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  1. 14 points
  2. This story is not true but inspired by a comic I found online. Enjoy. Having just turned 18, I was not going to go trick or treating on my block except Mr. Kleberger, my neighbor, asked me to walk with his twin sons who were probably 7 or 8 at the time. I was in high school, so I wasn't even going to dress up, but my mom said I had to help him and I begrudgingly agreed (plus he was going to pay me and college would be expensive). Since it was last minute, I didnt have a costume and i was secretly relieved that i wouldnt be in danger of having to wear something embarassing on the off chance that i might see someone from ould wear a costume he had and you can imagine my face when I arrived after school and the costume choices were either a toga with some leather arm bands and boots or a Scottish wedding tux complete with kilt. The kilt was too big for me to wear, so I wore the toga and he wore the kilt/tux, while the boys wore Superman and batman costumes. Mr. Kleberger told me his wife was visiting some friends in another state that weekend and it would just be us for the evening, which I heard through a fog that clouded my brain power, brought on by the view of my neighbor and his hot former army ranger body and perfect pink cock. I must have been staring because he volunteered that the kilt was what he wore in his wedding and underwear was never worn between a kilt and a cock. I had a hard time trying to keep my own dick from tenting the toga, which made him notice that you could easily see my boxer briefs under the thin white material. At his urging, I agreed to see if something of his would fit me and not show through as much, but I was flabbergasted by his nonchalant lifting of the costume and tugging down my undies, which made me shoot to full mast while he kept the toga up with a haND and used his other hand to rifle thru his underwear drawer, a prolific collection of briefs, thongs and bikinis in every material and color under the sun. Despite the goal of keeping the underwear from showing beneath the toga, he produced a few bikinis in red, blue and green and helped me try on each one, fondling my package each time as he stood behind me so we could get a good look in the mirror. Next came some more logical options in the form of a few white and flesh colored thongs, and with those he began using his fingers to also lightly work my cheeks and butthole "so the thong lies str8 along the butt crack." Obviously there was more than just the fit causing his handy work, but my naive brain ignored any sexual interest possibly occurring since he was married to a woman. I loved the look of the thongs but he still wasn't satisfied until a lightning dawned on him and he dashed into his office and returned with a package from some online underwear store, newly acquired by him just in time to produce the perfect solution to my toga's dilemma, a white g-string made of the silkiest softest white mesh i'd ever seen or felt. Amazingly fortuitous that he happened to order the new mesh number a few weeks earlier and had yet to open them up. When I bent over to pull the undies up my legs, I felt the soft woolly texture of the kilt pressing against my thighs and smooth butt cheeks, but there was something odd about how it was pressing into me. Somehow the kilt was not hanging down in a normal fashion, but seemed to be wedging itself into the space under my balls and butt. As I finished pulling them up, Mr. K adjusted the kilt so that it slid open and I gasped because all that was left between my thighs, tickling the underside of my balls, was his semi hard dick. He pulled my hips in and lifted the toga up under my arms so his cock was thrusting ever so slowly into the tight envelope between my legs and testicles, whole his fingers adjusted and caressed my desperately hard dick, as it leaked precum through the mesh like a waterfall. "Don't worry about that," I recall him assuring me that it was normal to get excited by the smooth fabrics and no reason to be ashamed of what was just our normal physical response, according to the man whose cock was now dragging across my asshole with each slow movement along my crack. I can't remember exactly how I reacted to his assurances but I am guessing what I thought was a non commital shrug was probably a shudder of ecstacy accompanied by a list full moan. The doorbell rang and Mr. Kleberger was instantly unhooked from where his dick had been working up my ass crack, and I watched in what seemed like slow motion as his dick disappearedunder the kilt with a long string of precum connecting the head, now a much more red shade than the soft pink it had been when it was soft, to a spot hidden somewhere around the point at which the cock pouch met the string on the undies I was wearing. Somehow he managed to press his hard on up against his waist where it could not be detected , then recovered it all with the plaid skirt and headed to answer the trick or treaters at his front door. By the time I got my dick to go down, and readjusted my toga to where you could only barely see that I was still at half mast, another load of trick or treaters had come and gone and the boys were desperate to get going and get some candy. Mr. Kleberger told me that he would stay at the house to answer the door, and asked me me to take the boys through the neighborhood, but not to go past the two streets on either side of our street, and a suggestion that we stop at the house in between the two halves to get defrosted before headin out again. (This was colorado in late october, and the rule was snow always fell on halloween and then it was warm again til December.) I was still obsessing about how hot it had been getting to feel Mr. K's big dick under my sack as we hit the first two streets so the cold was a godsend, keeping my dick from getting fully hard while we were outside. When we stopped to warm up at the house, both boys ran to the kitchen to have somw hot cider their dad had made for us, and while they drank and looked at their loot so far, Mr. Kleberger commented that I must be freezing in my thin costume and pulled me against him to warm up, whispering that he added something extra to my drink and his own, if I thought I could handle the effects. The idea that he was not only touching me again, but bending the rules and letting me have some liquor (I assume it was liquor altho looking back I can't be sure it wasn't ghb or something similar), all added up to the insinuation that in his mind, I was classified as a man, not some little boy. My dick was hard again, and the effects of the drink kept me from noticing that he was still holding me, despite my temperature returning to normal and even beginbing to spike since he was now behind me again, trapping me between his hips and the kitchen counter as he molested my crotch and chest, humored his somehow uncovered cock closer to my hole, and kept me from putting down my glass until I finished the drink, then giving me his drink and telling me to go ahead, since I seemed to like it so much. My head was swimming slightly as another doorbell ring broke us from our entanglement and Mr. K told us to head back out but to hurry back so we could go to a few houses in the other part of the neighborhood that belonged to some pepole he knew before he revealed a surprise for the boys. The mere mention of the surprise had the boys sprinting from house to house, which was not as easy for me to keep up with, now that i was drunkish or under the influence of whatever he put in the drinks, and the even more powerful influence of his sexuality. It took us less than half the time to finish the two long streets and return to the house, where Mr. K waved us inside where he was on the phone with someone, telling them that we would be over in a few minutes. He told the boys to get in his truck but explained that they needed to leave the front seat for me and the surprise, at which point he pointed to a duffle bag by the door to the garage. Both boys hoped up and ran, with candy bags in tow, straight to the truck. I turned to follow, stopping when I felt his hand grip my shoulder. Turning back to face the man who had me semi hard already, I felt my dick go back to fully erect as he stepped close and handed me a shot glass filled with a slight blue liquid, indicating I should drink it fast, while his hand squeezed my dick and he leaned in to whisper. Amazingly he was not saying anything particularly erotic but rather just describing how he had called my parents and ask them if it was okay that I stay the night in order to help him get some stuff finished for work. He asked me if I was okay with that and I nodded feeling the gross soapy tasting stuff in the shot glass hit me almost as soon as it went down my throat. I must have made a face that told him how gross it tasted because he laughed and simply told me that it was well worth it once it took full effect. Sure enough I could barely it sit up straight in the car all the way to the home of one of his co-workers where The Boys trick or treated he chatted with a very attractive older man and his wife. From there we went to another house owned by his boss, a tall dark haired man who was easily twice as wide in the shoulders as I was. The boys had some hot cocoa with the boss's housekeeper while Mr. K introduced me to Mario. The fluid in the shot glass was in full effect by now and without thinking I managed to spurt out loud something that sounded essentially as though I found him incredibly attractive though not nearly that eloquent. Because of the effects of the blue goo, I don't remember exactly what it was I said although I'm pretty sure somewhere in the sentence were the words f*** your hot. Both men laughed as I turned a deep shade of red, immediately realizing how awful it could have been if they hadn't found it humorous. Luckily they seemed to have a very similar sense of irony and humor as the man who I learned at some point in the conversation was of Italian descent, proceeded to reach out and put his arm around me pulling me in next to him and reaching down once he was sure the boys could not see and taking a handful of my ass under the toga even going so far as slipping one finger into my ass crack and wiggling it against my tight asshole. By this point in the evening I was less inhibited but I still gasped at his touch which got another big laugh out of both he and Mr. Kleberger. I had a feeling from the snake shaped bulge working down his right trouser leg that we could have done a lot more than just getting handsy but the boys re entered the room at that point so we said goodbye and we're back in the car. The last stop was the home of some of the boy's classmates which is where Mr. Kleberger told us all what the surprise was. He opened up a duffle bag he had brought from the house and inside were some of the boys' pajamas and street clothes and two sleeping bags. Both boys got really excited as their dad explained that they were going to spend the night with their friends and he would pick then up in the morning. He walked them to the door and returned to the car and explained that he still needed my help answering the door if any trick or treaters came by while he made a few calls for work, and perhaps we could watch a scary movie or something like that when he finished if I could still hang out for the night. I agreed with a nod and we made small talk on the 5 minute drive back to his house which I heard very little of due to his hand stroking my thigh and getting closer and closer to my cock with each rub until he was able to run my groin without any pretense. We pulled into the garage and he lifted the toga material and gave my dick a few strokes through the mesh undies as I moaned, then covered me up and told me to follow him inside. Instead of heading to the living room which was right next to the front door, he headed down the steps just inside the garage door to the ground level basement where a small bathroom and a spare bedroom were all located. "I figured you might like to watch a movie on the big screen and relax on the Murphy bed in here," he explained while pullin a Murphy bed down from where it was on the wall. He told me to get comfy and asked if I wanted to watch TV or a film he thought I would enjoy, which got a shrug from me, so he smiled and walked to the dvd player and inserted a disk that he pulled from a pocket on his coat, which I'd seen him take from his boss before we left. He handed me the remote and said he would be back in a few once he finished his calls, but that this disc had some videos I would like. As he went upstairs to make the calls, I felt deflated hoping to get to play with him some more, but I decided to wait to see what happened once he was done with his calls and played the first clip on the dvd. The screen lit up with a scene featuring a man in a mask stalking a half naked man though a warehouse, bUT before they could build any tension it cut ahead to where the masked man caught the other man and proceeded to hold him down and tear off his shorts and rape the guy. I was shocked that this seemed to be just a rape scene from some movie, and while you couldnt see exactly what was going on, the nudity and movements left little to the imagination. This must have been a mistake I thought but I didn't want Mr. K to find out so I turned the volume down and played the next scene on the disc. This was yet another sex scene, this one featuring two men having sex with a woman, and again the scene showed enough nudity and implied penetration that I was hard as nails and jerking my dick slowly while I watched. The three or four scenes after that one confirmed that these were each sex scenes from movies so I began flipping through them at 2x speed to see as many penis and butts as I could! That's when I got to a scene that was suddenly very different, obviously shot on a camcorder by an amateur camera man. This scene showed the couple we met earlier in the evening in their bedroom as they began undressing and fucking around. I could hardly believe my eyes. I skipped to the next scene and again it was the couple from earlier but now the wife was getting tag teamed by her husband and another man who seemed familiar. Once I got a good look at him I realized it was Mario! The scene was short but had my mind spinning. I laid down to keep from passing out and started the next scene. The screen showed a different bedroom now and on the bed was a gorgeous guy who couldn't have been too much older than me, but was muscle-bound and hot as fuck, wearing just a tight pair of red briefs. The camera operator reached out and groped the boy on the bed, and then set down the camera on a table and came into the shot. It was mario again! Mario told the young man to lose the briefs and turn over before he took off the briefs he had on and began jerking his big cock. I couldn't help but play with my butthole and cock as he first fingered then licked and finally fucked the guy without a condom on. My eyes were glued to the images and I was so focused on their sex that I didn't realize that I could no longer hear Mr. Kleberger on thr phone. It wasn't until I heard his feet coming down the stairs that I began to scramble to change the scene and just turned it to one of the str8 sex scenes when the door opened and Mr. Kleberger walked in carrying some bottles under his arm and the bowl of candy. He smiled and asked if I liked the movie scenes and I told him I did, very much. He made me a drink with the bottles and sat next to me on the bed, lettin me know he had shut off the outside light since we were probably done getting trick or treaters anyway. We sipped our drinks and he asked if he could show me a film on the disk he enjoyed, I nodded and he selected a title from the menu that appeared to be the whole movie which disappointed me until he told me it was about a young man who worked as a prostitute and got into some very bizarre situations. Sure enough less than 5 minutes in there was a scene where the guy was dressing up in woman's clothes and had to jack off for a man, and two seconds later another scene where an older woman hired him and 3 others to gang bang her. Mr. K removed his shirt, since it was so warm and when he sat down he did so behind me and pulled me back so I was between his legs with his arms around me as he leaned against the pillows and headboard. The kilt had ridden up as I scooted back and I could feel his throbbing cock as he very slowly and subtly rubbed it against my butt. He asked me if I had ever smoked weed and I admitted I had smoked with a friend, but i made the single hit from my friend's pipe sound like I had smoked a dozen times. Mr. K produced a joint from some unknown location and while i was scarred to do dtugs, i didnt wamt to stop the fun so i took a big hit when he handed it ti me, followed by coughing a lot while he chuckled and patted my back. He showed me how to shotgun a hit then, and after the first shotgun, he kissed me and each time after that we made out more and moee until the joint was done, and we were making out in earnest. Meanwhile he had one hand untying the belt on the toga while his other hand was working it up my thighs and pulling it up to take it off. My hips lifted up off the bed so he could get the toga further up and when I sat back down he pulled me in closer and his dick was now firmly between my cheeks and pumped every so often, playing with my hole and poking my balls from below each time he pushed. He spoke softly about the movie, telling me he always wanted to meet someone like the boy in the film, and asking me if I would ever do stuff like that for the right price. I was drunk by then and agreeing to everything he was saying, so I think he knew I wouldn't object when he moved us to the side of the bed, pulling me down to my knees and removing his kilt entirely before telling me to open my mouth. This wasn't the first dick I had sucked which must have been apparent because he was pleased and very complimentary about the fact I was deep throating his big pink cock and had no trouble choking even when he was going fast. Before too long he told me he was getting close and he had another thing he wanted to try. Pulling me back to my feet, he spun me around and pushed me back on to the bed, then peeled the undies off my dripping dick and began sucking my cock and licking my balls and ass. I was already leaking pre cum and moaning like crazy so he must have decided to just go for broke, because when I couldnt feel his tongue on me and opened my eyes, he was lubing his dick with something from his nightstand and pulling my hips to the edge of the bed. I told him I wasn't sure if I could handle getting fucked and he laughed, tellin me he had no intention of fucking me, he just wanted to see if he could get the tip in me since I was so tight. I asked if he should put on a condom, but he insisted that we weren't actually going to fuck so there was no need for anything like that. My drunk horny ass was in no position to disagree, literally, so I let him fold back my legs and put the cool slick stuff he had been using on his dick on my hole with his fingers, inserting one then two and working them in and out while I grimaced and held my breath. He kissed me and told me to relax, reaching over and pulling a pipe from the pocket of his discarded pants and heated the pipe from below, which I had not scene anyone do before. He shot gunned some hits to me again and suddenly I was hornier than I had ever been and feeling much less drunk, although the high was clouding my judgement enough that I felt even less resistant to his fingers. He lit the pipe for me and made me take 6 big hit's in a row, and I was surprised at how easily I took them compared to the joint. When I was done with hit number six he set the pipe down and moved back between my legs, but this time he went ahead and worked his cock up between my cheeks until the head was pressing harder and harder against it. He leaned in, pushing my legs further back until my knees were next to my ears so he could kiss me. Thats when he thrust his hips forward fast and burst through my sphincter until half his cock was speared into my hole and I screamed into his mouth while we kissed. He told me to breath and covered my mouth, which seemed counter intuitive, then he kept pushing forward while I squealed and groaned until I felt his hips flat against my ass cheeks, which were spread to where I felt they might rip open and leave me split right down the middle. He removed his hand and told me to take a minute and get used to his dick, and I told him to take it out, but he said it was too late for that now. I tried to convince him that it was too big but he kept reminding me that he was already all the way in. I even tried to ask again that he put on a condom, and he said he would once I was used to his size, since it would hurt too much to take his cock out now and put it back in. He then slowly worked it in back and forth bit by bit, which made me shut up and squeal some more which only made him enjoy it more. Within a few minutes he was working it in and out 4 or 5 inches at a time and as he had told me, my ass was starting to relax and accept it, and my dick, which had deflated during the initial pain, was making a come back with each slide of his meat across my prostate. We took some more hits from the pipe and sure enough I began to enjoy his fuck. "I knew you were going to take this dick, you little whore," he said as he built up speed. "I could tell you were begging for it the moment we moved in back when you were just a kid. You had that look on your face that says 'make me take your raw dick and I will be a cumslut for life!' I just didn't think I would want your ass so bad once you grew up, but I can't help it, your butt is like a bubble I have been wanting to pop since it grew in." I should have been offended but it turned me on knowing he was watching me and wanting me. He continued to tell me how much he had dreamed of raping my butt and turning me into a plaything, how he had ordered the underwear specifically for me to wear and planned our costumes so he could fuck my ass, even if he'd had to get me wasted and do it once I passed out. Somewhere in his furious fuck, I remembered we were fucking sans rubber, and for the third time that night I brought it up, which made hI'm cover my mouth and tell me to forget the condom, cause he was about to breed my boy butt and that was the last thing he wanted to hear about it. I might have argued except he grabbed my cock and jerked me with gusto as he neared his own orgasm. Bring a teen boy, the stimulation of his hand on my dick and his cock in my ass was too much and with his command that I "shoot that boy whore load!" I did just that, spraying us both up to our faces, just in time for his dick to ram further than it had reached yet that night and unload spasm after spasm of hot cum deep in the darkness of my butt. Since that night, we played a lot of times, often with his boss or the other man from his office, and even once with some boys from my school, but I still get hard on halloween remembering the trick he played and what a treat it was!
