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  1. I finally completed the next chunk. Now to see if there is any interest or if its dead. There are 5 parts which I will post before I go out of town for most of July. ---------- Part 67 - Spring Break Joe was sitting on the couch after class. The TV was on showing the college basketball tournament as background noise and he was typing away on his laptop. His two phones were sitting next to him along with a list of topics he wanted to cover in the presentation he was working on for one of his classes. First, his escort phone buzzed alerting him to a new message. A few minutes later his regular phone chirped on the arrival of a message. It seemed that there was only a few minutes between messages and they kept coming. It was ruining his concentration and he figured he should read the messages together and then put the phones in silent mode for an hour or two. First he looked at the escort phone. The first was from a known number. He looked it up and it was a guy that he had met several times before, all before he got pozzed. The guy was a young farmer in his late twenties. Joe had helped him first by teaching him about gay sex and then coming out and then the guy lost his parents in a fire and Joe helped him through it. It had been almost nine months since he had heard from him last. The message simply asked “Is this Dave?” He chuckled but appreciated that it had been a while and the guy didn’t want to blindly text someone asking for an escort appointment if the number was now someone else’s. He replied: Joe: “Yes. Are you Blaine?” Blaine: “yeah. U still avail?” Joe: “booked for 3 weeks” Blaine: “damn ur popular” Joe: “LOL, I wish. busy with school then spring break” Blaine: “ok. call when u have time” The next message was from another previous client asking if he was free that Friday night. He replied that he wasn’t. He was going out with Kyle and that always took precedence. Grabbing his regular phone he saw 4 new messages: Kyle: “at library with project team home at 9” Patrick: “need to talk soon” Mark: “u have plans 4 spring break?” Paul: “u guys are good. both ur btms from party +” Joe got nervous with the message from Patrick. He hoped that the job hadn’t fallen through. He had stopped looking for a job since he had accepted the offer from Greg. The trip to California seemed a distant memory now. He texted back “ok, when? good or bad?” He then replied back to Paul: “;) they ok? u tag urs 2?” Then to Mark: “staycation. maybe job hunting” He set the phone down and waited to hear a reply from Patrick at least. He typed out some more on his laptop and his phone chirped. Mark: “shit! what happened?” Joe: “dunno. got msg from Patrick that we need to talk” He grabbed the pipe, checked that it still had some life in it and lit it, taking a big hit. He calmed down a bit and went back working on his presentation. A few minutes later the phone chirped and it was a reply from Patrick - “both, now?” Joe replied “ok. u call me.” The phone rang and Joe answered it. “Hi Joe. I know you’re probably freaking out about now, but don’t worry. We had a little issue with Greg and he’s no longer with the company. Some of the higher-ups questioned your hiring since Greg was so big on you, but I took care of it. He wasn’t the only one to interview you and everyone who did wants you to join. We talked while you were out here and I know your brother. He spoke really highly of you, but I know he’s biased. In the end, I don’t see a problem with you starting in July as long as you graduate. Just be aware that some important eyes will be on you the first few months” Patrick said. “Oh, thank god. I had visions of having to start my job hunt all over. I won’t ask what Greg did, but it must have been bad” Joe replied. Patrick chuckled and continued “Uh, yeah. On the non-work side of things, I’m now single and my knocked up ex is out of the picture. If you hadn’t guessed, your little new years party was quite effective in giving me the bug. I’d prefer to think that it was then, rather than Greg’s hotel get together.” Joe chuckled. “I hope it was the party too. The hotel thing with him was strange and I only got a couple more odd messages from him after that while I was out there and there’s been nothing since. The new years party was a lot more fun. Congrats on your freedom. I hope you find someone who treats you better. I take it you were able to do the deed?” Joe asked. “Hell yeah! The stupid fuck couldn’t understand why I suddenly wanted to top all the time after I got sick” Patrick said. “That’s fuckin’ cool. I want to hear about it sometime” Joe replied. “Yeah, that kind of leads to the other thing I wanted to ask you. Are you going to be able to join us in Chicago during Memorial Day weekend? I have a room reserved for you. We’ll cover the cost of the room, but you are responsible for getting there. I just need you to confirm a week before, ok?” Patrick replied. “I think so. Can my boyfriend share my room?” asked Joe. “Yeah, no problem. Some guys are sharing their rooms with guys from the office and others are bringing in their partners so they will have a room to themselves. There’s one guy I think you’ll like who wants to make it a positive weekend. Oh, Raphi will be there too with his new magic trick” Patrick said. “Yeah, he told me once he got the test result. It will be fun seeing you guys again” Joe said before asking Patrick to keep him in the loop and then goodbye. He sent off a message to Mark “job still ok. why did u ask about spring break?” Mark: “I never did spring break. saw a deal. thought u n kyle might like it” Joe: “not in budget. gotta save for apt n car. CA more xpnsv than here” Mark: “My treat if u can get to Chicago, Dallas, Denver” Joe: “maybe. need to talk to kyle” Kyle and Joe talked and decided to take Mark up on his offer. Soon a packet showed up in the mail with all of the information - vouchers for the airport shuttle, airplane tickets and the brochure for the “LGBT-friendly” resort. They looked through the brochure and saw it proclaim that all packages were “All-inclusive” and “Over 90% of staff speak English” along with French, German and Portuguese. The pictures showed people swimming in pools, drinking at the pool bars, sunbathing, sailing on small catamarans, dancing in clubs, and eating at romantic dinners. They noticed that many of the people in the pictures were same-sex couples. “This place looks fucking awesome for a couple of homos” Kyle said. Joe and Kyle worked hard the next few weeks making sure they wouldn’t have any classwork waiting for them when they got back. They found out a friend of theirs was going back home for the break and lived just outside of Chicago. They could leave their car at his parents and get dropped off at the airport. The drive to Chicago was long and boring, broken up by a few breaks in rest area bathroom stalls for some fun. The final tally when they got to their friend Jaime’s parent’s house was 3 truckers, 2 twinks, 1 bear, 1 30-something businessman and 1 creepy older guy with only a few teeth who couldn’t bend over fast enough to have three college guys breed his hole. They got dropped off at the airport early in the morning with Kyle’s ass full of Jaime’s newly toxic nut. Kyle and Joe slept most of the flight and were well rested when the plane touched down in Cancun. They made it through customs and found their shuttle bus. It was easy to spot since there was small pride flag in the windshield. As the bus filled up they looked around and it was all guys near their age except for two guys in their late thirties (one cub and one otter) and two butch lesbians. Kyle looked at Joe and smiled, saying “Mark seems to have set us up good.” All the guys were rubber necking, checking each other out when the bus driver hopped in and closed the door. They drove to the resort which was in a secluded tropical forest right on the water. As they pulled up, Kyle saw four flags in the courtyard - the Mexican flag, the state flag, the hotel flag and a pride flag. Everyone piled out of the bus and grabbed their luggage and stood in line to check in. The guys were flirting with each other while waiting to check in. Joe and Kyle walked up and attempted to use their high school Spanish until they got hopelessly confused. The clerk laughed with them and tried to correct some of their bigger misuses of the language. He put their wrist bands on and then gave them their room key. They found their room which turned out to be an ocean view suite and a large covered balcony. The king size bed looked like a fun place and they saw the liquor dispenser on the wall. “All inclusive, baby” Joe joked to Kyle and then kissed him deeply. There was a knock at the door and Kyle reluctantly ended the kiss and opened it. “Hello. I am Javier. I am your room steward. I hope everything is good with your room. You can call me if you need anything” the guy said with a slight accent before handing Kyle a card. Joe and Kyle were mentally undressing the short, thin Mexican with a neatly trimmed beard and a bright smile. They stared just a bit too long, making it awkward and finally Kyle said “Gracias, Javier. Everything looks perfect.” “Thank you. Have a good day” Javier said and then turned and walked down the hallway. Joe and Kyle watched the nicely formed butt disappear around the corner and then laughed at each other. “I hope we get to tap that before we leave” said Joe. The two unpacked their clothes and looked through the info. They put their swim suits, tank tops and sandals on, grabbed some sunscreen and headed down to the pool. Kyle’s tattoo was mostly covered by his shirt and Joe’s covered the scorpion but the back of his lower leg was telling everyone he passed of his status. They walked up to the bar and said “Dos cervezas, por favor” in that uniquely American accent of high school Spanish, realizing they were better off sticking to short sentences if they spoke Spanish. The bartender responded “Can I see your wristbands?” They showed them to him and he then asked “Which one?” while pointing to the four beer taps. “Modelo Negra” Joe said and Kyle responded “Corona.” They got their beers and found two lounge chairs next to the pool. They sat down, stripped their shirts off and slathered on the sun screen. They laid back and enjoyed the breeze, sun and the music from the poolside DJ. After about twenty minutes, Joe rolled over and had Kyle help reapply sun screen to his back and did the same for Kyle. Another fifteen minutes later and the beers were empty and the sun seemed to be getting hotter. Joe got up and jumped in the pool and swam over to the pool bar. He ordered two more beers and then walked through the pool back to their chairs, looking around at all the guys. Kyle jumped in and they stood there talking at the edge of the pool for a while. They heard some noises behind them and saw that some guys had started a water volleyball game. It seemed to be six against four and they were trying to split a couple up to make it even. Joe yelled over “Need two more?” and the group yelled back “Yeah.” Joe and Kyle chugged their beers and swam over, joining the team of four. Once the game started, Joe realized quickly that these guys were serious about playing and it got physical. No one seemed to mind the body contact. There were splashes from guys diving to make plays and several times he collided with another guy going for the ball. A few times the other guy grabbed Joe while they were underwater and felt up either his ass or cock. One time he leapt into the air and when he came down the guy next to him reached into his board shorts and grabbed his cock and squeezed it several times, winking when he felt the piercing. He looked over a few plays later and someone had just ripped Kyle’s trunks off and was holding them up in the air. “Kyle, get those back on. We don’t want to get thrown out on the first day!” Joe yelled half jokingly. Kyle tackled the guy that had his trunks and slid a finger in his ass before grabbing his swimsuit and then releasing the guy. “That felt good” the guy said as Kyle put his trunks back on. They finished the game and both teams called a waiter over and ordered a round of drinks. They all stood in the corner of the pool and chatted, Joe behind Kyle with his arm around Kyle’s shoulder and chest. The guy that had taken Kyle’s trunks came over and said “Hey, I hope you didn’t mind me pulling them off. I kinda wanted to see what was inside. I'm Ian, by the way.” Kyle laughed and said “Its a lot bigger than the finger that went into you! Hi Ian, I’m Kyle and this is my boyfriend Joe.” “And probably a lot more dangerous too judging by the ink… Ah, boyfriend. I guess you’re taken for the week” Ian said. “He has a very long leash” Joe said and they watched Ian’s eyes light up. “So, I… uh… like the tattoo. Are you advertising or just like the danger that it hints at” Ian asked quietly after moving in closer. “I’m poz, if that’s what you’re asking” Kyle said. Ian seemed surprised at Kyle’s bluntness. “Uh, yeah. Ive run into guys who just liked the design and others that are fans of the band and others that just attract trouble” Ian explained. “Are you poz too?” asked Kyle. “Nah. Taken a bunch of charged loads but I’m still neg” Ian said. “If you keep taking them, it will happen eventually unless you’re on meds” Joe said. “No, no prep. I kinda like the risk of it all. Nothing hotter than a guy telling you right before he cums inside you. I love that rush” Ian said. “Sorry, I gave away the surprise then” Kyle said with a wicked grin. Joe decided he wanted to extend this cat and mouse game and asked “so, is that your boyfriend that you were paired up with during the game?” Ian chuckled “Nah, he’s just a friend. We tried being fuckbuddies but we’re both bottoms. Neither of us is very good at topping, but we like each other and do a lot of stuff together, just not sex. We joke that we’re like an old married couple in a sexless marriage.” “Where are you guys having dinner?” Joe asked. “We’re on the cheap plan, so we get either the buffet or the big restaurant. I see you have the primo wristbands so you can hit them all” Ian replied. Joe chuckled “We didn’t know. My brother got the trip for us so we don’t know what the hell he bought.” “Be sure to use all of the perks. You guys get sailboats, jet skis, free shuttle to the strip, and massages. Hell, they might give you free blowjobs too!” Ian said laughing. “With this crowd, I think everyone gets free blowjobs” Kyle said. Joe added “Except for the lesbians. Do you want to meet after dinner in the club?” “Sure. I should probably run through the shower before dinner. Meet at 8PM?” Ian asked. “Sounds good. I need a nap before dinner too” Joe said. “Siesta, Joe. It sounds more sophisticated” Kyle said with a laugh. Joe and Kyle dried off and grabbed their things and went up to their room. They started making out on the bed but were both sound asleep in minutes. Joe and Kyle woke up and realized they had been sleeping for almost two hours. They ran through the shower and dressed for dinner. “Thank god I didn’t get rid of all of the preppy clothes that my parents gave me” joked Joe. “And which fraternity house are you in?” Kyle jabbed back. The two were laughing as they walked out the door. Javier was walking towards them and Joe gave him a wink. “No ring. You think he’s straight, bi or gay” Kyle asked as they waited for the elevator. “Hopefully gay. He has a nice bulge and a killer ass so hopefully he’s vers too, as long as I’m dreaming” Joe replied. They walked up to the seafood restaurant and got seated in a corner looking out at some gardens. “An hour and a half should be long enough for us to get dinner before we meet Ian” Joe said. “Yeah, whats the deal? I was figuring you were going to drag him to the room and fuck his brains out but then you start asking about the guy he’s with and set up a time to go clubbing?” Kyle asked. “I just wanted him to be eager to get fucked. Kinda like fishing. Tease him a bit until he’ll do anything to get us to nail him. Sometimes the chase is as good as the conquest” Joe explained. They each devoured a dozen raw oysters, enjoyed a bowl of fresh seafood stew, and inhaled a full lobster while washing it down with a couple mojitos. “This is as close to a date as we’ve gone on in a long time” Joe said as they finished up. “Yeah. Its kinda nice. I hope one of the days we’re here it can be just us” Kyle said and Joe nodded. They got the waiter to take a picture of the two of them at the table and Joe sent it off to Mark with the comment “Thanks for the trip. Wish you were here.” They finished dinner and took a walk along the beach. A couple guys were on a lounge chair, one riding the other, the waves drowning out their moans. They passed the lesbian couple from the bus making out under a tree and then headed back to the main building. They walked up to the club and heard music coming from inside and it seemed there was a bunch of people dancing. They walked in and grabbed a couple drinks from the bar and looked around. The crowd was all guys and they were mostly crowded at the center of the dance floor. A few couples were on the edges dancing together. Other guys were in small groups talking and thats where they spotted Ian and his friend, Kent. Joe and Kyle walked over and greeted them. Once they finished their drinks the four moved over to the dance floor. By now several of the guys dancing had removed their shirts and hands were roaming everywhere. Kyle slipped his hand down Ian’s pants and fingered the now sweaty ass. Joe had grabbed Kent’s ass a few times but he seemed to be uninterested. Joe moved over and started to make a few moves on a shaggy haired blond guy and danced with him for a while and then kept moving around dancing and groping several of the guys. Joe got a tap on his shoulder from Kyle who motioned toward the door. He assumed that Kyle and Ian were headed back to a room and nodded. A second later, Kyle tapped him again, this time harder. Joe looked and the hand motion was more like “come along” this time. He smiled at the guy he was dancing with and headed towards the door. He walked out of the club and Ian, his friend Kent and Kyle were standing there. Joe raised his eyebrows, surprised that Ian’s friend was there based on the earlier vibes. Kyle led the three others up to their room and once inside the four stripped their clothes off immediately. Kent was on his knees in front of Joe in as soon as his clothes were off. Joe was completely confused but the moment that Kent’s mouth was around his cock he didn’t care. His tongue was magic and Joe was moaning in seconds. Joe held his head gently and slowly fucked his mouth. Kent didn’t seem to have any problems until the piercing went into his throat. Kent gagged a bit but soon was taking it as if nothing was there. Joe kept face fucking Kent for several more minutes and decided he needed to feel Kent’s pussy wrapped around his cock. Kyle was all over Ian and had him pushed to the bed. He climbed on top and fed his cock to an eager mouth. Ian was licking and sucking all over Kyle’s cock and balls. Kyle tried to push deeper but unlike his friend, Ian was having a lot of problems getting the pierced dick into his throat. Kyle jabbed his cock in deep and held it there a few seconds and started to feel Ian wretch. He pulled back and let Ian recover and decided on a shallow blowjob after that. Ian slobbered a lot of spit over his cock and Kyle could see even more spit running down his cheeks. Kyle pulled out and sat down on Ian’s face and “let” him rim his ass. Ian’s tongue seemed eager to dig into the sweaty ass and Kyle was moaning from Ian’s tongue both licking and poking into his hole. Joe looked over at Kyle and Ian and realized he was going to have to use something other than the bed since Kyle was right in the middle of the king sized bed. He looked around and decided the balcony offered a couple of possibilities. He reached down and pulled Kent up to his feet and led him out there. The warm moist air made the venue completely different than the chilled hotel room. Once on the balcony, Joe pushed Kent to the railing. “Grab on, its gonna be a bumpy ride” Joe joked as Kent grabbed the railing and he pushed Kent’s legs wider. The night sky was clear and there was a gentle breeze blowing. The sounds of crashing waves added a nice backdrop to drown out the quieter sounds the two were about to make. Joe was on his knees, prying Kent’s butt apart and then burying his face into the crevice. Joe hadn’t shaved since they left home and was growing his beard out. The stubble above the fuller chinstrap beard he usually had bristled against Kent’s butt cheeks and his tongue jabbed at his pucker. Sweat was dripping down Kent’s back and added an additional flavor to his regular scent and crotch sweat. Joe’s tongue fucked in and out and he could feel the hole start to relax. He pulled back and used his finger to circle the hungry ass-cunt. He heard Kent moan and wiggle his ass. Standing, he dragged his cock up between the crack and let the piercing rest on the hole. He leaned over Kent, his chest lightly pressing on Kent’s back. “What do you want?” Joe whispered in his ear. “I need your cock” Kent responded. “What else?” Joe asked as he began humping Kent’s ass, his cock riding along the crack. “Your cum” Kent moaned back. “What kind of cum?” Joe asked. “Your poz cum” Kent begged. “You ready to get charged up, Kent?” asked Joe. “Oh god yeah. Breed me good” Kent said while he started to rock his hips back to meet Joe’s thrusts along the crack. Joe aimed his shaft lower and drove in hard, feeling his cock squeeze into the tight ring. After a few more stabs, the piercing and his head were inside the tight tunnel. Joe had been leaking precum since he first started humping Kent and now it was making the passage slick as well. His strokes got longer until he bottomed out, his trimmed pubes pressed tightly against Kent’s ass. Joe wrapped his arm around Kent’s neck and started thrusting his cock in and out. He heard Kent whimper, but it didn’t seem to be from pain. He was submitting to Joe’s cock and letting Joe use him as he wanted. Joe felt Kent work his ass muscles around his shaft. He wasn’t aggressive like he wanted Joe to breed him right away, but enough to be more than a human fleshlight. Joe fucked faster and he knew anyone close could hear the grunts over the sound of the waves. Joe reached around with his other arm and twisted Kent’s left nipple and Kent dutifully clamped down on Joe’s cock. “You want it, Kent?” Joe asked as his arm pressed tighter on Kent’s neck. “Breed me, Joe. Mark my ass” Kent begged through his gasps. The words spurred Joe on and his thrusts got slower but more deliberate. The slaps of skin and the grunts from both guys could be heard all around. Joe’s balls had pulled tight and his cock was throbbing. Joe held Kent tight and gave his cock one more stab inside and unleashed a torrent of poz cum into the abused cave. His body shook, trying to get every bug filled drop of seed inside Kent. “Oh my fucking god, you did it! I can feel your cum inside me” Kent yelled out. Joe chuckled and rammed his cock in a few more times and slowly withdrew the shaft from Kent’s throbbing hole. “Stay there a minute” Joe said as he walked inside. Kyle watched Joe and Kent go outside and after face fucking Ian for a while and then getting rimmed, he slid down Ian’s body and pushed his legs over Kyle’s shoulders. His cock was dripping both saliva and precum as he pressed it to the puckered opening. He looked down at Ian and grinned. Ian locked eyes back with him and Kyle could see the fear and excitement in his eyes. “You want this poz dick?” Kyle asked. Ian nodded and Kyle pushed in a few times until the ring and his cock head popped inside. Ian let out a loud grunt, the spit and precum not being nearly enough lube for his tight chute. Kyle waited a moment and then rocked his hips until his cock was sliding easily in and out of Ian’s neg cunt. With each thrust, the piercings of the ladder would ripple through the outer ring of Ian’s pussy, sending shivers throughout Ian’s body. The harder Kyle fucked the more he felt them wrecking his guts. Kyle knew he could fuck deeper doggy style, but he liked watching the expressions on Ian’s face as he fucked him on his back. His pounding got harder and harder and then he leaned in. Kyle whispered “I’m not on meds, this load is going to be really toxic.” Ian flinched and his hole gripped Kyle’s cock tighter than it had before. Kyle moaned and felt his cock start to throb. He began thrusting in faster as his balls prepared their potent mixture. Kyle let out a few grunts as he slammed his cock in deep each time. His cock began to spew his viral seed into Ian’s battered hole. The toxic cream coated every crevice and ripple of Ian’s fuck chute, looking for any way to invade his body. Kyle gave a couple last thrusts and laid there on top of Ian, panting. Joe walked in just as Kyle had pumped the last spurt of venom into Ian. He stood there a moment and grinned. “Dude, you gotta feel this hole. It’s like fuckin velvet. Well, wet velvet now” Joe said and laughed. Kyle got up, slowly pulling his still partially hard cock from Ian’s ass. As Kyle walked toward the balcony, Joe took his place on the bed. He looked down at Ian and asked “Ready for more?” Before Ian could answer, Joe’s hard shaft slid into the slick tunnel. He could feel Ian twitch with each thrust and knew that Kyle had fucked him hard. He slowed down and let Ian relax a bit. Moans soon started coming out of Ian’s mouth and Joe decided to try flipping him over, so he pulled out and rolled Ian over. While pulling up on his hips slightly, Joe firmly drove his cock back inside and rolled his hips, plunging in and out of Ian’s well worn hole. Kyle walked out on to the balcony and saw Kent standing there, his arms splayed out on the railing and his legs spread wide on the floor. Cum was dripping out of his hole and he told Kent “Tsk, Tsk. You’re wasting Joe’s cum. I’m going to have to replace it.” “Wha…” was all that Kent could get out as Kyle jammed his cock into Kent’s pussy. “FUCK!” was the next thing out of Kent’s mouth. Anyone on their balcony or in the gardens below heard Kent’s scream. Kyle began fucking the still tight, cum-filled hole. His hands were on Kent’s shoulders and his hips were swaying back and forth, driving his cock deep inside Kent’s hole. His strokes got longer as almost the whole length of Kyle’s cock was sliding in and out. He fucked faster and started to hear Kent cry out with each stroke and he knew Kent’s hole was feeling the wrath of his new piercings. Kyle ratcheted up the intensity and was now pounding Kent’s ass. When his balls started to churn again, he knew he was going to shoot soon. He held off as long as he could and then slammed in and let his balls go. Shot after shot if his tainted cum pumped into Kent’s wrecked hole. Kent let out a weary “Oh fuck!” as he felt his ass getting filled with more poz cum. Kyle backed away and his softened cock plopped out of Kent’s swollen hole. He was waiting for Kent to turn around and hopefully suck his cock clean, but instead Kent stood, turned and walked right past him and into the room. Kyle turned around and followed him inside and watched Kent pull his shorts on and walk out of the room, carrying his shirt and sandals and saying nothing. He stood there a moment with his mouth open, shocked that he just got ditched like that. Kyle shook his head and walked over to the bed, leaned in and kissed Joe. Joe pulled Ian on to all fours and Kyle kneeled in front of Ian, who quickly started licking the cum that was dripping off of Kyle’s cock. Joe fucked faster and Kyle followed his example, fucking Ian’s throat. They pounded into each end until Joe gave a final shove and painted another layer of deadly cum all over Ian’s guts. Joe pulled back and collapsed on to the bed and Kyle did the same. Ian turned around and started to lick Joe’s cock clean of the mixture of cum, precum, and ass juice. Ian knew he would be feeling this fuck for a few days and with the coppery taste in his mouth knew that his string of taking poz loads and staying neg might be over. Once Joe’s cock was clean he crawled up between them on the bed and laid back. “Where did Kent go?” Ian asked. “I think he realized he’s not ready to be a poz pig like he thought he was” Kyle said. Joe let out a laugh and looked at Ian. “I hope you are, cuz I’m looking forward to pumping a few more loads into that hot ass of yours.” “I guess its too late to turn back now. I couldn’t start pep until I’m back home and thats in five more days” Ian said. The three made out and chatted for a while until they finally fell asleep. Ian woke up in the middle of the night with Kyle’s cock pushing back into his tender hole. He pulled his ass apart and pushed back on to the stiff cock. He felt Kyle’s cock piston into him and used his sore muscles to milk it. His own cock was rock hard and he guided it between Joe’s ass cheeks. Joe stirred and then pushed back and Ian suddenly found his cock deep inside another guy’s ass for the first time in over a year. Kyle started pumping faster and Ian was gasping for breath. Kyle shoved in and forced the last inch of Ian’s cock into Joe. Kyle’s cock pulsed as several shots of poisonous cream filled Ian’s cunt. Feeling Kyle unload inside him caused Ian to shoot. He hadn’t cum for over a week and he was full. Almost a dozen shots of neg cum pumped into Joe’s empty hole. Joe moaned and wiggled his ass around Ian’s still hard cock and they all fell back asleep.
    24 points
  2. We worked in a pizza shop together. I was a manager, he was a delivery driver. We often closed the store together. I was 18, he was 27. Wally was always hitting on me, making suggestive comments, complementing my tight ass, muscular legs, the things he'd love to do to me. I blew them off, I had lots of girlfriends, I was a handsome athlete in high school. But that year I began to get drunk after work a lot. My friends were away at school. I started going to top less bars with the older guys from work. I'd get drunk and worked up. Id get home and jerk off 4 or 5 times before I could go to sleep. One night, Wally was my ride home. He said he was hungry, could we go back to the shop to get a bite? I had keys, we could, we did. When we went to the kitchen he told me all that dancing made me horny how bout you? Yes, I said. Wally said I could easily be a dancer. I was flattered, and drunk, and horny. He said, here, get up on this table, dance for me. He turned on the radio. I began to dance. Your so hot he said. I'll bet you'd look good in a thong. I said, pulling my shorts down, how bout these? I was wearing my Jim Palmer underwear and my cock was straining against the fabric. Wally reached up and began rubbing my bulge. Yeah! He said. SO SEXYBABY. He took out some money and said, yeah baby dance for me. Dance for uncle wally. He rubbed my cock through my bikini briefs, he caressed my ass. As I turned around he stuffed money in my briefs...His fingers brushed my cock. My eyes rolled into my head, I came hard. Wally pulled his fingers out and liked them clean. Mmmmmm he said, so sweet, so tasty. Sit down a minute, let me clean you up. Wally pulled my briefs down as my soaked cock sprang up and smacked my body. He handed me my briefs and told me to clean them off and rubbed them on my lips. He lowered his head th o my cock and sucked me deep. His tongue cleaned me off as his hands slid under my shirt and tweaked my nipples. I moaned and moaned. I came in his mouth again. Wally then kissed me, he shared my cum with me as we kissed. We made out hungrily. I'd never been SO HORNY. He said, come down here, and pulled me to the floor. His shorts were off. I saw his cock for the first time. The light coming in from the skylight in the kitchen illuminated his cock in the light of the night. HE pulled me on top of him and he began tongue in my ass and stroking me. As I lay there moaning on top of him, I began to need his cock. It was so big, and black and shiny. I began to stoke it and lick the head. Wally tongued me deep. He said, yeah baby, enjoy my big black cock....I moaned, I licked, I slobber ed up and down it. I loved the velvety feel, the taste of his precum, the smell of his cock and sweaty balls. I was in heaven. I gagged myself on that big black cock. I jacked it as hard as I could. My ass felt so good with his tongue and fingers going in and out. I came again in a shudder and moaning around his cock. He took my sperms and fingered me with it. And then he rolled away from me and got on his knees. I faced him and we made out. HE pinched my nipples and I stroked him. He told me to ride him and laid down. In a trance I lowered myself over him. His hands pinching my nipples, he encouraged me to go slow, breathe and push myself down when I was ready. I rubbed back and forth on his head until it slipped in, I gasped sharply and Wally grabbed my hips. I closed my eyes and moaned loudly as Wally forced me all the way down on his big black cock. I moaned and groaned and sat there. What a sensation, Wally caressed my cock and I shot cum all over his chest. He moaned. Yeah baby, your my little hot white boy now. He scooped ip my cum and fed it to me. You love that taste don't you baby? Mmmmmmm yes Wally. He pinched my nipples and said, fuck me faggot! Make me cum with that hot white ass! I began to go up and down, he spanked me, I picked up speed. I bounced, he said things to me that turned me on. He yelled as he came and smashed me down on his cock and held me there. I could feel his big black dick pulsing inside of me. He asked me if I was ok after awhile. Yes I said as his cock flopped out of my hole. Wally told me I was his now. He drove me home, I blew him in the driveway as he fingered my cum filled ass. I drank his load and kissed him goodnight. I woke up sore and sticky but felt so good. I called Wally for a ride to work after I cleaned up....
