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  1. 1998 I've been a practical, plan-ahead, cautious guy. Maybe it's because I grew up in a chaotic household or whatever, but I always knew I wanted to be a responsible adult some day... and now I was. I had a good job, a little house with a sensible mortgage, and I lived life without much drama. It was a quiet, sensible existence, although somewhat lonely at times. I was gay, but I didn't have any gay friends. i didn't go to bars and never drank alcohol. I'd seen enough of drunken stupidity as a kid. I liked my co-workers and I liked my boss. Everything was fine....until it wasn't. What was the first sign? I'm not sure. I remember finding a cigarette butt in my driveway, but I'd guessed it was from the mail guy or maybe it just blew in with other trash I'd sometimes find in my yard. I didn't think more about it. And then I started getting strange phone calls - on both my cell and land line. If I answered, the other party would hang up. If I didn't answer, my voicemail would fill up with cryptic messages: "You in?" "Wash your car." "I can see you." Called ID was no help because all the numbers were different and none of them could be called back. I just turned off voicemail on both phones. Nobody needed to reach me anyway. I was isolated. I couldn't not answer or turn off the voicemail at work however. Nothing weird ever happened there. Impossible. But one afternoon, I got back from getting coffee to find three voicemail messages that were from the same person. It was a man with a deep voice. All of it was the same nonsense Id heard before. None of them were sinister, but they were definitely creepy. How did this person know all of my phone numbers? I started getting paranoid. I even changed all the numbers, but after a few more days, the calls would resume. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. Why? What was the point? If the purpose was to make me scared, it worked. I lowered my blinds and made sure my door was locked. I thought about getting a German Shepherd, but that would mean walking him and putting myself out in the open. I called a couple of home alarm companies, but the cost was ridiculous. I just stayed home behind a locked door and closed windows while the phones kept ringing. And then I got an email: "Tired yet? You can make this stop by leaving your bedroom window unlocked. You ass is my goal. Give that up and things will go back to normal" What the fuck?? I couldn't reply to the email of course. It didn't exist. I changed all my passwords immediately. I didn't use the computer much these days except for work stuff and maybe some casino games, but there was a time I used to go to gay chat rooms and look at porn and stuff like that. Not anymore. Nope. That's probably where this guy got all my information. I should be okay now. I had taken every precaution possible. I set up a firewall and basked in the warmth of those flames. I sat in my little "office" in the back room and played solitaire. Nothing happened for a week. My phone rang at work one morning: "Hello?" "One is the loneliest number.." "Excuse me?" "You heard me. When are you going to let me cum inside your ass?" "Not interested. Call someone else. LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I didn't realize how loud I was until other people in my office dropped by to ask if I was okay. So I stayed home alone and played solitaire over and over. My IM dinged: "Is this all you do now? Lose card games hour after hour?" Something broke in me. "What do you want from me? Who are you?" "I told you what I want. Let down your guard and let me in. I will leave you alone after I fuck your ass raw. Deal?" Weirdly, I was suddenly aroused. I had a helpless boner that just would not go away. It was storming outside. "Fine. You win. I surrender. When?" "Not now. The weather is bad and I'm drenched. Plus you need to shave." And then he disappeared from the screen. OK. The stalker had won. I was going to give in and let whatever happen. I hardly slept at all that night. It thundered and rained for hours. He said he was drenched. Was he looking through a window at me? All the blinds were closed, but maybe there was a peeking spot. I went outside the next morning and looked around. I saw more cigarette butts and some huge footprints in the mud. It had rained since our chat. Maybe he had hung around afterward. I called in sick to work. My phone rang shortly afterwards. I answered. "Don't waste any more sick time. You're going to be needing it soon enough. Take a shower, shave and leave your house unlocked. See you after dark." It was early. I tried to take a nap, but I kept having flashes of dreams of this mystery man. He's won alight -- he was inside my head now. I showered, shaved and groomed. I made the bed and sprinkled sage oil around the room. It was barely even dusk now and I was already coming out of my skin with anxiety. I dressed really quickly and drove down to the corner liquor store. I needed to relax. The store was small, but so crowded with bottles of everything that I had no idea what to buy. The old lady at the register asked if I needed help and I stood there, looking stupid. "Y-yeah...what do you recommend?" "Pardon?" "I mean...if you needed a drink right now because you were stressed, what would you have?" "I figured you needed to sleep. You're wearing pajama bottoms." Oh shit. I was. My mind was so occupied that I'd put on pajama pants instead of jeans. Did I remember a wallet? No. "I'm so sorry to bother you. I left my money at home. I'll come back." "No problem. You've got an open account already. Some tall gentleman just came in here, described you and said he'd pay for whatever you wanted. Friend of yours?" "Yes." The guy was always a step ahead of me, and I'd rather have someone like that as a friend than an enemy. "Well, I'd suggest some Grey Goose vodka. It's smooth as hell and always puts me in a good mood. It's expensive, but you're not paying -- get the big bottle." And I did. By the time I got back home it was dark. I was shaking as I went in my unlocked door. I somehow managed to pour a short glass of vodka. Are you supposed to ice to it? Water? Coke? I drank it straight. It burned my insides,but in a good way. It was officially night. I took one more drink and headed for bed. I left all the lights off. Inside my bedroom, I flipped on a lava lamp in the corner. I didn't want complete blackness. Not yet. I took off my t-shirt and sandals and lied back in bed. Every little noise set my nerves on edge, but I guess the vodka was kicking in because I started to finally doze for a a bit. It was raining hard again. The great thing about lava lamps is that the light is never the same. It swirls and tumbles slowly as you watch. Another storm was moving through. I slept hard before a really huge clap of thunder woke me up. What time was it? I looked around for my digital clock and saw him standing there. "There might be a tornado coming. Prepared for the worst?" I was confused and alarmed. The stalker man was standing a few feet away from me wearing a black plastic raincoat with his bare legs and bare feet showing. He was 6'7" at least, but I couldn't see his face because he had the hood on and was facing away from the meager light. "Nice lava lamp. It smells different in here.... like oranges. Did you do that for me?" "You've been in here before?" "Many times. It usually smells like fabric softener and you. I know your smell by heart." Seriously? I needed to wake up a little. "Here", he said, handing me a full glass of vodka. "Have an eye-opener." I gulped it like a pro. "Very nice. I used the nice glasses your grandma left you. Need a refill? I brought the bottle." "I want to see you." "You will. Have another shot first. Have two. I've already had my share of it." I drank as much as I thought I could stand, wiped my mouth, and sat up. Whoa. Head rush! "No more until I see you", I said impatiently He just kept standing there before finally parting the bottom of his raincoat, revealing a huge erect penis that was pointing right at me. I was breathless. He was naked underneath that rain gear. "Lie back down. All will be revealed, kid." I did. There was a crinkling of plastic and then silence. Suddenly he was on top of me. In the weak light, I could see his head was shaved bald. He had a big, handsome face that was a little shrunken somehow. He didn't look evil, but he didn't look normal either. "You won. You said you wanted my ass. Take it." "I won, but so did you....sort of. Lie still." He shoved a long finger in my butt. It wasn't comfortable, but not painful either. Then it was two fingers. Ow. "Relax. Think of my dick. I know you liked it when you saw it." Yeah. I did. He tried three fingers, but it wouldn't work. "You're almost there. Push your hole out a little." I tried. I really did. And then he held a small bottle under my nose and told me to inhale. It smelled like the stuff I used to clean my laptop screen. It made me dizzy and a little sick, but the three fingers were deep inside of me somehow. I liked it. I never even thought of that part of my body before and now it was being treated to this wonderful sensation. Damn. "Good. Good. Now I need you to make me feel good. I'm gonna sit on your face so you can eat my ass. He was suddenly planted there right on my head. His ass was nice and hard and skinny. I thought by "eat" he meant "lick" and so that's what I did. I wore my tongue out working on his anus. He kept telling me how good I was. I thought I might shoot my load right then, but he pulled away. I thought that's all he had in mind until his dick entered my mouth from on top. Hell, he invaded my mouth and throat before I could even understand what was happening. His tender, skinny thighs were squeezing my head from both sides. "Earn this dick!" I swallowed and gagged and felt close to vomiting, but every time I felt overwhelmed by penis, he'd back off a little. It was like he was reading me. I kept sucking him and noting new flavors. "You have to stop now. I'm not wasting a load down your throat." He let me have more sips of vodka and more sniffs of the cleaning fluid. I noticed how good I was feeling as he spread my legs apart. He put his dick up against my hole and teased me a little. He moved in and plowed directly into me. No rubber or anything. I guess the fingers and booze and that sniffing stuff had worked because I was fine. It pinched a little, but I loved having that glorious dick inside of me. "I'm so close to coming. I'll try to...I...Ohhh. Hold on!" He started bucking and thrusting. "Shit. It's too late. I'm giving you your prize now!!" He came and my dick spontaneously shot a wad that landed on his stomach. And then we stayed in position for a long time. He rolled off and lied next to me. We watched the purplish-pink lights from the lava lamp play on the ceiling. "Lava lamps are cool because they're always changing. Like you. Whether you feel it or not, your body is changing right now. I changed you forever. Are you aware of that?" "Yes." "No, I mean I just.." "Yes." "Ah. Smart. You've always been smart. I knew that about you." "How? I mean, how did you keep track of me and see me no matter what I did? How?" "You know. You just don't know you know." "How do you move?" Strange question, considering everything...but it seemed like the right thing to ask. "Like dust motes. Ever been staring into a ray of light through a window and seen dust floating in the air...and then they move quickly in one direction and you don't know how or why? That's me and that's how I move." Oh. I thought about the army of viral invaders in my bloodstream right now. It wasn't like I had a choice. We slept. His long, narrow feet stuck out over the end of the bed. Maybe that's why he was gone in the morning. I kept leaving all the doors unlocked and sleeping with my lava lamp on. Sometimes he visited again. Then I got the flu really bad and he was over constantly. He took care of me until I recovered. "Keep looking at the lights. I changed you, but you can change yourself as well. I'll be back." Beautiful, soft colors at night. I knew he would be there whenever I needed him.
    4 points
  2. It was an evening like any other really. Myself and Kane were heading back from the gym to our flat pumped up and needing to unwind. We lived nice and close to the gym so no need to shower, just a hard workout, lots of sweat then back home feet up protein shakes and an evening in front of the xbox. Kane is a sweetheart. Build like a brick shithouse and a smile the same size to match. Smooth as a babe and always working for his misses. She's a nice girl, huge tits which Kane clearly goes for and he must treat her right cause she doesn't half mind screaming the flat down when she's over for the night. Me I'm Aaron. A few years younger than Kane, we became mates down the gym. I was trying to get bigger and he, being the kind hearted soul he was, came over taught me some stuff and the broship grew from there. He helped me out when I was at a low point by renting me a room and we just developed this bond. It was never an issue me being gay nor him being straight. He were just mates and it was all good. Obviously he had no idea what a twisted little fuck I was of course. We got in as usual and he threw himself on the sofa and switched the xbox on. "Need to get my games in before I crash like always!" I laughed. He worked long shifts, and we hit the gym hard in the evenings. It was no wonder that he always seemed to pass out when we got in. Well that and the crushed sleeping tablets I mixed up in his protein shakes. I handed his over. "Down in one bud" and we both chugged down, taking only a brief minute to watch his chest throb up and down as my little night night juice went down the hatch. We kicked back and chatted for a while, Kane on Call of Duty, me flicking through various hook up apps trying to find someone who might catch my eye. Slowly I watched Kane's hands start to droop as he struggled to keep his eyes open. It was beautiful like clockwork. "Come on mate, lets get you to bed" I said as I hooked his arm over my neck and lifted the hulk of a man up. Kane slurred a thank you of sorts and I took him to his room and pushed him onto his bed. "Sleep tight big man" I said as I closed the door. I glanced at my watch. 30 minutes to kill, so I went back to my apps and continued looking for the right man. Sadly there was no one biting tonight, not that that would be a problem. I walked back towards Kane's room and opened the door to find Kane as I'd left him, except now snoring soundly. I moved over and rolled him onto his front. Pulling his racer vest up and over his head and threaded his arms through before dropping them above his head. There were those wet stinking pits I loved so much. And not a shred of hair on them. Kane was naturally smooth mostly, but he liked to add to the effect by shaving too. I took a nice long slow lick all the way up his pit and soaked my face in that delicious stink. How I kept focused in the gym with this beast I never fucking knew. The other arm now. Same this time I kept the moisture in my mouth and hovered my face above his, taking my thumb and slowly pulling his chin down so his mouth opened, drooling his stank into his mouth and watching his reflex swallow it down. Now time for the proper fun. I took out my phone, loaded up the video function, hit record and began my routine. Slowly I pulled down his shorts inch by inch showing those tight white briefs he loved so much and his package outlined within. The shorts came off and I took a deep sniff on camera. Then back to those pants, once bright white but now stained yellow from sweat and piss stains I buried my face into his junk and sniffed pulling a leg open so his ball sack flopped out and again I made a point of sniffing and licking it on the cam. This was mine. My moment with my beast of a man. The pants came off slowly revealing Kane's cock to the camera. He wasn't a big boy, not small, but a little below average. You always look at these big muscle men and expect them to be big all over, but its not always true as Kane proved. His soft dick was about 5 inches with a nice long chewy hood tapering off. I got the camera in nice and close and had a good chew on that hood before rolling it down and exposing his head, giving it a good clean with my tongue. His stink was addictive but his taste was fucking life giving. By now my cock was throbbing and leaking pre cum in my shorts. So I got up, placed the cam on the shelf getting Kane and me in shot nice and clearly and I stripped off completely. I moved in close and grind my body down on his sleeping mass. I kissed those lips and felt my cock throb against his. He didn't kiss back but that didn't stop me sticking my tongue into his mouth and running it around inside. I lifted his legs up and slide him down the bed a bit, propping him up with some cushions and got the money shot. His beautiful hole opening up, slowly unsticking from the sweat. I grabbed the camera and got a nice good shot of me getting inside close and licking it slowly before ramming my tongue in as deep as I could. The boy was straight, he had no reason to keep his hole clean, and you could taste it. Not that I minded of course, it meant an extra moment of humiliation for him on camera. "Someones a dirty fucking pig today aren't they" I said to the cam as I took my finger and dug it dry up into his sweet straight boy pussy. I had done this enough times so he was just loose enough to eventually give way to the intrusion, but not loose enough to not do a bit of damage on the way. "I keep telling you a good pussy should always be clean don't I" I said, mainly for the cameras purpose. "Time for your punishment to help you remember" I pulled my finger out his hole and caught it on cam. A nice blend of dirty streaks and a tinge of blood. "Now in it goes and suck it clean like a good piggy" Shoving my finger in I made a show of dragging it in and out of his mouth. All the while wiping his arse stank over his tongue and into his gums, taking just a little moment to dig my nail in. "I think pig is tired of his foreplay and wants it now" propping the camera for a moment on the bed, I rolled kane over onto his front and pulled his cheeks apart. I grabbed the cam and made a point of squeezing my cock head pissing out pre cum and drenching that puckered hole. I moved the camera in close and made sure it caught the tattoo on my bell end; a distinct black biohazard symbol. "Time for you to get your big man" I muttered as I slowly forced my cock into his hole watching the raw biohazard slip under the skin followed by inch after inch of my 9 inches. I leaned over and positioned the camera on the bed stand, and moved his face towards it. Then I began my assault on his hole. This was pure fucking heaven as always. His guts being churned and torn up by my dick using him like the pig slut I knew him to be. Greedy, never telling me to stop, never telling me no. He could have all the straight fun he wanted with his bitch but I knew he was my pig slut really. I could feel my poz load building up in my balls and with one final deep push I shoved in as deep as I could and released right up inside him shooting over and over again growling and grunting for the camera as I did. I collapsed on his back and laid there for just a minute, listening to him quietly snore underneath me. It would be so easy to be tender to his big hunk of meat, but I never forgot who was this pig and who was the perv here. I pulled out of him and dragged my fingers up his dirty hole and shovelled what cum and mess I could back inside him. I took his mouth aimed the camera and got a nice shot of my dirty cock sliding in deep, in and out till it came out relatively clean. I grabbed a pen from my shorts pocket and wrote POZ LOAD INSIDE between his cheeks releasing them and watching his hole close tight keeping my load nice and safe inside. "Good night you dirty pig" I said to him on cam as I snorted up a nice wad of phlegm and spat it onto his lips before switching off the video and throwing the duvet over him. I walked back into the lounge and grabbed my laptop. I immediately downloaded the film and spent the next hour editing it. Using some of my favourite sound clips of Kane from the gym grunting and groaning, telling me to push it harder, give it my all etc, I edited my next new masterpiece 'Pig fuck 18' before uploading it to my personal site. Tonight had been fun. But tomorrow was always another day to corrupt that pig even further.