    4 points
  3. We reeked of sex as I pulled him into the shower room and the showers automatically started to run, but I had no intentions of cleaning up just yet. Throughout the first fuck session we’d been drinking water and now I pushed him to his knees and stood before him. He immediately began to lick my cock and nuzzle my balls as I tweaked my tits. He looked up at me as he worked his lips and tongue up and down my shaft, gobbing on it and slowly wanking it to milk a steady stream of precum from the tip. He expertly probed my piss slit with his tongue and squeezed the head, lapping it with his gorgeous tongue in expectation of my piss. I smiled and beckoned him onto the inbuilt bench and turned him around. I looked at his arse. It was beautiful. The hair was matted with spit, cum and arse juice and sweat and I bent down to sniff, drinking in the scent of the freshly fucked hole. There’s no better scent on a man. He moaned and with one hand pushed my face between his cheeks. I opened my mouth and let my tongue tease his hole, making him moan even more. I stood up and flipped him onto his back and stood between his legs. The ring through my cock glistened as my cock shook with anticipation. The bench had been built wide enough and high enough to provide the perfect fuck position and sure enough he raised his legs and held his ankles as I slid into his cunt once again, and he sighed. He was still so tight as my cock went in as deep as it could but I didn’t start to fuck him. I leaned forward and kissed him, one hand pushing onto his bladder. He grinned and without hesitation started to piss up into our open mouths, our tongues scooping it up as we drank his steamy, fetid liquid. As we kissed, Milos’ piss filling our mouths, I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed into him as deep as possible onto my cock and then released my own flow. His eyes opened as he felt - clearly for the first time - this new sensation of piss filling his gut. As my piss filled his arse and he started to squirm, I whispered for him to clench hard on my cock and seal off his arse and take all my fluid. I slowed my piss and we continued to kiss as I slowly fucked him. He told me how great it felt to feel my piss sloshing in his cunt and my cock fucking it into his body, saying his cunt was mine to use as I wanted. I kissed him deeply. I told him to release his arse muscles and felt my piss slowly out of his hole spilling down my legs and mingling with the water that was cascading over our bodies. Sliding my cock into his gut as the fluid spilled out was such an intense sensation it was all I could do not to cum again but I restrained myself. When his arse was finally empty I pulled out and stood up and pulling Milos to his feet we showered, our hands exploring each other’s bodies, even allowing Milos to finger my own cunt before leaving the shower and heading back to the bedroom. The porn was still playing - now Sean Storm being gangfucked by a group of daddies. Pulling Milos onto the bed with me, I relit the pipe and we shared a few tokes as we snogged. Both our cocks were so hard again and leaking precum down the shafts. My arse was now itching for some action - even though I’d wanted to do the fucking, now my gut wanted to be filled at least once but I wanted to remain in control. So as we snogged I slid on top of Milos and positioned myself over his cock. Pulling back his generous foreskin and watching the trapped precum ooze down hisbshaft, I teased his head with my hairy hole. He gripped my waist with one hand and my cock with the other. Slowly I lowered by cunt onto the head of his cock and stopped, leaning down to kiss him. His breathing was shallow as I felt his hips rise up. I slapped his head and he dropped his hips. I pulled my arse away and leaned back to grab his bollocks, twisting them hard for good measure. Milos yelped. I opened the poppers and took two deep hits before handing Milos the bottle to repeat. Resting his fingers on my tits and cock, pulling my cock by the cockring and making my balls shiver, I once again started to lower myself onto his cock. It was thicker than I expected and as I hadn’t been loosened up it felt good as it pushed against the walls of my ass as he teased my tits and cock head. I let out an involuntary moan as I pushed down on his shaft. His hairy sweaty bollocks felt good in my hands, heavy with cum which I so desperately wanted to feel shoot deep into my guts. I began to ride him, slamming down to the base of his cock in rhythm to his wanking my cock. Soon my arse was slick with his precum, and I could feel his extra uncut skin sliding around in my guts. I leaned down and told him how much I wanted his seed, and he smiled. “You want my poz seed, dude?” For a split second I froze then smiled. Milos was way hornier and sleazier than I had originally thought. “Yeah dude, you’ve had mine, now I want yours.” He smiled and threw his head back in ecstasy as I slammed even harder onto his cock and his hips started to rise to meet each thrust. I leaned back and pushed two fingers into his arse, still so tight. My balls started to tighten so I slapped his hand off my cock - I wanted all my seed in his arse, deep in his arse and he seemed to understand me. He focused on my tits and I rode his cock with increasing speed and vigour. I grabbed a fistful of his chest hair in one hand as he started to moan and his legs beneath me started to go rigid. And then as I leant down to kiss him he thrust up and deep into my arse and I felt a torrent of his hot spunk erupt into my arse. I kept riding his cock even as the spasms started to subside - feeling his young cock pushing his gift of poz seed as deep as it could. I could almost feel his spunk leaking through the walls of my arse into my blood stream and it felt good. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted more and I wanted to see how much further Milos would go. He’d already surprised me and I wondered as I felt some of his spunk leak from my hole, how much he’d really done. I rolled off him and drew him towards me. As we snogged, I felt his fingers probe my arse and pull his own spunk out and into his greedy mouth. As we kissed I lit the pipe and we toked as we watched the ongoing porn show. Now a succession of smooth twinks being fucked by hairy daddy types. So fucking hot. I decided to move things on. I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. As he watched I scrolled to one of my fuck apps and opened it. It sprang to life with countless messages. As he watched, I opened some of them. All wanted the same thing - a fuck session. Either alone or with others. Some had pics. One caught my eye and I opened it. It was my young ginger stud - Toby. The pics and messages were clear - he wanted some T fun and the picture of his tight smooth arse leaking cum with his heavy dripping cock dangling between his legs caught Milos’ attention. “Hot fucking dude. He a regular?” I nodded. “Yeah. Raw n tight. Like him?” “Fuck yeah. Ginger is hot.” I turned to Milos. “Shall we get him over. Would love to watch him fuck you.” Milos smiled and nodded as he pulled on his dick. I messaged Toby and continued to scroll through my messages til I found who I was looking for. Sure enough, when I clicked the message, Milos gasped. My boyfriend has a friend - Michael - a Brazilian Guy. Fit as fuck with 11 thick inches and beer can thick with a massive arse ripping mushroom head. Sometimes my boyfriend and Michael take turns on my arse. Serious turns, my cunt left so full and sloppy I sometimes have to take a day off work to recover and wank through all the memories. When my boyfriend was out of town, Michael likes to use my ass solo. Tonight I had other ideas. “You like?” “Big fucking dick!” I didn’t wait for an answer but replied that Michael should come over. “I wanna see him break your butt.” Milos smiled and kissed me. “Fuck dude. Break both of us.” I smiled. No. Just Milos.
    4 points
  4. I’d been a late bloomer for most of my life. Accepting myself as gay was hard and so I only lost my virginity at 27 after I had moved to Berlin for a new job. After that I was still pretty shy but grindr and other apps helped me make up for lost time at least a little. Maybe a year later I was sitting at my desk bored off my ass and decided to have a look on grindr. As it was still pretty early there was not much going on nearby, but I soon got a message from a guy who was really close by asking if I was also working at his company. Turns out I was. He was only 22 and his profile pic was a headless but nicely toned torso with a pretty nice bulge. We messaged a bit back and forth and then he sent me a pic of his cock and asked if I would suck him. Being shy I hesitated at first, but I was intrigued by the idea of having sex at work, so I agreed. I had no idea what I was in for. He told me to go to a bathroom that was pretty secluded where we probably wouldn’t be disturbed, switch off the lights and get naked; then text him to come. So that’s what I did. He got in shortly after and opened his pants. I couldn’t see a thing. We got closer and he pushed my head down on his cock telling me I was now his bitch and I should suck him good. This light dom/sub play was new to me and I hesitated for a moment, but he used that moment to push his cock deep in my mouth and made me gag on it with his hands holding my head tight. That’s when I clicked. I loved being his bitch and gagging on his big cock, so I just started sucking as if my life depended on it. “That’s right, bitch.” He said. “Swallow my cock. You like it, don’t you?” We kept going for a while and I really enjoyed it. When I started jerking my dick, though, he heard me fapping and twisted my nipple. “No, slut! You are to please me and not yourself.” I was his bitch and I was in heaven. It took him just a little longer until his breathing got harder and he said: “I’m about to cum and you’re gonna swallow it. If you really don’t want to, clap your hand twice on my butt and I’m gonna stop. But I would be very disappointed.” I thought about it. Did I really want this young guy, whose face I had never seen, cum into my mouth and then swallow it? I was too far gone though. I was his bitch. So I kept going and increased my sucking. “Yeah that’s right, bitch. You’re mine. Here it comes.” And he came with a big load down my throat, that I somehow managed to swallow completely. “Now lick it clean. I don’t wanna go back to work with a sticky cock.”, he said. When I was done, he put his cock back in his pants, zipped up and before he left the bathroom he told me: “You can finish yourself off now, slut, and wait at least 5 minutes before you leave! I don’t want you to see my face.” I only managed to say thank you and then he was gone. TO BE CONTINUED
    3 points
  5. I like a faggot that is nothing more than an object. the slave/master thing is hot but I like whores that know that nobody thinks of it as nothing special or has any special connection to it. The cumdump is just a body that men use for dirty bareback fucking, fisting, choking, gangfucking, whoring out, pissing on, whatever. Fun to play with but basically worthless and disposable
    3 points
  6. Leading him into the bedroom, I picked up the remote control clicked on the tv, launching it immediately into a revolving loop of the hardest, sweatiest and wettest porn. We stood and watched the scene for a while, two guys - one my favourites, dirty Aussie boi Kieron - pounding a shaved headed British guy in a black and white jock. Each thrust keenly showed on the bottom’s ecstatic face. I looked at Milos who was licking his lips. I jumped onto the bed and onto my back, reaching into the draw I pulled out my pipe - always loaded with T and a lighter. “Wanna join me?” I asked. Milos looked uncertain. But I’ll let you into a little secret I m’ve learned about boys like Milos. They start off smoking spliffs cos it’s cool and poppers because they’re good for wanking and that first bout of getting fucked with rubbers. Then they get into the gay scene and take some coke and before they know it they’ve graduated to pills, mdma and prep because when you’re high who wants to fuck around opening a condominium packet? They think they’re party boys with their lines of coke, pills, powder and V. And finally they start taking the odd bump of k. For them, k is hardcore. I mean, who ever wants to fall down a k-hole more than once? For them, Tina is for losers. Who wants to become an addict and fuck up their lives? But that’s the secret they harbour deep in their souls. By this point they’re watching hard, bareback porn - the hardest. They’re popperbating to raw fucking, doing piss (only) when they’re high and spending time in saunas and dark rooms. But in the back of their minds they’re not intrigued by Tina, they want to try it and just want to find someone they trust, who won’t make them take too much. And “just the once” because who doesn’t want to be a bottom boi slut n whore at least once taking load after load and hopefully from a group of men they’ve never met? Gentlemen, may I present Milos. Poor fucking cunt. He was hungry for Tina. Just the once. I was going to make him my Summer Time T Whore. He looked uncertain but I could tell from his eyes that he wanted to. I lit the pipe and watched the smoke start to swirl. I took a gentle toke and placed the pipe on the bedside. I stretched, flexing my abs and closing my eyes, I started to knead and stretch my bollocks, lifting my hand to my face to sniff the mix of all day musk, sweat and his saliva that made my bollocks wet and sweaty. I knew he was watching. I could feel it. I spread my legs and let my hand drop to my cunt and moaned a little. I felt pressure at the end of the bed, and opening my eyes, I saw Milos straddling my feet. I smiled and beckoned him over. Pulling him into my arms, I drew him in for a kiss. He didn’t resist and our tongues proved each other’s mouths and without thinking about it Milos got his first taste of T smoke. I pulled him in closer, my hand cupping his jock. I told him he was “gorgeous”, “sexy” and “hot”. And I wasn’t lying. He was. And I knew at some point during our session I would tell him I “loved” him. And at the precise moment I probably would. In the midst of animalistic, drug-fuelled fucking there is always a momentarily lapse into “love”. I opened the poppers and took two deep huffs and closed the bottle without offering it Milos. Pulling him back towards me, he instinctively opened his mouth and drew in my poppers breath. Swapping breath, clean, poppers or otherwise is such an amazing thing - neither of you wanting to pull away until you’re dizzy. And good prep when debasing a new boi. Finally we pulled ourselves apart and I dropped my hand to his arse. The butt plug was still there and as I began to leverage it in his hole we kissed, his hands finding and tweaking my tits and making me moan involuntarily. Finally I pulled it out and looked at it, glistening and sticky with his arse juices. I pushed it into my mouth, savoring his salty taste in my mouth before he greedily pulled it out of my mouth and sucked on it himself. I grinned, pulling it back I traced it down his back and inserted once again in to his wet hole before pushing him down towards my cock. He slid down and took my cock to the back of his throat, involuntarily gagging as he miscalculated how long and thick my cock had become. He pulled back and drew a line of precum from the head of my cock to his lips before sliding down my shaft again. His hands kneaded my bollocks as he gorged and spat on my cock. One hand lightly fingered my hole before he pulled it back and took a deep sniff. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his fingers into my mouth, eager to taste my own musky cunt. As he sucked my cock, worshipping it I picked up the pipe, lit it and took another gentle toke. Holding it in, I replaced the pipe and stared at him. Like a feral animal he moved up my body and grabbing my head in both hands pushed his lips against mine and opened his mouth. For an instant I held my breath and then ever so slowly, I released the vapor into his mouth. He sucked my breath into his lungs and held back from releasing. Our eyes were open and we were staring at each other. As I watched, his pupils dilated and his cock, still trapped in his jock shuddered as he pushed it against my own throbbing tool. He pulled away and breathed out, burying his face in my chest. My hand slid down and grabbed his cock through the sports fabric and whispered: “More?” He looked up. The confusion was gone, replaced with a new look, a desire for more smoke, for the opportunity to releases the depraved cunt he had been hiding for so long. I handed him the pipe and lit it. Guiding him I coaxed him to take two short tokes and then a deeper one. Taking the pipe from him, I pushed him into his back and swung behind him. I pulled up his legs and revealed his arse in all its glory still strapped into the jock. His arse was hairy, from cheeks to crack and when I pulled his cheeks - muscular and hard - apart, I sighed as I saw the dark fur covering his crack and hole. I bent down and took a deep breath and my cock went rigid as I inhaled the smell of his unfucked cunt - I caught a faint whiff of sweat and rubber from the dildo before running my tongue the length of the groove. Milos gasped as he felt my my tongue travel between his cheeks and then return to start lapping and chewing on his hairy hole. I inhaled again as I pulled his cheeks further apart, and slightly buzzing began to push and probe at his hairy hole, seeking to taste the insides of his arse, still sweet and unbattered by my cock. I pulled his arsehole apart, probing it with my fingers and tongue. Milos opened the poppers and took a deep hit before handing the bottle to me. Two deep huffs and I was eating his cunt out, pushing my tongue deep into his hole, gobbing on it and prising it open to watch my spit get swallowed up before exporting him to push his rosebud out for me to chew. Before I lost all sense of time I stopped and pulled off his jock. His cock sprang free and, uncut, as it sprang back it spewed precum all over his hairy belly. I pulled back his gorgeous foreskin and focused on his cock, his hands moving to the back of my head. I growled as I swallowed his cock, pulling in his generous foreskin with my teeth and sliding my hand up and down his spit-wet shaft. I slid a finger under his arse and gently eased it up his hole making him gasp. I pulled it out and pushed two fingers into his mouth, feeling his tongue swirl them with gob before pushing them back into his wet home up the knuckle and twisting them in sync with sucking his cock. His hands found my tits and tweaked them, making me spurt precum. I finally pulled off and pulled him to me for a deep, wet snog as I continued to finger his boi cunt. We were now sweaty, and slightly high so I grabbed the pipe and we shared a few clouds of T. We were in a frenzy of kissing, grappling and sucking each others cocks and licking out each other’s pits when I suddenly found his legs over my shoulders and my cock primed. Without asking I rammed my cock into his hole. No niceties or pleasantries just my raw, unrelentingly hard cock deep in his cunt. He gasped as I ripped into his hole, and for an instant tried to push me off, but as quickly realising this was what he wanted. His legs wrapped around my body as I started to pound his hole open. Each thrust causing him to wince and grunt in pain, but his legs pulling me back in deeper every time. We were locked together, eyes locked, my balls slapping against his butt with each deep stroke; only stopping to pull out before slamming back in and making Milos yelp and grin. Our breathing in sync, I told him how tight he was, and he answered telling me how he wanted me to use and open up his cunt; breed him; fuck him in every way. And I responded by pulling his head back by his hair and gobbing in his mouth, calling him my cunt boi and how I was going to stretch his arse, breed him and fill him with my piss. But not yet. After one final hard deep thrust, I pulled out and pulled his arse into the air. I looked at his hole. It was slightly more open, but not enough. I pushed my tongue in and tasted my precum as he automatically pushed his bud out into my mouth. His hands reached round to strike and squeeze my cock before I pulled him up and we faced each other on our knees. His cock was dripping as I grabbed it. Pulling back his foreskin I wiped his cockhead with my fingers and licked them. I leaned over and opened the draw. As he watched I pulled a box out and opening it took out a bolt, and dexterously weaved it into the head of my cock. “Fuck, yeah man,” he whispered as he stroked his cock and balls. I leaned over the bed and picked up his bullet. I gave it to twists and held it under his nose; then repeated it for me. It burned it was so strong. Taking a bottle of water from the side of the bed I drank half of it before watching Milos finish the bottle. Then I pushed him into his back and fell into his sweaty, open arms. As we kissed we started to feel the heat in our bodies increase as the k started to take effect. I love K. I love the sensation it gives me of being outside my own body but most of all I love how it makes me as sweaty as fuck and rampant. Tonight was no different and I know what I wanted. I lay down and swung him on top so his arse was over my face. He needed no instructions and pushed his wet, sweaty, fucked hole into my face. I moaned as I was smothered by his hairy arse and felt him lean down to suck my cock and chew on my piercing. My hands rubbed and pummeled his hairy sweaty back as I tried to push my face quite literally into his arse. Every so often he would pull back and push his cock down my throat, taking charge as he fed me cock and cunt, only stopping to gob on my face or share hits of poppers. We were laughing from how sexy and horny we felt. The verbal was hard and dirty and we were in tune. Suddenly he pulled my arse into the air and pushed his face into my butt. As I’ve said before, I’m not one for being eaten out but tonight I gasped from the sheer pleasure of feeling his stubbled face and rough tongue on my sweaty musky hole, matching my own tongue on his cunt lap for lap. He told me how good my arse tasted - musky, sweaty, earthy - as he spread my cheeks and pushed his fingers in. Subconsciously I thanked God that i’d been on a light diet for the last few days in preparation for my original plans to be a total bottom for the whole weekend, as never before had I wanted someone’s tongue in my arse as I wanted Milos’. Releasing me he rolled me over and into all fours. Throwing me the poppers he spread my cheeks and burrowed into my arse. As I watch the porn - now Josh Weston being fucked by a bunch of black dudes - Milos licked, chewed and ate out my arse as I reached back and held his face against my arse, only pausing to rub his uncut cock against my hole. I could feel my hole getting wetter and wetter and the urge to give up my cunt was almost overwhelming. But not tonight. As he once again teased my hole with his cock I reached under and squeezed his bollocks hard enough to make him yell and unbalance him. I seized the opportunity and push him into his stomach and rammed my cock into his unprepared arse, forcing one arm up behind his back. As he struggled I slapped the side of his head. “No, you cunt. You don’t get to fuck me. I’m going to make you my sub boi and ruin your butt.” I slapped his head again and as he begged me not to stop I plowed his arse with deep hammer fucks, pulling all the way out before ramming my cock back in balls deep. As he breathing grew ragged his arse finally gave way and I drove my cock deeper than ever before, feeling his arse muscle give in as he gave in to the piercing ripping his insides open. I released his arm and slide two fingers in under my cock, widening his hole, and feeling my precum ooze out. I pushed his head into the pillow and became focused on thing and one thing only, opening up his arse with my cock and fingers. Beneath me, Milos was grunting not from pain but from a new sensation deep in his cunt he’d probably not experienced before but which every bottom eventually comes to feel - the need to be filled, pounded and used. Once that feeling takes over nothing else matters. Suddenly Milos was pushing his arse against my cock in synchronous rhythm, and pulling his arse cheeks apart so that he could feel me as deeply as possible. I flipped him over, and pulling his legs open, pushed my cock into his arse. Now we were one sweating, seething bestial mass of flesh. Joined cock to arse, lips on lips, tongues wrestling in each other’s mouths, we had reached that moment when we were connected. As I felt my balls tighten, I grabbed his head in both hands and our eyes locked. His hands reached round to pull me deeper, his fingers finding my sweaty cunt and fingering my hole. I couldn’t hold back any longer and with a yell I began spewing my spunk into his hole. Spasm after spasm wracked my body as I released wad after wad of cum into his hole. His hand went to his cock and within seconds he was cumming at the same time, each jab of my cock releasing a torrent of his spunk over his sweaty hairy body and my heaving chest. Still I kept fucking him, pushing my spunk deep into his guts. For an eternity we remained fused as I unloaded my balls until finally I collapsed on him, still snogging as he scooped his seed and smeared in over my lips before kissing me. Finally I pulled out, and rolled over onto my back, fluidly pushing him down and feeling him lick my cock and balls clean of any cum that had managed to escape. Catching my breath I rolled him over me and buried my face in his arsehole. Without a pause, I felt Milos push his arse over my face and as I opened my mouth, I felt a stream of my cum, precum and his arse juices flood into my mouth as he sucked my cock. It tasted so good and I swallowed the load, feeling it burn my throat as it flooded my own stomach. Rolling off, Milos kissed me once again, his tongue searching out any residue from his insides in my mouth. At least, temporarily sated we lay there, panting in each other’s arms. Still slightly buzzing from the K and T, we stroked and caressed before I rose up with my still hard cock slapping between my thighs and beckoned him to follow me.
