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  1. Everybody says that 'life is a journey', but they're wrong. Life is a crazy carnival ride with twists, turns and sometimes turns upside down. I found that out in 2002. That's when I met Larry. I probably would have never met him if i hadn't been talked into going to some coworker's 25th anniversary party. I didn't even really know him that well, but my pal Kyle wanted to go because he liked any occasion where free booze was being served. The affair was held in the bar area of some restaurant near downtown. I liked my work friends, but I just wasn't in a great mood that night. Kyle went right to the bar and started downing Manhattans. I stood at the edge of the small crowd congratulating the old guy when Kyle grabbed my arm. "Don! You have come see this bartender! He's such a goon, but pretty funny. He makes the drinks extra strong too." "Goon" was right. He was giant and odd-looking. "What can I get you?", he asked with a crooked smile. I ordered a rum and Coke that was indeed pretty strong. We all talked a little while before Kyle announced he was going to the restroom. Once it was just me and the bartender, he leaned close and asked if Kyle was my boyfriend. What? This was a very hetero gathering in a hetero business. Why in the world would he ask that? "Him? No. He's a good friend and we work together. Why do you ask?" "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to insinuate anything. I've just been in this business a long time and have learned to read people. For instance, I can read that you need another drink." "OK. One more. I can't get too wasted because I have to work with those people." "It looks like they're clearing out. You driving?" "No. My buddy and I shared a cab." Speaking of Kyle. Where was he? He'd gone to the bathroom ten minutes ago. Damn. I should have known. He was famous for drinking too much and disappearing on his own adventures. I'd have to pay for the taxi myself and I sure as hell was going to make it up to me. It was a Thursday night, a few weeks before Halloween. The place was empty. "Tab's still open for your party...want another?" "Why not? I haven't used a sick day yet this year. I'm due for a hangover." "That's the spirit! My name's Eric, by the way." I reached to shake his hand and he almost squeezed it off with his giant paw. So Eric and I chatted for an hour as I got drunker and drunker. He sneaked a few shots of his own, keeping his eye out for the manager. I asked if he was married. "Not anymore. Bitch left me almost four years ago." "Sorry." "Thanks I was just too freaky for her." "What do you mean?" "Have another drink and I'll tell you. I gotta close up the register and lock up the back." That last drink he made me was so strong it was nearly flammable. A harried-looking woman walked up and asked me where Eric was. "He's locking up the back." "Well tell him to lock the front too. I'm so tired I can't see street. Good night." Eric was happy she left. "She's okay, just stresses out too easily. That gets everybody else uptight." I drained the last of my mega-drink. "So what makes you freaky?" "I was just always trying to introduce kinkiness into the bedroom. I'm very peculiar. I asked her if she wanted to try a threesome one night and she thought I just wanted to fuck another girl. She got all mad, but what I didn't tell her was that I wanted to invite another man - not a woman." "Wow." "I found myself wanting to do weird things, but she nixed everything I suggested. She'd suck me for a little while, but would never swallow. Wouldn't lick my balls or my ass or do anal. Nothing. So I got off in secret ways." "Like how?" "I'd always fantasized about pissing in her mouth, but knew she'd never go for it....so I'd pee in her coffee or tea or Coke all the time. Just a little. And one night she caught me with my wang out, dribbling into her juice. She left that night and we divorced. It cost me everything. I used to own a place like this, but had to sell it to pay her off. Lost my house too. All my savings. "Damn." I was drinking another glass of rum and I hadn't even noticed. He'd made another one for me while I was listening. We drank more and talked more. I told him that I was pretty inexperienced when it came to relationships. I'd been out with three different guys. dated two and had sex with one. "You haven't heard the worst. I ended up having a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized. They decided I was bipolar and put me on a bunch of drugs. They were crazy with their prescriptions and I now have stuff for sleeping and nerves and other stuff. People think I'm humorous, but mostly I'm just goofed out on pills." "You seem fine to me." He went on..."After I got out and settled into an apartment by myself, I discovered I was still a freak despite the drugs. I wanted wild sex. And I found out that gay guys would do all the things I was into. And I liked doing it to them. One dude even said he'd eat my shit, but I haven't gotten that far into kink." pause "Well, I won't eat your poop, Eric. I have a freaky side too, but learned to suppress it." He laughed. "I wish I'd learned. I just went deeper into it all. I was in a few gay orgies even. I did cocaine and heroin and acid. I thought I'd found my groove....until I found out I was HIV positive. That killed the party for me. "Dang, Eric. I'm so sorry. How are you doing now?" "I'm surviving. Adjusting. Tell me what you're thinking." "Well...beyond sympathy for your plight, I'm a little boned-up right now. Sorry. God, I drank too much." "No. It's okay. I read people, remember? Hey -- you're off tomorrow and it's only a little after midnight. Let's go somewhere." "Where?" "There's a place just a few blocks away. We can go for a bit and talk some more." He locked up and we walked down the safely-lit street. We came to a place I'd never even heard of before. "Munky's". Odd name. It was so quiet. There was no blaring disco music and no crowd. If not for the rainbow flag over the bar, you couldn't tell it was a gay establishment. That's how dead it was. Eric went up the bar, chatted with the bartender and came back with two cold mugs of beer. "I figured we should probably ease up a bit on the hard stuff. "Good idea." I spotted an old Galaga machine in the corner. That was my favorite video game as a kid. "Your eyes just lit up." He looked over, saw the machine and sighed. "You want to play that thing, don't you?" "Just one game. Please?" I felt like a kid begging a parent to stay up later. "Play as much as you want. I just need to get off my feet for awhile. I've got a bunch of quarters from tonight's tips." So I stood and played a whole game. I didn't do very well because I guess my reflexes were askew from the rum. So I decided to stop and just sit with Eric. He was growing on me. "What? You're done already? Sit and drink some of your beer. Refresh. Mind if I smoke? I never smoke except when I'm drunk. Or after sex." We sat. He'd taken off his loafers and had his gigantic socked feet propped up on the stool next to me. "Can I have a cigarette too?" He fished one out of the pack and lit it for me. The head rush I felt made me want to play my game again. He already knew what I was thinking and told me to go play until I beat the high score. I took a few more sips of beer and went back at it. I guess maybe I was being rude. We came here to talk and here I was just entertaining my inner teen. I kept reaching back and drinking more from my mug...which never seemed to get any emptier. I guess he was going up to get it refilled, but then why was it warmer? He was pissing in it. I knew it and I'm pretty sure he knew I knew. He was that sharp. I was hard under my black jeans. So I kept playing and got lost in my quest to get a big score. Once I turned around to ask for another smoke and saw him holding my beer up to his open fly. I said nothing and showed no shock. I didn't beat the high score, but I made the top five. I entered my initials and sat back down. "I like this place. We should come here again." "You haven't seen the men's room yet. I need to go...come join me." We went back and I stood next to him as he peed. His dick was pretty impressive. Semi-hard. "Nice penis," I said. "Want to hold it while I finish?" I didn't answer. I just grabbed it and felt the stream go through his hot shaft. He turned toward me with his dick still dripping. "Take a taste. Please?" I knelt down and took the purple head between my lips. He let a small, slow stream flow down my throat. "Thanks." That's all I could say. "Thank YOU'" We went back to our table. The bartender had brought two new mugs of beer. I sipped a bit. "Oh hell -- my glass isn't full anymore. Can you take care of that?" "Not yet. Give me some time. I wanted to tell you something. Urine is sterile and doesn't really carry HIV. It's not like I shot a load in your glass." "I get that. You can do that the net time we come here." His stocking feet were up on the stool. "I notice you looked at my foot. Want to smell it or rub it? I told you I can read people...and you've got those big puppy eyes that can't hide anything." I massaged both feet and mentioned that it would feel better without socks. "No. Not here. Later." We continued sipping our beers. "Earlier you said that you suppress your freaky side. How? Why?" "Look what happened when you didn't." "Fair point, Don." "Plus -- the internet has helped out a lot. No muss, no fuss." My beer was half empty so I pushed it toward him. He held it below the table and topped it with his hot piss. "How you holdin' up? You look a little lost." "What is that supposed to mean, Kyle?" "I'm Eric. You may have had one too many. Or probably you're getting some of my anti-psychotic medpcpne in your system. I've been giving you sips of my piss since your first drink at the restaurant." "It's Halloween tonight!" "No. It isn't. Leave the beer for now and let's go back to my place." Galaga had awoken the teen rebellion in me and I drained the glass. I did feel lost. Lost in time and lost in space. I think that was the final line in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". My teen years kept appearing in my brain. "Dammit, Janet!" I said. "That's it for tonight. I only live up the hill. Can you walk or do you want to be carried? You must weigh next to nothing." "Let's just float there." He guided me out of the bar and we were back on the street. Everything was at a weird angle and I felt the need to sleep. Eric wouldn't let me take a quick nap on the sidewalk. "We're almost there...which is good because I need to pee badly." "Do it here. I'll help." "No, Don. We're here. Come on in." His place was small and neat and smelled like him. I looked up at him with a compliment ready, but he kissed me hard. His hand was on my crotch. "See how good it feels t o not suppress urges. We don't have much time before I have to take a wicked piss. Go to the bathroom and lie down in the tub. Face up. On your back." I guess I should have taken my clothes off, but I could've sworn I wasn't wearing any. The tub was cold anyway. I did as told and waited. He walked in completely nude, his big boner waving back and forth. He wasn't kidding about needing to pee. The stream hit me right in my neck and moved up my chin and then it was in my mouth. I gulped and gulped. I was soaked when he finished. "You're a mess now, little friend. How is your head." "Wet on the outside. But my brain is trick-or-treating outside somewhere." "Well it's time to get you naked and cleaned up a little." In a blur of water and soap and steam I was as fresh as a newborn. He dried me off with the softest towels ever made and then I was in a bed. "Tell me again where your head is." "Right here. Will you fuck me, Eric." "I plan on it. Does your head know what that means?" "I does, I want it. I want my freak to meet your freak." "Deal." I wish I could remember the next ten minutes better. I know I was in some severe pain when he put that huge, raw dick in me and I know he came in me. I know he apologized right before he did it again. It felt so much better that time. I do remember that he was a poz man. What were those drugs he was on? I was liking the kidney-filtered version of them. I slept so well. I dreamed of pumpkins and stars. Weird. Nice, but weird. I woke up in time to call work and tell them I was sick. Eric and lounged in bed for three day. I satisfied all his freakyness and he satisfied mine. I knew I'd get sick, but I had this wonderful man in my life...so who cares?
    8 points
  2. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 1) “What’s up? Are you looking for a tight hole to fuck?” a private message popped up on my screen. ‘RapeMeRaw’ was the guy’s virtual nickname. I clicked to view his profile. …18 years old …White …Slim …Blonde …No hair on his body, as far as the body-pictures showed. “Show your face faggot” I wrote back. He didn’t reply right away. Then he sent me a message, telling me, he would rather like to exchange some messages before sending his picture. “Don’t waste my time – Fake!” I answered him unfavorably. Several minutes later he sent me another message. “Please…. don’t show this to anyone. My parents still don’t know…” he wrote. Attached were some pictures of a cute young twink. He had an innocent look on his face and an angelic smile. “No one cares about you. How old are you?” I wanted to know. “18?” he instantly wrote back. “Are you asking me…?” I wrote, since he looked so youthfully, but who gave a shit. “Give me your skype address. I want to see you. Prove to me, that you are not fake news” I hit the send button. “I will show my face on cam. But I am not doing a sex show for you… just to let you know. I am not stupid…. you might record it after all….” his quick reply flashed on my screen. After getting his skype name I sent him a request. He accepted the call and I could see his face ‘live’. It was the handsome face on the pictures and after he passed this reality check, he turned his cam off again. “Okay whore – when can I rip you open?” I asked him via skype. “I don’t know… I can visit you if you like. I want to be raped hard.” he wrote. “Ever had a cock up your cunt?” “Sure - lots…. I am a true cunt” he lied. Since it is difficult to actually date a twink like this, if you write too long, I asked him to rape his ass that evening. I was sure, that he was already jacking off his young dick fiercly. “Can’t we write a little bit before?” he asked me seriously. “Nah – I am into the real stuff. If you want a hard cock up your slit, raping you savagely… then I am the right guy. Give me your contact address and I will pick you up.” Minutes passed without a reaction. I checked my profile. He hit it 9 times by now and was just surfing on my site. I had some hardcore pictures of my dick fucking tight assholes. The biohazard symbol was visible on my left shoulder. “Are you healthy?” he asked me suddenly. This guy was either stupid or simply not so experienced, as he would like to be. “Of course I am” I replied. I had no cold. I had no headache. I was feeling fine. My lips formed a devilish smile. The next moment ‘RapeMeRaw’ went offline. Oh well I thought and invited a bottom pig to my apartment. I knew this poz whore already and I was sure it would be fun fucking more of my poz cum into his snatch. The following day I received several messages. The little pup apologized for logging out so abruptly. His mother had entered his room and now he was scared, I would believe he was just a no show. He was begging for forgiveness and asking for another chance to be my rape victim. More messages came in, asking me for a second chance. Damn – this fuckslut seemed to be desperate for cock. Who would I be, if I wouldn’t give the kid a chance, meeting my toxic cock. “Apology accepted – meet me this evening at 6pm at a WalMart parking lot nearby” I gave him the exact address and told him to wait in front of the main entrance. During the day he wrote me several other messages. He told me, how he wanted to be ripped open and destroyed by my big cock. He mentioned, that he needed my cum in his puppy cunt so badly. He begged me to fuck him as brutally as I could and that no cry or plea should change my mind. I never replied to any of them. He saw me being online. He knew, I read the messages, but didn’t react. I was sure he got the right feeling, that this would be his one and only chance to meet me. When I came closer to the meeting point, I could see him from afar already. He wore tight white jeans which showed his butt perfectly. It was small ass and promised a tight fucking. His hair had a perfect sidecut. He was in a good shape and had a nice and slim body. It would be fun to show no mercy on the guy. “Hello Sir” he greeted me, looking at my big bulge. “Come with me boy. Let’s move to my car," I ordered as I took a good grip on his nape, leading him to my automobile. He was obviously scared, but as much as he looked around, his gaze always returned to my crotch, which bulged with excitement. Apparently he made-up his mind as he sighed and willingly walked to the car, where, upon arrival, I unlocked the doors and gestured for him to get in. He complied, closing the door as I took my seat in the driver's seat. “Where are we going?” he asked bashfully. I did not even look at him. I opened the buttons of my jeans and pulled my cock out of the fabric. “Suck until I cum, or until I tell you to stop - you fuckwhore” I demanded. I pushed his head down to my crotch and felt his hot tongue playing clumsy with my dickhead. I could feel his hot breath on my toxic rape-stick. He was no professional! That’s for sure. I started the ignition and we drove slowly off the lot. He wanted to be raped… you got to be careful what you are wishing for…
    5 points
  3. I decide to rape the new boy this morning before he cleaned the garage. Dry and raw he whimpered like a little puppy as I forced my cock into his dry hole. All the while I told him take it raw and dry like a good faggot and I will reward you with a nice hot load of cum deep in your guts.
    5 points
  4. Most of my friends are on it. One person had serious complications (and that person wasn't taking tenovir as prep but as a HIV treatment) with the liver side-effect but those effects weren't permanent and his doctor found a different HIV med that he could take. Also you seriously undermine your credibility when you say things like: "a few of my friends tried it and a bunch of them now have serious health problems". Maybe you are not a native english speaker, but few, is not a lot, it usually means 3, ie...a couple, a few, some, many... in the progression. So a "bunch" of a "few" is what, 2 at most? I personally know seven people taking prep and none of them have had serious side effects. If you are going to post info, post specifics not bullshit contradictory shit like a bunch of the few.
