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  1. Fraternity Initiation Adam was barely 18 and was starting his first year at an out of state university. He was the only one from his graduating class to be attending this university so he did not know anyone at the school when he arrived. The first person he met was his roommate, Jake Ryan. Adam spent a lot of time with his new roommate and friend. Adam learned that Jake was a member of a (not well known) local fraternity Pi Omicron Zeta, or as it was known on campus POZ. Jake invited Adam to meet his friends and fraternity brothers. As Adam spent more time with Jake and the guys in the frat, the more he liked them. He also noticed that all the guys were built somewhat like him. They were all tall, around 6 foot tall (Adam was 6’2”), thin and lean (Adam had a 28” waist), and were athletic (Adam played volleyball in high school). With how small the fraternity was, Adam learned that the frat only allowed 3 new members each semester. Adam liked the guys in the frat and he wanted to join. There were not that many guys being considered this month. Adam was one of 5 guys that were being recruited. There were parties and socials were the members of the frat were able to get to know the prospective members. The time came where the fraternity was to decide which 3 guys were to be invited to join POZ. It was a Friday when Adam was sitting at the desk in his dorm room when an envelope slid under the door. On the front of the envelope were the three Greek letters Pi Omicron Zeta. His heart was beating when he opened it up and he stated: “You have been cordially invited to join the brotherhood of Pi Omicron Zeta. You are to arrive at the house tonight at 8:00 pm. You are to wear only blue jeans, an old white t-shirt and tennis shoes (no underwear or socks are to be worn). If you are not there promptly at 8:00 pm this bid will be retracted.” Adam was thrilled. He looked down at his watch when he noticed that it was a little after 7 and he still needed to take a shower. He quickly showered and got ready. As he got dressed he thought about the instruction, “no underwear or socks are to be worn”. Adam was used to wearing shoes without socks, but he had never gone without underwear before, do this would be a first for him. Adam arrived at the POZ house a few minutes before 8. He walked up to the door and there was a note on the door that said “Enter”. Adam walked in to find another note placed on a chair with a blind fold, a glass of water and what looked like a formal document on a table next to the chair. This note instructed Adam to sit in the chair and put the blind fold on and drink the water down. The note also let him know that once he drank the water there was no turning back and to signify Adam’s willingness to join POZ he was to sign the document on the table next to the chair. Adam knew that fraternity initiations were secretive so it did not faze him to follow these instructions. He sat down and placed the blind fold on then drank the water. Adam was sitting there for a few minutes when he started to feel funny, like he was floating. Then…….. The next thing Adam knew he woke up still with his blind fold on. He suddenly realized that he was naked and couldn’t move. He felt as if he was restrained in some sort of hammock. He then heard a familiar voice of Reese, the frat president say “He’s awake, remove the blind fold.” Adam then saw that he was in deed naked and so was everyone else in the room. He was in a sling with his arms and ankles tied down to chains that were suspended from the ceiling. Adam had an idea that initiations were crazy, but was this more then he bargained for. Reese continued to speak, “Adam, you are to affirm your wish to be a member of Pi Omicron Zeta!” Adam responded “I do affirm I wish to be a member of Pi Omicron Zeta.” Adam didn’t think much of what was going on, until he felt something touching his ass. He felt something cool shove into the ass. Reese than instructed “Let the initiation begin.” Reese then stepped up to Adam in the sling. He was standing between Adam’s legs. Adam looked down and notices that Reese was stroking his cock as he looked directly into Adam’s eyes. Reese’s cock looked huge to him and he noticed that he had a very large PA in it with what looked like a stud on the end. Adam said “What the hell are you doing?” Reese looked into Adam’s eyes and just said “Relax pledge, enjoy.” Then Jake shoved a bottle under Adams nose and covered his mouth, “Breath in deep Adam, enjoy the feeling.” Adam had no choice but to breath in deep through his nose and take in the aroma from the poppers that were held under his nose. Within a short time Adam started to feel warm and felt his heart begin to race. What he didn’t know was that Reese had inserted some Crystal Meth in his ass and it was starting to take affect. Adam was starting to fly high, but still had a sense of what was going on around him. Reese then stepped up to Adam’s ass and aimed his 8” cock at Adam’s hole. He looked into Adam’s eyes as he penetrated into his ass. Reese said, “This weekend you offer POZ your ass as we offer you our gift, a gift we share with each other often we now give you.” The group repeated what Reese had just recited. Adam looked into Reese’s eyes as he realized that he was getting fucked by Reese. Reese looked down at him and whispered, “You will receive this gift from each member of the fraternity.” Adam was not sure what Reese meant by “This Gift”. Adam asked “What gift do you mean?” Reese looked deep into Adam’s eyes and said “The gift of HIV!” Adam was now flying higher then he had ever been in his life. He had smoke pot a few times but had never done anything else. Now Meth had him so high, he was starting to moan as Reese pounded away at his ass. Reese began to breathe deep and said, “Welcome to POZ” as he shot his poisoned seed deep in Adam’s gut. As Reese pulled his cock out he wiped his hand across it and held it up for all to see the blood that he had caused with his studded PA. He stepped away, the next POZ member stepped in. The fraternity vice president Aaron was quick to replace Reese’s cock with his own 7 inches deep in Adam’s ass. Aaron pounded away at Adam’s ass as Jake fed Adam more poppers. Adam was really moaning now and Aaron was getting ready to plant his seed deep in his hole. This went on all night long with each member of the fraternity taking his turn until the last member; Jake took his place at Adam’s hole. Jake told Adam, “You did good buddy, really good.” Jake began to slowly pump in and out of Adam’s well used ass. He took his time building up to the point of no return and said, “Now you will take your last seeding and shoot your last clean seed” as he then stroked Adam’s cock and brought him to climax. Adam was released from the sling and placed in a bedroom up stairs as the group prepared for the next initiation.
    11 points
  2. Friday night I was super horned up but really wasn’t in the mood for anything too complicated or time consuming. It was also really late (2 AM) so as a compromise I decided to hit the local bookstore and stay until they closed at 4 AM. So after cleaning out and packing my typical ABS supplies (lube, poppers, cockrings, wet wipes and video supplies just in case something hot goes down I want to “document for posterity”), I drive to the bookstore and find it to be decently festive for this time at night. As is often the case that late at night, I was wanting to get fucked, and do it in the most slutty means possible which meant backing my ass up to the gloryhole and playing the waiting game. There were lots of lookie loos but few guys actually engaging. It’s always exciting hearing footsteps and the next booth’s door close. And from experience for every 5 guys who look into the hole and see an anonymous asshole maybe 1 will immediately unzip and knock you up. So we have -0- loads and a guy who fucked for a minute, didn’t cum and quickly ran out by the time it was 3:00. I was just about to call it a night when footsteps were followed by an exploring finger. Said finger was quickly replaced with a hard cock. I lustfully rode him for all his worth and he came quick. What I didn’t realize was that in the commotion someone else had entered to booth and almost instantly replaced spent cock with a thicker one. After fucking me for a minute he pulled out, leaned in and whispered “do you mind if I video this?”. That got my blood pumping and I “of course not, if you allow me to do the same”. He agreed and I saw the telltale light shining through the Gloryhole. I grabbed my phone as he pushed back into my sloppy hole and filmed him obviously enjoying the fact I had one in the chamber. I’m honestly not sure how many times he nutted, but it really doesn’t matter because the sex and his attitude was hot as fuck. Totally saved the night and made for a really hot vid
    9 points
  3. Part 3 There really is such a thing as a person who was born to be used for sex. Before I had my Faggot, I had always assumed that if I wanted to sell someone's body, I'd have to coerce them and control them through violence. To wipe away a person's entire identity and turn them into an object for gratifying men isn't easy - there's a lot of planning and a wide variety of illegal tasks that need to happen. Faggot, however, was always a bad boy at heart. He had been living with me for only a week, and sometimes I almost find myself having a soft spot for the kid when I see how much he truly enjoys being a whore. Of course, I didn't want to go too crazy on the kid. The past 3 days he spent resting heavily, coming back out of his comedown, eating, working out, and working out some more. I had to keep the boy healthy and functional. Since he didn't have a phone or anything and I couldn't really leave him unattended for long, he accompanied me on a few drug runs. I put in some applications for him to become a stripper (unfortunately they rarely hired twinks) and a few part-time jobs at any adult theater, sex shop, or bathhouse in the area. I had to milk him for every cent I could make from him, keep him busy, and find him a job that would help him scope out new clients, clients that are willing to pay for sex. I was going to make sure he had some routine. The first 3 days he was with me, though, I was going to make sure he started his new life with a bang. Before we did anything crazy, I had to cover my bases. In order to make it seem like he ran away, I had him go home the first day to collect his possessions when his parents were away at work and leave a handwritten note while I waited in my van two blocks down. I also had him withdraw everything from his savings account and pawn whatever he could from his possessions. The rest I burned in the trash. He had about enough to pay for some decent drug weight even after I pocketed some - it was all his to use, and it would definitely last him a while. Then I had him put on a hat and sunglasses in case we got spotted. Faggot was surprisingly eager, even getting excited to withdraw all his savings knowing what it was going towards. He just wanted to get all that stuff over with so we could go back to my place. As we drove in the van, we barely spoke. I made a point of talking to him only when necessary. The boy, however, was noisy as fuck. "I'm horny - what are you going to do to me - what if my parents catch us - I have to pee - when are we going to pick up the T..." 18 year-old twinks are like that. I either ignored him or offered one-word responses. He eventually quieted down, giving into the sexual tension. He couldn't keep his eyes off my bulging muscles, outlined by my extremely tight black wife-beater and skinny jeans. It's pretty much the only outfit I wear if I have to have clothes on. I parked the van halfway on the sidewalk because the street was too narrow to actually allow street parking. Faggot motioned to exit the car, and I pulled him back by his hair. I dragged his head next to my face so that my hot breath steamed up his cheek. "Listen, Faggot. I let you out on your own before because I couldn't be seen, but from now on, you do not exit the vehicle until I open the door for you. Don't worry. You won't forget, because the next time you ride in this van, you'll be in the back and I'll have you handcuffed with your leash tied to my head cushion. You won't be able to leave until I remove your restraints. If you make any attempt to escape, you won't get far, and when I catch you, you're gonna wish you were dead. You understand?" "Y-yes, sir," he said, trembling. "I won't try to run." I hopped out of the vehicle and went over to the passenger's side, and opened the door. I looked around, then beckoned him out. The second we walked through the door, I back-handed him with all my strength. He emitted a high-pitched yelp as the force of my slap knocked him to the ground. I stepped on him so that he couldn't get up, then menacingly, I growled, "The next time we take a ride, you shut the fuck up or I'll duct tape your mouth." I relished in the fear and surprise on his face. He was now afraid of me. I released my foot. Then in one sweeping motion, I pulled him to his feet by his tight little shirt, shoved him into the cave, undressed him save for his jockstrap, and chained him to the pipe before heading back out to unload the van of our haul, which included provisions as well as faves. Another obstacle I faced was actually finding clients to pay for him. With so many sluts out there fucking and getting fucked for free, it was hard to justify charging much for his body. Additionally, it was hard as hell advertising something you can't legally advertise. Thankfully I had enough power by word-of-mouth. My "business" afforded me a sizable network over the years. One of these connections was the owner of a Motel 6 outside of town, where I'd often stay for my deals. His name was Henry and was a rare latino manager who bought the motel from its previous ownership. I stayed there often mostly because it was one of the very few non-Indian-owned motels. While Indian managers are professional and mind their own business, they're often family-owned and would never engage in the debauchery of their room guests. Henry was different and is every bit a corrupt motherfucker as I am. Henry was older than me, actually, at 38, but with his shaven face, signature snapback, and rotation of T-shirts, jeans, and basketball shorts, he easily looked a decade younger. His arms, chest, sides, neck, and calves were covered in tattoos, and he wasn't as big as me, but standing at 5'11" and heavily toned, he definitely looked strong and somewhat intimidating. In exchange for some T and G, Henry always gave me a room on the house. He also had an under-the-table agreement with Officer Marino, an aggressive, 6'7", chiseled, no-nonsense cop with a buzzed head and muscles that even put mine to shame. The man looks like a human-sized hulk, and even his uniform, which is probably the largest size, can barely contain his humongous muscle. He had the most square jaw of anyone I'd ever seen and veins popping out of his neck. The man was never seen smiling. Marino loved his authority and wielded it like an asshole. He only had one problem: he had a serious sex addiction that he hides from his girlfriend and the rest of the force. Henry was happy to feed into that in order to ensure Marino kept any shady shit we did out of mind and out of sight. Prostitutes frequently stayed at the motel, and Henry could easily pick them out. He'd then notify Marino which rooms they were staying in, and he'd go in and threaten to arrest them unless they'd let him fuck them. He also paid Marino part of the proceeds from the women's room revenue and gave him a free room whenever he needed if he had a girl he wanted to fuck off-duty and needed a spot. Marino's girlfriend is a 21 year-old bombshell with daddy issues, always had her hair blown out, had huge fake tits that Marino paid for, and boasted an hourglass figure. She had obviously chosen the hyper-masculine 40 year-old Marino due to said daddy issues. According to Henry, Marino fucked her at least several times a day, but it wasn't enough to sustain his addiction, and he'd need to visit the motel an additional 3 or 4 times for a quick pump and dump. Marino worked the night shift (naturally), so he was off during the day. Perfect, since it was around 3PM, and Henry and Marino would happen to be my first clients for Faggot. Henry was excited as fuck when i told him about the boy and even offered to advertise my "escort agency" at his motel, especially if I was willing to do house calls at the motel. Of course, he had to try the product first. I'd let him try it on the house for helping me advertise. I had to bargain with Marino. A deeply closeted bisexual who picks up young twinks off grindr all the time to brutalize at the motel, Marino maintains that the boys are sluttier and free, and if he needs to get off and nothing is available, he'd settle for it. He reminded me that if I charged him, he'd come back and arrest me. I reminded him that we had plenty of dirt on him as well. More than enough for him to be discharged from the force. I promised him that this would be a better fuck than the average whore at the motel. He reluctantly agreed to pay me $25. Prompt as all hell, Marino showed up first at 3:25, 5 minutes before I told him to come. I had just finished shaving and douching Faggot, who now sat on the mattress in the cave waiting as I prepped his point. I open the door for Marino, who is also wearing a hat (backwards, of course) and sunglasses. His shirt was so tight around his chest, I couldn't even imagine how he got it on his body. Underneath, he wore baggy jeans and designer sneakers. I could smell Axe Cologne off of him as soon as I opened the door. We didn't greet each other, being two men with no kinship whatsoever. He unceremoniously popped his wallet open and handed me a 20 and a 5, and I led him to the cave. He stood at the door, just staring at Faggot. The blond boy, tan skin perfectly smooth and glistening from being coated in baby oil, looked up at him timidly with those bright blue eyes. Without acknowledging him, Marino started rubbing his crotch through his jeans. "Want some T?" I offered. "Can't. Drug test," he said tersely. "Ah...right. Viagra?" "Don't need it." All he did was undo his belt and unzip his jeans. No underwear underneath. A beautiful 8" tool with a giant head surfaced, and it was already hard as a rock. Marino is like me. He gets ridiculous boners from nothing, even if he came several times that day. He strode over to Faggot, slowly stroking his cock, looking down at him expectantly. He saw the leash that chained him to the pipe, and for the first time, I saw a smirk on his face. "Nice," he muttered under his breath. He ran a giant hand through Faggot's soft golden spikes. I pulled a ready point from the hot water cup. "You really gonna do that while I'm here?" Marino asked. He was being serious. "Actually," I said with an evil grin. "I was thinking you could help me. You're wearing a belt. Can we borrow it?" Marino hesitated, not knowing how to react. He looked at me, then looked at the boy, who was gazing wantonly at the point, scared that I wouldn't give it to him and also scared that I would. This was a new chapter for him. I wasn't going to make this the norm for him, but I decided that he should get a point for special occasions or as a treat. Today, he made me my first $25, which is almost nothing compared to each of the deliveries I made, but it was his christening. Marino surprised me by picking his belt up from the floor and tying it around Faggot's bicep. I walked over and sat on Faggot's side, found a good plump vein, and slid the needle in. He flinched just ever so slightly. I drew a flash of blood. "Does it hurt?" I asked. He shook his head. Then, I slowly plunged the contents of the syringe into his veins. Marino tried to mask his fascination, but he watched intently. As I pushed the plunger, he asked, "So what am I not allowed to do to him?" "Just don't seriously harm him," I offered. "If it goes too far, I'll stop you. But don't hold back." I pulled the point out, tossed it on the floor, swabbed him with alcohol, and raised Faggot's arm over his head. The boy's pupils became huge and went out of focus and out of sync. His eyes bulged as he coughed his whole chest away. I saw his jaw chatter even, and a whole shiver went through his body. It was a strange sight seeing such an archetypical tan, blond beauty cracked out of his whole mind. Before he could even fully recover, Marino had suddenly grabbed him by the throat and slapped him so hard across the face I was shocked a tooth didn't fly out given the man's sheer strength. "AHHOOW!" the boy managed to holler. He gasped, choking for breath, but before he could catch it, a man literally twice his size was over him, tossing him on his stomach and then pulling him up on all fours. I had coated Faggot's hole with vaseline and baby oil to prepare him. Almost fully clothed still, Marino covered Faggot's body almost completely with his, one arm grabbing him roughly by the face, the other hand groping him furiously, flicking his nipples, slapping and spanking him. From my view, I could only see his distressed and tweaked face and his legs splayed out in between Marino's jeans. Meanwhile, his dick was already pushing against his hole hard. I thought he was going to make Faggot gag on his dick, but he was so eager to fuck that he just skipped straight to it. Finally, the head popped in, and Faggot screamed so loudly and savagely you would've thought that Marino had been bludgeoning him with a hammer. Tears instantly brimmed in his eyes. Without skipping a beat, I unscrewed the poppers and put it to his nose, holding his nostrils for him. "Sniff as hard as you can," I commanded. "Daddy.... Daddy, it's too big," the boy feebly whimpered, snot and tears dripping from his face, but I ignored him and just kept making him whiff. Left, right, left, right, as deep as he can inhale. Marino had the courtesy to stay buried in him without moving, let his newly poppered-up hole start to relax and adjust to his dick. I then passed the poppers to Marino, who didn't decline this time. He felt like maybe it was a good time for it, and he took two decent whiffs before handing it off to me. As soon as he was done, he exploded into the most savage fucking I've ever seen. The giant hunk of brutal, merciless muscle pounded into the small boy as fast as a pogo stick, each impact so hard it made a thunderclap. "AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-URGHHGURHGH!" Faggot howled, his screams of surprise and momentary pain muffled by Marino's beefy fingers jamming down his throat. To think that this man was a sex addict was truly frightening. It was hard to even wrap my head around how many unfortunate twinks and whores he's devastated. I don't know how his girlfriend ever looks presentable the way he probably fucks her. This also marked the first time I ever saw Marino smile. A cold, sadistic smirk was plastered on his face as he fucked Faggot. He looked over at me sitting against the wall just watching, and his smirk widened to a grin. I grinned back. That's right. I wasn't going to stop him, and he realized that the delicate boy he's manhandling and fucking senseless is completely helpless and at his mercy. He loved making Faggot feel powerless, his hold on the boy so firm that he could barely even move his arms and legs. The room echoed with the sounds of Faggot's gagged and gargled screams and the loud SMACK SMACK SMACK of Marino's balls as he hammered without restraint. The more Faggot cried out, the more brutal Marino tried to be. At one point, the man raised his leg and stamped his boot down on Faggot's head, grinding his face into the mattress while he took his belt and lashed his ass, all the while fucking him like a rabbit. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMFFF!" Faggot tried to scream. One teary blue eye was barely visible, looking desperately around for help. "YEAAAHHA!" Marino responded, laughing as he tried to whip the boy even harder. "TAKE IT YOU STUPID, USELESS FAGGOT!" I approached, crouching down by the boy so that i could whisper in his ear. "Now you know what it means to be my whore, boy. Not even the police are going to be here to help you. This man is a cop and is gonna make sure no one stops me from selling you. This is just the beginning." Marino suddenly pulled out, causing Faggot to cry out in surprise as his giant dickhead popped out of his tight hole. He stepped off of his face, grabbed him by his leash, and yanked him roughly back, choking the boy. "This isn't enough for this faggot," Marino said, again in all seriousness. "You're right," I agreed. I whipped out my own cock, which was already hard from watching Marino use him. I looked down at the boy, who looked back up at me in tears of disbelief. He was so spun he was sweating profusely from the unbelievably overwhelming sex, and his eyes looked glassy from shock and dizziness. It was clear the point and the poppers made him lose control of his senses, and his body didn't even know how to react to the sudden onslought on his cunt. His hair was in disarray, being pulled in different directions by Marino and dripping beads of sweat onto his face. I harshly spit on him, smacking him across the nose and cheek. Faggot whimpered. Marino roughly shoved his sausage fingers into Faggot's mouth and pried it wide open. I then shoved my dick in, causing him to gag. I pulled out, drool and splutter flying everywhere. Then I thrust back in while Marino pushed his head onto my dick. Faggot gagged to the point of almost throwing up, but he had nothing to hurl. Hand still firmly clutching him by the hair, Marino got on his knees behind Faggot and slid right into his open pussy. A feeble gargled scream erupted from Faggot, drool bubbling and foaming at the corners of his mouth around my cock. He looked so sexy, his bright blue eyes all begging and tweaked out with a cock in his mouth and a giant man fucking him so hard from behind his little feet bounced on the mattress. The mattress springs screeched from the fucking. While it felt like an eternity for the boy, it had only been 25 total minutes of fucking before Marino pulled out and shoved into him with purpose, his body trembling. "Ahhh," he sighed with relief, relishing the heavenly feeling of his orgasm as it squirted inside Faggot, eliciting one final whimper. Then the room fell to a peaceful silent. When he pulled out, a splash of thick white cum oozed out, dripping down Faggot's taint and balls. The man was fertile as fuck to have cum that much when I know he's already came several times that day. Without a word, Marino zipped his fly, put his belt back on, and left, leaving the boy hardly recognizable from when he first came through the door. I looked down at Faggot, who was limp, and was surprised to see a satisfied smile form around on the boy's face, which went from anguished and tortured to grateful in seconds. "That was... Fuckk... Ermem... More. I like him," he slurred in his boyish squeak, still fucked up and his mouth barely functional from all the gagging and cock-sucking. I grabbed one ankle and spread his legs wide open. I spit on his used cunt and slid my iron-hard cock right in to the hilt, as deep as I can until I was sure it was fully buried. "Agghh!" he cried from surprise, and I grinned to myself as I saw the wasted little angel gasp with pleasure and a hint of pain. I decided I was going to fuck him until Henry showed up so that he wouldn't get a break. I loved hearing him moan and scream from getting fucked, and I snickered to myself that it was going to become white noise to me soon with how much I'm gonna get this Faggot fucked. Determined to not let Marino outdo me fucking my own boy, I flipped him onto his back and tore his legs almost into a split apart. Then I plunged in as hard as I could, causing him to gasp and yelp. "Daddy's going to really ruin you today, you filthy whore," I said, spitting on him as I tugged hard on his leash, choking him. I punch fucked him, pulling all the way out and slamming back in. While I did that, I twisted his nipple with one hand while I slapped him repeatedly with the other. "YOU LIKE THAT, FAGGOT?" "Y-" SMACK! "I ASKED YOU IF YOU LIKE MY DICK RIPPING YOUR SLOPPY LITTLE CUNT, YOU WHORE!" I roared, smacking him with a backhand this time. "YES, S-" SMACK! Everytime he opened his mouth, I smacked him. Seeing his boyish face tattered and red from my palm while his legs and feet flailed wildly around me as I pounded him turned me on even more. I was so aroused my dick went into overdrive and I knew right away I was close. "ARRR, FUCK BOY! I'M GONNA NUT IN YOU!" I bellowed. I grabbed his shoulders to shove him even further into me as I felt it come up, warm and sensitive, and then erupt for 10 seconds straight, ropes and ropes of cum inside his breeding hole. Part 4 coming soon
    9 points
  4. I was just relaxing when I got a text from a young top who likes to fuck me He said he was free this morning and wondered if my ass was available. I said sure and in 20 minutes he was here He brought with him his college roommate With out any fanfare he dropped his pants as I lay on the bed He lubed a little and the fucked me good He shot his load deep in my ass The roommate then asked if I wanted his load too he had a huge dick but with cum already in-he went in smoothly He fucked me till he shot a huge load in me Then they both left Noce way to start a week
    7 points