    3 points
  7. Dropped into the local bookstore today after work. Made a beeline past the booths to the public room in back to see what was going on. Found a young guy standing in the corner, leaning against the wall. As I came in he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out a beautiful cut 7-incher. Still fully dressed, I took a couple of hits off my brown bottle and dropped to my knees in front of him. His cock head was already slick with precum when I took it into my mouth, slowly working the entire length down my throat until I could tickle his balls with my tongue. My head was swimming as I worked my throat back and forth on his shaft, occasionally gagging and drooling onto the floor at his feet. It wasn't long before I felt another pair of hands groping my ass through my dress pants. Without missing a stroke on the cock in my throat, I stood up, remaining bent over at the waist, and undid my pants to show this new unseen stranger that I was open to his advances. They fell to the floor with the whisper of fabric. Taking his cue, this new guy slowly worked my boxer briefs down over my ass, letting them drop around my ankles as well. I immediately felt a tongue on my exposed hole, and heard my ass eater's frantic grunts over the sound of the porn on the TV. I love having my ass eaten, and this guy was an expert! I tried to enjoy his rimming while continuing to work the other stranger's cock with my mouth. Before long, the tongue withdrew and I felt a light pressure in its place. I knew what it was, of course. He held there, pressing on my hole with the tip of his cock but making no effort to enter me. So, I took matters into my own hands. Grasping the first cock in my hand, I slowly eased back onto what proved to be a thick monster! My ass stretched around the head as I worked my way down his shaft. With a few more hits from my brown bottle, I thrust myself backward, impaling myself. The first guy stepped forward so he could continue to feed me his cock, and there I stayed, bent over with a cock in each end, for what seemed like a blissful eternity. Eventually, the first guy gave into my oral skills and let his load fly. With a satisfied sigh, his cock bobbed and pulsed in my mouth as he pumped a considerable load onto my tongue. I savored the salty flavor for a moment before greedily gulping it down. That was all the other guy needed. He grabbed my hips and gave a few mighty thrusts, and I was rewarded with the sensation of his cock doing the same dance deep in my hole. I gripped his shaft tight, intent on keeping all that seed inside me. As he pulled out, I spun around and wrapped my mouth around his softening cock, cleaning all the cum and ass from it so he could buckle up and leave. I never did see his face, or hear his voice. Just the way I like it. Some days the bookstore can be a bust - waste of time, waste of money. But scenes like this make it all worthwhile. I'll always cum back for more!
    3 points
  8. Decided that I needed to get back to exercising when I remembered that a friend lived near the 40 mile or so walking/bike trail called The Silver Comet. My friend was busy but lent me his bike. It was such a great sunny day that I headed off on his bike with attached water bottle. As we have been having a heatwave here in Atlanta, and since school was back in session, the trail was virtually empty. A very people but nobody interesting until this very athletic guy wearing skintight cycling gear rode up to where I was and said hello.He promptly passed me by and I did not think about it again til I saw him stopped ahead of me at an abandoned railroad crossing. I checked to see if he was ok, and thats when I could see his hardon and his smiling toward me. He then took his bike off trail and I followed him with my bike til we were deep on the woods. He kept checking behind to make sure I was following him til he stopped.I went over to where he was standing and he told me to bend over ,of which he pulled my shorts down and started fingering my hole. As I moaned, he told me to shut up, spit on fingers, and then my furry ass, and quickly inserted his cock pounding me hard and deep with one hand around my waist and another over my mouth as I started to scream til he unloaded what felt like tons of cum in my ass. As I pulled up my shorts, he gave a quick smile, mounted his bike and pedalled away. I felt that was a good start to exercise so I turned around and headed back to my friends house to get my car and drive home.
    2 points
  9. I like cumdumps to be naked as much as possible, even in public places. Reminds them that they are basically just a breeding animal.
    2 points
  10. -Part 5- We were now in his car- I was filled with anticipation for what was to come. I had asked where we were going and was told not to worry about it. The car came to a stop in a parking lot and he said "come on". I did. I was surprised to find us at an ice cream store. He got us both vanilla soft serve and we sat outside. "It's important to eat, never forget that little one. Maybe later I'll take you to dinner. Or maybe we'll be occupied with other activities" he said. And then something taboo happened: we got to know each other. He told me what had led him to here and I told him about me. He was a good guy. It took away a little of the mystery but now I was even more excited to connect with him. maybe it's the hopeless romantic in me. I wondered if this could ever be something real? That terrified me. ______ "Come on in" He said as he opened the door to his place. "My roomate won't be home for a few hours, This will do for an hour or two- until its time" He led me to his room "I'm just subletting till I find my own place, excuse the mess" I looked around and it was pretty barebones: bed, nightstand and a bunch of boxes against the wall. He came up behind me and started kissing my neck. with his hands at my sides he grabbed at the hem of my shirt and pulled it off. I turned to face him. he was naked except his jock. When had he stripped? It was hot. "What now?" I asked. "Well- that depends how adventurous you are?" "Try me" "famous last words, little one" And then he pulled me to him, making out fiercely. tongues on tongues. Minutes or years passed and he broke us apart and said "follow me". He led me to the en suite bathroom attached to his room and turned on the full shower. While it warmed he explained "We're out of stuff. Just for the moment- but if you trust me I have a plan to keep you feeling good, hop in the shower" I took off my clothes and he hummed in appreciation. I was never one to feel great about my body but he made me feel sexy. I felt seen. I got under the water and the sensation of the warm water cascading down my body was something else all together. He got in and we made out in the steaming shower. feeling each other and jerking each others cocks to full hardness. He had a bottle of lube in the shower and used it to lube his cock and my ass and bent me over. He started to fuck me nice and slow. I was enjoying this moment so much. As he fucked me he pulled himself into me and forced a whisper in my ear "You ready?" "For what?" "For our next adventure" and with that i felt warmth in my ass at first I was confused. Was he filling me with cum? And then I realized...piss. He was filling me with piss. I'd always harbored a secret fetish for piss so moaned in appreciation. "Good boy. Let me fill you up. This isn't just piss. this is chem piss. You'll be soaring again very soon. do you have any for me?" he asked. grabbing a cup from the ledge. Instinctively I knew to follow orders and fill the cup with my own piss. I did. and handed it back to him. he raised the glass in a cheers motion and then brought it to my lips and had me take a sip. Then he drained the rest. By the time he was done the chem piss was starting to take hold. He slipped out of the shower saying "meet me in the bedroom when your ready" . A few minutes late I met him in the bedroom. Things had changed. The blinds were down. a pleather sheet was on the bed. and the contents of one of the boxes had been upended. It was full of sex toys. A few dildos, butt plugs, poppers, cuffs and restraints. And there he was. Sexy as all fuck in a mask, black leather chaps, and a cock ring. he grabbed my hands and cuffed them in a leather cuff. Then forced a black mesh jockstrap on me with a comment that "My dick wasn't necessary right now" He kneeled me on the bed and entered me. Fucking me hard. both of us flying high on the chempiss. So many positions, toys, moment of sweat and sex flashed before my eyes. High on chempiss and poppers, two hours passed effortlessly. I had just relaxed into a post orgasm moment. Content with his cum in my hole when the phone rang. "Yeah?" he answered. A few quick exchanges. Then he hung up. "Okay, little one. It's time." Lets get cleaned up and out the door. Within minutes we were on the road once more. Where to now? I had stopped caring and just trusted I'd get to where I needed to be. End part 5
    2 points
  11. Work was usually incredibly boring. Office work is dull and was only alleviated by the fact that I had my own office and sat with my back to the window so I always knew when someone was coming in to see me. The advantage of this was that it meant I could watch porn and cruise fuck-sites whenever I wanted too. And the reason I didn’t have to worry about a firewall detecting my nefarious activities was thanks to an intern the previous summer. Most interns are dorky, geeky jerks. But last summer my company took in an intern in the IT department. He was short, dark and hairy. Greek I found out on his second day. I hadn’t noticed him at first. He’d come over the fix the printer in the outer office and a colleague mentioned that I might ask him to look into the fact that my computer kept freezing. I agreed and it was only when I looked up that I drew breath. 178cm, lean, stubble despite having clearly shaved that day and from a momentary flash of eye contact either gay or curious. I stepped away from my desk so he could sit down and stood behind him. Not too close but close enough to be able to look down the back of his shirt and see a glimpse of a hairy neck and back. As we chatted it too all my concentration not to get a semi let alone a hard on. We made small talk - his name was Milos and he was staying with relatives downtown so he could intern for the summer and was cycling to work to save dollars. After a couple of minutes he said that it had something to do with my network or something like that and that he’d be back. I thanked him and got back to work, only pausing at lunchtime for a quick wank in the toilet cubicle imaging his hairy arse riding my face. A few days later I was working later than normal as my boyfriend was out of town and I had the next day off as I was planning a weekend of hard chem sex with as much cock and spunk and piss as I could handle. Everyone had already left for the day as I’d been reminded to use the back door as the alarm had been set, when there was a knock on my door. Looking up, there was Milos holding a cable in one hand and a backpack in the other. “Hey, Milos.” “Hey. Sorry I was on my way out and I saw your light on and wondered if know might be a good time to sort your cabling.” He smiled discretely. “Sure, I’ve just finished for the day. Just let me get out of your way.” I stepped aside and to the other side of my desk. He sidled past me, slightly too close, and dropping his backpack on my desk, disappeared under it. I leaned over and took in a good view of his butt. He was out of his regulation chinos and shirt, wearing jeans and a tee. The tee had risen up to reveal a hairy back and what was clearly the waistband of a jockstrap. A yellow jockstrap. As we made more small talk, I took a risk and quietly unzipped his backpack. Nestled inside was a buttplug, a bottle of poppers and prep pills. I grinned. Milos was either a dirty fucker on his way to meet someone or a dirty fucker who knew what he wanted right now. I rezipped the back pack and moved it across from where he had placed it and waited. He finally got to his feet, rearranged his jeans so as to give me a flash of the yellow waist band from the front and after glancing at his back pack started tapping away at my keyboard. “It’s sorted, but I’ve noticed you’ve a firewall problem, so let me change that so that it doesn’t give you any more hassles.” He tapped for a few more minutes and then stepped to one side. “Take a look.” I walked around the table and looked at the screen. There, as he looked at me, was a scene of four guys fucking. Hairy guys. Sweaty and fucking raw. He leaned over and turned up the sound on my speaker. Grunts, swearing and slapping sounds filled the room. “Does that work for you?” I looked at him. His eyes were bright and eager, his mouth slightly open. I grabbed him by the chin and pushed my tongue into his mouth. He reciprocated and I pulled him towards me, one hand on the back of his head, the other on his arse, probing through the denim to find the entrance to his arse. He moaned and grinded his crotch against mine, both of us instantly hard. He pulled away and looked down at the screen, as we watched one guy, in a jock was being gang fucked by the other three. Even though there was no sound, we could tell he was getting a good hard and deep fucking, only pausing when one of the tops stopped to eat out his arse and then piss all over his hole. Milos whispered “Nice jock.” “Yeah but it isn’t yellow.” He chuckled and pulled slightly away. Kicking off his trainers, he pulled off his tee and slipped down his jeans. He was fucking gorgeous. Standing there, he was hairy from head to toe. Thick luxurious hair that made the yellow jock he was wearing, impressively tented with the start of a damp patch, stand out even more. He had a swimmers build and clearly, under that hair a flat, six-packed stomach, great muscular legs that were clearly supporting a fine arse and nice thick forearms. I leaned over and opened his backpack. “I think there’s a few things in here of interest too,” I said as I pulled out the poppers and the butt plug. Milos grinned as I popped open the bottle and handed it to him. Without hesitation he took four deep huffs and handed the bottle back. I smiled and took two deep huffs and handed him the plug. He took the plug and gobbing on it, proceed to suck and lick it, staring at me intently. Handing it back to me, he leaned against the desk and turned to look at the computer screen. I tasted his spit on the plug and then gobbed on it myself. Standing behind him, I traced it down his back making him moan and rested it as the top of his pert, hairy butt. He pushed his arse out, rubbing against my engorged cock in my chinos. It was my turn to moan and as I leaned forward to kiss his neck I caught the faint whiff of sweat building up on his hairy torso. Right there and then I wanted to fuck his tight hairy cunt, over my desk. And he wanted it too. His breathing was shallow and expectant as he hand reached round to grabbed and rub my hard cock through the fabric of my trousers. I smiled and gently pushed the tip of the butt plug against his hole. He pushed against it and sighed as the tip slipped into what was a very tight hole. Feeling resistance only made me harder. Fuck he was really tight. This hole needed more time and a lot of abuse. With sudden force I pushed the plug into his arse. His sharp intake of breath proved he was both tight and not expecting it. I wrapped an arm around his throat and