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  1. This story is based loosely on real events from my life. I hope you all enjoy 1. What have I gotten myself into, I thought driving into town. At 21, I had just graduated college in Illinois and had taken a job with a friend who lived in Florida. I’d packed up my little Toyota Corolla and driven from the cornfields I grew up in to the hot sunny coast of Florida. I don’t really know what I had been expecting but coming across the highway towards the coast and being greeted by the vast expanse of bright blue sky hadn’t been on the list. The sky just seemed bigger, like the land was diminished somehow and there was just more room for sky. I came off the highway and onto the main road that brought me towards the coast and the barrier island I was now to call home. I probably could have looked up something about where I was going, but for some reason I just didn’t. I knew that Cocoa Beach was close to Cape Canaveral but that was really it. I drove past pastel colored midcentury buildings, Miami meets the space race. Impossibly tall thin palm trees lined the street as I drove looking out for the hotel I was staying at. My job had put me up at this place, a beach side extended stay place that in the off season had plenty of rooms. I pulled into the small parking lot and looked around. From here you couldn’t see the hotel at all, just a big wall of lush vegetation. I left my suitcase in the car and walked down the narrow cobble stone path between big ferns. The path quickly opened up onto a large patio surrounded on all sides by low bungalow like houses. A sign reading “Office” pointed to the only two-story building. A little nervously I went up to the glass door and pushed my way inside. It was cool and inviting inside after being in the thick Florida heat even for a second. My eyes took a long moment to adjust to the much dimmer light now that I was out of the sun, and so I didn’t see him at first. Sitting behind a counter, was a handsome older man in a loose-fitting linen shirt unbuttoned at the neck. Now, I am not a prude, nor entirely inexperience when it comes to men, but this man was something new to me. Up until this point my experience had largely been with guys in my university. We had all been about the same age, and all of similar body types. This man was something different. Probably in his late fifties his hair was almost completely silver. He had a short cropped white beard, that preserved a little of his old much darker hair color around his moustache. He had a square, handsome face, and bright green eyes twinkled at me. The open neck of his shirt showed a thick forest of dark gray hair covering richly tanned skin. He was hot… no, not hot, sexy in a whole new way to me. I felt myself instantly attracted to him, even before I heard his low rumbling baritone voice. “Can I help you,” he asked, a warm smile spreading across his face. “Yes,” I stammered, “I’m David. I was… um… my job, well my friend booked me in here… I’m sorry I’m just realizing I should have gotten more information from her. I can um… If you don’t have… I can call…” I could hear myself stammering, but was absolutely incapable of stopping it, words just tumbled out of my mouth. “You’re Sarah’s boy, right?” “Yes! David, I already said that… hello!” The word boy hung in my mind. It did something to me. I wanted him to say it again. “Don’t worry. We’ve been expecting you. I’m Jack.” He got up from the counter. I saw now that he was tall and broad, with thick ropey arms. He had a little bit of a belly, that just added to the masculine energy he exuded. “Follow me,” he said pulling a set of keys off a peg behind him. He stepped out from behind the desk and revealed tree trunk thick, hair covered legs, sticking out from short, tight, tan shorts. Maybe it was my imagination but I thought I could see outline of a semi hard cock sticking off to one side of his shorts. I followed Jack out of the little office and back into the bright sun and oppressive heat. I instantly felt sweat start to spring up on my back. We walked across the courtyard, around a bright blue pool, with rattan furniture and umbrellas surrounding it. As we walked he talked, “My husband Danny and I own this place. I’m sure you’ll see him around. Tall bear with salt and pepper hair, and a hatred for shirts. No matter how often I suggest he wears a shirt when there are guests around I can’t get him to do it. You’re welcome to use any of the amenities here while you stay. We have a small gym on the back side of the office, the pool is open from ten to ten every day. There’s a trail down this way to the beach.” Truthfully, I was having trouble paying attention to everything he was saying. Watching his round muscular ass move in his tight shorts was hypnotic. The fabric of his shirt clung to the broad v of his torso, sticking slightly to his skin as he started to sweat. We came around one of the last buildings off on the side of the property and walked down a little concrete path. He brought me to the last door with a brass number 12 on it, and unlocked it. The little apartment was cool and inviting. The door opened into the little living room, a fan turning slowly over head, and then led into a kitchen. A hall opened up to the right leading to two bedrooms and a bathroom. It was perfect. “What do you think? Will this do?” “Yes, its… wow! Its so nice!” “Sorry you’re off on the end of the property over here. We’re redoing a few of the units closer to the center, and need to keep the others open if people book them out. To be honest we’re cutting Sarah a bit of a deal on this place so…” he trailed off. “No! Oh my gosh. Its perfect. My college apartment was so small and had four homos stuffed in it.” He laughed, “Four homos stuffed in a small space isn’t all bad.” He let the joke hang in the air for a second, the innuendo crackled for a second. There was something a little different in how he was looking at me now, like he was undressing me with his eyes. I blushed and broke eye contact with him. “Right, well let me know if you need anything.” He moved towards the door, “I’m usually in the office, and if you can’t find me there my cell phone number is on the door. Text me any time, I’ll be happy to help you out with anything you need.” He hadn’t said a single sexual thing, but somehow it all seemed charged. He gave me another smile, and left me in the little apartment feeling hot and unsure of myself. I took a long moment, getting my breathing down, and feeling the flush recede in my cheeks before I went back to the car to get my bags. On my way back, dragging my rolling case behind me, I saw another older man, in his early fifties I guessed. He had close cropped salt and pepper hair, a bushy moustache and dark stubble on his face. He wore low slung basketball shirts and no shirt. He was a little far away for me to be sure but it looked like the thick band of a jockstrap was peeking out from the top of his shorts. My heart thudded in my chest again. From all I could tell the only people at the hotel right now were me and these two older men. We were totally alone and I was experiencing a sexual awakening I didn’t totally understand yet. By the time I got back to the little apartment I was hard as a rock. I pulled the blinds shut and stripped off all of my clothes. Right there in the living room I started to rub my hard cock. I had one hand behind my head, and my eyes closed. I imagined those two men. Jack and Daddy stood there in my imagination. Just as I had seen them that afternoon. Their natural heat and masculinity was all it took and soon I was firing ropes of cum onto the tiled floor. I paused for a moment, catching my breath, and looked at my load. Then I did something I’d never done before. I got down on my hands and knees and licked my semen off of the cool tiles. When I had licked the floor clean I stayed there for a minute, on all fours, with my ass slightly in the air. My cock gave another powerful throb. I was still fucking horny. Of course everyone says that 21 year olds are just horny all the time, and maybe that’s a little bit true, but this was different. I heard Jack calling me Sarah’s boy again. That second word, “boy” seemed to echo in my mind. I moved into the bedroom, not bothering to get dressed. I started to unpack, something to distract myself. I put clothes into drawers, and laid toiletries out in the bathroom. The bed was already made, but I tossed the pillow I’d brought with me onto it, and flopped back still naked. My cock was half hard. It really hadn’t gone down since I had come into the apartment despite the massive load I’d shot. I felt restless. I got back up and paced, then decided I couldn’t stay inside all day, and got out my swim trunks. They weren’t anything spectacular, or really that flattering, just the shortest trunks I could find at a midwestern target. I pulled on a thin tank top, and grabbed my sunglasses. It was somehow even hotter in the afternoon and I felt sweat in my pits almost immediately. I would need more deodorant I thought, or I’d just stink of sweat all the time. I padded back along the narrow concrete path in my flip flops till it turned into stone pavers, leading the way through more vegetation to the beach. It struck me, that with all the plants around no one on the outside could see into the little complex of bungalows, even here on the highly populated island it was totally private. I walked along the sand a little ways but out from under the protection of the palm trees it was just too hot. I found the other inlet through the plants that lead back to the hotel and turned up the path. I made my way between the other bungalows, to the pool. It was deserted. I went in the gate and kicked off my flip flops. The umbrellas around the deck cast long shadows over the edge of the pool and I sat with my feet in the water looking up at the big blue sky. Now, in the quiet, my thoughts finally were a little more quiet and I worried again what I had gotten myself into. I had moved my whole life down here, without really much of a plan. I had my job for right now, but my boss (who had moved back a shortly after we met in my home town and started a new company) was really the only person I knew. Outside of work I had nothing. It was just me in this new place. I had become so lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t hear the gate to the pool open again. I almost jumped out of my skin when a voice broke through my thoughts. “You must be David… shit sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya. I’m Danny.” Here was the other owner. He was still dressed in only basketball shorts and flip flops. Now that he was closer I was certain that the white band sticking above the low waistband of his shorts was that of a bike jock. He was more built than Jack, with pecs that stood out thick and defined from his chest, but still sported a little bit of a gut. He looked like someone who liked working out but liked good food and beer just as much. His whole body seemed to be covered in dark brown hair flecked with gray. Jack hadn’t been kidding when he described Danny as a bear. Maybe it was just that at college I had never been presented with anyone like them, maybe it was something unique to them, but having been faced with these two men they were all I could think about. My eyes drifted down to Danny’s crotch, I couldn’t help myself, and I was convinced I could see the outline of a heavy cock tucked into the pouch of his jock. Heat rose in my cheeks again. “I’m David,” I stammered, so nervous I couldn’t really talk. “But you knew that. Sorry! I’m not normally this…” I stood up to shake his hand, realizing too late that my cock was hard as a rock and pointing straight out. Danny smiled, “Nice to meet you David. It seems like maybe you’re more excited than nervous thought.” He looked down at my straining swim shorts. I quickly tried to cover myself up, muttering an apology. “Don’t apologize. Don’t be sorry about a natural body reaction. It seems like you’ve seen something you like and that’s gotten you excited. Totally normal at your age. Well, totally normal at any age.” He took a step closer. “Jack said you were cute; said you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.” “I… well… I don’t…” He was even closer to me now. “Its ok. There’s no harm in looking. Something tells me you’re too nervous right now, but when you’re ready you can do more than look if you want. Let me see your phone.” I handed him my cell, he took it and quickly punched a number into it. “I added myself to your contacts. If you decide you’d like to do more than just look… and something tells me you’re going to want to… send me a message. We’ll get you the daddy dick I think you’re starting to crave.” He gave the slightly swollen bulge in his shorts a squeeze and left. I was completely breathless, and now had a wet spot in the front of my shorts. After that I didn’t know what to do. I grabbed my things and went back to my little apartment. I watched TV. I drove out to the grocery store and bought some food. I tried to read a book. No matter what I did thought my mind came back to what Danny had said. My mind came back to his offer of daddy dick. Is that what I wanted? Did I want these two older men to fuck me? Even that first day, after only a few hours, I knew in my heart that was what I wanted. The animal heat that surrounded them both, hearing Jack refer to me as boy… it made me want to be their boy. I was hard again. I stripped off and shot another load onto the floor. This time without hesitation I licked it off of the tiles. My dreams that night were full of Jack and Danny. I heard them calling me boy. I woke up to sun streaming through the window, covered in my own cum and still rock hard. I hadn’t had a wet dream in years, yet I had just blown a load dreaming about these two men. It was 10am, way too early for this sort of thing but I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want to wait any longer. I took my phone from the bed side table and found Danny’s number. My hands were shaking as I typed out my message: Hey Danny. It’s David. I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday. I stared at it, and then clicked send. His message came back a minute later: Hey David! I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. But I’m glad that you messaged me. Remind me, what did I say yesterday that you’ve been thinking about? Did he not remember? No… He wanted me to say it. I typed back: About wanting more than just to look. His response came quickly this time: Anything else boy? There was that word again… boy. My cock throbbed. My dick was definitely doing the thinking now as I responded: Getting me the daddy dick I crave. Good boy: he responded: The first step in getting what you want is saying it proudly. Now the second step is making the effort to get it. I’m not going to push you and I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. If you really want it, in an hour meet me at bungalow 4. I didn’t think, I just typed: I’ll be there! This is what will be waiting for you: came his reply followed by a photo of a big thick cock, nestled in a dense bush of pubes. The head was shiny with precum, and seemed to throb with lust even in the still photo. My mouth went dry. College boys did not have cocks like this. I wanted it. Once again I replied with: I will be there! See you in an hour. Good boy. My hands were shaking, my cock was actively leaking precum. There was no chance I wasn’t going to go there. I was so horny in that moment I probably would have said yes to anything he asked. I just had to figure out how to kill the hour. I was getting ready to take a shower when another text from Danny came through: if you haven’t showered already boy, don’t I like my boys sweaty. My cock dropped a big glob of precum onto the floor. I dug out the one jock that I owned. I had purchased it from a sporting goods store back home. I had felt so naughty doing it. When I got home I’d pulled the straps over my ass and jerked myself stupid though. Having my ass exposed like that turned me on. It made me feel sexy and powerful. I found another thin tank top, and the smallest shorts I owned to complete the look. I felt hot looking in the full length mirror. Not super thin, nor built, I had a narrow frame. My light brown hair was cut close and flopped to one side. I had the starts of what I really hope would be a thick pelt of chest hair growing in the center of my chest. I just hoped that Danny thought I was as hot as I felt. I still had fifteen minutes before I was supposed to meet Danny but I decided I didn’t care. I’d just be early. Seeming eager didn’t seem like a bad thing. I slipped into my sandals and walked back towards the center of the property to find bungalow 4. It was tucked back off the pool, with its entrance facing the path to the ocean. It was much more central than my place but still secluded, even if there were other guests on the property I doubted they would notice a boy getting his first taste of daddy dick. With my heart pounding and my cock already at half mast, I knocked on the door. There was no answer. Fuck! I thought. Was this the wrong door? I looked at the messages. No, I was in the right place. I knocked again. Still nothing. I took a couple of deep breaths. Maybe it was just because I was early. I waited a few minutes. Then I lost my resolve and knocked once more. I heard movement inside for the first time and then the door opened. Danny was standing there with a massive grin on his face, wearing only a jockstrap. My eyes must have become the size of dinner plates seeing him like that. “Good job boy,” he said, grabbing me by the shoulder and pulling me inside. “You really want this don’t you?” He grabbed at his crotch and shook his dick at me. “Yes!” “I thought after I didn’t answer the door the first time you might give up… but you didn’t.” “I… um…” “Go on… I told you, you only get the things you ask for.” “I really wanted your daddy dick!” I blurted out all at once. “I know boy. I know, and you’re gonna get it really soon.” “Thank you…” I hesitated and then added, “daddy.” What was I doing, my non horny brain reared up for a second. I was calling this man daddy and thanking him for saying he’d fuck me. At the same time, I decided I didn’t care. It just felt right to say. “You’re a little embarrassed to call me daddy, aren’t you? That’s ok. It felt right when you said it. You liked it. I liked it too boy. We’re going to make each other feel very good.” He closed what little distance there was between us. He seemed to tower over me, and took my chin in his hand. He tilted my face up to his and then kissed me. His moustache tickled my face. I parted my lips immediately and let his tongue into my mouth. He held the back of my head in place and pulled me into him. My body was pressed into his hairy chest. His warm belly against by body made me feel week. I wanted to be enveloped in this man’s body. “Did that feel good boy?” He asked breaking our kiss. “Yes daddy!” “Good! Now listen carefully I’m going to explain how this is going to go.” “Ok!” “I’m going to take things slow with you this afternoon. I’m going to introduce you to man scent, and get you used to sucking my cock. I’m going to open up your hole and eat your sweet little ass till you’re begging me to fuck you. Then I’m going to fuck you till I cum deep inside your hole.” “I’ve only ever fucked with condoms before.” I said, worried that this would disappoint him somehow. “Don’t worry about that boy. Daddy is going to introduce you to the joys of real raw man sex. I’m going to breed you so deep that my load will always be inside of you.” “What about Jack?” “You’re not ready for Jack yet. You may think my dick is big but Jack’s is much thicker than mine. If you make it through everything today, and you still are interested in more daddy dick then you’ll be ready for Jack’s cock.” “I want you both to fuck me,” I was feeling bold. His dirty talk was making it easier for me to let go and just say what I wanted. “In due time boy. Now here’s the last thing. We will stop at any point today. You say the word and we will end it right then. However, once you say stop it is over and you won’t get a second chance at this,” he grabbed his crotch, “understood?” “Yes daddy!” “Good, now take your clothes off.” I was hard as a rock, as I stripped off. My shirt fell to the floor, I kicked my sandals off and shoved my shorts down. “You can keep your jock on. It makes you feel sexy doesn’t it?” I nodded. “Good boy.” He came close to me again. His hands grabbed my waist and he pulled me close. His mouth found mine again and he held onto me as we made out. My skin was now pressed against his. I felt his body hair brushing against my own. One of his big hands slid down to my ass and began to grab at the meat. I moaned into his mouth as he massaged my butt cheek. Involuntarily I felt my back arch, and I pressed my cheeks into his warm rough hands. The hand that wasn’t currently exploring my ass cheeks came up behind my head. He held me in our kiss, controlling which way my head turned and how much I could back off at any time. Very suddenly he broke the kiss, and put his other hand behind his head. He aimed my face at his hairy pit and pushed my nose into the musky thicket. “Breath it in boy, and then lick my pit. I want you to smell and taste daddy.” I did as instructed, I took a deep breath through my nose and felt a rush. His smell was intoxicating. My whole life I had found the smell of a locker room intriguing, until that moment I hadn’t realized it was the musk of sweaty men that I had been responding to all that time. It was like a drug. I sniffed and sniffed. It made me harder and hornier. I stuck out my tongue and tasted the salty sweat that clung to the dense hairs of his pit. “Fuck,” I moaned, as I lapped up the delicious taste. “I know, it turns you on boy. Get deep in there.” He pressed my face into his pit, twisting my head back and forth. His scent was the only thing I could smell. Danny growled and then moved me to his other pit. He didn’t need to push me forward I dove in. I had one hand on his big bulging bicep and the other wrapped around his neck, holding myself close to him. I devoured his sweat. My face was covered in his smell. I felt like I had been marked in some way. “Good boy,” he cooed. “Are you ready for something more?” “Yes!” I looked up from his pit, I my face was slathered with spit. “Get on your knees then. Its time to put that mouth to good use.” I practically feel to my knees. I looked up at him, and he smiled. “You’re sure you want to keep going boy?” “More than anything.” “Good answer.” He grabbed the straining pouch of his jock and pulled it aside. There it was: his perfect cock. The big mushroom head stuck straight out, right at my eye level. A big throbbing vein ran along the top of the thick shaft. Two big low hanging balls swung freely below its base. Surrounding it all was a dense thicket of pubes, the kind you saw in vintage porn, wild and unkept. My mouth was watering. “Open your mouth.” I did as I was told. He smacked his cock against my face leaving smears of precum on my cheeks. Then he flopped it against my open mouth. With one hand holding the root of his cock, and the other on the back of my head, he guided my forward. I’d blown a few guys in college but never anyone with a cock like this. I struggled to swallow him down. Choking and spluttering I worked till my nose was buried in his pubes. My face was red, and my eyes were already starting to water. His pubes smelled even better than his pits did, and I was determined despite everything to get my nose in them. He muttered encouragement, as he held me in place. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it, and my gag reflex couldn’t be suppressed anymore, he pulled my head back and his cock fell from my mouth. I gasped and coughed. “Damn boy! You did good. Now, work the shaft slowly. Lick all along it. Get your tongue in my piss slit. We’ll work you up to really deep throating daddy’s cock.” I did as I was told. I slobbered all over his cock. I slurped the leaking mushroom head, and tongued more precum out of his slit. I gobbled both balls into my mouth. I thrust my nose deep in his pubes. I worshiped him. This perfect cock in front of me had become my whole world. This was already better than any hook up I had had in college. Though I had never known it before, I had a huge thing for older men. I wanted to be their boy. I wanted to make them feel good. Every time Danny groaned it was a little reward for me, proof that I was doing a good job. He let me worship him for a long time. The heat had started to rise in the room, and I could smell the scent of both of us filling it up. My chin was covered in my own spit, and my whole face felt slick. Danny took hold of my head again and pushed his cock deep into my mouth once more. I swallowed hard and this time his cock went down my throat a little easier. It still constricted my airway, and I felt color rising in my cheeks. I held my breath as long as I could. I flicked my tongue around, and pushed myself a little further forward. I gaged. He let me go, and I fell backwards gasping. “That was really good boy. I’m really proud of you.” He squatted down and kissed me. His kiss was more gentle this time, less ravenous and more caring. “Now, I’m going to make you feel good. Come into the other room, get on the bed on all fours.” He helped me up and led me into the other room. I practically leapt onto the bed. On all fours with my ass stuck in the air I positioned myself at the edge of the bed. I had been rimmed before and I had a pretty good idea that that was what was instore for me now. “Fuck you’re eager.” Danny stepped up behind me and rubbed one of my cheeks, “Fresh beautiful boy butt. Your hole is so fucking pretty, pink and tight.” He bit one my butt cheek lightly. “And with just the right amount of hair. Too smooth and it doesn’t feel like you’re fucking a man, but you’ve got these nice furry cheeks. My dick is going to look so good sliding between them. Do you want to keep going boy?” “Yes daddy!” His tongue flicked across my hole. I gasped, and he laughed lightly. Then he did it again. Over and over he slid his tongue across my puckered hole. I relaxed into it and pushed back slightly. I felt my hole open up a little and his tongue pushed inside. He worked his tongue around the sides of my hole, tickling the ridge around it. His teasing was making me moan. With each movement of his tongue I pushed back a little more. It felt amazing. I could feel my hole relaxing, feel it opening. I was hyper aware of every fraction of an inch of his probing. He was getting deeper. Slowly he worked up till he was fucking me with his tongue. He had one hand on each of my cheeks pulling them apart. With each thrust of his tongue I let out a moan. I was panting. I felt sweat on my back. His dick wasn’t even in me and I was absolute putty in his hands. Even with how good it felt I surprised myself when I shouted out, “Please daddy! Please fuck me!” He took his mouth off of my hole. “Is that what you want boy? You want this big daddy dick in your hole.” “Yes! Please… please fuck me!” “You remember what I said earlier boy? I only fuck raw. If I fuck you I’m going to breed you. I’m going to pump you full of my cum. Is that what you want?” “Yes daddy.” “No, you have to say it. You only get things you want when you say them out loud.” “I want you to fuck me…” I hesitated and then, “and breed me. I want you to breed me! Please!” “Good boy! Roll over on your back. I’m going to look you in the eyes while I fuck you.” I flipped onto my back and grabbed my ankles. I pulled my legs up, presenting my hole to him again and said, “Please, please, please fuck me.” “Don’t worry boy. You’re going to get lots of daddy dick. Once Jack and I have broken you in you’ll get all the daddy dick you could ever want.” He spit into his hand and smeared it on his cock head. Then his head was against my hole and he was leaning over me. His belly was on my balls. He seemed to loom over me, seemingly larger and more powerful than ever. His cock pushed against my still tight ring with a slow and steady pressure. The anticipation made my heart flutter and a wild electric sexual energy crackled between us. I stared right into his eyes as he pushed a little harder till suddenly my hole gave way and his cock head sunk inside me. It was like all the wind had been knocked out of me. For a long moment I couldn’t breathe. A wave of pleasure so overwhelming and intense had crashed over me when he broke past my sphincter that it was like my mind rebooted. He stayed there for a moment, telling me what a good job I was doing as my breathing calmed down. He lent even further forward, pinning my legs to my chest as kissed me. While I was distracted by his invading tongue he pressed forward with his cock. Another few inches slid inside me. I was more full than I had ever been before. Danny was absolutely the fattest cock I had ever had. It was heaven. “That feels so good daddy.” “That’s only half my cock boy. Take a deep breath and let it out when I tell you.” I breathed in deep through my nose, and held it. He gave me a peck and said, “breath out slowly.” As I let the air out of my lungs he pressed onward and I felt his pubes on my ass. “Oh god!” I said. “That’s right. That’s what it feels like to be full of daddy dick.” “It feels amazing.” “You still want me to fuck you?” “Yes!” “And what else?” “I want you to breed me! Cum inside of me daddy! Fuck me!” “As you wish.” He pulled his cock back slowly and then rocked forward again. I groaned and my eyes rolled back. He did it again, and again, and again. Slowly he built up the pace. The hot, sweat scented room, was steadily filled with the sound of fucking. His thighs smacking against my ass as he ravaged my hole. I was putty in his hands. I would have done anything for him. All that I could think about was how good his cock felt, how much I liked being fucked by him, how much I liked being used by a daddy. He slid one arm under my back, his cock still lodged deep inside of me and rolled to the side. I was dragged over with him, landing on top of him, his cock never leaving my ass. Without prompting I started to ride him. My hands gripped his furry pecs. I let the wander, enjoying his hair covered body. He looked so masculine and powerful laying there. I bounced up and down on his dick, driving it deep inside me. “You’re doing amazing boy. You’re making daddy’s dick feel so good!” “Thank you daddy! Getting fucked has never felt this amazing! Its so fucking good. You feel so deep.” “That’s what raw daddy dick can do for you boy. Its how men were meant to fuck. You’re just experiencing real man sex for the first time.” “I never want it any other way again!” He grabbed me by the neck and pulled me down into a wet passionate kiss. Our tongues wrestled as his dick was thrust up into me. When he released me he said, “Ok boy. This is your last off ramp. I’m getting close to filling your hole with my cum. Once I do you’re committing to getting fucked by Jack at least once, because if I’ve bred a hole he as to. Are you ready for that? Is that what you want?” “Fuck yes! Fucking breed me!” “Good answer.” He flipped us back over so he was on top of me again. This time he was really hammering me. Sweat dripped off of him onto my body. I licked at the drop that fell on my lips. He growled when he saw me do that. His face started to contort, and his breath came in deep grunted bursts. It felt like his dick was made of steel. Then he let out this roar and tossed his head back. He thrust his cock forward as he did and jammed it past my second hole causing me to shout. He held himself there, his cock throbbing and pulsing as it pumped what felt like a river of cum into my guts. As he did my own cock gave a powerful throb and shot cum all over both of our stomachs. Danny collapsed forward onto me, muttering, “Good boy. I’m proud of you,” as he did. My heart was pounding even as my breathing leveled out again. I had done it. I had taken Danny’s cock and he had bred me. For the first time in my life my ass was full of a man’s semen. It was incredible. I felt more attractive and sexual that I ever had before. Despite just having shot my load all over both of us I was still hard, and a little trickle of precum was dripping from my dick. “Thank you,” I said and kissed his cheek. “How do you feel?” He pushed himself up on his elbows so his face was above mine again. “Fucking amazing. Nothing has ever felt that good. I feel… I feel slutty.” “Do you like feeling slutty?” “I love it!” “Good. I like my boys slutty.” “Am I your boy?” I could hear the hope in my voice. I didn’t know till right then that that was what I wanted, but once I heard it it was all I could imagine for myself. “Is that what you want?” “Yes daddy!” “You’re learning. Well you’re not my boy just yet, but you’re off to a good start. In order for me to call you my boy you’ll have to first take Jack’s cock. Then we’ll see if you’re ready.” “OK!” “Now, just like with my you’ll get lots of opportunities to stop with Jack if you want to. We don’t want you doing anything you’re not one hundred percent sure on. Right now I’m sure if I asked you if you were ready for Jack to fuck you you’d say yes. But I also know you’re full of hormones and post fuck glow. So… you’re gonna wait. I’ve given your number to Jack and in a little while he’ll text you and see if you’re still interested. If you are the two of you will go from there.” “Will you be there?” “Not the first time. The first time is about the two of you bonding.” “Thank you daddy!” I kissed him hard on the mouth. He got up off the bed. “God you’re fucking sexy.” As he tucked his now softened cock back into his jock he said, “Oh, by the way, for the next week there are no other guests here. Its just the three of us. So feel free to… well… walk around in as little or as much clothing as you want.” He bent forward and kissed me again. “I’m going to go tell Jack about you. Relax. You can hang out here, or back at yours. He’ll text you in an hour or so.” One more kiss and a longing look and he was gone.
    7 points
  2. The Blindfold - Chapter III The next morning in the cab to the airport Jim admitted to me that he had ran into Will at the adult bookstore the day when Will had bought the 12” strap-on dildo and the eye-mask. He also let me know that Will practically begged him to fuck him, but settled on getting reamed by a dildo when he declined, not telling Will that he was POZ. He proposed that I get Will horned up and after blindfolding him, let Jim fuck him, with a condom, of course. I got hard just thinking about it. After landing, I called Will to tell him that I was looking forward to showing him how much I had missed him while away on business. He promised he would be ready to show me how happy he was to have me home as soon as I walked in the door. Jim agreed to follow me back to my condo and we could stop for condoms along the way. Jim waited in his car while I let myself in. Will kissed me, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He pawed my clothes off as we made it up to the bedroom. I tied the mask over his eyes and went downstairs with the dildo, “to warm it up.” Jim let himself in as I reached the base of the stairs and started pulling off his clothes and bounded up the stairs. “In a hurry, are we?” Will asked as his hands shot out, searching for the 12” dildo. Instead, he found Jim's bare cock. “You gonna fuck me with that monster?” Jim grinned and I mumbled “Um hum...” Will bent over the edge of the bed with his ass up in the air, working his lubed fingers over his hole. The sight of my blindfolded boyfriend pleading to get fucked by this stud with a biohazard tattoo got me so hard. Jim unwrapped a condom and unrolled it. It only went halfway down his massive thick shaft. He climbed up on the bed and shoved the head of his wrapped dick in Will's eager ass. Will mumbled sounds of pleasure into the mattress. “More! I need more!” Jim obliged and gave him another four inches or so. “Give it to me! Fill my ass up!!!” Again, Jim drove forward. “Pound me. HARD!” Jim smiled at me as he went to pounding Will's ass. Will reached back as Jim pulled out almost to the tip. His hand met the condom and his face screwed up in disgust. “Why did you bag up the dildo? Part of the fantasy is taking it BARE!” With that he pulled at the base of the condom and ripped it off of Jim's dick. Jim didn't even pause for a split second before jamming his whole raw cock into Will's ass. I wanted to cry out and tell him to stop, but that would having given the whole thing away. I didn't know if Will would be furious or in heaven. I got behind Jim and said breathlessly, “I'll pull out when I cum,” hoping that Jim would get the hint. Will shouted back, “Don't you fucking dare!!!! Cream that hole good!!!!” And that's exactly what Jim did. He seeded my boyfriend's ass full of poz cum. Will shot his own load all over the mattress and collapsed. Jim held up his hands whispering, “Shhhh...” He quickly left the bedroom and I heard him quietly sneaking down the stairs. Will pulled the mask off and saw me standing there with the 12” strap-on in my hands. “Did you finish,” he asked me? Just then I heard the front door open and close as Jim let himself out. Will leaned back and pulled his legs apart. He smirked, asking, “Want to pretend you're eating your cum out of my slutty ass?” I watched in horny horror as I saw Jim's POZ load start to drip out of Will's ass. Then, I dove in, and started lapping... Not to be continued...
    5 points
  3. The Blindfold - Part II I kept fucking the hell out of my boyfriend Will over the next few weeks. Every time we screwed around, I would strap the blindfold on him and then pound his ass hard with the 12” dong, always warmed up before putting it in. He would squirm and bounce on it with delight. I loved seeing the way that the big dong loosened up his hole in a way that my own 7” cock could never do. But, it hurt my feelings a bit that Will seemed only able to get off on the thought of someone else's monster cock filling his hole. At the office, I was assigned to partner with Jim on a big project culminating in a presentation in Miami. It went well and after a few weeks, we were on a plane to Florida. When we got to the hotel to check in, it turned out that there had been a booking mistake and we were going to have to share a room. We unpacked and I got the presentation ready while Jim took a shower. My jaw dropped when he came out of the bathroom, barely holding a hand towel around his waist. My eyes traveled down his furry muscled torso to his navel, around which was a biohazard tattoo. I knew enough to know what that meant. Jim saw me looking and smiled. He raised the towel up to dry off his hair revealing his HUGE dick. It must have been 10” soft, hanging pulled down by its own pendulous weight. Jim chuckled and said that if our presentation went well, he knew of a great way to celebrate. He shook his cock at me and laughed as he got dressed. I wished I had thought to snap a quick photo with my phone to send to Will! In short, the presentation did go well, and after a few congratulatory cocktails in the hotel bar, Jim convinced me to go with him to a male strip club. We watched the show, both sporting wood through our pants. He disappeared for a few minutes and I saw him slip the bouncer some cash. Jim came back to the table and told me to follow him. We went into a back room where one of the dancers was waiting, a smoking hot short guy in his mid-twenties with a buzz cut and a great body, wearing a jockstrap, boots, and socks. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pushed him off gently saying that I had a boyfriend and was only here to watch. Jim pulled the dancer to him and had him sit down in his lap. The dancer ground his ass against Jim's crotch and reached around to unzip Jim's pants. His mega-cock sprung out glistening with precum. With Jim's shirt still on, the dancer hadn't seen his biohaz tat or surely would have not let that drooling dick so close to his bare hole. When the boy ran his hands up and down Jim's rod, he squealed with delight and raised up, teasing the head of his dick against his hole. Jim placed his hands on the boy's shoulders and pushed him down until he entered him. The boy moaned as he lowered himself on Jim's bare cock. I freed my own dick and fisted myself for a minute before shooting my load in my hand as Jim unloaded in the boy's ass. The boy lifted himself up and off Jim's dick. It must have taken him five seconds to free himself of that massive tool. He kissed Jim hard on the mouth saying, “Thank you!” We got a cab back to the hotel. When we were back in our room, Jim asked me if I liked watching. I told him it totally turned me on. He asked if I wanted to watch him fuck Will. I had to admit that the thought of watching my boyfriend take his POZ cock would be so forbidden but so hot, but that Will would never go for it. He said he might surprise us both, and besides, he would wear a condom if I wanted. It must have been the cocktails, but I said maybe we could work something out and fell asleep shortly after. I woke up in the middle of the night and jerked off in the bathroom thinking about how hot that really would be. To be continued...
    5 points
  4. Just bred a possible new regular. I thought he'd ghosted me but turned out he was busy at work then off to a dinner function. He came over, I could smell the alcohol on his breath. Gave me a quick bj then I told him I'm fucking him bare. He turned around dropped his pants and begged me to fuck him. Tight as hell ass on him. Told him his wife woild be disappointed in him for being a pussy which got him going further. Dumped a load in him and sent him on his way home.
    4 points
  5. Brian! You okay?” Was the only thing I could think of as the robed figure pushed what I could only assume was his hard penis inside my ass. Okay… maybe it came out more like ‘UNNMGGGHHHHH, BBBBBBRRRR….GIUUIUUNNNCHHHHGH, FUUUUUUCCCKKKK.’ My face was pressed (not voluntarily) against the bench back. “Relax, Penitent”. The gruff voice said. “Mmmmmm, It hurts……. “ I cried. It was a long whelping cry, after the first raging painful grunting negation. “That’s the punishment. This is the sin. Do you accept the sin of your brother?” The voice asked. A familiar voice. A comforting voice. “Yes. Yes. YES! I ACCEPT YOUR SIN.” I said, gasping. I know it was Brian’s dad. I would take his sin. I wanted his sin. His sin was worth carrying. “All of my sin? Will you take it? Will you bear it?” He said, gruffly. “Yes, sir I will take your sin. Please, Let me carry your sin.” I said as his thick girth stretched my virgin asshole. I would do this for Brian’s dad, as much as it hurt, gladly, no matter what it cost me. As a man, it was my duty to take this sin inside. I would carry it in my dirty bottom until I could rid myself of it. Brian’s dad grunted and thrust inside my unsullied 18 year old hole because my purity let him dispel the concentrated sin he had built up during his life. I could wipe him clean. For me, an 18 year old virgin without sin, I could take the burden. “Please! Give me your sin! I will take it!” I grunted out to him as he painfully broke inside my virgin hole. “My sin is dirty” He cried, and he sounded bereft. “You are pure, and I don’t know if I can make you carry it.” He said, almost crying, still thrusting up inside of me. Our act was a sin in itself, but I know that’s what this ceremony was intended to contain. If we must sin, let us make sure we keep it among those who can bear it, and release it to Christ. Wow. Brian’s dad had a big penis… a big cock.. Oh Lord forgive me, it hurt. It was so big. It tore my virgin hole, and I knew I must be bleeding even as he used my blood as a lubricant to thrust up deep into my most intimate depths, but he would not be denied, and I would not deny him this opportunity to release the sin he carried. And so I relaxed into the pain, the invasion, the indefensible battering of his brutal thick manhood, letting him take me from behind as I remained pinnned on the upright workout bench. My friend Brian was likewise pinned up against his bench, being gifted by Bishop Jacob. Brian’s face was frozen in ecstasy, and I watched while Bishop Jacob’s thick cock rammed into Brian’s meaty ass over and over again. “We’re so lucky.” Brian grunted as Bishop Jacob punched up into his secret man regions. “We can take way more sin than the other dudes, man.” He said. “We’re tough. “Dude, you and me, we can take all of it.” He smiled. God, he was so handsome. He was right. We could handle more than anyone. Bishop Jacob slammed his hand onto Brian’s face and pinned it to the bench back. Brian grinned and licked his lips. Brian’s dad wrapped his hands around my chest. “Michael, let’s get you turned around.” he said, so gently, with love. “Yes, sir. Whatever you want.” I said. For Brian’s dad I would do anything. Honestly, for any of the Elders I would. It was worth it, it was important. “Good boy.” The Elder said. Once I was turned around, Brian’s dad shoved his fat dick back inside me. “Mmmmmmm.” He groaned. “Once Brian’s mom knew, she divorced me.” He said. “That’s not easily done in the church.” As his thick, long cock forced its way into my poor 18 year old virgin hole, I found it difficult to make conversation. Brian’s dad leaned down and put his face to mine. “It’s okay”. He said then leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I felt relief. Elder Robert, Brian’s dad, was a major figure in the church. I needed to be here for him. I could take his sin, his confession, his pain. And part of me said I could be there for him whenever he needed, to erase, to absolve, to relieve, to take the sin he built up. And so I told him, with my big linebacker legs pulled wide and up so he could thrust his thick cock inside me. “I will take it for you. Please. Give it to me.” He looked at me, his eyes nearly filled with tears. “It’s more than you should bear, Michael.” He said, his voice breaking. “It’ is my shame, A sin no one should bear.” As he thrust into me, the sin already complete, I breathed. “I will share your sin. Please.” “You have to understand.” His thrusts were gentle. They were slow, but fully deep. “I’ve tried to keep Brian from the worst of it, but he’s wild.” It was excruciating, he pulled all the way out, then pushed ALL the way back inside, to the balls. Brian’s dad had a HUGE cock. Mostly normal at the head and middle, but shaped like a traffic cone, so the base was thicker than a baked potato. “It’s not for me to bring him into the secret brotherhood. But you can help him.” I grunted and gasped. “Unnngggghhhh” I grunted as he thrusted. My ass was on fire and it hurt so bad. But he needed it so badly that I pulled my legs back to let him push into me as much as he needed to. “Michael, will you let me gift you with my seed?” He was struggling with what he had to do. Why? He had to know I would accept his sin. If he let his seed flow into me, that was why we were here, to allow his sin to dilute to the next generation. “Yes! Let me take your seed. I will take your sin, Sir and take it as many times as you need.” I said. I was not expecting Brian’s dad to kiss me then, but as I felt him giving me his precious seed he forced his mouth upon mine and we shared the deepest kiss of pure emotion I have ever felt. I am sure God himself saw that kiss, and approved. Soon after that, Brian’s dad and Bishop Jacob traded places, and if I was shocked by Brian’s dad fucking his son, it didn’t have a lot of mental room to consider any of that as Bishop Jacob was kind enough to give me four of his sins. And when Bishop Jacob kissed me, I felt like I was floating in the arms of God himself.
