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  1. Ryan, was a 6’ foot, blonde hair, blue eye jock. At 21, he had everything going for him. He had a great boyfriend in Sam, who was equally has good looking, with dark hair and brown eyes and a swimmers body. However, Ryan liked to play on the side, without letting Sam know. Ryan always played safe, with other guys, all with his age range, and he was a total top. Now, Ryan and Sam had a great sex life, but Ryan, was never satisfied with just one guy. One weekend, Ryan out of town, while Sam was home sick. Ryan, checking out bars in the area, hoping to get laid. Hitting a bar, called “Aqua”, the guys here were older then him, Ryan is drinking his beer when an old, lanky man, “How are ya young fella?” He asked. He had been watching Ryan when he first entered the bar. Checking out Ryan’s body and especially his ass, and wanted to put his poz cock into it. Ryan, “good, thanks.” Not really into making small talk with a guy old enough to be his father, possibly his grandfather. “I’m Bruce.” Putting out his hand to Ryan. He shakes it, “Ryan.” “This is your first time here, at Aqua.” “Yeah, you a regular here, Bruce?” “I am, Ryan.” “Cool.” Ryan got up and left his drink on the bar to call Sam. Bruce, moved quickly, putting a roofie into his drink. Ryan, returned to the bar, and downed his drink. “Bruce, it was nice to meet you, but I have to get going.” At that moment Ryan started to feel dizzy. “You ok, Ryan?” “Yeah, feel a bit dizzy.” “Let’s get you outside for fresh air.” Bruce got a passed out Ryan to his place, got Ryan undressed. Bruce, was in awe, Ryan’s body, was in perfect shape. His cock 7inches soft. But the main prize was Ryan’s ass, nice tight and round. Bruce, turned Ryan on his back, and starting massaging his back and shoulders , Ryan, drugged up, was enjoying the massage, unaware that he was going to get pozzed. “How does it feel, Ryan?” Bruce asks his unconscious soon to be bottom. “Good”. he said in a soft voice. “Ryan” whispered Bruce, “turn over on your front”, Ryan does, and feeling good, and horny, he had no problems with listening to Bruce, who’s voice was soft and soothing. Bruce, started stroking Ryan’s dick, “spread your legs a bit.” Bruce said. “That’s it.” Using his finger, Bruce, slowly began to finger fuck, Ryan’s ass. “Damn you’re tight.” Bruce lived up his dick and Ryan’ ass. Going in slow, Ryan in his drugged state, moaned in pleasure, Thrusting in and out of Ryan, Bruce couldn’t believe he had this stud in his bed. Ryan, feeling a dick inside him for the first time, was enjoying it, not realizing he was being barebacked by a poz guy, who was old enough to be his father. Bruce, felt his cock and balls tighten, shooting several poz loads deep into Ryan’s ass, catching his breath, Bruce kept his cock inside the young man’s ass for a five minutes to be sure that none of his “babies” would leak out. “Ryan, I own your ass now.” “I know about your boyfriend Sam, he asked me to poz you, and he doesn’t want you back.” And I’m going to share you and your ass to my friends.” “The top jock, is now my bottom poz boy.”
    16 points
  2. Part 9 - Old Rivals Daniel had slept until 8am before he started to wake up and stretching his body in bed, laid there for a moment looking up at the ceiling fan silently spinning away without a care in the world, for the first time in ages he felt the same way. He walked in to the bathroom over to the cabinet above the sink, opening it he took out and opened the small white plastic pill container. Tipping out one pill he popped it into his mouth and filled a glass with water before gulping the pill easily down, replacing the cap he put the container back in the cabinet. Ever since he found out that Greg played the field he decided to start taking prep behind his back, he wasn't overly concerned about hiv but he was not going to risk it with the amount of one nighters Greg was having, especially if one of them had an untreatable strain. He jumped in to the shower to freshen up. Dressed he strode in to the lounge to find his mother on the veranda taking coffee. He walked out to join her asking what she was working on as papers lie strewn across the table. She sat back showing Daniel the plans for the LA hotel, his mother worked with the designers on the concepts for all the hotels décor and ambience. She told Daniel of her trip back to LA later today to meet with the designers tomorrow morning as they were flying in. They were deep in discussion when Sofie appeared looking rather anxious. Lucy looked up "What is it Sofie?" she put her pen down on the table. "Old Mack knows your here and wants to see you" she said "I told him I would let him know if you are free". Daniel laughed "What did you do this time to upset him mother?". "Nothing, we haven't spoken since last year" as she held up her hands "Tell him to come over and I will see him". Sofie disappeared to let old Mack know he could come and see her. Old Mack ran the 60 bedroom Saffron Cove hotel next door, like the Salinger Resort it had it's own private stretch of beach and many hotel and investment companies had been trying to prise the land off old Mack for years. The offers kept pushing the price of the land up but he was not selling for any amount of money. He was a local Bajan called Dermot Mack, known throughout as Old Mack since he had been running the hotel for 40 years and was now heading in to his early sixties. There had been years of rivalry between Mack and the Salinger's, mostly through how the Salinger had gone completely high end whilst the Saffron Cove kept itself stable as a 3 star hotel with little investment. The Salinger's had never entered in to discussion to buy the hotel, but Lucy knew how much the land and private beach setting is worth being next door to the Salinger Resort. Half an hour later old Mack appeared with Sofie and joined Lucy and Daniel on the veranda before Sofie left them to it. "Lucy, Daniel" Mack addressed them. Lucy smiled "Mack, please join us for coffee". "Thank you Lucy" he said as Anderson appeared and poured him a cup of coffee. She waited until he was settled "So Mack, have we done something to upset you?". He twiddled his thumbs "No this is a business visit, I came to tell you that I am retiring and moving to Florida". Lucy looked surprised "Really, oh!, well I will miss you but I am happy for you. Is your son taking over the hotel?". "Well no, he is not interested and wants to come with us" a smile appeared on his face feeling a little more at ease. "So who did you sell up to in the end?" she asked. Mack looked at Lucy "No one, that is what I want to see you about. We had our differences but you have always been here when I needed you". Lucy Laughed "It was no easy ride Mack, but I do have to say how much I have admired you over the years". "You know the last offer I had was $60 million for the land and beach front" he looked at Lucy and Daniel. She smiled "Yes I know, I have been kept informed by the town council, so are you taking it?". "Oh no, they will put up some horrible hotel and ruin this spot forever" he remarked. Lucy looked on "So what will you do run it from Florida or bring in a manager?". "No nothing like that" he pulled a hefty set of documents out from his bag "I filed these papers and got approval yesterday from council". "For what?" she looked on a little worried. Glancing at Daniel and Lucy "Buy me out at $10 million, I know you will do right by the land and hotel" he said. Daniel knew to keep his mouth closed and looked over at his mother who pulled the documents towards her and read the contract, Mack sat nervously waiting for her response. After 10 minutes she looked up at Mack. "Mack are you sure this is what you want to do?" she asked. He smiled "I've always known that if I sell it would be to you. It has already been approved with no conditions". Daniel looked at his mother "Mack wants to sell to only you mother, I think you should" he said. She picked up the pen and signed the contract of sale and land deeds "Mack I don't know what else to say" she stood up and held her hand out. Mack stood up and shook her hand "Thank you Lucy, my attorney will be in touch" he said good bye and left. Daniel and his mother just looked at each other in astonishment, Daniel spoke first asking what they should do with Saffron Cove. Sofie appeared and called out to them both that she had found a lost puppy wandering around the pool terrace as Jordan followed in behind her. Daniel strode over to Jordan and kissed him, he was a little unsure weather it would have been appropriate to kiss Daniel in front of his mother, well Daniel had answered that quick enough. Lucy watched on then invited Jordan to join them, thinking back on their conversation last night a plan was forming in her head. "Jordan are you staying in the main hotel?" she asked him as he sat down. "Yes in 121 overlooking the beach" he replied. Lucy shook her head "Nonsense, Sofie see to it that Jordan moves in to the suite this afternoon". Sofie nodded but Jordan intervened "Please that is not necessary." he implied. "Don't be silly Jordan, there are two bedrooms here and it will allow you two some time together" she replied. "Thank you Lucy that is very kind of you" he replied looking at Daniel's big grin. "Oh and Sofie I will be back to two days time overnight again" she said pouring a coffee for Jordan. Sofie looked in her notepad "The couple in the other owners suite leave in the morning so that works perfectly". Lucy smiled "That's sorted then, Jordan you just need to empty your personal things the rest will be moved for you". Jordan thanked her as Daniel and he left Sofie and Lucy whilst Anderson instructed the suite attendant to clean bedroom 2. They walked up to Jordan's room and he emptied the safe and left the contents in the office behind reception as they headed down to the beach. Jordan's head was in a turmoil trying to keep up with what had gone on. Still he had Daniel with him and could sit on the beach to relax and talk about last night. Lucy called Anderson over to join her and Sofie "You both know what to do, I will be back in two days". They both nodded to Lucy understanding exactly what she meant before they both left to get on with their jobs. The first hour Daniel and Jordan spent laying and looking at each other as they grabbed some sun, Cael approached with some chilled fruit slices and placed them on the table next to them before whispering 'fruit for the love birds' giggling he went on to deliver fruit to the other guests. The frozen grapes were by far the best and most unusual way of serving them, Jordan got up and asked Daniel to walk with him, Daniel stood up and waited for Jordan then they walked down to the shore line. Jordan took Daniel's hand "Now what about you and all this hotel business?" he asked. "I work for my parents in their hotel chain simple as that" he tried to be as convincing as possible. Jordan was not buying it "Somehow I don't think it is as simple as that Danny". "Are you regretting anything, you know last night, my mother?" Daniel asked inquisitively "If you are tell me now". Jordan put his arm around his shoulder "No regrets Danny, it's just something she said to me last night". Daniel stopped walking "What did she say Jordy?". He hesitated "She said most of your partners knew who you was and were in it for other reasons". Daniel laughed "That's true, but you didn't know me unless you are a really good actor". "Not that a good an actor I'm afraid, so what are the other reasons?" Jordan held Daniel's hand. "Well having all this at their disposal I guess" Daniel paused "and I suppose the lifestyle afforded me". Jordan chuckled "Lifestyle?" he smiled at Daniel "You are on the outside very normal Danny no pretence or show". He looked at Jordan "You think I am normal?" he giggled "still it doesn't remove the wealthy aspect of attraction". "I see, I'm not attracted to your money Danny" was all that Jordan could say. Daniel had a serious look on his face "Doesn't change me as a the person". "I never said it did. But would you give all this up to be with me Danny" Jordan looked in his eyes. "If it was the only way I could be with you then yes I would" Daniel did not hesitate with his reply. "That is all I wanted to hear Danny" he stroked the side of Daniel's face "Your endearing and kind and that's what has made me fall in love with you". A tear rolled down the side of Daniels face "No one has ever caught my breath like you do or really said that to me". He didn't care that they were standing on the beach as he reached around Jordan's neck, their lips met in a light kiss several times as each one lingered longer. Jordan wiped the tear streak from Daniel's face, his mouth sought Daniel's as their lips parted and kissed deeply standing in the sunshine with the sea lapping around their ankles. Daniel looked at Jordan "You have stolen my heart Jordy". Jordan smiled and hugged Daniel "I just hope your mother will accept me, she did some serious business on me last night". Daniel laughed "That's nothing she was on form this form this morning and brought the Saffron Cove before you arrived". Jordan's feet splashed in the lapping water "Isn't that next door to here?". "It is, and will probably need remodelling, don't know if she plans on merging the two hotels" he said shrugging his shoulders. They walked up to the beach bar where Cael had already prepared them two fruit crushes, they sat at the bar captivatingly looking each other in the eyes smiling. Cael looked at the both of them he saw the sparkle in their eyes of two people in love. Steve and Callum swam to shore and wandered up to the beach bar, Callum nudged Steve nodding in the direction of Daniel and Jordan commenting that they appear to be lost in each other. As they walked past Steve said good morning to them both. Daniel turned "Oh Steve hey, hi Callum where you guys off to?". "Just to get a drink then back to the beds" Callum replied as he went all gushy with Jordan looking at him. Jordan chuckled at Callum "Come over and join us, come on Callum" Jordan patted the seat next to his. Steve thanked them and looked at Daniel "So, err, what's the story?" he said quietly nodding in Jordan's direction. Daniel watched Jordan chatting to Callum "Do you mean are we dating?" Daniel sipped his drink "Well I suppose we are". "Brilliant he is such a catch, you can probably tell that by how Callum gets all shy around him" nodding in Callum's direction. "Whose a catch?" Jordan asked as he overheard part of their conversation. Daniel looked up to the sky with a seriously mocking looking on his face "Apparently you are Jordy". "As if you didn't know that!" Steve added "So when are we having that dinner you promised Daniel?". He quickly looked at Jordan "How about tonight if you two are free, the 4 of us?". Callum all excited nearly jumped up and down on his chair "Oh yes that would be great". "Be in reception at 7pm and wear casual, shorts and shirt" Daniel told them "Oh and call me Danny". The four of them sat enjoying their fruit crushes and Callum became more at ease being around Jordan. They spent nearly 2 hours chatting as slowly and surely they were becoming good friends with plenty of similarities to Daniel working in hospitality. The more Jordan sat and listened the more he was feeling how very uncomplicated his life would be. Most of the people he knew through Sage were malicious and quite unpleasant in many ways, but that now seemed a lifetime away. Here he sat with a new man and two guys who didn't bitch or degrade people. Cael refreshed their drinks with the biggest smile he could stretch across his face, Steve and Callum watched in shock as he rubbed Daniel's head telling them to let him know if they needed anything else as he walked away. Daniel laughed at their shocked faces before he told them that he had literally grown up with Cael. Jordan spotted Sofie crossing the beach shoes in her hand and stopping to chat quickly to guests as she made her way over towards them. As she got to the table she told Daniel that his mother was leaving at 2pm then gave Jordan a new key card, she explained all his things had been moved and the keycard will get him all the access to the wing. She reminded Daniel 2pm as she turned and left them. Daniel stood "I'm sorry guys Jordy and I have to go, see you at 7pm in reception". Steve and Callum stood "Come on Callum swim time, will see you at 7pm" they both ran down to sea. Jordan laughed "They are a nice couple and Callum is so funny" he said turning to Daniel. Daniel chuckled "I think Callum is finally getting use to being around you" as they walked back up to the hotel. "Would be nice to have them as friends, they are so pleasant to be around" he waited for Daniel to put his reefs on. Daniel shook his head "Jordy you amaze and surprise me every day, I couldn't agree with you more about them".
    8 points
  3. Part 75 - The Subcontractor Joe and Kyle had gone back to the warehouse and cleaned up before locking the door and heading home. Joe tried to think of another place for the meeting on Tuesday. The warehouse had been fun but it was a pain to set up and get Carter, Blaine and the non-club members to. He thought about the hotel room but Dennis said that it had become more popular as word got out and was booked all week. Then he remembered one of the first times he had been with Blaine and they had fucked under an oak tree near the creek that went through the farm. He talked to Blaine who thought it was a good idea so Joe sent out more messages. On Monday he got a message from Blaine asking if they could postpone their meeting until Thursday. Joe sighed, realizing he had to start over again getting people together. A few of the guys he had gotten for Tuesday couldn’t make it but he was able to find replacements. Joe crossed his fingers hoping there wouldn’t be any more changes. — Ric was nervous. He had been nervous all week. It had started innocently enough the week before when a schedule conflict meant Joe couldn't meet a client so he texted Ric asking "Want to earn a few bucks?” Ric's thought was it sounded like fun: he would meet a guy, have sex and then go home with some cash. It immediately got more complicated when Joe told him what he should do to set it up. He should keep everything separate from his normal life. Ric came up with a name to use - Austin, a new email, a cheap cell phone on a pay-as-you-go plan and listened to all of Joe’s instructions. Still, he figured that after the hundred bucks he spent on the phone he would make it all up in one night. Joe introduced him to the client via email and they had chatted a couple times setting the meeting up. He gave the guy the new phone number and everything moved to text after that. He figured that no matter what the guy was like, he could probably take an hour of him. Since Joe had met him before and said he was a good guy, Ric decided that he really didn’t have much to lose. He didn’t tell anyone what he was doing. He wanted to confide in Alex, but then changed his mind. Tuesday morning as he was walking into school he spotted Coach Adams walking slowly in from his car. “Hey coach. How are you feeling? That must have been some bug you caught, you were out almost two weeks” Ric said. “Oh fuck, don’t remind me” the coach replied and then much quieter he added “How the fuck did you survive that? At one point a friend wanted to take me to the hospital.” “Everyone is different. Mine wasn’t too bad compared to…” Ric almost said ‘Shane’ and then realized the coach might not know about his team being poz. He then finished the sentence with “… some others. Have you gone to the clinic like I told you?” “Yeah, I did last Friday and then yesterday for the results. That was the weirdest doctor visit I’ve ever had. They don’t want to put me on drugs right away. Did they do that to you too?” Ric chuckled as he stopped and looked seriously at the coach. “Yeah, but you shouldn’t say anything about that. It’s supposed to stay quiet. I take it that means you’re going to share” Ric said softly. “Yeah, I know. I just figured that you would know since you referred me there. And yeah, I am. My boyfriend is going to be home on leave at the end of the month. I have a welcome home gift for him” Coach Adams said and then laughed quietly. Ric and the coach went into the school and carried on like nothing happened. He went home and prepared a small bag with some supplies. He was putting it under his bed when Frank, his Dad walked in and things became messy. Frank recognized the new phone and wanted to know what it was for. Ric came up with an excuse, but Frank saw right through the lie and accused Ric of selling drugs. Defeated, Ric told his father the truth, expecting him to blow up and ground him, but instead Frank thought it was really hot and agreed to keep it their secret. Frank even dropped Ric off at the hotel Wednesday evening and told him to call or text if anything went wrong or when he was done. Ric walked in and took the elevator up to the ninth floor and found the room. He had a small bag over his shoulder with the things Joe suggested. He knocked and waited. He was about to knock again and the door opened. In front of Ric was a middle aged white guy. His brown hair had a few gray hairs mixed in and he had a trimmed beard. The guy’s brown eyes inspected every inch of him. He matched the description that he had gotten from Joe so he said “Hi, Barry? I’m Austin. We spoke a few days ago.” Barry smiled and said “Come on in. Glad you could make it” as he walked back into the hotel room. Ric followed him in and looked around, making sure that things looked legitimate. He tried to keep a calm exterior but inside his stomach was turning over and his mind was racing. “I was kind of disappointed that Dave couldn’t meet, but I understand it’s a bit of a drive. So, he and you are friends or co-workers?” Barry asked. “Yeah, I’ve known him several months. We met on a work thing” Ric said, trying to keep it vague and hoping to not get caught in a lie. “Oh cool. You seem a bit young to be doing this… Uh, you are over 18, right? I don’t want the cops running in here. It would make life really bad” Barry said. Ric chuckled and replied “No, I understand. Yeah, I’m over 18, theres nothing to worry about with that. And I really don’t want to deal with the cops either.” Ric set his bag down next to the bed and moved behind Barry, rubbing his shoulders. “We didn’t really talk about what you wanted to do when we were together. I got a little bit of an idea from Dave but he doesn’t like to talk about what happens with clients,” Ric said. “I… uh… appreciate that. Its kind of why I like to hire the same guys. Fewer mouths to talk, if you know what I mean” Barry replied. “I completely understand. What happens here, stays here” Ric said massaging Barry’s shoulders harder. Barry moaned and let Ric rub him. He started to unbutton his shirt and soon it hung open. Ric took the cue and stopped the massage long enough to take Barry’s shirt off and lay it on the chair nearby. “I like to enjoy the pleasure that younger men can give me. It rarely is the same thing twice. I like to let things just happen” Barry said as he turned around. Ric continued to rub his neck and shoulders, this time from the front. Ric looked over his body. There was a small patch of hair between his pecs and another on his stomach. He didn’t have a six-pack but he did have a trim dad-bod. He wondered what was inside his pants but figured he would find out soon enough. Ric then looked back into Barry’s eyes and saw him smile again. “I think we are going to have some fun tonight, Austin. Theres an envelope for you by the TV. As I said, I don’t like to be rushed so we’ll go for two hours and longer if we need to.” Ric spied the alarm clock next to the bed and made a note of the time. He felt Barry pull his shirt up and raised his arms, letting it pull over his head and then get tossed to the floor. Barry held Ric at arms length and looked over his upper body and said “Damn, you are one hot guy. I bet you make a fortune escorting.” Ric chuckled again and lowered his arms down, rubbing his fingers over Barry’s nipples and then moved them down to his waist. “Let’s just think about you and how we can make you feel amazing tonight” Ric replied. He reached in and unbuttoned Barry’s pants and then unzipped them, letting them drop to the floor, revealing a pair of tight blue trunks with a large bulge in front. Ric cupped the bulge and squeezed while moaning “Very nice, Barry.” Barry was obviously enjoying the attention and then reached down and pulled Ric’s jeans down. “Oh fuck yeah” Barry said as he spotted the white sheer see-through trunks that Alex had given him after Ric had successfully knocked him up. They both shucked their pants, socks and shoes. Barry gently motioned to the bed and when they got next to it Ric dropped to his knees, pulling Barry’s underwear down with him. The semi-hard shaft was already six inches but Ric didn’t know if he was a shower or a grower. The uncut cock had a nice heft to it and he licked from the balls up to the tip. Barry let him suck his cock and balls for a few minutes and then tugged on his arm and the two were on the bed kissing seconds later. Barry started out slow and Ric assumed he didn’t usually kiss the guys he hired since he was pretty tentative to start. While they were kissing Barry reached down and slid Ric’s underwear off. Their bodies intertwined and their cocks were nestled next to each other. Barry moved down Ric’s body, kissing his neck and then down to his chest. Barry flicked his tongue over Ric’s pierced nipples, each time making Ric’s cock twitch. He finally moved lower and then came face to face with Ric’s cock. “Holy fuck. You really scored in the cock department” Barry said. Ric spread his legs apart and let Barry explore his cock and balls with his tongue. Several minutes later, Barry pushed Ric’s legs back and zeroed in on his hole. Ric was surprised at how hard Barry could tongue fuck his hole. Most guys just gave a few stabs before going back to licking. Barry seemed to keep poking his curled tongue in forever, even though it was only about ten minutes. Ric could feel the moistness around his hole and Barry seemed to think he had done enough with his tongue. Barry lowered Ric’s ass down and as soon as he could, he speared his cock into the waiting hole. Once inside, Barry just kept driving his cock in deeper, not waiting for Ric to adjust. His bushy pubic hair was pressed against Ric’s hairy ass and Barry looked at Ric’s slightly contorted face. “Yeah, you poz boys all know how to take cock. You never can get enough, can you? Probably don’t even care who it is or what diseases they have” Barry said and followed up with a sinister laugh. He pulled back and rammed back in, feeling Ric flinch at the treatment but saying nothing. Ric was saying a lot, but it was all in his head. “He thinks I’m a seasoned slut and would probably freak if he knew I have been fucking for only seven months” Ric said to himself before stifling a grunt. Once Barry started an even pumping motion, Ric started to work his ass around Barry’s cock. “Slow down, boy. I plan on fucking this hole for a while” Barry barked out. Ric smiled and thought to himself “I may be the bottom now, but I can control how this goes.” Barry fucked for several more minutes before pulling out and groaning. Obviously he was getting too close. He flipped Ric over on to his knees and then drove his cock back in. This time Ric was more subtle and he let Barry fuck his ass for twenty minutes before he started to work his ass muscles and gently milked the shaft. “Oh fuck! Oh shit” Barry yelled out and was able to get two more strokes in before he fell forward on top of Ric and began convulsing. Spurts of his neg seed shot into Ric’s hole and Ric started to aggressively drain the remaining cum out of Barry’s balls. Barry rolled off Ric and lay on the bed, panting. Ric moved down and started to clean the cum and ass juice off Barry’s cock. “Damn it! I usually last a lot longer than that” Barry said with the sound of disgust in his voice. “That hole just feels so damn good and its been a few weeks since I’ve been able to fuck” he added, as if Ric needed an explanation. “Don’t worry about it. We can go again when you’re ready. You still have a lot of our time together left” Ric said before he licked his lips of the last bit of cum. With Barry’s cock now mostly soft, Ric reached up and rolled Barry on to his stomach. He crawled up and started to massage his back, with his hard cock and full balls nestled on Barry’s crack. It wasn’t a professional massage, but Ric’s hands rubbed and dug into Barry’s back and it took only a few minutes before Barry was moaning again. Ric’s cock was rubbing between the two mounds and after several minutes Ric moved down Barry’s body and was rubbing his lower back with his hands. His hands moved lower and then he started massaging his ass and thigh muscles and chuckled when Barry pushed his ass up. Ric wondered if this top daddy was up for a little bottom action and pried his ass apart while still massaging his butt muscles. Ric leaned down and blew on the exposed hole and was happy when he didn’t get any protests. He got closer and licked up from Barry’s balls up to his hole and licked and nursed on the pucker. He kept adding more spit and then working it in with his tongue and fingers. Ric moved back up Barry’s body and then laid on top of him, with his cock wedged between the crack. His hips rocked slowly and he whispered into Barry’s ear “You want this, Barry?” Ric pressed his cock deeper into the crack and continued humping. Barry just moaned, so Ric continued. Ric’s cock would catch on Barry’s hole and then pop out. A trail of precum was mixing with his spit around Barry’s hole and a dozen strokes later, his cock pushed into the wet opening. “Oh my god” Barry said breathlessly. Ric smiled and said “That feels good, doesn’t it?” and Barry quickly replied “Mmmhmm.” Second by second, centimeter by centimeter Ric’s cock got deeper inside Barry. Each stroke was short but eventually Rick had half of his cock pistoning into Barry. The moans were interspersed with the occasional grunt as Ric’s thick cock stretched Barry open a little more. Ric decided to go for broke and the thrusts got longer and deeper. Barry remained in moan and groan mode as the strokes got harder. Ric didn’t get all the way inside, he kept nudging against Barry’s inner ring and that seemed to be the limit of how deep Barry would let him fuck. Ric started pounding harder and the two were bouncing on the bed from each thrust. Ric could feel his balls start to tighten and knew he had to ask. “You want me to pull out Barry?” Ric asked as his cock drove in and out of Barry’s ass. He got a moan back so he gave several more deep strokes into Barry’s ass. “I’m getting close Barry. Should I pull out?” Another moan and he kept thrusting. “Last chance Barry or I’ll breed your ass with my poz cum” Ric said breathlessly. The response was a louder moan and then Barry pushed his ass up to meet Ric’s inward shove. Ric was now balls deep, past the second ring and it triggered his body. His cock pulsed and ropes of charged seed shot deep into Barry’s neg hole. Ric could feel Barry’s hole twitching and knew he was unloading onto the bed. It milked more of Ric’s diseased sperm into Barry’s guts while Barry kept moaning. His balls were empty and he was still hard deep inside Barry’s hole. He thrust in slowly a few times and then pulled out, rolling over next to Barry. Barry looked over to Ric with a wicked grin. “You are one dirty boy. I bet you really got off on breeding my neg hole” Barry said. “You didn’t stop me and seemed to enjoy it. I gotta keep the customer happy” Ric replied. “Kinda hard to tell you to stop when it feels that good” Barry said as he leaned over and licked Ric’s cock. “You can always hit the clinic and get treated, just don’t wait more than a day or two” Ric said. “So you’re not undetectable?” Barry asked. “Nope” Ric replied with a devilish grin. A look of panic came over Barry’s face. “Fuck!” he yelled out. He moved over and pushed Ric’s legs up. He may have looked pissed, but his cock said “turned-on.” Before Ric knew what was happening, Barry’s cock was slammed all the way into him. “You fucker! You’re trying to poz me up?” Barry growled. He pulled back and rammed back in. “I’m gonna fucking wreck that cunt of yours!” Barry yelled. Ric was now the one with a look of panic on his face. Barry was pounding his ass as hard as he could. “Grudge fuck” was all that Ric could think of. Each thrust seemed to be as rough as Barry could muster and Ric’s head was now banging into the headboard. “UGH UGH UGH” Barry was grunting as the two bodies slammed together. It went on for ten minutes, then fifteen and almost twenty minutes. “FUUUUCCCCKKK!” yelled out Barry as he buried his cock in as deep as he could and unleashed another load into Ric’s hole. Ric looked up and Barry still looked pissed. This didn’t seem to be a role play of the pissed off guy that just got pozzed by surprise. Barry pushed off and plopped down on the bed, not looking back at Ric. Ric slid off the side of the bed and went to the bathroom and soaked a washcloth and wiped off. He came out and got dressed. Not a word had been spoken. He started walking to the door when Barry said “Don’t forget the envelope.” “You sure? This didn’t go like I thought it would” Ric replied. “Me either but it was the hottest fuck I’ve had in a long time” Barry replied. Ric grabbed the envelope and went to the door. “You know how to contact me if you want a repeat. Bye” Ric said as he walked out the door. His heart was racing and his breathing was labored as he walked down the hall. He got into the elevator and fell back against the wall of the car, feeling his heart pound in his chest. Ric went down to the lobby and then out on to the street. He leaned against the building and texted his dad “Done. Pick me up pls.”