    4 points
  3. I'm kind of at a loss for words, but I'm feeling so many things now. my ass is still leaking cum and its sore to sit down, so let me start from the beginning this morning on my way into my summer job i pulled up grindr and got a message from a couple looking, 22 and 23. we swapped pics and they were hot as hell, both a year ahead of me at our university, both discreet and in fraternities. not really my type but i was craving dick and they wanted a bottom to use, so obviously we made plans to meet. we met up this afternoon at their place and they were both sweet talkers. they smoked me out a bit (green) and both asked me questions about school and my life and normal stuff. at one point i was so relaxed i was kind of just staring at one of them and all of a sudden the other one pulls me back into him and they both start taking my clothes off. aggressive and hot, I was into it. what happened next is kind of a hot and sweaty blur. somehow we ended up on a bed and i was sucking one dick while my ass was licked by the other. i love to deep throat and they had the perfect size dicks, both about 7 inches and the perfect size to fit my throat. both of them really enjoyed it. at one point fingers started going into me and i told one of them to get the poppers from my shorts pocket on the floor. while i was sucking one dick and getting lube slathered into me, i felt a finger then two go into me, so naturally i clench my sphincter and that drives him wild. i kind of remembered them mentioning condoms before we met but i felt a hot bare dick head on my hole and it got me excited. while i was deep throating one, i felt the other's raw dick head trying to push into me. i stopped and took a hit of poppers and then felt him push it all the way in. the unanticipated raw dick felt so fucking great, and the fact that they didn't even mention condoms once i was there was driving me wild and my dick was rock hard. i blew my load 5 minutes in but stayed hard, something that rarely happens. both took turns pumping their loads into me, mostly on my back while one fucked me and i sucked the other. i came two more times. after the fact we swapped more saliva and i was on my merry way. now its been a couple hours and i still feel their cum dribbling out of me and i just got their phone numbers in a grindr message. very excited for more
    4 points
  4. Anyone into fucked up snuff chat hit me up, gets me boned
    4 points
  5. Does anyone else get off on getting fucked by "undesirable" guys - as in guys that most people would assume you wouldn't be attracted to? Or even guys you aren't attracted to other than the cock and cum? Guys that are heavier, or older, or both? Hairier, "lower class," etc. I'm trying to phrase this in as non offensive a way as possible, so I hope I didn't offend anyone.
    3 points
  6. My first time was with my best friend from high school. For years my buddy and I alternated staying overnight at each other's house, usually sharing a bed, and wearing only our underwear, which was no big deal as we were too young to even know about sex. However one night, when we were somewhat older, things were different. We had planned ahead, and my buddy was to come over to my house after a football game and spend the night. Looking back I think we both knew something was going to happen that night. As we expected, the football game ended late in the evening, and, as was typical for our small town, we meet-up with the football boys and cruised the town for a while, which meant we got back to my house even later. We each took a quick shower and crawled into bed, as usual, wearing only underwear. And we both promptly fell asleep. At some point I woke up with his body directly against mine. I was in the small spoon position and he had pressed as much of his body against me as he could. I found the sensation of a body (which was 95% naked) pressing up against my body to be very erotic, particularly as it was the first time I had ever really felt body-to-body contact. Naturally I had a raging hard on. In addition I could feel a hard bulge against my ass cheeks. I lay in bed, enjoying the experience of warm flesh against my own naked body, but after a few minutes I pretended to stir slightly, as if I had just awaken. Reaching back, I pretended I was scratching my ass, only to discover a very hard and BIG bulge against the back of my hand. That was the first time I had ever felt an actual dick. Granted it was still inside some tighty whities but it was hot, warm, hard, and felt quite large. He hadn't moved at all during my courageous attempt at coping a feel, so I thought I would try again. I really wanted to gauge its size, so again, I again reached back. This time there was no mistaking the fact that he thrust his hard bulge against the back of my hand. Since he didn't hide the fact that he thrust his cock at my hand I left my hand there, between my ass and his cock. The moment of truth came, and I was so hard and horny that I didn't even think about it, I turned my hand around and grabbed his bulge and found an incredibly hard rod stuffed extremely tightly in some white Hanes briefs. I began feeling his junk through the tight underwear, massaging his balls, rubbing and stroking his steel rod paying particular attention to, what I thought was his head near the waistband of the underwear. He finally reached around my hip and started massaging my hard leaking cock through my underwear. I have a decent seven and a half-inch cut cock which is quite thick, but I could tell he was even thicker. Wanting to find out just how thick, I grabbed his waistband and plunged my hand into his underwear grabbing his cock. This is when I discovered I hadn't been massaging his dickhead, his underwear had been so tight, that it trapped his hard cock pointing down, so he wasn't even able to get fully hard. Good lord, how big was he? I pulled his cock out of its fabric prison and found out. Now, even to this day, his cock was the biggest, thickest, longest uncut cock I've ever seen in real life. I could no longer think straight. I was overwhelmed with horniness. I immediately pulled his hand off my cock, turned around and ducked under the blanket and sheets. I got his 9.5 inch dick into my mouth as soon as I could and began giving my first blowjob to the biggest dick I'd ever have. I sucked and licked and tongued his cock for ages, enjoying the huge hard thickness and foreskin. He had grabbed my head and was trying to force as much of his dick into my mouth as he could. Unfortunately I have a gag reflex, and he repeatedly gagged me. Maybe that was turning him on, it sure made my blowjob more difficult though. I couldn't get to all of his cock though because the underwear was still covering too much of his junk. I tried to pull his briefs down but he wasn't lifting his ass up to help me any. I was crazy fucking horny and quickly became very frustrated with his this tight white fabric covering some of my prized cock I was working so hard on with my mouth. I finally used both hands and grabbed the waistband and yanked them down hard! So hard that they ripped. I didn't give a fuck that they ripped or that it might have hurt him. I was happy finally getting to put his balls and shaft in my mouth. It seemed like an hour, but it was probably five to ten minutes before he nutted. I was ready for his load as definitely (if not desperately) wanted him to cum in my mouth, and I had even decided when the time came, I would take his cock in my mouth as deeply as I could and start swallow every drop of his load. It was heaven: his body tensed-up, his rock hard dick felt like a titanium crow bar, blasting its load into my mouth, shot after shot of cum rocketing out of his meat, repeatedly filling my mouth, over and over. And I swallowed every drop, not loosing a single drop. Afterwards I slowly nursed his cock with my lips and tongue, eventually coming out from under the blankets and resumed my sleeping position. He made some attempt at blowing me, but it wasn't very good and we just went to sleep. Later on, he paid me back in spades, making me cum several times. We never talked about it, but down the weeks, months, and years, we enjoyed many firsts with his huge dick and his tight hole.
    3 points
  7. Doesn't happen too often but when I can get someone who I normally wouldn't want to fuck with or date I find it hot that I'm just a cumdump for their dick and cum. One guy I connect with a couple times a year is heavier, we have nothing in common, I wouldn't want to hang with him, but he comes over and finds me naked ass up and lubed. He doesn't even strip just opens his jeans gets hard and fucks. After cumming he wipes his dick on my ass and walks out. He emails me and wants me to take a pic of my cummy hole after he gets home knowing I'm holding his cum all night. He keeps promising he'll fuck me, go out drinking then return and fuck my wet hole before he goes home, but hasn't happened yet.
    3 points
  8. Don't know how guys can live it differently jizz! For me a hole is a hole. I will fuk any hole and move on to the next one.
    3 points
  9. Until about 18 months ago I was not into pissing at all but a few experiences over that time really opened my eyes. I am not into drinking or being pissed on but I love watching other blokes pissing and I am really turned on by making blokes piss themselves. It is such a turn-on to control a bloke’s bladder so he just helplessly pisses himself – especially in public. His humiliation, embarrassment and vulnerability are such a turn-on and always make my cock hard. About a year ago I met this sexy chef at a friend’s wedding – he was really sexy and blond and thin and from what I could tell underneath his kitchen white uniform, he had a nice body. His tight uniform trousers showed he had a nice ass and was wearing tight white briefs. Always a good thing. He kept coming out to the party to check on the buffet and we made eye contact. About 15 minutes after that, we were in the alley behind the hotel and I was barebacking his hot ass as we stood up behind the rubbish skip. We only had a few minutes so I pushed him up against the skip and lowered his uniform trousers to just the top of his thighs – and I saw his amazing ass wrapped up in a pair of tight, white cotton briefs and I went mad. I wanted him to leave tose on so I quickly worked my fingernail into the cotton fabric around where his asshole was and tore open a hole to get my cock through to fuck him. “Hey, wait…” he said, realising I was ripping up his underwear. “Shut up. Get ready.” I pushed my hard, un-lubricated cock up inside his and started fucking him hard. I pulled him back against me, holding his arms back behind his back so he couldn’t touch his cock or take off those sexy briefs. After pounding his ass for about 5 minutes I gripped his hips hard and started pulling his ass towards me so I could get all 9 inches of my cock inside of him. His arms went limp behind him as he just gave in to my cock that was destroting his ass and I knew I was giving his prostate a real pounding. Looking back I realise I was also pounding his bladder and after a few minutes he whispered back to me “Hey, wait a minute, okay? Just wait because I gotta….” I hate it when blokes tell me how to fuck so I gave his ass a few hard thrusts and within seconds I could hear liquid splashing onto the pavement below. I looked at his crotch and saw that he had strted pissing himself as I was fucking him. It was so fucking sexy to see him so helpless as he pissed his briefs and trousers and it made me feel so good that my big cock was making him piss himself. His warm urine coursed down his legs, soaking his white trousers and filling up his socks and trainers and he had pissed so much that his drenched crotch was almost completely transparent and I could see his small, soft cock shooting out his dark yellow piss. He didn’t try to get away from my hold on his arms and almost seemed resigned to pissing himself and just getting it over with. I was so turned on from making him him piss himself; I gave his ass a few hard thrusts, trying to punch his bladder with my cock so he would piss even more. He never stopped pissing and I could see he was completely soaked as I gave in - and then shot my load into his ass. He seemed to go limp and didn’t say anything as I pulled out of his tight ass and pulled up his soaking wet briefs and trousers. I didn’t know if he had planned on cumming himself (and I didn’t really care) so I zipped him up and stepped back to check if he had pissed on me at all – and amazingly he had not. I put my cock back in my trousers and patted his shoulder. “Thanks, that was hot. I gotta get back to the wedding.” And I left his there, standing in a pool of urine. I didn’t see him for the rest of the wedding or ever again but it was one of the hottest experiences I have had. Just watching him helplessly piss himself in a semi-public place still gets me hard and I want this experience to happen again. Has anyone else been in a situation like this, or even dreamed about it? Either being the bloke who has pissed himself or the bloke who made another bloke piss himself? I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences! TONY
    2 points
  10. I tried not to check for wet, semen spots on my denim shorts as I made my walk of shame back to the car and ran my tongue around my mouth savoring the lingering tastes of dick and cum. The sun was just peeking up over the Nebraska cornfields. The voices of a couple arguing carried on the summer wind, and the only other life up at that hour were a few birds hopping around and foraging for what the folks had tossed on the ground the night before. The 2016 primary election campaigns had been a chance to get out and see the world. For some reason, being from the East Coast seemed to make we well qualified to be sent to the Midwest to do some grassroots organizing. I had spent the month of May driving from one end of Nebraska to the other, and finally had a weekend off. Memorial day weekend was the start of the summer, and nothing got the summer off right so folks told me, like going to the carnival. People traveled from far and wide to enjoy the rides, food, see old friends and make new ones. With a half-eaten hot dog in one hand and a dented soda can in the other, I had taken my time walking around the carnival, just enjoying this different part of life on the open plains. Near the back of the fair grounds I noticed an entire section of the carnival was almost totally dark, deserted, centered around the Fun House - at least that’s what the blacked out neon sign on the top of what looked like several shipping containers strung together said. As I got near the far end of the Fun House I could hear banging of metal on metal, along with the frustrated voice of a man who kept repeating, “Worthless piece of shit. Mother-fucking-shit. Worthless piece of shit….” I dropped the remains of my hot dog and drink into a trashcan that had a big white sign sticking out of it - CLOSED. I peeked around the end of the corner and in the dim light could see a man bent over, banging a generator with a silver, metal wrench. There was a can of beer along with a big flashlight perched on the edge of the generator housing and when he next gave the generator a good whack, the flashlight started a fast roll, the can toppled, beer splattered on his pants, and with an unfiltered cigarette still dangling in his mouth he began wiping at his pants and swearing, “Shit, fuck. Mother-fucking-shit.” I could only stare as in his efforts to wipe off the excess liquor he had turned to the side and given me a great view of the fat dick head poking out through the hole in his left pant leg. Something made him aware I was there. He paused, stood up, gave me the once over, took his cigarette out of his mouth with a pinch of his thumb and forefinger and asked, “Hey, what’s up? Can I help you?” I took my eyes off the hole in his pants where his man snake had retreated, shook my head no, “Sorry. I was just wandering around.” He squinted as he took a puff, exhaled the smoke, smiled and said, “Well, since you sorry and all, how about giving me a hand a minute? Grab the light for me will you and shine it in the middle there.” I walked behind him, bent down, fetched the flashlight from the tall grass, and shined the beam onto the broke down generator. With his cigarette back between his lips, the man focused once more on whacking it here and there with his wrench. I don’t know much about mechanical things, but to me, seemed like maybe that was not the best choice. But as he did, I took the chance to look at him closer. His camo baseball cap was frayed around the brim. Beyond the holes in his pants, the tank top he had on appeared to have more holes and stains than anything else. His arms were nice and muscular and his hair appeared to be short, but he had long sideburns that edged down his face and stopped a few inches shy of meeting up with the full, Fu Manchu mustache he wore. I let my eyes continue down, lingering on the beds of sweat on his upper chest, then looked further down to the hole where his dick head had appeared before. The man was down on his right knee, with his left leg up and out, giving me the perfect angle to try to see his dick again if I just moved the light slightly back….”Hey - HEY!” the man said. I looked back at his face, his eyes met mine, he motioned forward with the wrench, “The light - on there - you mind?” I apologized, repositioned the light once more and tried to keep my eyes focused as he worked. “Well fuck,” he said. The man stood up, patted me on the back, “Come on.” He slammed the generator housing cover closed, walked around to the side, I followed trying to shine the light on the ground so we both could see. He went up a couple metal steps at the back, opened a door to a mechanical room, with me close behind. He took the flashlight from my hand, set it on a shelf so it cast off enough light to see by, closed the door, then sat down on a metal folding chair. “Want a beer?” he asked. I nodded, he fished one out of a cooler in the corner, popped one open for himself and took a long swig. “Jesus that’s good. You smoke?” he asked. “No, I don’t smoke cigarettes,” I replied. “Fuck that,” he said, “I’m talking about weed. That generator is toast, so my night is done. Time to get buzzed and lit - you want to join me?” A few minutes later we were sharing a smoke, emptying a fresh can of beer, and swapping stories. “You from around here?” he asked. I told him I was from out of town and staying in a motel about 20 miles away and had just come for the carnival. His name was Zeke, he and his brother Isaiah were the equipment maintenance guys and had been with the carnival since they got out of high school. Then he added a twist that made my dick hard and my need to get fucked zoom right to the surface, “This job may not pay a whole lot, but we got a roof over our heads - such as it is - travel here and there, I can drink my beer and smoke my weed pretty much all damn day and there’s an endless supply of new ass. Trust me, that’s a mighty good thing since both Isaiah and I are constantly