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  1. Part 59 - One Face Two Pasts The build up and excitement grew in the palace and even more so around the country. The late edition of the papers were full of praise over the TV interview and one reporter gushed so much over Max and even admitting they had fallen in love with him. His carefully chosen words appeared to have done their magic and buried the story once and for all. The ramifications were felt the following morning as the morning star papers sales drastically dropped and continued dropping daily until they issued a formal apology and the police dropped their investigations. Lipscombe wasn't so fortunate, he was charged and stripped of all sovereign favours and military associations. Max felt like he would combust anxiously pacing around the bedroom, his nerves appearing again thinking about the evening and beginning of the royal celebrations, there was so much to think of and remember that it was doing his head in. Even in the family residences and their pad he could sense how the palace was bustling and everyone busy with their own tasks. Thankfully it was smart casual this evening and they were both dressed ready, the pad had now gone quiet apart from Franco and Liam who were in the lounge waiting to accompany them to the banquet. Starting at 6pm with introductions followed by dinner and timed to finish at 9pm on the dot. Both Alex and Max were now so hyped up and excited in themselves, getting an early night was the last thing on their minds "Last night of freedom Max" Alex said holding his hand. Max smiled "Tomorrow is the first day of our new life together though" he replied kissing him. "What I would give for one night outside the palace" Alex said with a reflecting tone. Max laughed just as Liam and Franco appeared at the door indicating it was time to leave. They made their way to the meet up with the family and Max was surprised to see his parents and Sam there waiting with the royal family. Despite it being a casual evening there was still a certain protocol to be adhered to and Max's family was also being presented since they would become family the following day. Lined up in order of royal importance Max said a brief hello to Princess Marie and her husband, a coup for Max was getting Princess Marie involved in the MTA to help organise events and be a stand in for him when he was elsewhere engaged. It was not official royal duties she was taking on and it pleased her to be able to help under the royal radar. The dowager had some involvement getting her to agree and pleased when she accepted as was the king. The doors opened and the royal fanfare was played announcing the sovereigns arrival as the head footman stood at the doors announcing each of them as they stepped in to the banquet hall. The Spanish royal family who Alex and Max had become very close to were the ones they looked forward to seeing the most and they immediately went over to them. One guest they never expected to see was Alfonso who looked totally different on the arm of Felipe now they were dating seriously. He had left royal service three weeks ago to be with and travel with Felipe on location, he felt a little nervous coming across his former employees unsure of what they were going to make of him being there. He was astonished that after Alex and Max had come over to say hello that the Queen of Spain personally went over to Alfonso to see how he was getting on but also telling him his job was always open to return if he wanted. Tom and Mateo both spotted Alfonso and rushed over dragging him and Felipe off in to their little gang. After a delightful dinner it was mingling time and for Max an opportunity to meet all the various royals. Dead on 9pm sharp the evening began to wind down. Max looked around the room then at Alex "How many more of these?" he asked. Alex chuckled "Way too many if you ask me" he replied, "Are you alright?" he now asked. "Yes, fine. It is just with all this we have not planned a honeymoon" Max explained. "Ah!" Alex said turning to face him, "We are going to Borrick Lodge for a week. Sorry". Max chuckled "That's fine Alex, as long as we have some alone time" he said kissing him. The queen walked over "Bed you two and get some rest" she said to Alex and Max. They both bowed and and began making there way towards the doors with Liam and Franco walking behind. Artem and Tom were now back on valet duty and were following on. Max suddenly turned to Franco "What is going on with you and Jack?" he asked. "Nothing" Franco replied and Alex stopped to look at him, "What?" he asked looking surprised. "Are you bringing Jack tomorrow?" Alex asked and Artem quickly looked at Franco with a disappointed look. Franco shook his head "No we don't really know each other" he replied seeing Liam grin. Max laughed "Have you asked him?" he asked. "So obvious he likes you" Alex added, "And you fancy him right?" he asked. Franco glanced at Artem then looked at them both "Maybe" he said softly, "Anyway he is at Swanky". "Swanky?" Alex asked then nodding, "The gay club". "Yeah, apparently there is a prince and Max party in your honour" Franco informed him. Standing next to Artem and hearing the conversation Tom sensed something was not right with Artem who stared at Franco. His eyes gave a myriad of desperate sad unhappy looks, in fact Tom had never seen Artem looking like this and short for words. It suddenly struck him that inside Artem's feelings may run very deep for Franco despite his cool exterior view. "Should I go and meet up with him at the club?" Franco asked looking at Alex and Max. Max glanced at Artem "If you do, would anything come of it?" he asked. Franco shrugged looking even more unsure, "He is not household" he replied, "Makes it difficult". Max looked at Artem discreetly then stopped "Wait a minute, you said a party for us?" he asked Franco. "For us?" Alex now enquired and looked at Max, "We could sneak out" he suggested. "Yeah right like Liam is going to allow that, or even your mother!" Max said. Franco nodded "Liam!" Alex called, "Come with us" he said. The four walked over to the king and queen "Mother!" Alex said looking like he meant business. The queen looked at him then laughed "What is it Alex?" she asked. "We want to go to a club, they are having a party for us and well..." Alex said and faltering. "We think it would be a nice surprise if we showed up for an hour" Max finished off. The queen looked at them silently for a moment "Is that so!" she remarked looking at Max's mother who laughed. "Franco, Liam what is your take on this?" the king asked joining in. Liam grinned "Well your majesty, Franco may find a date" he blurted out. The king looked at the queen "If you can persuade Nick to go as well then you may" she said. Alex smiled "I will command him" he replied trotting off to where Nick was standing. The queen smiled shaking her head "Max please look after him. And back by midnight! she said. Max nodded "Of course I will and we will be back by then. Thank you" he said bowing. Fortunately Nick's fondness for Alex and Max was an easy win to get him onside and agree. Asa declined since he was meeting Gareth for a catch up with Tom, Alden and Sam. They piled in to Nick's large BMW which was an unknown car around the streets of Victoria. Franco had texted Jack letting him know he was on his way, Jack replied warning him that the bar was busy with the A&M party as it was called. Nick got out of the car last and looked over at Alex and Max "Stay close or we leave" he warned. "Should we handcuff them to us?" Liam suggested with Alex and Max both giggling away. "No" Nick replied, "Somehow I think they might enjoy it too much" he said locking the car. "Fair point" Liam said then looked seriously at them both "No bathroom visits Alex!". "Come on, give it a rest Liam. I showed you I can do a good blow job" Alex replied smirking. The doorman instantly recognised the two young men approaching looking on with surprise and shock at their appearance. Without questioning he bowed opening the door and talking in to his earpiece alerted the manager of the bar as to who was about to walk in. At first no one paid any attention to the five men entering the bar, the music playing loudly with groups of guys enjoying the party in honour of Alex and Max. It was quite surreal for Max who looked around bewildered at first then smiled grabbing Alex's hand dragging him to the bar. It as only when Liam accidentally bumped in to someone who turned to apologise to Liam noticing the prince and Max. He slipped past Liam tapping Max on the shoulder who turned, the guy jumped with joy looking so excited he was about to burst. He clamped his hand over his mouth wanting to scream at them standing there, Max smiled and hugged him telling him to enjoy the evening. Alex watched on protected by Nick whilst Franco was scanning the bar looking around for Jack. The manager came out from behind the bar heading straight over to the group. "Your royal highness" he said bowing, "I am so sorry we have no VIP area" he apologised. Alex chuckled "We are here to join in" he said. "You came then" Jack shouted standing behind Franco who jumped. He turned and smiled "Of course. Sorry I had to bring these two as well" he explained. Alex and Max both turned to Jack "Your highness, sir" he said about to bowing. "Stop that!" Alex said grabbing his arm, "Come on join us for a drink before you corrupt Franco". Max ordered them all a drink "It is difficult to get Franco out" Jack said leaning in to Alex. Alex nodded "Well he lives in the palace and looks after Max" he replied kissing Max on the cheek. "Unfortunately getting time with Franco is hard" Max now said handing Jack his drink. "Thanks" Jack said, "How come I mean he must have time off?" he asked. "He does but with my full diary he is always busy" Max replied noticing the strange look from Alex. Jack fiddled with his glass "I guess dating him is going to be difficult then what with my work as well". "Yes" Max replied before Alex could speak, "Royal household staff is a busy life" he explained. Alex stared at Max unable to believe what he was saying "Is it a quickie your after?" Max asked. Jack smiled "What ever gave you that idea?" he asked laughing, "Well sort of. I want to sex him!". Alex looked at Jack "I should tell you that Franco has his eye on someone in the palace" Max added. "Really?" Jack replied looking over Max's shoulder at Liam, "Who is that?" he asked. They both turned and Alex chuckled "That is my protection officer, definitely out of bounds". "Hell, do you both surround yourself by sexy men?" Jack asked laughing but staring at him. Jack wandered over to Franco who was standing next to Liam "Well he changed tact" Max remarked. "What was all that about?" Alex asked looking at him, "You put him off Franco?". "Yeah probably, I think Artem is who Franco wants. And he is clearly fascinated by Liam" Max replied. Their conversation ended abruptly as by now people were beginning to realise who was now in the club and groups of men were coming up congratulating and wishing them well for tomorrow. For the most part they were left alone to enjoy a drink and chat to anyone who stopped by and wanted to talk. Tom was changed and ready to go and meet Gareth, Asa, Sam and Alden when he passed by the office and saw Artem sitting there, he knew dam well what was wrong with him and now he was feeling quite upset seeing Artem looking so down. "You only have yourself to blame" Tom said in a quiet tone. Artem looked up "Go and enjoy yourself Tom" he replied brushing off his remark. Tom turned to walk away then stopped "Artem, I am not leaving you like this" he said. "There is nothing wrong with me Tom, go and enjoy yourself" Artem replied opening a folder. "Do you fancy him that much?" Tom asked walking in and standing on the opposite side of the desk. Artem shrugged rifling through papers until Tom snatched them from him "Stop it Artem!". He stared at the desk "Get off your arse and go tell him how you feel" Tom demanded. "Don't be silly" Artem replied sitting back the rubbing his face with his hands. Tom leaned over the desk looking annoyed "If you don't I will go to the bar and tell him!". "No!" Artem responded looking angry then calming down, "Probably too late anyway". Tom leaned closer "Get dressed I am taking you to the bar" he said making it clear to Artem. Artem mumbled under his breath and stood up "What do I say to him?" he asked nervously. "Easy" Tom replied, "Tell him how you feel, put it out there and let him make the move". Artem walked towards the door "You make it sound so easy" he said. Tom made a call to Gareth whilst Artem changed, he told him he would see him later as he had to sort out the Franco problem. With Artem dressed they borrowed a car from pool of cars in the garage and headed off to the bar. They were proving to be a hit in the bar as everyone wanted to come and wish them both well, ironically their attention was not on Alex or Max but rather Nick and Liam who both stood there looking so sexy in their own right that guys wanted photos with them as well. Franco and Jack were busy in their own little world shutting everyone else out as they chatted away with Jack trying to work out where he stood with Franco. Within a few short minutes social media was awash with selfies of Alex and Max, they both new the importance of remaining in control so only had the one alcoholic drink. Instead they enjoyed the attention from the numerous young guys desperate to be in a photo with them, Max happily stood smiling seeing how turned on Alex was getting with half naked men clambering to have a selfie with them both. Poor Alex didn't know where to look and he was getting so turned on by the naked sweaty bodies that all looked so desirable. Within half an hour TV crews had appeared outside seeing the photos being splashed around with the hashtag #royalwedding. The doorman sticking to the instruction not to let anyone else in the bar until the prince leaves, leaving the press standing outside and desperate to get a scoop. Liam was keeping his eyes peeled around and over at Alex constantly until he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see a man standing there with no t-shirt on and sweat glistening on his body. Muscular and tall with devilish looking eyes and pretty attractive for his age. The face though he thought, he knew the face but couldn't place where from. "Fancy seeing you here!" Manos said smirking, "I owe you a pasting" he said flexing his muscles. Liam vaguely remembered him "Sorry do I know you?" Liam asked still trying to place him. "Last year in the bar down the street. You punched me in the neck rather hard" Manos reminded him. Liam raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly "I guess it wasn't your boyfriend after all" Manos said. "You know who he is then?" Liam asked as Franco joined him noticing how uncomfortable Liam looked. "I do now" Manos replied smiling, "The prince was rather pathetic at giving a blow job". "I trust you won't say anything" Liam now said staring Manos in the eyes. "What is my silence worth?" Manos asked in a soft tone, "Both of you?" he asked looking at Franco. Franco laughed "I am worth a lot more than your silence" he said. "You are not helping matters" Liam responded putting his arm on Franco's shoulder. Manos smirked "I want both of you for a night!" he remarked making it clear, "Then I remain silent". Alex had noticed Liam going in defensive mode and walked over "What is going on?" he asked. Manos looked at Alex and smirked "Yeah it was you. Any better at blow jobs now?" he asked. It took a moment for Alex to realise who it was "Oh shit!" he said under his breath. Liam stood in front of Alex "Leave. Let me deal with him" he said as Nick wandered over. "Need a hand?" Nick asked all menacing and making eye contact with Manos then opening his mouth. Manos stared at him "Nick!" he said unable to believe he was standing there. "Manos" Nick said slowly and looking angry, "You have some nerve showing your face". "I didn't know you was coming here" Manos protested, "You don't normally frequent these places". Liam looked at Nick "You know him?" he asked as Alex and Franco now looked at Nick as well. "Long story but I swore if I ever saw him again I would break each bone in his body very slowly" Nick said. "Listen man he came to me for drugs" Manos responded stepping back. Liam looked at Manos in shock "Who did?" he asked looking back at Nick. "My boyfriend at the time" Nick replied getting agitated, suddenly Liam nodded understanding. "Manos do yourself a favour, keep quiet and leave" Liam suggested. Manos looked at him and nodded "If you say anything we will come after you" Liam warned him. He moved out of the club quickly "Thanks" Nick said putting his arm around Liam. "I got your back Nick, always remember that" Liam said as Max dragged Liam off for a dance. Tom and Artem arrived at the door almost being pushed out of the way by Manos, security on the door laughed when Tom told them who they were and was refusing to let them inside. Artem just stood there like a dummy and Tom dialled Alex's number which went to voicemail, he tried Nick's number who picked up straight away and nodded then hung up. "Alex!" Nick called out, "Tom is outside you need to get him and Artem in". Max turned around "Artem is here?" he asked looking excited as Alex set off with Nick. They returned within a minute with Artem and Tom "Right my work is done" he said to Artem. "Your going?" Artem asked panicking. Tom gave him a hug "It is up to you now Artem" he said, "Where is Franco?" he asked Alex. "Over there talking with Jack" Alex replied pointing and Artem's eyes followed the direction. As if by magic or some miracle fluke Franco turned and saw Artem standing there looking like a fish out of water. He looked at Jack then at Artem, he was certainly getting a different feeling each time he looked directly at Artem. He realised that if he didn't try to win Artem now he was going to regret it, he would have to see him every day and there would always be that invisible barrier between them. "Excuse me Jack, there is something I need to do" Franco said placing his arm on Jack's. "Is it him?" Jack asked looking towards Artem, "You fancy him I guess". "Sorry. Only if I don't do this I may never know" Franco replied. Jack shrugged "I only wanted to get fucked by you, nothing more" he said seriously. Franco nodded and stepped away walking towards Artem "What are you doing here?" he asked. Artem stared at him unable to find any words and feeling self conscious "You" he said quietly. "Artem, talk to me" Franco said touching his arm desperate to hear him say anything. Artem gulped feeling sick "You" he said again then shook his head. Franco chuckled "Artem are you in love with me?" he asked straight out staring at him intently. Artem nodded and looked down "You... I think I am in love, with you, you" he said nervously. "Is that it!" Franco replied smiling, "Took you long enough to tell me". Artem nodded unable to speak again "You are going to have to talk at some point" Franco said. Tom rolled his eyes wading in "He is in love with you Franco. Infatuated beyond reason" he said. Franco smiled "Yeah I know" he said looking at Artem, "You need a drink Artem?" he asked. Franco took Artem over to the bar and got him a brandy to calm him down, as far as Franco was concerned there was no rush and he would go at Artem's pace. After all they both had no experience in the field of being gay and right now was the place or time to begin exploring that. All he did know was how very attracted to Artem he was, even more so now. Annoyingly for Liam and Nick, Alex and Max were dragged on to the dance floor by several young guys to dance, they kept their distance watching and noticing how the group of guys instantly became protective and wouldn't let anyone else get to close. They chilled out quite a bit still keeping an eye on the boys to make sure no harm came to them. Liam and Nick had their own circle of guys ogling them and flirting so outrageously with raunchy dance moves up against them, both of them didn't care and laughed it off still keeping an eye on their charges. They could tell Alex was finding it hard to concentrate and not touch anyone that had the protection officers laughing. Thirty minutes before midnight Liam and Nick went over to them and Liam tapped his watch. Alex nodded and took Max's hand leading him away. They stood by Franco who now had his arm around Artem as the club manager walked over to them. "Your highness" the manager said bowing, "I am afraid there is a lot press outside" he explained. "Right. Is there a back door we can go through?" Alex asked. The barman walked over "How about we get everyone outside to wave goodbye?" he suggested. Nick nodded "Let me get the car and I will text you when I am outside" he said to Liam who nodded. "Well?" Max asked looking at Franco then Artem. Franco pushed Max away "Give us some space" he replied laughing but clearly happy. Alex grinned looking at Artem "You owe me Artem!" he said flaunting himself at him. Artem still quietly embarrassed and Alex noticed this leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, more for approval than anything. Nick disappeared quickly and the DJ announced that the royal couple were about to leave and everyone was to go out side and form two lines to the street. Alex and Max laughed and waited as the bar emptied and Liam got his text message. Outside the press were being pushed back by the crowd of men gathering and Nick pulled up getting out of the car. The entourage exited to hundreds of flashes going off from the waiting press. Everyone standing their congratulated Alex and Max, the plan was to head straight for the car but Alex being Alex stopped. He and Max shook hands quickly with all the guys as the press watched on until they finally got in to the car to a big cheer. Before they even reached the palace the pictures taken by many of the worlds press who had assembled for the big day, were publishing photos and footage, the love for Alex and Max and genuine appreciation they showed in return was all that could be seen. The silence as the car door closed and Nick slowly drove them away back to the palace was a welcome respite, it would not be the last time they made an unscheduled appearance at the club and each time they were warmly welcomed and socialised with the patrons. Alex sighed happily sitting in the car causing everyone to laugh, the short drive back to the palace then through the corridors to the pad where Alex dismissed everyone. He dragged Max in to the bedroom and kissed him whilst trying to get undressed quickly. Max chuckled "What is the matter with you?" he asked getting undressed. "All those half naked bodies being so close has got me hot and bothered" Alex replied. His salacious state was drowning Max in to a pool of lascivious desire, he had never seen Alex so clearly in need of sex and that turned him on big time. Alex kissed him again, harder this time with his hands roaming roughly all his body. He felt Alex was trying to get the upper hand but Max was not about to let him top in this state. He turned Alex around and pushed him on to the bed climbing on top of him. Alex raised his head and turning it slightly about to protest only to be met by Max's lips rubbing against his until they parted and kissed. The longer they kissed the harder Max ground his hips against Alex's arse, Alex squealed in pleasure feeling the excitement and arousal between Max's legs rubbing harder and working deeper between his cheeks. He knew what was coming and bit down hard on the pillow under him feeling the cock working towards his hole. Max kissed the back of his neck and pushed down gently until the resistance and tightness of his hole gave, aided by the precum moistening the lips letting him slip inside. He could feel Alex tense up and moan in to the pillow before relaxing, Max kissed and bit him lightly on the neck then growled deeply pushing his cock all the way inside Alex. His loud moans muffled by the pillow, wriggling his arse he could feel the solidness of Max's erection, his hand finding Max's thigh he stroked it lightly running his fingers along the buttocks. Getting even excited every time he felt the muscles clench tight and push down as he got fucked so deeply. Alex felt no pain just a lust and desire to be one with Max right now, locked together in a deep sexual plateau. Max came to a stop and rested on top kissing him delicately on the mouth their eyes locked on to each other in a display of true love and affection. His hips began slow reassuring caressing strokes, he was in no rush and wanted Alex to enjoy feeling every moment. Their hot bodies riding against each other, the pants and sensual moans softened in the still air of the bedroom. Without even needing to speed up or hit home harder Max naturally pushed his hips up hard against Alex's arse. He kissed him quickly, their lips touching, he let out a moan and kissed Alex deep releasing the love from his balls into Alex's body in quick pulsing successions. Alex half closed his eyes moaning quietly and feeling the orgasm from Max's cock, the sensation collided with his own highly aroused state in a very magical moment. Their kiss lasting longer than ever and Max wrapped his arms under Alex's body holding him. Max then rolled Alex over on to his side and grabbing Max's hand he guided it to his cock. Max ground his semi hard cock in deep inside Alex's arse and gently rubbed his cock several times before Alex pushed his arse back reaching his orgasm, shooting a hefty load that mostly landed on Alex's chest and shoulders. They kissed softly and Max tightened his hold of Alex as they drifted off to sleep. Along the corridor in Artem's apartment he was laying on the bed with Franco, they spent a few hours talking in to the early hours and falling asleep together partly clothed.
    9 points
  2. Was at Blatino Oasis in Palm Springs a couple of weekends ago. One of their events was held at Trunk’s Bar. Place was packed and I had a fun time chatting with a guy newly moved from LA. He offered to buy me drink number three and I don’t know what the hell happened but boy did that drink hit me! Both of us got vodka cranberries and when I saw him the next day he said that it was mainly vodka that the bartender poured in. After the bar closed I intended on going to the after hours party at CCBC. I was so fucked up but somehow I managed to get there. I stripped to my jockstrap and walked down to the dark rooms. I got in position on one of the fuck benches and literally passed out. Sometime afterwards, I woke up to find a dick being shoved up my ass. I maintained my position and couldn’t even raise my head to see who was fucking me. I have no idea what they look like or even the size of the cock. I passed in and out of stupor. This happened several times over the next couple of hours where I’d come to and find a dick was pounding my hole. Finally I was able to rouse myself to get back to the hotel. I walked out of the dark room only to discover the sun is shining and it’s 6:30 in the morning. My ass is squishy and come is dripping down my leg. I’ve thought about that night several times and I find I am completely turned on to think that I was used as a cumdump whore and my hole was there for any top to use while I was passed out.
    6 points
  3. I am celebrating my birthday this weekend. The actual day is on a Monday, and that's not the greatest day for fun things. I can refer you to a number of Garfield comic strips that indicate this. Earlier in the week, I hopped on Reegur. I had met a French pig at a fisting party last February, and he told me I could find him there if I wish to play again. Wasn't on for a day before I found him. We agreed to meet at Steamworks on Friday night. We got together and fisted, and it was awesome. Also pissed down the pig's throat. No loads were exchanged unless you count me licking up his precum. After he left, I went in search of some dick. Giving myself permission to have fun. Small crowd, but definitely guys. My first fuck was from a tall black guy with wire frame glasses. He bent me over a bench, and fucked. Said he bred, but it was rather quick if he did. I got into a sling. A white guy with a nice penor did me next. He said, "I don't think you're using this correctly." He was referring to my lying in the sling, and it was a fun way to get it started. Again, ended abruptly. I prowled around. Found a pup in his room with his butt in the air. Stuck my dick in him. Already had 3-4 loads in him, or so he said. I could actually feel them. Interesting sensation. I bred him, and made it 4-5 loads now. "I put something special in there just for you," I said. He responded with a "woof", but that was it. To be honest, there was nothing special, but he didn't know that. What has BZ done to me. LOL For the rest of the night, I felt fatigue setting in. Bar crowd came in around 3am. I entered another sling, and one guy rushed right up to me, and drilled hard. He was hairy. He took a break after a while, then came back for another. Don't think he finished. I later got followed by some kid who was a bathhouse virgin. Saw him take dick and piss himself. Tried to help him out - he was very awkward in this space - but I didn't need his desperation. Lots of guys wanted my dick, and the bald one who blew me kinda bit the skin. It hurt, and after that, no more blowies. I think there were three guys who swallowed my cawk. There was one I was after for a load, but we didn't get together. He was with a friend, and when I saw his dick, it was tiny. There's no way he would have got that in me. Got into bed just before 5am. Happy birthday to me! May it please Sayten that nothing regrettable comes of last night other than a very tired body.
