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  1. 3. Hole Fuck. Fuck. A triangle Fuck. A triangle of pleasure Fuck. A triangle of pleasure spreads Fuck. A triangle of pleasure spreads from his cock, balls, asshole, erupting outward, unrelenting, uncontrollable, to his entire body like an volcano exploding. Nothing could ever top this feeling sending him ablaze in molten heat and light. Fuck. The only thing that could ever top this feeling had to be death. Snuffed. Blackness. Oblivion. Because right now, mother fucker, at this single moment, he felt everything. Every fucking thing. He was Colossus. A Titan. God. The world channeled through him. Fuck yes. He was the eye of the needle; the eye of the beholder; the fuckin' cat five swirling eye of the hurricane. Nothing existed before this moment, nothing would after. He embodied the chord alpha and omega struck together throughout eternity jammed into one single note. Bam! Fuckin’ right here. Right now. Shit, man, it's a tsunami in here and he's riding this skinny little surfboard called Chris—it’s a thrill of a lifetime—and he's hanging on for dear fucking life! Fuck. He's overboard! He lost where he was, who he was. He's swimming up for air. All he feels is a tongue in his hole and a gummy mouth sucking his shriveled dick. Hairy arms hold him and run their hands over mounds of flesh, his burning flesh. He grinds his ass over someone’s furry pubes. Fuck, dude, tell how good is that? He'll never be able to sustain how aroused he is, every synapse of ecstasy is firing simultaneously. He's sure someone’s saying something to him but he can’t comprehend, even less respond. All he can react to is touch, those that touch him, those he can touch. Other senses abandoned him. Hard flesh, leathery muscle, sagging flesh, sinewy muscle, all attached to him in some area of his body, but he can’t differentiate the sum of these sensations. Fuck. There’s an argument, then a suggestion. Slowly he’s regaining sight. The pictures he saw stuttered like a reel of film falling off its track, still he made out bits of a room that could be hell. Red flakes falling off walls. Metallic roof reflecting flames all around him. An orange object dangled in front of him. What the fuck was that? A tentacle? He thought of a carrot, albeit one that was extraordinarily long and extremely pliable. Fuck. It was going in his anus and going in deep. Fuck. Voices emerged in the hellscape. Take it in—let it penetrate you. I've still got you. Long Beach Carl, his mother’s boyfriend was there. He's pushing the carrot into him. Oliver North was there as are a million cameras firing off strobe after strobe in his brain. Pop! Pop pop pop. He felt the object, initially so slender you hardly knew it was there until its mass grows with every inch it's inserted. The object passed through his rectum and entered his large intestine. It jus' pass through his second ring, said a Caribbean sounding voice. He's in a James Bond movie. He closes his eyes, he's tripping heavy, he knows he's not in a James Bond movie. Yet in his mind he imagines there's a race car that's tearing through a winding road in the Alps. He sees Sean Connery driving the winding road. His colon is a road, the object a vehicle that’s opening up his insides; every twist, tunnel and turn. Boom. Fuck. Chris is back in his body trying to come to terms with an object he feels somewhere on the right side of his abdomen. He ran his hand down to the spot and definitely felt an object inside him. Someone, Manetti it must be, pulled his hand back over his head. There are two men, Jamal and Master Drax he recognized, conferring at his hole, pushing something, a malleable orange sex toy through his anal canal. "The last mile is always the most difficult," Master Drax said to Jamal. Jamal goes back to sucking Chris' peanut. It not only distracted, but felt indescribably soothing. "Are you still with us, child?" Master Drax asked Chris. Chris wanted to communicate that he was still with them, raise a thumb or something, but he can't. He's immobile. He blinked instead hoping that said something. Words won't come back for quite a while, except for one. "Fu-u-u-u-ck," he yowls, forcefully arching his back. "I told you, Christian. New worlds. Hold him down. It doesn't give you pain. It's simple something you've never experienced." There is nothing to compare this to. He's hornier than fuck. He imagined his colon is being invaded by the tentacle of an octopus. He vividly hallucinates Master Drax is holding an octopus and guiding it to slither deep and deeper into him. But the tentacle had hit an impasse. It refused to penetrate into the next chamber. It had a life of its own, the tentacle; it poked and prodded against an impenetrable wall, won't proceed no matter how much Chris or Master Drax want it to. "The last foot is always the most revealing," Master Drax said to Chris, who could do nothing but look at him, and feel what was happening inside. "Jamal, get the amyl from the drawer." Jamal left the boy's dick and returned with a handful of capsules. He broke one and put it up to Chris nostrils. "Inhale it deeply, child." The effect it had on him was to immediately knock his head off his body. More than freeing his gut to allow the sex toy to penetrate, was the attitude it instilled: lust overpowers everything. He wanted that orange tentacle further up his ass. Jesus Fucking Christ he did! And his lust made it so. "F-u-u-u-u-ck." He feels it so intensely slip deeper inside. Two inches, three? It's a tickle that grows to a finger, which grows two feet in length to the size of a fist. The final girth is a medium size clenched fist. Master Drax has gotten the entire sex toy to press up against Chris' sphincter, but he's not satisfied. He bares down with his own fist to get his fist inside the boy too. "Another one," he instructed Jamal, who already had another hit of amyl under Chris's nose. Chris doesn't say, ‘fuck.’ Instead out rasped a throaty animal sound, a squall of air reacting to muscles going beyond what they're meant for: to hold shit in. There was pain, undeniably, but there was a definite element of pleasure in the animal cry, too. A sound an animal might shriek when it was dying but more like when it gave birth. To Chris, it was a sound emanating from his guts, and the large object within him and the large fist, that even after it entered his hole still plunged deeper into his bowels. He started stammering mindlessly, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," throwing his pelvis in the air, trying to get whatever's inside him outside him. This was where Manetti came in, holding him down, calming his colt. "Shhh. You did it, Chief.” He brought the kid down to him. “Good boy, good job." And though Manetti was as high as he's been in quite a while, he knew how to ride these twenty foot waves to shore. "Breathe. Get used to it. Accept it.” Manetti ran his hand over Chris’ chest, tweaked his nipple lightly. “Breathe, buddy. Relax your hole around it. Now squeeze! Now relax. Do it again." He's more a disembodied voice to Chris, but it was a familiar, disembodied voice, and it seemed to work. Though his hole was ready to explode again at any moment, and though the strain was more intense than anything he'd ever felt, he was over the agony of a few seconds ago. As he squeezed, then released, he was letting go of the panic and accepting the new sensation. Master Drax's pulled his fist out. This set off on another round of spasms, this time dispelling, like a two foot long shit—which pretty accurately described how it felt—the orange two-foot long object inside him. What would usually take his body hours of wave-like contractions to expel, happened in two seconds, which left him with an amazing feeling. Besides having the relief of not having the object ripping and pulling every which way, he was left with a sense of profound emptiness, and one other feeling he didn’t expect: he wanted it back in again. *** "Jamal, we need to capture this. Put two lights there and the camera there." Jamal went about setting up the shot. "Pig, let Christian up and bring over some grease. And take off that cage. I want you fluffed up when we shoot." Manetti helped Chris out of the sling. "I don’t think he’s ready to take my paw. Let Jamal fist him. He can probably take that,” he said to Master Drax. "Nonsense. Are to telling me how to conduct his affairs?" Master Drax handed Chris a bottle of poppers. "Use this right before we shoot." "No, Master,” Manetti replied. “You always know best. I just think the kid should..." "Enough. I determine what he 'should.' Jamal, are we ready?" Jamal nodded, and then helped Chris get into the sling. "Chief, how you feelin'?" Manetti asked Chris, who was adjusting the leg straps. "I feel great! That was mind-blowing. I am so fucking high." Manetti acknowledged he was too. Chris hadn't really considered that. Nothing seemed to exist beyond the skin of his body. "Places." Master Drax was in his element. "Jamal, take the boom, I'll operate the hand held. Pig, I want you coming into the shot. Christian, you just stay where you are. Enjoy it and encourage Manetti however you'd like. Use the seduction you know you have—you have the hole everyone wants, own that—but make sure you don't fake it, make sure you really want it from Manetti. No BS. Let's see how you do." "Yes, Master. Thank you for all of this." Master Drax nodded his approval, and called, "Action:" FADE IN: ABANDONED BUILDING - NIGHT There's a close-up of Chris' little puckered butthole. Its lips pout out like it's waiting for a kiss. It's not virginal anymore, but it's hardly gaped either. It lusts for something, someone. Manetti's broad back and hairy shoulders enter the frame and, yes, he's hard, very hard. You can tell there's chemistry, pun intended, between him and the boy. Let's not hide the fact they both look heavily drugged. He sits on a stool facing the boy's vulnerable hole. He puts a finger on its lip and pulls it down, testing its elasticity. The boy starts only slightly. He's excited yet there is an edge of fear in his face. We zoom in. His eyes are more than a little crazed with desire. The world weighs heavily on him, but he's young and resilient. It will take a lot to wear him down completely, and Manetti is more than capable of doing it. The man brings up two greased fingers and inserts them in the boy's velvet hole. They slide in easily. He coats the canal and bends down and brings up three fingers and more lube. The man's other hand is stroking his own rigid pole. He could nut at any point but he’ll hold off, at least for now. Three fingers easily slide into the boy's opening. The man shoves his three fingers up to where his pinky stops him from going further. He twists around the boy's hole, causing the boy to stir in pleasure. It's a very new sensation to him, and there's an exhilaration in his eyes that this man is going to penetrate his rectum with those enormous paws. He anticipates what it will feel like, how much it will hurt, but still grants there’s a deeper lust in him, a hedonistic impulse he's knows he's always had, that wants this man, wants this man in the most carnal of ways. Four greased fingers come up to the boy's butt and slide in, this time not as easily. Manetti has to go slow, gathering his fingers together, twisting slowly, applying pressure ever so slowly, prying the kid's sphincter apart, easing it open. He still has the large ridge of his thumb to go and he doesn't want to rush Chris. "Pick up the pace, pig. Let's get to it," says the director. Manetti sees Chris is taking a hit of poppers. That should help. He greases his whole hand and swathes the boy's entire butt. He prods the hole with four fingers, then adds his thumb. It's all funneling down into this tight hole. He's fighting with Chris' sphincter, it's resisting the circumference of his palm. Manetti twists slowly one way then the other. "Take three hits in a row, boy," he instructs Chris. Chris has only had single hits up to now, and each one has left him spinning, but he listens to Manetti and takes three consecutive hits. He barely manages to replace the cap but his eyes signal he's ready. Manetti holds his hand out in place. Not only is the kid's hole relaxing, he’s pushing out his butt and on his own, starts swallowing Manetti hairy paw. He keeps jutting his ass out so it swallows Manetti’s thumb, clutching the entire appendage down to his wrist. He’s instinctively squeezing Manetti’s huge mitt into him, as the hand tapers to a wrist. The vice-like clamp slides Manetti fingers into the boy's soft internal flesh. He howls at his accomplishment. He's in ecstatic agony as his rectum comes to accept the large foreign object. A huge invader, the likes his internal organs have never known. Master Drax was large, but Manetti's huge. Manetti rests his hand just where it is. He tells Chris to take another hit, which he does, and then starts slowly turning his hand inside the boy. They look into each other's eyes, and you can see the intensity of their communication transcends words. There is a microsecond of pain registering on Chris' face, and Manetti stops twisting, but begins again as soon as he sees Chris has accepted the sensation and now enjoys it. The tip of Manetti's middle finger is the first to touch a deeper area. He feels the rapid pulse of the boy in what feels like strings guarding a new chamber. He gently swirls the finger clockwise, then slowly traces the finger counterclockwise. Chris initiates a release of internal muscles that allow Manetti to add his index and ring finger deeper into Chris' canal. Manetti rotates slightly to allow his pinky and thumb to follow into the chamber. Chris inhales deeply as he senses where Manetti is in his body. It’s both an open invitation to go further, and a dawning realization of how far he ultimately wants Manetti to penetrate him. It’s just the two of them, eye to eye. Again he's in an enclosed confessional with Manetti. “You owned me," he admits, "ever since I met you. I can't resist you." He proves it, too, by sliding down deeper and impaling himself further onto Manetti's hand. You only have to look at the earnestness in his expression, his utter submission to the will of the man inside him, to see Manetti can do to him whatever he wants. Manetti knows that and will exploit it. The splayed out fingers start balling into a fist. The fingertips scrape against the raw colon sending nerve cells into an explosion of sensation, firing round after round of alarm to Chris' brain. Chris trusts Manetti with his body. He breaths and quells the panic. There is a joy about him knowing Manetti now actually has his fist, his balled up fist, in his ass. The noun, fist, he sees, is why it's also a verb. Yes, he signals to Manetti. Yeah, do it, fist me, say his eyes. And Manetti starts, ever so slowly, pulling out then pushing in. It's building. You can see it in the boy's face. It's revving up to become a piston fuck, which is animating Chris' face: joy, pleasure, excitement, apprehension, and at last at a building rhythmic pace, lust; demonic lust for Manetti to do it harder. Manetti knows this. This isn't his first rodeo. He's a great Top and is proving again. When you say 'handpuppet' this is what it means. Manetti twists Chris on his wrist. He's testing the boy constantly, seeing what he can take, seeing where he has to push him to accept his, Manetti's, will. Manetti knows the kid's body will reveal the course his hand will take and guide him along the way, but it's Manetti's confidence in his power that allows Chris to relinquish his. When the kid says he owns him, Manetti takes him at his word. He unfurls his fist, stretches his fingers deep into the kid's rectum, finds a new ring, swirls, charms, and enters his intestine. He straightens out the curve he finds, using his hand to reshape the boy under his care. He then almost pulls out, sphincter puckered to the extreme, then goes back in and rests just momentarily. He's traveled a great distance in those inches. Chris is undulating with libidinous hunger, but calms down when Manetti rests. He syncs to Manetti’s mastery. The man's palm is holding his prostate, holding it like it's resting in a hammock. As he rocks it gently, Chris is in ecstasy as if Manetti is rocking his soul. But Manetti doesn’t simply the boy's soul. He’s looking for the point where Chris will give up everything. That’s the ultimate power he seeks. He's probing the boy again feeling all his organs till he finds the pressure point he's looking for. Manetti's other hand grabs the boy's erect cock and a spray of piss erupts out of him. "Beautiful," says the director. Manetti first directs it toward himself, lets it splash in his mouth, noisily slurping down a few gulps and spits some out, then he points the stream back at Chris. Chris is out of his mind with sensation he's perceiving inside his body with the awareness that his pissing uncontrollably in front of a group of strangers, and being recorded doing it, and he's finding pleasure in the lewd act of primal degradation. He doesn't care, and that is incredibly erotic. He lets out a spontaneous, "Oh, fuck, Sir," as the stream hits his face and he greets it open mouthed. Manetti has pulled his hand back into a fist and is tugging at the inside of the kid's sphincter. He lets it sit at the extreme point of the stretch, pushes back in as far as he can, then yanks the fist completely out. Chris' hole flairs out with the camera capturing the red pedals of the freshly opened boyhole, the newly revealed flesh the world has never seen before. It's the first promise that a rosebud will bloom. Chris is convulsing wildly. Manetti stands, puts a hand on the kid's heaving chest, and with his other hand he's diddling, strumming his fingers against the boy's excited hole, doesn't want to lose the gape he fought for. Before Chris has a chance to come to his senses, Manetti's inserting three, and then four fingers back inside him. It tells Chris he's still open enough to keep fisting. Chris eyes him. Manetti has broken through something, for Chris says with clear intent, "Sir, destroy my pussy." "You want me to destroy your pussy, boy?" "Yes, Sir. I want you to give me a sloppy cunt." "You got a nasty mouth, boy." He sits back down on the stool, and there's a new lasciviousness that wasn't in Manetti before. He applies grease, a lot more grease, to his hand and some to his large hairy cock; black hair spotted with chunks of white Crisco. He also spreads some lube over his massive balls. He's back at the boy's hole with four fingers twisting around. His second hand joins the first with another swath of grease. They're sliding over each other and the rapid stimulation shows on the boy's face. He grabs for the poppers and takes a hit. His head releases back and he's now solely focused on his hole. He feels fingers sliding in and out. Pulling at his hole. Two fingers on each side pry him open, then three fingers on each side, then four. The hands pry his hole apart so hard they’re shaking. The inside of his hole feels like pudding, malleable flesh that submits to each stroke of Manetti's churning hands. One hand slips easily inside, then comes right out. The other hand disappears inside the kid's hole then reappears. Manetti's hand crunches into a fist and strains at Chris’ sphincter, trying to punch through. Chris leans his head forward and takes a couple more hits, and the fist punches in. The kid utters a loud moan. Manetti leans in, asks, "You okay, boy?" Chris answers, "Punch my fuckin' pighole." Manetti does, let's loose his fury. At first, one first in and out, then the other in and out. He's building up momentum until Chris is wailing in delirium. He pulls out a fist violently to watch the hole again flair open, this time much larger, almost the size of his palm. Chris' body shakes until Manetti puts a single finger on Chris gaping hole. He is in charge of that hole; he will tell it when it is allowed to have an orgasm. "Take more hits, boy." Chris does, and with a head clouded with poppers, Manetti resumes his repetitive punching, but now, Chris grabs his legs and pulls them to his chest, pulling his ass cheeks apart, begging to be Manetti's hole. Manetti obliges, inserting a fist and goes deep, pulling out quickly, then inserting a second fist in as far as it will go. It's not as rapid, but it’s a much deeper punch. Chris is not only taking it but continuing to pull his legs apart farther. In fact, he's taking his right leg with both arms and falling to his left side in the sling, moaning like a whore pushing his boy pussy obscenely out of the sling for Manetti to pummel. It's too much for Manetti seeing the boy in such a lewd pose. He needs to fuck this cunt right now, while he's in this state of abnormal delirium. He’s turned the kid into a whore and he’s the stud who gets the reward of fucking a possessed cunt! He grabs both of Chris' legs and pulls him forward in the sling. He stuffs his gaping hole with his cock, then pops one wiry ball in, then the other. He fucks him in short, staccato strokes. Chris is in rapture and eggs Manetti on, squeezing as much of his loosened sphincter as he can. What he lacks in strength he makes up in how extended his pussy has become. With his entire rectum he surrounds Manetti's genitals in a gelatinous, gluey grip. He knows—he feels!—Manetti's hairy balls are scraping against his bowels. He experiences Manetti gyrating inside him, perceives a iron erection stirring his entrails. Wanting him to cum in him, spread his dirty cum in his raw hole, he begs and pleads aloud for Manetti to breed him, to knock him up. Manetti pulls out completely. His balls swing freely dripping lube and other viscous droppings. His engorged cock plops out and slaps Chris’ balls. The kid jumps. Manetti likes what he sees, so he slaps his balls again with a greasy hand. Instead of retreating, the kid pushes his balls up toward Manetti's chest. The man grabs the kid’s balls and twists them till the kid cries in agony. With his other greasy hand Manetti smacks his ass, then plays with the boy’s hole, lowering him down. He takes the hand that smacked the kid's ass and penetrates him with it. The kid gasps, but accepts the hand immediately, starts squirming on it, becomes ravished by it. Manetti is in heat. He takes his dick and inserts it into the palm of the hand that’s inside Chris. It's far more girth then Chris has so far endured. You can see that in his strained face. But he's not rejecting it. His desire for Manetti overwhelms everything. He wants Manetti's to jerk off inside him, he encourages it with a slight rocking movement. When Manetti stops he realizes that Manetti wants to control his own hand job, so Chris completely submits, holds his legs apart so Manetti can do what he wants to him. Manetti observes the complete, utter subservience as does the camera. There's not much movement for you to see for a moment except in close-up of the hole. There's a rapid vibration only showing in the tendons of Manetti's wrist. He’s jerking his hand inside the hole. Manetti contorts his face as Chris watches in awe. He's getting close. Chris relaxes some muscles to encourage Manetti to use more of his insides to beat off. He's fisting his cock just as violently as he's fisting Chris' hole. The more Chris submits to Manetti's violet masturbation, the harder Chris realizes he's getting fisted. It's win-win. They're in perfect sync. Manetti is using long strokes to pleasure himself and Chris is writhing in pleasure. Manetti releases as Chris' eyes roll back in his head. Manetti's trained to show the money shot but he's locked into this moment of seeding this hole. He explodes, shoots deep into the bowels, sending his fist into the innermost depths. He pulls out very briefly to show cum leaking from his dick, but he's quick to get back inside, still jetting, smearing his dickhead around and around Chris' entrails. He squeezes every last drop out of his balls. He pinches his foreskin to not leave any semen behind. There both stare at each other. Manetti drips sweat onto Chris, who's also shining in heat. Manetti has a look of relief of a man who has given everything and held nothing back; Chris looks beatific, fulfilled—a bride inseminated. Manetti looks in his wide blue eyes, raises an eyebrow, and floods his hole with piss. Chris looks surprised, and states astonished, "You’re whizzing in me." Manetti pulls out for a second, pisses all over him, then reinserts himself. He flashes his famous shark tooth smile. Chris sends an identical shark tooth grin right back. "Cut," the director says.
    8 points
  2. 2. Condemned There’s nothing you and I won’t do I’ll stop the world and melt with you The warm night air felt good. No, a shit fuck better than that. The night felt like it was groping him, diddling with his brain as much as booty. It felt outrageous being naked on a rooftop on a hot summer night, his first night in New York, with the breeze drying his matted hair. The city lights were so foreign, many lit windows from high-rises off in the distant, like far off stars, like oil tankers out on a black sea. It made him feel he's in an alien world; he is. In alien skin; he is. Time felt fluid, running backward and forward, never fixed. He smelled piss drying on his skin. He licked it reminding himself it's Manetti's stench he's wearing. It's the only thing he's wearing, except his brother's wet jock around his neck. How fucked up is that?! His tightening skin reminds him of how it used to be when he came out of the ocean back home, the feeling of salt drying under a blazing sun. Tonight, though, a full moon beamed overhead. As they clamored over embankments to the neighboring building, he's still rushing with the vulgarity of his thoughts. He’s not expressing them out loud anymore, but they're still running through his brain. He keeps coming back to a memory that a man just peed on him, that he's going to visit someone, naked, someone Manetti calls his ‘Master.’ He has no reference for what a Master is except for pictures in a magazine. It's part of an imaginary vocabulary. A Zeus figure or Mister Universe. More of a cartoon really. He's not really thinking though. His thoughts are like birds that have escaped their cage and flying lost in the air; freedom they’ve never had before and don’t know what to do with. Manetti leading him is the only thing that grounds him to earth. If he thinks at all it only happens in small bursts. Fragments. He's nervous. He sees his dick has shrunk. His balls feel cold and hide, shriveled up inside him. This moment he's nervous. The next he's more excited than nervous. He regarded Manetti' arms. He's still very horny. Manetti had enormous triceps that flexed under the full moon as he pulled himself over the half wall to the next building. Manetti reached out a hand and helped pull him up. The moon had a glowing ring around it. During the last full moon he was looking at it from the rear window of an Impala, made a decision he wasn’t going back to school the next day. Now here he is naked on a rooftop, being led on a dog leash. Life’s so strange; it is. Wait. There's a collar around his neck? When did that happened? Are there other things he's not remembering? The leash Manetti's holding is attached to his collar. That seems familiar now, part of the plan. Wait. What's the plan exactly? Another thought pops in his head while he's feeling the studs on his collar. He gathers some birds together to string out a sentence. Making sentences is hard and takes enormous effort. "This building,” he said in a hushed voice to Manetti, like someone was going to overhear them. “The one we're on. Sir. Walking on. Tink-tink." He shows him fingers like they're walking, like Manetti wouldn’t know what walking meant. "Yes?" said Manetti. They're at the next building's rooftop hatch. "The front door said 'condemned.' This one." Chris pointed downward. He closed his eyes. A picture formed from a few hours ago. Metal buttons. His brother's name on tape. He steps in a puddle, real time, right now, in his bare feet on the tar roof. He's back in the here and now. It's warm, the puddle. He thinks he’d like to sit down in it. A leash tugs him on. He’s never been on a leash before. He kind of likes it. He could see himself being a dog. Maybe a pet for Manetti and his brother. He’d sleep on the floor, he would. His mind is flying off. Wet shoes that squished. He remembered that. He was cold. When was that? "This building," he said to Manetti absently. "The front door and all the windows were boarded up. Like no one’s home." "That's what Master wants people to think." Manetti popped open the hatch and pointed down the stairs. Chris looked in and descended into the darkness. It's quiet except for the creak of the stairs. Chris' heart raced. He relied heavily on the banister going down, but this feeling of nervous excitement, palpitations, it never leaves him, not since Manetti stuck the needle in his arm. When was that? Wet shoes. He's lost the thread. He's anxious to meet Manetti's Master. He’s curious what Manetti's Master could possibly look like. He gathered birds and released them to Manetti. "What's he like, Sir? Master Drax." Moonlight poured from the skylight over the stairs onto their bare shoulders. He can’t see what’s in the shadows. Formless things. Nameless. It’s the drugs that make him imagine things that aren't there, he told himself, but he’s walking slower. Manetti had to keep nudging him forward so he doesn't bump into him. Manetti sensed Chris was having second thoughts. As they walked the long hall, Manetti told Chris the short version of Master Drax, owner of a stable of boys, all kinds, he and Ben among them. A defrocked priest from Eastern Europe, they all, the stable boys, think. He talked to him in a voice you'd use to corral a young colt you were breaking in, inching him closer to the only door down the corridor. "And he publishes magazines, vanilla ones and hard core ones, too. You said you liked them, the ones under Ben's bed," Manetti suggested. "Do you think he know where my brother is?" Chris asked as they stopped at the door. Manetti put his hand on Chris' shoulder, as much a gesture calm him as well as making sure he wouldn't bolt. With the other hand he knocked. “I wouldn't ask him that tonight.” "I like Magnum." said Chris. They heard someone unlatch the door. “I wonder where he is.” "Maybe you can be in Magnum someday." The door opens and Chris jumps, backing into Manetti. *** A very tall, very lanky black man, a bit older than Manetti, examined the two visitors at the door. The young, very white one, was being propped up by the one he knew as Manetti. The man wore only a harness, naked otherwise, and was shaved from head to toe including his eyebrows. A very long, dangling cock gripped by a metal ring