    6 points
  3. Part 6; My rugby stud replied ... 'Yes Doctor, where is that CUM from?' 'Well, I have worked in this wing for several years, and I frequently get my AIDS patients to cum in a plastic cup, which I add to a large sealed tub with filthy loads already collected that I keep in my own special freezer in the lab'. 'OMG Yeeeees' With that my son automatically put his hands behind his knees and pulled them as to further spread his already spread legs and gaping cunt. Our Doctor summoned me to come and watch what he was doing. He began to depress the plunger, and I could see the deadly seed from unknown toxic donors filling my sons gaping cunt. About half way through he slowly released the speculum taking it out, also removing the now half full syringe at the same time. Suddenly, and without any warning, he plunged his fist just past his wrist and steadily got to work to now open my little rugby stud wide open, as he ground in the copious amounts of nasty AIDS cum! He motioned me to the roll of Bio-Hazard stickers, and got me to put another one on, this time on my sons left pec. 'A matching pair. The second sticker represents the Syphilis we also detected'. With that my son threw his head back, arched his back, and moaned in ecstasy. Still naked I sat back down in my wheelchair, and just watched the Doctor totally wreck my sons cunt over the next hour or so. During this time he also unloaded the remaining nasty virulent unknown toxic cum from the syringe and worked it deeper and deeper into the willing and inflamed cunt flesh, as he contorted his face in evil lusting demonic expressions. 'Ohhh YES, you are one fucking nasty poz cump dump, aren't you boy' 'Yes Sir' 'I bet you'll be wanting a blood slam from your Daddy next' 'Oh FUUUCK YEEEEEES ... I'd LOVE that' 'You really are a fucking sick nasty fuck-pig, you know that!?' 'Yes Sir, I do' He got a syringe, opened up my cannula port, took some blood, walked over to my son, opened up his cannula port, attached the syringe, and summoned me over. He ordered me to put my thumb on top of his, and push, and in synergy we pressed the plunger down together. Bang ... My pure DNA meeting up with my mutated DNA in every part of my rugby studs sexy athletic body. 'Get on your knees you poz cunt' He opened his buttoned shirt, and pulled his pants and trousers down to reveal a very hairy torso, legs, and ass. The latter being pert and beefy. Another rugby build! His Dick bounced out of his pants, HARD, and oozing pre-cum. 'You don't remember me do you?' 'Er ... No' 'Our teams played a game of rugby a year ago, and I watched you shower. I knew one day I'd have you' 'I think I re... Before my son could say anymore, he shoved his rock hard pre-cum ozzing Doctor Dick right to the back of my sons throat... 'Shut the fuck up, cunt' He gagged, coughed, and spluttered at first, but soon they were in a steady deep-throating rhythm as my sweet son had his face fucked with a thick meaty weapon. 'I think it is time we cooled you down with some neg cum. You cannot have it poz the whole time you know' I knelt behind him, lifted his tail shirt up, and watched his beefy hairy ass grind in and out as he pumped my sons throat. I placed my pale scrawny hands on his alpha ass, and leaned in to sniff his musky sweaty hole. I gotten totally lost in the moment when I felt him tense up, grunt and growl as he unloaded his cum. Fuck, I wanted to taste it. 'Get up, sort yourself out, get dressed, and I want to see you in my patients room at 7pm when I come off of shift' As my son collected himself, I tugged on the shirt tail to my stud of a Doctor. He turned around, dick semi hard and slowly going down as it glistened with a mixture of cum and spit. He smiled at me, stroked my hair, and gently put his dick in my mouth. I moved my mouth and tongue to clean his spent dick. After a few minutes I suddenly felt a warm gush fill my mouth. I knew immediately what was going on, and happily began to drink his flowing piss. It felt wonderfully warm, leaving me with a satisfied inner glow. Having drunk his piss, my Doctor, and my son between them sorted everything out prior to the porter coming to collect me, including putting me in my gown again. My piss gifter addressed me ... 'After tonight I shall be off tomorrow and the day after, so, shall be back in a few days' Once back to my room, my sexy rugby son and I snuggled up in my hospital bed. He looked up at me, smiled ... 'I Love you Daddy. I couldn't be happier that it was you that pozzed me up' 'I Love you too, son' I lovingly kissed him on his forehead, his beads of converting sweat continued, yet again moistening my lips ... 'How do you feel about your new son moving in with his Dad, where I can look after you, and we together share a sexual and loving 'Daddy - son' life together?' I smiled inside and out ... 'I'd like that very much, son' Snuggling together we fell asleep until 6pm when dinner was served for the both of us. After we ate, we played cards again, and right in the middle of a game, the Doctor walked in. It was already 7pm! 'Grab your belongings, it's time for that chat. Oh, and my name is Richard, but you can call me Uncle Dick'. As they went to leave, Doctor Richard looked at me, giving me a wink as though to say, I am in control of your son now! ? ?
    6 points
  4. Part 35 When a staff member came to retrieve Rob for the private party that evening, he was carrying some leather gear. He had Rob but on a harness that showed off the tattoos on his chest. He also fastened some leather restraints around Rob’s wrists and ankles as well as a wide leather collar around Rob’s neck. The collar and restraints were each locked into place with a small padlock. Rob was led to the prep room where another bottom was waiting. The other bottom for the night sharply contrasted Rob in stature. Compared to Rob’s 6’2” muscular frame, he was a slim blond twink that was only about 5’8” tall. They both however wore the same collar and restraints. As soon as Rob entered the room the twink’s eyes lit up. “Hi, my name is Stephen; looks like we are going to be the bottoms for the night,” he said. “I am so excited; this is going to be so HOT.” “I begged them to let me bottom at this party when I heard about it.” Rob thought to himself “Is this guy for real?” Rob looked the young twink up and down and asked, “Have you ever been to any of the parties here at the warehouse before?” “Oh, yes I came to a college night party one time as a guest and afterwards they contacted me about playing at another party,” replied Stephen. “I spent the whole night sucking cock through a glory hole at that party; it was so hot.” Rob just shook his head. “I don’t know exactly what will happen at this party, but I’m sure you’ll be doing more than sucking cocks through a glory hole,” Rob commented. “Oh I know, that is what is so exciting; I think bikers are so hot.” “I even signed some special waivers since the Dirty Hawgs aren’t regular club members.” Rob and Stephen’s conversation was interrupted by the staff member. “Enough chit chat you two; it’s time to get you tweaked for the party and trust me you are going to need it.” Stephen felt a sense of panic when he saw the meth points, but after he saw Rob so readily take his slam, he figured it must be okay.” After the slam, both Rob’s and Stephen’s asses were lubed and a booty bump was administered. Stephen giggled, “I’ve only been fucked twice but your fingers feel so good.” Leashes were attached to the two bottom’s collars and they were led to the party area. Once they arrived to the party area, the staff member handed the leashes to one of the party guests. “This is Sir Biff, he’s the boss here tonight.” The staff member nodded at Biff and said, “Here are your pigs for the night as requested; they’re all yours, enjoy!” Biff yanked the leashes and led Rob and Stephen to the center of the room. He then yelled out, “Fellow Hawgs, our party favors are here; let’s introduce these piggies to some Hawg cock.” The bikers whooped it up and whistled. Rob and Stephen were each led to a motorcycle along the perimeter of the space. Both were totally flying and stumbled as they walked on their leashes. Although his vision was a little blurred at this point, it appeared to Rob that there were between 15 and 20 bikers in the room. Their appearance matched the stereotype Rob had in his head perfectly. They were all clad in leather of some sort and all were heavily tatted. They all also had a dirty unkempt look. They certainly lived up to their club name of the Dirty Hawgs. Rob was restrained on his stomach bent over the seat of a Harley. Stephen was likewise restrained across the seat of another bike a few feet away. “I think I’ll go first on the muscle ass,” Biff said as he thrust his fat uncut cock up Rob’s ass. Rob just grunted at the intrusion. Biff paused briefly and called out, “Feel free to use the twink someone; I’ll use that ass when I’m done here.” Biff then began to fuck Rob’s ass full force. Rob moaned and called out “Fuck me Sir, fuck me Sir.” Stephen on the other hand let out a scream as he was roughly penetrated by a different huge cock. “Looks like we have a squealer here,” a voice called out. “This piglet’s hole is real tight, could even be cherry.” Another voice yelled back “It won’t be tight much longer after we all rut in it!” The room roared with laughter. Biff roughly pounded Rob until he deposited his seed. He pulled out and walked to the other side of the bike for Rob to clean his cock. Another cock replaced Biff’s in Rob’s ass and began its hard assault. Rob wasn’t counting but over the course of the next couple hours it seemed like each of the bikers had used his ass or mouth in some manner. He was then pulled off the Harley and led to a bondage table. He was expecting to be bound but was surprised when a large biker laid on his back on the table. The hairy bearded biker’s 10” fat cock pointed straight up from between his chaps clad thighs. Rob was pushed toward the reclined biker and ordered to sit on the fat Hawg cock. Rob started to squat on the cock when he was ordered to turn around and face the bearded biker. “That’s it pig, look me in the eyes while you lower that cum dump ass on my big cock.” Rob quickly sat and felt the biker’s pubes press against his ass cheeks. He was startled by the sounds of Stephen crying out again. He glanced over and saw Stephen bound spread eagle on a St. Andrew’s cross and being whipped. The biker being ridden by Rob grabbed Rob by the harness and said, “Pay attention; that other pig is being punished for disobedience.” “Keep that in mind”. The biker then pulled the harness so that Rob leaned down toward the biker’s face. The biker just stared at Rob in the eyes, but then Rob felt something pushing at the entrance of his filled ass. It was another cock. Another big cock as a matter of fact. Rob’s eyes bulged out as the second cock joined the first and stretched his ass open further. The biker smiled as he and the second Top began to grind their cocks in Rob’s ass. The Top behind Rob then took control and started a rhythmic fuck. Rob couldn’t believe the feeling he was experiencing. The two cocks were hitting all the right places. Drool began to run from his open mouth as his ass was pummeled. The pace of the fuck changed periodically but within 20 minutes he could tell by the quick shallow breathing of the two bikers that they were close to cumming. Somehow the two bikers synchronized their orgasms. When they shot their loads, Rob felt like he was being given a cum enema due to the volume of semen deposited in his ass. “Send that cum dump over here; our cocks need some attention while we are playing poker.” Rob was directed to the poker table and crawled underneath it. He spent the next hour going back and forth sucking the cocks of the 8 poker players seated at the table. Rob heard a voice say, ”You did a real good job training this one.” “He definitely knows his role.” A second voice answered, “We aim to please our customers.” The second voice sounded slightly familiar but Rob couldn’t quite place it because of all the background noise. A third voice interrupted the card game. “Let’s get that muscle ass out here; I need to sink my fist in a hole.” Immediately someone replied. ”Billy, you know that big meaty paw of yours would ruin that ass for the rest of us tonight.” “If you must fist a hole go use the twink; he hasn’t been very cooperative tonight and could use an attitude adjustment.” Rob saw a pair of large boots, presumably belonging to Billy, walk away from the poker table. Moments later though he felt a kick to his ribs as he was told to crawl back out from under the table; it was time for him to be fucked some more. Rob was tied back down on a fuck bench and the bikers began to fill his ass and skull fuck his face. Through the fucking he could hear the "squeals" of Stephen. Rob was fucked, slapped, spit on and degraded on the fuck bench for a few more hours. His ass was leaking cum all over the floor. The drugs were wearing out and he was starting to feel battered and sore. The new cum dump inside of him however, felt satisfied. Finally the party broke up and a staff member came to get Rob. As he was led back to his room and cage, Rob caught a glimpse of Biff and Nick deep in conversation.
    6 points
  5. 2. Seth "I want to fall asleep with my dick in your hole," Jon said. I had felt each drop of his sperm shoot into my hole and I thought I had completely drained him. But his dick was still hard and very much lodged deep in my hole. It was a queer feeling, to be so comforted by another man so completely dominating me. I wondered if this was how girls felt, when a man was inside of them. "Me too," I said. "I like your arms around me." "Me too. Feel your body against me," Jon said. "Feel so relaxed. So safe here," I said. I could feel Jon's breaths slowing down, as he recovered from his orgasm. I pressed up against him, his cock still semi-hard in my hole, the last bits of his semen dripping into my body. "And you. You're inside me." Across from me, Cal and JP were cuddled up as well. Cal smiled at me before he rolled over to face JP. The two started whispering to each other. Despite them being only a few feet away, I couldn't hear what they were saying. It didn't matter. Jon was whispering into my ear. "You ok? With falling asleep like this?" "Yeah," I said. Jon relaxed and his body pressed up against me. In my gut, there was a pleasant warmth radiating out. It was the cum that these men had so carefully injected into me, and I treasured the sensation. However, just as I was about to fall asleep, the warmth disappeared, like it was blown out by a sudden gust of wind. It startled me, and I must have jerked my body. "Stay here boy," Jon whispered in my ear. "Stay on me, and just enjoy it. Enjoy my dick inside of you and the feeling of connection." He pulled me a bit closer. His arms, wrapped around me, were firm and muscular and it was easy to lose myself in the feeling of comfort and happiness. I closed my eyes again. Jon's dick was still hard inside of me and it was what I focused on as I fell asleep. "You think you need it?" JP said to me. I was in a bright room, somewhere in their apartment. I was naked and immediately realized that my cock was stubbornly, embarrassingly soft. I tried to look around, but I was trapped in my body, unable to move. I was dreaming, although it was still unclear if it was a dream or a nightmare. "Do you boy?" he asked again. Before I even realized what I was doing, my mouth said "Yes." I wanted the ability to control the dream, but my brain was not allowing me to. I had to let it play out. I had to find out what was at the end. "Not that it matters," JP said. I was scared, but also excited. I wanted to play with my dick, but when I tried to reach for it, I discovered I was bent over a bench, my hands handcuffed to eye hooks bolted into the thick wood. I knew it was a dream, but it felt so real. Even the unsteady timeline and complex causality seemed plausible, explained away by the very lacunae in my brain that no doubt caused them. A new man appeared in front of me. "This is Michael," a voice in my ear whispered. I tried to turn, but found it strangely difficult to move my head. "He's a friend of ours. And wants to try out your ass." "Of course," I managed to mumble. The scene tilted in ways that in the real world, gravity made difficult. But then it was back to normal, only with Michael's cock buried deep in my ass. It felt like I had tried to resist, but it had been futile. "How does that full-blown AIDS cock feel in your ass?" the unknown voice asked. All I could focus on was the hard dick sliding in and out of my hole. I knew it was Michael. He was fucking me raw, but it felt good that a man was pleasuring himself using my body. I knew that the strange man had just told me something, something that was crucially important for me to remember. Something that I absolutely needed to remember, but in the dense fog of a dream, I completely forgotten what it was. "Feel good?" the unknown voice asked me. All that really mattered was how good Michael's cock felt in me. "Fucking amazing," I said. It didn't matter what he had told me earlier. All that mattered was how it felt to have a man's cock in my hole. How it felt to have Michael's thick shaft in my hole. "Goddamn hard cock in my hole." There was something I was supposed to be scared about, something about the beautiful, masculine cock filling me up. But I lost it as soon as I tried to remember. It wasn't important. The only important thing was the raw cock pounding my hole. In the uncanny tilts and shifts of dreams, the geography of my body morphed. I was no longer tied down to the bench; I was on my back in the bed. The sun was setting, painting the bedroom in golden red tones. Michael was on top of me and his cock was still buried in my ass. The setting could have been romantic. "Fucking take my cock, bitch boy," Michael grunted. His cock slammed into my ass. I expected the familiar, comfortable feeling of a man's cock. But instead, it was a blinding explosion of pain. I yelped from the hurt. "Just take it faggot," Michael whispered in my ear, as he held me in place, prolonging my agony. "You'll be better for it. Not just a worthless faggot." "A better faggot," I replied, still struggling to understand why this was so agonizing. When Jon had been in me, it had felt so good. When Cal had bred me, it had been complete bliss. When JP had filled me with his seed, I had thought I had been in heaven. But Michael was torture. Even his pre-cum burnt. "No. Just a faggot. Not a better faggot," Michael said. He slammed his cock into me again, and I winced. "Take it, faggot. You were just begging me for my infected dick." "I want to be a better faggot." I heard the words. They were in my voice. But I couldn't believe that I had said it. All I wanted was for the torment to end. "You know how to do it, faggot," Michael said. "So easy." He had told me something. So easy to do, and I wanted it so badly. But it had also been utterly terrifying. It was something I had nightmares about for years; only now it was part of my most important dreams. "Cum in me," I said. It was what I wanted. The warm semen would lubricate my dry hole. It would help soothe the burning. I turned to JP, who suddenly had been next to me the entire time. He was staring at me, staring at me getting fucked, and was stroking his cock. "Do it boy," He said. "Do what he wants you to do. Do it for me." I looked back at Michael. "Please," I said. Michael's eyes glinted and he smiled. For a brief, perfect moment, I thought nothing was going to happen, and I would be spared any more pain. But then Michael slammed into me, and the bright, burning pillar of pain erupted into my hole. "Uggh," I grunted, as I jolted awake. I tried to remember the dream, before it flew away on diaphanous wings. I was getting fucked. The man was suggesting that I get infected with HIV. Someone else said it would be good, and that made me feel safe. Safe, despite the monstrosity of the suggestion. As I thought about it, my stomach clenched even while my dick throbbed. I reached down, and there was a drop of pre-cum. "You ok?" a voice asked. A soft beard rubbed against my neck, and warm lips nibbled on my ear. I was still in Jon's arms. His cock was still in me. "Yeah," I said, happy to have a familiar warmth next to me. I may have only met him in person a few hours earlier, but we had talked so much, I feel like we had been friends much longer. "Bad dream." "Oh?" Jon asked. An arm drifted down to my groin. He wrapped his hand around my cock, engulfing my own hand already there. "Doesn't seem all that bad to me." "Scary?" I offered. "And sexual." One hand was already resting on my hard cock. "Definitely sexual," Jon said. He reached between us, and found his own cock. "Here," Jon said. "Come here. Tell me about it." He gently pulled his dick out of my hole. It was still hard, even though we had been sleeping at least a few hours. "Still hard?" I murmured. "Yeah," he said. "But it needs a rest." He gently rolled me over so that I was facing him. Behind me, Cal's hand reached out, and rested on my butt. The two men were protecting me, making sure that I was never out of their reach, and could always avail myself of their personal space and the safety that came with it. "Now, tell me what you want about your dream." He kissed my forehead. His beard was a little scratchy, but it felt good against me. "Someone was fucking me. Fucking me hard. And." I paused for a second. I knew that Jon was HIV-positive. But he also bragged about how healthy he was. We had talked about it, but with him being undetectable and I was going to be on PrEP, it didn't matter much. "And," Jon asked me. One arm was wrapped around my back, holding me close to him. The other hand had found Cal's arm, and was guiding it towards my asshole. "I knew about him. Like he had AIDS." "Was he fucking you raw?" Between us, my cock was pressing hard against Jon's stomach. "Yeah," I said. Jon's cock was also pressing hard against my stomach. It seemed perverse, even downright evil to be getting an erection talking about this. But there was no mistaking that we were both hard. "How did you feel? When he was fucking you raw?" Jon asked. "A bit scared." "But you know, PrEP protects you even then." "Yeah," I said. "But, maybe, maybe sometimes I forget a dose." "Did you forget a dose in the dream?" Cal's hand had rested on my ass cheek; it was clear he had fallen back asleep. But Jon's finger had found my hole, and were gently tracing out the edges. It was still wet from sweat and spit and semen, and each stroke of Jon's finger sent chills down my spine. "I can't remember," I moaned. My cock was throbbing from the memories. "Did he cum in you?" "I don't know. It's...it's all slipping away." True to their reputation, the dream had slipped away; the details forgotten and only the purest emotions remained. "Do you want him to cum in you?" "No," I answered quickly. But then I thought about it. How hard his cock was. How it had felt sliding into me. How strong I was. As Jon said, the drugs I had taken would protect me from the dangers. "Yes," I countered. "Maybe," I continued, then gave up. "I don't know." "Yeah? You don't know?" "Well. In the dream. If he came in me," I began. I trailed off. Jon pulled me a little closer, and pressed the tip of his finger into me. I could trust him with anything. "If he came in me, good things would happen." Jon pushed his finger further up my asshole. "Really good things." "Better than the minor risks?" Jon asked me. "I wish I knew what they were. The good things. But yes. The good things were worth it." I found Jon's lips and gave him a long kiss. I was glad I had the dream with him. There was no one else in my life that could have understood it like him. And for you? Have the good outweighed the bad?" "For what?" "For being you know," I stumbled. "You know. Poz and all." He took a second before he answered and considered it carefully. "Yeah," he finally said. "If only for Jean-Paul. And Cal. They are worth everything. And more." Even in the darkness, I could feel him raise his head and look at the two men sleeping peacefully behind me. Instinctively, he knew where his men were. "We never had to be afraid. Never afraid that our love would end up hurting each other." "Oh," I said. I wasn't sure what else to say. I hadn't expected something quite so personal. "It's easier now. We were all undetectable the last time we were tested. You're on PrEP. Bareback fucking isn't a death sentence. Not like the way it was." I leaned in and kissed him. He was right. It no longer mattered that he was poz and I was not. We were both on drugs that would protect us. We didn't have to worry about anything, whether as simple as a kiss, or as complex as raw sex. "Yeah," I said. He pulled his finger out of my hole but kept on massaging it. I lay still for a few minutes and enjoyed the firmness of his cock against my stomach. "How long has it been?" I finally asked, breaking the late-night stillness. "Being poz?" he whispered back to me. "Yeah." "Gotta think. Over 15 years. At least. Yeah. 17, I think." "Do you know how? How you got it?" "Old fashioned way," he said. "Got fucked raw." "Did you know?" "I'm not sure I cared. It was a, well, a." He paused for a moment; I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or just searching for the perfect phrase. "A sleazy time of my life," he finally said. "And I got what I expected from it." "But," I asked. I felt like there was more to it than he had said. "No. No regrets." He pressed his finger back into my hole. I grunted in pleasure. "But no need for those worries now. We can be safe and raw at the same time." "Yeah," I said. I reached down and felt his cock between us. It was fat and hard, heavy and engorged. Right at the tip was a bead of pre-cum. I ran my finger through it. "Pre-cum," I whispered. "Poz pre-cum." "Yeah, boy. Feel my cock. You know what I'm thinking?" "Tell me," I said. "Getting back inside you. Feeling you so close to me. Feeling you so open to me. Sharing everything with you." The words were intense. As plain as they were, in the context of our discussion, they carried so much more meaning and intensity. They were dirty and even a bit nasty. "You want that?" he asked me. His finger was pressing against my asshole, daring me to answer anything other than the truth. "Yeah," I said. I still hadn't fully waken up yet, and my answer was directly from my body, not my brain. But my brain didn't mind; it was still remembering the intense sexual feelings from my dream. "Good," Jon said. He rolled me on to my stomach and dove behind me. "Really good," he said, as his tongue pressed up against my hole. "Fuck," he grunted as his tongue pressed into my hole. "I can taste my cum up there. And JP's." He swirled his tongue around a little, then paused. "And Cal's sperm." "Please, Jon," I mumbled semi-coherently into the pillow. Jon's tongue had put me over the edge. I wanted his dick back in me. "Give me a minute. And I'll give you my dick," Jon said, before diving back into my hole. He pressed his tongue back into me, pushing a wad of spit up there. "Mmmmm," I moaned, as he probed my hole with his tongue. As pleasurable as his fingers and tongue were, they were nothing compared to how his dick would feel, and I could barely tolerate any delay before Jon forced his dick back into me. Nevertheless, I forced myself to relax. I closed my eyes and focused on his tongue tracing out the edges of my hole. It wasn't the same as getting fucked but even so, it still felt amazing. It was calming, gentle, and slow. It would be long and easy, no urgency for either of us to get relief. It was a chance for both of us to learn more about the other, and I was glad that I was doing this with Jon. I knew there would be time later for me to explore this with JP and Cal. "That feels really good," I muttered. I wasn't quite falling asleep, but it was hard to stay awake. I had always known that the crossing between wakefulness and sleep was not always a straight line, but only then did I realize how many of the paths would detour into sex. It pushed me deeper into my trance-like state of sexual arousal. My dick was throbbing, but slowly, at the exact same pace as Jon's tongue was circling my hole. "Really good," I muttered again. "I know," Jon said. "For me too." His tongue returned to my hole. We continued for what might have been just seconds, but could have also been hours. I sort of lost track, as my mind drifted off, trying to remember my dreams and contemplating what Jon and I had discussed. What if I did forget a dose? Especially so early in my treatment? It was a dangerous, dark thought, and I tried to put it out of my head. "Will remember in the morning," I mumbled and repeated. "Remember in the morning," It was so faint I wasn't even sure if I heard it, or just felt the subtle changes in my breath. It quickly fell in rhythm with Jon's rim job. "Fuuuuck," Jon said, gently detaching his lips from my asshole. It had been a long, perfect kiss, and I knew he was ready for more. "I want to get inside you." "Do it, Jon," I muttered. This time I knew it was loud enough for Jon to hear because he climbed up between my legs and rested his cock on my wet crack. "Please." "Fuck, you are wet and ready," Jon whispered as he pressed into me. My hole put up the slightest resistance before opening up and welcoming his shaft into me. "So fucking hot," Jon continued. He had lowered himself on top of me and was resting on his arms. I could just barely feel his chest hair against my back. "Cum in me," I said. I had just asked an HIV-positive man to cum in me and my dick throbbed at the thought. "Please, Jon. Give me your load." Saying it so clearly was a revelation. I wanted to feel Jon so completely, and I wondered if his cum would feel different if he wasn't poz. Or if it would feel different if I wasn't taking PrEP. I could always forget a dose. It would be easy. But it would be so risky and dangerous. Yet it was a gift I could give these men. In repayment for the world they had opened up for me. "Fucking hot boy hole," Jon whispered into my ear. "Gonna breed you good," he continued. "Please, Jon," I grunted. My hole was hungry for hard cock and hot seed. There was little I would not do in order to get fucked and bred by Jon. The very least I was going to do was milk his shaft until he shot me full of his very special seed. My imagination had already started to spin out fantasies about far more intense activities that I would be utterly willing to do with Jon. "Of course, my boy," Jon said. He lowered himself on top of me, using his weight to push his dick deeper into me. It felt right for another man to be inside me, his raw cock scraping against my guts and dripping his pre-cum into me. In high school, I had been terrified of being gay. But now, in college, it was almost cool to be fucking another guy. However, this was different. It wasn't just about trends. It was about something permanent and eternal. It was about the ways two men could show their affection for one another. Not to mention showing off our erections. "I'm going to enjoy this fuck." With that, he relaxed on top of me. He was warm and heavy on top of me, enveloping and comforting me. I felt safe in his arms, and closed my eyes. I focused on the slow yet relentless thrusts of Jon's cock into my hole. I must have finally reached a point of cum-satiety that I although I wanted Jon to cum, I didn't need him to cum right that second. I could focus on the individual sensations of the fuck. The overall effect of Jon's fucking was calming. I found myself in a near-trance: not quite awake, not quite asleep, but entirely happy. Jon's arms were wrapped around me, his raw cock was deep inside me. He was dripping pre-cum into me, but I wasn't afraid. I was on drugs to protect me. He was on drugs that also protected me. The two of us were doing everything that we needed in order to defend ourselves. Together, we were safe. Nothing could hurt us. "I'm dripping inside of you, boy," Jon whispered in my ear. His voice was soft and gentle. "Dripping my poz cum inside of you." It didn't matter. The virus was defenseless against the chemical weapons we had deployed against it. Instead, it was just a matter of two men sharing the closeness that only bareback fucking could provide. "Give it to me," I murmured. It was late and I was sleepy from all the fucking over the course of the evening. It was a pleasant sleepiness, and I was sensitized to every breath and every heartbeat from Jon. I could even feel his dick throb in slow waves as more of his pre-cum dripped into me. "Give me your dick." "Give you my raw dick." "Drip your pre-cum into me," I mumbled. Something about how normal this all felt was affecting me. Although it was wonderfully normal and unremarkable, I was still in awe that Jon and JP, Cal and I had been so relaxed about sex. It was something fun, something we could share and enjoy. "I'm gonna fill you with my poz pre-cum," Jon continued. He whispered it in my ear, then gently sucked and nibbled on my ear lobe. It sent chills through my body. "Give me your pre-cum," I said. "And fill me with your jizz." "My poz jizz," Jon said. I had read stories about guys getting pozzed up. There was always a scene where the poz top would remind the bottom of the virus he carried. It had been so hot, but yet so dangerous. A quick fuck, a forgotten load, and my life would have been forever changed. But it didn't matter tonight. My body was protected and immune. "Fill me up. And fall asleep inside of me." "Of course, my boy," Jon said. He gave me a peck on the cheek, then rolled me over onto my side. He was lying behind me, spooned up with me, and his dick deep inside me. "Sleep," he said, as he wrapped a thick arm around me, pulling me in tight.