    5 points
  4. Here 30 miles outside DC, the vaccine is NOT available, according to my doctor, this week, in July In two weeks, there is an orgy I was invited too. Usually I’d go. But my personal choice is that I am not going to attend a naked mens’ party with usually 40+ guys, naked, touching, and at close quarters in a small suburban house. DC is a hot spot for outbreaks! DUDES! Don't we bear at least SOME responsibility for our own behavior? If not entirely caused by us, at minimum we have exacerbated the monkeypox outbreak by spreading it at gay events. Why is the CDC, the government, the president . . .anyone? . . . responsible for fixing this, especially if we don’t work to fix it ourselves! We did so much for HIV. We worked together. Why can’t we keep it in our pants for a month?!?! Or two??! Apparently during the covid lockdowns, massive chains of stds literally dried up and ended from lack of contacts to transmit them. Could we have a short period of ‘no sex’ coordinated effort? Stop the exponential transmission of this shit!! Dudes. I am a sex positive, fag, faerie, slut, dom top, unapologetic homosexual. HUGE Rawtop fan. But DUDES we need to step up. The passion with which we share ourselves and celebrate our gayness can be problematic, nature-wise. I include a link to this vintage commercial for Chiffon margarine. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. It makes my point nicely. If I ran the zoo (and I do not) I’d promote an annual sex-free period for gay men world-wide, annually, to stamp out bugs. I’d love to hear an epidemiologist opinion about this! Regardless . . .this monkeypox thing could have been nipped in the bud, and it should have been. How could we take better care of ourselves? We are on our own! Obviously, ‘no nut November’ won’t work. We are all horny in November. Am I right? But ‘Dick Free August’ or ‘Spank Bank August’ Idk, I am not a marketing expert. What period would you chose to promote a gay sex free break for monkeypox? FUCK FREE FEBRUARY? Hands off! Keep your dick to yourself! ???? I am all for we as a community saying “We will do what we can!” Believe me, when I can get a monkeyshot I will get it. But I am not waiting around for guvment help!!! We help ourselves. Literally
    4 points
  5. So I took my first load the other week. So, for context first, I'm in my late 30s, a short arsed beary stocky bisexual bottom. Most of my fun with guys tended to be in cruise venues - Saunas, bars, that sorta scene. Partly because I love the atmosphere, partly because I love group sex and that's the easiest way to find it and partly because trying the last minute wimping-out rate from arranging hookups, either from me or the other guy, is too high. I'd moved out of London 3 years ago, to a much smaller, much more remote city. To be honest, I was planning to put my cruisy days behind me, date, meet someone, start settling down. I'm a hetroromantic bi - that is, I enjoy sex with dudes and actually prefer it, but I've only ever had deeper feelings for the fairer sex. Aside from maybe the occasional late night post pub round on Grindr, I figured the move might well have been it for my days taking dick full stop if everything went to plan. It was late 2019. Suffice to say, I don't think anyone's next 12 month went according to plan. A few months ago, I decided to move back to London. Partly a career move, but partly the last couple years left me desperate to get out and do shit, and a quiet remote city didn't quite hold the same attraction that it did a few years before. I found a job, a place, moved down, and set a date to go to Vault (a well known cruise bar). A week before, I started taking Prep - taking a load had been a long fantasy of mine, and with Prep I was far more comfortable with the risk / reward ratio. It was packed. I was in the barrel room with benches around the side for anyone who knows the venue. I was kissing a guy, face to face, our hands on each others cocks. I felt another body pressed up against me from behind. I reached back, grabbed a thick 7' odd cock. I started to wank it in. I felt his breath against my ear, he growled. The guy in front of me broke off his kiss, I felt another hand on mine on his cock. Someone else was muscling in, and they dropped to their knees and started to suck him. The guy behind me slapped his cock on my arse a couple of times. Not the most subtle hint I've ever had. Before I knew it, I was bent down on the bench, my arse in the air. I heard some rustling behind me, I wasn't sure if it was lube or a condom, then that long forgotten pressure on my arse. Then he was in. Balls deep in. Thankfully, I'd been working a buttplug in and out of myself earlier in the night to get ready, so taking it wasn't as much of a struggle as it could have been. Soon he settled into a rythem - fast, hard, but steady - I was getting well fucked, but I wouldn't say I was being pounded. I started to push back against him, meeting his strokes. I felt a smack on my arse, he grabbed my hair, pulled it up. And suddenly I felt his body seize up against me, his cock spasming in me. I always figured I'd be able to feel a cock spurting in me, but it turns out that's not the case. And then he was gone, leaving me with a load dripping out, my arse in the air gaping and exposed. I waited there for a good minute partly to catch my breath but also partly kinda hoping someone else would step up and take a turn. Gradually, I realised it wasn't happening, and I needed the loo, so I pulled up my shorts and went. I took a moment in the cubicle to finger my arse, working my fingers in to my sticky cumsplattered hole, and then headed back out looking for a repeat. I sucked a few more cocks that night, but alas, didn't take another. Here's to next time.
    4 points
  6. corbin readied his steady fingers to pierce the young man before pausing to run a tattooed hand up his leg. "youre tense.." he mumbled and thought for a moment before inhaling deeply. "you know..." he remarked, returning the glistening glob of lube to its tub and setting its aside, "our first toys..fucksticks..they only lasted about twenty minutes. i wont lie, its a lot of cock..." Corbin returned his grip to the boys pulsing prick, softly pushing the foreskin back and forth over the sticky pink head. "its so hard making boys take care of their toys. you see a juicy fuckhole, and you need to fuck it...push deep and let every inch inside. its just natural." Corbin traced his thumb around the boys glans and over the head, smiling at his soft little groan before continuing. "boys are supposed to fuck boys connor and i cant change that, they fuck and cum." he remarked flatly. "anyhow, i sort of updated a lot of the rules. pretty holes are like fireworks. If you set them off all at once, its just no fun." Corbin shifted his hand to grip and massage the boys balls as he freed his own cock to stroke. "no, what i decided was a lot more exciting. the medicine i picked helps make you feel yummy all over and get nice and hard" Corbin squeezed a drop of precum from the boys captive prick, "that was my idea. But tonight the parties on a schedule, from little to big. it makes you last longer." corbin slowly knelt between the boys legs, placing his thumbs and spreading the boys hole. "but i guess i got ahead of myself, because the first thing you need is a nice big kiss." Corbin leaned in, gently lifting the boys heavy ballsack as he pressed his tongue against the hot manhole and was rewarded with a surprisingly effeminate whimper. each boy was different, most jumping in surprise at the hot wet touch even with a heavy dose of party drugs, but Connor betrayed something different and rare. Corbin continued, mating his lips against the boys ass as he began gently swirling his tongue and sucking at the boys soft little fuckhole. Connor flexed his hands and clenched his jaw as Corbin pulled his hips closer and his unstoppable violation slowly continued. his protests, although hard to form, were frequently punctuated by grunts and whimpers as Corbins mouth gently opened him against his will. the various "no" and "stop" he had managed to mumble were ignored for so long he had given up. his mind screamed to get out, to run, to fight, anything, but the boys dreary eyes could hardly find the floor let alone the door. squinting into the air he saw a familiar sight which took ages to register. two boys, someones head bobbing? arms and legs...It finally dawned on him, he was watching his own reflection. he groaned one last unheard "no" as he craned his neck to take stock of his situation. his cock had spilled so much precum it now formed a shimmerming pool in his belly button. Corbins thumb and forefingers remained gently suspending his heavy balls as the boy pushed his tongue now effortlessly in and out of his hole, its soft warm caress only further serving to disarm the obstinate straight man. Collin furrowed his brow and gazed on silently, as the cacaophany of sucking and slurping continued. "Beautiful" Corbin dragged the boy back to earth with his remark as he pulled back, admiring his handywork. the once tiny pink pucker had become a swollen, puffy, soft boyhole. "like i said..." Corbin stood, reclaiming the lube and pressing a generous amount against the hot hole, "we're on a schedule, so everythings taken care of. relax for it..." Corbin smiled into the boys eyes and as he softly whined, his hole gently gave way to the boys middle finger. "there we go, thats our first little friend tonight." corbin plunged his finger deeper as he registered the boys discomfort before gently confirming his prostate. "Say hi now..." he whispered, gently leaning into connors ear as he pressed against his virgins forbidden prize. The singular groan that came from the boy was an unmistakeable, unholy, succulent symphony Corbin delighted in hearing. this was the soft song only a virgin could sing to him. "very good fuckstick very good...lie back now and let it happen..." he encouraged the captive young man. pumping softly into him, his shoulders relaxed, sinking into the sling. corbin delighted in his slow deflowerings as they produced the hungriest fucksticks. babbling, writhing, eager straight boys that craved penetration were so much more enjoyable than his run of the mill idle fuck zombies. pulling out fully he slid a second digit in, almost effortlessly, and smirked at the brief expression of question on Connors brow as he continued to massage and tease the boy. "isnt it nice? I know just where you need it fuckstick, just where to touch. let me show you how good it feels baby..." Corbin hissed as he continued probing the boys ass. connor just grunted softly as the expert top worked him to extacy. he felt full, hard, like something inside him needed more. like his whole body wanted to be touched inside. Finally satisfied with the supple texture of the boys pussy, Corbin slowly pulled his fingers from the puffy pink ring and took his place. Connor glanced around, visibly annoyed. the dull fullness in him had abated and he felt frustratingly empty now. "connor..." The guiding voice seemed surprising, welcome, as he looked up to see a tall boy wrap one hand around his hip and another around the base of his prick. "remember me? our second guests here...." Corbin slid himself gently against the boys well worked asshole and was rewarded with a tight kiss against his cockhead as the steel from his piercing slowly slipped inside. This was the moment, the exquisite instance when he would gently flex his hips to deflower another helpless young straight man. "Say hi now..." he whispered, gazing into connors eyes. without protest he sighed, slowly easing all six inches into the boy as a deafening silence enveloped them. gripping the chains of the sling, he tugged the last inch of his cock into the boy as they both gasped and sighed. "sshhhhh its okay, its okay. im inside now." Corbin soothed the confused looking boy as he ran his hands across him. "see how nice that is? youre such a good boy. i told you id make it easy." Corbin gently swirled his hips, planting his cock in and out of the newly deflowered boy. "now the next parts super easy Connor, all you need to do is relax while I fuck...just for a little bit..until your hole makes me cum." Connor groaned in response as the cockhead inside him seemed to stroke all his cares away. "Connor?" the boy grunted as he bounced back and forth on the sticky cock. "sorry about that" Corbin sighed, watching the boys hole easily milk him over and over, "I must have been thinking of someone else, fuckstick.."
    4 points
  7. Bill and Arthur laughed and stood up, leaving Peter's mother on the sofa. I went to clean the changing room as Bill went to get Peter from the basement. When I finished, I went into reception. Arthur was there with Peter's mother, stroking his cock and drinking some tea. The door to the basement opened, and Bill led Peter into the room. The poor lad was running with sweat and spunk ran down his inside thighs and dripped onto the floor. "Look at you! " said his mother, wrinkling her nose. "Covered in it, you dirty boy!" Peter grinned as Bill turned him round and spread his smooth cheeks. His arsehole gaped and spurted sperm over his balls. "Well fucked and bred, missus!" He laughed. "Go and clean up!" She said. "I'm not taking you home covered in spunk." Peter went off to the showers and Bill looked at his mother and said "you know he's probably pregnant by now?" She nodded. "I'm not surprised, you dirty sod." She nodded at Arthur who was stroking an erection now. "From what I can see, I bet one of you two is the daddy!" She looked at me " And what about you? Are you knocked up yet?" I blushed. Arthur came and bent me over the counter as Bill handed him some lube. He got behind me and slid his warty cock deliciously into me arse. "Course he is!" He laughed, fucking me in front of her.
    4 points
  8. Note: I got the idea for this after seeing a bunch of video clips of a guy called Timothy Champagne. He’s tall and muscled with shaggy blonde hair and tops a bunch of guys in videos. A total stud with a handsome face, a great smile and in all the clips he looks like he’s having a blast. Not generally my my type (a little lean and hairless) but something about him is supremely sexy. Matt is basically that guy as I imagine him. Adam is like a young Atlas Grant. Matt: It was early on a weekday afternoon at the beach. Matt had spent the whole morning surfing in the rough waves, and was done. He knew the guy sitting on the bench was staring at him. The fags always wanted to suck his cock when he came to the beach to surf. Why not? Matt is 25, 6’2”, 180 lbs of lean muscle, furry blonde chest and beard and a nice fat cock with a super furry blonde ass. He basically fucked anything with a hole, no matter what gender. He liked fags because they were always more direct about hitting on him and he rarely turned them down. Plus fags didn’t mind when he fucked them hard and slapped them around a bit. Didn’t matter their age, younger ones were hot, older ones often wanted to pay him. He never turned down money for a fuck. It kept him in weed and T. Matt had rolled down the top of his wet suit, opened the back of his van and started to put his gear away. As soon as it was all stowed, he looked over at the fag trying to be inconspicuous but doing a piss poor job of it. The guy couldn’t stop touching his dick while watching Matt. So Matt decided to put on a little show. The beach was mostly deserted, just a a few other people were out surfing and only a few cars were in the parking lot with no people visible. The only other person was the fag who couldn’t stop staring. He rolled the rest of his wet suit down and took it off, standing behind the van, completely naked. Matt loved the sun on his naked body and it was a gorgeous sunny California day in the 80s. Matt shook his wet suit a little bit to get some more of the water out and leaned over to lay it out in the back of the van, making sure to show off his furry ass so the fag could see it. Matt stole a glance and noticed that the guy was playing with his dick even more obviously through his shorts. This little cat and mouse game was about to get Matt a nice cunt to breed. He stood up and stretched out completely, letting the warm air dry his skin off, then he grabbed his fat uncut dick and started to play with it, looking directly at the kid sitting on the bench. He quickly got hard and the kid’s eyes got bigger and bigger, like he couldn’t believe what was happening. Matt crooked his finger and called the kid over. At first he didn’t move but after a few seconds, the kid got up and walked to Matt’s van quickly. He didn’t say a word, he just stared at Matt’s cock. Fags were so easy to use. “Get in the van, dude.” The kid just stood there, staring at Matt. “Come on man, get in. NOW.” Suddenly the kid looked up, startled and said “Oh. Sure.” He climbed in the back of Matt’s van and crouched there. Matt just laughed and thought “this is gonna be fun.” He climbed in after the kid, still completely naked and pulled the rear doors shut. There were a couple of pillows and a sleeping bag in the back for emergencies. Matt grabbed the sleeping bag and unzipped it while the kid just sat there, mesmerized. “Come on, man, get naked. Gonna fuck your ass. But first, have a taste.” The kid hesitated again and again, Matt just said “NOW.” The kid quickly shucked his clothes and Matt liked what he saw. The kid was short, thick and furry. About 5’5” and a muscled torso covered in black hair. Matt told him to turn around and he did without saying a word. “Nice little furry hole there. You like getting fucked dude?” “Um. Sometimes. I’m not very experienced, to be honest.” The kid blushed which was really cute, and Matt just laughed. “Don’t worry man, I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m a nice guy who’s horny all the fucking time. What’s your name? How old are you?” “Adam. I’m 20.” “Good, now get over here and suck my cock.” This time Matt didn’t have to tell the kid twice. He sat down on the floor on the sleeping bag, and propped the pillows behind his back so he could lean against the wall of the van while the fag got busy. Adam took most of Matt’s fat dick in his mouth and started sucking it immediately. It was a little toothy at first, so Matt pulled his mouth up by Adam’s curly hair and said “watch your fucking teeth, fag.” Adam immediately responded “Yes, sir!” and shoved the fat surfer cock down his entire throat. He was getting a good rhythm going, taking all of Matt’s cock on every stroke and Matt grabbed him by the ears and started to regulate the depth and speed of the blow job. “That’s better, faggot.” Matt slowed down and sped up, taking as much pleasure as he could from the cute kid’s mouth. But he was ready for more so after a few minutes, he slowed the kid’s mouth down and held him in place as Matt’s cock throbbed, lodged all the way down Adam’s throat. He started to push back, clearly having a hard time breathing and Matt held onto his head. Finally he released Adam and the fag came up for air, gasping with his face covered in spit. After he caught his breath, Adam moved to go back down on Matt’s cock but Matt pulled his face up and started kissing him hard on the mouth. The kid responded immediately with a moan and melted into Matt’s arms. Matt reached down behind the kid and started touching his hole. He pulled Adam away from a deep kiss and stuck his fingers in Adam’s mouth to lube them up, then reached down and started playing with Adam’s furry cunt. The kid moaned again, deeper and more desperate. Matt could tell this was going to be fun. After he spent some time playing with Adam’s hole, Matt pulled him in close again and started teasing Adam’s newly lubed up hole with his fat hard cock. “Do you have any rubbers?” Adam asked. “No. Gonna fuck you anyway.” “Um. I. Um.” Matt laughed since he knew just how to fix this problem. He grabbed the back of Adam’s head and pulled him in close for another deep kiss, all the while playing with his butthole. The hole was relaxed and clean, so Matt knew it was a matter of time before Adam let him in his hole raw. After a couple of minutes of making out and ass play, Adam pulled away from Matt, out of breath and said “fuck it man. I can’t wait to have your cock in me. Just don’t cum inside, OK?” “Sure, kid. Whatever you say.” Matt smiled his big goofy surfer boy smile, kissed the kid again and slowly maneuvered Adam’s butt onto his cock. Considering Matt’s long, fat cock, he was impressed that Adam took it all the way down the root in one continuous, slow push. He continued to kiss Adam as the kid impaled himself on the huge cock. Once Adam was at the root of his cock, he reached over and opened a zippered pouch, pulling out a glass pipe and a baggie. “Sit still for a second, kid. We’re gonna have some fun. You got anywhere you need to be?” Adam just moaned and said “fuck no. I was bored so I decided to come watch guys surf and walk on the beach.” Matt laughed and said “never thought you’d end up with a surfer dude’s cock in your cunt, did you.” Adam moaned again and said “fuck, no. But I fucking love it.” Matt laughed again and said “OK, sit still for a second, so I can load the pipe.” “I don’t do drugs,” Adam said. “You do now,” Matt replied, quickly loaded the pipe and lit it, melting the large shards in the bottom of the bowl while expertly maneuvering the bowl so nothing burned. He took a huge hit off the pipe, and then pulled a still reluctant Adam in for a shotgun and a kiss. He looked surprised when Matt started to exhale the smoke into his lungs, but quickly realized what he was supposed to do and breathed in. They shared the first hit back and forth until it was gone, and then Matt turned the pipe around and explained to Adam how to smoke it. They traded shotguns for a few minutes while Matt’s rock hard cock was still lodged up his hole. Finally, Matt set the pipe down in a safe spot, pulled Adam in to make out with him again and started moving his hips to fuck Adam’s hole. The kid moaned loudly as his ass started to quickly adjust to accept the cock that was invading it. Matt started to move the kid up and down on his dick, which caused Adam to moan even more. “How’s that feel?” “Fuck, Matt. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so fucking horny in my life!” He was panting loudly as Matt picked up speed, fucking his furry little cunt. Matt laughed and said “it’s the T. Makes everyone horny. Most guys can’t get hard with it, but it just makes my dick harder." Matt reached down and touched Adam’s cock which was completely soft. “See? You can’t get hard, just proves you’re a fagdump for loads.” Adam just moaned more loudly and said “I don’t fucking care what I am, just never stop fucking my hole!” Matt laughed and said “That’s the reaction I usually get. Now let’s get the first load in your cunt and then head back to my place. I think we can probably have some fun all day.” Matt turned Adam around and laid him on his back on the pillows so he could pound the kid’s cunt. “Let’s get this first load out of the way so we can spend more time fucking your pussy in my apartment.” Matt picked up the pace and started really pounding the kid’s hole, which just caused him to moan louder and beg to be fucked harder. All fags are the same. They all wanted his big cock, and they all wanted it hard and rough. After a couple minutes of pounding Adam’s big ass, Matt leaned down to him, grinned and whispered “Are you sure you want me to pull out? Are you SURE?” Adam just grabbed onto Matt’s ass and pulled him as deep as possible inside. “FUUUUUCK man! No! Don’t pull out! Please! I gotta have your load in my hole! No one ever fucked me like this before. I need it!” Matt leaned down again and kissed the kid while he pounded Adam’s hole mercilessly. “Gonna breed ya. Gonna breed ya. Gonna breed ya…..take it you fucking faggot! NOW.” Finally, he buried himself as deeply as possible in Adam’s hole and let loose with a huge load of cum. Adam could feel Matt’s cock throbbing inside his cunt and reached back to, once again, pull Matt as deeply as possible inside. They both caught their breath and Matt’s cock started to soften. He immediately rolled Adam over onto his shoulders so his ass was sticking straight up in the air. Matt reached over and opened another bag and pulled out a nice sized butt plug. He grinned at Adam and said “don’t want lose that load when we’re going to my house.” Adam smiled and let the plug slip inside of his raw ass lips. He moaned again when the plug hit home and laid down flat for a minute. Matt started to get ready to leave, putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top, commando of course. Adam started to get dressed as well, when Matt said “nope. No clothes for you. You’re gonna give me road head while we go back to my apartment. Keep the plug in and clean off my dick. It’s not far.” Adam was completely smitten and obeyed without thinking. His brain was partially addled by the drugs and partly by the fuck he’d just taken but he couldn’t think of saying no, and didn’t even think about his car parked down the row. He just crouched down next to Matt sitting in the driver’s seat. Matt started the van and pulled his cock out through the fly of his shorts. “OK, fag. Suck it while I drive.” Adam started sucking Matt’s hard cock immediately and didn’t even look up. A few minutes later they drove up in front of a small house and pulled into the driveway. Matt pulled Adam’s head off his cock and said “OK. Take a break. Let’s go inside.” Adam started to get dressed again, but Matt just grabbed his clothes and said “follow me.” Adam didn’t even think of refusing. He just got out of the van and followed Matt to the front door and went inside not caring who saw his naked, plugged ass.
    3 points
  9. This statement continues to trouble me. This is America. There is no “them”. There is only “We”. We the People do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. A rock’s throw from my house is a cemetery wherein lie the graves of Civil War soldiers from my family. Some are Confederate graves. Some are Union. The stones all bear the same last name. I am a Kentuckian. I can walk up to a Californian, a Mississippian, a North Dakotan, a New Yorker, and feel that I am among my countrymen, not that I am surrounded by foreigners. What “they” are you referring to who are not a part of us? And if we are not a part of them, what gives us the right to claim the Constitution over their native claim? It’s the same birthright. Anyone espousing a dissolution of the Union cannot stand on the backs of the founding fathers to make their case; the case would be anathema to the founders. They cannot pretend to be of a kindred spirit with Lincoln, for whom the Union was paramount. And if they stand opposite the founders, if they stand opposite to Lincoln’s principle, can they claim their principles are fundamentally American principles? They cannot. Set aside this profitless talk of division. Set aside this false labeling of our own countrymen as other to us. We are one people. That we disagree on some things does not mean we disagree on all, or even on the ones that ultimately define us. Set aside this talk of “them”, and when you speak of “we”, include us all.
