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  1. Got some great dick last night! It was the guy from the fisting party on Saturday. His touch is so gentle, so inviting, and one would never think he's a PIG. Eats ass like it's the last time he'll ever do it, fucks with an incredible passion, cums multiple loads, and kisses well. He even got a bit of poz talk in there even though neither of us has it. He knows what I am, and even told me that chasing is hot. What do you make of this exchange? Him: You really want the gift, huh? Me: We don't have to do that right now. (pause) Unless it's already too late? Him: No, it's not too late. He had already bred me by that point, and I was giving him a chance to be honest with me. He's kind enough and level-headed enough that I think he WAS being honest, and nothing to worry/get excited about. Just chatter. But a great fuck all around. He wants to help me destroy my hole and grow a rosebud. Will definitely see him again. And again. And again. Something of him reminds me of my late husband. But I mustn't fall in love with him. Too soon for that, and besides, this is just sex. THE BEAST HAS BEEN FED. WE CAN ALL GO HOME NOW.
    7 points
  2. Part 22 - Castlehyde Estate A whirlwind of activity took place in the coming weeks, Moham had Harry and Conrad meet with his tailor who made custom wedding suits for them. Conrad met with Harry's family and his brother Alfie agreed to be his best man likewise Charlie was to be Conrad's. The best news Conrad received was his grandparents were also coming over after some persuasion by his mother Jodie, they were not overly happy about Conrad marrying a man but for the sake of their grandson and partly through being instructed by Jodie they would attend. Harry and Conrad walked through Kensington having visited Conrad's auntie and cousin Max, who was delighted to see Harry again. They slowly walked towards the coffee shop and meet up with Dexter to invite him to the wedding. Adam would be in tow since he had been looking after Dexter and keeping a close eye on him supporting him as a friend. Adam had also offered him a job at the office in Alton on the instruction of Moham and Simon with Carrington's agreement. Dexter was unsure about taking the job since it was a long train journey but Adam insisted and offered him lodging at his house on Hibiscus drive. He accepted on the condition that if he didn't like it he could leave which made Adam laugh. On the plus side it meant being closer to Conrad and Harry, they had become good friends apart from the sex aspect. Adam had let slip they were marrying and this was adding to Dexter's indecisiveness, the thought that this could lead to the end of their sexual antics played on his mind. Happy that at least he had a get out plan to use if needed he was looking forward to seeing them. Conrad he found very enticing to fuck and Harry, well he made Dexter laugh, he only had to open his mouth and mutter a few words before Harry just crumbled to his knees in orgasm at his voice and got so aroused when Dexter spoke dirty whilst banging his cute arse. Adam placed the coffee down in front of Dexter who was looking a little anxious when Conrad and Harry burst in to the coffee shop laughing and chatting. Conrad and Harry sat down and Dexter could already see Harry lost in sexual thought making him laugh loudly. Dexter agreed to attend the wedding then informed them he would be lodging with Adam and Jamal working at the office. Harry just sat there with a grin so big on his face and in a trance like state until Adam poked him in the side. "He won't be working with you that is for sure!" Adam exclaimed bringing Harry back in the room. Harry chuckled "Keep him well away from me" he said to Adam with his gazed fixed on Dexter. "You don't mind me living so close?" Dexter asked looking at Conrad and Harry. Conrad chuckled "Not at all, means I can get a break from keeping him sexually happy". Harry shot Conrad a look and opened his mouth "I am not that bad" he protested. Conrad, Dexter and Adam all replied in unison "Yes you are!" then burst out laughing. By the time they left Dexter felt the decision was right, a decent job and he could finally get a bank account that his parents didn't know about so he could get his £50k at last. And the bonus of Conrad and Harry on tap so to speak. Simon had managed to slip away for three days to visit Sean and persuaded him and the studio he was under contract with to release him for four days to attend the wedding. All he told Sean was that Conrad and Harry were marrying and he wanted Sean to attend as his plus one, he didn't need asking twice and saw this a big step forward in them becoming a couple. Simon brought the ticket for him before leaving San Fran explaining he would make all the arrangements, all Sean had to do was get on the plane. Charlie came out of the morning meeting with Dave and the rest of the team. The ship had developed a bearing shaft problem with the main engine and required fixing over a two week period and everyone apart from the engineers had been granted two weeks shore leave. They were also due to return to Portsmouth a day earlier than planned, this meant Charlie could get back home on Thursday before the rest of his family arrived. The Wednesday before the wedding Conrad was laid on the sofa in Moham's suite at the Mandarin Oriental, a plate on food on his stomach that he was munching through making the most of Moham's hospitality after his walk through Hyde Park. Harry had moved out of the apartment Moham had give him and was renting it out already, he was finalising some work with Moham before coming back to the hotel and heading back to Hampshire. Dressed only in his underwear Conrad turned his head towards the opening door with Moham and Harry entering the room, both rolled their eyes laughing at the sight of a very chilled out Conrad. After a quick kiss Harry went off for a shower and Conrad sat up patting the seat next to him indicating for Moham to sit down. Conrad put his plate down "I want to know Moham. Joshua where is he?" he asked looking at him. Moham sat back contemplating for a moment "You really want to know?" he asked glancing at Conrad. "Yes" Conrad replied, "Well at least that he is still alive" he tried to make light of it. Moham smirked "What do you take me for Conrad?" he asked, "Second thoughts don't answer that". "He is alive and well" Moham followed up, "Just out of everyone's way". "Where though?" Conrad asked sitting back on the sofa eating a chip, "Want one?" he asked. "No" Moham replied laughing, "He is in Ireland on a country estate" he confirmed. Conrad was sceptical about his answer "Really?" he asked emphasising the word. "Yes, truthfully" Moham replied, "he is in the hands of a therapist". Conrad looked at him a little unconvinced "Can I at least see him, know he is alive" he pleaded. Moham looked perplexed for a moment "Okay let me see if I can sort it out with Tanner". He wasn't wrong, Joshua had spent several months on the estate now. Under the strong influence of a wealthy American man called Tanner, he loved training racing horses in the US but got bored of it, now he had found a new love in training the unruly Joshua. Locked in this bedroom until he started behaving, stopped shouting and trying to assault the two men assigned to look after him but failing miserably and unable to coordinate his body. Joshua had no idea where he was and all he could see was countryside that went on as far as the eye could see. Losing count of how many days had passed and unable to think clearly in any capacity he was still confused by how he ended up here. Having received a message from Moham that took Tanner by surprise, he walked in behind the two burly guards and looked around the room. "You need to clean your room then I will come back and talk to you" Tanner said turning to leave. "Fuck you, you can't keep me here" Joshua called after him angrily. Tanner looked over his shoulder "No dinner for him" he said to Aaron the blond guard. "You can't do this" Joshua screamed at Tanner falling on deaf ears as the door closed and locked. Tanner smirked walking along the hallway to the sweeping staircase that lead to the lower floor of the estate house. At 45 Tanner was tall and lanky with dark long hair tied in a pony tail, he had settled down in Ireland after buying the estate for the privacy and attended several of Simon's parties. He knew Moham and Simon well through contacts and Moham knew that Tanner was looking for a new project so sent him Joshua as a present. Joshua sat back on the bed fuming, he could smell himself having not washed in some form of a cloudy protest since waking up here. Joshua guessing he must have been here over a month since he had no recollection, the drug being put in his food knocked him out after breakfast and again after dinner. He knew he was being drugged to keep him quiet with no idea where it was in the food, it was either eat or go hungry. He looked over at his breakfast that was untouched and got off the bed walking towards the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, there was no denying that even he saw a very disturbed person looking back at him. Conrad had been the only person he really felt some deep connection with, his desire to own and control Conrad lead to him behaving like this. He thought about Charlie and how good a friend he had been, there was heavy regret around what he tried to do with Conrad. In some way he was sure that had he gone down a different loving route he would be in a happy relationship with Conrad. The bruises had faded and his nose had almost fixed itself, still he experienced a little pain every now and then. Worst, he was unable to figure out who the guy was that brought him down so quickly having never seen him before. The anger had subsided in him and he just wanted his freedom, his confinement both lonely and painful to endure day after day, in many ways it was worse than when he was in prison for a few months before released without further charge due to lack of plausible evidence. Both of the men who appeared to be guarding him never spoke a word and only appeared when they unlocked the door to deliver food. Tanner sent a response to Moham inviting him over the following day but not to expect too much since his project was still uncooperative and hadn't been let out of his room. Joshua rubbed his hand between his crotch the smell immediately assaulting his nostrils almost making him gag, climbing in to the shower he cleaned himself up having a shave at the same time and removing the beard completely. His hair was longer than usual but he liked it along with his freshly shaven face, he smiled at the sexy man reflected back in the mirror drying himself off. It took a few seconds to to realise that he could actually concentrate and move without bumbling around. Opting to drink a glass of water from the tap, he flushed the breakfast down the toilet and walked back in to the bedroom tidying up as he went and making his bed. By late afternoon he was hungry and sat on the chair by the window he was looking out over the countryside and the deep shadows being cast clouds floating overhead. He felt fine and for the first time he could think and register everything more clearly since arriving here. Not eating breakfast had proved that his food was being drugged and keeping him in a confused and bewildered state. The door unlocked and Aaron walked in whilst Sven stood at the door, he stopped for a moment looking around the cleaned room and the figure sat in the chair. Aaron had to double take to make sure it was actually him at first, he walked over and picked up the breakfast tray looking at the plate then glancing over to Joshua. He knew immediately by the traces of food leading to the edge of the plate that Joshua had thrown it away, a glass of half drunk water was by the chair. "I didn't eat it if that is what you want to know" Joshua said staring out of the window. Aaron turned to leave, "I know you are drugging me, stop it please" Joshua pleaded. Aaron walked out a small feeling of pity crossing over him and also a weakness of desire seeing the freshly shaved young guy sat there naked with his body vying for attention. Sven walked behind Aaron smirking thinking to himself how long Aaron would be able to hold off before he crept in to the room to have sex with Joshua. Both of them were loyal to Tanner, Sven even more so being his personal body guard and often sleeping with Tanner. Aaron walked outside to the stables where Tanner was returning from his morning ride. "He didn't eat breakfast and is fully compos mentis" Aaron said holding the reigns. Tanner dismounted his horse and nodded. "Cleaned his room and showered" Aaron informed him. "Good, progress at least" Tanner replied smiling. Aaron handed the horse over to the stable guy "You want me to give him dinner?" he asked. "Don't know yet, I need to talk to him first" Tanner replied looking curiously at Aaron. Aaron walked with Tanner back to the estate house, "You still want him drugged?" he asked. "Just at night and see how we go" Tanner replied and stopped walking, "You in to him?". Aaron smiled embarrassingly "He shaved the beard off" he said changing the subject. Tanner laughed patting Aaron's shoulder "I know a deflection when I get one" he said. Tanner continued walking "Be careful" he said in a warning tone, "he might be playing us". "Was he really as bad as Moham said?" Aaron asked glancing at Tanner. Tanner nodded "Apparently so, very aggressive and manipulative" he explained. "Moham and the young lad are coming over tomorrow" Tanner went on to say. Aaron stopped walking "Why on earth would he want to see him?" he asked sounding shocked. "He wants to make sure Joshua is alive" Tanner replied chuckling. Aaron smiled "Strange" he replied, "I have the urge to rape him" he said looking at Tanner. Tanner laughed "I thought you had put that part of your life behind you?" he asked. "I have" Aaron replied, "Can't resist a cute sexy young lad though" he said smirking. Tanner shook his head grinning "After tomorrow, go carefully Aaron". There was a very murky past to Aaron and at 28 years old he had finally sorted himself out becoming a completely reformed character. He grew up in the UK before the family moved to the US not far from where Tanner lived in. He soon developed a jock style body from playing sports and weight training during his high school years. Today he was solidly built sporting a tree trunk of a body with copious muscles and was fast on his feet. With short cropped blond hair and deep blue eyes that matched his olive complexion set against attractive and finely chiselled facial features it made him quite the eye pleaser. Around town he had inadvertently made friends and found himself deeply involved in a gang. Most of the gang appeared to be blond and blue eyed and wore stickers indicating their superior tendencies. Their goal was to spread their perfect seed and bring the Aryan race to the forefront. Male or female was of no relevance every person had to be bred at one point. As strange as it all seemed to the young 19 year old Aaron he found a twisted desire especially preying on young gay guys who were easy targets. Most thought it was just rough sex but to Aaron it was raping and breeding them with his superior seed. Disturbed and impressionable he dropped out of college seduced in to this dark world that became his life and focus. Arrested several times on rape charges, he always had the message exchanges to show the police that clearly indicated consented sex and the charges could never stick. His one mistake was trying to pick on Sven who was two years older and working for Tanner's parents at the stud farm. Tanner a trained psychologist was making a fortune of his own being the one person in demand by the wealthy and celebrities, the type of people who had to have a therapist otherwise they were considered boring. Aaron had found his way out with Tanner's help and started working on the stud farm striking a friendship up with Sven and Tanner. Aaron for the most part behaved quite normally but his still loved to force himself occasionally on young guys. Reaching the house Tanner, Sven and Aaron went up to Joshua's room checking his location in the room before unlocking the door. Tanner and Aaron walked inside whilst Sven stayed outside and locked the door. Tanner pulled up a chair and sat opposite Joshua and Sven looked on standing behind Joshua. "How are you feeling Joshua?" Tanner asked looking him in the eye. Joshua stared back "You can't keep me here" he replied. Tanner smiled "I don't intend to, you need help and that is what I want to do, help you". "You can start by letting me go" Joshua replied his gazed fixed on Tanner. Tanner leaned forward "You want to talk about why you need Conrad?". "No" Joshua replied, "You can stop drugging me". Tanner smiled again at him sitting back. It was a carefully elected silence by Tanner before he spoke "Talk and you get more freedom". Tanner