    5 points
  6. I'd been working hard and had been seriously stressed out so I decided to take some much needed time off and decided to head to Las Vegas to relax at my condo and hopefully get fucked. Man, did I get way more than I expected. I got home, aired out the place and took a shower. I cleaned out really well in anticipation and once I was settled in, I smoked some weed and went online to look for that evening's entertainment. Being the usual workaholic that I am, I hadn't checked my email on any of my websites or apps in almost a month so I knew I'd have some catching up to do. I signed into BBRT and was greeted by almost two dozen messages. Right towards the top, one message in particular caught my eye "CumUnion - Las Vegas: Saturday May 16th." "Holy fuck," I realized, "that's tonight!" Right then and there I made up my mind to finally attend a CumUnion party. Over a week later I'm still in a post fuck glow. Ha ha ha. I decided to kill some time and had a few Jack and Cokes and smoked another bowl so I was pleasantly high and buzzing. At around 8:00 I ordered an Uber and headed over to Hawk's Gym. Luckily, there were a couple of rooms left so I got one towards the back facing the main corridor. After undressing, I went in search of some fun. I went into the dark room first and saw a couple of tall muscular bodies standing like wallflowers, each of whom was fondling a huge bulge under his towel. I made my way to a platform in the rear of the roomlooked like huge bulges under their towels. There's a platform made from sectionals which were positioned in the rear of the room. I walked over, dropped my towel and knelt on the platform, face-down, ass-up and pre-lubed for whoever wanted to fuck my tight hole. In less than 15 seconds I felt a huge, rough calloused hand stroking my ass cheeks and a thick finger shoved into my hole. I relaxed and enjoyed the ass play for about a minute when suddenly his hand retreated. The next thing I felt was a softball sized cockhead stretching my hole to its limit. I hit my poppers and felt my hole relax that final inch it needed for the huge cock to slide balls-deep inside me, filling me more completely than I had ever before felt. The cock must have been at least ten amazingly thick inches. The guy fucked me with a rough but steady rhythm. I still had no idea what he looked like and neither one of us had said a word. He fucked me roughly, grabbing my hips and squeezing my ass cheeks with each hand. The whole time I was hard as a rock and on the verge of cumming but I fought the urge to cum with every ounce of will power and gave into the shiver inducing pleasure, milking his cock, or at least trying to, given my hole was wrapped tight around his dick. He fucked me relentlessly for a few minutes and all too soon, he shoved in as deep as he could go and I could feel his huge cock pulsing and throbbing as he groaned and I felt a warmth spreading inside me letting me know that I was getting bred. He squeezed my ass tight, forcing me to clench my ass as he pulled out and I did not lose a single drop of his seed. I was flying from the poppers and as I lay there catching my breath, he walked away and all I saw was a manly silhouette as he exited the dark room. I lay there panting and was about to get up and stretch my legs when I felt the other guy who had just watched me get barebacked put his hand on my upper back, bent me over again and started slapping my hole with his equally impressive cockhead. With no further foreplay, he started sliding in with no more lube than what was already around my hole and I felt him go about another inch deeper than my first fucker. This new guy was out to get his nut and started almost hate fucking me. I loved every fucking second of his thick cock banging against my prostate and I started building up towards my own orgasm. This guy's brutal pounding was almost too much for me and I started groaning and moaning. He also fucked me for a few delirious minutes and as he hilted himself in me and started shooting his cum inside me. Icouldn't hold back and my own dick started spurting my own load. I collapsed onto my stomach as he held his dick in me until our respective spasms subsided. As he pulled out and walked out of the dark room, I turned and caught a glimpse of a tall bearded 20 something white stud with an impressive thick cunt wrecker leading his way. Draping my towel over my left shoulder, I walked back out into the main corridor where I caught a glimpse of a cock. I had been at CumUnion for only 20 minutes, and already had two loads inside my ass. I went in search of more loads, knowing the night would be amazing.
    4 points
  7. Thanks for the kind comments. --------- Part 68 - Five Star Service Joe woke up in the morning and felt a hard cock poking at his ass and realized it wasn’t Kyle. He rolled away, looking at Ian now gently humping the air in his sleep. Joe kneeled on the bed and gently rolled Ian on to his knees. With his stiff cock preventing him from laying flat, Ian had his ass up in the air and his shoulders and head flat on the bed. “Perfect” Joe muttered to himself. He moved in and spread Ian’s legs wider and then pressed his already dripping cock between the ass crack. Joe gingerly held Ian’s hips and pushed in. Ian awakened immediately and let out a loud grunt as he was suddenly skewered on Joe’s cock. Kyle was awake in seconds from the commotion and then turned to watch Joe fuck another dose of poison into Ian. There was no warmup for Ian this time. Joe needed to fuck and he needed to nut and it had to be soon. Joe jackrabbit’d Ian’s ass and then pushed in deep. His cock throbbed and ropes of his bugged up semen filled Ian’s ass. After several spurts, Joe could feel Ian’s orgasm shooting his own load onto the bed sheets. The spasms milked a few extra shots of Joe’s cum and Joe stood holding Ian until they died down. He finally pulled out and got off the bed, pulling Kyle and Ian with him toward the bathroom. The three rinsed off and they walked out, naked, on to the balcony. Joe got up after about twenty minutes of them chatting and watching the surf roll in. He went in and made some coffee with the bottled water and grabbed three glasses and filled them with a generous pour of tequila. He walked out and set the glasses down and went back for the coffee. They sat there for a while and Kyle joked with Ian about the puddle below him. It was a beautiful sunny morning and the guys kept sipping the tequila and drinking the coffee. Joe got up to make another pot of coffee and as he got half way across the room he noticed the room door was open and a second later Javier walked out of the bathroom. He stood there naked looking at Javier and saw Javier looking up and down at him. “Sorry, señor. I knocked and there was no answer so I came in to clean your room” Javier said. “No problem, Javier. We were out on the balcony having coffee. I hope you don’t mind that we’re naked,” Joe said with a grin. He saw the bulge in Javier’s pants grow and Javier’s eyes had continued to look over Joe’s body. “Uh… no…” Javier said and then licked his lips. Joe let out a short laugh and said “Do you like what you see?” “Yes I do, señor” Javier said as he adjusted himself. Joe smiled and walked past him to the door and looked up and down the corridor. Spotting no one, he came back in and pushed the doorstop out of the way and let the door close. He came back to Javier and reached down and unbuttoned and un-zipped his pants. “Sir…” started Javier. “I’m just going to show you how much we appreciate what you do” Joe said. “But I can’t get caught with guests” Javier pleaded. “Then we’ll have to do this quick” Joe replied while looking at the nice thick uncut cock in front of him. For a short guy, Javier’s 8 1/2 inch thick uncut cock looked even bigger. Then Joe noticed the mark. He looked closer and there was a tattoo on the top of Javier’s light brown cock. A plus sign in black ink. Joe smiled and looked up at Javier. “Does this mean what I think it does?” Joe asked and then licked the tattoo. “Yes señor. It is like the one on your leg” Javier said quietly. “I see. Have you been taking your medications?” Joe asked. Javier swallowed hard. His body trembled and he said “Uh, no señor. I don’t take medications.” “Good. Me either. And Ian, behind you, would love to get some of your… uh, leche” Joe said. Javier gasped and turned around. Kyle and Ian were standing right there. Ian smiled and walked over to the bed and crawled on. Joe gave Javier a little push and Javier pushed off his shoes and pants and then removed his shirt as he walked to the bed. Joe and Kyle were right behind and Joe dropped back to his knees next to the bed. He took Javier’s cock into his mouth and sucked it deep into his throat. Joe sucked quickly, trying to get the rapidly stiffening shaft coated in spit. Kyle climbed on the bed on over Ian and leaned over, spit on Ian’s pucker and dug his tongue in, tasting some of Joe’s cum from earlier. Joe pulled the foreskin back and dug the tip of his tongue into the piss slit and tasted some of Javier’s charged precum. He leaned back and grinned at Javier who climbed on the bed, while Kyle moved back to give him room. Javier didn’t kneel behind Ian, he was in a crouching position on his feet. He rubbed his leaking cock head on Ian’s hole and then pushed in. The moan was loud and deep and then it turned into a growl as Javier started to thrust in hard. “He has taken cum already?” asked Javier. “Four. Two from each of us” Kyle boasted. “Slut!” called out Javier as he started to pound Ian’s ass. Joe knew from sucking him that Javier’s cock was thicker than either Joe’s or Kyle’s cock by quite a bit. It was easily seven inches around and Joe could see Ian struggling to take the thickness. Sweat was flying off Javier as he drilled Ian mercilessly. The words coming out of Javier’s mouth were a mixture of English and Spanish, none of which Joe had learned in his high school Spanish class. The words faded to grunts and then Javier buried his cock in deep and growled as he shot his highly toxic seed into Ian’s cunt. “Yeah!” yelled out Ian as he felt another charged load fill him up. The four went into the shower and washed off. Javier put his uniform back on and thanked the others but pleaded for them not to say anything. “Don’t worry. We won’t” Joe told him. Joe, Kyle and Ian dressed and headed down to the main restaurant to get breakfast, since they were all starving. Ian kept squirming in his chair as he felt the loads seeping out of his ass. Once they finished, Ian headed back to his room to change and Joe and Kyle went up to theirs to get into their swim suits. Joe and Kyle found their spots from the day before at the pool and grabbed a couple more beers. The sun was hot and their beers didn’t last very long. Kyle looked around and finally flagged a waiter who came by and took their order. When he came back, Joe motioned for the guy to come closer. Joe whispered “Do you know where we can find some weed?” The waiter looked a little confused and Joe added “Ganja, you know, marijuana.” The waiter smiled and turned around, pointing towards the beach, suggesting "See that man in the blue shorts? Follow him. He wants the same. Go down the beach and you will see a tall man selling souvenirs. Ask him.” Joe reached into his backpack and pulled out a twenty dollar bill and gave it to the waiter. “Mucho gracias” Joe said as he got up, pulled-on his tank top and followed what turned out to be a line of several of the resort guests down the beach. Everyone went to the same little hut about 200 yards past the end of the resort, right before the beach got rocky. Next to the hut, Joe saw an old VW van parked on a dirt road. When he walked up, there were numerous souvenirs on the tables in front of the hut and a very tall, lanky, tanned white guy with a large hat sitting under the hut’s awning. Each person would look over the trinkets and pick one up and go talk to the man. They paid and had gotten a small baggie with their souvenir. Joe chuckled that this was the smartest guy on the planet - he had a captive group of customers with money to spend and many wanting some good pot for their vacation and souvenirs to take back home. When it was Joe’s turn he brought up two small items and in less than thirty seconds had scored a bag of pot, some rolling papers, and a lighter (what the guy called the “starter” kit) with a warning to not smoke in the hotel rooms - only on the balconies, beach or away from other guests. As Joe walked back down the beach he spied the jet skis and the guy renting them. He walked up to him and asked what the deal was. Glancing down at Joe’s wristband, he said “With your package, you get 15 minutes a day free. Twenty dollars more and you can do 30 minutes. Forty dollars for an hour and I can give you a tour.” Joe smiled, looked closely at the guy’s name badge and said “There would be two of us. When can we go for an hour, Carlos?” Carlos looked at the schedule and said “Three PM or four PM is available today. Four is our last time of the day.” “Four PM sounds perfect” Joe replied. He gave his name and room number and said “See you at four” as he walked back to the pool. “Where the hell have you been?” asked Kyle. “Oh, just organizing a little fun for us” Joe said as he showed Kyle the baggie of pot before stuffing it into his backpack. “I also got a reservation for the jet skis at 4:00 PM, so don’t make any plans” he added as he waved at the waiter. It was the same guy as before and he hurried over. “Yes, señor?” he asked. "Dos mas cervezas, por favor” Joe said. The waiter smiled and headed back to the bar and came back promptly with two cold beers. “You were able to find what you wanted on the beach, señor?” he asked as he placed the beer on the table. "Oh yes, thank you very much” Joe replied. They drank beers, got some more sun and cooled off in the pool. Joe looked over and saw the clock by the bar said 3:30 PM. “Guess its time to dump our stuff in the room and go try to not kill ourselves” Joe said as he and Kyle walked to their room and prepared for there experience on a jet ski. Kyle chuckled. “Have you ever been on one of those things?” Kyle asked. “Hell no. Last time I was even on my bicycle was in junior high and I broke my wrist and couldn’t wrestle. I hope this goes better or you’re gonna have to stroke me off while I have the cast on” Joe joked. "That will be hard to do when I’m some shark’s dinner” Kyle replied, laughing as they made their way back to the beach and, as they approached the jet ski concession, Kyle remarked "The guy is really cute. No wonder you wanted to try this.” “Yeah, I’m hoping we can get him naked somewhere. He’s gonna give us a tour,” Joe replied. “I like your thinking” Kyle said with a laugh. They walked up to the hut on the beach about five minutes early. “Hola, Carlos. Ready for us?” Joe called out. Joe handed over the extra money and Carlos gave them a brief explanation on how to ride the jet skis. Each one took a test spin and once Carlos was satisfied that they understood, the three of them took off. Carlos showed them a few easy tricks jumping small waves which Joe and Kyle picked up quickly. They goofed around for almost fifteen minutes when Carlos waved at them to follow him. They zipped along the water and when Joe and Kyle were keeping up with Carlos, he went even faster. The jungle and beach zoomed past and after several minutes, they pulled into an inlet. Carlos dropped the speed down to a slow pace and they went deeper up the river. A short ways in, Joe saw a waterfall and when they got closer he saw a small beach area off to the side. Carlos headed to the beach and gunned his jet ski and then let it beach itself on the sand. Joe and Kyle did the same and they pulled the crafts up on the beach further before tying them together and anchoring them down. “You like?” asked Carlos. Joe and Kyle both laughed at the ambiguity of the question. Did he mean the jet skis? Did he mean the waterfall and beach? Did he mean him? They walked over to the side of one of the jet skis and leaned against it looking at the waterfall and the beautiful nature around them. They heard lots of animals calling out in the trees and the loud rush of water from the waterfall. Joe looked over and Carlos was lighting a small pipe and then took a big hit. As he exhaled, he handed the pipe over to Joe who did the same and passed it along to Kyle. “Fuck, thats some good stuff” Joe said after he exhaled and felt the warmth spread throughout his body. Carlos smiled back at him and said “Same that you bought from Bandit. He gets a lot of customers from the resort.” Carlos took the pipe back and looked at the bowl. “A little left” he said and flicked the lighter, inhaling the last of the unburned bud. Joe was looking at him and Carlos didn’t exhale like he expected. Instead Carlos leaned over and put his mouth on Joe’s, both kissing him and shotgunning the smoke into Joe’s mouth and lungs. He pinned Joe against the jet ski and grabbed his balls. Kyle chuckled and then moved behind Carlos. He tugged and Carlos’s board shorts fell to the ground. Kyle then pulled his own trunks down before he humped his hardening cock up and down Carlos’s tight butt crack. Joe and Carlos broke their kiss and Joe exhaled the remains of the smoke. Carlos reached down and pushed Joe’s swim shorts down, releasing his stiff cock. Carlos turned Joe around so he was facing the jet ski and reached down and guided his seven inches of plump, uncut meat to Joe’s hole. “You have a sexy ass, Joe. When I saw you walk back to the pool I knew I needed to fuck it” Carlos said. He started poking and then pulled his foreskin back and aided by his precum, started to push inside Joe’s pussy. Kyle stood there, rubbing his cock against Carlos’s ass, waiting for him to get inside his boyfriend. Kyle thought that Carlos was going too slow and gentle and leaned into Carlos’s back. His cock was between the two halves of his butt and Kyle quickly found the target. The piercing was pushing into Carlos’s hole when he yelled out “NO!” It was too late. Kyle shoved into Carlos’s hole with only sweat and a little precum to assist. It took only three jabs for Kyle to get all of his cock inside the tight chute. Joe’s ass was full of Carlos’s cock and he could feel Carlos panting on his neck. Kyle whispered “You have a sexy ass too and I knew I had to breed it as soon as you kissed my boyfriend.” Kyle pulled back slightly and felt Carlos come with him. Kyle stopped and then Carlos started to push back into Joe’s cunt. He heard Carlos whimper and grunt as he fucked himself on Kyle’s cock and fucked into Joe’s ass. Faster and faster Carlos went and he was pounding Joe and himself in only a few short minutes. Kyle could feel Carlos's ass getting sloppier from the precum that he was leaking. Carlos slammed into Joe and held him tight and Kyle did the same to Carlos. Kyle could feel the pussy spasm around his cock as Carlos unloaded his seed into Joe’s poz cunt. After two of Carlos’s spurts, Kyle started pumping his virus filled spunk into Carlos’s tight hole. With both asses filled with cum, Kyle pulled his cock slowly out and then watched Carlos pull out of Joe. Carlos was steadying himself on the jet ski when Joe turned around and pushed Carlos where he had been moments earlier. Joe drove his cock into Carlos’s cum filled hole and hammered it hard while cum ran down his legs. It was only a couple minutes until Joe’s cock added its own unique strain into Carlos’s unsuspecting ass. Joe pulled out while still breathing hard and reached down and picked up his swim suit. “Fuck!” yelled out Carlos and Joe and Kyle looked at him, trying to decide if that was a good “fuck” or a bad one. Finally Joe said “What?” “I told my girlfriend that I would stop getting fucked. But it feels so good to have a man cum in you, no?” Carlos remarked. Joe and Kyle both laughed and said “Yeah, it does.” The guys put their swim suits on and pushed the water crafts back into the water. They started them up and went back into the sea and played around jumping waves, each trying to get more air than the other. Joe landed off balance and fell off at one point but was able to swim over and climb back on. Carlos of course won by getting the highest jump, since he had been riding a lot longer than either Joe and Kyle. Soon, Carlos waved at them to follow him and they ended up back at the resort. They pulled in and beached the crafts and two workers from the resort helped Carlos put the jet skis on trailers. Joe and Kyle walked up and gave Carlos a bro hug and Joe slipped him a few extra twenties and gave him a wink.
    4 points
  8. Part 22 - Taken Down Jacob woke with a shudder, beads of sweat on his forehead from the dream he just had. He frantically tried to recall what he had been dreaming about, but his sub consciousness was fighting his attempts to remember. Suddenly he put his hand over his stomach and felt the warm slimy mess, whatever it was had caused him to have an orgasm in his sleep. He tried to put the pieces together believing it was a result of his date earlier that evening. The girl was hot and she loved his tattoos, they had gone back to her place fondling each other and making out. No matter what she did he just couldn't get aroused, he put his orgasm down to a delayed reaction to her. Wiping up the mess he settled back looking up at the ceiling, all he could remember was feeling legs wrapped around him, the person underneath was just a blur. Maybe he should hit her up again he mused, he looked at his phone it was only 5am, he turned over and fell back to sleep. The ping on his phone woke him again, he tried to go over the dream again, nothing would clear the image sufficiently enough to understand it. He picked up his phone and saw a message from Ben, completely forgetting that at some point yesterday they exchanged numbers. The message was brief '9am gym, don't be late.' It was already 8am and without any hesitation he jumped out of bed tripping over the bags of clothes that JP had dropped off yesterday, he was showered and changed in 10 minutes and out of the house. He decided to walk the 35 minutes as there was plenty of time, halfway enroute he stopped and just starred ahead completely lost in his thoughts. No one had ever made him jump out of bed so quick or come running at a simple text message. He continued walking towards Wimbledon. Ben was standing at the door smiling at him as he walked up the drive to the front doors. "I didn't know if you would come or not." "I did stop halfway and found it funny that I just dropped everything to come here." Ben gave him a hug, they walked in and down to the gym. He was thinking how strange that Jake was not there to meet him. "Where's Jake?" "Oh he and Marco are swimming they finished their workout early as they are going out." "Oh right." "Your not going to freak out on me are you?" "Not today." Jacob laughed as he changed in to the clothes Andre had left for him. Ben got Jacob working and then went to the other weight bench. Fabian appeared to do his workout, seeing Jacob there made him smile as he said good morning to him. Jacob had done 25 minutes and was tiring so he went over to Ben and watched his incredible arms lift the weights with ease. He was surprised when Ben asked if he was going to continue standing there or spot him. Jacob walked over behind Ben's head, they eyes meeting every now and then. Workout done they left Fabian on the running machine as they headed upstairs towards the pool. Jake and Marco were talking to Andre in the Orangery, he came over and gave his brother a hug. "I didn't know you was here." "Ben invited me over to work out." "Oh, we have to go out, will you stay for lunch?" "If I am not in the way." Fabian walked in and told Jacob he was not in the way and to please stay before telling Jake he would be ready in 10 minutes. "Are you all going out Jake?" "Yes, only for a couple of hours, Andre and Ben will be here." Jacob thought twice about asking where they were off to, anyway Ben was by now pushing Jacob to move. They said their goodbyes, and waited for Fabian to join them. Fabian walked in to the room looking at Jake who had worried look on his face. "What's troubling you Jake?" "Do you think it is safe to leave them here alone?" "I am more worried for Jacob, Ben and Andre can be a handful, but they seem to be calmer with Jacob around." "I guess it will be okay." "Ready Jake, Brad is waiting for us next door." Today was the day Jake was getting his family tattoo and was a little nervous but excited. Most of the family were waiting except Ben and Andre, ready to welcome Jake when finished officially in to the family. Brad took Jake in to his home studio and the work commenced on his lower back. After an hour Jake emerged somewhat sore, he turned around and showed off his only tattoo. Kisses, hugs and champagne flowed. Jake looked at Fabian and Marco announcing how irritating it was that he couldn't swim for a week until it had healed properly. Brad came over and gave Jake an extremely extended kiss, and gave him some ointment and covering. Fabian reminded everyone that the family Sunday dinner was at 7pm as they departed, the slipped through the gate back to their own garden. Turning the corner at the side of the house towards the pool terrace they stopped in their tracks aghast at the sight before them. Jacob was being pushed by both Andre and Ben to swim a length further each time. Done with his swim he sat on the steps in the shallow end, watching the both of them continuing with their swimming. Each time Andre reached close to Jacob he would splash him deliberately and make a quick about turn, Jacob sat there laughing and though next time he would be ready for him. Andre was getting closer so Jacob adjusted his position ready to pounce, Andre's head went back under the water in tune with his stroke as he came up he peered but he had gone. He stopped swimming but before he realised Jacob's arms went around his body and held him tight and firm. "Not this time splasher." Andre squirmed calling for back up from Ben, he was making no real effort to escape, but Jacob could hear Ben swimming faster towards them. Andre scooped water and was splashing the both of them. He hadn't really banked on the idea of Ben, he suddenly remembered Fabian's warning about them both being trouble when together. He was running out of time as Ben was getting within feet of them, he let go and pushed Andre towards Ben then high tailed it out of the pool and stood at the terrace laughing at them. They were both smiling and stepping forward until they stood a couple of feet from Jacob. Andre put his arm on Ben's shoulder as they stood looking at him with mischievous grins on their faces. Ben took a couple of steps away from Andre, Jacob put his hands up in a surrender fashion. Ban and Andre looked at each other then nodded. Jacob spun round to run away but Ben was to quick. He caught Jacob in a frontal bearhug and lifted him off the ground in one sweeping movement, Andre moved him and grabbed his legs holding them firmly. Jacob was wriggling to get free but he already knew his attempts would come to nothing. Jacob spotted Jake standing with Fabian and Marco and started pleading with them for help in between his laughter. Jacob was blind to the fact that his cock was hard as a rock and very visible to everyone looking. Marco tapped Jake on his shoulder. "Should we recue him?" "I think it wold be rude to spoil their fun Marco." "Hmm, he does seem to be enjoying it, your brother has a big dick." "Doesn't he just. I suppose we should stop it." Marco called across the group. "Ben, Andre put Jacob down, Now!" They looked over and shouted back 'Okay', they moved towards the pool and began swinging Jacob, he felt as light as air flying over and down in to the pool. Jacob knew eventually this would happen, he crawled to the edge and hauled himself out then tried to stand up but limped with an loud ouch. Ben and Andre came running over him to help, he put his arms around Ben and Andre's shoulders before shouting 'Suckers' and pulled them back until all three of them fell in to the pool. Jacob being prepared quickly climbed out of the pool, swiftly followed by Ben who gave chase, within seconds he caught up with Jacob and rugby tackled him to down on to the grass. They rolled around as each one tried to get the upper hand but Jacob was overpowered easily by Ben, his legs clamped around Jacobs waist and his arms secured around his body. He was immobilised, heaving but laughing. Ben tightened his legs the more Jacob laughed, but suddenly he stopped, laying there held tightly by Ben's legs the mist cleared and his dream as vivid as life came rushing back. Surely he didn't have a wet dream about having sex with Ben, it dawned on him that his cock was so hard it was trying to tear itself away from his body. Ben sensed the change and quickly released Jacob and rolled on to his back, he thought he may have pushed him to far again. Jacob rolled on to his front trying to hide his arousal, his head full of confliction, but he liked girls, or did he like Ben way more than he should. Ben stood up and nudged him. "Are you coming I think it is lunchtime." "I need to rest here for a bit." "Are you worried they might see your turned on?" "What the fuck." "Jacob, a lot of men get turned on play fighting, straight and gay." "Really?" "Yes, come on, I am starving." Jacob took his hand and Ben heaved him up off the ground, Ben put his arm around Jacob and they waked up to the decking for lunch. Andre had joined the others and they all seemed to breathe a sigh of relief that nothing exploded. When they reached the deck and joined the others it was Jacob that spoke first. "Fabian, I think I need to use your gym more if I can, I need to be able to match these two." "Of course Jacob, I did warn you what they were like. Your brother found out the hard way as well." Jacob was still feeling weird at having people serving them food especially as it was mostly Andre and the other guy he knew as Luke. What started out to be a mostly overcast warm day cleared during lunch. Jacob relaxed in his chair enjoying the warmth of the sun beating down now. Ben suggested they all go to the pool and get some sun. Jake kept his t-shirt on to hide is new tattoo from his brother, he missed out on the swimming and fun the others were having. Jacob kept giving curious glances at his brother unsure why he was acting so strangely and avoiding the water, but no one else pressed him on the matter so he let it go. The afternoon went by quickly before Jacob announced he was adequately sun ripened and had to go, he needed to get some good sleep for his new job in the morning. Jake offered to walk him to the door, Ben told Jacob that he should come over after work to workout and that we get him some proper gym clothes for tomorrow. Jacob now back in his own clothes walked across the entrance hall with Jake. "Did you enjoy yourself today Jacob?" "Yes it was good fun, you are lucky having all of this." "I never expected it to turn out like this, but I just happened and I fell in love as well." "He is a good fella, I can see why, but I never had you down as going for someone with muscle and older." "Eight years isn't much, I always thought it would be someone my age. But you just never know." "Mum and dad were a little shocked, mum is okay with it, dad is coming round, I think he likes Marco." "I hope so, but you know with dad it will take time. You and Ben seem to hit it off." "What do you mean?" "He likes you, plus your someone else for him and Andre annoy." "Do you know, I feel sad when I leave here but happy when I return." "It does have that effect." Jake opened the door and said he looked forward to seeing him tomorrow and hearing about his first day at work. His brother turned and hugged him tight. Jake returned the gesture and then shocked as Jacob leaned in and kissed him goodbye. Jacob quickly let go realising what he had done, he had never kissed his brother and it was on his lips. He turned and muttered bye as he rushed out. Marco was standing in the entrance hall, Jake stood with a bewildered look. "Well that was a weird." "You saw that?" "Yes." "I don't think he meant to." "It looked rather intended I think." "You don't think... No. Can you help me change the covering and put some ointment on." "Of course babe." They went upstairs Marco tenderly attending to Jake's tattoo, then they dressed for the family dinner.