  5. Part 32 - Californian Christmas David looked at Bobby and hinted for him to go after him. Angelo restrained Franco holding his arm 'Let them sort it out Franco' he told him sternly, Franco resisted but saw the looks on Ethan and Ben's faces pleading for him not to go. Bobby found Josh sat outside on the terrace his head in his hands not quite crying but clearly in a distressed state of mind. "Josh" Bobby said walking towards him. "Go away please Bobby" Josh said keeping his head in his hands. Bobby stood there "What gives Josh?" he asked. "You, you felt so cold towards me, like you didn't want to acknowledge me" Josh said wiping his eyes. Bobby sat down next to him "What is it with Franco?" he replied. Josh looked at him "He is a friend" he said trying to justify his behaviour. "Josh don't play me like a fool, if it was just sex between us just say so" Bobby said standing up. Josh snapped like a twig hearing these words "Is that what you think" he stood up and pushed Bobby. Bobby stepped back "Yeah, just call me when you need fucking bitch" his reply coming strong from his emotions. Josh pushed him again crying "I will call a real man when I want fucking" he said louder this time. Bobby grabbed his hands to stop him pushing him again "Ask Franco then" he replied stopping the pushing. "Why do you suddenly hate me so much?" Josh replied pushing his arms against Bobby restraining. Josh fell against Bobby and wrapped his arms around him crying, Bobby put his arms around Josh and hugged him 'Don't you realise how much I like you Josh' he said immediately feeling Josh hugging him tighter. They stood there in each others arms whilst Josh cried the last of his emotions of Franco out from his body, someone wanted him and as unconventional as this was there was no fear for the unknown it was perhaps something he needed to hear. Josh calmed down enough to speak "You do?". Bobby kissed his head "I have never felt so excited as I did when we had sex and slept together". Josh let go of Bobby "I'm sorry I never realised you felt that way". Bobby looked Josh in the eye "You know how I feel the rest is up to you" he said with sincerity. "I just don't know, I can't promise you anything. Can I just get to know you?" Josh asked and Bobby nodded. Josh melted in Bobby arms feeling the security and longing he never knew he had wanted until now, Bobby wiped Josh's tear streaked face as their faces moved closer to each others and their lips met as if kissing for the first time with tender loving feeling. Mark watched from the open French windows of the lounge and smiled returning to the dining room as everyone looked up at him 'Josh is okay, I think they just needed some breathing space to talk'. Bobby and Josh returned to the dining just as they were all piling out and heading in to the family lounge with the Christmas tree and the now piles of presents sitting underneath it. Maddy looked over the moon "Wow it has been some years since we had this many presents under the tree" she remarked. "It's been the best present having the house full again" David said kissing his wife. Angelo's phone began ringing again "I am sorry let me take this outside" he said. Mark looked at Ethan "Who is ringing him?" he asked. "Raffa that CEO or something from the company in NY" Ethan casually replied "Probably with another buy out offer". "Seriously is he desperate to buy the company or what?" Mark replied. Angelo returned "Sorry about that, David do you think after the wedding you can help me?" he asked. David nodded "Of course Angelo nothing bad I hope?" he asked. "No, this company wants to buy me out but I am not sure if I am ready for that" Angelo responded looking at Ethan. David patted his shoulder "Anything to help you Angelo you know that" he replied. Maddy had a pile of presents set aside, one for everyone that they could open tonight as the tradition in the family, it didn't take long before laughter filled the room as each one opened it and found a designer polo shirt and jock strap. She laughed hard at seeing every ones eyes when they realised and explained it was Mark's idea about the jock strap, even David unwrapped one and collapsed with laughter as they boys taunted him to put it on. Mark handed his mother her present and quickly said it was Ben's idea before she could open it. Her eyes widened in surprise as she held up a bottle of Chanel perfume and quickly overcome with emotion and thanked him as it was exactly the perfume she liked. It was getting late and the night's frivolities finished and everyone started to slip off and head to bed. Bobby sat next to Josh with his jock strap over his head much to Josh's delight, he found Bobby funny but also seeing him a different light as a very attractive and sexual man. He mused things over for a minute and looked at Franco where he saw a friend but nothing more, he pulled the strap over Bobby's ear giggling and let it spring back against his head. Bobby turned and looked at Josh "Are you taunting me" he mocked smiling at him. "Maybe, maybe not" Josh replied looking Bobby in the eye "Sleep with me tonight' he said and Bobby nodded. Mark and Angelo looked at each other and smiled noticing the change in Josh's body language and general happiness at being next to Bobby and focusing his attention in his direction rather than at Franco. Mark and Ben were last to leave the lounge and headed up to their room. Ben collapsed on the bed "Amazing, what a great evening" he said patting the empty space next to him. Mark laid back next to him "That was a great idea for my mother don't know how we can better that" he said. Ben looked at him "I still haven't got you anything" he said rolling on top of Mark kissing him. Mark laughed "You have given me everything I want Ben". "Are you sure?" Ben said running his hand down Mark's thigh. Mark kissed Ben tenderly on the mouth "Absolutely". The butler brought coffee in as usual at 8am and Maddy sat up in bed full of beans whilst David suffering a little from too much champagne the night before was still getting himself together. Maddy heard the laughter coming from outside and asked the butler what was going on he smiled and replied that the lads where swimming but in very unconventional attire. Maddy laughed suspecting they were swimming in their Christmas presents, she put on her robe and went over to the window and walked out on to the balcony overlooking the pool and burst into laugher seeing Ben sat on the side in his bright red jock strap. She called back in to the bedroom "David you have to see this". David grabbed his robe and joined her "Are they wearing what I think they are?" "They are indeed" she replied as David went to get his phone. "One for the family album" he said taking a picture. The butler appeared handing Maddy her coffee "Thank you George, can you take coffee and towels out to them as well". "Of course" George replied and stepped out. Mark noticed his parents and waved "Happy Christmas" he shouted. "It certainly is" Maddy replied laughing as everyone in the pool stopped and shouted up at them. David looked at his wife "Might as well join them". "Ahead of you" Maddy said darting back in the bedroom and finding her costume and David put on the jock strap. Maddy looked at him "Maybe I get you to wear that tonight" she said slipping her robe on. Christmas morning had never been like this at Liongate as a pool party erupted, George the butler brought champagne and pastries out and set them on the table. Pedro was pulled in the pool by Mark and Ben and even Maria was persuaded to join in, George however paddled a little in between jobs and enjoying a glass of champagne. It was coming up to 10am before they all climbed out of the pool and enjoyed coffee on the terrace. George appeared fully dressed and announced that the Duke and Duchess of Murcia would be here at 2pm for lunch. "Duke and Duchess?" Ethan asked looking at Mark and David. Mark laughed "Yes my grand parents" he said. David reminded the group "Please remember dignity and respect over lunch guys, really important" he said. Ethan turned to Angelo "So are you Spanish descent, I thought it was Puerto Rico?". Angelo and Franco laughed "We are Spanish but true descent but distant family to Mark" Angelo explained. "Still family though" David said getting up to join Maddy to get ready. Bobby excused himself "Sorry I have to get dressed you know Duke and Duchess big news" he kissed Josh and left. Mark saw Franco's look on his face "So are you and Bobby going to see each other?" Mark asked. Josh looked at Franco who nodded and smiled "I think we will see how things go, I mean he is in LA". "Do you like him Josh?" Franco asked to every ones surprise. Josh looked unsure what he was thinking "Yes I like him a lot" he said apprehensively. Franco smiled "Then make it work Josh, he is a very nice guy". David reappeared "Guys put some clothes on, poor Pedro can't concentrate, Mark, Ben" he hinted to them to follow. Ben found himself going in to Maddy and David's private lounge off their bedroom, a few small gift wrapped boxes laid on the table, Mark went off to get their present for David and Maddy and returned as Maddy returned from dressing. David handed Ben a box "This is from Maddy and I, something for you to use when you visit". Ben opened the box and found a set of car keys "What" he looked at them "seriously over the top". Maddy laughed "Look what type of car it is" she kept on giggling. Ben turned the key chain over "BMW" he read "Oh very funny" he laughed and kissed Maddy and David. "I hope you like it Ben but we can change the colour if you don't" David said. Ben politely accepted "No I am sure it will be spot on" he said looking at the keys. Mark put his arm around him "He thinks it is to much I told you so" he said kissing him on the head. "You can have a look at it later as it is in the garage" David said smiling. They all swapped gifts and Ben watched at a scene he had seen many times with his own family back in Harrison, but this was just so different and actually he felt completely part of a family instead of half in with his step father, he watched Mark who was clearly happy and that made Ben happy, it was whilst he watched and laughed joining in his mind was finally made up. It would be a big change but he had never felt sure enough as he did right now, a very life changing decision had been made. Maddy poured coffee for them all "Everything all right Ben?" she asked looking over at him. Ben nodded "It is, well almost as I just have one more thing I need to say" he replied. Mark looked at Ben "This sounds ominous" he nervously laughed. Ben took a breath "I know Mark misses it here and the love you have showed me has been so amazing and generous". Maddy waved her hand "Don't be silly Ben you are family". Ben nodded "If Mark agrees I would like us to set up home here at 321". Mark threw his arms around Ben "Of course it is, this is the best present you could have given". Maddy stood up "And us, that is wonderful news Ben" she came over and kissed him. "And you will stay here until 321 is ready or longer hopefully" David said hugging him. "Thank you father" Ben said giggling Maddy looked at them both "What's going on here... father and you haven't called me mother yet?". Ben blushed "Sorry, but can I?" he asked as Mark laughed. Maddy shook her head smiling "You are marrying my son Ben so I expect you to". Whilst Maddy and David got everything ready for lunch and the arrival of their guests Mark and Ben took the guys for a walk down to 321 St Pierre Rd. Proudly they introduced the house as their new home to much astonishment, Ethan hugged Ben telling him how much he was going to miss him. Mark held Ben's hand knowing this was a big decision "Are you absolutely sure this is what you want Ben?". Ben nodded "Yes, very sure Mark". By the time they got back to Liongate Mark's sister and husband with children had arrived, Bobby was in the reception room photographing The Duke and Duchess of Murcia with their daughter and son in law, Mark and Selina then joined the photograph and finally Ben and John joined to complete the family photos. Maddy made a phone call to the society magazine and sold it instantly making Bobby his first commission. The Duchess who held the inherited title met Ben in private with Mark and the Duke, then introduced to the rest of the group, Selina, John, Angelo and Franco didn't need introducing but were the only ones who she kissed rather than shook hands. Christmas lunch was a light meal with very Spanish influence and over with pretty quickly, Maddy already explained they would have a full Christmas dinner in the evening after opening the last presents. After the Duke and Duchess left at 3.30pm Maddy seemed to relax a lot after saying good bye and to see them at 4pm the following day for the wedding, she sat next to Josh handing him a glass of wine. "Join me in a drink Josh I need it" she said heaving a sigh of relief. David walked in and saw the scene laughing "Every year the same, be careful Josh you might end up her drinking partner". "Don't listen to him, I always need one to calm me down when they leave" Maddy said smiling at him. Josh laughed clinking glasses with her and sipping his wine "Is it that bad?" he asked. Maddy laughed "No, I love my parents but sometimes the formality gets to much" she replied. "At least you have order with them, mine are just busy and hardly around" Josh said relaxing on the sofa. Maddy looked at him "So how come you don't have a boyfriend?" she asked knowing full well what she was doing. Josh sipped his wine "I have never really wanted one" he replied looking at Maddy. Maddy nodded "You don't feel out of it being the only single one?" she asked judging his reaction carefully. Josh looked at several members of the gang "Sometimes I wish I had someone to share things with". Maddy patted his leg "What about you and Bobby?" she asked catching Josh off guard. "Oh Bobby, yeah it felt nice being with him again" Josh replied a little hesitantly. Maddy chuckled "Nice, a strange word to use. Do you love him?". Josh looked at her unsure what to say of how he did feel "I don't know". "Why don't you hang around for a couple of days or longer if you want" Maddy asked him quietly. Josh smiled and leaned back in the sofa "I would love to but I have to get back home and find work". Maddy looked at him "What sort of work?" she asked. "Studied web design so something in that field" Josh said looking at Bobby talking to Mark and David. Angelo sat down on the other side of Josh "You can build a website for Bobby and David's new PR company". Josh laughed "Have you been listening and am I being press ganged here" he said lightly punching Angelo on the leg. "Told you he was smart Maddy" Angelo said rubbing Josh's head "Think about the job offer Josh". "I can't just leave my family" Josh said with horrified look on his face. Angelo smiled "You can have a desk at my offices if you want and work from there and fly out here when you need to". "Or want to" Maddy chipped in "but don't feel as though you are being pressured Josh it is your decision". Josh shook his head smiling "I don't know, let me speak to my parents first" he said thanking Maddy and Angelo. Maddy stood up "Stay here at Liongate for the week with Bobby, after all he talks about you all the time". "He does?" Josh replied sounding surprised as Maddy nodded and walked off. Josh sat there nursing his glass of wine thinking over what had just happened and had he really been offered a job, something that would give him the opportunity to be in LA with Ben and Mark as well as Bobby. How did he really feel about Bobby was another mystery which he needed to solve, his thoughts spinning around in his head so much so that he didn't Ethan and Ben walk past and head outside until they walked through the doors. Josh stood up and wandered outside wanting to speak to them, he saw them sit down by the pool and headed over. Ben sat back in his chair "What do you make of Franco, do you think he has changed?" he asked Ethan. "Certainly seems a little cautious, do you think he knows we know?" Ethan replied. Ben shrugged his shoulders "Hard to say, but Maddy even told me he had dabbled". Ethan nodded "Seems he prefers Latino men and women according to his mother" he informed Ben. "Josh needs to be told otherwise it could complicate things going forward" Ethan said to him. Josh stood behind them listening and spoke up "Tell me what?" he asked making Ethan and Ben jump. "Josh, how long have you been there?" Ben asked turning to see him. Josh came round and sat down "Long enough to hear you both talk about Franco". Ethan looked down embarrassingly "Sorry Josh, we wanted to say something but was told not to until...". "It's okay" Josh cut him off "I would have been upset if you told me this a week ago" he said. Ethan looked at Ben "And now?" Ben asked. Josh smiled and kissed Ben "I found out that Bobby seems keen on me". Ethan laughed "You have only just realised that?" he asked. Josh nodded "Yeah, a few things made sense last night and today and I realised I was more excited to see him". "So what are you going to do then?" Ben asked putting his arm around Josh's shoulder. "He should make a go of it" Ethan offered up closing his eyes and taking the sun on his face. Josh looked over at them both "I still love Franco but as a friend and Bobby is sex on legs" he laughed. Ben looked at Josh "I would definitely do him if I didn't have Mark" he chuckled hugging Josh. "I am going to take Maddy's offer up of staying here for a week and see how things go" Josh said gazing out over the pool. Ethan nodded his eyes still closed "Good decision Josh, what about the job offer?". "How do you know about that?" Josh asked turning to look at Ethan's smile on his face. Ethan's smile grew bigger "I heard Maddy and Angelo talking to you about it" he replied. Ben laughed "Well I haven't told Angelo that I am leaving yet so there is my job there". "He knew it the first time you came back from Liongate that you wouldn't be around" Ethan said patting Ben's knee. Ben laughed shaking his head "I just have to break the news to my mother and father". Josh stood up "Right I need to go find Bobby". Ethan looked at his watch "I need to hit the gym for half an hour, promised Adam and Angelo we would work out". "Your turning in to a right muscle mary Ethan" Ben said jokingly standing up whilst Josh laughed in the background. "Take you both down any day" Ethan replied waving his hand nonchalantly. Ben and Josh looked at each other and quickly grabbed hold of Ethan lifting him off the floor and throwing him in to the pool with a big splash. Ethan stood there up to his chest in the water splashing the two of them and cursing at them. David walked out to see what the commotion was, he laughed at the sight and called Ben as Mark was waiting for him to go to the airport to pick his mother and step father up. The road were fairly quiet as the limo made good time and parked up in the VIP area, Mark and Ben went in to the arrivals concourse to see the flight had landed and they stood waiting at the exit. Margarite and Steven appeared 15 minutes later. Ben gave his mother a hug and kiss "Thank you for coming" he said realising how much he missed her. Margarite gave Mark a hug and kiss "Are you sure were not imposing on staying with you?" she asked. Mark shook his head "No there is plenty of rooms and my parents insisted you stay". Steven gave Ben a hug "Your looking well" he said "California obviously agrees with you". Mark put his hand on Ben's shoulder "Welcome Mr Midler" he said "Our car is outside". The journey back to Liongate was just as a quick and Margarite was keen to find out what they had been up to since flying out to LA, Mark engaged in conversation with Steven since he knew how distant Ben and his relationship had grown over the last few years. Steven looked up at Liongate as the limo pulled up to the front of the mansion. "Is this where you live?" Steven asked looking at Mark. Mark nodded "Yes this is our family home". Steven got out of the limo looking at the imposing building "It is magnificent". "Ben this place looks amazing" Margarite said stepping out of the limo. Ben joined his mother "Took my breath away first time I saw it" he said. Margarite spotted the black BMW parked in the courtyard "Is that, no can't be". Ben followed his mother's gaze and laughed "Yes it is mine, Christmas present from Mark's parents". Margarite shook her head "I hope your not becoming spoilt beyond your means" she said looking at him. "Sorry, my parents fault they like Ben an awful lot" Mark stepped in and took Margarites arm. Ben looked at his step father "Shall we" he said walking slightly ahead of Steven. Steven stopped for a moment "I'm sorry about how I treated you Ben" he said. Ben turned "You made life difficult for my family, just don't disrespect me or my father whilst you are here". It was a stark warning and seem to come from a more confident Ben than he had known, Steven guessed that Rob had probably told him everything explaining why he was ever so more distant towards him. Steven and Margarite were introduced to Mark's parents and chatted for a few minutes before George the butler showed them up to their room so they could freshen up and change for dinner. The caterers arrived at the house since it was tradition that all the household staff dined with the family on Christmas night plus it was going to be a dinner for Mark and Ben with most of the close family in attendance. By six o'clock Angelo and Franco's parents had arrived and spent a good twenty minutes talking with Maddy and David catching up. Rob and Heike with their two children arrived at the front of the house. Heike shook her head in amazement at the size of the mansion as Rob came round to her side 'My god this place is huge' Rob said taking her hand and calling the children over. Mark came out of the front door and walked down to meet them. Heike went over and kissed him on the cheek and Rob gave him a hug. Mark and Ben had been a big hit with their children as well and were excited to see Mark again. "Ben is excited to see you again, come on in" Mark said taking the kids hands and leading them in. Rob was looking at the BMW and the number plate that read BMW 321 "Who's that flashy BMW belong to?" Mark turned back and smiled "That belongs to Ben" he replied. They walked through and met Maddy and David "Welcome, I guess we will be family from tomorrow" Maddy said laughing. David gave Heike a kiss on the cheek "So pleased to meet you both, come through everyone is on the terrace". Rob spotted him, slightly older and not so skinny now "Ethan" he called out. Ethan turned and smiled recognising him immediately and they hugged "So good to see you again" he said. "Wow you have grown up since I last saw you" Rob said stating the obvious. "Angelo, this is Ben's father and this is Angelo my partner" Ethan said introducing them. Rob looked slightly stunned "Oh, sorry I didn't know you were gay as well" he replied looking at Ethan. Ethan laughed "Yeah, very long long story" he said. "I can't imagine your father took it too well or even let you drift off like that" Rob said with curiosity. Ethan nodded "It was not easy but Angelo won them over" he replied. Heike listened "I think he could win anyone over" she said nodding approvingly. "Quite stunning isn't he Heike" Ethan laughed and Heike continued nodding. "Errm I can hear you both" Angelo said chuckling and putting his arm around Ethan. Margarite and Steven walked out on to the terrace and introductions were made, Rob said hello to Margarite and nodded at Steven before continuing his conversation with Mark ignoring them since he didn't want to engage with them any further. After all Steven was the cause of their long time friendship breaking down, he had always been jealous of Rob at school getting all the hot girls and landing Margarite. But he somehow wormed his way in to bed with Margarite causing the marriage to breakdown and then to top it all he tried to make it out to be Rob's fault. Margarite was please to see Ethan, she also knew Adam, Tony and Angelo from sight. Heike noticed the tall bearded young man appearing on the terrace "And who is that?" she said to Ethan. Ethan turned and smiled "That is Bobby he works for the Davenports but is also a friend". Rob laughed "Heike behave" he said. "It's okay he is gay" Ethan replied laughing and noticing several others turn to see him. Josh was walking by Bobby's side hand in hand as they came in to full view. Maddy smiled and Angelo winked at her seeing that maybe their little nudging on Josh was beginning to pay off. Franco looked at Josh and smiled nodding as if he was giving a seal of approval to his friend, he walked over to Mark and asked if he could bring a plus one to the wedding. Mark looked at him for a moment before asking if it was a guy, Franco nodded somewhat embarrassed but Mark told him that if Josh was okay with it then he could invite him. Franco looked at his phone and saw the message from Joaquim that simply said 'Joaquim AA flight', he typed a reply 'I need to ask first but if you are free tomorrow want to come to a wedding as my plus one?' he pressed the send button not really sure if Joaquim would respond. The whole evening turned out to be full of fun and laughter and as the dinner party split in to the lounge and terrace Franco felt his pocked vibrate, he pulled the phone out and saw a reply from Joaquim 'Your a fast mover, and yes to both if okay'. Franco felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Bobby standing behind him. "Sorry am I interrupting you?" Bobby asked seeing Franco's shocked look. Franco shook his head "No, you just took me by surprise. How's Josh?" he asked. "He is okay, well I think so I am just not sure what is going on with him" Bobby replied looking towards Josh. Franco looked at Bobby "I think he likes you more than he is admitting" he told him. Bobby nodded "Is it going to cause tension between us if it becomes serious?" he asked. Franco smiled "No, I love him as a friend, but being Latino I kind of prefer Latinos myself". Josh watched them chatting and walked over "What are you two conspiring?" he asked giggling. Bobby put his arm around Josh "Who should have you" he said laughing. Josh laughed "Don't I get a say in this?". Franco looked at Josh seriously "So who do you want Josh?". Josh looked at Franco and smiled "I know what you have been up to in Miami". "Ah, let me explain.." Franco started saying looking slightly shocked. Josh stopped him "Franco stop I love you as a friend, but this one is who I am more interested in" he said. Bobby looked at Josh "Finally he sees it" Bobby said hugging him tighter. Franco smiled "Good choice Josh. Just one other thing can I bring someone tomorrow?" he asked. Josh looked at him "It's not my wedding Franco". "Mark told me I need to ask you" Franco replied. Josh smiled at him "Of course you can, is it a guy?". Franco nodded "Yes, a flight attendant who upgraded me yesterday on the flight over". Josh laughed "Well I hope he is hot and you don't mess him around". Franco laughed and walked off "So your interested then" Bobby asked Josh. "Yes, I can stay on after the wedding if you would like me to" Josh replied. Bobby kissed his head "I would love that, how long will you stay?". Josh looked at him "Until you get bored of me" he laughed. Bobby turned to face Josh and took him in his arms kissing him deeply to several wolf whistles from Ethan and Ben who stood laughing watching them. Guests were departing until only the people staying at Liongate remained and they sat chatting well in to the evening before retiring to get some sleep before the big day. The day was beautiful, warm and sunny as the wedding planners arrived and set everything up with efficiency and speed in the Marquee that was set up over the tennis court, the final preparations for the ceremony location were made and everything was ready as guest arrived and began mingling and taking their seats on the lawn facing the magnificent Liongate as the backdrop. Franco picked up Joaquim at midday and after a slightly nervous start by Joaquim being in the presence of so many well known people and Franco's family he soon settled in with the group, as usual Adam had taken an instant fancy to him and flirted non stop whilst Tony and Franco looked on laughing at him. Mark and Ben stood inside the lounge overlooking the ceremony venue with Rob and David who insisted on walking their sons down the aisle and at precisely 2pm they walked out together whilst the photographer from Hello magazine began taking photos. The simple but perfect ceremony took 30 minutes, Margarite cried almost all the way through more so out of seeing how happy Ben and Mark looked. Maddy had pulled everything together seamlessly and the guests were now enjoying some partying after the wedding breakfast had finished. Ben got both sets of his parents together at the pool terrace so he could break the news about him moving to LA, but Mark stopped him and suggested they walk down to 321. Mark unlocked the front gate to reveal the 321 mansion albeit much smaller than Liongate it was still impressive. Ben stood in the courtyard out front "Mum, Dad, this is where Mark and I are going to live" he said. "Your moving to LA?" Margarite said sounding surprised. Rob and Heike were over the moon "That is great news" Rob said. Margarite looked at Rob and smiled knowing it would be no use arguing "It's a lovely house, bit big for you". Ben held his mothers hand "It has to be for when you both come to stay". Steven acknowledged it as a step forward in their relationship "Thank you Ben and Mark". Mark looked at Heike "So it does need redoing inside Heike". "Oh, you want me to do the interior?" Heike asked sounding excited. "Absolutely, you can draw up some plans over the next two weeks if you have time" Ben said laughing at her excitement. Heike nodded "Yes, I will take this one on personally" she agreed. Rob looked at Mark "Thank you" he said. They had a quick look around "Modern but not flashy, Ben likes simple things" Mark told Heike. Heike nodded "It is a lot of house how long do I have?" she asked looking at Ben and Mark. "As long as you need" Ben replied "we can stay at Liongate until finished". Heike pulled Mark to one side "What sort of budget?" she asked. Mark shrugged his shoulders "I don't know how is 2 million to start with?" he suggested. Heike gasped "I could rebuild it for that" she laughed "I will come in under". Mark smiled "Needs to be a home like yours in Laguna, Ben loved your place". Heike nodded understanding exactly what to do, they returned to Liongate and Mark handed Heike the keys and telling her that the security gate will know who you are. The party was still in full swing inside and outside of the Marquee, what surprised them when they returned was Angelo, Franco and Bobby laying on the lawn chatting whilst Josh and Joaquim paddled in the pool with Ethan, Tony and Adam along with Rob and Heike's kids. Mark swung Ben around and kissed him "Love you so much Ben". Ben smiled "I love you more" he replied and kissed him back. Maddy walked over with an envelope and handed it to Ben "Your honeymoon details". Ben opened it up "Barbados yes" he said excitedly giving Maddy a kiss. Mark took the envelope "Salinger Barbados Royal Orchid suite, wow thank you both" he said as David joined them. David smiled "Your on the 10.30 flight in the morning". "Hope you don't mind but Bobby will come out next week for a couple of days to get some photos" Maddy said. Ben nodded "And will Josh be joining him?" he asked. Maddy nodded "Hopefully, he has agreed to stay here a while longer. His parents are sending his passport over". Ben crashed out on the sofa by the pool knackered from the day as evening wore on and guests had departed, Mark cam over and held out his hand 'Come on husband, lets go to bed I'm exhausted' he said pulling Ben up off the sofa 'Me to' Ben replied as they walked hand in hand inside and up the stairs for some peace and quiet finally.