stood up "I will know if your deceiving me Joshua, lets talk tomorrow" he said. "Fuck right off" Joshua said quite calmly to Tanner leaving the room. Tanner turned "No Joshua, I will fix you make you a better person". With that Tanner and Aaron were gone leaving Joshua alone in his room again. During the afternoon he had searched the room and found his wallet but no phone, they had clearly taken it so he couldn't call for help. But then who would he call he thought to himself, it was the few hours he sat there afterwards before realising how lonely his life was and he had no one to call on for help. Aaron appeared just before 7pm and brought Joshua dinner, placing it down without a word and walking back towards the door. "Are you not allowed to talk to me?" Joshua asked looking at the steak, vegetables and mashed potato. Aaron turned "Eat your dinner" he said looking at Joshua. Joshua studied him carefully quietly aroused by him "have you drugged it?" he asked. Aaron smirked "Eat and find out" he replied leaving the room and Sven locking the door. Joshua couldn't help but grin watching him leave, focusing back on his dinner he picked the fork up and toyed with the mashed potato smelling it. If it was drugged then that was the ideal place to hide it but it looked perfectly normal. Joshua ate the lot considering he was hungry then took another shower, drying himself of he managed to make it to the bed before collapsing in a tranquil state and falling fast asleep. Conrad sat on the bed whilst Harry paced around the room in anger, he understood that Conrad needed to see that Joshua was alive and was upset and angry that he chose to do it a few days before their wedding. Conrad pleading with Harry to calm and stressing that Joshua meant nothing to him and it was something he needed to do to be at peace. Despite his anger Harry finally relented and sat on the bed next to him, Conrad put his arm around Harry telling him that he was the only true love in his life. Conrad slept uneasy that night, running through the timings to make sure he could be back home early afternoon since Charlie and his parents would be arriving. He knew that when Charlie found out he too would be angry with him. By morning Moham arrived in the helicopter just after 9am. Harry escorted Conrad to the helipad asking one more time if he was sure it was the right thing to do. Simon arrived home immediately making his way to the helipad just as it lifted off and disappeared over the trees finding Harry standing there in his shorts watching. "You are home" Harry said startled by his presence. Simon smiled "What is going on?" he asked. "Conrad" Harry replied looking at him, "He has to see that Joshua is alive for some reason". Simon put his arm around Harry "Joshua is alive, he is in Ireland under lock and key". Harry nodded "How was your trip, fucking secretive I know that much" he said nudging Simon. Simon laughed "Sexually satisfying" he replied, "Come on I need a coffee". They walked back to the manor with Harry bombarding him with questions about his trip. Joshua was woken but the sound of Aaron placing his breakfast on the table by the window, he was in bed and the last thing he remembered was collapsing at the foot of the bed falling asleep. Someone had come in during the night and put Joshua to bed and removed the damp towel putting it back in the bathroom. Joshua rubbed his head "You fucking drugged me again" he said angrily. Aaron smirked and walked over to him keeping a distance "I had to put you to bed as well". Joshua sat up "Did you fondle me, are you a [banned word] fucker?" he spoke sarcastically. Aaron nodded over to his breakfast "Don't worry it is not drugged" he said. "Like I believe you" Joshua responded, "I won't know until I collapse again". "If you behave I will take you out for a walk later" Aaron said walking to the door. Before Joshua could say anything he was gone and locked clicked in place. Joshua sat in the chair and looked at the breakfast, unsure if he could trust anything that was being said to him he dug in and sat waiting. Almost half an hour had passed without any drowsiness or his body relaxing, the door unlocked then opened with Tanner walking in carrying two cups of coffee, Aaron removed the tray and Tanner sat down putting the cups on the table. "Are you in the mood to talk Joshua?" Tanner asked inviting him to drink, "Chose either one". Joshua figured that neither was of them was drugged "What do you want to talk about the weather?". Tanner chuckled "If you want to" he replied with his soothing soft hypnotic voice. "Or how about where am I?" Joshua asked not being fooled by the stupid tone this guy used. "You are on my estate as my guest and patient" Tanner replied sipping his coffee. "Patient?" Joshua asked looking at him confused, "Fucking dick head". Tanner chuckled "I am going to rehabilitate you Joshua, bring you back in to society". Joshua sat back in his chair "Why?" he asked, "Come on tell me why?". Tanner sat back staring at him "You are fucked up Joshua and I am going to help". The tirade of verbal abuse and questions continued for an hour before Joshua found he was getting no where and kept answering Tanner's questions rather than getting responses to his own. Aaron came back in the room and nodded at Tanner who got up and told him they would continue their conversation this afternoon. He gave Joshua a stark warning to behave or he would be drugged up constantly until he learnt some respect. Conrad opened the door as soon as the helicopter touched down and vomited, he could cope with the twenty minute ride to London but it had had been just under two hours and he felt horrific motion sickness. Conrad wiped he eyes and turned to Moham who was laughing hard. "So much for eating breakfast this morning" Conrad said, "Where are we?" he asked. "Castlehyde house in Ireland" Moham replied waiting for Conrad to stop heaving. Conrad looked up "Guess the owner has a bit of money" he said standing up. Tanner came walking over "Looks like the young man needs some ginger beer" he said laughing. After some quick introductions they walked up to the house and took a seat in the drawing room overlooking the front aspect of the gardens leading down to the Blackwater river. Tanner gave Moham a brief update on Joshua and Conrad became a lot more relaxed knowing a little history about Tanner knowing he might be able to do some good with him. Aaron walked in the bedroom "We will take you outside for a walk" he said to Joshua. Sven remained quiet standing at the door "Don't try anything" Aaron warned. Joshua was cuffed to Aaron with one hand and the other cuffed to Sven. They walked down the sweeping staircase in to the entrance hall and outside in to the fresh air. Purposely they walked Joshua past the drawing room window slowly where Conrad could get a glimpse of him. Conrad nodded "Okay lets go" he said feeling sick again, "I have seen enough". Moham looked at Conrad "Tanner will help him" he reaffirmed to Conrad. "Sorry" Conrad said quietly then looked at Moham, "Sorry for doubting you". Moham smiled "Tanner here is really good, all his troubled patients stay here initially". Conrad smiled at Tanner. "How is Adam?" Tanner asked Moham. "Really good Tan" Moham replied, "In fact he got engaged to Conrad's friend". Tanner smiled "Excellent, so glad he has found love and happiness at last". Tanner watched the helicopter lift off and bank out over the river. Joshua heard the noise from his room and looked out the window seeing the helicopter with no idea how close he had been to Conrad. When Tanner returned in the afternoon to talk he was less than cooperative demanding to have his phone back and refusing to answer any questions. He got more and more annoyed the way Tanner would sit and watch him like a lab rat, he knew he was being assessed and it riled him even more. Aaron turned up just before 7pm with his dinner, Joshua noticed the mashed potato again and was beginning to suspect that was where the drug was being mixed in. "Eat up like a good boy" Aaron joked moving away from Joshua. "You scared of me?" Joshua asked noticing his movement. Aaron laughed "Certainly not, I just don't trust myself being close to you" he replied. Joshua walked towards him "Why is that?" he asked smirking, "Want to fuck with me?". Aaron stood his ground staring at him "I wouldn't pass up an opportunity" he said. Joshua beckoned him closer with his hand "Come on then". Aaron laughed and walked towards the door "I have a tendency to rape guys like you" he warned. Joshua laughed watching the door close and lock, he went over to his dinner and scooped the mashed potato up off the plate then flushed it down the toilet. After an hour he was satisfied that he had not ingested any more drugs, stripping naked he went to bed and laid on his side watching the sun setting from his window. He could hear the door unlock and pretended to be asleep, he could sense Aaron's closeness then heard the tray being picked up. "He is out" Aaron said to Sven at the door. "Okay" Sven replied, "How long do you want?" he asked. "Thirty minutes but don't do go to far away" Aaron replied undoing his shirt. "Take your radio in with you" Sven said handing it to him. Sven locked the door leaving whilst Aaron took his trousers and underwear off then walked over to the bed. Joshua breathed quietly keeping his eyes closed and trying not to react. Climbing under the covers Aaron pulled Joshua over laying him flat on his stomach and shifting his body on top pinning the young guy under him. Joshua was fighting to keep his eyes closed and desperately wanted to laugh, but his senses overloaded feeling the muscular body mounting him and pressing against his own body. He was not a small man either and seemed to have a pretty hefty hard cock that was rubbing against his arse. Aaron moved Joshua's arms so they were able to be safely pinned in case he woke up and tried to fight back, wriggling his arse and lifting his hips up to get his cock in position 'Told you I would rape you' he said kissing the back of Joshua neck. Joshua closed his eyes tightly bracing himself knowing this was going to be hurt. Trying to prepare himself he struggled to stifle the cry as the pain shot through his body. Aaron rammed his cock in deep and started fucking and biting Joshua's neck moaning and gasping driving his cock in hard with each thrust. Joshua breathed out hard and released a painful moan. The fight in him gone and so aroused and horny feeling the muscles of Aaron clasping around his body pinning him to the bed. He made feeble gestures of protest with his hand, a gesture he thought someone would do whilst they were drugged up hoping it would suffice. The combined force and acute accuracy of Aaron's fucking constantly hitting his prostate made him want to cry out badly. Instead he allowed himself to make small moans and move his head a little allowing Aaron to fuck him continuously until he could feel the beginning of the orgasm. Aaron shifted his body weight down to his hips and grabbed hold of Joshua's arms tightly. He grunted very loudly raising his chest up and gripping Joshua's arms even more tightly. 'Breed you my with perfect Aryan seed' he said chuckling then slamming his pelvis down hard and grinding. His seed released in long ribbons firing out in tune with the pulses in his cock that sent electrical tingles through Joshua's body. Joshua afforded himself a little smile enjoying the orgasm from the man on top of him. His body finally collapsing on top with his arse grinding away, he kissed Joshua's neck 'Perfect' he said licking around his neck and then up along the side of his face. Slowly Aaron pulled his cock out and rolled over to sit on the side of the bed to compose himself. Aaron felt the bed move and was about to look around before his body was hauled back roughly. An arm swiftly crushing his neck and he had no time to react. Within seconds he blacked out. Joshua rolled Aaron's limp body over on his stomach then climbed on top rubbing his cock he leant forward and pushed with all his might laughing at how the body never flinched. He knew he wouldn't have long and in no way could he hold this guy down when he became conscious again. Slamming his cock in hard and fast to get it warmed warmed up he used his arms placing them across the shoulders of Aaron hoping it would keep him pinned down long enough. It was like a bang in his head as the blood pumped around becoming conscious again, he became aware of the sharp pulsing pain in his arse. Snapping his eyes open and gasping for breath he realised his predicament and tried to wriggle free. Joshua had his legs pinned and entwinned with his keeping them apart 'Fuck, get off me' Aaron said panicking. Joshua laughed 'My turn to rape you and pump you full of my perfect toxic seed' he said sneering and laughing in a nasty way. It took a moment for Aaron to understand and he pushed up with all his might managing to get a few inches off bed before being slapped back down and Joshua delivering harder thrusts that came in rapid succession. Aaron felt the elbows digging in to his back from the force of him being held down 'Not poz' he cried out 'get off' he pleaded. Joshua laughed and continued thrusting his precum already oozing and coating the inside the Aaron's arse 'You will be when I have finished' he sneered biting Aaron's neck with purpose and jabbing his cock hard a couple of times. For good measure Joshua bit Aaron's neck sucking hard on the flesh and leaving a bright red love bite, the body wriggling under him was just so intoxicating he had to cum. Joshua felt his balls tingling as the arse under him kept wriggle to get free, he grunted and pushed up hard feeling the orgasm in his body spiralling out of control releasing his toxic seed in flashes of pulses up his cock 'Fucking pozzing you bitch' he said menacingly pushing his arms down harder to keep Aaron from moving 'Yeah!, fuck, pozzing your arse' each delivery followed by another hard jab of his cock. Aaron's body pushing up and fighting to get free but Joshua had him pinned to the bed, Aaron partly moaned in pain staring ahead closing his eyes tightly every time Joshua ground his cock deep 'Getting it in nice and deep'. He heard the clinking of the key and knew the other person was about to appear, for good measure Joshua quickly bit the nail of his middle finger so it was sharp and jagged, then whipping his cock out he pushed the finger in the moist warm hole scratching and scraping digging deep. Aaron screamed 'Fuck no' his body bucking wildly. Joshua pushed his finger in again repeatedly then pulled it out smeared with blood 'I fucking got you' he said pushing his cock back in and jabbing hard several times and wiping his bloodied finger across Aaron's cheek. The bedroom door flew open and Sven came running across the room yanking Joshua off Aaron. 'Fucking think you can rape me!' Joshua shouted angrily with arrogance at Aaron, he loomed forwards and belted Joshua hard across the face 'Stop it' Sven said pushing Aaron away. Aaron picked up his clothes a trickle of bright pink fluid slowly snaked its way down the inside of his leg, looking visibly shocked he left the room. Joshua sat on the bed laughing as the door closed and the locked click in place. Sven had no idea what really went on before he opened the door. "Did he make you bleed?" Sven asked looking at Aaron's face. "Don't say anything to Tanner" Aaron said before wiping his cheek. Sven shrugged "How are you going to explain his bruised face?" he replied. "I thought he was out, must have thrown the potatoes away" Aaron said dashing off. Aaron returned to his room and wiped his arse, the toilet paper bloodied from his torn arse, he flushed it away and sat on the bed in anger retrieving his laptop to to search the internet to see what he needed to do or if it was too late. He closed the laptop realising he only had Joshua's word, what if he was playing him again and wasn't poz at all, after all he had no medication or even asked for any and certainly looked normal. His cock sat thick and hard dripping pre-cum, laying back on the bed and admitting to himself that he was pretty attracted to Joshua, definitely an improvement on his last casual fuck who couldn't take it rough. Each time Aaron went in to the room with food Joshua sat there with a complacent arrogant look on his face, he was beginning to enjoy this game with Aaron, as he turned to leave Joshua would call out to him 'Thank you my bitch'. Without fail Aaron would turn his head and say the same thing 'Eat your dinner then I can rape you' laughing he would disappear with Sven locking the door. It was enough to worry Joshua slightly and he would sit there looking at his dinner. His only safe bet was to eat breakfast since he knew he would have Tanner sit and talk to him a couple of times during the day. Under the anger and resentment at being held captive here he was beginning to enjoy the hunting game with Aaron. He seemed to go around perfectly unaware that Joshua had infected him.