    5 points
  5. Choking on a Corn Dog: Isaiah spit a wad of chunky phlegm on his dick and didn’t bother asking or waiting to see if I was ready before lining his pole up like he was surveying the Rocky Mountains and slamming it into my dry ass. I told myself over and over it was a one-time thing. That I shouldn’t go back there - that I couldn’t go back - that I needed to stay away from the carnival and the two brothers who had fucked me raw, bred me with their charged nutt, and gave me dick-munchies from the good weed we smoked. I was lying on the bed in my motel room, stroking my dick. My eyes were closed as I replayed our fuck fest over and over in my mind like one of those cheap dirty movie channels on the motel TV. I decided the self-inflicted frustration was not worth it, so I might as well head next door to the truck stop diner for some breakfast/lunch. Well, that just made shit worse. There were all these truckers and other guys that just made my ass quiver with the need for dick. I even hung out a minute in the bathroom after I was done just on the chance someone would walk in and whip out his dick - which of course always happens right? NOT! Back in my room I smoothed out the rumpled paper once more that Isaiah had given me. It was the schedule for the summer of the dates and towns where the carnival was going to be along with a handwritten note at the bottom, “WE’LL BE HERE TWO MORE WEEKS AND YOU ARE WELCOME BACK ANY NIGHT. WE GOT ROOM ON THE ROAD FOR ONE MORE TOO - SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE REST OF THE SUMMER?” I held the paper up to my nose and SNIFFED. It smelled like him - them. Damn it! The sun was starting its western descent as I put the car into drive and headed towards the carnival. I had the weekend off so why not enjoy it right? And not like there was really any chance of them wanting to fuck again right? Maybe I was just setting myself up for disappointment right? I was about the 5th person in line at the gates when the carnival opened. While part of me said I shouldn’t appear too eager, my ass told me to make a run for it. So I did. I headed straight for the Fun House, all the while scanning left to right as I passed booths and rides, just in case I saw Zeke or Isaiah. Of course, Zeke was not working on the generator, which appeared to be running smoothly from the solid rumble it made. I even stepped around the back and tried the door to the room where he first fucked me - locked. What the hell, I decided to go their trailer and told myself if they were not there, then I would just go back to my motel. Their beat up truck and camper trailer looked even more rundown and dingy in the light than it did at night. All seemed quiet, the curtains were drawn, and not even a whiff of weed smoke was seeping out. I paused, took a deep breath, and KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I waited, placed my ear against the door, and waited then KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK a little louder this time. The trailer shook, I thought I heard voices, then someone yelled, “MOTHER FUCKING CHRIST - HANG ONTO YOUR HORSES - I’M COMING, I’M COMING.” A minute later Zeke threw open the door, a freshly lit, unfiltered cigarette dangling between his lips as he squinted at the daylight, then me. I could only stare at his semi-hard dick as clearly he had just woken up and now I knew he slept totally naked. He pinched the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger, exhaled, “Well don’t just fucking stand there. Come on in. You’re letting the bugs in and shit.” Zeke sat down in the little booth table with his left arm resting on the counter, “I knew you would be back boy for more of our AIDS cotton-cum-candy.” I let out the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. He said that without judgment - just a fact - and somehow I felt reassured knowing that he wanted me again, and that he was right about what I needed even though I had not yet admitted it fully to myself. I looked to the back of the camper trailer where the bed was and noticed there was a dark curtain pulled across the doorway, yet there was enough of a gap that I could see a large, hairy leg - Isaiah. I then looked at Zeke and maintained steady eye contact as I pulled off my t-shirt, unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off, kicked my sneakers off, and stepped up between his spread legs. Zeke blew his smoke towards my face and while the embers and ash of his cigarette flared, he reached out with his left hand and started rubbing my right nipple. I closed my eyes and moaned and reached down to stroke my stiff dick. SLAP - “DID I FUCKING GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TOUCH YOURSELF!” Zeke said. Anger flashed hot across my face, which quickly ended as SLAP - Zeke left a deep red handprint on my cheek, “You need to learn right boy. Now keep your hands to your side and don’t fucking move.” I did as the carnie daddy ordered. Zeke set the cigarette between his teeth and then reached up with both hands and pinched and twisted my nipples hard. I winced, gritted my teeth, and forced myself not to flinch or move. His left upper lip raised slightly in a snarl as he twisted harder, his eyes daring me to cry out or move. A few minutes of tit torture was all Zeke needed to get his dick pump primed. Zeke stood up, put his cigarette out in the overflowing ashtray, then leaned into me as he slid his hand under my balls and drove a couple fingernails into my ass, “You need that hole fucked?” My pig instincts took over as I tried squatting/pushing down on the sharp nailed fingers that were digging in my ass. When I opened my eyes, Zeke was staring at me with a knowing smile, “I need you daddy,” I said. There was no verbal response, just another clawed finger added to the excavation going on against my ass ring. The harder and deeper Zeke tried scratching at my hole, the more I tried to push down onto his hand needing to be fucked. Zeke pressed his body against mine, pushing me back against the pantry cabinet as he continued his rear assault, “YOU KNOW WHAT I’M DOING? NO? I’M STRIPPING THAT ASS HOLE LIKE A COUPLE OF WIRES - PULLING THAT COATING OFF, SCRAPING IT RAW SO YOU CAN GET THAT FULL VOLTAGE CHARGE. THE BLOODIER THE HOLE, THE MORE MY AIDS CANDY WILL STICK TO THEM WALLS, DIG IN. YOU WANT ME TO STOP BOY? OR DO YOU WANT DADDY’S CANDY?” I wasn’t given the time to consider a response as Zeke pulled his red tipped fingers out of my pulsing ring, spun me around, and stuffed my mouth with those same fingers so I could taste the last of my own NEG self. “GIVING YOU A GOOD CHARGE BOY. HIGH VOLTAGE DADDY DICK AND CUM GOING TO POZ THAT HOLE GOOD. FUCK - COULD NOT GET THAT SWEET ASS OUT OF MY MIND AND MY BALLS BEEN SPINNING THAT AIDS NUTT DOUBLE TIME. LET’S PLAY A LITTLE RING TOSS NOW - SLIDE THAT RING OVER THIS DADDY STICK - SEE WHAT PRIZE YOU GET. THAT’S IT BOY - YOU WANT THE PRIZE? YOU WANT DADDY’S HOT, STICKY, AIDS PRIZE? I’M GOING TO…..AW FUCK MAN - WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE?” Zeke declared. I was confused and grunted in pain as he withdrew from my ass just as I was wetting up nice for him. I turned and joined Zeke as we both stared at Isaiah. He apparently had woken up and was standing behind the curtain to the bedroom, peeking out through the crack, and furiously beating his dick as the curtain flapped and billowed with every stroke of his hand. Zeke shoved me face first against the pantry, slammed his dick back in as I yelped, then wiggled his hips to make sure the connection was good, before turning me towards the curtain. “LOOKS LIKE YOU GOT ANOTHER DICK THAT NEEDS ATTENTION. COME ON NOW BOY, I GOT YOU - WALK AHEAD, THAT’S IT, NOW BEND FORWARD AND OFFER UP THAT GLORYHOLE MOUTH TO YOUR OTHER DADDY. SUCK THAT DIRTY STICK.” Isaiah’s long, thick dick was rank, sweaty, and crusted and I savored the sticky syrup that slid out the tip. “GOOD BOY. CHOKE ON THAT DADDY CONR DIG DICK, WHILE YOUR UNCLE - DADDY - WHATEVER THE FUCK SEEDS THIS ASS. I DUG IT UP GOOD SO I CAN PLANT MY AIDS CORN, NOW TIME TO ADD THE FERTILIZER IN THOSE GUTS, SPREAD MY SEED, WATER IT DOWN, AND WATCH THAT BUG GROW! YOU’RE GOING TO GET A FUCKING CONTACT HIGH OFF MY CUM BOY - DADDY’S NUTT IS ALWAYS YELLOW, THICK, AND SUPER STICKY AFTER A NIGHT OF SMOKING THAT GOOD COLORADO WEED - OR WAS IT THAT OREGON SHIT? NO MATTER - HERE IT COMES BOY - OOOHHH HELL YEAH - CHARGING THAT ASS UP!” With a sigh and a grunt, Zeke pulled out of my filled ass, slapped it twice, and said, “Fuck boy. Now I need me a coffee, a joint, and a pick me up. You go on back there and take care of your other daddy now.” The curtain was yanked back, Isaiah took his left hand and pulled his long hair back off his face and smiled as he stepped sideways to let me get to the bed. “How do you want me?” I asked. Isaiah’s big bear paw of a hand swiped at me, sprawled me onto the bed, before he dragged me back, pulled my hips up, and pushed my shoulder blades down. My cummy ass quickly started talking back to daddy as he started digging it out with two thick fingers - which felt bigger than three of four of his brother’s. I moaned, pushed my ass back, silently begging for that monster dick. Isaiah frustrated me once again though as he pulled his fingers out and buried his face in my boy snatch. His long tongue and beard set my crack on fire as he slurped out my booty boy juices, but suddenly he paused - KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Jesus hell. Isaiah stood up and pulled the curtain all the way back. I turned my body to look towards the front of the camper trailer as Zeke stood up from the table - still buck ass naked - and opened the door. A man - no woman - no fuck I didn’t know stepped into the trailer. The newest arrival was all hyper and spewed out, “Fuck man knew you was up. I could smell that good skunk weed from the other side of the camp. I’m hurting man and need a little pick me….” The person stopped speaking as he looked from Zeke, to Isaiah and his ramrod dick, to my naked ass on the bed. Zeke laughed, patted his new guest on the shoulder, “I got you Walter. You know we always keep some extra stash just for you. So what you looking for today? Some coke, or that Croc shit you been shooting up?” The person he called Walt just stood there staring, and I stared right back. Zeke called him Walt, but this person looked like he had DD tits, long, curly blonde hair with a big red bow on top, and was wearing a red and white checkered poufy dress like they had just stepped out of some country and western square dance show. Isaiah poked my hips and said, “That’s Walt. The bearded lady.” OK, now I got it I guess. They still had si9de show freaks like that these days? Isaiah walked towards the front and frustrated at the interruption I did too. Walt was still standing by the door all fidgety as Zeke pulled a couple of coffee can tins out of the pantry, set them on the table, sat down, lit up a fresh joint, and started to peel plastic covers off the tins and pulled out various baggies full of weed, pills, and other shit. “This is our new boy,” Zeke said as he nodded towards me. Isaiah had sat down at the table too now and took the lit joint out of Zeke’s mouth, hit it, then set it back between his brother’s lips. I was suddenly embarrassed and aware of my nakedness and bent down to get my t-shirt. SLAP - Zeke had reached out and cuffed my head. “No one told you to get dressed. Now Walt, he’s got some good boy hole and I just wet it up nice and deep. What do you say - want to fuck it before Isaiah here stretches that shit out?” Isaiah chuckled and spanked his still hard dick. Walt looked at me, his eyes darting back and forth, “I don’t know man,” he said, “I mean yeah fuck, you know, I’m like horny like horny shit all the time, but you know man, I don’t know, I mean fuck.” Even as he seemed to object, Walt started getting undressed. He looked at me and shrugged, “Can’t get the costume fucked up you know? It’s just a job dude - I mean yeah fuck - just a job. I ain’t into all that fem shit, I mean fuck - not nothing wrong with it I mean fuck. Just, just I mean, for me it’s a job, right? Fuck.” I yelped and turned as Isaiah - with the joint between his lips - winked at me as he jammed his thick fingers back up my ass and started scraping my flesh raw. I leaned into his hand, begging for him to go deeper as Walt continued to get undressed. Isaiah handed the joint to me, I happily took several hits back to back, as we watched Walt take for fucking ever to get naked and Zeke set up a Walt’s hit. I then choked as Walt pulled the white stockings down over his legs - they were covered in large black, scaly spots. What the fuck was that? Isaiah poked my side, I bent over and he whispered, “It’s from the croc. Nasty shit.” I looked at Zeke as he stirred some foul looking liquid in a dirty coffee cup, pulled back on the end of syringe, and filled it with Walt’s drug of choice. I looked back at Walt and noticed even his dick - which was as long as Isaiah’s and maybe even thicker - also had the black, scaly spots on it. I cringed a little, hit the joint, and then watched as Walt stepped forward, naked except for the red bow in his blond hair. Walt picked up a syringe full of the brown liquid Zeke had extruded from the mug, then casually jammed it into a pulsing vein on his lower left abdomen that was so close to the skin he looked like a slice of exotic cheese. The syringe emptied, Walt closed his eyes and turned his head, set the needle down, then shook his whole body like a Labrador that had just taken a swim. “Fuck yeah - mean fuck - yeah - I mean..” He said. Zeke looked at me, “Get on your knees boy. Slobber on that charred corn dog - taste that drugged up dick.” I knelt on the camper trailer floor, and hesitantly reached out to touch that diseased dick. It felt like slabs of granite glued to his dick and the last thing I wanted to do was put my mouth on it. “Here,” Zeke said as he handed me a bottle of Jungle Juice poppers, “Hit these if you need to.” I shook my head. No, I wanted to taste it, lick it, suck it without that first. I gagged, wretched, and my eyes watered at his rotten, crunchy dick, but I took it in my mouth and tried to soften the scales up with my spit to no avail as Walt quickly got hard. “Fuck - I mean I got to cum now - come on - you want it in your ass - fuck I mean,” he said. I stood up, bent forward with my forearms resting on the table and Isaiah smiling and jacking his dick while Zeke set a joint between my lips, then the bottle of poppers. “GET FUCKED UP AND TAKE THAT CROCODILE DICK FOR YOUR DADDIES,” Zeke ordered. I winced as Walt’s scaly dick shredded the outer layer of skin and started banging my ass. Isaiah was entranced and as he jerked harder I just kept thinking I didn’t want him to waste the cum. Zeke kept me drugged between the joint and poppers and as the double shot kicked in I wanted to feel Walt really scrape my ass raw. I arched my back, lowered my shoulders, and set my right foot up on the table seat by Zeke. “Shit!” Isaiah said. I smiled at daddy, turned, and smiled at daddy #2 as Zeke lit a new joint, hit it, then set it between my lips. He exhaled, “Fuck, you’re a slut hole boy - mother-fucking-Christ! Go on Walt, cum in that boy ass, I want to see his face as you put that toxic load up his shitter. Make it bleed good with that reptilian dick. He’s a good boy, he can take it.” Walt banged the fuck out of my ass as my two daddies watched, proud of their boy. Walt started clawing deep lines down my back, “FUCK - I MEAN YEAH FUCK - I’M READY TO SPILL - I’M READY TO SPILL - NICE FUCKING WETT ASS - OH I WANT THAT SHIT - OH I NEED THAT HOLE - OH I WANT THAT SHIT - I MEAN - FUCK YEAH - I MEAN…..AAAAAHHHHH - AAAAAHHHH OH HELL THAT BURNS!!” Walt’s cum might have burned his dick coming out, but totally scalded my insides as he worked it in. That croc chem nutt was some fierce shit and burned like acid! A few minutes later Walt was dressed and gone, happily on his way and in time to make the 4:00 p.m. show. Zeke was cleaning up and sorting his various bags of pills, weed, and other shit and said, “I’m the man the folks here come to see to get what they need. No matter what their fix is, I got it or can get it in 24-hours tops and make a fucking shit load of money for a tiny bit of trouble.” I looked around the run down camper trailer and frowned thinking this sure doesn’t look like they had a shit load of cash. Zeke must have known what I was thinking as he said, “It’s all about laying low, not attracting attention. Who would think that two brothers living in this dump are major drug smugglers and dealers? All our cash goes back into the store stock and our ranch outside of Santa Fe. You been to Santa Fe before boy? What do you think brother, could we use a boy on the ranch? A boy to keep us warm on those cool nights, a boy to bend over and take the ranch hand’s dicks? I boy to tie up to that big post beam in the middle of our hacienda and whip and fuck the shit out of?” Isaiah paused - the Spam/butter/white bread sandwich he had made halfway to his mouth. He then nodded, looked at me, smiled, and said, “OH YEAH!” Zeke continued, “I also sell to all the fucking country folks who don’t got their own connect. Jesus - even fucking poppers - I get rid of Jungle Juice by the fucking case! Triple the price - no questions asked.” I looked around wondering where he stored all that stuff and again, the fucking daddy read my mind. “There are many advantages to being in charge of maintenance. We got our stash hidden and stashed in just about every moving vehicle and ride and piece of equipment here. Within two-steps I can set a fucker up - cash on the barrelhead. And with our shit spread out, if something happens to one part of it, well we still got plenty left.” Fucking made sense. I couldn’t wait any longer and got down on my knees pushed Zeke’s legs back under the table, and started slobbing on Isaiah’s dick. Zeke then pushed his way out of the booth, knelt on the floor behind me, slapped my ass and said, “COME ON BOY - SQUEEZE THAT HOLE AND PUSH THAT NUTT OUT. LET ME TASTE THAT CROC’S LOAD.” Once he had slurped me clean, Zeke grabbed my t-shirt, wiped my crack and fingered my hole and then said, “He’s ready brother, go slam that big corn dog up his silo.” I was led to the bed and thrown on my back. I grabbed my ankles pulling my legs up and apart so Isaiah could see my ass. I needed him to take me again, fuck me deep, and his drizzling AIDs dick seemed more than willing. I knew what I wanted - what I needed - and as he held the Jungle Juice down to my nose for a final sniff, I smiled, knowing my ass would get hurt and POZZED again by this daddy’s horsey dick. Isaiah spit a wad of chunky phlegm on his dick and didn’t bother asking or waiting to see if I was ready before lining his pole up like he was surveying the Rocky Mountains and slamming it into my dry ass. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    5 points
  6. 13 dongs in my mouth since 5 pm Fri. that's unlucky, right? as in... wonder what I'm gonna catch from so many dirty dicks?
    4 points
  7. 7:00pm on June 3, 2017....My face was pressed into the filthy mattress by my older brother Mark's hand while his cock was forcing its way in and out of my ass. All I could focus on as the smell of cum and piss coming from the mattress, and the sound of my brother's ragged breathing while he raped me in front of his drug dealer DeShaun and the dealer's two thugs who held me down. Every now and then my brother would mutter under his breath, something like "faggot" or "slut", punctuated by a blow to the back of my head. Once he even said something like, "practically begging for it, weren't you". Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this was him trying to justify the truly horrendous act he was committing against his younger brother to his drug filled brain, but mostly it just made me feel dirtier (and wonder, maybe, if I had somehow wanted my brother to do this to me). Suddenly, Mark's hand stopped pushing my face into the mattress, and his arm snaked around my throat. He pull me up from a face down position until we were both up in all fours - DeShaun's thugs let go to let the position shift happen - and even though I had thought he couldn't fuck me any deeper or harder, I was wrong. The iron grip if my brother's arm made everything fuzzy as my air flow was getting cut off, and from what sounded like a great distance, I could hear Mark start to breathe more heavily. "Marky Mark - you getting close?" DeShaun asked. He walked over and stroked my older brother's sweaty red face with an almost lover-like gesture. "You gonna POZ that pussy, bitch? Gonna spray your toxic jizz into your little bros cunt and get him pregnant for me?" "Yes...Sir..." grunted Mark, as he raped me even harder. "Gonna fill this faggot cunt up with fuckin death seed. Gonna knock up this virgin pussy." DeShaun leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Hear that, white meat? Your older bro is about to fuckin rape your white faggot cunt to death. After he's done, you ain't gonna be good for anything but to be my nasty faggot whore. So much for fuckin Ivy League and full ride scholarships...you'll be getting plenty of full rides, but the only letters you be earning are STDs." I could feel his tongue licked the side of my face when he was done whispering. I thought I had run out of tears, but I was wrong. Mark was getting ready to climax, pounding harder and harder. I could hear him hissing nasty things through his clenched teeth, "Fuckin hate you...wish you hadn't been born...fuckin nasty faggot slut...gonna POZ your pussy...just...fuckin...DIE". He roared the last word as I felt his cock spasming inside me, pumping warmth into me...and then my ass started to clench while my cock started shooting jizz into the mattress. DeShaun started to laugh. "Oh Lord, white meat...you just shot a huge load from a soft cock...you must have loved getting knocked up by your older bro so much. I'm gonna have so much fun with you." He laughed some more. Mark grunted as he pulled out of me and let me collapse onto the mattress. I could hear him putting his clothes on but I refused to look at him. I didn't know how I could ever look at him again - because while I couldn't admit it to myself yet, I wanted what just happened to happen again. "We good, DeShaun?" he asked. "My debt is paid in full?" "Oh, Marky Mark...we good. You actually built up some credit on that, brother." DeShaun chuckled. "Here, take a ball on me." "Enjoy the faggot." Mark said, prompting me to realize he wasn't taking me with him. "He was supposed to leave on a week long trip straight from the graduation party, so no one is going to realize he's missing for awhile." He walked to the edge of the mattress, looking down at me, tears streaking my face, t shirt ripped to hell, boxers and jeans around my knees, blood and cum oozing from my ass, and cum dripping from my cock. He leaned down and spat directly in my face. "If my parents could see him now, they'd rather he was dead anyway. You are doing my whole family a favor." He turned and walked out of the room without another word. I had a feeling I wasn't going to see my brother again for a long time, if ever. "Well, white meat, I bet you are feeling pretty much like you wanna die right now, don'tcha?" DeShaun said gently, "Good thing Daddy DeShaun has just the thing to make it all better. Time for you to meet Ms. Tina, bitch, because your nightmare is just beginning...and this pussy," he reached between my legs, shoved a couple fingers into my ass, and pulled them out covered in pink stained cum, which he held up to my lips, "this pussy is going to get used a lot worse before your nightmare is over." I knew what he wanted, and a twisted, perverted part of me wanted it too...so I opened my lips and sucked the bloody cum off his fingers.
