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  1. Do I think it is some kind of bio-weapon, nope. Research has shown it was around in the Belgian Congo (modern day Democratic Republic of the Congo /Zaire) in the early 1900s, having jumped species from primates to humans. It may have even started in the late 1800s. And as Ranger Rick and drscorpio pointed out, once there was a large enough concentration of men engaging in anal sex, which is one of the easiest methods of transmission, it was basically like flicking a match into a pool of gasoline. Add to that easy methods of travel (aircraft and cars) it was able to move around to new areas very quickly.
    4 points
  2. 10. Dr. Benjamin Weston It was too early to wake up on a Saturday morning. My phone had buzzed in response to a text message. I had an intuition that it wouldn't be much longer before my alarm went off anyway. Still a bit bleary-eyed, I tried to focus on the screen. "Wanna come to a parTy today? College stud thinks he just started PrEP," it said. It was from an old friend and occasional patient, Jon. He and his partner Jon threw occasional parties, mostly to load up their boy Cal. The parties were everything a drug-fueled orgy should be: hot, sleazy, and intense. The men were always hot, the drugs were always pure, and the sex was always raw. "Yeah! When?" I wrote back. "What do I bring?" I finally looked at the time. It was 7:45. Plenty of time to get ready for my 9:00am appointment. It would be over by 10:00, which gave me the rest of the day to enjoy Jon's party. I re-read the message. "Thinks he's started PrEP?" I wrote. "Any time after 10:00," he wrote back. "We've got plenty of favors. Just bring that infected dick of yours." It stirred as I read the message. "We're feeding him fake pills," Jon added. "It's the kid we showed you last time you were here." I had been at his place about a month ago, this time just a fourth man for his unconventional three-way relationship. Jon had mentioned a boy he wanted to stealth. "He's gonna get on PrEP," Jon's husband, JP, had told me, showing me the pictures of the young man on his phone. Jon had quickly added, "He thinks the Prep is going to protect him. We're still going to infect him." I didn't think much of it; the pipe was offered to me, and then Cal's hole was offered. I took full advantage of both, and left spent and exhausted. In my reverie, I started to stroke my thick shaft, but had to force myself to stop. There would be plenty of holes eager to milk out my load later. Besides, there was a patient coming at 9:00. His real name was Ian Bolt. He was a porn actor. "Not yet a star," he said in our first session, laughing. He was barely in his mid-twenties, and his laugh made him seem almost innocent. When he first walked into my office, I had immediately noticed the outline of a jock strap through his gym shorts. He was also wearing a tank top which exposed his carefully trimmed chest. He was the ultimate boy-next-door, outwardly preppy and clean, but hiding a dark secret. Two weeks ago, in our last session, he had told me about his occasional habit with drugs. It was only a matter of time before he would tell me about how he had "forgotten" to use a condom. The thought only made my dick stiffer. I hoped it would go down by the time Ian arrived. It would be awkward to have a boner as Ian told me about his latest sexual exploits. "I may be a bit late. But I'll be there," I texted JP back. I didn't bother showering. I would just get sweaty again in a few hours. Instead I pulled on a jock strap, thinking it would do the best at restraining my monster. I stepped into a pair of dark grey chinos, and put on a white shirt. It was good enough for a Saturday morning therapy session. I downed a bowl of cereal, then packed a small bag of supplies for the parTy. I had no idea how the weekend would play out, so I added a few grams of tina to my party kit, and made sure there were some clean points, among the other supplies already packed away. The office was usually only fifteen minutes away. In the light weekend morning traffic, I made it in twelve. I unlocked, and turned on the lights. In the ten minutes before the appointment, I reviewed my notes from our last session. Ian had been planning to go to a porn shoot; it would have been the last weekend. I hadn't written down where it was, but I remembered it being somewhere like Palm Springs. How he had fared in that endeavor would likely be the first topic of our therapy session. Right on time, Ian showed up. He walked into the office, and took a seat on the couch opposite me. He was wearing a white tank-top with dark blue pair of running shorts. With his legs spread wide, there was the barest hint of his dick pressing against the fabric. There was a nervous energy emanating from him; even as I studied him sitting still there on the couch, he seemed to be almost vibrating energy. "Hey Doc," he said. It was his standard introduction. "Good morning, Ian," I said. "How are you doing today?" That was my standard introduction with all my patients. "Not bad. Not bad at all." His hand brushed against his groin, and stayed there a second too long. When it returned to his side, his penis was clearly stretching out the thin fabric. I wondered if my own shaft was as prominent from where I was sitting. "That's good," I said. "Week go well?" Ian nodded in agreement. His torso flexed, and I saw his nipples outlined in his tank top. "Yeah," Ian said. "It went really well." "And you had a job over the weekend?" "Yeah," he smiled, thinking back. "Went well. Paid well too." He paused for a moment. He looked down. "But." "Yeah?" I asked. "At the end. The producer. He pulled me aside." There was another silence from Ian. I waited. Patients hated silence; Ian would fill it up soon enough. "He asked if I wanted to make serious money. Like thousands of dollars." "How much do you normally get paid?" "Five hundred a scene. But he offered me ten times that." "What's the catch," I asked. There was always a catch. I focused on my breathing for a second, preparing myself for having to call the police after this session. It had happened before, and it would ruin the weekend. "Bareback," he said. I was a bit surprised; I hadn't realized that there were any videos still being made with rubbers. I had stopped using them over a decade ago, and I couldn't remember the last time a guy asked me for one. "I mean. I've always been about safer sex in my movies." Although we had talked about his sex life, I had always assumed that he went raw. "Always safer sex?" I asked. It was so unimaginable to me that Ian had never had the pleasure of ejaculating unencumbered by a rubber. Or had felt the warmth of another man breeding him. "Well. Especially on screen. Where people can see it." "But?" I asked. "Always? All the time?" He had done crystal several times before. No one partied and used rubbers. It just wasn't done. "Well. Not always. Sometimes. Sometimes it's hard to remember. You know. When you're in the zone." "So, you have barebacked before." I wasn't going to let him off easy. "Yeah," he finally admitted. He looked down; I followed his torso down. His cock had grown even harder. I could see the shaft pressed against his shorts. "But only clean guys," he said. "You know." I nodded. He looked away; he realized just what he had said. I was going to save it, use it later when it would do the most good. "Did you like it," I asked. He smiled, knowing he had been spared an awkward combination. "Yeah," he said. He reached for his crotch again, this time intentionally trying to adjust his dick. He didn't succeed; I could see the tip of his erection snaking down the leg of his gym shorts. "Yeah, I did." He adjusted himself again. "A lot, actually." "I can tell." I was going to call out his erection. It was getting increasingly hard to ignore. I shifted slightly; I had the advantage of a jock strap and pants to keep my monster in check. "The idea. It turns you on?" "Yeah," he said. He shifted, but it did no good. "But, you know, you gotta be careful." I nodded again. Another one of those tells. His dickhead was sticking out of his shorts, the tip glistening with pre-cum. The boy was curiously detached from it, like he wasn't even aware how much was on display. "Yeah. You've said 'careful' and 'clean' about barebacking" I said. "What does 'clean' mean to you?" "You know?" he said, looking me in the eye, but not realizing how little that answer meant. I shook my head in response. I wanted him to articulate his fears. Only by putting them out there, for us to discuss dispassionately, would he understand if they were real, or just barriers he had put up for himself. "I'm not sure if I understand," I finally said. "You know. No drugs. Healthy," he said. He looked to me for a response, but I was quiet. It was his job to talk. It was mine to listen, understand, and diagnose. "Like, well, no diseases," he stammered. "or anything like that." I smiled. He relaxed. "I think I understand." I paused for a moment. My dick was throbbing. I was desperate for relief; if Ian didn't provide it, at least there would be some unfortunate bottom at the party later. Ian licked his lips, then licked them again. I realized where his curious energy had been coming from. He was tweaking. I smiled again; Ian smiled as well, unaware of the power I now held over him. "But, you've used drugs before, haven't you?" "Yeah," Ian said. He looked down, yet still managed not to notice his dickhead sticking out of his shorts. He was pretty far gone already. "Yeah, I have." "When was the last time you used drugs?" I asked. I wondered if he was going to tell me the truth. "Um," he said, and then paused. He looked down, and suddenly noticed how hard his cock had gotten. "Oh fuck," he grunted, as he quickly crossed his legs to shield me from the view. "I'm sorry. I didn't notice." "Oh, it's been fine," I said. I shifted in my chair, just enough to reveal my own hard-on. The boy's eyes immediately darted down, staring at my crotch, before I shifted again, hiding it. Just the few quick seconds was enough to activate Ian. "But you haven't answered my question. When did you last smoke some tina?" I stared him in the eyes, daring him to look down. "Um," he said. He broke contact with me, and looked down. He wasn't daring a look at my crotch; he was staring at his feet. "Well," he stammered again. "Go ahead," I said. "Well. I smoked a little in the parking lot before I came in here. Not much. Just a little." If he had to tell me that he hadn't smoked much three times, I was pretty sure he had smoked a lot. I remained silent. I wanted to see how he thought I would react. "I don't know why. I just needed a bit of a release." "No," I said, smiling, and leaning forward slightly. "I understand. And it helps me to know where you are. Did you use in Palm Springs?" I reached beside my chair and unzipped my backpack. He looked down, unable to meet my eyes. "Yeah," he finally said, mumbling. "What did you say?" I asked. Again, he was going to own his actions and beliefs. "Yeah, I partied in Palm Springs. I was the bottom for five guys. It made it easier." I thought it would have been a lot easier if he hadn't used rubbers, but didn't say anything yet. "And you smoked this morning?" I asked. "Why?" "I don't know," Ian answered. I remained silent. It was barely five seconds before he spoke again. "Maybe. Maybe to make it easier to talk about some things." "What kind of things?" I asked. I reached into my backpack and pulled out the case that held my torch and pipe. I had carefully filled it earlier, so there would be plenty for both of us. "Really, the bareback thing." He looked back up at me. He stared at first, then his eyes darted back and forth between my two hands. I was holding the pipe in one hand, the torch in the other. His eyes were growing wide with disbelief. "I think maybe I should join you, in the clouds, as it were." I said. "Yeah," he said, laughing. The laugh reminded me how young he was; maybe barely mid-twenties, he hadn't yet seen enough pain or trouble in the world to change his laugh. "Yeah. You should." "Come here," I said, pointing to a space on the ground just a few feet from me. "I want to share this with you." "What?" he asked, but it was too late. I had stuck the pipe in my mouth, and was already heating up the bowl. I had done the slightest hit that morning, when I had loaded up the pipe. It was just enough to remind me how good getting spun was. It was also just enough to remind me how pure the crystal was. I had expected it would have been several more hours before I could get spun. I hadn't expected this turn of events, but I was going to run with it. I inhaled a nice hit from the pipe and the thick clouds filled my lungs. I pointed to the ground in front of me. I exhaled a big cloud. It took a second to drift away enough that I could even see Ian. "I'd hate to waste the next hit as well," I said. "Come here, Ian." I put a bit more emphasis in his name, hoping he heard the subtle change from suggestion to command. He stood up and paused for a moment. I kept my eyes glued on him, watching the struggle. "We can both do well to lose some inhibitions, don't you think," I asked him. "Yeah," he said, and took another few steps towards me. "It's easy to talk to you today." "It has been," I said. "You think that's the crystal you did? Or something else?" "I don't know," Ian replied. He was standing in front of me, right where I wanted him. "But," he started, before stopping. He was scared of the options in front of him. If he knelt down, he would get spun, and he didn't quite know just how far he would go. "You don't have to. We can just say we've reached the limit of how I can help you," I said. That set up the alternative in high contrast. It wasn't that he would go too far. It was that he wouldn't go anywhere. For a young man, still hungry for the world, the decision was easy. He knelt down right in front of where I was sitting. His face was at the same level as my face. It would be easy to push him down to my crotch. "I'm nervous. But I think this is the right thing." "I think so too," I said, as I held the torch under the glass pipe. "Any time you want, just say the word, and we can stop." "What's the word," he asked. It was clearly not the first time he had been told a safe word. "Taxi," I said. I stuck the pipe in my mouth, and inhaled. The crystal had been warm, so it melted quickly. Even the tiny bit escaping from the top of the bowl was a thick cloud. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the strange and familiar feelings of the cloud filling my lungs. "Taxi," Ian repeated. "I hope I don't need one." I let the torch go out, but I still took a few more puffs from the cooling pipe before also putting it down. "May I?" he asked. I nodded, and he leaned in. Our lips met; his lips were soft and warm. I immediately wondered what they would feel like if they were wrapped around my dick. I exhaled into him, forcing the thick plume to fill his lungs. He inhaled right on cue, and none of the potent plume escaped. As his lungs filled up with the tina, he relaxed a bit. His body was no longer tense, and then, in a moment of hedonistic adventure, he let his tongue brush against my lips. I immediately responded by running the tip of my tongue against his. He didn't pull away, instead, he brushed his tongue against mine, drawing me into his mouth. Right then, his lungs filled up, and he had to pull away. I exhaled the rest of the cloud, a thick masterpiece that was already making it difficult for me to think clearly. "You ok," I asked. He nodded, then exhaled his hit. It was a dense white cloud that slowly drifted down to the floor. "Yeah," he said. "That was intense. Good. But intense." "You want more?" I asked, motioning towards the still-smoking pipe I held in one hand. "I'm going to do another hit." "You think I should?" he asked. "You get spun during the week? Or was the last time in Palm Springs." "I was so high there. I didn't come down until I got back. So nothing. Until now." "And you were high during filming last weekend?" I wasn't sure if I bought his comment that he had never barebacked on camera. Not that there were any cameras in my office. Or, maybe better, no cameras today. I put the torch under the bowl, and waited for the familiar pings of crystal melting. "Yeah," he said. "I was pretty much bottom the entire weekend. So, it didn't matter than much." The bowl was now smoking, so I took the stem in my mouth. I inhaled deeply, feeling that perfect first draw fill my lungs. "Fuck, that looks good," he said. I nodded in agreement, and then I closed my eyes, to enjoy better the rush of pleasure sweeping my body. Several deep puffs later, my lungs were filled. "Come," I said, motioning for him to take my hit again. His lips were just as soft as before, but maybe a bit warmer and a bit more welcoming. Almost as soon as I began to exhale, he pressed his tongue into my mouth. I pushed back; the provocation was more than enough consent for me. I was free to enjoy him until he uttered the safe word. There was just one last disclosure I had to deal with. But it wasn't quite yet the time to do it. As I forced the clouds of crystal into his lungs, we continued to kiss. We hadn't yet given each other permission to touch bodies, so it was a surprisingly chaste kiss given the circumstances of exchanging a mind-altering drug. But it was an intimacy we had never shared before. I wondered how many hits he had done in the parking lot, to get him spun up and worked up about barebacking. There was still plenty of time to explore exactly what had driven him to this point. But for now, it was enough for us to tongue-duel, swap spit, and exchange clouds. "Fuck," Ian finally said, as I broke off our extended shotgun-kiss pleasure. We both exhaled the thick cloud in each other's faces, blocking our view for a second. We both leaned in and kissed each other again. I reached out, wrapped my arm around the young man, and pulled him against my body. He had already been hitting he pipe hard. His body was hot against me, to the point that I could feel his warmth even through the two layers of fabric. With my free hand, I reached down and stroked his cock. He was still rock-hard, his dick straining against the thin fabric of his gym shorts. "It's a pretty impressive piece of tackle you're bringing. What's the event?" "Damn, that feels good," he moaned as I stroked his cock some more. "Yeah?" I asked. I continued to stroke his dick. His cock wasn't massive; probably about 7.5" long, with a decent heft to it. His erection was the painful hardness of youth; even before I started stroking it felt more like a steel rod than a cock. My attention only turned it to diamond. "What got you so aroused?" I continued. "Fuck," Ian moaned. I stopped stroking his cock. I wanted an answer to my question which meant that I had to remove some of the distractions. "Fuck. Just everything. Thinking about last weekend. Thinking about sex. Thinking about getting spun. Thinking about barebacking." "Well. You like barebacking, right?" Ian nodded. His body shook, just enough for his dick to rub against my hand. "What do you like about it?" "I've only done it a few times. But the connection. Feeling a man inside me, so close to me. Or once, being inside him. Knowing he accepted every part of me." "Do you talk about it with your partners?" I asked. "No," he said. "It's always just happened." He looked away from me. "I mean. We're usually partying. And one thing leads to another." "Of course," I said. "And then his cock ends up inside me. And he's breeding me." He started to blush. "Damn. I can't believe I'm talking about this. About partying and barebacking. I mean, with you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Well," Ian said. He looked down and his face turned even redder. "I mean. You're hot. That beard. With the bit of grey. Hairy chest?" he asked, finally looking back at me. I nodded, and unbuttoned my shirt. I hadn't bothered with an undershirt today, and the thick pelt over my chest readily emerged as I opened up my shirt. I spent enough time at the gym for it show, and Ian clearly appreciated it. "Damn," Ian said. "That's..." His eyes darted up and down, left and right, not sure quite where to focus. I was really feeling the tina; inhibitions were being lifted from me. No longer was I a therapist, nor was Ian my patient any more. Instead, I was a man, confident, horny, and demanding. I threw caution to the wind, and unbuckled my belt. Ian watched, mouth open. I undid my fly. I had on the jockstrap, but my erection was already straining against my erection. "Fuuuuck," he finally said. "Yeah?" I asked. "You like to bareback with clean guys, don't you?" He nodded. "'Healthy,' I think you said." He also licked his lips. If the tina was hitting me, it was walloping him. He was practically vibrating now, he was so spun up. Plus, he was hungry. He needed sex. "Yeah," he said, his eyes still darting from my eyes to my beard to my chest to my dick, and then back again. "What about me?" I asked. "Do I pass your bar." "Damn." He reached out and put his hand on my chest. He ran his fingers through my chest hair, over my stomach, and grazed over my dick. "Fuuuuck," he said, as he realized just how thick my shaft was. "You're fucking hot," he said, his hand noticeably resting on my dick. "Have you ever played around with a poz guy before?" I asked. He looked at me a bit uncertainly. "I mean, you know. Someone you knew was infected." "No," he said. It was such a simple word, and it cut off so many possibilities. But yet, what he said, and what he did were two very different things. His subconscious left little doubt at his feelings: his already spun-out pupils grew even wider, and his hand, formerly just resting on my dick, now started to rub it. "I mean, at least not that I know of." "Do you want to?" "I dunno. I mean. Isn't it...um, well, dangerous?" "It really depends. It depends on who you are playing with. If they are undetectable, then, it's safe. But some guys have a high viral load. They can be pretty dangerous. It also depends on what you're doing. Anal is the least safe. And of course, making out is absolutely safe." "What about sucking dick?" he asked. "With an undetectable guy," I said. "It's totally safe." This step, the normalization of risk and deviance, was an important one. I wanted to lower Ian's defenses and re-set his personal risk levels. "Go all the way. It's safe." He smiled. "Even if I swallow his load?" "Even swallowing cum. It's safe." I paused. Ian licked his lips again, but didn't say anything for a moment. Finally, he broke down and spoke. "Can I have another hit from the pipe?" he asked. I smiled. He needed a bit more encouragement, and I was eager to provide it. Besides, I wanted another hit from the pipe. "Of course," I said. "But, we're going to share it." I grabbed the pipe and torch from the table. I lit the torch and started to heat the bowl. It was still pretty full. I hated trying to re-fill a pipe when I was high. "Good. I want to share this with you." There was a hint of submission in Ian's voice; radically different from the cocky young man I normally encountered. Ian had his hands still wrapped around my dick, so he felt it twitch and stiffen at the thought. "Damn," Ian muttered, squeezing my dick. "Take off your shorts for me," I said. Ian hesitated. "I want to see you naked," I said, emphasizing that this was not a polite request but a firm order. He stood up, slowly, and pushed down his gym shorts, just to the point where his dick would break free. He looked at me, knowing exactly what he wanted to do, but needing one more nudge to convince him. "Go on," I said. "You're a really hot boy." He blushed, and pushed his gym shorts down. His cock sprung free, a bit of pre-cum already at the tip. I stuck the pipe in my mouth, and as Ian stepped out of his shorts, I sucked down the thick white clouds. He bent over for a second, just long enough for him to flash me a glimpse of his ass. I could tell he had shaven it for the porn shoot; it was smooth and perfect. I wanted to stick everything up there: my fingers, my tongue, my dick, maybe my fist. But all that would come later. Today, it was about breaking down the primary defenses. After that, it would all be easy. I motioned for him to join me in the hit. He quickly pulled off his tank-top, and fell back down to his knees. His chest was mostly smooth, but I could see where the hair had been shaven off, hiding his Mediterranean heritage. The last outposts of his masculine fur were his thick pubes, his hairy legs, and the stubble on his face. I sucked down the last bit from the pipe, then set it aside. Ian was clearly no stranger to shotgunning, because our lips met precisely. I exhaled, he inhaled, and together, we spun each other up. I can't remember when we stopped exchanging the clouds, and started just making out. But it was after we had started grabbing on each other's dicks. Several minutes later, Ian finally broke off the kiss. "Dr. Weston," he said. "I think you can call me Ben from now on," I interrupted. "We're holding each other's dicks in our hands." "Ben," he started. "Are you, um," he started, and then mumbled a bit. I leaned in to try to hear him better. "I mean. Are you poz?" "Yeah," I said. "I'm poz."
