, thought about a pulse in his prostate. There was something definitely there as least he thought so. But then he definitely felt a ticking, annoying at first but becoming stinging. Then the sting transferred to his glans then moved first up then down the ladder of needles to his balls. At his balls, the stinging became a jolt, a large jolt in the left, then an even larger zap in the right, then both, then repeated—left, right, together, left right, together—each time increasing in amplitude. As it crecendoed to an intensity that made him dance to an unheard tune, just as suddenly it quit. "Pretty impressive, right?" Vinnie started the pattern again, this team in a higher key. Allegro—sharper, faster, more emphatic. "So weird huh? Where'd I learn to be this musical? Asbury Park high school marching band? Oh, no, no, no. What are you, crazy? Paris? Vienna? Try Nicaragua, Jeremy. Didn't know the Nicaraguan's had a taste for the classics? Well, not the pomp of the oompah marching band played for the generals standing on balconies. No, basements with captains and lieutenant-colonels supervising sadistic soldiers that I received training first hand. Ah, those classic strums on the guitar, beautiful serenades I heard out the window, covering my shrieks inside the chamber. Chamber music," he laughed. To Vinnie, Jeremy's background screams were of a pattern, but you had to listen closely. He'd start with a flare of intense voltage deep in his rectum, then traded up to a quick succession of yelps as the head of his penis erupted in head-thrashing, teeth-gritting anguish. The pain, like a xylophone running up and down his shaft, was a favorite of Vinnie's. He'd often come back to it like a chorus or a refrain. His main melody, though, remained in the balls. The agonizing sound produced by the balls he perfected and was closest to, partially through trial and error, but principally through personal experience. Vinnie made a few adjustments since he hadn't heard Jeremy singing for a minute or two. "Since I was caught up trading arms—we sold to those in power and those wanting power because that's what we do—as a prisoner my country had no need or any more knowledge of me. I was on my own. I have to tell you, Jeremy—" Jeremy bellowed out a torturous screech, "Oh! Fuck yes, that's it! You get it now! Jeremy, I have to tell you when it's every man man for himself and you're the only man, you are fucked! I know you feel me. And those crank electrical generators that they show in movies, they get the job done. I would have like to share it with you, but they are hard to get a hold of. I've tried, believe me. The basic set up attached to a man's balls unlocks the keys within a few days. Cause there's no scars or damage, you can start again from scratch. Then another few days after you've sung, for your captives to be sure there wasn't any lying. Then a few more days just for hell of it. Since our government has a policy of not paying ransoms—which was the point for the Iran-Contra controversy, Jeremy—go think of that irony." Playing with dials and switches, Vinnie got Jeremy singing a beautiful series of rhythmic screams. His songs literally were music to Vinnie's ears. Vinnie had sung them, why not the boys that came to him too. They would share the splendor, justify why'd you'd say anything to make it stop. Something with a samba beat? Vinnie made a few changes to the syncopation and undulating amplitudes, voltage would generate on one set of cycles, while another pattern altogether at odds with the first would, eventually, pair up. What was singularly bearable—more teeth-gritting stuff—when the two electrical patterns merged, physically, and—because you could predict it coming a mile down the road—psychically, it paired up unendurable torment opening those teeth to a sustain hollering. If the tormentors were truly good at the job (and Vinnie learned expertly from his), well, a sustained, especially piercing one note of agony could indefinitely be strung out. Or until the singer passed out. Or died. It happened. Usually this was set in the minor key of "no-no-no" for the performer was aware of the terrible logic of the song. Jeremy was at this stage. Vinnie listened enrapt. Jeremy's cries, then screams, when he saw what was about to happen, were pitch perfect. The boy wasn't dumb as he looked. (Although Vinnie noted he looked pretty darn good. He stuck his middle finger in the boy's butt to fine-tuned the plug to ensure it was aligned with the prostate and got a zap for his trouble.) "Okay, choir boy. Ready for the finale? Time to make you a soprano. Time for the fat lady to sing." Jeremy adamantly shook his head. He wasn't going to be able to live through this. "Muscles Are Required," Vinnie said turning the dial to the top until Jeremy yelled his guts out. "And who takes you in, Jeremy, after you've given your all for your country? Well, who would that be, Jeremy, question mark?" He gave a game show buzz sound and accompanied it by a shot up the dial to 10. "Incorrect. The correct answer is Cuba!" Vinnie brought the dial back to 6. "And who do you get turned over to once you've sung any other songs with a Latin beat you might have in you? No, wrong again!" Vinnie dialed up to 10 a second time, and left it there watching Jeremy flop like a pinned frog on his soft leopard-spotted bed, before bringing it down and leaving it at an intense 7. In a game show voice he replied to himself, "The answer is The Kremlin—who knows, as a special operative, you must have one or two last songs to sing to be valuable enough to finally get traded back to the U.S. of A.—and as a canary you'd do anything to survive the wires connected to your balls." Vinnie turned up to 10 and left it there, monoguing something terrible over Jeremy's horse, rasping shrieks. "A dishonorably discharged, Jeremy, for what it was all worth, at an Oakland loading dock. No marching bands, no crowds, just a few dock workers and a familiar Russian junky who just so happened I'd share a cell with. A plant you might ask? Probably, Jeremy, but one who might could put you to work in a bar in San Francisco. Maybe set you up with your own business. 'No scruples, but many rubles,' Mr. X, the only one there to greet me, certainly was lyrical. He was poetry in a perverted soul, had and still has many connections. You could make good life here, he told me when he drove me into the city. A sleazy one, but do you care at this point? Screw the world like it screws you. The boy was unresponsive. He switched off the tens unit and began putting away his toys. "Intelligence." Boys willingly sign on dotted line in my country for less. Boys in the slums fist themselves, take rape of old men, take shit for eating, take American baseball bats up themselves for food, for American men to download for enjoyment. Everyone goes home winner. "Not." That's four sessions back to back. Two with masks. Two face uncovered. That's two-fifty in one weekend. More than he got in a month wired from back home. On the walk back to his apartment he figured out what four weekends like that would get him. "Essential." And that wasn't even the private one-timers who paid a lot, lot more, Vinnie promised. Maybe five hundred for one night, depending on what he would be willing to do. He had his email and would be in touch. He'd keep the headshot, if JT didn't mind.
    3 points
  4. Connor and I were inseparable. I always wanted to be with him and vice versa. I felt so safe with him. His love filled me up in a way that no one else's love and affection ever had. The best I could compare the feeling to was when you fall down and cry as a kid and know instinctively that your mother is the place to run for love and comfort. That is how I felt with Connor. It's no surprise then that we shared so much of our lives together. We talked about our life ambitions (mine to be a teacher and his to travel). We also shared the most intimate parts of ourselves - vulnerabilities, stories, fears, desires, dreams. Nothing was off limits. I told Connor about my sexual history and he told me about his. These stories always turned us on so that we were usually fucking before the story ended; only to finish the each story once my ass was full of his cum. Connor liked being dominant and I liked being submissive. We explored these things with each other as time passed. He started to wear leather harnesses and I became addicted to sexy jocks and underwear. He loved seeing my ass framed in a jock and I loved seeing his face when he saw my ass. Connor's desire for me in those moments was evident. We started to indulge our desires in other ways - public sex; sex in the public rooms at the bathhouse, sex in bathrooms, sex in the car, sex in alleys, sex while I was blindfolded, sex while I was tied to the bed, sex with porn, etc. We dabbled in club drugs: coke, mdma, g, and special k. We'd have sex on the drugs or a combination of the drugs; dance in the clubs while high; fuck at the bathhouse while high, etc. The drugs came and went, but as Connor and I got more serious the drugs faded in our routine. The summer between sophomore and junior years we both went home to our families. Being away from him for so long over the summer break was killing me. His parents were complaining about the phone bill because he called me so often and we spoke so long. We couldn't stand it anymore and we decided to go back to New Orleans for another sweltering summer. I told my family the next day when my aunt and uncle were over for a bbq. My aunt and uncle immediately said, "Go use the cabin for a few weeks. No one else is there this summer since we are tied up at work." That night I called Connor. We and my family decided to make it a vacation plus "meet the family" trip. Connor and I would stay at the cabin for two weeks and my family would come up for the last weekend. I was so excited to see Connor that I didn't even mind taking the bus all the way from Long Island to Cooperstown again. Connor was driving his car to the cabin. He was timing his arrival to match my bus. That way we could grab groceries and I wouldn't have to figure out my way to the cabin with my luggage. I got on the bus and could hardly contain my excitement. I hadn't jerked off in three days and during the rhythmic bus ride along the highway my mind wandered to the hot times I had at the cabin two summers prior. After the third or fourth stop; the bus driver announced that something was wrong with the bus leaving Kingston taking me to Cooperstown and we would need to travel to Albany. We could switch in Albany for a special bus which would run through Western New York. He also announced that we would be picking up a lot of extra passengers in Kingston to take them north to meet the Albany bus (clear off the seat next to you, etc). Just the mention of Albany got my dick hard. I started thinking about Steve and Lou and the bathhouse sex. I was in a trance with my hand lightly stroking my cock when we got to Kingston. I was staring out the window and felt a person drop dramatically into the seat next to me. I turned to look at my neighbor and I was entranced. This guy looked like a soccer jock, blonde hair, blue eyes, hot frame, big thighs; but it was painted over with "GAY". His hair also had streaks of purple and black, he wore earrings, very tight expensive clothing, and I could swear he had glitter residue on his skin. I said hello and as he responded his purse fell out of his mouth. He was a total queen. And a hot queen at that. As the bus began to roll out of Kingston, we fell into a good conversation. His name was Bryce. I was going to meet my boyfriend and he was escaping his asshole family. He had been caught fucking the recently graduated 18 year old star of the high school basketball team. I laughed at that. He said, "It wasn't hard to turn him out. The guy was so repressed and needed release that convincing him to get fucked was almost easier than it was to get him to give a blow job. I'd been fucking the guy for a month before his parents caught us. He had such a sweet ass." I was hard thinking about this queeny, ex soccer jock nailing the star basketball player. Bryce asked if I had any stories like that. In a hushed tone, I shared some of my past conquests. Responding in an equally subdued tone, Bryce asked if I was always a bottom. I admitted that I was. He told me more stories of guys he had "turned out." Preppy boys, closeted boys, guys with boyfriends and partners; they all gave it up their ass and turned all slutty when he got them turned on. He leaned in and said, "Guys like you. Feeling your ass wrapped around my cock would be awesome. Too bad we are on a crowded bus." I blushed and chuckled awkwardly. I said thanks and reminded him that I had a boyfriend. Bryce said, "That doesn't matter. I can see you are rock hard in those shorts." He slipped his hand between my legs and slid his hand up my thigh until it rested on my hard cock. I laughed awkwardly again and said, "Your stories are so hot. And I haven't cum in three days. I'm waiting to cum with my boyfriend, Connor." I said Connor's name to remind us both that Connor was real. Bryce removed his hand and we continued our hot conversation in hushed tones the rest of the journey to Albany. When we got to the Albany bus station, the driver told us that the bus west would be ready in about an hour. We needed to take out luggage and wait in the station. As Bryce and I got off the bus, I saw that the bus station was right near the used bookstore where Steve and I met Lou. Bryce grabbed his bag and I grabbed mine. When I turned around, I saw Bryce checking out my ass. He said, "Zach, your ass is amazing. I really want to fuck you." I got hard again. But tried to ignore his comments and rolled my eyes. I called Connor (he now had a cellphone) and let him know I was going to be late. He told me he'd wait for me. Bryce and I grabbed seats inside the station and he asked about Steve and Lou. I told him the story including the condom breaking with Lou. He reached down and grabbed his hard cock and said, "Look what you're doing to me. Did Lou cum inside you?" I nodded sheepishly. He asked if Steve wore condoms to fuck me. I said no. He leaned in as an older couple sat across from us and asked, "Were they the only two guys who fucked you that night?" I said, "No there were others." He said, "Zach, you are such a hot slut. Come with me I want to hear the rest of the story." We asked the couple to watch our bags and we made our way to a bathroom. Bryce and I leaned near each other and I told him the whole story of the Albany bathhouse: Steve; Lou and the condom; the wall with holes in it (which I now knew to be gloryholes) and the guys who fucked me through them. Bryce ran his hand along the outline of his cock. He turned to the mirror and said, "Zach, I'm so glad we met. You are totally making my leaving home today so much better." I turned to face him in the mirror and at that point someone came into the bathroom. The man used the urinal at the other wall and Bryce went up to the one urinal next to the sink where I was standing. He took out his hard cock, looked at it, looked at me in the mirror and watched me look down at his nice 8" fat cock. I was hard in my shorts and so turned on. Bryce's cock was so nice. We broke eye contact as the other guy washed his hands. As soon as he left the restroom, Bryce had his cock resting on my ass and was looking at me in the mirror. He said, "Over here." We went into a stall and I knew I was going to have sex with Bryce. I was so turned on. He got me in the stall and dropped his shorts and sat down. I grabbed his hard cock, dropped to my knees and started sucking his dick and licking the head. I was getting him wet the same way I get Connor wet. I took him into my throat and was loving it. Bryce said, "We've barely gotten in the stall and you are on your knees sucking cock. You must me very horny from all our talk." I moaned a yes from around his cock. I was sucking him really well and he was holding back his groans and moans. I thought, maybe if I just suck him off that won't be so bad. I put more effort into it. I started to feel precum in my mouth. I swallowed it down. I realized that my mouth was dripping so I stopped and took off my shirt. Bryce stroked his cock and watched me pull off my t-shirt. He said, "Stand up and turn around. Do you want me to fuck your pussy?" I turned around, dropped my shorts, stepped out of them, showing Bryce my jockstrap framed ass. I said, "Yes. Fuck me." Bryce leaned in and ate my ass. He got me just wet enough and then stood up and lined his cock up to my ass. He said, "You want my raw cock don't you?" I said, "Wait, Bryce. That's not safe. And I'd really be cheating on Connor then." Bryce said, "It feels so much better raw. Besides I don't have a condom so it's bareback or nothing. You really want to get fucked right?" I said, "Yes. You can fuck me. Just don't cum inside me, okay?" Bryce agreed and started sliding his cock inside me. After using dildos on my ass for weeks and Connor fucking me every day for months, my ass opened up fairly easily. I felt Bryce's cock in me and I lost though of everything else in the world. Bryce bottomed out inside my ass and started fucking me. I was just focused on the cock in my ass. Bryce was making noise, soft grunts, as he fucked me. My cock was rock hard and I went to jerk it as I normally would. Bryce put my hand back on the stall door and said not to jerk off. My cock was so hard and in need of attention. I bent over more so I could watch his cock slide in and out of my ass. I couldn't really see it but I caught a glimpse. I was thinking that as long as Bryce doesn't cum inside me, then I'll be fine. I started to focus again on how great his cock felt fucking me. We heard the announcement that the bus to Western New York was leaving in 10 minutes. It caught us by surprise. Next thing I know, Bryce is saying, "Oh fuck. I'm gonna cum." I didn't move to get off his cock because I usually take Connor's load when he says that. What happened next surprised me more than the fact that I didn't try to get off his cock. Bryce said, "You want my load, don't you?" As routine ever since dating Justin, I said, "Do it. Cum in my ass." Bryce slammed into me 2 more times, jammed his cock into my hole and exploded. Bryce and I silently cleaned up. When we were washing our hands, he looked at me and said, "Turning out boys is so much fun. You liked it didn't you?" I admitted that I did. Bryce and I didn't sit next to each other on the rest of the trip because once on the bus there were no open seats together. I saw him when I passed him on my way to the bus bathroom. I sat on the toilet and let his cum slip from my ass. Hopefully, Connor wouldn't notice. I realized then that Bryce hadn't let me cum. He had made me save my load for Connor. That was pretty cool. I smiled wryly to myself in the mirror. The last time I saw Bryce was when I got off the bus in Cooperstown. Connor and I were holding hands walking to his car and I noticed Bryce as the bus pulled away from the curb. He smiled at me.
    3 points
  5. ‘Do You Want Me to Stop?’ I was headed out of town for a conference to London. I’d managed to get my company to pay for the flights, and to be able to stay on a few days afterwards to get a bit of a vacation. My boy was planning on flying out on the next night of the conference and spending a few days sightseeing with me. We’d both been working hard lately, and were looking forward to some time together. We’d even done a bit of research into the raunchier gay clubs, thinking maybe we could have some naughty fun together in a public setting. I was running late trying to get out of the office to the airport, and I barely made it through security before the flight closed. We started taxiing shortly after I buckled my seat belt. The flight was choppy to say the least, and I was super stressed. A very sexy flight attendant could see how tense I was just from my shoulders. This guy was a real Hunk. He leaned forward telling me that we should keep in touch after the plane landed and he was off-duty. ‘I’d like to help you relax,’ he said as he pushed a card with his number into my hand and stroked my arm. I was practically sore all over, and groggy from having not slept well, by the time we touched down at Heathrow. As the sun rose, I headed for the tube into town for my morning presentation. I felt a body press into mine from behind as I stood on the platform, and it was my Hunk, the flight attendant. He was taller than I remembered, over six feet, with broad shoulders and a tiny waist. Blond spiky hair framed his chiseled face. We made small talk as we boarded the train, crowded with morning commuters. I was drowsy from not sleeping on the turbulent flight and found myself dozing off with my head against his muscular chest. I apologized, and told him we should make a plan for that night after the conference wore down. The presentations went well, if uneventful, and I headed to check into my hotel. I messaged the Hunk, and we made plans for him to pick me up and we could grab a light dinner, then maybe back to my place or his to relax. We went out dancing, and I could tell he was packing a big cock from the lump in his trousers. We ate quickly as we chatted about what turned each other on. He told me he had trained to be a masseur and liked to practice whenever he could. He held out his massive hands, and I swear I started to drip precum. He told me that he charged all of his clients… I asked what his fees were, and they seemed reasonable. £50- for an hour sounded fair, plus extras… I stayed hard wondering what the extras were. We got back to my hotel, and the Hunk wrapped his arm around me as he winked at the concierge, who winked back with a knowing look. Back in my room and tore each other’s clothes off. He had me lay down on the bed with a pillow under my chest. I shivered as he started working my shoulders with his masculine hands, then lower to my shoulder blades, then the small of my back, then my ass. He cupped my cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing my hole. He crouched lower and started blowing air across my asshole. I instinctively tightened up. He told me he’d loosen me up for another £10-. I breathlessly nodded assent, and he started lapping at my ass. I knew I was making a puddle on the bedspread. He pulled his whole hair body against my back, with his thick uncut cock right between the clefts of my cheeks. ‘£10- more and I’ll put the tip in… Sound good, lover?’ I grunted approval, not thinking to stop and ask for a condom. Thankfully, he had got me pretty wet with spit and the head of his dick eased into me. I moaned as he twisted my head around, ‘£10- more and I’ll kiss you.’ I grunted and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I knew he was deeper in me than just the tip, and that he was raw. I could feel my ass getting wetter, so I knew he was drooling precum into me. ‘£20- more and I’ll fuck you until you ask me to stop…’ ‘Okay!’ I shouted. He reared back and pulled my hips to his groin. My Hunk pounded my raw ass. The sound of sweaty flesh-on-flesh smacking as his balls slammed into me sent me in orbit. It had been a long time since I’d been fucked, and a long time since someone other than my boy had fucked me raw. ‘You’ll tell me when you want me to stop, right?’ I nodded and he maintained his pace. ‘You know I swap loads with guys all over the world, right? Do you want me to stop?’ I shook my head no and his pace picked up. ‘I love taking and sharing my seed with guys… and I’m carrying a charged load… do you want me to stop?’ I nodded no again, realizing that I was already lubed with his charged precum, so why stop now? My Hunk plowed me for a few more minutes, jack-hammering his thick cock into me. My mind reeled, knowing how risky it was to take a charged stranger’s load. I wondered what my boy would think if he could see me like this. Would it turn my boy on, or freak him out? The Hunk’s head shot back as he started cumming, firing his charged load into my hole, forcing it deeper and deeper with every thrust. He flung himself down onto me again, still filling my ass with his cock, sliding gently back and forth. He groaned, pawing his big hands through my tousled hair, ‘That’ll be £100-, please…’ I reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a crisp new note. He took it, and pulled out, leaving a squelching plop noise and my gaping well-fucked, well-bred sticky ass. He dressed and left quickly. I called my boy and told him I’d just had a massage, leaving out the detail that my ass was full to the brim with charged seed. My boy was at the airport getting ready to board the plane to London. He thought that a massage sounded fun, and asked if I could book him the same guy for tomorrow. Fuck, what was I going to tell him, I wondered, as I fell asleep. My boy arrived the next morning, having slept soundly on the flight. He came to my hotel and unpacked a bit while I got ready for the day’s presentations at my conference. I told him that my masseur was unavailable, and we should try to find someone else for him, suggesting we ask at reception for a masseur, and I headed out. I got a message around lunch that he’d managed to get a recommendation from the concierge, and a masseur was coming over. I was glad he’d get a bit of relaxation in, and we made plans to go out on the town that night. A few hours later, I messaged him letting him know I’d be back soon. My boy replied that the masseur was nearly finished and they were having a great time. ‘He’s really sexy,’ the text read, ‘and really affordable. Only £50- plus more for extras…’ It dawned on me that the concierge had set my boy up with my charged Hunk. I then received a message from the Hunk asking ‘Do you want me to stop?’ I took a breath and replied ‘I’ll bring £100-. Don’t stop until you’re finished…’
    2 points
  6. Yesterday I was at the adult bookstore. Or course I swallowed a few loads but I really wanted to get fucked. I asked each guy I was sucking if they liked to fuck, and said cause I love to get fucked. Only one said sometimes but probably not there. So this guy, after sucking him for awhile and getting home very hard (huge cock) he told me to stand up and turn around, which I did. He fucked me raw but eventually stopped. I turned him around and sucked him clean then he left the booth. Same thing happened with him twice more. I said I really wanted him to cum in me and he said that he just did for the third time. Then I felt him cum running down my legs. I thanked him then left. When I got home I squatted over a mirror and watched his cum pour out of my ass then licked it off the mirror and swallowed it. There was a lot of cum. Awesome.