    4 points
  9. Part 18; 'Don't fart boy, put the pitcher of drink down, hold onto the urge, and come with me'. I grabbed the mixing bowl that Leo had emptied the contents of 17+ sauna loads from his cunt into earlier. It still had some cum left in it after I had filled up the 60ml syringe, and I got him to get on all 4's on the rubber covered mattress, and held the bowl directly under his now battered and loose poz cunt ... 'OK, push son' He farted out a huge blob of cum. No doubt a combined super toxic mixture from Daddy Simon & Uncle Phil. 'You fucking pig' He laughed, which caused some more to drip out, and run down his smooth shaved perineum and balls. I placed the bowl down between his legs. 'Stay there, and catch whatever falls out, OK boy' 'Yes Daddy' John was now getting his Dick licked clean by a cum loaded, restrained Shah, and Phil had got himself ready with a tourniquet. I got all the bits needed, and took some of his blood. I sat myself by my boys neg cunt, lubed up the catheter, and inserted several inches, and released the clip that would now allow any contents of the syringe to flow. I now began to slowly depress the plunger, loading him up with Leo's 17+ sauna loads, to go with the 4 loads he had already received directly from Uncle Phil, Daddy Simon, brother Leo, and crix Man. I had pushed in about half of the anonymous cum when Phil released one of Shah's arms, and got him to hold it straight, relaxing it into the sling. 'Small sharp scratch coming up ...' As I continued to slowly load up my boys neg cunt with multiple loads of anonymous cum of unknown statuses, Phil slowly blood slammed his unique DNA. It was now for the first time he got a raging HUGE erection, showing us he was very much a grower not a show'er'. Getting turned on by the point of no return really did confirm that this was his undeniable destiny! Phil pulled the needle out, and put on some cotton wool, pressing hard. A little earlier Phil had put some medical tape across a sealed condom packet, and attached one end of the tape to Shah's upper arm. He now removed this, and placed the taped condom packet over the cotton wool, slapping both ends of the tape firmly onto his skin. 'For your protection' said Phil, followed by an evil depraved smirk. I finished loading up my boy, removed the catheter, and put a rosebud spec u-plug inside him. This is designed to bloom open once inside your ass. I did not want him to leak a single drop of precious sauna-cum given to him via his brothers own warm wet cunt! Between Phil & I we unrestrained his ankles and remaining wrist, plus collared and leashed him up, and put fist 'puppy' mitts onto his hands. I walked him over to the rubber covered mattress ... 'C'mon boy, this way' I now had him on his paws, behind Leo. I moved the bowl of cum out the way ... 'You see that cum dripping down out of your brothers cunt, and down over his balls, that's Daddy's and Uncle Phil's fully blown AIDS loads ... Now lick it up. Go on, lick your brothers cunt clean boy'. He puppy pawed his way in-between his brothers legs, and started licking, moaning, licking, rubbing his lips, nose, and chin, more licking. I was stood above them, holding his leash ... 'Good puppy, you're a good puppy ... You're doing a good job ... Good boy'. I stroked his head, and he kept on wiggling his hips, like an over excited young pup. The rosebud spec u-plug stuffed up his neg cunt looked hot, especially knowing it was keeping 21+ loads trapped inside. I got him to sit up, and put an elastic band around his Dick & Balls (they double up as a fantastic cock-ring). I fingered Leo's cunt for some natural lube, then got to stroking Shah's semi hard Dick. I kissed him deeply, feeling his neg shaft quickly grow ... 'Go on, FUCK your brother's newly poz cunt boy. Stick it to him'. Without hesitation, and showing off that he was by no means a complete natural bottom he slid all the way in, immediately fucking with a fast rhythm. I got on all 4s in front of Leo, bringing us face to face ... 'Giving your brother your dirty toxic load earlier was a great way to start the bonding process between my two boys. And to complete and seal that bond he is soon gonna give you his last neg load'. I now kissed him deeply too, as his brother pounded his HUGE bare neg shaft wildly inside his brothers sweet bio-hazardous cunt!
    4 points
  10. This neg guy messaged me on BBRT. He was specifically looking to convert to Poz. During our exchange of messages I explained to him that I am now very unwell, and as a consequence my home is an utter filthy mess. That didn't deter him. Now for the real test of his authenticity ... If he wanted what I could give him, he would do some housework for me, and help me have a bath to wash my wasting skinny body. He agreed. We arranged for him to visit the following day. The next day came, and he messaged asking if we were still on. OK, he was serious! I gave him my address, and told him I would leave the door off of the latch so he could just come in. 6pm arrived, he was bang on time. He entered my living room where I was watching TV. I hit the mute button. He was as his photos suggested, well built rugby build, clean shaven. A very handsome 27 year old. 'Hey Sexy'. 'Hello Sir'. 'Strip naked. Keep your trainers on,'. He did as instructed. Although once I saw he was wearing a tight hugging Jock Strap I ordered he leave that on too. 'Come over here between my legs, facing away from me'. Again, he obeyed. And I had a good grope of his sweet neg ASS. 'NICE. Very Firm'. I ordered he clean my bathroom, mop and hoover floors, and gather the huge lot of rubbish scattered all over the place as a result of not being in the best of health. After cleaning in his Jock & Trainers he ran me a bath. As he washed me we spoke ... 'Is this what you want to end up like, sick and decrepit?' 'Yes Sir. It might seem crazy to most, but, it is what I need. What I deserve. And I want to know for sure who my 'Gifter' is, so I can remember him fondly, always carrying a piece of him inside me'. Having bathed me, he dried my scrawny pale body. Naked, dry, and with finally a good wash I walked into my now tidier living room, stood in front of the TV and began channel flicking . The rugby build boy without a word knelt before me, took my flaccid Dick into his mouth, pulled on my balls. I was in no time very hard. With one hand controlling the remote, the other held behind his head as I rocked my hips. I threw the remote to the floor as I got more and more turned on, now with both hands pulling his face in tightly as I began fucking his face. Out of breath I pulled out, stood back so he could see me full length... 'You sick Bastard coming here to get converted ... This REALLY what you want?' 'Oh GOD YES Sir. Destroy me and my future'. 'You sick nasty pig'. His face lit up when I said that, as he nodded in agreement with a big happy smile on his face. I took him to the bedroom where I had a vinyl play-sheet ready on the floor. He brought his little rucksack with him, from which he took out a toothbrush, he handed it to me and got on all 4's. 'Make me bleed Sir'. 'You are one fucked up pig'.
    3 points
  11. Cis is short for cisgender. A cisgenger male is born with male reproductive organs and identifies as male. A transman identifies as male but was born with female genitalia. Part of transitioning to male can be taking testosterone. This lengthens the clit (now usually called a T-cock) and produces secondary sex characteristics. Here is a link to the vocabulary on the transmaleerotica site where I made the porn. http://www.transmaleerotica.com/vocabulary.html
    3 points
  12. Part 17; Phil's Jacob's ladder shaft squelched out of Leo's bruised and battered well used newly poz cunt. A minimum of 17 loads from the sauna, and now his Dad Simon & Uncle Phil had just deposited their fully blown loads. What a treat for the boy! Phil came over to the kitchen table for his Beer ... 'I'll never tire of recharging his cute nasty cunt' 'You are such an evil Beast Phil' We both clinked our Beer bottles together, exchanging satanic smirks. We sat together, chatting, our pale scrawny fully blown bodies complimenting the other beautifully, whilst watching on my youthful, cute, fit boy Leo as he recommenced his 'Long Island Iced Tea' mission. 'Where is John' I asked ... 'You have a new boy in town, right' With that we got up, took some extra Beers from the fridge for when we finished our first, and went into the Dungeon, and sure enough, there was John, wearing a Gas Mask, and Fucking Shah. We both stood at the head of the sling, swigging back our Beers. Phil just downed his, now onto his second. 'What a hottie Si. Shame I've just this second cum. Is he one of us?' 'He is well on his way to being. And he has explicitly expressed he wants knocking up' I watched on as John fucked my new neg boy, his face covered by his Gas Mask, and his Bio-Hazard tattoo showing that there was imminent danger nearby. I love the way he had the letters 'P' & 'Z' within the symbol, either side of the main body of it that was one large 'O' ... Fuckin' HOT! Phil came around to the side of the sling, to look Shah in the face properly for the first time ... 'You are a major cutie, boy. I'm your Uncle Phil' ... Shah smiled ... 'Hey Uncle Phil' 'So, you want to become poz?' 'YES! I'm finally embracing my undeniable destiny'. I piped up ... 'He has already had 3 loads up him this evening Phil mate ... Mine, his brother Leo's, and some guy at the sauna with a crix belly. And, he has had the full toothbrush treatment too' 'When was your last neg test boy?' 'Today Uncle Phil' 'Well, I just dropped a load up your brother. How about some of my blood injected into you instead, and I'll give you some of my toxic cum some other time?' My brand new boy could not even answer through his depraved lust, and simply nodded, tongue hanging out like a dog, and whimpered and gave a subservient 'fucking please do it' look. Phil began to spit on his face, slapping it hard ... John picked up his already constant steady pace, and was now fucking faster, with no slowing down, this Man has real stamina ... Not averting his gaze from Shah, Phil firmly commanded ... 'Go on John, Fuck him, Fuck his beautiful neg cunt and load him up with your filthy toxic un-medicated load ... Go on John mate ... yeah, give it to the cunt' Phil continued spitting and slapping. I looked at John and saw his Gas Mask head look upwards as his body stiffened. I could tell he was about to blow. And sure enough, loud, yet muffled grunts erupted, as he ejaculated his virulent seed deep inside Shah's innocent cunt. 'I have a big urge to fart', said Leo ... He had walked in with his cocktail pitcher in hand during all the fun we were having ...
    3 points
  13. Part 16; Withdrawing my toxic weapon I finally introduced my two boys properly. 'Leo (my newly charged up boy), this is your new brother (the twink I charged up at the Sauna), Shah'. They greeted each other with deep connecting glowing smiles and passionate deep kissing. Leo still inside his brother continued to grind his hips, clenching his firm round ASS! 'You like 'Long Island Iced Tea' Shah?' 'It's my favourite cocktail' 'Me too. I'll make us a Pitcher'. The brothers smiled with each other once again, exchanging another deep bonding kiss, before Leo's brand new charged up weapon flopped out of his brothers currently still neg cunt, to go and make their cocktail pitcher. It really turned me on seeing my two boys connect, and get on, and see Leo share my mutated DNA with his brother. Leo and I went into the main house, into the kitchen, leaving Shah restrained in the sling with 3 virulent filthy loads sloshing about inside of him; Dads, his brothers, and not forgetting crix man! 'You seem to be getting on well with your new brother, son'. 'Yes Daddy, he is very cute and sexy, and I feel an unspoken deep connection with him' 'Good. That makes me very happy, not to mention horny'. I slapped his ASS and went to the Fridge to grab myself a Beer. I took a few swigs when I heard a motorbike pull up. A-ha, that'd be the arrival of Phil. I went to the front door, and upon opening I saw Phil had brought his mate John. John featured in part 5 of this story. Unlike Phil and I he wasn't fully blown, but the three of us did share all one thing in common; We are all completely un-medicated, and dangerously toxic ~ Fuck YES! 'Come in guys ... Fancy a Beer' 'Yeah ... Yeah' I went back into the kitchen as they stripped naked in the hallway. I opened their Beers putting them on the table. In they walked .... 'Beers on the table guys' 'Cheers Simon ... Yeah, Cheers...' Leo stopped making the cocktail pitcher, and threw his arms around Phil... 'Uuuuncle Phiiiiil' 'Heeeey, my favourite Nephew', ... Phil squeezed his arse then read what I wrote on his chest... 'Fuck, I remember how great that ass felt ... What's this ... 'Poz-Faggot?' ... You got something to tell your Uncle Phil?' 'Yeah, Daddy of course bugged up my cunt several weeks ago, and today I got my 'poz' diagnosis. We celebrated with a nice meal, then went to the sauna, where I took at least 17 loads' 'Congratulations boy, you are one of us now' He went over to the corner kitchen cupboard to get some coke for the Long Island Iced Tea, bending over to get what he wanted. Phil wasted no time, taking a swig of Beer, slamming his bottle on the table, he marched over to Leo, grabbed hold of his left hip and guided his Jacobs ladder shaft to my boys loose cummy cunt, grabbed hold onto his right hip, and slammed in his fully blown AIDS Dick, piston fucking with no warning. Holding onto a cupboard shelf and the cupboard door he didn't have the greatest of balance, and ended up maneuvering himself so his palms were planted against the wall ... 'Fuck yeah, what a hot and sexy nasty loose poz cummy cunt boy' Phil growled and grunted towards the ceiling, arching back as he lost his self in his usual depraved objectifying pig fuck self, using my son Leo like a piece of cheap Fuck-Meat, for his pleasure only. I sat at the table, drinking my Beer, just watching Phil and his broad yet pale and thin wasted frame pound without any mercy my little Leo's loose well used puffy sloppy cunt. He suddenly began screaming demonically, I knew that meant he was seconds from injecting his filthy death-juice, and sure enough his fast merciless pound hate fucking slowed right down to the odd intermittent grunting hard thrusts. I watched his anus and perineum through his wasted ass cheeks twitch, as he shared his beautiful nasty gift, once again.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. The guy sounds like he is an abusive/controlling shit bag. If it makes you uncomfortable, get away from him.
    2 points
  16. François Sagat has just bottomed bareback for Raw Strokes' Knockout, taking a load even. http://menofporn.typepad.com/menofporn/2018/06/first-bareback-scene-for-francois-sagat.html
    2 points
  17. Part 21, Do I help or no? Mr C was climbing into the shower and said, 'hey pup, can you go downstairs, the room across from the play, I mean the rec room is the laundry room, can you get our work clothes out of the drier and bring them up?' Knowing we were running late, I bolted down stairs in just my underwear. I was walking through the lower level where the huge screen TV and wet bar were and saw the hallway where the laundry room was. It was darker heading down the hallway, but there was a red glow coming out of the rec room. I could hear the dryer buzzing so I knew which door it was in. However, right before entering the laundry room i looked to my right and saw the red light. It was just a small red light on the ceiling in the center of the room. I turned and entered the room. This is the room that I was in yesterday when Mr. C had me get him some things from the fridge. The light was directly over the hammock in the middle of the room. My eyes got accustom to the light a little bit and I entered the room. I realized there were mirrors all over and cabinets. I put my left hand on the chain holding the hammock up and ran my right hand on the leather straps of the cradle of it. It reminded me of something. But what? I heard Uncle Terry holler down the steps 'did you find it ok'? Startled, I turned back toward the door and entered the laundry and said 'yes Sir, getting the things now'. As I turned off the light of the laundry room and my eyes again focused on the red light above the hammock, I remembered.... oh it is like from my dream I had. I was in a hammock like that in a dark room with candles. I felt my cock harden as i turned to the left and headed back through the lower level to the stairway up. Mr. C was standing looking out of the window over the kitchen sink finishing a cup of coffee. He continued to look outside as he was rinsing the mug before putting it in the dishwashers. He was standing there just in his underwear, tall and confident. I could see the sun pouring in the window and illuminating the fur on his broad chest and my cock continued to thicken. What the fuck is wrong with me? I just shot my load a few minutes ago and it was already getting hard. I put the clothes on the kitchen island and separated my stuff from his. As I pulled my jeans on, I winced at the tenderness in my butt and upper thighs. Hopefully tomorrow at school the trainer is in and can stretch me out a little before hockey practice. As Mr. C approached the island to start putting his clothes on, he noticed me smiling and said, 'whats so funny?' 'Funny? Nothing, just really happy Sir. This last day has been amazing. I am so happy you gave me a job and let me sleep over and well. Well, and.' 'And what?' he said 'Well, you guys taught me more about growing up and the circle jerk and how to shave and all kinds of stuff. I just really appreciate it and I just wanted you to know how happy I am.' And with that, I went over to him and gave him a hug bear hug. I stood on my toes to be taller and my neck fit perfectly in the crook of this neck and shoulder. He held me for a long time, I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I just was taking in his freshly showered smell. I broke away from the hug quickly once I realized my cock was now rock hard against this thigh. He kind of shook his head quick, like ....what? why? whats wrong? He saw me adjusting myself and turning red. He came over and lifted my chin so he could look into my eyes and said, 'Lukas, dont ever be embarrassed for having a hard on around me. I am flattered.' And with that, he opened a drawer in the island and took out 3 of the blue diamond shaped vitamins and gave me two and he took one. We finished getting dressed and I smiled back again and let him know that I heard and appreciated his not teasing me about my erection. He let me drive and on the way to the restaurant, I just sat there with a grin. My hard cock had escaped the leg band of my boxer briefs and was snaking down the leg of my jeans. Mr. C looked over at me and said, 'can I ask you something pup'? I glanced over and nodded and raised my eyebrows. 'Did you enjoy spending the night with me?' I quickly said, 'oh my heavens, yes Sir' 'And what about with Uncle Terry?' 'Oh yes Sir, I think he is great, you guys seem like the best of friends' 'Yeah, we are very close for sure' He then asked, 'did you like him helping you shave?' 'Yeah, it was super cool that he helped me. I am sorry I got so turned on by it.' 'Stop right there Lukas. Please don't ever apologize for being turned on. Being turned on is a gift. A gift to you and to the person who is making you turned on. It is a beautiful way to show appreciation to a man who is making you happy. Please dont ever conceal that, ok? Well, you have to be careful, but for me you know and want to know more, it is a beautiful thing. ok?' With a huge smile, I said, 'sweet, thanks for explaining that to me.' 'I mean dont be a slut like women are, but it is ok to appreciate being turned on, you will learn how to regulate that excitement with time. I wondered, if you like the shaving, Uncle Terry only did your face. Maybe we could show you how to shave the rest of you later on?' 'The rest of me?' I asked? 'Oh yes, there are so many other parts men can trim or shave, maybe if you want, we can do some more when we get home', he said. 'Get home? 'Yes, well if you like hanging out at our house, I want you to think of it as yours as well.' 'Gosh Sir, I feel so safe and happy and loved there. I would love to spend more time with you. Well, or you and Uncle Terry when he is there.' As we pulled into the lot, he rustled my hair and said, 'good boy, now lets get you some tips. Do you remember everything from yesterday?' 'Yes Sir, I think so, oh, wait, my help cards, what did I do with my help cards?' He opened the glove box and pulled them out and handed them to me as we exited the truck and said, 'Here they are, I got you covered pup.' As we entered the restaurant and things were crazy busy. Mr C yelled out, 'what is going on?' Jax hollered back, 'we just got slammed with a huge order and we were already busy because of all the games on.' Mr. C said to 'go up front and help with the deliveries' while he joined Jax and the rest of the guys in the kitchen. There were 2 others ready to head out and they were each looking over the routes. Both saw this one order for two pizzas and the guy looked at the woman and said 'I aint going to that one, lets give it to the new kid'. 'Sure, I can do it, what is it?' I asked. The one guy said, 'it is bad area, lots of dealers and skanks. Here is what you do, you just go in the front door, dont ring the bell, they dont like that. There is a table as soon as you enter the house, they always leave a big stash of cash there. Just put the pizza down and take the money and get the fuck out of there. They are friends of Jax's but dont tell him I said so, but it is a bunch of his ex-cons. They have usually been partying and drinking so DON'T bother them! Do you hear me kid? Do NOT bother them. Just go in, drop off the pie, get your money and get the fuck out.' 'Sure I can do that, no worries' I said. I got this easy. I could see Sarah's name tag and she grabbed my arm and then she looked at the other guy and said, 'Wait, Noah, you realllllly should do this, you shouldn't let him go, he is new'. 'Fuck that.' Noah said, 'he is a big kid, he is 18, he can handle himself, right dude?' 'Yeah of course, I got this' I said and I loaded up the delivery box and headed out the back door. I found the house easy enough and parked in the driveway. There were several other cars in the driveway and sort of parked all over the place. The house was big but not well maintained. As I walked up the sidewalk, I could hear some house music getting louder. As Noah said, the front door was part way open and I entered. I had smelled pot a couple times before and when I was nearing the house it smelled like someone was smoking some of the marijuana. Sure enough, just inside the door was a table with a wad of cash on it. I set the pizza down and took the wad of cash. As I was turning to leave and stuffing the money into my pocket, I heard something that sounded like a cry for help. I stopped in my tracks and listened. The music was kind of loud but I heard it again. I moved closer to the rickety wooden steps leading to upstairs and bent my ear toward the steps. Then I heard it again, 'stop' 'please stop' 'stop it hurts' 'I cant' 'please'. It sounded like a woman, her voice was soft but scared. Maybe it was the TV? Maybe she was being hurt? Fuck, what do I do. I got out my cards and asked myself. 'Should I defy Noah's instructions to get the heck out and go upstairs and see if she needs help?' i turned over the card and it read... 'Yes, absolutely'. I slowly started to sneak up the old wooden staircase. The smell of marijuana was getting stronger and the music was getting louder. I made it to the top of the steps and hear two voices coming out of one of the rooms. I carefully crept down the hallway and peaked into the room. It was two black dudes with their backs to me sitting on some old gross dirty furniture, smoking some weed and playing a video game. The noise of the music seemed to drown out my footsteps. Then I heard more cries for help. 'please don't' 'oh god' 'no' 'no' 'oh please' they weren't loud screams of pain, more like whimpers and mini screams mixed together. I snuck further down the dark hall and noticed the door was cracked open at the end of the hall. I got close enough to peak in and saw a dark haired guy blindfolded on the bed. It wasnt a woman at all, it was a dude. A small tiny dude having sex. He was tied around his arms and legs to the bed posts. There was this huge black dude covered in tats with a giant cock fucking him. There was a second black dude kneeling over his head feeding his big black cock deep into the guys mouth. I then noticed the guy getting used, reach over and picked up something over to this other side. It was a little brown bottle. My eyes instantly zeroed in on it. It was all I could see. My eyes got huge and I knew it was the bottle of magic. Just then, I felt a guy lunge at me from behind. I felt his arm come up from behind and get me in a head lock. He had to be 6 foot 6 inches and super strong. He other hand went up to my mouth and firmly clamped my mouth closed. My eyes stayed glued on the brown bottle from the room and my heart raced. The guy behind me held me very firm and whispered into my ear. Well well well, what do we have here, but a beautiful blond princess. If you know what is good for you just stay very calm and very still and he shook me a little and said 'understood'? I nodded my head yes and he started pulling me toward another room across the hallway.
    2 points
  18. Part 5; My Doctor moved forward, pulled my boys meaty ass apart, and sandwiched his wet Hard vertical Doctor Dick between his sexy beefy round Latino cheeks. He started to spank him, as he did, he said ... 'So you want to end up like my patient here, is that it?' Continuing to firmly spank ... My boy looked up at my gaunt sunken face, smiled, and said ... 'Fuck yes Doctor'. 'You sick twisted Fuck' .... *Spank ... SPAnk ... SPANK* ... Slapping my sons perfect round ASS. My Doctor pulled away, put his Dick away, ordered my son to get dressed, re-iterated the 2pm appointment for tomorrow, then left to go home as his shift was finishing. The NEXT day; It was 11.45am, my son and I were joking and laughing with one another as we played cards. The Doctor walked in doing his morning rounds. Again, we discussed my case, then, the attention turned to my boy. 'The examination suite I booked for you is free for 1 hour before, so, I'll be here to pick you up 1.15pm, then we can get started a little earlier, for about 1.30pm, and I can do an even more thorough examination, OK'. 'Yes, OK'. The Doctor looked at me, and smiled ... 'You'll be coming too. You deserve to be there. You are the reason all this is happening'. 12.30pm my ordered lunch came. They also allowed my boy to eat there too, so we often ate together. As soon as 1.15pm came the Doctor was there, along with a porter to push me in a wheelchair. We arrived outside the suite at 1.25pm, and before he left my Doctor instructed the porter to pick me up @ 4pm. My son wheeled me in, with my Doctor locking the door once we were all inside. In an authoritative tone he ordered my son to strip naked, and lie on the examination couch with his ankles in the stirrups. My Doctor had my sons brand new medical file all of a few pages, and asked him to confirm his name, date of birth, and first line of his address. He confirmed he had no known allergies. The Doctor inserted a cannula into my boys hand, stating he was going to give him something to relax his body, to minimize any if not all discomfort that the examination might bring. 'Oh wow, I feel super relaxed'. 'Good, now I can give you that thorough examination'. The Doctor put on a pair of latex gloves, liberally lubing them all over, inserting one finger, then two, then three, then a fourth, right upto his knuckles. Then in went his thumb, and without much effort he was right upto his wrist. Whatever medication he had administered, it certainly was working its purpose! My son started moaning with pleasure, arching his back in and out. 'Keep still'. My Doctor released his fist, and inserted a 3 pronged rectal speculum, slowly opening it up until it was really stretching my boys cunt lips super wide. He came over to me, stood me up, and walked me over to where my sons legs where spread, and cunt was stretched. But, it seemed the Doctor didn't think they were stretched enough, so, widened the rectal speculum further still. My son didn't flinch one bit. Very nicely tranquilized! My Doctor then stuck a Bio-hazard sticker to my forehead. I could see right inside into my sons cunt, which stiffened my already hard Dick further, making it bounce against my hospital gown, which I had been wanking though when the Doctor first had his FFist inside my boy. The Doctor removed my gown, revealing my pale wasted body with bones sticking out, and a healthy big veiny hard-on which was oozing pre cum. The Doctor scooped up my pre cum and walked over to my boys face, ordering him to eat it! He looked over at me ... 'Go on, stick your nasty death-weapon inside his beautiful cunt, and breed his glowing womb with your fertile bugs'. I needed no prompting in all honesty, and was back inside my son for the first time in a few weeks. 'So, you want my patient to infect you, huh?' 'Oh god, YES Please' 'Well, he will be unable to infect you now' 'Eh? Why?' 'Because, he has already successfully managed to bug you up. I got your results this morning. Congratulations. You are now officially a nasty poz whore' With that the Doctor slapped a 'Bio-hazard' sticker onto my boys right pec. I was recovering nicely, my boy received the news he was wanting, and I was about to cum for the first time in weeks, and it was going to be inside my sons newly diagnosed poz cunt --- What a WONDERFUL examination! 'You are becoming so much better. Go on, breed him ... Breed Him ... BREED the nasty poz fucker'. My Doctors aggressive verbal talk started to send me over the edge to cumming. Not that I needed much to reach that point. My Doctor could tell I was getting close, so, rushed behind me to view me climax. I started to unload inside my boys speculum gaping cunt... 'Oh FUCK Yeah, what a stunning wasted ass showing off completely your anus and perineum. I know you are cumming right now as I see them twitching. Go ON, fucking give it to him'. Spent, I took my Dick out, and could now even see my toxic juice lying inside my sons beautiful dark pink cunt. I went to the head of the examination table, kissed my boy, and let him lick my Dick clean. My Doctor sat in front of my boy again, and proceeded to fill up a 60ml syringe with a creamy fluid. Of course, this was CUM! 'I am now going to lube you up with CUM ... Want to know where it is from?' ... ?
    2 points
  19. Part 4; My Doctor didn't seem phased by my loyal boy snuggling with me in my bed. I guess as a Doctor and an adult he has seen it all and more in his time. We discussed my progress, latest blood-work, and he went over my upto date obs chart. I was doing very well, but, it looked like I would certainly need a few more weeks as an inpatient with further treatment. My topless sexy rugby stud got out of my bed to fetch himself a cool drink from his bag, his torso glistening as he drenched in sweat. His legs hobbling him in his now weak feeble state. 'Are you OK?' my Doctor asked him, with an air of concern. 'Oh don't worry Doctor, I am sure it is just my body beginning to accept the HIV virus'. 'What makes you think you have HIV?' My sexy Latino stud looked at me, and smiled, and with our eyes locked he answered the Doctor... 'I had a very high risk exposure nearly 4 weeks ago'. 'Do you happen to know your sexual partners HIV status from the high risk exposure encounter?' 'Yes. They are positive. I was fully aware before our exposure. In fact, I sought it'. 'It was with me, Doctor'. With both hands holding onto my medical file my Doctor automatically and before he could stop himself instinctively grabbed his crotch. Immediately realising what he had just done he awkwardly straightened his tie, that didn't need straightening, clearing his throat. He immediately left the room. A short while later, a nurse came in and took my sexy boy away. In short, she took his medical history, basic obs, and took pertaining bloods covering sexual health. Upon his return to my room he hopped back into bed with me, still sweating, still shivering. He looked up at me, and said ... 'I've grown very fond of you, and see you as a Father figure, and desire to look after you'. ... I smiled with joy, and kissed him on his forehead, his beads of converting sweat moistening my lips ... 'I've grown very fond and paternally protective of you too sexy boy'. He smiled back, and as we held one another we both gradually fell asleep together, as his body fought against the acceptance of my virus invading his system, a part of me becoming a part of him, for always. The Doctor walked in which woke us up. There was a small round window on my room door which had a small curtain if privacy was ever required, so, he pulled that shut, and put a sign on the door that read; 'No entry, treatment in progress'. He looked at my Latino son ... 'Right, out of my patient's bed, and strip naked, and kneel on the floor a few feet away from the bed, facing it side-ways, with your palms on the floor like you are a dog, I want to check you for any rashes'. My tight bodied son stripped down to his jock-strap which my Doctor ordered him to leave on, and knelt where where and how he was told to. He knelt in front of him, feeling all over his arms, chest, torso, and legs. This was more than an examination for rashes, I could tell he was getting aroused groping my sweaty shivering rugby stud. He got up and knelt behind him, stroking his arms again, and back, and slipped his hands underneath the straps to my sons jock, squeezing and kneading his tight bubble ASS. I must have been beginning to recover, as I got my first erection in weeks, and started stroking my filthy weapon! He pushed his cheeks apart to reveal my sons cunt-hole, and keeping one hand on a pushed back ass cheek he let go of the other cheek, licked two fingers, and placed them on his smooth cunt-hole, to which he let out a whimper of ecstasy! 'Now close your eyes, and keep them closed, and open your mouth, and keep it open' My Doctor got up, stood in front of my son, and unzipped his trousers. Leaving himself buttoned up he pulled his Hard Dick, and balls through the open zip. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, yet, I was LOVING it! He put his Hard Dick in my kneeling boys mouth, and began to rock his hips to now be fucking his open wide mouth. As he done this he had his fists raised to shoulder height facing forwards, and clenched. 'I've booked a double slot for 2-4pm tomorrow, so 2 hours to one of the examination suites. I shall be performing a full sexual health examination. It would be very helpful if you would have a thorough douche'. He took his Dick out of my boys mouth... 'Open your eyes, get up, and bend over the foot of the bed' My son opened his eyes, closed his mouth, and looked at the Doctors Hard saliva sodden Dick. He gave him a subservient look, biting his bottom lip. He stood up, and bent over the foot of my bed as instructed ...
