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  1. This is a re-write of an earlier story a few months back as I felt I didn't do it justice. Hope you like this one. Part 1 - Legal & Ready That Saturday afternoon he sat naked with just the towel covering his modesty, the silence in the steam room was frequently interrupted by the vent of lightly scented steam being released, a few seconds later it shrouded his young body in a mythical mist as droplets of sweat ran from his neck and across his chest. Ethan placed the palm of his hands on his smooth chest and rubbed it in, he guessed that was what you was suppose to do after all it was his first time in a bathhouse. Deep within the mist shuffling could be heard which signalled that he was not alone, but the dense mist made it impossible to make anything out, he rested his head back and closed his eyes savouring the light floral scent in the steam, his thoughts on what to do if someone made a move on him. He had never had a sexual encounter with a man before and he desperately needed something to happen, but for now he relaxed and enjoyed the heat in the steam room. Ethan would be celebrating his 18th birthday on Saturday and as a present to himself decided that he would finally venture out of his conservative family surroundings and in to the gay world. He lived with his parents in Sterling Ridge part of Harrison in Westchester County. His father Jack was a successful business lawyer and his mother Ellie, well if they had a series called Housewives of Westchester then she would be the starring role. His sister was the apple in the eye and could do nothing wrong. Ethan though was ruled over like an iron fist, throughout his child hood his movements and actions were carefully planned maximising his education, his father had already decided that Ethan would be taking the legal route. To be fair he was actually pretty good at it, smart and passing all his exams with flying colours. Albeit he was a frustrated closeted teenager, he was only allowed to attend specific parties with other families who lived in Sterling Ridge, but as he hit 16 he had a little more freedom but still kept by the rules, he was able meet up with his small circle of college friends. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Ethan was a catch and his mother was lining up local girls that he should become acquainted with, mostly to elevate the families social standing in the community. Ethan stood an average five feet eight inches, perfectly built with a natural muscle tone for his age, his blond hair and blue eyes gave an almost Hollywood appeal. The best part was that he looked much younger for his age and packed a nifty seven and half inches in his underwear. It had been a long week at college and finally Friday was here, he sat in the sunshine with his two closest friends Ben and Javier who were all planning their weekend activities and keen to find out what Ethan was doing to celebrate his birthday. He told them they would celebrate the following week as he had plans with his family already. Three older guys walked past and said hello, one of the guys Adam was in many of Ethan's classes and he only knew him to say hello to and nothing else. Ethan made eye contact with Adam who smiled and walked off quickly chatting to the two other lads. Adam turned to his friends commenting "I do wonder about Ethan and if he is sitting on the fence." Tony glanced back at Ethan and then to Adam "Dude I could so trash his ass" the three laughed. "Not until I have had him" Adam lightly punched Tony as they continued on their way. Tony ruffled Adam's hair remarking "I don't think he is even legal yet." The three laughed out loud and Adam glanced back at Ethan which didn't go unnoticed by him and his friends. Ben shook his head "What was that all about?" "My brother has told me some stories about those three" Javier replied. Ethan looked at Javier "What do you mean?" looking curiously at him. Javier laughed "Better watch your back Ethan don't bend over in the shower or you might get a surprise." Ben laughed loudly "Seriously, I heard the same thing" he said looking at Javier who nodded. "How come I never find out these things? Anyway Adam is on the baseball team he is to straight to be gay," Ethan replied. Javier laughed "It's not baseball balls he likes to play with." Ethan sat there and wondered if they knew, no how could they, was he giving off some invisible gaydar signal. He brushed it off thinking that there was no way Adam would know, but then he wouldn't mind if he did as Adam was one of his fantasy encounters. Classes over for the week Ethan said his farewells to Ben and Javier and walked the 20 minutes home, he wanted to get his assignments done as they were due Monday morning so he headed to the study to make a start. He was halfway through when his mother walked in. "Ethan have you decided what you want to do this weekend?" she sat opposite him. He looked up "If you don't mind I would like to go out with my college friends." putting his pencil down. She looked at him and smiled "Well if your sure, we are going to beach house at the Hamptons if you want to join us." Ethan smiled, he did love it there but he replied "I'd love to, Mom, but I have too many assignments I need to get finished." She stood up "Of course, dinner will be ready in an hour" she replied standing up and turning to leave the study. Ethan went to his room early and got his laptop out, he had already done some research on the web and found a bathhouse that was easy to reach from Harrison and just on the outskirts of the Bronx, best part was that it was reachable by train. Ethan would watch a lot of gay sex clips on pornhub, usually whilst enjoying a little masturbation at the same time, he would pay particular attention to the act of penetration and how they seemed to enjoy it. Ethan was lulled in to a false sense of understanding that taking a cock would glide seamlessly in, something he would later find out to be untrue in many ways. He was looking at the bathhouse website, the place looked pretty clean and welcoming and he now knew the route to the building from the train station off by heart and that it would only take 10 minutes to walk. His anticipation and excitement was growing, he would be far enough away from Harrison but still close enough for regular visits if it goes well. He hit the back button on his browser and scrolled down the search engine results and found a page that had reviews for the bathhouse so he clicked on the link to see what people said about the place. The first few reviews were pretty standard 'Great place to chill out, clean and friendly' and 'Busy place and notorious breeding ground', he thought for a moment before realising it must mean plenty of sex going on. He continued reading some other reviews until he hit a rather peculiar one 'Nailed by the Angel of Death, holy fuck was it good, tried for a second round but refused access to the cock', he read it again thinking it was a rather strange review but then read the next one 'Great mix of hot guys but way to many tops vying for bottoms to breed'. He sat there looking at the screen, hindsight would have been a great thing at the time but when sensibility, adrenaline and lust clash, sensibility had no chance of winning and so it was with Ethan as his cock was pointing up ready to hoist a flag on. Above all his naivety he had learnt a bit about men and the dangers of the gay community, more specifically around biohazard and scorpion tattoos and what they signified. Angelo closed the lid of his laptop and headed out of Manhattan back to Larchmont after the business meeting. At 25 he was a successful software designer who put himself through education and developed one of the most sought after business to business software products, so much so that he only licensed it to companies he liked in order to keep it relatively exclusive so the could leverage a premium on licensing. Companies paid top dollar for it making Angelo a little money so he had moved himself out of the Bronx to the exclusive Larchmont coastal suburb. An extremely attractive guy who stood six foot and of Puerto Rican descent, on the outside he was professional, pleasant and simply looked like sex on legs. Underneath he was powerfully built with amazing biceps and six pack you could grate carrots on, he worked out in his home gym every day. Both arms adorned with tattoo sleeves and across his back a fallen Angelo holding two biohazard signs. Angelo had been poz since he was 17, at first he bottomed for many Latino men in the Bronx but by 19 he was topping and breeding unsuspecting guys, he found he liked nothing more than sharing his gift. He kept a close eye on his viral load which was bordering just under 700k, for some strange reason his CD4 count had only lowered by 100 keeping him pretty healthy. His eight inch cock was quite thick and of ample proportion, his balls hung low enough to get a good slapping sound going when fucking hard and deep, plus they were built to deliver copious amounts of toxic seed, some guys referred to him as the 'Tap' due to the amount that would fire repeatedly from his cock. For him his life was almost complete but the one thing that alluded him was a lover, men just wanted him for his reputation and could not see past the outside to the real Angelo. As he walked in the front door his mobile phone rang, the company he just met with wanted to sign the contracts tomorrow and asked if he could make it in to town for 10am, of course he was going to as this would be his biggest customer yet and would make sure he was set up for life. He placed his mobile down on the dining room table and smiled thinking that as a celebration he would head to the Bronx bathhouse in the afternoon on the way back to see if there was any new ass to breed. Saturday morning was awash with bright sunshine and the early June temperatures were set to rise to 25c, Ethan seriously considered changing his mind and going to their house in the Hamptons for some beach time. As he wandered downstairs the rest of the family were all set to leave but they were waiting for Ethan so that they could give him his birthday cards and presents. He stood outside the house waving the family off as they drove along the tree lined driveway on to the main road, Ethan turned and walked back inside closing the door behind him. He smiled to himself thinking that not only am I 18 today but I am also officially gay. He quickly finished the last of his assignments and headed out for the short 20 minute walk to Harrison station, it was a hot walk so he was glad to be in the air-conditioned carriage of the train as it rattled out of Harrison towards NYC and the Bronx. The short 25 minute journey gave Ethan time to think over how he play this afternoon out, he had read one of the reviews which advised if you don't want sex then keep your towel over your cock. He also remembered to look out for biohazard and scorpion symbols which were to be avoided at all cost, believing he was well prepared for his adventure he sat back and enjoyed the train ride. Before long the sprawling Bronx suburb was passing the windows as the train began to slow down coming to the station. Angelo shook hands with the CIO of the company as the memorandum of understanding was signed, he had done his due diligence by making sure that the company supported the community in specific areas so was happy with his decision. Angelo was a very complex character, on his business side he would only work with companies who gave back to the community and they had diversity policy especially with LGBT and racial equality. As he parted the CIO informed Angelo that he would get all the legal documents in place in a few weeks to be officially signed with legal representatives from both sides. Angelo walked towards the metro his mind on sex, his sexual side may be notorious, but his personal level was never shown to anyone outside of his own family or close friends. Angelo slipped beneath the streets of Manhattan to the subway and boarded the train towards the Bronx, he sat down smiling to himself about the deal, he chuckled every time he thought about the money involved but also shook his head in disbelief, one thing for certain he was going to buy his family a new house and move them to Larchmont as he had promised many times to his mother and father. Ethan turned the corner of the block and stood outside the front door of the bathhouse, he got a little jittery and watched for several minutes as a hot guy walked past and went inside consumed by the dark window less door. He told himself now or never Ethan, gingerly he took a few steps forward and reached his arm out to open the door. The warm air hit his face as he stepped inside only to be faced by a second door with a camera over the top and a button to the left. He tried the door but it was shut solid, he pushed the button and heard the lock on the door click. It was a heavy door that required some effort to push it open, as he stepped inside he found himself to be in a small reception room with a clerk standing behind the counter his name badge showing him as Brad, he was in his late 20's, tattooed and buffed with a blond pony tail and dazzling green eyes. "What can I do for you bud?" Brad asked looking Ethan up and down. Ethan had no idea what to say "Urrmm, bathhouse." Brad laughed "I need to see two forms of ID buddy to make sure your old enough." Ethan fumbled around and handed over his student and drivers cards "Here, actually I turn 18 today." Brad took the ID and was silent for a moment "Are you sure you want to be here?" Ethan looked stunned "Oh, what do you mean?" he asked. "Do you think you can handle yourself with all the men down there?" Brad asked looking Ethan in the eye. Ethan nervously laughed "I don't know, but I can keep my towel around my waist." Brad laughed again "Okay, I hope you know what your doing, here you need to sign this disclaimer." Ethan looked down "What does it mean?" "It just waivers our responsibility for anything you may get down there" Brad replied handing the pen to Ethan who sighed "Lawyers," as he signed the release, returning it and the pen back to Brad, asking "Do I pay now?" Brad smiled "$20 bud, then I let you in." "Here you go," Ethan handed over the bill and the door to his left clicked open. "Come through" Brad told Ethan. Ethan pushed open another heavy door and found himself inside a bar lounge area that was warm and pretty cosy. In the corner drinking sat a group of five men who gave Ethan furtive glances and watched as Brad handed Ethan two towels and a locker key and escorted him to the changing room. Brad pointed out the steam, sauna and private rooms on the lower floor along with the showers. Brad patted Ethan on the ass and told him to enjoy himself before turning to resume his duty at the bar and reception. Ethan looked around at the empty locker room and very shyly got undressed and placed his possessions in the locker along with the spare towel, carefully he secured the other towel around his waist and walked back in to the lounge area and handed Brad his locker key. "You all set bud?" Brad asked checking out Ethan. Ethan noticing this blushed "Yes" he looked Brad in the eye who gave him a smile and a wink. Brad watched Ethan make his way to the steps leading to the lower floor, his gaze utterly fixed on Ethan's ass through the towel, only to be interrupted by the door buzzer going off. Brad turned and headed back to attend to the new visitor. Brad grinned at seeing Angelo standing there "Angelo nice to see you, how are you?" Brad enquired smiling at him. "Good man, just closed some business and thought I would stop off on the way home" Angelo replied. "Just had a cute 18 year old arrive Angelo, first time and I think a virgin" Brad winked at Angelo. Angelo smirked and handed over his $20 bill and Brad let him through, he still had the biggest crush on Angelo and usually fumbled around whenever he was in the bathhouse. Brad leaned over the counter top and his thoughts floating away at the thought of being fucked by Angelo in a sweaty long passionate love making scene with him. He snapped back to reality, like most he knew Angelo was a one time fuck only, he never really could understand why he was like that. Brad smiled to himself thinking he was probably to scared of commitment or getting hurt. Angelo returned and handed Brad his locker key as he began to fumble around seeing this nearly naked fine specimen of a body stood in front of him. Angelo winked and smiled at Brad as he headed off towards to the steam room.
    16 points
  2. I don't know where to start, but here it goes. Before my 18th birthday, I had only suck one dick but once I started college things changed. My father used to tell me the best part of me ran down the crack of my mother's ass and he is right, with me being 5ft. 5 & 100 LBS I was always the runt of any class I was in, except for one thing I have a thick 8-inch dick. The best part of High school was taking showers in the locker room and looking at all the hot looking boys and seeing they might have great bodies, but I had the big dick. I left home with no real money and moved into a shady part of town. Going to school during the day and waiting on tables at night. My sex life was a big blank until I saw a post about a bathhouse around the corner. I went to the front door and knocked and the one opening the door says you have to be 18 to get in so come back in 4 years when you turn 18. Again I knock on the door and say I have I.D. so come on in and he looks at my I.D. for a long time, then says its real, so the fee is $10 for students and gives a towel a condom and lube. I go to the locker room, and the place is empty, but for Jerry who is in the late 40s. He comes over and says place raided last night, so they are staying away till it blows over. Jerry asks how new am I the truth is I'm a virgin, and he smiles then tells me to lie down on the table. Jerry says he won't do anything I don't feel comfortable doing as he pours warm oil on my body, this feels great as he works it into my body. He is near my hole and says I'm going to see how tight you are. One finger in my ass with a feeling I have never felt before as my dick is rock hard. Jerrk whispers in my ear we have to go to his place a few blocks away as he has supplies that will help enjoy it a lot more. I have seen porn, so I know he wants to stick his dick in me, but I have a feeling Jerry wants to spend more than just a slam-bang and leave. Jerry lives across the street from me, and he has a nice place here with two bedrooms, one is where he sleeps, and the other is his party room. Jerry ask me if I have ever smoked weed, and I say just a few times, so Jerry laughs and says he has weed spike with T. I never heard of T and as I smoke it I find out why as he lays me on my stomach in his playroom. Jerry shows me his special lube that also has T in it and that it will burn and for me to take some poppers first. He is instructing me how to do poppers first inhale three times on one side of my nose now do the other and back. After a few times, I feel his fingers working my hole and the slite burn he talks about as he has two fingers in me. Jerry is kissing on the back of my neck and says he is POZ, but I don't have to worry as he is on med. I have no idea what he is talking about as the fingers in my ass that is all I care about as Jerry ask me if I can take more as he puts his third finger in me. I see Jerry for the first time naked as he takes out his Prince Albert as he does not want to rip me up. He puts me on the edge of the bed hands me some poppers and says that any pain to let him know. I take a few big hits from the poppers as the head of his dick is against my hole. I'm feeling pressure, but no pain as Jerry is going very slow with his 7-inch dick and the burn from the T lube I can't help my self as I back up onto Jerry dick till I'm balls deep and he is laughing and telling me to fuck my self on his dick. I feel Jerry dick swelling up with his heaving breathing as he forces me to lay flat on the bed as he goes nuts fucking me as fast as he can. Then he stops, then puts all his weight on me as his dick is pulsing out his medicated POZ cum into my virgin hole. I spent two days with Jerry went in a virgin and left as his cum dump. Over the next few weeks, I see Jerry when I can, but I have to make money for school and between school and work its hard. Jerry asked me if I would like to make some real money as he has a friend who might have some work for me. I say sure, and he needs some pictures of me naked which I do. Jerry says they all should be with me having an erection, so he gives me some viagra.
    7 points
  3. I got home that night and was a little shaken, as well as turned on, by what had happened. I was exhausted. The boyfriend had made some dinner and I could tell that he was horny, but I told him a patient had died and that I just wanted to get some sleep. I kissed him goodnight, aware that I was probably passing David's cold sore germs to him as well, and went to sleep. I remember dreaming that night of David, and what my life might be like now that it had changed forever. I woke up that morning with a huge boner, but the boyfriend had already gone to work, so I jacked off thinking about David sentencing me to death. I was glad the boyfriend had gone, as I wanted to wait until I had gotten over the fuck flu before I changed his fate too. As luck would have it, a friend of mine texted me a few days later to tell me that he had seen the boyfriend kissing another guy at a bar at the weekend. I had always assumed that the boyfriend was cheating on me, he loved sex too much, but I knew he always played safe. Nevertheless, accidents happen, and I had found my window of plausible deniability. I was going to knock him up, bad, and then I'd blame it all on him for being a slut. He'd never suspect a thing. Sure enough, two weeks later the fuck flu hit me like a freight train. I'd never been as ill in my entire life. To be fair to the boyfriend he really looked after me, but he had no idea he was nursing to maturity his very own demise. David's cold sore germs took over my lip, and it was painful. But the pain only turned me on. I also managed to hide the horrific cases of gono and herpes that I had picked up. My asshole ached from the herpes sores, and my cock stung like a bastard. However, after two weeks it all died down, and I was looking reasonably like my old self again - for now. I had another text on the boyfriend's fateful night - telling me he was severely cheating and why was I still with him? That I should confront him. All in good time. He got home that night and I had made a nice dinner. A last meal before his death sentence was handed down. We ate and chatted, and then I told him I felt a lot better and was horny as fuck. His eyes lit up, and we made our way to the bedroom. Clothes were off in seconds, and after some hot fondling he got onto the bed. "Fuck me!" I couldn't resist taking a quick snap: My death stick was rock solid, the thought of infecting him with HIV, gono, herpes and God knows what else I caught driving me wild. I got behind him and sank my cock into his tight hole. "Mmmm I've missed this," he said, with no idea of the danger he was in. I knew I wouldn't last long, so I got to work, hammering his hole as he screamed in ecstasy. I pushed down on his strong back, imagining the disease eating him alive, my poisonous balls slapping against his firm ass. I could feel death swelling up in me, and I pushed in until I was balls deep. "You want it baby? You want my load?" He screamed. "Yes baby! Fucking cum in my hole!" Well, he did ask for it. I grunted as 8 thick ropes of certain death flooded his guts. He moaned as I pushed harder, making sure the shots of toxic cum went straight into his womb. He was going to have my AIDS baby, and I felt like a God as I realized I had just murdered him. I pulled out, pushing my escaping load back into him, and we slept in a tight cuddle that night. After a few weeks, the fuck flu hit him too. "I think I must have that bug you had," he said one morning. 'Oh you've got my bug alright'. The flu hit him harder than I had it (which I didn't think was possible), and I went into the bedroom with chicken soup one afternoon to find him collapsed on the floor. A trip to the hospital confirmed that he had developed pneumonia, and that they would need to do some blood tests to get to the bottom of it. One sunny morning, a Doctor came into the room. "I'm afraid you've tested positive for HIV and a number of other sexual infections. I must warn you, this is a particularly virulent strain of the virus. We can give you some drugs for the other STIs but I'm afraid there's nothing we can do for the HIV infection". Not only had I given him HIV, gono and herpes, but syphilis and Hepatitis C too. 'Fuck' I thought, as my cock hardened. The boyfriend was in tears, and it was at that moment, at his lowest ebb, that I decided to confirm my plunge into evil. I showed him the texts, confronted him about the cheating. He admitted it, insisting he was always safe. "Safe goes wrong sometimes," I said, to which he quietly nodded. "See you in the next life, slut - be out of my house by next week". And with that, I closed down a very satisfying chapter of my life. *** Next chapter soon - hope you guys are enjoying it!
