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  1. Part 30 - The Mists of March Two years after brought everyone to back together for the wedding of Dexter of Alberto in Atlanta where Dexter had now set up home with Alberto. Dexter had sent two flight tickets to his parents inviting them, he was unsure initially if they would come but here they were sitting in the front row more out of curiosity than anything. The unconventional ceremony where Dexter and Alberto would walk together behind the two ring bearers, Nathan who was 9 years old and the 7 year old Mateo. Carrington acting as Alberto's best man and Conrad as Dexter's. Reaching the top Mateo turned and waved to his father and took his other father's, Carrington's hand. Charlie smiled and waved back whilst Nathan walked round and held hands with Charlie his other father, he turned and waved to his uncles Conrad and Harry whom he adored so much. Adopted by Carrington and Charlie six months ago and the process helped along by Charlie's involvement at the Children's hospital. Joyce had approached Charlie one evening asking if they were considering adoption and the following day he and Carrington went with Joyce to the foster home and took the boys a couple of weekends then every weekend and finally six months ago they formally adopted them. It wasn't all plain sailing, Nathan would sit there quietly half expecting any day to be moved on to another home. When the boys were taken to England Nathan spent much time with Conrad helping him in the gardens of the manor whilst Mateo learnt to swim with Charlie in the pool. Nathan had been in foster care all his life moving from one family to another or spending time at the home and he ad given up on a family adopting him. The transition to a family life really only hit home after spending time with his uncle that Conrad insisted he should call him did Nathan realise that this time it looked like the real deal. He had always remained a little distant with Charlie and Carrington shying away from affection. When Carrington returned from work he would send Mateo in to the gardens to find his brother. Mateo had immediately bonded with his new parents and even though Nathan found him a little overbearing at times they soon became close and he loved having a little brother. On the the return flight from their first visit to England Carrington and Charlie were still anxious about Nathan settling in. He sat next to Carrington on the flight and glanced over at Charlie and Mateo who were playing games on the in flight entertainment system. Slowly unbuckling his seat belt he climbed over the seat sitting on Carrington's lap cuddling him, Carrington smiled and kissed him on the head then put on some cartoons that they watched together until Nathan fell asleep snuggled up against Carrington. Charlie looked over and Carrington and smiled then down at Mateo who was stretched out on his seat fast asleep. The two boys loved their Friday night sleep overs with their grandfathers and would play for hours around the grounds of Barclay House with them. Charlie and Carrington would turn up on Saturday morning joining them for breakfast then spending the day all together. Keeping them grounded was a challenge since Mason and Rico loved to spoil them as did Charlie's parents whenever they took them over to Australia. Life as everyone knew it settled down in to routines and time floated by, Adam and Jamal were married but there was still a little bit of bed hopping going on with the exception of Carrington who still only had eyes for Charlie. Alberto fell in love with England on his first visit with Dexter especially Hibiscus drive and they would often form a foursome with Harry and Conrad. It was early March two years after Dexter and Alberto got married that events took a turn. Simon and Sean had brought a little place in San Francisco having fallen in love with the city and spent much of their time between there and Sardinia. Caught up in an incident Simon took a bullet in the crossfire and fell instantly to the ground, Sean was by his side when he passed away late Thursday evening. Conrad stepped out on the terrace looking at the mist that lied low over the manor grounds, the sun just visible through the mist he kissed Harry good bye on his way to the office. Conrad shivered dressed only in a t-shirt and boxers. Felix walked outside with Beth who was in tears, he studied the look on Felix's face and suddenly going all cold he knew something bad had happened. Before Felix could muster up to tell him Moham's helicopter suddenly appeared making a dangerous landing through the mist. Conrad looked back at Felix 'Simon?' he asked and Felix nodded wiping his eyes. Moham came running up on to the terrace, Conrad dropped his cup going numb from fingers to toes, Moham rushed over putting his arms around Conrad holding him tightly. Mason answered the phone sleepily and listened sitting up in bed, Charlie in the background was obviously distressed concerned about Conrad. Rico realised something was wrong and quickly up to speed he called for the private jet and to prepare for a flight to the England. He was called back within half an hour advising they had a slot secured at Farnborough airport. Within two hours Carrington, Charlie, Dexter and Alberto were in the air having dropped the boys off at their grandfathers. Back at Hibiscus Adam and Harry had arrived back and found Conrad being comforted by Jamal, Moham was busy on the phone and walked in telling them the body was being flown home as they spoke and Sean is accompanying him. The call that Moham dreaded he would have to make to the solicitors was made and he took over power of attorney until the will was read. He now faced the task of calling Simon's mother Sally to pass on the news. Simon had pre-warned Moham that his family would show up. The next couple of days were hard for everyone but Conrad was fairing okay having gone through this Jack he was made of sterner stuff despite only being 25 now. Conrad and Charlie spent many hours walking and talking in the gardens, his words almost signifying this was the end of his life at the manor and doing the work he loved most. It was strange since the manor had become a focal point where everyone met up or stayed when they got together. They walked back up to house hearing several cars pulling up in to the driveway. Inside the front doors opened and Sally walked in with her interior designer, dressed in a black dress with a small hat and pathetic attempt at a veil. "Start drawing up plans to make this more like a an opulent house" Sally said. "What are you doing in my sons house?" Sally demanded to know looking at Conrad and Charlie. Conrad stared at her "I live here I am, was his gardener" he replied. "Yes was, get out of my house now" Sally said walking past him, "And take any others that are here". Charlie took his arm and led him upstairs quickly packing his and Harry's clothes they left the manor heading back to number 8. Despite all the arguing that went on between Sally and Simon's solicitors over where he was to be buried she had no say in the matter and he was to be laid to rest next to Jack in the church yard down the road. Moham gave instructed Sally that she was not to touch anything in the manor until after the reading, he was also keeping them all updated and things moved pretty quickly. She acted with a little more dignity at the funeral with her two daughters and son all in their 50's by her side. Only Simon's brother appeared to be upset, the others showed no emotion and immediately turned to leave after the coffin was lowered waiting by the car impatiently to talk to Moham who stood with the guys. Conrad laid fresh flowers on Jack's grave and kissed the headstone then dropped several Hibiscus flowers in to Simon's grave, just as he done with Jack, one for every year they had known each other. Sally wanted the will reading done but Moham was not playing ball with her and she got more and more irritated the longer he took. She sat through the wake which lasted several hours before the solicitors gathered everyone ushering them to the dining room. Sally stopped Conrad at the door reminding him he was the gardener so not welcome at the will reading. Moham coaxed her aside allowing Conrad in, he didn't take a dislike to people that often but Conrad could see why Simon had no time for his mother and how she walked around so smug, his sisters pushing past everyone else taking seats around the table. Conrad sat on a chair at the back of the room with Harry and everyone else. Moham handed over to the solicitor who started the proceeding "I am instructed by Simon Burge on the event of his death to hand power of attorney to Raheem Mohammed Jazeer until the will reading and his assets have been distributed. It is the with diligence and medical evidence as witnessed by Raheem Mohammed Jazeer and my solicitors that my bequests are made in a sound state of mind. Contesting any element of my will will result in said benefactor stripped of any entitlement of any part of my estate or claim upon my estate with immediate effect, the stripped asset will return to my main beneficiary. As part of this and prior to any distribution of assets my solicitors will now hand out a declaration prohibiting them from raising any legal challenges, until these are signed the reading will not commence". The solicitor stopped whilst his assistant handed out the declarations to Simon's immediate family, Conrad, Carrington, Sean, Charlie, Adam, Dexter, Jamal, Felix and Beth. He looked at Simon's mother reminding her that the reading was dependent on them agreeing to the declaration. With reluctance she signed pushing the document over. The assistant collected and verified all the documents then nodded to the solicitor. "No doubt my family were last to sign but what I have done is protect those I love dearly and those who have become friends and part of my life. To my brother Eric I leave £10 million, my sisters Louise and Amy I leave £1 million each. To my mother I leave you with the same amount of love you gave me over the years which is hard to put in terms of value so I bequeath you £1 million that I have donated on your behalf to a HIV charity as I know that will upset the hell out of you". The solicitor stopped reading at the gasps in the room as she stood up shouting that this was an outrage, Eric told his mother to shut up and sit down. The solicitor picked up the next page. "To Felix and Beth who served me faithfully over the years I leave £10 million and hope they will stay on and care for the new owners and look after them much as the did for myself. To my gardener Jamal £5 million, to Dexter the only person I know who had ever made to my two favourite people quiver I leave £5 million. To Charlie who I admired for his brave decisions the sum of £50 million plus an additional £1 million to Nathan and Mateo to be held in a trust until they are 21. To Carrington I leave my equity in IntecSolutions making you co-owner with Moham along with all my numerous other share holdings. To Adam my trusted friend the sum of £50 million. To Sean who I had grown to love so much I leave you our house in San Francisco and £50 million. To Harry I leave £50 million. Hibiscus Manor I leave to Conrad and Harry, two people who gave me so much happiness and friendship over the years. A housekeeping fund of £50 million to be available for the management and maintenance of the manor. The villa in Sardinia I leave a housekeeping fund of £50 million and ownership split between Conrad, Adam, Charlie and Dexter. I expect that each year on the anniversary of my death you will all meet here at the manor to celebrate my life and retain the friendships you have all built together. Finally to Conrad who annoyed the hell out of me but I loved him like my own son I leave the remainder of my assets including my personal wealth and belongings as my main beneficiary". There was silence in the room as the solicitor finished reading and Conrad sat there stunned for a moment trying to take in what it meant, he noticed Simon's family were all looking at him, only his mother and sisters looked angry. "The fucking gardener" Sally stood up angrily, "He left everything to the fucking gardener!". Eric stood grabbing his mother's arm "Enough it is done" he said. "Oh this is not over" Sally said shaking her arm free, "We will contest it, I want what is ours". She looked at her children. "No mother we won't" Eric replied and his sisters agreed. Banging her fist down on the table she screamed "Dirty bunch of fucking cock suckers". Eric stood up "That is why he left you nothing" he said angrily. Picking her bag up and storming out of the room shouting profanities at Conrad and slamming the door behind her that was one person Conrad was glad to see the back of. "I'm so sorry" Eric said walking over and shaking Conrad's hand, "She has a bit of a temper". Conrad stood up embarrassed by it all "I didn't ask for any of this" he said. Eric smiled "I know, Simon already warned me who he was leaving everything to". "Oh" Conrad replied, "He never really talked about his family". Eric nodded "Simon loved you so much Conrad, I'm glad I finally got meet you in person" he said. "Sorry" Conrad said fighting his emotions and leaving the room. He walked out on to the terrace taking a deep breath to steady himself, he had naturally assumed that the bulk of Simon's wealth was held in shares so didn't dwell on things to much. He looked up at the manor feeling a massive wave of sadness running through his body and unable to believe that Harry and he now owned it. His thoughts interrupted seeing Moham walking out the terrace in his direction. "The money has been transferred to your bank account in Monte Carlo" Moham informed him. "Money?" Conrad asked slightly confused at Moham. Moham patted Conrad on the shoulder "His personal wealth was over £2 billion Conrad". Conrad just stood staring at Moham who smiled "Conrad you are disgustingly rich" he laughed. Conrad gulped hearing those words "Why Moham, why did he leave it all to me?" he asked. Moham smiled "You meant more to Simon than anyone after Jack died" he replied. "I see" Conrad said looking up at the manor again. "What will you do?" Moham asked, "Are you going to live here?". "Yes" Conrad replied immediately looking at him, "It is the only place I could ever consider home". "Good, Felix and Beth were a little worried" Moham advised him. "But they are wealthy now as well" Conrad said, "They could do anything they want". Moham put his arm around Conrad "True, but like you their life is Hibiscus Drive". "Oh shit" Conrad said sighing, "What the hell do I do with all that money then". "Come on lets go inside, firstly make sure your family is taken care of" Moham said. Felix and Beth were overjoyed when Conrad expected them to stay, plus he figured he might need a bodyguard like Simon had in Felix and he also gave them instructions to recruit one person each to help take some their workload and enjoy and little more downtime. The following day Conrad went up to the church still trying to make sense of the previous day. He saw the lonely figure of Sean sat there on the damp grass his devastation clear to see. "Sean!" Conrad said sitting down to him. He put his arm around Conrad "Why Conrad, everything was going so well" he said. Conrad kissed him on the lips and hugged him "I know" he said. "Harry and I want you to come and live at the manor with us" Conrad said holding his hand. Sean looked at him "Are you sure, I mean it is your home" he replied wiping his eyes. "Yes" Conrad said, "I mean we spent so much time together when you was here with Simon". "Thanks Conrad" Sean said standing. Harry walked up behind them "Come home you two" he said. Life just seemed to tick on, despite everyone wealthy in their own right it was like nothing had changed. Conrad was down in the grounds creating some new flower beds with Jamal, Charlie and Carrington had flown over with the children and Carrington had taken them to Thorpe Park for the day giving Charlie some much needed time with Conrad. Charlie was sat on the grass watching his twin and Jamal reminding him to leave a patch for his nephew Nathan when Moham's helicopter suddenly appeared and touched down. Conrad walked over to greet to Moham and he could still see two people sat in the helicopter. "Conrad, Sorry to drop in like this" Moham said kissing him on the cheek. "That's okay" Conrad said, "You are always welcome". "Someone in the helicopter needs to speak to you" Moham said carefully gauging him. "Oh, who?" Conrad asked. Moham waved and the figure of Joshua appeared followed by the man he saw in Ireland, Tanner. Moham touched Conrad's shoulder in a don't worry gesture. Charlie and Jamal stood up immediately walking over and Sean who had been cleaning the pool appeared, seeing the worried looks on Charlie and Jamal's face he strode across the lawn with a purpose. Conrad stared at him, his hair longer and his body seemed even more fitter than he remembered. Moham held his hand out to stop the others watching Conrad take a few steps forward. "Conrad" Joshua said stopping a few meters away. Conrad eyes him cautiously "Who are we today Joshua or Gary?" he asked. Joshua lowered his head slightly "Joshua I have formally adopted the name" he said. The kids came screaming across the lawn arriving back from their day out and seeing the helicopter, Carrington calling after them to stop. Charlie turned and walked over to his sons holding them back for a moment telling them to wait. Joshua looked on a little perplexed to children being here. "Can we talk?" Joshua asked, "I owe you a massive apology" he said. Conrad looked around then back at him "You lost your accent" he said inviting Joshua to walk. Conrad lead the way up to the manor and Joshua nodded to Charlie passing him by and looking at the children, his face expressionless and almost in shame he lowered his head turning away. "Never thought I would see this place again" Joshua said looking up at the manor. They entered the lounge "I came to see you in Ireland" Conrad said sitting down. "You did?" Joshua asked sounding surprised. Conrad nodded "I had to make sure that you was okay" he replied, "Hell knows why though". Joshua sat down "You care to much about people" he said, "I really did love you". "Did you?" Conrad replied, "I was in love with you Josh, but my heart was always gone to Harry". Joshua almost smiled. "You seem so different Josh" Conrad said studying him. "I feel different and importantly I understand what drove me to do the things I did" Joshua replied. Felix walked past the door every 10 minutes to listen and could hear them talking. Beth had taken the children and was cooking them some dinner keeping them out of the way, the others sat in the formal room on edge listening and being reassured by Tanner and bringing Sean up to speed on who he was. After and hour talking Conrad stood up "Will you stay for dinner?" he asked. "I don't think you want me in your life again Con" Joshua replied, "I just wanted to apologise". Conrad looked at him "You are part of me Josh, it was you who converted me". Joshua looked down shaking his head. "I don't hate you for what you did" Conrad said, "Hate is not in me". Joshua smiled finally relaxing and Conrad walked over and hugged him "Thank you Con" he said. "You still spending the nights in this place?" Joshua asked. "Ah, sort of" Conrad replied, "Harry and I own the manor now" he said. There was no doubt in Conrad's mind that this was a completely different person who seemed to have let go of whatever had been hiding inside him. Joshua stayed for dinner with Moham and Tanner meeting everyone and being brought up to speed on how things had changed since the night he was taken away. He was genuinely pleased for Charlie and how he had made a completely new life for himself with Carrington and their children. Charlie and Joshua patched things up and he joked with Carrington that he never wanted to get on his bad side ever again. Joshua walked down to the helicopter and Sean ran up to him handing him his number. "Hey if you are interested I would like to take you out on a date" Sean said. Joshua smiled and kissed him on the cheek "Yeah I would like that" he said. Sean stepped closer and quickly kissed him on the mouth "God you are sexy" he said stepping back. Joshua turned to wave good bye then stopped smiling at Sean before stepping up in to the helicopter. Conrad looked at Sean who had a very genuine smile on his face for the first time since Simon's death. Conrad held Sean's hand squeezing it firmly, Joshua became a regular visitor and finally moved to San Francisco with Sean building their own lives but always coming back to the manor several times a year. Nathan and Mateo watched from the window as the helicopter flew off and Carrington called them back in to bed so he could finish the bedtime story before uncle Conrad and Harry came in to say good night. The boys rushed over jumping on to the bed and flinging themselves at Carrington. Charlie walked in and tucked Nathan up then sat on his bed whilst Carrington carried on reading. Sean went off to the lounge and Harry grabbed Conrad's hand "Strange year so far" he said. Conrad looked at Harry and smiled "Sometimes it is still hard to believe". Harry kissed him "Do you think it is going to change anyone?" he asked. "Nah" Conrad replied, "I think everyone is happy just as they are, even Sean looks happier". Harry laughed "Yeah, I mean that Joshua is fucking hot" he said dreamily. "He is, but that is one person I never want to sleep with again" Conrad said. They walked up the stairs together and entered the boys bedroom just as Carrington closed he book. Mateo jumping up and standing on the bed holding his arms out. Conrad and Harry grabbed an arm each and swung him back and forth then finally in to bed giggling, they kissed him good night on the head. Conrad went round to Nathan "Get some sleep you have a busy day tomorrow with your bit of garden". "Ah neat, my own bit the garden. Thanks" Nathan said smiling and hugging Conrad then Harry. They walked out of the bedroom and Harry looked at Conrad "You want one don't you?" he asked. Conrad chuckled "What about two boys?" he replied half expecting Harry to freak. Harry shook his head then smiled "I think 3, put a bit of life back in to this place". "I still haven't forgot that you punched me Harry" Conrad said smiling and looking in his eyes. Harry chuckled rubbing Conrad's arse "Stop being such a cock tease then". Conrad pulled Harry in to his arms and kissed him standing at the top of the stairs framed by the grand arched window that looked down Hibiscus Drive.
