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  1. Chapter 2 When I got back to the Pub at eight the night was dark and the streetlights were on. There was a hum of music coming from the pub but the street was fairly quiet aside from the occasional passing car coming into or out of town. As I walked back down the side alley and through the door I was greeted by the same bunch of stares and smiles as I walked in and up to the bar. A few of the guys from earlier were still there propping up the bar, some looking a little more worse than before. The boss who had interviewed me before was working behind the bar this time, and he greeted me with a big cheer and shouted to all the patrons that I was the new starter tonight. “Be kind and lets break him in gently eh!”. The bar laughed as he lead me into the back. When I walked around the bar to follow him my eyes bulged slightly. Whilst still in the tight dirty white wifebeater, he had now stripped off his shorts and was wearing a tight red BIKE jock strap. Following behind him I could see (and smell) his chunky hairy arse. It was a big size on this tank of a man and was just as hairy as his chest with a thick sightly damp trail right down between cheeks. I was still staring as he turned around and I practically bumped straight into his chest. I apologized quickly as he looked down with his big devilish smile. “Right first let's get you changed,” and without pausing, and finding little resistance in me, for a second time he removed my t-shirt, tossing it onto a nearby beer barrel. “Those too,” he said pointing to my jeans as he watched me nervously peel them down my legs revealing the same jock I had been wearing earlier. “Right, that's a lovely jock, but don't get me wrong: it's a bit too fashion-and-fancy for tonight. So let's get you into this,” he said as he looked around and grabbed a yellow BIKE jock that had been throw on the dirty concrete floor. “This will be perfect for you tonight and should show you off nicely." I turned around and slowly peeled off my jock and placed it on top of my tshirt and pulled the yellow jock up. It was slightly moist and had a few stains in the front. I tried not to think about it as I tucked my dick and balls into the material and adjusted the straps around my arse. “Right lets have a look at you." I was spun round and his big shovel hands cradled my balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. He shook it about a bit and I moaned as I tried not to get aroused, but this was the first action I'd had in months. “Ah, ha. You are a sensitive lad aren't you?” he laughed, giving my hardening cock a playful tap. “Right, leave your clothes there. I'll show you around the place quick." He led me round the back and showed me where the barrels and pumps were, and where the boxes of snacks were. He walked me round the front of the bar where the customers cheered as I was paraded around and shown behind the bar, explaining what beers and ales were on draft, how the till worked and where and how to wash the glasses. Then he asked one of the older patrons to show me around the place while he served some customers. “Follow me lad, I'll show you the best bits,” said the frail looking man as he took my hand with a surprisingly firm grip and walked about. “This is the main area, obviously. This is whats open during the day and sometimes gets pretty busy. It depends who is working and whats on show,” he wheezed a brittle laugh as he kept walking me round. “Down here are the toilets and play rooms. These can get a bit busy in the evenings when they open. Lots of fun can be had in the dark," giving me a knowing wink. I felt uneasy but if he was a regular and clearly the boss liked him and I needed the job. I smiled back and feigned interest asking “What sort of play rooms are down there?” He continued to drag me down the corridor and we turned into a dark room. It smelt of stale piss. I could make out a few pieces of large equipment, such as a large wooden X propped against a wall, one of those old stocks which would mobilize one's head and arms in a specific manner, and a chair covered in leather straps to presumably hold someone in place. “Oh wow, I wasn't expecting anything like this” I said, eyes wide open. “I never would have guessed that a little pub would have stuff like this." “Ha” he wheezed back “Oh this isn't any ordinary pub. That's why a lot of us come down here This bar offers a chance to have some fun and enjoy ourselves. I reckon you'll fit in well, I hope.” With that his old frail hand moved down, and began squeezing my exposed butt. “You are such a smooth boy, aren't you?” he asked as his boney continued to explore between my cheeks, finding my hole in the process. “Erm, sorry this is a little much for me. This is my first night and I don't want to get into trouble,” I said as I tried to excuse myself but already his dry finger had found my hole and was probing its way in. His nails were sharp and brittle. “Ow fuck stop” I said as I tried to jump up but his other arm wrapped tight around my waist and pulled be back onto his finger as it pushed in deeper. “Fuck, please stop,” I whispered as he worked it down to the last knuckle and waggled it inside me. I couldn't figure out why I was whispering. I was essentially being raped by some old man in a pub. I should have be shouting, but then I needed the job and I didn't want any trouble. “Alright boy just give me a quick kiss, eh?" He closed his eyes and leaned in. His old skinny face loomed closer as I saw the dark circles under his eyes and his puckered lips leaning in. His finger still deep in me scratching at my insides. I leaned i n and tried to get away with a little peck but one hand wrapped around my neck as he promptly pulled his dry finger straight out my hole making me shout out in pain. He seized the opportunity and I felt his tongue invade my mouth as he held my head tight in place. I allowed him to tongue me, a man old enough to be my grandfather. There was a cough from the door and my Boss was standing there crossed arms. “You can have as much fun as you want later lad, but right now I need to teach you how to pull a pint, eh,” he chuckled. “Sorry Steve, the boy couldn't keep his hands off me what was I to do?” chuckled the old man as he slunk out and headed back to the bar. My boss, Steve, walked up to me as I tried to figure out what had just happened and how I felt about it. “Listen kid, you are more than welcome to make out with the customers to get some good tips. I ain't gonna kick off about that. Just make sure you keep an eye on the bar as well. This is a business after all." I started to offer some apologies, to explain how he had forced himself on me, but Steve quickly put a finger on my lips, chuckled and commented “Listen, you can say whatever you want, but this seems to be telling me all I need to know, eh?" With that Steve gently squeezed my cock, which was rock hard, although still contained by the jock. I hadn't noticed. Why was that a turn on? What was happening? I wondered. “Now come on let's finish training you the bar,” said Steve as he put a big hairy arm round my shoulders and began walking me back to the bar and the waiting crowd.
    15 points
  2. Hey guys this is Chapter 1 of a new story I wanted to write. There's not much action in this first chapter but it builds the scene. Hope you like and don't worry it will get messy pretty quickly. Its also inspired by a real pub I worked in when I was 18. The Pub - Chapter 1 They say change can be a good thing, but when a lot happens at once it can be overwhelming. I had just recently turned 18, had just moved into the city to attend University. I was in student accommodation and I was out walking the streets looking for work. I needed a job to pay bills and have a decent student life, after all my loan would only go so far and my mum wouldn't be in much of a position to help me out. I discovered, however, most of the stores in town had already hired their student workers. It seemed as if the entire uni had hit the town weeks earlier and taken all the good jobs. As I was slowly walking out the end of town back towards my new room, I came across a dank little pub on the edge of a cross roads. The building looked fairly rundown with a front door that had “Entry in the rear” painted across it. In the window was a little rainbow flag, suggesting it was a gay bar or something and next to it was a fresh advertisement for a bar man job. The notice said it was varied shift work and paid a working wage. In fairness I wasn't in a place to look a gift horse in the mouth so I followed the instructions and wandered round the back. There was a dark closed off alley which looked like it continued down to where barrels were stored; however I turned to the right and pushed open the door and stepped inside. The pub was darkly lit and as I walked in the attention of a few of the patrons perked up and stared at me. It was mid afternoon by this point and so the clientele were all in their early sixties at best, some sat along the bar talking to the barman, some hunched over their pints. I approached the barman, trying to ignore all the stares and asked him about the job in the window. He looked to be in his late forties and looked me up and down making me slightly uncomfortable. “You're a damn looker. I think you'll be very popular. I'll just shout the boss and he can give you an interview”. This got a couple of the men chuckling as they started to engage in conversation with me. Whilst the barman headed out the back and up some stairs I did my best to smile and chat with some of the guys at the bar. They inquired about where I had come from, never having seen me around before and I explained I was new to the area and studying. That got a few comments about me being fresh meat and a few more laughs about keeping an eye out for some of the pervs that come in here. I laughed somewhat reluctantly, but they didn't seem all that bad, and I appreciated that whilst they weren't my type, it seemed obvious that they didn't get younger guys in here very often. The barman came back down and told me to head up and that the boss was waiting. The old man closest too me patted my arse giving it a good squeeze and told me to knock them dead and that they were rooting for me. As I got to the top of the stairs I heard a gruff voice beckoning me in to the room on the right. It looked like a fairly nice living space, although it wasn't exactly kept nice and clean. I could see a lot of dishes stacked up in the kitchen and as I turned into the living room the place was cluttered with all sorts of boxes and props and various clothing and fetish gear. There seemed to be a variety of rubber and leather gear strewn around the room. Nothing that shocked me. While I was certainly young, I wasn't naive. While the contents of the room might have been a bit off, it was, after all, merely the room in which I'd be interviewed. On the far side of this large living room was a big torn up leather couch and sat to one side with his legs stretched out was a large beast of a man. He looked to be early fifties, scruffy hair and a big beard. He had a tight wife beater on with a huge bush of chest hair bursting out of all sides and was wearing torn baggy shorts. He stood up and took a few steps towards me palm outstretched. We shook hands; or rather he shook most of my arm with his powerful shake and pointed me to the couch to sit. “So you're looking for some work eh?” he asked giving me a look up and down as I sat down. “You know this is a gay pub right?” I nodded and explained I understood and it wasn't a problem. I explained my situation, having just moved down for University, single mum at home and needed to support myself, no luck in town, etc. “Well I'd be happy to help you out,” he said as he made himself more comfortable lifting a leg up onto the sofa and leaning back getting a better look at me, "but you should know that we do all sorts of events here and you would need to follow a dress code every now and then." His baggy torn shorts slowly fell down his arched leg and I could see he wasn't wearing any underwear. In fact I could actually see he was circumcised and had a large floppy shaft nestling over some huge hairy balls. I tried to focus on his face and desperately tried to pay attention to what he said. “Erm yes that's fine, I'd be happy to wear whatever uniform you require." “Right stand up for me” he said as he adjusted his crotch and rose with me. “Arms up” he commanded and I obeyed without question as he grabbed my -shirt and lifted it up over my head with a quick motion. He gave a little whistle and ran a chubby thick finger down my chest and along my abs. “Damn kiddo you've got a killer body, do you work out a lot?" I blushed, both at the compliment and that I was suddenly topless in front of a stranger in a random house during a job interview. “Erm, yes, I work out a few times a week, but nothing over the top. I have played sports most of my life so I just have a good body, I guess." He was rubbing his hands up and down my abs now and then grabbed my hips and turned me around, his hands went back to my chest and began working my nipples. I couldn't control myself and moaned softly. He chuckled. “So you're a sensitive little scamp too eh? That's good to know. The patrons will love seeing that, right now the rest please," he remarked, his hands unbuttoning my jeans, allowing them to drop to the floor, leaving me standing in my lucky yellow jock bare arse practically pressed into his crotch. “Well hello! I guess this tells me what position you played in sports, eh?" he chuckled, giving my bare arse cheek a squeeze before running his finger between the cheeks, grazing my hole. “Well lad, you look perfect. Great body great attitude, That's the main thing.” Spinning me around, he took my hand, walking me back to sit back down with him on the couch. “Ideally I'd like you to start as soon as possible. There's a shift going tonight if you're keen. I can show you the ropes and if you do a good job and keep the customers entertained and drinking then I think we have a deal”. I spluttered my thanks back to him and shook his hand again. Okay, it wasn't exactly a conventional job interview but I had a trial shift and could start straight away. We both stood up and I bent over to grab my clothes. He had obviously tried to assist as he accidentally bumped into my back side as he clearly had stood too close to me. “Whoops sorry boy” he said as he took my hips in his hand and slowly pulled me up into him, chuckling “Daddy's got you, don't worry.” I laughed politely as I put on my jeans and t-shirt while he watched. I shook his hand one last time as he looked at me fondly and he told me to head back down to begin work at 8:00. “Go home, grab a shower and just come back in what you are wearing. You don't need to put in any effort." I thanked him again and headed back downstairs, and, in passing through the pub the guys at the counter asked how it went. I confirmed I had a trial shift that night at 8:00. “Oh lovely,” said the guy who had patted my bum. “I'll look forward to seeing you then” he winked. I left and walked out the pub heading home to get ready for my first shift, with no clue as to how a simple bar job would bring even more change to my life.
    13 points
  3. CHAPTER ONE Please be kind in your reviews and I really hope you enjoy it. The tags in the story will give you an idea of where I plan on taking it. Through the eyes of Scotty: I hear it again, the faint sound of the shower running, my heart skips a beat. Some people say they feel butterflies in life’s tender moments, for me that was the sensation I felt every time I heard my father’s shower running; knowing I’d be able to sneak a glimpse of him, water cascading down his amazing well defined body. I’d been spying of Dean, my father since I was 16 when I first came to terms with my feelings towards other men and realising I’m gay. Jerking off, while watching him shower and knowing he was totally unaware of me doing so made it so much hotter! My mum and dad married and started a family very young, Dean is only 37, to my 17 years. They had my brother Beau one year before me and I think I’m blessed to have a young Dad and Brother. Unfortunately I lost my mother when I was 12, she passed in a car accident on her way to work. Since then it’s just been us boys with dad doing an amazing job of raising us. Beau is already at university studying, so it’s just dad and I living together and Beau visits some weekends and during term breaks from University. Our living arrangements make it easy for me to secretly watch my dad and get my fix, so to speak. And he doesn’t disappoint, as I watch him now, his back is resting against the shower wall, water flowing down his delicious smooth abs, his fat 9 inch cock in his right hand, being stroked casually, his left hand slowly caressing his ass cheek while he strokes himself, moaning in pleasure. I never get tired of this view, peaking through the gap in the door from dads bedroom and his ensuite bathroom, my briefs to my knees, stroking my boyish 8 inch cock, my eyes feasting on the vision of my dad wanking, I know I won’t last too long and hearing my dad’s moans increase, I’m propelled to my orgasm even faster. I see my father, through the steam in the bathroom, abs contracting, grunting, shooting ropes of cum from his massive tool, onto the glass of the shower. Wishing his cum was being sprayed over me, or better yet inside me. It was all too much , I started shooting my load into my left hand, still staring at dad in the shower as he milks the last of his load out. Ugh, I’m in heaven, but quickly snapped back to reality as I hear the shower turn off and the shower door open and close. With my left hand full of cum, I quickly lift my briefs with my right hand and run to my room, so as not to get caught. I make it back to my room and lay on my bed, another successful trip spying on dad, with my heart still racing, my cock only just starting to deflate, I rub my load all over my quivering asshole, wishing, hoping that one day it’ll be a load on and in my ass, delivered by my hot dad Dean himself. A boy can only dream right? ################################################################################# Through the eyes of Dean: Startled, I wake to my alarm blaring at 6am, with my morning wood throbbing, aching to take a piss, I lay there thankful its Friday with the weekend just around the corner. I hear music coming from my son’s room, so I know Scotty is already awake and no need to go and annoy him. He’s a good kid, great grades, excellent attitude and such a caring young man. He lost his mother early in life and he misses her dearly. He has applied himself at school to ensure he succeeds to honor his mother’s memory. He and I are more alike than he realises, you see I used to consider myself bisexual, however since the unexpected passing of my wife, I couldn’t bring myself to be intimate with another woman. So I started dating men exclusively and have never looked back. I’m actually somewhat of a perverted dick pig, versatile, with a thick poisonous 9 inch cock that makes guys go crazy and a hole that can take a damn good pounding, the harder the better, bareback of course, you see I’m a massive cum pig. I haven’t ever used a condom and that will never change. I say he and I have more in common than he realises because he’s been spying on me in the shower, I think for about a year or so. The first time I realised he was watching me he was 16 years old. He’s an amazing looking young man, six pack, smooth, cute as fuck and I think gay, or at least bisexual. I couldn’t believe I was the object of his adolescent desires, but be damned if I’m not going to get some enjoyment out of it and corrupt him in the process, like I said; I’m perverted. I’ve been putting on shows for him for a long time now, knowing he’s been watching me while I shower. I even set up a gopro camera in my room to film him watching me, so that I can focus on putting on a show and not taking a casual glance towards the door to see if he’s there. And to be fair, he was there pretty much every time I showered, stroking his hot cock, rubbing his abs while staring at me getting off. I always positioned myself in the shower so that my biohazard tattoo on my hip was clearly visible from his vantage point. I wonder if he’s put two and two together. He always blew what looked like a great load before sneaking back to his room after I’d climaxed and given him what he wanted to see. His 18th birthday is fast approaching and it’s something I’ve been looking forward to for a very long time.