    6 points
  4. I went to my local cruisy park today around lunch time. Last week I had a pretty day there around the same time so I thought I would see what was happening. The park was pretty busy, quite a few regulars but nothing I was really interested in. One dude that I have sucked off and has fucked me before was cruising. This guy drives me nuts! First of all, he’s rude and doesn’t make any acknowledgment when we pass each other. As I said, he has loaded my ass and filled my throat numerous times. Last week and this week, when I start to make a hook up he appears and wants to join in. I am watching this straight looking black guy jack off to porn on his phone when I see this young black guy walk by. He looked familiar so I followed him. He turned around and started chatting. I told him I wanted my ass loaded and he said he could fill it. This guy has a profile on bbrt that says he’s 19 years old. Usually i am not into guys that young but this dude is hot as fuck!! We go to the deserted boardwalk and we start to make out. We take our shirts off and drop our pants down to the ground so we are practically naked. After a couple of minutes, he said “i need to get in that ass buddy”. I bend over and he slides his 7” cut cock fully into me with one thrust. It feels awesome. Seeing how hot he is, I ask him to use my phone and take video. He does and gets some pretty good angles. (Wish I could post them here.) After he finished with video, he starts to pump hard and faster and tells me he’s gonna shot his wad in my hairy hole. I tell him to go for it. He unloads and I can feel his cock pulsing as cum squirts out. He starts to pull out but I tell him to wait until he fully unloaded that I want every drop from his balls. Since he’s still hard he starts to slowly fuck me driving more and more of his load deeper into my guts. Finally he pulls out, we get dressed and walk out together. I told him I’d like for him to fuck me again and he said he would love to and he thinks I am a hot daddy. It blows my mind that a 19 year old would want to fuck a 51 y/o like me!
    5 points
  5. I ask Omar if I can go to a party at school that is for thous who are under 21. He is laughing and says yes you can as he has heard about these parties. Jerry is twice my age and has fucked with his dick in me for 45minutes to an hour and is exhausted when he is finished and cums in my ass. I figure these guys are young and can fuck for hours. I get to the party with a clean hole ready for a night of hot young boys to pound my hole into oblivion. Well, they were young 18-21 great looking bodies with hard dicks, and that was about it. The rules are bull shit sucking a dick with a condom on getting fuck with a condom. Ok, it gets worse when they fuck its stick it in and cum in less than a minute as these boys have no idea how to control themselves. I left these so disgusted and will never go again. I go over to Paul home for the week to get an education. It will be about drugs and the effect and what kind of sex I might want to do as Omar will have that on my profile. Paul wants to take pictures of me. I pose with my legs spread on my knees wide showing my hole and a baseball cap on backward; I never know why people love that picture? Legs over my shoulders showing my hole and many others all with me having a hardon. Drugs I will be given different drugs and see how it affects me. We start with poppers and as I have done them before its put on the list of things I do. GHB Paul explains to me what this is and gives me a taste in different drinks. In 15 minutes I'm feeling the effects as he is filming and ask me questions, but I'm feeling so relaxed and sleepy. Later he tells me that whenever out to watch my drinks as someone might slip it into your glass. Its also used if you are going to do some heavy play where you want to be out of it. Ecstasy/Molly After the GHB I try this, and I'm up for 6 hours and its good for a long session as either a Top or bottom. Coke I like to do lines and the effect. Meth/Tina Smoking I'm ok with but not interested in doing. Booty Bump YES YES YES as my hole becomes so hungry for something in it and just more. Slamming After the coughing, its something I love doing and the rush. Paul shows me videos of different sex acts, BDSM, Medical play, Fisting but I'm not ready for, Watersports, Puppy play, and others. Paul says I'm to get somebody piercings that some customers will like. Paul takes me to a body piercer who is hot looking with his tribal tattoos. The piercer first does my right ear. Then a stud for my tongue and I'm told to wash my mouth out with Listerine three times a day for two weeks. Then the Guiche but it took him a long time to find the right spot as with his finger and pushed every area between my ass hole and scrotum till I almost jump off the table as that is the area that will give me the most pleasure. Prince Albert lets say inhale a deep breath and then exhale, and the first part is done. I'm to drink a lot of water as the first time I piss there will be some pain and blood. Well, I did piss some blood, but the pain was not as terrible as I thought it would be.
    5 points
  6. Was hit up on BBRT by a married NSA bottom was taking anon loads in his office. It was a 15 minute drive across town. I had been chatting with a submissive twink on Grindr all morning; him telling me how he wanted my to pin him down, shove a jock in his mouth, and go to pound town on his tight sub ass. I was very worked up and on the urge of blue balls, so when this other fellow hit me up, I decided to go for it. Drove to a non-descript office building. Apparently he's an insurance agent of some kind (and totally looked the part once he stood up and turned around.) He had already taken three loads, the last from a BBC who had left just before I got there. So, I just slid in and went to work. He was pretty loosened up so although I had come in mind of a quick pump and dump, it took me 15 minutes to blow, and all the while he;s groaning and telling me how good my thick cock felt in his ass. When I finished, I cleaned up and went back to work. (What's that thread about a "double life? My co-workers have no idea how often I've bred ass at lunch or during the day and come right back to the office.)
    4 points
  7. This morning ... day off work and logged into BBRT to see if anyone was about. After about 10mins I got a message asking if I was ‘free now?’ replied that I was about, in 20mins he was at my door. Meet him in the lobby and took him into my bedroom, where I dropped my shorts, leaving on my jockstrap. He stripped down and I got onto my knees. Decent sized cock and I got him hard and he face fucked me for a bit. He asked to see my hole, so climbed onto the bed and leaned over exposing my hole. Next thing I felt was his tongue working it’s way into my ass. Felt great hearing (and feeling) him rim my ass. Then he got up and I could fell his cock resting at my hole. Took a hit of poppers as he pushed forward. It took a couple of attempts as I was really tight (which he loved) but then he was balls deep and then just started to fuck me. This fuck was for him to shoot a load, and he was really horny and desperate to shoot. After a few mins he asked if I wanted his load and I said yes. He said he was poz and would that matter. I just took another hit of poppers and said ok. Couple of hard fucks and then he shot deep inside me. He waited a minute before pulling out and then got dressed and left.
    4 points
  8. BROTHER JAY As it turned out, Brother Jay who was the first one that I sucked, was also the first to be introduced. All of the candles in the room had been blown out, except for several small flickering flames. Brother Jay, still clad in his red robe, slowly walked in front of me, with just a single red candle illuminating his face. His hood shrouded most of his face, but from what I could see, his cheeks and face were quite drawn and grey looking. He placed his candle in a candelabra next to the alter and slowly removed his robe and hood. His body looked much like his face, all sunken in. His ribs protruded like a dying horse, and his body was covered in lesions. My guess was correct. Brother Jay had to be at least 70 years old. His cock was already fully erect, and Id say it was a good 9 inches, perhaps because it looked so strong and firm against his wasting body. He was already leaking a yellow tinted ooze from his cock, not the usual pearly cum that I was accustomed to. He did not allow me to service his cock for long before instructing me to assume the position. He slowly entered my ass and started to pound me in a steady rhythm. His weak voice started to become very guttural, and I knew he was close to blowing. The father also realized this, and told him his time was done, however I was to receive his blessings down my throat. He obeyed the father and moved to the front of me, and quickly released his seed into my awaiting mouth. His cum tasted quite bitter and strange to me. It wasn’t the familiar taste of semen, and blood, but I thanked him for his blessing. BROTHER STEPHEN Brother Stephen was the next to welcome me to the fold. He moved around me just as Brother Jay did with the single red candle. He quickly dropped his robe to reveal a furry bear daddy with a number of tats, including a scorpion and biohazard tattoo with numerous names surrounding it. I tried to count them, but lost count after around 10. His meaty fuck stick was hanging semi hard, and once again he aggressively stuck it into my mouth, and began to aggressively face fuck me. This time I was better prepared for it though. After about 5 minutes, he removed his rock hard cock from my mouth and spit on my face. He reached over to the alter, and placed a cruel condom upon his rigid cock, and told me that he wanted to make this count. I had never been seeded with a guy wearing a cruel condom, but had always wanted to experience it. He moved around my backside, and just as he shoved his cock down my throat, he shoved it up my ass, balls to the wall. As he was fucking me, he grabbed my head, pulling it back until I thought my neck was going to snap. He turned my head, and once again spit into my face. He began to pump harder and faster, and began to moan. Father reminded him that I was not to receive his blessing in my ass. As I felt his cock pulsing in me, he simply told the father, “too late.” The father simply walked in front of me and extinguished the candle which he placed in the candelabra. It was obvious that the father was not pleased. BROTHER ZACK It was time for my final introduction. As he walked around me, his hood was off, and his robe wide open. It was my fantasy come true, as he had bright red hair, and as they say, his carpet matched the drapes. As a red head, his body was quite pasty. Once again, as I had thought, he was a young buck. His body was chiseled, and he was showing signs of a six pack. The only hair on his body was a slight treasure trail leading up from his shaved fire crotch. He was no more than 20 years old I had guessed. Once again, he treated me with compassion, rubbing his hands across my cheeks. Although I go love rough sex, there is something to be said about compassion. Apparently there was for him also, as his cock slowly began to rise as he caressed me. Before inserting his rock hard cock in my mouth, he bent down and kissed me. So much different than brother Stephen. He slowly and gently began to fuck my face, and it wasn’t long before I started tasting his salty precum. He quickly moved around me, spreading my ass cheeks wide, and began to eat the seed which Brother Stephen had deposited in me. As he removed his tongue from my ass, I was prepared to receive his cock, however he came to my front, and felched brother Stephens seed to me. My cock had finally had enough, and although caged, it shot an amazing load on the floor. He got on the floor, and greedily licked it up, once again felching it with me. Although there was not much of my seed on the floor, he scooped up what he could with his finger, and rubbed it upon my now wrecked hole. He inserted his cock into my hole, and fucked strong and steady, just like a young buck does. His pace quickened, and I knew he was about to blow after about 15 minutes. He quickly removed his cock from my ass, and came around to my face. Although my mouth was wide open, he cam all over my face, with only some getting into my mouth. Even after he came, he was rock hard, and pushed the cum on my face into my eagerly awaiting mouth.
    4 points
  9. Attended a few of the PigWeek events in Fort Lauderdale last week. Opening Party at Leatherwerks: Well attended, all 3 garage bays were very packed (not enough room to move around.) There were a lot of slings set up with guys getting fucked and fisted. Didn't see much oral play, asseating or any piss play. There were a lot of guys socializing out in the parking lot who weren't playing. Pool Party at Inn Leather: Fun group of guys. A lot of average Joe's plus several hotties. There was a good amount of fucking and fisting going on in a few outdoor areas but the majority of the crowd just hung out by or in the pool or wandered around watching other guys fuck. While the crowd was fun, they kept running out of beverages and cups. The food they served were wings in aluminum trays. The highlight for me was a VERY long asseating and cocksucking from a very talented pig. Gokkun Party at The Big Coconut Guesthouse: The worst event I attended. A decent amount of guys show up to a dead silent, brightly-lit room with a designated cum pig who gave me and others terrible head. A couple of other guys in the room were sucking too but it was mostly just this really awkward situation with guys standing around, struggling to get hard because the vibe in the room was so bad. Most guys, like me, never even got off and just got bored and left. The grounds of the Guesthouse (at least at night) seemed very nice. Another Leatherweks Party: Pretty much identical to the first one mentioned above. Meh... Based on the high cost $150 to attend and the quality of the parties I went to, I wouldn't pay to attend again. The pig play at Slammer321 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights were 50X as good and nasty as anything I saw or encountered at the official PigWeek Events. So I recommend saving your money and just go to the regular sex clubs/bathhouses in FTL if there are anymore PigWeeks. Special thanks to the hot man from Quebec who made my Saturday night. Your huge uncut cock and big cumload were exceptional!
    3 points
  10. Went to Steamworks Friday night. Hooded up and mounted the public fuckbench in the maze. Was treated to five anonymous cocks and rcvd two loads up my cunt. Afterwards, I went to my room and left the door open as I fingered my distended sloppy pussy. A hot Daddy watching from the doorway stepped in. Says he was my second fucker. Told me to run my fingers on my pussy lips. I did was he said. Teasing my swollen cunt while he watched. Then he approached me and roughly fingered me. Stretching my cunt wide open as he berated and humiliated me with filthy language. I moaned helplessly beneath him. He did this until my cock was dripping. Finally, he mounted me and fucked me rough...wrecking my cunt for the night and delivering my third and final load. My pussy was so fucking sore the next day; it was amazing.
    3 points
  11. I think it has to do with Apple - and Apple pulling the tumblr app off the App Store due to child porn. All my posts have now been individually flagged - they're still there - but as of 12/17/18 my understanding is they'll all be marked "private" - and no one will be able to see them. I don't think they are actually deleting posts. Though they could delete tumblrs. I had an account on Blogger - and I just reactivated it. Blogger is owned by Google - and for about 2 weeks in 2015 or 2016 they said they were going to ban NSFW posts - but they reversed the decision before it went into affect. So for now I plan on going there. The list of NSFW blogs I use to follow is still there - and some are still active. My advice would be to check out Blogger, Wordpost, Reddit (there's suppose to be a NSFW section there). My guess is that tumblr will lose so many users that they'll shut. But WTF do I know .. ? BUT PLEASE POST WHERE YOU ARE GOING SO EVERYONE DOESN"T LOSE TRACK OF YOUR TUMBLRS!
    3 points
  12. After a week Jerry hears back from his friend Omar, and he does not believe I'm 18 so he wants to meet me in a public place. The first thing Omar ask if I'm Law Enforcement I say no then ask for my ID and makes a few phone calls. Comes back that I was 18 five weeks ago. Omar ask do I know what I will be doing to make some big money. I say NO. He says you will be providing a service of a sexual nature for men and do I have a problem with that? I say NO. He asks what I did with Jerry did I like doing, but there are other things I will be doing that I might not like would I have a problem? I told Omar I'm new, and I have not done anything but with Jerry, but I would like to learn. Omar asks what I'm doing at Christmas break. I say nothing. Omar says his partner Paul would give me an education on services I would be asked to provide. I have no problem with this.
    3 points
  13. As I lie here browsing Breeding Zone, it occurred to me that I probably don't have that long left. With that in mind, why don't I tell my story? It all began 6 years ago in earnest, but the situation I find myself in has probably been set in stone for the entirety of my life. 6 years ago, this was me: I was 23, I worked hard on my body, and made sure I looked good. I was training to be a nurse, had a boyfriend, house, car, the lot. Life was going well, and the sex with my boyfriend was fantastic. However, there was a part of me that he could never fulfill. It wasn't a part of me that I ever thought would be fulfilled. I used to fantasize about being pozzed. The thought of it drove me wild. Only ever a small thing at first, a thought that would drift into my head on occasion if I was jacking off, but later it became all I could think about. The thought of toxic death being pumped into my hole - heavenly. The fantasies grew, and I used to jack off thinking about getting knocked up and then pozzing my boyfriend. Obviously I could never tell him this, and as much as I loved him he had a real bias against guys with HIV. I knew that this was a secret I had to keep to myself, but as I fucked his ass at night I used to pretend I was putting him to death as I cummed. Things changed when I got into work one cold, January morning. I was on assignment in a dermatology ward. Mostly spotty teenagers and old women with psoriasis. I was bored, and I'd told my boss at the time that I wanted a new challenge. "Good news, we're moving you", she said. I could tell she was delighted - she hated me, and the feeling was mutual. "Where am I going?" A smirk crossed her face - "There's a hospice downtown that needs a new nurse". Bitch. Hospice duty was notorious for being an awful assignment. Death all around, people at the lowest ebb of their lives. You were told as a junior nurse to try and avoid it at all costs. How ironic that that's where I now find myself... Anyway, off I went to the hospice. It was in a fairly run down part of town. I sent my boyfriend a picture that morning: And he sent one back: Fuck he was hot - I made a mental note to not even say hello when I got home that night - I'd push him into the wall and fuck his tight hole until I exploded. I messaged back, 'Make sure you're lubed by 6pm x' and put my phone away. I could smell death as I headed into the hospice, and my inappropriate horniness soon died away. It upset me, the poor souls in here at the end of their lives, but I tried to put on a brave face. My new boss was a mousy little woman, and you could tell that the stress of working in this place for years had got to her. She perked up a little bit when she saw me though. I could see her, looking at me in my tight uniform. 'You're barking up the wrong tree dear' I thought. We did the rounds, checking in on each patient. It was mostly older patients, and mostly women. I did my introductions and we checked vitals. "Now," the boss said. "This next patient - I want to warn you, this is a sad case. He is in the advanced stages of AIDS". I felt my cock jump, I couldn't help it. "This particular strain is a nasty one. No medications have worked for this patient. He was diagnosed as HIV+ 10 years ago. His condition has deteriorated at a phenomenal rate". Why oh why did I have such tight pants on? My cock was rock hard and I was praying she wouldn't notice. I moved the clipboard in front of my crotch. "He has no family or friends it seems," she whispered. "He looks awful, I'll warn you. You must take extreme caution around this patient. Gloves to be worn at all times please. He has a number of other STIs, but we can't treat them as we don't think his body could cope with the medication at this stage. He's very near the end". We walked in to see the patient. He looked awful. Skeleton thin, lesions all over him. He coughed, a long, raspy rattle that made it sound like his lungs were trying to escape through his throat. He looked over at me and his eyes lit up. He smiled a toothless grin. He was 50 but didn't look a day under 90. "Hello," he whispered. "Good Morning Mr. Pearce," the boss said as she pulled on some gloves. She nodded towards to glove box and I started to put on a pair. "Please..." he rasped. "Call me David". We did his vitals, which weren't great, and as I made notes I could see him staring at me. Mentally undressing me. My cock was aching, trying its best to force its way out of the fabric of my pants. What was I thinking? This man had a fast-acting strain of HIV. He was dying of AIDS. But my cock didn't care. It wanted him. I decided to be daring, and I moved the clipboard. I could tell he noticed my straining cock straight away. He licked his lips greedily. I put the clipboard back. "Who is your friend?" he said to the boss. "This is Nurse Bateman, he just started with us today". She had a way of talking down to patients that was starting to annoy me. "Good Morning David, nice to meet you". He flashed me a wicked smile. "The pleasure is all mine". We finished his checks and the boss gave him a little something to help him sleep. Before I knew it it was lunchtime. I hurried to the toilet and locked the cubicle door. My pants were down in seconds and I was milking my cock, thinking of David, imagining riding his toxic cock. I cummed hard, just as my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was the boyfriend. "How's the job going?" Just then, a wicked plan began to form in my mind.
