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  1. SHACKLED AND SHAVED (Part 3) Brandon lay on the bed, blind. He heard the door close, so he guessed that Mitch had left the room. He thought briefly about removing the blindfold but remembered that there were a couple of security cameras in the room. He figured it would be best not to disobey Mitch. The eighteen-year-old’s young mind was in turmoil. He wondered if Mitch was right. Was he really meant to be a submissive slut? Mitch was right that he was a pretentious asshole to most people. He took advantage of everyone he could, always trying to manipulate them into doing what he wanted, but never just coming out and asking for things directly. He often even treated his boyfriend Aiden badly, trying to see how much Aiden would put up with before standing up for himself. Was it because deep down he wanted to finally push someone so far that they would push back and put him in his place? Brandon’s introspection was cut short when loud pulsing trance music suddenly filled the room. Instinctively he tried to look around, forgetting that he was blindfolded. He wasn’t sure how long he lay on the bed listening to the music. The music seemed to be a continuous mix of several songs flowing into one another and then back again. Eventually he felt his body getting warm and tingling. His skin was sensitive and the feel of the smooth sheet on his back became more intense. Brandon had done Ecstasy a few times before while partying in high school, so recognized its effects. As the drug kicked in, Brandon started rubbing his hands over his body in time to the music, enjoying the sensation of being touched. His left hand strayed down to his dick, which had softened while he had been thinking. The hood was back up covering the head, but the shaft was still a little plump. He ran his fingers through his small patch of pubic hair, then over his dick, and fondled his small fuzzy balls. “You don’t get to play with yourself without permission Boy,” yelled Mitch into his ear as he grabbed the boy’s hand and pulled it off his genitals, “I guess you need some help controlling yourself.” A pair of hands slipped under his shoulders and pushed his back up off the bed. Once he was in a sitting position, Brandon felt Mitch’s muscular arms slide under his own arms and wrap around his chest from behind. The slim boy was easily lifted up off the mattress, swung around and set back down a couple feet away on his feet. The volume of the music decreased to a level where voices would still be heard over it. “Stand on your feet Boy,” said Mitch from behind him. The muscular arms slid out from around his chest and then down his arms. Large strong hands grabbed the boy’s smaller hands and raised them up over his head. Mitch’s fingers intertwined with his and Brandon felt the man’s hairy chest press up against his back. A scratchy beard brushed against his neck and he felt the man’s hot breath blowing into his ear. The E was really starting to kick in and Brandon could not resist swaying to the music and grinding his ass back against the large leather clad bulge that was pressing into his lower back. As he started to lose himself to the music, the drug, and the feeling of rubbing back against a man that was taking control of him, he felt cold metal pressed against his wrists. The next thing Brandon knew, Mitch stepped away from him, but his arms and hands remained raised above his head, held in place by shackles attached to the ceiling. “You can continue to dance Boy. Show off that hot naked little body of yours. It pleases me to see you embracing your sexuality,” said Mitch from behind him, but still close to his ear. *** After Mitch had left the room, he had turned on the sound system and keyed in a trance mix on his smart phone that was synced to the basements sounds system. He nodded at Dustin, who was waiting in the main playroom outside Brandon’s ‘cell’, which also doubled as the wet room for piss play. Dustin sprung into action and started moving all the supplies that Mitch had prepared into Brandon’s cell, along with two bright directional lights and a video camera mounted on a tripod. He adjusted the camera so that it would have an unobstructed view of the bed and an area next to the bed where Mitch indicated. Dustin was thirty years old, but still very much a twink. He was 5’10” and weighed about 130 pounds. He had short light brown hair and almost no body hair. Mitch had met Dustin about ten years ago through Rentboy. Dustin had already been poz by the time he met Mitch, so Dustin had never fully been Mitch’s Boy in the way Mitch intended to possess Brandon. Still, Dustin was one of Mitch’s regular slave boy fuck buddies. Dustin really got off on Age Play and liked to pretend he was underage if he was in the submissive role, or if he and Mitch were playing with a younger twink, Dustin liked to roleplay as an older brother. Dustin also happened to be deaf, which was useful in situations such as this since Mitch and Dustin could communicate through sign language as Mitch had made a point of learning the language after meeting Dustin. After Dustin had all the supplies set up in the room, Mitch returned and stood over Brandon watching the blindfolded boy lying on the mattress. The boy was definitely starting to feel the effects of the E and was well on his way to starting his trip. When Mitch saw Brandon start playing with his cock and balls, he signed to Dustin, “Get the shackles ready, I’m going to stand him up.” “Yes Daddy,” signed back Dustin then got the wrist shackles out and used a safety release snap to attach them to an eyebolt in the ceiling. Once Mitch had Brandon’s hands up over his head, Dustin quickly and expertly attached the shackles to the new boy’s wrists then adjusted the chains to make sure they kept Brandon’s arms stretched up. As Mitch was whispering into Brandon’s ear, Dustin picked up the leg shackles and stood in front of Brandon anticipating the next order from Mitch. Brandon did as Mitch suggested and continued enjoying his E trip by dancing to the pulsing hypnotic music. He pulled lightly against the shackles while he gyrated his hips and rolled his torso. He enjoyed the slight sting as the shackles dug into his wrists. Mitch smiled as he saw how much Brandon was enjoying displaying himself and showing off. Once he was sure the Boy was completely engaged in his trip, he hit pause on his phone to silence the music. “Okay, Boy, stop dancing and stand still,” he ordered Brandon. Brandon was disappointed and didn’t want to stop at first, but reluctantly did. Mitch walked over to where Dustin had laid out several floggers and straps and picked up a split leather strap. He walked back and smacked it twice across Brandon’s white ass, causing a bright red strip to quickly develop, “Aren’t you forgetting something Boy?” “Yes Sir. Sorry Sir,” said Brandon as the sting of the strap reminded him that he had not acknowledged Mitch’s order. “Good Boy. Every time you forget to call me Sir, Daddy, or Master, when you should, you will get spanked. The implement may vary but you will get spanked. Also each time you fail in this most simple of tasks, the punishment will double. So this time you got two since this was your second offense. Next time it will be four, then eight, then sixteen, and so on. Do you understand?” asked Mitch. “Yes Sir,” answered Brandon. “Good, now again, stand still,” ordered Mitch. “Yes Sir,” responded Brandon as he stood upright. Mitch stepped up behind Brandon and used his booted foot to slide Brandon’s legs apart until they were the desired distance apart. Then Mitch stepped back and nodded to Dustin, who quickly and expertly secured the ankle shackles to the walls and attached them to Brandon’s ankles. Dustin then picked up an electric hair trimmer from where the supplies were laid out and again stood ready in front of Brandon for the next order from Mitch. “Okay Boy, I’m going to be removing all your body hair, first getting the longer hairs with a trimmer and then shaving your entire body from the neck down. So, unless you want to get cut up a lot, you will remain still, especially in the area where you feel the shaving being done. While you are being shaved, I will be asking you some questions. You will answer me as best you can. Feel free to elaborate and tell me as much as you can about the topic of the question. Some of the questions may be difficult, its okay if you don’t know an answer or ramble on, but you will not lie to me. Do you understand?” asked Mitch. “Yes Sir,” answered Brandon, more concerned about the questions than the shaving. He and Aiden had shaved each other before. It was not something they bothered to do all the time, but they had enjoyed rubbing their naked hairless bodies against each other. Mitch nodded to Dustin, who immediately clicked on the trimmer and started to work on Brandon’s arms, starting at the top and working down the stretched out boy. “Have you been fucked before Boy?” asked Mitch. “Yes Sir. I’ve let Aiden fuck me a couple times. He really doesn’t enjoy fucking me and has trouble staying hard when he fucks me, Sir” answered Brandon. “So then you mainly fuck him when you have sex?” asked Mitch. “If we are fucking Sir, then yes. But most of the time we have sex we just exchange blow jobs or jack each other off, Sir,” answered Brandon. “Do you use condoms when you fuck?” asked Mitch. “Yes Sir. Both Aiden and I always practice safe sex, Sir,” said Brandon. “So you’ve never felt a bare cock up your ass?” asked Mitch. “No Sir, I’d never let anyone fuck me without a condom,” said Brandon adamantly. Mitch motioned to Dustin to step back, then delivered four swats to Brandon’s ass, “You forgot to say Sir.” Brandon cried out in pain and struggled against his the chains as he tried to turn his ass away from the blows. “Sorry Sir,” he finally responded after he had recovered the shock and pain of the strap. Once Brandon was settled back down, Mitch again nodded and Dustin resumed trimming Brandon’s body hair down to where it would be easy to shave. “Have you had sex with anyone besides Aiden?” asked Mitch. “No, but I’ve wanted to Sir,” said Brandon. The E was making it easier to admit his secret desires. “Why didn’t you then?” asked Mitch. Brandon hung his still blindfolded head, “Cause I was scared, Sir.” Brandon shivered and Dustin reacted quickly to keep from chopping the boy’s soft skin with the clippers. Just as Mitch was about to ask a follow up question, Brandon answered it, “I was scared people would think I was a slut, Sir.” Mitch stepped behind the shaking twink and wrapped his arms around him, giving him a hug. Dustin had not been paying as close attention to Mitch as he should have been and it took him a second to stop trimming Brandon’s hair when Mitch wrapped the boy up in a hug. Mitch spoke softly into Brandon’s ear, “Do not ever think there is anything wrong with being a slut. It is what you were born to be. Anyone that thinks less of you for being yourself isn’t anyone whose opinion matters.” Brandon pressed his body back against Mitch’s. Being hugged on E felt so good to him, and the man’s words were what he needed to hear. He was also so high that he did not even wonder how his legs were still being run over with a set of clippers when Mitch first hugged him. Mitch released Brandon and stepped back around to the front. “Have you and Aiden ever done anything kinky before like bondage, spanking, or piss play?” asked Mitch as Dustin resumed using the clippers on the boy’s legs. “No, Sir, but I have watched some bondage and spanking porn on the internet a few times, Sir,” answered Brandon slightly embarrassed to be admitting that. “What drugs have you done so far?” asked Mitch. Brandon took a minute to think then answered honestly, “Pot, E, whip-its, cough syrup or dexing, and Oxy, Sir.” He tensed as he expected Mitch would be angry at him for all the drugs he had tried and would punish him, but no blows were forthcoming. “Good, at least you are adventurous in one aspect of your life,” said Mitch. Dustin had finished removing all the longer hairs from the boy’s arms, arm pits, chest, pubic area, and legs, so he turned off the trimmer and started preparing the shaving cream and higher end disposable razors for the next task, while Mitch began running his hands over Brandon’s body. He started at the top, lightly stroking the boy’s body all the way from his hands, which were shackled above his head, to the boy’s shackled feet. As Dustin got busy shaving off the last remaining bits of hair, Mitch continued questioning Brandon. Mitch was able to get Brandon to admit that he was attracted to older men and that he did not flirt with them only to get booze, but also because it excited him when older men lusted after him. He had always been too scared though to go beyond flirting, again scared that people would think less of him. Once Dustin had finished shaving all the body hair off of Brandon, he wiped the boy down with a wet cloth then stepped back and waited for further instructions. Mitch inspected Brandon’s hairless body. The eighteen-year-old twink looked even younger once he was completely hairless from the neck down. The boy’s hairless cock was soft, mainly due to the effects of the E, and was so small that Brandon looked like he might not have started puberty yet. “Do you need to take your morning piss Boy?” asked Mitch as lightly stroked the boy’s smooth chest and teased the small dime sized pink nipples. Brandon nodded vigorously as he answered, “Yes Sir!” “Are you thirsty too?” asked Mitch. “Yes Sir!” answered Brandon. Mitch pointed to the large bottle that was on the floor next to the shaving supplies. Dustin quickly retrieved the bottle and held it under Brandon’s small cock. Mitch nodded and pointed to Brandon’s tiny cocklet. Dustin grabbed the boy’s cock, pulled back the foreskin and held the bottle in position to collect the boy’s piss. Mitch stroked Brandon’s hair as he said, “Okay Boy, go ahead and piss. It’s okay.” “Yes sir,” said Brandon as he relaxed and started releasing his morning piss. Dustin directed the boy’s piss into the bottle. Once Brandon had drained his bladder, the bottle was nearly full. Dustin shook the last few drops of piss out of the boy’s cock then handed the bottle to Mitch. “Good Boy,” said Mitch. He then grabbed a fistful of Brandon’s sweaty blond hair and pulled the boy’s head back. “Now open your mouth,” he ordered. Brandon was not so far gone on the E that he didn’t realize what was about to happen. He briefly thought about protesting or trying to resist, but he knew he was shackled by his wrists and ankles in a cell and completely at the mercy of Mitch. So he scrunched up his face and reluctantly opened his mouth. Mitch’s hand released its grip on his hair. Brandon waited for the piss, but instead his freshly shaven ass was assaulted by the strap. Eight sharp blows set his ass on fire. “Now, let’s try this again. Open your mouth Boy,” said Mitch. “Yes Sir,” said Brandon, upset at himself for having screwed that up again. He opened his mouth. He felt the rim of a plastic bottle press against his lips, a moment later, his own hot piss started to pour into his mouth. While he had never fantasized about or been particularly interested in golden showers or piss play, it did not completely freak him out. He found that the taste wasn’t repulsive and that he could handle it. When his mouth was full he gulped it down, but Mitch tilted the bottle and pour some more out while he swallowed so the piss ran down his chin and onto his body. Brandon figured he would get punished for spilling any of the piss so he quickly opened his mouth and gulped down another mouthful. He ended up downing three full mouthfuls and had a considerable amount of piss spill down his face, chest, stomach, crotch and legs before the bottle was empty. “Good Boy,” said Mitch as he handed the bottle to Dustin then moved behind Brandon and again started stroking the boy’s body, giving the tripping boy the physical stimulation he was craving. Brandon couldn’t help himself and pressed his body back against the older man. He moved his hips back and forth, rubbing his ass against the large leather bulge he felt behind him. Mitch ran one hand down Brandon’s smooth chest and taunt stomach. He ran his fingers over the boy’s freshly shaven pubic area. Brandon moaned in pleasure. Mitch used one finger and his thumb to stroke the boy’s small flaccid penis. Despite the effects of the E, Brandon’s cock quickly grew hard. “Despite a few slip ups, you’ve been a good Boy. Now you get a reward. You better enjoy this, cause its the last time that little cock of yours is going to give you pleasure for a long time,” said Mitch as he jacked the boy’s little uncut cock. Brandon rubbed his back against Mitch’s hairy chest and his ass against the man’s leather clad cock as Mitch masturbated him. The stimulation and the hour of having his body teased quickly brought Brandon to the brink of orgasm. Mitch was experienced enough to recognize the signs of Brandon’s approaching orgasm. When he knew the boy was about to come, he nodded to Dustin. Dustin got on his knees in front of Brandon and took the boy’s cock into his mouth. Mitch removed his hand from the boy’s cock as Dustin started to suck him and then used both hands to play with the boy’s dime-sized pink nipples. Brandon moaned in pleasure from all he stimulation and his impending orgasm. Just as he started shooting his cum into the mouth sucking his dick, it occurred to him that it was impossible for Mitch to be sucking him, while standing behind him. “Yeah, shoot that cum boy. Feed your load to new big brother. He’s hungry for it. He can’t get enough cum. Soon you will be just like him, hungry for cum and accepting any and every load you can get inside you,” said Mitch into Brandon’s ear as the boy’s orgasm overwhelmed him. Brandon cried out as he started cumming into Dustin’s mouth. It was one of the most powerful orgasms he had ever had. His legs shook and he lost his footing, cause his weight to transfer to his wrists and shoulders. He dangled from his shackled wrists as pain shot through his arms. Dustin easily swallowed the teen’s thin watery cum then sat back on his ankles and signed, “Thank you, Daddy.” Mitch gave the deaf prostitute a smile and nod of acknowledgment, then ordered him to go get the bondage chair from the other room. As Dustin went to get the chair, Mitch wrapped one arm around Brandon’s chest and lifted him back up to his feet and held him there as he used his other hand to release the chain holding the shackles to the ceiling. Dustin returned with the chair, and Mitch deposited Brandon into the chair then instructed Dustin to secure Brandon to it with rope. Mitch watched Dustin’s work closely and gave him tips and advice on his knots and rope placement, furthering the training of the thirty-year old switch. Once Brandon was secured to the chair, Mitch got a metal chastity cock sheath from the supplies. He slipped the ring around the base of the boy’s cock and forced the boy’s small balls through the metal ring. Then he put the metal tube over the boy’s deflated cock and locked it to the ring. It fit perfectly and would be extremely difficult for Brandon to remove. Mitch had taken the opportunity to size the boy’s genitals a week earlier on one of the many nights Brandon came home drunk and passed out. “There, now you will be able to learn to focus on your ass. You’re sexual gratification needs to come from using your ass and mouth to please real men,” said Mitch. After the chastity device was in place, Mitch removed the blindfold. Brandon remained blinded for a few moments as his eyes adjusted from the total dark of the blindfold to the bright lights for the video camera. He started to panic when he realized that everything that had happened had been video recorded. Mitch walked up behind Brandon and stroked the boy’s hair as he shushed him. “You need to get used to being on display Boy. I’m making a nice preview tape to show you off to my friends, to wet their appetite for when you are ready to make multiple loads from all comers. You’ll have men lining up to fuck your ass and shoot their cum up into you. Each one wishing he was the one that got to impregnate you. You will be covered in cum, with it dripping out of your ass, and you will love every minute of it. Now are you ready to see how a real slut boy behaves?” asked Mitch. Before Brandon could even reply, Mitch’s hands and fingers were giving Dustin his next orders, “Okay Boy, time to show your little brother how to Party.”