    12 points
  4. CHAPTER TWO Through the eyes of Dean: Time to set the plan in motion, today is Scotty’s 18th birthday and he decided he didn’t want a party with his friends. So it’s time to test the waters and see what exactly young Scotty is into and wants from life. I woke early and knocked on Scotty’s door to wish him a happy birthday. I got no response to begin with and figured he was still asleep, knock knock again and got a cautious hello from Scotty. Its dad mate, can I come in? Umm sure, one second. I waited for his okay and entered the room. Scotty was flushed, his laptop on his desk chair beside the bed, and he greeted me as I walked in. Happy birthday mate, I said and gave him a big hug, he wrapped his arms around me, but something was odd, he didn’t touch me with his hands. That said though his hug went for some time, almost as though he didn’t want it to end. I told him the day was his to enjoy and I’d take him anywhere he wanted, then said I’d go and have a shower and see him when he’s up and out of bed, to which he thanked me and said okay. I then went to my bedroom, stripped naked and turned the shower on, I then walked out of the bathroom and closed the bathroom door, something I’ve never done. Now time to hide and see how long it takes him to come and spy on me. I found my place, behind the bedroom door so he wouldn’t see me when he walked in and I didn’t have to wait long. In he came, buck naked, athletic, smooth and tight in every way possible. He cautiously approached the closed bathroom door, and once he saw that it was closed he let out a sigh, saying ‘damn dad, why’d you have to close the door, why today, okay let’s see how quietly I can open it’. He stood at the bathroom door and his left hand went right to his asshole, then I noticed it, his hands were shiny with lube already, he must have been playing with his ass and cock when I went to wish him a happy birthday. That explains the hug. He didn’t wait long, one two three fingers shoved deep in his ass, this kid was a pro already, slamming his fingers in his ass while raising his right hand to the bathroom door handle to attempt to open the door and spy on me. Now was my moment, I stood out from behind the bedroom door and walked quietly behind him, Scotty was just about to pull on the door handle when I reached out and ran my hand down his back. He jumped so high, I actually scared the hell out of him. His shock turned to delight as he turned, controlled his fright and saw me standing there, naked, hard as a rock with my massive drooling cock within reach. Scotty blushed, I leaned in and kissed him right on the lips, he didn’t flinch, he just went with it instantly while melting into my arms as we kissed for quite some time. I broke the kiss, wished him a very happy birthday and asked if he wanted to finally join me in the shower, his response was an emphatic yes dad, I’d really love that. Through the eyes of Scotty: I had a look at the time when I woke up, 06:17am and it didn’t take long till I remembered today was my 18th birthday, quickly followed by realising my cock was throbbing and leaking precum. I needed to take care of it, and quick smart – I wanted to feel the release of my first adult load. I turned on my laptop, put on some Treasure Island Media porn, my favourite, gets my juices flowing instantly and grabbed by hard cock and started playing with my hole once I lubed it up. I’m a virgin, but have been playing with my ass since I was 16 years old, I can’t get enough. Love inserting more and more fingers in my ass and cannot wait till I get a real cock up there, and cum as well. I’m so turned on by unprotected sex. At school it was drummed into us that this is wrong, but I don’t care, you like what you like. I had been watching porn for about 10 minutes, I had 3 fingers in my hole, digging them around and feeling amazing, when I heard a tap at the door. I froze instantly not knowing whether to reply or not. I heard a few more taps and dad calling for me, damn I have to reply. Eventually I’d manage to look respectable again and turned the porn off and called for dad to enter. He wished me well for my birthday and gave me a hug, I carefully hugged him being mindful not to get lube on him from my play session. We spoke quickly about some plans for the day. But the best bit was him saying he was about to go for a shower. Okay dad I replied. I was hard instantly knowing I was about to see him naked again. I waited a minute or so, and once I heard the water running, I walked right into dad’s bedroom. I was surprised this time though as dad had closed the bathroom door, something he’s never done. I quietly made my way to the door, buck naked, hard as a rock and given I had been playing with my ass in my bedroom I immediately inserted 3 fingers up my ass while I reached for the bathroom doorhandle. Next minute, something brushed my back and I jumped, scared half to death. I turned to see dad there in all his glory, his massive cock almost brushing my leg. He leaned in and planted a kiss right on my lips, I was in heaven, I didn’t want it to end, he then invited me to shower with him and I jumped at the idea, following dad into the shower. We immediately started kissing again, while rubbing ourselves together and exploring each other’s bodies with our hands. My dad turned the water off and pushed me to my knees in front of him, rubbing the head of his cock over my lips, glazing my lips with his precum. I admired his cock and waistline while licking the tip of his cock. I glanced over and noticed the tattoo on his hip, I had seen a tattoo there while spying on him showering, but wasn’t ever able to make out what it was. I see it’s a biohazard symbol, one which was familiar to me, from some of the porn I watch, but I don’t know its significance. Dad saw me looking at the tattoo, and asked if I like it, hell yeah I do, tattoos are hot I told him. He told me to have a good look at it, really focus on it and then told me to lick and kiss the tattoo. While I did, he said that I’d learn to love this symbol and appreciate its full power. I wasn’t quite sure what he meant but I was so turned on by being so close to his dick, I couldn’t help myself, I needed to move things along, I sucked his cock for a little bit, getting it nice and wet. I stood up and kissed dad again, before turning my back to him and lined up his cock with my hole. He called me a hot little slut and this only egged me on even more, I wanted to make dad happy and I needed to be fucked for the first time. I pushed back, feeling dads cock start to penetrate me, a sharp burn was felt but it subsided pretty quickly and I felt dad grab my hips and push balls deep into me. I wasn’t expecting that, but fuck it felt amazing, I finally had his massive cock inside me, drooling precum and making my ass wet inside. I was living for this moment, he fucked me so hard, breathing heavily on the back of my neck. It wasn’t long until dad made me beg for his load, he demanded that I tell him to cum deep inside me. But that’s exactly what I wanted, I wouldn’t have had it any other way, I wanted to be like those guys in the porn I watch, wet and dripping cum. Dad leaned down to me, his mouth to my ear, whispering that he was so glad I wanted his loads inside me and that he’d wanted to flood my guts for a very long time. He went on to say today was the day, the day that I give myself to him completely. He told me he owns me, from this day onwards. This was a massive turn on for me, something I wanted also. He pulled my ass into his groin, I felt him go that little bit deeper, feeling his full 9 fat inches inside me. My dad saying - Keep begging for my load Scotty, my toxic load, you’ll be charged up once you take my load, and it’s not your choice bitch, its mine, I own you don’t ever forget that. My reply was simple, cum in me dad, I need it, I’ve wanted it for as long as I can remember, you own my ass, do it, cum in me. That was all he needed to hear, still pulling me into him he growled take my poz load Scotty, my little boy, take my dirty load as I felt his cock throbbing deep within me. I was dripping, worn out, exhausted, satisfied and in love. Everything I had ever wanted from my first sexual experience. I turned to my dad and thanked him, before we cleaned up, dried off and went to his bed. Cuddling while enjoying the afterglow of what had just happened.
    12 points
  5. Pay Back's a Bitch (and so is my Brother) Part 8 The next couple nights were just a repeat of going to an ABS and ending at a bathhouse. Tyson was really getting into cock. The repeated conditioning he was receiving from Rod and myself (along with the random guys he encountered every night) had him accustomed to taking….no….needing cum for into his hole. You could see the desire and need in his eyes once he had a guy’s cock inside him. Getting him to admit this out loud would be the final step in his transformation grin straight jock to cum dump bottom. We came back home early on Thursday night and I gave Ty something I knew would aid him to sleep until morning. When he woke the next morning it was tint you introduce him to BBRT. I created a profile for my lil' from using pictures taken over the past few days. Since my goal was to turn him into a cum dump bottom I didn’t want to out him (at least not yet) I made sure his face couldn’t be clearly seen. I started to go through profiles of tops I knew in the area that had sent a message an the entire asking Tyson what he thought of each one. He was making comments I thief bodies and especially their cocks. When I got to Steven’s profile I thought Tyson was going to cum on the spot when he saw his pics and read his profile and massage. I knew Steven very well. He was a 30-something part-time porn star, part-time hustler, part-time pimp. Just the kind of guy I wanted Tyson to meet. Steven especially liked converting straight boys in more ways than one. He got off on getting them addicted to the Party-n-Play world, converting them from neg to poz, outing them as a featured bottom in one of his amateur pornos and making them one of his ‘rent-a-boy’ whores. Steven knew all about what I was doing with my little brother and asked if he could have ‘private time’ with him for a few hours. I didn’t have to ask what he had planned, I knew put would involve both of them naked with a couple cameras. Getting Tyson to go along was going to be easy. I knew he’d be craving Tina by now and Steven’s message promised a nice slam of grade A Tina, administer by him, just as they started to fuck. I could see the hunger in Tyson’s eyes as he read the message as it further described how Steven was going to food his ass with his ‘hot loads’ of cum that would change him forever. Tyson had no clue that Steven was talking about his pozzing his ass. Although Just about every load of cum Tyson had taken was charged up there was no way to know if any had taken hold. Steven’s load was different. Steven chose not to take meds like the rest of us that were HIV+. Tyson would be getting a high viral load of cum. And knowing Steven's ability to cum multiple times , the steady dream of pre-cum, the huge quantity jizz he shoots and that his viral load there would be no way Tyson was going to escape converting. With so encouragement I was able to get Tyson to reply to Steven’s message. After a few exchanges Tyson had agreed to go over to Steven’s place as long as I was allowed to come with him for his security. We actually were counting on Tyson wanting me to go with him to Steven's so I’d be able to operate one of the camera’s. As much as Steven enjoyed livestreaming the action he promised to only let a select few of his wealthy clients that he thought would have interest in my little brother’s ass. He told me it was only a half dozen to a dozen that would pay handsomely. He finally convinced me when he offered me 20% of what he’d make off sling my brother’s ass. When we got to Steven’s condo he and I made like we were just meeting for the first time. I’m sure Tyson might fugue it out after I handle the mobile camera used for close ups. Steve had on just a pair of mesh basketball shorts and it was unavoidable to miss his 10.5” hard cock. Tyson was wearing what he wore when we took him out to the ABS/bathhouse earlier in the week, mesh basketball shorts white tank top and an old pair out tennis shoes. Tyson’s eyes were drawn right to Steven's hard cock as we were welcomed inside. He was barely inside when Steven immediately told Ty to strip. Tyson quickly kicked off his shoes, pulled off his tank top and shucked off his shorts. Steven walked around my bro looking him up and down saying “Damn, nice fucking body, nice fucking body. Hot, jock bottom.” He turned walking towards his bedroom commanding Tyson, “Get that hot, jock ass in the bedroom now!” Tyson practically ran into Steven’s bedroom as I casually followed him where we found a naked Steven sitting on his bed, his hard cock pointing up. He had a prepared point in his hand which I knew would be very strong. Steven had a way he made up his rigs with less water that resulted in a more concentrated slam. Steven held it up asking Tyson, “You want me to slide this point into your vein?” Tyson must have been memorized by Steven's huge cock cause he could only nod a ‘yes’. To which Steven loudly responded, “I SAID, DO YOU WANT THIS SLAM BOY?” Tyson finally answered (and correctly I might add), “Yes sir, I do.” Steven then told him, “You’ll get this slam when I feel your taint pressed against my stomach.” Tyson didn’t hesitate for a second after hearing Steven's instructions. He got on the bed and straddled Steven’s legs. Steven handed him a bottle of lube which Tyson used on his hole and Steven’s cock. He then sat down on that monster cock, slowly sliding down with a moan of pleasures and pain that came from deep in his got until he stopped with about an inch and a half to 2 inches still remained. While my brother was working his ass onto Steven’s cock Jimmy (he’s the production guy who works fire Steven running three video equipment) appears with the remote camera for me to use. I immediately begin to capture the action as Ty seemed to get stuck. I knew Steven's cock was stuck at his deep internal ring. He quickly put a bottle of poppers under Tyson’s nose having him inhale as he alternated between each nostril. After the a few hits (and a little pressure on one shoulder from Steven) Ty finally slid the remainder of Steven’s cock disappeared inside his ass. I could see the absolute joy in Steven’s face as he holds the rig and says, “OH FUCK! You’ve got a nice ass. You’ve definitely earned this.” With camera recording, Steven tired off my brother’s left arm, skillfully slid the point into a prominent vein and emptied the contents into my brother’s bloodstream. Without warning he quickly pulled the tourniquet off as my brother rode the rush from (what I’m guessing is) a huge slam, probably the largest slam he’d ever had been given. I knew Steven liked delivering his first load as his bottom was coughing and he was starting to feel the effects of the rush. With a firm grip on Ty’s hips, Steven began to thrust up and down as he began to fuck my brother. I quickly moved in to capture the look on my little bro’s face as the rush and the fuck started. The look on his face was priceless. It only took 5 to 10 minutes for Steven to deliver his first load of poz cum inside my brother’s ass, telling my brother, “OH FUCK! I’m breeding for neg ass boy with my charged load. FUCK YEAH BITCH! Same that poz cum.” I knew Steven liked the poz talk for the video and with how fucking high my little bro was I’m sure he had no clue what Steven was saying. With our parents coming home on Monday, my little bro was going to find out the last time I was planning on breeding his ass on Monday morning. I was planning on telling him that he’d been getting poz cum deposited inside his ass all week long. I wasn’t sure how he’d react to the news, nor did I care. Steven was balls deep ass he was finishing up shooting his load inside Ty’s ass when he scooped up the jock and flipped him over onto his back and grabbed another prepared point, quickly found a prominent vein on himself and administer his own slam. As he coughed out he quickly resumed his fucking. I’ve been on the receiving end of Steven’s amazing cock and knew that his second load wouldn't take too long. About 15-20 minutes Tyson took his second load of poz cum up Steven saying, “That’s load number two. A could more abs you’ll strong feeling my DNA start to become part of your. With each dirty, charged load of cum I give you I am forever changing you. Your ass will belong to me. I’m gonna own you.”
    7 points
  6. “Ruffians”? My good fellow, what tempestuous environs you must frequent! Have a care, Sir, lest roustabouts engage you in surly fisticuffs and relieve you of your coin-purse! ? ?