    4 points
  8. I visited an ABS in one of the Las Vegas suburbs yesterday afternoon. It's a particularly good one. But, since it's out of the way, I haven't visited it in close to a year. It has a video arcade with about a dozen extra large booths. And a twin theater. The first theater shows str8 porn. And the back theater shows tranny and bisexual porn. I decided to try the theater first. I paid my money to the clerk and she buzzed me in. The theaters are extremely dark and it takes me awhile before my eyes adjust. But, I felt my way along the wall until I was inside the forward theater showing the str8 porn. Once my eyes adjusted I could make out that there was only one guy in that theater. He was sitting against the back wall on one of the white, plastic chairs. But he wasn't jacking or even rubbing his crotch. So, I moved on to the back theater where the tranny film was playing. The back theater is where most of the "action" takes place, anyway. There were 3 guys in that theater. It's still so dark that I can only make out shapes of the guys. I move to an empty chair next to the nearest guy. I can't see his face or much else of him, but can hear the familiar sounds of him stroking his cock. I take a risk of reaching over to his crotch. You always take a risk of being "swatted" away, but I took the risk and found his hand on his short, but hard cock. He moved his hand away and let me stroke him. I quickly got on my knees, between his legs and began to suck on him. He moaned softly. I then took a couple of hits of my poppers and went back to work on his cock. I could now make out that he was a guy in his 50's. A bit overweight. His cock was only about 5"s. But it was hard as a rock. I sucked on his cock and his balls for about 5 minutes, then he pressed the back of my head down onto his cock, holding it there as I felt his cock throb in my throat and he unloaded into me. Once I had most of his load, I came up off his cock. Milked the rest of his cum with my lips and then began to stand. "Nice" was all he said as I walked back to the forward str8 theater. As I walked into the other theater someone else that had been sitting in the dark a few chairs away got up and followed me into the str8 theater. I moved to the front of the theater to an extremely dark corner to the left of the screen. The guy followed me. As I got to the corner, I turned and leaned against the wall. I couldn't see the guy, but I could sense him right in front of me. I reached to where his crotch was and felt a big hard cock under his jeans. I rubbed it then began to pull his zipper down. I pulled his cock out and dropped to my knees. Whoever he was, he had a nice, rock hard, thick cock with a big mushroom head on it. I'm guessing it was about 7"s long. I wrapped my lips around it and began to suck. It was so dark in this corner of the room, that I had absolutely no idea who this guy was? His age? His race? All I could tell was from the feel of his cock. And that's really all I cared about, too. This guy was totally silent as I sucked him. But his cock continued to swell and throb as I sucked him. So, I knew he was enjoying it. His cock was so long and thick that I was totally enjoying it. I was literally worshiping this cock. "You like my big black cock, Daddy?" I heard his softly say. "Mmmmnnn Mmmmnnn" I groaned as I continued to suck. So, this guy is black? Damn! I love black cock. I continued to suck and worship this magnificent cock. "Can I fuck you, Daddy?" he asked. "Fuck, YEAH!" I replied. I got up, unbuckled my shorts, pulled my shorts and briefs to the floor and stepped out of them and tossed them into the corner. I spit on my fingers a couple of times and smeared the spit on my hole. Then bent over, pressing my hands and head against the wall in front of me. He put his bbc up to my hole and began to press in. It was going to hurt a bit, so I took some deep sniffs of poppers as he continued to press into me. Finally he popped up past my sphincter and began to fuck. Soon he was balls deep into me and fucking hard. It didn't take long before he let out a grunt and I felt him press deeply into me. His cock was throbbing as he filled my ass with his spunk. As soon as he came, he quickly pulled out of me and walked away. I heard the door to the bathroom, at the back of the str8 theater close and the bathroom fan turn on as he turned on the light. I put my shorts back on and pulled myself together as I walked to the back of the theater and took a seat near the bathroom door. I was hoping to at least catch a glimpse of this black guy as he came out of the bathroom. I wanted to know who's cum I had inside me. I heard the water in the sink shut off and the paper towel dispenser hum. Soon the door opened and for just a quick second, before he switched off the light, I could see a very handsome, young black guy in his mid 30's walking out. Almost "nerdish" looking. But handsome at the same time. Nice build. He caught my eye and smiled at me for that split second that we could see each other. Then I heard his walk down the hallway that lead to the door. The the door open and close as he left the theaters. Someone just then come out from the back theater and sat a few chairs away from me along the back wall of the str8 theater. We looked over at each other. From what I could see, he looked like a guy in his late 20's, early 30's. White guy. Nice build. But, I couldn't tell much else in the dark. I got up and wandered around the room for a second. Then sat back down on the chair next to him. As I was sitting, I slid it a bit closer to him. He sat there, staring straight ahead at the screen. His hands on his thighs. Not touching himself. Hmmmm?? Perhaps he's not interested. I spent a couple of awkward moments trying to decide if I should risk reaching over to touch his crotch or not? I hate being swatted away if he's not looking for that. But after a few minutes, he began to rub his crotch through the fabric of his pants. So, I reached over and rubbed his crotch. He didn't move my hand. His cock was not hard. But I could feel it through the fabric. I then got on my knees between his legs and unzipped his pants. I pulled out his soft cock. I took it into my mouth. He had a nice foreskin on his cock, so I sucked and gently chewed on his foreskin. His cock swelled a bit. Once his cock was partially hard, I pushed the foreskin back with my lips and began to suck on his cock as it finally swelled to full hardness. When I'd look up to his face, while sucking, I could now make out that he was a nice looking, blond guy. He seemed nervous, but his cock was definitely responding to my mouth. He unfortunately was a "quick draw". Only a couple of minutes of sucking before he filled my mouth with his load. As soon as he shot his load, he pushed me off his cock, stood, zipped up his pants and left the theater. Typical str8 boy behavior. I hung around the theaters for about 15 more minutes. There was one guy in the tranny theater that I had no interest in. And the only other guy to come into the theaters was an old guy that could barely walk, without shuffling. So, I decided it was time to leave. As I left the theaters, I noticed the clerk had changed and it was a guy that has worked there for years. He and I have kind of a flirty relationship with each other. He likes older, husky guys like me. He's followed me into the arcade a few times and we've kissed and felt each other up quickly, so as not to get caught. He's a 40 year old, handsome latino guy. We exchanged "hellos" and pleasantries. Then I asked him if there was anyone in the arcade. "3 guys, I think. You should check it out", he said, smiling. He didn't charge me the usual entry fee to the arcade and I went back there to check it out. Sure enough, there were red lights lit on 3 of the dozen doors. I tried each of the doors. The first one was locked. I opened the second door to find a guy that had to be close to 80 in there holding his limp cock. I quickly closed the door and moved on to the next occupied door. I opened it to see an older black man. He had to be 6'4", over 200lbs, salt & pepper, curly black hair. In his late 50's. Dressed in dress slacks and a dress shirt. He appeared to be on his way home from his job in an office. He looked over to see me standing in the doorway. His facial expression didn't change at all, but he tilted his head sideways a couple of times to indicate he wanted me to come into the booth. I did so and locked the door behind me. He had a gorgeous bbc sticking out of his zipper. It had to be 8 or 9 inches and thick. He had some str8 porn showing on the screen. A beautiful brunette was sucking off one hung black guy as another hung black guy was fucking her from behind. I dropped to my knees in front of his chair and took some sniffs of my poppers. As I sniffed, he pulled open his pants and pulled them around his ankles. I wanted to take my time and really worship this beautiful piece of bbc in front of my face. The handsome man kept his eyes glued to the tv screen as I began to suck and lick his gorgeous cock. His massive balls hung down and I would occasionally lick and suck on them. I did at one point lift his legs and lick his asshole for a bit. But it was difficult to keep him in that position on the molded plastic chair. He was too tall and legs too long to do it comfortably. But he did really love having his puckered, black hole licked. I probably sucked his cock for well over 15 minutes before he finally told me to suck his balls, as he then furiously stroked his cock. "Ahhh........I'm cumming", he whispered. I came up off his balls and wrapped my lips around his swollen, black cock head as it began to explode in my mouth. My lips could feel his cock throb as hot cum filled my mouth. I got as much of his sweet juice into me, then stood, wiped my mouth and thanked him for the load. He just smiled at me as I left the booth, then exited the store to head home.
    3 points
  9. Exactly my thoughts after last night....
    3 points
  10. I apologize -- I should not have made a comment about your English. Otherwise, I stand by my position. "...every drug has negatives which is why some you have to be monitored carefully this is one of those drugs becuase it has serious side effects." Aspirin has serious side effects, too. We take advantage of its benefits and weigh the potential side effects in the balance. Truvada for PrEP is no different -- and indeed no more dangerous than aspirin. http://www.hivplusmag.com/prevention/2016/1/06/new-study-shows-prep-safe-aspirin "Using the excuse now about long term it's cheaper to give people prep rather then treat hiv is poor excuse people should be responsable..." People should be responsible -- yes. But, after 35 years of telling people to use condoms, they are still getting HIV by the millions. Do we just let them get infected because they weren't "responsible"? If someone recognizes he is not able to maintain perfect condom compliance and is at risk of contracting HIV, using PrEP is a responsible choice. "To throw around stats without peoples medical history show's that you have no understanding of the field as I stated before peoples health state can have effect on how a drug will work..." Of course an individual's medical history and health state play a role, and a prescriber will take these into account when deciding if PrEP is appropriate for that individual. But the statistics about safety and efficacy are aggregate and take into account test subjects with many different backgrounds and conditions. "...most problems with condoms is people not using them correctly." Exactly. And this despite 35+ years of attempts to teach people how to use condoms . Condoms work well for some individuals who are able to use them correctly and consistently. They should by all means continue to do so. But as a public health measure to end the epidemic, they have plainly failed. You can continue to repeat the same thing -- shouting ever louder about condoms -- and expect a different result. Or you can take advantage of the new tools at our disposal.
    3 points
  11. Looking for BBseroman to take my negative attitude and make me positive
    3 points
  12. This is my future. One on the way.
    3 points
  13. Wife went out this morning to get a massage. I hit up A4A immediately knowing i have at least 1 hour to get some cum. There is a very close by married top online this morning but I do not hold out hope for a couple of reasons. Mainly I have messaged this guy over the past 3 years and when it came time to actually meet he would just disappear. But for some reason this morning he finally gave me his address which is literally across the main thorougfare from my place. I messaged him about only giving oral as I was running an errand. However, once I got down on his nice cock my ass started twitching. Now his profile says condom but I knew deep down I was going to get him bare in my ass if I just took iniative. After sucking awhile I just told him how much his cock felt good and I wanted to feel him in my ass and asked if it was cool if I just teased him. Long story short I was soon on all fours with him getting lube out, no condom, and sliding in me. He did not last long and he came really nice. The hottest part was his wife was upstairs and we were in his man cave that she is not allowed in so we had to be quiet. Nothing like hearing a top muffle his moans of pleasure as he is climaxing. Still leaking him now and wife will be home soon, double bonus.
    3 points
  14. Every faggot in the room had a stiff cock by the time Trey took load number three. The erotic fuck show Dave and the kid just performed was amazing and we all were mesmerized by the apparent connection and animal like fuck that was just finishing. The look on Trey's face was amazing. He truly was enthralled with his partner and was thrilled to feel that pale cock unload in his ass. Still on his back, he remained coupled to Dave even as the thrusting subsided. Both gifted and chaser had a look of utter satisfaction. I know there were three thoughts in my head, damn what a fuck, can't wait to see number 4 plow the boy and fuck, I NEED a cock in MY ass. But just as we expected them to separate, Trey began bucking and riding what evidently was at least a partial erect cock. HIs noises were still animalistic sounding as he flexed his pelvis to fully enjoy some more of Dave's balls deep penetration. Dave quickly responded and was moving his own body in response to the tortured movements of the young ass he had just inseminated. Trey was clearly on his way to orgasm and was fully in control. We were all powerless to stop watching as Trey's breathing deepened. He rocked and moaned as his nice size, but hardly huge cock throbbed and bobbed at full attention. I suppose I was a bit stunned. We all knew that plenty of gifts would be delivered, but I had not thought about the need for Trey to explode. Moments later, hands free, all that movement turned into a moment of joy as he shot an amazing load that splattered on Dave's creamy torso. At that moment, I had no doubt about Trey's authenticity as a fag. Anyone who can essentially cum hands free while wiggling their ass on a partner's cock is gonna do just fine in the world of queer fucking. Ray was already lubed up and working his massive cock into rock hard fuck mode. Ray is a damned big dude...well over 6' 4" and probably close to 300 pounds. Full time redneck and former college football offensive lineman, he could be described as a power fuck. His dick is kind of unique. Not overly long (7 inches perhaps) it has an amazing pyramid shape and quickly tapers from it's pointy head to a base I cannot circle with one hand. Ray got knocked up years ago and seems to alternate between being on meds and not. Ray and I had never fucked a lot. It was ok, but usually just a hard, quick pounding and he was done. He relies on his size, not his skill to impress the bottoms he fucks. But hell, it is a unique cock and probably a tainted load, so I knew it would do the kid some good. But Trey and Dave remain coupled and cuddling on the bed, totally unaware of the anticipation visible in Ray's stiff poker. It was clear those two boys had experienced more than just a fuck. When they finally stirred a bit we got to hear something surprising. Trey said loudly, " well that is done". Six puzzled homos waited for clarification. "Dave knocked me up", he nearly shouted, " I know it". Becoming more animated, he said, " I felt the energy pass while we were fucking.". "I know it was his bug load entering me. I know I am really POZ". It was a clear and honest statement. Based on the show we watched and those words, we all knew those two had forged a fuck infused connection. Maybe it was not the bug, but there was something going on. There is nothing subtle about Ray. He was ready to fuck and was vocal about it. If Trey was done, then Ray was prepared to fuck the next ass that wagged in front of him. Not to worry, our new cum slut rolled over showed his cum filled ass and braced for the near rape that he was about to experience. An opened hole and three injections of POZ lube made Ray's entrance a bit easier, but still he mounted the kid and went balls deep in one powerful thrust. Ray's size, weight and thrust caused the boyish bottom to crumple. As our young friend disappeared under that mountain of man flesh, the pile driving began in earnest. Trey's whimpers were a signal that Ray was hurting him some---anyone who had been topped by that man knew the feeling. Unlike the hard, but skillful fucking Jony had given a couple hours earlier, this was a brutal rape/fuck. As the whimpering got louder, Ray offered him some relief. But the boy just kept on taking it. Ray always seems to finish up in the same way. He pulls his pointy dick out all the way and rams it back in had and balls deep. He repeats the action until in one mighty shove he blasts a load. I know I smiled a bit as that sequence began and a half dozen painful jabs later, Trey had gift number four mixing with all the tainted cum previously enjoyed. There was not cuddling after that coupling, but for the first time that night, Trey was offered a cum and slime covered cock to clean in an ATM "opportunity". It was clear he had never been exposed to ass to mouth cock cleaning. I have to admit it is a bit of an acquired taste--but one I learned to love myself. Trey froze in hesitation as that slicked up horse cock posed near his mouth, waiting on the completion of the last fuck act. A smile slowly started on Trey's face as he realized he was going full on into the kinkier part of men fucking men. He started opening his mouth to welcome the cum slathered dick. As soon as his lips parted, Ray took charged and rammed the pole down the kid's throat. Just as quickly, the gag reflex kicked in and our former HIV virgin puked all over himself, Ray, the bed and anything else near by. Unfazed by the vomit, Ray rammed it home again and this time Trey managed to suckle it. Like the fuck pig he yearned to be he slurped and licked that cock clean of all substances. The newly minted slut was learning new things. We had a bit of a break in the action as some of the guys started cleaning up a bit. Trey hit the shower to clean up. Nobody was sure if he was done or not, but it would be his choice regardless. I decided to take advantage of the slow moment and cornered Jony and started sucking his cock. I was needing fucked myself (as was every other queer in the room). As expected, I coaxed that black snake to life and soon he was probing my ass. The cock that busted Trey's AIDS cherry was now probing my horny shit chute. But, it was a short fuck. Trey came strolling back to the bedroom still fully nude and sporting a serious hard on. The smile on his face said he wanted more. He laughed as he asked "any of you faggots wanna fuck my queer ass?". Six dicks sprang to attention at that comment. Carl was up next. Carl is also a proven breeder and takes pride in spewing his demon seed into any negative ass that wants it. During my own chase, I rode Carl's "significant" BBC more than any other cock. I am fairly certain it was Carls seed replicating in my own body. Carl and I were something less than partners, but something more than just fuck buds. Perhaps some would call us lovers. All I know is he is a great human, an ebony god and a very, very talented lover. And now, I was going to see that beautiful, glistening black rod dip into the pasty white ass of an evolving man-whore. Trey and Dave had made love. Trey took my very HVL seed with relish. Ray raped his young ass and Jony had given him a world class fucking. But now, he was about to experience, what I thought would be the fuck of a life time. Carl is that damned good. Ten inches long, coke bottle diameter, Carl's cock is uncut. If there was every a perfect BBC contest, Carl should easily win. He is actually quite serious about fucking and takes his role as a dominate top to heart. Trey was being a bit playful and joking around a bit. I think he had no idea about what was to cum his way. Carl was a bit put off by the lightness of the mood and acted to change it. He sternly commanded Trey to get on his back, legs in the air. Slowly Trey responded. Carl then focused the room. "Boy" he said, " I have converted over 15 twink asses in the past 6 years". I know my cum is toxic and I am gonna spew it inside you" Carl continued, " in the next few minutes I am going to convert your little ass and turn you into a jack of spades, only black cock will satisfy you when I am done". I whispered to Trey. "that is the fucking truth" just as Carl unsheathed his monster cock and started pressing it into our boy's battered hole. Trey was gonna be fucked like he had never imaged.
    3 points
  15. Every once in a while I get extra-horny and post for anonymous tops on Craigslist with the subject, "No condom, no pulling out." It rarely gets any interest, maybe one guy who might be serious or might not - I find guys are more inclined to fuck bareback if it hasn't been discussed or mentioned as an expectation up front. Somehow amid the clouds and sun of a Saturday afternoon, I got not one but three responses. The first guy who answered informed me that he had a top friend and they were looking for a bottom to use together. Needless to say, I sent my info, he told me when they could arrive, and went in the bathroom to prep myself while they were en route. As I was getting ready, I continued to check email and got the other two responses. I wrote back to each guy with my address, telling them that I had two others coming over, so they should just show up and I'd leave the front door open so they could just walk in. One wrote back "OK" but the other was silent, something I usually take to mean that he's going to flake and not show (I hate when they do that after you give them your address!). After about 20 minutes, the first pair arrived, and they didn't disappoint! I let them in, made sure the front door was unlocked, and led them into the living room where I stripped and got down on all fours on the floor and took some huge hits from my brown bottle. They wasted no time in peeling off their clothes and almost immediately I had a thick 8-inch shaft plunging down my throat. I couldn't breathe, I was gagging and drooling all over the place, but I was in heaven! I didn't know where the other guy was until I felt his hands roaming over my ass, fingering my already-lubed hole, and giving me the occasional smack as his friend fucked my throat. The cock in my throat got noticeably harder before its owner withdrew it and moved behind me. I had only a moment to take another hit of poppers before it was replaced by an even bigger shaft, this one at least 9 inches but not quite as thick. This second guy slid into my mouth and down my willing throat in one smooth motion, continuing where his friend had left off. While he did that, I felt the head of the first guy's cock pushing at my hole, and I pushed back a little in order to accommodate him. His cock was slick with my deep throat juices, and he groaned as he slid in balls-deep and began thrusting. As I was stuffed with cock from both ends, I heard the front door open. In walked not one but both of the other guys I had heard from! Talk about timing, they had pulled into my place at the same time. They quickly stripped, being careful not to mix clothes, shoes and phones with the other guys. On seeing these two newcomers, the guy in my throat stood up, and I knelt upright being careful not to dislodge his friend's thick cock, which continued to pound my hole mercilessly. He did this, I saw, to free up both of my hands so that in no time, I was stroking the two new guys, one with each hand, while the first guys continued their assaults on my throat and ass. I have had trains of more guys over the course of a few hours, but never in my life have I had four cocks using me at the exact same time! The guy in my ass finally grabbed my hips and gave a mighty thrust and held it, planting his seed deep inside me. I was disappointed when he slid out, but his friend pulled out of my throat and took his place behind me. His cock in turn was replaced in my throat by one of the newcomers, both of whom I was happy to see had nice seven-inchers. The one entering my throat was thick and uncut, and drooling precum before it even hit my poppered-up lips. And that's how it went for almost an hour this afternoon as I served each cock in turn with my mouth and then my ass. True to my post, each guy fucked my throat and then my ass with no condom, and all added their loads to my stretched out (and now dripping!) hole. I'm siting here with their brew running out of me, typing this and thinking that maybe I'll post again tonight, and maybe add a BBRT ad to the mix to see what additional trouble I can get into!
    2 points
  16. Guys continually ask why married [straight] guys hook up with fags. After all, if they get it on with another guy are they really "straight"? I can give you five reasons: [1] their wives/girlfriends won't suck their cocks, [2] their wives/Girlfriends won't swallow their loads, [3] their wives/girlfriends won't suck their balls, [4] their wives/ girlfriends won't suck their tits, [5] their wives/girlfriends won't eat their asses. There you go: five things men love and the bitches won't give it to them.