pulled him back. “Does Milos want to play?” When he didn’t answer I tightened my arm against his throat. His arms automatically came up so I kicked his legs from under him forcing him to regain his balance and cutting off the air a bit more. “Answer me, you cunt.” He nodded as he regained his balance. My hand slid to the plug which I rotated and pushed into his arse making him moan. “Leave the plug in, getting fucking dressed and follow me,” I grabbed my bag and didn’t look back, but could hear him scrabbling to get dressed before padding down the stairs behind me. I unlocked my bike and waited while he unlocked his. Cycling was difficult with the steel hardon I was sporting but tonight I was horny and going to make the intern pay. Obediently, he mounted his saddle, wincing as the butt plug make contact with the hard seat and followed me home. I walked to the front door and without turning back knew he was following. I walked into the front room and flipped the heating on as I heard him click the front door closed. I dropped my bag and turned to face him as he entered the room. I ordered him to empty the contents of his bag onto the floor. Out spilled lube, the poppers, the prep, a handheld douche, some arse wipes, a dildo, a metal cockring and a bullet. No condoms. But Milos has clearly planned and I licked my lips at the prospect of his clean cunt. And clearly the bullet contained K. I smiled and ordered him to strip to his jock and pick up the poppers. He slowly started to undress and it took all my willpower not to stride over and rip his clothes off and snog him. He was magnificent. Lean. Hairy. Very hairy. And glistening with sweat from the cycle ride and as the room started to heat up. Licking his lips, he took four deep huffs and then stared at me intently. Fucking cocky bastard, I remember thinking. As he watched, I slowly undid my shirt and pulled it from my chinos. At the time I was prepping for a competitive swim so I was ripped as fuck and had clipped my chest hair. I knew it as I had planned to spend a second weekend at the sauna being fucked by as many cocks as I could. Dropping my shirt to the floor, I saw his eyes widen as he looked at my torso. I grinned and kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks. Slowly I dropped my chinos until I stood before him in a pair of white 2xist briefs - my cock straining to escape. “What do you think?” I asked. He moaned and his hand dropped to his jock. “No!” I barked. His hand dropped to his side instantly. I walked over to him and stood directly in front of him. I could feel his breath and he could feel mine. I took the poppers and then dropped my hand and grabbed his cock through the fabric of his jock, and squeezed it roughly. He gasped in shock. He was packing a decent sized cock and balls. I leaned in and kissed him. “Ready to get fucked?” He nodded. I smiled. Fucked yeah. But I meant fucked up. I gave his cock and balls a final hard squeeze, took four deep hits from the poppers, slid my underwear down and then pushed him down into my crotch. Twelve hours since I’d last showered, and countless piss breaks later, I was one musky smelling cunt. On his knees, I pushed his face into my hairy crotch. He didn’t flinch and I heard him moan as he inhale my sweaty scent. I felt his tongue extend to taste my fragrant balls, licking the sweat from them greedily but waiting obediently before doing anything else. I regretted not wearing a cockring or a piercing at that precise moment but realising we had all night, I pulled his head back and, as he automatically opened his mouth, gobbed into his mouth, before guiding it into my stiff cock. It was all the incentive he needed. Grabbing my arse, he focused solely on my cock and balls, only stopping when I jerked his head back to gob into his mouth. Fuck it felt good. Lost in the poppers, wetness of his mouth and sliding my hands over his hairy, increasingly sweaty back and down to the top of his butt I pulled his mouth off my cock and grinned. Tapping his mouth to keep it open, I looked into his eyes as I spurted a small amount of piss into his expectant mouth. Without flinching he swallowed. I smiled and slapped the side of his head as he smiled back. Holding the sides of his head I slid my cock back into his mouth and released my afternoon’s bladder into his greedy gut. I didn’t even need to put my hand on the back of his head as he pulled my cock into my mouth and expertly sucked my cock and milked it for every bit of piss like it was fresh water from a tap. When there was no more piss left he lapped my musky balls and lifted them up with one hand, his tongue searching out the crack behind. I knew what he wanted, so I turned round and placing one hand on the end of the sofa looked over the shoulder and spread my cheeks. My dirty Greek fucker didn’t need any instructing, diving deep into my hairy, sweaty crack. Gobbing and licking his way to my hole he whimpered as he gorged on my musty cunt and I took a few more deep huffs of poppers. After he had licked my arse clean of its sweat I took a final deep sniff before I hauled him to his feet and we snogged. And I mean deeply snogged - sharing the taste of me as our hands searched each other’s bodies and crevices, fingers slipping into mouths, and arses as we tasted each other. Then I took him by the hand and stopping only to pick up the cockring, dildo and bullet, I led him upstairs
    2 points
  12. I was a service man installing, maintaining and repairing commercial HVAC equipment but my boss asked me to do a shopping mall Santa gig for a few Decembers because I was fat, even though I had been poz for half a dozen years thanks to a tough regimen of diet and drug cocktails. At fifty I was still in good shape and could still enjoy sex which was perfect because I'm a Top, even now, at the age of 71, I like to get sucked off and fuck any ass my dick could get hard enough to enter. I didnt fuck too well with condoms so I seldom used them. I fucked poz guys and occasionally had the delight of pumping my pozz jizz up an HIV-virgin ass which gave my dick double the orgasm great feeling of fucking a poz guy or some of the fucks before I tested poz. My doctor had told me that even on my regimen of meds I needed to use condoms because I would still infect bottoms up their asses. I was average height and weighed around 275. I looked like most other masculine blue collar working men my age. Few knew that was gay and fewer knew that I'd just as soon fuck a guy or have him blow me as look at him. My nearly seven-inch cut dick had made many bottoms and versatiles happy. Some had cummed just from getting fucked by me. One December I was paired with a cute little twenty-one-year-old guy with collar-length blond hair named Roger. He looked and acted like any other young adult but as the first couple of nights passed I figured out he was as gay as I am but mostly a bottom. By the time we got to the locker room each night after shutting down the throne area the mall was closed so only employees were there closing up shop for the night, finishing the day's paperwork, cleaning up, etc. Only the janitors and night security guards made an occasional visit to the locker room and the ones that winter were gay or bi. "You like chubbys?" I asked him on the third night as we shucked our outfits in the employees mens locker room when I caught him admiring me. "I'm a 'chaser!" he gushed. "You can suck my cock if you like." I replied as I turned to face him. Being the fairy in heat he was he dropped to his knees sucking my cock into his mouth, his head beneath my beer gut. He gave my cut meat excellent head while humming in delight, swallowed my load, sucked off of my cock and kissed it and my balls. My dick felt good in his mouth and he said I shot a nice load which he enjoyed swallowing. I knew I needed to poz his ass if he hadnt been pozzed yet. That night near morning my morning piss hardon throbbed so I had to masturbate to get it to soften enough to take a piss. I had dreamed I was ready to knock off a piece of Roger and was just entering him to give him a golden enema when I awoke. The gig was for three weeks so I decided to save his ass for sometime during the last week so he wouldnt get the "AIDS flu" before it ended. The last week finally came. I had been letting him suck my cock and orally service my feet every two or three days and had squatted on his face to let him rim me a couple of times. "We're going to a motel for the anal." I told him, because anal is more involved and harder to stop and get in order should anyone walk into the locker room. I was horny as hell and was thinking of the extacy of fucking Roger and infecting him with my poz sperms and how utterly fantastic my dick would feel when I shot them off inside him. We drove to the cheap hourly motel that also catered to whores and johns, parked and got a room. Once the door was locked behind us I started with us stripping. We had already seen each other nude so there wasnt any need to explore or do any other pre-foreplay. He sucked my semi-hard dick to full hardness and lay on his stomach on the bed. "Put a pillow under your crotch, need to raise your ass alittle." I ordered him. He obeyed and spread his legs while I finished greasing-up my loggerhead. I spat on his asshole, mounted him, lined up my shot and entered him as he flinched a little. "You keep your hole nice and tight. I like that." I told him after hilting myself in his snug warm hole. I fucked him good, varying my tempo and stroke. I wanted to wear his hole out and rough it up inside good so my HIV would enter his bloodstream easier and quicker. I sometimes fucked slowly, sometimes slammed it with fat-shaking snaps of my hips which also put some pain to him. Had he been a virgin he'd have been beside himself in pain and I'd be doing my best to hold him in place under me so I could get the piece of his ass he owed me. As it was, his virginity was lost history and he liked taking a good fucking. After ten minutes or so I was satisfied I'd tore him up inside enough to facilitate passage of my virus into his system. Four years before I'd fucked one neg hole taking it easy and later found out I failed to knock that asshole up. Since then I either rammed a finger up the bottoms' asses to cut their rectums with a fingernail or worked my dick at various angles and thrusts while the lube dried up in their holes to get them ready to take my virus. I pulled my dick almost all the way out to check for blood on it. There was some so I was satisfied I'd pozz him. I slammed it home and piston-thrust-fucked him to orgasm. My dick was in seventh heaven when I blasted my dangerous virus-laden cum deep into him. I was beside myself in rapture and how absolutely great my dick felt with each spurt of my charged cum in his torn rectum. Thinking of how he would feel within the next month added to my sense of conquest and orgasmic enjoyment as I thrust again and again to pump every last disease-carrying sperm cell into that punk. I liked the respect and friendliness Roger showed me but I also loved how great my dick felt infecting him with my poison cum, that I was the stud who would change his life forever by taking my pleasure in him because he was foolish and neglectful enough to think I was neg and not bother to ask my status. I kept thrusting to grind my HIV-laden sperm cells through his rectal walls into his bloodstream, partly because my dick still felt great with each thrust as well as how great I felt infecting him by enjoying fucking him. A few minutes later I rested on his back, my dick still mostly hard inside his ass, occasionally thrusting in it. I decided I'd reload and fuck him again. I used to reload in half an hour when I was Roger's age but at fifty it took just over an hour to reload and come again. Roger was able to take my weight on his back for the entire hour. I took a short nap of maybe half an hour after we shot the shit and traded first time stories and then talked again when I woke up. The hour passed and my dick was still just hard enough to remain in his ass. I began taking very short strokes to re-harden it and slowly increased my stroke until I was fully hard. I then fucked him, mainly varying my stroke and tempo in order to nut since I usually take longer to bust a second nut. I got my urge after about fifteen to twenty minutes of fucking, fucked him into the bed, slowed alittle and pumped a nice feeling second orgasm of infected semen into him. My second orgasm felt just about as great as my first one. As before, I thrust until I was spent and rested again. I could tell Roger was uncomfortable after nearly two hours under my meaty weight. I pulled out of him, dismounted, stood beside the bed and waited for him to get his fucked ass up and suck my dick clean. He got up and seemed to feel in pain, partly from being under me but also in his ass. I smiled to myself as he knelt and took my spent weapon in his mouth and sucked on it for awhile. He sucked off of it leaving it clean and dry, as several men he had serviced had taught him to do. He kissed it and my balls like they were his lover on a date and stood up. "Merry Christmas Roger. Hope you enjoy the gift." I said joyfully. He thanked me and went to the bathroom to take a piss and I could see very little cum with just a tinge of blood leaking out of his hole. I wanted to also give him a drink of warm beer on tap or give his face a golden shower but he wasnt into that. I started getting dressed and he began getting dressed after pissing. I told him he was a good piece of ass I enjoyed fucking but didnt mention how much I enjoyed pumping my HIV into him. He told me how great getting fucked by me was and that he wished he knew more masculine older fat men. The rest of that last week saw me taking him to the motel two more times to enjoy fucking him some more. The gig then ended with us hugging nude in the locker room showers, him blowing me in the shower, us hugging again, getting dressed, hugging and going home, him to his place where he still lived with his parents and me to my apartment. We did keep in touch mainly because he had his regular job in a store in town. One day after work when I made a weekly stop to pick up something for a couple of bucks I saw he wasnt there. I asked about him and another clerk said he was sick with a bad flu. I told the clerk to wish him well as I took my change and receipt. I stopped in successive weeks and saw him a month and a half later. He looked tired and not too happy. I asked him if he saw a doctor. He said he did, was tested and how he cried when the doctor said he had the HIV. My dick sprang to attention in my work pants which were fortunately loose enough to hide it. I wished him the best of luck with his new regimen but never told him I was the stud who'd knocked him up. Once I got home I went into the bathroom, dropped my pants and masturbated my rock-hard weapon, shooting a load of poz cum into the bathroom sink. I then got a beer out of the fridge and celebrated another penis-pleasing conquest. A couple of my poz buddies who were around my age and I usually went to a bar once a week to discuss sex and if any of us pozzed someone during the week. One of them had also pozzed someone so we three toasted our success. Tom said his orgasm in a forty year old felt "mighty fine" and that his dick got hard when he found out he'd infected the guy. Tony, a versatile I had pozzed a few years before, sucked Tom and me off and kissed our cocks and balls to reward us for jobs well done.