    3 points
  10. Here is part 5! I hope you like it, Disclaimer : This is a work of science fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this chapter are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. If this or the subjects specified in tags offend you, please stop reading now. Tags : Breeding, pozzing, sci-fi, HIV, watersports, conversion, bareback sex, body modification, blood, tattooing, piercings . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part 5, Inseminating Few days after getting tattooed, Zeus scheduled a meeting with the other members of the development team. He is thinking that the human trial should officially start with him. Jason, Dan, and Frank soon arrived in the conference room; they were the only ones present in the building that day. Zeus went to the gym earlier that day and didn’t shower, he was still smelling sweat and musk. He is wearing a tight T-shirt and shorts, leaving an obvious idea where his half-hard cock is. Zeus knew that Jason was gay, he made it very clear a long time ago and was a bit flamboyant. He was the perfect definition of a asian twink, slender, shaved, perfumed, well kept, and a bit feminine. He did not a know partner and even cruise a few times Adams in past, but he was not his type. Dan is bisexual in a gay couple. He was a tall, very kind, bear with an impressive nice round belly. He has a beard and is completely bald. It is also apparent that his tits are pierced. His skin has a slight brown hue. Frank is the only heterosexual on the team. He is from African descents with a dark skin and a tall muscular build. He has a nice beard and a sharp haircut. He is manly in his behaviour, rarely wearing perfume, leaving a very distinguishable musk that Zeus find very attractive. He was also the elder of the group I his late fifties, his kids are now adults. Zeus stands at the end of the conference table and welcome everyone to start the meeting. Zeus: From our tests results, I think now is the time to begin the human trial for the anti-HIV gene therapy. After a small technical discussion, everyone agreed and planned the next steps. But Zeus made an announcement before everyone leaves. Zeus: I will be blunt. I’ve injected the first marker and purposefully got infected with HIV through sexual relation. A minute of awkward silence passed. Jason: I guess you beat me to it. Dan: So, I wasn’t the only one who had that idea. Frank: … Zeus: Wait, you’ve all injected yourself with the first maker and planned to get infected too? All of them: Yes… Frank: I wasn’t sure how I got get a viral sample out of the lab without anyone noticing, we can them tightly logged. Zeus: What about your wife Frank and your husband Dan? Dan: I told him my plan and now he is turned on by the idea of getting pozzed by me! Frank: It has been years since I had sex with my wife… It would not make a difference once a get the full treatment. Jason: What do you propose Adam, that you give us a blood sample to infect us? You know it will jeopardize the trial. Zeus: I was thinking more about having good old sex with you guys. Zeus removes his T-shirt and drop his shorts, getting fully naked. Zeus: Oh, between us, I identify as Zeus now. Jason: Wait, you want to do it here, now? Zeus: Why not? I’m horny and I bet you want it. Jason reaches for Zeus cock: I’m a top but I will make an exception 😊 Zeus help Jason to undress, Dan looks at them and pretty said “fuck it” and start undressing too. Frank stays silent and immobile, almost in trans from what is happening in front of him. Zeus lay down Jason on the conference and slowly rub his precum leaking gland over Jason asshole. Zeus : Push as I push my cock inside. Jason: Be gentle, I’ve never been fucked. Zeus: I won’t, it will be rough, my positive semen needs to get in you. As Zeus fucks Jason, his piercing is scratching Jason’s ass. He looks in Dan direction to see him jerking off. Zeus: My ass won’t fuck itself, maybe you should seed it with your last neg load. That being said, Dan quickly installs himself behind Zeus and slides his cock in like it was warm melted butter between tight muscular glutes. After a good ten minutes, Dan seed Zeus’s ass. Zeus looks at Jason enjoying the ride: Zeus: Beg for my positive semen, beg to be impregnated. Beg to become my son. Jason hesitates for a moment, but after stimulation: Yeah, poz me big fucker! Jason: Come on fill my ass with your poz semen! Jason: I want you to poz me! Within a minute, Zeus pushes his cock balls deep inside Jason. Jason could feel Zeus pulsating inside of him. He didn’t expect to get flooded by almost a litre of semen. After that, Zeus took few minutes to breathe and relax while Dan switch place with Jason. Meanwhile, Frank was standing few metres away looking them fucking. He was frozen by the sex, captivated. As Zeus is half-hard, he lines up his cock to Dan’s ass, Jason slides his long 7 inches cock inside his breeder’s ass. Jason taking his revenge, plowing Zeus ass, Zeus gets his erection back and slowly push his cock into Dan asshole. Dan hole was a looser than Jason’s, Zeus fuck it harder and rougher to be sure it would be favourable to his poz semen. A minute or two into fucking Dan, Zeus looks at Frank, he was still rubbing his cock through his clothes. Zeus: Why don’t you get naked and climb on the table to feed me your cock. I will give you the best blowjob you will ever have. Frank did climb on the table, still dressed. He moves in front of Zeus, his legs between Dan’s body. Zeus, fish out his cock. It has a pleasing musky smell and tastes very manly. Zeus sucks him right away, not losing a second asking he if could. He took a minute to pull Frank’s pant down to reveal nice low hanging pairs of sweaty balls. With a hand on Frank’s balls and the other pumping his cock, his tongue twirling around his cock head, Frank cum within minutes. Frank releases a couple of joyful words before shooting his semen into Zeus mouth, it was creamy and deliciously salty. After, Jason reaches an impressive orgasm in Zeus butt, his balls tightening up and pulsing several ropes of warm semen into Dan’s ass. Dan felt at least 20 cock pulses coming from Zeus. Zeus: I feel a bit tired, my poz semen should take in you. I will rest in my office. With that said, Zeus left the conference room without even taking his clothes. Once in his office, he opened a fridge containing about a dozen of bags of his plasma. Months before getting impregnated by Cronos positive babies, he collected a lot of his own plasma and did prepare a synthetic equivalent for when his stock run outs. He knew that after a period of time, the viral count in his blood will lower as his count for his immune system. But, if he purposefully injects himself with uncontaminated plasma, both counts would raise up again. There is a chance that his viral count go record high and be able to maintain at that level for months, if not years. He attached the plasma to a pole then proceed to poke the needle in a soft part of his balls sack. Instead of having his balls sack inflated with saline water, it would be with his own plasma. He finished the procedure by placing a cock ring and ballstretcher to keep the fluid locally. He lay on his office couch, still fully naked, and ready to relax while his balls sack gets bigger. One hour after relaxing, we could feel a small fever. He imagined his virus multiplying in his balls sack. Later in the afternoon, he heard someone slowly opening his office door. His head was still a bit hazy, but he could see Frank’s face. Frank: May I come in? Zeus: Yes, of course. Frank enters the office clearly naked and with a rock-hard veiny hard-on. Frank: Thanks for the blowjob, it was the best I’ve ever got. Although, I had very few blowjobs. Zeus: You’re welcum, your semen was very tasteful. Frank: 😊, after you left the conference room, I’ve talked with Jason and Dan. They said it was otherworldly sex, and that I did miss something unique… They also said the real reason, out loud, on why they want to get poz… It’s quite simple really, anyone who got the treatment we’ve developed and get poz, well, their blood would be worth millions if not billions… Adam… Ze-Zeus, I want to you to infect me with your viral semen. Not because of the money, well not just that, but because I want the sex you will give me, and I’m convince it will be the best one life so far. Zeus, a bit stimulated by Franks, rises up and shows Frank to lay down on his couch. Zeus’s cock is still soft and knew that he needs a heavy stimulation. He went to his deck and opened a locked drawer to pick up his urethral sounding tube. Frank: What is that? Zeus: Trust me, it will feel awesome. Zeus proceed to coat the urethral sounding tube with his abundant precum then slowly insert it into Frank’s cock. Frank was obviously shocked and a bit in pain, but with some encouragement, he got it inside. Without too much trouble, Zeus insert the other end of the urethral tube in is cock. With this insertion, he got almost instantly a hard-on. The intense sensation seems to overwhelm Frank senses as Zeus jerking him off. A very slight sensation of pain, but a tremendous feeling of his cock being full, almost like he was cuming constantly. Zeus: Imagine your semen seeding my cock and balls. Imagine how intimate it is. A minute or two later, Frank cums and fills Zeus cock with his warm semen. Zeus proceed to remove the sounding completely, remove the cock and balls ring, then massages Frank asshole with cock head using his overflowing cum to fuck Frank. Zeus: When I push, push your ass out too, it helps to get my cock inside. It doesn’t take long for Frank’s virgin hole to adapt to Zeus cock. His balls sack still inflated by his plasma, he fucks roughly Frank’s hole, knowing that he will cum within quickly. Zeus: Beg for it. Frank coming back to reality: Wait… What? Zeus: Beg to get poz by me, beg to for my poz fertile semen. Frank frozen again; Zeus pulls out. Suddenly, Franks feels rather empty, he never felt something like that. Zeus: Beg for it, otherwise you don’t want it, hence you don’t deserve it. Frank: … ok … Get back inside and breed me. Zeus: Are you sure? You seem emotionally flat to me. Frank: For fucks sake! GET IN ME AND BREED MY ASS WITH YOUR VIRAL SEMEN. Zeus complied and pushed back his cock inside. Few dozens of pumping later: Zeus: I’m gonna cum… Frank: *Good* Breed me with your viral semen, seed me until I’m positive. Zeus felt that Frank lacks sexual experiences… But he breeds anyway Frank hole with a stupid amount of semen. Frank could feel every trust and pulsation coming from Zeus cock, for a solid minute, Zeus was pumping semen deep inside. Zeus: You’re poz now, but you’re also mine, 😉. Frank: Oh, you hot perve 😊. Thanks for infecting me, I guess. Zeus lay down on top of him and whisper near his hear : “You’re welcum”. It felt normal for Frank to hug the naked body of Zeus, to have his legs clamp Zeus body on top of him. Zeus went for a quick kiss, then Frank just grabs Zeus for an intense sensual kiss. Still hard and still inside Frank’s ass, Zeus slowly fucks him again until he seeds Frank again. When he finally withdraws his cock, his semen is coating his cock, inflated balls sack and thigh, Frank’s asshole his leaking his thick with cream and pretty much everything around the hole is coated with semen. Later, they regain some composure and Frank says: Frank: You know that our HIV treatment might work only on the strain you are carrying. There is only an unknown probability that it works on other strains. Zeus: I know, but I have a plan to get other strains, as matter of facts, I will try to get them all. Only four to five days later, Jason, Dan and Frank get a high fever. They test themselves at the lab to only confirm what they already knew; they are now HIV positive. Jason: Damn, Zeus, you’ve fucked us once and now we’re poz, all of us. Do you know what is your viral load? Zeus: I don’t know, but it is probably millions high. I keep it very high by reinjecting my own negative plasma. Frank: Why would you do that? Zeus: I love the feeling of being highly poz fertile. Also, I intend to poz a lot of men before I proceed with our experimental treatment. You are now my poz sons and I want many more. Prelude to chapter 6 Zeus is seeking to get all the strains of HIV. Atlas tells him to contact Hades, who is in isolation due to being ravaged by AIDS. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I love comments, feel free to leave several. I’m open to critics as long as they are constructive. Otherwise, for those positive off meds men who are reading this, please send me a private message if you are looking to pass your DNA and procreate a new son.
    3 points
  11. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_jlwed6uTIFTe damn that looks like it felt amazing!
    3 points
  12. Matt wakes up a few hours later. The guy is gone, but he left his phone number and name – Travis. Matt thinks, “So much for a name that begins with “S”?” He laughs. That evening he calls Travis and leaves a message. Travis calls back. By Midnight, Matt is back in his bed with 2 more of Travis’ loads in his ass. Matt just sat on Travis raw cock this time and Travis came in his ass without asking. Travis and Matt start seeing each other casually – just sex, not really dating. It’s comfortable and uncomplicated. If Matt and Travis can meet up, they do. If not, no obligations. Matt likes how the Travis cock feels when they fuck. Travis says he loves how Matt’s ass feels wrapped on his raw cock. About 6 weeks into Travis and Matt fucking around, Matt is over at Travis place. Travis has just unloaded in Matt’s ass. He pulls out and flops on his bed. Matt is thirsty. He asks if Travis wants some water. Travis says yes, but then says Matt should put on his underwear because his roommate might be home. Matt says, “Won’t hide much.” They both laugh. Matt puts on his black briefs and goes to the kitchen for some water. The roommate is in the kitchen and is surprised to see Matt almost naked wander into view. Matt blushes and apologizes. He says he is there to get some water for himself and Travis. The roommate gets Matt the glasses and says, “You sound really sexy getting fucked.” Matt says, “How do you know it was me getting fucked?” The roommate says, “I know what Travis sounds like when he gets fucked. Travis is a loud bottom.” The roommate laughs. Travis comes to the kitchen. He laughs and says, “Hey. No stories.” Matt and the roommates stand around laughing and talking. Travis is the shorts and tee that he answered the door wearing earlier. Matt is still in his briefs. As they are talking, the roommates makes some vodka drinks and the guys start drinking and hanging out. They are trying to decide on what to order for dinner – Chinese, Mexican or pizza. No one can decide. But they have another cocktail. Matt and the roommate go to the kitchen to make the second round of drinks. Matt bends over to fill the glasses with ice. The roommate says in a low voice, “Dude you have a wet spot on your underwear. Travis must have used a lot of lube.” Matt is embarrassed. He turns red all over. Matt puts the glasses with ice on the counter and turns to leave for his pants. The roommate stops him and says, “Don’t put on more clothes sexy. I like that I can see you just got fucked. It makes you look so much sexier.” The roommate rubs his hand on Matt’s body. Matt says, “Well I do love getting fucked and showing off.” The roommate says, we need a little more ice. Matt bends over the freezer and shows off his wet spot on his underwear as he slowly fills the glasses with ice. The roommate rubs his hand on Matt’s brief clad ass. Matt pushes his ass back so the roommate can feel the wet spot. Matt and the roommate make the drinks and return to Travis. The three of them are chatting and hanging out. Matt is comfortable being in just his briefs. This round goes down fast. Matt is back in the kitchen helping the roommate with the drinks again. This time the roommate puts his hard cock on Matt’s brief covered ass. Matt pushes the back of his briefs down and says, “Like my ass?” The roommate says yes and feels Matt’s hole. He says, “You are still so wet” as he slips a finger in Matt’s ass. He pulls his finger out and leans over to lick Matt’s ass. Matt pushes his ass back on the tongue and opens his cheeks so the tongue can slip in more. The roommate says, “I taste cum. Is Travis load in your ass?” Matt admits that it is. The roommate quickly slips his jeans down and slides his raw cock on Matt’s hole. “Can I just stick it in a bit?” Matt says, “Just the tip.” Matt feels the large cock push inside him, grunts and says, "That is more than just the tip." The cock pushes all the way in. Balls on his ass. The guys hear Travis say, “Where is my drink?” and can hear him walking to the kitchen. The roommate pulls his cock out of Matt's ass and puts his cock away. Matt pulls up his briefs. The roommate grabs the vodka and Matt opens the refrigerator for some more Sprite. Matt says they are almost out so each vodka just gets a splash of Sprite this time. The roommate fills the glasses with more vodka. Travis says, “Right on. Strong round.” The guys go back in the living room. The roommate says, “Travis did you see the wet spot on Matt’s briefs?” Travis says no. Matt, now tipsy, stands up and shows Travis the wet spot. Travis puts down his drink and feels Matt’s ass and the wet spot. Travis says, “Yeah. Matt you are really wet.” Matt says, “It’s your load.” Travis pulls Matt into his lap. The roommate says, “Fucking bareback again Travis?” Travis shrugs. Matt can feel Travis is getting hard. Matt slips his legs over Travis legs and leans back. He takes a drink. Travis kisses him. Matt kisses Travis back. The roommate watches as Travis and Matt make out in this position. Matt is getting hard in his briefs. Matt slips his hand in his briefs as he makes out with Travis. Travis slips his hand in Matt’s briefs too. Travis grabs Matt’s cock and strokes it. Travis pushes his hard cock on Matt’s ass. Matt can feel Travis hard cock through his briefs and Travis shorts. Matt reaches under him, still kissing the roommate, and feels Travis cock. Matt rubs Travis’ cock. Travis pushes Matt to his feet. The roommate slightly tugs Matt’s arm. He is sitting on the couch and Matt bends over to kiss him. Travis is rubbing his hard cock on Matt’s ass and holding Matt’s waist. Travis slips his hands inside Matt’s underwear. Matt pushes his underwear off and steps out of them. Matt pushes his ass back. Naked and bent over kissing the roommate, Matt hears the first roommate say, “Fuck him Trav.” Travis drops his shorts and slides his raw cock into Matt. Matt moans as he takes Travis raw cock in him for the second time that evening. It feels good. Travis is holding Matt’s waist and fucking him hard. The roommate presents his cock to Matt. Matt starts sucking cock. He is being spitroasted by Travis and his roommate, who he just met. Matt is in heaven. He is feeling good in his ass, his mouth, his cock – hands are feeling his body. Things are escalating. Travis’ cock is pounding Matt’s ass. Matt is having a hard time sucking cock because it keeps getting shoved down his throat. He is gagging. He puts his hands on the roommate’s skinny pelvis to stead himself. He feels mostly skin and bone. The dude is very thin with a huge cock. The roommate can tell Matt is uncomfortable. He pulls his cock out of Matt’s mouth and pulls him up to kiss him. Travis is still fucking Matt. Matt moans and grunts as Travis pummels his ass. The roommate kisses Matt and feels Matt moaning as they kiss. He pulls back and watches Matt in the ecstasy of the moment. He says, “You like Travis cock in you?” Matt moans yes. Roommate says, “You want him to cum in your ass again?” Matt opens his eyes and says, “Yes.” Roommate says, “You are getting fucked bareback. You know he isn’t wearing a condom.” Travis says, “Matt let me fuck him raw the first time we fucked, didn’t you Matt?” Matt says, “I did.” Travis says, “I’m close. Beg for my load.” Matt looks at the first roommate and says, “Cum in my ass. Give me your load.” Travis fucks Matt for another minute and then grabs Matt’s hips, buries his cock inside and shoots his load. Travis pulls out. The roommate lays Matt back on the couch. He leans in and says, “I want to fuck you. Do you want me to wear a condom?” Matt hesitates and looks at Travis. Travis says, “I might have one if you want it.” Travis leaves the room to get a condom. Matt strokes the roommate’s big cock. The roommate says, “Can I fuck you raw until Travis comes back?” Matt guides the raw cock to his hole. Matt spreads his legs and lets the roommate’s raw cock inside his freshly bred asshole. Matt moans as the guy fucks his ass. He is opening his ass more for this bigger cock. He says, “You feel so big in me.” The roommate fucks Matt on his back for awhile, then flips him so Matt is hanging over the back of the couch. Matt sees Travis come back in the room, condom in his hand. Travis says, “Found a condom. Guess you decided to take it bare though?” Roommate says, “He did. I’m in him raw right now. Feels good right Matt?” Matt moans and says, “Yeah it does.” Matt looks at Travis. Travis hands Matt the condom. Matt takes it. Roommate says, “Want me to wear the condom?” Matt says, “Just keep fucking me raw.” Roommate says, “Fuck yeah” and keeps fucking Matt’s unprotected ass while Matt is holding the unopened condom. The roommate speeds up his fuck. Matt can tell he is getting close. The guy says, “Where do you want my load?” Matt says, “Cum in my ass.” The guy groans out and blows his load in Matt’s unprotected ass. The first roommate pulls out and says, “Thanks slut. Gonna shower.” He slaps Matt’s ass and heads off to the bathroom. Travis grabs Matt’s arm, pulls him into his lap. Travis asks, “Feels better bareback doesn’t it?” Matt says, “Yeah it does.” Travis says, “I knew you would give it up bareback the first night we fucked. I had a condom but pretended I didn’t. When you took off your pajama pants and showed me your hole after I told you I didn’t have a condom, I knew you wanted it bareback.” Matt says, “I wanted to get fucked. I was glad when you didn’t have a condom. I think I hate using them now.” Travis says, “I can tell. You gave it up bare to my roommate easy enough.” Matt is kinda embarrassed and says, “Was that slutty?” Travis says, “Yes. But he fucks every guy bare. His cock is seductive. He fucked me bare the first day we met. Just like he fucked you bare bent over this couch.” Matt feels Travis is hard again. Matt positions Travis cock and sits on it. Matt’s hole is open and wet now. Travis easily slides inside. Matt rides Travis cock as he jerks off. Travis says, “You have so much cum in you. I can feel it.” Matt says, “Me too.” Travis removes Matt’s hand from his cock and replaces it with his own. He says, “You can cum when you get me off with your ass.” Matt concentrates on Travis cock. He tightens and loosens his hole on the cock while riding it. He is acting like a slut. Moaning like one too. Travis is stroking Matt, but the feeling in Matt’s ass are getting him off. Matt can’t control it. Cum shoots out of his cock and covers Matt’s chest and abs. As it does, Matt’s ass squeezes Travis abruptly and sends Travis into orgasm – shooting his third load into Matt’s ass that evening. Matt and Travis collapse on each other.