    4 points
  6. I turned 18 a few weeks ago. Graduated high school and now I was trying to occupy my summer with what to do until college started in the spring. My dad figured I needed community service work to help my résumé. So he suggested that I give some assistance to Mr. Wilson, the man who lives on our block. Apparently he was living with late stage AIDS and was having a hard time taking care of things around the house. I was planning on studying to become a nurse so it sounded like good practice. Mr. Wilson didn’t require anything too crazy. Just some general clean up around the house. When I arrived he greeted me at the door “Welcome Nick. Thanks for coming by. Come in.” He was in his late 60s early 70s. Pale, bald, thin and gaunt in the face, thin arms and legs, with a potbelly. He guided me in to his living room. His house was a bit of a mess. A lot of laundry magazines and dishes everywhere. It looked like it would take a little bit more effort to clean up than I thought. But it didn’t seem very bad. “So what would you like me to start with first Mr. Wilson?“ “Oh just anywhere you like. I’ve let the place go quite a bit. I haven’t had much energy these days understandably.“ I understood. I figured he was having a hard time what was his condition. So I started picking up dishes left about. And washed them. I cleaned up the kitchen and went to pick up the clothes laying about. Some of his underwear and socks had a distinctive smell coming from them like a mix of body odor and something slightly fishy? I was in the laundry room sorting his clothes. Separating the colors and the whites. When I held his underwear in my hand I felt around the crotch area and it felt strangely hard. I reached on the inside of them and felt something dry on the inside of the crotch area. It took me a second but then I realized what it was and quickly put them in the washer. “So what do you plan on doing after the summer?“ Mr. Wilson was watching me sort the clothes. “Oh I plan on going to school and studying to be a nurse.“ “Fantastic, I could possibly hire you to take care of me full-time. That is if I last that long.“ “You seem healthy enough sir I’m sure you’ll be fine.“ “Oh that’s kind of you to say. But the disease has took its toll on me quite a bit. It’s running rampant in me, more so than it seems on the surface.“ “Well I would be happy to help you with whatever you need. It would be good training for me.“ Mr. Wilson smiled. “Becoming the nurse is serious stuff. You have to do all sorts of things. Manage medication‘s, IVs, sponge baths for those who can’t manage.” “Oh it will be no trouble for me at all sir. I like to help people, and taking care of the sick and elderly seems like a good calling.“ “Yes it is very noble. i’m glad I can give you experience. Say young lad, since you’ll need the training anyway, would you mind helping me with a sponge bath? It gets difficult for me moving around.“ I was taken aback by that request a little bit. It’s not what I was expected to do to help him with. But he was right, I will need to do these sorts of things if I am going to become a nurse. “Oh um sure. I’ll just finish up with the clothes and I’ll see you, where?” “In my bedroom. It’ll be easier if I am laying down in bed.“ Yeah I guess that made sense. Where else would you do it? I finished with the laundry and gathered what I needed for cleaning up Mr. Wilson. Bucket of hot soapy water, a couple of rags. I met him in his room, and he was naked on the bed. I had to admit it was a little shocking being alone in a room with a naked man. As I got to work on Mr. Wilson. I was running the rag up and down his legs trying to be a diligent caregiver. I ran my rag up his thigh and got close to his crotch area. I wasn’t sure what to do once I got there. “You should clean that area as well Nick. It’s all part of normal nurse work.“ I put the rag on his penis and started wiping it clean. Going around his balls and underneath his shaft. As I was cleaning him he was getting an erection. It was large, very large “Oh it looks like you’ve awoken some thing. Never mind that. It happens when it receives any stimulation. I am human after all. So I do have urges.“ “Right. I understand.” I wiped his erect penis up-and-down a couple of times. Mr. Wilson was looking at me. “I’ve never seen one that big before.” “11.5 inches my boy. Trust me I have satisfied many men in my days, and unfortunately perforated a few.“ That made me blush. That type of talk seemed a little bit too lewd for this situation. “You should clean underneath the foreskin as well.“ “How do I do that?“ “Well young man.“ Mr. Wilson sat upright. “You should hold the shaft and peel the foreskin back. You can clean me more efficiently that way. It’s important to clean under there you know. Here, I’ll make it easier for you.“ Mr. Wilson stood up and put his hands on my shoulders pushing me down to my knees. His erect cock was now staring directly at me, The head of his dick peering through the forskin. “Now young lad. Take your hand and grab my penis.“ So I brought my hand up and gripped his dick. “Now take your other hand and wrap it around my cock head and pull back on it.“ I reached my other hand and did as instructed. I pulled back his foreskin and his mushroom head cock was staring at me fully exposed. Even with both my hands gripping his shaft there was still plenty my hands couldn’t cover. The thought occurred to me that I was now on my knees gripping onto Mr. Wilson’s penis with both hands. I was getting nervous and for a moment I forgot what to do. “Well? Are you forgetting something?“ “Oh right! The rag.” The rag was on the floor by Mr. Wilson’s feet. I let go of his penis and bent down to pick it up. Mr. Wilson squatting down at the same time. “Let me help you with that.” Both our hands met as we reached for the rag. In the awkwardness of it I grabbed the rag and we both got up. But in both of our maneuvers Mr. Wilson’s penis slapped my forehead and slid down my face as I motioned my head up. “Oh no I’m so sorry!“ I pulled my head away completely embarrassed. “Don’t be sorry it was just a little bump. It’s just a penis, it won’t hurt you.“ I brushed off the incident and I wrapped the rag around his penis and started stroking it to get it clean. “Oh yeah, that’s a good technique. You’ll get it nice and clean that way.“ I only stroked it a few times. I wasn’t trying to stimulate him, but this seemed like the only way to properly wash him. Once I was done I instructed him to lay back down on the bed and I continued to give him a bath. Cleaning the rest of him. It went without further incident. I continued to clean his bedroom. Mr. Wilson watching me and helping me organize some of his things. He didn’t put his clothes back on, he remained naked and his large penis still rockhard. “You don’t mind me walking around all naturale do you? I find it more comfortable this way.” I didn’t want to be rude. After all I am training to be a caregiver so I had to put his needs first. “Of course. It’s your house you can do whatever you like.“ I assured him with a smile. Deep down I was uncomfortable with it. I was picking up things here and there. I came across a box of magazines, they were porno magazines. “Oh don’t mind those. Just something to get me off when I need to. Here let me show you my favorite one.“ He took out a particular magazine and flipped to a page. He revealed photos of an older man who looked similar to him bareback fucking a young 18 or 19 year old who looked similar to me. I didn’t want to be rude, but I also didn’t want to look at his porn. “Oh that looks pretty wild.“ “Indeed. This sort of thing really gets me boned up.“ He was now stroking his cock next to me. He was looking at me a little sad. “Hey Nick, do you think you could do me a big favor?“ “What is it?“ “Do you think you could help me get off? It’s been so long since I’ve been in the presence of such a handsome young man like you. I would really appreciate it.“ “I don’t think I can do that. It wouldn’t be appropriate.“ “Relax my boy. You’re just helping out an old man like you were meant to you when you came here, isn’t that right? Please I assure you you will be totally fine I just want to see your ass while I rub one out.“ I wasn’t sure what to do in the situation. I wanted to be helpful, I wanted to help him with his needs. But I didn’t think that I could do something like that. But he was such a lonely man. I figured it might be OK as long as he’s just jacking off and nothing more comes of it. “Do you promise not to tell anyone?” “Absolutely. I will take it to the grave with me.” “Uh, okay, as long as we are safe. What do you need me to do?“ “Splendid! Well first takeoff all your clothes and lay face down on my bed. I want to see that beautiful body of yours.“ I slowly strip down and climbed onto his bed laying down like he asked. Mr. Wilson climbed on the bed and got on top of me straddling my thighs, his dick slapping my ass crack. “Hey! What are-“ “Relax Nick. I’m just getting a good look at your ass. Now just lay there and let this old man enjoy the sight of you.” This felt like a very compromising position, but I assumed that it would all be over fairly soon. Mr. Wilson was stroking his cock with one hand while rubbing my butt cheeks with the other. “Yeah, that is such a beautiful ass of yours, I would so love to dig my cock in there.“ “Please don’t joke like that sir. You have aids remember?“ “Of course, how can I forget? I have a very high viral load. And I haven’t gotten off in quite a few days. And theoretically if I did fuck that beautiful tight ass of yours, you would definitely get what I have he he.” That type of verbal treatment was very unsettling. But he was a lonely old man, I figured I would let him say what he wanted and blow a load out. He slapped his cock against my ass few times. My God it was so big. But while he rubbed his cock against my ass cheeks, he wasn’t stroking it. It seemed like he was dragging it out. “Hey there Nick I’m having a hard time getting off. Do you think you could let me grind my tip against your hole a little bit? I won’t penetrate, I just want to hump a little. It would definitely help me shoot.“ “Isn’t that pushing things little too far? What if it goes inside?“ “Nonsense. We don’t have any lube and you’re so young and tight there’s no way it will go in. You’ll be perfectly safe. Please?“ I was very hesitant. Things were escalating a little. But theoretically what he said seemed completely safe. As long as it didn’t actually go inside me then there wasn’t any risk. “O-okay. But just humping on the outside OK?“ “Of course! Now get on your hands and knees doggy style for me.“ We repositioned and I got on my knees. Mr. Wilson spread my cheeks and start slapping his cock against my ass hole. He swirled his tip around it and then positioned it right at the center of my ring. He put his hands on my hips and started rocking his hips back-and-forth. “Ah yes this feels much better, you’re smooth little pucker is doing the trick.“ his humping wasn’t too hard. He was staying outside of me like he assured me. I was able to relax and let him have his fun. He was rubbing my ass cheeks and feeling up my back as his hips rocks into me. I could feel my asshole being pushed with each thrust. It felt kind of good. Especially with such a monstrously huge cock. Then I felt something. My asshole was getting wet. Mr. Wilson was leaking pre out of his dick. His thrusting was still relatively tame so it didn’t seem like it was all that bad but I was getting a little worried about my hole getting lubed up. “Oh yeah thats better. I can feel myself leaking.” His humping started getting harder. I felt my ass hole getting hit roughly by his dick. I kept myself clenched but Mr. Wilson was getting more enthusiastic. As his movements became stronger and his cock leaked more I could feel his tip starting to part my ass. It felt like it was slowly digging into me. “Mr. Wilson you should be careful. I think you’re starting to go in.“ “Nonsense boy. I’m still completely outside of you. My wet cock head is just kissing you. Don’t be afraid to have your hole kiss it back.“ “Are you getting close yet?” “I’m building up to it. Why? Do you want it to end now? Doesn’t my cock feel good?” “It feels great sir. You have a wonderful cock. You just need to careful is all.” The more he humped my hole the more the tip started digging in. At this point his tip was halfway into my ring. His hands were exploring my body as his hips kept grinding forward. “Ow, that’s starting to go a little too far. You should ease up“ “it’s fine. Just enjoy my cock. Young men like you should be lucky to have experienced old men like me show you how good you can feel with your ass. Besides, I can tell your ass is very inexperienced. It’s gonna take a lot more than what I’m doing to penetrate you. For example if I were to jam forward like this!” As Mr. Wilson’s tip was halfway in my ring, he jammed his hips forward and his head popped inside of me. He then quickly pulled out and continued his humping, not easing up on the force though. “OUCH! That went in!” It hurt when he popped inside of me. It was true that I’ve had very little experience with sex. So the pain of his initial entry shot through me. “Well so it did. Oops, it’s all right I will try to stay out of you.” My ass felt vulnerable after that initial plunge. I was having a really hard time keeping him out of me. His thrusting unrelenting. Then I felt his cock head pop into me again and then right back out. “Oof. That feels good.“ “Sir you shouldn’t do that!“ his thrusting continued. With the way my hole was getting wet from his cock. It felt like every fifth or sixth thrust his cock head entered me again. Then every second or third thrust it entered. Then Mr. Lewis picked up a piece of ramming his cock head in and out of my hole constantly. “Don’t worry about all this Nick. It’s just popping in to say hello. Your ass is really inviting.“ The feeling of his cock head going in and out of my ring was horrifying yet felt good at the same time. But still I wanted him to stop and continue with grinding my hole just from the outside. “Sir please it’s going inside me!” “That’s not going inside of you, this is going inside of you.“ Mr. Wilson then thrust into his cock in my ass, sliding in what felt like 5 or 6 inches and then pulled out and continued with the tip of his cock going in and out. “Ow! That was too deep!” “See that was going inside of you. This is just the entrance. Now just focus on how good my cock is.. I’m getting close.” “Oh God, you’ll cum outside right?“ “Sure, sure. let me Focus on your beautiful ass.” Mr. Wilson was now wrapping his arms around my torso. I felt his cock starting to dig in deeper. He wasn’t just fucking me with the tip anymore. He was sliding at least half his cock in me, like previously. “Oh fuck this is so much better, the inside of your colon is definitely working my cock up to an eruption!” “Sir please pull out! That’s too far!“ The cock going up my ass is starting to drive me crazy. I couldn’t deny that it was probably the best fucking I have ever felt in my life. But I knew exactly what kind of cock was inside of me. A poz cock, and not just a poz cock, a full-blown AIDS cock. “Just a moment kid. I’m so close! Please just focus on squeezing that ass on this dirty cock. Work this load out of me!” Suddenly he started slamming his cock all the way in and out. I felt the full length of his 11 1/2 inch dick pulverizing my insides. Every time he went balls deep it felt like I was getting stabbed on the inside causing pleasure as he passed over my prostate and pain as he slid far past that. “Sir! What are you doing!? This is too much! Ouch! It hurts!” The ball slapping fucks were relentless. His pace started to quicken rapidly. His body trembling. “Just hold out a little longer Nick! You’re such a good boy! I’m going to reward my good boy by shooting AIDS poison in you! Fuck! I’m about to create a partner in hospice in just few more-“ he now let his body collapse onto me. His cock furiously slamming down into me. “AAAAAGH FUCK!” His cock started violently spasming deep inside. I could feel blast after blast of his toxic cum shooting into me. And it had a bit of a sting to it to due to have roughly he fucked me on the inside, almost like acid. “Ahhhhh. That was good Nick. Such a wonderful ass.” I was in shock. I couldn’t speak. Mr. Wilson slowly got up. His long cock pulling out. “Oops, little bit of blood on my cock. Guess I tore you up in there. It happens to almost all they guys I fuck.” My ass hurt. I could barely get up. I slowly got my close on while Mr. Wilson stayed nude. “Well then. Now that I was able to get off, you can continue your work.” I looked at him as if he was crazy. How could I work after what he did? But there’s no way I could leave, if I did I’d be terrified of him telling anyone what happened. So I swallowed my pride and got back to cleaning his house.
    3 points
  7. I like to use my own cum as lube, it goes in and gets the hole real slick!
    3 points
  8. I have 3-4 regular FWB's that are married. In one case, she knows when he comes over to fuck and she has even joined us a couple of times to watch me fuck him in front of her. She like to degrade and cuck him while he takes my cock. Now and then, she will ask me to fuck her in front of him so he can lick my cock while I slowly plow her pussy. And she makes him eat it all up when I cum inside. They both love the role play and I'm not complainin' either! The other 2 guys are split - one is a top and the other is a bottom. Luckily for me the top guy has a big uncut cock and knows how to really take his time working my ass over before seeding me deep. He always cums at least twice, now and then three times. He says he loves my ass muscle control and the way I work his cock while he fucks me. Apparently she won't let him even eat her ass, let alone fuck it. He totally loves eating my ass before he fucks me. Really does a great job and we have never used lube... he does that good of a job. A real ass fan. The bottom guy has a very small cock and makes up for it with a hot mouth, throat and a very talented ass. His wife is a bit of a wildcat and loves it rough. Many times we will have dinner, a hot tub and then I will take turns fucking both of them in the ass. She makes sure that he knows I am railin' on her ass and always makes him clean up. I always fuck them both raw and they are both cum junkies. Lots of snowballing. Fourth guy? His wife has lost total interest in sex completely. He is more of a top, but I have slowly been working his hole with my tongue and fingers and have started to massage his prostate. He cannot get over how great it feels. Last month, I was eating his cock, balls and asshole while he laid back in the sling. He was totally getting into the fingers massaging his prostate and didn't say a work when I started to work my cock into his hole. It took him a minute to realize what was going on, and he just smiled and laid back and let me fuck him slowly for a while. I asked where he wanted my cum? He said "This time... all over my face. Next time... deep inside my hole". Then we switched places and he blew two loads back-to-back. Never even stopped after the first cum... just kept fucking. Said the prostate massaging and thought of a load of cum had him VERY horny. It was a good solid fuck and there was cum flying everywhere by the end of his second load. And so, I am fortunate. Four out of four love to fuck raw. Two of the four have the permission of their wives to take my loads. They know I'm on PrEP and tested regularly. They are definitely friends with benefits.
    3 points
  9. Hey Latinhole, 1st off, I see you are a new member, so welcome ! I hope you get off as much as anyone else on here does. ( and that may be quite a challenge for you to beat lol) And 2nd, thank you for writing this piece. I enjoy reading what guys put up on here- it may not always have perfect spelling or subject matter I relate to, but the mere fact you( and everyone else who post ) took the effort and put the time in to provide reading material for everyone should always be applauded, and the author thanked. Now, get working on the next chapter and catching up on your own load releases !
    3 points
  10. **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way** CHAPTER IX: Upgrade to POZ I had over 3 hours still before the Chicago flight was boarding…I guess I’m one of those “get to the airport early” people. In fact, that was one of the things my ex and I used to argue about; of course now I look back on that time and chuckle, it was all so innocent. I was totally afraid of catching something and was a complete condom-nazi, even in my monogamous relationship with my ex. How times have changed! Just a couple of years ago I would have no idea that today I’d be happily single, POZ and loving it and gleefully breeding and infecting any chaser who wants my loaded seed. And there have been a few oblivious bottoms-up bottoms at the bathhouse or under a stall in a men’s room who have gotten my gift as well…So I really may be well over 10 pozzings for all I know, but the X only counts with confirmed hits. Hence the flight to Chicago to meet up with my poz son Benny and hopefully his boss InstaKyle. Still content from my security room pozzing of the hot TSA agent Reggie, I made my way for a quick shower and nap in the private lounge area they have here. I paid for entry to the lounge and was ready for some restorative time. I showered at the little personal booth here in the lounge area, my hands rubbing over the biotat that Eric did for me, now pending its first accompanying X now that I just pozzed up Reggie the TSA agent not 1 hour previously…Just rubbing my hands over my poz tat makes my dick stir again, even though I’m dog-tired and my cock has shot three big loads in a few hours. Again, I just know deep down that the pozzing happened, but of course I have to wait for the official confirmation from Reggie and from Harry from the night before…Eric is a stickler for known pozzings before applying an X to signify membership in “The Ten.” As I’m toweling off, my phone buzzed and I had another confirmation, this one from Mitch, the 75-year old neighbor of mine who outsourced the pozzing of his young BF Clark to me. “Thank you Randy! Clark had a bad fuck flu and a poz result this morning on the home test! He is so happy and you’ve made me a happy Daddy as well! You’ll always he his biological Dad ! See you around the neighborhood!” I’m so excited I got another confirmation and Clark is Officially Son #5, even though Mitch is his Daddy. After the shower, and now this good news, I settle into the little bed in the small chamber, hopefully for a couple of hours’ rest before the boarding process. Between the late-night pozzing of Harry and then the early morning dash to LAX, then meeting up with and breeding Reggie, I am pretty exhausted and off to sleep I go right away. Some of the way through the nap, I lapse into a dream, a lucid dream which I have sometimes…in the dream, my pierced POZ cock is getting sucked off expertly but I can’t see who is doing the deed…I just sense a uniform on the guy and a pin with wings and a logo and a name, but I can’t read the name. He speaks in a hazy voice or in my hazy dreamlike state “Can I do this? Is this OK?” But this is a sweet dream nonetheless and my cock rises from its slumber and I feel it throbbing and pulsing. It’s so true that the more poz sex you have, the more you want! Only now in this dream I feel like the mouth on my cock has been replaced by a warm hole, moving up and down on me, I’m moaning and groaning in my sleep and before I know it, I dream another toxic load of my poz seed is impregnating this mancunt into the poz brotherhood. Happily satisfied once again, I drift off into a deeper sleep and in an hour or so, my phone alarm buzzes and I get dressed again, hoping to grab some coffee on the way out of the lounge. Among my clothes which I had thrown on the little chair next to the bed, I see a strange object…It’s a nametag. “Calvin” Was it always here, left by someone before me? Or was my lucid dream of fucking and seeding some manhole really *not* a dream? I have no time to ponder this, and I finish dressing, grab some coffee and head out of the lounge for the gate. The flight is boarding in 15 minutes and I sit myself down waiting for my group to be called. The gate attendants are busy with papers and answering questions: “We board shortly, ma’am” “Yes, I can switch your seat, sir” – that kind of thing. Just then, the female gate attendant looks up and greets the approaching flight crew: ‘Hey, Judy,” “Hi Bill,” “Good morning, Theresa,” and “Oh, hey Calvin.” I shot up in my seat to see who Calvin is – and was not disappointed; his hot body straining against his tight uniform, his brown hair and three-day stubble framing his face, setting off his green eyes. He’s about 25 if he’s a day. ‘Can’t be, I think to myself, could it? Calvin greets the desk attendant “Hi, Marie, I needed that nap in the lounge – just what the doctor ordered! Only I can’t find my nametag now!” I look down in my hand, which is still holding the “Calvin” name tag and walk over to him at the desk where he’s chatting with his co-worker. “You looking for this,? I ask, holding out the gold nametag. His beautiful, smiling face suddenly went all sorts of pale, and he leaned into me and said “am I in trouble now with you?” “Why would you assume that,” I responded. He sheepishly looked at me, saying ‘I did ask you if it was OK but I think you were maybe still a little sleepy and I wondered if you had heard me. I don’t want you to think I would do that if you hadn’t consented.” “Well, did I consent?” I asked, playing with him a bit. “I’m sorry,” was all he could say. “My friend Reggie described you to me and told me what you did for him. He was so happy about it, I had to see for myself. I saw you in the lounge and you hadn’t locked your cubicle door.” “You wanted this,” I asked, pointing to the lower part of my T-shirt but really pointing to the poz biotat below it. “Desperately…been trying for years.” “I’m glad to be of service,” I whispered. “Now, you can’t get loaded up by anyone else until you get the fuck flu…and with my strain, you’ll get it. Rest assured, I *have* just pozzed you, I’ve got a 100% conversion rate, even after just 1 fuck.” Here’s my phone number, handing a slip of paper to him. Text me when you get your results with a pic of the test.” “Thank you, Sir,” Calvin said, a couple of tears streaming down his face. “I have to get onboard now, but I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me.” With that, he turned and walked past the gate attendant, saying something quickly to her, and then he was gone up the jetway. A couple of moments later, I hear my name called to the desk. Calvin got me upgraded to 1st class! ~90 minutes later~ I’m ensconced in my lie-back 1st class seat, the very helpful and friendly Calvin, my poz load already at work on his bloodstream, changing his DNA and bringing him into the poz brotherhood, has been supplying me with champagne the whole time. Calvin texts me an address of a hotel with the message “Shame we can’t do an encore here on the plane when I’m working, but this is where I’ll be tonight, a few of us flight attendants who want the same thing will be there as well.” Immediately, I text my poz son #2 Benny, who I’m going to meet at O’Hare… “You up for some toxic gift-giving with me tonight, boy?”