    2 points
  17. I've been on PReP for a few weeks and have updated my status to Neg+PReP on those sites I'm a member of and am amazed at how many have asked me what PReP is. I know it's not readily available in the UK but I thought everyone would have at least heard of it. All the guys that have asked have their status marked as Neg but judging by their ignorance of PReP I suspect they're just as ignorant of their own status. Before going on PReP I sometimes mentioned to other Neg guys that I preferred fucking Undetectable guys as this seemed to be the safest option of not contracting HIV but most thought I was being naive at the least. Now when I say I'm happy to take Poz loads they think I'm plain stupid. I have one fb who wants me to get fleshly loaded before he arrives but insists that the guy be married and older because it's 'safer'. I'm really taken aback at the level of ignorance.
    2 points
  18. I posted an ad on Cragislist that read Cumdump hosting. You pick the hole. Door open room dark on knees naked waiting for your cock. Feed it to me until you're hard. You decide which hole to dump in." A 29 year old rough trade hot motherfucker shows up and had me suck his dick, which was buried in my throat balls-deep. I could feel his rod throbbing. Eventually he stepped out of his pants, and I caught a glimpse of a somewhat small tattoo midway up his chest, but as he was still wearing a shirt I couldn't see much of it. After blowing him for a few minutes he slid into my hole. He was not gentle, but instead virtually ripped into my hole. He pounded my love button for about five minutes then withdrew, telling me he wanted me on my back as he wanted to see my eyes as he came inside my ass. I shifted to the position he wanted as I was utterly horny and determined to get his cock back into my hole, so I took a deep hit of poppers as he re-entered my ass, again going balls-deep. About a minute of deep-dicking me, he thrust in his entire length, and leaned back as his cock began shooting cum deep into my ass. Afterwards he looked deep into my eyes, smiling broadly, as he pulled off his shirt to reveal his his hot scorpion tatt.
    2 points
  19. Midnight on June 3, 2017...I should have been on a boat getting crazy in a supervised manner with the rest of my graduating class of high school students...instead, I could feel the rough surface of the alley cutting into my hands and knees through the haze of meth and alcohol as I braced myself on all fours as the next filthy, reeking homeless guy took his place behind me and shoved a rough finger into my...well, I used to call it my asshole, but I'd learned pretty quickly tonight that calling it anything but a pussy or a cunt would get me a sharp backhand across the face. And honestly, being naked on all fours in a dank, smelly dirty alley at midnight, feeling cum running down my thighs because I was too loose and sloppy at this point to keep it in, the terms pussy and cunt were more appropriate anyway. I bit back a cry of pain as the next guy pulled out his finger and shoved his cock in...it felt like a big one, and I think I felt something inside rip...but I knew that I was supposed to be silent unless told otherwise...thankfully, I felt the glass pipe held to my lips and heard the flare of a torch light up...I started to inhale the precious, acrid chemical smoke that would make this experience not just bearable, but arousing. The soft, smooth silky voice on the other end of the pipe chuckled at my eagerness to inhale. "That's it, bitch...take it all the way in...fill those faggot lungs full. I want you to feel that rush all the way down to your pussy, bitch" I held the hit in as long as I could with a cock slopping in and out of my cunt...then let it out slowly, knowing a quick explosive release would result in being deprived of another hit. "Oh baby...you a good bitch, ain't ya. You learning what it takes to become one of my junkie bitches...only three or four more homeless guys for your pussy and then we can get out of here...now, bitch, take another hit." As I sucked down more meth, feeling the need for cock hitting my cunt hard, I couldn't help but think back to six hours earlier...before my asshole was a cum filled pussy, before I had ever taken homeless cock, before I knew what meth tasted like...when I was a normal, 18 year old white kid from the suburbs. Before I knew my older brother had a drug problem. Before I knew he owed a few thousand to his dealer. And before I became payment for his debts.
    2 points
  20. Amazing beer can cocks sized cocks , ass destroyers, would you take them ? That would destroy my ass, no more the same .. but would like so bad to do it, and you ?
    2 points
  21. the following is a fictional multi-part story 1.1. Martin If I were to define a moment in my life that changed the direction in which it would take, it would have to be when I blurted out to my parents that I liked guys more than girls at the tender age of ten. I hadn't actually done anything with a guy, but the reaction of my parents to my words forced me into a deep and dark closet. I had just graduated high school a week ago, just two weeks after my 18th birthday, and four weeks before my mission would commence, I was from a small suburb in New Mexico and was scheduled to go spread the word in a small Chilean region just three weeks from now. I was terrified of the prospect and just a little tired of the hypocrisy of the church and the verbal abuse I received secretly on a daily basis from my parents. They would routinely make homophobic comments not really knowing or caring that they were hurtful. When I made my above mentions blurb 8 years prior they took it as just a phase, a lack of maturity, I retreated into my own feelings and became an over achiever excelling in sports and almost gaining valedictorian of my graduating class. I played football and baseball in high school and swam for recreation during the summers, at 5’11” and weighing in at 155 soaking wet I had about 2% body fat and a double six pack for abs, a 29 inch waist and 41 inch chest. I had auburn hair and green eyes which my mother described as piercing; I had achieved Eagle Scout and was a leader in the community, like I said a deep dark closet. I held an after school job and did volunteered in the community. Six months ago while preparing to go on my mission I found out some things about some of the ward elders who helped train missionaries, preparing them for the field. The hypocrisy of the churches anti-gay stance, while behind closed door were sodomizing young men to train them in the art of love making so they would abstain from sex during the year they were on their missions. Allowing or forcing missionaries to commit homosexual acts on them, a week or two before beginning their missions. I was not thrilled about my trainer, and had no intention of letting him to touch me before sending me off. I also had it with my parents constant reminder of not accepting me for who I was, I had had enough and began planning my escape. I had been making money for myself starting at the early age of 9, a paper route, cutting lawns, dog sitting, pet services, and babysitting beginning shortly after I turned 12. I had a savings account which had a substantial sum in it and my parents wanting me to know how to handle and invest money had allowed me access to my school fund when I was 14. I had manipulated the investment fund with a healthy profit. Financially I could put my plan in motion the day after my birthday. I would transfer the money from my savings account into a checking account that I could access with a debit card from where ever I ended up, I also made arrangements to transfer money out of my school account to the checking account making it look like a tuition payment. Oh did I mention I had been accepted to a prestigious university in a western state scheduled to start the fall after my mission concluded, I also kept it from my parents that I had obtained a full ride scholarship so the money in my school fund wouldn't actually be needed unless I screwed up royally. Since the church had scheduled me to participate in a foreign mission they provided me a year ago with my fellow missionaries contact information so we could start the bonding process that would allow us to be successful in a foreign land. I had chatted with 2 out of the three on a regular basis and had brief conversations with the third. William was the most compatible to me and we texted and messaged each other almost daily if not more. During the year I also found out that William was also in a deep dark closet in a suburb of Flagstaff. He had confided in me about 6 months ago that he wanted to have sex with guys, he was just turned 18 at the time and we began an online relationship, which only got steamier as I approached my 18th birthday, and had turned downright nasty in the last three weeks. As neither Williams nor my parents were very computer savvy we each set up secret e-mail accounts accessible through hidden profiles on our laptops, not wanting our parents to accidentally stumble upon our secret lives or our relationship. With just a few weeks to my birthday I had convinced William to go camping with me near four corners, a couple weeks before our mission was to begin. I told my parents I would be going camping with a friend before heading to my mission and they continued to think that their butch straight son was going to have fun before going to spread the word. I was all packed the night before, my camping gear, and my clothes I would need to pull off my plan. The morning of, I shoved my laptop in my backpack along with several items I would need to access my accounts and erase my trail in the near future. I stuffed my sexy undies into my backpack and in case anyone started snooping around I placed my missionary clothes on top. I sent a text to William, and left a note for my parents, I left the house in the early morning hours while my family slept. As I turned to look back upon my prison of 18 years I saw a small figure in the window waving to me, my little sister waving goodbye. I walked the 2 miles to the bus station with my backpack slung on my back and my duffle bag slung on my shoulder. I purchased my ticket to phoenix with cash, and then proceeded to board the bus shortly after, giving my duffle bag to the driver to stow beneath the buss in the cargo hold. I took a seat near the back of the bus and stared out the window. Setting my backpack on the seat between me and the window, the bus was mostly empty but there were a few older passengers who sat near the front and middle sections of the coach. About an hour after we pulled out the bus made a stop to pick up more passengers, several older passengers and two young guys of around 19 or 20ish. My cock began to stiffen when I saw the guys begin to traverse towards the back of the bus, the stopped and nodded at me before taking the seat one row back on the other side of the coach. Since the seats are staggered a bit I could look across and see their seats from my vantage point, with just a little effort. As the bus pulled out and the passengers up front settled down I looked back and saw them kissing and fondling each other, since there wasn't anyone else in this section of the bus, I pulled out my cock and began to wank, watching as the two boys fooled around across the aisle. I think one of them saw me watching and wanking because they got up and walked to the very back of the bus to the bench seat just two rows back gesturing to me to follow. I shoved my boner back in my pants and went to the back of the bus. The older and taller one pushed me into the corner then pulled my pants down around my ankles. The younger one then began sucking on my hard cock, and the older one began kissing and making out with me while playing with my nipples. The double stimulation was too much for me and within five minutes I was rewarding the young man who had my cock down his throat with several strong blast of young spunk. He held them in his mouth the shared them with me and his boyfriend through deep kisses and saliva/cum exchanges. It was the first time I had ever been with a guy and the first time I had ever shot without jerking off myself. I sat with my pants down around my ankles as the other two continued to play, the older one using my cum to lube the younger's hole before sliding in bare, the younger one was riding his man’s cock while seated on his lap so I leaned over and took his rod in my mouth trying to return the favor and giving my first blow job. I slid down to the floor and in between their legs to get a better angle, working the boys cock deeper into my throat, I gagged a little and the boy just pushed his cock deeper. With a grunt the older one spewed into the younger’s hole causing him to fire into my mouth, I took and savored every last drop then shared it with my new friends. I returned to my seat and them theirs just as the bus pulled into its next stop. It was getting to mid-day and the driver announced there would be a 45 minute layover. I picked up my backpack and went into the diner attached to the bus station as I was getting hungry and still had a long trip ahead of me, I ordered a burger and fries and sat in a booth in the far corner. I pulled out my laptop and logged into my hidden account, checking my E-mails to see if William was still on board for the trip. He had messaged that he would be taking the 3:30 bus and would arrive in phoenix a little later than I would but would meet up there. He also sent a webcam still of his hot body, naked of course and fully erect. I closed the e-mail quickly not wanting anyone to casually see what was on the screen. I logged out and logged back into my normal account, e-mailing my parents that I was OK and almost to my camping destination. I shut down the laptop and slid it back into my backpack. I finished up my burger and headed to the restroom before board the bus again. As I entered the rest room the air freshener did little to mask the odor of the place, I walked quickly to the stall and squatted onto the seat, I noticed the shoes of my two fellow travelers in the next stall so after I finished my business and did my paper work I lingered a bit and spied through the crack in the door of the next stall. I figured they were having sex again and wanted to watch. They however were not having sex but passing a pipe between them. The thick white smoke being shot gunned between them until it was almost clear, they saw me peeking and unlatched the door and invited me into the handicap stall, they offered me a hit and I politely refused being the good church boy I was. I wanted to be bad so much, bob the younger one torched the bowl and as the smoke began to form in the bowl sucked in the vapor, then turned to me and thinking he was going to kiss me I leaned forward as he shot gunned the smoke into my lungs, he then had me turn to Sam the older one and exhale into his mouth and lungs. Sam repeated the process in reverse then put the pipe away and exclaimed we better get back to the bus. I took my seat on the bus although I sat a couple rows back as someone had commandeered my original. I now sat a half a row back from Bob and Sam and one row forward of the back seat. Just before the bus pulled out a gent of mid-thirties entered the bus and walked all the way to the rear seat. I figured there would be no playing the rest of the trip unless he got off somewhere in between. I was feeling really horny and didn't know why, not connecting it to the smoke I had inhaled from my two new friends.
    2 points
  22. The sign doesn't specify what I love to rim with
    2 points
  23. Made for one thing only!
    2 points
  24. I also think if he was really in the medical field he'd be educated enough to know how to form sentences with punctuation, and wouldn't spell agenda "agender."
    2 points
  25. Hell, a week ago right now as I write this ( 1:00 PM Saturday 6/10/17) our little bud Trey was in his cute little cap and gown, listening to some bad speeches about the future and likely wondering what was in store for him later that night. If you read much of my post at all, you know what happened to that new graduate. I do not have a lot of updates, but do have a few things some of the story's followers may enjoy. First, it feels like I have gono ass. Yeah, I stayed and helped Lady C clean up after the fuck fest. I did not want him to swish himself into a tizzy after all the "stuff" of that night. And yeah, I was still so horned up, I coaxed that gono puking gnarly cock into a raging hard on and had Lady C give me one of his patented PLAIN VANILLA, no frills pokes. It was good getting SOME cock and the way my ass feels today is suggesting that Mr. Gono came along for the ride. Not the first fucking time that has happened. But, who the fuck really wants to know that? If you are reading this you want to know what the POZ taking kid is up to. I have not talked with him and he did not show up at Fag Thursday. But, then he and that lucky fucking redhead were headed to Myrtle Beach early Friday AM. I am guessing Trey may have done some fast talking at home to work that out, but I know he is gonna get some serious cock. I did talk to Doug and I know he prepared a "goody bag" for them....so may be weeks 'till they return. I did hear through the grapevine that he had the devil of a time getting that big plug out of his ass. I can fucking vouch for that. Let mine in too long once and was certain I was gonna need stitches when I finally backed it out of my overstretched butthole. I can only imagine what he felt. Doug said the kid had to tie some string/rope around the base to get enough pull. That would have been one priceless video. Ray was at our Thursday gathering. He did not think I was fair in describing that fucked up pyramid cock of his. I have asked him if I could post a pictured...but he has not connected yet. Due to it's size and odd but satisfying feeling it is not a bad cock ride. But damn Ray, that hung of man meat is just weird as shit. Then I bought him some chicken fingers and he shut up about it. I think the silly fucker prefers food to fucking sometimes. Anyhow, it has been a week of reflection as well. Getting POZZED is serious, serious shit. Do not take me wrong, I am glad I got knocked up. I think that any man with balls enough to do it, should have the freedom to choose to go POZ. The real question is when do you truly know if that is going to be the RIGHT or BEST decision for you. You only get to make the choice once. You will be POZ for life and likely have the virus contribute to your ultimate demise. Can a 50 year old guy who has fag fucked for a lifetime make that decision better than an 18 year old recent graduate who only has enjoyed peer age queer sex? If older queers have some responsibilities as role models should we speak honestly about HIV and the POZ fetish or give the politically correct safe sex response that became standard after the AIDS epidemic of the '80's.? Would you (or I) prefer to have been welcomed into the world of serious, extreme queer sex by folks know to you or would you have preferred an anonymous experience. I wondered about Trey never knowing how knocked him up. I know that the two conversions I fucked into willing asses were exclusive to me, because they each wanted to know. As a budding gifted, I wanted to know that I could be a proven sire. On the other hand of that coin, I will never knew who shot the lucky sperm that POZZED my ass. I THINK I know, but like Trey, I enjoyed a lot of cock before the fuck flu arrived. That all cultivated in an awkward encounter a couple of hours ago. I stopped at the local Ingles (grocery store chain) to pick up a few things after an early visit to a couple of the overlooks on the Blue Ridge Parkway (known cock sucking stops and a nice morning ride). Got my stuff and went to the check out and a seeming average young man was running the register. When he scanned my Ingles card, I could see a surprised look on his face. He quickly said: Oh, you are on of Trey's buddies" I played dumb and asked Trey who? He only responded with: my parents got me a new 4-wheeler for graduation. But, I wish I had gotten what Trey got. I know I turned about 300 shades of red and quickly paid and got the hell out of the store. Hell, now 2% of that high school class knows about Trey's gifts. Do you ever think about what is going on in your body when you convert. I wonder if Trey is having any sense that the virus from one of us off loaded into his queer soul. Given that every cock that night shot unmedicated POZ jizz, given that 4 of us (at least) were "proven" breeders, given that he has been taking Dave's cock near non-stop, it would seem there is a good chance he is POZ at this moment. I can imagine the moments that special gob of gooey sperm hit his guts and splattered it's load of copies of the virus. Imagine those organisms moving from that slimy goo into Trey's body via his roughed up, raw intestines. Imagine in the hours and days that have followed, those few copies of the bug have multiplied and multiplied. As their numbers grow they begin attacking a young healthy immune system. For a while now, Trey's immune system has been waking up and starting to fight back. I suppose he is still in a stage where his immune system is fighting a good fight. But we all know, if the bug made it that far, the current state is only temporary. Soon the virus will overwhelm this body and replicate freely without the interference of a healthy immune system. Perhaps he will feel the byproducts of that fight...the fuck flu. When his body is fighting the hardest, it is making something of a last stand and you feel it in your lymph system, your muscles, your gut. In his mind he knows what happens and what the outcome could (should????) be. But if/when he feels those symptoms begin, he will know the reality of June 3, 2017. I wonder if his little butt buddy at the grocery store wants the same thing?
    2 points
  26. Cocks are like potato chips. I can't eat just one. If I taste one, I'm gonna eat... 30. Or until I run out.
    2 points
  27. Sorry everyone. I did not mean to sound ungrateful. I love every single load a man is gracious enough to give me. My post title reflected more the fact that the way I git the loads wasn't the most original way to collect them, but I remain grateful to the men that decided they are wanted to use me to dump their seed.