    8 points
  4. Part 1 I looked in the mirror after my shower. "Eh....not too bad," I thought to myself before dressing. I'm 48, 6' tall, 250 pounds of mostly muscle, and hairy all over. I remember as a teenager hating my fur, but now, as an adult male I can't imagine my body not being covered in thick, black fur. My son Kyle had been living with me since my divorce three years past when I told the ex I was gay. She seemingly couldn't accept my announcement and dramatically took off, leaving me with our kid, which was fine with me. Kyle and I have a great relationship and he's pretty accepting.....but in these times, gay doesn't mean for a 19 year old what it meant for me when I was his age. One night when he went out with his buddies, I decided a night at the baths was just what I needed, and the baths are the perfect place for barebackers like me. No one asks, no one tells, and no one gives a fuck. I had only to lube up my tool and enter any available hole. Just what I needed. I pulled up, entered, and immediately smelled the familiar odor of sweat, cum, and men. It's intoxicating....nothing quite like that heady scent to get my cock rock hard. As I walked around, there was a nice variety of men around to capture my attentions and stroke my desires. Some nice buff studs, college twinks, chubby bears, otters, you name it. I walked around, my dick ready to invade some tight, sweet hole and seed it deep with my cum. I could actually feel my prostate begging to dump my jizz in a willing slut. The night was a typical one for me; getting sucked off for a bit before moving on, grabbing some nice cocks, sucking some tongue, eating some tits, sniffing balls, rimming ass.....nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing out of the ordinary, that was, until I went to the back room. When I went through the chains hanging over the doorway I found quite a scene. About seven men were surrounding a young slut who was laying in a sling. The combination of the dim lighting and the hood enveloping his entire head (with the only openings being one for his mouth, and another for his nostrils) making the experience for the bottom and the tops very much anonymous. The young slut was getting rammed pretty hard by one of the men around him, and I couldn't help but watch and jerk my cock. Given the room he was in, and the sling he was in, I knew he was taking each cock bare. No rubbers for this little slutty boy. The sounds of sex were amazing, and the smell of that back room made pre-cum drool out of my cock slit.
    6 points
  5. Bar Breeding Last summer my boy and I went to a jockstrap party on the roof deck of a certain leather bar. We wore matching old-school elastic gym jockstraps, not the high fashion kinds that underwear models advertise. I loved the thought of hanging out with nothing but a jock between us and the outdoors, knowing we’d be surrounded by sweaty sexy men wearing just as little as we were. We arrived at sundown, undressed and checked our clothes, and had a few bottled beers. I needed to piss and went downstairs to the mens room to use the stainless steel trough. I saw a skinny tall guy with a nose piercing and a bleached blond buzzcut standing there with an enormous uncut cock hanging out letting his piss flow. I was taken by his big dick, and by his apparent joy in showing it off. I also noticed a biohazard tattoo peeking out over his pubes. The guy stood next to me, sneering or smiling as I whipped mine out and started to piss. He put his arm on my shoulder and I just grinned and smiled at him. He nodded silently to me and brought his free hand down to my dick, wrapping his hand around the base while I kept my stream going. When my stream died down, he shook it a few times and slipped it back into my jockstrap. Of course, his hand had given me a bit of a hard-on. I washed my hands and he muttered, ‘see you later.’ I went back upstairs and got two fresh beers for me and my boy. As I handed him his bottle, he snickered noting my hard-on straining the pouch of the jockstrap. My boy took his, we clinked bottles, and then he headed downstairs for a pee. I hadn’t had a chance to mention my POZ friend at the trough, but figured out that he’d learn on his own in no time. Sure enough, maybe ten minutes later, he came back with his own dick straining to get out of his pouch and a goofy grin. Without an explanation, he came up to me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me hard. I was wondering if he tasted a little like cum. When he pulled off my mouth I asked, ‘What’s gotten into you?’ ‘Nothing… yet…’ He then told me that the guy had held his dick while he pissed then jerked him off. He shot his load into the guy’s hand. The guy licked up half and then smeared the rest of my boy’s fresh cum right into my boy’s mouth. I loved that my boy had given into his naughty streak and let a stranger make him cum, and that he’d just swapped his seed with me on a crowded deck where surely at least a few guys knew exactly what he’d just done. We grooved a little and made out on the deck and I went for two more beers. Our bathroom buddy appeared next to me, and I got a beer for him. We walked over to my boy and chatted a bit. As it got darker outside, guys all around us were getting more frisky. The guy kissed me on my cheek, then my boy. He groped his crotch while watching us make out. ‘I love couples,’ he said as he positioned himself behind my boy. Reaching around my boy, he grabbed my hips so the three of us were grooving together. I grabbed the POZ stranger’s saggy ass and squeezed. He slipped his fingers down towards my ass and stoked my hole a bit. I did the same to him, feeling his ass a bit moist and sticky, likely with someone’s cum. All the while, making out with my boyfriend, I got my sticky fingers and started massaging my boy’s meaty firm ass cheeks. I let my finger tease his hole, knowing I was playing with fire. My boy grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart. I worked one sticky finger in before going back to the stranger’s hole for more natural lube. The POZ guy was really grinding on my boy’s ass and whispering filthy things while chewing on his ear. When my boy’s hole was opening up and wet with someone’s cum, I scooped the stranger’s cock out of the jock. I felt as his bare cock slid up and down my boy’s crack. My boy had his cheeks pulled as far apart as they would spread. He nodded to me, pleading for my help. I grabbed that POZ cock and angled it so the head was right at my boy’s hole. They nodded at each other then my boy looked into my eyes as he backed himself onto his first raw POZ cock. My boy groaned loudly enough that a few dudes on the roof deck turned and smiled, happy to watch the bare action unfolding in the crowd. One the stranger bottomed out inside my boy, he wrapped his arms around my neck for support and kept his eyes glued to mine until they glazed over. Hands were everywhere as other strangers touched my boy and his POZ top. The stranger looked up and me and raised his eyebrows as if to ask me for permission to breed my boy. I just nodded knowing it was going to happen whether I wanted it to or not, and I knew I wanted it to happen. I watched as his face twisted into a grimace and his pace quickened. He lurched forward as he started cumming deep in my boy’s guts. My boy collapsed into my chest as the stranger kept hammering bursts of toxic seed into his ass. My boy was covered in sweat as the top kissed him gently all over his back. My boy stood up and a few guys clapped. The stranger winked at me then backed into the crowd where I lost sight of him. My boy grabbed my face and kissed me deep. I pulled back and he looked at me surprised, like he was afraid that I didn’t want anything to do with him. On the contrary, I was so hard I knew I was going to cum soon. I spun my boy around and he grabbed his ankles. I slid easily into his stretched out puffy hole. I pounded him for as long as I could hold out, noting a frothy circle of cum churned out of his hole at the base of my cock in my matted sticky pubes. I jerked forward afraid my boy would loose his balance. I had been so busy focusing on my boy’s cummy hole that I hadn’t noticed that he was now choking on a muscle daddy’s thick cock. I came hard in him, adding my seed to the toxic load our stranger had left. I fired into him a few times thinking I was done. The whole scene was so hot, I came a few spurts on my boy’s back. He spun around and sucked my cock clean as the muscle daddy smeared my load into his hole with his own bare dick and slid in next. My boy’s hands were wrapped around my waist as the daddy bred him deep. When someone else tried to slide in, my boy threw up his hands. Three loads was apparently enough for him and we went to sit down on a bench. The muscle daddy brought over some beers and we toasted. When I was ready for another piss, my boy grabbed me and told me we needed to go before one of us took another three loads. We got dressed and went home where I fucked another load into him.
    4 points
  6. PART 6 I spent the whole drive over shaking I was so nervous. Over and over i told myself to just turn around and what what was I thinking risking so much? The first time I didn’t know til it was too late , but this was different. And I couldn’t pretend to myself it wasn’t. My hard cock and hungry ass were leading me, overpowering every thought I had to just get away! There was no hiding it, Tim had told me flat out. He was hiv positive, poz as he called it. And he didn’t use condoms. And he had no intention of pulling out. And I had seen that huge cock and knew how deep it could be when he came. And I had seen those giant cum producing balls. He had to shoot a massive load. He will fill me up with it, his sperm. His HIV positive sperm. Spurt after spurt, his cock all the way inside me erupting. And fear took more of a backseat. I was a horny as hell 18 year old that had just discovered bottoming and had done it with a hot experienced hung top. And he had fucked me bareback and cum in me my first time. I couldn’t help wanting more. And I knew how amazing Tim was, how he had made it feel so good, had made me so hungry for cock and so wanting to be a proud gay bottom. A bareback bottom now, on my way to see him again. Still shaking, I rang his bell and he answered obviously nude and obviously knowing it would be me knocking. “I’m so glad you are here. I have thought about that hot ass so many time these last few days. And the way that mouth felt on my cock. And the taste of your asshole. Wanna go straight up?” He welcomed me shutting the door. Nodding eagerlly at home he responded by leading me up to the room I had been in before. This time, I was tearing at my clothes, my cock like steel already and eyes focused on Tim’s already hard meat. Naked, I fell to my knees and licked the shaft from the base to the head, before swirling my tongue around the big mushroom head. Tasting precum, I lost my self and opened wide and took as much as I could. Concentrating on relaxing my throat, I tried to take more and more burn woukd gag occasionally and have to back off. I was trying my best to please him, to be a good cocksucker. “Fuck yeah”, he growled, “that’s so good. Suck that fucking dick. Get it ready. I’m gonna fuck you with it in about 30 seconds.” I grew every more eAger in my sucking, wanting to show my enthusiasm for what he said. “Get up, get on the bed on your back and pull your legs up,” he ordered as he reached for his lube and applied some to my hole and to his cock. Standing over me, his cock head an inch from my starving hole, he looked down and asked me, “what’s my boy want? Does my boy want me to put my cock inside him right now?” “Yes! Fuck yes”, I cried out. “There’s no condom on this cock”, he whispered as he began to tease my hole by rubbing the tip against it. “No condom. No condom.”, I repeated in an almost begging tone. He was driving me to the edge, making me want him so badly. “Should I pump all of my cum Into your hole when I shoot? Should I give you my sperm when we both know I am hiv positive? What do you want?”, he whispered as the pressure on my hole gradually increased. “I want you to cum in me, fill me up with it! All of it! PleAse just please fuck me til you cum!” I whimpered. With that, he pushed in and i I felt that piercing pain followed by a dull ache as my almost virgin hole tried to relax. He gently worked his big meat into me, slowly rocking his hips pushing deeper and deeper. Then starting to take longer strokes as my breath became gasps and I started losing myself to the sensations of pleasure in my hole. It wasn’t long til I was lost. The only thing on earth that mattered was Tim and his huge cock and me and my tight little hole. We were connected. Eyes locked, him grunting and huffing as I began to feel my breAth knocked out with every deep stroke. His ball were now slapping against me when he drove home and I reveled in knowing he was in me ball deep. I was taking all of him. Raw. He was pumping hArd and his thrusts began to pick up speed, his ups bucking erratically. I recognized this from last time and concentrated on trying to take every single bit of that cock inside me while squeezing and miliking it. “Fuck yes, squeeze that fucking cock Chris. Earn that load. Tell me you want it. Tell me you want my sperm in you.” He grunted. “Fucking please cum in me. Please cum in me. I want it in me. I want your cum all inside me. I won’t let it leak at all. Please!” I begged him. “Big poz load. Gonna give it to you. Fucking dump that cum deep inside you.!” He muttered between clenched teeth as he was slamming into me. “Yeah. Big load. Big poz load. Inside me. All of it. Poz load inside me. Poz load inside Me.” I just kept saying it. Then I felt it his pace grew ever faster and then he drove deep and collapsed onto me and i felt that huge rod pulse and throb as his sperm entered me and splattered into my guts. I squeezed and milked it and wrapped my arms around him to hold him insode me. The throbs slowly ebbed and he pulled back up and looked down at me. My stomach was covered in my own cum? I had shot without touching myself. He made no move to pull out and I made no attempt to back off it. Instead I looked up with a guilty grin and knew inside there was no way I could stop doing this. Getting fucked without condoms and taking Tim’s cum. It was like a drug. I was already hooked. What was I gonna do now? This is crazy! But fuck his cum is in me and that thought still scared me but it was turning me on more. A lot more.
    4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. My brother is becoming a real slut as he spent the whole night with the Njoy butt plug in his ass.
    3 points
  9. Part 1; I'm a 23 year old neg sex pig, and today was no exception, I was feeling fucking horny as HELL. So, into the shower, wash, and a real thorough douche of my sweet round ASS that I am very proud of, I should be, I work it out regularly enough, then, off I went to my usual sauna haunt. Ben was on the counter. - Hey Ben, how ya doing? - Hey Ollie. GREAT thanks. How are you mate? - I'm doing very good thanks. Too fucking Horny though. - Really. What brings you here then ... He said, being silly We both laughed. I paid my entrance. Given the usual locker key, and towel, and off to the locker area I went. BUT, today was different than usual. A guy in full Leather Gear (Chaps, Boots, and a Leather Waistcoat) was lurking around, drinking a Beer. He was also wearing a Cock-Ring that housed a massive bulging with veins erection. What made this look even HOTTER, was, he was skinny, gaunt, yellow, and a big Bio-Hazard tattoo above his naval. This Man screamed Danger. He screamed Death. BUT FUCK, I was already intoxicated! I found my locker, and got undressed and out of the corner of my eye I could see DANGER Man just staring! I locked up, wrapped my towel around me, and went to walk to the spa when I heard . - OI, cunt, stop right there!!! He kinda startled me, and part of me was saying to myself, 'fucking walk Olllie', a natural reaction I guess if the brain senses danger. BUT, as said, I was already intoxicated. So I froze. He came up from behind, and ripped my towel off letting it fall to the ground. - FUCK Yeah. One peachy round ASS! He slapped each cheek hard, then he parted them, spat on his fingers, and made my CUNT wet. He then inserted a finger. I gasped. - Sweet Jesus. You are one super tight Bitch! Right, get ya towel back on, and come with me to my private cabin. I am your very own private AIDS Daddy for the afternoon. I got my towel back on, and started following him as he walked off. I was filled with utter Fear. Yet, I was filled with an immense erotic intense excitemenT ?☣️?
    2 points
  10. I may be in a minority but I prefer my guys to know what they are getting. Makes the sex hotter.
    2 points
  11. Iosolent you have another winner here, I loved cigar intoxification and I love this one just as much! You have a great talent! Please continue more stories in the future, I will be here to read them all! Bravo to you and your talent!
    2 points
  12. Part 2 "Ram that fucker man!" "Drill that boy hole!" "Fuck his pretty pussy!!" Everyone was yelling something in that room, watching that little boy cum dumpster take thick cock after thick cock. I knew that I would have to take my turn at that little pig slut, so I got closer to inspect my prey. Nice tight body, dusting of hair on his chest, nice thick cut cock, about seven inches, beautiful full balls and a hairy sack. My favorite part was his treasure trail which went down right into his thick pubes. I bent down and licked that little line of boy hair, tasting the mixture of sweat, spit, and his own pre cum. It was my turn to fuck his little hole, but before I did, I made sure to spit into his open mouth. He was panting like a bitch in heat and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to give him some spit before giving him my DNA. When the guy before me shot his load, I wasted no time getting in there. I love 'em young, and this kid was perfect. Beautiful ass with a light coating of hair, sweet boy taint, and a nice hairy crack. He already had some chest hair....yep, he was going to be a hairy fucker when he grew up, and he had the cutest little peace sign tattoo on his upper thigh. I love innocent boy cunt. His boy pussy was well used by the time I got to him - I guessed seven or more guys had already used this little slut, and I was going to be next. I entered him easily. His ass had been opened wide. I grunted as I plowed him, savoring every minute of that little boy twat. Sweat was pouring down my face, and my assault on his hole was punctuated by my comments to the slut: "I love fucking that little ass!" "Gonna give you my load deep in your boy hole!!" "Take my bare dick, little slut!!" "I'm gonna breed that hot hole of yours!!" "Take this bare cock you fucking whore!" I didn't even know what I was saying, but it was pouring out of my mouth. He must have liked the talk because he reached down to touch my hairy stomach and jerk his boy cock. I knew I was going to cum soon, so I picked up the pace and rammed him hard. He was moaning and groaning in pleasure, and FUUUUUUUUUCKK......I shot my jizz way up into his guts. His ass sucked it up like a vacuum. With a plop, my cock fell out of his hole. Totally spent, I decided to hit the road and go home. The next day I woke up hard at the thought of that kid I had violated the night before. Got out of bed, grabbed a smoke and went downstairs where my son was having breakfast. He looked tired, but not half as tired as I was! "How was your night, kiddo?" I asked "Fine....boring." He said as he lit up his own cig. We finished our breakfast and Kyle went up to take a shower. About 15 minutes later, I decided to get ready myself. Right before I went into the bathroom, I thought I heard a noise from Kyle's bedroom. I peeked in the crack of the door to make sure he was alright, and he was drying off, totally naked. I guess the noise was just the television, and I felt bad about looking at him, but I have to say that at 19 he has filled out quite nicely. I stood by the door and looked for just a minute. Nice coating of fur on his chest, treasure trail, thick pubes, and something I had never noticed before: a little peace sign tattoo on his thigh.
    2 points
  13. Since original poster has disappeared, I would love to try and finish this story if it is ok with moderators and other readers.
    2 points
  14. My huz of 32 years indulges me, because even though he wasn’t that into, he let me invite over this 40 year old poz surfer twink (yes 40 yo twink) with three tattoos, a mohawk buzz cut and an adorable hairy ass. Tiny little guy so enthusiastic for dick walked here, stripped off right away, and was on his knees sucking us both . God I love a dick pig holding onto one so it doesnt get away, while the other is in his mouth. My spouse sits back on the couch while our adorable 40 yo twink kneels and worships at the altar of his cock. I come up behind himwrap my arm around his thin body to hold him in place, and start lubing his hole. Idk how some people make this last. My thumb is slipped inside him which makes my dick flex and jump and leak and leak and it has to go there NOW FUCK it slips right in. And I expect that this is a dirty boy and that it will slide right down inside. But it stops half way like I hit bottom! what the? And I start in back and forth pulling out going back. His ass starts taking more and more and before I know it there he is completely wrapped around my dick except that little part right at the end. Like I can stroke it in ALL the way in, but I cant stroke it all the way in hard. That’s it, that is where I want to cum. Once I find it, I flip him over. My huzband knowing where I am going with this gets out of the way. (Aint he sweet?) Lucky it is a deep sofa. His calves are sitting on my shoulders and I pull him on to my dick. He weighs so little. OH MAN he feels good wrapped around me. I am stroking in and out. But that sweet fucking boy . . . little goatee . . .buzzed head . . .sweet cocksucking mouth I can’t stop kissing F U C K I am never going to cum that way. WAY too much going on. So I go into my own head to think about insemination which is what I really want and what he really wants. And it just gets animal me pounding his hole . WANT MY LOAD IN THERE fucking him hard GOING TO CUM and then I am cumming. hard and deep and I dont want to stop driving in my load but I do stop hoping for at least one flex of ejaculation that he’d be able to feel from inside (later he said he couldnt) “fucking hot”, he said though. he liked the animal rutting. My huz put his dick in after, and this big wad of my cum slipping out and down the boy’s ass looked soFUCKING HORNY that I took a pic (albeit not a good one) The boy came with my semi hard dick in his mouth and me telling him to try to suck out any more cum.
    2 points
  15. My bf and I had been exclusive for about a year when we decided to bareback. As a preliminary step we went to get tested together, but didn't go bareback right away as my bf was apprehensive about barebacking as in one of his early sexual experiences the guy with whom he hooked-up lied about his status. Still, when it happened, my bf he knew I had been fantisizing about barebacking, so on that occasion, as our foreplay progressed, I paused thinking he would grab a condom, but instead he told me if I wanted it, I had best get my ass back in position, whereupon he slowly slid into my ass until he was balls-deep and fucked me very satisfingly, rotating between fast/hard and slow/gentle. It felt amazing, so smooth. I could actually feel the movement of his foreskin. I came the first time from a slow build during one of the slow/gentle periods, and blew a second load while he was pounding me right before he came. I felt so full, and cold feel a little running down onto my balls. He snapped a couple pics (profile picture!), put in a butt plug, and the rest is history.