horny.” I was still trying to figure out if he meant ass in the broader “straight man talking about girl pussy” sense or if he meant ass ass - like man ass. That thought process was interrupted as he handed me the joint, stood up, unzipped his pants, pulled out a long, thick, uncut dick, fluffed his balls, and I about choked to death as I inhaled just a bit too quickly. Zeke stepped towards the back wall of the small room, leaned forward and steadied himself with his left hand on the wall in front of him, spread his legs apart and let a stream of hot piss hit the back and trickle down, creating a dark puddle that slowly seeped into the wood floor. I exhaled my latest hit of the joint as Zeke turned, ran his right hand around the dripping head of his dick, then lifted it to his mouth and licked the drops off. He smiled, stepped over to me and dropped his pants to the floor, his dick so close and said, “Want to taste it? I seen you staring at my dick.” I held up the blunt for him to take, leaned forward, set my hands on the sides of his hips and started slurping on that hot daddy dick like there was no tomorrow. “Suck that shit,” Zeke ordered, “Taste that good daddy dick. That’s some real man dick there. You trying to swallow my load or how about I feed it up your ass?” I moaned at that and shifted and Zeke laughed, “Oh yeah smoke that daddy dick, smoke it up. Good boy. Here - take this and smoke this weed a bit while I get a taste of that ass. I’m a supreme assologist.” I stood up, dropped my shorts, stepped out of them, took the weed, leaned forward and moaned as Zeke buried his face in my hole and started lapping, slurping, tonguing my ass. The deeper the smoke went into my lungs, the deeper Zeke’s tongue went up my ass and I started grinding my hips back as it felt so fucking good. Zeke paused, I was holding a hit, when I almost dropped it and cried out in pain. He had taken advantage of my distracted state to stand up, grab my hips, and push his raw dick into my hole. “JUST RELAX, HIT THAT WEED AGAIN,” ZEKE SAID. “NO, NO,” I HALF-HEARTEDLY REPLIED. “YOU WANT THIS DICK DON’T YOU?” ZEKE ASKED, “I KNOW IT’S BIG, BUT I ALSO KNOW IT FEELS GOOD IN THAT ASS - FOR YOU AND FOR ME BOTH. GO ON, TAKE A BIG HIT - THAT’S IT - JESUS THAT HOLE JUST TOTALLY RELAXED AND YOU GOT ME NOW BOY - YOU GOT DADDY ALL THE WAY IN THAT ASS. TIME TO POUND IT OUT A BIT BEFORE I CUM.” It took me a sec to catch that last part, “Wait - no - no - please don’t cum in me,” I begged, yet I continued to push my ass back, meeting his thrusts and moaning as Zeke fucked me good. “I’M GONNA CUM…” ZEKE WARNED. “Please pull out, please don’t shoot in….” Zeke interrupted my objection like I was not even speaking, “GETTING READY TO BLOW AIDS COTTON CANDY UP THAT ASS - FEEL MY STICK COATING YOU UP? TWIRLING MY AIDS CUM CANDY? GOOD BOY FOR DADDY - YOU A GOOD BOY - TAKE DADDY’S CANDY. FUCK YEAH FILLING THAT ASS!!!” Zeke continued pumping like he had not shot a load in days. His dick finally slid from home, he turned me around, looked into my eyes, smiled, then tilted his head as he leaned down and gave me a long, passionate kiss. “Thank you boy. I needed that.” Zeke whispered. I managed to ask, “Are you really? Did you...I’m NEG and…” Zeke sat down, his pants still around his ankles, his dick slick and shimmering in the flashlight’s glow, “Oh yeah, I coated that ass good with some AIDs nutt. Where’d that lighter go - ah! Nothing like a nice ass, good weed, hey pop me a beer. Let daddy fill this bladder back up, give you a good gut full of piss too.” The mechanical room was feeling awful stuffy and I was feeling a bit sick to my stomach realizing I had just taken a raw dick from someone I did not know, and he said he had AIDs to boot. Zeke patted his thigh, “Get over here. Get down there and suck on it a little. Taste that dirty nutt tang after a good fuck and fuck boy you was tight. Look at that - just thinking about giving you my candy is making my shit get hard again. Here - looks like you best take a few hits of this first. That’s it - some good weed makes it all better. Do what daddy says now, hit it - have another beer, then put this dick back in your mouth.” Zeke was right. The weed and beer helped and even though my mind - OK well a tiny, itsy, bitsy, spec of my mind screamed NO DON’T, I had to have that dick back in my mouth. I had been sucking him a few minutes when it seemed the taste changed. I leaned back, looked at the tip of his dick, and licked my lips at the amount of precum coming out. “Are you really POZ?” I asked. Zeke made a weird facial expression, “Don’t really matter now does it boy? But yes. I am. Toxic, POZ, AIDs bug, raw freak, dirty fucker now stand up and bend over so daddy can punish that ass some more for asking too damn many questions. You got to learn to lighten up, fucking live a little, and that sweet ass is too good to keep to yourself.” Another POZ load up my ass and I was following Zeke across to the far side of the fair grounds where the carnie workers had their trailers parked. I was pretty buzzed and really shouldn’t drive and Zeke offered to let me crash at his place - and said we could keep smoking and drinking. We wound our way through a few rows of RVs, hitch campers, and headed towards a medium sized tow camper hooked up to a beat up brown and white pickup that was parked off to the side from the rest, under a lone parking lot light. I could hear the muffled noise of a TV playing, saw the shifting light of the picture screen through the dingy curtains, and smelled the stench of weed emanating from the tin box. I smiled, yeah no wonder Zeke parked off to the side. Zeke opened the door, stepped in, and I followed, only to be hit by a wave of man funk and thick smoke. “Close the fucking door!” a voice bellowed. I snapped the door shut, Zeke shifted to the side and waved towards the middle of the camper, “This is Isaiah, my little brother.” The shock must have shown on my face as Isaiah looked nothing like Zeke. He was a lot taller, thicker, with long wild hair and a ZZ Top style beard. When he stood up from behind the small inset table, he took up half the fucking camper. My eyes followed his beard/chest hair trail down, across his heavy stomach and then rested on his horse dick, half hidden in a bushel of pubic hair. “Figured you’d be up and wouldn’t mind if I brought us home a little company,” Zeke said. Isaiah set the joint he was smoking down in a filled ashtray on the table, took a long swig from a bottle of beer, and just looked at me with a scowl. “Go on now,” Zeke pushed me a step forward, “He won’t bite - well he will, but not until he’s got that dick buried and you can’t run. He ain’t showered or nothing in about a week, so that dick cheese is ready to be harvested and he’s been saving it up for just such a special occasion.” Isaiah pulled his hair back away from his face with his left hand and looked down at me as I kneeled on the camper floor and reached out for his dick slowly like I was trying to slide a salmon away from a grizzly. I eased the long foreskin back and rolled it into a series of ridges behind his crusted, pale dick head. Zeke was right. There was enough cheese that you could have slathered up some bread and hit the griddle. A tap on my right shoulder, “Here, once you get it mostly clean huff on these. Fresh bottle of Jungle Juice poppers - will clean that palette, make your hole ease open, and turn you into a total pig boy for your daddies.” I gagged, choked, swallowed and when I tried to pull off his growing horse dick Zeke stepped close behind as Isaiah held my head so I had no place, and way to run. Their bodies pressed tighter and I heard them moan and other sounds. Were they kissing? Christ that gives whole new meaning to brotherly love. I’m a damn good dick sucker and love a challenge, so I kept pushing forward until my nose was buried in the top of his pubic hair and my throat was convulsing around his shaft. I couldn’t breath, but knew that was OK and started to count in my head, 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec,...I hit 27 before the brothers separated. I pulled back, gasping. Isaiah pulled me up, pushed me towards the back of the camper and as I lay on my back on the bed he tossed the bottle of poppers at me. I opened the cap, spilled some on my hand, sniffed them good and deep and pulled my legs back. I needed that big country dick up my ass - NOW! “POZ HIS HOLE MAN. I ALREADY DUMPED TWO LOADS OF MY AIDS COTTON CUM CANDY UP IN THERE AND HE WANTS IT - HE NEEDS IT - TOTAL NEG BUG CHASER!” Zeke said from behind his brother. Isaiah had my legs up so my ankles were hooked on his shoulders and he was slamming my ass as deep as he could go with no foreplay. The initial shock of his entry had quickly given way to a fucking fantasy fuck. Isaiah’s long hair fall down the sides of his face, framing his intense stare as he looked in my eyes with a serious, focused glare. I reached up and starting tugging at his nipples. His left upper lip curled, I twisted harder, and his lip now curled up enough to show teeth, as his breathing got louder. I had to have it all so I begged while I twisted his nipples as hard as I could, “FUCK ME. POZ ME, PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR AIDS, PLEASE POZ ME.” My ass had never been so totally owned as it was right then. Isaiah pulled me a bit closer to the front of the bed, bent me over even more so he could hook his hands up behind my shoulders. I had never knowingly taken a POZ dick before his brother. I sure as hell had never begged for it. But there was some primal drive, some awakening in my soul, a realization of some new need, desire, to be owned, marked, taken, filled, and bred by any dick I came across no matter the consequences. Isaiah leaned down and started kissing me; his beard scratching my lips and face and he grunted, growled, and tongue bathed me. He picked up his dick pace and I thought for sure he was going to cum, but then he eased off, started doing slower strokes, which just made me crazy. “DON’T STOP!” I gasped. He then slammed hard and fast once more, my moans lost in his open mouth as we melded our spit. Again he eased off, slowed his strokes, which was not right - I needed that dick! OVER AND OVER ISAIAH FILLED ME DEEP THEN EASED BACK TO TEASE MY HOLE. MY BODY WAS QUIVERING AND MY ASS WAS SPASMING AND BEFORE I KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING I ARCHED MY BACK, ISAIAH SENSED THE CHANGE IN MY BODY AND SLAMMED IT HARD AND DEEP AS HE COULD, AND I STARTED TO SHOOT TWIZZLER LIKE STRANDS OF HOT CUM BETWEEN OUR TORSOS WITHOUT EVER HAVING JACKED MY DICK. THE CLENCHING OF MY HOLE ON HIS RAW DICK WAS ALL ISAIAH NEEDED, AND HE TOO STARTED TO GRUNT AS SPUN OUT HIS AIDS COTTON CANDY DEEP IN MY ASS. Once the draining of his charged load was complete, Isaiah pulled himself out and off me, gently shoved me to the side, crawled up on the backside of the bed and promptly started snoring. I gave him a look of indignation as Zeke laughed, “Oh, don’t worry. He’s like that. Just needs a quick catnap is all. He’ll be back up in no time ready to go another round. In the meantime, come out here and smoke with me and while you hit this fresh roll let me stir his nutt around in your hole with my dick. That shit was hot as fuck!” That’s how the rest of the evening and night went - the two brothers taking turns sharing a joint, sharing a drink, sharing my ass and mouth. As I left their camper in the morning, Isaiah - who I learned was a man of few words but a whole lot of action - shoved a crumpled up piece of paper into my hands with a smile. Once I had made it to my car, I ironed the paper out on the car seat. It was a schedule for the summer of the dates and towns where the carnival was going to be along with a handwritten note at the bottom, “WE’LL BE HERE TWO MORE WEEKS AND YOU ARE WELCOME BACK ANY NIGHT. WE GOT ROOM ON THE ROAD FOR ONE MORE TOO - SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE REST OF THE SUMMER?” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  11. I tried something a little different today. It turned out pretty well, so I may try it again. In the past when I've had a hotel breed and seed, fuck party here in Las Vegas, I've gotten a motel room, near the LV Strip and hosted them in the evening. However, this time, I got a room at a Hotel/Casino in the Las Vegas suburb of Henderson. It's a larger hotel, but it's easy to reach. Just off the exit where 2 freeways merge. There's free parking. And the elevator doesn't require a keycard. So, I decided this would work well for a sex party. I had for 2 days been putting ads on Craigslist. I had also posted a sex party on BBRT. I'd received several dozen replies, saying they wanted to attend. From past experience, I know only a small portion of the guys that say they're coming, actually show up. But, I was hoping for the best. One guy told me that he could only come if it was before 3pm. check-in time was 3pm. But, I was able to check in a bit early, so I got to my room at about 2:30p. I quickly messaged him and gave him the room number. He said he'd be there in 10 mins. I spent the rest of the time messaging everyone that had requested an invite, my room number and told them that the door would be unlocked. Come in and fuck. I then used duct tape to cover the door lock, so the door could just be pushed open, I dimmed the lighting, I undressed, I put out my poppers, wet wipes, a few hand towels and lube. All was set when I heard the door open, close, and he appeared in my dimly lit room. He came into my room and stood at the foot at the bed, kicking off his shoes and opening his jeans. I dropped to my knees and began to suck on his partially hard cock. He continued to undress as I was blowing him. Then he moved to the bed and layed on his back. I then climbed between his legs and again sucked on his now hard cock. I worshipped his cock and balls, then licked his ass. "Oh, FUCK!" he moaned when I licked his asshole. "I've never had my asshole licked", he said. "Are you str8?" I asked. "Yeah. And I don't have much time. My girlfriend is expecting me home". I continued sucking on his short, but fat cock as I tasted precum oozing from his piss slit. "Oh, dude! You're gonna make me cum!", he exclaimed, as he began to shake and fill my mouth with his hot cum. In probably 4 minutes, he had come, cum and was now quickly dressing and was out my door. Typical str8 guy, actually. Quick draws. Not two minutes after str8 boy number one had left, the door opened again and in the darkness I could make out a handsome Jock type guy in his mid 20's come into the room. He was about 5'9", 175 and muscular. He was wearing gym shorts which he quickly shucked. I knelt in front of him and began to suck on his giant cock, that was already rock hard. It was about 9"s long and really thick. Truly ROCK HARD, with a swollen mushroom head. While I was sucking on him, the door opened and closed. From the side of my vision, I could see a tall, broadly built guy in his early 50's walk past where I was kneeling and walk to the corner of the room. He stood there, unzipped and pulled out his cock. He was stroking his cock as he watched me suck the Jock kid. The Jock kid said to the other guy, "Come on over. He can suck us both". "No. Go ahead. I just want to watch right now.", the newcomer said. I continued to suck on the Jock as the door opened and closed again. In walked a stocky guy in his 50's. He quickly undressed and stood next to the Jock. I took turns sucking on both their cocks. The Jock said, "Someone needs to fuck this guy. That's what he wants. Right?" I got up and knelt on the edge of the bed. Grabbing my poppers and placing the lube on the mattress beside me. "Fuck, Yeah! Someone fuck me", I said. The stocky guy quickly came behind me and slapped his hard cock on my hole. I handed him the lube and he lubed both my hole and his cock. I sniffed on the poppers as he slid up inside me. He took no time to begin slamming into me. He wasn't really large. But his cock felt great. And he knew how to fuck. He fucked me for about 5 minutes with some good, hard pounding. While he was fucking me, another guy came into the room. He was a young guy in his 20's. The new 20-something guy quickly undressed and he began to suck on the giant mushroom cock of the Jock. All the while the other tall guy stood in the corner jacking off. The guy fucking me soon came, dressed and left. Then the guy that had just been watching walked behind me. Pulled his jeans open and slapped a huge rock hard cock against my ass. He thrust into me in one quick stab. Thank God the other guy had lubed me well and had dumped a nice load in me, so my ass was well lubed. He slid in me easily. He grabbed me around the waist and pumped hard and deep. It didn't take long for him to cum. He let out a loud growl as he emptied his balls into me. He then quickly pulled out, wiped off his dick, dressed and left. Finally the Jock with the giant, long, thick, mushroomed headed cock decided to fuck. He was completely naked. His body hard and muscular. Even as big as his cock was, the two loads already in me made his thick cock slide in me easily. His cock felt absolutely amazing! The mushroom head was hitting my prostate as he slid in and out of my ass. Sadly, he was so horny and had been enjoying blow jobs from both me and the young kid that had entered, so the Jock came pretty quickly. Damn! I would have loved for him to have fucked me for a long time. His cock was so large and hard, it almost felt like a dildo. But he came quickly, then pulled out. The young guy that was still in the room, but had not played with me dressed while the Jock was dressing and they left together. I was now alone after about 45 minutes of intense fucking. I checked my messages. I had several replies. A couple said they were on their way. And a few said they weren't coming. I heard the door open and close again. A hot black guy in his early 30's came in. He quickly got naked. His bbc was hanging between his legs. I dropped to my knees and began to suck. His cock swelled and lengthened very quickly. Then he literally grabbed me by the arm, pulling me up, pulling me towards the bed. I climbed on, again assuming my "position", on my knees, on the edge of the bed. The handsome bbc stepped behind me and slammed up into me in one, quick thrust. He wasted no time getting to it. Slamming my ass hard and deep. "How many loads you got in you, Faggot?" "Three in my ass and one in my mouth", I told him. "Any black dick, yet?" he asked. 