    2 points
  28. My hole LOVES to be stretched and seeded!
    2 points
  29. AWAKENING (Part 2) Brandon woke up with his head throbbing. This was one of the worst hangovers he had experienced in his young life, certainly way worse than he would have been expected from the amount he had drunk the night before. He remembered falling asleep on the couch after the confrontation with Mitch, but as he opened his eyes and looked around he realized he was somewhere completely different. He was lying naked on a small mattress in a small room and windowless room. There was a dim bulb on the ceiling above providing a small amount of light to the room. The mattress was covered in a black sheet that did little to hide the thick plastic mattress cover beneath it. The walls and low ceiling of the room were painted black and had a countless number of eye rings in them. In the dim light it was hard for Brandon to make out much in the corners of the room but it looked like there were speakers and several security cameras positioned there. The floor was concrete and sloped slightly towards the corner furthest away from the door. In that lowest corner was a drain. The small room was warm, so Brandon was at least comfortable despite being naked. As Brandon was surveying the room and trying to remember everything that happened last night, the door opened and Mitch came striding in. It took Brandon a second to recognize the man, as he looked completely different decked out all in leather and walking with an authority and confidence that had only been hinted at the night before. Brandon’s eyes were immediately drawn to the massive bulge that was evident in the tight black leather pants that also showed off Mitch’s powerful legs. Brandon used his hands to cover his genitals and immediately tried to start pleading with Mitch again, “Please Mitch, what’s going on? Where am I? I’m sorry about coming home drunk last night. I’ll be better. I promise.” Mitch cut him off, “Too late for any of that Boy. As for what is going on, you agreed to do everything I say from now on. I’m holding you to that. You had the chance to leave last night, but you chose to stay and made a commitment to me. Up until now you have been a worthless piece of human garbage whose word was as worthless as you are. Since you can’t be trusted to keep your word on your own, I’m going to make sure you start keeping it. I’m also going to make something useful out of you. I’ve been studying you for the last couple of weeks, taking your measure. You will never be a true man, you are too much of a faggot to ever claim to be a man. The main reason you have been so lost in life, is that you haven’t accepted your true self and your true place. You exist to serve and be used by real men. The emptiness inside you feel is because you are fighting against the real you.” His voice was calm, steady, and commanding. Several times Brandon wanted to interject some denial, but he found himself cowed by the intimidating leather clad god standing above him. Mitch continued, “I am going to awaken the submissive cum dump slut slave I know is inside you. Soon you will realize that what you thought was your high self-esteem and self-confidence was just a mask you wore to hide the fact that you are just a lost little boy that needs a real man to take charge of your life for you. A man you can worship, please, and obey. So today you start your journey and new life. That’s what is going on. So from now on you will address me by Sir, Master, or Daddy.” Mitch reached down and cupped the boy’s chin in his hand and lifted his head up, locking eyes with the young twink. “Do you understand that Boy?” He asked. Brandon was shaking, partly from shock, partly from fear, and partly from desire. He swallowed hard then let out a meek, “Yes sir.” “Good Boy,” said Mitch as he let go of the boy’s chin and lightly ran his hand up the side of the boy’s sweaty face then through the boy’s damp blond hair. “Now, as far as where you are, you are in my dungeon and you are not free to leave. Even if you were to somehow over power me, there is a lock to the outside that requires a code. The only way you are ever going to see the outside world again is if you do exactly as I say and accept your new position in life,” he said softly as he continued to stroke the boy’s hair, like he was trying to calm a scared puppy. Mitch’s demeanor changed suddenly as he used the hand on the boy’s head to grab a fistful of the boy’s hair. “Now, your first lesson. Whenever your Master or a real man enters the room, you will stand up and show your respect, letting him know by your body language that you are ready and willing to submit to a superior male. Now get to your feet,” he said then used the fist full of hair he had in his hand to start pulling the boy to his feet. Brandon struggled up to his feet, trying not to get his hair yanked out in the process as Mitch continued to pull on it. Once the boy was on his feet, Mitch released his hold and stepped back slightly, looking over Brandon’s naked body. The boy again covered his genitals with his hands. The twink was slim but not bony. He had a slight tan with a very visually striking Speedo shaped tan line around his groin, which was still milky white. The boy had obviously spent some time at the beach or pool down in San Diego before coming north. “Stand up straight; clasp your hands behind your back just above your ass; shoulders back; keep head slightly bowed. If you need somewhere to focus you can keep your eyes on my crotch,” ordered Mitch. Brandon was nervous and unsure, but he knew that he was out of his depth. He was a prisoner, no, more than a prisoner, a slave. The thought both frightened and excited him. He did as he was ordered, standing up straight, lowering his head, and then very slowly and reluctantly he took his hands off his crotch and put them behind his back. He fought back more tears as his shame was revealed to Mitch. Brandon had always been embarrassed about the size of his dick. Growing up he had always been trying to sneak peaks of other boys and men, checking out their pee-pees, dicks, cocks, or penises. His vocabulary changed over the years, but what did not change was that Brandon’s cock was usually smaller than anyone else except eventually the much younger boys. But Brandon was embarrassed for another reason as well. When he pulled his hands away from his crotch, his little dickie sprang up and slapped against his stomach, fully erect and leaking pre-cum. His cock was uncut and the small red head was pushed halfway out of the hood. His dick was probably about four inches long from the tip to base of his pubis. Mitch looked the twink’s exposed body over. He saw the look of shame on the boy’s face as he exposed his small cock. There was a small well trimmed patch of pubic hair above the base of the boy’s small cock and a light dusting of blond hairs over his balls. As for body hair, there was not that much, just small tufts under his arms, a small patch in the middle of his chest, and light amount on his forearms and calves. The sparse body hair would make shaving the boy easier. Eventually he would sign Brandon up for laser hair removal so that the twink would be permanently free of body hair. It was just one of the permanent changes the man had planned for the boy’s body. “You ashamed of your cock Boy?” asked Mitch, knowing the answer but wanting to get Brandon to admit it out loud. “Yes,” sobbed Brandon. Mitch’s hand flew up and slapped the boy across the face, “That’s Yes Sir, Boy.” “Yes, Sir. Sorry...Sir,” corrected Brandon. “Good Boy. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Your cock size is irrelevant,” said Mitch. “But, uh, its too small to really fuck,” said Brandon before quickly adding, “Sir.” “Why do you say that Boy?” asked Mitch, trying to draw out Brandon. “Well, I can’t satisfy Aiden. When we, err, have sex, he always finishes himself off with a dildo, Sir,” admitted Brandon, his cheeks turning bright red. Mitch laughed, which made Brandon feel even more pathetic. His shoulders slumped. Mitch lightly slapped his hands against the outside of the boy’s shoulders, “Shoulders back, keep your position.” Brandon straightened back up. Mitch gently rubbed his hands up and down the outside of the boy’s arms, calming him. “See what I mean about being lost and not accepting your true nature Bran. You are not a top. You never will be. If you were a top, your boyfriend would not be finishing himself off. It has nothing to do with the size of your cock. I’ve seen great tops with cocks your size that have men and boys begging to submit to them. When I’m done with your training you won’t even care if you have a cock anymore, let alone how big it is,” explained Mitch. He noticed Brandon tense up momentarily. Mitch chuckled and quickly added, “Don’t worry, I like guys with cocks, so I’m not going to cut it off or anything. You’ll still have it, even after you find you don’t even need to touch it to cum.” Brandon breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you Sir.” “Okay, now time to get you ready for your new role in life and continue your training. Can you swallow a pill without water?” asked Mitch. Brandon shook his head. Mitch delivered a light slap to the boy’s taunt stomach, “Always answer verbally unless you are gagged.” “Sorry Sir. No Sir,” answered Brandon. It was obvious from the tone of his voice that he was worried about saying no and disappointing his new Master. Mitch cupped the boy’s chin and raised his face up so he was looking in the boy’s eyes, “Brandon, never be afraid to give me an honest answer when I ask you a question. You will never be punished for being honest. You WILL be punished for lying, but not for being honest. Do you understand that Boy?” “Yes Sir,” answered Brandon. “Good, now open your mouth,” ordered Mitch. When Brandon complied, Mitch worked up a large amount of spit in his own mouth than leaned in and spit it into the twink’s open mouth. Mitch kept his hand on the boy’s chin and pressed his fingers into his cheeks, letting the boy know he was to keep his mouth open. He spit several more times into Brandon’s mouth, splattering the boy’s big red lips, chin, and cute button nose with spittle in addition to filling the boy’s mouth. When Brandon was struggling to keep from swallowing and spit was dripping down his chin, Mitch used his other hand to pull a small round tablet out of the small front inset pocket of his tight leather pants. He dropped the pill into the boy’s mouth. “Swallow,” he ordered as he removed his fingers from the boy’s cheeks and pushed his chin up, closing his mouth. Brandon wanted to ask what the pill was, but his mouth was full of spit and he remembered Mitch’s instructions from the night before that he was to take whatever pills Mitch gave him. He hesitated for a brief moment as he thought about everything that was happening to him. Is this what he wanted? Yesterday when he left the house after dinner in search of finding some older gay man that he could flirt with and tease in exchange for getting the old troll to buy him a pint of vodka to get drunk off of, he would have laughed at anyone that said he wanted to be a slave to a man that was as old as his father. Yet here he was, naked, displaying himself to the man, his mouth full of the man’s spit, an unknown pill in his mouth, and his little dick rock hard. Brandon swallowed the pill. “Good Boy,” said Mitch with an evil grin on his face, “You’re true self, a submissive slut boy, is starting to awaken deep within you. Now to properly mark you as the slave you are, you get a present.” Mitch reached behind him and pulled a leather collar out of his back pocket. He wrapped it around the boy’s small neck, tightened it so that it was snug but still left room for the boy to breath then attached a small padlock and locked the collar in place. “This collar marks you for all to see as my property. It has a tag on it with my phone number and the inscription, ‘For Permission to Use Call’,” explained Mitch. He then pulled a leather blindfold out of his other pocket and put it over the boy’s head, adjusting and tightening it so that is was securely in place over his eyes. He then pushed the boy backwards, causing Brandon to fall onto his back on the mattress. “You can relax for a few minutes while I go get the supplies I’ll need for the next step of your journey. Do not touch your blindfold, trust me, I’ll know,” said Mitch, then he turned and strode out of the room. *** If you are looking for a story that rushes to the sex, I’m sorry but I have trouble righting that way. I like to explore the journey and take my time. Feel free to pm me feedback and suggestions for Brandon’s training (or you can leave it in the thread).
    2 points
  30. I had a sex date this afternoon with one of my "regulars". He's a 40 year old, handsome, muscular jock with a 7" thick, uncut cock. That gets rock hard. He is a terrific rimmer. Gets my asshole all lubed up with saliva and ready for his cock to give me a deep, hard, pounding. He's been pounding me for several months. Each time is better and more intense. He fucked me twice and came inside me twice. I came without touching my cock, because his giant, swollen cockhead was rubbing my prostate just right. I left his place and drove to an adult bookstore because I needed fresh poppers. Of course, I had to visit the video arcade while I was there. Sucked off 2 guys in the 30 minutes I was there. One a young tourist that came very quickly. Then an older str8, black man. About 6'2" tall, 270lbs with a long bbc that took awhile to harden. But once he found the right str8 movie to view, leaned back and just enjoyed my worshiping his bbc and large, hairy balls, I finally had his long black didk fully hard in my mouth and after about 20 minutes of cock worship, he rewarded me with a load of hot cum. As I was leaving the bookstore I got a message on Grindr from a 30 year old black guy staying nearby at Circus Circus Hotel, which was very close to the bookstore I was leaving. I sat in the bookstore parking lot chatting back and forth with this handsome young black stud and sharing some pictures, back and forth. He finally gave me his room number at Circus Circus and told me that he would shower as I drove to his hotel and parked. When I knocked on his room door, he opened up wearing the white bathrobe provided by the hotel. He was tall, thin and quite good looking. I came into his room, quickly got rid of my clothes as he sat at the foot of his bed and opened his robe. His cock was pretty average sized. I was disappointed that the pics he had sent me might have been fakes. Because they were of a long, thick, hard, cut bbc. His was soft and not very big. But, I got on my knees, between his legs and began to suck. Well, he turned out to be a grower, not a shower. He wasn't even fully hard when he told me to kneel on the bed. I did, with my ass up, facing him. He dropped the robe and leaned down and spit a couple of times on my hole. He put his cock up to my cockhead and pushed in. His cock still wasn't fully hard, but as soon as he was all the way inside me, I could feel him quickly hardening, lengthening and thickening inside my ass. He turned out to be quite a good fuck. He would reach under me and tweek my tits as he fucked me. He was a silent fucker. But after about 10 minutes of hard fucking he said, "I'm gonna' cum. Where do you want it?" "In my ass", I said. He pumped even harder and faster, before letting out a soft moans as I could feel his cock throb. Emptying his balls into my raw ass. All in all, a pretty decent afternoon.
    2 points
  31. For myself I prefer to have an all over tan. Tops either with or without. Tan lines can be very hot but depends on the body. I have seen Xtube vids where muscular tops with incredibe hot butts and a speedo tan line fucking. Very hot to see those white butt cheeks on tanned bodies plowing away. Tan lines Yes: speedo or trunks No: jockstrap, thong or shorts This guy would have a great tan line...
    2 points
  32. Next month, I will celebrate 40 years as a total, devout and unapologetic barebacker. I'm one who didn't get through that period unscathed, but being POZ has never defined me. Some may question my recklessness, but I've always lived my life on my own terms and I regret nothing.
    2 points
  33. "Poor communication..." I've found this to be a problem in all sort of online hook up situations. There seem to be so many guys out there who either don't want to communicate or don't have a clue how to do it. So common to see the "no endless emails" line, and I get that. There are those guys out there who only want to email with no intention of getting together: flakes. That'd be fine if they were just up front about their desires and intentions (i.e., sexy chat). Communication. But the other side of the coin of "endless emails" is guys like me who want to communicate in order to ensure a better experience when we get together. For me, the more details I know about a guy, the better the sex is going to be because I know how to cater to his wants/needs. I can't do that if I don't know, and I'm a lousy mind reader. I think writing can be a great way to communicate about sex because it can take a lot of the shyness out of it for those who feel awkward talking about sex (um, that isn't me lol), but it also gets that part out of the way so when you do get together you can focus on pure sex and not have to worry as much about communication. I'd much rather communicate before fucking than during. When having sex, I want to be in the active mode of employing the stuff we've already communicated about.
    2 points
  34. 4. Jamey My life seemed to be falling in place until that fateful day I received the phone call that no one ever wants to get. I was a successful professional media guy, graduated with a MFA from UCLA film school, and after a few years of finding odd production jobs landed one with a production company based out of riverside, recently moved to Palm Springs. I was 33 and still in excellent shape 6’2 165# with a 8 inch cock and hot ass to go along, I was living in Weho and spent one day a week in PS doing paper work and the like. The rest of the week typically was spent on location with hordes of hot young models surrounding me, many of which interested me but I wanted more. I had a Boyfriend at one point but he was too much the partier for me and it didn’t last long. My parents were well off enough to put me through school and were now retired. Early summer my parents decided to tour the country in their RV and had left just before Memorial Day on their whirlwind tour. Mid June I got the call, it was the San Antonio police letting me know there had been an accident. I made arrangements with my production crew and headed east in my Acura to San Antonio. Making the cross country trip by myself went quickly on the way there, my nerves and stomach in a knot the whole way. Upon my arrival in the area, the local police directed me to the hospital where my parents had been taken. The doctors didn’t hold out much hope for either as they had been hit by a DUI driver and had major injuries, it had taken me two and a half days to drive out and my mother went first followed by my dad a few hours later. The police showed me their car and it was totaled but they had exhumed all the personal items which were in the vehicle including the keys to their RV, I tracked down where it had been parked and headed on over to grieve and take possession of their pride of the roads. It had been a few months since I had seen the parents and had good memories of their previous rig. They obviously had traded up for this trip and had been towing their small car behind, so they could investigate the areas they were visiting. I meet up with my parents lawyers the following morning, via video conference and they disclosed my parents’ wishes to me, being their only child they left their entire estate to me which included the RV , their house, stock portfolio and other holdings, while this was a life changing development I was still in shock over my loss. I had had a restless night and was still tired when I closed out the video link to the lawyer, when there was a knock at the door to the RV. It was Dave the RV Park’s manager and next door neighbor. Dave was early 40’s blond about 6’ tall and a body builder, my type of guy, he had come over to check on me and to let me know my parents space rental was up the next day and was inquiring on whether I would want a few extra nights, to take care of arrangements. I told him I would appreciate the extra couple of days to unwind and to collect my thoughts. Dave suggested a little mind relaxation and pulled out a couple of joints and asked if I liked to party a little to take my mind off of the situation. I was used to doing some recreational drugs on the sets of some of the productions and invited him to come sit near me on the couch. Dave came over and sat down then lite up the first joint and took a hit, then passed it to me, I took a deep drag and it was different than the weed I was used to. I passed it back and he took another hit then leaned in and shotguned it into my mouth our lips almost touching. I began to feel the effects quickly and asked what kind of 420 was that, “oh it’s my special blend, two thirds weed and a sprinkle of Tina” I suddenly realized why it was affecting me so quickly and why I suddenly had a raging boner. He took another hit and this time our lips met as he shotguned it into my lungs, his hands finding my crotch, squeezing my cock in the process. As the joint burned out I led Dave to the bedroom and undressed him slowly while planting hot wet kisses on his face and then body, working my way down his treasure trail and onto his cock, which was dripping precum onto his balls. I pushed him onto the bed and lifted his legs to access his sweet tender ass, I began licking his hole and working first one then two fingers into his hole loosing him up for my hard tool. If he was as horny as I was this would be a easy conquest of this beautifully hot man. I entered into his mancunt in one swift movement and hilted my cock inside of him, he flinched in pain a moment then relaxed and began rocking his hips on my pole, I stood there bent over him sucking on his lips and nipples while he fucked himself on my cock. I was getting close when he asked if I was negative as he didn’t want to take anything home to the wife and kids, if you know what I mean. My production company tests all our models before their scenes and I have been using the same testing facility to keep myself free of STI’s as well, so I said yes I was clean then he begged me for my load. I shoot my four day emotionally charged load deep into his canal and collapsed on top of him. I lay there sobbing on him as he rolled me off to the side and held me as I let my grief overtake me. He held me for about an hour before reclaiming his clothes and leaving me naked on the bed, kissing me and telling me to get a good night’s sleep and he’d check on me in the morning. The next morning about 10 there came a knock on the door, I opened it to find Dave’s wife and teen age son come over to check on me and to offer their condolences as well. I told them I was doing well and asked if they were familiar with the car trailer and hitch so I could tow my Acura home behind the rig. Steven his 19 year old son was most eager to help out, as he showed me how to hitch the trailer then drive my car onto the trailer, lining up my front wheels then securing the vehicle to the trailer. Steven told me he’s lived in the RV Park all his life and has helped out quite a few guests in his 19 years. We talked about what I did for a living and he seemed quite interested in perhaps modeling, saying it would be nice to get paid good money for what he’s been secretly doing for the last year, I raised an eyebrow, he told me in a hushed voice that quite a few guys would pay him to strip for them as they took pictures of his hot nimble body. “So are you gay” I asked him and he nodded and asked that I keep it to myself. I chuckled, the fruit didn’t fall far from the tree, I asked what he did for amusement when he wasn’t seducing park guests, and he said “I sneak out to the bath house”, again I raised my eyebrow. I met with the county corner and the funeral home that was going to prepare the bodies to be shipped back to California and arraigned for a home in Los Angeles to pick them up, and prepare them for internment. I did some shopping and returned to the RV mid-afternoon, exhausted from my morning errands I laid down on the couch, and turned on the flat screen television, drifting off a bit to whatever program was playing, I awoke to Steven sucking my now hard cock, working it up and down swallowing it almost in its entirety. I sat up as his blue eyes looked up at me, pleading me to let him continue. I raised him up by lifting under his armpits, which had a light layer of sweat built up, and bringing him to my lips. I whispered “go lock the door” as he got up and turned the latch I got up and guided him to the bedroom where I peeled off his shorts and tank top and buried my face in his teenage pits the licked my way down to his cock, which was larger than his fathers by an inch or so and a lot thicker, I looked up at him as he smiled “big cocks run on both sides of my family, but my mom’s side has bigger ones, or at least my cousins do” he smirked. I asked him if he ever played with his dad, and he said only once shortly after his 18th birthday they had gotten drunk together and they sucked each other off. We cuddled each other for about an hour or two and I let him plow me with a condom on (he insisted) before blasting and filling the rubber, he pulled out and I slipped the condom off then cleaned off his cock of jism and lube while tying a knot in the rubber and tossing it into the trash can in the bathroom. He said he had to get home for dinner and asked if I wanted an adventure tonight, I shrugged sure and he said he’d pick me up around 9:30, “dress sexy and hot”. I was planning on pulling out the next morning so I pulled on a jock and some shorts and threw on a tank top that complimented my muscular chest. At around 9:35 he knocked on my door and I answered he too was in shorts and a tank and he asked if we could take my car. As I had yet to put it on the trailer I said yes, he guided us through town to a warehouse district where we parked and he lead me to the bath house. We paid our fees and got our lockers, turns out to be a student night so place is full of college studs as well as your typical variety of guys in towels roaming the halls. I noticed as I hung with Steven he knew quite a few of the students and many of the regulars but he only practiced safe sex even with his friends. Steven had encouraged me to bring along my business cards and recruit any hot guys I thought I could use in my production work, I took him up and handed out about half a dozen cards to promising guys. I did go off a couple times without him and plowed a few holes and took a couple loads in the process, mostly safe college guys who wanted some mature hole. Around 2 in the morning I grabbed Steven from a hot three-way and we headed back to my RV. Steven crashed on my couch and I headed to my bed, sometime in the night he came I and curled up behind me and slipped his raw cock into my hole and dumped his load, I woke with his semi hard cock still buried in my hole and his cum dripping out alongside. I drifted back to sleep and he was gone when I got up a few hours later. I woke around 10 and took a shower, then went out and hitched up the Acura, Steven came over to double check the safety chains and discreetly gave me a goodbye kiss, as he helped me get the rig ready for departure, shutting down the external sources and becoming road ready. I handed him one of my cards” if you ever come out to LA look me up I’ll give you a audition”, I smiled at him as the pop outs withdrew back into the center and I was secure to hit the road. Around noon I pulled out onto the road and slowly put my trip to San Antonio behind me. This rig was larger than my parents last one but much more powerful, as I got used to the size and bulk of the vehicle I slowly got more confident in driving the rig, and I noticed my speed increasing towards the max. I checked my parents itinerary for where the next stop was supposed to take them and headed to new Mexico to stop for the night, my parents having already reserved and paid for the RV pad for the next couple days, it was off to Albuquerque, then onto Phoenix before heading back to LA. In Albuquerque, I ran into a few guys online and managed to hook up at the RV Park in the rig, a few were turned on by getting it on in a RV like in some porn video, a few asked me to film them getting fucked, not being one to leave his equipment at home I mounted and set up my cameras to film the action whenever I had visitors who were willing. I left Albuquerque and had headed to Phoenix a couple days later. I managed to get laid in most rest stops along the way as well, the truckers being ever so horny on the road and a few horny travelers who were willing to take a quick break, many away from their families who were picnicking nearby, hot college guys escaping the family trips and all. I pulled into the RV Park late in the evening and just managed to get the rig hooked up as the sun was setting and the street lights began flickering on. I unhitched the Acura and parked it nearby then headed inside to fix some grub and kick back and watch the flat screen, having networking my lap top to the blue ray player I was able to stream the porn from my computer onto the flat screen and watch my video footage of my conquest or any other video on my laptop. As I lay there watching porn I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the hot guys I had met on my trip and plans I had for the rig once I returned home. I had originally thought about selling the rig but now I was thinking of turning it into a mobile studio/office for myself. I awoke the next morning on the couch , porn still streaming on the television giving me a raging hard on, but I needed coffee so I got up and went to the kitchen to make some only to realize I needed to go to the store and pick up some. I threw on some workout sweats as he morning air was a bit nippy, and jumped in the car on the way to the store, along the way I was approaching a well-known coffee franchise so I decided to stop and get a vente mocha. As I sat in the coffee shop with my laptop checking the current events, and my e-mails using the free Wi-Fi available, I noticed it was across the street from the bus station. I sat there and split my time between taking sips of my drink, browsing my e-mail, making sure not to click on any naughty web links, and watching people go to and from the bus terminal. I was just about finished with my mocha and catching up on work e-mails when I spied a very good looking kid exiting the terminal and head over to the coffee shop. He was carrying a back pack and was wearing a white a white shirt and black pants, if he had a tie on and a name badge I would have sworn he was one of those guys going door to door trying to convert the wicked. He entered the coffee shop and looked kind of lost, as he hung back a little from the counter I said hi and he politely returned my greeting “Need help choosing a beverage? The white mocha is good although a little sweet for my taste” I offered, he replied “don’t usually drink coffee but I hear it will help me stay awake” “Try the bran muffin as well son it is very tasty” I really wasn’t old enough to be his dad but I felt there was a big enough age difference I could get away with it. He thanked me ordered his drink and muffin then sat down a short distance from me staring out the window as he ate and drank his morning meal, clutching his back pack to him tightly. “First trip away from home? Names Jamey, what’s yours” I ventured and he began to give the standard reply then caught himself. “Were not suppose… its Martin, glad to meet you Jamey” “Going on a trip?” “Well sort of, meeting some guys to go camping before we start our mission” he replied. We began talking and he began to relax, as he began to trust me a little he finally admitted he really wanted to convince his camping buddy to give up the idea of going on the mission and run away with him to someplace like California and live the sinful life in like West Hollywood. I chuckled and said he could come with me and save the bus fare, half-jokingly, his eyes lit up and I could see him thinking and getting excited. Just as he was sorting out his plan he looked up to see a buss pull into the terminal. He pulled out his phone and texted his friend he was in the coffee shop across the street. “William and Chris will be here shortly, think we can convince them to go to California instead?” “I don’t know do you really want to trust a stranger with a thing like that” “Wouldn't be much worse than trusting our safety to the church in Chile, or at home for that matter if you only knew what I’m trying to get away from” With that I glanced out to see a couple hot young guys crossing the street one slightly older than the other, but neither looked more than 19. They entered the coffee shop and came over to Martin, they hugged and tears streamed down their cheeks, the older one eyed me, as Martin turned around and introduced them to me they both smiled with reserve. We sat and chatted a bit and William asked what time was the bus to four corners supposed to leave. Martin informed him that it left just before their bus arrived and the next one wasn’t till that evening some 12 hours away. Both William and Chris looked distraught, then Martin asked if they would like to spend the day with me, back at my RV.