    2 points
  20. Part 3; For 5 days following the day we met and receiving his initial knocking up my rugby stud visited me every day, doing housework, cooking healthy hearty meals, washing me, and taking multiple loads each day of my highly charged, filthy dirty cum. However, as the week wore on my health was declining, so after 6 nights from initially meeting he started staying over, helping me out during the day, and each evening we would lay naked together on my couch, watching TV, and really enjoying each others company. We really clicked on a personal level We naturally fucked each and every way, and also shared lots of affection. We discussed how really sexy it was to see the contrast of my skinny wasted pale body against his glowing muscular tight Latino body. It really turned me on rubbing over his torso and lateral thighs with my bony veiny hands and fingers. I had a persistent cough for a few weeks that was worsening, and I was generally feeling more and more under the weather, despite this sexy stud looking after me. It had now been 10 days since we met. We were spooning on the couch, and I was coughing like crazy, plus also now sweating. He lay me on my back, propping my head up with some cushions, and proceeded to suck me. I don't know how, as I was now feeling fucking dreadful, but, the boy got me hard. No sooner had he did, he climbed on me and impaled his sweet gorgeous cunt on my nasty death-tool. As I lay there, totally wiped and motionless, he rocked his hips, using his inner muscles to massage my AIDS Dick! I know we were like this for over half an hour, as the TV was on, and a programme I like to watch came and went. I was now getting close to cumming, which he could tell, so, he took his slow deep rocking to an aggressive fast rhythm. I could not hold like I normally would when I would be in control, and just started to cum immediately, as I did I was coughing really badly. The following day it was clear I needed medical help, and was admitted to hospital. My sweet sexy Latino rugby boy was very loyal, and visited every day. He was lucky to be in a position where he didn't need to work, and spent a lot of his free time in the gym and of course playing rugby. However, since we met he was now giving the majority of his free time to what would now be his bugged up Master! I had now been in hospital for 2 weeks, and my loyal boy came in how I had never seen him before; Hunched, shivering, sweating, and complaining he ached all over. Not a word was spoken as he just naturally climbed into my hospital bed beside me, and snuggled in close. One of my assigned daytime Doctors walked into my room ...
    2 points
  21. I second Slammer in LA - and agree that many of the best spots closed - like Man's Country/Bijou/Eagle/Deeks/Manhole (Chicago), Faces (East St Louis), My Place/Mack (San Francisco). I would also add, that while not true dark rooms (they are baths, playspaces, bars or resorts) these can be heaven for cocksuckers and anon load takers like me: New Orleans: upstairs at the Phoenix or way in back at Rawhide Chicago: The Hole (downstairs at Jackhammer), the back bar at Touche or in the barn at Manhandler Saloon Ft Lauderdale: Slammer 321, Clubhouse II, or InnLeather Phoenix: Chute or Flex Palm Springs: CCBC, All Worlds, Helios, Canyon Club, InnDulge, Barracks San Francisco: Club 442, SF Catalyst, Blow Buddies
    2 points
  22. PART ONE My name is David and I’m an athletic 20 y/o straight guy. Correction: I thought I was!!! I used to spend my weekends hanging out with my girlfriend, but now I spend them lying in a sling getting gangbanged and getting my as filled up with loads of cum. I knew my GF since I was 9 y/o and I thought that I was in love with her, so I didn’t explore my sexuality. In one night I was converted all thanks to some white crystals. It all started a few months ago when my GF and I broke up because she was fucking another guy. To be honest… I felt relieved. Finally I could also spend time with my friends in the weekends. Not that I hardly see them; 7 years ago we started a Parkour (free-running) team after we saw some YouTube vids about it, so you could find us after classes or work at the park or by the abandoned parking garage practicing our moves and jumps. My best friend is Brian, he’s 18 y/o (nearly 19) and coincidently also the younger brother of my ex GF. Brian was a bit different than the rest. When he became 16 he started in the weekends by staying out all night, no one knew where he was. His parents grounded him but without any effect; he just sneaked out when he had the change. He always came home after a few days, so after a while his parents gave up. Around the same I also saw that he had a few tattoos on his body. My first weekend as a free man was coming up so I asked Brian if he wanted to hang out. He told me that his parents weren’t home that weekend so we could do whatever we liked. So later that evening I went over to Brian’s house. Brian opened the door shirtless. I could see that he had a lot more tattoos on his toned body than when I saw them for the first time. ‘Is your sis also home?’, I asked. ‘She’s out and probably won’t come home tonight. So don’t worry!’ he replied. We watched a movie, but I was keeping an eye on the door; I didn’t want to see her cheating face. ‘Dude, relax! Be glad that you’re a free man. Time to start living!’, said Brian. ‘You’re right! But I’m not as laid back as you!’, I replied. He asked ‘Wanna smoke some weed?’. ‘No! I tried that once and became ill’, I answered. ‘In that case… I have something else that doesn’t make you ill… and it will also help you relax’, Brian said. I wanted to say ‘No’ but Brian interrupted me: ‘What did I just said… live a bit!’. ‘Trust me!’, he added. I smiled and nodded. He came back with a burner and a glass pipe with a bowl on the end. He got a bag with a small amount of white crystals and he loaded the contents of the bag in the bowl. The he heated the bowl with the burner and took a deep hit. After 10 seconds he exhaled and said ‘Up for it?’. I nodded. Brian heated the bowl and placed the pipe at my mouth. I followed his instructions and inhaled deep and kept it in for about 10 seconds. ‘You have to take 4 more hits’ Brian said. After the fourth I could feel my body relax. I gave the pipe back to Brian and he also took 5 deep hits. A warm glow went thru my body. ‘When the heat gets to much it’s best to take of your shirt!’ Brian said. ‘Isn’t necessary I think!’, I replied. But a few minutes later I took my shirt off. ‘Shall I switch the movie to some porn?’, Brian asked. ‘Sounds good’, I replied. I felt horny as hell and started rubbing my cock thru my shorts. I saw that Brian got the pipe and took some hits, he than he handed over the pipe and I also took some hits. Brian pulled down his shorts and started to stroke his cock. ‘You don’t mind, do you?!’ he asked. I replied by doing the same. It wasn’t hard to miss that Brian’s cock was larger than my 8 inches. ‘Damn! I knew that my cock was large but yours is even bigger!’, I said. ’Just under 10 inches’, he replied. After stroking our own cocks for 20 minutes I asked for another hit. Brian replied: ‘Sorry dude, we used up the small amount I had!’. ‘Too bad! I made me feel so hot and submissive!’, I replied. ‘We can get some more!’, he said. I looked at Brian. He continued: ‘Friends of mine always have enough, so we can pick up some there. It’s only a 10 minute drive when we take your car’. ‘Don’t they mind?’, I asked. ‘No they won’t… so let’s go… the quicker we go, the quicker we’re back!’, Brian said. So I grabbed my car keys and we drove to Brian’s friends. We arrived at an apartment building. We walked inside, the doorman and Brian greeted each other. When we stepped in to the elevator Brian typed a code on the keypad and pressed the button for the penthouse floor. When we stepped out of the elevator we enter a hallway. At the end we came in a huge living room. Brian cut across towards an other hall, I followed him. We came at a door and I could here loud music and muffled voices coming from behind it. ‘Wait here!’, Brian said. He entered the room, but forgot to fully close the door. I heard moaning and other strange noises. I started to get curious and pushed the door a bit more open so I could see what was happening. I saw naked men fucking and sucking other men. I saw a young guy (18-19 y/o) laying in a sling with his wristed tied behind his back. A black guy with a huge cock walked towards the guy. He rubbed some spit on his cock and started to enter that small white ass. When young guy started to moan louder the black guy took the boys nipples between his fingers and started to pinch and pull them. The moans got louder and louder as the black cock sank deeper and deeper until his cock was fully inside the moaning guy. At that same moment the door opened and Brian and another guy stood in front of me. ‘Are you enjoying the view?’, he said. I stuttered while trying to say ‘No’. ‘Dude your dick is telling us a different story’, said the guy besides Brian. I looked down and saw that my cock was pitching a tent in my shorts and there was also a wet stain where my dick oozed pre-cum. ‘Don’t feel ashamed for liking what you see. I’m not ashamed for it either.”, said Brian. ‘Know you know what I was doing in the weekends’, he said laughing. ‘Come in… no one will bite you!’, said the other guy. I walked in and saw that the other guy was Brians older brother Chris. Chris is 25 y/o and his ripped body is covered in tattoos. His nipples are pierced and he has a huge cock with a PA piercing. Brian hands me a pipe. To calm my nerves I take several deep hits. When I give the pipe back to him I see that Brian already took of his clothes. ‘There’s only one of us overdressed’, Brian said while pulling down my shorts. Chris pulls up my shirt over my head. Brian stands in front of me and looks me deep in my eyes. His hand starts to stroke my hard cock. I become mesmerized. Our faces come closer, our lips touch and we start to kiss. I never felt like this before and I don’t want it to end. He did a step back and said: ‘You said that the Tina makes you horny and submissive. Are you willing to open yourself for new feelings and ideas? Are you willing to give yourself to me and to do whatever I say no questions asked? Do you thrust me?’. ‘YES, YES, YES’ I answered unknowing what to come. ‘Drink this’, Brian said. ‘What is it’. I asked. ‘It’s something called G… it’s to relax you… After this no questions anymore, remember?!’, Brian said. I nodded. I went to sit down and saw how the black guy was pounding the young guy in the sling harder and harder. With a loud roar he rammed his cock as deep as he could and started to shake. ‘That’s Devon and his loads are huge… Go and take a closer look!”, says Chris. I walk towards the sling and see how Devon pulls out his cock. The asshole of the young guy stays open and pulsates while slowly a stream of cum start to ooze out. ‘Your cock likes it… why don’t you put yours in so you can feel how a sloppy cum hole feels?’, says Devon. I move towards the ass and slide my cock inside. The feeling is incredible and not to explain. Brain takes place behind me, his hand goes around my waist and slides besides my cock in the ass. When it’s inside it wraps around my cock and begins to stroke my cock. The feeling of being jerked off inside some ones ass is mind-blowing. The bottom and I start moan in sync. Brian start to jerk harder and faster. I feel my cock swell up inside and with a loud roar I shoot my first load in a boys ass. Brian and I pull out and kiss. Then Brian takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. ‘I’m going to show you how you clean your ass… because I only fuck clean asses… you want to feel this cock inside you? Yes you do! Because you said you would give yourself to me!!’, Brian said with a grin. I smiled and nodded. When I was clean I could feel that I was getting woozy from the drink. Brian orders me to lay in the sling. ‘When you’re in the sling a pipe isn’t very handy… so we a better way… stick out your arm and trust me!’, said Brian. I do as asked and stick out my arm. Chris takes a shoelace and ties off my arm. Before I realize it I feel a needle in my arm and see how the contents of the syringe disappears in my vein. ‘Enjoy the trip!’, says Chris while he looses the shoelace. I feel the T shooting thru my veins which makes me cough. And while I feel myself glide into a state of pure trance I hear Chris say ‘I gave him an extra dose to make him totally brainwash him and turn him in to a toxic cum whore’. The only thing I remember is begging to get my ass filled with cock and me pleading to be turned in to a toxic cum whore. I woke up from my trance a few hours later with a sloppy cum as like the other young guy. The young guy was laying beside me. He was wearing glasses this time. I recognized him as a guy from my class. ‘The next time the dose will be normal… that way you can feel it all when you get fucked by Devon”, said the guy. ‘Did I got fucked by Devon?’, I said. ‘Yes! Brian even fisted his cum deeper inside you!’ he replied. I was in shock. ‘They filmed everything so you can watch it… so you can see what they are going to do to you next week!’, he added. ‘Don’t think that there will be a next time!’, I said. ‘Yes you will, that empty feeling in your ass will get more and more until you beg to be filled! I was converted last year and I haven’t missed a party since! Their toxic DNA is flowing in your blood now. Your one of us!” he says. ‘One of you?’, I asked. ‘Hey guys, he didn’t discover the band-aid just above his cock!’, he shouts. ‘We all got a biohazard tattoo with the text “POZ BROTHER” above it. We all have one!’, he continued. Slowly the result of my actions set in and the harder I thought about it the hornier I got. My ass started to tingle, I know now that the empty feeling only will get worser, so I asked out loud ‘Can some one please fill my ass again?’. ‘Later… we first going to show you on bigscreen what you missed! So you know what where going to do to you next time!’, said Chris laughing. TO BE CONTINUED!
    1 point
  23. This is yet another true story of how I started playing with Men and became the slutty bottom I am today. The year was 1989, I was a teenager at the time, barely 18 if I remember correctly. My family had had money, we'd been living in a small suburb in Southern California called Arcadia and had had a very beautiful home. My father had been a union landscaper at the Santa Anita race track, a popular horse-racing track in the area. Unfortunately, my father had developed a very bad gambling habit and was soon gambling his paycheck away on the horse races which led to us losing our home. That did not last very long and we soon found ourselves moving to a low income part of the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California and I soon began to call a small town by the name of "El Monte" (The Mound) my home. Moving to a new area was definitely a culture shock for me. While I was used to having my own porch and front yard, I now had just a stairwell and small stoop to share with my neighbors. While previously I'd had freedom and privacy, now I apparently had eyes on me all the time. I clearly remembered taking out the trash and hearing my neighbors whistling jokingly at my short gym shorts and laughing at my near naked legs as I would walk over to the dumpster to throw the garbage away. Our apartment was directly above a two bedroom apartment where I swear at least six Latin guys were living. I remember going down to take the trash out one time and three of my downstairs neighbors were just sitting on the landing and stairs, drinking cheap beer and laughing as I squeezed my way past them. One of them had whistled at me, complemented my legs, and asked if I needed help. For some reason his attention made me blush, and whispered in reply "No, thank you." His immediate reply was "Well, if you need some help, I'm Javier and I'll take care of you baby." Just hearing him say that embarrassed the hell out of me and I ran from him while wishing I could run towards him instead. This type of flirtatious behavior continued for a few weeks and I found myself liking my polite friend more and more. All of the guys that lived downstairs were really young and nice and, I must admit, kinda sexy looking and I grew to trust and like them as time progressed. Finally, one muggy summer day, I had gotten home from school really early since the school year was letting out and I knew that my parents wouldn't be home for another six hours or so and something inside me was just restless. I can't explain it but I really wanted to talk to Javier and get to know him better. The apartment was hot and humid and I soon found myself bored but curious to see if my neighbors were home. Not knowing what else to do, I walked into my house, changed into my running shorts and decided to pretend to water my plants. As I was absentmindedly watering my plants, Javier came out of his apartment wearing sweat shorts and sneakers and said, "Hi Baby!" I blushed when I saw his defined naked chest and a small dark trail of hair leading from his belly button down into his shorts and meekly said "Hi" as I walked to the faucet to turn the water off. He bounded up the stairs and asked me why I was home so early. I told him that we'd only had half a day cause school had let out for the summer. He asked me where my parents were, and I explained they would be at work until six or so, and that I'd be alone (and bored) until then. Javier asked if I'd like to come to his apartment and have a drink with him and I said 'sure', not understanding why his invitation was making me so nervously excited. Javier was all smiles as he explained that neither he nor his roommates had gone to work since they worked construction and we had just gotten over a very bad storm the day before, construction work would be halted for at least a couple of days as the ground dried. He led me towards his apartment and for some reason his strong hand leading me by the small of my back had me breathing heavy and feeling strangely nervous. As we walked through his door, I saw two of his roommates sitting on the couch watching TV with drinks in their hands. "That's Tomas and Daniel," Javier said as the guys looked my way and waved at me. "Hey Adam" the guys said almost in unison. "There's also, Francisco, Douglas (which he pronounced Doo-Glass), and Andres (which made me giggle because I thought he said Undress), but they're at the store picking up some food and drinks". "Adam is home alone and bored so I invited him in for a drink," Javier told the guys on the couch as he moved towards the fridge and took out some orange juice and a bottle of what I later learned was vodka. "Wanna try a screwdriver or do you like something stronger?" Javier said teasingly, no doubt knowing that I'd never had alcohol before. "Um, a screwdriver is cool," I replied, not having the slightest clue what he was talking about but not willing to let him know that. He fixed me the drink and when he handed it to me, I drank almost half of it in one gulp thinking it was the weirdest orange juice I'd ever tasted. "Whoah! Slow down little man, I want you relaxed not drunk!" Javier exclaimed as he took the glass in my hand. "Let's go sit down he said and we sat on the love seat next to the couch." It wasn't until we sat down that I noticed that there was porn on the TV, which I hadn't focused on because it was muted and, honestly, I couldn't take my eyes off of Javier's handsome face and sexy upper body; especially his sexy bulging biceps. We sat down to watch the movie and pretty soon I was feeling nice and warm although slightly dizzy but pleasantly so. As we continued to watch the movie, I exclaimed "Wow!" because on the screen, a big busty blonde was sucking the biggest dick I'd ever seen. Javier asked "You ever done that Adam?" And I, wanting to impress him, responded "Sure, lots of times." "Oh, yeah, which one were you? The guy or the girl?" He and all his friends laughed as I turned bright red. "Um, I don't know, I was kidding. But I'd still like to see what it's like," I said. "Oh yeah? The sucking or the getting sucked?" Javier asked again as he put his hand on my thigh. His touch and the sensation of 'floating' that I'd started to feel after downing half the drink, gave me a new found confidence. I blurted out something that I'd only thought about alone at night on hot nights when the slightest breeze would make me sprout a boner, "I've always wanted to know what a guy feels like." There was a moment when the energy of the room suddenly changed and all eyes were intently focused on me as my own eyes darted from one tented lap to the next. "No time like the present, little man" Javier said as he got up from the couch and stood in front of me. The huge tent in his shorts was inches from my face and as I took hold of his waistband and pulled down his shorts, his thick uncut cock sprung up and slapped him on the navel as a drop of golden fluid flew from his cock head and landed on my lips. I licked my lips tentatively, the taste was a sweet yet salty mix. As if to the manor born, I leaned over and put his cock head in my mouth intending to mimic what the girl was doing in the movie. Javier gasped audibly and I heard Tomas exclaim, "No fucking way! We got us a cocksucker here!" I started trying to copy the girl in the movie and tried to stuff Javier's cock all the way in my mouth, but he was too long and too thick for me to manage more than half of it. "Oh fuck baby, you're gonna make me shoot but this isn't how I wanna cum. Let me see that cute little ass I've been wanting to fuck since I saw you," Javier said as he put his hands under my armpits and simultaneously lifted and turned me around. He pulled down my shorts and the next thing I felt was him pushing me so that I ended up kneeling on the couch as he went down on his knees, spread my ass cheeks, and this long wet tickling feeling directly on my asshole made me moan in absolute pleasure. I learned that day the heavenly feeling that having my ass eaten out brings. I turned my head nervously, wondering what the other guys must be thinking and I saw them both stand up, drop their shorts, and begin walking towards us with huge erections, the precum literally dripping down their shafts. Now, having just completed sex education in school and AIDs being this scary item almost daily on the news, I was afraid and told Javier "I've never done this before, but please put on a condom." "Fuck, Baby, how am I gonna own your ass if you don't take my cum?" He responded dejectedly. "It's cool," Daniel said, "I've got some, go ahead and put one on." Daniel handed him a gold colored packet and I heard the crinkle of the foil as Javier took the condom and started rolling it over his huge cock. "He's gonna need some lube. Go get the Vaseline" Javier instructed and Daniel rushed to the bathroom. I soon felt a cold greasy feeling as Javier began spreading it all over my hole and I soon felt his index finger go inside me, followed by another, and yet another as he tried to stretch my hole enough to accommodate his impressive hole wrecker. Up to this point, I'd tried carrots, cucumbers, and zucchinis, a veritable cornucopia of phallic vegetables. As a result, my hole easily relaxed with the familiar sensation of intrusion. "Oh man, baby, your hole is so tight and hungry, I love how you grip my fingers. I'm gonna love fucking you and making your hole my own personal cumdump," Javier whispered into my ear as he slowly slid his fingers in and out of my hole. "I think you're ready baby, take a deep breath and relax, I promise I'll be gentle." Javier, pulled his fingers out of my ass and stood up, I felt empty but not for very long. Soon, I felt what felt like a baseball spreading my crack and pushing directly right on my asshole. Daniel put a small brown bottle under my right nostril and said "Take a couple of deep breaths baby, trust me, you're gonna need this." I breathed in a pungent smell but within a couple of seconds, I felt this warm relaxing feeling rushing over me and my hole relaxed as Javier's big mushroom shaped cock head popped inside me and I felt my hole stretch wider than it had ever stretched before. As I said, I had had various tubular vegetables penetrate my hole before but, pardon the pun, this was no garden variety penetration. This was finally a grown man popping my cherry asshole and welcoming me into the world of man-on-man sex! "Ohh fuuuuck!" Javier groaned as he continued to slide his cock inside me and I felt my insides shift to accommodate the thick invader filling my tight, (but no longer virginal), ass. Finally I felt Javier's pubic hair scratching against my ass cheeks and pleasantly rubbing the rim of my asshole as he rested, fully planted balls deep inside me. "Fuck baby, I wish you could see how beautiful your hole looks stretched around my cock!" he exclaimed excitedly. He started slowly pulling his cock out of me and I could feel the rim of his cockhead rubbing inside me as he withdrew til only the head was in me. He pushed balls deep again and started a slow in and out sawing motion that had me trembling with pleasure, excitement, and what I can only describe as ecstasy. "I want to feel that!" Daniel said as he reached under us and started rubbing the rim of my hole and massaging the underside of Javier's cock as it continued to slide in and out of me on its greasy pleasure seeking voyage. Not wanting to be left out, Tomas got up and sat on the back of the couch and stuffed his thick uncut cock into my mouth and I was soon gagging on his hard fucker as Javier's thick cherry popper hit a spot inside me on the downstroke that sent shivers throughout my body. Now, unbeknownst to me, Daniel had started to slide his index finger in my hole alongside Javier's cock, using his thumb to massage the spot between my hole and my balls. That felt amazing and all I could think about was how great I felt with a cock in my mouth, and Daniel's added stimulation, with Javier's cock filling me as the icing on the cake! However, while I'd asked for a condom, they obviously intended to breed my young hole. As Javier slammed his cock balls deep inside me, Daniel slipped his finger inside the rim of the condom so that as Javier pulled out, Daniel essentially held the condom in place and it rolled up Javier's cock as he slid out of it. In a matter that took less than a second, Javier's cock popped completely out of my hole, Daniel's finger also slid out of me (with the condom around his finger, though I couldn't tell) but Javier's cock almost instantly shoved back in and my deflowering resumed. Javier's breathing quickened and his pistoning became erratic and he started grunting and groaning and I felt his hands squeezing my shoulders hard. "Fuck! I'm not gonna last! I'm gonna fill you up baby! Are you ready?!" "Yes!" I tried to say through a mouthful of Tomas' cock as I felt Javier slam his cock balls deep and hold it there, fully embedded in my ass. I felt this strange sensation as if Javier's cock was pulsing like a beating heart held in the grip of my hole and a warm feeling spread from deep inside me where his cock head was shooting his cum and bathing the walls of my ass in his hot sticky love juice. Javier collapsed on my back and I could feel his heart hammering against my shoulder like a rabbit trapped inside a cage too small to contain it. I was still frantically sucking Tomas' cock as he held the back of my head with one hand and caressed my cheek with the other. He was obviously enjoying my mouth but was controlling the pace so he wouldn't cum too quickly. Javier eventually caught his breath and slowly pulled his huge cock out of me, leaving me with an empty feeling and the need to be filled again. "Fuck Yeah! I want that ass right now!" Daniel exclaimed. I briefly pulled off of Tomas' cock to say, "Don't forget the condom please!" "Don't worry baby, we won't forget the condom," Daniel chuckled and I heard the familiar crinkling sound of another golden foil wrapper. Daniel's cock was slightly thicker than Javier's so he turned to Javier and said "Give him a couple of hits, he's gonna need them." Javier then placed the small brown bottle under my nose and once again I breathed in the pungent scent that I knew would give me that awesome warm rush. Indeed almost instantly, I felt an even bigger cock head pressing against my hole and I gasped as Daniel's cock head once again broke through my defenses. Now, while Javier's cock stood out straight from his body, Daniel's cock had a slight downward curve to it and the difference was definitely noticeable. From the first down stroke, I could feel his cock pressing on that magical spot inside me that sent shivers throughout my young body. "Damn Javier! You should take a closer look at how beautiful my cock looks stretching his hole." Daniel exclaimed, to which Javier responded by sliding his index finger inside me along Daniel's thick uncut fucker and proceeded to use his thumb to massage and stroke that amazing spot between my asshole and my balls. Unbeknownst to me, Javier had also stuck his finger under the condom's rim and was essentially rolling the condom up and off of Daniel's dick as Daniel shoved his hole wrecker balls deep in me and pulled out until only the edge of his cockhead was stretching my ass lips, almost completely barebacking me at this point. Just as Daniel had done, Javier shoved his finger knuckles deep in me and completely rolled the condom off of Daniel's hard baby maker. "Fuck Baby! I love how beautiful your hole looks as it stretches and struggles to take my cock!" Daniel said as he completely pulled his cock out of me as an excuse for Javier to extract the condom. Javier hooked his finger in a beckoning gesture and pulled his finger (and the condom) out of me but all I wanted at that moment was for anything, be it cock, finger, or vegetable to fill me up once again. By this point, my teen cock had been rock hard and since Daniel's first downward stroke, that tingling sensation in my balls had been building up in a crescendo, you know the one, that tingle in your nutsack that signals that your cum is gonna come shooting out of you any moment. I briefly pulled off of Tomas' cock and exclaimed, "Oh my God! I'm gonna cum!" "Go for it Baby!" Daniel encouraged me as the small brown bottle was once again place under my nose. Daniel timed the rush with his cock slamming back into me and his thrusts became frantic yet determined. I couldn't help myself anymore and as my first cum shot flew from my dick, my hole spasmed erratically and gripped his cock tighter than I'd ever clenched in my young life. This clearly pushed him over the edge and he slammed balls deep in me and let his cum flood my guts with a growl worthy of any Lion rutting to show the pride who the Alpha truly is. At the same time, Tomas had been thrusting his cock as far into my mouth as it could go and, holding my head forcefully against his lap, he began to cum. My choices were to swallow or drown and so swallow I did. As our orgasms subsided, Daniel hugged me against his chest and growled in my ear, "Your ass is mine Baby! From now on you're gonna want my dick, and my friends' dicks and we'll always be with you. We took your cherry and no one can take that from us!" The only response I have to that all these years later, is that he absolutely knew what he was talking about. For the next couple of days and the remainder of the summer, I continued to go to their apartment after my parents would leave for work, provided that they themselves didn't have to go to work. They became my first adult friends, and lovers, and Daniel eventually became my first boyfriend. I eventually caught on to the trick with the condoms but by that point it didn't I'd been bred dozens of time by then so I just shrugged and said, "Well, it does feel way better without a condom." Definitely NOT The End.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for your feedback update rang him this morning hes not impressed but im not here to impress him i thought gave him some feedback and he put the phone down such a relief but on the plus side his mate rocked up we had a chat i explained the situation and he said it was funny as he tried it with him 2 years ago but they still are intouch and he occassionlly meets him for a 3sum anyway not wanting to miss and opportunity we got down to buisness lol and he worked me good and proper as he left he said hed like to take my number and arrange a further meet as a reg thing Happy days and feel so relieved Thanks for your feedback guys really appreciate it
    1 point
  25. So you get a slit from getting fucked or toying a lot then. mine is still round but not been fucked much and only just starting to toy more with big toys
    1 point
  26. I was told, if it goes in bare, it stays in bare. That's really mean of the bottom to ask the guy to pull out before he's done.
    1 point
  27. HOT! It sounds like both have to be patient. If the bottom tries to fast it won't work just like your hot twink top going to fast. It sounds as though, for the best experience getting my 2nd hole punctured, not only do I need practice but the top needs to know what he's doing.
    1 point
  28. I confess I’m surprised by the poll results - I knew that Tops were in the minority, but to find nearly 45% of respondents claiming to be total bottoms seems excessive. I wonder if some who will occasionally Top are defaulting to “bottom” instead of “vers bottom”. Myself, I’m functionally a total bottom first by the fact that I never got anything out of Topping, and then later by training that reinforced my bottom role. I recognize that being a total bottom places a burden on the overall balance, and places an extra responsibility on me to ensure that I provide the best possible fucking experience for any Top who chooses my ass for his pleasure. It is my job to blow his mind. I work hard at it. (Maybe too hard - I’m starting to have a problem with Tops shooting the moment the tip of their cock touches my cunt - I had to give a guy desensitizing lotion last week just so he could enter me(!).) I believe that every total bottom bears that responsibility, including the hard work and preparation that goes with it. The problem with bottoms, to be candid, isn’t the number of them - it’s the number of “lazy bottoms” that just lie there and give mediocre ass and dilute the overall quality of the pool Tops have to choose from. I believe that if more bottoms learned how to make the experience outstanding for Tops, more men would become vers to take advantage of it. That’s my hypothesis, anyway.