had a leather strap running from his cock to his chest, then split out to each bony shoulder and ran down his back. His cheeks were hollow, and his mouth was agape, and each tooth filed to a sharp point. Manetti pushed Chris away, but Chris quickly took a step back again. "Hello, Jamal," Manetti said. "We're expected." "Yes," the servant said, unfazed by the rudeness of scaredy-boy. "He is waiting in great room. This is the new one?" he asked in his faint island accent. Manetti nodded. Jamal appraised the kid with the wide blue eyes. There was a flicker of lust that brought out a grotesque smile. He then turned and led them down the hall. Manetti stepped in front of Chris, annoyed, yanked him along by his leash. Chris whispered in his ear, “The guy’s teeth.” Manetti quietly answered back, “Too many complaints about bad blow jobs so Master had all his teeth yanked out. Has to wear fake ones or nothing.” Chris scanned the crumbling walls as they walked. Pornographic graffiti filled every inch. Men with large pompadours, sailors, woodsmen, with big tits, big butts, and bigger cocks getting fucked and fisted, and were either pissing or spewing cum. Chris whispered again to Manetti, "Like hieroglyphics. Dirty ones." Manetti yanked his chain. "Stop talking." The hallway ended in a large living room. A fireplace, too hot to be lit, was filled with candles. Standing candelabras were also scattered throughout the room. A few Klieg lights stood dark in corners. The room was covered in peeling red paint. Tin plates on the ceiling were broken in areas where water had seeped in. The floor had rotted out years back. Now warm, stale air seeped up through the cracks of the floorboards. Two old black leather wingback chairs faced each other on both sides of the fireplace, a tattered leather couch between them. Master Drax, sipping a glass goblet of some blood-red liquid, motioned for Manetti to take the opposite chair. Chris stood between them facing the fireplace not knowing where to look after the first shock of seeing Master Drax. Manetti quickly spoke: "Kneel, boy. Eyes down." Chris knelt staring at the candles on the lip of the fireplace. What brief glance he’d gotten of the sitting man, was that he possessed the biggest cock he’d ever seen; it's played in his mind. Even Jamal’s ringed cock paled to the black clad figure. "Michael, where is his cage?" Master Drax asked. "Put it on him." Manetti rose and went down on one knee to hook the chastity cage over Chris' genitals. He took Chris’ arms and placed them behind his back. Once the cage was locked, Manetti rose and handed the key to his Master. It was the first time Chris ever had his penis and balls shackled. The metal was cold and constricted tightly around him like a vice. If he felt helpless before, he now felt hopeless. Chris tried to give the Master a fast sideways glance but only saw Jamal who stood behind him. He smirked his razor grin from the sidelines. "Has he at all been hard since you drugged him with, what, methamphetamine?" Chris looked down to see his cock was indeed shriveled to the size of a peanut inside the cage. "Yes, Master Drax. He actually has a nice piece on him. So scrawny, he looks above average." "Really?" Master Drax said in somewhat disbelief. "Tell me, Michael, exactly have you given him so far? A full account, if you would." "Eight drops of GHB, which I shared a little with him to encourage him. His works had point two meth. And a Valium in case you wanted to fist him, Master. He also drank some chem piss but not much. He's a virgin, well, was as of two hours ago. I have to say he takes a good fuck, opened pretty quick after about an hour. His hole was loose when I shaved him, but probably it’s tight again." Master Drax leaned forward and spoke, with a bit of a smile, conspiratorially to Chris. "Michael would make a good pimp for you, wouldn't he? You would do anything for him." Chris stared into the fireplace, not knowing what was expected of him. His right hand tightly clutched his left wrist behind his back. His unease made him dig his nails into his flesh. "Tell me: of all the enhancements Michael provided, what did you like best? You can speak. Look up at me." Chris looked up. His earlier glimpse of the man registered as a big dicked scary old man, a man with glasses, black vest and crotchless chaps. And though he had sat far back in the chair, his huge uncut cock had hung over the seat of the wingback chair. That anaconda of a cock is what registered most and still does. Now that he was able to truly take him in, his initial fear was not diminished by what he’d seen, but now possibly built on it. Bald, random liver spots covered his head. Behind wire-rim glasses, rheumy eyes darted from his skeletal sockets. The glasses hooked around large ears, where black hairs jutted around the fleshy lobes. His stubbly beard couldn't hide severely sunken, ashy cheeks, and in his open mouth there were multiple missing teeth. His tongue slithered over chapped lips, and his jaw had the junky habit of gnawing from side to side that his mother had when she itched for a fix. He breathed heavily through his nose like Manetti did right after he slammed. That nose was narrow and hooked, hung with green mucus extending as he huffed in and out. He saw Chris was mesmerized, so as he removed his vest and touched himself in a manner that a whore might use to attract a timid client. With his vest removed, he ran his hand over large white breasts that hung down to a pair of engorged nipples, each one pierced with mammoth horseshoes of heavy silver metal. He fondled them noting Chris' reaction. A silver pentagram swung on a chain and rested between his sagging breasts. Tattoos adorned his torso and arms. The first image that caught Chris’ eye was of a large dragon, identical to the one Ben had draped over his shoulder with its accompanying tail covering the old man's pronounced rib cage. Words were inked up and down his arms, all in Latin, some spiraled around his forearm, others in bands around his shriveled biceps. Chris recognized some of them stored in a backlog from catechism: Deus, mortem, cazzo, satanas. Though he didn't know what the phrases said, they couldn't have translated to anything good. Mixed in with the words were inverted crosses, a triangle of sixes on his other shoulder, horned creatures fucking, a goat with an erection, a man hanging by his foot. Most of the ink was old, faded, blended into his shriveling skin. There was one exception. A somewhat newer one etched over his hard, distended belly: the same three-pronged biohazard symbol Manetti had. Below his belly he had a vast field of grey public hair. Beneath the translucent hair, a demon's mask, the long, slender tongue extending along the top of his manhood down to the tip where it hung off with an obscene amount of hanging foreskin. Within the wrinkled foreskin, thick yellow spooge formed and crusted. Master Drax inched closer to get a better look at Chris. He was still awaiting an answer. He propped his elbows on this knees to support himself, his hands folded monk-like before him. Chris glanced at the arms. They were heavily bruised with track marks and scabbed veins; one engorged artery still had a bead of bright red blood shimmering. He saw the boy starting at it. He extended his arm. Before he could stop himself Chris licked the bead. “Very good, child,” the Master beamed. "You have proper instincts." Chris felt himself sitting inside his head, detached somehow. He thought he would have been repelled, but oddly, examining him at such close range, as at the same time he was being inspected, he was strangely drawn to the man. Before this moment, if he'd come across him on the street, he might try to avoid him, cross the street. But being scrutinized so attentively by him in this moment, kneeling naked in front of him, he still had fear, some repulsion, yes, but he couldn't deny an undercurrent of desire. The Master immediately pick up on his thoughts, for as Chris gazed down at the demonic mask etched on his pubis, it was evident that an erection was beginning to form. The serpent tongue stirred within the overflowing foreskin, a monstrous snail emerging from its shell. Chris, too, was starting to become aroused the longer he took in man's strangeness. But for him the feeling of arrested movement reminded him painfully and clearly that his dicklet was going nowhere. He summoned the courage to look pleadingly at Master Drax, but he wasn't ready for the Master’s stare that entrapped him. Like a tiny mouse might freeze all functions when looked down on by a giant cobra, Chris froze. Didn’t move, didn’t blink, barely breathed. Master Drax's presence was formidable, a fact he felt deeper than anything he'd ever sensed inside. A bit of urine dripped from his cage that too quickly turned into a stream that fell through the floorboards, echoing floor after floor below. Master Drax gave out an asthmatic, rumbling laugh, coughed up phlegm, pointed to the boy’s mouth. Chris opened it slowly. Master Drax hurled his green phlegm directly into his mouth. He then pointed to the boy’s stomach. Chris blinked, then swallow nauseously. And still the man held him in a awe. His dark eyebrows raised. There had been a question dangling, Chris at last remembered. Birds settling down on their perches. However far his control might extend, Master Drax was able to make him focus. He thought back to what the man had asked, what he'd like best, responded cautiously, "I guess I like the slam, Sir." "It’s ’Master,’ boy," instructed Master Drax without malice. With slight satisfaction of the boy’s performance thus far, he sat back in the chair. The released tension in the room was a pronouncement of having done and said the right things. Having felt he answered correctly, he sat with a bit straighter spine, and said, "Sorry, Master. I liked the slam best, definitely." He was almost confident, an emotion he rarely felt. "And only a point two slam,” he said to the boy, shaking his head theatrically. “I don't know if I'd even feel that, Michael. We'll double that in a bit, maybe five, we'll see. Your name, child?" Chris became alarmed. There followed an awkward silence, while Chris contemplated what a doubled slam, or possibly more, would do to him. He would be insane, would never survive. He was terrified at the prospect, slumped again a little. "Chris," volunteered Manetti, when it was obvious there wasn't an answer coming from the boy. "Is that short for Christopher, child?" Chris' mouth felt incredibly dry but managed to reply, "Christian, Master." "Christian," he said savoring the word on his lips. "A Christian in our house, Jamal." He looked back at his servant who nodded approvingly. "We shouldn't change that a bit, should we, Michael?" Chris had trouble looking at the Master after he proposed the double slam, one so close on the heels of his first. He worried the man saw his fear, read what he thought. To try to deflect, he darted his eyes around the room. Silhouettes against the walls outlined the shadow of a massive wooden slings, a Saint Andrews cross, a fuck bench—things he’d seen in Magnum but never imagined he’d encounter in real life—an examination table with stirrups raised high, a large wooden throne with a toilet seat cutout, and a three foot high cage with an expansive padded top. He spotted a video camera pointing out the window into an air shaft. Across the air shaft he recognized Manetti's studio. Master Drax, it was obvious, had been their audience. "So besides slamming, Christian, what else did you like to do with Michael?" Master Drax played with the foreskin of his growing erection. Pulling back the skin, its head was pierced by a horseshoe P.A. that ended in two sharp points at either ends. He uncovers it to show Chris, then lets the skin fall back covering the jewelry. His erection was already the size of Chris’ forearm, from elbow to wrist. He couldn’t imagine it getting any bigger or how anyone could take being penetrated by it. Just looking at it wide eyed, obliterating any of his thoughts. He knew once again there’s a question, but words wouldn’t form in its monstrous presence. The two sharp points rose out of the foreskin as the beast begins to stand on its own. "He takes a fuck real good," Manetti chimes in to help Chris out. "He took my..." Before Manetti embellished, Chris spat out, "Eating ass. I like to eat ass." It was as if he were back in the confessional, compelled to empty his soul. Manetti chuckled, adding, "Pretty dirty ass, too, Master. Not many guys like to get in there.” "Yes," Master Drax said in a low voice. "Look, the child’s little bird is struggling in its cage. Confession frees the soul, but will not free your cock. You tiny prick is of no interest to me. Stand and turn around." Chris did as he was ordered. "Bend over. Spread your cheeks." Master Drax let out a groan. "Boy, didn’t you ever play with your hole? Boys come to me with their hole destroyed from massive toys. Yours looks like you've never touch it. How tight is he, Michael?" "Tight as fuck, Master Drax. The booty bump helped, otherwise it would have taken hours." "You were able to get in before the slam?" Manetti nodded. "Okay, kneel, boy. You, too, pig.” Both of them got to their knees. "I don't know how much this greasy pig has told you, but I own him and your brother. Depending on what happens between us tonight, I might own you, too. Do you think that you would like that, boy?" "Yes, Sir…Master. I think so." Master Drax leaned over close. The nipple rings swung reflecting light off multiple candles, entrancing Chris, who had the compulsion to reach up and touch the man's chest. He managed, though, at least for a moment, to instead look the man in his face. But as the seconds ticked by his desires won out, and his gaze fell to the temptation of the distended nipples. "You must always fall into temptation.” The boy looked up with a start. Master Drax went on, “Yes, your thoughts are easy for me to read. Your face is an open book. I will rewrite you. You like these tits? Go ahead, touch them." Chris tentatively reached up with both hands and squeezed the engorged nubs. "Would you like yours to look like these?" Chris found himself nodding. "It'll take work. We’ll start you with small nipple rings later tonight. But you’ll have to earn them. This pig here can tell you, I like grinding boys down with their darkest perversions. I like my boys hard, like I like their holes sloppy. Sit," he said to Manetti, punching him in his breast bone hard enough to make him fall backwards. "I require their holes be loose, extremely loose. Show Christian your pig hole, pig." Manetti lifted his legs, his hairy balls falling over his sizable cock, and spreads his ass cheeks for the boy to view. As he bore down he pulled his asslips apart. Soon Manetti's red rectum started exposing itself. "Push hard." Master Drax didn’t raise his voice, but his tone grew menacing: "Harder." The red rosebud pushed opened even further, protruding just outside the ring of his sphincter. Around the edges Manetti's asslips were lumps of dark red and purple ridges. Chris' bound erection was getting very extremely uncomfortable. At first a pearl of pre-cum appeared on the piss slit, Master Drax observed, but as the boy watched Manetti strain to flair out more of his rectum, puffing out into a full prolapse, more pearls appeared. Finally pre-cum began to drool from the boy's cage to wooden floor. Master Drax watched delighted. "Go on, touch it. We'll get yours like this too, eventually. Being so young, your ring will be smooth. It will be a glorious sight to behold, won't it Jamal?" "Indeed, Master," Jamal responded, running his tongue over his teeth. Chris reached over and felt the flesh. Soft, incredibly soft. He'd never felt anything so soft. As he fingered it, Manetti let out an unconscious wail. "You want to taste it, don’t you? Go ahead. Kiss it. Kiss the inside of a man’s rectum." Chris couldn't believe he wanted to kiss it. He kissed it, and after looking at Master Drax who nodded at him, he licked it and pressed his mouth against the prolapse. He went farther, licking around each red pedals, sucking each fold splayed out before him. He pinched the ring of flesh, which made Manetti flinch, and without quite knowing why pinched it harder. Manetti cried out but had been trained not to resist. Chris searched for the center as he pulled the man’s hole further apart with his fingers. He stuck a finger inside and licked around the hole before sticking his tongue deep down inside the cavern. Manetti moaned ecstatically. Chris felt like he was coming into heat again for Manetti, but their roles felt reverse. He began chewing on the prolapse, and as he did his body temperature rose and a fine sheen of sweat glazed his body, a trickle of sweat ran down his ribs. Master Drax looked enormously pleased with the boy. "Both of you, sit," commanded the Master. He sniffed the air. "Boy, is that you I smell? B.O. and piss?" "Yes, Sir," Chris said proudly, sitting straight. "Sir pissed all over me before we came. I drank his piss too. Some went in my butt." "The boy has been homeless for the last month and hasn't showered,” Manetti explained. He gave Chris a quick look of concern. He grew aware something was changing in Chris, that he was more enthusiastic than fearful. "Excellent," Master Drax said reflexively. "Christian, do you know what limitations are?" Chris nodded. "What limitations do you think you have?" Manetti protectively broke in quickly, "He doesn’t do scat or bestiality or..." Master Drax interrupted softly, slowly, but emphatically, "Did I question you what Christian’s limitations are? Whom did I asked, Michael?" Manetti knew he'd have to pay for his outburst. "You asked Christian, Master,” Manetti said, lowering his head. Chris' felt that he, at least, is in Master's good graces and wants to please him more. "No limits, Master Drax." He'd read that in one of Ben's nastier bondage magazines. Realizing he doesn't exactly know what that means, he added tentatively, "At least that's what I'd like to be." Chris saw this made Master Drax reveal his jagged smile. Jamal nodded to Chris. A split tongue like a lizard swept across Master Drax's lips as he contemplated how to start with this near-virgin boy. "Come here. Play with my nipples, child. Nothing gets me more stimulated quicker." He was in heaven. He reached up and felt the Master's chest. Sparse grey fur swirled around his nipples. The boy's hands glided over his drooping pecs. He then dared to slip a hand into the man’s hairy arm pits. He was energized, doing things unprompted he'd never thought to do. With his other hand he was pulling on his cage. There was something in the Master's gaze that egged on his libido. Almost guided him. He felt the wet body odor emanating from Master Drax's pits. He brought his fingers out and sniffed them, then put them in his mouth. "You have a real pig's tendencies, don't you boy? Manifest much earlier than your brother." He looked down at the boy's cage. "Those tendencies will be quite beneficial and financially rewarding for us both. I cater to a specialized clientele, or has Michael told you this? Some with, uh, exotic tastes. Let's free you for tonight and see where your tendencies might lead. Pig," he said to Manetti. "Get up and take his cage off and put it on you. You don't deserve an erection tonight.” Manetti rose and got the key on the table next to Master’s chair. “You don’t deserve this either, but I’ll permit you hold Christian while I rape him.” Manetti released the lock on Chris cage and his small penis started to quickly fill out. Though his own was still flaccid, he struggled to get the cage to capture his ample meat. Jamal added assistance, pinching and prodding until his balls fit inside. They struggled with metal cap to get it locked over the shaft. “Jamal,” Master Drax said to his servant. "Leave him. He'll attend to himself. Please be so kind as to prepare cocktails for these two." "Very good, Master Drax," he replied, leaving Manetti to struggle getting his pecker in the stocks. “And one for Master?” "Of course. Yes. Make them extra hearty, Jamal. Take it from the Czech inventory, not the Mexican. And mix in a bit of Ketamine with the boy’s dose. His hole will never accommodate otherwise." The Master picked up Chris leash and pointed Manetti to the large wooden sling. "In, pig. I want you to hold him as he struggles. He is too bound to you at this point. You will be an accomplice in his rape." Manetti marched over to the sling, climbed in and put his legs through the straps. Master Drax came up behind Chris, knelt behind him, nudging his legs apart. He began fondled him intensely. His hands ran over the thin chest pulling him into himself. His enormous erect blade sliced up and down Chris’ crack, inched up the small of his back till it rested between his shoulder blades, illustrating how deep he would be penetrated. The wet foreskin left a small trace of slime as it climbed each vertebrae. The man felt all the indentations along the boy’s rib cage, pinched the small nipples, grabbed the boy’s erect dick and gave it a slap. His hand dove under his crotch weighing his dangling balls with one hand and feeling his tight, wet hole with the other. It slowly dawned on Chris, far from molesting him for his own pleasure, Master Drax was more interested in assessing him as you would an animal you were about to purchase. Sure enough, the man turned the boy around, pulled down his eyelids, then pushed up his lips sticking a finger in his mouth to open his teeth. After examining inside his mouth, he slid in a second finger, then a third, finally all four and pushed them down Chris’ throat until the boy gagged and doubled over. “No. You will not gag. Open.” Four fingers again went into his mouth as far back as Master Drax’s fingers would reach. He wanted to retch but fought against it. He'd never felt anyone assess him over so thoroughly or felt so dehumanized. The glasses enlarged Master Drax's watery eyes and continued to drill into him, wordlessly inserting himself into him. He felt the man inside his head, rooting around, rummaging inside him for something; changing something here, reordering something there. Master Drax withdrew his slime-covered fingers and wearily got up. He plucked Chris’ dangling leash from the ground and gave a small tug on the chain. As Master Drax led him toward the sling, he said, "Point two, you said? A child’s portion. Are you ready for your first man-size slam? It'll open up worlds you've never imagined. Worlds that will swallow you whole. Where you'll be mine ever after. Are you willing to succumb completely to me so I can show you those worlds?" Chris was extremely agitated, but he knew better than to contradict Master Drax, much less deny him what he knew he wanted. Instead he searched for a way to temper his fear and possibly backpedal a bit. "I'm pretty high now, Sir," Chris said uncertainly. "The first slam fucked me up good. I was saying things when I was rushing, I don't know if I really wanted to do all those things. Not really." Master Drax stopped short, looked at him with tired disappointment. "My fuckhole never says 'no'." Master Drax wasn't angry but he closely examined Chris’ face. "You want me to give you your first man-size slam? I'll ask it again, this one time only." Chris looked over at Manetti for some assurance. “Don’t look at him. Look at me.” "Yes, Sir." Chris whispered. Then seeing Master Drax was still holding him in his gaze, he added firmly, "Please, yes Master Drax, slam me however much you want." "And I will.” He finished leading his boy by the leash over to the heavy wooden sling. He unclipped the collar and let it drop noisily to the ground. “Climb up on pig. That’s correct, lie with your back on his belly. I want you to feel it while you observe it." Chris awkwardly climbed up on Manetti, with Manetti giving him a little hand to secure himself in the sling. Manetti's large, broad chest easily cradled Chris on top of him. He felt Manetti’s warm fur on his back, his hairy belly tickling his tailbone. He felt him breathing slowly beneath him. Manetti starting caressing him to get him to relax. Chris melted into him with every stroke of his large hand. He, in turn, began stroking Manetti's sides for comfort. While Master Drax was taking off his chaps folding them on a table, Chris whispered to Manetti, “I didn’t mean to hurt you when I was playing with your hole.” His head tilted so he could see Manetti’s reflection in the mirror hanging above him. “I feel your heart pounding away,” Manetti said to Chris in the reflection. “You can do this, Chief. Remember how it hurt at first but then it got better and you came to like it? Am I right or am I right?” Chris nodded with a bit of an embarrassed smile. “The K is going to help relax your hole. This will be more intense but it’s the same. I promise. I'll be here the whole time.” Jamal came back with three prepared needles and a rubber tube on a tarnished silver tray as. Master Drax followed him over and wanted to know how much Jamal had allotted. Jamal held up four fingers. Chris held tightly to Manetti's side and took a deep breath. Master Drax attended to Manetti first. Chris watched in the mirror as the needle emptied into him. Manetti coughed and he realized the man was burning up, from his chest down to his groin. He felt a wet sheen of sweat instantly coat his back. His breathing was insanely rapid. But what suddenly frightened Chris was Manetti saying, barely audible, "I can take it. I'm okay. I can take it." Over and over. If doing .4 was hard on Manetti, how was he going to bear it? Master Drax said to Jamal who stood passively staring straight ahead, "I'll do myself, you do the boy." "Very good, Master," replied Jamal, breaking into a small grin. He indicated the closest syringe on the tray was for Master. He then set the tray down on a side table. Chris looked up into Jamal’s jaundiced eyes. He saw desire smoldering in them, something he would not act on unless invited. His sumptuous black skin glowed in the candlelight. There was sweat along his strong brow. He wondered if the man had tasted any of portions he had prepared. Jamal smiled at him displaying a mouth missing all its teeth. Blackened gums were now all he had in his open maw. Jamal took up the rubber tube and placed it around Chris' bicep. He felt his forearm and decided on a pronounced vein. Removing the orange cap of the last syringe, he held it at an angle to the vein. Chris noticed that the vial wasn't clear but cloudy with a touch of pink. Jamal peered directly into Chris's eyes, saying softly with his island lilt, "I make this special, an extra gift from me to you." He retracted the plunger enough to cause it to spill Chris' blood into the pink liquid, then pushed the swirling content into his vein. "I also up you to five." The servant pulled out the syringe, released the tourniquet, and held Chris’ arm up in the air. As Chris bucked within Manetti's strong grip, the servant turned Chris' arm out to licked the bead of blood where the needle had just been.
    4 points
  3. So I turned 29 last Thursday and I figured it'd be good luck to receive Wednesday's to Thursday's midnight full of cum. When I got out of work I called on a couple of friends and went over to get bred by both of them. On my way there one of them wanted us to meet an hour later while he got ready, so I opened up Grindr and saw that this hung professor from my school was somewhat near so I texted him and was told to come over. He's this older handsome guy with a short but really thick cock. He's made me bleed a couple of times when spit wasn't enough and my common sense wasn't particularly strong either, so I knew that this time I'd have to take it slow if I wanted to take on those two big dicks later on. I sucked my professor for a while, made sure I choked on it so as to have some spit and mucus in my mouth and use that to get my hole really wet. I pushed him onto the bed and sat on top of him, slowly pushing his head into my asshole, releasing and squeezing slowly as I got used to his girth. Once it was balls deep he started fucking me hard, grabbing me forcefully and pushing me onto his cock. He was soon to finish and I relished knowing I already had at least once load in me. We talked for a bit and I got dressed and left towards where the other two guys were waiting for me cocks hard. Once I got there they were really with their cocks out and hard, so I practically jumped onto my knees and deepthroated them both. I choked, coughed and choked some more of them both, taking a short break to admire the two hot dicks that would soon be stirring the load I already had in me. We moved over to the bed and on all fours I perked my ass up towards the curved dick while I deepthroated the other one. Pushing my ass out and squeezing it got a horny moan out of the top and he shoved his dick all the way to the base in one swift motion. I choked again on the dick I was sucking and that made by ass push a little on the dick it had inside, which made the top laugh. He then proceeded to fuck me really hard, resting his weight on top of my head making sure I wouldn't take the other dick out of my throat. I was told to turn around and soon had the other dick in me, switching between the tops I sucked and got fucked by. "Holy shit, this hole is fucking wet", the guy fucking me said, and grabbed onto my waist pushing me hard against his cock. I felt his balls twitch but didn't figured he'd be cumming so soon, but his moaning and groaning let me know I was being bred by the second time that night. Once he stopped moving and I'd finished milking his dick with my ass, I turned around and sucked his soft dick while the other guy ate my ass out. "Relax that hole, I wanna taste the cum", he said, to which I replied I wouldn't. "Why not?", he asked. "I've worked hard for those loads, I'm not letting them go that easy". "Loads, you say? So just not my friend's in there?", he asked with a grin. "Nah, figured I deserved more than two prior to my birthday", I replied, to which he said, while shoving his dick deep in me, "I'll leave you a present in there too in a sec". That made me chuckle and I started jerking off, timing my cumming to his, while resting my head right next to the other already fully soft dick. After a while of non-stop fucking I could feel him getting ready to cum so I squeezed my hole and got ready for his load. He shot it really deep, hurting me in the process but also making sure I was left with no cum in my balls. After that I cleaned his dick off with my mouth, thanked them both, got dressed and left. That was on Thursday, my last load since as I went to the beach during the whole weekend. Tomorrow after work I'll be hitting the bathhouse again, so another story coming soon.