    6 points
  3. Part 1 Colt and I have been best friends since we were 10 years old. Well, his real name is Colton. Colton Sawyer Cooper. But he's always gone by Colt. We lived three houses apart in a town called Cleburne, just south of Fort Worth. We immediately bonded over our love of comic books, even though he was Marvel and I was DC, and our love for the Cowboys. But I'll have to say he was much more fanatical than me. His entire bedroom was a shrine to the team. Cowboys bed spread, Cowboys sheets, Cowboys lamps, Cowboys rugs, you get the picture. Even his walls were covered in Cowboys posters. But looking back now, I didn't put 2 and 2 together and realize the one thing he didn't have was the one thing every red blooded Cowboys fan had, posters of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. But he did have plenty of Tony Romo. So we were basically 2 peas in pod. Where there was one, there was the other. And we told each other everything. He told me when he got his first pubes, and the first time he came, which he said was the most amazing thing ever. I developed a little behind him, but six months later I got my own pubes and soon was ejaculating as well. And he was right, it was amazing! We became little jerk off monsters, as most boys are, and our sleepovers became one non stop jerk fest. We would lie on our sleeping bags on the floor next to each other and pound our dicks. We were always fascinated with watching each other shoot, and seeing how far our loads flew. Nothing gay, just two horny boys. And we were always good for 3 of them. We also liked to measure our growing dicks as we got older, taking pride in how big they were getting. Length wise, we were identical, but his was always thicker. Again, nothing gay, just curious boys. You'd think by the time we reached high school, we would have stopped that, but no. We continued our jerkoff sessions together. I mean, we had been doing it for several years, so why quit now? When we were 16, we got our first blowjobs together. It was at the drive-in in my quad cab Ford F-150. My dad owned a dealership so I got a really good deal on it. You know us Texas boys love our trucks. Colt was in the backseat with Stacy Turner and I was up front with Missy Powell. I watched Colt in my rear view mirror as his head layed back and his mouth hung open, groaning in ecstasy. We even shot our loads at the same time. In retrospect, those blowjobs weren't that great, but we didn't care. We were nutting into a warm, wet hole. I dated Missy for a while after that, but Colt didn't date Stacy. In fact, he never really dated. He'd fool around with chicks, but that was it. I dumped Missy after a while because she wouldn't let me fuck her. She was a "nice girl." Well, she wasn't such a nice girl the night she was on her knees sucking off me and Colt together behind his shed. The full moon provided enough light that I had a nice view of Colt's fat 7 1/2 inch cock as he gagged Missy with it. When he came, he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. After she had swallowed both our loads, she thought we were going to get back together, but I told her to fuck off, I didn't want to date a slut. She called us fags, and said she was going to tell everyone. The next day at school, one of the guys called us fags, but after Colt kicked the shit out of him, no one ever said that again. By our senior year, we had both become big strong men. Colt had turned 18 in August, before school started, and I was turning 18 the day before Halloween. We were both linebackers on the varsity team, which put us in the category of high school gods. You know how important football is in Texas! We had spent years working out, and had spent the last three summers working as ranch hands. Baling hay, branding cattle, castrating bulls, real cowboy shit. And our bodies showed it. I stood a nice 6'1" with a solid body. Firm pecs, hard 6 pack, defined arms, and strong legs. But Colt, he was a whole other level. 6'3 1/2" of solid muscle. And boy did he like to show it off! I don't think he even owned shirts with sleeves anymore. He was constantly flexing his big guns that were attached to the broadest shoulders I had ever seen. His strong torso led down to a surprisingly narrow waist. And the wranglers he wore should have been criminal. They were always so tight that they clung to his big, round ass. And the front, well, he liked to wear a big belt buckle to draw people's eyes down to his huge bulge. Not that it would have gone unnoticed. It was like an anaconda trying to bust out of there. He topped his look off with a pair of boots and a hat. He always wore a hat on his thick, brown curls. Sometimes a trucker hat, sometimes a cowboy hat, but always a hat. And not to be gay, but his face matched the rest of him perfectly. His vibrant green eyes were surrounded by thick, dark eyelashes. His strong nose sat atop a pair of pillowy, dark pink lips. His square jaw perfectly shaped his face. He hadn't started to grow facial hair yet, and his cheeks flushed a reddish colour, giving him a boyish look. His body may have been all man, but his face was all innocent angel. Not that my face wasn't hot too. I had strong Scandinavian features with light blue eyes and light blond hair. I hadn't started shaving yet either, so we were both still like boys in a way. So, right after Colt turned 18, things kind of got weird. It was like he was suddenly avoiding me. Our sleepovers stopped, he would take off right after weekend games, and he hung around me less at school. I tried to talk to him about it, cause it was really hurting me to lose someone I was closer to than a brother. He would just give me flimsy excuses, saying he was busy with stuff, or he was fucking some chick, basically bullshit. The one time during that early part of the school year that was somewhat normal was my birthday. We had scored a bottle of whiskey and some weed and spent the night getting fucked up and playing video games. It was great. Just like old times. It eventually devolved into a mutual bro love fest. We sat on his bed with our arms around each others shoulders and declared our straight love for one another. "I love you man." "No dude, I love YOU!" "I love you more bro!" "No man, I love YOU more!" And back and forth it went. In hindsight, I wasn't hearing what he was trying to tell me. Eventually, it wound up becoming one of our jerk off sessions. I smiled as I looked at his smooth, hairless body. Nothing gay, I just appreciated my best friend, naked next to me, jerking his fat 10 inch cock. I stroked my own 9 1/2 inch dick and we both shot loads that hit our faces, and laughed like nothing had changed. But things had changed. The next day, Colt started his weird avoidance shit again. He blew me off the following weekend, and the weekend after that when he did it again, I had had enough. I knew his parents were going to be out of town, and he claimed he was going to be fucking some chick. But I didn't buy it and decided to spy on him and see what was up. Friday night I snuck over to his house and went around the back to where his bedroom was. His lights were on and the shade was down, but not all the way down. There was a gap at the bottom. His window was open a crack, so I quietly creeped up and peeked into his bedroom. What I saw shocked the hell out of me! There was Colt, stomach down on his bed, his legs hanging off the end, while a large, heavily tattoed Mexican man pulled his head back by his curly hair and pounded his cock into Colt's round, white ass. Colt was wearing his football shoulder pads, athletic socks pulled up over his calves, his cleats, and a white jockstrap. His football jersey layed on the floor. "Take it slut!" I could hear the man say. "Take that load in your faggot jock pussy!" I turned away, my heart pounding in my chest as I heard Colt moan, "Oh yes SIR! Breed me!" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I JUST SEE? My head swam as a million thoughts ran through it. I knew I should leave, but like a car wreck, I had to look again. I had to make sure what I saw was real. I turned back and looked in again. The Mexican guy was flipping Colt over and spreading his legs. Another man with a camera moved in and got a close up of Colt's asshole. "That's right slut." Said the Mexican. "Show the people what they paid for! Spread your cheeks and let them see your dripping high school jock pussy!" Colt spread his ass cheeks apart as the cameraman said, "Oh yea, look at that jock cunt drip cum!" Then, another man I hadn't noticed stepped up. He was a large black man with dreadlocks pulled back into a ponytail. He bent down and placed his mouth over Colt's asshole and started sucking. Then he stood up over Colt and pulled his mouth open. Colt stuck his tongue out and the black man let a long string of spit and cum land on it. It ran down into Colt's mouth, and he closed it with a smile on his face. As my initial shock started to go down, I noticed a few things I hadn't noticed before. There was a laptop open on the dresser recording the action. Also, on the nightstand there was a glass pipe, a baggie with some kind of substance in it, and a few syringes. Then, the black man layed down on the bed, holding up a huge cock. That fucker had to be like 12 inches! Colt crawled up and straddled the man. He took hold of the cock and lined it up to his asshole. Then he slowly slid down on it. Inch after black inch dissapeared into Colt's bubble butt. Soon, his muscular glutes were sitting on the black man's pubes, and every inch of that cock was inside him. He sat there not moving as the Mexican man filled up the glass pipe. He handed it to the black man, who lit a small torch and waved it under the bowl. Soon, it filled with white smoke and he inhaled it. Then, he grabbed Colt behind his neck and pulled him onto his mouth. I could see the black man exhale as Colt inhaled. Then Colt sat up and exhaled a white cloud. They repeated this twice more as Colt began gyrating his hips. Then the black man handed the pipe to Colt. "Now, hit that bitch, and hold it until I say exhale. And start riding my cock, slut!" Colt held the pipe up to his lips, lit the torch, and inhaled the white smoke. Then, as he held it, he started riding up and down on the black cock buried inside him. He held in the smoke for about 10 seconds before the black man told him to exhale. "Again, Whore!" He demanded Colt. Colt did as he was told, holding in the smoke and riding the big cock harder. 5 times this was repeated until Colt was visibly losing control. The black man reached up and started pinching and squeezing Colt's nipples, and Colt moaned and squealed like a slut. Then the Mexican man approached with a little brown bottle. He held it under Colt's nose as the black man held onto his slim waist and started fucking upward. "Breath in slut, and hold it until I say release. Do you understand you fucking whore?" "Yes SIR!" Replied Colt. The man held the bottle under Colt's nose, closing off one nostril. Colt breathed in deep and held it. After the man finally let him exhale, he repeated it with the other nostril. Back and forth he went. After each hit, Cole became more and more fucked up. Eventually, he couldn't hold his head up. The Mexican man just grabbed his hair and held up his head, forcing him to hit more. Finally, after 10 hits, the Mexican man pushed Colt onto his back, causing the cock to slide out of him. Colt just collapsed, his head rolling to facing me, his mouth open and slack, his eyes crossed and fucked up looking. The black man just raised Colt's legs in the air and slammed his monster cock all the way into my fucked up best friend. Colt just gurgled as he was assaulted. The cameraman panned from Colt's fucked up face to his ass getting pummeled, back and forth. "Yes slut!" Said the black man. "Look into the camera. Let your audience see your face. That's what they paid for, bitch. To see a hot, 18 year old high school jock get fucked up and fucked hard! Tell them how much you like it you fucking whore! Beg to be fucked!" "Oh god yes." Colt slurred. "Fuck me! Fuck my hole. I love it! Give me that big black cock! Please fuck me SIR!" "Are you a little whore? Are you a pathetic, faggot slut?" "Yes SIR!" Colt answered him, still looking blankly into the camera. "I'm a pathetic faggot slut whore! Fuck my hole! Cum in me SIR! I'm a fucking cumdump!" "Is that what you are? A cumdump?" Continued the black man as he pulled Colt's rock hard cock out of his jockstrap and started jerking it really hard. "Can anybody come and fuck you? Can anybody out there watching come and fuck you? You wanna give up your jock hole to anybody that wants it?" "Yes please!" Groaned Colt. "Please come fuck me! I need your cum in me! Please come and fuck me! Anybody can! Come fuck my jock ass!" He cried out as his cock shot off, hitting him in the face and coating his chest and stomach. The black man scraped up his cum and fed it to him, and Colt sucked the cum covered fingers like he was starving. The cameraman handed the camera to the Mexican man. The black man pushed Colt untill his head was hanging over the bed, his mouth wide open. Then the cameraman shoved his hard cock right down Colt's throat. I could see his cock stretch out Colt's esophagus as he buried himself balls deep. Then both men started viciously fucking my best friend, pounding both of his holes as hard as they could. The Mexican handed the cameraman a sign that he held up, and it read.... Colton Sawyer Cooper 18 yo high school senior Football player with 2 Available cumdump holes Dallas/Fort Worth area (817) 347-1823 Any cock taken HOLY SHIT! They posted his full name and his real phone number! Did he agree to that? Or was he too fucked up to know? I decided I couldn't watch anymore and turned away. Part of me was horrified. Part of me was sickened. But what I didn't realize right away is, I had been hard the whole time. As I lay in my bed at home, I tried not to think about everything I had seen, but it was no use. The images played over and over in my head. Without even thinking about it, my hand traveled down to my hard cock. After only a couple of strokes, I shot off a huge load.
    5 points
  4. barehole4use [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/bareback-fucked-in-the-shopping-mall-toilets-45334421 I had to piss, so went to cruise in the shopping mall toilets, i made eye contact to another man at the urinals, i went inside a cubicle & left the door open for him to join me, he got inside & wanted to fuck me, i dropped my pants & bent over gor him & he fucked me bareback.
    5 points
  5. Id been a hesitant, guilty feeling bb bottom countless times in my past. I would always slut out and feel terrible and hold off for months, always to slut out again. My attitude changed significantly, when in vegas on a trip I caught a variety of bugs, but would live with hiv and herpes forever. For months I went through doctors appointments, the fallout in my relationship, the difficulties resulting both health and home from that event. Despite how I got it I behaved myself entirely, no sex at all, for quite awhile. My medication has not been very successful, and with the pandemic my appointments were fewer and further between. My viral Load was still sky high, and I wasnt exactly feeling my best. But alone in my new apartment, with nothing but work to keep me busy, my sluttiness began to resurge. I saw that somehow, out of the blue, club orlando had reopened. Though apparently much of what I loved about the place was still closed, guys could meet and hook up there again. I said the same things to myself I always did, ill suck some cock so I dont feel so horny, and left right away. The hours were shorter so I got there much earlier than normal, and noticed a fair number of cars nearby. I paid for a room, having heard the darkrooms were closed, and went in. some guys were still in masks walking around, and the crowd was in general older than i was used to, but it was still surprisingly busy. I was rock hard when I got to my room, I sniffed some poppers and put down my towel, leaving my door open. Wanting to see where the action was, I left naked with nothing but a mask, feeling more confident after losing all the weight I have. just 2 doors down I saw a guy who reminded me of myself not long ago, mid 20s, chubby, and on all fours sucking a fat black cock. Ive been a total bottom forever, but my dick twitched, and I could feel drops of precum at its tip. id never been so hard in my life, and with 60 pds off my waist my cock felt bigger than ever. The man being sucked waved me in, and I put my hands on the bottoms ass. I felt his asshole, tight, dry, he hadnt been fucked yet. I reached for lube at the nearby table, and started working my fingers in the bottoms asshole, he hadnt even looked up from his work. I stroked my cock, it was practically drooling, id never felt this way before. I looked at the condoms on the stand nearby, and remembered I wasnt just some neg guy anymore. It didnt seem to matter, I felt myself climb on the bed behind this guy, and start rubbing my ill admit still fairly small cock against his now wet asshole. I realized I was essentially dripping poison onto his hole, and felt a wave of lust. The realization gripped me as I held my cock steady and plunged its drippy length into his tight asshole. I shoved it hard as far as I could into him, and with it buried deep in his ass I immediately started cumming. I emptied a massive nut into his asshole, shuddering and gasping as I filled him with my diseased cum. I staggered back and left the room, leaving them behind, and made my way back to my room. I grabbed some lube and began slathering my asshole madly, then immediatley bent over on the bed with my asshole up. less than a minute later, hands began slapping my asscheeks, and I hit my poppers as a complete stranger I could not see lined up his raw cock and slid nicely into my ass. I grunted in lust, and moaned and begged for him to cum in me. He was stubby and short, an old man, but he dumped his load into my ass fast, and I was so turned on it was difficult to think. I was rock hard again, like magic, and I motioned him to bend over. He had to be 60, with a saggy ass and bald head. He bent over and I grabbed him and shoved my cock into him in one hard thrust. I fucked him as hard as I could for a few minutes, though I was struggling to hold off. Id never once felt the urge to top, but I was loving it. Several bystanders were at the door, and I told them anyone who wanted my ass could have it. saying that to them sent me over the edge, and I blew a second load into the old mans asshole. One of the bystanders asked if I knew my status as he fingered my hole, and I said I was poz. The old man I just fucked looked upset, and asked me again. I said yea I figured we were swapping poz loads. He left visibly distressed, I remembered the feeling. The man whod asked first slipped behind me and slowly worked his dick into my ass. He was big, but I was ready, he whispered in my ear that he had more poz cum for me, and I felt my dick twitch yet again, despite its second load. I had 3 more quick fucks after, each less than a minute, as older gents took turns using my ass. I was fucked out, and the club would close soon, so I got back in the car, but my cock was still hard. I felt cum dripping out of my asshole, and hopped on grindr on the drive home. I saw a profile, 18, "never done this before" a guy who wanted a small cock top to take anal for the first time. My cock started to hurt from the swelling. we started chatting, and suddenyl I saw the question that would ruin everything "Are you poz?" on the screen. I knew the law, I knew the ethics, I knew the right thing to do. My cock twitched as I went to affirm, but it was like I didnt have control, I typed "No, tested and neg" which was followed immediately by his address. I got the directions to his apartment, and when he let me in I was shocked. He was tiny, maybe 5'6, no body or facial hair, looked fresh out of highschool. I towered over him, I felt powerful, and I felt my cock slowly leak into my pants. I remembered what had worked for me, and walked in without acknowledging his greeting, undoing my pants. He nervously asked if I wanted a drink, but I stripped and sat on the couch, stroking my cock. I motioned to the floor in front of me, and he seemed nervous. "Suck it" I said, putting force into my voice, and he slowly crawled down and put his lips over my hard cock. I stripped off his shorts and began to lick my fingers and open up his asshole. I forcefully shoved my cock into his throat as I leaned over him, hearing him gag and choke. I had him moaning and gagging with 3 fingers in his small ass and my poz cock slowly leaking its poison down his innocent throat. I pulled him up into my lap, he made some protestrations, told me he had condoms in the drawer, I just ignored him and helped him into my lap, kissing him when he woudlnt shut up. he wriggled in my lap, each time I lined up his hole with my cock hed panic and wiggle away a bit. I pulled away from the kiss and looked him in the eyes "Sit on my cock faggot" The words struck him, Id felt the power of them before. I kissed him deep, pinned his hips with my arms, and felt him really struggle. He tried to bat away my hands, wriggle his ass, use his knees to get away, but never broke the kiss. I was twice his size and before long he began to weaken and I forced his ass into place. I felt his mewls of pain as I trapped him and slid my raw dick into his virgin teen asshole. He was still trying to stop me, as I used all my strength to slowly bury myself to the hilt, and then back. his resistance gave way entirely, and within seconds he melted into my mouth and I was working his ass on my cock like a human fleshlight. "Dont cum in me" he murmered, and I assured him I wouldnt. soon he was riding me without my input, slowly working those hips back and forth while sucking on my kneck. I felt the need rise in my cock, and I pulled him and kissed him deep again. I picked him up and put him on his back on the couch, and began hammer fucking his asshole as hard as I could. he squealed and cried and moaned and I couldnt hold back. I flooded his tiny asshole with my poz cum, shoving it deep in and holding it to keep the poison deep. I left like the place was on fire, didnt even put on my shoes, leaving him gasping on the couch.