    3 points
  13. I’m a STRAIGHT student in my first year of Uni’ my only problem in life was I am broke, sitting in my room one evening watching porn (as any self-respecting 18 year old does) thinking about how I could make some money a pop up hit the screen showing a guy on a web cam show mmm there’s an idea, how hard could it be show off my blonde slim young body and get paid!!! at 130 lbs 5ft6 with not an ounce of fat, sporting a 8 inch uncut cock and heavy balls, I thought I was bound to be a hit, perfect plan. It was really easy to set up my account all I had to do was unload a profile picture, confirm my status, easy Virgin, sexuality very straight done, location Brighton UK. The site confirmed I would get paid for private shows. Ok time to go live with my cam’ once online I quickly got a message for a PVT show from user Brighton123 and I hit accept. Brighton123 was straight to the point with Hey Sexy strip for me. I removed my tee shirt and started playing with my showing my hairless slim toned body, tiny waist and six pack, he messaged back nice sexy so take the rest off, I removed my jeans and turned round to show my sweet little bubble butt, turning back round to show the outline of my hard throbbing meat under my briefs, come on sexy show me that sexy butt so I pulled my briefs down and cupped my butt cheeks in my hands, damn that’s might fine the message came back, I’d love to fuck your butt, I’m not gay sorry. No problem sexy just bend over and show me your ring I am the paying customer, so I bent over and exposed my ring to the cam, perfect the message came back. Now wank for me and cum over your chest so I laid down showing Brighton123 my hole, heavy balls and hard 8 inch cock, soon enough my balls started to hardened as the cum realised from my sack and worked its way up my throbbing cock exploding out of the head releasing at least 7 large shots of cum over my chest, nice now eat it, the message came so I licked up the salty cum licking my lips. Brighton123 then messaged me saying if your not gay why are you doing this? I replied I am desperate for the money, oh that a shame you’ll get jack shit on this site, look me up on BreedingZone and message me if you want to make some real money. Okay I replied and he signed out. I checked my cam account and was in credit by £3.82 damn that’s no good. Logging out of the cam I was angry all that for 3 quid that’s BS I thought, after a short while I had created a BZ account and looked up Brighton123 the picture showed a really fit guy in his forties with a massive cock and low hanging balls, the head of this cock was purple and so big, why was I getting hard? Why was I turned on? I’m straight! The next picture was of him shooting a load on the hole of a slim mixed race twink damn it was hot. Any way I decided to message him to find out about his offer, soon enough he messaged back to cut a long story short it ending up with him sending an Uber over to pick me up as I was local. I arrived as I pressed the doorbell my stomach was in knots, soon enough the door opened and this stud of a man welcomed me in introducing himself as Jay. We sat in Jays kitchen drinking a beer, then Jay said so you want to make some real money? Yes, easy reply. Jay explained that he runs a successful private gay sex business and could earn anything up to £1k depending on what I was prepared to do, he explained that a top fucking gets 30% of the take the bottom 70%. I was really confused here I was being offered good money for gay sex. Jay said no pressure just think about it, he also said he was putting on a show with a twink that night and that I was welcome to watch or take part. Jay said “look sign these agency release forms, no pressure just in case you want to take me up on my offer”. Mistake I signed without reading, Jay basically owned me as I would later find out and that I could not refuse any load and that the only release from the contract was his choice. My head was still spinning when the door opening and this sweet mixed race twink came in (the one for the BZ picture, I was sure) who’s this the sexy twink said Jay said I don’t know his name but he seems interested in being with us tonight for the show. Awesome the sexy twink said as he went straight to Jay and kissed him, then to my surprise he came over and started kissing me I was in shock but so hard at the same time he reached round and cupped my but cheeks and said damn sexy. Jay said come on stop he is cock is tenting his trackies, was I gay really!!! Jay said to Max the twinks name go get me cleaned up and I was taken into a bathroom, really strange it had chains hanging from the ceiling, Max started kissing me and before I knew it I had wrist cuffs on both arms and was attached to the chains. Max stood back and shouted to Jay that I was ready, ready for what I thought. Jay came in with a Camara on a tripod and said lets get started and spoke into the mic’ “Pigs a special night show tonight, we have a new twink a straight Virgin and he’s going to be breed tonight by both Max and I, with High Viral load unmedicated POZ cum, please welcome are new fresh cumdump, if any one wants to come round and breed him your welcome you know the fees, POZ cum only, he is getting gifted tonight Pigs” Max get his clothes off now and Max stripped me as I swore at them both, to which Jay said “Dumb fuck Uni boy read before you sign your life is mine now” Max shave the fucker, Max picked up the clippers and shaved all the hair from my head, grade zero. Jay the looked at me and said “nice, clean” he then asked me if I wanted Max to use the clipper on the rest of my body hair, to which I said NO fuck off. Great answer Piggy Jay said, Max get the hair removal cream and be sure to coat him good. Max came back and soon enough I was coated with the hair removal cream with extra on my cock, balls and hole, it was cold from the fridge but that didn’t last long for fifteen long long minutes my body was on fire and I cannot describe the pain in my nut sack it so intense. As I was screaming, Jay was looking at his Laptop and counting the number of pigs that wanted to breed me, 15 POZ fuckers so far, come on guys we need more, text your mates get them round he said into the Mic’. After 15 minutes Max turned on the shower above my head and the hair removal cream washed off leaving me as naked and hairless and smooth as the day I was born. Look at him now pigs Max said the count is 35 now, fuck your fucked, fucked, fucked Max said as he read out one of the messages into the Mic’ Aids Fucker is coming, he is full blown now and med’ resistant .😊 Max and Jay stripped off their clothes and I was greeted with the sight of Jay’s huge cock, Max’s cock looked as long, but Jay’s was so thick like a beer can. Max had a silver cock ring and ball stretcher with nipple piercings. Max get the dumb fuck set up. Okay said Max. He came over and pulled my legs apart and clamped them in chains, then got a ball stretcher and yanked down hard on my sack, I screamed whilst he attached the ball stretcher, then a thick silver cock ring was slide over and my cock and balls where extended and throbbing red, at which point he surprised by fully sucking me cock down his throat pulling my foreskin back over the engorged purple head of my cock, it felt so good my cock throbbed and throbbed as he worked his throat around my cock, I wanted to cum and my ball were busting but the ball stretcher was preventing any release. Jay said good work Max he passed on cumming for this dumb fuck, now do his nipples, Max took a needle and pieced both nipples the pain was immense as he fitted rings with a chain between then adding weights to pull at my nipples. Okay good work Max, lets get that Negative cumdump down and into the basement, chains where attached to my wrist cuffs and then to my ankle cuffs as he released me. I was walked down into this basement with all kinds of stuff hanging from the walls, slings, benches whip’s and huge dildo’s everywhere. Cameras and mirrors everywhere to capture all angles. Jay said to Max get him in the stocks I was bent over arms and head secured in the stocks, at which point I said please Sir don’t do this, Jay laughed and said it’s your fate, if you only read before you signed the contract both you and Max have that in common Cumdump. Jay pulled my legs apart and secured them in place. Jay then spoke into the Mic’s “look at that small pink hairless Virgin rosebud it will never be the same after tonight, it will bleed, be flooded with POZ cum, fucked and fisted remorselessly. We are going to take a break now, back in 30 minutes with our guests for the breeding, especially looking forward the Aids Fucker destroying his life. Part 2 the Breeding Only if you want pigs?
    2 points
  14. A bit of protocol, a bit of excitement and a lot of lust, sex and love 💞💞
    2 points
  15. I’m on prep for about a month now. And I have begun my barebacking experience, I’m now a no loads refused cum dump for men who need to breed
    2 points
  16. Lately been getting bred by a local vers guy who also wants to get pozzed. Who knows, maybe he’ll get infected and then knock me up 🥰 Even though he’s not poz (I think), we role play that he is, and whenever he cums he says he’s filling me with a toxic load … 👾🫶
    2 points
  17. ^ I love it. I wonder if the Canadians would like it all that much though ..... Surely the present nation of Canada wouldn't care to have such a long, exposed border with Jesusland. And, we already know how much they (don't) know about building a long border wall ...... One modification does occur though. I think USoC should keep Alaska. That way we can watch Putin's collapse from the roofs of our houses. But poor old Illinois should really be a part of CreepyLand. It's only the City of Chicago that's the real bastion of Democratic power; the rest of the state has been reddish for a long time. It's only the vestiges of the old machine that keep the State Government blue. And imagine the saliva running out of Jesusland's mouths, when they realize that California alone possesses an economy far larger than the rest of their entire country. But, jealousy has always been one of their hallmarks.
    2 points
  18. As far as I'm concerned, the more onlookers the better - since onlookers turn into participants, once they see other men sucking off Cocks - taking loads - right in front of them. It's only natural they'd want to get in on the action.
    2 points
  19. Gentlemen, I’m happy to remind you that I have won a gold medal 🥇 at every Wolrdwide International 7-continents Rimming Contest during the last 23 years. Many competitors have tried to unseat me … and seed me … but no one has come close. Seriously, it’s my favorite thing to do - and I’m damned good at it. I don’t just lick the crack and hole. That’s only the start. My duty when I eat your ass is to slowly open you up and get you to relax. Whether it’s with my tongue, my fingers, my dick, toys or a speculum, I want your hole to open up and relax. I want your lips to get swollen and puffy. I want to snake my my tongue into your hole, I want to reach the pink inside of your ass. I want to be able to flick the tip of my tongue and reach nerve endings you never realized you had. I don’t want to just simply make your eyes roll back in your head; I want your eyes to spin while I am servicing your ass. And then … I’ll climb on top and fuck you!
    2 points
  20. CHAPTER 2 I had never understood young people who won’t fuck old men. If I absolutely had to get fucked, I’d rather be with an experienced adult than a sweaty, closeted college frat boy who’s never heard of lube and hits like a jackrabbit with Tourette’s. Pull up the Myers-Briggs of gay boys who DO sleep with mature men, however, and there are three types of twinks. The first are the twinks who only fuck older men for money but would never hang out with or date them. Obviously an acceptable profession in my book, but a poor, one-dimensional way of looking at the men who were our best and most fulfilling customers. Next are the twinks who want to be hunted by a confident, silver wolf daddy. They want a sleazy, sexy, horny old man to separate them from the herd and bring them to a back alley where they can submit to the cumdump fantasies they dream about at night. They want to be demeaned and used by someone with infinitely more experience than a child like them could ever hope to achieve. Lastly, there are the twinks with low self-esteem and daddy issues. No way to sugar coat it, these are the twinks who had cystic acne in high school and considered themselves worthless, but as puberty waned and their skin turned smooth they discovered hair dye, liquor, and bars full of old men just waiting to give them the unconditional love and appreciation that no parent or classmate ever did. Jessie did fuck older men on the right day, and she was the poster child for type three. I returned to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. My new friend was sitting on my bed stroking his hard cock to a picture he had pulled off the wall. I went to lie down next to him. The picture was one of my favorites of us posing in tight, tiny catholic school jumpers I had stolen from my sisters. In a fit of blind insanity last year we had found a creepy trucker to bring us to the Pride festival in Chicago, and had worn the tiny skirts at the parade. It was good memory, and it made me feel a little bad about what I was doing. I pushed it aside. “He good? How are we doing this?” I heard the shower thud on outside and pushed my doubts out of my head. “When she gets out of the shower, she’ll be ready to go. Now stop calling her ‘he’ and maybe you’ll actually get to fuck her.” I explained Jessie’s special brand of low self-esteem and dysphoria until we heard the shower turn off. **** Jessie opened the bathroom door, still dripping a bit. Thanks to the tina her shower had taken a longer than usual, but she’d made it through eventually despite her increasing horniness and her fuzzy brain not focusing on simple tasks. She’d put a couple fingers in her ass part way through, making the shower take even longer and doing nothing besides making her even more horny. Maybe Cam would fuck her. He didn’t want to very often and never when he was sober, but once in a blue moon she could catch him in a sweet spot between starting to smoke and arriving in Loo Loo Land. She padded down the hallway to her bedroom, toweling off her hair. As she did, Cameron’s door opened and a gentleman no older than 50 stepped out, tucking in a fitted white button up and carrying his jacket, tie, and belt. They both stopped short, and Jessie quickly pulled her towel from her head to cover her small, naked cock. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I was just in the shower.” She expected the man to be awkward at being caught, the way closet cases usually were, but he smiled and started forward again. “Wow, are you the roommate? You’re beautiful…. you look like a princess.” Caught off guard, Jessie giggled and blushed. “Oh wow, thanks so much!” The man circled her. “You have such a beautiful body, I’ve never seen a girl like you before.” As he reached her his hand wrapped around to her bare ass. “Oh my god, and this ass…. Its so round and sexy. You’re so hot, I would do anything to make you my girlfriend…” His hand felt warm, almost hot, as it grabbed a handful of her cheek and squeezed. She felt the horniness rising again as he complimented her and instinctively pushed back into his hand. His other hand wrapped around her to grab her waist and she was pulled to face him, still holding the towel. “That’s all so nice to say, but I was about to go get dressed…” “Oh, I don’t mean to keep you, I can let you go…” The man said, reaching around to squeeze her ass with both hands. “Please, can I just play with it for a second before you go, just for a minute… You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, I would be crazy not to look at you for a second.” He felt so warm and she was getting so horny, Jessie didn’t quite know what to say. Her head was fuzzy and she tingled as he touched her. He was so nice, and she didn’t want to be rude… She smiled and turned around, walking backwards a few feet to the edge of their living room and sticking her ass out as she walked to give him a show. “Oh baby, you’re so beautiful…” The man was following close behind, unbuttoning his pants. He pushed her forward to bend over the back of the couch and she felt him grab her ass and give each side a gentle shake. He groaned softly and dove in with his tongue, pushing past her cheeks to lick her tight hole. The sensation was incredible, her head was swimming and she felt like her entire body was wired to his tongue. He licked her softly at first, then pushed deeper inwards. Her hole, still relaxed from her fingers in the shower, opened for his tongue. She tried to pull back to reality as he pushed a finger inside. “I really should go, but thanks for all the things you said, you’re really nice…” He didn’t stop. “This is the best pussy I’ve ever seen… I can’t believe how tight and pink it is, and this beautiful little clit.” He reached between her legs and began to rub her soft cock as he attacked her ass with a second gentle finger and shook her cheeks more, causing her to moan. Her brain melted again as he stood up, letting his pants fall down and revealing a large, rock hard cock. He rubbed it on her hole as she moaned in pleasure, and her horniness took over entirely as she crawled over the back of the couch and turned around to suck his cock. It was an amazing cock, she decided. How could anyone with a cock like this and such nice things to say be paying for sex, even if Cam was hot. It made no sense. “Ugh baby, you’re so good at this…” The man said, making her blush. She worked even harder as he reached back and squeezed her ass again, reminding her what she really needed. She spread her legs as far as she could while kneeling on the couch, revealing her small, pink asshole and rubbing her small cock on the couch beneath her. He came around the side of the couch and stood behind her, stroking his slick cock as she pushed her ass back towards him. They both moaned as he rubbed his cock on her hole again, then he pushed forward, burying his cock to the hilt and making her cry out. “Yeah, baby, you like that…?” He pulled out and pushed all the way in again, making her moan as her fuzzy brain begged for more. “You love when I fuck your pussy, don’t you?” “Oh god, yeah… fuck my pussy….” She gasped as he began to fuck her harder, slamming his cock into her hole and driving her into the couch. Pinned between her body and the fabric, her own cock tingled. There’s no way Cam wouldn’t have heard them by now… maybe he was smoking more of the tina he had given her and had headphones in... The man behind her grabbed her hips as he drove his hard cock into her, making her moan and cry. She felt his grip tighten and his pace quicken and knew what was coming. With a groan, he released a load of thick cum into Jessie’s hole. His cry of pleasure and the warmth and pressure of being filled with his cum made her own cock begin spilling cum onto the couch beneath her. The man fucked her for a bit longer, releasing more spurts of cum into her and then slowly pulling out. As he pulled his head from her hole, she pushed her butt up to try to keep his cum in her until her hole closed. A slut’s habit. “Good girl.” He said, reaching down and giving her ass one last shake. He pulled his pants up, grabbed his things and left, running to his car like he was worried a satellite would catch him fucking the two little twinks inside the apartment. I snuck out from where I had been hiding in the hallway. Jessie was still spread out on the couch with her head resting on the back of the couch. I could tell her brain was mush from the combinations of drugs and dick she hadn’t been expecting to get. I tiptoed around the edge of the couch to stand behind her and started taking pictures of the load leaking from her asshole. Jessie heard the *click* of the digital shutter and snapped up. “Jesus Christ, Cam, get out of here!” I grinned, “Bitch, I’m not the one fucking random closet cases as they leave the apartment! Now get that ass up, you can post these. Fucking slut.” She groaned and reached back to place her hands on her cheeks, pulling them apart gently. “Oh my god, what is wrong with me? This is because you made me smoke!” I laughed. “Excuse me for not wanting to die of a bad batch, Jessie. Don’t blame me for your slutty choices!” She crawled off the couch and pointed at her cum stain on the fabric. “Fuck me, I got it on the couch.” I pushed her towards the hallway, taking her curse out of context. “You want fucked, go get on Sniffies. I’ll clean this up, then you and I are going to smoke more tonight.” I went to the kitchen and almost laughed out loud thinking about it. I had made $400 bucks and I hadn’t even had to get fucked. Jessie had a blast and nothing bad had happened. I even took pictures for her to put on OnlyFans, so she could make money too. No matter which way I thought about it there was no downside, and I knew I wasn’t even getting started.
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  21. Part 6: Will Converts Two Sundays later I was meant to preach, but when my alarm went off, I found myself waking up to the worst feeling I had ever felt. I felt so sick, as if the worst flu of my life had taken hold. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, calling Pastor Kline. “Hey, Will. What’s up?” “I’m really not feeling well,” I told him. “I don’t think I’ll be able to be in for the service. I’m sorry.” “Don’t worry,” he said. “Just rest, and we’ll see you when you’re better.” “Thanks,” I said. I fell back to sleep for what felt like hours. My phone eventually woke me up, Dominic’s name on the screen. “Hey, Will,” he said. “Hi,” I groaned. “Is everything okay?” “I’m really sick,” I told him. “I’ve never felt this bad before.” “How long have you felt like this?” “Since this morning.” “Look, I’m on my way back. I’ll come over. Just text me your address and where you keep a spare key.” I did as he said and fell back to sleep. When I woke up next, I felt something pressing against my back, something warm and big. “You’re awake,” Dominic said, whispering into my ear. “You made it,” I said. “Wait. You should go. I don’t want you to get sick.” “I won’t,” he said. “What do you mean?” “I’ve already been sick.” “What? When?” “Twenty years ago,” he said. I didn’t understand. “Dom, you can get sick again.” “Not with this,” he said. “What are you talking about?” “You’ve got the fuck flu,” he said. “You can only get it once.” “What, like when you lose your virginity?” “No,” he told me. “Only when you’ve been pozzed.” I waited quietly, trying to understand him. “What are you talking about?” “When someone who is poz fucks someone who isn’t, that other person, hopefully, becomes poz too.” “But, what does poz mean?” “It means positive,” Dominic said. “Positive with HIV.” I was silent as the reality set it. “You mean, you’re HIV positive?” “Sure am,” he whispered into my ear, kissing my neck. “And now, so are you?” “What?” “That’s why I fucked you four times,” he said. “I needed to make sure that my strain infected you.” I felt my stomach turn, my skin growing cold. “You knew this would happen?” “I was hoping it would,” he said. “That’s why I opened the cut in your hole again. That’s why I dug my nails into your hole, making sure my cum could get to your blood.” “You did this on purpose?” “Of course, I did,” he said. “But why?” “To make you mine,” he said, holding me tight. “I’ve converted forty-nine men in my life.” He looked down at his arm, running a hand over the tally marks. “I remember each of them. But with you, you’re different.” “Why am I different?” “You’re the forbidden fruit,” he told me. “You’re the man of God, the incorruptible. From the moment I saw you at the gym, I knew I wanted you.” “At the gym? We met at my church.” “That’s where you saw me,” he said. “I saw you at the gym weeks before. From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to meet you. When one of the workers told me who you were, I knew I had to fuck you, to convert you. That’s all I’ve been able to think about for weeks now. Honestly, I wasn’t sure it was going to work. It wasn’t until last Sunday when we were talking after your sermon that I knew you wanted me. All I had to do was get you to my place.” “This was a trap?” I cried, my chest heaving as I tried to hold back tears. “You did all of this to infect me? Why would you do that?” “To be with you,” he said. “I didn’t just do it to stealth you. I did it because I want to be with you. I want you to be mine. I want my strain to be a part of your body forever. I want you to carry a part of me until you die. That’s why I did it. I wanted you. And I know, deep down, you want me.” “No,” I cried, trying to push him away. My arms were too weak. “You may not feel it now, but you’ll realize it soon.” “No. I’ve got to do something. I’ve got to go to the hospital.” “It’s too late,” he told me. “You’re already converting.” I closed my eyes tight and cried. “I know it’s scary now, but soon you’ll understand how much I want you. I’m not leaving. I’ll stay until you feel better. If you still feel the same, I’ll leave, and you’ll never see me again. But, if you change your mind, which I think you will, I promise to make you mine and show you a life you’ve never even imagined.” I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. I was reeling. How could someone do something like this? I thought back to that night, going over everything he said. I remembered him saying that he wanted to make me his. I remember him saying that he wanted to convert me. I just didn’t understand what any of that meant. I did now, and I was scared. I fell asleep for several more hours. My mind was still filtering through everything I had just learned. I was now HIV positive. A lead pastor, a straight virgin, was now poz from having been fucked four times by a gay man. What had I done? Moments from the night played in my head, the way I sucked his dick, the way he inserted his fingers inside me. I could still feel his cock inside me. I could taste the cum. I could feel his warm body against mine, holding me close. It all felt amazing. It all felt like exactly what I wanted. Why can’t you have it, my mind asked? If Dominic can have it and he’s poz, why can’t you? You loved being with him. You loved having him inside you. You loved tasting him and smelling him. You never imagined sex with a woman being that good. Why run away from something that can feel so right? Maybe your life isn’t ending. Maybe it’s just beginning. I woke up, my eyes glancing over to my alarm clock where I could see it was early morning Tuesday. I’d missed Monday entirely. I turned over and searched the room, finding Dominic standing in the corner, his phone to his ear. “I won’t be in today,” he said. “I’ll be out for a few days. Reschedule my appointments if you have to. Thanks, Chris.” He turned back to me and caught my eye. “Hey,” he said. “How do you feel?” “Bad,” I told him. “But not as bad.” He nodded. “Still hate me?” I thought about this seriously. Yes, there was a part of me that was furious, but there was an even greater part of me that found the whole idea exciting. “No,” I said. He smiled. “Good.” “I feel warm,” I moaned, pushing at the covers. “Here,” he said, pulling them off me. As he did, my naked body was revealed. Both of us took notice of my hard cock. “You know,” he said, “Sometimes, while you’re converting is when you’re the most horny.” “Really?” I asked. My hand moved down to my cock and took hold. “You’re right,” I groaned. Dominic pulled his shirt off and removed his pants, revealing no underwear underneath. “You look ready to go,” I said. “Well, call me hopeful,” he said. “I was almost sure you weren’t going to kick me out. I wanted to be ready.” I smiled. “Hold on,” he said, running out of my bedroom. He came back in with a water bottle. “Remember this” he asked, shaking the contents. “These were some of your last negative loads,” he said. “I wanted to save them to use as lube for when we fucked again.” “How romantic,” I said. I was too weak to lift my legs, so Dominic did it for me, resting my legs over his shoulders. He opened the bottle and poured out my cum into his hand, rubbing it on my asshole and then rubbing it on his dick. What remained he poured on my cock. “Use your neg loads to shoot our your first poz load,” he said, rubbing his own dick. “Fuck yeah,” I said, jerking my cock. He lined up his dick and pushed inside, my ass resisting the intrusion. I winced at the pain. “Here’s some poppers,” he said, holding out the vial. He pressed down on my nostril as I breathed in. Then he moved to the other one. Once I was high enough, he closed the vial and threw it to the side. He started pumping into me, his rhythm quick and sharp. “Are you ready for another dose of poz cum?” “Yes, Daddy,” I said, jerking my cock. “You want my dirty load?” “Yes.” “You want me to infect you again?” “Yes.” “Don’t shoot without warning me,” he said. “I want to collect it in the bottle he said. You understand?” I nodded. He kept fucking me, my ass tearing open again. “There’s a lot of blood on my dick,” he said, smearing it on his fingers. He slipped his fingers into my hole along with is cock, resulting in a cry of pain from me. “That feel good?” “Yes, Daddy.” He pulled out his fingers and reached them out to me. “Taste your hole.” I stuck out my tongue as he reached his fingers inside my mouth. I could taste my cum, my ass juices, and my blood. All together, it tasted amazing. “I’m going to cum, Daddy,” I moaned, my hand picking up its pace on my cock. Dominic grabbed the water bottle and did his best to hold the opening to my piss slit. “I’m cumming,” I cried. “I’m cumming.” “Do it. Shoot your first poz load.” I cried as my cock shot out ropes of cum into the bottle, hitting the back and pooling inside. After nearly twelve pulses from my cock, my orgasm subsided, leaving me panting for breath. “Fucking hot,” Dominic said, holding the bottle up to his eyes. “Now, I want you to drink it the moment I start coming. Do you understand?” “Yes, Daddy,” I said, taking the bottle and holding it close. Dominic continued to fuck my ass, his pace speeding up as his breathing became shallow. “Here it comes,” he said, his eyes locked on mine as I lifted the bottle to my mouth. “Are you ready? I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” I poured my poz load into my mouth, holding it over my tongue, savoring the flavor of what I would soon taste every time I came. Dominic’s body shook until his orgasm subsided. His chest was heaving. I watched the hairy beast of a man who had pozzed me with wonder. Never had I imagined wanting to be with anyone as much as I wanted to be with Dominic. He was everything a man should be. He was perfect. For a brief moment, I realized something that both scared me and filled me with the greatest happiness. I believed Dominic was the one person I could truly love. The fuck flu lasted several more days. Once I was feeling good enough to move around on my own, I insisted that Dominic return to work. “You’ve got bills to pay,” I told him. “I’ll be back tonight,” he said. “Have your jock on, ready to fuck.” “I will.” “Do you think you’ll feel better in time?” he asked. “To fuck?” “No,” he said, smiling. “For your job? Remember, you’re a man of God.” “Oh,” I said, admittedly forgetting all about the church. “I don’t know. Maybe.” “Could be hot,” he said. “I’d love seeing you up there preaching, knowing that I converted your ass but no one else knows.” “There’s no way anyone can know, right?” “You don’t have the biohazard symbol on your forehead,” he said. “Speaking of which, once we get you tested, do you want a biohazard tattoo?” “I never thought about getting a tattoo,” I told him. “Show me yours.” Dominic smiled. “You just want me to undo my pants and lift my shirt.” “I like seeing your body,” I told him. He undid his pants and lifted his shirt, revealing his tattoo. Admittedly, it did look hot. Knowing what it meant, knowing that it was proof of him being poz, being dangerous, it intensified his sexiness hundredfold. I reached out and pressed my hand against the tattoo, feeling his warm skin. “You’re getting me hard,” he said. “And you know I don’t have time to fuck.” “I’ll think about the tattoo,” I said. “If I say yes, will you do it?” “I wouldn’t have anyone else,” he said, kissing me. “What about a Prince Albert?” “You know I don’t know what that is.” “If I don’t tell you, it’ll be easier to get you to do it.” “Like when you converted me?” “Exactly.” “What is it?” “It’s a piercing,” he said. “It’s a metal ring through the head of your dick.” Just the idea made me wince. “I don’t think so.” “Could be hot.” “Keep thinking that.” “Fine,” he said. “I’ll see you later.”