    2 points
  7. Hey pigs. Just opened a tumblr. Not mutch yet. Still in the daily hunt for twisted things to share. Juat posted a vid of mine where i got wrecked and bred by my furst poz top. Let me know if the link works and hit me up. Hopefully this year ill have plenty more for you guys. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/youngbbload
    2 points
  8. Prolapse (Night 2) You’re a sick puppy, I said to myself. After watching the concluding half-hour of the abuse Joey was put through, how could I be stiff as a board witnessing it? At Bar X Duncan stood off to a corner watching the shadow men who’d been aroused by his performance. The first group of men in line for Joey's ass were satisfied with simply fucking the half conscious kid strapped to the fuckbench. It was the few remaining men who lingered around waiting for the room to thin out, that slipped a few extra bills to Mr. X, these last men almost made me crack my nut, sick as that was. I don’t know if Joey had ever taken a fist, but the assembled men, maybe five or six, started testing out what the boy could take. With the first fist he was clearly awake, struggling against his restraints. The men were not gentle but took satisfaction in Joey’s pleas to stop. Several tried double fisting him but they failed in their attempts. The last couple were satisfied to piston and punch fist him, violating him with a good forearm before trading off to the next in line. The lube starting running pink then turned red, before Duncan saw that Joey could be seriously internally injured. He intervened and gave Joey's ass to the last man in line. He was a very thin old man—ninety, a hundred, a thousand year old priest?—practically skeletal. He negotiated with Mr. X and Duncan, giving Duncan a small black bottle and then went over and knelt before Joey’s ass. Crouching on his knobby knees he surgically felt inside the boy. Duncan came over and gave Joey a hit off the bottle the old man had provided. Joey’s head drooped even before the bottle was capped. Duncan sampled a hit. If it weren’t for one of the remaining spectators standing close to him, Duncan would have fallen. The spectator steady him and Duncan stood for a long while enwrapped in a hypnotic daze. The skeleton soon had his fist in Joey going up to his mid forearm when Joey’s head bobbed up and fell again. The old man's rested inside Joey at the crook of his arm. He withdrew it completed and immediately reinserted it. Joey silently opened his mouth, his eyes saucers of black, as the man this time went past the bones of his elbow. Joey breathed rapidly trying to absorb the old man’s thin flesh and bones. The skeleton paused just for a moment to let Joey adjust to the depth he had penetrated, then immediately inserted his other bony hand in Joey’s ass. There was an audible gasp from Joey when the second hand entered. Joey’s head fell. Duncan was again awake and stroke over to give the kid another hit. Joey shook his head emphatically but Duncan whispered sternly in his ear, and held the reluctant boy’s head between his thigh and his hand. Joey surrendered to the inevitable and inhaled obediently first with one nostril then the other. Duncan held this there until the captive took two more hits. The old man waited for Duncan to cap the bottle and step aside, then set the new hand trailing along his first arm. You could actually see the Joey's facial transformation. What was first reluctance then resistance to what the old man was doing internally to him, now Joey was assisting his own impalement. The old man met his new hand with the other deep inside Joey's body. The boy pressed his ass back on the old man's arms, trying to force the man's arms ever deeper. Me moaned and huffed with every inch he pushed and absorbed. At the peak of what his body could take, arms up to the withered biceps, the old man pushed an inch deeper extracting a frantic holler from Joey and then cruelly extracted both hands all the way out at once pulling Joey's innards with it. Joey cried out not in pain but in delirium, as his hole flared open displaying his newly exposed bright red entrails. *** I did as I was instructed. Water, then back on the giant phallus. I was able to take the speed bump and add a last few inches in pure sympathy with what I imagined Joey must have gone through. The video ended with Duncan unstrapping Joey and carrying him either unconscious or simply a crumpled sack of beaten meat with a thick river of spent lube and cum drooling out of his asshole. A final shot of Joey's head buried in the cleft of Duncan's hairy chest. On cue Mr. X and Riggs made their entrance. "Is excellent video, no? Analytics says over seven thousand visits, five hundred downloads in first day," Mr. X chortled, holding out a contract. "Joey will be big star, already have signature from him. This is yours. You sign whenever." He placed his hand on my face evaluating my butt and the distance traveled. "Very good, boy. You come far ways. But now I want to show you what you will be like for me. Not tomorrow but goal for you. Riggs has present for your next step, yes Pig Riggs?" With that, Riggs climbed in the sling, strapping in his legs, spreading open to display his hanging asslips. "What do you think, almost virgin Boy Scout. You see bull cunt like this before?" As an afterthought Mr. X added, "Leave dildo on bed, take up butt plug and come over here. That big plug there." Between pulling out the object and shitting it with my loosened ass muscles, I grunted till the dildo fell out. I went over and picked up the large butt plug Mr. X indicated and then went over and stood next to him. I bent to look at Riggs and Mr. X inserted a few inches of the plug in my ass. He gave an approving snort and I allow him to push it all the way in. "Oh, shit! Thank you, Sir." I examined Riggs' hole while my hole adjusted to the smaller object. "Holy fuck, Sir! I've never seen a hole with hanging flaps like that." "Sit and wheel yourself closer. See full talent of Riggs' hole. Maybe pleasure him while I get preparations going. Poppers to inspire you." Mr. X went to the table and went to work on loading fresh points for himself and Riggs. I took my hit and looked at his full, smooth puckered old man butt. A wave of lust got in me once I capped the bottle. I spread his cheeks and went in to get my first real taste of a man's asshole. I gave a lick to his hanging nutsack and ran my tongue down his taint. He was smooth, clean, but once I got to his sloppy asslips I got a taste of his muskier self. The poppers made me want to get more of that smell so I plunged a finger in him and pulled it out and sucked on it. He let out a cry of delight. What a dirty child I was, he sputtered. His sphincter and colon were softer than I could have imagined. I sucked on the outer flap of skin, every so often slipping my tongue inside as I circle around his hole. Each time I inserted my tongue down his shit chute he gave a loud moan. I used my fingers to spread apart his hole. It was so pliable that every time I spread him apart, it would stay open for a moment and I could see deep inside his cunt. It was bright pink then turned red the farther in I peered. He was pushing to expose more of his colon. I was fascinated how I was in some warped science experiment discovering the extremes of anatomy. This was not a boy's tight butthole like I knew mine to be when we started—how long ago? This was a sloppy pig's, extremely used manhole. I took another hit and began lapping it like a dog. We found a rhythm of him pushing, exposing more hole, and me licking as the next velvety layer of red innards unfolded. His moaning increased. "That's it, lick that rosebud, pig boy," he murmured. His cock, fully erect, bobbed in excitement to what I was doing to him. His hole was cleanly scrubbed and I explored it with my mouth and tongue each petal he was blooming. I felt my own hole open with the new butt plug, smaller than the dildo I had been working with but still big enough to give a charge with each gentle bounce I took on the stool. But what I was sitting on was nothing like what I was seeing. I was envious of Riggs' accomplishment, and anxious for my hole to follow suit. Not tonight, I knew, but I thought with these two men's perverseness, I could easily be guided to follow Riggs' path. Riggs pushed out his cock and I ran my tongue up his balls and up to his cockhead. There was a lot of precum dripping out of him, and I relis,hed the salty taste he was emitting. I kept splaying his ass apart with my fingers and leaned up to suck his cock straight down, trying to swallow as much of his eight inches as I could. I was turned on by him and what I was causing him to do. I wanted to take even more pleasure in him. My dick was hard as I stood up. I saw Riggs was watching me in the mirror, as I used my dick as a teasing stick, running his hole up and down, occasionally pushing in just the tip. "You little fuck," he moaned. "Give me your fuckstick, you back alley slut." I pushed it in, my first feeling of fucking an ass. And what an ass! How soft and giving his hole was. How plush and how much pleasure I felt in my engulfed cock. His hole was a wet crevice that gave absolutely no resistance as I pushed in. I was quickly up to my balls. Mr. X immediately saw what was I was doing, ordered me to get the fuck out of Riggs. "You little deviant shit, we might have to revise your contract, at least add a Top clause. I thought you were total bottom." He was swirling the liquid in the needles trying to dissolve the crystals. "I can see some situations where your talent would be appreciated. Councilman Greggs, I was thinking Riggs." He strapped a tourniquet around Riggs' arm and haphazardly stuck him. "But it's not always going to be about you, boy. Get that in your head. This time is about Riggs. This is how you treat some clients," he said, pulling the emptied needle out of Riggs' arm and snapping off the tourniquet. Riggs raised his arm in the air, his eyes bulged, and he gave out a short cough. "Fuck," he muttered with a blank stare. His pupils were huge. He took me in, trying to focus. "Fuck, I want your little prick back in me." His look was demented, selfishly evil. His lust made my heart race and relieved that he looked incapable of getting up out of the sling. Still something tantalizing remained in his desires. His head fell back onto the pillow. "Please X, let the piece of trash fuck me." "Alright. Only till I'm ready, and if you cum, boy, I'm going to cut off your balls and that will be the first and last fuck you ever have." He stuck himself with the second needle, used his thumb to register, then pushed down his plunger, and went through his ritual of capping the needle in slow motion, then holding onto the slings bars to steady himself. He went to work on Riggs tits. "Well, get your dick in him." Not that I felt turned on, but out of fear of not doing what Mr. X said, I got up and place my semi-rigid dick back against Riggs hole. It easily swallowed me up and with some gentle rocking I felt the pleasure of Riggs velvety ass making me rise to the occasion. Both of them with large black eyes watched me fuck Riggs. When I was confident I wasn't going to fall out, I grabbed the top bar of the sling and began slamming my cock into his silky hole. It felt fantastic pleasing myself and being observed simultaneously by these two very drugged up and debauched men. Steadying himself by holding onto the sling's pipes, he made his way behind me. I couldn't see him but felt him guide my arms down, and pin them behind me. "This is the way you fuck. Arms out of way of camera," he instructed. "Go all the way out and right back in. Let audience see your dick and then slam it back into pig. Could be young boy pig or old fuck like Riggs. Audience for every taste." I fucked Riggs, hard. Mr. X felt up my chest, tweaking my nipples, slithering his forked tongue in my ear, bit my neck a couple of times. His snake hand went down my side until it curved into my butt. He must have forgotten about my plug. "Ah no," he said to himself, a little disappointed. "Okay sit. Observe what you're little tight ass is going to become." I backed out of Riggs, more turned on than ever. I wasn't going to last much longer, so it was probably good to get a break and let Mr. X turn his dark attention on Riggs. Sitting next to Mr. X, I watched him grease up both his hands, and how, with a clench fist, he went straight and smoothly into Riggs. Riggs gave a grunt of pleasure and delight, breathing heavily. His hardon died but he was toying with the soft spongy mound incessantly. Mr. X withdrew his fist and immediately inserted his other. Like a locomotive taking off, his alternating fists started slowly and sure, but soon sped up to rapping Riggs' ass like a punching bag. Riggs looked in agony but spread his legs apart further. His eyes were looking up at the mirror taking in the devastation he was being put through and making animal noises, gnarling deep guttural incoherent words. Mr. X quit abruptly, inserting both hands, palms out into Riggs' hole and stretched with all the power he possessed. Riggs' responded with rapid puffs of breath, his body spasming in tremors, making a racket with the chains. Mr. X encouraged him to push. Where before his asshole had blossomed like a large rose, now those same red petals were turning inside out. Part of his colon was protruding beyond his asslips. "Fuck is that?" I asked, inching closer. "Just wait," replied Mr. X. "Go play with his tits. We're both fucked up. I gave him more than you ever had. The more you distract him the farther you and I can go with him tonight." I was interested in what Mr. X meant by that. I shuffled over to Riggs' side. He looked up at me pitifully, almost blindly. I was ready to start tweaking his nipples, but he asked instead if he could suck my tits. I bent over and at first he slowly nursed them rubbing my back, but as Mr. X quickly turned to his violent punching, Riggs grabbed me around my shoulders and pulled me onto the sling with him. His grip was steel and desperate. The harder Mr. X pile-drove into Riggs' gaping hole, the harder Riggs bit down on my nipple. My yelling only made things worse. Mr. X increased the velocity of his punching and Riggs increased the ferocity of his bite. Whose agony was more intense was a tossup. But again, Mr. X abruptly halted and spread Riggs' hole even farther than before. Riggs, a wild animal a moment ago, whimpered as Mr. X ordered him to push. He grunted out an enormous amount of flesh. I looked up at the cracked mirror, now outside of Riggs' reach, and couldn't believe how much of Riggs' colon lay in Mr. X's hand. With his snake hand, his fingers traced a ring around Riggs' bloated sphincter. Mr. X's other hand held a good six inches of Riggs' colon. "Now you finally make progress, Riggs!" Mr. X seemed to congratulate him. Riggs looked at his reflection in the mirror and sighed, both a sound of accomplishment and relief. "Boy, come, feel prolapse." It looked to me like a repugnant red slug, undulating slightly when I touched it. "It's like a turtle, very sensitive, wants to go back inside. But Riggs know it's a special pet, a most sensitive pet that he carries around for me inside. He knows it belongs to me and needs much worshiping." Mr. X picked out a capsule of amyl from his vest, broke it, sniffed and shared it with me. Mr. X knelt before the slug, flicked his tongue around and inside Riggs' prolapse. He grabbed my shoulder and knelt me before it next to him. We started lapping it together, both of us fondling it like a delicious object. Mr. X guide my face to what looked what otherwise would be its tail and told me to put my tongue inside. I did and felt a river of sludge greet me. Crisco and yellowish, pink and brown butt juice oozed into my mouth. I swallowed and stuck my tongue in deeper. "Good boy," encouraged Mr. X. I sucked on it, pulling out more of Riggs, both more of the red slug and more juices. Riggs' guttural mutterings came back as Mr. X encircled his forked tongue around the outside and I explored inside the prolapse. Mr. X put his arm around me and together we worshiped at the disconnected colon of Riggs. The three of were entwined for quite some time, each of us emitting deep satisfied noises of debauched delight. I felt something nasty overcoming me the more I suck down Riggs' juices. I looked over and saw Mr. X watching me. His eyes had lost all color, were black pools staring into me. His hand slick with Riggs' slime, he ran his hand through my hair, slicking it solidly to my scalp. I licked his hand, saw more of Riggs' fluids running down his arm where they had been deep inside. Pink grease and streaks of brown sludge. I ran my tongue up his arm, swallowing fetid liquid that bonded me ever stronger to him. I couldn't help myself. I licked his arm to his bicep, and then, catching a whiff of his armpit, continued till my face was buried deep into the bush of piss and rank odor that he emanated. He caught my head in a vice, but I didn't want to go anywhere. I was happy exactly where I was. His other hand glided down my belly to my dick. He greased it with what was left of Riggs' secretions. He easy aroused me and brought us up both facing Riggs. "This is what I wanted you to wait for, so your first fuck wouldn't be a nice, clean fuckhole but a degenerate filthy prolapse, something most boys never even dream of. Yet here you are, my new initiate." He was going to get me off right there, but he positioned me in front of Riggs’ 'tail' and held it in place while I inserted my very engorged dick slowly into it. Riggs cried out in astonishment, his eyes, also black, looked demonically incoherent up at the mirror and back over to me. He seemed to roll in and out of consciousness. "Fuck me, boy," he teased. "Do what your Scout Master orders. Fuck my blown out cunt, and when the time comes I will do the same to yours." My cock pierced him deeper, but unlike my first penetration of him earlier when he was sloppy and loose, getting inside his prolapse was difficult. I felt like I was pushing it in. While Mr. X held it with slippery hands, the stretch I was giving his already pulled out colon was putting him over the edge and in pain. Or was it ecstasy? This was new and unreal to me, Mr. X was right, I could never have imagined it. Was I hurting him or was it part of the new revelation to me on the connection between pain and pleasure? All I knew I was so aroused in how I felt, in the power I had over this man from whom I wanted only one thing desperately, but felt after tonight we'd never get back the the innocence of auditioning for a part. So, yes, I now wanted to fuck him, to cause him pain. Whether it brought him pleasure too, I didn't care. My need was immediate, superior, utmost. I got a regular stroke going, not too deep to push him in, but enough to keep me aroused. There wasn't any trouble with that. Mr. X pulsing his prolapse on my member was keeping me on edge, short of cumming that I wanted dreadfully to put off. A distraction, one question had been floating in the background for the last couple of hours while the drugs were wearing off. It needed to be asked of Riggs' at his most vulnerable. With my dick starting to rock him harder, I blurted out before I censored, "You were never going to give me the part, were you?" I rocked the sling only slightly harder, but enough to have his prolapse disappear like a sea anemone, taking my cock inside with it. It was unearthly sensation, one over too quickly, but, amazing, followed up by Mr. X's hand following me inside. "Fuck, man," I said to Mr. X, "yessss. Jerk me off inside Riggs. Fuck, that's incredible. Don't stop. Aw, fuck." The three of us were conjoined. Riggs eyes were open but cold and dead as a shark. Mr. X, not enough to owning my cock in another man's ass, was playing with my butt hole too, fingering the plug, pulling it partially out then letting it snap back inside my hole. My senses were overload, and the hanging question I felt Riggs had answered with silence made me spewed a river up his butt. Mr. X increased his rhythmic stroking when he felt me gushing. As he focus his pressure on my cockhead with his thumb, each milking he gave me brought another spurt of cum. He rubbed and rubbed my cockhead. I was flinching but still spewing my seed inside Riggs. He released Riggs and wrapped his snake arm around me tight as an anaconda, and with his other hand extracted the entire buttplug in one tumultuous motion. Without his embrace I would have collapsed. As it was my legs went weak, dangling like a marionette clutched by his arms. I fell out of Riggs' hole, juice and sperm leaking out his ass. I threw my arms around Mr. X's neck trying to regain my balance. He scooped up my legs and carried me like a rolled carpet over to the bed. He lowered me and laid next to me. The snake hand that he'd just had possessed Riggs' prolapse, still heavily greased, now testing my hole. It was his snake hand and I knew where it was headed. He pushed in his cockhead to get his venomous elixir in me. Piss warmed my chute till he was finished. We lay like this until he knew his chems were affecting me. Now I was the one who was shaky. In the semi-darkness, I struggled with reality, I was starting to hallucinate. "Mr. X," I said, "I'm seeing things." "Tell me," he hissed in my ear. "I'm tweaking hard. Strange things, Mr. X, like equations and hieroglyphics. I see them zipping by. I focus on them, they rush ahead so I can't hold onto them." I was shaking again in a drug fever. Mr. X felt me trembling. He pulled up behind me, spooning and providing me with his internal fire. Gripping me forcefully, he provided comfort. He rubbed my abdomen and my chest. "It'll pass, boy, especially once we give you a final booster." "I'm so fucking high, Master. I don't even know how long I've been down here. When are we?" I asked, putting a hand behind me, just to feel someone was really there. "It's Saturday night, boy," he said. "Time we start the real party, yes?" He nuzzled my butthole with his dick. I couldn't help rubbing up against him, no matter how much I was shivering or how much my brain was sizzling, I still craved dick. "Geez, Sir, what have we been doing so far?" "Foreplay," he responded. "Time to modifying you to my liking." Just the tip of his penis entered me. Enough to cause a seal. Slowly I felt a second batch of his warm elixir drizzle into me. I knew by now how I would be in a few minutes. I was a captured insect whose prey continually injects the most intoxicating venom, devouring me alive while holding me as his meal. He finished pissing a few last squirts, he didn't have a lot left in him, but the feeling I now carried inside was enough to alter my mind about resisting another slam.
    2 points
  9. After that time at work Danny and I didn’t work the same shift for a few days. The three of us would talk on the phone or text but we didn’t get a chance to get together. They both told me that after the 3way with me that the sex between them had intensified and that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. We all three wanted a repeat though and had agreed to meet up that weekend. In the mean time we would video chat and jack off for each other and once they set it up so that I could watch them fuck. Hearing them both say how they wanted my ass loaded up with Mark’s poz cock and cum kept me rock hard no matter how much I jacked off. I was barely in the door at their place that weekend when Mark had me pressed against the door kissing me like he meant business. Danny was on the couch watching us kiss, grope and grind against each other and when I looked over at him rubbing his crotch I just smiled. Soon we headed to their bedroom and Danny and I dropped to our knees and both worked over Mark’s big, fat cock. Each licking up a side and kissing over that fat head of his cock. We did this until Mark said he needed to fuck some hole. Danny and I both got on our hands and knees next to each other as Mark started licking and tonguing both of our holes. He was licking one and fingering the other getting us both ready for his big cock. I felt him stand and saw him line his cock up with his boyfriend’s hole. I turned my head and kissed Danny as Mark slid into him and started fucking him. I continued kissing Danny and soon felt Mark push the head of his cock into me. Fucking his boyfriend had gotten him warmed up and he was ready to fuck and he rammed into me with one deep thrust. My ass gripped his cock and I gasped as he started a rhythm of deep thrusts with his hips slapping my ass on each stroke. It was almost too much and my vision got blurry for a second but soon I was relaxing and accepting the pounding he was giving me. Mark alternated fucking each of us. Giving each of us several strokes and then pulling out and sinking into the other. The harder he used our holes the dirtier the poz talk got. He was saying how he loved that the both of us wanted his poz cock and how he loved breeding neg hole and how he hoped his poz load would convert me. How he wanted to own that part of me forever. All the while his thrusts got harder and his hands were pulling my hips back onto his cock forcing him deeper into me. I was begging for his load saying I would do anything but I needed that poz load, I needed him to convert me while Danny was urging him to load my neg hole up. Soon I felt him tense as his cock throbbed in my hole and I felt his load shooting deep into me. I leaned over and kissed Danny as Mark slowed his fucking and finally pulled out. He told Danny he wanted to watch him fuck his load into me and push his poz load deeper into me. Danny’s cock is longer but not as thick so the sensation was amazing. My whole body was tingling and Danny just started pounding away and soon gave me his load too. When Danny pulled out Mark pulled him into a kiss and pointed to his ass and raised his eyebrows asking if I wanted his boyfriends’ ass. I lined up sank in balls deep fucking my coworker quick and hard until I was depositing my load into him. When Danny got up to shower Mark and I kissed and touched and as I rubbed his biohazard tattoo he told me he wanted some time with me all to himself soon. That he wanted to learn every inch of my body and he wanted to swap as many loads with me as we could manage. He said that he could be rougher with me than he could with Danny and that he really liked that. We agreed to make that happen soon and then got up and headed into the shower with Danny.