    4 points
  6. I have quite a few tattoos and after many years decided to embrace the pig that I am. I live in the country with work, but travel to the city to head office often. I was due to go into the office for a week in the next month and decided that it was time to mark my place as the total pig bottom I am and get a pig tattoo on my arse. I did some shopping around and found a guy with a studio not far from where I was staying. It looked like he did some good work and while sexual orientation isn't necessarily an issue, I wanted a guy tattooing my arse. I emailed a few pics and after some suggestions and back and forth (daily) we agreed on a cheeky version of a pig. He asked where I wanted it and I said on my arse cheek. All of a sudden I didn't hear from him for a few days and thought he may have been a bit weirded out by it. Two days later I get an email from him: Sorry I took a bit to get back to you - it has been a bit busy and I wanted to float a suggestion back with you. In case you prefer to have something on both arse cheeks instead of one, what do you think of this on the opposite arse cheek. It was the word "Pig" in running writing and the tail of the "g" turned into an arrow. "And the arrow can point off toward your arsehole". I was so turned on and I emailed him back - yeah let's do it. He suggested his last appointment on the Friday afternoon the week I was down there, and I locked it in. I raced home at lunch time on the Friday and cleaned out as I wanted to make sure the whole area was clean and smelled ok since he was going to be working down there for a few hours. I turn up to a house and there is a sign with the studio name on it and direction down the side driveway to a shed/studio down the back. I rock up to the glass sliding door to see what must have been one of the sexiest men alive cleaning up after what must have been his last client. He was probably just under 6" tall, dirty blonde curly hair down to his shoulders normally but messily tied back. He hadn't shaven in a few days and had piercing blue eyes. He obviously worked out and was quite toned. He was wearing a white singlet with denim shorts. The singlet showed off his many tattoos and also he perfectly blonde hairy chest. I could see a healthy bulge in his shorts and he had glorious muscular hairy legs. I was lost looking at him when I hear him opening the glass sliding door. I was so mesmerized that I hadn't even registered him walking toward the door. "Hey buddy, I'm Sam. You Simon?". I responded with a whimpering "yes" as I tried to gain my composure. Sam was a confident as he was beautiful. He motioned me in and as I walked past him he grabbed my arse and massaged it and said "I've been looking forward to working on this all week". He had the sexiest, yet evil glint in his eye as he said it. After a quick chat about the tattoo, he said to get up in the table and lay face down. I did as he asked and pulled the back of my shorts down to expose my arse for him. "Mate, we are both men here and I like to have plenty of room to work. Take your pants and underwear off and lay on the table." I did as he asked and I was already starting to get hard. I was laying on the table face down and my cock was almost rock hard within seconds just thinking about this "god" touching my arse. Sam was moving around and getting things ready and just making normal small talk. He came up to the end my head was at to sort a few things out and turned around to point his crotch right at my face and leant over and rubbed my arse with his hand and said "These tattoos are going to look great here" He slowly caressed my arse cheeks whilst getting very close to my hole. I could smell his crotch which was basically in my face and I had to use every ounce of self control not to grab it. I swear I could see it growing. Finally he went back to my arse and soon enough he was tattooing the pig on my left arse cheek. Because of where it was his off hand rested near my arsehole and as he tattooed he would occasionally slide his little finger over my arse. I was getting so turned on my cock was leaking huge amounts of precum. He said "How does that feel? All ok?" I decided since he was not hesitating to flirt, that I wouldn't either. "It feels fine Sam! The tattoo is ok too". Sam chuckled "I thought and hoped so. The tattoo was a pretty good clue. Now that is out of the way and clear, we can really enjoy the rest of the tattoo." No sooner had he said it he licked his finger and went back to tattooing my arse and slid his little finger straight into my hole and kept it in there finger fucking me as he tattooed. I couldn't help myself and I shot a load under my stomach. "I'm almost done with the pig. Do you mind if we take a quick smoko break before I do the other one? Do you have to be anywhere tonight?" I responded eagerly and told him I had no plans for the night. When he finished he rubbed some cream on my tattoo and covered it and stood up. "Just throw your shorts on and we can step out for a quick smoke before do the next one." I stand up and he can see I have cum over myself. "I thought you might enjoy the extras during the tattoo. Let me clan up the mess". And he knelt down and starts licking all the cum off my stomach, getting some in his facial hair. I'm rock hard again and he swallows my cock and gives me the best head I have had in year. I don't last long before cumming in his mouth and he doesn't miss a drop. He stands up and I pull my shorts up and I can see he is almost bursting out of his shorts and a distinct wet patch at the end of a very thick 8" cock outline. Before I get a chance to do anything he leans in and kisses me and we share my load with tongues darting it back and forth till it is all gone. I place my hand on his cock through his shorts and he grabs me and says "We got all night man. You'll get it" and smiles and kisses me again. We step out and both share a smoke before going back in and he starts on the other arse cheek and tattoo. As with the first one, he spends the whole time fingering my hole whilst tattooing. "So you got nothing planned tonight you said?" I respond with no. He stops tattooing for a second and stands up and walks around to my head again. I look up at his blue eyes and he says "How about you spend it here with me and I give you all of this (and he grabs his huge cock) and if you stay the night and enjoy it I will give you a free tattoo in the morning." I think i responded "yes" before he finished saying it. When he finished the second tattoo, he tells me to relax and that we have all night and he buries his lightly bearded face in my arse and rims me like a pro. He comes up for air and says "I am assuming the pig tatts mean you like it wet, raw and bareback like a real pig". I respond with "The only way I take a cock is raw. No rubber goes near that hole". He responds, "perfect, I am going to really enjoy sharing all of myself with you then". He stands up and I hear him unzip his shorts and walk around to my head and there is a thick 8" cock in my face. "Get this wet. Tattooing your arse has me dripping and I need to let a load go right now". I am thinking he is going to blow a load in my mouth, but I only get a minute on his cock enough to get it wet before he walks back around and pulls me by my feet to the end of the bench leaving me bent over the edge and shoves his wet raw cock in me in one go. I catch my breath and before I know it he is bottoming out and I can feel his hairy balls slapping against my arse as he fucks me deep and hard. He is almost going wild fucking me and it is't long before I feel his seed flooding my insides and he is grunting like a pig and literally yelling "Take it, take it all". He slowly pulls out and pulls his shorts back up and says, "fucking hot! lets grab a drink and smoke". We step out and he grabs a few beers and we stand around and have a smoke and drink with the occasional snog in between. TBC....
    2 points
  7. Chapter 1: This is my first time writing a story, It is entirely fiction, but is loosely based off of a role-play session with another avid fan of this site. (feel free to skip the next two paragraphs of setup and jump to the good stuff) Hi, My name is Rick, and this is finally got the father-son bonds I didn't know I needed. I used to be a pretty muscular “dreamboat” back in my HS football days (6'3”, dark hair, blue eyes, and a broad muscular farmers frame), which let me get around as much as I wanted, but eventually resulted in a drunken three-way with my “beard” Barb and 9 months later my son Jason was born. we tried to give the domestic life thing a try, but it wasn't for either of us since we needing one or more other guys involved whenever we had sex (she was as much of a bottom slut as I am) and after a few years my second son Matt was born. Pretty sure he wasn't mine, but I was the only one of the 8 guys fucking us that night who could be tracked down afterward (But as he grew, he looked more and more like the “blond viking muscle god” with a 12” UC beercan cock who split his mom and me open the night Matt was conceived, kinda fitting since unlike me, neither of my boys were circumcised.). Around the time my oldest was starting high school, Barb met a rich black gentleman named Mike during another of out group sessions... Great guy, nice 8” cock and and a near insatiable sex drive, which is why I wasn't that surprised when they fell for each other, she divorced me, and they got married... but I was pretty broken up when they took the boys and moved over an hour away because he got an even better job... Barb and Mike made sure to keep me involved in my sons lives, and Mike made sure that none of them wanted for anything, so what kind of asshole would I be to try to break any of that up... which is probably why we drifted apart over time and I haven't even seen any of them in a few years. Cut to now, about a decade later, still single, still somehow neg, and at 45 I don't think I am much to look at these days; short dark hair, a big grizzly beard and a 5.5” cut cock I generously refer to as average... I passed dad bod a while ago and fully embraced the bear scene and the chub belly I had grown shortly after. I finally had saved up about 2 weeks vacation time from work that I had to use before it expired, but no real money to go on much of a trip anywhere, so I decided I would stay home, check with my weed dealer for anything above and beyond his normal “wares”, and take a nice Trip at home... He did not disappoint...a ounce of dank weed, 4 hits of molly, a 10 strip of Cid, and as a bonus (since he didn't want the risk of keeping it), a small bag with a few shards of T. I hadn't candy flipped in years but hadn't done T since before the boys were born... It is one thing I have no tolerance for, and even a little amount had me spun stupid, so it is where Barb had drawn the line. My vacation plans however were all about letting lose and hopefully getting fucked stupid so I while I was originally planning to trip balls and watch youtube. I was eager to see if T still had the same effects all these years later. (plus I had two-weeks, so why not?) My vacation started Friday morning, pretty standard stay-cation stuff... cleaned around the house, Posted a few quick connect ads, “Pressure wash” out my fuck-hole with the sure shot, put out the “good' sex toys... you know, the basics. I only got two different guys to respond to my ads. The first one ghosted and the second was a middle-aged middle eastern dude with an average body and a fairly thin 7” who shot two raw loads in my hole, BUT came and went in under 30 minutes so I was no where near satisfied (but at least I was well lubed). I smoked a few bowls of herb and debated what to do next... a molly and acid candy flip sounded tempting, but I hadn't done T in so long I couldn't resist. I didn't have a pipe for it though and I never could stand needles, so I went with the way I had done it the last time I had it, took one of the smaller pieces, and began working it into my cum filled ass. As it started to burn (forgot how much I liked that) I could feel my pulse quicken and I started breathing heavily and feeling an almost animalistic lust. I looked over at the sex toy collection I had layed out earlier, an assortment of dildos, plugs, and toys ranging from average sized to advanced fisting+ sized (with a few BDSM options in a bag just in case). I grabbed the smaller of my two double dildos (18” length, 6” around) and had worked almost half of it up my hole when it became clear to me that I “NEEDED” to try to find more guys who would fuck me so I went back to looking online for dick. I posted a new quick connect add, this time the chems clearly helping me let lose “Power bottom parTy bear, looking to get my ass fucked, filled, and fisted. BB only, neg and on prep here, w/s friendly”. (I know what I like) I had moved up from the double header to an 8” long 6.5 circ dildo when I got a response to my ad. Instinctively, I went to check the profile before seeing what he had to say... There were no face pics,only two fairly close up pics, one of his ass (muscled, perky, and perfect) and one of his 9” pierced uncut cock (YUM), which was about all I needed to see, but I skimmed the rest of his profile: 25, 6'1” brown hair, blue eyes, 38” waist 185 lbs, muscular (Woo-hoo); I looked down to his interests: BB, D/s, Fisting, sounding, W/S, raunch, role-play, groups, chubs, PNP, etc... (fucking jackpot)... so I eagerly went to read his message, “Hey there sexy daddy; saw your ad, and you sound just like the kind of parTy bottom slut I love, clear your schedule, I want to spend this weekend fucking, fisting, and filling your chempig hole”. My usual skepticism at a guy like that, wanting a weekend like that, with a guy like me was quickly dismissed as I replied with my phone and address before he quickly replied that he would be there in a little over an hour with the instructions “leave the door unlocked, put on a blindfold, and be waiting naked face-down ass-up, ready for his first load” fortunately, I had a relatively small house in the country with no nearby neighbors, so I wasn't worried about anyone seeing me when he opened the door. I smoked another bowl of herb and moved some of they toys to the living room so I would be ready when he got there. I put some W/S gangbang porn on the TV, and was grinding my hole on my hole on my 6” circ. Plug when I got a text from a blocked number “under 5 away, be ready, door unlocked, BLINDFOLD ON”. A rush of excitement washed over me as I threw a blanket over the hardwood floors and got down on it on all fours with my ass pointed towards the door... (plug still in) before I tied a bandanna on as a blindfold, The next few minutes felt like hours, but soon I heard the door open and shut before the sounds of him kicking off his shoes against the door (just like my sons used to) and throwing his clothes on the floor before he slapped the plug in my hole and said (in an obviously fake deep voice) “Aw yeah daddy, I love when a bottom slut is stretched out and ready for this poz monster cock” Between his dick pick, interests, and the chems in my system I hadn't even checked his status... I wasn't an active chaser, but with prep and a lucky history, it wouldn't have been a deal-breaker for me anyway I thought as he spoke again, “slammed in your driveway, we are gonna have some fucking nasty fun slut” I heard the crinkle of plastic before he placed a hand on the plug in my hole and said “Push it out” (still in the fake deep voice). The plug game out with a plop, but was quickly replaced with his face as he dove in and began eating my hungry hole. This kid had an amazing tongue and with how hungrily he was trying to dig deeper into my big hairy bear ass, it was clear he hadn't lied on his profile about being into bears/chubs (FUCK YEAH). He pulled back and said, “mmm, you still have someone elses load in you slut, I love chemwhores like you that come pre-lubed”. He then slid two fingers in and as he began moving them around, I began to feel a burn I recognized from a few hours earlier... he was working more T into my hole! I couldn't stop myself from grinding back against his hand, or letting a low hungry moan as I felt it kicking in... I coughed and was breathing way heavier than before. Whatever he had was was stronger than what I did I thought as I heard “Point two shard in there slut, you are gonna be begging for my toxic loads all night, and plenty more where that came from” FUCK I thought, that is way too much for me I tried to say, but all that came out was a mumbled moan as he worked in the rest of his fingers and began scraping whatever hadn't dissolved yet against my prostate. I could feel my eyes roll back in my head as my ass hungrily tried to suck his hand into me. I don't think my hole has ever been this hungry. I wanted to beg for more but all I could manage was grunts and moans. He pulled his hand out after a few minutes (still way too soon) but I soon felt the head of his cock pressing against my stretched hungry hole. His dick looked big in his profile pic, and if he hadn't just had his hand in me, there is no way I would have been ready for the beercan thick cock he was slowly pushing into my hungry tweaked out manpussy, I felt what I thought was his PA until it started burning again and I felt another wave of hunger as he pushed in and ground his bush against my stretched out hole, leaned forward and said “Fuck you feel good daddy, I put a little more T under my foreskin because I want to make sure I scratch us both up and breed you good daddy” I moaned in agreement, I had given up on being on all fours at this point and had my face pressed to the floor as he began to pick up the pace. He went from slowly working whole 9 inches of his baseball bat dick all the way out till only his piercing was still in my hole before plunging the entire length back in one quick thrust, each time trying to hit another spot inside me. When he was confident he had gotten my hole ready, he began began to full on “hate fuck” my hole with enough force that he was actually pushing my big assed-chub/bear self across the floor. “You want my toxic load slut” he grunted “God yes sit, I replied” “Beg for it” he demanded “Please breed me sir, I need your strain, I want you to fill me with your poz cum so bad” (I may not have been a chaser, but I knew the lingo and have been around enough to know what he wanted to hear) He leaned in and wrapped his muscular arms around me as his pounding of my hungry hole took a more frantic pace, occasionally slapping my ass while letting out a “fuck yeah” each time dropping more and more of the “fake deep tone” from his voice, before hugged me close against him, and pulled my head back meet his to begin giving me deep (and hungry) kisses as his fucking slowed back down to pulling out slowly and then thrusting all the way back in as hard as he could until the