    2 points
  16. 5. Hector I looked at the clock. It was 7:45. The sun was already shining bright. It had been ninety minutes since the faggot boy up on 54 had carefully crept out of the building. It was the advantage of the motion sensing system; even as lazy as I was, I still saw most of what happened in the early hours. But it was getting busier. If he came home much later, I wasn't going to get a chance to fuck him over. I shifted slightly in my seat. My dick was definitely in the mood to fuck him over, and it was making even sitting a bit uncomfortable. Just as soon as I adjusted myself, I looked at the screen. The faggot boy was coming back. I killed the key reader at the back. He was going to have to come in through the front. Come in through me. He went up to the door, swiped his card, and nothing happened. He swiped it again, before noticing the LED wasn't even lit. He stood up, and started to head to the front. Just to fuck with him, I turned the reader back on just as soon as he rounded the corner. If he went back, it would be mysteriously working again. But I didn't have to bother. He came straight in, right up to me. "Hey, you know the card reader in the back isn't working?" I tried not to laugh. His fake bravado was undercut by the cum dried on his face. "I've heard that. We've got someone coming to look at it soon. In the meantime, let's double check your card is working right." I stood up and motioned the boy to follow me into the storage room in the back. He knew exactly what I had planned for him and he followed me without another word. "Your card," I asked, as I carefully locked the door behind us. He handed it over to me. His swagger from thirty seconds ago was gone. Another minute, he'd be on his knees, sucking my cock. Another five minutes, and I'd be fucking his hole hard, deep, and raw. "You're out early today," I said. "What were you doing?" He looked down; he was properly embarrassed about what he had been doing even without saying a word. "Oh, I was hanging out with friends." He tried to be nonchalant about it. "At 8:00am?" I asked. I leaned up against one of the storage racks. It was filled with packages residents still hadn't yet picked up. "Was one of your friends named Tina?" "Yeah," he said, sheepishly. He still wasn't meeting my eyes. This was hardly the first time he had told me about partying. "From the cum smeared across your face, seems like you had a good time." "Yeah," he repeated, still looking down. This wasn't even the first time he had been back here with me. He was still fully dressed; it was presumptuous of a faggot like him to not have already stripped down for me. "Bet you need more," I said. "Strip, faggot." That I even had to ask was a mistake he was going to atone for soon enough. He pulled off his shirt. His shorts were riding low enough that I could see the waist band of his jockstrap and his pubes sticking out from under it. But his chest was just as smooth as ever. "Shorts too," I said. "Your ass is your best asset." "Yes, sir," he said. At least he hadn't forgotten how to address a real man. "Show me your hole," I said. He turned away from me, spread his legs and bent over. His ass cheeks were perfect: half melons, hard from muscle, framed by the straps of his jock. He reached back and pulled one cheek to the side. The simple act gave me a clear view of his hole, smooth and hairless, ready to welcome my uncut brown cock and my thick Latino cum. "You're gonna get fucked, faggot," I said. "Please, Sir," he said, grabbing his other cheek. His hole was completely exposed, and my dick was throbbing in my pants. All that was important was I needed to get my dick into his hole. I didn't even bother stripping down; I just unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. Through his legs, the cocksucker stared as my dick emerged, his eyes locked on my shaft. "Put it in me," he murmured. "All the way in your culo," I said. "You already seeded?" "No. Just sucked my bud off." His legs were starting to shake a bit; he was tweaking hard, and he needed something to focus on. I knew just the thing to help him. I walked over to where he was bent over and lined up my cock with his hole. I spit on it a few times; he deserved a bit of lube. "Fuck. Be slow." "Why," I started, and pressed my dick against his hole. "Should," I continued, as I rammed into him, brutally opening him up. "I." Two inches of my shaft disappeared into his hole. "Care." Another five inches entered his body. "Fuck," he gasped. "Not so..." he started. But I cut him off. "Shut the fuck up, faggot. No one cares what a cocksucker says." I paused for a second, mostly to enjoy the sensation of a hot, wet hole welcoming my dick. The shift had been utterly boring, and it was nice to have some fun right before I had to head back home. It was particularly nice to be able to pound this particular faggot's hole. He had been out of town for a few days, and I had missed the way his hole sucked in my dick and then milked it dry. This was the natural order of the world, a man like me enjoying some stupid faggot's body. I pushed the last inch of my dick into the young man's hole. He gasped but that only made my cock harder. "You still got any favors?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. "I do. Pipe's empty, but I've got some more tina." "My pipe's just fine," I said. I pulled my dick out. It was clean, although already shiny with spit and ass juice. "Get me your stash, and bend over the desk." He pulled a zippered case out of his shorts. He opened it and pulled out a small baggie. It was full of water-clear crystals. It had been years since I had been able to enjoy; I got tested too often on this job to risk partying any longer. But it didn't mean I didn't enjoy getting a faggot fucked up and revel in the depravity that ensued. "Give it here," I said. He handed it over without protest. From the weight, I guessed it was nearly five grams; the faggot wasn't messing around today. "And fucking bend over," I repeated, when he hesitated and instead watched what I was doing with the tina. "Yes sir," he said meekly and bent over the desk, his head pressed against the smooth wood surface, his face carefully bent away from me. I opened the bag of crystal, and removed a single small shard. Still, it was going to be more than enough for what I had planned. I stuck my pinky under my foreskin, lifting it up just enough to stick the shard underneath. It would melt a bit, and give me a bit of a high. But most of it would land in the poor tweaker boy's ass, pushing him sky-high. It scratched a bit, and the familiar burn came soon after. I spit on my dick twice, then lined it up with my boy's asshole. "Fucking take it, puta," I grunted, as I pressed my dick back into his hole. There was just enough spit for it to enter easily. But, at about inch four, I felt my foreskin slide back. The motion released my dickhead's first mind-altering payload directly into the faggot's tender asshole. "Fuck," the boy said. "You fucking dosed me." "I'm sorry," I said. I slapped his ass just in case he needed to be reminded of who was in charge here. "I didn't hear what you said." "Fuck," he hissed under his breath. I pushed my dick a bit deeper, feeling the shard scrape against our shared skin. He gasped, but managed to force himself to speak. "Thank you, Sir." "Hell yeah," I said. I pushed my dick the rest of the way in, feeling my pre-cum begin to drip. It was helping to lube up the boy and to melt the crystal. "You're gonna get a big fucking load. Straight from my goddamn Latin dick." "Fuckin' A!" he yelped. I slapped his ass. I didn't want anything interrupting this, or at least not before I had gotten my nut off in him. "Better remember how to enjoy it," I said. "Cause I'm not stopping until I cum in that tweaked-out ass of yours." I slid out a few inches, then shoved my dick back into the boy. As I did so, the shard broke up. I hardly cared. If anything, the smaller fragments would get absorbed far faster and that meant I could properly rape-fuck the faggot. "And I'm not pulling out, either." "Please Sir," he gasped. I reached under him and grabbed his balls. Like his cock, they had shrunk a bit under the influence of the crystal. I squeezed them, just hard enough to remind him who was in charge. "Fuck, Sir. Please Sir. Give me your load." He struggled a little bit, but not enough to matter. It only served to force my shaft deeper into his body. "That's what I like to hear, tweaker boy," I said. I squeezed his balls a little harder. His ass clenched, as he struggled to deal with the pain. My dick twitched in reaction and dripped more pre-cum into him. From previous encounters, I knew he was a total slut. The dried cum on his face only re-enforced that perception. I hoped the next guy liked sloppy seconds, because by the time I had finished seeding his hole, he was going to be burping cum. "And stop fighting it. We both know you love getting fucked hard." He relaxed slightly, and I took the opportunity to slam my dick deep into his guts. He immediately clenched back up, but it only served to lock my dick right in place in his ass. "Just take it faggot," I said, grabbing his waist, and levering myself another half inch into his body. His body was completely my play thing now, and I wasn't going to take anything less than full domination. For both of us, me dominating him was the right thing to do. Faggots were always happier when they had a real man's cock in their mouth or ass and men were always happier when they didn't have to hold back. He wasn't the only arrogant faggot in the building. They acted so superior, until they saw my dick and then they were powerless to say no to anything I asked of them. I started dosing guys three years ago. A year later, I stopped bothering with condoms. It was bareback or nothing. If anything, they started coming more often. Another year, and I stopped listening to them tell me how it felt. All that was important was how it felt for me. I pulled my dick out and slammed it back in. His ass struggled to take me in, but that was part of the attraction. Something taken by force is delectable and satisfying than the plain banality of something freely given. His sudden grunts were all I needed to power through a hard-pounding, deep-dicking hole raping. He struggled for a bit, before my anal assault became too much. I was surprised that he had lasted as long as he did. The tina must have been really kicking in. "Fuck, Sir, Please Sir," he grunted. My dick twitched. There was nothing like a tweaked-out faggot begging for cock that made me drip pre-cum. The utter depravity of a man giving it up for another man, not just allowing me to do this to him, but begging me. "Fuck me, Sir," he repeated over and over again. It was his prayer to the only god he recognized or understood, a man's cock. I pushed my dick in, and held it there. "You want more?" I asked, letting a bit of pre-cum drip out. "Please Sir," he said. The certainty was no longer there. He remembered what had happened times before, when his god was a vengeful god. L pressed my weight against his hole, and my shaft sunk in deeper. He moaned, it was hard to tell if it was from pleasure or pain. It was harder for me to care which it was. His hole felt just fine squeezing and milking my shaft. "Um," he started. "Um, Maybe," he continued. It was hard for him to get the words out. "I'm not sure." It was now clear it wasn't pleasure any longer. It's hurting a bit." I moaned in pleasure. There was something about eliciting that reaction from him that felt like I had just unlocked a personal accomplishment. I pulled out from his hole. Not all the way, but enough to make him think it might be over. "Oh?" I asked. I gently stroked his hole with my shaft. "You know, we don't have to do this. Ever." I put the emphasis on the last word. I had always made it clear with my faggots that they were free to say no. But their "no" would be final. I'd never touch them again. I can't say it wasn't difficult; when some of the pitiful little faggots came back begging, it was often hard to say no, to busting them up and reminding them what pitiful beasts they were. "But, it's.... it’s so big," he grunted. I smiled and pushed it back into him. "You're hurting me," he grunted. His face was pressed up against the desk with his left cheek pressing against the dusty surface. His face was rigid in pain. My dick was rigid in pleasure. "Oh?" I asked. I started slowly but intently slam-fucking him. Each forceful thrust into his guts elicited a yelp, but despite it, he didn't tell me to stop. "I think I'm enjoying this fuck," I said, as I fell into a steady rhythm of sliding into him, dripping some pre-cum, then pulling out. "Fucking want to pound you," I said, slowly picking up the pace. "Please, Sir," he moaned. But this time, there was no longer the anger and fear in his voice. The crystal I had dosed him with had melted and it was now kicking in. It was the perfect timing; I needed to get off, but I wasn't interested in holding him down. "Breed me Sir, the faggot moaned. With those words, he had given himself completely over to me. "Fucking breed you," I replied. "Breed that faggot hole hard," I grunted as I slammed the entire length of my dick into his hole. He gasped, his eyes widened, but yet, he still managed to clamp that hole tight around my dick. "Breed that faggot hole deep," I grunted as I pulled out and pushed back in, breaking down the last of his resistance to my manhood. "Please Sir, breed me. Give me your seed, Sir." The crystal had worked its magic, and he was now in full-fledged cum slut mode. He would do anything, pay almost any price to get the next load. I checked my watch. Unfortunately, I had only a few more minutes before the next shift would be arriving. I wouldn't be able to put the slut through his full paces, but, there was no way I was going to pass up the chance to nut in him at least once. "Please, Sir," he repeated. His voice was unnaturally even and expressionless. It was the same for his eyes. They were still open, but they were focused on some distant, unknowable point. The crystal had taken him away, and he was lost somewhere in his own world. I slapped his ass hard, and slammed my dick back into him. I didn't want him escaping the utter reality of my fuck. "Fuck!" he grunted, as he jerked back to the inescapable present. "Oh God," he continued. "Fucking big dick," he said. At the last minute, he remembered what he needed to be saying. "Thank you, Sir." I laughed. It was just pure, animal joy. I had gotten my dick up some guy's hole, and he was begging me to cum inside him. I would head some satiated and happy, the faggot would walk home exhausted, sore, and filled with sperm. I hadn't meant the laugh to come across cruel; it was just a laugh. Besides, my need to fuck hard was just as valid as the fag's need to be raped. There was no cruelty in maintaining the proper order of nature. "Just," he started. I slammed my dick into him, and he gasped. "No," I said. "I'm gonna get off the way I want to." Unlike some sluts, he took my cock mostly uncomplaining. I hated a faggot who constantly complained and was not above using some duct tape to keep him quiet. My dick throbbed. As much as I wanted to prolong the pleasure, I was already working on borrowed time. I needed to be at the front desk when the next shift arrived. "Hell yeah," I grunted, and slammed my dick in and out a few times. I finally settled with my cockhead nestled deep in the fag's hole. I held it there for a second, feeling how hot his hole was. I had never used a condom on him. I always fuck a faggot bareback and yet, they never seemed to get knocked up. The entire length of my dick tingled. I pulled out half an inch and then shoved it back in. It was the last bit of stimulation I needed and the monster between my legs took over. My balls clenched up tight and my staff thickened. I heard the fag gasp. "Fucking going to breed you," I said and slammed my dick all the way into his hole. He gasped again. I responded by shooting the first spurt of cum deep in his hole. "Fucking." I shot another spurt of man-juice into his hole. "Breeding." One more jet was injected deep in his hole. "You." I stopped any pretense of speaking, and just unloaded in his ass. Two more spurts landed inside of the cocksucker, then a third and fourth. My orgasm seemed to go on forever, through several more jets of cum. It was the way a real man came. It was intense, demanding, and uncompromising. "Fuck," the fag grunted, his entire body shivering from intensity of my orgasm. "Fuck, please," he moaned. I couldn't tell if he was begging for more, or for less. I went with more, and pushed all the way back into him, and unleashed several more jets. "Fill me up," he grunted. "Fucking fill me with your seed." He had that distant look again. The crystal had convinced him that he wasn't being fucked; it was just his body going through a rough bit. I checked my watch. I had only a few more minutes, and I couldn't get caught for this. It wasn't enough time to fuck him properly, but there was more than enough time to properly fuck him up. "You want it all, faggot?" I ask. "Yeah," he says, his voice once more distant. "Please, Sir. I want it all." I was even getting his permission to fuck him over. I grabbed the little bag of crystal, and extracted another thick shard from it. The cocksucker was already tweaked. This was going to put him into fucking orbit. I almost wished my shift was not coming to an end because it was going to be hot to watch the parade of men arrive to fuck him, then leave not twenty minutes later. "You're going to get it, faggot," I said. I started to pull my dick out of his hole. I was careful not to let any of the cum that I had just injected into him drip out of his hole. It was important that the cocksucker make my fluids part of his body. "Get damn everything," I said, as another few inches of my dick emerged from his hole. It was wet and glossy from the cum, and still impressively thick and hard. "Please, don't pull out," he said. But it was too late. With a wet popping sound, my dickhead slipped from his hole. I silently counted how long it took for his hole to close back up. One second went by, and I could still see the pool of cum in his anus. Then two and three seconds, and his hole tightened up enough to hide the cum. Only after five long and slutty seconds did his ass finally close up. My dick was the one with the power and it had done this to the faggot. My dick twitched in pleasure. "Just wait," I said. I pinched the shard between my thumb and forefinger. I had barely brushed my fingers against his but that it opened up and let me push in. I pushed in past two knuckles before pausing, but eventually, both fingers and their potent cargo were palm-deep in his hole. "There," I said. I released the shard, and carefully pushed the crystal a bit deeper in his hole. "Ooooof," he muttered. "What's that?" I pulled back and quickly found his prostate. I rubbed it twice, which was all he needed to start moaning in pleasure. It would be a minute or two before the warmth really kicked in and he realized that I had dosed him. "Fuck," I said. I slapped his ass; when he looked back, he saw me glancing at my watch. "Gotta get back to work, faggot. Get dressed." He paused, longer than any cocksucker should ever think about an order. I slapped his ass. "Get dressed," I repeated. I stuffed my cock into my underwear and got dressed again. The cocksucker pulled up his shorts, barely even trying to hide his freshly-fucked hole. The cocksucker grabbed the bag of crystal off the desk; I doubt he noticed that there were two fewer shards in it. He looked at me like he was expecting something. "You know what to do," I said. "Yes, Sir," he said. I walked out of the storage area, and back to my desk. Luckily, I was still alone. Which meant that the next shift was now officially late. One minute later, the faggot stepped out of the storage room, closed the door behind him, and went straight to the elevator. I would always watch him, but he had never returned my gaze. Today was no different; he stared down, like he was embarrassed by what he had just done. I looked at my watch again. I laughed. I had gotten my rocks off and I was getting overtime. Not a bad start to my Saturday.
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  17. Sorry for the delay guys. Haven’t forgotten or abandoned the story. Just not been focused on it as much as planned. Will try to crack the whip on myself and get back to it.
    2 points
  18. Much agreed Bear4Breeding. I've had guys talk a big game saying they're into doing anything, kinkier the better. I usually start off easy with spit or WS questions. Most often I hear "EWWW, thats gross". Then upon asking what in their mind is "kinky" and they usually respond with something like "it'd be hot to be with two guys at the same time". *eye roll* That's an appetizer for me. God forbid I tell them I'm into breeding raw hole, no questions asked. I hate living in a conservative city.
    2 points
  19. I hooked up at STEAMWORKS with a scruffy bottom who had a sweet, tight ass and who was hungry for fuck seed. He left the door open when he came in my room, so I knew he din't mind being watched while being fucked, which is a turn on for me. Then he suggested I take him to the fuck bench and fuck him in front of other guys. What a fucking turn on. He sucked cock while I bred him. It was hot to have guys come up and feel my balls and bare cock. Anybody else hooked on giving a bareback sex show?
    1 point
  20. Hope you guys enjoy...always welcome feedback: Part: 1 It all started one weekend while the wife was out of town visiting her mother but I am getting ahead of myself a bit. I am married as you can tell, mid 30’s, white, and middle class. I had been married for 10 years but we didn’t have children. I had known I was gay since high school but at the time my family expected me to get married and lead the hetero life so I did. Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife, but she is really more a friend than anything else. We don’t have sex often, and it becoming more sporadic. I had never been brave enough to do anything behind her back, but given the lack of sex I was so horny. I enjoyed scrolling through the craigslist ads and jerking off fantasizing that it was me being used. This particular weekend the wife needed to go out of town, her mom was sick and she decided it was probably best if she went to visit her for a couple weeks to help her out. As she drove away to the airport I could hardly contain the hard-on in my pants thinking of my jerk off sessions to come. It was late Friday night when I stumbled upon the ad on craigslist. It had been a long day at work, the wife was out of town, I had a few beers to relax and settled down to jerk off in front of the computer. The ad caught my eye, I wasn’t sure if it was legit but I was heavily intrigued: Headline: Looking for Bottoms for APP AD: We have a great new app for bottoms that love to take dick. It is like Uber but for loads. If you are interested in being part of the app shoot us an email with your information and we will send you a link to download and log in details. Just like Uber, just flip open the app when you need cum and we will match you with the closest available top to breed your hole. We have two levels of membership: *Silver: Newbies *Gold: Born to be bottoms Everyone starts with Silver, if you like the app and think you are ready to handle being gold, we will test you and if you pass you can upgrade your account. Our only rules are that bottoms are to take any and all loads assigned on the app. We are all inclusive and do not body shame. Your privacy is our main concern. So what are you waiting for? Shoot us a note! By the time I got to the end of the email I was rock hard. Not sure if it was the buzz I had going on or the lack of blood to the brain as it all rushed to my dick but I clicked the link and shot them a note. I finished jerking off and passed out on the couch in front of the tv, didn’t even give it a second thought.
    1 point
  21. Before we knew his name, we called him Neighbor Boy. Brian saw him first. On a gorgeous Saturday in May, I walked into the kitchen to see my husband jacking his fat dick while sneaking glances out the window. When he heard me approach, he flashed a piggish grin and motioned me over. That’s when I caught my first glimpse of Neighbor Boy. He was shirtless, maybe 18 or 19, and hauling boxes into his family’s new home. His face, square-jawed and intense, was still boyish in a lot of ways, but you could easily see the drop-dead-handsome man he was becoming. And to make things even hotter, he was obviously packing a man-size piece of meat, judging from the package bouncing between his legs. As sweat ran down the ridges of his abs, his shorts began to slip past the beltline, exposing just a bit of what appeared to be a bubble-perfect jockbutt. My eyes followed the dark line of sweat forming between his asscheeks; I wanted to bury my face in the fresh boy-musk around his crotch, his pits, his fuckhole. Brian turned to me with an evil grin. “That boy is ours,” he said, still furiously jacking his cock. Then, with a grunt, he sprayed three powerful volleys of thick, unmedicated poz cum across the kitchen sink. * * * Brian and I have been together for 10 years. I’m 35; he’s 40. People tease us about looking like twins, and I can see why: we both have dark brown hair, beards, and hairy chests. We also have cocks that are roughly the same size, about 8.5” by 6.5”. And when our big dicks spring out of our jockstraps at the same time, we can usually turn a run-of-the-mill bottomboy into a trashy, knocked-up dickpig in no time at all. It wasn’t always that way. Back when we met, Brian was a top. I was vers, but I wouldn’t let him fuck me raw. My reasoning was simple: I was neg, he was poz. And then one night, he invited me to his house for a homemade dinner. It was my birthday, and he’d hinted at some kind of surprise. I had no idea what was in store: halfway through my first cocktail, I started to slur my speech. I remember asking him what was going on, but Brian just stood there, grinning like a demon and rubbing his cock through his jeans as I slipped into unconsciousness. When I woke up, I found myself suspended in midair, my body swinging back and forth in a steady rhythm. In my drugged-up stupor, it took me a few minutes to realize that I was directly underneath a large mirror on the ceiling. Very slowly, I managed to process the image I saw in the mirror: for some reason I was naked, with my legs splayed wide and arms tied back. I’d heard of slings, but I’d never been in one. And just then, it dawned on me that my body was swinging back and forth in a steady rhythm because a total stranger was pounding my hole. That’s when I heard Brian’s voice cut through the noise in that dark, crowded, sweat-stenched room: “The second booty bump definitely woke him up,” he said. Right about then, the guy fucking me started to convulse, and everyone in the room shouted encouragement as he thrust in and out of my hole frenetically. Next I heard a loud round of clapping and grunting from the crowd, followed by an odd sensation of warmth and wetness when that cock pulled out of me. My hole released the stranger's mushroom head with a subtle *pop*, and then I suddenly felt an emptiness in my ass, as if my knocked-up cunt somehow wasn’t complete anymore without a raw dick lodged deep inside. But the emptiness didn’t last. Within a matter of seconds, I felt the familiar contours of Brian’s cock inside me. “Hey, baby,” he said, his big dick making an unfamiliar sloshing sound as he fucked away. “That was load number four, and you've just begun. It’s your birthday, remember? My gift is to get you fuckin’ pregnant. You want another poz load?” I stared at him, uncomprehending. Then my eyes grew wide as I realized what all this meant. “No,” I said. “Fuck no. I don’t want to be sick. You know that. What the fuck are you doing?” “Oh, please—you have no idea what you want,” he replied. “From the moment we met, I saw right through you. You’re just another clean-cut, handsome boy waiting for somebody to give you permission to be a cumpig. I mean, just look at your dick right now—it’s harder than I’ve ever seen it.” I glanced down at my cock, and I could see it dripping beads of precum onto my abs. Meanwhile, Brian kept pounding me. “Your dick seems to be a few steps ahead of your brain at the moment, because your dick knows what you need,” he said. “And what you need, little piggy, is an ass full of fresh poz loads. Don’t worry—your brain will catch up to your cock before the night’s through. Until then, we’ll just gangrape you full of poz seed, OK?" "FUCK YOU." "Sorry, bud, but I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. You're the one getting fucked tonight, remember? You're getting fucked and bred and, if you're really lucky, maybe even pozzed. So...are you ready to beg for another dirty load, boy?” “Fuck no, Brian. I don’t want this. Fucking stop, OK? STOP.” He didn’t stop. Instead, he nodded to someone behind me, and I was quickly muzzled and blindfolded. Brian stopped thrusting for a moment, lodging his cock deep in my hole, and ordered me to stay perfectly still unless I wanted to get hurt. In the stillness that followed, someone wrapped a tourniquet around my bicep. I felt a pinch in my arm, and the tourniquet came loose. Almost immediately, I gasped as a wave of dark energy rushed to my chest, my lungs, my cock, my ass. I coughed violently, and I struggled to catch my breath while the dark wave kept crashing through my nervous system. And just as Brian predicted, that's when my brain finally caught up with my cock. I was in heat. I loved the feeling of Brian's raw dick pounding me full of toxic seed. And by the end of the night, I would whimper and moan anytime my hole wasn’t stretched around a charged-up cock. I'd been transformed from a neg condom queen to a bareback slampig in a matter of hours. In the years since, Brian and I have developed a knack for initiating young men into the world of chemsex, feeding drugs to unsuspecting boys before knocking them up. The hottest of all, I think, was the seduction of Brian’s college-age nephew. And it didn’t happen on just any night, either, but on the night of our wedding. This kid was a hot little faggot with a naturally hungry butt. He was deeply closeted, but Brian and I saw right through him in a second. So after flirting with him on the dancefloor, then feeding him our dicks in a restroom stall, we took him back to the honeymoon suite, smoked him out with the glass pipe, and slathered Tina-laced lube all over his fratboy fuckhole. Within 15 minutes, he was taking a seat on my raw cock and bouncing on it like a natural-born bitch. Eight hours (and two giant slams) later, Brian’s fratboy nephew was a confirmed chemwhore, proudly spreading his wrecked fuckhole while it oozed loads from 11 strangers. Even then, he was still shoving fingers hungrily into his cunt, pleading for another slam of Tina in his arm. Instead, we dropped him off at our dealer’s house with instructions to push every boundary possible until this boy was corrupted through and through. Our dealer didn’t disappoint, and within a month or two our fratboy nephew was a slampig escort with a real talent for getting double-fisted. We couldn’t be prouder. * * * The day after we saw Neighbor Boy for the first time, we introduced ourselves to his parents. Over the course of a 30-minute conversation that included far too many details about the sister we didn’t care to meet, we found out exactly what we needed to know: Neighbor Boy’s name was Dalton, and he was finishing up his senior year at McKinley High. He’d just turned 18. He had a steady girlfriend named Melissa, and he’d landed a scholarship to be a kicker for one of the state university football teams. “Oh, and one more thing,” Dalton’s father said to us. “We’ll be chaperoning our daughter’s class trip to Washington, D.C. at the beginning of June. Dalton is perfectly capable of running the house by himself for a week, but could you just make sure he doesn’t throw any giant keggers? We’d really appreciate it.” We nodded eagerly, because we’d found our window of opportunity. As the conversation wrapped up, we slipped our hands in our pockets, attempting to hide the bulges from our rapidly hardening cocks. * * * When Brian and I returned home, we closed the door and fell into a deep, sloppy kiss. We would do whatever necessary to fill all of Dalton’s holes with chems. And if we had our way, he’d be going to college in the fall with poz blood flowing through his veins. “I wonder if Jesse knows Dalton,” Scott said. “That could be hot.” I nodded and grabbed my phone. “Let’s give him a ring.” We love Jesse because he’s an evil pig. But we love him even more because he’s an evil pig who happens to look like a blond, buff Mormon. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s hung like a lumberjack. Like Dalton, he’s a senior at McKinley, and we’d initiated him about six months earlier after chatting him up on a bareback fetish site. We pozzed him on the day after his 18th birthday. He was already entertaining some very dark fantasies by the time we found him—apparently he’d been watching bareback porn and trolling fetish chatrooms for years. But unlike most of the naïve little faggots we corrupt with chems and impregnate with toxic seed, Jesse was eager to get slammed into the stratosphere, and he required no encouragement to spread his muscled boybutt for our poz dicks. And now, in the months since his seroconversion, he’s been helping us lure boys to the world of chem-fueled bareback fucking. Jesse answered my call right away. Yes, he said, he was pretty good friends with Dalton, who was basically the hottest guy in the entire fucking school. We asked if Jesse was planning to hang out with Dalton anytime soon. Yes, he replied: he’d be at Dalton’s pool party the following weekend. “You guys should come, because a lot of the parents will be there,” he said. “I’ll tell Dalton to invite you. And I'll tell you something else: everybody at school would swear he’s straight, but I just don’t know. I get a weird vibe from him. Maybe not a gay vibe, but like a curious vibe.” “So you’re saying there might be a faggot buried deep inside that boy?” I asked. “Just a hunch,” Jesse replied. “Well, in that case,” said Scott, “it’s time for us to get deep inside Dalton and find out.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  22. I knew what I was getting into. I’d heard of Lawyer John’s notorious parties through the grapevine for years. My friend Con, who was a filthy gossip, pointed him out to me a few times in the nightclubs of Belfast. Lawyer John (our nickname for him) was pretty to miss though given his overall “too-hot-to-stay-in-Belfast” looks and physique. Lawyer John was a suave stunner in his mid-forties, with a gym fit body and expensive tousled “salt and pepper” haircut. He should have been modelling suits for Gucci or something, and not raising the bell-curve for us poor mortals who didn’t have any other option but to stay here in the North, drowning our sorrows as we were that night. Northern Ireland once again performed abysmally in rugby, getting trashed by the All Blacks earlier that day. Con’s favourite pastime, after a few jars, was nodding his head over at some poor trick in the club and divulging all his nasty secrets. Usually they involved Con, a quirky fetish and/or an STI. Con was an old-school gossip and would always start off in his thickest working class Belfast accent with the line “Didja ya see that wee lad there righ? Well…” At this point our posse would be leaning forward wondering what new tale of desperation or filth we were in for. With Lawyer John, Con would always drink deep from his Guinness, nod over at him and then launch into the following tale. “Did I tell ye lads about our friend Lawyer John over there. Mike (this was me) knows, but I’ll tell the rest of ye. Steer clear of that fucker. A right nasty piece of work they say lads. They say he hosts these parties y’see. Where all the A-gays of Belfast go and get gee-eyed out of it on G and E and coke and whatever else you’d be having. No condoms, no fucking sense, and a few prossies hired up from London or wherever. He works over in the courts too, so he should know better. Anyways, the parties always get really fuckin wild, and to hear tell of it, at one of the last ones there was a lad who overdosed. Some fucker up from Fermanagh, still wet behind the ears and looking for his bit of freedom from his mammy and the farm, thought he’d try his hand at hooking. Anyways as the story goes, the lad reacted badly with the cocktail of drugs he was on and it wasn’t till after the party that they realised he was unconscious and had been for about a day or two. It was then that they dropped him outside the Pipeworks sauna and called the police. Kid nearly died. Seemingly was left with some nasty nerve damage too. And that kid…” and Con leaned in here, building suspense, “is none other than Ugly Eoghan!” I’d heard it before so chuckled to watch the looks of incomprehension on our mates as they tried to fit the pieces together. Lawyer John was some jet-setting executive who probably had a sea of hot accountants who wanted him to write off their “bad debts”. Meanwhile Ugly Eoghan was the odd drunk that’d turn up outside the Kremlin as the crowd turned out in the early morning, trying to chat up the very, very drunk twinks outside. He worked the “going-home” crowd, cause he’d been barred from every gay establishment between here and Dublin. He was only in his early thirties, but had such a way with him that he looked at least ten years older and while there was nothing necessarily disfigured about him, he had a constant stoop, squinted eyes and a perpetually sneering mouth, so you couldn’t help but be repulsed by him. To think that this gay “character” had been created by the beautiful and sophisticated Lawyer John was a good yarn, but none of us really believed it. Sensing our disbelief, Con urged us “it’s true honest! Ugly Eoghan’s life wasn’t always the car-crash you see outside the chipper on a Saturday pawing at the twinks. But seemingly Lawyer John has high connections, and got the whole thing hushed up. The police, the other party-goers, even the sauna staff, everyone was hushed up”. We nodded as Con knocked back the rest of his Guinness and looked to see who was getting the next round in. He always got a bit conspiracy-ish after a few, talking one minute about chem-trails, and the next about how the fluoride pumped in Irish water was to keep people passive. A nudge knocked me out of my reverie. It was my round. I waited at the bar for the hot new barman Sven to get my drinks. Seemingly he had to learn how to replace a keg or something, but you’d forgive a white blond Nordic god a lot for a flash of his dopey smile, so I pulled out my phone and checked my apps. Grindr and Scruff were disappointing as usual, though my profile didn’t invite a lot of comment – it was just a torso like all the rest of them – showing off my six-pack from two years ago, which had since gone into a small hibernation. Not that most tricks minded. None of them looked quite like their photos either, and as long as I wasn’t, well, ugly Eoghan, and I shoved all nine inches of my cock into them, I heard no complaints. The only messages I had was from this hot nurse Gavin who I always had a great back and forth with, but who always chickened out of all the dates I suggested, to the point where I gave up trying. Sometimes I was in the mood to flirt with him, knowing it’d have no effect, but not today. Sensing someone pushing past me for a newly opened gap at the bar, I moved to let the guy settle in beside me. I did a very subtle double-take when I realised it was the devil himself – Lawyer John. He didn’t even notice me. He still had his head turned, taking drink orders off of some tall muscle-bound blond who’d be perfect as an extra in any World War 2 film, yellow blonde where Sven was white. I took the time to properly study the Lawyer-man up close. God, he was gorgeous. He’s one of those guys who looks so much better as a 40 year old than he ever would have as a 20 year old. His tailored shirt opening to show a defined lean body and sculpted lines across his collarbones, up his neck and in his deep dimples as he laughed at something the Aryan giant said. I waited for the polite “eye-contact” nod that in Ireland passed for “thank you for giving me space at the bar”, but the lawyer studiously turned forward and blanked me. Pfft. Whatever. I guess if you don’t look like you breathe the same rarefied air as these little gods, you may as well be invisible. I then heard the distinctive message tones from Gay-Romeo beside me. I looked over, and sure enough, Lawyer John had his phone out too. I guess little gods need a bit of help looking for love too. I noticed he was mostly scanning an app with a black and orange design. I leaned over a little further. It was called “BBRT” or something like that. I then heard the Sven clear his throat “Ah Mike, jour drrinks” “oh right, cheers Sven!” A few drinks more with the lads at the pub, then at Con’s house and eventually we’re all calling it a night. It’s proper late, by the time I’m back in my flat near the university, like 6am. I clumsily broke the laptop out and looked up this BBRT website. Bareback Real Time Sex, it said. I gulped a little. I’ve not usually been one for bareback – topping’s the same to me if I top protected or not, so I always chose the former. Up until this point I’d never successfully bottomed, with or without a condom, so I saw no attraction in barebacking. However, Lawyer John was on it, and who knew, maybe he was only a click or two away. I could beat off to some pics of him, no harm, no foul. I read through the usual preamble with starting an account, and then once I’d verified my email and put up the bare skeleton of a profile (Newry9inch), I got to seeing who was online in Belfast. This was a very different pool to the Grindr/Scruff guys. There were a few kinky bastards who revelled in anything pain related, a few kids that had the title Bug-Chaser in their profile and then me by the looks of it. Noone else was online. I went back to filling out my profile, deciding to put up a cock pic as my main profile pic (it wasn’t as if I was looking for friends or gym buddies on this site). Then after a bit more thought I added a headless nude shot and an over-the-shoulder arse pic. “Fuck it!” I thought and headed to the bathroom. When I got back, I was in luck. My inbox had three more messages from three different guys – not just the welcome bot. The first was a proper daddy type who wanted to spank my ass for being up so late. I chuckled, and politely declined. The next was from a blank profile online asking “u into scat?” I once again replied “cheers, but definitely not my thing. All the best”, cause I may be many things, but I always answer people, so there’s no ambiguity. I’m a motherfucking gentleman! The last was interesting. It was another blank profile “northernlights”, this time asking “u into pnp?” Now I won’t lie. I love me a bit of rolling with molly or speed-pumped sex, so this had my slut-senses tingling – could this be Lawyer John? I answered “could be. Why?” And waited… About half a minute later I get a reply. “We’re looking to score” and a link to a webpage within BBRT. I clicked through the link and it directed me to an expired party page from earlier that night– some sort of group page that BBRT did for people arranging group meets – wow BBRT really knew their audience! This page had the description “Party – Titanic Quarter for titanic men”. I snorted at that. The blurb below was written as if a size queen on meth – detailing all the types of men who could apply (a very select few) and all the guys who couldn’t. To be honest the description was a turn-off. One of those impossibly high standard parties that I wouldn’t dream of trying for after a few rejections earlier on in life. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I feel pretty hot – I rock the slightly rough/scruffy, three-day stubbled scally lad look, but I would never fit in with the built Abercrombie and Fitch crowd. My body was lean and I was an in-shape lad especially for my job (a journalist for a less than reputable paper… ok so, a tabloid journalist – it paid the bills) but I’d never have this party’s required “defined muscles” or “less than 5% body fat” (I kid you not – that’s what they wrote). The rest of post summed up that a group party had been organised (about 6 hours earlier) for the A-gays of Belfast. Good-fucking luck to ‘em I thought! I saw my inbox had another message and clicked it. Northernlights again. “u know any dealers?” I chuckled and then remembered something. Looking to my chest of drawers in the middle of the room, I pulled out my sock drawer and fumbled at the back. I pulled out my old metal tea-box that had my weed and the makings of my joints in, a few pills, and also… at the bottom… …Eureka!.. I found the bag of MDMA that my mate’s sister’s boyfriend’s friend left behind at a houseparty a year back. The lad went mental looking for it afterwards, but cause he was a dick I didn’t call him up a week later when I found it behind the coal bucket. It was about 10-15g of product, but I’d tried it, and maybe cause it’d be been left out somewhere humid, or maybe cause it was it was just a shit supply, but it did nothing for me. But there was enough here for a trade. Maybe I’d get some money for it finally? I messaged back. “None that are awake right now. My usual guy’s disappeared too. I’ve a bit of my own supply - MDMA here (10-15g), dunno how good it is, if you’re desperate? J” (Was the smiley too much?) Northernlights was quick to reply “Yeah would be up for that - could buy it – where u? Could send taxi round? We’re in X” Obviously I’m not gonna reveal where exactly the guy was – but it was a very swanky part of town. Northernlights sent me on details of the place and then signed off – “…Thanks lad. See you soon” No name. But honestly considering we’d just agreed to perform a crime online I could understand that. Nice one! I was gonna finally sell off my old stash and at least see what the inside of one of these exclusive parties looked like. The taxi came round 15 minutes later. I was barely out of the shower and into my cleaner pair of going-out trackies when I heard my phone go off. I grabbed my whole stash box and all the way there I was full of nervous jitters. I kept thinking I was going to end up at some weird “eyes-wide-shut” masked party. The apartment building was one of the very modern ones that went up as part of the Titanic quarter’s refurbishment after the peace agreement. I remember seeing it being built and even then thinking I’d never be able to afford living in a posh place like this. I rang the apartment bell. Elocution lessons answered; “Yars?” “Um, this is ahem, Newry….” “Oh roight! Yars yars, push the door when it buzzes” I made my way up. On the way up I kept formulating and reformulating the plan. See how much they were willing to pay to keep their party going. Get a good look around to see how to super-hot live and try to see a few fucking, to fill the wank-bank. Get them to order me another taxi. Would they stretch to a pizza too? Oh, but how to make sure this wasn’t an elaborate police op? Wasn’t that entrapment? Did that law even apply in Belfast? Better make sure to get them to do a line for free first. I got to the door. I rapped gently on it. No answer. I was about to ring the bell when the door opened and there in a red and grey silk dressing gown stood Lawyer John. A-Gay of Belfast numero uno! “Newry9inches?” he said, smiling at me, showing those dimples. Those goddamn beautiful dimples! I nodded mutely and he waved me in. He muttered something about doing business upstairs in his room as I looked around the split-level apartment. There were bags and clothes on most of the chairs and couches in the main entrance hall-cum-living room. The floor plan was pretty open and segued from living room to foyer to kitchen (which was divided from the rest by an outjutting counter) all across the entire lower floor. There were some shadowy figures in the extremities of the kitchen and living room, but before I could better make them out, John beckoned me up his stairs (solid oak beams projecting from the wall, no banistair, very swanky!) I clambered up behind him, getting glimpses of his very tan, very developed gym-toned legs, to come out on a long corridor landing. Everything was ivory tones and expensive looking. There were about four doors off the corridor – two guest bedrooms, the main bedroom and main bathroom. As we went into the main bedroom I saw the entire outer wall was one plate window giving a fantastic view back over Belfast City. The bed was massive and recently used and there was an en-suite bathroom to the left. John sat down on the bed and looked expectantly me… “The MDMA?” “Oh right, yeah let me just get that out” and I walked over to the desk. He followed behind me as I lay the bag of white powder on the table. I saw the remains of some other lines of powder there and a credit card. I turned to him. “Um, don’t take this the wrong way, but cause I’m not used to, um, normally, ever doing this, and how do I know this isn’t some police sting?” He laughed a rich baritone laugh at that and said something about the differences in UK and American law, and that he’d asked me to bring over with me to sell, which indeed would be a form of entrapment. He then smiled and said, “but if it makes you feel better, I can do a line in front of you now?” I nodded, and he took the bag from me and poured some out. Crushing it with his credit card he asked me to roll up a twenty-pound note as he scraped together four short lines. When he pulled back he waved me forward to do the first two lines – oh right – I weirdly hadn’t expected to be doing the MDMA in front of him, but fuck it. I ducked down, snorted them up and passed the twenty. Squeezing and pinching my nose I looked over as he rose from his lines. “So do you wanna sit down for a bit, to see if it kicks in?” I asked. He nodded toward the bed, snuffling back all the powder. I sat down on the edge, he sat beside me. “I think I saw you out earlier” I mentioned. He nodded. “Mike here by the way” “Simon here” he replied, extending his hand for a handshake and smiling. I started to feel something in the back of my brain, but I was never great with MDMA. “I think I’m feeling it” I mentioned, “but it’s always a bit odd for me, how about you?” I asked. He was raising his half-shut eyes and muttering to himself… Yeah he was definitely feeling something. “Oh yars Mark” “uh it’s Mike” “Sorry Mike. Yah I’m feeling it – that is …some good stuff you have”. He looked at me. His eyes were massively dilated. We said in unison “wow your eyes…” and trailed off and chuckled. I looked at this guy who only hours before had seemed a part of the frosty impenetrable A-gay elite rubbish of Belfast, and yet here we were now, bonding. It was beautiful. I felt Simon and I were having a special time outside of time and that I could suddenly confide totally in him. “You should laugh more dude, your dimples are gorgeous” He smiled at this, and replied, “you’re pretty cute yourself dealer-man” I got a cheeky thought “what else can you do to prove you’re not a police officer?” His deep chuckle was adorable. “Well what would you like me to…” We got cut off by a knock on the door, the en-suite door. “Hey Si, are you still with that dealer guy?” The door opened and a tall pale guy with jet black hair stepped in. He was wearing a towel around his waist and had obviously come from the shower. His body definitely fit into the 5% body fat category. I think I could have seen him on a Men’s Health magazine or something – he had a familiar look about him. Every random Latin-named muscle was on display and some new ones too I think. “This him?” he asked Simon. “Yeah, this mmmmm here is…. Mark..no Mike! This is Iain” Iain smiled and extended his hand to me. “Not named after the Reverend I assure you.” I laughed and still felt very odd to be shaking everyone’s hand at a sex party. He then turned to look back at the desk. His back was just pure sculpture. I looked over to see Simon/Lawyer John smirking at me, catching me ogling the beefcake mere metres away from me. I giggled and nudged him. Yeah ok maybe the MDMA was having an effect. I’d missed Iain’s request “What now?” Iain repeated himself “Is it ok if I sample a line or two” “Be my guest,” I sorta slurred out. Iain bent over the desk to crush out a line’s worth. I was looking at Simon. He had mischief in his eyes. “Iain” Simon called, “I need to prove something to Mike here” and reached over to his towel-covered ass. Tugging on the towel as Iain crushed his line, Simon succeeded on pulling the towel off, revealing Iain’s pale magnificent ass. Iain barely reacted, engrossed in his task. The twin globes were just that right blend of smooth and bubble-butt, spreading down into two tree trunks of thighs. A real rugby player physique! Oh shit, now I knew where I’d seen Iain before. He’s Iain the rugby player! The gay rugby player Iain Hawkins! He was the prop-forward for the Northern Irish team who’d recently come out and had all his family support him in the papers, and his… boyfriend! I watched him earlier today get trounced by the fuckin Kiwis! My tabloid journalist was itching at the size of the scoop I had in front of me. Belfast A-Gay number 2, Iain Hawkins prop-forward for Northern Ireland, showing me his incredibly fuckable ass, while doing Class A drugs. Another part of me took over as I refocused on that ass. “Mike” Simon called back to me, “I’m gonna do something I’m pretty sure no undercover cop would do” and with that licked a finger and started to pull Iain’s ass-cheeks apart. Then exposing Iain’s pink rosy hole, he guided the lubed finger into Iain’s hole. Working it in quite quickly I figured Iain had already been fucked this night. Simon replaced his finger with his tongue as he got up properly to rim his friend. I heard Iain groan in appreciation and follow it with one quick snort. I was rubbing my cock through my grey tracksuit bottoms. Simon winked at me and looked to my growing bulge. “Looks like your username wasn’t lying” I smirked and coyly asked “do you want to check for yourself?” as I stood up, raising my crotch to his head height. He used his free hand to snag my tracksuit bottoms down exposing my navy blue jockstrap and jutting nine-incher. Simon mouthed a “wow”, as most guys do. It’s not just nine or nine and a half inches, it’s also quite a thick girthy cock which often a lot of bottoms can’t work with – they think they can, but their eyes are too big for their asshole. Simon got to work, pushing the jockstrap pouch to the side and freeing my monster. As he started lapping on the underedge of my cock, I reached over and started rubbing Iain’s ass cheeks. Iain took another snort and wriggled his ass in appreciation, or at least that what I took his ass-wriggle for. Unopposed I moved both my hands to cup Iain’s ass, kneading and massaging, rearranging our trio so that I could bend over to rim Iain while still giving Simon clear access to my cock. Iain’s hole tasted beautiful. You could tell that the cunt has been used, I could even detect some cum that hadn’t been fully washed away. Damn right I’ll admit I look for a good sloppy-seconds ass when I’m whoring myself round. I steer the fuck away from virgins and twinks. Fucking a cum-dump’s ass where it’s cold and virginal on the outside, but hot and juicy at the core… mmm my version of heaven. After a few minute of rimming and sucking – Simon sure loved sucking my cock and I was feeling a little more adventurous. I was alternating my tongue and my two left fingers, playing Iain’s ass like a fiddle. Iain pushed his juicy orbs again back at us, Simon pulled off of me to come beside me and watch as Iain started twitching his ass. I kept a grip on his ass shoving my left thumb inside him. Simon grabbed and turned my cheek and we stared intensely into eachother’s eyes. Simon took a step closer and asked, “would a policeman do this?” and grabbed the back of my head pulling me in to a full-on kiss. Our tongues were running against eachother, his spit, my spit. As I kissed him passionately back I felt his robe fall open and felt my cock bounce and joust with his thick 7 incher. Every bit of his body was tan, including his cock. I ran my right hand up and down his defined body, running over each muscular ridge – I kept asking myself, was this really happening? I looked down to pinch myself and could see a pearl of precum had started to drip off of his hooded shaft. I started to bend my knees to lick up every drop from his precum-dripping cock – I love a dripper! However Simon held me back and wiped his steady precum flow onto my own spit slicked member. After milking himself this way for a bit, he grunted up at Iain, “look back for a second Iain” Iain, minor sports celebrity, minor gay celebrity for the UK had recently done a fashion-spread for GQ magazine with his boyfriend. Yet right then he was currently sporting just a white powder moustache and a smile. He looked back over his shoulder at my proud nine-incher slick with Simon’s juices, as Simon tapped my cock against his twitching hole. “Oh yeah Mikey, shove that gorgeous stick into me” All thoughts of his boyfriend evaporated, all my thoughts of safety evaporated, I needed those ass-pussy lips on my poor naked cock and I needed it now! Ok yeah, the MDMA was definitely working at this point. I didn’t wait for a second request and shoved my tool deep in that slut’s hole. And what a fucking hole, it was a prime hole – medium rare/pink on the outside, juicy yet well done on the inside. I was a bit worried Simon’s precum wasn’t enough lube, but Iain already had a least two loads in him giving my cock the lovely cream covering as I churned that gut-butter up. I gave that rugby player a fucking penalty, conversion and a try. In fact I lost myself so much in pounding that perfect white arse's hole I didn’t notice Simon was gone. He had gone around to salvage the MDMA. It seemed I ploughed Iain a bit too heavily and now the prop forward had it all over him looking like some Japanese Geisha or some shit. “Oh shit dude, you’re gonna get so fucking high” I laughed, but I didn’t stop pounding him.
    1 point
  23. names James. I'm 31, 6' 1", dark hair, hairy, and have a fit body. I've been poz for about five years now. From time to time I would go visit my parents, and every time I was visiting them, it happened Derek, my younger brother's cute friend also was also visiting. Each time I also found we were eyeing each other. The time I first met him he was only 15, but now he is 18, about 5' 8", dirty blonde hair with a nice bubble ass. On a few occasions, when my brother and Derek were swimming, I went into Derek's bag and sniffed his undies. There's nothing like smelling a young man's underwear: always scented with precum, and sometimes I jerked and blew my cum in them - just for good measure. One night my parents were out of town and asked that I keep an eye on the house while my brother and Derek were swimming. At some point my brother went inside, leaving Derek and me alone. Derek climbed out of the pool and, as the water dripping from his treasure trail, asked "Hey James, can I get a smoke?" I immediately popped hard on. "Sure, Derek, but can you…" "Can I what?" "Ummm, it's nothing." "Just tell me," he replied. "Well, I just wanted you to turn around. You have a nice ass." "I'll even lower my shorts a bit, just for you." And let me tell you. From that point on I was determined to fuck his ass! I didn't care. I had to poz him. So the very next day I gave my friend Mark a call, and asked for his assistance in getting into Derek's ass. Mark readily agreed, and so the next day Mark and his sister to stop over. Now, Mark is about 30, and his sister is 19. I picked-up some booze and the five of us started to drink, and I made sure Derek got more shots than any of the rest of us. As Mark and I expected, Mark's sister got bored and wanted to go out clubbing, and I graciously gave them cab fair. As they were started to get ready to leave my brother quietly said Derek was going to stay home as he had had a bit to much to drink. Yes, all was going to plan. My brother and Derek's sister left, leaving me and Mark alone with Derek. "Sorry if I ruined your night, guys," Derek slurred slightly. "No problem at all," I replied, adding "Mark and I are gonna take a swim. Why don't you join us in the back?" "Sure, just give me another smoke," answered Derek. Oh, I'll give you something, I said to myself as I handed him a cigarette. With that the three of us wandered out to the pool, and Mark asked "Hey James, do you have any spare suits?" "Nah," I replied, suggesting "since it's just us, we can just wear our underwear." Mark and I immediately stripped-down, and James followed our example, albeit somewhat clumsily. He had definitely had enough to drink, still, he was the first to jump in, and I was next, although, since he was slightly drunk, he didn't move-out of the way, with the result I surfaced underneath him, and we ended-up wrestling our way back to the wide staircase. Derek tried to jump on my back to knock me back into the water, and as I staggered under his weight, I couldn't help but inwardly smile as I felt his hard cock pressing against my back. "Yo, Derek, what's that you got there, buddy?" I asked. "Sorry, dude, sorry, but you're hot, man," he replied. Joining in, Mark suggested "Hey Derek, if you think James is so how, why don't you show him how much you like his body?" With only the consideration of a second, Derek looked me up and down, grabbed my cock, and placed my hands on his ass as he began giving me an impassioned, if somewhat drunken, kiss. Knowing Derek was where we wanted him, Mark came over and the two of us helped Derek out of the pool, and into the bedroom, where Mark and I got ready to breed him. Somewhat to my surprise Derek said "Fuck, you're so hot! I can't believe this. I've never been with a guy." I murmured in reply, "Well, to be honest, I've wanted to play with you since I first saw you, so you're in luck: you'll get to play with not only me, but my buddy Mark." "I want your cocks inside me," Derek replied, but Mark suggested, "Well, maybe you should start by sucking us off for a while, and then we'll see who gets to tag your ass." And damn, for a first timer he gave a surprisingly good blow job, and while Derek worked on me, Mark began rimming him, getting him ready for my poz cock. Derek, fully aroused by the attention to his ass, was thoroughly excited, and I was happy when he abruptly stood-up, turned-around, and commanded "Fuck me, now." I graciously prepared to comply, and lubed his ass and myself with some Elbow Grease I had strategically placed in the night table drawer, but just as my head was knocking at his hole, Derek asked "Wait, do you have condoms?" Again I was prepared "Sure do," as I pulled one out of the same night table drawer. Derek slid the condom onto my cock, turned around, and presented his ass. Ever helpful Mark distracted him with some poppers, and I began to breach Derek's ass. "Good boy," I coo'd, "why not go down on Mark?" As he did so, I slowly worked my way into Derek's ass, although I admit I ran out of patience towards the end, and just rammed myself home. Naturally Derek yelped in surprise and pain, but I didn't pause: I fucked him vigorously, determined to leave my load in his hole. Fortunately Derek was a natural bottom, and within a minute or two had opened-up to the point he could exclaim "Oh, fuck, that feels amazing! Fuck me, James!" I urged him on, answering "You got it, buddy, take it. Take my cock!" "Fuck, I want you to fuck me every time you visit," he replied. I snickered thinking he was asking for more than he realized, but didn't let on, replying "Get on your back, Derek. I wanna see your eyes as I fuck you!" Now on his back, he replied "Oh, man, it hurts so good." And knowing I needed to shed the condom before I blew my load, I suggested "Hey Mark, why don't you crouch over Derek's face and let him rim your hole?" Mark and Derek thought this was a good idea, and as they positioned themselves, I kept pounding away, but each time I withdrew I surreptitiously slid the condom a bit off my cock, so by the time Derek's tongue slid into Mark's hole, I was barebacking Derek. Yup. My entire eight inch poz cock was now barebacking Derek, and I was very close to seeding him, so I asked "Fuck, Derek, where do you want me to cum?" "Blow your load in my ass, man, in my ass," Derek replied, only to resume rimming Mark. "Fuck, yeah, man, here it is!" I replied, as I pounded ever harder. My load was now about to blow, so I let both Derek and Mark know as much when I pushed my way in, balls-deep, and announced "Here, take it! Take my cum!" As I blew my load inside Derek's ass, he came at virtually the same moment. Not to be out done, Mark gave himself a couple of jerks and blew his load all over Derek's chest, and even Derek's face. So Derek was the model of a slut: cum covering his face as my cum, my poz cum, soaked into his ass. When we had caught our breath I gasped "Hey, buddy, you better get to bed before my brother gets home," but tired by the booze and the fuck, Derek passed-out, so Mark and I carried him into the spare bed and made him comfortable for the night.
