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  1. Part 14 - The Budding Flower Blooms The car turned on to Via Della Randa in Arzachena on the outskirts of Porto Cervo in northern Sardinia, passing the gates where Conrad got his first view of Villa Luna. Unlike Hibiscus Manor the villa was rustic on the outside but inside he found it a complete contrast, modern and sleek with exceptionally high end designer furnishings all decorated to complement the surroundings and emerald coast. The whole place was a world away and the Italian housekeeper cook was there to greet them at the door. Conrad put his bag down in his bedroom and walked out on to the terrace balcony that overlooked the freeform infinity pool that lead to views down to the sea. Adam walked out on his terrace and hinted for them to go for a swim. By early evening Conrad was sitting under the umbrella by the pool sipping on a beer and watching Adam swimming in the pool. Actually feeling chilled out and relaxed he was really looking forward to spending the next two weeks doing nothing. Adam climbed out of the pool and took a sip of Conrad's beer then held out his hand 'Swim with me' he said pulling him off the sunbed. Seeing Adam in this completely different environment he found a very intelligent, sexy and funny guy coming out of his shell. Conrad swam to the end of the pool joining Adam resting his head back against the edge of the pool enjoying the sunshine. Conrad looked at him "Did it take you long to get over what happened?" he asked. Adam nodded swam around in front of him "Months, but then it was several years in the making". Conrad cocked his head to one side admiring him "Is it strange I feel nothing about what happened?" he asked. "No" Adam replied holding Conrad's hands "you were very lucky that he had very little time and it was picked up by Jack". "How so?" Conrad asked looking at his hands. Adam smiled "If he had got you away then it would have been very different, a very dark place to end up". "I'm sorry" Conrad said apologising "for what you had to go through". Adam moved closer and kissed him tenderly on the lips "You were luck you had a trigger word" he said sadly. "Trigger word?" he asked looking a little confused. Adam nodded "Yes someone only had to mention Jack and it seemed to snap you back to reality quickly" he revealed. Conrad kissed Adam gently "This isn't going to be about having sex is it?" he asked worriedly. Adam laughed "What here?. No" he replied "strangely as attracted as I am to you it is about enjoying ourselves in the sun". "Phew" Conrad said smirking "people will think I am a slut sleeping with everyone" he said laughing. Adam splashed water at him "I think our dinner is ready" he said hearing the table being laid "shall we?". Conrad and Adam climbed out of the pool and dried themselves, spending a lovely evening eating and talking about things in general well in to the night. Conrad was wide awake having slept some of the afternoon by the pool and now sat there looking out at the lights dotted around the landscape down towards the ocean. Adam returned from the kitchen with some cold beers and suggested they go sit by the pool, Conrad following and sat on the edge dipping his feet in to the cool water. "When are we getting the tattoos done?" he asked Adam who sat close to Conrad. Adam but his bottle down "I didn't know if you were going to go ahead or not" he said glancing at Conrad. "Of course" he replied "Jack changed my life it is the least I can do to honour the love I had for him". Adam put his arm around Conrad and sniffed shedding a tear "I thought I was over it" he said shaking his head. Conrad kissed his cheek "I know, some days it just hits me" he admitted "I find it hard and still talk to him in the greenhouse". Adam hugged him "I go up and see him when it does" Conrad said "I take it as him telling me off and to visit". Adam chuckled "You are amazing Conrad, I can see why he adored you" he said pausing taking a moment. "What about Harry?" Adam asked with baited breath waiting for his reaction. Now Conrad chuckled "Harry" he said contemplating "one day we may meet and not butt heads" looking at Adam. Adam smiled "Harry thinks you are a perfect match for him" he said keeping it light hearted". "He does?" Conrad asked raising an eyebrow staring at the water "I still think of him a lot". "What when having sex with other men?" Adam asked then receiving a hard playful punch from Conrad. Conrad sat in silence moving his feet "What if it is meant to be Adam?" he asked "how will I really know?". "How do we go about it?" Conrad continued "What if it is a disaster like always?". "Woah" Adam put his hands up "man you have got to calm down and take a breath Conrad" he said sincerely. "Sorry, I get all flustered when I think about him" Conrad said sipping his beer "Fuck" he shouted. Adam smiled "I think you just answered everything yourself" he said finishing his beer. Conrad smirked "That was a lousy get out clause" he said downing his beer and standing up. "Time will tell" Adam said holding out his hand for Conrad "bed time, I am knackered". Conrad took his hand "Can we sleep together in the same bed like" he asked tentatively. "Of course" Adam replied smiling at him "but no sex" he reaffirmed and Conrad nodded. "The week we get back we will go to the tattooist Jack used" Adam said walking with him. By morning Conrad woke and could smell the coffee, literally, since Adam placed a strong Italian coffee on the table by Conrad. He sat up and held the cup under his nose taking a deep sniff nearly blowing his head off at the strong aroma. Adam grinned watching Conrad drinking it and screwing up his face at first until the effects of the caffeine kicked in. "Wow" Conrad said almost bouncing off the walls "dam that is good". "Not too strong for you I hope?" Adam said crawling back in to bed next to him. Conrad shook his head leaned over and kissed him "Thank you letting me sleep with you". "Do you find sleeping alone hard?" Adam asked curiously "I did, for months" he added. "I feel safe with someone sleeping by me" Conrad replied putting his cup down "a comfort thing". Adam nodded and snuggled down in bed pulling Conrad with him "Trust me it gets easier". "Do you always get so hard in the morning?" Adam asked cuddling Conrad. Conrad giggled "Yes" he replied "this morning I think the coffee has made it harder". Adam laughed and kissed him softly on the lips allowing Conrad to lay half across him dozing on and off for a few hours. Harry arrived at the airport and checked-in for his flight, the last few days had been a bull dozing of emotions and surprises since dinner on Wednesday evening with Adam. He had stayed over with Harry and told him what Conrad had just been through with this guy, he got even more upset to hear the entire story about Adam and his one long term relationship that nearly destroyed him. As Harry sat watching the gate staff preparing for boarding a lot of things made sense about why Adam only picked up anonymous quick fucks and never at his penthouse that overlooked the Thames. He chuckled to himself remembering the first time he visited Adam there, the security at the door was tighter than the MI6 building Adam boasted. Even then you had to be given a code by the owner to operate the lift up to the floor then there was two sets of double doors, Harry smiled how he had knocked on the wrong door and found himself staring into the face of a famous pop star. They laughed and asked if he was looking for Adam and pointed to the other set of doors. He heard the boarding announcement and smiled even more thinking that Conrad would probably have found that hilarious. The two hour flight had him thinking of Conrad, in fact he was still never far from his thoughts. Despite Moham's persistence to sort it out once and for all there just never seemed to be the chance to catch Conrad at the right time. Travelling on his own without Moham was a very different experience, it was the first time he had flown on a budget airline and was finding it a strange and unreal experience having never flown below first class with Moham. The seat was small and cramped and uncomfortable and that was just the beginning, the worst part, he was a no one lost amongst all the other passengers. He so loved the usual pampering and special treatment he got when the airline knew it was he who arranged Moham's flights and airline of choice. He put his headphones in and closed his eyes opening them again when the seat belt sign lit up and chimed softly overhead announcing their final descent. Bags in hand Harry walked out of the arrivals door and saw a uniformed chauffeur holding a sign with his name on. He breathed a sigh of relief, normality resumed he told himself settling in to the Mercedes and the drive along the coast to meet Adam at the villa. Adam and Conrad returned from their walk down to the beach and a brief swim in the Mediterranean, after a light lunch Adam received a text from Harry telling him he had arrived and on his way. Conrad decided to lay by the pool in the shade and soon dozed off, he was beginning to feel great and happy enjoying his time with Adam. The car pulled up to the villa and Harry ran over hugging Adam who stood waiting for him. Collecting his bags Adam took him up to his room to unpack, sitting on the bed Adam chatted away watching Harry putting things away neatly leaving his swimming trunks out. If Adam was nervous he sure as hell hid it from Harry who had no idea what was waiting on the pool terrace. Both Simon and Moham kept asking for updates on their group chat and Adam had to tell them to be patient and he would message with an update soon. "Right lets get you in the sunshine Harry" Adam said standing up throwing his trunks at him. Harry caught them with one hand "What is the rush?" he asked casually "have nearly two weeks" he reminded him. "I know" Adam replied smiling "so cute" he said watching Harry change "ready?" he asked. Harry nodded and looked at him "What you told me the other night about Conrad. Is he really okay?" he asked. Adam glanced out to the pool forgetting for a moment "Seems to be, there might be some way to go". Harry walked over to Adam "Why did no one tell me, I could have helped?" he said looking worried. "And you just leaving that Sunday like the world was ending" Harry continued "you kept me in the dark". "I'm sorry Harry, it wasn't my place to say anything at the time" Adam said washing over with guilt. Harry walked towards the door "It was good you was there for him" he said "are you coming?". Adam walked down stairs with him "You go out and get comfortable I will bring you a beer" he said. Adam watched the back of Harry going through the open folding doors on to the terrace, Harry had a good look around and walked over to the pool area. Adam was biting his nail with anxiety praying this was not going to end up like their other meetings. Harry put his towel down on the bed and stood up, he saw the lightly tanned body, arms folder across his chest and head slightly drooped to one side fast asleep. It took him a moment of realisation that it was Conrad, peacefully sleeping. He stood rooted to the spot staring at him then looked towards the villa spotting Adam looking at him from the kitchen he briefly smiled and disappeared. He wanted to run over to Adam and kiss him thinking that Conrad knew he was joining them. Harry walked quietly to the sunbed and sat down, his body brushing Conrad's leg who mumbled and smiled in his sleep. His eyes fixated on Conrad sleeping unable to suppress all his feelings that surfaced, his heart racing full of love for him. Without rhyme or reason of understanding Harry could not figure out why he felt this way every time he saw him. Harry took a long hard look at his body and the off brown coloured hair below his belly button that grew wider the lower he looked finally disappearing under his trunks, even that was enough to make Harry love him even more. Slowly he raised his hand and ran his fingers along Conrad's calf, he looked up at the face and watched that perfect smile appear. "Stop it, it tickles" Conrad mumbled under his breath, eyes still closed. Harry's fingers slowly worked higher and Conrad giggled opening his eyes "Harry!" he said in a velvety tone. Harry lifted his fingers off Conrad's leg "What are you doing here?" Conrad asked sitting forward. "On holiday, what are you doing here Conrad?" he asked staring in to his pale brown eyes. Conrad looked around "Adam brought me here for a break" he replied laying back down hands covering his face. "So wait, you didn't know I was coming?" Harry asked, Conrad shook his head removing his hands from his face. Harry looked muddled and perplexed "Sorry, I think people are trying to push us together" he said standing up. Conrad sat forward again "Harry wait" he pleaded watching him walk over to his sunbed. "I can't keep doing this Conrad" Harry said about to blow up "no more it ends now". Conrad stood up "Did I turn you down?" he asked, Harry stopped "Harry why are running from it?". Harry turned "What is that suppose to mean?" he asked feeling deflated. "You Harry, you run off angry and broken" Conrad replied hastily "you never give me a chance to speak". "God I fucking love you Conrad" Harry shouted "clearly this is one way traffic". Harry marched inside "Here we go again running away" Conrad shouted back at him then sat on the sunbed. "Harry" Adam called out following him towards the staircase. "Leave me Adam" he said angrily going up his room tears streaming down his face. Adam stamped his foot and walked outside to Conrad "Do I need to lock you two in a room together?" he asked. "Not now Adam please" Conrad replied wiping his eyes "we can't get along" he said. Adam sat next to him "You are both so in love it is getting almost to stupid to watch this" he said. Conrad shook his head "Maybe I am too broken to be fixed Adam" he said putting his head in his hands. "What makes you think you are broken Conrad?" Adam asked putting his hand on Conrad's knee. Conrad sighed "Look at me I am a mess, stupid, preyed upon and damaged" he said raising his voice. "Raise your voice at me and I will fucking slap you Conrad" Adam said staring at him. Conrad looked at him a little timidly "No one can treat you like dirt" Adam said "not even you". "I'm sorry" Conrad replied shuffling away from Adam. Adam grabbed Conrad's hand "I mean it, despite how much I like you I will slap you down". Conrad looked at him "Adam, it scares the hell out of me, that is why I keep pushing him away". Adam pulled him closer and hugged him "You need to fix Harry before you completely break him apart". Conrad moaned "I have never done anything to him!" he answered. "I know and that is the root of the problem between you" Adam replied patting his knee. "Conrad" Adam said softly "open yourself and don't be intimidated, don't be scared of how you feel". Conrad sniffed "I am boxed in with this aren't I?" he asked Adam looking at him. "No" Adam said sternly "only you can box yourself in and if you do that you will never see how to love anyone". Conrad stood up "He is the only one I love and have done since we met, the cheeky arrogant sod he is". Adam chuckled "Spoken like a true lover" he said "you two need to start getting along". They walked indoors to get washed and changed for dinner Conrad walked towards Harry's room and stood outside the door nearly bolting it afraid of what Harry might do now. Taking a deep breath he knocked lightly on the door and waited, he could hear the soft padding of skin walking across towards the door. Harry opened it and looked at Conrad 'What? he asked in a very annoyed manner holding his t-shirt. Conrad stood there looking at him his mouth going dry and completely at a loss for anything to say. His body yearning and heart racing looking at Harry who didn't look to happy to see him and getting impatient with Conrad. Harry shook his head having had enough of this, he moved and Conrad grabbed him lunging forward and kissing him on the lips. Harry had no time to respond and as quickly as Conrad kissed him he was gone running down to his room. Harry watched him dart in to his bedroom closing the door with a slam and running in to the bathroom he retched a couple of times from the nerves and his body shaking. Harry closed his bedroom door and leaned back against it, a smile slowly appearing on his face. One kiss was all it took to give him enough of a signal that the spark between them was very real. Conrad sat on the floor his nerves all over the place, had he really just done that and kissed Harry he thought. A feeling of happiness creeping in amongst his own self doubt of being good enough for Harry, the draw was there and he felt it when their lips finally touched. Conrad finished putting his shorts on looking at himself in the mirror then checking the time, it was only 7pm and already felt like the longest day in his life. Closing the door he walked downstairs and out on to the terrace where Adam and Harry sat talking on the outdoor sofa both holding a glass of wine. Adam smiled and stood up pouring Conrad a glass. Carefully assessing the situation he took a seat in on the armchairs, a mistake on his behalf with Harry seeing it as another orchestrated brush off. Adam did his best to keep them both motivated in conversation, some awkwardness prevailed amongst the patches of silence that continued over dinner. Adam was going stir crazy and had to bite his lip, he wanted nothing more than to slap both of them and instead he went to make coffee leaving them alone at the table. Harry didn't know what to make of the entire situation, close to the verge of giving up he got nothing from Conrad. He finished the glass of wine and stood up slowly walking over and around the pool standing at the top of the grounds looking over the twinkling lights down to the sea. Adam looked out and saw Conrad sitting there twisting his glass of wine around in his fingers 'God sake get up and do it Conrad' he muttered to himself. Conrad looked over to where Harry stood and smiled, suddenly his legs went to jelly preventing him from moving. Desperately trying to compose himself he nervously took a hefty swig of the wine and, taking a deep breath he finally felt steady and stood up, the night air was so still and eerily quiet, no breeze, no rustling in the trees. Adam glanced at him quickly 'Come on Conrad' he quietly said egging him on from the kitchen to be disturbed by the coffee machine finishing. Conrad took a few steps towards Harry, the strangest feeling ran through his body along with a warm breeze that suddenly hit his legs and seemed to crawl up his body and waft softly over his face but feeling a chilly edge at the same time. He couldn't describe the feeling or understand what it was, it felt like warm hands were trying to coax him forward towards Harry. He could definitely feel the warm air hitting his legs, neck and arms yet the plants and trees were as still as anything. His feet moving in Harry's direction getting closer and closer, Harry moaned and rolled his head back feeling a warm breath like breeze shrouding his body filling him with the most intoxicating sense of love. Conrad found his hand softly running down Harry's back through the cotton of his shirt. Harry shook his head "Don't do this Conrad unless you mean it" he replied standing and waiting for him. "Enough of these silly games Harry" Conrad said softly slowly turning Harry around to face him. They both felt it, the warm breeze appeared again from nowhere the weirdness of it almost frightening the hell out of them both. The strange soft caressing of the warm breeze intensified around their bodies, eyes fixed on each other. Both of them touched by an ethereal feeling pulling them together, in their head a silky exquisite and heavenly voice seemed to tell them this is where their destiny starts and lies. Neither knew the other was having the same experience causing goose bumps on their arms, the hairs on the back of their necks stood up the stronger the delicate force worked pushing them together. Harry thought of nothing else and blocked everything from his head focusing on Conrad who so close to him now. Conrad wrapped his arms around Harry his mouth being guided until their lips touched and sensed each other. A graceful kiss of respect between them that transformed with delicate elegance, Harry's arms moved around Conrad's body holding him and entering a kiss of pleasure and passion that burned for many months now released. The warm breeze vanished with only the sound of the crickets mating call filling the night air. Adam reached up to the cupboard to get the cups stumbling and feeling dizzy, a shiver ran up his spine spreading out through his body filling it with a warm loving sensation. Disorientated he regained control and stood up 'I love you Jack' he called out in a soft loving tone. Adam leaned over the counter for a moment unsure why he had said that, he was confused and unable to make sense of what just happened. Adam quickly looked as if he suddenly knew it was over and sure enough Conrad and Harry stood kissing then in a brief flash of a moment he saw Jack and himself standing out there kissing like they had done many years ago. He stared out the window at the memory a tear trickled down his cheek from all the happy times he had with Jack here at the villa. Not sooner had it started he felt a desolation taking over his body that brought him back and suddenly the image of Jamal came in to his head making him smile. Grabbing the cups and coffee he headed outside with hardly any recollection of what he had experienced. Adam put the coffee pot on the table and looked over at Conrad and Harry who where hugging each other placing tender kisses on the other. Adam was still reeling at his experience in the kitchen called them over and Conrad took Harry's hand walking with him to the table both smiling in relief that finally, and without reservation they had got together. "So what happened?" Adam asked as they sat down at the table whilst he poured coffee for them. Harry looked at Conrad "Can't explain it" Harry offered up "sort of felt it today more than ever". "You did?" Conrad asked looking at him "how weird, I felt this warm breeze but it was cold like it was meant for me". Adam looked at them both strangely "It was the weirdest feeling like it was pushing me" Conrad said. Conrad scratched his head "I got the feeling that it knew me and what I needed" he continued "losing the plot" he said. Harry shook his head "That is crazy" he said "I had the same sensation like it told me to accept it" he explained. "Then it was gone as soon as we kissed" Harry said trying to put it in to words "it was around and in me". Harry shivered "Left me empty with only you in my head" he said looking at Conrad. Adam listened to them both then quietly he spoke "I am convinced it was Jack, well his spirit". "That is ridiculous" Conrad said and chuckled "surely not?" he asked doubting himself now. "In the kitchen I went dizzy and stumbled then said I love you Jack" Adam explained "I felt full of love". Harry looked at them both "You really don't believe in ghosts do you?" he asked looking at them both like they were crazy. Adam shook his head "Not at all" he said "now I am not sure, I mean how do you explain what we all felt?". Conrad was sat with a smile on his face "Well I think it is lovely and I am sure it was his doing". "The weirdest thing was after what happened to me I knew you two were going to be okay" Adam told them. There was no question that all three of them were a little uneasy about their experience and the more they talked about they could not find any other explanation for the events that evening. Conrad easily saw that it had hit Adam quite hard his hand still trembled slightly. Harry fetched them all a brandy to calm their nerves, Conrad looked at them both and suggested they all share a bed. He certainly didn't want to sleep alone tonight and was sure Adam or Harry didn't want to either. When they climbed in to bed Harry looked at Conrad "You need to sleep on the right of him" he told Conrad. Harry grinned "I always sleep on his left side" he explained with Conrad raising an eyebrow. Adam slapped Conrad's leg "Nothing like that" he said "not like you and Jamal" he teased. Harry sat up "Who is Jamal?" he asked looking at them both. Conrad went straight faced "Well a close friend, very close" he said. Adam laid down "They fuck like erratic rabbits on speed" he said putting his arm around Conrad play pinching him. Conrad giggled and looked at Harry "I don't love him before you go off on one". Harry leaned over and kissed Conrad "Good I expect you to love only me" he said teasing Conrad with his lips. "I always have Harry, ever since you punched me" Conrad replied touching Harry's arse for the first time. Harry smiled and tongued Conrad deep both giggling since Adam was copping a feel of both their asses remarking that he felt like he was in heaven. Suddenly they both attacked a nipple each sending Adam in to fits of laughter, his hips bucking up, down side to side, his cock flopping at first then started swinging around the harder he got. Harry and Conrad both slipped their hands down taking hold of his cock and balls 'Make him cum' Conrad said looking at Harry 'show him we are the bosses now'. Harry chuckled securing his hand around Adam's cock, Conrad's hand slipped under his scrotum finding his arse hole and teasing it with a finger. Their mouths still attacking Adam's nipples and he resided to his fate and laid there moaning like a quality porn star. Harry's working on his cock stimulated Adam in a way he hadn't felt in a long time, his balls tingling 'oh fuck' he muttered then grabbed both the boys heads pushing them down towards his cock as he began jettisoning a huge load of his cum hitting both their faces. Pulse after pulse of his seed firing out and making a mess on Conrad and Harry's faces. Adam sighed long and hard rubbing the boys heads. Harry leaned over to Conrad and licked his face moving Adam's cum towards Conrad's mouth pushing it in with his tongue and kissing him. Conrad giggled and did the same to Harry this time holding their kiss longer. Harry leaned down and sucked up some of the cum then kissed Adam. Conrad copied him but almost swallowed it instead managing to hold a small amount in his mouth he kissed Adam depositing the cum back to the owner and smiled down at him then pulling Harry forward he kissed him with greater passion. Harry sat up stroking his cock and looking at Adam "Now you have to pleasure us both' he said. Adam smiled "No I want to see you two pleasure each other" he replied folding his arms waiting. Conrad looked at Harry "Nah you owe us Adam" he said straddling across and pushing his cock in to Adam's mouth. Adam tried to protest with his mouth full of cock "That is so sexy" Harry said moving over to kiss Conrad. He was finding it hard to resist and in gracious defeat he worked on Conrad's cock slowly then stopped and grabbed Harry's cock pulling him closer. Feeling like a child in a sweet shop with two hot young bodies above him fighting to get their cocks sucked whilst they kissed making soft erotic sounds that reverberated in their bodies. Adam gently sucked each one off in turn paying equal attention to each lad, a finger teasing their arses stimulating them on. Harry was first to reach orgasm nearly biting Conrad's lip in the process and moaning like wild animal trying to kiss Conrad harder. No sooner had Adam taken Conrad's cock in his mouth again and with Harry kissing him harder Conrad thrusted his hips forward hitting his orgasm. Adam just managed to get his mouth off his cock watching the cum splatter across his lips, cheek and on to Harry's leg. Conrad broke from the kiss panting and sexually moaning at the same time smiling at Harry and looking him in the eyes. The concentration broken by Adam jabbing his finger their holes 'Clean up your mess' Adam said pulling his finger out of each hole and folding his hands behind his head. He watched them both licking and kissing each other with cum dribbling down their chins until they finished. They both laid down either side of Adam who put his arm around each one 'Thank you so much guys' Adam said kissing each one in turn snuggling down. Adam was finding it hard to sleep and kept waking up unable to get Jack out of his mind. He dozed off restlessly again and woke around 3am to find Conrad sitting on the bottom of the bed staring out of the balcony doors. "What's the matter?" he asked quietly leaning forward trying not to disturb Harry. "Jack" Conrad replied "crazy but I keep imagining that I can feel him" he said quietly as Harry stirred. "Same here he keeps coming in to my thoughts" Adam said "you really think... no it's stupid". "If it was Jack?" Conrad asked looking at him "I have no doubt, I really feel that I felt him here". "You are both crackers" Harry said getting out of bed to use the bathroom "just accept it was him". Adam and Conrad looked at each other and smiled "Pee quietly" Adam said chuckling. Harry shouted out from the bathroom "Can't help it with a sausage like mine" making them all laugh. Harry walked around and sat on Conrad's lap kissing him "You okay?" he asked him. Conrad nodded "Yes" he replied kissing Harry back "Can I eat your sausage?" he asked. "Punch me if I ever say no" Harry replied kneeling up slapping Conrad in the face with his semi erect cock. Adam chuckled "Don't know what your laughing at I want to suck yours" Harry said. After another round of incredibly noisy sucking was complete the three of them collapsed on the bed finally falling in to a restful sleep. Adam was first up and went down to get coffee that the housekeeper had made and was starting to prepare breakfast for them. Conrad rolled over in bed falling in to Harry's arms. Eyes closed he drew a big smile running his hand along Harry's pretty impressive muscles for such a young guy 'God your body feels amazing' Conrad mumbled feeling Harry's lips pressing against his in a tender kiss. Conrad rolled away and kneeled up on the bed, Harry reached over and slapped Conrad's arse quite hard exactly where Joshua had whacked him with the belt. Conrad jumped and screamed scrambling to the top of the bed rolling himself in a protective ball burying his head in to his knees crying and begging for him not to hurt him again and he was sorry. The flashback hurtling through his body making him shake, Harry sat there struggling to understand panicking at Conrad's reaction. Harry scuttled up to Conrad and tried to put his arms around the stiff body of Conrad protecting himself. "Conrad! Harry shouted "Conrad, it is me, Harry" he said in desperation to get his attention. Adam came bolting in the room "What's happened?" he asked seeing Conrad's distressed state. "I don't know" Harry replied "I slapped his arse and he went like this" he said now loosing it and panicking even more. Adam climbed on the bed and cuddled Conrad as best he could "Harry and I love you Conrad" he said softly. Conrad slowly started to relax "Harry and I are here no one else" Adam said repeatedly. Finally Conrad released his hands from under his knees and cuddled up against Adam, Harry sat there looking just as distressed, he could tell by the way Conrad's fingers where clasping at Adam's skin he was afraid and slowly understood that the slap must have trigged a memory from this guy. Conrad seemed to go quiet with his head buried firmly against Adam's chest, his body looking completely relaxed now. "Wow look at the time Conrad you should go and shower get ready for breakfast" Adam said hugging him. Conrad lifted his head "Sorry Harry" he said getting to his feet and going to the bathroom. Adam waited until he had gone "This Joshua guy whacked him really hard with a belt" he explained to Harry. Harry sat on the bed "Me slapping him on the arse did it?" he asked, Adam nodded. "Will he always be like that?" Harry asked looking concerned and upset from what he caused. "No" Adam replied kissing Harry on the cheek "It will take a little time for the memories to go". Harry nodded "I feel so bad for him" he sniffed. Adam smiled "Slowly Harry, he needs to build trust with you" he said "I mean you don't really know each other". "Very true" Harry replied "do things at his pace?" he asked. Adam nodded "Go in the bathroom and ask him if you can shower with him". Harry walked in to the bathroom casually chatting to Conrad who smiled and held out his hand hinting for Harry to shower with him. To his surprise Conrad seemed to be back to normalish and Conrad allowed Harry to wash, touch and kiss him without the fear he showed earlier. Harry slowly wrapped his arms around Conrad allowing the water to drip off their bodies spending several minutes in each others arms. Conrad felt that familiar surge of love for Harry that reinforced how the two of them were meant to be together. Conrad kissed his neck speaking in a soft voice 'We will be alright Harry I promise' he assured him, Harry hugged him tighter to reinforce that he understood and hoped that Conrad knew he would be here for him. The following days were spent relaxing, Adam a complete sucker for sunshine loved laying out by the pool gradually building his tan. Conrad and Harry spent a lot of time talking and walking with Harry making it clear he was in no rush and they should take their time to understand each other, their nights full of fun and laughter spending them in bed with Adam. Harry was mindful not to push Conrad and was happy that at last he was with him. Developing a very unique closeness where Conrad would frequently look at Harry when he thought he wasn't paying attention and smile. Harry would know and turn smiling at him, he loved the shyness Conrad retained around being gay in public, it was a sexy enduring quality that he loved, his body silky smooth with just a hint of a treasure trail under his belly button disappearing in to his shorts. No matter how much Harry racked his brains to investigate his love for Conrad it always came up blank, it was meant to be and that was that, Conrad was his muse, soul mate, lover. They sat on the beach after walking for an hour one afternoon and Conrad took a selfie of Harry and him then sent it to Charlie and Max with a short message 'Finally'. Charlie responded quickly 'So happy for you Con, he got the right one this time', Harry chuckled sat there with his arm around Conrad. "Sorry if I caused any problems for you" Harry said nodding to the message. Conrad put his phone away "Had to happen somehow, then Charlie and I got in a big fight" he replied. "Not over me I hope!" Harry exclaimed looking worried. "No" Conrad said "he was more concerned if Jack had tried anything on with me over the years". Harry nodded "Did he?" he asked looking at him, Conrad shook his head. "He never laid a finger on me" Conrad replied smiling "well eventually he did" he laughed. Conrad looked at Harry "There is so much to figure out Harry" he said staring out at sea. Harry took Conrad's hand "You mean how us will work?" he asked looking at Conrad. Conrad nodded "I know you love your gardening at the manor" Harry said "I won't take that away from you". "But what about you, your life in London and working for Moham?" Conrad asked. Harry smiled "I can't lie to you Conrad, I love working for him" he replied "I guess sex will have to stop". Conrad laughed "Why?" he said bumping his shoulder against Harry "if we live apart I won't mind". "Live apart?" Harry looked at Conrad shocked "no, no, no. Living apart is out of the question". Conrad smiled "You really are that mad for me?" he asked pushing Harry down on his back. "You drive me crazy" Harry said looking serious and stroking Conrad's chin "I would give up everything for you". Conrad smiled "Silly" he replied "If it weren't for the people on the beach I would blow you right now". Harry chuckled and closed his eyes savouring the moment "We should head back" he said opening his eyes. Conrad stood and helped Harry to his feet, carrying their trainers they walked side by side in the surf towards the villa glancing and smiling to each other. To Conrad it was a perfect moment, the two of them clearly building from a desire of love to one of real intention to change their lives forever. He couldn't deny that Harry really had stolen his heart in an unfathomable way, remembering what Jack said that when it feels right you know it. Conrad bravely in public put his arm around Harry and kissed him on the cheek. In return he gave Conrad one hell of sexy smile and put his arm around Conrad's waist, his fingers gently caressing and playing with Conrad's smooth skin.
    9 points
  2. 5. Getting Home "Quarter gram of crystal. Dissolved in piss." Tiago had knelt down and whispered it. Fabien doubted that James had even heard it. He placed the used pipette in a nearby trash bag, then took the handle of the speculum from Fabien. "It'll take a few minutes to soak in," he continued. "Who's piss?" Fabien asked. He wasn't even trying to hide how he was stroking his cock. "A random stranger. I have no idea." "That's nasty." "Yeah. Now. You wanna take him home?" Tiago released the catch, and the blades of the speculum slid back into place as it closed up. James moaned. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," James grunted, as his ass closed up around the booty bump. "It's so warm," he said. "The cum." Tiago wondered what James thought the booty bump was. But he would find out soon enough. "Fuck yeah," Fabien said. "He can definitely suck dick." "He's great to fuck as well." Tiago smiled. "Especially once he's opened up." He slowly pulled the speculum out of James's anus. Not a single drop of the tina-laced piss dripped out. Fabien watched James's hole close up, even after all the abuse it had undergone. He wanted to feel it around his cock so badly. He wanted to feel James squirming under him, knowing that his thick black cock was the cause of James's discomfort. "You? You've fucked him?" "Over the weekend," Tiago said. He stood up, put the speculum aside, and handed the swabs to Fabien. "That's it," he said, resting his free hand on James's thigh. "Take those. Fill out a kit 86 for them." "86?" Fabien asked, raising an eyebrow, but smiling as well. "Yeah," Tiago said. Fabien took the swabs, and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him. Tiago turned to James, still standing between his legs. His hand moved up, along James's thigh, until he was able to run his finger around James's asshole. "Mmmmm," James moaned. It was quiet, and he was calm for a change. Without Fabien there, he felt better. There was something almost predatory about the black man, and it made James nervous. "I'm sorry," James said. "I didn't mean to cry." "No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry this happened to you." He undid the straps, and lifted a still-naked James upright, wrapping one arm around him. He kept massaging James's asshole with his other hand. "I'm scared," James said. "It's OK to be scared," Tiago said. "It's a natural reaction. But don't let fear dominate your life." He pulled James closer to him. It was close enough to feel the heat radiating from the boy. The G had definitely kicked in. "It's good to talk about it. To share it with people who care about you. To remember it. All of that helps. It helps make it easier." James had pulled himself closer to Tiago, but had also spread his legs as he did so. James wanted to feel closer to Tiago. Let him make the decisions for him. He was crying again. "Scared," he finally managed to say. "It's fine," Tiago said. "You going to be able to be with someone tonight? Someone you can trust?" James shook his head. He was still new in town. "Maybe Tim?" Tiago felt James's asshole pucker when he mentioned the man. "Or maybe Fabien?" James's heart started to race a bit. "You can trust Fabien, can't you?" James bobbed his head. It wasn't a nod yes, but nor was it a shake no. "Fabien," he said. "I'm just scared." Tiago could feel his shirt getting wet from James's crying. He wanted to fuck the boy, and see how much he cried then. But that would have to wait for now. There would be plenty of opportunities later. "This is good," Tiago said. He gently pressed the tip of his finger into James's hole. The boy moaned in pleasure. The G was now in full effect, and the crystal was just starting to kick in. "Fabien is your friend, right? He's going to help you do what's best for you." "Fabien," James moaned. "Big cock," he finally said. "You don't have to take it," Tiago said. "But sex. With someone you trust. Like Fabien. That would help. Help you feel good. Feel natural. Right?" "Feel good again," James said. The crystal was definitely taking effect. His head was spinning again, and it was hard for the young man to put together words. "It's going to be ok." "I just want you to talk, remember, and share. It's what you need. It's what is going to make you feel better." As Tiago spoke, the door opened. The two men made no effort to push apart. "Take care of it?" Tiago asked Fabien. "Yeah. It's in the biobin in the lab. That's the right place, yeah?" "For sure," Tiago said. "You have plans after work tonight?" he asked Fabien. "No. Nothing." "James could use a friend tonight. He's new here. You could hang out with him." Fabien smiled. He could still remember exactly how James's throat had felt around his dick. He remembered the stories James had told. How consent was malleable and changeable, and how sometimes it just did not matter. "Yeah. I'd be happy too." "That's good, right, James?" Tiago asked. There was only one right answer. "Yeah. Get an Uber to get home." "I can order one for you," Tiago said. "But first, we've got to get you dressed." Tiago pulled himself apart from James, and took James's clothes. He carefully went through the pockets, removing his phone, wallet, keys, and some change. "We've got to keep your clothes. It's evidence." James started to protest, but Tiago continued speaking. "I've got some clothes you can wear. I'll be back." He took the bag, and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him. It was just James and Fabien. "That was intense. That story you told," Fabien said. "I want to hear more about it." "It was hard," James said. "And I hate thinking about it. It's scary." "I bet," Fabien said. James tried not to stare at the black man's crotch. He knew how big Fabien's dick was. He remembered choking on it. With each memory, the relentless helplessness came back to him. He didn't want anyone to see him like this. "I'm scared," he finally said. "What are you scared of?" Fabien asked. "I don't know. I just want to be home. Safe." "We'll get you home soon enough," Fabien said. "I'll be there with you." The door opened, and Tiago came back in. He was carrying some clothes, and a small bag. He handed the clothes to James. "They should fit you," Tiago said. "You're about the same size as my receptionist." James realized that the dark blue underwear was actually a jock strap; he put it on, conscious of how the straps accentuated his ass. Tiago handed the small black bag to Fabien. "This should have everything you'll need." Fabien opened it; there was a pipe and a torch, along with a bottle of G and a measure. There was also a bottle of poppers, and some lube. "Looks like fun," Fabien said. He watched as James fumbled with the thin running shorts; even when he finally had them on, the jockstrap was clearly visible under the sheer fabric. James put on the shirt. Written across the front of the white t-shirt was "Swan and Ox Rape Oil." There was a drawing of a naked woman and a swan; the wings of the swan made the drawing just barely suitable. The back read "Lubricating the Unwilling Since 1988." James put it on; it was a little too small and he felt it stretch and pull around his body in rhythm with his breathing. "It's what I could find," Tiago said by way of explanation. "It's just to get you home." At least Tiago let James keep his socks and shoes. As he put them on, Tiago continued. "What's your address?" he asked. "I'll order you an Uber." "3804 Hyperion," James said. Tiago tapped on his phone. "Two minutes," he finally said. "Driver's name is Omar." "Ready?" Fabien asked. "We'll be at your home soon." "Yeah," James said. Fabien motioned for him to follow. Tiago followed the two. "Wait," Tiago said, as the three of them were in the hall. He disappeared into another room, and emerged with two juice boxes. Both had "1.5" written on them in black marker. "Be sure to get enough to drink," he said to James as he handed one to him. He took the juice box. He knew he should say something, but it was getting more complex to speak. Finally, he managed to say something. "Thanks," and immediately felt dumb for something so simple. Tiago gave James one last hug, and whispered in his ear. "I'm sorry. It's going to be hard," he said. "But I know you can do it." He handed the other juice box to Fabien. "Do what you think needs to be done," Tiago told Fabien. He leaned in. "Don't be afraid to push him. And use what I gave you." The waiting room was empty when Fabien and James left; James was glad not to encounter the man that had heard so much about his life. It wasn't until they got to the elevator that Fabien spoke. "That was so intense," he said. "Hearing you talk about what happened. When we get home. You're gonna have to tell me more." "I guess," James said. He raised his head, and looked at Fabien carefully. The black man had buzzed hair, a thin, yet muscular body. James could see the outline of Fabien's thick cock. "It was hard," he said. He could feel the tears starting to well up in his eyes. "I don't know." "It's all good," Fabien said. "We'll get home first," he said. "It's just a short ride away." He opened the door; both men blinked rapidly in the bright sunlight. Luckily, the car was waiting right there for them. They got in the car, and the driver pulled away. In the car, Fabien took his juice box, and opened it. "You too," he told James. "Not that thirsty," he said. "You need the liquid," Fabien said. "That was what the doctor told you." "Ok," he said. It was strangely hard to open the juice box. James fumbled with the straw, and then there was a piece of tape over the foil opening. James realized it was there to keep it closed when a bit of juice splashed out. "Cheers," Fabien said. "To sharing." "Sharing," James said. The juice was good. It was cold, and James didn't even mind the weird chemical taste. He drank it all in the few minutes it took to get home.
    8 points
  3. My first time was in Chicago. I had just moved from a small town To go to school at Northwestern and decided to check out steam works. I was pleasantly surprised at how clean it was. Up to that point I had been getting bred in some shady places so I was happy to find myself there. The first time I went it was in the afternoon on a Tuesday so it was not very busy. I spent a good hour walking around just getting the lay of the land so to speak. I like older men so I wasn’t put off by the amount of older men there. Most seemed uninterested in me at the time. I looked much younger than my age at that time too. I ended up in the hot tub with a few guys that were just talking and laughing. I assumed they all knew each other by they way they talked. About 15 minutes in a guy came in and sat next to me. He was tall and had a lot of chest hair. He looked to be in his thirty’s. He kept giving me eye contact and I knew he was interested. He got out of the water and he was hung so I decided to follow. He had a room upstairs so I went in. He bred me for the next two and a half hours. I left filled and happy.
    6 points
  4. I breathed a huge sigh of relief... I was alone. I'd been counting the days for a week. I love my husband but this business trip of his seemed like the perfect timing for us both. We had been fighting for months and now he was gone for two weeks. I loved him but things had never been easy with us and I think we both wanted this time to breathe. I had the house to myself and could just be. I had settled in to watch tv in my briefs and oversized tee shirt. I had finished my dinner and had started to doze. There was a late summer rain outside, the kind that's perfect to sleep to. I awoke to the sound of a knock at the door. I was confused and disoriented from having not meant to fall asleep. I went to the door and opened it. There stood Eli, my former student. Seeing Eli's 19 year old frame on my doorstep did little to help my confusion. I hadn't spoken to him in weeks and have no idea how he knew where I lived. Still the rain was coming down, I had to get him off the street. "Eli? What are you doing here?" I asked "Come in, you are soaked". I ushered Eli into my home and notice him looking at me in a way I had never seen before. Realizing I was standing in my briefs i blushed and tried to cover myself and i grabbed my discarded jeans and pulled them on. "Sorry Eli, I wasn't expecting anyone. Clearly". When my jeans were on I looked at this kid. Soaked to the bone with this sad expression on his face. "I shouldn't have come, I didn't know where to go. I'm sorry" His tone wavered on a voice break that told me he was barely holding it together. I'd known Eli since he was 14 and a student in my music class. His family life had always been shit. Absentee father and a mother who had no time for him and didn't understand his artistically driven mind. I'd become a mentor an d pseudo father figure to him. Many were the talks we had. I was so proud of how far he'd come. He graduated last year and was thriving in college. He still kept in touch for advice and to check in and I had seen him over Christmas and spring break when he stopped by the school. He was seeing another boy, school seemed to be going well and his family life seemed to have finally settled. I was confused by how we could go from there a few weeks ago to where we were now. I was glad he knew he could always come to me. "Oh Eli, I'm glad you came. You're always welcome. Are you ok?" I asked, and with those words it's like the little resolve he had left evaporated and he started to cry i brought him into a hug, enveloping him in my fit frame. Holding tight so he knew I was there, I let him cry it out. Not minding that his rain soaked clothes were making my clothes rain soaked. I just held him and held him. End part 1 *I promise there's a reason this is in the chem fiction section and we will get plenty of sleaze going on. But this is where we start.