    1 point
  13. I remember so clearly when I met him... how could I forget? I wanted the man the minute I saw his profile. It was my first year away at college, and at 18 I was everything I THOUGHT at the time a college guy should be.... pretty frat jock boy, lacrosse player, 150 lbs of shredded lean muscle, dark hair and blue eyed boy. Everything a sorority girl falls for.... except I liked guys. I drooled over the other guys at the frat house when I saw them in their skivvies or nude in the locker room. But, except for a few drunken blow jobs, I'd not let myself do much. I guess I just didn't want to mentally cross that line. If I did, then I was allowing myself to be what I thought was a fag. But, at night when my house-mate was gone and the frat house was quiet, I'd sneak on line and check out the local guys and j/o. Then, one night, I saw his profile. He was much older then I was, at 44 years to my 18. But man, he had a body that could rival most of my frat brothers. The profile said he was 6 ft. He had short cropped, very clean cut salt and pepper hair on his head and his chest. He was definitely built, you could tell he logged hours at the gym. His legs looked like tree trunks and his ass like a rock. And his cock....god he had the most powerful, awesome looking cock. His profile read "Hot top Dad, looking for a boy willing to give it ALL up for him". Wow. Talk about a turn on... "give it all up".... for a stud like that, I'd try getting fucked. What did I know at the time. I replied to his profile and didn't hear anything back for two days. I'd thought he wasn't interested when I got an email back asking me for some pics and if I knew my status. I sent the pics, along with the reply that I was neg, which I was. He replied that he was also and, after a few more emails, we arranged to get together. From the minute I walking in his door, we had to have each other. The second we laid eyes on each other, we were both already getting hard. He stepped up to me, put one hand behind my head and one behind my back and kissed me hard. I'd never been kissed by a man, and I kissed him back with everything in me. Within five minutes, he was leading me upstairs and stripping my jeans and tee off. He was the most aggressive man I'd ever been with, and before long I was naked, on my back with my legs spread. He kneeled between my legs and stared down at me, then slowly began to strip. His body was even better then his pictures showed, and I was taken from that moment on. Shortly, he was on top of me again. He kissed with such animal lust, his hands all over my body. He kissed down my body until his face was over my hard, 7" cock. He looked at me with a grin, then swallowed my cock whole. It was the most amazing feeling I'd ever felt and before long, my balls started to pull up hard. He stopped, and came back up to my face and kissed me hard. "You don't cum unless I tell you too. Understood?" "Yeah", I replied. "Yes Daddy", he said. "What?" "From now on, you can call me Daddy. It turns me on. OK?" "Yes..... Daddy" I said. "Good boy". He rolled me over onto my stomach and moved around in front of my face. Sitting back on his heels, he waved his fat, 9' cock in my face and instructed me to take him. I'd never had a cock that big before, but Daddy began to teach me how to service him. He talked me through sucking him, telling me I was a good boy, how good a cock sucker I was, how he was going to make me into 'his boy forever'. I'd never had a man talk to me that way before, and it turned me on tremendously. Before long, Daddy's balls started to pull up, and I knew he was about to cum. I started to pull off his cock, and he grabbed me by my hair and pulled my face to his. "Never, ever stop until I tell you to, boy. Understood? I was so close to coming." He growled. "I've never had a guy cum in my mouth before though", I said. "Boy, I'll teach you how to take Daddy's load. But, you NEVER stop unless I tell you. Understood?" The idea of having a man cum in my mouth both frightened and excited me, especially from a man so beautiful. He pushed my head back down on his cock and kept slowly pumping into my mouth. Then, without warning, he grabbed my head again and lifted it up, and shoved a small bottle hard under my nose, forcing me to inhale. He held it there for several seconds, until I had taken several hits, then pushed my mouth back down on his cock and started smoothly pumping into my mouth again. After a few seconds, a wave hit me and I was more aroused then I'd ever been in my life. I began to really work Daddy's cock, and before long, I heard him start to growl. He wrapped his hands around my head, and I felt his cock stiffen before burst after burst of his cum gushed into my mouth. I was engulfed in a wave of ecstasy and began swallowing each burst as it erupted into my mouth like a hungry puppy. I'd never heard a man shout so much as he came, and his animal intensity just turned me on more and made me work that much harder to swallow him. Afterwards, Daddy cuddled me in his arms and told me what a good boy I was. Hearing that was odd, but it turned me on. He asked if I had ever been fucked before and I said I hadn't. He told me he would get me to the point that he would train me to want to give it up for him and I instantly got hard again. The thought of this beautiful stud teaching me how to want to be fucked by him. Or so I thought. And that's how it was for the next three months. Each time, Daddy would get me close, then retract. I was never allowed to cum, or even touch myself. He trained me to know how to stay on his cock, and take each load with gratitude. Each time, Daddy would start to play with my ass more and more, getting me excited and pushing my butt in the air. He'd rub my cheeks, then eventually he got to sliding a finger in me, which grew to two and then three. Once night when Daddy had me on all fours, he began to eat my ass, making me moan and squirm like a whore. Daddy asked me "Are you ready to have that ass fucked, to give it up for me?" and all I could think was, OH YES, I am so ready to let you fuck me. It's about time. But all I said was "Yes Daddy. I'm ready". But he didn't. Then next day I got an email from Daddy. It read "It's time boy. Time to give it all up for me. Be at my place at 10, go upstairs, strip and get on all fours on the bed in the dark and wait." I was hard the rest of the day. At 10, I arrived at Daddy's. The door was unlocked, so I went in and up to his bedroom. He said to keep it dark, so I stripped off and felt my way to the bed. I climbed on and got on all fours like I had been told and waited. I didn't have to wait long. In the dark, Daddy had been waiting in the corner. He stepped up in front of me, and cupped my chin. He lifted it to his face and kissed me hard and deep. I was instantly hard. As his hands caressed my body, he leaned in to my ear and started to talk. "You've been a very good boy these past weeks boy. Daddy's so proud of you. By doing what I said to night, you're showing me that you are truly ready to give it all up to me. Am I right?" "Oh yes Daddy... I am so ready". All I could think about was, He's going to fuck me! "Good boy", he whispered in my ear. "Spread you knees and arch your back. Put you boy pussy in the air for me". I did as I was told. Daddy continued holding my face, looking into his eyes. "You're such a good boy, such a willing boy. Tonight, you're going to become mine fully boy. I've arranged something very special for you, something that will change you and make you my property, boy" Oh my god this man can turn me on! Change me? Make me his property? God this man can talk hot. "Are you ready boy? No turning back now?". I looked into this beautiful mans face, and said yes. He leaned in and began kissing me, harder and more passionately then ever before. As he did, I suddenly felt two hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks, and a tongue pressing into me. I panicked at the unknown intrusion, but Daddy gripped my head against his chest and held me tight. "Relax boy. You deserve this, this is special. This is exactly what Daddy wants. You want to please me, don't you? You want to be mine?" I replied I did and the tongue in my ass buried deeper. My cock was hard as a rock against my belly and it had been SO long since I'd be allowed to cum. Daddy shoved the bottle under my nose and in seconds, I was pushing my hard, hairless ass back against that face. Daddy let go of me and my head and shoulders sunk to the bed, with my knees spread and my ass in the air. Daddy stepped back against the wall and turned the light up a bit. I glanced back behind me and the man who was standing on the other side of the bed, bent over and eating my ass. He was about 6'2", solid muscle. He was a God, even more beautiful then my Daddy. But, what got my attention was the 10" of hard cock he was stroking. Surely Daddy was kidding, I'd never been fucked before and he was expecting me to take that cock? He was perfect in every way, with one hot tattoo on his left hip. I'd seen that kinda emblem before, in the Biology labs at school, and I knew what it meant, but I couldn't figure out why he'd have that on him. After eating my ass until I was practically moaning, Daddy suddenly said "It's time". Behind me, the god that had been eating my ass climbed on the bed and started to mount me, positioning his monster cock at my ass. Daddy swiftly stepped forward and grabbed both of my arms and pinned them behind my back. I was pinned, shoulders to the bed, ass in the air and knees spread wide. I struggled and pleaded for Daddy to tell me what was going on, but he just held me and said "Go for it, it's time. Take him." Suddenly, I felt the sharpest pain in my ass as the guy behind me shoved his hard cock in me. I screamed and he pushed into me, and in about three pushes was buried in me. Daddy grabbed both of my arms in one hand, and with the other shoved the bottle under my nose again. This time, he just held it there. The cock in me withdrew just slightly, then pushed in again. And the bottle stayed. Pretty soon my ass loosened up, but Daddy had another surprise for me. He grabbed some rope from the end of the bed and began to tie my wrists together behind my back. I was now helpless. Through it all, the rhythmic pumping of my ass never stopped. The only sounds from behind me was the muscle god groaning as he fucked me, the slapping of his balls against my prone ass, and the only three words he'd say all night: "He bleeding bad". "Keep fucking him", Daddy said as he kneeled before me. He shoved the bottle under my nose for several more seconds until I moaned and relaxed some more. The cock in me was feeling good now, and I was beginning to get hard again. Daddy kissed me as the waves from the bottle hit me. Then he cupped my chin and lifted my face to his. "You're such a beautiful little boy", he said. "That cock in you is so beautiful. And it looks like you're learning to enjoy it." I moaned and the cock picked up speed. "The man fucking you is positive, boy. I knew from the first time I had you that this day would come. I've paid him a lot of money to breed you." I moaned and began to struggle. The hands gripping my hips just gripped tighter. "You can't get away boy. Tonight, you give it all up for me. This man will fuck you several times tonight, and when he's done, you'll be full of his cum." The bottle again, and against my will, I moaned when the waves hit. "After tonight, you will be my poz whore, my property. You will work to pay back what I spent tonight to convert you boy, and I will whore you out to get the money back." The cock inside me picked up speed. "After tonight, you will be damaged goods. I will never fuck you, but you will belong to me. Your ass will be mine to rent out to whom I choose, when I choose. You will be used until you're no longer useful or profitable to me, and then I will get rid of you.". The bottle again, and all I could do was moan and sob. The cock in me was fucking me furiously now. Daddy stood up and stepped back up against the way, folded his arms and watched. The stud began panting hard as he fucked me, and every now and again, he'd begin to moan "oh god". Daddy stepped forward and began commanding him, shout at him to "Fuck my boy" and "Charge his ass, go on. Do what you've been paid to do." The stud started fucking me like a dog, almost climbing on top of me to pile drive his hard meat into my fucked out boy hole. He was precumming hard, and I could feel his wetness running down my balls. I was practically screaming for him to stop. But the more I screamed and begged, the hard Daddy would command him to "knock the boy up' while pushing the bottled under my nose. The stud behind me began to moan that he couldn't hold back much longer. Daddy kneeled in front of me again and pushed the bottle one last time under my nose and commanded me to take the biggest hit I could and hold it. I did and a few seconds later my ass totally gave in. Daddy kneeled in front of me again, and cupped my chin in his hand. He looked behind me and said "He's ready. Charge him". He looked back into my wet eyes and said, "You're mine now, boy". The stud behind me started to yell, louder then Daddy ever did. "Fuck!" he cried and slammed into me harder then he had so far "Fuck yeah! Take my load boy! Take my charged fucking cum up that ass! FUCK YEAH!!! I'm fucking up that ass right now, kid." Daddy stood up and watched the stud unloaded in me. As the stud kept pumping his seed into me, Daddy pulled out his cock. Instinctively, and since the poppers were still working, I took it in my mouth. Just a few short pumps, and Daddy unloaded the biggest load of seed into me he's ever cum. I swallowed every drop. The stud behind me kept working his load into me for another ten minutes before his softened cock slipped out of me. Daddy untied the ropes around my wrist, but he then took my arms and pulled them down between my knees, and then tied them together with my ankles. I was left that way, ass up and tied for about two hours, after which the scene happened again. It happened four times that night. The next morning I woke up. Daddy was gone, I was untied and there was a note. It read: "You're a good boy. You gave it all up for Daddy. You were made to be his boy. I know you're mad now, but call me when things change". Change? What could change? I left angry, and didn't tell anyone about what happened? Who could I tell? Two weeks later, I felt achy. The next day, I felt downright sick, throwing up, muscle spasms, everything. I called Daddy for lack of anyone else to call. He told me to come right over so he could take care of me. I went over, and immediately upon arrival, he took me to his bed. I was so weak, all I could do was lay there as he stripped me. An hour later, the top stud that fucked me arrived. I looked up at him and heard Daddy say, "this is it. One last time to make sure". The god jumped on the bed, rolled me over and pulled me up on my knees. Un-mercilessly he shoved his cock back into me and fucked me while Daddy again belted out his commands. The stud seemed to enjoy my weakness and kept mumbling that I was "fucked now" and "turned into a whore". He came one last time in me, more then any of the first times. When he was done, he climbed off the bed and stood in front of Daddy. "I think you can be sure it's done. Just like what you wanted. Cash on delivery, right?" Daddy smiled and looked down at me. "Yes, you did what you were hired for. Here's your cash, count it if you want. It's all there, all $7000. You earned it." "Not hard to do", the stud replied. "You got a really pretty one this time. Much prettier then any of the others". And that's how it's been since. Two months later I dropped out of school. Daddy put me in a room in the basement. He's been whoring me ever since... he likes to advertise me as "prime boy meat for poz cocks" with my picture on all kinds of web sites. He's sells me a $100 bucks a fuck, and there have been weekends where he's made 2 grand off me. Each time, I'm tied while Daddy watches and smiles, and tells me what a good boy I am.
    1 point
  14. I was actually feeling super slutty for the whole week and i sucked a random guy from grindr yesterday. But tonight i wanted to please more than 1 man. So first i met with my regular fwb ,who picked me up and we drove into the woods. We went on the back seat,where i started sucking and deepthroating his cock. I wanted to make sure that he will enjoy in a good,long and sloppy blowjob. It was a bit of challenge to suck him for long ,as my jaw still hurts from the long blowjob i gave yesterday. But i did nonetheless. After some time my FWB was ready to fuck me,so we went out and i leaned onto the trunk of his car and offered my ass to him while standing.He lubed me up and showed his cock into me. It hurt me a bit ,but my buddy always notices when it hurts ,so he was gentle and gave me the time to adjust wo me having to say anything. Ater a sec, he started pounding me rough ,as he always does, so i was moaning from pleasure. My perfectly clean and very wet ass was all sloppy as he was pounding me. After a while, he held onto my hips ( i love it when he does that) ,started to really pound me rough, until he stopped balls deep in me as he was filling me with cum. He pulled it out ,we got dressed and got home. Before i met with my regular fwb ,i had arranged a hookup with my other semi-regular 19 yr old top, that we we'll fuck and he wanted ,for me to come to him pre-filled with cum ,and still wet from the fuck i had before. This was actually this guys wish for quite some time now ,but we didn't really arrange it yet. I drove to his place, parked nearby and walked to his place. As i was walking i could feel my smooth and creamy asscheeks rubbing against each-other and i felt so slutty,knowing that i was just fucked and am going for the sloppy seconds. When i came to his place ,he was already waiting me naked on bed. I got undressed ,went on all 4 and started sucking him. After a while he grabbed my head and begun deepthroating me. After that, i had to go on the floor into the doggy and lean over the bed. He lubed me ,fingered me a bit ,showed it in and started pounding my sloppy ass. He was really passionate and i loved the feeling of his body on mine as i was pressed against the bed. Soon he filled me with his cum and i could feel it was a lot. Sex didn't last for long but i enjoyed it nonetheless. When we dressed ,we talked for a bit and then i left ,walked to my car thinking about what a great experience it was ,and that the 3 of us gotta get together next time, so they'll properly tag teamed me in a threesome. When i got home it was the time to clean up ,i pushed the cum out and was impressed bcs it was much more than i'd expect from 2 loads.
    1 point
  15. Bottom cumdump taking loads at sydney sauna. Anon pump and dump. No load refused. Black Room @ Sydney Sauna booked for today from 10am
    1 point
  16. I liked Joe Gage too, my ideal at the time of a masculine, regular guy, along with Al Parker, Colt Thomas, etc..
    1 point
  17. Awesome video, love it....sexy man
    1 point
  18. I'd give my arse up to the room to see that film.😊
    1 point
  19. Dental Care has never been a big thing in Europe until the last decade or two. Unlike in the US. Many people have bad teeth, me included because when I was young you went to see a dentist only once a year for a check. Corrections were so expensive you could only afford those if you had rich parents. Anyway, I never cared for the videos coming from Czech Republic etc. They usually had skinny twinks in them, which was not really my cup of tea at all. I preferred masculine muscle guys with big dicks, and almost all of those vids came from the US!
    1 point
  20. Growing up in the 70s limited my exposure to porn. As a 14-15yo all I could do is going to a shop where they sold magazines and cigarettes and watch the covers of gay magazines, even do a quick browse before getting caught. As a 16yo I would go out to the bars with schoolmates (drinking age was 16 at the time, it is now 18) and sometimes feign tiredness just before 12am and then rush to the local cinema where they showed a Late Night Special, a (straight) sex movie. They let me in even though I was clearly not 18 yet (the age limit), probably because there were usually only a handful of people in the theatre. They were silly German or Swedish movies with titles like "With you horn between my Alps" or "Swedish girls on vacation" and the likes. The women were of course the stars of the movies (for the male audience) but I couldn't care less. I got to see naked guys and dicks fucking! Not that they were very attractive but that wasn't the point. I got my opportunity to see a real gay video when I moved to a big city to study at 17 and found the nerve to go to a sex shop. What happened there I have told a few times already in other threads so I won't go into detail. But it was the first time I sucked cock and got fucked. By the videostore clerk (hot guy). I went back to that videostore many times and watched gay porn until the coast was clear (no other customers) and the clerk came into my booth. But it also started my fascination with gay porn. There still wasn't an other opportunity to watch porn until the PC came along. I got one early 90s and was hooked. I could spend hours watching porn although it wasn't easy to find the right websites. Advantage was that most of it was for free as there were not many pay sites yet. And I think I then developed my preference for masculine hairy tops. Twinks or femme guys didn't do anything at all for me. They still don't but maybe that is because I am a bottom and those twinks were too (mostly). I also learned about the various positions you can fuck, even though some were clearly not very comfortable to do but done anyway because of the camera angle. I agree with @CuriousDallasthat most major studios porn is boring nowadays but at the time those were a major turn on, even though it was condom porn. I watched everything, from Falcon to Chi Chi LaRue and others. But I started to have a preference for Colt, Titan and Raging Stallion simply because the actors/models appealed to me the most: masculine men fucking masculine men. My all time favorite being movies from director Joe Gage: porn with a storyline. Now I mostly watch amateur porn. I don't buy DVDs or download movies because I only watch them once (there are exceptions). I even watch a twink being nailed by one or more masculine guys, as long as he doesn't squel too much 😉
    1 point
  21. when i had a bf, i cheated on him for the entire 7 years we were together. i continuedd fucking a guy who pounded my raw ass before my bf and i were together. i wasnt a complete cumdump until i found craigslist . i posted an ad and had no idea so many guys really wanted easy breeding holes. so i let a white discrete hung redhead plow my hole and seed it with about 8 others . my ex was so ungrateful he did not even like my wet fucked hole.
    1 point
  22. just dumped my load in another slutty little daddys boy cumdumps. i love fucking boys that are hungry for their dads meat.They're always so piggy. Even better when they're actually getting it. This slutty twink told me its on his wish list but hasn't gotten it yet. So I got him to let me fuck him on his dads bed and I even wore his dads shirt. he called me daddy and begged me to fuck him hard. cute body, cute face, nice deep throat, nice loose hole. but he did me one better than usual. he actually had 3 used condoms full of his dads cum that he pulled out of the trash when they were fresh and saved them in the freezer.i used the cum to lube his pussy and my cock and fucked his own fathers cum into his ass. I can tell when boys really wanna get fucked by their own father and when they are playing at it and this boy wants it BAD.i love it
    1 point
  23. Stormy Daniel’s Lawyer Michael Avenatti. There’s an aggressiveness that screams BDE and he looks nasty. He probably doesn’t have sex... he probably beats up and smashes a hole good with his big dick.
    1 point
  24. Yesterday afternoon I got hit up by a guy I had randomly talked to over the course of 4 or more years now. Some guys you hear from occasionally and it just doesn't work out but they revisit you now and then with the hopes of getting laid. This was one of them. He had never really shared a face pic. He suggests we try and fuck soon. I already have late plans with a fuckbud that evening. I would have to fit him in before the later night festivities. Horny as fuck, I tell him to come at 7:30. Guy comes in to my place. Whoa - totally hot and handsome Puerto Rican guy with beautiful brown skin. 53 and skin like a 30 year old. Gorgeous big cock and tight body. We got busy kissing and he rolled me on my back. I wasn't sure if he wanted to fuck bare but in an instant he was pressing his dick into my hot hole and I was in heaven. He fucked me for about 10 minutes and emptied his balls into my ass. Perfect short breeding session. Gives me time to get ready for my regular bud. My regular bud shows after 10 and I'm ready for round 2. Sure enough I got properly fucked by my bud. Another good day with two dicks in my ass. Love it! I love helping top men get their nut.