    13 points
  2. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 1) “What’s up? Are you looking for a tight hole to fuck?” a private message popped up on my screen. ‘RapeMeRaw’ was the guy’s virtual nickname. I clicked to view his profile. …18 years old …White …Slim …Blonde …No hair on his body, as far as the body-pictures showed. “Show your face faggot” I wrote back. He didn’t reply right away. Then he sent me a message, telling me, he would rather like to exchange some messages before sending his picture. “Don’t waste my time – Fake!” I answered him unfavorably. Several minutes later he sent me another message. “Please…. don’t show this to anyone. My parents still don’t know…” he wrote. Attached were some pictures of a cute young twink. He had an innocent look on his face and an angelic smile. “No one cares about you. How old are you?” I wanted to know. “18?” he instantly wrote back. “Are you asking me…?” I wrote, since he looked so youthfully, but who gave a shit. “Give me your skype address. I want to see you. Prove to me, that you are not fake news” I hit the send button. “I will show my face on cam. But I am not doing a sex show for you… just to let you know. I am not stupid…. you might record it after all….” his quick reply flashed on my screen. After getting his skype name I sent him a request. He accepted the call and I could see his face ‘live’. It was the handsome face on the pictures and after he passed this reality check, he turned his cam off again. “Okay whore – when can I rip you open?” I asked him via skype. “I don’t know… I can visit you if you like. I want to be raped hard.” he wrote. “Ever had a cock up your cunt?” “Sure - lots…. I am a true cunt” he lied. Since it is difficult to actually date a twink like this, if you write too long, I asked him to rape his ass that evening. I was sure, that he was already jacking off his young dick fiercly. “Can’t we write a little bit before?” he asked me seriously. “Nah – I am into the real stuff. If you want a hard cock up your slit, raping you savagely… then I am the right guy. Give me your contact address and I will pick you up.” Minutes passed without a reaction. I checked my profile. He hit it 9 times by now and was just surfing on my site. I had some hardcore pictures of my dick fucking tight assholes. The biohazard symbol was visible on my left shoulder. “Are you healthy?” he asked me suddenly. This guy was either stupid or simply not so experienced, as he would like to be. “Of course I am” I replied. I had no cold. I had no headache. I was feeling fine. My lips formed a devilish smile. The next moment ‘RapeMeRaw’ went offline. Oh well I thought and invited a bottom pig to my apartment. I knew this poz whore already and I was sure it would be fun fucking more of my poz cum into his snatch. The following day I received several messages. The little pup apologized for logging out so abruptly. His mother had entered his room and now he was scared, I would believe he was just a no show. He was begging for forgiveness and asking for another chance to be my rape victim. More messages came in, asking me for a second chance. Damn – this fuckslut seemed to be desperate for cock. Who would I be, if I wouldn’t give the kid a chance, meeting my toxic cock. “Apology accepted – meet me this evening at 6pm at a WalMart parking lot nearby” I gave him the exact address and told him to wait in front of the main entrance. During the day he wrote me several other messages. He told me, how he wanted to be ripped open and destroyed by my big cock. He mentioned, that he needed my cum in his puppy cunt so badly. He begged me to fuck him as brutally as I could and that no cry or plea should change my mind. I never replied to any of them. He saw me being online. He knew, I read the messages, but didn’t react. I was sure he got the right feeling, that this would be his one and only chance to meet me. When I came closer to the meeting point, I could see him from afar already. He wore tight white jeans which showed his butt perfectly. It was small ass and promised a tight fucking. His hair had a perfect sidecut. He was in a good shape and had a nice and slim body. It would be fun to show no mercy on the guy. “Hello Sir” he greeted me, looking at my big bulge. “Come with me boy. Let’s move to my car," I ordered as I took a good grip on his nape, leading him to my automobile. He was obviously scared, but as much as he looked around, his gaze always returned to my crotch, which bulged with excitement. Apparently he made-up his mind as he sighed and willingly walked to the car, where, upon arrival, I unlocked the doors and gestured for him to get in. He complied, closing the door as I took my seat in the driver's seat. “Where are we going?” he asked bashfully. I did not even look at him. I opened the buttons of my jeans and pulled my cock out of the fabric. “Suck until I cum, or until I tell you to stop - you fuckwhore” I demanded. I pushed his head down to my crotch and felt his hot tongue playing clumsy with my dickhead. I could feel his hot breath on my toxic rape-stick. He was no professional! That’s for sure. I started the ignition and we drove slowly off the lot. He wanted to be raped… you got to be careful what you are wishing for…
    9 points
  3. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 2) The lad was giving his best, to satisfy me with his mouth. I was pretty sure, he didn’t have the experience to give a great blow job, but it was alright. He played more with his tongue around my dickhead, than actually swallowing my cock. Probably he was impressed with the length and thickness of my dick. My right hand was resting on the backside of his head and from time to time I pushed him deeper into my crotch. He understood the signal and tried at least for a while to suck me off. “No teeth, baby…. no teeth” I warned him with my low voice, when he scraped me once. We passed the outskirts and I told my rapetoy, that I would fuck him so hard, as soon as we reached the motel. I chose a good one. No questions asked. I reserved a bungalow under the name ‘Smith’ and payed the fees in advance and in cash. No tracks…. The boy tried to answer me in between sucking. “Yeah… force me. Rape my ass hard. Make me bleed out of my hole” He would get that and more. I would make him bleed and gift him with my virus. I was not only positive. I was an AIDS bloke with a deadly poison in my balls and was eager to breed the stupid twat forcefully. “Once we pass that door, you will be nothing more than an object to me. Just a hole… and you will do anything for me, to get my charged up load into your system” I advised him in a calm voice. I slapped him on the back of his head and asked him if he understood. “Hm hum….” he mumbled while trying to cope with the 9 inch meet planted deeply in his throat right now. I pulled him off my cock and asked again: “You got that… punk?” “Yes… yes… reduce me to a thing. Destroy me with your cock” he gasped. “Fuck yeah… I will reduce you to a pulp” and with that I pushed my cock in his mouth again. After another hour drive we reached our destination. We passed the reception bungalow without stopping. A long and winding road led us to a distant corner of the park. There I stopped my car. Although the cute guy had tried his best, to suck my cum out of my balls, he was not successful. He looked up to me with a guilty look in his eyes and said ‘sorry’. “Don’t worry pup. Your body will do now. I will use your hole to pollute you – stupid fuck” The guy was getting up from his squatted position and stretched himself. “My name is Davis by the way” he smiled cheekily at me. “Who cares?” I looked at him sternly. “Just get out of the car and get inside the apartment. We both got off the car. I surveyed the area. No other human being could be seen. It was half past seven already. I opened the door and Davis entered the room and froze in place right then and there. Two guys were sitting on a couch, watching hardcore porn on the television. Another guy fiddled about a cam, which was attached to a tripod – facing one of the two beds. A fourth guy just came out of the bathroom, while we entered the whole scene. All guys were dressed in black. Black boots, black jeans, black t-shirts, black gloves. Davis seemed to be stunned. He was scared, that all of a sudden four other dudes were here in the same room with him, obviously waiting for his arrival. I closed the door behind us and greeted the other tops. Both guys on the couch masturbated slowly their cocks while checking Davis out. The other two guys had also their dicks hauled out of their jeans, but they were only half hard right now. All the guys had their highest button of the jeans closed, but all the other buttons downwards have been opened and so their dicks were hanging freely, waiting for a hole to appear. “What… is…. this…. all…. about” Davis stammered. “Is this the rape hole you promised us?” one of the guys asked me with greedy eyes. “Man…. my dick is already getting fully set” the guy at the camera looked down and Davis saw how the cock slowly extended to its full 8 inches and rising. “Please…. I am not sure if I can stand that. What is the cam for? Don’t do this to me please” the twink started begging me. Without taking notice of this babbling the guys started putting on black ski masks. I disguised my face also, as we could see the horror in the young lads eyes. “Start filming…” I said. The cam turned around to the entrance. I grabbed Davis from behind and pulled my right arm firmly over his neck. Breathing became difficult now. The two guys from the couch moved closer and started pinching the boys’ nipples severely. Davis just screamed. I covered his mouth with my big left hand while the guy from the bathroom squeezed the lads’ balls hardly. I bit into Davis left ear - pulled and tore like a mad dog - growling dangerously. “We will destroy you” I hissed to Davis. “Look at this!” the guy crushing the boys’ balls exclaimed. Davis became rigid and a wet spot appeared in front of his jeans. The poor lad pissed himself out of fear. The cam was recording every second of it. His white jeans changed the color to yellow, while the piss started wetting his fabrics downwards. The two guys next to the pup started jeering and twisted his nipples brutally now. “You know how to make a guy horny” I whispered into Davis ear. Davis couldn’t help but to sob and piss himself. He was scared to death
    6 points
  4. Back home after my third trip to the sex mecca of Atlanta in 7 weeks. Had a blast at the sex party as well as getting mated at my hotel room by guys including a hot muscular hispanic guy that was married. I also had another round with my 10 x 8.5 stallion bus, who was in me for over 90 minutes non-stop. All in all I enjoyed 21 matings and 16 loads, bringing my total to 186 sex partners for 2017. Have to figure out how to post of pic of my used hole. It's now a true cunt.
    5 points
  5. 8:00pm on June 3, 2017...DeShaun looked at me, disappointed. "Fuck, white meat, you let me down...I thought you'd have a little fight in you still. Guess you one of them white faggots just aching for nigga cock in yo pussy, ain'tcha." He punctuate what he said by shoving his fingers back inside me...unfortunately, all it did was make me gasp loudly, arch my back and spread my legs wider. He grinned, and shoved in deeper, twisting his fingers back and forth...I starting gasping for air, unable to breathe at the lovely mixture of pain and pleasure he was inflicting on me. Part of me was embarrassed to be behaving like such a slut in heat in front of three strangers, but as I was violated deeper and harder, I became more and more aware of the nearness of their hard, masculine bodies, the stink of sweat and piss in the room, and the obscenely large bulges in their pants. "Oh baby, you are in heat, white meat...and we haven't even got you hungry yet...let's start you off slow. Tyrell, you got poppers?" One of the thugs slipped his hand into his pocket and tossed something tiny to DeShaun. When he caught it, I could see it was a tiny bottle labeled Jungle Juice. DeShaun chuckled as he shook the tiny bottle, still keeping his fingers in my hole. "Jungle Juice to rile up yo jungle fever, white meat...you gonna like this. When I hold it to yo nose, take a huge whiff...then the other side...then hold it in until I tell you, and let it out nice and slow." He twisted the cap off one handed, used his thumb to wipe the lip of the bottle, then shoved it up on left nostril...I followed directions, inhaling deep - it smelled weird - then the left, then holding it in until he said let it out, then exhaling slowly. I got really hot...or maybe cold...I dropped back onto the mattress, completely dizzy...my blood was pounding...DeShaub was finger fucking me to the beat of my pulse...or do I thought until I looked down and saw I was fucking myself onto his fingers. He just laughed and repeated the process. The room spun, and when it stopped, DeShaun was standing watching me, but something still fucked my hole...turns out that during the second rush, DeShaun's fingers had been replaced with Tyrell's big black cock. I turned to DeShaun, and tried to gasp out my request. "Please...Sir...please..." I grunted. "What you want, white meat? You want this maybe?" DeShaun held the bottle of poppers just out of reach. "Yes...please Sir...yes". I gasped. Tyrell's cock was beginning to hurt places inside I didn't know existed until now. "First, you gotta admit the truth, white meat...the truth you been refusing to admit since yo bro walked you into my crib. Whose property is you, faggot? ". DeShaun chuckled. "Yours...Master..."I gasped while Tyrell picked up the speed and force. And part of me...deep and dark inside...part of me wanted it to be true.
    5 points
  6. AWAKENING (Part 2) Brandon woke up with his head throbbing. This was one of the worst hangovers he had experienced in his young life, certainly way worse than he would have been expected from the amount he had drunk the night before. He remembered falling asleep on the couch after the confrontation with Mitch, but as he opened his eyes and looked around he realized he was somewhere completely different. He was lying naked on a small mattress in a small room and windowless room. There was a dim bulb on the ceiling above providing a small amount of light to the room. The mattress was covered in a black sheet that did little to hide the thick plastic mattress cover beneath it. The walls and low ceiling of the room were painted black and had a countless number of eye rings in them. In the dim light it was hard for Brandon to make out much in the corners of the room but it looked like there were speakers and several security cameras positioned there. The floor was concrete and sloped slightly towards the corner furthest away from the door. In that lowest corner was a drain. The small room was warm, so Brandon was at least comfortable despite being naked. As Brandon was surveying the room and trying to remember everything that happened last night, the door opened and Mitch came striding in. It took Brandon a second to recognize the man, as he looked completely different decked out all in leather and walking with an authority and confidence that had only been hinted at the night before. Brandon’s eyes were immediately drawn to the massive bulge that was evident in the tight black leather pants that also showed off Mitch’s powerful legs. Brandon used his hands to cover his genitals and immediately tried to start pleading with Mitch again, “Please Mitch, what’s going on? Where am I? I’m sorry about coming home drunk last night. I’ll be better. I promise.” Mitch cut him off, “Too late for any of that Boy. As for what is going on, you agreed to do everything I say from now on. I’m holding you to that. You had the chance to leave last night, but you chose to stay and made a commitment to me. Up until now you have been a worthless piece of human garbage whose word was as worthless as you are. Since you can’t be trusted to keep your word on your own, I’m going to make sure you start keeping it. I’m also going to make something useful out of you. I’ve been studying you for the last couple of weeks, taking your measure. You will never be a true man, you are too much of a faggot to ever claim to be a man. The main reason you have been so lost in life, is that you haven’t accepted your true self and your true place. You exist to serve and be used by real men. The emptiness inside you feel is because you are fighting against the real you.” His voice was calm, steady, and commanding. Several times Brandon wanted to interject some denial, but he found himself cowed by the intimidating leather clad god standing above him. Mitch continued, “I am going to awaken the submissive cum dump slut slave I know is inside you. Soon you will realize that what you thought was your high self-esteem and self-confidence was just a mask you wore to hide the fact that you are just a lost little boy that needs a real man to take charge of your life for you. A man you can worship, please, and obey. So today you start your journey and new life. That’s what is going on. So from now on you will address me by Sir, Master, or Daddy.” Mitch reached down and cupped the boy’s chin in his hand and lifted his head up, locking eyes with the young twink. “Do you understand that Boy?” He asked. Brandon was shaking, partly from shock, partly from fear, and partly from desire. He swallowed hard then let out a meek, “Yes sir.” “Good Boy,” said Mitch as he let go of the boy’s chin and lightly ran his hand up the side of the boy’s sweaty face then through the boy’s damp blond hair. “Now, as far as where you are, you are in my dungeon and you are not free to leave. Even if you were to somehow over power me, there is a lock to the outside that requires a code. The only way you are ever going to see the outside world again is if you do exactly as I say and accept your new position in life,” he said softly as he continued to stroke the boy’s hair, like he was trying to calm a scared puppy. Mitch’s demeanor changed suddenly as he used the hand on the boy’s head to grab a fistful of the boy’s hair. “Now, your first lesson. Whenever your Master or a real man enters the room, you will stand up and show your respect, letting him know by your body language that you are ready and willing to submit to a superior male. Now get to your feet,” he said then used the fist full of hair he had in his hand to start pulling the boy to his feet. Brandon struggled up to his feet, trying not to get his hair yanked out in the process as Mitch continued to pull on it. Once the boy was on his feet, Mitch released his hold and stepped back slightly, looking over Brandon’s naked body. The boy again covered his genitals with his hands. The twink was slim but not bony. He had a slight tan with a very visually striking Speedo shaped tan line around his groin, which was still milky white. The boy had obviously spent some time at the beach or pool down in San Diego before coming north. “Stand up straight; clasp your hands behind your back just above your ass; shoulders back; keep head slightly bowed. If you need somewhere to focus you can keep your eyes on my crotch,” ordered Mitch. Brandon was nervous and unsure, but he knew that he was out of his depth. He was a prisoner, no, more than a prisoner, a slave. The thought both frightened and excited him. He did as he was ordered, standing up straight, lowering his head, and then very slowly and reluctantly he took his hands off his crotch and put them behind his back. He fought back more tears as his shame was revealed to Mitch. Brandon had always been embarrassed about the size of his dick. Growing up he had always been trying to sneak peaks of other boys and men, checking out their pee-pees, dicks, cocks, or penises. His vocabulary changed over the years, but what did not change was that Brandon’s cock was usually smaller than anyone else except eventually the much younger boys. But Brandon was embarrassed for another reason as well. When he pulled his hands away from his crotch, his little dickie sprang up and slapped against his stomach, fully erect and leaking pre-cum. His cock was uncut and the small red head was pushed halfway out of the hood. His dick was probably about four inches long from the tip to base of his pubis. Mitch looked the twink’s exposed body over. He saw the look of shame on the boy’s face as he exposed his small cock. There was a small well trimmed patch of pubic hair above the base of the boy’s small cock and a light dusting of blond hairs over his balls. As for body hair, there was not that much, just small tufts under his arms, a small patch in the middle of his chest, and light amount on his forearms and calves. The sparse body hair would make shaving the boy easier. Eventually he would sign Brandon up for laser hair removal so that the twink would be permanently free of body hair. It was just one of the permanent changes the man had planned for the boy’s body. “You ashamed of your cock Boy?” asked Mitch, knowing the answer but wanting to get Brandon to admit it out loud. “Yes,” sobbed Brandon. Mitch’s hand flew up and slapped the boy across the face, “That’s Yes Sir, Boy.” “Yes, Sir. Sorry...Sir,” corrected Brandon. “Good Boy. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Your cock size is irrelevant,” said Mitch. “But, uh, its too small to really fuck,” said Brandon before quickly adding, “Sir.” “Why do you say that Boy?” asked Mitch, trying to draw out Brandon. “Well, I can’t satisfy Aiden. When we, err, have sex, he always finishes himself off with a dildo, Sir,” admitted Brandon, his cheeks turning bright red. Mitch laughed, which made Brandon feel even more pathetic. His shoulders slumped. Mitch lightly slapped his hands against the outside of the boy’s shoulders, “Shoulders back, keep your position.” Brandon straightened back up. Mitch gently rubbed his hands up and down the outside of the boy’s arms, calming him. “See what I mean about being lost and not accepting your true nature Bran. You are not a top. You never will be. If you were a top, your boyfriend would not be finishing himself off. It has nothing to do with the size of your cock. I’ve seen great tops with cocks your size that have men and boys begging to submit to them. When I’m done with your training you won’t even care if you have a cock anymore, let alone how big it is,” explained Mitch. He noticed Brandon tense up momentarily. Mitch chuckled and quickly added, “Don’t worry, I like guys with cocks, so I’m not going to cut it off or anything. You’ll still have it, even after you find you don’t even need to touch it to cum.” Brandon breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you Sir.” “Okay, now time to get you ready for your new role in life and continue your training. Can you swallow a pill without water?” asked Mitch. Brandon shook his head. Mitch delivered a light slap to the boy’s taunt stomach, “Always answer verbally unless you are gagged.” “Sorry Sir. No Sir,” answered Brandon. It was obvious from the tone of his voice that he was worried about saying no and disappointing his new Master. Mitch cupped the boy’s chin and raised his face up so he was looking in the boy’s eyes, “Brandon, never be afraid to give me an honest answer when I ask you a question. You will never be punished for being honest. You WILL be punished for lying, but not for being honest. Do you understand that Boy?” “Yes Sir,” answered Brandon. “Good, now open your mouth,” ordered Mitch. When Brandon complied, Mitch worked up a large amount of spit in his own mouth than leaned in and spit it into the twink’s open mouth. Mitch kept his hand on the boy’s chin and pressed his fingers into his cheeks, letting the boy know he was to keep his mouth open. He spit several more times into Brandon’s mouth, splattering the boy’s big red lips, chin, and cute button nose with spittle in addition to filling the boy’s mouth. When Brandon was struggling to keep from swallowing and spit was dripping down his chin, Mitch used his other hand to pull a small round tablet out of the small front inset pocket of his tight leather pants. He dropped the pill into the boy’s mouth. “Swallow,” he ordered as he removed his fingers from the boy’s cheeks and pushed his chin up, closing his mouth. Brandon wanted to ask what the pill was, but his mouth was full of spit and he remembered Mitch’s instructions from the night before that he was to take whatever pills Mitch gave him. He hesitated for a brief moment as he thought about everything that was happening to him. Is this what he wanted? Yesterday when he left the house after dinner in search of finding some older gay man that he could flirt with and tease in exchange for getting the old troll to buy him a pint of vodka to get drunk off of, he would have laughed at anyone that said he wanted to be a slave to a man that was as old as his father. Yet here he was, naked, displaying himself to the man, his mouth full of the man’s spit, an unknown pill in his mouth, and his little dick rock hard. Brandon swallowed the pill. “Good Boy,” said Mitch with an evil grin on his face, “You’re true self, a submissive slut boy, is starting to awaken deep within you. Now to properly mark you as the slave you are, you get a present.” Mitch reached behind him and pulled a leather collar out of his back pocket. He wrapped it around the boy’s small neck, tightened it so that it was snug but still left room for the boy to breath then attached a small padlock and locked the collar in place. “This collar marks you for all to see as my property. It has a tag on it with my phone number and the inscription, ‘For Permission to Use Call’,” explained Mitch. He then pulled a leather blindfold out of his other pocket and put it over the boy’s head, adjusting and tightening it so that is was securely in place over his eyes. He then pushed the boy backwards, causing Brandon to fall onto his back on the mattress. “You can relax for a few minutes while I go get the supplies I’ll need for the next step of your journey. Do not touch your blindfold, trust me, I’ll know,” said Mitch, then he turned and strode out of the room. *** If you are looking for a story that rushes to the sex, I’m sorry but I have trouble righting that way. I like to explore the journey and take my time. Feel free to pm me feedback and suggestions for Brandon’s training (or you can leave it in the thread).