    4 points
  3. How it started It started innocently enough. Well, a recon date to meet for fisting may not be everyone's idea of innocence, but it was really a quite not-very-kinky date. I was 39, quite normal guy called Simon. Out of the closet at work, but not out as a guy that liked to get fist deep into his ass quite regularly. Anyway, the guy seemed very nice: A couple years older than me, recently out of a relationship and keen on trying out fisting. He had only tried it once before, but was determined to try it again. He was a safe sex guy only which I also insisted on. I hadn't really been bare backed since years and recently tested this was how I preferred it. After a quite lengthy period of chatting, we agreed to meet at my place. I cleaned out well and was ready when he entered. He introduced himself as David. He had a great smile and soon also introduced me to a nice 15 cm uncut cock. David urged me to suck him. He made me suck it deep and holding the back of my head ensuring I understood my task was to please him. I did my best and loved feeling his nice cock deep in my mouth. I was rock hard. After a while he seemed satisfied and withdrew. While I recovered he wrapped up and proceeded to fuck me. First he wanted me on my back, looking me deep in the eyes while adding just a bit of lube before entering me. It hurt but soon I enjoyed it. He increased the speed and turned me around. Twisting my nipples while fucking me, he ensured I was very horny and wanted him deeper. It wasn't a merciless fuck, but very determined. He was pounding me intense and hard and was clearly more focused on his own pleasure than mine. Well, suited me well, I took a sniff of my poppers and wanked slowly. He withdrew, grabbed a black glove and fist lube and I lay down on my back with poppers within reach. The first time with a new guy I am always anxious. How is he? Soon I felt his first finger in my hole, and he soon stretched open with two and three finger. I relaxed and knew I could take more with a little help of poppers. He added another finger, and soon tried to push he entire fist. It felt huge, but I loved the feeling and soon he was inside me. And my anxiousness was replaced by pleasure. I knew this one was a good fister. Sure, he was as determined as a fister as a fucker, but he had a certain way of doing it that I immediately loved. I got super horny and as always I my inner slut is released as soon as I got a fist inside me. I really only wanting to feel it deep, feel the fist fuck me and to cum. David didn't allow me to shoot, and after a while he took out his hand and kissed me. Suddenly he showed tenderness that I knew was sincere and from then one I not only liked, but also trusted him. The reason for withdrawing was that he wanted to fuck me again. David made sure I was kneeling doggy in front of him and fucked me again. Can you feel my dick he teased? I ensured him I could. He smacked my buttocks a couple of times and I felt him increase his phase. Hard and deep he fucked me and soon I knew he was close and he came with a small cry that soon changed to a big smile. He turned me around again, handed me the poppers and I felt his fist against my hole. Soon I was urging him to fist me harder as I wanked myself to a big and intense orgasm. We were both happy. Over the next weeks we chatted more, but never managed to meet up and one day his Recon profile was gone. I was disappointed, but what could I do? It was never less a nice memory. Two years later Two years later I suddenly got a message on Recon from David again. Back after another relationship and breakup, he was ready for new adventures. We started to chat regularly again. His profile was still safe sex only, but now noted that he was chems friendly. I had never tried chems and told him that I was not interested. He said he thought I would enjoy it, but that it as of course up to me. We discovered was that we both really liked cuddling. That surprised him. He had thought I was a just sex only guy, preferring only rather rough fist dates. It proved difficult to find time to meet, but eventually we had a new date. Pretty much like the first one, I was once again enjoying sucking his nice cock before he fucked me just as rough as I like it and fisted me with determination and surprising skill. I teased him he was a natural talent as he claimed he hadn't fisted anyone since he first met me. After we had both shot our loads, we chatted, cuddled and had a nice time. From then on we started to chat online even more often. He called me his little slut and told me how much he loved to fuck and fist me. Like me he was very much the boy next door guy, but revealed his interest in leather. He was very happy then I told him that although not much into the leather scene I still owned leather boots and pants. Having sex with me in that outfit was definitely something he wanted. David told me he wanted to try out new things with me and again said we should try chems together. It made me horny to ask him to specify his fantasies. He told me he would love to try to pee in my ass or on my face, cum on my face and bareback me. I made me extremely horny to hear all of this. I said I would like to try most things, but no bare backing. Condoms only when fucking and no cum even in my mouth. However, I started to wonder how it would be to be fucked and fisted while on chems. I read some stories on breedingzone about guy being chemmed up and I realised it was a big turn on to imagine myself as slightly dizzy fucktoy. A chemmed up date I finally agreed to try e with him on our next date. He was very careful to underline this was up to me, and that he didn't want to force me. Anyway, I decided, I am more than 40 now and I should try it at least once. We agreed to meet on evening. As usual I cleaned out thoroughly and on his request I dressed up in my leather stuff and was ready when he knocked on my door. He kissed me passionately before handing me the e and some water and I swallow dutifully. He took one himself. Continuing to kiss me, he lifted my black t-shirt, found my nipples and pulled them just as I like it. I was instantly horny and soon I also felt a sudden rush. I understood the e was hitting. I loved the feeling immediately. We kissed while he was feeling my hard dick through the leather pants. My head was spinning for horniness and soon all I wanted was to suck him and make him happy. I urged him to give me his cock. He pushed me down on my knees, opened his jeans and pushed my head against his underwear. They had a slight smell of piss that made me even hornier. He continued to pull my nipples and I released his cock. I took his 15 cm in my mouth. I couldn't get it deep enough and he said I was a good slut. After a while he lead me to my bed, pushed me down with my ass pointing towards him and gave me some spanks. David opened my leather pants, and pushed them down and exposed my ass. He spanked it again and wanked himself back to a full erection. Putting on a condom and lubing my hole with an experienced move, he didn’t take the time to open me with a finger. He simply pushed in. Not extremely brutal, but not very concerned about me either. I cried out, more of surprise than pain although it was a bit painful. I was still a bit dizzy from the e and enjoyed the feeling of him entering me, fucking me and controlling me and using me. “I will take care of you” he said. “I love you. Just relax”. I did. After being satisfied by his initial fuck, he turned to fisting. He opened me quite gently while I added poppers to my chemmed-up state to ensure I could take his fist. David pushed in, I screamed in pain and pleasure and he said: just scream out, it turns me on. It wasn't a cruel statement, just an observation. He continued to fist me, kissing me, spanking me and then fucking me again. I was in heaven. “Do you still feel the e?” he asked. I realized it had subdued and I said "not so much". “Take some water and I will give you one more” he said. He did, and after a while I felt the intense feeling returning. He sensed I was ready for more and he fisted me again, soon punching me. Alternating between his left and right arm, my hole was punched again and again. It was so intense and so good. I didn't have the usual urge to shoot a load, it was more that I just wanted it to continue. He took some breaks and we cuddled, before he fisted me more. My as was more open than ever before and it felt amazing. We cuddled and I was in a very dreamy state. We were spooning up and I felt his hardening cock against my back. I played with it until it was again fully erect. The condom had fallen off when he had been soft so he was not wrapped up. Suddenly I felt him pushing himself against my open hole. I was still dizzy and not able to resist. He pushed in and said "can you feel my cock? I am barebacking you baby. Doesn’t it feel great? Don't you love it slut?" And I realised I really enjoyed it. Not only did it feel much closer and intimate but it was also the feeling of doing something very naughty. He started to fuck me more intensely and soon I knew he would shoot. I didn't try to avoid it. I just enjoyed feeling him shooting his load in my ass. It was so great and we kissed and cuddled as his cock softened. Still being very horny, I felt his cock slip out and suddenly I just knew I had to suck him. I took his beautiful cock in my mouth again, it tasted lube, assjuice and cum and I sucked it while wanking myself. I shot a big load and was totally exhausted, but very happy. I felt his cum dribble out of my ass and I smiled at him while fingering myself and licking his cum of my fingers. I knew I would be willing to far with this guy.
    3 points
  4. Part 4 - POLLUTION Coach Foley could feel his dick stiffen to attention as his thoughts drifted back to Kelvin’s moaning and grunting as coach’s finger had milked the boy’s prostate and thick milky fluid had steadily flowed and dripped from the metal cage encasing his restrained and impotent prick. Coach knew that the whole thing had fucked with Kelvin. That was the whole point, right? He needed Kelvin to get so fucking turned around and unsure of himself that Coach Foley could just point him in the right direction and Kelvin, willingly, would give up his virgin ass and take load after load of Coach’s toxic spunk. He hadn’t been sleeping well lately, since he’d been off his meds for a while. The virus was again coursing through his veins and he could feel it once again taking control. The night sweats and random fevers were back and Coach was frequently needing to switch out pillows during the night or having to change shirts midday. It was a good sign and meant his viral load was surging and his loads were full of virus seeking to spread and convert another host. He reached down and shifted his hardon to the side, lowering the tent that had formed in his shorts. He could feel a wet and sticky slick of precum which had leaked through his shorts during his reminiscing. Now he would just have to wait and see if Kelvin showed this afternoon. There was always the chance that Kelvin would take a step back and call everything off – that was always part of the challenge. Kelvin had the right to say “no” to anything Coach could dream up, but once a “yes” passed his lips, he surrendered that right and Coach could use him as he saw fit. It was, of course, actually an illusion of choice that Coach Foley had sold Kelvin at the beginning of everything. Coach had stacked the deck by plying Kelvin with a few drugs and feeding his lust with sexual pleasure while at the same time, Coach Foley had firmly cemented his dominance and relegated Kelvin to the role of follower, his eyes full of eagerness to please Coach Foley. Coach Foley glanced at the clock – 1:00pm. In just a couple hours he’d find out if his conditioning had pushed Kelvin even closer to becoming the cum dump Foley was sure was in there. Once again shifting his cock and feeling again the familiar leak of pre-cum Coach got up to check out his supplies. Opening the fridge, Coach pulled out the container of amber liquid that Zack had so thoughtfully prepared for him while getting slammed and fucked in the sling. A smile passed his lips at the memory and he couldn’t help but appreciate that one of his previous successes was going to help Coach recruit another bottom whore. Zach had provided him with about a liter of slam piss which Coach had divided into two. About 1/3 of it he had left as it was. Coach had been dosing Kelvin with about a shot of the unconcentrated liquid at a time and he could tell his boy was feeling it – and the fact that Kelvin was now chugging the Gatorade before each workout was evidence, whether he knew it or not, that he was craving the high and reveling in the sexual intensity and loss of inhibition. The other portion of Zack’s offering, Coach had carefully evaporated more and more of the piss until the liquid was a dark amber color. Liquid gold, concentrated, and just enough to fill Kelvin’s lower guts nicely. Coach popped open the container and its pungent odor, a not so subtle sign of its potency, once again made Coach’s dick stiffened and throb in anticipation. Coach grabbed a small rubber water bottle, one that could be screwed on to one end of a douche hose, and carefully poured the Tina-slam fortified liquid into the bottle. Best to have everything ready to go so that there wouldn’t be time for second thoughts or reconsiderations. He carefully set the bottle and its payload in his office shower with the douche hose to let it get to at least room temperature. Just before Kelvin’s work out, he’d be sure to set it in some warm water so when it was flushed into Kelvin’s guts there would be little chance of causing cramping which would allow the liquid gold could do its work. Now all he needed was his soon-to-be bottom slut... At a few minutes after 3 o’clock Coach heard the gym door swing open and heard the familiar cadence he come to know over the last month. The boy was back! Coach smiled as his dick stiffened and jumped in his shorts. Evidently, it seems Kelvin enjoyed his prostate massage enough to at least come back. Coach rearranged his raging boner and turned to the office door. “Hey, Coach! Are we, um, still working out today?” asked Kelvin. “Why wouldn’t we?” Coach Foley responded matter-of-factly. “Now grab your Gatorade and get prepped for your workout. Today we’re going to see how far we can push you.” Kelvin headed to the locker room and Coach Foley headed to his shower to make sure the Amber Liquid was made nice and warm. Kelvin strained under the workout, sweat pouring from him matting his chest hair and sending rivulets down his abs soaking his already damp jock strap. Coach Foley seemed merciless with today’s workout. Kelvin was actually glad for it as he didn’t have much time to think about what had happened yesterday and what might happen today. Kelvin had been sure about coming back today, wasn’t sure about what might happen, but couldn’t bear to think what wouldn’t happen if he didn’t show. Fortunately, Coach was pushing his ass so hard, he hadn’t much time to think about what might happen next. All last night he had dreams of Coach Foley riding his ass and plowing load after load into him while Coach Foley whispered, “Mine” into Kelvin’s ear with each spurt of cum he released, bathing Kelvin’s insides. Each time, Kelvin woke still finding his dick locked in metal. It’d seemed forever since he had cum or since his cock had even strained against the cage. It was almost as if it were admitting defeat, especially after Coach’s finger had milked his prostate of fluid while completely flaccid. What good was a hardon when you couldn’t cum? His mind snapped quickly back to reality as Coach’s hand applied steady pressure to the weights already straining his muscles. “Push, boy! I wanna see another set of reps out of you before I take my hand off. You need to focus and stop jerking off here,” Coach Foley taunted. Kelvin focused on the weights and pushed out another set of reps despite the pain along his arms and chest. “Yeah, fuck Kelvin, that’s the way I want my boy to pump it out,” Coach growled. Kelvin couldn’t help the smile he gave at the words of praise and he felt like he could go another round of reps, but he wasn’t about to tell Coach that. With the weights secured above and behind his head he turned forward to find Coach Foley still straddling him, hardon raging in his shorts and a slick spot spreading out from the head. “Good job, Kelvin. Time for a little reward,” said coach as he slipped his cock from under his shorts and danced it in front of Kelvin’s mouth. Whether it was the high from the workout or just Kelvin’s latest horny thoughts, the whole length of Coach Foley’s dick disappeared into Kelvin hungry gullet in one smooth stroke resting comfortably in the depths of his throat. Kelvin quickly began working his muscles along the shaft and Kelvin could hear Coach’s moan of pleasure which just encouraged Kelvin to redouble his efforts. “Damn, I need to push you harder more often,” Coach sighed between strokes. “You really have gotten to be quite the cocksucker, boy. That throat work of yours is impressive.” Kelvin smiled inwardly at compliment and worked Coach’s cock like a dog with a bone. After a few minutes Coach Foley could feel his balls begin to tighten in anticipation. “This boy is fucking good. Nearly made me shoot my load before the main event,” he thought as he pulled out of Kelvin’s throat. Looking down he grabbed Kelvin’s chin turned it up to look him straight in the eyes. “Ready for your reward?” he asked. Kelvin gave him a stupid grin mixed with confusion. Getting Coach’s load had always been his reward and Coach Foley’s hinted at some change in the boundaries. “Follow me,” Coach ordered as he walked to his office. He didn’t even bother to look behind him because he knew Kelvin would be there. It was inevitable. In the office, Coach Foley threw Kelvin a towel and pointed to the shower. “Head on in there, Kelvin. There’s something you need to learn,” said Coach Foley. Kelvin obeyed but he could feel his nervousness rising as he stepped into the shower. “That hose there,” started Coach Foley, “it’s for cleaning things up. You’re a big boy so you know what I mean and after that bit of a mess yesterday I also know you understand why.” Kelvin reddened at his memory of the incident. “Don’t sweat it,” Coach soothed, “soon you’ll be a pro at cleaning out.” Coach Foley could see the nervous tension building in the boy and quickly added, “Of course just because you get cleaned out doesn’t mean anything is going to happen. I was just thinking how much you seemed to enjoy yesterday and should it happen again, you wouldn’t have to worry.” Coach flashed a disarming smile and Kelvin’s tension, while not completing resolving, visibly lessened. Coach spent the next few minutes explaining how to use the hose, adjusting the temperature, how long to leave it in place, and when to know everything was good. Coach could see Kelvin relax again when Coach said he would step out and let Kelvin get ready. Grabbing the rubber water bottle, Coach left Kelvin to some private time to try things out. Besides, Coach Foley had to set a few things up. As he left the office, Coach grabbed the rubber water bottle full of amber liquid and smiled. Liquid Slut might be a good name for the concoction if everything went as planned. He also grabbed a bag and bottle of poppers from the fridge and headed out into the gym area. He checked the table vault and it was still set up from yesterday. He placed the poppers at one end and moved to the other end and set up the douche, attaching the Liquid Slut to the top of the frame on a nearby weight machine. He reached into the bag and pulled out the length of hose. Grabbing one end he screwed it onto the suspended water bottle in the fitting below the stopcock. He grabbed the other end and rummaged inside the bag for a minute until he found just what he was looking for. He pulled out a small metal butt plug with a hole running down its center and a place in the base to screw in the end of the hose. Once inserted, a nice flow of Liquid Slut would pass through the plug to fill Kelvin’s (nearly) virginal ass with the first, of hopefully many, life changing payloads. The plug had its own small stopcock on it so once the juice had infiltrated its way deep into Kelvin’s guts, Coach could shut it off and get rid of the hose. Smiling at the set-up he carried the bag to the other end where he had set the poppers. He pulled out a modified plastic oxygen mask, one he had snagged from a first aid kit, and reviewed his handiwork. At the end where the oxygen tube would normally attach, he had added a small piece of plastic and a flexible rubber tube. The tube stretched and fit over the top of the bottle of poppers rather nicely. No need for Kelvin to try and hold a bottle during his first fucking. The holes in the mask would keep him from passing out, but he’d still be getting a good hit of poppers with each breath he took. As he was attaching the poppers, Kelvin came into the room. He had a dumb smile on his face until he saw the setup around the table vault. Coach could see his eyes widen and the smile falter a bit. Kelvin had followed Coach Foley’s on how to use the shower douche and once he relaxed a bit, it ended up being pretty simple. At first it was a strange feeling and a bit gross to see everything coming out, but within a few minutes all the water that he was pushing out was clear of debris. He grabbed his towel and dried off, putting his sweaty jock on again before heading out to the gym. Coach was busy at the table vault they had used yesterday and Kelvin smiled at the memory of Coach’s fingers rolling across his prostate and could swear he felt a bit of precum leak out onto his jock. Then Kelvin caught site of what looked like an 8-foot hose attached to one of those rubber hot water bottles and his smiled waned. Not wanting to seem like he was scared, Kelvin continued walking steadily toward Coach even as his eyes would furtively glance at the jury-rigged douche set. “How’d it go, Kelvin?” asked coach. “Is that butt of yours all nice and clean?” Kelvin’s only response was a deep flushing of his face and a small nod. “Good. Climb up on here like the other day. We need to finish your clean-out.” Coach Foley could see his confusion and quickly added, “Oh, yeah, that first part was just to get you rinsed you out. Now that you’re cleared out, this magic liquid will make sure everything is nice and clean. Kind of like Liquid Plumber for your ass. It’s Coach’s own little recipe and it’ll leave you nice and clean,” Coach laughed. Kelvin relaxed a bit and moved over to the vault to position himself like he did yesterday. “So, just remember, you’re in control here,” Coach lied. “You want to stop just give me the thumbs down sign and we’ll stop before we get started. Once there’s a green flag though and you agree to continue, we’re both committed.” Coach reached out and swatted at Kelvin’s caged cock, “Remember, just like this, you’ll be committed.” Coach looked him straight in the eyes and Kelvin stared back and eventually slowly nodded. “Cool. I’ve got it,” Kelvin responded and moved to place himself on the vault, head at one end and ass at the other. His heart was jumping and he was feeling a little nauseous but he lowered himself into position. Coach went and grabbed the hose and moved toward Kelvin’s ass. “Ok, so some things to know, about what to expect,” he started. “One, you may notice a bit of warming or burning at first. Don’t freak out it’s normal. Two, once the liquid’s all inside, I’ll disconnect the tubing. It’ll need to stay inside you for at least 10 minutes to make sure it works properly. Three, I know it might be hard to keep it in that long so the end that goes in your ass will be attached to a small plug that will help you keep it in, so try and relax when this puppy slides into you. You can always pretend it’s just a couple of my fingers and you should do fine. Four, I expect that as we wait for it to work its magic, that you’ll give me a Class A blow job. Any questions?” Kelvin took a deep breath and shook his head. Coach looked at him earnestly, “Not good enough, this time around. I need you to tell me you understand.” “I’ve got it Coach. Relax. Some burning. Keep inside. Suck cock,” Kelvin said as casually as he could despite his rapidly pounding pulse. Coach smiled and reached for the plug and some lube. Carefully, Coach rested the cool metal tip of the plug against his hole and told him, “Push out a bit.” Kelvin could feel the buildup in pressure and a moment of panic as he pushed against the plug which seemed huge. Before he could panic any further, he felt his ass give way and felt the plug slide in smoothly and settle into place snugly in his ass. It was a weird sensation. The plug had widened at first but once past that place it tapered off quickly allowing his hole to close, locking the plug in place. Coach heard Kelvin’s sigh as the plug landed inside his virgin hole and smiled. “Ok, so I’m opening up the tube here, you should feel the liquid almost immediately since I primed it to make sure too much air didn’t get pushed in,” Coach explained. Kelvin felt Coach’s had moving the plug in his ass and then suddenly the liquid was there and he could feel it filling his ass. “Keep relaxed boy, we want to make sure it gets good and deep so it works really well.” Coach watched the fluid in the tube race out into Kelvin’s ass. After the initial rush, it’d be a minute or two for the rest of the Liquid Slut to work deeper and leave the water bottle and tube empty of fluid. “How you doing, Kelvin?” After the initial flood of fluid filled his insides, Kelvin noticed that he could feel small amounts of the liquid slowly moving deeper into his gut. The warming had started almost immediately and was building in intensity but still easily bearable. Within a minute or two, Coach was once again moving the plug and Kelvin heard the hose being disconnected. “Get sucking, cock whore!” sneered Coach he moved around to Kelvin’s face. Kelvin quickly swallowed the cock and started working it down his throat. Coach smiled as Kelvin began to work his throat on Coach’s fuck stick eagerly working his muscles along the shaft. After a few minutes Kelvin’s sucking became more energetic and he could feel Kelvin both speeding up and also trying to swallow Coach’s dick even farther. After about 5 minutes, Coach knew it was time to check things out. “Look up here at me. I want to see in your eyes how badly you want Coach’s load today,” Coach ordered. Kelvin looked up to see Coach with a shit-eating grin staring down at him. Coach used his hand to help hold Kelvin’s head up so he could look into his eyes. Kelvin’s eyes had a wild look too them and Coach could tell the Slut Juice has started to take hold. Rivulets of sweat were sliding down Kelvin’s forehead leaving patches of wet slickness. Coach looked across Kelvin’s back torso and saw similar pools of glistening sweat forming along his back, especially in the dip just above Kelvin’s ass crack. He reached over and applied steady pressure to Kelvin’s ass with his hand causing Kelvin to lower his hind quarters and allowing the small pool of sweat to trickle down his ass crack and around the plug which was still firmly in place. “Break time’s over, boy. Time to get that load out of Coach...if you can.” Kelvin’s mouth quickly enveloped Coach’s shaft and once again it was buried deep in his gullet and Coach could feel Kelvin’s muscles working frantically on his shaft like a man dying of thirst trying to suck life out of spigot. Over the next few minutes Kelvin’s sucking once again changed, becoming less hectic and forceful and more rhythmic and intentional. His throat muscles had noticeably relaxed and Coach’s hardened shaft had sunk deeper than it ever had before. Kelvin’s throat muscles were steady and strong as they worked the cock lodged in his throat with waves of pleasure. Coach nearly lost it once or twice but the thought of what could come next helped him hold off on his load, although he was sure that the steady stream of pre-cum was helping Kelvin to move so seductively over his cock. Kelvin’s body continued to glisten as sweat covered him. Although Kelvin had become less frenetic in his sucking, his body had continued to absorb the payload of chem piss still Once again, after another five minutes, Coach reached down and pulled Kelvin away from his focus, earning a disappointed sigh from his sex toy. “Let’s see those baby blues of yours, Kelvin. Coach needs to see that you’re still eager for my load.” Coach smiled as he saw Kelvin’s pupils, blown as wide as saucers, and knew the Slut Juice was swimming inside him and taking over, tweaking his pleasure centers and forever linking the chem piss high with deep sexual pleasure and servicing the Coach. Coach pushed Kelvin’s head back down and immediately Kelvin swallowed down every last inch and continued his pleasurable assault on the hardened shaft, with pleasure-filled groans as he continued his mission. “Almost there, buddy. Just a few more minutes and we’ll get you taken care of,” smiled Coach. Kelvin’s sucking continued to deepen and steady over the new few minutes. His throat was on autopilot and working its best to coax a load from Coach’s balls. Coach smiled as he watched the sweat continue to build along the furry crack of Kelvin’s ass and trickle down past his sweet plugged up hole. Coach could feel his dick stiffen as he first noticed that Kelvin’s ass had started squeezing the plug, pulling it in tighter. At first the movement seemed tentative, almost as if Kelvin was unsure of what he was feeling, but slowly the squeezing became steadier and more insistent. Each pulse was longer and stronger than the previous one. The bitch’s ass was in heat! Coach reached over and rubbed it gently feeling the heat and feeling confident that soon he’d be marking his territory and claiming a new prize. Kelvin had been working on Coach’s shaft for almost 15 minutes. It’d never taken him this long to get a load out of Coach before. While partly confused he was also sucking deeper and stronger than ever before. His whole body as gotten steadily warmer with sweat beginning to form small rivulets all along his torso. He could feel the dampness slide by the plug in his ass and it seemed like all his senses were on fire. His whole being was focused on the shaft in throat and the steady working of his muscles. Nothing became more important than getting that load. As his ass continued to slicken, he noted the plug felt as if it may be starting to slip. In a panic he tightened his muscles and pulled the plug back into him and was rewarded with a rush of pleasure as the fullness of the plug once again slide into his ass. Momentarily distracted from sucking by the previous wave of pleasure, Kelvin once again flexed his ass and once again the plug slid deeper into his ass sending signals which rewarded him with another dose of chemical pleasure. Hesitantly, at first, Kelvin began working the muscles of his ass. Coach Foley smiled as he watched Kelvin’s ass start to flex and pull the plug in deeper. At first the flexing was awkward and disjointed as Kelvin’s ass was teaching his brain what to do. After a few minutes, however, his ass was steadily working the plug as his ass muscles and his throat began to work in tandem. Coach let him go another couple of minutes until the thought of Kelvin’s flexing ass and his throat work brought Coach to the edge. Pulling Kelvin smoothly from his shaft he raised Kelvin’s head. “Look at me boy,” he ordered. Kelvin’s eyes slowly focused on Coach’s face. Coach grinned to see Kelvin’s pupils still the size of small moons looking up at him. This time, though, Coach could see that familiar glassy look and that far away, unfocused look that meant the Slut Juice had done its work. Those eyes were the eyes of a boy about to offer his Coach anything he wanted or commanded. “Looks like everything’s worked nicely, and you should be nice and clean by now. Let’s get you to the shower and have you finish cleaning up. You still have a job to finish since Coach hasn’t cum yet.” Kelvin stood slowly and walked toward the showers, still flexing, almost unconsciously, the plug which continued to steadily move in and out of Kelvin’s ass with each clamping and release of his ass muscles. Watching Kelvin’s ass working the plug, Coach’s balls began to ache and pull up as his dick stiffened at the knowledge that Kelvin would soon be begging for the shaft to be buried deep inside him. And with that new found pleasure would come another gift, from the depth of Coach’s balls load after toxic load would be injected into Kelvin, assaulting his virgin walls with legions of malefic DNA eager to transform its target. An insidious insemination resulting, hopefully, in impregnating Kelvin with Coach’s virus forever and completing the bond between Sire and Sired, Coach and Boy.