    8 points
  2. Chapter Fourteen That weekend was wild. Saturday night Logan's friends left and the brothers railed me all night. I took both of their cocks for the first time and it was like coming home. I also watched Jack pound the fuck out of his little brother and knew that boy was going to be a hungry bottom in the future. The night ended with Logan riding my cock until he came hands free, his forehead covered in sweat and cum as he shot his load onto his face. Sunday Jack and I decided to just have some alone time, just the two of us. We spend most of the time fucking each other but as the day wore on the two of us laid in bed and just enjoyed being together. “So, how you feeling?” he asked me. “Right now or in general?” He chuckled “Both.” “Right now, I feel content and well fucked. In general...well I thought I would be more weirded out by having sex with guys, but honestly because you're with me, it isn't that weird, it feels right.” “I'm glad, I expected you to fight it more.” “Fight what?” “That you're a sub.” I looked at him confused. “Submissive, you like being told what to do.” “I do not,” I answered, and even knew as I said it I was lying. “Dude, you've been following what I said since junior high. You do whatever anyone says, always. It's no big deal, you just like being used.” The idea that I somehow wanted to be ordered around rubbed me the wrong way, even though I knew it was true. Jack had always been the one in charge, and I never had a problem with it at all. And he was right, I had always been a follower, just going with the flow. I never wanted to be in charge or control... “See?” he said watching me think it through, “It's not a bad thing Ev, it's just who you are.” “So I'm a bitch?”I asked, upset about the revelation. He moved on top of me, “You're my bitch, and you're whosoever bitch I say you are, but that is behind closed doors and in sex.” I wanted to be upset, but it was hard with him sitting on my cock, looking down at me possessively. “Look Ev, I'm not going to lie, I get off on watching you get fucked. It excites the shit out of me to watch you get railed by people. It makes me want to fuck you even more and I know you like it too.” I opened my mouth but he put his hand down on my throat and pressed. “I didn't say speak.” I closed my mouth before he started applying pressure. And just like that I started to get hard. “See? You're already turned on. This isn't something that's wrong with you and it doesn't make you lesser than anyone.” He ground his ass down against my hardness, “It's just what you're turned on by.” H leaned down and licked my lips, I extended my tongue to kiss him back but he pulled up, “You're mine, and that's just a fact. And you'll do anything I tell you to, period. And because you give me that trust, I will never make you do something you truly don't want to do. But you need to figure out now, there are things you want to do but you're afraid of it. Choices you will never make because of fear or ego or whatever, I will be making those choices for you and in the moment you may protest and not want to...but once your ass is blown out and you have a load dripping out your wrecked hole...you'll be begging for more. You get it?” I nodded, my mind already fogging up with lust. “So when I make a choice, I want you to fight the urge to argue with me about it. I want you to try to understand, I'm not just making you do things because I want you to,” he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I'm also doing it because you have a hungry jock cunt and want to be abused...don't you?” I looked up at him and nodded. “Say it.” “I want to be used,” I wanted sex so badly... He pressed down on my throat, “Say it properly...” I felt my air cut off and my cock throb. “I want to be used sir...” I croaked as I saw spots in front of my eyes. He let go and kissed me, “Good puppy...” I kissed him back and then begged him to mount me right then and there. The conversation was forgotten for now...but it came back up later that week. That Monday Issac started talking shit before practice. “So what gives Ev? Too good for my party?” I looked up confused, “There was a party?” Issac looked at Jack angrily, “You said he'd be there.” Now Issac was a big boy, one of those powerhouse hitters that had the upper body of a fucking mack truck. He was wearing nothing but compression pants so he cut an imposing figure as he glared at us. “Dude that was my fault,” Jack said pleasantly, “It completely slipped my mind, look, it wasn't a slight. How about I throw one for this week's game...I'll even bring the entertainment.” Issac glanced at me and then back to Jack, “For real this time? Because you said you were bringing it last weekend.” “Scout's honor,” Jack said holding up two fingers. Issac relaxed some and nodded, “You better dude...” and walked away. As soon as we were alone I looked at Jack, “Dude, what entertainment were you supposed to bring?” He smiled, “Party favors, don't worry, I'll ask my parents for the house, they'll understand.” “He looked pissed...”I said unconvinced. “He won't be this weekend,” Jack said starting to change out, “Trust me.” I did trust Jack so changed out myself and let the thought slip out of my mind. After practice I showered and was about to walk out when Cody grabbed my arm and yanked me back, “Come here man...” I looked around in panic as he drug me around the center partition and pushed me to my knees, “Been thinking about you all weekend...” His cock pushed against my lips and before I could protest I was sucking him off. The thrill that anyone could walk in and see me blowing my teammate made this all the more exciting and I found myself really going to town on his cock. “Yeah lick that dick...” he said softly as he kept a look out for people, “Get my balls...” I licked under his balls eagerly, realizing this was what Jack had been talking about. This guy was just using me to get off, I wasn't a person I was a just a thing to use and that fucking turned me on like wildfire. “Grab that soap...lather your ass up so I can fuck you.” He snapped at me. Like the fucking sex toy I was I grabbed the bottle and shoved two soapy fingers up my ass for lubrication. I moaned around his cock as I realized how fucking sick this was, here I was a foot taller than this guy, in better shape and easily four inches of cock on him and I was fingering my own jock pussy waiting to get fucked by him. My own cock was weeping precum from just the though. He pulled me up and shoved me against the wall, “Spread that ass...” My cheek rested against the tile as both my hands grabbed my muscular ass and pulled my cheeks apart. I felt his thick head press against my hole and felt myself relax automatically as I took his cock into me. “Fuck you have a tight cunt...” he growled as he pushed into me with one motion. His pubes were against my ass and I felt my ass try to adjust to the intruder as he pulled out and slammed into me again. He had no intention of giving me pleasure, he didn't care how it felt, all I was to him was a hole for his dick and my job was to get him off. He tore into my ass, his hands on my shoulders pulling me back onto him as he pushed forward. His cock felt good but it was more that he was just using me that turned me on. “Fucking faggot cunt...” he chanted as he fucked me, “You want me babies up in you? You gonna take my load?” “Fuck me Cody...breed me...”I whimpered as I felt him fuck me harder. “What if someone walked in right now?” he asked, “I'd bet you'd suck their cock like the fucking faggot you are wouldn't you?” I nodded as I stroked my cock. “Yeah you'd like that...what if fucking Mr. Franks came in...you'd suck him off?” Mr. Franks was the 60 something janitor that wanted the halls of the school every night. He had thinning white hair and looked like he was just a walk skeleton with clothes most days. He always leered at people as we walked by and was universally accepted as a creep. And the thought of Cody making me suck him off made my cock pulse. “Oh yeah you would!” he said feeling my ass clench around him, “You're a fucking dirty freak aren't you? Say it...” “I;m a dirty freak...” I chanted as I felt myself get close, “Use me Cody...use my pussy...” He reached around and grabbed my throat as he fucked me, “Open your mouth.” I turned my head to look at him and opened my mouth as he spit into it. My cock pulsed again and I knew I was going to shoot. “Fucking faggot...” he snarled as he pushed my head against the tile and began to pile my ass again and again. I felt him get close as my own cock tensed up with my orgasm. “Take my load...” he roared as he shot into me. My own cock exploded against the wall as I felt his cock fire off shot after shot of cum up into me. He kept punching into my ass, “Get my cum up into you cunt...fucking take that load...” “Fuckmefuckmefuckme....” I babbled as I felt the last of my orgasm hit. He pulled out and let me slip to the floor, “Good cunt.” he aid before spitting on me one last time and walked out. I laid there, never feeling so fulfilled as I did right then. Fuck, Jack was right about everything.
    8 points
  3. Part 2 I stumbled to my car and stashed my clothes in the trunk, tucking my car key into my shoe as DBG had told me. He was standing next to a picnic table across the parking lot from the public bathroom, and beckoned me over. I walked up to him and he pulled me close to him and kissed me on the mouth. “What’s your name, son?” “Adam, Sir.” “Well, Adam you’re an awful cute little whore. You ready to have some more fun?” He smiled really big at me and I completely melted. I wanted this man to be MY Daddy. “Yes, Sir. “ Just then Blondie came up to us and said “Can anybody join in this party?” He grinned at me and said “My turn, Dad.” Then he grabbed me behind the head and pulled me in close for a deep kiss, while he was cupping my jockstrapped ass with his hand. We kissed for a long time while he played with my ass, which got hungrier as the minutes progressed. He pulled away and said “I’m Jake and my Dad is Tony.” “I’m Adam. I really need one of you to fuck me again, please. My ass is….” Jake and Tony started to laugh and both said “HUNGRY” at the same time. Jake said “I know the feeling bro. My ass gets really hungry when Dad booty bumps me too! Come on, let’s go get you some more cock.” I noticed that a few more cars had parked and there were a couple of bikes locked up to a tree nearby. With any luck this meant more loads for me. My hole was screaming to be fucked again. Jake and Tony led me, wearing just my jockstrap and shoes toward the bathroom where I could hear some faint moaning. There was no door on the room, and Jake pushed me inside, where there was a dim lightbulb in the ceiling, a couple of sinks, two stalls and two urinals. At least it seemed to be cleaned semi-regularly. It vaguely stank of piss, since I’m sure cruisers often pissed on each other on the floor. There was a drain in the center of the room to make ‘cleanup a snap.’ There was a man at the urinals, stroking his cock while a cute young guy my age knelt on the floor, naked, sucking an handsome older man’s cock. The boy had short, dark, curly hair, hairy legs and a small treasure trail on his belly. The man at the urinal was probably in his 30s, really tall, with buzzed black hair. He was wearing running shorts, a jockstrap and a tank top. I could see he had a really hairy chest and legs. He stood at the urinal watching the young guy suck the older man’s cock, while he stroked his own fat, uncut dick. Jake pushed me over toward the urinal and I joined the young cocksucker on the concrete floor of the bathroom. I opened my mouth and looked up at the tall man. “Please?” I said. My blood was pumping and I was trying hard to keep my hole closed so I could keep Jake and Tony’s loads inside my cunt. The tall man grinned at me and whispered “Fuck yeah. Dirty little whore.” He walked over to me with his long, thin cock sticking out of his gym shorts. Then I got a whiff of him. It was hot out, and he’d obviously been running because his balls and crotch were sweaty and smelled amazing. It was the best kind of man stink. I suddenly wanted to smell his armpits, too. He reached over and grabbed the back of my head and pulled my mouth toward his cock, shoving it all the way down the back of my throat. I could hear him whisper “FUCK” repeatedly under his breath. He got up a good rhythm of fucking my face and for a couple minutes, both of us young cocksuckers on the concrete floor had our mouths full of cock. I was in pig heaven. His cock was perfect for fucking my mouth, it had a slight downward curve and every time my face was in his amazing smelling pubes, his cock went straight down my throat. Luckily I’d been sucking cocks since before I was legal, so I was in heaven I fell into a cocksucking trance, and felt Jake tap me on the shoulder and I looked up to see his cock to my left and Tony’s to my right. The tall guy turned to Tony and said “This your fag?” Tony smiled and said “It is for tonight. We just met off Grindr.” The tall guy laughed and said “I’m gonna fuck him, he loaded up already?” Tony and Jake both laughed and Tony said “Yeah, we both did. Should be nice and lubed up.” The tall guy said “Fuckin’ A, bro. You take his mouth, I’m gonna use that pussy.” The tall guy pulled his cock out of my mouth with a pop and put his hands under my armpits.”Up you go, faggot.” I stood up and he leaned far down (the dude was seriously an entire foot taller than me, which isn’t hard because I’m 5’5”) to kiss me. When he pulled back he turned me around and bent me over next to the sink, so I could keep Jake’s cock in my mouth. He spat in his hand and I could hear him rubbing it on his cock. Tony walked over to him, but I couldn’t see what they were doing. I didn't care. I just wanted my pussy filled again and I knew this guy’s cock was curved to rape my prostate. He and Tony murmured to each other and I could hear Jake snicker. Another booty bump for me? FUCK YES. Tony later told me that he put a really big shard of t under the tall guy’s foreskin just like he’d done with Jake. The tall guy pushed my upper body down with his left hand while he maneuvered his cock into my cunt. His long 8” cock slid easily into my hole, using Jake and Tony’s loads to open the way. He groaned as his big low hanging nuts slapped against my ass cheeks, and within seconds I could feel the new booty bump make my hole burn and make my cunt even hungrier. Jake and the tall guy got going, rutting in my holes. I was just a warm cavity for their cocks to take a ride in. They were both moaning and Tony was standing behind his son, egging him on. I could hear him speaking in a low voice in Jake’s ear saying “fuck yeah, baby boy, use that fucking whore mouth. He needs another one of your huge loads in his pussy when the jock boy is done breeding him.” I could feel that Tony was playing with Jake’s ass and I heard Jake moan loudly, “OH FUCK, Dad! No, Dad! FUUUUUUCK.” But it was too late, Tony was pushing his finger up Jake’s ass, and I was sure I knew what was on the end of that finger. Tony was dosing his own son with a nice fat shard of crystal. I had a feeling both of us were in for a long night. Jake moaned loudly and I could tell that he was getting more turned on as the tina took hold of him, but I he apparently was one of those guys who didn’t get tina dick. If anything his cock got even harder as the booty bump took hold and Tony worked the shard far up his hole. I couldn’t tell what to focus on, the huge cock in my mouth or the not quite so huge cock in my ass. I finally realized that it didn’t matter. I was getting railed from both ends by two hot guys. No matter what happened, I was already a winner. I was on my third cock of the night and only just getting started.
    6 points
  4. My boy is perfect for me, he is cute, smart, small, blond, masc, and a sexy little 18 year old jock boy. Pervy as they come in his head but with no clue how to have sex properly. While I enjoy fucking his tight hole when he is not fully able to take me and I cum quick as he moans in pain mostly, I really wanted him to fully enjoy it and for his hole to open up. Instead of wasting time with smoking and going to parties and all the fuss and mess of that world I called up an old buddy of mine from my old partying days and scored a small bag. Now every time when we have enough time to recover I break off a small rock, put it to the side. I get my boy and his hole warmed up. Usually start with some heavy drinking. Vodka mixed with Smart Water Recharge (for hydration). I eat that tight ass boi hole for hours and massage him and get him feeling amazing. He always begs me to fuck to fuck him as only “his big bro could”. Once his hole is open enough and lubed up just from my spit, and my cock rock hard in anticipation of transforming him into my own personal “lil bro” sex doll, I put the tiny rock into my piss slit and rocket launch my cock into him. Fuck there is no better feeling in the world then watching him transform before my eyes. His legs above my shoulders, body laid out to sacrifice before me. Seeing the hunger in his eyes grow as he moans out from the burning and tries to throw me off, but also grinds his ass back up on my cock. Soon enough his ass transforms and puffs up around my cock enveloping it in the most perfect teen cock sleeve you can imagine. The way he begs for my cock and load is like a chorus from heaven (or hell). I pound the fuck out of his hole, stopping only to eat out his ass, and maybe get some of the residual chems for myself to prolong the frenzy. We go for hours. Mostly in that position, or with him ridding me glaring into my eyes begging for more as he squats on my cock and I piston fuck the crap out of him. We talk a mad game about other men coming to use him and whoring him out, But in that moment I’d not share that ass with a single other soul. It’s too perfect, and just for me. Four or five loads and many hours later we are exhausted, I’m barely high and pass out, he’s a bit more energetic and so after we cuddle and I pass out he cleans up our room and readies a post fuck feast (usually take out or delivery - he’s fucked up). We eat, then sleep more. It’s a perfect little trip to the most incredible sex that no one needs to know about. We don’t record it. It’s just for us two. But I do get a kick of seeing how still affected by the comedown he is the next day when I have to drop off electrolytes or food to his work. A little reminder that I made him my whore the day before.
    5 points
  5. Late afternoon yesterday I went to an arcade in a bookstore. A late 20s nerdy guy looked me up and down, rubbed his cock and went into a both. I went into the adjoining booth and his still soft , large cock flopped through the hole. I sucked him for about five minutes until he was hard (about 8 inches, cut) and decided to try to see if he'd fuck me raw. I stood up, intentionally making the sounds of a belt unbuckling load enough that he could hear. He didn't pull his cock back through the hole which I took as a pretty good sign he'd fuck. I rubbed some lube on his cocks, still no pull back so I backed my hole to his cock head and applied a little pressure, which he matched. At this point his did pull his cock back and I was a bit afraid he was going to put a condom on but I just put may ass up to the hole in the booth and hoped for the best. A few seconds later, his cock pressed back against my hole and he pushed in, still bare. He slowly pushed all the way in and then proceeded to fuck me for about five minutes before he blew his load in me. He was fucking with full length strokes and hitting the wall pretty hard such that it must have been very obvious to all the other guys there that we were fucking. After he loaded me, he zipped back up and left the booth fairly quickly. I was doing the same but then, we must have draw some attention, because when he opened the door and exited, another guy came in immediately, the door didn't even close and open again. I saw an eye looking through the whole so I got back down in front of the hole. This started whet ended up me being in the booth for about two hours and getting 8 loads in my ass as follows: 2nd Load: Hispanic uncut cock, about 6.5 inches, fucked me for quite a while before he gave up his load. Seemed to be another younger guy based on sounds and look of his cock. 3rd Load: Small white cock, which again immediately followed the prior guy. He was barely getting in my hole when the glory hole took and inch of his cock and I was getting ready to leave the booth but he came very fast so that was that. Could really tell his age. 4th Load: Another hispanic looking uncut cock, came right in after the small guy. Hi cock was average size. After I sucked him, he put a condom on. When his cock came back through, i tugged the condom off and he proceeded to fuck me raw. After this guy, there was about a 20 minute break. A few guys came in, looked through the hole and left. I decided to switch booths and let those who were there see me. I could hear that the foot traffic was busy. I walked out, and then into another booth, with no obvious suitor. 5th Load: A few minutes later a guy came in. He was stroking to the porn for quite a while and it was straight porn. He took a while to get hard and I was about to give up but I'm glad I didn't. A very large white cut cock came through the hole, with a very distinct curve. I decided to make my intentions very clear as I wasn't sure he'd fuck raw. I put my hole to his cock and he pulled back fingered my hole for a bit, certainly feeling the prior loads, then he slid back in. Once he started fucking me he didn't last long. 6th load: About ten minutes later I heard the door to the next booth close but he didn't put in any money so there was no light to see him. I heard a whisper "you fuck?". I whispered back, I bottom and put my ass up to the hole. I heard money go in and the video start. Then I felt a semi hard cock touch my whole. He got hard and pushed in. He fucked pretty hard, similar to the first guy and had what felt like a nice sized cock. He was going in and out pretty smoothly but I couldn't tell if he was uncut or if I was just really slippery. He moaned when he came and then left. I never saw his cock. 7th/8th loads came from the same guy. Average size cut cock. He shot both loads in about five minutes. Having had a very successful day, I decided to pay back the anonymous sex gods, by giving my load before I left. I followed a muscly 40s guy into a booth but he just sucked me. I left the booth and found one where someone was in the adjacent booth. I put my cock through and whispered that I wanted to top. The guy started opening a condom so I left. I then waited outside a booth where I could hear fucking and went in when the top exited. I put my cock through the hole and felt a wet hole pretty soon. I fucked for about ten minutes then blew my load in whoever was on the other side. When I was done, I realized that cum had leaked out of my ass and run down the back of my leg into my show and there was a puddle on the floor. So hot!