    1 point
  25. Slow day on Grindr in this rural Oklahoma town. Happened to see a new user who looked more bottom than top but I threw it out there. I asked if he wanted to put a load up my ass. He quickly replied yes. Well luck was on my side because my wife had to drive 45 minutes one way to meet one of our sons. As soon as she left I was cleansing( one thing this young man mentioned was he wanted to ass to mouth me). I needed to make sure I was well prepped. After checking in with my wife to see how far along she was on her journey I told this guy it was clear. I gave him my address and instructions on what to do once he arrived. Wearing a T-shirt and a jock strap I awaited his entrance. Once he entered my room I immediately pulled his shorts down and went to work on his very average cock. It tasted better than most average white cock so I stayed down there a bit and enjoyed him in my mouth. I then stood up and leaned over my bed and put some lube on my hole and spread my ass wide for him so he could enter. He starts fucking me fast then slows down. Then fast then slow. He tells me to suck his cock more so I go back to my knees and start sucking his cock more. Soon after I’m bent back over with him fucking me. I’m begging for his seed. He has me get on my back on the edge of the bed with my legs high and wide and he enters me again and starts fucking me and reaches up and starts choking me. I’m in heaven as I know this guy is going to unload in me any second and sure enough I feel him tighten up and shoot his hot cum in my hot hole. Right there in my marital bed. I’m letting it soak until it’s all absorbed by my ass. That’s 82 loads shot in my ass in 2019
    1 point
  26. Not quite my last load, but a really hot true experience. I was visiting Palm Springs and planning to go to the Cumunion party Saturday night and posted an ad on BBRT looking to get preloaded. I was emailing back and forth with a guy and thought we were about to hookup, unfortunately he turned out to be a total flake, when I got a response from another guy whose profile was. So I responded back that I thought I was about to hookup, and asked if he liked sloppy seconds, he responded by saying it was cool and asked if it was I was okay with a quicky in his carport. He responded back with a location and said hurry. I jumped in the car found the location and the hot guy waiting for me on the street just outside of his carport. We went just a few feet away from the street between his house and car, and his neighbors window just a few feet away on the other side of his car. We immediately kissed and I grabbed his dick through his lose shorts. He pulled his shorts were pulled down enough to expose his cock and balls and bent over and started sucking on him. I lowered my shorts enough to expose my ass, and he started fingering my anxious fuck hole. In less than a minute he spun me around and stuck his tongue up my ass to get me wet. He quickly replaced his tongue with his dick and briefly gently fucked me to be sure I was ready, he then sped up and started pounding me and quickly started grunting and filled me with his cum. When he pulled out I turned around and gave him a kiss before going down and licking him clean. I stood back up kissed him again and said that I needed to visit Palm Springs more often, he agreed and asked me to hit him up the next time. I was fucked, bred in a semi public setting and on my way to an orgy within 15 minutes of arriving at this guys house, which I found really hot. I did go on to Cumunion and let the tops that were fucking me know they were getting sloppy seconds. Just before I left the Cumunion orgy I took a load from a really hot guy I had just pumped my last load into. All in all a really hot night.
    1 point
  27. Here's one... https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph55e3e006372f1
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  28. 1 point
  29. I went to Club Dallas on Friday night. Got a room, and was laying there stroking my cock and watching guys. This hot, sexy latino guy walks in and starts to suck me. After a few minutes, he sat on my face and I ate his ass while he sucked me. Then he lowered himself on my raw cock, riding me for a good 30 minutes before I shot deep inside him. Afterwards, he asked if I had cum inside him, I said yes (thinking I told you I was cumming) and he said that was his first ever raw load. Got his number !!!!
    1 point
  30. To me, You're one of those guys that is intimidatingly hot either way, Your pics both simultaneously turn me on and make me go weak. When a guy looks like You do, it comes down to personality/attitude more than whether or not You have hair, because looks wise, You're flawless either way. Your power to make me present (i.e., my pussy) is in Your expression of need and desire, not how You look. Having said that, there is something about hairless that has extra mind fuck power for me. When a guy presents as hairless and all of His power is in HIs personality, it throws me more off balance and gives Him more power with me. For me the most powerful Man is quietly confident mixed with a little humility, not assertively 'loud' or proud in how He presents.
    1 point
  31. Seeing more sleazy porn made me want to be fucked more roughly and to be used
    1 point
  32. Josiah had come over after his girlfriend had dumped him. She had said he was too sensitive and not aggressive enough in bed. I was a bit shocked. He asked if he could crash on my couch for tonight and I let him. He knew I was gay and never seemed to have a problem with it at all so I thought nothing of it. Then about 20 minutes after I had gone to bed he sneaks into my room and when I ask him what he needs he says he just needs to be held. I warned him that I was naked under the blankets. He shrugged and then removed his clothes. I was shocked, I had never seen him completely naked and it was a glorious thing even in my barely lit bed room. He then picked up the covers and laid done in front of me obviously wanting to be the little spoon. He grabbed my arm and drug it over his chest so I was holding him. I tried to keep my crotch and throbbing new erection away from this muscular ass as I wasn’t sure that would go well. But he wasn’t having that either. He backed into me and told me to hold tight and drape my leg over him. I told him it might not be a great idea for a gay man to do that. He told me, just lay ur boner in my crack for now and hold me tight please. So I did. And I lay there pulsing precum into my friends ass crack while holding his muscular body tight. He was humming and seemed content. He then asked me “can u sleep like this? Am I too hot temp wise, or do u need to get off first?” “Your temp is great, but you moaning and squirming is probably gonna keep me up If I don’t get off. As I’m sure u can tell I’m slowly coating ur ass in my precum.” “It feels good, if u need to cum just do whatever u need, I’m not letting go till morning.” “U want me to fuck you?” “I’ve never had a real guy do it, only toys, and u don’t have to, u can cum in my crack or on my back, but I’m not letting u go.” In that moment I slid my cock down his crack and jabbed at his entrance. He just kept humming a squirming as normal, no pull away, no body wince. So I pushed forward with my precum covered dick and his ass gave me some entrance. He jumped a bit at that, but made sure to put himself back as soon as he could to make sure I knew I had permission. I was pumping so much precum at that point it kept making it easier to inch forward. Between my precum and the ass juices I was starting to dig out of him his ass was giving into me. His humming changed into moaning as I was fucking him. Once everything felt slick enough I bottomed out in him. I am not small and pretty thick. He gasped but didn’t move. His ass started to vibrate in its attempt to adjust and that was all I could take. I flooded his hole with my 3 day load. He hummed and I could feel him smile and hold me tighter. “Leave it in and go to sleep now Ryan.” He said. The next morning I expected him to be gone, but he wasn’t. We had separated in our sleep, but he still had a hand on my stomach and an ankle crossing mine. I had to pee so I got up and ran to the bathroom when I came back he was laying there, I asked if I could take his pic with my phone as a memory, he said yes but he didn’t want it to be over or just a memory.
    1 point
  33. Awesome account! I’ve been hoping to find another guy who has had experience with his brother too. I’m 27 year old guy in UK. I have been in a relationship with my younger brother for just over a year now and wondering what other guys out there have had similar experiences. I’m out and not living at home or in my home town but my bro is only recently 18 and still at home. He is able to visit at my place no probs, so it’s not under our parents noses. It’s not a city I live in & there are only two gay bars, so when we do go out we always bump into my gay mates and oeoole I know. My mates all love my bro and as he’s been pretty much a constant in my life for a year now and been coming out socialising with me they’re starting to ask questions. My closest mate knows the score - he saw us making out one night as bro and I were walking home to my place (I didn’t know my mate had left shortly after us as we’d left him chatting up a bloke) but he’s not said anything to our other friends. He wasn’t shocked - just surprised when he got close to the two Male figures wrapped around each other in the alley to discover it was us! Question is, what do we do about our now very curious other friends who are bombarding us with telling questions when we’re out together?!?!
    1 point
  34. Of course it's not. Some people may find it hot (I do) or enjoy it if it happens to them (I fucking loved it), but let's not bullshit ourselves into pretending it's in any way morally acceptable on any level. Where you are, who they are, what you've done with them before, none of that matters. If someone wants safer sex and you then work it so they think it was but you've actually fucked your load up them, that's wrong, there's no way to defend that on a moral basis. I find it hot, loved it when it happened to me, watched it happen to a stranger in a group fuck and shot a massive load in the lad I was fucking almost instantly. But it's fucking morally wrong.
    1 point
  35. Interesting comments, and how interesting that you come from such a background, I really believe it gives you extra perspective/an enhanced philosophical capacity for a lot of things. About Crossley: She doesn't just say stealthing is driven by cultural processes in 'the gay men's community' --notice 'the', as if there were only one-- but rather that barebacking (which in her definition at least at some point was equal to 'UAI' / unprotected anal intercourse) is. Just like you, I don't agree with such a one-sided perspective - I'm sure processes related to barebacking have their origin in many different processes not all of which are 'cultural'. In a 2004 article she claims her goal is to explain 'the gay man's psyche', which in itself is very ambitious and questionable in the very least. Gay men have not just one 'psyche' or one culture. In part, though, she would probably agree with you (when you say "the compulsion to wear condoms is (often) compelled by . . . narratives internalized by gay culture from straight", I think she would fully agree (without the word that I omitted); many theoreticians see 'UAI' as 'reactance' or kind of reactionary resistance to decades of prevention campaign messages, which are aimed at kind of prototype of 'the healthy/normal, non-pathological gay man'). But such explanations don't cover the whole phenomenon in its richness, they only provide speculative clues to what might be one of the causes for it.. Complex phenomena are rarely explained by a single 'fact' and I very much agree with you on the view that sexuality is to a large degree driven from the 'inside'. Very fascinating to hear about this theological perspective on fantasy ( "In fundamentalist Christian culture it is purported that Jesus taught (paraphrasing): 'if you think it in your heart, it is the same as having done it.' " ). I know of a few other religions where this view is commonly heard... Makes sense that it should be popular in mainstream culture, accompanied by the appropriate dosis of guilt or a tendency to hide/push away any unacceptable elements of one's fantasy. An additional source of this (almost) equation between fantasy and reality might be research in health and forensic science on things like 'fantasy rehearsal' and the relationship of fantasy to action (but that would not be regarding 'healthy' ways of fantasizing, without a criminal background, like the traffic situation you mentioned.. Unless someone keeps repeating such murderous thoughts compulsively all the time, or stops maintaining their own conscious distinction between fantasy and reality).
    1 point
  36. I love white guys fucking my asian ass deep. Especially ginger top
    1 point
  37. Peter moved to the door and opened it. Instead of the next man that was there to fuck my hole, the manager of the motel stood. “Why were the cop's here” he ask, “if you are doing anything illegal you fags are out of here” “Cop was here only to shoot his load in my boyfriend’s hole” Peter said. “Yeah?” the manager said. “Yeah I am setting up guys to come over and breed him” “Well, I have a huge load stored up in my big balls,” “Want to empty it up his hole” The manager nodded. He was an older man, white hair, white mustache and skin so tan that it looked almost like leather. He was thin, almost a sickly thin. He grabbed his crotch and a thick tube appeared. He pushed Peter out of the door way and came in. He was already unbuttoning his shirt, revealing more of his tan skin. “He takes all loads right,” he asked, “none refused?” “Yeah buddy give me all that you got” “Gonna give you my death” He pulled his shirt out of his pants and took it off. I could see every rub, he was emaciated! His thin, bony fingers pulled on his belt and then worked on his pants button. Peter was just standing there silent, slowly pulling on his soft cock. The manager of the motel kicked off his shoes and let go of his pants. His pants fell quickly to his ankles, exposing his thin legs. There was no fat anywhere on this man. His white briefs were blinding white against his tan skin. His cock was vary hard, running across his hip on the right side under his underwear. A big bulge hung low between his legs, caused by his massive ball sac. His bony fingers hooked his briefs and pushed them down with his pants. As he stood back up he stepped out of his pants. It was then I saw his cock, it was a thick one eyed monster, about seven inches in length. His crotch and sac were completely smooth, shaved clean. “How do you want me” I asked. “Get that ass on the edge of the bed and lift those legs to heaven” “At this rate of infection,” I said, “I'm more on a path to hell” With my legs up and wide, I watched him move closer to the bed, stroking his cock on the way. Peter was staring at his ass as he walked. I saw him mouth: “Saggy ass” and “Dude is sick” Once at my ass he rubbed his cock in my crack, collecting the cum that was in there. “Won't need lube, cum and a sloppy hole, a great combination” His cock head pushed against my hole, popping inside with ease. He didn't hesitate and slammed his thick cock deep into me. His smooth crotch pressed against my ass. He grabbed my ankles and spread my legs wider, pulling them a little farther than my muscles would allow. He fucked fast and hard, as if he was in a rush. He pumped his cock in small motions, jack hammering my hole. His thick cock moved in and out, faster and faster. I squeezed my hole around his cock as he pumped in and out. Peter stood near by just pulling in his cock, which was just a little bit hard. “You sure you want it, bitch” the manager asked “Yes I want it” I said “You’re gonna get it,” he said, “get my AIDS” He slammed into my hole, then pulled back, only to slam into me again. I couldn't feel him shooting but by the way he was twitching and breathing, I knew he shot his load. He quickly pulled out and turned to Peter. “Not going to leave you out,” he said, “get down and clean my spent cock” Peter looked at me, as if he was questioning what the man wanted. “Get on your knees you asshole,” I shouted, “clean that cock” Peter jumped and dropped to his knees, as I got off the bed and stood next to the manager. “Taste my ass juice and every load of cum that is up my hole” Peter quickly put his mouth over the spent cock, slurping and sucking on the manager’s cock. He was making a face as if he wasn't enjoying it. “At least act like you’ enjoying it, you limp dick asshole” I said. Peter started to moan and suck on the manager’s cock with more enthusiasm, making sucking and slurping sounds as he did, until the manager pushed him off his cock. The manager quickly dressed and was out the door. “What the fuck just happened” Peter said. “We just got an AIDS load” “Yeah but from that man” Peter said. “Hey don't be an asshole, a dick is a dick”
    1 point
  38. Still in a daze, I jumped on his back, clean or not I was going to fuck one of my last negative loads into him right now. I didn’t care. “You get to get every load I pump out from now until I test poz, you hear me fucker” “Yes Sir.” I didn’t lube his ass or my cock. I was going in dry and I was going in fast. I lined my cock up with his hole. I could feel the heat coming off it. He was motionless under me. I began to push hard against his hole and it was not opening. I slapped the side of his hip twice and it gave up a little resistance, allowing me to pop the head in. Peter screamed a little. I grabbed a pillow with one hand and pulled his head up with his hair and forced the pillow under him. I continued to push my cock in his hole. I forced his face into the pillow. “Scream in that you fucking wimp” I said. I pushed harder into his dry hole, my dick moved quickly and hit bottom. I felt him struggle as he screamed louder into the pillow. I didn’t give him time to get use to me. I didn’t have much time, I was sure he had another person lined up for my hole. I began to fuck his hole hard and fast, slapping his hip as I did. He was screaming a lot less but still screaming from the pain. His hole didn’t feel as good as it usually did but I didn’t care I wanted him to hurt. I slammed my cock into him and shot my load. “One less neg load in me fucker” I said pulling out of him. My cock was pretty clean except for a few bright pink spots on my shaft, a mixture of cum and blood. “Go clean up fucker” Peter jumped off the bed and went into the bath room, just as his phone went off again. It was another text message. The guy would be here in fifteen minutes to poz my hole. “Next poz fucker will be here in 15” I yelled to Peter in the bathroom. He came out still wiping his ass with a wet cloth. He looked hurt and confused. “Fuck baby that’s a side I have never seen” he said to me. “You deserved it with what you did to me” “I fucking love it” he said smiling. “Piss me off again and it will come out” I went over to him and put my arms around him, hugging him tight. I stared right into his eyes. “Thank you Peter, this is going to be a great vacation” I said. I kissed him hard and deep as his phone went off again. I was hoping it was the next man saying he was hear early as we continued to kiss.