    4 points
  5. "mmm fuck me daddy yeah," I encouraged. The cock inside me felt a thousand miles wide and a million miles long. "fill my hole with your cum." He pumped faster, pressing his infinite weight on my back. Suddenly he gushed cum, which ran down both my legs in rivulets as he emptied an impossibly big load inside me. "unh unh unh," I woke to hear myself saying as I jerked myself awake. My underwear was down and my 6.5" cock spurted. The first shot drenching the sheet and the rest made a huge mess on my stomach. I froze except for my still twitching cock. My wife didn't stir. I cleaned up as much of the mess as I could with my t-shirt and washed the sheets the next day. She raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. **** The dreams had become increasingly frequent. Varied in their particulars but alarming in their consistency. Always me getting fucked and cummed in, often by a bunch of guys, always in some sleazy situation. After the incident I started jerking off regularly. The dreams became less intense but my fantasies became more realistic. I couldn't understand, really. We'd been married for 13 years and I'd never questioned my sexuality. But we hadn't been getting along and our sex life fell off. I had to acknowledge that my urge to get fucked in the ass had become profound. I put on a gay porn video on pornhub and felt practically dizzy with lust as I watched a twink get fucked bareback against a pool table. How was I so sure I wanted to be the "bottom"? **** I was out of town for work. Had just finished after an all nighter called my wife to commiserate and let her know that I could head home early. We got into a fight immediately. She was not being cool and I was exhausted and crabby. We never even got to the point. I decided I'd take my scheduled flight home and have a night to myself in a first rate city. It didn't take long for me to decide to figure out once and for all of I was gay. I napped until about 6 and decided to have a novel experience. I got a trimmer and buzzed my pubes. I got a bunch of water based lube, a bunch of condoms, a bottle of rum, a bottle of coke zero, etc. I got back to the hotel and got ready to receive anal lol. I took some pictures with the help of the bathroom mirror and posted looking for sex. I drank some rum and coke and watched porn. Guys started replying to my ad and I was texting with a few. I found a guy who seemed cool--mid 40s, neg, black, bi--and have him my room info. I got naked and put on the hotel's fuzzy robe He showed up after about 25 mins. It turned out the front desk had to call me when he arrived but it wasn't a big deal. I pressed lube into my ass and nervously waited for the knock. It came after a couple of minutes and I let him inside. I got on my knees and took his pants down. He was thick, 7" and shaved. I sucked him badly for a minute and he told me to get up. We headed to the bed and he disrobed. "So you're really married?" "Yeah, thirteen ye--," I was cut off by his cock in my face. I sucked him again. He put his balls in my mouth and told me he'd turn me out. He pushed me back on the bed and rubbed his cock with lube. He slid in and fucked me immediately. "Just relax. That's all you need to do." At first I panicked and clenched up and it hurt. But he ignored my protests and kept pumping. Somehow I began to relax in my helplessness. Eventually the feeling was incredible. My cock dripped precum as he bottomed out in me. I held my own legs apart as he used my hole. Suddenly I realized he was cumming. He kept fucking at speed as he ejaculated. After a few seconds he slowed down and my sphincter squeezed the last drop out of him. He got dressed and said I had a nice ass. Was I really married? "Well I don't think she's right for you man," he said after I assured him I was. **** I was ecstatic. I needed more. I told everyone I had a load in me. It filtered out a few guys but left me with 2 who were very interested. I get empowered as I told them I was a cumslut looking for the second load of my life/tonight. I invited them both (they knew about one another) and propped the door open with the dead bolt. After 25 minutes I got a call from the front desk. I told her to send him up and said I'd have another visitor arriving soon and that he could come right up. "Of course, sir. What's his name?" "Uhh.. I'm not sure. He's a delivery guy." "Of course sir," she replied impassively. The first guy slipped in the room. He was a big, heavily tattooed guy. Maybe mid 50s. I was in my robe with a hard cock. I offered him a drink and we made small talk. I opened his belt and pulled down his pants. I sat on the bed and took his hardening penis into my mouth and sucked his fat dick as well as I could as he said before me. After a couple minutes I pulled my mouth off and turned around to offer my ass. He took off his shoes, jeans and shirt and climbed into the bed. He grabbed a couple pillows and had me kneel against them. He rubbed a big glob of lube on his prick and then entered my cummy hole. He slapped my ass and fucked me like slut A slice of bright light illuminated the slutty scene as the other guy came in. He closed the door all the way and pulled his dick out as the top in me pulled my head back by my hair. "Jerk off while I fuck you," he demanded. "Shoot your load while I breed your slutty asshole." My cumshot pooled on the bedspread until I collapsed in it, as the assfucking continued unabated. Finally he finished, filling me with a massive nut and jerking his cockhead against my now-sore, cum-covered asshole. He withdrew but my other new friend announced he was going to cum and entered my tender ass, immediately ejaculating inside me. I barely got a look at him, to be honest, but he was Hispanic, on the younger side and had an unremarkable cock. The guys left and I caught my breath after a few minutes. I was beaming, loving the feeling of semen and lube running out of me and down my balls. Every few seconds another drop hit the bed. Just then I got a text from my wife apologizing for earlier. I left her on read as I spread my ass in the mirror. Fulfilling a request from another new friend.
    3 points
  6. My first bathhouse was about 3 years ago when I was 29. It was at during a Cumunion event at the 1350 Club in Long Beach, CA. I had always read about the baths and fantasized about going to one but I chickened out, mainly because I was scared of STDs. A buddy of mine convinced me to go, and that I would have fun. I got there around 8, and rented a locker. In hindsight I should have gotten a room, it was early enough that were still some available. I took me a while to get myself oriented, but I was less nervous seeing all the naked guys in the locker room and roaming around. I enjoyed my time in the steam sauna, got sucked off by a couple guys in there when one of them tried to put a condom on me. I was a little confused why he wanted me to wear a condom during Cumunion, but it was still early. He kinda stalked me for a bit, seeing if I would bite, but he eventually left me alone. I contemplated leaving because he followed me everywhere. After about an hour there, I finally discovered the bottom floor, feeling like an idiot. Here were all the rooms and the dark play area. There were a few guys playing around, but no one stayed around for more than a few minutes. I went back and forth between the levels, spent a lot of time at the glory holes and fuck booths and got sucked off a few times and watched some guys fuck. Around 10:30 things really picked up downstairs, there were about 20 guys in the dark area: 4 bottoms ass up on the benches, and one in the sling. A lot of guys were just looking around playing with each other and not really fucking. I stepped up to each bottom and fucked their wet asses. This was exactly why I wanted to go, no inhibited fun. Just raw man sex. After fucking around for 20 minutes I blew my load into one of the bottoms I moved over to another guy and blew another load in him. I went back upstairs to rinse off and relax a bit, a lot less people in the sauna, most were in the glory holes or downstairs. Cruised around a bit longer and ended up back in the dark room with some new bottoms ass up. Guys all around groping, kissing, and sucking, it was so hot. I just wanted to fuck. I stuck my cock in a bottom and it was so flooded with cum. I blew my 3rd load after a few minutes of fucking him. I ended up leaving around midnight, legs tired from all the cruising, but so fucking glad I went. Since then, I have made it my goal to go to a bathhouse or sex club whenever I am on business. I have been to Steamworks in Berkeley, Midtowne in Denver, Tokyo Valentino in Atlanta, and Slammer back home in So Cal. I love the baths, men are there for sex, so you don't screw around. Yes there is still rejection and selection, but at minimum you can be a voyeur and watch men be men having filthy sex. I can't wait to go again.
    3 points
  7. Funny I thought all tops secretly loved seeing their bottoms struggle on their cocks. So of course it makes me harder to see em struggle on my bone. Of course getting harder and thicker doesn’t really help their cause but oh well! 😉. Always nutt balls deep, that’s not a negotiable thing, and if after a good bit of fucking I can’t persuade their deep cherry open, well then my bone is gonna taste the delight of forcing it open when I cum. Feels amazing having it finally bust around my bone when I muscle in deep to explode. And of course the reaction finishes it off.
    3 points
  8. "It's probably best if I give you the Reader's Digest version of how this sweet, sexy man came into my life." Mickey said. "It was just about 3 years ago and I was an ADA. At that time, I was only out to my boss and he assigned me to a gay bashing case. K C was scheduled to testify and we met to prepare for the trial. That dazzling smile of his had me hooked instantly. When he took the stand, I covered my crotch with a folder to conceal my hardon! The jury returned a guilty verdict in less than an hour. We shook hand on the way out of court and I cursed myself for not taking things further." Chiming in, K C said, "You weren't the only one who cursed yourself! Mickey's eyes are so intense and that unibrow of his frames them perfectly. Wrongly, I thought a man as sexy as him couldn't be single. A month went by and I gathered up the courage to go to his office and ask him out on a date. When he said 'yes', my heart fluttered and I was walking on air." Mickey reached over and stroked K C's shoulder. "No mere date, it was a night of magic! When he gave me the address, I figured he must be housesitting, but when I arrived and he told me how he came to live here, it made me admire him. The next pleasant surprise was that he cooked dinner. An arroz con pollo that would make my Abuela jealous!" Grinning like a cheshire cat, K C continued. "My parents took me to Puerto Rico for 3 weeks when I graduated 8th grade. Every night we ate dinner at the same place and every night I ordered arroz con pollo. One night, the woman who was the cook, an Abuela herself took me into the kitchen and showed me how it's done. Of course, Mickey was, is and always will be the tastiest dish! After that night, we started dating every weekend and eventually, we added a few nights during the week. Quickly, we became an item. With both of us being negative, condoms were never an issue and fucking bareback added intimacy." "The lease on my apartment was set to expire in 2 months and when K C suggested I move in with him, I knew it was time to have the talk." Mickey said. "I told him that I was happy with him, but I didn't know how long I could remain monogamous." "His fears were put to rest when I confessed to having the same issue!" K C said, proudly. "That's when I suggested we have an occasional third who would be discrete and have proof of neg status. Over the years, there's been 4 guys for a night or 2, but nothing more. Which brings us to our tats!" To be continued
    3 points
  9. 4. Speculum "There's still a lot we need to do," Tiago said. He turned to James. "You're doing ok, right?" James moaned, shook his head. He tried to speak, but the mouth spreader rendered his words utterly unintelligible. He continued to fight against the thick leather straps that held him in place, but they held him down. Fabien had the phone now; the had stepped back to get the entire scene in frame. "I'm going to take the mouth spreader out, ok?" Tiago said. James nodded furiously. "But. You need to let me do it. Don't move." James tried his best, but it was hard to calm down. He wanted out. He hated being here. He hated the feelings. He dreaded the memories. "If you move, it's going to hurt, ok? Relax. This was just a demonstration. This is nothing you need to be worried about." James finally calmed down, and stopped struggling. He was still crying, but Tiago knew it wouldn't get any better until he was no longer subject to the mouth spreader's discomforting power. Fabien came back, holding the camera with one hand, and playing with his cock with the other. As Fabien recorded, Tiago reached down and snapped the wire frame device closed. It just slid out of James's mouth. "FUCK," James said. Before James could say another word, Tiago pressed his hand over James's mouth. "It's ok," Tiago said. "It was just a short demonstration, ok? It didn't mean anything." James had his eyes open now. Neither Tiago nor Fabien had put their cocks away, and their dicks were barely inches away from James's face. He remembered how it had been the night before. There had been cocks everywhere, and they each did what they wanted. "I just..." James started. Tiago gave Fabien an evil smile, then knelt down. The doctor didn't give James a chance to finish the sentence. "You did so well. That wasn't as bad as it could have been, now was it?" "I don't know...." James continued. Once more, Tiago didn't let James speak. "Just a little bit more," he said. "And then you can go home." James cheered up when Tiago mentioned him going home. It was an unfortunate tell for James. Tiago had plans for James, and the reveal only made them easier to execute. "That's good, you going home. It's a safe feeling, isn't it? Home." James face was streaked with tears. He nodded, only distantly aware of how Fabien was still recording his every word and action. "Please," he begged. "I don't know. You. Fabien. Everything. It's hard." "We don't have to do anything you don't want to," Tiago said. "But it's important to get clear evidence of what happened to you. There's only one more thing we need to do." "I don't know," James said. His eyes were closed now, and his breath was shallow and ragged. "Just one more thing?" he asked. "Yeah," Tiago replied. "Only one." "One more thing," he started to repeat. "One more thing." He kept his eyes closed. Tiago pushed his cock back into his pants, and buttoned them up. He longed for James's hole around his tool, but he had other things to do right now. Fabien followed Tiago's lead, although he struggled to push his stiff rod down, and to get the thick member stuffed into his jeans. James continued to repeat his new mantra. "One more thing," he said, keeping his eyes tightly closed. "That's it," Tiago said. "Now, I just need to see if there is any semen to collect. The DNA can help make an identification. Is that ok?" James nodded. "One more thing," he said. Tiago motion for Fabien to come to the end of the examination table. James's legs were still spread wide, his feet held in the stirrups. His asshole was on display, and even from a distance, Tiago could see the sperm leaking out of it. From the gym bag, Tiago pulled out a fat metal speculum. He showed Fabien how the two duck-bills would press apart, stretching open James's rectum. He then turned his attention back to James. "This is going to be cold at first," he said. "But it will warm up quickly" He spread some lubricant over the two legs, before pressing it against James's asshole. "Oh no. no. no," James begged. "Please." "We can do what you want," Tiago said. "But without this sample, it's going to be hard to do anything. Are you sure you want me to stop?" James stopped moaning. He was quiet for several seconds, started to speak, then was quiet again. Despite James quiet, his chest was heaving in complete panic. Fabien was faithfully recording the entire scene. "Should we stop?" Tiago finally asked. "No," James said. His teeth were clenched. He was struggling. He had panicked the moment the cold metal pressed against his asshole, and for a moment, he thought he was back in Conrad's flat. "Make it fast?" he asked. "Please?" "It's ok. This is a speculum. It's going to help me examine your anus." He pressed it into James's hole. His asshole was already open; it took only the slightest force for several inches of the speculum to slide in. James's body tensed, and Tiago could feel his ass struggling to accept the foreign object. "OOOHHHHHH," James grunted, struggling to keep his composure. His ass was tender and sore, and the speculum was almost more than he could take. "Just breathe," Tiago said. Keeping one hand on the metal handle, he reached back to the gym bag, and grabbed a sample tube, some long-stemmed swabs, and a small dark brown bottle. He handed it to Fabien. "Hold it under his nose," he told Fabien. "It'll help him take the probe." Fabien swapped the phone for the bottle. Tiago took the phone, and framed James as he huffed from the brown bottle. "Both nostrils," Tiago told James. "His ass is tender and sore." James struggled to keep his breathing measured and even. But it didn't matter. Fabien held the bottle under his nose, no matter if he took quick, shallow breaths or long, deep breaths, he got the full force of the poppers. "See how he flushes?" Tiago said, as the poppers began to hit James. "That's when you know." Tiago pushed the speculum several inches into James's ass. The young man gasped, but this time, did not protest. "Please," he said. "It's sore. Not too deep." "Just relax," Tiago replied. He nodded to Fabien, and the black man removed the poppers from James's nose. "We're just collecting DNA, ok? It's not that bad is it?" "It's ok," James said. Fabien screwed the cap on the poppers, and joined Tiago between James's legs. "I just. I just want to go home." "It's going to be all right, James," Tiago said. "I'll get you home just as soon as I can." He turned to Fabien. "Watch this," he said, and squeezed the handle of the speculum slowly. The metal duck-bills slowly spread apart, exposing James's ass. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," James moaned. "That's fucking intense. Please. Fuck. Fuck." He was shaking, but this time, it wasn't the discomfort. This was just something new for him; he had no way to express how it felt to have his ass exposed to air. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he continued to murmur. "What's that white stuff?" Fabien asked, as a thick yellowish-white fluid started to dribble out. Tiago quickly grabbed a specimen swab, and started to wipe up the fluid. "That's semen," Tiago said. "Loads from the guys fucking him." "Their gift to me," James said. His face and chest were still red from the poppers. He was strangely calm, but still upset. "It's mine, please. Let me keep it." "But we need it as evidence. It's all in here. In the semen you got. Besides." Tiago rubbed his crotch. His cock was still hard. "You can always get more, can't you?" "But they gave it to me," he said. "It was a gift." It was paradoxical how James was so fiercely protective of his rapists' semen. Tiago didn't care. He went through several swabs, wiping up all the semen his probes exposed. It was more than enough. "It's mine. I need to keep it," he said. It was only poppers and GHB, but it was still enough. "You will get plenty more," Tiago said. "I bet Fabien could give you a load." "In me?" James moaned, pressing himself against the speculum, and pushing it several inches deeper in. Another pool of semen appeared, and Tiago quickly wiped it up. "It feels so good. Inside me." "Of course," Tiago said. "Won't you?" "Fuck. Of course I would," Fabien said. He was just staring at James's asshole, mesmerized by how red and vulnerable it was. "You can put anything in there, huh?" "Yeah. Anything. Wait a second," Tiago said. He locked the speculum open, then let Fabien grab on to the handle. "Hold it there. I'll be back in a second." He went to the counter, and quickly produced another plastic pipette full of a yellow-clear liquid. He squirted it directly into James's ass. "One last thing to help you calm down and understand." "What was that?" Fabien asked. "Quarter gram of crystal. Dissolved in piss."
    3 points
  10. 3. A Demonstration "Just relax," Tiago said. "I hope this is going to go by quickly." Tiago was trying not to stare at the boy's ass, so perfectly on display and available. He'd get it soon enough. "Focus on something for me," Tiago said. "Please?" "What?" James said, trying not to panic. He focused on Tiago's hand against his skin, the doctor's soothing voice. "Please. Something." "Of course," Tiago said. "Just go, 'ahhhhh' for me. Focus on that phase." "Ahhhhhh," James said, spreading his mouth open. It did feel better. He opened his eyes for a moment. Tiago was had one hand up, holding a flashlight. He dipped it down when James opened his eyes. Fabien had a phone in his hand, and was recording everything that happened. "Ahhhh," James continued, closing his eyes again. It wasn't as bad as the night before, and it needed to happen. "I'm going to help you," Tiago said. "Make that easier." James felt him slip the metal wire spreader back into his mouth. "Don't fight it. Let me help you." The metal slid in. This time, it wasn't cold. It was strangely warm, and James let the doctor force his mouth open. "I just need to examine your throat, ok?" James nodded. He was still gently going "ahhhh," and the short mantra was calming the young man. Tiago pushed the head support back into the exam table, and let James's head hang down. "That's good," Tiago said. "Here," he said, and motioned Fabien to come over. He turned on a small flashlight, and shined it into James's mouth. "See? There. Around the back of his throat." "What's that?" Fabien asked. He pointed the phone into James's mouth as Tiago lit up each of the purple splotches. "There's a lot of them." "It's bruising," Tiago said. "How did he get bruised back there? What's it from?" Tiago turned his attention back to James. "I need to show Fabien how this happens. Just nod if it's all right. It will only take a minute." James's head was spinning a bit, and it was getting harder for him to concentrate on anything. James saw Tiago nodding, and he nodded. "Yeah," he finally said. "Thank you," Tiago said, and turned his attention back to Fabien. "It's bruising from a dick. It's from getting throat-fucked." "Fuck? Really? How?" Fabien asked. He looked confused; Tiago wondered how much experience he had in receiving oral sex. Tiago ran his hand over James's exposed body, across his flat, hairy chest and his chest. "Relax," he told the young man. He gently squeezed the tabs at the side of the spreader, forcing James's mouth open even further. Then he unfastened his chinos, and pulled out his cock. "Easier to show," he said. Fabien stared at the doctor's erect cock. "You getting this?" Fabien fumbled with the phone slightly, focusing it on Tiago's erection. "Yeah," he said. "For sure." "Good. Now, this is how you should fuck a throat." Fabien stared as Tiago pressed his dick into James's mouth. The wire spreader held James's mouth open, letting Tiago push all the way to the back of the young man's mouth. "Ugggh," James grunted, unprepared for the sudden intrusion. "It's going to be ok," Tiago said. "Just relax. This is just a demonstration. It's nothing real." He turned his attention back to Fabien. "Now, If I just push a bit harder, I'll be in his throat." He flexed his hips, and suddenly, several more inches of dick disappeared into James's throat. "hat's good," he said to James. James grunted, and started to struggle against the restraints. At the same time, Tiago just moaned. "Feels so fucking good. Wet and warm and tight." He did a few short strokes in and out; Fabien stared as Tiago's cock went even deeper into James's throat. "Fuck. Nothing like a good deep-throat blow job." "He's good?" "Amazing. You know, it feels so damn good. But as I said. If you're too aggressive, you can bruise the throat." He pulled his cock back from James's throat, leaving just the cockhead in his mouth. The boy was still struggling against the restraints, but Tiago didn't seem to care. "That's what happened to him last night." "Is that bad?" "Not really. It heals pretty quickly. But the next day or two, cocksucker's got a really sore throat." He turned his attention to James. "You had a sore throat when you came in, right?" James nodded as best he could. He was trying not to remember how similar Tiago's cock felt to the dicks the night before. He wanted to be home. He wanted this to end. He wanted to be Under the covers and alone and safe. Not out here, his body naked, and a stranger watching him get throat fucked. "Please," he said, wanting it end. "Almost," Tiago said. "One more example. Remember. This is just a demonstration. You don't have to worry about it." He turned to Fabien. "This is not how you should do it." Tiago suddenly pushed his cock all the way into James's mouth. "AAAARGH," James practically screamed, despite the cock clogging his throat and the metal spreader keeping his jaw locked open. Tiago stroked his cock in and out a few times, each stroke eliciting a new moan of agony from James. "You see?" he asked Fabien. Fabien just stared at the scene, utterly transfixed. His dick was rock-hard as he imagined the possibilities that had just been laid out for him. Tiago prompted him. "You see?" "Yeah," Fabien finally said. He was still holding the camera in one hand, the lens pointed at the intense throat fucking that Tiago was delivering. "Yeah." "Good," Tiago said, and pulled his cock out of James's mouth. "It's over, James," he said. "It wasn't that bad, now was it?" Tiago asked. James nodded. "I knew you could do it." He turned back to Fabien. "Got that? How to slide in properly?" Fabien nodded. "How much can he take, when he's like that? You know. Opened up?" "A lot," Tiago said. He turned back to James, and without any warning, slowly pressed the full length of his phallus into the young man's throat. James struggled at first, but then accepted it. "Show me yours," Tiago said, nodding at Fabien's visible erection. The black man unzipped his jeans, and slowly fished out his tool. It was thick, long, and hard, easily an inch or two longer that Tiago's seven and half inch endowment. "This?" Fabien asked. "Definitely. Try it." Tiago suddenly pulled his cock all the way out from James's throat, leaving the boy gasping like a beached fish. "Ease, Ooo. Ahtp," James grunted through the pain in his throat and the constraints of the mouth spreader. He was struggling against the leather straps across his chest, but his frantic efforts were going nowhere. "Just once, quickly," Tiago said to Fabien. "His throat is already pretty destroyed from last night. It's going to be hard for him to take all of it for very long." He took the camera from Fabien, and knelt down beside James. "You can do this," he said to James. "You can help Fabien get it right, and that's important, right? It's important." James nodded. Fabien immediately pressed his cockhead into James's mouth. The mouth spreader was wide open, and even so, it was still hard for Fabien to navigate his thick black shaft to the entrance of James's throat. "Found it?" Tiago said. Fabien nodded. "Go for it," Tiago said. "James is ready for it, aren't you?" James was fighting to keep his composure. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run away, and never have to think about this again. But all of that was too much. It was all too much, the bright light of the examination room, the relentless weight of the leather restraints, and the dense softness of the cock pressed against his tonsils. "Go on," Tiago said Fabien pushed, just like Tiago had demonstrated. Several inches of his cock disappeared into James's mouth. "Oh fuck," Fabien moaned. James moaned. Fabien's cock was bigger than he imagined it would be. Tiago watched. He carefully recorded James's throat bulging out from the sheer girth of Fabien's tool. Tiago wondered what it had been like, when James had been properly high and restrained. He wondered what James sounded like when he was begging. "You see?" Tiago said. "This is amazing," Fabien said. "Fucking amazing." "Now. Just once. Try just forcing it in." Tiago put his hand on James's chest. "It's just once, ok? You can do this." James whimpered, but nodded in agreement. "Go ahead," Tiago told Fabien. Fabien had pulled out far enough that just the tip of his dick was still in James's mouth. As soon as Tiago gave him permission, he slammed his cock into the young man's throat. James's body stiffened, and he grunted in agony. Fabien laughed at James's reaction. He was enjoying his power, and clearly reveled in the response he was getting from James. "Taking it all," Fabien said. "Like a good cocksucker." He pulled out, and pushed in again. Once more, James struggled against the invasion, but he was powerless to stop it. "This is fucking amazing," he said. "I could do this all day." "So, you see how that happens?" "Yeah," Fabien said. "Just like this," he said, and used it as an excuse to slam-fuck James's throat once more. The young man was straining against the leather straps. His eyes were red from the tears. "Fuck," he said, as his dick disappeared into James's throat once more. "FUCK," he grunted. "That's enough for now," Tiago said, and pulled Fabien away from James. The black man's cock was stiff, glistening with James's spit. Tiago had been a bit surprised at how much the young man had gotten off on fucking James's throat. He wondered what Fabien could do when he was tweaked, particularly when he had a submissive boy like James to play with. "There's still a lot we need to do."
    3 points
  11. So here's a new story I'm starting. For you fans of my Prince Eric story, don't worry, I'm still working on that too. I just have soooooo many perverted stories going on in my head I get side tracked and want to get them all out. _________________________________________ Part 1 So I guess it's fair to say I definitely have a type. Young and trashy is what gets my dick hard. You can keep your pretty boy jock types. Give me a scruffy, tattooed, pierced,18, 19, 20 year old piece of skinny white trash any day. If they're straight, even better. There's nothing like getting my 11 inch pierced cock buried in a trashy straight boys hole and breeding him over and over until his stretched out pussy is leaking cum. Especially when I can share him with my buddies. And I've broken in my share of boys over the years, seducing them, corrupting them, destroying them. This is a story about one such boy. My favorite boy. I was very lucky and had an apartment that overlooked a skate park in the seedy part of town. I can't tell you how many hours I spent looking out my window, binoculars in one hand, my big leaking cock in the other, masturbating while I spied on the young men as they did their tricks and stunts. On a good day, some of them would remove their shirts, and I could ogle their thin, pale bodies as I would ejaculate into a glass so I could collect and freeze my loads for future use. One day, in late spring, a new boy started showing up. Sometimes with his girlfriend, sometimes alone. When his girlfriend was there, they'd make out and sometimes disappear into the thick bushes for a while, doing what I could only imagine was sexual. This boy was perfect. He stood probably 6 ft tall and weighed maybe 140 soaking wet. His dirty blond hair was long and hung down over his face. When the wind blew it out of his face, I could see his lower lip had three piercings, one in the middle and one on each corner. Both his eyebrows were pierced as was his septum with a ring that sported a big ball hanging down and his ears were gauged out with large plugs. He also sported some chin scruff that hung down a few inches. His body was a joy to behold. His skinny arms both sported colorful full sleeves with sculls and flames and demons and the like. Above his flat pecs in gothic script was the word respect. A tuft of brown hair sat in the middle of his chest and his nipples sported thick bars in them. His furry belly button was pierced and tatooed with red lips and an arrow that followed his treasure trail pointing to his crotch. His legs were very hairy which almost guaranteed that his ass crack and butthole would be as well. Yummy. And to top it off, he had a huge pair of wings tattooed on his back. He was the perfect piece of filthy white trash and I wanted him desperately. I wasted no time implementing my plan shortly after he started hanging out at the skate park. I started by nonchalantly hanging around on a nearby bench, "reading." I would casually light a joint and smoke it while I watched the boy. He would glance my way frequently with that look in his eye like he wanted to smoke, and after only a week of this, he finally approached me. A shadow fell across me and I looked up to see the shirtless boy standing in front of me with his board under his arm. "Hey man, can you share a couple of puffs?" He asked me, flicking the hair from out of his face. "I don't know kid." I answered. "How old are you?" "19." He replied. "Well, I always believe in sharing." I said as I motioned for him to sit down. He sat next to me, his shorts sagging down revealing black boxer briefs. I got a whiff of his slight body odor and my cock stirred a little. We passed the joint back and forth and I found out a little about my intended conquest. His name was TJ, Theodore James exactly, and he lived a couple of blocks away with four other guys in a two bedroom apartment. I could only imagine the squalor they lived in. He worked as a tattooist and piercer, which explained why he already had so much work done at such a young age. He was a product of the foster system and his old man was in jail and he had no idea where his mother was. Ahhhhhh, a broken home, how perfect. He had even spent a couple of years in juvie for stealing a car and dealing drugs. I was amazed at how open this kid was to a stranger, but then, he was stoned. After about an hour I told him I needed to take off, but not before I slipped him a little bud. He was extremely grateful, which is exactly what I wanted. Got to make him trust me before I wreck him. This went on for a week. Everyday we would chill and smoke while I tried not to come across as creepy. Not that I appeared creepy. I was a nice looking 35 year old, maybe a little on the chunky side, but not fat. I stood just a little taller than TJ at 6 ft 1. And everyday when I left, I slipped TJ a little bud. So after a week, I decided it was time to up the ante. I told TJ I had some really killer bud back at my place, which I did, and that he should come over so we could smoke it out of a bong. He happily followed me back to my apartment and in half an hour we were both ripped out of our minds and I made my move. Looking him directly in his slanted eyes, I began. "So, TJ, I've been hooking you up all week and I have a favour. I want to suck your dick." "Dude, what the fuck?" He said in a very stoned voice. "I'm not a fag! Are you a fag?" "Yes, I'm gay, and I want to blow you. I think it's the least you could do." "No way man! I'm not going to let you swing on my dick!" At this point, I doubled down as TJ was not moving away from me. I placed my hand on his thigh and said, " I can suck your dick better than your girlfriend. No one will know, and I'll make it worth your while." I pulled out an 8th of my killer weed and dangled it in front of him. His eyes lit up and I could see the wheels turning in his head. After a minute of silence he said, "All you want to do is suck my dick? Nothing else? And you'll give me that sack and no one will know?" "No one." I promised. TJ looked at me for a few more seconds before snatching the baggie out of my hand. "Fine, but it's our secret." I handed him the bong as I crawled between his legs. My hands shook as I reached up and pulled down his shorts and underwear, rubbing his hairy thighs. His cock was nestled in his very bushy brown pubic hair and was surprisingly big, 6 inches soft. He had a magic cross piercing, where two bars crossed each other through the head of his dick, and a lorum, which is the base of the dick right above the balls. I tenderly put it in my mouth as he took another big bong hit. My nostrils were hit with the smell of his sweaty balls mixed with stale piss and my own cock sprang to life in my shorts. My warm wet mouth soon had TJ to his full rock hard nine inches. He started moaning as I went to town on his cock, giving him the best blowjob of his young life. I deep throated him and massaged him with my throat muscles. He moaned as I massaged his balls and rubbed his guiche piercing. He was totally into the blowjob as he put his hands on the back of my head and started fucking my face. "Oh fuck dude! That feels so good! No bitch has ever sucked my cock this good! Take it you fag! Suck that big dick! Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" TJ started shooting off into my mouth, filling it up with the sweetest white trash load I had ever tasted. Spurt after giant spurt filled me up and I swallowed it all down. TJ collapsed back onto the couch as sweat poured off of him. "Oh, we're going to be doing that again dude!" He panted as the last of his load dribbled into my mouth. I smiled to myself knowing this was only the beginning for his skinny white trash ass.
    2 points
  12. I’m sure he could tell I was nervous. Because I was. It took me fifteen minutes to work up the courage to walk inside, let alone the weeks of promising him I’d show up, now here I was. Walking up to the local bathhouse, the unassuming location on an unassuming side street. At the top of some steps was a set of doors and a small tellers window, the thin wiry man behind it was tall and friendly. He could see I was nervous. “First time?” He asked giving me a grin. Some of his teeth missing in his smile. “is it that obvious?” I asked trying to hide my shame. ”No worries, just have fun okay?” He said handing me a key and towel. “Mostly older regulars tonight, so hope that’s your thing. I nodded and smiled as he buzzed me in, grabbing my key and towel I walked inside. I was surprised at the relative cleanliness and fashionable sitting area. There were weights a steam room and spa. Something that said video room around the corner. “Something wrong?” He asked me from another little window. “No sorry just a bit surprised, it’s not really what I expected.....” “Yeah most say that. First floor is all pretty tame to be honest. You’re not supposed to really have any touching going on, but it’s a big space and only one of me, so I don’t really enforce that. Just know your limits and be sure to be okay with what you want. Here you go.” He handed me a small brown bottle. “On the house, if you’re nervous, take a sniff, I’m sure a lot of the guys will show you how. Rooms are upstairs, have fun.” ”Thanks.” I said looking at the small bottle, it said jungle juice on the side. Looking up the stairs I saw that the lights seemed to dim. As I walked up I started to smell something. It was strong and musky, there were sounds I was familiar with but had never heard myself. The familiar slap of skin against skin. Grunting, mewling and moaning. This is what I expected. and as I stood at the edge of the stairs I could finally see what I truly though it should be. Long hallways stretched out with doors lining them. Numbers were on the doors for people to see, but otherwise it was a long stretch of hallway and doors. I went and looked for mine, number 17 on the keychain. I found the room and quickly walked in. There was a bed and a small table. That was it. Wasting no time I changed out of my clothes and tied the towel around my waist. There was club music playing softly. A stable beat punctuated by the sounds of flesh slapping in the background. My breathing started to get heavy. I found a room off the back corner. The lights were dim. A couple of gloryholes to the aide and two tiers of benches. There was an older man sitting in the corner. Striking a huge heavy tool. His legs splayed open and wide. In my nervousness I sat as far away as I could. Slowly closing into myself. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He was so much older. Clearly old enough to be my father or maybe even grandfather. A white well trimmed goatee around his mouth. His body was old but not withered. He was good looking for an old guy. However, his heavy tool was really what I couldn’t stop looking at. Heavy, and hard, a full engorged sack supporting it below. I licked my lips thinking to myself I want that. He shifted on the top bench and slowly closed the gap between us. His foot gently tapped my arm. It was then I realized it’s now or never. I responded by moving my arm to touch his leg. He responded in kind, opening his legs wider, giving me full acccess to what we both know I wanted. I got into position, knees on the floor, hands on the bench and I went in. Running my tongue up along his being shaft I looked up at him. He wasn’t even looking at me. He pulled out a brown bottle like the attendant had given me and proceeded to sniff in both nostrils. reaching for my own I copied his movements after two sniffs I was about to cap it when I heard him say. “More.” I looked up and gave myself two more sniffs. “More boy.....” he said again, his deep gravely voice sent chills down my spine. I capped the bottle and then I felt it. Heat, a fire inside me, also emptiness. I was so empty I looked right at his heavy old man dick and I immediately took it into my mouth. I moaned my happiness as I nursed on his thick cock. Feeling the heat of it, feeling the fullness in my mouth. This is what I had wanted. And now I was getting it. I could hear his groaning as I worked his meat. His musk invaded my senses and I went into heat. I slurped. I sucker I did everything I could to make him feel goood. “You like to fuck?” He whispered quietly. I nodded with his cock still in my mouth unsure if I wanted to stop. with and audible pop I pulled myself off his thick 7 inch tool. Admiring its veiny shaft and glistening head. I knew right then I wanted it inside me. “I’ve got a room, room 17” I said looking up at him desperately as my hand slowly stroked his powerful member. I wanted this old man to fuck me and I wanted him to do it now. “it’s slow today, we don’t need a room,” he said as he got me into position. I couldn’t believe it. Here I was first time at a bathhouse and I was about to let some man who was probably double my age, if not triple, fuck me for all to see. “Give me four big hits on both nostrils,” he said while opening up a pack of lube. I felt a bony finger began to prod me as I took my first couple of hits. I felt myself relax and allowed the intrusion. As I continued to hit I felt myself get more relaxed. I realized how comfortable I felt in that moment. In a dark room about to let some stranger fuck me. In my delirium I never heard a condom wrapper, I just assumed he did. I was nearing my last few hits when he said. “Two final big hits.......really draw them out.” I did as he ordered. As the euphoria began to hit me I felt that emptiness again. This time in my hole worst of all. “Ready boy?” He asked, but by the tone in his voice I didn’t have a choice. I put my head down and braces myself. I focused on my emptiness and heat. I felt the head against my hole, and then came the pressure. It started to burn and ache as my hole started to submit. I realized that he wasn’t wearing a condom. I wanted to tell him to stop. This wasn’t safe this wasn’t supposed to happen. Yet it was. I was getting rutted like an animal by this old man. Where was the emptiness. Now all I felt was pain and burning. Gritting my teeth I waited for the good feeling. However, he had other ideas as he finally pushed forward and forced me to take it all. I let out a loud yell as I felt my hole finally submit. “Take four more hits boy.” Hands shaking I unscrewed they cap and follows his orders. After the first few hits the pain started to slow. “That’s it, let that boyhole open up for daddy.” He grunted as he started to saw slowly inside me. After the third hit I started to feel that need again. I realized that I wasn’t empty anymore. I was complete. I had what I needed and it felt amazing. “So good......feels so good.....” I moaned in between his thrusts. As he pushed in I started to tense my hole, trying to pull him in deeper. “Oh that’s it, use your boyhole, embrace what you are. Daddy’s cumdump. Such a good boy” he said while picking up the pace. He took his right leg and raised it up on the bench. Giving himself more leverage. I felt him reaching new places inside my hole. And all I could do was moan my delight. Suddenly I felt a disturbance in the bench and to my left there was a new individual. Tall and lanky completely nude. He had a soft face that looked like someone’s father. Yet now he sat next to me watching with an evil glint as this old man pounded my boyhole. “I’m getting close boy, you want me to breed you?” He asked although I knew he was going to. I knew I was going to let him. And I was hoping this guy next to me with his thick nine once cock that he stroked was going to be next. “course he does,” the guy next to me said. “Give him what he needs and I’ll go right after.” I was so excited to hear this. Talking the bottle in hand I took two long sniffs and felt myself soaring. “that’s it boy, beg daddy for this load.” His thrusts started to get quicker. He was jabbing into me, hitting this spot inside my boyhole. “Please daddy, please give this load, please give me it. I want it inside me so bad.” “Ask him to breed you slut.” The guy next to me said. “Please daddy, breed me!!!!!!” I begged. That’s when I felt it, his cock grew thicker, and started to pulse inside me, I was being bred, like some cheap whore or barnyard animal. And I loved it. “Fuck yeah boy, take that load, take daddy’s load.” He fell on top of me and I could feel him, his sweaty body sticking to me. “Hope you liked that poz load boy, come find me if you want more.” I froze, did he just say poz???? I wanted to run away. I wanted to hide. As he pulled out of me with an audible pop. He slapped my ass and looked to the guy next to me. “Next?” He asked as he shuffled off. And the guy wasted no time moving behind me. I should have gotten up at that moment....but I didn’t. I unscrewed the cap and took four deep hits. “I’m ready daddy.” And I was, but I didn’t realize for how much.
    2 points
  13. thats so right. I am not even a person to the men who use me. I'm just a living fucktool that men use to get themselves off. they don't even pretend to give a fuck about me and they know they can do stuff to me that they can't do to any normal person or anyone they have any respect for. men who fuck me obviously tell me I'm a faggot and a slut and a cumdumpster but I'm such whore that guys who fuck me tell me I'm trash on a regular basis
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. My first time was at Flex in Phoenix, AZ a few years back. Place is a hit and miss. Sometimes its packed, sometimes it barely have anyone. Lots of rejections all around, men just waiting for the perfect man to walk by them to play. Had a few encounter in the dark room maze where I found a spot on a bench and just bent over. Had this giant 10" BBC walk over once and felt me up before sliding right in. He was merciless and I had to hold the walls in order from falling off the bench. Got fucked for 30 minutes of relentless super hard pounding. Was trying to popper up the whole time to ease the pain and pleasure. Eventually I just took it until he unloaded inside me. Didn't realize we had an audience in there, but as soon as he got off, another guy slid right in. That night was the best night for me, I took around 9 cocks back to back. All unloaded inside of me.
    2 points
  16. I love being filmed and letting everybody see what a dirty used up whore I am hah. The reason at 18 years old I went into pro-porn was for the exhibitionism and not the money. I always make sure that the guys are comfortable with making home videos though before either of us whips out a camera and before even having sex its usually agreed upon that a video will be made. I respect peoples privacy and so should everybody else.
    2 points
  17. Nothing lower in life than a thief.
    2 points
  18. I got a message Saturday morning for a horny guy replying to a personals add I’d post seeking guys to breed me. He said he was a 48yr old solid well built traveler up for a very discreet fuck session. He didn’t have pics to send but said he was sure I’d like him & if not I cos just send him home. I replied saying I was definitely up for getting my cunthole filled with traveller dick & cum. I included my number & said I was free and to call/msg asap. He txt me about 40 minutes later & asked my address saying he couldn’t come at noon. He arrived just after noon & instantly got my dick hard and arse twitchiny! He was very ruggedly handsome bloke, 6’1” tall with a very big muscular hairy tattooed body! In the blink of an eye we were stripped and I had his big fat dick down my throat raiding it for about 10 minutes. He then got on all fours, arse up head down, he rimmed my cunthole lubing me with his spit then shoved his dick in me & fuck me hard & rough just as you’d expect from a huge bull of man. He bred 4 big load deep in me and fucked me to orgasm 4 time fingering me to a 5th orgasm as the finale to our 6 hour breeding session. My greedy cum hungry cunthole wanted more dicks and cum , I went hunting & was soon chatting with 2 lads on scruff, not waiting to miss out on one of them & asked if they were up for fucking me together. They were & soon enough I had them tag teaming my cunthole, they took turns fucking me hard & both bred decent loads deep inside me. When they’d gone I was I had a txt, it was from my 23 yr old fuck bud Alex, 6’3” tall he’s a very hairy muscular labourer with a massive sex drive like me, he wanted to come and have a long hard cloudy sweaty fuck session. I called him & said my sloppy cunthole was all his. As much as I love getting my cunt fucked & bred I equally love and can’t resist fucking & breeding a big hairy meaty arse, Alex has a magnificent hairy arse & he’s also Act/vers so I told him to get his arse ready for me to enjoy. He got here at 9pm Saturday evening & we fucked & bred each other till 3am Monday morning! It was hard rough & very intense, I lost count of how many loads he gave me but it was enough to satisfy my red swollen cum leaking cunthole.