    5 points
  6. I'm going to try something a little different. This story will have just three or four parts. I think it'll be easier to complete it if it has an ending. Hope you pigs enjoy it. This story was inspired by a buddy of mine, Adam. I sent him the picture below and he said "He’d fuck me in the back of the minivan next to the car seat after he tells his wife he has some errands to run." So that inspired me to write a story. 🙂 ======================================== The guy had a blank profile on Grindr. Normally I just cruise on by those profiles unless they send me a picture right away. I never have a problem getting laid because I’m a hot little 25 year old piece of ass, covered in dark fur on my chest and ass and, most importantly, a total slut. I rarely say no when a top asks to breed my ass. I don’t really care what they look like, but the bigger the cock the better. This one obviously caught my eye. Huge and fat, with giant balls, sticking out of his cargo shorts. The picture only showed his dad bod, shorts and that amazing cock. I was desperate to worship it. I wanted to impale my hole on it and feel it slam all the way into my cunt. I immediately fantasized about him fucking me in the back of a minivan next to a car seat, after telling his wife he had some errands to run and wouldn’t be back for a couple of hours. My dick immediately got hard thinking about it and my hole puckered. I replied to him right away and unlocked my extra pictures. He quickly replied and said “Good. You’re not going to waste my time. I wanna fuck you now. You in? I don’t have all night.” Damn. I love it when they’re super horny and completely direct. I couldn’t say yes fast enough, and told him I’d need a few minutes to clean out then he could fuck me wherever he wanted, as many times as he wanted. He told me to meet him in the park, near a cruising area. It was dark, what did I have to lose? Nothing, and hopefully I’d get a few loads in my hole from the t-room afterwards. It had been a few weeks since I had gotten fucked and my hole was hungry. I also had a week off from work, so I could stay up as late as I wanted, being a pig. My phone dinged again. It was him. “Be there in 30 minutes. Don’t be late, boy.” I put down my phone, cleaned out quickly and drove to the cruisy section of the park wearing shorts, a tank top, a tight jockstrap and a cap. My typical cruising/slut/pig outfit. Of course it was in a remote area adjacent to the golf course where few people went. There was a bathroom at the start of a trail that went into the woods and a couple of cars parked in a small gravel lot. He’d seen a photo of my face, but I only knew what his fat cock and cargo shorts looked like. That could be anyone. I stood next to my car, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness, looking at my phone when I saw the lights of a car near the edge of the parking lot flash. I walked over to a large SUV, walked around the passenger side and he rolled down the window. “What the fuck are you waiting for, boy? Get in the fucking car, faggot.” Oh that’s how it was going to go, huh? I got in and looked over to see a hot Daddy with dark hair and a face full of heavy chin scruff. Another week and it’d be a full beard. My cock started to get hard. His was already hard and sticking out of his shorts. “Get over here and suck my dick so I can fuck your pussy. Now.” I quickly dropped my shorts and got in the car, leaning over to take his huge dick down my throat. Nothing sent me further into a cock sucking trance then deep throating a huge dick. Dad Bod Guy wasn’t interested in my pleasure, though. He was only interested in controlling my head so he could fuck my face. He grabbed my neck and pulled me down so I was gagging. Over and over he used my mouth without any thought to my pleasure or desire, because he knew I was a faggot. He knew I was a cocksucker. He knew that using my mouth like it was a hole gave me intense pleasure but even if it didn’t he’d still fuck my face because it felt good to him. My pleasure or distress didn’t interest him. He didn’t let me breathe easily, and fucked my mouth hard, making me gag so much that after a few minutes I started to feel like I was going to pass out. Finally he pulled me up and let me catch my breath. I looked up at his handsome 40-ish face and he immediately spat a huge loogie into my eye. “Filthy fucking whore. You ready for more?” I just moaned. He laughed at me and said “Ready or not, I’m fuckin your pussy. Get in the back.” I got out of the car and crawled in the back, where the seats had all been folded down so it was a large flat area. “Hands and knees, faggot.” I instantly obeyed and stuck my ass up. “Back it up, boy.” He was standing under the tailgate, with his pants off, a small light on the inside illuminating what we were doing. He clearly didn’t give a shit if anyone saw us fucking. I backed up so my ass was sticking out of the tailgate. He was short, about 5’6” tall but built like a rugby player. A thick chest covered in dark black hair, along with a thick middle finished with a big ass, also covered in thick hair. Then there was that cock. , thick, fat, cut and hard as steel. My head was on the floor of the truck, waiting desperately for him. I still hadn’t said a word. I finally opened my mouth and moaned. “Please Daddy. I need it in my pussy. Please fuck me.” He laughed behind me, and said “Oh faggot, I’m gonna fuck you hard. But first you need a little help to take it to the next level.” I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I could hear him open a compartment on the side of the truck, and a zipper open. Then I heard him rustling with a few things behind and felt his finger enter my cunt. I moaned loudly and then, all of a sudden I felt a burning in my hole. Uh oh. He was dosing me with Tina. Fuck. Oh well, I’m a slut who never says no to chemicals, particularly when they’re administered by a hot fireplug Daddy with a giant fat cock. “You like that fag?” I just moaned louder and hissed “YESSSSSSSSSS DADDDDDDY.” I could feel my pulse start to go faster and my cunt get hungrier. He laughed again and said “Get ready. Here we go, little boy.” I moaned louder and then felt his scruffy face pressed against my hole, scratching me up. But I didn’t care because the booty bump he gave me was hitting me hard. I reached back, pulled my cheeks apart and pushed my hole into his mouth. He moaned loudly and continued to eat my ass, making sure to get my pussy as wet as possible. From somewhere behind me, I heard another voice. “Dude, that’s fucking hot. You gonna fuck that whore?” “Of course I am. You wanna use him after I’m done? Bet you he won’t say no.” “Fuck yeah!” I couldn’t see what the guy looked like but the tina in my hole guaranteed that I wasn’t going to say no, no matter who the other man standing there was. Dad Bod Guy (DBG) shoved his face back in my hole and continued to eat my cunt until I was begging for it. “Pleeeeease…….I have to have your cock in my hole. Please, Daddy!” I heard the other door open and a pair of shorts hit the floor. The other guy climbed in beside me, crawled up, turned my baseball cap around and shoved his cock in my mouth. It was fat and uncut with one of those foreskins that covered the head, even when he was hard. I licked under his foreskin and he shoved his cock all the way down my throat. From behind me, DBG pulled his face away from my cunt and I moaned around the fat cock in my mouth. I needed him inside me, but he was still teasing me with his fingers. I pushed back on his fingers and felt that burning sensation again. The motherfucker had dosed me with another booty bump. I looked up and got a good look at the new guy, he was a hot college aged white kid with a blonde buzz cut, a well defined body and a thick trail of blonde hair marching down his stomach to meet up with his pubes and fat uncut dick. He was a hot fucker who was clearly insanely horny. We were all sweating like pigs because we were outside in July. The second booty bump was kicking in and I knew I just needed to go along for the ride and do what I was told. Get both my holes filled with cocks. As many as possible. Finally, DBG (I still didn’t know his name) said “You ready for my cock, faggot?” I took Blondie’s cock out of my mouth and quickly said “FUCK ME SIR! PLEASE!” and then gagged my throat on Blondie’s cock again. He moaned loudly and started to slowly fuck my face. “DAMN, pig. I gotta be careful. I wanna breed your hole. Can’t waste my load in your mouth.” DBG slid his cock into my hole which had been relaxed and well lubed from the ass eating and crystal. He groaned loudly as his huge fat cock quickly buried itself to the root in my cunt. I couldn’t stop moaning with a combination of pain and pleasure. His cock was huge and spit was the only lube, but the drugs were making my asshole really hungry and their cocks were filling both of my holes full of fat Daddy and college boy cock. DBG started to pound my pussy really hard, and from out of his mouth came a non-stop stream of filth. “You fucking whore, god what a well used pussy you have. Just fucking opened up for my cock without any lube. Filthy little fag. I Love fucking little whore cunts like you…..” And on and on. I was in fucking pig boy heaven. His dirty talk trailed off after a few minutes, as his speed picked up and I could tell he was close to breeding my hole. I desperately wanted his load and took Blondie’s cock out of my mouth to beg for his load. “Please fuck me Daddy. FUUUUUUUUCK ME. I need your load in my pussy! Please knock your boy up, I wanna have your fucking babies! Fucking make me pregnant!” I continued to babble incoherently while DBG kept pounding me as hard as he could. After a couple of minutes more, he slowed down and pounded me hard with a last few thrusts and then suddenly stopped. I could feel his huge fat cock throbbing inside my pussy. I knew he was loading my hole up with sperm just like I’d been begging. I told him I wanted his babies inside me and he’d obliged by dumping a huge load deep in my ass. DBG laid on my back, catching his breath, and his cock slowly slipped out of my hole. I moaned loudly as my pussy let go of its master. He had taken control of me and bred me full of his sperm. I was a really happy boy. Just then the blonde guy tapped me on the face and I looked up. “Turn around, RIGHT NOW. Gotta get inside there, now that you’re lubed up.” DBG handed something to to Blondie and he laughed and said “Another one? Fuck, you’re not messing around.” I quickly turned around, and took DBG’s cock in my mouth to clean it off while, unbeknownst to me, Blondie was putting another shard of T under his foreskin. I was about to get dosed again. Did I care? Of course not. I learned to be a complete drug slut early in life and never said no to drugs. Blondie quickly slid his cock into my hole and started to slowly fuck me. My cunt was on fire with lust and after a few strokes, I could feel the huge load already in my pussy begin to churn a little bit. Then I felt the burn and knew they’d dosed me again. Blondie started to fuck me hard, I knew he was really turned on by how hard his cock was in my mouth and now I could feel his dick in my hole, even harder if that was possible. His cock wasn’t nearly as fat as DBG’s but it was longer. He was really reaming me out, lubed by DBG’s huge load of sperm. I knew he wasn’t going to last long and after just a couple of minutes he jackhammered my hole and added his load to my cumdump. I fucking loved it and reached around behind to hold his cock in my pussy as long as I could. After a couple of minutes, DBG finally got me out of my cum stupor and said “hey faggot. You want more loads? It’s a nice warm night and only 10, bet some randos are lurking around who’d wanna piece of that pussy.” Blondie pulled out of my hole, which just made it ache for more cock. He and Blondie both laughed as they got dressed. I just laid in the back of DBG’s car catching my breath, spun out of my head from the booty bumps they’d given me. After a few minutes, DBG reached over and said “Hey fag, come on. Don’t drip cum on my floor. Here are your clothes, go put them in your car, and put your keys in your shoe.” I looked kind of bewildered and confused. He slapped me across the face and brought me back to reality. “Now, boy!” I scrambled out of the car and heard the tailgate close behind me. I squeezed my cheeks together to keep the two thick loads inside my hole. Blondie slapped me on the ass, laughed and said “you are gonna get your hole raped hard, kid.” Then he turned to DBG and said “Hey, Dad, here,” and tossed a thick bag of tina to DBG. Wait. WHAT? DAD? If I hadn’t been completely spun out of my mind and afflicted with tina dick, I would’ve been instantly hard. They both smiled at me and DBG said “Yes. I’m his Dad. Now come on faggot. You’ve got an appointment with some stranger’s cocks.”
    3 points
  7. Hooked up with a party top in a hotel. He’d lined up a twinky Asian lad to blow & go while he waited outside. The young lad was nothing special but an eager fukker and he dumped a nice big load in <5 mins. The top returned to felch & fuck me for ages, then I bailed to check out a beat. Awesome balmy summer’s night brought out a lot of horny guys! First guy I approached was a tall, blonde, cyclist with a nicely hung thick cut cock. After breeding me, he asked if he was my first of multiple loads tonight? I replied “something like that”! Next up I got tagteamed by an older Irish tradie who bred me with his huge cock. He loved how cummy I felt and at one point his cock slipped out and I felt a wad of cum spray from my arse! All the while a stocky lad was spit roasting and eventually blew down my throat. Bit of a shame as I much prefer all loads up my arse! A few mins later I approached another daddy and pulled out his thick cut cock with huge balls and mushroom head. Sucked him til he was precumming, then told him he should fuck me. He said he’d seen me bending over for another guy earlier and was keen to slide into me. Score! He loaded me up after what felt like an eternity and my legs were ready to give way! A young skinny lad was watching close by, so after the daddy cock blew, I motioned for the skinny lad to come closer. He had a small but rock hard cock and loved the feel of my silky cummy hole so didn’t take long to blow his load in me too. Next up a hotty hung twink appeared. I tried convincing him to fuck me but he was being a condom nazi. A couple of guys spotted him and joined us. One was a rough looking older guy with an awesome big uncut cock. He was more interested in the twink but the twink wouldn’t fuck or let the old guy fuck him. I angled my arse into position, old guy fingered my cummy hole and didn’t hesitate to slide in and fuck another load into me. So hot! I kept playing for a while, hoping for another load but it wasn’t to be so I jerked off in the twink’s face then shared a long cummy kiss with him. Called into the party top’s hotel on the way home and he got hard again, then fucked & felched my arse until I finally called it a night.
    3 points
  8. Today, a day after I got manscaped (by a new professional who's also gay), I wanted some sex. I put an ad on local BBRT and had Grindr on, hoping someone younger would want to eat out, fuck and seed my daddy hole. Another 29 yr old of Vietnamese descent, in-shape, pigson saw me on Grindr and was more than a bit horny. He sent me some pics. I told him I needed some time to douche properly, and we'd meet after 4 PM at my place. After I finished up douching and showering, I saw that there was no green dot beside his profile. Oh shit, I thought, he's gone on to someone else. Being in lockdown here, it's harder (not impossible) to find a sexbud nowadays. Well, I msgd him on Grindr and he replied. Phewh! He was back (relief!). I gave him my address - he lives less than 1 mile from me. He looked much better in person - a bit taller than me at 5'9", 170 lbs, and really into daddies. He told me he hadn't had sex in a long while. We got to kissing, then mutual rimming (he loves to rim and so do I!). In the messaging on Grindr, he did ask about condoms. I ignored his question. After the rimming, I was hard and knocking at his asslips. He said he wasn't a bottom. I grabbed some lube off the sidetable and put some on my hard cock and took my time inviting myself in to his boicunt. He didn't protest, just moaned that he liked what he was getting. I fucked his hole off and on. I told him I wanted his big load in my ass. He was hard but not too big or long, but that doesn't mean he couldn't seed me. He did. Less than 2 mins in me and he was cumming in my hole (I could feel him cum in me!). He asked whether he could taste his seed in me. His face dove in to my ass. A hot pigson! Then he let me taste what was on his lips. He asked to swallow my load when I was ready. I was still rock hard. It turn a bit of jerking off to be close to cumming. He stopped kissing me and had his lips above my cock. From the first volleys of cum, his lips lapped up all my cum, saved up over several days. Again, he kissed me with my cum in his mouth and lips. SO fucking hot. At the end, we exchanged numbers, and I suspect he'll be back for more. We got to share cum without a drop wasted! That's MY type of bb fun!
    3 points
  9. Amateur porn can be a lot hotter then studio porn , when its real unedited and raw and nasty ,, Have a friend that is a rare type of role/position/personality , He is a Dominate aggressive BBbottom , He has a buddy that also is a dominate bbottom and they love to get twisted high on partyee and slam and force tops to be submissive and their cocks used and milked , they were at a party when they found a drunk/ and extremely high straight jock wandering around confused ,he was depressed his girlfriend was with another dude , and he was the was perfect victim they tricked him into leaving the party and go back to there place where they put Viagra in his drink and had him smoking white clouds and told him it was weed , they got him extremely high and completely twisted and got him in a chair in the middle of the room where they tied him down to the chair then they cut and removed all his clothes then they put a pair of hightop Converse Allstars on his feet and he was totally naked wearing only the Converse as he sat there helpless and his head spinning they faced him in front of the big screen tv playing hardcore Bareback gay porn as he struggled to get free the two bbottoms got down and began working his cock and made him inhale poppers and more and more white clouds , and he slowly started to calm down and stop struggling and began to start to surrender to them , as he couldn't believe his dick was getting so rock hard and he had no control to make it go soft , . He couldn't help but start to moan from the incredible pleasure his cock was feeling , His girlfriend was an ok fuck but she didn't suck him or jack him off and she only did condom and he had to pull out and shoot in his hand when he came , This was TOTALLY different is cock was being massaged and jacked and sucked deep by the two gay dudes , and he could help but realize that he was feeling a level of pleasure he had never felt before and never knew was even possible , But then the two gay bottoms told him his cock belonged to them now and they wanted his cum , and they wanted him to cum inside of them and they lubed his cock and slid their holes down on his raw cock and told him he was inside them without a condom , and the jock sat there helpless to stop them , But as they began to pump their hungry holes up and down on his raw cock he was consumed with the extreme pleasure he was feeling ,His cock was literally being MILKED and as the pleasure grew stronger and stronger and his eyes rolled back in his head , he just totally surrendered and gave into them and began cumming and cumminig and cumming it felt like he was shooting stream after stream of his hot cum deep up in both their holes over and over making him orgasm and cum and then very quickly making his balls reload and he was cumming again and again , over and over all night till finally he thought he could not cum anymore , he had been milked at least 9 or 10 times he thought , but they made him extremely high again and continued to milk him several more times for hours and hours . as he looked down he could see both bbottoms were wearing Converse while they rode his cock as he was wearing them too , he knew he would remember being milked every time he saw a dude wearing Converse from now on . when they finally set him free he didn't freak out and hurry up and leave hey instead he got up and stretched and then sat back down and relaxed and told the two gay bottoms that he had never felt such an intense pleasure like that before and didn't know it was possible to experience such a level of pleasure and the white clods and the Viagra made him surrender to it . they got down and began sucking and jacking him and he didn't resist them he spread his legs and sat back and relaxed and told them they could milk his cock till they get what every cum is left or his balls can make for them , and they worked his cock and balls and made him cum 2 more times . He was now a slave TOP his cock secretly owed by his new BB bottom masters . He obeyed and returned on the weekends to be once again tied down extremely high and milked of all his cum he could produce . His new purpose in life , to produce cum for the bottoms to feed on .