    3 points
  5. Part 2 *** Sorry this took so long to post guys! I hope you enjoy!!*** The sound of my phone ringing woke me from a dead sleep. Eyes still closed I grabbed it and saw that Jack was calling and had tried calling me multiple times. I shook my head a few times to clear the fog and answered. My throat was dry as hell and my voice sounded raspy. "Morning babe. Sorry I missed your calls. I had a few too many glasses of wine last night haha." "Awww, I'm sorry babe. I'm slightly hungover as well. Dane and I were with new clients and they decided that we should open up some 20 year old bourbon..." "Oh wow! that must've been amaz..." Before I could finish I felt the bed move and looked over my shoulder. I was looking a burly naked ginger bear sleeping on my husbands pillow. "uhh, can I call you back? I think I'm going to vomit!" I quickly hung up before Jack could answer. As I sat my phone down on the nightstand the previous nights events rolled back into my mind. I had cheated on my husband with another married bear. We had unprotected sex, and he was poz. What did I do? As I was processing everything, the man started to stir. We made eye contact and that caused more and more details to flood my mind. The feeling of his raw cock, him on top of me, him flooding my ass with cum, everything that I wanted, I got last night. I must've had a look on my face because the man let out a deep chuckle and started to talk. "You look like you don't remember much from last son. Don't you remember begging daddy to put a load deep in your cheating ass?" He threw me a devilish smile and winked. I could feel myself melt and he could tell I was in his clutches. "Why don't you come over and cuddle daddy some. We can talk about what happened last night." My body took over and I slowly pressed against the ginger bear in my bed. As he told me more and more about what happened last night I quickly became aroused. My hands instantly went to hide my growing erection. "Son, don't hide that. I'm hard too. Feel the cock that knocked you up in the bed you share with your man." He grabbed my hand and held it against his hardening shaft. "See how much you turn daddy on? Feel that precum slowly leaking out?" I felt his precum on my hands and instinctively took it to my lips. "Good boy... But don't you know that my precum is made to go in your hole? Daddy loves to work it into a hairy cub ass like yours." My hole started to twitch with hunger. "Uhh...daddy....are you really poz?" My voice was shaking as I asked him this important question. I felt his hand reach down to his cock, and the next thing I knew he was pressing his precum into my ass. "Son, yes I am. Are you ok with this?" I felt him work his finger in deeper and deeper. Deep down I was in shock, but at the surface I was a horny cub getting fingered by a toxic daddy. "I know that it can be scary the first time you take a poz load," he said as he stroke my prostate. "Once you take the first one you'll start to crave another." He slowly moved towards me and started to kiss me. His tongue darted into my mouth at the same time he added another finger to my ass. My body shook with pleasure, as he worked more precum into my opening hole. With each stroke he got closer and closer to me craving his cock. "Does cubby want daddy to show him what a second poz load feels like?" All I could was moan and grind my ass onto his fingers. Daddy must've sensed what I wanted because he quickly grabbed the poppers from the nightstand and held them to my nose. "Take a few hits son. Let that piggy cub come back out. Show daddy that you need him to knock you up." The poppers hit me hard and I melted into daddy's hairy chest. "Fuck...me....dad." I said between my popper induced deep breaths. Daddy didn't need any invitation. He swiftly got me on my back, legs up in the air, his dripping cock rubbing my hole. Before I knew what was happening I felt the poppers back under my nose. "Now, son, I want you to take five deep hits. I want to feel your hole opening as I slide my cock into your ass. I want you to think about all the times your husband didn't fuck you and how daddy will fuck you whenever you want." As I took each big hit, I felt daddy slowly slide into my unprotected hole. All of my inhibitions went out the door as I accepted a poz cock. "Good boy....Daddy is going to pump his cum deep in you. Daddy wants to make you just like him." By the time I took my last hit, daddy was thrusting my ass as hard as he could. He had a look of pure sexual lust on his face. His body was glistening with sweat and his cock was getting harder and harder. "Baby boy, your cheating hole feels so good gripping my cock. Who's cock is better? Mine or your husband? Tell me son, tell me." His cock was balls deep in me when he looked right in my eyes and shouted, "son, tell me that I fuck you better then your husband!" his eyes rolled back and he started too slam my ass harder. "Your cock is better dad! Its thicker, and better than my mans small cock!!" I screamed this as I grabbed his back with my legs trying to get him deeper in my ass. "You can give me things he cant! Fuck me daddy. Take my cheating ass and fucking poz me up!!" The poppers had turned me into the cheating pig that was discovered last night. Daddy could sense this and with his free hand he started to choke my throat. The moment he closed my windpipe down I started to cum. "Yeah, you little pig! Shoot that neg cum!!! Grrrr, your ass is pulsating!" My orgasm lasted for what felt like 20 minutes. The moment I felt it start to slow I locked eyes with my ginger bear. "Fuck son. Daddys cumming! Daddys knocking up your cheating ass right.....right....right now!" He let out a wild grunt and scream as I felt his dick pulsate in my ass. His dick was as deep as it could go and it felt like he was unloading a gallon of toxic jizz. I was in heaven and in hell at the same time. Before I could say anything daddy fell on top of me and started to kiss me again and in between kisses he said, "Than you son for letting me take your poz virginity. Thank you for letting me show you how sex should be. You ass is mine now." The weight of his body mixed with my load was one of the most erotic feelings I've ever experienced. Twenty minutes passed before he got off of me. We both got out of bed and admired the messy sheets. The combination of cum, sweat and blood from my ass made my dick twitch, as well as made my mind race. I now had two huge poz loads deep in my guts. I had cheated on Jack with the same man in less then 12 hours. My face must've had a worried look on it because I felt an arm go around me. I nuzzled into the sweaty pits of the ginger daddy and took in the smell. In less then a day I went from a devoted husband, to a chasing, cheating, bottom pig. Jack was gone for another two weeks and I wondered what other mischief I was going to get into....
    3 points
  6. PART 2: Marcus and I continued to see each other, as friends, at parties and bars with our mutual buddies. Most of the time he'd have his girlfriend, Chloe, with him. Our relationship changed subtly. We acted more relaxed around each other and he would touch me in a "bro" way, much more often than he did before we had sex. We were definitely closer and sort-of intimate in a bromance kind of way. This went on for a few weeks, without either of us ever mentioning the night he finally came inside someone (me), which was the first time I'd ever taken a poz load. This Friday night we pre-partied at our buddy's apartment and Chloe, his girlfriend, was there again. She was very pretty, and I really liked her. We had even begun to get closer. It was her idea to go out to the club, she wanted to dance. Nobody wanted to go though, but Marcus was obligated as the good boyfriend to take her dancing. Chloe tried really hard to convince other people to come along, but everybody wanted a more chill night in. She particularly put her efforts into persuading me to go with her and Marcus to the club. She was dancing up on me, and said,"Marcus can't dance, come on, you have to come so I can have a dancing partner. Pleassse?" I looked at Marcus and he just gave a shrug and a smile. I caved to peer pressure and decided I would tag along and go dancing with them. Marcus had booked an Uber and it didn't take long before we were piling in the back seat together. The Uber driver asked,"Where to?" Chloe immediately responded,"Majesty!" I looked at Marcus questioningly because while it was the biggest and best dance club in the city, it was also predominantly gay. Chloe saw the look on my face and me looking at Marcus and said to me,"Come on, it's the best club for dancing, and you don't have to play like you're straight around me anymore." We all laughed and Marcus just shrugged and smiled again, "She calls the shots bro." We got to the club about midnight and surprisingly the line was out the door already. We got in quickly, and first order was Chloe going to the bathroom, while Marcus and I got everybody drinks. While he and I were at the upstairs bar getting all the drinks he said,"Thanks for coming out tonight man. I know you didn't really want to. Just so you know, I didn't tell Chloe you were gay, she's actually the one that told me the night before...you and I...well in the sauna... Chloe found out from her co-worker, I think you would call him a twink. haha. Anyways, you apparently fuck him on the regular." I gulped a big swig of my drink. Damn, my throat got dry all of a sudden, and I was beginning to sweat. ---So he found out I was gay the night before he fucked me? Hmmm. Chloe popped up between the two of us, grabbing a drink from Marcus with one hand and grabbed my hand with her other, dragging me out to the dance floor,"Come on! Let's dance!" she yelled. I actually really enjoy dancing, and she and I lit the floor up. We were on the dance floor for a solid hour, thoroughly soaked in sweat. Marcus would watch us from the sidelines, refreshing our drinks and had a small table ready for us with bottled water for when, or if, we ever took a break. We had an amazing time. I started to get a little tired, and she had to pee, so we finally made it to Marcus' table. She said she was ready to go home, so Marcus ordered an Uber and while we waited she was still dancing next to the table in between Marcus and myself. He was behind her as she ground her ass against his crotch, his mouth was on her sweaty neck, and his hands held her tiny hips tightly. His strong hands. Chloe moved my hands to her hips too, then moved them on top of Marcus' hands. He was still kissing Chloe's neck, but he was looking straight into my eyes. It was the first time Marcus and I had touched intimately since the night he came in me. We got to their apartment, and Chloe insisted I come in for a beer and to wind down. Chloe was drunk and very horny, she was all over Marcus. I wasn't jealous, it was nice to see. But it was getting me horny! I was watching music videos on the TV when she drug Marcus to their bedroom, for obvious reasons. I resigned myself to the couch and laid down. I vaguely heard Chloe cumming, she wasn't quiet, and it sounded like she really got off. It wasn't ten minutes later when Marcus came out of the bedroom in just gym shorts. I immediately noticed he wasn't wearing underwear and was still somewhat hard. Marcus went to the fridge and asked if I wanted another beer. I said,"sure, but shouldn't you have some water? I heard Chloe in there, and it sounded like you probably need to rehydrate." Marcus laughed as he handed me my beer. He was standing in front of me, his still semi hard cock about a foot from my face under a thin layer of mesh gym shorts material. I could smell the sex from him and it made my face flush and my dick harden. Marcus said,"I"m surprised you heard us over the tv, these walls are pretty well insulated. And you know I don't gotta hydrate, you know the way it is with me and my girlfriends. I can't cum with a condom and they won't let me fuck them without one." He put his hand on the side of my face and lifted it up looking down at me,"nobody's ever let me cum in them, except you." I couldn't even look at him now, because his cock was fully erect in his shorts right in front of my face and I couldn't control myself one second longer. I grabbed his cock and gave it a squeeze. He put his beer on the table and dropped his shorts, put his hand behind my neck and used his other hand to aim his thick uncut cock at my mouth. I eagerly sucked his throbbing monster into my mouth. I could taste the condom residue and when I deep throated him I could smell Chloe's pussy on his pubes. It excited me so much, that I undid my pants and pulled my dick out and started stroking as I vigorously sucked his cock. I was bouncing up and down on it as he told me to,"suck that dick. I know you want it. You want this load don't you? You want my cum inside you, don't you? Tell me.." I came off his cock and said,"yes. I've missed your cock, and I want your cum inside me. Wherever you want to put it." He quickly yanked me up from the couch and grabbed my pants and underwear and jerked them down, pulling my feet out of them. He kissed me hard on the mouth and slipped his tongue inside me. I moaned into his mouth and felt his hands on my ass. He pulled his mouth back for a second and stuck two fingers inside my mouth and I sucked them as he moved them in and out. He pulled them free from my mouth and spit on his two wet fingers, reaching around and began to push them into my asshole as he grabbed my head with his free hand and kissed me hard again. He got his fingers up inside me to the knuckle and again, I moaned into his mouth. Marcus was being aggressive and I loved it. He turned me around and pulled off my shirt, he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me against him. His muscular pecs and stomach were against my back and his cock was snugly in my ass crack. He spat into his free hand and I could tell he was lubing up his cock, seconds later I felt his cockhead pushing against my hole. It breached my opening and I sighed in pain and pleasure while he kissed my neck and forced more of his stiff cock inside my ass. He moved forward, causing me to have to put my knees up on the couch, he pushed my head forward so I was bent over now in doggy style. I felt his hand firmly grasp my hips, he started fucking his big cock in and out of my hole. My asshole felt so good as he longdicked me. Feeling his slick cock sliding all the way in and out of me had me leaking precum and I grabbed my swollen cock to jerk off while he pounded my ass. "Oh god, Marcus, fuck me. Shit that feels so good. I can't wait for you to finish off inside me," I said. Marcus responded,"You like this big black cock? You want my poz load up that pussy?" I told him to please cum in me, fill me up good. We were making quite a bit of noise at this point, but I didn't care if Chloe woke up and saw us even, it felt so good, I wasn't going to let him stop until he unloaded in me. I could tell he was getting close too, he was fucking me so hard, my ass was getting plowed into at such a fast rate, I was glad he had lube on his cock from the condom that he used to fuck Chloe not too long ago. Just thinking of that made me hornier, and I wanted his cum even more knowing that his girlfriend never took it. Marcus began moaning and saying,"oh fuck, here it comes. I'm about to blow. Ah shit, ah shit, ah shiiitttt." He slammed into me deep and I felt his cock swell and thicken stretching my hole out more as he pumped me full of his poz cum. He kept himself buried deep inside me as I continued to jerk off and I was getting close. I guess he could tell I was about to blast his couch with my cum because he grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Wait, please?" I said, "please let me cum with you still inside me." He slowly pulled out of me, grabbed me and turned me around face to face. His lips met mine with force and his tongue snaked into my mouth to wrestle with mine. His hands moved up to my shoulders and pushed me down firmly so that I was seated on the edge of the couch. I briefly watched a few seconds of the music video playing as hot shirtless guys danced around a diva. He dropped to his knees and grabbed my legs, and spread them wide. I felt so open and powerless. He looked down and aimed his rigid cock at my wet hole, while his hands held my ankles wide and high I felt his cockhead on my hole right before he slammed fully into me. I gasped, my mouth was in a permanent "O" because that thick dickhead just punched my prostate and he held it there applying pressure to it, squeezing the cum out of it, making it escape through my cock onto my stomach. He immediately began fucking me at breakneck speeds, and it brought me back to the first time we fucked. He was able to blow a second load within minutes of the first one last time, and this was how he did it. I hoped it was happening again, remembering it last time was enough to bring me off, my body went stiff and I began shooting cum into my open mouth and all over myself as he rammed my prostate. I was drenched in my own cum as I watched him build up to his second orgasm, he moved his hands to my hips and thrust himself as deeply as he could and I felt his cock swell yet again pumping his load into me. I think we were both exhausted at this point. He pulled out, and he lifted my limp legs to slide my underwear back onto me. He laid my motionless body down on the couch, put his gym shorts on, and crawled up next to me, pulling the couch blanket over us. We both blacked out. The morning sun shined brightly through the living room window curtains. Music videos were still playing on the tv. I was disoriented for a minute while my mind processed where I was, and why I was there and what had happened. Marcus was still snuggled up to me under the blanket on the couch. His arm was around me, and I felt his erection against my ass. I was worried, Chloe would wake up and catch us like this. I shook him and told him to hurry and get up before his girlfriend woke up. He yawned and stretched a little. He said,"Don't worry, she sleeps like a zombie til late. Last night was amazing man. Watching you and Chloe dance last night had me hard half the time I was at the club." I was like,"what? You were sitting at the table in the club with a boner watching your girlfriend and I dance? You fuckin' pervert. No wonder you're hard right now." Marcus said,"You call me the pervert, but you let me fuck you like a cum hungry slut and you've taken four of my poz loads in your ass and acted like it was a gift from heaven." My mouth hung open in disbelief, but he had a point. I was a total cumslut when it came to him fucking me. I mean, he's fucking hot, straight, hung, and cums gallons and not just once. I laughed and said,"okay, okay, that's me in the moment, yes. I kinda separate those moments from you and me, as buddies. Right now, we're blurring the lines and it has me freaking a little." Marcus, ran his hand down my side and grabbed my underwear to yank them down. He brought his hand up to his mouth and spit in it, moved it to my mouth and said,"spit." I did as he commanded and spit in his hand. He reached under the blanket and lubed up his rock hard cock. He pushed into my hole with relative ease, but I could feel the friction. I groaned, and just let him do what he wanted to me. Marcus smiled and said,"see? you don't even try to stop me from fucking you when a minute ago you were worried about Chloe waking up? You're a whore for me." He was right, I couldn't help it either, his thick bare cock filling my hole up deeply was irresistible. I went from worrying about his girlfriend waking up to not caring if his grandma walked in on us as soon as his cock began to push into me. He firmly held my hip as he fucked slowly in and out of my hole. His massive loads from last night were enough that he didn't need any lube besides our spit to enter me. It wasn't as slick as last night, but he was going so slowly that it didn't need to be. He propped his head up on his hand while he rested his elbow on the pillow looking down at me. He looked so casual...from the waist up. I again warned him,"we better stop before Chloe gets u...." Just then the bedroom door opened and Chloe walked out in just a t-shirt, her tight pert tits were clearly bra-less and she wore a thong, her ass cheeks bounced as she went straight for the kitchen. Meanwhile Marcus simply moved his eyes from me, to the tv and began watching the music video. Marcus said,"Good morning babe. You feel okay? I came in here after you passed out to keep my homie company and we kinda blacked out here." Chloe turned around looking disheveled but glowing, she smiled and said,"I actually feel really good. I think all that dancing and then a good orgasm was what I needed last night. You guys look so cute, do you two want some coffee?" I was dumbfounded, as all of this unfolded before me, Marcus' cock was STILL deep inside me and he was still slowly fucking me. Marcus looked down at me and said,"you want some?" with a big smile. I knew he meant, did I want his cum, but he was trying to shake me loose to answer Chloe about the coffee. I stammered, "Uhmmm, yeah. Sure, yeah I want it...I mean, some. Some coffee, yes, please." Chloe responded, "great! two coffees coming up!" Marcus laughed, "yup, coming up!" as he continued to fuck my hole, picking up a little speed. Chloe had her back to us working on the coffee, and Marcus looked down at me, kissed me hard on the lips and whispered,"you ready for it? you want me to cum up in that hole?" I said,"yes, breed me again..." He tensed up and I felt him blasting inside me again as his girlfriend finished up our coffees. She brought them over to us and handed each of us our own cups while Marcus was still inside me. Chloe said, "I gotta put some pants on, it's freezing in here," as she bounced to the bedroom. Marcus pulled out of my asshole, and pulled up his shorts and sat up. He winked at me as he brought his cup to his mouth. I just shook my head and said, "whatever Marcus, it's your funeral." and rolled my eyes. He laughed into his mug.