    7 points
  6. Years ago, before getting into a relationship, I spent a lot of time on adam4adam and the craigslist hookup pages having some fun with guys near me. I mostly played safe, but sometimes the pig mood struck and went bareback. By the time I got into a relationship, I was still testing clean. One of these adam4adam finds was this young twink who was just discovering his love for being a cum pig. First time we met, he milked a load out of me while riding my cock in my car in a dark parking lot. I rarely top, but this twink knew how to work his ass! One of the times I went over to his place, he greeted me with a sloppy hole. It was my first time sliding in a well used hole, and it felt fucking amazing. I dumped a load in him and he was so horny and hard that he offered to breed me. I was game! He got behind me and I spread out my ass to get ready for his cock. He pushed his pre-cum soaked head against my hole, and I went hard again instantly. Right before he started to push in, he looked at the clock and jumped back. "Shit! My mom will be here any minute!! Sorry man, you gotta go". I wasn't about to be part of any drama, so I quickly dressed up and left before his mom arrived. Not long after our last hook up, I found myself dealing with some VD. I freaked out a bit at the time, and texted him to let him know about it. He replied and said that he had gotten so carried away taking loads, that he had gotten a lot of bugs, including HIV. He had just found out he was poz, but he was handling it well. I had started dating someone when this happened, but I got SO hard reading about his diagnosis, thinking that if he had bred me that day, he would have dumped a fully toxic load in me. I saved his number, just like I have always saved porn and dirty stories, to look at later. (To be continued)
    5 points
  7. So... finally!... the conclusion: ---- PART 6: REVELATIONS — Ryan: Sunday Evening — The Bird of Prey was packed this evening, the mass of bodies pushing Ryan closer to Carl. He didn’t mind. The room was hot but this man… well, he was even hotter. Carl leaned again the wall and pulled Ryan’s shoulders against his chest. His lips tasted the sweat on Ryan’s neck. And his cock, held tight in his jeans, felt like a steel bar against Ryan’s ass. He knew what Carl wanted. And he wanted it just as much. But… Carl hand reached around and started unfastening Ryan’s jeans. Ryan tilted his head back, hoping to be heard over the crowd. “You are HIV negative, right.” There was a pause. “I never said I was negative, boy.” Just loud enough for Ryan to hear over the crowd. Ryan’s heart almost stopped. He turned around quickly to face the other man. “But you said… Carl leaned forward so Ryan could hear him. “We can’t hear each other here. Come back to my place and we can talk there.” The twink nodded and let Carl steer him out of the club. — Ryan: 30 Minutes later — “Ok. I get that I could have asked it better. But you must have known what I meant.” They were sitting on Carl’s sofa. Ryan felt sick to his stomach but, strangely, Carl’s arm around his shoulder made him feel better. “Of course. But I also knew you needed help to be the slut you were born to be. So I helped.” “But… “ “Shhhh.” Carl’s finger found Ryan’s lips. “See the problem here is you are letting the prejudices of your background influence your thinking. Tell me: did it feel good to be in a bar of horny men and having them use you? Cum in you?” “But… “ Ryan started to argue but the look in Carl’s eyes quieted him down. He sighed. “Yes. It felt good. I felt free.” “Because, deep down, you know what you are. What you are born to be.” “A slut.” Ryan whispered. “A slut.” Carl agreed. “A cum dump. And that means that, sooner or later, you are going to get the bug. Again, I’m just helping things along.” Ryan said nothing. Carl’s big arm felt so good around his shoulder. He could smell the faint hint of sweat coming from the man’s armpit. It smelt so good. He just wanted to bury his face in there and lick in clean. He had to admit that he had felt so good in the nightclub. It HAD felt SO right. And, really, hadn’t he already made his decision that night? He looked down at Carl’s crotch. Hard. Waiting. Ready. He reached out his hand to rest against that bulge. “So, are you going to let me fuck your ass again? With this big, black cock? With this POZ cock?” “Yes.” Ryan’s fingers began working the black man’s zipper. Freeing his cock. “Yes what, boy?” “Yes, Sir.” “Good boy.” — Jared: Monday Morning — Jared groaned as he woke. Every night, more dreams. Sucking. Getting Fucked. Begging for more. Back in the park toilet, or with Hal, or with Ryan, or with one of his professors, or some guy he had seen around campus. Every morning: waking with his white briefs filled with cum from his wet dreams. He hadn’t actually been back to the toilets since that one night. It was a sin. He wanted — needed — to confess, repeat, and be morally clean. But the dreams were so intense. So amazing… He climbed out of bed walked into the bathroom, pulling down and discarding his underwear as he went. With a contented sigh he let out his morning pee… … ow! Burning. Discomfort. He glanced down. The head of his penis was covered in some sort of fluid. Kind of yellow. 
No. No. No. No! NO! He had been so good for so long. It couldn’t be. One indiscretion he told himself. Just one. It wasn’t fair! He couldn’t have an STI. Couldn’t. — Jared: Wednesday Afternoon — Jared slouched on the examination room chair. He had known what they were going to tell him. A quick internet search had confirmed his fears. But it was confirmed: both gonorrhoea and chlamydia. And they wanted him to come back in a month or so for an HIV test. Strangely, all he could think about was hoping no one had seen him come in to this clinic either to get tested on Monday afternoon or back in today for results. If anyone he knew saw him here… well… he would just die. “So. You know there are questions we have to ask.” The young man across the table said with a patient and understanding half-smile. “Do you know where you may have been exposed and contracted the infection? Particularly sex without a condom.” Jared’s face flushed red. “Yes. Last Tuesday. I met someone… well. Not met. I was… um. I didn’t plan on it. Didn’t mean it to happen.” “It’s ok. Relax. Infections like these are very common in people your age. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it.” The other man paused. “Last Tuesday you say? Well. Technically that is within the window for the result to show up. But only barely. Any other sexual partners before then?” “No. Only. …” Jared scowled. “There was one other guy. He was my first.” “We need to have him come in for testing as well. It sounds like it didn’t end well. If you want, we can give you a card to mail to him to let him know.” The thought of contacting Hal made Jared want to retch. No. He wouldn’t be doing that. — Friday evening — “… and this is Carl.” When Ryan had said he wanted to introduce him to “the man in his life”, Jared had not been sure what to expect. But, whatever Jared expected, it wasn’t Carl. He noticed the little details about Carl first: older — probably almost 30 — the beard, the muscular build, the chocolate skin. The second thing, almost immediately behind the first was the feeling of a quiet and assured authority in the way he carried himself. Like someone who was used to being obeyed. Jared admitted to himself that he felt a bit intimidated. “It’s nice to meet you.” He managed to say. Intimidating or not, Carl’s smile was friendly and genuine. “Great to meet you too. Ryan has told me a lot about you.” “Some of it good, I hope.” “Some of it good, yeah. Although…” Carl paused. “… he said you are still a virgin? And that you don’t drink? We may have to revoke your gay card if that’s true.” He said it with such a straight face that, for just a moment, Jared thought Carl was genuinely disappointed. Then they all laughed. “Well…. maybe not so much of a virgin anymore.” Ryan’s mouth dropped open. “What? Spill the gossip. What have you been hiding from me.” “I met a guy, one thing led to another.” Ryan looked like he was about to ask a million questions. “I’ll tell you about it some other time.” Jared said quickly. “It didn’t end well and I don’t want tonight to be about that.” Carl’s hand rested on his shoulder. “Men are pigs. All of us. Don’t let the assholes get you down. And, in the meanwhile, congratulations on getting to keep your gay card.” They all laughed again and Jared felt relieved that it was out in the open. — Jared: Six Weeks Later — Jared felt a bit sick when he walked back to the waiting room. The clinic wasn’t as busy today, the day he and Ryan had both come in for their HIV tests. They had called Ryan in first. He had been called in a few minutes later. Then, the wait. They had called Ryan back in for results first. Jared had been called in before Ryan returned. Ryan was there now, waiting for him. He looked a little pale but Jared couldn’t see the same fear in his friend’s eyes that he himself felt. Ryan looked up as he approached. Their eyes met. Understanding. Acceptance. No words were needed, but Ryan spoke anyway: “You too, huh?” Jared nodded. “Welcome to the club, I guess. Let’s go get a coffee and then I need to call Sir and tell him the news.” “I still don’t understand your relationship.” Jared whispered as they left. “But I’m a bit jealous of it right now.” “You’ve always been jealous.” Ryan whispered back with a quiet laugh. Yeah. Jared thought to himself. But now I’m not jealous of Carl getting you. I’m jealous of you having Carl. — Jared: That evening — It was dark now. The sun had gone down a couple hours again and Jared was still walking. He just didn’t feel like going home yet. Ryan hadn’t wanted to leave him but Jared had insisted. He just need time to think things through. No, he assured his friend, he wasn’t going to hurt himself. Yes, he had promised, he would call in the morning. Now what? That was the question he kept coming back to. He hadn’t been to Church in a month. He kept finding reasons not to go. Excuses really. He knew them for what they were. He should go back this Sunday he told himself. He missed the stability the Church had always provided but it seemed distant to him now. But he he hadn’t had sex again either. He wanted it. He dreamt about it. But he abstained. Part of repentance was not repeating the sin. So no more sex. Not since that night. In the park. The park. He looked around. He was in the park now. And there. Just ahead. The little building with the park toilet. His wandering feet had brought him here. Of all places. He should go. Go home and pray. But he didn’t. He opened the door and walked into the men’s toilet. The room smelled like man sex. Sweat. Cum. He filled his lungs with the heavy air like a drug. He entered the stall, locked it, and sat down on the toilet. He was just thinking, he told himself. This was a quiet place. As good as any. But there was the glory hole. He stared at it like he was looking into the maw of hell. He wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting there when someone else came in. They tried his stall and then entered the one next to it. He could see them, or at least the shadow of them, through the hole. He knew what was coming. There was no question about what the other man would do. Only about what he would do in return. And, yes, there it was. A cock coming through the hole. It was big and a bush of ginger pubic hair surrounded it. He could even make out a scorpion tattoo on the hip. Probably POZ then. Like him. His brain still struggled. And argued. But his body knew what to do. He had, after all, done this once before. He unfastened his jeans, let them fall. Pushed his underwear down. Turned his ass to the hole. Leaning forward to get the angle right. Rubbing his spit on his hole and on the cock. And, as he had done weeks ago, backing up onto this stranger’s cock. Letting it push inside him. The faceless stranger moaned in the next cubicle. “Fuck yeah, fag. Give me that ass.” Jared moaned back his own wordless reply. But words didn’t matter. He had made his decision about who and what he was. About what came next in his life. And he had no regrets.
    4 points
  8. Joining the Gang by RawNerd » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:54 am Joining the Gang My family had just moved and I was forced to leave my friends behind, especially my girlfriend. We had been dating since before starting high school. She was really cute and everyone said that we made a great couple. I was 5’10” tall with a lean runners build weighing 145 pounds with blond hair and green eyes. She was 5’6”, with a tight gymnast body weighing about 100 pounds with red hair and eyes. We lost our virginity to each other when we were 15 after our freshman year. The sex was incredible and I never found the need to jerk off, that is, until we moved and I was separated from her by a couple thousand miles. We had just gotten settled and I put on my rollerblades and set out to explore this dinky little town we moved to. My parents told me that they had a skate park here and I set out to find it. After negotiating the small streets I found the skate park and noticed a group of guys skating and having fun. I figured it was time to meet some new friends. I started to skate around when a couple of the guys came over to talk to me. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” This big guy said. I was guessing he was about 6’1” or 6’2”, no more than 150 pounds. Kind of like a stick if you ask me. “If you want to skate here you’re gonna have to join our gang.” These delinquents are a gang? That was a surprise for such a dinky little town like this. I grew up in the big city and these guys didn’t seem like a gang to me. I felt I could handle myself and figures why not join them. “Sure I’ll join your gang.” The tall lanky guy seemed to be the leader and gave me an address and told me to meet them after sun down if I seriously had the balls to join them. I never backed down from anything in my life and these guys were no challenge. I skated home and just before dark I skated over to the address they gave me. It was a house at the end of the block. I skated up to the door and there was a sign that told me to go to the back door and go down the stair to the basement. I went around to the back door and kicked off my skates and headed down the stairs. The basement was dimly light and when I hit the bottom of the stairs I was grabbed and pushed to the floor. I felt ropes being placed around my wrists and ankles. I was dragged over to a wooden saw horse where my wrists and ankles were tied down. I then felt my shorts and t-shirt being cut away from my body leaving me in my boxers. I figured this was their little initiation to their gang. Then I saw the leader standing before me as he kicked his shorts off and shucked his shirt over his head. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and I had a good look at his cock as it began to stiffen. I felt something cool on my as the gang leader began to tell me what was going on. “I knew who you were the second I saw you at the skate park. You’re the son of our new church minister. We figured you’d be a good addition to our gang. My dad is the county sheriff, we have the son’s of the high school principal, both son’s of the mayor and few others.” Then I felt a needle stick in my arm and a rush up my arm into my throat. I coughed out really hard, felt my heart beating really fast as a loud ringing began in my ears. I thought ‘WOW! What did they just give me?’ I began to feel so horny but I could tell my cock was soft. The gang leader continued, “Are you liking what we just gave you? I had a feeling you would. It’s a gang initiation ritual I started it when we started this gang. Three of us are the founders, myself and the two brothers who are the sons of the mayor. When we added the son of the county sheriff we had our way to get stuff.” I then began to feel my boxers cut away and something cold and wet on my ass. The leader moved behind me and I felt something hard begin to push against my hole. As I felt my ass stretch open another gang member stepped up in front of me and stuck his hard cock in my face. I started to say ‘I’m not gay’ when the cock slipped between my lips. “You liking my cock in your hole? the gang leader asked me. All I could do was moan around the cock in my mouth. The guy fucking me began to pound away at my hole as the guy fucking my mouth was working his cock into my throat. “Are you ready to join us, be one of us?” I did my best to say yes as I felt the cock in my ass swell up spasm. As he unloaded in my ass he bent down to whisper in my ear, “Take my dirty cum.” After he withdrew his cock it was replaced by another. Shortly after that the cock in my mouth began to get harder. The guy fucking my face told me “You better swallow everything I gives you.” I felt the first shot of cum as it hit the back of my throat. I swallowed all I could and a little bit dribbled out of the corner of my mouth. He held his cock in my mouth as it softened and I continued to suck on it. Then I felt a warm liquid to slowly fill my mouth and drank it down. The second cock in my ass pounded in deep and then he shot his load deep inside me as someone whispered in my ear, “There’s a second dirty load for you.” I got fucked by every gang member and took at least 2 loads from each. After they were done with me my ropes were cut and I was let go. As I stood up I felt like a new man and was still very horny. One of the guys got on his knees and began to suck my dick. It felt amazing but I was still not hard. They had me sit down and relax as this guy kept his mouth working on my soft dick. His work began to pay off as my dick began to get hard. Soon I was rock hard and the guy sucking me turned around and pushed his ass against my hard cock. I slid right in and began to fuck away at his ass. In all the times I had sex with my girlfriend it never felt this good. I grabbed him by the waist and began to fuck him like I fucked my girlfriend, but this was much better. I never felt a pussy as tight as this guy’s ass. It took me a long time to cum and soon I felt that tingle in my balls I hadn’t felt since I fucked my girlfriend last. My orgasm was so strong when I shot I thought my cum would blast out this guys mouth. After I finished up everyone welcomed me into the gang. They said all that was left for me was to get a gang tattoo of a biohazard symbol on the small of my back. They had me sit down as one of the gang members was the son of the guy who owned the tattoo parlor in town. Part 2-The next Day After my initiation I was helped home by a couple of the fellow gang members. I was lucky my folks weren’t home when I got there. I went directly up stairs and into the bathroom. I recall having the need to take a dump, but when I sat down to take my shit, the only thing that came out was a white glob of goo mixed with some red tinge of blood. I took a hot shower and tried to lay down and get some sleep, but I remember feeling very alert and ‘wired’ that I was up most of the night. The next morning I heard my dad leave for work as I drifted off to sleep. I woke later as my mom stuck her head in my room to say “I’m going down to the church to help your father. I should be home around dinner. Are you feeling ok?” “Yeah, I think I over did it at the skate park yesterday. I think I’m just gona lay around today and relax.” “OK, but call me at the church if you need anything.” “Yes mom.” I laid my head back down as I relived what had happened to me the night before. It was strange, but my thought was I experienced what a chick must feel when she sucks cock and is getting fucked. I heard my mom begin to head out the door. I vaguely heard voices down stair and I was trying to figure our who my mother was talking to when I heard the front door close and the sound of someone coming back up the stairs. I figured my mother called my dad and decided to stay home and take care of me when my door opened up and it was a couple of my gang friends. One of them asked me, “You doing ok?” “I’m getting along. I didn’t get t sleep till early this morning and been laying here dozing in and out of sleep.” “Well we got something that will pick you up and get ya moving.” They came over to me in bed and for the first time I was able to watch as they gave me some sort of shot that they said ‘will pick me up and get me moving.’ One guy swabbed my arm with alcohol as the other put a tight piece of rubber tubing around my arm. I watched as the needle was stuck into my vein, a little blood trickled into the clear fluid and then they pushed it all into my arm. When the tubing was removed from my arm I felt a small rush and coughed a bit. Then I felt like a new man with energy and was rather horny too. My fellow gang members noticed I was naked in bed. They dropped their shorts and climbed in with me. This was different then the brutal fuck I received the night before. We made out, kissed, and caressed each other. This was the first time I ever kissed another guy and I was liking it. Then we positioned ourselves in a circle so that we each could suck a cock as our got sucked. Since I was new to the gang it was my responsibility to ‘serve as the bitch.’ I figured this meant to suck and get fucked by both of them. One of my gang buds laid down on his back with his hard cock pointing to the ceiling. I was told “Lube your ass bro and sit it down on my fuck stick.” I grabbed the vaseline I keep in my night stand and greased up my hole. I positioned myself over his cock and slid down to the base. I was expecting the other gang bud to come around in front of me so I could suck his dick, but instead I was pulled down so I could kiss the guy inside me. I heard from behind me, “Damn bro your looking good on that cock” as I felt a hand on my back. I wasn’t sure what was going on when he pushed down and I felt his dick begin to join the other inside me. My well stretched hole was being forced open more. I squealed some in pain as something was held under my nose. I was told to breathe in deeply and hold my breath for a few seconds. I next felt an intense rush of pleasure through my body as the second cock bottomed out balls deep in me. Both guys fucked me as hard as they could and as deep as they could till I felt each one tense up and shot his cum inside me. They each were sure to let me know as they bred my ass telling me that they gave me more toxic cum for my already infected cunt. They pulled out of my well stretch hole and we got dressed. The guys just had me throw on some baggy shorts and a t-shirt like they had on and we headed down stairs where they made me eat something even though I didn’t feel hungry. We threw our roller blades on and headed towards the skate park. On our way over to the skate park we stopped at the local 7-Eleven and picked up some water to drink through the day. We got a dozen bottles and went t meet the rest of the gang. Once we got there we opened up all the water bottles and I watched as a small bottle was pulled out of a bag and a little bit was poured into each water bottle with more poured into the last bottle which I was handed and told to drink it slowly. We skated around most of the day and worked our way through the water. One by one we each removed our shirt as we got hotter and began to sweat from skating. As we skated around I noticed that guy’s shorts were sagging enough to allow me to see that every guy seemed to have the same tattoo on the small of his back. Then I began to recall something from the night before, I almost forgot about getting a tattoo on the small of my back. As I drank my water I began to feel a little light headed, warm and horny. I guess the guys noticed the effect it was having on me and a couple of them pulled me into the bushes. Once we were well hidden in the thick brush I was pushed to my knees. One of my gang buddies stood before me and looked down at me. “Are you ready to learn how to suck cock and swallow my cum?” I recall having a cock shoved in my mouth as the night’s festivities began but I never really sucked on it; it was more like the guy fucked my mouth. Now I was going to have to knowingly give a blow job. He stepped up to me; his hard cock pointing its way to my mouth. I knew what was expected of me and opened up with out a fight. His cock slid right in and I began to suck cock (not like I really knew what I was doing). I must have been doing something right cause the guy I was sucking put his hand on my head and began to run his fingers through my hair. He began to softly moan as I felt his cock begin to thicken in my mouth. He looked down at me and reminded me, “You are to swallow all of our cum today.” It was shortly after that I felt the first blast of his cum in my mouth. I tried to swallow, but he was cumming so much I waited till he was doing firing before I swallowed it down. I licked his cock clean as he asked me to “Show me your mouth, I want to make sure you swallowed it all.” I opened my mouth as he pulled up his shorts and the next gang member stepped up. It went on like this all afternoon. One by one I sucked of each gang member before we headed over the house we were at last night. I learned that the gang was able to secure the house since one of the gang member’s mother was a realtor and his father was the president of the bank. Part 3-Church The gang got this house when it went into foreclosure and the bank took possession. It became their hangout and place to do whatever they wanted. We ordered some pizza and hang out playing Playstation 3. I’ve never been that good at video games and when it came to my turn to play I tried to pass to someone else who would do better than I would and would probably enjoy it better than myself. “You’re gona play bitch. Tell ya what, you win you get to fuck anyone in the gang.” “And if I lose?” “If you lose you’ll pay with your ass.” I knew I had no choice and I did my best and ended up losing (as I kind of knew I would). I put the controller down, stood up and dropped my shorts. I was led over to a corner of the living room where I was told to get on my hands and knees. Then with little lube I felt a hard cock at my ass as it pushed its way inside me. A moan escaped my lips as the cock bottomed out inside my well abused ass. This was to be a brutal fuck since very little lube was used. I felt the friction as he pulled out and pushed back in. He had a tight grip on my waist as he began to pound me without mercy. I could hear his breathing begin to get heavy when he slammed in hard and unloaded deep inside me. He fucked me for a few more minutes with his cum acting as lube before he pulled out with a loud pop. Before I could get off the ground another gang member slipped inside me. I was thankful for the generous load of cum that was already deposited inside my ass acting as lube. This fuck didn’t seem to last as long as the one before it when I felt the guy slam balls deep in me and unload. This went until it was dark out. It had to be close to 8:30 on a Saturday night. I had to be at church in the morning when the leader stood up and announced that we better be getting home since we have church in the morning. I never figured these guys as church goers. We all headed out and headed home. I was walked home by the 2 gang members who came and got me this morning. They could tell I was ready to crash. We got to my house and they came in to meet my father since they had already met my mother that morning. I was surprised that they acted like perfect gentlemen. With everything we do through the day they really acted normal. We went up to my room. I was so ready to crash when they told me to meet them outside the church in the morning. We said goodbye and they headed out. I think I was out the second I laid my head down. When I woke in the morning I jumped in the shower and got myself ready for church. I knew this was a big day for my dad since it was his first sermon. When we arrived at the church I met some of the guys outside. I introduced them to my dad before he headed inside to get ready. “I didn’t expect to see any of you guys here this early.” “We figured you’d have to be here early with your dad. Have you been to the church before today?” “Only a couple times and I’ve only seen the chapel and my dad’s office.” “Why don’t you let us show you around.” I followed them around until we were in a part of the church that appeared to be hardly used where we could be alone. One we were there I was asked, “You look like you’re dragging a bit?” “Yea, I could’ve used a little more sleep.” “We got a little something, something to help you get through today.” One of them pulled out a needle and the other put the tubing on my arm. I felt the needle stick I was growing accustom to and was starting to like. I felt the rush and was perking up already. I wasn’t expecting what happened next when the third member of our little group undid my belt and my pants dropped to the floor. I was left in my boxers when I was reminded “We do not wear underwear!” I thought they were going to fuck me. I felt like I needed a cock in my hole, but they just told me to pull my pants back up and we went out in front of the church to wait for the rest of the guys. The guys came one by one with their parents. We all decided to sit together which was fine with my mom since I was making new friends. And the parents of these friends were the leaders of the community. After my father’s sermon there was a lunch social so that the church community. I met the parents of each of my gang brother. They were all clueless as to what their children were up to on a daily basis. As the social was ending our leader approached me to let me know, “Sunday is for our families; we expect to see you tomorrow at the skate park by noon.” We all went our separate ways with our families. We spent the day with a bar-b-que at home, just me and our parents. As the day worn on I felt my energy level dropping quickly and by the time we were done eating dinner I was ready to crash. I headed up to my room and into bed. I think I was out before my head hit the pillow.
    3 points
  9. Same thing. Honestly with the advent of PREP one of the things that has come around that they are doing research on is how uncommon condom use has become. I was explaining this to a bottom friend of mine who was visiting New Orleans from France that if he puts his ass out there, there will literally be no guys that will want to use a condom. Most recently I was talking to this masculine straight man on Grindr and Scruff and neither of us realized it was the other having two parallel conversations until much later. Interestingly, on Grindr he was talking about how if he got an STD or HIV he would kill himself and how it would be the end of the world and he would not be able to face himself. I tried to educate him about STDs and HIV but he was married with kids and Mexican and apparently in his head that meant he wasnt allowed to fuck around with men and getting something would out him and he would kill himself if that happened. Who knows. I educated him about condom use at the time and he asked me a million questions about how to protect himself including using condoms for oral too etc. Our conversation on Scruff ended up with him in my apartment and when he came over, I realized from location that it was him I was talking to on Grindr too. He was sexy handsome hairy stud daddy. He undressed and started to aggressively make out with me, finger my hole, eat me out and then made me go down on him. he then flipped me on my back and proceeded to spit on my hole and push his way in. It was at that point that I did something I have done very seldom in my life but for his sake (given he was talking a few minutes ago how he would kill himself and how scared he was of bareback sex) I did: I said, "Condom?" and gave him one I had laid out on the bed. He took it from my hand and literally tossed it over his shoulder and said, "No. I will breed you. I need to empty my balls inside you. have my cum in your ass." And then he pushed all the way in and did exactly what he told me he wanted to do. He fucked me missionary style, like a straight man fucks: with intense abandon and selfishness. Then after about ten minutes, came inside me. Stayed hard and inside me. Kept fucking me for another five minutes before I burst. And then as my ass tensed and it started to hurt after I had cum, he asked if I was done and I told him "Yes, I get tight and it starts to hurt after I cum. Its hurting now." He smiled and started to fuck me harder and rougher ripping my insides. Kept going for another ten minutes till he came again. Straight man who would kill himself if he got something left two forceful loads inside me even though I had offered a condom.
    3 points
  10. Last Thursday night...2 loads. Got back to my hotel about midnight, on a work trip. Got on bbrt to see if I could get bred late night. Hot young muscle asian guy was only 120 ft away, hit him up, found out we were in same hotel. Door ajar, he came up, walked in dark room, all I saw was his muscular legs and green flip flops. Within seconds he was mounting me and inside me and in a few minutes blew his load up my ass. No talking, not much sound, just grunting when he inseminated me. He got off me, put on his shorts and quietly walked out. No more men close by so no more loads and I went to sleep. At around 3AM, I was awakened to to contact soft knocking on the door. I go up and went to look, outside all I could see was a small piece of paper that said, “ do u want my second load?” I lightly opened the door, he held it and whispered through, keep the lights off and get back in same position. I did and he came in, again all I could see was his smooth muscular calf muscles, his flip flops and feet. Short came off and he mounted me again. He took a good 15 minutes pumping me with his thick cock. Bust his nut in me finally. Again nothing but quiet grunts. He put on his shorts and quietly left... I thanked him on bbrt. But never saw him or his face. Nice 2 loads.
    3 points
  11. I mistook my fuck flu for a chem comedown. Was one hell of a binge, naive fucker I was! Last few fuckers I gifted ended up in hospital which does how strong my strain is getting! Happy days!!!!