    1 point
  24. The Freshman 10 – My watch said 10:45 p.m. and that was about all I could see except for the granite counter top on the island in Mr. Durant’s kitchen as he slid his long, raw, black dick, up my ass. Just six hours ago I was running late for my last class, on the last day of my first week at the University of Maryland (UMD), in College Park, Maryland. While the school was not quite as far away from my family down on the Eastern Shore as I might have wanted, the Robert H. Smith School of Business at UMD was one of the best, so I promised mom and dad I would ‘come home often’ – yeah right – and they agreed to pay for school. Breathlessly I opened the door to the class, heard the professor’s booming voice, and slunk into an empty seat in the back row where I was greeted with a warm smile and the most amazing eyes by the guy sitting beside me. I could barely focus on what the professor was saying as I kept glancing at my classmate, his light brown skin, his strong jaw line, the way he sat a little forward in his seat paying attention while lightly tapping his pencil on his notebook. Flashes of our naked bodies pressed together crowded my mind, my dick strained against my jeans, and I missed most of what the professor said. Class ended, and as I was gathering up my things to leave my new classmate held out his hand, smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Kevin, Kevin Durant.” I blinked real fast, realized I was taking too long to reply, grabbed his hand and shook it too vigorously as I said all flustered, “Hi, nice to meet you,” and then I dropped my cell phone. “Fuck,” I said as I shook my head, slammed my books down and almost bumped into Kevin’s head as we both went to bend down to grab the phone. Kevin laughed, he got there first, handed my phone back to me and said, “I think it’s OK. Hey, if you’re done for the day I’m happy to share my notes with you on what you missed. I live close by so we can go by my place or just hang out on campus, whatever you prefer.” I almost dropped my phone again but managed to say, “Your place would be GREAT – um, that’s cool, yeah.” Oh God. I sounded like a complete idiot. Kevin said we would take his car, which was good as I was not sure I could find mine without poring over my map and looking stupid, and as we walked we made small talk, realized we were both in the same business program and had almost all of our classes together. Unlike my hand-me-down Volvo, Kevin had a tricked out and brand new Cadillac ELR sports coupe with a red paint job that made it simmer. We hopped in, Kevin banged on the steering wheel a couple of times and smiled with pride, “Just love that new car smell. Had to work fucking hard for this. My dad bought it for me, but he’s a fucking task master like you wouldn’t believe.” As the car revved up and we took off, I eased back in the high-grain leather seats and did not know I would soon come to find that out for myself. A short drive later we pulled up to a nice size house that had a few other cars in the driveway and only then did I think Kevin may still live with his parents. I had just assumed he was in a student house like me. Kevin led me around back, through a side door, and into a large apartment in the lower level. “Go on, make yourself comfortable, I got to piss,” Kevin said. I set my stuff down and wandered around his living room looking at pictures on the wall, then to his bookshelves and noted he liked to read sci-fi, which I did too. I then started thumbing through his DVD collection and about shit myself when I came across an entire shelf of porn – not just any porn – gay porn! My hands shook as I pulled one out. Damn! My parents would have skinned me alive if I had anything like that at my house – Jesus! Kevin came back out and saw what I was looking at before I could put it back on the shelf. He smiled, “Oh man, that is like my favorite one! You seen it before? Wait, what about this one? Seen that one?” I could only shake my head and hope Kevin did not notice the bulge in my pants. We sat down at the table, Kevin grabbed a couple sodas, and we started to review the info I had missed. Shit, this class was going to be intense, but Kevin said we could study together and that made me feel better. Once we finished, Kevin stood up, “Come on upstairs. I’ll introduce you to my old man. He works from home, has a technology consulting firm, pretty cool shit.” Kevin bounded up the stairs and I raced to keep up. The house was pretty impressive, but nothing like his dad. Kevin’s father was standing by a window looking out at his back lawn while speaking to someone on his blue tooth phone headset. His dress shirt was cut tight and I could see thick, hard nipples on his firm chest. The dress pants he wore showed the muscular curves of his ass and when he turned, I paused as I took in the long curve of his dick running down his right leg. He was a much bigger version of Kevin, taller, thicker, his skin several shades darker. His hair was cut tight, his face clean, and the gold rings and watch attested to his success. Kevin quietly started to point to various awards and things on the wall as he father finished his call and when he was done, he pulled the blue tooth out of his ear, walked over, gave Kevin a big hug then about broke my hand as he grabbed it, shook it hard and said, “You’re a friend of Kevin’s? Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. Come on in, take seat, so what are you boys up to?” I followed Kevin’s lead, sat down, and listened as Kevin reported to his dad all he had been up in the past 24-hours. His dad asked me a few questions about where I was from, my family, and then made his apologies as he had to take another call. On the way back to Kevin’s apartment downstairs we stopped and he pointed to several pictures on the wall. “That’s my mom,” he said in a voice laced with sadness. “She passed away a few years ago, so it’s just my dad and I now.” One last stop at a restaurant size fridge and Kevin asked, “Want some beer?” I was not 21 yet but said, “Yeah, OK, sure.” We got back downstairs, Kevin opened the bottles, we sat down on the couch, he then got up, pulled out the DVDs, found the porn I had looked at earlier and before I could say a word popped it in and started it up. He smiled, “You’ll love this! Oh wait, I never asked, sorry man, do you like guys even or girls or what?” Kevin was so open, calm, and relaxed about his sexuality and the fact that he did not act like the stereotype of a gay person that I had been raised with made it all the more disarming. I flushed a bit, looked away, then said, “I like guys I guess – I mean I like girls – but I like guys in that way – like that – but I’ve not had a lot of...” Kevin set his hand on my leg, squeezed it reassuringly, and said, “Really man? I guess I forget how lucky I have been. My mom and dad were supportive from the moment they knew when I was about 13. They knew before I did really, but they waited for me to catch up and when I did, they were there with love and support. Your parents don’t know?” I laughed nervously, “Fuck no! My mother would think I’ve been possessed by some evil creature and my father would then try to beat it out of me. No.” Kevin squeezed my thigh again, then surprised me as he leaned over, kissed my cheek, smiled and said, “Well then its good we met up right? No pressure here dude, but I have to admit I think you’re cute as fuck and going over the class notes was not the only reason I wanted to hang out.” Kevin then set his beer bottle on the coffee table, took mine out of my hand and set it on the table as well, leaned in and this time when he kissed me it was on the lips and I kissed him back. I leaned back on the couch as Kevin half laid on me, half on the couch, our hands exploring, our lips caressing. I paused and pushed at him a little, “What about your dad?” I asked. “He’s right upstairs!” Kevin chuckled, “Don’t worry. He’s cool. He won’t bother us. Anyways, he’s busy working.” A few more minutes of making out and I couldn’t take it anymore and finally reached down and grabbed Kevin’s hard bulge. He had been pressing it against my body and I ached to feel him and wanted to let him know. Kevin moaned, broke our kiss, stood up, pulled his shirt off, then did a slow-strip tease as he undid his pants, turned around, slowly pulled his shorts down, stepped out of clothes, then turned back so I could see him naked. Wow – fucking wow! That’s all I could think. His dick was rock hard, about 7 ½ inches long with a slight up curve on it. I sat up, leaned forward, and let him slide his hot dick in my mouth. I slowly worked my tongue around the head, up and down the shaft, then started to move my head back and forth trying to suck it like I had been taught by the one guy I had fucked around with back home. Kevin seemed to enjoy it and soon he held onto my shoulders, encouraging me to keep sucking, and I was lost in the feel of him in my mouth when suddenly he tensed and a river of cum started to flow from his dick. I gagged, tried to pull away, but Kevin held my head and said, “No, swallow, please, that feels so fucking good, please swallow it.” So I did, all the while realizing how much I loved the taste, and at the same time felt scared as I knew it was not a safe thing to do. Once Kevin was done, he leaned down, kissed me on the lips and ran his tongue into my mouth – “MMMM....luv the taste of a fresh load. Ever eat your own cum when you jerk off? I do all the time. I’m always so fucking horny and can cum several times a day, and eating it is just the best.” Kevin then plopped down on the couch and said, “OK, your turn,” with an evil glint in his eyes. I stood up, dropped my pants and clenched my jaw as Kevin swallowed my dick whole and began to work his tongue around. I shuddered, my thighs tensed, and I immediately blew my load his mouth and quickly started to apologize as Kevin sucked me dry, “I’m so sorry. That just felt so good, I couldn’t hold it at all, I’m...” Kevin looked up, ran his hand up my stomach, smiled and as he licked his lips said, “Chill man, it’s all good. I’ve got plenty more where mine came from and bet you do too?” I was not quite sure how to reply to that, but took the beer, sat back down, Kevin pulled my sneakers and pants off, and we leaned back on the couch watching the porn like nothing had happened – except our hard dicks twitching testified that we had been bad boys and probably would be some more. We barely finished another beer before we Kevin and I were a tangle of limbs on his bed, kissing, licking, fingering, squeezing, wrestling a bit to see who would be on top. Sex for me had always been a furtive, uptight, secretive thing and it was so fucking liberating to be with someone so free about it all and making it a joyous celebration! My balls felt like they were 3,000 feet underwater with how tight they were and the pressure to cum again was fucking intense as I tried to hold off. Kevin surprised me by jumping off his bed, getting flat on the floor, digging around a bit, then coming back up with a bottle of lotion held in his hand like the Olympic Torch. He squeezed some out onto two fingers, reached around, shoved his fingers in his own ass, sighed a little as he closed his eyes, pulled his fingers out, smiled at me and said, “You ready to fuck?” DAMN! While my mind tried to process that, my dick tried to pull away from my body to get to his hole. I was usually more of a bottom, but the thought of fucking Kevin right then was the only thing I wanted in the entire fucking world! I got off the bed, he got on his hands and knees, laid his chest forward, reached between his legs and started fingering his asshole. DAMN! I looked around for the condoms, and was starting to get onto the floor to look under the bed when Kevin turned, “Come on man, what’re you doing? My ass is PRIMED!” When I told him he replied, “Oh – forget that. I don’t have any. I’m on PREP.” I told Kevin, “I’m not sure what you mean,” and he smiled again, turned around and said, “It’s cool man. I take this pill everyday or whatever and I don’t have to worry about anything. I’m NEG and fuck raw all the time, shit totally works! I’ll set you up with my doctor, he’s cool as shit. You ready?” I eased into Kevin’s waiting ass and it felt better than I could have dreamed. His ass clamped down around my dick and literally stroked it. How’d he do that? I grabbed his hips and let Kevin push back and do the work as he was clearly more experienced than I was and once again I started to cum before I knew. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming in your ass!” I said in disbelief. Kevin banged back harder and when I tried to pull out he reached back, grabbed me and said, “No, I want every drop.” After the last drop was out Kevin pulled off my dick, jumped up with a big grin on his face and said, “OK, now your turn.” What? I couldn’t get fucked, I had just cum, but Kevin was already lubing up his dick and those eyes and that smile broke all resistance, so I assumed the position and about jumped out of my skin as Kevin pushed right in my ass and started pounding. “Please, wait, let me get used to it!” I pleaded. Kevin chuckled, “Naw, best way to take dick is to just TAKE IT!” I shifted my body and pushed back, pulled away as far as I could, shifted some more, and after a while, the pain and discomfort went away and all I felt was liquid gold. I don’t know how else to put it. It was just – well just fucking perfect and felt way fucking better than being fucked with a condom! Kevin was a man on mission and pounded me like a long distance runner – slow and steady with a sprint to the finish and then a SPLASH as he blew his cum inside my ass. OMG! That felt fucking amazing! I started to ease off when Kevin grabbed my hips and said, “Oh no man, I got another load for you, won’t take me long, not long at all – oh shit, oh fuck, here it is man – TAKE MY CUM!” My ass ate his cum up like it was manna from heaven, and after Kevin’s load was depleted, he slid out of my ass and once again our bodies became a tangle of limbs, tongues, hard dicks and now creamy holes. We made out for a while longer, then laying in each others’ arms we drifted off to sleep for a quick nap before waking up and starting all over again. I felt so comfortable with Kevin and was not all self conscious, or shy, or inhibited by what we were doing – surprised for sure – but it felt natural, right, and I knew I could get used to studying with him. I was on my hands and knees and Kevin was just about ready to fuck me again when his cell phone rang and by the ring tone he knew who it was, “Hang on,” he said, “That’s my dad.” As Kevin spoke with his dad I could tell something was up, and after he ended the call with a resigned, “Yes Sir,” I knew our fucking was done. “Dad said that the office called him, asked if I could come in. I’ve got this amazing internship with Lockheed Martin, thanks to my dad, and there’s some problem with the a new system we are working on and I have to go in for a while.” I got up and started to grab my clothes and shit when Kevin came, pulled me tight, gave me wet sloppy kiss and said, “Will you wait for me to get back? I’d really like you to stay.” I sort of didn’t have a choice as he was my ride and was actually glad he asked as I wanted to stay too, so I said, “Sure. I’ll just watch a movie or something if that’s ok?” Kevin laughed on his way in to the bathroom and called out, “Don’t watch the good ones without me!” I turned on the TV, started flipping through channels as I opened another beer and heard Kevin’s cell ring again. He came out of the bedroom, grabbed his keys and said, “My dad said there’s plenty of food upstairs in the fridge if you get hungry, so feel free to help yourself, have some more beer, whatever, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Two beers later and I was feeling buzzed and decided maybe I should grab something to eat. Kevin had been gone about an hour or so already, but he had not called yet, so I figured I might as well eat something. I nervously made my way upstairs to the main part of the house. The house was silent and dark, so I figured Mr. Durant had gone to bed early or out, so I quietly made my way to kitchen, opened the fridge door and was debating if I really wanted some food or another beer when I about jumped out of my skin as a voice behind me said, “Find what you need?” I turned around and about dropped the bowl of pasta I had grabbed as there was Mr. Durant, naked, with the biggest dick I had ever seen. “Umm…yeah...thanks.. I was just…Kevin….so I ….” Shit, I could barely breathe let alone speak as my eyes kept darting to his long, dark shaft, the foreskin hanging in a loose tip at the end and even soft, Mr. Durant was as big as Kevin – or me for that matter. Mr. Durant’s eyes narrowed, he stepped closer to me and I tried to back away but banged into the fridge door, he smiled, “So, you and Kevin getting along all right? If I know my son he probably gave you a couple loads didn’t he?” Fuck, I didn’t know what to say, I could never imagine talking to my dad about sex. My hands were shaking now as Mr. Durant calmly took the bowl of pasta, reached past me, set it back on the shelf in the fridge, his body pressing me against the open fridge door, which was not helping my nervousness at all. I started to slide to my left to get out of the way, but Mr. Durant’s arm snapped up, holding both the door and me in place as he casually reviewed the contents of the fridge. I could hear a clock ticking and realized I was holding my breath, too horny, scared, and confused to do anything else. Mr. Durant bent forward, shuffled a few things around on the shelves, stood back up, turned, and set a covered butter dish on the granite countertop of the big kitchen island. I was like a possum playing dead and did not move and stayed standing where I was against the open fridge door. Mr. Durant leaned past me again, this time pushing more of his weight against me as he grabbed the pasta bowl, a packet of what looked like meat from a butcher, and a wedge of cheese. He set these on the island, turned to me, smiled, and said, “Thank you, you may close the door now – on second thought, grab yourself a beer and open one for me too.” I could see where Kevin got his smile from now, straight from his father, as well as his lack of inhibitions, or self assuredness, or whatever the fuck it was. Mr. Durant flicked on a light over the island and another over the stove and then was opening the packet of meat, which I could see was some kind of sausage – the fancy kind you buy from butcher, and I set the opened beer bottle down just off to the side and took a long drink of mine. Mr. Durant then spoke, directing my attention to his culinary work, “Do you like sausage? See how this sausage meat is nice and dark, how it’s thicker here at the base, but only slightly as it tapers a little to the slight bend in the middle then gets thicker again at the end?” As he spoke my eyes instantly went to his dick, then back to him as I wondered which sausage he was speaking about? My eyes started to travel back to his dick, but afraid he would notice I forced myself with all my might to look back at his face as he dug three fingers into the cold stick of butter from the butter dish and began to rub them up and down the length of the sausage, stroking it as it lay on the counter. “It’s important to caress it in long strokes,” he said, “You need to work the flavor out, and to do that you have to have a little lubrication. Do you want to try?” I just shook my head, gulped some more beer and shockingly realized I had just downed a whole beer in nothing flat. I set the empty bottle on the counter and quickly grabbed another from the fridge as Mr. Durant continued preparing the food. Mr. Durant was speaking again, and this time when I looked up from staring at Kevin’s daddy’s dick, his eyes locked with mine, he smiled – fuck he knew! He stepped away from the stove, over to me, took the bottle out of my hand and set it out of reach on the island and was so close now his dick was just pressing against my navel area. I had to look up to see his face and his eyes now peering down at me. “It will take a while for the sausage to cook right, I got it at a low simmer, and when the flavor is ready to burst I’ll turn the heat full up until the juices pop.” I just nodded. Mr. Durant continued, “So, while that’s cooking, I think I could use a some bomb head and ass right about now and from the way you’ve been eyeing my sausage, I could think you could use something too.” I was still processing what he had just said - hsocked by his frankness - as his dick pushed against my body, stiffening, getting hard. I tried to take a step back, but Mr. Durant’s hands grabbed my shoulders and with a firm grip he began to push me down to make me kneel in front of him. “I can’t…I…Kevin should be back…and I…we…I don’t want…” Mr. Durant laughed as my knees hit the floor and his dick slid back and forth like pendulum on Big Ben across my face. “Shhh,” he ordered, “Kevin will not be back until the morning. The problem at Lockheed is bigger than he expects and I have made sure they will keep him busy until I tell them otherwise.” I looked up in confusion as Mr. Durant shifted his hips and his dick swung back and forth across my face again, this time striking me hard as it had stiffened and engorged and lengthened to a stunning degree. “The head can wait, you can nurse on it after,” Mr. Durant said. “Get back up and take your pants off.” I obeyed without question or pause – why was that? It just seemed right, natural, normal. When I did and stepped out of them, Mr. Durant bent down, picked them up, sniffed at the ass area, inhaled again, then smiled and let them drop. I was not wearing underwear so I knew he was smelling the remnants of his son’s loads up my ass. He then turned me, had me step the side so I was on the long mat that ran in front of the island, then he pushed my body forward against the cool granite of the island counter top, stepped behind me, and reached over to the right and pulled the opened butter dish towards him. I watched, knowing in my mind what he planned now as Mr. Durant used three fingers to scoop out a large glob of butter. A sharp intake of breath announced Mr. Durant’s fingers at my hole as he forced the cold glob of butter inside my ass. As he worked his middle finger into my ass he asked, “You’ve never taken a real big dick have you? I can tell. You’re so fucking tight, but don’t worry, I’ll take care of that, now stand still, let me warm this up for you.” Mr. Durant continued to finger my ass, shoving the butter further into me and churning it at the same time. Some of it began to run down my leg as it melted, but there was nothing I could do about that as my ass continued to get prepared. An arrow of fear pierced me as Mr. Durant leaned over, grabbed some more butter, and instead of sticking it in my ass he started to rub it along the his shaft, making his black skin shiny and the veins bulge as he slowly stroked his hand back and forth. I was truly scared now, there was no way I could take that dick! Mr. Durant grabbed the hand towel that was beside the butter dish, wiped his hand off, pushed me back down with his left hand then pressed it hard into my lower back to make me squat a little. Then holding the towel in his right hand, he adjusted the base of his dick and guided the head towards my waiting ass. A little more shifting of bodies and I could feel the thick head begin to push into my buttered up hole. I gasped, the muscles in my ass ring screamed in agony as Mr. Durant now tossed the towel onto the island and said, “I’ll go slow, I promise.” It sure didn’t feel that way as his dick pushed a little further and the scream now shifted from my ass to my throat – and caught – all that came out was a meek gurgle. “OH HELL YES – THAT PUSSY IS POPPED NOW,” Mr. Durant exclaimed as his dick head broke free of my ass ring and slid forward on its buttery trail. “I BET YOU NEVER IMAGINED THIS WAS THE FRESHMAN 10 YOU HAD TO WORRY ABOUT – POPPING YOU OPEN WITH MY 10 INCHES OF BLACK DICK, I WANT TO FEEL THAT AGAIN, FEEL THAT HOLE GO POP AROUND MY DICK – OH HELL YES!“ My head was resting on the back of my hand and I lifted it slightly as my ragged breath sounded like I was running a marathon. My watch said 10:45 p.m. and that was about all I could see except for the granite counter top on the island in Mr. Durant’s kitchen as he slid his long, raw, black dick, up my ass.
    1 point
  25. Last year I got divorced, and since then I’ve done a lot of thinking and personal reflection. I’ve accepted that I am gay and in June I was with a man for the first time. I’ve now been with 7 others and they’ve all used condoms. I’ve fantasized about barebacking and getting pozzed for years, but I’m not yet ready to go that far. I have an appointment with my PCP for next week and I’m going to try to get on prep. I think that is the next step for me. I’m anxious to finally let a man inside me raw and take his sperm. I’m not sure I’ll ever seek out the bug, but it is still a huge fantasy for me.
    1 point
  26. sounds like a great place to be for this BB Bottom
    1 point
  27. I would suggest that you and someone you know shower together. Soap his ass yourself so you know it's clean. Try licking his butt with the water still beating down on the two of you. Progress from there... Rimming is an incredibly intimate act and I can't fuck without it.
    1 point
  28. I want to see a photo of you. I think you would be a fun guy to collar and breed balls deep
    1 point
  29. Always glad to take any cock in my chub hole.
    1 point
  30. Went to the bathhouse last night with my boyfriend. It was his first time there. We agreed to play separately and not cockblock each other. It was a wild night and we ended-up staying for six hours during which I was topped four times, taking two loads, and additionally I blew three guys, swallowing one load, and topped three guys, including my boyfriend. He was topped nine times, taking five load, having topped twice. We both had a great time and are going to go back next month. When we got home we talked about how many loads we had in our ass while we flip-fucked. I made it a point to tell him I was fucking those five loads as deep into his guts as I could, and after some time I bred him with a huge load. After I had cum he had me lay down and smoothly slid into my ass, fucking me for a short time after which he painted my guts with his baby batter. We grabbed a bite to eat then he squatted over a chair to see how much cum came out of his ass. The cum oozing out of his hole constituted a good sized puddle. I followed suit, but the boyfriend won, as he obviously had received more cum injections that night than had I. We crashed and, upon wakening in the morning, we both noticed cum was continuing to dribble out of our ass. I take perverse pleasure in thinking about all that cum trying to fertilize our asses while we slept.
    1 point
  31. London UK here, only 240lbs but wanna be bigger and love having my arse fuckerd raw.
    1 point
  32. My ex hated me getting hard when he was fucking me or other tops were fucking me as he felt I was not concentrating on the tops' needs and focusing on my own. He would often masturbate me himself before he or other tops fucked me and used my own cum as lube for the first cock. As time went on I was just so into being topped I totally lost any erection the instant a cock entered me. Even today I I am no longer interested in blowing or tops making me cum, I prefer just to take cock and loads and worry about myself afterwards in private.