    5 points
  7. gotta keep that hole open....
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. I've only been piss fucked once, guy filled my ass with his piss (felt like gallons) and then fucked me senseless. About half the piss was left in my when we finished along with his load. One of the hottest things ever, but never seem to be able to find a guy who is into it.
    4 points
  10. INTRO Mitch grabbed the pretentious twink by the neck and shoved him up against the wall next to the door. “That’s it boy, I’ve had enough of your bullshit. Things are going to change around here starting right now. You got that Brandon?” he yelled at the drunken eighteen-year-old blond boy. Brandon tried to say something but was not able to get out more than a groan of pain with Mitch choking him. Mitch spat into the boy’s face, “You are a worthless piece of shit, just like your father said you were when he dumped you on me. I’ve tried to give you a chance to show you could be a decent person and a responsible adult, but you’re just a spoiled brat that uses people. Well punk, your luck has finally run out.” Jackson, an old friend from high school and college, as well as partner in a tech company they had sold a decade ago for a multi-million dollar payday, had called up Mitch a couple weeks ago asking for a huge favor. Jackson’s son, Brandon or Bran for short after the character from the Game of Thrones novel, would be going to college in the San Francisco bay area starting in the fall, but Jackson was worried about the boy. Bran’s mother, who was divorced from Jackson, had spoiled the boy rotten, using just a portion of the generous child support payments Jackson was ordered to pay as part of the divorce settlement. Jackson had no problem with his son being gay since Mitch had been one of his best friends for most of his life. It was obvious from a young age that Bran was queer and Jackson had many conversations with Mitch over the years about the boy. What Jackson could not stand though, was that Brandon had grown up to be a stuck up, spoiled, pretentious asshole. Jackson blamed himself for some of it since he had not fought that hard to retain custody of his son when he divorced his wife. So he had asked Mitch for a favor. He asked Mitch to take the boy in for the summer before college and try to reform the boy before he would move into campus housing for his freshman year. Mitch had met the boy several times previously, including a week before the phone call when he attended the boy’s graduation down in southern California. Mitch had agreed to take the boy in on the one condition that he had total authority to do whatever he felt was needed. To that end he asked Jackson if the boy’s mother was going to continue to spoil the boy after Brandon moved out of her house. Jackson laughed and explained that the only reason she had any money to spend on the boy was because of the generous child support that he was obligated to pay to his ex-wife as long as the boy was a minor. Now that the payments were stopping, his ex-wife had found a new mark to leech off of and was moving to the east coast to live with her new sugar daddy. Brandon was a very pretty young twink, taking after his mother, who had been beautiful enough to be a model, but was not willing to put in the work required to be successful in that career. He was 5’6” and slim. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He had delicate features and a slightly effeminate look. His lips were full and plumb and Mitch had often thought they would look good wrapped around his cock. The boy’s ass was a perfect perky bubble butt that was just begging to be spanked, fucked, and bred. It would look great with a puffy red rosebud leaking multiple loads of toxic cum. Mitch was looking forward to getting the kid flying and turn him into a willing hungry cum dump. Mitch, in contrast, was a man’s man, 6’2” and 225 pounds of muscle with just the right amount of fat to look natural and not like he did nothing but lift weights at the gym all day. He had a naturally fit body that responded well to his daily routine of push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. At 48, his brown hair was just starting to go gray at the temples and his short neatly trimmed beard was streaked with gray. He was classically handsome and never had any trouble finding a willing bottom to get bred by his thick 9” monster cock, which he had used to poz many young twinks over the years during meth fueled marathons of fucking, sm, and fisting. Mitch pulled the boy off the wall and shoved him towards the sofa. The drunk kid stumbled and fell backwards onto the sofa. He sobbed and struggled to make sense of the sudden change in the man that had for the last two weeks let himself be walked all over. Bran had acted towards Mitch the same way he acted towards his mother, just assuming that his clothes would get picked up and washed, and that any money in a wallet left on a counter top was money that Bran could take. The man never seemed to care that Bran never said please or thank you when Mitch did something for him. Brandon was not dumb or oblivious; he could tell that Mitch found him attractive, as many men and women did. This was something which Bran become accustomed to taking advantage of. He figured he could tease Mitch by prancing around the house nearly naked and that was payment enough for Mitch doing all the cooking and cleaning. “You got five minutes to make a decision, you either get your things and get out, or you stay, but if you stay you are agreeing to do everything I say, and I mean everything. Your Dad said you were a worthless piece of trash, spoiled rotten by your mother and has given me permission to do whatever I want to get you to shape up. I gave you a chance to prove him wrong, but you took every opportunity to prove him right,” snarled Mitch. Brandon was in a state of panic. He had never experienced Mitch, nor anyone else, be this forceful and dominate with him. His mother had left to go shack up with some rich guy in Connecticut and had already rented her house out, so Brandon could not go back home. Brandon knew Mitch was right about how his father felt about him, so he could not go to his father’s place. His boyfriend, Aiden, was on a month long post graduation trip to Europe with his family so even if Brandon could get himself back back down to San Diego, he couldn’t crash at Aiden’s house and besides his boyfriend was still under age for another month. The young gay man didn’t have any close friends as he would eventually end up pissing off most people he met as he used them up. He did not have any money saved up as he spent every penny he could get his hands on buying fancy clothes, pot, and booze. He never held down a job to earn any money as he felt working was beneath him, something he had picked up from his mother. So his only options were to agree to Mitch’s demands, or be tossed out into the street. Deep down he knew his usual charms would not work this time, but out of habit he tried anyway, pleading, crying, begging, then throwing a temper tantrum when nothing else worked. Mitch stood stone faced through the boy’s attempted manipulations. He glanced down at his watch. “You just wasted four of your five minutes. You have one minute left to decide,” he said; his voice flat and unemotional. The stress of the situation was starting to sober Brandon up a bit, so he was able to think somewhat more rationally. While his attempts to persuade Mitch had just failed, he figured that in the morning Mitch would probably have calmed down and be more receptive to renegotiating whatever agreement they were in the process of making. He believed he would be able to smooth this all over when he sobered up and things would go back to normal. So he wiped the tears off his face and looked up at Mitch, “Okay, I’ll stay.” “By staying, you agree to do whatever I say. You understand that right?” said Mitch. Brandon rolled his eyes and nodded. Mitch stepped closer to the sofa so he was standing directly over the slim twink. “Then say it. Tell me you agree to do whatever I say,” demanded Mitch. “Fine, I’ll do what you say,” sighed Brandon. Mitch’s hand was lightning fast as he slapped the boy across the face. “Not good enough. Repeat after me, ‘I will stay with you and I will do whatever you say, SIR’” ordered Mitch, saying the words slowly and emphasizing the sir. Brandon grabbed his cheek and fought the urge to start crying again. “Okay fine. I will stay with you and I will do whatever you say, sir,” said Brandon, but even despite his stinging cheek, he reflexively rolled his pretty blue eyes. “Good enough for now. I’ll deal with that attitude of yours tomorrow. Now stay on the couch. If you get up, you’ll get a beating,” said Mitch before turning and walking out of the room and into the bathroom. He returned a moment later with an oblong pink pill and a glass of water. Brandon had at least obeyed this order without any backtalk or attitude. Mitch held the pill and the glass of water out to the boy. “Here, swallow this pill,” he ordered. “What is it?” asked Brandon. “It doesn’t matter what it is. From now on you will swallow any pill I want you to; you will drink anything I tell you to; and you will smoke anything I order you to. What part of ‘you will do everything I say’ are you having trouble with?” asked Mitch. Brandon reach out slowly and took the pill and the glass of water. He put the pill in his mouth and drank a small amount of water. He trapped the pill under his tongue as he swallowed the water, then handed the glass back. Mitch took the glass and set it down on the coffee table. He started to turn, as if he was going to walk away, then quickly sprang on the surprised boy. He landed on top of Brandon, sitting on the boy’s slim waist and pinning him on the sofa. Mitch yanked the boy’s blonde hair, pulling his head back. He grabbed the boy’s jaw with his other hand and forced his mouth open. “DON’T EVER THINK YOU CAN FOOL ME BOY,” he screamed into the boy’s face. He then spit into the boy’s mouth. “Swallow that fucking pill NOW.” Brandon was too terrified to do anything but obey. He swallowed he pill. Once Mitch was satisfied that the pill was down and not coming back up, he got up and left the room. Brandon was too emotionally spent to do anything but curl up into a ball on the sofa and cry until the Ambien kicked in and sent him into a deep sleep. *** Please feel free to leave feedback below or you can also PM me your comments and suggestions. Sex and drugs will be coming soon, I promise. Thank you for reading.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Hey, Rawladz! I was at the same bb sex party yesterday as Curious_Mississauga. Yes, the Acland bb couple (originally from Australia, now making their home in Toronto) did a few bb performances on the couch on the first floor. They actually did mingle and have sex with the rest of us mortals. I thought this was HOT! But, I looked over and continued to fuck the guy in front of me. The performances were interesting but kind of eclipsed by the sex in front of me. I had to remain focused on the deed in hand (cock/ass - LOL!). I got there about 5 PM. Packed with guys, I'd say. The organizer said about 78 guys made it to this bb sex party. I guess word of mouth is popularizing this great event. To be clear, I had all sorts of holes to fuck, and I managed to fuck two guys in the fuckwall. One guy I liked better because his hole gripped my daddy dick, the other fellow had a very slick hole and my cock was floating inside. I prefer tighter holes. There were 4 of us left to close the club down - myself, my 2 young fuckboys, and 1 other top. I came in my regular boy's ass who was in one sling and then added my seed to his friend's ass in the other sling. Then the young top was pounding the friend's ass. He had a hard time cumming. Oh well... I had a great time with my 2 young boycunts with me! They said they want to go with me on July 2 when the next bb sex party will happen at Club120 in Toronto. It can't get any better!
    3 points
  13. I spent months in ever smaller chastity cages until my 7 inch dick had almost disappeared. Thank heaven, it came back after 2 months of freedom.
    3 points
  14. I spent months in Chastity and when I was taken out they gave me a Prince Albert.
    3 points
  15. I attended the Fuck Party at Club 120 in Toronto today. There were plenty of guys already there when I arrived just before 4:30pm. The only thing was most guys were standing and watching and not fucking. This was different from the other parties I have attended where the fucking starts almost right away. I stripped down to my jockstrap and did a loop of the club. In addition to the anon fuck wall (think Gay Czech Fantasy) there were padded benches with camouflage covering them. The four slings were in place at either end of the upper level. I was really horny to get fucked so I set my eye on a black guy rubbing his cock in his jock over by the cabins. I got close enough to reach over and rub his cock for him. That was all it took as he put down his drink and followed me into a cabin. I bent down and sucked his cock for about 30 seconds, (side note: because there is so much bareback fucking and no shower facilities there is not much cocksucking at this party) until he reached behind me to see if my hole was lubed (it was). He then bent me over and entered me smoothly for my first cock of the day. I moaned and whimpered on his cock for a few minutes until he pulled out and apologized that my hole was so good it was going to make him cum and he had just arrived and did not want to blow his load so fast. We parted and I went to the far balcony on the 2nd floor and bent over adjacent to two of the slings. It did not take long for a hot daddy to sidle over and feel my hole. Once he felt wet, he stepped right behind and started rubbing his bare dick on my hole sliding it up and down until he stiffened then pointed it up my ass and proceeded to fuck rigorously until he unloaded for my first bare cum in weeks. The rest of the party was quite good. Two Australian Porn stars did a fuck show. I spent some time in the wall (and took a breeding while in there). I got fucked by three different black guys which was a highlight for me. All told I had a lot of fun and took eight cocks up my ass, though not all blew their loads in me. The organizers said there was almost 60 guys attend. I am anxious to attend the next fuck party on July 2.
    3 points
  16. It was the next semester. I had been teaching for a few weeks and needed a break from the tech heavy routine my classes had resumed. I met Marty out for Sunday Funday over President's Day weekend. We met in the mid afternoon at that same bar in Chelsea. Marty's "A List" friends were there again. I assumed the position of attentive Brooklynite listening to the wisdom of Manhattan gays. I'm not sure why I did this except it definitely made all these guys like me. Marty's friend who had fucked me in the bathhouse was there. He introduced me to his boyfriend from LA. I was a little surprised but didn't say anything since I wasn't drunk yet. When the boyfriend went to the bathroom, Marty's friend asked me not to say anything. I said I wouldn't, but it was sad not to get his load again. He blushed and laughed. He said, "I don't normally do that. I was really drunk. And, honestly, you have an incredible ass. Are you wearing a jockstrap again?" I thanked him and said I was. He smiled and sighed knowingly. LA boyfriend returned and we all melded back into the larger gaggle of gays. I was about four drinks into the afternoon/evening when I heard Marty say, "Oh fuck! It's Connor." I looked up into his face and Marty later told me that my face read, "Fucking hell? Really? You couldn't have warned me? OMG! Oh, I'm going to be ill," all at once. Connor and another guy, who looked like an Aryan poster boy, joined the gaggle. Turns out this guy is an attorney and he and Connor have been dating for awhile. They'd been seeing each other since the NYE party when I last saw Connor. Ugh. I was so over it. It was my turn to buy a round (otherwise I would have left) and I stepped up to the bar to get drinks. Connor stepped over to me. He asked how I was doing. I just kind of stared at him. I am not sure I want this "friendship." He told me that he was really happy with the new guy. He asked if I was dating anyone. I said no. His face showed concern as he said, "I'm really sorry about last time we saw each other. I didn't know what to do or how to act. At the time, you were still the only guy I'd ever loved. It hurt to see you. I am sorry." At this point I can't decide whether to scream or cry. I mumble, "I'm sorry too." Connor said, "It took me years to get over our relationship. I've forgiven you for everything. I really do hope you are alright." I have no idea how I got our drink order into the bartender, signed my credit card receipt, and started to give the drinks to the other guys. Connor was helping me. I guess I'd bought a drink for him and his new man. It was hazy. My stomach and my heart and my brain were all a jumble. It was like my brain was in my gut feeling everything; my stomach was in my heart trying to poorly manage my circulatory system, and my heart was in my head desperately trying not to feel anything and keep the body moving. I turned to Connor and said, "It was good to see you. I'm glad you are well." We resumed engaging with the gaggle. I don't actually remember leaving the bar. I spent that night getting bred at the bathhouse. I made time every night that week to have sex. And then the week after that and the week after that. I went back to apartment where I'd gotten fucked on NYE and spent a whole weekend getting fucked and bred by my host and his friends. I craved the attention from guys - it didn't matter who the guy was; just that he wanted me. Wanting my ass was enough. I wasn't happy unless I had cock and cum in me. It was during this time that I became a regular at the bathhouses. I loved running into guys I knew or kind of knew or knew of while I was there. It was a slight thrill to get fucked by them or watch them having sex. What I didn't know is that I was beginning to get a reputation among Marty's friends as being a bareback slut. Not someone in the A List and definitely not someone to be seen with in public. No matter how many of them had fucked me or how many times they had fucked me; the group-think was coalescing around the idea that I was a "bareback slut" and shouldn't be invited around anymore. I didn't know how Marty was sliding away from me, and taking Rachel with him, because I was too busy getting fucked. What I needed, they couldn't provide. I noticed something was up one night around the spring break period. Marty wasn't returning my calls or texts. I went out the bathhouse that night and ran into a couple of Marty's friends. They said hi but then they walked off. Not unusual bathhouse behavior, but these were chatty guys. I let it go and wandered around. There were a few guys I recognized who had previously fucked me and I got a cock in me within a few minutes of being there. I took the guy's load and kept cruising. One of my favorite bathhouse encounters happened that night. I was walking the halls, cruising around, looking in open doors, and generally making myself available. I stopped at an open door where this really built guy - bulky, football player build was getting railed by a black guy who I knew had a humongous cock. The bottom is totally riding back on the guy's cock. He is taking every thrust and matching it with the rhythm of his ass. The black guy stops fucking him and says, "Fuck yourself on my cock bitch." The bottom looks back at his top and says, "Yes sir." He sees me. I see him. It's Jason - the high school quarterback who I caught fucking my first boyfriend Eli. The memory floods back of seeing him pound Eli in Eli's bed. I can't believe it but I start getting hard thinking about it. Making eye contact with Jason, I realize that his eyes are glazed over. He's on drugs. Not sure what, but he is still lucid enough to fuck himself and recognize me at the same time. I walk up to him and put my rapidly growing cock at his lips. He starts sucking my cock. The top now takes back over fucking Jason because Jason can't both fuck himself and suck cock at the same time. The top pounds Jason and I can feel how much Jason loves taking the cock because his mouth constricts when the top bottoms out. It's as though he is silently moaning for my cock and opening his throat at the same time to let my cock in farther. In that moment, if Jason could've opened himself wide enough at both ends; I think he would have loved the top's cock and my cock to touch in the middle of his body. I was a slutty bottom, but Jason had me beat. At least I think he did. Jason's desire to suck cock was getting me very close. I said I was cumming and Jason sucked like a hoover to get all my cum. He swallowed it all. I pulled out of his mouth and leaned against the wall. It took another five minutes for the top to unload in Jason's ass. He made Jason beg for his cum. It was so hot to watch Jason beg like a whore. The top unloaded in Jason and pulled out. He slapped Jason on the ass and said he was a great fuck. The top left and Jason closed the door. We looked at each other and laughed. Here he was, the high school quarterback, the top jock, the top who broke up my relationship with Eli, the guy who got to fuck Eli when Eli wouldn't let me fuck him and he was getting bred like a bitch in a bathhouse. Jason and I relaxed on the bed for a bit. He was coming down off his high and was pretty lucid. He told me about getting fucked into submission by his fraternity brothers during college. Honestly, it kind of sounded like a porn movie. He'd been a total top until he moved into the fraternity house his sophomore year of college and then his roommate fucked him one night four times. His roommate then told the other guys that Jason was a cockhound and he was getting fucked so much he almost failed out of school the first semester sophomore year. He got his academic shit together by the second semester and was a wall street trader now. He said, "They made me love taking cock. And I still love it." He asked about me and I told him. He was glad I wasn't judging him about getting fucked bareback. I said, "Judge you. I fucking loved watching that top fuck your jock ass." Jason asked if I wanted to go to a party with him that night.....................