    6 points
  7. Part 23 - Falling Head First Ben ran in to the washroom just off the hallway and locked the door pulling his pants down abruptly and in doing so it moved the tightness of his underwear allowing a trickle of his cum to slide down his leg. Quickly he grabbed some tissue and began to clean up the huge mess that laid in his underwear, he was flustered and still coming down from his orgasm breathing hard and making more of a mess as he tried to clean it up. Mark knocked on the door "Ben are you okay?". Ben leant back against the wall "I'm sorry please leave me alone" he stumbled trying to find the words. "Ben come on open the door please, I know what happened don't be embarrassed" Mark rested his head against the door. Ben wiped his forehead with his arm as he reached towards the lock "Okay". Mark slipped inside "It is nothing to be ashamed about Ben" he said locking the door. Ben turned to face away "We shouldn't have kissed" he said grabbing more tissue. Mark chuckled "No your wrong Ben, maybe this was meant to be and fate has brought us together". Ben stopped what he was doing and looked curiously at him "You really think that?". "Hell knows Ben, I just took one look at you and knew" Mark watched Ben intently. Ben disposed of the soiled tissue and reached for more "Sorry I don't know what came over me". Mark stroked Ben's head and hair "I think you liked it or me, maybe even both". Ben looked down wiping his leg "What did you do to me?" he asked looking up at Mark with a fleeting smile. Mark leant down and kissed his forehead "You made a hell of a mess" he said laughing. Ben stood up red faced and washed his hands "I can't put these back on they are wet" he held his underwear up. "So, go commando" Mark offered in suggestion. Ben put the underwear on the sink and did his trousers up "Feels weird, what are you doing?". Mark put Ben's underwear in his pocket "A reminder of this evening, if you want them back you will have to see me again". "What do you mean by that?" Ben asked looking slightly shocked. "Are you that naïve Ben that you can't see what is going on here?" Mark asked seeking if he felt the same. Ben stopped what he was doing and looked at him "What do you want from me?". Mark smiled "I want to take you out on a date" he said holding Ben's hand. Ben looked at his hand in Mark's "A date, you mean you like me?" he blushed. Mark leaned in and kissed Ben on the mouth "Ben can you not tell that I do?". Ban just stared at him "This is all happening very quick" he shook his head unable to make any sense of it. Ethan excused himself and headed towards the kitchen to find Adam and Tony talking with Angelo's sister Maria. He asked if they had seen Ben but they all shook their head saying no. Ethan walked across to the hallway and stood there, he picked up some muffled voices coming from the washroom and listened carefully at the door. He smiled recognising Mark and Ben talking and from the sound of it more than just a normal conversation, quickly he went back to the lounge and grabbed Angelo to tell him what he thought he was hearing. Angelo laughed and put his arm around Ethan telling him to leave them alone for the moment. Ben unlocked the bathroom door and looked at Mark "I just need time to figure this all out". Mark nodded "I meant what I said" he gave him a quick kiss as they left. Angelo spotted Mark and Ben coming back in to the lounge and shook his head, he could clearly see Ben was no longer wearing any underwear and he looked a little flushed. He noticed how Ben and Mark stood close to each other whilst chatting but it was unmistakable the glances Mark was giving Ben. He turned back to a couple of his friends inwardly he was smiling hoping that Mark had found a guy he really did like instead of the disastrous trail of girls he had dated. Mark put his arm on Ben's shoulder "You know I've never been intimate with another man" he said. "How come?" Ben replied and looked at him unperturbed by the hand on his shoulder. "No one has ever turned my head like you have" Mark moved his arm so it was now around him. Ben smiled and leaned his head against Mark's neck "Maybe we could meet up but I am not promising anything". Mark kissed his head and smiled "Just let yourself get to know me". Ben excused himself spotting Ethan and walked over to him "I should call my mother get her to pick me up" he said. "Why?" Ethan responded "You can stay here if you want there are spare bedrooms" he said as Angelo joined him. Angelo nodded "Ben please you are welcome to stay over and it is Sunday tomorrow so no college". Ben shook his head slightly "I don't know" he said looking uncomfortable. "Your staying Ben and that's final" Ethan said with an authoritive voice and took Ben off to the kitchen for food. Mark walked up to Angelo "What's the matter with Ethan's friend?" he asked trying to pretend nothing happened. Angelo laughed "Cut the pretence out Mark, do you like him?". "Yes but he is very weary of me. Actually I like him a lot" Mark said looking towards the kitchen. Angelo put his arm around Mark "He has just come out so tread carefully. So is this you officially going gay now?". Mark laughed "I think we both knew it was just a matter of time, place and the right person". "You know Ben is not wearing any underwear now it was quite obvious" Angelo gave Mark a you know what I mean look. Mark chuckled and patted his pocket "I have it, told him he would have to see me if he wants it back". Angelo laughed shaking his head "Stay over tonight, Ben, Adam and Tony are staying". "Thanks Elo, I will do" Mark replied hugging him. Angelo kissed him on the cheek "Stop calling me Elo in public!" he patted Mark's ass. Mark slipped away from Angelo then turned and mouthed 'Elo' causing Angelo to smile shaking his head. Through all the years he had known Mark there was only one time he confessed to actually liking men. Angelo had often spoke to Mark about it but he was adamant if he felt the right thing with a man he would happily date one, but they were either to butch, to camp or not pretty enough. Mark was very much more akin to a neutral balance in a guy, one that would have you question them but never really know. But one thing happened for sure this evening that the right balance had appeared on a plate in the form of Ben. Ben hung up his phone and told Ethan he mother was happy about him staying over, Ethan and Ben grabbed a plate and filled it with nibbles. Ben sat down at the counter with Ethan "I guess you know what happened earlier?" he said looking towards Ethan. Ethan stopped and looked up "I heard you both in the washroom but other than that nothing". "He, well he kissed me" Ben said looking down at his plate. Ethan pushed Ben's glass of wine towards him "Was that all that happened?". Ben blushed still embarrassed about his situation "He kissed me again and you know I... ejaculated" he said quietly. "Oh right, I did the first few times with Angelo, still do actually" Ethan said staring in the distance mulling it over. "Without you touching yourself?" Ben asked in an interested manner. Ethan smiled "Yes plus he is amazing in bed. You know I have never masturbated but cum every time we have sex". Ben looked down at his plate "I don't know if I can do this Ethan it still scares me". Ethan looked at Ben "I guess we are not talking about ejaculating, Ben let yourself go if you like him". "Easy for you to say with Angelo by your side I guess" Ben said wringing his hands under the counter. Ethan smiled at Ben "Take things slowly with Mark there is no rush, get to know him after all he is dam hot". Ben looked at him and smiled for the first time "He is pretty sexy". Ethan nodded "I know and he is a great guy". "Who is a great guy?" Adam asked as he sauntered in to the kitchen for food. Adam was sensing something going on as he kissed Ethan on the mouth, Ben looked on shocked and Adam laughed and walked round to where Ben sat asking if he felt left out but didn't wait for Ben to answer before he smacked Ben with a kiss. For the second time that night Ben found himself in the clutches of another man kissing him, Adam kissed him several more times before letting Ben go, he grabbed some food and sat down next to Ethan as if nothing had happened. Tony, Angelo and Mark were sat on the sofa in the lounge chatting alone since the other guests had now departed. They left Ethan, Ben and Adam to eat as none of them had eaten during the party and were hungry. "Do you always do that?" Ben asked still looking a little shocked and flustered. Adam looked at Ben and Ethan and laughed "What kiss?, yes". Ben looked on confused and Ethan explained "We kiss but no sex, it is how our friendship as a group evolved". "What about your boyfriends?" Ben asked wanting to hear more. Adam laughed "We are very comfortable and close in our friendship, kissing Angelo is divine though". Ben's eyes were open wide "I think I would combust if he kissed me. Must be nice having that sort of bond". Ethan smiled "You and I have that deep down Ben, I am sure we will kiss at some point" he winked at Ben. Ben looked at him with greedy eyes "Now?". Ethan smiled and stood up and went around to Ben "Are you sure?" he asked. Angelo walked in and sat next to Adam "Awe how sweet" he said as Ben's face went red again. Ethan leaned in and touched his lips to Ben's and kissed him softly at first, gradually he increased the pressure until Ben's mouth parted and Ethan slipped his tongue in and kissed Ben full on. Angelo put his arm around Adam smiling and saying how hot the two of them look. Ethan finished his kiss and looked at Ben who still had his eyes closed and mouth open. Ben had never realised how turned on and hot it would be kissing Ethan, it was as though all his childhood dreams just came true in one fleeting moment. Adam smiled "I think you should kiss him as well Angelo" nodding in Ben's direction. Angelo looked at Ben and stood to walk round to where he sat "Just tell me if you feel uncomfortable. But Ben just watched the tall muscular figure of Angelo looming towards him, his heart skipped feeling the strong hands holding his face as Angelo tenderly kissed Ben lightly then, he felt the tongue flickering in and out of his mouth until his tongue touched Angelo's and they kissed deeply. When he finished he sat down beside Ben who now had a big smile on his face. Ethan laughed watching Ben "Do you feel better now Ben?" Ben nodded "Wow, you were all good but not as good as my first kiss". "Well that's good to know" Mark said as he and Tony stood at the door to the kitchen laughing. Tony sat down next to Ethan and Mark wondered over to Ben's other side taking the seat talking to the others across the table. Ben's arms tingled as he felt Mark's hand moving towards his own where he held it firmly. Ben turned and looked at Mark who continued chatting to Ethan across the counter and just holding his hand in a casual but meaningful manner. The more Ben looked at him the more he was growing to like Mark and enjoyed his touch and being next to him. He gently squeezed Mark's hand in an attempt to show he was okay with him holding his hand, Mark glanced smiling at him and moved in to give Ben a quick kiss and rubbed their foreheads together briefly before Mark carried on his conversation with Ethan. It was gone 11pm when they finally decided to hit the sack, each went their separate ways to their bedrooms and Mark stopped and looked across towards Ben who was disappearing inside and closing the door firmly behind him. He heaved a sigh of relief not expecting Mark to be staying over and avoiding an embarrassing situation. He undressed and took a shower, drying himself off he realised he had no underwear to put on, that settles it looks like sleeping naked he thought to himself. Climbing into bed he pulled the duvet up and rested his head on the pillow turning off the bedside light. Outside the moon was shining brightly providing a night light in the strange bedroom as he tried to fall asleep, Ben's mind was racing going over everything that had happened earlier. He laid with a smile on his face thinking of Mark and realising that he really did fancy him. Secretly he hoped that Mark would come to his room but he was not expecting that to happen. Mark sat on the bed in his underwear looking at his phone and the sneaky picture he took of Ben when he wasn't watching, in his other hand was Ben's underwear. Happy that at least the age gap was minor but more importantly he felt that Ben liked him as well but was holding back. He laid back and listened intently at the quietness prevailing throughout the house as he closed his eyes, sleep would not come and he leaned over to look at his phone seeing it was nearly midnight. Mark got out of bed standing there for a moment looking at the door, quietly he opened it and proceeded down the hallway to the Ben's door. Should he knock he wondered, no, doing that might wake everyone else up, gently he turned the knob and pushed the door which silently opened. He nearly burst out laughing remembering how Angelo would go around in the office oiling the doors as he hated them squeaking. Just as quietly he closed the door turning the knob so it wouldn't bang against the lock until the door was recessed back in it's frame. "I wondered if you would come" Ben was starring at Mark framed by the silvery glow from the moon. Mark walked across the room "Really, are you happy that I did?" he stopped at the foot of the bed. "Yes" Ben replied sitting up. Mark climbed on to the bed and sat beside him "I can't sleep, your in my head". Ben turned to look at Mark "Same here, but please don't take this the wrong way" he said. "What do you mean?" Mark asked laying back. Ben laid back next to him "Like it's not me saying sex, I'm just glad you came". Mark turned to face Ben as his hand stroked around Ben's neck and chest "Can we sleep together tonight?". Ben smiled and stoked Mark's chest "I would like that, you can kiss me as well if you want". Mark giggled "Of course I am going to kiss you. I bet you have nothing on underneath here" he lifted the duvet. Ben clamped his arms down across the duvet laughing quietly "Yes I'm naked". Mark smiled and began taking his underwear off in front of Ben, he felt slightly awkward and clasped his hands behind his head laying back and staring up at the ceiling. He felt the duvet move and the immediate warmth of Mark's body as he slipped in beside him, Mark glanced and copied Ben by placing his hands behind his head. "What are you thinking?" Mark asked Ben fixing his gaze on the ceiling. Ben looked over at him "How strange this is being in bed with you" he said coyly. "You can touch me if you like" Mark said looking over at him. Ben smiled "No your alright". Mark tapped his elbow against Ben's "Was that you brushing me off?". Ben tapped Mark's elbow back "No" he replied turning his head to face Mark who was looking at him. "Good" Mark smiled and turned his head back to stare at the ceiling "How old are you Ben?". Ben smiled "Just turned 19, what about you?". "Me, I'm 22 nearly 23, couple of years younger than Angelo and couple more older than you" Mark replied. Ben unclasped his hand and ran it across Mark's chest "What else should I know about you?" Mark glanced at Ben with a serious look on his face "I must be honest with you, I am hiv positive". "Oh" Ben startled by this revelation stared up at the ceiling remaining quiet. Ben waited a moment "Never a good sign, you hate me know don't you?" he sat up in bed and looked at Ben. "I know a bit about it, but no, I don't hate you" Ben stroked Mark's back "Are you being treated?". Mark shook his head "Not yet. And before you ask I got it during a threesome with a man and woman who were poz". "I'm sorry Mark" Ben spoke with a tinge of sadness in his voice. Mark sighed "I never knew or suspected they were poz, it was stupid drunken behaviour". Ben strangely did not feel any different towards Mark and had read about people living with hiv and how for many of them it freed them up to enjoy more sensual and intimate sex with other men. He also knew about bug chasing which he personally thought was a stupid crude thing for people to do, but he also read about how much more apart of someone you become. He didn't feel scared or concerned, if anything he kind of made him like him more for being so honest, he watched as Mark laid back down. "Do you want me to leave, I will understand you know?" Mark spoke softly. Ben turned to lay on his stomach looking at Mark "I want to kiss you?". "Why?" Mark replied with an even bigger smile on his face. Ben leaned closed to within inches of Mark's face "Because I want to". He felt Mark's arm caress his own arm before slipping round to his back where Mark began stroking it in slow purposeful strokes, Ben made a very erotic sound from the stroking like he was orgasming and causing his body to move closer to Mark's. Ben took the lead for the first time in his life and touched his lips to Mark, they parted seamlessly as if willing him on. His tongue slipped in to Mark's mouth and instantly Ben's cock sprouted up from a semi dormant state to full erection. They kissed and danced with their tongues for several minutes until Mark pulled Ben forward until he was virtually laying on top and Mark rolled on to his side facing him. Their arms around each others bodies caressing and feeling as they slowly explored each other. Ben broke the kiss "Wow" was all he said as he cuddled up to Mark. "Indeed" Mark whispered "I am pretty tired, mind if we sleep?". Ben shook his head "Not at all, I've had enough excitement today" rolling on to his back in reply. "Turn on your other side so I can cuddle up to you" Ben whispered again kissing Ben's chest and nipple. Ben turned and felt Mark cuddling up behind him, his left arm slipping under him and his right arm holding him from the other side. He also felt Mark's cock resting in between his ass cheeks, Ben moved his hand to hold onto Mark's arm, Mark could sense the slight trembling of nerves in Ben's arm. "Don't be no nervous Ben, we are just sleeping together in the same bed" he whispered gently in Ben's ear. Ben felt Mark's breath on his neck as the arms hugged around his body tightly, at last Ben was beginning to feel at ease and smiled to himself. They were both awake for a good half an hour in silence before in almost unison they succumbed to their tiredness and slept holding each other.
    5 points
  8. Another Saturday night (2/16), and I was horny. And, even though there were several "events" that evening in Los Angeles, I opted for a reliable venue. Slammers was fucking rocking. I checked my clothes, and wore stuff that made me feel sexy: boots, black leather jock, black leather harness. And, for roughly 2 hours, I fucked. The kind of all-out, animalistic, primal sex that turns you on days later when you recount the details in your head. Sunday morning, I did the usual bathroom business; and, when I glanced into the bowl, I thought, "fuck, there's A LOT of cum!" I got seriously 'dicked' Saturday night, and some Tops don't make a sound when they're dumping a load. (I even read online later that the body absorbs jizz). So, ultimately, how many loads I received is anyone's guess.
    5 points
  9. I have a story about an epidemiologist from the National Institutes of Health. It's not hot but it's kinda ironic. I'm from Salt Lake City. I moved back after I got out of the Navy. A few months later I got the clap from a hot blonde stud who was a law student at Brigham Young University law school. (I think—he wasn't the only stud I barebacked with but the timing was right.) I was telling a friend of mine that after three and a half years of raw kinky sex from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Tokyo—from sex clubs to ladyboys to Marine barracks—without any STDs I caught something in boring old Utah. My friend said, “Oh, yeah, I went to BYU. They're all dirty boys. They fuck everywhere, never use protection, and are afraid their bishop will find out if they go to the campus health center, so they never get tested. I can't prove it scientifically, but those Mormon closet cases have so much clap it counts as an ovation.” Six months later I met a guy on Grindr who was in town to help the NIH figure out why Provo, Utah, had such a high rate of STDs. I explained my friend's theory; the NIH guy got a paper published; my friend got to prove it scientifically, and I got an epidemiologist’s fat cock. Everyone got what they wanted, except for those poor Mormon girls who married gay dudes.