    2 points
  10. I started getting bred when I was 13. Because I am a total bottom and love dick I have been bred literally thousands of times before my 40th birthday. Needless to say I passed tight a long time ago. My first long term boyfriend was 10”. After 7 years of his almost daily breeding I have been able to take any man with ease. Over about the last 5 years when a man is breeding me I find myself acting like he is big and it’s uncomfortable for me. I also tell him that he is big. My question is... Do you feel men want to hear that? Are they ok with knowing my pussy is made for very large men? If any of men see this and have fucked me...I was telling the truth with you. Lol
    2 points
  11. Author's note - it is my intention to serialise this story. But this post is the first two chapters. Determined to forget I was head down, bum up in the dark room of Wet on Wellington in Melbourne. I could barely make out that about seven men were leaning against the wall - watching the show. The stranger jack hammering into hole as precum leaked out of my cock on to the vinyl fuck-bench. I couldn’t tell you if he was wearing a condom - to be honest I was past caring. His moderate cut cock was as hard as granite and he seemed determined to fuck me as hard as humanly possible. I could tell he was Asian - he had straight pubic hair and he was clearly into me. I wasn’t there for pleasure - I was there to take loads and move on from the past. He was hitting my prostate with every stroke in the most unpleasant way I could imagine. Frankly, it just hurt - not even liberally huffing amyl helped. But the pressure meant my cock was leaking - precum continued to dribble out of my foreskin onto the vinyl. I kept moaning with every abusive slam - not for my top - but to entertain the barely visible silhouette around the edge of the room. This was a hate fuck from a man who I would never recognise - but I was determined to take it to show the crowd that even self-loathing chubby guys have their charms. To distract myself from the punishment I was taking, I started to think about how I got here. In June it became obvious that Covid was back. My suburb was one of ten going into an extreme lockdown for two weeks to save the city from a second wave. The political system seemed determined to cover-up how, why and even who was responsible for our predicament. I was angry and scared, and frustrated that the white-wash would mean other places wouldn’t be able to learn from our mistakes. And on day two of the two week lockdown, I was washing up. The man I loved and had lived with so long told me “You’re just not the guy for me - we’re a bad match”. Those two weeks lasted 147 days - and my city is still living with restrictions. The rules were so strict it was illegal for me to move out of our home. I couldn’t stay with friends and I couldn’t even check into a hotel because they were all closed. Our only break from each other was an hour of ‘outside exercise’ every day - in the dead of winter. It was even illegal to get a haircut. We both tried our best to be kind and civil during those 21 weeks - but the fact remains for nearly six months he and I were caught in a cage-match - I was trapped somewhere I wasn’t wanted, feeling hurt and abandoned, and he was trapped with someone who he once loved, came to resent and now desperately needed to escape. It was crushing for both of us. I had been with him for so long I had forgotten who I was without him. The most sensible thing to do was to live in a manner directly inverse to the life that we had built together. I rented a fancy apartment in the middle of the city centre, got myself on PrEP and downloaded the apps. In short, a few weeks from my 42nd birthday, something had snapped in me and I decided to take every cock I could find until I forgot who I had become with my ex. Moving day My grandmother’s voice swirled in my mind - ‘When you move house, always pack a bag with a towel, soap, sheets, toilet paper and a pillow - your first job is to make the bed - the rest is a bonus”. I included my prep, a toothbrush, an old towel, a bottle of lube, and a fresh bottle of amyl in the bag. After making the bed I had a shower and started working on my plans. I installed Grindr, Scruff, BiggerCity, and Growlr. And, then I did what the old me would consider unthinkable - I set my username in each app to “I can host”, and promised myself no matter what, I would say “yes” to any man who wanted to come over. As I pottered about the boxes - “ding” from a guy called “thick” on Growlr - “Hey”, he was 100 meters away and reported his age as 54... “Hi - how are things?”, I replied… “Good - just shopping - got any pics?” I sent him a series of photos - one my cock, one of my butt, a few of my unremarkable face, and a body shot that showed I was a chub. While I would say yes to every man who wanted to come over, I wasn’t going to deceive them. Yes, my heart was broken, but my integrity remained intact. He replied with three photos - one of a thick looking cut cock, another of a middle-aged body that looked like it was taken 15 years ago, and a clothed photo in front of Sydney Town Hall where all the cars in the background were from the mid-nineties. I reminded myself of my obligation - I would say yes to every man who asked. My thumbs flicked back to the chat, and tapped out “nice cock. What are you looking for?” He rambled and I decided to cut to the chase. “I’ve just moved into this place and I’m looking to get fucked NSA” He took the hint and about ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. He was not 54, but he was chatty. To break the ice (and to shepherd him into the bedroom), I gave him a tour of my new home. He wanted to do foreplay and he was bad at it. Mercifully, after about 15 minutes of quite dull, uncoordinated fumbling our clothes came off and I’m pleased to report the cock was as advertised. I presented myself - taking a doggy-position at the edge of the bed. He started to rub his hands all over my body. I slathered lube on his cock and my backside. I reached for the amyl bottle and then he started to speak again… “Do you have a condom?” I thought about it for a moment - I had some somewhere in the apartment, but everything was in boxes, the boxes were in a random order and so I answered truthfully. “No. I’m on Prep, so does it matter?” Saying it out loud changed everything for me - in that moment I knew I was serious. I simply huffed the amyl and waited patiently. My suitor seemed confused - but he was leaking precum and obviously ready to go. He dropped to his knees, and started to eat me out like a man who hasn’t had a meal in weeks. While his tongue was opening up my hole I realised he had finally shut-up, and so I enjoyed the peace and quiet. He stood back up and started to rub his cock all over my crack - leaving a trail of precum. I kept huffing the little brown bottle. He slid into me a little too quickly, it had been months since I had been fucked - and I was living for it. He thrust into me somewhat artlessly. I started to moan because despite his lack of technique, I could feel a certain tension leaving my body. My moans must have turned him on because he got harder. “You like my thick cock, chubby slut?” “Yeah, please keep fucking me, man” “All you chubby boys are the same - look at you, you’re a dirty slut, taking a random cock bareback” Well he wasn’t wrong. I clenched my hole around his rod that somehow was getting harder still and suddenly my moans became real: I was loving being dicked down by a stranger. He kept pounding my hole, and we were both getting a light-sweat. “I’m getting close - where do you want me to cum?” My hole was singing - yes, it was slightly sore from the stretching, but after months of bad porn and being caught with my ex, it was finally being used for its intended purpose. I was ready to say something acerbic like “Really dude? Take a hint” but, then I became aware of my voice in the room “In me” And then, without so much as a thought, I heard myself begging “Please cum in me - I need you to breed my hole. I want you to dump your load deep inside me. I need your cum.” Somehow, the truth had escaped while I was thinking about how I’d be sarcastic. He slammed as deep into me as he could - and then I felt his cock pulsing. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Finally, two or three weaker pulses. He collapsed on top of me. I gently squeezed around his cock - I was determined that every drop of his seed would stay in me. He withdrew. I turned onto my back and relaxed. As he caught his breath, he started to yammer again. Eventually he asked me if I wanted to go on a dinner date with him sometime. “No thank you, I’m just not in that place at the moment. But thank you so much for coming by today and giving me a load. Do you need me to walk you out of the building?” “I was hoping to get to know you better” I lazily motioned at the boxes in the corner of the room and said “mate, I’ve got a lot of work to do - some other time, perhaps?” “Umm, ok” He put on his shoes, and started to move towards the front door - but not before hugging me. A hug that I didn’t want. I managed to overtake him in the hallway, and open the door for him and escorted him into the lift-lobby. I pressed the down button. “You’ll be right to get out of the building?” I asked, in the form of a statement. “Yes” As I turned to return back to my apartment, I found myself speaking “Good. Well thank you for dropping by” Before he could reply I had closed and locked the door to my apartment. Something else had shifted in me. I didn’t want aftercare. I wasn’t attracted to him. In fact, something about him was just ‘off’ - maybe it was his misleading use of photos from the 1990s? I wasn’t annoyed or ashamed or having been fucked by him - although I found his need to speak very annoying. It was just that he was no longer relevant to my day and I was done with him. Then there was that unmistakable tone from my phone - Scruff. My hole had cum still in it - I was coated in lube and I opened it - a 21 year old was 12 meters away and had messaged me “Hi. I love bigger guys”...
    2 points
  12. It would be nice to start all of this to say I had no idea when I entered the Bathhouse what Bug chasing and Neg/Poz sex was about. That would make all of this look innocent.That I had no idea what might happen and that I was forced into this against my will, almost. That would be a total lie though. Do you notice how many stories and porn stories with pozzing as it’s main subject , always have a guy slightly unwilling, naive or duped into becoming a poz slut? That was not me . I was no victim. I wanted that poz cum in me when I went into the bathhouse. I selected that bathhouse because the reviews had mentioned lots of shady men and bareback sex. More than one review mentioned guys with veins popping out and breeding going on. It was a magnet to me. The moment I saw a comment, that some guy had got pozzed there, I knew I had to go. Like a moth to the fucking flame, I was at the door of the bathhouse to get fucked poz This night I walked into the small bathhouse with purpose. I had seen an ad , an ad for a guy to be pozzed and like the voyeur and slut I was, I had to see, I had to go .I barely noticed the guy who smiled as I gave him my money , when I walked in. I asked where the Steamroom was , he replied . I walked to the lockers and I quickly undressed and wrapped a towel around me. The Steamroom was downstairs. I ignored everything else and tried to find it That is where the young guy in the Bareback Ad online had said he would be. He wanted to be Poz. The ad had 14 replies. At least 5 fully poz guys with no medication answered. The bottom was 19 and you could tell many guys would go just because he was young. I went because I knew one of the guys going. He wasn’t poz and he had fucked me before, but he was hot and so the young guy had readily accepted the request and told him when and where it was happening . The same bathhouse , with the same reputation and here I was outside the Steamroom. I put my towel on the hook outside the room. There were only about 4 other towels on hooks. I walked in. The first thing I noticed was not being able to see .It took a moment for my eyes to adjust and even then all I could see was shadows . What was surprising or really not ,was how few shadows there were and how none of the shadows seemed to be engaged in anything resembling sex. Before I could sit down on a bench, I saw a shadow lurch towards me. It was my fuckbud . In an angry whisper he said to me “ I knew it was you. That fucking stuck up slut never came. He bailed. They nearly always do. “ with that he walked out. Silence, darkness and heat and what was I clutching, oh yeah the poppers. I sat down. Part of me knew he wouldn’t turn up. It was all too much of a fantasy and what was I hoping anyway? To watch him be pozzed . Why never me ? I was thinking of all of this when I noticed a sudden movement near me. One of the shadows started moving towards another shadow and started speaking. “Well fuck it , if I am not going to gift someone I am going to the pub.” The guy he was talking to laughed. “ These fucking flakes, you know it is all just bullshit” then it happened. I don’t know if it was poppers or fear or darkness or that I was desperate ,but I heard myself speak. It was so lacking in confidence , but it was me, there was no doubt. “I am Neg. I would love to be charged Poz.” There was silence. I had no idea how many people were in the Steamroom. Including me , maybe 5? Silence . Nothing. Then one of the voices spoke. “You want my Poz seed?” “Fuck yeah “ I replied. Out of darkness I felt a hand. It lightly brushed my cock, then I felt myself being lifted up as the hand went under my balls and started to search my ass. “Fuck yeah ,Poz him “ someone said out of the darkness. I was both terrified and exhilarated. Out of the steam the shape of a fat cock came into view and my mouth opened as the hand beneath my balls started to lift me up, still searching my ass. I knew i was about to be lost . I grabbed the poppers and held it against my nose and sniffed hard. At that moment someone grabbed me and took the poppers out of my hand and while I tried to get them back started to turn me around towards the wall. I could hear myself breathing , talking to myself “ Fuck what are you doing ? “ I said to myself . “Don’t stop relax you want this ,”the other part of me said. Then my voice came out again “Poz my Neg ass” There were groans . I could hear people jerking off and then suddenly I saw a small man with a crix belly . He had a big fat cock. He had veins out everywhere that I could see. He had the “look”. Now it was my turn to groan. He came close to my ear and loudly whispered “ I was going to ask if you were sure” He said , “ but we both know you are.. slut “ He disappeared behind . I felt someone spread my legs . I couldn’t tell who. Suddenly as out of nowhere I felt my bottle of poppers against my nose. I sniffed it in hard, as it was taken away again .I relaxed and lent back, but started to feel a dick start to probe my ass. I panicked. Had I even lube up there?. But then I could feel the cold distinct feeling of lube being rubbed in my ass. Just as I felt this I felt a guy’s cock behind push into me hard. I groaned hard. I almost panted. I could hear groans around the room and the loud sounds of wanking. I was terrified and in heat. I hoped and feared it was the crix guy behind me,but both of us were panting and the pain and the pleasure kept up . My moaning was becoming loud, like some bitch in heat I was. Someone opened the Steamroom door and closed it. The heat started become hard to bear. Still I was bent towards the wall. The shadows seemed closer, the groans and the jerking. Someone groaned loudly and came on the floor. This made everyone louder. I was lost. “Make me pregnant” I yelled. “Charge me “ The door kept opening and closing . There was a loud groan and suddenly stillness behind me. “ You got my babies mate” and he laughed. At that there was a loud groan of “Fuck yeah” . I thought it was from some other guy, but it was me. A dick left, another one replaced it . I was being converted.i loved it The guy with Crix came up beside me again. “Tonight your going to be fucked up. “Please fuck me “i yelled . “ I already made you pregnant mate. The guy fucking you now is the guy who let you in and he has never taken meds. You will be truly fucked up by the end of this.” I don’t know how long I was there. I don’t know how many loads I had. Eventually I ended up at the showers. Everyone I passed smiled. Others would smile and pat me on the butt. I was humiliated. I was in heat . I could still feel cum inside me. It was still going down my leg .I went upstairs and dressed. As I went to the front door dressed ,the guy who let me in smiled. “Do you need a water. You must be dehydrated .”He handed me a bottle. I offered to pay . “ Are you kidding , after the floor show you put on tonight. Everyone should be buying you drinks” . I looked him over. He didn’t have the look . He smiled and almost blushed. “ Hey bud don’t worry I have it and you have well and truly been infected” . It was my turn to blush. “ I um.. “ I managed to stammer. The guy had a broad smile on him. “ I may not be obvious, but you are. As soon as you walked in I thought yep he wants the bug. When your friend left he was pissed because the 19 year old wasn’t there. He told me that at least you would be pozzed tonight. I mean that is how it always happens”. I was abit confused. He looked me in the eye and said “ There is no 19 year old begging to be pozzed that has an ad out to meet at this place. I place it, every couple of weeks , a different one. Sometimes they are 25, sometimes 30. Always hot. Always desperate to be pozzed.” “But why ?“ I stammered out “ Because it drums up business. People always come. The Tuesday night used to be dead. Now we have people crawling all over the place. The 19 year old may not be here, but someone always leaves converted. Someone always leaves with the Gift. Tonight that guy is you.” My legs felt weak, but I could feel my dick get stiff. “ In a couple of weeks hopefully you will take “ he said. “ The next time I put out an ad for a hot 27 year old you can be there and help convert a newbie . Someone like you . But if you don’t convert you can be that newbie. Can I sign you up for a membership for this bathhouse?” “Sold” I yelled too quickly. “ I want to be a member “. He smiled “ This week you are the newest member”
    2 points
  13. So when did you guys know you were done with condoms? For me, I gradually came round to ditching them, after I “accidentally” took a bunch of guys bareback at the sauna, and had a few courses of PEP. But as for when I knew? Again at the sauna, this really hot muscular guy, maybe ten years older than me, tried to lob it in with me up against the wall. I grabbed his cock, realised it was raw, and said “no, sorry.” He immediately grabbed the guy next to me, a gorgeous black guy the same age and build as me, and shoved it in him against the wall instead. And the bottom just looked at me in pure ecstasy, with a huge smirk on his face. I decided then I was never going to let that happen again. Anyway, since then, both the muscular top and the black bottom have fucked me raw at the same sauna, so all good!
    2 points
  14. I like loose pussy. Yes I'm hung bigger than average so loose pussy feels good on my dick. Also an ass that looks like a cunt or vagina is esthetically pleasing to me. A bottom with experience is always welcomed. As I said I'm above average so most bottoms usually make a comments. So yeah it's nice but not something I expect my bottom to say. It's more the size queens bragging about all the big dicks they take that's annoying me. It doesn't bother me you got fucked by a bigger dick than mine, kind of a turn on, but bragging about your "talents'" and how you make tops tape out because how 'amazing you pussy is" a straight up turn off.
    2 points
  15. Another amazing story...with the whole spectrum of emotions. Thank you!!
    2 points
  16. There is very little sex in this part. I wanted to move the plot along but I hope you like it. Part 4 Time seemed to stand still as I watched my father licking his fingers covered in my pre-cum. Of all the things I'd have thought could happen, this was certainly not what I had expected. I stood there, frozen in place, our eyes locked on each others, as time stood still. Dad's face started to move closer towards mine, his lips moving towards my lips. the distance between us closing until it was almost suffocating. I felt the faint touch of his lips on mine and it sent a shudder down my spine. *Phone Ring* The sudden sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my trance. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and picked up the call. By now, dad had distanced himself and I headed upstairs to my room. The phone call was from an old friend and while it came at the perfect time, I wasn't in the mood to chit chat. As soon as I entered my room, I made up an excuse and disconnected. I needed time to think. I quickly realised that staying inside was not helping me. I had to get out so I grabbed a sweater and headed out the door. Dad was still in the kitchen and when I muttered an excuse to leave, he didn't stop me. He threw his car keys at me and asked me to drive safe. Once in the car, I headed out towards the town. After years of being away, it felt nostalgic to be back to the place I called home. I went sightseeing my school, the old mall strip we used to hang out in, the arcade store (which had closed and turned into a grocery place) and a few others. Driving around kept my mind off of the things that had occurred at home. But there are only so many places in a small town to see so eventually, my mind drifted back to the house. What had dad meant when he said neg cum? Why was dad hitting on me, his own son? Why had dad and Sam changed so much? Why was the house so well furnished when dad's business wasn't exactly the most successful? So many questions and no answers. Right on the outskirts of town was McHale's- a working man pub frequented by everyone in town. It was old, shabby and grungy, but it was the one constant in town. I had never been inside but now that I was an adult who really needed a drink, it felt as good a place as any to drown my thoughts with a glass of cold beer. Being late afternoon on a weekday, the place was mostly empty. I grabbed a chair by the bar and sat down, waiting for the barkeep. Almost instantly, a hot young guy appeared in front of me. He was probably mid to late 20s, slightly chubby with a strong working man build. Bearded with a nose ring, the guy was a walking wet dream and under different circumstances, I would most definitely have tried my luck with him. I asked him for a beer but he kept looking at me with a weird smirk. "Well if it isn't Joey Sloan." "Do I know you?" I asked, confused and slightly aware that he had a familiar face. "Harry Keppler, we went to school together Joe." Now I remembered. Harry was a classmate but he was certainly different now than what I remembered. Back then, he was maybe 5 feet tall, scrawny like a twig and shy. The almost 6 feet hunky guy in front of me had nothing in common with the boy I remembered. Harry was chatty, asking me a lot about my life outside. As a courtesy, I asked him the same. He told me his parents divorced when he was 15 and his dad left, never to be seen again. His mum passed away when he was 18 and left him with the family farm and insurance money. Not interested in farming, he went to community college and got a business degree. When he graduated, he bought the bar from the previous owners and now ran it alone. "That's good man, must be fun running a bar." "Yeah, around these parts its the best job. No shortage of drunk bubbas around here," he chuckled. By now my glass had emptied out so I asked him for a second. When he went towards the tap to fill up, I heard the bar door open. A moment later, a man came and sat a few places over, keeping enough distance between us but close enough where I could appreciate him. Alpha Male- the only words that could describe him. Almost 6 and a half feet tall, somewhere around 270-290 pounds of strong working man muscle with a gut and massively huge arms. He was wearing a cop outfit, complete with the police cap, which covered his arms and legs. But if I had to guess, I would say he was a hairy man, based on the thick handlebar mustache and the hairy knuckles on display. As a business owner, I had met my fair share of alpha males but they didn't come close to this man. Those men showed the world their alpha nature by the way the spoke, dressed and presented themselves. This man had a presence that would tell any person that he was an alpha male that you'd not want to fuck with. While I was stealing glances at him, Harry dropped the refill in front of me and made his way towards the man. I saw the guy lean over and whispered something in Harry's ear. Then he stood up, and made his way towards the washroom. A few minutes later, Harry went towards the washroom as well. About 20 minutes later, the big guy walked out of the the washroom. He made his way to the bar, grabbed his drink, downed it in one go and left. A minute later, Harry walked out of the washroom and came back behind the bar. His hair was disheveled and it was evident what had happened. Also because of small drop of white cum that was lodged in his beard in his lower chin. I pointed it out to Harry who got flustered and quickly wiped it using his finger. But instead of cleaning his finger with a cloth, he stuck it in his mouth and licked it off right in front of me. This town was weird and something was up. "Never took you for being gay Harry." "Lots changed Joe around here, you'll find out soon enough," he replied with a smirk. I went back to drinking my beer and there was silence between us for a few moments. "Who was the guy Harry? Never seen him." "That was Chief Floyd Turnpike, he came to the country 'bout 3 years ago." "So, he's your boyfriend?" I asked him with a grin. "Hah, no. He's just a guy that I love to suck and get fucked by." His casualness caught me off-guard, what was up with this town's people and their casualness about gay sex. "Wow, that's umm...good for you Harry. He's hot." "Yeah he is Joe, he thinks you are cute too." I looked at him puzzled by his revelation. He told me that the chief had asked about me while they were "doing the business". Harry had told him everything about me including who I was. "Should I be concerned? The dude looked scary." "Eh don't be, you'll come to know him soon enough." Harry said, a slight mischief in his voice. By now, my second glass was empty and knowing that anymore would result in a good buzz and prevent me from driving, I took my leave and made my way home. On the drive home, I kept thinking about how to confront dad. What could I say to him to get some answers? --- When I reached my house, my brother's car was in the driveway and a police SUV. I was shit scared that something bad had happened so I quickly parked and rushed indoors. Once inside, I found my dad, brother and the chief from earlier smoking and drinking. The scene in front of me was hot, here were 3 hot, beefy guys reveling in their shared masculinity, doing what comes naturally to be a man. But my mind was elsewhere, stuck in the thoughts of my dad, my brother and everything that had transpired. "Aah look who's back, join us son." My dad spoke up on seeing me walk in. I gingerly made my way towards an open chair, as Sam passed me a beer. All this time, the chief had been eyeing me intensely. It wasn't a friendly gaze, rather one filled with intent malice and something else. Sam offered me a cigar which I refused. The 3 of them were talking about the town and my mind drifted off to everything that had happened. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that they were calling my name until Sam punched me lightly in the arm to wake me up. "Joe, your dad tells me you're gay too?", the chief commented. Way to start a conversation. I simply nodded my head yes, taking a big sip of the beer to calm my nerves. Something about the chief was making me uncomfortable, his attitude was both engrossing and intimidating, with a little hint of danger. "That's good, our numbers are increasing in this town," the chief remarked. "I'm not here for long, I'll leave in a few weeks," I chimed in. The chief stared at me intently. The room was silent, with the only noise coming from the cackle of the burning cigars in the room. The awkward silence was broken by the chief subsequently with a few words that sent chills up my spine. "We'll see about that." Despite being fazed by the man's words, I knew that I had to speak up. I wasn't going to be a wimp or be intimidated by him. "So, how do you know my dad and brother?" I asked the chief. "Your dad didn't tell you? Damn Bax, you've been keeping the boy in the dark haven't ya," the chief smirked towards my dad. My dad looked nervous, it was on his face, even though he was trying to hide it. "I am your dad's dad kid," the chief exhaled. Of all the things I had heard and seen, this was the most preposterous. I knew both my grandfathers and I had visited them often as a kid. They both had passed away a few years ago but I was certain that this man in front of me was definitely not related to me. "Dad, is this a joke," I asked dad with annoyance. My temper was rising at the absurdity of it all. Before dad could respond, the chief interjected. "I am not your biological grandpa Joe. I am a different kind of dad to your father. A more closer and sacred bond than he ever had with his own father." I kept quiet, unsure of how to respond. Sensing my annoyance, the chief continued. "A few years ago, I marked your dad with a bond that tied him to me. It was the gift only a man can give another man, and when given, ties them in a bond unlike any other. Your father, by accepting my gift, accepted me as his dad. And once gifted, passed on the gift to his own son, your brother Sam." This was all kinds of crazy. What gift were they talking about? Is that why dad and Sam had changed so much? Did it have anything to do with dad and Sam's current relationship? "Son," my dad spoke up, "There's something more I haven't told you. But before I do, do you know what poz means?" Of course I did. It was a term used to refer to a HIV+ person. But why was he talking about this? "Well, the thing is son, your brother and I are poz." The air left my lungs as the words he spoke entered my brain. My father and brother were HIV+. The shock knocked me out as I sat there quietly, mulling over everything he had just said. Words didn't come and my mind blanked, replaced by a slight buzzing of being in shock. No one spoke, as they watched me come to terms with what I had learnt. "How did this happen dad? Are you okay?" "I am fine son, better than I have ever been. As for how it happened, well," he looked towards chief while pausing before continuing, "chief gave me the gift of poz and I passed it on to Sam."