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  22. Part Five: Will's Round 2 Once Dominic stopped shaking, he looked down at me as I continued cleaning the cum off my body. “Fuck, that’s hot,” he said. “Does Daddy’s Son like the taste of his own cum?” “I do, Daddy,” I said. “It tastes so good.” “In that case,” he said, “I’ve got something for you. Hold on.” Slowly, he pulled himself out of my ass and went to his desk. “First, I want to keep my cum inside you. You wouldn’t want to insult your Daddy by losing his cum, would you?” I shook my head, tilting my hips back, fearing his cum would pour out of my hole. He came back with a little device that looked like a weird triangle with a knob at the end. “This is a butt plug,” he said “It’ll keep everything where it needs to be. I’ll need to open your whole up again to get it in. This might hurt a bit. Your hole is tender from fucking.” As Dominic inserted his fingers, I felt a sharp pain. The cut must be opening again, I thought. It hurt worse this time, but seeing Dominic’s look of pride at sticking his fingers inside me made it all worth it. “Here it goes,” he said, shoving the butt plug into my ass. Feeling myself once again full brought about a sense of completion. It was as if I couldn’t live anymore without being filled. I waited as Dominic left the bedroom, returning a few moments later with a Tupperware container in one hand and a plastic water bottle in the other. In both there was something white, the container being solid while the plastic water bottle sloshed around. “Seeing as you like cum so much,” he said, opening the container, “I’ve got a treat for you.” “What is it, Daddy?” I asked. “Frozen cum,” he said. “I’ve been collecting cum from condoms I’ve found and I’ve frozen it in this container. What do you say, do you want to suck on it while I fuck you again?” “Are you ready to again?” I asked him. I looked down at his dick and saw it standing at the ready. I could also see cum still sticking to the head along with traces of blood. This worried me at first, but Dominic had warned me that bleeding sometimes happened. “Is it going to hurt again?” “I’ll use this,” he said, shaking the water bottle. “It’s some of my cum. I’ll use it as lube. Are you ready for round two?” While a part of me couldn’t imagine going again so soon, I saw my dick growing, ready for another round. “Fuck me again, Daddy,” I told him. “You’ve got it,” he said. He reached into the container and pulled out a large glob that looked like ice except for the white-yellow color. He lifted it up to his mouth and ran his tongue along the outside. “Cum tastes so fucking good. Here, this is for you.” I took the cum, struggling to hold it as it was both cold and slippery. A drop fell onto my chest, mixing into my chest hair. “Eat up quick,” Dominic said. “If you don’t, it’ll melt.” I brought the cum to my mouth and did as Dominic had done, running my tongue along the outside. Other than it being cold, it tasted just like my cum. I licked again and again, savoring the flavor. How had I gone twenty-nine years without knowing this taste? How had I jerked off so many times before without realizing the delicious miracle I’d been shooting into socks or down the drain? As I licked the cum, Dominic grabbed my legs and pulled them toward the ceiling. “Tilt your hips up again, Son. I’m going to take the butt plug out, but I don’t want any of my cum to slip out. That’s right. There you go. Let me see. Your hole’s staying open all by itself. That’s a good boy. Soon we’ll have your hole nice and open all the time, no lube needed. Alright, I’m going to pour some of my cum from the bottle into your hole, Son. Hold still while I work it inside of you. This may sting again. I’ll try to be careful.” I watched as he brought the bottle up to my raised ass and started pouring the cum into me. “That’s it. That’s going in nicely. I’m going to push some in, Son.” He worked his fingers inside of me, my hole stinging even more than before. “It hurts, Daddy,” I whined. “Take another hit,” he said. “But the cum.” “Put it on your chest and take a few hits,” he said. I did as I was told. After a few hits, the pain had lessened. Taking the cum, I found some of it had melted on my chest, joining the glob from before. “You don’t want to waste that cum,” he said. “Rub it into your chest hair. It’ll soak into your skin and make you strong.” “Alright, Daddy.” As I licked the cum with one hand holding the cold glob, I messaged the melted cum into my chest hair, slicking it around until I was covered. With my hand covered in cum, I reached down and rubbed it into my pubic hair. With the cum that melted on my face, I rubbed it into my stubble, making sure all my hair except for the hair on my head and in my armpits was covered in cum. “That’s hot, Son,” he said, lowering my legs. The water bottle was nearly empty. What remained he poured onto his cock which he started to rub until he was completely covered. “I’m not going to ease myself in this time, Son. I’m going to fuck hard from the start. Are you ready?” I nodded, not wanting to remove the cum from my mouth. “Round two,” he said, grabbing my ankles and shoving his dick inside. I cried out, stars appearing before my eyes. I nearly dropped the frozen cum as he slammed into me. As my cry died down, I could hear the sloshing of his dick as it pumped into my ass, his cum moving within my hole. “Fuck,” he groaned. “Your hole is just as good as the first time. Maybe even better.” “Fuck me hard, Daddy.” “I will, Son. You’ll be full of my cum before the night’s over. Don’t worry. I won’t let you leave without your stomach being full of cum.” “Fill me, Daddy.” “I will, Son.” Dominic was slamming into me, resting my legs over his shoulders. He leaned forward, hovering over me, looking into my eyes. “Get a big glob of cum in your mouth and kiss me,” he said. I licked until I had a suitable amount and then placed it on my chest again, Dominic leaning in and kissing me. The cum mixed between our tongues, filling our mouths. His chest was pressing into the frozen cum, our combined body heat melting the cum over my body. By the time he was done, the cum had melted on my body, leaving me drenched. He ran his hand over my chest, stopping over my heart which was pounding. “This is forever,” he said. “Right here. Is that what you want? Do you want this forever?” “Yes, Daddy,” I moaned, the smell of cum filling my mind. It’s all I could smell. It’s all I could taste. It’s all I could feel other than Dominic’s huge cock which was intensifying its thrusts. “Are you ready for load two?” “Give it to me, Daddy. Cum inside me again.” “What are you?” “I’m yours, Daddy.” “No,” he said, looking deep into my eyes. “You’re my cumwhore. You’re my pig. You’re my deviant fuckhole that needs Daddy’s cum. Tell me. Tell me what you are.” “I’m your cumwhore. I’m your pig. I’m your deviant fuckhole that needs your cum.” “That’s right, Son. Here it comes.” He pushed inside one more time and then held me close, his cock pumping his cum into my ass. This time, my cock didn’t shoot any cum. This time, it was all about Daddy. As he came down from his high, he looked down at my cock and saw it still rock hard. Pulling himself out, Dominic pushed the butt plug back inside and lowered me down, sliding off the bed himself. He pulled the jock’s pouch down under my balls and held my cock at the base, angling it toward his mouth. He looked at me in the eye as he took the entirety of my cock down his throat. “Fuck,” I cried, my body shaking as he blew me. He ran his hand along my shaft as his mouth played with my head, licking my slit. “That’s right, baby. Give me your load. Give me your last clean load” My body tensed as my balls rose into my body, my cock pumping into his mouth. I came even more than before, more than I had ever in my life. As my last spurt ended, Dominic rose from my cock and grabbed the water bottle from before and brought it to his mouth, dribbling my cum inside. “We’ll save that for another time,” he said. “So, what did you think?” “That was… incredible,” I said, still trying to catch my breath. “Was it everything you wanted?” “Yes.” “Yes, what?” “Yes, Daddy,” I said. I sat up and moved my legs off the bed, Dominic’s hand reaching out and stopping me. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I was going to clean myself and go home,” I said. “You aren’t cleaning yourself,” Dominic said. “And you aren’t going home. Not tonight. I want you to sleep here with me.” “Really?” He nodded. “I want to give you two more loads before you leave tomorrow morning. I’ll let you rest tonight, but tomorrow morning, I’m opening you up again.” I smiled, happy that he wanted me to stay. I crawled back on the bed and laid back. I watched as Dominic took the water bottle with my cum inside back out of the room, returning later wearing a new jock strap. He climbed into bed next to me, slipping the jockstrap I had on off and wiping it across my chest, collecting the remaining cum. Once the fabric was soaked through, he slipped it back on me. He moved me to my side and pressed himself against my back, wrapping his arm around me. I felt so warm. There was nowhere else I wanted to be. Dominic fucked me twice the next morning. By the time I left, we had both cum two more times. Both of my loads he collected and added to the water bottle from the night before. I asked him what he was going to do with it, and he told me that I’d find out eventually. I left with the butt plug in my ass while I was also wearing the jockstrap from the night before under my clothes, my boxers staying with Dominic. “You can get them the next time you’re here,” he said. “When will that be?” I asked. “I’ll be out of town later this week for a convention,” he told me. “There’s a tattoo convention that I’ve been dying to go to for years. I’ll be back sometime late next week.” “I’ll see you then,” I told him. “Yes you will,” he said. “Keep the plug in for a while.” “Why?” “Just trust me,” he said. As the elevator stopped, the doors opened and I found a man standing inside. Upon seeing me, his eyes got wide and a huge smile filled his face. “I don’t fucking believe it,” he said. “He actually did it.” “Did what?” I asked. “Who are you?” “Dominic told me he was inviting a pastor over to his apartment. I’m guessing you’re him.” “Uh, yeah. I am.” The man’s smile grew. “He fucked you.” “What? How do you know that?” “Honey, I know the walk of shame when I see it.” The elevator doors closed, and we waited as it descended. “So,” he said, “how was it?” I blushed. “It was good.” “Just good?” “It was incredible,” I told him. “Not that I have anything to compare it to.” “Shut the fuck up,” he said. “You’re not telling me that was your first time getting fucked by a guy, are you?” “It was my first time, period,” I told him. “Why am I telling you this?” The doors opened and I left him standing stunned. I went to my car and climbed in, finding my ass hurting from being fucked. I checked my phone, having forgotten to check it last night. There was a voicemail from Pastor Kline. “Hey, Will. It’s Mark. I just wanted to ask if you spoke any more with Dominic Moore? I saw you still talking with him when I left, and I just wanted to know if you were able to get any further with him? Give me a call when you can.” I dialed his number and waited. “Hello, this is Pastor Kline,” he said. “Hi, Mark. It’s Will.” “Will, how are you?” “I’m good,” I told him. “I just heard your message. Sorry, I was busy last night.” “That’s fine,” he said. “So, did you go any further with Mr. Moore?” “We did,” I told him, grinding my ass on my seat, feeling the butt plug pressing against my prostate. “I think it’s the start of a great friendship.” Almost two weeks passed with little happening. I left the butt plug in like Dominic said, taking it out only when I finally had to shit. When I pulled it out over the toilet, I was shocked by the amount of cum that came rushing out. I was also surprised by the color. It was a deep pink. I moved my hand back and touched my hole, cringing at the soreness. Looking at my fingers, I could see the pink cum and bits of blood. I tried to calm myself. Dominic said this happens. Just keep cool. Everything is fine. I cleaned myself and threw my clothes in my hamper, keeping the jockstrap hanging in the bathroom. Dominic wanted me to let the cum from the night before to dry on it. He also wanted me to jerk off twice a day until I saw him again, making sure each load ended up in the jockstrap. I was more than willing to take these orders. At work, I couldn’t think of anything but Dominic. All I wanted was to feel him inside of me. Every night I jerked off thinking about him. Each morning I jerked of wishing he was next to me. On Wednesday as I was in my office, I found myself rubbing my cock through my pants. Slowly, I unbuttoned my pants and unzipped, reaching inside and pulling out my cock. I started pumping, getting hard immediately. I didn’t have the jockstrap with me, but I needed to cum. I blew my load on my shirt, leaning back in my seat until I could regain my breath. I opened my drawer to retrieve my spare shirt but realized I hadn’t replaced it from the last time. I sat in my office with my cum drying on my shirt. What was I supposed to do? I closed up shop and snuck through the church, racing to my car before anyone could see me.
    2 points
  23. Here is part 4! I hope you like it, Disclaimer : This is a work of science fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this chapter are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. If this or the subjects specified in tags offend you, please stop reading now. Tags : Breeding, pozzing, sci-fi, HIV, watersports, conversion, bareback sex, body modification, blood, tattooing, piercings . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part 4, Blood Biohazard Tattoo Prelude It’s been two weeks since Adam got pozzed by Cronus. He called a sick leave to evaluate the situation, after all what he did was a major step in his life. It did stall his sex a bit, but he kept his routine, meaning he was still going to the gym. There, he met sometimes Atlas near the entrance. Adam brought him a bottle filled with his personal protein mix, from the exterior of the bottle, a thick, viscous, blurry white liquid was visible. Adam: As promised here is my personal protein mix, I hope you like. Atlas took the bottle and felt that was warm, to Atlas, it felt abnormal. Atlas: I will bring my personal receipt next week. Adam: I'm eager to taste it. At some point during his training, Adam went to the bathroom to piss. He didn’t know that he was followed by Atlas. Adam has just begun pissing as Atlas come to the urinal next to him. They were alone. Atlas: Thanks for the protein mix, it was very tasty, rich, and manly. Adam: You’re welcum, I produced it myself. Mind if I ask you a question? Atlas: Shoot. Adam: Cronus told me that you never went on meds, how did you manage to stay healthy? Atlas: I'm on meds, but I’ve never became fully undetectable. My CD4 count has lowered at the beginning but climb up back as I took meds. However, the viral count never went to an undetectable level. Adam: Is that how you manage to get so many sons? Atlas: After being impregnated by Cronus I went on a fest of fucking and orgies. Few months later, I’ve started meds and waited. From there, the count never went to undetectable. Have you tested poz? Adam: Yes, taking it a day at the time. I need to wrap my mind around it. Your cock is very impressive, but also very unusual. Atlas: Ha yes, it is. One of my sons is a cosmetic plastic surgeon and he loved silicone prosthetics. I’ve asked him if there was a way to improve my cock. He said yes and a few operations later, here is my horse like cock. Didn’t lose any sensitivity and the fucking is great. It's already been few minutes that Adam had finished pissing and just discussing with Atlas. He was leaving that Atlas asked him. Atlas: Mind if I clean that? Atlas went down on his knees and lick clean Adam the piss flavoured uncut gland, then the shaft and finally his sweaty/smelly huge balls until Adam got a hard-on. Atlas: Nice hard on, let’s not waste it. That said, Atlas rises up and pull down his sweatpants, then turn to show his muscular tight ass to Adam. Adam didn’t need instructions, nor permission, without lube or thinking if Atlas ass was cleaned or not, he aligned his hard cock on Atlas ass ring then pushed hard. With a bit of adaptation, Adam fucks Atlas ass hard and long with forceful thrusts. Atlas let go a few moans. Atlas: Yeah, fuck and breed me, recharge me with your huge creamy load. It was the first time since he got pozzed that he is fucking, and the bottom is begging for his load. It took a few seconds to process that then got really turned on by the idea. A minute or two later, a man in his early sixties enters the bathroom. One of his hands quickly went to his sweatpants to release his average-sized cut cock and the hand on his left nipple. Adam sees him, but don’t care as he is laser focus on breeding Atlas ass. Several minutes of pass as Adam pound Altas ass and he feels he is close to breed. Adam: Do you want me to seed your ass with the family sauce, Brother? Atlas: Recharge me with your high viral semen! With that comment, Adam pushes his cock balls deep inside Atlas and breed him, releasing his almost one liter of cum deep inside Atlas. As he removes himself of Atlas, a stream of semen goes out of Atlas ass, staining Adams clothes and lots of it simply goes on the floor. Adam moves back looking at Atlas ass. Atlas looks behind and see the older man still there jerking off. Atlas: Do you want to fuck and breed my ass too? Stranger: Hell yes! The older man went behind Atlas and plunges his cock inside the very creamy ass. Adam looks at the older man ass, hairy, muscular, and firm. Adam erection was still on and willing to fuck and breed that man. As he moves forward, he thinks ; Adam:// That man doesn’t know that I’m poz and very viral.// Then remembers Atlas tattoo, the same tattoo has Cronus. Adam: //I need that tattoo.// Main Event Adam went back home with his clothes stained with his semen only thinking about the tattoo. Yes, he wants it, but it needs to be special, unique. He wants it to be a link to his new father not just in letters, then he gets an epiphany. In the next week, he talks to Cronus to know where he got his tattoo and if he was still on meds, the answer is no, but he needs to go back on it ASAP. After a call to the tattoo parlor, schedule something within the same week willing to pay a hefty premium to get it quickly and with a unique touch. The first meeting would be to discuss the terms and get the pen tracing done. He calls again Cronus again to schedule with him to be there while the artist is tattooing. Cronus doesn’t understand why he needs to be there but accept, maybe Adam first tattoo frightens him. The tattoo parlor was in the gay village, as he enters inside, he is welcomed by a heavily tattooed attractive bear and his name is Jason. Jason is an experienced tattoo artist, insisting on professionalism. Despite that, he is wearing a tank top, exposing his heavily tattooed arms and neck. After talking, Jason asks if Adam knows what the tattoo means. Adam insists on explaining everything that needs to be done and his full understanding of the entire process. Jason: Ok, I will tattoo you as you require but you and your friend must sign a discharge form. Adam: No problem, is it possible to do it behind curtains? Jason: I have a backroom; we can do it there. Adam quickly proceeds to fill and sign the form. He pays the tattooing fees plus the premium. They went to the backroom to do the pen tracing. Pointing at one of two chars in the room; Jason: Please remove your shirt and make yourself comfortable. Adam quickly unbuttons his shirt but manages to just quickly and simply get naked. Jason looks at him, stop a moment and says nothing. Jason is used to see complete strangers’ private parts. A few preparations later, Jason uses a pen to draw the tattoo contour using a picture of Cronus tattoo has a reference. Jason: Came early tomorrow, your ink preparation is long but doable, don’t forget to bring your friend, we need him. That night Adam explained to Cronus why he wants him there. He sends him a copy of the disclaimer form to sign. Within an hour, the signed version was sent to Jason. Next morning, Adam and Cronus arrived at the same time, both sporting tight clothes and saline inflated ballsack. Adam did shower, but Cronus didn’t, and he did smell like a man who spends several days at the gym without showering. They quickly get to the backroom. Jason: Please remove your shirt and make yourself comfortable. Both strips naked, Jason takes a good look at them, Cronus had rock hard erection and Adam was half-hard, then proceed to prepare a needle and several empty vials. Jason comes near Cronus left arm with an alcohol wipe then Cronus stop him. Cronus: Not on the arm, on my cock. Jason: On your cock? You want me to draw blood from a vein on your cock? Cronus: Yes. Jason turns to Adam. Jason: You are agreeing? Adam: Yes, it was my idea. Jason, a bit surprised, took a minute to properly set up the blood drawing on Cronus cock. When ready, Jason pokes the needle inside the prominent vein on Cronus cock. Cronus seems completely unphased, his cock stayed very hard. After a minute or two, Jason had enough blood, he applied a small piece of sterile cotton telling Cronus to apply pressure on it to stop the bleeding. Still unphased, Cronus takes the cotton piece off his cock letting a small drip of blood leaking on his cock and soon on his ballsack. The thin blood flow almost looks like a deep red crown on the base of his cock and ballsack. Jason looks at it, thinking less of it and more about cleaning and sterilizing the char after. Jason: Ok, I have enough blood, give me about an hour to process into a usable tattoo ink. About an hour later, Jason came back with the ink. Meanwhile, Adam and Cronus did small talk as the blood dried on his cock and balls. Their cocks went soft a long time ago while waiting. Jason prepares the inking needle with the blood ink. After a last look at Adam face. Jason: Ready? Adam: Do it. The pain is present and sharp, but Adam does withstand it. For few hours, the needle scratches the surface of his lower belly, slowly inking the biohazard symbol on his skin. The blood tattoo will appear a slightly bright red color. As Jason finally finish the last strand of the tattoo, Cronus is right next to Adam jerking his hard cock. Both Jason and Adam are confused, Jason quickly back away as Cronus cum right on top of Adam tattoo, spreading his semen on the freshly scratch skin of Adam. Jason mind was paralyzed by thought of infection then remembered that he just did a tattoo made from the blood of the same donor … still, stupidly high-risk move. At the sight of Cronus cumming on his tattoo and despite the pain, Adam slowly gets an erection. Jason still a bit stunned, look at Adam cock getting erect, himself stimulated by that sight gets an erection. Adam clearly sees Jason hand either trying to hide his erection or touching himself unconsciously. Adams says with a smile; Adam: Jason … do you want to … cum on my tattoo? Jason came to reality quickly. Jason: Wait what? No, I can’t, you are a customer. It would be against the rules. Adam: I’m no longer a customer, look the tattoo is finished and everything is paid. Why don’t you take off your clothes too and show me your tattoos … and your cock 😉 ? Adam with a slow hand sign tells him to come closer, almost hypnotized, Jason comes closer to him. As Jason reaches Adam, Adam start petting Jason hairy chest under his tank top. With a bit more stimulation, Adam hand gets inside Jason pants, massaging his cock. Adam: Do you want to touch my cock? Go head, I know you want to. Without a word, Jason caress Adam cock. Adam: It feels good. Please undress for me, show me your hot hairy body. A minute or two of hesitation, Jason complied, removing all his clothes gloves included. His naked body reveals one of a chubby hairy bear with a lot of piercings on his nipples, belly button and several at different places on his average uncut cock. A brown shade rainbow flag was tattooed on his right arm, but no biohazard, scorpion, needle,99 or any other symbols about being HIV positive. Jason sight was riveted on Adam cock. Adam: My cock is yours to play with it, as long as you pour your semen on my tattoo. Jason went near Adam cock to lick and suck it. After a while, Cronus went behind Jason, spit on his fingers, then gently massages Jason ass hole. Only by the touch of it, Cronus knew that Jason did bottom often. He moves closer to Jason ear and whisper: Cronus: You know you want to climb on top of that cock deep inside your ass. Adam cum a lot, huge load that fills you soo good. Climb on his cock, ride him and create a link between you and him that will never fade. Imagine having his blood tattoo on you. With a few more comments, Jason stops sucking Adam cock and climbs on the tattooing chair. Jason aligns his ass hole with Adam Prince Albert piercing, slowly pushing it inside. It took a long time for Jason to push down to Adam balls. It took even more time for him to getting use to Adam big cock being fucked raw, rough and unlube. Soon, a rhythm between Jason and Adam is achieved. Cronus goes right behind Jason and whisper while playing with his pierce tits; Cronus: Do you want his poz load deep inside of you? Jason: Yes Cronus: Tell him then, begging him to seed you. Jason: Adam, breed me. Adam: I will pass down my DNA to you, you will become my son, carrier of my toxic semen. Jason: Adam, I want your poz load! Cronus: You tattooed him, his name is now Zeus, beg him with his new name. Jason: Zeus, I want your poz load! Zeus was close to cum and the begging of Jason, he pours a liter of warm semen balls deep inside Jason ass. Jason feels the semen flooding his ass, he feels Zeus cock pulsating deep inside of him. With that stimulation, Jason reaches an orgasm over Zeus tattoo, covering it with his last neg load. After several minutes, Jason dismounts himself of Zeus. Cronus kisses Zeus and tell him that now he is his son, Zeus. Zeus tell Jason that at some point they will come back so he can get his own biohazard tattoo. Prelude to chapter 5 Now Zeus, he intends finishing his project and fertilized those you seek his poz semen. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I know this part is quite over the top, but it felt better that way. I love comments, feel free to leave several. I’m open to critics as long as they are constructive. Otherwise, for those positive off meds men who are reading this, please send me a private message if you are looking to pass your DNA and procreate a new son.