    2 points
  14. I always hit the baths when I travel to a city with one. (Usually Chicago, St. Louis, or Columbus) And whether I'm in a top or botttom mood, I don't shut the door to the room and ALWAYS take advantage of the public sling or fuckbench. Being watched while fucking or getting fucked is quite possibly my biggest turn on. Guys that want the door closed are a turn off for me. I've allowed it at times...but either they were smoking hot or I was very hard up. In my opinion, bathhouse, arcade, & sexclub sex should be a celebration of the carnal...a place to shed inhibitions & shame; and fully embrace ones inner pig for all to see.
    2 points
  15. I'm to see Omar about what my profile will say and the services I will offer at this time. The pictures Paul took are fantastic and make me look so inviting for you to want. Omar says to think of what you like to do the drugs you are willing to take and services you want to do. Sex Status: Negative on PrEP Take POZ: Yes Looking to become POZ: Maybe Do a Conversion Party: Maybe Take Loads: Yes Anal: Yes Mouth: Yes Give Loads Anal: Yes Mouth: Yes ATM: Yes Fisting: Not yet but want to Gang Bangs: Yes Drugs Poppers: Yes Meth/Tina Smoke: No Booty Bump: Yes Slam: Yes Coke: Yes GHB: Yes Molly: Yes BDSM: Yes when I know more about it. Medical Play: I have questions about this. Time Minimum is session 3 hours. Over Night: Yes Multiple Days: Yes Omar like I'm willing to be a Top and bottom but with my body and that I look like jail bate, but I'm of legal age. A lot of the session I do are as a bottom for three hours in their home or hotel room, where I suck their dick, and they fuck me only a small group like to PNP, but thous who do is a lot more fun, and they seam fuck better. When I Top, they think the pictures are photoshopped because of the size of my thick 8-inch dick. Being a Top, you have only a few minutes to decide if they want and nice slow fuck, a rough fuck where you pound them as hard and as fast as you can. Sometimes they want it kinky where they are tied up, and you rape them. Everyone is different even if you see them a few times. Omar asks for a review of that client to make sure they do not take advantage of the other boys who work here or me. The ones you see for overnight or a few days are the most fun but its the 3-hour session that is the bread and butter. Let me hear from you where you want this to go as I have some ideas from my real life.
    2 points
  16. 20 minutes ago I had my guts rearranged by the thickest uncut Latin cock. I told him on grinder I wanted to suck his cock five minutes later I was crawling into his work truck in the back corner of a target parking lot in broad daylight . He kept trying to fuck my throat and I got the hint he wanted ass instead. He pulled back my gym shorts and started rubbing my hole. Didn’t speak English But knew it when I flipped my legs up in the air. He came around to the passenger side and I layed down sideways when that fucker rammed my hole no lube just spit. I have no idea how loudly I was yelling. He pounded my hole and now its loaded and cummy. My cock popped out a massive load from hitting my prostate and I know my blue gym shorts are stained in the back and I’m leaking all over Walgreens as I post this. FUCKED ME UP AND I SAID THANK YOU SIR.
    2 points
  17. Hi guys. So yesterday I finally downloaded Scruff onto my phone, after a buddy was showing me how it worked. It’s my first phone app – all my other sites are online. I really didn’t have any expectations, put up usual profile and pix. Then in the afternoon I started getting messages from two guys. At first I didn’t even know how to reply! But I’m a quick learner, so we went on. One was 25 and the other 29, which immediately aroused my suspicions. Why would they be interested in a 60+ year old someone who doesn’t really consider himself a “Daddy”. The 29 year old and messaged back and forth and either this was gonna happen, or I was just being set up as a joke. Finally we agreed to meet at my place, he ran home to shower, and then came over. I buzzed him in and told him the apartment door was open. I was lying on the bed in just open shorts, pumped tits, popper bottles around (he’d told me he’d only done poppers twice), porn on TV. When he walked in the bedroom door he was cute, t-shirt, baseball cap. He quickly stripped and got onto the bed, started sucking my tit – they’re my Achilles heel. He kept saying things like, “How am I doing Daddy? Am I doing it right?” I’m always so suspicious that I’m thinking, “Is this a joke? What is going on?” Well what was going on I found out is that he learned exactly what my tits are meant for and spent a lot of time working them. Then he asked if he could try poppers – of course you can! And from thereon the magic began. He was so horned and kept jacking his cock, but holding off. His entire focus was on pleasing me. While still working my tits he went down and started sucking my cock. Damn, his mouth was surely made in heaven and delivered by angels – or devils. I haven’t felt like this in ages, and kept wondering “Is he really here?” Being tit-worked, poppered, and sucked to the edge, the pig in me was so totally in heat, lust, need for cock. I got up on all fours and told him to stand by the side of the bed. He wanted to know how many fingers I could take, which I wasn’t sure how to answer since I prefer cocks. Well let me tell you, once he started working my hole with his fingers he took me to places that I have never been to before. It was extraordinary, unbelievable how I could be in hog heaven and hadn’t even been fucked yet. I was afraid he wasn’t going to. We’d take a couple of breaks, roll over, tightly embrace, kiss, and just hold each other tight. Then back to my hole – he was relentless pounding it with 3-4 fingers, hitting my prostate like it’s never been hit before. I swore I was gonna cum just from that, but held back. Then I felt that big velvety head on that hard thick cock of his at my hole. Oh hell yeah! He took all the time in the world mounting me, as I’m always tight at first, and then finally was in to the hilt. He fucked me so royally, so endlessly as we kept poppering that I was just in places I had never been before. It was ecstasy! We took some breaks and after sucking his cock for a while I told him that I wanted to look in his eyes when he bred me. So onto my back, legs up on his shoulders, and in again he went. We poppered again and he went back to work, pounding me mercilessly (not that I wanted any mercy), until I finally heard those telltale grunts, that unmistakable tensing, and said to him, “Breed me baby, breed me”, and he started to shoot. He seeded my hole so fucking good and deep and stayed in me. Once we separated it was like we both transformed from pigs in heat to Clark Kents. He told me he has a husband of 4 years, they’re exploring an “open relationship”, etc. I have no idea if we’ll ever meet again but damn, he sure got on the top of my 5 Star ***** list immediately! I guess I need to embrace more this daddy concept instead of fighting it. He opened my eyes to a whole new world and my hole to completely new magic. Oink!!
    2 points
  18. I chased it... and now... i share... with people who deserve it...
    2 points
  19. totally. most guys that fuck me i dont even know their names or what they look like. and all they know about me is im some whore that takes loads. its also funny when guys ask "are you clean?" when youre laying in a bathhouse sling blindfolded with a couple dozen strangers loads dripping from your gaping fuckhole. lol
    2 points
  20. Took four loads this evening, but I want more. I feel so selfish as I know other btms can't even get one. =|
    2 points
  21. They're a private company they can do what they want, or so everybody says when Twitter bans conservatives.
    2 points
  22. PART 15 I didn’t get to hear the conversation Tom had, but it was short. He had a non stop stream of porn on and teased my hole and cock enough to keep me from totally freaking out over the fact that he has just called a guy that I had never met or seen or knew anything about to cum over and fuck me. Bareback. And I already had Tom’s hiv positive cum soaking into me as I lay there. Fortunately, it was pretty quick when the door knocked and opened and I heard a “Tom, it’s Ron”, called from the entry. And I was naked with Tom’s cum in me and hole a wet mess of cum and lube, with my own cum still drying on my chest and tummy. I was super super nervous as I heard Ron come up the stairs. Tom was standing next to the bed, his hand idly playing with my cock and then rubbing my thighs. And then Ron walked in. He was tall, like 6 5” ay least and thin, like a runner. His lean body was defined well and I loved how I could see his veins bulge out. His mostly gray hair was cut short and he had a muatache, but his body was fairly smooth. And as he took off his t shirt, it revealed a smooth chest as well. As he stood before me, me naked laying on the bed totally exposed and hard, Tom spoke up, “Ron meet my new very very special friend Chris. Chris this is Ron and I think you two are going to love each other.” Then looking at Ron directly, he added “ this boy has the best hottest little hole I might have ever had. And we’ve only pumped a few loads in him so far, but I think it’s safe to say young Chris is addicted to having his hole bred.” Then looking at me, he said “ isn’t that right sexy boys?” I just nodded, embarrassed to admit it in front of this stranger. “Chris I am very happy to meet you. You are beautiful. I can’t wait to flip you over and see that ass. What a hot boy body. You ARE 18 right?” He half joked. “I swear I am 18!”, I replied laughing nervously. “Ron, you can’t keep teasing the boy, get those shorts off. No clothes allowed in this room!”, Tom spoke up. And Ron loosened the drawstring on his gym shorts and they fell to the floor revealing what was now a partially gorgeous cut cock. And it was already bigger than mine and he wasn’t even half hard.his hand went to it and began to stroke it to hardness. “Chris, what do you want?”, whispered Tom in that way he had of making sexy even sexier. “I want it, I want to suck it. Please...”, I blurted my true feelings. Ron quickly closed the distance and I sat up and gripped his now hard cock and opened up as I licked my lips and took his man cock into my eager mouth. Tom stepped back to watch as it became Ron and I. I worked on getting Ron’s cock wet and slick and alternated between trying to stuff it down my throat to pulling off and running my tongue up and down the shaft. I circled the head and went down and licked his balls. I wanted to please him badly, this 45 year old man I had just met with a sexy body and perfect 8.5 inch cock. “Oh my god, this is one eager boy. Suck that cock like you need to baby. Worship my cock. Yeah, just like that. I know what you need Chris. I’m going to take good care of you. “ I responded by doubling my efforts to be a good cocksucker. Eyes closed, mouth full of hard cock, I was in heaven and lost myself in cock worship. Finally, I heard Tom speak up, “Chris why don’t you show Ron your boy hole? Flip over and get on your hands and knees. Yeah, now backup to the edge of the bed and put your head down, so that ass is up. Perfect baby, just like that.” I was totally face down ass up, with my legs spread and my as crack gaping open and totally revealing my hole. “What a beautiful hole.”, I heard Ron say and I was so happy. I wanted him to like it, to want me as bad as I wanted him. “I was gonna lick it and play with it but I just can’t... I need to fuck it.”, he continued, “Tom, where’s the lube.” This whole time I was still in position but then a thought hit me, “ where’s the brown bottle at? Can I sniff some please Tom?”, I said softly. Tom looked at me and smiled and then at Ron and said, “did I tell you? This boy is the best bottom I have ever found.” And then to me, he added “Here you go baby, you hit that bottle hard for Ron. Show him what a good little bottom you are.”, as he handed me the bottle. As the poppers hit me, I felt Ron’s massive cockhead sliding against my sensitive hole, teasing it. “Chris, you want to get fucked badly don’t you?”, he whispered. By now that I had sucked him and he was teasing me hole and and the poppers, I had no inhibitions and begged, “Yes! Please! Please I need it, I need it inside me.”, as I bucked against him and writhed. “Baby I am gonna fuck you so good. Just the way Tom says you like it. And just like Tom, I don’t use condoms and I never pull out. Are you ready for that? For a big cock to fuck you and flood you with man cum?, he said in a low voice. “I’m ready! PleAse do it, you can cum in me. You can cum in me! “ I blurted quickly, my control edging away as the need overpowered me. “Even if my load is hiv positive, like tom’s? You still want it anyways don’t you baby?”, he said, as he pushed and slowly slid into my stretching hole. And control broke as I pushed back against his cock, trying to impale myself against it. “Fucking fill me with cum. I don’t care if I get it, just please cum inside me. I want you too. I want you too.”, I moaned. I felt Ron grip my hips, as my hole opened up to him. Because of the fucking I had already taken , it was easier to accept his giant cock and he was able to drive deep into me. I was a poppered up cum hungry bottom and he was a hungry Top man. This was not a gentle take your time fuck. I was so spun on poppers and so horny and opened up, I was able to ram back against him and he was pulling me onto his cock by my hips as he pistoned in and out. “Fucking hot hole”, he said through gritted teeth. I was now grunting hard with each stroke as he bottomed out in me and knocked my breath out over and over. “Fucking fuck me. Fuck me oh god oh fuck so good so good so good.”, i babbled. “Fucking close. Gonna cum. Gonna breed you. Yeah, yeah fuck yeah! Fucking take it”, he almost yelled as he rammed deep and ejaculated into me. “Yes yes give it to me! Fucking cum inside me, all of it all of it in me.”, I begged. I felt his huge cock pulse and spasm as his orgasm subsided and he tried to pump every last drop into me. As his sweat body collapsed over me, he made no move to pull out and I made no move either. I didn’t want it out. His cock had felt so good and, was it my imagination, or did it seem like he had shot a huge load into me. As he softened and slid out of me, I immediately tried to clamp shut, but my hole was so well fucked that a little cum began to drip out, as I fell forward. The sex glow was still strong enough that the fact that I had let two guys fuck me and shoot hiv positive cum into me wasn’t scaring me, just turning me on still. And I already knew that like Tom, there was no way I could resist Ron.
    2 points
  23. 5pm hit on that fateful day 6 years ago, and I couldn't resist taking one last look at David before I left. He was sound asleep, but he looked worse than when I saw him earlier that day. He was having a fitful, disturbed sleep, and my cock stirred as I watched. My phone buzzed, a pic from the boyfriend: 'Just finished at the gym - horny. Hurry up! :p' Fuck. My cock was raging all the way home, thinking about how hard I was going to fuck him, as well as how hard David had made me. As I went through the door, I didn't even speak as I pushed him against the wall. I turned him around, slipped down his shorts and slid my cock into his tight hole. 10 minutes of frantic fucking later and the boyfriend was well and truly bred. We fucked again that night as we got to bed, and I have to admit my mind wandered to David more than once. After a busy week, I have to admit that I didn't get to have much time with David. We had three deaths that first week, all older ladies, and I have to admit that working at the hospice was taking its toll. I hated my old boss for sending me here, and was looking forward to my next rotation. I had headed in one Sunday morning, bleary eyed, and in desperate need of coffee. The boss came over. "Mr. Pearce has asked for you. I have to admit that I very much doubt he has long left. If he survives the night, it'll be a miracle". I was stunned, and I have to admit that it gave me pause for thought. "Why does he want me?" She looked over her mousy glasses with her mousy eyes. "I don't know, but I'd like you to stay with him today. It's just me and you in but the rest of the patients are stable". I headed to David's room and knocked. He looked dreadful, but he managed to lift a hand and beckon me in. "Th - thank - thank you for... coming" he managed to wheeze. I dispensed with the gloves and sat down next to him, holding his skeletal hand. "How are you David?" He looked at me for a while and smiled. "Ready for the end". He seemed at peace, which was good, but I was surprised. "Are you scared?" He seemed to think about it for a moment. "No, I made my decision and I don't regret it". He winced in pain, and I smoothed what little hair he had left. We sat in silence for a while, my semi-hard cock making me blush. How could I be turned on by a man who was suffering like this? None of it made sense, but David's condition was what I had dreamed for myself so many nights with my cock in my hand. The door opening startled me, but as the boss walked in she didn't seem to notice. "I'm heading out to lunch, please bleep me if you need anything. Nurse Bateman will stay with you Mr. Pearce". She looked at my hand, holding David's. "Gloves, Nurse Bateman," she stayed sternly as she headed out of the room. "She's right," said David. "You should wear gloves near me, I'm toxic". I shook my head. "I don't want to wear gloves". He smiled wickedly. "Not afraid of the bug then?" I paused for a second. "In fact, the bug turns me on more than anything". He looked at me slyly, his grin betraying his cracked and toothless gums. "Oh, so you're a chaser then?" I'd never described myself as a chaser before, but I decided that now was as good a time as ever to seal my own fate. "Yes, I am". I put my hand onto his stomach, feeling it heaving slowly under the blanket. I worked my hand down slightly, towards his cock, and as my hand brushed it I could feel it pulsing, rock hard and straining against the blanket. "Are you- are you sure? A young, healthy boy like you, this strain will eat you alive". My cock jumped, and I nodded as I rubbed his cock through the blanket. "I want it". He smiled at me. "Strip for me - sl-slowly". I stood up, and took off my tunic. He gasped as he saw my skintight t-shirt, and he moaned slightly as I peeled it off slowly. I kicked off my shoes and then undid my pants. I peeled them off slowly, and stood back up, the cold of the room making me shiver slightly as I stood in my black briefs. I turned around, and pushed down my briefs, bending over as I took them off. I could hear David playing with himself as he watched, and as I turned back around he had pushed off the blanket and had his cock in his hand. It was rancid, and I could smell it from the middle of the room. It was covered in lesions, and sores, and puss filled blobs. The boss was right, David definitely had other STIs. Gonorrhea for certain, as well as herpes. I suddenly felt strange. My healthy body, which I had looked after for so long, was about to be corrupted. I was at the height of health and fitness, and I was about to destroy it all. A voice was screaming at me, telling me to put my clothes back on and leave, but my cock was pulling me forward. I climbed onto the bed, and took David's cock in my hand. A pus filled bulb popped as I stroked it, and I took the pus into my hand and fingered it into my hole. I was invading my body with disease, and my cock strained harder than it had ever been before. David looked at my body hungrily. "You are stunning". I smiled as I shuffled forward, taking his hands and putting them onto my chest. "Enjoy my body," I said, as I lined his raging cock up against my ass. This was it. No turning back after this. I was about to seal my fate. I was about to introduce a fast-acting HIV strain into my body. It was going to feed on me, my body the perfect vessel for such a deadly disease to do its work. I shook as I took the plunge, sliding down onto David's shaft. I could feel the swollen head pushing into me, and as my hole gave way I felt another pus bulb pop. The pus made it easier for the cock to slide into me, and I reached around, taking the pus and rubbing it along my cock and into my slit, making sure it infected me all over my tool. David moaned as he fondled my body, and I rocked up and down on his cock gently. "Are- you-you- sure?" I nodded silently, and moaned as I clamped down on his cock. His head was rolling around, lost in sexual ecstasy, I was frantically beating my cock, excited to shoot my last neg load all over David. I knew that he would enjoy that. I worked more of the pus into my cock, rubbing my hands over his lesions and then over my body. I was lost in it - I wanted disease. I wanted infection. I wanted my perfect, healthy body to be destroyed. And I wanted to do what I suspect had been David's work and spread it as much as possible. I was grinding on David now, my body making hard, rhythmic movements as his diseased cock impaled me. "I'm close - are... you sure?" I looked deep into his eyes. "Yes, please, please, cum in my fucking hole!" He grinned, fondling my body harder as he started to moan louder. "Oh fuck..." he said. "Oh fuck this is it". I rubbed my cock harder than I'd ever rubbed it before. "Please yes! Oh please, fucking cum in me! Cum in my hole!" His head lolled around, and his hands clamped down on my pecs as he screamed. "I'm cumming!" My last ever neg load spurted out of my cock as David shot my death sentence up my hole. I felt his cock spasm as his toxic cum poured into my guts, and my cock continued to explode as billions of viruses flooded into me. I leaned down to kiss David, a long, deep kiss, making sure I rubbed my lips and tongue over his huge, seeping cold sore. We lay for a few minutes, him stroking my hair as I let his cum pool inside me. I realized that the boss could come in any minute, so I climbed off of David, cum pouring out of me. I caught as much of it as I could and fingered it back into my hole as I headed over to the bathroom at the side of the room. I splashed my face with cold water and washed my hands. I took a good look at myself in the mirror. 'Fuck' I thought. I could feel my cock hardening again as I thought about what had just happened, but I knew I had to get back to being a nurse - unfortunately. I went back into the room and gently cleaned David up, tucking him back in. He smiled at me wistfully, and I quickly got dressed. "Thank you David - thank you". I pulled my t-shirt back over my head. "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did". I put my tunic back on and made sure I looked presentable. "Is there anything I can get for you David?" David?" My heart sank as I realized he had passed away...