    3 points
  12. I once saw this cumdump @gangbangsuperstar at a restaurant eating lunch with his parents so I motioned for it to meet me in the restroom. she came right in, we went in the stall where I pissed down his throat. but it made me horny so I fucked a quick load into her pussy before sending her back to the table with her mommy and daddy with an ass full of my cum haha
    2 points
  13. just dumped my load in a skinny, queeny little teenage faggot on his parents bed while he wore his little sisters bra and panties.fucked her from behind doggystyle with a belt around her neck. the girl was begging me "kill me daddy" whenever i let her breathe. nasty slut already had 3 loads in her pussy when i got there. love it when a cumdump loses consciousness. said shes skipping class today just to take loads all day. lol
    2 points
  14. On Saturday, I got a message from Louis that said “Sorry abt Wed. Didn’t mean to run off like that.” I replied “Sure you did. hope u got laid.” I really meant it. He needed some pussy to balance out the homo sex he had been having the past month. I respected that he needed both and hoped that he knew I was ok with it. I was happy to be the fuckbuddy. An hour later he replied “I did. u ok?” I sent back a reply telling him that I really was ok with it, and I expect him to fuck other people and he should expect I would too. It took a few hours, but he sent me back another message “Ryan, I hope you’re serious. This is very different than any relationship I have been in and I don’t want to screw it up.” I sent back a message “weather good tomorrow. Ride?” figuring it would be better to talk about ‘us’ face to face. He replied “??? ok. when?” I understood why he was confused, but I just replied “we can talk then. 9 am ur place.” I got to his place at 9am and we took off. We didn’t really say anything when we stopped. We were out in the sticks and I saw the sign I was looking for. I slowed and we pulled off into a little roadside park with a couple picnic tables. I turned off my bike and peeled off my leather jacked. It weighed a ton since it was full of sweat. I sat down at the picnic table and opened my bottle of warm water. I watched Louis sit down on the other side and he looked back at me with a worried look. “Louis, we need to talk. You said you didn’t want a gay relationship and then we went back to fucking again. I truly don’t have a problem with you fucking women or even other men. This is what a fuck buddy relationship is. No strings, no expectations. If you want to fuck with me, we do it. Otherwise we find someone else. Have you ever had casual sex besides when you and I fucked?” He looked even more confused. “Uh, not really. That girl in the bar was the first. I’m not even sure what to call what we did” he said. “Dude, that IS casual sex. Fucking with no commitments. She and I have been your sole casual sex partners. It’s just sex. We may care about each other, but there’s no expectation that we are committing to each other as a couple. We’re just friends who like to fuck. Did you have fun with her?” I asked. “Yeah, I did. She was a lot wilder than any other woman I’ve been with. She loved it when I got rough. Not as rough as we’ve gotten, but close. We fucked almost all night” he replied. “You gonna see here again?” I asked, knowing what the answer was probably going to be. “Nah, unless we meet in the bar again. I didn’t even get her number” Louis said with a laugh. There was a pause and he asked “Did you hookup with anyone that night?” “Not really. Just a blowjob in the john. He’s blown me a few times but that’s as far as we’ve gone” I said. I kind of thought he was fishing to see if I had hooked up with one or both of his work buddies so I added “I left your buddies playing pool after the blowjob and then I went home.” I saw him staring at me and was wondering what was going through his mind. “Why do I get hard when I look at you?” Louis asked. “Well, it’s like Pavlov’s dogs. Almost every time we get together, we fuck. Now your body kind of expects it to happen. Is that a problem?” I asked with a devilish grin. “Not really. I love having sex with you” Louis replied. “Good, cuz I feel the same. Follow me” I told him. We left our jackets on the table and headed to the grove of trees that surrounded the picnic area. I found the nearest decent sized tree and walked past it and turned around. I pushed Louis against the tree and kissed him roughly. My hand reached down and I felt his stiff cock through his jeans and then groped his balls too. “Someone’s horny” I said, breaking the kiss and pulling his sweat soaked tank top off. I rubbed my hands over his sweaty chest hair down to his belt. I unbuckled it and unzipped his jeans, pushing them down. I was bent over, sucking and biting on his nip pinning him back against the tree. I reached down to stroke his cock but found it was already as hard as a rock. I moved over to the other nipple and gave it a few flicks of my tongue and a quick nibble before I sunk to my knees, taking his cock into my mouth. I slowly sucked my way down until my face was pressed into his now untrimmed pubes. Squeezing my throat around the tip of his cock I heard him say “Oh fuuuuck. We’re not gonna do it here, are we?” I mumbled “Mmhmm” around his cock as I began to bob on it. I could feel his body twisting as he looked around to see if anyone could see us. A car zipped down the highway but I doubt they could see us in the woods. Knowing that Louis’s sex life had been pretty vanilla before he met me, I guessed that this was the first time he had ever had outdoor sex. I didn’t want him to waste his load down my throat so I unbuttoned my jeans and stood up, getting my face right next to his and said “Fuck me.” He looked startled but moved from the tree and behind me. I bent over and wrapped my hands on each side of the one foot diameter tree trunk. I heard Louis spit on his hand and rub it into my hole before he spat again right on it. I felt the tip of his cock push against my hole and then plowed inside. There wasn’t enough spit for him to slide in easily and it hurt, but I loved it. He pulled back and then drove steadily in again. Each time got easier between me stretching out and his precum soaking my pussy. Louis’ hands grasped my shoulders with each thumb on my neck before he started to pound me harder. We were both grunting and growling as he fucked faster. I could tell he wasn’t going to last long and I was right. He gave me a few hard thrusts and shoved in as deep as he could before I felt his cock swell, followed by pulses from his dick. I could feel his whole body shake as the orgasm ended and he pulled his still hard cock out of my ass. I stood up and turned to see him start to pull up his jeans. “Not so fast. Now it’s your turn” I told him. He looked surprised and a little worried. I laughed and said “Bend over and grab the tree” as I knelt behind him. I licked the sweat off of his empty balls, up the taint to his hole. His musk smelled amazing and made my cock even harder. I licked like a starving animal and pushed my tongue into the tight pucker. I spent several minutes feasting on Louis’ ass, feeling the hair brush across my tongue as I sucked up all of the sweat and getting his hole as slick as possible with my spit. My cock was aching to enjoy all the pleasures my tongue was getting. A long string of precum was connected between the piss slit and the grass below me. I stood up and kept his butt cheeks spread wide as my cock zeroed in on it’s target. He was tight, almost as tight as the first time I fucked him, but his hole seemed to be sucking my cock inside. As I bottomed out with my balls resting on his, I heard a car pass by on the highway. I waited until it was gone and knew it wasn’t pulling into the park before I rocked my hips and began to fuck Louis. I wasn’t as frantic as he was, this was a slow pleasurable fuck. I slowly built up speed listening to Louis moan and mutter. By now he had forgotten about getting caught and was completely zoned in on feeling my bare cock pumping in and out of him. He would give a quick squeeze occasionally, encouraging me to fill him with another load of cum, but I wanted to make this a nice long fuck. It was a beautiful sunny day with a gentle breeze blowing against my bare ass. I could feel Louis’ cum starting to leak out and it caused my balls to start to tighten up. I gave him a few more hard thrusts and then the spurts of cum started to flood his guts with my warm seed. It was one of the biggest loads I had shot in a long time, helped no doubt by hearing Louis beg for it. I stepped back, catching my breath and Louis pulled away from the tree. He kneeled down in front of me and licked my softening cock. He would lick and then lean back before going back and licking more of my cum covered cock. After six or seven laps of his tongue, he swallowed my stiffening cock. My body shuddered as his lips and tongue brushed over the sensitive head of my cock. He took me all in, holding my ass with his hands. He slowly pulled back and looked up at me with bits of cum in his beard. Louis stood up and pulled his jeans up, buckling his belt and picking his shirt up off the ground and putting it back on. As I was pulling my jeans up I heard a twig break nearby and looked to see a young farmer about our age standing there with his cock in his hand. “Fuck that was so hot. I hope you guys come back sometime and let me join in” he said. I saw Louis turn bright red but I smiled back at the guy. “Sure, I bet that would be fun” I replied and started to walk back to the picnic table. As Louis and I put our jackets on, the farmer came up and said “Let me give you my number.” I handed him my phone and watched as he added a contact ‘Farmer Ben’. I took my phone back and stuffed it back in my jacket. “I’m serious. I’d love to hookup with you guys some time. I don’t get much action around here” Ben said. “I’ll give you a yell next time we’re out this way. Later” I replied as I headed back to my bike, Louis a few steps behind me. I put my gloves and helmet on and pressed the starter. I nodded back to Ben as I made a u-turn and headed back to the highway, wondering how much Ben saw.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Super hot story. I’d love to be properly raped. My first time was basically rape. Drunk with my straight mates at 18, slid off to suck some cock at the local beat. Large older man took me home and said “you are going to get fucked tonight, you know that don’t you?” He knew I was a virgin. he was much bigger than me - I was a pale skinny little ginger bitch. He got me naked on the bed on all fours. I can only imagine my tight pink virgin hole must have been amazing to look at. He got a real prize, but I didn’t know it at the time. i asked for a Condom and he obliged. Hurt so bad at first! When your arse to a new and doesn’t know how to fuck - I was so tense. That sharp pain as a cock jabs into you the first time. But pretty soon I took to it and was pushing back like a pro. Then later he was on top of me and pinning me down. I realised he didn’t have a Condom and I said not without one. He said I’d already had him in me bare... and he held me down and fucked me senseless. He’d cum on me, then I’d lie there not sure what to do or where I was. I’d drift off to sleep then wake up to him pinning me down and fucking men again. He was relentless. This went on until morning and he sent me home in a taxi. my dream is to be totally sober and properly force raped hard and violently.
    2 points
  17. It may not have gone quite to my original plan (either in terms of how the story developed as well as how long it took to tell it) but I hope it was enjoyable anyway.
    2 points
  18. Had a first for me... After a while of kissing, sucking, and fucking in various positions and getting close but not quite to orgasm, my favorite hung dad got on top of me and started fucking my hole hard from behind. He hit my prostate, and like usual, I moaned and saw stars. But his big curved cock was in just the right position to punch my prostate repeatedly while he fucked the hell out of me. Gave me my first hands free orgasm ever, and when I lost control and my hole started spasming he let out a roar and shot his load in me. He gave a few more thrusts to get his seed deep inside me. It was one of the most intense fucks I've ever had. I've never been big on using female names to describe me or my body, but that's one time where even though he said nothing dominant or degrading, the physical experience still made me feel like daddy's bitch... and I felt like he just claimed ownership of my pussy.
    2 points
  19. I hate FAKE moaning and groaning. Those movies I turn off. Guys having a good time and responding to one another. Flip Fucking is hot. Group sex where its not posed and boring. Love watchjng a guy shooting INSIDE a hole for true breeding. Only watch BB porn,
    2 points
  20. Similar thing happened to me recently. Was talking to this hot guy who wanted a threesome with another discrete top and started a group conversation. The discrete guy had no picture and told me he knew me from work. Somehow or the other the threesome never happened and he discrete guy hits me up at 3am asking me if I can host. Hubby is sleeping and I explain to him that I am a loud bitch so wont work since he is straight and lives with a girlfriend and cant host himself. He says he will pick me up and we can mess around in his truck. I agree. A few minutes later he is outside my house. I go in and see my medical student who I had supervised a few months ago. Handsome as hell. White guy from Bosnia. Dark haired and hairy chest. 6'6". Big beefy guy. Dressed in sweatpants and a dirty white wifebeater with running shoes. I get into his truck. My heart is racing since I've never hooked up with someone I was supervising before. He gets in. I can smell his ripe armpits from across the seat. He laughs and says, "I've been stalking you and thinking of a way to fuck your ass for three months now." I smiled back and asked him what he wants. He starts the truck and starts driving. I bend down and pull out his hard 9" thick dick and start to blow him. His thick bush pungent in my nostrils as he pushes my head down on his huge cock and I try my best not to choke and gag. After a few minutes the truck stops and he turns it off. I still stay down. He pulls my head up. We are by the lake in a small park close to my home. Large parking area. There are some other cars parked with mostly straight couples fucking and some random teenagers hanging around. He gets out of the car and makes me follow him. He walk to a deserted park of the park on a bench. He aggressively pulls my shirt off and I pull my pants down. I lay down on the bench on my back and he starts to eat me out. It feels amazing but I am nervous since I've come to this park often and we are basically in an open area with literally no trees and some lights around. I can see the other cars and people in the distance which means they cant see us as well. I figure he doesnt care. He pulls out his dick from his track pants. At this point he is fully clothed and I am stark naked. He pushed his thick cock into me. He starts to fuck me aggressively and Jackhammers me basically. It hurts like hell for the first five minutes and then the pain turns into complete pleasure as my sphincter is destroyed and the only sensation I have is his length and girth inside me rubbing my prostrate and rearranging my internal organs. I tell him I am close and he orders me, "Cum for me". I do as he commands. My ass spasms and squeezes tight around his cock as I cum and I see his eyes roll back as he starts to thrust deeper and more forcefully than before and empty his balls into me. He cums for about 8 long thrusts and then throws himself onto my body with his cock still inside me. His wifebeater is wet with sweat as is his face and arms. He kisses me aggressively for a few minutes for the first time since we have met and I start to feel his dick swell up again inside me. He starts to slowly fuck me again. this time holding my face and kissing me. It is less aggressive and more intimate. I run my hands through his thick dark hair as he pumps away at my hole. His tongue is still down my throat. A few minutes later I note that he starts to speed up and I know he is getting close. Thrusts get deeper and I claw my fingernails into his hairy shoulders. He stops kissing me and lets out a loud groan and starts to cum again inside me. He pulls out and starts looking for my clothes as I lay there still weak from the fucking. He helps me put on my clothes. I see the other people in the distance not phased by us even though I am pretty sure they could see everything. We walk back to the truck and he drops me off home.
    2 points
  21. Online seems more and more like a video game -- everyone plays, but no one actually wants to meet or fuck. I've posted sex party ads on BBRT and will have 20-60 men ask to be invited - -then 1 or 2 show up. A midweek ad seems to do better than weekend (too many options perhaps?) I've also tried A4A as I love black men -- but after 2 years of zero connects, I gave up and moved on. BBRT used to equate to fast, willing sex partners, but not so much any more -- I think old fashion going out to clubs, sex clubs, etc., and connecting with pals and friends of pals always leads to much more sex.
    2 points
  22. Quickly checked your a4a profile and that looks fine. Good photos, clear statement re: what your after. I'm a bottom but if you were in my area and approached me I'd be tempted to try breeding you. Only possible negative is some people will be put off by you saying you like pnp. That said if pnp is essential for you keep it in there. You mentioned posting ads. In my experience these can be a crapshoot. Many times I'll spend days posting ads trying to set something up only to get nothing. As intimidating as it can be I find being proactive is key. Do a search for profiles and send a message (not an oink/wave, lots of guys ignore those) to a bunch you like saying you're interested. Don't just focus on one guy. If they don't respond, move on. Most important is to try not to take rejection personally. Taking myself as an example last month i was in a hotel and messaged tens of guys to set up a quick session. Most never responded, 1 gave a hard no, a few talked a good game and flaked. All that said I did get 2 to come over and breed me propper and am hopefully doing more with them in future. Point is even though most of my attempts failed, by casting a wide net I eventually caught a few loads. All that said remember that online dating is hard. 90% of the time you're going to be dealing with rejection. Since it's not face to face people are more likely to overlook you, make snap judgements or be an asshole. For every party add that got 10 or more responses in an hour I guarantee there were dozens more that either had no responses, a bunch of flakes or were canceled last minute. It can be demoralising. If it's giving you nothing but grief step away from online and try other things (bars, saunas, lgbt events). It might be what you need. Good luck
    2 points
  23. Part 2 I slowly lifted his shirt up his body, not fully undressing him. Before he knew what was happening, he was underneath me on the mattress, his jeans unbuttoned, with one of my hands still groping his nipples and the other hand sliding underneath his briefs, down his dick and balls and resting over his hole. I knew Chris was smooth, but through touch I confirmed he didn't have a single hair on his genitals or his hole. Didn't even have a single chest hair. I felt my dick stir. Fuck. It's like the boy knew exactly what I liked. Don't get me wrong - I've fucked my fair share of girls, but total smoothness on a boy is completely different. It's not exactly feminine, it's more of acceptance that he is a faggot and a boy, not a man. And unlike with girls, the only reason boys shave and wax is to hopefully please certain men. I could no longer resist. I roughly grabbed the belt of his skinny jeans and ripped them off of him. Fuck, I was going to go insane from lust. Chris' legs were perfectly smooth and highlighted his very toned calves. I could tell how deep his tan was by his deep speedo tanline. Chris must've caught me looking at him with the eyes of a predator. "You like that?" he asked. "Oh, baby...", I groaned. "Oh...baby...." I ran my hands over his body, just groping whatever I can get. He felt so good. His body was cold from being outside, but with my giant wall of muscle cradling him and my hands running all over him, I was going to warm him up fast. I pulled Chris' shirt off next, and decided to leave his jockstrap on. He was wearing a thin black one with white stripes, and it looked hot stretched out over his smooth bubble butt. "Oh...fuck, babe," I kept whispering to myself. I unwrapped him like a present. I took his dick out of his jockstrap, already completely limp from the Tina. Just how I like it. Guys like to play with a faggot's dick, even suck it, but I had already decided for Chris he wasn't going to be using it much. "Daddy! Don't!" Chris cried out as I squeezed his dick hard. I smirked. I wasn't going to keep torturing him, but I just wanted to hear him cry out. And it made me feel happy to hear the boy call me daddy. It didn't faze his affection for me though. Naked on my dirty mattress after i had just inflicted pain on him and enjoyed it, Chris turned to look at me with doe eyes. His pupils were dilated, and he looked a little cracked out already since it was his first time, but there was no mistaking the attachment and affection in his gaze. I had him in my lap (I was still fully clothed), one hand on his nipple and the other hand just softly grazing his hole. He wrapped his arms around my neck. "Daddy... you make me feel so good," Chris whispered. His delicate, angelic face pressed against my hard, muscled one. "Yeah baby? Daddy's gonna make you feel real good all the time," I uttered back in a deep, seedy whisper. My lips grazed his as my sentence trailed off. I started kissing him softly, then hungrily tongued him and slobbered over him, sloppy and aggressive. Then I'd get tender again. While kissing him, it occurred to me that he wasn't as tweaked as I wanted him to be yet. He was obviously high, wired and uncontrollably horny, but I prefer to have sex with sluts who are completely fucked up and barely even functional. When I broke the kiss, I held up the bong. "Want another hit, baby?" I asked. "Fuck yeah," Chris said excitedly. "Take another. Take a couple," I added with a grin. I pressed the mouthpiece of the bong to his lips and lit it up. The body of the bong was almost yellow with how thick the smoke was. He had to stop sucking halfway and exhale, blowing out a stream of the thickest white clouds I've seen in a while. But he wasn't done, and I pressed the bong to his lips again to make sure he emptied the smoke inside. He coughed and gagged, a little nauseous from the taste and the heaviness of the vapor. I gave him some time to recover - I didn't have anything to get the taste out, unfortunately, but that didn't mean he could stop hitting the bong. After he finished coughing, I immediately pressed the bong to his lips again and I didn't go easy on him, giving him just as intense of a hit the second time. I fucking torched the bowl. Almost immediately after, i dipped my finger into a tub of vaseline, then scraped a couple crystals, and slowly dug it into his fresh pink pussy. "Ahhh!" he moaned. He winced as the crystals slowly dissolved into his bloodstream, burning him from inside. I know it hurt, so i just let my fingers sit there for a bit and let him recover. Again, even though I was the one who caused him pain without warning or consent, he looked at me for comfort. Eyes desperate for a kiss to make the pain better. I quickly complied, making out with him sweetly as his hole finally adjusted. I slowly pulled my fingers out. He kissed me hungrily like he loved me. Maybe he did. Boys fall quickly like that. He didn't even know that he wasn't going to be leaving this dark room with its dirty mattress for the foreseeable future. His eyes were out of sync at this point, and he was muttering unintelligibly. A bit of drool was leaking from his lip and his body had small convulsions here and there every time he got a chill. "You feel good, baby?" I asked. "Yeahhh!" he practically yelled. "Fuck daddy, I wanna be a meth whore! All I want is more drugs and as much cock as I can get!" Parts of his speech went in and out, but I'm pretty sure that's what he said. His hand was over his hole, desperately trying to make it feel something. "Faggot," I growled, suddenly changing my tone. "You're finally where I want you. Two steps away from an overdose." This only turned Chris on. His blue eyes, which faded a little in color, glared at me in an attempt to focus on my face. "I want... I want to always be this fucked up when I'm with you," he said weakly. "Daddy... Daddy, can you fuck me? Please? I need it...I need it so bad." I put my mouth against Chris' ear and whispered, "Fucking faggot whore. Look at you begging for my dick inside your little cunt." "Please... please," he kept pleading. "Daddy, I need a dick inside my hole." In the ten minutes we've been laying together on this filthy mattress, I had become Daddy to Chris and he'd become Faggot to me. As far as I can remember, we never used our actual names with each other again. My lip curled as I got turned on by how our names solidified our new relationship. I grabbed him by his tiny waist and threw him on the other side of the mattress. "Spread your legs wide open, Faggot," I demanded. "Show me that pussy." Faggot wasted no time. He raised his legs and spread them as wide as he could. He even grabbed his asscheeks and pulled them apart with his hands, desperately trying to open his hole up more. Damn. It really was a pussy. It was smooth and bright pink. The hole was so tender and tight you would've thought it was untouched. Just looking at it made me want him to bear my children. I had to unbutton and unzip my jeans right away as my dick was getting so hard that it was hurting, trying to burst through my pants. It swooped right out, completely hard, pointing directly out from me. I'm proud of my dick. It's not a beer-can dick. It's not so thick. However, it's a full 10.5" of average girth, totally solid, uncut bone. It might have even been a little on the thin side. Now I don't know why, but even when I smoke Tina, my dick is always rock hard once I'm horny. It's like I had reverse erectile dysfunction, my dick always got the stiffest and hardest boners, ever since I was a boy. Occasionally, it could only get semi-hard if I do too much Tina, but a cock ring and a viagra quickly turn it into a rock pole. My manhood seemed to perfectly complement Faggot's cunt hole. It was so tight, the hardness and small girth would more easily enter. I wasn't going to risk damaging his hole just yet though. I need that thing to work for a long time. I squirted a ton of baby oil into the tub of vaseline and scooped a giant, gooey lather of the grease onto his hole, rubbing it in a little with my finger. I rubbed a light layer on my dick too. I tossed Faggot a fresh bottle of poppers, a silent order for him to prepare himself. Violently spun, he fumbled to unscrew the bottle and shakily snorted from both nostrils. Deep. Just as he was about to screw the cap back on, I stopped him. "Wait - 2 more deep hits," I ordered. The boy looked like he had been destroyed by the combined highs of the meth and the poppers. His blond hair was tousled, his blue eyes wonky, his white teeth chattery, and now he looked dizzy and unfocused. All he could produce were loud moans and "Oh...Fuck..." I took the bottle of poppers from him. I didn't trust him to put the cap on safely anyway. I took two deep hits too. Fuck. A wave of what can only be described as intense perversion swept over me, and as the poppers dotted my vision, I looked at Faggot through an even more degrading lens. He was so damn sexy with his tan smooth body and his legs spread open for me, it was even hotter that his clean cut appearance was trashed by how drugged up he was. As the rush of the poppers hit me and then swept behind me, all I could think about was fucking him however I wanted. I pressed my dick hard against his greased up pussy. It still met with a little resistance, but the poppers relaxed his hole significantly and opened it up a lot more. My dick was uncut, so the head didn't need to pop in first. It penetrated like a stick. "FUUUUUUCK YEAHHHH!" I roared like a beast. "OHHHH FUCK! FUCKKK IT'S IN!" Faggot yelled. My head spasmed with pleasure, and my eyes rolled back into my head. For a moment, I even thanked my parents for not circumcising me so that I could enjoy the full pleasure of the pussy I was in right now. The Faggot's breeding hole was warm, soft, and tightly wrapped around my dick. Most of all, he was wet too. His hole squirted like crazy from arousal. The drugs probably helped with that. My dick felt so much friction against his insides and was coated with so much of the oily lube and juice that my body shook from the sensations I felt. "Unh! Uhhhh!" he moaned like a bitch as I continued to push in deeper.. and deeper. Whenever he thought it couldn't get any deeper, I pressed his legs further back and shoved more in. His eyes widened as my dick hit a painful spot. Because it was so hard and didn't curve to the inside of his hole, it probably jammed deeper than his pussy could even take. "AHH! SO DEEP!" he screamed, wincing in pain. "YEAH?" I boomed. "YOU FEEL IT DEEP IN YOU?" "TOO DEEP! TOO DEEP!" he gasped. "Fuck you, Faggot. You'll get used to it," I said. And then I spit on him. It landed in a thick wad on the side of his perfect, shiny, tan cheek. He looked helpless, and if I could get any harder from that, I would've. My dick might've pulsed with arousal. A smooth twink with a smooth tight hole completely at my mercy, meaning no one was going to stop anything I did to violate or degrade him. I allowed Faggot to take two more deep hits of the poppers before moving my dick. Once the cap was screwed on, the gloves came off. I withdrew almost the entire length of my dick, which must've felt crazy for the boy, then plunged back in. And out and in again, and out and in again, so fast the Faggot could barely breathe and scream to keep up. My dick ripped through his pussy, stabbing in and out. Each stroke made me feel like his cunt was rubbing ecstasy straight into my dick. It definitely felt even better watching him yelp at the top of his lungs with each thrust. "UH! UH! UH! UH! AH! UHH!" "FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID SLUT! I'M GONNA FUCK THAT TWEAKED UP CUNT SO HARD BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE, FAGGOT! YOU FUCKING WHORE TRASH!" I barked. I didn't care if he was loud. When I got verbal, I yell obscenities at whoever I'm fucking. I sound like a drill sergeant. His screaming and moaning and my aggressive roaring mixed together to fill the silent room with the explosive sound of sex. The fact of the matter is the household upstairs can complain all they want to the landlord, but their noise complaints go unheard. The landlord buys crack from me (after all, that's how I got the basement), so he's on my side and would do anything to keep the police from coming. I found out a week later they left before their lease ended because they couldn't live with the extremely loud sex through the thin ceiling/floor occurring at all times of day and weird times of night. I pounded Faggot