    2 points
  35. 3. Chris I went to school with William and played varsity ball with him for a year. We had grown up in the same ward and had become friends early on. Little did I know that he would change my life by his courage and willingness to stand up for what he believed in. We had played on various ball team, Pop Warner, little league etc. As I was about 14 months older than him, and a little bulkier I generally played 2nd string or defensive positions. I stood 6’2” and weighed about 195, mostly muscle; I had blonde hair and sky blue eyes and a modest 9 inch cock uncut and plenty of foreskin to play with. I had always admired William for his athletic prowess and his leadership skills, even as a kid he seem to e able to get others to follow his lead, I on the other hand tended to use my size and charm to get others to do as I wished, not that I was a bully but I did use persuasion to get my way, I was a great debater and I generally was able to come up with good arguments to help others start thinking my way. I was the older middle child out of four boys, my eldest brother went on his mission a year and a half before me and returned and almost immediately found a girl to marry and move out of the house. About three months later Dad began preparing me for my mission, just a week after my 18th birthday; I actually got off on him sliding his big cock into me but hid it by acting all disgusted. When dad would be making me sucking on his cock I would fantasize it was William I was sucking, when dad would enter my ass it was Will’s cock fucking me. It was my defense of the thought of my hypocritical dad using me for his enjoyment. The whole time Dad was training me for my mission, along with like four other guys I would latter find out, he was out soliciting donations to help pass a same sex marriage ban out on the west coast. I also found names and numbers/e-mail address when I would empty his pocket before washing his pants. His hypocrisy disgusted me, preaching church doctrine in public and having sex with 18-19 year old guys behind closed door. It also appeared that he was frequenting sex clubs when he would go out of town on business trips. After I had gone on my mission and had endured the daily preaching of the lords work in a mid-western city, being a good boy and being non sexual the whole time even though one of my fellow missionaries was a total hunk, jerk off material when I found the time and the privacy. I returned home to find Dad still up to his old tricks, only weeks after my return, William showed up on my doorstep. I knew he had just turned 18 and was being prepared for his mission to a Chilean town. My heart skipped a beat when my father asked me to see that he was comfortable in the office. I escorted Will into the office and locked the door to the hallway behind me, I offered him some juice that dad kept in the small refrigerator in the office, I had some as well, when dad entered he was his usual authoritative self. My father began asking William some questions, general at first then getting more and more personal, about mid-way I began feeling less inhibited and really horny, I figured it was just having William in the room but then realized my dad had spiked the orange juice knowing we would drink it before the interview. Dad began making Will feel him up and I stood and began messaging his shoulders, before I knew it my father’s cock was buried in Williams’s throat and I began sucking on his neck and ear lobes. William only protested a little as I was sure whatever drug dad laced the OJ with, later found out it was something called G, was making William submit to his advances, even when he managed to get him out of his clothes and began fucking him on the desk, William didn’t protest too much. Dad let me take a turn having Will suck me off and I finally found out what it was like to be inside another guy when he directed my erect cock into Williams’s sweet ass. Father instructed Will that he would meet up once a week till William left on his Mission and that I would assist him as he was training me to be a deacon responsible for training missionary recruits. After our sex lesson I walked William back home, and we talked a bit and I told him of my mission and how it wasn't the most pleasant experience especially in the Mid-West, lots of rednecks , and that I was glad I was home again, but didn't know how long I would stay. William had told me he had been communicating with this guy in New Mexico who would be going on his Mission with him and that he thought it would make it a little more bearable. We soon were connecting again after a little more than a year apart; my lust for him was building again. The six months flew by quickly, dad stopped using rugs to entice us into sex acts with him as we began just volunteering our asses and our cock to the old guy, my disgust with grew as he put together petitions to have gay marriage banned in all 50 states, all the while his business trips increased and my findings of little cards from bath houses became a frequent occurrence after such trips. I had almost had it and began planning my escape, a couple weeks before William left for his mission I would board a bus and go wherever my savings would take me. William graduated and I cheered him on at the ceremony, I congratulated him afterwards and offered to drive him home, since his parents were in a hurry to leave and he was still hanging with his classmates and buddies. We hung out at the school for a bit more time as he chatted with his jock friends then grabbed my arm and said “let’s get out of here, the testosterone is making me horny” We walked to my truck, and he hopped in to the passenger side. I climbed into the driver’s seat and started the truck; I pulled out of the parking lot and down the road. “Let’s not go straight home” he said with a smirk, he navigated me down the road and out of town then onto a small road. “pull over there” he directed as I pulled off the dirt road into a clearing. He got out of the cab and hopped into the bed of the truck and motioned for me to do the same. I had always kept a trial blanket and air mattress in the bed near the cab and he clicked the air pump on and filled the mattress which jus fit between the tire wells in the bed threw the blanket over it and sat down leaning against the cab the pulled out a six pack from behind him, I sat down next to him the warm Arizona breeze ruffling his short hair. “I was hoping you’d offer me a ride home so I dropped off something for us before graduation” he popped open a can and passed it to me, then opened one for himself. We sat there drinking our beverages before he told me that he had planned a camping trip before his mission and that he would be missing his last couple of preparation lessons, he also told me he would miss me, as he leaned over and kissed me, something no guy has ever done to me, or at least like this. It was a passionate kiss of lovers, rather than the peck of a relative or friend, it was more passionate than I ever kissed a girl, and he admitted better than any he ever bestowed on any of his dates. We kissed and cuddled for around a half hour before he began undressing me, making love to me the whole time, this was something he didn't learn from my dad or I this was instinctual savage lovemaking in the bed of a truck. He had removed all my clothes and his and had rimmed my hole making love to my pucker before sliding his hard cock into my hole, slowly at first then a little quicker before beginning to pound me, he lasted about five minutes before blowing his load in me, cy cock was pulsating ready to blast when he pulled out and sank his hole over my throbbing cock, bottoming out just as the first volley of cum shoot out of my member and into his gut. We cuddled there and did it again two more times before I drove him home and dropped him off. I then went home to fall asleep fully sated that the man of my dreams had made me his first experience at topping. As I awoke the following morning my dad arrived home from another business trip, and as usual shoved his suitcases at me and told me to do his laundry. It was Saturday so I knew I had most of the weekend to do it. I set the cases aside and did some other chores, coming back to the cases late in the afternoon. Dad had called me in around 3 to inquire if the lessons were given in his absence. I told him yes and he pulled me over to him, first making me suck his cock then he turned me around and had me ride his hard cock, plowing my ass good and dumping his hot semen in my somewhat well fucked hole. I opened the cases and pulled out the dirty clothes separating the shirts from the pants and checking the pockets, finding a few items I put the various cards aside for jerk off material later. I had finished up the laundry and headed out to play some pick up with the guys the returned home and fixed dinner for my dad and my brothers. Then headed upstairs to my bedroom, I closed and locked the door then pulled out my laptop and the various cards that my dad had acquired on his business trip. One was a legitimate business card the other had been gotten at a bath house or two, most had e-mail addresses or nicknames on sites like A4A or bbrt one had the guys BBRT nickname and a message “hope you like my little gifts, please share them with the wife and kids” As mom had died when I was still young he must have seen my dad’s wedding ring and assumed. I laughed and pulled up the site and looked up the profile. Dad had gotten the card from a cubbish guy about mid-twenties really kind of cute, I scanned down past the pictures and this kid was into everything, and a top, I never thought of my dad as a bottom but now I knew. I looked at the guys status and froze poz+other , I thought oh my god and he just unloaded in my hole. I was freaking out but how to confront him without getting into trouble of going through his stuff. the next day I drove into flagstaff to the free clinic and asked them to test me for STD’s and HIV claiming I had had sex while under the influence and didn't remember much other than waking up with cum seeping from my hole. They told me to call in a few days to get the results but warned me it was most likely too soon for the HIV. I spent the next couple of days a bit anxious and even was gone for Williams’s lesson. The morning after Williams lesson I was about to approach my dad but found him in a bad mood, his job had called for an audit of his travel expenses. I decide this wasn't the time, he got off the phone and was cursing his job and himself throwing things around his office, what I gathered from listening to his rants and raves from a distance was that he had been using the money given to him for fancy hotels for nights in the baths, which I had already figured out, but was pocketing the difference. What a fucking asshole hypocrite, I had enough of his bull shit and went upstairs and packed my duffle bag. I would sneak out tomorrow after he left for the office and get out of town. The next day I called for my results, I was reactive for chlamydia and gono but unreactive for syphilis, I asked if I should come right down and they indicated within the next few day but they were quite busy today so first thing in the morning would be best. I loaded my duffle bag into my truck and drove to a bus stop a couple miles from my home and parked the truck, locking it then walked to the bus stop and waited. The bus came in about 15 minutes and I climbed aboard only to find William sitting towards the back. I walked back and sat opposite him my duffle between my legs. We sat in silence for the first few blocks, I realized that he had his duffle between his legs; he must be in route to meet up with Martin to go camping. The next stop and I swung across the aisle and sat next to him, we began talking and discussing our plans. I told him I tired of my dad’s bullshit and that he should get tested for STDs as soon as he gets back from camping. We chit chatted most of the way to the bus terminal, when we arrived he asked where I was headed, I really didn't have a clue when he suggested I come along camping with him and Martin. I thought about it for a second, the said what the hell I got no other plans. We bought our tickets for the bus and boarded a short time later, moving to the second to last row, we sat quietly till the bus began to roll down the highway. Since no one else was that far back we began to make out and fondle each other in our seats. I looked forward and the elderly couple who were most likely hard of hearing were sitting there reading their books and paying no attention to the young scallions in the back of the bus, so we continued and William ended up Blowing me while the countryside whizzed by. When the bus stopped for it’s mid-day break at a cute little dinner we ordered up a couple sandwiches to go then retreated to the rest room where William proceeded to suck then fuck my brains out trying not to make too much noise. We made it back with moments to spare as the driver shut the door behind us and the bus began rolling before we were able to take our seats again. Only like four more stops and we would be in phoenix sometime early the next morning.
    2 points
  36. I was in a nude drawing class with a hot older model with a nice body and a cock that was occasionally filling with a little blood. A great change of past models which typically had been a chick with a bush. Needless to say I was horned and all but drooling. After class I logged into Manhunt and started chatting with a hot 40 somthing top and we seemed to hit it off. He said we could play in his office, which was hot in my book. I've served a more than one guy in his office, generally after hours and just something about showing up to take the guy's load, almost as if it was my full-time job to do so hit the spot, at least in my book. I went to his office and found the location, which was off of a black alley, behind a strip of bars, was extremely sketchy. Still when I got the lay of the land I walked behind a dumpster he had described where I met him by an unmarked door, which was the rear entrance for one the bars. The sleaziness of the situation left me sketched-out and nervous, but, being the nasty cumslut that I am I was into the prospects of being tossed onto a dirty mattress right there in the alley and being used, but that's not what happened. Instead, he opened the door and let me into what seemed like the back of a closed restaurant or bar and led me to a back room or office which could have been the setting for a porn video as the room, which was windowless, contained little more than two black leather sofas. He got me a drink from the bar (temporarily closed) on the street-sice of the building. A couple of sips later we were making out and checking out each other's cock - if through our pants. I had begun to unbuckle his belt when he told me to pause so he could get each of us another drink. Returning drinks in hand, he stood in front of me, his crotch right in my face. I downed the drink he offered, and left my head spinning. He also casually mentioned one of his employees was elsewhere in the building, adding the guy was cleaning-up a bit. "I don't mind," I remarked as I pulled his beautiful thick Italian dick out of his pants. His cock was a nice size, and while it was limp I could slurp it down all the way to the base of his cock. Once, however, he was hard, he took my head into his hands, his cock swelling hard the entire time. After a bitg whe he was good and hard he grasped my ears, withdrew his cock from my mouth, and moved over to the desk to retrieve some lube and poppers. I strip down watching him move swinging his rock hard 9-inch cock I swear my ass started to get wet at the sight of it. He walked back sticking it right in my face were and took a big hit of poppers. I sucked his giant low hanging sweaty balls like my life depended on it. He fed me the poppers which sent me into a frenzy allowing me to take my place in the world as a cock sucker and a wet hole. After a few min we hit the poppers again and I fell back on the couch in ecstasy. He followed me climbing and started sucking my 9.5" Greek dick. Guys are always giving me shit about being a bottom with my nice cock but once they get my hole they understand it is what I was made to do. Anyways.... I start thrusting my ass forward putting my legs into the air and he slides his tongue into my ass and eats deep as I moan like a bitch and grind my ass. He gives me the poppers and I lay down in my back ready for that thick cock which hangs over my cock getting lubed up as he positions himself grabbing my legs and touching his cock to my hungry hole. Not even a question of a condom he pushes his fat head piping in slowly all the way and bottoms out and just leaves it there deep as my asshole burns and begins to slowly open up his new fuckhole. After a couple of min there's a knock at the door and he gets up to check it. At this point I am in full whore mode and jump to my knees crawling after his cock sucking it. He opens to the door to his employee who is probably in his late 60s and is surprised to see a hot 20 somthing sweaty and naked on the floor nursing his fat cock he seemed a little embarrassed but I told him that I don't mind if he watched or if he wants to join.. he comes in and sits down at the desk and I get up and strut over the the couch and bend over my guy follows And immediately starts kissing my nect and rubbing me all over. I grab his cock and lead it to my hole and grab his ass as he pushes it in. This time he fucks me hard like the little bitch that I am and I moan accordingly. This goes on for atleast ten min before I collapse forward and turn around and suck all the juices off his dick as he sits down and let's me worship him. He lifts up his cock and shoves me to his balls and starts telling me to suck them calling me a little faggot whore... he tells me that's where my load is coming from so suck them well, being a cock pleaser that I am I asked him where he wanted to shoot it. I knew where I wanted it but who cares what I want.... it's always up to the guy in my option. He tells me "ohh it's going right up that ass". For the first time the old guy at the desks speaks up and says "fuck yes breed that pig" which really got me going. I had totally forgotten he was there. I got up from my knees and turned around so I was facing the old man, took a hit of poppers and sat on the cock all the way down taking It all in my loosened hole and started grinding back and fourth slowly up and down like I was sucking his cock with my asshole the whole time looking that the old man who stared directly into my eyes rubbing his cock through his pants which in the creepiest way which I loved of course. I love being watched it's a HUGE turn on. As the fucking grows in intensity I end up being bent over the desk right in front of the old man who I tell to give me his dick and try to take his pants off and he says no and sort of pushes me away, he just wanted to watch so I figured I'd put on a show I decide to give all my focus to my new daddy and bury my face into the couch which is hot and sticky as is the whole room. He fucks me telling me to take his cock and that he's going to fill my hole like the cumslut that I am. He keeps fucking for what seemed like another 30 min dropping sweat all over me as he worked my ass I feel all the weight from him big sweaty body pushing down on me as he fucks harder ,deeper, faster and unloads with a huge groan thrusting all the way in a massive load deep in me. His cock so hard and deep and I could feel the warmth of his thick load as it squeezed pump after pump where it belonged deep in my cumhole until I came from him hitting my prostate. I have never seen my cock this big before as it shooted. He collapsed on my and we were both drenched in sweat. He pulled his limp cock out of me and it seemed like it kept coming out never ended it was so deep. Once it slid out with out with came a nice blob thick of cum hanging out of my wrecked hole. He took a pic hopefully I can get it and post here! I sucked is cock and balls clean as his eyes rolled back and got a taste of the meal my ass just had. I got dressed, clenched the load in my ass and set off. Later I got a text from the old man (who got my number) calling me a whore ?And that he wanted to piss on my face. I left there and went and went straight to a regular fuck buddy of mines apartment to blow him which I do a few times a week. Much to my surprise he was in a dark mood and fucked me as hard as he could coming in about 5 min until adding another load to my cummy hole. No complaints here . Maybe I'll hang out with that old man next ?