    2 points
  17. A couple of months ago...black top buddy I get with occasionally. 7.5 cut cock. Hot body, awesome kisser, great at oral, pushes every button I have. Started out naked, kissing, nipple play, paying with each others cocks and feeling each other up. Moved to bed, more of the same, then he sucked my cock for a while before moving on to the main event: ate my ass out before pushing his bare cock into me. He is very unique in one area: he has a very quick come back time. After fucking me for a while, he shot his load in my ass, stayed hard in my ass, and after a few minutes resumed fucking me....and repeated it til he had shot 4 loads in my ass without pulling out. Then he sucked me off, and I actually came off the bed when he got me off. We went downstairs and ate pizza and watched a movie. He asked "think you got one more in you?" We went back to my bed where he proceeded to fuck me 2 more times, giving me a total of 2 more loads. Any time we fuck, he gives me at least 4 loads...and it is hot And he is planning a visit in two days 🙂
    2 points
  18. Thanks, for the ride, I just loved the story from the beginning to the end, understand it had to end sometime but will miss the life on Hibiscus Drive. Just to put a bit pressure on you. I am looking forward to your new story because you will start a new one right.
    2 points
  19. a wonderful story throughout, and the final chapter did bring a tear to my eye. You are a great writer, something i would suggest you pursue professionally, my own stories though i think are 'ok' are put in the pale by your writing, well done fella, just wonderful story telling x
    2 points
  20. It has just gone midnight here in England, and I am HUNGRY - Time for a long and slow midnight snack! 🐽👅
    2 points
  21. The biggest difference this year vs last year is that I've taken pretty much all of my loads since March from 4 different tops. Three of them check in regularly and ask me for ass. That's nice and it means that I don't have to bother with people flaking on me online. Each top has something "special" about him. One is well endowed (9 inches) and fucks like a stallion, one is above average in size and can shoot up to 5 loads in 30 minutes, while the third has an average sized cock but it shoots incredibly big loads. I committed a major faux pas recently by describing the third guy's cock as "cute". He was like WTF? In the future, I'll be sure to refer to it as "your super hard, throbbing, mushroom head cock". 😂
    2 points
  22. "The following Saturday, Walt invited me down for lunch. I was shocked when he leaned in and kissed me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. Less than a minute later, he pulled back and I said , This is wrong!" 'Yes, it is, but not for the reasons you think. I felt like I was kissing my son. Rather than try and explain it myself, Mary left as letter for me to give you at the appropriate time and this certainly qualifies as the appropriate time.' He went to the bedroom and returned a minute later with a sealed envelope with my name on it. I opened it and it read as follows." My dearest Tim, From the day we met, you've been an innocent victim of our deception. Walt and I first met at an underground mixer for gays and lesbians. I was there with a woman and Walt was with a man. Even after Stonewall, smalltown America was hardly friendly to gays and lesbians. As luck would have it, Walt and I developed an instant friendship. Both of our families were pestering us to find someone and get married, so we met each other's parents and got married in a City Hall ceremony, hoping things would change and we could someday be our authentic selves. We were given a Honeymoon Suite as a wedding present and we figured we'd do the deed. Naturally, neither one of us enjoyed it, but lo and behold, I wound up pregnant. There were complications during the delivery and I'd never get pregnant again. Of course, Maureen brought joy into our lives and while it wasn't a husband and wife thing, Walt and I grew to love each other deeply and we continued our charade of living as a straight married couple and we were quite successful. On her 18th birthday, Maureen sat us down for a talk. She'd seen the way Walt subtly looks at men and how I I do the same with women. It wasn't difficult for her to figure out our marriage. Then, she came out as bisexual. By then, we'd settled into our marriage and saw no reason to change things. Needless to say, my illness changed things. I knew I could count on you to look after Walt after my passing, but I need to ask something more. It would mean the world to me if you could help Walt to live authentically as a gay man and maybe even find the love of another man. I've never been a meddler, but I've seen you with men of all ages and if you should find yourself attracted to Walt, you'd certainly have my blessings. Otherwise, please be his guide and mentor. I've shown this letter to Walt and Maureen, so you have their approval, as well as mine. Please forgive our deception. With all the love in my heart, Mary "Boy was I ever wrong!" I said to Walt. "Mistaken, though it was I think that kiss means you're ready to make your entrance into the gay world." 'Yes, it does!' Walt said, blushing. 'The moment I saw you, I thought you were a sexy man, but because I've grown to love you as a son, that kiss was incestuous. Will you help me?' "As if you really need to ask!" I replied. "If you don't mind, I want to give Maureen a heads up." Taking my phone, I scrolled through my directory and dialed her number. 'What's up, Bro?' She said answering on the first ring. "Just read Mom's letter and thought I'd check in with you before I go into Henry Higgins mode. Before anything else, I think he needs to project a gay image, so I'll be taking him to my stylist and updating his wardrobe." 'I can't be there as Colonel Pickering, but when you've finished, send a pic of gay Dad and call me. Talk later.' She said ending the call. "I texted my stylist and he had an opening, so off we went. Some layering and feathering and Walt was already looking like a sexy gay man. Next up was the clothing store for some tight fitting jeans, snug t-shirts and bright button down shirts, modeling them all for me. Walt was so pleased he decided to wear the final outfit home, so I took 2 pics, front and back and sent them to Maureen before calling her." 'You've turned Dad into a gay stud, which isn't surprising since you're a gay stud yourself!' 'I'm gonna treat Tim to dinner and then have him take me to my first gay bar!' Walt said grabbing my phone. 'I'll call you tomorrow.' He ended the call. "The transformation seemed to be more than physical. At the checkout counter, a cute cub said, 'If I wasn't happily married I'd be asking you out!' Walt blushed. To be continued
    2 points
  23. When I first seen a Treasure Island Movie. It was everything I had been feeling yet couldn’t describe or identify. I didn’t even know that stuff existed. Rocked me to my core.
    2 points
  24. I have been enjoying sodomy and after high school, my partner count skyrocketed and has stayed high--peaking in 2018 with some 900 sex partners. I really get into the freak level size stuff--always have--so my ass is great with huge toys and fisting, making me obviously used even at rest where my hole is actually a slit or gash. In my experience guys tend to fall into 3 categories here. Some really get off on fucking really used ass to the point, if I'm at a sex club or sex resort, hey will wait until a dozen guys or so have used me before they mount me to ad their own seed to the mix. I have even had them jerk off inside me. The second type doesn't care whether you're loose or tight as long as they can fuck you. It's the 3rd group that has a problem with loose hole. And they tend to be the ones who are closet slut shamers, rightly equating a loose ass with promiscuous behavior, but treating it as a negative fact rather than one which my super loose ass is immensely proud of. When I see a fellow porn guy taking impossible large stuff in his ass I know exactly the intense pleasure he is feeling and I know the massive amount of sexual use he has enjoyed to get to that level. But the guys who are repulsed by a loose, open hole, a sign of sexual excess, usually are deep down still fighting the slut and cock shame drilled into them by the Xian church. But they are a minority, especially in temples of Lust like a sex club or resort for the very fact that is where guys like me are found, who enjoy sex for the male pleasure sport Nature intends it to be.
    2 points
  25. Hot gangbang vid with Jaycumdump [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/los-angeles-thanksgiving-gangbang-29-loads-45598341
    2 points
  26. For starters, I'm more of a cum whore than a cock whore. Cum in my ass turns me on more than cock, though I like both. However it's not really up to me other than reading my top and figuring out how to best turn him on both physically, mentally, and verbally. If I'm remotely into the guy, he can fuck me as much as he wants (hours and hours). But if I'm just trying to scratch an itch and am not as much into the guy, I prefer a pump and dump. Even so, it's still up to the top; my preferences take a backseat to his needs.
    2 points
  27. Part 3 I woke up late the next morning, on account of having slept late. Mostly because of the thought of my dad and brother fucking and having a weird master-slave relationship, kept racing through my head till the wee hours of the morning. On the bright side, I knew dad and Sam would be out for work by now, so I had the house to myself. I didn't have it in me to talk face to face with either just yet without picturing them in their gear from the night before or confronting them about what was going on. Relaxed and showered, I headed downstairs to grab some breakfast and was surprised to see dad at the dining table. He was sipping coffee while reading the paper, and my sudden intrusion to the room made him look up. On seeing me, his face broke into a kind smile. "Morning kiddo, sleep well?" "Morning dad, yeah I slept great." Dad continued looking at me with a weird look, somewhere between deep introspection and smirk. before going back to his paper. I grabbed a bowl and some cereals and joined him at the table. There was no small talk made, which was absolutely perfect. I wolfed down my breakfast while dad ignored me. I was almost done eating when, "So Joe, enjoyed the show last night?" My heart stopped for a moment and my throat clamped up. He knew that I knew. "I, umm, ..." "It's okay son, one of these days you'd have found out. Sam and I ain't the quiet type," Dad said with a smile. His casual demeanor was throwing me for a toss because on the other side of the table, I was sitting nervous and a little terrified at the same time. "What's going on in your head boy?" This was my chance to understand whatever was going on. "How did this start dad? You and Sam?" "All right kid, that's a long story." Baxter My marriage had been a sham and when my wife left, it was the best day of my life. I was gay, knew it when I was 13 years old, but in a small town being gay back then was not an option. After she left, the next few years was my work and the boys, with nothing much in between. It wasn't until the boys were 7 and 5, that I had a chance to get my pecker inside a stranger's ass and after that day, I truly enjoyed my single-hood. 5 years ago Joe left the day after Christmas. I would have liked for him to stay till new year's but the boy was hell-bent on going back and I didn't want to stop him. He'd found his passion at work and after the way I had been with him when he was a kid, I didn't blame his attitude. I just wished we could be closer. For now, I had been saving my load for the last week. My regular fuck buddy was busy with his family and none of my other associates were available. It meant that I had to take a trip to the creek to get some action. The creek is a patch of land near the creek flowing in the outskirts of town. Located about half a mile from the road, a person had to hike through a forest to get to the place. The remoteness of this place had caused it to become a popular cruising spot in the county. You were bound to find someone here, to get your rocks off and very rarely was it completely empty. When I made my way to the creek, I saw from a distance a pretty hot scene ahead. 2 big burly guys were spit-roasting a well-built young guy between them. The guy fucking his mouth had his palms on either side of the bottom's face so I couldn't see who it was. But it was clear that the bottom was having a blast. He was moaning like a whore, pushing his ass against the cock fucking him while he sucked hungrily the cock down his throat. I made my way to them, and when I was at a close distance, whipped out my cock and started to jack off. The top guys saw me and nodded in approval, as they continued violating the boy between them. I was stroking my 9-inch beer can thick cock, enjoying the show in front of me and hoping to get a piece of ass or throat myself. The bear fucking his throat started to grunt and took his hands off the bottom's face, to tweak his nipples. And as hot as the scene would have been, every arousal I had drained from my cock on seeing who the bottom was. My son Sam was letting two burly men fuck him like a cheap whore, his eyes closed as he moaned and groaned. My son, my flesh and blood, was queer like his dad. I had assumed he was straight as an arrow, but to see him being a pig for cock was a shock. It was also arousing. Sam is a muscular boy. Years of sports and football had given him a nice muscular body with a big bubble butt. The kind of ass you want to lick, finger and breed, until it's gaping and leaking hot man juice. Standing there, watching my first born get pounded by two men was starting to arouse me. He was an adult, he had made his choices and I was happy for him. I was also horny for him and it was scaring me. I wanted to shove my cock up his hole, I wanted to pound his boy pussy until he was screaming my name. I needed to show him who daddy was. As the men started ejaculating inside my boy, I was focused on my boy. My penis was justifying the reasons why I should fuck Sam while my mind was trying to make me see reason. In between, the 2 guys dislodged from Sam and left us alone in the creek. Sam collapsed on the ground, his ass puffy and leaking cum as he relaxed under the evening sun. My penis made my choice for me as I slowly made my way towards him. When I was behind him, I took my pants off, spit in my finger and rubbed it on my cock. Next, I laid on top of Sam with my cock wedged between his ass cheeks. He was spent so he hadn't realized there was someone else behind him. When he felt my weight on his back, he simply arched his hips upward to give me access to his used hole. Not one to pass on the opportunity, I rubbed my head on his pussy lips before pushing inside him. His hole was slick with cum and slippery like Velcro. I had fucked many asses before but nothing and no one had felt like this. Maybe it was the [banned word] of it all, but the more I fucked him, the more I wanted it to never stop. I hadn't spoken a word and Sam was still on the ground, moaning and groaning to my thrusts. I was afraid of his reaction to finding out who was fucking his ass, but as hot as it was for me, I needed him to know who was creaming him. So, I collapsed on top of him and put my face next to his. I stuck my tongue in his ear, lapping up on the sweat and pheromones, blowing hot air on his scalp. His groans became audibly louder, and he started to push back against my cock, trying to push me deeper inside him. "How do you like your dad's cock Sam?", I whispered between thrusts. His body froze and tensed upon hearing that. He turned his head towards mine, only to see my very red, sweaty and grinning face. I felt his hesitation on his hole, as it contracted and started pushing me out. I quickly thrust into him harder, preventing his ass from closing up. The strength of my thrust made Sam moan and I felt his ass relax for a moment. Taking that as a cue, I started to rabbit fuck him hard and despite his initial resistance, Sam started to getting into the groove of it. I slowly pulled out of him, before pulling his ass up until he was on all 4s, before starting to fuck him again. The next few minutes, I fucked him with unparalleled energy. If my son was a cock slut, I'd make sure he never had to head out of home to get all the cocks he wanted. This was my moment of proving, and god damn was I proving my power to him. By now, Sam was loudly moaning and asking me to fuck him more. Between calling me dad and daddy, my boy really gave up his hole to my cock. And as I started to ejaculate in his hole, his cock burst in orgasm and coated the ground below with his boy juice. When we were done, I collapsed on the ground with Sam next to me. We stayed silent for the next few minutes, catching our breath and processing everything that had happened. When I saw Sam, I didn't feel guilt. I felt a kinship with my boy and something deeper that I had never experienced. And based on the way he was looking at me, he was going through something similar. That was the beginning of it all. - Joe When dad finished, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. My dad was so casual about the whole thing, like it was no big deal. "I wanna know what you're thinking kiddo." "Dad, this is a lot. You and Sam are fucking around, I mean, that's insane dad" "We aren't just fucking around Joe. I love your brother and he loves me." Now this was just crazier to me. I wanted to understand but I was having a hard time coping with everything. I slowly stood up and cleaned out my dishes. I was at the sink cleaning the dishes when dad came in to the kitchen. My back was to him, so I was surprised when I felt his presence right behind me. Before I could react, he pushed against me gently, locking me in place between the sink and him. His strong clothed frontal was against my back, and I felt the heat radiating from him and entering me. His scent was strong, a masculine smell that would make a cock pop out. "You don't have to act around me son. I know you were turned on." I started to stutter a response when his hand found its way to my crotch. I was going commando so his strong palm scraped against the thin lining of my shorts and scratched against my cock and balls. He gently squeezed my cock and balls, making me slightly groan. "Your cock's leaking boy, my palms getting wet with your pre juice," dad whispered ever so slightly, his masculinity commanding the situation. I was shocked and aroused, causing me to freeze in place as he continued squeezing. This was wrong, so wrong and I needed to get out. At the same time, I was so aroused and turned on. Dad stopped squeezing my crotch and flipped me around. I was now face to face when I saw him lifting the palm that had been on my crotch to his face. He sniffed it for a moment before licking his fingers that had a little bit of my pre-cum. "Mm, love neg pre cum. So innocent." Dad muttered to himself. What did he mean by neg pre-cum? I had so many questions....
    2 points
  28. Walked around a local mall today with a cock ring on, free balling in sweat pants. Loved getting looks at my big cock, half chub while men looked jealous or thirsty. I got horny and eventually went into a bathroom on a whim. This one had floor to ceiling stall doors with a space in between stalls so no one outside the stalls could see. I sit down in a stall and notice a guy in one a few down. I peek under and see he’s got a jock around his ankles but no pants. So I start stroking being purposefully loud. I see him get on his knees, big metal cock ring on. So I decided to go to the stall next to him, drop my pants, and get on my knees. We didn’t play long but got to stroke each other a bit. I reached back to feel his hole, and his hole was one of those that’s naturally swollen from taking so many cocks over the years. After a few minutes, his hand was coated in my precum which he licked off. But then he chickened out and whispered we’ll get caught, and quickly dressed and left. So I had to go home and Jack off. Still super fucking hot, first under stall action! (All of this with permission from my man, of course!)