for 40 minutes straight. His sexy legs and delicate smooth little feet bounced and flailed around my arms and shoulders the whole time as I fucked him. If a while went by without any harsh words reminding him his only worth was giving me pleasure with his body and pussy, I'd spit on him and slap him. At one point, I pulled out completely. Then I charged in, ramming straight to the deepest point I could possibly reach, and while his little body folded to take the impact, I spit straight into the center of his face, splattering from his nose to his cheekbones, then slapped him hard with the full force of my titanic, muscular strength. His face was so red it burned through the tan. He cried out in surprise and pain, but took it like a good slave boy. To reward him, I grabbed him by the hair and slapped him across the face three more times before spitting on him one more time and giving him a quick kiss. Then I grabbed one of his ankles and punch-fucked him for a minute straight. He was gasping for air, not even being able to react to the abuse happening so quickly and one after another. But no matter what I did, when he looked me in the eyes, it was the same expression of love, only shadowed by a bit of pleading. He was high as a kite and he couldn't help it, because the dick felt so good in him and he was so horny and hungry for a man to use him, all he could see was his strong, sexy, manly daddy. At this point, he knew that his daddy was depraved and sadistic. But dick and drugs could turn a boy into a hopeless lover. Finally, I felt the electric sensation of wanting to cum, an burning sensitivity rushing through my penis as it thrusted. I grabbed both his ankles hard enough to snap them off and buried my cock to the hilt as I unloaded one of the biggest nuts in recent memory. My whole body convulsed as I roared and gasped, shuddering as my cock just pulsed inside him, shooting jet after jet of my seed into him. He moaned in ecstasy as he felt my dick harden and vibrate. Then, everything became silent besides for our grunting and panting. I slowly pulled my dick out. A splash of cum was dragged back with it and popped out of his hole. One thick drop trickled down his tailbone. For a moment, all I could do is just touch him and finger him gently to feel the cum inside his hole. It was still so smooth and tender. It's amazing how something that felt so soft inside could withstand the brutal beating my dick just gave it. Faggot looked completely used up and laid limp, his legs having fallen on the mattress after his marathon of having them being split apart. He was still a handsome, beautiful boy even like this. I laid down next to him and caressed his face and body, kissing him. "Daddy," he groaned weakly. "I... i want more..." I smiled just a little, feeling pride in how much of a cock whore I turned him into in just an hour. Out of impulse, I suddenly decided to revise my plan for enslaving him. I was just going to take him. I got up and zipped my jeans up. From one of the cabinets I retrieved a brown leather leash with a 5 foot chain. I pressed my body down on Faggot to restrain him and clipped the collar of the leash around his neck. I looped a small padlock around where I clipped it and locked it shut. Then, I tied the chain around one of the pipes protruding from the wall and put a padlock around the tied chain. I had the keys in the main room, where he wouldn't be able to reach. Tweaked and confused, Faggot yanked experimentally at the chain. Then, he realized he was trapped, but he didn't panic. He looked at me with puppy eyes with a pleading look, just waiting for me to explain. I got on the mattress with my enslaved boy and held his naked body in my giant arms. "Listen, Faggot," I said softly. "I'm going to turn you into my whore. You're going to live here now, and you're never going to leave this fucking room, got it? I recorded everything that just happened, you doing the drugs and getting fucked, and I'm going to anonymously send it to your parents, teachers, friends, whoever I can get ahold of. You're never going to see or talk to any of those people ever again. I'm going to smash your phone, throw out your house keys, and keep your wallet. From now on, this is your new reality." Even violently high, Faggot was realizing the gravity of the situation. "Daddy... Please! Don't show anyone the video. Please," he begged. "I'll be a good boy. I'll do whatever you want. Please..." Tears welled up in his eyes, realizing the shock that would hit everyone he ever knew. I ran my hand through his hair. "Bitch, you're going to do whatever I want anyways. That's not going to stop me. I'm going to send it to all of them through your phone and tell them you couldn't resist your inner whore anymore and ran off to become a pornstar. And you're going to become a pornstar, because these videos are going on any porn site I can publish them on, and I'm going to make whatever money I can from filming you. From now on, your purpose is taking my dick whenever I'm horny and making money using your body and cunt. All of my nut goes in you. All of my piss goes in you or on you. There are going to be men coming in and out to come fuck you. That's because I'm going to sell your pussy to them. When I make a sale, I'll tell you to get ready." Faggot looked at me with fear and arousal. His lip trembled, and his handsome face looked almost pitiful. He looked so helpless and boyish I almost felt sorry for him until I remembered that he's just a piece of property now. Even still, I knew a small part of him was excited to be with me and embrace an endless cycle of drugs, sex, and personal and physical maintenance. ------ The next day, I woke up with Faggot in my arms. Being in the basement with no windows, I couldn't even tell what time it was or how long we slept. Last night, he cried a little bit after reality kicked in, but I gave him some weed to smoke and slept on the mattress with him instead of my bed. The boy calmed down eventually and fell asleep, and I fell asleep holding him. I let him continue to sleep. One perk of being here is that he doesn't have to wake up to an alarm. When he eventually did wake up, I was ready to introduce him the finer details of his new life. I made him a small breakfast of eggs and packaged fruit and brought him a gallon jug of water for the day. As he ate, I spoke. "We're going to have to have rules to keep you in place. "Let's start with the most important one. You can't refuse any man I sell you to. Old, ugly, fat, short, sweaty, smelly, I don't give a fuck. They pay, they fuck. If they want to fuck raw, which will be encouraged because I'm not supplying condoms, you take it raw. Nod if you understand." Faggot nodded vigorously, determined. "Second. Sometimes I'm going to have to take you out. I might take you on a house call to a john or to a bathhouse. I definitely have to take you to the doctor and get tested constantly since you'll be taking so much raw dick and cum. You're going to get diseases, so I gotta catch them fast so that you can still fuck. You need to go to a dentist, go to the gym, and tan. When we go out, I lead you by your leash and you keep a blindfold on. You get one outfit to put on: the one you wore here today. You hop right into the back of my van and wait for me to let you out." "People are also going to ask questions. They're going to see you filthy and dressed like a street whore when you show up to the doctor's office. Let me do the talking. Under no circumstances are you to talk to anyone when we go out unless it's a man who's going to fuck you. I want my whore to interact only with men who use you for sex. That'll be all you know and all the companionship you get. If you try to ask anyone for help, remember you'll be out on the street homeless with severe withdrawal from any number of drugs I'm gonna put you on. That, and before I go to jail, I'm going to beat the shit out of you. And you won't have any money or ID, because, third, any money you earn goes to me. Whatever you need, I buy for you if I want to. Including drugs. "Fourth, you keep cum inside you as long as you can. I will flush your hole out regularly to keep it clean, but you are a cum dump slut and when I fuck you at the end of the night, you better be oozing. I don't care how nasty the guys are who breed you, you respect them by letting their sperm inseminate every fiber of your being. "Fifth, you will always be high. I'll be fucking you up with all kinds of stuff of my choosing. I even got stuff to make you sleep. When men come to fuck you, you will always be tweaked beforehand and given more during or in-between. If you're going to be my whore, I'm going to force you to be heavily addicted to drugs and sex. The johns will know that you are useless without drugs and sex and therefore should feel like they can treat you pretty much however they want because you're a desperate, fucked up piece of garbage who needs their dick to survive. I will make sure you're safe and not damaged in order to ensure you can continue doing your job. "Finally, your name is no longer Chris, and I don't want to ever hear that name again. From now on, your name is now Faggot. One of my buddies learned how to tattoo, so he'll be tattooing your name as a tramp stamp on your back. That way, johns will know that Faggot is your name." I finished as Faggot finished chewing his food. It took him a long time to put it down since he still had residual T in his system. He looked at me with those blue eyes, fresh and sparkly after a full night's sleep, but a little red from crying. Then, unexpectedly, he leaned into me and wrapped his smooth body around my torso and rested his ass in my lap. "Daddy?" "Yeah, Faggot?" "Does this mean I'm going to do meth everyday and get fucked by you constantly? Multiple times a day?" "Yeah. You're going to feel real good on T all the time, baby. And now that I have you, I'm never going to jerk off again. If I wanna get off, we have sex." The boy leaned his blond hair into my big chest. He felt so small and fragile in my arms, even though he was a fully toned and developed young man. "Then fuck it. I want to be your whore, and I don't need anything from my old life. As long as I have you, I don't need anything or anyone else. At home or at school, I'm always horny and wishing that men were gay and would fuck me. If the only human interaction I have is with men and through having sex, that's more than enough. I want to be a good whore for you, Daddy." I looked at Faggot and felt nothing but pride and love for the boy. I took his life from him and he's still going to be a good whore boy for me. That's exactly the kind of unconditional worship I expect from him. I wanted to tell him I love him, but what I really loved was the piece of flesh that he was. I held him in my arms and kissed him softly for a while, and then without a word, I stood up and left him chained there. I opened up grindr, Scruff, bbrt, A4A, and craigslist. It was time to make him some profiles. Part 3 coming soon
    2 points
  24. So this is just the foreplay. Would love some feedback as there are so many directions to go after this. Thanks for reading. -sewerffag@gmail.com I’ll just get right down to it, cuz that’s what we’re here for right? So my meth dealer is fucking sexy/sleazy/I’d fuck him when I’m sober/I drool over him when high and is the kinda confident macho bro that knows it. I’d guess he’s right around 40 but his demeanor and look is younger, as if he’s not maturing past his early 30s. He works out plenty, and while he's definitely always high, he handles his drug well, so well that he’s made it apart if his swagger, upping his sex appeal (course this aspect probably only appeals to meth users). Now, he’'s definitely straight because he always has hungry, territorial bitches hangin on him when I come to pick up, but like most straight guys who know they're hot, hung, and have an inflated ego (false or otherwise) he teases the fags shamelessly. Whores for attention, and I’m a sucker for an attention whore. One Friday afternoon when I am over to pick up, I know he’s horny and in a mood because he is shirtless and wearing these navy blue Gym shorts (why is it always gym shorts?) that he sags, showing off some nice furry crack and about an inch of what looks like dingy CK boxer briefs. I’ve seen these shorts numerous times but it dawns on me just now that if he didn’t sag them so much they’d only fall to about mid thigh, peculiarly short for such a bro. In any case his huge cock flops visibly around in them when he saunters towards me, his muscled ass stretching the worn navy nylon in the back, and a few holes show flesh or underwear beneath. Without fail he always manages to bend over or squat at least once each visit in locations that are blatant appeals to my obvious faggot desires. Sure, he knows that I know that he knows I’d get on my knees and beg for it if he allowed me the opportunity, but what he doesn’t know are the all the diverse and extreme ways I would beg to service him. It is this knowledge, this indecorous depravity, that allows me to barely maintain my confidence around him. I was sure that if given the chance and motivation I could blow his mind by getting him to blow his load in 3 minutes or less, and change his life forever. The fucker sure gives me a run for my money though...those first few clouds he offers me, knowing I haven't smoked in a while so he can watch me go from composed business-casual gay to sweaty, needy, chemwhore in 60 seconds flat. I just can't help it. That bitch Tina immediately hijacks my brain, silencing any self control, dignity or hesitations and ignites a pathetic hunger, an inexhaustible need… My eyes (and my kunt) dilate, my cock twitches, and I salivate from both holes and my cock all at once. Unconsciously I rub my inner thigh and readjust my cum swollen balls and swelling cock. I know that I'm staring at him, at his muscles as he flexes his arms ripping the bong, the size of his hands, and then my eyes following the massive cloud he blows purposely down onto his crotch. The perfectly timed twitch of his cock through the swirling smoke, a trap I realize immediately when he snickers and my eyes snap to his leering back at me. Without breaking eye contact he leans forward, let’s spreading wider (those fucking gym shorts!) and passes me the bong. “Here ya go man, best shit I’ve had in a while. Been making me wicked horny all day. Take a couple good rips off that while I weigh you out.” I don’t even hesitate or don’t break eye contact till he smiles and looks away to go about our transaction. Torch clicks, crystal melts, chamber fills and I suck that bong like the glass cock it is. He watches me exhale a thick cloud even bigger than his and whistles. I’m already power lunging my 3rd rip when he leans back into his chair, folding his beefy arms behind his buzzed sandy blonde head and exposing those ripe pits. He slouches more, legs spreading further and crotch pushing forward even more and resumes his leering as I exhale... even more slowly this time, letting the smoke ooze from my mouth while meeting his domineering gaze. At this point I don't really care that he's smirking down at me, in fact it does exactly what it’s meant to: makes me want him, to submit to him more, helplessly falling deeper into his well practiced thrall. Now, as an unwavering, no reciprocation necessary, worshiper-of-cock kind of cocksucker, I have no problem dropping to my knees and servicing any man who knows how to put my grateful holes to good use but in my experience (or my assumptions) not many straight men really know about us faggots and/or just aren't interested. This guy though? I’d bet my left nut he knows exactly what to do with me. I pass the bong back to him and it’s then I realize there’s no one else in the house for once...just him and those fucking gym shorts with that big old dick print and some ripe fucking pits. Usually, I come in, give him cash, smoke a few hits and then leave, but this time he has invited me in, sat me on his couch across from him and is casually getting me twisted bong high. “So Cassandra thinks you’re a faggot” he states. “She says you’re kind occasionally come into her club cuz they’re still closeted and trying to play it straight in front of their bro friends. ‘They’re always so awkward and never want a lap dance but they always tip real well,’ she says. You ever had that experience?” He more insinuates than asks. “No actually, I embraced my faggotry at a young age so I never had to ‘fake it.’ More often I am the person those bros call when they leave the club. All horned up, buzzed, and looking to use some hungry hole or be serviced with out the emotional shit their women make them go through,” Hell if he thought he would catch me off guard and shame me into…whatever he had in mind, he thought wrong. This response shocked him for a moment as he coughed and sputtered out his cloud, looked at me dead on checking to make sure I wasn’t bullshitting him, and then smiled. “So after Cassandra told me this, I did a little research. Fuckin Tumblr opened my eyes real wide. I’ll admit I had no idea you guys really existed…and what really got me going is that you exist to worship, service, whatever the fuck I want. The moment you walked in today I knew Cassie was right and that you will gratefully do whatever I tell you.” The fact that this last part was a statement and not a question made me whimper under my breath. He passed me back the bong and said, “Finish that faggot. I can tell you’re about to loose your shit just being in my presence and for what I have in mind, I want you all ready to go. Then you can show me if you faggots are worth a real man’s time. “
    1 point
  25. Bobby had been chatting with Steven off and on for a few weeks. Bobby was instantly drawn to Steven the first time he saw him on Grindr. And he was disappointed when Steven revealed he had HIV not too long after their first chat. Still, Bobby found himself drawn to Steven. Bobby was rather particular when it came to guys; and Steven matched every one of his preferences: tall, lean, white, smooth and under 30. Bobby wanted to be with him so bad, but couldn't bring himself to say it. The fear of HIV was just too much to face. Steven didn't need to do very much persuading, though - at least to keep Bobby talking to him. All it took was for Steven to send Bobby one picture of his thick tool for Bobby to stay interested. Over a few days, the conversations turned increasingly more sexual and suggestive. Bobby would send messages along the lines of "if you didn't have HIV, I'd like you fuck me every night. " Steven had heard those types of things before, but wasn't distressed when Bobby said it. He saw an opening unfolding. Bobby finally got the nerve to invite Steven over to hang out and "Maybe jerk each other off" if they decided they liked each other in real life. From the moment Steven walked into Bobby's apartment, Bobby could barely think straight. Steven was clever enough to wear basketball shorts and a wife beater which showed his body off amazingly well; he also had calculated it would be best to go commando; and the outline of his thick cock was very evident, even as he was soft and clothed. It was hard for Bobby to not stare at Steven; and Bobby felt himself getting hard just at seeing the hints of what Steven was packing. Bobby was still distracted and nervous about the possibility of doing anything with a poz guy. He figured a strong drink or two would help calm the nerves. After the second stiff drink kicked in, Bobby was feeling less timid. "So, lemme see that big dick of yours" Bobby finally requested. Steven stood up from the couch next to Bobby, faced him, and then slowly pulled down his shorts. A semi-hard cock began to appear as Steven pulled them down. And then Steven pulled his shorts past the top of his cock and it spring up slightly, still not fully hard. Bryan just stared and admired it, while his own cock stiffened in his jeans. "I think it's safe to say we like each other, so go ahead and jerk it," Steven prompted Bobby. Bobby tried not to seem too eager as he grabbed the dick dangling in front of him. Steven wasn't the longest dick Bryan had seen, but he sure was the thickest. It reminded Bobby of a slinky for a moment. Bobby tugged on it gently. "Yeah, stroke that cock like you want it," Steven urged him on. Bobby continued to slowly pull on the hardening cock as it thickened in his hand. "I won't tell anyone if you put it in your mouth. It's safe," Steven invited. Bobby stroked it a few more times as he considered it. He was nervous about putting this dick in his mouth, but was so desperately wanting to inhale as much of it as he could. A few moments later, and Bobby was struggling to wrap his mouth around Steven's thick shaft and make his way part-way down the wide girth stretching his mouth. "Oh yeah, suck on that dick," Steven whispered, "choke on my cock. Go all the way down." Bobby did as instructed, trying to put the thought of HIV out of his head. The involuntary choke that occurred as he tried to go all the way down distracted him from his worrying. He now felt challenged by this big cock and determined to deep-throat it entirely. "Fuck yeah, keep sucking on that dick," Steven said as he reached around and grabbed the back of Bobby's head to quicken the pace with assertive pulls on the head. "Mmmm..." Bobby moaned, his mouth had never been more stuffed with dick before; and he was rock-hard as he savored the meat in his mouth. Just a few minutes later, Bobby found himself on his bed still enjoying the big dick in his mouth while Steven laid back. Steven had a proposition for Bobby. "Hey, I have an idea," he said as Bobby slobbered on his cock. "I know you're afraid to get fucked .. but how about I just put my dick into you gently, and let it stay there without any fucking. Just so you can feel it inside you." Bobby stopped his work for the moment, turned to Steven and responded "Uh, I don't know. It sounds risky." "It's pretty low risk. I'm on meds and all. Besides, I won't be fucking you. I'll just slowly put it in and hold still while you jerk off and pretend I'm fucking you." Bobby was inwardly excited by the proposal, thinking to himself How risky could it be? It would only be a little penetration. A few moments later, Bobby's heart was racing as Steven made his way in between his spread legs, and positioned his spit-covered cock in line with Bobby's smooth hole. Steven licked his fingers and applied more spit to Bobby's pink pleasure spot. "Here it comes." Steven said as he slowly pressed his tip against the hole with assertive, but gentle pressure. Bobby's heart was pounding incredibly hard. "I should stop," he said to himself, but he couldn't bring himself to say the words. He was more turned-on than he was scared. The feeling of the tip of the thick cock making its way inside him was too enticing to stop. Steven pulled out a tad, and pressed in a bit more, picking up more spit to help lube the path inside. Bobby bit his lip and found himself closing his eyes, not his usual practice during sex, but he couldn't bring himself to watch a poz cock enter his ass. Somehow, closing his eyes made the reality less real. "That's it - how's it feeling?" Steven asked. Bobby forced himself to take a few long breaths. The thick tip stretched his hole and burned, but Bobby knew that the burn wouldn't last long. A few minutes later of of very slow gentle pressure, and Steven was half-way into Bobby's ass. The anxiety building in Bobby was being slowly washed away by the pleasure of his hole being filled. "Do you like it there?" Steven asked. "Mmm .. yeah .. that feels great," Bobby answered, his eyes still clenched closed. Steven held the cock in place for nearly a minute while Bobby jerked on his now rock-hard cock. Steven reasoned now was a good time to make his next move, "I'm getting a cramp, I'm just gonna re-position a bit" and with that Steven swayed his upper body a little, and pushed another inch deeper into Bobby's wanting hole. "Oh fuck!" Bobby blurted as he felt the cock invading further. He opened his eyes for a moment, only to quickly shut them again so as to not 'see' what was unfolding. "Sorry, you okay?" Steven answered. "Yeah, damn, that feels amazing. Right there." Steven held it in place as Bobby stroked more. "Oh fuck, that feels amazing," Bobby revealed as he stroked his thin smooth cock furiously. "I need to readjust again, sorry .. cramp again," Steven said, using the same lie to to take advantage of the tight hot hole further. Bobby was too horned up by this point to be concerned, and gasped as he felt the cock slide in further. He almost didn't realize that Steven pulled his cock out a bit and slid it back in a couple of times. The pleasure was overwhelming him. Steven held still again and asked, "So, what position do you like better? The first one or the this one?" Bobby stopped moaning for a moment, "I dunno .. they are both amazing." Steven slid his cock back a little and said, "You like position one?" and then slid it back in where it was "or position two?" "Ohh! Two! Damn - two!" Bobby nearly squealed in reply. "Okay .. and do you like two - or three3?" and with that slid in even deeper, almost three-quarters into Bobby's now inviting ass. "Fuck! Three! I LOVE three!" Bobby proclaimed. "Hmmm, okay, what's better? One...or three?" Steven pulled back and then thrust back to his deepest position. "Mmmm! Fuck! Three! Definitely three!" Bobby was beside himself. Any thought of HIV was buried deep in the back of his head while every part of his mind was screaming for more cock. Steven knew Bobby was giving in and continued progressing. "Hey, this is hard to hold here .. can you roll onto your stomach? I can hold your favorite position better." "Yeah .. hell yeah!" Bobby instantly agreed. Steven slowly slid out his cock; and Bobby complied and flipped onto his belly; and then Steven moved back into position. "So, when I'm outside you, this is position zero," Steven explained, "now, here's one, then, two, and your favorite, three" as he slid back into the hole he was exploiting. "Oh God, yes!" Bobby gladly accepted the cock back inside him. "Do you want to try a different number?" Steve asked playfully. "Yeah, man!" Bobby nearly begged. "Here comes position five .." and he paused. Bobby anxiously awaited. The pause seemed like an eternity. And then Bobby felt a deep pressure burying in his hole. "Holy fuck! I love five - fuckin' love five!" Bobby shot back. Steven slid back some, "You prefer five to three?" "Yes! I want five again. Gimme five!" Steven responded by pushing back deep into position number five. Bobby had never felt such ecstasy rushing through him. "Ready for the next number?" Steven asked, anticipating the answer. "Fuck yeah!" Bobby answered. "Here's six!!! and this time, Steven was not as gentle, he jabbed as deep as he could. Bobby shuddered as he felt the stabbing pain, but then pleasure washed over him again. "God damn .. holy fuck!" Bobby couldn't find words to describe the pleasure his ass was getting. "I love it. I love it!!!" Steven knew Bobby was under his full control now, "if you want, you can call out different position numbers, and I can change as you want them. For example, here's one to five." Steven pulled back and pressed back in. "And here's two to six" and again demonstrated with a rock and thrust that nearly made Bobby cum. "Oh shit! That's fucking incredible! Do one to five!" Bobby demanded. Steven obliged. "Two to six!" Bobby requested enthusiastically. It didn't even occur to him that he was getting his ass pounded. He was just picking numbers, as far as he thought. Again, Steven thrust appropriately. "I want zero to six!" Bobby couldn't get enough. Steven pulled all the way out, and slammed it back all the way in. "Oh FUCK!" Bobby nearly screamed at the onslaught of pleasure and pain simultaneously. "Ohh, I see what you like, now.." Steven said in his continuous playful tone. Without awaiting a response, Steven pulled all the way out, and gave Bobby another slam; and repeated three more times. Bobby was so turned on, tears were involuntarily forming at the corner of his eyes. "You mind if I pick some random numbers to give you? I think you'll like them." Steven was leading his now vulnerable conquest. "Fuck, yeah!" Bobby responded with a wide smile. "Here it comes!" Steven announced. Bobby felt the thick cock slowly sliding out and in for a few moments. Steven picked up his pace and did a few deep jabs. He then returned to slow strokes, varying his depth with each push. "Oh shit!" Bobby had a hard time verbalizing the pleasure he was feeling, "Fuck ! FUCK! FUCK!" And then, Steven stopped, and held position. "Keep going!" Bobby insisted. Steven, however, held still, about three-quarters deep for several moments. The pause was torturing Bobby as he was on the verge of erupting any moment. "Please fuck me!" Bobby urged. Steven leaned in close to Bobby's ear and said, "I'm so fucking turned on. I love your ass. If I keep going, I won't be able to stop; and you're gonna end up full of my poz cum." Bobby couldn't even consider the risk at this point; he was too turned on to care and instantly replied with, "Do it! fuck my ass! I want your cum!" Steven resumed his slow fucking and gradually picked up his pace and depth. Bobby replied with escalating moans as Steven picked up his pace. Bobby felt a tongue enter his ear and felt a hot wet sensation as Steven probed deep into his ear with his tongue and then whispered, "You're gonna get my poz cum. I'm gonna fucking own your ass!" Bobby didn't blink. He surrendered to the thick pleasure stick that was now more than familiar with his ass, and he was determined to let it remain at any direction Steven desired. "Have my ass!" Bobby pleased, "I'm yours! Own my ass." And with those last four words, Steven was drilling Bobby without any hesitation or reservation. Bobby's head bumped up against the headboard a few times while Steven made a point to jab as forcefully as he could. "Unnh! Unnh! Of .. FUCK! FUCK!" Bobby blurted. "When you're ready for my poz cum up your ass, call out for number ten!" Steven commanded. It didn't take Bobby but a few seconds to cry out, "Now! Fuck! I want number ten now! Gimme ten! Ten!" And before he could mutter another word, he heard the loudest slapping noises he ever heard during sex and felt balls slamming against his hole with each quickening thrust. Only now was Bobby starting to realize that he wasn't just changing positions of a cock gently making his way into him. There was no escaping what was occurring. A thick cock was violently assaulting his hole. A thick poz cock was about to shoot cum deep into him. And Bobby was surprised to find this realization didn't scare him; it only turned him on even more. He wasn't supposed to do this; and he was letting go. "Cum in me! I'm yours! Cum .. deep .. up .. my ass!" he managed to belt out. "Take my poz load you fucking cum slut!" Steven insisted while he unloaded deep inside Bobby with continuous deep and quick thrusts. Bobby's ass felt instantly wet and full. The thought of poz cum being shot up his ass managed to excite him to the brink; and Bobby came at the same time into the sheet beneath him. Steven left his dick deeply buried with Bobby until every last drop was deposited into his newly owned hole. The awareness of what actually occurred slowly dawned on Bobby. And his more rational reaction was to try and clean himself. "Umm .. I need to shower," he said as he nearly darted out of bed for the shower. Steven took the opportunity to put on his clothes and leave Bobby to reflect on what he just gave in to.