thrust when he shoved as deep as he could, grinding his bush against my stretched hole as if he were trying to climb inside me before as he broke our kiss and let out a loud guttural yell as I felt his dick pulse and fill me with that hot wet familiar feeling I love. I was still flying and couldn't help but continue slowly fuck myself against his as the he stayed there, his sweaty muscular body grinding against mine. Instead of pulling out like I was expecting, he kept it lodged in my hole and began to let out a low moan as I felt a new warm feeling filling me even more before he said “aw yeah dad, take my slampiss”. this time without the fake deep voice... this time in a voice I recognized despite foggy mental state. he sounded just like my oldest boy Jason, I was still so spun I couldn't be sure, and the hot chempiss now filling my hole wasn't helping. All I could think of is how amazing this hung stud felt pressed against me and how I didn't want him to ever pull out of my hole... so of course he did. Before I could say anything to protest he flipped me over onto my back (damn he was strong) lifted my legs and shoved his dick back into my hole in one smooth motion. A lot of the chempiss he had just filled me with squirted out around his cock as he pushed back into my battered ass, getting it over both of us as he slowly began long-dicking me as it pooled around us. I couldn't think of anything other than how good his monster cock felt in me and how I didn't want it to stop. (damn his chempiss was strong) I couldn't control myself as I mumbled out, “please don't stop fucking me” “don't worry slut, I own this ass now and I am not gonna stop fucking you till we both drop” he replied. This time I knew I recognized the voice... he sounded exactly like my son Jason! I had to be sure so I tried to pull back my blindfold...he grabbed my hand to stop me at first, but then slowly pulled off the bandana as he kept fucking this mix of his poz cum and slampig chempiss out of my hole, the sloppy wet slapping the only other sound as my eyes began adjusting to finally see the man who was making my hole feel so good. I couldn't believe it, this had to be a hallucination. But as I looked up, I saw the face of my oldest son, Jason. I hadn't seen him in a long time, but I know my sons face. I knew he had a football player build the last time I seen him years ago, but even with the the sweaty muscular adonis he had become, I recognized my boy. I should have pulled away, I should have freaked out, I knew this was wrong, but my tina addled brain could only focus on how amazing the tree trunk he still had lodged in me felt. We both froze, staring into each others eyes with a mix of fear and lust but clearly neither of us wanting this feeling to stop. I continued breathing heavily and looking up my son as the sweat dripped from his nose. Without even thinking, my ass began to slowly move against him again. The fear faded from his face and he teared up a bit and let out muffled sniffle before saying, “I fucking love you dad” and lunching forward to begin frantically shoving his tongue into my mouth. Any thoughts of “wrong” vanished as I returned his intense kisses. Our tongues battling to try to taste more of the other, the clear lust and longing taking over as his thrusts began picking up again. Within minutes it was clear he was getting close to cumming again as he pulled back and his body tensed. His muscles glistening as he yelled out “FUCK YEAH DAD! I'm knocking up your hot fag pussy with my poz cock” He thrust in deep and held it there again, my wet sloppy ass spasming around his wrist thick cock as he pumped load after load of his venom deep inside me...before I could try to actually think about the implications of what he was saying, he leaned in and began kissing me again. He broke our lip long long enough to look me square in the eyes as he said, “I love you Dad” “I love you too Jason” I said before hugging him against me as tight as I could To Be Continued? (I have ideas)
    2 points
  8. Barebacking is better in a fursuit. Been missing it these past few months. Best one, was at a fur con, Sunday afternoon and I've got a few hours before my flight. I've fucked a few boys over the weekend, all ones I knew, friends or friends of friends. Just wanted to get one last one in before I left, so I started hitting up all the telegram groups I could. Fine little piece of ass drops me a line, says he's in one of the groups I'm in. I immediately tell him I wanna dump a load bare in him and as if he's down for that. He says yeah. Doesn't ask any details, just wants a photo of my cock. It's thick and meaty, so yeah, he wants it, no questions. He asks if he can show up in his partial fursuit - just the head and paws - and if I can do the same. Very, very down for this. I put on my head and wait. In less than 10 minutes he's at my door. He's all over me and just lays down on the bed, grabbing his ankles and showing me his tailhole. It's already lubed and loose - definitely pre-used - and I'm balls deep on the first thrust. He's moaning and whimpering and begging for more. I just let him have it - all of what I've got left, until I've just completely emptied myself in him. I hold him down for a bit, putting load after load into him until I'm sure I don't have any more. I even pull out and give it a quick rub to make sure. He hugs me a bit and has me stay there with my cock in him for like five minutes, saying he loves how thick it is. He asks if he wants me to have him unmask now. I say no. He says he's gotta go - his boyfriend is waiting and doesn't know what he's run off to do - and thanks me for dumping a load in him. I wait until he's gone to pop my head off. I still have no idea who he is or what he looks like, and I fucking love it that way. It's now my preferred way at cons. Here's my room number, put on a head, show up and bend over. Don't wanna know anything about you except you want a big furry fox Dad breeding your hole. I even keep a couple extra fursuit heads around for those who don't bring their own. When the con circuit's back, gonna try and throw a party that way. Or at least operate a cum-n-go room. Anyone else feel this way?
    2 points
  9. I'd just moved into town with my wife but she was away for a few days at a conference. Having been bored to death watching TV the night before I knew I didn't want to stay at home so decided to take cab into the centre of town to see what bars were open. Not being a massive club man I saw a bar that looked pretty welcoming & thought I'd stick my head in for a little while and have a couple of drinks. As I walked in I could tell pretty quickly that it was a gay bar, and while not totally my scene, I certainly didn't feel intimidated. I just thought that I'd have one or two & then get a cab home. There was a small dancefloor and stage & apart from that there didn't seem too much room, apart from a seat at the bar. I asked the guy who looked like he was alone if he minded me sitting there & pulled up the chair next to him. We got to some polite chat and I found out that he was new in town as well. Sam had just moved from interstate after the break-up of his relationship and was looking for a fresh start. Although he was in his 50s he certainly didn't look 25 years older than me. He had a bit of grey in his hair & I could tell he'd looked after himself because he was wearing a tight business shirt. He was just going to have a quiet drink or two as well before heading home. All of a sudden the DJ's booming voice came over the PA, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, IT'S COUPLES DANCE TIME!!!!" We both looked at each other with an "oh god" look on our face as it seemed everyone except us was a couple ad they moved out onto the dancefloor. "THAT MEANS YOU TWO AT THE BAR AS WELL" the DJ yelled out. "Well Adam", Sam said to me, "Doesn't look like we can sit this one out" I blushed beet red and made my way out to the dancefloor with Sam and we sheepishly danced around each other. We were dancing closely, but not really making any body contact as we both felt very awkward about it all. We'd started to get a bit more relaxed when we heard a guy next to us yell, "Come on you two, you know you're allowed to dance closer than that!", grab Sam's hand and put it on my crotch. Despite wanting to reel back in shock, the floor was so packed I was unable to and Sam's hand stayed on my cock for a few seconds before we moved it away. The music stopped and everyone applauded the DJ going on his break while we made our way back to the bar embarrassed by what had happened. "Hey Adam", Sam said, "I'm really sorry about that. I certainly don't do those things with married men!" "It's fine" I replied, a bit shocked by what had happened. "I knew it wasn't your idea. Let's grab a drink, forget about it & we'll call it a night" "NOW IT'S TIME TO CROWN OUR KING & QUEEN OF THE NIGHT!" came the MC's voice from the stage. "Well at least we know it won't be us" I smiled to Sam, and within seconds of saying it, the spotlight landed on us sitting at the bar. We waved to the cheering crowd but were quickly told that we had to go up on stage to receive our prizes. We received our drink cards & joke sashes, waved to the crowd and started to make our way back to the bar. "NO YOU TWO, YOU HAVE TO KISS!!!!!!" Looking at Sam I said, "Quick, let's do a quick peck and then we can leave" "Sure, I'm game if you are" We gave each other a little dry kiss & then started to make our way off the stage "BOOOOOOOOO!!! WE WANT MORE THAN THAT!!!" The crowd roared its approval "Not sure we can get out of this one either" Sam said to me. He pulled me close and then whispered in my ear "And think of it this way, no-one knows us here, so it doesn't really matter that much" "That's true, let's give them a little show" I replied. We moved together and I let Sam take the back of my head in my hands and pulled my face close to his. Instinctively I opened my mouth and our tongues snaked in each other's mouths, making sure the audience could see how passionately we were kissing as they cheered & wolf-whistled us. Breaking off the kiss, Sam waved to the audience and did an exaggerated bow while I stood there a little lost, shocked at how great a kisser Sam was and how much it turned me on. We both made our way off the stage with the MC as the music started up again, me still in a bit of a daze when the MC patted me on the shoulder, "Man, what a kiss! You two must have an AMAZING sex life." Still in a daze, all I could mutter was "uh......yeah...sure do" END OF PART ONE
    2 points
  10. I hate it when people spread rumors that aren't true. It's not cool! I'm going to set the record straight now. About a month ago, a hot guy messaged me on Grindr. He was hot as hell! And seemed really cool. So, I invited him over. I'm usually very shy with guys and not a whore. When he sent pics of his big dick, though, I couldn't help but want it. His body was gorgeous .. tall and swimmer's build. And that dick! Damn! So, he seemed cool and all; and I couldn't stop thinking about that big dick of his. I invited Ethan over. Next thing I know, we're naked and I cannot take my mouth off his dick. It was gorgeous and I ran my hands over his abs. It was the first time I had ever been open to doing anything with a guy before. But, I was shocked when he told me that he was poz. I was kinda bothered. I was already slobbering over his dick. Maybe he should have told me before? I knew I should have stopped sucking on him then. But, I craved that dick in my mouth again and just kinda ignored him. I can't believe I did that! And then he asked me, "do you want me to cum in your ass or mouth?" I was very confused. Why would he ask that? Like I'm gonna let a guy with HIV cum in me at all? Are you crazy? So, I said, "warn me when you're gonna cum" and just kept sucking on him. Well, one thing led to another .. he's eating my ass; and it feels amazing. And then next thing I know, I feel him teasing my hole with his big cock saying shit like "I bet you want this, don't you?" Why was he teasing me like that? He knew he couldn't have my ass. Or so I thought at the time. :-/ Make a long story short. I let him fuck me. Crazy, right? But, it felt so fucking good! Noone ever fucked me like that. And he kept his word and warned me that he as able to cum. I just assumed he knew to pull it out. But, he jizzed inside me. I should have been upset or scared; but I was so turned on by him, I came too. I thought that was the end of it. I was exhausted and kinda confused by it all. I decided to put it all behind me. But then, a week or so later, someone messages me on a4a and says, "hey I hear you like poz dick!" And I'm like "uhhh .. no." And then he unlocked his pics, and it was another hot guy with a big dick. Damn, he was hott. What the fuck. Why so many hot poz guys?!?! I asked him how he heard I "liked poz dick" and he said his friend from the gym told him about me. I was upset to be honest. But, his pics were turning me on. I told him that I don't let poz guys fuck me. And he stopped messaging me. A couple of days went by, and I couldn't stop thinking about his pics. So, I messaged him and said "look, I don't usually let poz guys fuck me. but, I can't stop thinking about you. I was shocked as I typed that because it was almost as if my fingers were doing it all by themselves. So, when Jeff (the second guy) came over to my place, I found myself scared and confused again. I told him I would only suck his dick. That's it! He can't fuck my ass!!! Maybe I should have known better this time. Jeff was so hot, he was irresistible. "Want another poz dick in your ass?" He asked. Wft?! Why is he asking me that? I already told him he couldn't fuck me. I just ignored him and sucked his dick. I'll just make him cum fast, I thought. I'll even swallow his cum so that I'm not tempted to let him use my ass. That seemed a safer route. The more I sucked on him, though, the more I thought about him putting his dick in my ass. Uggh! Well, just a few minutes later, I was on my back and he was pounding my hole. I couldn't help it. He was just too damn hott. Jeff insisted that I ask for it, though. I guess he didn't want me to change my mind. So, I told him, "yeah, put your poz dick in my ass!" He's like "are you sure?" And I'm just too turned on to say no, so I said, "use my ass! use my ass with your poz dick!" He drilled me so hard and deep. It was insanely good. I realized I didn't tell him not to cum in me. And I was trying to tell him, but I didn't want him to stop. So, I got another load of poz cum up my hole. It felt so fucking good. Anyways, he was too tired to drive home. So, I let Jeff stay over and crash with me. I woke up later in the night, and I felt him trying to fuck me again. He was prying his dick into my hole. I pretended to be asleep. I don't know why I didn't try to stop him. I was scared, but turned on. Why did he fuck me so good before? In a few minutes, his cock is in my ass again. I still try to pretend to be asleep while he fucked me. But, it's feeling too good. And somehow, I blurt out "yes, fuck me with your poz dick again!" It was the best fuck I ever had. I can't believe it was even better than the most recent two poundings I got. All I can think about now is having Jeff over to fuck me again and again. I just like hot guys. If you have HIV and you're hot, I guess I'm just going to give in. But, I'm not a chaser!
    2 points
  11. Did not see that coming but wow your really captures one with all the twists. Really love your style of writing, especially this story for me it’s a big rollercoaster ride emotional from happy, delighted, sad, anxious like any other great literature book keep up the awesome writing.
    2 points
  12. It very much is. I'm considering hosting a party with pup masks and cheap costume mask for anyone who can't bring their own. No names, no faces, just good times.
    2 points
  13. I am wondering if the pandemic has got you feeling this way? Travel is complicated at the moment (fewer flights, travel restrictions to certain countries). Also, we're being told that if we meet people we can get sick. I do think when our options are restricted, suddenly things that wouldn't ordinarily appeal to us become the targets of our desire. I'd recommend you talk to a (gay) therapist. If there isn't one you can see face-to-face, there are online options. I think you need to sort out your feelings before you do something that you'll regret. And don't forget that we aren't always in control of how much sex we get. We are limited mostly by our geographic location, by how attractive we are to the partners we are seeking to attract, and people's willingness to actually meet up. You are actually very lucky to have what you have - a supportive parent, a boyfriend and a job. Don't take this for granted. The grass is not always greener on the other side.
    2 points
  14. Your problem is very difficult and it’s hard to give a simple answer. I can agree with the previous comments. Maybe you need some rest time and / or a new job. You should have to try slutty life for a while before you quit. I don’t know how much money you have but it must be a huge amount of money if you don’t have to be afraid of its running out. This is also true that one is often eager for something which is not available. If you would have enough time to be slut you would be bored maybe. If I had enough time to do nothing but have sex, I began to look for other activities after a while.
    2 points
  15. Your comment sent me on a long trip down memory lane. I had serious crushes on my 6th grade teacher and the guy who taught my 8th and 9th grade math classes. Strangely enough though, the guy who most influenced me in this context was the 25 year old guy who was the night janitor at the elementary school I had attended. I really had the hots for him and would have walked on burning coals if he told me to do so. Nothing sexual happened, but in retrospect, just hanging around him and listening to him taught me more than I realized at the time. --- Thanks for jogging my memory....
    2 points
  16. Quick trip to grocery store to grab a few things for lunch for some friends who had stopped by. Crossed through a cruisy park, came to a stop sign and checked out a guy sitting in grass next to his bike. I thought, "no, your friends are waiting, just get the groceries and go home.' Returning from store I took same route, saw him again. Followed him to his apartment just a block away, went to the back bedroom which had nothing in it but mattress against a wall and boxes...clearly just moving in. Got on his hands and knees, used spit for lube, fucked him and unloaded in just a minute for two, pulled up my pants and left - and nodded hello to his roommate/boyfriend who walked in the door carrying more boxes. Went home and made lunch for my friends. Gotta love spur of the moment man to man action!