    3 points
  17. Despite calling in sick that day, this semester was more difficult than previous years. My departmental director changed and wanted to institute new teaching techniques using technology guided education methods. Learning how to use the technology and how to teach using the technology required a lot more time than he anticipated. I was rarely out of school before 6pm on weekdays and frequently reading about how to work with the technology on weekends. I barely had time to run or go to the gym. I stayed on a shorter workout routine, but continued to get home after 9-10pm. Consequently, I had very little time for sex and my hole was getting twitchy. The holiday break came at just the right time. I was getting tired of using my dildos. I needed to get properly fucked and bred. I went out to the bars in Manhattan with Marty, who was definitely still chasing the A List crowd around. It annoyed me that he wanted to associate with these guys just because of who they knew, where they worked, and what parties they went to, etc. Regardless of all that "noise," I was at the bar and it was time for some drinks. It was also time to cruise the fuck out of these boys. I scoped around the bar and and saw a few guys I liked. I talked to one of them for awhile and he was in town from Chicago and had left his boyfriend at home. After an hour, I realized this dude was not looking for a hookup and I moved on. I went back to Marty and grabbed an open seat at the bar. We hung out with his friends for a few hours as they discussed almost every guy in the bar - top/bottom, cock size, where they live, what they do, who they are dating, etc. Granted, it interested me because I hadn't really ever seen any of these guys; so I encouraged them to talk more. As I did so, the rounds of drinks kept coming and I was getting rather tipsy. A couple of Marty's actor friends wanted to go to a bathhouse. I said I'd go with them. We left Marty and the others behind and went to a bathhouse I'd heard of but not been to previously. I loved getting fucked, but it's not like I was a denizen of all things sexual in NYC. I asked why they liked it and one of the guys said it's because they are mostly guys in their 30s-50s. They had met some awesome daddies there. I was up for some hot daddy action, why not. We got into the bathhouse and changed. Marty's friends weren't shy about their bodies and they didn't need to be. They were gorgeous. We went in our towels, me also in a jockstrap, to the main area. We saw some porn playing and guys watching it and each other and stroking. We hung out for a bit. The guys were right, these daddies were pretty hot. Sure some were out of shape but there were plenty of built and toned daddies around to ride on. We separated and I wandered the hallways for a bit. I saw a face that I faintly recognized in a sling. The room was large enough for me to get into and there was a bit of an audience. I stepped into the room. Leaning against the wall and stroking my cock, I was trying to remember where I met this dude previously. He could be a fuck or a mostly anonymous fuck that I'd had over the years; but that wasn't it. There was something more about this guy - something memorable. As the top fucking him got closer, he asked if the bottom wanted his load. The bottom grunted, "Give me your load." The top unloaded in the bottom. He pulled out and another guy stepped up to take his place. The second top said, "Do I need to use a rubber?" Almost in unison, the first top and the bottom said, "No. I/He just fucked him/me bareback." At the mention of the word bareback, the memory of this bottom flooded back to me. It was Sam! Sam, the pharmacist from when I was with Eli. Sam, the never bareback, always use condoms guy who helped me pick out lube and condoms and enemas when I was 18. Holy crap! The second top finished inside Sam. I stepped up and slipped my cock in Sam - bareback. I was topping for the first time in years. I wanted to feel his ass. I wanted to have it - Mr. Safe Sex Pharmacist was taking my cock bareback. He never mentioned a condom as I slipped inside him. I was thinking how times have changed since I first met Sam. He was such a Safe Sex guy back then. I wondered what had opened him up to taking bareback loads from random guys. I wondered if a boyfriend had gotten him hooked on being bred. I wondered if he gradually stopped using condoms over the years. I felt a cock press into my ass and I looked back to see one of Marty's friends slipping his cock inside me. He said, "You have an amazing ass." As he fucked me, I fucked Sam. I had a hot guy fucking me bareback as I fucked Mr. Safe Sex pharmacist bareback. Man, I was on a fucking high. I was getting close and said, "I'm going to cum." Sam begged for my load. I fucked it into him. As I pulled out, Marty's friend stopped fucking me but left his cock in my ass. He guided me to the wall and fucked me against it until he came. He took awhile and I heard Sam beg for two more loads as I was getting fucked. I turned to look at Sam before I left the room. He was in his 30s, toned, tight body, still really attractive and he was sweaty and covered in cum. Fuck that's hot, I thought as I left the room.
    3 points
  18. I'm new here, so I should introduce myself. I'm William. I live in NYC and have spent time living in other places too. I'm one of those who considers himself straight. . I love fucking a wet pussy and have only ever dated girls, but there is a darker side to me. Not only do I love bareback sex (I can't remember the last time I used a condom) but I also enjoy bareback sex with guys. It's been a gradual progression from jerking off some random guy in a book store glory hole, to knowingly taking a raw poz cock in my ass. When I finally got brave enough to have sex with a guy, the first time was in one of those digital movie porn booths. Some guy came inside the small box and somehow it just happened, I ended up sliding my bare cock in his ass and fucking him until I shot my load deep inside him. This went on for a while, me topping holes bareback, at book stores, bath houses, and the such. Eventually it was my turn to get fucked. It was late one night, I had met him on AOL, and I ended up at his house. He had a beautiful cock and I knew I had to have it inside me. He put a condom on and began to fuck me. I was enjoying the fact I discovered I loved to bottom. At some point, I was riding him and pulled his cock out, sliding the rubber off. I immediately slid him back inside me. He began to pump me, then I felt something warm running down my legs. it wasn't his cum, but rather my own shit. This being my first time, I didn't realize this could happen. I ran to the bathroom and he proceeded to shower. Night over. That was in 1996. Since then I moved to Los Angeles and discovered a couple bath houses in the valley. North Hollywood Spa and Roman Holiday Spa. Both bring back so many fun memories. From time to time I would find myself nervously parking and rushing inside in the early morning hours. From there I would end up topping a tight raw hole, or sometimes letting myself get fucked. Never did a guy cum inside me (as far as I know). I always asked the top his status and he always told me he was neg. One late night, I was drunk and in my rented room. Some guy came in and shut the door behind him. I always kept the lights down so I couldn't really see him and to this day i have no idea what he looked like. I ended up fucking him, really going to town on his hole. My cock is around 7 inches uncut and of average girth, but I do have great hip movement and I seem to fuck pretty good, ladies and men. So I was fucking this guy and as I am getting close to cumming he asks me if I am poz. i tell him no, that I'm neg. He answers that's okay cause he is poz. My brain froze knowing I was barebacking a poz bottom. I was terrified and incredibly turned on at the same time. I shot a huge load. So I had my first bareback poz experience under my belt. I would never do that again I tell you. Except something had been stirred inside me. Now I began to think about BB sex with poz people, men and women. From this point, I began to actively seek out poz bottoms. Over the next couple years I bred several poz bottoms, all the while enjoying the 'risk'. In addition I was fucking as many girls as I could, giving them my seed as well. I didn't get fucked very often, and I never had a guy blow his load in my hole. Until that time in New Orleans. I found myself in a bar called Rawhide. I was very drunk and very horny. I felt free to explore the "gay" section of New Orleans, because I was in town alone. So I was in this bar, and somehow ended up with my cock in some guy's mouth. My pants had dropped to the floor and the bar crowd was watching with enthusiasm. As I was getting blown, a worked out black guy came in behind and started rubbing his cock on my crack. Between the blowjob and the cock teasing me, I was in heaven. Slowly the black guy started to push inside me. For some reason I asked him if he was wearing a condom. He told me yes. So, the black guy was fucking me and whoever was sucking my cock. I reached back at one point and felt his cock sliding inside me. I didn't think i felt a condom. I could feel my balls swell and I began to shoot into this guy's mouth. He swallowed every drop sucking my balls dry. Just then as I was coming down off my orgasm high, the black guy withdrew from my ass and walked away. I was standing in the middle of the bar with my jeans around my ankles while everyone clapped. I was embarrassed. I went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. The black guy was washing his cock in the sink next to me. It made me wonder why he was washing himself. I asked him if he had worn a condom and he told me 'no'. I asked him if he came inside me and he laughed, asked me what I thought he did, then walked away. This kind of covert fun went on for years. But I felt myself begin to crave something more risky, something more taboo. I chatted on-line with many poz tops who always said they would fuck me. Some I told I was neg, others I said I was poz, and some didn't even care to ask. One of these on-line friends was actually a couple. They lived a few miles from me in Studio City. I chatted with them back and forth, they invited me over a few times, to which I always chickened out. Then I would jerk my cock into a frenzy thinking about a poz cock slide bareback inside me. Well one night I came home from the bars, was quite tipsy, and got on-line. I found one of them (the top) online. He said he and his boy had been partying all night and that the boyfriend was asleep. I asked him if he wanted me to come over. He said 'yes'. Decision time. I said "fuck it." My drunk brain rationalized I must have had raw poz cock in my ass before, now I was just going to do it knowingly. before I changed my mind and I got in my car and drove to their apartment. My heart was racing a million miles an hour. I called from the door and he buzzed me in. After a short ride on the elevator I was standing at their door. I knocked. The poz top opened the door inviting me in. He was short, thinning on top and was wearing glasses, but because he was naked, I could see what I came for. His cock was hard and staring at me. I quickly entered the bedroom. His boyfriend was laying on their bed, eyes closed, quiet snores coming from him. I asked if we would wake him up. The poz top told me his man was out of it, from lack of sleep and party favors. He told me that he had fucked him an hour before and the boyfriend didn't even move. He told me to feel the ass crack. It was sticky with cum. I was on fire. I had poz cum on my fingertips. I got naked and we lied down on his bed, away from the boyfriend. We began to kiss and touch. I thought my heart was going to burst through my chest. I was rock hard. He began to suck my cock. As I lay there my cock in his mouth, I was turned on how good my cock felt in his poz saliva drenched mouth. Still I was so nervous. But I knew what I wanted. I wanted his raw poz cock inside me. I quickly pulled away from him and turned him so he was laying on his back. I saw some lube on the night stand. I grabbed the bottle and lubed my crack up good and wet. Then I positioned myself on top of him, kissing him. I held the shaft of his cock and rubbed it back and forth along my crack. I couldn't believe I was doing this. i knew I should leave right then and there, but instead I positioned his cockhead to my hole and let gravity do its job, my body sliding down on him, his cock sliding inside my ass. It had been done! I had finally let a bareback poz cock inside me. I could feel him begin to piston his hips. I moved my body trying to sync his movements. This was the hottest fucking I had ever had. Just knowing I had crossed that taboo and knowingly exposed myself to hiv had me hard and in a dream like lust state. I worked my hips, grinding his cock, forcing him into me as far as he would go. As I road him, I reached over and ran my fingers up his boyfriend's ass, scooping up the poz cum that was oozing out. I then fed the poz cum to the poz top. He eagerly sucked my fingers clean. I was really enjoying this. He had started to tweeck my nipples and started making moaning sounds. Before this he had just been quiet and fucked me silently. I started to jerk my own cock, which now leaking precum. I tasted my own seed, all the time pleasuring the poz top, who's moans were getting quite loud at this point. He was clearly really into it. I told him how I loved taking his poz cock bareback. His fucking slowed to a stop. He was still inside me and I could feel his hardness. He asked me if I was poz. I told him I was neg, but it was okay he was poz. I guess I said the wrong thing. He immediately pulled out of me and told me it was time for me to go. That it was late and he was really tired. not much for me to say. So I threw my clothes on and left their apartment. I went back home, still so hard from what had just happened. I jerked myself off and came buckets thinking about how I had just crossed the line. I e-mailed him several times never getting a reply. Similarly he never responded to my IMs. Finally one day he replied, but it was actually the boyfriend. I asked him why the top disappeared. He told me that the top was pissed because he said I had told him that I was poz in our conversations. Honestly, I don't know if I did or I didn't. I asked the bottom if he thought the three of us could ever play and he didn't reply. That was the last time I ever heard from either one of them. So many emotions and thoughts ran through me. I knew I shouldn't get fucked bareback by a poz top, but I was past it and I knew it was only a matter of time before I did it again.