'You're my first, so far". "You like black dick, Fag?" "Fuck, yeah!", I said. He's fucking me hard and slapping against me as the door opens again. From the side of my head I can make out an older white guy and a young black kid come into the room. The older white guy for some reason quickly turned and walked out. Don't know why? Maybe just wasn't his thing? Or he was scared? Or intimidated? Who knows? But, the young black kid quickly undressed and had a hard cock already. "Want a try?" asked the black guy fucking me. Without saying anything, the young black kid walked behind us. The guy fucking me pulled out and the kid took his place in my ass. The kid was not particularly hung, but he felt great. He had that incredible hardness that only young kids have. He was silent as he fucked. But he fucked me for about 6 or 7 minutes. The older black guy knelt on the bed in front of me and I sucked his cock as the young kid fucked me. The only sound the kid made was when he finally came. He let out a soft moan, then quickly pulled out and dressed. The older black guy once again came behind me and slid up in me. His cock was long, but not thick. He slammed in me for about 4 or 5 minutes, then let out a loud "OH, FUCK!" as he shot his load into my ass. As he pulled out of me and began to dress, the door opened again. A very, very tall, muscular guy in his 50's walked in. His emails said he was 6'4", 240 lbs of muscle. He had a very broad build. He walked to the other side of the room and stood there as the black guy finished dressing and left. I walked to the newcomer as he unzipped his pants. He was a very rugged looking guy. His muscles, height and bulk made him kind of intimidating. But, also a real turn on. I sat on the edge of the bed in front of him. He took a few steps towards me and fed his soft cock to me. He had about 8"s. Not particularly thick. But a nice size for sucking. The thickness was just right that I could take it deep down my throat. While I was sucking him the door opened again. The younger guy that had been sucking the Jock, earlier was back. I was puzzled by that, since he'd had no interaction with me. But he came over to where I was sucking this muscle bound hunk and he wanted to taste the dick as well. So, this young kid was going to be a party crasher. He had no interest in fucking me, but wanted the dick that I was providing. He was really turned on by this older muscle guy and was wanting to horn in on my action. I finally asked him to leave when he began to beg the muscle daddy to fuck him. "Excuse me. But, this is my breed & feed. Get your own hotel room. Post your own ads. And have your own party. Get the fuck out", I said to the kid. The kid started to protest when the Muscle Daddy added, "You heard the man. Get out". The kid dressed and left the room as the Muscle Daddy asked me if I wanted to get fucked? "Damn right, I do", I said. And I climbed onto the edge of the bed. "You got a condom?", he asked. SHIT! I'd been really clear in my ads and correspondence that it was bareback only. BUT, Muscle Daddy was so hot, that I was willing to let him fuck me with a condom. I did have one condom in my "fuck kit", so I pulled it out, handed it to him along with the bottle of lube. Again, assuming my position on the bed, he put on the condom and lubed it up. His covered cock slid up into me and he gave me a great fuck. About 10 minutes of wonderful fucking. Even though there was a condom on, this may have been my favorite fuck so far. His cock was just a perfect size. It was long. Thick, but not too thick. His large, swollen cockhead was rubbing my prostate as he slid in and out of me. His fucking actually made me cum. I was shaking in orgasm as he finally got to that point himself. "Where do you want my cum?" he asked. "Anywhere you want, dude", I replied. His fucking got faster and harder. I could feel his cock getting harder inside me. "Ahhhh.........Damn!", he groaned as he pulled from me and began to stroke furiously on his cock. I stayed where I was and I could feel his cockhead slapping my hole. Finally I felt his hot cum shooting all over my ass and my asshole. As he stepped back away from me, I got off the bed. And for the first time got a really good look at him. He was still handsome, but I could tell that in his younger days, he'd been quite a stud. His large, muscular chest was covered in a thick mat of salt & pepper hair. I rubbed his chest. "Damn! You're a hot man!" I said. He laughed. "Thanks", he said. "You're in amazing shape", I said. He again laughed. "Well, I used to be a professional bodybuilder. I'm getting kind of fat. But, thanks". "I just had a testosterone injection 3 days ago. I've been horny as hell. So, I needed this. Thanks. We need to do this again. Can I get your cell number?", he asked. I gave him my cell number and he quickly sent me a text, so that I would have his number. "Can you host?", I asked. "No. Married. Can't host", he said. "Well, normally, I can't, either. But we can always get a room, sometime." I said. "Yeah. Let's do that. You're a good fuck. I'll fuck you anytime", he said. "Thanks!", I say. "So, you're str8?", I ask. He laughs again. "Well, let's just say, I love to fuck. I don't care if it's a pussy. I don't care if it's an asshole. A nice hole is a nice hole. And you've got a nice hole. I'll fuck you, anytime. After Muscle Daddy left the action seemed to die. About 20 minutes went by with no one coming in. It was now 5pm. I'd been going at it for over 2 hours. And my time was getting short before I needed to leave the hotel and meet my friends for dinner. But, I got an email from a young black kid that had been saying he wanted to come. He said he was on the freeway and was 15 minutes away. Was I still taking dick? Well, this kid seemed to have a nice cock. He had sent me several pictures of his very long, very thick, bbc. He even sent me a video of him jacking off and shooting a load. It was hot! And I wanted him inside me. I told him I only had 30 minutes left, but I'd wait. Sure enough at 5:20pm, he was coming through my door. He was a nice looking, heavy set black kid in his mid 20's. He immediately stripped and sat on the edge of the bed. I began to suck on his foreskin and cock as it swelled to full hardness. I licked down his shaft and licked his balls. That pushed a button for him. "Yeah. Suck my balls", he groaned. I sucked on his balls. I sucked first one of his balls into my mouth. His balls were actually kind of small. So, I was able to get both in my mouth. I stroked his cock as I sucked on his balls. He was dripping precum. I went back to sucking him. If I hadn't been so pressed for time, I would have taken my time to savor his beautiful bbc. But, time was running out. I finally climbed onto the edge of the bed, putting my ass up. He climbed off the bed and put his cock to my hole. He began to press into me. His cock was so thick that it was hurting. I had to have him slide in me, real slow. I was sniffing poppers like crazy as I tried to relax my ass to accept his cock. Finally, his cock popped up into me. Then he began to pump. Slam, actually. The pain ended and turned to pleasure as he rammed his young, bbc into me. About 15 minutes of intense fucking resulted in my last load of the night. By the time I dressed and packed up belongings it was time to quickly drive to my dinner appointment.
    2 points
  12. Geared up and horned up in the sling I watched Paulo at the computer start to set up a zoom session. I had never heard of it before so I asked John and Paulo what it was. They said it was a cam that a lot of guys used when they were partying. Some guys were nearby and some across the country. I did not need much asking before I was excited about showing off to other horny guys. They must have picked a good time as there were about a dozen guys on different cams to choose from and on the big screen tv it was easy to see what was going on. The cameras were adjusted in the room and suddenly I was on camera. My asshole was pulsing thinking about all the hot cock out there. I was handed a different pipe and lighter and John was instructing me on what to do to bring in the guys in to watch. First I started off just sitting in the sling, but as I smoked more and more tina, the further I got down in the sling until finally John helped me put my boots each each of the two stirrups wide apart. About that time we started getting guys to watch and John and Paulo started being a bit more creative. Off camera, John started to lube my hole with some tina laced lube that burned as it hit my asshole and playing with my nips which always does the trick to send me off into outerfuck space. I started to moan hard on camera as first one, then two, then three fingers each found their way inside my chute like some hidden finger monster attacking its victim in an old campy horror film. First one hand and then two, opening up my ass, showing it off on camera, advertising my hole for any and all takers as I watched and smoked on the pipe enjoying the full feeling. Every once in awhile the guys would pause the action and we would all drink a Gatorade bottle to keep hydrated and balance out the t. The fingers were removed after the latest pause followed by a series on dildoes, small at first but as I got used to it the length and girth increased with each push as thrust showing what a great fuck I was. Every once in awhile I would hear a ting from the computer and that's when I realized that I was not just on camera for zoom but for other sites as well, but by that time I was too high and horny to really care. Once the didoes were removed, I told the guys that I really had to piss of which they laughed and told me to just piss on myself. I did and the tings went crazy. Seems the guys out there were really getting into the watersports. Off camera both John and Paula pissed all over me in the sling. John even stood up on a box to get the golden shower just right. I dried off some the before the camera was turned on an angle to allow first John and then Paulo, while each wearing a mask to hide their identity, to fuck me in the sling while the guys on the different cam sites watched. I watched too. It was pretty hot getting fucked anonymously, feeling each cock pound my ass and deliver loads in my ass until I pushed them out for the camera. After awhile John asked if I was ready to get gangbanged in the sling. Why not I thought.... (more to cum)...
    2 points
  13. two hours ago, in a gay cinema in Fugger Strasse, I was sitting there hoping for action during the lunch break. I noticed a rough looking, 50 something man eyeing me. when I passed him he grabbed my ass cheeck and he noticed I loved it. He then called out for a friend and out of another room a younger, muscular man came. They were Poles. the older dragged me over to a seat and made me kneel down and suck his cock, fat head! the other one got down behind me and started pulling my bike pants. I helped him and he started to feel me. then he got some lube and started to prepare my hole. I loved it, because these two guys were really going to town on my body. My head was pumping the older man, and then I had my ass lifted and I could feel a big cock between my ass cheek, He had problems getting the head inside, and it was painful, but I knew that as soon as I could feel his pubic hairs on my ass I would be in sub heaven, and he slowly got it all inside and I could feel his sweat and his breath when he started whispering Hure into my ear. he came quite quickly and when he pulled out I cvould feel the cum drip. he raised me up and made me sit on the older guy. I would have loved to have him blow my dick but he wanted me to clean his. The older guy was strong, he lifted me up and down like a rag doll and then I could feel him tense up and blow his load inside me. he lifted me up and made me clean his dick too. when they had left I discovered they had stolen my 10 euro note....
    2 points
  14. Always hope to get a homeless guy to fuk and give him a good rimming before and after. Hasn't appened yet. The rimming is important!!!
    2 points
  15. The moment you've been waiting for ... this beautiful set of buns and long sexy legs ... belongs to ....
    2 points
  16. The only undesirable human I can think of is the one that won't fuck my ass. Anyone with a cock, wants to fuck and can cum is FULLY 100% desirable in my book. Anything beyond a functioning dick and cum producing nuts is really not material to my desires. No doubt, I really enjoy BBC, I have learned to really like POZ-COCK and am desirous of any AIDS-BONE I can find, those are just extras......the cock and the cum is the star attraction
    2 points
  17. Kind of three phases to my fuck life.....and very different "exposures" 35 years of barebacking and nothing 2 years of PrEP and gono twice and syph once 6 weeks of no PrEP and HIV+, Gono
    2 points
  18. By: david-sf https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/David-sf-Tags-Chase-Acland-IML-2017-30974322 David-sf Tags Chase Acland IML 2017 Todd & I tag teamed this hot fucker after 2 porn shoots with Raw fuck club @IMLchicago 2017 Chase_AclandXXX is Yum!!! Thanks for the retweets and love #pigsex #bbbh #rawtop #oink
    2 points
  19. PART 3 its been 2 days since my fuck with Hassan and Rashid. I was really busy with some requirements that I had to deal with before classes start in 2 weeks. Ever since that day I've been fingering myself whenever I can but nothing feels better than a raw dick in me. Oh shit... did I just say raw? Ugh my condom nazi past self would kill me hahaha. anyway I'm done with most of the paper work that I had to fill out so I have the next few days to slut around before classes start. I've really missed Hassan's cock and since I got his number I sent him a message and asked him if we could hang out. After a few minutes he said I could drop by his friend's place maybe we could have a drink or two and just talk (yeah right haha). As I was on my way to his friend's place I got a message from Hassan saying that his friend is home now and asked me if I'm still fine hanging out there. Bummer I was really looking forward to getting fucked by Hassan but I was already 5 minutes from his place and I just said yes, there's no harm in hanging out with 2 hot guys right? I got to the door and knocked and this gorgeous guy opened it for me. Shit! I think my pussy's wet already. I was right, it was the guy I bumped into the corridor after fucking Hassan. This guy is really hot, amazing jaw line, such nice almond eyes and really fit. And the smell, ugh amazing! He smelled like those fruity shisha scents with a hint of sweat, just enough to make me hornier. Anyway as I got in, I introduced myself and the guy introduced himself as Khalid, 25. After the introductions, we got to the living room and Hassan was there watching tv with drinking beer. Gosh, he still looks hot and sexy. He said hi and says he missed me and that it's been a long while since we last talked. Well, I'm not really sure what Hassan has told Khalid about me but this might be awkward. 2 locals and a foreign student watching tv and drinking beer together. Anyway I'm already here I should at least enjoy the view right? Haha. Khalid excused himself to the kitchen to get some water and that's when I asked Hassan what his friend knows about us. To my shock, Hassan has told his friend that we might have played a little bit. I really did not know what to say. As I was about to reply, Hassan told me that Khalid would like a threesome and if I am okay with it. Woah! Shit, what do I do now!? Well it seems like my inner slut took over and said "Oh you guys can fuck me anytime, you can fuck me now if you want" and that's what Hassan was waiting for and he started kissing me and fondling my boobs. He removed my shirt and bra and a straddled on top of him topless as we continued to make out, I could already feel his boner under me. We were at it for a couple of minutes until I felt a second pair of hands touching me, i removed myself from the tongue action and saw that it was Khalid with a huge smile on his face and he already had his top off, and shit, his abs and furry chest is amazing! Hassan then removed his shirt and we were back to making out as Khalid took over playing with my boobs. Khalid then started to take of his pants and underwear and that's where I saw this gorgeous 8 inch, cut cock. Same size as Hassan and I want it in me. We repositioned ourselves as Hassan and I undressed and I got myself to sucking Khalid's cock while Hassan started to play with my pussy-he was eating it out like there's no tomorrow and slipped in 2 fingers as well. Oh wow, this is really amazing. We were all starting to get sweaty and the room just smelled of sex. I continued to suck on Khalid's cock and finally I was able to deep throat it with my nose hitting to where his pubes should be. He put his hands on my head and guided it has he fucked my mouth. I was already starting to tear up and my face must have been a total mess as my saliva and Khalid's pre cum covered my face. I was enjoying my new Arab cock, his pre cum was amazing - salty and had a lot of volume. Khalid must be a heavy cummer. As I continued sucking Khalid I felt Hassan spit on my pussy and he then slowly slipped his 8 inch cock inside me. Oh wow I missed the feeling of cock inside me. He was slowly fucking me and stretching my vagina and after a few minutes his rhythm changed and became more rough and fast. I was now enjoying 2 cocks Khalid's in my mouth and Hassan's in my pussy. I was playing with Khalid's shaft and sucking on his clock head when I heard Hassan grunt as he came in me. It must have been a lot since it took him a while before he pulled out. As Hassan pulled out, I shut my pussy to keep that Arab cum in me. Khalid then smiled and said that it's his turn now, and I said "oh fuck me please" Hassan and Khalid repositioned and Hassan put his wet and sloppy cock on my face, wiping his cum on me. He was still hard and I remembered that these Arabs stay hard until at least round 2. I sucked on Hassan's cock and tasted his amazing cum. He put his hand on my head and just slowly fucked my mouth as he continued to moan in pleasure. Khalid was now in position, he spit on my pussy and his cock and started to guide his cock to my pussy. He shoved it slowly and it was slick and amazing as his cock entered me. His spit and Hassan's cum has done its job and Khalid has no difficulty entering me. Khalid fucked in a very romantic slow manner it seems like he was enjoying his time as he fucked me - his cock fucking me up to his base and then pulling out halfway... Khalid then fondled my boobs and started to play with my nipples. Oh shit this is amazing. He cupped my breasts and his pace quicked and he moaned and grunted - he was cumming and it seemed to not end... as Khalid was cumming, I felt Hassan push my head deeper into his cock as Khalid cumming in me pushed him to the edge and made him have his 2nd orgasm. I drank Hassan's cum as Khalid continued to cum in me. It seemed to not end. Then Khalid slowly pulled out, and I tried to shut my pussy but I could still feel a little bit of cum leaking - he must have cummed a lot and it sounded and felt like he did. Hassan was done cumming was well and I motioned Khalid to come over to my face and I sucked and licked his cock clean. After a few minutes of trying to catch our breaths we put on some underwear - talked and chilled. I looked at the clock and we fucked for more than 2 hours.
    2 points
  20. What is the problem? Does it really matter who he fucked and who fucked you? Lets juct keep on breeding
    2 points
  21. Brother ask what are thous marks on my arm from. Should I tell him I spent 5 days at IML get slammed , fuck, fisted, and drinking a gallons of Chem piss.