    2 points
  24. Once I was well into a fuck when the guy told me he was feeling weird, like wanting to pee, so he asked me if I could stop, so I did... Just to take him to the bathtub (I never took my cock out of him) and keep fucking him until he started peeing. He was nervous and ashamed, but I made sure he continued and kept eye contact with me. It was amazing.
    2 points
  25. The request is ridiculous from the outset. If a bottom is going to take you raw, he’s going to be accepting your fluids throughout the fuck in the form of precum or early cum leakage even if you do pull out before ejaculating. If he’s trying to stay safe from STDs, he can’t have all the fun and none of the risk. If he’s prepared to take the cock bare, he should be prepared to take the load. He’s not going to end up with a kid in 9 months.
    2 points
  26. Well, not going to call it ‘last load’ but maybe last 20 or so. I was feeling horny as shit and craving some rock hard dick up my ass, so I went to the bathhouse to get my freak on. I got me a room, hiked my ass in the air, and waited. Didn’t take too long for a hung stud to breed the almighty shit outta my ass. And, since I am goddamn kick ass bottom who can never get enough dick, I had all the dudes lined up to fuck. I don’t think some of those dudes had ever fucked a power bottom before, but I showed em what is up. I might be a scrawny little feminine faggot, but I can take a jackhammer fuck from a hung stud while still begging for more dick Anyway, for hours on end, I was just getting bred like a little bitch. I turned into a total cumdump and it was fucking great! A couple dudes insisted on fucking me with a rubber, but for the most part, it was nothing but getting bred raw as shit. I’ve been bred like a little bitch before, but never like this shit. I’ve been the bottom in a gangbang before, but I’ve never had a line of strangers all waiting to fucking pound my shit. Still a couple hours left, hoping for a few more loads. Goddamn I fucking love being bred like a little biltch.
    2 points
  27. Gripping the steering wheel and staring straight ahead into the darkness I muttered under my breath, "What are you doing here?" I had been parked for about ten minutes, trying not to draw attention to myself as shadowy figures walked around the car park, occasionally peering into vehicles hoping to get a show. I knew what went on here. Everyone did. This place had a reputation. Looking out to my left and away across the gravel I could just make out the block building of the toilets. Shapes moved in and out regularly and cars came and went as I waited. The headlights of the cars providing brief snippets that shaped my mental map. I knew it was popular but I never expected this much ... traffic. I knew I shouldn't be here but I just had to know. My girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, had said I was too distant and could never commit. She never knew about the late night stroke sessions, the times I was shooting loads to gay porn online. The chat rooms. The dildo I kept very, very secret. Now I was here ready to step over that imaginary line. Wasn't I? After a few more silent minutes, and being certain that no real movement had taken place during that time, I opened the car door. Stepping out I was glad for the moonless night. The darkness gave me confidence and, shutting the car, I strode across the stones. My crunching footfalls sounded thunderous to my ears as I approached that small brick building. I felt as though eyes were watching me from every darkened vehicle. My nervousness returned but my anticipation grew as the black doorway appeared in my vision. Standing before the pitch-black entranceway I strained my ears trying to gauge anything from within. It seemed like there was nothing, then a gasp, and a moan and then the unmistakable sound of flesh slapping against flesh. Even in the darkness I felt my face flush but I was driven forward by arousal. I stepped inside. I waited inside the doorway for a minute certain I was invisible. It was nearly complete darkness in there. Even after a minute I could only make out vague shapes. Stepping further inside slowly I realised the entrance was a corner that opened into a wider area. A long trough type urinal ran along one wall and a row of doors, all shut, were the cubicles. There was a smell in there. Stale urine, and fresher, plus sweat and..bleach? Not knowing any better I stepped up to the urinal as quietly as I could and kept on listening to the sounds coming from behind the doors. The rhythmic slapping and soft moans were turning me on so much, even if I couldn't see anything, the though that I was stood so close to someone fucking had me rock hard. I released my cock as I stood there and began stroking as I listened to whoever it was in that cubicle getting closer and closer to their climax. As my hand slid up and down my hardon I listened intently to the sounds of sex. My focus entirely on the passion taking place only a few feet away from me. It became my whole world for a few moments. So when a voice whispered from the darkness right behind me, "Seems like there's a lot of enjoyment to be had here." I think my heart actually stopped for a second. My hand froze on my cock and I think I was about to scurry out of that place when all decisions went away from me. I don't think I had another rational thought for the rest of that night. An arm reached around me and rough, manly, thick fingers grasped my still hard cock, gently if steadily wanking me. I moaned and leaned back, the only response I was capable of. "Fuck, you're a keen one!" The voice whispered right in my ear making me shiver as his hand kept steadily pumping away at my prick. His other arm worked its way up inside my t-shirt and his rough hands started rubbing over my nipples. I couldn't begin to gather my wits. I was loving finally letting go even though a distant voice in my head said to calm it down. The pleasure I was feeling in this near total dark was the most I had ever experienced. My hips were pumping in time with this strangers stroking and I was gasping in pleasure. All of a sudden he gripped my cock hard. Squeezing me tight. I was on edge and he must have felt it. "Not so fast." It was spoken like a command right into my ear, "We don't want you going off the boil so quickly." I groaned in frustration. I was so close to spraying my cum and had just been denied. Wasn't that why I came here? My cock throbbed in his hand as he squeezed and gently rubbed me. "Oh fuck!" I moaned out loud realising his intentions: to keep me on edge, to keep me going, keep me willing. Up until now my hands had hung limply by my sides. I had pretty much given up motor function to this man behind me. This voice that had taken me over within seconds of revealing itself to me. As he kept up his ministrations to my cock with one hand the other was withdrawn from under my t-shirt and he grabbed my wrist. Pulling my arm behind me he guided my hand until I felt heat and then flesh. Thick, solid flesh. The first cock, besides my own, I had felt and it didn't disappoint. I don't know if it was the darkness focusing my attention but to my mind this dick was huge. Certainly bigger than mine and oh so solid. My fingers felt along the hot, hard length from balls to the flared tip and I was rewarded with a groan in my ear. I wrapped my hand around and started stroking wanting to return some of the pleasure I had been given. This man in the dark then guided my other hand to the wall in front of me and pressed my hand against the rough brick. In doing so he was pressing himself more firmly against me. I kept working his cock as best as I could while he, satisfied I wouldn't move from him, let go of my hand and I felt him completely undo my jeans and push them down. Even in the dark I felt suddenly exposed, I hadn't worn underwear in the hopes of something and this didn't go unnoticed. "Fuck, you were ready for me weren't you?" It was then I realised I was stroking his very hard cock right over my now naked arse. As my hand continued working his shaft he let go of me leaving me throbbing and grinding myself to him. "That's a fucking lovely arse, boy," he hissed in my ear as both his rough hands began stroking, kneading and spreading my cheeks. I let go of his cock and felt myself leaning forward. With both my hands on the wall in front of me I had effectively offered myself totally to this stranger in the dark, sordid, public toilet. It felt so good. I pushed my butt towards him arching my back and giving him full access as his hands roamed freely all over me. His rough hands each gripped a cheek and spread me open and I gasped as I felt his heavy dick sliding up and down along my crack. "Oh fuck!" I whispered into the darkness. He responded with a chuckle advising "Don't panic I won't fuck you yet. I will fuck you before the night is out, but I'm going to make sure you are ready for it. When I give you my cock you will be begging me to fill your slut hole. You'll be taking a breeding you won't forget I promise." With that I felt him crouch down behind me and then I felt his hot breath on my cheeks. Then a warm, probing pressure straight on my hole. "Oh shit yes!" I almost shouted and my cock throbbed as I was introduced to having my fuckhole eaten out. Whilst he was behind me he had worked my jeans all the way down and worked one leg free. From here he spread me wider and went to town tongue fucking me. Lapping at my hole then pressing his tongue hard into me instinctively I pressed back to spread my cheeks this pleasure was too good and I wanted him to lick me over and over. Here I was, stripped from the waist down in a dark toilet, bent over at the urinal, pressing on the wall in front of me so I could push my arsehole onto the tongue of a man I hadn't ever seen. He was pushing back, the warm wetness I could feel between my cheeks just felt right. He leaned back and I felt him spit on my hole. "Going to make you ready boy." Was all he said before I felt a thick finger pushed up inside me. I winced at the sudden intrusion and he started licking around my ring again as he finger fucked me. The soothing laps of his tongue coupled with the rough pressing inside me had me panting against the brick work. I could feel my hole opening to accept more. "Tasty fucking hole you've got here, nice 'n' tight too. Going to enjoy giving you everything I've got. Bet you've never been stretched by a cock like mine before, eh?" "No, never." I gasped before I realised I was speaking out loud. His response made me look back but in the darkness I could only make out blurred shapes. "Fuck me! A virgin hole. Right then let's get you properly opened up and loaded!" Two fingers were thrust up into me and I saw stars as he began working them in and out of my now spit slick hole. He was scissoring his fingers and twisting them inside me. Even though it hurt, I was so turned on it only added to the sensations I was being introduced to. Pressing onto his fingers I couldn't believe I hadn't done his before. In this squalid, dirty place I was being shown who I really was for the first time. After a few minutes of working my arse open he suddenly pulled his fingers from me and, whether it was the roughness of his skin or his nails, it burned and stung for a few seconds. However the state of lust he had worked me into made every sensation something to be enjoyed. I heard and felt him rise behind me and I looked back to no avail, the darkness made it impossible to distinguish anything in that room. This man could be anyone, maybe I knew him away from here? Or maybe he was someone I would see around town? I would never know that it was the same man as had just opened me up to so much. I didn't wonder for too long about this as I felt him press to me from behind. The thick head of his solid cock rubbing between my cheeks, sliding up and down and making me wetter with precum. Involuntarily I groaned in response to the pressure his cock was exerting against my hole. I knew there was only one way this would end. Boy, was I wrong. As he rubbed himself to me his hands gripped my waist and slid up my body. He pushed my t-shirt up and easily stripped it from me and now I was totally naked grinding my arse onto the cock of this man behind me. It was dark but somehow I had never felt so utterly exposed. Just then he stopped moving completely and was silent for a second. Then there was a blinding flash and even in the blackness of the room I could only see spots of light and dark. "Just wanted a shot of that sweet arse before I ruin it." He smirked as he said this and I started to wonder what I had let myself in for. SLAP! "Fuck!" I cried out at the sudden impact. It stung like hell and was quickly followed by several more swats at my cheeks with his strong hands. For some reason my hands remained pressed to the wall in front of me, my knuckles white as I pressed my fingers into the brick. My arsecheeks burned hot from pain but at the same time I couldn't pretend my cock wasn't rock hard under me and dripping a steady flow of pre. "Mmmm, goood. It looks like this boy likes to be used." The hoarseness in his voice made me realise just how horny he was. I could feel his hard cock sandwiched in my crack for sure; but there was a need in his voice that made my hole spasm. I don't think I'd ever experienced true desire before. It was then that the nearest cubicle swung open loudly and a dark shadow hurried out through the doorway. A voice from the darkness just said. "Fuck sake, do you have to be so loud right there? You spooked the cunt I was working on." "Sorry mate," my man replied, "got a little carried away with this virgin hole here." If I had been a little wiser I might have spotted the implicit offer that this sentence carried. Instead I just stood there, naked, hands on he wall almost needing my next instruction. "Virgin eh? No shit! You want a hand breaking him in mate? I've got blue balls here." The next thing my man said caught me off guard, I had certainly prepared myself to take his cock and I thought naively he wanted me all to himself so when he said, "You got any poppers? I think if we give this slut a few sniffs he'll be gagging for both our cocks." Next thing I knew I was being turned to face in the direction of the cubicles and hands from the darkness found my face. I felt the cold glass of a small bottle pressed to my nostril and I was told, "Breathe!" I had little choice and the bottle was switched between my nostrils almost every time I took a breath. My head felt light and my legs felt heavy. My heart was pounding and every beat seemed to make my arsehole clench. I nearly slumped over but I was being held up by two stronger guys now. "Oh yeah, this bitch is definitely ready." The words came from so far away as I felt myself being bent at the waist and my cheeks spread wide. Hands were also on my head guiding me down and somewhere in my brain came the picture of the spit roast fuck scenes I had so often wanked to. Now it was my turn. The head of a hard wet dick was rubbed over my face and between my lips. "Open wide," an instruction came. Then I was sucking my first cock. Well I was getting my face fucked, not deep, not rough, but there was no doubt I had no control. My guy hadn't been idle this time, while I was trying to take as much dick in my mouth without choking he had been wanking his hard cock all over my ring and started to press in. With the combined effects of his spit, fingers and the poppers the head of his cock worked into me almost easily. Then he started driving forward. All my fantasies of being fucked and even my self induced dildo play couldn't have prepared me for this. Fuck he was so thick. My hole burned and I felt tears streaming from my eyes. With my mouth stuffed with cock I couldn't do anything but moan. Trapped between these two men I couldn't move away from either as they began to relentlessly fuck me. There were several flashes in the darkness and I knew they must both be getting souvenirs of my use. They kept up giving me poppers and making me spin out as they fucked into me at either end. It wasn't long before the poppers were wearing off and I became more aware and two things were apparent. First was the constant moaning I was making around the cock being shoved down my throat, I was holding the hips of the man in front of me and I was working my head back and forth as much as he was fucking himself between my lips. I could taste pure manliness. Sweat, spunk, piss all of it and I was drooling all over it. Second was the heat radiating out from my hole wasn't pain. The thick hard cock which was now deep inside me was fucking my once tight anus with long patient strokes. A constant rhythm that had his meat bouncing off of my prostate. I was arching my back, squeezing and clenching my hole around his dick anything to show him how good it felt. That's it boy, show us how much you want these dirty cocks up you." Wait, dirty, did that mean something? The constant pounding into me at either end was making my brain melt. I just needed more, more cock, more fucking, more everything. "Oh you're a dirty boy letting us fuck you like this! You love big hard bare cock in you don't you boy?" Shit, bare, everything had happened so fast and I gave in so easily I never even thought about protection...but...but it just felt so good right now. That thick man cock forcing its way into my guts, stretching me, pulling me I knew I wanted it. I moaned loudly around the cock between my lips and I guess we all knew I was agreeing. "Fuck boy, you're going to make me cum soon, going to plant my seed deep inside you." I could feel his thrusts becoming harder, he was deep inside me and stabbing his cock into me with short, brutal jabs. I was delirious. My hole was my entire world right now and I needed cock to fill it. The man making me suck his cock joined in the fuck talk, "Yeah, knock him up. Load up that pussy good. When you're done I'll make him take my strain too." I wasn't really paying too much attention with my focus being purely on cock but I gathered that they both really wanted to shoot their spunk inside me. Right now I was just a willing hole and they could fill me however they saw fit. The thrusts into me became a jackhammer and the guy behind me roared. "Fuck yes, take it. Take it you dirty little cumslut. Take my poz load!" My eyes bugged out as I put two and two together. I was in no position to do anything but take it as he said and the way his cock pulsed inside me and he was driving it deep inside me kept me grinding back onto him. It felt too good in spite of everything and a part of me realised it was too late to turn back with his hot load deep in my arse. "Fuck boy," he said as he slowly withdrew his wet cock from my now sloppy cumhole, "That was fantastic. Your cunt is definitely one I want to breed again." With that he stood and said, "Going for a smoke. Enjoy that hole!" Just like that he was out of that darkened place and I realised I had just been handed over like a toy to be used. The hands that had been holding my head roamed over my back and found my arse. I hadn't moved and he easily slipped two fingers up me and pumped them in and out a few times. "Wow, he really opened you up well." The cock I had been continually sucking was now withdrawn from my mouth and he moved around me. I was still in something of a state of shock, still bent over, practically frozen in place. Horny as fuck too. It was..confusing. Without ceremony he pulled his fingers out of my anus and shoved his cock into me. It took my breath away but because of the rough fucking I had already taken, and I guess the cum now soaking my hole, he was inside easily. He wasn't as thick which helped but his cock curved and he was pressing against my insides so nicely. As he started pumping away I was finally able to vocalise the sensations I was being subjected to. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," I was gasping with every long dicked thrust he was forcing me to take. He had grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back so he could more easily bounce me on his dick. The slapping sound of his flesh violating mine added to making me a moaning cockwhore. My own cock left alone was flapping with each pounding of his hips. Precum leaking from me in an almost steady stream. I felt like I was cumming but it was constant and there was no come down. Eventually he too started up the jackhammer thrusting that tells of impending cum. I was out of breath, and covered in sweat. He was fucking my hole so hard I was almost crying but still I was rock hard. "Say you want my cum slut!" He suddenly shouted. Pounding me over and over. "I...I want it." Was all I could manage. "What do you want bitch?" As he asked this he slapped my arse with a stinging blow that made me buck my hips and cry out into the darkness. "Oh god I want your cum, please cum in me!" I begged and he pulled hard on my hips pushing himself all the way inside me. He was shaking and his cock was throbbing inside me. He leaned across my back holding himself so he wouldn't slip out of me and whispered in my ear. "Never pozzed a virgin before, I bet you'll be begging for more dirty loads before long." He slid himself out of me and left the room. I collapsed to my knees. Naked, dripping cum and panting for breath. I had no idea where my clothes were in the darkness or how I would find them. As I knelt there I idly stroked my still erect dick softly moaning as I felt the pulsing from my arsehole. What the last guy said about me wanting more was clearly undeniable. Footfalls from outside made me panic, oh shit I can't be found like this. I scrabbled about in the darkness trying desperately to find even just my jeans. But it was too late. A flare in the darkness from a cigarette gave a brief illumination and I saw three men in the entranceway. "See I told you he'd be waiting here for more. I think we've got ourselves a proper little cum piggy." I recognised the voice of the man who had first fucked me and realised then that he'd just gone out to find more men to use my holes. I knelt there, hands in my lap. I knew I was in for a long night.