    1 point
  37. I think if you were really in the medical field, you'd understand that is a 99% reduction in your odds of contracting HIV. For a bottom, according to the CDC, your base odds of contracting HIV with a partner of unknown status are 1.43% per act. PrEP, at 99% effectiveness, reduces that to 0.0143%. That's a negligible risk. If PrEP protects at 96% -- you missed a dose or two -- that's still 0.0572% chance -- which is ridiculously low. In comparison to condoms, a study last year determined self-reported condoms use stops 7 out of every 10 infections. Documented PrEP use stops 8.5 out of every 10... and that was with the earlier, lower effectiveness levels averaged between users and non-users. It's hight than that now. PrEP is an amazing advance.
    1 point
  38. This post is so full of shit it's hard to know where to begin. I'll try: "It is true I work in medical field..." Oh really? Fully 1/8 of Americans "work in the medical field" -- from receptionists to brain surgeons. Unless you have specialized credentials in HIV science you really aren't in a position to contradict the experts. "...this drug is fairly new so no one truly knows the long term effect it can have for groups of people." The two component drugs in Truvada have been used for many years to treat HIV+ patients. There are millions of patient-years of experience. The potential negative effects are well known and controlled for. And look, if you get HIV you will face a hell of a lot worse long-term effects, and you'll have no choice but to take even more meds for the rest of your life. For anyone truly at risk of infection, PrEP is a no-brainer. "The last point is you may see the stats which claim protects 99% so on again this is untrue..." Care to provide some evidence for your claim? You are contradicting peer-reviewed scientific research, which states that *when taken daily* efficacy is 99%. The lower effectiveness figures include trial subjects who missed too many doses. "if you want to use this you should have to fund it yourself I do not agree with others picking up the bill..." Rubbish. If people get HIV their treatment over a lifetime will cost FAR more than PrEP -- and others (insurance or national healthcare) will be paying for it. Prevention is a wise investment, which is why most US health insurance companies have made the calculation that it's worth paying for PrEP.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Thanks for the follow, Twink!
    1 point
  41. (Fiction) Till a few weeks ago, I hardly knew what how a man arms felt, let alone sex. I had been lretty closeted and felt that I was straight for 20 years until i found out that i got attracted to men more and more. I finally realised that i was bisexual but more gay than straight. My road to being attracted to cocks started from fascinating how a woman suck a dick and how she loves eating that slimy nectar from the juicy meat that spews it. With each new video and story i began to be spellbounded to cocks until one day i realised i was getting off on full blown gay pornos but hardly on straight. My desire for cock grew more and more until one day i watch a monster with a scorpion tattoo spew poison inside a hole. That got me off a lot. I kept re-watching it again and again fantasizing myself in that position. Being a 20 year old i full well knew the repercussions of being fucked by a hot rod with poison nectar. Then one day stumbled across this website and i found how people relish in the thought of getting infected which kind of made me horny. I kept continuing reading each story and each day i longed for poz cock, so much more that I couldn't have a hard on if it was not a poz cock story. So I finally decided to start of myself getting fucked by a cock as my curiousity got the better of me. I downloaded Grindr and Planet Romeo and searching for people. It was scary at what would happen if my relatives were to find out accidentally while i chatted with guys and had phone sex randomly. One day as i was filtering through an app, i got a message with a usual hi, i replied back similarly. He asked "How are you?" Me: Fine, u?? He: I m fine. So whats the plan for the weekend? Me: U know, the same boring staying home. He: If u don't mind, how about a drink at XYZ bar, Friday night?? We can chat up. Me: I m not sure. I hardly know u. He: I m not going to bite. Tell u what, dinner and drinks on me. We will just have a nice conversation. *Sends a semi naked photo of himself with jeans on* "Damn!!" I thought "This guy is hot. Wouldn't hurt to meet him". So to which I said yes and made the arrrangements. Come weekend, we met at the bar and this guy was hot at a height of 5 ft 10 inch, probably at mid thirties while i m a slim short guy at 5ft 5 inch whom guys called pretty cute. We had a pretty nice convo on what we do and where we r from and after a few many drinks the alcohol hits me, i get horny and started checking him out. To which he takes perfect advantage by saying the most sleaziest line "Buddy, u seem hammered. Why don't we take u home. U can sit on my lap there, and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?" To which i said "I m curious enough to talk about anything". We hurriedly go over to his house and as soon as his door closes, he pulls me in his powerful arms and french kisses me deep. His tongue ravishing through my mouth deep into my throat, his saliva running down my lips as i embrace his . His short stubble carresing and pleasantly tingling my baby face. I definitely knew i had to have him. His hands carresses through my clothes removing my shirt as he keeps on kissing my lips and sucking my neck, loosening my belt. I felt my stomach flutter as he rush his hands though my underwear to my 5 inch raging hard cock. He breaks away and removes his shirt and i gaze at hus physique. He was definitely hot, not hairy but sculpted. He starts sucking my nipples as i moan at the touch of his hand slowing jacking my cock. He then suggests to move into the bedroom. When we do, he loses his belt and asks me to uncage his monster. I unbuckle his pants and u derwear and drop em. What i gaze upon was a beautiful 8 inch cock as thick as a rod fully raging hard an unmasted. I begin to drool at this piece of art. He pushes down on my shoulders to my knees where i face his majesty hair breadth away from my wet lips.I noticed a small scorpion tattoo nearhis dick. He lightly pushes on the back of my head and i give way with my tongue first savouring the hot meat. It tasted amazing. I slowly sucked on enjoying the feeling of his cock humiliating my face as i looked up deep into his eyes. He slowly started moaning. "Damn!! Where did u learn to suck cock like that?? U r a real true faggot. I love it how u cute lips look on my dick. Keep sucking like that." And he pushed my head a little more and i started gasping for air. He laughed."Don't worry, u will get used to it, here are some poppers as he whips out a small bottle that smelled odd under my nose and yold me to breathe deeply. Once i inhaled deeply, i felt really horny and sucking on his manhood vigorously trying to get the best of it with each suck, he then pushes my head onto his pubes and his cock deep in my throat and shot a ropes and ropes of thick cum i to my unsuspecting mouth. It was a mouthful. "Sorry bitch, i filled u with so cum more than u cud swallow", as cum leaked down my mouth and dripped from my chin. "Don't worry, i m a multi cummer". With that he pulls me up and kisses me and we snowball he cum. He then pushes me with my back on his bed as he keeps on kissing me and he slowly went down. I though he would suck me off back but i was surprised when he lifted my legs revealing my asshole and started reaaming me with his tongue full of his cum. I was in heaven. His tongue was amazing. He continued for a few minutes and i was in heaven. I moaned back and pushed my hips down to his face. He stopped reaming and i felt a bit sad at his tongue moving away. But it was not for long as i felt his cock slowly moving up and down my asscrack slowly teasing my cunt.I asked for a condom and he said, he ran out of it and if i wanted him to fuck it would have to be bare. I was too horny by that point to reject him. He said "Bitch, today i make u mine." And he with that he forcefully pushed his dick inside my asshole. He dick ripped apart my spinchter and i felt a sharp pain to his cock through my ass. I cried. He just with one powerful hand muffled my mouth and proceeded to fuck me rough. It was painful at the start but it started carrying out its magic immediately after. I was aggast at how can a cock perform such a miracle. I loved it and started pushing my ass on his cock more and more. "Bitch I knew u would like it faggot". I knew from the moment i saw u in the bar that u were a horny whore." It was awesome. He steamrolled my i sides and hit my prostate with each stroke. I pulled his face and we get into a deep kisses. I wanted to be his. I wanted his babies. "Bitch u seem to be having the time of ur life." "YES, FUCK ME MORE.I DON'T WANT IT TO STOP". "I ain't stopping until i get u pregnant" "I dnt care if u make me urs. I don't care if u make me pregnant.I don't even fucking care if i die now.JUST DON'T STOP FUCKING ME". "YEA!!WHORE. I WILL KILL U ALRIGHT. U WILL DIE AS I MAKE U PREGNANT WITH MY POZ BABIES". With that he started cumming inside my hole. The stream of cum seemed endless. I could feel my hole slick and wet. I shuddered at his words. "Yo.... You're Poz??". "Yeah bitch. I thought u knew when u saw my scorpion tattoo. But its too late now, my babies are already swimming side ur gut and it will incubate inside u." I was stunned, but he pulled me into a deep kiss and said "You said u didn't care if u die, I am only giving u ur wish. Ur free now." I realised its too late and knew his babies were already working inside of me slowly eating at me and making me his. Although I was shocked, a part of me felt weirdly happy that such a hot guy made me his. I would be his bitch and I would carry his DNA inside me. I pulled him for another kiss and said "I haven't cum yet. U gonna leave me like this??" "Haha...u filthy whore. I knew u would not be satisfied with that, so while we coming down here i called a few of my poz buddies saying that a whore needed breeding. They r probably here and watching". I then look around to see 5 guys with huge dicks stroking their cocks waiting for their turn to fill me in. Looks like this weekend i would not only get pregnant from this hot guys but will have other's babies too. I had the hootest weekend with the 5 guys fucking me day and night and feesing me cum at both ends. I felt fulfilled. A couole of weeks later, i got down with a very bad fever. I got myself tested and found out that i an HIV +. I called up the guy and give him the news. He said " U lucky guy. Looks like ur wish is coming true. U r going to die slowly. Get ur ass over here so that i can help u with that." I rush over to hus place and he fucked me straight for 2 hours. A few days later I moved into him and ever since, he and his friends come over and keep fucking me, keep me on a leash with a collar written faggot on it.I am loving every moment of it and m sure I will let him fuck me and whore me out till i breath my last.
    1 point
  42. Part 3: Once again my arm was tapped as one of the anonymous breeders prepared to infect my ass and veins. In a brief moment of clarity I wondered, “This was only my first night. What would day two be like?” My limp, drugged up and fucked out naked body had been roughly dropped on one of those big luggage carts you see at hotels. Shadow man - my anonymous host, drug benefactor, and pimp daddy laughed as he kicked my ankles, “Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.” I would have said something smart assed if I had been able to, but the drugs still had me held tight in their grip and there was now duct tape over my mouth too. The opaque view of the world through the homemade plastic hood turned to black as shadow man slid the cart cover down over the top, hiding me from view. The rolling coffin rumbled down the hall as shadow man provided commentary, “We’re taking the service elevator down. This is how my homies and folks usually come in and out. I can turn the security cameras off and on and no one knows, plus only me and my boys got the keys, so keeps my shit private.” The service elevator creaked and moaned, whirred and stirred, as we dropped down to the floor where my room was located in the hotel. “Good morning Ma’am” shadow man said to someone as he rolled me down the hall. I could tell someone else was with us from the dangling of the keys on their belt even though they did not speak. A small beep, a click, a door opened, a bump as the cart was pushed over the door sill, the door whooshed closed, then silence until the lights were flicked on, and shadow man and his cohort stepped further into the room. “You sure we good?” the other man asked. Shadow man laughed, “How many fucking times we done this shit now? Trust me man. It’s all good. Now drag that faggedy ass out here, put his finger on the safe, and let’s clean this place out. Remember, don’t fucking leave him alone and your Jersey boy should be here in a minute. Once he’s done hit me on the walkie - then me and the boys will come back and roll him back up and get the setup done.” Still not convinced the other guy questioned, “What about DNA and shit? Shouldn’t we be worried?” Shadow man sighed, clearly frustrated, “Fuck no man. I know this is your first kidnapping and all but man the fuck up! This is a hotel room. You know how little this place gets washed and cleaned and the cops - even if they bother fucking looking and trust me they won’t as our man in the precinct always gets these cases - but even if by chance they did look they will find so much fucking DNA in here it won’t matter. Plus our reports will make it legit and then the bonus is your Jersey boy will use the cell from the bus station in Newark or some shit and you know we got the cab connect all down. Same old plan as always - only this time, he ain’t shipping out quite so fast.” I tried to wrap my head around all I had just heard - or imagined. I was not quite sure because of the drugs and all but it sounded like they were planning to set me up? Kidnap me? I grunted as I rolled off the luggage cart and onto the floor. I still had on the plastic hood, so could not see shit, and got a quick kick in the ribs for my effort. “Now, now, now,” shadow man scolded me as he cuffed me on the head, yanked me up by my arm, walked me forward then pushed me onto the bed. He turned to his associate, “Just make sure only his prints are on the syringes and that way it will prove he was junkied out when shit went down.” The door opened and closed, I was then pressed back against the bed as a burly body straddled me, “Give me that fucking arm. Time to dope you up. My Jersey boy comes through for them raw times and likes limp biscuit bitches to fuck. Here - wrap your fingers around this - don’t fucking fight me! There you go. Good. Good. Ok - get ready to spin out and embrace that good shit. You lucky that pussy is valuable as you sucking up all the good juice boxes.” I flopped back on the bed, high as shit. My face was sweating like hell in my plastic hood. It was so tight I could only wipe at the skin around my mouth and nose where shadow man had cut the X. There were slimy spots too, from nutt, or something. I didn’t really want to know. Yes I did! As the drugs kicked in my horny meter went into the red and I reached down to try to jack my withered dick. Useless. Fucking useless. How frustrating! I don’t get how guys can stand being spun out like this all the time and not even get hard. It was like my whole body was itching on the inside and I had no way to scratch. I couldn’t even fucking jerk off. My pointer sat on the bed and seductively rubbed my thigh, “Sucks huh?” he asked. Just then there was a knock at the door - three fast, then two slow. The door opened, a cloud of smoke filled the room, and a deep voice echoed off the walls, “Show me that boy clit if you want this potent nutt.” I rolled over and reached back to spread my cheeks and whether the next was said to me or my pointer I didn’t know, “This dope dick going to rape that ass good. You know anal raping ain’t cheating right? I can honestly look at my girl and truthfully say I ain’t cheated on her.” To me that seemed like denial, splitting of hairs, semantics, whatever, and then I wondered how I could think so clearly when I had just taken a syringe of some shit? I didn’t have long to ponder that question as the new, anonymous breeder pulled me to the end of the bed, flipped me like a pancake onto my back and lifted my legs up like he was changing a baby diaper, “I plan to take that hole - own it - remodel that house and do a complete tear down, break those walls, then leave it as a claptrap.” He jammed a couple sharp nailed fingers into my asshole, “Damn - that’s some phat gushy pussy. I plan to kill that meth whore hole with my Black Flag roach killer. Disrespect that ass. This that ghost dick - that Certified Pussy Pleaser. I got that young blood dick that digs deep - a big donkey cock and no tapping out til it’s flooded.” As he ranted on about how great he was, my pointer climbed up on the bed behind me, set his balls on my face, then the new guy said, “Hold them legs back and let me hear him gargle on that dick.” My legs were yanked back like a turkey wishbone, and then he said to me, “The only part of me you will feel is my meet in your pussy cum catcher as I wind up and toss you this pitch.” I cried out in pain as that black stallion busted through the gate and took off like he was trying to win the Kentucky Derby. A raw, brutal fuck later I was basking in the afterglow of a vein full of liquid sun and an ass full of liquid BBC juice. Anonymous hands guided me, then rolled me back onto the luggage cart, along with some blankets and other things - luggage? The cart trundled down the hall, the service elevator whirred and stirred, and back up on the 17th floor I was left standing in the middle of the model suite as shadow man roughly fingered my cummy hole. “So here’s how things go,” he explained. “Your room has been emptied out of all your shit a week early. You bill is unpaid. You skipped out during the night after a drug binge or whatever the fuck. Right about now my guys are filing a police report for all the damage to the room - broken furniture, holes in the walls, thousands of dollars of shit along with reports that you assaulted some of the staff with a knife along with threats to do bodily harm. So in addition to being a thief, destruction of property, there’s that whole nasty attempted murder shit too. A warrant will be issued and if you ever show your face, NYPD’s finest will cart you off to Riker’s then send you upstate quicker than the Easter Bunny hides a fucking egg. You understand me? Huh?” The last was emphasized as he grabbed the back of my neck and squeezed and shook hard like I was in the jaws of a pit bull. I was so fucking confused and even though I should have been more freaked about what he had said, all I could focus on was trying to get more dick and more drugs. Shadow man laughed, shoved me onto the couch, tied off my arm, and was tapping a vein as some other hand shoved some powder up my hole that scalded my skin off. “You sure that’s a good idea?” someone asked. My head rolled to the side, my tongue flapped out as shadow man laughed, “Every fucking day I will drive him to the edge of an O.D. and let him hang off the side of that cliff a bit. And well, if the cliff crumbles and he falls, that’s what Doc and these handy Narcan doses and other shit’s for.” Shadow man laid me on the couch so one of my legs was off the front. CLICK - HISS - CLICK - HISS - CLICK - HISS - he hit his pipe, the crack smoke casting a pallid blanket over me. Once the rock kicked in he got on top of me and angled his dick. The pressure and weight of his body felt so good, reassuring, and his big dick in my ass made me feel that was the way I wanted to be all the time. He wrapped his big arm under and around my neck and held me in a grip lock as he began to slowly long stroke my hole. “This is how shit’s going down this week,” he said. “Whether you stay awake or not, you’re being slutted out 24/7. I’m going to keep you high and cock crazed so all you are is my latest hoe flavor.” I must have said, “Huh,” or something and he continued, “Don’t you get it yet? I’m pimping you out. I’ll let ever nicca in the Big Apple that wants some of that hole climb the fuck in it and breed it, infect it, use it, abuse it, tear it up, throw it away. I got dozens of regulars who prefer my discrete one-stop-shop then going to some ABS or trap house where it’s hit or miss, they might be seen, and they can’t get the good dope that I sling so two birds - one stone - or one ass in this case.” I was impressed; this man had a solid business plan and had worked out all the angles. Then as he hit a spot extra deep I remembered, that oh yeah, the whole sex trafficking thing with me as the commodity. Yet, frankly, I felt a relief inside. For the first time in my life I had no inhibitions, did not worry about what some sweater queen might think, didn’t have to wonder if they liked my ass or not. It was all about getting in, getting off, getting high! I listened as shadow man kept thrusting and explaining how things worked, “My man handles the door and takes a slice off the loaf. Here’s your weekly planner: Monday: Today, I got those Wall street types who are coke heads and need their weekly pick up of dope and some raw ass on the side. They will believe whatever the fuck I tell them like you some clean suburban ass, first time in the city, and that they are the first raw dick you ever taken. Most will drop $200 to dump a raw load, which is nothing for them. Their wallets fat, but trust, I only let the big dick fuckers use the asses I line up. I got a special room for them. Oh you’ll probably get 6 or 7 during the morning rush, another dozen at lunch, more at C.O.B., so I expect a quick $6-8k off your ass today.” I had to interrupt him as I started cramping, but shadow man dismissed my pleas with a reference to the “Wall Street grimy freak” who would be there shortly and who pays premium for it super filthy and he would give me another shot to make sure once it kicks in, that would fucking clean me out for days quicker than Draino. With that out of the way, shadow man continued to deep stroke my hole, his dick swelling as he told me how he would pimp me out the rest of the week: “Tuesdays are for the thug homies with that diesel dick who can make it rain. A little dope, smoke, snow, and they get a private hour to use that side snatch. All them niccas be armed and dangerous so