    3 points
  7. I parked my bike, got out my torch and headed over in the direction of the infamous fuck tree. I'd been there in the daytime so I knew how to get there. It was 9.00pm at night, maybe too early for some, but I was eager to visit this alleged barebacking prime site. After about 5 minutes I arrived at the site and was disappointed to find only two men there, one guy was, however, fucking the other bareback over a large concrete rubbish bin, obviously built with us in mind. As I watched I leant against the uprooted tree that gave the area its name: “The fuck tree”. I was turned on by watching the bareback action and so got out my cock and started wanking to the action. This caught the attention of the guy, who was currently fucking the other over the bin. He stopped fucking him and came over to me. Before I knew what was happening he had turned me round, lubed his cock and plunged it bare into my hole. I was being fucked for the first time on the fuck tree. He was obviously turned on by this new meat and thrust in and out energetically. As he screwed me bare, I noticed around the area a few clusters of people looking on at what was going on. With a loud and satisfied grunt he unloaded himself into me and then left the area hurriedly. With no one else actually coming forward and feeling awkward about having interrupted the other guy's fun, I now turned my attention to him. I got my cock back to full erection and entered the guy from behind. He welcomed the attention. He seemed to struggle with the size of my cock and asked me if I had any poppers, I duly handed over my fresh new bottle, which he gratefully inhaled, complimenting on its strength and asking where I'd purchased it. Whilst I was banging away, many of those who had been standing at a distance now came close. Not just to see things up close, but clearly they wanted their turn with this piece of meat. As soon, as I had erupted inside the guy, another member of the group took his turn in fucking the man. Others eagerly prepared their cocks in anticipation of their turn. Another man arrived, dressed up in suspenders and wearing eyeshadow and lipstick. He stood over the fuck tree and prepared to be taken. He attracted many of those waiting their turns with the bin man. He was soon receiving his first bare cock. I thought I'd get in on the action by going round the other side of the tree and seeing if this new guy could suck my cock back into action. So I wiped out my cock and got him to suck it, which he munched on enthusiastically. He certainly did the trick and before not too long, I was fully erect and feeling the sap rising in my balls. The sight of this spit-roasting, with one guy pounding away and then releasing his spunk inside him, followed immediately by another, was too much for me and for the second time of the night I released my jizz. This time into the willing mouth of the transvestite whore. But I was envious of both men being taken in turn mostly bare, receiving cum load after cum load inside them. I too wanted to be a cum slut that evening and feel my hole being filled with strangers' sperm. Yet I was frightened of the consequences. It was make or break for me. Should I stay or should I go? I took the plunge as my lust got the better of me and walked back round the tree. Then I dropped my trousers and leant against the tree for all cummers to take me. This certainly drew many of the assembled crowd over to me and I was almost immediately shafted by an older guy ready to blow his load inside me. He took next to no time finishing himself off by blowing his load inside me, the second of the evening for me. Another well-endowed black man took his turn and forced his very large member inside me. I was struggling to cope with a cock that big and had to resort to the poppers I'd brought along to facilitate his entering me. Although painful, I was really enjoying the large cock being pushed fully inside me, stretching me. I was beginning to realise my dreams of being a cum slut. Suddenly he held his cock thrust fully inside me for a good minute as gallons of his sperm soaked my insides. I was now craving as much bare dick as I could get and happily took any dicks offered to me. I could feel the squelching from load after load being poured into me. Then another guy came forward, quite beefy with an obvious biohazard tattoo on his chest. After all the loads I had already taken, I was in no position to refuse him entry. He shoved his cock firmly up me bare and started pushing in and out roughly. As he thrust in and out, he kept saying to me, I'm going to breed you and soon you'll get my toxic load inside you. With one final thrust he jerked violently and I knew his toxic spunk was now flowing inside. As I left the heath, I could feel all the loads beginning to trickle down my legs. I wondered what I had done, yet felt very satisfied with so much cum inside me that evening.
    2 points
  8. Juste got back from the G I Joe bath House (Montréal) I was planing to get fuck in the glory hole. I love that anon cum dump style... Got sucked and fingered in the steam room By a very large black men. Good kisser too, Then I went for the glory hole in the basement... I got fuck 3 times by various guy and I didn't get to the glory hole. The guys just want to load me in front of everyone... Love that. I did not saw the first loader... I got sucked and blew in the guy's mouth... he almost chock. lol... Men it was good after 2 weeks without any sex. I try once in a wile to stay quiet for a few days and then I get sluty and colecte any load... I love the feel of my ass swelling full of cum... anyone else like that?
    2 points
  9. Finally got bred by a dominant DWM guy who’s hits me up every few weeks when he’s in town to see his kids. He’s stocky and tatted, and He typically face fucks a load down my throat while whacking the side of my face calling me his cocksucker, etc. He has fucked me before but has insisted on condoms, and finished off in my mouth. This time started out the same with rough face fucking, then he turned around and had me rim him. His ass was clean but with a hot BO smell that made me crazy! He turned back for more sucking, reaching down to feel my prelubed ass (I was hoping, lol). He must have noticed the lube and condom on the table. He had me bend over while he slipped on the sabotaged rubber, then jammed his shirt fat cock in my ass. He ride me good, slapping my ass and grabbing my shoulders to push in harder. He pulled out a minute and the condom was sliding off. Might have ripped from my sabotaging it. I reached under, pointing his now bare cock back toward my hole. To my surprise, he went in bare and began pounding in earnest. Must have felt much better cuz soon he was grunting and holding his Cock deep in my ass. When he finally pulled out, I whipped around like Barishnokov and cleaned up his juice covered cock with my mouth. Then he was gone, and I fingered my dripping hole.
    2 points
  10. Staying tight for a FF bottom is an art form in itself. Muscle fitness and gym time. I've seen only one guy over the years who was able to take a second pounding right away after being fisted and provide sufficient grip for good friction. Truly amazing. But the real fun begins after you pass the second ring, just watch those eyes roll into his head and keep on pushing. Piiiiggy-piggy-piggy
    2 points
  11. just took a few loads in a guys apartment from a couple of men and their best friend. they fuck me semi regularly. showed up with 3 other guys loads in me cause they like my hole to be sloppy
    2 points
  12. Sounds like a fucking dream. I've been elbow deep so I know that open feeling you're taking about from an experienced fist bottom. Damn your're one lucky man
    2 points
  13. How is his hole? Amazing. He can take a pounding and beg you for more. It has a good smooth feeling, but you feel like you've got a lot of room to move around in there. That's not to say that it's like a hot dog down a hallway - but more like... you know the guy's experienced and it's only a matter of time before his butt swallows a traffic cone.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Besides, the CIA was too busy with Chemtrails and inventing crack.
    2 points
  16. Just fucked a guy who works in a storage unit place. Went right up the back of the yard into an empty unit. He was straight to his knees and sucked me hard. I needed his ass and he stood and bent over. His hole was already lubed and I pushed my thick cock in with relative ease. His ass muscled loosened and tightened on my cock, clamping down hard as he jacked off and begged for my cum. I obliged by shooting what felt like a bucket load inside him. Hopefully the first of many meetings!!
    2 points
  17. I love how my hole feels and looks after a good fisting session.
    2 points
  18. Traveling this weekend I decided to stay the night in Atlanta so I booked a room at the Red Roof Inn Plus. Got settled in at 6pm, showered posted on Grindr Anon bb ⬇️124 as my profile ID. Within minutes a 45 year old guy who apparently was hanging around the hotel message with a dick pic, I sent an ass pic and within 10 minutes he was pounding me ass up face down with a blindfold on. 5 minutes he came inside me. After that six more guys came through to breed me. Then a 26 year old athletic muscular guy with a big dick messaged and came over for anon ass up face down while blindfolded. While I was sucking his dick he pulled the blindfold off of me and God he was hot. He started to pound me from behind for a while then flipped me over on my back and pounded me for a while longer before breeding me. I showered and headed to Manifest about 1:30 in the morning. It was a slow night at Manifest but I was watching a mid-20s guy get pounded from behind and bred. Another guy standing around watching was in his mid-40s toned muscular body with a huge 8 1/2 in thick dick. He looked at me and I bent over and as he slide in me even after taking all the dicks earlier I was like oh fuck he's big. After a hit or two of poppers I relaxed and he pumped my ass for about 2 minutes. I saw him a few minutes later in another area and told him that felt good and asked if he wanted to go more. He said yeah I'll catch up with you in a minute. We saw each other walking around and went to the room up front with the beds and left the door open. As we started kissing he asked if he was going to be able to breed me and I said of course. I bent over the raised bed and he started pounding me from behind. We moved up on top of the bed with him on top of me my legs over his shoulders and he pounded me and I lost track of time. I could tell with his thrusts and look on his face he was about to cum and I told him to breed me, breed that fuck hole about the time he unleashed his load inside of me. We kissed and talked about how great it felt. I left not long after went to the hotel and crashed. Next morning pulled up grinder 42 year old muscular black guy want to do anonymous ass up face down he came over and dropped a load pretty quick. Then a 41 year old athletic muscular white guy who was hot came over, kissed and we fucked for a while in a couple different positions before he put me on my back legs over his shoulders and eventually bred me. Then it was time to check out and leave.
    2 points
  19. Just finished a 5 some. Stinky and full of cum if you're around and want to cum fuck me more, can host. wickr nickbttm or 315 892 1561
    2 points
  20. Part 3 When I climbed out of the pool I was all alone. There was a towel as beneath the towel I found an envelope with ‘Jock Boy’ written on it. I dried off and headed for the gate remembering that my clothes were flooded on the outside and with the sun coming to I might be visible in my naked form. I quickly opened the gate and grabbed my sweat pants quickly pulling them on before anyone might see me. I grabbed my shoes and shirt and went to my car. Once inside my car I looked I the envelope to find $500. Texted Steven to let him know I had finished and they I received another tip. He texted back instructing me, ‘come directly to my condo’. I drove over to Steven's place with a raging hard on from whatever that guy injected into my cock. The movement of my sweat pants accords my cock head drove me crazy as I worked my way through traffic to Steven’s condo. I parked in the open lot across the street and quickly made my way into the building. After riding the elevator while trying to hide my hard on I knocked on the door. Some naked twink answered the door and ushered me inside. Steven was also naked sitting on the couch blowing clouds. He had net taken a huge hit from the pipe as he waived me over. Steven grabbed the twink and gave him a shotgun as I joined him in the couch. The twink leaned over to me and I accepted a shotgun from him as he grabbed my noticeably hard cock through my sweats. The twink was horned up and craving cock. Steven finally spoke, “From what I hear, you’re first night went very well.” Steven then grabbed his huge, thick cock waving it as if he was telling me to sit my ass down on it, but it was directed at the twink who had a look that was somewhere between fear and excitement. The twink slowly climbed up and (with Steven’s directly) slid his ass down on his cock facing me. When he had the full length inside him Steven handed me a fully loaded rig. I knew exactly what he needed me to do as he applied the tourniquet to the twink’s arm and held him still while I administered (what I later learned was) his (first) slam. Like he did with me, Steven unloaded deep in the twink's hole as he coughed it hard. The twink's expression was similar to the one I saw in the video on my own face as he attempted to process everything was feeling. After Steven was done with his first load he popped up placing the twink on his hands and knees, then administered his own slam and resumed fucking the twink. I was close to the twink’s head when Steven told him, “Suck the jock boy's cock.” That totally surprised me as the twink leaned forward as I slid my sweats off. The twink was good as he took my hard bone down to the root. Steven looked at me and said, “I knew you’d need that after your let client.” The twink was good as he worked my cock with his tongue and throat. I was surprised at his expertise and stamina as he sucked my cock while Steven loaded his ass with his poz cum. It made me wonder if that kiss was as dumb as I was or was it the drugs, most likely the drugs. The thought of Steven knocking this kid up as he had done to me some how had me turned on that when I got close I made sure he was going to eat my load. I grabbed his head and held it firmly as I unloaded down his throat telling him, “That’s it bitch, swallow my spunk.” Steven smiled at me, winked and gave me a head signal letting me know that I should leave. I pulled my sweats up, got up from the couch and headed for the door. I drove home knowing if be crashing soon. I got home lucky my parents were at work as headed straight for bed.
    2 points
  21. There are a lot of size queens around. As long as you can get your cock up a hole and empty your balls up there, no reason why you shouldn't top. I'd let you.
    2 points
  22. When I was in college I worked on campus in the shipping and receiving dept. The full time employees there were all middle aged str8 guys. They suspected I was gay and gave me a lot of ribbing about it. But two of the guys would kind of tone down the ribbing in exchange for me sucking and bottoming for them. During the lunch hour when the boss was always out of the building these two guys would make me suck, rim and bottom for them. It was always raw. One was a tall, muscular, buff, Hawaiian guy. He had a huge, thick, uncut cock. Would really pound me deep. He'd call me "Mahu". A Hawaiian term for gay. Or a person that embodies both masculine or feminine spirits. The Hawaiian guy could fuck for 20 or 30 minutes before cumming in me. The other guy was just a rough, redneck, bully type of guy. His dick wasn't very big. But he'd pound me hard and would cum very quickly. The redneck guy usually fucked me first. Then the Hawaiian guy would have an already cum lubed hole to pound until lunch hour was over.