    5 points
  10. my pussy got swollen and started growing some warts, so I definitely caught some bugs
    5 points
  11. I don’t know if I wouls say I get a high from ass-to-mouth, but it definitely has an effect on me. I think it has more to do with my submissive desire for humiliation - when a Top has defiled my slit with his organ and then pulls it out dripping white with the proof, holds it under my nose and says “This was just in your ass, you whore, now clean it with your tongue,” he’s reminding me that not only has he degraded my body, but also that my ass has another, non-sexual function, and only the lowest, most worthless man would allow that cock to enter his mouth. Then I open my mouth, wrap my tongue around his shaft, and taste his cum and my ass juices together, and I know exactly what I am. And once I’ve done it, it’s all over for me. There’s no way back from that. I will always know that I let another man dominate me like a bitch, leave his DNA deep inside me, and make me clean his cock that had just been deep inside the place where my dung comes out with my tongue. Once I’ve done it I don’t have any excuse to refuse, so this is just the beginning for me... and each Top who makes me will degrade me further than I was before, until... ? Is there even a bottom that can be reached? Is there any place I can go where men will look at me and say, “He can’t sink any lower”? Because then one of them could just fuck my ass and then fuck my mouth, and I’d go lower still. I don’t know if that counts as a high, but it ... motivates me...
    5 points
  12. I got a text yesterday from a guy I've met a couple of times at fisting parties one of my buddies throws (so he can get lots of attention). Jeff's mid-40s, bearded ginger, kinda lumbersexual guy with the exaggerated upper body you see on some gym bears. I knew he was in a relationship because at these parties his rule is supposedly that he can fist but he can't put his dick in any holes. His hands are big and he's never fisted me but he has played with my hole while I have fisted my buddy or fucked someone else who's waiting to fist. So yesterday he wanted to know if I was interested in breeding--his word--his boyfriend who was feeling slutty. He said the had one or two other guys coming by maybe, and he sent me some pics of the bf. Guy looked darkish skinned--could have been middle eastern, maybe, or hispanic, nice body with a hairy ass. And I said I was down for it. A little later I got to their apartment and Jeff let me in. He was naked and I realized I'd never realized how hairy he was. Or that he had a thick bull dick, thicker than mine. It was standing straight out so I knew it wasn't as long, though. He gave me sloppy kiss that tasted like whisky, and led me to the bedroom. I could hear noises and for sure there was another guy there already, fucking the boyfriend. This was a really built black guy, maybe my age in his late 20s. I learned later that his name was Mark. The BF--turns out his name is Sam--on his knees on the bed and Mark the black guy is really nailing him while Sam is grunting. Jeff sticks his head down and peers at Sam's ass from the side, then he waves me over and says, "look at that sloppy cum hole. This stud is gonna load it up with his dirty cum and then you're gonna do it too." And that was pretty much the tone of what went on! I started getting out of my clothes while Jeff climbed on the bed and started slapping his BF's face with his cock, saying shit like, "fuckin' bitch, fuckin' dirty slut, filthy dick pig." The BF was moaning and Mark just kept saying, "fuck yeah, fuck yeah." Jeff had me get up on the bed next to him and we alternated feeding our cocks to Sam. Jeff worked a couple of fingers into my ass, feeling for my prostate, saying, "Gotta help you get a big charged load ready for this cum hole." Finally, Mark started whispering "close, I'm close." Jeff was chanting, "load him up, load him up," and it was damn hot. Mark shook like he was having a fit when he finally shot, and Sam was whimpering like some kind of happy dog. Mark almost fell backward off the bed after he came. I could see his long, thick dick--it had a huge foreskin and a bright pink head--come out all shiny. He reached for a towel but i waved him over and licked it clean for him. I heard Jeff say, "That's fuckin' nasty," in a voice that said he approved. So now it was my turn at Sam's hole. Mark got up on the bed next to Jeff in front of Sam. I didn't bother to lube up because Sam's hole was pretty slick and there was almost no resistance as I slid inside. Mark was slapping Sam's face with his dick, but Jeff was just looking right at me as I started to fuck. "Be sure to give him a big load," he said. "My little cum whore wants your dirty poz cum real bad. He wants to be a big a whore as you are." Now, I never talked about my status--unknown, for the record--with Jeff, but he had a game to play here so I went along. "I'll breed his ass with the dirtiest load he ever had," I said, and Sam started whimpering again. Jeff got a big grin on his face and got off the bed and came to stand behind me. "One whore fucking another," he said, putting a couple of fingers back in my ass. And so pretty soon he was fucking my hole as I fucked Sam. I really didn't have to do any work because Jeff's thrusts were so hard that I drove my dick into Sam's hole effortlessly. Mark was lazily jerking his dick while he watched us and Jeff was more verbal than ever. He was really ready to shoot, too, because it was only about five minutes before he pushed me down on top of Sam's back and said, "You're fucking bred, you filthy poz AIDS bitch. Take my dirty seed." He slammed into me one last time and I could feel him pumping inside me. I was raging hard now and completely revved up. I pulled out of Sam and made him turn over on his back and put his legs in the air. Jeff was kind of gasping for air still and I ignored him after his dick fell out my ass with a pop. Mark was grinning as I climbed on top of Sam and shoved my dick in his hole. I know that changing position after you've been fucked for a long time is a good way to freshen the fuck up. Pretty soon I was fucking Sam hard, staring into his eyes with an angry look in mine. It didn't take me long before I started to cum and then I collapsed on top of him. (I wanted to say something to try to keep the mood up, but I couldn't really beat what Jeff had been saying, and hey, it was his party, let him do that work.) After a little recovery time, Mark fucked Jeff while I fucked Sam again. We both dropped another load but the intensity of the buzz was gone and after that I headed home.
    5 points
  13. Met up with a guy from Squirt. His profile pic showed a sizeable cock tenting the front of his pants. He arrives at my door and we realize we’ve played together before. He’s married to a woman and only gets to play once in a while He comes in and immediately starts to kiss me and feel me all over, he’s horny. We head to the bedroom and get undressed. He gets on top me and starts to kiss me all the way down and suck me. We flip places and I do the same. I also rim him, he is really loving my tongue in his hole. His cock is banana shaped with a big curve, makes it a little challenging to suck. But it’s about 7, thick. I push his legs back a little and put our dicks together. I grab the lube and grease our cocks while still jerking us off together. He’d loving the feeling. I decide to move up and sit on top of him and place his dick so it can slide up and down my crack. We continue to kiss while he slides up and down, I push my hips so his cock head is pushing at my hole. This is when he says, can you get a condom? I ignore his request and continue to slide a little more of him in me and pull back waiting for him to decide to drive it deep. We fo this game for a little longer and finally I start to get him in all the way. He slides in and I feel that curve hitting my prostrate. At this point he says again, about that condom. I just smile and grind my ass against his cock. He says he’s not going to last long and within seconds he is dropping his load in me. I start to jerk my cock while pushing against his cock in my hole, doesn’t take me long and I explode all over him. Im glad he finally gave up on the condoms, he just needed a little persuasion, like most “straight” guys He gets up and cleans up and goes home to the wife. I decide to hold my load in me until I can’t hold it anymore, after having Valentine’s dinner with my lover at home. Looking forward to my next hot married load.
    4 points
  14. A guy I've been chatting with on Scruff messaged me. Never thought much of him because he said he was dating someone and made it sound like he 'just wanted to chat' every time we spoke. Noticed his profile said single and asked him about it, he said he had broken up. A couple messages later determined he was a top (profile said nothing about position, only that he wanted to use condoms.) I jokingly sent him my address, knowing he's on the other end of the city, and he tells me he's willing to come to me but it will take an hour. He does show up and he's a sexy young black boy, I really know nothing about what he likes to do sexually. We cuddle a while, and eventually get to the dirty deed. His cock is a nice thick one, perfect for fucking with the right length. He teases my hole a lot, and when it gets time to fucking he asked if I wanted to use a condom. I gave him one (didn't want to seem too eager for his load yet), and then he has trouble putting it on. Halfway through the fuck he pulls out and I pull the condom off. We make out and I suck him, and eventually tease his cock head with my bare hole until he's balls deep in me. He makes me cum without touching myself, and after another 10 minutes we take a break. We hang out some more, and after eating and watching some netflix he wants to go back to bed and 'make-out'. He pounds my hole out another good 20 minutes before blasting. He says next time we'll have to use condoms (oh yeah I totally agree.) Great fucks all around, love these 'condom' boys that want it raw
    4 points
  15. Even hotter and nastier is for me to suck cocks which were fucking OTHER asses than mine before, that is REAL ass-to-mouth for me, and I like the little smell and taste of such bare cocks ?
    4 points
  16. Guy I had fucked before in cruising lay-by . Got a message on Grindr asking if I was around , replied Yep (am self employed tradesman so fucking at short notice always possible - just tell the client I'm working for that there is an "emergency " , and ill be back shortly). He replied Im 1 load up , just the encouragement I needed. I got to the cruising ground and saw his car , but also a car of another young top with a large cock. Went in to the bushes and saw the younger top doing the walk of shame , I went further in to the bushes and saw the bottom still with his pants round his ankles (Its that old joke "Why do bottoms out cruising wear pants - to keep there ankles warm") He said the he had now got 2 loads , the hot top had cum back for seconds. His hot white ass glistens and are slippery with cum , i got a couple of fingers in him , sloppy and warm. I stuck my ripe cock in his mouth till he gagged. The previous top was hot (We've wanked and sucked in a group thing) , i'd love to fuck him too , but he's all top. He has a thick cock and when I've seen him fuck , he dumps deep inside. Knowing this I pushed the bottom against a tree , always one around when fucking in the woods. His ass was oozing cum , you could see it was very fresh as it was still thick and white. I do love the taste of other guy cum , i pulled the bottoms cheeks apart so I could get in deep. At this point I'm super hard - like an iron bar. I take the position and gently push in to his soft wet ass , it's like velvet. I can feel the other guys load , still thick and warm. I push the bottom down so that he he my ideal hight for going deep and grinding in to him My cock is flying in and out , no need for any lube with all the spunk in him , I'm sniffing poppers which makes me even harder. Finally Im at the point of no return and I put all my body weight on him so that my load goes as deep as possible. I stand there plugging his ass , then pull out and roughly finger his ass , mixing all the loads together . We have shared great intarmercy , but i still don't know his name. I leave him fingering his ass waiting for the next guy.
    4 points
  17. I was laying in bed this morning and had a fantasy scenario playing inside my head and decided it would make for an interesting story, so I decided I would try and write it and see how it goes. I'm not done yet but I need to take a break so I'm posting what I have written and am interested in what you guys think. ------------------------------------------------------------ I was on my way home from work one day when my boyfriend Patrick called me and told me we’d be having guests for dinner. His uncle Steve was in town visiting his brother Frank, my boyfriend's father, and the two of them would be eating with us. Patrick also mentioned we'd have a third guest, a buddy with whom Frank had worked with at a local factory. I had met Frank several times, and he and Patrick are quite similar: same hair, same eyes, same build, same height, same weight, and I can only speculate, but I imagine they have the same cock, about eight inches, somewhat thick, with a nice set of balls that always pump out a huge load. I had never met Steve before, but upon doing so, was amused to see Steve, Frank and Patrick were spitting images of each other. It was, however, Nick, Frank's friend, who got me drooling. Now, I’m 5’8” 150 pounds, am modestly built, and Patrick, his father and Steve are even smaller at 5’ 3”, 125 pounds, nice and trim. In contrast to the rest of us, Nick was 6’ 3” 200 pounds of solid muscle, not muscle from a gym, but muscle built from an active life, and no doubt, from a lifetime of loading trucks at the factory. Now, I’m the top in my relationship with Patrick. I’m bigger than is he, both physically and in terms of dick size, but when I see a man like Nick my eyes glaze over and my asshole starts to twitch. Thankfully Patrick, Steve and Frank like to cook, so they announced they would handle putting the meal together, and warned Nick and me that we would only be in the way. I was so smitten with Nick that I gotta admit I was hoping Steve, Patrick and Frank and get to talking over a glass of wine and the three would forget that either me or Nick were there at all. We all went into the living room to have a drink and talk. Patrick, Steve, and Frank occupied our one recliner and the sofa, and as there were no other seats, Nick followed me to have a seat behind the bar to the back of the room. As I suspected the family trio started talking and tuned-out Nick and me, so I poured the two of us a strong drink and we started talking, mostly about the factory, what it was like to work there and how he really enjoyed it. He had started college and attended for a few years but decided he’d much rather be working class so dropped out and never finished. He was in his late forties and from stealing glances at his crotch while sitting at the moment I would say that he was packing something in there. A few times he noticed me looking and smiled which made me melt even more. After he finished his second drink he asked where the bathroom was so I asked him to follow me, and I led him through the house upstairs to the main bathroom. At this point I was confident enough to ‘joke’ with him. After switching on the light I asked him if he would need or wanted any help. He gave a nervous laugh, said no, and shut the door behind him. I was honestly quite taken aback, I was certain that he would be game. Dazed and confused I returned to my seat behind the bar and poured myself another drink. Looking at my glass and feeling the beginning of a buzz I decided that it was the alcohol that was making me feel a bit over confident. In addition, Nick was quite a stud, so to be sure my mind wasn’t thinking correctly. When Nick returned and resumed his seat, I made some lame remark about alcohol and having made a pass at him. “No big deal. It usually isn’t 'till after the third drink that I need help” he responded with a chuckle. My jaw hit the floor, here I thought it was all over and he just wasn’t ready. I just sat there dumbfounded till he broke the silence. “My drink ain’t gonna pour itself.” I was grinning from ear to ear as I poured him another. “What are you smiling about?” asked Patrick. “Nothing,” I replied, “Nick just told me a joke.” “Oh, well, you two have fun. We are going in the kitchen to get dinner ready.” Finally!! The trio got up and went to the kitchen where they will be cooking, leaving Nick alone with me. No sooner had they left the room than I turned to face him, wide eyed, and excited like a kid on Christmas Day waiting to open what was certain to be the best package. He chuckled a bit then shifted to a more comfortable position with his legs spread for better access and undid his jeans and zipper, then went back to his drink. The rest was up to me. I dropped from my bar stool and knelt in front of him pulling his jeans open far enough for me to reach in and pull that sweet meat out into the world. It was beautiful. At least seven and a half soft with a good thickness to it. My god, when fully erect it would be huge. Fortunately since we were behind the bar, should one of the guys cooking come back into the living room, Nick and I would be hidden by the counter, so no one would know I was blowing him. I sucked his flaccid dick into my mouth and tried my best to swallow it. I love sucking cock and love it even more when it goes in limp and I get to feel it swell and get hard in my mouth. Few things stir the desire to suck harder than that sensation. I kept the whole thing in my mouth as long as I could but eventually there was just too much. Fully erect it was nine and a half inches long, thick, but not so thick I couldn't blow it, particularly as his cock had a perfect torpedo shape - absolutely great for sucking, but also undoubtedly a pleasure to ride. I sat for a moment stroking that massive thing before me, I was in heaven, the perfect cock and I was sucking on it, my boyfriend and his family in the next room cooking and chatting away - I must admit, the fact that I could hear them chat away only added to the excitement. I glanced at this factory god with his flawless cock, his eyes were closed with a dreamy smile on his mouth. I wondered for a moment of whom he was thinking, but decided it didn’t matter. I grabbed that monster with both hands and nursed hard on the head while drilling my tongue into his piss slit. The taste of his precum was intoxicating and considering I was already pretty much drunk this was pushing me over the edge. I took his big cock as far into my mouth as I could get it, reached behind him grabbing the bar stool and pulled myself farther onto it. He moaned and grabbed my head and pushed me the rest of the way down on his cock. I knelt there, savoring the taste of his cock, the way it felt to have it filling my mouth and throat, the smell of his crotch and the weight of him holding me down on this monster. I pulled back to come up for air but he held me down choking me with his dick. Heavenly. A second later I tried to come up again and again he held me on his cock. I needed to breath, but still he held me. I slapped his thigh to let him know I enjoy this but need to breath and he just laughed and held me tighter onto his cock. I frantically grabbed the rungs of the bar stool pushing against him with all my strength trying to get this cock out of my throat so I could breath. My lungs were aching and I was starting to feel faint when he finally released me and I stumbled to my feet, violently coughing, choking, and loudly gasping for breath. I put my hand to my neck breathing deeply, staring at Nick as Patrick came running to the doorway asking, “What’s going on?” I looked at Patrick, then back at Nick who just sat there with his dick fully erect dripping saliva and precum, remarking “Your boyfriend here almost choked on an ice cube.” I looked back at Patrick, who, by this time, was backed-up by Steve and Frank. The three of them stood in the doorway and Patrick remarked (disapprovingly) “Well, he does drink too fast, always trying to get it all in.” With that the three of them walked back into the kitchen to finish dinner preparations. As I caught my breath, I stared at Nick's beautiful cock as it bobbed up and down. Nick, not to disappoint, reached down and grabbed it by the base and shook it at me, quietly saying “It’s time to fuck.” As hot as I was, I couldn’t say no. I dropped my pants and turned around, presenting my ass for Nick's pleasure. Or should I say 'our pleasure'? After all, I wanted that cock in my ass as much as he wanted my ass. While the circumstances dictated discretion, I was in a very clumsy position to take a huge cock up my ass, but necessity, as we all know, will find a way, so I found myself, essentially, laying on the bottom shelf of the bar, which, fortunately, was more or less empty, my ass