    2 points
  29. 7. Fire in the Hole "Used," Jon said. There was no doubt what he meant by it. He slowly pulled the length of his shaft out of me. Time was slow, and I felt each vein and curve exit my body. For a moment, I felt like crying. But then I saw Sarge's jockstrap in front of me. His dick looked bigger than Jon's. Sarge had tattoos everywhere. On his stomach, there was the same black99 in gothic letters that Jon had. He also had the familiar biohazard tattoo under that. This time, it wasn't as scary. It seemed hot. He was part of the same club that Jon was. It didn't matter. I had taken meds to make sure I wouldn't join the club, no matter what I did. "You're off to a good start," he whispered as his dick slipped out of my hole. I clenched tightly, making sure that none of Leo or Seth's cum dripped out. He pushed me towards Sarge; I landed against his furry chest. "And Sarge is definitely going to help you out." "Can't wait for it. Seth couldn't stop talking about you." He laughed. "I had to stick my dick in his mouth just to shut him up." "Kenta's still a novice," Jon said. "But Sarge is a patient teacher. And a relentless one." "That's fair," Sarge said. He grabbed onto the harness, and pulled me against him. He was another masculine daddy type, like Jon, although a bit younger. His chest was hard and muscular, hot and wet from sweat, and covered in the light brown hair. The belt of ammo felt real. The bullets were cool against my skin. "You're quite the hottie," he said. I smiled. I was still engulfed by the warmth of his skin, and the contrast to the bullets. "Thank you," I finally said. I looked around, and realized that Jon had disappeared. It was just the two of us on the dance floor. The lights had gone down some more, and it was hard to see who else was there with us. I didn't care who saw us. Even if someone from school recognized me, it seemed like a distant problem. There were more pressing matters, like the way my hole was itching. I was hungry for more cock. "Please," I moaned. "Fuck me." "Hell yeah, boy," Sarge said. "How many guys have fucked you already?" "Three," I said. "Seth wasn't kidding when he said you were slutting out tonight. Party's barely started." "I got here early." I ran my hands over his chest, feeling the sweat and muscle. He spent a lot of time in the gym. I ran my fingers over his ammo belt, feeling the bullets. I noticed there were two empty slots at the top. "Are these real?" I asked. "They're special bullets," Sarge said. "Takes you to an entirely new plane." "Special?" I asked. The music seemed louder, the beat more intense. One of Sarge's arms wrapped around me, reaching down for my ass. "How so?" I managed to say. My mind was racing, wondering just what these bullets were for. "You been partying?" Sarge asked me. "Smoking?" "Yeah." "This is even better," he said. "Come with me." He didn't give me a choice; he grabbed my harness and pulled me off the dance floor, to a corner of the living room. There was a large leather couch. At one end, one of the older men was sitting down, his legs spread wide and his fat dick on display. Kneeling between his legs was another young boy, struggling to deep-throat the man. "That's you soon enough," Sarge said. The other older man nodded at Sarge. "That what I think it is?" the man asked. Sarge nodded. "Yeah," he said. "When you've finished with your boy, this one needs some encouragement." "Yessir," Sarge said. He turned his attention to me. "Kneel on the couch, facing away from me. Ass up." I got on the couch as he instructed. The leather was warm and soft against my skin. It was comforting and relaxing, and I grabbed on even tighter when one of Sarge's thick fingers pressed into my hole. "Oh, that's nice." Sarge pulled his finger out. I turned my head back, trying to see what he was doing, but my body and his body blocked my vision. I did see him put down one of the bullets; the head had been unscrewed, and I saw that the body was hollow. "Ready?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. "I guess." "Good," he said, and a slim rod slid into my ass. It felt like a small pencil, and he held it there for a moment. It was a bit cold at first, but heated up quickly in my body. "Fire in the hole," he said, and he pressed on the rod. There was a warmth in my guts, centered at the end of the rod. It grew slowly, and didn't go away when he pulled the rod out of me. He rubbed my asshole a bit. It tightened up, but the warmth in my gut remained even after he had taken out the rod. It grew, until it was almost burning. "Oh fuck," I muttered. The heat was getting more intense, and I didn't know how I could stand it. I hated it, and tried to pull away, but there was nothing to escape from. It was all inside me. "Feel that?" he asked. He was holding on to my hips, steadying me as I struggled. "Yeah," I gasped. It wasn't getting any worse, luckily. It was a hot itch, both a bit painful, but at the same time it was also intensely pleasurable. I tried to live in the moment, and explore the sensation. "What is it?" I asked, as my ass was twitching. It was going to feel so much better when I had a cock up there. It would be something to scratch that hungry itch. "Booty bump," Sarge said. "First time?" the other daddy asked. He had been watching me as Sarge had administered the bump. "Yeah," I said. "It'll be a few more minutes before it really hits. Enjoy it." "What is it?" I asked again. "Some crystal. Dissolved in some water," Sarge said. He pulled me back upright. He still had the ammo belt across his shoulder and chest, but the jock strap had disappeared. He had a hard cock, maybe about eight inches long. "You think you need some cock?" "Please," I grunted. I was rubbing my ass up against his dick, but he held back, just teasing my hole with the tip of his cock. "I need it." "I know you do. You think you're ready for this?" His dick wasn't much larger than Leo or Jon's had been. It was going to be a familiar size. I nodded in agreement. "Good," he said. "I want you to sit on it." He got on the couch, his legs spread slightly just to emphasize his erection. "Climb up, and sit on it," he said. It was complex and awkward to move, because my muscles didn't quite do what I wanted them to do. Finally, I was squatting over Sarge's erect pole, his cockhead just nestled against my hole. "That's it," he said. From a side table, he produced a small brown bottle. "Here," he said, and held the poppers under my nose. I looked to the side; the daddy was still watching me. He had his hand on the back of the boy's head, and was holding the boy down. I watched for a second, but then the poppers hit. "That's it boy," Sarge said, but held me back for a few more seconds as he did a hit himself. "Let's enjoy this moment," he said, and guided me down his dick. His dick was really stiff, and I was struggling to not immediately pull off. Jon's cock had been able to bend and flex, and we were able to find an equitable middle configuration of erection and hole. On the other hand, Sarge's cock forced me to bend to his will. I gasped, as he found a new curve of my guts. He ignored my discomfort. "That's it boy," he said. "Open up for me." He continued to push his shaft into me. His dickhead found where booty bump had landed. At first, it felt good. Sarge was scratching an annoying itch. But he didn't stop there, and continued to press his dick into me. He pushed the drug-laden fluid deeper into my hole, and the small strokes in and out helped to spread the liquid across my rectum. "Oh fuck," I moaned, as the burning only got worse. It was hard to concentrate. The drugs had my mind racing; I would think about Sarge fucking me, and then suddenly, I had a million sleazy fantasies. It was hard to even concentrate on how my asshole was burning from the drugs. I gasped, but finally managed to say something. "It's inside me." "Yeah," Sarge said. "So fucking wet and sloppy." "Give it to him," the guy next to us said. He was still watching us, as the boy continued to deep-throat his dick. "Get him tweaked out and knocked up." "Of course. He's gonna get so much cum of course he's gonna be pregnant." It felt weird and dirty, but I loved the idea that Sarge's dick could change me like that. Of course, just like a girl on the pill, I had protection against any of the untoward consequences of sex. It didn't matter. "Please," I moaned. "Fuck me. Breed me." "You heard him," the other guy said. "He knows what he wants." Sarge grabbed my hip with one hand. It was big and strong, and he easily forced me down, so that I took the entire length of his raw cock. "I know what I want," he said. I was gasping, trying to wrap my head around getting roughly fucked as the new dose of crystal meant that it was hardly rough enough. "And I get it," he continued. He held the poppers under my nose again. "Take it," he said. "You'll need it." I inhaled deeply, loving how the warm chemical scent wrapped around me and forced me to relax. My ass opened up, and Sarge slid deeper into me. The burning was still there, but it wasn't as bad. "Yeah," Sarge said. "Your ass is hungry. Drank up all that sperm. And all that tina." I understood the comments online about porn stars tweaking hard. I now understood what they were feeling, and why it was so essential for them to get fucked. The poppers were also kicking in, and fucking me was the only thing that mattered. "Please," I begged. "Don't pull out." If Sarge had pulled his cock out, I was going to lose it. "Just fuck me." Sarge slammed his cock into me. I grunted, and was rewarded with a repeat thrust. I moaned again, but Sarge was focusing on his cock, and kept up his hard, deep fuck. As he fucked me, the burning sensation slowly went away. He also started to drip pre-cum; his fluid helped to lubricate my hole, and cool it down. "Oh fuck," I moaned. It was all I could say. It wasn't clear any longer who was fucking whom I was bouncing up and down on his hips, fucking myself on his cock. At the same time, he has thrusting his hips against me, forcing his dick deeper into my unprotected hole. I loved the feeling of his cock inside me. I had been told so many scary things about barebacking, and now I was actually doing it. Good boys didn't bareback. It wasn't that much different. They had been lies. Now that I finally felt it and I was sharing it with someone like Seth, Jon, and Sarge, there was no way I could go back. It had always been a dirty fantasy, and now it was clear that the warnings had been pointless. These men were clean and healthy. Sarge was nothing other than muscle, and both Jon and Seth had been so hot. They were not how I had imagined drug users to look. Or how I had been told guys with HIV looked. They were healthy and clean and perfect. "Fuck me," I grunted. I was craving another load. I wanted to know that I had pleased Sarge and that he enjoyed this enough to give me his seed. "Please. Breed me." "You heard him," said the other man. I glanced over. He had his thick hands wrapped around the bottom's head, and was holding the young man down on his cock. "Give the boy what he wants." "I need it," I managed to say. Sarge was thrusting in and out of me, and it was hard to keep up with the continuous stimulation. "Give me your seed." "You're gonna get it for sure," Sarge said. "I'm almost there." He held the poppers under my nose. I inhaled; he kept the bottle under my nose even after I nodded my head. "Good hit for me," he said, and put the bottle under my other nostril. Finally, he relented, and held it under his nose. He held the hit for several seconds, then exhaled. He grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down to kiss me. We kissed passionately as the poppers hit us. I could feel his dick deep inside me. As impossible as it was, it was getting bigger. It was finding deeper parts of my ass and was spreading my hole ever wider. "I'm getting close," he whispered. "You want my load?" "Give it to me," I said. "FUUUUCK," Sarge moaned. I felt the familiar, wonderful bloom of warmth in my ass. This time it wasn't the drugs. It was Sarge's seed, and he was giving it to me. "TAKE MY GIFT," Sarge moaned, his cock thrusting several more times, filling me up with his seed. "TAKE IT." "Give it to me," I said. "I want it. I need it. I need every nasty drop." He pulled me in and kissed me. Inside my guts, his dick was dribbling out the last few precious drops of his seed. I couldn't believe my luck; another man had fucked me and seeded me. I let myself melt into Sarge's kisses. He was a strong, muscular man, and yet he could be gentle with his kisses and affection. "You felt amazing," he said. "I'm going to find you later." "He good?" the other man asked. "Like fucking velvet," Sarge said. "Spunk-coated velvet."
    2 points
  30. Chapter Thirteen Logan woke up to a hand over his mouth. His eyes got wide and he started to scream when Jack held a finger up, “Shut. Up.” He instantly calmed down as he realized hit was his brother. “You're going to stand up, quietly. And march into my room. You got that?” He nodded. “One peep and you're going to wake your friends up, and if you do that you're going to be the only one who regrets it.” He slowly lifted his hand and Logan whispered, “What's going on?” Jack just pointed to the door. The young jock knew better than to argue with his older brother, he just got up and walked out into the hall. Once Jack had closed the door behind him he asked, “What's going on?” Jack pushed him into his bedroom as way of an answer. I was sitting on Jack's bed, waiting. “You owe someone an apology,” Jack said. Logan looked at him for a moment and then to me, “Sorry Ev.” “Not even close to good enough,” Jack insisted. “What do you want me to say?” he asked his older brother. Jack pushed him towards me, “Make it up to him.” Logan stumbled closer to me, his eyes wide with apprehension. “Get down on your knees,” Jack ordered. I would have felt sorry for the guy if his cock wasn't fucking rock hard in his soccer shorts. He knelt down in front of me, looking up at me with those wide eyes. “Now try it again,” Jack said. “I'm sorry Everett,” his voice was low and had a little pout in it, “Please forgive me.” “How are you going to make it up to him?” Logan looked down at my cock, it was still soft but chubbing up some. He gulped and asked “Can I please suck your cock?” The way his voice cracked turned me on and I just nodded as my cock began to lengthen. He leaned in and took hold of it, his eyes glued to it as he licked up the shaft and to the head. He closed his eyes like he was french kissing it for a moment before shoving it into his mouth. I felt his tongue swirl around me and I left out a small moan in appreciation. The sound must have been a cue because he stopped just playing with it and started to service me seriously. I fell back onto Jack's bed as his little brother traced his tongue over the entire length of my cock. I looked up and say Jack looking down smiling at me, and I felt my mind start to fuzz up. I was getting turned on. Logan was good at this, I mean surprisingly good. I wondered how many cocks he had sucked before and who they had belonged to. Once my member was slathered in his spit he moved to my balls and under them. He sucked one into his mouth and rolled it around, making me call out in pleasure. Again my noises seemed to egg him on as he took the other one in his mouth and made me start to really lose it. He moved down to my taint and I spread my legs willingly, I was too far gone to care what was happening anymore. Which was when his tongue stopped and I heard Logan gasp. I sat up and saw his shorts were off now and Jack was behind him, rimming his ass. I sat there stunned as I watched Jack tongue his little brother's jock ass for all it was worth. Logan's eyes were closed and he was pressing back even as he said, “Come on Jack...please don't....” But I knew better than most, when Jack wanted something he got it. Instead of answering he smacked his brother's ass and spread his legs father apart, making Logan's face fall into my groin. This was fucking weird and super erotic at the same time. I lifted his head up and pulled it towards my meat, his mouth opened and accepted it willingly as he went back to serving me. I could tell when Jack hit his spot because he would gasp around my dick and shudder a little every time. When Jack came up for air he shoved a finger up the spit soaked hole and leaned in close to his little brother's ear. “Come on Logan, work that cock. Show me how much you are obsessed with Ev's cock.” Logan groaned as he worked up and down my cock faster, Jack looked up at me and winked as he shoved a second finger into him. Again he groaned around my cock which made me call out as the vibrations felt amazing. This went on for a few minutes, Logan blowing me, Jack finger fucking him, both of us in a state of horniness that was building faster and faster. Finally Jack had three fingers into his little jock brother and Logan was slapping his ass back as hard as he could, riding those fingers. Finally Jack pulled his hand out and slapped his brother's pert ass, “Ok, get up.” My cock popped out of Logan's mouth, his cheeks were red and his cock was leaking as he stood up. Jack grabbed a little brown bottle off his nightstand and shoved it under his little brother's nose, “Breathe in.” Logan looked like he was going to struggle but Jack grabbed the back his his head and held him to the bottle. “Jack no...” his brother protested but Jack held the bottle to his nose and kept his mouth closed this his thumb. Logan had no choice than to take a deep hit in one nostril. He continued to fight with Jack until it took hold and he slumped into his brother's arms. “Take another hit,” he said and this time Logan willingly inhaled. Jack put the bottle down and them moved his brother over towards me. “What are we doing?” Jack moved his brother over my lap, “Teaching him a lesson, grab your cock.” I took hold of my cock and it wasn't until Logan's ass touched the head did I realize what he was doing. “Wait are you...” I began to say. Then Jack pushed Logan down onto my cock. The younger jock was so out of it he just mumbled something as my head forced it's way into his tight hole. He seemed confused for a moment until my cock breached his ass and he let out a loud moan and slowly began to sink down my shaft. He was like a ragdoll, I held him upright as I felt inch after inch shove it's way into the high schooler's tight hole. He was babbling something but as I impaled him, his head thrashed from side to side and I heard, “noo.....” as the walls of his ass fluttered around my cock. Jack spread his legs over mine and he sank even further, a whimper escaped his mouth as he took the last two inches of my cock. His ass was so tight, hours and hours of soccer practice, squats, and probably being straight had made him so fucking tight it was amazing. His ass spasmed as he sat there, trying to accommodate my cock, which was as thick a a fucking beer can. He laid back against my chest as he slowly started to come to, his ass had not stopped quivering for a second. Jack slapped his little brother's cheek lightly, “Wakey wakey.” Logan's head dipped as he slowly started to come back to reality. “Wha...nononono...” he called out as his ass tightened up, “FUCK....” he screamed as he felt nearly ten inches of cock throb in his hole. “You like getting people high and fucking them?” Jack mocked. “Jack please....please....oh god...please...” “You think it's funny to just shove your cock into people?” “He liked it!” Logan cried, as he tried to pull himself off of my dick and failed, sliding back down it, “SSHIIITTT!!” “Well when we're done,” Jack said grabbing the bottle again, “So will you.” He held his little brother's mouth shut and plugged a nostril and watched as Logan inhaled empty once and then again. “Oh...please...of...” and then his voice trailed off to mumbles. Jack looked me in the eyes. “Fuck this cunt.” I pulled Logan up a few inches and again he half moaned and protested and then pushed him back down causing him to moan deeply. I waited a second and then repeated it, this time with less complaining. “Jesus Christ you're such a pussy,” Jack said taking my hands off of his brother's hips and taking hold of them himself. He pulled Logan halfway off my cock and then slammed him down hard. Logan's eyes flew open and his mouth opened for a silent scream that didn't come. His ass rippled around my dick as his ass muscles screamed. Jack didn't wait to give him any time to adjust, he pulled him back up and did it again and again and again. Each time Logan made a squeaking noise and his ass went nuts trying to clamp down on my dick. It felt amazing and at the speed Jack was shoving him down on me I wasn't going to last long. “S-slow down...” I warned and Jack let Logan go. The high school jock sank down my cock slowly, Logan moaning the whole time. “Dude maybe..” I began to say and then felt something... Logan trying to pull himself up off my cock. Jack just smiled at me as he watched his little brother try to fuck himself on my cock. His ass wasn't clenching any more and I had to assume my cock had just destroyed it completely. Logan was too out of it at the moment but he was moving his ass back and forth, trying to fuck himself as best he could. I grabbed his hips again and whispered in his ear, “You like this Logan?” and thrust my cock up. He grunted and then whimpered as I went up and down. “Come on Logan, you want more?” I pumped him again and another whimper and then a low, “ffuuuccc.....” “You want this Logan?” I did it again and again and again. Jack held his hand for me to stop after the fifth one so I did, and saw Logan move his legs around mine and shove himself back onto my dick. Jack leaned in, “You want that cock?” Logan nodded but refused to say anything. “Come on Logan...you want Ev to fuck you?” No comment, but his ass was still grinding against me. “Ok Everett, pull out. Guess he is straight.” I started to pull him off and his hands gripped mine, “Wait...” “Say it,” Jack ordered. Logan said nothing. Jack slammed him back down onto mu dick, “Say it!” Logan hissed a mournful, “Yeess.....” Jack grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him, “Admit it.” “Yes...please...” “Please what?” Jack asked. “Please fuck me...” I got right next to the cocky jock's ear and whispered, “Hold on.” I shoved my hips up, driving all ten inches of thick, fucking cock into him and he cried out in ecstasy. His hands braced themselves on my thighs as he steadied himself from my anal assault over and over again. His head was thrown back and he was crying out, “Fuck me, fuck me....fuck Everett.....fuck me....” I told you my cock had that effect on people. He was pushing back onto me, trying to drive even more of my horse cock into his stomach at this point. His meaty cock was flapping free, precum flying everywhere as he rode his first cock to an orgasm. I grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled his head back, “You like that? You like that cock?” “Fuck Ev, fuck...you're so....fuckkkk.....” “Feel that? That's a real cock, doesn't matter who fucks you now, all you'll crave is my cock. My fucking bull cock splitting you apart.” “Fuck..fuck....please Ev....wreck me...” “You got a pussy Logan? You got a little high school pussy?” “Fuck me, fuck my pussy...please Ev...please...” “You gonna crave this dick, dream about it. You're gonna be in the showering fingering your hole crying for this cock. Aren't you?” “Fuck yeah, fuck me...oh god Ev...your cock....” “You gonna have my babies Logan? You want me to shoot into you jock pussy?” “Breed me Ev...please....I need to be bred....” He could have been begging me to stop and I wouldn't have cared, I was too far gone and I need to blow a load into his little soccer jock so he would walk with a limp for the next week. I wanted this kid to get a doctor's note from school because I fucked him so hard. I wanted this brat to call me up in the middle of the night, and beg me to come over to fuck him, to breed him, to destroy his little hole with all the force my cock can bring. I grabbed his arms and pulled them back, and shoved into him as hard as I could, jackhammering up into him, trying to rearrange his guts. He was just squealing now, a sound I knew well from when I made it and knew he was about to blow. “Take my fucking load,” I roared and began to shoot into him. “oh, oh, oh...I can feel it I can feeel your cock....oh god it's warmm.....” His cock began to shoot everywhere, his ass clamping down on my dick as he came. Cum flew all over the place, on Jack, in the carpet on his two friends standing in the doorway jerking off to him getting fucked. He started to cum harder realizing they had been watching, a moan of shame escaped his lips as he fell of my cock and onto the floor. Jack and them huddled around them, “Look up,” Jack ordered as he stroked his cock, “Look up at us.” Logan looked up and saw the three cocks being stroked above his head. “Close,” one of the guys said. “Same...” another cried out. “Here it comes...” Jack said, his hand a blur. Logan, on his knees, my cum dripping out his ass, opened his mouth and closed his eyes as his friend and older brother shot their loads all over him. He moaned as the warm splashes fell onto his face, his tongue, everywhere. We had just witnessed the birth of a jock pussy in all it's glory.