    1 point
  26. Another member on this site recently asked if any of us had slammed at work, or at least pnp'd. I actually have a few times... never slammed at work, but have blown clouds/snorted at work and had sex at work at the same time. In my blog here, I've written up some of the times I had pnp experiences as both a performer and as a Realtor (usually in an empty house or client's house who pnp'd and gave permission) but I actually HAVE had sex and partied some in office situations over the years. During the Recession, both performing work and house sales were down, so from 2005-2010 I also managed buildings in NYC, the management company I worked for had its office in Riverdale in the Bronx, in what was originally the pool house and club of a multi-building development... the offices were right next to the pool and my personal office was in one corner of the structure down a long corridor and had both a door to the inside corridor of the building, AND its own door to the exterior into a small fenced in area adjacent to the pool with a latched gate door. My boss' older son was a college age kid who just finished his freshman year and was now serving as a lifeguard at the complex pool during his summer vacation. I was frequently the last person in the offices, as most left by 5:30 and some nights I was there until 7 or 8 or later by myself. The pool closed at 6pm, and if the boss wanted to leave early and I was staying, he'd ask me to bring the kid home to the burbs where we all lived. I had no idea up until this point that the kid was gay, let alone that he appreciated chemplay. I mean, come on, he was only a freshman - though I was pretty "advanced" at that age I seldom meet too many others who were (or are). One of the first times this occurred, Stefan came into my office closing the door behind him, still in his long red lifeguard board shorts and a sleeveless white cotton top - open to show his washboard - and flipflops showing his oversized bare feet. I knew the kid was hot - frankly, so was his dad, my boss, and the company actually had a reputation of hiring very attractive and fit male employees - but this went beyond. While running his hand up and down his treasure trail, he mentioned that I was "busted". Tearing my gaze away from the pretty sight, I asked "why"? He proceeded to tell me he found my profile on Nasty Kink Pigs and a PNP oriented site that was popular at the time. The pictures being obviously me, I couldn't deny it, and he described them to me perfectly. Intrigued, I asked what he was doing on those sites and did his father know he was gay? He replied that he found those websites that year at college when he really found and accepted himself, and no he hadn't come out to his parents yet. He said he certainly wouldn't say anything about my extracurricular activities to his father so long as he and I could "indulge" them sometimes on the evenings I was driving him home... I told him I was flattered, and wanted to know exactly which activities on those sites he wanted to indulge in, and would I be playing teacher or did he have experience? He smirked and replied that he was looking for the bareback chem sex experiences he learned to love that year at college that took him from a naive virgin to a "probably poz party boi"... I was, suffice to say, a bit stunned. Now, to be fair, in the summer of 2006 he wasn't the only one with a 6-pack, at 43 I was still doing some modelling and in really great shape, so it wasn't TOTALLY insane for a hot college freshman to come on to an older guy, but JEEZUS this came out of nowhere, and DAMN was it hot. He proceeded to tell me he knew exactly how to make sure we were never caught (and we never were...) since my office was originally intended to be accessible after hours by the pool staff, the inside door to the rest of the offices could not only be locked and bolted, but the outside door could be locked and the gate to the little inner fenced area (the fence was 8 feet tall and opaque) could also be locked and bolted... to gain access from outside, someone would have to ring a "doorbell" and from the inside, if anyone entered the office suite, an electronic "beep" sounded in my office. There were no security cameras in my office, or at my end of the hall, or in the fenced area - and I could turn on the burglar alarm and exclude my office until I (or we) left. Stefan had thought it all out. With those assurances, I agreed. That first time he had a little bit of his own stuff in his pool bag, and I ran out to my car and brought my play bag in - out came two pipes and the clouds started. I kept asking if he was sure, and he said he liked fantasizing that I was his coach... DAMNATION he was hitting all the right buttons. That night was mostly just oral (we both rinsed off and washed up in the small shower the little bathroom my personal office had) sucking and rimming mutually... he had a real swimmer's body, 6'4", trim, slightly out-sized shoulders, long thin floppy dick and nice muscular if not large ass, green eyes, tanned white skin, torso naturally almost hairless except the treasure trail but waist down hairy like a satyr or something... Our sessions eventually included fucking each other on my desk or the floor or on a pool lounge chair brought inside, with porn playing all but silently on my computer from my external hard drive, and always with us blowing clouds, booty-bumping, snorting or hot-railing. The first session where we fucked, I had him fuck me first - he was rock hard and his youth and relative inexperience showed in his impatience to get his raw tool in me resulting in some soreness for me that evening and the next day - but his skills improved over time and that long cock of his was quite the enjoyable after-work treat, along with the copious loads he would fill me with. That same evening, when it was my turn to fuck him, I kept reminding him that I was poz, and was he SURE he wanted me to bareback him. He told me he was sure, and that he was fairly certain he'd been pozzed since he'd done several group scenes with guys he knew to be poz and took their loads... I was still a bit uncomfortable with that, and though I fucked him bare, I did not begin breeding him until he'd gotten his test results back a couple of weeks later (he was poz as he thought). He loved to spew out his filthiest fantasies as I pounded that hot frat boy hole. As summer progressed I was able to hook him up with my contact-buddy for supplies so he could pay less than in the burbs. A couple of times we had group scenes at my bud's place on Central Park West and the guys present would descend on Stefan like starving animals and he loved every minute, though we always had to leave reasonably early. He also had a friend up from school who stayed with him that summer for a week and came to the pool with him everyday that week - it was the only time we ever had a third join us in my office - a pretty Filipino kid, Alberto, with another swimmer's body but much shorter than Stefan, about 5'6" smooth all over and rippled with trim muscle, brown eyes and black hair with an incredible serpent tattoo wrapped down one leg. He was happy to blow clouds with us, and fortunately he was into "Daddies" like Stefan was, and really enjoyed getting spit-roasted from either end the three times he pnp'd with us. He even came in and gave me a blow job under my desk on one of the days they were heading home with my boss and not me! Stefan claimed to be jealous, but between him needing to be at his lifeguard post AND being 6'4" there was no way he could repeat that particular performance! Damn we had fun until he had to head back to school, and we repeated our hi-jinx the next summer (2007) as well. However, when the summer of 2008 rolled around he stayed at his school in Florida for the summer and eventually moved down there permanently and that crazy memorable set of experiences was over. And true to Stefan's promise, we never got caught! Though we both mentioned many times as we played how hot it would be to get his handsome dad high and convince him to join us. Considering the male employees he tended to hire, there certainly was a possibility that he was at least bi-sexual, but suffice to say, that was a fantasy we were NOT stupid enough to attempt! We already took enough chances!
    1 point
  27. if youre a cumdump faggot whore like me you probably get pissed on by a lot of guys. what are your fave places to get pissed on? or whats your fave places to piss on a submissive faggot? my favourites are alleys, parks and public restrooms. specially with other guys watching or taking turns using me as a toilet
    1 point
  28. I'm curious if other guys have encountered tops or vers guys with cocks so small it made you question how they expected to have sex? (Obviously a bottom with a a tiny cock won't have to worry much about it affecting his performance). I'm really not hung up on cock size unless a guy is just extremely tiny, like so small it makes sex difficult. I've had awesome sex with men with erections that even rock-hard were barely 3" (or less; I didn't measure but I have sucked off, and even been fucked by, guys who I would guess barely cleared 2"). So I don't qualify as a size-queen by any stretch of the imagination. Anyway, I was at a cruise spot the other day and saw a guy looking me over. Soon enough I was on my knees in front of him and he was dropping his pants. I've encountered MANY dicks in my life, some MASSIVE, some tiny. This guy had the smallest cock I have ever seen in my life, including the pics I've seen online of what (I believe) is called "micropenis". Basically, he had balls, a bit of foreskin hanging off his body in the area where a cock should have been, and as far as I could tell, no actual cock (the overall effect was that it looked like he had a saggy 2nd belly-button where his cock should have been). It was awkward because he said "okay boy suck it" as soon as he dropped his pants, and other than licking the foreskin I couldn't really do anything because there just wasn't anything there to work with! I didn't say anything to him about his penis being too small to actually suck, I just said something like "I think someone is walking this way" as an excuse to leave and got out of there. I don't make fun of, or look down on guys for having small cocks (it's not something a man has any control over, risky and expensive surgeries aside). But really, how can you go out to cruise spots looking to get your cock sucked, when you have nothing for the cocksucker to put in his mouth? What do you guys think about this situation? Have you ever encountered cocks so small that you stopped and thought "I don't know if it is even physically possible for us to have sex, that cock is just too small to get inside me"? I don't mean guys with under-average sized cocks, I am talking about Top/Vers men with cocks so small it makes it difficult (impossible?) to have sex.
    1 point
  29. Many years back I had a friend with benefits and he'd buy the weed and I the booze. We'd lay back, listen to music, talk shit and eventually when he was ready we'd have sex. This was back in the days when HIV would become AIDS, there were no good and/or inexpensive medications and it wasn't clear if HIV was a long term manageable disease or something that might be fatal within a relatively short time. So, we would both usually use condoms with each other; it's just how things were. Anyway, if he got high enough on weed he'd beg to be fucked. In those days I didn't top that often (and he was one of the first I topped) and condoms generally killed my erection. But he'd get me so turned on that I'd be able to top him anyway. That said, the ass hole - pun intended - would often let me get in and then complain it felt like I was stabbing him and usually I'd stop, we'd drink and smoke more, fall asleep and I'd wake him up by fucking him rubbered. This night, though, I'd gotten in and he started complaining and I just took my dick out, took the rubber off and then stuck myself back in. "What are you doing?" he asks, and I just say, "Fucking you." And I did. Did I mention I rarely cum if I have someone's legs over my shoulders? Well, this time I could and I didn't last long. His ass always felt great wrapped around my dick and he was obviously enjoying himself; I still wank to the memory to this day. Afterwards he complains he doesn't usually take risks; I fall asleep. I let him bareback me in the morning and as far as I know neither of us caught anything that night & day at least.
    1 point
  30. I know for sure it was at least week. My mom is a nurse and I was home on spring break. She said she suspected what it was right away but didn’t tell me. I didn’t figure it out right away. All I can say is that it’s like the flu but more extreme. I had the worst headache I have ever had. When you say body aches it’s like a 12 on a scale from one to 10. I almost went to the hospital but thought against it because my mom was around.
    1 point
  31. Hi I'm top vers guy in Bristol... Can travel... Looking to meet late nights I'm hung looking to fuck maybe get fucked message me if interested
    1 point
  32. You are an incredible writer! Please never give it up!🤗
    1 point
  33. I need a massage as I have a bad back, so the regular one I see is no longer working there. The new guy is Latin maybe late 20s fit body. We get in the room, and I'm not here for sex but a massage. He is in a black jock strap and asks how long I say 90 minutes, and I see him smile. From the start, I can tell he knows what he is doing, and within 30 minutes I'm feeling a lot better, and he asks if I want warm oil on in his broken English. As he rubs it in, I'm getting hot as I can feel his dick when it rubs across me getting hard. He gets off the bed, and he no longer has a jock strap on and from the mirror he is hard. He then pours some warm oil on the crack of my ass, and it runs to my hole. We have not spoken about anything about sex, but I see how hot he is and I'm ready. He takes one finger in me and sees I have louse hole and climbs on me and spreads my legs. I am not saying a word as I have no Idea when this is going, but It is fun having something in my hole. He moves away spreads my ass cheeks apart and spits on my ass hole as I have had enough raw dicks put in me, so I know he is not using a condom I feel the head of his dick is raw as he pushes into me. As he goes balls deep and, I clench my mussels on his dick from his reaction he says don't do that as it will make him cum faster. He says he does not want to cum inside me. I tell him I want his raw load in me, and from his reaction, he starts to fuck me with so much excitement. I can feel when he starts to cum, and I'm squeezing his dick as hard as I can to get as much of his cum in me as I can. We lay there for a while as the sweat from him dripping on me is heaven as he pulls out I turn around and ask him to come closer so I can clean his dick off. I handed him his fee with a lot more as it was a good fuck and left me with a nice load in my hole. I saw his three more times before he stopped working there and I ask what happen to him, and they said he left because he was sick but not what he was sick from what. I have tried to find out but with no luck so far.
    1 point
  34. Years ago I was texting someone on a pickup site and he wanted to fuck me, walk into my place lights dim ass up like I was sleeping. He said he wasn't good-looking and his dick was strange (his words) long bent and thin. I gave him my address and he came by, I didn't see him till after he came and he really didn't want me to see him. He wasn't horrible but if he came up to me I wouldn't have been interested. His dick was kinda odd with a strange bend and about 10" long and thin. He worked it into me and it felt funny sliding around deep and hot uncomfortable at all. Came a lot. He came over a few early mornings I'd leave door open he'd fuck and preferred if we didn't talk he just used my hole and leave. I miss the crazy loads he left deep inside now.
    1 point
  35. I wrote previously that I had some hole problems after my name day long session. I feel discomfort and didn’t enjoy being fucked. I tried sometimes but it was not fine. The doctors told firstly I had gono, one week before last Thursday she said I got chlamydia lgv. It is not serious but I mustn’t have sex till the end of May. My regular fuckbuddy was disappointed and said he didn’t care about it. Anyway, according to the doctor the meds for gono could cure my chlamydia but the protocol is to take antibiotics. I am taking them but we were really horny. We tried to fuck last week but I still had the pain. Saturday night we were in a concert, we were drinking and getting horny as usual. I rode him and he fucked me in doggy. I cummed in extremely short time, and afternoon it I didn’t enjoy being fucked. Yesterday everything was different. After we woken up both of us were fucking horny. After a not too long passionate preplay he forced me to suck him while he was licking deeply my hole. When my hole was totally nasty by his saliva, I slipped down to his cock and back for him gave him a crazy ride. I didn’t feel any pain. He turned us to spoon end continued to fuck till he unloaded me. We were having a brief rest with his cock in my ass. His cock was still hard, so I began to move slowly. He turned me on my stomach and gave me a quick and hard fuck till I got my second load. Afternoon he wanted me to go back to the bed. He was naked and I could see his hardon. Then I knew that the two doses were getting partner. I don’t remember the positions but we were fucking in several until he unloaded me twice again. After the fifth turn he already couldn’t cum but me. We stayed in bed kissing, stroking each other, chilling holding each other while watching the tv. I was eager to his cum, so I provoked him to the sixth turn. He fucked me hard pushing me to the bed and forced me lying on my stomach. He unloaded me fifth time. The night was coming and as it usual I began to take him home. We went out when he declared he wanted to sleep with me and enjoying my naked body. We agreed we were tired, so would not fuck again. When we were close to fell asleep we started kissing passionately, which led to fuck again. He fucked me in doggy and we cummed almost the same time. I fall asleep really satisfied with six cums in my hole.
    1 point
  36. I stood at the entrance of club Orlando and was mixed with both fear and excitement. I had heard of this place many times before and was fixed on going when I did my research and saw it was a gay bathhouse. I had read many stories of times there and I wanted to go so badly to have as many cocks and loads shoved up my ass and down my throat. Most of all I was so hoping that I could find someone there to take my poz cherry. I went inside and paid for my membership and for a room and went in. Once I found my room I started to take my clothes off and took a moment to admire myself in the mirror on the wall. At 21 I stood at 6ft 2 and was 230 pounds of muscle thanks to the 6 years in the army. I kept my blond hair cut short out of habit but still managed to catch the eyes of anyone and everyone who looked and admired me. I wrapped my towel around my waist and made my way through the club to see what was going on there. I came on a night of a lights out party so the inside was dimly lit. I brushed by allot of thick hard cock and got my ass felt up many times as I ventured further into the bathhouse. I saw the theater room and the dark room they had there and caught a twink getting pounded on the table in the dark room. I stood there for a little while stroking my cock enjoying seeing the twink squealing for the bear that was fucking him to go harder and faster. The bear let out a mighty growl and yelled that his pussy was about to get his toxic load and I had to stop and walk away before I came myself since I didn't want to cum just yet. I made sure to make a mental note of what the bear looked like so I too could possibly take his toxic load in my ass too. I made my way out to the pool where I saw a nice cabana next to it lined up with many chairs to enjoy the time by the pool but there wasn't much there for me to get into. I walked back along and saw two guys making out in the hot tub and decided to keep on moving on. I saw the room that was in the far corner and decided to go in and see what was going on and if I could join. There was allot of guys milling around in here all in different stages of fucking. I saw the twink I saw in the darkroom earlier in the sling getting fucked hard by a monstrous man. I stood there admiring what I was seeing, the man was at least 6ft 4 and very muscled and covered in tattoos. I could see the biohazard tattoo at the top of his back and two of them one on each asscheek. I couldn't help myself any longer and went to kneel on the floor behind him and spread his ass to devour his hole. I could taste a few loads that he pushed out into my willing mouth. The mix of the cum and his ass juices made me moan. I tried to shove my tongue as far as I could and didn't even realize that there was another guy that got right behind me and started to thrust into my ass. It went in without any resistance and they went in balls deep right in making me moan loudly into the ass I was eating and with a savage hunger I went in deeper into his ass. The guy who was fucking me was holding no bar against plowing my ass and it felt so amazing. He reached around and grabbed my nipples and started to twist them making me moan even louder. Get ready bitch you're about to get my fully charged up aids load he whispered in my ear. Hearing I was about to get my first poz load of the night with hopefully more to come I dug my face in as deeply as I could into he ass in front of me as the guy slammed into me one last time and I could feel his pent up aids load gysering up into my rectum making me feel full and warm as ever. I kept up on feasting this guys ass and could feel his ass clench onto my tongue and I knew he was loading up the twink in the sling with a nice load of poz cum and I hoped I would be next.
    1 point
  37. I went to Club Philly last week with a buddy. I had never been there before but I've heard it is a friendly fun place. My buddy and I went on a Wednesday evening since we were in town on business. I figured if I didn't find anyone there my buddy and I could always fuck as he is a vers bottom and I'm a top. I didn't know it was 1/2 price day and was happy to get in for less $ than I thought. The guy checking us in asked if this was our first time since we were talking about it to one another. Yes we both answered. He explained the club lay out and said today is a good day as there are a couple dozen guys here already. We got our lockers and undressed. I wandered around the club. Watching some guys at the slurp ramp getting sucked. I wandered upstairs and checked out the rooms. Several guys were naked with the doors open. Once guy had his face buried in the bed and his ass up and ready. There was lube next to him. I dropped my towel and let my hard on breathe. I was so horny I wanted to plug that hot hole. I lubed my cock a bit and rubbed around his hole. He moaned in anticipation. I slide inside. Warm wet (he had a couple loads inside) and ready for me. I fucked and fucked. He kept moaning and begging for my load. At one point another guy wandered over to us and rubbed his body against my back. I took some long strokes and a final thrust and my load jumped out into his hole. We both groaned and I was moaning loudly as I came. I pulled slowly out thanked him and wondered off. I wasn't done. I was still horny and found the sling room. A guy was laying on it stroking his dick playing with his hole. I walked up and slide inside. I fucked awhile but wasn't ready to cum. A minute later I was in this dark room with xxx videos playing. A older guy came over and started to suck my cock. He turned around and spread his ass cheeks. He had seen me fucking and wanted to get some dick and cum. I gently pushed him near a table where he leaned over and I slid inside. My vers/bottom bud was on the table getting really plowed by this big bear guy with a huge dick. We smiled at each other and I stuffed my new buddy with cock. I fucked his ass and pounded to the rythm of my buddy getting fucked. I shot another load. My buddy shot a load as his partner unloaded in him. I ended up fucking 4 holes and dropping 3 loads. My bud came down and said he was tired and I agreed. We left very satisfied. Now I know why they call Philadelphia the "city of brotherly love" it is so friendly. LOL
    1 point
  38. Have you btm'ed for a btm? I just did. It's not rare but you'll have to admit that dicks & asses don't always ... line up? At least not at the right time & place for it to happen, but I was in travelling and bent over for a btm that surprised me with both his cute self, sexy bod, and the skillz he threw fucking my face AND ass! He msged me on BBRT with the only pic in his profile being the so, SO typical topless ripped abs (that I DON'T go for), and his position being "Bottom", but he immediately wanted to txt and sent his #. What the hell, txting is free! We swap pics via txt, he's super cute, early 30s, but sounds drunk via txt. Meh. Plus he wants to "hang out", take a shower (together??), get naked, etc. good stuff BUT it was almost MIDNIGHT and I had to fly out early in the morning, and so txt'd that I can't do a long night, which makes him think I'm wasting his time. :/ But he persists: "I can shower at your hotel, u can get naked, and wait ass up ... and suck me too" WOAH. 1st mention of anon ... previously it was shower and get naked. He keeps blurting out what he wants later in txts: "Anon is hot. Want u ass up. ... Can I walk in without you? Prop door open. ... I'll shower [there] quick then fuck. ... raw" I had to take a swig of beer that I'd been nursing earlier from the hotel bar! This guy was all over the place, lol! I told him that I didn't have a blindfold but that didn't stop him: "Wrap a pillow case or towel around your eyes. I wanna see u on al fouse ass up when I walk in." <-- what you think he's done that before as a btm? He texts 10 mins later: "HERE". I prop the hotel room door open, drop pants and put my bare ass on the edge of the bed, flip the hoodie over my head (b/c I couldn't get the pillow case to work as a blindfold), and up in the air like he wanted, and waited . I hear him quietly enter, then the door to the bathroom shut, going to the shower like he said that he would, and the stench of cigarette smoke fills the bedroom. Ugh! (I actually have an allergy to smoke ). He either works at a bar or smokes a lot. Lucky we won't be kissing if he wants this anon scene So I wait like a good piggie, drink more beer, and wonder what he's doing in the shower for so long! -- jacking, injecting his limp dick with roids, looking for my meds (b/c I get paranoid sometimes), or ... The bathroom door opens. I smell fresh soap and the stench of cigarette is less, so may he only showered afterall. Then I feel a dick head pointed right at my ass hole. This btm guy doesn't waste time -- he walked right behind my ass. I reach back to feel his anon dick and -- it's ROCK hard! That fucker must have been jacking in the shower! Or is he just horny? He walks over to the side of the bed and grabs the back of my hooded neck. My jaw drops -- b/c I'm not blindfolded but only hooded I can clearly see the lower half of this sexy fucker! Two slim but muscled legs, pale in color, but shapely calves and thick thighs, all pale but with a big of golden hair all over, and inbetween stood this erect fuck stick -- it was this thick, thicker than my hands, long dick, smooth and pale as his legs, with a bull ballsac at the base. Above that a trim pubes, and above them a totally flat belly button. I cannot see above his belly button but his waste is clearly 30" muscled so I guess that topless pic was right afterall! LOL I grab as much of this btm's big cock and start sucking on his head. He moans and pulls the back of my neck closer to the base of his big balls. I'm in piggie heaven! I remember he is a btm so reach around to feel his ass. Oh his buns are a handful of smooth meat! I push the btm fucker's ass towards my face so his big cock goes down my throat and be a happy pig! Then his fingers slip down to my ass hole and finger it -- a reminder that he is there to fuck my ass. Just as my throat is opening up to deep throat him without choking, he pulls his cock out of my mouth and walks back towards my ass. I see his butt for a hot second! Damn what a gorgeous bubble butt he has! It's tight and cups right up to his muscled thighs! An ass build to be fucked!! I'd FORGOT to get a pic of his cock! I'd sent him mine but never got him -- he got invited over b/c of that cute face pic he'd sent. LOL. And now I'll pay for that mistake. He pushes his big fuck stick up my ass hole. No lube! NO spit! He just shoves his raw dick in! UGH I squirm, he lets out a soft moan. Damn, I know his dick likes that raw hole. He's a selfish fucker! Doggie, missionary, side, riding backwards -- every position he is ramming his big dick in hard and fast! Once I manage to lube up his cock just quick enough before he shoves it up my hole again. Sadly I squirm, and try not to squirm, but he never opened me up and I'm just a vers guy! LOL. He's relentless and merciless fucker. I didn't think he was going to be rough. I was in trouble. My ass doesn't do well with big cock w/out lots of foreplay/stretching, dammit! So I pull my ass off of his big cock, swing my hooded face around, and suck on his ass juice covered dick again. He's still on his knees on the bed from fucking my ass doggie, and his cock and balls are just delicious to see. I want this btm's cum! He's not letting me have it yet, and swings my body around again, pushes me down into missionary, opens up my legs, and pummels my ass again with his relentless fuck stick. I grab a pillow and bite and moan into it! After fucking my ass into the bed like this, he flips over on his back, lays back, and pushes my head down onto his cock. I know he's close. Now he wants a bj. Haha! No cum up my bum but I'm gonna be a happy pig when this fucker's cum down my throat. I spread his legs open as he lays back to get a good few of that bubble butt when my nose is burried in his ballsac. Oh, his hole! It's one of the dark deep holes between ass cheeks, totally smooth, and not wore out. Just from his hole it looks like he'd be tight bottom. Hehe. A big dicked tight bottom! LOL I jacked the btms cock and he announces that he is going to cum. His sexy legs squirm and his hands come down to grab his balls. He cums on my tongue ... it's actually pretty sweet cum! Not totally cigarette smoke. He gets up and I start to lay back. Only the TV is on in the room so it's a bit darkish. I see his sexy butt walk away to the shower -- and a bball cap on his head! He was wearing a bball cap the whole time he was fucking my ass! Nice!! After he's leaving we txt a bit that we should fuck again when back in town