raised to afford Nick access. While this meant I was essentially inside the bar laying with my body twisted sideways so I could barely see him, I could certainly feel Nick, and that was all that mattered. In the corner I noticed a small brown bottle of poppers that must have been lost. Thank god, I was already shaking in anticipation of that cock fucking me, partly because I was excited about it and partly because I was scared that he was going to make it hurt. I couldn’t exactly scream in this position because there would be absolutely no hiding this. I quickly unscrewed the bottle and started to inhale deeply as I felt him press the head of his cock against my hole. I could feel the thick saliva that had been dredged up from the back of my throat mixed with his precum on my hole as he started to press himself into me. AHHHHH. It hurt! I rammed my thumb in my mouth and bit down to distract from the pain. My body tensed and he stopped pushing. I took another hit of the poppers, and another, and another. Finally I got hit with that rush of heat and it was at that moment that I realized that he didn’t have a condom on. Oh well I was too high on poppers to care and was enjoying the feeling of just having his cock in me. He kept sliding farther in till I tensed then he would stop and wait a bit. Then a bit more till I finally felt his hips right behind mine with his big cock buried neatly in me. I took another hit of the poppers to keep the feeling going as I felt that big cock slowly sliding out of me and then back in. As rough as he was holding my head down on that cock he was super gently with the fucking. Slow and rhythmic. I could periodically hear him place his glass back on the bar above me so knew that up above it would appear business as usual, while down below I was getting filled. “Where’s Andy?” I heard the familiar voice asking. It was my boyfriend. The fucking rhythm ceased. “He slipped out for a bit of air. After his choking bit I think he needed a little breather.” Nick laughed a little with his response. “Well he shouldn’t have left you alone.” “It’s fine, I don’t mind, I can keep myself company.” “Well my Dad and uncle can handle the kitchen for a minute so I’ll stay here till Andy gets back.” I’m Andy, by the way, in case you hadn’t figured that out yet. And here I was crammed inside a bar with a huge cock in my ass while my boyfriend was chatting it up with the god the cock was attached to. Occasionally Nick would shift his standing position which would move his cock either further in or a little out of my ass, so I was kind of still getting fucked but I wanted a pounding or at least more than what I was getting. The cock in my ass was nice but I wanted some movement. I fantasized about Nick being able to finish fucking me then feeling him pull out and shoot his load all over my face. I imagined me licking every drop of his load from wherever it fell. Then I was horrified when I realized that the cock that was impaling me was going limp from lack of stimulation. I rhythmically squeezed my ass together around his cock to bring it back to life. I most definitely didn't want it to slide out of my ass. As I took another hit of popper. Nick shifted and I realized that the bar was quite solid, and that if I was careful, I could ride Nick's cock with alerting Patrick as to what was going on. I hit the poppers again and backed up a little. Nick resisted, which forced his cock back into me. Then I kept hitting the poppers and rocking my hips back and forth moving his cock in and out of my hole. Between the poppers and the constant pressure on my prostate and knowing that my boyfriend was right there while I was getting fucked I was in pure heaven. Suddenly Nick grunted a bit. “Are you okay?” Patrick asked. “Yes,” Nick replied as he grunted again. “Are you sure?” "Yes. Just a little…uhh…cramping in my…ahh…thigh is all.” The noises didn’t clue me in cause I was poppered out of my mind but I felt his cock swell and get warmer and start throbbing and I knew that he had cum or was cumming cause the throbbing seemed to go on and it suddenly got easier to get him farther in me. As hot as the situation was I was ready to cry, this was not what I wanted at all. I wanted Nick to have fucked me good, cum on my face and leave. I didn’t want to get fucked bare and I most certainly didn’t want his load in my ass. It was about five minutes after Nick had cum inside me when I got an ever greater shock. His cock was still rock hard in my ass and still being horny as hell, I kept hitting the poppers and rocking back and forth working his cock while my boyfriend was still talking with him. “So my Dad told me you have HIV and....” WHAT! I completely froze. I put the bottle of poppers down in front of me and then didn’t move. I had just been fucked in an unbelievable position by a man with an unbelievable cock who had cum inside me and now I find out he has HIV? My head was about to explode and my mind was racing. What should I do? There was no way to pull out without being noticed by my boyfriend, who for some reason decided to stay at the bar and keep Nick company, but I did not want to stay with this infected cum in my ass. Time was passing so slowly with everything that was on my mind. Nick’s cock was still hard as a rock and I for some reason was getting horny again. I hadn’t gotten off from the first fucking but finding out that Nick was positive really killed the mood. Unfortunately feeling a cock in my ass was quite stimulating. I imagine Nick was feeling uncomfortable about the situation because after I stopped stimulating him when I heard he was positive, his voice changed a bit when he was talking with my boyfriend. He seemed a bit edgy, but he certainly hadn’t lost the erection. I tried to move forward slowly to remove the cock from my ass but my head was already in the corner of the bar. I tried to slid my hand to a better position and knocked over the bottle of poppers that I had been sniffing. The poppers had spilled everywhere. And a huge cock had plugged-up my ass, ensuring the poz load couldn't escape. And I was getting high again. The poppers. I had spilled them in an enclosed place. Oh god. A minute later and I was hard as fuck again and rocking back and forth getting that cock farther inside. I didn’t care about the load it felt hot inside me. I was hungry and wanted more.
    3 points
  18. Recently I got an amazing opportunity through work, to travel to las vegas for a week for a variety of conferences. The schedule was fairly tight, but I had that thursday evening entirely to myself and wanted to have some fun. A bit of searching showed a few local spots, and I settled on a place called Entourage, which seemed to be the best spot to find guys. I paid for a locker, poppers, and some lube, and was able to select a towel to indicate I was a bottom, which was a nice touch I wish my local spots had. They had big condom dispensers with free condoms and I grabbed one before stripping and putting my things in a locker. I stepped into the facilities and was a bit disheartened at first. There were very few guys here, most of them seemed to be gathered in the sauna and hot tub areas, and after some searching I found the dark room and play areas were much smaller than what I was used to at the baths back home. I found my way to the sling and darkroom area, and sniffed my poppers waiting for someone to come. I didnt wait long, as a man in his 60s came in and took his towel off while standing in a corner. intent on being more aggressive, I reached out for his cock, and seconds later hit my knees to suck it. He had multiple peircings, which was very odd, but his cock was decent sized and I was enjoying sucking it. I only got to do so for about a minute, as he came very quickly and filled my mouth, practically running out of the room as he did. I saw several guys walk in, moving to a rubber curtain that sealed off the pitch black dark room. I followed into the darkness, reaching around me, and started jerking the first cock I found. I wasnt pushed away, so I began sucking the cock in the dark. Others came close and I found myself using my hands to jerk off men to the side as the cock in my mouth swelled. It was fairly thin but nice and long, probably around 8 inches. And once it was rock hard I opened my condom and slipped it on him. He didnt need any instruction, spinning me around and bending me over, and I felt his cock slip inside of me. Between the others in the room, the complete anonymity of it, and the size of him I came the second he bottomed out. I grunted and moaned as he fucked me good and deep, after several minutes pulling out and nutting all over my ass cheeks. Everyone left the room, and I took the opportunity to grab another condom, and put some more lube on my hole. Returning to the slingroom I saw a very heavyset black man, easily 6foot 5, with a bearded bear bottom trying to back onto his cock. His efforts seemed to fail, and he left, and the larger gent made his way to the dark room curtain, with me following. As I found his cock in the dark the problem was evident, it was short but very thick, and my mouth strained as I hit my knees. Once I knew it was hard I tried to put the condom on, but after multiple tries he ended up having to do it. Taking a huge hit of poppers I stood up and slowly backed onto his cock. I was horny, lubed, on poppers, and had just been fucked, so his cock just slid right to the hilt up my ass in one motion. He stood completely still as I fucked myself onto him. He came fairly quickly, and left as two other men came in. One of them rubbed my ass and felt the lube there. It for sure turned him on, as he pressed me up against the wall and fingered my ass while sucking on my neck. I writhed as he fingered my hole, incredibly turned on, and when he tried to spin me around I flung myself to the wall and presented my ass to him, and was rewarded with a nice big cock opening its way up me bareback. Id have prefered to grab another condom, but it felt awesome being fucked by a total stranger in the dark. I reached my hands to the sides and felt two other cocks in the dark, and struggled to jerk them both as I was being fucked against the wall. I heard whispers and then in a louder voice one of them said "Hey man can I cum real quick?" I didnt know who was speaking but it sounded like a gent at my side, so I said yes at the same time as my top. I realized what they meant as he pulled out, and the other dude slipped his cock into my raw ass and immediately started cumming. It was so fucking hot I was rock hard immediately, and when he left the previous cock made its way back inside me and busted his nut. I wiggled my ass for the third, but I guess he wasnt into it because he left with the others.... more to come.
    3 points
  19. After The Folsom Street Fair The Folsom Street Fair is held in San Francisco, on the last Sunday in September. About 8 blocks of Folsom Street are blocked off (no traffic allowed). No matter what your kink happens to be, you’ll likely see it represented here. You’ll see wall-to-wall men (and some women) sporting every kind of leather gear imaginable as well as some men wearing nothing at all. Plus, right there in broad daylight, you’ll see dick sucking, fucking, fisting, masturbation, bondage, and BDSM, not to mention booths selling leather goods and all manner of food and drink. From year to year the weather can be anywhere from sunny and hot to cold and foggy. So, be prepared for either one. When the fair ends at 6 o’clock, the men scatter to the various bars, or head back to their homes or hotels to prepare for a night out at the sex clubs. After getting cleaned up (inside and out), I got something to eat, then donned my standard outfit, consisting of boots, a leather vest, my bare ass leather chaps, and my leather motorcycle jacket. But, what fun is a sex club without some good hard drugs to super fuel your way through hours and hours of non stop fucking and sucking ? Crystal meth is my drug of choice. Before I leave the house, I like to get Spun-As-Fuck. I load up my bubbler pipe with good quality crystals, then I stand in front of the bathroom mirror so I can watch myself hitting the glass pipe. My favorite method is to suck my lungs full of meth smoke, then blow the smoke into a condom. Next, I suck the clouds out of the condom, then blow them back into the condom, repeating the process about 20 times. That way, instead of blowing the clouds out into the air, I get the full impact of those 20 hits penetrating my lungs. Now, the meth is coursing through my entire body, and my heart is beating fast. Holy Fuck it feels good ! It feels so good that I want to repeat the whole process, and I do, 3 more times, sucking the equivalent of about 60 additional hits into my lungs. That’s more like it. I can actually HEAR my heart beating ! I got to the sex club early enough to find a parking place. After signing in and paying the entry fee, I checked my jacket, and bought a bottle of water which I chugged down, immediately. Gotta stay hydrated. The place was fairly crowded, already, and the slings were all occupied. I stopped to watch the men moaning and groaning as they hit the poppers and got their holes pounded. I like watching almost as much as participating. Before long, I needed to to take a piss, so I wandered into the restroom area, and found an empty stall. Instead of using the toilet, I aimed the head of my dick at the mouth of my empty water bottle and filled it with my high octane chem piss. The bottle couldn’t hold all of it, so I took a few swallows, then refilled the bottle. Now, I had a good supply of meth to suck on and keep me spun throughout the night. Every once in a while I took a swig. Whenever the bottle was empty, I bought a new bottle of water, and I made regular trips back and forth from the restroom, refilling my empty bottle with my own chem piss. I happened by the slings just as a guy was leaving. I quickly claimed it before somebody else beat me to it. A steady stream of men wandered through the sling room, and, almost immediately, a beefy looking black guy had his hand on my ass. Since I didn’t protest, he started unbuckling his belt. His dick was cut and about average length, but it was extremely thick. More and more guys gathered around, wanting to see how well I could take something that size. The management of this club was kind of strict about using condoms, and this guy managed to get one of the cheap sex club condoms onto his fat dick, but as soon as he shoved into my hole, he said that the condom broke. No surprise. So, he put on a new condom. Same thing. After his fat dick destroyed a third condom, he gave up and just fucked me bareback, making me moan like a whore. His super thick cock really stretched my tweaking hole, and I was sure that my eyes were rolling back in my head. It wasn’t long before he started gasping, and his whole body jerked as he pumped his load into me. The next guy who stepped up was a white guy who was very tall, and he appeared to be at least 20 years older than I. The fat dicked black guy who had just fucked me, was standing by the sling, watching. He must have seen the older guy’s dick before because he handed me a bottle of poppers, and said, “Here. You’re gonna need these.” I was lucky that the black guy had already opened me up because this guy’s dick was thicker than average, and it had to have been at least 10 inches long. He took his time, entering me slowly, going a little deeper with each thrust, as I hit the poppers again and again. I let out a loud moan when his dick head hit my inner ring. FUCK, that was the first time I had ever felt anything like that ! I guess he didn’t want to cum yet because he fucked me a little while longer, then pulled out and walked away. Immediately, another black guy stepped up. He was of average height and weight, with an average size dick. Before I could get more than one hit of poppers, he shoved right into me and piston fucked me, his thighs slapping hard against my ass. When he shot his load, he grunted and groaned, holding his dick all the way in me, and I could actually feel the jets of cum splattering my insides. When his balls were drained, he slowly pulled his dick out of my ass, and I could feel this hot come oozing out of me. I took a big swig from my bottle of chem piss. A tall Jewish looking guy had been standing just inches away from the side of the sling. He had his dick out, and he was stroking it. I reached over and stroked it for him. He told me that he wanted to fuck me from behind, so I climbed out of the sling, and got on my hands and knees on a padded bench that was located on the opposite wall from the slings. His dick was bigger than average, but, with 2 loads of cum in me, it was easy for me to take him pounding my hole. When he finished pumping his load deep in my ass, he pulled his dick out, and I decided to take a break. By now, my water bottle of chem piss was empty, so I bought another bottle of plain water, and chugged it down, then hit the restroom again to refill it with my chem piss. Now, I could really feel the drugs (tweaking ?), and my total inhibitions led me into the watersports room. A big clawfoot bathtub sat in the middle of the room and, against the far wall was a long piss trough. Beside the trough, a guy was down on his knees, while another guy stood right in front of him, his dick in the guy’s mouth, feeding him a generous load of piss, right from the tap. Taking my cue from them, I decided to sit on the edge of the clawfoot tub, and wait for other guys to come in, to see what would happen. I didn’t have to wait long, at all. This super hot guy, decked out in black, white, and blue motocross leathers, walked in with the intention of using the piss trough …………….until he saw me. He stepped up to the far side of the tub and pulled out his dick. I immediately went down on my knees, in the tub, and took his dick in my mouth, guzzling his warm piss as fast as I could swallow. I must have done a good job because he came back numerous times to unload down my throat. Several other men fed my throat, as well. Now, my own bladder was full to bursting. Just as I was climbing out of the bathtub, ready to use the piss trough, a big, burly daddy bear in full leather walked in, leading a very young looking boy on a leash. I stood with my back against the wall, and I pulled out my dick, The daddy motioned for his boy to kneel in front of me, which he immediately did. I placed one hand on the back of the boy’s head, and as soon as soon as I stuck my dick in his mouth, I let loose with a huge load of chem piss. I could hear him gulping it down, managing to swallow almost all of it. I knew it would be no more than 15 or 20 minutes until the meth kicked in, turning him into an insatiable little fuck hole. I wandered around the club for a while, even though it was so crowded that it was sometimes hard just to make my way through. It was a relief to escape outside to the patio where I could get some fresh air. As I walked down the steps, I saw a very hot looking man leaning against the far wall, smoking a cigar. He was in full leather including a muir cap and codpiece pants, with a very large, bulging pouch. I walked over to where he was, and he simply pointed to the ground in front of him, indicating that he wanted me on my knees. I was happy to oblige. With one quick tug, he popped all the snaps on his leather pouch, letting his big helmet headed donkey dick burst out and flop around. Lucky me. When he pointed to his big dick, it didn’t take a genius to understand that he wanted me to suck it. I gladly took it in my mouth and went to work on it, feeling it growing ever bigger the more I sucked it. Suddenly, with both of his hands on the back of my head, he jammed his big donkey dick into the back of my throat, holding it there as I held my breath and struggled, until I thought I might pass out. Finally, he pulled his dick back and let me take a few breaths before he shoved his cock into my throat, again. All the while, a large group of men were watching, keeping a respectable distance, many of them stroking their cocks and huffing poppers. Next, he pulled his rock hard cock out of my mouth, and turned me around. Beside us, there was a bench, maybe 2 1/2 feet high. He grabbed my right leg and lifted it up, placing my foot on top of the bench, spreading my bare ass and exposing my tweaking hole. I was glad that he gave me a bottle of poppers and ordered me to huff them continuously, because it hurt like hell when his huge dong started pushing into me. After the big helmet head popped inside my hole, it was a lot easier to take, though I could feel his cock growing even bigger as he pushed deeper inside my hole, making me moan long and loud. Usually, I’m hungry to have a cock fucking me all night long, and I’ve been gang banged more than a few times, but this stud was so big that all I wanted was for him to hurry up and give me his load and pull out, which, of course, he finally did. I decided that that was enough for one night. I picked up my jacket and backpack from the coatcheck. I fumbled around in my backpack, found my favorite butt plug, and inserted it for the drive home.