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  10. After that first time with Danny and Mark we talked, mostly thru texts, over the next few days saying how much we liked it and wanted a repeat. It was a week or so later when Danny and I were assigned the same area at work that we got to talk face to face about it. He told me how much he had wanted a three-way, but when several of the guys had been quite rude, particularly when they found out Mark was poz. "I have absolutely no problem with his being poz," I replied. "Yeah, I figured as much when you started rubbing Mark’s biohazard tattoo," Danny noted, adding "I figured we would have some real fun." Later in the shift he went to an empty room to call Mark and as I walked by he waved at me to come in the room. As soon as I was in the door he closed it and handed me the phone and said talk to Mark for a minute and then he slid to his knees and untied my scrub pants and freed my cock which he promptly started sucking. I moaned and Mark asked me how it felt and said he had told his boyfriend he wanted to hear him sucking me off. As Mark was talking dirty in my ear Danny was alternately licking my balls and sucking my cock with fast, deep strokes. His attentions felt amazing: one minute I had been walking down the hallway, and the next my cock was buried in my coworker's throat as I spoke on the telephone with his boyfriend. Talk about perverse. As Danny kept sucking me Mark told me how much he enjoyed fucking me and that I was the first guy in several years he had fucked other than his boyfriend and that he wanted to do it again. I moaned softly as he told me how turned on it got him that I wanted his poz cock and load. He asked if I wanted him to infect me, to breed my neg hole with his poz load until he made me poz too and I just moaned as Danny really started sucking like he was on a mission. Soon I was forcing Danny all the way down on my cock and shooting my load down his throat as Mark continued to dirty poz talk with me. My whole body was tingling as Danny stood up and kissed me swapping part of my load back and forth between us. Mark told me to give the phone back to Danny and return the favor. I gave him the phone and pulled out his cock and wasted no time sucking his long cock into my mouth. I grabbed his balls and pulled down just a bit as I took him in my mouth quickly. In no time he was shooting his load into me and we both were out of breath. I stood up and Danny angled the phone so we could both hear Mark who said next time it would be his turn and how he was going to load my neg ass and mouth up with as many poz loads as he could. I was already looking forward to it.
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  11. I went over to the house of my co-worker Danny. He had invited me to watch a show that we both enjoy. Almost as soon as I got there Danny, his boyfriend Mark, and I started drinking and laughing. We watched the show then headed out back to their hot tub. The three of us stripped down and got into the water, and not surprisingly our conversation quickly turned to sex and things we had done, wanted to do, would never do etc. Danny and Mark have been together for several years and have always been monogamous but had recently talked about opening things up but so far had not. Danny got up to get us some more drinks and Mark slid closer to me, quietly saying "Danny has a bad jealousy streak and that’s why we haven't had a three way, but we both like you, so are you interested?" Before I could formulate a reply he leaned in and kissed me for a minute then slid back over as Danny came back out with more drinks. A few more drinks and a few more stories and then Mark said he needed to cool off for a minute and sat on the side of the hot tub. His semi hard cock and balls suddenly at eye level which was very hot. But what was hotter was that he was shaved smooth and the bio-hazard tattoo he had above his cock and a bit over to the left. I slid closer and leaned in and rubbed the tattoo asking "How long have you been poz?" "About 21 years," he casually replied. As I rubbed the tattoo he flexed his cock which made it jerk in front of me. He stroked it a few times as I looked back at my co-worker Danny, lust very evident in his expression. Danny then moved over and joined us, stroking Mark's cock to full erection as we kissed. "Are you okay with playing with Mark, given he's poz?" Danny asked. "Absolutely," I replied. With that Danny pushed my head down onto Mark's cock, which, while it hadn't grown much longer, was damn thick. Danny and I took turns sucking Mark and then Danny said he wanted to suck us both so I stood up and he was like a kid in a candy store with 2 cocks to play with. He was going back and forth licking and sucking us as we kissed and told him how good he was doing. We dried off and went inside. Mark got on the bed and I crawled between his legs and sucked his thick, fat, poz cock some more. That bio-hazard tat right there making me crazy for that cock. Danny was behind me rimming my hole and sucking my cock. I was so focused on that poz cock I didn’t realize Danny had stopped until I felt the head of his cock pushing in my hole. He kept up steady pressure and sank all the way in and started fucking deep and hard. Mark got on his knees still feeding me his cock and leaned over me to kiss his boyfriend. Danny’s cock was average thickness but pretty fucking long and was hitting all the good spots inside me. He pulled out saying he didn’t want to cum yet and that he wanted to see Mark fuck me. Mark quickly got behind me and before I knew it he was forcing that thick, fat, poz cock into me. The whole scene was hot but knowing I had a bare poz cock fucking my hole while his boyfriend, my coworker, watched was a huge turn on. Danny crawled underneath me and we got into a 69 while Mark continued to use my ass. Danny could watch, close up, as his boyfriend fucked me and he would say things like “fuck him baby”, and “it’s so hot watching you take that poz cock.” They really got into poz talk while we were fucking and it was turning me on more and more. Mark would pull all the way out of me and slide his cock into Danny’s mouth and then back balls deep into me. Mark kept telling me to “take his poz cock” and that he was “going to breed my neg hole with his poz cum” all while fucking me harder and harder. Soon I was desperate for their loads and sucked Danny harder and soon had his cock shooting in my mouth and then he watched as his boyfriend pounded his poz load into my ass. I could feel his thick cock jerking deep inside as he unloaded that poz load into me. As we untangled they kissed as I licked Mark’s cock clean and I heard Mark ask Danny if he had enjoyed the experience, adding "I found it really hot watching you poz him up.” Fuck yeah, I could not agree more. We have played many times since that first time and we have all fucked each other but no matter what we do Mark always makes sure to shoot his poz load into me. In addition, Mark's bio-hazard tattoo is still a major turn on for me, and Danny and I have also become closer at work. More stories for another time if you want them.
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  12. 3. When I woke up the next morning Simon was gone. I stretched and rubbed a finger across my still slightly tender hole, feeling the slight stickiness left by his cum. My cock twitched slightly as I thought about what had happened the night before. I swung me feet out of the bed, grabbed a pair of gym shorts from the floor, and tugging them on, headed into the kitchen to make some coffee. The door to Ryan’s bedroom was open I can could see two of Ryan’s friends still sprawled out across his bed, another passed out on the couch. Just as I was pouring water into the top of the coffee maker, Ryan came in the front door covered in sweat, just back from his morning run. “Oh good, coffee,” he whispered, so as not to wake up the various sleepers around the apartment, crossing over to the little kitchen. He stood a few feet away from me waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. I didn’t know what it was but something in his eyes made me a little uneasy and then he said, “Simon told me what happened.” “What?” I stammered. “That he fucked you. I always guessed that you weren’t completely straight, but I never guessed that he was your type though.” “I’ve never done.…” “…anything like that before.” “Really?” “Yeah.” “So he was your first.” Ryan inched closer to me. “Yeah, I guess he was.” “So are you his now? “What?” “Did he claim you?” I had no idea what he meant. “No.” “Too bad,” Ryan was now very close to me, closer then I think we had been in a long time. “Simon’s pretty good about sharing, knows that I like sloppy seconds.” He put his hands on my hips and drew my crotch to his, both of us starting to tent out or gym shorts a little bit. I suddenly found myself looking at Ryan quite differently, I guess being my stepbrother, I had never considered him an option but now that he was making the first move my opinion was quickly changing. I looked down at his broad powerful body, the massive pecs slick with sweat, the thin treasure trail of light brown hair (naturally the only hair on his torso) leading down into his skimpy black running shorts now bulging with his semi, the stench of man that wafted off of him all suddenly became very attractive to me. My cock throbbed and I suddenly knew what I wanted, I wanted to get fucked again, and Ryan was no longer my stepbrother but a means to that end. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, tasting the sweat that lingered there, and said, “We don’t need Simon for that. I’ll share with you any time.” Ryan smiled and kissed me hard, shoving his tongue in my mouth. The coffee completely forgotten, we tumbled into my vacant bedroom and hurriedly disrobed. Ryan’s cock was even bigger then I remembered, and was thick, with an angry looking vein running across the top, and surrounded by a thick bunch of light brown pubes. It was beautiful. I made to get on my knees and suck his cock as I had done for Simon but Ryan had other plans. He grabbed my shoulders, spun me around, pushing me down onto the bed on all fours, grabbed hold of my ass cheeks and spread them wide before burying his face in my hairy crack. After a moment Ryan stopped and said, “Did he cum in you?” “Yes,” I said a little sheepishly, feeling bright red flush rise up me cheeks. “Even better,” Ryan said and resumed eating out my ass. I groaned as his tongue made short work of opening me back up. After a few minutes he stopped again, pressing his finger inside me and said, “Is that what you want me to do? Fuck your tight pink hole till I cum inside of you.” The answer was simple: yes, but all I managed to do was stammer, “I… uh… well… I…” “Just say it,” he twisted his finger inside of me more, “once you admit what you want it’s much easier to get it.” “I want you to fuck me and cum in my ass,” I blurted out. “Good.” He pulled the finger from my hole. “Now bend over the bed with your feet on the floor and your chest resting on the mattress. Now that you’ve been fucked once, and, knowing you were fucked by Simon, you were fucked good and hard, so I’m gonna really pound your hole.” I heard his spit on my hole and, I presume, his cock, and then felt the warm pressure of his cock head pressing against my recently virgin ass hole. Ryan hadn’t spent nearly as long eating out my ass as had Simon, and for that matter, it felt as though his cock was thicker then Simon's, so it took a good deal of force for him to break into my hole, but finally my sphincter gave way and his cock head popped inside of me. I groaned in pleasure as he slowly sank the rest of his cock into me. His cock felt amazing. A little painful, but mostly amazing. Jesus, why hadn't we come up with this sooner? I thought. After what had to be almost three minutes of slow penetration Ryan’s pubes came to rest against my ass. “Man you’re tight, and just after getting fucked by Simon too. You’re ass was made for fucking.” With that, Ryan began to fuck me slowly, remarking “I can feel come of Simon’s cum inside of your hole, lubing up my cock.” He built up speed quickly until he was fucking my ass with a quick, decisive rhythm. I shivered as his cock slammed into me. I wanted it so bad. Ryan had hold of my hips, and was pulling me back to meet his thrusts, which drove his cock deeper into my ass. It felt as though he had bust through another barrier, diving deeper into my hole then before. My own cock was dripping precum like mad, but bounced around completely forgotten. “You’re so fucking tight I’m not going to last long, I’m gonna lube you up with my cum now and then you can spend the rest of the day riding me before Simon comes over again tonight.” My heart skipped a beat at the thought of having Simon inside me again. Ryan started to pant, slamming into me even harder, his hands shaking slightly. “Oh fuck. Oh, fuck. I’m gonna cum,” he said, “You want my load inside of you?” “Yes, shoot your load inside my hole,” I panted back. “I’m cuming,” he said, although he didn't need to tell me. I could feel his cock exploding inside my ass. His cock throbbed and pulsed as he flooded my guts and, when his balls were drained, he collapsed forward onto my back. We were both covered in sweat. “There is something else I should tell you,” he whispered, his body still trembling slightly, “Simon and I, well really all of our friends who are probably going to end up fucking you, are poz. So you now have two massive poz loads inside your hole.” I froze for a moment, and then realized that I didn’t care. At that moment with my stepbrother’s nine inch cock still unloading inside of me, I didn’t give a damn about consequences or anything else. I just wanted too always feel the wonderful fullness I experienced from having cock and cum in me. “I don’t care,” I quite calmly replied. “That’s good 'cause you weren’t getting a choice.” “I didn’t know your stepbrother was up for grabs,” said a voice from the doorway. Ryan's cock still deep in my hole, every so slowly softening, we both turned to find the youngest of Ryan’s friends standing in the doorway, rubbing an obvious hard on through his shorts. It was Tommy, the twenty year old, ginger haired, Irish boy. He smiled wickedly and remarked “I haven’t gotten any in a few days,” adding "Mind if I have a go?” “Simon broke him in last night for the first time, but his ass is still fucking tight,” Ryan said, “but it’s up to Justin.” Ryan’s cock slipped from my hole, and with that I stood up, turned to face Tommy, a thin drip of cum running down my leg as I did so. “Well,” I said to the ginger standing the doorway, “Strip. Let's see what you’re working with."
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  13. 2. We spent a good long while in the club, my stepbrother and some of his friends eventually going off to dance somewhere, and I staying behind in the booth drinking what would turn out to be a few too many beers. Simon was with me almost all night and the more I drank the more I found my gaze drifting to his pale blue eyes. Sometime later Ryan returned and suggested that we all go back to his place for a few more beers. As the little party gathered their things and headed towards the door I felt Simon’s hand gently graze my ass as he past, my cock leapt. Back at Ryan’s place the drinks continued to flow and the guys stated to drop off steadily, and eventually I excused myself to the guest room I was staying in to turn in for the night. I stripped off my clothes and ran my hand down my tight furry abs to my semi stiff cock thinking about Simon. Never before had a guy effected me the way that he did, I fell onto the bed my cock now completely hard and started to jerk myself off my free hand roaming all over my body. I didn’t hear the door open, in fact I didn’t hear anything till in his thick South London accent Simon said, “Well that’s a much bigger cock then I would have guessed.” I scrambled to cover myself but as I was laying on top of the sheets there was nothing much I could do but try and his by rock hard eight and a half inched behind my hands. “Dunny try and hide it,” said Simon, “looks like you could use a hand in fact.” He clambered up onto the bed a wide wicked smile spreading across his face. I froze not knowing what to expect as Simon crawled up between my legs, pulled his shirt off over his head to expose his muscular dark haired torso, and swallowed my cock. No girl had ever sucked my cock like that, it was as if Simon had unhinged his jaw and swallowed my cock whole. I groaned and tried to mutter, “No, I’m straight,” but the words died in my mouth, instead I put my hands on the back of his head pulling him down onto my cock. My breathing had quickened and I was seconds away from cuming when Simon let my cock spring from his mouth. “You ever had a bloke suck your cock before?” “No, I’m… well… I’m straight,” I said lamely. “Doesn’t matter to me, what matters is if it felt good.” “It certainly did, I almost came just then.” “That’s why I stopped.” He shifted his weight slightly and shucked his jeans, now wearing only a pair of tiny brightly colored briefs. “You have an amazing cock,” he continued kissing my cock head, “and balls.” He drew first one nut and then the other into his mouth before sucking the both in. I rocked my hips forward giving him better access to my balls, my ass lifting slightly off the bed as I did so. In one swift motion before I really knew what was happening Ryan had my knees pressed into my chest and his slightly stubbly face buried in my hole, his tongue swirling around my virgin home. No one had ever eaten me out before and I moaned loudly. It had never occurred to me how amazing this could feel and Simon was certainly an expert at these things. His tongue flicked and darted of my hole sending bolts of electricity through my whole body as I relaxed into him. He pressed his tongue into me, lapping at my hole and slowly my hole began to open for him allowing his probing tongue inside. I gasped as my ass was penetrated for the first time by his tongue. Simon shifted around a bit, his mouth never leaving my hole and I could tell he was taking off his tight pants. Something new touched my ass; his hands spread my cheeks wide as he slid one finger next to his tongue and carefully slipped it inside of me. It was like nothing I had never felt before, and nothing like I had imagined it would feel like. He slowly penetrated my hole with his finger still lapping about the invading digit with his talented tongue. My cock was throbbing, and I felt hornier then I had in my entire life, loud lust filled moans escaped my mouth without me being conscious of doing it. “You’ll have all the lads in here you keep moaning like that,” Simon said taking his mouth off my hole for the first time in almost ten minutes. I was panting, sweat glistened on my chest, and precum dripped from my cock like a leaking faucet. “You ever sucked a cock before,” he asked, his finger still knuckle deep inside me. I shook my head no. “Why don’t you get mine down your throat then, least way it’ll keep you quiet.” He shifted so that his body was now over mine, his cock dangling over my mouth, my knees still bent into my chest and his finger still deep in my ass. I had never been this close to man’s cock before, although I had thought about it. His uncut, thick, veiny, still swelling cock hung before me a little glint of precum slipping from the slowly retracting foreskin. My mouth watered. Slowly I lifted my head and opened my mouth taking just the tip in. He tasted salty and sweet and I loved it. I opened wider and took more of his cock into my mouth. Simon slowly lowered his hips so that my head once again rested on the pillows but his cock was firmly lodged down my throat. I moaned around his cock as Simon’s mouth returned to my hole and he quickly prepped me for another thick finger. Only about half his cock would fit down my throat as it grew and Simon slowly fucked it in and out of my mouth occasionally making me gag. As he throat fucked me he worked two, then three, and then four fingers inside me hole. I was so horny I was practically fucking myself back onto his stretching fingers. After the fourth finger was in for a few moments he pulled them all out, pulled his cock from my mouth and spun around. He now lay on top of me, or noses almost touching, his body keeping my legs pinned to my chest, and his cock resting between my spit slicked cheeks. He rocked his hips to and fro a little rubbing his cock up and down my crack as he stared at me with those brilliant blue eyes. “You have the most amazing ass, and your hole is so fucking hairy,” he said, and then after a long time he looked right into my eyes and said, “I want to fuck you.” I had been so over whelmed by what had been happening I hadn’t even thought that this might be coming, but as soon as I heard the question I knew my answer. “I want you to fuck my virgin hole.” Simon needed no more permission then that; he lined up his cock head with my well fingered hole and pushed slightly. He kept a tight grip on my ankles as he did so. It hurt a little at first but then it changed and it was like the fingers. I felt him stretching me out, forcing my hole even wider as he slid deeper and deeper into me. Precum was poring from my cock, and lighting bolts of pleasure wrapped through me. “I’m half way in, how do you feel,” he asked. “Give me all of it.” There was none of the pain I had expected and now I longed to feel him fuck me. It took several more minutes before Simon’s considerable length was all pressed into my gut, and then several more minutes before we moved again. Once Simon was sure I was used to it he pulled back out again and pressed in faster, he did this several more times each time getting a little faster until there was no doubting that he was fucking me. I grunted with each stroke trying to keep quiet say Simon wrecked my hole. He shifted so that he was sitting up more, holding onto my hips for leverage he pounded his big fat cock into my virgin hole. “Fuck you’re tight, I’m not going to last long,” he said. I didn’t care though so long as he would make me feel like this again. “I’m gonna blow my load inside of you. Do you want that? You want my load?” “Yes cum inside me,” I said without thinking. The rhythmic thumping of flesh on flesh had replaced my heartbeat as the rhythm of my driving force and sweat pored off of each of us. “I’m so close,” he whispered, his face contorted with the effort to stave off orgasm for a few moments more, but it was too much. He slammed as deep into me as he could and fired off his load. I groaned much to loudly as I felt his hot seed spill into my guts, knowing in the back of my mind that I should be scared, that I shouldn’t be doing this, but I wanted it so badly. Simon shook a little as he came and then held still, his cock still inside of me for a long moment. Then he kissed me hard on the lips and pulled out of me. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, Simon's cock nestled between my ass cheeks as if ready to leap back inside as soon as possible.