    1 point
  39. Part 3: HAL HAS HIS WAY Jared’s phone vibrated as he walked up to Hal’s door. Another call from Ryan. He ignored it. He definitely didn’t want to talk to his friend right now… he wasn’t even sure if he still wanted to be friends. How could he be around someone who had rejected him completely, betrayed him even, like Ryan had? The truth was he didn’t feel much like socialising at all right now. Even with Hal who been so sweet last night. He HAD tried to cancel, but Hal had sounded so disappointed on the phone… so here he was. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door opened and the first thing he saw was the smile. Definitely the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. And… he was suddenly glad he hadn’t cancelled. “Hey. I’m so glad you made it.” Hal said, ushering him in. He was wearing blue jeans that just seemed to magically rest on his hips and a black button up shirt that fit his body like a glove. The sleeves were rolled up about halfway up the forearm and the top button had come undone allowing a glimpse, just a tantalising glimpse, at that amazing chest. Hal pulled him into a warm hug and kissed him on the forehead. “Dinner will be ready in 10 or 15 minutes. Come into the kitchen with me.” Jared followed and watched, amazed, as Hal moved expertly around the kitchen. It felt so normal, like a real date. The kind that almost everyone he knew from Church and school had been going on for years. Not him though. Ryan had been the only other gay guy he had known about.. and Ryan, of course, had no interest in dating him. No. He wouldn’t think about Ryan. Not tonight. This beautiful man was being so kind, so amazing, to him. Tonight was about Hal. No one else. “Mind setting the table?” Hal smiled again. “Plates are in that cupboard and silverware is there.” Keep smiling like that to me and I will do anything for you, Jared thought to himself. The whole time they chatted easily, almost effortlessly, and Jared let himself relax. As they sat down to dinner, however, Hal pulled out a bottle and set it on the table. Damn, Jared thought. Wine. Alcohol. “I… um… don’t drink. I’m Mormon.” “Really? That’s too bad. I picked this up especially for you.” Hal seemed to think for a split second, then smiled again. That warm and disarming smile. “I know a little about Mormons. I don’t think they like gay guys that much do they?” “No. I guess not.” “So, you told me yesterday that you want to have sex with a guy someday. If you are willing to do that then surely a little wine can’t be THAT terrible, can it?” Jared had heard the argument before. But when Hal said it — with his beautiful, kind smile — it just made sense to him. And he really didn’t want to seem too awkward to his new friend. “I guess not.” Hal poured half a glass and handed it to him. “Just try a little, if you don’t like it we’ll find something else for you.” Jared nodded. “Cool. A toast then.” Hal poured himself a glass as well and raised it. “To the cutest guy in town.” Jared blushed. Could Hal really like him? Really? His hand trembled a bit as he brought the glass to his lips. This was a line he thought he would never cross, a rule he would never break. But he allowed a little of the wine to flow into his mouth. And he wanted to gag. People actually liked this stuff? Ugh. “You ok?” Hal asked. “Um. Yeah. Just didn’t taste like I thought it would. It’s good.” Jared lied. If dinner had smelled good, it tasted even better. Jared even managed to drink his wine. Although his stomach had almost turned when Hal poured him a second glass of the horrible stuff. It was his own fault, he told himself, he was the one who had lied. God was clearly punishing him for that lie. They cleared the table and did dishes together, their bodies close together over the sink. Jared could picture them doing this together for the rest of their lives. He tried to shake himself out of it — it was too early for such thoughts — but it seemed so real to him. And he liked the thought… maybe he could pretend. Just for tonight. He was almost disappointed when the dishes were done. “Why don’t you have a seat on the sofa and I’ll get us something to drink.” Jared found his way to the living room and took a seat. He felt a little flushed and light headed. So this is what drunk felt like. Didn’t feel so bad so far. Soft music started playing and he turned around to see Hal putting a remote down. He didn’t realise, of course, that the remote had also turned on the video cameras around the room. Hal handed him what looked like orange juice. “Try this, I think you’ll like it more than the wine.” Jared took a sip and smiled. He could taste the bitter undertone of some kind of alcohol but the orange juice made the drink very palatable. This was more like it. He took a big drink, almost emptying the glass. Hal sat down close to him on the sofa and put his arm around him. Jared rested against the beautiful man’s chest. Oh! This was amazing. Between the music, the alcohol, and Hal’s warm and fit body — well, it was all just so… perfect. Fingers rested on his chin, lifting his face up. Hal’s lips met his and they kissed. Hal’s tongue slipped, teasingly, into his mouth. A little moan escaped Jared’s lips. “You are so amazing.” Hal whispered. “You are so special.” Hal’s hand rested on his back, holding their bodies close. Jared didn’t think his cock had ever been so hard. He tried not to look but Hal’s cock was obviously hard as well. Hal raised Jared’s hand and placed it on his pec. The twink couldn’t believe how excited it made him feel. He was sweating just a little. Their lips met again; Hal’s hand slowly slid down his back. So slowly it was almost unnoticeable. But Jared noticed. Should I stop it? He asked himself. I don’t want to let things get out of hand. He was saving himself for the guy he would spend the rest of his life with. But, right now, it just felt so good. Hal felt so good. Maybe, this is the man he would be with forever? “You are so beautiful, Jared. I think I may love you already.” Jared swooned. Could it be true? It must be… why would Hal say it otherwise? His doubts slipped away and he said a little silent prayer to Heavenly Father to thank him. Hal’s fingers slipped into the waist band of his jeans. Grazing his butt. Jared shivered at the gentle caress of fingers on a part of him that had never been touched this way before. He let his own hand drift down. From Hal’s chest, down his abs, to rest over the straining bulge in the virile man’s jeans. He could feel the warm throbbing flesh through the denim. He didn’t realise his fingers were moving in sync with Hal’s fingers on his butt. “Take it out.” Hal whispered. Jared’s fingers were shaking as he fumbled with the button and zipper. A still, small voice in his head said to slow down. Stop. But he didn’t slow down. He didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. The shaft rose to freedom as the containing zipper was pulled away. Jared had gotten a bit of a look in the sauna but now… now his fingers wrapped eagerly around it. The first cock he had ever touched besides his own but his hand instinctively started stroking. Then… Gasp! Hal’s fingers slipped into his crack and touched him… down there. In that most sensitive spot. He hadn’t even noticed own belt and jeans being unfastened. A fluid, white or perhaps slightly yellow, dripped from the hard cock in his hand. He had heard of pre-cum, even if didn’t produce much himself, but it didn’t look quite like he expected. Still, what else could it be? Hal broke their kiss and put his hand on the back of Jared’s head. “Taste it.” It wasn’t a request but Jared didn’t mind. He liked when Hal was assertive, in control. He felt no need to worry or resist. Just relax and go with the flow. And so he allowed the hand on the back of his head guide him to lean over Hal’s lap. Until he faced the big cock. The strange fluid dripping down the shaft. He parted his lips and cock became the first ever to enter his mouth. New smells, tastes, sensations filled him. He needed more. His mouth began working up and down the solid pillar. “Teeth.” Hal hissed. He did his best to keep his teeth off the cock. A cock that seemed even thicker in his mouth that it had in his hand. But he was doing it! He was a cocksucker now… and he felt, strangely, proud of that. He couldn’t see Hal lean back and give a thumbs up to the camera or point to his ass… mouthing “Next!” with an evil smile. He could only feel as Hal’s fingers again caressed his butt, his crack, his sphincter. Gently circling. Feeling like it would push through only to dance away. It was driving him crazy. He wanted to beg Hal to do it… but he couldn’t talk with him mouth so full. Jared wasn’t sure how long he sucked the dick. But his lips, his tongue, his mouth were all coated with the dripping fluid he assumed was pre-cum. A fair amount had even worked it’s way down his throat even though there was no way he could go far enough on the cock for it to even approach his throat. Finally, Hal gently lifted his head off his cock. “Let’s go lay down.” This was it. Jared knew it was the moment. He was going to surrender his virginity to this man. But it was ok. They loved each other. This was the man he was going to be with forever. Hal helped him to stand. Jared’s jeans and underwear fell to the floor. His shirt followed. He was completely naked while Hal was still dressed, albeit with his cock still out of his jeans. Hal took his hand and led him to the bedroom. The music was playing in here as well. And, unbeknownst to Jared, Hal turned off the living room cameras and turned on the bedroom ones. Their lips met again while Hal gently laid Jared on the bed and laid atop him. Grinding their crotches together. It felt good. So good. But Jared was ready now. Ready for the next step. Ready to surrender his most precious gift to the man he felt he now loved. “Please, Hal. Please make love to me.” “Say it again. Say it louder.” “Please make love to me.” “It’s going to hurt. The first time. But I will be as gentle as i can.” Hal smiled one of his warm smiles. He was lying, of course, he was going to rough up this hole good. All the better to “impregnate” the bitch… but this naive slut-to-be didn’t need know that. He rolled Jared over. He kissed the twink’s body and moved slowly down. His lips kissing, teasing, his prey’s neck. His shoulders. Back. Butt. Then, ever so gently (so as not to spook the bitch), the warm hole. Like any good bottom, touched for the first time, a quake of pleasure ran through Jared’s whole body. The tongue on his hole was so unexpected… but felt sooooo good. The fingers that followed, that slowly pried his hole open, didn’t feel as good. But he understood he needed to be opened a bit for the big dick that was about to enter him. Claim him. Hal lifted Jared so he was on elbows and knees with his face flat to the bed. Hal’s fingers spread lube on his hole. Almost time. Jared watched as Hal lubed his cock… “Wait… aren’t you going to use a condom?” Jared turned to face the man he was giving himself to. “Why? You don’t have anything I should worry about, do you?” “No, no… I don’t have anything.” “Good. This is our first time. I want this to be special. The first time of many. I want to feel myself inside you. You trust me, don’t you?” Jared knew he should say no. Insist on a condom. But he was so horny, so relaxed from the alcohol. He just couldn’t bring himself to argue. “I trust you.” He returned to the pose Hal wanted him in. The cock slipped up his crack. And down. Back and forth. Teasing his hole. One of Hal’s hands on his hip, holding him tight. Pressure. This was it. It was time to… The sound that burst out of Jared was primal. Barely human. Hal’s second hand wrapped around his mouth, muffling the cry. Every muscle in his body wanted to move. Get away from the pain. But Hal held him tight. “Shhhh, baby. It’s ok. Just relax. You are going to love this. I promise. This is something that will be with you for the rest of your life.” Jared did his best, but his body kept trying to move despite his best efforts. Hal’s firm control succeeded in holding him in place, however, as the cock slid slowly deeper and deeper. He didn’t know how long it took, but he was startled when he felt Hal’s thighs resting against his butt. His lover’s cock was all the way in. Balls deep. He had surrendered himself completely. Hal’s cock pulled back. And thrust in again. And again. And again. It still hurt, more than any other pain Jared could remember, but at the same time it felt… good? Natural? Right? Like he was complete in a way he had never felt before. He didn’t notice as his body began thrusting back. Begging without words for Hal to fill his hole with cock. To make him whole. “Your hole is so tight. You feel so good.” Hal said. Strangely loudly as if for someone else to hear. “How do you feel?” “I feel… amazing!” “You like that big cock, then? You like it fucking your boy pussy?” Hal sounded less gentle, less loving now. The wording threw Jared a little. It seemed so raunchy. So coarse. But it was true. And he liked it. He liked Hal talking to him this way. “Yes, I love you fucking me.” “Good boy. I’m getting close. You ready? You want it?” “Yes… please. Cum in me.” Hal smiled in triumph. He thrust again. Hard. Driving the breath out of Jared’s lungs. Again. And again. And… His body shook as his balls drew up and fired his deadly load into the no-longer virgin hole. He shifted forward, his body pressing Jared flat into the bed, his cock still buried deep. Keeping his cum inside to do it’s job. Jared wanted to stoke his own cock but it was trapped beneath his own body. He thought Hal would pull out after a moment… but was amazed that the cock inside him stayed mostly hard. He tried to catch his breath but it was hard with Hal’s weight on him. Slowly Hal began moving again. Thrusting again. Fucking him again. Even harder than the first time. “Who’s my little bitch?” Hal hissed. “I am. I’m your bitch.” “Fuck yeah!” Hal lasted longer the second time. Thrusting hard. Merciless. All the while whispering nasty things in Jared’ ear. But eventually, he came again. When he finally rolled off and lay next to Jared, the twink’s hole was aching. But he was still so horny. Jared reached to stoke his own cock. He needed to burst. But Hal pulled him in close and began kissing him again. Jared found himself in another position where he couldn’t reach his cock. Jared thought they would fall asleep, spend the night together. After awhile however, of holding each other and kissing, Hal rolled off the bed. “That was amazing.” The taller man said. “You are amazing.” Jared smiled and blushed. “You too. I’m so glad you were my first.” He wanted to, finally, stroke his own cock.. .which was jutting up from his crotch demanding attention. But it felt awkward now that Hal was standing. “I’m glad too, I had a really good time… but I have to go out of town for work tomorrow. Best call it a night.” “Oh. Ok.” Jared stood up, confused, and followed Hal out to the living room. He found his discarded clothes and dressed. “Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong?” “No, you were great. If I didn’t have such a crazy day tomorrow I would definitely have you stay over. We will do this again when I’m back, ok?” There was something… off-putting… about the way that Hal was speaking. Distant. Less affectionate. Jared didn’t know what to say, or what to think, so he let Hal usher him out the door. Hal couldn’t help but laughing after he kicked the twink out. That had gone even better than he expected. But it had taken longer than expected as well. It was already midnight. He had promised his subscribers some footage by 11. He did some quick editing and put a short teaser video out of some of the key moments of Jared’s seduction. “As promised, there is one less virgin — Mormon no less — and one new boipussy-in-the-making tonight. Here are some key scenes. Just a preview tonight.. more coming in the morning." It didn’t take long for his subscribers to start commenting. “More!” “I hope you pozzed him up good.” “I thought he would balk when he saw your gono dick. Don’t think the bitch knew what he was looking at. lol.” “You going to breed him again? I think he’s in love with you.” Hal leaned back in his chair. He would definitely fuck the boi again. He wanted to make sure the boi got his gift…. but that gonorrhoea would show up in a week or two. And the bitch was going to freak out. Still he had time to fuck him, and fuck with his head, one more time before he dumped the stupid fucker. NEXT: RYAN GETS MORE, JARED GETS DESPERATE
    1 point
  40. PART 6 Ron slowly pulled his cock out of me. I was still getting my breath back. My cock was still hard, as I lay on my back, leg muscles tired from being hoisted up. “Why don’t you lay back and rest up a moment and let me go find you a new friend.” And before I could even reply, he was out the door and I was left in his room. Alone, I finally had a moment to consider what had just happened. I had no idea what time it was, but it couldn’t have been more than a few hours since I got here. And everything has changed. All the time of being safe and careful had been washed away in a night. Now maybe the first time, it had been a surprise and I could tell myself it just happened. But with Ron, I knew. He told me had HIV and I didn’t stop him. I actually asked him to fuck me. Two men I didn’t know a few hours ago had both seduced me and gotten me to let them bareback me. They had gotten me so worked up that I actually asked them to cum inside me. What had happened? And how could getting fucked without a condom feel so much better? Cuz it felt like 1000 times better. But Chris, why didn’t you ask them to pull out? I was afraid to answer that. I didn’t even really understand it yet. But it had seemed important. Vital. Like I needed it. Why? I was clean. And two older guys had both made me feel like I had to have their cum in me. Their HIV pozitive cum. And they had shot deep. In my mind I could picture the jets of cum splattering inside me. Coating my guts. Hot white potent man cum. Poz cum. Soaking into me. Thinking about this I tried to make sure I clamped my hole shut. What they had said about them being inside me forever, it sounded so right. I was still afraid and knew later I’d probably freak out more, but now as I lay back on a dingy cum stained mattress with the thin white sheet covering it, the mirrored wall opposite me and porn playing on the small tv, I just wanted more. I admitted to myself right then. I lay there waiting. I knew Ron would be back with a guy that knew he was going to fuck a bareback bottom. And I just kept wishing for another hot older guy in his 40’s with a huge cut cock. And please let him shoot a massive load. And fuck I hope he is poz. I couldn’t pretend I didn’t think it. Because i kept thinking it over and over. I wasn’t going to fight it, this feeling of needing not just cum in my hole, but poz cum. And as all this was rushing thru my head and the thought of poz cum kept repeating over in my mind, the door opened and in walked Ron, and behind him was his friend that he had found.
    1 point
  41. Part 2: Jared and the Jock “What do you mean I need to pay to go in?” Jared complained. “I’m just looking for a friend.” “Uh huh.” The man at the sauna entrance rolled his eyes. “Everyone is just looking for a friend in there.” Jared’s face turned red. “That’s not what I meant! I’m just looking for MY friend. He came in earlier and isn’t answering my calls.” “You think that, maybe, he’s just busy having a good time?” The clerk smirked. “Maybe he doesn’t want to be bothered?” The thought had occurred to Jared... he wasn’t stupid. He, of course, preferred his own interpretation. He would go in, save Ryan, who would be so grateful that he would (of course) FINALLY agree to be boyfriends. “Please. I just want to make sure he’s ok.” “Sorry, mate. Either you pay, or you stand aside to let the guys waiting behind you to go in.” “Ease up, Dave.” A voice said behind Jared. “I’ll cover him.” Jared turned around. And up… the man behind him was tall, about 6 foot 2 and about 22 years old he guessed. Jared tried not to stare: at the man’s almost almond shaped brown eyes, dark hair, full lips… or his oh SO very tight and fit body. It was all Jared could do to not reach out and feel the red shirt which was caressed the stranger’s chest. Or glance down at what the blue jeans were hiding. “Oh. Um.” Jared stuttered. “Th-thank you so much.” “No worries, mate.” The man smiled (sending Jared's heartbeat racing) as he paid for both their admissions. “I’m Hal.” “I’m Jared.” “Let’s go inside and see if we can find your friend.” Hal put a hand on Jared’s lower back and steered him. Jared blushed. He needed to stay focused on Ryan he told himself... but the hand felt soooo good there. So natural. Firm but gentle. He didn't object. The twink did not notice the wicked grin that Hal shared with the clerk. “You have to be careful in places like this.” Hal said. “The vultures in here will be all over a beautiful guy like you. But don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Jared just nodded. He felt so lucky to have stumbled on such a nice guy. And he had to admit, he loved the jealous looks other guys were throwing his way. Hal insisted they change into the towels the clerk had given them. “It will be easier if we just blend in.” He assured Jared. If Hal had been sexy fully dressed, Jared almost passed out seeing him get naked and wrap the towel around him. He even caught a glimpse of Hal’s cock. Hal’s very big cock. Jared's own cock, decent size if nothing special he knew, started to swell in response. He tried to cover it. If Hal had noticed, however, he was polite enough not to say anything. A man who looked like Hal was probably used to that reaction Jared told himself. "The club is kind of a big circle." Hal said as he they walked. He whispered in Jared's ear as they walked, pointing out the different areas. Jared could barely focus on the words. There was no sign of Ryan. “Maybe he’s, you know, in one of the booths right now?” Hal suggested. “Let’s sit down and wait a few minutes then we can go around again.” Jared just nodded. He wanted to find Ryan, of course he did, but he definitely didn’t mind all this attention he was getting from Hal. The tall man led him to a little room with a series of benches. Porn was playing on a TV screen. Jared blushed and tried not to look. But his eyes kept betraying him. He had watched porn before, alone in his room, always praying for forgiveness after. It was different seeing it here with other people around. Both more embarrassing and more exciting. “Tell me about your friend.” Hal asked. “How do you know each other.” “We’ve known each other for years. From both school and church. We're both Mormons -- the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Well. I am. Ryan doesn't think of himself as a member anymore." “You sound like you really care for him.” “I do. I always have.” Jared said with a sigh. “I mean, I know he doesn’t see me that way. As anything more than a friend. But I keep hoping.” Hal put his arm around Jared’s shoulder and pulled him close. Jared allowed himself to rest against the muscular chest. He was sad when thinking about Ryan but his cock was straining even harder from feeling Hal’s hard body against his. He felt like a feather laying on a rock. It was so comfortable. So perfect. “It’s ok.” Hal assured him, pulling them closer. “There is someone out there for you. Either your friend or someone else.” “I hope so. Sometimes I want to just give up. I’ve been saving myself for him. I want to lose my virginity with him. But I think I’m going to die alone.” He didn’t see the hungry look in Hal’s eyes when he mentioned his virginity. “Shhh. Don’t talk like that. Let’s take another walk around and see if we can find him. Ok?” Jared didn’t want to stand up or stop resting against Hal but he did as he was told. He was very pleased, however, when Hal’s hand rested again on his lower back. Slightly lower this time. In that area where it was hard to say if the hand was on his lower back or his butt. Either way, Jared couldn't deny he liked the touch. But still no Ryan. After a couple of circuits of the club they found themselves again in the video room. Jared leaned against Hal without thinking. Just feeling the heat and sexiness of the man. Hal leaned over and kissed his cheek. Jared turned and allowed their lips to meet. Hal’s breath smelled like a breath mint, he thought absently. A very very sexy breath mint. Out of the corner of his eye, Jared noticed two guys walk into the video room. “I’m telling you, he was the hottest piece of ass I’ve had in years.” One of the men said. “A college boy I’m guessing. He had the look.” Jared glanced over without unlocking his lips from Hal. The two men were older, probably in their sixties, and the one talking was flabby and saggy both front and back. His friend was taller and gaunt. He looked ill. “Yeah, yeah.” The gaunt man teased. “You always get lucky when there are no witnesses.” “Well, you should have gotten here earlier. He’d clearly been fucked a couple times tonight — raw based on the cum dripping from his ass — but he was still tight.” Jared’s stomach felt like a lead balloon. Sinking. “Sure, sure.” The gaunt man said. “Well, I suppose I should at least be grateful you aren’t claiming he gave you his virginity.” “Believe me or not. The slut laid there and let me breed his ass. His fit little body writhing and working out my load. He moaned like a bitch too. Didn’t say much but but sounded like he was from London or somewhere close. Posh little cum slut. It was heaven.” Jared couldn’t breathe. He broke the kiss with Hal and turned to face the two men. They didn't even notice him. The gaunt man paused. “You're serious, aren’t you? Some college boy really let you fuck him?” “Told you man, you should have gotten here earlier.” Tears welling up his eyes, Jared jumped up and ran from the room. The old men's eyes followed him curiously. And hungrily. Hal caught up with him in the locker room and put his arm around him again. Holding him as Jared’s body shook with sobs. “I’m guessing that was your friend they were talking about?” “Ryan was willing to get fucked by THAT?” Jared choked out between sobs. “That old fat guy? But doesn’t want to be anything other than friends with me? What the hell is wrong with me? Am I ugly or something?” Hal put his fingers on Jared’s jaw, turning him to face him. “That’s enough of that. I don’t want to hear you say that again.” Jared couldn’t believe how lucky he was. How he had found someone who was so kind when he needed it most. Hal kissed him again. “Let’s get you out of here. OK?” Jared nodded. The two got dressed again and then he let Hal lead him back out of the sauna. Yet again, he didn’t see the smiles and winks between the clerk and Hal. Or the thumbs up that the clerk gave Hal behind his back. “Let’s get you a cab, ok?” Hal said. “I don’t have money for a cab.” “Well, I’ll give you money. I don’t want you walking home alone.” “You don’t have to…” “I want to. And I want to see you tomorrow.” Hal glanced at his watch. “Or today rather. Tonight. A date if you are up for it. Is that ok?” Jared smiled in spite of his torment. And nodded. He was so lucky. Maybe heavenly father could forgive him for being gay. Could allow him to meet someone so wonderful and kind. Hal put his phone number and address in Jared’s phone while they waited for the cab. “So, I’ll see you at 8. Right?” “Yes, that sounds good.” Jared wanted Hal to invite him over now, just to hold him. He didn’t want to be alone, but was afraid to say anything. Hal pulled him close as the cab pulled up, gave him a long and lingering kiss, and held his cell phone up and snapped a picture. “Just something to remind myself how gorgeous you are.” Jared was blushing as he climbed in the cab. The cab driver was watching him in the rear view mirror but didn’t make any comments. Hal watched the cab pull away then pulled his phone back out and uploaded the picture he had just taken. He laughed to himself as he typed out the message to his followers: See this hot little twink? This fine piece of virgin meat doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to take his cherry in less than 24 hours. Raw. On camera. And he is going to beg me for it. All my subscribers will, of course, get full access to the video. Pre-order now to hear this little cunt scream for mercy.” Hal hummed to himself as he put the phone in his pocket and went back into sauna. The thought of breaking in, and hopefully pozzing, a virgin hole had him rock hard. And there were always guys in the sauna who would happily take his load no questions asked. Life was good.
    1 point
  42. There is nothing more amazing than being gangfucked. You may hurt after the fact but during you will only feel pleasure and euphoria. I have been gangfucked a few times and I totally got into it and never even looked to see who was fucking me. It was so fucking hot that no matter the size, speed or technique mattered to me. The only thing that mattered was having a hard cock inside me. Once a Top finishes and pulls out your feel so empty that you crave a quick replacement. Fuck dude- I am now hard just thinking about having my hole abused. Go For It! BBRT- fucknfeedme
    1 point
  43. Never been GB'd but the idea of taking dicks of various length and girth makes me wanna try, the idea of my hole being used and opened in different ways. They'd have to be gentle! I'd love to meet a hot vers couple and let them use my ass to give me a taste of GB fucking.
    1 point
  44. only been gangbanged in saunas either in dark room or cubicle with door open, they are not easy to arrange. besides anon cock is best. once guys see your up for it, things kinda happen naturally. only happens on occasion though. i find once ive had a couple of guys. im opened up. the key thing is to relax. loads acting as lube helps
    1 point
  45. Audio, audio, audio. It's far too underrated in porn. I like hot bodies, sure, but the addition of the individual personalities via hot verbal exchange is what sells it for me. I like amature but the low volume, echoey, squeeky, clicky audio, that sounds like the camera guy is wringing the camera in his hands makes me nearly violent.