    2 points
  22. I've got to finish this, David wants me back for an encore. He made more that one night than he ever has, he says! * continued 8 more on the way??? Looking around the room; 9, 10, 11, 12, too many to count in my spun out Cum Crazed state. Plus at least 8 more! I've been a Cum Whore for some time; but this night I am The Cum Whore!!! And I want more, and more; its then I realize I'm saying it out load... "I want more and more!" I'm covered in Cum, dripping Cum from both ends, needing more Cum! "I need more Cum!" Another booty bump I think; burning, yes booty bump as a grinning Cock owner puts the pipe to my lips and says; "here Sweetie, just nod when your full..." Now I Am Only a Cock Hole! A Cum Soaked, Cum Drenched, Dick Loving Cock Hole; it feels sooo right! I blurt out; "please don't stop; fuck me, Fuck Me!!!" I get lost in my Cock Crave'n, Cum Loving decadence; I'm at the precipice about to go headlong over the edge... And out in the distance I can faintly hear my name, "Tawnie, Tawnie, TAWNIE!" I snap to finally and respond, "present!" Its David; he says, "I'm out of product and need to re-up, and the sun is coming up; I need to get. Can your friends get you someplace somewhat safe?" I look around; more than half look at me, the rest at David and all agree on "yes!" I grab my bag, with my lube and such as I am carried out and into a cargo van and tossed on a pile of shipping pads; through the fog I hear, "want more?" "Yes, yes, YES!!!" I plead... "As you wish..." and I find myself at the back lot of the biggest truck stop in town just off the freeway, propped up over the pads in who-evers van, doors wide open, broad daylight, and I can hear; "yeah just $5 and you can Fuck the hell out of her!" I see an eager young man hand someone a greenback as he says; " that's for me and my 3 friends! Are you sure she wants all of us to Fuck her?" I yell, kinda; "yes she wants all of you and more to Fuck me!!!" And that's how it ended; me getting pimped out for $5 a pop; and did I see any money? Hell no; and that's just fine with me, I got what I wanted!!! To be a dirty little depraved Dope Whore Cum Filled Cock Hole! My hole is almost back to normal, this weekend it will have been a month; and Saturday going to do it all again! David says he can't wait; and me... "Look Out, I'm going to make last time be like a girl scouts meeting!" Thanks for letting me share my fun, Tawnie
    2 points
  23. CHAPTER 6 The door swung open and I was greeted by the familiar face of the guy from the bathroom. "Here he is! I'm glad you came." He said as I stepped inside. His boyfriend was sitting on the couch, stroking his cock through his boxers. "I'm Brian & that's my boyfriend Tyler" he said, nodding to the guy on the couch who smiled at me. "Um hi guys...I'm Jeff", I managed to croak out, my voice so dry & nervous. "Hey Jeff, no need to be nervous, we're all friends here!" Brian said. "Or at least, we will be soon..... Can I get you a drink?" "Just some water's fine thanks" "So, your wife know you're a sickening faggot?" Brian asked me as he came back from the kitchen, handing over the glass. "Oh, I'm not gay." I quickly replied (I wasn't, was I?) "How long have you been sucking cock then?" "I'd never done it before coming here" "Who's the lucky guy then? Some random hookup here?" "Um....no" I could feel myself blushing. "It's my brother in law" "Holy shit!" Tyler exclaimed. "That's so fucking sick, I love it" I could tell even through his boxers that his cock was gonna be massive. "Tell you what, you still seem uncomfortable" Brian said "How about we all get naked, maybe that'll relax you a bit more?" "I've been waiting so long for you to say that!" Tyler peeled off his tight singlet, his body looked like it was made out of granite! "I'll leave my boxers on though, I want my new friend to have a surprise" I took my running singlet off & shyly removed my shorts, feeling very intimidated - I could see almost all of Tyler's body and as Brian started to take his clothes off, he was gonna be well-built too. I quickly did the sums in my head. I figured they wanted a threesome, maybe if I sucked Tyler off only Brian would fuck me? Brian's thickening cock was roughly the same size as Mike's so it was gonna hurt but it'd be nothing compared to Tyler's! I walked over & knelt in front of Tyler "Damn, you white boys always make a beeline for my cock don'tcha?" I wanted to get him out of the way first but I had to admit I was curious. Kneeling down in front of him, he almost looked like a god. "Take it out boy, you know you want to". My hand slipped into his boxers & felt his hot, hard cock. It was so thick I could barely get my hand around it! I pulled his boxers down and it looked like one of those massive cocks from the interracial porn I used to watch. The slutty young girls in those scenes could barely fit it in their mouths and I was about to do the same! "C'mon buddy, you know want it" Tyler whispered. I had to admit that deep down, I did. He'd been working himself pretty hard so his head was covered in precum and glistening in the dim light of the room. I thought to myself that the better I made the blowjob, the quicker I could get to Brian & my night would be over. I took the head in my mouth straight away & started slurping, "Damn! He's a horny little slut this one!" Tyler yelled across to Brian. I was too busy concentrating on his cock to care. As I took more & more of his cock in my mouth I could tell that it tasted different to Mike's, aside from it being much bigger of course! Oh my God, was I becoming an expert on cock now or something? I could only take about 3 or 4 inches before I started gagging, I'd never had my mouth stretched so wide before. "He might've hit his limit here, can you help him out Brian?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brian walk across and hand Tyler a little bottle. He took a deep sniff in each nostril and then held it to my nose. "Now what I want you to do here boy, is keep sniffing in each nostril until I tell you to stop. You'll be glad you did", I did as I was told. Pretty much straight away I felt I was flying, everything felt like it was tingling. All I wanted to was pleasure this beautiful cock that I was sucking, I think Tyler could sense that I was feeling different too. "There, now doesn't that feel sooo much better?", his voice was so soothing & sexy just like him. Fuck I was so lucky to be sucking this sexy man. "You're a natural cocksucker boy & don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I was so turned on & concentrating on sucking Tyler I didn't even feel Brian applying lube to my ass. "Damn boy, you want more of my cock don't you?" I needed it so badly, if I could deep throat him I would! I moved a bit more onto all fours as I'd been kneeling for a while. "Take some more of the poppers, it'll help you relax your throat a little more". I sniffed deeply from the bottle, fuck it felt so good. I could sense Brian moving behind me but just assumed he wanted a better look at what a good cocksucker I was but I then felt his cock pressing against my hole. "Look at his hole winking at me man, he wants it so much!" Brian yelled across to Tyler. I had to admit that in my state of mind, I didn't want Brian to fuck me, I NEEDED it. I felt Brian's hands on my hips as his head pushed inside my willing ass. "Doesn't that feel so good?", Tyler asked me. Fuck, that voice would make me do anything. I looked up at him nodding, my mouth still on his cock. "Polite as well, he knows not to speak with his mouth full!" He laughed. I closed my eyes as Brian pushed further and further into me, it was a mixture of pain & the best pleasure I'd ever had. I'd never had a threesome before when I was (wait, was?) straight, and now here I am pleasuring two guys! They both started to get into a rhythm and before long, Brian's balls were slapping against my ass while I kept sucking Tyler. His voice and eyes were almost hypnotic, I'd do almost anything he said. Of course, anytime I started to come down from the poppers he'd hold them to my nose and I'd inhale deeply, partly because I loved the feeling he gave me but also I had a mouthful of his cock so couldn't breathe through there! A part of me knew that I was being used as a piece of meat but I loved it so much, and I knew I was so good at it, that I didn't care. I don't know how long I'd been in that position for but I could feel Brian's cock getting so thick inside me. "Fuck man, I think I'm close," he said to Tyler. "How about you?" "Man, I've been holding back for ages waiting for you!" he replied. "Let's keep him off the poppers so he knows what's happening" I could feel myself starting to come down & reached out for the poppers, "Nuh uh" Tyler said, "We want you to feel every second of this." My mouth and asshole seemed to be shrinking just as their cocks started to grow. The two much bigger men held me in place so there was no way out from what was to come. Tyler came first with a massive groan, his cum shooting deep into my throat & filling my mouth. All I could do was swallow him, and coz I didn't mind the taste I knew it was OK but I felt so slutty swallowing this complete stranger's load! "And now here comes the big surprise" Tyler whispered as I could hear Brian's panting. I felt the warmth hit me almost immediately as Brian came deep into my ass, it was only then that I realised he'd been fucking me bare all along! I was pinned between the two men so I knew that I was there as long as they wanted me. My ass pulsed on Brian's cock, milking him, as Tyler's fell out of my mouth. Brian pulled out & patted me on the ass, "For a straight boy, you make one hell of a faggot!" Tyler & himself both laughed "Feel free to use our bathroom, you might need it soon". I groggily made my way to their bathroom trying to process what had happened. I'd been in a threesome with two complete strangers and one had cum inside me! I saw myself in the mirror & could see that I'd been totally used, not least by some of Tyler's cum in my mouth & then Brian's dribbling down my leg. I sat on the toilet & felt Brian's cum stream out of me, god there was so much! I thought I'd have a shower in my own room to try & think everything through about what had happened. Opening the door I was met by the sight of Brian sucking Tyler's rapidly hardening cock, a big smile on Tyler's face. "Ready for round 2?" he asked. ROUND 2?!?!?! END OF CHAPTER 6
    2 points
  24. Favorite things tops have said to me: Before starting: "Spread." "You want me to shoot my babies inside you?" While cumming in me: "Damn right, I'm coming in you." "Take it, you fucking whore." Right afterward: "That oughta hold you for a day or two." "Damn, that's going to get you knocked up." "Well, you wanted me to make a mess in you... told you I cum a lot."
    2 points
  25. 1999 I was excited, conflicted and scared to death about buying my first house. My dad always told me that a house was a good investment, but I was having doubts. I depleted my bank accounts, spent hours on the phone and signed my name to countless documents. Apartment living had been so easy -- write a rent check once a month and you're done. It was a small, cute house in very good shape, and I only knew about it from a guy I only sorta knew from work. Tony. He lived next door to the property and knew the owner was an old guy about ready to go into assisted living. He came by my office one morning and told me I should jump on it soon. I did. Once everything was finalized, I realized this would mean living next to Tony. He was okay, I guess. My age, not bad looking, friendly -- but talked all the time. He never shut up. I had lunch with him once and managed to finish my food before he'd even taken a bite. I guess I could handle that after living in apartment building where I had to listen to my neighbors' music and smell their cooking. Only after moving in did I realize I didn't really have much furniture. I moved things all around that day, trying to make the place look like it had not just been robbed. I'd need lots of stuff eventually. I had just finished reassembling my entertainment center when the doorbell ring. My first ring in my new home. Of course it was Tony. I opened the door and saw him standing there with a bottle of gin. "Welcome Wagon! I brought you a house-warming present." "Hi, Tony. Come on in." "You look exhausted, man. Take a break." "I don't even have the TV or stereo hooked up yet. And I don't have anything to mix gin with. Maybe we can do this another time." "Nah. We'll just go sit out on the front porch and sip straight from the bottle. This is the good shit. Bombay." One of the things the original owner left behind was an iron bench that set out on concrete porch. We settled there and watched the quiet street and passed the bottle. My mind was racing with all the things I had to get done in the next three days of vacation I'd taken from work. The thoughts got less immediate with each sip. "Cable's coming tomorrow. I need to be up early or else who knows when I'll have TV or the internet." "I'm not going to keep you up too late, Ray. I don't have vacation tomorrow...unless you want me to." What the fuck did he mean by that? I'd always wondered if Tony was gay, but never bothered finding out. He was always just a pest in my mind. After the sun went down and the bottle emptied, I finally just asked him if he was gay. "Yeah. Are you?" "Probably. I'm not sure." "Not sure??? You're what? 26? Pick a side, dude." Quiet. It was early summer and the crickets were singing up a storm in my new yard. He hugged me goodnight and went back to his place. The summer grew hotter and I was finally settled in. I was adjusting pretty well and loving the quiet nights. There was a big stray cat that I fed each morning, and of course Tony was a frequent visitor as well. We arranged another 'drink on the porch night' and I sat listening to him blather on and on about nothing. "So -- you got your internet hooked up, right?" "Oh yeah, Why?" "Just wondered. What kind of stuff do you look at on the computer?" Nosy motherfucker. "Just stuff." "I look at a lot of porn and kinky stuff." I could have guessed as much. "Did you know there's a whole website catering to guys who want to have unsafe sex with other guys. Some of them WANT to get infected with AIDS and some who want to spread it?" "God. Really?" "Yeah. Check it out sometime. When we finally trade email addresses, I'll send you the link for the website. You are going to give me your email, right?" "Sure. Let me go get some paper and a pen." Under the glow of the yellow bug light, we tore the paper in half and exchanged e-mail addresses. Somewhere around the end of July I started noticing Tony's habits. He always just wore gray shorts, no shirt and was barefoot when he went to take out the trash or work in his yard. He even mowed the lawn barefoot...can you believe that? I expected he'd be toe-less by the end of the summer. Why in the world was I so intent on watching him? He wasn't exactly my type. But I loved looking at his almost naked body. One day I was straightening up my 'office' and found the slip of paper on which Tony had written the website of which he had spoken, so I took a minute to check it out. Everything was scary. I read some of the testimonials about sharing blood and semen unprotected. I was half-disgusted, and also fascinated. I kept reading, looking at pictures and watching videos. Is this what what my neighbor was into? I spent hours on that website. It started entering my dreams. The next time Tony came over to watch the baseball game, I told him I'd finally checked out his recommendation. "Well? Hot, isn't it?" I admitted it was. "Do you fantasize about getting AIDS from a man? Or wait -- do you wish you had AIDS to give somebody like I wish I did?" My instinct was to say nothing but I admitted that I fantasized about 'getting pozzed'. "Cool! This is so perfect, Ray. We can pretend. You know, do some role-play." "Hell no." "Come on. This'll be good for both of us and we'll have the fun while still being safe." With that he dropped his shorts and stood in my living room completely naked from the top of his head down to his dirty toes. "N-NO. We can't. Your my neighbor and...just no." He was, however, hardly so easily dissuaded, which was why he was already jerking his impressive penis as he urged "Come on, Ray, suck my poz cock, buddy." What the hell. I knelt down and took it my mouth. Something had been broken inside of me because I wanted this moment so bad. I couldn't even take half of it, but I kept trying to get more. It was hard to breathe as it entered my throat. He was trembling and thrusting and finally came in my mouth. It was so surprising that I loved it. "Yeah...drink up that poz seed. You're going to lick my ass next." After I swallowed, he turned around and parted his cheeks. I darted forward and kissed his anus. I licked around and around and was on auto-pilot. "Good boy. I'll do this to you tomorrow when I fuck your virgin ass at last. Keep lapping it up." And then it was over. I hadn't even realized that I'd cum at some point. My underwear was full of sticky cum. He left. I tried nor to think of it too seriously. After all, what we did was only 'play'. The next evening, I got home just in time for the sky to open, unleashing a deluge of rain. There was some thunder and harsh winds, but no lightning. I got changed and went and sat on my bench, waiting for Tony. He pulled his little red car in my driveway. He ran up to me, took off his clothes and said,"It's a great storm! Let's go play!" He apparently wanted to go run around in the heavy rain, so against my inclination I found myself peeling off all my clothes except for my jockey briefs and off we went, running though the downpour. I guess it was an impromptu game of tag or something like that. We got to the front of a foreclosed home's lawn when he finally tackled me from behind. I went down into the grass and he started mounting me while I was flat on my stomach. "STOP TONY!!! It hurts too much." "I'm getting you all bloody so my death seed will get in you faster." It was just play. So I relaxed as best as I could. I thought it would go on and on, but he finished up. He dumped his fictional infected sperm right up my ass. We were done for the night, but didn't stop playing the game. For weeks we fucked. My bed, his bed, the backyard. Yeah, I knew it was weird, but I could not get enough of him...shooting his seed into my ass. At one point, after several months of play sessions with Tony, we had to take a break as I came down with a nasty case of the flu. Real bad. Or maybe it was food poisoning. Whatever it was, it was definitely to be remembered. Tony kept coming over to check on me while I lay in bed. He would feel my forehead and bring 7-up. "The game is over, Ray." "You're telling me? I don't feel like playing for a long time." "No. The game was over before you ever joined. I've had HIV for three years. I tricked you and I'm really sorry, seeing you like this. I never got the fuck flu." I couldn't believe it. I'd been having unsafe sex with an HIV+ man for months and thinking it was harmless. "I'll never be able to make it up to you, but I need you to know I did it for both of us. I love you." I recovered just fine. He was fine. We were fine. We became a pair. Sometimes we even played like I was still negative.
    1 point
  26. was at Eros a couple of days ago - hadn't been there in prob 20 yrs - it was full of fat ugly old men - I bent over for anyone who wanted my hole - took home 7 loads of troll seed - I really need to make it one of my weekly cum collecting spots...
    1 point
  27. I used to be kind of picky. Then one day i joined a sex club in Denver and everything changed. Sex is out in the open or through a glory hole. I decided I wanted to get bred and bred. I let anyone fuck me that wanted to and these guys were great. They were very horny because people passed them by. I recommend it.