    2 points
  19. As they entered the foyer, Tim immediately recognized the man who was there to greet them. If any man epitomized 'swarthy', it was him. He stood at 5'8", a dark skinned Latino, slicked back hair, a Fu Manchu mustache and a sexy unibrow. Clad in red basketball shorts and a white t-shirt, he oozed sex appeal. "DA Suarez, it's an honor to meet you! I was at one of your rallies and your commitment to be a strong ally to the gay community impressed me so much that I made a contribution to your campaign. Not only have you kept your word, but you're even sexier up close! Looking back, K C was on the stage with you, but he had an old school afro then. My name's Tim, by the way." He said, extending his hand. "Call me Mickey!" He said, briefly shaking Tim's hand before leaning in for a kiss. They swapped spit for a minute. "When he told me you're a sexy stud, K C neglected to mention your hot body and what a wonderful kisser you are!" K C fondled Tim's furry butt cheeks. "Let's step into the parlor where we can relax." Mickey and K C each put an arm around Tim's waist, leading him into the parlor where they sat on an overstuffed leather sofa, with Tim between them. "No need for Tim to be the only naked man here. Strip!" In less than a minute, K C and Mickey were both naked. Tim's hands were grabbed and placed on their throbbing cocks. Looking down to his left, K C's cock was a solid uncut 7" and thick as the proverbial beercan, his foreskin bunched around his cockhead and smooth balls. On his right, Mickey was blessed with 9" of intact cock, his shroud of foreskin fully covering his cockhead and hairy bullnuts. Something both men had in common were biohaz tats in neon blue with red outlining, which he knew to be Ivan's signature colors. "What beautiful uncut cocks you both have!" Tim said, licking his lips as he felt his hole twitch. "Now, it's obvious why my ink was so attractive! Ivan seems to be a common link between the 3 of us! Just by chance, I went to him for my TIM logo and when he asked if I was poz, I said, 'not yet'. That's when the nasty Russian dropped his pants, showed me his pierced cock and said he'd guarantee to get the job done. A week later, I was at his place and spent hours with his cock wrecking my ass. The fuckflu hit about 3 weeks later and Ivan's assistant, Boris nursed me through it. He did my scorpion tat when I was back on my feet. So, how did you 2 earn your tats?" To be continued
    2 points
  20. I woke up with a twinge of guilt in the morning knowing Dan would never be the same but my dick started to grow as I thought about his hot ass and all the POZ cum deep inside him and I had to jack off before hitting the shower. I headed off to work and, on the Drive, my little blonde friend text me and told me how much fun it was last night and how hot it was fucking that straight guy. He finally told me his name, Brian, as he said he was hard as a rock thinking about fucking ass. Free tonight, can we go back to the Park? I text the boy back with my dick hard as a rock in my paint which were becoming painful. Yes, be there at seven tonight and let’s see what fun we can find. Brian text back he would be there, and he could not; wait. I pulled off and went into a gas station bathroom to Jack off. I had never been to this one but when I sat down in the stall there was already a guy in the stall next to me. I waited, hoping he would leave but instead he tapped his foot and I did the same and then he put his finger on the hole and I quickly got up and slide my rock hard dick through. The guy sucked my dick well, I was leaking like crazy. I was curious who was on the other side, I was going to let them finish even If he was not my type but I was pleasantly surprised to see this mid-twenties thin dark haired twink type sucking my big cock. He was a leftie and I could see he too was Married just like Dan. I let him suck me for a few more minutes and then pulled my cock out of his mouth and I heard a whimper and told him to show me his hole. He stood up and pulled his shorts down and spread his checks about a foot away from the hole. I licked my finger and stuck my hand through and rubbed his little button and he began to moan. I grabbed used my hand to grab him as I pressed his little hole and he moaned load as I pulled him and he slowly backed up his little ass to the hole and I removed my hand and told him to spread his ass for me. He spread his ass checks and revealed the most beautiful pink pussy, completely hairless and as I blew on it, it winked at me. I stuck my tongue and licked that little cunt and he moaned, and I stuck my tongue in him and ate his little pussy as he pushed back on the wall. My tongue pressed deep inside him and I could feel his right leg shake as held it under the stall. I pulled up and said stay right there do not move. I spit on his hole and stood up and spit a couple times on my dick and I hard him say I have a condom in my pocket and I ignored it and pressed my leaking dick up against his hole and pressed. I heard Oh My God, Oh My God as my dick stretched his little cunt open and he said shouldn’t we use a condom as I pressed deeper and hit is prostate and I slow fucked him and ignored him as I fucked that sweet tender tight as fuck hole. He seemed to have bent down to grab something out of his pocket and the condom fell on the ground and I could see it. He never mentioned it but soon was huffing poppers and his hole opened and felt amazing as I got more of my dick inside him. I fuck him for eight to ten minutes and shot my load in him as I said, Fuck what a hot little ass you have! I pulled out and began to clean up and he must have cleaned up a little and got dressed and dashed out of the bathroom so I could not see who he was. Going to have to stop her again and see if he is up for another load. I grabbed the condom and tossed it in the trash on the way out and headed to work. My dick remained semi hard most of the day. I really wanted that sweet little hole again. I decided I would leave work early and head back to the glory hole. When I pulled up this cute little jock was leaving the bathroom and I wondered if he had just gotten off or taken a load. Fuck if only I had gotten here earlier. I entered and went to the stall. I was in the same stall and I saw a foot of a guy in a loafer tap. I leaned forward and could see this guy was in his mid-30’s wearing a tie and dress shirt and good looking. I stood up and adjusted my dick and watched the hole as he got on his knees and put out his tongue. I brought my dick over and rested it on his tongue and he licked and tried to suck my dick but it was just out of range to suck but he could lick and I pulled the skin so he could dock my foreskin with his tongue and taste my pre-cum and the boy a fucked earlier. The guy tongued and licked and nibbled on my foreskin and I rewarded him with a few inches of my cock so he could taste more of that boy’s ass still on my dick. He pulled off my dick and spit and then I hear him huffing poppers and then he got back to sucking deep and the guy could suck some dick and before I knew it I was ready to blow another load and shot right down his neck, four ropes and then he sucked my dick till I softened and I pulled back and zipped up and left now saying a word I got back to my car and knew I had time to go home, grab a bite, see what was up on BBRT (wanted to hear from Chris) and shower and put on some comfortable clothes. Traffic was light, so I made it home and had time to sign on to BBRT and grab a bite and head back to see who was on. I scrolled down and found the message from Chris. It read: Dude, thanks for the hot little slut you gave me last night. I fucked and had a few buddies over and we DP him all night and I even worked my fist up his ass by the end of the night with a few more party favors. Anytime you need a whore broken I am up for it. Dan left about an hour ago and missed work. Not sure if you will hear from him again but if you do, I want another run at him. Fuck that sounds amazing, wish I had thought about double penetrating Dan when he was there. I wonder if I will see that slut at the park anytime soon. I emailed him telling him it was too bad I missed it, I would have double penetrated Dan and would be hot as fuck to see him get fisted with all the poz cum in him. I am going to check on our little hottie in a few days and see if I can get him to come out and play. I decided to wait to text Dan and give him a little more time but not too much as he should be getting the fuck flu in 10 days or so. I instead text Brian to make sure he was still up for going. Brian text back right away that he was on the way and would be there in 20 minutes. I text him, wait for me do not suck any dick before I get there. If you are lucky, we can get you a straight boy to fuck and breed like last time. I cleaned up and brushed my teeth and headed out the door to the park. When I arrive, there was Brian as cute as ever in a pair of joggers and a t-shirt. I walked right by him then text him to wait for a guy to come in and follow him. It was not but three minutes and an older guy early 40’s came in in work out clothes like he was headed to the gym but stopped by to see if there was any action. He seemed nervous as he came up to the stall next to me. I had not pissed so I started to and he watched as my dick began to grow even as I was pissing. He could not help himself his dick was getting hard, in walked Brian and the guy tried to conceal his lust and Brian walked to the stall in between and pulled out his dick but he did not piss and he just started to jack his dick and straight guy relaxed and began doing the same. Brian soon turned and got on his knees and the guy looked at me and hesitantly presented Brian with his thick drawling cock. Brian licked the head and sucked it and the man moaned. He closed his eyes as Brian took more of his cock in his mouth and sucked his big dick, I rubbed his chest and pinched his nipple and he moaned and whimpered as I rubbed his left tit. He finally opened his eyes and moved hie right hand to Brian’s head and he began pressing his head down on his big cock as he looked into my eyes with lust. He looked like he was getting close so I leaned in and kissed him as he fucked Brian’s mouth and a minute late he moaned in my mouth and broke the kiss as he came down Brian’s neck and the kid kept sucking that big dick and tasting all that cum and the guy pulled his dick out and shorts up and walked out. Brian turned to suck my dick and I said boy, not yet. Still trying to find you a hot young straight jock to fuck. Go back out and sit on the picnic table and wait. Brian got up but seemed disappointed and headed out with a tent in his shorts. He sat there for a few minutes and an older guy yet, had to be early 50’s came in and went to the same Urinal, Brian did not wait and headed in. This dude was 6’3 200 pounds and built, he definitely worked out and he fished out what seemed like a huge dick. He did not show it and took a piss but when Brian came in, he smiled at the boy and pulled back enough so you could see his long dick, had to be 10 inches. Brian stared at it and the older man reached down and grabbed hold of Brian’s dick and started to jack it and leaned in kissed Brian. He clearly was here for this little slut, my little slut. He then pushed Brian down to his knees and fed him his big cock. Brian struggled and gagged on it as he leaned in and we kissed. Brian sucked and gagged all over that guys dick and then he pulled out and motioned for Brian to suck my leaking dick. Brian turned around and the guy helped him up, so he was no longer on his knees and was standing bend over sucking my dick and he pulled down Brian’s shorts and started eating his tight little pussy. He ate his cunt for five minutes and jacked his dick and then stood up as I turned Brian around the guy said one day very soon, I am going to be balls deep in that ass. For now, get over her and suck a load out of me. Brian complied and sucked and swallowed that dick and a few minutes later he shot his nut in the boy’s mouth as Brian swallowed and sucked the guys cum. The guy then pulled out and pulled a card from his wallet and handed it to Brian. It had his number and 10 on it. He leaned in and kissed Brian and told him he should text him soon! Brian looked up at me and I said boy you are doing a really good job, that is two loads you swallowed. Hand me that card and go out on the bench again. Young skater guy came in standing 5’11 sleeve of tats on one arm and lean and he came in and almost immediately after in comes Brain. I could tell he thought this guy was hot. Brian was watching the guy play with his dick and Brian reached over and held it and started to jack his dick as it grew to 8 inches and thick as fuck. I knew this was the guy, I was going to take one of their asses tonight either the skater or Brian’s tonight. The skater guy maybe harder to turn than Dan but I am always up for a challenge. He was fully hard, and Brian’s hand just fit around it and the Skater dude said, fucking suck it fag. Brian did not hesitate and go ton his knees and suck on the Skaters dick. After Brian spend some time on his dick, the guy moved his head to mine and said fag, suck his dick while I check out your ass. He pulled him up like the older guy had and pulled down his shorts and felt his hairless ass and said, nice boy! Then he smacked his has hard and that startled Brian and he tried to pull of my dick, and I held him in place and the guy did it again. Brian’s right ass check was red as hell. The guy took his finger and slide in in Brian’s crack and the smelled it and said good slut, and then he got down and began to eat the boy’s hole. While he was eating that little ass, I heard talking outside and warned everyone that we may not be alone. The skater dude hopped up and tucked his prick back in his pants and fastened them and Brian pulled his shorts and undies and I tucked my dick away all the same time and Walked around Brian and said to the Skater, if he wanted to finish with the boy at my place it is round the corner. I was not sure he would come but Brian rubbed his dick through the fabric and Skater boy said I am in. I was surprised when he asked for the address and said he would meet us there, he walked off to his car and I knew it very well may just be the two of us and I could start breaking him in but would prefer to wait till the day before or day off the gang fuck to take his cherry but tonight he just may get deflowered. When we got back I made Brian and drink and put a stronger dose of G in it and he sucked it down, I told him he had become a great cock sucker and how hot it was to see him swallow those two loads. He smiled and said it was hot, he loved it. The guy seems to love eating your ass, do you like how that feels? You could see the G starting to take hold and his focus was shifting but he was able to say that felt amazing. Before our buddy gets here let me show you something, He was wabbly so I steadied him and helped him in the bathroom and got out an enema and set him down on the toilet and hooked it up to the shower and then grabbed some lube and lifted Brian up and told him to push down his shorts and he did and I lubed up that little pucker so fucking tight that boy and worked the enema tube inside him and filled him with water and then set him on the toilet and I heard more water squirt out and I cleaned up the tub with a bag and tied it off and helped Brian steady himself and pull up his short and he said thank you. Not sure for what but great. I positioned him on the sofa with his face on a pillow and his ass exposed and I took a drink out to the front and looked and skater boy was pacing out front seemingly trying to decide if he wanted to come in so I went out and handed him his drink. He grabbed it and downed it and said let’s do this, is the fag inside? I said yes, he is ready for you if you want to go on up and start eating that little ass. He then walked up and went in and I followed as he went right over to the boy’s ass and started to spread his checks and finger the hole and then he started eating that little cunt. He re-positioned him a few times first pushing his right leg up to get in deeper and then his left leg. He eventually had his legs on the couch and his ass back tonging that little hole. He pulled out some lube and lubed up his little hole and slide a finger inside him. He finger fucked him and Brian moaned and then he slides another inside him. Brian was moaning and then he pulled out what I knew as a rock and slide in into Brian and he stopped moaning and yelped a little. He got up and pulled off his clothes exposing this beautiful ass and his dick was mad thick and hard as a rock. He grabbed a ball gag, I later found out he used it which chicks once he had them flying to bread them open and keep them from screaming for help. He then grabbed some rope and tied Brian’s hands behind his back not they he could do much anyway and he lubed up his dick and Brian’s ass and pressed hi head against that little hole and turned and smiled at me and said fuck this is going be hot. He pressed his dick and could not get him to open and then he changed angle and he finally pulled out and said he is tighter than anything I have ever fucked. He slides two back in him and finger fucked him, and I grabbed some poppers and put them under Brian’s noise and made him inhale. Brian looked so innocent and I knew I could stop it all and save his little ass, but I wanted to watch this skater dude rape his ass. Skater said that is working, he got his third finger up Brian’s ass. Skater dude leaned in and bite Brian on the back and then pulled out his fingers and slapped the kids ass both right and left till they were ready and he lined up his dick and said Poppers, I went over and fed Brian poppers and he pushed his dick and I heard a pop and Brian made a terrible sound and a tear ran down his check. Skater had only been able to get three inches in and pulled out and smacked his ass some more and Then he shoved his dick in with his weight and got another two, he pulled out and smacked the boys ass and then again and got it almost all the way in and after one more beating of his ass he was able to tear through Brian’s ring and said fuck that is one amazing ass. I hard Brian scream behind the ball gag and then Skater said dude, do you have a wet towel the boy busted his cherry on my dick. I went and got him a wet hand towel and a large bath towel. When I got back there was Skater dude spitting on Brian and telling him what a worthless fag he was. It was hot seeing how much this straight guy liked tormenting Brian. He pulled out his dick and whipped it clean with the wet towel and it was all bloody and then he cleaned Brian up. When he finished Brian started to move like he was going to stand up or protect his ass by turning over but Skater Just put his hand on the boys back and pushed him back into place. He turned to me and said, where is your bedroom lets take him back there. I turned and he grabbed Brian and picked him up and carried him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed and pushed him up to the headboard and told him to stay there. Skater went back to the living room and reappeared with two more cords and Brian had complied and stayed in place and Skater tied his legs to the headboard and smacked his ass. He turned to me and said, if you want that ass before it is all broken it you should take it now. I did not hesitate, my dick was leaking precum watching all this and I got in between his spread ass and rubbed my leaking cock on that tender torn up hole and slowly pressed in as his hole opened up around my cock. The resistance was little, but he was still tight, it felt amazing. I slowly slide all the way into him and pulled out and again but a little faster and Brian started to moan. I fucked him for ten to twelve minutes and I started to feel my ball boil and I knew I as going to dump a huge load in him and three more minutes of harder fucking and I shot deep in Brian. Left my dick in there for a while and gently pulled it out and said her you go to Skater who was smoking joint waiting his turn. That is some good shit isn’t it said Skater and as I pulled back and grabbed a towel to clean off he placed a pillow at Brian’s head and tapped his check and he said boy you are going to need this. My dick was instantly hard again knowing that my charged load was deep in Brian and this Skater dude was going to tear up that hot little ass and hate fuck him had me dripping precum again. He got in place and shoved his dick in Brian who yelped under the ball gag and proceeded to fuck him hard and deep and after ten minute he shot a lot a load in him but kept fucking him and soon worked up load number two and shot it deep in the boy. He pulled out and grabbed the same towel and cleaned up and without a word went and got dressed and came back in. I had already gotten in place and was fucking his cum filled hole when he unfastened Brian’s legs, his ball gag and hands and turned to me and said thanks for letting me use your place to take that fucking sweet cherry. Enjoy and out the door he went. Brian just seemed relieved that he was gone. I knew he needed to go home yet, so I did not party him up more but that would have been fun. I fucked him as he moaned and whimpered under me and shot another toxic load in him. I got up and told him to follow me to the shower. I washed him up and made out with him and told him how hot he was and that I wanted to watch him suck off a few more cocks if he was up to it. He said he was and we got dressed and went back to the park and when we got there, I could see a tall man at the stall and I had bring follow me in and he went to the middle stall of urinals and I watched as Brian reached out to grab the guys dick, the guy had to be mid-fifties tall and lean and he soon turned toward Brian and he got on his knees and started sucking the guys dick as I encouraged him. The guy was packing 8” and he grabbed Brian’s head and pulled him down on his dick till Brian could not breath and then let him up. Suck that fucking dick boy, I can tell you need a Daddy Load. Brian sucked away and every minute or so the guy would grab Brian’s head and fuck it and make him gag and then Brian would pull off and go back to sucking. The guys breathing was getting heavy and he soon grabbed Brian like he had many times before but this time he did not let go till he shot his load deep down Brian’s neck. He pulled out of Brian and tucked his dick back in his pants and said boy you will get back just keep practicing. He then patted him on the head and walked out the door. Brian turned to suck my dick and he was two minutes in and I hard someone walking so I had him get up. In walked this tall black man, he went over to the stall and pulled out his dick and pissed. I could not tell how old he was, but he was well built, and he stayed after his piss and jacked his dick. Brian watched and he turned to Brian and I pushed him at the shoulders to remind him what he was there for. Brian had obviously never thought about sucking a black dick and had frozen at the site of this thick 10-inch dick. I reached up to see if the poppers were still there and thank god they were. Brian seemed to need them, I put them under his nose and made him take four hits each side and his hesitation dissipated, and he opened his mouth and started sucking on that huge dick. Brian sucked and swallowed that big dick and the black guy encouraged him and soon Brian had it halfway down his throat and the guy was loving it. The guy pulled his dick out and pulled Brian up and kissed him and then said come to my van. It will be more comfortable, and he proceeded to lead Brian to the van and as I was following, he said only the boy. Brian turned I motioned for him to text me and he follow this beast of a man to an industrial Van and when he opened it I could see he had it set up with a mattress in the back and I knew Brian was going to take another huge dick. I left knowing that he would be well taken care of and have his first experience with a black man.
    2 points
  21. eventually john and mom got married - they lasted together for almost 20 years.. He was in his 80s when he passed. So they were together from time i was like 40 But i had sucked his cock at the vid store for a couple of years before that.. So he was in his early 60s i think first time i wrapped my lips around his cock. It was a huge cock, and i loved hearing him to get mom to talk about it.. As they are in the xxx theater, he's asking questions to her that he already knows the answers to. but wants everyone there to hear them.. Was your first husband white? How big was his dick? Was it a lot smaller than mine? Could he make you orgasm with that tiny white dick? How often did he fuck you? Did you pussy get all dried up from lack of action? Talk like this made my dick rock hard. What mom didn't know about dad, was that he was a cock sucker too. Saw him multiple times with Jesse, the older Black nieghbor who I was also sucking. Though my ass was never made for fucking, seeing dad take Jesses' cock in his ass was something I'll never forget.. Why didn't mom and dad share their dark secrets with each other? They could have had lots of fun together but instead kept secrets from each other. Funny, how both of them sought out Black men to satisfy their urges. But back to John, it's pretty amazing how I would still suck his cock, at the house.. at the vid stores... i remember one time, he brought my mom, in her 60s to the vid store again. he left her on the couch with a group of men. She was sucking cock, getting fucked.. and though he told her he was going to the bathroom, he had me on my knees taking his load in the dark room just feet away from her. Another time, the first time he let her see a guy suck his cock... he had this small dick white guy sucking his dick. and eventually eating out her cum filled pussy.. told him he made a good cuck... said to her thats what her first husband ( my dad) should have been made to do.
    2 points
  22. I've only been pissed on once without a warning. I had met this str8 married guy online and agreed to meet him at a public park nearby to suck him off in the bathroom. He wouldn't send any pics but told me I wouldn't be disappointed. He got there early and let me know what single use stall he was in and I made my way over there and walked in and locked the door. He was hot, mid 30's, tall, athletic build and very handsome... I got down on my knees in front of him ready to suck his dick and he opened his pants, pulled out a beautiful dick and then proceeded to piss all over me - hair, face, chest, pants, shoes, everything was drenched. After he finished pissing, he pulled up his pants zipped up and walked out, leaving me drenched in his piss. I never go to suck his cock. I had to walk out and then get in my car completely drenched in piss. At first I was a little upset but the more I thought about it, the more it turned me on. I went back online to look for him and his profile had been deleted.
    2 points
  23. Part 1 - The Meal Ticket Walking along the road in Knightsbridge it was already late in the evening and Conrad was a little lost trying to find the way back to his aunt's house. He often stayed up here during the summer holidays and visited with his cousin every evening who lived a thirty minute walk away to play on his xbox. Conrad was in London for two weeks and was taking the time to figure out how he would pay next terms fees and crucially the exams. Struggling to make ends meet he liked to be independent unlike his twin brother Charlie who was happy to visit the bank of mum and dad frequently, doing that have to be his last resort and would insist on paying them back not matter how long it took. Putting himself through college studying horticulture he never imagined the series of events that would unfold from this time of need. Somethings never crossed his mind like taking drugs or having sex with another man, Conrad was as straight as they come. At 20 years old he was average at best coming in at five foot nine inches tall, a swimmers build that lacked any sign of chest hair, just like his twin. The resemblance didn't stop there they both looked the same and that is to say ordinary, not head turners by any means and during school they constantly had a stream of girlfriends. Both of them had a weird strawberry blond colour hair and Conrad had brown eyes whereas Charlie had blue eyes that sparkled. To know them you knew that was the only subtle difference. Conrad began to recognise the shops and rowdy bars knowing he was only 10 minutes from the house. There were numerous young guys of all sorts standing outside one of the bars, some with shirts on others didn't and were showing off their muscular bodies like peacocks strutting around trying to find a mate. Conrad knew this was one of the gay bars and closing time was approaching and it amused him how some of the patrons now desperately searched for a fuck. It was one of several gay bars along this stretch of road and frankly it had never bothered him in the past, what did though was the limousine that drove slowly along behind him making him feel on edge. He could only assume it was slowing to deposit the passenger at the gay bar. Conrad could smell the cologne mixed with sweat the closer he got to the bar. Humid air still lingered after what had been a scorching day, they even had to stop play at Wimbledon for a few hours. Wearing only shorts and trainers Conrad had taken this t-shirt off for the walk back realising he looked just like one of the gays standing outside the bar that were leaning up against the wall. Some of the guys were chatting, others smoking but all watching diligently at any car that slowed down. The limousine had now slowed down and crawling along allowing Conrad to get further ahead of it. He thought the behaviour of the guys was strange at first then chuckled to himself wondering if they were escorts trying to pick up business.et further away from it, figuring that the guys leaning against the wall outside the bar were touting for business. Sure enough a car pulled in front of the limousine and one guy walked over to the car, after a few seconds of discussion he got in and the car pulled away. He just couldn't believe it was going on right in front of his eyes the noticed that several of the guys spotted the limousine and began moving edging closer to the curb of the pavement, in doing so they effectively blocked Conrad from passing easily. Dodging around the back of them and nearly crashing in to one that was moving forward. "Out of my way" he abruptly said to Conrad then looking at him up and down. Conrad looked shocked "I am just trying to get past" he replied annoyingly skirting around the back of him. Another guy spoke to the one he had the interaction with "Fucking straights always in the way". The guy laughed "Cute though" he replied. "Your just a slut like me Harry" the other guy replied moving right on the curb side. Stupidly Conrad looked over his shoulder whilst walking and saw the limousine slowly moving past the guys then it sped up a little and moved ahead of him stopping about 30 meters in front. You could hear the disgruntled moans from the guys who all moved back to the wall still looking at the limousine. Conrad heard the guys name Harry being called and he looking at Conrad and briefly made eye contact. When Conrad turned to carrying on walking a tall Arabic gentleman exited the limousine, jet black hair with greying sides and a black beard, he was solidly built and around late 40's possibly in his 50's and walking towards Conrad and spoke to him. "Do you have the time?" he asked in his heavy Arabic accent. Conrad looked at the man's wrist and gold rolex "You have a watch" he replied looking confused. He looked impatiently at Conrad "Do you have the time?" he asked again. Conrad realised what he was asking "Oh god no, I am not one of those" he replied nodding over his shoulder. "So you gay for pay?" he now asked "30 minutes for me to fuck you". "Are you serious?" Conrad replied shocked at how he continued to proposition him "I am not gay". He smirked "Even better" he said hinting to follow "£500 to fuck you". Conrad stood there rooted to the spot, had he really just been offered that much money to get fucked even though he had told the guy he was straight. Some bizarre decision had happened in his head from the lure of money that made his feet move following him. Was he really going to get in to the guys vehicle with no real idea of why? Conrad couldn't understand why his feet kept moving, the desperation for money was the contributing factor. Conrad felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up figuratively speaking and he glanced behind noticing several stares he was getting from the guys watching him, there was no mistake the looks were not happy ones. He held the door open and Conrad looked at it for a moment then at the man, he showed no friendly expression on his face and was more a business deal look nothing more. His body trembling a little at this bad idea but he still stepped inside sliding over the spacious seating, the leather smell instantly assaulting his senses along with cigar smoke. The strangeness in the way you could not see the driver through the blacked out partition window that was raised cutting them off from them. How bad can it be Conrad thought to himself watching the Arabic man climb in and the door closing like magic behind him. The limousine pulled away and he looked at Conrad for a moment. "Take your shorts down and lean over the back of the seat" he said in a just do it kind of way. Conrad embarrassingly pulled his shorts and underwear down and nervously leaned over the back of the seat "Like this?" he was asking to make sure. He said nothing taking his shirt off revealing a dark hairy chest and a very solid build, hanging the shirt up neatly on the coat hanger with his tie, he now undid his trousers revealing a bulge that looked enormous. Oh shit Conrad said out loud now concerned about what he had let himself in for knowing this was going to hurt. Conrad didn't even have time to think or back out feeling the body weight of the man leaning heavily down on his back the coarse hair on his chest making his back itch. He felt one arm laying over his neck holding him down in place, his other hand positioning his cock. Conrad let out a gurgling scream feeling his ass being pushed open abruptly taking the head of his cock inside he was almost sure he heard his ass tearing open, it burned like hell and the pain was excruciating. Conrad was gasping for breath his entire body engulfed by a pain that intensified the deeper he pushed his cock in, the thick shaft expanding his ass open wider. The agony and pain he felt left him unable to breath properly and he blacked out momentarily his eyes watering. Conrad snorted and snapped his eyes open crying out again in agony feeling his body and soul being crushed and destroyed by this man's cock. Wishing it would end so he could get his money and run, he suddenly felt a the sensation of he mans thick bush of pubes burying up against his hole. Getting a momentary relief from the pain only to become aware of the free arm circling around his waist ignoring his own cock it continued moved around like a snake until it held Conrad securely. Conrad felt completely immobilised and at the mercy of this man, the pain still burned deep in his body and gradually he felt like his ass was being pulled inside out. Each deep penetrating thrust made him cry out, unable to move his head he stared blankly out of the darkened back window in to the street lamp lit roads as they drove around west London. He was being fucked hard and steady, each thrust agonising with his calls to stop falling on deaf ears he could feel the warm breath from his benefactor who was now grunting and panting hard. Conrad let out one final loud agonising scream with the man pushing up hard, his cock sinking deeper than ever and simultaneously firing his seed in large thick gloopy streams deep in to Conrad's young body, electrifying jolts followed where each one seemed to penetrate him deeper. Conrad partly grunted and cried at the jolts from the man's orgasm and feeling relieved knowing this was over, even his eyes felt sore and his throat burned from the crying and screaming. Another painful long moan followed with the cock leaving his ass. He was still a little stunned at what he had done, confused, disgusted with himself and slightly dazed he heard a voice telling him to get dressed. Conrad pulled his underwear and shorts up seeing the lights from the bar appearing and the limo stopped exactly where it picked him up from. A wad of £50 notes was put in his hand and told to get out. The Arabic man grinned and lit up a cuban cigar waving Conrad away from the limousine he watched the door close and turned away in shame. He put the money in his pocket and stood looking at the brick wall in front of him. He felt dirty and degraded by his own actions stumbling towards the wall he leaned against it trying to gather his thoughts and compose himself. His ass felt like the pits of hell burning in so much pain he wanted to cry out in anger. "As gay as they come" Harry said walking up to Conrad "are you okay?" he asked. Conrad registered who it was "I'm fine" he replied standing up. Harry put his hand on Conrad's shoulder "Sure you don't need help?" he asked looking concerned. Conrad turned looking angry "Fuck off you queer" he responded shrugging Harry's hand off him. "Well fuck you" Harry replied punching Conrad in the face and walking off leaving him there. Rubbing his cheek and chin Conrad looked at Harry walking off re-joining his friends who all looked at him. It did nothing to help his self-confidence being looked down on by a bunch of gay guys in that way. Turning in the opposite direction he basically picked up where he stopped before getting in the limousine and painfully walked back to his aunt's house. He slept badly unable to get comfortable, every time he turned on to his left side he saw the pile of £50 notes on the bedside table. Unsure if the degradation and pain was worth it and to top it all he also now had to contend with a lightly bruised jaw from being punched. He couldn't ever remember calling someone queer like that since he had a school friend who turned out gay, then there was the man called Simon owner and occupier of Hibiscus Manor and Jack the gardener. Conrad was probably the only person in Hibiscus Drive who knew Jack was gay. By morning he woke managing to get a few hours sleep, his aunt went off to work and Conrad went to the bathroom. Sitting down he winced at the pain still around the entrance of his ass, he lost track of time sitting there his eyes watering every time the muscles in his ass pushed. Grabbing some toilet tissue he braced himself knowing this was going to hurt and he wasn't wrong, wiping gently he then stood up and saw rusty discoloured blobs floating in the toilet water. Not one or two but multiple ribbons of it. He felt sick again thinking about last night having never discussed using condoms, he had let a complete stranger fuck him and cum in his ass. Wallowing in self pity all day he sat out in the garden watching the planes in the distance heading to Heathrow and catching some of the late afternoon tennis matches on TV being played at Wimbledon. The pain in his ass had eased off although it was still agonising trying to poo he found out that evening. At least there was no more of the horrible stuff coming out of him, it was nagging at him wondering if the guy had hiv, but he did look respectable and bore a wedding ring. The following afternoon Conrad went to his cousins walking on the opposite side of the road away from the bar in case that Harry bloke was there again and didn't want to get in to any altercation with him. Stopping by the bank he deposited the money in to his account at the same time thinking about his ass and that the pain had all but gone. He spent the rest of the time with his cousin until 10pm. Heading back he walked on the same side of the road and sure enough he saw Harry standing there chatting with a guy. Harry noticed him and grinned giving him the finger. Conrad was so distracted by Harry that he didn't see the black limousine pass then do a U-turn in the road stopping a few meters in front of him. He wasn't sure at first if it was the same one until he started walking past it and the window opened and finger beckoned him over, there sat the Arabic man. He looked at Conrad and nodded "Same deal as the other night" he said smoking his cigar. Conrad saw the same guys looking at him from across the road "I'm not gay it was a mistake" he said. He laughed "You took it well and I need to fuck, get in" he said "£1k if you take like the other night". Conrad stepped back as the door magically opened "30 minutes" he said inching closer tempted by the money. "No" he replied "for as long as it takes me to be satisfied and empty my balls up your ass". Weirdly Conrad just saw the money side of it and slipped in to the seat next to him. It was gone midnight when he finally stepped out of the limousine after the Arabic man asked where he wanted dropping off. That was the extent of their conversation and his pocket was bulging with £50 notes again along with his sore ass that was even worse than the first time. True to his word it was only after the fourth time did he feel satisfied, Conrad just endured two hours of getting fucked stuck in the same position continuously, the Arab only took his cock out once he was done. And so it continued every other night he would get paid to be fucked by the same man in to the second week of his stay. Conrad was due to go home to Hampshire at the weekend and that Thursday afternoon he wandered around Knightsbridge bumping in to Harry who was dressed in public school boy uniform having finished classes for the day. Harry purposefully walked on a collision path with Conrad and every time Conrad stepped across so did Harry. The closer they got Conrad just gave up trying to avoid him. "How much have you made from Moham?" Harry asked stopping Conrad. "What?" Conrad asked looking at him "Man you still in school and whoring around?". "Shut the fuck up or I will punch you again" Harry replied smirking at Conrad. Conrad tried to pass by but Harry stopped him again "What happened to you being straight then?" Harry asked. "I am" Conrad replied looking at him unsure why he was still standing there hearing Harry laughing. "Was the money Moham offered too good to turn down?" Harry asked. Conrad blushed bright red not sure what to say "I am not gay" he said again. Harry just laughed in his face "You must be a fucking good bottom to take it from him so many times". "I am not gay" Conrad repeated to Harry "just get out of my face" he finally said having had enough. Harry cocked his head to one side "Your very sexy" he said. "I err" Conrad blushed again having never been told that by anyone "Sorry, what I said the other night". "That's okay, say it again and I will punch you harder next time" Harry replied making light of it. Conrad smiled and Harry shook his head "I have to go and do my homework, final exams coming up" he said. "Sure" Conrad replied awkwardly finding it amusing seeing an escort in school clothes. Harry walked off then turned "Meet me for a drink tomorrow evening, you know where" he said. He had to admit that Harry was one of a kind and in a way was a very attractive young and without a doubt he was flirting with him. Like himself he had copious amounts of blondish hair that made him look like a beach bum, those amazing blue eyes dazzled and he stood the same height as himself. Without knowing he was only 19 years old Harry had a pretty perfect body, not ripped but he was built for such a young person. Shaking his head Conrad was confused about meeting him and decided to sleep on it. He kept a low profile until Saturday afternoon, electing to stay in with his aunt that evening. Harry hung around the bar all of Friday evening chatting with his friends and keeping one eye on the direction he thought the guy would be walking from. By closing time Harry left the bar and walked home, it was no surprise the guy didn't turn up after all their meeting was not ideal. As difficult as it was he pinned to much on this so called straight guy but he couldn't help his feelings towards him, in truth Harry just couldn't stop thinking about him. Being an escort and finding a boyfriend was hard as most guys he met couldn't handle that part of him, even when he tried to explain that he did it for sex being a randy and very horny teenager. He was sad inside and tried to play his emotions down until he spotted the limousine and went running towards and tapped on the window. Moham lowered the window a little "What?" he asked taking a puff on his cigar. "The blond guy you had who is he?" Harry asked urgently "do you know where he lives?". Moham looked at him smiling "What's the information worth?" he asked putting the cigar back in his mouth. It was the last thing Harry wanted right now getting fucked by Moham "I just need to know where he lives". "It will cost you" Moham replied pressing a button and Harry stood back letting the door open. He sat next to Moham who looked at him and nodded down indicating for him to remove his jeans and underwear. Harry undid the zipper and the limousine pulled away. Moham put the cigar down and leaned over the back of Harry, his hand pulling his cock out that was already hard and he pushed it straight in to Harry's ass. He very rarely got to fuck Harry and liked that he was a little fighter when roughly taken, Moham loved the feel of Harry's body struggling. Harry didn't scream like the other guy he just wriggled and tired to reduce the impact by pushing his ass back. Moham had his arm secured around Harry's waist and with a steady brutal force he fucked him over and over until he shot his third load. Moahm spent fifteen minutes grinding his cock making sure Harry was properly bred before slowly he released him and sat back down doing his trousers up. The limousine stopped at the top of a road that Harry knew. "This is where I dropped him off" Moham said nodding down the road. Harry looked "So you don't know where he lives?" he now asked a little anger in his voice. The limo door opened "Down there" Moham replied lighting up his cigar "he screams when I fuck him". Harry slipped out of the limousine and the door closed immediately then drove off, he felt a pain of jealously at Moham's last remark or was it anger more importantly Moham had played him for a free fuck. He should have known since the man never spoke to guys he picked up, they just had to lean over and take it then get paid. Deciding this was a no hoper he turned to walk home even more upset than he was earlier. Saturday afternoon and Conrad headed back home for the Hampshire countryside, he had no regrets standing Harry up and didn't want the confrontation with him sensing they were complete opposites. His tuition fees well and truly covered by the £9k he made, the extra was pain money for enduring the nights he spent being driven around London taking a hammering from the Arab man. Sitting on the train out of Waterloo station he realised the thought of sex with the Arab had made him hard. Can't be he thought to himself, why would that turn me on? It was the start of his own confused emotions and state of mind questioning his own sexuality on the long journey until he reached home and the serenity of Hibiscus Drive. Sometimes your mind can hide things from you that only appear when you least expect them to. For Conrad he had subconsciously been fighting this battle for years and never even knew it.
    1 point
  24. Notice: The author does not consent to anyone using the characters or plot line of this story for any derived work, whether the author is still active on this site or not. They are not abandoned nor placed in the public domain. This is a fictional story. It never happened and any similarity to any real life happenings is coincidence. The Laundry Room I'm a dick. I know it. I'm selfish, cocky, good looking and always horny. My name is Craig and I'm definitely an alpha. I spend a lot of time in the gym and always have. I'm not a huge muscle guy, but what I have is a ripped body with a six pack, thick muscled legs, biceps to die for and the best part, almost eight inches of ass wrecking uncut dick. I'm a mixed race mutt just like both of my parents with just about every ethnicity in my DNA. I stand six foot tall and while I shave my head because I like the look, I've been letting my beard grow out during this confinement. I've got some hair on my chest which I used to shave, but I let it grow back when I got close to my recent 30th birthday. I'm not into relationships, I just need a guy to fuck on my terms and have never fucked the same guy more than three times. Usually, thats not a problem but with this stupid virus, everyone is staying home and not filling the bars, clubs and bath houses where I usually find my prey. The shit show got worse when I realized I had let my meds get too low and when I called to get them refilled, the docs weren't very helpful. No meds without lab tests and no lab tests without a visit to the doc. And "we can't see patients right now" was their reply. So there I was at the beginning of the outbreak and the bottle was empty. Each day without the pills, I got hornier and wondered how long it was going to take before I was a toxic fuck again. I worked from home, like the rest of my group when the "stay at home" order came. The occasional video conference kept me focused on work, but after dinner my mind turned to getting off. The first few weeks were filled with downloaded porn scenes and my right hand. Week three had me ordering a new keyboard since a few keys didn't work right anymore and were sticking badly from too many cum splats seeping in. I popped up a few apps on my phone to see who was around and was surprised how many guys were hunting for dick while "staying at home." I even updated my profiles, changing "undetectable" to "ask me." "Damn, a few are really close. They must be in my building" I thought. I flipped through, just looking the first night. I usually didn't want to hookup with guys in the building since I didn't want them stalking me if things went bad or they wanted more than I was willing to do. Now, though, the bar was lowered and as a couple more days passed I just needed a tight ass to fuck. Even the weather dude on the TV was looking pretty good. I grabbed my laundry bag and headed down to the laundry room. I tossed a couple loads in the washer and headed back up to my condo. I read some news and even tried watching some weird series on Netflix and then my alarm went off. Down to the laundry room I went and moved my clothes into the dryer. After I started it, I turned to go back up and I saw a guy sitting in one of the chairs. I was about to head down the next aisle (social distancing, you know) to get to the door when I saw him lick his lips and flick his finger over his nips that were clearly showing through his tight t-shirt. His phone was in his other hand and I saw him poking the screen with it. I looked again and realized he looked similar to one of the guys on one of the apps or sites I had been hitting. My phone was in the front pocket of my jeans and I felt it buzz. He smiled as I reached in and pulled it out. "Hot" was the message I saw on the screen. I opened the app up and saw the profile and yeah, it was the same guy. I quickly read "26, 5'8", 137lbs, pure Italian otter, vers btm" from the first line of his profile. His face had the same scruff and gleeming white teeth as one of the app pics. I walked over and stopped about six feet away and rubbed my crotch through my sweat pants. He gave a wicked grin and set his phone down before waiting another second. He lunged forward and landed on his knees in front of me, pushing my hand out of the way and he felt my hardening cock with his thin fingers. The more he squeezed, the harder my dick got until it popped out of the top of my jockstrap and sweats. His hand stopped and then in one quick move he tugged both down, letting my cock lay on his outstretched tongue. The guy looked up at me, his eyes pleading with me to let him suck my cock. I'm not sure why he was asking permission now since I hadn't stopped him, or even said anything to him, up to now. I reached my hand down and cupped it behind his head and pulled him a little closer. He took the hint and engulfed my cock with his lips and started to blow me. I kept my hand on the back of his head, following it as he slowly bobbed on the thick shaft, taking it further each time. His tongue and lips were working my cock over and while I usually try to stifle any moans when I'm getting sucked, he was getting me close to letting one out since he was so good. He spent a few more minutes nursing on my cock and I kept my eye on the door in case someone else came in. He was hidden by the row of washing machines, but I still didn't want to get caught. My cock kept nudging the back of his throat and he didn't seem to want to go any deeper, but I know how good a guy's throat can feel around my cock. I waited a few more times and then as he went down I pulled his head down on my cock. He let out a yell which was quickly muffled as my cock forced it's way into his throat. I got it part way in and held him there a few seconds before pulling on his hair and off my dick. He gasped for air and then I pushed him back down. I got him a little deeper this time and moved my other hand down, grabbing his curly dark hair with each fist. This time, I held his head still and rocked my hips, fucking his mouth slowly. He struggled at first but after a dozen thrusts it got easier to plow my cock into his throat. A dozen more strokes and I had my balls hitting his chin and his nose against my pubes. My cock was coated with his spit and throat slime and I could feel it drip off my balls on to the floor. I pulled his head back, almost off my cock and I heard him mumble something right before I shoved my cock back into his throat. Counting up to ten, I pulled him all the way off and looked down at him, his face was flushed and saliva was dripping off his chin. "Fuck me" he said quietly. "What?" I asked firmly. "Please fuck me" he repeated, louder this time. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. Standing face to face, I looked down into his eyes and said "I only fuck bare and I don't pull out." He looked back at me and nodded and I kept my stare. I wanted to hear him say it. After a few more awkward moments he finally said "I don't care. It's been a month and I need to get fucked bad." My cock twitched and was drooling precum. I pushed him against the closest washer and bent him over. I pulled his basketball shorts down and watched them hit the floor. Gently, I kicked his legs wider before spitting in my hand. I rubbed the spit over his hairy hole and pushed it inside with my finger. Spitting in my hand again, I added some more and forced it in with a pair of fingers. That was all he was gonna get for lube. I dragged my spit covered cock along the crack that was slightly spread open from my fingers. Pressing the tip to his ring, I grabbed his hips and added some pressure. My cock was leaking and soon it started to slide inside. He groaned as his outer ring stretched and my cock pushed deeper. Once the first quarter of my dick was inside I paused, giving him a few seconds to get used to the girth. Rocking my hips, I plowed in and out, feeling his chute massage my freshly recharged cock. It had been almost four years since my cock had shot a viral load and I had no idea how potent it was right now. I knew he really needed more lube but I was just as eager to fuck him as he was to be fucked. The way my cock was leaking precum I knew it would only be a few more minutes before he his hole would be nice and sloppy. Plowing in and out, his hole felt just as good as his mouth had earlier. I moved my hands from his hips to his neck which gave better leverage as I pounded him harder. We'd been fucking for about five minutes and I slammed in, battering his inner ring and ground my hips on his ass. My cock fired off a few shots of my special seed, releasing some of the pressure in my balls. I slowly pulled back and then returned pumping my cock in and out. Fucking hard and fast before slowing down and digging my cock in different angles delayed my inevitable full orgasm. He started grunting with each of my thrusts and I could feel his vocalization in my hands that were now wrapped around his neck. I started to pump my cock in faster and suddenly felt his hole spasm around my cock and he yelled out. His orgasm milked my cock and I slammed in a few more times before my cock was flooding his guts with my viral jizz. The jets of hot cum kept coming and I felt it surround my dick. It had been a while since I had shot such a huge load. We stood there for a minute, both of us breathing heavily and covered in sweat. I let go of his neck and saw the imprint of my fingers remain on his now bruised skin. Slowly, I pulled my cock out and watched some of my cum dribble out of his throbbing hole. I gave his ass a firm slap before I pulled my sweats and jock up. My dryer buzzed and I collected my stuff out of it. I walked to the door and when I got there I looked back. He was still bent over the washer with a dazed look in his eyes. "Thanks" I said and headed back to my condo. Once upstairs, I dumped my clean clothes on the bed and folded it. Sitting down at my desk again, I set my phone to the side and checked on messages from work on the laptop. The smell of cum wafted up from my sweats and jock and it was intoxicating. My balls felt really good for the first time in weeks knowing the venom they created went into a hungry ass instead of a cum rag. The phone kept catching my eye and I opened it back up. His profile was still there, staring back at me. I read the whole thing and chuckled when I saw "neg4neg" near the end of the description.