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  14. The lights came on at 3:00 A.M., just as the security started ushering the masses out of the club. Once out on the street, Luke looked for familiar faces of his friends and saw no one he knew. He was drunk and shirtless and sweaty. He checked his phone and saw the text message string saying all had left, some heading to after parties, some heading home. “Shit” he said to himself, not wanting to pay for a cab all by himself. When looked up from his phone, he noticed a man eye-fucking him from just a few feet away. He looked back down at his phone, suddenly feeling shy and drunk and happy, and when he looked up again, he briefly studied the stranger. The man was least 15 years older, maybe more, all muscles, tattoos, and piercings. He’d apparently just exited the leather bar next door and not the night club from which Luke emerged. The leather man was totally not Luke’s type, but Luke was drunk and horny, and needed a ride home, preferably without his gossipy gaggle of friends to judge any decision he made at this particular point. Pulling on his shirt, Luke glanced back down at his phone, trying to focus sufficiently to pull up the text messages from his friends, but as he did so, he noticed in his peripheral vision a pair black boots approaching. Looking up, Luke found the leather man was his side. “Hey. I’m Steve.” “Luke,” he replied as he automatically stuck out his hand. “Wanna come back to my place?” It was the most direct pickup line Luke had ever heard. “Yes," Luke replied, even before he could consider the alternatives. Twenty minutes and a cab ride later, Luke found himself walking through Steve’s massive loft wondering what he was getting himself into. From behind, Steve approached him and began caressing the 25 year old prize with his strong, knowing hands. Luke, it should be said, had a boy-next-door aura to him, and at 5’11, 170 pounds, he was muscular and lean. Inhibitions were flaring up as the alcohol buzz wore off a bit, and Luke wasn’t sure he was game for this tryst with an older guy. But that didn’t matter, as Steve was decidedly in control. Coming up behind Luke, Steve reached around Luke, unbuckled the younger man's trousers, pushed them to the floor, tweaked Luke's nipples and simultaneously grinding his his crotch against Luke’s supple ass. “I probably shouldn’t…” Luke whispered with a little resistance, until he felt the whiskered jawline making its way between his butt cheeks. He moaned in delight. “Fuuccckk” he said as Steve’s tongue penetrated his hole. Steve enjoyed making Luke melt, and as hot as the foreplay was, he knew it was only going to get better. Soon, he'd be leaving an indelible mark in Luke's cunt, marking it forever that he had been there. And indeed, Luke's cock was rock hard. If he had been asked, and had he been able to answer coherently, Luke would probably have asserted he had ever been so aroused as he was under Steve's expert attention. Luke was, in fact, dripping copious quantities of pre-cum, and that was before either Luke or Steve even touched Luke's cock. After a few minutes, holding Luke's body against his, Steve stood up and undid his belt and pants. They fell to the floor. Now, both men were half-dressed, with their shirts on and their pants/underwear on the floor below. Luke felt a massive dick pressed downward in his crack and felt Steve’s hairy legs against his. Luke was questioning the trajectory of the night. This was not a romantic encounter – this was him in a stranger's house with his pants on the floor about to get fucked. He’d never really had such a tryst, and it felt cheap and raunchy (albeit exhilarating and hot). Was he going to let it go forward? Did he even have a choice? Luke tried to turn around, figuring his exit plan would be a blow job and a kiss goodbye, but Steve knew his seed needed to be implanted in this twenty-something-god. He knew it from the moment he saw Luke. And Steve wasn’t going to let the power shift in this encounter, even if such would involve Luke’s perfect lips on his cock. So he just held Luke tighter with one arm and grabbed his cock. He glided the tip of his dick up and down Luke’s crack, lingering at his moist hole. “Fuck” Luke said, as the feeling of the Steve's dick against him was utterly overwhelming. Naturally his brain flirted through an array of concerns, but he finally settled on letting this happen. “Slut it up tonight” he said to himself, kind of proud at his decision. Steve positioned his dick against Luke’s hole and began to press forward. In response, Luke tensed-up in pain as the monstrous tool invaded his ass. Steve, however, knew how to get his way, and calmed Luke urging him “Relax, boy. Let go and take it.” Steve's deep, resonate voice did the trick, and Luke responded by doing his best to open up as Steve’s huge and veiny dick made its way deeper inside him. “Fuuuck” Luke moaned. He’d never taken such a big dick before, and his body was tearing to accept it. Ever patient, Steve slowly sunk in, pushing in a little and withdrawing a little, gradually getting deeper and deeper. He finally bottomed out, balls-deep in Luke's ass. As Steve reached full depth, he kissed Luke’s neck and announced “I’m all the way in." Luke smiled in satisfaction. “Hot. So fucking hot.” Luke was elated that the most painful part of the encounter was likely over and was ready for the pain to become lustful ecstasy. And the slut inside him was kind of proud for him taking a stranger's raw dick. Steve withdrew a little, and then pressed back into Luke’s ass. And again. And then he pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into him. Finally, Luke was there: Steve's monster dick had invaded his ass completely and was now thrusting in and out with less resistance and more pleasure. Steve meanwhile, had found his fuck rhythm, and was pounding Luke’s ass with tempo and determination. Both men were sweating through their shirts, and beads of sweat ran down their legs. Steve’s balls were smacking against Luke’s. A few more minutes of Steve ravaging Luke’s cunt passed, before Steve grunted into Luke’s ear “I’m close.” Luke whimpered. “Fuck yeah” and let out a few moans. “I’m gonna breed you," Steve announced. Luke loved this kind of dirty talk, so responded “Fucking breed me. Shoot your load in me,” flexing his ass muscles to work and milk Steve’s huge cock. Steve rammed his dick deep inside Luke and a spasm of pure physical pleasure erupted as Steve’s toxic load spurted into Luke’s torn interior, coating the young man's fuck chute, and exposing Luke to the wrath of Steve's prior exploits. With Steve’s raw dick still in him, fucking the big, virus-laden load ever deeper into his ass, Luke feverishly jerked his cock until he shot his thick load onto the carpeting. Afterwards each man pulled-up his pants, and exchanged numbers with the other. Luke also had to borrow cab money, and with that he headed home. **************************************************************** To be continued.
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  15. Started prep six weeks ago and for some reason this week I really decided to go all out and breed as many boys as I could. I'm into young college age muscle jocks and twinks. From Sun night to Sat night I seeded 8 different guys with a total of 16 loads. Picked one up at a bar, a couple were regular fuck boys, met some on Grindr and two were seeded at the local bathhouse. 21 yr old muscled black college boy: 5 loads (spent two nights with me) 20 yr old half asian/half white college boy: 2 loads 24 yr old fuckbudy: 3 loads on two separate days 31 yr old twink Asian boy (regular): 1 load (first time I ever seeded him...) 21 yr old white jock: 1 load 24 yr old Philipino nurse: 2 loads Bathouse slim latino laying on fuck bench: 1 load Anon ass fucked through GH at bathhouse: 1 load Hottest was the slim latino at the bathhouse. I watched him taking a load from a guy and then I got in line and seeded his cummy hole when the top was through with him. First time I had the nerve to do that.
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  16. This was salvaged from Bugshare.net, the 'Strictly Stories' section. ****************************************************** My 18 year cousin Joey came to the city from some small town to stay with us for the summer. Yeah, I kinda knew he was gay for a while before I asked him, just from the way I saw him checking out guys when he thought nobody was watching. Nobody else noticed- I saw it though. Rudy, an older neighbor, a real sleaze, especially caught his attention. Rudy is older, about 55, drop dead sexy,a real daddy type. And a big time leather top- I've seen him in action time and time again at the baths. Barebacking is his thing, especially with the newbies who somehow wander into the baths out of curiosity. They always end up leaving with more than they bargained for- Rudy is as POZ as he is hot. He and I are pretty good friends,the two gay guys in the neighborhood. We often go out to the clubs and to the baths afterwards. He tells me hot stories of his exploits. I decided to invite Joey to come out with us one night. When I asked Rudy if it would be okay if Joey came out with us his face lit up like a Christmas tree. Joey didn't stand a chance. Rudy had seen him just yesterday in his tight jean shorts when we were washing the car and said his dick went immediately hard. Poz tops can be very determined to get what they want and almost always do. Very aggressive. The thrill of turning my naive cousin out was too exciting to resist. When I invited him and said Rudy was coming, he said,"You mean that dude next door? That hot guy? Hell yeah. I want to come!" He thought he knew it all. Like he was so mature or something. Excellent. I immediately ran down the mental checklist of things I'd needed to bring: jockstrap, check; poppers, check; blindfold, check. Booty bump, call Rico and arrange to pick one up later, as well as a joint sprinkled with tina. By the way, the blindfold is Rudy's specialty. So it looked like everything was in order and we'd have everything we'd need for the adventure on Friday. You should have seen Joey when Rudy got in the car with us Friday night. He was a little disappointed that we weren't going dancing like we had planned, but just going out "to a club" instead. The sooner we get there, the more pozzing we could do, Rudy wisely pointed out. We had already had drinks at the house- a rare treat for Joey. He was on his way. "Here, take a puff of this, Joey," Rudy said as he smiled that handsome smile and passed the laced joint to my cousin. Joey was so much in awe of the sexy older man and got so instantly high when the tina in the joint hit him like a freight train, he didn't even notice that he was the only one smoking. I smiled over to Rudy and passed him a small plastic bag containing a travel size jar of vaseline and two booty bumps. (Rico is good to his repeat clientele.) Joey was flying pretty high and barely noticed Rudy pulling down his underwear enough in his jeans to lube up his tight asshole and insert one and then another pleasure ball. Joey didn't even know where he was. Luckily we were already in the parking lot of the baths and the staff were all my friends - I did work here for six years, after all, and even after I quit I became a regular guest. My friend Brian at the door just shook his head and smiled as we helped Joey in. "At it again, eh? Take number 11- It's still kind of quiet, it's early." We wasted no time stripping Joey down and putting the jock stap on him. Such a beautiful butt, accented perfectly with the tight strap. Next, Rudy had the honor of putting the blindfold on him- Joey was so out of it, he thought it was some cool game. Rudy, meanwhile, lubed up his eight inch dick, rock hard from the viagra he takes before hitting the baths, and I held the poppers steadily under Joey's nose, closing one nostil, then the other, hearing him groan loudly and then actually yell as the big dickhead speared his tight boy pussy. "Yell all you want, Joey. You're at a bath house. You're probably turning someone on." And he was. The guy at the open door stroking his dripping dick said, "I get him next." I knew that guy. He was one of those lanky HIV+ sleazes who frequent this place. "He's all yours, man," I said with an approving nod. Joey was working his hips up and down the best he could to meet the butt fucking Rudy mercilessly plowed into him. He was so high on the tina, so horny, all that mattered was getting fucked. His dick, limp but dripping precum, let me know it overtook his body. He was just a sex pig awaiting his breeding like all the other sexpig bottoms in the bathhouse. And then, squirt after squirt of POZ cum erupted from the tip of Rudy's giant dick in the boy's asshole and I bent down to whisper in his ear, "Good boy. You're taking it like a champ! I'm proud of you!" His cumhole was so wet and dripping poz juice. It was a beautiful sight. It was the icing on the cake when I whispered my further instructions and the blindfolded Joey complied, yelling, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT,SIR!!" The guy at the door laughed at the pathetically high performance and moved closer to assume his place at the kid's ass. By the time the club really got into full swing, Joey started crying from all the dick he was getting. His butt was red and sore looking. Poor guy. Still, he set something of a record lying there in a pool of strangers' cum, wearing his enticing tight jockstrap. I counted 34 'donors'. After each insemination Joey repeated "Thank you. Thank you." He was transformed into a cum pig, thanking every possibly poz fucker for his gift. I can hardly wait for the day when all three of us take another ride together, but this time to an HIV clinic and Joey gets some very important test results. I won't be able to mask my delight when he converts. Rudy says he'll take him into the bathroom right there at the clinic and fuck him bareback when he is confirmed positive. And then he wants to take him directly to the tattoo parlour owned by his buddy so Joey can get a nice biohazard tattoo on his butt. I doubt it will take too long, judging from all the loads he took that night.
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  17. (This is a continuation of my AirBNBreed story. Hope you enjoy.) There are all kinds of interesting sights on my bus tour of Montreal but nothing’s quite as impressive to me as the guy who’s explaining it all to us. Our guide, Nate, is maybe 5’6” and totally built, with pecs and biceps that look like they’re about to burst through his light blue short-sleeve button-down shirt Hulk-style. Then there’s the beefy legs and bubble butt that his fitted khaki shorts show off to perfection. Though I was hoping to swap seed with a hot French Canadian or twenty while I’m here, I’m more than willing to go for a different physical type, especially if they looked like Nate, who explained at the outset that was born in Hawaii but moved to Montreal when he was a baby. He looks like he could be the Rock’s much shorter little brother. It’s especially hot to hear him speak French to a young, beautiful family of four who are visiting from Paris. Nate’s been smiling and making eye contact with me throughout the tour but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants my seed. He could just be doing his job. Still, I’m horned up enough after my breed-fest with Frank and Samuel this morning to be a lot more brazen than I would be back home. I look down at my bulging crotch, notice the Bubblicious logo on my Target t-shirt and get an idea. During the next lull in Nate’s narration, I catch his eye, drop one hand to my crotch-lump, give it a sexy squeeze and then pull it up to my chest to meet the other hand, making a point to cover all of the letters of Bubblicious except for the two B’s in the middle. BB. I shoot Nate a cruise-y, penetrating look. He meets my gaze. I look down, tap my fingers on my pecs that say ‘bb,’ then look back up at him. Nate gulps then gives an affirmative nod so small I worry that I might be imagining it. Nate’s visibly flustered when he starts into his next schpiel about the different festivals that happen throughout the summer including gay pride, which he says with a smile is this coming weekend. Then as we pull into a lush park with beautiful views of the city, he says, “We’re going to stop here for photos and a bathroom break. Be back on the bus in fifteen minutes.” He then catches my eyes and smiles. “Actually, make it twenty.” Fuck, it’s on. Once we’re off the bus, an older couple asks Nate to take their picture with the city behind them. Nate takes the camera and while the pair take their positions Nate walks over to me and whispers, “There’s a storage shed to the right of the men’s room. The door says ‘Private.’ Wait outside it for there.” I use the men’s room first, though it’s difficult to pee with my dick hard and throbbing. While I’m peeing, I reach my fingers under my balls and feel a drop of the spunk Samuel and Frank pumped into me earlier. I bring it to my lips and taste it. Sweet. I leave the bathroom and wait casually near the ‘Private’ door. A few minutes tick by. I’m about to give up and head back to the bus, when Nate comes rushing around the corner. He’s literally unbuttoning his shirt as he struts toward me, smiling with lust in his eyes. He doesn’t say a word. He just opens the door to the storage shed and pulls me inside and around a corner to an open area. The next thing I know, his tongue is in my mouth. He pulls away and grabs my pecs, framing the “bb” with his hands as I did earlier. “That was very clever way to send a message,” he says. “What?” I say, feigning cluelessness. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Give me a break,” he says, laughing. “Better yet, give me a load. And make it a huge one.” “Five days worth,” I say, reaching around to grab that bubble ass through his shorts. “We gotta be quick,” he says. “You got any lube?” “No,” I say. “I’ll get it wet with my mouth,” says Nate, before taking out my hard cock and engulfing it with his hot mouth. As I slowly start to face-fuck him I realize I may have a solution to our lube situation. I move my hands from Nate’s head to under his arms and pull him up till we’re face to face, maybe a centimeter apart. “I might have some lube after all,” I say. He gives me a quizzical look. “Before getting on your bus I got fucked by the couple who’s AirBNB I’m staying at,” I explain. “They breed you?” asks Nate. “Of course,” I say. “Both of them. And I’ve been keeping their loads inside me, which believe me, isn’t easy when that bus would hit a bump.” “Fuck, that’s hot,” says Nate. “They both shot huge,” I say. “So you’re proposing we use their loads to lube up your cock for my hole?” “Yeah. Put your hands under my hole and I’ll let ‘em ooze out.” “You don’t want me to use my mouth?” “Damn, you’re a pig after my own heart.” Nate gets down on his knees and I bend my ass toward his mouth. It only takes a couple of pokes with his long hot tongue before I start to release the loads. I hear him slurp up a mouthful then he grabs my hand and spits it into it. I slather it over my raging hard-on as Nate dives back in for more. “Relax that hole, fucker,” he says between slurps. “I want all of their hot seed.” Three mouthfuls into palmfuls later, my cock is drenched and sticky and Nate is bending over a wheelbarrow, exposing his hot hole to me. “We got ten minutes before we have to get back to the bus,” he pants. “I want you in me for nine of them.” “One stroke?” I ask, putting my cum-slick cock head right at his hole. “Do it,” he says. I rear back a bit, so my cockhead leaves his hole then look down to see a tiny strand of Frank/Samuel cum connecting my angry cockhead to Nate’s puckered hole. It catches the light just so. “Fucking beautiful,” I say. “Now take my cock.” I shove my cumstick all the way into his hot hole in one stroke. “Aaaaaggghhhhh!” Nate groans, his handsome tan face contorted in a mix of pleasure and pain. I wriggle my hips back and forth, my balls right up against his ass, and let him get used to the invasion. “You good?” I ask. “Better than good. Now drill me. Pound me deep until you knock me up.” I start pumping, enjoying the sound of my slick cock sliding in and out of his tight fuckhole. I inhale deeply and almost pass out from sensory overload. “Smell,”I say between fuckstrokes. “It’s so hot…to smell all that man-cum….when neither of us has shot off yet.” As I continue to ream out his guts, I steal a look at my watch to see that three minutes have passed. Seven to go. “God, that dick feels so good,” says Nate. “I feel it getting harder with each stroke.” “That’s because your ass is milking my dick like crazy. It’s determined to pull that sperm right out of me.” “I can’t wait for you to blast that hot cum inside me.” Suddenly, we hear the sound of a metal hitting the ground, like shovel being knock over. We both turn to see the handsome father from Parisian family staring at us. Before I can pull out or even feel mortified, I notice that his cock is out and his jerking it. “It’s okay,” he assures us in that sexy French accent. “I watch.” “Where’s your wife and kids?” asks Nate. “Gift shop,” says Paris Dad. Nate and I share a bemused look then I go right back to deep-dicking him. “That hole ready for some sperm, fucker?” I ask Nate after about a minute of pile-driving. “Yeah, but make it last. We got five minutes and your cock feels amazing.” I focus on fucking Nate without going for blast off. We both look over at Paris Dad whose bearded face is now glazed over and whose hand is now going a mile a minute on his 8-inch uncut cock. “Don’t you dare waste your load on the floor!” barks Nate, opening his mouth wide as if to say, ‘Feed me.’ “Can I fuck it up his ass?” PD asks, jutting his chin at me. “I love to breed. The best.” “You’ll have to ask him,” laughs Nate, “but I feel like the answer is yes. His hole is already slick with two loads from this morning.” “Fuck me,” I say. I bury my dick balls deep in Nate, then do my best to arch my ass up so that PD can get up there. I’ve never gotten fucked while fucking so this is going to be a whole new experience, one I can’t wait to tell Samuel and Frank about back at the house. “I’m Jean-Luc, by the way,” PD says as he slides in slowly, inch by inch. As I feel my cummy fuck-tunnel expanding for him, my dick gets even harder in Nate’s hole if that’s possible. Once Jean Luc’s dick is all the way inside, I say “Okay, this is a first for me. Who drives this train?” “You do, the man in the middle,” says Nate. “Let’s do it…four minutes left.” I start to fuck back onto Jean-Luc’s dick then forward into Nate, then back, then forward. It takes some getting used to but gradually, I get my fuckstrokes down and feel like I’m giving both my partners a grade-A fuck as they meet my strokes with their own fuck-rhythms. The sensation is so overwhelming that I’m not able to form words. I just groan while Nate serves up the breeding talk. “You gonna flood my ass, fucker? Send me back in front of all those people full of your jizz.” “Aaaggghhh….annnggggghhh….yes….” is all I can muster. “Jean-Luc, you breed him first and then he’ll blast right off into me,” says Nate. “Sound good, Randy?” “Ughhhhhh….fuck……aaagghhhhh….yes!” I groan. “Do it, Jean-Luc,” commands Nate. “Breed his ass while your beautiful wife’s outside waiting. Shoot him full of that same sperm you made those precious kids with. Do it.” The dirty talk sends Jean-Luc over the edge. “I’m cumming!” he moans. “I am breeding you.” “Fill it, fucker,” I beg The feeling of Jean-Luc’s Euro-cream pouring into my hole sends me over the edge, too. “Tell me what you need, Nate!” I plead through gritted teeth. “Your cum,” he begs. “Cum in my hole, you fucking piggy barebacker.” Hearing Nate say the word–barebacker–in relation to me sends me past the point of no return, and I start to unload while Jean-Luc’s dick is still buried deep up my rectum. “Here is comes, fuckboy,” I moan. “Take…my….seeeeeeed!” With that, I blast five days worth of American-made jizz right up Nate the Tour Guide’s perfect ass. “Every drop, Randy,” Nate says, while jacking a load into his hand. “Every fucking drop.” I fall onto Nate’s back. Jean-Luc falls onto mine. No one moves for about a minute. We just breathe. I steal a look at my watch. “Two minutes,” I say. “Pull out together,” says Jean Luc. As we both snake our dicks out of our fuckee’s asses, the smell of even more fresh cum fills the air. We stand up and face each other in a three way kiss while our hands explore each other’s asses. My eyes are closed so I don’t see that Nate’s bringing his cum-filled hand up to our mouths until a huge hot glob of it is on my tongue. We snowball the load back and forth between the three of us, making sure all of our lips are coated in white. We look at each other and crack up laughing. “We can’t go back on the bus like this,” says Nate. I grab my Bubblicious t-shirt, find the spot where the two B’s appear together and use that to wipe the cum from all of our faces, but I don’t go near the loads in our asses. Those loads are meant to marinate. “You’re going to walk around with a cummed up t-shirt?” asks Nate. “Damned right,” I say. ••••• “So then we all got back on the bus and we finished the tour,” I explain to Frank and Samuel that afternoon back in their kitchen. “And the wife had no idea?” asks Samuel. “I don’t think so,” I say. “How big was Nate’s dick?” Samuel is asking all the questions because Frank’s mouth is busy felching out Jean-Luc’s load. “About 7, I think,” I say. “And thick. We exchanged numbers. I have a feeling we might swap cum again before I go.” Frank walks over to me breeding toteboard and grabs a marker. “You gave a load to the ass and you took a load in the ass,” he sums up. “So two more hashmarks for you…making a total of four.” “And I haven’t even been in Montreal 24 hours,” I say proudly. “Wanna make it five?” says Samuel pulling away from my hole, his scruff caked in Parisian fuckcream. I look down and see him jerking his raging hard on through his nylon running shorts. It’s already making a pre-cum stain on the fabric. I then say what might be my favorite sentence in the English language. “Breed me.”