    3 points
  4. Part 35 - Team Player Ric walked home and his head was whirling with thoughts. Shane wanted his poz cum. Jason wanted his poz cum. His dad seemed to want his poz cum. He knew from his own experience that this was only going to last a couple weeks before the three of them would be sick like he was and then they wouldn’t need him. His balls felt drained and he half-hoped that his dad wouldn’t come into his room and want to be fucked again like the last few nights, since he didn’t know if he would have anything to give him. When he was almost home he got a text message. The message was from Jason and he asked if they could meet again Saturday morning. Ric laughed and thought “I was hoping to fuck that ass before then.” Ric got home and his mom told him he had 30 minutes until dinner. He put his backpack in his room and typed out a message “tagged another guy. whats thad’s number? want to see him next week” and sent it off to Dave. He got an email and a text message a few minutes later and read Dave’s text message first and copied the number to his contact list. He then read Shane’s email which had about twenty pics of tattoos. None looked similar and he laughed, thinking “He has no clue what he wants but a biohazard would look really good on him.” Ric replied back to Shane “you gotta narrow it down. pick a style then a few similar designs and then decide what u like about each so he can draw it up.” Ric chuckled at the thought that he was sounding like an expert on how to pick a tattoo design, especially since Dave had decided what to do for him. Sure enough, Ric’s dad came into his room again after 1 AM and wanted to get fucked again. Ric did the best he could and while he did breed him, the load was pretty small. He did fuck him for a while and he liked hearing his dad moan as he thrust his cock in and out of him. He put the plug into his dad again and as his dad left the room he went back to sleep. The next day Ric was walked into the cafeteria and Shane walked up to him with one of the other guys on the swim team. “Ric, this is Marty. He’s on the team too” said Shane. The two said hi to each other and Shane then led them to a table away from everyone else. They sat down and Shane said to Ric “Marty wants some of your juice too.” Ric looked really shocked and was starting to wonder if everyone in school was going to know he was poz before too long. “Uh, I really don’t want everybody to know, Shane” Ric said with a tinge of anger in his voice. “It’s cool dude. He’s the only one I told and only because we’ve both been looking for it” Shane replied. Ric just shook his head. “I told him you were hung and a great fuck too” Shane added and Marty grinned. “Anyway….” Shane started “the reason I wanted to talk was I wanted to know if you could come over tonight to my house. My parents are going to be out all night and I thought we could get together for a little group fun.” “Just us three?” asked Ric. “No, it would be the five of us on the swim team, a guy on the wrestling team and a flamer we fuck a lot. You can fuck whoever you want and breed whoever you want, but you just can’t say anything to anyone else about the party. Ever. You don’t even need to tell the guys at the party your’re… uh… your cum is special.” Ric was torn. He wanted to fuck Shane again and Marty was really sexy. The chance to fuck seven guys in one night sounded like a lot of fun. He wasn’t sure about fucking guys and not telling them, “stealthing” Dave called it, but it might make it easier since he didn’t want everyone at school to know he was poz. But if he infected a bunch of people without them wanting to get pozzed, he could end up in real trouble. “Uh… I don’t know. It sounds like a lot of fun, but I don’t know if I’m ready for something like that. “Come on, Ric. It will be fun. Just a couple hours of wild sex. You can just fuck me, if you want. You’d have to fuck at least one guy there, since we don’t let guys just watch at our parties. You could even fuck with a condom on” Shane implored. “No, I don’t do condoms. Can I… uh… give you an answer later today. We can meet at the same spot after school” Ric asked. Ric thought about the party all afternoon. He couldn’t remember what happened in any of his classes. He was horny and the thought of being in his first sex party really made him want to go. But he wasn’t sure about breeding a guy with his poz cum without him knowing. It seemed hot when he read stories on the internet about it, but he didn’t want to get a bad reputation in school if the guy got pissed and found out it was him. He walked out of school at the end of the day and saw Shane and Marty standing next to the tree. He had a lump in his throat as he got near. “I’ll go, but I’m only gonna breed you two guys and prob not fuck anyone else. OK?” Ric said to them quietly. “Deal. Be at my house around 7 tonight” Shane said. Ric had never been nervous about having sex after he got over his fears with Dave. When his dad got the female hooker, he just wasn't interested. On his day with Dave, he went in not caring what happened and it turned out to be a great experience where he learned a lot and had fun. His fuck sessions with his dad were never about more than having fun and satisfying each other’s needs. When he had fucked Jason, he was just having fun with a friend. The others were just one off fucks where both needed to cum or get fucked. But walking over to Shane’s that evening he was more nervous than he had ever been in his life. He knocked on the door and Shane opened it dressed only in a speedo. Ric wore the outfit that Dave had bought him - the low cut jeans, a jockstrap and the muscle tee. He walked in and saw the swim team already there. One guy was already on his knees sucking two of his teammate’s cocks. Marty walked up and rubbed Ric’s bulge whispering “Fuck, you look so hot. I want this so bad.” Shane said “Marty, show Ric where he can put his clothes. I’ll wait for the other guys.” Marty took Ric to Shane’s room and he saw four piles of clothes on the bed. Marty didn’t wait for Ric to take his clothes off and started to kiss him deeply. RIc’s cock started to harden as soon as he felt Marty’s lips touch his. Marty and Ric had a couple things in common that Ric knew of - they both had latin blood and were constantly horny. Marty’s parents were mixed - his mom was Puerto Rican and his dad was white. His skin was lighter than Ric’s but not like the paleness of Shane’s. Like all swimmers, his body hair was shaved except for a patch of trimmed pubic hair. His body was lithe and muscular, his butt was firm and had a nice bubble to it and he stood 5 foot 8. He found out later that Marty had a thick, seven inch uncut cock that loved to fuck ass. The only adornment on his body was a pair of earrings. Marty started to undress Ric and spent half of the time running his hands over Ric’s body instead of pulling off clothing. Ric stood there in his jockstrap, his cock straining at the fabric of the pouch. Ric leaned towards Marty and pulled him close to him and slid his hand into the back of the speedo, running his finger into the crack and around Marty’s hole. Before he kissed him, Ric asked quietly “Ready to get pozzed?” Marty whimpered like a puppy wanting the bone in your hand. “Please breed me before Shane. I know you already gave him a load yesterday.” Ric kissed him and then pushed him towards the door. As they walked down the stairs, Jeremy from the wrestling team was walking in the front door. As soon as the door closed the doorbell rang again. Shane opened it and it was Alex. Alex was the femme boy that had been hitting on Ric for the past few weeks. Alex was wearing his usual form fitting jeans and a tight t-shirt. He had lipstick and eyeliner on and pranced when he walked. Ric wasn’t into effeminate guys, but Alex was really a nice guy who would help anyone and Ric considered him a friend. Ric had also heard that he was an amazing cocksucker, but he hadn’t had a chance to experience that yet. Alex and Jeremy went up to Shane’s room and came back almost undressed - Jeremy in a jockstrap like Ric’s and Alex in some pink lace panties. “OK, guys. Let’s head downstairs and get this rolling” Shane said. Everyone went down into the basement which had a large wrestling mat on part of it. In another part there were a couple couches facing each other and a table in between. A table on the side had a tub with a bunch of beer bottles and some water and pop bottles in ice. Over near the wrestling mat, were some towels, several bottles of lube and two small brown bottles. Ric watched Shane grab one of the brown bottles and sniff into one nostril then the other. Marty then did the same before coming over to Ric and holding the bottle up to his nose. Ric took his first hit of poppers and liked the feeling as the rush filtered through his body. Ric was enjoying the rush and didn’t notice Marty go down on his knees and pull his cock from the jockstrap’s pouch. Marty began sucking and Ric’s cock kept growing. Marty didn’t know whether to be happy or scared as the cock got to its full length and girth. Now he knew why Shane had raved about Ric’s cock. Ric looked around and everyone seemed to have paired up with someone and were in some form of foreplay - sucking, kissing, or rimming. Marty’s mouth felt really good on his cock and he felt the precum start to flow. The more he looked around the less confident he was about only fucking Shane and Marty. He wanted to get his cock in every one of them and with the way his cock was dripping right now, he would be soaking all of them with his toxic cum or precum. Ric pulled his cock from Marty’s mouth and turned him around and started rimming his ass. He only spent a minute licking at the shaved, hairless ass since the stubble irritated his tongue. His pubes wouldn’t care and they were going to be the next thing against the firm ass cheeks. Ric ran the tip of his cock around the tight ring and knew Marty wasn’t really ready for his cock, but he pushed in anyway. The yelp from Marty caused everyone to look at them as Ric slowly filled the neg swimmer’s tunnel. Ric grabbed Marty by the shoulders and shoved the remaining two inches into Marty’s writhing body. Marty felt like he was being split in two and his instincts made his body try to escape, but Ric held firm. When Marty stopped squirming, Ric started to work his cock in and out. Each time he thrust in, Ric felt his cock squeeze through Marty’s inner ring and he would whimper. The noises from Marty were turning the other guys on and they knew that Ric must have a sizable cock if he made Marty yell out. Ric’s pace increased and as Marty started getting used to the thickness and length, the yelps turned to moans and Marty started to fuck himself on Ric’s cock. Ric pulled out and rammed his cock back into the stretched out pussy and Marty yelled out “FUCK!” which caused Ric to grin. He didn’t really like hurting people, but he knew the rougher he fucked the better chance that Marty would get knocked up. Marty had been fucked hundreds of times and hadn’t had a problem taking any cocks before, but he wasn’t sure how much more pounding he could take from Ric. It had gone from pain as Ric stretched him out to pleasure and now back to pain. He started begging Ric to breed him. He wanted the load anyway, but now he just wanted the pounding to end too. He heard Ric start to grunt and his thrusts got erratic. Marty tried to clamp down on Ric’s cock and get him to shoot, but his ass muscles just couldn’t do it. Rick slammed in hard and his cock started shooting cum deep inside Marty’s gut. Marty could feel the cock pulse inside him and knew he was taking his first toxic load of cum. The adrenaline was pumping through his body knowing there was no turning back now. He had fantasized about this moment for a long time. Ric looked up and everyone was watching him as his balls emptied their special sauce into the jock’s destroyed cunt. He wondered if anyone besides Shane knew he had just pozzed Marty. Ric slowly pulled his semi-hard shaft out of Marty, noticing the streaks of red on it and watched Marty fall forward and collapse on the mat. A huge puddle of cum was on the mat between Marty’s legs and he just lay there breathing heavily. Ric sat down on the mat next to Marty and slowly recovered. He looked around and Jeremy was fucking Shane, two of the other swim team members were fucking and the other swimmer was deep inside Alex’s pussy. Jeremy was the next to unload and Ric looked over as the cock pulled out of Shane’s gaping ass. Ric grinned, thinking that Jeremy must have a thick cock to open up Shane’s hole like that. Marty got up but his ass was too sore to sit so he stood up and went over to watch Alex get fucked. Ric moved over and pushed his face into Shane’s ass and sucked some of Jeremy’s cum out. Shane pushed his butt back trying to get Ric’s tongue into him deeper. He wasn’t sure at first who had come up behind him, but knew it was Ric when he felt the beard against his ass cheeks. Ric was worried he wouldn’t be able to dump a load into Shane since it had been so soon after breeding Marty, but he wanted to get back inside Shane and feel his cum soaked hole. His cock was hard again and he stuffed two fingers into Shane’s pussy and curled them as he twisted around. He heard Shane wince as his fingernails dug into the soft tissue inside. He pulled them out and sucked them clean before crouching behind Shane and sliding his cock into the warm, moist tunnel. Ric loved the feeling of all the cum Jeremy left inside Shane’s ass. The natural lube helped his cock slide easily into Shane’s hole and it made him feel like he was fucking a real slut. He saw Marty watching Shane take his cock and laughed to himself thinking that Marty was hoping that Shane would struggle to take it like he had. He kept pounding away at Shane’s hole, knowing it took himself a while to cum the second time. He felt his balls tingle and wanted to fuck Shane longer. He pulled out and stuck his tongue back into the open hole, curling it around before he then leaned back up and jammed his cock back in. Shane grunted when he felt the shaft stab into his cunt. Ric’s thrusts got harder and faster and he had to hold on to Shane to prevent him from crawling away. Shane squirmed when Ric’s cock poked deep and Ric could tell he was trying not to scream out. If Shane was so keen to get pozzed, Ric wasn’t going to go easy on him and only fill him with charged seed when his hole was truly battered. Ric leaned forward and wrapped his arm around Shane’s neck and rolled his hips with firm strokes. The angle was forcing his cock right into Shane’s prostate and which made his body start to flinch. He tightened the grip around Shanes neck and drilled in ruthlessly. Ric whispered into his ear “Ready for your second charged load?” as he slammed in hard and let his cock pump it’s toxic cream into the young stud’s ass. Several spurts filled Shane, mixing with Jeremy’s juice from earlier. Ric kissed the back of his neck as he released him and fell down on the mat. Shane crawled over, unable to speak but horny enough to start licking Ric’s cock clean. Ric laid there a while after Shane finished and closed his eyes. Soon he felt a tongue on his partially soft cock and felt it twitch. A hand wrapped around it and then he felt lips around the covered head. His cock got harder the more the guy sucked him and he opened his eyes to see Alex devouring his cock. The rumors were true - Alex was a great cocksucker. He licked and sucked, exploring every part of Ric’s cock and balls. Looking back, Jeremy was fucking Alex while Alex was sucking his cock. When Jeremy would slam into Alex’s ass, Ric’s cock would ram into Alex’s throat with no gagging at all. He loved the feeling of Alex’s throat tightly wrapped around the head of his cock and it was dripping precum into his throat. Jeremy quickly pounded Alex’s cunt and then pushed in deep, laying on top of Alex’s back as his seed flooded the well fucked hole. Alex looked up at Ric smiling and when Jeremy pulled out he crawled forward over his hips and guided Ric’s cock into the cum filled cave. With two loads inside Alex’s experienced hole, Ric’s cock slid in all the way with one slow movement. Ric looked at Alex with surprise trying to avoid showing the panic he felt inside. He had only wanted to fuck Shane and Marty, since they were the ones he knew were looking for his special brew of cum. He could easily overpower Alex and throw him off, but his cock felt so good inside him. Alex began to ride Ric’s cock and as everyone looked on, it was obvious that Alex was having no problem taking Ric’s large shaft. Alex bounced up and down, milking Ric’s cock until he knew he wasn’t going to be able to prevent shooting his poisonous seed up into his cunt. Alex looked at Ric’s face and said gently “I want it, I want it bad. Mark me with your cum.” Ric started to buck his hips up and then held Alex tightly to him as his cock once again twitched, throbbed and spurted his infectious cum into another victim. Alex leaned forward and kissed him deeply while holding Ric’s cock in his hole. When his softening cock fell out of Alex’s hole, Alex crawled over to a gym bag on the edge of the mat and pulled out a butt plug. He inserted it into his loose, cum filled pussy and sat down on one of the chairs and wiggled his butt. Ric got up and grabbed a beer from the bin and guzzled half of it down, trying to quench his thirst. He stood to the side watching Shane fuck one of the other swimmers, while another swimmer was fucking Jeremy. When the swimmer finished breeding Jeremy, Ric walked over and got on his knees and started to rim Jeremy’s freshly bred hole. Ric heard some snickering but kept probing and sucking on Jeremy’s lightly furred ass. Ric felt a wet finger push into his ass and instinctively spread his legs. He heard a few more snickers and then felt a cock head at his hole. One of the other swimmers, Ethan, was teasing his hole. Ric relaxed his hole and thrust his body back, impaling himself on Ethan’s cock. Ethan wasn’t really hung, but his 6 inch cut cock filled out the pouch of his speedo nicely - he was a shower, not a grower. Ethan gasped since he wasn’t planning on really fucking Ric, but with his cock inside he wasn’t going to stop. He was so turned on that after only a few minutes of fucking Ric’s ass he pumped his only load of the night into Ric’s neglected ass. Ric got up, cum dripping down his leg and noticed another swimmer, Zac looking at him and stroking his cock. Ric went over and said “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met.” “Hi Ric, I’m Zac.” “I noticed your ass is as nice as your cock” Ric said, thinking “how the fuck did I come up with a line that lame?” Zac was the shortest of the guys on the swim team, just 5 foot 4 and was blond haired and blue eyed. He was naturally pretty smooth, but he kept all of his body hair shaved. It made him look even younger than his barely 18 years of age. Everyone was looking at them and waiting to see what happened. “I’d like to think so, but I’m not sure I could handle a cock that big as much as I want to try.” Zac said. “I’ll go gentle” Ric said with a smile. “I know you guys like to fuck bare, but I only fuck covered” Zac said. “Ah, ok. I don’t use them and I don’t think there are any here that are big enough for my cock. Maybe another time” Ric said politely and moved over to where everyone else was standing. They chatted a bit and then Zac came running back down the stairs into the basement and came up to Ric and asked “I have these. Will any work?” Ric looked over the three condoms packets, never having had one in his hand before. One of them had the word “Large” on it so he smiled back at Zac and said “We can give this a try but I don’t know. I’ll stop if its too uncomfortable” Ric figured that he would have to start using condoms in order to fuck guys that he didn’t want to infect and he might as well try it now, since Zac seemed so eager. Zac had always been the one that would stand and watch while stroking his cock when the group got together. He usually only fucked or got fucked once and he was done and always safe. Everyone in the room had their eyes on Ric and Zac as they moved over towards the couch and Ric directed him to lean over it. Ric opened the condom package and Shane showed him how to roll it on. It felt kind of tight to Ric, but since this was his first time wearing one he didn’t know what to expect. He coated the condom with lube and then lubed Zac’s hole, dripping some of the lube on his pucker and working it in with his finger. Zac gasped when he felt Ric’s finger enter his hole and tried to relax but he was nervous. It had been over a month since he had been fucked last and he had never had a cock in him as big as Ric’s was. Ric tried to soothe Zac as he tried to loosen up his hole with his finger. He finally was able to get a second finger inside and it seemed that Zac was getting used to the finger invasion. Ric knew he would have to get three fingers in if his cock had any hope of penetrating the hairless swimmer in front of him. A crowd had gathered around and all of the guys were stroking their cocks wanting to see Zac take Ric’s large cock. Zac was moaning as Ric slowly twisted and turned his fingers inside his pussy. Ric thought “This is going to be so damn tight.” He started to stroke his cock with his other hand as he felt his cock start to soften. He hoped it was due to it taking so long to open Zac up and not the condom. Ric added a bit more lube to the condom and Zac’s hole and pressed the tip to Zac’s slightly loosened hole. He pressed in, feeling the tight ring stretch around the latex sheathed shaft. Shane and Jeremy coached Zac as Ric pushed in deeper. He stopped when he had gotten just inside the boy’s tight ass ring and let Zac get used to the size. “Please, fuck me” Zac said with a little pain in his voice and Ric didn’t want to disappoint him. He slowly started to rock in and out of Zac, getting his cock deeper each time. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to plant all of his cock inside, the condom wasn’t long enough and he figured Zac wouldn’t be able to take it. Ric got a good rhythm going, giving Zac just over half of his cock. He decided to try going a bit deeper and heard Zac start to whimper so he said “Ok, I won’t go that deep” and Zac replied “No, give it all to me. Just like you did to Shane and Marty and Alex.” The other guys grinned as he said it and started stroking their cocks harder. Ric started pushing deeper and got to the end of the condom on his shaft and stopped going in any further. He gave Zac long even strokes and while it felt OK, he knew it would feel so much better bare. Ric started to fuck harder and his balls started to signal their readiness to fire. He gave a hard jab into Zac and heard him yelp and squeeze his cock even tighter. He liked the feeling and did it again and got the same response from Zac. When he did it a third time, he felt something odd but was too engrossed in his impending orgasm. He gave one last thrust and felt his balls start to shoot their charged sperm into the condom. He held his cock inside as his cock pulsed over and over. It didn’t feel like he expected it to. He expected to feel his cum tight around his cock head as it filled up the condom, but it felt pretty similar to all the other times he came inside a guy. Maybe these condoms weren’t so bad. When he pulled his cock out of Zac though, he realized why. The condom was just shredded latex hanging off of his cock. He heard Shane gasp and Zac asked “What?” “Oh nothing” said Shane. “Nothing? The fucking condom broke and I just bred Zac!” yelled Ric.
    3 points
  5. Austin was quickly approaching his high school graduation. Since his parents didn't have the money for college, Austin was expected too go to work at the slaughter house right after graduation. This is something he did not want; Austin wanted more for himself than working at the slaughter house with his parents, especially since he was gay and needed to find himself. That was something he felt he couldn't accomplish staying in the small farm community he grew up in and living at home, so he set out too find something better than staying in the small town where he grew up. He began to look on-line for other opportunities. He came across an advertisement on Craig's list that caught his attention. It read: WANTED: House boy too help care for our modest home. We have a 4 bedroom home with a small stable with 3 horses & a pool near Phoenix, AZ. We are a gay couple & prefer a gay house boy 18-25. This is a good opportunity for someone who wishes to attend college while working. Austin wasted no time in responding and soon found himself corresponding with the couple. They hit it off from the start and it wasn't long before they were communicating over Skype. The couple were John and Matt. They were 45 and 35 respectively. Both were good looking and fit with muscular builds. They liked what they saw in Austin, who was just shy off 6' with a swimmer's build, blonde hair and blue eyes. As graduation approached Austin learned more about the couple and exactly what they were hoping to find in a house boy. John and Matt admitted to Austin that they wanted a house boy for more than taking care off their home and grounds, but someone who would be interested in taking care off their sexual needs. Austin admitted that his experience was limited to mostly oral and he had only done anal twice, both times he got fucked. John and Matt assured him that if he wanted to experience more that they would be gentle with him and teach him anything he wanted to know. There was one fact Austin would need to know and agree to: the couple didn't use condoms. That didn't give Austin any pause as on neither of occasions he had been fucked did the top use a condom. Austin gauged this was his chance to get out of the dinky little town where he grew up, so he accepted the position. John had one stipulation before he would let Austin move in with them, he had to leave his parents a note telling them he left for better opportunities and he had to call his mother once a week so she didn't worry. Austin agreed and the day after graduation he packed up his pickup truck while his parents were at work, and drove straight through the night and arrived at John and Matt's shortly after sunrise. The couple came out to greet Austin as he was getting out of his truck. After hearty greetings, they helped him bring his belongings into the house and stow his stuff in his room. The room they had for him was very plain, but he was told that he could decorate it any way he wanted. They then showed Austin around the house and finally ended up out by the pool. The June sun was really beating down on them and John suggested, "Let's take a dip in the pool." Austin responded, "Sounds great, I'll get get my swimming shorts." John and Matt smiled at each other before Matt said, "Living out here has an advantages, one is that we rarely wear clothing. It gives us a nice tan." John and Matt then dropped their shorts and shucked off their t-shirts before diving right into the pool. Austin quickly followed them thinking 'It's going to be cool living here, I can't wait to have sex with these studs.' The three swam around splashing about when Matt came up to Austin and grabbed him from behind as John approached him from the front. Just as John began to kiss Austin on the lips, Matt began to kiss Austin on his neck. Austin groaned a bit, enjoying the attentions of the couple. John broke off the kiss and gave Matt a turn at the house boy's lips. This gave John the opportunity to suggest, "Why don't we take this inside." Matt agreed as they lead Austin from the pool into the house. Austin, of course, took the time to admire both John and Matt's body. He noticed that they had matching tattoos around the belly button. It was a symbol he had seen before but really didn't know its meaning. "Great tats you guys have. I've thought about getting one of my own, but I'm not sure what to get or where to put it." John replied "We are sure that we can help you with that, if everything goes well." Austin then asked, "Sounds great. By the way what does the design mean?" "It's a biohazard symbol and it means that we are both positive." Austin knew what HIV was, and how one could contract it. These guys told him that they never used condoms and he agreed to them fucking him without one. He began to panic as he looked the house over, the beautiful grounds and the great pool. He figured that these guys knew what they were doing and he knew that with medication he could live with HIV. He really wanted to be their house boy and never questioned another thing. After his deep thought he said, "Cool! How do I get mine?" John told him, "You'll have to earn yours." "Right on, I'm all yours then. Show me how to earn my biohazard tattoo." John and Matt had a feeling that they'd have him right where he wanted to be once he saw everything that the couple had to offer. Once they got to the master bedroom the couple began to kiss and caress Austin, working him up for additional suggestions. John asked Austin while Matt massaged the teen's shoulders as he kissed his neck, "Austin, have you ever tried chems?" Austin was a little puzzled when John clarified, " Have you ever tried drugs?" Through his moans Austin answered "I've smoked weed and have tried ecstasy." Matt then whispered in his ear as he licked and sucked on his ear lobe, "Are you open to trying something new?" while John licked the Austin's six-inch pecker. Austin moaned louder then he had ever before and without a second thought said, "Oh yeah!" As John licked and nibbled on Austin's hard cock, bringing him near orgasm before slowing down, edging him for what seemed like forever. Austin was now putty in their hands, ready to mold into the sexual toy they wanted. Matt slipped into the bathroom and returned a few minutes later with the necessary supplies. As John still worked on Austin's dick, they positioned him onto his back on the bed. Then John moved up Austin's body and simultaneously Matt asked him, "Are you ready to earn your tattoo?" Austin shook his head affirming that when John gave him a deep and passionate kiss and as he did so, he slipped a pill Austin's willing mouth. Matt told him, "Swallow, it's just Ecstasy. It will get you started." As the pill took effect, John and Matt enjoyed Austin's body. Gauging the Ecstasy was in full effect they moved in for the next step that would help Austin earn his tat. While Austin was on his roll John and Matt took a prepared needle that contained Tina along with something that should insure him earning his special tattoo, a mixture off their blood. Austin felt the rubber band being placed around his arm when he asked "What's that for?" As Matt swabbed his arm with an alcohols swab John told him, "You're getting a slam old Tina." Austin knew of Tina and had heard that it can make a guy super horny and able to fuck a long time. He opened his eyes and looked over at his arm as John was about to stick the needle in his vein. Austin noticed the red tinge to it and asked, "Why is it red?" just as John hit the vein and pushed the plunger down. Matt asked him "You want to earn your tattoo, right?" Austin nodded in agreement. Matt continued, "We mixed in our blood so that you will easily earn your tattoo." John then pulled off the rubber and Austin felt his first taste of Tina. He coughed hard several times as he felt the rush combine with the roll he was already on. John and Matt resumed kissing and caressing the chemmed-up young man. Austin rolled his head around as John whispered in his ear "Relax and ride the rush." As Austin rode his rush John and Matt did their own slams. Their slams were no where near what they gave their new house boy. Austin's first slam was a 0.7 while they each did a .0.3 - just enough to get them going and get their cocks hard. As Austin was riding his rush the couple rolled him onto is belly so that Matt could lay back and feed Austin his cock while allowing John to lick and feast on Austin's hungry hole. Austin had no idea how hung these two were, but he soon found out how big Matt was as be began to swallow his hardening, dripping pole. As Austin took the top of Matt's dick into his mouth he felt John's tongue touch his hole. He couldn't help but moan as John placed his hands on the back of the cock sucker's head add he guided more and more of his 8.5" into Austin's mouth and eventually his throat. As John began to work his tongue deeper inside Austin's hole Matt leaned in and asked Austin "Have you ever swallowed a real man's cum before?" Not wanting to release the piece of meat he was enjoying, he simply shook his head 'No'. Matt got a big grin loon his face and simply said "You will learn to swallow my cum." John then began to kiss his way up Austin's back. Austin, naturally, missed the attention his hole had been receiving. Matt kept his hands on the back of Austin's head as John positioned his own hard 9" cock at Austin's hungry hole. Austin had no clue what was about to happen but then again he was enjoying all the attention he was getting. John kissed the back of Austin's neck as he thrust balls deep inside Austin's ass. Matt released Austin's head so Austin and John could kiss. Their kiss was deep and passionate. After they broke their lip lock, Matt leaned in for his own passionate kiss, suggesting to Austin the couple cared for him. Once the kiss was done, Austin needed no instruction and quickly resumed sucking on Matt's cock. At the rate Austin was working his cock, Matt knew it wouldn't take long before Austin would have his first real taste of cum. He leaned in and whispered to Austin, "You're doing a great job. You're about to earn your first taste of my cum. Don't try and swallow if all down at one time. Hold it in your mouth and savior the taste." John had a good rhythm going as he fucked Austin while enjoying what was going on before him. He heard Matt's breathing begin to grow deeper. Matt made sure he had a good grip on Austin's head to prevent him from pulling off before he was done depositing his load. Matt gave Austin a final warning, "I'm cumming!" Austin felt Matt's cock thicken shortly before his mouth began to fill with the stud's seed. He remembered what Matt had told him and held the cum in his mouth. Slowly Matt withdrew his cock from Austin's mouth as he leaned in and kissed Austin's cum-filled mouth. The two guys snow-balled the cum between themselves, eventually breaking off the kiss, at which time John asked Austin, "How are you doing there house boy?" "Oh my god, I feel fucking fantastic!" "Are you ready for some serious fucking?" "Yes please." John took a good hold of Austin's hips before he began to slam into Austin's ass, pulling all the way out then slamming back in again. Austin was in pure pleasure as John worked over his hole. Matt moved in behind his partner so that he could work on John's nipples as he slam-fucked Austin. Matt knew exactly what it took to get his partner off. John changed his fucking to a quick fuck knowing he was about to unload his poz seed inside Austin's neg hole. Austin could feel John's cock start to thicken as he heard his breath begin to quicken. He knew that his life would never be the same from this point on. He knew what was going to happen and felt that his life would be better as this couple's house boy. Without warning John let out a loud grunt as he unload inside of Austin. Austin felt as if he might of also shot his load as John unloaded inside off his hole. But when he reached down to check he felt nothing but a soft, dry cock.
    2 points
  6. True story from Dec. 23rd holiday party. My partner Shane and I went to a friend’s holiday party. It’s a semi-annual event, and always one of the best parties of the year. This year there were around 70 guys attending. There was a small catering team handling the food and bar. My favorite was the blonde waiter; when we chatted, he shared he was a senior in a nursing program and was thinking about PA school next year. The bartender was a muscular guy, shaved head, in his late 30s or early 40s; he was pouring the drinks pretty heavy. I chatted briefly with another waiter, this one a bit shy with dark, thick hair and glasses who was also finishing college, and looking a bit overwhelmed by all the men. There was a really mishmash of guests, ranging from late 20s through early 60s, with the majority in their 40s and 50s. A good cross-section of fit and outgoing gentlemen. I knew about half of the guys from other social events, and a few from prior seasons in Ptown. A few close friends were attending, and I was mingling throughout the night. Shane and I crossed paths now and agin in the house — a 3600 sq. Ft. Home built along the edge of conservation land, so it was nice and private. There was a constant level of flirting and sexual energy in the group; not ususual for one of these parties. Men were casually chatting, rubbing one another’s chest, and breaking the touch-barrier by laying a hand on someone new’s shoulder or around their waist. The buzz in the house was lively as guys moved from room to room, and occasionally out to the chillly patio, during the evening. Around 10 p.m. some guys began to take their leave. I’d chatted with my friends, made some new acquaintances, and even exchanged a couple nice kisses with some new handsome guys. Shane introduced me to a tall, lean red head named Eric, and I chatted with the handsome ginger for a bit before needing to visit the bartender again. There’d also been a slow migration of some guys to the upper floor, which had a walkway and small seating area that overlooked the living room. Guys were hanging out up there, and then disappearing down the hallway. I wasn’t in a hurry to wander upstairs, and was enjoying the conversations still happening on the main floor. Around 10:45 the main floor was growing pretty thin. The last of my close friends that were still hanging around were saying goodbyes. The main floor was littered with empty food plates, wine glasses, and cups. I peeked into the front living room and saw a guy sitting on the couch with another kneeling at his feet blowing him. In the kitchen, three guys were in a tight embrace exploring one another’s bodies under their winter clothing. I decided to wander upstairs and see what was happening there. The master bedroom was at the end of the upstairs hallway, past several other closed doors. The hall was quiet, and there wasn’t much noise coming from those closed rooms. The master bedroom door was opne, but the room was dark. With about 6 feet left to the hallway, I could begin to hear the happy murmurs of men in the dark. There were about 25 guys in the bedroom, a large space with 2 levels — the lower level had a king size bed in the center of the floor looking out a wall of glass into the woods. Behind the bed was a low wall with steps on either side that went to the upper level. Guys were everywhere. From the upper level, I could see a group of 7 guys active on the bed, with one guy laying spread eagle and another laying on top of him. Two other guys were on all fours at opposite sides of the bed being fucked from behind. Around me were small groups of naked men sucking, and I spied what looked like a metal framework in the corner opposite the hallway. I stripped, tossed my clothes behind a chair, and started to wander the upper level to see who was there and where I might join in. The bedroom was filled with happy moans and groans of men sharing sexual intimacy. There were random bottles of poppers and lube floating around, and I took a quick hit of poppers to get myself going; my dick was already rock hard, my favorite leather cockring hugging it tight at the base. My friend Matthew was laying on a blanket on the floor, holding his legs in the air as someone I hadn’t spoken to tonight started penetrating his hole. Three guys were on their knees in the middle of a group of 6 or 7, hungrily sucking one cock after another. The frame I saw in the corner was for a sling, but the sling was empty at the moment — I didn’t think that would last very long. My eyes were adjusting to the darkness, just a few candles punctuating small areas of the room, and casting most of the bodies as silhouettes until you got up close. I picked up a bottle of poppers and took a second hit as one of the guys kneeling reached out and touched my cock; I slipped it into his mouth and enjoyed a nice blowjob before he moved back to the guy on my right. I wandered down to the lower level by the bed. The sounds here were more intense — skin slapping against skin, and short grunts, moans, and gasps as men were being fucked in the near darkness. I had to get close to make out faces. To my surprise, the adorable blonde waiter was bent over the edge of the bed being fucked by one of the hosts. The host leaned over as I got close, and made out with me while he kept fucking the boy. There was a bottle of lube and some poppers laying nearby on the bed, and I reached underneath to feel the host’s bare cock sliding in and out of the boy’s hole. I stepped around and knelt on the bed, taking a hit of poppers, sharing one with the boy, and pushed my cock into his mouth to spit roast him. I looked at the other pairs fucking on the bed, and realized it was Shane laying spread eagle on one side of the bed with the red head plowing into his hole. I felt the thrill that goes through me when I see Shane being fucked by someone. He was grunting over and over as Eric delivered thrust after thrust, his body weight pressing Shane into the mattress. The muscly bartender was standing at the other edge of the bed, stroking slowly as he watched two other guys fucking near him; he occasionally reached over and touched Eric’s ass and ran his hand up along his spine. I decided to walk up top and see if there was an available ass ready to be fucked. My friend Matthew was now in the sling with a couple guys standing near, but no one stepping up. I quickly lubed my cock, stepped up to Matthew’s waiting hole, and started to push in. He and I smiled to each other for a second, then he took two long hits of poppers knowing what was coming, and then the fuck started. His ass was incredible warm wrapped around my dick, and I felt the smooth skin rubbing against my cock as I pumped in and out of his hole. I fucked him with long strokes, purposely trying to have my balls slap against his ass. He started jacking himself, and I picked up the pace as he starting moaning. I went from long and deep strokes, to a more moderate pace, letting the sling begin to do some of the work as it swung forward and back, pulling his hole away from my cock, and then plunging back to impale him again. Matthew was groaning loudly, which totally turns me on, and I started a power fuck, slamming his ass hard as I pulled back against the chairs holding the sling. Matthew and I locked eyes, him grunting and snarling like someone who loves his ass used hard. My pelvic bone was starting to hurt I was fucking him so hard, pulling back on the chains to bring his hole back to me. Matthew grunted and then asked for a break. I stepped back, and helped him up, his lightly furred chest drenched in sweat, and he was gasping a bit. We stood there making out for a few minutes, then he went downstairs for water. I washed off my cock in the shower (I think that’s always polite after fucking someone’s ass), and wandered back toward the bed. There were at least 10 guys on or around the bed, and the energy had become primal. Shane and the blonde waiter was laying on their backs along the bottom end of the bed, with a third guy on all fours beside them. All three were being fucked. Shane was taking the bartender’s big cock, his moans conveying how hot the fuck was. The blonde was giving it up for a silver fox, and the third was impaled on the host’s cock. This is where everything just begins to become a pagent of smells, sounds, and feelings. I jumped onto the bed, and there were others that followed. The next 40 minutes was a circus of mystery cocks slipping in and out of willing holes as tops moved around the bed regularly, I fucked a cute otter at the edge of the bed while watching Shane take the silver fox in his ass, and another guy push his cock into Shane’s mouth. I was just thinking of breeding the otter when someone came up behind me and pushed into my ass. I became distracted by the mystery cock inside me, and the incredibly warm feeling of the otter’s hole. I thrusted forward to bury myself deep, feeling the dick in my slide out to his head; and then pushed back onto the cock behind me while giving the otter a moment of relief. I was caught up in the amazing slippery feelings on my cock and in my ass. There was a rotation on the bed, and I lost my otter hole only to find the blonde waiter sniffing poppers with his legs spread wide. I didn’t waste time taking that beautiful hole, watching the expressions on his face as I began to pump in and out of him raw. A suddenly loud grunting / growling sound was off to my left, and I could make out (through the tangle of bodies) a bearded guy from Connecticutt pumping his load into Shane’s ass. My poppered up blonde was cradling his knees in his arms, lifting his ass up for my cock. I pounded him, shifting my stance a few times to reach different angles in his hole. He vacillated between low moans and quick whimpers as he took another cock in him. I made out with a guy next to me who then asked for a turn with the blonde. I gave myself a quick respite for some water, then returned to the bed. The redhead Eric was back at Shane’s ass, holding his legs wide while he pumped away at the hungry hole. Shane was moaning, and after a few minutes I heard him ask for Eric’s load. The redhead pumped with determination; I could hear their bodies slapping against one another, and felt it in the bed itself. Finally Eric unloaded into Shane, still pumping away to push his load deep inside. I felt someone fingering my hole, but he was a bit too tentative to keep my attention. Meanwhile, the otter was available again, and he presented his hole to me. I decided this was where I was going to finish for the night. I made out with the handsome otter, letting my hardon tease against his hole for a moment before pushing back inside. We found a quick rhythm and made out while I fucked his ass. I felt the urge building inside me to shoot. I looked up and saw one of the hosts bending Shane over the edge of the bed and positioning his cock to enter my partner. “Are you gonna breed me?” The otter asked. ”Fuck yeah!” I grunted. He looked at me with cocklust in his eyes, and I knew I was going to tag his ass. I let the urge build, my cock aching to release, “OH YEAH~” and I let my cum flood the adorable otter in front of me. He started grunting, and I saw his own cum shoot across his chest and hit his chin. I licked him cum onto my tongue, and pushed it into his own mouth, letting him taste his own cum while mine filled his ass. Our host grunted again and again as he unloaded into Shane’s ass in front of me. I got off the bed with the otter, the two of us walking hand-in-hand, I lead him toward the shower. I slapped the host’s ass, “Nice work” and he smiled back. “I’ve wanted to breed that ass for over a year!” The otter and I showered, then snuggled in one of the other bedrooms for awhile. When I finally got up to collect my clothing and boyfriend, I found him showering with a bearded guy from Boston I’d met before. He had fucked Shane in the sling and given him another load. Shane told me later that he’d been fucked by two guys in the sling, taking both loads. If you enjoyed hearing about Shane’s and my holiday orgy, click the Blue Heart and Upvote, and leave a message.