    1 point
  28. available for use 24/7 this weekend in WNY outside of Rochester. Can host no problem, wickr bareben for directions/address or my owner dad4pozboys.
    1 point
  29. I don't think we were meant for monogamy. I think fucking around is our true nature. Mine anyway.
    1 point
  30. I hate that term “Boy Pussy” and think it’s a major turn-off for me, especially when I am in the middle of fucking a bloke’s ass. But I think the “Boy Pussy” thing is often associated with feminine bottoms – and I am not attracted to feminine guys and I won’t fuck them. So I have not had any experience with that. But I have had a few non-feminine blokes call their ass a “Boy Pussy” or “Boy Cunt” whilst I have been fucking them and I have stopped fucking them for a minute and told them not to say that – and they complied. TONY
    1 point
  31. Hence why I offered an open relationship. He said no. Was given the opportunity to commit, sleep around openly and not behind my back, or to end things and do whatever we wanted. He chose none of the above. That's all I'm saying.
    1 point
  32. I agree leatherman667.. men are born for breeding and being bred.. that's how I life my live
    1 point
  33. Got off work today and went home to clean up before heading to a hotel about 20 miles away to meet a black couple that had sent me pics of their cock. They wanted to know if i wanted their faces but as soon as I'd seen their cocks I knew I had to have those monsters inside me. It was a hotel with the room doors outside, cars were driving by not far away, but they had put a blindfold on the door handle with the instructions to come in after I'd stripped naked outside. As soon as I dropped my clothes on the floor I felt hands on my ass and one guy started probing me with his fingers. They pushed me down on the bed and I reached blindly for a cock and felt this huge swinging monster that I started trying to gobble down. All I could think was that this was going to go in my ass and leaving my hole gaping wide lol. The other guy rimmed me and did a fantastic job. Then I felt him working his fingers and lube into me until he had 4 fingers of me. I felt the bed move as one of them handed me poppers and i felt the tip of his cock against my ass. I don't know what poppers they had but my head exploded and I had to have that cock inside me so I pushed against him hard so it was almost like he rammed it up my ass. It hurt but I didn't care and took more poppers as he began to fuck me. He fucked me for a good while while his partner was telling him to fuck that white slut and then he grunted hard and I could feel him sliding easier in me and knew he'd given me a big load. They switched places and I did my best to wrap my lips around his thick cock while his partner gave me more poppers and got behind me to slide into me. Before I left I had 3 big loads in my ass and a promise to call me the next time they were in town.
    1 point
  34. So, it was starting to get late Sunday night and up until 11 I had been striking out left, right, and center. My wife was out of town, but this was the last night that would be the case and, goddamn it, I needed cock. It had been a solid six months since my last assfucking and my hole was ready. I'd been talking to a few of my "go-to" guys, but their schedules weren't matching, and I went on an absolutely fruitless cock hunt on Adam4Adam, BBRTS, and Squirt. My profile name on those sites are the same as mine here if you want to check them out, by the way. Anyway, no dice and it was getting late. Around 11 my number one favorite fuck got ahold of me. I had to work at 9 the next morning and the earliest he could hook up was 12:30. "Fuck sleep" I said to myself. Especially for this cock. For the purposes of this story, I'll call him Jim. So, when 12:30 rolled around, I got the text and I was on my way. He only lives a couple of minutes away, so I was very quickly inside his condo. He was already naked and I quickly stripped down to my brand new jock. He laid back on the bed and I knew he wanted his asshole eaten. Man, do I love to eat ass, and his is a perfect meal. Hairless, clean, and enough meat to get a good solid grip on. I dug my tongue in deep, chewed, and sucked that hole until he was moaning non stop. Best of all, his 7.5" cock was hard as hell and dripping sweet precum, which I quickly latched on to. I love precum so goddamned much. They should bottle it. Anyway, I was well into working that cock when he said, very tersely "climb up on it". He didn't have to say it twice. I planted my left knee beside him, threw my right leg over him and pushed myself down on that beautiful cock. And oh how he fucked me. Deep and hard and hitting every right spot that hadn't been hit in months. My eyes rolled back and I almost hyperventilated as he jammed his cock in me. "It's been a long day," he muttered between thrusts, "I didn't even think I could get hard". Goddamn but he was hard. Quickly he told me to lay flat. He loves to fuck me flat when he's ready to pump some cum. He jammed his cock back in my tightened hole and really began the thrusting in earnest. It felt so good I was forgetting to breathe properly. And then boom. He jammed in hard and dropped a giant load balls deep inside me. And kept pumping. I almost passed out it felt so fucking good. And then. He rolled off. Immediately I rolled over to suck that incredible cock clean. He loves this part almost as much as I do. "If you could only do that 10 minutes more, I could probably fuck you again", he said, dead serious. But it was late and I couldn't get greedy. I did, however, have him capture the moment. So I'm attaching the pic he took right after coring me out, and one I took just after I got home. Hope you enjoy them. I know I did...
    1 point
  35. This morning...was on A4A cruising for some cock and a guy who has fucked me before was online and looking as well...he hits me up and ask me if I needed poppered ass fucked...my response as always was yes...I haven't been fucked in about 6 weeks and was in need.... so I grabbed my poppers out of my desk and headed to his place. On my way he texts me and says hey you ok with another bi married guy joining us....DUH, of course 2 cocks ....I found myself driving faster...he responds "Great, we'll play safe today cuz I am not sure he is into BB sex".... disappointed I agreed, 2 cocks wrapped is better than none at all. i arrive and the "other" guy was already there and my FB was on his knees suckin his nice uncut cock, nothing huge about 6" but had a nice girth to it and UNCUT....I stripped kneel in front of both, hit my poppers in each nostril, then hard huff through my mouth and dove in on both cocks....both uncut and leaking delicious precum. My FB is 8" uncut and thick, that is what attracted me to him to begin with, multiple times he has made me cum by just stretching my hole and hitting my prostate. I continue sucking as both men pinch my nipples...I am rock hard...I stand and say I need fucked...my FB says " get on all fours and arch that back"... I do as I am told, the other guy gets in front of me and I begin licking his shaft from tip to balls, taking him till my face is buried in his pubes...my FB starts teasing my hole with his cock....lubing my hole with precum and KY....I hit my poppers again and reach back to assist him into me as I am slobbering all over the other guys cock...I notice there is no condom....I am loving it...bare cock in both ends...as I said it has been 6 weeks since I had been fucked and he was having trouble getting it all in...the other guys withdraws from my mouth and gets up to go back and hold my ass cheeks apart and watch "I like seeing his cock stretch your hole" as my hole loosened and I started fucking his cock back...the other guy moved back to my mouth...he gets very verbal talking about my FB breeding my hole, take that cock and cum....I am deep throating him while getting my hole stretched good.....the guy in my mouth swells and rope after rope of thick load shoots down my throat....I swallow it all he quickly hops up , says I gotta get back to work...I look back at my FB with cum running down my chin and said "don't you dare fuckin stop" he picks up his pace as I slam my ass back him...as the other guy walks out of his room, my FB grabs my shoulders and pulls me onto him as far as I can go and unloads deep inside my ass.....he stays there until is softens and plops out...I have cum dripping from my chin and running down my inner thigh.... what a great lunch break....nothing like being stuffed at both ends and getting a load in each.....my FB texts me a little later and says the "other" guy wants my ass first next time!!!!
    1 point
  36. Decided to spend some time @ Club Fort Lauderdale for Memorial Day. I haven't been going to often and when I have was a bit disappointed in the action. Well.. I went about 2PM got a nice larger video room and before I could begin to check out the crowd a hot 30s latin comes in and drops his towel... good bottom that I am I take his soft uncut cock in my mouth.. Tho not too long (7 maybe..) it was kinda thick. He got the hint and knew immediately what I wanted... We fucked for about 30 mins in various position and he gave me a nice load. I then cruised around and ran into a "Daddy" that I know fairly well, but never played.. we were in the steam room and I saw is BEER CAN Mushroom headed cock... I sucked then back my hole against him. He worked it in and we fucked there for 5-10 mins. Needed a break from the heat... I went back to the room and cruised a very hot shaved headed latin.. He comes in and I suck his hard uncut 7+ " while letting him know what I want.. He took the bait, but unfortunately bags it up... I didn't mind he was hot and it felt pretty good. I milked a large load out of him and into the condom... I grabbed it from him and ate it up ( cum not condom) I got Daddy back to my room again and we fucked all over the bed. the Mushroom head making me groan it felt so good pulling out all the way and then back in... He told me he had a HUGE Load and deposited it deep... Ran into a YOUNG (19 yo) that has been hitting me up on Scruff & Grindr. Hes much cuter in person and has one of those rocket shaped 7+ inches... I was surprised at how adept he was at fucking and we fucked on & off for a good 30 mins and left his young seed . I let them all seep inside til this morning. Damn... I gotta get out more often
    1 point
  37. A little late posting this, and hoping for a repeat of sorts today. Last weekend a bbc friend messaged me unexpectedly, saying he was in the area and needed to get off. We've played bare for a few years but I don't think he has any idea just how slutty a bottom I can be, and he still hasn't found out. I just can't stand a big cock in my ass when it's sheathed in rubber. Give it to me au naturel or not at all! When my friend messaged me, I was already on CL prowling for cock, and as luck would have it I got a hit. Another bbc top who asked if I was cool with raw. I said hell yes and told him to get to my place about a half-hour after my friend was supposed to arrive. This guy wanted me waiting blindfolded in my living room, a request I was only too happy to accommodate! So my friend arrived, and after less throat fucking than I'm used to from him, he placed the brown bottle under my nose and positioned me on all 4s. Must have been horny! When he pushes that hard cock inside me it fills me perfectly every time - I feel my hole give way and that warm sensation of my insides stretching as he slides deeper and deeper. I love it! As soon as he was balls-deep, he started thrusting harder than he usually does, alternately grabbing my shoulders and my hips and giving my ass a smack every once in a while. Before long he started making those telltale noises and I felt his cock stiffen inside my ass. His is one of the few I've had where I can actually feel his cock pulse as he unloads deep in my guts. Satisfied, he pulled out and I spun around to clean his cock with my mouth, licking every drop of cum and ass off his hot shaft. He pulled on his shorts and headed for the door. I checked my phone as he left and realized I only had 5 minutes before the second guy would arrive. Quickly, I threw a towel down on the floor and grabbed an old winter scarf which I tied around my head to act as a blindfold. Leaving the door unlocked as I'd promised, I assumed the ass-up position and waited. Within a couple of minutes I heard the door open, and seemingly in one fluid motion there was another cock inside me! He never stopped to undress, he never paused, he just walked up to me and slid his cock into my already slippery hole. Having no idea that he was using my friend's cum as lube, my second visitor slid easily in and out of my ass, holding onto my hips as he rammed his cock home. It wasn't long before he trust deep and held it, and I knew that he was adding his load to the one still brewing in my hole. Without a sound he was gone, having pulled out of my ass and headed for the door. Once I heard the latch click I removed the blindfold and lay down on the towel for a moment, relishing the baby batter I held in my guts and wanting to keep it there for as long as possible. I have another hosting window this afternoon and hope for a repeat. My friend has already told me he's free. Can't wait!
    1 point
  38. Having worked for DoD, most countries that ban HIV positive people are based in the Middle East, some former USSR and mid-Asia countries. Do a google search for HIV ban status via the U.S. State Department will put your mind at ease.
    1 point
  39. Game Quest: Part 22 “You’re still a lousy shot,” quipped Mark running his hand over Greg’s plump red hot ass. “Plenty of time to work at it…” I shot back. I turned my attention to the boy. He wasn’t crying any more. I lifted his head to look into his face. He stared blankly, unable to focus on anything. His breathing was labored and I slapped his face hard to see if he’d respond. It took a few slaps and Mark tugging at the strap on his butt plug to bring him back to reality. “Come on,” said Mark. “Let’s get this plug out of his cunt and get some more cock in him. I’m my balls are ready to explode.” “Hold on,” I said to Mark. “Boy, are you with me?” He still stared off across the room. I knelt down to bring my face closer to the boy. Then I lifted his head and started to kiss him. Slowly the boy started to respond, and his breathing increased. No doubt his ass was searing with pain from the strapping. I pulled away and said. “See boy, that’s what happens when you’re a bad boy. The strapping you just got was part of the learning process and I’m sure there will be many other times when you will get the same. But I want you to understand, it’s for your own good, and sorry ‘sorry’ means nothing to me until you’re fully punished. Just nod your head if you understand.” Weakly, he lifted his head a bit. “Was that a nod boy?” I asked Again, he lifted his head as best he could. “Good boy,” I praised. “I want you to remember boy, that whenever you want to say sorry, it means nothing. So the next time you feel you need to apologize, remember, beg to be punished instead. Is that clear?” Again, he nodded, still with the glazed look in his eyes. Looking back at Mark, I saw his cock was throbbing hard again. I reached over and grabbed a bottle of poppers and held it under his nose. “Here boy,” I said lovingly. “Breath in deep, this will help with things.” He started to take a deep breath. “No, no, through your nose. Sniff deeply boy.” He started to revive a little more, but still in a daze from the belting. “Good pig,” I said. “There’s plenty more where that came from.” “Thank you Sir.” “Now Mark is anxious to pump some more cum into your little pussy there boy. How about we get you off the bench for a little while, and try fucking you another position. Would you like that boy?” “Yes Sir.” “But any shit from you and you’re going back on the bench. Understood?” I asserted. “Yes, Sir.” “Good boy,” I said as I removed the locking pins from his wrist shackles. “Give me a hand Mark, you take care of the straps, but leave the plug alone. I’ll get that.” Mark replied “OK”, and busied himself with the straps. I moved around to the back of the boy and undid the strap for the plug. “Ok, boy. This is gonna hurt. Don’t push, just relax your cunt muscles and let me do the rest. Understand boy?” “I think so Sir.” He replied I started tug lightly at the ball plug buried in his ass for about two hours now, but his hole was still too tight and was not going to give it up easily. “Mark,” I said, “give him another hit of poppers, his cunt’s not letting go of this easily.” Mark held the poppers under his nose, and told Greg to sniff deep. I grabbed ahold of the strap that was still attached to the base of the plug, and started to pull slowly, but with more force listening to the boy wince in pain. His ass lips started to distend out as the ball of the plug started to surface, when finally, it crested and his hole expelled it with a ‘slop’. Ass slime and cum followed the plug and slopped to the floor leaving the smallest gape in his recently deflowered hole. “Nice,” I said. “Looks like his cunt is going to open up like a real pig’s. Come get a look.” Mark made his way around to see. “Oh ya,” he said. “Look at it that juicy hole wink and drip, a very cock hungry cunt indeed.” At that Mark started to stick his fingers in the boy’s cunt and slide them around. The boy started drawing short breaths from the stinging pain of his tender hole. “And sensitive too,” I added. “Now go ahead, and drop your tox load in him, before the others get here. I’m going to wait until later tonight when he’s good and full.” I grinned rubbing my cock.