    2 points
  19. i had an ideal childhood. I lived in a generic town in a generic part of the country, but everything was normal and nice. My friends and I rode our bikes and played softball in the park...hell, there was even a tree house in my backyard. Everything changed in 2001. My grandma came to live with us, I started junior high, my parents finally bought a computer and 9/11 happened. Everything was worse. Grandma was a sweet lady, but very deeply into Jesus. She bugged me with her scriptures and psalms and shit. My group of friends seemed to split up and go their separate ways. I was in a bad mood and felt like I was not developing properly. I was gay of course, but that was just too big of a thing to think about. my bike and tree house looked ridiculous to me all of the sudden. And I kept getting pimples here and there. The computer didn't interest me too much. I sucked at the games on it because my hand/eye coordination was never good. I knew there were naked pictures on the internet, but there was always an adult lurking nearby. Plus -- my grandma was always on it. I still curse whoever showed her how to use a computer. She only went to religious websites and places where old, conservative, bible-thumping people like her gathered. That's where the story really begins... "I read a lot of facts about the gays and their AIDS. Did you know that the disease started because those people eat each others' poo?", Grandma announced at the dinner table one night. There was no shutting her up. "And they want more funding for research so they try to infect normal people like us. They stick you with needles that are contaminated. One woman was at the movies and felt a small pain in her back. After the movie was over, her husband saw a sticker on her shoulder that said 'Welcome to the club'. She got the AIDS without knowing it!" I wanted to go eat in my room...away from this shit. "And they leave dirty syringes in the coin return slots of payphones. So scary and so evil." I didn't believe her...entirely. But I wondered it might have some truth in it. I often thought about men having sex with other men, and this added an element of danger to it. I was terrified at first, but that fear turned to fascination over time. I read about the HIV virus in magazines they had in the school library. As I educated myself, I learned about how the virus was actually transmitted. I read about condoms and everything related to this 'gay disease'. I remember once snooping through my parents' bedroom and finding a box of condoms in a drawer. I was mostly fascinated by the illustration of the rubber on the front. It was fully extended and looked giant to me. The box had been opened which meant my father had put one on his penis already! Was he as big as the drawing? I went through high school, dark and moody. I was smart enough to know I wasn't mentally healthy, but not smart enough to ask for help. I was just a typical, sullen teenager in my family's eyes. I got my own computer the year I before I graduated. I used it for homework at times, but mainly I followed the draw of darkness. I went to porn sites, chat rooms and forums about gay sex. I wanted to know everything. Once I found a website where real guys talked about HIV as an erotic thing. They liked spreading it and made it sound so arousing. Imagine...getting a deadly sickness on purpose! I was 18 by then and knew I'd be leaving home soon. I wanted to meet some of these people in real life. They seemed more familiar to me than any of the people my age. Dark, twisted people. I went to the same college both of my parents attended. It didn't seem too much different than high school at first. The same cliques and herd mentality prevailed. Rah rah rah. What is 'school spirit' and what good does it do anyone? I did find a few dark, brooding people like myself, but they expressed their torment through art or poetry or music. I kept mine quiet and locked away. I got acquainted with beer and weed and a few other things, but I was really just waiting. Waiting for what I knew was close by. It probably wouldn't come to me -- I had to out and find it. I started to take long walks at night....everywhere and anywhere. I followed my instincts and wound up at a park that was sort of iconic because of the tall tower built as a memorial to victims of whatever war. It looked like giant penis. I sat on a stone bench and had a clove cigarette. As my adjusted a little, I noticed there were a lot of cars parked here. And there was movement in the shadows. Maybe this was where I'd find what I was searching for. If not, it was close. "I thought I smelled a clove. Got an extra?" A guy sat on the bench next to me. He was older than me, larger than me, and had a weird beatnik beard. I gave him a smoke and lit it for him. In that flash of the lighter I saw a face that looked somewhat demonic. Maybe not -- maybe it was the dark eyes, hair and strange beard that he had. Possibly that was look he was going for. Silence. "There's a lot of people here." "No more than usual. I've seen it a lot more full." "You've been here at night before?" "Only when my dick gets hard." "Huh?" All my sense were on high alert. "This where guys come to suck and fuck. You didn't know that?" "No, I...I'm a freshman." "Well, it's early. Around midnight, more will show up. I've probably fucked most of them. You gay?" "Probably." "Only one way to know for sure." He leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. My first kiss. I reached down and touched his crotch. Why? I just wanted to, "Well, that settles that. You're fun. Want to take a walk?" "Sure. Where?" "Not far. Come on." We walked under some huge trees and small sidewalk lamps. He wanted to know about me. I told him most of what I've told you. He was content to listen and I just kept babbling. "You know that thing about needles was just an urban myth, right? Shit, man. The internet is full of bullshit, but I'm glad you found that website...I'm probably a member there." "Are you HIV positive? Are you a bug-chaser? A gift-giver?" "I'm anything you want, little friend. I'm Doug, by the way." "I'm Andy. Nice to meet you." Where was my brain? Why wasn't it working? I needed to think, but forgot how. We moved deeper into the park. The football stadium wasn't far. "You're still a virgin, aren't you?" "Yeah. Why?" "Just curious. We're here." Where? It was just a bare patch of grass, bathed in a square of light from the stadium ahead. "This is where I like to take the new ones. Sit down. It's still a little too early in the year for chiggers, so we should be fine." We sat and he stretched out his long legs. We kissed again and when I reached to touch his groin, he already had his bare penis sticking out of the fly. Electricity went through me. He was already erect. So was I. "Take my pants off for me, Andy." I pulled off his shoes and pants. No underwear. He was half-naked and hard as a rock. I could feel his devilish smile in the sparse light. "Very good. Now take off your own. Let me get a look at what I'm dealing with here." I don't think I was ever naked outdoors before. My bouncing boner was embarrassing. "I see you like everything so far. Let's leave our shirts on for now. There's a bunch of twigs everywhere. Sit." "Will anybody see us?" "Who cares. Just bend down and suck my dick." I bent down and took the head of his penis in my mouth. It was slick already. I took as much of it as I could. I'd never done this before, but I could tell I was good at it. Doug kissed air in between his teeth as I got further and worked the shaft with my tongue. I came up for air. "Want to sit on it? Sit on my big dick?" "You have a condom?" "Nope. I'm allergic to latex. We'll be careful. Just try to get your ass right above my crotch, and then lower down." I tried, but it was awkward and my balance was off. I ended up falling over. Before I could try again, he said "Never mind. We'll do this the old-fashioned way." He pinned me on my back and spread my legs apart. He got rougher. His penis was pressing against my bare butt hole. I knew it would never fit, but maybe all the spit I'd used on him worked enough to get the tip in. I yelped and heard it echo in the darkness. "That's the worst part, little boy. It's all candy from now on. Enjoy." He was then fucking me. I was getting fucked. By a man. The dark I'd been searching for was thrusting inside of me over and over again. It started to feel wonderful. A certain kind of wonderful I never knew existed. "We have to be careful." "I am carefully giving you what you need....right...NOW!" A spasm took over his body and I knew he's cum inside me. Sperm. We got dressed in silence and started walking back. I wanted to talk, but couldn't get a sentence started. "Shh. I know you want to make some sense of this, but you need a good 24 hours to think. Go home, get some sleep and come back to find me in a few days. I'm here almost always." "But..." "Ssh. Here's my car. Give me a kiss." We kissed as he got in. I turned to walk back to my dorm just as he opened the door again. "Oh yeah....welcome to the club!"
    2 points
  20. If that's what hell looks like, then I don't want to go to heaven...
    2 points
  21. Remembering Pulse Nightclub One Year Later RIP to all the victims Continued LOVE and STRENGTH to the survivors
    2 points
  22. Part 4. It took a few weeks for Jake to come down with even the mildest symptoms of a viral infection. In the immediate aftermath of our encounter with Eddie and Bill, I tried to reassure him that things would be OK, that PrEP really worked and that he didn’t have anything to worry about. I doubled up on giving him the blue pills for that first week to try to make him feel better, knowing they were just pain killers and wouldn’t help stop what was happening to his immune system with each passing day. He didn’t even really put it together that his low-grade fever and cold symptoms were anything out of the ordinary, but I was watching closely, and I noticed. And shared the news with my text buddies, who had been eagerly waiting for any news. Jake and I agreed that we would play safe with each other until the 6 month point, at which time he could get tested and we could go back to normal. During those months, I cultivated a friendship with a tech at the clinic, and ultimately let him in on my idea for how things would go down. It didn’t hurt that soon after we met, I gave up my hole to him raw and let him dump his seed in me as often as he wanted. If Jake wouldn’t do it, I had to seek other opportunities. During our pillow talk after he dumped inside me, we developed the plan. In the same period, Jake’s friend Matt moved back to town. I fucking hated Matt from the moment we first met, when Jake and I were first dating. They were best friends, and it was obvious to me that Matt was in love with Jake, but it was never stated outright. As Jake and I had grown closer, I pulled him further away from Matt, which broke his heart I’m sure. He eventually took a job out of state, but they kept in touch. I could tolerate that, but when the bitch moved back to town and wanted to rekindle their friendship, I knew I had a problem...and an opportunity. To Jake’s surprise, I encouraged him to spend time with Matt - we weren’t having sex much, and giving them some space to catch up allowed me more time to visit my clinic friend Dean. When I told Dean about Matt, he had a great idea, which I readily took him up on. I gave Dean all the information I knew about Matt, and it didn’t take him long to find him in an online app and strike up a connection. Matt’s profile said he was a total bottom who only played safe. Dean chatted him up, and after a short conversation told him he was an HIV counselor and was on PrEP (a lie, as he was actually poz, but Matt didn’t need to know that), but he only fucked bare. Matt got quiet, but kept up the chat. He said he had thought about PrEP, but that he had a pill phobia and couldn’t imagine having to do that every day. Add that to the fact that he didn’t have insurance yet with his new job, and it just wasn’t an option for him. Dean played it cool, said he understood Matt’s apprehension and also that PrEP wasn’t for everyone, but said that there was nothing like that feeling of skin on skin sex with no barriers in between. Dean suggested maybe Matt might know somebody he could trust who he would let fuck him raw - maybe someone in a monogamous relationship who knew their status beyond a shadow of a doubt. Matt perked up at that suggestion and said he knew just the person he wanted to ask. When Jake came home a short time later and told me what Matt suggested, I shocked him by telling him I thought it sounded hot. He confessed that he always thought I was jealous of his closeness with Matt, and I admitted he wasn’t wrong - but that since we started playing with other people, a lot of those feelings I’d had had resolved. And you had to admit, Matt had a sweet ass that looked eminently fuckable. Jake agreed on that point, but said it was impossible given his current freaked out state after the broken condom incident. I reassured him yet again, and said how the timing was actually perfect - that his test was coming up and after the last 6 months of safe sex only, he could be more certain of his status than ever. He hadn’t really thought of it that way, and still seemed a little unsure. I said we still had time to think about it and talk it through. When the day came for his clinic visit, I took the day off and went with him. I admit my hole twitched just a bit when we walked in and I saw Dean behind the counter, looking up from his computer and smiling at us. He greeted us and confirmed Jake’s appointment and information. When the doctor came out to fetch Jake, he informed us it was their policy to not allow anyone else into the exam room. Jake protested, but I told him it was OK, that I’d be waiting right here and confirmed that it would be OK for us to hear the results together. The doctor said that would be fine, and led Jake into an exam room. Immediately after the door shut, I hurried to a supply closet down the hall and waited for Dean. I dropped my pants and as soon as I heard him come in, I bent over and offered my hole. I saw him place his phone on the shelf next to my head, then unzip his fly. He said he only had a few minutes until Jake’s blood would have been drawn and the doctor would buzz him to come retrieve the sample and take it to the lab for processing. I felt his cock press against my hole, and I pressed back against it, feeling myself open up to allow him into me raw. He didn’t hesitate once he was inside and pressed in balls deep. As he began to fuck me, he told me how he had been chatting with Matt again, and got the update that things were looking good that his trusted friend was going to fuck him for the first time, and that they were working up to being comfortable with it being bareback. I squeezed my hole around his shaft as it slid in and out of me, confirming that I was close to convincing Jake that he should go for it - that he was safer now than at any time in his life, and he should show his best friend how amazing it feels when a raw cock fucks you. After just a minute or two more, Dean’s phone buzzed with the text from the doctor. He picked up his pace, and a few short strokes later was dumping his toxic seed into my hole. He pulled out, zipped up, grabbed his phone and was out the door before I had a chance to say a word. I composed myself and returned to the waiting room. Dean soon emerged from the exam room with a vial of blood, which he held up with a grin. I watched as he went to his desk, printed off a new label, pulled out a vial from a drawer that looked identical. He slapped the new label on that vial, walked past me, adjusted his bulge, and hustled down the hall to the lab. No sooner was he gone then Jake joined me in the waiting room, saying it should be about a half hour before we got the results. Dean returned 25 minutes later and motioned for us to join him in the exam room. The doctor was reading the results as we entered, invited us to sit down, and quickly dispensed with the formalities and gave us the good news that Jake’s result was negative. Jake began to cry and leapt into my arms, sobbing in relief. We all extolled the virtues of PrEP, and then Jake and I were on our way. I glanced at Dean on the way out, giving him a furtive wink and a smile.
    2 points
  23. We should get together ozpig! I love fucking hole in front of a crowd; also love fucking in a darkroom with lots of other guys around, touching. feeling, licking my cock as it goes in and out of a hole. I am sure you get lots of cock at Headquarters. What's your highest load?
    2 points
  24. I love it since it makes me feel more dirty...and love the warmth. And makes everything slippery and wet. Never tried to hold in so much as getting fucked after. Surprisingly the guys that I have found into it tend to be younger jockish guys...Don't know if that's because of more explicit porn or what.
    2 points
  25. tie me down and rough up my neg jock hole! i want that dna to soak in... load after load
    2 points
  26. A few months ago I moved in with a FB and a very old friend of his. I needed a new place and they had the spare space. At first I had a couple of apprehensions, knowing that it might be awkward, but things have a way of going well for me when my first impressions are good ones. This particular FB and I had played several times prior to his offering me a room in the condo he and his friend shared with no sexual pressure unless on occasion I might want his sexual company. This seemed an ideal offer in a nice area with good people. I moved in a few weeks later. He's a master bottom, my FB. He's a bottom that any top who knows how to throw a good,...an excellent fuck would like to have not only in the same household but in the same region of the continent. I'm not the greatest top with the biggest cock on the planet but I'm also not one of those piston-action adolescents who think they know what to do with a seasoned hole. I enjoy topping and like the fact that I've never had any complaints by anyone I've sunk my fatty into. I also know the difference between apprentice and master, and a master my new roommate definitely is. The first time we played after I had moved in was his day off and we had the place to ourselves. I happened to be off as well and he also had some enhancements to kick-start our morning from neutral to overdrive in the blink of an eye. Within seconds of blasting off from our hits my cock was harder, thicker and more vascular than it had been in a long time, but my new roommate's ass is one that asks to be eaten slowly, so that every tiny crevice, every dark hair, and every round muscle responds to the probings of my lips, teeth, and tongue. Sinking my cock into his guts would have to wait for the time being. When it was finally time to do so I put my tongue about half as deep as I knew it could go and I got the first vocal response from him, a high pitched squelch that faded into the yoga mat he had his forehead pressed against, his ass up where I could feast comfortably. When my FB does a good hit of tina the effect isn't a manic one but one that puts him into a totally submissive, Zen-like place where the only thing he wants is cock, man fluid of any kind, a fist,... anything or anyone up his hole. After several minutes of enjoying the taste and texture of his ass that day I noticed that my cock got even harder, if that could be possible, so hard in fact that even the hairlike spider veins were swelling. It was time for a little probing around in that master ass and I was curious to see if he would remember any difference in my cock from the last time we fucked. A few more delicious minutes of rimming and my cock and his velvety guts were ready to meet again. There was no need for lube. I had made sure to leave his hole slick with slobber (done easy enough since I was like Pavlov's Dog slobbering over those biscuits) and I knew that his hole puts up no resistance at any time, so I straightened up on my knees and lined the head of my cut cock up to his wet pucker and slowly pushed in,...no hands. Immediately his vice-grip hole took hold of my prick and seemingly pulled me in farther of its own will. Suddenly the head of my dick was being massaged by what seemed to be a triple ringed second door. Could it have been a third...fourth? He loosened his grip long enough for me to slip my nuts in there too. I had shaved them two days earlier and I had a feeling the stubble would cause another sensation within him. That's when I heard the second sound come from him, head still against the yoga mat. That's when that vice-like ring clamped down on all my now burning hot junk and became a cock ring of the best kind. That magnificent muscle pulled me in past that three-ringed circus and within minutes of getting there and by my just holding perfectly still, and him holding perfectly still, with just the gentle tugging of those insides of his that felt like moist velvet, like a warm comfort you don't ever want to leave, by just that subtle motion my brain went somewhere in there with my cock and I came like I had never cum before. When I shot it was a crescendo that seemed to last thirty minutes, though realistically it couldn't have been more than ...ten. I heard his third sound then, a faint groan, like a desperate hunger was at last sated. It was for the time being. Hunger for man fluid, perhaps, but the hunger for something to fill his hole was still there, I could tell. After about ten more minutes I was finally able to liberate my cock and balls from a place that I knew I would revisit and revisit. He was still in the same position, never budging, I thought it was time to investigate with the dexterity and sensation of my fingers just what that three-ringed circus of crescendos and cum was all about. I started slowly with my middle finger, then index, then ring, pinky, thumb, when he suddenly began to push back onto my hand. Quickly past the "point of no return" I was wrist-deep and happy within seconds. Before I knew what was happening I found that magic place that had so expertly, so masterfully pulled every bit of cum out of my nuts and it was at that time that I realized that half of my forearm had slipped into that safe, warm place as well. After opening my hand, pulling out, pushing back in, opening, closing, I had decided it was break time. I gently pulled my arm back, though that vice-grip was having trouble letting go of my wrist. Finally, and with a high-pitched sigh of regret in sounds we were both making now, my hand slipped out, dripping with my own bleachy-scented spunk. I wiped my hand down his spine from between his shoulders to the small of his beautiful back where the sweat had pooled. I bent over that place in a posture that was similar to the one I took while I rimmed him but instead I tasted my own sweet, bleachy cum mixed with the salty, t laced sweat that came out of him and was I refreshed. We have since had other adventures and plan many more; my cock, his hole, my roommate, and I. And roommate is a term that is out of date now in this place where many pleasures find many outlets, and cock feeds ass, and good feeds good. I'm home alright! On our backs and flying!
    2 points
  27. Thanks NLbear and everyone else for the great response!
    2 points
  28. jizzmboy today was extra fun... I love those open door days in a cheap motel.... I got a cheap room and told my son to arrange for some blind fucks. when I got to the room, I stripped down and set my ass in the air. my son fucked me, leaving a nice boy load...while he was shooting in my ass the door opened and my nephew and a couple of his friends entered and started to strip. they took me one by one... all three dumped loads in my ass... loads my son soon feltched out. during the gang fuck, the door opened and closed a few more times. they had set up some of their friends to cum drop loads in my ass. since the room was dark , I don't think anyone knew I was the hole they were fucking. one of the friends, a big boy... brought his uncle and his fuck buddy with him ..took turns on my ass. the fuck buddy wanted to fuck my son while I watched... that was the hottest part for me.. watching my little boy get bred. for such a young kid he sure loves cock... I must have taken about ten loads. marc (my son) took about 4. one of them was mine.....tomorrow my brother and my dad are stopping by to help me paint.. I'm sure they have plans for our asses....
    2 points
  29. Watching Master rape the new boy is so fucking hot. only he has me locked in chastity again so no way to touch my cock or even get hard. it is driving me insane I hope he rapes me next
    2 points
  30. I decide to rape the new boy this morning before he cleaned the garage. Dry and raw he whimpered like a little puppy as I forced my cock into his dry hole. All the while I told him take it raw and dry like a good faggot and I will reward you with a nice hot load of cum deep in your guts.