    2 points
  7. Wondering if any guys on here have had this experience- guys with vague or brief profiles, and no pictures, requesting a dl hookup. The first time it happened I was skeptical as hell and thought he was looking for jerk off reading material, but I gave it a shot for a real life hookup and the guy showed up to our meeting. Shortly after I was nutting in his ass. Same thing with a second guy who wanted me to be his first dirty fuck. 12 hours later and four loads in his hole, I decided some of these lurkers on this site are good for something. Lol. The last lurker guy I hooked up with was all top, and he got off on fucking a loaded bottom. I guess the moral of the story is don't dismiss the guys on here with sparse profiles or posts.
    2 points
  8. I started a new job in the same city where my cousin was based and he offered me one of his spare rooms, of course I knew all about my cousin and his wild sexual adventures he got up to. I had my doubts initially as I was a straight 19 year old pretty but gawky in some aspects 5'10" with a usual teens body and a pretty nice cock if I do say so myself, but the safety and security of living with someone I knew was the main draw for my reason to take him up on his offer and he was family so would look out for me. I moved in and settled down pretty quickly being busy at my new job and just meeting new friends at work and going to coffee bars to chill out after with them. One Friday afternoon I came home and Kev (my cousin) was busy unloading beer from his car he turned "Hey, you should know I have some fuck friends coming over tonight so you may want to keep in your room when they arrive as it is going to be a bit of an orgy and quite loud.", I asked if I could take a beer to my room and he said of course but don't tell anyone in the family so I agreed. I knew my cousin was HIV so guessed it was going to be a bareback free for all and having seen some of tricks previously they were quite on the rough edge of the spectrum when it came to partying. His fucks started to arrive after we had eaten and I was sat in the dining room with just boxers and t-shirt on, I grabbed the promised beer and tootled off to my room which was far enough away as my cousin was doing okay for himself and had a large suburban house. I drank the beer slowly and sipped on water as well to make sure I didn't get drunk the downside I needed to pee real bad so I plodded down the hallway on my way to the bathroom. I could smell the odour of pot being smoked so I figured this was going to be a hell of a party, I went in to the bathroom had a pee and then decided to pinch another beer without Kev knowing. Sneakily I dived in to the kitchen only to find two guys in there wearing only harnesses and cock rings, one was skinny and tall the other around my height and definitely worked out judging by his muscles, but my eye was drawn to what I thought was a nuclear radiation symbol tattooed above groin attached to which was a pretty large cock. "HEY pretty boy where you come from?" the muscled one asked me, I explained being Kev's cousin and liking girls not boys, they both laughed "Were no boys babe, were all man." I smiled took the beer and asked where Kev was "Oh, he's been snorting coke and high as a kite riding cocks in the office, he will be there for several hours." I laughed and made my exit. By this time I had to pee again so went in to the bathroom only to feel a presence behind me so I turned and there stood the muscle guy "You disappeared without a kiss goodbye, that was very rude of you." I looked astonished at him and again told him I was not a piece of meat for him. "So your straight, pretty and young and most definitely a virgin then?", I was getting uneasy with him being here as I knew I would not stand a chance against him if he tried to take me down, "Yes so what if I am it's not really your business, go back to the party please and leave me alone". He stood there and studied me "You know the difference between straight and gay is two beers don't you?" as he leaned over and picked out a toothbrush from the holder "Perfect tool to use on you" as he placed it in his harness he walked towards me as I started to back up looking for something to protect myself with so I grabbed the towel ready to whip at him. He kept moving towards me so I gave whip with the towel but grabbed it and yanked it forward pulling me with it as he did so he speedily wrapped it around my body pinning my arms and with that I wriggled and shouted at him to fuck off and leave me alone. He started dragging me out of the bathroom and in to one of the bedrooms closing the door behind and pushing me on the bed as he ripped my shorts off, I started wriggling again but the towel had my upper body immobilised I then felt the weight of him crushing down on top of me causing a loss of breath and layed there stunned under his full body weight. "Time to teach you to be nice and leave you with a present" as I felt his arm go around my neck and his face buried in to my neck kissing me and I began to freak out and freed one of arms just as he grabbed it. The realisation was coming to me that there was no escape and was about to be raped. His hips started to move in a swivelling motion as he positioned his cock directly in to my ass crack "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude" I said pleadingly "please don't do this", "just be quiet and be a good boy and I will only rape you once" was his reply. I felt his now hard cock rubbing against my hole as he lifted his hips up and positioned the head he slowly parted me I yelped and with one hard downward motion his cock penetrated me all the way my screams must have sounded like someone being tortured to death as I started thrashing around but his grip on my neck got tighter as he continuously raised his hips being them smashing down against my ass and his cock tearing it's way into my body. He took his cock out as I turned my tear streaked face towards him I saw him retrieve the toothbrush and felt a tickling sensation as the bristles moved pass my ass lips only to be replace with a steady but forceful brushing movement, I could feel it going deeper a and deeper until his finger slipped in still holding the toothbrush and the motion got more vigorous as he was twisting it around. My arse arched up to try and expel the toothbrush but it was no good, his hand was now holding my head down firmly as I finally felt the bristles against my ass lips. He laughed and put the toothbrush by my head so I could see the unmistakable sight of my blood coating each bristly glistening bright red. I didn't get time to think of anything before a searing pain ran through my body as he rammed his cock back in to the battered ass and he began a furious pounding as I let out scream after scream until I was hoarse and couldn't scream any more. I felt the sweat off his body rubbing against mine and the cock seemed to grow even thicker as once again grabbed me around the neck "Fuck baby this is so go dam good and here comes your gift for being a good boy" his hips thrusting harder as if he was trying to break my pelvis and he shouted "fuck oh yes" he grimaced as his body shuddered and his cocked locked in as he delivered his load, wave after wave of pulsing cock and warmth filling my ass. I lay sobbing like a baby as he kept his dick in side me grinding his hips to make sure he left with the one gift I would never forget. He pulled out wiped his dick on the duvet and let me there crying and coming to terms with what had just happened.
    2 points
  9. Hey guys... i like to party hard in the weekends... working two jobs, i have little time during the week, but in the weekends i like to go hard and enter full slut mode.. last weekend was memorable again.. i actually didnt plan anything, but hey... once a slut, always a slut.. I was at home when a regular buddy texted me.. he was on his way to a party and wanted to drop by and drop a load. He is this cute black guy, been fucking me for 2 years. He came and since he was in a hurry, he fucked me right away and shot a 5-day load in my ass. After that another regular texted me, also a black guy. he has this huge dick (true BBC) so i went to his place right away. I told him I had been playing with my ass (didnt tell him about the load inside) so i was open.. he always leaves his door open, so I entered his house, undressed and laid down on his bed, waiting for him to enter the room. He is an awesome top and shoots loads. after some 20 minutes of fucking he bred me good. Went back home, got a message on grindr from another black guy with a huge dick.. also a regular. I told him I had just been fucked and loaded. he actually doesnt want to bb me, but once again he couldt resist (he always ends up raw in my ass, not leaving it untill he has cum) . I was on fire. after he left i went back on grindr and one of my beighbours (black brazilian guy) needed to cum. usually he only wants to get sucked or fuck safe, but the last three wimes i went to his place he fucked me bare... 10 minutes later i had load # 4 in my ass.. ( he knew about the other loads) . i went to sleep and woke up with a sloppy and hungry ass.. Another regular texted me, he asked if I got fucked and loaded last night.. I told him i had 4 loads in my ass which turned him on.. he assked if all the tops were black... when he found out they all were, he came over immediately. he is this horny black african guy, thick dick. while he was fucking me, a lot of cum left my ass.. so slutty.. turned him on and he refilled my ass with his big load... Short break after that... Later on Sunday (still carrying all the loads) i went to a cruisingbar in Amsterdam. continued slutting around like the whore I am. Ran into some old fuckbuds and told a guy on planetromeo i was gonna be there. the Romeoguy was the first there to fuck and breed me. SHort guy, big dick. After him there were 6 more tops that filled my ass and I got to swallow 4 loads... Yeah... the weekend was fucking sleazy....
    2 points
  10. love it...........more xx
    2 points
  11. Hey everyone, hope you all had a good Christmas, just thought I'd share the details of mine! As a lot of the guys that follow me know, I've been in enforced chastity for 3 years now (literally 3 years on Christmas day) and that I'm 100% bottom, relying on the stimulation of my prostate to cum. However, not many of you know, I've recently began a full feminisation process. I've lived as a woman with my partner for nearly 4 years now, which blossomed from my love of being an absolute bottom. My partner, Chris, decided that I should rely on my hole for pleasure even before I was in Chastity, and therefore would punish me in various ways if I even touched my cock. Thus I learned to accept anal as my only sexual release, with a prostate milking a couple of times a week. Eventually Chris confided in me that he was into fisting and hole stretching (about 6 months into our relationship), something which I was willing to try. Eventually, after a few months of consistent stretching I managed to take his full fist, followed by hard punch-style fisting, and eventually, a double fisting. However, during this time, Chris admitted that he had a passion for feminising a man, but had never found anyone willing to let him do it. Again, being willing to please him as best I could, I admitted a willingness to undergo a forced feminisation. He would force me to wear dresses and skirts around the house, lingerie during play, and eventually he started making me wear female clothing in public. With the addition of breast forms and the addition of make-up (I'm quite androgynous) I became a quite passable female. This was when Chris decided to lock me in Chastity. During an intense play session with a couple of his friends also using my hole, Chris, taking advantage of the fact I was in restraints, locked my cock into a chastity device. Something which he would only ever release me from for hygiene reasons. Gradually, he decreased the size of my device until I reached where I' m at now, in a 25mm steel cage, with a loose hole that I can prolapse on command. I realise this has been long winded but it is in context to my 2017 Christmas and my 6th year of being partnered and living with Chris. On Christmas day, Chris commemorated the day he locked my cock away by restraining me in the same position as I was at that time, and pretty much went to town on my hole. He opened me up, first with fingers, leading to a fist. I was filled with J-lube, essentially given an enema with it, and he eventually worked his other hand into my insides, all the while my cock was restrained in my tiny cage. Chris proceeded to violate me for around an hour and a half, two hours, before deciding he would head out to visit family. Before he left, he requested that I push my hole out around his fingers, prolapsing to around 3 inches, 3.5 inches before he came onto my ruined hole and using a large plug, pushing it back inside me. He then left for about 3 hours, leaving me restrained and plugged until he returned. As soon as he returned, the plug was removed and I was allowed to creampie his cum before he opened me up again. Eventually, after once of the most intense sessions I've ever experienced, he finally had his fill. He pulled his hands out of my insides and finished inside me before we fell asleep together with his cock still inside me. I don't think I can ask for anything more in life...
    2 points
  12. I love this thread guys! I'm nowhere near where you guys are but this hole modification discussion is great. It's all about who you're with... experience, and not just physical but very verbal! I hope I meet a mentor like you have!
    2 points
  13. Just had a married Indian guy stop in. Logged on to Grindr this morning and was greeted by a message from a blank profile about 800ft away. Normally don't waste my time with blank profiles but the distance and the desperation to take my cock got my attention. Guy sent me a few pics, arse looked nice and I was nursing a hangover horn so thought what the fuck. I sent him my address and told him to strip at the door (left it on the latch). Now he's told me he's married and he's only bottomed once before but is keen to suck me off. I know I want that arse though. I'm horny and I want to breed. I'm lying on the bed and hear him enter and strip, he walks into the bedroom and his little cock is rock hard as he sees me. He takes my dick in his hand and gently licks the tip, before I grab his head and push him down on it making him gag slightly. I hold him firm, not rough but enough to know who's in control and then gently pull out and thrust it back in his throat. My cock swells feeling him gag on it but he starts getting used to it soon enough. As i'm teaching this married cock sucker how to take my cock, I'm focusing on the real prize. His barely touched hole. I start to play with his arse which evokes some moans on to my cock and I know he's going to be mine soon enough. I grab some lube and start to finger his hole and then slide a second digit in him, all the while keeping him distracted with my cock. By this stage he's moaning uncontrollably. I decide I've had enough pussy footing about, I want his married hole now. I flip him on his back and start to tease his hole when I hear the words we all dread "Have you got a rubber? I don't do BB" - Rookie error on my part not checking this. So I do the dutiful thing and grab a condom and rip the packet, but before I roll it on I start to make out with him, grinding my cock against that cheating slut's hole. He's moaning away as I'm kissing his neck and then I feel it, the tip of my cock pushes in and he moans a low guttural moan as I sink my raw cock in him. Now he's tight, you can't tell he doesn't do this often. His wedding band is pushing into my arm as he grips me tight and I sink ever deeper, the condom still in its packet. I draw my cock out and slam it deep in him making me moan loud and shout "oh fuck". Now I'm not necessarily massively vocal but with married guys I do get off on it a lot. I love making them admit their true feelings. So as I'm fucking his tight hole wide open I can't help but ask him "you liking this you married slut? What would your wife say if she saw this?" By this stage he's lost in the sensation of his arse being fucked wide open and can barely form words other than "yeh" and "fuck" and "cheating whore" I continue to pound his tight brown hole fucking it deep and then slowing down, drawing out and plunging it back in. He's dripping precum all over himself and his hole is getting a thick coating of my precum. I can tell I won't be going forever, his hole is so tight and the knowing I'm getting this safe only married guy with kids to submit to my cock is just too horny for words. I begin to pick up the pace and say "I'm gonna send you home with my load. Want you to fuck your wife later with my cum still in you. Want you eating dinner with your family knowing you've been owned and bred like the slut you are". I'm fucking him so hard he's just screaming into a pillow, my pace quickening and my cock swelling before I dump 7-8 shots of thick cum deep in his hole. I hold my cock deep as it can go in him and he sprays his load over himself with just a couple of jerks of his cock. As my hard on fades I slip out his hole and chuck the torn condom packet in the bin. As I do so he asks me "you did put the condom on yeh?" I look at him in disbelief and tell him "you have nothing to worry about" and give his arse a firm slap and kiss him. Soon he's out the door, an arse full of cum and heading back to his loving wife an children. He's already messaged me for round 2.
    2 points
  14. Part 23 I was standing naked in my booth listening to the laughter and screams coming from the maze of the funhouse. My cock was hard and dripping as I waited to hear the click of the hidden door behind me - letting me know that someone had enter the booth and would be fucking my poz hole. I looked at the shelf of little brown bottles, trying to decide which one I would hit first. I had seen the little tent that had been erected in front of the glory hole in front of me, which would hide the men from the view of the crowd. I grabbed one of the bottles and held it in my hand. My cock jumped as I heard the click. I bent forward and put my ass against the glory hole, making sure that I lined up my hole to give the anonymous cock access. I felt fingers rubbing across my ass and into my crack, teasing my hole. “Fuck yeah” a deep voice said, “Pre-lubed” As his finger pushed into my hole, I felt his fingernail scratch the sides of my hole. I jumped a little, but kept my ass against the wood wall. His finger slid in just to his knuckle, bending inside my hole. I could feel him scratching the walls near my hole. “Got to prep that hole good” I twisted the lid on the bottle and heard that faint hiss. I dropped the lid some where on the floor and shoved the bottle in my nose. I sniffed long and deep, holding it as the man’s finger started to slide in and out of my hole. When I exhaled and put the bottle under my other nostril, he pulled out and then shoved back into my hole, nail scratching me more. After about two minutes of finger fucking and prepping my hole, he pulled his finger out and rammed his cock into me, hard and deep. I inhaled the poppers again as pain shot through my hole and up my spine. I breathed deep and worked through the pain. My temples were throbbing as the poppers took effect. He didn’t wait for me to get use to his thick cock, he started to thrust in and out of my hole. His balls were swinging, making a thud as they hit the wood wall. “Got to be quick, the bitch is waiting for me” he said. He continued to thrust his cock in and out, going in hard and deep each time. The aroma of the poppers filled my little booth, keeping me just high enough to take it. “Bitch doesn’t know my seed is deadly and I passed it to her and others” He was grunting as he slammed through the glory hole into my ass. “Got this strain right here in the carnival” he said. Fuck, my cock throbbed hearing that causing pre-cum to ooze from my piss slit. “Some bald muscle fucker, force fucked me in a shed as people walked by a two way mirror in front of me” he said, “Almost thought they could see me taking raw cock” I smiled knowing that this “straight” man was fucked by Stinger in the same room, while watching the people go by on the other side if the two way mirror. “Fuck buddy - my balls are churning up that poisonous seed” He was rapidly fucking my hole, almost to the point of jack-rabbiting it. His grunts were getting louder and louder. “Oh fuck here it comes” He slammed into the wall, bending the wood so much that I heard what sounded like it cracking. His cock pulsed as his cum shot deep into my hole. I squeezed my ass around his cock. It was slowly softening and slipping out my hole. With another click he was gone. About a minute later, the tent in front of me opened, letting a bit of light in. I could make out two people - one male and one female stepping in. “Wanted to bring you in here and let you know that I fucked the man one the other side of this glory hole, dumped my poz load in him: I heard the click again behind me. Fingers ran down my crack and across my hole. I inhaled from the brown bottle again. I felt a spongy cock head slide up and down my hole. The cock behind me pushed against my hole and slowly slid in. I groaned loudly causing the woman to look at the glory hole. “He’s getting fucked again” “Poz?” she said angrily. “Yeah bitch I have HIV, you know the virus that changes to AIDS” “What the fuck? When? How long?” “Since the last time we came here - got the gift and kept on giving it.” “Giving it?” “Yeah bitch, - gave it to you, your brother and many more” Hearing that she bursted into tears and ran out of the tent. “Fuck that bitch” He push his shorts down, turned and slid his cock through the hole. The tent flap opened. “Didn’t know someone was in here” “Fuck man, get your cock out and we can share his mouth” The flap closed. The man behind me was pumping his cock in and out of my hole, pressing hard against the wall. I was sucking on the cock that was through the hole. He pumped it in and out, fucking my mouth through the glory hole, until he pulled out. The man that had joined him moved in front of the glory hole and slide his cock in. My mouth was wide open and the head slid past my lips. As I gently closed my mouth around his cock, it continued to slide deeper in. I relaxed my throat and it slid into it. The tent flap opened, again allowing light to enter. I thought that the married man left, until I heard a voice say: “A little crowded but we can make it work” I recognized the voice instantly. It was Stinger. 
 “Need a recharge buddy” Stinger asked. “Yeah, it took, but have been passing it to many more” The cock I was sucking pulled out and slowly moved out of the way. I watched as Stinger removed his jeans and the man remove his shorts. Stinger’s cock was rock hard, and I thought that his scorpion tattoo was glowing. The man I was sucking put his cock way and said: “This is a little too twisted for me” “Then fuck off” Stinger said. Light flooded the tent and he left. The man moved in front of the glory hole making sure that his ass was right next to the hole. Stinger spit in his hand and rubbed his cock, then put it next to the man’s hole and shoved it in deep. The man behind me was still thrusting in and out groaning as he did. Watching Stinger force his cock balls deep into a married man caused me to squeeze my hole around the cock drilling me deep. The married man braced himself by putting his hands on this thighs. Stinger began to pull out and ram back in. I knew the man was in a bit of pain since he was rising up on his toes, only to have Stinger force him back down. “Got to make sure I get that recharge to take” “Fuck yeah” My cock was throbbing. I wanted to jack it as I watched Stinger add his strain into the married mans ass again, but I knew I would regret it. I would want a break and I head too many loads left to collect. The man in my hole, started to pump in and out more and more, each thrust was harder and faster. I knew he was about to shoot his load into my ass with the married man’s load. In no time he slammed into my hole and grunted loudly. I could feel his load hitting the walls of my ass. My mind wondered if it was another toxic load. Once he emptied his balls he pulled out and quickly left. “Stick your cock through the hole, pet” Stinger said. I stood up and guided my hard drooling cock through the glory hole into the tent. “Slide down on that one” Stinger said “Poz cock” the married man said “Fuck yeah” Stinger replied “at least a dozen strains mutated to charge him up” I felt a hand hold my cock as the married man’s hole slid onto my cock head and down the shaft. “Fuck your hole on that one” The man began to move back and forth on my cock, slowly fucking his hole. He began to quickly move back and forth on my cock, bringing his hole to the ridge of my cock head then slamming it back down. “Milk his cock with that hole and recharge your strain” Stinger said. Light quickly flooded the tent, shining through the hole as the man pulled off my cock. I listened as a women’s voice asked: “Is my husband still in there?” “Yeah and he has a cock up his ass, working it deep to milk out a hot poz load to recharge himself” “What?” “Be a good bitch and wait over there, while he get’s fucked - passing his strain on to others drains him, so he needs a good fresh mutated load of poz cum up his hole” The married man laughed a bit and slammed back on my cock, which was leaking pre-cum deep into him. I jumped when I heard the click again. “Hey pet, you got cum sliding down your leg. I need to plug that” The wall turned and I soon felt Stinger behind me. His cock was stabbing my ass cheeks. I heard him spit in his hand. His cock head was soon pressing into my hole. I pushed out my hole and he slid in. He quickly started to pump my fuck hole as the married man continued to fuck his hole on my cock. The married man was grunting louder and louder, almost as if he was making sure that his bitch wife knew he was getting fucked. My balls were pulling up closer and closer to my body. With a hole sliding on my cock and a cock sliding in and out of my hole I wasn’t going to last long. “Shoot it pet, shoot it deep in his hole” Stinger said in my ear. “He wants it” “He wants a recharge” “Wants to pass it on” The more he said the harder my cock got and the tighter my ball sac got. He had slowed down fucking my hole and was barely moving in and out. “Wanna feel your taint contract as you shoot in his hole” That was it, I squeezed my ass, contracted my hole. “Here it comes fucker” I yelled The married man slammed back onto my cock, pressing his ass against the wooden wall. My cock started to fire into his hole, jumping inside his hole, erupting over and over. “Fuck pet that’s some strong shooting” Stinger said. My cock continued to pulse and shoot out sting after string of thick cum. The married man squeezed his hole around my cock. He pulled forward, then pushed back and then forward again. My cock popped out and was still hard sticking through the glory hole. I felt a hot tongue licking my cock head, then my shaft cleaning it. “Wanna taste this hot poz cum” he said while holding some of the cum in there. I pulled my cock back through the hold, pushing Stinger back. I bent over and saw the married man leave. One of the carnies held open the tent flap and I watch the man get slapped across the face and she ran off. The tent flap closed blocking my view. “Okay pet, time for your hole to get some more cock and cum” Stinger pulled out, tucked his cock away and left me alone in my booth. I was ready for more…I wanted more.
    2 points
  15. Guys always comment on the thickness of my cock. I love to plow raw ass, with or without my P.A. in. I love hearing a guy confess all his most fucked-up fantasies to me while I smoke a cigar and plow his ass.