    2 points
  24. The sexy hipster, part 1 Matt was getting fucked regularly by the “safe sex top” and his cousin – sometimes a threesome, sometimes one on one, a couple times the cousin brought a friend. Matt was getting bred by them every fuck. The guys would say things to Matt like, “I wish more hot sluts would take our cocks bare,” and “You’re such a hot cumdump.” Matt loved getting fucked by these guys. He really enjoyed the sex. What he didn’t understand was why the “safe sex top” kept turning him down for dinners, coffees, movies, etc. If was clear the guy loved fucking him and cumming in his holes, but the top was just not going to date Matt. Matt was hurt, but not devastated. He knew he was cute and sexy – the guys told him so almost every time they fucked him. Matt got back on AOL. He decided to focus on a guy who would meet him for a date – not sex; not cyber sex; not phone sex – a regular date. BAM! Within two days, Matt and this guy, John, were talking on the phone and arranging to meet at a bar in John’s neighborhood. John lives in a hipster ‘hood with trendy, cheap places to shop, lots of indie coffee houses, and cheap food and drinks. John is sexy. His body is tight and he is about 5’9”, 130 lbs, black hair and blue eyes. So pretty that Matt is really excited for the date. John and Matt meet at the bar. They have a couple drinks and really hit it off. Matt is kinda staring at John’s model gorgeous face while they talk. John is touching Matt’s leg and arm. Matt doesn’t want the night to end. John doesn’t either and he invites Matt back to his place. John lives in a really cool, exposed brick loft with an open floor plan. Matt tells John that his place is very sexy, just like him. John leans in and kisses Matt. John and Matt are making out in the kitchen, their clothes are coming off. Matt sees John’s tight body and abs as John stands before him in his boxers. Matt, in his briefs, sinks to his knees, kisses John’s abs, licks them, and goes for John’s thick cock jutting his boxers. John stops Matt, takes his hand, and guides Matt to the bedroom. John lays on the bed, his cock pops through the boxer opening and Matt bends over and takes it in his mouth. Matt sucks the head. John moans. Matt sucks the girthy 7” cock and is liking the feeling as the cockhead hits the back of his throat. Matt gives John head for awhile – probably about 10 minutes – and John is loving it. John pulls Matt up the bed and makes out with him. John takes off his boxers. John pulls off Matt’s briefs. John says, “I have to fuck you. You are so sexy.” Matt is under John, his legs spread and John between his legs, cock pressing on his hole, “Matt says fuck me.” John reaches over, grabs so lube and a condom; sheathes his John, rubs lube on his cock and fingers some into Matt’s hole. Matt is so happy John is about to fuck him, but he’s been getting fucked bareback so much Matt’s afraid he won’t enjoy sex with a condom. John pushes his head inside Matt. Matt grunts, but he has been getting fucked a lot recently, so Matt’s anal ring gives way to John’s cock. John slides in Matt a couple inches. Matt winces now and bites his lip. John sees this, kisses Matt, and says, “Tell me when you are ready for more.” Matt relaxes and a minute later John is balls deep in Matt. Matt moans when John’s cock hits his prostate. John and Matt fuck missionary at first, then doggie which is so amazing for Matt, then Matt’s chest on the bed/ass in the air, then Matt pressed on the bed. Matt is a bit uncomfortable in some positions because he can feel the condom more. But mostly Matt is moaning like a bitch. This fucking has been going on for 15 minutes or more. John is saying dirty things to Matt about how good his ass feels. Matt loves this fuck. Then as John’s cock hits Matt’s insides again, Matt realizes that he has to pee. He is kinda embarrassed and doesn’t want the fucking to stop. But the sensation is too much and Matt is now afraid that he will pee on John’s bed. Matt tells John he has to pee, apologizes, kisses John, hops out of bed and goes to the bathroom. In the bed, John is flipped over on his back and stroking his cock which is getting soft. He doesn’t want Matt to think he isn’t into him or doesn’t find him sexy or is annoyed, so John pulls off the condom. John keeps stroking his cock, grabs another condom from the nightstand, puts in the bed, uses some lube to stroke himself. Matt uses his time in the bathroom to make sure he is clean, looking sexy, and takes that needed piss. Matt comes back to the bedroom. He sees John stroking his bare cock. Matt is pleasantly surprised. He gets back on the bed, straddles John, kisses him and apologizes for needing to use the bathroom. John says its no big deal. Matt takes John’s cock, lines it up with his used hole, and slides down on the bare cock. John looks up at Matt, surprised. He says, “My cock is in your ass bareback.” Matt says, “I know.” John doesn’t move to stop Matt riding his bare cock. This feels so good for John. John says, “This feels so good.” Matt rides John’s cock up and down slowly, letting John get used to the feeling of his ass without a condom. John is moaning and stifling grunts. Matt is working his dick so well. John pulls Matt off him, tells him to get in doggie position, and gets behind Matt. It’s now that Matt sees the unopened condom in front of him and realized that John didn’t intend to be fucking him raw. John slides his raw cock all the way into Matt. He is fucking Matt hard now. Matt has one hand on the wall, the other stroking his cock. He’s moaning and looking at the unopened condom beneath him. John is roughly fucking Matt and says he is close. Matt pushes his ass back and says me too. John says, “Do you want me to cum inside you?” Matt says, “Yes cum in me.” John grabs Matt’s hips. Slams his cock into Matt and Matt can feel the wetness inside him as the cum is shot all over his unprotected ass. Matt’s eyes fall back on the unopened condom as he smiles. Matt grunts, strokes his cock and cums on John’s bed, the unopened condom, and his hand. John and Matt cuddle for awhile after sex. John is concerned about the bareback sex. Matt reassures John that he got tested recently and that it was negative. After the cuddling and conversation, Matt and John fuck again. John cums deeply in Matt’s ass without asking as Matt is bent over John’s bed.
    2 points
  25. Hey guys. I decided to write another series. Currently, this series is meant to have 11 parts. One safe sex twink's journey to being a bareback bottom. He's 22 when we begin. It's 1999. He's grown up his whole life hearing nothing but safe sex lectures and only having sex with condoms, even with boyfriends. He has just finished college and started a job. He's 6' tall, 170 lbs, flat stomach (but he thinks he's too fat), runs and works out, blonde, curly floppy hair and blue eyes. He's hot and sexy (but he thinks he's average). Part 1 Matt is at his third bar of the night. This one is a club. Small, only gets started after 2am. Techno and EDM are blasting. Matt is in tight jeans and a shirt that hugs his pecs and shoulders. He's dancing. Drink in hand. Matt is drunk and having fun. Matt loves coming to this bar. He always hooks up here. Guys are drunk and horny. The music is sexy. Matt is usually on his back or doggy getting some guy's condom covered cock stuffed inside him by 5am. He loves coming here. Matt scans the room. His friends are dancing with him. Everyone is looking to hook up. He can feel that sexual energy. It makes Matt dance harder. A space opens on a box just in front of him. It's about 3 feet off the ground. Matt hops on and keeps dancing. Dancing above his friends now. The box is kinda crowded but not terribly. He can definitely move his hips. Looking around the room; Matt sees familiar faces. Guys who have fucked him. Guys he has made out with. Guys he has danced with previously. Guys he just knows from seeing their faces in the bars and clubs. There are a few guys Matt would love to go home with tonight. The red head with the rockin body; or the Latin guy with that sexy accent Matt spoke with in the line waiting to get in the club; or the dark haired, geek chic guy who is sexy as fuck. He's scanning the crowd. Enjoying what he sees. Matt let's loose to dance some more. A few minutes into dancing Matt feels a body next to his on the box. He looks at the guy. It's geek chic. Matt smiles. Geek chic smiles back. They dance together front to front. Geek chic turns Matt around. They grind together for a bit on the box. Matt feels the guy is hot for him. A cock is pressing on his ass. Matt grinds back on the cock. The guy gets harder. Geek's hands are all over Matt. Matt is feeling the guy behind him on his hips and legs. He feels more solid than he looks. Matt turns around and introduces himself. He doesn't catch the guy's name (too loud in the club). Matt says, "Let's get drinks." The two of them hop off the box and make it to one of the bars. The line is ridiculous, as always in the club, so it takes awhile to get drinks. The guys talk. Matt finds out the geek is a grad student, lives close by, and is versatile. The guy convinces Matt to undo his tight jeans so the guy can feel his ass. Matt does it. By the time Matt has ordered drinks, the geek has two fingers in Matt's ass. They kiss at the bar. The geek says, "finish your drink and lets fuck." Matt finishes his drink like a shot. So does the geek. They both say goodnight to their friends and it's off to the geek's place. Less than a 10 minute walk later, Matt is in the geek's apartment. Books everywhere, a decent view, and a mattress and box spring on the floor. The guys are so sweaty. It's August. The geek turns on the air conditioning, but it's a window unit. The geek takes off his shirt. Matt takes off his shirt. They kiss. Geek pushes Matt on the bed and clothes come off - shoes, socks, jeans, underwear. Matt thinks the geek is super sexy. The feeling is mutual. Matt is sucking the geek's cock. The geek is telling Matt he gives great head. The geek pulls Matt off his cock and rolls him onto his back. The geek gets Matt's legs up and is making out with Matt. Their cocks are sword fighting. The geek moves his cock between Matt's ass cheeks. Matt moans as the cock rubs his hole. Matt is going to get fucked soon. Matt looks over, condoms on the bookcase next to them, lube right there, he's comfortable. No worries here. The geek is a safe sex guy just like him. Matt kisses the geek hard. The geek and Matt reposition so the geek can make out with Matt and rub his cock all along Matt's ass crack and hole. Matt moans again. The geek'c cock is about 6.5" and thick. It's going to take a minute to adjust, or so Matt thinks. Matt knows he's tight. Guys tell him that all the time. Matt kisses the geek and the cock is rubbing his hole. They are so sweaty that the geek's sweat is dripping onto Matt. While they are kissing, it happens. The geek's cock slides right into Matt's ass half way. Matt and the geek are both surprised. Matt says, "Fuck that's never happened before." The geek slides in more. Matt grabs the geeks ass. The geek looks at Matt questioningly. Matt says, "keep fucking me." Geek fucks Matt good. Matt is moaning and grunting as his legs are on the geek's shoulders. Geek says, "My cock feels so good in you bareback." Matt says, "Keep fucking my ass." Geek fucks Matt so hard that Matt slides off the mattress onto the floor. Matt's ass is still up on the mattress, but his shoulders and neck are on the floor. He's looking up at the geek. The geek keeps fucking Matt. Matt is jerking his cock. The geek is sliding his cock all the way in and out of Matt's ass. Matt sees that cock has no condom on it every time the geek pulls it out. The geek keeps watching Matt as he is getting fucked. Matt is loving it. Matt is moaning like a slut now. Matt says, "No cock has ever felt this good in my ass." Geek says, "That's because I'm fucking your slut ass bareback." Matt says, "Feels so good." Geek fucks Matt a few minutes longer and cums deep in Matt's ass. Matt's eyes go wide. FUCK! A guy just came inside him bareback. The cums feels so warm. Matt's cock jerks in his hand and sprays cum all over his twink body and face. Matt and the geek get in bed together. They sleep together. Matt and the geek make out and Matt tries to fuck the geek bareback the next morning. The geek won't let him. Says he doesn't usually bareback. Matt says he doesn't either. Matt says the geek was his first bareback fuck. The geek doesn't believe Matt and Matt can see it on his face. The geek and Matt swap head. Matt swallows. The geek does not swallow. Matt goes home in the morning with the geek's cum still in his ass. Matt knows what he did with the geek was slutty and not safe. But Matt knows that he wants to get fucked bareback again. Matt tells himself he will just have to save bareback fucking for his next boyfriend. He swears he'll never fuck bareback again with a hookup.
    1 point
  26. I love hot humid Southern Ontario summer nights. Especially when my hubby is away like this particular one. I had tossed back three generous gin and tonics with my rare barbecued steak for dinner and it was getting dark. I decided to head out for a walk wearing only sandals and red flimsy gym shorts. They did little to conceal my semi erect cock and if I wasn't careful it could grow and peek out through the leg. This knottiness mixed well with the booze in my system and the sensual humid air. I walked the railtrail beside our bay hoping this might be one of those rare nights I came upon someone interested in an anonymous encounter. Other than the voices of some teens likely skinny dipping I didn't meet or hear anyone. That is until I got to the high end condo under construction next to the trail. A security company vehicle sat by the side of the fenced work site and a young guy in his uniform sat in the driver's seat, window rolled down. The closer I got I could make out he was a turbaned East Indian. Probably 20 years old, small stature and warm inviting smile. I approached his open window and we chatted about the weather, sports and some sporty cars that drove by. He was a sexy little bugger and I had to sheild my crotch with my hand. He noticed and grinned. I asked if he was alone at this site all night. "Yes " "It must get boaring?" I added. "Yeah, a bit. Don't tell anyone but sometimes my girlfriend drops by to help with that. " "Oh. Is she coming tonight?" "No, she's also at work." I was disappointed to hear she existed but decided to go for broke. "Does she suck your cock to help pass the time?" "No! Are you kidding? She's very religious. " "Have you ever had your cock sucked?" "No." "Do you want to change that tonight?" "I don't want to get in trouble. Besides who would do it? You?" "It would be my pleasure. We could slip inside out of sight. " "No I don't think so. " My erection was now poking out the leg of my shorts and I could see his trousers tenting. "Could we be quick? I don't want to loose my job." He opened the gate and we scrambled into the middle of the unfinished building. I slipped out of my shorts, crouched and opened his trousers. To my delight I was facing a ten inch long straight pole of an erection. I knew immediately which hole I needed this beautiful cock in. I proceeded to give him a very well practiced blowjob and from his moans I didn't need to ask if he was enjoying it. When I figured I'd edged him close to shooting I stopped and told him I wanted him to fuck me. "I don't have a condom, do you?" he asked. "Let's go to the roof I responded ignoring his question. I didn't bother gathering my shorts and had him equally as naked by the time the elevator cage reached the roof. I led him by the hand to the bay side of the building. I leaned against the railing and directed him to move in behind me. When he was in place I grabbed his magnificent cock and teased it against my hole. I pushed back and as his head penetrated I gasped. He asked; " Are you sure?" "Never more so was my enthusiastic response. Slowly but surely I pushed back 'til he was balls deep. This was all too much for his virgin cock and he blasted away deep into my guts. Immediately he apologized and I assured him there was nothing to apologize for. "But I came in your ass." "Exactly what I was hoping for, Thanks. ... You're not getting soft. Why don't you keep going?" He needed no encouragement and was pounding away at my sloppy hole. He fucked two more loads into me before we heard the elevator gate slam shut. We hadn't heard it move being so engrossed in our fucking. "My supervisor! Shit, my clothes are on that elevator. What are we going to do?" "I suggest you keep fucking." Came the deep voice of the handsome bear that was already slipping out of his clothes. The young Indian was to frightened and backed away. The supervisor now naked and sporting a beer can thick six inches dove into my ass with his bearded mouth. When he pulled off licking his lips he said. "Fuck, better than I thought. How many loads have you pumped into this trespasser?" "Three" "Well time for me to catch up!" And he plunged balls deep into me proceeding to rail me for the next hour and blast me full of three loads. "You ready to go again. " he asked the young Indian. The 10 inch cock was back up my ass and the supervisor was backing his ass hole onto my raw cock. We found the perfect train rythm and 20 minutes later when the guard emptied again into my flooded ass I shoot my load into supervisor. None of us got dressed until we got back to the ground floor where the supervisor's deminor became very officious. "Don't ever let me catch you trespassing here again or you'll get more than 'security deposits.' I wondered what he meant as I walked home not even trying to keep the cum from leaking onto the ass of my gym shorts.
    1 point
  27. I've been on Prep since UK starting a trial and been on it for nearly 2 years now. Been taking raw cock and loads since.
    1 point
  28. That’s when you tell him that you like blindfolds. They think it’s extra kinky - and you reap the benefits.
    1 point
  29. What size is your cock mate?
    1 point
  30. I love rimming as much as I love fucking. For me it not only prepares the bottom by loosening up and lubricating their hole with my saliva but its also a huge turn on fore me that gets me extra hard. I also prefer a hairy hole. So masculine and a mans ass hair feels so good on my raw dick
    1 point
  31. The question really is how easy it is to find sex using an online tool and which one would that be. In reality, tools will help you locate potential sexual partners but if you’re not an interesting person (either physically or personality-wise) no app in the world would help you. Exception made if you have a big dick and are a top. Then you can be ugly as sin and dumb as a doorknob and bottoms will line up.
    1 point
  32. Sounds almost identical to what I had earlier.... Chatting to a guy on Grindr, he asks if he can come visit me in work for a pump and dump (one of my personal fave things.) He walks in, I'm already on all 4's with a lubed hole ready. First thing he does is ask for WiFi code as he needs porn to "get him hard after the drive over." (Which I don't give, phones have 4/5g for a reason.) 5 mins later, he's still soft and playing on his phone, I've sucked, licked, teased, talked filth, begged ... Nothing. Said he might as well have not bothered, only to have him say "well, coke dick just takes more work....." Sent him on his way, and received a message saying I'm a time waster... Lol The 63 year old who has literally just left after using me would disagree I hope. My ass has been used and left wide open. First roughly fingered while I begged for cock, then fucked and filled with 2 of his loads, and now I'm plugged so I don't lose a drop....... So not such a bad night!
    1 point
  33. Planning to deep fist a French pig tomorrow (Friday). He's asked to meet at the bathhouse. I was planning to go there anyway. What sort of other trouble should I get up to while I'm there? Open for suggestions because I'm celebrating a birthday!
    1 point
  34. First aversion, as so well stated by Barebacksletje above: condoms in porn billed as raw. Second, and more disappointing than an aversion: Tops who only use half their Cock as they rut. For Whatever's sake - use your entire Cock - that's what it's there for. Learn your craft, porn starlets.
    1 point
  35. Pulling out doesn't happens now in real life. It was something common and sometimes expected before Meds and PrEP. But in the last 10 years I've never had a guy pull out. I prefer to see the breeding and then the cum leaking out, like in real life.
    1 point
  36. Good luck I’ve been castrated and don’t regret it at all
    1 point
  37. The following line are based in my personal experiences and will be posted a few chapters with my adventures to this day, including few issues that could considered fiction. My first language is spanish (I am from Latin America and still living ther), so if you see any mistake with my english, I am so sorry for that. If you want to contact me: twitter @bbckbear / email bugchaserve@gmail.com. --------------------------------------------------- PART I: The creation of a cumslut (2006 - 2017) I always knew I was gay even though I didn't tell anyone. My first sexual experience was with a cousin when I was a teenager. On a vacation in his town, we spent several weeks masturbating together, until one day he couldn't stand it and he made me suck his cock and swallow his load. I spent a week swallowing semen three or four times a day, but the holidays came to an end and my supply of nutritious milk was over. I suppose you are wondering what I am like and it turns out that my appearance has changed a lot over the years but there is something key: I am a bear. Hairy chest and belly, hairy ass, beard and head shaved, that's my current appearance in general, with certain Arab features at face level. For 10 years I had sexual experiences that opened up a range of possibilities which made me feel satisfied with each encounter and today I'm telling you how I climbed the ladder and reached one of the most extreme and exciting experiences of my fucking life, and go as far as whore and promiscuous that was getting. Between the ages of 18 and 27, I became what is commonly known as a promiscuous gay: I didn't have a partner, I had a profile in everything where I could contact other men who only wanted to satisfy their sexual appetite and who, like me, were excited by the fact of changing sexual partners daily and having an encounter with a stranger increased the excitement. At that time my adventures began. I was with men who fell in love with my ass and wanted to fuck me every time. Of course, I have to admit I'm a big ass and whoever likes it, it's a point in my favor and every top wants a good ass that they can fuck, be it big and hard. I was happy that they wanted me and gave it, but one of the things that excited me the most was that there were several who took me, not keeping just one, but eating everything I had available. At first the encounters were mostly quick and all, absolutely all, were with a condom. I was terrified of fucking bareback and getting breeded. However, when I was 21, studying with a friend from university, we were very close to each other and at one point his hand touched my leg and suddenly his mouth ate mine, and later, my mouth had his cock and then his dick was inside my ass... Anyway, you know what happened but that's not the main topic of this story, although I have to tell it to get where I want, this guy took me, ate my hairy bear's ass and put his 20 cm thick black cock raw, bareback. That day for the first time I felt how wonderful it feels for him to be fucked raw and get a big load inside me. The above was a before and after in my life. Honestly, I immediately regretted it and I was very scared. I started contacting gay friends to talk with them and their experiences about bareback sex and there was one in particular who sought to reassure me and told me that everything was fine, that it's over and if I enjoyed it, fine. I was thinking about it for a while and it got me extremely excited, although it scared me too. I went about two months without sex and then I had a threesome with a couple. There I validated that my life had changed. They started by fucking me with a condom but it irritated my ass and affected their erections, so it ended up being a bareback threesome with their load inside me included. I remember coming home with a lot of milk inside my ass that I had been enduring while I was in the taxi and I was able to resist the temptation to empty it until the next day when I woke up with an erection and my ass still wet from so much milk. In short, from that moment on I became a bottom bear who began to fuck raw a lot. When the guys asked me where I wanted them to pour their loads, I told them inside my little ass, without a condom, and that's how it happened many times since then. Obviously there was a certain fear and when I saw that a guy was too slutty or promiscuous, I avoided him. Every year the whore in me was increasing and I was abandoning the safety filters I applied before to select the guys who were candidates to breed me. The less I knew who I was going to get pregnant with, the more excited I was. When I was 27 years old I met a black guy with tattoos and was immediately captivated. Just looking at him I could tell a that he had had sex with half the country without a condom. I saw him and porn movies began to circulate around my head. A tall guy, black, tattooed, athletic, with a 22cm cock, thick and milky, he wanted to fuck me and immediately he told me without a condom and that he was going to cum inside my ass. My headaches and my moral indecisions began because something told me that I shouldn't give my ass to this black hunk. This guy pissed me off so much. I knew he had to be a tremendous whore and I was looking to satisfy my desire for sex with others to avoid falling for him, even though I wanted to. Guys came and went to give me a cock and fill my little ass with milk, but still nothing to give it to him and he wanted it, he knew that I wanted it and that it was an ideal slutty bear for his impregnating cock. One day I was needed for cock and I told a neighbor to fuck me raw. He came and we started on our own. He is promiscuous like me and he knows what I want: to unload inside me. I sucked him off and then he started fucking me. I was very excited that day, but for some reason he was overexcited and he ended up cumming inside my ass sooner than I expected and I got furious. I wanted more cock with my ass dilated and full of milk, I needed someone else to fuck me. I was looking for grindr, twitter, manhunt, instagram, facebook, tinder, all the networks that exist and I couldn't find someone to come for my ass. There was only one person interested in fucking me and impregnating me: the morbid black hunk. I waited about two or three hours and found nothing, and since I had no answer, I told the black man to come for my ass and he did, in half an hour he was already entering my house, he put me on my knees so that I would suck his cock to the bottom and then he took me out of the house and fucked me right on the porch (front). They could see us but I didn't care, I was having a good time, he was using the load of other guy as lube and I was getting raw cock like a good whore. When he was going to finish he told me, that he was going to impregnate me and that I would never forget him and the explosion inside my ass began. Many jets of milk flooded me and I was able to sleep happily pregnant. ----------------- Did you enjoy the beginning of my story? Leave your comments and remember to follow on twitter: @bbckbear. Thanks to Sam from UK with the translation mistakes.