    1 point
  29. Thanks i thought about renting it out to be honest but not sure if he wud like that idea as ideally he dosent want me to work and to be availble to him all the time and be the house bitch lol
    1 point
  30. I don't think I would sell the house maybe rent it out or quit the job you have to think about your retirement. Just in case something takes place and he dies or you don't want the boy/slave relationship anymore.
    1 point
  31. You know that feeling like they're hitting a wall when a guy fucks you in a certain way? They're fucking you and it feels great and then they go deeper and BAM, pain and you feel yourself desperately trying to crawl away from that cock. That's your "second hole'. If you have your wits about you, you can arch your back a little more or shift your ass a bit and find the opening so the next thrust goes into instead of against. I guarantee, he'll groan and moan and will nut in you HARD.
    1 point
  32. He and I met once before and fucked our brains out. I loaded him up with 3 loads and we exchanged numbers. We promised to connect again and that happened today. I was doing some errands and was passing his way. I went online and was happy to see he was looking for fun. I sent a message on the hook up site. Did he want to connect? I was doing errands and was going to pass by his area on the way home in about an hour. He answered quickly. YES! He sent me his address and I finished my errands. He has an insatiable ass and was horny and so was I. He met me at the door when I arrived and said he couldn't wait for me to breed his hole. We went upstairs and started kissing..both of us taking our clothes off in the process. He bent down and sucked my cock hard. His mouth was a suction. It felt so good. I led him to the bed because I wanted his hole. I positioned myself at a 69 and he was sucking my dick and I was licking and rimming his hole.. I stuffed my tongue into his fuck hole and tongue fucked it for awhile. He was moaning and groaning and sucking me like a hungry pup. I told him to lay down on his stomach and I mounted him. My cock sliding back and forth against his warm moist cum hole. He was writhing back and forth horny with anticipation. I aimed my cock head to his hole and slid home. He felt so warm and good. I started pumping my dick in and out of his slit. He was moaning like a bitch in heat. He started using his muscles to squeeze my cock..IT WAS AMAZING. I would thrust inside and he would hold on tight.. I loved this hole. Grunting and groaning as my orgasm neared I pushed in deep as I could and loaded him up..He fucked back and took every drop using his ass muscles to message my cock squeezing every drop. I kept fucking and my dick stayed hard inside him as he squeezed me. I could feel his wet hole and it was great. I kept fucking and fucking until I dropped another load. I rolled off and took a breather. He sucked me hard again and begged me to fuck him more. And more I did..All total we fucked for a couple hours and I loaded him up 4x. It felt so good rutting like pigs in heat and just loading his hole up. We plan to fuck again soon. Next time we'll do a three way!
    1 point
  33. JAN LOSCH of Germany: https://barebackbastards.com/25053/tattoo-pozzing/
    1 point
  34. Part 10; The cute twink from the clinic and I then commenced a flowing chat. He informed me he had gone for a full screen today as he had been seeing a guy for a few months, and that they wanted to ditch the use of condoms as they were going down the route of exclusivity. He soon opened up to me saying that at the clinic earlier he felt himself extremely attracted to me, and felt an unspoken connection of a dark depraved trust. I told him he could tell me anything. He said that even though he was 24 years old, and had been a sexually active bottom for the past 5 years, and had a few relationships, he had never had sex without a condom. A bareback virgin! My Dick twitched! I said he was welcome to join me at the sauna-bar and chat more. He said he would like to but couldn't afford the entry fee, or buy any drinks. I said I would take care of all of that for him. He thanked me and said he'd like that, and that he would be about 1 hour. 45 minutes later he messaged me saying he was outside. I said for him to come and wait by reception. I fetched him, paying his fee, where he was given the usual locker key, and towel. 'What are these for' he innocently enquired. 'Just in case you would like to use the facilities. C'mon cutie, let's go for those drinks I promised you'. His tipple was double vodka and coke. We spoke about him, and me also. I told him that the twink I was with earlier was the one being tested, and that I had been infected for a few decades... 'But you are on medication for it?' 'I used to be. But not for at least a year now, and according to my last test I am now extremely infectious'. We chatted further, and after finishing his second drink I suggested we chill out in the spa pool. I took him to his allocated locker, and said he had to strip, secure his belongings in the locker, and shower before he could use any of the facilities. Arriving at the shower area he hung up his towel, to reveal a completely hairless swimmers build body (he even had no pubes). I immediately joined him and started to rub shower gel onto his chest, belly, and arms... 'So what is with the lack of hair?' 'Two reasons; I feel it keeps me cleaner, and I love swimming, and I swim better minus any hair'. I continued soaping his body as the water cascaded over his firm flesh. I knelt between his thighs and soaped his legs and ASS cheeks, both in great shape. I couldn't resist taking a peek at what I love the most, so I done what had to be done, I parted his hairless cheeks to reveal a tight pink hairless cunt! Fuck ... My Dick instantly became rock solid!! I stood up and got some more shower gel into my hands, stood facing him I looked him right into his eyes and kneaded his ASS cheeks, then sneakily slid my finger over his hole, rubbing in quick motion. He quietly moaned. I slid my middle finger inside and wiggled it. Another moan but this time much more audible. 'C'mon, let's dry up and go to the spa pool'. We dried, put our towels around our waists, and started our way there. 'I feel a bit guilty'. 'Why?' 'I have just gone into a relationship, and you just touched my hole, which I really enjoyed. I also saw your hard Dick at the showers and I had a huge desire to suck it... ... Plus, from the moment we met earlier you have been tapping into my inner darkness'. We gave each other a knowing smile. 'Listen, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. And you are free to leave at any time'. 'Thanks. I like you'. Arriving at the spa pool I told him to make himself comfy, and I'd be back in a short while. I headed the way of my newly charged up twink. ******************************************** For each 'Part' that you like do feel free to 'upvote' or 'like'. This inspires me to GIVE More!
    1 point
  35. Lucky me. This morning at about 10 a.m. I logged on a4a and found a hot bottom looking for a load. Never saw his profile posted before. He had pics I did not. That his usually a deal breaker for most guys. He immediately invited me over - he admitted that he wanted to be topped and bred while his husband was at a work. I arrived and he immediately starts blowing me. He wanted his ass played with... I had 4 fingers up his very small and tight hole. He rode my cock awhile then I pounded him doggy for awhile before pumping my load in his guts. I can't wait to go back.
    1 point
  36. I definitely wouldn't say no. ?
    1 point
  37. A small group of men entered my room at The Works bathhouse in Indianapolis last Saturday evening during CumUnion. I could tell it was a group by the sound of the shuffle of their feet, by their breathing, by the way the echoes off the walls of my small room shifted, by the play of the shadows around me. I took a light popper hit to loosen my ass, and it amplified my senses. My ass was up, facing the door (naturally) so I didn't turn to look at them. I never do. I'm a cunt. Why would I need to look at them? They were talking to one of their members: "What do you think?" "Like the look of it?" "Fuck yeah." "_____ used him earlier, said he was the shit." "OH yeah." "You gonna fuck him, fuck that white pussy?" They would be black, then. I didn't even bother with a mental note; I don't care what color a man is, I never have. Sometimes I don't even notice. Call it one of the few perks of being somewhat autistic. His color signified nothing... except... and this has nothing to do with stereotype and everything to do with my personal, intimate experience of fucking many black men... it meant greater odds on him having a big cock. Sorry, that's just the way it's been for me. "Yeah. I'm gonna do it. That looks like a nice pussy." Here again, no stereotype drawn from, just my actual experience: the black guys who have fucked me have almost always called my ass a "pussy" if they don't call it an ass. They never use "cunt". I don't know why. The man sounded young, perhaps shy. I decided I would take especially good care of him. His friends left him and he closed the door behind them. Okay, not an exhibitionist like they had been earlier, if they were the group I was thinking of. There had been eyes on me getting fucked earlier. Eyes on my face. Eyes on my face when my own eyes were rolling back in my head. Eyes on me when they left me lying like a rag doll after their rough-fucking. Good times. I could hear this man fumbling over by my shelf, amongst my lubes. "Try the coconut oil," I said over my shoulder. "Oh. Okay," he said. I positioned my ass for easy entry. When it came, I was mildly surprised. He didn't have a big cock, just average. But as is sometimes the case, I would rather have a craftsman in possession of simple tools than a novice equipped with an arsenal. This turned out to be a craftsman. I didn't need to take care of him. He took care of me. He started slow, sped up, went to ramming speed, back and forth. If he paused, I couldn't help fucking myself on him as though he were a stationary object. I was wearing my solid-steel chastity device that covers my whole cock, and he fucked three loads out of me that filled the inside of it and left my cock swimming in my own seed.I know the clock continued moving, because by the time had finished, 45 minutes of continuous fucking had elapsed, punctuated by long, long, long moments where he found that particular point where a Top's cock feels as though it has hit the absolute bottom of you and your ass involuntarily clamps down in a death-grip along the full length of his shaft, and we would stay that way for eternities at a time, welded together into one body while our minds unspun. At last he pulled out of me and ran a finger slowly, gently, over, into and out of my hole. "That is good pussy," he said. "Good pussy is hard to find." He said it in a matter-of-fact way, like a man of experience, a man who knows whereof he speaks. "That like to have worn me out," he said, sliding off the bed to gather his towel. "I would have like to have done more of that, but I'm old." I blinked. I turned over at last to look at him. Not young... but surely not old... "If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?" "Fifty-six." "Then I guess I'm old, too, since I'm 51. An old man couldn't do what you just did." He smiled shyly, opened my door, and left. Friends accuse me of trying to find meaning in everything, even where there isn't any to find. This man of 56 called himself old not because his looks convinced him that he was - I would have guessed early 40s, in fact - but I suspect because his life's experiences had the weight of an older man's. He bred my ass as a man of experience; and when a man of experience says something, his words have weight. If he tells me that good pussy is hard to find, I have to believe him. If he tells me my pussy is good pussy, it makes me want to share it all the more.
    1 point
  38. Part 2; I knelt in between his legs, spreading them, and jabbed in his toothbrush. Brushing vigorously as I would my own teeth. I could tell it was really hurting him as he yelped and winced, but he seemed a real natural at pushing through the pain barrier. I took out the brush, and it was covered in blood. This nasty pigs depravity needed a lesson, and with that thought I stuck my Dick in. Fuck, I LOVE that wet and warm feeling of flesh to flesh! I fucked him doggy for several minutes, withdrawing for a rest. My Dick was covered in his cunt blood. 'Lick that up'. 'Yes Sir. Sorry for being such a messy piggy' He licked his blood from my Dick as he looked up at me with his subservient 'I am worthless, do what you want with me' expression. 'Get on your back'. He was clearly naturally submissive as he was immediately on his back, and holding his legs in the air by his feet. I put the tip of my toxic Dick at the entrance to his cunt, and leaned over his torso with mine, our faces meeting, my Dick sliding in as far it would go. I commenced fucking him, slowly, yet deep, our eyes locked together as we bred. 'You absolutely sure you want infecting?' 'Yes Sir. I stand by everything I have already said. It is what I need, what I deserve. I decided this a few years ago. And now I am completely ready to be violated'. 'You twisted sick fuck' ...I spat in his face! This caused him to open his mouth wide, keeping it open, and hyperventilate with lust. I repeatedly spat in his gob. All of this suddenly made my Dick pulsate. He felt this and began milking my Dick. I felt myself getting close... 'Right, you fucking asked for it you nasty whore' 'YES Sir, fucking breed my neg cunt with your Poz cum'. That was it, his last chance gone, and with a few strokes I started spewing my poison inside his nasty cunt, holding still as my Dick unleashed toxic cum with each orgasmic twitch of my shaft, continuing to spit in his mouth. I slowly grinded my shaft for a few more minutes, probably pushing what he was after even deeper. 'Thank you Sir, very very much'. I pulled out, upon where he handed me his toothbrush... 'Brush hard inside my nasty cunt again please, Sir' The Nasty pig!
    1 point
  39. Part 7; It was now about 4am, and I dropped off pretty quickly. I woke at 8am to the boy thrashing about, moaning in his sleep. He was boiling hot, and soaking wet. His body was well and truly fighting my viral GIFT, at the same time accepting it as it invaded his system, developing into his own strain. I woke him up, got up, changed the towel underneath him, made us both a Lemon & Ginger drink, with some Echinacea drops, and got him some more Paracetamol. Temperature time... 38.8c. 'Daddy, I feel fucking dreadful' 'I know. in a few days I promise you'll be feeling much better, now take your Paracetamol, they'll help a bit' I got a bowl of cold water with ice cubes, and with a flannel kept mopping his face and forehead from the sweat, and keeping it cool. Part of me really felt for him. The other part was incredibly turned on knowing that thanks to me he had a new life growing inside of him. After about an hour he seemed to perk up a little bit. I could see it in his face too. I took his temperature again... 38.1. I told him to get on all 4's, taking out his butt plug. 'When I say 'Push' son, push your pussy out, like you need to go to the toilet' 'OK Daddy' 'Push' Nothing came, just a fart. I held my mug under his cunt, and got him to push again. He again farted, but this time pink cum blobbed out. I kept making him do this until I guess there was a few tablespoons worth of toxic cum sitting at the bottom of my mug. During this time, his phone bleeped with a text message. I ordered him to sit up in bed, and tilt his head back to face the ceiling. I slowly poured the 5 loads down his throat. Of course, with his neck tilted back swallowing was more of a struggle, which accentuated his gulping motion, which in turn gave me a semi erection. 'You got a message on your phone' 'Oh yeah' ... He leaned over to grab his phone, read the message, and without saying a word handed me the phone. The message was from the clinic from a few weeks ago when I made him get tested. It simply read... 'Your test is Negative' ... Fuck, a surge went straight to my Dick and I was now super solid! I turned to him and said... 'Not anymore boy'. I flipped him back on all 4's, commanding him to hold onto the headboard. 'Arch out your ASS boy'. The contrast of that text message, and what was happening inside him sent my inner depravity wild. I drove into him, no lube, no spit, nothing. No slowly building up, just a quick hot fuck, slapping his pert backside. I really dug my grip into his hips as I quickly got close... 'You are a Nasty Fucking Pig' 'Yes Daddy, fuck me with your Poz cum, give it to me' 'Yeah, you are my dirty greedy Poz Pig' 'Breed me Dad. Cum in me, PLEASE'. I grunted, spewing another toxic load deep in his guts! We lay down into spoon position, and I slid back inside, slowly rocking. I rocked us back to sleep, inside his cunt!
    1 point
  40. Part 2; There stood the twink and the taxi driver. 'Are you his Dad?' 'Yeah'. 'He doesn't seem well mate. I'd get him to a Hospital'. 'Don't worry, it's just a Fever. Here is the fare, and something extra for your trouble'. 'Cheers mate'. I closed the door. The twink hobbled in like an old Man. 'I feel TERRIBLE Daddy' 'You don't look too great. C'mon, let's get you in the shower son'. I got the shower running on a decent heat, stripped, then stripped the twink as he was feeling so weak and feeble. Not only was he feeling weak, aching all over, and having night sweats, but before my eyes was also a blotchy rash on his chest. I couldn't help but smile. I had already washed that day, so attention was on cleaning him up, inclusive of a thorough douching. I dried us both, and I locked his little flaccid dick in a stainless steel chastity device. I put on a Leather executioners hood, and my German army boots, and carried him downstairs, and into the Garage which has been partly converted into a Dungeon, and lay him in the sling. I lubed my Dick with spit and slid in the entire length of my shaft. 'Ouch. That hurts Daddy ... Why am I feeling so awful?' 'Don't worry son, your symptoms are your body's way of saying it is accepting Daddy's HIV Virus. You'll feel better soon'. He smiled, albeit feebly. I fucked him for while pretty gently, seeing his sweet face running with beads of sweat. Even though I had just showered him he was drenched with sweat. I glanced the sight of the rash on his chest, and all I could think of was my virus inside him replicating at a high rate. This really turned me on so I started to fuck properly like I would normally... FAST strong thrusts, which caused him to whimper... **** To all those pups and pigs, squeal and woof as loud as you can for Part 3 ... And be good little animals and 'like' each part to show your appreciation ??
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  41. Part 8 Blake was placed on his back, wrists still connected to his collar. The men held his legs wide apart, putting his rosebud on full display. His pussy was a bright red colour, and stuck out about 1/2 inch. Cum oozed out and ran down his pure, white ass, leaving a lovely pink trail. I fingered his bud while he moaned. "Push out!" I ordered. He pushed, causing his rosebud to pulse in and out while gobs of goo filled my hand. "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue!" He did without hesitation. I slapped a handful of his ass goo onto his tongue while I told him to keep his mouth open and push. More filled my hand and I slapped it onto his face, rubbing it onto his eyes for even more pain. One more handful was rubbed into his hair. "That's how my bitch should be. Filled with and covered with niggah cum! SWALLOW!" He did so like a good slut while I rubbed the prickly bristles of the brush against his inflamed, raw cunt. I pressed harder into his flesh, pushing deeper before dragging it across his exposed intestine. He groaned in pain as he flung his head back and forth, almost crying as I scraped the brush over his torn lips, unable to move as the men held him tight. Soon the brush was coated in a nice, sticky goo. I sprinkled some T on the coffee table and rolled the brush in the powder, covering it. I put the tip against his rosebud as some placed a popper rag over Blake's nose. Then I started pushing. Slowly. Giving it a little twist with each push. And it wasn't a small brush. 3 inches around probably, and very stiff bristles that didn't give as they twisted deeper into the teen. Blake screamed as tears flowed from his eyes. But I did not stop until i had all six inches in his guts. Blake's screams died down to a continual low moan as the brush scraped him deep inside. I ran my finger over the coffee table, getting the rest of the T and rubbed it all over his flaming rose. Then I grabbed the handle and pulled out the hairbrush in one fast tug. Blake screamed like he was possessed as the men held him tight while the sharp bristles inflicted unimaginable pain. As soon as the brush was out, I placed my five fingers in the opening left behind, and pushed my hand in. Blake's pussy was such a torn mess by now, that my large hand slid right in. At least, if there was resistance, I didn't care. In ten seconds, my wrist was covered with a bright, red rose. I pushed deeper, making a fist and punching Blake's prostate. Blake just moaned incoherently as I pushed my fist back and forth inside him. Soon Blake let out a howl and started pissing. I pounded his prostate as piss flowed from his tiny little shriveled up dick. Soon the piss stopped as clear fluid started leaking out of his pathetic cock. As I continued to work his prostate, Blake started fucking back on my arm. "Ah fuck Sir! I'm cumming!" He screamed. I knew he wasn't actually cumming. His drug filled body and my fisting made him feel like he was. He moaned and tried to take more of my arm into him. I laughed as I looked down on him. When he woke up this morning, he could have never in a million years guessed he'd wind up a white boy puppet on a black mans arm. I smiled as I imagined his life. An 18 y/o high school senior, rich, probably popular, maybe has a girlfriend. Now here he was, high as fuck, gangfucked, abused, a cumdump whore to niggahs, riding his new owners arm. I was so fucking turned on knowing how I was destroying little Blakey, that I had to come again. I shoved my cock into my new teen slut, and jerked myself off inside him as he cried in pain. I pulled out of him and turned him over to the men. I knew most of them would cum again. I turned around as Blake had his nose buried in a dude's pubes as another guy punch fucked his ever increasing rosebud. I just let the men have their fun as I poured a nice cognac and lit one of Daddy's cigars. I grabbed Blake's phone, and the stupid fucking fag didn't even have a lock on it. I perused his contacts. Yup, girlfriend, lol. Lots of friends. Several different group lists, handy. Even a Father someone. So Blake is a Catholic boy? Sweet. I put his phone down, and picked up mine. Guys had sent me the vids they took so far tonight. I had great fun over the next couple of hours as I edited a really filthy video of my whore. My favourite was when I was fucking him and he was looking right into the phone, begging and moaning like a depraved fag. When I was happy, I sent the video to basically EVERYONE in his phone, along with a written confession. It was only a matter of minutes before replys started coming in. I wanted to save them for later. Eventually the sun started coming up, and Blake was still taking cock. He was moaning as he laid, barely moving on a guy as he was getting double fucked again. After they came in the boy, I had to break up the party. I new better than to spend more time at the house. I told the guys to come over to my place later if they still want to fuck my new meth slut. I tied Blake up after the men left, so I could steal some shit. I emptied out Blake's closet. Lots of nice clothes and shoes. I found $5000 in cash, but not much else. I didn't want to steal enough they actually call the cops, just to think their niggah loving faggot son took it. I loaded up Blake's car, a sweet mustang, put the naked boy in the trunk, and took off. I wanted to unload my shit in a hurry, so I sold the clothes in one lump, and took the car to a chop shop, but not before I had locked Blake in the trunk of my car. Back at my place, I snuck a naked Blake up the back stairs. He walked in pain as i had a huge plug up his hole. I lived in a shithole place, but it served its purpose. I could split fast if I needed to. It was a one bedroom, and all I had was a t.v. and a couple of chairs in the living room, and a nasty, stained mattress on the floor of my bedroom, with a desk, chair and light. I took a chain and chained Blake's collar to a radiator. I sat in the chair and shined the light on Blake. He looked like shit, covered in all kinds of filth. Spun as fuck, his eyes darted around the room. I watched as his newely released hands touched the plug, trying to shift it more comfortably. Smack!! I slapped him hard. "Don't touch yourself without permission bitch!" He cowered in fear as he realized the reality of his situation. "Get it through your head now, slut. I said I owned you. I meant it. Your my property now to use as I want." As I said this I reached for his phone. There was at least 20 texts unread. I pulled the plug forcefully out, eliciting a loud cry. I smiled as I pushed my hard cock into the wet, sloppy gash. I opened the videos as I played the one I edited. It was 10 minutes of Blake being treated like a 2 dollar whore, while he begged and moaned for more. I could tell Blake was turned on by the vid, as he watched himself get debased and used. Every nasty event of the night was included in the vid. Then I opened his text. First I showed him the text he sent to his contacts. I made him read it out loud as I fucked him. "Hey all! Just thought I'd finally come clean about shit. Its taken me years to admit this. I'm a faggot. I'm a filthy, depraved, sick and twisted cumdump. My purpose in life is to take cum in my holes. Today, i have taken more than 30 loads of hot man cum. I worship big, black, niggah cock. Im a pathetic whore who is now owned by a beautiful ebony pimp. Tonight he sold my ass for a gangbang. He only charged them $5 each because thats how low i am. Black cock after black cock fucked me. Men i dont know. My ass was filled with cum. Poz cum included. I begged this one huge, black buck with a 12 inch cock to poz my little, white ass. I drink piss because im a niggah's toilet. I am proud to be my Masters drugged up fuckhole." Blake could barely get through reading this, as he was crying. His humiliation only made my cock harder. Destroying white boys is the ultimate rush! Then I made him read the responses, telling me who each of the people were to him.