    3 points
  20. I the most important thing is that you strangle it hard enough to make it lose conciousness.and dig in cause because sometimes it tries to fight you.thats even more fuuse you can feel the faggot fading.sometimes I tell the whore that I'm actually going to snuff it as they start to lose conciousness just to see the panic.i say stuff like "are you ready to die faggot?" or "I'm not gonna stop strangling you till you're dead faggot".I even told one slut "don't worry about how you just got aids cause I'm gonna kill you right now." lol (he still emails me all the time)its also fun to romance some little Twink into the bathhouse sling then I make it beg me to choke it out(cause they think they're gonna get a mild choking) then dump my load in it and by the time they wake up some random bathhouse trolls are fucking poz loads up its ass
    3 points
  21. sounds pretty much like my situation; there are community groups that can help offset costs on meds if you qualify
    3 points
  22. Poppered up and ready to get used the way I’m meant to
    3 points
  23. Although I knew the bar wouldn't likely shift, I was trying not to move too much as I was so horny that I could see myself shaking down the house in my determination to back-up on that cock. The cock felt great and the poppers kept me high and the adrenaline of the situation kept me going. There was so much wrong with this but I didn’t care at that point. Frank and Steve called to Patrick from the kitchen. “Sorry, they need me. When Andy gets back tell him it will be about fifteen minutes till dinner is ready then you guys can come eat. I’ll leave you alone till then. I hope he isn’t too long” I heard my boyfriend say, as, ever the gracious host him got up from the bar. I had to keep from screaming when Nick pulled his monster out of ass, partly because it hurt and partly because it left me feeling so…vacant. I grabbed the bottle of poppers to see if there was any still in it, which thankfully there was, although not very much and slid out from my position under the bar. It’s funny that you never notice how uncomfortable a position really is until you try to leave it. Once out from under the bar I hit the floor, bottle under my nose, ass in the air, turned around looked at Nick begged him to fuck me again. He didn’t take much begging but it was a big turn on to do so. In no time at all he had that monster back inside me and was fucking me as hard and fast as he could with his full length. And I thought the previous fucking was good, man could this guy move. Drunk, poppered, and getting plowed by a poz stud with a huge cock, one load in me and another on the way all while my boyfriend and his Dad and Uncle were in the next room. I moaned in pleasure. “You like this big dick fucking you?” “Yes sir, I sure do, please don’t stop.” “You heard I’m poz?” I took another deep breath from the poppers, “Yes,” was all I could moan in response. He pushed me hard into the floor driving his cock as deep into me as he could grabbing my hair and pulling my head back as far as he could. “You want another poz load in that hole?” Again I moaned yes. “Yeah I know you do. I’m working on it baby. I’m gonna fuck so much cum into you. Does your boyfriend know you’re a bottom cum slut? That’s what you are now, a dirty poz cum slut?” He whispered harshly into my hear while driving that cock in and out of my ass. “You want this load? You want me to breed you? You want me to infect that ass don’t you?” The only answer the pleasure and the poppers would allow me to answer was yes. Yes. YES! God, I wanted him to blow another load into me and keep on fucking. I never wanted his dick to leave my hole. It seemed so perfect, his god-like body fucking me with that beautiful cock forever. The intoxication of the moment was almost too much. His poz load would fill my guts until I too was infected and he would just keep fucking me. The virus would ravage my body and all the while he would be fucking me. When our bodies were old and dead the sexual momentum we has spent the time building would carry on for eternity and he would always be spilling his precious seed into me. Yes I wanted him to fill me again. And just like that I was cumming. I opened my mouth to scream the climax was so intense but it was instantly covered by his rough hand. “You asked for it baby, here it comes.” His body slammed into me again and again as he climaxed and came dumping shot after shot of cum into my hole. I was shaking from the chill, from the orgasm, from the poppers I’d been sniffing for entirely too long, from knowing I had just begged a poz man to fill me with his load, from know that I enjoyed it way too much. He lay on top of me. I could still feel every inch of him in me. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and I could feel his cock throbbing with every heartbeat. What a fuck! After a moment he got up and ordered me to clean his dick off, which I did happily. I put his dick in my mouth and sucked off the cum and ass juice. His cock tasted like fuckin' heaven. Once satisfied that it was clean he put it away and picked up his drink and left to go to the kitchen to join the other guys. I took a few deep breaths and staggered upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. I had cum on my stomach from shooting my load and I would need to clean out my ass. Remembering the cum I starting fingering it into my mouth on my way up the stairs, thinking god I love the taste of cum. Having eaten all my cum on the way, when I got to the bathroom I grabbed a rag to wet and wipe the stickiness from my stomach and was about to use the bathroom when Patrick popped his head in asking "You okay?" "Yes, I'm fine, I just need to freshen up." He entered the bathroom, closed the door, kissed me, and proceeded to help me with my disheveled hair. “No more drinks for you until after dinner” he said, giving me that ‘what am I going to do with you look’. He kissed me again, grabbed my hand and led me down stairs to the dining room for dinner. Nick was grinning from ear-to-ear as I sat down, oh so slowly. It wasn’t until I was actually seated that I realized that since Patrick decided to visit me in the bathroom I never got a chance to clean out my ass. I was so nervous about keeping his cum inside me. What kind of person wants poz cum inside his ass? That’s just wrong. It was the poppers and the alcohol. But it did feel good having it in there. Then, amid the chatter of the guys, I heard Patrick say to me “Oh, after we eat me, Dad and Uncle Steve want to go see the new Harry Potter movie at the theater. Since I know you have no interest in that stuff, and Nick doesn’t either, I thought the two of you could keep each other company.”
    3 points
  24. one of the great things about using faggot cumdumps is treating them like subhuman trash and doing shit to them that you can't do to anyone you respect. one of those things for me is using a big PA piercing to shred its fuckhole, n throat and when you're lucky chip the faggots teeth.maybe even break one.sometimes you have to act like its an accident but sometimes I just laugh at them.ive even told faggots I want smash their teeth with it.i have successfully chipped several faggots teeth and fully broken 3 bitches teeth.(I once broke some faggots 2 front teeth so bad they both had to be replaced after he begged me to break a tooth with my cock). how many of you guys have chipped or broken some faggots teeth with a big PA? was it an accident or on purpose? did you pretend to be sorry or just laugh at the bitch? What about you faggots, which of you cocksuckers has had a tooth chipped by sucking cock?
    2 points
  25. In Atlanta this weekend and made a trip to Manifest Saturday night. Night started slow, but ended up taking 12 dicks and 8 loads between the rooms with beds, slings and dark room bent over small fuck tables. Last three were back to back in the sling. Then went to Flex Sunday before flight and took 2 loads there. Pretty good weekend.
    2 points
  26. It was late and I was drunk and horny as I past an adult video store. I decided that since I struck out at the bar I could at least get my cock drained by some fag in a video booth, hey a mouth is a mouth, right?!? I find an empty booth and lock the door or at least I tried locking the door. No time to waste, I really wanted to bust my nut before going home so I put money in the video machine and pulled out my cock and went to work hoping someone would peek through the hole and ask to suck it. It took a few minutes until I hear some guy telling me I had a really nice cock and how hot it was to watch me stroke. He said he was ready to leave but offered me a little bottle of poppers.......I had never tried poppers but he said it would make my orgasm more intense....... so I took them and tried a few sniffs and started feeling more horny and felt my cock start throbbing. I figured if a little felt good then move would feel better and inhaled very deeply in both nostrils and had to reach above the video monitor to hold the wall so I wouldn't fall over. I couldn't take my eyes off the video of some chick getting fucked from behind by a guy with a big black cock and I moaned as I stroked even faster. I was so wrapped up in this scene that I never heard the door open and some guy coming in until I suddenly feel a hand reaching over my hand and squeezing my cock as his other hand guided the poppers bottle under my nose as he wispers in my ear to breathe in and enjoy the feeling. I was still drunk and really caught in the rush of the poppers so much that I just let it happen. He then removed my hand from my cock and replaced it with his as he guided my hand to his bulging cock and got my started on rubbing it through his pants. He guided the poppers under my nose again and unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock and I held it tighter and started enjoying the feel of stroking him. I finally turned around to see he was a black guy with a very hard and big cock. He tells me he can tell I'm super excited and I should follow him to a larger booth and I was about to say no when he really pumped my cock and pushed the poppers back under my nose and I just gave in and inhaled deeply and next thing I know is he is leading me to another booth and everyone is looking at me and smiling when I realize he is still holding my cock as we are walking through the hallway. We get into a larger booth and he asked me if I like the way the poppers make me feel and I just smile and he says he wants to make me feel even better before I blow my load and go home and pulled out a pipe and said I didn't have to but it would feel way better than the poppers and held it up for me and I took it as he flicked the lighter saying to inhale deeply and hold it until he says to exhale. It seemed like an eternity but when I blew out the smoke I got the most intense head rush could barely see or hear anything except how fucking great I felt an then realized why as I was coming down. I looked an saw 2 more guys in the booth with us and they were holding my hands and pumping their cocks through them as the first guy was sucking and stroking my cock. I thought I would lose it right then. One of the other guys asks if I liked how his friend was sucking my cock and if it looks as hot as it feels and I could only moan. Then he said I've gone this far and maybe I should try sucking a cock just to see what it's like and as much as I tried not to let him know how hot that sounded, I let out another moan and he said..... don't think about it as he placed the pipe back in my mouth and this time I needed no encouragement, I quickly inhale deeply and pump the cocks in my hands faster until I lost track of time and what I was doing and when I started gaining control again, they are pushing me to my knees and telling me how much I will love sucking my first cock and pushed my head onto the first guys cock and I couldn't believe how much I wanted to suck it. They kept pushing the poppers under my nose again and again and again and again until it felt like they were touching every part of my body and I was losing control of everything and not even caring. They pulled me away from my cock sucking long enough to kiss me and blow smoke into my mouth and then give me the pipe again and sent my mind into the stratosphere. I feel my face being fucked by this big beautiful black cock and suddenly feel an intense heat inside me and I moan very loudly as this intense heat triggered my cock to explode and I heard one of the guys behind me groaning and grabbing my hips and pumping his load of cum into my now more than willing ass and before I could process what was really happening, the black guy started filling my mouth with his cum and then splashed the last few spurts on my face. I couldn't believe it!!!!!! I hated to admit it but i was in heaven. Just when I thought it was all over, the third guy asked if I wanted more and all I could say was: yes, but get me fucked up again and when you're finished, leave the door open when go...............
    2 points
  27. Just got bred by a dude I hadn't seen in over a year. Tall smooth guy with a couple of tats, tends to be dressed like a business man and a beautiful tasty cock which he loves to slide deep in my cunt. Damn, he fucks good and shot a huge load in me. I felt his cock throb and twitch as he shot. I can feel his giz in my hole right now, all warm and creamy. Who's next?
    2 points
  28. Saturday was my last load, started out breakfast with a friend ( straight) but I saw a regular from the cruise spot so I made eye contact and when I went to the bathroom he followed, I dropped to my knees and sucked him for a sec and told him to meet me in 45 min. He was waiting for me and I jumped in his truck, we kissed and before I could pull out his cock he said he had his place to himself to follow him, in less then 15min I was in his bed him naked and me in my jock. He kissed me all over and really chewed and sucked my nipples hard, nipples dark red and marks on my neck . He then started giving me his cock it was fully in my throat before I knew it, it tasted good. He pulled out and produced a bottle of poppers and held it to me and I breathed in its toxic vapor, by the time he was done I was ready for anything inside me and began to beg and whimper like a little girl. He pushed me to my back and mounted me like only an alpha does, lubed up and peppered up he took me. Deeep hard and good, he pressed his body on top of mine and began the breeding process his lips never left my body and his bites and sucks left it’s mark and by the sight you know I was bred, when he was ready to dump bit down on my lip and exploded inside me, my body just quivered. I need more of this man and I think he wants me
    2 points
  29. I went to my favorite “love hate” glory homr arcade in Waikiki. I just needed my ass fucked. I saw a cute Latino mixed local kid, around mid 20’s with tattoos. I’ve seen him before the other day and he seemed picky and uninterested. I thought he was a show off flake, who would bring out his long 7 inches and only let guys suck but not fuck. Tonight was different. I wore my slut jeans and no underwear. My slut jeans is big, a couple of inches too loose on the waist that it falls down. I use it to help get what I’m looking for across. By letting my belt go, the jeans drop down and shows my ass. I get into the booth and sort of bend over showing only my ass out of my jeans in a “cum fuck me” move. The mix guy comes and starts allowing me to suck his dick, it’s on the thin side but it’s long like 7 inches. I slobber over his dick to get it wet. I no longer use lube these days. He enters me and starts fucking hard. He doesn’t cum but leaves. Shucks... i see a buddy who fucks me. He goes into the booth and me in the other. He’s a short Asian not really big but I like the way he breeds. Mix Latino boy knocks on my door and wants to fuck me while I’m getting sucked. Asian guy is sucking me and then Latino mix guy cuts in and gets suck. This gets interesting. He gets hard, pulls out then fucks my ass. My Asian buddy is watching and edging him on to breed my hole. Mix Latino boy is going to town and showing off that he’s fucking me raw. He gets soft and then returns to the hole to get suck! My Asian buddy is sucking his dick so he can fuck me again. Ive never experience this before. The top is going from my ass to another guys mouth back and fourth, at least 3 times. My ass is full of saliva and pre cum. The last round he finally breeds me. My aaian buddy asks me if he came in my ass. I said yeah and then asks me to turn around so he can eat it out. After sucking my hole out, he stands and shoves his cock raw in and fucks my hole, blasting another load in me. My jeans are wet with spit and cum, I leave since the remaining pickings were sad and it was getting late. I love this place but hate it when it’s dead and uneventful. This is one of the better days!