    1 point
  39. Peter just stood there, smirking at me, pleased with what he had done. His cock hung semi hard. He was looking at his phone, I could see it on his face that he was up to something. “Answer me damn it,” I said, “how could you do this to me: “Me? You had a part in this too, I didn’t see you put up a fight when the escort was fucking you” “How could I, I couldn’t move, he was holding me down and was much stronger” “Bull fucking shit, if you really wanted to fight it you would have, but you just laid there and took it” “I need to go to the doctor or something” “Your ass isn’t going anywhere, its not over yet, you dumb fuck” “What” Before he could answer, there was a knock at the hotel room door. Peter moved over to it and opened it. The man that walked in scared the shit out of me. He was tall and thin and not naturally thin. He was sickly thin. “That him?” he asked “Yeah’ Peter replied. “Ugly fucker, but I will dump my load into him any way” “He’s had two poz loads fucked into him” “My toxic seed will convert him. I have converted at least a dozen men and boys, never had to pump a second load into them, converted on the first” I just laid there, listening to this twisted, fucked up conversion. I jumped off the bed, determined to lock myself in the bathroom and save myself, but Peter and the man were quick and they both grabbed my arms, yanking me back. “Oh no you don’t, you are not escaping this” Peter said, “hold him, I think it’s time to tie his ass to the bed.” The thin man sighted his grip on my arm and grabbed the one Peter was holding. Peter went to his back and pulled out some leather cuffs, 4 in all. “If he tries to escape or fight me, punch him in the gut” Peter said. “My pleasure” the thin man replied Peter worked quickly to put the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. Then went back to his back and pulled out two long thick ropes, he threw one end of each under the bed. He returned to me. Getting right into my face, he start to kiss me, sticking his tongue into my mouth. I tried to fight it, but couldn’t. They moved me to the bed, forcing me down onto my stomach, my arms were stretched out toward the edge of the bed and my wrists cuffs were attached to the ropes. The rope was barely long enough to reach my arms, so I was stretched more. The tension kept me from moving. My legs were pulled wide open and were attached to the rope by the cuffs on my ankles, spreading my legs wide. Once I was secured to the bed, the thin man began to undress. I watched as he exposed his smooth, emaciated body to me. His chest and stomach had no fat on them and I could see his ribs. As he undid the button and pulled down the zipper on his shorts, I began to feel tears welling up and running down my cheeks. “Of fuck, man up you pussy. You know you wanted this” Peter said. The shorts dropped, exposing his crotch to me. It was hairless. His cock was thick and steadily growing. It was cut and had a big acorn head. His balls hung down low between his smooth thighs, which was like a road map of veins. “I didn’t want this” I said sobbing. “Yeah right, wasn’t it you who said that he wanted to be like me. Wasn’t it you who said you wished we didn’t have to us condoms” Peter said angrily. The thin man climbed on the bed, kneeling between my spread legs. He reach under me and grabbed my cock and balls and pulled them back. “The fucker is into this, his cock is hard” he said to Peter. Peter just laughed. I could feel the thin man moving and positioning his cock head at my hole. Peter had wrapped his fingers around his cock and was slowly fisting it. Without warning, the thin man pushed his cock in, driving it completely in. I could feel his hot crotch on my ass. Peter watch closely as it disappeared into my hole. I let out a soft moan, not wanting either to know that the cock in my hole felt good. The thin man lowered his torso onto my back and began to lift his hips, pulling his cock out of my hole. He slammed his cock back into me, repeating this over and over. His mouth was next to my ear. I could feel his breath slowly releasing into my ear. “Damn fucker, your ass feels good on my AIDS cock” he whispered. My eyes widened. “Your boyfriend got you a full blown cock” he said, “You should feel special, I don’t give my deadly load to just anyone” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, a fucking AIDS top that was picky on what hole he fucked. I almost laughed. “But when your boyfriend contacted me and said it was a forced infection, I said yeah even though I thought you were ugly as shit” His cock slammed into me over and over. His balls bounced off my ass. “Please stop Peter, I need to get to the hospital, it might not be too late.” I pleaded. “Shut the fuck up and take it” Peter said. The thin man kept fucking my hole, slamming his cock into me. I could feel wetness slowly moving down my balls. “This pussy is fucking sloppy, just from two loads,” the thin man said. Peter got down front of me, looking me start into my eyes. His blue eyes were blurry from my tears. He ran his hand through my hair, gently stroking it. “Relax baby, it will be over soon and you will be free” he said so sweetly. “Oh fuck I ain’t going to last long” the thin man said. “See baby it’s almost over” Peter said. “Oh fuck, it’s too late now, I am shooting my AIDS load into your hole” the thin man said grunting with each pulse of his cock as he shot. Peter stood up and was stroking faster and faster. His cock was aimed at my face. I could tell he was getting close to shooting. Within seconds his head went back and his piss slit opened. HIs cum shot out, the first shot hitting me in my eye, which burned instantly. The rest hit all over my face. I pulled on the ropes to try and get my fingers up to my eye, to get the cum off it, but I couldn’t move. “Nice shot” the thin man said as he pulled his softening cock out of my hole. “Going to leave it there, just so he knows who’s in charge here” Peter said, wiping his cock in my hair. “That should take” the thin man said as he was dressing. “oh there are more to come, so we will have a conversion, no doubt about it” I was confused by Peter, he was playing this Dr. Jekyll / Mr Hyde game, which I had never seen before. Angrily mean one minute and sweet the next. What the fuck was going on with him. He knelt down next to the bed, again stroking my hair. “Oh baby you are doing so good,” he said as he phone went off. He quickly stood and went to it. Smirking and laughing as he read it. “Bitch your next fuck is almost here,” he said, “don’t be a fucking cry baby and embarrass me again”
    1 point
  40. Love it. In my search for prime, male ass, I find the general shape of black ass more attractive than white ass, so like black bottoms. A nice ass on the top, pounding that BBC into his white pussyboy, is fine, too (fucked silly by a BBC once), but I really like black bottom boys. Once the hole is primed, the contrast from coral/pink to darker skin is just so sexy. It makes such an irresistible target for deep breeding. It always tastes great, getting it primed, too.
    1 point
  41. How about white top / Asian bottom? :-p
    1 point
  42. Additionally, I am sure that every man wants to be thought of solely as a piece of meat to stick a dick in, or just a penis.
    1 point
  43. I'm not great at story telling but will try to share one that was really hot for me anyway. I was cruising around one evening around 6 at some old baseball fields that were not used much anymore, there are 2 restrooms located between the fields. it was pretty deserted place, and saw only a few trucks around and nobody in them. I walked in the first restroom, old block style, and looked for signs of cruising and graffiti and; not much going on, so decided to walk to the other restrooms further inward to the back. I cut across the field and darted towards the other mensrooms, All the while not even noticing 2 latin guys that were apparently there doing irrigation or field maintenance, in their white truck, i couldn't see before because of the sun glare. It was a moment that stood still, because i was about to hit another restroom and saw them at the same time looking . I froze for a second and went on in, wondering wtf now, got caught cruising... Horny and shook up at the same time, it seemed like forever, decided to hold still at the urinals and wait to see if i was gonna get beat up or nothing at all. Sure enough heard footsteps coming and thought both were coming to beat the shit out of me, but it was only one guy. He goes up to the other urinal with a block divider between us, so could see too much and stands there no pissing, i blurted out hello and not sure if i even said the word i was so nervous. To the short: first latin dude starts stroking it out!!! Looked to be in his 30's, nice looking hairy and i'm saying want it sucked! He didn't even nod before i was on my knees sucking that musky uncut cock. It was incredible, finally lucked out for once, slurping up that cock and balls until he blew down my throat in the middle of the restroom! He blows, and I'm hoping the other guy comes in that was keeping watch i guess.... If it was gonna happen again, i wanted to get fucked by this dude. I stripped down waiting leaned over ass out. So the 2nd guy doesn't speak much either but motions for just a suck, and i was like oh well, better than nothing, so i sucked extra hard and long on that dude! I then after a few mins got up bent over and then he was more than willing to shove that rock hard dick in my ass! Took his pounding and moans until he blasted a hot load in my ass! He zipped up and left really quick, but it was so hot! I laid there a minute with a load in my throat and one in my ass! In shock but ready to blow! Anyway, over said but was so hot!
    1 point
  44. Part 6 I lay on the cot in our room, my mind spinning, my asshole both hurting and still wanting more. Master sat in a chair, smoking a tobacco pipe and just looked at his new property. Master. I didn't even know his name. This man now owned me, fucked me up, and whored my ass out, and I had no idea who he was. All I knew was I was his property now. Just a little over 24 hours ago, I was the supreme being. Now here I was a chemed up fuckslut. A God like jock brought down to sub human levels. I was just a cumdump toilet, and I was loving it. Master took another little baggie out, and layed out 2 fat lines on the dirty floor. Handing me a straw, I snorted them both, causing a burning in my throat. But this was something different. Quickly a new sensation took over me. I just layed on the dirty floor and stared into space, unable to move. I was aware of my surroundings, yet felt like I was out of my body. "You're in a K hole boy. Just ride it out, it won't last long." What else could I do? I couldn't move. I just floated into outer space. After a while, I have no idea how long, I drifted back into my body, but still felt like a puddle. I felt Master doing something around my cock, then the prick of a needle. Soon I could feel my cock trying to get hard in the spiked cage. The spikes digging painfully into my flesh. But oddly, the pain just further excited me. Master then wrapped a band around my arm and soon I felt that prick again, followed by the most intense rush I've had yet, and a coughing fit. "That was a .5 slam bitch. Now you should be more than ready for the rest of the night. I told you, you're the main attraction tonight!" With that he grabbed my leash and led me down the hallway to a large room. A large crowd of men had assembled, waiting for me to arrive. I was made to stand up, and my wrists were placed in cuffs hanging from the ceiling. Ankle cuffs were also attached. Then the chain's attached were pulled apart, stretching my body out spread eagle, so I was hanging with only my toes touching the ground. WHACK!!! I screamed out in pain and shock at the sudden contact of a whip against my bare back. Quickly more and more were administered to my vulnerable body, back, shoulders, thighs, calves and ass. I wailed and spasmed in pain, jerking around as I hung there, unable to protect my naked body. For the first time, tears started flowing from my eyes. Over and over the whip attacked my body, till I burned from head to toe. Then the attacks started on my chest. The entire front of my body was whipped like my back had been. Up and down it hit me, leaving burning welts all over. My nipples were attacked extra hard as I threw my head back and howled. Finally, my balls were savagely attacked, causing such pain I thought I would pass out. But the drugs kept me concious. And my cock strained within it spiked prison. Finally, my body burning, covered in sweat, I was released from the chain's, and placed in a sling. I was quickly tied down and immobilized. Then Master approached me, lubing up his hand. With no effort, he rammed 4 fingers right in my sloppy cunt. I moaned as he pushed them around, in and out, stretching me further. Soon he added his thumb, pushing more and more against my sphincter. Someone tied a popper soaked rag around my nose, and I inhaled deeply. Then it happened. Masters fist popped through my assring, right into my guts. I saw stars and the neurons in my brain exploded like the fucking 4th of July! I twisted and jerked, crying in extasy as Master made me a puppet on his arm. He pushed deeper in me, past my inner ring, opening me deep. Soon half of his hairy arm was buried deep in my pussy. Someone unlocked my cock cage, releasing my big cock, allowing it to throb freely. Then Master pulled his arm out, leaving his fist in my cunt. Next he lined up his cock next to his wrist, and pushed it inside. Grabbing my hard cock with his free hand, he jerked me hard and fast while he jerked his own cock inside my ass. Soon we were both blowing our loads in the most intense orgasm I had ever known. A huge built up load sprayed all over my chest and stomach while Master jerked his load off into my ass. The crowd just watched in amazement. He pulled out of my ass, and left me there in the sling. The rest of my night was spent getting fucked and fisted by anyone who wanted to help permanently pulverize my teen jock cunt. My cunt would never be the same after that night.
    1 point
  45. I feel to my knees, my cock sticking straight up against my stomach. He undid his belt and shoved his pants down, kicking them off as he stepped towards me. Having worn no underwear as soon as his pants were off his cock sprung free pointing right at me, the head already glinting with a little precum. “Open your mouth,” he groweled, and smacked me on the lips with his thick cock head. Large angry looking veins like those that twisted across his arms stood out from the turgid shaft of penis, and I imagined how they would feel sliding in and out of my hole. I parted my lips allowing him to thrust the head of his cock inside my mouth. As he did so I clamped my lips tight around it and began to bathe his cock with my tongue. Forcefully he began to press his cock deeper inside of my mouth until he hit the back of my throat causing me to gag a little. I tried to pull off of his cock a little but his hands had found their way to the back of my head and head me fast. My head held firmly in place between his massive hands this great bulk of a man began to fuck my face slowly. I chocked and gagged on his cock as he forced it a little deeper with every thrust. As the head of his cock got to the back of my throat I tried repeatedly to swallow, allowing his cock to slide down my throat but each time he pulled back for another assault. Then, finally, with a particularly brutal thrust he allowed my swallow to pull him down my throat till his balls rested against my chin. Spit, and precum dripped down my chin as I deep throated his cock, unable to keep my lips tight around his thick veined shaft. “Fuck yeah boy, swallow my cock. Get it nice and wet for your hole.” As he savagely fucked my face my cheeks began to hurt, and snot began to run from my nose as tears sprung to my eyes. I was a slobber covered mess when he finally, still holding me head still, pulled his now dripping cock from my mouth. I tried to wipe my face with the back of my hand but there was too much to deal with. He just smiled at me and said, “good job, now on your back on the bed.” I scrambled off the floor and practically leapt onto the bed, laying on my back with my legs stuck up in the air. He smiled at me again, advancing towards me his ridged cock pointing straight forward at me. Without saying a word he walked toward me and, lining his cock up to my hole, pressed inside of me. True to his word only used the juices from my throat and the small drip of cum that was escaping my hole as lube as he forced his thick member inside of me. I groaned, my eyes rolling back into my head as I felt my hole spread wide around his cock. He advances slowly, stretching my sphincter around his massive girth, till at long last his balls came to rest on my ass. I opened my eyes and looked up into his, which glinted wickedly as he pulled out slowly from my hole again. My ring clung to his shaft as he withdrew, the tugging sending waves through me. “Chad wasn’t lying,” he said, as he began to fuck me, ‘Your hole feels so good wrapped around my cock. I’m gonna knock you up good before I tell the other guys to come over and use your hole.” Those were the last words he said to me. He then closed his eyes, and his hands on my thighs pressing my legs apart and down he began to slam into my ass. It was different from how Chad had fucked me, this was not about both of us, this was only about him. His cock punched into my hole over and over again, hammering away at my guts and I cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain with each penetrating thrust. Sweat sprung up all over my body and I felt the heat rising in the room. My hole began to make wet sloppy sounds as this stranger’s cock battered it loose. He kept up a steady string of animalistic grunts as he wrecked my hole, his breathing short and ragged. I watched the muscles in his torso and arms flex as he forced his cock forward, the veins in his powerful arms bulging slightly with the effort. My whole body shook with each powerful jackhammer like thrust and I knew that my hole was being destroyed. I, however, didn’t care; it felt too good. I had found that place of peace, and was doing what I was meant to do: taking a man’s raw cock up my ass. Eventually his rhythm changed from the hole destroying jackhammer to random quick thrusts of the whole length of his cock, he was getting close. Letting out a sound like the roar of a lion he slammed into me and held his pulsing cock deep inside of me. As his load emptied into my guts I felt a sense of euphoria wash over me. Once his cock had stopped twitching he pulled out, spanked my ass once and moved to go put his clothes on. Without saying a word he dressed quickly and then, with only a wink was gone. I lay there on the bed, cum dripping from my battered hole, my legs still in the air for a long moment. My phone buzzed. Slowly I let down my legs and rolled over to grab my phone from the nightstand. It was a text from Chad. Good job boy. Next guy is on his way. He’ll be there in ten. I smiled and slipped a finger into my loose hole.
    1 point
  46. I lent back on the bed, fingered my hole feeling the wet sticky cum slowly leaking out. My eyes were closed and I dreamed of taking more cock, feeling raw dicks sliding inside of me, feeling their loads shooting into my ass. My cock was hard but I didn’t care about it, I had a hunger growing inside of me that needed to be slaked. My phone buzzed, with my free hand I grabbed it and checked the message. It was from Chad. I got a few buddies who are interested. You feel like traveling or just wanna stick your ass in the air and have the cock come to you. Come to me, I want more and fast. I responded. You’re at the Hotel Edison right? Yeah. Great. Two guys already said they would be willing to come over. What room? I hesitated for a moment, my fingers stilled in my hole, could I have a parade of guys coming to my hotel room? Then very suddenly I decided that I didn’t care, and responded. 225 Great. First guy will be there in probably fifteen, he just lives on 56/8. I might come over in a few hours but I’ve got another boy who needs my seed first. I told my friend you would open the door naked and serve him as he sees fit, if he likes the service he gets he’ll tell the next guy to come over. Understand? Yes. Good. I’ll talk to you after boy. Have fun. I put the phone down, my hands trembling. Chad had said the guy would be here in fifteen minutes, almost ten minutes ago. I got up and paced around the room, my hole twitching with anticipation, my crack still felt wet and slick with Chad’s cum. Just when I was thinking maybe I should turn on the tv for a distraction there came a sharp knock on the door. He was early I thought. I walked to the door, still naked, and looked through the peephole. All I could see was a broad torso clad in a cut of t shirt that was barely wide enough to cover the man’s broad pecs. I stepped back and opened the door, keeping my naked body out of view of the hallway. The man stepped in and smiled at me. He was tall, even taller then Chad probably six-four or so, he had the solid massive build of a footballer and the strong scruffy face of a lumberjack. Arms knotted with veins and muscles stuck out from the deep cut sides of his shirt, which bore an Equinox gym logo. Thick bushes of dark brown hair jutted from his pits matching the deep color of his beard. His shaved head glinted slightly in the light. All around him hung the slight delicious odor of sweat and sex as if he had already fucked a boy once today. Although, guessing from the fact that Chad was probably balls deep in some boy’s ass right now, that probably wasn’t too far from the truth. “Hi,” I said rather sheepishly. “Damn,” he said in a deep voice broadened with a thick Brooklyn accent, “Chad said you were a hot fucked but…damn.” He crossed his arms over his chest grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it off over his head revealing a rippling muscular torso. He had the sort of body that took perfect calculation to achieve, obviously bulging muscles softened by a thin layer of fat that gave him a naturally built look. Thick dark hair covered his body reinforcing the lumberjack. He toyed with one large pink nipple while he looked my naked body up and down. “So here’s the deal boy, with me there are no names, you just do as I say and I’ll give a good report to the next guy in line to breed your hole. You don’t do as I say and I tell him to go home. Got it.” “Yes,” I replied breathlessly. “Good, so get on your knees and we my cock, cause Chad’s cum and your spit are the only lube your gonna get from me.”