    1 point
  25. Straight men that transition to full time gay life, did you manage to maintain a normal life? if I left my wife I feel like the first thing I’d do is shave my body, stick on a pair of tight white denim cutoffs and some hot pink panties and hit up a gay club. i want to be femboy slut - camp and girly. im so jealous of the hot girls in straight bars that get stared at. I want men to look at me like I’m fuck meat. Grope my arse on the dance floor. tel me I’m sexy and get my number. I’m sure I’d get so into it my old like would collapse! I’d never keep a normal office job!
    1 point
  26. lt's fun to meet a faggot to fuck it and piss on it but sometimes its fun to just piss on some whore with no warning at all. lt really puts them in their place and reminds them that I have no respect for them as a person. One time l was in a porntheatre and one of the regular community fuckholes was there so when he came over and got on his knees to blow me l made him take off all his clothes and hand them to me. Skinny little 110 pound faggot so the old trolls loved breeding him. So I offered his ass and mouth to a few other randoms and pulled out a huge dildo and rammed it up his ass to fuck the loads into him.After I fucked the whore doggystyle on the dirty floor l made him fuck my load in with the dildo on his hands and knees on the floor and pissed all over him. Even got him to look up so I could piss in his face. Another time @LittleCumSewerwas in a public restroom at the mall taking loads naked in a stall and I went in and pissed on him then pulled him out of the stall naked and bent him over the sinks and fucked him up the ass with a couple guys watching soaked in my piss. Do you ever just piss on a faggot without him asking for it or warning it?
    1 point
  27. I think in your case I would take a couple of Imodium once you’ve finished douching. 3 hours between your last douche and actually meeting the guy is quite a long time, and I can understand why you don’t want to re-douche once you get to his (it’s a bit of a boner-killer). I’ve been in similar situations to yours, and only recently started doing the Imodium thing: it’s really helped- I haven’t had any trouble since. Not something I would want to do every day coz it messes up your natural ‘flow’, but once in a while should be okay. Changing your diet and introducing some extra fibre in the form of a supplement isn’t a bad idea either... Some guys here will recommend a full ‘deep’ clean before you go, and while that would certainly do the trick, I rarely have 2 or 3 hours to spare beforehand, and frankly don’t think I could be bothered to go to all that effort for a single fuck, no matter how good. Generally I use a bulb douche like you do, though I also include a dildo or butt plug in my routine, just to tease out anything that might be lurking a little bit deeper.
    1 point
  28. Have yet to make my way inside a bathhouse as of yet.... However i do like the local ABS w/ GH's. Sometimes i find myself outside in the lot presuming my cock hard and wet before i walk in. Today, i went to the 'new' place in Providence. Walked in, paid went about my business. I threw on some bareback POV and tranny porn while stroking waiting for a 'hole'... After a few mins i was surprised to see a thick cock slide into my room through the GH. I went down to my knees poppered up and went to town. Tongue and lips all around the shaft and head till he pull away and zipped up. Next thing i know he's opening my door, walked in and took out the think meaty rod. 50s gray hair well dressed older guy.. YES! back to business. He blew in my mouth and that was me, swallowing my first load in a GH/ABS scene. Few mins later another cock is at the hole ready for me. This is the first time i have ever had more than once cock in a setting before. With these poppers I'm flying high and love this cock, PS its uncut - first time for that too... so i pulled that load out of his cock, much longer than the first guy but not as thick around still, cum was cum.....i jerked for a little while after the 2nd load. A mixed race dude puts his cock into the adjacent GH to my room and i begin helping him get real hard. This guy was thick and lock. I have never bottomed before but thats what i was thinking of while deep throating him... he pulled away and came into my booth. I sucked for about 10 mins before he mumbled something and just left...i stood there high af, looking for more dick with my door propped - nothing....i packed up grab my popper and left my booth. I saw the hall was empty and only one other booth in use, door cracked... i walked down and in and saw a naked 40s something rock hard with work boots on jerking to backback porn. I asked if he needed help and there i was on my knees again. Huge 10" and thick all around. Slurped that load right out and swallowed.....3 loads total swallowed and i didn't get to cum myself. Now typing this with slight blue balls =, i may have to go back later on...
    1 point
  29. Having my feet rubbed and sucked on turns me on a great deal. Also being talked down to like im worthless slut trash makes me horny as a nympho. Being slapped in the face. Collecting loads from as many cocks as possible and being choked. I love to be tied up and blindfolded as well. Being used as a toilet. Lots of other things too. Taking POZ loads also.
    1 point
  30. You can fix this yourself. Scroll up to the top of the page. In the upper left corner, you should see your username with a drop-down arrow. Click on the arrow, and choose Account Settings. You can change your email there.
    1 point
  31. I was 25 and deeply in the closet never done anything gay always trying to hide it but one day ended up at a place called heros in Stourbridge uk. Not going to lie I was terrified and looked like a rabbit in the headlights. I was watching all the stuff I had dreamed of but denied my self happening all around me but had no confidence to join in. After an hour I was going to leave and was in the showers when a muscle daddy in his early 40’s tats everywhere pierced and hairy. came up behind me and whispered in my ear that he had been watching me and could tell I was a virgin in needed of a daddy like him. I was so shocked at his boldness I just nodded and followed as he led me to a one of the upstairs rooms and proceeded to show me everything I had been missing and I loved every moment of it. i never saw that daddy again but I always hope I will run into him when I go to heros and thank him for turning me out
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  32. My Boy’s Double Breeding My boy and I love to share his holes with other guys, preferably raw. I just love seeing other guy’s breed him, especially if we know that they’re POZ or didn’t stop to ask their status. I’d say I’m there nearly every time he takes a stranger’s load, but he surprised me one day last summer with some fresh cum dripping out of his ass after a run. My boy went out for his jog one Saturday morning. He was gone a bit longer than usual. I’d planned on having breakfast ready when he got back, but he seemed to be taking a while. I knew I shouldn’t be worried, so I didn’t bother texting him. I figured I’d finish the eggs when he got back while he was showering off. About twenty minutes later, my boy came in the front door, panting, grinning, and dripping with sweat. His shirt was tucked into the back of his spandex shorts and I gave him a big hug and a kiss on his sweaty lips. He melted into me, moaning. I slid my hands down to his ass and he pulled away and winked. As he headed to the bathroom, he looked back and me and grabbed his shirt, revealing his shapely buns in their spandex. I saw a dark streak in the crack of his shorts. I raised my eyebrow and followed him to the shower. He stripped down and showed me his sexy ass, spreading his cheeks. As he bent over the edge of the tub, I saw a glob of cum ooze out of his puffy hole. My boy was proud of himself. I leaned forward and lapped it up. ‘Fresh cream?’ He giggled and moaned as I lapped at his slutty freshly fucked hole. Turns out, he’d taken a different route through the park today and saw a handsome stranger leaning against a tree. He told me everything as I ate his cummy hole. He made an extra loop and passed by the man again, this time with a buddy standing together. When he ran by again, he pulled his shirt up over his head and slowed down, sliding his hands down his tight abs into his shorts. One of the guys winked and gestured to the bushes. My boy ran a few steps ahead of them and leaned against a tree, pulling his shorts down below the cleft of his ass. Without even looking around, one guy whipped a big hard cock out and slid right in, raw. The other guy was whispering filthy things, ‘take that raw dick, slut!’ ‘You want that load, don’t you?’ My boy just moaned approval. The other guy had whipped his dick out too, and my boy saw a telltale biohazard tattoo peeking out of his pubes as he jerked off. The wanker was about to cum, but the guy pounding my boy didn’t want to stop, so he aimed his dick at my boy’s lower back and shot his load where gravity would deliver it to its rightful home. The extra lube and fucking that POZ load was too much for the top stranger to take and he fired his load deep into my boy’s ass. Before my boy could catch his breath, the men were gone. My boy tucked his shirt into his pants to cover the seed oozing out of him and headed right back to me, eager to share his fresh deposits. I got so hot I couldn’t help but spit some of the cum I’d been savoring in my mouth onto my dick and jammed myself into my boy’s freshly bred hole. It only took me a few moments to add my load to those already simmering in his guts. We showered together and ate breakfast. I knew next Saturday we’d go jogging together.
    1 point
  33. @BadGayGuy - You say that you simply can’t get hard for a guy, no matter how hot his appearance or how good the actual sex is, after two or three couplings. An inability to become physically aroused may have its basis in psychological factors that aren’t immediately obvious. The chemical and emotional bonding that bodies undergo when they fuck is real, and affects individuals differently at an emotional and even subconscious level - is it possible that after two or three fucks with a guy, some inner part of you detects some sort of sense of potential ongoing connection/attachment forming, and your conscious mind violently rejects that (for any of a number of reasons) and short-circuits your sexual response? Put more simply, could you be so commitment-averse that your body simply shuts down if confronted with even the suggestion of it? Another line of contemplation suggests that perhaps there is some inner need you are attempting to meet through sex, but have, thus far, found that the sexual interactions you have had all fail to meet that need. Is it possible that you’re subconsciously “trying on” each partner for a very specific fit that you can’t put words to, only to cast each one aside like an ill-tailored shirt when the fit isn’t exactly right? I’m not asking this with ant negative implication, just posing it as a possible avenue of thought. The reasons for what you’re experiencing could be something else entirely, and since I’m not a telepath and can’t wander around in the salacious streetcorners of your mind looking for smutty versions of you to interrogate, I can only speculate. You, in the other hand, probably already know the answer, if you can just think your way to it. It’s easy to take an observation about yourself such as you’ve made and try to understand it only from the surface level of personal preference - most responders to the thread have followed that line thus far. Preference, itself, however, has deeper roots, in desire, fear, self-image. If you want to truly understand why you’re a Limit-3-Per-Customer kind of guy, you’re going to have to dig deep. Here’s a place to start, BadGayGuy - why did you choose that username? Who says you’re a bad gay guy? I’m betting you’re probably no worse than most of us here, and I guarantee you’re not as wicked as some of us. [Looks around the room] Oh yeah, you sleazy, randy fuckers, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ll be waiting for you in the darkroom.
    1 point
  34. 2. Opening Up "In here," Tiago said, opening a door to a white, brightly lit room. In the middle was an examination table, complete with a set of metal stirrups at the base. James walked in, blinking in the bright light, and Fabien brought up the rear. "Can you get the kit from the closet?" Tiago asked Fabien. Fabien nodded, and walked back out. Tiago turned his attention back to James. "We'll need to do a full physical examination," he said. "Can you strip down for me?" James was still a bit dazed, and took off his shoes and sock, then his shirt and pants. He stood there in his underwear. Tiago looked him over. It was hard to miss the bruised on his face, body, and arms. Nor how his eyes were hollow and empty. Tiago felt his dick twitch, but it was too early to think about that. The boy had been through a lot, but his journey had barely begun. "All the way," Tiago said. "Everything?" James asked. He needed the little bit of protection his underwear offered. He didn't want to be completely naked, especially when Fabien came back. "Everything," Tiago said. "What do you think of Fabien?" "Uh..." James started. He pushed the underwear down and stepped out of them. His dick was soft and limp; the last thing on his mind was sex. He wasn't sure if he ever wanted to be touched again. "I saw you checking him out," Tiago said. From his pocket, he pulled out a phone and another device. He fumbled with the two for a moment, then placed the tripod on the desk, arranging it so the phone pointed directly at James. He tapped the screen. "I have to record this. Now. What happened last night?" "This guy. Conrad. He lives in my building. He invited me over, and I went." "Were you high?" "Yeah. And he gave me more." Tiago's dick was starting to grow. "Did you have sex?" "Yeah. He fucked me." "Did it hurt?" James opened his mouth, but as he started to speak, Fabien walked back in with a black canvas gym bag. "This?" he asked Tiago. "Yeah," Tiago responded. "Close the door," he said, and turned back to James. "Did it hurt?" he asked. "Him fucking you?" "Yeah," James said. He looked up from the floor just enough to see that both Fabien and Tiago were watching him. He felt like a mouse, and the two cats were just playing with him. "Did you ask him to stop?" Tiago asked. "Yeah," James said. He could hear Conrad's laugh. It was harsh and joyous, disturbing and amusing. Conrad had gotten off on James's suffering. "Did he?" "No." James was trembling, remembering how the man's cock had felt inside him. It had been white-hot, burning him. "He didn't." He started to cry, hating his weakness in front of the alpha males. "None of them did." "Them? How many were there?" Tiago saw Fabien rub his groin. "Three," James said. "I think." "Think?" Fabien said. "Could have been more?" "I don't know. I can't remember." He was shaking, cold, tired and sore. "It's going to be all right," Tiago said. "We just need to do a physical examination. Can you get up here?" He pointed at the examination table. "Now, lie back," he continued. "I'm going to put your feet in the stirrups." He didn't wait for James to say anything, but put first his right foot, then left in the leather loops. He tightened them slightly. "Please. No," James said, desperate. "I can't...," he started, but he choked and never finished the sentence. "It's ok," Tiago said calmly and gently. "It just holds your legs in place." Tiago didn't mention how the position left James's ass exposed and defenseless. "Relax," he told James. "We're just going check you out." James closed his eyes. He heard Tiago unzip the bag, and heard the clink of metal against metal. He shivered. It reminded him of the sound the metal carabiners had made as he struggled to escape Conrad's bedroom. He hated that when he thought about it, he couldn't remember any of the details, no matter how hard he tried. But yet, the slightest noise would remind him of one more unbearable moment from the night. "Just relax," Tiago said. His voice was now coming from right by James. "I'm going to adjust the head." He grabbed the pad James's head was resting on, and slid it into a pocket on the exam table. He used his free hand to cradle James's head, and Tiago gently lowered it, so it was hanging off the side of the exam table. James carefully breathed in and out, forcing himself to relax. He was aware of just how naked he was, and how exposed his hole was. Now his mouth felt equally vulnerable. He opened his eyes, and saw Tiago kneeling down, a flashlight in his hand. Standing next to him was Fabien. James could just barely make out the outline of Fabien's cockhead; the denim was lightly frayed, like he was often erect. James had a vision of a thick cock from the night before. He had been in the same position as he was now, his head hanging off the side of the bed. A man had forced his cock into James's mouth and down his throat. He remembered gagging, and the man only pushing deeper. He gasped, and shut his mouth. "Wait," Tiago started to say. "Please," James grunted, then closed his mouth and eyes. James was trembling a bit; he felt his cock try to climb inside him. "Please," Tiago said. "I need to examine you mouth." James tried to open his mouth; he would get it half way, before he remembered choking on a cock, and close it. "Can you open it?" James finally shook his head no. He knew it was too scary. "Let me try something," Tiago said. "Is that ok?" James nodded. "Open your mouth. Just a little." James opened, and Tiago slid a thin wire assembly. It was cold, and James shivered. "Give it a second," Tiago said. He ran his hand over James's exposed body. James focused on the touch, trying not to remember how Conrad had done the same thing as he had played with James's hole. "Better?" he asked. James nodded, and Tiago continued. "Here we go," he said, and pinched the levers to the side together slightly. In James's mouth, the wire assembly sprang open, forcing his mouth open. James lost it. "Fuck, please. Please, please," he said, struggling against the metal restraints. "I can't." As James begged, Tiago noticed that Fabien had stopped trying to hide his dick. The black man was now plainly stroking it, staring at James's futile struggle against the mouth spreader "Sorry," Tiago quickly said, and snapped the spreader back closed. "It's ok. We don't need to use this right now." Fabien stopped stroking as Tiago smoothly pulled the spreader out, and popped out the head support. "Relax," he said. "It's going to be ok. Breathe." He held James's hand, as the boy's breathing slowly returned to normal. "That's ok. I'm going to get something, ok?" James nodded. Tiago let go of the boy's hand, but kept touching the boy. He looked up long enough to see Fabien still watching the two. He was still young, and hadn't yet learned a good poker face. He was horny, and he couldn't hide it. He winked at Fabien, then turned back to James. "I'm gonna get you something," he said, "Something to help you calm down. It'll be just a second, ok?" James nodded. He was crying slightly, and his eyes were red. He hated being naked, his ass still exposed. But it wouldn't be that much longer. So much had happened, and he needed some time to process it. But, before he could say anything, Tiago returned. "Open your mouth," he said. "It's going to calm you down." He took James's hand, and repeated himself. "Calm you down." James opened his mouth slightly, and quickly, the doctor inserted a pipette into his mouth. He squeezed the plastic bulb, and a thick liquid hit the back of James's mouth. Before he realized what he was doing, he swallowed. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Tiago said, as he handed the used pipette to Fabien. "It's ok?" James said, still trying to hold himself together. "It's hard," he said. "Hard to remember." "It's good to remember," Tiago said. "It helps." Fabien smelled his fingers from where he had held the pipette. "What was that?" he asked. "It's ok," Tiago said James, not yet acknowledging Fabien's question. "Right? It's ok?" "Yeah," James finally managed. "I think." "Good," Tiago said. He turned his attention to Fabien. "It's called GHB. It's good for anxiety and panic. It's sometimes used as a club drug too. But this is how it is supposed to used." "GHB?" James said, finally realizing what he had just swallowed. "No, man. I just can't. I remember taking it. With him." He left the antecedent blank. Even thinking about Conrad's name was hard. "Just breath," Tiago said. "This is ok. This is what it's supposed to be used for. Relax. This is ok." "I know. I need to do this." "Yeah. You can do this. I'm here. Fabien is here." Tiago held one of James's hands, and Fabien took the other. "Just breathe. Relax. It's going to be ok." Slowly, James's breathing slowed down, and he stopped shaking. "You doing better?" "Yeah," James finally said. He hated that they had seen that. He had wanted to be strong for Tiago and for Fabien. "I'm sorry." "It's ok. It's hard," Tiago said. "Let's just talk for now. Is there a part of it that you want to talk about?" "I don't know. It's all. I don't know. Hard." "I know. It can be very intense." He focused his eyes on James. "Did you suck dick like that? With your head back?" "Yeah," James said. He tried not to think about gagging on the unknown man's cock. "I did. I gagged." He remembered choking, needing to breathe and not being able to. He started to tremble again. "Relax," Tiago immediately said. "It's ok. It's in the past." James started to calm down again. "You got fucked as well, right?" "Yeah," James said a second time. It was getting easier for him to remember what had happened, like so many dots were starting to resolve into an image. "I did." There had been a few men. They had all used his holes. "You're strong," Tiago said to him. It made James feel good. "It's good, isn't it? To remember. To share?" "Yeah," James said. He was feeling warm and calm. It was the G kicking in. He didn't mind it. "It's easier now. Talking about it." "Isn't it. Did they all fuck you raw?" Tiago asked. "I know how much you like it bareback." "Yeah. They all did," James said. It was the third thing he had admitted to Tiago. He wasn't as scared any longer, and it was easy to talk to Tiago. James wanted to tell him all the hard things. "That's ok," Tiago said. "It was ok to take their loads." Tiago's dick was dripping in his trousers. He wanted to fuck the boy, but he needed to eased into it. "It felt good," James said. "Inside me." "It does feel good," Tiago said. He turned to Fabien. "We're going to have to do an anal swab on him." Fabien was holding one of James's hands. But his other hand was discreetly rubbing against his dickhead. "Turned on by this?" Tiago asked. "Yeah," Fabien said. "He's really hot. And the story. Wow." "That's good. You said you liked Fabien, didn't you?" Tiago said. He was staring right at James, and nodding his head. James's head was spinning. He had said how hot Fabien was. This was just fun in the office, though. It wouldn't go anywhere. "Yeah, he is hot." Tiago smiled. "Yeah. And his story is intense. Just remember it can be hard for the person talking about it." He turns back to James. "I know this is hard. But we need to continue, OK? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can move on to bigger things." Tiago nodded his head again. James imitated his movements, already spaced out on G. "Yeah," James said. "Get it over with. But I'm...." He started, but then trailed off. "Scared?" Tiago asked. "Yeah." "That's all right. We can get this done quickly, OK?" Tiago smiled and nodded. James mirrored him. "We can help you, is that good?" "Yeah. Just be here. With me." "Of course," Tiago smiled, and turned to Fabien. "Under the table by his waist and chest," he said. The black boy produced two restraining straps, matched by the ones the doctor was holding. "On three." Fabien smiled, and held the straps at the ready. "One. Two. Three." Before James knew what was happening, Tiago was tightening the strap around his chest, holding him in place. "It's all right," Tiago whispered into James's ear, as the boy struggled not to have a full-fledged panic attack. "Just relax. I hope this is going to go by quickly."
    1 point
  35. 1. Be gang bred by rough trade tops on film. Me ass up waiting as a stream of random, non-conventionally attractive, men of all ages, sizes, etc bust in me one after another. Very Tim Fuck fantasy 2. I’ve never actually “cruised” or been fucked by random men in a cruising type scenario. I’d love to go to a cruise area and wait ass up and take loads 3. randomly bred in a public bathroom either in or understall 4. Make amateur porn of random men breeding me and build a following. Then select followers to give me their loads in whatever city I happen to travel
    1 point
  36. Part 9 - Secrets and Revelations Conrad sat in the greenhouse on the phone with Joshua he loved hearing his voice, the soft velvet tone that shrouded and cuddled his soul, making him feel special and wanted he was desperate to see him. Picturing Joshua staring in to his eyes constantly telling him how special and lucky he should feel being with him, his funny joke of owning him and how no other man could ever come close to what they shared. He was not wrong and Conrad's placid and very impressionable nature readily accepting every word that came out of Joshua's mouth. A bewitching spell that fell on him from high above slowly but ever so surely taking Conrad over, clouding his perception and only seeing how wonderful and lucky he was. "I will be home soon" Joshua said "then you will be mine again Conrad, in my arms and only I will matter". Conrad sighed in agreement "I miss you so much, miss touching you, miss you making me feel good" he replied. "I know you do Conrad, you make me feel really good and you need me" Joshua said in his teasing voice. "Need to be in bed with you Josh" Conrad replied desperate for his affection and approval. Joshua chuckled "I will fuck you senseless I have months of pent up desire waiting just for you" he said. "Stop it" Conrad replied in a dreamy voice "it is like I can already touch and feel you" he said sighing "need to be with you Josh". "Soon bairn" Joshua said very slowly "real soon. I have to go, remember your mine Conrad all mine". Joshua hung up from the call waiting for Charlie to get back from the shop before boarding the ship. He was extremely happy the way things were going with Conrad, he knew the time to strike was coming with Conrad waiting in anticipation for his return. The weekends of nothing but sex with loving dominating words he showered on him had got inside Conrad's head, impressionable, now susceptible like putty that was now malleable in his hands. Joshua went over to Charlie to help with the shopping bag all smiles and feeling on top of the world. Several nights that week when either Conrad or Simon felt down they were drawn together taking solace with in each other, sometimes sexing the sadness out of their bodies or just sitting cosied up in the lounge talking. No matter what he did or how busy he tried to keep himself everything just reminded him of Jack. The week after Jack's funeral Conrad walked out of the manor with the wheel barrow trying to whistle and thinking of Joshua, his body and that sexy face, he belonged to him and was the only one that mattered in Joshua's life. He started tending the flower beds outside the manor tidying them up then working his way down number 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2. he crossed over and started on number 1 then moved along to number 3. Annoyed that one of the flowers that Jack had planted had been slightly crushed when the new family moved in. He went home and dug up a healthy one from his own flower bed transplanting it to the bed outside number 3. He was oblivious to the owner coming out and walking across the dive towards him. "Morning, so you are the mysterious person who looks after the flower bed along the curbs?" Felicity asked. Conrad jumped a little "Morning" he said standing up "yes they all have hibiscus flowers" he replied. Felicity nodded "I am Felicity Emir we moved in just over a week ago" she said holding her hand out. "Conrad" he said shaking her hand "I live at number 8 with my parents". "Oh the twins right?" Felicity asked, Conrad nodded "horrible day apparently when we moved in" she said. Conrad nodded again "Jack's funeral" he managed to say "he was the gardener up at the manor". "So sad" she said "and you have taken over doing this from him?" Felicity asked. "Have done this for years with Jack" Conrad replied "he got me in to gardening when I was 7". "How wonderful" Felicity said smiling at him "sorry about the one that got crushed". Conrad looked at the plant in his wheelbarrow feeling a strong emotion taking over him "Yeah, kind of crushed just like me". Conrad apologised and rushed off back to the manor trying to control his emotion. Jamal watched him from the bedroom window having been in another argument with his mother over finding work but frankly he couldn't be bothered and still raged at being moved from Guildford to this place stuck in the middle of nowhere. Although his interest in the area suddenly perked up seeing the guy gardening out front, just my type to fuck he thought to himself grinning then paying attention to rolling up his spliff for later. Amused since his mother thought she got rid of it all before they moved but he kept a stash safely hidden away finding a discreet spot by number 1 where he could hide and smoke it. Jamal sat there watching the world go by, except very little went by the gated community. He sat up spotting the guy coming back out from the manor and heading to number 5 and busied himself with the flower bed. Jamal hid his freshly rolled joint and put on his jacket, he had heard the rumours of the previous gardener being gay when his mother spoke with family at number 4 across the road. Jamal casually walked out the house telling his mother he was going to say hello to the guy doing the flowers, her response was for him to be nice and not to aggravate him. She knew her son and his above normal privileged upbringing resulted in a lack of manners or obedience, his father didn't help and Jamal could do no wrong in his eyes being his pride and joy. He walked towards Conrad who looked in a world of his own going around weeding the digging over the flower bed. "Hello oik" Jamal said standing there "nice to see the low life help working as they should". Conrad turned to look at him fuming "What did you call me?" he asked standing up gripping the fork tight. Jamal smirked with his cocky arrogant look "Oik" he repeated again staring at Conrad. "Ah right, so you lack any manners I see" Conrad replied disconnecting from any further conversation. Jamal laughed "Silly little oik" he said moving closer "you need to learn your place in society". Jamal wrestled the fork out of his hand and threw Conrad to the ground placing one foot over his chest laughing and holding him down in humiliation. Conrad grabbed at his foot twisting and pushing trying to get it off only to find the pressure increase. "Learn your place oik" Jamal sneered chuckling at him "the more you fight the harder I press". Conrad grimaced "Get your foot off of me" he shouted at him. "Not until you appreciate how superior I am to you" Jamal emphasied his words clearly pressing down again. "I am warning you" Conrad shouted at him again trying to move Jamal's foot. Felix the butler came rushing out of the manor sprinting down the street like a superhero, despite the placid appearance he was a burly 6 foot late 40's man and doubled up as Simon's bodyguard. Jamal looked up hearing the footsteps approaching very quickly, he cried out falling two feet back from the force of the push Felix issued knocking him flat on his back almost winding him. Felix helped a shaking Conrad up to his feet who had anger in his eyes and tried calming Conrad down just as Simon arrived. "What happened Felix?" Simon asked coming to a stop. "He had Conrad on the floor standing on his chest" Felix said nodding to Jamal who was slowly sitting up. Simon went over to Conrad "Are you okay, did he hurt you?" he asked. "I'm fine" Conrad replied brushing the chest of his coat to remove the footprint. Simon walked over to Jamal and offered his hand to help him stand up, no sooner was he on his feet he crumpled back down receiving a back handed slap from Simon. Simon leant over "Don't ever touch him again do you hear me?" he said angrily. "My father will hear of this and he will sue you" Jamal replied taking a video of the blood on his face. Simon grabbed the phone and smashed it "Don't threaten me or you might just disappear one night". "I will have you" Jamal replied threatening Simon and wiping his face scampering backwards. Simon laughed at him "Bring it on" he teased "but I warn you now you will lose". "I am so sorry" Felicity called out running down the drive "get inside now" she shouted at Jamal. Jamal stood up and looked at his mother "Don't tell me what to do" he said huffing and walking off. "Conrad are you alright" Felicity asked watching him nod "god I am so sorry, he is out of control, I don't know what to do with him". Simon could tell she was at wits end with him "He is rebelling against us moving here" she explained. "Well he can make up for it and do some of hard gardening tasks around the manor under Conrad" Simon suggested. Felicity nodded "Dam right he can, when do you want him?" she asked without even questioning them. Simon smiled "Tomorrow morning at 8am, Felix here will keep an eye on him". "He needs discipline" Felix chipped in "I will break him in" he said. Simon chuckled "Ex army he knows discipline" he said "I will send him here to collect your son". Felicity nodded "Thank you and I am sorry" she repeated "just don't pay him and check him for drugs when he arrives". "Are you sure?" Simon asked and Felicity nodded "Felix you have got your work cut out with him". "You think Sir, easy as squeezing lemons" Felix said confidently escorting Conrad back to the manor. Conrad spent the night at the manor paying more attention to Felix than usual having never really engaging in conversation with him before he was intrigued and asked a lot of questions to Simon about him. The following morning Jamal was fetched by Felix and once inside the gates of the manor he had him stood outside up against the wall and strip searched him in humiliation whilst Conrad watched from the bedroom window chuckling at how angry Jamal looked at his treatment. "Are you sure about this Simon?" Conrad asked a little concerned. Simon walked over and laughed at the sight of Jamal in his underwear outside "Yes" he replied. Conrad turned to him "Nasty public school boy" he said facing Jamal again "quite sexy in a way". Simon agreed and laughed "I will protect you Conrad be assured, Felix will as well". Jamal was sat in the greenhouse with Felix standing guard "Morning Felix" Conrad said arriving. "Morning Conrad, he is all yours and has been briefed, call if you need me" Felix said disappearing. Jamal sat there looking at Conrad "Fucking oik" he said turning to face away. "And a good morning to you" Conrad replied ignoring his remark "helipad needs trimming" he said. Conrad put shears down in front of Jamal "I could stab you with them" Jamal said looking at Conrad. Conrad picked up some pruning scissors "You got two minutes to get there and start" he said walking out. Jamal sat there for a moment "Fuck" he said picking the shears up "where is it then?" he shouted at Conrad. Conrad pointed to the far side of the grounds "Over there" he said turning to watch Jamal plodding over. "Quicker" Conrad shouted stifling his giggle whilst also still very weary of Jamal's attitude and keeping a distance between them. He smiled standing there watching Jamal for a good hour whilst he trimmed the long grass around the helipad, Jamal was slow and obviously detested what his mother had done to him as a result of his behaviour. Despite the chill in the air the day turned out to be a crisp and clear with plenty of sunshine. Felix walked down to the helipad every hour checking on Jamal's progress. When he turned to leave he told Conrad to come up to the manor at 1pm for lunch and bring thing with him. Conrad fond it funny that Felix only referred to Jamal as Thing and said he will only use his real name when he earns the respect to be called by it. At 12.45pm Conrad walked over to Jamal and told him it was lunchtime but first he had to clean the shears. Jamal did as he was told and Conrad inspected them nodding, Jamal looked like he wanted to engage in conversation but Conrad was in no mind to talk to him instead telling him to follow him to the manor kitchen. Felix had put soup and a sandwich on the table in the kitchen for Conrad and gave Jamal beef broth and bread sitting him on a stool in the utility room. Jamal protested that he couldn't treat him that way but Felix ignored him and poured a nice warming cup of coffee for Conrad. The housekeeper Beth walked in to the utility room and laughed seeing Jamal sat there and came back in to the kitchen and kissed Felix on the cheek, Conrad noticed they both wore wedding rings figuring they must be married. "Do you not think this is a bit harsh?" Conrad asked in a hushed voice. Felix grinned "Not after what he did to you" he replied "he will learn to be respectful". "Felix can I ask are you and Beth married?" Conrad spoke tentatively putting his spoon down. "Yes" Felix replied "and Simon helped Beth get residency here in the UK and this job". Conrad nodded "I didn't realise he was nice that way" he said. Felix sat down "Simon has his flaws but I would do anything to protect him for what he has done for us". "I see. I hope he is starting to like me a bit more rather than tolerating me" Conrad said laughing. Felix chuckled "Simon likes you more than you think. Have to admit I never pegged you down as being gay". Conrad chuckled "Same here, everyone said it was because I spent so long with Jack" he replied. "How stupid people are" Felix said "Knowing Jack I don't know how he managed to wait so patiently before having you in the greenhouse". Conrad looked at him in surprise "How the frig do you know that?" he asked. Felix chuckled "It is my job to know everything" he replied "The flower bed was the funniest one". "You saw that as well?" Conrad now sat there looking embarrassed. "Yeah had to watch it twice to believe it" Felix said laughing "sure you know there are security cameras all over the place". Conrad shook his head "That is how Simon knew" he said looking down as his soup "I wish he was still here". Felix smiled "I know, we all miss him Conrad" he said patting his shoulder. They sat and had a very interesting conversation where Felix let slip that he was also protecting him as the people in Simon's lives were important to him. He made Conrad laugh when he told the story of Jack whittling on about Conrad this and Conrad that until he stuffed a bread roll in his mouth to shut him up one lunchtime, he finished off telling Conrad that when he was only 9 Jack already talked about you being the son he would never had. "My god" Conrad said standing up "need to get thing back to work" he said chuckling. Felix stood up "Beth and I like you being around Conrad, Simon does as well" he said. Felix walked over to the utility room "Wash your bowl up then back to work" he barked at Jamal. Conrad chuckled "Hate to get on the wrong side of you" he said, Beth chuckled turning to look at Conrad. "I should teach you some self defence young man" Felix said "It will help you should you need it". Jamal said very little to Conrad over the next few days and was set jobs to do that no one else liked doing, sweeping the terraces and picking out weeds that sporadically appeared on the gravelled courtyard at the front of the manor. Felix had him cleaning the numerous satin coated kitchen cupboards removing all the finger print marks until they shined like new. Felix started giving Conrad some self defence lessons, including nasty tricks to get out of situations by kneeing his opponent in the balls if given the chance. When Felix was satisfied on the third day Jamal was allowed to sit at the table in the kitchen but not to speak to anyone. Slowly but surely Jamal was learning that with a little more respect he was given more in return, from more breaks during the day to eating the same food that Conrad was being given for lunch by Beth. Conrad never expected that working for Simon would mean having more freedom around the manor and provided with food when ever he wanted it, he was fast becoming more and more part of Hibiscus manor life. Simon even made sure that Conrad had time to spend several hours studying in the kitchen after setting Jamal some jobs to do. He was revising for the final written exam. The studying taking his mind off Jack and at the weekend Conrad went out regular as clockwork to tend the flower beds along Hibiscus drive. Jamal weeding the courtyard again kept looking down the drive, nearly every single house he went to the owners came out and chatted to him giving him coffee and biscuits or the odd bottle of wine as a thank you. Happily Conrad looked down the road at the flower beds that were beginning to flourish again with more daylight ensuing each day. Conrad returned to the manor and greenhouse pulling his book out of the bag along with a bottle of water he sat studying waiting for Jama to finish on the courtyard. Jamal approached the greenhouse watching Conrad for a moment before walking in. He sat down opposite Conrad who looked up at him "Have you finished?" he asked. He studied Conrad for a moment "You think this is funny?" Jamal asked. Conrad looked up then went back to his book "I asked if you had finished?" he said again. "Are you bent like that old gardener was?" Jamal asked watching Conrad look up "did you fuck with him?". Conrad sat there in silence "You don't look like a poof" Jamal continued teasing him "you like cock up you?". Jamal was getting irate being ignored by him "Well, answer me shirt tail lifter" he said angrily now. Conrad packed his stuff away and stood up walking out in silence "Fucking arsehole" Jamal called after him. Jamal sat there fuming and bolted up running through the grounds to find Conrad and catching up with him just before he reached his home. What got him angry more than anything was how Conrad completely ignored him and was in no way bothered or concerned. Conrad heard the rapid thump of the feet running towards him and stopped turning coming face to face with Jamal. "You may be boarding school toff but in real life you are nothing" Conrad said walking up the drive to the front door. Jamal looked at him "Yeah well..." he was stumped for words "I'm not an oik" he called after him. Conrad simply turned and smiled closing the front door "Fuck you" Jamal said under his breath going home. In truth Jamal actually was growing to like Conrad, he could see how clever Conrad was and knew his stuff about the gardens, it was the way he ignored every insult that he found amusing. Jamal sat on the window ledge of his bedroom looking over at number 8, he watched for almost an hour listening to music until he saw Conrad's parents leave in their car. Putting his coat on he went out avoiding his mother and walked across the road up to number 8. He rang the doorbell and waited for what seemed an eternity until Conrad opened the door dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. Seeing Jamal standing there he closed the door "Wait" Jamal said "please" he pleaded to him. Conrad opened the door "What, you now want to insult me on my doorstep?" he said very calmly looking at Jamal. "Can you help me learn this?" Jamal asked "I know you don't owe me anything for what I did or have said to you". Conrad looked down shaking his head "Nice try but not good enough" he replied moving to close the door. "I'm sorry Conrad" Jamal spoke with urgency "sorry for hurting you and your feelings about the gardener". Conrad spoke quietly "Jack, his name was Jack. He was well loved along this road for years". "I am very sorry" Jamal said and Conrad could hear some sincerity "will you tell me about him?" he asked. Conrad opened the door "Why would you be interested in him?" he asked looking slightly perplexed. Jamal shrugged his shoulders "I want to understand Jack, you talk a lot about him to people at the manor" he replied. Conrad looked considering him for a moment "Is it too late to get to know you as well?" Jamal asked. "Depends if your going to continue insulting me" Conrad replied looking at him. Jamal shook his head "No, I am sorry. I took my anger out on you for my family moving here" he explained. Conrad opened the door and invited Jamal in. Spending the entire afternoon drinking coffee and chatting where Jamal listened to the story of how he met Jack and his natural love for horticulture rubbed off on him leading to this career choice. Of course he left the details of his real cause of death out and the fact where Jamal had sat in the greenhouse was where Jack would passionately assault him. It was a slow burn since Conrad didn't trust Jamal one bit for the moment. The following day he spent a lovely day up at the manor gardening with no Jamal around Simon came out and helped or tried to, he chatted away to Conrad enjoying the friendship that was building between them. As usual he was invited for dinner and Conrad graciously accepted knowing how much Simon missed Jack and his witty back chat. Monday morning Conrad sat his final exam he had given Felix instructions for Jamal to use shears and cut the grass by the flower beds outside the manor gates. He didn't protest and worked tirelessly making a pretty decent job. On Tuesday morning Conrad came out of his house and find Jamal standing there at the bottom of the drive waiting for him. "Morning" Jamal called out watching Conrad walking down the drive "how was your exam?" he asked. Conrad grinned "I am impressed that you pay attention sometimes" he quipped "hard but think I did okay". "So are you finished college now?" Jamal asked trying to make conversation. Conrad glanced at him "Yes unless I flunk the exam then I have to study again" he replied. Jamal looked at Conrad "Your smart, you will pass" he said confidently "me I am just a useless no hoper". "I would go more spoilt privileged brat to be honest" Conrad replied causing Jamal to stop walking. "Thanks for that" Jamal said sarcastically "your right though. How rich is he?" he asked looking at the manor. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Rich enough to make people disappear" he said chuckling. Jamal smiled "You are quite funny and decent" he said "you never answered my question the other day?". Conrad opened the gate to the manor "What question?" he asked looking at Jamal wondering if he was referring to him being gay. "If you would teach me about gardening" Jamal replied looking serious. Conrad chuckled and closed the gate "To start with it is called horticulture". Felix kept an eye on Jamal reporting back to Simon that Conrad was now teaching him to look after the kitchen garden. Indeed their friendship grew gradually and now Jamal was spending most days up the manor, dropping his obnoxious exterior and actually turned out to be a really polite and well mannered lad, even Felix started showing him a little more respect. Conrad was putting all his energy in to looking after the gardens, Jamal had a day off that Simon forced upon him that last Friday in February. Conrad sat in the greenhouse alone thinking of Charlie and Joshua who were due to sail back in to Portsmouth on Monday, he was so looking forward to seeing them both. It was four weeks since Jack died and he had become emotionally stronger yet still found himself talking away to Jack like he was still sat next to him in the greenhouse shedding a few tears. Jamal turned out to be a nice distraction and from appearance looked like he was now enjoying spending time with Conrad being taught the intricacies of horticulture, he was totally astonished when Conrad checked the acidity of the soil never realising how much science was involved. Conrad picked a few flowers that looked perfect and packed up early afternoon, Simon and he were going to see Jack and lay some fresh flowers and see the tombstone that Jack had designed. "Ready to go?" Simon asked standing at the door. "Yes" Conrad replied picking up the flowers. Simon handed Conrad a hefty envelope that looked all official "This is for you from Jack's solicitor a little business to take care of first". "Oh" Conrad looked at it and put the flowers down. Opening the large envelope it contained a copy of Jack's will and letter from the solicitor, inside was a separate envelope that he put down on the work bench and read the solicitor's letter aloud "Dear Mr Grayson, pursuant to the last will and testament made by Jack Openshaw and witnessed by Mr Simon Burge, Mr Raheem Mohammed Jazeer and endorsed by Clegg & Simpson Solicitors on the 4th day of December 2017 we hereby fulfil the deceased instruction. The envelope marked 'property' contains the title deeds to Jack Openshaw's property in your name along with numerous other instruction detailed in the attached copy of the will highlighted for your perusal". Conrad looked at Simon holding back the tears and picked up the copy of the will finding the section highlighted "To my dearest friend who I watched grow up, Conrad Grayson. I leave you my house in Alton to do with as you wish. The entire collection of horticulture books and tools currently held by Simon Burge for safekeeping are also left to you. My solicitor is holding a £1.4 million trust fund that will be released to Conrad Grayson to purchase any house on Hibiscus Drive when one comes available, or to be paid in full after 5 years irrelevant. Adam Prestley has been left a sum of money for you should you decide to honour me in a way only you should know by now. It is my way to thank you for bringing much colour and vigour to my life over the years that I was lucky enough to know you and watch you grow". Conrad shed a tear and wiped his eyes. "Wow" he said looking at Simon "I never expected anything from him having given me so much already". Simon sat down next to him and smiled "There is a codicil to the will that I made him add" he said. Conrad looked at him "That is an amendment is it not?" he asked folding the document up. "Yes, you need to sign this to activate the trust fund" Simon said handing him a document. Conrad shifted uncomfortably in his seat reading the document "Why is it done like this?" he asked. Simon handed him a pen "It stops anyone trying to freeze the assets, paper trails you know" he said. "Sounds dodgey, I guess you mean Jack's family" Conrad said hovering over the document with the pen. "A little" Simon chuckled "it protects everything he left to you" he said watching Conrad sign. "I don't understand much of this and probably don't want to" Conrad said nervously. Simon stood up "At least put some trust in me Conrad to look out for you" he said. Conrad watched Simon placing the document in the envelope and suggesting they drop it off before visiting Jack. Conrad stood and kissed Simon on the cheek and picked up the hibiscus flowers for Jack's grave. He didn't dwell or think on what Jack had left him and after dropping the envelope off they walked up the grave where the tombstone had now been placed. Conrad saw the cupid with A, hibiscus flower with C and a scorpion in the middle engraved at the top. Wiping his eyes he laid the flowers down and spoke to Jack in private for a few minutes before Simon came over and spent a few minutes saying some words, he turned and walked back to Conrad. "I have a letter for you at home from Jack" Simon said putting his arm around Conrad. "A letter?" he asked "why now are you telling me?" Conrad looked confused at him. Simon turned to him "I was instructed to give it to you one month from his passing" he explained. Conrad nodded "I see". "It is for you to read in private that is all I know" Simon said opening the door to the limousine. Conrad was pleased that emotionally he had held it together despite the emptiness left by Jack. He was handed the letter that was still firmly sealed and went home to his bedroom almost too afraid to read it. His mother had told him that Charlie had called and confirmed they would be docking on Monday and home on Wednesday. It was just the tonic he needed to cheer him up right now. He felt the envelope and there was something hard inside, slowly he undid it and pulled out the hand written letter, a separate sealed envelope and a key secured to a gold chain fell out. The letter was dated a week after Conrad was diagnosed. "To my loving friend Conrad, this will be hard for you to read since it would be one month from leaving you. I had to think carefully about writing this so not to cause you to much worry or concern and what I am about to tell you must go no further, especially to Simon or anyone close to you. That much you must promise me Conrad and keep this secret. The day you was diagnosed with HIV you had a very high viral load, you will probably understand that what happened next was unethical but I paid the consultant to analyse the virus in your blood, he is an old school friend of mine so it paved the way a little. Simon's strain is definitely in your blood but it is not the dominant strain of virus. It might be hard for you comprehend but you will understand when the time is right why I got your blood analysed. You were already infected before Simon got to you, I know you had sex with Moham but he is very careful and definitely not carrying HIV. Unless there were others you elected not to tell me about the only other person I know of would be Joshua, I saw a slow change in you since you started delving in to bed with this person and I can't help worrying what his motive is but tread carefully and never sign anything over to him. I have instructed Simon to take care of you Conrad, you may not want or be happy about that but it is the least I can do to make sure you are protected and never go without. Simon has grown fond of you even though he may not have shown it over the years he took great pleasure in watching you grow up around the manor, always remember that no matter what lies ahead you can always and must turn to Simon. There is one last thing that I kept secret from everyone and I am leaving it to Adam and you, Simon always paid well and gave big bonuses (I mean big!) and I never spent any of it except to buy my house in Alton that I left to you, instead I took the cash out and placed it in a locked box in the greenhouse. That way the paper trail goes dry as to where the money went, Simon is so loaded with money he has no idea what to do with it. You should have the key which is in the envelope, it is hidden under the third flagstone to the left of the entrance. Take the box and the enclosed letter to Simon he will sort the rest out for you. I trust you Conrad, destroy this letter and never mention it again. Simon is there for you and if you need any affirmation you can turn to Adam he will be willing to help if the time comes. Please take care of yourself and I will be waiting for you, Jack". Conrad sat looking at the letter, parts of it made