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  18. Our Last Condom I’ve been dating the same guy for almost three years, and up until tonight we had never dared to have sex without a condom. I’m a 25 years old, 6’4’’ and lean build and have had sex with dozens of guys but every single time I’ve insisted on wearing a condom. I hadn’t been fucked for the first time until I was a freshman in college, and growing up I had always been told that having sex without a condom was risky, especially if for gay guys, so I would always insist on rubbers being, no exceptions. Until tonight. Before we talk about how I discovered my obsession with bareback fucking, let me tell you about my man. My boyfriend, Jon, is as sexy as they come. He’s a 28 year old pediatrician, 6’0, blond, blue eyes and extremely built. He being a fairly health conscious and sexually inexperienced and me being unwilling to push him past his boundaries, we had always had sex with condoms. In the back of my mind, I had thought maybe it was weird that two monogamous men wouldn’t bring it up sooner than we did, I respected his boundaries and fucked his tight hole daily and ejaculated happily into hundreds of condoms over the years. But admittedly, with each passing day, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to slip my load deep into him without barriers, and in fact the first man in his life to shoot sperm into his hole. We were having a typical Friday date night. We were seated next to each other on the couch on the roof of his townhouse. He leaned his head on his shoulder. Without hesitation, I put my arm around him and slipped my tongue into his mouth and my hand under his shirt. He was extremely ripped and I could feel his ab muscles twitching under my palms as I caressed every line and worked my way beneath his boxers and eventually grasped his cock that was becoming engorged by the second. I could feel his the layer of foreskin over his fat mushroom head, coated heavily with his precum. I was so turned on by the thought of slipping my tongue under his foreskin that I got on my knees and slid off his jeans and his boxers. Upon sliding his boxers to his heels, his hard, eight and a half inch pink, uncut cock was revealed and tapped against his smooth, ripped body. Everything from his firm pecs to his six pack abs to his balls were incredible smooth. I slipped my tongue under his smooth balls and it turns out his hole was equally smooth. As I attempted to slide my thick tongue past the first ring of his whole, I could hear him moan as his spread his legs and placed his heels on my shoulder. Still clothed, my cock was hard as a rock and tenting through my jeans; my tight boxer briefs were soaking with precum and I imagined having my way with this perfect, rock hard stud of a man. I took a pause from his tight pink hole and slipped his fat tool into my mouth, licking the tip of his head and working my mouth down his shaft to swallow every drip of precum from the slit of his cock. I unbuttoned Jon’s shirt and undid my belt and pants, reaching for my own cock as I deep-throated Jon’s long, veiny cock. Sliding off my jeans and underwear, I could hear moans of lust from Jon. I was a fairly lean and long guy, but by contrast my cock was as fat as it was long at eight inches in length and eight inches in girth. My fat beer can cock hung low between my legs and I moved my clenched fist up and down Jon’s cock as I slipped my tongue under his warm, slick foreskin. As ripped as Jon was, he also had one of the roundest and firmest asses I had ever known. I teased his hole with my middle finger and was aroused that, even though I had worked his ring with my tongue for almost half an hour, it was extremely difficult to slide my middle finger into his hole. And yet I could feel my boyfriend move his hole from side to side over my digit and eventually pushing his tight ring against it, allowing me to slowing penetrate him. I slipped my tongue along his warm balls and subtly spit on my middle to help ease it into his hole. Within a few minutes, my four and a half inch finger had fully penetrated Jon and I began to pet his prostate at a medium pace. I couldn’t remember a time I had been more aroused. My right middle finger still deep into Jon, I put my left arm around his smooth body, slipped his tongue into his mouth, and carried my man to his king bed. I stripped us both of our clothes and subtly slipped my index finger into Jon as well. The slit of his fat mushroom head began to leak precum as Jon groaned and moved his tight hole up and down my digits. It was at that moment that I felt his warm hand wrap itself around my cock, which at this point was covered in my precum. He slid his fist up and down my shaft at a medium pace, and he generously made sure my entire fat cock was slick with my precum. “Babe, I need you inside of me,” Jon said as he rubbed the slick tip of my thick cock against his hole. I continued to massage his prostate with my two fingers. “Please, babe, I really need your fat cock in my hole.” Having fucked Jon hundreds of times, I was familiar with our sexual routine and with how to satisfy his. I slipped my mouth over his penis and used my tongue to lick fresh, thick precum off of his cock slit. With my free hand, I reached for his nightstand and grabbed our nearly empty bottle of lube. In his dark bedroom, I could hardly see the contents of his nightstand drawer, and blindly searched for nearly a minute for a condom. Usually we were well prepared and condoms were prevalent in his drawer, but it seemed as though in less than a week we must have gone through an entire box. Determined, I frantically reached into the deep corners of his nightstand and to my relief felt a condom in my hand. I took a moment to examine the condom. It was clear that this was a condom that we must have picked up as a novelty from a gay bar or some other venue. While intact and unexpired, I almost exclusively used the golden wrapped Magnum XXL condoms because I felt most other condoms were too constrictive on my fat cock. This condom was in a standard packaging and I was skeptical it’d be sufficient. Desperate for his hole, I ignored his fact and attempted to unroll it on over my 8 inch thick cock. Fully unraveled, over an inch of my penis was exposed and my cock felt suffocated and had completely filled out the latex sheath, the veins beneath my cock visibly and rapidly pulsing beneath. But I needed to be inside of my boyfriend and was surprised to still be hard as a rock. I grabbed our bottle of lube and generously applied it to my wrapped cock. I slipped my two fingers out of Jon’s hole and I could tell he felt empty, thirsty to feel full again. He clenched his fist over my shaft and put my fat nearly 8.5’’ thick mushroom head outside of his hole. I slowly slid my mushroom head past the ring of his hole and eased my cock inside of my boyfriend. He seemed to be in pain and made a low groan, but he didn't try to expel my cock, rather he struggled to relax so as to allow his hole time to adjust to my thick head. As he eventually pushed my mushroom head past his first hole, my shaft very slowly slid through his ass and Jon moaned and lifted his knees to his head and I was deeply penetrating him. I wanted to enjoy the feeling of my boyfriend’s tight hole wrapping around my cock, but I had never felt so constricted in years. The condom I was wearing was simply too tight and the pressure around my shaft was distracting if not a hurdle to my erection inside of him. I stayed still and tried to stay focused on my goal, which was to fuck the cum out of Jon and to fill my condom with seed. I could see his abdominal and chest muscles twitching and engorging with my thrusts, so I continued to slide my cock in and out of Jon. “I love you, baby,” I whispered to Jon and I slowly moved my fat cock in and out of his hole. “I feel so full with your cock. Fuck me. Please pound my hole.” Obeying my love’s demands, I slid my latex covered cock in and out of his hole, as uncomfortable as it felt because I refused to ejaculate anywhere other than inside of him, as I had hundreds of times. I slipped in and out of his tight ass ring, which felt warm though resistant to the girth of my cock. It had been a long time since I had felt so much friction inside of a hole, but I couldn’t let my baby down. I had to be able to stay hard inside of him until I saw his fat eight cock shoot his seed. And then I felt something off. Immediately withdrawing from his ass, I got the impression an elastic band snap had snapped. I even thought I heard the snap. I had never experienced this before, but I felt unexpectedly good. My cock had never felt so warm and slick. It was as though I was ready to shoot my load inside of Jon, but I still wasn’t able to process why I felt so good. Jon didn’t seem to notice a thing and in fact held me close to him, my cock fully penetrating him as he pushed me down onto my back and started to ride my penis. I had never felt such a natural and slick sensation on the shaft of my penis as Jon pinned me down on my back and began to ride me. Though I was familiar with this position, I began to realize that what I was experiencing was my first time being inside of the love of my life without a condom and he had no idea. Jon was a bitch in heat as he put his palms on my shoulders and move his warm hole along my shaft, completely unaware that he was able to slide more quickly and effortlessly up and down my beer can cock because I was coating his insides with my precum and, hopefully my full, unapologetic, massive load of semen inside of him. I knew that I needed to say something. In three years, this was my first time being inside of my boyfriend without a condom, but I knew that it was wrong to shoot my load inside of him without him consenting. But I loved him. And I wanted my seed to be the first to coat his ass hole. I wanted him to be mine. My balls were full of cum and tapped against my boyfriend’s ass as he rode my cock. He was riding at such a fast and steady pace that I had no doubt that this is how Jon wanted me to ejaculate inside of him. It was hard to process that I’d been inside of Jon hundreds of times but each time he hadn’t been open to experience what I felt now, which was the electrifying feeling of man being inside of another man without barriers and being bred in the way that nature intended. Jon kept moving his hole up and down my raw cock and I felt a deep, carnal need to fill him with my seed and to use my cum to live inside of Jon for an eternity. My balls tight and swollen with semen, I fantasized that I’d deposit my sperm inside of his hole for the rest of my life. “Baby, please give it to me,” Jon begged, as he held my waist and clenched his hole around my thick, bare cock. “Jon, I am ready to shoot inside of you,” I moaned, as I cupped my fist over Jon’s warm balls and cock. “I’m getting so close,” Jon replied, so I massaged his cock, continuing to thrust my raw cock inside of his hole. His balls tensed-up and quivered in ecstasy and violently shot shot five ribbons of white, thick cum on my chest. Following Jon’s request, I kept my cock stead in his tight hole and allowed myself to cum inside of him. His warm anus wrapped itself around my rod as he shot his load and I allowed myself, for the first time in our relationship, to unload ounces of warm sperm inside of his hole as I slid in and out of his tight sphincter to ensure he was properly bred, inseminating his anus with my thick seed. I felt more fulfilled sexually than in my entire life. The love of my life was firmly planted on my fat cock as I ensured that every drop of semen coated his insides and inseminated him with my love. Though he had milked me for every drop I had, I was still hard inside of him, feeling both relieved and increasingly guilty I had fucked him raw without his consent.that he had no idea I had fucked him raw as our last condom had broken and was bunched tightly at the base of my cock. Still, deep down I suspected Jon had been craving my raw cock but I concluded it wouldn’t be wise for him to know I intentionally bred him. I needed to figure out a way to get him to beg for my raw cock on his own before realizing what I had done to him. To be continued.
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  19. I’m one of those bisexuals who has a lust for cock, but a strong dislike for (gay) affection. A man can shove his cock up my ass, but a kiss or cuddle is too intimate. Kissing is only for girls. I try to avoid the romance by going to cruising areas like parks, adult bookstores or a bathhouse, but even there some men really want to kiss. But I don’t go to those places for romance, I just want sex. I want to wrap my lips around a dick not around a tongue, and I have no problem if a guy wants to stick his tongue in my butthole, but not in my mouth. Still, I’m pretty shy and have some trouble saying no. Sometimes I just don’t get rid of people. In the bathhouse there was this guy who really fancied me. I don’t know his name, but I always saw him as a Mike. He wasn’t my type, I’m a daddy’s boy but he was a fit 40-something. Bald head, really long nipples, a very big cock with a metal cockring. I thought of him as the typical gay guy who loved leather and jockstraps, but for what ever reason, not the kind who interests me. Even if I wasn't particularly interested, once Mike caught me in the steam room he gave me a great blowjob and when he started touching my ass I really liked it. And his cock was pretty, albeit a bit too big for me, especially since I’m a small guy and I had trouble sucking on it. Yeah, I sucked his cock even if he wasn't my type. Sometimes a good cock will get you far too, hehe. Anyhow, after a half hour of sucking, he asked me if I wanted to go upstairs to a private cabin. When men ask this I usually say no. I love gaysex when I’m horny, but after I cum I lose my lust and want to leave the gayscene as quick as possible. Getting in a room results usually in an orgasm and I wanted to delay this. I want to cum 15 minutes before I want to leave and I wasn’t ready to leave yet. I tried to evade Mike by leaving the steam room and hopping in the shower, but that didn’t work as he followed me into the shower, taking the showerhead next to mine. Then, when I found myself turned towards the wall to rinse off the soap, I found Mike playing with my ass, including prodding my buttocks with his thick cock. I’m a safesex guy, so entry without a rubber is a 'no go', but the sensation of his bare cock between my ass felt great, and seemingly involuntarily I pushed my ass a bit back, accommodating his tool. He wanted to fuck me right there and then. However he kept missing my hole when he started poking. Ever had someone like that? It hurts when the guy stabs you the wrong way, so I took a hold of his cock and placed it before my asshole. What was I thinking? I practically gave him permission to bareback me. His fat cockhead finally slipped past my rectum. He tried to push some more of his fuckmeat in my bowels but it hurt too much. That and I was well aware of the unsafe practice I was doing. I whined that it hurt and I stood up straight and his cock slid out my ass. I apologized and quickly walked away, but my cock was raging hard. Not only did his raw cock feel great, somehow I found myself thinking barebacking, which I had deliberately avoided was hot and nasty. And it was dangerous so I would never do that again. Mike thought otherwise. He knew he had me. I think gay men know everybody likes raw cock. Especially those who say they don’t yet allow a few pumps. I tried to avoid Mike the best I could, however the bathhouse was really small. There are only two floors, the first floor has the steamroom and a dry sauna, the second floor was half a videoroom and half a darkroom with private cabins. Since I was still cruising Mike found me again when I was watching a couple on the public mattress in the darkroom. He wanted me to lay down there too, but I didn’t want too. Again he suggested we move to a private cabin, and this time I caved, justifying myself by thinking if I didn't play with him, he he would stalk me for the rest of the evening. In the room I lay down and he started sucking my cock and rimming my ass. His stubble felt great between my cheeks. He pushed my knees towards my chest so he had a great view of my puckered hole. “What about condoms?” I asked naïvely. "We don't need 'em," he commented, adding "besides, I'm not really gonna fuck you." I felt his cockhead rubbing against my ass, my own cock was rock hard so I believed him, or in any event decided I would allow him to slip into my ass a little bit and for just a few pumps. No cum for my hole. My saliva coated bumhole opened greedily for his prick. The first few inches of his massive fucker penetrated me with some ease, but the rest still hurt like hell. Pain and fear wanted to stop the fuck but Mike wasn’t ready to give up his fuckhole. I started wiggling my ass, but Mike had none of that. He pushed my legs even further towards my chest. I was leaning on my shoulders with my ass up the air so I had no control whatsoever. I was in the hands of Mike who wanted to breed me. My asshole felt sore but Mike relentlessly tried to push his whole cock up my ass. I tried to plead with him that we should use condoms but he responded "Just a little more.” I don’t know how many inches felt the warmth of my bowels, but I do know it wasn’t his whole dick. He finally pulled his cock out and my asshole felt relieved of the fat invader. Mike spat on my red hole and shoved his fucker right back in. It was like he was purposely trying to rupture the tender tissue. Suddenly he let go of my left leg. Since my awkward position I couldn’t see what he was doing. He was doing something to my ass or something with his cock. After that he pulled his cock out of my ass again and let my other leg go too. I immediately felt my sore ass. It was slippery and I checked if I wasn’t bleeding. There was no blood so I thought it was saliva. It puzzled me Mike just stopped trying to fuck me, like he was finished. Did he cum in my ass anyway? According to all the sexstories on the internet you should feel someone cumming inside your ass. It’s always described as jets of warm sperm that the bottoms feels being blasted inside him. I didn’t feel anything. However when I stood up there was a mysterious droplet trailing from my butt down my leg. Six months later I was again in the bathhouse, getting fucked by some guy in the darkroom and after he was done was replaced by some guy. Another man came and stood next to me in the darkness, and no sooner had the top blown and withdrawn than the second guy slid his middle finger up my hole, playing with the several cumloads which were marinating in my bowels. “You have a different attitude since we last met” he said. Only then I realized it was Mike. “I presume you got my gift." I looked at him. Yeah, I had indeed gotten his gift. He understood my silence, and asked “So, you like it?" I didn’t say anything back, instead kissed him passionately, enveloping his tongue with mine.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Seriously hot! Keep posting!!
    1 point
  23. Ok...well educate yourself boi and leave the attitude at the door. I was simply telling OP that based on what he was describing he sounded like a Side and that I've never heard of pillow Prince being used before. Amongst all spectrums of sexuality but especially in gay men there is, believe it or not, an lot of men out there who aren't into anal sex at ALL (topping or bottoming) and while still gay they prefer to only have oral sex and pleasure by other means than by penetration. This is what is referred to as a "Side" and falls into the category of Top, Bottom, Vers, Side. It's just not something many gay men are comfortable talking about.
    1 point
  24. thanks for the follow. I see your a knot pig. I have not done any zoo shit ut love watching the porn and fantasizing. Dave here
    1 point
  25. I've never heard the term pillow Prince before...but what you're describing to me sounds like you're a "Side." A Side is someone who doesn't particularly care for or engage in penetration during sex but likes everything else and (usually) prefers only oral sex. Though there are many variations of being a Side as well...like any other form of sexuality. Nothing wrong with it. Get yours! ???
    1 point
  26. Was at Slammers last month while in LA. You will have no problem getting what you are looking for. I got a number of loads in the dark area and then a few more while in a sling. Have fun.
    1 point
  27. Steve Tuck (HDK & Treasure Island). Versatile and bareback. He is a nice guy with a great ass.
    1 point
  28. Yeah, I wish more gay porn was like straight porn: i.e. in straight porn, often the guys don't pull out, they shoot their load internally THEN pull out and then the woman pushes it out of her cunt. Totally hot. BB gay porn should take a page outta that book.
    1 point
  29. Between the hot video, the plug in my ass, the poppers and thinking about guys coming over I was on the edge of cumming in just a couple of minutes. I needed to slow down as I didn’t want to shoot my load yet. Realizing that I had been lucky the night before, and my luck might not always be as good, I decided to lock my keys, phone, wallet, etc. in the room safe. I left my laptop out so I would just have to keep my eyes on it. I moved it over to the nightstand so that I could see it while I lay on the bed. Then I poured a little bit of fresh poppers into my water bottle and set it on the bed, along with the bottle of lube. I grabbed the extra towels from the bathroom and put them on the bed in case the guys wanted to use them to wipe themselves off. Looking around, everything appeared to be ready, so I fixed myself another drink and took a couple of big swallows as I waited to see who would show up. I started watching another video as I casually played with my cock, balls and nipples. I finished my drink and had just poured another one when I heard a knock at my door. As I stood up, I picked up my water/popper bottle and took a couple of big hits before capping it and throwing back on the bed. Then I reached for the door knob just as I heard the knocking again. I opened the door, standing there totally naked, rubber band cock rings keeping my cock hard, and a plug buried in my hole. My cock was bobbing up and down. There before me stood a late 20s guy with bulging arm muscles. It was obvious that he spent hours a day hanging at the gym. He smiled when he saw me naked and ready. I stepped back to let him in. He shut the door behind him. Standing there he pulled his t-shirt up over his head and tossed it on the chair. His pecs were chiseled and well defined with hard 6-pack abs. His chest was hairless and there was a faint trace of blond hair that ran in a line down from his belly button and disappeared beneath the waistband of his shorts. Reaching out he placed one of his hands behind my head and pulled me towards him. As I stepped closer he guided my head down until my lips were brushing against his already erect nipples. I knew what he wanted. I began licking and sucking his nipples. They grew harder and stood out like pencil erasers on his pecs. As I worked one with my mouth, I played with the other one with my fingers. I alternated back and forth, noticing how my spit made the skin of his pecs shine and glisten. I had been working on his nipples for about 5 minutes when we heard a knock on the door. Letting go of my head, he walked over and opened it. The new guy asked if he was the one who placed the ad on Craigslist. The first guy chuckled and said that he was there for the same thing and that the slut was over there, as he pointed in my direction. The guys exchanged greetings and first names after they had stepped back in the room and shut the door. The new guy looked like he was barely 18 and he appeared nervous. He was thin and dressed like a skater dude. He wasn’t the type I normally went for, but as long as he had a cock I was okay. I went over to the desk and took a gulp of my drink as the two guys got naked. The skater dude laid on the bed on his back as the other guy told me to get on the bed and suck the skater’s cock as he checked out my ass. I got on the bed on all fours and crawled up between the guy’s legs. He too was almost hairless with just a light dusting of fur above his cock. His cock was only about 6 ½” long and thin with a pair of balls in a tight sac just below it. I began bathing his cock and balls with my tongue being sure I didn’t miss a single spot. My hands caressed his thighs, then up across his abs, then his chest and then reversed direction and worked back to his thighs. I could feel him shuddering with nervousness and his cock was literally drooling pre-cum as I licked it. I had a feeling that he was fairly new to sex with guys and his nervousness and excitement was obvious. I knew if I took him fully into my mouth he would cum almost instantly so I just continued to lick his cock and bath his ball sac with my tongue. In the meantime the other guy was behind me and had begun working the butt plug in and out of my hole. He was not being gentle and I knew that I was probably bleeding after the previous night’s fun. My suspicions were confirmed when he finally removed the plug completely, tossing it on the bed next to me as I felt his cock enter my hole. He buried himself to the hilt in one thrust. He was not nearly the size of Jimbo or Daddy, but my insides were still tender and I felt every inch of him. As he began to take long strokes in and out of me, he grabbed skater dude’s legs and lifted them up. This raised skater’s ass up and I now had full access to his tight puckered hole. As I began to rim him, getting his hole all slick with my spit, I could taste the copious amount of pre-cum that was leaking from his cock and running down his shaft, over his balls and down to his hole. He was moaning nonstop. I tried to insert my tongue in his ass but he was impossibly tight. It was obvious that his hole was virgin. The guy behind me had picked up his pace and was now relentlessly pounding my ass. I did my best to thrust back each time he went forward, feeling his pubis slam against my ass cheeks. As I felt him getting closer to shooting his load in me, I returned my attention to skater dude’s cock. Licking up all the pre-cum that was running down it, he thrust his body up towards my mouth. I wanted to give this dude an orgasm to remember. I reached over and grabbed the butt plug and slipped it down in front of me. It had quite a few bright red spots and streaks on it. I wondered if there was any of the previous night’s Poz cum mixed in with the blood. I took the cock into my mouth and slowly let it go deeper. I could feel it getting harder, ready to explode at any minute. I kept my tongue away from it and just let him feel my lips sliding along his shaft. He was so lost in his pleasure he failed to feel the tip of the butt plug kiss the entrance to his virgin hole. I felt the pace pick up behind me and knew my insides were about to get flooded with a load of cum. I began applying suction to the cock in my mouth and let my tongue swirl around the head. I felt his head flare and knew he was just about to shoot. As I felt the first spasm and warmth begin to fill my ass, I buried my nose in skater dude’s pubes as I swiftly thrust the plug into his virgin hole. It only went in about halfway but he let out a cry of ecstasy as he erupted filling my mouth with his sweet boy cum. I began using short thrusts with the plug and noticed that he spurted in perfect time to my thrusts. As I thrust inward another spurt of cum would exit his cock head. As he finished cumming I let the plug slip from his hole. I couldn’t help but notice a little bit of fresh blood on it, mixed with mine. The three of us just collapsed on the bed in post coital bliss. Not a word was spoken as our breathing began to slow and return to normal. After a few minutes, we untangled and the guys got up and began to dress. I got up and went over to the desk and finished my drink, savoring how the alcohol mixed with the flavor of cum. Then I poured another drink and took a gulp. I could feel a little cum leak out of my hole and run down my legs and my insides felt empty. They thanked me for a good time and were just getting ready to leave when there was a knock on my room door.