    2 points
  17. Maybe you need to find a different job that engages you more?
    2 points
  18. BottomsUp, you should try something like CCBC and alike in the gayborhood at Palm Springs.
    2 points
  19. Next to the pool would be so hot. I’ve long had a fantasy of being poolside and one thing leads to another and next thing I know I’m getting gang fucked poolside in public with people watching. The sling would be so incredibly fucking hot!
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. (this story originally appeared on my old tumblr blog sometime in 2014 or 2015, new edits applied) Steve knew this was going to be indelicate. As things often were when covering up his dumbass older brother’s mistakes. Fortunately, he had a set of keys to the vehicle that had been junked. All he had to do was talk his way into the junk yard. Easy as pie. He had grown up with Mr McAlister's son Gary and he might be able to pull the right string by bringing a bottle of Jameson. It didn’t go well. Turns out five years away at college can change a place, and the people in it. Drew McAlister is now one of the coordinator’s of Hope Baptist’s AA program. And he didn’t take kindly to the proffered bottle of whiskey. “Sir, I’m very sorry.” Steve had to get a handle on the angry junkyard owner quickly, or he might wind up getting his ass beat, “I haven't talked to Gary in a long time, I didn’t know.” “He tells me you haven’t called him up since you all moved away.” Drew said, his anger finding a new source as his eyes narrowed, “I know full well what happened between you two and frankly I don’t give a cold shit. But when you left you cut off the place that what raised you.” Steve was numb. His dad knew?! And he was right, so he nodded, “I did. I had to do what I could so I wouldn’t wind up like my brother.” That admission seemed to mollify Mr McAlister a little, “I saw you on the news a few years back, you spoke well.” Steve smiled, despite his ongoing fear, “Thank you.” He’d always been frightened of the gruff man from deepest Appalachia. “Quite a few folks started changing their minds about things after seeing you on tv.” “That don’t make things any easier comin home.” Steve said, letting the drawl slip back into his voice… for the moment. “Listen, son.” Drew McAlister said, coming out from around the desk, “Why are you really here.” The younger man hesitated. “Why do you need back inside a car your brother junked weeks ago?” Steve sighed and looked around the small dingy office. It wasn’t likely to be bugged, “You know he’s in jail now, right?” “Uh-huh.” “You know what he’s in jail FOR, right?” Drew nodded, then a dawning of realization crossed his face. He nodded and grabbed his baseball cap off the desk, “Follow me.” They walked out the back door and into the labyrinth of overgrown piles of rusting cars and building materials.Steve had known that some vehicles were worth more for spare parts than they were for the recycling plant in Youngstown, and some of these piles would sit here for decades than be sent to a blast furnace. Fortunately, in better times, his brother Al had invested in a 1975 Dodge Charger. It HAD to be around here somewhere, rusting here after getting totaled. It was proving to be an agreeable summer day and Drew had opened his shirt, letting the ends flutter in the occasional cool breeze. Steve couldn't help but steal a glance at the hot, hairy dad muscle and chub up a little in his shorts. He got control of himself in time to realize that they’d stopped amidst a row of more recent vehicles. “So son, here’s where you gotta make a choice.” Drew was looking down at him, in the alpha male way that had always intimidated him as a teenager. “By all rights it should be your brother here, trying to talk his way out of a stretch in the pen. But he don’t have anything I want, so you better make it worth it.” With these words Mr McAllister began to unfasten his pants. “Fuck.” Steve muttered. “Yeah, that too.” Drew said, not stopping “Now get on your knees and start suckin.” Steve did as he was told before the cock could even escape the white briefs. They were yanked down and the young man breathed deep of the crotch that produced his first boyfriend. All sorts of wild questions flowed through Steve’s mind as his mouth made contact and began to work the hardening cock. I’m sucking my ex-boyfriend’s dad. Fuck. I want him in my ass. Did he and Gary ever… He sucked the eight inches furiously. Like a starving man and his hands were helping, feeling the fuzzy balls with one, while they other trailed up his torso feeling the furry belly and pectorals of a man old enough to be his father. This was beyond what he’d expected of a summer back in his hometown. He had expected to be a social pariah given his vocal advocacy that ran counter to the way most of this town chose to live. He had feared violent reprisal. Instead, the most macho guy in town had him on his knees, and held his head still while he fucked his talented throat. “Damn boy.” Mr McAlister said, “You’re just as good as Gary.” Steve was shocked by these words and met Drew’s eyes. The older man nodded, “Better believe it, boy.” He slid his cock out of his mouth, “Keep your mouth open.” Steve did so, and was rewarded with a load of spit, drooled out of the older man’s mouth and into his own. “Swallow.” He did as ordered, feeling some of this hard man slide down his throat. Drew nodded, “Get naked… Now!” he added with some bluster to his voice when the young, beardless man hesitated. Steve rose and shucked his t-shirt, shorts and sandals in an instant. He had been wearing a jockstrap on account of the walk out to this part of town and was about to pull it down, when Drew raised a hand, “Leave those on, I like jocks. Back on your knees, son.” Steve lowered himself back to the grassy, but graveled ground and opened his mouth for the cock once more. Drew had divested himself of the work shirt, his pants, his underwear, even his boots and socks. They were both bare assed in the middle of a grimy junkyard and Steve couldn’t be happier. The softened cock re-entered his mouth and stayed there,” Look up at me, Steven.” Their eyes met, and Drew sighed a little. Steve immediately registered the taste of warm piss on his tongue and fought off the urge to spew it from his mouth. “Keep eye contact, boy.” Drew ordered and the young man complied, “Good. Now start drinking it.” A questioning look flashed across Steve’s eyes. Sure, he’d been pissed on. Sure, he’d taken piss in his mouth, but he’d never swallowed. Just somehow it seemed a step too far. But if he wanted to keep his brother out of prison, he’d have to be accommodating for his ex-boyfriend’s dad. He swallowed and discovered that it wasn’t so bad at all. The acrid feel continued down his throat but was soon relieved by the next mouthful. Gulping sounds escaped his body and he started to moan. He was getting painfully hard drinking the middle aged man’s piss. “That’s it, boy.” Drew said encouragingly. Watching the younger man’s throat and mouth work swallowing the contents of his bladder, “That’s a good boy.” He moaned as he was starting to harden up, “You’re just as good at that as Gary.” Soon enough the torrent subsided to a trickle, and Steve felt like his guts were full with urine. “Too bad things didn’t work out between you two.” Drew said appraisingly, kneeling down in front of him, “It would have been nice to have two boys in the house.” Their lips met in a kiss and Steve let the thought of living with father and son fuck machines swim in his mind. Gary had been insatiable. Everyday before school in his room, during lunch in the boiler room, then after school behind the band bleachers, Steve had opened his ass to his best friend. Drew’s tongue made his way into his mouth and his arms around his shoulders and it pulled the young man back into the present. Steve moaned into the kiss, so much like his long lost love, but different. The older man wrapped one arm around his lower back and guided him back onto the grass. Steve instinctively raised his legs and wrapped them around Mr McAlister’s waist. “When was the last time you were fucked, son?” Drew asked, coming up for air. “Last week.” Steve answered as the older man rustled in his pants, “I was in Cleveland visiting friends and they both fucked me.” “Good.” Drew said retrieving a tube from his pants pocket. It was vaseline. He squirted some out and began to massage it around Steve’s hole. The younger man whimpered at what was coming. He didn’t normally get barebacked, but knew enough to realize that a condom wouldn’t be a part of the equation today. With his other hand, Drew moved aside the fabric of Steve’s jockstrap and freed his dick. The older man bent down and suckled on it for a while as he eased fingers into Steve’s eager hole. The younger man came close to cumming, but Drew knew when to ease off. He had been lubing his own cock as well and now lined it up to the greased asshole. “You ready, son?” Steve nodded, “Yes, sir.” Drew slipped his head inside and the young blond sighed in satisfaction. He held it there for but a moment and then eased more of it within. Steve’s legs tightened around his waist, and Drew couldn’t help but thrust the rest of his shaft into the welcoming, tight, warmth. He leaned down and kissed the boy as he gasped and moaned on the hard cock inside him, buried to the hilt. Arms wrapped around eachother and held each other tight. Their torsos mashed together and arms holding each other tight. Mr McAlister’s legs were up against the upturned thighs of the young man beneath him. It felt so right, and so good. And Drew began to move. He made gentle, shallow thrusts, not wanting to break the full body contact they had going. The boy felt perfect. Just like his own son when they were together, which was far too seldom these days. Chicago wasn’t far, but work kept them both busy. Drew was now determined to get back there more often. As he thrust into Steven Grady, the son of one of his best friends, and slid his tongue against his, Drew didn’t entertain any ridiculous thoughts of the two lads getting back together and him having four willing holes to choose from. It was just far too unlikely. This was it, and he was going to make the most of it. He was going to make love to this lonely young man and hopefully give him reason to come visit more often. Their mouths mashed loudly, and they were both moaning in the quiet calm of a gentle fuck. But the occasional thrust onto his prostate was driving Steve wild. “Fuck, boy.” Drew said, breaking off and looking into the young man’s eyes, “I’m not going to last much longer.” He said, picking up a little speed. “Oh fuck!” Steve moaned, “Right there! Right at that.. speed… ohhhh… FUUUUUUCK!!” Drew felt the cock between their bodies pulse and seep warm cum, smearing the seed into the hair on their bellies and chests. The asshole around his cock constricted his shaft like a boa constrictor, the pressure on his own dick going past the breaking point. Drew began to thrust uncontrollably, still holding the lad tight about the shoulders. “Gawd! Fuck, boy. Here it comes!” Drew announced into his ear before making several deep, hard thrusts into him and tensing and trembling with each one. Steve held onto the older man as he unloaded his DNA inside his ass. The moaning in his ear subsided as did the trembling, the balls deep thrusts and Steve massaged the shoulders he’d been holding onto for no more than ten minutes or so. Frankly, he was surprised they’d made it three. Mr McAlister was hot, and he’d always thought so. Now one of his teenage fantasies had come true. But he couldn’t keep his original mission out of his mind. “Hey, Mr McAlister?” The older man chuckled as he recovered, “Call me Drew, son.” He laughed, pushing and holding himself up, “You gotta load of my cum up your ass, and my piss in your belly. And I’m still inside ya, boy. So for fuck’s sake, call me Drew.” Steve chuckled, marvelling that the cock inside him still hadn’t gone soft, “Ok.” “What is it?” Drew asked, wondering what thought could have broken the boy out of a post fuck bliss. “It’s nothing that can’t wait.” Steve said, leaning up to draw the middle aged fuck-god into a kiss. There would be plenty of time to get to the shitty old Dodge, grab the bag of meth from under the wheel well and toss it into the Mahoning River. For now, Steve was happy. Full of every fluid a sexy dad could offer and, for now at least, none of it was going anywhere.
    2 points
  22. Part Sixteen John woke up the next morning, bound in cuffs. He stirred slowly, making an audible groan as he moved his head. “Hurts right” I asked, sitting at the bedside. He slowly looked over at me with half open eyes. He went to move and found his arms were bound. “What's the fuck?” he croaked. “Here,” I said taking the cap off a water, “You won't be able to talk with that cottonmouth.” I put the bottle up to his lips while he just glared at me. “You can drink or sit there, I don't give a fuck.” He wrapped his lips around the bottle and drank the entire contents in one long gulp. I tossed the bottle away and sat back down. “Why am I tied up?” he asked. “Because we need to talk and I don't trust you not to talk with your hands.” He struggled with the cuffs, “Why what happened last night?” “You know what happened.” He locked eyes with me, “No, I really don't.” “Really?” I said pulling my phone out, “You sure about that?” He watched as I plowed him the first time, him grunting and begging the whole time. His face got pale and his mouth hung open as he stared at the impossible. “You raped me?” “See there is that word again, rape,” I said as I loaded the next video up, “Rape implies non consensual, and this is anything but.” I showed him on all fours as he begged Sammy to fuck him. I made sure he couldn't tell who was fucking him, but the sounds of him begging for more were loud and clear. Again he just watched in shock/horror/fascination. He wasn't looking away, which is a good sign unto itself. “See John, that's you,” I pointed to the screen, “And that's you shooting your load from getting fucked like a bitch.” “No...” he said softly, trying to convince himself that the video was a fake. I moved over to the bed, making sure the video was right in his face. He could have stopped watching at anytime by closing his eyes, but he didn't. Instead he was locked onto him getting fucked like his life depended on it. “It's not your fault dude,” I said calmly, “I mean what can you do about an itchy ass?” His eyes darted to me as a moment of recognition passed through his mind. “Right? You know it's true right?” I said, moving my other hand between his legs. “Don't,” he warned. “But why John? Look at the video...you like it. You want it.” “N-no...you drugged me.” “You were wasted sure, but you're not now. And your ass is itching all the same.” He looked back at the phone and then back to me. “It's no big deal man, just give in to what you want.” “I don't want this!” he cried. “Then why is your cock hard?” I said grabbing his fucking beast of a cock by the base. He let out a moan as he looked down at his judas dick. “You're turned on man, it's ok.” He shook his head while I stroked him slowly, the drop of precum pooling at the head while he tried to will it to stop. “Come on John, remember how good it felt?” I let go of the phone and slipped my other hand under him. “Please don't...” he whimpered, the sound of him begging for more cock filling the room. “But why John,” my finger touched his hole, “Why deny yourself this?” “Not a fag...” he tried to reason as I pressed slowly into him. “No, you're a not a fag. You just like getting fucked, there's a big difference.” My finger slid easily up his ass, he tried to clench it shut but his little brother had stretched him so much that it didn't stop me from digging deeper and deeper. “Stop...don't...” he intoned, his head thrashing from side to side as I got further into him. “But your cock, it's even harder now...” I made sure to jerk him a couple of times to prove it. “Just say you want it John.” His eyes were closed and he had already started sweating. “Just relax...” I said sweetly. “I don't want....” And I passed over his prostate. “Ugghhhhh...” he groaned as his willpower deserted him. “What's that John?” I asked, rubbing back and forth over his spot, “Your ass itchy John? Your ass itchy again?” He was trying to hold on for dear life, he really was. But the truth of the matter was that his prostate was being over stimulated, he was being triggered into flashbacks by asking about the itchy ass and he was remembering what it felt like to be fucked. Of course most of that was the drugs, but he still felt it and was remembering it. “Just relax John...accept it...” He shook his head again as I started to just straight on assault his ass. He was jerking up and down like he was being exposed to an electrical wire, his cock was burping precum everywhere, betraying how turned on he was right now. “Come on John, let go. Just accept it...” I slipped another finger into him, “Your ass is just too itchy...” With two fingers I could apply so much more force, making his open his mouth in a silent scream as I stopped moving over his boybutton and just started to stab at it. His hips were off the bed as he simultaneously tried to get away from my hand and slam himself down on it harder. “Come on John, admit it.” He still said nothing, but his abs were covered in cock snot. So I slipped my fingers out in one quick motion, “Ok, never mind.” His eyes flew open and he looked up at me, in a full blown panic, but his mouth unable to let him speak. “What? Fine John, I'll leave you alone.” He looked down at his dripping cock and then focused on my phone again, and the image of him begging to be fucked harder and harder. “Ok.” he said in a small voice. “What?” “Ok, do it,” he said. “Do what?” “Get me off!” he roared. And now for the last part of our lesson. I jumped up on the bed and grabbed his throat, making his eyes bug out in shock. “Listen your fucking pussy boy. You want to get fucked then you ask for it like any other slut. You ain't no fucking alpha jock, you're a bottom bitch who needs to be fucked. So the quicker you understand that the better.” I Let go of him so he could take a breath and grabbed the dildo off the nightstand. I shoved it up into him and turned it on full blast. A squeal came out of his mouth as I grabbed his cock again. “You get it bitch? You aren't in control here, I am. You get that?” He nodded, sweat flying off of him. “What was that?” “Yes, I got it!” “Yes what?” He looked up at me, trying to look upset so I stroked him harder, breaking his concentration. “Yes what?” “Yes sir,” he finally blurted out, “Yes sir I understand.” “You got an itchy ass cunt?” 'Yes sir!” “You want me to take care of it?” “Please sir, please...” he started to ramble, his instincts of last night kicking in. I grabbed my blindfold and slipped it over his eyes, “Fine, get ready to be fucked.” I slipped the dildo out and opened my door. Sammy walked in, monster cock bobbing in front of him as he climbed onto the bed. Without a word he pressed his hard to his older brother's tight, little jock hole and waited. “Yes sir...that's it...please sir...” John begged, feeling himself mere moments away from relief. Sammy moved his hips forward slightly, shoving his oversized mushroom head past John's sphincter. John let out a hiss as it popped in, Sammy just stood still, letting him adjust to his girth. “Fuck...jesus fuck...you're too big...” Sammy pushed a couple of inches in and John's head slammed side to side as he tried to maintain his composure. “FUCK! You're so fucking big......your cock.....jesus....” Sammy pushed another couple inches in and his older brother bore down on the pain. John didn't know it, but he was getting used to getting fucked. Sammy was about halfway in and he paused again, letting his brother adjust. “Fuckfuckfuck,..” John panted, “Shit...so fucking big...” “You like that cock stretching your hole,” Sammy asked in a deep voice, disguising his own. John nodded, “Yes sir...so fucking full...” “You want more?” he asked, holding his hips still. Out of nowhere John raised his hips and shoved another couple of inches into his ass, “Fuck em sir...I can take the pain.” The look of lust and power on Sammy's face was insane and I actually felt my own cock react. John felt his little brother shove the rest of his cock into him, both of them grunting from the sensation. Once bottomed out Sammy held still, letting his jock bother adjust to this cock, and giving him one last moment of rest. “You ready?” he asked. “Yes sir,” John answered, eagerly. Sammy slowly slid the length of his cock out, “Ask me.” “Fuck me sir.” “Beg me.” “Please fuck me sir.” “More.” “Please god sir give me your fucking cock!” Sammy answered by shoving his entire length in at once, causing John's head to fly back and for him to let out a groan that could probably be heard across the street. The youngest Parker wasted no time in laying assault to his oldest brother's ass. Sammy's cock stretched John's hole to it's limit, his own cock stood straight up as he got fucked, with each shove another bead of precum was released. John gasped as Sammy took his brother's legs and spread them wishbone style, allowing him even deeper entry into that ass. “FUCCKKKK!!!” John screamed as Sammy doubled his efforts, not just fucking but completely destroying his brother's ass. Taking what was a virgin, straight jock hole last night and turning it into a swollen, weeping hole full of cum. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck...” John panted as Sammy would not let up. His perfect as was a blur as he pounded all nine plus inches harder and harder into his brother. Sammy let go of John's legs and was rewarded by John wrapping them around his wait and pulling him closer as John pushed back onto his little brother's cock. It was hotter than nay porn I had ever seen, the toned, hung, high school jock plowing the built, football stud mercilessly. The fact that John was straight and Sammy was his brother just made it all that more hot. Now it was time to teach that to John. I moved over towards John's head and gave Sammy the signal to slow down. He stopped jackhammering John and started long, leisurely pushes into him. “No!” John whined, pulling Sammy into him with his legs again, “Harder...harder...: “How bad you want this cock?” I asked him. “So bad...please sir...I'm close...your cock is getting me so close...” A lot of people think that straight men are all the same. They think once someone has realized they are straight that it's the end of the discussion. That if they fuck enough girls, eat enough pussy, then that is just the way it is. The truth of the matter is, men, all men, have a preference and that preference can change. Sometimes naturally, sometimes by an accidental encounter, sometimes by medication, but in the end it's all just a preference. The key to overcoming that is to make the guy feel more pleasure than he ever had before. There is a limit on how much a man can resist their sexual urges before they just snap. They preference, common sense, all of it, it is just foreplay to the actual sexual drive that lies beneath us all. In the last 24 hours John had been given pleasure like he had never felt it before, and he was holding on to his masculinity and heterosexuality for dear life. But the drugs, the conditioning, the fact that Sammy's cock can make sex trans formative, all of it together had driven John to this moment, the edge of abandonment and desire. I was about to push him over. “Beg him to fuck you,” “PLEASE FUCK ME SIR!” John screamed. “LOUDER!” “FUCK ME SIR!” I looked at Sammy, “You heard him, fuck him.” Sammy began to fuck him for real, Not for strength, not for domination, but for sex, for actual sexual pleasure. As he pushed into his brother's hole he made sure to angle his thrust to completely smash his prostate, bring John full seconds of absolute pleasure like he had never imagined. He made sure to press down as he pulled out, dragging his entire girth along John's tight hole, touching him in places he never knew he had. He fucked him good, he fucked him steady, he was fucking him to cum. “Oh god...fuck yeah...fuck...fuck...” John cried out, his entire mind gone, only sex remained. I watched his cock, the way it bobbed, the precum that dripped down his shaft, the way it lurched in the air every time Sammy hit his spot. I watched and waited... And then I moved. “Thank him for fucking you so good,” I said. “Thank you sir...thank you...your cock....god your cock...thank you sir, thank you...” And I pulled off the blindfold. Sammy paused and John looked up to see his little brother between his legs, felt his cock swell in him and the fact that the last few minutes he had been begging him to fuck him sank into John's mind. His eyes were wide as the pieces fell in his mind... Sammy had a wicked grin on his face and said, “You're welcome...” and pushed into him. John cock's exploded untouched. A geyser of fucking cum erupted between them as John's ass clenched around his little brother's cock and the last dregs of his resistance vanished. “Sammy! OH Sammy!!” he screamed as he came, he pulled at the cuffs again as he came and came and came. “You like that john?” Sammy said, fucking him as he came, “You like my fucking cock?” “Oh god your cock...your fucking cock...” John wailed as another load shot over his lips, his tongue darting out to catch as much as he can. “You're my cunt now John...this cock owns you...” John was just nodding, “You own me Sammy..you own me...” I undid the cuffs and his arms fell to his side as Sammy pulled out and climbed up to straddle his big brother's chest. “Take me load, open that mouth.” John grabbed his little brother's perfect ass and steadied him as he opened his mouth and waited for his reward like a good cum slut does. Sammy unloaded into him, John chocking as his mouth filled up with his brother's spunk. He tried to swallow it all bit dribbles slipped out down his cheek as he struggled to contain the load. Sammy leaned down and kissed him, John sharing his brother's load with him as he embraced him and kissed him back. I let my cock free and came, watching them kiss like that, I had done it, I had corrupted the Parker Brothers.
    2 points
  23. I had been fucking bb almost exclusively for a year when last spring I met a guy online who wanted me to go to an "exhibition party" . His name is Jason and he was totally hot, well muscled, scruffy, with one of those barely-there beards that always turns me on. After several conversations he invited me to a bareback party in the back warehouse of a shop a buddy of his was the manager of. We exchanged numbers and he agreed to meet me outside the night of the party. My profile said that I was neg and only bottom for neg guys and he told me there would be some poz guys there but he was neg and would be the only one fucking me. We met just before midnight Jason took me up to the warehouse.He was there with his buddy Mark, another hot guy who had been to these parties before. He was just as hot as his pictures. I was excited to take his load. We got up and there were guys fucking all over the place sucking bend over and cum flying. Id never seen such an amazing hot group of guys swapping loads. Mark took off his top and stripped down to his jock strap and said he had to watch us to see if we were right for the club. Jason pulled off his shirt and I was rock hard at seeing his defined hairy abs. I sucked Jason for a good while and then he turned me over and jammed his tongue down my ass giving me the best rim job I'd ever had.. and he fucked me hard for a good half an hour solid before he shot an amazing load up my ass that was so awesome it was dripping out of my hole...It was so warm and so full. Jason sucked me to finish me off, and before I was even done cumming, Mark came up to me and said I had to leave and he needed to talk to Jason. I was dumfounded, I was wondering if I did something wrong, and as I put my clothes back on I realized all the guys there had pretty much stopped fucking and were watching us. I went home with Jason's cum dripping out my ass and jacked off several times thinking about that awesome party. I texted Jason a few times but didn't get a response until about 4 weeks later he called me out of the blue in the middle of the afternoon. He asked me how I was feeling and to be honest I felt great right after the party but in the last week I was quite worn down and sick. To that he said "really? that's too bad... but listen, the guys are having another party in a couple weeks, are you interested?" and of course I said sounds hot and I was definitely in. He said he would call me again by the end of the week which he did and we met at the same place. I asked where Mark was and Jason said he's already inside. He doesn't need to be here tonight. We walked up the stairs and he told me he had a surprise for me. and we went to the same spot we had been at a month before. and were there was this cute jock about 22 years old. very football player looking. a total turn on. Jason said "This is Chad, I wanna watch you fuck him tonight. Don't worry he's neg. When you're done, I wanna fuck you again." I was not much of a top, but the thought of Jason fucking me again got me so hard, plus Chad was hot and a great fuck. So fucked him hard, and long with everone watching and jammed a big wet load up Chad's tight young mancunt. As soon as Chad came on his chest. Jason said "OK chad, it's time for you to go. and turned to me and said ... Hey... I need to talk to you for a minute" Chad picked up his clothes and Jason and I went into a private closet at the back. Jason said to me "man that was hot ... chad's got quite the ass, eh?" I replied "yeah it was nice... so you've fucked him too?" Jason said "no, not yet, but if he makes it I will.' I laughed a little and joked "well what does he have to do to make it?" Jason then said " he has to poz up a neg hole" I laughed a bit again and said "well I guess I haven't made it yet" Jason just smirked. There was a bit of silence before he spoke again "actually... you did make it... you just pozzed Chad. Welcome to the club" I was confused and questioned,"but you SAID you were neg!" and Jason said " I thought I was .... after we fucked last time, Mark pulled me aside and had the same conversation with me . I didn't know I was poz when I fucked you. Mark converted me at the previous party and didn't tell me until you were already out the door. I was his pledge, you were mine, and now Chad is yours. This is how you get into this club.. You have to poz someone to get in. I couldn't invite you back until I was pretty sure I'd given you the fuck flu. Now that you've pozzed up Chad, you can come anytime you like. The trick is you have to poz someone up before you know you're knocked up" I was angry and excited all at the same time and seeing as I was already knocked up, I went back out into the warehouse with Jason and we swapped loads with everyone watching again. The whole time we fucked ... I was thinking about how I was going to get Chad his full membership into the club....
    2 points
  24. Chapter 3: You're still mine Saying I was surprised to look up to see my boy towering above me and I was kneeling between his older brothers legs is an understatement... I coughed and spit out the last of his piss from my mouth. As the chempiss and spit trickled down my belly, I tried to stand but the chempiss was kicking in fast and I fell back against Jason, who managed to catch and steady me with his massive muscular arms. “Easy there dad”, Matt said as he stepped forward and slightly leaned down to plant a deep passionate kiss on his older brother Jason. I sat down and leaned against the wall of the shower and looked up to fully take in the sight before me. My oldest, Jason, seemed fairly short at 6'1” compared to his younger brother's towering 6'6” frame; but what Jason lacked in height, he more than made up for in muscle mass. Matt clearly spent a lot of the time at the gym, and had a 6 pack and v-cut to prove it, but Jason could dominate body building competitions... And while Jason had a light “Dusting” of dark black fur from head to toe, with his natural blond hair and trimmed bush, Matt's body looked relatively hairless. Which made him quite the canvas for the assortment of tattoos covering him from collar to toe, including full sleeves on each arm. The last difference that really surprised me was the difference in their dicks. Jason was sporting 8.5 inches, about 7 inches around, and uncut with what I would learn was a 2 gauge PA (Glad he inherited Barb's Dad's dick... which I knew was as long but a little thinner, thanks to a time when we got drunk and blew each other) But Matt on the other hand... HOLY SHIT. Matt's cock was HUGE... “Damn boy, how big is that thing” I asked as it swung before me Matt looked down at me, then at his hardening cock and beaming with pride, replied “13 inches long, and just under 9 around” As he spoke, he took it in his hand and waved it back and forth in front of my face. His long foreskin completely covering the head and hanging lose off the end. My boys then joined me on the floor of the shower, the hot water still raining down as the positioned themselves on both sides of me, As Jason began tweaking my nipples, Matt put a hand behind my head and pulled me in for his first deep kiss. As he dug his way into my mouth, I found out he had his tongue pierced as his barbell lightly clinked against my teeth. As I was once again getting lost in the sensations, he broke off our kiss and looked to his brother, “So, did you ask him?” “Oh, shit, no, not yet” Matt replied. “Ask me what?” I said, trying to assert some of my old “fatherly tone” (but completely failing) as I looked back and forth at my two sexy sons. “Well, a couple things... when I saw your post and your profile online and saw it was you and” Jason began to stutter as Matt coughed loud and punched him in the shoulder before blurting out “about me dumbass, we are here like this so he is obviously down to get charged up like us” he snapped at his brother. Jason punched his brother back before snapping back, “we just started, and I have been warming him up to ask him that and the other things and” Just then Matt reached his hand down, grabbed his brothers balls and gave them a quick tug and twist, but before he could continue arguing with his brother, Jason reached down, grabbed Matts nuts and began twisting and pulling them just as aggressively. I looked down and saw both of my boys hands on the others balls, each pulling and stretching hard enough that they both turning red but each of them refusing to back down to the other. The familiar feeling of my boys doing their brotherly fighting with me in the middle brought back enough instinct that I grabbed each of them by the ears and pulled them back apart until they eased their grips on each other and looked at me. “BOYS, I like the kinky tone your squabbling has taken on over the years you have been away, but nither of you is torturing my nutts, and Matt, Clearly you have something you want to ask that can't wait, So we are going to go around and each ask our most pressing question... Total honesty” I said as released their grips. Both of them looking up at me with puppy dog eyes as they tilted their heads, just like all the times I had to punish them when they were little. I reached over and brushed Jason's hands off of Matt's balls before replacing his grip with mine. I looked him in the eyes, licked my lips, and said, “Matt, you go first” Matt raised his face to look directly at mine; at the same time, he released his grip on his brother, before wrapping his large muscular hand around my dick and balls and giving them a HARD tug. Then he asked, “I have always wanted to know, I don't look anything like you or Jason, and I know Mom is my Mom, but we know she and mike are swingers, so I have always wondered...” he sheepishly trailed off, afraid to ask the question that always bothered him. “Spit it out” I scolded as I gave his huge nuts a stern tug and twist “Are you really my dad?” he blurted before looking down, just like when he was little and afraid of something on TV. “Matty” I said as I released his balls and pulled his chin up till we were both looking each other eye to eye. “You are now, and have always been my son, and while you are probably not as sweet, you are still my baby boy... but yes...no... I mean, biologically, I am pretty sure the guy who knocked up your mom that night was the Scandinavian sailor, pretty sure he tried knocking me up too with all the loads he left in me...but it was a swingers party, we didn't know anyone there. And we were never able to track him down... but that didn't change the fact that I raised you as my own, and when your Mom took you and Jason away, it hurt just as much; but I thought it was what would be best for you two” I said as I gave him a soft loving kiss to re-assure him, and gave him a look that let him know that that no matter what, as far as I was concerned, he was mine. At this point, Jason calmly placed his hand on his brother's forehead and gently pushed him back, “OK, My Turn” he said eagerly, however as Matt still had my nuts in much less aggressive, but still firm grip, he instead reached under my leg, and rolled me sidways to face his brother as he pulled the huge plug from my hole with a loud wet plop before sliding his fat 8” effortlessly into my gaping hole, balls deep. As he slowly moved it back and forth, he reached around and pulled his brother closer, sandwiching me between their ripped muscular bodies. “Well” Jason said, “I guess the first thing I want to know right now...our lease is up at the end of the month, and we were in the area because we were looking for a new place to live where we could be... “us” without having to worry...sooo, could we move back home here with you?” he said as he slowly long dicked my hole (trying to butter the old man up I see) I pushed back my hole and without hesitation replied, “fuck yeah boys; we will have to get another fake bed to put somewhere in case we ever have to keep up appearances, But I have a big bid, and I want to go to bed every night in between my two beautiful sons” I said in a haze between the chems in my system and the monster cock massaging my prostate now it was my turn, as I pushed back to meet Jason's thrusts. I let out a struggled, “I have always thought it was kinda hot, but was always too scared to go through with it... do you two really want to knock me up? Breed your old man and make him a toxic slut like you are? I blurted in my t and sex filled haze. “Fuck yeah daddy” Jason said eagerly as he picked up the pace. “Poz and then some...we both recently tested poz for siph but haven't started meds yet, and this morning Matty found a sore by his piss slit that we need to go back to the doc for. At this point I had crossed so many lines, I didn't hesitate to reply, “Fuck yeah Jason, breed my fag pussy, and make me just like you two” I said as I continued to push back to meet my oldest son as he thrust his toxic cock into my now wet and sloppy hole and I leaned forward to lock lips with his bigger little brother. “FUCK. YES. TAKE. IT.SLUT” Jason yelled, each word punctuated with an even harder thrust, his PA clearly tearing up my ass up further with his PA as he began shooting another load into my stretched out hole. As his body convulsed, he pulled me against him with all his strength, and to my confusion, Matt broke away from our triple embrace to stand up as he said, “Gotta grab something, back in a sec...Jay, help dad get on his back on the fuck bench and turn the water off for a sec. He said before striding out of the room like he already lived here (again). Jason reluctantly pulled out and helped me up. We turned off the showers and as I was climbing onto the bench, Matt re-entered and walked over to me. With me on the fuck bench, his massive cock was once again at eye level. He walked over until his horse cock was only a few feet from my face. “If we're doing this, we're doing it right” he said before he used his left hand to peel the foreskin back and reveal his massive cockhead. Jason was right, there were some angry looking sores forming around his piss slit, and a few smaller bumps along the ridge of his head. A small amount of cock cheese was also making his cockhead look more infected. He took his other hand and revealed another shard of T. He ran the shard across the ridges on his dickhead and then across the red sores near his slit before pushing it all the way into his dick hole. He also had a metal sounding rod which he then used to push the shard several inches deeper into his cock before slowly sliding the rod out. I briefly saw some red streaks along the length of it as he walked over and placed the rod on the sink. “Hold his legs up bro, help me knock up our dad, we are gonna be bound by DNA one way or another!” he said as we walked forward and placed the head of his massive cock against my hungry gaping hole. “Breed me son” I said as I looked into his eyes... It was all the motivation he heeded as in one brutal thrust, he shoved his cock over halfway into my hole. Even with all the chems and stretching from Jason, Taking Matt's cock for the first time still hurt like hell. “Don't worry Dad, this will help” Matt said as his body tensed up and he shoved another quarter of his dick into my beyond stretched hole as his big brother helped pull my cheeks apart. The feeling of fullness then began to greatly intensify, along with a new level of burn, “OH FUCK YES” Matt exclaimed, “I have had to piss since I got here” he said as he unloaded his bladder into my already full hole. The thickness of his cock being the only think keeping it from spraying back out as he continued to unload. My vision blurred and I began coughing heavily...”FUCK” I thought...Matt's slampig chempiss was MUCH stronger than Jasons. It was like I read in the stories about people getting slammed. I tried to say something, but all that I could get out was “please.... fuck... me...”between coughs as I pawed at Jason's torso to try to pull him towards my mouth as I wrapped my legs around Matt and tried pull him in closer to me, not realizing he had already pushed in balls deep and had begun slowly fucking me with the baseball bat he called a cock. All I can remember is a primal need to keep nursing the cock in front of , as the man with a horse cock was literally tearing my hole to shreds. The next few hours were a total blur as both of my son's took turns fucking me, as well as each other, with an abundance of wet sloppy fisting mixed in. --------- That's it for now, but if yall want more, I would like to see this story go further too.