    2 points
  16. Part 34 - Ric’s swimmer Ric was in the school locker room getting ready for gym class when Shane walked up. Shane was the captain of the swim team and was one of those jocks that got along with everyone. He wasn’t arrogant or cliquish and could fit in with jocks, nerds, stoners, artists or just the people who didn’t fit in. Ric knew who he was but they had never talked but they had acknowledged each other when they saw each other. “Hey, I like the tat. I never thought of you as someone that would get one” Shane said. “Yeah, I wanted one, and a friend helped me update how I looked several weeks ago” Ric said. Shane chuckled, “I hope you paid her back for all her help. She did a great job. You really look good. I almost didn’t recognize you. I bet you have all the girls chasing after you now.” Ric ignored the innuendo that it was a girl that helped him or that he did it to get laid with a girl. He quickly thought that Shane was trying to dig to see if Ric was straight or not. “Thanks, I’m happy with the way it turned out” Ric said. “I’d like to talk to you some time about the tat. I want to get one now that I’m over 18. I’m sure my parents and the coach are going to flip, but its my body. Can we meet after school tomorrow?” Shane asked. Ric was surprised, but said “Sure, what time?” “Lets meet in front of the school after classes let out and we can go to my house and talk” Shane said. The next day Ric walked out of the front of the school building and instead of heading towards his house he stood next to a tree by the main entrance, waiting for Shane to meet him. After waiting fifteen minutes, he decided he had gotten blown off. Just as he started walking towards home, Shane came running up. “Dude, I’m sorry I’m late. I was talking to the coach and I don’t have your number to let you know I’d be late. Ric bought the story, at least outwardly, and the two turned and walked towards Shane’s house. When they got inside, Shane immediately took his shirt and jeans off. He was standing there in his jockstrap and socks and Ric was both surprised and aroused. “Some idiot spilled their drink on me at lunch and I have to toss these in the wash” he explained. He watched Shane put them in the washer and start it up and then Shane said “My room is upstairs” and Ric followed him up. Once inside the bedroom, Ric dropped his backpack on the floor and looked around. There were a couple shelves with various sports trophies and a couple large posters - two with really hot swimmers leaping into a pool and one of a diver in a pose before a dive. “Have a seat on the bed” Shane said as he put his own backpack down next to the desk. Ric expected Shane to put some clothes back on and sit down in the desk chair, but instead he just sat down on the bed next to Ric. Ric hoped his hardening cock wouldn’t be too visible, but with Shane so close and almost naked, it was probably a losing battle. Ric figured that swimmers are used to being mostly naked a lot of the time, so it must be natural for him. “Oh, let me grab something to drink, I’ll be right back” Shane said and Ric watched Shane’s tight ass walk out the door. Soon he came back with two glasses and handed one to Ric. Shane hopped back on the bed and said “I have a ton of questions about your tattoo. It looks so hot. I like how guys look with ink on them. It makes them look tougher and sexier, I think.” “Yeah, I guess. I looked at it as marking the beginning of the next part of my life” Ric said and almost immediately regretted it. “What do you mean? We haven’t graduated yet and we can’t drink. We’re stuck at that age where we can get arrested as an adult but can’t have the same fun.” Shane said. Thinking quickly Ric said “Uh, I guess I look at turning eighteen as no longer being a kid and becoming a man.” “Oh, yeah. That makes sense. So how did you decide what it was going to be?” Shane asked. “I really didn’t have a good idea. I talked with the tattoo artist and he gave me some suggestions and sketched a few things out. It was really cool. I wish I could draw like that” Ric said. It was mostly true and he realized that he was going to have to think fast with some of his answers. “Cool. Yeah, I suck at drawing too. Was he cool about you not knowing exactly what you wanted?” “Yeah, he was. He even explained the meanings of some symbols that are used. One of the meanings for the stars I have is that I am following my own dreams. He warned me to avoid getting something just because it looked cool and go for something that had meaning to me since I would be stuck with it for the rest of my life. He joked about people he inked with their girlfriend’s name and when they broke up six months later they were back trying to get it covered up” Ric said, surprised that he made a straight anecdote. “Oh, yeah. I never would have thought of that.” said Shane as he adjusted himself in the jockstrap and Ric hoped that his cock would fall out of the pouch. “Do you know what you want?” Ric asked. He saw Shane blush and added “I mean what kind of tat you want.” “I kind of like the tribal designs. I want it big and cover my pec, shoulder and upper arm. What do you think something like that would cost?” asked Shane. “I don’t know. I got a deal because a friend of mine knows the tattoo guy and I did some work there to pay for some of it” Ric said, stretching the truth a bit. “If you find some pics on the internet of what you want, I can send them up and see if he’ll give you a ballpark price.” “Yeah, that would be cool. I have a bunch on my computer I can send you. Can I see yours again?” Shane asked. Ric smiled and felt his cock throb. “Sure” he said as he pulled his shirt off. Shane moved close to Ric and stared at the tattoo and then started rubbing it with his finger. Ric didn’t know where this was heading but having a hot, almost naked guy with a lean muscular body rubbing his chest was something he really enjoyed. Shane looked up at Ric and their heads were only inches away. “God that is so sexy, Ric” he said as he looked straight into Ric’s eyes. Shane moved forward and their lips touched and Shane started to kiss Ric. It wasn’t just a quick kiss, either. It went on for several seconds and then Shane put his hand on the back of Ric’s head and started kissing more passionately. Ric pushed his tongue to Shane’s lips and felt them part. His tongue met Shane’s and darted back and forth across his tongue. Ric pushed Shane on to his back and climbed on top of him. He pinned Shane to the bed and rubbed his bare chest against the swimmer’s shaved chest as they kept kissing. Shane was moaning and Ric felt Shane’s cock pop free of the jockstrap. He let go of Shane’s hands and they groped each other. Shane’s hands started unbuttoning Ric’s jeans and tugged them down. He reached in and grabbed Ric’s hard cock and stroked it. Shane stopped kissing Ric and said “Holy fuck thats big” and rolled Ric over. Shane moved down Ric’s body, kissing each star on his tattoo, nibbling on each of his nipples and then licking down his treasure trail to his cock. He looked up at Ric, grinning and then started licking and sucking Ric’s cock. Ric moaned and felt his body shudder as Shane tried to deep throat his cock. Ric quickly figured out that Shane was no stranger to sucking cock and he had flashbacks to Dave and then his dad sucking his cock. He thought Dave was the best but Shane was a close second. He felt his cock start to leak it’s toxic precum into Shane’s mouth and Ric knew he had a decision to make - stealth him or tell him. He put it off as long as possible and took advantage of Shane’s cocksucking skills. Shane looked up at him again, this time his eyes were pleading for Ric to fuck him. “Shane, I don’t have any condoms. I didn’t expect us to do anything like this” Ric said. “I know, but I find you too hot to resist. Fuck me bare. I need your cock inside me” pleaded Shane. “I can’t, Shane” “Why? I need it and can see you want it too. Please fuck me. I won’t tell anyone, I promise” begged Shane and Ric could sense the urgency in his voice. “I don’t want to hurt you and if I fuck you bare, I will” Ric said and Shane replied “I’ve taken cocks bigger than yours, I know you won’t hurt me.” Ric panicked. He didn’t want to tell Shane he was poz but there didn’t seem to be an alternative. “Shane, its not the size, its whats in my balls. I have HIV. If I fuck you, I will infect you.” “Fuck, the rumor I heard is true. Thats why you were out sick. Fuck! Now I really need you to fuck me. Please Ric, fuck me and give me your poz cum. I NEED IT!” Shane pleaded with Ric. That wasn’t the response Ric expected and he felt his cock swell even bigger. Ric went into total top mode, getting up and shoving Shane on his back, with his legs raised up. He pushed Shane back further on to his shoulders and started to rim his hairless hole. Ric thought Shane looked so hot with his cock poking out the top of his jockstrap and his muscled butt framed by the straps. His tongue dug into Shane’s hole and he got it slick. He wanted to get his cock deep inside Shane quickly before he had time to change his mind. He climbed up and rubbed his cock along the crack and saw the tip of his cock head peering out from the foreskin. He pulled the foreskin back and covered Shane’s hole with precum and then aimed his rock hard cock into the swimmer’s neg hole. He saw Shane winking his hole and timed his thrust to easily penetrate the starving pussy. He kept pushing his cock deeper, never stopping, until his full length was inside. He looked at Shane’s eyes and he saw lust combined with panic and uncertainty. He pulled back slowly until just the tip was inside and he then drove back in. “You like that poz cock inside you, Shane? Do you feel the toxic precum coat your guts trying to find a way to infect you? Do you want me to poz you up?” asked Ric. “Oh fuck yeah, it feels great inside me. Fuck me hard and make me yours. Knock me up!” begged Shane. Ric started slamming his cock into Shane’s greedy hole. Ric was sure that lots of other swimmers had fucked Shane and maybe their coaches too in the past few years. He was going to do his best to charge Shane up and then let him pass on his bug. He didn’t realize how hard he was fucking until he saw how high the two were bouncing on the bed. Shane was yelling “oh my god” over and over as Ric pummeled Shane’s hole. He pulled all the way out and shoved back in, briefly seeing Shane’s stretched out hole. He gave three fast, hard thrusts and then felt his balls shoot their toxic load into Shane’s cumhole. Ric stayed there, looking at Shane’s face as his cock throbbed inside his cunt. A large grin covered Shane’s face and he said “Fuck dude that was so fucking amazing. I’ve wanted to take a poz load for a while, but to get it from a hot guy like you made it even better.” Ric liked hearing Shane’s complement, but he wasn’t done yet. He wasn’t sure how many guys he would find that were willing to take his charged seed, so he was going to take full advantage of it. He pulled his cock out and pulled Shane to the edge of the bed, turning him over. With Shane bent over the edge of the bed, Ric took a look at his cute ass begging to be fucked again and some of his pearly white cum dripping down Shane’s leg. Ric forced three fingers into Shane’s still tight hole and twisted them around roughly, digging his fingernails into the walls of Shane’s cunt. Shane yelled out “Ow” and Ric leaned forward, pushing Shane’s face into the bed. “Be quiet, I’m just making it easier to charge that ass up. If you want poz cum in you, then you better be ready to be poz yourself.” He stabbed his fingers in a few more times and pulled them out, quickly shoving his cock back in. Shane moaned as he felt the hard shaft start to fuck him again. Ric fucked back into the cum filled hole. He knew Shane had a lot more experience with gay sex than him, but he tried to remember everything that Dave had done with him. He fucked hard and fast and then slow and deliberate. He would dig his cock in at different angles and listen to Shane groan. He started to pull out and ram back in. He looked down as he pulled out and saw a few red streaks on his cock and the frothy cum surrounding Shane’s hole had a pink tint to it. He had been working on round two for over thirty minutes and he could tell Shane was getting sore. “Oh fuck, I can’t take much more” Shane gasped as Ric changed back to hard strokes. Ric reached around with both hands and pinched Shane’s nipples and felt him squeeze his cock tight. He leaned closer as he pounded and whispered in Shane’s ear “I hope you’re not just a bottom and you’re going to share your seed with lots of guys once you’re poz.” “Oh god… yeah I am” Shane moaned and Ric felt his balls tingle. He tortured Shane’s nipples, squeezing and twisting them to get Shane to milk his cock. He twisted both at once and felt Shane clamp down hard on his cock as it was ramming in. Ric’s balls didn’t hold back any longer and he started shooting more poisonous cum into the jock’s wrecked hole. Ric held his cock inside Shane for a while and when his cock softened he pulled out, pushing as much cum back in as he could. Shane crawled up on the bed and rolled over. He motioned Ric to join him and the two made out for several minutes before Shane asked “Did you do it?” “You got two huge loads in you dude” Ric naively answered. “No, am I poz now?” Shane asked. “I don’t know. it took a few weeks before I got sick and that’s when my friend told me I was poz. I waited after I got better to get tested.” “Oh ok. I hope we can fuck more. You really know how to fuck. At first, I thought you might even be a virgin.” Shane said with a chuckle. “So, did you really want to know about the tats or was it just an excuse to fuck?” asked Ric. “I only wanted to find out about getting my tattoo. But you were so hot and you didn’t seem to mind me touching you, so I decided to see if you wanted to do more” explained Shane. “You said there were rumors that I was poz?” asked Ric. “More like gossip. A couple people started saying you were gay when you changed how you looked. Then when you got sick someone said that it was the flu that guys get when they get pozzed. I didn’t believe them since I know you don’t get pozzed right away from having sex with another guy or I would have been pozzed a hundred times over already.” Shane said, snickering. “Who?” asked Ric who was a little pissed off that people were talking about him behind his back. “I don’t know who it was, I just overheard it.” Shane said and then tried to change the conversation and asked “How much did it hurt to get your tattoo? Can you give me your phone or email so I can send you the pics to ask your tattoo guy how much?” “Sure. I’m going to go up there next week. I just need to find an excuse to use the car so my mom doesn’t suspect anything. It depends on where you get the tattoo. Some parts of your skin are more sensitive than others. Sometimes its just a weird sensation, sometimes it hurts a little and sometimes a lot” Ric said. “If you go one of the days I’m not training, I’d like to go with you. I can even drive” Shane said. “That might work out. Which days? Then you could see my next tattoo get done. It’s small but I think it will look really hot.” Ric said as he looked over and saw the time on the alarm clock and asked “Is that time right?” “Oh shit, yeah it is. I didn’t realize you fucked me that long. Uh, I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off from swim practice” Shane said. “Yeah, it takes me a while to shoot my second load. I wasn’t complaining, your ass felt so fuckin’ good. I gotta get home though” Ric said as he started to put his clothes back on. “And I gotta clean up cuz my parents will be home soon. Don’t leave just yet, I want to rinse off” said Shane as he ran next door to bathroom. A minute later he was back. “Dude, you still smell like my cum” Ric told him as he started to walk towards the front door. “See you at school tomorrow?” he asked as he turned back to look at Shane. Shane leaned in and kissed Ric. “Sure thing, stud. Thanks for this afternoon, I hope we can do it again… many times” said Shane as Ric headed home.
    2 points
  17. Austin's Move to the Big City (P3) After Austin woke from his long sleep and recovered from the night of driving and partying he was shown around and hours daily duties explained to him. When he was shown what his duties were in the barn there was a locked door that caught his attention, so naturally he asked, "What's behind the locked door?" "Nothing you need worry about. It's a store room we will show you later" John explained. Austin settled into his daily routine. He'd wake before dawn, clean out the stables and feed the horses. Then he'd skim the pool before taking a short swim, then he'd shower and make breakfast for all the of them. Once breakfast was done Matt would leave for work, John would start his day working from home and Austin would clear the table and be free until lunch. This gave Austin time to relax and explore the property. On this particular day as lunch approached, John called Austin to come to his office. John was sitting at the desk when Austin walked in the room. John pushed the chair away from the desk and turned towards Austin, "I'm horny as fuck, get over here and suck my dick." Austin walked over to John, got between his legs and fished out his semi-hard cock. He knew his place and wasted no time sucking his employer's cock. Austin showed his ability as he worked John's tool over with all the skill at his disposal. John didn't hold back and gave Austin his protein drink. Austin swallowed John's seed with an enthusiasm that had been growing on him. "That's a good house boy. I know Matt will be horny when he gets home. Why don't you surprise him before we make dinner with your ass." Austin didn't take that as a suggestion, but as an order. After he served John his lunch, Austin made sure that he was ready to give Matt his ass. Austin swam for a few and worked on his tan as he thought about the two men he now worked for. He stated to get a semi-hard cock, but thought it best that he not beat off for fear of disappointing the couple. Austin was surprised by Matt who arrived home early from work. "I'm sorry Matt, I wasn't expecting you home so soon. I bet you're in need of a nice ass to fuck." "That sounds like an excellent idea. When was the last time you shot your load?" "I haven't cum since the night before I left to move here, four days I guess." "With all you've done for us, I think is time that I please you." "You and John already please me. You've given me an opportunity I thought I'd never have and being more of a bottom, I am pleased when either of you are inside me." "I plan on getting you to cum as I fuck you. You keep your hands of yourself and I know I can make you to cum without you touching your cock." Austin didn't think that was possible. He thought the only way a guy could cum was by getting his cock stimulated. Matt decided that this was going to be a passionate fuck for Austin. Matt took Austin by the hand and led him to his own room. Matt was passionate with the kid as the two kissed and Matt explored Austin's young body. Austin never knew that he could be so turned on by another man's touch. Matt caressed, kissed and licked Austin in every place that made the young man moan. This contact went on for over an hour. It kept Austin so turned on that he thought that he wounded burst before Matt would fuck him. Finally Matt laid down on his back as he and Austin kissed. Matt positioned Austin so that his hole was right over his hard cock. He then pushed Austin back and slowly impaled the teen onto his tool. Austin seemed to know where this was going and without a word being said, he began to fuck himself on Matt's cock. Austin slowly rocked and gyrated his ass feeling every inch of the hard tool that was lodged deep inside him. As he rode the bronc beneath him the two kissed and licked each other. Austin's cock was rock hard pointing its 7" out from his body. He could feel pre cum dipping down the shaft as it pooled on Matt's flat abs. Matt reached down to stick a finger into the collected jiszm then he brought it to his lips. He sucked the sweet nectar from his fingers before he repeated the process only to give Austin a taste of himself. "Yum! You taste great. I can't wait to taste your seed when you're allowed to cum down my throat." Austin asked Matt, "When might that happen?" "After you earn your tattoo we'll celebrate where John and I will suck a load from you." That brought a smiled to Austin's face. He couldn't wait to earn his tattoo. The thought of all that made him ask, "Any way to speed up the process?" "I'm sure we can think of something." John and Matt already had a plan to increase Austin's exposure. But that had to wait till the coming weekend. As the two continued their kissing, licking, sucking and fucking, Matt rolled them over placing Austin on his back. Matt now used this new position to really work Austin's hole. Matt's thrusts had purpose. Every time he drove into the house boy, he hit that spot inside that he knew would send Austin into another world. From this point on, Matt had no intention of stopping, slowing or changing anything he was doing. Matt new exactly what it was going to take to send Austin over the edge. The two continued to kiss as Matt drove his cock in and out of Austin. Matt's plan was to get the teen to cum, then fuck his own load into the teen. Austin began to feel a strange feeling deep inside him, almost like if was within his groin. It felt nothing like he had felt before and he began to ride this new sensation. Matt gently began to play with Austin's nipples as the feeling he was riding grew. The nipple play seemed to distract Austin as Matt continued to drive deeper and deeper inside when suddenly Austin felt as if he was going to bust his gut. Matt could tell what was about to happen when he pinched Austin's nipples harder. Austin grunted loudly as his cock erupted and spewed out the largest load of cum he ever shot. The first two shots landed on Austin's face, the next once hit just below his chin, the several after trailed from between Austin's pecs to just above his navel. The shot that landed on his face slowly made its way to his lips allowing Austin to get a real taste of himself. Matt began to hammer away at Austin's hole and it didn't take long for Austin to start to feel Matt's cock grow harder within him. As Matt neared his own orgasm, Austin began to feel that new sensation deep inside himself again. As Matt grunted out and began to fill Austin's gut, Austin had a second strong orgasm shooting more of his own cum onto his chest and stomach. As the two recovered from their session Matt began to lick the cum from Austin's body. Once he had all the cum in his mouth, be leaned in to kiss his house boy, sharing the cum he had collected. It was a kiss Austin would cherish the rest of the night.
    2 points
  18. Austin's Move to the Big City (P2) John asked Austin, "How are you doing their house boy?" "Oh my god, I feel fucking fantastic!" "Are you ready for some serious fucking?" "Yes please." John took a good hold of Austin's hips before he began to slam into Austin's ass, pulling all the way out then slamming back in again. Austin was in pure pleasure as John worked over his hole. Matt moved in behind his partner so that he could work on John's nipples as he slam-fucked Austin. Matt knew exactly what it took to get his partner off. John changed his fucking to a quick fuck knowing he was about to unload his poz seed inside Austin's neg hole. Austin could feel John's cock start to thicken as he heard his breath begin to quicken. He knew that his life would never be the same from this point on. He knew what was going to happen and felt that his life would be better as this couple's house boy. Without warning John let out a loud grunt as he unloads inside of Austin. Austin felt as if he might have also shot his load as John unloaded inside off his hole. But when he reached down to check he felt nothing but a soft, dry cock. John pulled his still hard cock from Austin’s well bred hole as Austin thought to himself, ‘I am always rock hard when I get fucked, but my cock is soft.’ Matt had Austin turn over onto his back as he stroked his hard cock. Once Matt had Austin positioned how he wanted him, he lifted the teen’s legs and spread them wide as he pointed his death stick at Austin’s well used hole. He slid in balls deep with the approval of their new house boy as Austin moaned with pleasure as he felt himself filled again. Austin again reached and played with his soft little dick trying to get it to harden to the chuckle from his new employers. “Go ahead and play with yourself if it feels good, but I doubt you will get hard anytime soon” John told their house boy. “Why is that?” Austin asked. Matt looked down at him as he was starting to pump the Austin's cum-filled hole, “We gave you enough Tina that you will probably not be getting hard for a couple days. You are enjoying the slam, aren’t you boy?” “Fuck yes I am, I know I am going to like the drugs. How often do you plan on giving me them?” John told him, “We only like to party a couple times a month, but with your new arrival we will be using them a little more often until we know your limit.” “Will I become addicted to them?” “To a point, we want you to know the difference of fucking with and without them. Since you had been up for over 24 hours already, if we didn’t use them, you’d probably already want to sleep.” As Matt fucked Austin with a steady pace, John leaned down, kissed the house boy and then ordered him “Now clean off my cock, house boy.” John slipped his semi-hard into Austin’s mouth and he sucked his ass juices and slight remnants of cum from the tool that had just been inside him. Once John was satisfied that his cock was cleaned well enough he pulled it from the house boy’s mouth. This now allowed Matt to lean in and kiss Austin as he fucked the boy. As the two kissed and Austin enjoyed the fuck he was receiving, he would occasionally pull on his soft cock hoping to get some blood flowing into it - with no luck. Matt grabbed Austin’s hands and held them up over his head as he began to really work on fucking the boy’s ass. Matt had a plan, and that was to watch the look in Austin’s face as he began to fuck the boy like he had never been fucked before. Both John and Matt had great control over their ability to cum. Now Austin was going to experience Matt’s ability first had as Matt was working Austin with no rush in adding his load to his partner’s that was already soaking into the walls of Austin's ass. Austin had lost track of time and had a vague idea of the length he had been getting fucked when he could feel Matt’s cock begin to thicken. Just as he thought Matt was going to unload inside his ass he felt the cock that was pumping in his hole begin to soften some but never go completely soft. What the teen didn’t know what that Matt was depositing his charged seed while he maintained his pace and after nearly two hours of Matt’s fucking, he had taken three small loads of cum. John knew exactly what Matt was doing and soon began to feed Austin his semi-hard cock. John didn’t have to tell Austin what to do and soon had his tool deep into the teen’s throat as Matt continued to seed the boy’s hole. John and Matt knew that Austin’s slam would soon fade and began to work up to a finally that the boy would never forget. Matt began to pick up his pace while John began to relax and let his climax rise. Austin had no clue what was about to ‘cum’ when John held his hand on the back of the teen’s head at nearly the same moment that Matt began to grunt out “I’M CUMMING!” as he slammed hard and deep into the teen as John began to fill his throat with his own seed. Austin never really needed to swallow since John bypassed his mouth with most of the load he shot. The only taste Austin received from John was the last little dribble from his cock as he withdrew. John and Matt could tell that Austin was starting to come down from his high. He had been used for nearly six hours and when they stopped the three lay in a heap as they collectively caught their breath. Austin was the first to speak, “WOW! That was fucking amazing.” John then spoke, “As long as you do your work around the house, you will make a good house boy Austin.” Matt quickly agreed and the three of them slowly got up. Austin Noticed it was starting to get dark and wonder, “Where did the day go?” “That’s Tina for you. You’ve been up nearly two days now between your drive here and our play time. It won’t be long before you’ll crash and be out for another day. Let’s take a dip in the pool, you can then shower and watch TV in bed as you crash. When you wake and have recovered we’ll show you your daily chores, duties and responsibilities around the house.” The three slowly made their way out the patio door to the pool where they all dove in to refresh themselves. The couple was correct, after a good 30 minutes of swimming, Austin began to crash and went in for a shower. He found his way to his room, collapsed in bed and slept till the next afternoon.
    2 points
  19. I was working for one of those urban life magazines when my editor gave me an assignment that changed my life in so many ways. He wanted an article on the "new phenomenon" of bug chasing. Specifically, he wanted to tell our shrinking number of readers what would cause people do actively seek HIV infection. Even I knew that this was nothing new and had been going on for years. I could have asked why he didn't choose one of the gay guys on staff to write it, but I also knew the magazine was in financial trouble. Saving my job was a priority. So, I took the assignment without protest. My girlfriend was out of town on an extended work assignment eliminating the need to explain what I was going to be doing. So, I Googled bug chasing, found some background information and web sites which eventually led me to a club downtown called Positively Fourth Street. I assumed it was named for the old Bob Dylan song, but this place had nothing to do with Dylan. I began hanging out there trying to interview self described bug chasers. I spent the next few weeks chasing them, trying to get their stories. Frankly, most guys wouldn't talk to me, and the handful of guys who would didn't have anything to say that I hadn't read online. Plus I was wading through an incredible amount of bullshit from guys who only wanted to talk about being pozed and were no action. I had hoped to find someone who had gone through or was going through this experience who would tell me why and shed some insight on their hopes and fears. My plan was to feature one or two guys and tell their stories. However, I just couldn't find that connection. Then one night, I was sitting at the bar when this guy walked in. He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was incredibly handsome. His tight jeans and t-shirt showed off his rippling muscles. Frankly, he looked like a Greek God. To my surprise, he sat down next to me. I considered myself straight, but that kind of went out the window. Introducing ourselves, I learned his name was Eric. Desperate for a story to write, I blurted out my mission. Eric listened attentively and then told me he was not a chaser, but rather the opposite: he was an HIV positive top. He continued, telling me a lot of things including erotic tales of his experiences that set my heart pounding, and not out of discomfort, but rather out of a desire to be share his experiences in some (perhaps) surreptitious manner. I did not want to see myself having sex with him, but, on the other hand, I had no doubt he was, in some degree, coming on to me. His HIV status, of course, gave me additional pause, but I knew the virus could not be transmitted through voyeurism. As Eric continued, his stories took on a somewhat dark hue (perhaps enhanced by the alcohol we were downing) and he intimated he was could infect anyone, anytime through a combination of technique and what he called his "massive viral load". As he talked, he drummed his fingertips on the bar. I immediately noted that he had filed them down to sharp points. He told me they "helped prime a bottom's plumbing", which meant nothing to me at the time. He told me he was "pozzing" a guy the next night at his apartment, and he invited me to watch, saying he was sure I would learn a great deal for my article. He told me the guy would be willing and able to provide information on the whole experience. My cock was tumescent at the thought of seeing watching Eric have sex, and my sense of caution went out the window. Some chances only come once in a lifetime, or so I temporized. It probably didn't hurt Eric's hand chanced brushed my crotch, and that when he stood up to leave, he was jostled by a guy climbing onto his bar stool, and Eric's crotch chanced to press against my thigh. In retrospect I think he might have been semi-erect - or was it wishful thinking on my part? In short, I accepted his offer and jotted down his address. The next day, at 8:00 P.M., heart pounding, I found myself ringing is doorbell. Eric answered the door buck fucking naked. I was totally caught off guard by this and had a hard time regaining my composure. I was absolutely overwhelmed by his physical presence. Although I struggled to keep my eyes off his cock, it was a loosing battle. He was built like the proverbial shit house: a thick bush, low hanging, veiny balls, a long, thick, uncut cock that never hung quite down, as did cocks in my (admittedly limited) experience, but it sort-of arched out from his body. Man, I thought, this is unfucking real. My cock started to throb in my jeans. Explaining he had just gotten out of the shower, he bade me to make myself comfortable while he completed preparing for the 'fuck-fest', to use his words. He disappeared back into another room. I sat down in front of a TV showing an all male porn film in which a series of incredibly muscular guys had very physical sex. I was surprised by how erotic I found this. My dick did not return to its normal, flaccid state. Within a few minutes Eric came out in a short robe and sat next to me to watch the video. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his cock push out of his robe as it grew to 10, thick inches. I spent the next half hour with one eye on the TV and the other on Eric's dick. What had I gotten myself into? Eric and I had a couple of drinks while we waited. Finally he said that it looked like his friend wasn't going to show. He told me that he was really horny (no kidding). He asked me, no, he told me to suck his cock. I started to say I was straight, but he put his hand on the back of my head. I can't say he forced my head down because I offered no resistance. A few seconds later I was sucking and licking his cock. I couldn't seem to stop myself. The smell, taste, texture and intimacy of the experience was wild beyond anything I had before experienced. After a few minutes he told me we were going in the bedroom. I just let him lead me in there. I don't remember undressing, but I ended up naked, on my back, on his bed. Facing my crotch, he straddled my face. I eagerly continued my work on his magnificent cock, balls and even found myself sliding my tongue in his ass crack. He was clearly enjoying the attention: not only did his cock not loose any rigidity, but drops of pre-cum were sporadically oozing out of his cock head. His pre-cum was fascinating: slick, salty and sweet at the same time. He started touching me all over and then leaning forward, began loading my asshole with lube, using hard, sharp, sometimes painful thrusts. I could literally feel myself being opened up. I knew what he intended, and so said 'no' to each of his several entreaties "hey, man, I've gotta slip my cock in your hole," but persistence and lust won out over logic, and, when he assured me he'd pull out if I asked him to, I acquiesced. To be sure, however, I told him there was no way i was going to let him shoot his load in me. He just kind of smiled as he positioned me on all 4s. He pushed some more lube inside my hole, and, generously lubing his cock, coaxed his way inside. It hurt like hell at first - pain the likes of which I had (not surprisingly), never before experienced. But after a few minutes of superficial penetration, my ass opened-up, and I guess my ass juices began flowing. Pain morphed into pleasure, and pleasure morphed into ecstasy as somewhere in there he began to hit my prostate. I found myself begging for more. The experience was like nothing I had ever experienced: was I going to piss myself or was I going to blow a load? I honestly didn't know, (and in some measure, didn't care), but I did know I now understood why so many guys loved anal sex. Eric mostly kept up a nice slow pace while he slid his rod in and out of my hole, alternately teasing my asslips and torturing my prostate when he slid all the way in. I tried to listen for any moans or changes in his breathing that would signal an orgasm, but I heard (or didn't want to hear) any tell-tale signs. His hands were all over me, a few times reaching around to pinch my tits really hard when he sped-up his pounding, but then letting-up as he slowed down. I didn't really want him to stop but was prepared to tell him "no mas" at the first sign he was going to cum in me. While all this was happening my mind was racing. I felt that I was experiencing all the terror, emotions, and pleasure that someone taking his first positive load could conceivably experience. I tried to make mental notes of everything I was experiencing, but I must admit my brain was quite befuddled by the overwhelming impact of the turn of events, and, of course, Eric's cock sliding in and out of me. After a really long time, perhaps twenty minutes or so, he said he had some things to tell me. He told me that he could stay hard and fuck for an hour or more. He said he could cum and not make a sound. Then he told me something I was really not ready to hear. He told me he had already cum in me twice. Then he said "here cums the third load." Before I could react, Eric's right hand moved to my shoulder and pushed me face down into the mattress. His left arm tightened around my hips. Then he rammed me hard a couple of times and moaned very loud. I felt his cock seem to vibrate and then felt the hot liquid fly into me. I guessed that having my nipples pinched had masked the first two loads. However, there was no mistaking what he had done this time. I was overwhelmed with terror. How could he do this to me? Eric collapsed on top of me, his semi-hard cock plugging my ass, keeping his cum in me. I asked him why he had pozzed me. He told me that my "friends at the bar" had hired him to do it. They told him that I wanted it. They said I'd make up some story about why I hung out in the bar, but that he should ignore it. I was surprised he would do this for money. He told me he was paid quite well. He called himself a 'poztitute'. He told me he had cut me up inside with his fingernails, and there was no doubt his bugs were already in my blood. He told me he liked me and said I could stay the night. I locked myself in the bathroom for a long time. I needed time to get my head around all that had happened. I tried to force his cum out of me somehow, but very little dripped out, and what did was mixed with my blood. When I finally came out of the bathroom, the apartment was dark, and he was snoring. I thought about it for a bit, and finally slipped into bed with him. He later fucked me two more times, cumming multiple times. Early that morning I dressed and went home. When my girlfriend got back to town, I broke up with her. I told her I met someone else. I hated hurting her, but I just couldn't take the chance of infecting her. What I subsequently learned was the fuck flu hit me about a month and a half after my night with Eric. My subsequent HIV blood test was positive. I wrote the article about my experience as though I had interviewed someone else. It was the best thing I ever wrote, but the magazine went out of business before it was published. I work for a public relations firm now. I haven't had sex since all this happened, but I think I'm ready to get out there. There are some big-talking, no-action guys at a certain bar for whom I have certain gifts. Paybacks are a bitch.