    1 point
  40. Thanks for the follow, hot guy ?
    1 point
  41. Grahame, me and Liam all arrive at ours pretty much at the same time only just beating our boy Ross who is impatiently knocking at 6.20. Grahame, naked and boned opens the door and stepping forward growls "Come here." In uber dominant mode he orders "Open your mouth.” Ross obediently complies getting spat deep into his mouth, Grahame’s mouth engulfs Ross’s their tongues wresting before pulling off looking at the panting Ross who visibly looks weak kneed with lust as blood rushes to his dick, clearly throbbing in arousal. Closing the front door behind them Grahame completely dominated Ross puling his trousers down, shirt and tie off over his head - There’s no sign of guilt for Liam just the combination of pure lust and his pulsing dick are in control of all thoughts leading towards his downfall. As another brutal kiss takes place before us in our kitchen hiding place Grahame is squeezing first one, then the other cheek, hard, grunting into Ross’s mouth as he does it. Then finding his asshole Grahame starts to scratch into it completely dry, he forced his middle finger in knuckle deep, digging away. Ross squirms under the torment yet looks like he could cum from that play alone as his cock bounces up and down drooling long strings of pre-cum. We watch in awe as Grahame rips his finger out wraps Ross into his arms, picks him up, and deposited him on our bed joining him there in one swift action. Who knew he had such strength? Both Liam and I jack ourselves, I don’t know about Liam but my dick was so hard it was hurting. Grahame presented Ross with his cock “Take it in your mouth” and then “That's my boy, work that fat dick” Ross takes inch after inch “its gonna grow big boy” as Ross’s eyes roll back, his jaw is stretched to its max “It’s growing to full length now. You like that taste of my precum?” Ross nods, slurping, tears running down his face as Grahame fucks his mouth for a while adding “No teeth or biting or you’ll pay” as he roughly plunges the full length of his long fat dick down the gagging gullet. As Ross struggles for breath with tears, snot and spit flowing Grahame, meanwhile, picks-up with our agenda, plucks the stale sweat soaked long black compression sox from his running days off from the cabinet and ties them around Ross’s face totally blocking his vision. “Now you won’t know who is pounding your hole, lay out face down, arms and legs out spread-eagled.” “I’ll spread for anyone who needs a hole to cum in,” he confidently replied, loud enough for us all to hear” as Ross all too willingly complies allowing us to make our entrance descending on him like a plague of locusts tying him to all four corners of the bed frame, he panics, “What the fuck? Whose there? How many of you are there?” “Scccch, just go with the flow we’re here to make your fantasy come true” I bark in his ear slapping his butt hard. Ross yowls in agony, “Yeah it hurt my hand too BITCH” I say and to pacify the panicking Grahame begins fucking his mouth before he could say anything else telling him "you wanted raping, so we're gonna rape you" Grahame rips his shiny spit covered 8-inch cock from Ross’s gasping mouth climbs over and gets behind Ross pulls his cheeks apart showing us his completely exposed hole, spits directly onto this hole, fingers the phlegm in, massaging his ass lips. “There’s to be no safe words just your hole as our fuck toy” Ross struggles against the tightly tied rope but there’s no reply…Ross knows and accepts what we have in mind. And with that Grahame plunges three fingers in deep jabbing his prostate, fingers wriggling working the cum out of Ross’s balls with each prod as Grahame gets into this roleplay with copious amounts of precum dribbling onto our plaything’s butt hole and ass crack. His poisonous dick head leaking freely is now firmly lodged against Ross’s hole. “Get ready to get knocked up bitch! Take my cock and cum” as he rocks forward a few times pushes hard and breaks through Ross’s sphincter, he yells out in pain, “Fuck, fuck, fuck STOP” Grahame, true to his word plows on opening Ross up with small thrusts, pushing harder to sink ever fully in till he’s balls deep. “Yeah you love this, I feel your ass wrapped sooooo tightly around my big dick trying to squeeze my dirty load out.” Then proceeds to power fuck for the next ten minutes pulling almost all the way out before ramming all the way in oblivious to Ross’s protestations. With excess precum and ass juices dripping down Ross’s ass crack on each out stroke onto our sheets - our little souvenir for later! Ross’s ass muscles have long since given up as Grahame is long-fucking with abandon building up speed pounding hard working up to his climax. "Fuck… I’m close, you’re going to get my load like it or not” “Yes! flood my guts, cum in meeeeee!” screams Ross bucking under the bouncing body of Grahame desperate for his load. Grahame stops. “Hey boy! This is a rape roleplay, you’re supposed to fight against being fucked REMEMBER?” his dick flexing and throbbing deep inside and as he starts punch fucking adds to the taboo by telling the truth. “Take my POZ cum, I’m knocking you up…..NOW!” as his flexing dick spasms and floods Ross’s hole with POZ cum sinking further into the well-used ass says. “You’re mine now,” Ross unsure if it is truth or fiction stammers, “Wwwwhat did you say?” as Grahame continues to push the deadly seed deeper, “You’re mine now” is what I said, “No, no before that, about you being POZ” “Oh yeah…adds spice to your rape eh? Getting knock-up by highly infectious Poz guys. I thought that IT would give a POSITIVE charge to your senses as you totally submit to us.” Deep within Ross’s psyche something happened as his hole was in unknown ecstasy clamping down hard around Grahame’s cock, panting there is a garbled “Argh” as his balls erupted pumping volley after volley of cum flowing into the sheets beneath him. Grahame pulls out, moves to the head of the bed, turns our victim’s head and demands, “Open up and clean my cock” and as soon as Ross begins to open his lips the pink cum covered dick is pushed in.
    1 point
  42. Thanks for your comments guys. Here's Part 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relief flooded over me. The decision was made. I was knocked up, had experienced the morning sickness and had joined the brotherhood of poz men. Nothing could take away my membership so I embraced it, loved it, and was determined to do my best in sharing it with others by gifting them, regardless of whether or not the guys wanted it. Showered and feeling newly energized, my cock bounced with every heartbeat becoming painfully hard with the need to breed, so much so strings of clear venomous pre-cum drooled onto the wooden floor boards leaving a toxic slippery snail trail as I walked about. Upon checking my laptop I found several replies to my advertisement, one of which answers, one in particularly captured my attention. The individual replying posted under the name tag ‘Seeks Scorpion Sting’ and simply stated “Hot TOP jock wants POZZING." My cock jumped and twitched as more pre-cum oozed out as I typed "What u looking 4, jock.” The reply was virtually instantaneous. “Being fucked raw, status important. Unmediated HVL POZ.” I could barely breathe. My dick was rock hard as I thought 'Should I go to him or just to fuck my bf off by fucking this stranger here in our bed'? I made my decision and replied “Here’s my cell number and address ___________________." He immediately then logged off. 'Fuck it, too bold, too brazen, damn!' I thought to myself only to hear my phone ring. Glancing at the screen, I didn't recognize the number, and as I was thoroughly pissed off the guy apparently had bailed, I almost ignored the call, but instead, taking a deep breath, I answered with a curt "Yes?” “I’ll be there in 15 minutes POZ Daddy” a voice answered, but before I can speak he clicked off, and to my amazement, true to his word, in 15 minutes my doorbell rang. Now naked, my steel hard cock leading the way, I opened the door and found a twenty something Nordic Adonis, about my height of around 6’3”, his white T barely concealing a muscular body with his long length silky shorts giving no indication of what he was packing between his legs. Confidently he stepped into our house, initially kissing me lightly, then more vigorously as our hands frantically explored each other, and as my slimy, cum-smelling cock smeared copious amounts of toxic pre-cum all over his now tented shorts. Just as my hands slid down under the waistband of his shorts, grazing the valley between his ass cheeks, his right hand firmly gripped my pulsing cock as he murmured "Lead me to the bedroom.” Once there I pushed him onto the bed, back first, grabbed his ankles, forcing his knees against his chest, which, of course, left his winking hole exposed and his beautiful thick hard-on unattended. Positioning myself against his ass, my cock brushed against his seemingly virginal pucker. I was hot and hard more than willing to tease his hole. This was soooo not my norm. I had definitely changed. I bend forward and devour his ass. There’s no other word for it – my tongue, my rough stubble and occasionally my teeth – I feel the need to eat that hole from the inside out. He bucks against me as my thick tongue dives in deep slurping making loud wet noises that makes him moan, “Oh yeah mmmm” The boy goes to stroke his cock but I beat him to it and bat his hand away. “Leave it! Concentrate on pleasuring MY cock not yours! I hiss I circle around the rim on his tasty boyhole, then spear in with my curled tongue, rubbing my stubbled chin scratching over his hole making it red and sore, then my tongue again, licking and lapping and then a sudden unexpected bite on one ass cheek and then other then pull those rosy cheeks as far apart as possible pulling the boys ass as open as I could. I’d never eaten ass like this before, and I was in heaven, he on the other hand was in hell, it was making him crazy for me to fuck him. Oh.. please... oh!” he was gasping between my tongue lashings. Pre-cum flowed from my piss slit like a tap turned full on leaving a pool of poison on the duvet cover. I pull back just a little. “Please, what?” “Please!” he gasped, “Please fuck me!” He moves his hand and pushes a single finger against his spit-slick pucker, and groans again. “Please!” “Hope that’s enough spit, boy because that’s all you’re getting.” I’m enjoying this new me. “Look into my eyes boy and don’t look away I want see the moment you first feel my deadly POZ cock enter you.” I looked up at him, losing myself in his youthful brilliance and rub my slick cock up and down his furry crack before my mushroom head hits bulls eye, his hole. I push, pressure mounting as I start to press in past his ass lips. His hole offers surprisingly little resistance as my cock quickly presses into his sphincter stretching it open across my bulbous head. “Ooooo, Aaawwwwwow..I feel every vein, mmmmmm, every, mmmmm, contour of your fat cock as it slides, urggh, deeper and mmmmmmm deeper into my hole” is his running commentary as finally, all eight inches had sunk in and my pubes rested against his pale furry cheeks. “You feel that boy? Feel how easily my POZ cock slid into your hole? You’re no Top, just a hole made for taking loads you should never have been able to take this fat POZ cock so easily.” I flex my diseased cock deep inside depositing yet more radioactive venom, “You like having my POZ cock inside you boy?” “Yes.” “You want me to fuck you now?” “Yes.” “Breed you?” “Yes” “Yes what?” “Please I want you to fuck and breed me with your POZ cock.” “Your wish is my command.” I lean over him, pressing down my mouth to his own. It was less like a kiss and more like possession and domination as my tongue enters his mouth and flex my cock once again before kissing him back fiercely once more and oh so slowly withdraw my cock until the head begins to push his ass lips wide again and wait. Then I pushed, inexorable, not fast but without pause and inch by inch, I felt his body open even though he tried to rock back away from my invading cock. “It’s so thick, so large” The boy says “Yeah boy, eat that up.” I bucked and pushed in twisting as much as I could. “I’m more stretched and full than I’ve ever been”, he says as his eyes start watering, breathing in short bursts, trying to catch his breath. “Good boy…..now take IT” as I ram in as the words leave my mouth. His voice wobbled in response, “Y-esss S…i…r” as he thrashes about under me as I pick up speed with raged rough shoves in and out of his hole. He yelps, I kiss and I swallow the boy’s cries and notice his erection had subsided leaving his once gorgeous cock now lying impotent across his groin I pull my cock from his hole in the same slow deliberate manor that I had pressed it in, allowing the head to pop out too and then with the same inescapable pressure slid back inside and I sense jolts of electric pulse through his hole as the bulging head and veins on my cock push home. I started groaning telling him to I’m going to fuck him in earnest before all of a sudden slamming the full length of my cock into him with the entire force of my body behind it. He screamed. Then it was on, keeping my promise of wrecking his hole. I had never fucked like that, I had never felt so connected to someone, I had never wanted someone as much as I wanted him in those moments. The room became hot and the smell of cum and sex filled the air, I felt beads of sweat drip from my face as my bucking body rammed into him but neither of us cared. The sound of slapping flesh combined with we sloppy squish of his hole was the only sound in the room save for the occasional whimper as my cock forced its way past his second sphincter. I was a beast, hammering away full force at his hole for nearly twenty minutes never missing a beat before…, “I’m about to change your life boy. I’m going to flood your guts with the first of many POZ loads.” “Yeah give me your POZ load,” he pleaded red faced and panting “Here it comes.” As with one final lunge I bottomed out, as the head of my flexing cock bursts past his second sphincter, my load firing deep into his guys. I swear that load was massive and more powerful than any before as I roared, finished cumming and ground my cock deeper into him, working my load to where it could do the most damage. “Oh my god,” he panted, “That was amazing.” “Don’t worry boy, there’s plenty more where that came from,” as I flexed my still hard cock inside him. We shift on the bed as I swear I hear a sound come from the outside? Or was it our front door? I don’t hear anything else expect our hearts thumping as we momentarily recover. “Let’s see how many loads get pumped into your hole to make sure it takes.” Slowly, I begin to fuck him again as my cock never went down or left his battered hole. “feel good boy? I ask as I set out with a slow rhythm and start to pick up speed. The second load was going to take a little longer until I gripped him tight and whispered in his ear “You like riding the death stick thats gonna get knocked you up?” “Please daddy, POZ ME UP!” And with that I was panting raggedly and my balls were retracting. It was time. “I'm pozzing you all over again, cum slut!” The boy was being fucked raw by a complete stranger who's rock hard cock was utterly turned-on. I knew nothing about this boy, nothing, but I fucked more, driven on by an inate sense of generalized revenge. His hole burned around my dick, as I changed pace, giving him a few more rough thrusts as my balls prepared to to blow another load deep in his flooded hole "I'm getting real close-- where do you want me to cum?" I asked, without breaking my pace. He didn't answer. Again I asked "I'm about to blow, man - where do you want it?" He, however, was totally blissed out, eyes closed, laying there, his soft cock expanding as I repeatedly slammed into his prostate, only to have him suddenly exclaim "Oh, Fuuuuuuuuuck!" as perhaps his last negative jizz spurted from his throbbing cock. I was in heaven as his ass had clamped down, squeezing my deathstick, massaging its toxic cargo out, but he wasn't done, he had one trick left up his sleeve. “Convert me,” he plead, adding “I want your toxic cum, to take every lethal swimmer you have. Knock me up, man!” That was it. I pounded even harder, slamming deeper, completely withdrawing with each out stroke, with the result that on one such out stroke, my cum shot all over his crotch, but it also meant that when I plunged back in, I also blew balls-deep in his hole. Of course I continued stabbing his hole forcefully until my climax finally subsided and utterly involuntarily I collapsed on top of the boy, squeezing the air out of his lungs. When I had caught my breath I slowly withdrew, rather carefully almost, and then rolled back on my haunches to survey the damage. Cum was dribbling out of the boy’s puffy hole, cum which was pink with streaks of red plop oozing onto the duvet. Leaning forward, I slid my fingers deep in his cunt and relished finding gobs of mixed diseased spunk and ass juices which I fed him from my fingers. From behind my back the bedroom door creaked open, and I heard clapping and the enthusiastic praise of my boyfriend calling “Way to go Harry!”
    1 point
  43. I prefer unmutilated cocks, there's a special thrill there. But really, any hard man is good to find.
    1 point
  44. Only cock and cum count for me. I take loads from not so attractive guys as well. I got fucked by old guys, fat guys, disabled guys before and would take it again. Who cares? I am born to get used by men.
    1 point
  45. Black cocks are my cunt's favorite.
    1 point
  46. hi, i am 22 and loves bareback. i am top, lost count the loads i given out. i fucked all holes raw since 16, my first fuck.
    1 point
  47. My general rule of thumb is, it's the top's choice. If i'm gonna land him in bed, then I'm okay with letting him do whatever he likes to me. However, I've been known to wrap my legs around a top while he's fucking me, especially if he's kinda skittish about planting his seed. So when his breathing speeds up, and its looking like he's about to unload, I lock my legs, and pull him to me so he can't get away. Usually works, and sometimes they give up and just shove their cocks in all the way. Gotta say, nothing beats the feel of a man's cock pulsing inside me while he's impregnating me.
    1 point
  48. When I was an escort, I would usually ask clients to not cum in my ass. Of course, my favorite clients were the ones who ignored my request.