    3 points
  11. The Blindfold My boyfriend Will had cheated on me a few times, and as much as I wanted to be mad at him when he came clean about it, I couldn't help but get hard. Each time he told me that he let another guy load his ass, I would get so hard that I'd fuck him as he told me all of the details. His fuck buddies had always been strangers, just screen names on a phone or in a online chatroom, but they all left their cum in Will's ass. Sometimes after they loaded him up, he would show me their flirty texts and maybe even a photo or two of some stranger using his holes. Some of the guys' messages sounded a lot like bug chasing. I warned him about STDs and he agreed to do his best to behave. A few weeks of monogamy must have been driving Will up the wall. He asked me if we could try spicing things up a bit. I was game. That afternoon, he went to an adult bookstore and bought a few toys. I asked him if he got up to anything naughty at the bookstore, and he swore he only went so far as to let someone work a dildo into his ass to see if it would fit or not. He produced a massive 12” strap-on dildo from the shopping bag. He begged me to work it into his ass. It looked and felt lifelike. Will told me that his new friend suggested microwaving it for about ten seconds in water to make it feel warm like the real thing. I did so, lubed up his ass, strapped it on, putting my own hard cock inside the longer thicker dong, and went to working it into his hole. Just as I was teasing his ass with the tip, he asked me to blindfold him. I was confused and he smiled mischievously saying, “That way I can imagine I'm getting some fresh cock from a stranger, and I don't have to cheat!” That got me even harder. He pulled a black leather eye-mask from the bag and I tied it tightly around his head. Will felt around until his hands found the dildo. He sucked the whole thing into his mouth, down to the root. He gagged and slobbered all over it, then spun around onto his back holding his ankles up to his shoulders. “Give it to me. Don't be gentle. Stick it ALL THE WAY IN!” I was about to blow my load just from listening to him. I jammed the head of the dildo into his hole and watched as his rosebud clamped down on it. “More! More!” I pushed in as his ass kept tight to the rod. “ALL THE FUCKING WAY IN ME!!!” After a few thrusts, Will's ass loosened up. I was fucking him with the dildo as hard as I could, watching Will's hard-on bounce up and down. Without either of us touching his cock, his balls began to dance. I knew he was about to cum. He shot four volleys of jizz all over his chest. “Fuck me full of my load, man. Get it into my ass!” I pulled the dildo out of Will's ass, pulled my own drooling cock out of the dong, and mopped up his jizz onto my dick and shoved it in. “No, you idiot. Not your cock. I need the big one to work that load deep!” I was taken aback, but followed his orders and shoved that gigantic dildo in as far and as hard as I could, blasting my own load all over his ass, my hand, and the dildo. “Let me kiss it,” he pleaded as I slowed the dildo in and out of his ass. I pulled it out, covered with cum, lube, and ass juice and brought it to his lips. He made love to that dildo with his mouth until it was spic and span. The next day at the office, my co-worked Jim said to me that he ran into Will out shopping the other day. My heart leapt in my chest. Word had gotten around that Jim was quite the office slut, and I would not have been surprised to hear that he had been lurking in the backroom at an adult bookstore. He was very cute; brown slicked-back hair, green eyes, an amazing wide hairy chest that peeked out of his shirts on casual Fridays. He also had a monster cock that showed clearly in his tightly-fitted trousers. “Oh yeah?” I asked. “Did you help him out?” He just grinned at me. To be continued...
    2 points
  12. He sat down on the couch and in that moment, I could see him so clearly. Round face, short hair, lightly trimmed beard, jet black with some gray streaking through it. Light fur on his big pecs, running down over his puffed-out stomach. A biohazard tattoo over his right nipple, which had a thick bar pierced through it. His thick frame dwarfed me. I was 130 pounds, and he easily doubled me in weight, with at least six inches of height on me. I looked down and saw his giant cock sticking straight up, beckoning me. He hadn’t been touching himself, but I was sure it was the hardest it’s ever been. I could practically feel him wincing at how huge it had become, straining for release. In the moment, I could have sworn it was 10 inches, looking impossibly thick. But looking back, I bet it was a solid 7, still huge for my tiny body. I looked back up into his eyes and suddenly felt nervous. I walked to the couch, put my knees on either side of him, and climbed up over him. His dick was resting along my smooth ass crack, the head poking straight out behind me. I started massaging his pecs, running my hands over them methodically, flicking the piercing every now and then to hear him moan. I was so consumed by turning him on that I didn’t feel his own hands massaging my butt. One cheek easily fit in each hand and he would lightly slap them to see my eyes roll back. Soon, he was massaging my hole with his fingers. He reached up and put a few in his mouth, then moved them back down to my hole. He slid one of them in, then another, and then another. They seemed to slide in easily, though I’ve always been notoriously tight. I raised myself up onto my knees, so that my dick was swinging at his chest and my hole was hovering over his perfect cock. He reached up to his mouth again and this time took a glob of spit back down to his cock. By the way his arm was moving, I could tell he was stroking his cock, slicking it up for my tight hole. And then the head was pushing against it. There was so much pressure, but the head finally slipped in. I couldn’t help but moan. It didn’t hurt, but I felt I needed some pleasure to escape my lips, since it all seemed to be bottled up inside. I slowly slid down the shaft of his cock, stopping every few seconds to make sure my ass was getting used to the intruder breaking in. After about 60 seconds, I felt my cheeks land softly on his thighs. He was all the way inside. I looked in his eyes, and he smiled. We were silent for a bit, just enjoying the feeling, until I felt his big strong hands grip my waist. I gave him a light nod, and he lifted my body up slowly, my ass sliding back over the shaft it had just slid down. He lifted me about half way off before lowering me back down again. He did this again and again, each time pulling me further and further up before lowering me all the way back down. The feeling was incredible. I closed my eyes and let the moans escape my lips. I could hear his breathing too. He was enjoying it. He began to pick up the pace. His hands were so tight on my hips, lifting me up almost entirely off his dick and then sliding me back down to the hilt. It wasn’t long before he was bouncing my ass on his dick. He was moving me so fast, our bodies were making that slapping noise I knew only from watching porn. His breathing was getting heavier and heavier. He tilted his head back ever so slightly and started to let out a low, deep growl. Then, suddenly, I could feel him start to slow. I opened my eyes and looked into his. For the first time, he said words. “Are you ready?” In that moment, I had to decide. I considered hopping off and letting his cum shoot harmlessly into the air. But his hands were so tight on my hips, and more importantly, I wanted to keep going. I closed my eyes tight and picked up the pace on my own. When he lifted me up, I slammed back down. I could feel his grip on my hips start to loosen, now that he was certain I wasn’t going anywhere. I continued slamming down on his big cock. Twice, then three times, then four. I heard him begin to growl again and I opened my eyes. Our eyes locked for what seemed like forever. We both knew what was about to happen, and we both wanted it to happen. I reached up and grabbed at his nipples, feeling the bar in his right one, his soft flesh in the left. His low growl steadily grew in volume. I felt his grip on my hips tighten again and he was back in control, lifting me up and slamming me down. Two more thrusts were all it took. He slammed me down, threw his head back, and let out a loud roar. I realized then that I was screaming. Screaming from fear, or from ecstasy, or from the unknown, as his ropes of cum blasted through all the walls of my insides, flooding me until his balls were empty. He was so deep inside, and he had shot so violently, I knew there was no way I had escaped his gift. We both came down together, his cock getting soft in my ass, cum dribbling out onto his stomach. I laid my head on his chest and fell peacefully asleep. I was his forever.
    2 points
  13. Brian’s dad didn’t tell me anything except to show up at an address right after practice. I was trembling from nervousness and too much fear as I opened the door to the house and went inside. I hadn’t showered and changed with the other guys like I usually did, too afraid of being late and what it might mean. What kind of punishment was there going to be? I know I messed up. My parents couldn’t know I had a nudity magazine in my bag, I’d get a whipping and grounded for who knows how long. Worse than that, the disappointment in their eyes because I’d failed them was something that made me fall asleep crying last night. If only I hadn’t brought my older brother’s Penthouse with me to the church retreat so that I could show Brian. Brian was always talking about girls, and pussy, and sex. I remember being very shocked at how direct and straightforward he was about sex, not to mention the dirty words he used. We weren’t supposed to be lustful or profane, Bishop Jacob said it was a sin. Brian didn’t go to my school. He was a senior, like me, and his birthday was just one day earlier than mine, but we were in the same Ward. The church had thrown a double birthday party for us to celebrate our 18th together. We were now men, adults, and for a whole month I felt proud and grown up. Then Brian’s dad caught us with the Penthouse, whispering and huddled close together with a flashlight in the Worship Room down the hall from where we were supposed to be sleeping. I thought he’d be angry and punish us right there, but he didn’t. He leafed through the magazine standing right in front of us sitting on the floor, every now and then uttering a ‘hmmmmm’ or a ‘okay…I see.’ I know he’d never seen one of THOSE magazines before. The elders of the church didn’t sin like we did. Brian’s dad was standing a foot away only in his holy garments and I couldn’t help seeing them push outward as he expressed his disapproval. Bishop Jacob or the elders, mostly the elders, would gather the young men before church every Wednesday night and Sunday morning, to encourage us to empty our hearts of sin. They’d always let us do it individually, knowing it would be embarrassing to speak of those things in the group. I don’t know what the others would say, except Brian, but I used up all my time talking about Rebecca Thompson and how she wore shirts that were too tight for her big breasts, and how that tempted me but that I was resisting temptation every day. Elder Peter would always ask “were you aroused by this?” In a soft voice I would have to reply truthfully “Yes.” “Were you fully aroused, or only slightly?” He would ask. Ashamed, I would answer “Fully, Elder.” “And did you spill your seed?” The answer changed every week. Sometimes I could control myself, but sometimes just fidgeting my legs meant my seed came forth before I could stop it. I would have to describe it to Elder Peter, the urges and the way my dick wouldn’t go down, and how pushing my legs together seemed to help and make it worse at the same time, until I knew my seed was going to squirt out into my pants in class, and he would scowl. And on those occasions Elder Peter would administer my punishment on my bared butt over his lap. Before he let me up, he would make me promise to resist the temptation of Rebecca’s young full breasts, straining the fabric of her blouses and shirts, and that I wouldn’t let my throbbing penis control my thoughts when I squeezed my legs together until I spurted my young seed wastefully, which often meant I became aroused again. Fortunately, my arousal was pressed firmly against Elder Peter’s legs so he didn’t know. Resisting the temptation of sin was so difficult. Sometimes even the warmth of Elder Peter’s muscular leg against my dick threatened to push me into ejaculation again. Sin and temptation was everywhere. God had no idea what nightmare he created. But Elder Peter was not unusual. I received punishment from almost all the Elders for my sins. Brian’s dad was the nicest one. He always said the pain of the punishment was intended to remind me that lusting was sinful, and that I should remember the pain every time I started to think about females and their bodies. He would take the time to rub my sore butt to ease the sting while he spoke to me kindly about how men would only enjoy sexual thoughts with their wives after they were married, and that men must be strong. He would then tell me that he knew I was a good boy who was trying, and that I could come to him if I needed to. He would rub over my back and butt gently and soothingly while he talked softly about how important it was that we don’t lust for women. Of course I would tell Brian what had happened after each occasion. And Brian would tell me about his. Brian was far more daring than I could ever be and sometimes I think he just made stuff up to shock the Elders. “I told Elder Carl that I put peanut butter on my dick and made my dog lick it off. Oh man, he was mad, he swatted me for a half hour. He made me take all my clothes off and straddle the chair backwards so my ass hung off the seat, and he lit into me. Both cheeks, and the middle.” Brian laughed talking about it. “Fuck, dude… I swear he was enjoying it, running his hand over my big meaty cheeks and asshole. I think Elder Carl likes my ass.” Brian was a little bigger than me, but we were both hefty guys. Both linebackers on our respective teams in high school. “You have a huge target, man.” I told him. “Yeah, that’s why I don’t care. Only my dad is big enough to make me feel it when he goes in with a swat. The other Elders are pussies. They think I give a shit if they whack my ass? I can barely feel it. I put that beast out there and let them go to town. And man, they fuckin’ hate it when I talk about cock and pussy. I told Elder David I got a blowjob from Donna Tempano and he beat my ass until he couldn’t breathe. He seriously had to stop because he couldn’t breathe. That was hilarious. I wore his ass out, he didn’t get close to wearing my ass out. Not this ass.” Brian was way cooler than I could ever be. But he could afford to be, his dad was an Elder in the church. He didn’t have anything to lose. So I walked down the dark hallway with trepidation. If Brian said his dad was the only one who could make him feel a punishment, I know I was in for big trouble. Someone waited there at the end of the hallway, but I couldn’t tell who it was. They wore a white robe, and a mask that covered everything but their mouth. “Penitent Michael, have you come to absolve your sins?” He asked. His voice was deep. I didn’t recognize it, but I was surprised. I thought Elder Robert, Brian’s dad would be the one to punish me. “Uh, yes.” I said. “Enter and join the other Penitents.” He said. Other…? Part of me was relieved that I wasn’t the only one, but the other part was dreading that my sins would be revealed to others. I took a deep breath, and straightened my spine to it’s full 6’3” height. I would take my punishment like a man. I pushed my way through the curtained doorway to see a room shrouded in darkness and candlelight. A hand came from the side immediately and stopped me. “You will disrobe.” He said. Another robed figure, with a mask. But the voice sounded familiar even though I couldn’t place it. I hesitated only a couple seconds before stripping off my sweat soaked cutoff tee shirt without arms I wore for practice, and my high cut nylon shorts. I left my jockstrap on for the moment while I kicked off my cleats and pulled my sweaty socks from my size 12 feet. Damn, that felt good getting out of my footgear. I took a moment to flex my long toes. The concrete floor was cold, but felt great. “Join the other Penitents.” The voice said. I hadn’t taken off my jock, but was grateful they didn’t want me to strip it off. That would be weird. I looked around and saw four other guys my age kneeling before a raised dais. There seemed to be a space for me, and walking up I could barely make out Brian’s huge form kneeling in his jockstrap. I scooted in next to him. “Hey Bri.” I whispered. He turned his head just a bit and I caught a grin on his handsome face. “Hey Mike.” Heck, if Brian was here, I’d be fine. I wasn’t nervous anymore. The church had its secret ceremonies. If Brian was here, we’d do this together. I had noticed as I had walked up in the dim light that the other guys were also in jockstraps. Maybe we were going to be inducted into some special sports brotherhood of the church, which was incredibly cool. I’d always thought the church was kind of wimpy even though it was necessary for my everlasting holy soul and my bond with God. I know we heavily supported the cub scouts and Boy Scouts, and were involved in National Parks, State Parks, and many things outdoors and manly…but the central church part was not very tough and rugged. Yeah, sure, there was the part about men being in control and making the decisions…but we had more accountants and lawyers to boast of than firemen and woodsmen. So, a special church brotherhood of sports guys was going to be cool as sh—- well, really cool. “Are we going to be punished?” I whispered quickly while ten white robed figures assembled on the dais in front of us, standing tall and serious with their white masks that covered everything but their mouths and eyes. “Better.” Was all Brian said, smiling. We waited for a half a minute and I tried not to fidget. “You didn’t shower?” Brian asked, obviously catching a whiff of my heady scent after an intense practice. “No time.” I shot back. “I didn’t want to be late. I was last one here as it was.” “Yeah, I can smell the testosterone coming off you, bro.” He snorted. I leaned slightly towards him and inhaled. “You’re one to talk, you smell as bad as me.” He shrugged. “My natural scent. All man.” He turned slightly and winked at me which made me grin. “Men smell like men. Oh fuck.” His words made me dart my eyes to the dais, where a muscular man strode barefoot past the robed and masked figures. He wore a mask too, but otherwise only a small loincloth. “Bishop Jacob.” Brian whispered. “He’s fuckin stacked, bro.” I guess that was news to both of us. Even though he wore the same mask as the others, Bishop Jacob was easy to discern. In services he stretched his clothes near to splitting when we saw him and it was a point of pride for our Ward that he was a competitive bodybuilder, especially among the younger members who were jocks like Brian and I. We loved Bishop Jacob. And I hated when I had to admit my sins to him. But Bishop Jacob never made me feel bad about my sins, he would administer my punishment lightly, with a gentle hand and a gentle voice, and then he would hold me to his chest while he kindly told me that good men did not view women as sex objects, that they were to be honored as the bearers of our children, as vessels of our love and support. And that we should seek to have sex with women only to bear children to honor their purpose under God. That men have baser urges which if they couldn’t control, had less sinful outlets. Bishop Jacob was incredible. I know he was 40 years old, but he had a body I dreamed of having. Linebackers weren’t necessarily stacked and cut. We were big boys, meaty, muscly, thick and driven to plow, like draft horses. Bishop Jacob had a narrow waist, and a thick deep chest, with shoulders piled on like clouds on a mountain. His legs flared out from his loincloth as wide as his waist. Damn, my big old body could never be as tight as his, coach wanted me to eat everything I could. I know Brian was thinking the same thing, even though he wore a size 34 waist a size lower than mine. And Brian’s butt was bigger and beefier than mine, at least I thought so. I had wide and long glutes, where his were probably half as long as mine and narrower which made them bubble out. But Bishop Jacob, when he turned to the left, then the right in his loincloth, his glutes were like boulders on his huge thighs. He was saying something to the robed figures above us, but I couldn’t hear. “Man, Bishop Jacob is a beast!” I said. “Yeah, man.” Brian whispered. “He keeps telling me I can’t do bodybuilding until I’m older, because my young body isn’t done growing yet, but I can’t wait.” “Really? Can we look like him?” I breathed. “He says yes, but it’s a lot of hard training. But we both have scholarships to play, so he says we’re not on the bodybuilding track and should follow the football training because we’ll do better with that. But still…” “Yeah. Girls would go crazy for us if we looked like that…”. I said. “Right, bro?” He shot back. Not like either of us were hurting for girls, but we weren’t going with just any girl, especially if they weren’t with the church. Well, I know Brian had gotten involved with a couple girls that weren’t but he said they weren’t worth it, that his parents messed it all up. Our whispered conversation was interrupted when Bishop Jacob spoke. “Penitents, you are here because each of you have expressed difficulty with sexual needs, and because each of you has now become a man. As young men, many transgressions can be forgiven. The road to becoming a man is difficult and there are many temptations. You five have shown that you cannot manage and control your temptations. The time is past when such youthful temptations can be forgiven.” I was horrified to see that Bishop Jacob looked directly at Brian, and then at me. I just about peed in my jockstrap. I don’t know what I would do if Bishop Jacob was disappointed in me. He held our gaze for a full three seconds. Then he breathed deep, and the shadows from the candlelight played across his defined abdominal muscles, forcing his Adonis belt to thrust out. “BUT!” He said in a loud voice, which made me jerk in fright. “You all can undergo the Ceremony of Manhood, IF YOU CHOOSE, and be born anew as men, to carry the burden that all men carry. The burden is heavy. We carry the burden so that our women, our children, will not have to carry it. Such is the weight we bear. The men before you have carried the burden, as God decreed. In the Garden of Eden, Eve brought sin to Mankind. Because of that Original Sin, it is Man that must bear the weight. When Christ died on the cross, he bore the weight of Mankind’s sin. Can we, as Men, do any less?” The robed and masked figures bowed their heads and clasped their hands in front of their chests. “We cannot escape the punishment for our sins.” The strong, muscular naked body of Bishop Jacob intoned. It appeared like he had oiled himself so that his muscles reflected the scant candlelight, and deepened the shadows where it danced. I thought he looked like a God. I think he shaved his body, which was beautiful, and mesermerizing. “And we will all sin. It is in our nature.” I was entranced. He was right. We would sin, we were made to sin, but it was our duty to defend ourselves from sin. To deny it. “You cannot deny it.” He said. What? “You cannot deny sin… after all, Eve’s act by putting her mouth on the apple and taking a bite, eating from the forbidden fruit condemned us all. The only way you could fight it was to stop Eve from committing the act before she succumbed. Once she introduced sin to Mankind, we carry it forever.” I froze. What? “The consequence of Eve’s act, is that we WILL sin.” Bishop Jacob stopped like he’d dropped a sledgehammer. I…. Was that true? In my case, yes, I sinned every day, every week. I tried to be better, but Rebecca and her tits, her tight jeans over her juicy butt… I had bad thoughts. It was wrong. But was it going to ALWAYS be there? Because of Eve? Because she let sin infect Mankind? Oh No. That was bad. Tears began to fall from my eyes. We were all sunk. How? How could we overcome this? It wasn’t the fault of women, I know they were innocent, and should be cherished. Women weren’t Eve, they didn’t cause this. “Brian, why? What can we do?” I asked him, out loud, crying. I know everyone heard, but this was terrible. I could see tears in all their eyes, they felt just as bad. “Listen to the Elders, Mike.” Brian said, confidently. And it was his confidence that calmed me. Bishop Jacob smiled and spread his arms. He looked beautiful, like the Archangel Michael. “We can accept the sin of our brothers, and thus we take the sin from them and deliver it unto Christ and his infinite forgiveness. And then, when we enfold our women and create new souls, our sons and daughters, their sin is less. We can create our children more pure than we have ever been, with less sin in every generation, until we reach the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the duty of EVERY son of Adam to take what sin he can unto himself so that his seed has less sin than he has borne.” Bishop Jacob was so beautiful, so strong, so righteous. Yes! I put my hand out to grasp Brian’s shoulder. “Amen!” I cried, along with Brian and the other three Penitents. I turned, and saw a mirroring huge smile on my friend. So I said, “Brian, I will take your sin, so that you may be pure.” He smiled back, his big bright white and straight teeth flashing me from his handsome blonde head. “Michael, I will take your sin, so that you may be pure.” He said. Then… “bro.” I laughed. And hugged him tight. “Bro. Of course.” I said into his ear. Things moved fast after that, we were approached by two robed figures. I’d already wondered if there were Elders, but who knows. I think they were, and I hoped they were my Elders, because they were all good, strong, capable men who had guided me since I could remember. Brian and I were led to a small room with two… workout benches? Yeah, the ones that you could raise the back for shoulder presses. I still didn’t know which Elders were escorting us. The robes were really big, and the masks didn’t reveal much. “Sit, facing the back.” One of the men said. His voice sounded familiar. I took one workout bench, Brian took the other. Our jock strapped asses easily extended beyond the ten inch fixed seat pad. I wrapped my arms around the upper cushion and looked over at Brian. He darted his eyes down to my ass and flexed his own ass, sticking it further out. I raised my eyebrows, but mirrored his move. Now both our big, meaty glutes were hanging off the small triangular cushion of the workout bench. I could feel the ambient swirling air kiss my exposed asshole hanging just beyond the seat. Brian relaxed his cheek against the upper cushion, looking at me and not blinking. He seemed to be emotionally relaxed. I was in a mood, so it seemed to me like he was looking at me with love. I felt the same. So I did the same. Eye to eye. “Relax. After this, everything is just you and me, bro.” Brian said mysteriously. I smiled. “You and me.” I said. So stupid. So innocent.