    1 point
  20. My name is Will. I live in the South, in a really big small town, or a really small big town, however you want to describe the place. At the time I had just turned 30 and was very cute with dark messy hair and long eyelashes. I didn’t hang out many people so I had the reputation for being mysterious and that got me a lot of play. I also had the reputation of barebacking a lot, but everyone else was also barebacking, right? I was hanging out at one of the two gay bars in my town on a Tuesday night. This was the seedier of the two and on a Tuesday it was just a meat market. Of course I was trying to get laid. Why else would I have been there? I was sitting at the bar with my back to the pool tables trying to pick up Dave, who sort-of worked at the bar. Or at least just thought he did. Anyhow, I knew he was a big whore, he was so cute and funny that I just didn’t care - I wanted to fuck the hell out of him. I’m 5’10 and, after running a furniture store for several years my body was thick and strong. Dave was five inches shorter and looked like Peter Pan. I thought we made a great looking set, but Dave was hedging his bets. You know, trying to put off deciding who to choose because of the promise of something better coming along. I knew there wasn’t anything better coming along, but hey, we all know the type right? I had noticed he was also talking to a guy to his right, I was on his left. I looked over and the guy was really sexy, lean, clean cut and very preppy looking. He was obviously young because he bore the mark of the underage, Giant Xes on his hands in permanent marker to stop him from drinking. I was tired of Dave’s bullshit and was ready to call the night a bust, so I leaned over to Dave and told him I was calling a cab and going home. Dave said “Hey Mark," pointing at the guy to his right who was just about to leave, "I bet he’ll give you a ride.” I looked over at Mark who nodded shyly and I quietly remarked to Dave "I thought that Mark was your trick for the night." Dave whispered to me “No, you've got it wrong. Mark’s my ex, but just to warn you he loves to fuck and if you think I’m a whore, you haven’t seen anything yet!” I looked over again at Mark and thought the night might be looking but it was probably too good to be true, because although he was a slimmer than I normally went for, Mark was beautiful. With that Dave introduced us, and casually mentioned to Mark that I needed a ride home. Mark looked me up and down and quickly said "Sure, I'll give you a lift," and with that we were on our way. I just lived ten minutes from the bar so we just made a little small talk on the ride back. I asked him if Dave was a fun fuck and that relaxed him and got him talking. When we got to my place he asked if I had anything to drink, since he couldn’t get anything at the bar so I invited him to come on up. We had a couple shots of Everclear and were chasing with a Corona, and Mark told he had asked Dave to hook us up earlier and reached over and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes and I said we should go to the bedroom and we did. I took his clothes off. It's one of my things. I love to undress a guy. He was fucking perfect: tall, smooth, and a nine inch dick. It wasn't fair. He was fuckin' perfect. When I took my shirt off he ran his hands over my chest and stomach and said “I love fucking muscle guys!” Up until this point I had thought I was topping. "You’re a top?" I asked. “Yeah man, I don’t get fucked” he replied. "What makes you think I do?" I replied. "Oh, people talk" he casually remarked as he started pulling at my nipples. Damn people did talk. Playing with my nipples was the sure way to make me take a dick and a few people knew that. No matter what I was in the mood for, if you played with my nipples enough I would let you fuck. It wasn’t long before he had pushed my back on the bed, pulled my pants off and had my legs on his shoulders. He spat on his hand and rubbed it on my asshole and the pushed the head of his dick in. I couldn’t believe this kid. I barely knew him, and his bare cock was deep in my hole. He was so young and sweet I was sure it would be okay. He was good at it too. He worked that big dick in my ass till I was whimpering for it harder and harder. The more he fucked the less innocent he seemed, and the mantra he kept saying, “Fucking you bareback is so hot!” only added to the excitement. After a few minutes I suddenly felt really wet and warm inside, he had cum in my ass with no warning. "Did you just cum in me" I asked him, but he didn't seem to hear me, and just kept on pumping. There was something about that, about him loading my ass up without even clearing doing so with me. Man I wanted more. He must have seen that I was losing control cause he got ready to blow the second load he let me know “Fuck man I’m cumming, take all of it man, all of it! Fuck here it is, here its is!” With that my ass was flooded a second time. After he caught his breath he commented “I didn’t think you take my load like that man!” Not that he gave me much choice. Fuck, I thought. He pulled out and fell in bed beside me, pulled me on my side and spooned me, with my ass leaking his own cum out onto his slicked up dick and that’s how we fell asleep. I woke in the middle of the night with Mark pushing the head of his dick back into my ass for round three. When he blew in me again he left his dick in me and we fell back asleep like that. When I woke up the next morning he was gone. I didn’t hear from him in the next few days so I just chalked it up to a hot one-nighter and man, was it hot. Two weeks went by and I was trying to pick up a guy on Saturday night at the better of the two bars in town. He was a pretty guy, a little on the stocky side but I loved that and he had a great ass. To my surprise he turned me down, saying "No man, I heard you are positive!” I told him that I didn’t know where he had heard that but it wasn’t true. He replied “No, Mark told everybody that he fucked you without a condom a few weeks ago. He said he felt really bad about doing it, but you let him nut in you three times and never even asked. Everyone knows Mark is positive, man!” I tried to play it off like it never happened, but my face was on fire and I just walked away. Sure enough, a few weeks late I came down with the flu. 'Fuck', I thought. This is a true story. But what do you think? Is it the end, or the beginning?
    1 point
  21. First of all, let me apologise for the delay in this story, many of you have been asking for this for a while but due to an old broken laptop it’s not been possible, however due to new machine here you go. As you may have worked out from my first story ‘Pozzing the Blond Boy’ I’m into young guys. I always love the chase, from chatting to them through to the actual meeting, persuading the guy to take my toxic poz cock deep in his body. I also like guys with cool hair. Not only does it look good, but I really enjoy running my hands through a guy's hair during sex. I chat with a fair number of cute young guys and seem to be an attraction for them. Why, I’m not sure why, but then I’m not complaining. So how did this story start. Well I was online chatting to a few guys and checking out profiles when I came across a picture that made me stop in my tracks: this young guy was model cute. Very cute face, 5’8” so slightly shorter than me and looked younger than he actually was, which I always find a bonus. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes, a lovely combination and his hair was what I’d describe as a young Justin Bieber swept to the side look, short at the back, also a favourite of mine. I decided I would send him a message just to say hello, not really expecting a reply. To my surprise I received a reply almost immediately. I won't bore you with all the conversational details because that’s not what you want to hear, but we both liked what we saw, his private pics revealed the cutest bubble butt you’ve ever seen, and a slim but slightly defined smooth body. Our conversations revealed that he was a virgin, very nervous about meeting and a bit unsure about himself. After chatting for a while he decided he wanted to meet. Now a guy like this, unsure about himself and nervous about sex is a young guy ripe for stealth breeding, a cute guy you just want to infect but I’d also got to know him quite well and felt kind of guilty so I started asking some poz-probing questions. He was unsure about taking my cock, however loved the look of it and decided he wanted to meet out and go for a drive and a chat. Just to say hello in person. When I pulled into the car park to meet him, always in the back of my mind if he was actually going to be there, but he was. This boy was amazingly cute, even better looking than his pics which were already stunning, he’d had his hair cut that morning so it looked great, neat but still floppy. He got in the car and we went for a drive. During the drive I steered the conversation onto sex, something which I could see was uncomfortable for him to talk about but he so wanted to do things with a guy that his hard cock started to show, I looked down and smiled but he seemed embarrassed, I told him not to be and guided his hand down to my thick poz cock that was hard and wet at the tip. This seemed to flick a switch in his head and he started rubbing my cock, it felt great but I needed more from this boy, I knew I couldn’t fuck him that day but wanted his sweet boy mouth wrapped around my hard cock. We found a place to stop and I leant over and kissed him, he kissed me back and was learning with every minute, I slid my tongue into his mouth as I grabbed his cock and he whimpered with pleasure. After a while I sat back, unzipped and got out my hard poz cock, pulled back the foreskin revealing a wet, pre-cum covered head, all worries about me being poz seemed to go from him as he wrapped his hand around my cock and started to wank it. I needed more and asked him to suck me, he went straight down and I felt his warm wet mouth slide over my cock, it felt amazing, I looked down at his sexy hair and buried my hands in it, something I’d wanted to do since first seeing his picture, it felt great between my fingers, thick textured floppy hair, this made me want to blow my toxic poz load in this boys mouth, but I didn’t want him to waste it, I wanted it swallowed. I put pressure on the back of his hair, pushing his head down, fucking my poz cock deeper into his throat, I told him I was going to cum and wanted it swallowed. I put more pressure on his head building up the pace until I felt my balls tense, I pushed his head down hard, right in the back of his throat and felt my toxic seed pumping deep inside, and he had no choice but to swallow it all like a good boy. After the meet we chatted a few more times and during the chat he revealed that he loved what we did and wanked about swallowing my poz seed for days after, so we arranged a time when his house was free to meet and take his virginity. The talk of poz seed was now turning him on big time and finally the day arrived. He opened the door and gave me a smile that could melt you, those gorgeous light blue eyes, that sexy floppy hair just waiting to be grabbed. As soon as we were in his bedroom I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply, as we kissed we undressed, my hands running up the back of that hair as he buried his tongue into my mouth with an almost primal urge. We got into bed, our naked bodies together, out had cocks fighting with each other under the duvet. After some intense kissing he put his head under the covers, not wanting that hair messed up I pulled the duvet down laid on my back and looked down at the top of his hair as he went to work on my cock. He was taking it deeper and deeper into his mouth, his floppy hair touching my stomach as he went down deep. This boy was doing such a good job, that I could have been there for hours but my brain was saying to me, breed this boy now! I pulled him off my cock and pushed him onto his back, lifted his legs revealing that tight virgin hole, twitching for its first time. I went down on his sucked his cock, tasting his sweet young pre-cum, then worked down to his hole, getting my tongue on and in it, by this time he was moaning with pleasure and now I wanted just one thing, this boy needed to be fucked, needed my high viral load deep in him, infecting him for the rest of his life. I slightly lubed up my cock but just left his hole wet from its rimming. I lifted his legs and positioned my cock at his hole. I told him it was time for him to lose his virginity and that it was going to hurt, but hurt in a good way and he’d love it. I slowly pushed my cock, his hole resisted at first but then with a pop my head slid in, he gasped in pain and tears started to form at the edge of his eyes, but there was no way I was stopping, this boy had given into me and now it was time to initiate him. With one push I drove my thick throbbing pre-cum covered cock right into his guts, he cried with pain so I held still to let him get used to me after all seasoned guys have difficulties with my thick cock so a virgin is definitely going to struggle, he looked up at me through those teary eyes and said, I want this, I want you. I started to slide all the way in and out fucking him deep, his cock started to harden with every stroke and with every stoke I drove it in harder until I was really ramming him, his hair shuddering with every thrust. I pulled out turned him over doggy and rammed my poz cock deep in that willing hole, with every thrust producing a whimper from him, I grabbed his hips and fucked his virgin hole into submission, his floppy hair bouncing with every thrust. I pushed him down on his stomach, laid on him and drove my now dripping poz cock, home, deep into his body, piercing and ripping his inner ring, I buried my hands in the top of that floppy hair while giving him a fuck he will never forget. After I had fucked him into the mattress for a good fifteen minutes I pulled out and revealed my poz cock covered in pre-cum and blood from this boys ripped hole, it was now time to infect this cutie and to have a connection like no other with him for the rest of his life. I turned him back over lifted his legs and rammed my cock home, he gasped again but this time it was in pleasure, his hole finally given up to my highly toxic poz cock. I drove my cock into him while he wanked himself, I could feel my balls building, tingling, my cock started to swell big time and as it did I leant forward, buried my hand in the top of his hair and kissed him. I couldn’t hold back any more, so I pushed in deeper than ever before and as I felt my cock pop in his inner ring it exploded, sending volley after volley of thick highly toxic cum into his guts, directly deep into his body, as I was pumping my high viral load into him, he moaned and then I felt his cock pulse and hot cum shoot between us coating my chest with his seed as I had just done to his arse walls. I whispered in is ear while he was still recovering with my cock in him that I’d just pozzed him and that he was a part of my club forever. I pulled out and told him to clean my cock with his mouth, which he did without hesitation, the enormity of what had just happened still not had time to screw with his mind. He cleaned it so well that I stayed hard, so got my hands on that hair again and told him not to stop, as you may know from my previous story I have a bit of a kink, I like to make sure the boy knows he’s mine. After he sucked me for a while I stood up, him on his knees and got him to bow his head forwards, I wanked my cock hard until I was ready to shoot a second poz load, I aimed it at him and unloaded all over that sexy hair, my strings of white cum laying on his hair, him looking up at me looking properly used. I rubbed my cum into his hair and told him he should keep it in for the rest of the day as well as my cum in his arse. I took a small pair of scissors and cut a full length lock of his hair as my trophy, another to add to the collection. We got dressed and chatted for a good hour about what had just happened, when it was time to go, I gave him a hug and felt my now dry cum in his hair, very horny, when I left and walked away it was a feeling of a job well done but also not the end of the story, after all he’s invited me back to do it all again!
    1 point
  22. Wanted to know which hotel is best 4 easy access....either Travelodge or premier inn preferably. Will be having door open cumdump session from 5 pm onwards in London Greenwich area . Cheers
    1 point
  23. Earlier today, a guy that I faintly recognized appeared as a recommended friend on Facebook. He looked familiar, but I couldn't recall where I would have met him. Then I remembered: He often cruised the restrooms at university and was known simply as "thick boy." He was quite short, maybe 5'6", and had an athletic build (well-defined pecs), pale white skin, strawberry blonde hair, nice reddish scruff, and a handsome face. But, most memorably, he had a very thick 7.5" cock, so thick you could barely wrap your fingers all the way around it. The first time we met, he had responded to a CL ad that I posted, and he agreed to meet up in one of the more remote, less cruised university restrooms. I preferred anonymous understall action, but when I entered the restroom, he was standing at one of the six urinals tucked in the back corner. There as plenty of time to compose oneself if someone entered the restroom through the old squeaky door. I approached the urinal beside him and pulled out my already erect cock. He was standing there in a thin t-shirt and baggy gym shorts, rubbing his visibly hard cock. He seemed really nervous, so I reached over and started to stroke his cock through his shorts. Damn, this guy's girth was unbelievable. After a couple of minutes, he finally pulled out his cock. I bent over and tried to take as much of his thick member in my mouth as possible. My jaw started to ache, stretched to its limit by his thickness. We didn't discuss in advance if he would be amenable to more than a blow job. He wasn't giving me any signals that he would be open to fucking my ass. He hadn't touched my cock, my ass, or any other part of my body for that matter. After several attempts to take a few more inches in my mouth, I knew there was no way I could get him off this way. So I spit on my hand and started to stroke him, occasionally sucking on the tip of his cock. I spit on my hand again and began to lube up my hole. With a firm hand gripping his cock, I quickly turn around and push his cock all the way into my ass. The pain, as you can imagine, was so severe I wasn't certain I could take it. I looked back at him, and he looked a bit freaked out. He quietly said that he couldn't fuck me raw, that he had a boyfriend and couldn't take any risks. He took a small step back, but my ass was pressed so hard against his body that his cock didn't come out. I started to rock back and forth on his cock, and he began to moan. He literally just stood there, letting me fuck myself on his thick cock. He didn't make any attempt to pull out or push me off his cock. So, I started fucking myself harder and faster. His body started to shake, and I knew he was close to cumming. Suddenly he said he was about to blow his load. To this day, I can remember what he said: "I can't come in you. I don't fuck raw. I only cum in my boyfriend." Once again he made no effort to pull his cock from my ass. I kept fucking myself, and then he simply said "fuck" and shot his load deep in my ass. Because of his girth, I could feel his cock pulse as it shot that hot load of sperm up my hole. I pulled myself off his cock, dropped to my knees, and cleaned him off with my mouth. He almost instantly got hard again. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the back of my head and shoved his cock into my mouth with such force that it slid down my throat--painfully. He face fucked me hard for a couple of minutes and shot another load. I would jerk off to my memory of that encounter for months afterward. We met a few more times after that, but he insisted on not fucking. Then one day when I was cruising another university restroom, he and another guy signaled they wanted to jerk off together with me. The other guy motioned for me to suck him, and when I bent over, thick boy spit on his cock and shoved it in raw until he blasted a load in my ass. After that encounter, I never saw him out cruising again.
    1 point
  24. Perhaps next time you’re with him you could obtain a clearer image. I could pass it along to someone I know in the trade, but this one is too small and muddled.
    1 point
  25. I'm leaning heavily towards going. I'd babysit for a bit but not the whole time. I'd like to be babysat in the same scenario myself. Wondering if NKP is going to be able to set up their party anywhere nearby?
    1 point
  26. Lots of good goals here, guys! Mine, for what it's worth, is to mentor someone. If I can help some fledgling bottom become a full-on cumdump or a vanilla twink embrace his own kinky side... I've been lucky enough to get a lot of dick myself, so maybe I can give back by getting others laid. ( ...and if that recharges my Karma card, then even better! Pay it forward and all that! )
    1 point
  27. My preferred position is still getting fucked doggy with the top thrusting into me. Hands on my hips pulling me onto him or on my shoulders (doing the same). Gets even better if I have a another nice dick to suck on while he's doing that and then them switching and taking turns ;-)
    1 point
  28. Saturday night (January 27th) found me at DenLA. Got there early to grab street parking, and was in the venue by 9:20. The event had just opened at 9, and there were about 6-8 guys there. Got a drink, and walked in to one of the rooms where 4-5 men had gathered. (It’s barely 9:30, the dance music is pounding), and guys are starting to get it on. One of the guys bends me over, and he stuffs his huge-headed cock up my hole. It stung for a second, but that fat piece of man meat got my hole loosened for the next 9 dicks. I stayed at the event for some 4 hours, and what amazed me was how fast the time seemed to go by. (Time flies when you’re getting your ass pounded with cock)! Despite the 10 fucks I received, I never saw some of their faces. Cock #7 was the one to jizz up my ass. He knew how to fuck a hole, he pounded me hard, but he never made a sound when he bred me. My only hint of that seed was when I felt the head of his dick swell as he dumped that load deep inside. Finally, been going to DenLA for a few years, and, lately I’ve had good luck cum collecting there. Can’t wait till the next event in February.
    1 point
  29. Hello all Thanks for all the fun times' ive had on here, im leaving this site because im not into this casual stuff anymore. take care everyone.
    1 point
  30. Fucking awesome story!!
    1 point
  31. The subject you brought up got me so excited I texted my 'slut mentor' and asked him to come over. Dude is ALWAYS ON TIME! I take pride in 'giving up my hole' now to any player after having played it 'safe' way to long and given it up to very few dude... My wing-man 'slut-mentor' played with my hole from 4 to 5! Too bad he isn't very verbal. But he told me ( 'post-coitus' ) that the way I TALK (lewd and dirty whatever) while he plays with my ass and breeds me, turns him on! Too bad I had to guess! I could have gotten raunchier! But I don't see his expression when I talk 'dirty' as he makes me lay down flat and does me from behind... I told him about this conversation WE (you 'tallslenderguy' and I) had on here about 'modifying the hole'. Well he went right to it, after leaving off at the four-finger challenge last time. This time he said: "Damn, have you practiced?" Well I didn't but my mind may have 'wrapped its head around' being violated the way the hardcore bros sometimes want to... I asked him if my ass looks more like a 'slit' than a hole now... he said: "You are getting there!" He want to 'work on it some more' next time! I can feel a major 'impact' from his ass-play! After all I'm mesmerized every time I see a dude with an 'elongated' hole! Even the young barebacker HELIX boys in porn have that fashionable GAPE slit going... Keep this thread going with more stories and feedback!
    1 point
  32. I guess that's your proverbial beer can...
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. This story is hot as hell and it read so easy. I love all the extra guys. It makes the story easy and horny too read.
    1 point
  35. Getting on my hands and knees and taking a tops DNA even it makes me poz because that is my purpose as a bottom
    1 point
  36. There are other events like this CLAW , MAL and you make friends and post adds on BBRT what you are looking for.
    1 point
  37. It completely makes me lose my hard on watching porn when the guy pulls out and cuts ON the hole. I don't care if he pushes it back in after. I'm done and they lost me at that point. It's 100 times hotter watching him pulsing his cum in deep into the hole. Now that gets me off.
    1 point
  38. Part 36 - Gym Muscle Daddy It had been a crappy day at work and it didn’t look like the next few were going to be any better. Mark sent a message to Eric asking what time he would be home and Eric replied “8:30-9.” “Damn”, Mark muttered and he decided to hit the gym. It had been a few days since Eric and him had tag teamed a Craigslist hookup and he was horny again. A quick workout and he could scope the guys and maybe get lucky. He got to the gym and went to change. The locker room was deserted which was an ominous start. He put his jockstrap on, then his gym shorts and finally a sleeveless t-shirt. He headed out and started his usual routine and looked around to see who was there that might have a willing hole. There were only a few guys around and none of them turned Mark on. Mark finished his workout and decided to hit the sauna for a few minutes before going home. He walked through the weight lifting room to get to the sauna, a shortcut he usually avoided since the steroid enhanced bodybuilders that usually were there he found annoying, arrogant and just jerks. He was surprised when there was only one guy there pumping iron. Mark checked him out, just like he usually did, and was pleasantly surprised. The guy was nicely muscled but was missing the thick neck and roid look. He seemed to be half way between muscle cub and muscle daddy, with a nice pelt of fur on his chest poking out of his tank top and a full but trimmed beard and closely cropped hair. He wasn’t the type of guy that Mark usually looked for, but he still considered handsome. As Mark got closer the guy said in a sexy, deep voice “Hey, bud. Can you spot me for my last set? I can’t believe no one is here.” Mark walked over and waited as the guy added another pair of weights on the bar and then spotted him as he did his set. When he was finished the guy said “Thanks, I really appreciate it. I’m Vince, by the way.” Mark replied “No problem, Vince. I’m Mark. See you around” and Mark headed back to the sauna. He grabbed a towel and took his clothes off, putting them in his locker and went in to the men’s sauna. He was the only one there and found a spot near the back and sat down on his towel, naked. He zoned out, trying to relax from the stress at work and heard the door open. He kept his eyes closed and heard someone come near and sit down somewhere close. He opened his eyes and saw the guy from the weight room. He looked even better naked and Mark tried to look him over without being too obvious. “Thanks again for spotting me. I like it when this place is quiet but today its deserted” Vince said. “Yeah, they must be giving away free donuts down the street or something” Mark joked and he heard Vince laugh. There was a pause and then Vince said “I haven’t seen you here before and I think I would have remembered you.” Mark laughed to himself as he thought “this guy is trying to pick me up.” “Yeah, this is not my normal time to work out, but I had a rough day at work and my partner won’t be home until late so I thought I’d get a workout in.” “Oh, you have a partner…” Vince started to say and Mark quickly said “its an open relationship” and gave him a wink. Vince smiled and moved a little closer to Mark who turned a bit to get a better look. Vince put his hand on Mark’s leg and began to rub it. Mark’s cock reacted and soon was getting stiff. Vince moved his hand from Mark’s leg to his cock and began to stroke it while looking at Mark’s face to see his reaction. Mark was a little surprised, since he initially thought the guy was a top, but enjoyed the handjob. Getting no resistance from Mark, Vince went down and started to suck Mark’s cock. Hearing no comment about the piercing, Mark assumed Vince had seen and swallowed them before. Vince sucked him really well, giving attention to every square millimeter of his cock and balls. Mark’s cock was leaking precum and Vince was edging him perfectly. Finally, Vince pulled off his cock, looked up at Mark and asked “Do you have a condom?” Mark could feel his cock soften almost immediately. “No, I don’t. I never use them” Mark replied. “Oh, I only play safe” Vince answered. “Sorry” Mark replied and got up. As he walked towards the locker room his balls ached and needed a release, but Mark had been in that situation before and knew he would get to drop his load in someone soon. He headed to the showers and picked the large one in the corner away from the others. He figured he could rub one out and get some relief. Mark pulled back the curtain and was about to step in when Vince walked up quickly behind him and said “I really need to get fucked bad and your cock is amazing. Can we still fuck?” “Its gotta be bare” Mark said. He could see Vince trying to decide and after several seconds he said “Uh, ok. But don’t cum in me.” Mark smiled and said “No guarantees, I can’t always pull out in time” knowing he had no intention of pulling out at all. Vince nodded and joined Mark in the shower. Mark closed the curtain and pushed Vince to the wall and went to his knees and started to rim his furry ass. Mark loved the thick hair on his ass cheeks and the hair around his hole. It gave him something to feast on and inhale the sweaty man scent from. He slicked up the hole with spit and then forced some spit inside. His tongue and finger warmed up Vince’s hole and he could tell that the guy would do anything to get his cock inside him. He stood up and played with his cock against Vince’s hungry pussy, hearing him moan quietly. Mark pushed in and felt the tightness begin to fade and his bare cock slowly entered Vince’s safe-only hole. Slow, short thrusts got longer as he got his raw, poz cock got deeper into Vince’s ass. Mark reached around and pulled the muscled stud against his body as he pounded his hole harder. “Doesn’t that feel better than a covered cock?” Mark said quietly into his ear. Vince just moaned louder. “Say it” Mark demanded and heard him say “oh my god yeah, it feels so much better.” Mark knew the longer they fucked the better chance they had of getting caught and he knew too well how they dealt with shower sex in the gym. He fucked faster and was drilling into Vince’s hole, the shower water barely covering the sounds of his body slapping into Vince’s firm butt and thighs. “I’m getting close. That ass feels so good around my cock” Mark said into Vince’s ear. “oh god yes, so am I” Vince said and Mark knew he had him where he wanted him. Mark rammed in harder, feeling the piercing and the head of his cock nudge Vince’s prostate each time until he felt Vince begin to shoot his load. The orgasms caused Vince’s ass to clamp down on Mark’s cock and milk it. It was no longer Mark’s fault that he bred Vince, Vince’s own orgasm betrayed him and got his ass filled with toxic seed. Mark planted his cock deep inside Vince’s hole and shot several spurts of his infected cum into Mr. Safe Sex. “Oh fuck, I’m sorry. It felt so amazing I couldn’t prevent myself from cumming” Vince said as both of them stood there recovering from their orgasms. Mark replied “Yeah, you came before I could pull out. Your ass clamped down on my cock and I filled your ass with my load,” Vince pulled off, embarrassed, and quickly walked out of the shower back to his locker. Mark finished his shower and then went back and changed clothes. He tossed the towel into the bin and headed towards the front door. He almost made it when the guy at the front desk whistled at him and he knew he had been busted again. Mark turned and walked to the front desk where the attendant said “You know the rules, Mark. Cough it up. Mark opened his wallet and pulled out a twenty and handed the bribe over to the smiling attendant. “Hope he was good” the attendant said as Mark finally got to the door. A couple days later Mark sat in his car after work. The last three days had been stress filled disasters. Nothing seemed to be going right at work. He texted Eric asking what they were doing that night. Eric replied he had to work a bit late, but he wanted to hit the gym since he hadn’t been all week. Mark told him that he would go too and Eric could meet him there. Mark got to the gym and changed into his usual workout gear and headed off to start his regular workout routine. The gym was busier than it was the last time he was here, but it was still pretty empty. He had no idea when Eric would finally show up, so he took his time with his workout. He decided to take a break when he finished and spend some time in the sauna. He went to take the shortcut through the weight room and saw through the window Vince working out inside. Mark smiled to himself and walked in and as he got near said “Hi Vince” and kept walking. He heard a faint “Hi” back. “Fucker doesn’t even remember the name of the guy that bred him a few days ago” thought Mark. Mark put his workout gear in his locker and grabbed a towel before going into the sauna. Mark sat in the same place as last time. There were a couple other guys in the sauna this time, over on another wall and talking to each other. Mark sat there on his towel, naked, and enjoyed the relaxing steam. He heard the door open and looked, seeing the other two guys leave. He closed his eyes again and about a minute later, the door opened again. He cracked his eyes open and saw Vince walking towards him. Vince sat down next to him and didn’t say anything for a few minutes and then told Mark “Sorry about running out like that last time. I was kinda embarrassed. I don’t do things like that with guys I don’t know.” “Hehe, yeah. Thats what I guessed. Don’t worry” Mark said. “It was fuckin’ hot though. Thanks” Vince said. “Yeah, I enjoyed it too” replied Mark. They stood there in silence for a little while and then Vince reached over and stroked Mark’s cock, feeling it get harder in his hand. Vince got up and kneeled in front of Mark and started to suck his cock. Vince was taking the whole shaft into his mouth and throat, playing with the piercing with his tongue and licking up from the base to the tip. “He likes it if you play with his balls while you suck” Eric said, standing right behind Vince. He had snuck in quietly and found Mark exactly where he expected him to be. Vince froze. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but he was very vulnerable in the position he was in. He didn’t think it was someone from the gym staff busting them, but an angry husband/partner was a good possibility. “Don’t stop. I like watching him get sucked” Eric said as he got on his knees and pushed his face into Vince’s hairy ass. He smelled the musk and licked the sweat and zeroed in on his tight ring. Vince gasped before swallowing down on Mark’s cock again, this time fondling his large balls at the same time. Mark looked down at his partner feasting on Vince’s pussy and remembered he hadn’t told Eric about his rendezvous with Vince the other day. When Mark saw Eric lean back and prepare to fuck Vince, he said “We’re gonna have to go somewhere if things go any further. I already had to pay a fine for our fun the other night, Vince.” Eric looked at Mark with a grin and Vince leaned back and looked surprised. “Oh, sorry. Uh, my apartment is a couple blocks from here” offered Vince. Mark nodded and said “Cool, then we don’t have to rush it.” The three went into the locker room and put their clothes on, skipping a shower and leaving with the sweat from the sauna on their bodies. They walked over to Vince’s apartment with few words spoken. Once inside the apartment, the three were tearing each other’s clothes off until they all stood there naked. Vince pushed the coffee table aside and Mark sat down. Vince was on his knees in a hurry and started to bring Mark’s cock back to life. Eric went back to rimming Vince’s hole. Eric, satisfied that Vince’s hole was lubed enough with spit, got up again and looked at Mark, hoping he wouldn’t stop him this time. Mark looked at Eric and smiled, wondering if Vince would bring up condoms again. Eric rubbed his cock against Vince’s pucker and heard Vince moan around Mark’s cock. Eric added some pressure and felt Vince’s hole start to open and he entered the muscle daddy’s tight pussy. Mark put his hands on the back of Vince’s head, hoping to prevent him from speaking and watched Eric start to fuck Vince. 

Vince didnt put up any fight and seemed to be enjoying Eric’s bare cock inside him. Eric got a good tempo going and felt the hole open up and then get sloppy from his toxic precum. Vince started to work his ass on Eric’s cock, milking it or just gripping it hard. Eric’s thrusts got harder and he really was pounding Vince’s cunt. Vince wasnt slowing down on Mark’s cock either and Mark was afraid he was going to waste his load in Vince’s mouth. Mark saw Eric change his fuck style and knew he would be breeding Vince very soon. He knew the grunts and the stabs from Eric’s cock well and counted down until the moment he would shoot. “Three… two… one… BAM!” Mark said and Eric started to shoot his viral cum just as Mark said “BAM”. He knew Eric hadn’t shot a load in several days and while he had hoped his ass was the one that was going to get it, but Mark thought that Vince could use it even more. Vince let out a loud moan around Mark’s cock and then slowly pulled free of the shaft. “OH FUCK!!!! That feels so good” Vince said as the spurts from Eric’s cock slowed. Mark got up and moved around to Vince’s ass and Eric took Mark’s spot on the couch. Vince started to suck and clean Eric’s cock and Mark slid his cock into the freshly poz bred hole. He fucked rougher than Eric and wanted to make sure that his piercing did as much damage as it could to Vince’s fuck chute. Vince’s moans from Eric’s fuck were now groans while Mark pounded his ass. Mark had already been close to cumming from Vince’s sucking and was trying to delay the inevitable, but it only took several minutes before he was depositing his virus laced cum into Vince’s cunt. Vince pulled off of Eric’s cock and was grinning from ear to ear. “Damn that was so hot. I love feeling your cum inside me.” Vince said. Mark looked at him curiously. “Last time you wanted a condom fuck. What happened?” “After you fucked me last time I realized how much better a raw fuck was. I met a bud last night that had been wanting to fuck me raw for years and he fuckin bred me three times. I’m hooked on it, I guess” Vince said. Eric looked at Vince and asked “Are you a bottom or vers?” “Mostly bottom, but I fuck sometimes” answered Vince. Eric pulled his legs up and exposed his hole over the edge of the couch. “Like now?” asked Eric. Vince moved closer and rubbed his dripping hard cock over Eric’s pussy. He pushed in and felt the warm, slick hole surround his cock. Eric had taken a load from one of his assistants at work just before he headed to the gym, and the virally enhanced cum had been stewing in his hole since then. Vince fucked awkwardly into Eric’s hole, his cock coated with poz cum. It only took a few minutes of slow fucking before he pushed in and felt the cum shoot from his cock into Eric’s colon. He pulled out and Mark pushed Vince on to his back on the floor and sucked all the cum from Vince’s cock and balls. Mark and Eric got up and put their clothes back on. They thanked Vince for the good fuck and headed back to the gym. “You’re getting pretty good at getting those safe-only guys to take bare poz cock, Mark” Eric said as they walked back to their cars. “I guess I’m just that good of a fuck” Mark said laughing.