you gotta watch your mouth and what you do and fucking play along with any shit they want and they’ll leave that hole so sore you can’t walk. These guys all help move my product on the street and got their own crews. Next up, on Wednesdays we deal with the construction crews who just want some cum dump ass to fill up without hearing a bitch complain. You’ll be tied up with your ass sticking out of a gloryhole - gagged - and you’ll be nothing more than a white fleshlight meat puppet. With them, it’s all about the numbers and the 5-minute nutt and they don’t mind fucking a wet, sloppy pussy after another dude. You’ll get more dick that day than most folks do in a lifetime. A lot of these dudes direct sell for me - easy for them to get places without being seen as no one pays them any mind. Thursday the MOFO big dicked bandit street types will roll in. These guys are real gangbangers and like me, enjoy using a white bitch twitch and going balls to the wall for that extreme R&B - raping and breeding. Remember my buddy who choked you out? He’ll be back and he’s a lightweight compared to some. Ex-cons, sex offenders, repeat offenders, these folks are dudes I served with or that my probie cast my way as part of their ‘rehab’ back into society. They’re my muscle and enforcers on the street - guns and fists for hire and they might roll on you one-on-one or decide to go down some extreme shit path and gang rape you with no fucking limits. Don’t matter none to me as they still pay and I keep them stocked and happy. Friday we got you a repeat with the Legendary Cream Team - my Harlem homies. You held your own with them so we’ll do some double dipping. The homies are just a bunch DL brothas from the hood looking to chill, smoke, and bust a nutt with their power strokes- all bout dat life! YOLO! Saturday - Fuck! Saturday might the nastiest, freakiest, dirtiest shit of all going down - you hear me? You zoning out bitch? Here, I’ll wake you back up - feel that dick tickling your ivory? That’s better, now listen the fuck up. Saturday, I hook up the worst of the worst. All the homeless street hustlers who can’t even get a $5 John to take their bug infested dicks. We got the crack house drug addicts - all veiny and wasted who fill you up with so much fucking disease. In addition to whatever viral gifts they bring, I fence whatever shit they stolen that week so they might be short on cash but always good for some pretty good grabs. Even get the occasional car and shit. I keep their habits fixed - lower cut shit - but for them still better than what they can get and in turn they’re my army of eyes and ears on the street. They might be dirty and raggedy but they need a pussy too and don’t care how busted your hole is, how full of nut, how sick you are from being drugged out, or how much you stink from all those AIDs niccas laying up on you. Fuck, they be adding layers and dirt rings like you a Redwood Tree - coating you in chem sweat and piss, caking your body. Sunday, well Sunday is check out. When you nothing but an infected bag of AIDs and a fucked out whore, I sell you off like a puppy mill and then the next fag pussy comes along, rinse and repeat. I was busy trying to wrap my drug-addled mind around all shadow man had just told me when he squeezed his arm tighter around my neck, “YOU READY FOR THIS BBC NUTT? YOU FUCKING WHITE BITCH TWITCH! POZZING THAT WRECKED HOLE GOOD WITH THIS ANONYMOUS DICK. YOU WILL NEVER - EVER - FUCKING SEE MY FACE BUT YOU WILL FEEL ME AGAIN AND AGAIN. YOU WONT SEE ANY OF THEIR FACES - HUNDREDS OF MEN WILL FUCKING USE THAT ASS AND NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE WILL BE SEEN BY THOSE FAG PUSSY EYES. GOOD THING YOU KNOW HOW TO OBEY - OTHERWISE MIGHT HAVE HAD TO SEW THOSE PEEPERS SHUT. BEG FOR THIS NUTT - BEG FOR THIS POZ DICK - BEG FOR ME TO BREED YOU WITH AIDS CUM!! Hot pimp daddy nutt swam up my man womb, buried themselves deep, like only true POZ BBC cum can. Once he had finished, shadow man climbed off me and then told me to hold still as he jammed a needle roughly into my arm. “This shit will make you cramp up like you just got kicked by a donkey. Hold it until the Wall Street guy sticks his dick in your ass then go for it. I’m going to walk you into the hot tub. He’ll slam his dick in and fuck you senseless and let loose. He likes it as nasty as you can make it so no holding back.” Yeah, no worries on that front. A while later I was being showered down and cleaned off as the first Wall Street guy had gotten all he wanted and bred me good. I didn’t know if he was black, white, or what, but he had a monster dick and was a freak, so as the water ran down the plastic hood like a thunderstorm hitting roof tiles I moaned - eager to get my ass filled back up. Once I was clean, shadow man toweled me dry, sprayed some Axe or some shit on me, then had his buddy place his hands over my eyes as he sliced the plastic hood off. He quickly wiped my head down with a wet towel, then blow dryed it, then covered it right back up with a real leather hood - one that had holes for my nose, mouth, and ears, and a big fucking padlock at the back of the neck like I was a Public Storage Unit. CLICK - HISS - CLICK - HISS - the hot pipe smoke filled my lungs, hit after hit - then a needle burned into my veins and filled me up. “You ready to be a slut?” shadow man asked, “Ready for that hole to be used by every part of NYC society and filled with so much cum you won’t need to eat for a month?” I could only moan in agreement as the drugs kicked in and my ass craved some more dick. Today was Monday and I couldn’t wait for the rest of the week! (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    1 point
  43. I've responded to this earlier and in other places... getting piss up the ass is definitely one of my kinks. My inhibitions have dropped away over time and I am pretty much a slut when it comes to being a bottom hole. The first time I ever got pissed in it was stealth, but I felt it for sure and reacted in a startled way. But the top who was doing it was a trusted FB with a gently dom nature. He knew me so well, it was if it wasn't really stealth at all. He always had me lying on my stomach and generally blindfolded to assert his control, but he never hurt me or violated my trust (though he often pushed the envelope). He had just bred me, as he often did, and was lying on me kind of wrapping his body around mine underneath his... intimately pinned. I felt his cock twitching and started to get a full feeling, but when I got started and reacted, he was ready and just let his full weight blanket me and whispered in my ear how much he loved my pussy and how good he felt, telling me it was ike a long orgasm. He knew me well, I immediately lost any resistance and got turned on. Afterward he plugged me before leaving and I had his piss in me several hours. He texted me later explaining I was now a piss slut and my piss would smell like his. It did, and I was and have been since. For me, being pissed in is very much like being bred with seed, it marks me and kinda alters me some with the tops essence. I know, sounds fanciful, but anytime I get cum or piss, i hold it in because I want to absorb it as much as possible to make what that top put in me a part of me. It's magical to me lol. I've been stealth pissed a 2x at a ABS i go to, not sure who the person is, but pretty sure it was the same guy twice. His cock was long enough and he had enough control to where he was able to piss beyond the second sphincter. I think i know who it was, because he'd go deep and pause. Each time though I didn't realize till i got home and had the urge to release, beyond what a hole full of cum causes. Same feel as when you have trapped water that lets down... but the distinct oder of piss gives it away. Each time I have regretted not holding it in, but I discover what it is after the fact and love the guy for doing it.
    1 point
  44. Lots of str8 men I know don't think of being with a man as "cheating" on their wives-- a rationalization, of course...but it let's them hot sex on their terms for a change without guilt or the emotional trappings and games that women often bring.. They all tell me they got married hoping they would have a steady supply of pussy, but that wasn't the case -- in fact, they had much less sex in most cases. I think this is a huge opportunity for us gay men to be of service! We're always complaining about there not being enough tops -- I say we enjoy str8 men and let them enjoy us without judgment or thinking they're really just too afraid to admit they're gay or bisexual -- they will figure it out for themselves. In the meantime there's lots of good sex to be had!
    1 point
  45. Got together with my regular FB after a longer than usual break, wife's getting jealous and inquisitive. It was a fast passionate fuck with lots of kissing and body rubbing. He fucks me hard telling me how he loves how my ass feels and wants to fuck me all day. He slams hard balls deep and spits his cum into my guts totally drained. I hated feeling him pull out, wished it was longer. He leaves and as usual I try keeping it inside all day to absorb his babies. Getting ready for work I feel that I have to let them go, the kids are kicking to get out. Regretfully I sit on the toilet and let them out surprised it was a small load but hey I love his fucks. After work I get home start making dinner and I get that feeling to go to the bathroom. Before I make it a huge flood of sperm shoots out of my ass soaking my underwear running down my leg. In the bathroom I check and it's all sperm--I didn't know you could make this much cum and I already passed some of it 10 hours earlier! I only want his fucks more and wish he was breeding me daily. I always clean out as much as possible knowing he has big loads and want to savor them as long as possible but today was a bonus!
    1 point
  46. I would listen to my stepdad fuck my mom while i was in bed. My mom would squirt ( i later did also)and scream so i knew it had to be good. We started messing around when i was 13 and the great thing was that he was only 15 years older than me! No fucking for about a year but when we did, it was magical ! I have all kinds of stories about us that I will share later. We still fuck and he is still the best I have ever had ! I have let him dump in me since day one and always will !
    1 point
  47. I had a friend years ago who was very into body mods. He had already had both of his testicles removed, and was planning on going further (though with what, I can't say). Sadly we lost touch over the years, and I don't know what he's done since. He was very happy with the results. He said that he now had control over his sex drive, and enjoyed the changes in his body without the testosterone. I know he had no problems still getting erections when I knew him and still shot what seemed to be normal loads. He was an interesting guy. I admit, the idea of it intrigues me, but I wouldn't do it. Not without something major to replace it, like the infamous Mangina man. LOL
    1 point
  48. Total top here. LOVE poppers. I've never had them interfere with an erection. On the contrary, they get me so horned up that I usually get even harder when I inhale them.
    1 point
  49. 6. Chris William and I barely made it back to the bus, before the driver shut the door behind us, it was getting dark as the bus pulled out onto the highway. The midday stop had been fun, we had caught some sandwiches, and then had sex in the restroom, before racing for the bus it was only a 30 minute stop and we indeed got carried away in the rest room. We shuffled to close to the back of the bus the flopped into a seat William almost falling into my lap as the driver turned out onto the road, we laughed as William leaned in and planted a hot kiss on my lips, then threw the bag with the sandwiches into my lap. We broke out the sandwiches and gobbled them down, darkness engulfed the landscape, as it whizzed past outside the window. I lay my head on Williams shoulder as he fondled my crotch making me hard. I glanced down the isle and no one was paying attention to us, many were drifting off to sleep. William unzipped my pants, pulled out my cock and stroked me I reached over and pulled out his cock and returned the hand job. William leaned over and took my ridged pole in his mouth, had to try hard not to moan loudly as he brought me to brink of blowing my load down his throat. He pulled off my cock just as my first volley hit him in the chin then subsequent blast hit his face with my jizz. The bus had four stops scheduled but seemed to make multiple random stops, what would have been a couple hour drive took close to most of the night, then an accident outside of phoenix delayed us even more. William texted Martin when we were nearing the terminal, Martin texted back that he was waiting in the coffee shop across the street. Twenty minutes later and the bus was pulling into the terminal. William exchanged a couple more text with Martin, then we collected our duffle bags from the undercarriage luggage compartment. Martin had said to meet him across the street at the coffee shop so we crossed the street and entered the coffee shop. William looked around then spotted Martin over in the corner near the window that looked out upon the bus terminal. We walked over to Martin and an older guy with whom he had been having coffee with. William shook their hands and I did too after him, he then went and got us something to drink and eat. I eyed Martin while William procured nourishment, thinking this was a guy I could really come to enjoy being with, Martin had introduce his companion as Jamey, who was also easy on the eyes and caused my cock to inflate a bit. Upon Williams return we sat down with Martin and he explained that due to our late arrival the buss to Four corners camp grounds had already left and the next one didn’t depart till later that evening, Jamey offered his hospitality and said if we wanted we could come back to his RV and spend the day with him, giving us a chance to relax and clean up before continuing on our journey, I was apprehensive at first, but soon grew more comfortable around Jamey. We loaded our duffle bags into the back of Jamey’s Acura while Martin went to fetch his duffle from the locker across the street at the terminal. William and I had already climbed into the back seat by the time Martin returned with his bag. Taking advantage of the darkly tinted back windows we kissed while waiting on Martin and Jamey to get in the car. Martin climbed into the passenger seat and fastened his seat buckle, turning around to look back at William and myself who were unconsciously holding hands, he seemed to sigh at the sight. Martin drove for quite a while before pulling up next to a really nice Rig and parking the car. He asked us if we needed anything from our bags and we absent mindedly said no not really almost in unison, Jamey Unlocked the RV and Martin was the first to step inside followed by myself and William with Jamey bringing up the rear closing the door behind him. I had stepped off to one side and William stood in front of me with Martin surveying the interior of the Motorhome, I gave William a quick push towards Martin “boy you have been drooling over each other for months now do something about it” Martin and William embraced and began to make out like long lost lovers, before pulling apart and commenting on how each stunk of sweat and Sex, we all giggled, admitting there was some action on the way here. Jamey came up behind me and gave me a hug “I’m glad I could spend some time with you boys” I turned around and kissed him on his lips, William and martin had removed each other’s button downs and were caressing each other’s sweaty torsos kissing and licking one another’s hot body. Jamey began undressing me as well and although he was older it didn’t have the same creepy feeling as it had with my father, when good old dad would come on to me and force me to suck him or take his average cock in my bunghole. It felt nice to have a guy caress my solid muscular body and want me for who I was and not for what I represented, a missionary to be conquered. As Martin and William quickly ended up on the couch in a sixty nine position sucking at each other’s manhood, Jamey worked his way down and began rimming my sweet hole and tasting my sweet nectar alternating between my cock and ass with his oral tongue lashing. Martin was the first to shoot off into and onto Williams’s mouth, shot onto myself as Jamey tongue fucked my hole then lapped up my boy juice from my rippling abs, before shooting his own load across my chest. William was the last to grunt out his orgasm Jamey offered each of us a swim suit, if that’s what you want to call them, skimpy speedo type suits which barely contained our large tools. He then lead us out to the pool area and showered us the communal showers, Which were really meant to rinse off before entering the pool but we used them to soap each other up and clean off the previous days sweat and sex off, I stood guard as William and Martin furthered their exploration of one another’s bodies and as William allowed Martin to penetrate his ass using soap as lube and pound into him. Martin soon shoot another load into my protégé in sex before having his virginity taken by William in return, they were both wrinkled like prunes as they emerged from the showers now fresh and clean, and freshly fucked. Jamey lay out by the pool as we showered and greeted us when we came out, we lay on either side of him in chaise lounges for about an hour before he suggested we return to the RV for some rest and refreshing beverages. William, Martin and I had never had drank anything, other than the spiked Orange juice my father used to seduce us that first couple of nights so when Jamey offered us beers we were all hesitant but Martin accepted gladly shortly after a momentary pause, Jamey then pulled out some weed, he said he got it from a friend in San Antonio where he picked up the RV. We had never smoked being the good missionary boys but our guard was down and it also didn’t help when Jamey shotgunned it into our mouths and lungs, soon we each had a nice buzz going and were freely taking tokes from the seemingly innocent joints, I was getting really horny however and wanted cock in my holes. Jamey pulled out a little metal container and dipped his finger into the plastic bag contained within the fingered my ass with first one then two fingers then proceeded to do the same to William and Martin. “What was that” I asked “That is what is called a booty bump my friend” As the burning subsided I got really horny my head seemed to be going a mile a minute and most of my inhibitions flew out the window. Martin and William seemed to be feeling the same way and they retreated to the bed room, I now had Jamey all to myself as he made out with me on the couch, my hard-on wouldn’t go down, I wanted cock in me, he feed me more of his cock as he pulled out a glass pipe and torch and began alternating between taking hits, shot gunning me hits and having me take hits from the pipe. My head was in the clouds as I soon realized his cock was buried in my ass and he was pumping me full of his hot load. I was about to shoot my load as he slid down my throbbing pole and impaled himself just as I shot my cum up into his manhole, he milked my shaft with his ass muscles making me cum harder and almost passing out from the orgasm, I then realized as I began to focus again that Martin and William had reentered the room and Jamey was telling them to use my hole and remind me of my cumdump status. Martin took up a place between my legs and slide in his impressive tool the pounded me for what seemed like hours before William took his turn, then Jamey again. They rotated taking turns on my upturned hole pounding me then switching off eventually dumping load after load into my hole. Jamey pulled out a butt plug and slid it into my well-worn hole “don’t want you dripping on the furniture” he patted my ass as I soon fell into a restless sleep slowly coming down off of the alcohol and the small booty bump, Tina that I had smoked. I appeared to be getting dark outside as I closed my eyes. I awoke as the sun streamed through the mini blinds the rays falling upon my face. We had spent the night, I got up the butt plug still wedged between my cheeks, I walked gingerly down the short hallway and entered the bathroom just as the plug plopped out into the shower, I turned around and sat on the toilet and let whatever flow, small amounts of cum seeped out my stretched hole before my natural abilities allowed me to clamp down the clean-up. I exited the bathroom and proceeded down to the bed room where I found Martin sandwiched between Jamey and William spooning. Jamey’s morning hard on had sneaked up into Martin and his had penetrated into William. Where just yesterday he had been an anal virgin he was now giving and taking at the same time. I climbed onto the bed and spooned behind Jamey and slid my cock into his cum lubed hole forming a nice chain. As I slid slowly in and out he began riding my cock and in turn fucking Martin in the process, William also began to stir and worked his ass around Martins shaft. We lay there fucking for the next half hour before Jamey blew his load into Martin triggering a chain reaction in Martin and me and we both blasted our loads into our receptive asses in front of us. William finally blew his load into his hand then fed it to Martin and Jamey. Jamey then had us roll over on our stomachs as he ate our scummy holes. Jamey announced we had once again missed our buss to the campgrounds but he needed to head back to California to get things in order and return to work. Martin looked at us and with his best Puppy dog eyes “hey guys want to go to California and hang with Jamey instead of roughing it at some dirty campground full of homophobes and bigots?” William and I looked at each other than at Jamey and Martin, I was all up for it since the farther away from dad and his troubles the better off I thought I’d be. William was very hesitant and kind of balked at the idea of changing plans, then looked at Martin and stepped up and planted a big kiss on his lips” I’ll go where ever you need me to go , just to be with you.”
    1 point
  50. Thought it was time for an update - I am booked for my castration this coming Friday. My regular top has organized for me to have a final orgasm this Wednesday, where I will also be subject to numerous tops fucking me. I'm still slightly scared, but now convinced that this is my route in life. I think it will be fascinating to see what happens post-castration. Thinking of starting a blog, not only updating the castration, but my general life as a submissive bottom.
    1 point
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