    1 point
  38. Some tattoos might not necessarily belie a pure heart; a dove, a cross, an angel, a Star of David, if not ostentatious, might actually enhance the fantasy for some by reinforcing the idea of purity with visual symbolism. It could admittedly get confusing though, if you had a guy tatted on his left ass cheek with “Fuck Me” and his right with “In Jesus’ Name”.
    1 point
  39. UK Based here... went for a check-up at my local clinic this week (first in three years so should be interesting results) and asked about Smallpox vaccine. Initially they said that they were making a list of guys and putting it in risk/priority order, but as I was about to leave they said that their delivery of vaccine had arrived and they'd be happy to give me a dose, but it was still frozen - so they made an appointment for Friday (yesterday) to give it. They key thing was mentioning 'saunas' and 'parties in Berlin, similar to Darklands'. That seemed to get me the #2 slot in their list. I am only wondering who was #1 and what they said! They explained the vaccine they are giving is a much more modern vaccine than that given in the 60's and 70's and it doesn't leave a scar - the older vaccine left a 5p coin sized scar apparently. They did warn there may be some reaction around the injection site. They were also quite careful to talk through any possible allergies. They said egg is used in the production process. The info also said that 'flu like symptoms' are possible in the days or so afterwards. The shot was given in the flesh and was like the B12 shots I have each quarter, and no weird aches afterwards like you get with the covid shots. They wanted me to hang around for 20 minutes 'just in case there is a reaction' but I needed to get to the gym for a PT session, so I left early. They reckon it takes "a week or two" to build immunity after having the shot. So far no, symptoms at all except wanting to get out there again! A buddy of mine I go out cruising with is older and has had the smallpox vaccine in the 70's. I asked if he would need a booster, and they said that if he fits the risk profile, he'd get a shot whether or not he'd had the smallpox vaccine years ago, so don't discount the idea if you had a shot in the 60s/70s. This was my experience at a smallish provincial clinic in the UK - your experience may vary depending on your local NHS Trust's policies etc.
    1 point
  40. I'm in total agreement with you. Folks here squawk about the tendency of tricks to have smartphone in hand or to be looking at the damn thing all the time. I recognize artistic license and all that, but why do we, the viewing public, tolerate such annoying and distracting antics by the actors when we scream bloody hell when a trick does it. Because an actor brandishing his phone is so damn distracting, when seeing this in a video, I wonder what could be the purpose of the supplemental photography. I suppose it provides a "point of view" perspective, but POV doesn't seem to be big in a commercial sense. Pornhub's list of categories on the gay home page shows about 3000 videos categorized as POV compared to, for example, 5000 in the straight guys category. Perhaps the guy holding the phone wants his own special memories of the encounter, or if the rights agreement allows, he wants to share it with a few dozen close friends. Of course, the guy could be on the phone arranging his next Grindr or A4A encounter. He might even be looking for reinforcements as his companion of the moment is wearing him out. I wouldn't even be surprised if the guy holding the phone was looking at an online manual of sexual positions, activities, etc. The possibilities aren't endless, but there are more than a couple of possible reasons. Whatever the reason for someone in the video to make acrobatic lunges for his phone, it certainly kills the atmosphere for the viewer. If the guy in the video doesn't seem interested in the action, it'll be difficult to keep the viewer's attention.
    1 point
  41. They were trying to double-penetrate me and Mark. They soon weren’t trying…they were succeeding. Pozzed Cheerleader 9 I had two cocks knocking at my hole. Dan held the small brown bottle to my nose. I inhaled deep. I could see Ali doing the same for Mark. My cunt gave way first as Darrell slid in right next to Dan. They took my breath away. I huffed the bottle of poppers and exhaled that they fuck me and breed me. “Fuck me, you poz motherfuckers,” I screamed almost too loudly for the room. Darrel and Dan pounded my hole. I thought they were going to rip me in half. Ali had slid into Mark alongside George, he was huffing the poppers so much he passed out for a moment. He was the lucky one. He nodded off through the brutal entry of Ali’s massive prong, but he lived every moment of the hard double fucking the two poz ex-football stars gave his ass. The four men showed us no mercy as they pounded our asses. All in all, we were there till morning with each of us taking multiple loads from all the football alumni. Jalen and Mark were both used and maybe ever abused above and beyond. Their bodies were covered in bruises and hickies as was mine and Jamies. I looked at my watch and it was 3am. We all had been here for over 6 hours and it looked like we were all pretty fucked out. George was big spooning Jalen. Mark was in the slot between Dan and Darrell. Jamie was tucked in Javon and Mike and Ali was still in the mood and it did not matter if I was or not. I laid on my side with Ali behind me. He had my leg held up and was slowly driving his thick poz cock into my used hole. He had a slow, steady pace about him. He just patiently drilled his cock into my slut hole. He jerked my cock to the edge erupting and backed me off each time. I was soon begging him to breed me and let me cum. But they had other plans. Javon rose from his place and slid over to me and Ali, and fed me his cock. I could still taste cum and ass on it. I did not mind. Ali kept his anal onslaught up on my hole. I was aching to cum. I could almost erupt, but he would control my orgasm each and every time. I was being taken at each end. I was in piggy heaven. I moaned for their loads, but they prolonged their assault on my holes. Javon and Ali adjusted me on the bed to where I straddled Javon and Ali stayed behind me. Javon poppered me to the point my whole body felt like jelly. I felt Ali push his thick cock alongside Javon’s massive prick that was lodged deep in me. ALi was the cock in control. He slowly began to refuck my hole, grinding his cock in and out of me and on Javon’s cock, then Javon started to rock his cock in opposite unison of Ali. My cock was rock hard and had to be poking a hole in Javon. I had tears in my eyes as I fought through the pain and pleasure. My cock finally erupted covering Javon’s belly and chest. My ass spasmed sending waves of pleasure into both these hunks of meat that were splitting me in two. They did not just pull out of me. They stayed there splitting me in half until I felt Javon slowly slip from my abused cunt. Ali then finally dismounted me. “I think we knocked this cocksucker up!Ali joked as he scooped a handful of pink tinged jizz from my ass and pushed it into my slut mouth. We soon all drifted off to sleep. I was not sure how long we were out, but I was slowly awoken by a hot mouth on my ass. I looked to see the entire room engulfed in an early morning fuckfest with George plowing Mark who was fingering and felching the cum out of my hole. My cock was rock hard. George ordered Mark to scoot up and slide his cock into me. He wanted to fuck me via Mark. The whole room was involved in some sort of of fucking or sucking or being fucked or being sucked. One by one our hosts for the night would finish up and tidy up, shower and leave. I assumed we had the room til noon or so. George was the last to leave, giving us each a stack of cash. He gave Jaime some final instructions. I soon learned they were all given an extra hundred to breed and fuck me before they left. Jalen and Mark took turns on me as I laid sprawled out across the ottoman. I cleaned both of their cocks before they showered. Jaime took me in the shower stall fucking me hard and giving me a piss enema before pissing on my face and then mkaing me wait in the bathtub while his piss dried on me and he took a long shower. I walked him in the warm noon sun just sore and achy with a wicked headache. I felt like I was coming down with something. More to Cum Hope you Came
    1 point
  42. asher felt a tinge of shame as he drove to the spa. the next day had felt difficult to process, but at no point did the cocktail of drugs permit him to forget his experience with Daniel. the dull ache in his hole was giving way to an almost primal urge to take another cock inside him again. it was alluring enough that just the thought seemed to make the boys member throb and leak with anticipation. "youre a little late" Daniel remarked as he stirred a fresh batch of tea. "the first customers due in about fifteen minutes. here..." Daniel pushed two pills into ash's hand and waited patiently before sighing, "just some vitamins for your performance today. the little blue one makes sure we dont have any technical difficulties, and the little yellow one is like a nice warm hug." Ash reluctantly gulped them down. "what...is that anyway..." he gestured to the pot of tea. "I call it a smile in a cup. we cant have any nervous performers after all. pretty tasty isnt it?" Ash nodded sheepishly and remembered the small cup he absently consumed was more than enough to turn him into an obedient, welcoming hole to breed. As the door swung open, the first customer of the day stepped through and ash nearly doubled over. it was his sisters boyfriend. "i cant" ash blurted almost instinctively to daniel who entirely ignored the protest as he offered a warm greeting and a fresh cup of tea to the sandy blonde before turning knowingly to his new assistant. "Ash here will help you to the first room on the left." As ash left the boy to get changed they exchanged smalltalk and remarked that his girlfriend recommended the place, noting the happy clientele and reasonable prices as a warmth began to envelope the two. By now Ashers cock was straining against his slacks. normally everything would tell him to warn the boy to leave, but Daniels vitamins seemed to turn most of his protests into smiles or a giggle instead. by the time Daniel had returned with various apothecary, the waifish blonde was properly laying in the massage table. "So Jordan, any particular tension Asher should focus on today?" the quesion was met with a sigh and a groan from the boy as Daniel motioned to his breeding stud to begin. Ash tried to ignore the reason he was here, and thought for a good 15 minutes perhaps Daniel would change his mind. "feeling alright over there Jordan?" Daniels cool calm voice penetrated the room and was met with a heavy sigh. "its showtime now ash." Daniel slid the towel off the boys hips to expose his pale cheeks. "clothes off now..." Ash felt guilty as he slid his underwear off, fully exposed to Daniels expert camerawork, but sighed in relief as his hard cock finally bobbed freely. "lovely ash, just lovely. pull your foreskin back and show the head now." Ash sighed as he stroked downward, exposing the precum drenched head of his teenage cock. "delicious. I bet you cant wait to get inside him can you?" Daniel positioned the boys legs wider apart, pulling his cheeks apart and exposing his furry litte pink hole. "I knew it." Daniel registered ashs blushing, "pink lips, pink nips, and a little pink hole. isnt that right Jordan?" ash once again heard the boys incoherent mutter as he observed daniel unscrewing a jar of tina laced lube. "now the key is to be nice and gentle when we massage here. lots of this..." Daniel scooped up a few fingers of lube and pressed them into the boys ass. "and nice circular motions, massage him until its all inside..." Daniel pulled ashes fingers to the boy and continued filming. Asher was surprised at how warm Jordans asshole was. he had never touched another mans hole before but this one was soft and delicate under his fingers. "very good ash, a little more, round and round just like that" Daniel gently instructed, and as Ash smeared another liberal wad of glistening white goo into the boy he gave a groan as the tina in the grease slowly melted inside him. "I think we're about ready. See how shiny he is now?" Ash was speechless as he gently fondled the moist pouty ring. "slide your finger into him." Ash needed no prompting as his first digit was met with no resistance but a tight warm hug from the boys anus as it momentarily protested. "there you go, in and out ash, just like that. let his body know its time to open and submit." As Jordans hole eased and relaxed around his finger, Ash couldnt help but add another to probe the boys intimate insides. "thats the way..." Daniel loved seeing a man slowly and inevitably submit to their first forbidden touch, gently surrendering their grease filled hole. He zoomed in on Ashers face as he repeatedly fingered and prodded his new toy, capturing the building lust in the boy as he explored. "Jordans doing such a great job, i think its time to move on to the deep tissue massage now. Up on the table, boy" Daniel motioned to his apprentice and after some considerable effort, he arived straddled atop the virgin offering. "you know how to do it, dont you Asher?" Daniel asked softly as he panned in on the boys cock. Hearing no response, he held the lube to the young man. "grease it up, from the tip of the head down the shaft..." Ash looked at the camera momentarily before gingerly reaching into the lube. "more...we need to get you nice and slippery for what comes next..." Ash obediently wiped his cock down again, staring into the boys hole as he hesitated. "a little bit of stage fright?" Daniel observed quizzically. "hes my sisters boyfriend" Asher hissed under his breath. "i see! what a delightful little surprise. I have just the thing to help you with those butterflies though..." Quickly slipping the cap off the poppers on the tray he held the acrid brown bottle to the boys nose. "a nice deep breath of fresh herbs and spices. All natural remedy for these sorts of things..." Ash felt at ease by the explanation and without a second thought, snorted deeply. "There ya go, hold it in now..." As the room started to slowly wobble he felt Daniel take his cock into his hand. "thats it, slow exhale. really clears your head doesnt it?" Ash couldnt argue the effect as it certainly did seem to calm him down, and obediently continued sniffing. Daniel kept pumping the boy as the only head he wanted making any decisions slipped in and out of his palm over and over. "relaxed?" Asher just nodded, flush and doe eyed. "now lets keep going. first we're going to squeeze a little drop of honey on that pretty little hole, right in the middle...pay attention now..." Daniel milked a gooey drop of precum from Ashers tool and he watched just as Daniel had said, it land perfectly from the head of his cock onto Jordans exposed virgin hole. "its so much better that way, now you know just where to..." Daniel gently nestled the plump head and placing a hand on Ashers back leaned in. "push..." Daniel watched patiently through the lens as Asher pressed his fuckmeat into jordan. Just as expected, he witnessed the teens cockhead gently penetrate and panned across to witness the expression of sheer bliss on Ash's face. Deeper and deeper he sank until just half his cock remained. "oh god..." Asher groaned. "hes too tight...hes going to make me shoot..." Daniel stepped forward, familiar with the all too often eagerness of a virgins hole and the certain milking death grip that can shoot through them without warning. "no hes not. just relax, breathe..." Daniel hadnt worked this hard to watch his star give up and breed so early. Oiling his hands, he began powerfully gripping and massaging Jordans lower back. "Just relax now Jordan, we only have a little more to go and its all over. dont fight it..." Daniels ministrations and hypnotic enunciation slowly persuaded the boys body to acquiesce and asher sighed as he felt the enveloping warmth of his sisters boyfriend consume the rest of his hot wet cock with a long low groan. "Theres a good boy Jordan. see? all over. Ash is inside now." Daniel framed the shot as the two boys held still, Jordan fully mated to Asher as their chests slowly rose and fell. "Everything okay Ash? Give him a few nice gentle thrusts and tell me how he feels." Ash panted audibly as he gazed down to witness Jordans ass clinging to his fat prick as he pulled back gently. "so good. hes so soft inside..." Ash groaned to the camera as he worked a few inches gently in and out. "that a boy, make it feel nice for him now. take your time." Daniel guided the camera between the two as Jordan softly moaned with each thrust into his once virgin ass. The minutes ticked by, and slowly but surely Ash had begun working his entire length in and out of the boy, his hole gently gaping, as if begging all the world for cock now. "these are getting mighty tight Ash...hows it feel?" Daniel reached to cup the boys nuts as he thrust. "oh god its so good. hes squeezing me too." Daniel nodded. "some boys do that Ash. Just keep milking him Jordan, he'll give you all the cum you want." Daniel resumed filming the increasingly urgent teen as his hips pistoned faster. "oh god...oh my god..." The last words to escape Ashers pouty lips before he slowed. "do it Ash, give him your load, nice and deep..." gripping Jordans hips he drove forward, planting himself firmly and deeply into the groaning boys sloppy hole as he threw his head back in a silent, panting cry. While the emotional aspect had been a treat, Daniel focused on the biology at hand, zooming to capture Ash's anatomy in the throws of mating as his balls rhythmically contracted against the helpless boys hole, filling him with hot raw cum. "beautiful Ash, just beautiful. Take your time now, thats a very big cock. let him feel it just a little while longer...make sure he knows..." Asher, catching his breath, couldnt imagine pulling his cock out. he wanted to fuck this boy forever, seed him again and again. "I just came inside you" he panted breathlessly into Jordans ear as he whimpered softly.
    1 point
  43. Just keep an open mind. I surprised myself how turned on I was by watching butch nasty FTM pussy getting fucked. And I love a girl who squirts!
    1 point
  44. I fell asleep for a bit. I was dreaming that my cock was being sucked and I found Larry sucking my super hard cock. Good morning , Larry mumbled as he was sucking. It was 2 am. He started climbing on top of me sitting on my hard on saying his ass was in need. The lights were on and he said he was amazed how smooth I was as he pumped my cock as I was thrusting to match his rhythmic ass squeezing of my cock. I shave all my body hair except for my pubes, been doing it for years. Makes me feel sexy. You look so sexy smooth, No better complement could have been given to me. I really started pounding, pulling on his nips and he pounded in kind. Larry yelled he was cumming just as I shot my load. Larry collapsed on me and we fell back to sleep. I awoke a bit later and started sucking his cock clean, I really enjoyed cleaning that beautiful cock and the taste was wonderful. Larry awoke and his cock instantly got hard. How big is that beauty? Almost 10 inches and 7 and a half around. I can’t believe well you took it and you came as well. You were born to do man to man sex. Fuck me again. I was begging. With pleasure. We changed positions, and Larry started rimming. Wow your ass is still open and relaxed, as his tongue went deep inside me. God that feels great I whispered. Fuck me now. Larry handed me the poppers and was soon flying and soooo horny. Larry said I was so relaxed and was so in need he entered me. Amazingly I wasn’t sore at all and he slowly slid inside me. You are a born bottom the way you take me. Fuck me hard fuck me til I cum I yelled. Unlike our first fuck Larry ponded me from the beginning. It was a totally differently feeling. I couldn’t believe it could be better. But it was, more animalistic both of us pounding. Then the feeling began, the need to explode, pee cum and even the need to shit. Something new. This time I let everything go, without holding back. Then the orgasm. I shot 5 or 6 spirts of cum then the whole body spasms lasting what seemed like forever. During my spasms Larry yelled and shot his load, I don’t remember how many volleys but a lot because I could feel his cum filling me even during my spasms of pleasure. Larry didn’t fall on me but kept looking at me. What? I whispered. He just said that was the most unbelievable fuck He had ever had. Me too I replied. You don’t understand he said, THE BEST!! You are one in a million. He then fell on me kissing me passionately. You are converting!! I was a bit confused but felt so wonderful I didn’t care. We woke up before the alarm. Larry sucked me off and I gladly reciprocated. God his cum and cock tasted so good. We got up and started telling me about mundane sex preparation like enemas. He examined me and admired my smooth fit body. Except for my forearms which are trimmed and my trimmed pubes there is no hair no pit chest or leg hair. You have such a sexy body. Smooth is perfect for you. I blushed. We got dressed after showering together and registered. I took my IPad with me. I had research to do. Thankfully at major meetings there were only morning session with elective stuff in the afternoon. As usual the meetings went slowly. I spent my time researching about gay sex, sexuality and the terminology such as rimming felching snowballing double penetrating which spiked my interest, and spit roasting which sounded hot. Top bottom, versatile. Very informative. I was leaking precum like crazy. Thankfully I wore dark pants. Other terms caught my eye, gifting and chasing. I knew all about HIV. I talked about it with my patients. I had a relatively large gay population and had many HIV positive patients. Some of them admitted to me that friends came up to them and asked to be infected. That appalled me but I learned not to judge. Reading about it strangely was a bit erotic to me. I read patients stories how they avoided HIV but when they got infected they were RELIEVED and the were much happier. At first it was foreign me, but the more I read the more I understood. Larry leaned over and asked what I was reading. I told him I was researching about Gays and the lifestyle He looked at my wet spot and smiled. I read about gloryholes and adult book/ video stores and gay baths. I read about cut uncut safe , bareback pre and post exposure prophylaxis. I was so turned on by all of it. It was 1130. I told Larry I wanted to go to the room. I was super horny and needed cock. And I had lots of questions. He wanted to leave as well. When we got to the room I was all over him. Nearly tore his clothes off and started kissing and licking and sucking every part of his body. I was the aggressor, I made him lay on his back sucked his cock and just using spit and precum and no poppers I sat on his cock. His cock felt different in this position. (I’m glad we cleaned out this am). Surprisingly his cock still slid in with some in and out pumping, easily and pleasurably. I pumped and pounded him like there was no tomorrow. Then that feeling came. I shot ny cum and hit his face as I went into my pleasure spasms. He shot his load while moaning loudly. Once we recovered and I cleaned his cock Larry asked. What was that about? We need to talk. I said. Sitting naked together I told him about the research I did. Yes? He asked. Can you find us a third? What? Really? Yes. I want to be spit roasted and I want to be double penetrated. I was serious and Larry knew it. Let me try Grindr. What’s that? A hook up app. About 15 minutes Larry said he contacted someone in the hotel at a business meeting leaving tonight who is agreeable and would love to join us and can be here by 3. Set it up. Once the arrangements were made Larry and I talked. I told him my research made me realize I was gay and I decided to make up for the last 25 years. Everything I read about turned me on and I want to experience it ALL. Larry nodded and said he understood, completely. We laid on the bed and cuddled. Thank you for opening my eyes. I opened your mind and body he replied. A half hour before the meet we cleaned out got plenty of lube and poppers. If he’s truthful he is at least as big as me, Larry said. You could be having a great time. Hope so. A knock at the door right on time. He was 6 feet fit and a hunk. I’m Nick. After a few pleasantries we disrobed. He wasn’t lying. He was huge. Larry explained my situation and Nick smiled. I went up to him, a brief kiss and started sucking his cock. As I sucked him Larry got behind me and slid his cock in me. We all got into a great rhythm. I was in heaven. Nick was fucking my face and I took him to his pubes. Larry pounded me. After 10 minutes the switched. I was loving it. After about 20 min we stopped. Why we stopping? I asked. The main event is double penetrating. Larry said. We have to lube and popper you up to take both of us. Larry injected lube in my ass as I was sucking Nick. He had a 10 inch slightly less thick cock than Larry. It felt and tasted great but different from Larry. Do all cocks taste differently. I NEED to find out. Nick, get on you back at the end of the bed. Peter suck him and get him hard then sit on his cock facing him. I complied. Nicks cock went down my throat like it was made for me. I got up and slowly sat down on his cock. It felt great, different but great I need to feel more cocks up my ass. Larry came behind me. Bend over on top of Nick he said. I did and kissed him. Wow a nice passionate kiss. I felt Larry’s cock. Snort these poppers. More than before. You will need it. Soon I was flying and begging Larry to enter me fuck me. No matter how much it hurts. The push came. More and more pressure his PA and head popped in. The feeing was indescribable. Pain but intense pleasure. Larry stayed still for a bit so I could adjust. Then he slowly pushed in. I kept hitting the poppers until he was all the way in. I felt intense erotic pressure some pain but a new pleasurable feeling. After a few minutes rhythmic fucking began. Faster and faster. I was having a pleasure cluster of feelings. That now familiar feeling started. I’m cumming I screamed and I shot my cum over nicks abdomen. Nick and Larry shouted as the shot their cum in me. Then we all collapsing each other. After 10 minutes the cocks slid out. We were all grinning from ear to ear. I gently cleaned Nick’s cock and my cum, then Larry’s I thanked them. Kissed Nick and fed him my cum which he swallowed. He dressed and left. Larry then said. We need to talk. Yes we do I replied. I have much to tell you. Larry replied I think you are amazing. I want to help you experience everything . We kissed passionately.