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  42. I found my self in a cheap hotel in Ft lauderdale.. It was know for being a sleazy place, Where prostitution runs rapid, It was full of Pimps and Hookers. That' where I met Him, I got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked and punished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe that all those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merely exchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the next minute, That very man was at my hotel door, And then inside my body. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who looked to be about ten years my junior, Had taken me to a place, I hadn't realized existed, hadn't even realized I wanted to go, and now that I was there, I was scared beyond belief. He had slapped me around, fucked me, He had stuck his cock down my straining throat and then cum all over my face. He made me eat his asshole, He had taken me anally, very roughly and then bred me with his seed, He had taken one of my Black dildos and attached it via suction cup to one of chairs and renamed it my `Slaves Chair'. I was to be sitting on it every time Master comes over, no exceptions. He had even taken the spare key for my hotel room, There was no way I could do this, No way I could go through with letting this...This Black thug control every aspect of my life. I wouldn't do it. I'd just have to contact Black Master and let him know I'd changed my mind. Yes, I'd just explain that this wasn't what I was looking for. He'll understand...I moved over to the desk and turned on the computer. Checking my email I saw that I had several new messages, One was from Black Master. My heart was thumping madly as I clicked to open it. Surely he'd just be thanking me for a great night and be done with me. "Sissy slave -- I enjoyed fucking your mouth and ass pussy last night. You knew how to take my nut real good but I'm sure you could do better. We'll work on it together. Other areas we will work to improve: Your ass-eating and most importantly, your attitude and IMMMEDIATE obedience at all times! You need to understand that you are now a 24/7/365 sissy as well as my Slave, Whenever I choose to partake of your body. Don't like it? Too fucking bad, cunt! You fucked around with me for too long and now I'm taking my payment. Which is you. First thing today, you are to head to the Victoria's Secret store at the mall and buy yourself a sexy outfit, Get the girls to help you find proper sizing and matching pieces. I like almost anything, but among my favorites are the baby doll nighties, I also like crotch less panties and cat suits, corsets, teddies, and I go fucking crazy over garter belts and stockings. Always be certain your stockings are silk; Buy some new high heels too. Last of all, don't fucking call me or IM me or email me to say that you want to back out of this. Too fucking late, Slut! You fuck with a top dog, you gonna get topped! See ya, BLACK MASTER" I was trembling as I read the harsh words and I realized I was scared too. Oh no. What have I gotten into here? I mean I love wearing lingerie, but I like wearing leather more, I've got to end this now, before it goes to a place I can't escape from. These types of relationships have to be consensual, don't they? I decided to take a chance. I dialed the number from my caller ID. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Then four, five, six, seven. Shit. Suddenly he answers. "What, sissy slave ?" I swallowed hard and took a deep breath as his utterly masculine voice cascaded over me. "Hello, Black Master?" I spoke in a tiny voice, ashamed. I couldn't believe I was a 40 year-old man, stuttering like a girl on his first date. There's a long pause. "Yea, it's your Black Master. Now what the fuck do you want?" I couldn't breathe and my ears were ringing for some reason. Black "Master. I can't do this, " There was silence on the other end. "Do what, sissy slave ?" I didn't know how to say it. Black "Master, I can't be with you. Master." Again, silence engulfed us. I could hear his breathing, could almost imagine him next to me. "You're already `with' me, sissy. I marked you as mine last night, remember? Slut takes a Black top's cum all over his face and down his throat and in his ass pussy, makes it kinda hard for his Master to believe he don't want it." I did not want this, did I? I couldn't face the constant humiliation and subjugation and degradation of being with a Black Pimp. "Please, Master." "Please don't come over. Just leave me alone..." There was a long pause on the line. "You're fucking with me bitch, and I don't like it. Told you not to fuck with me. Doesn't matter what you want or think you want. You're mine now . I guess I need to head over there and give you another lesson? Fucking up my day, now you are,a slave. I ain't gonna be happy when I get there so better try to dress yourself up for me a little extra." He said it as a statement, as if it were the most normal thing in the world for him to discuss. His voice suggested that there was no room for debate. "But Master, I have plans today..." He cut me off before I could finish my last word. "Shut it, cunt. Your plans are whatever I give you. I will be in your hotel in one hour. Douche yourself, shower and get your slaves outfit back on. And be sitting on your sissy chair." With that he hung up, leaving me standing there with my mouth wide open, unsure what just happened or what to do next. This Black Master had basically just made it clear in no uncertain terms that I was his sissy slave at all times and he was on his way over again. What could I do? I didn't want to risk a worse beating that I had gotten before. Just what I need, plus I imagine Black Master would be furious with me then. I looked up at the clock. Fifty seven minutes left. I better hurry to get ready for his arrival. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'll have to talk to Black Master in person, make him understand that I can't, won't go through with this, not after today, anyway. Fifty two minutes later, I'm fresh from the shower, my ass pussy douched and totally clean. I put on my slaves outfit again and move to squat over my slaves chair. I dab some lube on both the Black dildo and my hole and then slide down slowly. God, it's big! I grimace as I slide onto it, feeling it stretch my pussy hole. I hear the loud exhaust of Master's car and then the thumping bass from his sound system as he pulls into the spot, Oh Jesus. He's here. I feel myself trembling. The car door slams. Within seconds I hear his key in the lock. The door opens. My 25 year-old Black Master is framed in the doorway, all 6'3" and 230 pounds of him. He looks...perturbed at least, perhaps angry. He stares at me. He pushes the door shut behind him. Fuck. He's pissed. "At least you can follow a simple rule like this, sitting on your slaves chair. Nice to know you understand some of what I'm saying." He says it with an air of complete calmness about him, "You should see yourself, faggot; the perfect picture of femininity. But I guess you will be seeing yourself soon enough. " What did that mean? He walked around behind me and motioned for me to stand up. "Up, but don't turn around. Put your hands behind you. Open your mouth wide." I did as told and suddenly felt something click around each of my wrists, Handcuffs of some sort. Shit. Then I saw a red blur as something passed over my head, past my eyes and into my mouth. I realized Black Master was fitting me with a ball gag. I slumped resignedly as I realized the severity of my predicament. Now I was not only His slave But a cuffed and gagged one at that. He circled back around so he was in front of me again, following a hard, short slap on my exposed ass. He had his shirt unbuttoned,showing off his linebacker physique. Black Master is very cut, with a very toned torso and quite a few tattoos. God he's such a man! "Now, slave let's see if I understand you correctly." He looks deep into my eyes, his face inches from mine. "You exchange emails with me for several weeks, teasing me with all the ways you're going to pleasure my Black Cock and being my slave and all. Telling me what a good slave you are and how you'd give anything to please me. Then, when I show up and grace you with my presence as well as the opportunity to follow through on all your deepest desires, an opportunity which I might add I don't give out to just any cock sucking slave I find that perhaps you aren't all that serious about this after all. Well guess what, faggot? It's serious now! Got it?" He grips my chin in his forceful grasp, compelling me to look directly at him, unable to hide my utter shame. "So now, you cause me to make changes to my day, just to come over here and train you in the ways you are to treat me at all times. That means, respect, submission...and no fucking questions or opinions! Got it, cunt?" I nod wearily, having difficulty seeing through my tears, He pushes me back down onto my slaves chair and I gasp out as the thick Black Dong invades my rectum again. "You should be at Victoria's Secret buying a outfit right now but instead your forcing my hand. Well this is how it's going to be, pussy. I come over when I want. You sould have bondage gear and keeping this room stocked up on booze for me. I like Grey Goose, Got it? Good. And have plenty of food stocked up too. Steaks, burgers, shit for burritos, I love Italian. You'll be making it all so you better be a good cook or learn how. When you're in my presence you will not eat or drink, I like my Sluts to be skinny, The following are substances which you are allowed to drink in my presence: My spit, My cum and My piss. Is that clear, slave?" I nod in tearful acquiescence. He smiles wickedly, clearly enjoying the power he holds over me at this moment. He continues on. "Things you will be allowed to dine on? My cock, My balls and...My asshole. Whenever I ask you if you are hungry, you must look me in the eyes, indicate that you are indeed hungry and then I will present you with whichever part of my body I expect serviced at that moment. At ALL TIMES...you are to treat any part of my body you are orally servicing as if it is the best thing you've ever tasted, The best thing you've ever smelled. Your own personal comfort doesn't matter one fucking bit to me. I don't care if the taste of my crotch makes you want to gag, you will smile and service me as if that is the last meal you will ever receive. Understand?" I nodded my understanding, feeling a sense of helplessness As my formerly normal life continued to spiral out of control. "Yes Black Master." I managed to croak out around the ball gag. My tiny dick was throbbing from the verbal abuse as well as from the sensation of being physically dominated at someone's complete mercy. Black Master smiled at me, an evil sort of grin, without warmth or compassion. "Good slave That's my slave ." He looked down and an even bigger smirk fell across his features as he saw my raging boner. He smacked at it a couple of times with the back of his hand. "You're so fucking hard because of this aren't you, bitch? Huh, my words getting you all hot and bothered? Or is it the bondage? Little of both, I'd guess. Ground rules for your slave are as follows. Under no circumstances are you to EVER touch yourself sexually unless you have my permission. The only permissible touching of that area by you is in the shower or on the toilet; both situations would be purely for hygiene purposes only. Otherwise your dick is what it is; a useless appendage that I control. And, slave, I can't stress this enough... if you ever and I mean EVER, cum without my permission, you will know a whole new world of pain. I control your orgasms, or lack there of, And I think it goes without saying, But I'm gonna say it anyway, no more dick for you. And with that, He said "Spread your legs, slave. I got something new for you to wear..." He chuckled, and evil sounding laugh devoid of mirth or warmth. I did as instructed immediately and Black Master again chuckled when he saw my stiff cock. "Boi dick is all fucking hard? He said this is what a Real Black Man Cock looks like 10' of Black uncut Dick, He put it next to my hard dick I was dwarfed in compared to the Black Dick, I'm flattered that's because of me, but I've been thinking... What does a slut really need a useless prick for anyway? You're never gonna fuck me. Hell you're never gonna fuck anybody again, as long as you're mine." I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but as he moved closer to me in his swift, cat-like motion, I was suddenly overwhelmed by his scent. It made me stiffen even more and I felt my mouth begin to water. Black Master stepped between my thighs and pulled them apart even farther. He then began slapping my erection, slapping it very hard. I yelped as the pain radiated through my dick and into my abdomen. I tried to push his hands away, reflexively. Big mistake. "What do you think you're doing faggot!?" He raised his voice a bit and I knew he was pissed. "You don't push me away. You don't make the decisions here. You know that. Don't you, you fucking pussy bitch?" He quickly grabbed both my wrists in one strong hand, yanking them above my head and with his free hand twisted my chin so I was make to look him in the eye. "Look at me faggot." I was helpless to his strong words and stronger grasp. He moved his hand holding my chin down and started slapping my dick again, seeming to derive pleasure from my obvious discomfort and embarrassment. It was his way. My boner soon shrank under the constant back hand and forehand smacks. Black Master stepped back. I could see the enjoyment in his eyes and I could do nothing to disguise my own delight and desire from his knowing stare. He reached into his pocket and withdrew an object. As he moved to show it to me, I recognized what it was and my heart skipped what felt like two beats. A chastity device. Fuck! I met Black Master's perceptive look again and we both knew that I knew what was about to happen. "You see, slave I've enjoy our time together and plan to continue enjoying the future. But, really does a slut faggot need to sport wood for? I have decided that you have been a tad too focused of late on your own pleasure and that disappoints me. A sissy should always be 100% centered on his Black Master's desires and well-being, not thinking about the next time he might cum...... So easy fix: you aren't going to cum anymore, unless I deem it suitable. Putting you in chastity will ensure that your thoughts remain focused on your Black Master......me." He stopped talking and caught my gaze again, My mouth felt dry and I couldn't swallow. I tried to croak out a few words. Black Master... Please..don't. "This is happening slave Of course there are......other options. I could always take you to a specialty surgeon and have your cock and balls removed permanently. We can do that, Sound good?" He continued onward, without pausing for a response from me. "Or I can slip this little cock cage on you and presto! No more bothersome boners for my little slut " I nodded my consent, not that he needed it, "Please put me in chastity, Black Master," I was begging for it, as I knew that Black Master might not be joking about the surgeon thing. He laughed again. "If you insist, slut." The look he gave me was positively wicked as he knelt down between my spread thighs and proceeded to strip away my man hood from me, rendering the very thing that made me a man......useless. Less than useless. A wrinkled appendage I would now use only to pee with. He fit it onto me and I heard the click as he latched the tiny padlock and made a show of putting the key in his wallet. I looked down at my now truly ineffectual boi-dick and wondered at the rubbery and plastic now sheathing it. My emasculation seemed complete And it was difficult to describe just how right it felt. I felt a strange simultaneous feeling of loathing toward myself and my weakness, coupled with overwhelming love and gratitude toward Black Master for delivering me from my former life of unenthusiastic sex slave. I would never have known the joys of serving and submitting to a man such as Black Master, the man who showed me my true self. I looked up into his hard eyes and hoped I was showing my thanks properly. "Occasionally, when I decide, I may allow you to remove the cock cage and stroke yourself off. It will not be often. In the meantime, we will also work together on getting to know your pussy more thoroughly. Lots of guys learn how to cum just from having their Black Master inside them, just like a woman. Mite even train you to have a ass orgasm while Black Master fucks you. Heh, heh." He looked at me with a depraved grin and I felt myself blushing again. "Thank you, Black Master. Thanks you for letting me become your obedient bitch. If I find out that you ever got your little dick wet, I might just cut it off. Or castrate you, The only way you're ever going to fuck anybody ever again is if I have one of my boi's bring over their sissy slave for you to play with." I must have conveyed some kind of look at the mention of sex with another sissy because he chuckled and went on explaining. "That's right, slave. Most of my thugs have got sissies slaves of their own. Me and my buddy have been talking `about throwing a couple of you white slaves in bed together, just to get us worked up. Just knowing that it ain't what you bottom bitches would want is enough to make me want to try it sometime. But that's for later, cunt. Right now, I'd be embarrassed for any of my boys to come over here. Your not trained up proper yet at all, not a drop of fucking booze in the room How'd that look to my friends? Got to remedy for that shit, bitch!" He started to walk towards the bath room . "Get up and follow me." I jumped up immediately and started to move towards him. "This place is small, You well get adjoining room " I nodded that I would, "Good. I'll check it out later, but that's where you will begin putting together a little sex dungeon for us to play in. As you can see, I like bondage, slave, and I like to have a lot of variety. I'll leave the URL for a great BDSM site and you'll need to start purchasing some more of the leather gear." He must have seen the fear in my eyes and though I could tell he enjoyed it immensely, he reached out and wrapped a beefy, calloused hand around my waist, pulling me into his hard, lean physique. He whispered in my ear. "Don't worry, sweetie. I know how to treat my slaves, I won't hurt you......much." Again, I was brought back to the realization that this whole situation was spiraling out of my control. I couldn't think straight, pressed up against the granite-like hardness of this overwhelmingly masculine Black stud. That plus the feminine nature of my outfit as well as the total loss of freedom due to the wrist restraints and the ball gag were conspiring to mess with my head as I breathed in the intoxicating aroma of Black Master's skin. God I was so horny I was quite sure I would have done almost anything at that moment to feel his hands on me again. I rubbed up against him, mewling in a high voice around my gag, trying to show him how turned on I was. "Oh now you're horny, eh sweetie? Well soon enough we'll try to quench that burning inside your ass but first things first." With that he pulled out a small digital camera and held it up in front of me. He grinned at me as a look of realization came over my face, suddenly knowing what he planned to do. I grunted out my weak protest as loudly as I could but Black Master just laughed. "I'm starting, or rather you're starting a new website. You're a techie, right? With the computer, I know you are so no use denying it. Anyway, this new website is going to chronicle your transformation from from straight guy into a cock sucking, taking-it-in-the-ass slave, complete with photos of you, from various stages of your life. Of course we have to get a bunch of pics that show just how very much you like sucking Black cock, eating Black ass and drinking Black man's cum. Your face will be completely visible at all times in these photos, Not like the shit that you been posting with out a face While my face will be either out of the shot completely or cropped out prior to posting on the site. I get anonymity, you get humiliation. That's just the way it going to be. I will need you to put together a complete and 100% truthful biography of yourself, including a section on why you enjoy being feminized and your favorite things about Black men in general and your Black Master in particular. I might also like a short diatribe on the taste of my cum and why you can't get enough of it, that you even go so far as to spit some of my jizz into Tupperware containers and store them in the fridge, for Lube when I'm not around. This site will be up for all the world to see, We'll call the site, oh I don't know, something like...... Black Master Does White Slave .. He was smiling that evil smile again, clearly content with himself for causing me so much distress. "You'll be updating at least once a day, With pics we'll make some videos, and you'll be posting some of those gay fuck stories you've sent me. Keep writing that shit, slave, Fuck that shit gets me hard as steel. And that's what you want right? A Hard Long Black Dick, unrelenting and untamed? That's what you told me in that first email, at least. Those are your words, not mine. But that's me, baby. Your Black Master." I had no idea what to say. It was almost too much to process. I couldn't stand the idea of all that private info about me being up on a website, showcasing my deepest, darkest desires. Photos of me sucking Black cock, videos of me be feminized and turned out and moaning while Black Master invades my most private of places. And anyone could see it: my bar buddies, my friends, Jesus I was going to be on public display, with all my sexual fetishes hanging out there. I started as I heard the soft buzzing of the camera as Black Master began to take some shots of me in my slutty leather, Making sure to get pics of my mouth and ass pussy , "There we go, slave. Just need a good one for the main page photo. Gotta get in there real good." He paused. "Damn, you look like shit. Maybe we'll take the main page photo sometime when you're a little sexier looking. Anyway, I got something else I gotta do right not. Get over there and lean over the bed stick your ass out real nice and high." I did as he instructed. I felt Black Master behind me and I was puzzling over what was coming next. "All right, slave. We set up some ground rules, and we'll go over some others as well, but right now I got to lay down the law. You directly disobeyed me this morning. Not only did you NOT got to the mall to shop for out fit, as I had instructed but I distinctly ordered you not to call me with your whiny bullshit about how you don't want to do this. And then you fucked me up my valuable time to come over here to straighten things out. I don't like it when my bitches fuck up my free time." With that I felt and heard a hard `THWACK' as His belt hit my unprotected ass I screamed out around the ball gag, but it came out as nothing more than a hoarse, muffled cry. `THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK!' I was screaming, blubbering out incoherent apologies but to no avail. Black Master was furious with me and he had contained that fury all morning long. "Fucking bitch! You little cunt! If you EVER fuck with me again, on ANYTHING AT ALL, this beat down will seem mild by comparison!" I heard the clicking of the camera He was taking pics of my red ass, Now you have Punishment marks, He struck me several more times, ripping sharp yelps from my vocal cords as the pain tore through me. Then I was roughly pulled around and Black Master pushed me to my knees. His boxers were already down around his thighs and his throbbing erection was jutting out at full mast, the harsh, rigid ten inches of Dark, Black Cock Meat. "Suck me you fucking whore. It's all you're good for you little faggot!" His hands tore off the ball gag and I had about one second to draw in a breath before his cock head was forcing it's way into my orifice and I felt my jaws being fucked wide apart again. "Look at me, slut, Anytime you're orally servicing me, you are to be looking directly into my eyes the entire time unless I tell you otherwise. Is that clear, cunt?" I could do little other than gasp out an abbreviated answer as he pulled out of me a short way. "Mmmm-hmmmm." I mumbled unintelligibly. I then locked my eyes onto those of my tormentor, as I was told to do. And in that moment, I could feel a tiny shift in our relationship. As a piece of my soul had melded with his and I had started to accept the connection we now had. Black Master looked down at me, a mix of loathing and superiority and.........something else apparent on his dark, hardened features. What was it? Covetousness? Lust? Perhaps......love......? "Alright, slave! Get ready for a hard throat fuck. Last time we tried this you were gagging and shit. I don't give a fuck! You're gonna learn to do it with or without the gagging but you're taking my Black cock and that's all there is to it. And as always, keep your eyes on mine, bitch. A slave can tell a lot about when his Black Master is about to cum and what throat and tongue techniques pleasure him the best from his facial expressions so it's important for him to watch closely, wouldn't you say?" He pulled his Black cock all the way out from my oral cavity and I briefly stared at it's almost unbelievable length and girth and the wicked curve of it as it protruded outward. Quite frankly, it scared me a lot... And some part of me loved that feeling, needing it. I hear the camera click click "Answer me slave I know you love looking at my Black dick but when your Master asks you a question, you fucking answer." It was clearly not a suggestion, but an order. I quickly looked back up at him, his cruel eyes boring through my very soul, owning me. God, was this what my heart truly wanted even as my mind screamed no? "Yes, Master." I replied meekly to his question, feelings of defeat rolling over me in waves. "Yes, Master......what?" He asked it with a commanding tone that sent an erotic quiver coursing through my little penis as well as my......bowels? "Yes, Black Master it's important for a slave to learn how to best please his Black man." He grinned an evil, iniquitous smirk. He loved the control he had over me, plainly. His own erection throbbed again as a charge of domination surged through him. I was awash in confusing thoughts, unsure of what these feelings or my responses to Black Master meant about my sexuality. Was it even possible for......those types of feelings to radiate in that area of a man's body? Of course, I could scarcely consider myself a man at this point. I had been taken, topped, seeded and subdued by a clearly superior Black Master and my body was betraying my brain by responding positively to the rough and brutal nature of Master's sexual needs. And my own needs, as well, but ones that went far beyond just sex and mixed and melded with my irresistible desire to serve, to be submissive, to be owned by another. I couldn't explain it, couldn't tell someone why these emotions were running through me even if I tried. But the fact was, they were running through me, my hard little dick and my aching asshole, I mean pussy, fighting a battle with my mind. My common sense was losing that skirmish. "Here we go, Slave. Throat me, slut." With those words I barely had time to open my lips again and his steely Black tool was sliding back between my lips and then down my gullet. I gulped greedily at the offered organ, adjusting my oral ministrations to make certain Black Master was receiving gratification. I fought back the urge to gag as he slithered his way down my throat, unceremoniously and with an undeniable show of bestial strength. In a couple of seconds I found myself with my lips sealed around the base of his manhood, his bushy pubic hair scratching and tickling my nose. The scent of him was overwhelming, musk and sex and Black man's flesh all rolled into this most submissive of acts. I stayed like that for a few seconds, expecting to be allowed to pull back up and off him so as to repeat the action. Instead I felt Black Master's hand on my head, holding me steady and with his other hand he reached down and pinched my nose shut, so I could not breathe. Panic overtook me almost immediately, the terrifying feeling of not being able to draw breath suddenly all I could concentrate on. I tried to pull back but his grip was too strong, my resolve too weak. "You see here, slave, what we've got here is another example of me showing you how things are going to be. You wear what I tell you to wear, eat when and what I tell you to, speak when spoken to......and now you breathe when I say so. Is all this getting through to you, cunt? Do you realize that your little emails you probably thought were harmless actually awakened a sleeping beast? You opened up a world you didn't dare dream even existed. You told me how you wanted badly to be dominated, By a Black Man to be owned. You told me the things you fantasized about doing to my Black Dick... Well consider yourself dominated, faggot! Consider yourself my property!" Than I hear the camera again click, click, He was taking pictures and catching my deepest feeling, Tears were running down my cheeks, caused by both the utter fear I was experiencing as a result of not being able to breathe and also from the finality of his words and the thought of the things that were lying in wait for me in my future. My new future in which I was a sissified slave with an ass pussy and a suck hole that I would use exclusively to satisfy my younger but totally Dominant Black Master. Suddenly without warning he pulled his cock from my mouth and I gasped in a huge breath, wheezing and gagging and coughing from the rough, brutal treatment I had just received from Black Master. My slimy throat mucus was dripping from his ebony shaft, the entire length coated in my spit and a thick strand of it stretched from his bloated cock tip to my ruby red lips as sort of an obscene reminder of just what I was good for...... click, click, the camera, "Fuck, bitch! That throat is tight and as much as want to cum in your mouth, this load I'm brewing up is destined for your pussy. I know your sore from your beating and from last night, but guess what? I don't give a fuck! I'm rucking your pussy ass to show you yet again, just who's in charge here. Back on the bed again ...now, CUNT!" I was blubbering now, crying uncontrollably as I realized my old life was gone and the uncertainty of my future was staring me in the face. "Please l..suck you off, Master. I need to drink your cum, please." SMACK! SMACK! I flinched as Black Master slapped my face, very hard. "BITCH! Did I tell you to speak? No I fucking did not! You do what I tell you to WHEN I fucking tell you to and you do it RIGHT THEN! DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR TO YOU, WHORE!?" He accentuated the last words with another harsh slap to my cheeks. I couldn't even see through my teary eyes as I meekly stood up to bend over the bed again, exposing my naked fuck hole to Master's uncompromising hardness. A second later, he was forcing the ball gag back into my mouth and strapping it tightly around behind my head. My hands were still cuffed behind me and I was the picture of acquiescence. Without further adieu he plowed into me, the only lube being my mucus and spit. I screamed out as Black Master took me violently, staking his ownership to my body......and my soul as well, if I was completely honest with myself. His steel-hard Black Dick fucked apart my tender sphincter muscle and speared into my rectum with a fury that took my breath away. I instantly began moaning into the gag and to my abject horror, also began arching back into every thrust of his into my body. One of his hands was on the back of my neck holding me firmly in place while the other held my wast at the small of my back; I could not believe how submissive this all was, how he controlled every aspect of my being at this very moment. He was the most important person in the world to me right now. Would be the most important person in my life forever more. His thrusts started out strong, steady, measured but soon digressed to a short jerky fuck rhythm. Just a couple minutes in and it seemed like he was close to nutting. I reveled in the feel of every inch of his steel cock violating the soft fleshy tissues of all my inner rectum, It was truly amazing what a talented cocks man he was and I knew I should consider myself fortunate to have been blessed with such a skilled Black Master. But even as I thought those things I still felt perplexed by the turn my life had taken in just the past few hours. Before I could think about anymore, Black Master's voice came booming to wake me from my reverie. I could feel his spittle on my back and neck as he leaned into me, truly giving this fuck his all. "FUCK Slave I'm Gonna cum! Gonna cum so hard up your ass cunt, you little fucking bitch! Gonna seed this pussy! With my toxic cum, Gonna make sure you learn your fucking place, faggot! OOOHHHH YEEAAA! OHHH YEAA HERE IT COMES Slave ! You ready for my fucking jizz, Slave" With one final blast-like grunt, I felt his cock explode inside me and the warm, gooey fuck slime coated my bowels, Breeding me with his Black seed, me with my Master's essence. The feeling of being bred was overpowering and I felt my own tiny sac tighten up and then I followed my Black Master into euphoria, screaming into the ball gag until I was hoarse and choking from the effort. I felt Master collapse against my back, the sweat from our scorching fuck causing us to stick together. We were both groaning in the aftershocks of our almost simultaneous orgasms. But I soon felt him begin to slide out of me and suddenly my open and gaping hole felt very empty and I couldn't stand to think of him not being inside me... He motioned for me to turn around with a light slap on my ass. I already had a good idea what this was going to be about, and sure enough as I turned to face him once again, he presented me with his slowly shrinking lack prick to suck clean of his cum and ass juice. It was humiliating, but in an exhilarating way as I was still searching my way through the maze of confused sexuality that this whole episode had brought about. Being as feminine and subservient as possible I slowly ran my tongue up and down his vein y hose, making certain to keep my eyes on his as I lapped up every last droplet of cum from his Cock, Balls and pubes. I felt like a kitten lapping up some warm milk. GOD ! THAT was fucking fantastic, slave ! Fuck! As mad as I am about you wrecking my day, I gotta admit, it might have been worth it. Fuck! What a great cum! And look at you, you worthless bitch. Once again, you've cum with your Master up inside your sissy slit. How's it feel to be nothing but a cum dump for a superior Black man? Huh faggot? Can't answer with the gag in your mouth, I suppose eh? Oh well, I don't need you to tell me what you're thinking. The evidence was in the fuck. The way you pushed those sweet, white, round buns back into me, moaning for it harder and deeper... yes it's pretty clear just what kind of a faggot you are. A fag who loves Black Cock, I'd say. Damn, you are a true sissy, slave Just like a jail-house bitch, Can't believe no other Nigger ever scooped you up. But you're MINE now, cunt! I own this pussy." He emphasized this statement with a semi-soft swat across my ravaged buttocks. I could feel the sperm leaking out of my abused fuck hole. Black Master drew himself up to his full imposing height in front of me as he buttoned up his jeans, his sobbing, cum-soaked pussy boi kneeling before him. He grabbed my hair, pulling my face upwards to look at him. I felt myself blushing under his stern gaze, both of us again knowing the exact nature of our relationship. "So I'm gonna go ahead and repeat myself, but this will be the last time I do so for you. From now on, you will answer my demands immediately and unswerving. They are not suggestions and I don't take opinions from faggot whores. Got it? Get yourself cleaned up, put on some clothes Then hightail it to the grocery store and get stocked up on everything you need to make my life as easy and pleasurable as possible. All the booze and food I mentioned before. Then when you get back here, jump on that bondage supply website I gave you. I want the Deluxe Sling and the Masters' Fuck Rack delivered here within three business days. I'll expect you back here and ready for me by ten o'clock tonight and as always......be dressed for me in leather and sitting on your sissy chair." I nodded my agreement and mumbled something around the ball gag and he seemed to think this was sufficient on my part. He motioned for me to rise and I did so and then he came around behind me and unlocked the wrist restraints. "My boys and I are hitting the strip clubs tonight, so plan on me being extra horny. Probably be over after midnight and then we can go at it. Make sure you're ready, cause when I'm in THAT kinda mood, I can fuck all night long, baby! Heh, heh." He chuckled as he saw my eyes widen at his comments and then totally surprised me when he leaned down for an extremely tender kiss. I melted into his strong arms not wanting him to leave me. As he pulled away I noticed him leering wickedly at me again, and I realized that he needed this just as much as I did, only in a different way. It almost seemed as though we were soul mates, destined to meet and who knows? Perhaps we are... One dominant, one submissive, fitting together, one inside the other, to suck and lick and Fuck and cum and lust .. I decided to try small steps and so began preparing for His return later tonight. I took a steaming hot bath and proceeded to shave every spec of hair from my body, except that on my head. I knew Black Master would want me smooth and soft, so I used a lot of moisturizers and lotions and such, to make my skin as pliable as possible. It took most of the evening and I had almost lost track of time as I put on my leather gear and pull a leather collar on my neck. but I was still on the fence in regards to turning my life upside down. I just needed more time to think things through. It was barely a few weeks ago that I had begun to communicate with Black Master online and I thought that was as far as it would go. Then twenty four hours ago, the big brute comes bursting in my hotel room, like some kind of modern-day black Lancelot and I'm just supposed to drop everything and become his slave, My Heart was thumping in my chest as the hour got later and midnight approached. Should I expect him just after midnight or like 3am? Shit! I didn't know so I decided to risk sending him a text message, to try to find out when he might be over. "Master -- could you let me know when to expect you? A few minutes go by and then a return message. "Sissy slave -- it's none of your fucking business BITCH! I told you I'll be there when I'm there. But I'm in a good mood so I'll let you know. Leaving the bar now. Be at your hotel in 15. Be fucking ready for me whore."I swallowed the lump in my throat and quickly dripped