    1 point
  28. I just turned 20, but having a crazy work and school schedule, I didn’t get to celebrate my birthday, but I made up for it last night. I have class Monday-Thursday, and as I had the day off I decided I'd try to set something up. Now, I commute to school and still live at home, but I recently started working at a hotel which has the fringe benefit of affording the employees a discount on rooms as long as the reservation is within the same hotel group, meaning the hotel is owned by the same parent company. I also decided to take advantage of the discount and to make the reservation in the city where I attend college, which is an hour away from my home. Telephoning ahead I made a reservation and got the discount, which was great as I was afraid they wouldn't honor the discount given I'm less than 21, a threshold at some hotels, but everything worked-out. I had the reservation. In thinking about my plans, I can't honestly say I specifically planned an anonymous session as I didn't see myself as all that much of a cumslut. I couldn't have been more wrong. Anyway I checked-in, pulled on my jockstrap, and scrolled through Grindr. While I was hit-up by a few fuck buds who bred me here and there, none were readily available. Then I received a message from a profile which was blank, conveying absolutely no information. No age, no height, weight, status. Nothing. Just a dick pic of a cock which was easily nine inches. And it was as thick as a beer can. My hole twitched and my cock swelled hard at the sight of the cock. I needed it inside my ass. I replied providing with my hotel and the room number. The guy responded letting me know he was enroute, and would arrive shortly. He also instructed me to be ready, so that when he walked through the door I was on all fours and blindfolded. My initial reaction was trepidation, but my cock was so hard that I agreed to his terms. I unlocked the door, left it slightly ajar, placed a blindfold over my eyes and, stripped and ready, knelt on all fours on my bed. Upon hearing the door creak on its hinges my heart sank a bit. A stranger was in my room, and I was vulnerable as all hell. Fortunatelty before I could dwell on what might happen, a tongue licked my hole. My worries melted away as I pushed back on his tongue. My cunt was soon dripping from his spit. I heard him spit on his rod. His cock head slid into my hole with remarkable ease. My ass was pleased with the circumference of his cock. My slutty little heart was happy. His full cock is inside my hole and my cunt lips are gripping him for dear life. He’s a quiet fucker too. I feel his pace pick up and his cock is shooting his seed in my pussy. He rests on my back for a bit with his cock growing soft. I feel his shirt and his zipper against my naked body and realize this horny fucker didn’t even bother to strip down. Just unzipped and planted his seed. I hear the door close and get a message from him. He thanks me for letting him use my “sweet boy pussy.” And I thank him for his cum. I’m totally turned on by the anon scene at this point. I throw on a hoody and pull it up over my face. Just in my jock and a hoodie and waiting for my tops to come over. I get some messages from tops with profile pictures. And don’t get me wrong i won’t ever so no to cum in my ass. But the blank profiles sparked my interest more. It’s probably stupid and dangerous. But I just sent every blank profile “need more loads in my ass” followed by my room number. I ended up getting 8 more loads within an hour. I guess people love anon cumsloppy bottoms I have a total of 9 loads in my hole. (Some leaking out of course despite my efforts.) I’m still on Grindr with my ass in the air and I hear the door being pushed open. I put my phone face down and arch my back even more than it already was. I hear a belt unbuckle and pants drop to the floor. Soon after there’s a cock inside my well used hole churning a mess of loads in my asshole he’s the most verbal of the night. Calling me a pig ? and smacking my ass. He tells me repeatedly that I’m a good whore and he loves my cunt. He’s fucking me so hard and fast you can hear the cum sloshing around in my hole. He gives me a 10th load. Zips up. Says “thanks fucking slut.” And is out the door. I start playing with my cunt and fingering all the loads in my ass. I’m on my back and I hear the door open again. I quickly cover my face with a pillow and prop my legs up so this man can use my pussy. I recognize the thickness. It’s the guy who started this. He confirms this by saying “I needed more of your pussy man. Especially now that it’s used. He’s making an absolute mess and a lot of noise. (Actually it’s the cum in my hole making the noise.) and he gives me another load. This time he tells me he seeded my pussy he’s almost out the door when he turns around says “I was only quiet when I came the first time cause I wasn’t sure you wanted to be bred. But I know what I wanted. By the smile on your face I can tell you’re happy with yourself, whore. “ boy was he right.
    1 point
  29. I new family moved in last week Dad older son and two daughters and wife. They invited me over and we had just a nice time Food and drinks and good conversation The dad got talking to me and confussed he was bi. Did I know any bi guys around. Well I said I am a gay bottom and would play if he wanted. we left it at that and then yesterday morning he texted me. Girls were out and coul he come over Sure and in a few minutes the doorbell rang. there was the dad and his 19 year old son I was surprised but he said he wanted to introduce his son to man sex we all went into the bedroom and got naked I was sucking the dad went he told his son to try my ass He told him real men bareback With one swipe the son entered me and started pounding It do not take him long before he unloaded deep in me At that the dad went in me and added his load After a while of rest they both put another load I me they asked is they could come over another yimr and I said sure. The son said his cousin may want to join them
    1 point
  30. Damn, great way to get it, bud! There are new fuckbenches at Slammer here in L.A. but I've never seen them used. I mounted one a week ago but it was a slow night, there was a plethora of bottoms, so didn't get any there. Did later elsewhere. Had a guy here last night who worked my hole with his fingers like I've never felt before and took me to places I've never been. Almost fucking shot my load, which I'm loathe to do, but he had me totally in heat. He finally mounted, fucked and bred me in a totally hot mating. This Friday is Cumunion here in L.A. - OINK!!!
    1 point
  31. SO… I've been thinking of launching a porn & sex-friendly social media site, but was trying to get my new porn sites finished (there are several, but bbbh.com is the one you guys would be most interested in). I'm actually "close-ish" to done with the porn sites. They're complete enough that I've moved all my porn blogs to the new platform, as well as all the commercial videos on my tube site – Raunchy Fuckers. But I still have at least a couple months of work before they're done enough that I can work on something else. I've been thinking about what comes next – I was planning on working on hookup sites next, but I could work on the social site instead, so I spent a while today thinking through the issues of doing a sex-friendly social media site, please give me some feedback on what I'm thinking… First off, the reason why other people aren't doing it is because of the legal issues. Tumblr got in trouble for child porn, but there's also prostitution and sex trafficking issues as well. (For the record, I'm fine with folks being prostitutes – if it's what they want to do, but the law isn't in most places, and I have to be compliant with the law). Those legal problems are far bigger on the straight side than they are on the gay side. So for starters I'm thinking if I do a social site it will only be for gay male and trans masculine content. The moment you try to appeal to straight guys (and trans feminine appeals to them), you up your problems about 10 fold. My experiences with the straight portion of this site were crazy. Just a fraction of the overall discussion on the site, but 95% of the big problems (including a call from the London police). I'd rely mostly on community moderation – much like I do on this site. You guys are excellent at reporting spam and other stuff, and this site wouldn't exist if it weren't for @drscorpio doing so much moderation (I need more guys like him! Any volunteers?) I've been trying to formulate some type of credibility score for users for my new sites. So people who've proven they can be trusted can do more. In this case the "more" they'd do is moderation so problem content can be axed from the site quickly. The other big issue for Tumblr is that mainstream advertising doesn't mix well with adult content. Even though experiments have shown that adult sites can be quite profitable for selling mainstream products, none of the brands want their ad appearing next to porn. And there's A LOT of money in mainstream – FAR more than in porn. Verizon bought Tumblr from Yahoo! last year and I think Verizon's trying to figure out how to get rid of the porn thinking that will make the site more profitable. Getting banned from Apple's app store was the perfect excuse for them to do what they wanted to do all along – ban porn. Problem is no social site has flourished after getting rid of porn. Getting rid of porn (after allowing it) is always a sign of weakness and decline. In terms of how I see the site functioning… There'd definitely be both pics and text. On the text side I'd have two fields – one shorter (160 to 255 characters), and one much longer. The shorter one would be visible in timelines, but when there's more you could click through to a blog post. Pics would be limited to 4 static per post or 1 animated gif. The question is videos. I'm actually thinking of launching with no (or limited) video capability. I definitely don't intend to be a tube site with long user uploads – but that wasn't Tumblr either. When I get to the hookup sites I'll permit video uploads there within the context of people sharing videos of their own personal sex life. But too often on the tube sites people are just uploading videos they think are hot and not thinking about the legal ramifications. The gay porn industry seems to accept that videos that are ~2 min or less are "promos". I haven't heard of producers complaining about the 2:20 videos on Twitter. Ultimately allowing ~2 min video uploads is probably where I'll wind up, but I need to do it carefully. Tumblr allowed 5 min videos (though they said no new porn videos a few years ago because they were taking too much bandwidth), but that was pushing the limits of "fair use" and definitely not OK with some producers. One other option is video embeds – like MyVidster has. In that case they don't host the videos – they're just hotlinking via other sites' embed codes. BUT as soon as I put a page from someone else's site in an iFrame on my site (which is how embeds work) all sorts of undesirable things can happen. I'll definitely let users embed anything that's on one of my sites, but I know they're gonna want more than that. But beyond that – expect all the standard social features (with some twists) – likes/favs, reposting, conversation threads, etc. So please let me know your thoughts – how do you think a site like I described would do? Is a gay site too restrictive? What are your thoughts on videos?
    1 point
  32. Today marks the one year anniversary of me finding out I am Poz
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  34. Snuck away from my boyfriend and get rammed by this gorgeous irish guy with amazing pecs. He was relentless. choked me out, forced me to be his bitch. Left loaded and bleeding a little from my hole bc of his cock size. Can't wait to see him again.
    1 point
  35. Of course ! i Am in France and I was chasing aids for a year, and I started with a poz gifter student in Chicago... he invited me to come to him in Chicago in May during ilm and I did it for a week of pure perversion fuck... the last day he did a blood slam with me to be sure I take his med resistant strain and 2 weeks later in France I was sick like hell
    1 point
  36. I was feeling super horny last weekend, and knew that I needed to get some dick, so I headed to the local gay sauna. I’ve generally had a pretty good time there, getting laid each time I’ve been, and luckily this time proved to be no exception. First up, while wandering the corridors I met a Brazilian guy who was good looking (and appeared much younger than his actual age of mid-50’s). We chatted a bit, before moving to a room where straight-away we started kissing. After a couple of minutes I started sucking his dick which at about six and a half inches and not too thick, was a great size for me. When he was nice and hard I bent over, and with the help of a bit of lube on my ass, he slowly worked his cock in until he was all the way inside. Initially he fucked me slowly, but gradually built-up speed. He didn’t last too long before his cock spasmed, filling my hole with his cum. It felt great! We kissed a bit more when he finished, then went and showered, spent a bit of time together in the sauna and the jacuzzi, but then he had to head off. I, however, wanted more so again I wandered the corridors, and before long a middle aged Asian guy caught my attention We went into a room together where I discovered he had a nice big mushroom head, which I was able to take easily after having been already opened up. With me on my back, he entered my hole, and started pounding me pretty much straight away, pausing to kiss every now and then. It wasn’t too long before I was begging for his cum, so he got me onto my knees and then entered me from behind, fucking me hard for a few minutes before he added his cum to my guts. After this I was still craving more cock, so I resumed walking the corridors where I bumped into a tall Asian guy in his early 20’s. We went into a room together and started kissing. I was pleasantly surprised when I removed his towel and found a pretty big and thick dick. It wasn’t long before he was fucking me on my back, though he used a condom. However, after a little while like this, I needed a break, so we sat up, he took off the condom, and we kissed for a while until I was ready to take him again. This time however, I eased myself down onto his bare dick and he didn’t say anything, and seemed pretty happy for me ride his bare cock. I rode him for a while, before he got me onto my knees and started fucking me from behind like the last two guys had done. I specifically told him I wanted his cum inside my ass, which seemed to be all the encouragement he needed as I soon felt his cock pulsating and he added a third load to the mix in my ass. I was done after that, but felt very satisfied with the most loads I’d ever taken in visit to the sauna. I plan to return this weekend, hopefully for more of the same!
    1 point
  37. Bookstore at lunchtime- a skinny bearded 20 something was all about me from the minute I walked in. Called me daddy as I sucked his cock, and then loved it when I was encouraging him to fuck daddy good and leave a big load in his ass. He lasted maybe 5 minutes, but his 8" cock felt awesome and damn he shot a huge nut deep inside.
    1 point
  38. The Stables (Part 3) has been finished by me. Do you like it? Then show it...
    1 point
  39. DAMN! That thick bbc must have felt awesome!!!
    1 point
  40. I'm surprised that the OP had so much liver damage, since it was caught right away in the acute phase - Mavyret is a newer 8 week treatment that cures chronic Hep C, but 45% of cases go away on their own, leaving little to no liver damage in the process.