    2 points
  14. Let’s see: Brad McGuire, Jack Dixon, Drew Sebastian, Rocco Steele, Jessy Carson - I love the way this guy fucks, Pigboy Ruben, Sharon, Ray Dalton, Cutler X. I’d spread my legs for all of these men. But my all time favorite is still Jesse O’Toole, he’s my anytime, anywhere !!!
    2 points
  15. Picture it New York City, 2004 the RNC Midtown Manhattan, Especially Near MSG. I had been taking "Calls" in the days leading up to and through then end of that week, even After the Convention had concluded. Out of about 350 "Dates" 80% were "Straight" "Martied" White men. 80% of them were Bottoms. All were Raw (I didn't do "safe" Calls) and I did Many while they were slipped away from their "families" Some encounters that stand out were plowing a X'Tian Fundamentalist through a glory hole at an ABS And loading him with three questionable loads. watching him clean up afterward was a gas. Another encounter that remains a fond memory was breeding some random conservative in a cramped men's room stall during some Broadway show while his wife and daughter waited for him. Not every "Date involved Anal. Most were blow jobs, either their partner was bad at head, or wouldn't give head at all. q fair few just wanted a *N****r to R**e their throats, but most wanted headcrhe couldn't get elsewhere. Some had other kinks their partners could "never know about" I had so much fun over those 10 or so days. It doesn't surprise me that married Blokes search for M2M fun ant
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. It's not only their wife's/gf's pussy being closed, it's also pussy isn't satisfying them.
    2 points
  18. that was the best thing about being such an obvious femboy faggot and bottom boy. everyone knew I was a cocksucker and it was common knowledge that I could deepthroat and always swallowed. and everyone knew I was into getting fucked up the ass and always took it raw. so guys would come to me on the download all the time, mostly for blowjobs but some for fucking or I would blow them a couple times then they would want to fuck me. I even got busted blowing guys and getting my pussy smashed at several highschool parties and several times I sucked guys off right out in the open at them. a couple times I even got fucked with everyone watching, including one particularly crazy party where I got drunk and let 5 boys blow their loads in me while everyone in the party watched and I even saw a few camera phones pointed at me lol. two of my nicknames in high school were "bareback porn star” and “free mouth date" lol
    2 points
  19. It definitely seems more married guys are going for it. I personally love to plant my charged loads in a married guys ass. If they ask I tell em, if not fuck away. Love getting their loads too. I still fuck with 3 married guys I pozzed.
    2 points
  20. This all started around the end of 2018 when Patrick started PrEP. As someone who’s a bit shy around sex Patrick felt that PrEP could reduce his anxiety around condomless sex and turn him more into the pig he always desired to be. You see, he had a darker sexual idea of intimacy for years but never fully embraced it. For a long time he’d been a member of bareback forums and a member of BBRT even since he was a first year undergrad in college. While Patrick fantasized bareback sex and getting roughed up in the bathhouses of the big city, these desires only stayed a fantasy and never were a reality. Patrick had a deep desire for hairy men, group sex, flip fucking, exchanging seed and swapping loads, pummeling each other and using loads as lubricant, in dark, dimly lit spaces. To Patrick, PrEP could be the key he needed to unlock his promiscuity. The time he first started taking PrEP was also around the same time Patrick accepted a new job at a startup in the Flatiron neighborhood. Things were looking up for him now as he had entered his late 20s; he was more assured with the direction his career was heading. Additionally, a new workout routine had finally started to kick into a higher gear as he began focusing more on weight training, pushing less reps and heavier weights, and feeling more confident with the barbell. A few months prior Patrick was an average weight-height ratio, a true mesomorph, with a little extra love around his chest and hips, but since he began hitting the gym and eating leaner, he was losing weight and seeing more definition in his arms, back, and shoulders. Walking around nude around the locker room was also different, as his shyness was becoming less and less obvious from his early and mid 20s. His chest hair was also starting to grow more dark and curly; he was becoming more manly and less boyish. If he had time after his workout, he’d even stick around in his towel and begin to use the dry sauna, hoping to catch sight of someone joining him or to hook eyes with another gym rat. On an early November morning Patrick had planned his PrEP appointment at the Chelsea health clinic not far from the office. Showing up early he was amongst a bunch of other gay men waiting outside for the doors to open. Patrick was a bit nervous as he wasn’t sure how much time he’d need or how seamless the process would be with the doctor. In no time the doors had opened, and the queue had begun filling in their clipboards with personal information. Finally after nearly an hour and a half, his number was called and was presented to the doctor who’d exchange all the information he needed to begin building up his immunity. Upon finishing up his appointment and heading to his office for the day, he had already begun his daily regimen of the blue pill to become the primal bareback sex fucker he’d been pining for. All Patrick needed to do now was wait for 2 weeks and the games would begin. He kept track every morning how many days left until he’d let his body be consumed by all the new fuck buddies he’d soon be making. Motivated and completely horned by all this activity and excitement about being used, Patrick decided to walk back after work to the west side of town to Chelsea and head to his go-to sex shop, the one with a long blue awning outside and awkward mannequins in the window display. His current bottle of poppers were drying up and needed to refill, but some other purchases could possibly inspire him that day at the store. While he typically didn’t buy much more than a bottle of poppers and silicone lube, Patrick decide to go for his first jockstrap with a thick black waist band and a big pouch to hold all his junk in. Feeling a bit out of place and unsure what he actually wanted, he kept flipping the jocks across the clothing rack rather quickly as if he knew what he wanted, but clearly didn’t come PrEPared. Upon finding something medium size, and simple in design, Patrick brought his selected black jockstrap to the cash register to this cute guy who he recognized before from prior shop visits. This man in his late thirties has a good looking face but not particularly conversational. Patrick gestured to this cashier that he needed a minute to grab some poppers on the shelf behind the line, but instead of grabbing 1 bottle he grabbed 3. 1 bottle he picked up he recognized and 2 were new he hadn’t tried. He felt it was worth investigating further so he asked the cashier “would you recommend these 3?” The cashier took a look at the selection and without hesitation returned “I’d go for the white English one missing the logo, guys say it’s pretty strong”. Looking at the price it was more expensive and in a larger bottle than the others. The value made sense to Patrick so he quickly exchanged one of the 2 new ones for the white bottle and was ready to commit. To Patrick, the stronger the fumes, the better the fucking. “sounds like you’re gonna have one hell of a night”, the cashier said softly as he winked and smiled. Patrick blushed, “well I’m hoping to branch out a bit from the same ones I always get”, proving just how shy Patrick is. He could feel his palms sweat, as the cashier handed him the small stapled paper bag with the poppers and jock. “Have a nice night!” as Patrick scurried out. “You too man!” he could hear from behind. Once home in Harlem Patrick started messaging some guys on BBRT, invigorated by his new purchases and with the renewed sense of certainty that he was getting closer to uninhibited group sex he always desired. One of the guys messaged Patrick, giving him a jolt of horniness and excitement. The message was super basic as you can imagine. “Hey what’s up” this stud wrote. Intrigued by the prospect, Patrick went to his profile to see a guy who was well built, and listing many hot keywords: kissing, sucking, verse, group fun, rimming, 69, undetectable. This guys preferences were practically singing to Patrick as he began envisioning the two of them entwining their bodies together, exchanging their fluids, exchanging saliva and cum, licking each others sweat, huffing and huffing poppers all night. Patrick also saw a coupl emojis: eggplants as usual, but also a mountain and some clouds blowing, which he thought seemed a bit out of context. Without much thought Patrick began edging carefully as he contemplated messaging him back. Patrick thought that this might be someone he could meet up with in the coming days, as his plan was to wait until Friday night after work and see what kind of trouble he could get himself in to. Restraining himself from cumming, Patrick decided to prioritize browsing guys and getting comfortable with what hot profiles his neighborhood could offer. He did not recognize anyone from any prior hookup but potentially there could have been prior messages Patrick had regrettably ghosted in the past. Not this time he thought. Friday finally came, and Patrick felt like a kid waking to a white Christmas morning. Now that he completed his immunization, Patrick would later that night go hunting on BBRT across the entire city, searching for verse and hairy guys who wanted to ram their cocks into cum filled holes. Getting through the day, Patrick hit the NYSC by Park Ave around lunchtime, focusing on his arms and chest. Patrick spent a solid hour and 10 minutes working his body, feeling his testosterone lighten the stress a bit. Looking in the mirror of the locker room Patrick could clearly see the results of today’s routine, recognizing his arms and chest all pink and swollen from the pump of his workout; his face was flushed pink as well. Everyone else in the locker room during the lunch rush minded their business as if it were a normal Friday. After Patrick had returned back to the office, he pursued his remaining tasks before the weekend started. Patrick’s last meeting finished up, and by 6 it was time to leave, catch the D train home to 145th St. and start PrEParing for the night. Patrick was completely spent from the long draining day at work and feeling the exhaustion from his workout, he was feeling more focused on his need for a nap once he got home. Speed walking from the station and from the dark and cold air, Patrick made it home, walked up his quiet and empty apartment, and slipped into bed, setting his alarm for 9:30. Hearing the gentle chimes, Patrick recognized that it was well into his Friday evening and he needed to get a move on. Luckily, Patrick slept solidly and was ready to focus on getting some dinner ready and start cleaning his ass. Patrick had a basic meal ready in no time, accompanied by a few shots of rum. It was strong but would help him relax even further into the night. It was time to hit the shower, taking with him his douche, his new poppers, and his music playlist. The playlist that Patrick had curated was dedicated to deep and seductive beats, a very low energy but could easily put you in a sexual trans. While he didn’t want to take too long cleaning himself, Patrick took the liberty of opening one of his fresh poppers and inhaling the fumes through one of his nostrils, letting the warmth make his body glow. His heart was pounding in his ears as his ass lips were pulsing. Patrick slipped 2 fingers up his ass, feeling the pleasure of something entering his ass and rubbing the walls inside. His cock was full of pulsing blood, making him erect at 8 inches. Fuck. Tonight was going to be a ride. By nearly 10:30 Patrick was fully prepped, and feeling the intensity of his continued use of poppers mixed with the alcohol coursing through his bloodstream. Patrick could feel the worked muscles from his workout and confident with his looks. Dried off and laying in bed, Patrick opened up BBRT and began exploring all online profiles within a 5 mile radius. The profiles were just incredible; it was a buffet of furry raunchy pigs. It seemed that every block in the city showed somebody online wanting to bareback. Patrick was sweating and he could see clear precum begin to ooze from his erect cut shaft dribble down his mushroom head. Patrick was determined he was going to hit up multiple guys and take each of their loads, allowing them to churn the last pigs shot into him like making butter, slicking his ass with any load he could get. While there were some messages sent from blank profiles, Patrick kept on, sending a handful of messages of his own indicating that he was interested in what the other guys were up to. He soon checked out a profile of a couple in their 40s who lived close to his Harlem apartment. The pictures from their side looked hot!, (although who could know for sure if they were up to date). Some of the photos had them together and some separate. One of the guys a bit tall and somewhat thinner but broad shoulders, while the other guy was a bit more beefy and a chest full of hair. Their account showed active and online, and that they can host, fantastic! Patrick sent a message and waited a bit, and in very little time he got a reply from the couple. For Patrick, this couple would be his priority if they could host and could host NOW. After some quick back and forth, the conversation did not waste any time getting to the matter of position, likes, timing, and phone numbers. Moving to text, the couple sent the address and let Patrick head on over. Slipping on the new jockstrap, warm clothes and a shoulder bag with his new sex supplies, Patrick would show up on their brownstone doorstep within 15 minutes. After being buzzed in and walking up to the third floor, Patrick could hear their apartment front door open with a low voice call him in to greet him. Seeing the guys head peek out, the taller partner welcomed Patrick with a warm tone to his voice, covering his mostly naked body with the front door. “I’m Mike, great to see you Patrick” Mike closed the door behind Patrick and were facing each other, with Mike only wearing short briefs. Looking at his face Patrick recognized him from the photos very clearly and was relieved to see that his photos were accurate. Entering their apartment, Patrick was met with the smell of burning incense and low lit colorful lighting, and a warm air temperature. Patrick scanned the room trying to gauge the layout and if the partner was around. “You look incredibly fucking hot, this is going to be a lot of fun” Mike closed in on Patrick. Given that everything was meeting Patrick’s immediate expectations he was relaxed to give Mike a smile and a brief embrace. “Thanks for having me over so quickly you look hot yourself” Patrick returned. Mike continued to gaze into Patrick’s eyes. At this point, a sound from the kitchen could be heard as the partner, wearing a tank and briefs, came around the corner holding what appeared to be Gatorades. “Hey there kiddo I’m Ben” the shorter partner said. Mike looked at Ben with a devilish grin as Ben came up to Patrick, giving him an amicable hug to gesture his welcome. “So how long have you lived in Harlem? I don’t think I’ve seen you much online or at anybody else’s house before” Ben said “Yeah I’ve been in this area four years actually, I just don’t log on too often” Patrick replied, taking off his coat and placing the bag to the floor. “Well we’re looking forward to getting to know you better” Said Mike, smiling Small chat continued briefly about the apartment, helping Patrick ease into the environment, and the hosts were gracious to help him get comfortable. “Water?” Ben asked, heading back to the kitchen “Yes that would be great thank you. By the way I picked up some fresh poppers I hope that’s something we could try if you’re interested” “Thanks for bringing them! We can’t get enough of them. We have some new ones too so we should be in good company” said Ben Mike ushered Patrick, “come follow me Patrick. And hey, Ben? Can you also grab the other supplies?” Mike led Patrick thru the living room down their hallway, opening the door a bit further to Mike and Ben’s bedroom, more dimly lit and curtains sealing the windows. A projector was also showing incredible porn with the volume at a decent level. There was also a laptop in the middle of the bed and several cups on their dresser right near the bed. Patrick was excited but nervous, recognizing that things were gonna start heating up. “This is our room, now don’t be shy you can have a seat in the bed let me grab some candy we picked up from the deli” Patrick removed his shoes and socks, took a spot on the bed and watched as Ben came in with the Gatorade and gummy bears from the kitchen. Mike came over to Patrick and proceeded to deeply kiss him from the edge of the bed. “Let’s take this off shall we” Mike said looking into Patrick’s eyes and running his fingers across his waist. Before long, Patrick had pulled his long sleeve shirt over his head and revealed his chest. Ben had now reappeared in the doorway, focusing on their new guest as Mike took Patrick’s shirt and laid it on a side chair. Patrick’s heart was racing but was more excited than nervous. “Oh let me grab my bag in the living room” Patrick got up and headed down the hall. Grabbing his bag, Patrick returned down the hall half naked and reentered the bedroom. Ben had taken to the bed having removed his short as Mike was going through the drawers looking for something. Ben gestured to Patrick to come meet him in bed, and Patrick responded by unbuttoning his pants and exposing his black jockstrap and his hairy legs. “WOOF you’re gonna make us wild tonight, bring that ass over here!” Mike called. Climbing into the bed, Patrick dove straight into Ben and began making out aggressively, tongue locked and feeling their bodies press against each other. They could feel each others muscles and firm and warm bodies comfortably come together as they started to suck each others necks. “ would you like to try on any of our gear? We have tube socks and a harness if you’d like, I’m gonna put mine on” Mike said. Patrick chimed “ I’d love to sure “ returning to Ben, as Ben licked his pecks. Patrick’s set of gear was handed to him and he quickly figured out how the back pieces crossed and how his arms would feed through. Patrick could hear the poppers open as Ben inhaled long in each nostril. Ben looked like he entered Pleasure Island as he sat back against the headboard, took a pause to let the warmth run through his body. Patrick climbed back to Ben, facing him with his ass facing Mike. In moments, Patrick could feel the third person join the bed and began rimming his ass. Mike cradled Patrick’s dick as Mike licked upwards to the base, back toward his hole. Mike's tongue circled and circled, while he stroked Patrick’s dick slowly and tenderly. And then SLAP - against Patrick’s ass. Ben and Patrick continued licking each others tongues and exchanging saliva. Their hands cupping around each others ears to stabilize each other and holding each other firmly. Mike was now sucking on Patrick’s ass hole as the inner ass muscles were relaxed. Ben grabbed the bottle of poppers and held it to Patrick’s nostrils. “Five seconds each kiddo, we’re gonna all take a turn and get flying” Ben said. Patrick complied, letting each nostril fill with the amyl fumes, reaching his blood vessels and through his body. It was ecstasy, and Patrick took a third hit before passing the bottle to Mike. Mike inhaled twice in each nostril before capping the bottle and throwing the poppers on to the bed. “Want a cock ring? Might be fun if you haven’t used one” Ben asked me. “Yeah I’ve never used one but I’ll take one if you’ve got an extra” Patrick replied. Ben scurried off the bed and went to the dresser. Sitting back against the pillows, Patrick and Mike faced each other before colliding into each others arms and started licking each others chest. Patrick could taste Mike's salty body, letting his lips suck at Mike's treasure trail, down into his crotch. Patrick proved more dominant and pushed Mike back to expose Mike's mast. Immediately Patrick began feasting on his meat, roughly 7 inches long but pretty fat. Each of them slipped on their elastic and colorful rings. Patrick felt like it wasn’t completely necessary for his already hard dick but felt comfortable with the pressure on his balls. Before continuing Patrick grabbed some water and rehydrated. Ben, applied lube to Mike's cock and said, “wanna ride him first? And I face fuck you?” Without hesitation Patrick swung his legs on both sides of Mike to straddle him as he lined up Mike's dick right up to his loose fuck hole. Letting Patrick control the dick invasion, the slick cock pushed through Patrick’s ass lips and began to slide slowly through, letting out a low and deep moan. Ben already had the poppers ready for Patrick, as Patrick took a longer huff in each nostril. Once Patrick was sitting at the root of Mike’s throbbing dick, he let Mike's meat adjust in his warm soft cunt and settle in its new home, until he slowly begun riding back and forth like a jockey, rocking and milking themselves; Patrick pinning down Mike's elbows, and their rhythm maintaining a good pace. Ben climbed over Mike's face, giving his partner access to his sweet furry cunt, and Patrick access to his swollen uncut rod. Ben could now lean forward and grip Patrick’s hips, massaging his back muscles and lightly dig his fingernails up and down. It left red marks but not in a painful way. Patrick was quietly working Ben’s growing hard-on as Mike sucked his partners hairy ball sack. The moaning of all three of them continued as the porn from the projector continued through the queue of scenes. Now you could hear the bed beginning to squeak just a bit but ultimately the bed contained these pigs pretty well. Their heat was warming up the room and Patrick was in the center of the action. Their sweat had made his skin slick, and occasionally requiring he push back his bangs. “Hey wanna try something stronger? We wanna see if you’d like to try something that’s similar to poppers but lasts more than just a couple minutes. It’s definitely stronger and we have a bunch we wanna share with ya” Patrick’s eyes lit up. Hearing that it was similar to poppers was what Patrick was hoping to hear and this couple was fulfilling his needs. Continuing to ride Mike, Patrick agreed “fuck yeah I want you to take me beyond the limit” “Trust us you’re gonna love it. It’s gonna be a good time” Ben said in an enthusiastic way, emphasizing the last sentence. Mike looked to Ben and Ben got to the bedside table and got three big shot glasses already pre poured with what looked like a red Gatorade cocktail. “What’s in that?” Patrick asked. “Some really good shit. You’re gonna feel incredibly cock hungry and you’ll want more. Start with this dosage and see how you feel after 30 minutes.” Ben said. Stopping for a moment for Mike to pull over and sit upright, Mike grabbed a shot glass and handed one to Patrick and Ben grabbed Mike a glass and one for himself. “See ya on the other side kiddo”
    1 point
  21. You are on your back, the dude with the huge dick is pumping your ass like he is possessed. You have no idea if he is poz or not, all you know is that his massive pole feels great going balls deep into your negative ass. New to barebacking, you quickly forget about the risks when you see a cock and start think how good it will feel slipping into your ass. But tonight is different. Tonight that magic dick is going to spew a toxic load into your tender ass and start your conversion. You are ten seconds from taking the stealth poz load that will change your life. And now, the process is launched and there is nothing you can do to reverse it. You are not poz yet, but you are seconds away from infection. At P (poz) minus 10, the process starts. All of the efforts of the top ramming his cock into your ass are about to pay off. The level of arousal is such that the orgasm that will convert you has started. Wham, the rear most sphincter in his piss tube slams such. This seals the tube on one and and keeps the piss out of the cum. P minus 9 sees the prostrate (with the piss tube running through it) begin to stir up the toxic stew that will deliver the virus to mucus membrane in you shit chute. P minus 8 and the front piss tube sphincter slams closed. Now, the prostates mix of sperm, virus, fluids and sperm food fills the sealed tube. The top knows the feeling of his cock swelling for orgasm. As the tube fills with that potentially lethal mix, his breathing deepens, his thrusts become my animalistic and he may start groaning as he enjoys the feel of his ever more engorged cock. P minus 6 and the tube is nearly full. While only 5 percent of the volume is sperm, there are as many as 500,000,000 of the little baby makers ready to make the swim of their lives----but will only die in the dark dank reaches of you queer asshole. There are a number of different fluids that are present as well---most of them are carrying the virus that will soon infect your body. P minus 5 and the top shouts OH GOD, and moves into the second phase of his virus inserting orgasm. The pressure in the closed off piss tube has reached the maximum and it signals the front sphincter to open suddenly. The built up cum pressure forces the poison wad to start moving toward your cock head. P minus 4 and the jizz is near the glans....the top's very meaty, mushroom cockhead. The state of overall arousal and the sensation of the dollop of cum reaching the glans combines for more action. The muscle like parts of that glorious piece of man meat start contracting. The top's work is nearly done. The tensing of the those cock control system expel the shot with great force.....as much as 80 miles per hour. And all you know is that you are enjoying a great fuck and you know Mr. Top is about to explode into your willing ass. The virus that causes HIV+ has been launched and will soon be residing you that ass you think is just being used for fun and sex. T minus 3 and the filthy load is out of the tip of the cock and free flowing towards the lining of your rectum. Splat and it hits you.....the virus is now yours and no longer just a theory it is in your ass. The top continues to spasm and shoot parts of his gift. The continual thrusting of his meat smears that load up and down your hole. He is increasing the points of contact---so the virus has more opportunities---and you are just wiggling and squirming in the delight of being well fucked. T minus 2 and the top is nearly done. HIs strokes are not as deep, his cock is softening, but his deed is done, he has mixed a toxic wad of white sticky goo and shot it deep into your ass. He then smeared it for maximum effect. T minus 1 and he with draws. Now it is up to the virus and the receptiveness of your ass. The brutal fucking had damaged the lining of the very thin membranes of you ass-cunt so you are ready for accepting your fate. T minus ZERO--blast off. The virus containing cum that is smeared inside you begins offloading the passengers. The poor sperm are condemned to die in your shit hole or will be expelled with the next dump you take. But the HIV causing virus is very happy, the warm dark hole is a good place for them. The thin and damaged walls of your rectum make it easy to move in. And they begin gathering together and replicating and preparing to wage a war on your immune system. A war they will win. You may feel the battle if you develop the fuck flu. You may never know there was a war until, you get that test result you are not expecting. But for now, you have no idea that the war was started, all you know is that you are simply laying there, cum in your ass, happily and thoroughly fucked. It is just a mater of days until the war has been won and you are HIV+. You have no clue what happened in the past 10 seconds. You have just been pozzed
    1 point
  22. To add back to the MRSA discussion: early in the week I started developing an infected spot on my forehead, which I at first assumed was just a typical pore that got infected with something. I cleaned it out, and within a day the spot had both grown considerably and spread to other locations on my forehead. Urgent Care decided it was better to assume it was something like MRSA and treat it heavily up front than to throw antibiotics at it that were ineffective, so I'm on both an oral antibiotic and an antibiotic ointment. The good news is that the skin sensitivity in the area is almost back to normal, and the (ultimately) four spots, while ugly and crusting over with blackish residue, seem to be healing up. All I can figure is that I may have wiped my forehead with something that had staph bacteria on it - and it wasn't at the gym or any other "typical" location, because I hadn't been to any. I probably picked it up on my fingers somewhere, touched a spot on my forehead afterward, and boom.