some lube onto my slaves chair Black dildo. Then I squatted above it, positioning my moistened hole right above it and slowly sank down, reveling in the two fold feelings of pain and pleasure as my sphincter was stretched and my rectum filled with rubber dick. I groaned as I felt the last inch slide into me. Fuck! Balls deep on that fucking thing. I looked around a bit and suddenly shuddered as I saw my computer with the webcam on it. I could only imagine what perversity Black Master had in store for me..Within minutes I heard the now familiar thump of the stereo bass in Black Master's car as he drew closer to my room, house started to shake a little and I heard the car door slam shut. Then I heard the key in the lock and in he stepped. He looked pissed, once again, but I consoled myself with the fact that it was simply his demeanor all the time, to appear ticked off. He closed door behind him and stopped in front of me, his usual smirk playing across his features. "Shit slave You're even sitting on your slaves chair. What a good slave, Yea, you like that shit up in your pussy... You my fuck whore, Cause I got to get my nut. Fuck! Those strippers fucking grinding all over my lap, all over my Black cock, and even though I fucked a couple of `em in the backroom, I'm still horny as shit, slut!" He moved closer to me as he spoke and I could tell he'd been in the bars all night long. He reeked of booze, smoke And sweat... And masculinity... Jesus, I felt my knees already beginning to weaken, my insides turning to jelly as I imagined submitting to him. His eyes bored into me as he looked down at me with a mixture of disdain and superiority. "Those crotch less panties? Good for you, sissy. Very nice. I like that shit." He quickly stripped off his shirt and then kicked off his sweatpants. He still had his basketball shoes on and wore nothing else but a black jockstrap, leaving his ass completely exposed. I caught my breath as I took in his amazing physique once more. God! He was an absolute alpha male, a Black Adonis. Muscles rippling, his body said everything you needed to know about him. When he spoke, you listened and he always got his way. "Shit, slave, turn on Sports center for me. I gotta tell you? I'm gonna sit on one of your bar stools; kneel down behind me and work on my asshole, slave! Just your mouth. I gotta let loose!" I did as told, watching as he sat down on the stool and leaned against the breakfast bar to watch TV. I looked up at his thick glutenous muscles, hanging off the stool and partially covered by the straps of his jock, his buttocks beckoning to me. My mouth began to water as I prepared to taste my Black Master in a way so intimate that few could possibly know the feeling. As I drew close, I sniffed the air and could smell his strong, earthy odor; it had the strange, unknown effect on me acting like an aphrodisiac and I found myself actually desiring to eat him out this time around. I leaned upwards and placed my lips around his asshole, sealing us together in a manner so personal, there could be no doubt that I was his slave, "Yeaaa, slave ! Get your tongue all up in my shit, Feels great, baby! You like eating your Master's hole don't you, bitch?" I moaned out my agreement, unable to speak as I was busy French kissing his asshole, making out with his ass lips like I would make out with a gorgeous young man. I gently flicked my tongue across the outer rim of his anus, eliciting a moan of appreciation from Black Master. I pushed my tongue up flat against his sphincter, then pulled back and then repeated this action several times, causing him to wriggle his ass, groaning for me to continue. I licked completely across the hairy opening several times, using varying pressure. I heard him growl, deep in his throat and I could tell I was getting to him. After several minutes of this treatment, I finally went for the coup de grace. I paused a moment in my ministrations to pull back and look at my handiwork. His asshole was glistening with saliva, my spit soaking every nook and cranny of his crack, every butt hair. I then slowly, so very slowly began to push my tongue right into that hole, inserting it as far as I could get in there. I curled my tongue into a pointy spike and began to probe in and out, in and out, seeking out Black Master's pleasure center and when I found it, I probed even harder. I must have been doing something right, because Master was pushing back against my mouth, grinding his ass into my entire face. "Fuck YES SISSY! Eat that fucking' asshole, eat my fucking' manhole, you fucking' cunt! It's all you're good for, pussy boi! Eating a black man's ass. Get up in there slave! Suck my furry shiter! Is your little dick hard from sucking me whore?" It was stiff and aroused and his words made me even hornier so I busied myself with pleasing him, slavering all over his proffered opening, loving the taste and scent of him, knowing him more thoroughly than I had ever known anyone, . I was slobbering into Black Master's asshole, making it wet as he continued to grind his hairy hole onto my face, both of us moaning in bliss. I could not previously have imagined how much pleasure I could derive from bringing Black Master the enjoyment he so richly deserved. What was happening to me? Suddenly Black Master rose from the stool, pulling his ass away from me, although several strands of saliva were still connecting my face to his buns and they broke as Master stood up. I remained kneeling."Shit slave! That was fantastic! I love the way you devour my asshole. You're really taking to this, huh? Good! It's good for a slut to enjoy every part of her Master's body, to desire to taste every inch of him..." He grabbed my computer from my desk, then stood over the bed and stood looking at it for a moment, as if pondering something. He set my laptop down on the end table next to the bed, opened it up and angled the top downwards. He motioned for me to get up and approach him. "Grab those bed pillows, slut and put them over here I did as instructed, unsure of what this was supposed to accomplish. Black Master ripped off his jock strap and then sat down on the pillows and hung his knees over the bed, When he leaned back a bit, it had the effect of exposing his Black cock and balls, but also leaving his buttocks hanging over the edge of the bed, there by allowing me access to his asshole as well. "Now it's time for you to suck me off, slave . Start with my balls, but take your time and keep using your mouth on my asshole. Switch on and off, get into a rhythm, have some fun with it slut, It's dinner time for you." I looked up into his hardened eyes, and I could see there was no room for questions or negotiating and he clearly wasn't in the mood for me to do anything but comply with his orders. I was beginning to realize that this whole situation was no joke and this man was a true no-mercy Black Thug Top. "Now crawl to me, pussy boi. Come over to feast on your Master's private parts, which he is so generously offering up for you to service." I crawled over to him, trying my best to be sexy, but not sure if I was succeeding. My face was burning up as I approached my Black Master, the shame almost overpowering. I couldn't believe I was going along with this degradation,and yet I could not deny how much it turned me on; having this Black man in control of my body felt oddly satisfying. I was almost between his legs now and I looked up expectantly, like an obedient dog. "Yes that's right. You look very good tonight, I gulped, unsure of how to respond. "Thank you Black Master. .I'm happy you're satisfied with your slave. Again I felt a blush creep across my face, as shame and embarrassment took over my emotions. He grinned and chuckled evilly. "Heh, heh, yes I like making' you blush baby. But I also like my slaves to know their place, unequivocally. Before you start sucking me, pick up my jock strap and place the cup over your face and then hold it there and just breathe in, until I tell you to stop." I did as he said, yet more humiliation awaiting me in his latest game. I placed the sweaty cup over my mouth and nose and began to draw in deep breaths. It smelled like Black Master and it made my mouth water and a foreign sensation stole through my loins as I took in his Black scent. He held my gaze, that knowing, cock sure smirk plastered across his features. "Look at your little white cock slave, all stiff and hard, like a man's cock. But it's no man's cock, is it sissy slaves ? It's just a tiny dicky " I could feel tears almost beginning to form, as I continued breathing in Master's jock sweat. I could feel my masculinity slowly slipping away from me, and I wasn't sure I could get it back. "You wanna stroke your stiff little dick, Don't you, I'm not taking off your Cock Cage, stroke it until you shoot your slaves jizz?" I nodded my agreement, mumbling out a muffled "Yes" into the funky jockstrap I was startled as Black Master struck my face with a mongoose-quick slap across my cheek. "Tough fucking' shit, slave ! The correct answer is that you only have eyes for my Black cock. You are to focus %100 of your attention on me. I don't give a fuck if your puny, worthless slave dicky is ready to explode, you NEVER pay attention to your own needs! Is that fucking' clear enough to you bitch? You never touch or stroke yourself unless I say! You never cum unless I say! You don't even think about your dicky unless I have given you permission! And that goes for all times, whether I'm here or not! Got it cunt?!" I was sobbing from the ferocity of his strike and the finality of his words, as I blubbered out my reply. "Yes..Black Master. I'm sorry, Sir." "OK then, slave. I assume it won't happen again... Anyway I got a surprise for you, With you busy buying all that leather shit, I had my boys get that website up and running, so we're ready to go with some webcam action. Huh? What do ya think of that? You ready to eat me on camera, slut?" I looked up at him again, his words not quite registering with me. I was feeling panic rising inside me. Fuck! I thought I'd have more time to talk my way out of this, but it appeared Black Master expected to forge ahead with his plan to show me off to the world. Terror hit me square in the chest and I did something most regrettable. I stood up and then started speaking out of turn. "Shit, I can't do this Black Master, or, or whatever your real name is. This isn't what I wanted or expected when we started chatting. Look...you can't make me do any of this stuff...... Let's just break this off now..." I was breathing hard, huffing in fresh air for the first time in several minutes. I barely dared to look at him, He was staring at me with a previously unknown anger bubbling just beneath the surface. He slowly rose to his full imposing height and moved closer to me. I swallowed hard as he spoke. "Whatever my real name is? My real name, to you slave, IS Black Master. You fucking' white slut ! I can in fact, make you do this stuff! I already have. You gonna go run to the cops, pussy boi? Huh? You gonna tell them how you fagged out, And suck my Black prick and how I breed your ass? With my cum, Huh faggot? Don't pretend you didn't want it then or that you don't want it now. You fucking' white boys are all the same. Think you're gonna stand up to me AFTER you've already gone down on me on camera ..." Everything was a blur, as tears rolled down my cheeks and I heard myself speaking yet again. "Look, Black Master. Just please leave. I've made my decision and I don't want to take part in this life..." He loomed over me as he stepped even closer, his proximity certainly intimidating. "Oh you've made your decision? Is that right? Little slut Slave has made up his mind and I guess now I have to go along with it... Well guess what faggot? I've also made a decision and you might want to listen up. You don't want me to have to get rough with you again, right?" He grabbed my chin in his hand forcing me to look up at him, the disgrace etched on my face. "This is how it's going to be, bitch. I'm not leaving and you're not getting out of this. You don't actually want to get out of this, you just think you do. You'll thank me later that I didn't let you go back to your old life of having passionless sex with your boi friends." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I know what you need, faggot. I've already seen it, seen the way you give it up to me. I've felt you convulsing around me when I'm inside you, breeding you...... Now let's go meet our audience, shall we?" With that he let go of my chin and grabbed both of my wrists and twisted them around behind my back. I felt the cold steel of handcuffs fastening around them and my body went stiff as once again, I found myself helpless. Black Master grabbed me by the hair and dragged me back over to the Bed, Shoving me down none too lightly, He sat back down and started typing on my laptop, while at the same time making a call on his cell. "Hey Bro , your got that site for me? ......Awesome! Cool bro! I appreciate it...... Yea, yea He's trying to back out......... No, no I put him back in has place. Gonna be good man, I got it all set up for him to suck my Black cock and balls and eat my asshole on the webcam...... Yea right? Shit Nigger, I got a fucking' load stored up for this slave boi! Ha!......Alright Catch ya!" later He hung up and started focusing on the laptop, typing away, talking to himself. "Yea, www.bbcforsissyslave.com. Yes, this shit is gonna be for real. He looked down at me with a disdainful gaze. Fuck! But it is what it is. And it is Go Time!" He put the laptop back on the table and I could see a web page with a barely noticeable pic of me, and I felt some relief sweep over me; no one would likely recognize me like that. I was probably safe. Black Master's voice broke through my thoughts. "Yes you there? He was speaking to someone on the laptop. "That's Master Cam. Used to be used by another slave. He's plunked out now. Another fucking' whitey overcome by Black Cock Lust. BCL. Heh, heh." He seemed pleased with his new abbreviation and I could add nothing, so I didn't. It probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway. "Hey look here, we got ourselves a nice-sized audience, for a first time site. Already got over three hundred fuckers waiting for you to start ......" He paused a moment, as if contemplating something. He tied a black bandana over his head and then as he pulled it down over his face, I could see that it had eye holes cut in it, Zorro-style. He made a comment about maintaining his anonymity then he motioned for me to draw closer to him and I did so, immediately. All right, Cam audience you got this shit running'?" A couple seconds later a slightly hollow sounding voice answers back, very effeminate and timid but clearly a male. "Yes, Black Master. I can control the camera from here, and Master Jay is here watching the whole thing so he can make certain I'm getting the proper shots. You can start anytime, Black Master. I have both the audio and video up and running smoothly. We're live." I felt a cold fear creeping over me as I realized what was happening. I was going to be on display, online, for anyone to see. Fuck. How the hell was I going to get out of this? And suddenly, it was all out of my control.. "Yo, yo, yo what's up, Bitches? This is Black Master here on my new site www.bbcforsissyslave.com What the fuck is up? Yea! Uhh, this site is going to chronicle my training of my new slave, Going be having all sorts of fun and you can believe me when I say that I am going to put my slave thru the paces . kinds of fun going to put him through his paces! You'll find that I am a no mercy Black Top...be starting in a couple, but first I thought you'd all like to meet my slave So he's gonna tell you all about himself...whether he wants to or not." He looked down at me, his gaze hard and motioned for me to turn my face towards the webcam. I could not recall a moment in my life when I felt more scared and sick to my stomach. I could NOT go through with this and I started to rise, determined to walk away and get this Black guy out of my room, out of my life. Once again, I underestimated Black Master's resolve to enslave me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? I tell you to get up, slave? We're live, bitch! Now talk to the camera!" Again, he didn't sound like a man to be trifled with, but I could not let this go on. "Please, Sir. I can't do this..." He looked at me with a mixture of loathing and anger and I instantly knew I had fucked up majorly. He jumped down from his perch on the chair and squatted down next to me, taking my skull in both of his huge hands and pointed me up towards the webcam lens. With my hands secured behind my back coupled with his strength, there was little I could do to fight him and I felt myself meekly submitting to his raw power. "Now talk slave ! Tell the folks, your adoring public, your real name, maybe your favorite type of Leather and why you love Black cock. That's a nice start..." I obediently looked up into the camera, my former life flashing before my eyes. My voice quavered as I spoke. "My name is..Jack irons . I'm a white slave for Black Men ..My Black Master Is Pimping me to make money for Him, paused, still unable to process the humiliation I was going through, like I was watching some other white guy being bound, sissified and put on film by a Dominant Black Master. Tears streamed unchecked down my face,. I hoped and prayed that no one I knew would EVER see this. "And, what's your favorite panties to worship Black cock?" He spoke in a conversational tone now, like he expected complete acquiescence......and I gave it to him. I couldn't believe what a fucking slave faggot I was, I just didn't have the will to fight him anymore,. Black Master now points to this moment as the second I gave into my deepest desire and became his fully slave "I like my panties be cause they say on the back BBC only, Black Master likes them the best... And I Worship Black Cock because. I'm a slave..." I didn't know what to say. When I paused too long for his liking, Master slapped my face, Black Master helped me out. "Is it because you like the taste of Black Cock Is it faggot? Is it because you like the feel of it in all your holes? I think it's all those reasons that you love Black dick. Now fucking say it, cunt!" I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly very dry and hoarse feeling. I managed to croak out my agreement with him, into the webcam. "I love Black dick......... because I......I like the taste of it and I l...like the feel of it in my......holes..." Jesus, I had just uttered my love for Black meat right on the internet, live to hundreds of folks, apparently. What the hell path was my life now careening down, like a runaway roller coaster? I had no idea, but Black Master didn't give me much time to sink into my own thoughts. He immediately sat back down on the bed , exposing his asshole and genitals to me. "Get to eating', slave! Smile for the camera before you stick your tongue back up in my shitter!" I am the slut slave , as Black Master calls me. I am following his orders to smile for the webcam before I perform analingus on him, again. I try my best to smile, but I'm certain my tear-streaked face is a mess, But it must be done and so I fake a smile. My hands are cuffed behind my back and I can't move my arms; I am completely at his mercy. "Yeah, smile real pretty for the camera, slut. Such a sexy slut , getting ready to dive right back into my asshole, huh? Yeah, that's right..." I tearfully look into the camera as commanded, feeling the last vestige of male hood seeping out of me. I am his now, his bitch. I hate it, but I need it so bad. What is happening to me? "Time for dinner, slut! You got five hundred plus motherfuckers looking to watch you eat me out. Start fucking eating my fucking manhole! Now!" He slides down just a little more, adjusting his angle and then shoves my head down. I can smell the musky, earthy scent of his ass as my nose burrows into him. My mouth begins to water and I realize I want to eat him out. God is this what my life has come to? Dressed in a leather body hardness like a slut, using all my well to get my mouth back onto my Black Master's asshole so I can tongue-fuck him? I sould d be fucking ashamed of myself......and I am. But nevertheless, I waste no time in digging my tongue back into Master's ass hole, God he tastes terrible, yet I am slavering all over his hole, devouring the flavor of his back passage as if I hadn't had food for days. He tastes fucking awful, or does he? I am aware of a change in my thought process at this moment. Even though it tastes a bit like feces, I so badly want this, I desire that taste and I am now on the hunt for it. "Ohh fuck yeah, faggot! You like that bitch? You like eating your Master's butt hole? Like the taste of me on your tongue and lips? Huh slut? Show the audience, my peeps, how much you love this shit, pansy! How you love eating Nigger ass! Fuck you are a good little white faggot ass-eater, aren't you? Shit..." I managed to glance sideways at the monitor and could see that the camera was right there for a nice personal close-up. If you were watching, you could see the wetness of my mouth as I made out with Black Master's ass lips. I pulled back for a second, gasping for breath and was met with a swift slap across my face. "I tell you to stop, bitch? Fuck no I didn't! Keep eating,Slut! You ain't done up in there yet, you fucking whore, I quickly moved back in, stabbing my licker into Master's pink hole, now slick with my spit. I didn't want to risk his true wrath again. Oh God this was so fucking nasty, so fucking not something I could ever have envisioned doing. And yet now I could scarcely get enough of it. I took a deep sniff and somehow this submissive act seemed so right, so primal. Something men had been doing for each other for millennia. Shit, I wasn't a man though. I was a fucking sissy faggot cunt whore. Just a piece of pussy for Black Master. Somehow, I had to get that through my head. Not a man, just a slave.. Yeah you fuckers watching this shit? This fucking faggot is all up in my shit! Damn this little slut loves the taste of my ass, I can tell. You fuckers out there see how deep he is in my asshole? Course you do! You motherfuckers are paying good money to see this shit! Look up at me bitch." I did as Black Master wanted and found myself looking directly into the webcam, and I felt myself turning red. Jack Irons well be sucking and fucking for One of the Highest Bitters So don't forget to put in your bids ! I don't want to be seen doing this shit. "Oh what, you're embarrassed now, Now you get some inhibitions? Too late for you faggot! Everyone knows you're an ass-eating maggot! Not good for anything but jamming your tongue up my poop shoot and sucking my cock and taking my fucking loads. Heh, heh." He chuckled, a laugh devoid of mirth but full of the knowledge that he had a useless white, formerly male worm under his thrall. What could I say? What would I dare do? Nothing. Exactly nothing. I didn't want to get beat up. "Hey the poll results are coming in. Looks like your audience wants you to work on my balls next. Nice! That's what I was planning on anyway, bitch! Then you can move onto ball-tonguing. You better fucking eat me out good, slut ! These folks didn't pay thirty bucks to watch you just licking around the rim. Get up in there, cunt!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Black Master had told me earlier that we had over five hundred viewers. If he was charging them thirty dollars each......? Holy shit, that was over fifteen grand, in one night just like that. With almost no production costs, no overhead cause he was using my hotel room and my equipment. I really was a fucking whore for Black Men ! Not only could he use me for sex and domestic needs, but I was basically paying him to control every aspect of my life. I sighed, perhaps resigned to my fate. I felt like I had no control of anything, no choice but to please this Black man and pray that I did not disappoint him. I did not want to risk his wrath again, so I dug my tongue up into his asshole as far as I could go, As deep as I had ever gone. Maybe it was deeper, who could tell? When a small log of shit came out of his ass, I opened my mouth and the Black turd rolled into my mouth, Master said eat my shit Slave, I swallowed hard, I told you it was dinner time Slut, I sucked on my Master, turd, tasting his manly funk and loving it. I slobbered all over his pucker, enjoying the way it snapped around my licker, trying to trap it and truth be told, I would not have fought staying in this moment forever. Somehow, this incredible Black man had awoken my most primal urges of submission and filmed me to acknowledge them. By compelling me...and allowing me...to make out with his sexy ass lips, he had (apparently) turned me into a cowering, mewling white sissy cunt who only had hunger or desire for his cock, balls and asshole. I started back into the present at the sound of his voice. "Shit yeah, that's a good faggot. Yeah... That's a good slave faggot bitch. Yeah, look at the camera. You love that shit don't you faggot? Show us how much you love eating my poop. Yeah...just like that I'm you're fucking prom date, just smooching a pretty Boi." He paused for a second, shifting the camera around. "You mother fucker see all that shit? You like sissy slave eating' my manhole? Well that's good, cause he likes it too. He a true ass-eating, ball-licking, cock-sucking slave faggot , Born to worship the Black Man. Drooling all over his sexy little body, trying to keep his little faggot dick from getting any harder than it already is. Yeah..... .He loves this fucking' shit! Pull your bitch face up here, slut. Yeah. Look at that shit, fucking' slobber and ass juice all over his face...this bitch loves to eat out his Black Master." It was true and I knew it. I jumped as Black Master set the webcam back down on the table next to him with a heavy slam. Again he spoke to the audience. "Well that's it for tonight bitches! Sissy slave really enjoyed entertaining you with his tongue up my shitter, but he is fucking wrecked and he's got to be ready for tomorrow night: For one lucky Bitter, His cock and balls well be chastity. My cock and balls going to be snaking right down his throat......whether he wants to or not. I'll most def feed him; perhaps 'l well breed him as well. Hmmm. I love options. Same time tomorrow fuckers... Eventually folks, I'm gonna have cameras installed all over this room, so you can watch him anytime. He isn't allowed to jerk off and if he does, I want to know about it. This faggot slave Has signed over his life to me. " I turned this bitch out weeks ago and now he stars in my movies on the internet, making me cash. He sucks my Black dick...... your `boy' here swallows Black Loads ,With that he shut off the webcam and gave me a quick slap."That was real good faggot. Real good. You ate my But hole like it was your fucking dinner. That's what my paying customers want to see." I shuddered as I imagined the future perversions Black Master surely had in store for me."Heh, heh you're a fucking faggot aren't you? What a fucking bitch! Just another white queer begging for a Black Man to take control of his life... Well that's how things are for you now, faggot! I control your life. You're a fucking sex slave for me now. You dress how I tell you; you eat and drink what I tell you; you suck and fuck what I tell you; You perform on camera when I tell you......" He seemed to tail off for a moment and I was uncertain of just where his thought process was going. He roughly turned me around and undid the handcuffs. I rubbed my sore wrists, trying to soothe them a bit. "I'm horny now, slut. Get into the bed and have those panties off and lay down ass up, face in the pillow, Do it now faggot!" I hurriedly jumped up to comply to my Black Master's order,s still not sure why I did it, nor why I was continuing to allow this to happen. Was this what I wanted? I wondered these thoughts even as I slipped my slutty whore panties down my smooth legs and assumed the position Master demanded. I had little time with my thoughts. Within a minute of me lying on the bed. Master was there; I could hear him moving around behind me and felt so open and exposed, Black Master had restraints attached to the bed, He put the restraints on my arms and legs, Where I was spread eagle naked before him with my naked ass available to his sight and touch. I jumped as Black Master slapped my buns hard. "Yeah that's nice faggot. Gonna fuck your bitch Pussy Hard and Raw. Heh heh I know you prefer my normal gentle self right? Like when I make sweet sensual love to a woman?" I was confused by his words, distracted by his weight settling in behind me, his hands roving over my buttocks. I started again as he slapped me again, harder this time. "Speak up faggot! Do you want your Master to make love to you or FUCK you? Huh bitch?" I began to cry again, emotion overtaking me as the power of his words rolled over me, crushing me with their finality. "I want you to fuck me Black.Master to FUCK my cunt! Make me into your Bitch I deserve to be! A fucking faggot bitch!" With that Master put the ball gag back on me... "You got it slut You fucking faggot!" With that I felt the immense pressure on my sphincter as my Black Master jabbed into me. He was not gentle with me, and deep down I knew I did not want him to be. He took my hole in one Hard, even thrust. I arched my back to take all of his Black Dick even as a scream of pain was ripped from my muffled throat. I hate and love the feeling when Black Master penetrates into my guts, invading my bowels, turning my once private and intimate spot into a nest for his cock, a womb for his Black toxic seed. "Yeah slave ! Take that Black Dick faggot! Ahhh yeah! Fucking tight-ass pussy! Fuck yeah!" Black Master was hollering and bellowing like a beast in heat as he rutted inside me, turning my innards into nothing but a scorching, spasming canal meant to massage his manhood. I was nothing but a fuck doll for him and his RAW BBC, I was screaming out as the agony and ecstasy shot through the entirety of my rectal tract and the feeling of Black Master filling me so completely, owning my body making my toes curl and my guts melt in rapture. "Ohhhhhhh ,, I know you love me faggot! A slave slut should always love his Black Master! Good slut ! Now get fucking ready for my thick Fucking Load, You want this Toxic Load ! Don't You, Passed my sphincter into my colon and then into the deep membranes of my intestines, Gonna breed that fucking pussy!" I arched my back up into him, He removed the ball gag I screaming out my lust even as Black Master arched forward, burying himself as deep inside me pushing pass the second hole, He said telling me you want this Black Seed, As I uttered the words He began to empty the sticky sap from his heavy, manly nuts into my pussy slit. We both groaned out deeply as we felt the proof of his breeding, wet and hot, his man jizz sluicing into my slick guts,coating my bowels. He collapsed on top of me, both of us gasping for air, our breathing coming hard. I didn't cum this time, But Black Master's nut is all I worry about and, besides there was plenty of time for me to have a ass orgasm; Master fucked me twice more over that night. I gave myself up to him without question as he made me his slut slave. He couldn't wait for her Black Master to be inside his little ass pussy. Heh, heh......" I was all so sore after Black Master used me as his rightful bitch three times over night and than in the morning. He wasted little time with foreplay, pushing me face first onto our bed and hurriedly jamming his lube-soaked fingers into my rectum. I arched into his hand and he instantly replaced the worming digits with his astounding man meat. "Yeah faggot. You want your Black Master don't you? Huh sweetie? Here's what you need bitch!" With that he stabbed hard into my slut hole and I yelped as his generous proportions filling my bowels, gliding slimy past my sphincter, into my colon and then into the deep membranes of my intestines. I could scarcely believe the depth of penetration he could achieve. The head of his Black Dick went deep! He had hit my second hole and was in my colon ! Fucking me hard and fast, driving into me at different angles, hitting all the right spots, for both of us. His hammering Black cock was really sending precise strokes and rippling waves of sexual intensity all throughout my gaping sissy-opening. "Yeah you gonna get my fuck now bitch! Work on training that pussy to cum without your useless fucking dick!" Black Master was panting, gasping for breath as he plowed into me relentlessly, like some kind of living jackhammer. "Right now, gotta get my nut. Gonna make you pay for your fucking racism and injustice! Gonna Fuck this fucking cunt! Oh shit sissy. Gotta fucking.....CUM! OHHH FUCK YEAH BOTTOM BITCH! TAKING MY FUCK! GOING TO BREED YOU FUCKING FAGGOT ! GODDAMMIT! OH FUCKING SHIT......SHIT!" He practically bellowed the words; I was certain the rooms next store could hear him, His Black Dick got harder and longer, I felt him explode inside me, coating my shit hole with his scalding and gooey man Seed. I had arched up into him again as he had plunged down and I could feel his entire man-package buried to the hilt in my pussy, He was Deep in my Colon He was depositing His Toxic Seed ,Tell me you want my Toxic Load ! Tell me Now cunt, Give It Too Me ! Give Me That Poz Load ! Breed Me ! I Want To Be Bred ! His big, hairy balls mashed into my own much smaller, smoother nuts.I began to shake as if I was having convulsions, I had been feeling very close to an orgasm, even though I couldn't get hard, but Black Master was only looking for His own gratification at the moment. I would not begrudge him that. He was my Black Master, My lover. I felt him collapse on my back, his hard muscles covered in sweat, breathing hard. " faggot. That was so fucking Hot, . Keep that pussy ready; I'm gonna have it some more, just need a little rest ." I felt his softening prick, I wiggled my ass back and forth, When I felt His Black Dick start to swell and grow, With in a few mins He was at fully erect, He said I was insatiable bottom for Black Dick, As He Moved His Black Dick in and out my rectum He fall a sleep Deep in my Hole, Still erect , I awoke to his deep voice in my ear. "Wake up, slut Daddy wants some more pussy..." And without waiting, He pushed back into me, grasping my waist hard with one strong muscled arm, forcefully pinching my nipples with the fingers of his other hand. We both groaned at his breeding of my previously used,hole still slimy ass ring, gasping contentedly as his success brought us both immense bliss. He Put The Ball Gag Back In My Mouth, He put a Butt Plug in my ass pussy, He said he wanted to His Black Toxic Cum to stay where he put it. I was still restrained spread eagle on the bed .. I'll be back later tonight . I got to leave you all restrained like this Don't want you to be standing or douching My Poz Load out, I Gave You The Gift Last Night ..Been Breeding You Every Day Since I Met You .. But Last Night I Hit That Pussy Deep.. I Put My Black Babies In Your Intestines track Deep ..Where It Is Going To Work Fast ..I Impregnated You.. With my Black Seeds ... Now there no turning back Our life's well be intertwined forever ! You well Have the same Poz Strain as me.. You Can take Raw Loads from now on And not worry ! That's what you wanted slut ,, Now with my Poz Cum You well get the FUCK FLU Soon ! I Own You Now.. There No Turning Back Now Your Black Owned.. He than told me that I needed a few tattoos, A Tramp Stamp on my lower back that says.... FOR BBC ONLY . The second one well be above your dick It well say .... TOXIC LOADS The third one well be on your chest above your right Tit saying.... OWNED BY BLACK MASTER The fourth one well be on your right cheek and say.... JACK OF SPADES The fifth one for your neck a.... BAR CODE So every one well know your BLACK OWNED The look in my eyes told Black Master I Understood ..
    1 point
  43. In Orlando - Hanks Bar & Bar Code. Both have outdoor play areas where about anything goes. I have been to Hanks a number of time with a very hot bottom boy that everyone wanted to fuck. He is also a take any load bottom. Guys bend him over and dump loads in him. He sucks everyone's cock and drinks any piss offered to him. One night at Hanks he had collected about 6 loads when another very hot young guy sitting in a lawn chair bent him over and slurped up all of the sperm babies dripping from his pussy. Hanks usually gets a good sized piggish crowd. The last time I was in Orlando, Bar Code was relatively new. It had a larger outdoor area but was a lot less crowded than Hanks. I haven't been to Orlando for quite awhile so I don't know what it is like now. The two bars are about a 5 minute drive from each other and not close to Parliament House which I hate. Went there once and never went back.
    1 point
  44. Thats funny, i thought it was just me who lost interest after i cum. Not that i usually have anything to do with the decision about if i get to cum or not, but a couple of tops whose cum i dispose of for them, like me to jerk off or they jerk me off before or during fucking me. After i have cum i sometimes wish i had a book or a video to play whilst they finish off dumping their load. i actually like wearing a cock cage when i am servicing guys as i don't have to worry about my cock or cumming. i got invited to a party for 60+ yo guys tomorrow. i went once before and a guy sucked me off and made me cum within the first 15 mins. i had to stay and get fucked by about another 12 guys before i could leave! It was one of the best feelings of just being used as a bottom should be to take cock and cum until everyone was done and then i left.
    1 point
  45. Just had a bottom cum while I was fucking him. It cuts the fuck short, but I love the feeling of knowing that the bottom was so turned on by me that he came. Seeing cum flying while your cock is in him is a wonderful site. I used his cum as lube and covered him with my load. He loved it!
    1 point
  46. I am reading this in an airport...popped a big hard on....now going to the mens room to jack off my raging cock....boy, stealth me like this anytime!
    1 point
  47. Never pull out, first off. most btms get pissed when ya dont nut em up..second, i cum inside anyways...i just grunt n pullout..none of that matters anyway cuz we tops precum thier asses up..oink>
    1 point
  48. If a condition of fucking is a condom I oblige, if it breaks and I know it I stop and re-wrap. If the bottom is cool with bare then he should expect to get my poz loads. I will not stop if its bare and he asks me to pull out. Too little, too late.
    1 point
  49. These days I get all that sorted before a fuck even starts. If a guy wants my cock he gets it raw and also gets my load.
    1 point
  50. As a botom, there have been times I have taken cock raw then had second thoughts and asked the top not to cum inside me. Only once has the top listened to my request - if a bottom lets it in bare he should be prepared from that moment on to get bred.
    1 point
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