    1 point
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  42. The fifth post is here. * * * It was the middle of May, school work, sports, and activities winding down to a crawl before graduation, when I realized I hadn't told my buddy, Jeremy, about my adventures with Dad. As if reading my mind, my phone rang and it was he, asking what I was doing on Saturday, and could we get together. I told him the only thing I had going was getting the pool ready for the Memorial Day weekend. He said he didn't mind helping, so we made it a date for him to come over for lunch and then help with the chore. That Saturday started out beautifully, sun shining, no clouds, and a guarantee from the TV weatherman that it would be warm all weekend. As usual, Jeremy showed up wearing nicer clothes than the occasion called for, polo shirt, khaki shorts, and slip-on tennis shoes. I told him I had some ratty shorts he could change into after lunch, and lead him back to the kitchen to fix us each a sandwich. After lunch, I asked him to come upstairs to get changed and lead the way to my bedroom. I rooted through one of my drawers to find a pair of shorts for each of us and tossed him a pair of old, green, cotton ones that looked like they'd seen better days. I found a similar pair for myself and started to get undressed while Jeremy did the same. I tried not to look as he was taking off his clothes, but it had been a while since I'd seen him naked and I couldn't resist the temptation. I was turned slightly away from him as I undressed but I watched him as he stepped out of his jockey shorts and got ready to slip on the green ones I had given him. His hairless torso was lean, with a swimmer's definition that tapered to a slim waist and round ass. His long legs were covered with soft, curly blond hair, already bleached out a little by the sun. The pubic hair around his dick was the color of summer wheat, the circumcised dick milky-white and veined, ending in a rose-colored head, which hung down around the bottom of his ball sack. I remembered sucking on that dick numerous times before and the thoughts were causing my own dick to stiffen a little. I quickly pulled on my work shorts and changed my thoughts to the tasks we needed to get done so I wouldn't spring a full-blown woody on him. Jeremy followed me back down to the pool where I had already laid out the buckets, brushes, and cleaners we would need to clean the pool. I mixed some cleaner and water in both buckets and sent him off to work on the spa while I started down in the shallow end of the pool. I had already drained the pool yesterday evening so there was only water in the deep end, which I would vacuum out later when I rinsed the walls after scrubbing them. Jeremy and I started talking about the end of school, what we were planning to do after graduation, catching up on the latest gossip, and other general best friend bullshit. It didn't take long for him to finish scrubbing the spa down, so I asked him to use the hose, rinse the cleaner off, and make sure their wasn't any leftover scum on the bottom. When he finished that, he brought his bucket and brush over to help on the over side of the pool. Both of us were sweating like mad as we hurried to get the remaining tiles cleaned and complete the job, the beads of perspiration soaking our shorts and matting down our hair. When we got the sides scrubbed, I opened the drain to let out the rest of the water and pulled the hose over to rinse everything off. While I was spraying down the sides, I let the hose wander in Jeremy's direction and really soaked him. I could tell he was trying to get mad, but the cold water must have felt good after all that exertion, so I turned it on myself so we'd be in the same condition. As the water receded, I made sure all the remaining dirt was washed down the drain so I could turn on the fill valves and get the pool back to normal. We cleaned out our buckets and brushes and put everything away, leaving the garden hose on full blast to fill up the spa. I went back into the kitchen to pour a couple more sodas in plastic glasses, grabbed a joint I had rolled from Dad's stash, and joined Jeremy on the patio where he had laid down on a cushioned chaise to let the sun finish drying him off. "Reward time," I said, waving the joint in the air above my head. "Perfect," he replied, big smile lighting up his handsome face. I sat down on the foot of the chaise and lit the joint. As I handed it to him, he propped himself up on one elbow to face me and took the joint from my fingers. "What about your Dad?" "Oh don't worry about him. He's working on some fundraiser he's having at the gym and won't be home for hours. That project's got him tied up a lot lately." We smoked the joint until it started burning our fingers, so I got up and snuffed it out in a planter close by. When I sat back down, I looked at Jeremy, who had that obviously stoned expression on his face. I'm sure mine didn't look any better and I chuckled to myself. "What are you laughing about?" he asked. "Nothing special, just imaging the goofy look I must have on my face after looking at yours" "Well," he replied, "if you're as stoned as I am, I have got to look just as goofy. By the way, what's this dirt you said you wanted to tell me, or did we already talk about it?" "Gosh," I said, "where do I start? This is going to blow your mind." I started telling Jeremy about Dad finding my gay magazines on my birthday and all about that night and many other nights, and days, since. Jeremy's eyes got huge, his mouth was hanging open, and all he could say was, "No shit!" "You're fucking kidding me!" and "No way!" "Way," I told him, "and there's even more." Jeremy was asking for all kinds of details and I was only too happy to provide them. I told him about the size of Dad's dick, what rimming was, what it was like to get fucked, and about all the places around the house where Dad and I had sex. The sun had dried out our shorts, but there was a big, wet spot in the center of his where his dick was hard and trying to break through the fabric. Retelling the story had the same effect on me, not to mention making me to feel extra horny, so I reached over and pulled the front of his shorts down, letting his hardon spring free. The swollen head was coated with precum, so I leaned over and licked it off, causing moans of pleasure to escape from his mouth. I worked my way down his cock until my nose was pressed against his pubes, letting his cock head enter my throat. I worked on his dick with my mouth while I slowly pulled the shorts off his ass and down to his ankles. I stopped sucking him long enough to pull his shorts completely off and onto the concrete. I pulled my own shorts down, stepping out of them and leaving them in a heap at the foot of the chaise. I crawled back on top of him and pressed my lips to his, sandwiching our hard dicks between our bodies. I loved the feel of his lips and parted them with my tongue, stabbing it deep into his mouth, swirling it around his own, trying to reach into the back of this throat. Jeremy returned the fierceness of my kissing with passion of his own, each of us slathering the other's mouth with spit and then licking it off. Jeremy went crazy when I moved my mouth down to his neck and continued my oral attentions on the tender skin there. I was alternately stabbing my tongue into his flesh and swirling it around while sucking gently. I sucked and licked both sides of his neck and under his chin, feeling the vibrations of his moaning course through my lips. I slid down a little further on his body, my dick slipping between his legs and pressing against his balls. My mouth went first to one nipple and then the other, licking and chewing gently, bringing more twitches and moans from his tight body. I grew a little more aggressive with his nipples as the fire burned through me to possess him in every way. I bit down gently on a nipple, holding it in my teeth and slowly increased the pressure. This caused his ass to lift from the cushion and ragged gasps of breath came from his chest until I didn't think he could take anymore. When I released the nipple, his body relaxed and I moved over to the other one to give it the same treatment. While I was working his nipples, his legs spread slightly and started to slide up along the side of mine. The more attention I gave his nipples, the more his legs slid up and opened. I scooted up onto my knees between his and, after removing my mouth from his nipple, grabbed both of them with my fingers. I squeezed both nipples gently, then a little harder, moving my head to take his leaking cock into my mouth. The combination of the tit work and the blowjob was causing his ass to lift off the cushion, fucking my mouth. His movements made me realize what control I had over him now and I started to think of other things I've learned recently to heighten his pleasure. I removed my fingers from his nipples, which had swollen to twice their size from my manipulations and hooked my hands under his knees. I pulled my mouth from his cock and looked into his questioning face as I slowly pushed his legs back towards him. When the pink pucker of his asshole came into view, I gave him a wink and a little smile, and then ran my tongue over his hole, along the hairy furrow between his ass cheeks. It sounded like the wind had been knocked out of him when my tongue touched his hole, and I felt more lust surge through me. I tongued his ass gently, slowly increasing the pressure of my mouth, finally rolling my tongue into a little pink dick, stabbing it into his pucker. Jeremy's hole was clenched shut at first but it started to relax as I continued bathing it with spit and poking into it with my tongue. His head was lolling back and forth and he was moaning, "Oh my god, that feels so damn good, oh my god!" I slid my hands down from under his knees, placing them under his ass and pushing it a little higher so I could get at it easier with my mouth. I used my thumbs to spread his ass cheeks a little more and continued licking and tongue fucking his hole. Jeremy as really in a frenzy now, the involuntary muscle spasms in his body making his dick bounce without being touched, big drops of precum leaking from the slit. I stopped working his ass with my tongue, lowered him to the cushion, and crawled over his body to shove my tongue back in his mouth. I wanted him to taste the sweetness of his ass juices on my lips and tongue, his moans changing to whimpers hoping I would go back to eating his ass. Pulling my mouth from his, I said, "I think it's time to go to the next stage. I think it's time I fucked you." His face took on a brief look of fear, and I reassured him, "Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything you can't take, and if it's not right, we'll stop. Just stay here while I get a few 'marital aids', as Dad calls them." I got up and trotted to Dad's bedroom, pulling the lube and poppers from the nightstand, then back out to the patio. Jeremy was so handsome lying there, looking at me and smiling. I knew he must be apprehensive, as I certainly was the first time, but I really loved him and wouldn't do anything to hurt him. When I approached with the two bottles in my hands, he looked at me questioningly. "The poppers will help loosen you up, and the lube makes your ass and my dick slippery so there's less discomfort. I'll stretch your hole with my fingers first and when I slide my dick in, I'll take it really slow so you can get used to the new feelings." Jeremy just nodded in understanding while I climbed back onto the chaise between his legs. I handed him the poppers and adjusted his ass so it was resting on my thighs, legs pushed back towards his chest. "Take the cap off and take a long, slow sniff of the bottle with your nose," I instructed. As he did what I told him, I opened the lube and poured some onto the fingers of my right hand. I spread the slippery fluid along the furrow of his ass, concentrating on the quivering pucker between his ass cheeks. I spread the remainder over my cock, jacking it slowly, savoring the sensation along my cock head. When I saw the blush on his chest, I knew the poppers were taking over his body and I slid my index finger slowly into his hole. His response was to exhale slowly through his mouth, as his smile grew and his eyes closed with the sensations. I fucked his hole very slowly with my finger, watching his face for any signs of pain or discomfort. There was no indication of any problem so I picked up the pace a little, twisting my finger slowly as I pushed and pulled it from his hot channel. I pulled my finger out and joined it with my middle finger. Twisting slowly at the same time I was pushing the two fingers in, I felt his body tense slightly and stopped. "It's okay," he said, "it was just nerves I think. Your fingers feel really good." I fucked his ass slowly with two fingers for a couple of minutes before adding a third one. There was no resistance at all with three fingers so I began to widen the circle of my twisting to push more against his anal ring. Jeremy must have been feeling some control over the process because a couple of times I felt his hole clamp down on my fingers, only to loosen back up immediately. The smile on his face was acknowledgement of my thoughts and I knew it was time for some serious fucking. I pulled my fingers from his ass, picked up the lube and spread some more around and inside his hole. I poured a generous dollop on my hand and spread it all the way around and down my dick to my pubes. I left some extra around the head of my dick to make the entry easier, and wedged my cock head at his hole, pushing only enough to make sure it was centered correctly. "Take a hit of poppers with each nostril this time, expelling the first one before taking the second," I told him. I could tell the rush was fully upon him because I felt his pucker loosen around my cock head, almost inviting me inside. I pushed slightly with my dick and slid into him until the head of my cock was just inside and his ass ring had closed tightly around the ridge. I saw no signs of discomfort from him so I continued to slide my cock slowly inside his hot tunnel. Jeremy was still rushing from the poppers as I watched inch after inch of my cock disappear into his hole until I felt his ass press against my pubes. I was fully seated inside his hot flesh and I was itching to feel his ass walls caress my cock head and shaft. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah," he sighed, "I just feel so full, but it doesn't hurt or anything." "Great," I replied, "And now I want to make you feel really good." Still on my knees, I straightened my body while I pulled his ass up with me, his hole gripping my cock. I held his ankles with both hands, spreading his legs wider to give me a better view of our connection. Slowly, I slid my cock half way out of his ass, then slowly back in. With each stroke, I was pulling a little more out of his hole before sliding slowly back in. After a few minutes of the slow fucking, I was able to pull my cock head out of his hole and slide my dick back in to the hilt with complete ease. I loved the feeling of long dicking Jeremy, the walls of his ass making love to my cock. I knew how much I liked the feeling in my ass when Dad fucked me like this, so I was giving the same attention to my best buddy. After a while, I started to pick up the pace of my strokes, and Jeremy was urging me on, the look of pure lust sweeping across his face each time I sunk the full length of my cock into his ass. He was really digging this and that was all the encouragement I needed to really start fucking him. I gyrated my hips to work my cock around and around his hole, stretching it further and making him grunt with each stroke. I was really getting a rhythm going when Jeremy gasped, "Oh shit, your Dad!" I looked over at the French doors leading inside to the kitchen area, and there was my father, standing against the door, watching me fuck Jeremy on the lounger. I have no idea how long he had been standing there, but his enormous dick was fully hard and a big, wet spot was growing on the material of his gym shorts. I knew he wasn't angry because a nasty, little smile I knew quite well was on his face and one hand was twisting a nipple beneath his tank top. He saw that we knew he was there, so he began walking towards us, pulling his tank top over his head. When he got next to the lounger, he pulled off his shoes and shorts, letting his huge cock bounce over Jeremy's face. "Suck my man balls, boy," he growled to Jeremy and slowly lowered his body until they were resting on Jeremy's lips. Jeremy had to move his hands to help get one of Dad's balls into his mouth and I watched as he worked it around his mouth with his tongue. "Keep fucking him, Jake, I want him open for some big, daddy dick." Dad leaned over and planted his mouth on mine, his hands finding my nipples, squeezing and pinching them the way I like. Our tongues swirled against each other hungrily, shocks of pain shooting from my nipples directly to my cock. I started my strokes again, pumping Jeremy's ass with hard thrusts, Jeremy's groans muffled by my Dad's balls. Dad's dick was dripping precum on Jeremy's chest and he scooped some up, rubbing it along the full length of his cock. The scene before me was fueling my lust and I started to feel the cum moving up, out of my balls towards release. Dad could tell I was getting ready to shoot, so he increased the pressure on my nipples, driving me to fuck Jeremy harder and harder. The hot ass wrapped around my dick was milking my balls for their fluids and before I knew it, I could feel hot cum spewing out of my cock head, the sensations spasming through my body, a howl escaping my lips. I could still feel cum pouring from my cock as I continued to fuck the hot ass below me, determined to get every drop from my balls into his body. As my orgasm slowed, I pulled my dick out of Jeremy and sat back on my feet, panting in near exhaustion. Dad, however, was not going to give me a chance to calm down after my explosion. "Jake, your Daddy needs to sink this monster into a hot ass, and this boy sucking my balls looks like the perfect candidate." I got up from the lounger, my legs quivering and unsure they would hold me. Dad pulled his balls from Jeremy's mouth and came around to take my place. He picked up the lube bottle and poured a thick line directly on his cock. His right hand smeared the slippery fluid from head to balls while his left hand was spreading Jeremy's ass to expose his dilated hole. "You'd better take a big hit of poppers, boy, because I'm needing to fuck your ass in the worst way." Jeremy had a slight look of fear on his face, but he knew well enough to do as he was told. There was a big, hairy, muscle-stud man with a huge cock pointed at his ass, and he knew it was going to be way up inside him in a short amount of time. Jeremy took four deep breaths, exhaling between each one and holding the last one deep in his lungs. I could see his asshole opening and closing slightly in anticipation until Dad's cock head hid it from my sight. In one quick movement, Dad buried the entire length of his monster cock in Jeremy's ass. The wind was knocked out of Jeremy's lungs but Dad didn't wait a second before he started really pounding his ass. Every time Dad plunged deep into Jeremy's bowels, the smacking of his skin and balls against the ass beneath him was loud enough to hear from a distance. Jeremy had his legs wrapped around Dad's waist and I could tell he was moving them in such a way as to pull Dad deeper. He was moaning loudly beneath my father, begging him to fuck him harder. I didn't see how that was possible, but I could tell Dad was giving it his best try. Dad's pile driving must have been scraping Jeremy's prostate with each plunge because I recognized the sounds Jeremy makes when he's getting ready to cum. Jeremy's hands were laced around Dad's neck as Dad watched his own dick battering the boy's hot ass. Dad was fucking the cum out of Jeremy and soon I heard the familiar grunts and cries of my buddy in heat, cum pumping from his dick onto his and Dad's chest. Seeing Jeremy cum was all Dad needed to release the brakes on his own orgasm, and after several more punishing thrusts, he plunged all the way into Jeremy's ass, growled, and started the jerking motions he makes when cumming. After a few moments to let the waves of orgasm finish washing over him, Dad pulled out of Jeremy, went to the spa, and used the hose to rinse himself off. Jeremy was lying on the lounger, hands over his head, cum leaking from his ass, completely exhausted from the fierce fucking. I went over, sat beside him, and stroked his body with my hands, spreading the cum around his chest. I leaned over and kissed him gently, watching for his eyes to open and look at me. When he finally opened his eyes, he looked at me and said one word, "Awesome." I knew at that moment his experience this afternoon had been a great one. When I was finally able to get him to sit up, I pulled him to his feet and dragged him upstairs for a shower and a nap.
    1 point
  43. Ever since I found those portaglory videos, my biggest fantasy has been to be stuck in a portapot gloryhole all day long at a construction site for all the working men to use all day whenever they want or need to bust a nut. Or just find and have access to such a glory hole period lol.