    2 points
  30. This bottom never pulls away and if through a gloryhole there is a good chance I have my hand under your balls and I will FORCE it Deeper until you blow a load and pump my ass full of sperm.
    2 points
  31. In a single occupancy bathroom in a highrise office on Valentine's Day. Didn't say a word to the guy, he just bent me over the sink so we could watch in the mirror and went to town. There was a room with several people right across the hall. He must have waited to cum for a few days, because a ton of cum ran down my legs on the train home.
    2 points
  32. Yes, a thousand times yes! Beautifully worded. It's degradation and debasement, perfected. Men, fags who won't suck their cunt stain off of your prick are pathetic and insubordinate. Demand complete service and deny them the dick until they start showing you respect.
    2 points
  33. Arse to mouth is natural for me. I love to suck cocks before and after fucking, before top is taking back, and finally after he cummed into my hole, cleaning it.
    2 points
  34. It is my pleasure to clean the cock that was just inside me, I love the taste of my ass juices mixed with a load(s) of cum even better if I get to also drink the piss at this point straight from the tap OINK! ?
    2 points
  35. PART TWO I couldn't tell you if we'd been making out for 2 minutes or 20 minutes, but I did know that I was hard as a rock and that Rob was the same. I'd never even kissed a guy before, and now here I was making out with a total stranger down a back alley! One of Rob's hands slipped inside my jeans & stroked my cock while he undid my belt with the other. We were a long way down the alley so no-one would've seen us, but to be honest I was so far gone I didn't care. As my pants fell to my ankles, Rob started to sink to his knees. I heard him take 2 deep sniffs & then he pressed the bottle into my hand. I'd barely taken hold of it before I felt his mouth on my cock, it felt so amazing! I was groaning like crazy, I'm sure anyone walking past would've heard. He'd started deepthroating me without even warming up, I guess he'd had a fair bit of experience! I held the back of his bald head & he grunted his approval as my balls were resting on his chin. He took my hand with the poppers in it & pushed it up towards my head, it wasn't hard to guess what he was wanting me to do. I took a couple more hits & I was flying again. As I was sniffing, I felt his hands move around towards my arse, pulling my cheeks apart and one of his fingers started moving towards my hole. I'd never had anything near my arse before (though I'd wanted to get into my wife's many times!) but I couldn't help but wonder how good it would feel to have his finger in me. I let out a low groan as his finger pushed inside, it felt amazing! I wasn't sure if a cock would feel this good (or if I could take it) but I loved the sensation of him fingerfucking me as he sucked my cock. "Turn around", he said to me. He was sending me so wild, I'd have done anything he asked. As I turned around, I felt my cheeks spread further than I thought they could take and I felt his hot mouth on my hole. If him sucking my cock felt amazing, my arse being eaten out felt even better. I'd wondered how good it felt for my wife when I ate her pussy - I was getting a first hand demonstration now! I could feel my hole opening for him as his tongue worked further inside me, I'm sure it didn't taste great after a long day at a festival but Rob didn't seem to mind & I was in heaven! He asked me to take a couple more hits & as I did so, I could feel his tongue working deeper inside me, My head was pressed against the wall & I had my hands holding my cheeks, wanting as much of him as possible. He stopped eating me & my initial disappointment was soon fixed by him pushing two fingers into my arse. While fingerfucking me I could feel him shifting and I knew that he was no standing behind me. "You loved my tongue & fingers in your arse didn't you?" he asked, all I could do is moan in reply. "You're gonna love this even more." I turned around & I saw his bare cock at my hole. By this stage I didn't care that my wife was sleeping at home with our child, I needed a cock in my arse! I was pushing back towards his dick, desperate for him to be inside me. "Not here!" he laughed "Let's go back to my place." I guess he had a point but fuck, that walk was gonna feel like forever! We pulled our pants back up & started what felt like a marathon walk to his, holding hands & making out whenever we had to wait for traffic. I could barely contain myself when we eventually got back to his place, as soon as we were at his doorway we were kissing with animal passion. When we stepped inside, I peeled off his tshirt as I wanted to see his sexy chest and ran my hands all over it, making my way down to inside his pants to his still rock-hard cock. It was then I heard another voice from inside the apartment. "God, I can't even send you out for a simple job to get some amyl without bringing a guy home to play with!" I turned around in shock to see a guy similar to Rob grinning widely as he sat on a couch. END OF PART TWO
    2 points
  36. It's can be a fetish thing. With myself, I am VERY attracted to black men, as I am sure it brings back certain memories. The first black man I had sex with was a friend of my uncle's and he was INCREDIBLE love maker. He was one of the first men I had been with that really took their time, and really made love to my hole. It was an incredibly tender experience at least for me.
    2 points
  37. Adult book stores with gloryholes used to be the places to go for anon sex, still a few good ones around but a lot went away. Maybe with the demise of craigslist they will once more be the place to cum to. Hope there will be more to cum of this great story.
    2 points
  38. I love it. Started liking and kissing the toilet seat in the men's at work. Then worked up to licking under the seat, around the bowl and in the toilet. Then finally cleaning the floor with my tongue. Takes a while to build up as I'm always so horny and cum in seconds the moment my lips touch the piss stains. Finally I went full piss pig and licked the urinals. Amazing. First I used my fingers to get a taste. Then I was brave enough to lick the porcelain clean. Makes me feel so dirty - like I'm in a trance. It's amazing. Then I usually go back into the stall and cum on the floor. I'm so horny,I wait, get hard again then lick my cum up. I almost enjoy it more than sex.
    2 points
  39. After placing pillows and beach towels on the bed, I went back to the living room. Tom was standing in bewilderment dressed in everything but his track pants which Clyde successfully pushed down past his sneakers. He wore a white t-shirt, his white jock strap that framed his neg jock ass (tonight’s target) well. His beautiful hairy muscular thighs were fully on display for us above white crew socks and blue sneakers. He looked amazing that way. I imagined how he’d look crouching down to catch a grounder looking like that; or stretching his legs to tag out a runner as he approached third base. My daydream was broken when I heard Clyde tell Tom to get on the bed, “On all fours.” I watched Tom’s ass as he walked slowly to the bedroom. I thought about how that that butt was now carrying Clyde’s poz cum, and how my own raw cock was about to penetrate that sweet hole. He got onto the bed on hands and knees like Clyde demanded. Clyde tucked a couple of pillows under Tom’s waist and asked him if he’s ever been fucked barebacked before tonight. Tom shook his head, his sweat-drenched brown hair now covering his eyes. “No, sir. I… Back in Wisconsin, my baseball coach would fuck me for a year before I moved here. But we always used condoms. Same with Eric, my boyfriend, who I broke up with last week.” Clyde opened the poppers and held them under the kid’s nose. “Spread your legs for John. He is going to fuck you bareback now, and you’re going to let him.” “Aw! Fuck,” Tom whined. He was loaded up with the fresh cum of an old man whom he barely knows. He doesn’t know that the load up his ass is poz. He might suspect? I don’t know. Tom must feel like he is being used by us. He must feel like we are taking advantage of his youth and inexperience. His legs widened for me, and his butt cheeks parted while framed by that bright white jock strap; I could now see the reddened pucker and some of the sperm that had escaped it. With plenty of precum on the end of my cock, I rubbed the head of my dick around Tom’s hole to gather the excess cum that had gotten away. I mixed it with mine, and I pressed it all against his hole. “Aw!” he moaned each time I teased that I was going in. Press; let up. Press; let up. I knew the poppers were getting to him when he rested his forearms on the bed, causing his ass to be raised up on the pillows. “Do it, John. He’s ready,” Clyde signaled. Tom could hear, I’m sure. But at this point, he already had one load up his butt. I could tell, and Clyde could too, that Tom was surrendering his ass to us. I plunged my raw cock into the boy’s hole. With Clyde’s cum, my precum and the Crisco we used as lube, it was easy going. Not so much for Tom, though. Apparently, my cock was splitting him open more than Clyde’s did. Tom was yelling out and grunting against the pain. Clyde coached him to open up for me. “Relax. Let the man fuck your tight hole open, Tom.” Tom’s hole was tight, warm and wet. Just what a couple of pervy old men long for. He gripped my cock with his ass whenever I tried to pull out. He relaxed when I pushed up and in. So I began speeding up the fucking. I wanted nothing more than to ram my boner up that third baseman’s butt. Finally we had him on our bed, submitting to the exact thing that we both wanted. His hole never let up. It was like it was trying to milk the cum from my balls. “Awww,” Tom moaned as I battered his hole with my rod. Clyde shoved his cock back into Tom’s mouth. I felt like my virus was boiling up in my semen, wanting release into this young, warm, neg hole. I reached under the kid to feel his cock through the ribbed material of the jock pouch. He was rock hard and his jock was soaked, slimed with his precum. So I grabbed a fist full of the jock’s waist band and rode that sweet ass home. I spoke to Tom. “I’m going to do it, jock boy. I’m gonna flood your neg hole with my sperm you fucking… AAAh!” My cum blasted into the jock’s hole as it gripped my cock once again. “Hell yes, fuckin’ knock this boy up, John. He’s taking it.” Tom moaned a protest with his mouth around Clyde’s cock. Clyde just pushed the boy’s head back onto his cock. I unloaded second fresh blast of sperm into Tom’s warm hole, and then a third. Both Clyde and I continued fucking Tom at both ends. I watched Clyde’s face as he fucked Tom’s throat, as I knew he was building up another load. Clyde pulled out of the kid’s mouth and told me to step aside. He hurried over as I pulled out of the kid’s hole. Two seconds later Clyde was up inside Tom’s hole blasting another poz load in there. He rode the boy’s ass, not caring how rough he got. I heard the jock strap rip as Clyde rammed him. Tom grunted and tried to push Clyde off. About a minute later, when Clyde finished bucking, he slid out of the kid’s butt. Tom, with tears on his face, jumped off the bed and walked into the living room, grabbed his track pants, hurriedly put them back on, and darted out the front door. I looked at Clyde. He smiled. “Let’s open the champagne.” ------------------------------------------------- Later on that year, on one rainy night in December, Tom rang our doorbell. He was standing on our door step rain-soaked and drunk from his santa hat to his toes, asking if he could come in and warm up. After standing him by the fireplace, it only took us a minute to push his jeans down far enough to enable Clyde's raw cock to once again slide into that third baseman.
    2 points
  40. I guess many of us were at that point once. Feeling 'guilty-and-dirty'; not just for that sketchy seed we accepted, but for being gay and not being in a monogamous 'sanctioned' relationship! UNTIL... we realize the hypocrisy and the double-standards! Then liberation enters the picture... This frat-boy whom I met on BBRT reminds me of those times when I had accepted the gay part, but promiscuity frightened me but all the temptations. The frat-boy is somewhere in the early phase but on BBRT all the time now. He is really nervous but even more so HORNY. He looks around like he is expecting the morality police to step out of my closet or back-rooms. So I just walk over to the action section and he made it clear he wants to always fuck me face down... when he undresses he is still soft, NERVOUS but the moment my ass goes up he is hard as a rock and he ruts my hole with spit like a champ. I bet after he goes home (to his dorm or secretive lair he won't tell me where it is) he showers and scrubs and feels guilty... I on the other hand (another victim of a catholic, stymied sexual upbringing) have sworn off all fear, guilt and loathing! I now receive all cocks RAW and unrestricted! I accept the cum, DNA and raw cocks like an electrifying SACRAMENT. No more hang-ups, just full membership of the brotherhood of satyrs and debauchery! NO LOADS REFUSED once the stranger gets started, and no cheating with 'queefing' the cum out! No idea what the status is. Poz would be nice, but probably just novice negative stuff! But hey, he could be a liar, a punk with an agenda! I don't care! No rushing, no regrets, no shame and no denial! While he is on me and after he is long gone! That cum stays where it is put! In my ass to full absorption. With other it goes down my throat (no spitting out like at a cum tasting) savoring the flavor and on my body until the much delayed, and purposely brief next shower! I want that MUSK OF BUCK, that ESSENCE OF BUCK, that predatory promiscuity to transfer... kinda like savoring a good wine. Being a PIG is all fine and dandy, but as a LATE-CUMMER to the anon bareback scene we tend to relish our 'alleged depravity' and animalistic bondings even more!
    1 point
  41. This is me. Have been choked to passing out twice in public places while being fucked, and once in private as a guy bred my hole while my body quivered.
    1 point
  42. Yes, I remember it too. A duplex apartment above a couple of offices on Lexington Ave between E 23/24. Was always a good time there. Now I go to the dump, Northern Sauna in Flushing. Not to frequently since it's an hour and a half commute by subway, plus that walk along MaIn St.