    1 point
  30. First some background....I discovered this anon, no loads refused urge by chance. When I look back, I was always mixed about it. Slightly turned on by the excitement, yet totally turned off at being fucked by someone I wasn't into. Until one evening I was at a CumUnion party at Steamworks, the day before IML was supposed to start (In Chicago). I was in a jockstrap, just carrying my towel, standing outside a room watching three hot, muscular guys fuck and fist. At some point, someone came up behind me and started playing with my ass. To be honest, the only thing I was focused on was what was going on in front of me. I appreciated the attention and I think I instinctively pushed my ass out a bit, and before I knew it, the guy was pushing into me. I didn't resist...because well, there were people around. i didn't want anyone to think I was a prude or anything, lol. So I took it and he shot his load in me. As soon as he pulled away, another guy stepped up and proceeded to dump his load. 3 more guys did the same thing and a crowd had gathered trying to watch. We were blocking the hall and clearly people were getting upset with that so the crowd had started to be broken up. After the 5th one, no one immediately came up so I stood up straight and stretched my back a bit. A guy who'd been watching leaned into my ear and said, "You're VERY generous". I just laughed and it took me a bit to figure out what he meant. I'd assume one or more of the guys were "less than desirable looking". Honestly, it just turned me on even more. I realized I'd just put on a show in public and had taken 5 loads in no time at all. Getting five loads in a hotel or in my house would've taken hours to set up and arrange and I probably would've had to talk to 20 people online in the process. This was simple!!! So since then, my preference has always been to be as public as possible. Not just for my exhibitionist side, but so that people can see that I'm a cumdump and that they don't have to talk to me or "ask" before they breed me. If anyone gets annoying, tries to use a condom, or whatever, I just relocate. We have several raunchy bars in Chicago which are good for this type of action, plus a couple bathhouses. Not to mention traveling around the country to various gay events (Folsom, Southern Decadence, various pride celebrations, etc) It's possible this could help with your anxiousness. In a situation like these, there are plenty of tops available, thus you can easily take 10, 20, 30 and more loads in one night! You get to choose when/if you want a break and there's no disappointment, the tops can just move on to one of the many other bottoms around. Plus, in these situations you have all the sights and sounds around you of men fucking everywhere. That excitement is just more motivation for me to want to be a part of it and take every dick and load that I can. As far as keeping all the loads, it'll definitely start to get fucked out of you. When I manage to stay in one spot for several hours, I'll end up with a puddle of cum underneath me along with cum down my leg and in my socks if I have them on. So if you want to keep all the loads in you, you'll have to limit yourself as it starts to spill out. Last, as another poster mentioned..health. When you spend 3 to 5 hours in a bathhouse or sex club taking any and all anonymous loads, chances are, you're going to come away with something. I just have a routine of getting checked sometime in the week after these events. Depending on where you get checked, a lot of places will treat you for gonorrhea and chlamydia based on your "presumptive exposure". Occasionally you'll have to go back to get shots for syphilis as well. When I keep these habits up, I generally avoid experiencing the symptoms. I've just kinda accepted that I'll get things, I just choose to not be the one to spread them any further. This was long, but hopefully good info for you. If you have other questions, don't hesitate to post them!!!
    1 point
  31. my ass needs some bare cock every day. hit me up for a date. anyone skype? close to me? ill take it
    1 point
  32. Bf and I have been going to the new gym for a month now. We have been talking about having sex in the shower but never had the guts to do it, nor shower in the same stall (is it even legal for a couple to shower together?) He always try to get attention and find out who are checking us out at the gym where he will use an excuse to show me how to use the machine. So, I have noticed this middle eastern college guy has been checking us out by looking at the mirror, tall and muscular, straight acting. Finally, today he walked to us and ask my bf if he can help him with the weights, after that we split and didnt see him. Tonight, my plan was to 'seduce' my bf in the shower and hoping we will make our dream comes true. So i went into the shower and let the shower curtain slightly open so that he knows where am i. the moment i pulled the curtain, i saw the middle eastern guy diagonally across from my stall and i can pretty much see his naked body and he nodded and smiled. i returned and get myself wet. Then i heard someone pull my curtain followed by hands holding me from my back. i felt his hard cock, hairy hands, lips on my neck. he's definitely not my bf. He turned off the shower and whispered "Do you think your bf will be jealous if he finds us in here?" I was debating if i should stop or say something but he has started kissing me, turned me around and pressed me against the wall. it is hard to resist such body. He's definitely not the first time doing this, his hand getting soap and stroke his cock and mine and i have erection so hard. without taking much time, he lifted up my leg, slide up easily with the soap. it felt so good and it didnt take long, we kissed and he pushed all the way and cum in me and left. hmm, i felt bad but have another round of hot sex with bf in our bed...
    1 point
  33. I am very new to this game (18 years and I have only been fucked raw 4 times) yesterday a dream came though when a black colleague of my father invited my home and fucked me long and hard. he came in my ass twice. I am still sore. I never though he would be able to get his cock inside me, but in the end I sat on him, crying with pain and glad to see him getting all hot fucking his boss' son.
    1 point
  34. Even after drinking 5 loads of cum at the ABS yesterday afternoon, I was still feeling horny. Since the Consumer Electronic Trade Show was still in town, I felt I needed to take advantage of all those thousands of men in town without their wives. Men alone in Vegas, tends to put them in the mood to try things that they would never have the guts to try in their home towns. As those of you that read my stories know, I LOVE str8 dick. One of the best ways I know to get str8 dick is to offer a free massage. A "massage" seems to be the least threatening way for them to get off with another guy. So, last night I posted an ad on Craigslist in the M4M Strictly Platonic category. I said I was offering a complimentary massage to men who were attending the CES trade show. I posted some pics of me doing a massage on a well hung, muscular, masculine guy with a hard on. Shortly after the ad posted, I was inundated with replies. The vast majority of them were from guys staying at hotels on The Strip. I replied to all of them and waded through the usual pic collectors, time wasters and typical Craigslist flakes. I ended up with 3 guys that sounded like they were for real. I made appointments with those 3. Spacing them out, so that I'd have some leeway in time, in case the "massage" got a bit more "interesting". The str8 guys that normally answer these ads obviously know the massage will at least end with a happy ending, hand job. Mine usually end with a blow job. In rare cases, I've been able to get them to fuck me. But, if they're truly "str8", that's a rare occurrence for them to fuck me. I got arrived at the MGM right on time for my first massage of the evening. The guy answering the door was fully dressed. He's mid 50's, Italian guy from Milan. He's short. 5'5", Curly black hair with lots of gray running through it. He's muscular and very attractive. He invites me in. He's seemed nervous and a bit "chatty", but I have a difficult to understand what he's saying, because of his thick accent and poor english. I just nod and smile as we undress. We finally are both naked and I have him lay face down on the bed. I oil him up and begin on his upper back, then quickly work my way down to his ass. His ass is firm and muscular. As are his muscular thighs. As I get to his inner thighs, I can see that he's properly adjusted himself, so that his cock was sticking out, between his legs. That usually lets me know that they're looking to have their cocks played with. My fingers brush across his balls and cockhead as I massage his inner thighs. His cock is already hard. My fingers also go deep into his ass crack. My finger brushing across his rosebud asshole. His ass arches as I rub his ass. Since I can see that he's turned on by that, I "go for it". I spread his ass cheeks, lean forward and lick his asshole. He moans in approval. I spread his ass further and really go to town on his hole. I get my tongue deep into his hole as he raises his ass up. I reach under him and stroke his now fully hard cock as I eat. "Turn over", I tell him. He quickly flips onto his back. His hard cock springs up and bounces. I don't even begin to massage his chest. My mouth wraps his cock and I begin to suck. I fondle his balls and finger his ass as I suck. It doesn't take very many minutes before he softly groans and fills my mouth with his cum. I milk his cock of every drop, then rise up. "Thanks", I say as I begin to dress. I got what I wanted in about a half hour. Now, plenty of time to make my way down the strip to The Mirage. Even with the heavy traffic on the Strip, I arrive at the next door at The Mirage about 20 minutes early. But I had texted him and he said he'd be ready. This guy was mid 40's, Korean guy. He answered the door wearing a white bathrobe with the hotels emblem on it. He invited me in and as I undressed, he dropped the robe and climbed on the bed. He was also kind of short. 5'5" or 5'6". Smooth and thin. I oiled him up and went to work on his back, ass and legs. He was completely silent. Not getting any clues from his breathing, or body reactions when I worked on his ass or inner thighs. There were no sighs or moans to give me any clues. So, I didn't even try to lick his ass. But, when I asked him to roll over, his hard cock sprang up. He was rock hard. I massaged his chest and abs. Brushing my hand and arm against his hard cock. Finally I move to his side and begin to stroke his cock. He doesn't react, but doesn't protest. I stroke for a few moments. Beads of precum ooze from his piss slit. Finally I lean down and lick the precum from his slit. Then wrap my lips around him and begin to suck. He was obviously turned on. Because only a few minutes of cocksucking brought his hot load gushing into my mouth. I milked him dry, dressed and left his room. No words at all were exchanged. He continued to lay there, silently, his eyes closed. He had gotten what he wanted. Whether he was now feeling guilty, embarrassed or whatever, who knows? And I didn't care. I got what I wanted. His str8 load in my mouth. I was now off to my next appointment at The Wynn. As I drove down the crowded Strip, I called the next guy. I was on my way and would be early. Was he ready? He told me he was just stepping in the shower and would be ready by the time I got there. One thing I've learned to do with offering massages to str8 guys is to not get too bogged down with asking for stats or pics. They're usually quite nervous and on the DL. They are usually quite hesitant to share too much information. Since my main concern is their dick and their cum, so I really don't care too much about stats, age or looks. If they're drop dead gorgeous and have a fantastic body, that's a giant plus+. But it's really all about getting some str8 sperm in my mouth. So, I really didn't know too much about any of these 3 guys until they opened the door. All I knew about this 3rd guy was that he's a married guy, in his early 40's, from San Jose, CA. Here for the CES show. He opened his door with just a white towel wrapped around his waist. He was talking on his cell phone as he opened the door. He put his index finger to his lips, giving me the "Shush" sign as he let me into his room. He slowly and carefully closed and locked the door, so it wouldn't make a sound. "Yeah, it's still going very well. Busy, busy, busy. Sales are going quite well. Today, especially. I'm bushed. Just going to grab something quick to eat and then crash. Not even going to gamble tonight. I just want to watch a little TV, then sleep. Good night, Babe. Miss you! Sleep well". And he hung up. He had obviously been chatting with his wife. He put the phone down and extended his hand for me to shake. "Hi Dave. Ryan. Thanks for coming". Ryan is a fuckin' HUNK! 6'2", probably about 190 lbs of a nicely toned body. Not overly muscular, but a very well defined and fit body. He had beautiful, hairy chest. Firm pecs, with big nipples sticking up through a carpet of redish-blond hair. His arms and legs were strong and muscular. With large, strong hands and feet. "Where do you want me." he asked? "Just lay face down along the side of the bed. Head up and feet at the foot of the bed, please", I said. Ryan dropped his towel and walked to the bed. DAMN! This was going to be fun. Ryan was not only young and good looking, he had a body that I wanted to just worship and pleasure. His 6'2" hair covered, fit body was gorgeous. And his cock was large and mouth watering. He was definitely gifted in the cock department. His large hands and feet should have given me a clue. Ryan's cock even soft was huge. And below that hung a set of oversized balls. All covered in his ginger-blond pubic hair. He positioned himself on the bed as I undressed. I oiled up his body and began to work on his shoulders and neck. I was going to take my time on Ryan. He was gorgeous and a beautiful body that I wanted to worship and pleasure as long as I could. I worked slow on his back, working my way down to his ass. I spent a long time massaging his ass, then down to his thighs and calves. I worked his inner thigh, brushing my fingers against his balls. Then back down his legs to his feet. I wanted to give Ryan my "full treatment". I had no more guys scheduled. So, I wanted to make this last. I began to massage his huge feet. He began to sigh. Cool, I could now tell he was really enjoying this. I got on my knees at the end of the bed and really did some good work on his feet and toes. His sighs got louder as I worked on his feet. Then I worked back up his legs, spending more time on his ass. Now, he was being more vocal. He was slowly and slightly grinding his crotch as I slid my fingers into his asscrack and across his asshole. I had him just where I wanted him. But, I decided to tease him a bit longer, so I didn't try to lick his ass. I wanted to keep him in suspense as to what direction this massage was going to go? I worked back up to his shoulders, then asked him to turn over. Ryan slowly flipped onto his back. BINGO! His cock had fully hard and it stuck straight up. Damn! It was impressive. He had to have about 8" of cut cock, with a large, mushroom head. It was really thick and sprang up as he flipped over. I worked on his chest. Giving some special attention to his nipples, that hardened to my touch. His cock would bounce as I played with his hard nipples. I massaged down his chest and abs. As my fingers got close to his cock it would bounce. I had him just where I wanted him. But I was going to tease him more. I wasn't going to take hold of his cock yet. I worked down to his crotch and massaged all around his cock. I'd let the back of my hand and my arms brush against his cock as I worked the area. But that's all. I worked his inner thighs. My fingers would press hard into that pleasure spot just under his balls. He would softly groan and arch his back as my fingers played in that area. My fingers would go over his large balls, but not grab them. I quickly worked down his legs. Massaging his feet again. My own cock was now hard. As I worked back up his legs, I pressed my hard cock against the bottom of his foot. He pressed his foot back against my cock. Moving his toes on my hard cock. Then I moved to his side and worked my hands back to his crotch. Precum was oozing from his rock hard cock. After a few moments of massaging around his cock, I finally wrapped my fingers around his cock and began to stroke it. I squeezed some oil onto his cock and stroked the length of it. Now, he let out a big breath. That was what he was waiting for. He moaned as I slowly stroked him. Then I leaned forward and licked the precum from his cock. I opened my mouth and took as much as I could of his cock into it. I sucked down as far as I could take him down my throat. "Slide over", I said to him. He scooted over into the center of the King Sized Bed. I climbed up onto the bed and crawled between his legs. I began to suck his monster cock. It was so long and thick, I couldn't get too much of it down my throat. But I did the best I could. I licked his shaft. Then began to lick and suck his giant balls. He groaned. Then I put my hands under his thighs and lifted up. He knew what I wanted. He lifted his legs to his chest and gave me a good view and access to his puckered asshole. I licked it. He groaned. I dove in and slid my tongue into his asshole. He groaned louder. I wanted to enjoy this. I licked, flicked and tongue fucked his ass for several minutes. He was loving it. He began to stroke his cock as I ate his hole. "Get on your knees. Back up to the edge of the bed. I want to get in deeper", I said to him, as I jumped off the bed and grabbed my poppers and lube from my supply kit. I knelt at the edge of the bed and I dropped to my knees, with my face at his ass. I spread his ass cheeks and again dove my tongue up into his hole. I took some giant sniffs of poppers and ate his ass for close to 5 minutes. He was moaning, groaning and grinding his ass on my face. I'd have to occasionally come up for air. I'd take more whiffs of poppers and go back to rimming his ass. Finally, I came up for air and asked, "Do you fuck"? "Never done it to a guy", he said. "Would you like to fuck me", I asked? Silence. Oh, shit. Had I gone too far? "Yeah. I'll fuck you. Got a condom", he asked? Damn! I do carry condoms with me, in case they insist. But I of course want it bare. "Yeah. I've got a condom", I said. I was willing to have him wear a condom if it meant that he would fuck me with that beauty. I jumped off the bed and grabbed a condom from my kit. "I'll kneel where you are. Stand behind me", I said. He jumped off the bed as I opened the condom and rolled it onto his cock. Thankfully, I was prepared with a magnum sized condom for him. He needed it. I lubed up his condom covered cock. I normally only like to use spit as lube. But with a condom, I needed a lot of lube. I lubed up my ass. I knelt on the edge of the bed as he stepped up behind me. He quickly put his cockhead to my hole and slipped up into me in one, quick thrust. DAMN! It burned sliding up into me. I opened the bottle of poppers and sniffed deeply. He was not giving me any chance to adjust to his monster cock in me. I sniffed and sniffed the brown bottle as he grabbed me around the waist and pumped into me. My ass soon adjusted to his cock and it was feeling great as he fucked me. He was showing no mercy as he slammed deeply into me. He started to pull completely out of me, then slam back into me. Ryan had been fucking me hard and deep for about 5 minutes. Then I heard him say...."Fuck!", as he stepped back. "The condom broke", he said. I had used silicone lube, not water based. It had dissolved the condom. "Yeah. I felt it break quite awhile ago", I said. "Damn!", he said. "You got another condom?" "No. But you've been fucking me raw for 5 minutes. Just keep fucking me", I said. He was silent for a few moments as he thought about the dilemma. I did have another condom in my kit. But I wanted him raw in me. Finally, I heard him pull the remainder of the broken condom off and toss it onto the bedside table. I slipped off the bed and onto my knees. I took his hard cock in my mouth and began to suck it. He again groaned in pleasure. I sucked for a minute of two. Then without saying anything, I climbed back on the bed and knelt at the edge of the bed. "Fuck me", I said. Ryan stepped behind me and slid his now raw cock up into me in one thrust. "Ahhh........." he moaned as his bare cock slid all the way into my ass. He now slowly pulled his cock almost out of me, then slowly back into me, balls deep. He was loving the feeling of his raw cock inside of me. Skin on skin. Soon his pace quickened and he was back to slamming in me. His body slapping against me as he rammed his monster cock into me. I was sniffing poppers as I tightened my ass around his cock. Soon, he let out a growl and slammed deeply into me. Holding his cock there, his cock began to throb in my ass as his balls emptied their load into my gut. "Fuck! Damn! Holy Shit!", he'd growl as his body shook in orgasm. I continued to squeeze my ass. Milking his cock as he emptied into my hole. He slowly pulled out of me and stepped into his bathroom. I heard water running in his sink as he washed off his cock that had just been in my ass. I dressed. Then he came out. "Wow, buddy!". "I wasn't expecting that. I've let a couple of guys blow me. But, I've never fucked a guy. That felt amazing!", he said. "Glad you liked it. How long are you in town", I asked? "Leaving early Monday morning", he said. "Well, you've got my number. Text me if you want to fuck again, before you go", I said. "Mmmmm...", he said with a smile as he opened the door for me. "I may do that", he said as he patted my ass on my way out the door. Damn! I hope he texts or calls me. I want that raw dick in me again. We'll see???
    1 point
  35. Inspiration for Jay & Chris
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  36. The straight, clean-cut 40-something year old guy on Craigslist posted for a woman who would take the four-day load in his nuts. He wanted a blowjob. Evidently, he was having no luck because when I emailed him playfully suggesting that a guy might do a better job with that, he actually emailed me back. He had just struck out with a third woman and was pretty frustrated. The more we emailed back and forth, the more I could tell he was just your average guy who was kind of losing his mind because he was so horny, and ready to try anything. He asked me whether I was HIV negative and clean. I replied I was. He claimed he had received a blowjob from his college roommate a couple times and had enjoyed the experience, and in all truth, the real obstacle didn't seem getting a blowjob from a guy, but convincing him I didn't expect anything in return. He actually wanted me to explain what I get out of it, so I told him how I got off servicing a man, especially a straight man. I told him how just a fantasy of a straight man using me to empty nuts kind of makes me crazy. He made a big point about asking whether I enjoyed tasting a man's semen. I replied "Yeah, I really get off on it." He finally agreed to give it a try, saying he'd come over to my house. When he showed up my initial thought was that he had honestly been somewhat self-deprecating in his self-description. He had said he was clean-cut , but when he stepped into my living room, he was every gay guy's fantasy of the straight guy who wants a blowjob. He was wearing kind of a thick coat because it was cold outside, but when he took it off and I saw him in his T-shirt and sweats, I couldn't believe how lucky I was that night. We talked for a while, and then I asked if he was ready. He answered 'yeah', so I suggested we go to the back bedroom. I hadn't blown a guy in a while, so I was really hungry to play with him. When we arrived in the bedroom he sort of hesitated as he stood next to the bed, so I stepped over to him, went down on my knees and began feeling up his cock inside of his sweats. He got hard quickly. I began to mouth his penis through the material. Slowly, I began to work his sweats down his legs. Underneath of the sweats he was wearing gray boxer briefs, and I could see the outline of his throbbing dick. Remember I said he was kind of self-deprecating? He described his dick as somewhat thick and a bit of a longer 'unit'. If there ever was an understatement, this was it. After tonguing the salty wet spot his pre-cum had created when it soaked through his boxers, I finally worked his boxer briefs off. His dick was at least eight inches and really thick. I began to work on his cock, sucking the head, and then kind of showing off my skills at deep throating him. The entire time, he leaked pre-come like crazy. I could tell it had been a while since the boy had gotten any attention. Finally he asked if he could sit down, and I told him of course he could. I reminded him that this was about taking care of his needs. Once he was comfortable I got between his legs and continued to work on his rigid dick. My dick was rock hard, and it was kind of uncomfortable in my boxers , so I decided to take them off, and he didn't seem to mind. A few times I could tell he was getting close to cumming, and each time I deliberately backed-off, and when he had calmed down I went back to sucking him. His nuts were extremely sensitive, so he asked me to be careful with them, and I gently tongued them. After about 20 minutes I could tell he had held out about as long as he could, only to have his suggest "Hey, let's change positions." I was kind of surprised he wanted to do that because I could swear he was moments away from ejaculating, but I said "Sure, whatever you want." Then he ordered me to lay on my back. I complied, assuming he was going to mount my face and fuck it to finish up, but instead, without even asking, he began to rub his leaking penis against my asshole. I was stunned - we hadn't said anything about anal, but he was clearly about to cum, and it was also clear he was going to take what he wanted. Fortunately I habitually prep my ass whenever I blow a guy, just in case. It's only happened a time or two, but I like to be ready, and that night I was glad I was prepared. Throughout the entire blowjob, he leaked what tasted like gallons of pre-come , and now he was pre-cumming all over my asshole. Without any hesitation or ceremony, he just hunched forward and the head of his big cock popped into my ass. In two strokes, he was balls deep and then he stiffened, not making a single sound, but I could feel he was ejaculating his sperm into me. He knew he was going to come when I was blowing him, and I had even told him I would swallow when he was ready because he complained that women usually wouldn't swallow cum, but instead of blowing his load in my mouth, when push came to shove, and he needed to empty his nuts, he simply decided he wanted to do it in my cunt. Afterwards we talked and joked about the experience. He said that he really thought this would work for him — he thought it would take the edge off when he was dating women if he didn't have to sleep with them to get his rocks off. He made sure he got my real email address and phone number and then asked when I'd be free again. It's been a couple hours since he left, and I'm jacking off as I feel his straight semen leaking out of my used ass. He's going to be back. Thanks for listening — I just had to tell the story, because I couldn't believe it happened, even though I'm laying here right now with an aching asshole because a straight guy decided to finish his male business inside me.