    1 point
  44. 2. Bullfrog and Otter Boy Quartermaine’s familiar tattooed dome strode by the high trailer windows. A moment later there was a wrap on his door, and a low, “Get him out of here,” and then Quartermaine was gone. Jeremy, Jeremiah, Bullfrog—let’s stick with Jeremy for now—Jeremy nudged the old dairy farmer who definitely smelled like his livestock. The cot was narrow so they were right up against each other. The farmer continued to snore. Jeremy shook the old man again. “I’m up. I’m up,” said the farmer. He threw his spindly legs over the cot, bare feet on the grungy linoleum. “Up an atom,” the old man said out of habit, mostly to himself, blinking, putting out his hand on the nightstand searching for his glasses. Jeremy, already sitting next to him in threadbare boxers, handed them to him. “Milk the cows or they’ll be hell to pay,” the farmer said smacking his lips, making sure his dentures were still intact. He seemed to have forgotten where he was. He looked around at the trailer, then at Jeremy. “Thanks for stopping by, Shamus,” Jeremy said, getting up and going over to his small coffee maker, pouring himself a cup. He wasn’t going to offer the old farmer any. He needed to make sure he was gone before the camp had officially gotten into the buzz of opening day mode. It was still early enough that no one would be wiser that Shamus had been there all night. “Ya know,” Shamus said pulling up his coveralls, slipping the suspenders over his narrow shoulders, “you remind me of someone.” “Who,” Jeremy asked taking a sip of coffee, singing his upper lip. “My youngest. Bonnie,” the farmer said, tying up his shit-caked work boots. “Okay,” Jeremy said cringing while he felt his lip, “that is so wrong in so many ways I can’t even count.” The old man put a twenty on the nightstand. “She’s not as old as you but has the same round butt that…” “Shamus, zip it. I don’t need to know.” Jeremy was cinching his belt then buttoning the top of his plaid shirt. He put a strawberry-frosted Pop-tart in the toaster, then opened the door for Shamus. Shamus shuffled out, stopped at the door in front of Jeremy, saw that whatever was between them last night had been ushered out with the dawn. The old man’s stubbled face registered sadness, then resignation, as he patted Jeremy’s cheek and descended the trailer’s steep metal stairs clutching firmly to the handrail. Jeremy watched the back of the old man’s red #MAGA cap bob between the carnival trailers. In the morning haze, he watched the red hat pass through the back end of the half-erected carnival rides, through the empty game booths, and finally out the arch into the supermarket parking lot. Few carnies were up yet. He took another cautiously sip of his coffee. The September air was moist, warning of another hot day before autumn broke summer’s hold. The toaster popped, and the intense aroma of strawberries and roasted sugar clung in the air. Better than the cow dung and Old Spice that came with Shamus, he thought. He brought the Pop-tart out with him on the trailer steps and looked at the rising sun through the pink clouds. He tried not to think bad of any of the men that came to see him. They were usually old, married much too young, usually with a kid on the way, and stuck in a marriage that had lasted decades with no end in sight. As he ate the frosted pastry, he got out his ancient iPhone and clicked on the browser to bring up Craig’s list, how he managed to plan his tricks as the carnival went from small town to small town. He was hoping to reconnect with one of the college boys he’d hooked up with last year. It was by accident that he met him, thinking that the guy in the post was lying about his age, saying he had a swimmer’s body, and all the other things men said that turned out to be untrue. The boy turned out to be the real deal, the most gorgeous specimen he’d ever been with. The kid indeed had a swimmer’s body and much more, in anything he’d undersold himself: sandy blond hair, a peach-fuzz mustache, dark blue eyes—how many times did he beat off remembering that face? But the boy also had a monstrous stutter and large gashes on one of his cheeks. But he was also sweet, muscular, a wing-span that didn’t quit, and a bubble butt he could munch on for days. They hadn’t talked much, mostly from the boy’s self-consciousness over his stutter. The oddest thing was he wore a chastity cage, which he was vague, if not right down evasive about. The most he said was that he was into chastity, but it was hard for Jeremy to believe. The entire time the lad had spent in his sling, he’s poor dick was bursting against the metal trap. Jeremy concentrated on his butt in the myriad ways he knew, which was the focus that Ken, Kenneth—something like that—texted him he was interested in when they first made contact. He’d made love to the boy’s butthole alternatingly sweetly then, at times, aggressively. The boy had liked it both ways. There were only a few stops on the year-long carnival schedule he really looked forward to and this town was at the top. He licked the crumbs off his fingers and downed enough now warm coffee to get him through the busy day. He clicked on Craig’s list regional personals. He thought he should plan now since the day the carnival launched in a new town was the busiest it would get except for the tear-down. The tear-down lasted all night, a twenty-two hour day and then a drive to the next town, usually involving plenty of amphetamines provided by Quaretermaine and management. He scanned down to the personals section and found it was gone. He checked out another random region and it was gone there too. It had to be a mistake, some glitch. He wasn’t dependent on turning tricks, but it did help him supplement his living expenses. Without them he’d wind up with the other carnies who were dependent on the measly salary management offered, living in near-destitution in what was infamously called ‘the bunkhouse,’ a converted eighteen wheeler split down the middle, broken up into small spaces which only fit a twin mattress with ten inches of space to spare on each side and a mirrored medicine chest for toiletries next to the door. His life was a steady stream going downhill. There weren’t a lot of job opportunities for ex-felons, but he’d found this one. He’d hit his high when he was thirty years old, working for a start-up wind farm outfit setting up wind turbines all around New England. He was unafraid of heights, having spent summers teaching his little brothers to high-dives off a nearby quarry. Setting up these humongous wind turbines, with blades that stretch a football field in length, there was something meaningful and monumental he was doing, transforming mountaintops, creating renewable energy, powering tens of thousands of houses wherever his company sent him. He made enough money to send back to assist his youngest crazy brother who grew marijuana and lived in a teepee. The dope froze in Vermont’s long winters, but he was happy kid, so there’s that. But for one god-forsaken road trip to Canada to hook-up with a gay couple outside of Montreal, his life could have continued on an upward trajectory. He got up to pee in his miniscule bathroom. He flushed the toilet, washed his face, shaved, then scrutinized himself mercilessly in the mirror. At forty-seven, he’d once been considered attractive, at least his mother had thought so, long, long ago. Unfortunately, so did his father. Even in the midst of middle age, he’d kept slim and still had some of the physique he acquired in the prison weight room. His greying hair kept most of his mousy brown color. His face was slim, gaunt some would say, and had a sharp chin with a big, wide lips. He’d maintained his undetectable positive status ever since he converted, never knowing if it was from sharing needles or unprotected sex, but what did it matter? He caught the bug, but it was under control. There were bags under his eyes this morning from Shamus waking him up all night wanting him to fuck him every which way every couple of hours. He’d finally gotten a straight four hours, from two to six, when Quartermaine had pounded on the side of his trailer. Throughout the day, as usual, he was all professional, worked well with the other carnies and ride operators, the staff at concessions, and all the performers from the Big Top to the Freak Show. Because he wasn’t afraid of heights the Ferris wheel and Hammer ride operators always wanted his help. He made the final electrical connections on the Hammer’s lighting, and still had time to dress his own joint, the ‘knock three dolls down and get a prize’ booth, before the carnival flicked on its lights at exactly three o’clock to begin opening day operations. He brushed out the knockdown dolls’ deceptively long hair and wedged them between the front piece of wood and the hidden backstop that made them next-to-impossible to knock down for some worthless prize that the marks were so eager to get for their girl. But the rubes kept coming and over the last couple of years he’d learned a good bit of patter to keep his joint one of the top money-makers. The couple in Montreal had the usual stupid screen names common for the site he was on: dirtypig4u and VelvetHole. He had their address on his phone with directions; he also had a shit-load of nasty porn on it, which he didn’t really think about as he crossed the Canadian border. He’d just taken a Viagra at a McDonalds down the road as his Subaru pulled up to the first border agent, a young Asian-Canadian woman. She looked bored and asked where he was staying. He said he hadn’t made a reservation but he thought he’d stay in a Montreal hotel. She looked at him suspiciously and told him to pull over to an area at the border patrol offices. He followed her direction and pulled into one of the docks. Two border guards were waiting for him, asking him to get out of his car. They were both nice, respectful, almost apologetic about the delay. The first officer had tattoos covering his arms up to his neck, and the other one was extremely handsome with a close cropped dark head of hair. They were a pleasant distraction until they asked him for any electronic equipment. “Like my phone?” Jeremy asked, a little apprehensive. The handsome one nodded, and he turned over his phone giving him the access code, and warning him that there was porn on it. They asked him to step inside. They then proceeded to tear the car apart end to end. The tattooed agent brought back several bottles of poppers and asked what the bottles contained. He told him the contents, saying feebly that he hoped he’d get lucky. The tattooed guy looked less friendly after that. They were both gone for about an hour leaving him in a benchless waiting area. When they returned they were stone-faced and asked that he follow them. He felt trapped like a mouse in a maze, a maze that had only one path to walk down knowing this wasn’t going to end well. They took him into a windowless room and asked he take off his shoes. He did and the handsome one motioned for him to slide them over to him. He complied as the tattooed agent read him his right and asked if he understood that they were detaining him for suspicion of trafficking in child pornography. His heart stopped. To back up for a second. He’d had a major run-in with the law before stemming from a hunting accident when he was fourteen. Hunting trips with his father always ended up in their two-man pup tent and was always where sexual abuse took place. It had been going on since he could remember and it was never anything he looked forward to. Quite the opposite. He came up with any excuse he could think of to get out of going, but never to any avail. Even his mother put pressure on him to spend some time with his hard-working father who only asked that his oldest son go out the first day of deer season with him. What changed on this particular hunting trip was after his father had finished with him, as he was drifting off after his fourth beer, he started mumbling about how old Jeremiah was getting, and how Jacob, who’d just turn nine, or maybe even better, Jasper, who was six-and-a-half, might enjoy coming with him next year in his place. Jeremy was able to convince the sheriffs, but not his mother, that his father had accidentally taken a bullet to the head as he hid, unseen by Jeremiah, in the brush. It’s possibly she knew what was happening between her husband and son by a million small details but never said a word. She also never said anything to the sheriffs in her home about her suspicions, nothing at the funeral, not a word at the courthouse. Not one word ever. But she never treated him the same after the incident, only found excuse after excuse to keep his younger brothers away from him. She encouraged Jeremy to graduate early, get his electrical engineering certificate his last year in high school, and leave the house the day he graduated. He was not unwelcome in her house, especially around holidays when his brothers begged him to come home, but neither was he especially warmly welcomed. A kiss on the cheek on entering and leaving, a Tupperware of leftovers, but not an inch more of affection than was necessary. So the father-son pornography he’d harvested on his phone was buried deep in his history and his character. The Canadian shrink who interviewed him prior to trial asked him whom in the photos he identified with. He told her the boys, and he argued that he thought none of them were underage. He wasn’t into kiddy porn, he pleaded. But the ages of the kids in the photos were questionable enough, it didn’t matter whom he identified with. Child pornography is child abuse, argued the Canadian Crown Attorney. She wasn’t interested in the psychiatric deposition his attorney tried to put, unsuccessfully, into evidence. So he did his time, labeled a child sexual predator, the lowest of scum in the prison hierarchy, beaten, raped, infected, unemployable once outside, until he found a job at the dime toss booth, turning penny-ante tricks on the side for extra money, sucking off old men who smelled of Brylcreme and Aqua Velva, because they were coming into town for a ‘date’ and having a nice piece of cheap flesh that reminded them of their daughter. He placed the last knockdown doll on the top shelf, secured it in place. He pinched the bridge of his nose feeling a migraine coming on. Now that Craig’s list no longer did personal ads, how long before he took up room in the Bunkhouse? How similar were those eight by twelve foot rooms to the cell he did time in? How much lower could his life go? “Jeremiah was a b-b-bullfrog,” sang a voice behind him. “Hello, B-bullfrog.” Kenworth Paxton. He remembered the name even before turning around. As he spun around, he fretted that he’d aged unrecognizably in the last year, was afraid of being looked at by a creature he remembered being so astonishingly perfect, scarred but perfect in every way. The boy was the same, a little taller maybe, a bit broader in his chest if that were possible, same scars on his cheek, and wet, shoulder-length sandy blond hair, longer than the previous year before. But the length suited him, framed his face, his beautiful imperfectly-perfect face. He came over and leaned on the red lip of his booth, his fingertips just brushing the lad’s. His smile was from ear to ear. He felt an immediate rousing desire in his groin for the young man, but an even stronger desire to just lean there for hours, taking him in. A full year of imagining him and now, here he was, made flesh, even more ideal than what was indelible in his mind. “You look…” Jeremy couldn’t find the words. He noticed drips of water coming off his hair onto his collar. “You look wet,” he laughed. “I c-c-came right after try-tryouts. I’m al-al-alternate goal-goalkeeper this year,” he beamed. “That’s fantastic, man. Congratulations!” Jeremy enthused, clasping his hand, an excuse to hold him, to feel how real he was. He rocked his head acknowledging that he really was here, that he showed up. He didn’t quite know what a goalkeeper was—he guessed soccer—but if the kid was happy, and the smile spread across his face said he was, then so was he. Ecstatically happy. “So how you been?” “G-good,” the young man said, looking at Jeremy hungrily. He looked back at him the same. “So can you come by tonight? Meet me later?” Jeremy’s face clouded for a second, coming down to earth. “Nah, you’ll probably be with all your friends tonight. First night of the carnival and all.” “No. Yeah. I can m-m-meet you,” he said. The kid began to shuffle his feet. “Like is t-t-ten okay?” he blinked hard to spit out his proposition. “Yeah, yeah,” said Jeremy happily. He kept nodding his head practically disbelieving who was before him. The kid was just as happy to see him too, starting to pick up Jeremy’s head bobbing until both of them were bobbing in synch together, very happy to see each other. There was a pause between them, not of awkwardness but a hint at a mutual anticipation for what ten o’clock would hold. “Yeah, ten. Perfect. Here or at my trailer? Yeah, let’s meet at my trailer. You remember which one it is? The green one? Small, has flowers painted under the window?” “Couldn’t forget it,” Kenworth Paxton said. “Best night of my life.” “Best night of your life?” Jeremy noted he hadn’t stuttered. “Best night of my life. That is until tonight, I promise you that.” The kid really seemed to be happy seeing him again. Whenever he allowed himself the luxury of thinking about Kenworth Paxton he figured he’d forgotten him, or got interested in someone else, college flings, but he seemed to have the same connection right now that he had the week he’d been here a year ago. Should he have kept up writing to him? Texting him? That would’ve been presumptuous, weird. The kid was a baby, he was a middle age, part-time hustler who worked as a carnie. What could possibly go wrong? “So, yeah, ten. Okay.” Both their heads were still bobbing. “Bullfrog!” yelled a burly, red plaid shirt-wearing, bearded lumberjack, coming up to Jeremy’s joint. “Hey kid,” he said, noticing their bobbing heads. Then to Jeremy he said, “If I can tear you away, we need you pronto on Big Eli.” “Be right there.” The lumberjack spun on his toe, not before giving the kid another once over, and then headed back to the back lot. “I got to go help with the Ferris wheel...so ten then.” Jeremy wanted to whisk Kenworth Paxton straight back to his trailer and throw his legs in his sling and have at him for the next week straight. Instead, he brushed the boy’s knuckles, and hollered over to Ronnette, his neighbor with a dart throwing booth, if she’s keep an eye out on his junk. She said sure and wiggled her arched brows. He always used the gate at the back of his booth to get out, but today he spontaneously hopped over the booth’s lip next to Kenworth Paxton, to smell him, to size him up. He put his hands on the kid’s shoulder and gave him a tight, quick squeeze. He didn’t care who saw. He cocked a thumb at the rides. “Gotta go,” he said transfixed, not moving. Kenworth Paxton smiled once more, and Jeremy ripped himself away from the spot, and headed to the back lot with a grin he wouldn’t shake the rest of the day. As he stood at the top of Big Eli replacing the Ferris wheel’s burned out neon light, seventy feet in the air, both feet solidly anchored between two beams, overlooking the small town below, the college off in the distance, the green forest hills beyond, standing atop his entire world, nothing, no one remotely as high as him at that moment, he wondered if the kid was still committed to that damn little chastity cage? And if so, how was he going to get it off him? *** Marlon Reznor swaggered down the sidewalk leading the pack. House, that is, Trent van der Haus and Steve Reynolds, head bent under his hoodies, still texting, walked side by side, but not talking. Tommy Derkheim was the only one chirping away behind them all, asking his teammates what they want to do first at the carnival. He thought the Hammer ride should be their first stop, and then maybe the freak show. He was really just excited they’d invited him along. “Freak show,” Steve Reynolds mumbled under his hoodie. House nodded his large head in agreement. Raznor cut through one group of geeky boys and then another group of girls coming back from the fair, giggling, eating cotton candy, one girl’s hair exactly matching its pink color. Raznor stroked his chin fuzz, looked back at Tommy and the diamond their quartet made slicing down the sidewalk. “House of mirrors first,” he said taking out a joint, to which House and Reynolds nodded and Tommy shrugged happily. They finished the joint as they walked through the fair’s archway, passing Dr. Moreau’s House of Curiosities, i.e., the freak show, just as a woman in a flesh-colored bathing suit adorned with shiny dangling bangles, and draped with an albino boa constrictor, was leaving the small stage in front of the tent and a scaly lizard-man was climbing onto it. The bald barker, a large man with a blue tattooed scalp that had a dome of stars and constellations from his chin to the back of his neck etched on his face and head, was in the middle of his patter. “Some applause for the beautiful Misty Morning and her serpent Houdini, who can get into and out of the tightest of places. The girl your friends and neighbors are talking about, with an act with which they can only whisper. Man oh man, she’s got all the things a girl should have, and she’s gonna shake ‘em loose like a bucket of juice!” Misty shook her ample butt with all her bangles jangling before disappearing behind the tent flap. “And Larry the Lizard Man, who suffers the persecution of unjust inequity a man or lizard could endure.” Larry, in a large pair of trousers with a cutout accommodating his large reptilian tail, sat on a stool and stared at Tommy. His split tongue slithered out as it darted out over a mouth that stretched from wide across his jaw. His black diamond-shaped pupils unnerved Tommy and Tommy tugged at Raznor’s shirt wanting to go. “Looks like Lizard Man like our Otter Boy,” Raznor taunted his small teammate. ‘Otter’ was the name the team called him, a name that followed him from his family, where anytime he was in water he was in bliss, a small otter who flipped and spun off diving boards effortlessly, gracefully, playfully, sometimes recklessly in the chances he’d take on a dive. Third string on the water polo team last year, but who’d won enough first and second places at last year’s diving competitions, that he was wholly embraced by the team. Otter was the man! “C’mon, Raz. He gives me the creeps,” Tommy said, trying to act casual but his reedy voice betrayed real distress beneath his plea. Steve Reynolds held his phone aloft and snapped a photo of him and Tommy with the lizard man in the background. Reynolds scrutinized himself in the pic, decided it was good enough to post, clicked share, saying, “I googled it and these freak show lizard-men mostly suffer from extreme ichthyosis. Probably has some body mods like that split tongue. I think we should do the show, maybe introduce Otter to him.” “No,” Tommy begged, pulling on House’s shirt, the only one who never teased him. House made a face of disdain at Reynolds, and led the way to the House of Mirrors. He pulled out a second joint, lit it up and passed it around as they took a circuitous route through a bunch of trailers to get to a ticket booth. House collected money from each of them, and at the House of Mirrors, handed over the tickets to the fun house attendant. A very stoned Reznor, Reynolds, House, and Tommy filed in. Reznor immediately ditched them, whipping around some glass to get away from the group. As the remaining trio wound through the maze, Reznor snuck up on Tommy and jumped him, making Tommy scream and fall into House. Reynolds broke off and went his own way, House went another, and soon the four of them were exploring confusing corridors of reflections and glass partitions alone, laughing and jumping on each other when they reconnected. Sometimes they found each other with a touch, but more often they thought one of them was at an arm’s distance away only to find themselves bumping into glass. At the center was a black room of warped mirrors that made the foursome look lean and tall as giants, others that made them look like dwarves with tiny legs. Tommy and the others laughed at their reflections, knocking each other around the black room, pointing in the mirrors, taking overhead picture on their phones, seeing who could make the most warped photo. Raznor got bored and headed out, then House followed, Reynolds took a third path leaving Tommy behind only for a second. An unseen hand swiveled a pane of glass, cutting Tommy off from his friends. He followed this new path into the back of the ride and watched his teammates in the distance, cutoff first by two rows of glass, then three, then he didn’t see them