    2 points
  23. Most of my friends are straight and through them I met their straight friends, that's how I met Marcus. He was 19, just graduated high school and was now living in the city going to college. Marcus was very good looking. He was only 5'6", but half black and half hispanic, with an incredibly picture worthy face. I'd see him at my friend's house when I'd go over there to party. We all drank, and half of them smoked. He was the only one that didn't really drink I'd tease him a bit because of that, until one night after I kept trying to get everyone, including him, to take shots of tequila together. My buddy, who's apartment we partied in, caught me alone in the kitchen and quickly said,"don't say anything, but the reason Marcus doesn't drink much is because he's afraid it will mess with his HIV meds." Obviously, I had a very confused look at my face because I'd met Marcus' girlfriend and the one before his current one, so my bud went further to explain,"He's not gay or anything, but he was born with it, his father apparently got it when he was in prison at a young age from using drugs and didn't know it, so all of his kids were born with HIV." I was shocked, and sad for Marcus. We got the tequila shots and took them into the living room and we handed everyone their shot glasses, except Marcus. I guess that's where I made my mistake because, I always tried to get him to drink, and when he wouldn't drink what I offered him, then I'd down his shot for him. This time I didn't even offer him a glass. I didn't think anything of it, but he's a smart kid and he apparently figured it out. Later that night, everyone was pretty messed up one way or the other, and there were only four of us still awake. My buddy and his girlfriend, Marcus and myself. My friend's girlfriend started to doze off and suddenly threw up a little bit on her shirt, so while he dealt with cleaning her up Marcus jumped up and took his shirt off, and said to me, "let's go down to the hot tub!" It was about 50 degrees outside but I was drunk enough, that it sounded like an adventure. Besides, this was the first time I'd seen Marcus shirtless and quite frankly I wanted to see a lot more. He was so lean that you could see all of his muscles, and boy did he have a lot of muscles, they were well hidden under his hoodies and sweatshirts he always wore. He was smooth and just had an incredible body in general. We grabbed some towels and I realized we didn't have any swim trunks, to which he responded, "no one's gonna be down there, we'll take our clothes off under the towels and just slip in the hot tub naked." I was all in! "Let's go then!" I exclaimed. I couldn't help looking at Marcus' back as I followed him down to the pool and hot tub area. This little guy wasn't so little and he was ripped. My mouth watered watching his tight bubble butt bouncing going down the stairs. Fucking hell, I was getting hard just watching his back and ass! We got to the hot tub, the courtyard lights were off, since it was the colder season and no one used the pool or hot tub. It was dark so Marcus didn't bother getting undressed under the towel and neither did I. Obviously I couldn't help myself from looking, and saw his cock, rather I stared at his cock and it was so hot, beautiful, uncut and looked about 4-5 inches soft, it was thick and he had some big low hanging balls too. Again, my mouth was watering, and I had to very quickly get into the hot tub because I was half hard in about two seconds after seeing him naked. We were chilling and chatting in the hot tub, I asked about his current girlfriend, and he caught me off guard by giving a serious answer saying,"she's hot as fuck, but she won't let me fuck her raw dawg, cause she scared of getting HIV." Although the news didn't surprise me, his admission of it did, and he saw the look on my face. "Look, I know our buddy told you, when you brought the tequila shots in, it was the first time ever, that you didn't offer me one. And I saw the way you tried not to look at me. I go through this every time someone finds out." I kinda stammered a bit and just sheepishly said,"you're not as dumb as you look. Yeah, he told me, and I'm sorry man. You know, I have friends that are HIV positive too, I hope you know I don't think less of you, I was just caught off guard because you're straight, and I don't know any straight positive people." Marcus went on to tell me about his frustrations with just about anyone he dated. He said, he hadn't been able to cum with a condom in years and his girlfriend's would rarely, if ever, let him raw dawg their pussies and they definitely never let him finish inside of them. He even had a couple girlfriends get on PrEP and they still didn't let him cum in them. I was kinda shocked and blurted out,"They were on PrEP and wouldn't let you cum in them?!?! That's stupid, hell, if you're paranoid about alcohol messing with your meds, I know you're undetectable, and I'd let you cum in me even if I weren't on PrEP." I can't believe I just said that. I quickly, followed up with,"I mean, if I were your girlfriend." Wait, that didn't sound right either, so I chimed in again,"I mean, if I was a girl and on PrEP." He was laughing at me, and responded,"It's cool, I know what you mean. So...you said you were on PrEP?" Did I? Oh yeah, I said,"even if I weren't on PrEP..." I didn't quite know what to say, so I just said, "uhmmm..." Marcus was so chill though, he laughed again and moved over next to me, putting his arm around my neck and comforted me, "You think I didn't know you were gay? Remember...I'm not as dumb as I look." We laughed together. I felt relaxed again, and affirmed what he already knew. "Yeah, I'm gay and yes I'm on PrEP." He asked if I was a top or bottom, his bluntness surprised me. I said I'm a top. And I don't know why, but I volunteered that I had bottomed in the past, it just wasn't my preference. He stood up in the hot tub, and since he had his arm around my neck, his cock was literally inches from my face now. And it had grown. His thick cock was somewhat hanging at about 6 inches now right in front of me. He said,"come on, we better go dry off in the sauna before we put our clothes back on." He walked toward the sauna while I hopped out and grabbed my towel to cover my fully erect cock. My 7.5 inch beer can cock stood straight up and was like concrete. We got into the sauna and he was totally naked, he didn't bring his towel. I just held my towel over my cock basically and sat down. I couldn't help but look at his growing cock. And he noticed. "You ever suck a black guy's cock?" I was still buzzing on alcohol and the whole situation that I just responded,"yes, I love suck big cocks." He laughed as he started stoking himself. He was a very solid 8 inches and quite thick. He nonchalantly said,"come suck this big black cock then." I immediately got up, letting my towel drop and went straight to his dick and enveloped it in my mouth. I was high from this whole scene, I wasn't thinking rationally, I just wanted this gorgeous straight guy's big cock in my mouth. He was moaning and groaning telling me to "suck that big cock" and "yeah, get it all down your throat." I had grabbed my towel and put it on the wooden bench so I could put my knees up on it and lean over his cock better. Trying to get more of him into my throat. The sauna was hot and we were both sweating like crazy, he continued to moan and as I got my mouth all the way down to his pubes he grabbed my head with both hands and started to throat fuck me. I was loving having this straight guy use my mouth and throat as a fuck hole. He seemed to be enjoying it so much and I didn't want it to end, but I did want his cum. As he kept fucking my mouth he moved one hand down the back of my head and neck and was carressing me from my neck to my ass. He'd grab my ass and squeezed it, and rubbed my cheeks. Our bodies were so slick from sweat, his hands on my body felt electric. He even began to slide his fingers in and out of my crack, stopping on my hole and gently pushing into me. We were sweating so much that I realized he was collecting the sweat from my back and using it as lube to get his finger into my tight hole. Once he broke past my hole's resistance, he sunk his finger into my hole. It felt amazingly tight and slick and I moaned around his dick. He started saying,"shit man, shit yo' mouth feels good on my cock. Keep doin that and I'm gonna bust," as he started finger fucking me faster and harder, I felt so vulnerable and slutty being used by him. I wanted to swallow his load so I began moaning and sucking him harder and faster. "I'm gonna cum man," he barely got out in between hard breaths. I moaned around his cock that I was bobbing up and down on,"mmhmm, mmhmmm," encouraging him to blow his load down my throat. I felt his body tensing up and he had two fingers buried in my hole but was just wiggling them around inside me. His hand on my head started pushing my face all the way down on his cock hard as he thrust his cock down my throat and I felt it stiffen and swell, he whisper yelled,"ohhhhh fuck! ohhhhhhhh, I'm gonna cum man. I'm gonna cum. Swallow that load bitch. Take it!" his body spasmed and he began blasting his jizz down my throat. I felt it shooting hard into me, there was so much, it was like a water canon and I was swallowing it as fast as it came out. He pushed his fingers in as deep as they would go up my ass, as he shot his cum into my stomach, that he finger punched my prostate, it was like he hit an electric buzzer. I was swallowing his never ending load and suddenly my body spasmed for a few seconds and I shot one blast of clear liquidy cum out my cock so hard that it coated his thigh. We were both coming down and I still had his cock in my mouth. Neither of us had gone soft, he slowly slid his fingers out of my hole and rested his hand on my ass. Through his labored breathing he said,"damn. I hadn't cum from a blowjob in at least a year, and I've never cum that hard from one. I wasn't sure you would let me cum in your mouth, but you made it pretty clear, you wanted it. You acted like a fucking fat chick cumdump, "he laughed at his own words. I pulled off his still hard cock, and responded, "one out of three isn't bad, as long as it's the cumdump one." Marcus chuckled,"well you're not fat and you're definitely not a chick, but we should see if you're truly a cumdump." I sat up and looked at him with a look of confusion and maybe surprise. "You said you were on PrEP," Marcus told me, "and that you'd let me cum in you, right?" I shook my head "yes" for sure in the affirmative. Oh my gosh, is he really talking about fucking me right now? This hot straight guy. I thought I was going to consider myself incredibly lucky that he let me blow and swallow him, but now he wants to fuck me. "It's been so long, I don't think I can take such a big dick though," I told Marcus. He stood up, his cock was pointed at the ceiling, and he grabbed me, pulled me up then pushed me back down to where my face was right in front of his cock. I grabbed it, still hard as a pipe, and took it back into my mouth. He was thrusting in and out of my mouth slowly and said,"I'm not gay, but I haven't had anyone ever take my cum, and I just need to know what it feels like to shoot inside someone, without pulling out, and raw, no worries from either party, I just need to breed someone. Will you let me? I'll go slow and if you can't handle it, you can suck me off again." I didn't respond, I just kept sucking his cock. He instructed me to "get it real wet. Leave a lot of spit on my cock and come off of it" I did as he told me, and he got down on his knees, now my aching hard cock was in his face, but not for long. He grabbed my ankles and lifted my feet off the wood floor, making me lean back on my towel on the bench. I looked down toward my cock and saw him holding my ankles up and spread out, and his beautiful face, his eyes staring at my hole. I watched him spit on my hole, his eyes were glazed over with lust. He dove into my ass and I felt his tongue immediately working into my hole. It was me this time, that grabbed HIS head, as he tongue fucked my pink hole, getting it wetter and more relaxed. It felt fucking amazing, his tongue was powerful and felt like a slick muscle massaging into my asshole. I began to moan like a bitch. I wasn't used to this feeling, I was the one that usually ate ass like a champ causing bottoms to turn into sluts. The tables had been turned, and I wasn't mad that it was a hot straight guy turning the tables, and turning me into a cumslut. He retracted his tongue from my ass and came up, still holding my ankles spread out like a whore and scooted in close, I felt his big wet cockhead hit my hole. He was looking down as it pushed into me and occasionally looked up at my face to see how I was taking the pressure. It felt so good. He was thick, and hard, but I was opening up for him. He was going so slowly and he had been so perfect, that I was relaxed the entire time and suddenly his cock entered me deeper. I sighed,"ahhhhhh, fuck..." drifting off to a place of pure pleasure, "oh my god, your cock feels so good, keep going" Marcus pulled my legs up and rested them on his muscular shoulders, my ankles were by his head now. He began sinking more of that beautiful straight thick black poz cock into me. I was in heaven, as he filled me up, stretched my hole and finally rested on my prostate causing me to precum onto my stomach. He was looking down when the precum poured out,"did you cum?" Marcus asked. "No, your cock is hitting my prostate and making me precum," I explained. Marcus smiled,"damn, I didn't know a guy could get wet from being fucked. You sure you're okay with me cumming in you? I don't want you to regret this or freak out when I get close to blowing my load like some of my girlfriends. It's caused me to kinda panic now during sex." I looked at him directly in his eyes, "Marcus, I'm on PrEP, and even if I wasn't, you're undetectable. I've never had anything in my ass feel this fuckin good, if you don't cum in me, I'll be mad! I want you to use my hole, and don't look back, fuck me hard and cum in me as much as you want." He smiled and I could see the worry leave his face completely. He slide his hands down to my hips and started to pull out slowly til his thick cock came out, he was looking down watching his fat cock go all the way in, then all the way out of my tight wet hole. I felt like, from the waist down, my body was being jerked off. I felt pleasure all over my sweaty skin and deep inside my bowels as his huge cock fucked in and out of me. I began to stroke my cock, using the copious amounts of precum Marcus was milking out of me as lube. He even reached down and jerked me for a minute as he purposefully pushed his dick deep into my prostate and forced more precum out. He collected it in his hand and brought it up to his face and sniffed it,"smells like sex," he said right before licking it all out of his hand. He started to really fuck me now, his cock was pounding my ass so hard, we could hear the "thwap thwap thwap thwap" of his hips hitting my ass as he drove his monster into me. He was breathing hard and sweat was pouring off of his body. His muscles were tight and straining as he fucked his rod into my guts. I could tell he was getting close to cumming and I didn't want him to start feeling self conscience about breeding me, so while I stroked myself, coming closer to my own orgasm, I commanded him,"awww yes, fuck me Marcus. I want you to blow that big load of cum deep inside me. Shoot that poz load hard into me. I want to feel it blasting my insides." I think that did the trick, he was mumbling,"oh oh oh I'm gonna cum, oh fuck I'm gonna cum man, I'm gonna cum." I retorted back to emphasize how much I wanted it,"do it, breed me, breed my pussy, cum in me Marcus, I want you inside me." "AHHHHHH FUCK! I'm cumming! AHHHH I'M FUCKING BREEDING YOU! TAKE IT! Take it!" I felt his cock swell and pump and blow his load deep inside me, watching and feeling him explode inside me turned me on so much that I started cumming too. I shot cum past my head onto the wall, and began shooting cum onto my face and chest, he continued to fuck me as I was cumming. He looked down at me with my mouth open in ecstasy as I climaxed all over myself and started pounding my hole harder and faster than he was before. My body was a rag doll being fucked by a mechanical being, it felt like his body became a robot with no loss of energy and all the strength of a machine endlessly pounding my ass. I didn't know what was happening at this point, I just let him do what he wanted, it still felt good, as I was coming down from my orgasm, I didn't care what he did to me. In about two minutes of this renewed power fucking he slammed deep into me and screamed,"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" as he unloaded yet another load into my ass mere minutes after his first load. The machine was gone, and he melted down onto me. He rested his elbows on the wooden bench I was laying on. My legs still on his shoulders and were now against my chest, his forehead rested on mine and his cock was still buried inside me. Marcus was trying to catch his breath, but forced himself to say,"thank you, thank you, thank you." Then he kissed me on the lips. "Truly, that was the best fuck I've ever had. I guess it was my first REAL fuck to be honest. I can't tell you how much that meant." He kissed me again, this time he forced his tongue into my mouth and we made out. He slowly let my legs go and slide down and his cock gently slipped from me. I felt his cum leaking out. It felt good actually. It all felt good. We quietly got ourselves together, and gathered our things by the hot tub. We walked up the steps toward the apartment. On the way up, I broke the silence,"Marcus, that was amazing, it was something I've never quite experienced either, and I loved it, but that's all it has to be. This one time, we did this thing, and it's just between the two of us. I'll never tell anyone and I don't want to lose you as a friend." We were at the apartment door now, he said,"I know. I trust you." He paused a minute and put his hand behind my head around the back of my neck,"you really gave me a gift no one ever has before and I won't ever forget that." He gave me a quick kiss again, opened the apartment door and said,"maybe it won't just be a one time thing."
    1 point
  24. For me it's a number of things: I love the manly smell of his cock and balls, the sensation of it slipping in and out my mouth, the sweet taste of his precum, feeling his cock pulsate as his delicious cum fills my mouth. I love the feel of his hand around the back of my neck, or gripping my hair. I also feel a sense of pride sucking his cock. Pleasuring his cock and receiving his load into my belly is my only purpose in that moment. The more I get into it, the more slutty I want to be. Normally I'll stick my bare ass up as I'm sucking so he has a great view. This sense of purpose makes me feel free.
    1 point
  25. I had moved to a new city about 6 months ago and moved into an apartment with a guy who advertised his spare room on roommates.com. Like me, he was gay, single and had a busy work schedule, so we didn’t see too much of each other around the apartment. His name was Eddie, he was 28 years old, and he was about 5”11, Latino and muscled from a combination of his job as a tradesman and working out at the gym. Both his arms were covered in some of the most beautiful, intricate tattoo sleeves I had ever seen. Also, I was pretty sure he was poz, as I saw some of his medications lying around in the shared bathroom a few times. However, I didn’t give this much thought, as shortly after arriving in my new city I got a boyfriend, and we entered into an intense relationship. I had really loved my boyfriend, Rob, but after about 6 months of dating and practically living together at my place, Rob suddenly broke up with me. With no other explanation other than that “things weren’t fun any more” he packed up his belongings that were at my place, and left. I was devastated, as even though we had only been together a short time, I had genuinely thought that Rob and I would be together for ever. Late the next morning after Rob had left, I finally left my room. Wearing just the jockstrap (which is all I usually sleep in), I walked to the kitchen, where Eddie was standing at the sink, washing some dishes, and I headed straight to the freezer, took out a tub of ice cream, grabbed a clean spoon and started eating. ”Hey man! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? That’s my ice cream!” Eddie cried ”Look, I’m sorry man, I’ve had a bad day...” I started to reply ”You always do this, dude! You take my food without asking, you don’t help with the washing up, and you’re practically naked!” I found this a bit rich, as Eddie wasn’t wearing much more than me - he had on very tight briefs and a singlet. “And I’ll work on that...” I started, but Eddie was on a roll. ”And to top it all off, Rob is over here ALL the time, I should charge him rent too” ”Well, about that, Rob broke up with me last night, so that’s one problem sorted” ”Oh shit, I’m so sorry Joe! I didn’t realise,” Eddie’s tone of voice changed to sympathy, and he grabbed me in a hug. ”I honestly thought we were going to be together forever,” I said dejectedly, as his arms gave me a squeeze, my head on his shoulders and my arms reciprocating his hug. “And he hasn’t given any reason, other than that ‘things weren’t fun anymore’!” ”The guy was a cunt anyway,” Eddie said. “He hit on me a few times when he was over here and you were out, but I didn’t want to say anything” ”Oh man!” I cried out. Eddie’s hug intensified, and as it did, I felt his hands slowly work their way down my back, until they were over my ass cheeks, where he gave a little grab. ”Dude! I JUST broke up with my boyfriend!” I said, though I didn’t break the hug. ”The best way to get over a guy, is to get under another...” he said, looking at me intensely. I returned his look. Eddie was so handsome, I couldn’t help myself, and if I was honest, I had always had a bit of a crush on him. I leaned in to kiss him at the same time as he leaned in. Our lips found each other’s, and we started to explore each other’s mouths. With increasing intensity, we probed each other’s mouths with our tongues, barely coming up for air between each long, deep kiss. We became more and more animated, until I was pushed back into the fridge, which we used to steady ourselves as we made out more. After a few minutes, we broke apart, and I ripped his singlet off him, pulling it over his head, fully revealing his barely covered torso, and only just now noticed that his left nipple had a barbell sticking through it. My mouth immediately went for it, and I latched on to his nipple, sucking it and licking it, while he moaned in pleasure. My left hand moved to his other nipple and started playing with it, my attention to them making them become erect. I broke away from his nipple to kiss him again, and he moved down to my neck, kissing it and biting it a little - I knew I would have hickies to explain when I went back to work on Monday. Fuck! This was hot! I wondered why we had never done this before, and then my new hatred of Rob intensified as I realised that the time I’d spent with him had potentially stopped me from having fun with Eddie. After a few more minutes of exploring each other’s bodies I knew I had to have Eddie’s cock in my mouth. I reached down to his briefs and pulled them down, revealing a beautiful, hard cock that was 8” long and nicely thick, so that I could just get may hand fully around it. At the same time, I pulled down my jockstrap, releasing my own straining cock. Both our cocks were liberally leaking precum. I couldn’t waste any more time, and got on my knees and started to suck his dick. Starting by licking around the big head, and sucking up all of the delicious precum, I started taking his cock into my mouth. Taking my time, I worked his cock into my mouth, gagging a little, but determined to take it all the way so that his pubes and my goatee met. ”Fuuuuuuuuck...!” He moaned. “That’s fucking hot, man! I can’t believe you managed to get all the way down in one go - not many guys can do that” i just moaned in response, my mouth being full of his juicy, thick cock. I started to move his cock in and out of my mouth, taking in air through my nose every time just his cockhead was in my mouth, before going back to deepthroat him. I was (justifiably) proud of my blowjob skills, and I wanted to give Eddie the full benefit of them. It wasn’t long before he started matching the rhythm of my moving in and out, until he was just straight up face fucking me as he held his hands behind my head to keep me in place. I loved every second of it, and reached down to my own cock, to feel the enormous erection I was sporting, and feeling the constant stream of precum that was leaking from my slit. I started to slowly jerk myself as he face fucked me, until he abruptly pulled out. ”Fuck man, I’m going to cum if we keep this up, but I really want to fuck you properly” ”Let’s go to your room then, and do this properly,” I said, standing up, and playing with his nipples as I did so. I playfully grabbed the nipple with the piercing in it and started to lead him to his room. He had no choice but to follow me! When we reached his room, I turned around to face him, started kissing him and fell backwards onto his bed, bringing him with me, so that he fell on top of me. I drew my legs up to encircle him. ”I want you inside of me” I whispered into his ear. “I want you to fuck me, and I want you to cum inside of me. I’ve never been fucked raw, and I want to feel it. I want you to be the first” ”Joe, you know I’m poz though, don’t you?” ”Yeah, but you’re on meds, though, right? You can’t pass it on if you’re undetectable” ”You don’t understand, I’m on a medication break at the moment. The meds were interfering with my liver function a bit, so the doctor took me off them about two months ago, so I’m going to be toxic right now” This gave me pause for thought, but only for a second. ”I don’t care. If I poz, I poz, and I can’t think of a better person to gift it to me than you. All I know is that right now I need you to fuck me, and I need you to cum inside of me” ”You sure?” ”I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life” ”Then let’s do this properly” With that, Eddie went down on me, licking and probing my ass hole with his tongue. He got it wet, and gave me sensations I had never felt from someone eating my ass before. I could feel it puckering up in pleasure with each lick and slight nibble, and then he started pushing his tongue into my hole which sent me wild! ”Oh fuck! Don’t stop! That feels so good!” I screamed. He kept going, getting deeper and deeper with each probe of his tongue. I was in heaven! But suddenly he pulled out, leaving me feel empty. However, I wasn’t empty for long as he started to replace his tongue with his middle finger, gently getting further and further in. One finger became two, as he added his index finger, and two became three as his ring finger went into my hole. He worked his fingers in and out, before finally adding in his pinkie, to make sure that my hole was loose enough to take his thick cock. ”All you’re getting for lube is my spit and precum,” he said as he pulled his fingers out, spat on his cock, and slowly started to push his raw cock into my hole. ”Oh fuck, that feels so good! Give me your poz cock!” ”Yeah? You want my toxic seed filling you up?” He asked, as he slowly pushed further into me. ””Fuck yeah, fucking poz me up! Make me your poz whore!” ”Oh hell yeah!” He said as with one final push, he entered me all the way, and I could feel his cockhead pushing on my second ring. “I’m going to fill you with so much fucking poz seed it’s going to be leaking down your legs for a week!” Now he was all the way in, he started to draw back and pound me, fucking me with all abandon, so that my head was hitting up against the wall. It was like he turned into an animal, lost in the lust of the moment, and the pleasure of pozzing up a neg hole. Holding onto my legs, so they were up in the air, he fucked and pounded me, slapping me every now and then and other times reaching down to kiss me. The sheer animal fury of it took over me as well, as I kept begging for his toxic cum, telling him to poz me up and share his gift with me. This went on for half an hour, and i don’t know where we got the stamina for it, but it was the most passionate fuck of my life. But after half an hour, I could feel his strokes change, and he slowed down, as he growled “I hope you’re ready to become poz because you’re fucking getting my load man!” Then I felt his cock spasm inside of me as he unleashed torrent after torrent of poz cum into my gut. I could feel it warming up my inside, for spurt after spurt. This had to be the biggest load of cum ever! ”Fuck man, give it to me! Give me your poz load!” At the same time, I started my own orgasm, without touching myself. My ass clamped down on Eddie’s cock, milking him for all it was worth, while my dick spewed what was possibly the last neg load I would ever produce all over my chest and face. When he was done, Eddie collapsed on top of me, panting and lazily kissing me on the lips. He slowly pulled out of me, his cock still, incredibly, hard. I could feel some of his cum leak out of my abused hole and onto the bed spread, despite my trying to keep it in. Eddie offered his cock to me, and I noticed a slight pink tinge to the cum before I took it into my mouth to clean off. ”Fuck, that was incredible!” I said once I had licked off the last of the cum from his dick. ”I’m glad you enjoyed it, but we aren’t done yet” Eddie said with a smirk. “I need to make sure my gift takes hold...” And for the rest of the weekend we fucked like rabbits. I must have taken at least 10 loads from him that weekend, and we must have fucked on every surface in the apartment. After that, I never bothered sleeping in my room again, as Eddie and I started dating properly. And six weeks after that initial fuck, I came down with a pretty bad ‘flu. Looks like I got what I wanted...