    1 point
  23. You can always take the condom and unload it in your ass or mouth if you want.
    1 point
  24. So I'm talking to this 24-year-old on Grindr. And FYI I am in my sixties. Anyway he wants to meet up and fuck me raw. I said great but I couldn't host at the time so he said that's fine I like to do it out in public. So I told him where there was a parking garage on the lower level it's not very busy so he met me there. Never even saw a picture of him beforehand and he was a tall black guy handsome. And I put my hands on the hood of my car dropped my pants and he came over takes out his cock splits on it and tries to enter me but it's not lubricated enough so I've bend down and suck it for a bit. Then I stand up again hands on the hood and I point out that there's another car there they are watching and we both said we didn't care. So he starts fucking me rough and raw and before too long he cums in me. I suck his cock clean. After that he zips up and gets back in his car and leaves. I talked to him later online to thank him and I said we'll have to do it again and next time in a state park or woods and he said absolutely. So so looking forward to it getting a little warmer.
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  25. I was actually in elementary school, first time i had oral sex
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  26. 1 point
  27. I have fucked over 10,000 men mostly white men, with a mixture of Latin and black!
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  28. 3 Toxic loads this morning. Blood Slam too!
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    1 point
  30. So excited for another chapter! Thanks for keeping us hard with each new installment!
    1 point
  31. Seriously.. your stories make me so hard. Thanks for sharing your talents
    1 point
  32. One of the best on the site! I wish I could write half as well!
    1 point
  33. I'm a married bi guy who has gotten fucked raw plenty of times behind my wife's back...
    1 point
  34. bi married, Mrs knows - have been on grindr for years and there were always str8/marrieds - guessing he increase is due to CL being dead. CL used to be the gold standard for finding married cocks to suck and bend over for. LOVE knowing the cock I'm getting normally goes into pussy.
    1 point
  35. Yesterday I went to The Blue Store (ABS), it was very busy, but mostly bottoms or guys looking for “the perfect one” to fuck. Managed to suck a couple dicks before a guy entered the booth next to me and presented his cock to the gloryhole. I sucked him hard, added some lube, grabbed my poppers, and turned around to press my hole against him. He entered me fairly easily, with the help of the poppers and it wasn’t long til he was fucking me hard. He pumped me for a couple minutes and then he thrust deep inside me and flooded my hole. He pulled out, wiped off his dick and left. Today, I met up with a daddy that’s been craving my hole for weeks. I went over to his place, striped and got on all fours at the edge of his bed. He played with my hole for a bit, telling me how much he loved my pink cumhole. Then he lubed up, told me to take a hit of poppers and then buried himself balls deep inside me. He fucked me for about an hour, asking me about all the other daddies that have bred me until he pumped several spurts of daddy cum inside me. Below is my hole post breeding today.
    1 point
  36. Day 3 – Tuesday I just want Head #6 Feeling sunlight hit me right in the eyes as I groan and roll over and feel the sticky floor tacky as I continue rolling myself as my arse cheek peels away from the layer of dried cum, precum and sweat on the floor.. Imaging the floor of your favourite SOP by closing. The way the floor sticks to your boots as you zip yourself up and crawl away before the dawn light shows you for the pig you are….. The place smelt like a seedy public bathroom…. Ok maybe not fully but the smell took me back to my glory hole days…. As if what I had done last night wasn’t enough obviously my piggy head wanted more…… more degradation, more abuse, more humiliation, more cum……. FUCK. Is that cum leaking from my arse? Fuck he did cum….. He musta blown so hard it pushed so deep it took hours to move through me….. Fuck he did cum, Fuck , Fuck, FUCK……. What had I done seriously…… I cheated… did I? I still had not cum with any of the guys….. I mean all I did was take it to the next step. Now I want you to keep in mind, I was so paranoid, I wouldn’t even see another Dr at this stage in case they called the GP that both me and my BF used…. I couldn’t risk it…. Also at this stage I was kinda purely focused on work and what little friends I had around me that I wasn’t fully aware of PREP. Why would I be, I had been with my BF for ages and we only bb each other. Well that was partly true now… I guess I allowed that guy last night to BB me…. Fucking hell…. Only two days into being left alone and well you already know what I have done……. I cant believe I took that guy….. Picking my phone up my heart racing I open the last message from the random guy and start typing. “Hey thankyou for last night it was great. I was just wondering you had fucked me raw and I cant see your status. You are neg right? Sorry I don’t mean to be that person but I am kinda freaking out” I hit the send button and then put the phone on the couch and go to stand up making noises and groans as I do. Looking around I get to work, I grab the pillow and towel. Throw it on a extra hot steam wash and then grab the bucket and mop fill it up with boiling water as I take the spray bottle of cleaning solution and spray it over the floor over the obvious mess, waiting for that to soak, I go and open the place up letting the fresh air blow through the place. Grabbing the mop and bucket I start cleaning. Few minutes later I am emptying the cloudy water down the drain as I put the mop out to dry and go and shower. Whilst in the hot steaming water, feeling the grime just wash away. I wish I could wash away the guilt as easily as the cleaning had been done. Sitting in the shower and I reach under myself and whine softly as I feel my puffed hole, remembering I had been torn somewhat explaining the pinkish cum from last night. What do I do…… fuck. I couldn’t help myself as I pictured the guy fucking me last night and then going back to what he had sent in the message…… what will I do when he messages about hooking up and with his friends. Obviously I cant … can I? I mean I have already taken him and if he is neg then surely his friends would be….. I can tell him I don’t need to cum nor want any reciprocation, that should be ok shouldn’t it? I had no one to talk to….. I couldn’t talk to my friends they are straight and prudish and just don’t get me. I had no other gay friends, my BF couldn’t handle that notion…. I couldn’t talk about this with him either…… Fuck I feel alone……. Maybe this sick feeling will pass once I get some breakfast. Pulling out some yoghurt and fruit pieces from the fridge I set about making a small bowl just to see how I feel after that. Placing the bowl on the counter, I decide I need to finish what was the attempt of my slutty side I let loose last night. I grab the items from the washing machine and hang them out, I go about tidying the lounge-room up, putting cushions back taking the lube and placing it in the cupboard with the other easy to get items for sex….. that’s if the BF on the rarest of occasions where sex happened outside of the bedroom. Standing back making sure no evidence has been left behind, satisfied I move back to the counter and stir my breakfast as I take slow bites with minutes between each bite. Autonomously eating through breakfast, I don’t even notice my phone dinging, nor the time. With each bite I take everything seems to be moving slower and slower as I feed myself. Finally after what seemed like an hour which really was only a few minutes I bring myself back as I look at the empty bowl and move it to the sink as I get up and go back to the lounge. Grabbing the remote I turn the tv on and grab my phone. Mindlessly putting on the first thing which happened to be Breaking Bad. I loved the show however it was one of those shows that put me on edge even though when I first watched it, it gave me the impression I was the one doing something wrong and hiding it. It was weird, but as it played I opened my phone and went through my messages. Few from the BF asking me how work was (I didn’t tell him I had taken the same amount of time off work whilst he was away. At the time it was more so I could lay around the house, sleep in, play games. I didn’t plan it for getting fucked or being a slut… Honest) Messaging him back saying its boring, doing training so in the back room (this way if any of our friends didn’t see me in the store front I had a valid excuse) basically telling him nothing eventful was happening and how his trip was going. We had a bit of too and fro for a bit, confirming he was there working set my stomach down a-little. Saying our goodbyes for now I checked my phone for anything else, nothing else was interesting me at the moment I placed the phone down and watched the show on tv. Drifting off all I could dream off was the guy from last night, feeling his thick cock stretch me. How much better he was at fucking me than the BF, how much thicker and longer. His huge load he dumped in me, the sweat and scent of his musky body. Not wanting a shower before hand and especially when he denied me a condom. Groaning as I wake up slowly, realising I am humping and grinding the lounge, rock hard and leaking precum my cock glides in my jockstrap covering my cock. Moaning as I reach down to look at the profile from the guy last night and when I log in there is a message. “Bit late to ask status now? We made contact through a bareback site…. So chances are high no one uses a rubber. Besides you never asked and made that feeble attempt wanting me to not cum in you. Who cares about your BF, you offered your hole, I took the chance and got myself off, if you want another load let me know if then fine” feeling like dirt as I read his message, I must have read it a 100 times trying to make sense of it somehow if it told me he was neg or poz. Giving up I placed the phone down Swearing at myself, I couldn’t help but notice I was rock hard as I read the message. Half tempted to message him asking what about it, I ignored it and placed the phone down. Idly playing with my cock, I turn the porn back on, shortly after ive dropped my jockstrap, laying back on the floor using the cum stained pillow as support as I flick through tumblr and have a lazy wank, working myself up I grab the maximum impact spray and spray it on our jerk off cloth and shove it in my mouth as I take deep huffs and feel that floating sensation and euphoria as I continue stroking. My phone goes off as I grab it and open the message and its from the chubby tradie. “Hey, horny here, ready to be fucked?” Thinking it over, I new I was still cleaned out and ready for more, but was I mentally ready…. I mean he is Bi, so he would prob wear a rubber with women right? We never discussed it so he may use a rubber with me…… Do I be honest and let him know I was fucked yesterday with a load raw from a guy I don’t know? By the time I go through the whole 100 self loathing questions, I get another message from him. “Gotta be quick going out with gf to dinner, let me cum round and drop a load in ya fag” he responds with a touch of urgency added. Well there is my answer to my question he wants it raw. I mean I have already been servicing him so again if I don’t cum im just the recepticle right? Messaging him back I get the lube and amyl as I lay them out on the floor, “Door is open let yourself in, in same spot as I was last time and last night took a load as well” Sending the message I don’t hear anything back and start to worry that maybe telling him I took a load last night was a mistake. The sounds of porn playing don’t mask the sound of a truck pulling up, realising its him I hit the poppers and get on all fours. Door opening as I hear it slam shut the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hallway as he strolls in all sweaty he starts stripping as he drops his pants and gets on his knees behind me and lifts his gut up as I feel his already hard chubby thick cock poke my hole. No need for lube I can feel his greasy cock he hasn’t showered as I moan and push back. “Yeah faggot push back on my dick, you dirty cheating slut been out taking loads havent ya? I got a weeks worth of breeding bull cum for ya pig” he grunts as he grabs my hips and pulls me back on his cock as his head pops in, I yelp and he pushes hard, growling as he sinks deeper, stretching me as I shake. “Dirty pig taking loads, gunna get you knocked up with my baby batter faggot” grunting as I feel the sweat drip from him over my back as I whimper and push back the ache turning into pleasure. He thrusts harder and faster I can feel him building up to releasing his load. Huffing as he pushes harder, I clench down and bare down on his cock, this sets him over the edge as he digs his fingers into my hips digging his nails into my skin as I yelp and feel his cock throb as he shakes behind me and unloads in me. The whole expeirence lasting less than a minute, but that doesn’t bother me, I feel proud as I hear him say a “Fuck me I needed that, thanks pig” pulling out leaning back waiting for me to perform my cleaning duties, as I turn around and take his leaking greasy cock in my mouth, I moan as I taste his sweaty cock and my arse mixed with his cum sucking harder, he holds my head and tells me to swallow as he starts pissing. Not expecting the force of his piss I gag but start gulping as I taste his strong yellow piss. Grunting as I drink faster not wanting to spill any. The flow eases up as he groans and pushes me off and stands up, getting dressed he looks at me and says “I have a mate who needs a faggot to service him, big guy like me but real shy around women but like everyone else he needs to get off. Ill send him your number, I expect to hear good things” Looking at me realising he was asking me for my permission, I stammer “Of course yes sir, happy to help” smiling he grins and takes his leave. Door slamming shut, I grin and think the front door is having just as much action as I am. Giggling at my own joke before realising what I had done. Looking at myself I was a mess, covered in sweat, tasting cum piss and sweat in my mouth. The house stinking like a bathhouse that hadnt been hosed out in a few days. I don’t really feel like cleaning right now and all I could be bothered was to open the windows up and let the fresh air waft through. It was only midday and now I was on edge. Two raw loads in less that 16 hours….. Im cheating now arnt I. Not trying to make myself feel better, but I may as well accept it, even if I havent cum myself I am still taking raw loads, before it was just head….. but now ive crossed the line. How do I make this ok, I don’t want to loose the BF, I do (at the time) love him. He may be an arrogant asshole and selfish narssistic prick…. But I did love him and he loved me I was sure of that. And I know its arrogant of me but I was bored with our sex life and I was sick of hiding what I was truly into and wanted to just be piggy. Whether or not it was arrogant it was fucking selfish….. It wasn’t just my life I was potentially interferring with but my partners as well. Its not like we fucked a lot and the times we did he didn’t end up cumming in me so the risk was low. He was a total top and never entertained the thought of bottoming himself. I wasn’t stupid I new there was a risk but it was low….. low enough to entertain the idea of me continuing to cheat. The thought now was whether or not I continue cheating or stop. I was still alone for another 11 days. Being on day three I sat back and pondered, I could feel the tradies cock leak outta my hole. DING, my damn phone, was probably the BF messaging me…… getting up I grab my phone and its from a new number….. opening it up it was from a guy called Dave, he was the tradies mate. “Hey, got the number from a friend who said he dropped a load in ya, I have a date tonight and need to get off before I take her out so im not thinking about rooting her right up…. You free, where are you located I can come over now, let me know…… Needs to happen soon” Fuckkkkkk just has a had a moment of clarity and charity……. To stop and repent my wicked ways. DING, picture message received Header – Me right now PiC “Fuckkkkkkkk” I groaned, it was about 6 inchs thick uncut with a thick head, thick foreskin perfect size and just a little longer than the tradies cock. I wasn’t even thinking at this stage, I went to auto pilot (its crazy what you auto attune for cock) I messaged him back the address, told him door is unlocked and come down hallway ill be waiting on all fours up to him if he wants me to blow him first. Again I got no response so I got myself ready, no need for any lube this time, I had the amyl ready porn playing and waited, it feel like hours but in reality was only like 20 mins, hearing a car pull up, I take a hit on the amyl and hear the door open and close, softer foot steps as he walks inside seeing me he grins and looks around. “We alone?” He whispers, I nod grining at him “All alone” he nods as he kicks his boots off dropping his pants, no underwear on, as he speaks “been a while since I fucked last, and a while since cumming don’t know how long ill last” taking his shirt off showing his hairy belly, not as fat as the tradie but stocky, thick arms, legs and hairy feet and a fuckload of dark thick pubic hair around his cock making him seem shorter than he was. He started stroking himself as he came around to my head and shoved his cock into my mouth. Opening as I took him in my warm mouth hearing his sigh as he sunk in deeper, working my tongue into his foreskin and tasting his sweatiness and salty head, cleaning under his foreskin as he grows thicker in my mouth, I start bobbing up and down pushing harder as I force his cock down my mouth to the back of my throat, his length just enough it pops past my uvula as I gag slightly. This turns him on as he grabs my head and starts facefucking me, forcing his cock to the back of my throat. Feeling his foreskin slide back as he pushes harder in my mouth. Gagging harder he picks up speed choking as I reach out and place my hands on his thick hairy tree trunk thighs. Sucking in air when I can I was starting to feel my self go slack as he pulled out his spit covered cock, throbbing, thicker than before veins pulsing down his shaft. He tells me to turn around, again no mention of rubbers or seeing him go for one, feeling him behind me I feel his cock pressing on my hole, whimpering as he pushes I groan and push back as he sinks in. That pleasurable painful feel as my hole stretched accepting the intruder, he starts fucking me, grunting and huffing, sweat dripping off him. “Fuck yeah, you faggot pig take my raw cock, gunna get you knocked up faggot. Yeah take my raw sweaty greasy cock, its great when I find pigs like you who just wanna help us alphas get off, such a good breeding pig, gunna be using you a lot, heard your cheating on your BF, love fucking you married cheating pigs, gunna come round when he is home and your gunna sneak outside and take my cock then come in to him and get him to fuck you, bet he has no idea you’re a faggot cheating pig does he?” He growls as me as he keeps fucking me. Whimpering pathetically as I moan at him “ yes sir, ill take your cock anytime you want, down my throat up my arse, ill be your faggot pig, Knock me up I want your litter sir” grunting myself with each forceful thrust. He grunts louder as he fucks me hard his thighs slapping mine, his hairy nuts slapping mine making me yelp. Suddenly he lunches forward and shudders as I feel his cock spasm and swell inside me I can feel his cock throbbing as it shoots his load inside me as he growls, the sweat pouring off him onto me. After a minute he pulls out and I turn around doing my obligatory cock cleaning service as I take him in my mouth as he moans as he grabs my shirt from the lounge and starts wiping the sweat from his hairy body. I nurse his cock and clean under his hood making sure I get all his cum and bob up and down on his cock keeping his hood from sliding back as I suck my cum and sweat from his cock. He pulls back once satisfied and says “Thanks pig, gotta go, keep this shirt for me don’t wash it, and wear that same jockstrap next time, ill message you and you better answer” he leans over and grabs his shorts pulling them up he easily slips his hairy feet into his shoes as he shuffles forward and puts his shirt on as he walks off down the hallway, out the door and takes off. Sitting there half stunned, looking at the clock was only about 2pm now and wondering what else to do with my day. I lay back feeling the cum run from my hole. I pick my phone up and notice a missed call from the BF, my gut churning in sickness and unease as I call him back. “Hey, sorry missed call, (remembering I am meant to be at work and kicking myself for nearly forgetting) My lunch break was pushed back due a client issue, hows your trip, have you had any time to explore the sights” I casually discuss trying to keep a light tone to my shakey voice “Yeah, been working today had the morning off went for a coffee near river did some walking. Went shopping got a few things. I have an afternoon meeting then going out for drinks with the team at the pub down the road from hotel, what have you been up too?” He responds from his demeanour sounds like its going smoothly which was good, I felt happy he wasn’t too stressed. “Well after I dropped you off, came home and cleared out the fridge, used up the bananas and fruit made some bread and tarts, you will have some to enjoy as ive frozen some (great now ill have to cook at some point) and just been working, home and playing games on the PlayStation, Waiting on you to come home, I miss you” I say as I look down at the sweaty mess im covered in and feel the guys load leaking more as I move and try to clench my hole. “Ill be home as soon as I can, they were talking about extending my stay for a couple days to try and get some more people into the training. I am desperatly horny though, we should have fucked before I left, if they extend itll be 3 weeks by the time I get to fuck you next” he sounded a bit grumpy at this stage. “It’ll fly by trust me, ill be waiting and you let me know the day your coming home ill have everything done, so I can pick you up come home and you can fuck my brains out, how does that sound mr” trying to cheer him up along as getting myself worked up. “Id like that a lot, cant wait. I have to get back to the office and get ready for the afternoon lecture. If I don’t message its because I got caught up but will call you tomorrow. Love you” he quickly mentions I reply with my love you too and the mandatory loves and kisses noises. Hanging up I sit back pleased with myself and how I handled the deception with ease. Sitting upright I log onto BBRT, my piggy mind set and wanting more. Grinning as I look at the guys online near by……… Ok im definitly cheating now…….