    1 point
  33. Last night my 57 yo huz got this 30 something local Japanese, dark-skinned poz cutie to drive half way across Honolulu at 11:00 at night to come meet us at our vacation rental house. We stripped him right off. One of us fed him dick while the other tongued hss ass. We traded. Before I knew it, my huz had him legs over his shoulders, pumping his raw dick in this boy’s hole. The way my huz was rutting and moaning, I thought he’s having a good time. And like that he came. Husband withdrawn, the boy rolled back holding his legs up and ass out asked, “You want me like this?” Did I! I assumed the position, smeared my precum and husbands cum around the hole and pushed in. And in. And he seemd set to get a rhythm started. I said “No I want to be ALL the way in,” and kept pushing. I hit this spot where he jerked like it hurt some and then he smiled. GOD I LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS I started in and out trying to hit deep every time. Churning the load in there . . . him wanting my tongue . . him wanting my dick .. .him wanting my load. “I am going to cum” I announced. “No really I am cumming now ”, I said as I kept thrusting while I could feel the spurting happening. Then I stopped, trying to hit deep as possible at that spot where he winced, feeling just the flex of each ejaculation spasm tail off . He liked that. He started in stroking himself while squeezing my cummy turgid dick with his ass. FUCK volleys of cum flying from him falling on his perfect tan skin. I licked some up and kissed him with it. FUCK FUCK FUCK that was fun.
    1 point
  34. I arrived in San Francisco in the early evening and went straight to my hotel to get settled and cleaned out. I had high hopes for this hotel which was set up like a motel with doors that lead to the outside in every unit perfect for various visitors. I logged into bbrt and some guy about 50 with a 8.5 inch cock that he called very thick hit me up to hang out so I invited him over and waited in my Calvin Klein tighty whites. Before he showed up he texted me asking is I was sure I could handle his cock which I laughed at ofcorse I could. He got there and I answered the door and we began. I dropped to me knees as he pulled out his cock which was nice but not even close to scary big. He fucked my face against the bed but after a while I new what I needed so I got up on the bed doggy and spread my legs and arched my back presenting my hole for his use. He stepped up and lined up his cock and stuck it in. There was little resistance at first then it slid in to the base with a thud which felt great. He then fucked me in various positions and unloaded a huge multi day where it belongs. He got up quick and left texting me saying he wanted to come tomorrow and that I had the nicest ass ever. I needed more. I had been fantasizing about this hotel for weeks. I went back on bbrt and this hot guy what was around 40 hit me up to hang out and party. I agreed and gave him my room number. He then told me he was going to bring a friend which I was excited to here. When they first got here it was a little awkward for a couple of minutes and then they both left to grab drinks at the corner store to mix their favors. At first I thought they didn’t like me but before I new it they were back and soon enough we were tangled in a two top one bottom fuck fest. I’ve never felt so right in the world then getting spit roasted by these two raw studs who were really into me. They really loved my ass and how much if a whore I am. After about an hour of them switchinsg off fucking my mouth and ass we went to the store real quick. When we got back there was this hot bearded leather daddy waiting for us that one of them had arranged. We went in and started to play but one of the two that was fucking earlier didn’t feel good and wanted to leave so they split. Me and the bearded daddy fucked for a while. He ate my loaded ass and fucked me good but was having trouble staying hard and eventually left. Then I was all alone desperate for some guys to come put me in my place. I figured I was done for the night because it was around 2am but a had a few guys hitting me up and I still needed it bad... I invited one over with a hairy thick cock and gave him the room number, he told me to wait with my ass up but then he stopped responding and this younger dude with a nice cock hit me up. So I invited him over. About 5 minutes later he showed up. Much younger than the older guys I’ve been fucking since I was in middle school but it’s all good he had what I needed and I was going to get it. He ate my ass and fucking me bent over the bed pounding my hole loudly and aggressively calling me a whore and a bitch. He hoped up on the bed and I started sucking his balls and cock when I herd a knock. It was the guy that I thought ghosted me before and I knew he was expecting me ass up so I cracked the door and assumed the position. He didn’t mind the other dude was there and started to finger my my sloppy hole and then eat it. He was in his 50s bearish big guy. He dropped his pants and shoved his big thick cock into my loose cum filled hole and began to fuck real hard at a steady pace. After a while of me getting spit roasted the bear started saying how good I can take dick and was saying I should do porn he had worked on a bunch of porns I guess and said my ass was made for porn. So I sad you can take some pics or videos of you like.. so the younger guy started to film me pov while I sucked his dick balls and the bear slammed my ass deep. The bear had mentioned while chatting online that he shoots giant loads. When he shot I herd him counting 1-2-3 for every rope he shot into me. He ended at 23 he pulled out and got up and it started spilling out. The younger guys came around and fucked me so hard and loud I was worried about the neighbors and then bred me deep while the bear told me to take it deep. They both got dressed and left. It wasn’t long before I had a few others hit me up... I chatted with one Brazilian guy with a. Beautiful uncut cock... after the last tag teaming I realized I was incredibly turned on watching my take dick. I mentioned possibly filming to the Brazilian and he was alright with it so I set up my old phone to have a good view of the bed and made sure I got on all fours in a good angle. He came over and I sucked his giant balls and cock until he lifted me to the bed and ate my ass asking how many already fucked me. He slid his fat cock in early and started to fuck me and then pulled out and was just looking at me positioned face down ass up and hole gaping and seem to be just soaking in the image so I suggested that he film it so he grabbed my phone and pointed it at me stroking his cock as I began to suck it and he filmed which turned me on a lot. Then I climbed up on him and rode it for a while before I crawled off home and got on all fours wagging my ass positioning myself facing the other camera that had been recording the whole time. He got behind me and stuck it in and took after a few more minutes he filled me with is hot load. In the end the video was over an hour long... time flys when your taking milking loads... So now I have two angles for a good amount of the fuck which got me sooo turned on I need to post it online soon. Then about an hour later I was heading to sleep when I got a text from the young 30 something guy that fucked me a few hours before. He wanted to fuck me with his friend who he claimed had the biggest cock... admittedly neither of them are my type but I really liked the idea getting my ass destroyed by a giant cock getting two more loads so they came back over and both fucked me again each giving me a deep load. While the new guy with the beautiful cock fucked me like a little bitch his friend filmed. In the end as I type I have 5 loads in my ass, was fucked by 7 guys, and made 4 movies. The experience has left me wanting to do porn very much and put them up for everyone to see my talents. In the end a perfect night. My hole was sloppy and loose and dripping load all over the place on the bed like runny nose.
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  35. Previously… Fireworks were going off in my brain as noise rushed up to a crescendo and stayed there in a fog of slaps and groans. All around me my senses turned to sex. Fingers scraped across my back. Men were groaning in pleasure all around me. Orson gagged by my right ear. Karl offered me his nuts to bathe again. Mashing his cock against my cheeks I sensed out and reached out to my right and made contact with what I think was Theo’s cock. I pulled it gently from Orson’s mouth and lapped at the side of it, feeling Orson’s lips meet mine across the shaft. Karl butted his cock in and it was a free for all. We fought over each cock like kids who wouldn’t be content playing each with one toy, we both had to have both of them. We playfully wrestled lips and locked jaws, sometimes totally forgetting the two cocks altogether, till they made their presence known again and then other times tried to deepthroat them or blow two at the same time. All the while Jay increasingly pistoned in and out of me. Sometimes I think that if I could rewind time, I’d go back to that point every night for the sheer pleasure and stimulus overload. Whatever had been fucked into me was pure magical bliss and I was only getting started on it. Right so… Jay pulled out of me and with a few grunted words, Karl pulled out as well. I could feel them clamber over me and I was quickly plugged up at both sides again. Karl’s massive tool dove in deep, and I just kept thinking “thank fuck Jay went first”. Karl was not an elegant lover. Well, who is at 19? Thankfully I was riding high on all the uppers in my system, behind my half-cocked (pun-intended) blindfold, my pupils were just black plates and I just kept feeling the rush come up the top of my head and run down my skin in a wave of sensations. My nose and mouth both were full of chemical smells and tastes after all the G and Coke that had passed through them, but I was feeling in control, in charge – of my fate, my orgasms, everything. Bringing this newly-realised sense of control to the fore, I managed to get Karl to stabilise his bucking rhythm and started to really focus on riding the monster inside me. I started to control my ass walls and swallow up that bucking teen. I could send my awareness back to my puffy swollen hole and feel the rhythmic pounding against my pleasure button prostate. Man I was getting into this. My whole fuck tunnel started to open up as his rhythm got smoother. I heard Theo mutter something to Orson and they moved away and Jay shoved further down my throat. Even though I was really focussed on being fucked, it was hot getting Jay’s ass-to-mouth cock. It was a power trip making me clean off his tool. The tastes of my ass juice and Lee’s cum were a drug all to themselves and I sucked and licked every bit of that funk off Jay’s massive organ. I mashed his dick up against my upper lip and wiped it across my nose, inhaling my heady smell. I engulfed Jay’s piece again and matched my fuck rhythm with my blow rhythm. “This is who I am now” my thoughts kept telling me – a primal fucktoy – filled with cum, used by whores. My sweaty body was being plowed from both sides by 24 inches of prime BBC. The white cream of the Oreo getting squeezed between two dom black cookies. Karl’s thrusts were getting more and more insistent now and I kept my concentration on matching his increasing speed. “Here he goes I thought…” and then he pulled out! What? My hole was throbbing and gaping. I pulled off of Jay and ripped the blindfold off. Had I said something? I wasn’t amazed at Karl’s technique but I wasn’t about to lose a 12 inch straight boy’s cock at an orgy! I realised I was fingering my hole, trying to feel full again. I turned my gurning face back to see Simon and Kurk standing behind me. Kurk was looking thoroughly pissed off, his blue watery eyes had an icy flash to them as he zeroed in on me. I turned and scrambled onto my back; what bullshit was Simon playing at now? My drug-fucked brain knew I should be wary and cautious with Kurk and probably Simon too, but I was way past subtlety and nuance at this point. I made eye contact with Simon and he laughed at me. “I caught young Kurk up with your history.” He lead Kurk by the hand and positioned him in front of my hole. Kurk’s cock bobbed still half hard. Simon grabbed my ankles and pulled me to the edge of the bed. I saw Theo, Orson and Gavin looking on ready to intervene but I shook my head at them. Whatever was going to happen here, had to happen. Kurk locked eyes with me again as I heard Simon in the distance. “I did some research Mike. You wrote more articles about the Robinson scandal than any other journalist. I showed Kurk. I told him, he should confront the guy who had lead the media feeding frenzy, give him a taste of what being fucked is like”. I felt Simon push my ankles up and my ass correspondingly went up till I felt the heavy tap of Kurk’s cockhead at my entrance. Kurk kept a dead-eyed stare with me. He reached down and angled his cock and pushed – no lube, and shoved into me. Thank fuck that Lee’s cum was in there already and I’d been thoroughly opened up by Orson, Jay and then Karl. Kurk shoved his dry dick straight into my well fucked hole and started furiously pumping. He leaned in to me and bringing his face level with my face, hocked and spit right into my eyes. “You fucking PRICK!” He said and emphasised the word “Prick” with a deep thrust that banged right into my prostate. This hate fuck was meant to be painful I’m sure, but I was so into it. My sneaky journo brain felt I should put up a charade of fear – let Kurk feel he was getting his money’s worth. The boys were at the side of me, starting to push Kurk away and I turned to then and through the spit looked each of them and shook my head and said “this has been coming a long time lads. It’s OK.” Orson sat by me, put a protective hand on my shoulder and said “Kurk, I know what it’s like to get fucked over by the press” Kurk turned to him and said “really? Did the press stake out your home, drive you from the country, tell everyone about your sex life, so you couldn’t even walk the streets without hearing the sound of “here’s to you Mrs Robinson” every-fucking-where you went?” Orson started to reply, “well no…” Kurk cut him off and continued. “I was a fucking pariah! I had to leave everything. The Robinsons cut off all contact. Fuck – even my sister barely talks to me. The police were grilling me for ages about that fucking café! I lost the business. I was broke as fuck. It wasn’t till Simon approached me that I had any fucking hope”. I stifled a moan – each time Kurk said the word fuck or fucking he thrust a hate-fuck into me. My ass was on fire. This was so much hotter than the K’d-up sex we’d had earlier – which was amazing but in a different way. I barely remembered whether it was Iain or Kurk fucking me during that fuck, but here I felt every throbbing ridge of his hardness driving deep into my cunt. I worried that I might have closed my eyes too long in pleasure and opened them with an affected look of fear on them. “Kurk, look I’m sorry…” Spit. Another score straight into my mouth. Damn this was hot. But I had to play it cool otherwise he might stop. “You don’t get to fucking (thrust) talk to me, you fucking (thrust) whore! You’re the one that paid my ex-mate Gary to tell you about the fucking time I told Iris that I had cancer just to keep her away and try to break it off. You think I wanted my aunts and uncles seeing that? You fucking shit-fuck prick! My uncle rang me up and as soon as I told him I wasn’t dying, he called my a lying sinner and hung up and hasn’t spoken to me since.” Ok, ow – this was getting a bit uncomfortable now. And like it or not, my terrier instincts as a tabloid journo were bubbling up. “Oh right – your Uncle Ned yeah? Leader of the Carrickfergus branch of the Free Pressie* Church? Cause do ya think he’d be talking to ya if he saw what you were up to right now?” *Pressie was short for Presbyterian, though the FPC were not to be confused with normal presbyterians – the FPC were a particularly vicious fringe church that’d been set up when the normal Presbyterians kicked their crazies out. For Americans – think of the difference between normal Baptists and the Westboro Baptist Church. Kurk snarled, and thrust, and spat back at me. “Fuck you you rat-bastard. You had no right to fuck over my entire life”. I snarled back. “Oh and your lover Iris had every right to say we gays are all worse than pedos? I’m sorry you got caught in the crossfire, but didja ever think what the shite she was saying was doing to young gays hearing it?” “You ruined my life!” “I pulled the wool from your eyes – she was a toxic bitch who deserved everything she got” He didn’t like hearing that. His thrusts pounded me deeper, harsher. My buzz was wearing thin. “You didn’t know her the way I did. She was there for me when my da passed. She was everything to me.” “Hey Kurk, I dunno when she started blurring the lines, but at some point you decided enough was enough too – you broke things off with her” He slowed down. The thrusting grew more mechanical, less furious. “I didn’t know how to break it off with her, and she then started demanding the money back from the café, and she got all stressed… and then the BBC story broke…” I reached up and stroked his back. I started “look, I know I’m no fucking angel. Fuck. I can’t imagine what it was like with all those stories coming out. Orson here knows – we’ve had our fight too. But you know now Iris is, at the very best, a really problematic character. She’s never apologised for what’s she’s said to the gay community. And I am truly sorry your life was raked over coals cause of her. I’m sorry for the pain any articles I wrote gave you. I guess it was easy just to see you as a baby FPC rightwing nutjob who was fucking the DUP leader’s wife. I didn’t know or care how it all made you feel.” As I stroked his back I saw his eyes soften in the gaze. I wiped the spit from my face. “Look if it makes you feel better, my life was dragged through coals by Orson’s crazy ex-fag hag. She wrote letters to my family and the family for my three ex-boyfriends outing us all as being gay and in a polyamorous relationship. Up until tonight I thought it was Orson himself who did it, which is why I was a wanker to him in the press. I had to work hard to build up a new support network while my family took their time to get over it. My exes left the fucking country, they couldn’t handle it. I still miss them”. Kurk slowed his thrusting down to a comfortable level. “This doesn’t excuse you the way you used me.” I replied “no it doesn’t but I guess I can be empathetic, and I honestly mean it – I’m sorry for what I did to contribute to your media hounding. Since I’ve known you here you’ve shown me your softer side – you were there for me when Sven went too far, and again when I needed to hide out in the bathroom. Together on the Ketamine, I’ll always cherish that experience. It was beautiful” As he looked at me I could see the anger melt. We were all too drugged up for any lasting anger anyways – it wasn’t as if we were on PCP or anything. I stroked the side of his face. “Say Kurk, what is it you’ve been up to since the café folded – I know you went abroad for a bit?” He shook his head, “I tried my luck at New Zealand and Oz, but the funds ran out and picking veggies doesn’t keep you in either country. Simon represented me pro-bono before I left, and well I guess he saw something on me that I didn’t cause it wasn’t long after my return that he let me stay here, free of charge and all I had to do was be his Dealer Dog. After the whole Iris mess I don’t care who I fuck as long as I could get my dick wet.” I looked up at him, and taking a risk said “that’s not true. Noone could fuck me, even in revenge the way you’re doing now, not without liking the cock a little bit!” That broke the ice a bit and though it was one of the weirdest fucks I had, it also was one of the most pleasurable as Kurk slowed down and took his time. After a long bout of simple fucking, where Orson left me, satisfied I wasn’t going to get beaten up, to hop back on Theo’s cock and Simon chuckled and left us alone too, Kurk explained how he’d been hiding out in Simon’s flat for the past two months as a houseboy, while trying to figure out how to reintegrate. A lightbulb went off in my head. “I know how I can make amends Kurk! I know people in UTV – They’re scouting for Love Island right now – you have to own your notoriety – and look at you – you’re fit enough to get through and your narrative will be all about redemption and learning to stand on your own two feet.” Kurk pulled out and lay beside me, and we chatted about how I could draw up some profile articles in the run-up to this show as well as some good opinion pieces about “call-out culture” and the damage it does, using his case as a prime example. I put him in touch with a friend that ran a public speaking school and promised that within two years I’d make him a bankable celebrity. Kurk looked at me as I laid out the last stage of my plans – of getting him a talk show with Michaela McCollam, who as a reformed drug mule party girl from Dungannon who was imprisoned in Peru for two years for trying to smuggle coke back to Ibiza was already working her own redemption narrative. “Do you think it will work?” he said quietly. “I know it will” and leaned over and kissed him, leaning into the jaw locking snog – it was the most intimate connection we’d made all night… At that point, my memory gets foggy. I know later on the Sunday night I fucked Gavin and Orson and Andreas but eventually about 4am on the Sunday I limped home to crash and call in sick to the Sun on Monday. Later on the Monday I checked into the free clinic near me and got a PEP cause I couldn’t quite remember how many had dumped a load in me, but I knew enough to be cautious. While there I bumped into Kurk, Gavin and Padraic again – we’d all had the same idea. Kurk’s incognito hoody just made him even sexier looking. We arranged to head back to mine and have some joints. Passing the joint around we all recapped the party to eachother – firming our drugaddled memories, and I more soberly looked up my contacts for Kurk and rang one to arrange media training. All in all it was a mental weekend, and it freed me from a lot of hang-ups about the gays in Belfast. I got more and more involved in the gay power-player scene once they realised I wasn’t going to spill their secrets. I helped Kurk relaunch himself as a passable celebrity – he’s currently taking dance lessons for the next “Dancing with the Stars” and more importantly has publicly distanced himself from the homophobia of the Robinsons. He even agreed to an interview with Attitude magazine, not topless but in two very tight fitting tank tops. We get together and do lines and fuck at least once a month – between him, and Orson who calls over to get stoned when Tadhg is in a mood, and Padraic who is always horny as fuck and does yoga around the corner from me now, I’ve my plate full – my ass is exploring the wild and wonderful world of bottoming and each of them are such different lovers. The roughest of all of them is Theo who occasionally calls over to my office late at night with a delivery (typically a mix of coke, MDMA and pills), we usually do lines and he piledrives me into the office couch, dumping a load deep in my guts – still maintaining his heterosexuality and I don’t doubt it – I’m just glad girls who’ll take the pounding I’ll take are harder to find. I reached out to Kevin, Joe and Andrew, upon Orson’s insistence actually. He’d found out we all thought he’d been the one behind the awful letters and he wanted to set the record straight. It was pretty cathartic to contact them all and we all agreed to meet up in London in a year. Orson was sitting beside me after I sent the last facebook message. I leaned over and thanked him with a kiss – it felt good to clear the air. Buoyed up on this good energy, I pushed him back onto my bed and milked his dick of two loads before the end of the night. Orson wanted to try for a third but I insisted he go home and plant it in his husband. I know Orson would leave him for me, but I’m not a homewrecker, and I’m currently happier on my own. Recently I was at the Belfast Pride gay business networking party “Up on the Roof”, seeing a few familiar faces, when my mate Con nods over at Sven, still bartending, and started to speculate about him. I chuckled, knowing he’d never believe it if I told him about the party, when I felt a tap on my shoulder – it was Simon, with Alan. Both dressed in matching Armani suits, both still looking too tan and too hot for Belfast. They looked at Con and asked if they could “borrow me” for a bit. I went over with them to their table, leaving Con open-mouthed. Simon started “so it’s been a few months, and we’ve seen what you’ve done with Kurk. I know we’ve not got the best track record but we wanted to thank you for getting him that talkshow job.” Alan interjected “yeah, and getting his mopey arse out of the apartment. Don’t get me wrong. I love the lad but he needed direction badly.” I chuckled “Glad to help. He did pretty well in Love Island also” Alan smiled “yeah, we were gutted he only got third place though. We thought he could’ve gone all the way” Simon continued “well I just wanted you to know that if you want to, there’ll be another Titanic party tonight from 10pm.” I looked at the two of them “will you two promise there won’t be any more weird rapey vibes you two were throwing down last time?” Simon snorted “look, we were doing a lot of coke that last time, I know it’s only an explanation, not an excuse…” Alan continued “yeah, look, we’re both sorry, you’ve nothing to fear there.” Then, standing closer to me so I could smell his expensive Hermes eau du rhubarb écarlate cologne, he added, “y’know, we really would like to physically show you how sorry we both are” “How about I call over with you now? I’ve some of Theo’s MDMA I’ve been waiting for the right time to use…” Poor Con would have to be left hanging tonight… The end. Thanks guys for all the great comments. I’ll no doubt be starting a new series soon – I’m thinking about setting it in Berlin next. If you’ve any suggestions please do let me know. Cheers. S.
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  36. love to feel a hole splitting cock pump some thick seed into my tight boi pussy
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  37. Not until I was 21. Wish I'd started earlier. But once I tasted my first cock i couldn't stop. I used to go to beach in Brighton and suck cocks for hours. Just taking anyone's load. I never even thought about getting mine sucked. Just knewy place was on my knees tasting cocks. Swallowing was high on my list of desires, I wanted as much as I could get. As was getting facials like the girls I saw in pornos. My most memorable time was my first proper nice big cock. I remember worshipping it like it was my god. When he came he grabbed my head and came down my throat and I remember the feeling of his cock pumping, the vein throbbing as the cum went down my neck. So deep I never even tasted it. Fucking amazing.
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  38. My brother comes upstairs and it so glad to see him as we hug and yes he is 18 but looks just like a 14-year-old boy does. He is looking to make more money than he is now flipping burgers to pay for his school and its one of the schools really close by. I ask him how the family is and he says our mother could not take the beating anymore our father would give her and moved in with her lesbian lover with our younger brother and our father is living by himself. I ask my brother does he know what goes on here. He says yes he does as it all over his campus. I ask him if he is Gay? He smiles and says yes as he has sucked a few dicks but nothing more. I ask did he like? He said yes but everyone thinks he is jail bate. I say well you do look and act like jailbait. I tell my brother he can move in with me to help save him some money and He can work the juice bar, he will have a jock strap only but the tips are very good if you let them grope you they tip you even more. I tell him that when working there is no partying as its all about making money. When the sheriff comes by before we open his is pissed off and says I thought we had an understanding about no one under 18 as he sees my brother in here. I give out a big laugh and say he is my brother and I show him his I.D. He says OK. There are 3 floors to this place. The main floor is where you check your clothes in as the only thing allowed is jock straps and if you don't have one we will sell you one. The juice bar is on the main floor with a dance floor and tables for socializing. The top floor has the open area surrounded by some private rooms that can fit 4 people in the room at one time. The basement that is where anything goes. No clothes. No condoms. Bare Back ONLY. We are holding a conversion party and it is my time to have some fun so I invite my brother to watch it. We are doing this 30-year-old chaser with a hot muscular body and has been chasing for a few years with no luck but our deal is you pay if you convert and if you don't hope you had a good time for free. I ask my brother to get a few ex-large kits for this. When he comes down the gang is here and even my BF Greg who is in town for a few days, I show my brother how to mix the G and set up a slam as I know one day he will be doing it. He watches as this guy is getting slammed and the look on his face is priceless as he sees him going into a full rush of tina. Greg takes a toothbrush and dips it into some fine tina powder and works it into his negative hole that will soon be loaded with POZ cum. All the while my brother is hot from this as we start to fuck him as he is so hard and his pre-cum is leaking so I tell my brother to stick his dick in his mouth and don't pull out till you blow a load in his mouth. The 6 of us are dumping loads after toxic load in his hole and we keep him well slammed and hydrated with laced G and chem piss so he is easy to control so we can tear up his hole. Everyone is hot for my brother as when they look at him I see the lust in there eyes and even I want to rape his ass as he is just standing there with a hard-on dripping pre-cum.