    1 point
  37. *** Entering his opulent white and gold bedroom, Riggs flipped on a classical CD and led me to a full-length mirror near the bay windows. It was late outside, the night clear. The streets were empty with most window dark. Save for the flashing of the Bar X sign, there was no movement in the city. On the dresser, he found a jeweled box. From it he pulled out two small, black suction cups. "Get them good and wet." I salivated all over them. The music rose around me, engulfed me in warmth and brilliant light. He turned me around and licked one of my nipples. Goosebumps erupted across my chest, arms, neck. Riggs licked the other one. He squeezed out the air of one of the suction cups, placed it on the nipple, and then did the same with the second. The suction felt like someone giving me a hickey, unrelenting. I gently pulled at them to get them to intensify the draw. He slid behind me, close enough so I felt his bulging cock press inside my thighs. I instinctively clenched by butt cheeks to grab his bulge. "Good boy," he responded, "there's performance potential for you yet." I looked at us in the mirror and liked what I saw. "Maybe more potential than can be contained on a stage. Still feeling good?” "Or bad," I suggested, nuzzling my butt back against him. He ran fingers lightly over my abs, and flicked the black cups. I ground my ass cheeks back and forth over the crusted yellow stain I felt behind me. "I feel good. Thank you, Sir. Sensual. Open. Like anything you'd want to do I'd let you,” I said, trying out ideas and trying phrases I was allowed to call him. “Anything Pig Rigg wants." "You get the picture, don't you?" he breathed, then stuck his tongue in my ear. "Secret of performance: Show, don't tell. Do you like the music?" "It's the most beautiful music I've ever heard." I started undulating into him. "You know in the play you'll have to be naked at times. Are you comfortable with that?” I nodded beginning to slip out of my jock strap letting my hardon slap my stomach. "No, boy, leave it on. Show me how the music moves you." Before I could get to it, he pulled up my jock, feeling my erection again before pushing it down. I started swaying to the low bass strings, following wherever it led around the bedroom, letting it show me how to move. Interpreting rhythm and melody, watching my host carefully, interpreting what he would enjoy me doing next. Wordlessly, instinctively, directing me as he sat at the edge of the bed. I moved to him, bent over, rubbing his crotch with my butt. He let two fingers run through my crack and sniffed. "Oh, you filthy child," he said, upright on the bed. "You have the hairiest bubble butt I've ever seen. When was the last time you washed that crack?" It wasn't a question but a direction I understood. Slowly I crawled on the bed, facing him, spread my cheeks apart and started rutting on top his yellow stain, wiping whatever was exciting him with my scent, pushing his shoulders down so he was prone. The grunge of my asshole, over and over, rubbed against his the yellow stain. I raised my arms and slow bent down, first my right then left, to let him smell my stink. He licked both pits hungrily, uttering low moans of lust. I felt his tits for the first time, and knew if my dick hadn't been restricted I would have shot my wad right there. I told him what beautiful utters he had, that I wanted utters like his. I asked if I could suck them. Of course, he answered. I backed off his bulge a bit to get into a position on all fours, and noticed where I'd rubbed, his crotch was now streaked brown. He notice too. "You gutter trash, look what you did," he said, pleased. "Suck my tits, pigboy." I dove down on his chest and sucked like a nursing pig. While suckling on one, I played with the other. "Harder, alley boy," he cried, "these tits are indestructible. They connect straight to my cock and make me want to fuck your shitty hole." He ripped the cups off my nipple, flung me to my side. "Let's see. Yes. Lovely!" I looked down and what were always flat tiny tits, were now small mounds of flesh Riggs could hold on to. He tossed me on my back, and knelt over me, drinking me in, admiring even the smallest of changes he'd already made in me. As he crouched over me, he rutted my restrained cock against his pants. A little stain of precum wet his crotch. My hands found their way back to his nipples, pushing myself up to sitting, my mouth soon followed. While sucking him, he stroked my hair, and I emanated my own moans like a hungry piglet greedy for its supper. He reached down and put two fingers between my legs, rubbing the taint between my balls and hole. He was going to get me to cum without even stroking my cock. He pulled open my jock, fondled my hardened cock, gave me several strokes, and quickly pushed it straight down again. I was annoyed and frustrated since more than anything I wanted to be naked for him, naked with him, feeling him, skin on skin. His delaying my desires only made them stronger. It caused my erection to push out the fabric straining ever harder. He was playing me. I was his instrument succumbing to his every wordless direction. He paused, looked at his clock, thought. He raised us both off the bed, guiding us to his full length mirror. "Look at you," he said. I saw perspiration beaded on my forehead, a trickle of sweat running down from my pits down my flanks. "Could you be like this in front of an audience? People watching you, thrilling to how you're turning yourself on, and them on, at the same time?" "Yes, if you guided me, put me through my paces. I know I could, Sir.” I nuzzled my head back against his shoulder. He ran his hand over my neck and reached down to my tits, pulling on each one. "It might not be what you expected, but I can lead you where I know you want to go. I can tell already the direction isn't what you set out for, and we'll need to go much, much further, find your limits and then go well beyond them. I have friends, many friends, that can help you. One in particular." I could feel him pressing up behind me, his fully erect penis pressing against his fabric. I reached around and gave his girth a strong squeeze. Nothing felt as good as that moment, feeling him lust for my ass as I was hungry for his cock. I push down his waist band and felt his hardon pop up, making a wet sound of precum slap against my balls. I instinctive arched my back and use his cock to glide along my ass. "You've never been fucked, have you, David?" I shook my head against him. "Let's slow down," he said, tilting my pelvis out of an arch and stepping out of his drawstrings. He slid his hand under my pits, wiping a trail of sweat down my torso and finally slipped off my jock. I felt relaxed in his arms, not frantic as a moment before. My cock at last freed and erect to show him how much he aroused me. He walked us a few steps over to the bay windows. We stopped at the center glass. He pushed me forward so I had to prop myself against the frame. He began grinding his cock between my legs. I was wet from sweat and his copious precum. I could feel his cockhead getting larger than before, to the point where he was almost at the point of not being able to stop. He whispered in my ear, "Wave." Looking back at him and then following his gaze down, I saw the tenement figure I had been spying on in the dining room, unmistakably looking up at us. "Say hello to you future manager. Say hello to Mr. X."
    1 point
  38. I have gotten well loaded there. For me it is all about the cum, so I let anybody fuck me. I almost think that doing so sends the message that I am down for anything and it gets me more cock..........
    1 point
  39. Still gotta vote for Slammers as my favorite. Had my hole plowed many times just the other day during a few hours at Slammers. No games played at Slammers...men are there to fuck and breed holes and I'm always happy to provide mine for that purpose.
    1 point
  40. Only started playing raw as a regular thing earlier this year after a few years of occasional dabbling. A few weeks ago I changed the profiles of the 5 or so sites I am listed on to indicate my strong preference for unsafe sex. Getting slightly fewer messages on some sites, but glad I have weeded out the condom only guys, so that the guys who do show interest know what the score is: raw bb fucking the natural way.
    1 point
  41. I'm also open about being a barebacker, and on some places about being a chaser, it's never negatively affected anything for me, and usually gets me interest from guys who claim to have never done it before.
    1 point
  42. Click here to see original blog post on Neg2Poz Up next is Little Poz Boy, who got into the whole bareback, bugchasing scene at a young age. Not only has he been fucked bareback and token anonymous loads, he also happened to convert after the very first time that he had sex with a poz top. Here's what Little Poz Boy had to say. Hi. What is your screen name and what site(s) can people hook up with you at? Littlepozboy - nastykinkpigs.com & scatboi.com. And how old are you? I am 19. For anyone that wants to hook up w/ you, what do you look for in a sex partner? Someone who has a cock and wants to breed me. I'm not picky. Let's go back to the beginning, tell us about your first bareback encounter? It was my stepdad. He popped my cherry and he did it bareback. He fucked me on a Friday night and took his time. He fucked me two times during the whole session. He had been having me suck his cock three months prior. On that Friday night, he told me that I was ready to be popped. He had me suck his cock as he fingered my boyhole. He told me that it was going to be very painful, but to understand that is part of getting popped and that he would really enjoy it. He fucked me two times, but each time was for a very long time. Is that what got you hooked onto bareback? Yes. This is what got me hooked. Plus my stepdad trained me only to be fucked bareback. Why did you make the leap from bareback to bugchaser? I was bugchaser from the start. I was trained that it's a badge of honer to be a pozzed up bottom. What training did you receive from your stepdad? What exactly did he teach you about being poz and sex in general? He told me that being poz was a honor. He told me that I had to take a tops cum like a good boy cunt. He taught me that sex with a man needed to be bareback because true sex is skin to skin. He told me true bottoms always accept the cum in there boy cunts. What were your thoughts, emotions when you were having sex and being trained by your stepfather? I always looked up to my stepdad and wanted to make him happy. When he first asked me to suck his cock, I felt like I was really something special to him. Then when he started fucking me, I felt like he enjoyed being with me. I liked how much time he spent with me, going into detail how to service a man. I love my stepdad. I know he trained me for his pleasure. I now like what I am and we still have a very special bond with each other. Can you tell us about the first time you knowingly took a poz load? My first anonymous top was a black top. He was hung. I wanted it so badly. I was kneeling and sucking his cockhead while his hands were on the back of my head. He told me he was poz. All I could do was mumble. He put me on my back. He then used duck tape to tie my legs wide open. He told me he was going to gag me, because I would scream as he entered me. He was right. I did. He fucked me the first time for 2.5 hours and then bred my boyhole. He plugged me. I then relaxed for awhile. Then he started over again. After it was done and over with, what were your emotions? How did you feel? I was happy, because my first black top fucked me hard and was poz. Did you try to hold the load in as long as possible or try to get it out of you immediately? The black dude plugged my boyhole. He fucked me several times over a long weekend. He told me that plugging my boyhole would help keep my boyhole open for his cock. How did you hook up with a black poz man? One of my stepdad's buddies told me he was into younger bottoms and that he would most likely love fucking me. So he emailed me and ask me if I would be interested in meeting him. I was scared, but I did it. How many poz loads would you say you took during that time when you were chasing? I was bred poz by my first anonymous top. What was your favorite memory during the bugchasing process? That I was so lucky to have my first anonymous top fuck me, bred me and poz me too. Now that your poz, does your family know? What was their reaction? My stepdad knew and was proud. My mom found out later and that was the breaking point for her. She told me that she did not want to see me again. Now that you are poz, what have you been getting into sexually? What are you up to these days? I love nasty no limit sex - K9, pain & bondage. Any words for people that are on the fence as to whether or not to take poz loads and/or bugchase? I got bred poz. It is going happen if you get fucked bareback. It's nice to know who bred ya poz (well at least know what they look like; I did not know the name of my breeder. He just had me call him daddy). Any final comments? Bareback sex is the only true way to be fucked. Getting bred poz is a honor in my book. More...
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  43. Was just loaded by two seperate black guys one after another, damn black cock is everything. leaking like a bitch now
    1 point
  44. We both jumped at the sound of the knock on the door and looked directly at each other, but froze. I quickly hid the pipe and whispered to CJ that it was likely my friend Scott. CJ immediately thought it was his man and I gotta admit that it crossed my mind, too. Or the bathhouse crew that saw the smoke - which was unlikely because we'd blown the clouds into a towel or each other's mouths as shot-guns, but you never know. We both wrapped our towels and I gently opened the door. It was Scott .... thankfully. He felt a bit awkward for "barging in", but it was probably a blessing in disguise. I honestly didn't know how long CJ had been in the room, but at least 10-15 minutes. CJ politely excused himself and Scott and I chuckled a little and detailed our slutty behavior since leaving him back in the glory hole maze draining cock. He had three loads down his throat and one in his ass. We passed the pipe and and got really fucking horned up as I described tempting mr. ball cap with hitting the pipe. I had a feeling CJ would be back, but was pretty curious how his conversation went down with his hubby....missing for who knows how long, a little amped up on T and dilated pupils in those baby blues. It was an intense, but brief encounter. Scott and I prepped a G swirl, guzzled it and turned up the filthy porn on the tv. Within minutes, the warmth of the G took over and we dimmed the lights, cracked the door open and got comfortable. Both on our backs, teasing our cocks and making out. Quite a few guys lingered to peek but nobody bold enough to enter. A thick, hairy bear looking guy poked his head in. He looked a bit over 6 feet tall, a bit older and really sexy. I opened the door to let him in (foreshadowing I guess) and he closed it behind him and dropped his towel. His thick thighs were impressive and his thick cock looked really promising, too. Wrapped in a silver cock ring, it started to plump up and swell immediately. Without any of us even speaking a word we both started to suck our new buddy. His growing meat responded with the attention. Probably 7" and thick and veiny. I'm a nip pig and his were thick and swollen so I already knew the answer, but asked if he liked his worked over. He grunted a deep "fuck yea" and I went in. Grabbed some poppers and offered to our new bud and he gladly inhaled two huge hits. Scott did the same and as I took my hits Scott was on his back with his legs in the air, serving up his hole for hairy daddy. As he started munching on that hungry fuckhole, Scott moaned as that tongue opened him up and tasting the cum from some anonymous load. I know that scruff felt rough against his hole, too. Daddy stood up and teased that piece against Scott's begging, hungry hole.... and slowly guided the head inside. "Do you guys party?" he asked. With that thick dick getting deeper, Scott moaned a 'yes sir' and I followed up telling him we'd been smoking off and on all night. He grinned and I offered up a hit. He responded, "Nice. You guys ever point?" Scott's eyes rolled in the back of his head - surely because that thick dick was now balls deep, but also because he wanted a hard slam in his arm. I (somewhat excitedly) told him we'd slammed a couple times. Was this hung fucker about to offer to slam us? "My buddy and I have the large room with the sling. Care to relocate?" he said. Scott and I both nodded yes and the three of us grabbed our towels. Thoughts were racing....hoping his buddy was as hot as he was....horny as hell....and following our new daddy like slutty, dirty pigs....
    1 point
  45. I agree. My ex and I used to make out with each other as total strangers were fucking and loading our asses. It was so fucking hot to have that connection with each other as we enjoyed our primal urges to be dirty pigs.
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  46. Part 4 Later that night back at his apartment, laying alone in bed, Luke thought about Steve as he stroked himself, pleasuring his dick, abdomen, and speculating about getting a tattoo that matched Steve's unseen tattoo, taking pleasure in the thought that Steve’s most recent load still lingered in his ass. He stroked his cock harder and faster, pushing first one, then two, an finally three fingers into his stretched hole. In his mind flickered images from the shower – his face pressed against the cold marble wall, looking down to see Steve’s massive, tan legs outside of his as Steve pivoted and piston-fucked him from behind. Images from the night before, when he went to pull up his briefs and jeans and saw Steve's cum running down his inner thigh from his hole. Images of Steve’s dark pubic hair brushing against his face while he deep throated Steve’s massive tool earlier that afternoon. And then he thought of the cum again, that he’d let that glorious god of a man fuck him raw and blow his loads up in Luke’s gut. Finger banging himself, he knew his hole was still slick with Steve’s DNA from a few hours earlier. It was hardly surprising with all of this running through his mind, Luke blew a big milky load onto his stomach. ********************************************************************* The next morning while out jogging with his friend, Luke regretted sharing a little too much detail about his encounter with Steve when his buddy asked “You let him fuck you without a condom?!” “Relax. There is no way he has anything,” Luke replied, although as the words came out, he realized he wasn’t so sure. “That’s so fucking stupid in this day and age. You should go to the clinic and check into that morning after pill just in case. And you should definitely at least be on PrEP if you’re gonna make this a habit.” “I know, I know. Just chill and keep this between us. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Luke then changed the subject and moved on. *********************************************************************** Luke texted Steve that afternoon. “I’m horny. Can I come over?” Steve responded “Sure. But my friend Billy’s coming over soon too. You up for 2 cocks, slut?” This was more uncharted territory for Luke, and yet replied “Maybe…. Be there in 30.” ************************************************************************ Billy wasn’t there yet, so instead of the usual get-right-down-to-business nature of their prior encounters, Luke had an opportunity to talk, and he commented “So listen, I’ve never really let anyone fuck me raw before without knowing more about them." “And?” Steve responded. “It’s just that this weekend has been mind blowing and amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such... lust? desire? intrigue? for anyone like I feel for you.” Steve grinned broadly, pulled Luke close, and slid his tongue down Luke’s throat as he also ground his crotch into Luke, his hands, meanwhile, trailing down to fondle Luke’s ass. Still Luke managed to finish his thought saying “I guess, I don’t know how to say this. A friend of mine told me I’m being stupid and careless fucking you without protection or anything.” “What’s careless about what we’re doing?” “I don’t know… Do you have an STD or anything?” Luke got to the point. “Does it matter to you now?” “I, uhh” and Luke realized while perhaps it should matter, it didn’t. “I don’t know, really.” “I’ve fucked you twice now. Raw. Implanted my seed in you twice. You’ve swallowed my cum and piss, and your ass is lined with my DNA. If you want to be mine, you have to be mine fully.” Luke felt a warm rush over his body. The unknown was becoming known. He was nervous and turned on. What was Steve saying? “Touch my poz cock again, Luke” Steve said. Steve's command hit Luke hard, yet he instantly complied, maneuvering his hands down Steve's jeans, his head rushed with sexual energy and understanding. He now knew Steve was poz. HIV Positive. And he’d fucked Luke twice now. Luke had taken poz loads from a poz guy. Luke also was very much aware his own dick was hardening quickly. He felt it sticking to his briefs with a layer of precum. “Get on your knees and put my poz dick in your mouth. Accept your fate. Get me hard so that I can fuck you again. You’re my slut. Worship what’s flowing in me – and you – now.” Luke sank to his knees and undid the buttons on Steve's jeans. Steve's massive, semi-hard cock was free. Luke opened his mouth wide and guided the monster deep down his throat.
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  47. Part 2 “So you just let him fuck you, right there in his kitchen?” Luke’s friend asked over brunch several hours later. “Yeah. It was so fucking hot.” Luke had determined that the experience was one to be bragged about, a badge on his sexual resume. “Animalistic, really. He just ripped my pants down, ate my ass, and fucked me. No questions, no small talk, just hot fucking sex with the biggest dick I’ve ever known.” He failed to mention it had been a bareback fuck. “Think you’ll see him again?” “Maybe. I’d like to. I think I’m realizing that I’m into older guys like him. And god he’s ripped.” Luke didn’t provide a full detailed description of Steve – no mention of the tattoos or the piercings or the general leather daddy/kick-someone’s-ass vibe of him. But really, whether Luke was to see Steve again was not a question for Luke to have the answer – the ball was always in Steve’s court. Across town, Steve was getting some more ink: this time, a scorpion tattoo above his pubic line. “We knew as soon as you made eye contact you’d be shooting a load in that guy later.” Billy said responsive to Steve’s tale of fucking Luke a few hours before. Billy had been with Steve at the leather bar the night before and outside afterward when Steve saw his latest conquest. “Damn he had the best, fuzzy bubble butt I’ve seen. I coulda eaten it for days.” “He mention condoms or anything?” Billy asked, knowing Steve only fucked raw. “Nope. Kinda surprised me that he didn’t, seeming so clean cut preppy and all.” “Think you knocked him up?” Steve grinned. “If not last night, I will soon for sure.” Walking home with his new ink covered, Steve texted Luke: “I need your ass again. Today. When can you be at my place?” Luke responded “Great to hear from you. Can’t stop thinking about last night. I can be there in an hour.” And so he was, showing up at Steve’s door wearing a tank top, mesh shorts, a jock strap, and sneakers. Steve let him in, and not five feet inside the door had pushed him down to his knees and inserted his huge flaccid dick into Luke’s beautiful mouth. Steve’s dick grew hard in Luke’s mouth as Luke demonstrated what a good cocksucker he was. He worked Steve’s entire thick, long, veiny shaft. Whenever he got to Steve’s dick’s head, he’d tongue the pre-cum. He was already addicted to its salty, manly goodness. He sucked Steve’s big, hairy balls. He deep throated his dick to the point of gagging on it. He was in heaven devouring the monster dick that had destroyed his ass just 12 hours earlier. Did he taste his own ass on it? Maybe. Finally, Luke noticed Steve’s balls and legs tense, and a torrent of cum spurt into his mouth. Steve held Luke’s head in position, his dick deep in his conquest’s throat. Luke swallowed round after round of the ropey jism that sprayed into his mouth, looking up dutifully in the eyes of his testosterone-filled host. He loved tasting the heavenly load of his dominator. As the waves of cum subsided, Luke began to pull away from the monster cock. Steve held Luke’s head in place and said “You’re not done yet. Keep swallowing. Everything.” And with that, Steve began pissing in the mouth of the unsuspecting jock. Luke was horrified and disgusted initially, trying in vain momentarily to pull away. But when retreat was clearly no option with Steve’s strong hands holding him in place, Luke kept his lips tight around the shaft, swallowed a big gulp, and looked up at his beast-of-a-man host. Luke saw the pleasured look on Steve’s face, and began to understand his role of submission. His anguish subsided and he found himself dutifully, if not happily, swallowing what seemed like gallons of man piss. He loved it. Finally, when Steve had finished using Luke as a urinal, he pulled his conquest off his cock and to his feet, smacking him on the ass. “That was intense. And, I gotta say, really hot, dude," Luke commented, his dick fully erect, and pressing against the fabric of his jock strap and shorts, which were now wet with pre-cum. “Fun’s just getting started, you slut. Take off everything off and follow me,” Steve ordered.