    2 points
  31. PART 4 Scott continued to moan and started to beg Jesse to fuck him. Pretty soon there were four of us bottoming, filled with cock, begging to be bred full of sperm. Jesse was fucking Scott, and that boy was a filthy cunt. As soon as he turned around I could see that his hole was already leaking cum. I reached over and roughly pushed my finger into his ass. “How many loads, fag boy?” Scott moaned and said “Six sir!” “Bet you don’t even know any of their names, fucking tweaked out whore.” “No, Sir! I was cruising in the park earlier and the guys just walked up and started using me while I was bent over a picnic table.” I laughed and said “of course you were, faggot. Spun whore taking loads in the park from random strangers. What a pig.” Just then, Jesse leaned down and gave Scott another shotgun of tina, which he passed along to me, making sure to make out with me along the way. He was a pretty young thing who clearly lived for dick. All the while Garrett was playing with my hole while his brother and their buddy took turns fucking Adam and Brian. Adam’s cunt was gaping open every time Dean or Jack pulled their dick out of his hole. That boy was a filthy fucking whore, moaning loudly, begging the two guys to use him. Brian mostly laid there, in a stupor. The poor boy had never done drugs before, and now his virgin hole was being abused by two alpha boys with big fat cocks. They didn’t give a shit about his virginity or his reluctance to get high. To them he was just a cunt. To be used, bred and then used some more. I’ve always been one to be able to appreciate both sides of that coin. I love breeding a dirty fagdump, and then turning around to offer my cunt up to the next hard dick that wants to use it. Garrett was beginning to abuse my cunt more with his fingers, so we moved to the sofa and I laid on my back. Garrett and Jack were both shorter than me, which I love. Little matching hairy fireplugs with big fat cocks. And this one wanted to fuck his Daddy. “You ready, Daddy!?” Garrett leaned over and started to kiss me. I grabbed the back of his head and furiously made out with him while his hand opened up my pussy. “You sure your man enough to fuck your old man, son?” Garrett just moaned and hissed “my daddy’s a dirty cumdump who needs to get bred, isn’t he? Let me fuck the ass that made me.” Then he quickly slipped his cock in my ass, all thick 8” of it. I drew in a breath, hissing at the sudden intrusion of a large cock into my asshole. Once Garrett bottomed out he paused and looked me in the eyes, grinning wickedly. “You ready to get raped, Daddy? I’m horny as fuck from the tina, and I can tell my daddy is a total fucking whore. I can’t wait to eat loads out of your pussy daddy!” This boy knew how to push all of my buttons, both in my hole and in my head. Garrett started to plow my ass relentlessly, while keeping up a steady stream of filthy talk. Telling me how he was going to get my number and come over to breed me every day after work from now on. My ass was on fire from all the drugs we’d done, and I was feeling really greedy. I closed my eyes and just listened to four sexy tops raping four hot cumdumps. Garrett couldn’t stop talking about fucking his own Dad so to shut him up I grabbed the back of his head again and pulled him toward my mouth, kissing him hard, while my other hand pulled on his super furry ass, getting his cock as deep into my cunt as it could go. My ass was fully opened up, slurping from the lube and I couldn’t stop moaning while we were kissing. We were in our own world, quietly talking dirty. “Fuck me Garrett! You man enough to breed your own Dad? You wanna put that load up Daddy’s cunt?” “Fuck yeah, Daddy! I’m gonna breed you so hard. Gonna knock your pussy up and get you pregnant with my babies. But who the fuck knows who the real dad will be, since you’re such a fucking slut! Taking anyone’s load like a back alley whore.” He grinned at me again and I kissed him hard again, begging him “fuck son, just rape Daddy’s cunt. Fuck me as hard as you can! Make sure that load of jizz is as far up my pussy as it’ll go! Lube me up for my next customer.” He pounded me hard for a few more minutes and then started to pant quickly. “Fuck, Daddy. I’m gonna breed you! Tell me what you want, Daddy! Tell me!” “Fuck me baby boy! Breed your daddy! Dump that motherfuckin load in my guts! Knock me up with your sexy sexy babies!” Garrett kept pounding my pussy, driving me wild with lust and begging for more. Then he shoved his cock all the way in my ass and held still. I could feel his cock throbbing inside me and the thick loads of boy cum hitting the walls of my cunt. He continued to moan loudly and when we came up for air, the other guys started to laugh and briefly applauded then quickly went back to fucking each other like animals. It was my turn to top. I had my pick of all of them and still wanted to add my jizz to Brian’s recently virginal cumdump.
    2 points
  32. It is amazing when you have sperm up your hole how much you need more. Every evening after the Bathhouse pozzing I dreamt of being made pregnant again. I had lost all control. I constantly thought about the Poz cum up my ass. I was terrified it would take. I was terrified it wouldn’t. On the second week I waited for the fuck flu like a woman waits to miss her period. I was going to be pregnant. The fear, the stress. 2 weeks exactly ,nothing. I wandered the roads angry and stressed and then I found myself walking to the Bathhouse again. My heart beat faster as I walked in the door. The guy who let me in and pozzed me last time was not there. Someone looking bored hardly looked at me while I paid and handed me a towel. This was a mistake. What the fuck was I doing .? But I kept walking forward. As I walked to the locker room there was small refreshment area and tv screen, that you passed. I walked through quickly only to hear someone loudly whisper to someone “ There is the Poz chaser from a couple of weeks ago. That slut took so much Poz cum it was dripping out his ass. Well and truly converted. Pregnant slut !” I nearly fell over. I blushed to my roots, both ashamed and proud. “ I wonder if he is going to charge up that hot bug chaser in the Steamroom .” My dick went stiff. Then I realised that was the dupe. There was no hot young guy. This just the ruse to get people in. It worked. Here I was, bugchasing poz slut. Outside the Steamroom I smiled to myself, 7 towels. Those Gift givers hadn’t worked out there was no young slut waiting to be fucked Poz. Hopefully I could be helped on my journey. I took off my towel and walked in. What greeted me when I walked in the steam room was completely different from 2 weeks before . There was the heat. But in front of me were lots of shadows all near each other. But it was the noise that overwhelmed me. “Infect him”. “ Poz him” “Charge him with the virus “ “ Make him part of the brotherhood” “I can feel the last of his Neg juices” I walked towards the noise. At first no one noticed me. I could see what looked like a young 20ish guy bent over bench. He was being fucked hard. There was no spot where someone was not near. His ass was being barebacked by an older guy with thin legs and hardly any ass. “ I am going to charge you full of Poz cum ,slut “ he yelled. Then suddenly he pushed forward and held himself there. “ Fuck my babies are in you.” He was hardly out of the young guy before he was replaced by another. I noticed this was the guy who had let me in 2 weeks before. I became erect The guy who had let me in 2 weeks before , must have heard my panting behind him, as he slightly turned around. He smiled broadly. “ Fuck I am cumming .... take that infected Poz cum “and he pushed himself onto the young guy. He took his time standing there over the young man. As he pulled his dick out he loudly said “ The guy behind me was made pregnant by me .and many others a couple of weeks ago. This infected slut is the next guy to Poz the slut beneath me. He went closer to young slut and said “ The slut that is going to infect you is a newbie and probably a bottom. You are going to be charged with his newly infected babies” I was slightly shocked. I was mainly a bottom and though I had fucked some guys , and liked it, I always felt abit insecure but now I positioned myself behind this younger version of myself. This bug chaser who was doing exactly as I had 2 weeks before. I slipped into him. I will say that again. I slipped into the chasing slut. I can’t describe how wet and warm he felt. He was sloppy but tight . I pushed further in ,I was in heaven . I had thought the young slut was not saying much, while he was being charged up, but now I could hear moaning, intermittently with words I could just hear “ Poz .. me ... Please. ..... make me yours “My pace picked up.i could hear the voices around me. “ Poz him, infect him Harder Harder. “ I could feel cum hit my leg as I fucked this slut. Then I felt a hand against my ass. I saw a shape behind me “ Fuck I am a Poz pig slut and I am going to charge a newly infected bitch”Without a moment hesitation he grabbed my ass and drove his hard fat dick into me. I groaned . I was impaled I was in another world. I pushed harder into the young slut. He was more than moaning now. He was almost pleading.” Poz .....infect ...Po.. “it was too much. I felt myself sink into the wet juicy Poz Pussy and start to pump my slut full of my babies. I managed to yell “ Poz “ as I unloaded. Just then I felt the Poz pig push into me . “ Your fucking pregnant” he yelled and pushed into me. I was smiling. I was laughing. I was full of Poz cum and had just made a young slut pregnant. I moved away. Someone took my place it continued. I walked out of the Steamroom. As I walked to the showers,I was not full of shame. I was happy. I felt complete. I started smiling. I still had cum going down my leg. Now I was me. I walked up the stairs and the door. 2 weeks later I received a call . “ Hello “ the voice stuttered. “ Hello” I said .” I am the guy you fucked 2 weeks ago” he said” “ I am sorry to call you but I was told by the guy at the Bathhouse you would be the right person to speak too”. I was silent” I am pregnant” he said. “ So am I “ I replied . There was silence. “ Do you want to meet? “ he said “Yes” I said “At the steamroom in the Bathhouse where we became pregnant. “
    2 points
  33. This is generally based on what happened to a guy I know. Maybe I helped part of it happen. There will be several parts. I used to tell myself that I don’t know why I changed. But I’ve had a lot of time to think about it and now I know. In my late night porn-watching, I clicked on a link to a clip with a really hot guy in the thumbnail, a geeky (he was even wearing glasses) muscle guy. He was what, in my fantasies, I would transform myself into. Hey, I had the geek part down already, right? The clip was really short but this guy was getting totally nailed by a big dick. It seemed like really rough sex to me. But as hard as the guy was being fucked and slapped around, he was clearly into it. His cock was rock solid and his eyes were rolling back into his head. And yeah, it was a raw scene. So all this stuff turned me on at once and I came pretty fast and hard and then I freaked out and felt guilty and knew that there was something wrong with me. Which I had been doing since I started jerking off about guys anyway, so that part was pretty familiar. Watching this kind of porn didn’t become an obsession or anything, but every once in a while I’d see some link and click it and, boom! I always busted my nut really fast. Then I had to move. The condo I rented was sold, the new owners wanted to live there, blah, blah, blah. And when I went looking for a new apartment I found a really good deal on a place that was cheap because it was upstairs above a row of bars and restaurants that were open late. This was cool with me because I worked swing shift doing customer service at a call center (and I helped such nice people). I wasn’t getting home until a little after 2 am which was after the places closed. It took me a month or two to realize that the alley behind my building was a cruising spot. With the light off in my bedroom, I could stand in the window and watch guys walk up and down the alley. The lighting wasn’t great, but I could see enough to fuel my imagination. Sometimes two guys would stop and talk and then walk away together, going back to somebody’s place to fuck. But I could also see action from right there. A man would drop to his knees and bury his face in another man’s crotch. Even better would be the times when one guy would turn to face the wall and drop his pants. I’d get a brief glimpse of his ass before another man would step up behind him and they’d start to fuck. Sometimes it was clear that the bottom needed some time to open up and get fucked. But there were other guys who seemed to get down to it right away. Maybe the tops had tiny dicks, but I liked it better thinking that the guys who were getting fucked were sluts who were already full of cum so no lube or loosening up was needed. And that was when I pretty much gave up porn. I had this show outside my window every night. I started to recognize some regulars. There was a short, bearish guy with a salt-and-pepper beard who got lots of blowjobs and a slender, dark-haired man, I thought he was Asian, who sucked him off pretty often, as he did lots of others. On Tuesdays, and only Tuesdays, a redhead showed up. He walked with a nervous energy and always left quickly with someone. I think it was always someone different. I learned a few other things. A lot of blowjobs happened near my window, but the fucking seemed to happen further down the alley, which was frustrating, because dumpsters could block my view. Of course, I had to do some exploring. Walking down the alley in the broad light of day, I realized that one reason that fucking happened further down the alley was that one of the buildings on my side of the street didn’t extend to the back of its lot, so there was a space behind it that was more sheltered. I guessed that this belonged to a storefront that from the street appeared to have been under construction for a while, though I’d never seen workers there when I passed by during the day. Financing problems maybe? Who cared? One Saturday night, I’d actually had a date. It was a total bust--the guy ghosted me mid-date, just walking out of the bar. I hadn’t really liked him but I nursed my wounds with a couple of bourbons before going home. I had another once I got there. I undressed and stood in front of the mirror, drunk-assessing myself at 27. On the plus side, I wasn’t fat, I had a little definition on my pale body, and at 6’1” I had that to be proud of. On the other hand, I wasn’t cute, I didn’t have great hair (mousy brown) and I didn’t really do anything with it, and I don’t have a big dick. All of which I felt explained the fact that my hand had been my only sex partner for a year. But, holy Christ. Guys were having sex outside my apartment. Every Night. My heart was racing as I got dressed again. I felt like I was being incredibly transgressive by not wearing underwear under my jeans. A black t-shirt made me feel more anonymous. Like so many of the men I had watched, I entered the alley at a slow pace, walking close to the far side. Blow-job bear was there, leaning against a door frame. He watched me go past and as I tried to sneak looks at his crotch. What was down there that got him so much attention? I could see two guys ahead of me, on the other side of a dumpster. They were leaning close to each other and I thought they were talking until I drew even with them and saw that a third guy was on his knees between them, his head bobbing from one of their cocks to the other. I stopped and leaned back against the opposite wall. I knew that there was plenty of watching in the alley. It wasn’t out of line to look. I started to get hard and began to rub my cock through my jeans. One of the guys getting blown looked my way. A hispanic guy, maybe my age, pretty eyes. He turned back to looking down at the cocksucker. The other guy turned his head toward me and checked me out. Kinda handsome, dark blond. He smiled and then looked down again as well. I decided to be brave and crossed the alley to lean against the wall about 10 feet away from the trio, my heart still pounding. I could see the cocksucker now. It was the (definitely) Asian guy who got so much practice here. He had buried his head on the blond guy’s dick and was really going to town. As the blond grabbed the cocksucker’s head and started to face fuck him, I saw the other guy’s hand slide down into the back of the blond’s loosened jeans. I guessed he was fingering the blond’s hole The blond started to pant and gasp, “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” and I heard the cocksucker trying to make encouraging noises. Then the blond was shuddering and clearly cumming, his cock deep in the cocksucker’s throat. The hispanic guy was staring at me now as he pulled his hand out of the blond’s pants. Wordlessly, he walked toward me and I could see a thick heavy dick hanging out of his open pants. It was slick with spit and uncut. I was staring right at it, unable to look anywhere else until he was right in front of me. And then he was pushing the index finger of his hand into my mouth and I was sucking on it and thinking that Oh, God, this was the finger that was in the blond’s ass and it tastes like sweat and man and cum and faintly of ass and I am sucking it because this hot guy with the mean cock wants me to and I am such a fucking dirty slut. And this man who understood me in a way I had not smiled at me. He used the finger that was in my mouth, the finger that I was hungrily sucking, to push me down. I stumbled to my knees and he pulled my mouth open sideways as he pushed his cock into my mouth. It tasted just like his finger only stronger. I knew that he’d fucked the blond guy raw and bred his ass. Part of me was completely horrified that I was letting this stranger use me like this and part of me was horrified that I wanted him to use me like this. And another part was angry that the blond guy had been fucked and not me. And angry that the blond guy had been bred and not me. So I began to suck with a fury. I grabbed hold of his asschecks and held on as I tried to pull his cock all the way down my throat. His finger disappeared from my mouth as he grabbed my ears and asserted control of my rhythm. He wouldn’t let me be fast; he held himself in the depths of my throat with each thrust. He didn’t care how much I wanted him to cum Right Now. He was using me. My eyes had teared up and my knees hurt from kneeling on the pavement but I stayed there, totally focused on his cock in my mouth. It went on and on and I kept hoping for him to cum but he didn’t. I heard someone adjusting his clothes and then walk away. And then someone else stood close beside us. “Can you cum again so soon?” a voice asked. “Nope,” I heard. “Not after the way I came in you. I’m just testing this one out.” He stopped me completely and pushed my head back off his cock, looking down at me. I was trembling and my eyes kept darting from his face to his cock and back. “Maybe sometime I’ll fuck him. He fuckin’ needs to be bred, don’t you think?” There was laughter from the blond and then the man who had used me was pulling his pants closed, tucking his magnificent cock inside, and walking away without even looking back at me on my knees in the alley with a rock hard dick still in my pants and a hunger inside.
    1 point
  34. I love piss and multiple cum stained underwear focusing what used to be white briefs but are now yellow to tan to light brown (from aged cum). A little skid marks in them aren't bad either. Especially like stained to hell smaller size white briefs sizes 14-16 regular and husky 18-20. Similarly like white cotton sleeveless undershirts (singlets) and white jockstraps grunged up in the same fashion. Its not just the visual effects but the stank smell is so masculine!