anymore. He met his reflection, then his reflection’s reflection, then himself reflected until he was surrounded by an army of Tommys, saw himself in every direction and saw nothing but himself. “Guys!” he said loudly as he stumbled through the glass and mirrors. “Guys!” he shouted. He heard the other boy’s laughter dying away, replaced by music from the carousel. There was mist at his feet. Gas climbed slowly up the glass. He coughed and started to feel dizzy and a little faint. He ran through the maze quicker, looking for a way out, looking for some shred of the outside world, but all he saw was more glass, more dead ends, more of himself. He stretched out his hand which pressed against his reflection. His knees buckled under him and he fell. His head pressed against the glass. His cheek ran down a sheet of glass, squeaked the pitch of straining flesh against a slick surface. The oils of his face left a trail of grease as he slid lower, legs tucking lazily under him, head going forward until it hit the House of Mirrors’ floor. Then he fell into a woozy blackness. Barely conscious, he heard the faint music of the carousel, felt hands picked him up, carried him off. A false back wall creaked open, and he disappeared from sight. Hands undressed him as he hung like a limp dolls, placing him in a suit that was much too tight. Someone or something touched his exposed butthole. His butt filled with something cold and wet. Whatever it was soon enveloped him in a warm blanket, made him feel dreamy floating in a dark semi-consciousness, made him acutely aware of his body and of the hard metal cage that locked away his maleness. Tommy came out of a haze feeling exposed, exceedingly relaxed and even more horney. Part of his brain said he should panic, but overall he felt himself drifting somewhere between wakefulness and dozing in twilight. He rested on a padded red leather tabletop, his ass riding slightly higher than his shoulders as he laid crumped on his left arm. Around the red table was a gold rail. To the rail, his wrists and ankles were secured. His skin felt strange, alien, oddly furry. It felt like most of his body was in a tight fitting diving suit. Looking at his arms and back at his legs he saw this suit had a light fur glued to the suit’s skin. His chest, abdomen, and genitals were all him, however, and they rubbed sensually against the red leather. His dick and balls though still were captured inside their metal cage. He looked around. The room was octagonal, all eight sides mirrored. Between each mirrored pane stood a panel of fluorescent lights. Presently, the white tubes flickered on making the small enclosure extremely bright to the point of being almost blinding. Seven of the eight mirrored panes had slot removed at head height, and within the gaps, seven sets of eyes watched him studiously, anonymously. The eighth mirror directly in front of him swerved open and the barker from the freak show, the one with the blue tattooed head of stars, came in and, with a black gloved hand, closed the mirror behind him. The barker addressed the anonymous onlookers behind the mirrors. “Behold, our newest creature, captured for your investigation into nature’s oddities, gentleman. A boy of quality, to be sure. Note his blond fur, the extra vertebrae at his tailbone sporting his diminutive tail. Don’t let his blond coat of young fur mislead you, for he is a special marvel, a naturally born hairy Otter Boy, a small but wild animal which is why we must constrain him to this table. He is the Otter Boy for which you’ve paid to scrutinize. And study every part of him you shall.” It was then that Tommy saw the purpose of the suit he was in. He saw himself in the mirrors in a fur suit that made him look like the water creature, his nickname cruelly turned on himself, the Otter Boy the barker assured the audience he actually was. He tugged at his bindings and found he was not completely immobile but tightly constricted in how much he could move. He tried to speak but found his mouth had a small mask over it, which, when he looked in one of the mirrors, saw they had given him an otter-like muzzle. He blinked at his reflection and recognized the absurdity, the phoniness of the ruse, and how little it seemed to matter. He would have panicked but for the underlying calm his body felt and the stroking the barker was applying to his butt and caged genitals. “Note, too, gentlemen,” continued the barker, “how his sex has been cruelly bound. This must be, because in captivity, kept in his cage, being a young male, all he would do when first captured was to play naughtily with himself day and night. But tonight, for his pleasure and yours, we will unbind the young animal and let him play as I know he will for whomever comes forward with a slight extra token of coin and a deep-seated need to satisfy his curiosity.” A lubed forefinger, cracked and callused, entered his hole causing Tommy to wince. It withdrew and he felt the barker fiddling with the chastity cage’s lock. With a click his cock and balls hung loose. Immediately they were lubed, and were drawn down, massaged, blood squeezed into them making them flush, then beginning, through constant stimulation, to harden. What should have been acute humiliation, so publically on display, was instead erotic, in fact, intoxicating. Tommy couldn’t explain it even to himself. He was a virgin, no male or female had been drawn to him, or he to another. He was cute, undeniably, but shy, reluctant to show any attachment when it came to anyone outside his family. Now after one year spent with his teammates, he was finally opening up to them, though not about his sexuality. This act, this pulling on his hardening phallus, was the first time he’d ever had anyone put a finger or fist on his genitals. He wanted the callused finger inside him again. He didn’t have to wait long. “You will see, gentlemen, our initially reluctant creature is eager to participate. The Otter Boy is a playful pup. Note how quickly he is engorged.” Indeed, Tommy was hard as steel with only a few seconds of stimulation, could easily shoot his wad were the barker not easing up masturbating him. “You will witness for the first time the Otter Boy submitting to penetration.” The barker held up a bulbous glass nob that sparkled in the lights. He poured a thick gelatinous liquid over the rod and some over Tommy’s upturned hole. The viscous liquid was cold and made his hole tweeze shut, only to be stroked by the bulbous rod rubbing up and down his crack. He couldn’t help himself and pushed his butt to receive the rod, and the barker obliged, allowing only a small portion of the instrument to glide smoothly in his hole. It gave him satisfaction beyond his imagination. The glass bulb spread him open to the possibility of something foreign taking over his body, forcing him to open up whether he was willing or not. The barker steadied Tommy’s torso, placing his warm callused palm on the small of his back, and pushed the grass rod in a few more inches. There was something at work in his body that was pushing him to be lewd, to want the whole of the object to be inside him. The barker pulled the object out, showed it to the audience of eyes, demonstrating the length that would soon travel inside the boy. It was not going to be a short journey either. Tommy felt the instrument smoothly spreading open his hole, stretching his tender ass lips, lips that had never had anything touch them in this manner. There was something, however, this time different in the slickness, like a fine sand had been added to the lubricant, something rough and burning just a bit. He looked back and saw the barker surreptitiously sprinkle a white powder on the glass rod. The deeper it went the more it burned. He squeezed his hole to try to block any further penetration but he was in no position to resist, and the bulb stretched his hole open to its widest spot, the skin of his rectum spread so wide the powder came in contact with his whole rectum and made his entire insides light on fire, and like that, snap!, the bulb was in. He had an entire new feeling about the invader. He loved it! He squeezed it to make it go in deeper. He flexed his butt muscles to provoke it to penetrate him as much as possible. The barker took note, raising a hand above the boy’s gyrating bottom, illustrating the transformation from human to unthinking animal. The circle of eyes started bouncing within the slots, eyes squinted, pupils became pinpricks of pleasure within their private booths. The barker returned to stroking the boy’s erection causing Tommy to further pleasure himself, writhing, rutting his pelvis, grinding it into the barker’s fist. “And now,” the barker announced with both of his hands in the air, the white lights turning to green and blue, “the moment you’ve been waiting for, the reason you’ve paid your admission to witness the taboo scene of carnal pleasure, what you were promised and will not see anywhere else, see here with your own two eyes. I give you the forbidden lust between the Lizard Man and the Otter Boy!” In the aquatic light the mirror in front of Tommy swiveled open and the Lizard Man entered with a long scaly erection, split down the middle into two penises. The barker withdrew the glass rod and stepped back into the shadows, while the Lizard Man, his tail dragging along behind him, circled Tommy. Tommy’s eyes were wide and frightened. He knew this was just a man, but the disguise and the drug that was emanating inside his hole, was playing with his mind. He thought the man had contacts to make his pupils into vertical slits but they looked real enough, especially as they expanded and contracted as he came closer to him. The man’s tongue definitely was split as was his dick, and he made the most out of his tongue slithering it in and out of his extremely wide mouth. The man’s thin lips were chapped which only made him appear to have scales entirely over his face right down to the insides of mouth. That serpent tongue entered his ear and made a gushing sound that drowned out his own panicking cries. “Relax,” whispered Larry, the Lizard Man, “It’s just a show for the rubes.” The Lizard Man walked around Tommy’s face, jiggling his spit cocks, going to his other ear, whispering, “It’s a suit just like yours. Act like you’re scared.” Tommy didn’t need to act, he was out-of-his-mind frightened and abhorred at the repulsive creature. The Lizard Man disappeared, but soon he felt a tongue flutter at his butthole. Then the tongue entered him and as revolted as he was knowing the man was eating his hole, his body reacted to the pleasure that he felt. Without wanting to, he nonetheless pushed out his spongy lips so the lizard tongue could go in deep. And deep it did, fluttering and weaving, a rapid in-out, over and over, following the maze that was his colon. How deep could that tongue go? He turned his head but only saw the hideous reptilian snout of the man pressed up to his butt, but he could feel him traveling obscenely fast and unbelievably deep into his yawning cavern. Nothing had prepared him for this kind of invasion that was at once a violation of his body but also as gratifying as itching a scratched non-stop. He shuddered on his hands and knees, wanting the Lizard Man to end this exquisite torture, but feared if it ended, what would happen next. And it did stop, and this happened next: Tommy felt two small hard penises pushing at his hole. The barker spoke softly, while the Lizard Man worked his dicks into Tommy. “As any biologist will tell you, male mammals have only one phallus, which they theorize is due to the fact that embryonically it comes as an extension of the tail or in humans from the tailbone.” With a pop, the Lizard Man’s cocks slithered into his hole, the man’s claws on either side of his butt cheeks pulling Tommy back further onto them. “These same biologists will tell you reptiles, lizards and snakes alike are born with two penises that emanate not from a tail but vestiges of legs. Imagine, gentlemen, double your pleasure, double your fun. Observe the pleasure in the Otter Boy’s face.” Tommy couldn’t believe how much the two dicks were hurting him. One would have been intense enough, but both, were it not for the mask-muzzle over his mouth, he would be screaming for the Lizard Man to stop. The man kept pulling him back deeper on them and he tried to get away, but this tug-of-war only caused the man’s erections to swell harder, putting more pressure on stretching Tommy’s hole wider. And then there was the underlying, but growing, sense of pleasure Tommy was deriving from the penetration. Mix that with the white powder the barker had slid into him, mix that with the humiliation of being ravaged in front of an anonymous public—it made Tommy shake his head in a crazed way that made the onlookers think he was madly enjoying being fucked by this scaly monster. The creature picked up its pace and Tommy instinctively impaled himself harder as he lost himself to the lust of the moment. He flung his ass back wildly trying to take even more of the Lizard Man’s dicks. The split dicks, the hard they got, the more they separated away from each other, the wider Tommy’s hole got spread. He heard a loud hissing behind him and a tongue that was whipping against his neck, then his hole got sprayed with jism that ran down his balls, dripped over his legs, and spontaneously, without touching himself, he came on the table, white spew pooling on the red leather. Larry pulled out, patted Tommy on the head and before exiting the chamber hissed in his ear, “Good show, mate.” “Now, gentlemen, who among you will come forward with an extra coin and a deep-seated need to satisfy his curiosity—who will be next?” One by one, out stepped a local store owner, the town librarian, a bespectacled college professor, a slick-hair barber, a old pharmacist, a greasy auto mechanic, and finally Coach Brandon, all taking turns coming out of their booth and pleasuring themselves inside the Otter Boy, while the Otter Boy pulled on his liberated dick and satisfied himself, time after time, man after man, with his furry paws.
    1 point
  45. PART 2 I had no idea what to do. I was naked, seated on the edge of a stranger's bed, and we were watching a gay porn, a gay porn where a young guy was slobbering all over a guy's cock. My six inch cock was rock hard, but next to me was an almost rock hard man dick. I marveled at how such a thin guy had such a huge fat cock. It had to be at least eight and a half inches. As if sensing it, or maybe he was just staring at me staring at his cock, he commented "I like that you can’t stop looking at my cock. You must be hungry. Have you been with many guys?” I just figured honesty was best and I wasn’t exactly fooling anyone into thinking I was 'Mr. Experience', so I told the truth. "I've..., I've gone to a bookstore a few times and done stuff.” I was super embarrassed to admit it, but he looked at me and smiled, responding "Good for you. Bookstore booths can be hot. Did you just let guys suck you or has Chris learned to get his knees dirty?” "At first, I got sucked but I kind of like, I kind of like to suck more than get sucked.” There, I had admitted it. "And what about fucking? Anyone get that butt yet?” he asked. "I tried it twice. It was good, but it kind of hurts, and well, it seems like... condoms aren’t very slippery it feels like.” He looked at me thoughtfully and asked "So, each of the guys who fucked your ass used a condom? But not when you were sucking, right? I imagine you took each man's load in your mouth, didn’t you?” “I only tried fucking twice and yes, each guy used a condom. And yes, you're also right, when I suck I don’t ever use a condom. Oh, and yeah, the guys always just cum in my mouth. I don’t mind though.” There, I had admitted that too. I liked sucking cock and tasting cum. “Well Chris, I am proud of you for being so open with me and for going out and finding what you like. Do you want to know what I like and what I have done?” I nodded. “I've done most everything, I think, so if you have a question, just ask. But when it comes to fucking and sucking and having man sex, I like it all. But most of the time, I am the one getting sucked more than the one sucking. And most of the time I am the one licking a guy's asshole instead of him licking mine. And I am always the one, these days, that fills a hot manhole instead of having a cock deep up in me. And I have a secret trick for fucking that makes it real slippery and the bottoms always love it. In my book it's the only way to fuck. Can you guess what it is?” I shrugged, having no idea. "Well, let's put it this way: the problem with the way you’ve been fucking is that you used condoms. I never do.”
    1 point
  46. Not only would I love this to happen to me, I'd better be booty bumped as well. Oh, and let's make sure every guy is toxic, too.
    1 point
  47. i seek out those rape situations. first time i was fucked was a rape. i was tanning in a g string at jones beach in NY and went into the dunes bc i saw guys in there, when i saw all of them having sex i became interested, met two guys who gave me some special K drug and i started sucking them off, they put their beach towel arpund my neck and started choking me, which at first i loved, but next thing i knew i woke up in an ambulance with all kinds of people around with unknown how many mens cum inside me and a corona bottle inside me. i had to had surgery to have it removed. but every since that happened, i have been a cum dump whore seeking out breath control gang bangs where guys will take me to the level of passing out and abusing me
    1 point
  48. A Top fuckbud has whored me out on two occasions in a hotel room. Both times I was blindfolded and had to take anonymous loads from whoever he okayed. He had invited less than 8 guys or so to these mini gang bangs which lasted for three hours or so. The sensory perception was really intense. Since I could not see anything, I usually first realized someone was there when I felt them fingering my ass or nudging their cock up against my hole. Some were verbal, while others bred me somewhat quietly. While the guys fucked me in various positions, it seemed like every time I was being fucked doggy style, I got spit roasted as I would get a usually slimy cock shoved into my mouth. Probably one of the guys who had just fucked me. Getting fucked anonymously got me really horned up. I don't know that I like to take anonymous loads on a regular basis, but once a year or so allows me to be a true cum slut.
    1 point
  49. Goodbye Fuck BBX~~Mrbb Posted on Thursday, June 03, 2010 - 1:40 am We had dated for several months, almost a year. I couldn't believe it when we broke up. Sure we had our differences, Kirk was a super masculine muscled daddy of 42 and I was just a young twink he could throw around and nail mercilessly into his bed for all his roommates to hear being just 22. He was also poz and I was neg, but he always bred my hole hoping for it to take. He was undetectable, I hardly had a chance to get it he said. Even when he plowed me multiple times a session and fucking two or three loads into my gaping hole that his 9 incher would pry open. Then I called it off. I was moving away and wanted to get away from his repeated abuse of my hole and only using my mouth and ass to please his insatiable cock. Most guys would think him a fantasy, but it had never been mine... Then I was half the country away and he was out of my life. I think I was happy for awhile, but out of nowhere it came to me. At first it was an afterthought when I hooked up with other guys nailing their asses mercilessly and breeding them, just treating them like sluts...then it became a dull ache in my hole where no amount of fucking ass could satiate my lust that continued to grow. The only guy who had ever fucked me...and sometimes raped me without any regard for my pleasure, just to get a nut off and claim my ass for his own was also the only guy who could satisfy some deep carnal need to be a cumfilled whore. I tried to message him online, manhunt, bbrts, every slut and pig site around that I knew he stalked for prey on and he always ignored me. It wasn't until two years later that an innocent seeming message to my personal email popped up with a pic attached and it was none other than Monster-Cock Kirk himself. Why he changed his mind? I had just came back into Boston for the first time since our break up and he was horny. "I'm coming down to your place today," he told me after a few short messages between the two of us. I knew he would come over and I was going to get it. He would probably be pissed. I could already imagine him smacking me to the floor and nailing my ass right when I hit the ground. He was here. My breath came in short spurts, I couldn't help but keep my heart from beating in my chest like a caged bird. I opened the door, there he was smiling with those full charming lips of his. I was already melting. "Wow, you look...wow!" He said in a surprised voice. I forgot to tell him I had been working out these past few years too, so the skinny twink he once knew had now become a muscled stud too and a dominate top for all...except Kirk. That's when I got the idea, I could show him up and top him instead. That would cure my feelings of being his cumdump once and for all. "Thanks Kirk, you're always so sweet," I said with false kindness in my voice as I lead him into my home. It was just him and me and a score to settle. I was ready for it and he wouldn't see it coming. He hadn't realized how much I changed over the years, but he seemed so much the same. A cocky swag in his step, rippling full chest, strong arms and a perfect bubble ass. How could I hate this Adonis before me? It was impossible, save for him trying to poz me so many times and me feeling powerless to stop him. My turn to show him he could become someone's bitch. We made it to my room before long and were sitting there. I made my move. My hands roamed along his strong body, bringing him close to me, our lips locked passionately. He was in awe over my new found strength and definition. I was an old toy that had taken on a new attraction, and he was distracted now. That made him easy prey and I knew it. He got aggressive, pushing me back trying to pin me down but this time...I fought back! He struggled against me as rolled on top pulling off his nice buttoned down shirt sending the buttons flying. He bucked me off of him to my surprise tugged at the sweatpants I had easily taking them off, shit, I should have worn underwear. My bare cock and ass were exposed now, I could already see him stiffening beneath those blue jeans. He was going to go for the kill. I wanted to tackle him but he was already on top of me as I struggled. He loved me whenever I struggled, I remember when I first used to before he broke me down and turned me into his personal cumrag all those years ago. Now was going to be different... His hands gripped my neck squeezing as he backed me onto his swollen man meat. He was going to choke me out if I didn't comply but either way he would fuck my hole, conscience or not. He impaled me with his cock hard and fast, I cried out as he pushed my face down into a pillow, my hole burned as he forcefully pushed it in. Kirk always was a step ahead, his dick had been prelubed with Gun Oil (the only lube he ever used) and he had a cockring on to keep himself hard through the wrestling. He nailed me hard. I had flashbacks to when he first forced himself into me. We had just fucked and I had cum and so I was getting up to leave when he ordered me back onto the bed to service his dick my asslips. I said I was too sore from the hour long plowing I had just received. He said he didn't give a fuck and came over and threw me down and pinned me there sticking it in me fucking me til he nut in me and then he told me to stay on my stomach legs spread til his dick was hard to fuck me again... This was ten times worse. I wasn't going to cry though. He said all kinds of nasty things, how he loved fucking his favorite cumbucket and that I was nothing but a receptical for poz loads. I couldn't tell how long he fucked me for, I just closed my eyes til I could hear him getting close. "You know why I finally saw you after all these years?" He asked me between thrusting and grunting. I couldn't speak since he was still forcing me face down into the pillow. "I stopped taking my meds for the last month, so you can get the full force of my load now for the last time." I couldn't believe what I heard. He only came back for revenge of his own. The neg bottom who got away. He wanted to poz the fuck out of me in one go by ripping my hole and breeding me deep. I couldn't stop him and he knew it...I was going to find out I was poz in three months time. Kirk was the one top who would always get his man.
    1 point
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