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  39. Part 43 - Working on Vacation Joe got up early Christmas eve and showered. He showered, cleaned out, got all of his stuff ready and got an uber to get to the clients place. The guy had contacted him soon after he put up his travel escort ad. The client had been pretty specific when they talked about the things he was into. Joe was to be a cumdump bottom for the guy and his buddy. The guy told him he was poz and only barebacked and Joe assured him that wouldn’t be an issue. Joe looked forward to this gig since he hadn’t been bottoming as much as he wanted to and the loads he had taken on the trip already just made him want more. Joe looked around as the car came to a stop in front of a nicely kept suburban house. He knocked at the door and a burly man opened the door with only a towel around his waist. His large chest was covered with a thick salt and pepper pelt of hair over several tattoos and both nipples were pierced with thick barbells. His head was shaved bald and he had a bushy salt and pepper beard that hung down several inches. Joe thought that next to the definition of “daddy bear” in the gay dictionary was a picture of his client. “You Dave?” the guy asked as he looked Joe over from head to foot and Joe nodded. “Right on time, I like that in a boy. I’m Tim” the client muttered as he walked through the house towards the master bedroom. Joe followed and when he got into the room he looked around. There were several eyelets screwed into the ceiling and a sling was hanging in the corner next to the sliding door that led to the patio. On the bed laid another bear, similar to the client but with short cropped hair on his head and an even bushier beard and fur covering every inch of his torso and onto his back. The guy was slowly stroking a thick pierced cock with a large 00ga PA. “This is my buddy Ed. We like to tag boys together and rarely fuck a guy twice, even if they’re good. We just like spreading our seed to as many as we can. Unfortunately it doesn’t have the same kick it once did and we’re undetectable now” Tim said as he took his towel off and tossed it by the door. Joe set his bag down and started to take his clothes off feeling overdressed. “You didn’t seem to have a problem with us being poz and wanting to fuck raw, so I assume you are either poz or chasing” Tim said as he watched Joe pull his shirt off and drop his baggy shorts to the floor. “I think we have our answer” Ed said as he spotted the scorpion tattoo. Joe chuckled and said “Yeah, I’m poz.” “Meds?” asked Tim. “Nope, fully charged” quipped Joe as he moved closer to the bed. “Hmm, then we may need a little more of your time after we get done fucking you” Tim said and then continued “Turn around, boy. Let me see all of you.” Joe slowly rotated showing off his tight body, his ass framed by the jockstrap, his firm six pack and his muscular arms and legs. “I guess you’re not afraid of advertising your status” Ed said as he spied the biohazard tattoo on his calf. “Poz and proud” Joe replied as he spied Tim stroking his cock more energetically. “Lets start over on the sling” Tim said and Joe moved over and laid back on it, sliding his feet through the straps. Joe adjusted his ass so that it was just hanging over the leather giving Tim and Ed good access. Tim got on his knees and started to run his fingers between Joe’s ass cheeks brushing over his fuckhole and then pushing his index finger in dry. Joe relaxed his hole and felt the finger scrape as it went in and Tim pulled it out and tasted it. “Mmm, good boy. No lube yet. That’s what spit and precum are for” Tim stated. Tim licked his finger and pushed it back in, fucking slowly with his finger and feeling Joe relax and then clamp down on it. The grin on Tim’s face was obscured by his beard and the position that he was in but he knew he was going to enjoy breeding Dave. He pushed his face in and Joe felt the beard press against his ass then his tongue lick and poke his hole. Tim was grunting and snorting as he rimmed Joe’s pussy and Ed was sitting on the edge of the bed stroking his own cock and watching Tim have his fun. Joe looked over at Ed and motioned with his head to come over. Ed got up and moved in closer with Joe leaning his head off the leather and opening his mouth. Ed took the hint and slid his cock into Joe’s waiting mouth. Joe had been spitroasted like this many times and devoured Ed’s cock. His tongue and lips slid down the shaft as Ed pushed in and out, moaning from the blowjob that Joe was giving him. It felt so much better than his hand and he began to thrust in harder and further. Joe’s cock was straining at the pouch of his jockstrap and soon the tip broke free up past the top band. His piercing and cock head climbed out of the pouch, dripping charged precum on his abs. Tim stood up with spit dripping from his beard and lined up his cock with Joe’s saliva covered hole and pressed forward. The pressure pushed Ed’s cock further into Joe’s throat and then Joe’s hole yielded and Tim’s cock slid slowly inside. Ed and Tim both pushed simultaneously and skewered Joe completely. Tim’s bush was pressed firmly against Joe’s ass and Ed’s was similarly planted against Joe’s lips. Tim looked at Ed and nodded and the two began to fuck their respective holes simultaneously. Joe could tell that they had fucked guys together for a while, he heard no verbal communication but figured it was just facial or head gestures that told each other what was next. As the thrusts got harder, Joe could hear the jangle of the sling’s chains and the grunts from his two impalers. He worked his ass muscles on Tim’s cock and his tongue, lips and throat on Ed’s. Tim slammed in hard a few times and yanked his cock out yelling “Oh, fuck! Not yet!” which left Ed fucking Joe’s mouth a few more times before he too pulled out. Ed moved to the other end and slammed his cock into Joe’s puffy hole. Joe felt the large PA tug at his outer ring briefly before driving into Joe’s hole all the way. Ed started the sling swinging with Joe’s hole fucking itself onto his cock. Soon, Ed began thrusting his hips to meet Joe’s hole and was pounding into Joe with force. The jangle of chains, the slap of skin and the grunts of horny men filled the room until Ed drove in hard and grabbed Joe’s legs tightly. His cock pulsed and throbbed, pumping the neutered poz cum into Joe’s cunt. Ed yelled out as each volley shot into Joe, the yells got quieter as the shots got weaker. Joe watched Ed as his orgasm built and faded, the sweat dripping off his body and matting some of the fur. “Fuck boy, that’s a good hole” exclaimed Ed as he pulled his cock out. Tim moved swiftly and took Ed’s place, shoving his cock back into Joe’s now cum soaked hole. Tim’s second round only lasted about ten minutes, but he furiously drilled his cock into Joe. Tim uttered grunts, groans and expletives and it was a brutal fuck. It had been a while since Joe could remember anyone pounding his hole that hard for that long. He knew he would feel this fuck for a few days but he could tell from the look on Tim’s face that he was enjoying it. Finally, Tim pulled all the way out and slammed in, leaning forward and clutching Joe and the leather seat as his body shook and his cock throbbed. Joe could feel the cock pulse in his hole and he knew he was getting a large load from the big man. Tim’s face was inches away from Joe’s and their eyes locked. Joe could tell that Tim was sated, at least for now, but wasn’t prepared for the deep kiss that Tim gave him next. It lasted for minutes until Tim’s cock had softened and fell out of Joe’s pussy. Tim got up and said “Thank you boy, that was one of the best fucks I’ve had in a long time.” Joe laid in the sling, feeling cum drip out of his ass. As his breathing returned to normal, Joe extracted his feet from the straps and sat up, sliding out of the sling. He wasn’t sure what to do next since Tim had mentioned going longer when they were done with the fuck. Was there going to be an act two? “Well boy, if you are half as good a top as you are a bottom, then I know someone that will be pleased” Tim said. He walked over and pushed a button next to the bed and turned to Ed. “I think its time Jordan got his first real load” Tim said. There was a knock at the door and it opened. In walked a dark haired boy with a thick leather collar around his neck and completely naked. He had no body hair that Joe could see. “Jordan, assume your position on the edge of the bed, on all fours” Tim commanded. “Yes, Sir” Jordan responded. As Jordan walked by, Joe saw a barcode tattoo between Jordan’s shoulder blades. It was the only mark on his pale white skin. He got on the edge of the bed and knelt down, his ass over the edge and then went down on his hands. “Dave is our friend and he would like to fuck you and give you a Christmas present. You will obey what he says” Tim said in an even tone. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir” replied Jordan. Joe walked over to Tim and whispered in his ear “Sir, how old is Jordan?” Tim whispered back “Don’t worry, boy. He is old enough, he just looks younger without any hair. He just turned twenty one.” Joe nodded and walked over to the edge of the bed and freed his stiff cock from the jockstrap’s pouch. He walked over and ran his hands over Jordan’s soft butt. He spread the cheeks and pushed his finger into the tight hole. It was unlubed as Tim apparently preferred. He knelt down and spit into the hole and and worked it in with his finger. He added more spit and then lubed his cock up with another shot of spit while he leaned in and tongue fucked Jordan’s pussy. Joe could feel Ed and Tim walk up on either side of him and watch as he prepped the hole. He pushed his finger in next to his tongue and roughly jabbed it. He twisted his finger around the boy’s hole, scraping his fingernail which elicited a yelp and jump from Jordan. “Don’t move” barked Tim. Joe jabbed and twisted his finger a few more times and pulled back from Jordan’s hole and stood up. Joe placed his hands on Jordan’s hips and could feel the boy trembling. Joe rested his piercing on the center of the well used hole and tightened his grip on Jordan. With one hard lunge, he shoved his cock all the way in and felt Jordan’s body spasm from the rough intrusion. “Fuck YEAH!” yelled Ed while Jordan tried to stifle his scream. Joe waited for the spasms around his cock to fade before he started to fuck. He gave Jordan long, hard thrusts and moved his hips around so that his cock would stab in different directions each time. He could feel his cock and piercing dig into the walls of Jordan’s colon. “Its been a while since I had a front row seat to a boy’s pozzing” Ed said as he stroked his cock harder. Joe’s thrusts got harder as he slammed into the boy’s neg hole, torturing it more and more. “Do it boy, breed him. Knock him up and bring him into the brotherhood” Tim whispered into Joe’s ear. Joe liked the feeling of the boy’s warm hole. Jordon knew how to take a cock and make it feel good with his ass muscles. Joe got a good rhythm going with his precum coating Jordan’s guts and his PA repeatedly grinding into the soft walls. After 20 minutes of nonstop drilling, he could hear Jordans moans show his discomfort. Ed and Tim were pawing at his body while he pounded Jordan’s hole fast and hard for several strokes before shoving in and holding the boy tight as his cock shot ropes of virus filled cum into the battered cunt. Joe couldn’t believe how many spurts of cum he shot into Jordan’s neg fuckhole and then watched as Ed and Tim shot their loads all over Jordan’s face. “Thank you Sir for your special cum. I will remember this day for the rest of my life” Jordan told Joe. Joe pulled his cock out of the ravaged hole and saw the telltale spots and streaks of red on his cock and piercing. Tim pushed a buttplug into the hole as soon as Joe’s cock was clear and Jordan swung around and cleaned his cock off thoroughly. Joe let the boy clean him off and then walked back and started to dress. Tim walked back and peeled eight hundred dollar bills off of a wad of money and gave it to Joe. “Thank you, boy. You were outstanding. I will give Jordan a break for a few weeks to see if your breeding pozzed him. If not, I have several friends that will pay good money to be the one that does it.” Joe smiled and put the money in his pocket and opened the app on his phone to call for a ride. Tim showed him out and Joe sat on the front steps a few minutes until the car pulled up. He got in, hoping that the cum in his ass wouldn’t leave a spot on the car seat. It was a short ride back to Mark’s apartment and when he got there he walked in, with Mark and Eric grinning at him. Joe smiled and headed to the bathroom to dump the client’s loads and shower. When he was done he walked into the spare bedroom and climbed in bed with Kyle and kissed him before passing out.
    1 point
  40. FUCK yes! "Time to sacrifice love on the altar of unbridled fucking and disease. I was on my way to AIDS." Thank you for continuing!!!
    1 point
  41. Part: 7 The announcement was not finished when I felt a wall of men just surround me. Holy shit, where did all these guys come from? There were like 7. I didn’t have much time to process anything when I felt a cock being pushed into my mouth. I looked up and saw this black Adonis looking down at me. Whatever apprehensions I had went away and I took his cock down my throat while I locked eyes with him. He put one hand on each side of my head and just pushed in. I could feel myself gagging, I forced my throat to relax. I wanted to breath but I also wanted his cock. A bottle of poppers was placed up to my nostril and when he pulled his cock out I inhaled. It sent me spinning and back onto that dick I went. I was busy sucking on his cock and another top had positioned behind me. I was about to look back when the black guy slapped me, “eyes forward.” It stung and surprised me but it also made my cock rock hard. I nodded and mumbled “yes sir” as best as you can with a mouth full of dick. I felt the guy behind me spit on my hole and push his cock into me. The top choking me with his dick gave me a few more whiffs of poppers and they both started fucking my holes. They got into a good rhythm. My ass was being stretched and I loved it. it didn’t take long for the top fucking my ass to start picking up speed. He leaned over and whispered in my ear…. “ready for this dirty load you slut, tell me what you want.” “yes sir, breed my pussy, I want your dirty load” And with that I could feel him shooting, he started grunting, I was pushed forward onto the other guy’s cock. He shot his last rope of cum in me and pulled out. He was immediately replaced with another guy. The black guy still had me facing forward with his cock down my throat feeding me poppers from time to time. I don’t know how much time passed and I lost count of how many dicks fucked me. I could feel cum running down my legs and they ached from being on all 4s. Everyone kept telling me they were gifting me, and how they welcomed me to the brotherhood. I wasn’t sure what it was all about but I was loving it. Finally, it was the black guys turn…….
    1 point
  42. Do love a good piss fuck. I remember twice when I did not tell my bottom first that i was going to fill him up with more than my load of cum. Man, the look on their faces when they realise they now have an ass full of hot piss as well as cum. One guy could not hold it at all (it was a heavy load of piss) and it was just leaking back out all over my balls and legs as I continued to fuck him. He wanted me to stop, but he really ought to have thought that through when he asked me to tie him up in the sling and use his ass.
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  43. The Freshman 10, Part 2: When Daddy Says Jump: Mr. Durant grabbed the towel that was beside the butter dish, wiped his hand off, pushed me back down with his left hand then pressed it hard into my lower back to make me squat a little. While holding the towel in his right hand, he adjusted the base of his dick and guided the head towards my waiting ass. A little more shifting of bodies and I could feel the thick head begin to push into my buttered up hole. I gasped, the muscles in my ass ring screamed in agony as Mr. Durant tossed the towel onto the granite island and said, “I’ll go slow, I promise.” It sure didn’t feel that way as his dick pushed a little further and the scream now shifted from my ass to my throat – and caught – all that came out was a meek gurgle. “OH HELL YES – THAT PUSSY IS POPPED NOW,” Mr. Durant exclaimed as his dick head broke free of my ass ring and slid forward on its buttery trail. “I BET YOU NEVER IMAGINED THIS WAS THE FRESHMAN 10 YOU HAD TO WORRY ABOUT – POPPING YOU OPEN WITH MY 10 INCHES OF BLACK DICK. I WANT TO FEEL THAT AGAIN, FEEL THAT HOLE GO POP LIKE A WEASEL AROUND MY DICK – OH HELL YES!“ My head was resting on the back of my hand and I lifted it slightly as my ragged breath sounded like I was running a marathon. My watch said 10:45 p.m. and that was about all I could see except for the granite counter top on the island in Mr. Durant’s kitchen as he slid his long, raw, black dick, up my ass. As the butter inside my guts continued to melt, Mr. Durant took full advantage of my slicked-up state and started banging my ass harder, deeper, and long-dicking it. “YOU LIKE THAT BLACK DADDY DICK UP IN THAT PUSSY? LIKE GETTING IT POPPED WHEN I PUNCH FUCK IT? FEELING ME PUSH MY SON’S NUTT DEEPER THAN HE CAN EVER GO? YEAH I CAN FEEL HIS BOY BUTTER IN YOUR HOLE – NICE AND WARM, WETT, AND READY FOR A BASTING. TAKE THAT HWBM DICK IN THAT WHITE ASS – FEEL A HARD WORKING BLACK MAN FUCK YOU RIGHT. NOW EVERY TIME WHEN MY SON STICKS HIS DICK UP INSIDE YOU, YOU ARE GOING TO BE THINKING OF ME – HOW BIG MY DICK IS – HOW MY DICK MAKES YOU FEEL – HOW YOU NEED ME STRETCHING YOU OPEN.” With each stroke I could feel Mr. Durant’s long foreskin ripple back over the bulbous head, and then retreat on the down stroke. Having Kevin fuck me was awesome, but this – well this fucking turned my brain to mush and all I could do was moan and grunt because I knew if I tried to do anything else I would sound like a dumbass – I was truly being fucked silly. Mr. Durant didn’t seem to notice or mind though as he ordered me to push my ass back, arch my fucking back, grab the counter and don’t fucking move. His son was right; daddy was a true task master and at the moment the task at hand was to breed my ass raw, deep, and thorough. My hand slipped on the granite counter top – fucking butter! The floor was slick, the cabinet doors were being splattered with melted butter and ass juice, and I had all I could do to stay in position. “YOU READY FOR YOUR FIRST LOAD OF DADDY’S CUM? SOME HIGH-PROTEIN BBC NUTT? BEG ME TO CREAMPIE THAT PUSSY? BEG ME TO FUCK THAT WHITE TRAP? BEG ME TO SEED YOU WITH SOME SIBLINGS FOR KEVIN – THAT’S IT – YOU WANT TO BE KEVIN’S STEP-MOMMA?” Before I could answer Mr. Durant paused, grunted, jammed my hole as hard as he could, paused, jammed it again, then as he gripped my body with his powerful hands he filled my guts with his daddy seed. His spasm subsided and Mr. Durant yanked his dick out, I gasped, he said, “Lick it clean. Then when you done, clean up this mess and fix me a plate. I worked up and appetite.” I had never really sucked a ‘fresh-from-the-ass’ dick before and gagged a bit, but Mr. Durant was having none of that and force-fed me, all the while instructing me on just what to do. Once he was satisfied with that, he left me on my knees in the kitchen and walked away. I watched as he flicked on the dining room lights, sat in a chair, then ordered, “Bring me a beer and like I said before – and I won’t repeat myself – bring me a plate and clean up that mess.” Serving this dom daddy brought out something in me I had never known before. Did taking his 10-inch dick feel good? Hell yeah! Did having him cum in me feel amazing? Fuck yeah! But beyond that, just his presence, his…fuck I don’t know…just thinking about it makes me all confused and twisted up inside. I thought the sausage might be over cooked, but I dug around, found a plate, silverware, bread, grabbed the butter remnants, and walked a little bowlegged over to Mr. Durant and set them in front of him. He looked at me, I jerked a little and quickly went back to the kitchen and started wiping up the traces of my daddy breeding. At this point the guilt started. I suddenly remembered Kevin, how he was so sweet, how I really really liked him, and knew this would hurt him. It would me. I felt joy, laden with fear, self loathing, paranoia, and in my cleaning I even dug a gap at the bottom of the trash can to hide the paper towels and stuff that held the evidence of our lust and mixed in some old coffee grounds with them for good measure. When I was done, I walked into the dining room to see if Mr. Durant needed anything. His sausage sandwich was done, his beer empty, and when I reached to take the empty plate he grabbed my wrist, spun me around, and in one motion pushed me face down on the dining room table, kicked the chair back, stood up, and slammed his now hard dick back up my ass. “I HAVE NOT HAD FRESH PUSSY LIKE THAT IN A LONG LONG TIME. TOO MANY FUCKING WHORES AROUND. THAT WHITE BOY PUSSY FEELS GOOD THROBBING ON MY BLACK DICK. HOW’S THAT DICK FEEL HUH? HOW’S THE DICK FEEL STRETCHING YOU OUT? HOW’S THAT DICK FEEL GOING WHERE NO DADDY’S GONE BEFORE?” Once again Mr. Durant did not give me time to answer and frankly he didn’t care what I said one way or the other – I was his new fuck puppet and he was going to take full advantage of me and our time alone before his son came home. With his dick still embedded inside me, Mr. Durant stood me up and fuck-walked me down the hall to his office. I caught a glimpse of us bound together as we passed a large mirror in the hallway and couldn’t believe how fucking hot it looked with his black, sweaty, ripped body so entwined over mine. Mr. Durant’s persona changed again as we walked into his office – his inner sanctum – the embodiment of his wealth and success. It felt like he stood straighter, which I didn’t think was possible. It felt like his muscles got more taught and his dick swelled – again I didn’t think that was possible. With his dick still in my ass he deftly fuck-walked me to his desk, picked up his blue tooth earpiece, put it in his ear, wrapped his right arm around my stomach and held me firm as he sat us down in his CEO-style leather chair. I had never sat on a dick like that before and never one that big and I started to squirm, whine, pant, and try to figure out how the fuck I could take it like that. All fighting ceased as Mr. Durant clamped his huge left hand over my face, pressed my head back against his left shoulder, while with his right hand he easily dialed a number on his phone. “Kon’nichiwa,” Mr. Durant said. His grip tightened, I grabbed his forearm in silent protest and met nothing but resistant muscle. The conversation was short, and when he finished he eased his grip and said, “It’s the early afternoon in Tokyo. The call was already scheduled. Now where were we? Oh yes, you giving up that white pussy.” I was silent as a mute again as Mr. Durant took charge of my hole. With my face plastered on the papers that were previously neatly stacked on his desk this black daddy started to long dick me, telling me my bussy was made for BBC – not just any BBC but a DADDY BBC – since only a daddy could make it go POP with his thick monster dick! My arms were splayed wide, my hands grasped at nothing but air as Mr. Durant took full advantage of my raw hole, but then the phone rang. “Hey son, how’s it going? No I’m still up,” Mr. Durant answered. Fuck it was Kevin! I stifled a groan as Mr. Durant started angling sideways, trying to POP out through my left ass wall. “Yeah I hear you boy. Sounds complicated. But I know you will do me proud.” I cried out a little as Mr. Durant started to plug at the same spot on my left wall over and over and quickly covered my mouth with my hand. “What son?” Mr. Durant continued, “Oh, you know how I like to get my workout in between calls. Just got off the phone with the Tokyo office and New Delhi is coming up, so figured I would get some good, deep, LONG stretches in while I can.” I almost choked on my tongue when he said that. “You too boy. Drive safe. What? Oh no, have not seen your little friend. I think maybe I heard him earlier in the kitchen earlier getting something to eat, but I tell you what, I’ll go on downstairs to your crib and let him know you won’t be home until morning so he might as well crash here for the night and you guys can ride back to school together from home for your first class. How’s that? Good, good. I will.” Mr. Durant hung up the call, pulled is dick out, and chuckled, “I love my boy, but damn, son’s got a thick head – and a tiny head too – right?” I said nothing and Mr. Durant slammed me hard, “I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION – MY SON’S GOT A TINY DICK HEAD – YES?” I grunted in the affirmative, which made this black daddy purr and pounce and dig my hole some more. A few minutes later he paused his long strokes, shivered as he regained control of himself, and said, “Come on. I’m going to breed that pussy again.” I willingly followed him like a convert in a cult as Mr. Durant walked down the hall, his stiff dick swinging side to side like the hypnotic call of a cobra. Instead of going to his bedroom though – the destination I assumed we were headed too – he turned and started down the stairs to Kevin’s apartment. Once through the door he walked over to the piles of clothes on the floor, picked up a random garment and started sniffing. He dropped the first, then the second, but with the third piece of clothing – a set of Calvin Klein underwear – he inhaled long, deep, and smiled and said, “That’s your cunt. Your pussy drawers. Fuck yeah! Prefucked cherry hole. I know these ain’t my son’s – even if they were the same brand, his smell is very different.” I was not sure what he meant by that and my mind raced with the [banned word] possibilities. Mr. Durant tossed the underwear back onto the floor, shoved me onto the bed and said, “It’s time for dessert. Let me taste that cherry creampie.” Mr. Durant pushed me into the middle of his son’s bed – the same spot where Kevin and I had exchanged our seed just hours earlier. With no effort he lifted my legs up, set them on his shoulders, adjusted his position, pushed my body back a little then slid his hands down my legs until he grasped my thighs. I grunted as he grabbed me tight and pushed my legs back so my ankles were by my ears. With my prefucked hole winking at him, Mr. Durant smiled, licked his lips, and pigged out on my creampie extravaganza. His mighty hands tilted my hips to the right, then the left, then back a little while his tongue scraped the inside of my hole, slurping out every drop of family mixed seed he could find. With his face slathered and wet, Mr. Durant dropped my legs, flipped me over onto my stomach, mounted me with a body slam and started bouncing up and down on my ass getting his cardio in, “LET ME IN THAT PHAT ASS! LET DADDY TAKE IT! MAKE YOU FEEL EVERY FUCKING INCH OF THIS DADDY DICK. YOU LIKE THAT HUH? THAT WHITE PUSSY OPENING RIGHT UP FOR ME LIKE A GOOD BOY. YOU A GOOD BOY FOR DADDY! VERY GOOD BOY! YOU WANT DADDY TO STOP OR KEEP GOING? YOU WANT DADDY TO KEEP FILLING THAT ASS WITH CUM? MAKE IT OVERFLOW WITH DADDY NUTT? CREAM ON THAT DICK BOY – SHOW DADDY WHAT A WET PUSSY YOU GOT. FUCK YEAH! FEEL THAT PUSSY GETTING JUICY – STRETCHING FOR ME – SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TAKE IT! SHHH BOY – TAKE IT FOR DADDY – DADDY’S CUMMING – DADDY’S CUMMING – DADD…..OH HELL YEAH!!!” With a couple slaps to my cheeks Mr. Durant climbed off the bed and stood by the edge so I could scoot over and lick his rank shaft clean. When he smiled I figured we were done and let out a big sigh and rolled onto my back and grabbed my head. Mr. Durant coughed, I looked, and he was pointing at his semi-hard dick, “You still got some work to do. My dick is telling me that pussy is still fresh and needs some more daddy dick, but you got to work for the next load. Come on.” I quickly got off the bed and as I followed him out the door I reached back and touched my slick, tender ass. My finger came back coated with thick man cream and I put it up to my nose to smell. The heady aroma almost made me run right into a damn wall and I paused not sure now what to do with my dirty hand now, so I licked it. OMFG! That was the best fucking taste ever and no wonder he ate my ass out like a demon sucking a soul. Back upstairs in his office Mr. Durant sat in his chair, tapped a few keys on the computer and ignored me for a good minute while I stood there. I was horny, naked, embarrassed, horny, guilty, hungry, horny – all competing for attention. “Go get me another beer,” Mr. Durant said, interrupting my self confliction. When I came back he had his office chair turned to the side, his legs splayed, his long, thick, black dick standing firm once again. Christ he was impressive and I knew where Kevin got his hormones from. I set the beer on the desk, Mr. Durant made a little spinning motion with his right index finger, so I turned and showed him my ass. I thought he might lick it again, but I jumped as I felt something smaller and blunt poke at my hole. The pressure eased, I turned back, and Mr. Durant was smiling as he flicked a lighter and started puffing on a long, fat cigar – the tip that was between his lips was clearly a bit moist. Did he just stick that in my ass? With cigar in one hand, beer in another, and me on my knees between his legs doing my best to suck his dick, Mr. Durant was content to give my ass a rest – a short rest. With a last puff of his cigar he stood up and grabbed my right wrist, silently dragging me along to God knew where. This time we went into what I gathered was his bedroom – the king’s chambers – and it was a room fit for a king, a daddy, a successful man. Large, spacious, well appointed, I didn’t have much time to look around though as I was dragged straight on through and into the master bath. Mr. Durant let go of my wrist, bent forward, and turned the water on to start filling an oversized Jacuzzi tub. The splatter of water against the tub’s sides drowned out the gurgling sounds made as Mr. Durant held my head between his hands in a vice grip as he dicked my throat. Eager to get his nutt, Kevin’s daddy stood me back up, I was turned around and a raw BBC slammed back up my ass. Mr. Durant bent me forward, my chest resting on the lip of the Jacuzzi on top of the plush robe he had laid there. I moaned in need and begged, “FUCK ME DADDY! GIVE ME THAT DICK! PLEASE CUM IN ME AGAIN!” Mr. Durant chuckled, adjusted his grip, and settled in for a stamina, marathon fuck. My legs cramped, my knees felt week, yet the BBC daddy continued to bang me with long, focused strokes. The monster meet inside me swelled and jerked and I thought he was cumming, but not quite yet. Mr. Durant paused, pulled his dick out of my ass with a wet SLURP and commented, “FUCK THAT PUSSY IS CREAMY! TIME TO PLANT THE 8-BALL IN THE CORNER POCKET WITH THIS EBONY CUE STICK.” With a surprised squawk from me, he lifted me up into the air, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he walked over to press me against the mirrored wall in the corner where he had a multi-faceted view of my ass and his dick sliding up my raw hole. A little adjustment and Mr. Durant snapped his dick back inside me and in one stroke it was balls deep, poking out my belly button as he hefted me in the crook of his elbows – my weight artfully balanced in his arms and against the mirrored wall. “CRY OUT FOR THIS DICK – SCREAM FOR THAT NUTT- GET FUCKING LOUD AND BEG ME TO JUMP IN THAT ASS AND POUND THAT PUSSY FULL OF DADDY CUM. THAT WHAT YOU WANT? MORE DADDY NUTT – AS MUCH AS I WANT TO GIVE YOU? YOU A GOOD BOY FOR DADDY? TELL DADDY HOW YOU ARE GOING TO LET ME FUCK THAT PUSSY RAW ANYTIME I WANT – TELL DADDY HOW THIS MONSTER DICK STRETCHED THAT CUNT GOOD –TELL DADDY HOW YOU WILL KEEP THAT PUSSY SLOPPY WITH MY SON’S NUTT SO I CAN DIG UP IN THERE! YOU READY TO GET STRETCHED BY THIS DADDY DICK? FEEL THAT? FEEL THAT HOLE OPENING WIDE, BEGGING FOR DADDY TO FUCK IT? GOOD PUSSY BOY – DAMN GOOD PUSSY BOY – HERE YOU GO! BLASTING IN THAT CUNT! FILLING IT UP! DADDY TAKING IT! OWNING IT! DADDY NUTT BREEDING YOU!” Mr. Durant lifted me up and down on his exploding shaft in perfect rhythm as he refilled my tank. When he was done, he shifted his hips, pulled his dick out, gently lowered me to the floor and stepped back, “Get some rest – while you can. And oh, this is between you and me. What Kevin don’t know won’t hurt him and don’t even think about trying to tell him about our little fun tonight. He would never believe you as he knows his old man is a complete pussy hound and I think you like him, so that would only ensure you stopped seeing him. However, I think you and I will be spending ALOT more time together.” Mr. Durant eased into the hot Jacuzzi water as I skulked back down stairs, my ass throbbing from the last fuck, and suddenly afraid of the what ifs – what if Kevin had come home? What if he had seen us? What if he could tell? I spent the next while in Kevin’s bathroom showering off the smell and funk of his father. I kept squatting over the drain, trying to get my guts to release all of Mr. Durant’s cum, to flush away all evidence of the thing we had done. When it seemed like I had done all I could, I finally flopped onto Kevin’s bed and immediately went to sleep. Yet, it was a fitful rest, with dreams of Mr. Durant intruding in my mind like he had intruded in my raw ass. I suddenly jerked awake as warm hands shook me, and a voice whispered, “Hey, scoot over. Want to spoon a little. I’m tired as shit, but really need to fuck and have been waiting all night.” Kevin was home. I wanted to hold him, kiss him, fuck him and have him fuck me so bad but I still felt like – well I still felt like Mr. Durant was inside my ass as it throbbed and hurt and all I could do was think of him. “No, I can’t fuck,” I apologized, “I think I ate something from the fridge that did not agree with me...my stomach...I’m not… I don’t think my ass…” Kevin saved me from further embarrassment and lies by kissing my cheek and saying, “It’s OK, no worries, let’s just spoon a little if that’s OK?” Hell yeah! The next morning I awoke to Kevin’s stiffy poking at my ass. I didn’t think I could refuse him again and so I let him fuck me on my side and he blew his cum in my ass in nothing flat and seemed none-the-wiser to the events of the previous night. We showered together and walked upstairs, holding hands, which totally freaked me out. Again, Kevin was so bold and open with shit and I could never imagine holding another’s man’s hands in my parent’s house. But oh yeah – his dad was a raw dicking freak! Mr. Durant was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and acted like nothing happened. How could he? I knew we could not let Kevin know, but at the same time I felt hurt somehow like he was being extra cold and rude to me. How the fuck is that fair? At the table I was quiet and Kevin sensed something was up, but Mr. Durant played it cool and kept the conversations focused on what a great job Kevin did for Lockheed the night before and how proud he was of him. Kevin finished up before me and said he had to run out to his car and check on the tires real quick as one seemed a little off on the way home. Kevin had no sooner closed the door than Mr. Durant stood up, roughly pushed me against the dining room wall, easily opened my pants one-handed and yanked on my underwear, spun me around, spit twice and rammed his dick into my hole. “You need to step up BOY!” Mr. Durant said angrily into my ear, “Hide what you’re feeling, know, or think. It does not matter – all that matters now is my dick in your ass and how quickly you get that pussy back hear for me to plant some more daddy sperm.” A few minutes later when Kevin came back upstairs ready to go, I was sitting at the dining room table as Mr. Durant finished filling the dishwasher – neither of us letting on that his dick now smelled of my ass and my mind was racing of how I was going to make this happen again.