    1 point
  43. What’s the best site for meeting guys into this? I really need to try more of this than I have. ?
    1 point
  44. Part 83 - The Ranger Mark slowly ground his hips against Eric’s ass, sliding his cock between the two tight mounds of muscle and flesh. His arm was already around Eric’s body and he tweaked Eric’s nipple which garnered a moan and a “Morning, stud. You looking for more after last night?” from Eric. “You know me, I love being inside you” Mark replied. There was a long pause and then he continued “Uh, I’ve been thinking though. Keep this weekend open. We need to get away and spend some time together other than a quick fuck after we get home from work and then fall asleep.” “Yeah, we have been working too much. What do you have planned?” Eric asked. “Not sure yet, but plan on leaving early Saturday morning” replied Mark. Saturday morning the alarm went off early and Mark and Eric got up and went through the shower. “What should I wear?” asked Eric. “We’re going for a long bike ride, so put your cycling shorts and jersey on. I put everything else in the truck after you crashed last night” Mark said. “Yeah, sorry about that” Eric said as he slid the tight spandex over his body. He put on a pair of tennis shoes, grabbed his cycling shoes and then looked over at Mark who was staring back at him. “Nice ass. I’m gonna be following you close all day” Mark said as they walked out to the kitchen. Mark put a few remaining things into the cooler and they headed down to the SUV. “Holy shit!” Eric exclaimed as he saw the SUV filled with camping gear and both bikes. “Yeah, I wasn’t sure it was all going to fit. But, I added some spit and shoved hard and it all popped in” Mark replied with a grin. They jumped in the SUV and drove a couple of hours and Mark pulled into a park. He put a parking pass on the dashboard of the SUV and got out. Mark and Eric got their gear together for a day ride and hopped on their bicycles and took off. Mark stayed in back, watching Eric’s ass most of the way and yelling out directions as they made a long loop. Mark had set up a lunch break and the two noshed on a half sandwich and salad before heading down the road back to the park. “You lead” said Eric as they left and Mark reluctantly pedaled away. Eric was enjoying watching Mark in front of him, his tight shorts showing off the muscles in his legs and his firm ass. It was almost 6pm when they made it back to the park. They swapped the camping equipment for their bikes in the SUV and found their assigned campsite. It only took a half hour and they had the tent up, the cooler open and the stove cooking dinner. It had been a warm sunny day and both Mark and Eric had pulled off their sweaty jerseys and cycling shorts and traded them for loose athletic shorts. They watched the sun set and chowed down on their gourmet camping dinner of steaks and veggies. Mark realized by the time they started eating dinner they had already killed off a six pack of beer and three joints. Mark and Eric sat on the ground next to their camping lantern with Eric between Mark’s legs and his back against Mark’s chest. “Too bad we can’t have a fire but I don’t want to be responsible for the next forest fire the state has to deal with” Eric said. “We can make our own fireworks tonight” Mark replied before laughing loudly. “Damn, you’re getting really corny in your old age” Eric replied. Mark groped and kissed Eric for a while and could feel his cock straining at his shorts. They saw a truck pull into the parking lot in the distance and it stood there for several minutes before it came down the trail towards their camp site. Eric moved next to Mark just as the truck stopped next to their campsite. It was obviously a forest ranger’s pickup and he got out and came over to the two of them. “Evening guys. I’m just checking on the campers and making sure they know that we’ve banned open fires this season” the ranger said. Mark was looking at the guy up and down, enjoying the bulge in his uniform that seemed to be even larger from his position on the ground. “Thanks. I saw the notice and we just used our camp stove and the battery powered lantern.” Mark replied. “Well, there are other ways to start a fire and I can smell that you guys have been smoking, so be careful. We haven’t gotten much rain this month and everything is dry.” the ranger replied. “Busted” said Eric quietly. “Yeah, I don’t mind as long as you don’t cause any trouble” the ranger said. Mark chuckled and said “We have some extra if you want a few hits.” Eric jabbed Mark in his ribs, surprised that he would suggest that the ranger stick around and get stoned with them. “Considering that you’re the last stop for me on this round, I think that’s a good idea” the ranger replied with a laugh. Mark grinned and said “Have a seat. Beers are in the cooler if you want one too.” He reached into his backpack and fished out another joint and the lighter and turned back just in time to watch the ranger pop open a beer can. The three laughed and Mark lit the joint, taking a big hit before handing it to the ranger. The ranger took his hit and passed the joint to Eric. “Fuck, thats some good shit” the ranger said after he exhaled. He took a swig of beer and licked his lips as he looked over Mark and Eric. They passed the joint around a couple more times until Mark finished it off and stubbed the remains out on a rock. “Pot always makes me horny” the ranger said staring back at Mark and Eric. “Who’s the bottom?” the ranger asked and then realized that he had said it out loud. Both Mark and Eric laughed and said, almost in unison, “We’re both vers.” Mark then asked “Is it that obvious we’re queer?” “Nah, I saw the window sticker on your truck when I checked out the permit. I just didn’t think the guys that would have a ‘unicorn farting rainbows’ sticker would be so fuckin hot. I expected some girly guys” the ranger said. “Sorry to disappoint you” Eric said with a grin. “Well, I was hoping to get a good blowjob when I saw the sticker but now I don’t know” the ranger said. “I do like to suck cock, but I also want to see what that ass looks like” Mark replied. The ranger stared back at them and then stood up. Neither Mark or Eric knew what was going to happen. Did Mark push it too far? They looked up at the ranger and he looked down at them for a moment and then he unzipped his pants and unbuckled his belt before pushing his pants and underwear down. The guys looked at seven inches of plump semi-hard cock. The ranger slowly turned around giving them a three hundred sixty degree view of his cock and ass. He unbuttoned his shirt and the guys could see a few tattoos poking through the lightly hairy pecs and stomach. “Fuck yeah” Mark muttered as he crawled over behind the ranger. Eric was right behind him and was kneeling in front of the ranger in seconds. Eric didn’t wait and lifted up the cock with his hand and guided it to his mouth. He licked around the tip of the cut cock and then took it into his mouth. Mark was pulling the two halves of the rangers ass apart and dove in tongue first. The ranger’s cock got hard almost immediately and he wasn’t sure which he liked more - Mark's tongue in his hole or Eric’s mouth wrapped around his cock. Both were giving him the attention that he had been craving for months. Almost thirty minutes of sucking and rimming had the ranger close to blowing his load, but Eric was sure to keep it from happening. He pulled off and tapped Mark on the leg before standing up. “I always wanted to do this…” he said as he grabbed the ranger by the hand and led him over to the ranger’s truck. Eric put both hands on the hood and spread his legs, leaving his now naked butt pushed out. The ranger took the hint and positioned himself behind Eric. Mark moved next to Eric and assumed the same position. The ranger laughed and spit on his fingers and lubed up Eric’s hole with it. The ranger moved closer and rubbed his spit covered cock around Eric’s hole and then pushed in. There hadn’t been any discussion about condoms and Eric was relieved - that talk always seemed to dampen the sexual energy. Eric felt the thick cock stretch his hole open and it kept pushing inside without letting him get used to it. He liked these kind of anonymous fucks where the top just uses him for his pleasure. Mark looked over and watched Eric take the ranger’s cock and the ranger pressing up tightly against Eric’s back. The ranger waited a few moments and then his hips began to drive in and out of Eric’s pussy. Mark had planned on spending the night swapping loads with Eric, but now he had a new plan. He watched the ranger fuck his boyfriend and when he seemed to be getting close he wiggled his butt and pulled it apart with his hands. The ranger laughed and pulled out of Eric and then spit on Mark’s hole before pushing into Mark. “Getting jealous that your buddy was getting all the dick?” the ranger asked. “Yeah, I don’t want him to have all the fun” Mark replied. The ranger started to fuck harder and the sound of their bodies slapping together filled the forest. “You better like it hard, cuz that’s the only way I fuck” the ranger said between grunts. Mark could feel his ass start to get slick and knew that the ranger was lubing his hole with a lot of precum. “God you got a great hole. Tight but knows how to take cock” the ranger said breathlessly. His bare chest was now pressed against Mark’s back, the open shirt occasionally brushing against Mark’s sides. Mark could feel the heavy breath next to his head and the stubble from the ranger’s face on his cheek. Mark would clamp down on the ranger’s cock every third or fourth stroke and could tell that it was getting the ranger closer to blowing his load. Eric was watching Mark get pounded and was wishing it was him. “At least his hole will be nice and lubed when I fuck him later” Eric thought. He moved closer and licked his finger before massaging the ranger’s fuck hole. It was already moist from Mark’s rimming and now from sweat. His finger pushed in easily and the ranger yelled out “Oh fuck!” Eric continued fingering the ranger’s hole, adding only a little extra movement to the ranger’s own. “Yeah, fuck my boyfriend’s ass. I hope you have a big load to dump inside him” Eric said. The ranger started groaning and Eric moved his finger around trying to find the hot-spot. He knew when he found it because the ranger started to whimper almost immediately. “Breed my ass” Mark yelled back to the ranger. The ranger responded with several short, fast thrusts and then he planted his cock deep in Mark’s ass. The ranger held Mark tight as his cock pulsed and shot his built up load into Mark’s hungry hole. Eric could feel the ranger’s hole squeeze around his finger with each spurt of cum. Mark was surprised at how much cum the ranger was pumping into him and almost thought that the guy was going to pass out from his quick breaths. As the last shots of cum and the jabs from the ranger’s cock ended, he pulled free from Mark’s hole. Eric turned the ranger around and pushed him back to the truck fender next to Mark. The ranger’s cock was still hard and the head still sensitive, but Eric opened his mouth and swallowed the shaft whole. He licked and sucked any cum he could find making the ranger shudder. With the cum gone, Eric pulled off and looked up at the ranger, grinning. “Ya, know… if you breed my boyfriend, then I should get to fuck you” Eric said. Mark quickly concurred and before the ranger could say anything, he was facing the truck. Eric spread the ranger’s legs a bit to get his hole lined up with his cock. He spit on his cock and rubbed it around the tense pucker before he pushed in. The ranger wasn’t ready to get fucked and his hole was clenched, preventing Eric from getting in. Mark leaned in and started to kiss the ranger and Eric paused a moment before he tried again. This time the head popped inside and he felt the ranger’s hole spasm from the intrusion for a few seconds. Eric waited and then started to work his cock in deeper with short thrusts from his hips. He was leaking like crazy inside the ranger’s hole and the lube got him ready for a quick shove and his cock plowed the rest of the way in. Mark pushed his tongue into the ranger’s mouth while Eric started to piston in and out of the ranger’s hole. The ranger pulled free from Mark’s mouth and said “Condom?” Mark chuckled and said “You just fucked us bare and came inside of me. I don’t think it’s fair to want us to wrap it up.” “Yeah, but my girlfriend is gonna get pissed if she finds out I got fucked raw” the ranger replied. “I doubt that this is the first time. I’m sure you can find a way to hide our seed” Mark said. Eric picked up the pace and was slamming into the ranger’s ass in a few minutes. He wasn’t planning on this being a long fuck and really needed to empty his balls. Mark was working the ranger’s nipples while he was kissing him. He knew Eric’s signals well and when Eric was about to cum, he put his hand behind the ranger’s head and pulled him in for a deep kiss. A second or two later, Eric shoved his cock in all the way and unleashed a flood of toxic sperm. His cock pulsed and Eric held the ranger tight until the last spurt had filled his hole. Both Eric and the ranger were shaking and Eric slowly pulled his cock out, letting a small stream of cum run down the ranger’s leg. Mark ended the kiss and whispered “now it’s my turn. I love a cummy hole.” Mark slid around the ranger until he was behind him. His cock was rock hard and ready to fuck. Mark grabbed both of the ranger’s shoulders and quickly drove in. The ranger gave a yelp as the thicker, pierced cock made its way inside. “Damn, that was a big load” Mark said to Eric, with a faint sound of disappointment that he didn’t get it. Mark pumped his cock in and out as Eric watched. He would shove in and grind his hips and then resume a constant piston motion. After a good ten minutes of drilling the ranger’s ass, Mark started on his way to breeding the ranger. The strokes got harder and near the end he was pulling out and thrusting back in until their balls slapped together. “Fuck!” Mark stifled his yell with his teeth gritted together, trying to stay as quiet as possible and not alert the other campers if they hadn’t already. Two more shoves and his cock throbbed with his virulent seed joining Eric’s inside the ranger’s cunt. His load wasn’t small either, since lots of exercise always seemed to make Mark shoot more cum. He pulled back and let his still hard cock exit the ranger’s gaping hole. He moved back a few feet while the ranger laid on the fender and hood of his pickup breathing heavily. Eric licked up the cum from Mark’s cock tasting the familiar coppery taste along with his and his partner’s cum. His cock clean, Mark walked over and picked up his shorts and put them on. Eric did the same as Mark tapped the ranger on the shoulder. “You ok?” Mark asked. “Yeah, I am. I had just forgotten how good it feels to have a guy fuck me. I think I am lying to myself when I say I’m straight” the ranger replied. Mark and Eric chuckled. “You’re not even close to straight, dude. Bi maybe, but not straight” Eric said. The ranger pulled up his pants and turned around. “Be careful and remember no fires or sparks. And don’t forget to secure your food items. Don’t put them in the tent” the ranger said as he walked over to get into the pickup. “Sure thing, Ranger Smith” Mark replied with a smile.
    1 point
  45. Sid 972-674-1014 Dallas, Texas 75206 Various Day by Day 29 5'9" 135lbs White
    1 point
  46. Last night I totally pigged out at the sex club. I haven't gone at all in a few months, and I haven't gone there with full intentions of being a cumdump for ANYONE who wanted it in over a year. I hadn't even really been craving it, but after a nap yesterday I woke up knowing I wanted to be a slut last night. Browsed bbrt a little but really wanted a sleazy night and figured if I did a one on one I'd end up cumming and be done. There was a hot younger vers guy cumdumping in a hotel nearby, and I hit him up suggesting he go to the sex club too and I'd breed him after I whored around myself. He was into it which just fueled me even more but unfortunately I never did find him and don't think he went. After I cleaned out and lubed and dildo my hole some I decided on a Ft Troff jock and socks and a leather shoulder harness and pulled on sweat pants and sweatshirt for the drive over. I feel like a jock signals you're there to bottom, and it always seems to work! The parking lot was more crowded than it seemed to be inside. Within 2 mins of stripping down and heading into the maze I ran into a sexy guy I flipped with a few years ago. He wanted me to fuck him, but I told him I just got there and wanna take loads first. He agreed to give me the first one, and I asked if we could go to the fuck bench in the open area. He was all for it, and we had 6-7 guys watching and jacking by the time he bred me. He asked if he could cum inside me, which was probably more for "show" so the other guys would know he's breeding me He's a sexy younger tatted up guy, but I already knew I was gonna let ANYONE fuck me that wanted to....hadn't been in that mode in a really long time. I probably should've stayed on the fuck bench, but I got up to speak with the guy and then ended up roaming around and in a couple more mins a latin guy gave me a look and I went right in his "cubicle". He started messing with my cock - not my ass - was hoping I could switch gears but he was all bottom....sucked me hard, and I decided to fuck him but def not cum. He had a hot little body and seriously one of the best holes (silky) that I've fucked in a while. I edged my cock in his hole for a while - on a different night I would have bred him and called it a night, but I was there to bottom, so I told him I'd like to find him later when I'm ready to cum. I left the room and back in the hallway......made it 3 doors down and got pulled into another room. I prefer the open areas, but seems like most guys want privacy He might have been one of the guys that saw me on the fuck bench. I honestly really wasn't into this guy at all, but this is where the sleaze factor was just kicking in hard and I totally got off on his assertiveness and just taking me. He just bent me over the vinyl bench and stuck it in - it didn't take long at all before he was flooding me with #2. I felt pretty good that so far both fucks had decided to give ME their precious seed It wasn't super crowded, but I guess that has it's advantages - less competition....plus I was dressed the right way to signal I was there to get used. And by then anyone that felt my ass could feel the lube and cum and loose hole. I was there for a little over two hours total.....I wasn't keeping track when things were happening so fast, but I'd estimate 15 guys fucked me. One used a condom, and another was about to until I said the "magic word" - Prep, and then he went raw too. Not really sure how many guys bred me, but I didn't really come home with any loads in my ass......my hole was so loose by the end what ever I had was spilling out on the floor. Of the two hours I was there I had someone's cock in my ass for about 1.5 hours.....in the dark room, the sling, fuck bench or private room. I ended up cumming from jacking off while a young latin guy fucked me......I planned to find a bottom to breed by the end, but this was more fitting for the kind of night it was, and I let him keep fucking me about 10 more mins after I came, but he said he usually lasts hours! It was an INCREDIBLE night - so fucking satisfying getting used so much. Today is actually my birthday and what a way to bring it in - makes me wanna continue at the bathhouse today since I'm still in that zone!!
    1 point
  47. Dont know if this counts as actual PUBLIC - but it's close. I hooked up with a guy who works for a courier company (he answered an ad I placed on a local site) - I met him the the car park of the mall where I work - we climbed in the back and he fucked me - car park was full - people all around. Was hot. Pic is me with his cock in my mouth in the back of his van LOL
    1 point
  48. It's been raining all weekend, so I decided to check out Club Pitt. Right away I noticed this young twink (no more than 20). We locked eyes and he followed me into the gloryhole room. After sucking my dick so well, I decided he earned my cock. I invited him up to the corner spot. Being a tall boy, I decided to breed his ass standing behind him. I gently fingered his hole, tickling his prostate and having him wimper. He took a hit of poppers and that's when I knew to start pounding his ass. I just slid my big 8.5" cock inside his twink hole when he suddenly collapsed to the floor. I thought I had killed him. Luckily, he had just locked his knees and fainted. Lesson learned: bend him over the bench and breed him.
    1 point
  49. The first time a guy ever pissed in me I wasn't expecting it. We'd set up an anonymous breed and go where he came in and found me naked and ass up ready for his cock and load. This particular guy liked for me to pretend to be drugged/asleep. I knew he had cum from his sigh and spasming cock buried deep in my hole. I expected he'd get up and leave, but he just stayed there. After a bit I could feel his cock kind of twitching and then I started to feel kinda warm and full and realized what he was doing. At first I was startled, but just as instantly got totally turned on by it. He pissed for sometime, and not just little spurts, this guy had some pressure and I could feel it going in. After he was done, he pulled out without spilling a drop (he was deep when pissing), dressed and left. I held it for quite awhile, but when I let it out there was easily more than a liter. Something else that is really hot is my piss took on his scent when I pissed later. The piss goes into the colon where fluids are absorbed. it is so fucking hot, wish I could find more guys who can do this.
    1 point
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