    1 point
  49. 5. Nathan I woke up the next morning to the sounds of an unfamiliar alarm. I remembered that Jason was next to me, still sound asleep. Still sleep-fogged, I realized that it was Jason's phone right as the ringing stopped. He looked so peaceful, sleeping there in my bed, totally oblivious to the phone. My cock twitched, still hard with morning wood and eagerly anticipating the chance to get back inside the boy. I wondered if there was still any of the sperm from last night's activities, or if Jason's body had already absorbed all of of my swimmers. It would be nice to slide up there without needing any additional lubrication, but I thought that would be unlikely. As I was getting ready to wake him for a morning fuck, his phone chirped again: this time for a voice message. I nudged him slightly, and he yawned, smiling at me. "Wake up," I said. "Your phone was ringing." "Fuck," he said. "What time is it?" I had to look at the clock. I was surprised to see that it was still early. "Not too late. Only 8:30." "Damn. Who calls me so early?" Jason asked. He reached across me and grabbed his phone from the bedtable. I could feel his hard cock rub against me, and I wondered how the buttplug was feeling for him his morning. He listened to the message. As he did, my fingers played across his body, working their way down to his trimmed pubes and then between his legs. The buttplug was still lodged in place, and I grabbed the base, slowly twisting it. Jason let out a small gasp as the plug spun in his ass, but made no move to stop me. "Fuck. Thomas wants me to film a scene tomorrow morning," Jason said, putting down the phone. "That a problem?" I asked. "Not really. I was just going to work out. I can fit it in. And the money wouldn't hurt either." He paused for a moment. "Just not sure I'm in a top mood right now." I had been hoping he was going to want another load pounded into him this morning. He smiled at me, and I knew he wanted it just as badly as I wanted to give it to him. "Well, I've got a hard cock that needs some relief this morning," I said. "For tomorrow, just do the scene, and get your rocks off. Once you're done, balls drained, you should come over here and get your gut pumped full of sperm. Sound good?" "Fuck yeah. That's what I'll be needing," he said. He reached down and grabbed my hand. Together, we pulled on the buttplug, and with a wet pop, it came out of his hole. "And right fucking now, I need some of your special sperm," he said. Jason climbed on top of me. His ass was now empty and I knew he needed something to fill it. He wasted no time starting to rub himself against my hard cock. Reaching beside me I fumbled through the bedstand for some lube. There were some rubbers, but I knew we wouldn't be needing them this morning. I grabbed the lube and found a bottle of poppers. I handed the poppers to Jason, and put some of the lube on his tight hole. He moaned as the slick, cold liquid spread over his senstive hole. I pushed a finger up into his hole. There was still a bit of the lube from last night up there. Jason did a quick hit of the poppers. As they hit, his ass opened up for me. It didn't take lone for me to be able to get two fingers up there. "You ready for the real thing?" I asked. "Please, yes," he gasped as we both fumbled into position for him to sit on my shaft. I tried to stroke my shaft a bit, getting just enough lubrication on it for it to slide into him. But he couldn't even wait that long. He was pressing against my cockhead, forcing himself onto my shaft. His hole swallowed my cockhead easily, and almost before I knew it, he had taken the full length of my cock. The speed of the penetration was surprising. I had bare been able to prepare for it. He took a few seconds to get used to me inside of him, just sitting on my cock, not moving. "So hot and so moist," I said, enjoying being back inside of this amazing man. "Gonna give you a potent load this morning." "Please man, you know I want it," he said. He had acclimated to having my cock in him, and was now riding it aggressively. Even though I was rock hard, I still I had to hold on to his waist and guide his movements to make sure I stayed in his hole. I was scared I was going to pop out of him right as I was spurting, and my precious seed would go to waste. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit myself, then offered it to him. He took it readily, and soon we were both floating on a cloud of pleasure. I could only focus on the warmth around my dick and all that Jason knew was my manhood invading him. I had woken up horny, and I knew I wasn't going to last long with him riding me like this. "I'm gonna cum soon," I said. "You still want me to shoot it inside?" "Do you even have to ask? You know I want your sperm. Your cum. Fuck, I want your virus," he said. He had a look of raw desire on his face, and I was only too happy to give him what he needed. "Take it, boy," I grunted. My hips were thrusting wildly, pushing my cock into the abyss of his hole. I could feel my jizz shooting out of my cock, right into his body. "Get your morning injection of my HIV-laden sperm," I said. "Please man, give it to me. Shoot your jizz deep in me." He was milking my cock with every stroke, getting every drop of cum he could. It was hard to believe that only a few days ago, he self-described as exclusively top. He had rapidly become one of the best bottoms I had ever fucked, able both to get me off quickly and take the longest poundings I had given. Not to mention his unique talent of extracting every drop of semen out of me. "Damn. Love your cum in my hole," he said. "No. Not love. I need your poz juice in my hole." Luckily I had a few more spurts of cream to give him. My balls hadn't had very long to re-fill from the previous night, so it wasn't as big of a load as I dreamt of giving Jason. But it would be more than enough jizz to start off his day properly. "You want to get off, boy?" I asked him. Jason's cock was still hard as a rock, bouncing up and down as he rocked on top of me. He had taken the poundings without any complaint, and it was time for him to get one more reward, above and beyond my toxins in his body. "I wish I could. If I'm doing a shoot tomorrow, I need to avoid cumming today," he said, regretfully. "This evening, I'll be hard as steel and bouncing off the wall." I remembered what it was like to be young and constantly horny. He slid off my cock, and laid down beside me. "What are you doing today?" "Need to edit some photos and get out a contact sheet or two. But no other plans. And you?" "Gym. And I need to work this afternoon. The normal. Can I come over tonight? I want to see you again. I want you to breed me some more." "Of course. You're going to get all the cum I can give you tonight. And tomorrow. And as long as you want. When is the taping tomorrow?" I was wondering how much of Jason's time I could get over the weekend. I had remembered our conversation the previous night about other guys fucking him. I was hoping I could make the weekend a special one for him. "He wants me there at 10:00. Probably last about six hours or so. Why?" "I was thinking what we could do over the weekend." "Fuck me? Repeatedly? Deeply?" he asked, an evil smile on his face. "Well, of course that. Get more of my potent cum into your hole. But I was thinking." I paused. "About?" "Well, I was thinking about what we were talking about the other night. I could probably find a few friends to come over. Help you continue on your journey. You'd get a few more strains, which will help to overpower any of your defenses." I wasn't sure if I was going too fast for him. But it got me aroused just thinking about several guys using his hole. And I'd get to enjoy the aftermath. "I mean, if you'd be up for that." "Fuck man. You were serious about that, weren't you?" "I was. You still ok with it?" I looked down and saw that he was slowly stroking his cock. It hadn't gone down at all since I had fucked him. If anything it had gotten harder since I mentioned the possibility of a gang-bang. Right as I started to watch him, a drop of pre-cum formed at the tip. I knew my question had been answered. "Definitely down for that, Nathan. I'll take any load of cum from you or that you direct my way. Don't care who it's from, what their status." He rubbed the pre-cum onto his shaft, using it as lube. "Anything for you. I'm completely serious," he continued. "Anything." "Not scared? Nervous? Or even worried?" He was putting his ass on the line, literally and figuratively. "Yeah, I am. A little. But you're around to guide me, and this is something I need to do. I probably needed to start this a long time ago, and I just didn't realize it. Now I do." He paused, our eyes locked together. "And you're a man that I trust. And I need to do this. With you." He kissed me. "How many guys are you going to get to nail me?" "I'll have to see who is available. I know a few guys that are definitely up for breeding and seeding your hole. And I'm sure one or two would especially welcome the chance to fuck a hot top like you. A fucking sexy, negative top, no less." "So, they would all be poz, right?" he asked. "Of course. For you, it's the toxic seed you need, not just the bareback fucking." I was glad he was still willing to go forward with this. He had an amazing ass, and it felt selfish not to share. I wanted other men to experience the pleasure I was getting out of it. And I wanted him to get used to letting men use his hole. Right now, I knew he was desperate for every time he could get my hard cock, for every drop of my deadly cum he could take. The mania to bottom would be reduced once he was infected, but I wanted him to be hooked on the feeling of a cock in his hole, and used to many different guys breeding him. "Awesome man. And you'll fuck me after that?" "Of course. I'd love to work all those loads into you." I sat up in the bed. "Want a shower to start the day?" I could see a bit of dried cum still on his chest, and I knew his ass was still wet and sticky with lube and sperm. "Nah," he said, getting out of bed. "I'll work out, then shower." He pulled on his shorts, skipping the jockstrap entirely. "Besides, I love being at the gym and reeking of a night of sex. Makes the other guys jealous." "Or horny?" I asked. I had this image of Jason fucking some older muscle stud in the shower. He would be focused on pounding the stud's ass and totally oblivious to all the men around the periphery stroking their cocks in naked desire. I had a need to be that muscle stud and be getting Jason's cock in my ass. But getting fucked by him would have to wait. I had a mission I had to complete first. "That too," he said. "I've recruited several guys for the films because they were staring at me in the shower and lockers." I followed him as he wandered into the studio, gathering up his stuff and pulling on the rest of his clothes. "Sweet. And you can now offer up your ass as well as your cock." "Right on Nathan." He had found all of his stuff and put on his shoes. "I wish I could stay longer. But I need to hit the gym, before I have to get to work." He gave me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around him one last time, and kissed him back, longer, deeper. Our tongues probed each other, and I felt my cock stirring again. Unfortunately, we had to break it off far too soon. I walked him to the front door, and saw him out. I didn't really care that I was still naked. Most of my neighbors had seen me naked at least once before. As he walked down the street, out of sight, I stood in the doorway, naked, and feeling more alone than I had felt in a long time. I had to figure out what to do with the day. I wanted Jason to still be here, telling me how much he wanted my cum in his hole. I knew that the product shot that afternoon was going to be pretty simple, which left far too much time to think about the HIV-infected loads marinating in Jason's hole, and how I could get more of them into him. I started by making some coffee. As I was drinking my first cup, I began to e-mail my friends and fuckbuds. I wanted to find out who would be able to make it tomorrow.I wanted Jason to really enjoy getting fucked by other guys, not just me. I wanted to have not just a fondness for cum, but an outright love for cum, a need for his ass to be dripping smene. I knew it was going to be a bit of a crapshoot, who would be both available and willing. I tried to find more than I thought I needed or wanted, figuring that there would be a lot of rain checks. As I browsed the morning paper, and worked on a second cup of coffee, I started to get some e-mail. The first acceptance came in. Michael said he was available later in the evening. That worked well; I wanted Michael to get him last, when Jason's ass was dripping with jizz. Michael had a perverse sexuality, and I knew he would be able to make Jason squirm with pleasure and writhe with fear. From the beginning, I knew I wanted Jason and Michael to fuck, but I was still a bit nervous about the pairing. Michael was intense. Although I was pretty sure Jason would be able to handle it, I wasn't completely sure he wouldn't break down. Within an hour, I had four people confirm. First up would be Sean. We had a long history together, despite him occasionally disappearing into heavy partying. Next would be Jake, a guy I had met through Thomas. He was usually a bottom, but was slowly learning about his top side. After that would be Eli, a hung Afro-American thug type. He has found out he was poz while in prison. I hadn't asked much about his life before that, or how he had ended up in jail. Finally, there was Michael to wrap up the afternoon. Together, the four would make an interesting cross-section of men for Jason to experience. As well, Jason would get a chance to learn how they had gotten the virus, and how each one coped with and enjoyed their poz sttus. Of course, they would breed Jason with their deadly semen. It would be exactly what Jason needed as the next step on his journey.
    1 point
  50. Reese had just seeded his new fuck boy Christopher with three loads of his toxic seed after introducing Christopher to G and T. He laid on top of Christopher with his- softening prick still buried deep in the boys ass when he heard a noise from the living room. His roommate and the guy who had done to him (almost 2 years earlier) as he did to Christopher introducing Reese to G and T came in the apartment that they shared. His name was Brad. Brad was a tall, muscular leather type who loved to use and abuse a hole. Although Reese was one of his conquests, he was not the only one that Brad used this way. Brad often visited the baths and college johns where he could easily prey on unsuspecting college boys willing and unwilling holes that he would poz up any chance he could get. Reese informed Brad of his consequence and Brad wasted no time in fixing himself a slam to share with Christopher. While Reese began to smoke some T from a pipe he kept handy, Brad prepared to slam himself then used the same needle to slam Christopher for the second time that night. When Brad was ready to give Christopher the slam, Reese took a big hit off the pipe and kissed Christopher, exhaling the smoke into the boys lungs and Brad stuck the needle in his arm and shot in the young bucks second slam of his life. Reese felt the cough from Christopher as they kissed and moved out of the way so that Brad could get between Christopher's legs and take his well seeded ass. All Christopher could say was fuck, fuck, fuck! Brad looked down on him and rammed the entire length of his 9 and a half inch cock deep in the boys hungry ass. Christopher could only moan as Brad fucked him hard and deep. Pushing Reese's cum deeper into his ass. Reese went out and got water and Viagra's for all. Upon returning he slipped 2 little blue pills along with some X in Christopher's mouth and gave him some G laced water and told him to swallow. Reese then gave Brad the same just before taking his own similar dose. Reese knew that with T it would take two 100 mg Viagra's to get Christopher and himself hard and help Brad keep his death stick rock hard for hours. Christopher was feeling really good. He was getting into being fucked and looked over to Reese who was still sucking on the pipe. He reached up and Reese leaned in to kiss him as they again shared the smoke as Reese exhaled. Reese broke off the kiss and moved down to take Christopher's dripping cock into his mouth. As he did this, Christopher turned his head and pulled Reese over him so that he could get at Reese's cock. As the Viagra took effect, both Reese's and Christopher's cocks began to respond and grow. Reese was impressed with the sucking skills of the young buck. He wanted to give Christopher his first taste of cum and hopefully Christopher will be addicted to it and be the cock and cum whore that Brad had turned him into a couple years before. Brad began to breath heavier and asked what Christopher wanted. Christopher paused his cock sucking to simply say he wanted more of what he's been getting all along that night. Brad took that as a sign and hammered home his seed deep into the former virgin hole. Brad was a heavy cummer and knew that he shot a lot of his charged sperm into the teen. At that moment Christopher resumed sucking on Reese's cock and felt his own balls churning. It didn't take long for Reese to begin swallowing the young buck's neg load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed into the willing mouth of the teen. Brad did not slow down. He kept up a good pace, and whispered into Reese's ear as he rose up from his position sucking Christopher's dick. Reese disappeared as Brad continued to fuck he seed deeper into the young studs hole. Without missing a stroke, Brad picked up Christopher and flip over so that Christopher was now riding his dick. Reese came back with a large, needle-less syringe. When Brad saw that Reese was back he stopped fucking into the boy. Reese came in behind Christopher and massage his shoulders, slowly moving his hands down his back till he reached just above his eager hole when he inserted the syringe around Brad's dick and shot a good booty bump into Christopher. Christopher could feel the burn as the T took its effect directly on his already hungry ass. As Brad waited as the T soaked into Christopher's well fucked ass, Reese resumed massage Christopher's back and as he moved back up to his shoulders and then down to his low back Brad nodded, giving Reese the signal to make his move. Reese pushed down on Christopher's back as Brad pulled him in to his chest. Christopher was really tweaked now and was not really aware what was about to happen until he felt Reese push his cock in along side Brad's. Christopher looked back over his shoulder at Reese as he moaned out more from the pain then the pleasure he was experiencing earlier. The two wasted no time in fucking into the well stretched hole as Christopher began to moan and simply said that this felt great. Brad was a lot close to cumming then Reese was since Reese had shot 4 loads already and Brad had only deposited 2 loads. Now they were going to give Christopher multiple loads at the same time. After 2 good slams a booty bump, smoking some T and an X, Christopher could barely hold himself up. That's when Reese grabbed him from behind and held him close as the 2 fucked his ass without mercy. Load by load was shot into the studs ass as he floated through his chemical and sexual high. After almost 2 hours of constant fucking, both Brad and Reese needed a break and a shower. They pulled out and carried Christopher to their large shower and turned the water on. Brad and Christopher entered the shower and after they rinsed off, Brad placed his hands on his shower mate's shoulders, pushing Christopher to his knees. Christopher wasted no time in taking Brad's soft cock into his mouth to suck. As he was sucking on Brad's dick, Brad slowly let Tina piss slip from himself into Christopher's mouth. The unsuspecting new cock whore swallowed the Tina piss without even realizing what he was doing. The Tina piss found its way into his system giving him more of a high. As Christopher sucked the piss from Brad's dick, he also was bringing life back to his cock. Brad then pulled his new cock whore to his feet, turned him around to resume fucking him, but before he slid his now erect cock into the boys ass, he slid his fingers in to massage the already plentiful cum into Christopher's ass. Brad had 4 fingers easily in his hungry ass then he went for broke and placed his thumb along side and tried to gain entry with his fist. It was almost in when he gave up, knowing another slam would get his fist deep in the boys rectum. He positioned the boy and slid is dick in as Reese climbed in the shower to rinse off. Brad fucked another load into Christopher before the water started to get cold. They climbed out, dried off and went the living room where they sat and chatted for a while. Reese asked what Christopher thought of Gina and Tina. Christopher told the two studs that he loved it and wanted more. Brad asked if Christopher wanted some more right then, he replied that he did. Brad and Reese looked at each other and knew that hey had a knew cock whore for the coming fall. Another slam was prepared for all to share, but Brad had a plan for this slam. He discussed his idea with Reese and then they had Christopher get on his back as Brad began to finger his hole. It was very easy for Brad to get 4 fingers in Christopher and as he went for the fist he nodded and Reese gave Christopher a very strong slam. As the slam hit Christopher hard Brad slipped his fist inside the very hungry and willing ass. Christopher moaned in pure pleasure, pleasure he had never felt before. Reese began to stroke Christopher's leaking cock as Brad proceeded to move his fist deeper. As Reese was laying next to Christopher, Christopher reached over and took Reese's hardening prick into his had and pulled it towards his eager mouth. Reese took this signal and once again the 2 were in a 69 position. As The two mutually sucked the others cock into their hungry throat, Brad worked more of his fist and forearm into the hungry ass of the new cock whore. Brad suddenly felt Christoper's ass spasm and knew Reese was swallowing another load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed deep in the willing and eager mouth of their newly educated cum hound. Slowly Brad pulled his forearm and fist from Christopher's ass. Once Brad was all the way out, Christopher looked up and simply asked, who was going to fuck him next? Brad and Reese definitely knew then that a cock whore was born!
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