    1 point
  26. Hey everyone, this is my first attempt at writing here... please let me know what you think and feel free to comment. I plan on updating as often as possible. -- PART 1: Enter the Bear’s Den Taking a deep drag off the large, black cigar in my mouth, I let out a deep moan as the large, hairy bear now presently deep in my formerly tight ass slammed home one last time before announcing to the room he was cumming deep in my hole. I rested my head back, nose-jetting the thick acrid cigar smoke that I had just filled my formerly pick healthy lungs with and proceeded to rub my cock. I winced a little as the fresh PA now piercing the head of my dick moved from my slow jacking, which caused me to clench my hole involuntarily, trapping the thick throbbing member in my hole, milking the bear of his cum. The other men in the room cheered with words like “Poz that neg hole…” and “Fill up that cum dump..” as I took my cigar from my mouth and ran it over the new tattoo inked across my stomach. “Cumdump…” I thought to myself, smiling and thinking of the freshly inked words still throbbing on my skin, “definitely fits who I am now.” My transformation into the inked and pierced slut before these men was something my former self, a young, non-smoker who had barely ever taken a cock, much less barebacked, would never have imagined that he could have become. — It was a nasty breakup. Walking in on your boyfriend of 3 years having sex with a woman was something that I would have imagined seeing. I had just gotten home from my clinical rotation at the nearby hospital as was required by our medical program. Long nights, low pay, and lots of stress- these were all things they warn you of when you get into med school, but it never really sinks in until you are up to your eyes in patients. Matthew, my former boyfriend, was my first and only boyfriend. We had met in the first week of college and hit things off instantly. He had straight black hair, warm brown eyes, built like a brick shit-house, and a British accent that could make you cream your pants. I myself was a polar opposite, blonde hair, blue eyes, shorter with a swimmer’s build. Even though we picked different career paths, he always said he supported me because he knew it would mean a great life for both of us. What’s better than a doctor and lawyer on the checkbook? Every night when I got stuck doing rounds because either it was the proverbial full moon in the ER or an attending called in sick. I suspected things were going on when he stopped wanting to have sex, even though I usually was too tired from work or school to mess around. Things got tenser, as every time we were together he was glued to his phone, always making the excuse that it was someone from work with a question from the nonprofit he worked for. I brushed it off, think it was just stress getting to me. On the fated night, I had gotten the night off since I had too many hours and figured I’d surprise him with dinner, a movie, and a bottle of lube. I walked in and heard grunting coming from the bedroom of the small apartment we shared. Thinking I’d sneak in and surprise him on his workout, I burst the room, and yelled: “Ravish me with your…” Looking down, I saw him, in bed, deep inside the ditzy girl from down the hall. I stood there, staring as he jumped, jaw gaping, surprised at my entry as she squealed in delight. Words left me as he blurted out a rushed “oh shit…” and proceeded to pull out of the vapid blonde. I stormed out of the bedroom and into the living room. He followed, reeking of sex and candy-scented perfume. “Babe… please…. I…” he started, his mild British accent trailing after me. Fuming, I looked at him before slowly growling out my reply through gritted teeth. “How long?” “I…. she…. it’s not what you think…” he stammered, trying to come up with a lie on the spot. “How. Long.” I replied, stepping towards him, punctuating each word with my finger in the center of his sculpted chest. “We…. only a few times….” he replied, looking down, knowing I was quickly getting to that dangerous quiet I got into before truly blowing up at someone. “A few times? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care if it was once. Get your shit and get out. I don’t care where you go, but you no longer live here.” I replied turning my back on him and looking out the windows. “Jake… hon….. you can’t do that… both our names are on the lease,” he replied, his cheeks flushed, reminding me of what was now obviously a stupid move I had made a year ago when we moved to the new apartment. “Fine,” I replied, “I’m going then. I’ll move my shit out when I get a new place. Have a great life asshole.” Grabbing my keys, I went into the bedroom, ignoring the dimwitted blonde slut on our bed, and began collecting things such as my clothes, a few pairs of scrubs, my phone charger, and a few toiletries. Stepping back into the bedroom, I looked down as the pink colored claws of the bimbo touched my arm, stopping me in the doorway. “Jake, honey, look…. I’m sor-“ she started, plastering the fake sad look on her face I’d seen countless people do when trying to apologize for something they aren't really that sorry for. “Bitch,” I growled out, “If you don’t move you hand in the next 5 seconds, I will move it for you. And I will make sure you require surgery.” She stepped away with a gasp, pulling her hand towards her chest, protecting it with the other like she had been physically hurt by my words. I grabbed my phone and proceeded out the door, taking the stairs next the elevator. Fuming, I climbed down the 12 flights of stairs and stepped out into the lobby, coming face to face with Matt for the second time, who had hastily thrown on a pair of jeans. “Sweetheart, please!” he said reaching for my hand and I walked through the lobby. “Let’s talk about this! We can work on this!” “Just like you worked on her pussy for fuck knows how long?!” I screamed out loud, catching the glances of several people in our building, including the sweet little old lady across the hall from us. “You’re making a scene,” Matt hissed, looking at me beseechingly. “And what do you call what I fucking walked in on?!” I screeched, throwing his hand that he had started to place on my shoulder, “What do you fucking call it when you walk on your formerly gay boyfriend shoving his cock up some balloon chest bitch, you asshole?!” Not wanting to hear his reply, I walked out the street, and pulled out my phone, ordering an Uber. — Looking down at my phone, I mostly ignored the admittedly hot Uber drive that had picked me up. I sent out a text to my friend Erika, asking if she would cover for me for a few days in the hospital, giving her a slightly abridged version of the night's events. After getting a solid yes and promising to go in greater details soon with her, I shut off my phone and looked up at my surroundings. “Excuse me…” I asked, getting the attention of the driver. “Yeah?” he replied, never letting his eyes off the road. “Where in the world are we?” I asked, looking around, not really recognizing the area. “Goin’ to where you told the app sir,” he replied with a bored sigh. Looking down at my phone, I realized I had somehow entered a gay bar named “The Bear’s Den” into the address that Matt and I had almost gone to meet friends at before we realized how seedy the place was, instead of the hotel I had picked earlier near work. “Shit… look I…” I started to reply, before realizing that I most definitely needed a drink, even if I never touched the stuff, “Actually, mind if we swing by a hotel first? Extra $20 in it for you.” “Make it $40 and I’ll wait for you at the hotel,” he said, pulling over on the side of the road and waited as I adjusted the address to a closer hotel. Pulling up, I noticed that the hotel wasn’t up to what I had grown accustomed to but definitely would do in a pinch. Then the attendant said that the only rooms they had left were smoking. Shit, I thought to myself. Not wanting to be a bigger delay for the driver, I quickly said fine, telling myself that it was only for a night. I quickly got my key, raced to the room, and threw everything in the closet before closing the door and making my way back to the car. Fifteen mins later, we were at the seedy bar and my Uber was driving away. I stepped into the bar and was immediately hit by a wave of thick cigar smoke, loud gay men chattering and what I could swear was the slight twinge of sex in the air. Looking around, I realized I definitely did not fit in dressed in a v-neck shirt and slightly too tight jeans, while the other men were wearing leather of some sort. Swallowing my pride, I stepped up the bar and ignored all the stares from the other guys. Turning to me, the bartender, a hot 30-something with brown hair, piercing green eyes, a perfect tan, and piercings in his ears and eyebrow looked me up and down before finally asking, “What will it be?” Thinking for a second, I finally blurted out a scotch, not wanting to look like a silly fag ordering something like a green apple martini. Nodding his head, he went to work making my drink before setting the glass and the bottle down in front of me and walking off. Suddenly, I was surprised by the guy who suddenly sat down next to me. 50's, shaved head, stormy gray eyes, tons of piercings including a septum ring, leather chaps, and vest, and definitely a muscle builder, he looked like something you would see in a leather daddy magazine. “Is this seat taken?” he asked in a deep booming bass voice, beer in one hand and an unlit cigar in the other. “Nah… go ahead,” I replied looking down at the already half empty glass in front of me. “Bad night?” he asked, turning towards me. “You don't want to hear it…” I started. “Trust me I do. Whatever it is has you looking like you really could use that drink,” he said, eyeing the glass in my hand as I set it down from taking another swig, “You don't want to talk, I get it. Just figured I’d see if you needed a person to bitch to. That, and you seem kinda out of place here. I’m Jackson.” I took a look around again and swore I felt like everyone was looking at me still. He held out his hand, and I shook it. Then, grabbing my glass again, I downed it and let him fill it back up. Letting out a sigh, I retold him the night’s events, my previous history with Matt, everything. As I finished the story, not realizing that I had now downed 4 glasses of scotch, I let out a small sniff. “Fuck…” I sniffled, “I don’t know… Should I forgive him? Work things out?” Grabbing his cigar, he started lighting it up and I found my self slightly mesmerized by the ritual. Looking up at me, he nodded at the cigar in his hand, “You mind if I light up? I need a smoke after hearing that.” I shook my head, muttering something like ‘what’s one more cigar in here’ and watched as he brought the stick to life, making a bright cherry as he inhaled deeply on it. Blowing it to the side, he looked at the cigar before putting back in his mouth. “If it were me,” he started, “ And I’m just spitballing here, I wouldn’t. He obviously fucked up a good thing, all for a piece of sloppy meat attached to a pair of tits. If he wanted to fuck around, he should have asked you first. Made it your choice.” “Yeah… it’s just… I don’t know what to do. He's all I know...” I replied running my finger around the edge of my glass, watching as he inhaled deeply on the dark stick in his mouth. Watching me watch him as he smoked, he reached into his front pocket and pulled out a second cigar, offering it to me. “Want one?” he asked, “Definitely one of the good ones. Not like those cheap gas station ones.” Starting at it, I drunkenly blurted out “I’ve never had one… I wouldn’t know what to do.” Pulling the cigar in his mouth out, he handed to me before putting the unlit one in his hand and grabbed the lighter on the bar, lighting it up expertly. “No worries guy,” he said, “Take my lit one.” Taking it into my hand, examined it. Looking at the thick smoke floating out of the end, the thick saliva coating the cut end. Sniffing it, I let out a slight ‘woah,’ noticing that it smelled completely different than the smoke. Finally building up my courage I stuck it in my mouth, and immediately breathed in the thick smoke. I knew, even drunkenly, this was a bad idea. I started hacking instantly, and he let out a chuckle. “Dude… I don’t think you’re quite ready for inhaling.” Stubbornly, I looked at him, alcohol slowly ebbing away at my logic before I took another, smaller inhale. Fighting another cough, I held it in before letting it out in the air. “Damn… I stand corrected,” he replied, shock written across his face as it slowly worked into a smile. Something that very few people know about me is that I can become really hard-headed when I drink. Normally I’m rather passive and tend to go with the flow, but with the alcohol, my messy break-up, and the guy laughing, I felt like I had something to prove. So, we continued smoking and drinking in silence, and to my dismay, my cock started getting hard. I tingled all over, and a started getting a bit of a headache. I went to grab another scotch when Jackson finally put his hand over the glass. “I think you’re done drinking there Buddy,” he said smiling and looking down at my bulge now obviously forming in my tight jeans, “No need to get whiskey dick.” Looking down at his pant, I noticed a monster slowing growing in his pants too. I let out a soft ‘holy fuck’ as I saw what easily looked like 10 inches growing in his tight leather pants. Matt had a nice sized 6” uncut cock, but we’d never fucked much since it always hurt a bit going in. We had always just sucked each other off. But for some reason, in my drink-addled mind, I almost wanted to ride this monster. Suddenly, Jackson was kissing the side of my neck, and whispered: “why don’t we go back to your place?” END OF PART 1
    1 point
  27. I have turn on, on being bred, especially against my wishes. Let's say you're at a party or a club and you come across this hungry bottom. He's naked, blindfolded and on all fours. he asks everyone to fuck him. If he hands you a condom, or asks you to use one, would you? Would you go along and do it, or would you lie and never put it on or perhaps remove it mid-fuck? Can't seem to make a poll here, but I would love to hear your opinions. My dream is to go to a place with lot's of guys and get them to fuck me. I want to be a "good and safe boy" and ask for safe sex. But I really want to get bred. Guys breeding me secretly is a huge turn on. Feeling that condom snap or they pulling it off... I don't know why, but it gives me a feeling of domination. Hear them lie and say "sure, i'll use a condom". Then feel the condom break, being removed or not used at all. What would you do?
    1 point
  28. First time trying chem sex I went over to the house of a couple that I knew used tina regularly. We had played a few times before, but I had never tried their “stuff”. They are both older than me, but not by too much. The bottom of the couple was the oldest, and had a decent body, looked like he used to work out. He loved to tweak out, turned him on that his dick shrunk on it too. The top was closer to my age, black guy with a belly. His cock was not the biggest, but he knew how to use it. He was so turned on by my bubble butt the first time I came over, he wanted to fuck it all night. I liked sucking both their cocks even if the bottom of the couple couldn’t get hard because of crystal dick. Finally after knowing them for several months and deciding I wanted to try something more than just vanilla play, especially while they got high. I messaged them and asked if they would like to have another hot night together. I told them I wanted to try their stuff this time. They agreed, even though they didn’t have a lot of supplies. I came over with some of my gear. The bottom and I put on some spandex gear to take some pics in together, just a little fun. Then they let me try some of their party supplies, and we used some poppers that I brought. It took me several tries to get it right, I’d never smoked much before. But they were patient and taught me how to take good hits off their pipe. I sucked both of their cocks eagerly, and then got on the bed and the top fucked me good while I sucked the bottoms cock and he huffed my poppers and occasionally giving me a huff too. In between fuck sessions the bottom would go in another room to jack off his “micro” dick. Sometimes I stayed with the top and continued getting fucked in various positions. Other times I’d follow the bottom into the other room and suck his cock while recording it on my phone. They let me take as many hits off their pipe as I wanted. Before I knew it I was begging to have more from their pipe and their cocks. Eventually I was so high on tina and poppers I was laying on the bed, barely able to move, hoping they would use my hole. The top always accommodated and fucked me hard. It was so hot. Eventually we ran out of supplies. We tried to find someone that could sell us some, but all their suppliers were not around or out of stuff. We played a little more, but finally decided to call it a night. I got home so late, feeling very used, but in a good slutty way. I lost contact with those guys, but so wish I could meet up with them again. ===== Wanted to add that while on their parTy supplies my dick shrunk smaller than when it's normally soft. I don't know why but it turned me on so much. It was like a chemical chastity device. I could play with it all I liked but the best I could hope for was semi hard, not even half as hard as I usually am. It made me such a slutty bottom. I actually was the one that started calling it a micro dick. Made the bottom guy laugh some when I came up with that. Mine crystal dick was even smaller than his. I'm not huge under normal situations, but a good 6 inches when hard. Wish I could parTy with a group. If it had the same affect on me, shrinking my dick and revving up my slutty submissive side to a 100 I wouldn't be able to have enough dick in me. I don't know how to make that dream happen, but if anyone has suggestions just let me know.
    1 point
  29. Making My New Son * * * * * I dreamed this last night and had to get it down. I thought it was so hot, I actual shot a load in bed. I am still working on the final part of War Brothers, but wanted to get this done before I forgot it. * * * * * "Come on guys grab the fucker and hold him down. He's a strong fucker." I bellow out as the man I have selected to become my new son struggles to get free. My selections name is Aaron Blackman and he is the quarterback at the local high school. Since I am the assistant football coach at the school it was easy to stalk him. I have admired him not only on the field, but in the locker-room. He has a magnificent body and a cock and set of balls that would make a bull blush. I knew I had to have him the first time I saw his low hanging nuts swinging between his naked hairy legs. I knew what I wanted, but it wasn't easy finding it that is why when I saw Aaron I knew he was the one… well actually my cock knew before I did, but still. While Aaron may have been a young physical master piece with gorgeous blue eyes, he was academically dumb as a stump which was ok since I wasn't interested in his mind. Any way I knew this buck wasn't going to go down without a fight. Even with the four of us he was almost more than we could handle. But, finally we got the cuffs on his wrists and the ties around his ankles. We took a rest and enjoyed watching my beautiful new son struggle and try to break free. I considered drugging him, putting him out. But that wouldn't provide the experience that I wanted and I wanted him to have. Instead he would be drugged with Tina to help bring out his inner whore. That is the nice thing about Tina. Every man has an inner whore even when he keeps it under lock and key, but Tina can find it and help bring it out. Even this stud. After resting for a bit, we picked him up and carried him inside. Now we know he was going to scream, but as we were out in the middle of nowhere we are not concerned about him attracting attention, but it looked like it might rain and we didn't want him getting wet - at least not by rain. Once inside we placed him on a large rubber mat on the floor, unhooked his wrists and stretched them out to his left and right, re-attaching this wrists to loops in the concrete floor. Of course he tried to free himself, but with the four of us there to control him, and his legs still bound, we were more than a match for him. Once we had his arms secured we did the same with his feet, securing each one to a steel ring embedded in the floor. He was now spread out wide and certainly not going any where. Naturally he was also screaming, calling us names and threatening to kill us when he got free, but, that is to be expected and soon his tune would soon change. Then we cut his clothing off of him. Part of me was sorry we had to do this, as his clothing was very high end and quite nice, but it was part of his training. As we cut off each article of his clothing we showed it to him, and tossed it in a drum in which a fire was burning. "Why the fuck did you do that, those clothes were brand new and cost $400. You fuckers." Aaron screamed. "Oh, look guys. This stupid whore, who is about to be raped and turned in to our pet whore, is worried about his fucking clothes! Stupid fucker" I laughed loudly. The other guys joined in laughing. It took Aaron a minute for his brain to register what I had just said. His eyes grew wide and then he began to thrash about, trying to get away. "No - please don't rape me. Please I'm straight. I like girls. Please don't. I am so sorry. Come on guys I want to have kids, a family!" Aaron pleaded. "Oh, baby I've been looking for a stud like you for ages. You're going to become my son. You will love me. You will love your brothers, also. You will encourage us to use your body. You will take our cocks, cum, piss - and you will beg for it. You will be an obedient boy, and in return you will want for nothing" I said as we began to strip off our clothing. "NOOOOOO!!!!" Aaron screamed, but he also began to look over our bodies, one guy after the next. "What… What… are those scars?" Aaron asked in a shaky, but still angry voice. "Oh, you see all of these are my boys and all of them have been where you are now. They all started hot straight studs. Those scars are a sign of my personal adoption process. Well, that and…" I trailed off. "My god, that's unreal," Aaron said. "Aaron I want to be honest with you son" I started to say. "I am not your fucking son you sick faggot pervert and you are not my dad… fucker!" Aaron screamed. "As I was saying, you will not leave this place as you are. When you leave here you will be my son, I will be your new father, and these boys your new brothers. All of my boys here were once pussy-fucking straight boys, but, now they are full fledged homos. You will not leave here neg, either" I said. "You were all straight?" Aaron asked in disbelief. "Yep" my sons replied in unison. "Wait. Neg? What do you mean by neg?" Aaron asked. "You will not only be trained to love cock, cum, and piss, you will learn to love the feel of the male body as well as all of its flavors and treasures. Each of us is going to give you our baby or AIDS baby. As part of your adoption process to become a member of our family, you will be given HIV from each of us. You will from then on carry a part of us inside of you for however long you live. To put it another way, we are going to impregnate you with our AIDS babies" I explained. Aaron resumed screaming and thrashing, but to no end. It was pointless. He couldn't free himself - unless, of course, he chewed off his arms and legs. I pulled a small bag out of my pants' pocket. In the bag were several shards of crystal meth. I picked a nice large one, closed-up the bag and tucked it back in my pants' pocket. Walking between Aarons' legs and kneeling down, I looked him in the eyes. Seeing the panic in those eyes, I reached down and pressed the shard of crystal meth up into his asshole. I could feel him tighten his hole, hoping to keep me out, but I just pressed harder, until finally the pain caused him to flinch and in the meth popped. I made sure to push it in as deeply as I could, then stood-up, and smiled down at him. "Let's give him ten minutes and then we can start the party" I said to my sons. "What… What was that?" Aaron asked, his young, firm studly, body shaking. "That was hard drugs, baby. Tina. A booty bump. Crystal meth. It's