    1 point
  39. Damn! This is such a fucking HOT chapter again! Thanks!
    1 point
  40. I appreciate the comments. Thanks! ---------------------- Part 23 - The Receiver Joe walked up to the ATM and got some cash out. Looking at the balance, he said to himself “I guess I am going to have to turn some tricks and make some money.” He walked into the apartment and picked up his laptop. He logged in to an escort site he used and made a few changes to his ad and reactivated it, but didn’t state his new HIV status. It pained him when he put “Safe or BB” in. He hadn’t used a condom in years, but he figured it would give him a bigger customer base. He opened a new browser window and logged into Craigslist and re-posted the ad he usually used titled “Looking for Generou$ tops or bottoms”, making similar changes. He smoked a bowl and started to study. Joe was alone in the apartment. Kyle was at the library doing research with his team for one of his classes and he hadn’t seen Steven all day. Late in the evening his phone buzzed. It was a response from his Craigslist ad. “Yo, dude. I hired u a few times b4. Horny n need some dick n ass. u free tonite? same $?” Attached was a pic and he remembered the guy well. He was a wide receiver on the football team. Terrence. He was a tall black guy with a lithe chocolate skinned body that he liked to show off. Every time Joe saw him he had another tattoo. He had that balance between muscled and flexible that made him perfect for his football position and also for fucking. And he was hung - eight and a half inches of thick uncut cock that Joe really enjoyed. The guy was bi, but no one knew, and had been in the newspaper about his issues with women. Joe knew he liked his sex rough and assumed that he crossed the line with many of his female partners. Joe, on the other hand liked it rough, especially if they were paying. But Terrence also had a tender side to him after sex, where he wanted to cuddle and make out after a hard fuck. The best part was that the guy was versatile and loved to flip fuck. Joe had a dilemma. He didn’t want to end up on the front page of the newspaper as the guy that infected the star football player of the university’s team, but this guy was a great fuck and had no problem paying Joe to keep his need for gay sex quiet. Joe sent back a reply “I’m free the rest of tonite. Have HIV now, need to fuck covered. $ame. Your place?” He wasn’t sure he should put the last part, since he figured once the guy saw HIV he wouldn’t be interested. Five minutes later he got a reply “np, no condoms. same place. 9pm.” Joe smiled and headed into the shower. While taking the shower he wondered “Did he mean he didn’t have any condoms or he wanted to fuck raw?” He grabbed a few things and tossed them in the gym bag he used when escorting. He kept the bag stocked and ready for his next escorting gig. It had a few toys in it, a blindfold, some rope, lube, a jar of elbow grease, poppers and box of tampered condoms. He also grabbed the box of condoms that Mark had brought over the day he gave HIV tests to him and Kyle. Joe drove over to the apartment building the football player lived in. It was a really nice building with a doorman, probably paid for by the athletic department or from one of the team’s doners. He had been here several times before and knew the drill - check in with the doorman, wait for the ok and then go up the elevator to the top floor. He handed the doorman his fake drivers license that he used when escorting - “Dave Stillman”. Terrence knew Joe’s real name from the times they ran into each other in the locker room that the teams shared, and also his escort name. The doorman got the ok from Terrence and Joe was knocking at the door in a minute. The door opened and Terrence stood there, completely naked, his cock hanging low and getting hard. As Joe walked in, Terrence gave him a big hug and said “Damn I missed you. Thought you had had stopped selling that hot ass of yours.” “Yeah, things have been a bit crazy lately” Joe said as the hug finally ended and they walked into the apartment. Joe dropped his bag and started to take his clothes off. “Poz, huh? How long?” Terrence asked. “I found out a couple weeks ago. I brought some rubbers” said Joe. “Fuck no, I only fuck raw and I ain’t gonna stop now. That ass of yours is even hotter now” Terrence said and laughed. “You’re the customer” Joe said, getting more turned on. He dropped his shorts and was standing there in just his red jockstrap and he bent over to get the lube out of his bag. Terrence ran his fingers between his ass cheeks and Joe moaned. As he stood up, Terrence handed him a wad of bills, obviously more than his normal one hour rate. Joe looked at him quizzically. Smiling, Terrence explained “I’m fuckin’ horny and you’re gonna be here a couple hours. After i knocked up that last ho, the coaches won’t let me fuck any bitches until after the season.” Joe smiled and kneeled down and started to suck the monster cock that kept getting longer. He licked and sucked, digging his tongue under the foreskin. He remembered it took a while to open his throat up enough to take it all the way down, but Terrence kept pushing it deeper. Terrence grabbed his head and started to fuck his face, forcing his thick cock into Joe’s throat. Joe was covering the shaft with spit and throat slime. Occasionally he would scrape his teeth along the cock as he pulled back, something Terrence loved. Several minutes later, Terrence shoved his cock in and held it deep in Joes throat. Joe massaged his cock with his throat muscles and then realized he wasn’t letting up. Unable to breathe, Joe started to panic. He tried to pull back, but Terrence just pushed his head down harder. His body started to spasm and then he started to get light headed. Right before he thought he was going to pass out, Terrence pushed him off his cock and shoved him to the couch. Joe was gasping for air as he knelt down on the sofa, facing the wall. Terrence’s tongue poked into his hole and he began to rim him. Joe went from panic to ecstasy in a few short seconds. Terrence added a finger, then two, next to his tongue, opening up Joe’s hole. He felt a hard slap on his ass as Terrence grunted “Ready, whore?” Joe felt the head of Terrence’s cock on his hole and he pushed back, preparing for the penetration. The pressure got greater and he relaxed to let the big cock into him. Once the head got inside, Terrence kept pushing until the shaft was poking at Joe’s inner ring. One hard thrust and Terrence was through and waves of pain and pleasure ripped through Joe’s body. Pulling back, Terrence began to assault Joe’s hole. The pace varied from fast to slow, gentle to rough. Terrence always had stamina, Joe remembered. Joe got flipped over on to his back, without Terrence’s cock coming out of him. The pounding resumed and he got to look at the stud fucking him instead of a wall. Suddenly Joe felt Terrence slam into him, ripping past the inner ring and his cock began to pulse. The shots of cum didn’t seem to end and a warmth filled Joe. Terrence leaned forward and kissed Joe as the last spurts of cum filled his belly. They laid there for a minute as the adrenaline faded and Terrence pulled his cock out of Joe’s throbbing hole. As usual for his fucks with Terrence, they laid on the couch making out after sex. There was lots of kissing and feeling each other’s bodies and Joe felt the cum dripping out of his gaping ass. Terrence stopped kissing him and held his head saying “I want you to fuck me now. I need that poz cock inside me.” Joe’s jaw dropped and he replied “Dude, I can’t do that. I’m really toxic and you’ll get pozzed up.” “I want it. My uncle is poz and he’s the one that showed me how good sex with men could be. He won’t fuck me anymore since I’m not poz” said Terrence. “Shit, uh, I don’t think I should…” Joe said as his mind raced. “Look fucker, I’m paying you and you’re gonna do what I say. Now get that dick hard and fuck me” yelled Terrence. In all the times he had been with Terrence, he had never gotten violent or even raised his voice. Joe was really turned on by being told to poz fuck a neg guy. He took a breath and pushed Terrence’s muscular legs up and curled him up, so his ass was in the air. Terrence held his body there as Joe pulled his hard cock out of the pouch of the jockstrap and stroked it while starting to rim Terrence’s hole. He knew Terrence would be tight, since he was probably the last guy to fuck him a few months earlier. Once his hole was covered in spit he reached for the lube and pushed some lube inside the jock’s hole. He finger fucked Terrence until he felt the ring loosen a bit. His hole was warm and velvety inside and unprepared for the onslaught that was about to happen. He finger fucked him a bit longer, adding two and then three fingers in. His fingernails scraped as he twisted his fingers around his hole. Joe was trying to decide what position to fuck him in - he was already on his back and that would be easy and he could see Terrence’s face as he pumped his toxic seed inside, but he knew that Terrence liked getting fucked doggy style so Joe could get good leverage and pound him hard. Joe rolled Terrence back down on the couch and then turned him so he was on his knees facing the wall. “You really want this?” he asked Terrence sternly. “Yeah, fuckin’ breed my hole and knock me up like a bitch” Terrence replied. Joe rested his cock against the jock’s neg hole, the piercing laying on the ring, as some precum dripped into the hole. He put his hand over Terrence’s mouth and shoved his cock in. His hand only partially muffled the scream from Terrence. Once his cock was fully planted inside, he leaned forward and said “Yeah, you’re gonna become my poz bitch now. You wanna be a poz boi? I’m gonna make sure it happens. I’m gonna keep fucking you until your body gives up the fight and the bug takes over. It’s gonna be my bug that haunts you for the rest of your life.” Joe started to pound Terrence just like Terrence had done to him so many times. Joe felt his PA drag along the walls of Terrence’s fuck chute. He would jab and shove in different directions trying to make sure that his toxic precum coated everything. He pulled out and looked at his cock and didn’t see much red, so he rammed back in and drilled the tight hole some more. Soon he was pistoning his cock in and all the way out before jamming back in. The head of his cock started to hurt from the PA getting tugged and pushed with each thrust. He went back to hard fucks with his cock staying inside the battered hole with each stroke being harder than the last. He looked down and watched his poz cock thrust in and out of Terrence’s hole and marveled at the contrast of his pale cock against Terrence’s darker ass. Finally he couldn’t hold back and felt the constant drip of precum being replaced with gushes of virus filled cum shooting into Terrence’s cunt. He pushed deep, hoping his bug was seeping into the football player’s body. Terrence let out a moan as he felt the cum flood his guts. Resting on Terrence’s back Joe pumped his cock in a few more times and stopped. “You got more, dude?” asked Terrence. A smile came over Joe’s face and he said back “oh yeah.” Slowly Joe started fucking again and looked down to see some cum escaping Terrence’s ass and making a frothy pink ring around his cock. This was going to be a quicker fuck but just as brutal. He drilled the no longer tight jock ass, slapping it occasionally. His balls tightened up and he thrusted in a few more times before his balls delivered another round of buggy sperm inside Terrence’s pussy. He tried to shove his cock in a few more times, but it had already started to soften, so he slowly pulled his cock out and fell on to the couch. Once again, Terrence was there cuddling with him. “Thanks, man. I really needed that” Terrence said. “You got a few days if you change your mind. You can get treated to prevent it from infecting you” Joe said in an almost motherly tone. “Nah, I’d been thinking about it and when you said you were poz I knew I had to do it” Terrence replied and added “Did you really mean it when you said you would keep fucking me until I’m poz?” “Yeah I did” answered Joe. “Tomorrow’s Friday and I got shit to do. Saturday’s the game. Sunday’s always suck. How about we meet Monday night and you can give me more of that hot cum?” asked Terrence. “I can’t do Monday. How about Tuesday?” Joe offered. “Yeah, I can do that. Same time.” “Cool” said Joe as he got off the couch, got dressed and collected his things. He picked up the stack of bills on the table and said “Thanks” holding the money in the air before stuffing it in his pocket. Walking into his apartment he pulled the money out and counted it out - Terrence had paid him for three hours. Looking at his phone he had been there two and a half hours. “What a fuckin’ great way to get paid” Joe said to himself. Steven got home and took a shower and kept thinking about his hookup with Ryan and then Jeff. “How the fuck could I have done something so stupid. Pozzed up a virgin who doesn’t even know if he’s gay?” he said to himself. He dried off and went to his room and put on his work uniform. He walked into the restaurant and got ready for his shift of bussing tables again. He waited for Ryan to show up and he did right before his shift started. It was a busy night for a Thursday and he never had a chance to talk to Ryan privately. They walked out together and about a block from the restaurant Steven ended the silence asking “How’s Jeff doing?” “He was still dazed when I left him. I tried to talk to him but he just stared back at me with a blank look” Ryan said. “He could go to the clinic tomorrow and start pep. I really don’t know what came over me” Steven said. “Dude, he begged for it. It’s not your fault. And damn, that was hot to watch you pop his cherry and breed him full of poz cum. I kinda wish I got that second load, but fuck. I blew my load when you came in his virgin ass” Ryan told Steven. Steven said “I didn’t want to breed you. I hope you’re ok if it takes and you get pozzed.” “Oh yeah, I hope you keep breeding my ass until I’m pozzed up. I want it more now than ever” Ryan replied. They got to the spot where they normally split up to go home. Ryan and Steven kissed for a long time until Ryan stopped. “I need to get home to check on Jeff. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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  41. Part 22 - On the prowl Steven had been quiet for a few days. Joe and Kyle kept asking him if he was ok and he just lied and said everything was good. He remembered that Joe had said he could stay a few weeks and he knew his time was up. But he was running out of money and knew he wasn’t welcome to work at his parent’s restaurant any more. He had been out hitting other places looking for a part time job that would work around his school schedule and finally found one at Antonio's, one of the nicer restaurants in town. It was the type of place professors took their spouses or mistresses to or for business meetings wooing people to donate to the university. The manager liked his clean-cut looks and polite conversation. “Too many of these students come in here looking for a job with tattoos, piercings and long hair. I need staff that don’t look like they’re homeless” he told Steven. It helped that he had experience being a waiter, bus boy and kitchen helper. His first night he had to fill in for a waiter that didn’t show up and the manager watched him like a hawk. He hustled and did as best he could, learning the menu during any spare time he had. At the end of the evening, the manager came up and thanked him for doing a great job without any training. Steven counted up his tips at the end of his shift and was really happy. The customers here tipped a lot better than his parent’s restaurant. He looked around as he sat at a table with his new coworkers, finally getting to meet them. His gaydar was getting better and he thought that all but one of the waiters was gay. The bus boys all seemed to be straight and he thought only one of the kitchen staff was gay. He felt pretty comfortable and was surprised at how helpful everyone had been. As he went to leave one of the waiters came up to him and gave him a slip of paper and whispered “Call me if you need any help figuring this place out or want to meet.” It was Ryan, a tall dark haired guy with crystal blue eyes that was about his age. His skin was smooth and he had lips Steven would like to kiss for hours. He noticed that he had a circular barbell earring in his ear that he didn’t remember seeing earlier. Steven went back to the apartment and sat on the couch with his laptop and went through the 'Roommate wanted' ads seeing what was available. He didn’t want to leave, but didn’t want to overstay his welcome either. Joe walked in and sat next to him and turned on the TV. Looking over at the laptop screen, Joe asked “Whatcha doing?” Steven’s eyes began to tear and said “Well, you said I could stay here for a few weeks after my Dad threw me out and it’s been that long. Now that I have a job, I’m looking for a place to live.” Joe turned his head and looked at Steven. “That was then. I really didn’t know you and didn’t want to give you the impression that you could stay here forever. Now that I do know you and we’ve bonded like brothers, I want you to stay as long as you want. If you want to help with the rent, that's great. If you can’t we’ll figure something out.” Steven closed the laptop and hugged Joe, crying. Joe, Kyle and Dennis had become his family and he didn’t want to do anything to lose them. “Now, we should do something about getting you a bed instead of the couch,” Joe said as he stood up and went to the playroom. “Let’s take out the inflatable bed and the floor tray, put the sling back in its bag and get some boxes for the toys. It’s up to you to figure out what you want to sleep on and we can find a dresser at a garage sale. Does that work?” “Oh god yeah. I’ll sleep on the couch until I get my paycheck and get something then. Thanks!” Steven said. Steven went to work the second day and found himself bussing tables the whole night and kept glancing at Ryan when he could. At the end of the night he walked outside and waited for him to leave and the two walked around talking and finally ended up at an all night diner and got some coffee. Their conversation had avoided anything to do about their sexuality or relationships. “I’ve seen you around campus but never had the nerve to talk to you,” Ryan said. “Oh? I didn’t know I was intimidating” replied Steven. Ryan chuckled and said “No, its just that I’ve never been good at picking up guys. I don’t know what to say and I’m afraid they’ll be straight and beat me up.” Steven looked at Ryan and said “So, you figure I can’t beat you up?” Ryan’s face turned pale and said “Oh, shit. You’re straight. Fuck! I’m sorry,” and he started to slide out of the booth. Steven grabbed his hand. “No I’m not. Stay. I was trying to be funny.” Ryan moved back into the booth and sighed with relief. They started talking about all the things they avoided earlier in the night and found they were similar in many ways, but Steven was avoiding the topic about him being poz. Ryan looked at his phone and saw it was almost midnight. “I don’t want to, but I’m going to have to go. I have an 8:00 AM class and my roommate hates it when I come home late and wake him up.” He put down money for the coffees and the tip. “Before you go and before we go any farther, I need to tell you something. I don’t want this to get too far before you know,” Steven said. Ryan looked at him concerned. “I hope you’ll keep this just between you and me, I don’t want anyone at the restaurant to know, at least not yet.” Ryan’s look got even more grim. “Are you a vampire?” he said with a nervous laugh. “Almost. I have HIV,” Steven said quietly. “Oh” Ryan replied, his face emotionless. “I understand if you don’t want to go out me. I hope we can still be friends,” Steven said. “I need to think,” was all that Ryan said as he got up and walked out of the diner. Steven cried most of the way back to the apartment and curled up on the couch and fell asleep. He went to classes the next day, but he was down. He showed up at the restaurant and looked for Ryan but he wasn’t there. When he asked, he was told it was his day off. He worked the rest of the night not talking to anyone - cleaning up tables, setting tables up, delivering food to the tables and sweeping floors - just doing his job. Exhausted he walked out of the restaurant at the end of night and made it to the end of the building when he heard a voice from behind him. “I’m sorry I left you like that last night,” Ryan said. Steven stopped and turned around. “I understand. Can we at least be friends?” he asked. “I hope more than that. The news just took me by surprise. I didn’t know what to do,” Ryan explained. Steven’s heart started to beat faster. He asked “You’re okay with it?” They started walking down the street “Yeah, I am. I’m actually surprised I’m not poz too, with some of the crazy things I’ve done. Sometimes I wish I was,” Ryan said. “Oh? You want to tell me what kinds of crazy things you’ve done?” Steven asked as he started to smile. Ryan took a deep breath and said “Uh, you’re not going to hate me if I tell you?” Steven replied “Of course not, I’ve done some wild things too.” Ryan said “I’ve done a few gangbangs as a bareback bottom and I have spent a lot of time at the glory hole at the adult book store sucking and getting fucked and bred and sometimes fucking. I’ve kind of done things like that to make up for not having a boyfriend.” They walked several blocks until Ryan had to turn to go towards his dorm and Steven had to go the other direction to the apartment. Ryan took Steven’s head in his hands and kissed him passionately. “Can we meet tomorrow afternoon?” Ryan asked. “Uh, sure. I have classes until 2:00. Where do you want to meet?” Steven asked. “How about my dorm room, or is that too bold?” Ryan replied. Steven chuckled “Uh, it doesn’t mean anything is going to happen.” Steven got Ryan’s phone number, dorm building and room number, and some directions. He kissed Ryan and headed toward the apartment, feeling much better than the night before. Steven got up earlier than normal and cleaned his ass out well and then showered and got dressed. He packed his backpack with the few things he would need for class and then added a baggie with a condom that he hoped was still good, lube and poppers. He got to campus early and found the building that Ryan lived in and then went to his first class. He was nervous and excited at the same time. He couldn’t concentrate in either of his classes and only ate a granola bar for lunch. When his second class finished up he sent a text message to Ryan telling him he was on his way. Steven’s stomach was in knots as he walked into the dorm building and walked into the elevator. Waiting for the elevator to get up to the fifth floor, he took the poppers, lube and condom and put them in the front pocket of his jeans. Getting off the elevator, no one was around, much to his relief. He wandered down the hall and finally found Ryan’s room. He took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened and there was Ryan, standing in front of him with a big grin, almost naked except for some jogging shorts. He looked up and down his body looking at every detail. Both of his nipples were pierced and he had two star tattoos poking above his shorts, one on either side of his cock. His stomach had a perfect six pack and there was light hair on his pecs and a trail leading to his cock. His legs were toned and also lightly furry. He could only imagine the cock that was hidden in the shorts. Steven walked in and set his bag down before pulling Ryan into a hug and kissing his soft lips. Typically for a dorm room, the only chairs were at the desks and the only other place to sit was on the beds. Ryan led Steven over to his bed and they sat down, one at each end. Steven said “I feel a little overdressed or you are underdressed.” “This is what I normally wear in my room. Its always too warm in here and I prefer to wear as few clothes as possible,” Ryan replied. Wondering how long they had alone, Steven asked “So, when does your roommate come back?” “Oh, he doesn’t get back until six in the evening on Thursdays,” Ryan replied. Steven wondered if they could talk for three hours or what Ryan had planned. Maybe talk for an hour and he would go home. While his mind went through all the possibilities he said “Oh, cool” out loud. “You can take your jacket off, unless you want to be ready to run away,” Ryan joked. Steven smiled and took his pullover off and tossed it over next to his backpack. He kicked off his shoes and sat back on the bed. They talked for a while and Ryan moved next to Steven and pulled his shirt up and off. His hands rubbed over Steven’s body and he leaned in and kissed Steven. Their kiss got more passionate and their tongues danced in Ryans mouth. Steven started to move his hands over Ryan’s chest, rubbing his pierced nipples. Ryan moaned as he played with his nipples and it was obvious that Ryan’s cock was also responding. Steven pushed Ryan onto his back and they continued to explore each others bodies. Ryan reached down and unbuttoned Steven’s jeans and unzipped them, pushing his hand inside Steven’s underwear. Steven’s cock was hard and got harder with Ryan’s grasp. Ryan let go and started to push his pants down and Steven moved back and took them off and stood there in front of Ryan, naked for the first time. “Fuck, you are so hot,” Ryan said as Steven reached over and pulled Ryan’s shorts down. He climbed back on the bed and pushed Ryan’s legs apart and laid down on top of Ryan, kissing him and grinding his body against Ryan’s. Their cocks were rubbing against each other as Steven started to hump Ryan. As the intensity increased, Ryan stopped and looked up at Steven and said “I need you to fuck me.” Steven panicked and wasn’t sure what to do. He got up and fished the condom and lube from his jeans and got back on the bed. His cock was rock hard and throbbing. He looked at Ryan and started to rip open the condom when Ryan said “No, I want it bare.” “But, I’m poz and not on drugs. I could give it to you,” Steven said, wanting desperately to fuck Ryan. “I know. I don’t care. I want you to fuck me and breed me. Please,” Ryan pleaded. Steven put down the condom and tore the lube packet open and slicked his cock up. He put more lube on Ryan’s hole and slid a finger in, pushing some lube in deep. As his finger came out, Steven started pushing his cock in. He felt Ryan’s hole relax and his cock slid in. He worked his cock in deeper and began to drive his cock in hard. Steven looked down at Ryan and saw his big smile and heard him beg for him to fuck him. “Oh god yeah, fuck me Steven. Fuck me with that poz cock. Give it to me,” Ryan said. Steven got turned on hearing him beg and he started to get verbal too. “You want that raw poz cock inside you? Coating your cunt with toxic precum? Yeah, you want me to knock you up, don’t you? Turn you into a poz pig? Is that what you want?” Steven slammed his cock in hard as he asked each question. They were both sweating and the bed was shaking. Ryan’s legs were laying on top of Steven’s shoulders and Steven’s body was bouncing off of Ryan’s firm ass. “Yeah, give me that dirty seed. Make me your poz bitch. Knock my ass up with your poz cum,” Ryan begged. Their eyes were locked together. Steven’s thrusts got more ragged as he felt his balls tighten up “Oh yeah, I’m gonna knock that neg ass of yours up. I’ll breed you good with my toxic seed,” Steven said as he pulled all the way out and drove back into Ryan’s hole. He did it a second and then a a third time. He pulled all the way out and asked “Ready to get pozzed, Ryan?” Ryan replied “Oh god YES!!!” Steven slammed in and felt his cum shoot. He had several days worth of cum built up and he pumped his charged up cum into Ryan’s hungry neg ass. Steven’s body shook with each spurt and Ryan’s hole milked every drop it could. Steven looked down at Ryan who had a big grin on his face. “Fuck that was so hot and dirty. I never heard anyone do poz role-play before. Did you really fuck him raw?” said a voice by the door. Both Ryan and Steven looked shocked. It was Ryan’s roommate Jeff and he walked up and looked at the two of them, Steven’s cock still inside Ryan. Steven pulled back and as his cock came out, so did a large blob of cum. “Oh my god, you really did breed him. Can you fuck me like that. Tell me that you’re pozzing me as your cumming inside me? I’ve always wanted to do it, but never had the guts,” Jeff said. “No, I don’t think so,” Steven said and looked at Ryan incredulously. He couldn’t believe someone would interrupt people having sex like that and assume something this dangerous was only role-play. Ryan shrugged his shoulders and Steven chuckled. “Oh come on. It was really hot. Please?” begged Jeff. “You really want it?” Steven asked. “Fuck yeah, my cock is rock hard from watching and hearing you guys,” said Jeff. “Then get your fucking clothes off and get on the bed. Suck Ryan’s cock and show me that neg hole” Steven barked. Steven was surprised at the words coming out of his mouth. Jeff got out of his clothes in an instant and got on his knees in front of Ryan, bending over and revealing a hairless pink hole. Steven took the packet of lube and fingered some into Jeff’s tight hole. “Damn, is he tight” thought Steven. Jeff started to suck Ryan’s cock, poorly from the sounds coming from Ryan. Ryan started to force Jeff’s head down on his cock, trying to ignore the teeth that were scraping his cock. Steven kept trying to open up Jeff’s hole and was finally able to get two fingers in. “Are you a fucking virgin” Steven asked. A muffled “mmhmm” came from Jeff. “You fucking stupid asshole. You want a toxic cock for your first fuck? There’s no going back. I’m toxic enough to probably poz you with one load. Is that what you want?” Steven demanded. Jeff pulled off Ryan’s cock briefly and said “Yes, SIR. Knock me up like you did my roommate. I want to be poz like him.” Steven didn’t know whether he was pissed that he and Ryan got interrupted or turned on with this stupid neg boy begging for his poz cum. It didn’t really matter, he was going to fuck him either way. “Hold his head down” Steven told Ryan. He forced a third finger into Jeff’s hole and twisted it, scraping his fingernails on the soft tissue inside. Jeff screamed with Ryan’s cock muffling most of the sound. He pulled his fingers out and watched the hole shrink closed and then pushed his cock in. Another muffled scream came from Jeff. He waited a bit and then started to slowly fuck his cock into the no longer virgin hole. Jeff squirmed. After a dozen or so strokes, Steven had worked his whole cock into Jeff’s hole. He grabbed Jeff’s hair and pulled his head back off of Ryan’s cock. “Do you like that poz cock deep inside your ass?” asked Steven. “Yes, SIR! But it hurts” Jeff replied. “Stop fighting it and it won’t hurt so much” said Steven as he pushed Jeff’s head back down on Ryan’s cock. Steven got a good rhythm going and felt Jeff’s hole relax a bit. The occasional screams stopped and he could hear Jeff start to moan around Ryan’s cock. He got up on his feet and started to pound harder. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold off cumming much longer. Steven thrust his cock inside Jeff’s sore hole and held it there while pulling Jeff’s head up by his hair. He whispered in his ear “Be careful of what you ask for. We weren’t roleplaying. I really am poz and I’m about to knock you up.” Steven pulled his cock back and rammed into Jeff’s battered hole a few times hard and let loose five spurts of his poisonous cum deep inside Jeff’s fertile hole as Jeff said “Www..wwwhat?” Once he had finished cumming and his breathing returned to normal, he pulled his cock out and slapped Jeff’s ass. “Welcome to the club” he told Jeff. Jeff was even more pale than normal and looked stunned. He got up and staggered back to his bed, feeling the cum drip out of his ass and down his leg. He saw that the cum was tinged with red streaks. Steven sat down at the end of Ryan’s bed staring at Jeff. “Were you really a virgin?” Steven asked Jeff, who just nodded yes. “Are you even gay?”was Steven’s next question. “I think so, I’ve never been with anyone. I haven’t even really kissed someone” Jeff said quietly. “Do you even watch porn?” Steven asked. “Yeah, I’ve been watching some bareback porn lately and it really turns me on” replied Jeff. “Why would you interrupt us when we’re having sex?” asked Ryan. “I don’t know. I just got so aroused and wanted someone to finally fuck me. I’m sorry,” Jeff said looking down at the floor. “You might very well be sorry and you might be infected right now, too,” commented Steven. “Oh my god,” muttered Jeff. Steven grabbed Jeff’s shirt off the floor and cleaned his cock off with it and put his clothes on. Saying “I’ll see you at work later,” to Ryan, he walked out the door.