    1 point
  37. HIV testing by oral fluid is for antibody only and is the least reliable method. Antibody/Antigen may be possible with a needle stick. Hepatitis panels are a blood test. Don’t be a weenie. Go get the damn test.
    1 point
  38. This past weekend, while I was down there visiting, I went to Club Ft. Lauderdale for an afternoon of taking as many loads as possible. My husband sent me there while he had lunch and caught up with family. After getting a room, I went to the showers to rinse off and to show off my hole. And then I went into the sauna to dry off. There was a hot daddy sitting on the bench stroking and I sat next to him. It didn’t take much encouragement to bend down and start sucking his cock. He stood up so we could take this elsewhere. We went back to my room, lubed his cock/my hole, and got on all fours while taking a hit of poppers. He fucked me deep, but it didn’t take long for him to pump his load into me. He’d been there for awhile and was waiting for a hot hole to breed. He left the door open and I stayed bent over, it didn’t take long for another daddy to walk in, feel my wet hole and to bury his cock in me. He fucked me with the door open so that others could see what a cumdump I am for all daddies. After he came, the crowd broke up, so I went wondering. I made my way to the gloryhole maze. There were some guys crowded around a cocksucker on his knees. As I watched, a guy started rubbing my ass until his fingers found my wet hole. He bent me over and thrust into me balls deep. Thankfully I had my poppers necklace on so I could take a hit and better take his cock as the only lube he used was the cum inside me. It wasn’t long before he was very verbally adding his load deep. Throughout the afternoon I took more cock and more loads. One notable daddy had a big thick curved cock who liked calling me his boy as much as I liked begging daddy to flood me with his cum. All in all I took around 10 different cocks and 7 loads of cum. Not as much as I’d hoped, but I had to leave to meet my husband for dinner.
    1 point
  39. Ran into my friends ex bf while at the sex shop buying lube. Asked him how he’s been dating anyone new? Said not dating he’s been in his hoe ways browsing the streets for now just raw fucking as much as possible before trying the relationship thing again. To me that sounded like and invitation so we went to the back of the shop and I let him fuck a hot load in me with his 8 inch thick PR dick. Hot dude got nice abs tan skin fucks hard as hell. Ended up going over to his place to fuck again. He said his roommate is out of town but he’s be down to fuck me too so told him hit me up when he’s back.
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  40. I headed home with my cim soaked jock in my back pack, eagerly awaiting to bury my face in it as soon as I got home. I headed to my bedroom, striped and got under the covers for a nap. The smell of my cum soaked jock was intoxicating. As I was sniffing it, my cock grew rock hard, making a tent in my sheets. This time, I look it a bit further by putting my jock in my mouth, tasting my cum for the first time. I had jacked off many times before, but always into a cum rag. The salty taste of my dried cum was exciting. Before I could finish myself off, I heard my dad heading towards my bedroom. I quickly hid my jock, and rolled over on my side so he wouldn't see the tent I had created under the sheets. I slept for almost 2 hours. Although it was now evening, I woke up with morning wood. I checked my phone and my friend told me to call, not text him as soon as I read the message so I did. Sadly, this was a wood killer, well at least for a brief time. I called my friend and the first thing he said was that I wouldn't believe what happened after I left. He was as giddy as a school girl and didn't even give me time to ask! He said he went to take a shower and when he got to the bathroom his step dad was already in the shower, and he saw him naked for the first time. He eagerly said he saw his dad soaping up his body, and then soaping up his cock and balls. He continued by saying his step dads cock was getting hard, and then he put 2 of his soapy fingers up his ass, pumping them in and out. He said it wasn't long before his step dad was fully hard, and shot a loaf in the shower without touching his cock. By now, I was rock hard again, and fortunately my friend said his step dad was calling him for dinner, and he had to go. I say fortunately as I could feel the cum churning in my balls, and I was leaking pre cum onto my sheets. I immediately grabbed my jock and buried it under my nose and started jacking. I imagined my friends step dad in the shower. He was a built hunk, in his 40s I guessed. My friend told me earlier that his step dad was like him with 8, or maybe more but definitely thicker. I already knew he had a hairy chest, as I've seen him with his shirt off at the pool. And now that i think about it, I had seen him in a speedo, but never thought much about it before. I'd have to pay more attention next time! My friend also mentioned that his step dads crotch was neatly trimmed. Needless to say, it wasn't long before I shot my creamy wad, and what a load it was! It hit my face and lips, and for the very first time, I had tasted my fresh salty cum, and I loved it. I had jacked many times, but always into a cum rag, and I had never sniffed the rag. I wiped the cum from my body with my jock, and used my finger to push that on my face into my mouth. Just then I heard my step dad calling me for dinner. I threw on a pair of shorts and headed to the kitchen. Next up. Chapter 3: Gooning.
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  41. Part 2 Seeing that the shot glass was already in Patrick’s hand, there wasn’t much point in turning back, but to only move forward, as the night was just getting started. The three knocked back their glasses and all squeamed at the bitter acrid flavor. Passing the Gatorade bottle around they each rinsed the flavor out and took a pause to adjust to the beverage they consumed. Ben grabbed a few pieces of candy and popped some in Mike’s mouth, handing Patrick a couple as well. “That stuff is terrible, hope you’re right and it's worth it. What happens now?” “We should start seeing it take into effect. It’s gonna make us feel more relaxed and give us a euphoric feel. But it’s not immediate, it takes 20 minutes” Mike reassured. “Ok, cool. Never thought I’d try something like that but let’s see how it goes” Patrick reiterated. “Yeah you’re gonna start to swirl, you’ll tell” Ben followed, smiling with a sense of self awareness and familiarity. Patrick dismounted Mike to change positions and give his calves a break. Ben, who was sitting back, legs up, and rubbing his pink hole, hand gestured to Patrick to come forward and top him. Ben’s chest showed beads of sweat pooling in between his furry pecs. Patrick crawled forward to Ben as Patrick began bathing Ben like a lioness cleaning her cub. Ben’s chest was salty, while his mouth was sweet from the gummy bears and the citric acid he had snacked on. Their tongues once again furrociously attacked each other. Their grunts were animalistic, as Ben’s legs were lifted over Patrick’s shoulders. It was a great position for Patrick to begin eating Ben’s male pussy and lick his sack. Patrick’s tongue managed to reach pretty far up his pink cunt, feeling his soft insides. “Fuuuuuuuuuckk ughhh keep it coming kiddo” Ben gasped. Ben’s man juices were sweet and insatiable. Leaving Ben’s hole slick with saliva and pushing back against his thighs, Patrick licked upwards across Ben’s tense bulbospongiosus muscle between his ass and his dick, making Ben moan even louder. Seeing Ben’s reaction he went back from sucking on Ben’s testicles back down to his pelvic muscles and reapplied pressure with his tongue and nose. Feeling Mike’s hands from behind, Patrick was getting his ass tuned up for another round of getting eaten out. Mike was excellent at rimming, he knew to not go too fast and he used the entire flat top of his tongue on Patrick. Mike and Patrick had their mouths stuffed, and could hear Ben groan the loudest as he watched his guest and his partner lined up in front of him. Amidst the action, Ben watched the porn play an orgy scene, set in the basement of a bar, and a group of pigs were filming each other using only the flashlights from their phones. These were some of the sweatiest pigs, quietly passing the bottom around with their black eyes. For Patrick, blowjobs were not really his top preference, but feeling the sexual tension he was willing to get as much cock as he could. Patrick stuffed his mouth with Ben’s meat nice and easily, realizing that his gag reflex was not interfering in any way. He could almost go all the way down to the base before coming up for air. “Dude you’re taking that dick so fucking good, don’t stop Patrick. You feeling the high kicking in? It’s fucking hitting me right now pfffff—ughhhh fuckkk”. “Yeah I’m starting to fucking swirl back here too hun, I’m gonna need that lube back here, can you pass me it Patrick?” Without a moment waiting, Patrick grabbed the lube on the edge of the bed and shoved it in Mike’s hand fast. He needed his dick back in him, he needed this raunchy spit roast to happen. Patrick could feel the horniness increase, feeling his heart pulse his blood rapidly, his body temperature begin to heat up, and could see his sweat creating drip marks on the sheets. He wanted these men to completely devour his body, enter his holes. Patrick lowered his hips for Mike while he pressed his hands into Ben’s inner thighs. It turns out that Ben is a grower, and boy he grew in girth and another inch of length, pulling his foreskin fully back, revealing a wide piss slit for Patrick to tongue. Patrick continued making love to Ben’s meat, without any sign of slowing down. “Guys I’m definitely feeling the high, oh my god my body feels so light and electric. Fuck me Mike, fuck me so deep.” Patrick growled back over his shoulder. “Boss you wanna feel me pump your ass with my semen? You’d like that huh? I’m gonna ask you return the favor to Ben and we can make a fuck train.” Mike growled back, smiling and showing his teeth. SLAP - Mike gripped Patrick’s ass with full strength, giving this ass another long lick over Patrick’s pucker. Mike inched himself on his knees closer behind Patrick’s lowered rear and rubbed his dick up and down this boys class crack in front of him. The lube was rubbing off and onto Patrick’s ass requiring that Mike apply a few more squirts of lube to fully slick up their bodies. Slapping his dick on Patrick’s hole, Mike could see Patrick’s ass clit pulsing and winking at him, signaling he needed raw cock. “Ughhh fuck, I need bareback sex. Fuck me raw” Patrick begged. Mike obliged, pressing his tip back inside the boys ass, gliding effortlessly passed the boy’s lips, and passed through his first ring. Using his teeth, Ben tore at the plastic of a different brand new bottle of poppers from the dresser and discarded the plastic to the floor. He opened the cap and assisted Patrick in feeding him long huffs of poppers. FUCK these were equally strong, taking over Patrick’s entire body. “Woahhhhooough you gotta try these you guys.” Patrick breathed. Patrick passed on the bottle to Mikes hands, as their motion paused for Mike to inhale. Mike took in his huff for 10 seconds on the left, and on the right, passing the open bottle for Ben to take some. Now that everyone was ready to go, their rhythm had begun. Ben was breathing loudly, taking himself into overdrive, while Patrick and Mike were panting in sync. Everyone’s bodies were hot and to the touch and their skin was slick with beads of sweat. The extra lube, everybody’s sweat, along with the poppers made for easy pounding pounding. Mike rammed in fast, pulled out slowly, giving his cock a flex inside Patrick. “I’m swirling, I’m fucking high fffffff-ughhh I wanna get fucked so hard by you kiddo, you wanna fuck me like you’re getting fucked right now?” Ben groaned. “Yeah let me be in the middle of you guys, that would be fucking hot.” Ben quickly took a pillow, folded it and positioned himself right in front of Patrick’s dripping cock. Ben’s ass was pointing straight at him, inviting them both to come closer. Ben’s meaty ass had tufts of sweaty public hair circling his ass, clumping in the sweat and saliva. Mike and Patrick, still penetrated, carefully kneeled up close to Ben to get the three of them fucking. Patrick lubed Ben’s naked cock up, as Ben mouthed his lips to Patrick and with wide eyes, “you fucking beautiful boy, youre so fucking sexy.” Patrick lined up, pressing into Ben’s cave, and could see his veiny cock slip into Ben’s soft and warm tunnel. “Haaaaawwwww yessssss big boy, your big dick feels incredible” Patrick closed his eyes in ecstasy, as his fists supported his torso on both sides of Ben’s hips. This gave Patrick support to easily back into Mike and forward into Ben. His fuck hole and his cock were getting worked together. Mike changed positions slightly, getting on his hind legs and gripping Patrick’s harness, managing himself to thrust more upwards. In unison, their trio bareback was tapping into their animalistic grunting, heaving, thrusting and moaning. Ben and Patrick reentered their deep kissing, tongue fucking and licking more aggressively. “ I’m so fucking high, holy shit you guys this stuff is so fucking good, what is this stuff again?” “It’s the G, this is a fucking good batch. We love it when we have groups over” Mike panted with his eyes shut. “Ugh I wanna do more in a bit, we should maybe do our regular dose, this was a bit less to get you started kiddo” Ben said Patrick saw the digital clock and saw that it was 3am. The night was flying. Patrick could understand one thing, and that was that he wanted to go deeper, he wanted more cock and more sweat to keep their juices flowing. As their bodies were slamming into each other, Patrick leaned back upright, rubbed his hands all over his own chest, pushing back his slick greasy hair. His armpit hair showing off, pits stinking, and feeling like the sex trophy he always wanted to be. Hands from Mike and Ben enveloped him as they breathed heavily, squeezing his flexed muscles. Mike could not go any deeper into Patrick as his thighs pressed into Patrick’s ass as far as he could reach, throwing his whole body into him. Mike was getting tenser and louder, his grip firmly squeezing Patrick’s shoulders. “Ughhh ughhh ugghhh I’m cumming a bit, oooohh fuck I’m squirting inside you” “Knock me up you fucking pig, feed me your jizz, I want your raunchy juices inside where it belongs” Patrick yelled. The pounding was getting wetter and stickier, and Patrick’s ass was loaded with Mike's natural lubricant. The bed was convulsing and rocking loudly. “Wwwooffwwofwoofwoofwoof ohh fuck yeah you like that kiddo?” Ben said. “Oh man I’m fucking exploding, your ass is so wet, I’m still cumming!” Mike was making a complete mess of Patrick, wrecking his cunt and taking complete ownership of him. Patrick could feel some of the cum splashing between his ass and Mike's crotch. “Aahhhhh!! Rrrrrrrrrr fuckkk!” Mike clenched his pelvis and ass muscles into Patrick’s caverness ass. Letting his load shoot 4 more pulses, Mike waited for his muscles to recover as his body was weakened from the intense eruption. As Mike’s energy stabilized, he pulled out his junk from Patrick’s loaded cunt, seeing his prick covered in his frothy cream. Patrick was spilling Mike’s load all over the sheets as his ass lips adjusted to the absence of Mike’s prick. Patrick paused for a moment to acknowledge Mike’s satisfied grin. Ben grabbed the back of Patrick’s sweaty neck and licked the inside of his ears and whispered “ “You fucking beautiful boy you fuck me with your big donkey dick, huh? ffffffffff-ugghhh you like that baby? You like being high in my ass?” Patrick’s body weight was completely on top of Ben, embracing him, dripping sweat and grunting in their missionary position. “Huh huh huh huh huh ooooohh fuckkk yeah, this sex is so fucking hot. Wanna do another round of that drink?” Wiping himself dry with a bath towel from the corner of the room, Mike said “Well I don’t know if you’d be down, but we could potentially expand our session a bit and see who else is out there. Don’t get me wrong I think what we’ve got going on is hot and we don’t need to do anything that we aren’t already enjoying. But how are you feeling about exploring some more?” “Like a foursome?” “Like anything we want to do honestly, we love group fucking whenever we can, and I think you’re kinda piggish like us” Ben answered with encouragement, smiling from the notion that appeared groundbreaking to Patrick. “I’m so down, there’s so many guys in this neighborhood, but the only thing is that it's pretty late to start a hookup, right? Its going on 4am.” Scrolling through his phone, Mike said “We’ve got a friend our age we’ve known for a long time, we were chatting earlier and he hosts. Super sweet guy. Check out this guy’s profile, what do you think?” Passing over the phone, Patrick was amazed to find the same guy that he was looking at just days ago. Going through the public photos, Patrick completely recognized this profile with the emojis. “I’ve never messaged him but he looks hot, what is he into?” “He’s very verse, great kisser, and loves to have his ass fisted depending on the night”. Give me your BBRT profile name and I’ll tell him to unlock for you. Is that cool?” Mike asked. “Yeah if you could that would be awesome” “He’ll send more pics in a sec. I’m messaging him now, his name’s Christopher. He does live in midtown but has a fantastic apartment on the west side, high in the clouds.” Patrick was getting super excited about continuing with Ben and Mike and getting to try yet another flavor tonight. Patrick couldn’t even think about going home yet being so horned up. “Check your messages, he says hi to you” “Opening his phone, he saw about a half a dozen unread messages, but the last 2 were unlocked pics from Christopher and a note with “hey ;) “ in the subject line. Upon opening his unlocked account, Christopher appeared to actually have a really handsome appearance. He had a beard and a good mixture of self pics and pics from his own conquests. He wasn’t handsome, he was hot with a good set of shoulders and arms, and a big swaying set of balls dangling nice and low. “Fuck he’s hot you guys” “Yeah we think so too, he’s also very generous with his supplies and likes getting his boys fucked up. I think you’d hit it off” said Ben. “He’s saying we’re still welcome to come over and he wants to meet you Patrick.” Patrick was responding back to his private message from Christopher to make an introduction. He wrote… “I’m Patrick, how’s your night? Been having a good time hanging out with Ben and Mike up here in Harlem” Pressing send, Patrick looked up to Mike and Ben who were looking at him for clarity on next steps. “I’d be down to go to his place, but its up to you two what you guys wanna do. I wanna see where our night takes us and keep exploring with you guys.” “You’re gonna like Christopher, he’s a good guy to party with” said Mike. “That also means that you’d Mike and I would be going a bit deeper with the Christopher, that’s just how the three of us have vibed for the last decade. We’d all let you figure out how much farther you wanna keep trying new things, we don’t wanna scare ya, you know?” said Ben. “I see, no I really appreciate you looking out for me. I think I’ll see once I’m there but if he has more G than I can definitely do some of that, and just see how it goes, if that’s not too weird?” “We’ll bring some supplies to contribute, don’t you worry kiddo, you’re gonna have a good time no matter what” said Mike Pulling some clothes together, Ben said “Let’s get ready to leave for Christopher’s, the car is gonna get here in about 7 minutes”.