going to help free your inner cock whore. It's will help you sail in to the wonderful world of faggot AIDS whore. It will help you become my son." I said, still smiling. I could see Aaron working his ass muscles, trying to push it out, but it was in too deep, and because of its crystalline texture wasn't moving. Finally he gave-up and started to sob. We stood around, stroking our cocks and saying dirty, nasty things about the boy on the floor. Out of curiosity I reached down, picked-up his wallet and looked in side. There were fifty dollars, and condom which naturally I threw in the fire drum. "You won't be needing that any more" I said. His wallet also contained his drivers' license, school ID card, a picture of (I suppose to be) his parents and two younger brothers. I put everything but his driver's license back in to his wallet. Well, that and the condom which, I'm sure, was completely consumed by this time. I looked at his driver's license and noticed he turned 18 three days ago. I put the wallet down so that when everything is done I could return it to him. We are here to rape him. To turn in to a faggot. To make him my son and give him our AIDS babies - not rob him. I could see that he was growing more hyper. His eyes were darting around, his breathing quicker. I reached down and felt his chest: it was defiantly hot. I knew the Tina was working. Taking hold of his beautiful cock, I gave it a couple of strokes. His body tensed-up and he groaned. "No, no, no. Don't, don't, don’t" He babbled. "Ok, we can begin. Mark and John - bring in the boys." I said to two of my sons. They in turn headed out the back door, returning holding the nine Doberman pinschers on leashes. A Aaron stared at the dogs. Kneeling by his head I said "Don't worry. This will almost certainly hurt like fuck at first, but then you will feel pleasure like you never thought possible, certainly much more pleasure than any woman's cunt could afford. Oh, and don't worry. The dogs may hurt you, but they have been well trained and will only go so far. Go ahead. Panic and scream, if you like. But, when you feel that pleasure of which I've told you, I want you to sing out with joy. Sing for me, son" I said and then stood-up, everyone moving away from Aaron. "Boys, TEAR!" I said. Mark and John released the leashes. The dogs rushed to Aaron and started nipping his body all over, his neck, head, face, groin and ass crack excepted. We stood by and watched, as Aaron screamed out in pain, the dogs nipping and pulling on his skin, causing small bloody wounds all over his body. I moved in between Aaron's legs and released them, positioned them on my shoulders, aligned my hard cock with his hole and slammed into him. He screamed even a bit louder as I raped his virginal hole, and the dogs worried his body. The wounds the dogs were causing were not deep. They would leave scars just as they did for my other boys. They would bleed and hurt a bit, at least until Aaron was utterly distracted my cock and the Tina booty bump. I slammed in and out of Aaron's hole. I could feel it tear and bleed. As I continued to rape my new boy, my older sons formed a circle around Aaron and begin to jack their cocks. After about 15 minutes, per their training, the dogs moved away from Aaron and lay down. I looked over and saw their dog cocks were rigid: they always got horny tearing into my new sons. Guess the dogs got off on the scene as much as my sons and I did. One by one my boys blew their loads, spraying their AIDS come on to Aaron's body, covering the bloody wounds with their poison seed. Once each had shot his load onto Aaron, they all knelt down and started to rub the cum into his wounds. Aaron was shaking hard: his mouth was moving but nothing was coming out. His cock was rock hard and dripping precum. The pain was apparently turning to pleasure, particularly when my cock hit his prostate. Of course the Tina continued to course through his body. My boy's 'inner faggot whore' was coming out. Soon he would loose control and truly become my son; a new member of the family born complete with a new crop of HIV to further the mission. I picked up my pace and really started slamming into his guts. He began to babble quite vocally: the Tina was in full effect and to make sure that Aaron was flying high John placed a bottle of poppers under Aaron's nostril. Inhaling the fumes, Aaron moaned out loudly and deeply, his muscled stud body beginning to shake and tremble. "F…F…Fu…FUCK ME! FUCK ME! OH GOD PLEASE FUCK ME!" Aaron wailed. I smiled down at my boy, my son and admiring his wounds, the blood and cum coating his young firm body. I could feel my nuts boiling, and knew I would soon shoot into his guts. Sure enough, a few deep hard thrusts later I blew, sending my poz cum deep in to his ass. I pulled out and stood, admiring my blood-shit-mucus coated cock. John stepped in behind me and slammed into Aaron's hole. "Oh, fuck bro, your hole is some beautiful, so warm, so wet, so perfect" John whispered to his new brother. Soon John shuddered and pumped another load of poz cum into Aaron. "Oh, fuck me fuck me bro. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me" Aaron begged over and over as he lost control. His mind on fire, the pain turning to pleasure, the cock in his ass the source of bliss, not pain. His mind broke and crumbled as Aaron's inner whore was set free and took control over the hot jock. I watched with great pleasure as Aaron's body went rigid, his cock swelling ever harder, spurting forth cum like a lawn sprinkler. "Oh, god whore me, whore my faggot ass, whore me, whore me, whore me. Give me your AIDS babies; please give me your cum!" Aaron bellowed as his nuts unloaded a second and then a third time. Over the next five minutes Aaron had four orgasms. By the time he came down off the last orgasm he was utterly incoherent. Over the next two days we gang fucked Aaron. We kept his wounds bleeding and we kept coating his body with our poz cum. We knew he would almost certainly convert. We knew our new family member would soon be one of us, would soon be carrying our AIDS babies inside of his body for the rest of his life, combining with his own DNA to make a new strain of baby, one that he would one day pass onto a new brother, a new family member. To his credit, Aaron begged for our cocks and cum the entire time. Of course we kept him drugged on Tina and poppers to keep his mind broken and in faggot whore mode. By the time the two days were over, Aaron's body was covered in a thick layer of AIDS Cum and blood. We left him to clean ourselves. When we came back he was sound asleep. We have watched and knew that during those two days Aaron had cum over four dozen times, his own nuts long ago drained half, so most of his orgasms were dry and intense, his nuts trying so hard to shoot something - anything, no no avail. Now we would just have to wait and see if he had become the faggot whore we wanted or if he would need another session - in a week or so. We waited, lovingly looking after him, our brother and son. As soon as he was strong enough I offered him my cock. He looked at it, looked at me. Our eyes locked as he opened his mouth, sucking me down his throat. He worked my cock and I could tell he was desperate for my seed. I quickly gave it too him. He greedily swallows it. As he cleaned my cock I made an offer to him: "Aaron honey, are you up for some cock in your pussy? Some of the boys haven't had a chance to get off inside of you yet. They were here for your adoption, but didn't get a chance to breed you. Can you take care of them for me? There are nine of them." He looked at me, lust in his eyes. "You want me to do the dogs don't you? Please tell me you want me to do the dogs" Aaron pleaded. "Sure, baby. I want you to take care of the dogs. All nine of them. After all, they helped make you a whore and now they want to feed you their doggy sperm. Want it?" I asked. "Oh, god yes. I want cock Dad. Lots of cock." I brought the dogs in on leashes, locked the doors to the room, and released Aaron from the floor. Instead of trying to make a run for it, he crawled over to the group of dogs, presenting his pussy to them. One by one they mounted him and bred him. As the first dog's knot swelled, sealing his cunt Aaron shuddered, spewing a load of clear juice onto the floor under himself. By the time the ninth dog was done Aaron's hole had dog sperm shooting out of it like a waterfall in Yosemite, with a large puddle of clear juice under his body, a puddle the dogs had induced him to shoot. I decided then that it was time for the ultimate test. I unlocked the doors, throwing a pile of clothing at Aaron. He dressed and walked over to the exit. "Why don't you want me any more? Did I do something wrong?" Aaron asked looking at the door and then back at me. "No baby, you did nothing wrong. I want you forever. You’re my son. A member of my family now and forever, but, now you have to choose. Do you stay or go. The choice is yours" I said. Aaron opened the door and walked out. I waited, but he didn't come back. Looking out the door I could see him running down the road. I sat down and waited for the cops. Three hours later I hear a car coming up the road. I went outside to see Aaron pulling up in his car. He got out, he retrieved a suite case from the trunk. "I told my parents I was moving out. I… couldn't tell them it was because I was going to be a faggot whore. I told them I had joined the army. In a few months I want you to send a letter telling them I was killed. You are my father now, they are my brothers" Aaron said, pointing to my other boys standing in the doorway of barn. "That is, if you still want me" Aaron asked, his voice trailing off. I walked over to him, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with love and passion. Aaron was with us for about three months when he got very sick. He wss weak, throwing up, muscle aches and a high fever. He asked me to take him to the doctor, but I knew what the malady was, as did his brothers. I sat down on the bed next to him, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a damp towel. "There is no need for you to see a doctor, son. What this means is that our AIDS baby is growing inside of your body. You adoption is complete; you are one of us in body, mind and soul. You have the fuck flu, which is the sign your body has been infected with with HIV. Now your body will start combining our babies with your DNA making a new strain of babies. That strain you will one day pass onto a new brother, but, for now just rest. We will take care of you" I said as I kissed my pregnant son on the forehead. Tears of joy swelled-up in Aaron's eyes. He whispered into my ear that he needed cock; I smiled at him, pulled the covers from his sweat-soaked, aching body. His brothers and I made love to his sick, weak, aching body. Aaron moaned out in bliss, groaning in his weakness and sickness, but he still managed to hump and pump, bringing us off inside of his feverish body. We made love to him every night from then on. Aaron turned out to be a very talented whore. He not only likes male, he lives it, craves it and is always willing to pleasure it, human or animal. On his first anniversary of becoming my son, we wrote a letter to his parents. At first Aaron assumed we would tell his family he had been killed in combat. He was surprised when we told them the truth, that he had become a faggot whore, and was infected with HIV. How much he loved cock and even having sex with animals. How he knows his choice was right and how liberating. That he was finally free to be the male God made him to be, and how enjoyable sex is without condoms or worrying about AIDS. The letter continues, explaining about his pregnancy and how he has given them their first grandchild. It explained to them how the whole male-to-male HIV-to-HIV pregnancy thing comes about, and how he enjoyed being pregnant. He smiled at me, knowing the tone of the letter was correct. He signed it, and selected a few photographs of his sexual sexual activities to include in the envelope. He chose one depicting his body covered with bloody cum covered sores from his adoption. One where he was on his hands and knees, a a large Doberman pinscher hung up in his cunt. Another showing what I knew to be dog cum running from his stretched-out, gaping pussy. Another showed him him sucking off his brothers and finally one of him drinking piss sprayed fresh from his own cock as he lay on his back, glistening in golden showers. A wicked smile crossed his face as he chose the last picture. He wouldn't let me see it, but wrote on it with a black marker, and then handed it to me with a smile. I take the photo from him and look at it, then at him and then smile and lean over and kiss him. It is a photograph of a load of his cum that we taken a few days before. Written in one corner was the inscription "Your AIDS grandchild, one year old. With love, your grandson."
    1 point
  30. Fucked our IT guy on his desk in the office one day at lunch. Had run into him the weekend before at the Eagle in full leather gear. He took me home, cuffed me to his bed and...jumped on my dick and rode it all night. Another day at lunch I had him come to my office, get under my desk and suck my cock while I was on a conference call. Then fucked and bred his hole before sending him back to his own office to play with himself all afternoon.
    1 point
  31. Ripe sweaty musky asshole? HELL YES! Shitty asshole? Not my thing.
    1 point
  32. my record for drinking cum is 26 loads. the record for my ass is 3 times that
    1 point
  33. MykBruce, Try to sync your next trip to GI Joe with Cumunion (once per month). That'll bring out more barebackers. I had a LOT of fun when I was there at GI Joe for Cumunion. I loved the basement - sling and gloryhole area. Bb sex during Cumunion happened not only in the basement but on other floors, even in public. HOT! Guys are very horny and frisky. French Canadians love bb sex PERIOD. If I'm in town there in future, I'd go back there in a heartbeat! OINK!
    1 point
  34. Married 21 years. Bf for ten years. All good - except that Christmas lunch, table for three shortly after I’d told her and started going out with him was maybe a bit over ambitious.
    1 point
  35. Same here. Actually I am more sexually active than I was 10 years ago. However, I am realistic, The older you get the more difficult it will get to hook up with new guys. Certainly as a bottom. So I try to establish a reliable "stable" of fuckbuddies. I hope they will be around for a long time. Your age may prevent you from getting new "dates" on online gay sites but I am lucky my regulars sometimes introduce me to new guys who then turn into regulars as well. I am really surprised by the number of younger guys who want to fuck an older daddy. As for the comment by @PozTemptation: I get what you are saying but I don't think/hope the thrill will go away. At least I hope not! But I do realize it will end some time, far into the future (I hope). Maybe when the times comes I have to bend over my walker to get fucked it's time to pull the plug. LOL.
    1 point
  36. If someone is really that concerned they should play safe only and not be afraid to ask questions. I was that guy not to long ago and had no problem asking status and then proceeded at my comfort level. Those 2 hook-ups of yours aren't being honest with themselves.
    1 point
  37. It was past midnight as Jake had pulled us into a ghost town outside of Atlanta called, "Apalachee". No one had been there since the 1950's. He said he liked the spot for just that reason. There was an abandoned ranch style one floor hotel where he liked to park. We got there and another 18 wheeler was there ahead of us. Jake opened my door for me like a gentleman, and I took his hand as I got out - naked as the day I was born mind you - and stayed close to him. It wasn't just out of affection, it was also because I was having trouble walking in my present condition. The virus hit me hard, which is of course what I wanted. Jake pointed to a hotel room door, #6, and told me to go shower. I was hoping he'd say that because it had been a while and I needed one to clean up - and if I'm being honest, I wanted to feel the warm water against my body. I saw the man I presumed to be Tony only briefly then and I can best describe him as a Coke machine wearing denim. He stood well over 6 feet and tipped the scales at 300 pounds or so, most of that being solid muscle. Blonde hair in a brush cut, deep blue eyes, clean shaven, a few faded tattoos on his forearms - so old they were hard to read. He looked to be in his early 40's. It was easy to see the scars from years of trucking on his arms and hands. This was a blue collar working man, the kind of man most women like, including me. Girls like to feel protected. About half an hour later, I emerged from the hotel room and Jake was gone - I presume headed to Atlanta to be with his family. I walked until I stood in front of Tony. While I was naked, he wore faded denim jeans with matching sleeveless shirt. He wasted no time in placing an actual dog collar round my neck. It was pink and really thin but did have a tag that said, 'Bitch #29" on it. He then attached a matching leash and looked down at me. "Am I going to have any trouble with you, bitch?" He asked in a booming voice. I shook my head. "No, I didn't give any to Jake. I may be a whore, but I'm an obedient whore." I said coughing into my arm. He nodded and led me to his 18 wheeler. As I got closer I saw he was trucking a national beer brand. "You haul beer? Really?" I asked slightly amused. He answered without turning around. "Yeah. What of it, bitch?" I shrugged. "Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if we're going to be joined by a Pontiac Trans am and get chased by a cop from Texas. Should I wear a wedding dress?" And that's when I learned my collar was a shock collar. While I was on my hands and knees he walked over and stood over me. "Jake said you were a smart ass, bitch. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't." He tugged on my leash and I stood up, following him. He led me to my side of the rig, and opened the door, offering his hand to help me into my seat. He came around the other side and he clipped the other end of my leash to an eye hook in the ceiling. He started up the rig and started to drive. "Jake tells me you're HIV+ and he gave it to you." He said calmly as he took us out of the parking lot and headed west. I nodded and leaned back in my seat, looking out the window. "Yes. He blood slammed me and loaded me up with cum well over 3 dozen times in the last few days. That's what the shower was about, I'm certain I was getting kinda gnarly." He smiled. "Yeah, he told me the whole story bitch. Jake and I have different strains and I'm going to give you mine as well. Do you know what that means?" I shook my head as I reached for a bottle of soda under the seat. "It means you're about to have two different strains in you and they call that, "recombinant' and it means your body is going to have a harder time." I smiled a devilish grin, and without a moment's hesitation, I reached over and unzipped his fly to pull his cock from his pants. starting to massage him. "Really? Do tell." He shot me a puzzled look and got his eyes back on the road. "You don't waste any time, do you bitch?" I shook my head. "Why would I? I'm a whore. Fucking HIV positive men is what I DO, Tony." As he grew in my hand he continued. "The new strain is more aggressive, an harder to stop. It causes AIDS faster. It will shorten your life span by about half." He said as he started to have trouble breathing or concentrating on the road. It was almost like I was distracting him. I maintained a tight grip on his cock, stroking fully but adding a slow half twist as I went from top to bottom. Tony changed subjects. "Jake told me to think of you as a woman, you just have a penis. If that's what you are, why not present as female?" He asked tightening his grip on his steering wheel. "Because it's just easier. This way there's no fighting over which bathroom I should use or how I should dress. Besides, there's really no need to - anyone that sees me knows instantly what I am. I'm a fucking bitch, I'm a bottom and I'm into men." Now that I had him rock hard, it was time to go deeper so I crawled over to his side and mounted him while facing him. I slid him slowly into me. He was thicker than Jake, but a little shorter. I inhaled a deep breath as I moaned. I came all the way down until I looked him in the eyes, albeit wincing a little. "You're thick, Tony...I'm not sure I can handle all of you." He took his left hand off the wheel, put it on my right shoulder and pushed down. "You're going to take me cunt, whether you think you can or not. My cock is hungry for bitch hole." I nodded as I slowly reared up, taking him almost all the way out....just to the base of his head before slowly twisting my way down to his base. "I'm.....I'm not sure I can, Tony. FUCK you're thick!" I said as my own cock started to grow. He put his face as much into my neck as he could while keeping his eyes on the road. "You don't have a choice, cunt! You're nothing to us. We're using you." I put my mouth next to his ear and whispered. "I'll tell you a secret - I'm also using you." I kept the strokes in and out of me full because I wanted to feel every inch of him....feel his skin sliding back and forth inside of me...feel his muscle flexing...feel him throbbing. I kissed the nape of his neck and start to suck on it. Softly but wet and sensual. "I can feel you wanting me, Tony...you like my nice, wet, tight hole....like that it needs you. Like that it hungers for your cock more than it did for Jake. Like that it needs your seed in a way that no other bitch ever has. He began to wring the steering wheel, almost twisting it from it's shaft. He tried to say something but all he could do was grunt. I like that about men. I knew he was close so I quickened my pace and took him the rest of the way home. "You and your organization Tony, you're nothing to me either. I'm using you - all of you - to get what *I* want. This is the life I've dreamed of so I'm going to ride your cock, I'm going to keep your balls drained as I did for Jake, and I'm going to do it until you pass me onto the next poz trucker stud!" I didn't have to pump him in and out of me a single more time. He let go of the steering wheel entirely, underhooking my shoulders with both his massive arms, and pulling down hard. It had been a while since Tony had his balls drained like that - they were nice and full. I pulled my head back to look him in his deep, dreamy blue eyes and said, "Tell me what I am, Tony." His whole body convulsed as the rig began to fishtail down the road. "You're.......a............fucking.............WHORE!" He screamed as he continued to empty his seed into me. I sucked on his ear lobe and whispered. "I want all of it, Tony....all of your seed. Give it to me. I'm begging you." His legs locked, his tree trunk arms flexed and he screamed once more as he gave me the last few drops he had. I waited until he was flaccid before pulling him out of me. I sat in my seat quietly, closing my legs as tightly as I could to keep in his toxic cum. I didn't want any to leak out. I also reached over and zipped his cock back into its pants. He looked back at me, completely exhausted. That's the thing about being the receiver of a fucking....your partner feels exhausted while you feel refreshed and recharged. It's almost like you're taking his energy and making it your own. It's why I was ready to go again and he needed a break. "I've....I've never cum that fast, bitch. Seriously,I've never had a man ride me like that! Holy shit!" He said sounding both amazed and pleased. I leaned back in my seat and resumed drinking my soda. "I'm a fucking whore, Tony. This is what I do."
    1 point
  38. I have tats front and back, that I got before “U=U”. It is still best to disclose. This guy was in the wrong but obviously has a screw loose. If you are in the USA and live in a “shall issue” State, get a concealed carry permit, some good training and whatever is left spend on a gun. Nothing wrong with a $200 HiPoint or, my preference, a used revolver. That’s better than a $1500 Kimber and no training. Watch your six, never drop below “code yellow”, keep it close at home. Chances are this knothead will move onto his next crisis soon and forget about you but play it safe.
    1 point
  39. love hairy men!!??????