    2 points
  31. Exactly my thoughts after last night....
    2 points
  32. Choking on a Corn Dog: Isaiah spit a wad of chunky phlegm on his dick and didn’t bother asking or waiting to see if I was ready before lining his pole up like he was surveying the Rocky Mountains and slamming it into my dry ass. I told myself over and over it was a one-time thing. That I shouldn’t go back there - that I couldn’t go back - that I needed to stay away from the carnival and the two brothers who had fucked me raw, bred me with their charged nutt, and gave me dick-munchies from the good weed we smoked. I was lying on the bed in my motel room, stroking my dick. My eyes were closed as I replayed our fuck fest over and over in my mind like one of those cheap dirty movie channels on the motel TV. I decided the self-inflicted frustration was not worth it, so I might as well head next door to the truck stop diner for some breakfast/lunch. Well, that just made shit worse. There were all these truckers and other guys that just made my ass quiver with the need for dick. I even hung out a minute in the bathroom after I was done just on the chance someone would walk in and whip out his dick - which of course always happens right? NOT! Back in my room I smoothed out the rumpled paper once more that Isaiah had given me. It was the schedule for the summer of the dates and towns where the carnival was going to be along with a handwritten note at the bottom, “WE’LL BE HERE TWO MORE WEEKS AND YOU ARE WELCOME BACK ANY NIGHT. WE GOT ROOM ON THE ROAD FOR ONE MORE TOO - SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE REST OF THE SUMMER?” I held the paper up to my nose and SNIFFED. It smelled like him - them. Damn it! The sun was starting its western descent as I put the car into drive and headed towards the carnival. I had the weekend off so why not enjoy it right? And not like there was really any chance of them wanting to fuck again right? Maybe I was just setting myself up for disappointment right? I was about the 5th person in line at the gates when the carnival opened. While part of me said I shouldn’t appear too eager, my ass told me to make a run for it. So I did. I headed straight for the Fun House, all the while scanning left to right as I passed booths and rides, just in case I saw Zeke or Isaiah. Of course, Zeke was not working on the generator, which appeared to be running smoothly from the solid rumble it made. I even stepped around the back and tried the door to the room where he first fucked me - locked. What the hell, I decided to go their trailer and told myself if they were not there, then I would just go back to my motel. Their beat up truck and camper trailer looked even more rundown and dingy in the light than it did at night. All seemed quiet, the curtains were drawn, and not even a whiff of weed smoke was seeping out. I paused, took a deep breath, and KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I waited, placed my ear against the door, and waited then KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK a little louder this time. The trailer shook, I thought I heard voices, then someone yelled, “MOTHER FUCKING CHRIST - HANG ONTO YOUR HORSES - I’M COMING, I’M COMING.” A minute later Zeke threw open the door, a freshly lit, unfiltered cigarette dangling between his lips as he squinted at the daylight, then me. I could only stare at his semi-hard dick as clearly he had just woken up and now I knew he slept totally naked. He pinched the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger, exhaled, “Well don’t just fucking stand there. Come on in. You’re letting the bugs in and shit.” Zeke sat down in the little booth table with his left arm resting on the counter, “I knew you would be back boy for more of our AIDS cotton-cum-candy.” I let out the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. He said that without judgment - just a fact - and somehow I felt reassured knowing that he wanted me again, and that he was right about what I needed even though I had not yet admitted it fully to myself. I looked to the back of the camper trailer where the bed was and noticed there was a dark curtain pulled across the doorway, yet there was enough of a gap that I could see a large, hairy leg - Isaiah. I then looked at Zeke and maintained steady eye contact as I pulled off my t-shirt, unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off, kicked my sneakers off, and stepped up between his spread legs. Zeke blew his smoke towards my face and while the embers and ash of his cigarette flared, he reached out with his left hand and started rubbing my right nipple. I closed my eyes and moaned and reached down to stroke my stiff dick. SLAP - “DID I FUCKING GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TOUCH YOURSELF!” Zeke said. Anger flashed hot across my face, which quickly ended as SLAP - Zeke left a deep red handprint on my cheek, “You need to learn right boy. Now keep your hands to your side and don’t fucking move.” I did as the carnie daddy ordered. Zeke set the cigarette between his teeth and then reached up with both hands and pinched and twisted my nipples hard. I winced, gritted my teeth, and forced myself not to flinch or move. His left upper lip raised slightly in a snarl as he twisted harder, his eyes daring me to cry out or move. A few minutes of tit torture was all Zeke needed to get his dick pump primed. Zeke stood up, put his cigarette out in the overflowing ashtray, then leaned into me as he slid his hand under my balls and drove a couple fingernails into my ass, “You need that hole fucked?” My pig instincts took over as I tried squatting/pushing down on the sharp nailed fingers that were digging in my ass. When I opened my eyes, Zeke was staring at me with a knowing smile, “I need you daddy,” I said. There was no verbal response, just another clawed finger added to the excavation going on against my ass ring. The harder and deeper Zeke tried scratching at my hole, the more I tried to push down onto his hand needing to be fucked. Zeke pressed his body against mine, pushing me back against the pantry cabinet as he continued his rear assault, “YOU KNOW WHAT I’M DOING? NO? I’M STRIPPING THAT ASS HOLE LIKE A COUPLE OF WIRES - PULLING THAT COATING OFF, SCRAPING IT RAW SO YOU CAN GET THAT FULL VOLTAGE CHARGE. THE BLOODIER THE HOLE, THE MORE MY AIDS CANDY WILL STICK TO THEM WALLS, DIG IN. YOU WANT ME TO STOP BOY? OR DO YOU WANT DADDY’S CANDY?” I wasn’t given the time to consider a response as Zeke pulled his red tipped fingers out of my pulsing ring, spun me around, and stuffed my mouth with those same fingers so I could taste the last of my own NEG self. “GIVING YOU A GOOD CHARGE BOY. HIGH VOLTAGE DADDY DICK AND CUM GOING TO POZ THAT HOLE GOOD. FUCK - COULD NOT GET THAT SWEET ASS OUT OF MY MIND AND MY BALLS BEEN SPINNING THAT AIDS NUTT DOUBLE TIME. LET’S PLAY A LITTLE RING TOSS NOW - SLIDE THAT RING OVER THIS DADDY STICK - SEE WHAT PRIZE YOU GET. THAT’S IT BOY - YOU WANT THE PRIZE? YOU WANT DADDY’S HOT, STICKY, AIDS PRIZE? I’M GOING TO…..AW FUCK MAN - WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE?” Zeke declared. I was confused and grunted in pain as he withdrew from my ass just as I was wetting up nice for him. I turned and joined Zeke as we both stared at Isaiah. He apparently had woken up and was standing behind the curtain to the bedroom, peeking out through the crack, and furiously beating his dick as the curtain flapped and billowed with every stroke of his hand. Zeke shoved me face first against the pantry, slammed his dick back in as I yelped, then wiggled his hips to make sure the connection was good, before turning me towards the curtain. “LOOKS LIKE YOU GOT ANOTHER DICK THAT NEEDS ATTENTION. COME ON NOW BOY, I GOT YOU - WALK AHEAD, THAT’S IT, NOW BEND FORWARD AND OFFER UP THAT GLORYHOLE MOUTH TO YOUR OTHER DADDY. SUCK THAT DIRTY STICK.” Isaiah’s long, thick dick was rank, sweaty, and crusted and I savored the sticky syrup that slid out the tip. “GOOD BOY. CHOKE ON THAT DADDY CONR DIG DICK, WHILE YOUR UNCLE - DADDY - WHATEVER THE FUCK SEEDS THIS ASS. I DUG IT UP GOOD SO I CAN PLANT MY AIDS CORN, NOW TIME TO ADD THE FERTILIZER IN THOSE GUTS, SPREAD MY SEED, WATER IT DOWN, AND WATCH THAT BUG GROW! YOU’RE GOING TO GET A FUCKING CONTACT HIGH OFF MY CUM BOY - DADDY’S NUTT IS ALWAYS YELLOW, THICK, AND SUPER STICKY AFTER A NIGHT OF SMOKING THAT GOOD COLORADO WEED - OR WAS IT THAT OREGON SHIT? NO MATTER - HERE IT COMES BOY - OOOHHH HELL YEAH - CHARGING THAT ASS UP!” With a sigh and a grunt, Zeke pulled out of my filled ass, slapped it twice, and said, “Fuck boy. Now I need me a coffee, a joint, and a pick me up. You go on back there and take care of your other daddy now.” The curtain was yanked back, Isaiah took his left hand and pulled his long hair back off his face and smiled as he stepped sideways to let me get to the bed. “How do you want me?” I asked. Isaiah’s big bear paw of a hand swiped at me, sprawled me onto the bed, before he dragged me back, pulled my hips up, and pushed my shoulder blades down. My cummy ass quickly started talking back to daddy as he started digging it out with two thick fingers - which felt bigger than three of four of his brother’s. I moaned, pushed my ass back, silently begging for that monster dick. Isaiah frustrated me once again though as he pulled his fingers out and buried his face in my boy snatch. His long tongue and beard set my crack on fire as he slurped out my booty boy juices, but suddenly he paused - KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Jesus hell. Isaiah stood up and pulled the curtain all the way back. I turned my body to look towards the front of the camper trailer as Zeke stood up from the table - still buck ass naked - and opened the door. A man - no woman - no fuck I didn’t know stepped into the trailer. The newest arrival was all hyper and spewed out, “Fuck man knew you was up. I could smell that good skunk weed from the other side of the camp. I’m hurting man and need a little pick me….” The person stopped speaking as he looked from Zeke, to Isaiah and his ramrod dick, to my naked ass on the bed. Zeke laughed, patted his new guest on the shoulder, “I got you Walter. You know we always keep some extra stash just for you. So what you looking for today? Some coke, or that Croc shit you been shooting up?” The person he called Walt just stood there staring, and I stared right back. Zeke called him Walt, but this person looked like he had DD tits, long, curly blonde hair with a big red bow on top, and was wearing a red and white checkered poufy dress like they had just stepped out of some country and western square dance show. Isaiah poked my hips and said, “That’s Walt. The bearded lady.” OK, now I got it I guess. They still had si9de show freaks like that these days? Isaiah walked towards the front and frustrated at the interruption I did too. Walt was still standing by the door all fidgety as Zeke pulled a couple of coffee can tins out of the pantry, set them on the table, sat down, lit up a fresh joint, and started to peel plastic covers off the tins and pulled out various baggies full of weed, pills, and other shit. “This is our new boy,” Zeke said as he nodded towards me. Isaiah had sat down at the table too now and took the lit joint out of Zeke’s mouth, hit it, then set it back between his brother’s lips. I was suddenly embarrassed and aware of my nakedness and bent down to get my t-shirt. SLAP - Zeke had reached out and cuffed my head. “No one told you to get dressed. Now Walt, he’s got some good boy hole and I just wet it up nice and deep. What do you say - want to fuck it before Isaiah here stretches that shit out?” Isaiah chuckled and spanked his still hard dick. Walt looked at me, his eyes darting back and forth, “I don’t know man,” he said, “I mean yeah fuck, you know, I’m like horny like horny shit all the time, but you know man, I don’t know, I mean fuck.” Even as he seemed to object, Walt started getting undressed. He looked at me and shrugged, “Can’t get the costume fucked up you know? It’s just a job dude - I mean yeah fuck - just a job. I ain’t into all that fem shit, I mean fuck - not nothing wrong with it I mean fuck. Just, just I mean, for me it’s a job, right? Fuck.” I yelped and turned as Isaiah - with the joint between his lips - winked at me as he jammed his thick fingers back up my ass and started scraping my flesh raw. I leaned into his hand, begging for him to go deeper as Walt continued to get undressed. Isaiah handed the joint to me, I happily took several hits back to back, as we watched Walt take for fucking ever to get naked and Zeke set up a Walt’s hit. I then choked as Walt pulled the white stockings down over his legs - they were covered in large black, scaly spots. What the fuck was that? Isaiah poked my side, I bent over and he whispered, “It’s from the croc. Nasty shit.” I looked at Zeke as he stirred some foul looking liquid in a dirty coffee cup, pulled back on the end of syringe, and filled it with Walt’s drug of choice. I looked back at Walt and noticed even his dick - which was as long as Isaiah’s and maybe even thicker - also had the black, scaly spots on it. I cringed a little, hit the joint, and then watched as Walt stepped forward, naked except for the red bow in his blond hair. Walt picked up a syringe full of the brown liquid Zeke had extruded from the mug, then casually jammed it into a pulsing vein on his lower left abdomen that was so close to the skin he looked like a slice of exotic cheese. The syringe emptied, Walt closed his eyes and turned his head, set the needle down, then shook his whole body like a Labrador that had just taken a swim. “Fuck yeah - mean fuck - yeah - I mean..” He said. Zeke looked at me, “Get on your knees boy. Slobber on that charred corn dog - taste that drugged up dick.” I knelt on the camper trailer floor, and hesitantly reached out to touch that diseased dick. It felt like slabs of granite glued to his dick and the last thing I wanted to do was put my mouth on it. “Here,” Zeke said as he handed me a bottle of Jungle Juice poppers, “Hit these if you need to.” I shook my head. No, I wanted to taste it, lick it, suck it without that first. I gagged, wretched, and my eyes watered at his rotten, crunchy dick, but I took it in my mouth and tried to soften the scales up with my spit to no avail as Walt quickly got hard. “Fuck - I mean I got to cum now - come on - you want it in your ass - fuck I mean,” he said. I stood up, bent forward with my forearms resting on the table and Isaiah smiling and jacking his dick while Zeke set a joint between my lips, then the bottle of poppers. “GET FUCKED UP AND TAKE THAT CROCODILE DICK FOR YOUR DADDIES,” Zeke ordered. I winced as Walt’s scaly dick shredded the outer layer of skin and started banging my ass. Isaiah was entranced and as he jerked harder I just kept thinking I didn’t want him to waste the cum. Zeke kept me drugged between the joint and poppers and as the double shot kicked in I wanted to feel Walt really scrape my ass raw. I arched my back, lowered my shoulders, and set my right foot up on the table seat by Zeke. “Shit!” Isaiah said. I smiled at daddy, turned, and smiled at daddy #2 as Zeke lit a new joint, hit it, then set it between my lips. He exhaled, “Fuck, you’re a slut hole boy - mother-fucking-Christ! Go on Walt, cum in that boy ass, I want to see his face as you put that toxic load up his shitter. Make it bleed good with that reptilian dick. He’s a good boy, he can take it.” Walt banged the fuck out of my ass as my two daddies watched, proud of their boy. Walt started clawing deep lines down my back, “FUCK - I MEAN YEAH FUCK - I’M READY TO SPILL - I’M READY TO SPILL - NICE FUCKING WETT ASS - OH I WANT THAT SHIT - OH I NEED THAT HOLE - OH I WANT THAT SHIT - I MEAN - FUCK YEAH - I MEAN…..AAAAAHHHHH - AAAAAHHHH OH HELL THAT BURNS!!” Walt’s cum might have burned his dick coming out, but totally scalded my insides as he worked it in. That croc chem nutt was some fierce shit and burned like acid! A few minutes later Walt was dressed and gone, happily on his way and in time to make the 4:00 p.m. show. Zeke was cleaning up and sorting his various bags of pills, weed, and other shit and said, “I’m the man the folks here come to see to get what they need. No matter what their fix is, I got it or can get it in 24-hours tops and make a fucking shit load of money for a tiny bit of trouble.” I looked around the run down camper trailer and frowned thinking this sure doesn’t look like they had a shit load of cash. Zeke must have known what I was thinking as he said, “It’s all about laying low, not attracting attention. Who would think that two brothers living in this dump are major drug smugglers and dealers? All our cash goes back into the store stock and our ranch outside of Santa Fe. You been to Santa Fe before boy? What do you think brother, could we use a boy on the ranch? A boy to keep us warm on those cool nights, a boy to bend over and take the ranch hand’s dicks? I boy to tie up to that big post beam in the middle of our hacienda and whip and fuck the shit out of?” Isaiah paused - the Spam/butter/white bread sandwich he had made halfway to his mouth. He then nodded, looked at me, smiled, and said, “OH YEAH!” Zeke continued, “I also sell to all the fucking country folks who don’t got their own connect. Jesus - even fucking poppers - I get rid of Jungle Juice by the fucking case! Triple the price - no questions asked.” I looked around wondering where he stored all that stuff and again, the fucking daddy read my mind. “There are many advantages to being in charge of maintenance. We got our stash hidden and stashed in just about every moving vehicle and ride and piece of equipment here. Within two-steps I can set a fucker up - cash on the barrelhead. And with our shit spread out, if something happens to one part of it, well we still got plenty left.” Fucking made sense. I couldn’t wait any longer and got down on my knees pushed Zeke’s legs back under the table, and started slobbing on Isaiah’s dick. Zeke then pushed his way out of the booth, knelt on the floor behind me, slapped my ass and said, “COME ON BOY - SQUEEZE THAT HOLE AND PUSH THAT NUTT OUT. LET ME TASTE THAT CROC’S LOAD.” Once he had slurped me clean, Zeke grabbed my t-shirt, wiped my crack and fingered my hole and then said, “He’s ready brother, go slam that big corn dog up his silo.” I was led to the bed and thrown on my back. I grabbed my ankles pulling my legs up and apart so Isaiah could see my ass. I needed him to take me again, fuck me deep, and his drizzling AIDs dick seemed more than willing. I knew what I wanted - what I needed - and as he held the Jungle Juice down to my nose for a final sniff, I smiled, knowing my ass would get hurt and POZZED again by this daddy’s horsey dick. Isaiah spit a wad of chunky phlegm on his dick and didn’t bother asking or waiting to see if I was ready before lining his pole up like he was surveying the Rocky Mountains and slamming it into my dry ass. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  33. 7:00pm on June 3, 2017....My face was pressed into the filthy mattress by my older brother Mark's hand while his cock was forcing its way in and out of my ass. All I could focus on as the smell of cum and piss coming from the mattress, and the sound of my brother's ragged breathing while he raped me in front of his drug dealer DeShaun and the dealer's two thugs who held me down. Every now and then my brother would mutter under his breath, something like "faggot" or "slut", punctuated by a blow to the back of my head. Once he even said something like, "practically begging for it, weren't you". Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this was him trying to justify the truly horrendous act he was committing against his younger brother to his drug filled brain, but mostly it just made me feel dirtier (and wonder, maybe, if I had somehow wanted my brother to do this to me). Suddenly, Mark's hand stopped pushing my face into the mattress, and his arm snaked around my throat. He pull me up from a face down position until we were both up in all fours - DeShaun's thugs let go to let the position shift happen - and even though I had thought he couldn't fuck me any deeper or harder, I was wrong. The iron grip if my brother's arm made everything fuzzy as my air flow was getting cut off, and from what sounded like a great distance, I could hear Mark start to breathe more heavily. "Marky Mark - you getting close?" DeShaun asked. He walked over and stroked my older brother's sweaty red face with an almost lover-like gesture. "You gonna POZ that pussy, bitch? Gonna spray your toxic jizz into your little bros cunt and get him pregnant for me?" "Yes...Sir..." grunted Mark, as he raped me even harder. "Gonna fill this faggot cunt up with fuckin death seed. Gonna knock up this virgin pussy." DeShaun leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Hear that, white meat? Your older bro is about to fuckin rape your white faggot cunt to death. After he's done, you ain't gonna be good for anything but to be my nasty faggot whore. So much for fuckin Ivy League and full ride scholarships...you'll be getting plenty of full rides, but the only letters you be earning are STDs." I could feel his tongue licked the side of my face when he was done whispering. I thought I had run out of tears, but I was wrong. Mark was getting ready to climax, pounding harder and harder. I could hear him hissing nasty things through his clenched teeth, "Fuckin hate you...wish you hadn't been born...fuckin nasty faggot slut...gonna POZ your pussy...just...fuckin...DIE". He roared the last word as I felt his cock spasming inside me, pumping warmth into me...and then my ass started to clench while my cock started shooting jizz into the mattress. DeShaun started to laugh. "Oh Lord, white meat...you just shot a huge load from a soft cock...you must have loved getting knocked up by your older bro so much. I'm gonna have so much fun with you." He laughed some more. Mark grunted as he pulled out of me and let me collapse onto the mattress. I could hear him putting his clothes on but I refused to look at him. I didn't know how I could ever look at him again - because while I couldn't admit it to myself yet, I wanted what just happened to happen again. "We good, DeShaun?" he asked. "My debt is paid in full?" "Oh, Marky Mark...we good. You actually built up some credit on that, brother." DeShaun chuckled. "Here, take a ball on me." "Enjoy the faggot." Mark said, prompting me to realize he wasn't taking me with him. "He was supposed to leave on a week long trip straight from the graduation party, so no one is going to realize he's missing for awhile." He walked to the edge of the mattress, looking down at me, tears streaking my face, t shirt ripped to hell, boxers and jeans around my knees, blood and cum oozing from my ass, and cum dripping from my cock. He leaned down and spat directly in my face. "If my parents could see him now, they'd rather he was dead anyway. You are doing my whole family a favor." He turned and walked out of the room without another word. I had a feeling I wasn't going to see my brother again for a long time, if ever. "Well, white meat, I bet you are feeling pretty much like you wanna die right now, don'tcha?" DeShaun said gently, "Good thing Daddy DeShaun has just the thing to make it all better. Time for you to meet Ms. Tina, bitch, because your nightmare is just beginning...and this pussy," he reached between my legs, shoved a couple fingers into my ass, and pulled them out covered in pink stained cum, which he held up to my lips, "this pussy is going to get used a lot worse before your nightmare is over." I knew what he wanted, and a twisted, perverted part of me wanted it too...so I opened my lips and sucked the bloody cum off his fingers.