no sense failing to understand what Jack was actually writing about in places. The last few words he wrote brought tears to his eyes, how he missed the sexy man looking him in the eyes assaulting his arse with that devious but loving grin on his face that Conrad enjoyed looking at. He wiped his eyes knowing that Jack had pin pointed who infected him, it was all making sense why Joshua had apologised for accidentally ejaculating inside him the first time. What was weirder was since that night Joshua never made an attempt to put a condom on. Jack was right and the letter was controversial, he took it downstairs and walked through the kitchen where his mother and father sat talking over some document, he spotted the image of two kangaroos at the top of one letter before Eddie shuffled the papers putting them away. "What are you up to Con?" Eddie asked. Conrad looked at his father trying to discreetly put the documents away "Matches" he said "I need some matches". Jody looked sternly at him "I hope your not smoking weird stuff like that Jamal" she said standing up. "No" Conrad replied looking shocked "give me some credit" he said "I need to burn this letter". Eddie held out his hand "Let me have a read" he said. Conrad chuckled "Err sorry no, it is private from Jack and I need to destroy it" he said. "All very cloak and daggers" his father said noticing Conrad looking at the documents under his arm. "Here you go" Jody said handing him the box of matches. Conrad walked outside to the bottom of the garden to one of the flower beds and dug a small hole. He read the letter one last time using his phones torch. He smiled knowing that only having sex with four men so far he could discount two which left Simon and Joshua, both strains in his body. he crumpled up the letter placing it in the hole then lit it watching it burn completely then covering it with soil. He sat there on the damp grass unable to believe that Joshua had infected him, weather accidentally or deliberately he would need to find out. Conrad chuckled and stood up 'devious bastards all of them' he said smiling and walking back to the house. Walking in to the kitchen his parents still sat at the family table deep in conversation. Conrad sat down with them "I need to tell you both about Jack" he said getting their attention. Eddie sat back and studied him for a moment "Did he... I mean did he touch you when you were younger?". "Jesus no" Conrad replied looking shocked "no, he left me some things in his will". Eddie completely changed and relaxed and Conrad knew his father must had worried about that for a long time after coming out to them. He sat and explained about the house in Alton and also the trust fund that was set up for him to buy any house on Hibiscus drive when one became available. "You could have brought number 3" Eddie said "if you had known before today". "So how much is in that trust then, I mean houses around here go for just under £900k" Eddie asked. Conrad looked at them both "£1.4 million and either way after five years the money is mine" he said. "Hell Conrad" Jody said looking at him "so that means in five years you get all that money?" she asked. Conrad nodded "If no houses come on the market then yes" he replied "the solicitors hold the trust fund". Sometimes you think you know what is going on in life, the three of them sat there in a very awkward silence for a moment, Eddie looked at Jody then Conrad, Jody looked at Conrad then back to Eddie and nodded. Conrad's father pushed the documents he had under his arm forward his hand resting on them. Eddie looked at his wife then Conrad "Conrad I have been offered a job in Australia" he said. "I see" he replied not looking to shocked "I wondered how long it would be" he said "is it close to gramps?" Conrad asked. "Yes" Eddie confirmed "we wanted to speak to you both before making a decision" he said. "You can come with us" his mother said before he could say anything. "No" Conrad replied and smiled "my life is here" he said "Simon wants me to take over from Jack". Eddie looked at him "Like a job?" he asked. Conrad smiled "Yes, £50k a year working the gardens of the manor" he confirmed. "Wow" Eddie said smiling and nodding "you certainly have got yourself sorted out Con, good for you". Jody held Conrad's hand "Darling this is happening quickly, we would need to be in Australia in 2 weeks". "So have you made up your mind?" Conrad asked looking at them both. "Nearly" his father confirmed "we needed to find out if we could get visas and they came through today". "We wanted to give you boys the option of coming with us so we had visas approved for you both" Jody told him. Conrad looked a little down "You have raised us and kind of done your job, you should do what is right for you both" he said. Eddie looked at him "We will have to sell this house though to buy a place in Perth" he said sounding sad. Conrad smiled "So sell it to me" he said looking at them both "that way it remains in the family". Jody looked at Eddie "This is happening then" she said then looked at Conrad "you sure you won't come?". "No" Conrad replied "I can visit you anytime out there" he said "what about Charlie? he asked. Jody nodded "He is going to finish his navy training then transfer to the Royal Australian Navy". Conrad looked saddened "He is going with you then" he said. "Yes" Eddie confirmed "but it won't be for a few years he still has to finish training". "I know that is going to be hard on you" Jody said holding Conrad's hand tighter. Conrad nodded "Yes but we are grown up now we need to follow our hearts" he said smiling at them. Eddie looked over at Conrad "So you seriously want to buy this house?" he asked. "Yes" Conrad replied quickly "how much do you need to buy a place?" he asked. "Gramps has put a deposit down on a 5 bedroom place just north of Perth about £400k I guess". Conrad looked at his father "I will buy it for £1 million it will help you get started over there". Monday morning Conrad called the solicitors and put the wheels in motion and told Simon of his parents plan whilst Jamal was outside cleaning the pool terrace. Simon felt sorry for Conrad hearing that his twin was also going to move to Australia, at the same time though he was hardly here what with the training. "Are you sure you are okay with this Conrad?" Simon asked looking concerned. He smiled and nodded "Yes, well I think so it will be lonely in the house" he admitted. Simon smiled "You can have Jack's room here if you want, just say the word" he offered. Conrad looked a little upset "I can't sleep in that bed" he said looking horrified "it holds to many memories". "I can get it replaced quickly" Simon said allaying his fear "even decorate it if you want". Conrad sat quietly for a moment "You seriously don't mind?" he asked. "No it is more a question if you forgive me enough to stay here when you want" Simon said sincerely. Conrad chuckled "I will never forgive you Simon" he replied "I like you and like being around you". Simon smiled "Good enough" he said calling Beth in and asking her to replace the bed in Conrad's room. Charlie was finding it hard to keep up with everything that had gone on when he arrived home to much celebration and a delayed Christmas. Joshua had gone home to Newcastle and was coming down at the weekend since they were back in training the following Monday. Thursday morning Conrad grabbed Charlie and took him up to the manor, he had been given permission to show Charlie around where he now worked. Charlie though was more interested in seeing this Jamal or Jam as Conrad referred to him as but was no where to be seen since Simon banned him from coming up whilst Conrad showed Charlie around. For the second time in his life Charlie met Simon and was invited in for lunch with them leaving shortly afterwards to visit his girlfriend. Conrad scratched his neck rubbing his fingers over the gold chain remembering the key. "I have something to do Simon" Conrad said lifting the chain and key over his head. Simon looked confused "What is that for?" he asked nodding to the key. "Jack left me a box hidden in the greenhouse that I have to give to you" Conrad said standing up. They both walked across the gardens to the greenhouse where Conrad counted three flagstones to the left and felt it give slightly. Simon helped him lift it up and retrieve a large metallic box that was quite heavy. Conrad sat down and used the key to open the lock and lift the lid. sheet covered the contents and there was a letter addressed to Simon that Conrad handed to him. Simon opened and read the letter quietly whilst Conrad lifted the sheet off to reveal bundles of £50 notes. "Dam" Conrad said looking at the numerous bundles of money "What is it all for?" he asked Simon. Simon put the letter down "Jack's instruction is a 50/50 split between Adam and yourself" he said. Conrad kept looking at it "Come on let's get this up to the manor" Simon said standing up. They walked back to the manor carrying the box where Conrad left Simon to deal with it heading back down to the greenhouse and filling in the hole left by the box replacing the flagstone securely. He returned back to the manor and completed some documents with Simon who joked that Jack was shrewd enough to move the money to avoid any death duties. In all there was half a million pound placed in an off shore account for Conrad and the same for Adam. Conrad sat down reeling at the amounts involved that Jack had left to him. "I have to fly to Monaco this weekend Conrad to deposit the money" Simon said looking up at him. Conrad chuckled "I don't want to know Simon, the less I know the better" he said. Simon laughed "Very wise, stay at the manor if you want Felix and Beth can look after you" he offered. "That's very kind of you Simon but Josh is coming down this weekend and we stay in a hotel" Conrad explained. "No" Simon said almost too abruptly then changing his tone "nonsense stay here, I trust you" Simon said kindly. Conrad smiled and walked round the desk sitting on Simon's lap and kissing him on the cheek "Thank you". Simon stroked his face "You know I use to fuck Jack over my desk" he said winking at Conrad. "Really?" Conrad asked "with all these things on it" he said. Simon laughed "Yes, he always picked them up after we finished" he replied staring at Conrad. Conrad laughed realising he was being moved on to the desk "Oh fuck" he giggled. Friday Conrad sat in the greenhouse close to Jamal showing him how to take a cutting from the hibiscus and potting it on to grow and new plant. They spent several hours creating a whole new batch of cuttings to grow and Jamal was enjoying himself for once happily talking away and revealing what life was like at his all boys boarding school. Conrad looked over at him "Is it true what they say about boarding school?" he asked. Jamal knew what he was getting at but played him a little "What is that?" he asked back looking at him. "You know" Conrad said hinting "is it like prison?" he now asked. Jamal laughed "Kind of" he replied potting another cutting "you mean fucking?" he asked looking at Conrad. "I suppose that is what I mean, does it really go on?" Conrad asked turning in his seat to face him. "Yes" Jamal replied "loads of blow and hand jobs go on constantly" he said. Conrad chuckled "I bet you were a good sucker" he said ducking when Jamal threw a handful of dirt in his way. "Cheeky little oik" Jamal snapped at him "you know what happens to oik's in boarding school" he teased. "No and don't call me that" Conrad replied unable to stop grinning at their playfulness "well?" he asked. Jamal made a ring with his thumb and finger "They end up lose down below from too much cock" he said smirking at Conrad. Conrad threw a handful of compost at Jamal "So are you lose then?" he asked laughing. Jamal "Dirty oik" he said chuckling then looked at Conrad "did you ever do it with the gardener?". Conrad stopped laughing and looked at him "What makes you think I am gay?" he asked in a shocked tone. "You ask way to many questions about boarding school and I bet you have a hard cock" Jamal replied. Conrad stood "Is that so" he said grabbing his cock that was not hard by any means. Jamal walked over to Conrad and rubbed his hand on Conrad's crotch squeezing and feeling "Not hard" he said. Conrad pushed his hand away, Jamal grabbed his hand pulled it against his crotch "I am though" Jamal said. Conrad tried to pull his hand away "Jam stop it" he said finding his hand being forced to massage Jamal's cock. "You want it oik" Jamal spoke in an incredibly sexy way "you want me inside you" he said. Conrad's hand began deeply massaging the cock freely feeling the fullness of it, Jamal slowly turned Conrad around. He had strength and Conrad now found himself bent over the work bench, only this time it was Jamal and not Jack standing behind him undoing his jeans. It was enough to freak Conrad out.
    1 point
  37. I became a no-condom top on March 2018. After this sex has become so liberating. It's really unnatural to have something wrapped on your dick. Sex is meant to exchange biological information. There's nothing better than the feeling on going into a tight ass' man. I don't even like using lube either. If they need some lubrication, spit is enough. All natural.
    1 point
  38. Part 8 - February Frozen In Time Conrad put on his coat and grabbed a coffee then went to sit outside in the cold January morning, having at last spent a day without masturbating allowing his sore cock some respite. He wondered if he was turning in to a degraded pervert constantly needing to blow his load every time he thought of Jack. What was even more weird was how he found it exhilarating sitting in the cold air looking at his aunties flower bed reminding him of when Jack had assaulted him outside cutting his cheek. He chuckled to himself totally chilled out and enjoying the peace and quiet. Max arrived and grabbed a coffee walking outside, he leaned down and kissed Conrad on the cheek taking him by surprise and sitting down next to him. "You told your parents then?" Max asked already knowing the answer "how have they taken it?". Conrad put his cup down "Not sure, my father is upset" he replied "just wish Charlie and..." he stopped himself. Max chuckled "Charlie told me you have a thing for sailors" he said sipping his coffee. Conrad rolled his eyes "Does Charlie tell you everything?" he asked looking at him. "Of course" Max replied "What about Harry though?" he now asked. Conrad sat in silence for a moment "To be honest I have tried to forget about him" he replied. "You never contacted him?" Max asked looking surprised. "No" he replied "I don't see any point" Conrad said then looked down "what if he is the one?". Max looked at Conrad "Do you like him?" he asked. Conrad shrugged his shoulder "I don't even know him" he said "I know he can punch" he chuckled. "He hasn't been seen around the bar for months now" Max informed him "even my wife asked her gay friends". Conrad sat up "And there has been no sight of him?" he asked looking concerned. "No" he replied "someone did say he got a job in the city" Max said "but he never hangs out around here now". Conrad nodded "Maybe I should just check in within him make sure he is okay". Max smiled and stood up "Come on back inside" he said "and if you don't contact him... well you will never know". It was the jolt Conrad needed and the following morning he sat there holding his phone for several minutes and finally sending a message to Harry apologising for not being in touch and asking if he was okay. He could see the message had been delivered but remained unread for most of the day. It took Conrad all this time to realise he had never truly got over Harry despite not even really knowing him, Harry had got in to his head though and the more he thought of him the more he found he wanted to explore any possibility that may exist. The subtle way he toyed and teased Conrad, his mischievous little grin and boyish looks, maybe he was in love with Harry but could not see it. Their trip to London was over so quickly and they were setting off for the drive back to Hampshire. Harry was sat up in bed in his swanky flat overlooking the city, he knew the text by heart but kept reading it dithering and not knowing how to answer Conrad. Moham came out of the bathroom dressed for a meeting and kissed Harry on the head, frequently popping over early morning before going to the office mixing a little business with a lot of pleasure. "Harry just answer it then either delete it or whatever" Moham said noticing he was still distracted. Harry nodded "In a minute I will" he said getting out of bed. Moham put his watch on looking at Harry "Come in at lunchtime Harry and get that sorted out" he said. Harry got back in to bed and watched Moham leave, reading the text message again he thought hard and began typing his response to Conrad. Sitting there for a moment with his finger poised over the send button he hit it and locked his phone putting it on silent. Picking up his work phone he browsed through the emails received since yesterday to see if anything needed immediate attention before taking a shower. Conrad felt his phone buzz in his pocket and hurriedly pulled it out and saw he had a message from Harry. Quickly opening it he read it and read it again, a tear fell from his eye seeing the words the from Harry 'You put me through ups and down and I can't explain why or get over you yet you still rip my heart out every time I think or see you, I don't even know you yet this is what you have done to me. It is best we leave it there I can't copy with that happening any more'. Wiping his eyes he put the phone back in his pocket unaware his father had been watching him through the mirror, he really felt heartbroken and knew he should have gone back to Harry when Max sent him his number. When they arrived home Conrad said nothing and went up to his bedroom and laid down trying to make sense of his life. Eddie knocked on the door and walked in catching Conrad wiping his eyes again. "That text you got in the car was it from Charlie's friend?" his father asked. Conrad looked at his father who closed the door "No, someone else who I realised I was fond of" he replied. Eddie sat on the bed "They blew you off?" he asked "you have always been the sensitive one Con" he said trying his best at consoling him. "He says I rip his heart out but we don't know each other apart from when he punched me" Conrad said. Eddie stifled a laugh "Sorry I didn't mean to laugh" he said sincerely. Conrad smiled "It was my fault I called him a queer" he said "now look at me just a fucking queer". "Conrad!" his father looked angry "don't ever use that language in this house" he told him off going to town. "Sorry father" Conrad said laying back down on the bed "I need Charlie here he would know what to do". Eddie patted his leg "Love can swipe your legs right from under you Conrad, you just have to deal with it". Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for being such a mess" he said in frustration. "Come down to dinner" Eddie said standing up "we love you son it just take us oldies more time to adjust". He joined them for dinner and opened up a bit more about Harry and the incident in London but left out the gay for pay part to spare them and himself the indignity of it, surprisingly both parents were supportive. Towards the middle of January Conrad was busy revising for the next part of his exam which was a practical in a few days time, he had no idea why they would do practical exams outside in January when you couldn't even get a fork in the ground. It had been a good week speaking to Charlie and Joshua twice who were now sailing up towards the Bahamas before a trip along the east coast of the US then across the Atlantic to Portsmouth for the start of March. The following week he was glad the exam was done and sent Jack a text to let him know how it had gone. Despite his urge to text Harry he decided not to thinking that was that, so preoccupied by Harry that by the weekend he realised there had been nothing from Jack so he strolled up to the manor Saturday morning. Simon spotted him and walked down the stairs opening the front doors just as Conrad came through the gate, he looked tired and upset calling Conrad over. It was the first time he had seen or spoken to him since that night and had to hold back his anger towards him. "Conrad, I think you better come in" Simon said going back inside leaving the door open. Conrad walked in closing the door "What is wrong?" he asked looking at him "Jack?" he suddenly blurted out. Simon went over and hugged him "He is upstairs and is in a very bad way". Conrad cried out and went running up the stairs with Simon following him, he rushed through the bedroom doors and fell to his knees crying. Jack was hooked up to a ventilator and wires going to a monitor showing his life signs. Simon knew this was coming since his last bout of illness but even he broke down seeing Conrad in such a state. All the time Jack went on about Conrad, he only now saw first hand how truly attached Conrad and Jack had become through their friendship. The initial shock overwhelmed Conrad and eventually he calmed down and went to sit by his side, Simon closed the doors softly and left them alone. Conrad visited every evening and stayed for many hours holding Jack's hand who was in an unresponsive state. Sunday afternoon at the close of January it was cold and snow flurries filled the air, Conrad was sat with Jack holding his hand as usual and giving Simon a break who left with the doctor. Conrad talked about plants and what he had been learning that week when he felt Jack squeeze his hand gently. He cried a lot sitting there and Simon had been frank and honest telling him it was only a matter of days. The one person in life who apart from Charlie that knew Conrad inside out was lying in this frail state. He held on to Jack's hand tighter like he was letting him know he was here. Conrad stroked Jack's arm and spent time looking at his various tattoos mumbling away to him about them. He found the scorpion on his bicep that he never really noticed or paid attention to it before. The stinger part had drops painted in red landing on a skull and crossbones, underneath was a cupid holding the letter A and a hibiscus flower entwinned around the letter C. Conrad got his phone out and took a picture of it not understanding the significance of them, he knew it would really upset his parents but he wanted to get the scorpion one done in honour of Jack and everything he had done for him. Something about it just reminded him so much of Jack, Simon walked in just as he took the picture. "He was always proud of those tattoos, symbolised many things in his life" Simon said sitting next to Conrad. Conrad put his phone away "I never really paid much notice to them" he said looking at Simon. "You getting one done yourself?" Simon asked "ah, the scorpions tail and the drops of venom". Conrad smiled looking at Jack "It is your venom inside both of us" he said. Simon remained silent for several minutes "You took advantage of me that night" Conrad said glancing at him. "I know" Simon confessed "I did warn you" he said standing up feeling he should leave. Conrad patted the seat "Sit down Simon" he said "Jack and I are brothers of sorts, we both have your virus". Simon smirked "Yes you have both inherited my DNA" he replied. Conrad glanced at him "I guess Harry is as well?" he asked but nodded answering his own question. "You got Jack's strain as well" Simon remarked and Conrad looked at him "yes he told me he finally got you good in the greenhouse". "It doesn't mean I forgive you" Conrad said in mild anger "you must have known I didn't understand". Simon looked at Jack "You will either love or hate me Conrad same as Jack did" he said. "You reckon?" Conrad replied "I can't get past the anger towards you at the moment" he said blinking back tears. Simon spoke softly "Jack loved two people Adam and me but he for some reason he completely adored and love you even more". Conrad looked at Simon "He never said anything to me" he said looking sad. "Jack's way, if he had told you then things would have got complicated and hard just like now" Simon explained. Conrad sniffed "Jack is one brutal arse wrecker" he said half smiling looking at Jack. Simon chuckled and patted his shoulder "That is why I would never let him lose on my arse". "One day he held me in his arms and looked me in the eye like he was making love to me" Conrad admitted. Simon smiled "He probably was Conrad, you really don't understand how much he really thought of you". Conrad shook his head and ran his hand along Jack's arm stroking it lovingly, the snow began to fall heavily and coated the land in a brilliant whiteness against the dark clouds. Just as darkness was creeping in the heart monitor flatlined, his body finally unable to fight any longer. Jack passed away peacefully with Conrad holding his hand. Simon reached over grabbing Conrad and hugging him tightly feeling every heart breaking sob from Conrad entering in to his body. Simon could hear the hurt and devastation in his cries, he pushed Simon away and leaned over kissing Jack one last time then walked out without a word to Simon. Crying all the way out of the manor, Simon watched from the window then turned to Jack and kissed him on the forehead placing the sheet over him then looked out the window again just as Conrad turned to look up 'stupid kid' he said upset, annoyed and angry. Simon turned the light off and placed the call to the undertakers and doctor. He stood there unsure if he was angry at Conrad or Jack, in the darkness he sat talking to Jack until the doctor arrived. Conrad walked in to the house and his mother came out of the sitting room and saw his tear streaked face, she ran over and hugged him knowing full well what it meant. He spent the rest of the evening trying to be consoled by his parents. The loss of Jack hit him badly and he spent the next few days in his bedroom unable to face or talk to anyone. His heart truly broken and bursting in to bouts of tears, thankfully he had a week off college which did nothing to help his sadness frequently breaking down during the day and crying himself to sleep at night. There had been no movement at the manor and many of the neighbours dropped flowers off as word spread of Jack passing away. Simon locked himself away sorting out the arrangements, he sent a few messages to some of the wealthy people that Jack had come to know from their parties telling them the funeral would be on Friday at 2pm. Simon pondered at first but eventually wrote an invitation to Conrad telling him the arrangements. Joshua was devastated seeing Conrad looking so upset and desperately wanted to be there for him, Charlie was the same and provided some comfort for Joshua who was badly upset and wanted to hold Conrad. Jody heard the doorbell ring and placed the tea towel down to answer the front door. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late I have this for Conrad" Simon said handing the envelope over. Jody looked at him "Simon isn't it, from the manor?" she asked. Simon nodded "Yes, it is Jack's funeral arrangements" he said nodding to the envelope. "My condolences" she said sympathetically "do you want to come in for a cup of tea or something?" Jody asked him. "No thank you" Simon said shaking his head "it has been a hard time" he said walking away back up the road. Conrad sat there looking at it in his bedroom wondering if Simon did it as a friend or just because he thought he should. He read it again, the service was at 2pm and burial at 3pm at a small church and cemetery that was within walking distance of Hibiscus Drive. It was a place Jack had already chosen having loved the spot when he tended the gardens before working at the manor. Adam was hunched over in tears in Moham's office Monday morning having just heard the news. Harry stood there unsure what was going until Moham explained to him that he was to accompany Adam and him on Friday to a funeral. Harry learnt that Adam had been having a long term fling with Jack for years whenever they could meet up. Harry brought Adam back to his flat and spent the evenings comforting and talking with him. They left Chelsea helipad just after lunchtime on Friday, Adam over the initial shock was pretty much back to himself and the helicopter landed just before 1pm. Conrad heard it arriving having no idea who it was and cared even less. The small private funeral would be a few people who Jack had been acquainted with, having been disowned by his family years ago he made strict instructions his family were not to be invited or told. Moham was first out of the helicopter and walked over to meet Simon, Adam got out and held Harry back for a moment. "Harry this will be hard but you must hold in any anger towards Simon" Adam said looking him in the eye. Harry looked towards Simon "There is no more anger Adam" he said "I don't want to speak to him". Adam shook his head "Harry you must at least be pleasant to him, Moham is friends both personally and business with him" he warned Harry. Harry nodded but unable to stop himself he gave Simon daggers when they looked at each other, this was the reason why Simon never had guys back that he had converted or stealthed. Simon though smirked and ignored him instead he went over to Adam and hugged him commenting he had been away too long from the manor and should visit. Simon couldn't help notice that Harry kept glancing out of the window like he was looking for someone. Conrad showered and got a black shirt and trousers out, it was the best he could do not having a proper suit for this type of occasion. He had already decided to skip the service and wait until the funeral party left then he would say his good bye to Jack alone. The limousine left the manor behind the hearse followed by a second one with Harry and Adam. Simon looked to number 8 and told the driver to wait a moment to see if Conrad would appear but it was quiet, a few ladies down the road had turned out to watch despite the cold wind blowing. "Who are you waiting for?" Moham asked Simon. "Hmm" Simon said "Oh, the lad Jack was teaching thought he might be attending" he replied. Moham nodded "Did I see him at the last party?" he asked. Simon shook his head "No, Conrad kept clear" he said. "Conrad?" Moham said looking at him "does he know Harry?" he asked. "I don't know" Simon replied glancing at him "he is a bit of a country boy, dam good fuck though". Moham chuckled "I am sure Harry told me he was in the garden when we left" he added looking at number 8. "Maybe they do know each other" Simon said trying to think back if Conrad had ever mentioned him. "If it is him he screamed a lot when I broke him in" Moham said smiling. Simon laughed "Anyway he is not talking to me at the moment" he said grinning. "Not another one" Moham said looking at Simon nodding "he was straight when I did him" Moham added. "Not so straight now Moham, he had sex with Jack in the greenhouse quite a few times" Simon informed him. Moham chuckled "Amazing what a little money will do to straight lads" he chuckled "brings out their gay side". Simon laughed "You are kidding me?" he asked "he was an escort in London?". "Far from it" Moham replied "but dangle a tempting carrot and well they come back for more very quickly". "What's the deal with you and this Harry then?" Simon asked wondering why he brought Harry with him. Moham smiled "Works for me as my assistant" he replied "and I am very fond of him". Simon turned to look at him "Adam's replacement?" he asked smiling "have you freed him up?". Moham laughed "I knew you still had a soft spot for Adam" he said "and he has a soft spot for Harry". Simon sat back smiling "Complicated lives they lead" he remarked. "Harry is in love with Conrad" Moham said "has been since the day they first met". Simon looked in surprise "Really?" he replied. Moham nodded "He thinks I don't know but I can see the hurt in his eyes when he thinks about him". "Well maybe Harry and you should come stay more often" Simon suggested "see if they can sort it out". Moham sat back "Looks like you have new neighbours Simon" he said nodding to the removals truck unloading. Simon looked "Number 3, I never heard it was up for sale" he replied tapping for the chauffeur to drive on. The Egginghams who lived at number 3 didn't even have time to get the for sale sign up, their house was purchased within the day of going on sale two months ago and now they had moved out and the Emir family were moving in, the mother was looking at the hibiscus bed out of the front when she noticed the limousine waiting outside number 8. Jamal her son walked over interested in seeing what was going on. Your typical 19 year old rebellious teenager, Jamal stood at five feet ten inches with jet black hair that was unruly and unkept. Deep brown eyes and his left eyebrow was pierced, he was attractive despite his unkept appearance by letting his hair do whatever it wanted. His skin a very subtle tanned shade of northern Morocco, his mother married a Moroccan business man and Jamal had inherited his fathers hair, eyes, cock and body type. His body was slim and tight with a perfect muscle definition that never changed no matter what he ate, his shining glory was the eight inches of thick prime meat. He was very proud of his ancestry but preferred to go by the name of Jam and was very English by nature. Over the past year at the all boys boarding school Jamal had found a use for his cock bedding quite a few of the other closet cases. He never classed himself as gay and a hole was just a hole for him to stick his cock in and get some pleasure. "Assume that must be there son" Simon said his eyes lighting up. Moham burst out laughing "Simon can you not think of anything else" he said. Simon smiled "You know me Moham!" he said as the limousine passed the gates on to the main road. Exiting from the limousines the 10 or so people congregated Harry avoiding Simon much as possible stood on his own whilst Adam and Moham chatted to the other guests, no one made any mention of Conrad but Simon was frequently looking around to check if he turned up. Conrad left home and noticed the removal van in the driveway of number 3, there was no one around when he walked past so Conrad continued on his way. He arrived just as the coffin was being carried out of the church to the graveyard, he waited out of sight from the group now congregating around the grave. Conrad recognised the Arab guy and there walking behind him with a tallish very attractive guy was Harry, his heart felt like it sank in his chest seeing him again. Harry looked very smart in his black suit and Conrad couldn't work out why he would be travelling with the Arab man, surely Harry didn't know Jack so why would he be here. He waited patiently and watched the coffin being lowered wiping his eyes, Simon took a handful of dirt from the pot and dropped it on the coffin now hidden from view. He watched Harry watching Adam and Moham grabbing some dirt and letting it fall on to the coffin, they stood silently for a moment. Conrad blinked back more tears and watched the group slowly turn and head back to the church, Simon stood there alone for a moment. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Simon and wanted to go over and hug him, to make everything alright. Simon turned and walked slowly back towards the church, Conrad stepped out and walked over feeling the cold February wind against his face. He stood and looked down in to the grave at the beautiful white coffin, he couldn't hold back anymore and stood with his head in his hands sobbing trying to keep the noise down. Simon and the group came out of the church and started heading back towards the limousines, he took a look over at the grave and saw the lonely figure with his head in his hands crying. A tear trickled down Simon's face seeing Conrad so heartbroken. "Go ahead guys" Simon said quickly wiping his eyes and holding back. Harry turned to look "Conrad" he muttered quietly. Moham held him back "Let Simon go an talk to him please Harry" he said holding Harry's arms Adam looked at the back of Conrad "My god he looks devastated". "He knew Jack from 7 years old apparently, Simon told me they had a very close friendship" Moham said. Simon stopped few meters away hearing Conrad talking to Jack 'I will never forget you Jack, you showed me so many wonderful things and made me fall in love with plants and you in a way. Who would have thought the 7 year old me would end up being your friend, certainly not either of us I think. I wanted something to remember you by so I will get that scorpion tattoo you have on your arm done on mine, it is the right thing to do as it will remind me of the pain you have put me through this week' Conrad stopped and wiped his eyes that seemed to stream constantly. He cleared his throat 'Oh I brought you something I hope you will like it' Conrad took out thirteen hibiscus petals 'one petal for every year I knew you' he dropped them in one by one sobbing quietly again. Conrad pulled one hibiscus flower out of his pocket 'This to remind you where it all began, I picked it from the front gate of the manor but don't tell Simon' he dropped the flower in to the grave. Conrad knew this was his final farewell and he was getting so overwhelmed with grief, he fell to his knees and sobbed. Simon heartbroken by what he saw rushed forward. "Come on Conrad" Simon said helping him up wiping his own eyes "Jack would have loved that". Conrad turned to Simon and hugged him "I miss him Simon" he said breaking down again "my god I miss him". "I'm so sorry Conrad" Simon held him tighter "I know how much you meant to each other" Conrad nodded "I'm sorry for leaving you like that on Sunday" he said sniffing. "Doesn't matter Conrad, come back to the manor" Simon suggested. Conrad shook his head "No I don't think so I am a mess" he replied. Simon held Conrad back in his arms "I need you to come back with me Conrad" he said looking at him. "Its awkward" Conrad simply replied. "Ah" Simon said looking over at Harry "things are only awkward if you make them awkward Conrad". Conrad wiped his eyes "Yeah but I don't think Harry would see it that way" he said. Simon shook his head "It is not about Harry today, that is his problem to deal with" he said. "No" Conrad said "I want to stay here a while, talk to Jack and say good bye". They hugged allowing themselves a few minutes to grieve together in private holding hands, Simon seeing this as a little thawing between them. Harry stood by the limousine watching them whilst Moham and Adam watched Harry noticing how besotted he was and unable to take his eyes off Conrad. Adam finally got a view of Conrad, he was young and very attractive albeit full of sadness, Adam wiped Harry's face and kissed him on the cheek. Harry was beginning to get upset himself and would have loved nothing more than to go over and comfort Conrad, the reality was both of their encounters had not been overly friendly. "Okay so now I understand" Adam said putting his arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry looked at him "Understand what?" he asked. Adam nodded towards Conrad "Why don't you go over and say hello" he suggested. Harry shook his head "No, things never seem to go well when we meet" he said getting in to the limousine. Harry looked out the limousines window at Simon who was walking back alone, Conrad sat on one the chairs provided and stared in to the grave shutting the world out. Adam looked at Moham who looked at Simon who smiled briefly. "You alright Simon?" Moham asked looking concerned. "No" Simon replied looking back at Conrad "I am worried about Conrad it has hit him badly I don't know what to do for him". "Is he coming back to the manor?" Moham asked, Simon shook his head glancing back at Conrad again. "You two go with Harry in the limo" Adam said "let me go speak with him see if I can bring him around". "Good luck trying that" Simon said walking towards the limousine "he doesn't like me much at the moment". Adam walked over and sat next to him "So you knew Jack then?" he asked Conrad staring at the coffin. Conrad nodded "I knew every nook and cranny of his body" Adam said "I guess you would have been 11 at the time". "I never saw you" Conrad said raising his head looking at Adam "he never spoke of anyone else". Adam smiled "No he wouldn't have, but he spoke of you constantly, the budding flower he called you". Conrad smiled for once "So many times he would rape me in the greenhouse" Adam said lovingly. Conrad chuckled "You as well" he said "I'm Conrad" he held out his hand and Adam took it. "Adam" he replied smiling at Conrad "It was your 16th birthday when he immortalised you" Adam said. "Sorry?" Conrad asked looking confused by his statement. Adam smiled "He had a flower tattooed on his arm with your initial" he told Conrad "next to mine with cupid". Conrad got his phone out and looked at the picture he took "Oh my god" he said noticing it again. Exactly how Adam described it there it was "I was with him the day he got it done" Adam said. "Were you in love with each other?" Conrad asked. Adam smiled "God yes but we are chalk and cheese and it would never have worked living together" he said. "Oh I see" Conrad said then chuckled again "he liked it rough, weirdly it was very passionate". Adam smiled and lifted his jacket sleeve to show his wrist "You have the J and cupid tattooed" Conrad said. "Yes" Adam replied pulling his sleeve down "you should get the J and flower tattooed" he suggested. Conrad nodded "Thank you for showing me that and yes I will along with scorpion I liked" he said. Adam smiled "That dam scorpion he loved that tattoo. How about we get it done together?" he asked. "Yes" Conrad said immediately "my parents will freak out but I need to do it". Adam put his arm around Conrad and kissed him on the cheek "Come back to the manor with me". Conrad shook his head "No I can't" he replied thinking of Harry. "Yes you can" Adam said standing up "Harry is quite upset seeing you like this". Conrad stood up "I know when I am beaten" he said looking at the coffin "see you in a month". Conrad wiped his eyes and Adam put his arms around him shedding a few tears "Bye my lover" Adam said. Adam walked with his arm around Conrad and sat him in the limousine for the short drive back to Hibiscus Manor. Conrad sat in silence lost in his own thoughts holding Adam's hand providing much comfort that he needed right now. He had no idea what to say to Harry or even if he wanted to talk to him. Slowly he walked through the doors in to the library that doubled up as a formal room and one that he had never see before. Simon smiled seeing Conrad walk in with Adam and picked up a glass for champagne for them both, he briefly caught Harry's eye having to look away for fear of another embarrassing episode with him. Simon tapped his glass and the rest of the group stopped talking and looked towards Simon 'Gentlemen, it has been one of the hardest few weeks I have had to endure and I know how fond of Jack many of you were. I thought I was prepared for this eventuality but I learned that no matter what love you had your heart breaks you in pieces. Some more so and I speak of the two people who meant the world to Jack. Adam who sneaked in to the greenhouse when he thought no one was looking and always returned looking like he had been dragged through a bush after, he was the only person Jack ever considered a lover. Secondly 13 years ago Jack found a renewed love for life when an annoying 7 year old got his hands dirty one Saturday helping Jack at the gates of the manor. Sneaking him in to the grounds behind my back, Conrad grew up and found a passion for horticulture that Jack helped nurture and taught him everything that he knew. Jack found a very real companion and friend in Conrad who today is now a stunning 20 year old man, despite his young age he turned out to be a very loyal friend. Jack often referred to him as his annoying adopted kid when he wouldn't shut up talking but also a budding flower when he was talking about Conrad which was constantly. I owe Conrad so much and he was here with me at Jack's passing. I know the next few weeks or months are going to be hard for some of us but Jack being Jack would have put a beer on the table and told us to get over it. To Jack who has found his peace'. Everyone raised their glasses and toasted Jack. Conrad slipped out of the room finding it unbearable and stood out in the damp cold air on the terrace overlooking the gardens, he found a little peace expecting this to be the last time he would ever see the gardens. Conrad turned hearing the study door open and Simon stepping out walking in his direction, he didn't say anything at first just kissed Conrad on the cheek. "Beautiful speech" Conrad said looking out over the gardens. "Thanks" Simon replied "almost forgotten how to make one" he chuckled. Simon put his arm around Conrad's shoulder "Adam told you about the tattoo I gather?" he asked. Conrad nodded "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked. "Didn't want to upset you Conrad" Simon replied "failed miserably at that" he stated taking a deep breath. Conrad looked out over the gardens "I still expect to see him popping up out of a flowerbed". "Yes I know I feel the same. I am here if you need a shoulder Conrad" Simon said sympathetically. Conrad smiled "The ever so elusive rich man" he chuckled "thank you". Simon smiled and looked at him "I hope that tattoo Jack had proved how much he thought of you". "Yes" he replied "and the scorpion tattoo what does that really mean?" Conrad asked looking at him. Simon glanced at Conrad "Partly his devious side and partly me" he replied. Conrad nodded and kissed Simon on the cheek "I shall miss this place" he said sighing. "Why?" Simon asked "you thinking of leaving Hibiscus Drive?". Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Well with Jack gone there is no reason to come here anymore". Simon smiled and looked at him "You better think again Conrad, you have to take over the gardens?" he said. Conrad looked at him "No I don't think it would be good idea" he replied. "Please Conrad you know how to look after the gardens and I trust you" Simon said looking him in the eye. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "I don't come cheap" he said wiping his eyes trying to make a joke. Simon hugged him "Yeah so I heard" he said chuckling fending off Conrad's play punches. "God does everyone know?" Conrad said laughing "one time" he said "one time". Simon laughed then went serious "I will pay you what I paid Jack £50k a year" he told Conrad. Conrad looked shocked "Okay but don't expect me to take over everything Jack did!" he smirked. "Agreed" Simon replied "what if I pay you?" he said laughing and walking off quickly. Conrad laughed and stepped off the terrace to take a walk around the gardens, he felt much happier walking amongst Jack's legacy, he was also starting to find himself at ease after the trauma of the week. Adam kept a careful eye on Conrad watching his chat with Simon, when he stepped off he terrace Adam walked over to Harry and whispered in his ear. Harry put his glass down and slipped out of the room on to the terrace spotting Conrad going behind one of the flowerbeds heading in the direction of the greenhouse. Slightly afraid of what Conrad might think he took baby steps and walked around the numerous flowerbeds until he spotted Conrad bending down pulling up a weed. He gulped unsure exactly what he was going to say or do now he was here standing several meters away from him. Conrad felt a presence behind him and turned around to see Harry standing there. Harry looked nervous "How is your cheek now?" he stuttered slightly. Conrad just looked at him "You stood me up and owe me a drink" Harry said trying to be light hearted. "I never stood you up Harry, you assumed I would be there" Conrad replied "I saw you here that weekend". "I know" Harry replied "I asked Moham to go back but he had some work in London". "I don't understand that message you sent me either" Conrad tried to explain. Harry looked down "I have tried to forget about you but I can't" he said with a sadness in his voice. Conrad stepped closer to Harry "What is it you want from me Harry?" he asked. "You don't get it do you" Harry replied staring at him "I fell in love with you that day I punched you". Conrad shook his head in bewilderment "Why?" he asked. "Conrad if I knew that I could put a stop to it" Harry replied "tell me if you want me to go". Conrad stood his heart racing "I..." he stopped talking confused by everything going on. Harry grabbed hold of Conrad and kissed him "Tell me you don't feel anything" he asked looking in his eyes. "I can't do this" Conrad said pushing him away "it frightens me, you frighten me" he said looking at Harry. Harry turned to walk away angry at himself opening up to him "Wait" Conrad called after him. Harry stopped "No Conrad, this gets harder every time and you keep rejecting me" he said walking off. Conrad screamed and walked off angry at himself more than anything at his own failing to commit to one simple thing. Adam watched from the window and shook his head, Moham patted him on the shoulder indicating they should leave before things really blew up between Harry and Conrad. "I just don't get it Moham" Adam said "they are both crazy for each other but can't see it". Moham looked at Adam "I am the last person to give advice on this sort of thing" he admitted chuckling. Harry stormed in a sat in a chair wiping his eyes "Come on Harry" Adam said "we are leaving". Conrad watched them walk across the lawn with Simon until the helicopter took off. Simon stood for a moment then headed towards the greenhouse where Conrad stood like he was cowering behind the bush. He put his arm around Conrad and took him up to the manor, darkness was filling the sky and Conrad leaned in closer to Simon who responded with a comforting squeeze. "Do you feel like eating?" he asked Conrad quietly. Conrad shook his head "Not really" he replied still watching the lights of the helicopter fading. "Harry is crazy about you Conrad" Simon said in quiet voice "and I see you are not far off either". Conrad nodded "I know Simon, that is what frightens me to admit the whole thing" he said. "Commitment is hard Conrad no one can tell you it is easy" Simon explained "you have to want it". Simon was feeling the cold "Come on lets go inside" he suggested. Conrad looked at him for a moment in silence "Can I stay the night with you?" he tentatively asked. Simon looked shocked initially and stared at him "Yes of course you can" he replied. Conrad smirked "I am hoping you will take advantage of me" he said almost teasing Simon. "You have to be kidding me!" Simon said looking at him like he was crazy then chuckled "like I need asking twice" he said. Simon made a pretence of wanting to hug Conrad, putting his arms low around Conrad's body and pulling him off his feet and flinging the unsuspecting lad over his shoulder carrying him inside and up the staircase to the master bedroom. Closing the doors with one hand he moved over to the bed dropping Conrad roughly. Using his feet Conrad kicked his shoes off and started undoing his trousers watching Simon who was already half naked throwing his clothes on the floor. Simon leant down and yanked Conrad's trousers and under wear off whilst he undid his shirt, his heart racing in anticipation watching Simon rubbing his already erect cock. Conrad looked up "Go easy with me" he said kneeling up on the bed. Simon pushed Conrad down on to his back again "Not a chance, you are in my bedroom, my rules". He squealed in excitement being aggressively twisted over on to his stomach, the weight of Simon bore down on him immediately followed by the sharp pain reeling through his arse. Simon penetrated his arse in one swoop and started ramming in and out with a purpose. Conrad cried out in agony at first his legs and arms pinned to the bed by Simon and his arse pushing up when Simon ground his cock jabbing away at his insides. His mouth telling him to stop, his arse telling him to continue. Simon pulled Conrad up to knees and leaning across the young body he slipped his arm around Conrad's waist holding him on his cock. Simon took a pleasurable moment holding Conrad's hips and looking down and whiteness of his arse stretched open around his cock. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole close up almost immediately twitch as the muscles relaxed. Slowly nudging his cock up against Conrad's hole again he delicately and slowly pushed forward watching the hole stretch lovingly around the head of his cock then pulling out again watching it close. Pushing forward again slowly Conrad gasped and moaned from the teasing his hole was undergoing, Simon repositioned his hands and thrusted forward with speed slamming the entire length in to Conrad's body, his hands holding Conrad's hips in place. Pulling all the way out he watched the hole shrink twitching all the while it closed up. Simon smiled at the perfect sight 'God I love your arse' he said slamming his cock back in watching his back arch up in pleasure. He leaned over Conrad's body and secured his arm around the waist holding him in place. His arse ground back on Simon's cock in defeat, he kissed Conrad on the neck and slowly fucked him for nearly two hours, switching positions and locations in the bedroom. His arse never more than ten seconds without Simon's cock inside him, he had Conrad in his arms standing up and facing him, legs wrapped around his waist. Simon's hands clasped under his buttocks lifting them up and down on his cock. Their mouths locked together in a deep kiss. Simon lowered him down on the bed keeping hold of Conrad he penetrated deep and furiously fucked him, his body tensed pushing deeper and holding Conrad tighter. Simon gasped and grunted loud and hard releasing days of pent up toxic laden seed in to Conrad's arse, streaming from his cock in thick ribbons each one pushing the previous one deeper. Under him Conrad closed his eyes feeling Simon's orgasm through his entire body with dutiful force behind it, no deviousness, no trickery, it was a clean and clear breeding that he felt Simon needed. He looked down and kissed Conrad gently massaging the seed deeper inside him. His legs closing around Simon's waist locking him in position, his heels pushing in to Simon's lower back driving his cock deeper. Conrad felt a drop land on his cheek and it a took a moment to realise it was a tear from Simon, he kissed and held him tightly around the neck hugging him. "Are you okay?" Conrad asked stroking his neck. Simon pulled himself up "Yes" he said looking sad "it reminded me so much of Jack he use to do the exact same thing". Conrad sat up "Do what?" he asked looking questionably at him. Simon smiled "Put his legs around me and dig his heels in holding he deep inside". Conrad laid back down and stroked his own chest watching Simon "I'm not going to replace him" he said. "No one can replace Jack" Simon replied running his hand along Conrad's leg "Thank you I needed this". Conrad looked up at Simon "I still don't forgive you though for what you did" he said. Conrad reached up and pulled Simon back on to the bed entwinning themselves together kissing and caressing each other, falling asleep just after 4am. They lost count after the fifth time fucking with Conrad unable to fathom out how Simon could just keep going like a cum producing machine, their bodies exhausted Conrad laid in Simon's arms resting peacefully.