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  48. Sex in dark places is so hot for so many men and I can't understand why saunas and sex clubs don't provide more dark spaces. A sauna in Santiago (Chile) comes to mind. All the action takes place in the darkest parts of a hallway because they don't provide adequate dark spaces. I find the same thing happening in saunas in Montreal (Canada). At GI-Joe, sort of a leather sauna in Montreal, there are several public slings but none of them in a dark enough place for the more anon action. I wish some of the larger saunas offered rooms in both lighted and dark areas. I would like to see a public sling in a very dark room, so anonymous bottoms could get bred by totally anonymous horny tops.
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  49. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 13 My phone lit up and dinged, letting me know I had a text message. “Hi, is this Zak or Zeek?” “It’s Zeek….who is this?” “Maybe you won’t remember me. U gave me your number if I wanted to talk. I’m Coty.” “I remember you, Coty. You were our waiter.” “Yes.” “I’m glad you kept my number. It’s easier to talk than text. Call me if you can.” He did not reply. After a few minutes my phone rang. “Hi Coty.” “Hello.” “So you want to talk?” “Um…..maybe I shouldn’t have called.” “Coty wait!!…..I’m glad you called…..There’s nothing wrong with being gay.” “I don’t know if I am. I mean, I think I probably am, but…..” “But what?” “I don’t know. I….I don’t talk to anyone about these feelings.” …… after a pause. “That night at the restaurant I wanted to go with you guys, but….. I was scared to.” “I understand….it’s not easy. It was hard for me coming out too.” Coty was crying….. “I tried to tell my parents…… they said no son of theirs is gay…..” More tears…… “They want me to see a psychiatrist. If I don’t they said I should get out.” “Coty…..where are you?” “I’m on Kinnickinnic near work.” “Stay there. I’ll come get you. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes.” I found Coty a few blocks from Café Centraal. “Coty…..it’s Zeek…..get in.” “Thank you for coming.” “It’s going to be okay, Coty….believe me. There’s nothing wrong with you….you know that don’t you?” “I know. I don’t want to talk to some psych person either.” I brought Coty back to my place. “Make yourself at home. Do you want something to drink?” “Just some water would be cool.” I grabbed a beer for myself. “Here you go, Coty.” I handed him a bottle of water. “Thanks.” I sat on the couch next to Coty. My leg was touching his slightly, and he glanced down at our legs touching, but didn’t move away. “You know, when I was in my early teens I felt different. I didn’t fit in with the guys at school. I got called faggot and queer. I thought all the glancing at guys in the shower during gym class and sexual dreams about guys was just normal curiosity. I didn’t grow up around gay people. I just kept to myself and was confused. It took me a little while to realize that my attraction to men was a lot more. Then it happened. I kissed another guy around 15 or so. We ended up sucking each other’s cock and jacking each other off and it felt so natural to me. I knew right then, without a doubt I was 100% gay. I have never even had sex with a woman. I’m very comfortable being a gay man, and it didn’t take me long to become a pig with sex.” Tears ran down his face. I tried to lighten the mood. “Hey, I’m happy being a pig….there’s no need to cry over that.” Coty chuckled and sighed a little. “My parents will never accept me being gay.” “Coty, maybe they will come around. Give them time, but if they don’t, you can’t live your life to please them. You have to make yourself happy, and if that’s as a gay man, then so be it. It does get better. Give it time.” “Funny thing is, I fantasize about it, but I’ve never even done anything with another guy. Not even a kiss. I feel so out of place.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’ll happen. You’ll find someone.” Coty leaned his head on my shoulder and cried. I put my arm around him and hugged him to comfort him, and he returned the hug. He nuzzled his head into my neck and eventually stopped crying. I felt his lips kiss me on the neck, and my cock began to stiffen. He looked into my eyes, still sniffling from crying, and I kissed him….his first kiss. For someone who had never kissed before, he was a natural. I buried my tongue in his mouth and our tongues danced in a passionate exchange. I slid my hand down his body and grasped the firm bulge in his pants. This kid was packing a basket full and then some. His cock responded with a stiff throb against my grip. My shaft was now fully erect and pulsing, and he reached down and stroked it through my jeans. As much as I wanted to tear his clothes off and poz his virgin ass right there, I stopped and slowly pulled him away. “Ah….., Coty, there’s nothing more I’d like to do right now than to fuck the hell out of your ass, but you may want to slow this down.” “What? Why?” “Because I only fuck bareback, and I’m no angel. If I fuck you, I’ll want to cum in you, and I’m newly hiv positive.” “I don’t care.” “No, but I do, because you’re not ready for that.” I again kissed him and unzipped his jeans. “Just relax,” I said. I pushed him back on the sofa and unbuttoned his pants. I slid onto my knees on the floor before him and pulled his jeans to his ankles. The last several inches of his hard shaft protruded from his underwear against his abdomen. I pulled them to his ankles revealing the most beautiful 9 inch cock. I grasped his rod at the base and stood it straight in the air. My tongue met the tip of his shaft, and I licked up the glistening precum forming at the mouth of his piss hole. The sweet nectar slid across my taste buds and down my throat before I engulfed his dick into my mouth. Coty grasped the back of my head and let out a long groan. “Oh my God,” he mumbled under his breath and thrust his cock as deep as he could into my throat. My eyes watered, and I gagged on his massive tool. “Wow….you are going to be one popular guy.” I continued to slowly work the full length of his cock with my mouth and stroke my rock hard dick through my pants. It didn’t take long to bring Coty to the edge. His shaft thickened and stiffened. I slid my mouth to the tip of his cock and the first of his thick white jizz oozed from his piss hole. I lapped it up quickly and engulfed his meat into my mouth as it fired off thick ropes of creamy spunk. His upper body jerked while he filled my mouth with a huge load of cum that I eagerly gulped into my belly. I pulled his cock from my mouth, and it throbbed several times in my hand. He panted and groaned and closed his eyes. His body was limp other than his still rock hard shaft in my hand. “Looks like you can go another round,” I said as I slid his cock back into my mouth. I pumped his shaft with my hand following my lips down every inch of his tool. Within a minute load two was filling my mouth and sliding down my throat. My dick throbbed and balls ached for release. I wanted to impale him on my hard cock, but I didn’t. Even though my symptoms had subsided, there was still a chance I could infect Coty with my gono. Believe me, the thought of giving this twink all my diseases boned my cock, but I resisted the urge. Instead, I crawled on the sofa in front of him and pressed my lips firmly to his giving him a taste of his spunk. “How was that?” “Oh…….fuck…….that was incredible.” “Well, I hate to break the news to you kid, but I think you’re gay.” I finally got a chuckle and smile from Coty. “Yeah, that pretty much confirmed it.” “Do you have any place to go tonight?” “Ah….I guess back home.” “I can take you home or you can spend the night here if you like.” “I’d rather stay, if that’s okay.” “Of course it is. Are you hungry?” “A little.” “Come on.” I led Coty to the kitchen. “I’ll fix you something to eat.” Coty boldly kicked his jeans off and followed me to the kitchen bare-assed with just his t-shirt on and cock swaying side to side. Over a sandwich and chips we sat at the kitchen island and talked a bit more. He was actually older than I realized. He was almost 21 and was close to finishing his radiology tech degree. Coty inquired, “You said you’re HIV positive?” “Yeah, I am.” “Ah…..What’s it like?” “It’s not for everyone, but to be honest with you, it’s very erotic to me.” “So you like being poz?” “Most people won’t understand, so I don’t talk about it much, but yes I do. I love it. It’s like the ultimate in bareback. Holding nothing back no matter what. Total release and surrender to my pig desires. It’s exhilarating to me and knowing I’m a vessel of toxic seed takes it to a whole new level.” “So when you were still negative you knowingly let poz guys cum in you?” “Yes…..does that freak you?” “Um…..no…..” I noticed Coty’s cock was again rock hard. “Does that turn you on?” He nervously looked down at his cock as it throbbed and bounced. “Um….” “It’s okay, Coty. It turns me on and it turns me on that it turns you on.” He chuckled. “Does it scare you a bit that it turns you on?” “Yeah.” “I get it. I went through that too. Once I started taking poz loads I totally let go of that fear. I don’t regret chasing to poz. This was totally right for me.” “Will this turn on ever go away?” “Not likely….mine only grew stronger, and I wanted to poz. You can either fight it or embrace it.” Coty’s cock again throbbed rock hard, and he crunched on a chip. “Will you give it to me if I want it?” “Well, let’s give it some time. You think about this. You’re just coming out, figuring things out. If you still want it after that, and you know what you’re getting into, then yes, I’ll try to convert you…..okay?” “Okay.” We finished up our snack, and chatted a bit more on the sofa. Coty was going to slip his jeans on again, and I said, “You don’t have to put them on. I’m heading to bed in a few minutes…..besides, I’m enjoying the view.” Coty sighed and smiled. “You have a choice. You can sleep in the spare room or you can join me in my bed.” “Um….if you don’t mind, I’d like to sleep with you, Zeek.” “Good answer.” That night, Coty curled up with another man for the first time. He slept in my arms the entire night, and I woke to him still sleeping with his head resting on my shoulder. His morning wood was pressed firmly against my leg, which only stiffened my already hard cock. I rolled Coty onto his back, grasped his cock and slid it down my throat. Coty quickly woke, “Fuck…..I have to piss, Zeek.” I kept sucking his beautiful shaft. “I…..can’t……hold……it……Zeek. I’m…..going…..to…..piss.” Coty flooded my mouth with strong morning urine. I struggled to keep up, but managed to gulp it all down, only spilling a little bit onto Coty’s pubic hair, which I quickly lapped up. I then slipped his dick back into my mouth and sucked his cock until he shot another load down my throat. I was so boned up and stroking my own shaft that I knelt over Coty and shot my poz seed all over his cock and balls. I licked ‘em clean and sucked the last glob of cum from his piss hole. “Holy fuck,” Coty replied. “Like that?” “That was hot.” “We’ll make a pig out of you yet. Wait till you start fucking and getting fucked.” Coty’s eyes lit up. I thought to myself…..this kid is turning out to be a natural pig….there is no stopping him….he’s going to be chasing in no time. The thought made my cock half-hard again. “Fuck….yes. I want more.” “Ok kid…. But right now I have to move. I’ll be late for work. I’ll put a spare key on the cupboard for you. Just lock up if you leave. You’re welcome to stay until you figure this out. It’s up to you.” “Really? Yes….. Thank you, Zeek.” I quickly showered and ran out the door for work. Over lunch I called Zak and told him about my turn of events the night before. He agreed that for now Coty should stay with me if he wants to, and if he decides to chase will be his gifters. Zak decided to stay in Chicago for the weekend, since his gono symptoms kicked in. He started the treatment so if Coty decided to chase he’d be ready to start seeding his ass by the following weekend. Friday after work I took Cort to his parent’s house so he could get some clothes. His parents tried to convince him he just needed therapy, but he had new found strength as a proud gay man and continued to pack his things and left. Friday night Coty was quite excited and all over me to get fucked, but I explained that he would have to wait or he could possibly get infected with not only my HIV, but also my gono. I told him I would fuck him with a condom if he wanted me to fuck him. He wanted my cock in him as soon as I finished my gono treatment, but was adamant that he would only play raw. If I would not breed him I could pull out, but he said that he thought it through and he was thinking clearly. He wanted my cock raw and wanted my cum in his ass. Even if I pulled out, he wanted all my toxic precum. I told him I would think about it, but that I still felt he should wait a while before taking charged seed. He said that he may be first coming out now, but he knew what he was doing and wanted to be a poz, bareback, pig. As much as I told him I hoped he would wait before taking that step, I was equally turned on that he wanted to take toxic loads and poz. I also hoped he would never use condoms. The thought of Coty being a cum pig, just like Zak and I, had me so turned on. He was like a dog in heat. I wanted to say fuck it and breed his ass with my toxic seed. I had a hard time resisting, and knew that it was a losing battle. I needed to try to at least make it through my gono treatment before fucking him raw. I only had a few days of meds remaining, so I mentally focused on Tuesday as the day I could start fucking Coty with my toxic cock. Would I pull out?...... Probably not. Coty stripped naked and worked my cock between his ass cheeks, teasing me with his cunt, hoping I’d crack and pop his cherry with my stiff shaft. I nearly gave in to temptation, but managed to control myself and suck his cock until he shot down my throat once again. I talked to Zak Saturday. Since he was staying home this weekend, he booked himself with appointments for the weekend and made plans to hang out with his sexy daddy, Charles. When I heard the news I was floored. I secretly hoped to add Charles to our relationship and have a hot triad. By noon an expected text dinged in on my phone. “Hey Zeek.” “Hi Ian….what’s up?” “I definitely have gono.” “Does Brian know?” “No…..I told him I wasn’t feeling well. Even though I want to fuck him and give him my gono, I’d rather wait and charge him up after I poz.” “Do you want me to take you to the free clinic?” “No, I already took care of it. I’m already on antibiotics. Thanks again for the added bonus infection. It’s hot. BTW, I worked some of your poz seed from my hole into Brian’s cunt last weekend then unloaded in him, but so far no signs of gono with him. Maybe I’m already poz and gave him his first toxic dose….I can only hope.” “Fuckin’ hot.” “See you soon….later bud.” Then I got a good idea. Ian was already infected with gono, and so was Zak and myself. Brian could be as well. One person who was also chasing was not, and maybe he was the answer to help pop Coty’s ripe cherry before I cracked and infected him with my gono. I pulled out my phone and text Jonathan. “Hey Jonathan.” “Good to hear from you, Zeek.” “I have a favor to ask of you.” “Ok….what do you need?” “Remember our waiter, Coty?” “The little nerdy guy?” “Yeah, well that “little nerdy guy” would surprise you. I left a note for him that night to call me if he wanted to talk about his gay side.” “You didn’t.” “I did. And he not only contacted me, he’s turning out to be a total pig with a huge cock wanting to get fucked raw.” “That’s right up your alley. Does he know you’re poz?” “Yes, and he wants me to poz him.” “So what’s the problem?” “With all our celebrating over my conversion Zak and I got loaded with a ton of seed and got gono.” “Ouch.” “It’s cool, but I’m having a hell of a time resisting wanting to plow Coty’s ass. I finish treatment Tuesday, but thought maybe you could pop his cherry tonight.” “I think that could be arranged…..” “Cool….how about my place around 5 pm?” I gave Jonathan directions to my place and thanked him. “See ya then.” I wanted this to be a surprise for Coty, so I told him we were going to have dinner to celebrate his coming out. Coty’s shift ended at 5 at the restaurant so he said he would be home by 5:30 p.m. The plan was working out perfect. Jonathan arrived on time, and we both prepared the dinner table. While we got ready I asked Jonathan, “Any symptoms yet that you may have converted?” “Nope….none.” “I think you need more of our toxic seed.” “I can hardly wait.” Coty got home around 5:30 and was surprised to see we had a guest. “Do you remember Jonathan, Coty? He was our ‘dessert’ the night you served us at the restaurant.” “Yes, I remember. Nice to see you again, Jonathan.” “Jonathan is going to celebrate your coming out with us. Have a seat.” During dinner I could tell Jonathan and Coty definitely had a connection. Jonathan and I cleared the table and told Coty to relax……we would serve HIM this time. We both disappeared into the kitchen. Jonathan and I stripped naked and reappeared in the doorway boned up. “Time for dessert,” I said. Coty laughed and pulled his shirt off over his head. By the time he stood up his cock was fully erect. He unbuttoned his jeans and tossed them on the floor. His huge cock stood straight up. “Holy fuck,” Jonathan exclaimed!! “What a monster cock.” Jonathan walked up to Coty and stroked his dick. “I want you to fuck me,” he whispered in Coty’s ear. Coty and Jonathan began to make out while stroking each other’s shafts. I ground my cock between Coty’s ass cheeks. Jonathan knelt in front of Coty and began sucking his huge dick. Coty leaned into me and I buried my tongue in his throat and kissed him from behind. Jonathan stood up and pressed Coty’s cock to his ass. Coty grabbed Jonathan’s hips and slid his cock across Jonathan’s cunt. “Oh fuck,” Coty moaned. “Wait till you feel your meat filling that sweet hole,” I whispered to him while caressing his chest and nipples. I grabbed a bottle of poppers and lube and tossed them to Jonathan. “You’ll need these with that piece of meat.” Jonathan lubed up his hole and slicked up Coty’s cock then bent over the dining room table and took a big hit of poppers. I grasped Coty’s cock and lined it up to Jonathan’s cunt. “Go in easy,” Jonathan said as he sailed off on his poppers high. Coty grasped Jonathan’s hips and pressed the head of his cock to Jonathan’s hole and thrust his head inside. Coty advanced his shaft into Jonathan’s sweet cunt and sighed, “FFFUUUCCCKKKIIINNN AAA.” Jonathan held Coty back with his hand before taking another huge hit from the bottle of poppers. A few deep breaths later and he pushed his ass into Coty’s shaft, tearing open his insides. Jonathan winced in pain. Coty was only halfway in, but Jonathan was a cock slut and determined to take Coty’s entire dick. “My God….I never thought it would feel so incredible,” Coty groaned. “Feel that warm flesh wrapped around your meat,” I added. “Pound that ass with your cock.” Jonathan again cranked open the bottle and inhaled deeply. With one quick thrust he impaled himself all the way on Coty’s massive cock. “Oh…..FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!” Coty whined. His cock throbbed repeatedly stretching Jonathan’s cunt wide open. Jonathan yelped in pain and took several deep breaths and exhaled slowly. “Fuck me,” he whispered. “Nice and slow.” Coty slowly withdrew his cock before sliding back into Jonathan, seeing every inch of his shaft disappear deep into his gut. I again sandwiched my cock between Coty’s ass cheeks. “Feels amazing, doesn’t it?” Coty’s thrusts began to pick up speed and his breathing intensified with short, fast grunts. “Oh, fuck…..I’m getting close,” Coty said. “Plant your seed deep in his ass,” I added. “Fuck yes…..give me your load.” Coty’s ass cheeks clamped around my cock and he groaned as he thrust balls deep into Jonathan and unloaded his seed. At the same time Jonathan’s cunt puckered around Coty’s meat and his dick fired off its load. He kept his ass pressed tightly onto Coty’s cock. I made out with Coty and he melted into my arms before his cock flopped from Jonathan’s wrecked cunt. Tuesday finally rolled around and my gono treatment was completed. I was anxious to get home to Coty, but my day agonizingly dragged on. Tonight was the night. Coty would be taking not only his first cock in his ass, but his first poz cock too. I decided that if he still wanted my toxic seed I would breed him and convert his ass. I returned home from work to find Coty taking an afternoon nap. He was lying on the bed on his belly with the sheet draped across his naked body, with one ass cheek exposed. I grabbed my poppers and lube, stripped off my clothes and slipped into bed naked. I crawled on top of him and ground my hard shaft across his tight hole. Coty responded by pressing his ass into my cock. I kissed him on the shoulder and whispered in his ear. “Still want my bare cock?” “Yes….” “Still want me to poz you with my charged seed?” “Oh, fuck…..yes.” “I’m going to give you my raw cock and poz your ass.” “Give it to me.” “This is going to hurt, but we’ll take it slow.” I positioned Coty on his knees to fuck him doggy style. I lubed up my cock and his hole then worked my fingers into his tight virgin hole. I tossed him the bottle of my favorite poppers, Pig Sweat. “Take a hit of these and hold it in…..it’ll help.” Coty held the bottle to his nostril and inhaled. He held his breath before slowly exhaling. “Oh wow,” he mumbled under his breath. That was my cue. I pressed my mushroom head to his virgin hole. My cock met with resistance, but I wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Fuck you are tight.” I applied more lube and Coty took another hit of poppers. I took advantage as Coty sailed off on his popper high and forcefully thrust the head of my shaft into his cunt. Coty screamed in pain. “Try to relax………it’ll get easier, I promise.” Coty took a deep breath and grasped the bottle of poppers. He whimpered as I forced his hole open with several inches of my shaft. “You’re doing great. It’s going to feel amazing once we open you up.” “It burns like crazy……just shove it in me….get it over with.” He desperately unscrewed the lid and hit the poppers. I grabbed his hips and tore into his gut. His ass cheeks slammed into my hips, and I felt his hole tighten around my shaft. Tears rolled down Coty’s cheeks. “I’m in….Just hold still for a bit. Your cunt feels so amazing.” Coty took several deep breaths and the vice grip of his cunt on my pole slowly relaxed. “Are you alright?” “Yeah....” “I’m definitely leaking precum so my virus is already in you.” “Fuck yes…..I want your poz cum.” I pumped my meat into Coty. “I’m so happy you want my toxic cock in your virgin hole. I want to give you my DNA. Feel my deadly “Oh my God….you were right…..this feels so incredible. I want your HIV….please give it to me.” I kept pumping his ass, working his hole wide open. “I’m getting close….are you sure you want it?” “yes…..poz me up. Cum in me.” “I’m going to shoot…..here it comes…..no turning back. Your virgin ass is mine forever.” My cock erupted, coating Coty’s intestine lining with my charged batter. “Feel my shaft pulsing in your cunt? You’re getting all my poz babies.” “Fuck….Oh Fuck, yes,” Coty exclaimed, and his neg cock unloaded its creamy spunk. Coty was grinning from ear to ear….. “Thank you so fucking much. I love this.” “Well, maybe you’ll love this too.” I pulled Coty to his feet and pushed him into the bathroom. “Get on your knees.” Coty knelt in front of me, and I drenched him in urine. He opened his mouth, and I filled it full of my piss. He swallowed a bunch down and spit the rest out down his body. I soaked his face, and he rubbed my piss all over his body. “This is so erotic.” He licked the piss from his lips. “I knew I would love it all.” Coty was well on his way to becoming one hot, poz pig………
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