    2 points
  34. 6:00pm on June 3, 2017....I had spent the day with family celebrating my hard earned graduation from high school. The school-supervised graduation party would begin soon, and my older brother Mark had volunteered to drive me to the school to join my classmates. I was glad to have the time with him - even though he was almost ten years older, we had always been close until the last couple of years. Mark had become unreliable, always running late (if he didn't call and cancel with some weak excuse), and when he was around, he was twitchy and scattered. Even now, driving me to the party, he kept looking around like he though we were being followed, glancing at his phone and taking the long way to school. "Hey bro" he said nervously, "you mind if we make a quick stop? I got to talk to a buddy real quick." "Sure." I said, "I just can't miss the party." "Oh, kiddo" he laughed, "Something tells me you are going to parTy tonight like you never have before. You are going to remember this night for a long time." With that mysterious comment, we sunk into silence as he drove us to what most would call the bad part of town. He pulled up to a dilapidated townhouse with music playing so loud the bass made the car windows vibrate. "This is where my buddy lives" he said, " Come on, he wants to meet the graduate." "That's okay, bro," I said, "I think I'll stay here." "No, you'll fucking come in!" he suddenly freaked, hitting the car door. "Okay, okay - damn." I said, climbing out of the car and following him. I followed him around to a side door, where he knocked. The door swung open to reveal the biggest black guy I'd ever seen in real life - not that it was difficult because I had grown up going to private schools that were 99% Caucasian. The big black guy looked at my brother with disgust on his face. "DeShaun said you weren't supposed to come around here no more, cracka," he growled, his rich ebony voice sending shivers up my spine and down into my hole. "He said I couldn't come until I could pay my debt," my brother stuttered, then sort of jerked his head back towards me. The big black man finally focused on me...he looked me up and down while I squirmed and blushed - then he chuckled, low and slow, and stepped aside to let us pass. "Damn, cracka, you came through alright! You one evil muthafucka...DeShaun is gonna love this..." he said as Mark grabbed my wrist in and iron grip and dragged me into the house. We stopped when the big black guy snagged the back of my pants. "I'll see you later, white meat," he said in my ear. Then Mark dragged me further into the house. We ended up in what must have been the master bedroom - but there was just a dirty mattress on the floor and a throne-like recliner with a fat black guy and two skinnier guys, one black and the other Mexican, flanking him. The room stank of piss, sweat, and chemicals and something I couldn't place, but would later learn to recognize as the stink of fear. The fat guy in the recliner looked up when we entered. "What up, Marky Mark? You bring me something?" he said, bringing the recliner to an upright position. "I know you wouldn't show your cracka face without bringing me payment for your debts." "Hey, DeShaun," my brother stuttered, watching as the two skinnier dudes moved towards us. He jerked his head towards me again. "This is my little brother Nick - the one I was telling you about." The fat black guy looked me up and down. "Well, hey there Nick," he said in a friendly manner, "I'm DeShaun - a buddy of Mark's. He was telling me all about you - class president, valedictorian, off on a full scholarship to an Ivy League school...you got quite the future in store, don'tcha." "Yes Sir," I said, feeling a certain amount of threat from the fat guy in the chair. "Sir!" he chuckled, "Finally, a white boy who knows his place! Tell me, Nick, you ever have time for getting nekkid with all that schoolwork? You a virgin or a playa?" "I'm a virgin," I replied nervously, "I've never dated anyone or anything...too busy with school." "Bet you wanted your first time to be special...something you'd always remember, right boy?" he asked. I blushed and nodded my head yes, confused about where this conversation was going. DeShaun looked at his two associates who were by now on either side of me and jerked his head towards the filthy mattress on the floor. Before I could do anything, they each grabbed an arm, wrapped it behind my back, and dragged me to the mattress and shoved me down onto my stomach onto it. I struggled pointlessly in their firm grips, yelling for help, trying to be heard over the thumping music. DeShaun got out of the chair and came and kneeled on the mattress next to me, and I felt his hand stroke my head. "Sorry to tell you, white meat, but that bright future you had all planned out just went down the drain. See, your brother Mark is a huge meth addict...my best customer in fact. But, he's had some difficulty lately paying for his drugs. I let him have more and more on credit, but told him he needed to give me something special in payment. So Marky tells me about this hot little cunt of a little brother he has, and offers you as payment to clear his debts. So, now your cunt belongs to me - you gonna be working off his debt. There's just one little matter to resolve first." He chuckles, then says to Mark, somewhere in the room, "You got one more thing to do, Marky Mark, before we square. You know I don't fuck pussy that ain't been broken in first. Now slam that rig and pay your debt." I heard some activity from wherever Mark was, as tears streamed down my face and I was babbling for him to save me. A snap of rubber, maybe, and a grunt and a gasp, and my older brother started to breathe really heavy in and out through his gritted teeth. DeShaun chuckled. "Yeah, Marky Mark, that rig is a little stronger than you used to, but I wanted to make sure you put on a good show for us. Now, let's see you breed that cunt." He punctuated the statement by slapping my ass. I heard what sounded like clothes coming off then Mark spit on his palm and it sounded like he was getting the spit on his cock. I started begging him, DeShaun, anyone not to let this happen to me as I felt his weight hit the mattress and he crawled towards me, held facedow still by DeShauns goons. Then, he yanked my shorts and boxers down, and next thing I knew, my older brother was raping me on a filthy mattress while his meth dealer watched. The part that I wouldn't admit yet, even to myself, was that in the very back of my mind, where the darkest, dirtiest thoughts in my head lived, the situation somehow felt...right.
    2 points
  35. My posts are going to jump around a lot, but "bare" with me. I hope you like my stories. It feels so good to have a place where I can "unload" my personal experiences. It was Jan 2010 and I was drunk. I'd been drinking with friends all day and now I was home, horny, and on the computer cruising. As you read more of my stories, you'll learn I'm one of those guys that get hot chatting with poz guys online, but when the time comes, I usually chicken out. Even though I took the big step of knowingly taking bare poz cock a few years ago, I still get nervous. On this drunken night, I was horny. Super horny. And super drunk. I hopped on A4A and was seeing who was available. I saw one guy who I'd chatted with several times, but had never done anything about it. His name is Bryan. I don't remember his screenname because he deleted his account a month after this story. Anyways, whether the moon and the stars were aligned or something was in the water, my itch needed to be scratched. I hadn't been fucked since Halloween of 2008. From chatting with him, I knew he did bareback, but when I asked his status he told me he was neg. I thought this interesting because I also chatted with another guy who had dated Bryan previously. and that guy was poz. But oh well. My pickings were slim this late so I decided to fuck Bryan. I said fuck it. I gave him my address. I told him my apartment would be dark and he would find me in the bedroom, naked and waiting. He told me he would be there in twenty minutes. I used the time to take a quick shower and wash my ass. I am not yet to the point where I douche, but I did use a soapy finger to massage my hole for a minute. I dried off, turned out all the lights, put a blanket over my bedroom window, making it pitch black. I left the front door slightly ajar. Now I waited. I was lying on my bed when I heard the front door open. he said hello. I called for him to follow my voice back to my bedroom. I heard him enter the room. I told him I was already naked. he took his clothes off. As he walked to my bed, I felt with my hands and found his legs. I moved them and quickly found his cock. His hard cock. I immediately began to suck him off. I was so fucking horny and loved feeling his hard cock in my mouth. I did this for a few minutes, moans escaping from his mouth telling me he was enjoying it. Then I pulled him onto the bed with me. We kissed a little, moving our lips and tongues around each others necks and chests. I grabbed the bottle of lube I had stashed under my pillow. I wanted to get fucked, so there was no time like now. I poured an ample amount on my hand and proceeded to lube his shaft and my crack. Then I turned around on my knees and placed him behind me. I told him to fuck me. I was like a cat in heat. I hadn't taken a load (that I know of) since March 2006, and tonight was the night I wanted my next one. he pushed inside me. I could feel his hard cock sliding inch by inch deeper in me. He didn't have the biggest cock, maybe six inches, but it was doing the trick right then. He started fucking me. really good fucking too. He took me doggy style, on my back, on my side, legs, up, legs down, and I rode him. We were really into it and I started talking dorty to him. As we fucked we were having a conversation about bareback fucking. I told him how I loved it and it seemed to be all I did anymore, but I hadn't been fucked in a while. I told him I had been topped by poz guys, but that they never came (that I know of) and that I had deposited my load in several poz bottoms. I asked him if he had barebacked with poz guys before and he told me he had. I asked him if he ever took a poz load when he bottomed. He didn't answer me. So I asked him again if he was neg. he said he was. The monet and all the dirty talk was getting to me because I started telling him how hot I thought it would be to feel a raw poz cock shoot inside me. he told me he thought it was hot too. All the while, he is plowing my hole. I am really, really enjoying this. After a little while more, he asks me where I want him to cum. Decision time. I really, really wanted him to explode inside me and send his seed deep in my belly. But for some reason I felt nervous about something. He told me to answer fast. I asked him if he was neg again. I told him if he was really poz, it was okay to be truthful. He again told me he was neg. He told me he was getting close to cumming. I decided. I took his cock out of my ass and quickly slid underneath him, taking him into my mouth. I began sucking him hard, using my tongue and throat to massage every inch of his dick. he told me he was going to cum. His cum blasted the back of my throat. I began to swallow his load. (FIRST TIME LOAD SWALLOWER). I had always wanted to swallow a load, but just never had. The first guy to ever cum in my ass had started to cum in my mouth when I was sucking him, but I turned around and let him finish in my ass. (But that is another story, Aug 2005) He was shooting a huge load. I jerked his cock, milking all his seed. I swallowwed every drop and loved it. It was so hot and tasted so good. I started to feel him getting soft. he pulled out of my mouth and moved down to kiss me. We kissed for a bit. I asked him if he wanted me to fuck him. he said he wasn't in the mood to bottom tonight. But he did suck my cock for a little while though. Nice of him. I didn't cum, but nice gesture. Eventually he got up and I could hear him putting his clothes back on. I told him we would do it again. He agreed. Then he left. We chatted a few times on Adam4Adam, him always asking when he could come over again or me to him. he also wanted my picture, since he didn't know what I looked like. I told him he had been inside me and I had his dna in my system, so what did a picture matter. He didn't seem to like that answer because I didn't hear from him for a while. Then one night I get online and see an email from him. He told me that he had had a great time with me that night and thinks we should do it again. And he told me that he is actually poz, and that I am probably too. And now that we got that out in the open, he and I should just start fucking all the time. I was instantly horrified, an electric chill went through my body. But in that same instant, I was so incredibly turned on and hot. if what he was saying was true, then I had swallowed a poz load. And like I said before, it was a huge load. Also he had been leaking precum like a faucet when he was fucking me. I sat and reread the email several times. Then I jerked myself off thinking about his poz cum in my body. I replied to him. I told him that I somehow knew he was poz and thats why I hadn't let him cum inside my ass. But I'm sure he spurted a little out while fucking me. He told me he hadn't. We went back and forth a couple more emails and then he was gone. His account had been deleted. So much for any more contact with bryan. But it was done. I had crossed another line. I had taken a huge poz load into my body. really turned me on. But scared me too. Interesting sidebar to this story. A couple weeks after my latenight fun with Bryan, I came down with the flu. I felt absolutely horrible. I lay in bed for a couple days suffering. I downed as many over the counter products as I could find and eventually felt better. At the time I hadn't thought anything of it. I had been drinking heavily that day, it had rained that night, I had walked in the rain soaking me to the skin. It had also been very cold. It was Jan afterall. So I figured that the cold and the wet body, coupled with being drunk had lowered my immune system. When he emailed me and told me that he was poz, I mentioned somehwre in there that I had been sick. I told him it was probably his fault, that he made me poz. I was joking... Maybe that's why he deleted his account. So it's almost a year and a half later. I now live in NYC, in Hells' Kitchen. I haven't been fucked since Bryan. (long time I know) I did suck one cock, but he didn't cum. Poz guy though who lives in Chelsea. I think back to Bryan many times, when I am jerking myself to cum. Makes me hard to think about that night. more stories to cum.
    2 points
  36. James was a good boy. He was the best boy. James was the soccer jock, lgbtq club president, popular, friendly, and at 6'0", 165, blonde hair and blue eyes - gorgeous. He was the boy everyone wanted. James breezed through Stanford and then Princeton Law. His parents gave him a car for high school graduation; a backpacking trip through Europe for college graduation; and a condo for graduating law school. James new condo was in Chicago as was his new job at a top firm. James worked a lot, but he still played sports, ran, went to the gym and managed to fuck as much ass as he could find on Grindr. James a a wet dream - smart, attractive, educated, good job, gorgeous body, and a top. James fucked every gorgeous guy between the ages of 18-25 who hit him up on Grindr. He'd always go to their place. He'd always use a condom. He'd always blow his load on the guy's back or face. Boys fell at his feet and he loved it. He wasn't conceited, but it felt natural that guys hit on him and he accepted it with grace and a hard cock. James was picky though. The guys had to be as hot as him. He didn't want to grab anyone's soft belly or flabby tits as he fucked them. He wanted perfect guys. James also rejected barebackers. He thought they were stupid and risking their lives for momentary pleasure. You see, even though James had been fucking guys since he was 15, he had never once fucked a dude without a condom. James would say, "I'm saving that for the man I love." Enter...............the Tip James was out with his gay friends one night. They'd all been to a fundraiser for a gay rights organization and had a few drinks. They went out directly afterwards. James' friends were much like him, athough mostly bottoms and certainly not only have safe sex. In fact, most of them thought James was kind of pretentious about the safe sex aspect of his life. But, they never mentioned their dissatisfaction to James or each other. James' friend, Mike, introduced him to a friend visiting from Spain. Juan was a bit shorter than James, but he was just as fit. James thought Juan was the hottest man he had ever seen. Juan was very attracted to James. Mike had met Juan in Madrid. In fact, Mike had been fucked and bred by Juan many times, including that very morning. Mike knew not only that James and Juan were both tops, he also knew Juan was an amazing bareback-only top. Mike had also been fucked by James, who he knew to be a safe sex only top, so Mike thought it'd be interesting to see what developed between the two tops. It wasn't long before Juan was touching James all over. James was getting more girly than any of his friends had ever seen him. In fact almost everyone was shocked when James went to get drinks and Juan pressed his cock into James' amazing ass and very slowly ground into James. James was nervous. He was a top and this guy obviously wanted to fuck him. He didn't really know what to do. The guy was so hot that James had to fuck him. To calm himself, James drank more than usual, with the consequence he was rather drunk by the time he and Juan left the bar. James broke his first rule, namely he never brought tricks to his condo, but knowing Juan was staying at Mike's place, and as James wasn't interested in Mike being privy to what transpired that night, it seemed James' condo was the best option. Once in the cab, James finally got a good feel of Juan's amazing nine and a half inch cock. Now, James' cock was a solid eight incher, eight inches that guys loved, but James found Juan's cock was utterly amazing in both length and girth. They kissed in the cab, and Juan, never the shy type, sought-out James' crotch and massaged below James' balls, striving to reach his hole. James didn't really know why he did so, but almost involuntarily he spread his legs to accommodate Juan's focus of interest - his hole, and when Juan's fingers found that hole, James moaned softly. Once upstairs, James made a drink for each, and they enjoyed the amazing view of the Chicago skyline from James' living room. Not to be outdone by the city scape, Juan pulled his shirt off to afford James another amazing sight. James followed suit, and the two men resumed making out, as James melted into Juan's nimble fingers and suggestive tongue. It wasn't long before James and Juan were naked and James hands were braced against the floor to ceiling windows as Juan ate his jock ass. Even in his drunken haze, James thought several times that Juan ate ass better than he had ever eaten another man's ass, particularly as Juan's tongue reached an amazing depth into James' hole. Juan knew James was a top, Mike having told him as much, and, to get into James' ass, Juan knew he would need to weaken all of James' defenses, and opening-up James' hole was the best way to ensure James would be fucked at this very window, so Juan kept eating James' ass for quite some time until he got to his feet and asked "Why not grab some lube?" James returned with both lube and condoms. Juan pressed James against the window again and jammed his tongue up James' ass, causing James to moan like a whore. James was sober enough to realize he was begging like most of the bottoms he'd fucked. James decided right then that he would let Juan fuck him. It would be the first time James had been fucked his senior year of college. Juan recognized the relaxation of ass and back muscles as the other top gave his ass over to him, so he started fingering James. First, one finger, then two, then twisting and corkscrewing the fingers; then more ass-eating. Only to repeat the sequence several times. After almost an hour of prepping James' ass for this fuck Juan stood up and pressed his cock on James' ass crack, as he simultaneously kissed James and ground his cock into James' crack. Juan asked James what he wanted. "Please fuck me," came the reply. Juan made James beg to get fucked, and beg James did, realizing to some degree Juan was turning him into his bitch, but James was too drunk and too turned on to care. James wanted Juan's cock inside him. He needed it tonight. James spread his cheeks for Juan, face pressed against the glass. He shoved his hole back at Juan. Juan dribbled lube on James ass and then spread his hand over James hole to rub and finger it in. Then for the first time since they had been naked, Juan touched James' cock, giving it a thorough lube job. Juan then lubed James' ass and fingered him again, lubed James' cock again, and then lubed his own cock. Juan pressed forward on James open hole. James winced as he felt the cock enter him. Then he relaxed as the spongy head was pushing inside him. James knew it would hurt, but he really needed Juan to fuck him tonight. As Juan was pressing in a bit more, James asked "Are you wearing a condom?" "No," Juan replied. "I never fuck without a condom. Put one on." Juan pressed in a bit more and then pulled back some. Juan was watching and half his head was inside James now. Juan said, "I'm not even inside you yet. Let me just play around with the tip and then I'll put on the condom." James reasoned Juan's suggestion was okay as they would fuck bareback only briefly- only a minute or so. "Okay, but just for a minute. Then use the condoms on the table." Juan agreed. He had this safe sex top exactly where he wanted him. Juan pushed and pulled a little bit farther inside James' hole with each thrust. Once half Juan's cock was inside James, Juan asked James how he liked it. "It feels really good. We should put on a condom though." "Just a bit more. Your ass feels so amazing wrapped on my cock this way." Juan continued to lightly play with James' cock and stroke his lean, hot jock body as the former top was giving up his ass. Juan didn't take long before he was balls-deep in James' hole. James could feel Juan's public hair on his ass. He knew Juan was all the way inside his ass bareback. James mentioned the condom again. Juan flexed his cock inside James and James moaned and squeezed his ass on Juan's cock. 'Fuck it' James thought, adding 'I'll live it up. Just this one time. I'll let Juan fuck me bareback'. Juan knew he had James now. He knew the boy would never mention a condom again tonight. Juan started fucking James hard. James was moaning and grunting. Juan was amazed at how easily this safe sex top had given up his ass bareback. Juan was chuckling inside. He thought to himself, "All bottoms just need to be shown they are bottoms." Juan and James were sweating. James was getting his ass seriously fucked by the hottest guy ever. Juan was fucking a seriously hot guy. James and Juan both knew how amazing this fuck felt. James was grunting and moaning. He started imagining what it would be like bent over like this for Juan more often. James was imaging Juan fucking him everyday. He thought how lucky he was to have this gorgeous man inside him. How privileged he felt to be fucked by this big dick. Wow. Juan was an amazing fuck. Juan was stroking James cock faster and he was fucking with shorter and shorter strokes. James knew Juan was going to cum. Juan said, "I'm going to cum." James reached his hand back, grabbed James ass and pulled him inside him. James felt his first internal cum shot at that moment. He felt so hot. He felt so sexy. He felt so amazing. James came all over the rub and window. Without a thought of condoms, Juan fucked James multiple times a day, every day for the next two weeks before he left to return home. Juan came in James every time. Juan eventually started making James beg for the cum to be shot in his ass. James loved it.