    1 point
  44. I always let bearded guys breed me. For a non-bearded guy to breed me they need to have a big dick or foreskin or be super hot without a beard. I love all that testosterone fueled DNA inside me and don't like to let any leak out. OINK
    1 point
  45. I would love to find someone that would be willing to fuck me on cam, or record it and put it on line.....
    1 point
  46. I used to be like you. I tried everything I could think of not to be gay. But I started sucking cock at 18 and getting fucked soon after. Same background. There is a 12 step program called Sex Addicts Anonymous and if you think it will help you, I say go for it. Or....you could realize that there is nothing wrong with you or your desires. The beautiful thing about it is that we are specifically made this way because there are men who were specifically made to fuck another man. They need us like we need them. Sure society has taught us it is wrong, immoral or whatever, but that is just ignornance. To offer your well prepped hole up to another man to breed takes a certain amount of enlightenment. And a great deal of self acceptance. Realizing we are part of the natural order of things helps us get there, and frees us from that guilt you feel after each binge, much like a drug addict. I am also at this point a middle aged professional. But I know that I am a bottom and that I am at my highest and best the second before a man lets his nut go inside me. Not to belittle myself in any way, or to denegrate any of my other traits and abilities, but at that moment is when I feel the most spiritual. Totally connected to the Universe. The only time close to that for me is when I am creating art. Sometimes that can be the same. Sometimes. Now, the disease issue is completely separate. When we take anonymous raw cocks, we take a risk. Fortunately now there is Prep (Truvada). If I were you I'd do that immediately. At least then you won't have to worry about HIV. There are other infections that are just part of the risk, but they are curable and/or treatable. You have to decide how much risk is comfortable for you. You can take raw cock without being a bath house whore (which by the way is a great thing to be from time to time-no judgement intended). You can develop a "stable" of regulars who will be happy to have an outlet for their own needs. That is what I do mostly. I do binge when I travel and I do that every 2-3 months, but now I am finding I am curbing my over indulgence out of respect and concern for those regulars. I do not want to pass anything on to them that I pick up during a binge. So far I have not. But as for the risk, you have to keep it in perspective. You risk being killed every time you drive your car. Does that fact keep you from driving? Planes crash on occasion. Does that keep you from flying? Let the tops you know be aware that you are there for them. And savor it when you earn their validation in the form of their seed inside you.
    1 point
  47. here is part 2 finally enjoy =) LOST INNOCENSE AT THE BATHOUSE PART 2 Dean wanted to see Adam’s expression when he first entered him with his bare cock. He never told any of them though what they would actually be getting, but he loved making them beg for him to pump their asses full of his loads. It was a massive turn on to him for the boys, who he pozzed, to see and willingly accept that he was fucking them raw. He was planning on making sure Adam’s first time was going to be something he would never forget. It would be a night of firsts for the eighteen year old teen. First time with smoking Tina, first booty bump, first time being fucked, first load of charged dirty seed, first slam, and finally his first gangbang. Dean put on a porn vid showing a barely legal twink being rimmed by an older daddy type, before climbing between Adam’s legs. He figured the vid would distract Adam, while he got him prepped for his fucking. He tossed the T-laced warming lube on the bed, along with a film canister loaded with Tina shards and powder, plus a can of Maximum Impact and one of his old dirty jocks to spray it on. Adam moaned when Dean grabbed his legs and bent them back towards his head and started to rim him with tongue. He loved the feel of Dean’s five o’clock shadow on his hairless hole whenever Dean pulled back and rubbed his chin and cheeks on it. The boy was going crazy with lust; he had never felt like this before when he had smoked pot. It felt like his body screaming, “It’s finally time to get laid! You’ve been waiting long enough.” The eighteen year old twink’s moans were turning Dean something fierce. His thick eight inches started to ooze pre-cum like water pouring from a faucet. Dean wished he could use just his pre-cum to fuck Adam, but he knew the young virgin boy wasn’t ready for that yet. Maybe if he was lucky he would tweak Adam up one more time and just use pre-cum to fuck him with before he left town. Dean poured some of his “T” laced warming lube on Adam’s hole and began to work it into the boy’s ass stretching it for his entry. He knew Adam wouldn’t notice the initial burn of the Tina in the warming lube as he got his ass stretched. The young kid would just think it was his virgin ass being stretched wider and wider to take Dean’s thick man spike. He gave a silent thanks to whatever chemist developed the warming lube it made it so much easier to stealth guys with. “OH GAWD!!!! OH GAWD!!! OH GAWD!!!” seemed to be Adam’s new mantra as Dean worked first one finger, then a second finger in his now blooming teen rose hole. His ass couldn’t seem to get enough of Dean’s fingers, it wanted more and more inside him. “That’s what’s gonna happen to you shortly Adam,” he said motioning Adam to look over at the video screen as he pulled his fingers out. He smiled as the teen’s ass stayed open a bit before slowly closing. It was as if it was begging for Dean to continue working it with his fingers. While Adam was distracted Dean opened the film canister and pulled out a nice sized shard of “T” to booty bump the unsuspecting eighteen year old who was about to take his first of many poz loads up his tight lil’ ass. Adam, who was already really turned on by the joint and fingering his ass had received from Dean, was starting go into overdrove with lust as he watched the older daddy begin to slide his hard raw cock into the twink on screen. Soon another daddy joined the scene and started face fucking the twink as the other one used the boy’s ass. Adam started wishing he was the kid in the video. It just looked so fucking hot. As Adam watched the raw cock work the teen’s ass he almost wished Dean would do that to him. Yet he knew it was safer to have the top covered that’s why he had his baggie of rubbers with him. Wait! Did he remember to bring the bag from patio when he followed Dean into his room? He couldn’t remember if he did or not, but before he could say anything he gasped as the older man’s fingers entered his ass again. Dean grinned as he added a third finger to Adam’s ass pushing the shard inside with his fingers. He began tearing into the teen’s fuck tunnel with his fingers as he worked the shard in. He wanted to make sure the boy’s hole was torn up enough to take his toxic seed and start the pozzing process. He knew his PA would cause more damage once he began fucking the boy, but liked to make sure he was doing the job thoroughly. “Shit! That hurts,” moaned Adam as he felt like Dean was ripping up his ass. “Shh, babe just making sure you’re nice and stretched so it won’t hurt as much as I slide this beef stick in that lil pussy of yours,” Dean said with an evil smirk that was lost on Adam. Before long Adam couldn’t believe how good Dean’s fingers felt inside him. He needed more inside him. It was like his ass wouldn’t be satisfied until it was getting fucked. “SHIT MAN!!!! COME ON!!!! GIVE ME THAT FAT DICK!!! FUCK ME!!!! COME ON FUCK ME LIKE A BITCH!!!!!” Adam couldn’t believe he was begging this older 6’, 285 lbs. daddy to fuck his 5’6”, 120lbs. eighteen year old body like he was a girl. What was coming over him? He needed to be fucked bad, really bad. He needed to feel that eight inch, red bull thick, huge mushroom headed, pierced cock fucking him like the twink in the video. Dean grinned down at the virgin boy he was about to fuck and breed full of his toxic seed. He always stopped taking his meds about a week before he went out to the baths to make sure he was primed to stealth young hot twinks. “Here sniff on this Adam while I finish getting ready to pop that cherry of yours,” Dean said reaching down and spraying his dirty three week old jock with a large amount of Maximum Impact. Once the jock covered Adam’s face Dean got up and opened the door to his room completely so others could see Adam lose his cherry to his raw fuck stix. He quickly climbed back on the bed lubing his dick with more of the “T” tainted warming gel and sprinkled his huge mushroom head with some “T” powder. He pulled the dirty jock off Adam’s face one more time and sprayed it again before placing it back on the boy’s face. This time he didn’t cover Adam’s eyes. He wanted to watch the boy’s expression as he felt Dean’s raw cock enter his tight ass. Adam was flying from the stuff Dean had made him smell in the dirty jock as he felt the older man begin to push on his hole. It was painful despite all the finger work Dean had done on him, but he wanted it really, bad. Dean was waiting for him to open up a bit more. As tempted as he was just to rip the hell out of the virgin boy, he wanted Adam to be so tweaked and into the fuck he wouldn’t realize or care how abused his hole was as each and every guy used it in the pig sling room later. As soon as he did that his ass relaxed and opened enough for Dean’s huge mushroom cap to enter where nothing had entered before except a few fingers. “FUCK!!!!!!!!!” Adam yelped loudly as Dean entered and paused. Adam began to pant rapidly from the intrusion of the massively thick cock. At first he didn’t think he could take it, but the longer Dean held it there the better it felt. He was starting to want more of this daddy’s thick eight inches buried in his ass. Dean sprayed the jock one more time dropping back over the boy’s nose and mouth, leaving his eyes uncovered so he could watch Adam’s eyes as a new poz cum slut was born. He waited until he was certain Adam was flying, before beginning to push deeper inside the no longer virgin boy. He knew in a matter of minutes once he was buried deep inside Adam and began his slow fucking the boy would be in total slut mode. He could already sense a couple guys standing outside the door watching. Once Adam was in full slut mode he would invite them in to watch and join in. But before he did that he was going to make the boy know he was being fucked raw and beg like a good lil’ slut for Dean’s load. Dean began to force his cock deeper and deeper into Adam making the innocent boy moan loader with each inch that sank into his neg ass. He loved how hot and tight his new bitch’s ass felt on his poz meat spike. He was looking forward to contrasting this feel with the one he would give Adam before helping the boy dress at the end of the fuckfest. Adam couldn’t believe how good it felt to have a cock buried in his ass. He wished he had started earlier if he had known it felt this good. “FUCK MAN!!! THIS FEELS SO GOOD!” Adam moaned loudly. “I haven’t even started yet slut, wait ‘til I get I start pumping your sweet lil’ pussy and breed it.” Dean chuckled, beginning to pull out and shove his dick back in the teen beneath him. He was quickly pulling almost out before slamming back in Adam. “SHIT!!! OH FUCK!!!! YES!!!!” Adam began chanting over and over as Dean picked up speed fucking the eighteen year old harder and harder. He started pushing back to meet each downward thrust. This was so fucking good Adam thought. He wanted more and more of Dean’s cock. He just couldn’t get enough of it. He loved the thick meat pounding him and really loved how the PA felt on his prostrate each time it hit his boy button. Once Dean was sure Adam was really getting into the fuck he decided it was time to let the twink know he was being fucked raw. He reached down and grabbed one of Adam’s hands and brought it back to his cunt which was still being pounded by Dean. “Here bitch feel how good my fuck stix feels going in your sweet pussy,” he said grinning as he wrapped Adam’s hand around the slick meat spike working his ass. “You’re taking it like the good fucking slut you are.” Adam couldn’t believe this thick piece of man meat was making him feel so good. He was enjoying the feel of the thick tool working his ass, when he realized he didn’t feel the bottom of the rubber. He began running his hand up and down Dean’s cock shaft searching for the rubber, but there was none. His eyes widen as he realized he was being barebacked. No this was wrong he had to get Dean to stop and put one on! “You’re not wearing a rubber! You gotta stop and put one on! Please stop Dean!” Adam begged. Dean loved the shocked expression of Adam as he realized his was being barebacked. Now it was time to make him beg for Dean’s load to be pumping in his slut boy pussy. “You didn’t ask for one when we started and I’m not stopping ‘til I load that cunt of yours with my jizz. Besides I never wear a condom it feels better raw. Besides you were enjoying it before you knew you were getting it raw up your slut ass,” with that he started long dicking Adam hard and fast. Every once in a while he would pull completely out before slamming back in deep and hard. The overwhelming sensation of skin against skin quickly Adam made forget about Dean fucking him bareback. Dean was right it felt so good and he was once again moaning and begging for Dean’s cock. If being fucked raw felt this good, then covered must not be that good. He then vaguely remembered guy friends saying fucking a girl bareback was a thousand times better than wearing a rubber. So maybe it was okay to be fucked by Dean like this. “SHIT!!!! FUCK ME!!!! HARDER!!!!! FUCK ME!!!!! HARDER!!!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!” Adam howled as he was getting turned on more and more. He needed it bad and wanted to get as much dick as possible in him. He had never imagined he would ever feel like this in his life. Adam never wanted it to stop. “See bitch, you like it raw don’t ya?” Dean asked as he continued to pummel Adam’s pussy. “YES!!!! FUCK ME!!! HARDER!!! GIVE ME YOUR LOAD!!!!” “You want my charged load huh bitch?” Dean asked with an evil smile realizing Adam didn’t know what he was asking. “FUCK YES!!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!! BREED ME WITH IT!!!!” Adam demanded being totally lost in lust now from the “T”. He wanted to feel this daddy’s load being pumped inside him. He no longer cared about a rubber only being fucked as much as possible. Adam couldn’t believe how energized he was getting fucked by Dean. This could go on forever as so far as he was concerned. He was pushing back to get more of Dean inside him. “Hell ya cunt I’m gonna fill your fucking pussy with my charged jizz slut,” “FUCK YA!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!! I WANT YOUR LOAD!!!!” Feeling his balls starting to tingle as he punch fucked Adam, Dean asked the boy, “You want my charged load? Well fucking beg for me to charge your cunt with my load,” Dean commanded the still innocent boy. “FUCKIN’ CHARGE MY ASS!!!!” Adam practically howled going crazy from the fucking he was getting. He didn’t understand what was about to happen to him. He was getting ready to take his first poz load of his life and had been tricked into begging for Dean to poz him. “FUCK YA!!! SLUT!!!!! I’M!!!! GONNA!!! CHARGE!!! THAT!!!! SLUT!!!! CUNT!!!” Yelled Dean as he completely pulled out of Adam’s boy pussy before slamming back into it as hard as he could slamming his churning balls against the boy’s hairless ass. His knew his PA was doing more damage to Adam’s no longer virgin fuck tunnel as he buried it deep as he began to fire volley after volley into Adam. “SHIT!!!! CUMMING!!!! TAKE MY CHARGED!!! LOAD!!!!! IN YOUR!!!! NEG CUNT!!!! SLUT!!!!!!!” Dean howled as he began pumping his load deep into Adam. He began lubing the boy’s raw and damaged fuck tunnel with long slow in and out strokes. He wanted to make sure he worked his toxic load in good and deep into the no longer neg teen. Adam couldn’t believe how good Dean’s load felt inside him. He loved the warm thick gooey man juice coating his colon. He wanted more dicks in him so he could keep enjoying this amazing feeling in his ass. Without thinking about it, Adam started working his ass muscles trying to milk Dean’s wonderful jizz out of his thick eight inch man cock. Dean looked back at the door recognizing one of the four men at the door who had been watching Adam take his first poz load of his life. He grinned at Jack, his friend, motioning with his head at the small toiletries bag on top of his clothes. Dean kept pumping his still hard cock in and out of Adam keeping him distracted from Jack entering the room and opening the bag. Jack understood what Dean wanted to do to the fucking hot twink he had picked up and breed with his toxic seed. Inside the bag were several prepared points. He pulled one out and waited as Dean pulled the dirty jock off the boy’s face. He grinned as soon as he got a good like at the twink. He loved the fact that the boy looked like he was barely sixteen, but knew he had to be at least eighteen. The bath would never risk its license by letting underage boys in. This was going to be hot doing this boy, who looked so young, almost like doing the real thing. Dean knew Jack would help him slam Adam. Once that was accomplished he would let Jack and the other guys at the door take turns before giving Adam another slam and booty bump. Then the no longer innocent eighteen year old would be led the pig sling room where he would spend the rest of the night and possibly a big chunk of the next day being gangbanged by everyone and anyone who wanted a go at his no longer cherry boy ass. Adam was in for the time of his life. Dean sprayed his jock with another big hit of Maximum Impact before dropping it on Adam’s face covering it completely again. As soon as he did Jack hurried over with the point and a rubber tube. They quickly tied it on the flying boy’s arm and stuck him making sure they didn’t get a bubble before injecting it in. Once the syringe was empty they pulled off the rubber tube and waited. Adam was flying from the stuff on Dean’s jock when he felt something tied tightly on his right arm and a slight prick. The tightness on his arm didn’t last very long before it was released. It almost reminded him of time he had gotten his blood drawn once. Suddenly he felt a warm rush move up his arm and into his chest and throat. For a minute it felt like he couldn’t breathe as his heart was beating like mad, then he coughed hard a few times. After coughing he couldn’t believe how good he felt. He felt so alive and really, really needed to have Dean fuck him more. Hell he wanted any dick now fucking him. He was so fucking horny. His ass and cock were tingling. He started trying to work his ass to let Dean know he was ready for more fucking. “Slut’s ready for you guys now come on in and take a ride. I just popped his sweet lil’ cherry ass,” Adam heard Dean say to someone as he pulled the jock off his face. Adam looked up and saw four naked men standing around him stroking their cocks. They looked like they ranged in age from early twenties to in his sixties. The young guy was a well-built muscle stud sporting a nice wedge shaped seven inch cock, the forty-something guy standing next to Dean was a tall Skelton-like man with a thick nine inch long cock. The other two sixty-something men were heavy set bearded bears sporting a couple of very thick six and half and seven inch cocks. Jack was a forty-five year old poz top, who had stopped taking meds a few years back, was leering and drooling at the prospect of pumping his death seed into Adam. His twink ex-boyfriend had cheated on him with another guy more than ten years before and ended up infected him with the virus as a result. He did the whole meds thing for a while, but finally in the end said fuck it. He decided he would share the gift his ex-boyfriend had given him with as many twink boys as he could. His big nine inch death stix usually tempted many drunk, stoned or tweaking fools into letting him breed their asses with his death seed. “These guys enjoyed the show slut and want to take a ride in that hot pussy you have there. I know you’d like that wouldn’t you? Filling that sweet lil’ twat of yours with their charged loads, right cunt?” Dean said as he slid his cock in and out a couple more times the now tweaking cum dump he had just created. This caused Adam to moan before pulling it completely out leaving the eighteen year old wanting more cocks in his now gaping hole. “FUCK YES!!!! I NEED MORE COCK!!!! Breed me!!!!” Adam begged as his ass told him it desperately needed more cock. He couldn’t understand what was coming over him. He had never been this horny in his life. He had to get as much cock in his ass as possible. Dean grabbed something from his small black bag before returning to Adam with a bottle of water. In the meantime Jack climbed on the bed and positioned himself between Adam’s legs. He waited patiently teasing Adam’s still slightly open fuck hole that had started to ooze out some of Dean’s toxic load. Dean offered the now uninhibited twink two Viagra and “X” tablet along with a bottle of water. Dean sprayed some more Maximum Impact on his jock and dropped it back on the boy’s nose and mouth. “Mind if I booty bump the slut some more Dean?” Jack asked holding up the film canister and shaking it. “Nope that’s what it’s for Jack,” Dean replied with an evil smirk. Jack smiled back as he opened the canister shaking out a nice sized shard and then shook some powder on the head of his already cum covered cock head. One of the older bear couple grabbed Adam’s legs and pulled them back so Jack could drop the shard in the boy’s open hole. Jack took the boy’s legs back and lined his cock with the opening. As he shoved his thick nine inch cock in the moaning twink balls deep in a single thrust he announced to the gathered room, “Now it’s time to really knock this slut’s ass up with some poz loads.”
    1 point
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