    1 point
  35. Wow what an unreal chapter!!! @losolent you're such a talented writer and every one of these chapters has drawn me in more than the preceding one. Thank you x
    1 point
  36. A final chapter. You had me crying smiling and crying again. It’s not often that my emotional side comes out but so well written how could I not. Bravo.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I love sucking! And I fucking love to swallow! But what turns me on the most is when the top has fun. If he's completely silent or too passive it gets frustrating. I want him to moan because of me and I love the reward that comes next. But nevertheless I couldn't suck a dick for 30 minutes. I'd really get bored and would think that I wouldn't do a good job. Whenever I suck a guy off, my goal is to make him lose his mind and explode in my mouth as soon as possible 😛
    1 point
  39. I cannot believe it is almost a fucking whole year since I published chapter 8! 😮 I do have several more chapters ready to share. BUT, do you want more? Give this a 'like' to show you do and I will keep developing the story. I do have several chapters part written to the sequel to this story, with two other characters crossing over from my overseas story too, so central character Thomas most certainly has a LOT in store if I am to continue.
    1 point
  40. Last spring (I think it was spring) there was a total solar eclipse. My partner and I drove to a state park to watch it. Now there was a paved trail through a beautiful woods at this park and after the eclipse the weather was sort of misty and beautifully unearthly. We decided to take a walk. The park and the trail seemed deserted and I convinced my usually conservative guy to let me blow him. I opened his pants, took him in my mouth and we were both starting to enjoy a really wonderful moment with nature when along came the vanguard of a local bike club. Two men and a woman who called out as they zipped by, “There are more coming behind us!” It startled hell out of us. We were just rushing to get our clothes together when 25-30 more riders cruised around the bend in the trail and shot passed us. My partner was red-faced for an hour.
    1 point
  41. Keep it in unless the top wants to eat it out of your hole. Savor the filling, or surprise the next top with it. Also love going out in public, like to the grocery store or gym, with a loaded hole
    1 point
  42. Growl, mind sharing the link?
    1 point
  43. (2/2) I’m on my back, in my jocks, feet up. This beefy guy gets in. Maybe in his fifties, huge nipples, furry pecs and a bit of a belly. I can’t see his face against the red light behind him. He smells strongly of sweat and cum which turns me on. I can tell he’s been fucking sloppy holes before as I feel his dick is all slimy with cum when he slides it in me. I hear a big sigh and a grunt and he picks up the pace, choking me while thrusting deeper and deeper. My fuckbud is holding my head as he orders me to take another sniff of poppers. I see can that they’re looking at each other from time to time. He’s about to finish when I see 2 or 3 guys entering the room. “Another load in the bank, boy” as the beefy guy shoots his cum deep in me. My ass had never been this sloppy before. Another guy lines up his dick with my hole before entering in one thrust. His dick is a lot bigger than the beefy guy’s. He looks tall, blond or ginger for what I can see, muscular bod. This one leans forward and I get my first kiss of the night. He stands back up and he’s brutal as fuck. He exchanges looks with my fuckbud before shooting his load. It must be load five or six. I lost count a while ago. Guys keep entering the room, fucking me and dropping their loads. I can’t take it anymore, my hole is fucking raw but I don’t even have the energy to resist or get up. I’m starting to regret realizing my fantasy of being whored out and missing my bed. My fuckbud keeps providing poppers. I don’t know how long I’m there for nor can I figure out how many guys passed by after the tall ginger guy. 1, 2 or 6 maybe? I just can tell between whiffs of poppers that my fuckbuddy is exchanging looks with each of them as if he’s giving consent for something. Finally, the last guy leaves. “It’s my turn now, boy! I’ve been jerking my dick this whole time, watching you taking dick like a champ”. My fuckbud shoves his dick right in. At this point, I barely feel it anymore. He’s fucking me like a mad guy, his face all contorted with the excitement he’s been building up for the past few hours. He picks up the pace until he stops. His dick still in me, he leans forward down to my ear. “I saw the changes you’ve made to your profile on BBRT, dirty little fucker. I know what you want and I know you’re still not sure. At first, I was mad for not telling cause you’re putting me at risk. But then I figured the best way to punish you would be to give it to you. I counted 8 loads tonight without mine. I can tell you at least 2 of those were toxic”. My head is turning. I’m scared as fuck, I’m regretting what I’ve done but I’m just to exhausted to even answer. I can’t know which ones are fatal. “I can see in your eyes you’re scared, boy. Don’t worry, it was just a matter of time before you went through with this by yourself anyway.” He picks up the pace, I can hear the sloppy noise the mix of loads is making as he fucks me. I just want it to be over now. “Take my load, boy!” as he’s finally shooting what I hope will be my last load of cum for the night. “It may be my last neg load as well boy, but it was well worth it”.
    1 point
  44. Hmm. Honestly, yes. I really enjoy sucking dick, but it’s foreplay and a lead up to me taking dick, and everything else, in my ass. But like so many other things with me, it’s about what the top wants, not what I want. Tops who like having their dicks sucked have used this to torment me, making me suck them all night and never going near my hole. Thankfully I enjoy being mindfucked as well as assfucked!
    1 point
  45. Growing up, I think to a point it’s natural. When I was 12, my brother was 3 years older, we would JO together in bed, feeling each other up. Then it was BJ’s, every chance we had, I want to such his cock. This lasted three years, he taught me how to French kiss, don’t know who taught him. Also during that period, did the same with a cousin who I only saw on the holidays, my house or his. We were about 18 when we stopped. But because of that, I never stop loving cock. I’m 64 now 😎.
    1 point
  46. Part 2 When I was diagnosed HIV positive I had just taken over my business and I was working really hard to make it a success. The idiot who owned it before me was running it in to the ground and I had to work really hard to get landlords and tenants back on board. I re-named it, re-branded it and set about building up a succesful business. I bought it with money which my grandmother left me. It was a surprisingly large sum of money and totally unexpected - my dad had left us when me and my sister were quite young and we had not seen much of him in the intervenig years. My gran had kept in touch and always sent me and my sister money at Christmas ond on our birithdays but we never expected to inherit so much of her money. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my inheritance and my sister put up some of the money and joined me to take care of the books and the financial side - having a business degree it was right up her street and she was able to work three days a week mostly from home which suited her fine. So everything was working out really well - I loved every minute of setting up the business and had no problem working long hours - I had a vision of how I wanted the business to be and I went for it. When I wasn't working I was sleeping and when I wasn't sleeping I was fucking - mostly random hook ups and visits to some of London's raunchier clubs. Then I was diagnosed HIV positive. I can't pretend it was a huge surprise - I have never liked condoms and rarely used them - but if I'm being honest it was a bit of a shock. They had talked to me very seriously at the hospital about how I would need a medication regime and told me there was an extremely high chance that I would infect other people due to the level of my viral load so it was very important that I refrained from having unprotected sex of any sort and ideally from any sexual contact. As I said before, I don't lie - so I assured them I would take their advice very seriously. I didn't say I would follow it. I thought about following the advice and even bought some condoms. I think I've still got them somewhere. In truth I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Then a few days later I was out at a cinema complex just outside London with some straight friends. We had plenty of time before the film was due to start and were having coffee in the Starbucks in the complex. As much out of habit as anything else I went on Grindr and got messaged almost immediately from a guy that was only a few metres away. I lookd at the profile - 20 years old, slim, blond, bottom - my dick began to harden and I looked around the coffee shop. I saw him almost immediately - he was sitting with a group of other lads at a table nearby. "U up for it?" he messaged and I messaged back "Yeah." A moment or two later he got up and walked towards the toilets, looking casually back over his shoulder at me. I waited a moment and excused myself. Seconds later I entered the toilet - it was very spacious and spotlessly clean. He was in the end cubicle and I wasted no time in joining him. He pulled me towards him and kissed me and then he sat down on the toilet and seconds later my cock was in his mouth. He sucked me really well and it was just what I needed after the week I had had. I let him suck me for a while and I had every intention of letting him suck me until I nutted in his mouth but then he stood up, turned round, pulled his pants and trousers down and bent over the toilet. He had a lovely slim arse and I didn't hesitate. I pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed it against his arsehole. He grunted and bent forward as the head of my cock entered his arse. I was surprised how easly my cock slid up him and I enjoyed every minute of the fuck - his arse was quite tight and I was really horny so I took hold of his hips and began to fuck him harder. I could tell he was enjoying it as much as I was and I didn't hold back - I fucked him as hard as I could and it was not long before I felt myself getting ready to cum. For a moment I thought about pulling out but I didn't - I pushed my cock right up him and held it there as I shot what felt like a massive load of cum right up him. He grinned at me as we pulled up our pants and minutes later we had both rejoined our friends - neither of us had said a word and somehow this made the whole encounter even hornier. As it happened, he and his friends were sitting just a couple of rows in front of us and as the lights went down and the film started I could see a greenish glow coming from his seat. I knew of course that he must be looking at his phone, but just for a moment I imagined the glow was coming from the highly toxic load I had just deposited in his arse and my dick got hard again. On the Friday evening I went to the Vault in central London - one of my favourite cruise bars. It was early evening and the place was just starting to get busy with the after work crowd. I was still feeling very horny - and couldn't stop thinking about the young blond lad, bent over the toilet with his pants down and my toxic load shooting into his arse. I cruised round for a while and then stood outside the glory hole cabins. After a while, one of them opened and a guy came out. I went in to the cubicle, sat down on the ledge at the back and looked through the hole. Almost immediately a big cock came through the hole and I got down and started sucking on it. I sucked it for a while and then the guy pulled back and indicated for me to push mine through. My pants were already down and I stood up and pushed my hard cock through the hole and soon I was being sucked. The guy sucked me really well and after a while he pulled off my cock. I waited a moment, expecting his cock to come through the hole but instead he pushed his arse against the hole. I had no idea who was on the other side of the hole, but the hairy arse he had pressed against the hole certainly looked fit enough. I pushed my finger into his hole and found it lubed and it was not long before my cock was up him and I was fucking him through the glory hole. I really enjoyed the fuck but I didn't last as long as I would have liked to and before long I was cumming deep in his arse. I was still feeling horny so I had a drink and then cruised round a bit more watching the action, which was beginning to pick up as the place got busier. I sucked a few cocks and let a couple of guys suck me and then got another drink and then cruised round again. In the room with the barrels I saw one of my friends, Tom, taking it up the arse - somehow its always a turn on for me to see someone I know being fucked - especially if they don't know I'm watching. I moved a bit closer and watched - Tom was being fucked by a stocky skinhead guy and, as I watched, the guy's cock slipped out of Tom' arse and I was surprised to see he wasn't wearing a condom. I was surprised because Tom was one of a group of my friends who were very much committed to safe sex and both Tom and his partner had lectured me more than once about how I should practice safe sex. It turned me on to see him with his pants down, being fucked bareback behind his boyfriend's back, and I watched as the skinhead pushed his cock back up Tom's arse, bent him forward and began to fuck him harder. I watched until the skinhead unloaded in Tom;'s arse and then cruised round again. I didn't see Tom again and I assume he must have left after he had taken the skinhead's load andws now on his way home to his partner. I was horny again myself and soon I was watching a lad being fucked in the recess area beside the glory holes. He looked mid to late 20s and was tall and slim with his brown hair tied back in a pony tail. I found this lad really attractive and was really hoping I might get a chance to fuck him. I got my cock out and started wanking as I watched him being fucked and he bent forward and took my cock into his mouth. I was fully hard again now and he sucked me really well. After a while the guy fucking him pulled out, pulled off his condom and threw it on the ground. The lad turned round and pushed his arse out towards me and, taking hold of my cock, pulled it towards him. I slid up him and began to fuck him. I was fairly sure I could cum again and, as I fucked him, he pushed hs trousers and his white underpants right down and bent forward, leaning against the back wall as I fucked him as hard as I could and shot my load up him. I had another drink before I left and, as the guy I had just fucked arrived at the bar at the same time, I bought him one. It seemed the least I could do. As I enjoyed a much needed drink I watched the guys cruising around and wondered which of them had my toxic load up his hairy arse. The business was now starting to take off and I was soon enjoying some horny encounters at work too. Part of our role as lettings agent was to carry out three monthly propety inspections on behalf of the landlords and for the first year or so I was carrying out all the inspections myself. We had an agreement with most of the tenants that we could let ourselves in to carry out the inspection without the need for them to be there and in general this worked really well. It also led to quite a few horny encounters. One day I was visiting a flat we managed in a high end block of luxury flats in west London. We managed a number of flats in this block - they were beautifully fittted out and had a great view out over the Thames and private underground parking. I really enjoyed managing them and, if the truth be told, aspired to own one myself one day. This particular flat had been rented by an Arab guy for his son, who was a medical student. I had shown them round the flat when they came to view it and I had been struck by how alike and how good looking the father and son were. On this morning I let myself quietly into the flat and, as I began my inspection, I heard a noise from the bedroom. Although we always visited by appointment it was not uncommon for tenants to forget we were coming and I assumed this was what had happened. I called out but there was no reply and I looked into the bedroom. The lad was stretched out on the bed, his eyes closed. His pants were at his ankles and he was wanking - his cock was pretty impressive and, as he wanked, he was rubbing his balls and then he lifted his legs a little, and I had a perfect view of his arse crack. I moved back out of sight and called out a bit louder, then looked into the bedroom as if I had only just arrived. He lept up, looking shocked and tried to cover up his cock with the duvet. I apologised for disturbing him and then I noticed him checking me out. I could tell he was really embarressed but I could also see that he was really horny and that he was finding it difficult to take his eyes off the front of my trousers. I decided to go for it and I moved towards him. He relaxed a bit then and grinned at me as I pulled the duvet back. His cock was still rock hard and I took it in my hand and began to wank him. He sighed and closed his eyes as I bent forward and took his cock into my mouth. I sucked him for a while and then I moved down to lick his balls. I sucked him a bit more and then moved down to his balls again. As my tongue went lower, he lifted his legs and I pushed my tongue into his arse hole. I rimmed him for a while as he wanked himself and then I took his cock back into my mouth. As soon as I started sucking him again he groaned and I felt his cum spurting into my mouth. I was really horny now and I motioned to him to get up on his knees. I pulled my trousers and pants down and, as I did so, I reached for the little pack of lube I always carry around with me. He didn't resist as I rubbed some lube into his wet arsehole and nor did he resist when I pushed my cock slowly but surely up him. He gave a little yelp as my cock pushed right up him and I gave him a moment to get used to it and then I began to fuck him. His arse was incredibly tight but he took it really well and I could feel him wanking as I fucked him. It didn't take me long to cum and, as I hadn't cum for a few days I knew I was pumping a big load into him. When I pulled out he rolled over on his back and took hold of his cock, wanking hard and seconds later he shot another load of cum all over himself. After that, he made a point of being in when I called round and couldn't wait to get his pants off and his arse in the air for me. It was only after we had fucked a few times that he told me I had been the first guy to fuck him. Although he was a medical student, he never asked me any questions. One of the other flats we managed in that block was let to a gay couple in their mid 30s who worked in central London. They were both high fliers in the city - one was a lawyer and the other was some kind of high end accountant. They both worked long hours and were rarely in the flat so most of the time I let myself in to carry out the quarterly inspection. This time, however, they had told me that one of them had a few days off work and would be there to let me in. The guy who let me in was an attractive, slightly chubby blond guy called Darren. I had only met Darren once, when he and his partner came to view the flat. I had had more dealings with his partner. Peter, who was a fit, slim ginger lad. I knew Darren was checking me out from the start of the visit. The inspection took hardly any time as the flat was always immaclate, but Darren asked me if I would like a coffee and was clearly hoping I would stay and chat for a while. I liked him and as we chatted he began to tell me how he was tired of working long hours and how he and Peter hardly had any time together. They were making really good money but it was all taking its toll on their relationship, he told me. I could guess where this might be leading and soon Darren was telling me that it had been a while since he and Peter had had sex and how horny he was. We were both hard now and it wasn't long before my pants were down and my cock was in Darren's mouth. We sucked each other for a while and then I turned Darren round and he bent over. I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue into his arse. "Oh God, " he moaned, "that's so good....it's been so long." He continued giving little moans as I licked his arse and then I stood up and began to rub the head of my cock over his wet hole He groaned and pushed back and the head of my cock went into his arse. He groaned again and then pulled back and stood up. "Do you have a condom?" he asked. I said I didn't have one and told him that I really liked to fuck without a condom. I could see he was really tempted but after a moment's hesitation he shook his head and said he couldn't do it. We sucked and rimmed each other for a while and then I swallowed his load and he swallowed mine. Before I left I told him I told him I really wanted to fuck him but totally respected his decision and told him to give me a call if he changed his mind. He grinned and said he would. Darren called me the next day and a couple of hours later I was back at the flat. We sucked and rimmed each other for a while and then Darren knelt up on the bed and asked me to fuck him. "Are you sure you want this?" I asked him as I pushed my bare cock up his arse. He nodded and groaned as I pushed right up him and began to fuck him. "Oh fuck.....fuck, yeah...." he moaned as I began to fuck him harder. "Fuck me......fuck me!" he groaned. I began to fuck him harder as he moaned and told me how good it felt and how much he wanted it. I was getting close now and told him I was going to cum. I wondered if he would ask me to pull out but he didn't - he just moaned and shot his load as I began to pump my dirty load up his unprotected, cheating arse. When I had pulled out we lay back on the bed and Darren told me how much he had enjoyed what we had done and asked if we could do it again. He said he felt a bit guilty and said that Peter must never find out. I assured him Peter wouldn't find out. I didn't tell him that Peter had spread his legs for me two days after they had come to view the flat. He had phoned me to ask for a second viewing and when he turned up we wasted no time. I had fucked Peter on his back and cum deep inside him. He had not mentioned condoms. I had been meeting Peter regularly ever since, usually in the early evening at their flat - Peter got home an hour or two before Darren and every now and then he would come home earlier so that he could meet me and I could fuck him. Darren had taken me into the spare room to fuck - but Peter liked to do it in the bed he shared with Darren - sometimes with him kneeling up on the bed and sometimes on his back with his legs in the air. One time we met before Peter left for work while Darren was at the gym - Peter was smartly dressed in his shirt and tie and his smart black trousers and shoes and he sucked my cock for a while and then pulled his pants down and bent over. I slid up his already lubed arse, fucked him and shot my load up him and he pulled up his pants and went off to work. I continued to fuck them both for over a year - with neither of them aware that I was regularly breeding the other. Life was good.
    1 point
  47. My only regret was repressing my desires for years and not having the courage to act on what I wanted to do. I was 38 years old when I found that I loved the feeling of someone else’s cock. I missed out on a couple of decades of fun and wasted 2 decades(or more) of living a heterosexual lie. I now know that I was born to be a gay slut and all I want to do is please as many guys I possibly can.
    1 point
  48. Had a buddy I knew...I'll call him Reece. Reece had a Carhartt clothing fetish. Any guy in that particular brand of work clothes would automatically get Reece's hole twitching...any guy. And he would totally go legs up for him. We kept a Carhartt jacket on hand to pass around...and we would find some really scurvy dudes to wear it just so we could watch Reece throw himself at these guys and go off for a fuck someplace. That jacket got passed around A LOT.
    1 point
  49. YES, Palm Springs do offer some GREAT forms of entertainment in the flesh area. There's nothing better than bringing home a 'piece of meat' for your BFF and sharing him together...for long period of time...it brings the relationship to a new level. However, you can always hire exactly the type of entertainment you need. I personally want the services to be totally freaky. That's what you're paying for, isn't it?
    1 point
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