    1 point
  39. Made it through the lockdown without going on meds 🙂 yay me! We're kinda back to hosting again, still being a somewhat careful, but if you need a tox hole to dump your seed in, hmu 🙂
    1 point
  40. Part 6 - The Autumn Leaves The autumnal nights were creeping in fast and Conrad had said good bye to his parents a few days earlier who had flown to Australia to visit his grandparents and auntie's family. He sat waiting at the station in the car for Charlie who was coming home for the weekend having decided to use the train instead of his car. Conrad was also looking forward to meeting this Joshua guy that Charlie had invited to spend the weekend who was his dorm buddy at naval training. Joshua lived in Newcastle which made it difficult to get home for weekends, Charlie explained it would be a good for him to have a break for the weekend. He never said much about this Joshua guy only that he was a year older. Thankfully he would only need to be around in the evenings and could hide away up at the manor expecting Joshua and his brother to spend the time working out or talking all things military. Charlie had become a bit of a fitness freak working out religiously and now doing weights. He had seen Charlie's body slowly changing with more muscle definition showing, in fact he brought Conrad a set of dumbbells trying to get him to exercise and put some muscle on. Truth be told he had started using them for half an hour every evening and even surprised himself at the results after a couple of months. Harry was far from his mind even nearly forgotten about. Conrad yawned and changed the music he was listening to when he saw Charlie appear from the station exit with your typical navy looking bloke that was Joshua, black hair that was cropped to a zero but still heavily visible due to the colour, he looked marginally taller than Charlie walking side by side. What Conrad couldn't see was that Joshua packed a body under his coat, working out with weights more than Charlie he had a pretty good muscular build, tattoos on his legs and one across his shoulder going down his entire arm and gay. It was the one fact Charlie left out about Joshua and was his attempt at matchmaking since he got on so well with Joshua he was sure Conrad would as well. That is assuming that Conrad wouldn't blow a gasket finding out Charlie was trying to set them both up. Charlie got in to the front passenger seat "Con" he said kissing him on the cheek "you okay?". "Yes" Conrad replied "you?". "Yeah I'm good bro, this is Joshua" Charlie introduced them "Joshua my twin Conrad". "Alright there mate" Joshua said in his deep voice and heavy Geordie accent. "Hey" Conrad replied quite stumped by how good looking he was "I'm good, how are you?" he asked. Joshua smirked "Fuck Chaz your right he is all proper man just like you" he said "Sound as a pound pet". Conrad turned to look at him trying to figure out what he said "Good man" Joshua said making eye contact. The look got Conrad all flustered looking in to the deep blue eyes that contrasted with his hair. Charlie laughed and turned to see Joshua smiling settling back in the seat. Joshua deliberately shuffled in the seat so he sat right in Conrad's sight through the rear view mirror, it did nothing to help Conrad who became even more flustered not knowing where to look. One thing he did feel was a warmth and ooze of sex coming off him. He was attractive but also had a sharp rough and tough looking edge, the tram lines shaved in his left eyebrow gave him a menacing and it was that quality that Conrad fell for big time. Concentrate Conrad he told himself trying to avoid looking at him in the mirror. He knew that Joshua was the kind of guy who would not back off from a fight so he would need to keep himself in check for the next few days. He certainly didn't fancy getting punched by this guy he thought, it was bad enough when Charlie punched him and Harry come that. 'Fuck' he said out loud then making a quick excuse that he forgot to do some homework. There it was again Harry, why did he now think of Harry after all this time he was doing so well putting the guy out of his head. Conrad drove off and the conversation seemed to flow quite nicely, Conrad had no idea that Charlie had let slip about his gay twin brother during one of their quiet nights in the dorm talking about their families, it was the same night Joshua confessed he was gay and strangely it made Charlie and Joshua much better friends. Conrad felt a little relieved pulling up the drive and letting the guys exit before driving in to the garage. Conrad said he would start getting dinner ready whilst Charlie took Joshua up to one of the spare bedrooms and showed him the bathroom where he could shower and change. Conrad was cutting vegetables up putting them in a pan to boil up. Charlie casually walked in and grabbed a soft drink from the fridge half naked and drying his hair Conrad watched Charlie saunter around quite happily "Don't you think your under dressed?" he said. Charlie closed the fridge door "No" he replied grinning "Josh has seen me naked and I have seen him naked". Conrad chuckled "What do you think of Josh, nice guy eh?" Charlie asked very casually. Conrad nodded "Seems nice but he looks like he could beat the shit out of you" he said. Charlie laughed "Yeah he is a bit rough and a bruiser but also a very nice guy" he said smirking. Conrad wave a knife at Charlie "Why are you smirking like that?" he asked. Charlie cocked his head to one side "Because I love you bro" he said "your using the weights I see". Conrad nodded staring at him "What are you up to?" he asked "I know you well enough Charlie". Charlie smiled "Whatever gave you the impression I was up to something?" he replied looking offended. "You showered yet?" Charlie asked with Conrad shaking his head "go up and shower I will finish the veg". Conrad put the knife down "bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes" he said. Charlie rolled his eyes in one of their common traits "just go and shower I know what I am doing". Conrad walked in to his bedroom then stripped off down to his underwear and strode across the landing to the bathroom and entering the room his feet unable to carry him back or forwards glued to the spot. He came face to face with Joshua standing their with a towel tied around his waist, his eyes fixed on the muscular body of Joshua and the tattoo across his shoulder and down his right arm. "Heck sorry" Conrad said blushing struggling to form any words and taking a dam good look at Joshua. Joshua watched and noticed he was checking him out and doing the same to Conrad "No need to be sorry" he said. Finally he stopped coming to his senses "Come back in a minute when you finished" Conrad said. Joshua smirked "What's the matter, you never seen a guy before" he said watching Conrad. "No I mean yes, sorry I didn't now you hadn't finished" Conrad said all flustered. Joshua stared at him "You are like your brother" he said pausing "canny but different, very different". "Oh" Conrad replied not sure what to make of him moving closer, Joshua used his leg to close the door. Joshua smirked at Conrad "Bit more private now" he said with Conrad unable to stop staring at him. "For what?" Conrad asked with slight panic "You going to hurt me?" he asked stepping back against the wall seeing the muscles in his arms very close. Joshua still had that smirk on his face "No" he said "well not yet anyway". Conrad's eyes wandered over the broad chest of Joshua, a niggling feeling that he was getting mixed vibes from this hulk of a sexy guy. Joshua just looked at Conrad and raised both arms placing them either side of Conrad against the wall giving him no chance of escape. Conrad gulped preparing himself to receive a few punches or slaps at best he leaned further back against the wall and closed his eyes tight getting ready. Joshua leaned closer towards Conrad, he could feel how close he was waiting for the stinging but feeling only his warm breath against his neck. Joshua didn't know what to make of Conrad's reaction standing there with his eyes shut tight, almost like he was expecting a beating, he knew his next action would provoke one of two responses. Since clapping eyes on Conrad he had wanted him, the resemblance between the brothers is where it stopped, instantly Joshua realised Conrad was more placid and easy going where as Charlie was an adrenaline junkie like himself. He stood before a guy that switched on all his buttons, delicately Joshua leaned closer to Conrad's neck and ran his tongue slowly along the length up to his cheek. Conrad could feel his warm breath and tongue moving across his face then a sudden strange sensation, Joshua ran his tongue over Conrad's lips 'Kiss me' Joshua demanded. Conrad didn't even think and parted his lips taking a mouthful of Joshua's tongue, his body crawling up the wall and flinging his arms around Joshua kissing like mad. Joshua pinned Conrad up against the wall with his body, the madness eased with their mouths sealed together in a deep long kiss. Joshua pushed Conrad's arms above his head pinning them against the wall, his wrists firmly in Joshua's grip. To hell with it Conrad thought kissing Joshua back, slowly he freed Conrad's arms sensing no resistance and slipped his arms around the neck and back snogging Conrad with intense conviction. His hand caressing Conrad's back slipped lower and lower until he began caressing Conrad's arse, gently moving the underwear away so he could feel the firm smoothness of his arse. Conrad moaned at the hardness of Joshua's cock pressing against his own erection, he felt he finally understood what Jack meant when he said it just felt right and that was how he was feeling right now. He loved the way Joshua softly caressed his arse feeling every single part of it, he was not being fooled though and knew from the way he was being kissed that Joshua like exerting a certain amount of dominance and no doubt was not a person who held back to get what he wanted. Conrad pushed Joshua off gently "I need to shower" he said reeling in euphoria from the taste of him. Joshua smiled "I will let you off this time" he said kissing Conrad again. "Is that so" Conrad said touching his arm and feeling the muscle. Joshua grinned and moved away "Wey aye man, I am coming back for you bairn and you better be ready". Conrad tried to function normally "You are?" he asked questioning him to make sure it was real. Joshua stood looking at Conrad "You want me and I want you" he replied smirking "and am I going to have you". Joshua winked and rubbed his cock through the towel walking out of the bathroom. Conrad closed the door his heart pounding in his chest licking his lips slowly to get more taste of Joshua, stepping in to the shower his cock still rock hard. Smiling to himself he couldn't believe that Joshua was gay and came on full throttle to him weather he wanted it or not. He was freaked out yes, then his body and heart took over from the way he held Conrad making him want to kiss back, it took a good 10 minutes before Conrad's cock returned to a normal state. Joshua dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts joined Charlie in the kitchen asking if he could help with anything. Charlie handed him some plates to put on the dining room table and brought through the food in serving dishes. Conrad entered the kitchen helping Charlie then the three of them sat down at the table. Joshua chatted away to Charlie whilst Conrad placed the serving spoons in the dishes. Conrad was poor at being discreet around the table and kept watching Joshua's every move, Charlie noticed Joshua giving Conrad a few glances and definitely saw him grin at him. "Right dinner" Charlie said "dig in, you first Josh as the guest" he said watching him carefully. Joshua looked at Conrad "Thanks looks canny" he said "what are these he asked?". Conrad smiled "Turnips I grow them up at the manor freshly picked today" he said. "Help yourself Josh" Charlie said chuckling "but then I think you might already have" he said looking at Conrad. Joshua smirked looking at Conrad not even bothered by the comment "We had a good snog" he replied. Conrad couldn't help bursting in to laughter to hell with it he thought "You had a good feel as well" he said. Charlie sat there smiling "Hurt my brother and I will break you" he said looking at Joshua who could tell Charlie was not joking. Joshua nodded and chuckled "What about when I fuck him and he screams does that count?" he asked. Charlie screwed his face up "Fuck Josh, bury his head in the pillow" he suggested laughing hard. "Hey" Conrad intervened "Don't I get a say in this?" he asked then looked at Charlie "Did you set this up?". Charlie sat back and smiled "Maybe" he said "I figured Josh wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you". Conrad shook his head "Anyway who said it is going any further" he said making himself very clear. Joshua laughed "You haven't got any say in it, told you upstairs I am going to have you". Joshua looked at Conrad and smiled. So dinner didn't go quite as Conrad thought it would, he couldn't figure out if by some weird reason he had ended up with a half baked attempt at a boyfriend. Joshua was clearly very keen on Conrad and thought he was sorted but also with a funny understated wit about him. Joshua had guys clambering over each other to get him even at navy training school. Whilst he was a very brash, upfront and a very in your face Geordie fella he went for the extreme opposite to himself when looking for a guy and Conrad was perfect. He sat there looking at Joshua across the table he couldn't get over how much of a bruiser he looked with his tattoos and muscle but what a kisser he turned out to be. Charlie cleared the table and tidied up in the kitchen leaving them alone. "You want to sleep with me tonight?" Joshua asked straight out. Conrad looked at him "Sure" he replied "I just don't want to get into anything serious though". Joshua smiled and nodded "Aye it would make things difficult me being in the navy" he said. An awkward silence fell between them for a moment "Can I see ya when I am free?" Joshua asked. Conrad chuckled "Yeah I would like that" he said casually "but you are not sleeping with me tonight". Joshua laughed loudly "Yes I am" he said "need to make sure you don't snore like pig". "Has anyone told you how charming you are Josh?" Conrad asked. Joshua grinned "No but you can tell me later when your underneath me" he said looking deadly serious. Conrad laughed and dam well knew he wanted to sleep with him. After spending the rest of the evening sitting in the cool night air talking Charlie announced he was going off to bed and disappeared quickly. Joshua stood up and walked over to the edge of the terrace looking in to the darkness of the garden, Conrad sat studying him for a moment getting aroused by his silhouette that stood in silence. His calves so muscular and thighs that could crush a person in to submission within seconds, Conrad stopped realising he was playing with his cock in anticipation. Joshua turned around and walked towards Conrad pulling him to his feet. Wearing a very mischievous grin on his face he raised one hand and stroked the side of Conrad's face, slowly his hand moved lower down his body. Conrad took little breaths mingled with short barely audible gasps knowing where Joshua's hand was heading. He was transfixed staring in to the eyes of Joshua at the same time feeling his body being caressed so delicately by this brute of a guy. Conrad closed his eyes and moaned, the hand found Conrad's erection and toyed with it his stare now becoming more intense with burning passion. Something sparked simultaneously between them and an angry, desperate, needy passion took them both over, painfully their mouths clamped together in a rough kissing frenzy. Joshua tried to get the upper hand his tongue fighting and pushing deep in to Conrad's mouth taking him down, succeeding his hand grabbed hold of Conrad's arse roughly making sure he knew who was going to be in control. He pulled Conrad's head back looking him in the eyes, his mouth still partly open in desire Joshua thrusted his tongue in and out quickly then dribbled a long stream of saliva in to Conrad's mouth followed by his tongue closing in for a deeper kiss. His eyelids fluttering held tight against Joshua's mouth relentlessly kissing him. Suddenly he let go and stopped kissing Conrad and stood back looking at him nodding. Conrad coming to his senses "What?" he asked wondering if he did something wrong. Joshua walked around him in a circle then came up behind kissing his neck "I want you, now" he said. Conrad rolled his head back resting on Joshua's shoulder "God yes" he replied moaning. Joshua held Conrad firmly kissing his neck, the harder his kissed him the more erotic the moans got escaping Conrad's lips. Unable to control himself Joshua bit down on the flesh lightly then sucked it up in to his mouth. Conrad just moaned longer rolling his head, Joshua was marking his territory and sucked harder several times then released Conrad leaving a deep red mark on the side of his neck. Conrad rubbed the side of his neck, Joshua rubbing his cock up against his arse 'You are mine now' he whispered in his ear. Holding hands they walked up to Conrad's bedroom, he made light work undressing Conrad and himself continuing to kiss him, his hands slipped under Conrad's arse cheeks lifting him off the ground with ease. He carried Conrad over to the bed and dumped him like a rag doll on to the bed grinning at Conrad's laughter. Seeing his beautiful tattoo covered body and the frenzied pace at which things were moving any anxiety Conrad had dissipated into a sexual desire for him. Joshua ran his hands up along his legs then flipped him over on to his stomach. His eyes opened wide in surprise, Joshua ran his tongue over his arse and across his hole several times. He was torn over how he should be reacting but his body had pushed up slightly and Joshua took it as a sign of his submission. Diligently using his tongue he caressed Conrad's hole teasing it to open a little. Purring like a cat with cream he tongued bathed Conrad's arse holding his legs down that seem to have a mind of their own unable to keep still, the moans coming from Conrad was all he needed to hear. Joshua moved around the side of the bed pulled Conrad's mouth towards his uncut cock, the foreskin slightly rolled back from the erection. He looked at he hefty piece of meat that was just shy of eight inches and pretty girthy, still it was smaller than the Arab's cock which gave some kind of relief. His lips surrounded the head moving the foreskin further back taking more in to his mouth and tasting his first cock. Moving at a novices speed Conrad sucked and licked gently, all the time Joshua rubbed a finger over his hole, tapping it then pushing the tip of his finger in gently. He felt the hand on the back of his head pushing his mouth further down the shaft before he choked and eyes started watering, Joshua pulled back then leant down and kissed him. Moving back to the arse Joshua attacked his hole with more vigour, Conrad groaned louder his hands clawing at the sheet under him and his body wriggling trying to take in everything that was assaulting his senses in one tremendous clash. Conrad heard Joshua gob on his hole and used his finger to work the saliva in. The small kisses on his lower back moved upwards getting closer and closer to his neck, Conrad gave a sharp gasp for breath and winced feeling the head of Joshua's cock half penetrating him and testing his resolve. He moved slow enough that Conrad could take it but with a constant grinding pressure that teased his hole open, Joshua drippled more saliva where his cock head was buried in Conrad and began to work it in. Conrad raised his head and moaned louder as more of Joshua entered his body, his second moan stifled by the invading tongue in his mouth kissing and willing him to take it. His kissing acting like a drug relaxing Conrad completely that he only felt the pleasure of Joshua's cock pushing in deeper until he could go no further. He stayed still for a few seconds, making sure Conrad's arse was sufficiently open and eager for him. A whole level of pleasure ran through Conrad's body feeling the weight of Joshua laying on his back, their skin touching, tongues entwinned in desperate passion. His hand holding Conrad's head in place so that he had no choice but to kiss him. The arse muscles clenching together slowly driving his cock deeper causing Conrad to respond by kissing him harder. Joshua pulled back and looked at Conrad to make sure he was okay and he only saw a desire for him, locking in to a kiss he jackhammered putting his full body weight behind him. Conrad's moans morphed in to cries and then to groans, he didn't care how much it hurt he wanted Joshua badly. Joshua kneeled up holding Conrad's hips he continued balancing feverishly manic thrusts to gentle loving strokes keeping Conrad on his toes never knowing what to expect next. Conrad was sweating and gasping for air pain and pleasure hitting him at the same time, Joshua pulled out and flipped Conrad on to his back making eye contact Conrad moaned and pulled Joshua down to kiss him his arse throbbing but wanting more. He felt his arse opening again and the fullness of Joshua entering his body, so badly drawn to each other they lost all sensibility acting like animals in heat. Joshua fucking Conrad with steady rhythm their need to kiss and be close in the final moments, he could feel his cum on the march. He looked down at Joshua their mouths millimetres apart and holding his head Joshua moaned then grunted thrusting and pushing his body forward hard whilst maintaining eye contact. His whole body pinning Conrad to the bed with several deep thrusts 'Oh fuck' he said quickly pulling his cock out followed by a stream of cum that he accidentally released inside Conrad, the rest splattered over Conrad's arse then thrusting his cock back in to Conrad he collapsed on top 'Yeah canny man' he said slobbering Conrad with another deep kiss. Joshua rolled on to his back pulling Conrad on top of him 'ride it' he demanded, Conrad took hold of the slimy cock and eased his arse over it, the cum around and inside his hole providing a slickness for him sinking down. Taking hold of Conrad's cock he gently massaged it looking up in to Conrad's eyes, it didn't take long for Conrad to cry out and push down rubbing his arse deeper on Joshua's cock and exploding his load up across Joshua's chest and neck. Joshua pushed his hips up edging in to another orgasm, the muscles around his cock squeezing hard from Conrad's orgasm. He tried to extract his cock and in doing so triggered his orgasm pumping a smaller load in to Conrad's body. Joshua laid on the bed with his arms raised above his head smiling, Conrad looked down at the incredible body stretched out. He fell forward kissing Joshua and moaned lovingly feeling the arms closing around his body. Joshua stroked Conrad's back "I didn't mean to dump my spunk in you" he said quietly. Conrad chuckled "Don't care Josh" he cooed soothingly "I enjoyed this way too much". Joshua kissed him "Sorry about that as well" he said tapping his neck. "What did you do?" Conrad asked leaning up looking at him. Joshua licked Conrad's chin "Marked you as mine" he said looking him in the eye. "Yours?" Conrad asked "who said I was yours?". Joshua slapped his ass lightly "You don't need to say anything I see it in yer eyes bairn". Conrad smiled and snuggled up chuckling "Just don't break my heart Josh" he said "I'm not good at rejection". Joshua hugged and kissed him holding him tight in his arms "I won't Conrad". They managed to keep the noise down low until they fell asleep, when Conrad moved during the night Joshua rolled on top and stuck it to him again. In all they got about three hours sleep, Joshua was a horny 21 year old that was young hung and full of cum and he needed sex constantly when with a another guy, Conrad was no better and willingly let Joshua use him, every time one of them moved in bed Joshua got a boner and mounted Conrad weather he was sleeping or not. Conrad sat on the side of the bed at 8am feeling like shit through lack of sleep and a sore arse. He had promised Jack to help with the new hibiscus seedlings so needed to get up and showered to wash the smell of Joshua and his sex off him. One things for sure he was happy at least if he only ended up being friends with Joshua he didn't mind, the guy was seriously sexy both in bed and body. Charlie was already up when Conrad dashed in to get coffee. "Is he up yet?" Charlie asked. Conrad poured himself a coffee "Sort of, I think he is tired" he replied. Charlie chuckled leaning against the kitchen counter "You look tired and you have a love bite on your neck". Conrad closed the refrigerator door "Need to eat more garlic" he said brushing it off. Charlie poured a coffee for Joshua "Or eat less Josh" he said "did you have fun and enjoy yourself?". Conrad blushed "Yes both, fuck he is amazing in bed" he replied grabbing an apple. "TMI Con" Charlie said smirking "you know he has quite a few gay men at naval school after him". Conrad looked at his apple "Doesn't surprise me" he said quite disheartened hearing that from Charlie". Charlie kissed Conrad on the cheek "He is really picky though never sleeps with anyone". "I got to go" Conrad said picking up his book "See you this afternoon" he dashed out closing the door. Charlie poured a coffee for Joshua taking it upstairs "Brought you a coffee" he said entering the bedroom. Joshua laid on the bad with a big grin on his face "Thanks Charlie" he said sitting up. Charlie opened the window "God it smells like you two had sex all night in here" he chuckled. "Wish you had told me about your brother earlier" Joshua said "proper lush like". Charlie sat on the bed "I only did it because I trust you not to hurt him and keep it real". "Aye nee worry" Joshua replied "he is worldie an proper mint in bed". Charlie screwed up his face laughing, he took Joshua out during the day whilst Conrad tended the seedlings half asleep. Jack appeared and took one look at Conrad and laughed. "Did you have a late night?" Jack asked putting some flower trays down beside him. "Morning" Conrad said "early morning more like, I think I slept 3 hours at best" he replied. Jack laughed "So what was you doing all night then?" he asked. Conrad showed Jack a selfie he took of Joshua and him in bed naked "Him" he said. Jack nodded in approval "Man that is one stunning guy where did you meet him?" he asked handing the phone back. "Charlies' navy buddy, he set us up behind our backs" Conrad sailing smiling. Jack smiled "He is definitely a keeper Conrad" he said approving of his choice. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "He will be away a lot but have agreed to meet when he is home". Jack smiled "Did he get hungry in the night?" he asked noticing the love bite. "Very funny" Conrad replied. Jack smiled handing him a new tray of seedlings. Saturday night was spent much the same way after Charlie went to bed. They were unable to keep their hands off each other. By Monday morning Conrad couldn't think straight he was so tired and struggled through his day in lectures. By 7pm that evening he was in bed fast asleep. Joshua did indeed come up to see Conrad the following weekend and spent the entire time in bed with Conrad neglecting to go up to the manor. A few weeks later Conrad was in turmoil since Joshua wanted to come up and see him but his parents had arrived home from Australia. He booked a room at a hotel near Gosport and arranged to meet Joshua there. He was finding it difficult to balance the secret from his parents and to keep letting Jack down. Jack was pretty chilled about it and didn't mind so long as they still had their dinner date on Wednesday and he could help Conrad out where he could. Charlie on the other hand was getting annoyed with Conrad since he kept holding back from telling their parents, reminding him to get it done and over with so he could finally be free and enjoy himself. He had noticed that Joshua wouldn't even entertain advances from anyone else now and confided in Charlie that he liked the way Conrad and he could enjoy great sex and love making without any complications. By late November the trees had shed all their leaves, Conrad had seen Joshua every other weekend and they very rarely made it out of bed when together. Their bond was past being in love or just buddies and enjoyed the freedom of being able to sex the hell out of each other. Conrad could lay for hours watching TV, having sex then laying in his arms again. The initial observation of Joshua being dominant wasn't far wrong, never in a nasty way he just liked controlling Conrad during sex pinning him down whilst working his arse over. His parents were becoming suspicious of his absences on the odd weekends and pestered Charlie wanting to know what was going on, he kept quiet but hated lying to them. Jack seemed to be constantly getting colds and Conrad continued nagging him to see a doctor, frankly he was getting worried about Jack's health which never seemed to be improving. Harry dropped Moham off at the building where his meeting was taking place and took the limousine to the Mandarin Oriental Boston to get them checked in. This was Harry's second trip away and was far better than the trip to Manchester. The limousine pulled up to the entrance and the usual flurry of activity appeared with the doorman opening the door to let Harry out. "Good evening sir" The concierge greeted him "Are you checking in with us?" he asked. Harry smiled "Yes you have the reservation under Raheem Mohammed Jazeer" he said. "Thank you" he said then talking in to his radio and escorting Harry inside. The hotel general manager came over to meet Harry and personally escorted Harry up to the adjoining suites. Harry got his file out and checked that the correct brand of water and fruits were in the suite ready for Moham's arrival. Harry was in heaven at how the hotel staff rushed around to please Harry even without Moham there yet. It was his first taste of how money really worked when it was no object. Harry checked his phone, Moham wasn't due to arrive for another 90 minutes and asked the general manager if they had swimwear as he would like to go for a swim. He politely asked is size and what colour and despatched one of the junior concierge out to the Under Armour shop just down the road returning within 10 minutes handing them over to Harry in his suite. Harry had just finished showering after his swim when Moham messaged to let him know he was on his way, quickly getting dressed he headed down to the lobby with his key, the hotel general manager appeared to welcome Mr Raheem personally to the hotel. Moham ordered dinner for two in his suite dismissing the general manager and allowing him some alone time with Harry. It was 2am in the morning and Harry sat on Moham's cock held in his arms, their bodies dripping with sweat having spent nearly four hours having sex. Moham jumped in the shower to clean himself, Harry went through the adjoining door to his suite and showered getting ready for bed. Moham appeared still naked standing at the door. Harry put the towel down looking at Moham 'What?' he asked seeing the dubious look on Moham's face, he chuckled and told Harry to come over to him. Moham took Harry's hand and closed the adjoining door and taking him in to the bedroom, it was clear that he wanted to spend the night with Harry. He smiled climbing in to bed snuggling up to Moham, the man just seemed to adore Harry in fact he had not picked up any escorts since Harry started working for him. By morning Harry was awake with jetlag by 7am, knowing Moham's diary back to front he knew the first meeting was a lunchtime one so he tried to get back to sleep. He sat up and moved over to the side about to get up and go back to his suite, Moham turned over running his hand in the empty space and waking up. "What is the matter Harry?" Moham asked. "Nothing" Harry replied turning his head looking at Moham "can't sleep and I should get back to my suite". Moham leaned up "Don't be silly" he said pulling Harry back in to bed and slipping between his legs. Harry chuckled "Not more!" he exclaimed before Moham silenced him with kisses. Harry loved his time with Moham and the sex between them had got incredible, sometimes he couldn't believe this was the same man who would pound the life out of his pickups in the back of the limousine. Instead they shared some very steamy nights often locked together for hours. Harry's arse would always be flooded since Moham was never short of producing large quantities of his thick sticky cum that almost glued itself inside his arse and took hours to reappear. By the time they left Boston Harry had been amazed at how he got to experience a very different lifestyle in the hands of Moham. As much as Harry had grown to like Moham and enjoy spending time in bed his post sex thought without fail would linger on Conrad and how much he wanted him.
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  41. Part 8 After breakfast, Sir had to excuse himself to go home. He reminded me, no hooking up before he converts me. The rest of the weekend was nice. I went shopping and bought some new latex. I was extremely horny and needed to get plowed. I kept myself busy so as to not go back on my promise to Sir. The week felt like it took forever. Sir and I spoke several times a day via text and voice. It was nice being in the same city. The only thing better would be to live with him. Friday finally rolled around. After work, I went to the hotel to change and get ready to see Sir. I decided to put a new latex catsuit on under my jeans and shirt. Sir picked me up shortly after 6pm. We drove back to his place just catching up a bit. I think we were both a bit nervous. As we got out of the car, Sir pointed at the ground in front of him, "Kneel." I got down on my knees and Sir lifted my head to look in his eyes. "boy, this weekend may change your life. Now is the last time to say no and go back to your hotel. What is your decision?" I simply bent over and kissed his trainers. "This boy is Yours, SIR." "Follow me then, and don't forget to undress before entering MY house. You can leave the rubber on." I followed Sir into the house, pausing at the door to strip. I folded my clothes and left them on the chair by the door. As we entered, Sir led me to a room that was pitch black. He pulled me in and pushed me back into the sling. As he unzipped the rear of the catsuit, I felt his fingers probing my hole. He slid in one finger with only some spit as lube. Then a second next to it. He fingered my hole for a bit then stopped. My eyes were adjusting to the darkness and I saw Sir getting a few things. He first strapped my legs into the sling and then my arms. Next he got behind my head and I could hear him undress. Slowly, the room started getting brighter and I smelled some burning. I soon realized, Sir was lighting some candles. Once that was complete, Sir moved back to the end of the sling. He lifted a large inverted cross dildo and licked it from end to end. I felt Sir's other hand on my hole and three fingers slide in with no real lube. "That's right boy, open up that pighole. Relax your hole boy." I started to moan as I felt his fingers stretching me open. He was taking possession of me. Just then, he ripped his fingers out and shoved the dildo in my hole. "FUCK, SIR!" "Yeah boy? What's wrong?" "It feels so good, Sir. The pighole is so hungry, Sir." Sir continued to fuck my hole with that dildo for what felt like an hour. I know now it was only a few minutes. As the dildo slid out, Sir shoved his cock in my hole. "That pighole feels mighty good boy, nice and sloppy...but we are gonna make it much bigger boy." Just then, I felt his fingers sliding in next to his cock. My hole felt like it was going to rip open. It was heaven. Just when I didn't think I could take more, Sir pulled his cock out and pushed his fist in my hole. "FUCK, SIR! THAT HOLE IS YOURS, SIR." His fist in my hole, felt so good and I'm sure it was bleeding some. I had never been fisted with only ass juice and spit for lube. Sir pulled his balled up fist out in one quick motion. "That is my pighole, right boy?" "Yes Sir, please feed it Sir." Sir started chanting as he rubbed my hole with lube. Pushing his fist in and out of my hole. Driving the lube deeper and deeper. Widening my hole more and more. The next thing I felt was both of his hands slide in my hole. "Take it boy, swallow my hands." I couldn't form words, instead I started speaking nonsense and Sir kept pounding away at the pighole. Pushing deeper and pistoning his hands in and out. I was in pure ecstacy feeling HIM take what belonged to him. "Fuck yes boy, that hole is ready." Just then, Sir ripped both hands out and shoved his pierced cock in my hole. "I anoint you in the name of our dark lord, you are now MINE, pig. Take my toxic load." "YES SIR, PLEASE FEED THE HOLE YOUR TOXIC SEED." "Beg boy, tell SIR what you need." "SIR, please give me your toxic, POZ seed. Put your POZ DNA in me and make me part of you forever, SIR." "Open up deep boy." SIR rammed his cock deep in my hole and started to shoot. I felt him breeding my hole giving me part of him...making me whole. "Yes, SIR. Take me as yours. Make me part of you." As SIR slid out of my hole, he shoved his hand in to take it's place. "This load isn't coming out boy." Slowly, SIR'S hand was replaced with a plug and he put his fingers in my mouth. "Taste my load mixed with your blood boy."