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  42. I was on a business trip in Pennsylvania and was surprised to find there was a video arcade within 20 miles that had glory holes and heavily a M4M clientele. I like to tell myself I'm not a BB whore (although I am), so I slipped a couple of rubbers, a bottle of poppers, and lube into my pocket and made the trip to the arcade. Although I found the place without difficulty, there was no actual signage, so the building looked to be abandoned. I approached the door, range the bell, and was buzzed inside where I paid the $12 admission fee and passed through the turnstile. Inside I found a few hallways, all of which were very dark, each hallway being lined with individual video booths. There were also a couple video rooms with rows of seats, and a few rooms at the back with benches. I could smell the stale cum and antiseptic cleaner everywhere. This place was seriously seedy. There were about ten guys hanging around, a mix of body types, though all looking eager. I finally checked-out an booth which, I saw, contained two glory holes, one cut into each of two opposing walls. Taking a seat, I pulled-out my dick and began slowly stroking myself to the porn on the screen. Before long a player arrived at each of the two adjoining booths. Dropping to my knees, I rested my fingers on the rim of each glory hole and was quickly rewarded on one side with a nice thick cock to suck. Getting into it, and sensing the guy in front of me was enjoying himself, I pulled off my shirt and pushed my jeans down to my calves, pulling a bottle of poppers out of my pocket. I took a hit, inhaling the scent of sex and acetone, and felt the welcome warmth pass through my body. My ass also wanted some attention. As I worked the cock in my mouth, I became aware a hand was reaching through the other hole, so I slid back far enough the guy could play with the tight muscles of my ass. I was bent over so I could keep my eye on the cock I'd been working in my mouth. He withdrew from the glory hole to see what was happening, and heard me take a whiff of poppers. That cock was beautiful. The hand behind me started fingering my hole, poking a bit roughly with too little spit. In front of me, I saw the guy applying lube to his cock. Immediately I felt a rush thinking he would take me raw. I turned around and presented my ass to the glory hole, kicking off my flip-flops and one pant leg so I could position more easily. I inhaled poppers again, and almost immediately the head of that beautiful cock was rubbing against my arse, seeking the hole. I pressed back against the wall and moved my ass a bit. His cock slid in nice and smooth. "Fuuuuuuck yeaaaah," I moaned. He held inside me a moment, and then the fuck started. He was obviously playing for a long game, working me open with his cock, which got wider at the base, and setting a rhythm to his thrusts. I moaned and grunted, stroking my own hardon, vocalizing my satisfaction. I was standing naked in a dark video booth with my ass pressed against the wall and some anon cock boring into me. After a few minutes, the cock slid out of my ass. I waited anxiously, but heard the door to his room open. I stepped away from the glory hole, getting ready to present my ass the other direction. Then the door to my booth opened and in stepped a lean, handsome guy in his early 50's. I recognized the shirt tails I'd seen through the glory hole. He didn't say a word, but pulled his hard-on out and turned me around. I inhaled deeply from the bottle of poppers as he pressed my upper body into a corner by the video screen, my bare skin rubbing against that filthy wall, and my feet sticking to the floor. He slid his cock right back into my hole, and started fucking more vigorously than before. His hands held my shoulders for leverage as he propelled all seven inches inside my hole. I could distinctly feel his balls slapping against my cheeks, which left me even more excited. Pounding my hole for a good five minutes or more, we were both caught up in the pleasure. At once his rhythm changed, becoming more deliberate with each thrust. His grip on my shoulders tightened and he began grunting softly. The guy had decided to seed me, and I had no say in the matter. He stayed in my arse only a moment before withdrawing. He stuffed his spent hard-on into his pants, the lining bulging, gave a quick "Thanks" as he opened the door and slipped out into the dark hallway. I stood there panting in a poppers fog, my ass freshly bred, in a filthy little booth with my clothes strewn on the floor.
    1 point
  43. Part 12 The footsteps stopped just outside of the stall door. “Hola, perra” a voice said outside the door. The voice has a thick accent and the only man I knew in the company with a thick accent was the Mexican janitor. He was friendly with virtually everyone, especially the executives. The general rule for all the junior personnel was if one crossed the janitor then one had crossed every executive. “I heard there was a new whore in the company,” he said. I just moaned in delight. I lusted after this man, his tan skin, his dark hair and thick dark mustache. He always wore a blue overalls, which framed his ass. The zipper was never all the way up, as it was permanently about half way down his chest, which exposed the forest of wild dark hair which covered his chest. I had long before noticed he also sported a thick long tube which was positioned down his right leg. Each time I saw his tube my cock twitched and my hole puckered. “You know you wand Hector’s salchicha” he said. I could hear him unzipping the overalls outside the door. “Got a big load of crema for you,” he said as the stall door creaked open and he stepped inside. I could see his work boats behind me and the legs of his coveralls. I wanted to see that dark bush, that big tube, its foreskin and his sac, but he moved too quickly of me to see, instead without introduction, he was rubbing his cock up and down my crack, his foreskin moving back and forth over his cock head as he did so. I moaned loudly as I heard him removing his overalls, dropping them to the floor about his ankles. His legs were massive, muscular and very veiny. They were covered in thick dark hair as well. I wanted to turn around and lick them. I wanted to explore his furry body. If his legs were this hairy I could only imagine how hairy his ass was and his crack. He slowly started to squat down, giving me more of a view of those legs. His cock came into view and I about shot my load all over. It was thick, very thick. It was at least a good nine inches long and the foreskin covered its head, hanging past a good inch. His crotch was covered in a thick black bush that went from hip to hip. “That’s one disease filled cono!” he remarked. I watched his hand slowly stroke his cock, pulling back the foreskin, exposing his head hidden inside, then covering it back up. My cock was drooling pre-cum as I watched, and so was his, or at least I thought. “Got a nice case of the morning drip for you hole.” He abruptly stood, ramming his cock into my hole. I yelped as he slid into me balls-deep, his thick cock stretching my hole open. “Heard you received a load to day with the deadliest catch and another with the pox,” he cheerfully commented. “Yes I did.” “Now I am going to give you the drip.” He pumped his cock in and out of my hole, his pendulous balls swinging, his hands gripping my hips as he rammed into my hole. I suddenly hear the outer door open, the restroom was filled with someone whistling. I could hear someone's foot steps moving closer to the stall door, as the whistling likewise got louder. Then I heard the squeak of the stall door opening as a voice I didn't recognize asked “Mind if I join you, Hector?” “Feel free. His hole at the other end is open.” The new man made his way between us and the divider. Once at the front, he stepped over the nasty old toilet, bringing his crotch right in front of my face. His hands, which were covered with white fur, slowly worked the zipper of his dress pants. I could hear the zipper sliding down and as he opened his fly, at which point I glimpsed some additional white hair. He reached inside and pulled his cock and balls out. Surrounded by the white, his cock began to twitch and grow, slowly it expanded to double the size it was soft, then it was almost triple in size. He lifted his cock and pointed it at my mouth. I eagerly opened my mouth and slide my lips over his cock head. He let out moan as my lips slid slowly down his shaft. I took a deep breathe through my nose and slid all the way down, pushing my nose in my side his zipper and into the wiry white crotch hairs. He grabbed the back of my head and pumped a couple times, letting me know he was in control, steadily fucking my ass with his big uncut cock. The skin moving as it slid in and out of my hole, felt amazing causing me to squeeze his cock with my hole. My hole was slick from the two loads that were in my ass. I wondered if I should tell Hector he was plowing his cock through cum with HIV and Syphilis. I was moving my mouth up and down the mature man’s cock. I could feel the spit coating it and then collecting at his balls. It soon was running down the man’s sac. He wasn’t much of a leaker of dick slime, but I was still enjoying his cock. Hector started to speed up his thrusts in and out of my hole, his cock thickening and hardening. “Hector’s about to load up that hole” the mature man announced. “Big load is churning in my balls, Señor!” I could feel his balls still swinging as he thrust in and out, my cock jumping as he slammed into me, slapping my stomach. I clamped down on his hole, squeezing my hole on his cock. “Oh shit, here it comes,” he yelled, slamming into my ass hard and deep, grunting and shaking as he emptied his balls into my hole. I could actually feel his legs shaking and rubbing against mine. In fact he held onto my body for dear life when, near the end of his orgasm, his legs started to buckle out of exhaustion. But all good things needed to end, so I wasn't surprised when, after he withdrew, Hector quickly pulled up his coveralls and headed out. “Have work to do, Sir, thank you for the little break.” “Anytime Hector, we wouldn’t run without you,” the mature man said. After Hector left through the outer restroom door, the mature man pulled his hard cock from my mouth. He slid down and sat on the toilet as he announced “Now that we are alone, my boy,” he said, “I want to have a little talk with you.”
    1 point
  44. Part 11 I squeezed my eyes even tighter shut, as the unknown person came into the stall. “Don't turn around, eyes forward the whole time,” a man said, “understand white?” “Yes Sir,” I replied. I knew the voice, but could not put a name to it. I heard his belt being undone, followed by a zipper and pants dropping. Hands gripped my ass cheeks and spread them apart. I could hear them man drop to his knees. His hot breathe invaded my crack, heating my hole. I moaned softly as he pressed his face into my crack. I could feel a bushy mustache rubbing and poking me as his tongue licked around my hole. The mustache gave away the identity of the unknown man eating my ass. It was the VP of Human Resources, Mr. Warren. It was his voice that I heard and it was his mustache that I was feeling. Damn what was with the married men in this company? My mind wondered if he also was infected with the deadly virus. Mr. Warren stood and rubbed the head of his cock around my wet hole. “How many loads are in you now, whore?” he asked. “One Sir.” “We will change that soon enough.” He started to push his hard cock into my hole. I pushed my hole out allowing him to easily enter my hole. His veiny cock slowly slid into me deep. He didn't stop until his crotch was pressed against my naked ass. Gripping my hips he began to slide out, until his head was pulling my hole outwards. He didn't hesitate and slammed back into me. I grunted loudly, to which he slapped my ass. I jumped. He continued to pull out to his cock head and then slam in. Only every now and then he slapped my ass. The noise from the slap would echo inside the bathroom. His balls were swinging as he fucked my hole. I pushed back meeting his thrusts in, driving him deeper into my ass. I tried to remain quiet, but every now and then I would softly grunt. His moaning was loud and adding to the echoes of the bathroom. "Fuck whore, your hole is fucking hot” he said. I moaned my response to him and pushed back on his cock more. “Gonna dump a big load into you” he said, “don't have to worry about knocking you up.” I moaned even louder. My cock was swinging back and forth as pre-cum was oozing out of my cock. He was pounding my hole harder and harder. His cock had thickened and was rock hard. “You want it, don't you? You want my cum up that cunt?" “Yes give me that load.” “Of fuck, here it comes,” he yelled slamming his cock deep into my hole. “Breed me deep.” He pumped his cock in and out a bit, mixing his load with that of my boss. “Squeeze hard,” he said, “I don't want you you lose my load.” I tensed up my muscles as he pulled out. He wiped his cock on my ass cheek and the pulled up and started to leave. Once the stall door closed he said “Your next cock should arrive soon, so stay put.” “Thank you Sir for your load.” “Thank me for more than that” he said. “I just shot a load of syphilis up that ass.” “Thank you Sir for your virus.” “Your boss’s gift was AIDS, my gift was syphilis. Who know’s what the next cock will bring you?” With that he left, leaving me bent over a old stained toilet, with two loads up my ass, one with AIDS and one with syphilis. The door to the restroom opened and I could hear footsteps coming to the stall.
    1 point
  45. Part 4 My boss pulled out of my hole. I could feel it gaping open. He climbed on the bed where his cock sprawled across his hairy thigh. I stood on the bed, straddling his hips, my hole teasing his cock, which left my cock pointing right at his face, just inches away. “You know, if we want to insure I infect you,” he said, “we need to do a little prep work.” “Is it too late?” I asked. “Not at all.” “I was trying to do that when I first started to finger your sweet hole.” With that his hand snaked its way up to my hole, where his finger nail ripped at my hole. It stung like a paper cut. He started to push it inside, at which point some of his cum dripped out, coating his finger. Once inside, he hooked his finger and start to scratch the inside of my hole. It wasn’t too painful, but it definitely hurt. He pushed in more and scratched the walls of my hole. Once he thought his work was done, he withdrew his finger, which was now coated in his toxic cum. i thought he was going to give it to me to taste, but it went into his mouth and he sucked it clean. “Your ass and my cum taste awesome together,” he remarked with a slight chuckle, as he slowly jacked his cock, which was gradually responding by stiffening up. He displayed his prowess by taking his shaft at the base tightly in his fist, holding it straight in the air. “Sit,” he ordered. I slowly squatted down as my boss aimed his cock at my hole. It wasn’t long until the big head was pressing against my hole. Bracing myself with the old wooden head board, I dropped lower onto my boss’s cock. His cock head popped into my hole with ease. “Drop down don’t stop at all” he said, “until you are balls-deep.” I took a deep breathe of air and dropped, loudly exclaiming "Fuck me,” even if, after two fucks, it still was a little stretch to accommodate his pole. Soon enough, however, I could feel his balls against my ass, his crotch hair as well. My cock and balls were resting on his hairy stomach, tickling them. “Now ride my horse cock,” he commanded. I lifted up until I could feel the head of his cock on my hole, then dropped back down. The boss let out a groan as I fucked myself. I picked up speed causing the mattress to squeak again. My boss was thrusting his hips upward, which pushed him back against the head board. His thrusting action was causing the head board to knock against the wall again. “Fuck his ass good, buddy,” said a voice in the next room. “Third time,” my boss replied, “come over and watch. Door's open.” “Oh fuck, yeah,” the other voice answered. I continued to ride his horse cock as we heard a door slam shut next door. My hole was sucking his cock back in as a knock came from the other side of your door. The door opened and a man came in. He was shirtless and was holding his open jeans up. He pulled up a chair to the bed, dropped his jeans to his ankles and sat down. He was toned and had a few tattoos. His cock was average in length, but thick. His crotch was shaved, as were his balls. He looked like a drug addict, but was too clean cut to be one. “My whore didn't show,” he said, “so I have been huffing poppers and jacking to you guys fucking.” “I got lucky,” my boss said, “this whore works for me.” “Fuck yeah,” the stranger said, “loved the poz roleplaying, made me shoot.” “Fuck, it’s not role-play,” my boss said, “I'm fuckin' infecting him.” “Oh fuck that’s twisted.” I continued to ride the horse cock, when my hole got to the head, I paused giving the stranger a good look at my boss' cock. I watched as the stranger as he stroked his hard cock. I could see a shine on his cock head from the pre-cum he was leaking. “Your next load you can shoot in his ass” my boss told him. “I’m not poz.” he said, “hell, I can't be since I'm in the Marines.” “It’s cool,” my boss muttered as he placed his hands under each check of my ass, helping me fuck myself on his cock. My cock was bouncing off his stomach each time I hit bottom. I could see the Marine out of the corner of my eye, he was huffing poppers and jacking his cock, his balls bouncing as his hand moved up and down. My boss’s cock was slick with the cum that was oozing down his shaft from my hole. My ass was wet from the cum that had started to coat his balls. I was leaving a little bit of pre-cum each time my cock hit his stomach. The Marine, meanwhile, had gotten up and moved to the edge of the bed, still stroking his cock. His cock was rock hard, as if he was ready to cum soon. “Feed me that load,” my boss said. The Marine quickly jumped on the bed and stood between me and my boss. He was straddling his body, cock to his face and ass to mine. I could smell the musk coming from his body, especially his ass. It was intoxicating. “Open wide,” the Marine instructed my boss, as I continued to ride my boss's cock, which was getting harder and harder. “Here it comes," the Marine announced as his body stiffened as he started to grunt. My boss moved forward bringing his mouth closer to the Marine’s cock. I could see the balls of the Marine bounce a little as he shot is load in my boss’ mouth. As soon as he was done, he jumped off the bed, put on his jeans and ran out. My boss’s face was a mess. It was covered in cum, even in his goatee and in his hair. “Did you taste any?” I asked. “A little, that cannon shot out everywhere, and kept firing,” he replied. “I need to clean you,” I suggested hopefully. “Not until I load your ass again,” he answered, adding “I’m so close.” I started to move up and down on his cock faster. My legs were beginning to ache from squatting so much and would be sore over the weekend. My boss’s breathing was becoming more rapid. He moved his hands to my shoulders, just resting them there as I bounced up and down on his cock. “Here it comes,” he yelled. “Shut the fuck up you faggots,” yelled the Marine in the next room. “Fucking going to load your ass,” my boss yelled even louder as he pushed me down hard onto his cock and held me there. His cock jumped inside my ass, depositing it’s third toxic load deep into me. I could feel his cock slowly softening inside me as it stopped shooting it’s load. With that I leaned forward and started to lick and suck all the cum off my boss's face, swallowing it. As I did so, I felt his cock slip out and fall between his legs. “I need to shower and head home” he said with a sigh. "Get dressed and be gone when I get out.” I stood up, moving off the bed and dressed quickly so I heard the shower come on as I left. Getting into my car and heading home, I was lost in the memory of what just happened. I had the weekend to processes the events: my boss using me three times, force-pozzing me, and I acquiesced to his designs, without even a fight.
    1 point
  46. As a submissive bottom, I thoroughly enjoy being manhandled by my top. I love rugged masculinity and being used, reduced to a fuckhole! Just use me, i'm here for his pleasure. I'll trade discomfort for his load.
    1 point
  47. True, it really depends on what that respective Top is looking for. Some want to show how their cock can make the bottom cum (maybe even without touching his own dick), others don't even care if the bottom cums at all. Got fucked by that muscle daddy once and I came early on during our session, because his cockhead was hitting my prostate over and over again. As soon as I'd shot my load, my hole got even more sensitive and really started hurting as the fucking progressed. So I complained to the Top and told him about my hurting pussy. Next time we met, he made me jerk off before he even touched my ass and also fucked me a lot harder than during our first encounter - at least that's what it felt like to me. And I think he did it on purpose. Guess he liked me to be in pain...
    1 point
  48. Austin's Big Move to the City (P4) Austin climbed into his bed as the sun was coming up on Monday. He lay there thinking about all the men he met who fucked him over the weekend. He was still flying on the drugs in his system when he decided to get up and get his chores done. As he cleaning out the stable he saw John & Matt cleaning up the play room. They were a little surprised to see Austin hard at work after such a long weekend. John leaned over to Matt and said "That boy is going to earn both tattoos real soon." The couple only told Austin of the one tattoo, the biohazard symbol, but never told him of the second tattoo they planned for him to receive. This second tattoo was the brand that they had on their horses. This tattoo in no way indicated that the couple owned Austin, but would signify that he belonged with the couple. They knew that Austin would be pleasantly surprised when they would have it tattooed on his right butt cheek. The biohazard tat was planned to go the right side of his chest. After Austin finished up the stable John grabbed him from behind, slid his cock inside the teen's cum filled hole as Matt guided Austin's mouth to his hardening tool. The teen was spit roasted as the couple couldn't not resist using the teen's holes. Moans escaped Austin's lips around Matt's cock as the couple took their time pleasing themselves - and their house boy. Pre-cum leaked from Austin's cock as it seemed to gain some life. The three seemed surprised that his cock was beginning to harden as he got used. After all the partying Austin had been doing it seemed that his body was learning to adapt to the chems. John reached down and began to stroke Austin's seven inches in rhythm with his fucking. John could tell that Austin was close as he closed his eyes and began to let his load build. Matt could no longer hold back as he filled the teen's mouth. Austin then left go of his pent up load with such a strong orgasm that made his ass clench down so hard John thought it was going to cut off his dick. The sensation caused John to shoot his load into Austin's ass as the two held up the teen when his legs gave way under the strong orgasm he was experiencing. "Damn boy, I thought your ass was going to break my cock off." As Austin caught his breath, "Oh, fuck, I've never had shot so hard in my life." In fact, Austin had shot a large load of his sperm onto the floor of the play room. "I'll clean that up right away." Matt let Austin know, "That's OK, I'll be happy to wipe that up. Why don't you go relax and lay down." Austin was still energized from the weekend, "Thanks. Let me clean the pool and take a dip and then I'll make breakfast for us." Austin moved on and cleaned the pool and took his normal swim as the couple finished cleaning the play room. They didn't think Austin would be active much longer before he stated to crash. The teen was swimming around as he began to slow down. He knew it wouldn't be long before he'd crash. He headed into his room and barely made it to his bed before he was out. Austin slept till Tuesday morning when he woke before dawn. He was very hungry and knwe he hadn't rally eaten anything since Friday. He got up and fixed himself something to eat. After he finished he went about his normal routine. Things went along as they had been during his first week at his new job. Friday Austin called his parents as scheduled, but he wasn't feeling himself. He did his best to hide from his 'rents that he was not feeling well, especially his mother, but once he had hung up the phone he was ready to give in to being sick. He wasn't sure what was planned for the weekend but all he wanted was to climb into bed and sleep. John noticed the way Austin was feeling and instructed him to go to bed. Complying with John's order, Austin gave into his illness and also crashed hard. He suffered from severe body aches as well as a bad sore throat. He vaguely thought he was going to die, and yet he also intermittently worried he wasn't able to perform his daily duties. In fact, his employers were caring for him while performing his house boy chores, and knowing of Austin's conscientious view towards his duties, John and Matt came into his room where John said "We know you're dedication to your duties is important to you. It has become your identity here with us, but right now we need you to rest and let this run its course. In a few days, maybe three or four, you'll be feeling better and will be ready to resume your duties." Sure enough, come Monday afternoon Austin was starting to feel better. In fact he was rather horny wanting to please the men who were caring for him. John came into his room to check on him to find a naked Austin playing with himself. "Looks like someone's feeling better." "Yes I am and I'm betting you could use some 'relief'." Austin got up on he knees and reached for John's soft cock as his employer climbed onto the bed. Austin worked his mouth and throat on John's hardening tool. John reached for Austin's ass feeling that the teen had already lubed his hole. Austin was rewarded with a couple of John's fingers as he felt Austin's throat message his throbbing cock. "You're getting really good at all this my boy." Austin pulled off of the hard tool to look up at his employer, "Pleasing you, pleases me John." John placed his hand on the back of Austin's head as he pulled the teen in for a kiss. As the two kissed, John positioned Austin onto his back. He then positioned himself between the teen's legs lifting them up as Austin guided John's hard member to his lubed up hole. John easily slipped inside as a moan was heard from the boy beneath him. This was a passionate fuck for the two. As John slowly rocked himself inside Austin the two continued to kiss. They were startled by Matt's voice, "I see someone is feeling better." John didn't dare break his rhythm as he rode Austin's ass. Matt walked in and grabbed Austin's hard dripping cock from his belly. He leaned in and whispered something to John. John replied, "That's an excellent idea." John then reached into grab Austin and flip them both over so that Austin was now riding John. John held the teen in close as they continued to kiss. Suddenly Austin felt a hand on his back as he realized that Matt was now on the bed, and that Matt had begun to slide his cock in next to that of his partner. To his amazement, Austin felt his hole stretch and he rode the pleasure of the double penetration. Austin moaned and whimpered a bit as both cocks became lodged inside him. Now the couple were simultaneously fucking their house boy. Austin's cock seemed to grow harder as the couple passionately worked his hole. Austin recalled the passionate fuck he received from Matt during his first week working when he stared to feel deep in his groin an urgency. Before he knew it, his cock exploded spewing his cum between John and himself. His orgasm was strong and seemed to go on forever when he heard John grunt and felt one of the hard cocks inside him spasm, followed by the other. The three collapsed in a heap as each man struggled to collect his breath.
    1 point
  49. I've been going to the BH for years (as a neg and poz guy), never known anyone to fuck there with a rubber. Try the steam rooms or the darkroom on the top floor
    1 point
  50. Reese had just seeded his new fuck boy Christopher with three loads of his toxic seed after introducing Christopher to G and T. He laid on top of Christopher with his- softening prick still buried deep in the boys ass when he heard a noise from the living room. His roommate and the guy who had done to him (almost 2 years earlier) as he did to Christopher introducing Reese to G and T came in the apartment that they shared. His name was Brad. Brad was a tall, muscular leather type who loved to use and abuse a hole. Although Reese was one of his conquests, he was not the only one that Brad used this way. Brad often visited the baths and college johns where he could easily prey on unsuspecting college boys willing and unwilling holes that he would poz up any chance he could get. Reese informed Brad of his consequence and Brad wasted no time in fixing himself a slam to share with Christopher. While Reese began to smoke some T from a pipe he kept handy, Brad prepared to slam himself then used the same needle to slam Christopher for the second time that night. When Brad was ready to give Christopher the slam, Reese took a big hit off the pipe and kissed Christopher, exhaling the smoke into the boys lungs and Brad stuck the needle in his arm and shot in the young bucks second slam of his life. Reese felt the cough from Christopher as they kissed and moved out of the way so that Brad could get between Christopher's legs and take his well seeded ass. All Christopher could say was fuck, fuck, fuck! Brad looked down on him and rammed the entire length of his 9 and a half inch cock deep in the boys hungry ass. Christopher could only moan as Brad fucked him hard and deep. Pushing Reese's cum deeper into his ass. Reese went out and got water and Viagra's for all. Upon returning he slipped 2 little blue pills along with some X in Christopher's mouth and gave him some G laced water and told him to swallow. Reese then gave Brad the same just before taking his own similar dose. Reese knew that with T it would take two 100 mg Viagra's to get Christopher and himself hard and help Brad keep his death stick rock hard for hours. Christopher was feeling really good. He was getting into being fucked and looked over to Reese who was still sucking on the pipe. He reached up and Reese leaned in to kiss him as they again shared the smoke as Reese exhaled. Reese broke off the kiss and moved down to take Christopher's dripping cock into his mouth. As he did this, Christopher turned his head and pulled Reese over him so that he could get at Reese's cock. As the Viagra took effect, both Reese's and Christopher's cocks began to respond and grow. Reese was impressed with the sucking skills of the young buck. He wanted to give Christopher his first taste of cum and hopefully Christopher will be addicted to it and be the cock and cum whore that Brad had turned him into a couple years before. Brad began to breath heavier and asked what Christopher wanted. Christopher paused his cock sucking to simply say he wanted more of what he's been getting all along that night. Brad took that as a sign and hammered home his seed deep into the former virgin hole. Brad was a heavy cummer and knew that he shot a lot of his charged sperm into the teen. At that moment Christopher resumed sucking on Reese's cock and felt his own balls churning. It didn't take long for Reese to begin swallowing the young buck's neg load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed into the willing mouth of the teen. Brad did not slow down. He kept up a good pace, and whispered into Reese's ear as he rose up from his position sucking Christopher's dick. Reese disappeared as Brad continued to fuck he seed deeper into the young studs hole. Without missing a stroke, Brad picked up Christopher and flip over so that Christopher was now riding his dick. Reese came back with a large, needle-less syringe. When Brad saw that Reese was back he stopped fucking into the boy. Reese came in behind Christopher and massage his shoulders, slowly moving his hands down his back till he reached just above his eager hole when he inserted the syringe around Brad's dick and shot a good booty bump into Christopher. Christopher could feel the burn as the T took its effect directly on his already hungry ass. As Brad waited as the T soaked into Christopher's well fucked ass, Reese resumed massage Christopher's back and as he moved back up to his shoulders and then down to his low back Brad nodded, giving Reese the signal to make his move. Reese pushed down on Christopher's back as Brad pulled him in to his chest. Christopher was really tweaked now and was not really aware what was about to happen until he felt Reese push his cock in along side Brad's. Christopher looked back over his shoulder at Reese as he moaned out more from the pain then the pleasure he was experiencing earlier. The two wasted no time in fucking into the well stretched hole as Christopher began to moan and simply said that this felt great. Brad was a lot close to cumming then Reese was since Reese had shot 4 loads already and Brad had only deposited 2 loads. Now they were going to give Christopher multiple loads at the same time. After 2 good slams a booty bump, smoking some T and an X, Christopher could barely hold himself up. That's when Reese grabbed him from behind and held him close as the 2 fucked his ass without mercy. Load by load was shot into the studs ass as he floated through his chemical and sexual high. After almost 2 hours of constant fucking, both Brad and Reese needed a break and a shower. They pulled out and carried Christopher to their large shower and turned the water on. Brad and Christopher entered the shower and after they rinsed off, Brad placed his hands on his shower mate's shoulders, pushing Christopher to his knees. Christopher wasted no time in taking Brad's soft cock into his mouth to suck. As he was sucking on Brad's dick, Brad slowly let Tina piss slip from himself into Christopher's mouth. The unsuspecting new cock whore swallowed the Tina piss without even realizing what he was doing. The Tina piss found its way into his system giving him more of a high. As Christopher sucked the piss from Brad's dick, he also was bringing life back to his cock. Brad then pulled his new cock whore to his feet, turned him around to resume fucking him, but before he slid his now erect cock into the boys ass, he slid his fingers in to massage the already plentiful cum into Christopher's ass. Brad had 4 fingers easily in his hungry ass then he went for broke and placed his thumb along side and tried to gain entry with his fist. It was almost in when he gave up, knowing another slam would get his fist deep in the boys rectum. He positioned the boy and slid is dick in as Reese climbed in the shower to rinse off. Brad fucked another load into Christopher before the water started to get cold. They climbed out, dried off and went the living room where they sat and chatted for a while. Reese asked what Christopher thought of Gina and Tina. Christopher told the two studs that he loved it and wanted more. Brad asked if Christopher wanted some more right then, he replied that he did. Brad and Reese looked at each other and knew that hey had a knew cock whore for the coming fall. Another slam was prepared for all to share, but Brad had a plan for this slam. He discussed his idea with Reese and then they had Christopher get on his back as Brad began to finger his hole. It was very easy for Brad to get 4 fingers in Christopher and as he went for the fist he nodded and Reese gave Christopher a very strong slam. As the slam hit Christopher hard Brad slipped his fist inside the very hungry and willing ass. Christopher moaned in pure pleasure, pleasure he had never felt before. Reese began to stroke Christopher's leaking cock as Brad proceeded to move his fist deeper. As Reese was laying next to Christopher, Christopher reached over and took Reese's hardening prick into his had and pulled it towards his eager mouth. Reese took this signal and once again the 2 were in a 69 position. As The two mutually sucked the others cock into their hungry throat, Brad worked more of his fist and forearm into the hungry ass of the new cock whore. Brad suddenly felt Christoper's ass spasm and knew Reese was swallowing another load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed deep in the willing and eager mouth of their newly educated cum hound. Slowly Brad pulled his forearm and fist from Christopher's ass. Once Brad was all the way out, Christopher looked up and simply asked, who was going to fuck him next? Brad and Reese definitely knew then that a cock whore was born!
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