    1 point
  46. “Need to extend your room?” Javier smiled at me. The hot little Latino had been working the counter at Club Z for about two years, and knew I was a frequent flyer. “Am I that predictable?” “I saw that blond tweeker pulling them in upstairs. I figured you’d probably hang around to see what comes out,” he grinned. “Last time you were here, we had a deal…. you still interested? 10 bucks a bag?” “You know it.” “I started collecting ‘em when you checked in….just in case.” He stepped into the laundry room and returned with a chrome dog dish, containing six knotted condoms, full of thick white cock snot and covered in stray pubic hairs and ass slime. They looked like massive albino banana slugs involved in a cluster fuck. “I only count five. That one’s used, but not really full.” “Tell ya what? You buy ‘em all, and I’ll fill the sixth one myself.” “Installation included in the 60?” I asked. “Hey Dave,” he yelled to someone in the back. “I’m taking 15.” As I followed him to his favorite storage closet, I handed him the lambskin rubber Psycho Mike had given when I left him upstairs with Tweeker Timmy. “Will you stuff this in there while you’re at it.” “Dios Mio! What kind of fucker filled that thing? It looks like there’s a cup of spunk in there.” “It’s all from one milking,” I told him. “Bullshit! I never met a guy who could shoot that much.” “He’s…. a…. more of a monster than a man,” I said with a smile. Before hitting the counter, I had stopped by Timmy’s locker and retrieved his stash from where he had hidden it in his sock. Out of courtesy for the kid, I’d split the bag in to two matching parcels, so he wouldn’t finish it all in one snort. There was a hell of a lot of Tina in the one zipped bag. “You want a line?” I offered my assistant. “Si papi!” I passed along a bump to my buddy and then poured about half the powder from the smaller bag into Mike’s monster condom, before retying it. “This one’s got to go in last. We’ll pop it once its inside,” I instructed. Locking the closet door, he dropped his shorts down around his tennis shoes before stepping out of them. Javier little brown dickhead was covered in skin, but I was much more interested in his sweet round bubble butt. Laying on my back on the grungy janitorial floor, I wiggled my ass up against the wall giving him full access to my fuck-hole as he squatted down on my face. He started fingering my slimy ass-ring as I began tonguing his butt. Lost in the smell of garlic, green chilies and buttjuice, time became meaningless. He poked and pulled on my pliable sphincter as I French kissed his tight little ring. The scumbags he’ couldn’t untie, he simply nipped of the tip with his teeth before massaging the leaking baggies into my guts. After spending so long sucking on Timmy’s dripping dilated cunt, the brown hair on my lips made a nice change. Getting my tongue up into his gooey mucus membrane took a little while. Sealing my lips around his tight hole, I sucked his pucker until it began to pout, then I’d push my taste buds deep into his colon, sodomizing him repeatedly with my mouth and nose. It wasn’t until his hairy little ring began to loosen and then clamp, loosen and clamp, that I realized he was beating off as I ate him out. Suddenly he groaned and shuddered, rubbing the whole weight of his body down on my gaping mouth and nose. Looking down at me between his legs, he held the freshly filled rubber with two fingers, and asked if it was full enough. He didn’t wait for a reply before pushing the warm fuck-sock inside my hungry crack. Finally he told me to open wide, as I felt him push the biggest bag into my butt. For just a split second I thought I felt his lips on my own asshole, as hit bit the reservoir off the last scumbag tucked up my butt. Suddenly, he gave may ass cheek a quick, sharp slap and said, “Tighten up, Esse! It’s a long climb up those stairs.” Even as he stood up to let me stand, I could feel my head begin to swim. Despite all the dildo pounding earlier on, my ass reacted to the chemicals leaking from the last torn condom he’d stuffed into me. I didn’t need to thank him, and I couldn’t if I tried as my language skills were giving away to wave after wave of pure, unadulterated lust. How long it took me to waddle up stairs with my ass clamped shut, I have no idea. My key opened the door and I was accosted by the smell, even before my eyes could adjust to the hazy light. My heart raced and my head spun from all of the chemical coursing through my brain, pounding in my blood, making it hard to focus on the bizarre tableau before me. Tweeker Timmy lay on his back wedged between Bear 1 and Bear 2 as they double fucked his little ass. Attached to his face was a piss gag with a funnel, and Psycho Mike sat above him on his rim stool, talking on his goddamn cell phone. Under the suspended toilet seat, Bear 2 held Timmy’s head in place below Master Mike's exposed ass, growling obscenities into the struggling kid’s ear. It took me a moment to realize that, although Bear 1 was plugged into the kid, instead of pounding the punk’s pucker, he too was chatting on another fucking phone. Between the stink and the fucking techno-culture, I almost turned around and walked out of the room. “It’s about fucking time,” Psycho Mike said, standing up and stepping over the boy and the bear, adding “The kid drank all six beers and now I’m a little fucked up, too,” he said rubbing his big, bloated belly. “Take the gag off,” I told Bear 2, who laid on his back, holding the kid on his belly. “I think the boy has earned his treat.” “Yeah that’s right, we’ll need the donkey and both of the horses,” Bear 1 said into his phone, “Sure, you can call Ted. Give us about two hours…. Hell yeah, you can video tape it….he wants to send a copy to his folks for father’s day…..Seriously, he asked us to…..sure, but if you sell, it we want a cut for providing the talent….” “How much longer will you be using It for?” Master Mike asked. “I don’t know….30 minu…Jesus Mother Fucking Christ!” That’s when I saw it. The kid’s disco dick was over and his monster had returned. Even with his ass turned up so that both the Bears could fit inside his ass, the skinny blonde’s tightly bound cock reached past his bellybutton. I knew it had been inside me, but I never imagined it was so long. Maybe the rawhide stings wrapped around it, biting into the skin, had something to do with it. “He owes me a load,” I said amending my time estimate, asking “Why, what are you fuckers planning?” “When we unplugged his sewer hole, he started going on and on about “Barnyard romance” and it just so happens my buddies here have a farm, half way to Tacoma. Wanna join the party?” My head spun. The speed soaking into my ass walls made it impossible to focus. The boy’s dripping monster-meat hypnotized me. My bowels burned. The giant cum slugs wiggled and writhed inside my itchy, manhole, lining my guts with their gooey slime trails. Slowly the stink transformed into nature’s musky perfume. “There’s some dick-on-a-stick, if you want it?” Mike pointed to the full hypodermic sitting between my used, greasy butt-toys and a couple empty beer cans. “I reloaded it when these freaks were done.” “Did you all use it,” I asked, suddenly thinking about getting my dick back. “I don’t need that shit, but the bears sure like it. Want me to stick you?” Mike with a needle was a dangerous idea, but the Kaverject whispered how much it needed to be in me. “Let me give the boy his treat. You can do me while I’m on the rim seat.” My mind returned to my mission. “Okay son, how many loads have you taken for Daddy?” Looking up at me with big puppy dog eyes from inside the recently vacated toilet seat, Tweeker Timmy almost shouted, “Twelve!” “Good job, son. I guess you’ve earned it.” He struggled to get up out of the bear trap, but I told him to stay put. “A buddy down stair shoved TEN full, used rubbers up my ass. Your stash is in one of them, and I’m not gonna let you use you fingers to get them out” I said as I stepped over to where the boy and the bear could look up at me from under the rimseat. “My whole stash?!?” he whined. “Stashed in my hole. If you want it, then you’ll just have to eat it out of me, pussy boy.” The conversation ended with me sitting down on the warms suspended toilet seat. “Count them out as you go. I expect you to show me them before you swallow ‘em.” The starving boy’s mouth attached to my sphincter, before I could even get balanced. The big bear gave a low yummy growel. “Eat up, Cumdump” he snarled into the little junkies' ear. Mike smiled as he brought the point, and reached through my spread legs for my drug-withered weenie. This is the sort of thing that got Psycho Mike off, plunging a needle used by three guys into another guy’s stump. The rational part of my brain had been burned away by the amphetamine fire. All I wanted was wood, so I let him do me. “ONE!” The boy shouted, before the Bear snarled, “Swallow it." I didn’t bother to look down as the base of my dick suddenly exploded. Mike stepped away and I allowed myself to focus on the feeling of the kid's lips, suckling my most private prize. He started retching, but Mike just looked at me and said “He does that.” “….So nasty…” the kid whimpered, and the bear below him inquired if it was one of Mike’s. “Yup.” “Get used to it, shit for brains,” he said to Timmy, adding "That’s how you gob is gonna taste for the next 24 hours. Now Kiss it. Kiss It. Don’t get all piggy, yet. Kiss it like you’re gonna kiss my sister. Real sweet. Right on the lips. Just like it’s your first time. Kiss his hole real nice now. Okay now give him a little French kiss. Just slip your tongue in there a little…. That’s it.” The kid already new how to suck ass real well, but the coaching helped ad to the atmosphere. His tongue found another surprise in my rectum, and he began wiggling fiercely, trying the loosen my grip. “Oh look at that, it looks like you’ve got two there.” Glancing over at the mirror beside where I sat, I could see the fat white tips of two partially full cum bags hanging out of my dripping asslips, like thick globs of spunk frozen in time. “Milk on em, boy. Don’t pull ‘em out yet. Just chew the tips off.” Now that his mouth was filled with liquid crystal, I though he’d start loosing it but, he could still manage a little oral control and was rewarded with the rewarmed jizz that dripped on to his taste buds. “Show Daddy,” the Bear commanded. Pulling my cock and balls aside I looked into the kid’s shiny toilet hole. “Eat em both, Son,” and a split second later I felt the latex worms sucked out of me with a slick pop, followed by the sound of him chewing. Bear 1 grinned from where he knelt across from me, his fire plug prick still jammed in the boy’s over stretched cunt. “I gotta piss like a race horse,” he snarled, “but I don’t want to sour the kid’s implantation.” I responded “Hold on to it a second there, bud. You can rinse me out when I’m done here,” thinking to myself So the kid had been telling people what a foul deviant fuck his father was, huh? Baring down, I tried to push out a good, sloppy fart over the boy’s probing lips and nose, and Tweeker Timmy went nuts. Like a little kid licking a bowl of frosting, he tried to stuff his whole fucking face up my butt, and by pushing down, I made room for his mouth, nose and chin, up in my guts. Another good deep grunt was all it took, and the kid’s whole face fit up inside my ass-mask. I swear I could feel his nostrils snorting the lining of my rectum. A second later, scum bags 4, 5 and 6 sloshed from my insides into his, but the pressure of squeezing them out took its toll. “Show daddy what you found,” I commanded, and the boy responded by opening his mouth and rolling the used sperm bags around for me to see. Stuffing my swelling dick in his mouth, I started pissing right away. He coughed and choked and swallowed as fast as he could. Wrapping his slimy lips around my cock head, he began drinking, and to my amazement, he was actually sucking the urine straight from my bladder with all the force in his body. It couldn’t last. The drugs in my dick started boning me up, making it too hard to piss or even keep my baby-breeder pointed down at such a sharp angle. “Starting fingering my hole,” I told the Bear below me, and he gladly accepted. His furry fingers pushed into my ass, and then he shoved them in the kid’s mouth. Again, he shoved four fingers up my butt and wiggled them in my gut-slime, before smearing them all over my boys’ face, spending extra time pushing his slimy fingers up into the kid’s crusty nostrils. Mike, who’d been packing up his gear, stepped over to me with two more huge lambskin rubbers, as full as the first one he’d given me at the door. “Here’s an extra,” he said, “I thought I’d save it for myself, but I guess the kid will be milking it straight from the source in a couple hours.” Having promised the kid 10 cum sacks, I’d felt a little bad knowing there were only 6 for him to find, but the extra rubber inspired me. Setting one on the table next to my dildos and cunt-plugs, I untied the knot on the other, and looked down past my rock hard fuck pole to the grimy, grinning sickos below me. “Hey, Man-Bear-Pig,” I said catching the big dudes eye. “Stuff this as far up into my belly as you can reach.” His fingernails felt fine when he was digging around earlier so I wasn’t too worried as he squeezed the mouth of the massive jizz bag tightly between his thumb and first two forefingers, making the proper homosexual fist. Mike used the Joyrider brand rim seat, which features a toilet seat suspended by four springs, allowing for more bounce and control, as I sat up slightly, letting Bear 2 reached through the seat. After the dildo ramming I’d given myself earlier followed by one of the best rim jobs of my life, my hungry hole didn’t need lubing or coaxing. Sitting down on the big hairy hand, I worked my slick ass lips around his thick knuckles, then his thumb, and with one serious push, down around his wrist. Fireworks, gut searing fireworks. Even with my swollen prostate, his hand felt like it was built to fit in my bowels. And as I grunted and squirmed further down, the farther up into my stomach he reached. At some point, I stopped to breath in and adjust, and that’s when I felt him squeeze the overflowing scumbag in his hand. The extra juice was all I needed, and my intoxicated fuck hungry twat went insane, trying to swallow his entire sweaty, tattooed arm. Wringing out the deformed and bloated prophylactic with his thick fist, the big bad Bear massaged nature’s perfect steroid all over my intestinal lining, pure all natural testosterone mainlining into my blood stream. Rage and Lust pushed me up and own, rage and lust with each squish, squish, squish of my swollen ass lips on his hairy forearm. The sharp taste, bitter but something savory underneath, filled my mouth, the back of my nose and my throat. I road my prostate hard against his wrist, lost in the depraved fantasy of what was going to happen to the kid over the next 24 hours. Squish, slosh, grunt, squish, slosh. Riding up and down on the horse shaped appendage, listening him grunt at the kid, “That’s it slick up my wrist, lick that animal juice off my arm, buddy. That’s what your little cunt’s going to look, all stretched out like that real soon, Breeder boy. How’s that ass soup taste?" Master Mike had double dosed me, the son of a bitch. Weight and gravity normally did a good job of keeping my dripping prick sloping toward the ground, but the angry red fuck salami pointing out at 95 degree angle ached something fierce. The kid could only mumble and all I could do was grown. Cock sauce is the only kind of lube, and Mike’s beasts made the best semen in town. The kid didn’t know what he was licking, but I sure did, and it made my fuck hole ravenous. But I was going too far, too fast. My prostate was on the verge of detonations. Looking over at Bear #1, I stood-up, asked at the same time “You mind if I slip in there?” As I reached full height, a flood of goop splashed out of my ass along with the big bear’s fist, washing over the faces beneath me in a dense wave of gut warmed cock sauce and ass goo. And back into the kid’s mouth went the bear's slick fist, followed by his tongue and nose. They shared deep, slimy kisses as the Bear with the fat dick slid out of the boy, allowing me to pound my rock hard cunt-wrecker in alongside his friends. The change startled the boy. My dick was too long and too hard to be happy with his rectum alone, and following the other fucker's bumpy shaft. I pushed past his second sphincter into the twisting boy’s lower intestine. All his coughing and struggling wouldn’t stop me, and my buddy Bear held his gross, slimy mitt over the kid’s mouth while Tweeker Timmy screamed into his cum-covered palm. “You fucking WHORE,” I cursed, adding "You stupid, demented cum dump. Letting all theses mean men take your little cunt, spunk for brains? You let all these dirty fuckers Tag your twat, when YOU KNOW your hole belongs to Daddy!” The kid thrashed under the onslaught, inspiring the other dude to start grinding deeper still, slapping his balls against mine, as we threw the meanest fuck possible into the struggling junkie youth. “Daddy’s dirty, little Spermbank,” I repeated over and over, my mind lost in the sickest imagining of how I would have raised Timmy if he were mine, and the shit that Psycho Mike and the farm Bears were going to put him through in a few short hours. “He’s ours! Now, you sick bastard,” the ooze covered bear roared, pounding his rock hard cum gun against mine with each syllable he bellowed. “What kind of fifthly, sick, fucking pig brings his little boy to a sleazy fucking bathhouse to suck the seed out of nameless strangers? We knocked him up! He’s ours now. His insides are festering with our lethal demon seed. You gave up your right to this cunt when you pulled your dick out of him!" We waged war in his hot clenching oven, digging in deeper, trying to take more ground, carving our filthy signatures on his cave walls- his sloppy, over stuffed, cum covered walls. “Shut Up,” roared the Bear to the bo, "You think this is rough, you fucked up little bitch? This ain’t shit next to the meat that’s going to get stuffed up inside you when we get you to the farm. Cry all you want now, because I’m expecting you to take it like a man with the big horsies start riding you.” I giggled, and the Bear snarled at me, “You sick degenerate….” Timmy’s eyes rolled in his Head. Heart attach or seizure, it didn't matter to me. I had my second wind, and I was going to decorate the kid's bowels with some more of my fatherly nut-slime. His little body trembled and shook as we sword-fought inside his body, the other guy's hairy, veiny shaft working like a piston against my own. “Make room for a billion little brothers,” I shouted before I let loose, with thick rope after rope of vile, charged cock snot. The last load of the night, the copious dense cock-sludge that had collected at the bottom of my balls, blowing into my baby, big gobs of jizz as thick as chewing gum, exploding against another man’s dick a he pounded it further and further into my son’s convulsing innards. Even his little bowels craved the taste of his father’s incestuous seed. The thug beside me mashed my gunk into his own, smearing my DNA all together with his, in a sick and twisted experiment in eugenics. Slapping the boy, the Bear ordered, “Thank Daddy for his seed. Tell him why you were born." Little Tweeker was crying (and/or hyperventilating). “Thank you Poppa….Thank…." Suddenly someone shoved a fist in my unsuspecting twat…no….not a fist. Bear # 1 dropped his hairy belly on my back and stuffed his fireplug fuck knot, up into my colon. “I said,” he grrrrrrrroweled “….I gotta piss like a race horse….” And so he did. My mind couldn’t tell you what the Bears had been taking. The mucus membrane in my ass was so saturated and abused, all it could do was drink and expand. Swallowing the fire-hose straight down as it erupted inside me. “He’s our BreederBoy now,” snarled the my new Gut Master, “our sister’s ov-U-latin’ in two weeks and keeps askin’ us to bring her a pretty little sperm donor. We’re gonna pump Timmy here full o’ Zink and B6, and he’s gonna bang her cervix blind, for four days, none stop. Timmy here’s promised us triplets. He’s gonna breed us a whole bunch of little of nephews with big dicks like their daddy, and they’ll all be pre-fucked up and ready for rollin’!” The Kaverject and Padingtons humping dick kept me from getting soft or relaxing enough inside the kid to fill him with my own warm piss enema, as my lower intestines quickly filled with the urine of the beast on my back. “He’s gonna make us batches of puppies to play with,” his voice echoing in the back of my poached brain. Breathing through my nose, I tried to make room, to rearrange my inside for the filthy waste that was filling me, passing into my blood. There was a moment of silence. Pure, perfect Zen light….how long it lasted I can’t say. My inner ears were numb. My nose deaf. My skin sparking with sheer electricity. The cock yanked out and a plug slammed in. “Are we done?” Bear 2 asked Master Mike. “The car will be here in twenty minutes,” my mentor offered. Shocked by the sound of my own voice, I grunted. “Timmy owes me a load. You can’t take my boy, until he pays his daddy back for his first unfinished fuck.” “Where do you want it?” Mike asked. “In the sling…, but grab me a plug, first.” Reaching for the first cunt-cork on the table, Padington used the same slick plug I’d stuffed into Timmy earlier on for the very same purpose. This time the Bears lifted me. "But first, I got some thing for my boy…..” Neither Timmy nor I could stand very well. He’d been on his back for hours and, I had to concentrate on clamping down on the twat-stopper, holding back the gallon of bear piss, squishing around in my belly. Balancing one hand on the dildo table, I retrieved the last of Psycho Mike’s super-sized sperm samples. “Do you know where these come from, Son?” The fucked-up kid stared blankly at me, still trying to find his sea legs. “Here,” I grabbed my mega plug from the table and passed it to Pooh, “He’ll need this, you don’t want him loosing all that evil shit you pumped up into his little tummy.” Timmy shouted, but his spine straightened immediately. Untying the thick swinging scumbag, I poured the final few rocks and powder, from the smaller zipper sack into the gaping mouth of the jizz filled condom. Timmy’s eyes focused suddenly. “You want me to drink that? 'Cuz I’ll do it. I don’t give a flying fuck. Give me that…” he reached, but I kept playing keep away. “No son, if you want it, you’re going to need to snort it out.” I smiled handing him half a straw. “Gentlemen? Hold his hands.” Placing the straw in the spiked spunk, I inserted the other end into the kid’s dry nostril. And just like a little boy with a thick vanilla milkshake, he snorted in as much cock-snot as he could. “These bags were filled by Master Mike's two big buddies, REX and Marky D,” I explained, pulling the half empty bag from the dazed kid. “I’m sure they’ll make you dance with REX and Marky D before they let you go for your donkey ride.” The blond boy’s face twisted in disgust, as the ejaculate filled and then drained his dry crystal coated sinus. “That’s fucking disgusting,” he grumbled tasting the slob draining down the back of his throat. “Was it old or frozen?” “No,” I assured him, “That’s farm fresh. Mike milks it before he comes out to play.” Moving the straw to the other nostril, I couldn’t hold the secret back any more. “REX is a Bull Mastiff and Marky D is a Great Dane.” Confusion played on the kid’s face for a second. “Dog jizz?” He asked out-loud. “That’s right, crystal fortified canine ejaculate. Now finish it off for daddy,” and with one mighty snort, the sick little fucker did. Holding his head back at an angle, he shouted, “Get this Fucker into the sling!” He shook his head violently, and the Bears obeyed. My ravenous ring didn’t want to release the kid’s warm, greasy cunt-plug, but it didn’t have any choice. Squeezing my innards as tight as I could, I tried to the pull the Bear’s sewage back into my stomach, but the kid rammed his flagpole up in me before I could spill a drop. The little rings inside my ass had clamped shut to keep the piss inside me, but my boy wasn’t going to stand for it, pushing in as hard and as deep as he could. All the stretching from the butt bumps, the bear fist and my own dildos made it easier for him to slam his way into my lower intestine, brutally pushing the other guys urine deeper into my system. “Carve your name in his ass,” Bear 1 coached the boy. “Spray-paint your DNA all over your daddy’s sloppy cum-chute,” added Bear 2. “Charge him. Charge his ass good. Spark up your Daddy.” “Make ‘im your first convert.” "Yeah, breed him with your sick seed. Plant your germ it your poppa’s ass.” “Breed, BREED, BREED!” They chanted as the kid pounded, and I ground down as hard as I could, trying to mash his teenage testicles into my bottomless pit. “Make him cry, Timmy,” Master Mike instructed, “Make your daddy cry as you poison and pollute his insides. Hurt him, boy, hurt him real good.” The tweeked out little freak shook insanely as he put his roto-hammer to work. He snarled and grunted like a dog. Foaming white froth seemed to form around his nose and mouth. Somewhere in the background, I could hear the sound of one of the sweaty spectators slapping his ass, smacking the buttplug with hard, loud pops. “Come on Son, show Daddy what’s in your nuts, you stupid little pussy….” That set him off. “I Am Not Just a Fuck Hole For You and Your Friends To Fucking Violate every Fucking Day of My God Damned fucking Life you Fucking Filthy bastard,” the boy cried, “I am A Man, I am a Fucking Breeder, I’m Gonna Be a D….”” “Breed him, boy….” “Get daddy preggers with your demon seed, Buddy-boy. Shove it up deep inside Daddy, mark up his walls….” “Come on, Son. Tag me, boy. Whitewash my insides and go.” And he did. He howled and jerked and thrashed and fucked, pumping a nights worth of pent up ball juice up deep inside my worn and battered bowels. Despite the drugs and the piss and the bruised tissue inside me, I could swear I felt his goop fire up into my stomach- wad after wad of backed up baby-batter, spewing all over my insides, as he tried to hammer it and mash it into my tender mucus membranes. He grunted and groaned and dumped and grunted. The men behind him where congratulating him, telling him what a good father he’ll be, and how he was the perfect carrier for their toxic waste. Their words helped him slow down a little as he tried to catch his breath. Bear #1 asked him a question and he nodded. “Do it now,” said the Bear 1, “Do it now so we can be done with him.” My mind couldn’t quite grasp what had been said, but it didn’t matter. Something happening in the pit of my stomach held my attention. Fire down below. The pressure of pent up piss began to increase at a gut churning rate. My asshole bit down on the base of his prick but it didn’t stop the swelling inside me. His fever burned my bowels once again. The hot flashes of his piss blending together with the bear’s set me spinning. The shitty six pack enema the boy drank earlier had worked its way down his throat and into his bladder in a very short time, and as my stomach began to buckle, I tried pointing to my towel. I tried to focus on all of the grinning whiskers that looked down around me. “For my boy” I whispered, and Bear 1 seemed to hear. My throbbing, bruised prostate, my heart, my brain, my eyeballs, my tongue all floated in a sea of warm, noxious piss. Words weren’t forming, just wave after wave of stinky, stale salt-water, pushing into me as it soaked into my bloodstream, absorbed through my lining of my bowels. “Good boy” was all that I could get out, when Pooh returned with the other baggy full of Tina, Timmy’s shiny face lit up like a little cherub on Christmas day, grinning at the sight of all the snow still waiting for him in his bag. “Wait ‘til you get him to the barn,” I tried to say to his new pals… his brothers.. in law, if I was really remembering their plans… “Good luck with the triplet’s… don’t clamp down when Mr. Ed cums or you’ll…. Kill your self.” “Too late,” Master Mike chuckled. As he removed his rod from my Honey Bucket, he very gently slipped the fat plug back in its place. Stretching over my body, laying his smooth sweat soaked skin on my furry bloated belly, Timmy tried to kiss me, but I wasn’t going to let the little fuck-hole embarrass himself in front of his new friends. “Jesus mother Fucking Christ,” I said so they all could hear me, “Your breath smells like you’ve already blown the whole fucking kennel.” The kid stopped and smiled. Slapping his palm on my forehead, he pushed my head back, stuffed his nose in my mouth and gave a mighty blow. Before they left, I asked them to turn on the porn and shut the door. They invited me to join them, but I knew if I did, I’d end up trying to steal the spotted donkey dong form the hungry boy’s cunt-mouth. Laying on my back with my swollen dick of death pointing like rock hard arrow up at my chin, I marinated, lost in the clamping and relaxing of my aching gut-ring, wrapped round the fat pacifier, holding back the jizz of ten men and two massive dogs, along with the piss of a bear and a boy. My convulsing heart beat caused the plug to hump me with little conscious effort. I rubbed my swollen, bloated belly, and basted, savoring the warm, salty-sour mixture of canine ejaculate and bitter Tina dripping down the back of my throat, just waiting for another second wind.
    1 point
  47. The first time a guy ever pissed in me I wasn't expecting it. We'd set up an anonymous breed and go where he came in and found me naked and ass up ready for his cock and load. This particular guy liked for me to pretend to be drugged/asleep. I knew he had cum from his sigh and spasming cock buried deep in my hole. I expected he'd get up and leave, but he just stayed there. After a bit I could feel his cock kind of twitching and then I started to feel kinda warm and full and realized what he was doing. At first I was startled, but just as instantly got totally turned on by it. He pissed for sometime, and not just little spurts, this guy had some pressure and I could feel it going in. After he was done, he pulled out without spilling a drop (he was deep when pissing), dressed and left. I held it for quite awhile, but when I let it out there was easily more than a liter. Something else that is really hot is my piss took on his scent when I pissed later. The piss goes into the colon where fluids are absorbed. it is so fucking hot, wish I could find more guys who can do this.
    1 point
  48. My fuck flu was bad, my immune system crashed. However, what is puzzling is that I did not go on antivirals or any meds for 6 years after, cause my system stabilized and it was held in check for a long time.
    1 point
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