    1 point
  42. Part 2 I sent David a note back, "What makes Sir think I'm into poz loads?" I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. A few hours later I got his reply, "Explain to me why you mentioned it, considering both of our profiles clearly mention our HIV status." Well hell, he got me there...so I just told him that I felt we needed to get our statuses out in the open. I went about my day thinking about it and couldn't shake the feeling he knew my secret. Later that night, I sent another message..."Hopefully we can discuss it one day, Sir." Time differences suck. I wanted to have a real conversation not a few sentences at a time. The next morning, as I lay in bed jacking off watching BB porn, Sir sent a message; "boy, I will be in LA on business in three weeks. Let's meet for a beverage and talk." I immediately responded, "Yes Sir! I am happy I'll finally get to meet you in person." We continued to chat for the next two weeks. I had been told not to cum. The day arrived and David messaged me that I should come to the place he was staying. I was extremely nervous but very excited. Admittedly, I was hoping for sex. I craved his pierced cock in me. I hopped in the shower before I went over to clean out, you know...just in case... I arrived promptly at 7pm as instructed. I rang the buzzer and David came to let me in the gate. As soon as the door closed, Sir turned and said "Strip. You will wear nothing in the house when with me, pig." "Yes, Sir!" I quickly stripped and folded my things leaving them in the yard by the gate entrance. We went in the house and I was offered a beer. David and I sat on the couch and just chatted for a few hours. It was all about getting to know each other, nothing about sex. I was deflated as I knew our time was coming to a close. That's when it started happening... "boy, I need to take a piss and you are drinking and wearing it home. Follow me." David led me into the bathroom, which conveniently had a drain in the middle of the floor, and pulled out his cock. "Wrap your lips around the head boy." "Yes, Sir!" I love piss play so this was going to be a nice treat. As he started to piss, David started getting verbal. As he was pissing I was sucking and he would start and stop, controlling his flow. Things like, "That's right pig, swallow my piss" and "Drink my fluids, boy." Then the verbal got more interesting... "You like the taste of that poz piss, don't you boy?" "Take all of my poz piss, fag." On and on...and the more he talked the harder my dick got. It was starting to hurt it was so hard. David noticed and put his foot on my cock. "Looks like the pig likes the idea of drinking my poz piss. Don't you boy?" I looked up and nodded. He pulled his cock from my mouth and said, "Tell me boy, tell me how much you like it." "Sir, the pig loves the taste of your piss. I want to nurse on it day and night." *Smack, right across my face* "No boy...that isn't what I want to hear and neither do you. Now, say it again." "Yes Sir! The pig loves the taste of your poz piss. I want to nurse on it all day and night. I want to feel your poz fluids flowing into me." "That's much better boy. Now, stroke your cock and let's talk about my poz cum and how much you crave it in your pig hole." *Fuck, how did he pick up on this about my secret.* David proceeded to stroke his cock as he urged me to stroke mine. "I think the pig wants to be poz. He is just waiting and denying his true self. Right, boy?" "Sir, I am on PrEP which will help protect me from contracting HIV." "I see, keep stroking boy. Why then, when you were drinking my piss, did your dick not get hard until I mentioned my poz piss?" "Because the boy secretly craves poz cum, Sir." "That's right boy, you want a proper man to make you his. Truly own you and become part of you forever. His poz son. Right boy?" "Yes Sir, I need it Sir." "You have to earn my seed boy, I don't gift just anyone. Prove to me you want it boy." Just then, David turned and started shooting his beautiful poz cum on the floor. I bent over to lick it up but before I could David grabbed my neck. "NO, you don't get to taste it until you've earned it. Now, get out." I shot my load on top of his.
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  43. I used to be really concerned about having myself show up on the internet, and tried to keep close tabs on the things that I posted. And then a couple of years ago I saw a picture of myself that I'd posted privately on some fetish site and I got such a rush. It seriously turned me on, don't know exactly why. After that I don't worry about it. If a guy wants to take pics or videos of me being a slutty pig, go right ahead.
    1 point
  44. Deep lube helps a lot. If he precums a good bit that also helps if he keeps massaging it as he’s turned on and leaking. And it’s hot 😉 Definitely make sure you are great with the girth before going for the depth that for sure - if depth has been a challenge in the past 😉 If you are picking out tops, I think somewhat softer guys tend to curve around the spot versus the rock hard guys who really can’t help but rearrange you 😉 Both have their place but if you are working hard back there, bendy is a plus. (Same with toys)
    1 point
  45. Thanks for sharing these great ideas guys! I also had this issue when I was bottoming and depending on whether my FB was in a 'pounding' mood, it could cause the poppers to slosh around, spill or worse - spill on my nose (and burn).... I have also found that the best approach for me is to use an empty popper bottle - cut a 'cotton ball' in half - and push into the bottle. Then use an eye dropper to add some poppers from my full bottle... the cotton balls absorb and retain the liquid, yet do not spill out when you remove the lid. The extra bonus is that I can re-seal the original poppers bottle and get some longer 'life' from the poppers, as you are only opening them up now and then to 'top up' the cotton ball in the bottle. Enjoy your experience!!! Cheers
    1 point
  46. Getting My Poz Freak On What the hell did I get my 30 year old ass into this time? Here I was strapped in a sling in leather restraints in my black boots and jockstrap, horny as hell for pig play. A handsome, leather, bearded, muscled daddy-type was preparing a rig to slam into my arm. I woke this morning with a morning wood, horny and looking to cruise. I logged onto my favorite gay site and browsed the profiles. One headline caught my eye. It read, “Dominant Leather BB Pig!” His stats read: “Age: 45” “Height: 6’2” “Weight: 155 – 160 Lbs.” “Position: Versatile/Top” “Build: Muscular” “Body Hair: Hairy” “Cock: Large/Uncut” “HIV Status: Unanswered” “Drink: Socially” “Drugs: Yes” “Smoke: Yes” His description read, “Masculine man here, intense, and likes to go with the flow. Looking to smoke, slam, and perv out with like-minded pigs. Let’s get twisted and breed.” My cock sprung to attention. I unlocked my private pics and sent him a message that read, “Hi, hot profile. Pig boy here looking to expand my limits and do some serious piggin.” He replied, “Hot pics, boy! DOM, BB, pig, daddy here. Love to get you in my sling, get twisted and breed that hole. You like cum and piss? Want to parTy?” I replied, “Yes, I want your cum and piss. Let’s parTy.” “I only BB. You cool with that, boy?” “Yes!!” “Come on over, boy. The sling is up and ready.” He sent me his address and we set up a time to meet. I jumped in the shower and prepared for an afternoon of pig play, then slipped into my dirty jock stinking of piss, got into my boots and headed to his house. I knocked on his door. When he opened the door there stood one rugged looking, hot man in a leather jock and boots. The twists of his curly beard hairs ended around his nipples. He was muscular, with a hairy chest, and treasure trail that disappeared into his jock. I looked into those dark brown eyes and must have sprouted an instant boner. This guy was so fucking hot!! “Damn boy, get that sweet ass in here, and get those clothes off. Let’s get to piggin’.” I stripped down to my jock and boots, and he led me to his play room. He had leather gear hanging from the walls, a bench full of dildos and toys, and pics of hot naked men on the walls. There was a sling hanging in the middle of the room, and the moans of sex could be heard from the porn playing on a big screen tv. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode right out of my chest. What an erotic play space too. He pulled me to him and slipped his tongue down my throat as he kissed me with the most erotic, passionate kiss I ever had. I was putty in his arms. “Woof….you’re going to be fun!!” He grabbed my ass with a firm grip, and turned and walked to his wall of gear. He returned with a collar in hand, and strapped it tightly around my neck; then locked it in place with a pad lock. “That’s better, boy, now let’s get your ass in the sling and play.” I flipped myself into the sling, and he put my feet into the leather stirrups, then went back to his wall of gear and returned with leather wrist restraints. My cock was rock hard. With each throb my rod stood at attention and again dropped to my belly. He wrapped his hand around my cock and stroked the full length of my shaft, working precum to the end of my piss hole. With one finger he wiped up the precum from the head of my cock and made me lick it up. He then strapped the restraints around my wrists and secured them to the sling chains. “Now we’re ready to get started, boy. Trust me you’re going to love this as much as me.” He turned back to me again and pulled out a syringe. “You like to slam, boy, when you parTy?” I told him I smoked T in the past, but never slammed before. “It’s amazing, boy. You’ll crave to be an even bigger pig after slamming.” Smoking T made me a big pig, but I was totally excited after hearing how much more intense a slam would be. My cock throbbed hard at the thought of the pig play ahead, and my first slam. I was almost shaking I was so excited. He finished preparing the rig and turned and placed it on the table next to the sling along with a tourniquet. He then grabbed a catheter and lube and placed them on the table next to the rig. “From the looks of your cock all boned up, I think you’re ready for the ride, huh, boy?” “F….U….C….K, Yes!!” “I’m going to breed you good, boy. You ready to take my cum too?” “Yes, I want your cum and piss. Please!!” He chuckled and grinned, “Are you sure, boy?” “Yes, give it to me!!” “Are you poz or neg, boy?” “Neg, why?” He put the tourniquet on my arm, then grinned again, “Welcome to the club, boy. I’m going to poz your ass tonight.” My eyes widened and jaw dropped as I gasped, “You’re poz?!!!!!” He just grinned again, grabbed his already hard cock, and nodded yes. I struggled to get free from the restraints, “No!! Untie me!! Let me out of here!!” “You’re saying no, boy, but your cock is saying yes!!” I looked down and my cock was raging hard and pulsing. He turned his back to me, “Let’s just seal the deal, huh boy??!!” “Just untie me, please.” He grabbed a belt from his table and tightened it around his arm. When he turned back to me he had an empty syringe in his hand. He looked into my eyes. “You’re going to love this, boy!!” My cock again throbbed, saying yes, but my head was telling me no. He extended his veiny arm for me to see, then pulled the cap from the needle with his teeth, and lined the needle up with his vein. I watched him slowly poke the needle into his arm, into his vein, and he drew back half a syringe of blood. I again struggled to get free, as he wiped my now protruding arm vein with an alcohol swab. It was an easy find. He grasped my arm firmly to hold me still. All I could do was watch in terror and excitement. My heart was beating fast. He lined up the needle to my vein, and with a slow jab I felt the needle poke into my arm. He drew back on the plunger, mixing our blood together in the syringe. “Here is comes, boy!! And I’m not on meds, so I’m highly toxic. This is your conversion!!” His cock was rock hard. Precum oozed from the head of his shaft and dripped from his PA ring. (More toxic juice). I watched as he slowly injected his poisonous blood into my arm vein. “There’s no turning back. You’re mine!!” My cock again throbbed, and I stopped struggling. It was too late, but at the same time, it was so erotic. His toxic blood was now shooting through my body, and I found it turning me on, not off. “Fuck……yes!!!” “I knew you wanted it, boy. I want to give you all of me.” I let go of all the desires that burned in me for so long, “Yes….breed me. Poz me.” He again wiped my arm with an alcohol swab then pulled the cap from the rig with the T. He lined the needle up to another vein in my arm and grasped my arm. “I wanted you fully sober for my blood, and your cock tells me you are as excited about it as I am. Now let’s go for a ride.” He again slowly poked the needle into my arm, and drew back on the plunger. My blood flashed back into the syringe. “I’m in, boy.” I watched as he slowly emptied the syringe into my vein. He popped the tourniquet from my arm, and pulled the needle out. Blood trickled from my arm, and he wiped it with his finger then licked it up as my body felt the rush. My neck felt hot!! My heart raced!! Tingly sensations filled my body, and my cock again throbbed with excitement. My hole begged for attention. I wanted all his piss and cum. “FUCK!! It feels amazing!! What a rush!!” I felt an erotic sensation throughout my body. I wanted to be a total pig with this man. I wanted all his toxic cum in me. “Fuck me. Fill me with your poz cum.” “Easy boy, you’ll get all of my DNA and more. We’re going have a great time!!” He again tightened the belt on his arm, cleaned off his forearm with alcohol and picked up another rig of T. “You watching, boy?” He walked to the side of the sling so his extended, veiny arm was in clear sight. I watched intensely as he again popped the cap from the syringe with his teeth and aligned the needle to a protruding vein in his arm. With a slow advance he slid the needle into his vein and drew back on the syringe. His toxic blood shot into the syringe, and he slowly injected the blood and T mixture into his arm. He removed the empty syringe from his arm, and blood trickled down his arm from the injection site. He dropped the belt to the floor and put his arm to my mouth for me to lick up his blood. It was all so hot!!! He closed his eyes and grinned, “Fuck, yes!!! I’m going to enjoy pozzing you tonight, boy!!” His cock was rock hard with more precum leaking from its piss slit onto his PA ring. He walked toward the table next to me and opened the lube and catheter package. After lubing the tip of the catheter he grasped my hard cock and lined the tip of it with my piss hole. I felt the catheter spread my piss slit open, and he slowly advanced the tubing down my urethra. My cock again throbbed rock hard, and as the catheter reached my bladder urine shot from the end of the tubing onto my belly. He quickly clamped the tubing off, then leaned over and smeared my piss all over my chest and abdomen. The smell of piss filled the air. It was so erotic. Then without delay he stood up again and aimed his hard shaft up in the air. A piss stream shot from the end of his cock, dripping from his PA ring as he sprayed his piss all over my cock, body and face. I opened my mouth and he filled it with his piss. The taste was strong and salty as I gulped down mouthful after mouthful of his golden urine. Piss dripped from my stache and beard and teased my nostrils. I loved the smell of piss. Even walking into a men’s bathroom and smelling piss made my cock rock hard. My cock again throbbed and danced with each pulse as he soaked me with his scent. The last of his piss dripped and splashed from his PA ring to his legs and the floor. He again smeared piss all over my soaked body with his hand. He then leaned over and licked piss from my chest, running his tongue up my chest and across my lips as he buried his tongue deep into my mouth. I could taste his piss on his tongue as he again French kissed me. His tongue was buried deep in my mouth with his lips pressed firmly to mine. This man brought out every animalistic desire in me, and I craved for more. The catheter tubing stuck out from the head of my boned up cock, and he reached down and unclamped it. My piss started to spray out onto my belly, and he took the end into his mouth and drank every last drop of my piss then again clamped the tubing. He leaned over and again kissed me with a mouthful of my piss and fed me my piss while again slipping his tongue deep into my mouth French kissing me. Fuck, I was in heaven. “Now let’s work that ass of yours, huh boy? You want that ass opened up to take my poz seed?” “Fuck, yes, I want all your fluids in me. Charge me up!” He reached for his toys and lubed up a dildo that was about 8 inches long. It was smaller at the head, but widened as it reached the base. “Let’s stretch that ass open, boy.” He point at the base of the dildo, “This is 6.5 inches around.” My ass was begging to be used. He took the head of dildo and pressed against my hole. My ass quickly engulfed the head of the dildo with ease. I was flying high, and with just a little pressure I watched in the mirror above the sling as my hole took the full length of the dildo. I moaned with pleasure and tightened my ass around the toy as he worked the dildo in and out of my hole. “Fuck, yes…..work my hole.” “You like that, boy?” “God, yes….I love it!!” “Let’s step it up a bit. I want to open you up wide, get my fist in you before giving you my poz load.” He grabbed an even bigger dildo. “I’m going to wreck that hole, boy.” “Yes!! Give it to me.” He again lubed up the dildo and my ass engulfed the head with ease. “This one is 9 inches with a 7 inch base. I’m going to have that ass gaping when I’m done.” He worked the dildo in and out of my hole until my ass stretched tightly around the base of the dildo. I took the full length in me and he again began to work my ass harder and faster; each time slamming into my prostate, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. After stretching my hole wide open he removed the dildo. My ass was gaping open, and he took a large butt plug and lubed it up. “Here boy, this will wreck your hole for my fist.” He pressed the head of the butt plug to my open hole and applied pressure. My hole stretched even wider, and I watched in the mirror as the butt plug began to disappear into my guts. I thought my hole would tear open, but with one final pop, my hole wrapped around the butt plug and pulled the last of the wide, bulbous base inside. “Now keep that in you for a bit, boy. Feel good?” “oh….yes!!” “Are you thirsty again, boy?” He once again unclamped the catheter sticking out of the head of my cock and soaked me with my piss, only to lick it up and smear it on my body. The smell of piss teased my nostrils and made my cock throb rock hard. “I have more of my toxic fluid to give you, boy; time to point again.” My body was full of erotic, tingly sensations, and I craved to be a total sleazy pig for him. “Are you watching, boy? I like you to see me inject you with my poison.” “Fuck, yes….give it to me. I want your poz blood in me.” He took the same syringe he used earlier, and the thought of some of my blood entering his body made my rock hard cock stiffen even more. I watched him tighten the belt around his arm again, then clean a spot on the protruding veins of his rugged looking arm. He lined the needle up to his vein, and I watched the tip slowly poke into his arm. He advanced the needle into his vein and pulled back on the plunger, filling the syringe half-full with his blood. “The site of you slamming me with your blood turns me on so much!!! Give me your virus!!” He pulled the needle from his arm, put the tourniquet onto my arm, and cleaned off a spot on my forearm. I again watched him take the syringe and line it up to my arm vein. He grasped my arm to steady my vein, and then poked the needle into my arm. Seeing our blood mix together as he drew back on the plunger was hot. He then made sure my eyes were fixed on the syringe as he emptied another dose of his blood into my veins. Something stirred in me so erotic, so sensual. He was sharing every part of himself with me. He nudged toward the syringe, “Are you watchin, boy?” He again pulled back on the plunger filling the syringe with blood. The needle slipped from my arm and a trickle of his poisonous blood ran from my arm. He again lined up the needle to his arm and advanced into his vein. After getting a blood flashback, mixing our blood again in the syringe, he slowly injected my blood into his vein. He leaned over and again French kissed me with his tongue twisting with mine. At the same time, he pulled the butt plug from my ass, and worked three fingers into my gaping hole. “I want to feel my fist inside you, boy. Your hole is ready, and the sensations will feel incredible.” He lubed up his fist and arm, and began to finger my hole with three of his fingers, working them in and out; twisting is fingers around the rim of my hole. Then a fourth finger slipped inside with his hand cupped; and soon his thumb entered. He again twisted and worked his hand in and out. I was still flying high from the T. He worked his hand deeper and deeper into my hole, until his knuckle was ready to slip in. With a quick thrust, he opened me up and in popped his hand to the wrist. The feeling was total pleasure, sending tingling sensations throughout my body. He again worked his fingers farther into me, slowing searching and guiding their way in as he opened me up. He slowly withdrew his hand past my inner ring, and again opened it up, repeating back and forth, before fully withdrawing his fist from my gaping hole. “Your hole is wide open, boy!!” He slammed his fist into my hole more forcefully, and burning pain quickly turned to pleasure again as he repeatedly pushed his fist into me to his wrist and withdrew it again. I watched in the mirror as my hole squeezed tightly around his fist. He continued to work his fist in and out of me. As he pulled out for the last time my hole remained open. My ass lips were swollen and hung open and I noticed a trickle of blood dripping from my hole. “Fuck, boy, you’re ready for my poz seed now,” as he licked up the blood dripping from my ass lips. He then unclamped the catheter one more time and as piss started to spray from the end of the catheter tubing, he soaked my abdomen and slowly pulled the tubing out of my cock. Piss sprayed onto my chest and face as the end of the catheter slipped from my piss hole. I began to piss on myself and into my mouth, and he opened his mouth to lap up the piss from my tap. I emptied my bladder onto both of us. Piss dripped from his stache and beard onto my cock. He licked piss from my abdomen, then rubbed my soaked body, smearing my piss all over my chest, abdomen, and cock. He then engulfed my hard cock into his mouth, tasting my piss one more time. He stood up and stroked his raging hard, poz shaft twice, then with one quick thrust slammed his cock into my ass balls deep. He worked his death stick in and out of my hole ramming in harder and harder. When he pulled his cock out, it was tinged with ass juice and blood. My cock was rock hard watching him seed me, knowing he was leaking his poz precum into my wrecked hole. “You want my poz cum now, boy?” “Yes, give it to me.” “Beg for it!! Beg for me to poz your hole.” “Please, please give me your poz seed, sir. Charge me up!!” He again slammed his cock into my ass, and thrust in and out harder and faster, burying deep in me with his balls slapping my ass. “I’m working my poz precum into your bloody hole, boy. My virus will definitely get in to convert you.” “Yes, give me your cum!! I want every drop of your poison.” “Fuck, are you ready for it, cause I’m very close to seeding you?” My cock was pulsing with excitement, and he pushed me over the edge as I started to shoot my cum across my abdomen and chest. “Fuckin, hot, boy….here it comes!! “ He thrust in me one more time, and buried into my ass. I felt his cock throbbing and pulsing, filling my ass with all his toxic cum. His body jerked with each shot of cum from his cock. “Fuck yeah, boy. Take my poz seed.” “Fuck yes….I want all your DNA.” He held his cock deep in my ass until I felt his pulsing shaft stop throbbing. He then started to slowly plunge his cock in and out of my hole, working his poison deep in my guts. When he pulled out, his cock was tinged pink with poz cum and blood. His cum leaked from my hole, and he walked over to the side of the sling. “Clean my cock off, boy. Lick up that seed and blood.” I engulfed his cock into my mouth, and sucked every drop of blood and cum from his shaft. I then licked the head of his cock clean. “Fuck, that was amazing!!” “There’s no way you are not charged up now, boy. You’ll be seroconverting in no time. You’re mine, boy!!” Over the next two weeks, we swapped blood, and he seeded my ass with his charged cum 7 more times. And he was right, a week or so later I was seroconverting. I didn’t get all the classic flu-like symptoms so many guys get. I had a lot of night sweats, headaches, odd looking abdominal rashes, was very fatigued, and ran a fever. Knowing I was pozzing excited him and boned me up too. To celebrate we again swapped blood, but now we were swapping poz blood in our slams. We also swapped toxic seed, recharging my hole. After 5 years, we still pig and slam together, but now have converted 10 more chasers wanting our diseases. We continue to take all the toxic seed and blood we can get. My dad acquired gonorrhea, and he gladly gave it to me. We both had syphilis as well. We share all of our diseases with each other. Guess we are now in a daddy/son relationship, since he asked me to move in with him and continue exploring our twisted, taboo desires together. I of course said, "Yes!!"
    1 point
  47. I found my self in a cheap hotel in Ft lauderdale.. It was know for being a sleazy place, Where prostitution runs rapid, It was full of Pimps and Hookers. That' where I met Him, I got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked and punished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe that all those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merely exchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the next minute, That very man was at my hotel door, And then inside my body. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who looked to be about ten years my junior, Had taken me to a place, I hadn't realized existed, hadn't even realized I wanted to go, and now that I was there, I was scared beyond belief. He had slapped me around, fucked me, He had stuck his cock down my straining throat and then cum all over my face. He made me eat his asshole, He had taken me anally, very roughly and then bred me with his seed, He had taken one of my Black dildos and attached it via suction cup to one of chairs and renamed it my `Slaves Chair'. I was to be sitting on it every time Master comes over, no exceptions. He had even taken the spare key for my hotel room, There was no way I could do this, No way I could go through with letting this...This Black thug control every aspect of my life. I wouldn't do it. I'd just have to contact Black Master and let him know I'd changed my mind. Yes, I'd just explain that this wasn't what I was looking for. He'll understand...I moved over to the desk and turned on the computer. Checking my email I saw that I had several new messages, One was from Black Master. My heart was thumping madly as I clicked to open it. Surely he'd just be thanking me for a great night and be done with me. "Sissy slave -- I enjoyed fucking your mouth and ass pussy last night. You knew how to take my nut real good but I'm sure you could do better. We'll work on it together. Other areas we will work to improve: Your ass-eating and most importantly, your attitude and IMMMEDIATE obedience at all times! You need to understand that you are now a 24/7/365 sissy as well as my Slave, Whenever I choose to partake of your body. Don't like it? Too fucking bad, cunt! You fucked around with me for too long and now I'm taking my payment. Which is you. First thing today, you are to head to the Victoria's Secret store at the mall and buy yourself a sexy outfit, Get the girls to help you find proper sizing and matching pieces. I like almost anything, but among my favorites are the baby doll nighties, I also like crotch less panties and cat suits, corsets, teddies, and I go fucking crazy over garter belts and stockings. Always be certain your stockings are silk; Buy some new high heels too. Last of all, don't fucking call me or IM me or email me to say that you want to back out of this. Too fucking late, Slut! You fuck with a top dog, you gonna get topped! See ya, BLACK MASTER" I was trembling as I read the harsh words and I realized I was scared too. Oh no. What have I gotten into here? I mean I love wearing lingerie, but I like wearing leather more, I've got to end this now, before it goes to a place I can't escape from. These types of relationships have to be consensual, don't they? I decided to take a chance. I dialed the number from my caller ID. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Then four, five, six, seven. Shit. Suddenly he answers. "What, sissy slave ?" I swallowed hard and took a deep breath as his utterly masculine voice cascaded over me. "Hello, Black Master?" I spoke in a tiny voice, ashamed. I couldn't believe I was a 40 year-old man, stuttering like a girl on his first date. There's a long pause. "Yea, it's your Black Master. Now what the fuck do you want?" I couldn't breathe and my ears were ringing for some reason. Black "Master. I can't do this, " There was silence on the other end. "Do what, sissy slave ?" I didn't know how to say it. Black "Master, I can't be with you. Master." Again, silence engulfed us. I could hear his breathing, could almost imagine him next to me. "You're already `with' me, sissy. I marked you as mine last night, remember? Slut takes a Black top's cum all over his face and down his throat and in his ass pussy, makes it kinda hard for his Master to believe he don't want it." I did not want this, did I? I couldn't face the constant humiliation and subjugation and degradation of being with a Black Pimp. "Please, Master." "Please don't come over. Just leave me alone..." There was a long pause on the line. "You're fucking with me bitch, and I don't like it. Told you not to fuck with me. Doesn't matter what you want or think you want. You're mine now . I guess I need to head over there and give you another lesson? Fucking up my day, now you are,a slave. I ain't gonna be happy when I get there so better try to dress yourself up for me a little extra." He said it as a statement, as if it were the most normal thing in the world for him to discuss. His voice suggested that there was no room for debate. "But Master, I have plans today..." He cut me off before I could finish my last word. "Shut it, cunt. Your plans are whatever I give you. I will be in your hotel in one hour. Douche yourself, shower and get your slaves outfit back on. And be sitting on your sissy chair." With that he hung up, leaving me standing there with my mouth wide open, unsure what just happened or what to do next. This Black Master had basically just made it clear in no uncertain terms that I was his sissy slave at all times and he was on his way over again. What could I do? I didn't want to risk a worse beating that I had gotten before. Just what I need, plus I imagine Black Master would be furious with me then. I looked up at the clock. Fifty seven minutes left. I better hurry to get ready for his arrival. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'll have to talk to Black Master in person, make him understand that I can't, won't go through with this, not after today, anyway. Fifty two minutes later, I'm fresh from the shower, my ass pussy douched and totally clean. I put on my slaves outfit again and move to squat over my slaves chair. I dab some lube on both the Black dildo and my hole and then slide down slowly. God, it's big! I grimace as I slide onto it, feeling it stretch my pussy hole. I hear the loud exhaust of Master's car and then the thumping bass from his sound system as he pulls into the spot, Oh Jesus. He's here. I feel myself trembling. The car door slams. Within seconds I hear his key in the lock. The door opens. My 25 year-old Black Master is framed in the doorway, all 6'3" and 230 pounds of him. He looks...perturbed at least, perhaps angry. He stares at me. He pushes the door shut behind him. Fuck. He's pissed. "At least you can follow a simple rule like this, sitting on your slaves chair. Nice to know you understand some of what I'm saying." He says it with an air of complete calmness about him, "You should see yourself, faggot; the perfect picture of femininity. But I guess you will be seeing yourself soon enough. " What did that mean? He walked around behind me and motioned for me to stand up. "Up, but don't turn around. Put your hands behind you. Open your mouth wide." I did as told and suddenly felt something click around each of my wrists, Handcuffs of some sort. Shit. Then I saw a red blur as something passed over my head, past my eyes and into my mouth. I realized Black Master was fitting me with a ball gag. I slumped resignedly as I realized the severity of my predicament. Now I was not only His slave But a cuffed and gagged one at that. He circled back around so he was in front of me again, following a hard, short slap on my exposed ass. He had his shirt unbuttoned,showing off his linebacker physique. Black Master is very cut, with a very toned torso and quite a few tattoos. God he's such a man! "Now, slave let's see if I understand you correctly." He looks deep into my eyes, his face inches from mine. "You exchange emails with me for several weeks, teasing me with all the ways you're going to pleasure my Black Cock and being my slave and all. Telling me what a good slave you are and how you'd give anything to please me. Then, when I show up and grace you with my presence as well as the opportunity to follow through on all your deepest desires, an opportunity which I might add I don't give out to just any cock sucking slave I find that perhaps you aren't all that serious about this after all. Well guess what, faggot? It's serious now! Got it?" He grips my chin in his forceful grasp, compelling me to look directly at him, unable to hide my utter shame. "So now, you cause me to make changes to my day, just to come over here and train you in the ways you are to treat me at all times. That means, respect, submission...and no fucking questions or opinions! Got it, cunt?" I nod wearily, having difficulty seeing through my tears, He pushes me back down onto my slaves chair and I gasp out as the thick Black Dong invades my rectum again. "You should be at Victoria's Secret buying a outfit right now but instead your forcing my hand. Well this is how it's going to be, pussy. I come over when I want. You sould have bondage gear and keeping this room stocked up on booze for me. I like Grey Goose, Got it? Good. And have plenty of food stocked up too. Steaks, burgers, shit for burritos, I love Italian. You'll be making it all so you better be a good cook or learn how. When you're in my presence you will not eat or drink, I like my Sluts to be skinny, The following are substances which you are allowed to drink in my presence: My spit, My cum and My piss. Is that clear, slave?" I nod in tearful acquiescence. He smiles wickedly, clearly enjoying the power he holds over me at this moment. He continues on. "Things you will be allowed to dine on? My cock, My balls and...My asshole. Whenever I ask you if you are hungry, you must look me in the eyes, indicate that you are indeed hungry and then I will present you with whichever part of my body I expect serviced at that moment. At ALL TIMES...you are to treat any part of my body you are orally servicing as if it is the best thing you've ever tasted, The best thing you've ever smelled. Your own personal comfort doesn't matter one fucking bit to me. I don't care if the taste of my crotch makes you want to gag, you will smile and service me as if that is the last meal you will ever receive. Understand?" I nodded my understanding, feeling a sense of helplessness As my formerly normal life continued to spiral out of control. "Yes Black Master." I managed to croak out around the ball gag. My tiny dick was throbbing from the verbal abuse as well as from the sensation of being physically dominated at someone's complete mercy. Black Master smiled at me, an evil sort of grin, without warmth or compassion. "Good slave That's my slave ." He looked down and an even bigger smirk fell across his features as he saw my raging boner. He smacked at it a couple of times with the back of his hand. "You're so fucking hard because of this aren't you, bitch? Huh, my words getting you all hot and bothered? Or is it the bondage? Little of both, I'd guess. Ground rules for your slave are as follows. Under no circumstances are you to EVER touch yourself sexually unless you have my permission. The only permissible touching of that area by you is in the shower or on the toilet; both situations would be purely for hygiene purposes only. Otherwise your dick is what it is; a useless appendage that I control. And, slave, I can't stress this enough... if you ever and I mean EVER, cum without my permission, you will know a whole new world of pain. I control your orgasms, or lack there of, And I think it goes without saying, But I'm gonna say it anyway, no more dick for you. And with that, He said "Spread your legs, slave. I got something new for you to wear..." He chuckled, and evil sounding laugh devoid of mirth or warmth. I did as instructed immediately and Black Master again chuckled when he saw my stiff cock. "Boi dick is all fucking hard? He said this is what a Real Black Man Cock looks like 10' of Black uncut Dick, He put it next to my hard dick I was dwarfed in compared to the Black Dick, I'm flattered that's because of me, but I've been thinking... What does a slut really need a useless prick for anyway? You're never gonna fuck me. Hell you're never gonna fuck anybody again, as long as you're mine." I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but as he moved closer to me in his swift, cat-like motion, I was suddenly overwhelmed by his scent. It made me stiffen even more and I felt my mouth begin to water. Black Master stepped between my thighs and pulled them apart even farther. He then began slapping my erection, slapping it very hard. I yelped as the pain radiated through my dick and into my abdomen. I tried to push his hands away, reflexively. Big mistake. "What do you think you're doing faggot!?" He raised his voice a bit and I knew he was pissed. "You don't push me away. You don't make the decisions here. You know that. Don't you, you fucking pussy bitch?" He quickly grabbed both my wrists in one strong hand, yanking them above my head and with his free hand twisted my chin so I was make to look him in the eye. "Look at me faggot." I was helpless to his strong words and stronger grasp. He moved his hand holding my chin down and started slapping my dick again, seeming to derive pleasure from my obvious discomfort and embarrassment. It was his way. My boner soon shrank under the constant back hand and forehand smacks. Black Master stepped back. I could see the enjoyment in his eyes and I could do nothing to disguise my own delight and desire from his knowing stare. He reached into his pocket and withdrew an object. As he moved to show it to me, I recognized what it was and my heart skipped what felt like two beats. A chastity device. Fuck! I met Black Master's perceptive look again and we both knew that I knew what was about to happen. "You see, slave I've enjoy our time together and plan to continue enjoying the future. But, really does a slut faggot need to sport wood for? I have decided that you have been a tad too focused of late on your own pleasure and that disappoints me. A sissy should always be 100% centered on his Black Master's desires and well-being, not thinking about the next time he might cum...... So easy fix: you aren't going to cum anymore, unless I deem it suitable. Putting you in chastity will ensure that your thoughts remain focused on your Black Master......me." He stopped talking and caught my gaze again, My mouth felt dry and I couldn't swallow. I tried to croak out a few words. Black Master... Please..don't. "This is happening slave Of course there are......other options. I could always take you to a specialty surgeon and have your cock and balls removed permanently. We can do that, Sound good?" He continued onward, without pausing for a response from me. "Or I can slip this little cock cage on you and presto! No more bothersome boners for my little slut " I nodded my consent, not that he needed it, "Please put me in chastity, Black Master," I was begging for it, as I knew that Black Master might not be joking about the surgeon thing. He laughed again. "If you insist, slut." The look he gave me was positively wicked as he knelt down between my spread thighs and proceeded to strip away my man hood from me, rendering the very thing that made me a man......useless. Less than useless. A wrinkled appendage I would now use only to pee with. He fit it onto me and I heard the click as he latched the tiny padlock and made a show of putting the key in his wallet. I looked down at my now truly ineffectual boi-dick and wondered at the rubbery and plastic now sheathing it. My emasculation seemed complete And it was difficult to describe just how right it felt. I felt a strange simultaneous feeling of loathing toward myself and my weakness, coupled with overwhelming love and gratitude toward Black Master for delivering me from my former life of unenthusiastic sex slave. I would never have known the joys of serving and submitting to a man such as Black Master, the man who showed me my true self. I looked up into his hard eyes and hoped I was showing my thanks properly. "Occasionally, when I decide, I may allow you to remove the cock cage and stroke yourself off. It will not be often. In the meantime, we will also work together on getting to know your pussy more thoroughly. Lots of guys learn how to cum just from having their Black Master inside them, just like a woman. Mite even train you to have a ass orgasm while Black Master fucks you. Heh, heh." He looked at me with a depraved grin and I felt myself blushing again. "Thank you, Black Master. Thanks you for letting me become your obedient bitch. If I find out that you ever got your little dick wet, I might just cut it off. Or castrate you, The only way you're ever going to fuck anybody ever again is if I have one of my boi's bring over their sissy slave for you to play with." I must have conveyed some kind of look at the mention of sex with another sissy because he chuckled and went on explaining. "That's right, slave. Most of my thugs have got sissies slaves of their own. Me and my buddy have been talking `about throwing a couple of you white slaves in bed together, just to get us worked up. Just knowing that it ain't what you bottom bitches would want is enough to make me want to try it sometime. But that's for later, cunt. Right now, I'd be embarrassed for any of my boys to come over here. Your not trained up proper yet at all, not a drop of fucking booze in the room How'd that look to my friends? Got to remedy for that shit, bitch!" He started to walk towards the bath room . "Get up and follow me." I jumped up immediately and started to move towards him. "This place is small, You well get adjoining room " I nodded that I would, "Good. I'll check it out later, but that's where you will begin putting together a little sex dungeon for us to play in. As you can see, I like bondage, slave, and I like to have a lot of variety. I'll leave the URL for a great BDSM site and you'll need to start purchasing some more of the leather gear." He must have seen the fear in my eyes and though I could tell he enjoyed it immensely, he reached out and wrapped a beefy, calloused hand around my waist, pulling me into his hard, lean physique. He whispered in my ear. "Don't worry, sweetie. I know how to treat my slaves, I won't hurt you......much." Again, I was brought back to the realization that this whole situation was spiraling out of my control. I couldn't think straight, pressed up against the granite-like hardness of this overwhelmingly masculine Black stud. That plus the feminine nature of my outfit as well as the total loss of freedom due to the wrist restraints and the ball gag were conspiring to mess with my head as I breathed in the intoxicating aroma of Black Master's skin. God I was so horny I was quite sure I would have done almost anything at that moment to feel his hands on me again. I rubbed up against him, mewling in a high voice around my gag, trying to show him how turned on I was. "Oh now you're horny, eh sweetie? Well soon enough we'll try to quench that burning inside your ass but first things first." With that he pulled out a small digital camera and held it up in front of me. He grinned at me as a look of realization came over my face, suddenly knowing what he planned to do. I grunted out my weak protest as loudly as I could but Black Master just laughed. "I'm starting, or rather you're starting a new website. You're a techie, right? With the computer, I know you are so no use denying it. Anyway, this new website is going to chronicle your transformation from from straight guy into a cock sucking, taking-it-in-the-ass slave, complete with photos of you, from various stages of your life. Of course we have to get a bunch of pics that show just how very much you like sucking Black cock, eating Black ass and drinking Black man's cum. Your face will be completely visible at all times in these photos, Not like the shit that you been posting with out a face While my face will be either out of the shot completely or cropped out prior to posting on the site. I get anonymity, you get humiliation. That's just the way it going to be. I will need you to put together a complete and 100% truthful biography of yourself, including a section on why you enjoy being feminized and your favorite things about Black men in general and your Black Master in particular. I might also like a short diatribe on the taste of my cum and why you can't get enough of it, that you even go so far as to spit some of my jizz into Tupperware containers and store them in the fridge, for Lube when I'm not around. This site will be up for all the world to see, We'll call the site, oh I don't know, something like...... Black Master Does White Slave .. He was smiling that evil smile again, clearly content with himself for causing me so much distress. "You'll be updating at least once a day, With pics we'll make some videos, and you'll be posting some of those gay fuck stories you've sent me. Keep writing that shit, slave, Fuck that shit gets me hard as steel. And that's what you want right? A Hard Long Black Dick, unrelenting and untamed? That's what you told me in that first email, at least. Those are your words, not mine. But that's me, baby. Your Black Master." I had no idea what to say. It was almost too much to process. I couldn't stand the idea of all that private info about me being up on a website, showcasing my deepest, darkest desires. Photos of me sucking Black cock, videos of me be feminized and turned out and moaning while Black Master invades my most private of places. And anyone could see it: my bar buddies, my friends, Jesus I was going to be on public display, with all my sexual fetishes hanging out there. I started as I heard the soft buzzing of the camera as Black Master began to take some shots of me in my slutty leather, Making sure to get pics of my mouth and ass pussy , "There we go, slave. Just need a good one for the main page photo. Gotta get in there real good." He paused. "Damn, you look like shit. Maybe we'll take the main page photo sometime when you're a little sexier looking. Anyway, I got something else I gotta do right not. Get over there and lean over the bed stick your ass out real nice and high." I did as he instructed. I felt Black Master behind me and I was puzzling over what was coming next. "All right, slave. We set up some ground rules, and we'll go over some others as well, but right now I got to lay down the law. You directly disobeyed me this morning. Not only did you NOT got to the mall to shop for out fit, as I had instructed but I distinctly ordered you not to call me with your whiny bullshit about how you don't want to do this. And then you fucked me up my valuable time to come over here to straighten things out. I don't like it when my bitches fuck up my free time." With that I felt and heard a hard `THWACK' as His belt hit my unprotected ass I screamed out around the ball gag, but it came out as nothing more than a hoarse, muffled cry. `THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK!' I was screaming, blubbering out incoherent apologies but to no avail. Black Master was furious with me and he had contained that fury all morning long. "Fucking bitch! You little cunt! If you EVER fuck with me again, on ANYTHING AT ALL, this beat down will seem mild by comparison!" I heard the clicking of the camera He was taking pics of my red ass, Now you have Punishment marks, He struck me several more times, ripping sharp yelps from my vocal cords as the pain tore through me. Then I was roughly pulled around and Black Master pushed me to my knees. His boxers were already down around his thighs and his throbbing erection was jutting out at full mast, the harsh, rigid ten inches of Dark, Black Cock Meat. "Suck me you fucking whore. It's all you're good for you little faggot!" His hands tore off the ball gag and I had about one second to draw in a breath before his cock head was forcing it's way into my orifice and I felt my jaws being fucked wide apart again. "Look at me, slut, Anytime you're orally servicing me, you are to be looking directly into my eyes the entire time unless I tell you otherwise. Is that clear, cunt?" I could do little other than gasp out an abbreviated answer as he pulled out of me a short way. "Mmmm-hmmmm." I mumbled unintelligibly. I then locked my eyes onto those of my tormentor, as I was told to do. And in that moment, I could feel a tiny shift in our relationship. As a piece of my soul had melded with his and I had started to accept the connection we now had. Black Master looked down at me, a mix of loathing and superiority and.........something else apparent on his dark, hardened features. What was it? Covetousness? Lust? Perhaps......love......? "Alright, slave! Get ready for a hard throat fuck. Last time we tried this you were gagging and shit. I don't give a fuck! You're gonna learn to do it with or without the gagging but you're taking my Black cock and that's all there is to it. And as always, keep your eyes on mine, bitch. A slave can tell a lot about when his Black Master is about to cum and what throat and tongue techniques pleasure him the best from his facial expressions so it's important for him to watch closely, wouldn't you say?" He pulled his Black cock all the way out from my oral cavity and I briefly stared at it's almost unbelievable length and girth and the wicked curve of it as it protruded outward. Quite frankly, it scared me a lot... And some part of me loved that feeling, needing it. I hear the camera click click "Answer me slave I know you love looking at my Black dick but when your Master asks you a question, you fucking answer." It was clearly not a suggestion, but an order. I quickly looked back up at him, his cruel eyes boring through my very soul, owning me. God, was this what my heart truly wanted even as my mind screamed no? "Yes, Master." I replied meekly to his question, feelings of defeat rolling over me in waves. "Yes, Master......what?" He