    1 point
  37. Can anyone help this sick Perv find poz breeding porn!
    1 point
  38. i love the word sperm as a verb!!
    1 point
  39. I love going in after other studs loads. Makes the sliding in much more piggish.
    1 point
  40. wow.is there more to come?
    1 point
  41. don't take them to your place. bring food, including a doggybag. don't take them to a hotel with a minibar, put your valuables in the room safe, insist on a long hot soapy shower, and make sure they leave the room before you do.
    1 point
  42. For me it's the way a top fucks. Some manage to make me cum handsfree while they fuck me, hitting the right spot. I noticed not all tops can do it (for me at least). At first you feel like you need to pee. Then the pre-cum starts flowing and eventually I just can't hold back and shoot whether I want to or not. Intense orgasm. Love it when this happens. So it's up to the top. Don't think you can train yourself as a bottom to experience this.
    1 point
  43. It was a couple of years ago. I was at Steamworks Chicago's CumUnion with my partner. He had been flip-fucking his trick for a while, but eventually told me, "Hey, we know him ... why don't you have him take you over to the bench and fuck you?" That's the fuck bench, a small arena where one can get fucked publically. The friend - J - put me on the bench and fucked me quite good, then bred me. We visited afterwards. It was fun. I kind of like that at CumUnion you really can just bend over and get fucked - loads only if you are lucky.
    1 point
  44. Blackout party last night at a bar, went ready to take some loads. In the back corner saw a hot younger guy getting fucked by an older top with a big dick... we were all making out while they were fucking and the older top pulled out and fucked me instead, planting a huge load in my hole. The younger guy seemed a little disappointed and pulled up his pants, but I grabbed him and kissed him, sliding his pants back down to show his ass to the bar. It wasn't long before he a couple of tops were feeling his hole. We made out and he held on to me while the tops plowed him, giving him two loads.
    1 point
  45. Perfect start. Thanks man.
    1 point
  46. My problem is in 'knowing who they were'. Mostly anon here.
    1 point
  47. I was utterly humiliated. As the love of my life left, all I could do was cry. I cried and cried and cried. I was in New Orleans, in our apartment, and no Connor. No. Connor. I didn't eat, return phone calls, or see friends. I think I made myself physically ill because after a few days I could barely move from my bed. All my muscles hurt and my stomach was heaving even though I hasn't eaten for days. My friend John eventually forced me to open the front door and let him in the apartment. He asked no questions, but made me some soup and forced me to eat it. We sat on the couch and watched a movie. I was really glad John was there because Connor called. He was entirely businesslike on the voicemail message he left. He was coming through with his father and asked me to not be in the apartment as they cleared out his items next week. He also said, he'd leave me a check for my half of the NYC apartment deposit. He told me to find my own place in NYC. After listening to Connor's voicemail, I threw up the soup John made and went back to bed crying. I heard John pleading with me to come out of the bedroom, but I passed out. When I woke up, John was on the couch. He stayed with me all week. He made me call my aunt and uncle so I could ask to stay with them until I could get an apartment. He also forced me to call my father to ask for help moving my things to NYC. The second call was so humiliating that I went back to bed for two days. Connor and his father were due the next day and he called to make sure I would not be at the apartment. I packed a bag and went to stay with Bradley for the night. Bradley, John and I went to dinner. We ran into Rob and my neighbor who asked about the moving truck and why I wasn't there moving out with Connor. Bradley said Connor and I had broken up. I excused myself for the bathroom and cried. When I emerged from the bathroom, Rob, Bradley and John were waiting. My neighbor went out to get snacks and rent movies. We all went to Bradley's house to watch movies and hang out. Rob hugged me tight against him in the car. At Bradley's house, I sat between my neighbor and Rob on the couch as we watched movies. We finished one movie and John left. In the middle of the second movie, Bradley got a call from his parents and went to his room. He came back a few minutes later and said he was going to shower and go to bed. He asked me to make sure I locked the door when our guests left. Rob asked if I wanted to go to bed or finish the movie. I said I wasn't tired. My neighbor moved to the chair where Bradley had been seated leaving the couch to Rob and I. Rob and I spooned on the couch. He asked if I was still the "most perfect Jewish bottom boy in the world." I laughed. It was the first time I laughed in weeks. I could feel his hard cock on my ass through our clothes. I reached back and felt his cock. He had a great cock. I rubbed it. We heard the shower turn off, the bathroom door open, and Bradley's bedroom door close. Rob kissed my neck. He unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. I was wearing a jockstrap. Rob reached inside my shorts and felt my ass. Rob told me to stand up and he sat up. I took off my shirt and shorts. He opened his shorts and I got on my knees and sucked his cock for a few minutes. Rob took a couple of bottles out of his short's pocket - lube and poppers. He had me lube his cock and then turn around. He put his lubed cock on my ass and had me sniff the poppers. I inhaled deeply and sat down on his bare cock. I rode his cock until he flipped me over the back of the couch and started hammering my ass. Rob blew his poz load in me and then pulled out. My neighbor then fucked me until he came in my ass. Then Rob fucked another poz load into me. They left. I put my shorts back on and fell asleep on Bradley's couch as their loads leaked from my ass. The next day I went to my apartment and Connor's things were gone. I cried as I read the note he left with the check telling me to keep the bed because he couldn't bring himself to sleep on it anymore. I called Rob and asked him to come over and fuck me in the bed. Rob fucked me all week in the bed. I took about 20 poz loads off him that week. Then I asked Rob if he wanted the bed when I moved because I had no place to put it in NYC. He took the bed in his SUV the same day my father and brother arrived to move me to NYC. John, Bradley, and Seth took a lot of the other furniture and kitchen supplies. I moved my clothes, some personal items, computer and television to NYC. The ride home took about a day because we all shared the driving. It was a quiet ride and my humiliation was enhanced all the more when my brother asked about Connor only to have my father say, "Gay relationships aren't like normal relationships. They always fall apart." My brother told my father that was stupid and they fought for a few minutes. I just looked out the window. I arrived in NYC and moved into my aunt and uncle's spare room. My aunt kindly asked about Connor, but quickly realized it was a very emotional topic when I tried to answer but couldn't find the words. As a teacher in NYC public schools, I was soon working after I got to the city because I had to get my classroom ready, department meetings, meet the principal, vise principal, fill out paperwork, etc. Surprisingly, a friend from high school - Rachel - was teaching across the hall from me. We connected and she insisted that I spend time going out with her and her friends. Over the next few months, I gradually came out of my depression. By the time classes ended the following spring, I was living with her in a two bedroom unit in Brooklyn.
    1 point
  48. Last night I got three piss loads. 2 in my ass and one on me. The last one was in me and then I went to bed. Thought it would have made me "piss" the bed in my sleep, but it stayed in until I woke up four hours later.
    1 point
  49. I've been lucky - I've hit that jackpot about half-a-dozen times in my life. The best was also my first...he was an honest to god foot long. Twelve succulent inches of mean, veiny cock. My buddies told me about how he is a hole-wrecker and I was intrigued. I chatted him up and off we went. He poppered me up like I've never been poppered before. I'm talking world class poppers here. Then slid in and fucked me with barely half his cock in me. As I got used to his meat, till he started knocking at my inner door. He gave me another hit, told me to look him in eyes and my world opened up to him. It felt like I was getting fucked for the first time in my life. I was flying. Nothing compared before or since. Sadly, it was a one time, out of town, thing - so I never had a repeat session. Among the top five fucks of my life.
    1 point
  50. I looked down at the boy, his mouth stretched round my fat cock with dribbles of spit and my poz precum oozing at the sides of him mouth, one of his hands feeling his tits and cock the other wrapped round the base of my cock pulling it into his mouth like a possessive child with its favourite toy, shifting my gaze back to Duke I grinned “do it”, Dukes literally whooped with joy, apart from fucking and pozzing boy arse one of his favourite things to do was initiate them into slam sex, as Duke got the point ready I reached down and slid a finger into Bobby’s pussy making the kid moan and writhe. Duke got back onto the bed and pulled Bobby’s hand from his tits stretching his arm out to the side, Bobby groaned prompting Duke soothe him as the rubber tourniquet was wrapped round his arm “shhh boy don’t worry you’ll be able to feel yourself up soon, right after we have blasted you straight into pig boy heaven” Bobby murmured and flinched as the needle went in but I held his mouth on my cock while Duke pressed the plunger, I let go of the boys head as Duke pulled of the tourniquet and Bobby’s eyes bulged my cock falling out of his mouth as his face and body flushed, he wheezed and then his big chest heaved with a series of hacking coughs his whole body spazmed as he went flying into his new favourite place to be. The coughing stopped and the kid laid there for a moment looking up at my his innocent blue eyes bugging out of their sockets in wonder but also almost wild with desire as he started to run his hands over his body letting out cute cooing noise before one of his hands reached up to started feeling our bodies while the other went down past his cock and he started rubbing his hot hole letting out sweet little animalistic growls like a bitch in heat. Duke and I traded winks and I ran my fingers down over the kids chest, over his abs and in between his legs which he dutifully pulled back at the knees giving me easier access to his hole which was puckering and pulsing, I stared right into the boys eyes grinning “I think its time for you to get fucked Bobby don’t you?”, the kid sighed “oh yes please Daddy”, I leaned down deep kissing the boy before pulling up “Daddy Dukes going to go first okay boy?”, the lad nodded making me grin widely “and don’t you worry son, after Daddy Dukes fucked you and cum in your pussy, I’ll fuck you and cum in you too”, the kid groaned as Duke climbed of the bed grabbing the lads legs spreading them wide and started to rub his cock head over the boys sweet little pussy “you ever had cum in your pussy before son?” , the kid actually looked a bit embarrassed whimpering “no”, Duke chuckled at the forlorn look on the boys face, “well don’t worry son, your about to get a lot”. As Duke pressed his cock up against the boys hole smearing it with his poz precum I shivered with excitement and a touch of jealousy as to me there is nothing like a bareback virgin taking his first raw cock, Duke grinned at me and pulled his cock away “as its your birthday coming up Ted, you should go first”, I was a bit stunned I have to say but could not help but grin back at Duke, “if your sure?”, Duke laughed “oh I am sure plus I think the chicky really wants you to be first, look at the way his puppy dog eyes look at you”, I looked down at the kid, his eyes were indeed wide like a puppy dogs so I just had to smile “you really want me to go first son?”, Bobby nodded and his voice crackled “Yes Daddy Ted I want you to go first, please”, I leaned down and kissed the kids forehead “thank you boy, I will love to be your first seeder and then you’ll be my good boy for always”, Bobby literally trilled with pleasure and Duke laughed “looks like you have a new boy in your life Ted, happy birthday!!” As I took my place in between bobby’s legs grabbed them and pushing them back firmly spreading them wide Duke got up onto the bed and tweaked the boys nipple “though Daddy Ted is going first I am going to fuck you afterwards chicky, fill your white pussy with my black man seed”, I grinned at the boy “that’s right son, my boy gets fucked by who I say and no one else understand?”, the boy looked at me with those puppy dog eyes sighing “oh yes Daddy” as he hooked his hands behind his knees and pulled them back showing off his eager little cunt to me. I placed my cockhead up against Bobby’s sweet little hole I knew I wanted to make sure his first seeding and pozzing was as lovely as his tweaked up little mind was going to remember, I rubbed my helmet over his wet little pucker, adding my plentiful precum to Dukes making the boys pussy lips literally glisten in the evening sun. I looked right into the kids eyes as I pushed and they widened and then closed as he emitted a deep sigh of pleasure as my fat cockhead began to force his ring to open to let me in, Duke was watching intensely as my mushroom head audibly popped through the kids little sphincter making the boy groan and Duke whistle “fucking beautiful”, I rested for a moment pulsing my dick to drip deposit some of my toxic precum into the boys innocent fuck canal. Never taking my eyes away from Bobby’s I slowly but determinedly sank the length of my dick into his eager little cunt, his tightness was really a joy to feel wrapped round my fuckstick, until my pubes rested against his smooth arse, I grinned “that’s a good boy, you have all of Daddy’s cock in you now”, the kid just moaned “I love it Daddy, its so big”, Duke laughed “hell yeah now fuck that slut and seed him good and proper”, I rotated my hips and then pulled a little out pushing in a little quicker, suitably training the kids hole how to accept his new daddy’s fuckpole. Bobby whimpered and cooed in pleasure as my withdrawals and re-penetrations became quicker and more forceful, I rested back on my haunches for a moment pulling about halfway out and just flexed my dick in the kids cunt, Duke leaned in to have a look “fuck yeah Ted your reaming that chickys pussy out so good!!”. I pushed back in again leaning over him, having to control myself as the kids anal muscles went into overdrive milking my cock inside him as more and more of my dirty precum coated the insides of his little cunt, I fucked harder and harder slamming my dick into him my big full balls slapped against his arse. The boy was crying out in sheer pleasure as he felt my broad hairy chest and pulled my nig nipples, my balls well now simmering with heat and I knew I would not last much longer and the pure thought in my mind that I was going to be the first to seed the kid and keep his holes filled with daddy spunk from many men in the future sent me into over the edge, I fucked like a man possessed but then I stopped and I pulled back so my cockhead was just in the kids cunt relishing the sight the Bobby’s now red puffy boy pussy ring stretched obscenely round my mans cock, I just had to see that hole one last time before I bred it. I slammed back into him, knocking the wind out of the kid and he howled as I resumed pumping my dick in and out of his twat, Duke held the kids head and gobbed straight into the boys mouth “yeah chicky your Daddy’s about to breed you, knock your boy body up good with his spunk!!”, those words sent me over the edge and I grunted and growled as I push my dick as far as it would go into Bobby and fired shot after shot of my poz spunk deep into the kids guts, my orgasm was so intense that I actually felt a searing pain in my head that I had to close my eyes, I heard the boy groan and his hole flex round my cock milking more spunk out of my piss slit, Duke gasped and said “wowey fuck look at that!!” making me open my eyes and look down at my hairy gut and his abs that were covered with the cum the boy had shot without touching his cock, I growled “you fucking beautiful boy” as I leaned down crushing Bobby under me “your mine now”, he just pulled my face to his and just before he shoved his tongue into mine sighed “yes I am Daddy”. Duke laughed “hey you two can make out later I need to screw this chicky now”, I smiled “of course mate” as I pulled my cock out of my boys sweet cunt, Duke flipped the boy onto his belly as I moved to the head of the bed and pulled the kids mouth onto my cock, I loved the way Bobby looked up my adoringly as he licked and sucked the cum and his arse juices off my cock, Duke got onto the bed between the lads spread legs and slapped his arse “raise your butt up chicky” which the kid did without question and Duke grinned “atta boy” as he pumped his dick a few times “your leaking some of your daddy’s seed, lets put it back inside where it belongs”, the kid groaned as Duke rubbed my spunk onto his cock head before he then slid it effortlessly into Bobby’s eager fuckchute.
    1 point
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