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  42. I am a mature (71yo), versatile, genuine guy based in Exeter. Love the idea of a Devon bareback chat group. I have only ever fucked or been fucked raw. Just love bareback fucking, including the risk.
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  43. Part 2 The next few days were boring. Just some corporate profile pictures at some downtown office. The receptionist was hot and friendly thought. She gave me her Tiktok. I don’t have a phone. I barely afford my rent share with dad, a phone was definitely out of question. So I pretended I forgot it. On Friday, we spend the day at the studio cleaning the lens and other stuff. By 2, we were done. Leo invited me for a beer, but I had to decline as I did not have any money and pay day was only the following week. - You’re broke? No pocket change at all? - No, I reply blushing. In fact, I was wondering if I can get an advance, my rent is due Monday. Leo squinted at me for few seconds which made me blushing even more. I am sure my cheeks went crimson. - Why didn’t you say so? With that, he pulled out a roll of money and handed me $800 cash. This is for your week. - Euh… Really… thank you. I really appreciate it… I don’t want to sound ungrateful but shouldn’t it be 840$? - It should, but let say its to cover the interests. A problem? I just shook my head. I would have to manage carefully between pay days, I thought. *** The bar was only two doors down from the studio. You had to know it was there as there was no external sign. If you’d look carefully, there was an “open” neon in the window which seems to be turned on the low dim. The waitress was pretty skinny and had some charms for her. A lot of make-up, blond hair, high heels which cause her to arch her back, indecently accentuating a pair of breasts ready to pop out of her bra. - Is this a new one Leo? she asked with a faintly lisp. - Yep - Are you going to keep him this time? Leo look at her, than me. - Maybe - Maybe? I retorqued. I hope he was not considering firing me yet. - Well, he has a lot of potential and soon he might move on in a different path. A different path? With no college degree, no money, a whore as a dad, I don’t know how I could land on a more profitable job. - I will for sure follow his career. She left with our order, but not before giving me a wink and a finger at the corner of her mouth. I might stick around and score some pussy tonight. Or at least get my cock sucked. I adjusted myself down there. Leo was grinning at me. - She might not be your type, you know, but what ever your type is. Just saying. The bar was filling up with older and biker-gang guys grouping around the pool tables. We chit chat about anything as we drank our beer slowly. - I haven’t mentioned it before because I am not sure you would be ready, but since you seem short on money… I have a gig all day tomorrow and I can use some help. - All day? That meant $168. - It would pay you double. - I’m in, I blurt out immediately. My mind racking with all this extra money. Maybe I would be able to afford a new couch? Who knows? - Deal, then. Be at the studio at 6 tomorrow morning. Leo took a crisp twenty to pay the waitress. She waited for Leo to exit the bar. - Follow me. As soon as I enter the small room behind her, the waitress dealt with my belt and fished out my cock which went from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds. Fuck! I had few girls that went down on me, but this one was a keeper for sure. Best blow job ever. The sad thing about it is it was over too soon. She gave a small peck on my lips - See you soon, I hope, and went back serving the patrons. - Euh, yeah I would like that… Eh what’s your name? - Around here, they called me Prissy. I went home smiling like a guy that just won a million dollars.
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  44. That's true for the first ring too, obviously, but bottoms don't have any control over it, except maybe for the way their body is positioned. I think it helps that they can't control it, because they could easily get scared and tense up if they did. Most don't really seem to notice when it happens, although some do. I don't specifically change anything about the way I fuck when I'm in that deep. I just keep reading what the bottom likes and giving him lots of that. I mix up long strokes with staying deep and giving little jabs. There isn't any erogenous zone beyond the prostate, AFAIK, and that isn't very deep — you can mash the hell out of it with a 5 inch cock. Everything past that is just guts. My guess is that big cocks just cause a general feeling of fullness from the pressure on the abdominal wall. It's pretty clear here that what bottoms get off on is the thought of being opened up really deep inside, as well as the thought of having cum shot beyond their rectum. They're not talking about the feeling itself so much.
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  45. I got hard reading that. Knowing how long my seed stays inside a bottom is a massive turnon. I love when they tell me. I always imagine them fingering or toying their holes and thinking about my cock. Or thinking about, or even taking another cock — the important thing is that my sperm stays locked in his guts, every one of them trying to win that race. (Hard again.) So, for a top who's fucking into the second ring, it's about how it feels a little tighter. For a top who's just bred some ass, it's about how that bend is keeping his sperm where it belongs. Aw, and for a bi top... it might be like actually fucking a female balls deep. FSR I'm trying to shield you gold star men from thinking of the second ring "in that way", but that's what it is. And that's why I don't mind that pink spot I'm likely to get. That, and I know what I'm getting into when I fuck butt... it's part of the appeal, And, fuck, there's so much appeal,
    1 point
  46. Raymond tried to scream, but Nelson’s right hand clinched the boy’s throat. All that came out was a stifled mess of sounds. Raymond thrashed, but his position only allowed him to move upward and out, causing Nelson’s cock to remain firmly lodged in it is new home. Nelson was well aware of the pain he was causing but he had broken enough boys to know which ones could take the punishment and which ones could not. He was certain Raymond could take it. The pain was intense, but bearable; it was more due to shock than anything else. Realizing that his cunt was locked in place, he began to focus on his hole. He slammed his eyes shut and tried to think through the discomfort. “Open your fucking eyes,” Nelson said casually as if he were talking to a friend. Raymond opened his eyes and felt Nelson flex inside of him. Raymond bit his bottom lip and moaned. It was a delicate mixture of pleasure and pain. “I’m not going to start moving until you’re ready,” he said as he removed his hand from Raymond’s throat. He gently caressed Raymond’s face and carefully swept the hair from his forehead. “You want this. I know it,” this time running his hands over Raymond’s straining pecs. “I told you not to move your hands.” He remained perfectly still, other than using his strong hands to explore the tensed-up college stud on his dick. “You’re mine now. I need you to listen and obey.” He was speaking gently and calmly. He then brought two fingers to Raymond’s mouth and instinctively Raymond began to suck. “Good boy.” He then slowly began to withdraw his cock and the pain was revived. He stopped just as the thickest part was about to exit the hole and slowly re-entered the boy. Once again, pain and pleasure became blurred. He did his best to focus on the digits invading his mouth. Both his hands were wrapped around Nelson’s arm, bracing himself while also using the opportunity to feel the man’s muscled arm. Nelson bottomed out and flexed his cock a few times. Raymond moaned in pleasure. “Fuck yeah, buddy. This fuck stick is taking that hole to new limits.” He began to withdraw. Raymond felt his cunt lips gripping the exiting invader and he involuntarily clenched his hole. This time Nelson moaned in pleasure. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back and let the sensations take center stage. Below him he had a stud of a college boy impaled on his raw cock, he had his fingers in the boy’s mouth, fingers that he gladly and greedily sucked and his other hand gripped the boy’s toned shoulder. He felt Raymond clench once more as the thickest part of his dick slid out of the boy’s hole. Nelson was brought out of his mini daydream. “Fuck yeah, Sir. You’re so fucking big,” he moaned the words and went right back to slobbering on the man’s fingers. The boy was flying high. Nelson wanted him higher. With his cock head remaining inside the boy, Nelson reached down to grab his stash. As he reached to Raymond’s left to grab the pipe and effortlessly slid his cock back into Raymond, meeting only slight resistance as the thickest part disappeared once more. Raymond’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he clawed at Nelson’s arm in pleasure. Nelson carefully loaded the pipe as he flex his dick inside the boy 4 times. Each time Raymond yipped and moaned in pleasure. Nelson slide his cock back out as he reached over to grab the torch and slid right back in as he straightened himself as he began to melt the crystals. The pain was finally giving way to pleasure. Raymond watched as his owner readied the pipe. After a few moments it was ready and he carefully bent down to shotgun the contents of his mouth into the waiting boy below. Raymond gladly accepted but was disappointed that Nelson did not initiate a kiss. Seeing the disappointment in the kid’s eyes Nelson began heating the chamber and explained, “As much as you may be liking what is happening, don’t forget you are just a hole right now. What I am doing,” he stopped to take another large hit from the pipe, and once again leaned down to shotgun with the boy. As the smoke let him and entered Raymond, he continued. “What I am doing is trying to get you as fucked up as possible so you can fully embrace your role as my property. Keep holding it, slut.” A nod. Raymond and Nelson’s eyes remained locked for more than a few seconds then he gave the boy a slight nod, letting him know he could exhale. Nelson repeated the sequence 3 more times, not once sliding his cock in or out, but only flexing it every now and then to hear the boy’s moan. Nelson reached over to his left and placed the pipe in a waiting ashtray. This movement caused a few inches of his cock to exit the boy and again his hole clenched, trying to keep the monster in. “Fuck boy, you have no idea how good this feels,” Nelson closed his eyes and began a slow rhythm of pulling out a few inches and then gliding them back in. After the eighth stroke, Nelson bottomed out and began to grind his hips into the boy. He then reached out and grabbed both of Raymond’s ankles and began licking and nibbling the kid’s calve muscles. In and out his cock went, slow and steady he was being driven closer to the edge, especially when the kid flexed his hole. Remembering Thomas, Nelson thrust his pole deep into the kid’s guts and placed his legs around his own hips and leaned down. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on, we are going for a short ride.” Raymond complied and felt Nelson lift him off the couch and squeezed his muscled arms tighter around his owner as gravity began to take control. With each step the boy somehow seemed to impale himself further on the massive meat. Raymond was lost in the sensations but was quickly brought back to reality when he realized that Nelson’s apartment was bigger than he thought. Nelson carried the boy to a bedroom next to the bathroom. The door was a ajar and Nelson opened it further with Raymond’s body, pushing it open with his back. It was significantly dimmer in this bedroom. A border of LED lights ran across the baseboards of the room and were illuminated red. Nelson took a few steps and placed his stuffed property on a queen-sized bed that was pushed to the corner. The sheets were cool and were a welcomed relief to Raymond’s body, which he now realized was on fire. “Fuck yeah,” came a voice to Raymond’s right. It was Thomas, but he was strikingly different. Sitting on a black-swiveled chair, Thomas wore a black leather crossbow chest harness and accentuated his firm pecs. He sat, stroking an impressive uncut dick that looked to be 7 or 8 inches and a thickness that rivaled the one currently exploring Raymond’s hole. At the base of his dick was a thick steel cock ring that glistened. And to tie it all together, Thomas was a thick chain-link around his neck that had a small padlock that hung just above his pecs. Thomas stood and walked to the edge of the bed and stood next to Nelson as he slowly, and deliberately, moved his cock in and out of Raymond’s hole. Thomas began to stroke his own cock as the threw his right arm around Nelson and brought him in for a kiss. The kiss was aggressive and passionate and Raymond felt Nelson’s thrusts become more forceful. Raymond laid back and watched these two studs make out and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to be in this situation. Behind the two men, Raymond saw was a big screen television and a portable sling set up in the opposite corner of the bed. Raymond’s eyes lit up when he saw the sling. Despite his best efforts he had yet to experience sling sex and his mind began wondering to the possibilities of the night. Nelson broke the kiss and began chatting with Thomas but he kept his eyes locked on the boy beneath him. “This hole is just that, a hole. He’s here to be broken. I hope you brought you’re a game, Tommy boy.” Thomas stepped to the shelf just under the tv and that is when Raymond saw the assortment of belongings that he didn’t notice before: 3 dildos, each one thicker and longer than the next. Raymond guessed they were maybe 12, 13 and 14 inches, respectively. He also noticed the bong that he first smoked tina out of earlier in the afternoon, s small leather case that was zipped shut, a few bottles of lube and poppers, two small piles of leather, though he couldn’t not discern exactly what because they were all on top of each other and a laptop that was open that was streaming the porn currently on the television. “How fucked up is he?” Thomas asked. “Nowhere near where I want him to be.” He answered and shifted Raymond up further on the bed. Raymond relished the softness of the bed as Nelson then spread his legs like a wishbone and began thrusting harder, but at a still steady pace. Raymond stretched his arm out and let the pleasure overtake him. Gone were the memories of that initial, forceful entrance. Now that was replaced with a primal need that was being met with each thrust of the thick pole stretching him open. Sweat was dripping off Nelson as he picked up his pace. It was then, with his arms stretched out that Raymond discovered the restraints that were placed on the bed. He wasn’t sure what it was at first and turned his head to examine the leather strap. “Don’t worry, baby boy, those will be put to use soon enough,” said Thomas who then turned to one of the piles of leather on the shelf and removed a piece that couldn’t have been longer than 20 inches. As he approached Raymond, he realized what it was: A leather collar. Thomas climbed on the bed and grabbed a handful of Raymond hair, turned his head and began forcing his cock down the boy’s throat. Raymond was taken by surprise, but quickly did his best to accommodate the invasion. It wasn’t the best position, but the happily slurped, sucked and bobbed on Thomas member well enough to elicit a response from Thomas “Fuck yeah, this slut has no idea what’s about to happen to him. He then turned and winked at Raymond. As if acknowledging some secret signal, Raymond forcefully thrusted one more time before pulling completely out of the boy. Raymond felt empty, despite the cock probing his mouth. Seeing that Raymond was now off Nelson’s rod, he grabbed the boy by the shoulders and dragged him to the edge of the bed and pulled him enough that his head was now hanging off the edge. Thomas knelt down next to the boy’s head and Raymond thought he was coming in for a kiss, but was immediately rewarded with a firm slap to the face. “This faggot thinks I’m going to kiss him,” Thomas laughed, but there was an edge to his voice. The reached down and attached the collar and stood to find a lock to secure it in place. “Baby boy, I don’t make out with faggots. Open up, slut.” And he began working his uncut member down the boy’s throat causing him to gurgle. Raymond knew better than to try and struggle too much to cause a distraction, so he lay there, taking the abuse. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nelson approach Thomas, but it was him this time throwing an arm around the other and going in for a kiss. Raymond had no choice to watch as the two studs above him explored each other’s mouths while Thomas’ dick continued to make ground in Raymond’s throat. Though the drugs were still doing their work on the boy, Raymond had a realization as he was getting throat fucked: “I really am nothing but a hole to these guys,” he thought to himself as they continued to please each other. Raymond became jealous. He wanted what they had. They had a connection. So Raymond did the only thing he could think of to get their attention: he let go of any remaining inhibitions he had and began to work the cock with his throat, hoping to please these men enough to feel desired once again. “Oh shit! This fucking slut working my meat,” Thomas exclaimed, breaking the kiss. “Fuck yeah, faggot. Get my dick nice and wet.” “Let me get in there real quick so it can clean off my cock,” Nelson said as Thomas dislodged himself from the kid’s throat. Nelson was quick and placed his dick head at Raymond’s open mouth and slowly began to work it deeper and deeper with each thrust. He then reached down and rubbed the kid’s throat as his dick caused it to bulge. Raymond was thankful he cleaned out properly as he tasted the sex on this man’s dick. The assault went on for a few minutes, but the position was comfortable enough to allow a throat fucking without being too uncomfortable. Raymond was lost in the pleasure and feelings of being used that he didn’t realize that his hand was in the pouch of his jockstrap, fondling his soft cock. Nelson leaned forward, shoving his shaft fully into the boy’s throat and slapped the kid’s hand away. “Holes don’t get to use their dicks,” he said, keeping his cock firmly in place. Raymond couldn’t breathe, but he knew to remain calm. But as the seconds ticked by, his need for air and he began tapping his hand on the mattress to alert Nelson, but Nelson paid no mind. He withdrew his dick by just less than an inch and it gave Raymond hope. But Nelson knew exactly what he was doing and thrust back into the kid’s throat causing his eyes to bulge. He was running out of air and, on instinct, brought his hands up and just as his fingertips began to push Nelson’s hips away, he withdrew completely, pulled Raymond up by the collar and yelled into his face, “YOU MOTHER FUCKER! YOU JUST DON’T LEARN DO YOU!” Raymond was caught off guard. He gasped for air but his mind was racing. What else was he supposed to have done, he thought to himself. His eyes shifted to Thomas who was laughing and shook his head in disappointment. “You fucked up, kid,” was all he said as he grabbed bong and torch and sat down on the chair facing the bed. Nelson then pulled Raymond off the bed by the collar and dragged him to Thomas’ waiting cock. “You fucking suck that cock like your worthless life depends on it,” Nelson spat and punctuated it by shoving the kid with his right foot. He then walked toward the bedroom door and before leaving he turned to Thomas. “Make it hurt.” Thomas gave a comical salute and Nelson was out the door and disappeared down the hall. “Buckle up, sweetie,” he said down to Raymond before flicking the torch and filling the chamber with the familiar thick, white smoke.
    1 point
  47. Would love to chat with you sometime. I got to enjoy an intense connection with my uncle and then my dad. Have a couple of buddies that grew up like me also.
    1 point
  48. I was so fucking horny and I had to be a slut. I went to a great bookstore today. One where I usually can get a load or two. Today, I wanted to see how many I could get. There are 5 pairs of stalls in this arcade with glory holes between them. But about 10 more or so that don't. First stop was one of the popular pair that can be hard to get into. However, one of the booths was open. (Un)fortunately, the lock was broken. Walked in, a nice Hispanic older guy was there stroking. Nice uncut cock. I sucked him off nicely. What was really hot was people kept opening the door and seeing me on my knees sucking cock. Was rewarded with a nice load and a look at the face of a very happy papi! Before long, another guy comes in. Small uncut cock. No point in saying no. So, I worked on his cock for a while, but was not rewarded with a load. Curses!! Move to another set of booths. Nice looking guy goes into the adjoining booth. I start working on his cock and he asks if I want to go to another booth where we can be alone. We go into a booth with no holes. He starts asking me what I want. I told him I want to get fucked. He gets all excited and I told him I wanted to be fucked BB. He gets more excited! Then, I tell him I want to go to a booth with a glory hole in it so we can be watched. We move back to a booth with a glory hole and he's majorly turned on! He doesn't lock the door. Start making out, sucking each other's cock. Guys are standing in the hallway watching us go at it. Finally, we are both buck naked and he starts to fuck me. Guys still come by, look in, watch, but don't join in. Then at the critical moment, he pulls out and unload on my ass. Dammit! I go to another booth. Most of the booths with glory holes have big holes. This set of booth has a hole just big enough for a cock to go through. I'm in there 2 seconds a big beautiful cock comes through! I'm working on it and it's rock hard. I'm always reluctant to back up to a cock in a glory hole, not because of morals, but just that some guys freak out, pull away and I don't get the load in either hole. But I decide I want it, I'm gonna be a slut and a slut isn't gonna say no to a cock like this. So I back up to it and slide my lubed ass onto his wet cock. Cha-ching! He starts a subtle fucking motion! Soon he's going at it great and before too long, I'm rewarded with a nice load up my ass!! I leave that booth and one of the guys who watched me earlier, comes up to me and comments on my show earlier. I told him he should have come in. He said he's more of a 1:1 guy. So, we go into a booth and he's down on his knees sucking me. I asked him if all he's into sucking. He said, "Yeah, and swallowing cum." I told him we were both on the same mission and so we went separate ways. Next cock was back in the booth with the narrow hole where you can't see the guy on the other side. Smelly uncut cock comes through. I suck it anyway. He comes quickly with a nasty tasting load. I don't know what he eats, but he needs to change his diet! I spit it out! Gross! Somethings even this slut couldn't abide. From this point on, no more locking doors. I sucked another load with the door unlocked. Guys came by, opened the door, but didn't come in. Moved to another booth. There was a guy with a small cock. Well, couldn't say no to it... it would have been rude! Left the door open while working this little cock. Another nice Hispanic papi comes in while I'm sucking the little cock. He brings out a nice tool. I switch between the two cocks, back and forth. I'm sucking the papi while he stroked the little cock. Out of the corner of my eye, I see it start to spurt! I turn quickly enough to get a spurt in my mouth! I turn to the papi and start working his cock overtime. Finally, I ask him if he wants to fuck. He grins big and gives an accented 'yes'. I stand up, turn my ass to him and he reaches into his pocket for a condom. FUCK! Oh well, he throws me a nice fuck and unloads in the condom in my ass. Oh well! Sucked another couple of cocks, but no one is giving me loads. Finally, run into a guy in one of the glory hole booths. He's got a nice cock and he's getting really hard. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I turned my ass to the glory hole and his cock. I start to slide down on it. He stops and begins to pull away. Damn it! I think he's gonna run. Nope, he pulls back and then forces his cock back into my ass! YES! He gives me a great little fuck before unloading in me! Cha-ching! I wish I had gotten more loads, either in my mouth or my ass. But it wasn't a bad day for slutting!
    1 point
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