    1 point
  40. The following is my absolutely true experience on Saturday into Sunday, 1/26 - 27. Posted here to honor the mod's request not to post chem stories in the last load directory. I took the plunge(r) this weekend. I was on Jack'd doing my regular weekend cock cruise when i came across the profile of a dude I'd chatted with a few years ago on BBRTS. He's a parTy guy, which I already knew...and also knew what I was potentially setting myself up for. I started telling him about how I love the stories here, especially the chem sex ones; but more specifically the stories of guys "stealthed" with T and that I had fantasized often about it happening to me. I had explained this fantasy scenario to a couple guys in the past, but either they didn't take the hint or I got up to the point of doing it, then backed out. But I had taken a Molly earlier in the day (recently started experimenting with that), which probably helped lower my (already low) inhibitions. We eventually agreed to meet. I drove to his motel room a couple miles away and we started fooling around, which eventually ended up with me ass up on the edge of the bed fucking. He nutted, pulled out and said stay right there, don't move. I knew what was coming. I wanted to panic and leave, but i also wanted to stay and see it out. Staying won out. Soon after, I felt something pushed into my hole and liquid filling my insides. The bump started taking hold a few minutes later as he worked a good sized vibrator in and out of my hole. A rush of warmth, followed by euphoria and a craving to be fucked. It wasn't a strong feeling, just kinda took the edge off my inhibitions. He slid back into me and pounded another load into my cunt. We laid on the bed talking a little bit. I started to question my choice and panic a little, but he talked me down from the edge. I eventually asked him directly to give me another bump. This time, the high hit. I needed dick and I needed it N.O.W. He slid back into me and popped off a third load. I knew that wasn't enough. Right then, my Kik alert sounded. It was this young kid from BBRTS who had fucked me a time or two over the last month. He said "I have a fever, but I'm really horny. Can I still come fuck you?" I told him sure, I just needed to get back to my place. I thanked my host and left, in a hurry to get another load into me. I get home and he arrives not long after. Slides in and starts pounding away at my cunt. He's got a cold, but he's still giving it his all. Eventually dropping a good sized load. He leaves. I need more. I hop onto the sex sites, cruising for more dick. Scrolling through Grindr, I notice my favorite fuck buddy is on. Jackpot. Let me tell you about this guy: he's black, about 6-feet tall, built like a god, and blessed with at least 9" of thick, uncut cock. He's been very patient working my pussy these last few months to loosen it up and accommodate his fuckstick. Thanks to my other big dick regulars & him, I'm at the point I can take most dick balls deep on the first thrust. I hit him up on Kik, because it's often faster than Grindr. I practically begged him to fuck me, telling him I was partied up and already loaded. I offered to drive to his place across town or give him $10 for gas (an arrangement we had previously discussed). He preferred to travel. When I take dick, I pull my mattress into the living room and lock my pets in the bedroom. He wanted to stand and fuck me. I told him I'd be ass up on the chaise lounge. About 15 minutes later, I'm poppered up & in position when I hear the door open. He undress and approaches me. He nudges my hole with his cockhead before shoving it in. FUCK....it hurts and I involuntarily lurch forward. He stays with me, still pushing steadily, and pulls me back toward him. He remembers my request from last time, "don't let me pull off." Soon enough, he's balls deep & I'm in heaven. The next 15 minutes are whirl of him long dicking me, shoving deep to rearrange my guts, and me forcefully impaling myself back on his magnificent cock. It's an amazing feeling. He has this technique of shoving deep, then swinging his hips from side to side to make sure my entire cunt feels his wrath and loosens up even more. One last forceful shove balls deep and he moans, just loud enough for me to hear, while he unloads his nutt. He pulls out suddenly and takes a step back. I flip around to clean off his still hard dick, licking under the foreskin. He shudders slightly. "You got another load in there for me?" I ask. He doesn't say anything, but i know he does. I go down on him again, taking it as far into my throat as i can. His cock is just slightly less than rock hard and I manage to take it all in. I work my throat muscles until I start to gag, then come up for air. I try again, but it's like steel now and i can't get it to bend into my throat the right way. He pulls away. I know what he wants. I flip around and present my pussy to him again. He lets me take a couple hits off my poppers before going in, balls deep, in one hard thrust. I moan. Back in heaven. This time around he's dead set on making sure every inch of my cunt is stabbed, forcefully, and often. Sometimes it hurts, as he re-explores a direction to dig deeper. But the pain only reinforces my craving for more of his cock. I growl and slam back on him in time with his rhythm. I need his dick to tear me up; to show me who's in charge; to prove that he, by birthright of his skin tone, is my superior in every way. He shoves all the way in while forcing my ass lower with his arm. Bam. Oh my god, he's never gotten this deep and it hurts. He knows he's found the spot. He keeps jabbing away at the spot like a jackhammer, never retreating more than an inch before attacking it again. Oh (jab) my (jab) god (jab). He's relentless and all i can do is take it, all i want to do is take it. Now, tomorrow, and forever. One last buck and my body realizes it better open up and let him in. He slides part way out and gives one final forceful thrust and gets through. A soft moan is the only indication that he's breeding me for the second time in 30 minutes. Without warning he pulls out, leaving me empty and recovering from a mix of pleasure and pain. I flip around and attack his dick with my mouth. It's sensitive, and he pulls away slightly; but I'm determined to make sure every drop of him is in my body. His nutt tastes slightly salty-sweet as i lick around the tip as his cum oozes out from under the foreskin. He dresses quietly and leaves. Not even a thank you, not that i expected one. He knows that i know inferior whores don't deserve a thank you. I take a moment to recover, put my sweat pants back on, and start the hunt again. But it's 4am and no one responds to my overtures. I'm high AF, though, wide awake and craving dick. The hunt continues. -end-
    1 point
  41. Well, there have been instances where I've been at a bathhouse or sex party and been fucked by nine to ten guys in one visit, but the most memorable gang bang I've experienced was some six years ago, the first time I agreed to be an anon cum dump for a voyeur. The voyeur in question was a cute Russian guy in Brooklyn, New York, in whose apartment I was staying at via Airbnb. He realised that I was predominantly a shy guy and took time to open up, so he suggested that I let him arrange a gang bang with the choicest of his horny top friends who he would invite over on a Saturday evening, letting me know I wouldn't have to be a part of any awkward introductory conversations or chit chat. All I had to do was to clean up, take a shower, blindfold myself and be on all fours inside the bedroom. As I don't drink nor smoke he suggested I sniff on poppers, suggesting they would help me relax. I took a whiff one night before the gangbang and felt a warm rush taking me over for a few minutes which I quite enjoyed. So ... the evening was planned. He didn't tell me who was coming, how many guys, let alone what the guys looked like. Nothing. He simply asked that I trust him, and I did. At 6:30 P.M. on the designated Saturday evening, I took a shower, and afterwards moved into the bedroom where I lay on the bed. I purposely left the bedroom door slightly ajar. Around 6:40 I heard the doorbell ring and the voyeur buzzed someone into the building, stepping into the bedroom to tell me to be ready. I put on the blindfold and got on all fours. My heart was beating fast as I was super excited and extremely nervous. I heard a couple of voices including that of the voyeur. The wooden floor boards creaked as an unknown number of guys entered the bedroom. A couple of hands started feeling up my body, one exploring my ass and teasing my rosebud hole. One of the men exclaimed "Ooooooh. so tight." Another voice advised "Don't be afraid, boy. You'll have a good time." As I heard the quiet rustle of clothing being removed and the muffled clang of belt buckles, the voyeur whispered into my ear "Don't worry, but unclench when the guys enter your ass." He even assisted me in taking a huff of poppers by shutting one nostril of mine and offered my a whiff of poppers. Again I felt that (now familiar) warm rush. "Good boy, open up and take in these meaty monsters. I'll keep making you sniff on poppers and sip on water every now and then," he recommended. I nodded in agreement as several fingers lubed my hole, and for better or worse, before I could totally take in the sensation of my hole being caressed by those thick fingers, I felt a salty thick sausage-like cock rubbing on my lips. I took it in. The cock was, I think, a nice seven incher. In any event I could easily deep-throat it, although when he began ramming his cock into my mouth I braced myself against the guy's beefy thighs. Meanwhile, as all of this was happening, I felt a big cock enter my ass - slowly and patiently. While the poppers were wearing off, still I fully enjoyed the sensation of being stuffed simultaneously from both ends. About that same time, while I am not sure I heard the doorbell ring again, but I was definitely aware when I heard a couple of new voices. The guy who was fucking me took this opportunity to announce "I don't wanna come so soon," withdrawing his cock from my ass. However the cock in my mouth blew a nice warm load into my throat. As I swallowed the load, enjoying the taste, the guy I had just blown patted my head saying "You are so good boy." Undoubtedly as intended, I felt confident and appreciated. I was also excited at the prospects of what was to come. The voyeur/host came around to provide me with poppers and just as I inhaled a HUGE cock plunged into my hole. I screamed and in the upset the bottle of poppers was accidentally dumped on the bed, so we were surrounded in a cloud of popper vapors. "Don't worry, man, just relax and enjoy the new cock inside your hole," my host advised, with several other voices offering similar suggestions. A hand on my head slowly positioned my face so I was immersed in the popper-soaked mattress. I took a huge sniff. Fuck, I didn't realise how strong and hard that big sniff would hit me. After that the whole evening was somewhat of a blur. Cock after cock entered and pounded my ass and / or my mouth. One after the next. An hour into the session the voyeur asked me if I wanted a break. I replyed saying I needed to piss. One of the guys in the room remarked "You don't actually need to piss, it's just a phantom sensation because so many of our cocks have been hitting onto your bladder." Still I asked for a break and one of the guys held my hand, walking me (blindfolded) to the bathroom, telling me to knock on the door when I was ready to rejoin them, and one of the guys would guide me back. He also recommended I drink more water. As soon as he shut the door, I took off the blindfold. The light made my head spin a bit. I sat down on the toilet, feeling cum dripping down my leg. I cleaned up a bit, took in a few deep breaths and looked at myself in the mirror. I had hickies all over my neck and chest and arms although I honestly didn't recall any of the guys sucking and chewing on my nipples. Speaking of my tits, they looked like a sexy sea of red marks. A broad smile born of being very pleased with myself crossed my face. Getting to the task at hand, I quickly washed my face, re-doned the blindfold, and gave the signal I was ready. In the few seconds that passed before the door opened the doorbell sounded. A new group of guys had presumably arrived, ready to stretch my hole. When the door opened the voyeur asked "You ready?" as he took my hand and led me back into the bedroom. A new voice spoke-up, apparently that of the new arrival, who also apparently needed to use the loo. "Whoa! This boy is cute. I need to fuck him up." He pinched my nipples which caused me to squeal. He laughed in his sexy deep base voice and kissed me. In that quick kiss I could taste the cigarettes and alcohol on his breath. The voyeur host snickered as he pulled me away towards the bed. The new guy smacked my ass as I stepped away from him, apparently his mark of approval. Once back to the bed I got on all fours. Someone's cock promptly entered my mouth, but after a few strokes withdrew, as if it had been asked to take a pause. I realised the host wanted me to sniff a new bottle of poppers one of the guys had provided. A few sniffs, and I was back to sucking the latest cock. The deep voiced new guy came to the bedroom and greeted the other fellows. I am not sure how many guys were in the room at this point but I heard at least five voices, one of which was the host. The new guy was an Alpha Male who openly declared he wanted me all to himself for a few minutes, although he graciously invited the other guys to watch. The guy I was sucking withdrew from my mouth, whereupon the Alpha Male turned me around, instructing me to lay on my back. To my surprise the Alpha Male opened by sucking on my nipples like he was milking them. This drove me insane. He followed-up by passionately kissing me. Again I tasted more of the cigerette / alcohol combination. Now the Alpha Male was on top of me, his big, hairy, bulky body holding me in position. I loved being submissive to him. Placing my legs on his shoulders his cock violently and without any foreplay entered me violently. Now, I'd cleaned up the lube and loads from earlier, so my ass might have been a bit dry, and to be sure, my ass was sore, so although the Alpha Male had a cock was probably a seven incher, it stung like a nine incher. As I screamed and instinctively tried to push him out, but the Alpha Male snapped an instruction to another guy to control my arms. Now my arms were being held immobile above my head. Mercifully the Alpha Male considerately paused in pounding my ass, instead licking my nipples, his cock still lodged in my hole, effectively calming me down as my ass adjusted to his cock. Within a minute or two my ass muscles had relaxed, and, his cock still deep in my hole, the Alpha Male invited the other guys to join in. My arms were released and we got back to business. Once again, I sniffed on the poppers like my life depended on it. I felt both a major rush and an incipient headache. My mouth was also quite worn-out as I had been deep-throating almost non-stop since the first guy. At some point I found myself back in doggie position, having taken load after load from at least four guys. Approaching complete exhaustion I announced "Hey, guys, I'm really out steam. Can we stop?" The deep-voiced Alpha Male, however, wasn't having it, and enticed me by caressing my whole body and suggesting "Let's do one last thing. How about a DP?" I was too tired and honestly intimidated by the prospects of trying to take two cocks in my ass simultaneously, so I took a deep breath and answered "Would you mind if we tried that another time?" The guys were super sweet about it, and recommended I rest while they all cleaned up. The voyeur offered to escort me to the bathroom, but I declined, and lay back, promptly falling asleep. Sometime later I awoke and, removing the blindfold, saw I was alone. I could, however, hear voices in the hallway. A glance at my phone told me it was 11:00 P.M. Texting the voyeur I asked if I could come out. "No, I'm coming in," he replied, adding "please put on the blindfold if you're not wearing it." I complied, and seconds later he entered the room explaining they had checked on me a couple of times, and as I was sleeping peacefully they thought they would let me rest a bit. "How long was I out?" "About half an hour," he answered. That meant the gang bang had been going on for four hours. "Hey, look, all but three of the guys have left, but we've ordered pizzas. Why not get a shower and afterwards join us for a bit?" Pizza sounded really good. I showered, dried-off and stepped out to the hallway. Three burly black Brooklyn guys were seated with the rather puny-looking Russian voyeur host. All four guys gave me a comfortable smile, and welcomed me. One of the guys asked "How's that ass feeling, boy?" I recognised the deep voice of the Alpha Male. I smiled, and may well have actually blushed. We enjoyed the pizza and, as I washed my face and hands one of the two Brooklyn guys left, leaving the Alpha Male, another black guy, and the Russian, all of whom were sipping on a beer. The Russian then asked the question for which, I think, everyone was waiting: "Would you like to go for another round with these two?" My only question was "Do we have more poppers?" All three guys smiled. "Give me two minutes and I'll see you in the bedroom. No, I'll feel you in the bedroom. P. S. - According to my host, the total number of guys who opened my hole that evening: 11 .
    1 point
  42. okay now A 3.5” cock is my ideal for sucking off. Getting blown is a form of topping. Just sayin’- keep an open mind to your own evolving tastes . . . and strengths. Focus on dudes you can best get your dick in. Some guys’ holes are a lot harder to reach. Booty block so to speak. DO IT. Find a bottom and tell him exactly what you want. Your naked dick in his hole and cumming there is what most bottoms want, everybody above seems to agree! Here’s my big nugget though: There’s topping putting your dick in someone, and there’s topping OWNING him. If you are interested in the latter, and from your question it sounds like you are, then the number one tool for topping many, many many men is ATTITUDE!. So cop an attitude. I have the dick so I make the rules. Wear a jock. Blindfold him. Use toys in him. Tease his hole with your dick. !!!Whatever makes you want to cum in that hole!!! You are the boss. OWN it. BE it. FUCK I’m hard just thinking of a 3.5 inch dick top getting creative. In my head, I tend to come up with a short menu of things I think would be hot to do ahead of time. So if one isn’t working, switch. And you will always have size queen haters. sTopping - like being dominant topping - gets better with practice! There are plenty of plenty of plenty of men who will love getting topped this way, regardless of the top’s dick size.
    1 point
  43. i was in 7th grade. definitely never felt shy about my body including my ass or cock. my neighbor kid was in 2nd or 3rd grade and i guess he was leaarning how to suck dick . maybe he watched his mom & dad or maybe his dad was training him for his pleasure. i went commando on a hot day while we were sk8ing in a parking lot. he asked what kind of underwear i was wearing. right then and there i put my shorts to my knees . my dick is thick and sexy just like my ass. this kid latched on like a pro. no one had ever done that to me. one hand one my sack and one on my shaft. then he leaned in to kiss the head and boom! the poor kid was covered in my first load. and it was EVERYWHERE! we both thought i peed so he went home crying . yup. my little trophy. his dad seemed to like me more after that.
    1 point
  44. I was on Grinder trying to find some ass to fuck. I was 28, working hard and working out regularly. I had a pretty good body and was getting some young dumb bubble butts to submit to my cock because of it. This 22 year old black guy hit me up on Grinder and man, did he look good. He had a lean muscular body, very cute face and a juicy hard ass. He just wanted oral, but I was reluctant because I don't cum from blowjobs. But then he sent a pic of his dick. It was a solid 9 inches, not as thick as me, I'm 7.5 and thick as a red bull can though. His cock immediately turned me on, I loved sucking big dicks. So I agreed to meet him at his place to suck him off. I showered up and once I got there, he opened the door in a wife beater tank and shorts, except his huge cock was dangling out of the front. I came in and he sat back down on the couch, hard as fuck, watching his laptop porn and told me to take my pants off and sit down. I quickly took my pants and underwear off and sat next to him. I had gotten hard as a rock the second I saw his dick at the front door. He and I were stroking ourselves for a minute when he told me to suck his dick. Which I gladly leaned over and started sucking his steel pipe. After a few minutes he asked if I swallowed. Of course I swallowed, but for some reason I froze and didn't say anything. So he took that as a "no" I guess and told me to get on the floor so he could jack off on my ass then. I got on the floor with my head on the couch and ass in the air. He started jacking off on my ass, I felt his hand sliding up and down his cock because his hands would rub against my cheeks. Then every once in awhile he'd slide his cock up and down my crack, his cockhead of course would slide over my hole when he did this. He started pushing my lower back down and telling me to push my ass up more, but I couldn't for some reason so he told me to put my face on the floor. That seemed to work. I felt very vulnerable at this point. He apparently had lube in his shorts pocket because he stopped stroking, I heard a "click" and then his hand came around to my hard cock and he was stroking me with silicon based lube. It felt really good and after a few minutes I was tensing up. He stopped stroking me and told me to jack myself off while he finished. I was jerking off, getting closer and closer and hornier and hornier. He kept swiping his cock in my crack and on my hole the whole time when he suddenly stopped right on my hole and started pushing in. I hadn't bottomed since high school, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought there was no way that big dick would get inside me without it hurting like hell and me jumping up. But his cock started sliding right in my hole! It felt so fucking good too, no pain at all. This was such a surprise to me I got extra horny and just let him keep going. I was still jacking off while he was jacking off my hole and insides with his big black cock. After awhile of him pushing his cock in and then all the way out of my ass while I was jerking I could barely handle it. It dawned on me he was surely going to cum and I didn't want any STDs so I looked back and told him not to cum in me. He was like,"no problem just let me keep going til I'm about to nut." I started feeling my balls tense up and my hole was clenching and unclenching, having it's own orgasm around a BBC. I was panting like a bitch in heat. I barely was able to say,"I'm about to cum." He told me to blow my load all over the floor, and he really picked up the pace, his cock was going in and out of my hole so fast and so slick. I moaned so hard and started blasting my load onto the floor and couch and he moaned loud and pulled his cock out and I felt him spraying cum all over my back and up to my neck. My hole felt thoroughly used and wet while I still had my head on the floor trying to catch my breath feeling his cum on my back sliding toward my neck and head. I came back several times and would suck him and swallow his load, but he would only let me do it if he got to finger my hole while I sucked him. But hey, that was the price I had to pay to suck a hot young guy's big black cock.
    1 point
  45. PART FOUR Much as I wanted to take my grandson's ass without using poppers, I could tell that I wasn't gonna be able to enter him without it. My mushroom-head popped inside his ring & he groaned, with his eyes clothed & gritted teeth. I wasn't sure whether it felt OK for him or not. "Does that feel OK Brett?" I asked, concerned. When he opened his eyes, I could tell that the poppers had worked their magic. "God gramps, it feels so good!" I could see the lust & hunger for cock in his eyes. "Please gramps...I want more of you inside me." Who was I to argue? I started to push more & more of my cock into him and could see the pleasure in his eyes. "Can you undo my wrist restraints Gramps? I don't need them on me" he smiled. As soon as I did, he reached for the poppers & took some deep hits in each nostril once again. "Don't you wanna kiss me when we have sex gramps?" he asked, looking so innocent. I leant forward to give him a gentle kiss, but as I did he grabbed the back of my head with both hands, pulling me close for a deep passionate kiss. I wasn't sure whether it was the effect of the poppers or that he'd discovered something new about himself but it felt too good for me to care. "Don't you wanna try some of these too gramps? They make you feel sooo good." I hadn't taken poppers for a while, especially at my advanced age but the situation was too good for me to resist. Brett's hands ran down my body as I stood up to take a couple of hits. Just as I felt the fantastic, familiar rush as the poppers hit my system I heard him say, "Oh wow gramps....you don't have a condom on...." Oh fuck!! In all the excitement I'd forgotten to grab some condoms but I was sure I'd pull out before giving my grandson my poz load. Man those poppers felt so good going through me once again, bringing back all of those sensations from years ago, barebacking & being barebacked by so many random guys that I ended up poz. I leant back over him & we started to make out hard, it felt so good to be fucking a willing bottom once again. Who gives a shit that it's my grandson! He really loved the poppers too & each time he hit them, the dirtier he'd talk to me, it was such a turnon. Between the dirty talk, the poppers, the long time since I'd had sex and the fact I was fucking my grandson my stamina was nowhere near what it used to be. "Oh fuck....Brett I'm gonna cum.....I've gotta pull out" He put his hands behind my ass & pulled me closer to him, my cock deeper inside and no sooner had me said "No gramps....I want your cum in me..." than I shot deep inside him. I'd given my grandson my poz load! His tight ass milked every last drop of my gift as he held me close to him. "Fuck...that felt amazing" he whispered in my ear as we held each other close, kissing. Just as I was about to tell Brett what I'd done to him, we were broken out of our afterglow by the sound of applause. As we both looked up I saw three of my friends that had come over, all of them grinning, one holding a set of keys. "Glad to see you've still got it man!" He laughed. "But from the looks of things you forgot I've still got these!" END OF PART FOUR
    1 point
  46. I used to be straight. Then i started having cravings. One guy in particular I found really sexy. It was hard to admit. One day I watched some gay porn and came really hard. about 5 years later I had my first gay sex...I felt really weird. But then I did it again and again...etc. Now I only get really turned on getting fucked by guys
    1 point
  47. PART TWO "Hahaha, sounds fun Gramps. Just don't strap me in too securely!" As an experienced user, I was well aware of how to make it seem the restraints were only lightly tied but they'd hold the guy firmly in place. "Now how does that feel?" "Yeah, I think I get the idea of it. Wow, it feels pretty amazing from here but I bet it's better at your end! You kinda feel pretty exposed" Looking closer at his sweaty ass in his short shorts, I couldn't believe it - he wasn't wearing briefs! I could see him struggling to get out, just as I thought (& planned) he had no chance at all. "Did you need a hand there?" "Yeah, I can't seem to get out! Maybe if I hold onto you to get a bit more leverage..." Saying that, he put his arms around my neck to try & pull himself out. Of course, that only resulted in the sling starting to rock and bringing me closer, my cock almost resting against him. I could see that his attempts to pull himself out of the sling had actually meant his shorts had slipped further down, almost exposing his hole! "God Gramps, imagine if someone saw us now, what would we say?" "Well it's a damn god thing the door's locked," I replied. "No-one's gonna be surprising us that's for sure." Well, aside from the surprise I had in store for my grandson at least! As his attention was diverted looking over at the door, I was able to slide his shorts down a little further, finally exposing his sweaty hole. In the same motion, I pulled down my shorts, releasing my rock hard cock. That's what years of experience gets you! He swung back towards me, unaware of what was waiting for him. As he rolled back, my cock rested between his cheeks, poking at his hole. "Shit Gramps, what's going on?!?!" "Oh sorry buddy," I replied. "I guess seeing someone in the sling just brought back old memories and feelings and I couldn't help myself. You know what it's like getting flashbacks I'm sure." I looked down, pretending to be ashamed but in actual fact seeing how close I was to being inside his hole. "I know, Mom said you're still upset about Grandma. You still think about her don't you?" "I guess, I just get so lonely sometimes." I looked up at him, trying to get my eyes all misty, it wasn't the only thing I wanted wet though! "If you wanted to you could help me by....no you couldn't" "What Grandpa?" He asked innocently, leaning towards me, meaning my cock was just a little bit closer. "Would it be alright if I had sex with you? I know you're straight (I WAS CAREFUL WITH MY WORDING!!) and that you're my grandson but it'd make me so happy." "Of course Gramps, I'd do anything to make you happy. No-one's gonna come in and surprise us are they?" "No, not with the garage locked." I'd made VERY sure of that! "Well, I can't believe I'm saying this Gramps, but sure. You'll be gentle won't you?" "Tell you what, you tell me how I'm doing and I'll follow your lead OK? I've got some stuff in the house that'll make it easier for you if you want?" The poor kid nodded back to me, if only he knew what was coming. "OK boy, I'll go & get it. Don't go anywhere OK?" I figured a bit of humour would relax the kids nerves. "As if I could!" he laughed back. I tried to hide my aching hard-on as I ran inside to fetch my supplies. END OF PART TWO
    1 point
  48. You're talking about two different things I think? 1) converting a neg guy to poz. That's called stealthing. If at least the neg guy doesn't know he is being pozzed. It's different if he wants to be pozzed. 2) converting a straight guy to gay As for 2) Not going to happen I think. If he likes gay sex then he must have had gay or bi tendencies already, maybe without realizing it until it happened. I don't think you can turn a 100% real straight guy gay just as much as you cannot turn a 100% gay guy straight. May be different for bi guys who realize they love having sex with a men much more than having sex with a woman and then stick with men. But it can also be because sex with guys is so much easier. No wining and dining necessary before you get the prize! Just cruise, go to a BH or place and ad! LOL
    1 point
  49. Liked the story. Thanks.
    1 point
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