    1 point
  45. John and Matt wake up in the morning. John is really hungover. Matt is a bit hungover. John is also incredibly embarrassed about having sex in front of a room of people. Matt is embarrassed because John is embarrassed. Matt wants to go to the parade, but John wants to go home and sleep off the hangover. The boys kiss and part ways agreeing to meet for dinner. Matt slips on some running shorts and a tank top and sneakers to go to the parade. By the time he arrives, the parade is going. He sees the group from the party house and hangs out with them. They have a cooler of bloody marys and Matt drinks. His hangover is going away as the parade goes by. Matt regularly feels hands on his ass as he hangs out with this group. At first, he pushes them away but as he relaxes and drinks his bloody marys; he lets the hands roam. Matt is getting turned on by all the attention. Matt leans over the barricade a bit to see the next floats go by and a band. As they do, Matt feels a very large cock pressed on his ass crack. He lets it stay there. It is very hard. The owner of the cock rubs it on Matt’s ass crack, Matt spreads his legs to leg the cock have more room. Matt feels a finger slide up inside his running shorts and finds his hole. The finger slips into his ass and the guy says, “Is his cum still inside you from last night?” Matt knows it’s the host from the party – an older guy with a beer belly and greying hair, but he doesn’t care. Matt answers, “Maybe.” A few minutes later, Matt’s naked behind a dumpster getting fucked bareback by the party host’s big cock. The host says, “All those months I wanted your ass and you teased me, but here you are naked behind a dumpster taking my raw cock. You like my big dick in you?” Matt moans, “Yes.” The party host’s belly is on Matt’s back as his raw cock is buried in his ass. Matt is moaning loudly as the party host is sawing his large cock in and out of Matt. The party host says, “Not going to last long in you. Do you want me to shoot inside you?” Matt pushes his ass back and says, “Do it. Shoot in my ass.” The party host cums in Matt’s hole. Matt feels the cock pull out of him, rests his body on the brick wall in front of him, and looks back to see the host’s cock. He sees the large cock slipping from his ass coated in cum. Matt says, “My ass feels so open from your cock.” Matt and the host chuckle. Matt pulls up his running shorts and finds his tank top. As they head back to the street, the parade is ending and the host’s roommate and his friends are hauling the cooler back to the apartment. Matt helps them home and says his goodbyes. He is tipsy from the bloody marys, but wants to get home. John and Matt meet up that night, eat, fuck, sleep. The boys talk about their public sex and decide they will ask the host to delete the photos. The following week, John’s job announces they decided to accept his transfer to Austin. John’s company had a training program attached to University of Texas, Austin for which John had applied. It’s a fairly rigorous work/Masters program. Matt is sad. John is excited, but sad to leave Matt. The talk about making it work long distance. Matt is apprehensive, but he knows John is going to leave for Austin. If Matt wants John, this is what he has to accept. John would normally need to be in Austin later in the summer, but he decides to go early to get settled in. As Spring rolls into Summer, John is settled in Austin. Matt comes for a visit. The boys fuck all weekend. John cums in Matt every time. Matt loves feeling John’s cock pulse as it shoots cum inside him. Its become one of his favorite sensations. Matt and John are sad when it comes time to part. Matt says he can come back in a few weeks. John and Matt chat online almost every day and talk a couple times a week. One day, Matt comes home to a couple missed calls from John and a message. Matt calls him back and John picks up. John’s voice is off. He says, “Matt. I tested positive for gonorrhea. You need to get tested.” Matt is dumbstruck. He says he had just been tested prior to meeting John, but he will get tested again. John says, “I think it was one of the guys I’ve messed around with since I got to Austin, but I wanted to let you know.” The words hit Matt like he was punched in the stomach. Matt groans. John asks if Matt is ok. Matt is quiet, but finds his words. “John, you have been sleeping with other people? I thought we weren’t doing that. We only fuck bareback. You are always shooting inside me. I’ve trusted you.” John is offended. He says, “Matt you rode me bareback the first time we met. You never asked for exclusivity. You love getting fucked raw. Guys who fuck raw get STDs. I know I’m not the only guy who has fucked you bareback. You told me so. Don’t get all hurt because I’ve fucked other guys.” Matt gets angry. The boys fight. John hangs up on Matt. Matt goes and gets tested. Matt is less anxiety ridden at the clinic this time. He tells the counselor why he is there. He gets the safe sex lecture. The results come back – negative for everything. Fuck John. Matt calls him, leaves a message and says he is negative. John does not call back.
    1 point
  46. Part 3 (Finally pozzed) Adam returned to the gym few days later, Cronus wasn’t there, but few strangers were. Adam saw his bottle waiting for him just next to where Antoni is sitting. As expect, the bottle was filled with a light-yellow liquid. Adam: thanks Antoni. Antoni: you’re welcum. Adam took a sip of Antoni piss, a bit salty as expected. He did train as usual, couldn’t do anything sex related since other men were there. Most of them were middle-aged men and quite muscular too, but not as much as him or Cronus. Also, the spot where he was bred by Cronus was cleaned, but not on the mirror where his precum droplets fly over. On his way out, he drank what was left of his bottle in front of Antoni and asked him: Adam: Thanks for the electrolytes, how long would it take to fill it with your protein mix? Antoni looks at the bottle. Antoni: I would say a week or two, it is after all a big bottle. However, I expect to have a bottle your personal protein mix in exchange. Adam: I will prepare that shake will pleasure. Then he left. Over the next six months, he focused his all his attention on the development of the treatment for HIV he planned. The results were very encouraging. Usually, doing research is a long and arduous process (no pun intended), results most of time are scarce or doubtful. However, for this project, it was the opposite. The team’s dynamic was likely the cause. Within the 2 first months, the markers were conceived and even tested. The synthetic immune system was a bigger problem, but the schedule was respected. The last step was human testing. As the testing progress and correction were implemented, Adam felt confident enough to secretly inject himself with the first marker. After few days, he checked if the marker was effectively in him and it was, no side effect. It is time to become Cronus son. Adam texted him. Adam: *Hello future Dad, how are you? * Cronus: *Hi, doing great, I’m still eager to get my DNA permanently deep in you. * Adam: *Good, I was texting you exactly for that, how fertile are you? * Cronus*My viral load is 1.1 millon, I’ve never been that high. I must impregnate you soon. As I was waiting for you, I’ve already seeded two new sons. * Adam: *mmm, I want you, I want your babies. I want to be your new toxic son * They schedule something at Cronus place. He told him to get a deep enema and too fast before, because once his cock will be inside, nothing gets out for the weekend. Adam wasn’t sure what he meant, but he followed his instructions. After the enema, he wiped his ass to be bare as possible, to remove all the lube used for the enema. Cronus lives in an apartment complex, he told Adam to come to his place naked. There was an underground parking, so he drove to his place. He got naked and place his clothes in the car and hide the key. However, a man definitely saw him passing by, he said nothing, but Adam felt that he was looking at him. Few minutes later, he finally gets in front of Cronus door. His cock is so hard it hurts, he leaks precum droplets everywhere. Adam never felt so nervous in his life, he knocks once on the door and it opens immediately, revealing Cronus completely naked. Adam almost sees him in slow motion, his heavily muscular tanned hairy body in full display, his pierced big cock fully erected resting under the biohazard tattoo scribed on his lower belly. His balls sack is abnormally large, Adam suspect that Cronus filled it with saline. Then, Cronus musk hit him, it was intense and manly. It didn’t take long to come back to reality, Cronus grabbed Adam and pull him inside his apartment. Like the first time, without a word, they kissed and hugged their sweaty naked body. After few minutes of intense kissing, Adam moved slowly down on Cronus, kissing and licking. He spends a few moments on his nipples then went on his biohazard tattoo, slowly kissing and licking it. Going down even more, he licks Cronus uncut cock, enjoying his aroma and flavors, playing with his large Prince Albert piercing. Adam guides Cronus right hand on his throat, holding it there. With one push, Adam deepthroats Cronus cock. Being balls deep inside Adam throat, Cronus also felt his cock passing just underneath his right hand. Not willing to waste Cronus fertile semen in his stomach, Adam pulls out of the deepthroat. Gently, with both hands, Adam holds Cronus enormous balls sack with hands and licks, kiss it, almost worshipped it. Cronus: That is fun, but I want to impregnate you now. Adam: Not before I flood your cock and balls with my last neg load. Cronus: You want to use that sounding tool again? Adam: Hell yeah. Cronus: Ok go get it. After Adam installs the sounding hollow tube between him and Cronus, Adam jerks off his big cock until his semen goes deep inside Cronus cock, flooding it. Adam’s huge load (1.5 liter) even fills Cronus bladder when Adam gives the final push. As Adam remove the sounding tube, he pinches Cronus urethras near his cock head, trapping the semen inside. Adam aligns his asshole with Cronus cock head, taking some time to scratch it roughly. Then forcibly impaled himself on Cronus hard cock, without any kind of lubricant. With a common motion, they both work to a fuck rhythm. Despite the fucking feeling intensely good, Adam felt Cronus’s Prince Albert ripping his ass. Adam’s semen was leaking for Cronus cock, providing a little natural lubricant for intense pounding. After few minutes, Cronus paused and lifted Adam off the ground while his cock remained inside of him. It was quite a challenge since Adam was quite heavy. Cronus brought Adam to his bed then resume the pounding, sometimes while kissing. Adam felt the area around his asshole getting wetter and there was a faint smell of iron in the air. After few minutes, Adam cum between himself and Cronus chest, creaming their abdomens. Less than a minute later, Cronus asked Adam: Cronus: I’m getting close to breed your ass. Do you still want my babies? Adam: Impregnate me! I want your toxic semen! I want your babies! I want to become your son! I want to be yours forever! Breed me! Adam kept repeating the same few words until he felt Cronus was impregnate him. With the sight of the biohazard tattoo on his future father, Adam heard Cronus shout a guttural “Ah” while orgasming. He could feel Cronus cock pulsate inside his ass, flooding him with a very fertile, a very toxic load of manly semen. While staying inside Adam’s ass, Cronus laid on Adam muscular body, breathing heavily. Adam: Thanks Dad 😊 Cronus: It was my pleasure to impregnate you. But it isn’t over yet. As I said, my cock will stay inside your ass the entire weekend until I’m sure you are fully loaded with my toxic semen and then, I will fuck you again and again, even if my balls are empty. Adam gave a strong and tight hug to Cronus, while kissing like there was no tomorrow. Later, Cronus talked with Adam to coordinate the next position. With some gymnastic and acrobatic moves, Adam lies on his belly and Cronus is on top of him, his big cock still deep inside Adam’s warm and wet ass. A bit too wet… Cronus looks at his cock and that Adam bled more than he expected, usually it’s pinker. Now, Cronus clearly see a thin layer of blood covering his cock and Adam ass. Cronus thinking: **Good, my babies will have more opportunities to get impregnate him.** They watch the TV inside Cronus bedroom while resting a bit. Adam: I think I can sleep in that position, but we still need to hydrate and eat a little. How are we going to do that while staying mated? Cronus: One of my eldest sons will come tomorrow to feed us and help with the rest. Adam: Who is he? Cronus: Oh, you don’t know, well then it is a surprise. But I can tell you that he never took the meds. He somehow manages despite being very toxic. Don’t worry, I will stay inside you, that way I’m sure I will be you’re the man who impregnated you. Adam: I’m eager to meet him. During that evening and night, Cronus breed for more times Adam. Adam falls asleep while tightly clamping his anus around Cronus cock. Cronus strapped himself to be sure that his cock, even if it’s soft, stay inside Adam. They barely slept. Next morning, Cronus wake up with a morning wood, his now hard cock still planted inside Adam’s ass. I saw that the blood dried. Despite that, it didn’t stop him to breed him once more. About an hour later, they both heard the apartment door being unlocked and someone enter. They heard him dropping bags and noises indicating most likely that person was undressing. Adam was oriented in a way that he could see who it was unless that person comes near the bed side. Familiar voice: Hello Dad, how was the breeding? Someone walks on the top of the bed and kiss Cronus. That person now steps near the bed side to be in the line of sight of Adam. Adam: Antoni ‽ Antoni: Good morning Adam. Adam sees an almost identical biohazard tattoo on Antoni lower belly. The name at the top is Cronus, the name at the center of the symbol his Atlas. However, it was the names at the bottom of the symbol that shocked Adam, so many of them. Dozens of them were tattooed there, in a list that continued on his legs! Obviously, Atlas erect cock was as he saw in the gym months ago, almost 2 feet long and crown with cockhead slightly similar of a horse or bull. It was stupidly thick, thick as a coffee mug. Underneath hangs an impressive although possible balls sack. The man, either shaved most of his body or had very little body hair. Despite that, for someone with that kind of muscle mass, he was surprisingly lean, but very veiny. Adam stretches his arm to touch Atlas. Atlas didn’t that a hot man touches his cock, but Adam went for the biohazard tattoo. He was fascinated by it, petting it. The last description to add to Atlas was he was still in his early thirties. However, one question was burning Adam mind. Adam: Did any of your sons took the name of Zeus? Cronus: No, because it was my duty as the father to name my sons and I didn’t want to give the name of Zeus. It is too much and unoriginal. Also, Zeus fucked almost every living being near him, especially women. Adam: Well, I did fuck several women and impregnated some of them. Cronus: Why do you want that name? Adam: Why not? I liked it. Cronus: As you wish, son, that name is reserved for you until you get baptize with your tattoo. Over the next 2 days, Atlas feed both Adam and Cronus with snack that can be absorbed completely. He quenched their thirst with his semen and piss. At some point, Cronus asked Adam if wanted to shower and said yes. Once said, Atlas left the bedroom for about an hour. When he came back, they resumed either the conversation or fucking. After several hours, Atlas climbed up on the bed and installed a small nozzle in his urethra. Holding it, he showered both Cronus and Adam, despite wetting the bed. On the last day of the impregnation weekend, Cronus asked Atlas to recharge him as much as possible, he will need all the sexual stimulation to keep breeding Adam ass. Cronus didn’t get an enema, but Atlas was kind enough to lube his enormous cock before penetrating Cronus ass. Adam, still underneath Cronus, swears that he could feel Atlas cock moving Cronus belly. At some point later that day, Cronus told Adams that it should be enough to get him pregnant. He unceremoniously unstraps himself out of the bed and slowly pulls out his sore cock out of Adam. Cronus inserts a butt plug in Adam ass. After a lot of cocks licking clean, kissing and thanking, Adam return to his car naked, then home. 3 weeks after, Adam gets an intense fever, muscles cramps and fatigue. Cronus hosts him during that time, obviously he was greeted with more ass breeding. Cronus took great care to suck and drink all Adam semen during the infection, to be sure that no neg semen is left in him and savor a rich thick semen in his mouth. When Adam felt better, he used an HIV home test kit as per requites of Cronus. To synchronize the quick test, had a blood sample sent to his lab a few days prior. Now, the lab gave the results back in an envelope. The quick test came back positive showing 2 bars. Adam opened the envelope and clearly understood that he was now HIV positive without any doubt. It was a shock for him, but he overcomes it thinking about his plan … and all the congratulations fucking helped too. Prelude to chapter 4 Adam gets his toxic blood biohazard tattoo and his plan slowly unfold. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I love comments, feel free to leave several. I’m open to critics as long as they are constructive. Otherwise, for those positive off meds men who are reading this, please send me a private message if you are looking to pass your DNA and procreate a new son.
    1 point
  47. Anyone tried cruel-condoms or similar devices or piercings to inflict pain and damage to a bottom as you fuck them?
    1 point
  48. Quick note about Part 7: Didnt mean to include those emojis. It was supposed to be C : without the space in between and I didnt realize the site automatically converted it to the smiley face. Sorry about that! Part 8 The three naked men moved into the bedroom with Greg holding Chris tightly to his body, one arm around the boys waist and the other caressing his chest and abs. Chris noticed that this time Hunter’s bedroom had a different set up. Where there was an open space the last time he was here, now there was something he had seen in some porn he had encountered online before: a sling. Chris never stayed very long on those clips. Those scenes didn’t appeal to him since they seemed to always take place in dirty rooms with a lot of guys who would just use the person laying in the sling like a hole and nothing more. He always wanted and fantasized about something that wasn’t just physical. The emotional connection made things more pleasurable. Chris couldn’t imagine enjoying being fucked by guys who didn’t care about who he was. He had that connection with Tyler and even though things got out of hand last time , Chris did feel like Hunter was a nice guy who would look out for him and keep him from harm. Just like last time there was a movie playing on the tv in the room and just like last time it was a group scene. This time though there was a sling at the center of the group with a young college age guy in it, legs spread waiting for one of the men standing around him to approach. As Chris watched to see how the scene would play out, Hunter brought the pipe back up to the boys mouth and lit it with the torch. Without any acknowledgment of Hunter, Chris dutifully took the hit, giving in to the high and working to get even higher. Chris attributed it to the smoking but something about this sling scene seemed to arouse him in a way that the others he saw before didn’t. An older man in the group stepped up first and stood between the legs of the boy in the sling. He bent down and began making out with the boy. There was something so intimate about this kiss, thought Chris, like they forgot theres a whole bunch of other guys around. This was something he had never seen. Something that looked like the kind of connection he wanted but in a scene with the bottom in a sling. Instinctively he began to stroke his cock which had already started to leak precum. Hunter and Greg took a moment to step back and watch. Chris didn’t even notice. Hunter loved a boy who stayed hard while getting fucked and could see from the last time they hooked up that Chris seemed to be immune to T dick. Hunter allowed Greg to make the next move. He saw how much Chris was attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? He was no longer the boy Chris was but not yet the older dad type that Hunter was and somehow he managed to embody both in the way he looked and carried himself. Charming, confident, and just fucking hot. He moved closer to Chris who was sitting at the foot of the bed watching the tv. The older man was now fucking the boy in the sling. They don’t use condoms either, Chris thought. Is that standard? Am I being too paranoid about this? Is this my conservative upbringing trying to scare me into thinking that hooking up without condoms would automatically lead to getting sick? As the questions ran through his head, Greg nuzzled him from the side whispering into his ear. “You like what you see boy? Do you want to try a turn in the sling?” Chris hesitated for a moment but all three knew the answer. “Yeah…I guess I could try it.” “Thatta boy.” Hunter knew what Chris was responding to even though he hadn’t heard the question. He walked over to his bedside table and pulled his kit out. “Hey do you know these guys?” Just then the shot on the video had shifted from the sling to the men watching and encouraging them. Chris noticed that every one of them had the same tattoo that Hunter and Greg had. “Looks like theyre all members of your club.” “It’s a pretty big club. And its growing everyday. We all feel the importance of expanding the membership.” The next shot was an overhead shot above the sling. Chris watched the tops thick raw cock fuck in and out of the bottom and that’s when he noticed that the boy in the sling did not seem to have the tattoo. Was this the initiation that Hunter and Greg were talking about? What kind of club fucks you into being a member? Chris kept this train of thought to himself. He knew it must sound stupid and he was too high to want to work out all the details anyway at a time when a hot man was giving him this kind of attention. Greg pulled Chris over to the sling and helped him maneuver his way into it. “You comfortable?” Greg looked down to Chris in the same position that the older man in the video did to the bottom he was now fucking. “Yeah” Chris replied and brought his legs up to mimic what he saw in the boys position on screen effectively showing off his smooth hole to Greg. “Fuuuck that’s hot boy.” Greg bent down just like the older man and began to make out with Chris. Chris moaned into Gregs mouth. The need had been strong before he got to Hunters house but after all those hits he wanted so bad to get fucked again and this man was a dream come true. Greg stood back upright as Hunter moved to Chris’s side and began rubbing his chest, focusing on the boys nipples. Greg pressed his hard cock against Chris’s smooth balls. “You feeling good?” Chris turned to look up at Hunter and nodded. “Good boy. How about we turn things up a little higher?” With his lust taking over, Chris just responded softly. “Ok.” “That’s what I was hoping to hear. We just want you to feel really good.” “I feel pretty good right now” the boy smiled. Fuck this boy is adorable both the standing men thought at the same time. So innocent and clueless. “I know boy. Theres a way to get high with the same stuff but the high is much more fun if you don’t smoke it.” “What do you mean?” “If you inject it the high is even more amazing.” “You mean…needles?” “Yeah.” Hunters reply was casual. He wasn’t going to alarm the boy. If Chris said no Hunter would find a way later. Chris looked like he was trying to lift himself to an upright sitting position but he was finding it difficult. The thought of a needle seemed much more extreme to him and he felt he needed to think for a moment. Hunter placed a little more pressure on Chris’s chest to keep him down. Chris felt that laying down with his legs spread out like an invitation was not conducive to rational thinking but the high canceled out whatever strength and will he had to really push back against Hunter. The video was getting louder now as the two men fucking were moaning and grunting with the men around them getting more and more frenzied in their encouragement. The shouts of “Fuck that boy” “Get that raw cock deep” and “Take that cock boy” from the video turned out to be far more powerful than any fear that arose from the thought of needles. Chris laid back into the sling and grabbed his still dripping cock. He looked again at Hunter. With a slow nod, he whispered, almost just mouthed “Ok.” That’s all Hunter needed to hear. “Fuck yeah, nice boy” Greg said as Chris turned his attention back to the man who was beginning to use his precum to coat the boys hole. He nodded to Hunter as a gesture to get him to pass the bottle of lube on the floor. Hunter passed the bottle to Greg and then took a rubber band in his pocket and tied it around Chris’s arm. “Now I just need you not to move while I do this so we can be sure not to hurt you, ok?” “Hurt me?” “Yeah just to be sure we get the vein is all. It’s ok. I have a steady hand.” He smiled at the boy and Chris gave in. This was a man he could trust. He would do as he asked and stay still. He didn’t want to watch the needle go in so he turned his attention to the video which was getting louder by the moment. “I’m gonna cum boy” the man in the video shouted to the boy in the sling. Just then Chris felt the prick of the needle and winced. At the same time he felt Greg line the head of his cock right up to his hole. Chris couldn’t see Gregs huge cock but the top of his tattoo was visible from that angle. The men in the video only got more frantic. “Yeah gimme that load. Fucking poz me!” “Fuck yeah take my poz load boy!” Poz load? What were they talking about? They couldn’t possibly mean… Before Chris could finish the thought, Hunter ripped the rubber band from his arm and lifted it up just as Greg pushed his raw cock into the boy.
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