asked it with a commanding tone that sent an erotic quiver coursing through my little penis as well as my......bowels? "Yes, Black Master it's important for a slave to learn how to best please his Black man." He grinned an evil, iniquitous smirk. He loved the control he had over me, plainly. His own erection throbbed again as a charge of domination surged through him. I was awash in confusing thoughts, unsure of what these feelings or my responses to Black Master meant about my sexuality. Was it even possible for......those types of feelings to radiate in that area of a man's body? Of course, I could scarcely consider myself a man at this point. I had been taken, topped, seeded and subdued by a clearly superior Black Master and my body was betraying my brain by responding positively to the rough and brutal nature of Master's sexual needs. And my own needs, as well, but ones that went far beyond just sex and mixed and melded with my irresistible desire to serve, to be submissive, to be owned by another. I couldn't explain it, couldn't tell someone why these emotions were running through me even if I tried. But the fact was, they were running through me, my hard little dick and my aching asshole, I mean pussy, fighting a battle with my mind. My common sense was losing that skirmish. "Here we go, Slave. Throat me, slut." With those words I barely had time to open my lips again and his steely Black tool was sliding back between my lips and then down my gullet. I gulped greedily at the offered organ, adjusting my oral ministrations to make certain Black Master was receiving gratification. I fought back the urge to gag as he slithered his way down my throat, unceremoniously and with an undeniable show of bestial strength. In a couple of seconds I found myself with my lips sealed around the base of his manhood, his bushy pubic hair scratching and tickling my nose. The scent of him was overwhelming, musk and sex and Black man's flesh all rolled into this most submissive of acts. I stayed like that for a few seconds, expecting to be allowed to pull back up and off him so as to repeat the action. Instead I felt Black Master's hand on my head, holding me steady and with his other hand he reached down and pinched my nose shut, so I could not breathe. Panic overtook me almost immediately, the terrifying feeling of not being able to draw breath suddenly all I could concentrate on. I tried to pull back but his grip was too strong, my resolve too weak. "You see here, slave, what we've got here is another example of me showing you how things are going to be. You wear what I tell you to wear, eat when and what I tell you to, speak when spoken to......and now you breathe when I say so. Is all this getting through to you, cunt? Do you realize that your little emails you probably thought were harmless actually awakened a sleeping beast? You opened up a world you didn't dare dream even existed. You told me how you wanted badly to be dominated, By a Black Man to be owned. You told me the things you fantasized about doing to my Black Dick... Well consider yourself dominated, faggot! Consider yourself my property!" Than I hear the camera again click, click, He was taking pictures and catching my deepest feeling, Tears were running down my cheeks, caused by both the utter fear I was experiencing as a result of not being able to breathe and also from the finality of his words and the thought of the things that were lying in wait for me in my future. My new future in which I was a sissified slave with an ass pussy and a suck hole that I would use exclusively to satisfy my younger but totally Dominant Black Master. Suddenly without warning he pulled his cock from my mouth and I gasped in a huge breath, wheezing and gagging and coughing from the rough, brutal treatment I had just received from Black Master. My slimy throat mucus was dripping from his ebony shaft, the entire length coated in my spit and a thick strand of it stretched from his bloated cock tip to my ruby red lips as sort of an obscene reminder of just what I was good for...... click, click, the camera, "Fuck, bitch! That throat is tight and as much as want to cum in your mouth, this load I'm brewing up is destined for your pussy. I know your sore from your beating and from last night, but guess what? I don't give a fuck! I'm rucking your pussy ass to show you yet again, just who's in charge here. Back on the bed again ...now, CUNT!" I was blubbering now, crying uncontrollably as I realized my old life was gone and the uncertainty of my future was staring me in the face. "Please l..suck you off, Master. I need to drink your cum, please." SMACK! SMACK! I flinched as Black Master slapped my face, very hard. "BITCH! Did I tell you to speak? No I fucking did not! You do what I tell you to WHEN I fucking tell you to and you do it RIGHT THEN! DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR TO YOU, WHORE!?" He accentuated the last words with another harsh slap to my cheeks. I couldn't even see through my teary eyes as I meekly stood up to bend over the bed again, exposing my naked fuck hole to Master's uncompromising hardness. A second later, he was forcing the ball gag back into my mouth and strapping it tightly around behind my head. My hands were still cuffed behind me and I was the picture of acquiescence. Without further adieu he plowed into me, the only lube being my mucus and spit. I screamed out as Black Master took me violently, staking his ownership to my body......and my soul as well, if I was completely honest with myself. His steel-hard Black Dick fucked apart my tender sphincter muscle and speared into my rectum with a fury that took my breath away. I instantly began moaning into the gag and to my abject horror, also began arching back into every thrust of his into my body. One of his hands was on the back of my neck holding me firmly in place while the other held my wast at the small of my back; I could not believe how submissive this all was, how he controlled every aspect of my being at this very moment. He was the most important person in the world to me right now. Would be the most important person in my life forever more. His thrusts started out strong, steady, measured but soon digressed to a short jerky fuck rhythm. Just a couple minutes in and it seemed like he was close to nutting. I reveled in the feel of every inch of his steel cock violating the soft fleshy tissues of all my inner rectum, It was truly amazing what a talented cocks man he was and I knew I should consider myself fortunate to have been blessed with such a skilled Black Master. But even as I thought those things I still felt perplexed by the turn my life had taken in just the past few hours. Before I could think about anymore, Black Master's voice came booming to wake me from my reverie. I could feel his spittle on my back and neck as he leaned into me, truly giving this fuck his all. "FUCK Slave I'm Gonna cum! Gonna cum so hard up your ass cunt, you little fucking bitch! Gonna seed this pussy! With my toxic cum, Gonna make sure you learn your fucking place, faggot! OOOHHHH YEEAAA! OHHH YEAA HERE IT COMES Slave ! You ready for my fucking jizz, Slave" With one final blast-like grunt, I felt his cock explode inside me and the warm, gooey fuck slime coated my bowels, Breeding me with his Black seed, me with my Master's essence. The feeling of being bred was overpowering and I felt my own tiny sac tighten up and then I followed my Black Master into euphoria, screaming into the ball gag until I was hoarse and choking from the effort. I felt Master collapse against my back, the sweat from our scorching fuck causing us to stick together. We were both groaning in the aftershocks of our almost simultaneous orgasms. But I soon felt him begin to slide out of me and suddenly my open and gaping hole felt very empty and I couldn't stand to think of him not being inside me... He motioned for me to turn around with a light slap on my ass. I already had a good idea what this was going to be about, and sure enough as I turned to face him once again, he presented me with his slowly shrinking lack prick to suck clean of his cum and ass juice. It was humiliating, but in an exhilarating way as I was still searching my way through the maze of confused sexuality that this whole episode had brought about. Being as feminine and subservient as possible I slowly ran my tongue up and down his vein y hose, making certain to keep my eyes on his as I lapped up every last droplet of cum from his Cock, Balls and pubes. I felt like a kitten lapping up some warm milk. GOD ! THAT was fucking fantastic, slave ! Fuck! As mad as I am about you wrecking my day, I gotta admit, it might have been worth it. Fuck! What a great cum! And look at you, you worthless bitch. Once again, you've cum with your Master up inside your sissy slit. How's it feel to be nothing but a cum dump for a superior Black man? Huh faggot? Can't answer with the gag in your mouth, I suppose eh? Oh well, I don't need you to tell me what you're thinking. The evidence was in the fuck. The way you pushed those sweet, white, round buns back into me, moaning for it harder and deeper... yes it's pretty clear just what kind of a faggot you are. A fag who loves Black Cock, I'd say. Damn, you are a true sissy, slave Just like a jail-house bitch, Can't believe no other Nigger ever scooped you up. But you're MINE now, cunt! I own this pussy." He emphasized this statement with a semi-soft swat across my ravaged buttocks. I could feel the sperm leaking out of my abused fuck hole. Black Master drew himself up to his full imposing height in front of me as he buttoned up his jeans, his sobbing, cum-soaked pussy boi kneeling before him. He grabbed my hair, pulling my face upwards to look at him. I felt myself blushing under his stern gaze, both of us again knowing the exact nature of our relationship. "So I'm gonna go ahead and repeat myself, but this will be the last time I do so for you. From now on, you will answer my demands immediately and unswerving. They are not suggestions and I don't take opinions from faggot whores. Got it? Get yourself cleaned up, put on some clothes Then hightail it to the grocery store and get stocked up on everything you need to make my life as easy and pleasurable as possible. All the booze and food I mentioned before. Then when you get back here, jump on that bondage supply website I gave you. I want the Deluxe Sling and the Masters' Fuck Rack delivered here within three business days. I'll expect you back here and ready for me by ten o'clock tonight and as always......be dressed for me in leather and sitting on your sissy chair." I nodded my agreement and mumbled something around the ball gag and he seemed to think this was sufficient on my part. He motioned for me to rise and I did so and then he came around behind me and unlocked the wrist restraints. "My boys and I are hitting the strip clubs tonight, so plan on me being extra horny. Probably be over after midnight and then we can go at it. Make sure you're ready, cause when I'm in THAT kinda mood, I can fuck all night long, baby! Heh, heh." He chuckled as he saw my eyes widen at his comments and then totally surprised me when he leaned down for an extremely tender kiss. I melted into his strong arms not wanting him to leave me. As he pulled away I noticed him leering wickedly at me again, and I realized that he needed this just as much as I did, only in a different way. It almost seemed as though we were soul mates, destined to meet and who knows? Perhaps we are... One dominant, one submissive, fitting together, one inside the other, to suck and lick and Fuck and cum and lust .. I decided to try small steps and so began preparing for His return later tonight. I took a steaming hot bath and proceeded to shave every spec of hair from my body, except that on my head. I knew Black Master would want me smooth and soft, so I used a lot of moisturizers and lotions and such, to make my skin as pliable as possible. It took most of the evening and I had almost lost track of time as I put on my leather gear and pull a leather collar on my neck. but I was still on the fence in regards to turning my life upside down. I just needed more time to think things through. It was barely a few weeks ago that I had begun to communicate with Black Master online and I thought that was as far as it would go. Then twenty four hours ago, the big brute comes bursting in my hotel room, like some kind of modern-day black Lancelot and I'm just supposed to drop everything and become his slave, My Heart was thumping in my chest as the hour got later and midnight approached. Should I expect him just after midnight or like 3am? Shit! I didn't know so I decided to risk sending him a text message, to try to find out when he might be over. "Master -- could you let me know when to expect you? A few minutes go by and then a return message. "Sissy slave -- it's none of your fucking business BITCH! I told you I'll be there when I'm there. But I'm in a good mood so I'll let you know. Leaving the bar now. Be at your hotel in 15. Be fucking ready for me whore."I swallowed the lump in my throat and quickly dripped some lube onto my slaves chair Black dildo. Then I squatted above it, positioning my moistened hole right above it and slowly sank down, reveling in the two fold feelings of pain and pleasure as my sphincter was stretched and my rectum filled with rubber dick. I groaned as I felt the last inch slide into me. Fuck! Balls deep on that fucking thing. I looked around a bit and suddenly shuddered as I saw my computer with the webcam on it. I could only imagine what perversity Black Master had in store for me..Within minutes I heard the now familiar thump of the stereo bass in Black Master's car as he drew closer to my room, house started to shake a little and I heard the car door slam shut. Then I heard the key in the lock and in he stepped. He looked pissed, once again, but I consoled myself with the fact that it was simply his demeanor all the time, to appear ticked off. He closed door behind him and stopped in front of me, his usual smirk playing across his features. "Shit slave You're even sitting on your slaves chair. What a good slave, Yea, you like that shit up in your pussy... You my fuck whore, Cause I got to get my nut. Fuck! Those strippers fucking grinding all over my lap, all over my Black cock, and even though I fucked a couple of `em in the backroom, I'm still horny as shit, slut!" He moved closer to me as he spoke and I could tell he'd been in the bars all night long. He reeked of booze, smoke And sweat... And masculinity... Jesus, I felt my knees already beginning to weaken, my insides turning to jelly as I imagined submitting to him. His eyes bored into me as he looked down at me with a mixture of disdain and superiority. "Those crotch less panties? Good for you, sissy. Very nice. I like that shit." He quickly stripped off his shirt and then kicked off his sweatpants. He still had his basketball shoes on and wore nothing else but a black jockstrap, leaving his ass completely exposed. I caught my breath as I took in his amazing physique once more. God! He was an absolute alpha male, a Black Adonis. Muscles rippling, his body said everything you needed to know about him. When he spoke, you listened and he always got his way. "Shit, slave, turn on Sports center for me. I gotta tell you? I'm gonna sit on one of your bar stools; kneel down behind me and work on my asshole, slave! Just your mouth. I gotta let loose!" I did as told, watching as he sat down on the stool and leaned against the breakfast bar to watch TV. I looked up at his thick glutenous muscles, hanging off the stool and partially covered by the straps of his jock, his buttocks beckoning to me. My mouth began to water as I prepared to taste my Black Master in a way so intimate that few could possibly know the feeling. As I drew close, I sniffed the air and could smell his strong, earthy odor; it had the strange, unknown effect on me acting like an aphrodisiac and I found myself actually desiring to eat him out this time around. I leaned upwards and placed my lips around his asshole, sealing us together in a manner so personal, there could be no doubt that I was his slave, "Yeaaa, slave ! Get your tongue all up in my shit, Feels great, baby! You like eating your Master's hole don't you, bitch?" I moaned out my agreement, unable to speak as I was busy French kissing his asshole, making out with his ass lips like I would make out with a gorgeous young man. I gently flicked my tongue across the outer rim of his anus, eliciting a moan of appreciation from Black Master. I pushed my tongue up flat against his sphincter, then pulled back and then repeated this action several times, causing him to wriggle his ass, groaning for me to continue. I licked completely across the hairy opening several times, using varying pressure. I heard him growl, deep in his throat and I could tell I was getting to him. After several minutes of this treatment, I finally went for the coup de grace. I paused a moment in my ministrations to pull back and look at my handiwork. His asshole was glistening with saliva, my spit soaking every nook and cranny of his crack, every butt hair. I then slowly, so very slowly began to push my tongue right into that hole, inserting it as far as I could get in there. I curled my tongue into a pointy spike and began to probe in and out, in and out, seeking out Black Master's pleasure center and when I found it, I probed even harder. I must have been doing something right, because Master was pushing back against my mouth, grinding his ass into my entire face. "Fuck YES SISSY! Eat that fucking' asshole, eat my fucking' manhole, you fucking' cunt! It's all you're good for, pussy boi! Eating a black man's ass. Get up in there slave! Suck my furry shiter! Is your little dick hard from sucking me whore?" It was stiff and aroused and his words made me even hornier so I busied myself with pleasing him, slavering all over his proffered opening, loving the taste and scent of him, knowing him more thoroughly than I had ever known anyone, . I was slobbering into Black Master's asshole, making it wet as he continued to grind his hairy hole onto my face, both of us moaning in bliss. I could not previously have imagined how much pleasure I could derive from bringing Black Master the enjoyment he so richly deserved. What was happening to me? Suddenly Black Master rose from the stool, pulling his ass away from me, although several strands of saliva were still connecting my face to his buns and they broke as Master stood up. I remained kneeling."Shit slave! That was fantastic! I love the way you devour my asshole. You're really taking to this, huh? Good! It's good for a slut to enjoy every part of her Master's body, to desire to taste every inch of him..." He grabbed my computer from my desk, then stood over the bed and stood looking at it for a moment, as if pondering something. He set my laptop down on the end table next to the bed, opened it up and angled the top downwards. He motioned for me to get up and approach him. "Grab those bed pillows, slut and put them over here I did as instructed, unsure of what this was supposed to accomplish. Black Master ripped off his jock strap and then sat down on the pillows and hung his knees over the bed, When he leaned back a bit, it had the effect of exposing his Black cock and balls, but also leaving his buttocks hanging over the edge of the bed, there by allowing me access to his asshole as well. "Now it's time for you to suck me off, slave . Start with my balls, but take your time and keep using your mouth on my asshole. Switch on and off, get into a rhythm, have some fun with it slut, It's dinner time for you." I looked up into his hardened eyes, and I could see there was no room for questions or negotiating and he clearly wasn't in the mood for me to do anything but comply with his orders. I was beginning to realize that this whole situation was no joke and this man was a true no-mercy Black Thug Top. "Now crawl to me, pussy boi. Come over to feast on your Master's private parts, which he is so generously offering up for you to service." I crawled over to him, trying my best to be sexy, but not sure if I was succeeding. My face was burning up as I approached my Black Master, the shame almost overpowering. I couldn't believe I was going along with this degradation,and yet I could not deny how much it turned me on; having this Black man in control of my body felt oddly satisfying. I was almost between his legs now and I looked up expectantly, like an obedient dog. "Yes that's right. You look very good tonight, I gulped, unsure of how to respond. "Thank you Black Master. .I'm happy you're satisfied with your slave. Again I felt a blush creep across my face, as shame and embarrassment took over my emotions. He grinned and chuckled evilly. "Heh, heh, yes I like making' you blush baby. But I also like my slaves to know their place, unequivocally. Before you start sucking me, pick up my jock strap and place the cup over your face and then hold it there and just breathe in, until I tell you to stop." I did as he said, yet more humiliation awaiting me in his latest game. I placed the sweaty cup over my mouth and nose and began to draw in deep breaths. It smelled like Black Master and it made my mouth water and a foreign sensation stole through my loins as I took in his Black scent. He held my gaze, that knowing, cock sure smirk plastered across his features. "Look at your little white cock slave, all stiff and hard, like a man's cock. But it's no man's cock, is it sissy slaves ? It's just a tiny dicky " I could feel tears almost beginning to form, as I continued breathing in Master's jock sweat. I could feel my masculinity slowly slipping away from me, and I wasn't sure I could get it back. "You wanna stroke your stiff little dick, Don't you, I'm not taking off your Cock Cage, stroke it until you shoot your slaves jizz?" I nodded my agreement, mumbling out a muffled "Yes" into the funky jockstrap I was startled as Black Master struck my face with a mongoose-quick slap across my cheek. "Tough fucking' shit, slave ! The correct answer is that you only have eyes for my Black cock. You are to focus %100 of your attention on me. I don't give a fuck if your puny, worthless slave dicky is ready to explode, you NEVER pay attention to your own needs! Is that fucking' clear enough to you bitch? You never touch or stroke yourself unless I say! You never cum unless I say! You don't even think about your dicky unless I have given you permission! And that goes for all times, whether I'm here or not! Got it cunt?!" I was sobbing from the ferocity of his strike and the finality of his words, as I blubbered out my reply. "Yes..Black Master. I'm sorry, Sir." "OK then, slave. I assume it won't happen again... Anyway I got a surprise for you, With you busy buying all that leather shit, I had my boys get that website up and running, so we're ready to go with some webcam action. Huh? What do ya think of that? You ready to eat me on camera, slut?" I looked up at him again, his words not quite registering with me. I was feeling panic rising inside me. Fuck! I thought I'd have more time to talk my way out of this, but it appeared Black Master expected to forge ahead with his plan to show me off to the world. Terror hit me square in the chest and I did something most regrettable. I stood up and then started speaking out of turn. "Shit, I can't do this Black Master, or, or whatever your real name is. This isn't what I wanted or expected when we started chatting. Look...you can't make me do any of this stuff...... Let's just break this off now..." I was breathing hard, huffing in fresh air for the first time in several minutes. I barely dared to look at him, He was staring at me with a previously unknown anger bubbling just beneath the surface. He slowly rose to his full imposing height and moved closer to me. I swallowed hard as he spoke. "Whatever my real name is? My real name, to you slave, IS Black Master. You fucking' white slut ! I can in fact, make you do this stuff! I already have. You gonna go run to the cops, pussy boi? Huh? You gonna tell them how you fagged out, And suck my Black prick and how I breed your ass? With my cum, Huh faggot? Don't pretend you didn't want it then or that you don't want it now. You fucking' white boys are all the same. Think you're gonna stand up to me AFTER you've already gone down on me on camera ..." Everything was a blur, as tears rolled down my cheeks and I heard myself speaking yet again. "Look, Black Master. Just please leave. I've made my decision and I don't want to take part in this life..." He loomed over me as he stepped even closer, his proximity certainly intimidating. "Oh you've made your decision? Is that right? Little slut Slave has made up his mind and I guess now I have to go along with it... Well guess what faggot? I've also made a decision and you might want to listen up. You don't want me to have to get rough with you again, right?" He grabbed my chin in his hand forcing me to look up at him, the disgrace etched on my face. "This is how it's going to be, bitch. I'm not leaving and you're not getting out of this. You don't actually want to get out of this, you just think you do. You'll thank me later that I didn't let you go back to your old life of having passionless sex with your boi friends." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I know what you need, faggot. I've already seen it, seen the way you give it up to me. I've felt you convulsing around me when I'm inside you, breeding you...... Now let's go meet our audience, shall we?" With that he let go of my chin and grabbed both of my wrists and twisted them around behind my back. I felt the cold steel of handcuffs fastening around them and my body went stiff as once again, I found myself helpless. Black Master grabbed me by the hair and dragged me back over to the Bed, Shoving me down none too lightly, He sat back down and started typing on my laptop, while at the same time making a call on his cell. "Hey Bro , your got that site for me? ......Awesome! Cool bro! I appreciate it...... Yea, yea He's trying to back out......... No, no I put him back in has place. Gonna be good man, I got it all set up for him to suck my Black cock and balls and eat my asshole on the webcam...... Yea right? Shit Nigger, I got a fucking' load stored up for this slave boi! Ha!......Alright Catch ya!" later He hung up and started focusing on the laptop, typing away, talking to himself. "Yea, www.bbcforsissyslave.com. Yes, this shit is gonna be for real. He looked down at me with a disdainful gaze. Fuck! But it is what it is. And it is Go Time!" He put the laptop back on the table and I could see a web page with a barely noticeable pic of me, and I felt some relief sweep over me; no one would likely recognize me like that. I was probably safe. Black Master's voice broke through my thoughts. "Yes you there? He was speaking to someone on the laptop. "That's Master Cam. Used to be used by another slave. He's plunked out now. Another fucking' whitey overcome by Black Cock Lust. BCL. Heh, heh." He seemed pleased with his new abbreviation and I could add nothing, so I didn't. It probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway. "Hey look here, we got ourselves a nice-sized audience, for a first time site. Already got over three hundred fuckers waiting for you to start ......" He paused a moment, as if contemplating something. He tied a black bandana over his head and then as he pulled it down over his face, I could see that it had eye holes cut in it, Zorro-style. He made a comment about maintaining his anonymity then he motioned for me to draw closer to him and I did so, immediately. All right, Cam audience you got this shit running'?" A couple seconds later a slightly hollow sounding voice answers back, very effeminate and timid but clearly a male. "Yes, Black Master. I can control the camera from here, and Master Jay is here watching the whole thing so he can make certain I'm getting the proper shots. You can start anytime, Black Master. I have both the audio and video up and running smoothly. We're live." I felt a cold fear creeping over me as I realized what was happening. I was going to be on display, online, for anyone to see. Fuck. How the hell was I going to get out of this? And suddenly, it was all out of my control.. "Yo, yo, yo what's up, Bitches? This is Black Master here on my new site www.bbcforsissyslave.com What the fuck is up? Yea! Uhh, this site is going to chronicle my training of my new slave, Going be having all sorts of fun and you can believe me when I say that I am going to put my slave thru the paces . kinds of fun going to put him through his paces! You'll find that I am a no mercy Black Top...be starting in a couple, but first I thought you'd all like to meet my slave So he's gonna tell you all about himself...whether he wants to or not." He looked down at me, his gaze hard and motioned for me to turn my face towards the webcam. I could not recall a moment in my life when I felt more scared and sick to my stomach. I could NOT go through with this and I started to rise, determined to walk away and get this Black guy out of my room, out of my life. Once again, I underestimated Black Master's resolve to enslave me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? I tell you to get up, slave? We're live, bitch! Now talk to the camera!" Again, he didn't sound like a man to be trifled with, but I could not let this go on. "Please, Sir. I can't do this..." He looked at me with a mixture of loathing and anger and I instantly knew I had fucked up majorly. He jumped down from his perch on the chair and squatted down next to me, taking my skull in both of his huge hands and pointed me up towards the webcam lens. With my hands secured behind my back coupled with his strength, there was little I could do to fight him and I felt myself meekly submitting to his raw power. "Now talk slave ! Tell the folks, your adoring public, your real name, maybe your favorite type of Leather and why you love Black cock. That's a nice start..." I obediently looked up into the camera, my former life flashing before my eyes. My voice quavered as I spoke. "My name is..Jack irons . I'm a white slave for Black Men ..My Black Master Is Pimping me to make money for Him, paused, still unable to process the humiliation I was going through, like I was watching some other white guy being bound, sissified and put on film by a Dominant Black Master. Tears streamed unchecked down my face,. I hoped and prayed that no one I knew would EVER see this. "And, what's your favorite panties to worship Black cock?" He spoke in a conversational tone now, like he expected complete acquiescence......and I gave it to him. I couldn't believe what a fucking slave faggot I was, I just didn't have the will to fight him anymore,. Black Master now points to this moment as the second I gave into my deepest desire and became his fully slave "I like my panties be cause they say on the back BBC only, Black Master likes them the best... And I Worship Black Cock because. I'm a slave..." I didn't know what to say. When I paused too long for his liking, Master slapped my face, Black Master helped me out. "Is it because you like the taste of Black Cock Is it faggot? Is it because you like the feel of it in all your holes? I think it's all those reasons that you love Black dick. Now fucking say it, cunt!" I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly very dry and hoarse feeling. I managed to croak out my agreement with him, into the webcam. "I love Black dick......... because I......I like the taste of it and I l...like the feel of it in my......holes..." Jesus, I had just uttered my love for Black meat right on the internet, live to hundreds of folks, apparently. What the hell path was my life now careening down, like a runaway roller coaster? I had no idea, but Black Master didn't give me much time to sink into my own thoughts. He immediately sat back down on the bed , exposing his asshole and genitals to me. "Get to eating', slave! Smile for the camera before you stick your tongue back up in my shitter!" I am the slut slave , as Black Master calls me. I am following his orders to smile for the webcam before I perform analingus on him, again. I try my best to smile, but I'm certain my tear-streaked face is a mess, But it must be done and so I fake a smile. My hands are cuffed behind my back and I can't move my arms; I am completely at his mercy. "Yeah, smile real pretty for the camera, slut. Such a sexy slut , getting ready to dive right back into my asshole, huh? Yeah, that's right..." I tearfully look into the camera as commanded, feeling the last vestige of male hood seeping out of me. I am his now, his bitch. I hate it, but I need it so bad. What is happening to me? "Time for dinner, slut! You got five hundred plus motherfuckers looking to watch you eat me out. Start fucking eating my fucking manhole! Now!" He slides down just a little more, adjusting his angle and then shoves my head down. I can smell the musky, earthy scent of his ass as my nose burrows into him. My mouth begins to water and I realize I want to eat him out. God is this what my life has come to? Dressed in a leather body hardness like a slut, using all my well to get my mouth back onto my Black Master's asshole so I can tongue-fuck him? I sould d be fucking ashamed of myself......and I am. But nevertheless, I waste no time in digging my tongue back into Master's ass hole, God he tastes terrible, yet I am slavering all over his hole, devouring the flavor of his back passage as if I hadn't had food for days. He tastes fucking awful, or does he? I am aware of a change in my thought process at this moment. Even though it tastes a bit like feces, I so badly want this, I desire that taste and I am now on the hunt for it. "Ohh fuck yeah, faggot! You like that bitch? You like eating your Master's butt hole? Like the taste of me on your tongue and lips? Huh slut? Show the audience, my peeps, how much you love this shit, pansy! How you love eating Nigger ass! Fuck you are a good little white faggot ass-eater, aren't you? Shit..." I managed to glance sideways at the monitor and could see that the camera was right there for a nice personal close-up. If you were watching, you could see the wetness of my mouth as I made out with Black Master's ass lips. I pulled back for a second, gasping for breath and was met with a swift slap across my face. "I tell you to stop, bitch? Fuck no I didn't! Keep eating,Slut! You ain't done up in there yet, you fucking whore, I quickly moved back in, stabbing my licker into Master's pink hole, now slick with my spit. I didn't want to risk his true wrath again. Oh God this was so fucking nasty, so fucking not something I could ever have envisioned doing. And yet now I could scarcely get enough of it. I took a deep sniff and somehow this submissive act seemed so right, so primal. Something men had been doing for each other for millennia. Shit, I wasn't a man though. I was a fucking sissy faggot cunt whore. Just a piece of pussy for Black Master. Somehow, I had to get that through my head. Not a man, just a slave.. Yeah you fuckers watching this shit? This fucking faggot is all up in my shit! Damn this little slut loves the taste of my ass, I can tell. You fuckers out there see how deep he is in my asshole? Course you do! You motherfuckers are paying good money to see this shit! Look up at me bitch." I did as Black Master wanted and found myself looking directly into the webcam, and I felt myself turning red. Jack Irons well be sucking and fucking for One of the Highest Bitters So don't forget to put in your bids ! I don't want to be seen doing this shit. "Oh what, you're embarrassed now, Now you get some inhibitions? Too late for you faggot! Everyone knows you're an ass-eating maggot! Not good for anything but jamming your tongue up my poop shoot and sucking my cock and taking my fucking loads. Heh, heh." He chuckled, a laugh devoid of mirth but full of the knowledge that he had a useless white, formerly male worm under his thrall. What could I say? What would I dare do? Nothing. Exactly nothing. I didn't want to get beat up. "Hey the poll results are coming in. Looks like your audience wants you to work on my balls next. Nice! That's what I was planning on anyway, bitch! Then you can move onto ball-tonguing. You better fucking eat me out good, slut ! These folks didn't pay thirty bucks to watch you just licking around the rim. Get up in there, cunt!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Black Master had told me earlier that we had over five hundred viewers. If he was charging them thirty dollars each......? Holy shit, that was over fifteen grand, in one night just like that. With almost no production costs, no overhead cause he was using my hotel room and my equipment. I really was a fucking whore for Black Men ! Not only could he use me for sex and domestic needs, but I was basically paying him to control every aspect of my life. I sighed, perhaps resigned to my fate. I felt like I had no control of anything, no choice but to please this Black man and pray that I did not disappoint him. I did not want to risk his wrath again, so I dug my tongue up into his asshole as far as I could go, As deep as I had ever gone. Maybe it was deeper, who could tell? When a small log of shit came out of his ass, I opened my mouth and the Black turd rolled into my mouth, Master said eat my shit Slave, I swallowed hard, I told you it was dinner time Slut, I sucked on my Master, turd, tasting his manly funk and loving it. I slobbered all over his pucker, enjoying the way it snapped around my licker, trying to trap it and truth be told, I would not have fought staying in this moment forever. Somehow, this incredible Black man had awoken my most primal urges of submission and filmed me to acknowledge them. By compelling me...and allowing me...to make out with his sexy ass lips, he had (apparently) turned me into a cowering, mewling white sissy cunt who only had hunger or desire for his cock, balls and asshole. I started back into the present at the sound of his voice. "Shit yeah, that's a good faggot. Yeah... That's a good slave faggot bitch. Yeah, look at the camera. You love that shit don't you faggot? Show us how much you love eating my poop. Yeah...just like that I'm you're fucking prom date, just smooching a pretty Boi." He paused for a second, shifting the camera around. "You mother fucker see all that shit? You like sissy slave eating' my manhole? Well that's good, cause he likes it too. He a true ass-eating, ball-licking, cock-sucking slave faggot , Born to worship the Black Man. Drooling all over his sexy little body, trying to keep his little faggot dick from getting any harder than it already is. Yeah..... .He loves this fucking' shit! Pull your bitch face up here, slut. Yeah. Look at that shit, fucking' slobber and ass juice all over his face...this bitch loves to eat out his Black Master." It was true and I knew it. I jumped as Black Master set the webcam back down on the table next to him with a heavy slam. Again he spoke to the audience. "Well that's it for tonight bitches! Sissy slave really enjoyed entertaining you with his tongue up my shitter, but he is fucking wrecked and he's got to be ready for tomorrow night: For one lucky Bitter, His cock and balls well be chastity. My cock and balls going to be snaking right down his throat......whether he wants to or not. I'll most def feed him; perhaps 'l well breed him as well. Hmmm. I love options. Same time tomorrow fuckers... Eventually folks, I'm gonna have cameras installed all over this room, so you can watch him anytime. He isn't allowed to jerk off and if he does, I want to know about it. This faggot slave Has signed over his life to me. " I turned this bitch out weeks ago and now he stars in my movies on the internet, making me cash. He sucks my Black dick...... your `boy' here swallows Black Loads ,With that he shut off the webcam and gave me a quick slap."That was real good faggot. Real good. You ate my But hole like it was your fucking dinner. That's what my paying customers want to see." I shuddered as I imagined the future perversions Black Master surely had in store for me."Heh, heh you're a fucking faggot aren't you? What a fucking bitch! Just another white queer begging for a Black Man to take control of his life... Well that's how things are for you now, faggot! I control your life. You're a fucking sex slave for me now. You dress how I tell you; you eat and drink what I tell you; you suck and fuck what I tell you; You perform on camera when I tell you......" He seemed to tail off for a moment and I was uncertain of just where his thought process was going. He roughly turned me around and undid the handcuffs. I rubbed my sore wrists, trying to soothe them a bit. "I'm horny now, slut. Get into the bed and have those panties off and lay down ass up, face in the pillow, Do it now faggot!" I hurriedly jumped up to comply to my Black Master's order,s still not sure why I did it, nor why I was continuing to allow this to happen. Was this what I wanted? I wondered these thoughts even as I slipped my slutty whore panties down my smooth legs and assumed the position Master demanded. I had little time with my thoughts. Within a minute of me lying on the bed. Master was there; I could hear him moving around behind me and felt so open and exposed, Black Master had restraints attached to the bed, He put the restraints on my arms and legs, Where I was spread eagle naked before him with my naked ass available to his sight and touch. I jumped as Black Master slapped my buns hard. "Yeah that's nice faggot. Gonna fuck your bitch Pussy Hard and Raw. Heh heh I know you prefer my normal gentle self right? Like when I make sweet sensual love to a woman?" I was confused by his words, distracted by his weight settling in behind me, his hands roving over my buttocks. I started again as he slapped me again, harder this time. "Speak up faggot! Do you want your Master to make love to you or FUCK you? Huh bitch?" I began to cry again, emotion overtaking me as the power of his words rolled over me, crushing me with their finality. "I want you to fuck me Black.Master to FUCK my cunt! Make me into your Bitch I deserve to be! A fucking faggot bitch!" With that Master put the ball gag back on me... "You got it slut You fucking faggot!" With that I felt the immense pressure on my sphincter as my Black Master jabbed into me. He was not gentle with me, and deep down I knew I did not want him to be. He took my hole in one Hard, even thrust. I arched my back to take all of his Black Dick even as a scream of pain was ripped from my muffled throat. I hate and love the feeling when Black Master penetrates into my guts, invading my bowels, turning my once private and intimate spot into a nest for his cock, a womb for his Black toxic seed. "Yeah slave ! Take that Black Dick faggot! Ahhh yeah! Fucking tight-ass pussy! Fuck yeah!" Black Master was hollering and bellowing like a beast in heat as he rutted inside me, turning my innards into nothing but a scorching, spasming canal meant to massage his manhood. I was nothing but a fuck doll for him and his RAW BBC, I was screaming out as the agony and ecstasy shot through the entirety of my rectal tract and the feeling of Black Master filling me so completely, owning my body making my toes curl and my guts melt in rapture. "Ohhhhhhh ,, I know you love me faggot! A slave slut should always love his Black Master! Good slut ! Now get fucking ready for my thick Fucking Load, You want this Toxic Load ! Don't You, Passed my sphincter into my colon and then into the deep membranes of my intestines, Gonna breed that fucking pussy!" I arched my back up into him, He removed the ball gag I screaming out my lust even as Black Master arched forward, burying himself as deep inside me pushing pass the second hole, He said telling me you want this Black Seed, As I uttered the words He began to empty the sticky sap from his heavy, manly nuts into my pussy slit. We both groaned out deeply as we felt the proof of his breeding, wet and hot, his man jizz sluicing into my slick guts,coating my bowels. He collapsed on top of me, both of us gasping for air, our breathing coming hard. I didn't cum this time, But Black Master's nut is all I worry about and, besides there was plenty of time for me to have a ass orgasm; Master fucked me twice more over that night. I gave myself up to him without question as he made me his slut slave. He couldn't wait for her Black Master to be inside his little ass pussy. Heh, heh......" I was all so sore after Black Master used me as his rightful bitch three times over night and than in the morning. He wasted little time with foreplay, pushing me face first onto our bed and hurriedly jamming his lube-soaked fingers into my rectum. I arched into his hand and he instantly replaced the worming digits with his astounding man meat. "Yeah faggot. You want your Black Master don't you? Huh sweetie? Here's what you need bitch!" With that he stabbed hard into my slut hole and I yelped as his generous proportions filling my bowels, gliding slimy past my sphincter, into my colon and then into the deep membranes of my intestines. I could scarcely believe the depth of penetration he could achieve. The head of his Black Dick went deep! He had hit my second hole and was in my colon ! Fucking me hard and fast, driving into me at different angles, hitting all the right spots, for both of us. His hammering Black cock was really sending precise strokes and rippling waves of sexual intensity all throughout my gaping sissy-opening. "Yeah you gonna get my fuck now bitch! Work on training that pussy to cum without your useless fucking dick!" Black Master was panting, gasping for breath as he plowed into me relentlessly, like some kind of living jackhammer. "Right now, gotta get my nut. Gonna make you pay for your fucking racism and injustice! Gonna Fuck this fucking cunt! Oh shit sissy. Gotta fucking.....CUM! OHHH FUCK YEAH BOTTOM BITCH! TAKING MY FUCK! GOING TO BREED YOU FUCKING FAGGOT ! GODDAMMIT! OH FUCKING SHIT......SHIT!" He practically bellowed the words; I was certain the rooms next store could hear him, His Black Dick got harder and longer, I felt him explode inside me, coating my shit hole with his scalding and gooey man Seed. I had arched up into him again as he had plunged down and I could feel his entire man-package buried to the hilt in my pussy, He was Deep in my Colon He was depositing His Toxic Seed ,Tell me you want my Toxic Load ! Tell me Now cunt, Give It Too Me ! Give Me That Poz Load ! Breed Me ! I Want To Be Bred ! His big, hairy balls mashed into my own much smaller, smoother nuts.I began to shake as if I was having convulsions, I had been feeling very close to an orgasm, even though I couldn't get hard, but Black Master was only looking for His own gratification at the moment. I would not begrudge him that. He was my Black Master, My lover. I felt him collapse on my back, his hard muscles covered in sweat, breathing hard. " faggot. That was so fucking Hot, . Keep that pussy ready; I'm gonna have it some more, just need a little rest ." I felt his softening prick, I wiggled my ass back and forth, When I felt His Black Dick start to swell and grow, With in a few mins He was at fully erect, He said I was insatiable bottom for Black Dick, As He Moved His Black Dick in and out my rectum He fall a sleep Deep in my Hole, Still erect , I awoke to his deep voice in my ear. "Wake up, slut Daddy wants some more pussy..." And without waiting, He pushed back into me, grasping my waist hard with one strong muscled arm, forcefully pinching my nipples with the fingers of his other hand. We both groaned at his breeding of my previously used,hole still slimy ass ring, gasping contentedly as his success brought us both immense bliss. He Put The Ball Gag Back In My Mouth, He put a Butt Plug in my ass pussy, He said he wanted to His Black Toxic Cum to stay where he put it. I was still restrained spread eagle on the bed .. I'll be back later tonight . I got to leave you all restrained like this Don't want you to be standing or douching My Poz Load out, I Gave You The Gift Last Night ..Been Breeding You Every Day Since I Met You .. But Last Night I Hit That Pussy Deep.. I Put My Black Babies In Your Intestines track Deep ..Where It Is Going To Work Fast ..I Impregnated You.. With my Black Seeds ... Now there no turning back Our life's well be intertwined forever ! You well Have the same Poz Strain as me.. You Can take Raw Loads from now on And not worry ! That's what you wanted slut ,, Now with my Poz Cum You well get the FUCK FLU Soon ! I Own You Now.. There No Turning Back Now Your Black Owned.. He than told me that I needed a few tattoos, A Tramp Stamp on my lower back that says.... FOR BBC ONLY . The second one well be above your dick It well say .... TOXIC LOADS The third one well be on your chest above your right Tit saying.... OWNED BY BLACK MASTER The fourth one well be on your right cheek and say.... JACK OF SPADES The fifth one for your neck a.... BAR CODE So every one well know your BLACK OWNED The look in my eyes told Black Master I Understood ..
    1 point
  48. So after 4 months of hot bug chasing I finally got knocked up by a hot black guy from LA. Saw his profile on manhunt wearing a hot tank top with a biohazard tattoo and right away I knew this was a bro. I contacted him and told him what I was after and he came over right away. Here is the story of what happened, enjoy bois: Sexy Hotel Poz Fucking He's 30 but he looks 18. With a tat on his back and calf. Smooth skin and a cute 'lil bro' kinda smile. Not a hair on his toned little body. I was supposed to go to his gangbang, but my biohazard tank top(thanks again Dan) let him know that I had exactly what he was after. he asked that when I show up that i wear my tank top, that biohazards turn him on to no end. I told him that I would and asked if he was into poz sex talk, once again, makes him rock hard and turns him on to no end. I woke up early this morning and he told me that he wanted me to come over now, that he wanted my poz seed in his cute little ass and wanted a one on one poz session, just he and I. I was more than happy to come over so I could give him what he wanted. I got to his room, the kid was absolutely adorable. Just the cutest little fucker, I'd say he stands at 5'5'' maybe 5'6''.We get naked but I keep my tank top on, he kisses me, soft kisses and a wrap my arms around his small frame. He tells me how bad he wants this, how badly he needs this.and I throw him on the bed, "After today, You'll be mine, you'll belong to me." I tell him before I start eating his hole. I eat his sweet hole just for a bit, before sliding my raw dick into his bareback boyhole. "That's a real poz dick in your pussy, you feel that?" "Oh man... give it to me, give me that fucking poz dick." "I'm gonna shoot a fucking potent toxic load in your hole, mark you, make you mine forever." I pounded his hole, my hands nearly around his trim little waist. "poz me... oh fuck poz me please." I fuck him on his back, his hands are all over my chest and arms. He looks at my biohazard tank. "I'm going to get this tattooed on my ass, I want one so bad." We got doggy style and we watched the mirror as I took him from behind, tearing his hole up so my seed would be a part of him forever, he whimpered, begged for my poz seed until I erupted into his hole. I laid next to him and held him in my arms, kissing him. He thanks me for my seed, he rested his head on my chest and I put my arms around him tighter, touching his hole. I kissed him some more, before leaving him to rest. I called Dan to tell him about this hookup, then he interrupted me with "Oh fuck, I'm coming" Guess he enjoyed it, I hope you guys do too. I may go back later tonight and pop another one off in him.
    1 point
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