    1 point
  47. Part 3: Wes knelt behind me, unbuckled my belt and slipped my pants down. His hands gripped my ass and I jumped. His hands were rough and callous. His grip on my cheeks was firm. I guess that’s what what one would expect from someone like a mechanic, but I had never expected to be in this position. In a hotel room, in a strange town, naked, with a stranger manhandling my ass. His hands split my ass cheeks like a melon. I could feel his warm breath on my sphincter. He held still for a minute, not moving, just his warm breath on the ring of my ass. I shivered and again felt butterflies in my stomach. My ass tightened impulsively, which earned me a hard slap on my ass. I almost jumped to me feet, but Wes' tight grip held me in place as he ordered me to relax. Then I felt his scratchy stubble like sandpaper on the tender skin of my ass crack. Then something wet and spongy was touching me down there, encircling my ring, playfully flicking it. Oh fuck! He was licking my ass! It was so nasty but I uncontrollably grunted in pleasure, as shivers ran up and down my spine. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Wes' tongue circled faster now, teasing, licking, and tasting my hole, pushing into the centre, testing it’s resistance. I involuntarily tightened again, which earned me another slap, so, as best I could, I willed my ass to relax. Which was, to be sure, hard to do given the sensations Wes was sending up my spine and down my legs. The motions of Wes’ tongue sent vibrations throughout my entire body, and I gripped the bedspread tightly as if I could, even as I struggled to relax my hole. Then my tight puckered ass finally relaxed and I felt the tip of his tongue push through. Just inside me. I wanted more. No. I needed it. I needed his tongue deeper. As my rock hard dick rubbed against the hotel blanket I tried to push my ass back but Wes was in charge, and tightly held me still. Yeah, Wes was in control. This would go at his pace. I had no choice but surrender to his expertise. I wanted to cry in frustration, but then he clearly knew what he was doing. A thought bubbled to my mind. Unwanted. Something from a Sex Ed class or something years ago. “Are you… are you… “ I struggled to form words even as he was making me feel so good. “Are you on medication?” He pulled back just long enough to answer “No,” as his tongue entered me again, finally pushing a little deeper before pulling back, when he added "I've never taken them and have a high viral load. My CD4’s are low.” Again his tongue entered in my hole. It was so hard to think. Then Wes remarked “Doc gave me an AIDS diagnosis a couple years ago.” His fingers slipped further into my crack, pulling at the edges of my pucker so his tongue could push in deeper still. A trickle of sweat ran down my back. He asked “Want me to stop?” Some part of me knew he was playing me, working me up so he could have his way. I didn’t care. “Oh god, no! Please don’t stop.” I heard him chuckle as he slipped a finger in my hole. My back door gripped him tightly but he was in at least to the joint. His finger slipping in and out. Pushing deeper. His tongue licking around the outside. Then Wes' finger touched something inside of me. I’m sure I saw stars. I thought he had aroused me before but this was a whole new level. I could feel pre-cum dripping from my throbbing hard-on. I could hear myself moaning. Both were distant though. Whatever that lump was inside of me that he was touching made me not care about anything else. “Fuck! You are tight,” he remarked, paused, and then added, "But we’ll fix that.” I felt an additional finger pushing into my ass, so m y sphincter was stretched around two of his rough fingers. A sharp flash of pain made me jump again. Again, another slap, but I glanced behind to see he was again wearing that cruel smile of his, as he commented “Guess I was lying in the truck earlier when I told you I wouldn’t bite.” He allowed me a little more motion now and I felt myself pushing back into his probing digits. My moans grew louder. Echoing off the walls. He pulled his fingers out and his tongue dove back inside me. Then I heard a knock on the door. Startled, I jumped, and received another slap on my butt cheek. Wes, on the other hand, was clearly not surprised. His tongue did not stop working my hole as he reached back and opened the door. “Shit! He’s a noisy fuck isn’t he?” a voice said. I saw it was Ken. He might have been smiling but his smile seemed to be somehow cruel, sort of like that which Wes presented. Ken slipped off his tie and threw it in the corner of the room and unbuttoned the top couple buttons on his shirt, his eyes glued tightly on my ass and on Wes’ tongue as it drilled into my hole. “Don’t know how you do it, Wes, it's like you can smell a ripe peach ready to be picked,” Ken laughed at his own joke, but not surprisingly Wes didn’t reply. He was too busy working me into a frenzy. Ken sat down on the chair in the corner and intently watched. Wes slipped two fingers back inside, now all the way to the knuckle. Again, I felt the stretching sensation as a third finger forced its way inside alongside the two that were already there. His other hand alternately rubbing my butt cheeks and grabbling my hips to pull me back onto his finger fuck. Click. I glanced over to see Ken had a smartphone in his hand, taking pictures. Click. Click. As his other hand rubbed the sizeable bulge in his trousers. The three fingers in my rectum were stretching apart like an expanding triangle. Prying my cheeks apart, opening me further. Wes’ tongue pushed further in between his fingers, and was able to reach deeper than he had reached earlier. My ass surrounding to lust, opening for him. Then Wes stood but he kept his fingers in my hole. Stretching me. Thrusting in and out. His pants were still open. His dick still sticking out of his fly. Even harder now than when he was in my mouth. “You ready, boy?” I swallowed my fear. Before today I had considered myself straight as an arrow. Now I was bent over a bed, three fingers in my ass, a hard cock ready to enter me, and more turned on than I had ever been. “Yes.” My thread was dry and my voice raspy. Wes pulled his fingers back but did not fully remove them. “Are you sure?” “Yes!” “Yes what?” as he pushed three fingers knuckle-deep. “Please…, please fuck me!” “You want dick inside you?” “Yes… I want it.” “You want this toxic cock to fuck you? You want my AIDS infected dick in your hole?” “Yes!” He started pulling his fingers out again. “Beg,” he ordered. And in his voice was the hint of a threat. A threat that he would stop. “Beg for my cock. Convince me that you really want it or I will walk out right now.” “Please don’t go!” My voice was cracking. I thought I might cry. I sounded so pathetic. Ken was still holding the phone but not clicking any more. He was taking a video. My de-flowering was to be a communal event. “Please…” I was shaking but I couldn’t stop the words. “Please fuck me. I need it… I want you inside me. I want your… your… toxic dick in me.” “You want me to bust your cherry wide open? To make you the dirty bitch you were born to be?” His fingers thrust in and out of my ass again. “To turn this into a pussy?” “Yes! Oh god yes! Please take my cherry ass.” “I won’t pull out. You will get my dirty seed deep inside you. My AIDS infected cum. “ “Yes! Please. I want to feel your cock inside me. I want your cum. Your dirty, toxic cum.” His fingers pulled out. One hand gripped my left hip as his other hand held the shaft of his dick which he lining-up with my hole. Then, guiding his cock forward, he snarled “Ok, faggot, you've asked for it.” His dick felt different than his fingers or his tongue. Like a lead pipe wrapped in foam padding. It was bigger. I cried out. Despite Wes’ preparations, it hurt like hell. He didn’t stop, though. He simply pushed forward. My sphincter tightened. Another hard slap on my ass. “Goddam it! Relax!” he hissed behind me. I tried to obey. My ass resisted, still tensing. Wes’ hips were insistent, pushing forward and forcing his way inside. I screamed and tears ran down my eyes. My cock hung limply now. “Come on, boy. You can take it…. you are half-way there.” Wes gripped my left hip with one hand, pulling my ass further up into position, while his other hand pushed my head down flat to the bed. He was raising my ass to meet his cock. Wes was merciless. Flashes of pain seared me on each thrust. But along with that pain was a pleasure unlike anything I had ever felt before. Each thrust inside felt like he was splitting me in half. But it also rubbed that lump in my ass, making me tremble with pleasure. Each time he pulled back I whimpered, feeling empty and waiting eagerly for the next thrust. Ken was nearby. Alternately snapping pictures and shooting videos, as he also managed to rub his own cock. I could see a ring of pre-cum seeping through his trousers. Wes pushed forward again, slipping slightly deeper. “Fuck yeah!. Cornhole that boy!” Ken cheered, aiming the phone to get a clear video of the cock in my ass. “You are really tearing that hole up!” He panned the phone up my body until he the video showed my face, red and covered in sweat and tears, the shape of Wes’s gaunt body humping my ass clearly visible over my shoulder. “You should see his face.” Ken laughed. “Little bitch is crying like a baby.” “Don’t care about his face.” Wes replied. Wes pulled his cock out slightly then slammed it back in, suddenly forcing his hard rod deeper into me. Again my mouth opened to scream but I no sound came. “Almost there….” Wes grunted. “Please…. please. Don’t stop. Give it to me all the way inside.” Again he thrust. Hard. Insistent. Deeper. Again. Again. I could feel him getting further inside me with each thrust. Then I felt it. First an itching sensation. His pubic hair touched the inside of my butt crack… the skin already tender from the stubble on his face. Then something touching just below my hole. He was balls deep in my ass and I could feel his sack resting against me as he came to a stop. “There you go, boy. All the way in.” He held his dick there for a moment. “Fuck!” Ken said, getting a close up shot of my stuffed ass. “That cherry has been fucked to hell.” Wes gripped my hips tightly. “So, boy, do you like it?” “Oh god, yes. It hurts but it feels so good. I feel so full…” I babbled on for a minute until he suddenly pulled back until just the head of his dick was inside me. My babbling stopped. “Good. Now the fuck can really begin.” He thrust forward suddenly, burying himself back in my hole, his balls slapping my ass. He pulled back again. Then thrust his six inch dagger all the way in. Again. Again. Again. Each time picking up speed. It still hurt. Each time. But the pain was less now. The pleasure was more. My dick was hard again. I lifted my ass back to meet his thrust. I was panting like a dog. Thrust. Again. Harder. I could feel sweat dripping off of him. Dripping onto me. Mingling with my own. Running down my back. Sliding down and dripping off my ass. Ken was still clicking pictures, shooting video. My ass, dick, my face. I didn’t care. “Getting close…” Wes moaned. “Beg me for me seed. Beg me to POZ your ass!” “Yeah!” I managed to say. “Do it. Cum in me… give me your disease!” “Say it!” His hands were gripping my hips like a vice. “POZ my hole. Please! POZ my hole!” We fucked like animals. Grunting, moaning, panting, the slap of Wes’ balls against my ass as he slammed inside me. Then the slapping faded, and a part of my brain knew Wes' were are drawing up, that he was about to deliver his toxic seed in my ass. His dick kept expanding, swelling in my hole. But I was lost in the moment. No words now. Just grunts. Another deep grunt behind me.…. then “Fffffuuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!!” He froze balls-deep inside me, - and came! Pulsing. Again and again. Warm goo blowing deep inside my ass, filling me, even as his cum surrounded his dick. Wes held his dick there, deep inside my ass, until his breathing settled. He slid his cock about with small thrusts a few times, but not once pulling out. "Just wanna make sure I work that load really deep,” he explained. His hands pushed forward on my hips, still not pulling out of my ass, but instead pushing me off his cock. I felt him leaving me and tried to tighten my ass, but I couldn't grip him, so finally he exited my ass - with a slight pop. I lay forward on the bed. Still breathing heavily. My dick was still hard but my own cum load is sticky beneath me on the bed. I had shot my load and not even noticed. I felt something warm and sticky slide out from inside me and roll down my balls. Wes’ cum. Wes’ AIDS cum. My lust abated, if not satisfied, and I was suddenly afraid. What had I done? I tried to get up but Wes had a hand on my ass and his finger kept encircling my hole. His rough hand still felt good and I found myself content to enjoy the attention. Then he presented his finger to my mouth, and I could see his finger was covered with the cum leaking from my hole. My lips parted without being asked and his finger slid into my mouth. I sucked on the finger, tasting his cum. It was salty but sweet. And there was something else: the taste of my own ass. My cock throbbed underneath me as I lay there, content to nurse his finger. Then Ken broke the mood, saying to Ken “Your turn, sloppy seconds… just the way you like it.”
    1 point
  48. Part 2 The bar was just off the check in area. It was not a big room, but there was a small counter on one side with a small assortment of alcohol behind it. Several tables were scattered around the room but I was the only person there. It wasn’t as bright as the reception area and there were several old neon signs for various beers lining the walls. There were two entrances, one of which opened onto the hallway that led to lobby, (the hallway conveniently kept most of the glare of the florescent lights out of the bar), and the other door lead outside. Ken covered the bar as well as the hotel reception, and since I suspect I was the only guest in the motel, this wasn't much of a of challenge. I’ve never been a beer drinker and the bar had a pretty limited selection of other alcohol so I just ordered a whisky and coke. I had picked up a taste for it from a friend who drank the stuff like a fish. Ken was generous with the whisky so I sipped the drink slowly. He seemed content to let me drink in relative peace and quiet. After a few minutes the outside door opened. I looked up and saw Wes the mechanic stroll into the room. He had changed into jeans and a t-shirt, so I assumed he was off work now. He chatted with Ken for a few minutes then took a seat at the bar near me. “All settled in?” he asked. He still didn’t seem to smile much but seemed a bit more relaxed. I nodded and thanked him for his help again. Didn’t really know what to say. He was the first guy I had even met who was HIV positive (at least the first one who had told me). Plus I was still having a hard time not starring at him - his black hair and blue eyes, that gaunt and worn face. That air of mystery and danger. What the hell? I asked myself. Am I checking out a dude? I’m not gay. No - I’m just tired and stressed, I decided. We sat quietly for a minute then he leaned in. “Hope I didn’t freak you out earlier - when I told you I'm positive.” I know what he meant of course. “No, not at all,” I lied, "I was just surprised, a little, I guess.” He didn’t lean back and I felt pressured to say something more. “So, are you.. you know, gay?” “What it bother you if I said yes?” “No. I don’t have anything against gay people. One of my cousins is gay.” “How about you? You ever thought about it?” “Nope. Never. I’m straight.” He leaned in closer to whisper conspiratorially. I could feel his breath on my cheek. “Never thought about it once? Maybe in the locker room at school? Wondered what the other guys were packing? How they sized-up?” “No… well… I mean….” “That’s what I thought.” Out of the corner of my eye, his half smile seemed cruel and his eyes raked over me. “You are a hot boy. Bet lots of guys have lusted after you.” I had never thought of myself being lusted after by guys. I mean…. that’s weird, right? But suddenly my mind raced. I have a nice body and work out... I still play soccer and it helps keep me fit. Memories flashed into my mind's eye. Guys who had been a little too kind to me. A tutor in my freshman year who had been a little too solicitous. A customer who used to come in every time I was working and talk to me. Other men, other times. “Yeah. I guess so,” I replied as I took a sip of my drink. He didn’t let me pull away though. “And you can’t take your eyes off me.” I felt his hand wrap around my shoulders. His arm felt strong, comforting, and I didn’t pull away. I felt my dick stir a little. “I don’t know what you mean.” I was sweating a little, nervous, wanting him to stop. And yet afraid he would. “You can admit it. Just the two of us here. And you'll be gone tomorrow. No one will know.” “Well, yeah, I guess you are handsome.” I took another sip of my drink to give myself courage. I took a deep breath and turned to look him in the eye. “I find you kind of - hot. Definitely alluring.” His lips were near mine. I wondered for a moment where Ken had gone. But then Wes’s lips pressed against mine and I forget everything else. Just the sensation of the stubble on his face. So masculine. The smell of his breath. So intoxicating. His tongue pressing through my lips. So aggressive. So demanding. His arm around me, one hand stroking the back of my neck. So dominant. I surrendered to him, melting into his arms. I felt so wicked. So free. His other hand found my chest and rubbed my nipples through my shirt. I gasped. I had never realised I was so sensitive there. The hand rubbing my neck began to slide slowly down my back. His hand cupping my butt and gently rubbing. Playing me like a fiddle. I was panting and he was working me up. I was so horny. My dick was hard and straining in my jeans. I was sure I was about to shoot right there in the bar. He pulled back and lifted me up. His hand cupped my ass again. I let him lead me out of the bar. Following him obediently. My straining dick tenting my jeans. His hand on my ass guided me. He didn’t ask my room number but seemed to know. He fished my room key out of my pocket, his fingers brushing my dick teasingly. He opened the door and guided me in. He pulled my shirt off and threw it aside. The cool air of the room did nothing to calm me. Kissing me again. Touching me where ever he wanted. I didn’t protest. I was lost in the moment. He pulled my arm and placed my hand on his crotch. I could feel his dick straining as hard as mine. I had never felt another guy’s dick before. It felt so natural in my hand. His hands were on my shoulders. Pushing me down to my knees in front of him, his crotch was inches in front of me. The straining shaft was all I could see, the slight musk, all I could smell. I glanced up and him for permission and he nodded. I fumbled with his belt, the button on his jeans, the zipper, and pulled open his fly. Closer now. Only the thin material of his briefs between me and his cock. Moment of truth. My mouth watering. I was scared. But eager. His hand on the back of my head, pulling me forward. I don’t resist. My lips press against the front of his briefs. Kissing his shaft. My tongue slowly parts my lips and I lick him through the underwear. Taste of salty. Maybe sweat, maybe cum, maybe piss. I don’t care…. at the moment it is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. No turning back now. “That’s it, boy,” he moaned above me, “Get it wet for me.” My hands found the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down. His dick popped out. It seemed so big that it filled up my vision but I guess it was a bit over six inches long and about five inches around. I realised suddenly that I wasn’t sure what to do. I had never had a cock in my mouth before. I started by running my tongue around the head and across the piss slit. Wes liked that but seemed eager to move on. He pushed forward slightly and slipped the head into my mouth. His dick felt hard on my lips but soft of on my tongue. He was warm and throbbing in my mouth and he slid the head into and out of my mouth. Pushing deeper gently, patiently. More of him in my mouth, his black pubes moving closer. I gagged and he allowed me to catch my breath without pulling his dick out. The pushing in a bit more. And more. Until I gagged again. “You can do it, boy. You can take it. Just relax your throat and swallow it in.” I tried to obey and he was able to slide in further but I was simply not able to take it all the way. I wanted it so much. I wanted to feel his pubes against my face, to smell him as he thrust into my throat but it was not to be. “It’s ok, boy.” He said, looking down at me. “This is just the warm up.” He pulled me to my feet, turned me around so my back was to him, and bent me over the bed.
    1 point
  49. I use to fuck this boy that had a lame boyfriend. I was banging him like twice a week. Fine round ass. Could not get enough cock. One day I was on him and I could hear the door open and knew it was ON! I started nailing that ass like crazy. Really grinding him open. He started to get up but I held him down and went for it. I looked at the guy and just glared at him. His stupid boyfriend just stood there while I was fucking his boy with legs sread for me. I even had my tongue in his mouth and laid right on him. Bottom was in heaven. I was grinding him really deep. I blew a load so deep in that sweet pussy, I knew no matter what , my dna would be in him all weekend.
    1 point
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