    2 points
  25. Yeah, I love to make my bottom cum first. I like him to kneel in front of me while he masturbates. I tell him to cum in his hand and not spill his sperm. I make him lube my cock with his seed then I fuck his ass. I think my bottom is more aware of my cock fucking his hole if he isn't horny and he should get his pleasure from being fucked by me. Also I think his hole stays tighter once he's had his balls milked. Only been refused a few times, once a lad was trying to get out of taking my load but I coerced him into it and forced my cock inside his hole. I think it's the mark of a true submissive to serve his alpha as ordered.
    2 points
  26. I sat there helpless as more and more men circled me feeding me their cocks while others fucked me without mercy. I had about 10 more Poz loads in my throat and ass before my father came back over to the couch and picked me up and carried me over to another couch to take a break. We talked a bit and he gave me some water to drink and a butt plug to hold in all of those loads in as much as i could. He told me that for a while he was monitoring what I was looking up online and watching to see what I was doing in my room at home when I thought no one was around and knew that he was going to be the first to pop my cherry when the time was right. He knew the owner of the club and when my birthday application was sent in the owner called him and told him about it so he made sure to have everythi g ready for me. I was shocked to hear all that of this and was even more so to know that my mom had no clue about anything as well. After awhile my dad scooped me back into his arms and carried me to a sling in the club and whent on again at plowing my ass with his massive cock. It drew in a crowed again all standing with hard cocks slick with cum and precum just waiting their turn to get at my ass again. Once my dad unloaded his Poz seed into my hole for a second time I could see a much larger man tap him on the shoulder and he walked away with this man. With my hole loaded again with my dad's cum it was open season again on my hole for anyone who wanted it. It was a frenzy of cocks being shoved into my ass and mouth all sporting about how viral their loads were. One of the men fucking me stood still for a moment after erupting into my ass and I wasn't sure what was going on until I started to feel warm and went on the inside and then I realized that this man was pissing in my ass. I never thought I would feel this full and warm and I was loving every moment of it. When all the other men saw how I was enjoing the piss in me it brought on a whole new game for them. Each man started to piss in my ass and my throat after cumming in them turning me on even more than what I thought would. This went on for a while and I knew I had to piss soon myself and I tried to voice that and the men laught at that and just told me to piss on myself and on them as well. With that I let loose a torrent of piss coating every part of my body and others as well and when it stoped the men around me started to lap at my pissed soaked body as if it was all nectar to them. I heard laughter as I looked up and saw my dad walking back up to me with that large man I saw him leaving with earlier. I see you're fitting in well with everyone sport but it is now time to start the last event before I take you home. I looked at the clock behind him thinking it was still early and saw that it was already 4 in the morning and was shocked that I had been here for hours collecting so many loads. Alright boys time to unplug from my son's hole so we can finish marking him for the night. With a groan of disappointment the guys who were around me backed away and the last two who were throat fucking me and fucking my piss and cum filled ass finished blowing their loads and walked away as well. My dad inspected my ass and saw the stream of piss mixed with cum started to leak out and he buried his face into my hole sucking it out into his mouth and sharing it with me. He picked me up again out of the sling and carried me to the showers and had me push out as much as I could and started to clean me up. Once I had all the cum and piss pushed out of me my dad started to dry me off and picked me up again and carried me to a black table that was set up I'm the middle of the club. The huge man my dad was talking with before grabbed the mike and announced that it was time for the marking ceremony of our newly soon to be pozzed birthday boy and as the winner of the auction his dad has chosen what to do with his prize. He wants his son's biohazard tatto to be a three part, one on his cock one on his ballsack and the other to be on his freshly fucked and pozzed hole. This brought allot of cheers and applause from all the guys around. We also agreed that because this was such a successful night that we are going to be piercing his cock his nipples and giving him a jacob's ladder as well. This brought another round of cheers and applause as well. I looked aty dad and he smiled at me and began to strap me to the table. He then wheeled out a table laid with all sorts of needles and other objects that they were ready to use on me. The big guy walked over and snapped on a pair of black gloves and started to unpagage the needles and the jewelry he was ready to put in me. A bottle of poppers were presented under my nose to help me through it all and I took a long inhale from the bottle as instructed. The big man went to swab my nipple with antiseptic and placed black dots on either side of my nipples where he was going to push the needle through. He looked down at me and said on the count of three take a long hit off the poppers ok boy? I nodded and was ready for his count. Alright everyone count down. They did and on the count I inhaled deeply as I felt the sharp sting of the needle run through my skin. The pain was so intense I bucked upwards and without trying I shot the biggest load I have ever shot covering my stomach and newly pierced nipple in cum causing the crowed to cheer even more. The man doing my piercing smiled at this and started to lap at the pool of cum calling it his tip for the work. Once my cum was cleared off he washed me down and got ready for the next one and as before he counted down and I took an even deeper pull on the poppers and it still made me buck upwards as he stabbed my other nipple. Once I calmed down from those piercings he moved down to my cock which had soften after all of that. He swabbed my cock head and this time pierced it with barley any pain and moved right along to the jacob's ladder and again there was little pain. He cleaned up my new jewelry and took off his gloves and replaced them with a new set and grabbed his tattoo gun and the red ink on the table and went right to work on tattooing my cock first. There was some discomfort but they made sure to keep the poppers flowing and I looked to the side to see my dad being fucked while his little boy was being marked. He didn't take his eyes off of me and I had to look away in fear of getting hard and messing up my tattoo. He made quick work on my cock and went straight to my balls and was able to brand them with my new mark quicky as well. Once he was done with them a quick adjustment to the table made it easier for him to tattoo my now de virginized and hopefully pozzed hole. This one took a bit and when he finished he washed my tattoos and piercings once more before covering them and givinge the cleaning instructions. When he was finished he got back on stage and announced that I was now a proud member of the club. Everyone cheered fore and my dad brought me on stage and shared a deep kiss with me. We started to leave and my dad told me that we needed to talk tomorrow when I got to my car.
    2 points
  27. Knocking up a neg hairy hole practically turns my nuts inside out. Lol
    2 points
  28. PART EIGHT "I'm so glad you're making me guys!" I giggled as I looked up at them. "You're making me such a good slut" "That's not the only thing we're making you" Sam smirked, stroking John's cock as it began to go limp. My head was swimming and I didn't really know what he was talking about but I felt so good I didn't care. I had a load on my face, and loads from both guys in my ass. "How much longer do we have?" John asked Sam. "Probably only a couple of hours," Sam replied. "It wasn't much." "What are you talking about guys? The place is free for another couple of days" I cut in. "Shut up, slut" John turned to me. "The men have got to talk, can you put something on and get us something to drink?" I looked on the floor and all I could see was a pair of Jessie's cutoffs and a G-string she'd worn the day before she left. I slipped it on and was amazed at how I enjoyed the feel of it on my ass, even though it did nothing to keep the cum from dribbling out of my hole. I stopped off in the bathroom to admire myself on my way to the kitchen. I barely recognised myself. Here stood this sexy mid-20s guy with cum all over his face and dribbling out his ass in a barely there pair of cutoffs. Not wanting to waste a drop, I wiped the cum off my face and licked my fingers clean. As I did so, I admired my ass in the mirror, my buttcheeks out the bottom of the cutoffs. My bubble butt looks better in these than that bitch's ever did. I returned to the bedroom with a couple of beers walking as sexily as I could. "Your sustenance gentlemen" I purred. "Well, look what the cat dragged in" Sam said as he broke away from kissing John. "Are you talking about my pussy again?" I cheekily replied. "We've certainly opened up a cunt in you. Let me check out that sweet ass in those cutoffs" John commanded. I giggled and did a little turn, making sure I gave them a full view of how they showed off my ass cheeks. As I pointed my ass towards them, I slid the cutoffs down showing how well the G-string looked on me. "Damn you are a hot little slut" Sam muttered his approval. It made me happy to hear how much they loved the way I looked. "Come here and join us on the bed, we've got something to tell you" I lay between them, stroking their cocks. I lay there in bliss as both guys ran their hands over my chest while Sam spoke to me. "John and myself know each other very well" "Well of course you do. You know each other from the club" "No Adam, we're actually a couple" John cut in. I had to admit I felt a little hurt, especially as I'd developed feelings for Sam in our time together. "Please Adam, don't be upset. I'd fully intended to have a quiet drink but when I saw you I had to have you." Sam was so sweet to me, no wonder I gave my ass to him first. "Is that why you have the same tattoo?" I asked, running my fingers over the tattoo just above John's cock. "Something like that" John replied. "Well, seeing you're a couple would you both like to fuck me at once?" "Nothing we'd like more" I ripped the G-string off and mounted Sam, his massive cock slipping inside me. My ass was well-lubed with cum and also had been broken open after the pounding I'd received. I felt John moving behind me and within seconds he'd lifted my ass up and his PA was inching its way inside me. I moaned in delight, it was an amazing feeling. Only a couple of days previously I was a boring straight man with a frigid wife, now I was a cock whore built for pleasuring men. The two of them pounded my ass for ages. "Don't cum until he starts to come down" John told Sam. "I want him to be crashing when he finds out" I had no idea what he was talking about but I had such a headache. I started to moan in pain as they fucked me, it had felt so good before. "It's happening, let's cum" John panted as he pounded my ass hard as possible. I'd never been in so much pain, why wasn't it like this before? I felt both men tensing up inside me and it wasn't long before I had the familiar sensation of cum shooting inside me but it didn't feel the same as before. I felt the cocks slip out of my ass and Sam & John shared a deep kiss. "That was our best conversion yet" John whispered to Sam. "How did you like partying with Tina?" he turned to me. "Who's Tina?" "Ha ha ha,. You poor innocent slut. That's why you went as crazy as you did, you thought it was just the pills? I've never seen anyone react that amazingly to it. You've got a tough few hours ahead of you but here's my card if you ever feel like partying again" "Huh?" "Oh God, he'll be no good for hours. Sam, you give him the best bit of news, I'll watch, I love to watch their faces when you do. You stay there slut, we'll see ourselves out" "What is it Sam?" I looked up shocked "We're HIV positive you whore, and from the absolute pounding we've given you, you should be too now. Think about that while you're coming down" END OF PART EIGHT
    2 points
  29. PART SEVEN I couldn't wait for the taxi to arrive. As much I loved being with Sam, I couldn't wait to have another guy's cock inside me. "Cool, the cab's about 5 minutes away" Sam said. "You'd better get some clothes on" "Why?" I begged. "I'm fine to go like this" "Not in public you're not," Sam laughed. "Put your damn clothes on" I let out a giggle of delight as the cab's horn tooted just as I put my pants on. Sam hurriedly put some things into a backpack as I dashed out to the cab. As we went outside the sun was almost up, Sam must've been fucking me for hours! The cabbie was a fat 50 year old guy, but most importantly, he was a guy. I told him my address and then whispered in his ear, "We're having a party at my place, wanna come?" and gave his earlobe a little nibble. He looked at me with disgust. "No matter, you've probably got a small cock anyway" I replied and relaxed in the seat as we got to my place. I swung the door open and dashed inside, tearing my clothes off as I dashed to the bedroom to get it ready for our session, throwing the dirty clothes off the bed as I did. I made my way back to the kitchen and Sam had a couple of glasses of water. He handed me a glass with a smile, "Here have a drink. We've been going for a while" I downed it one gulp but it tasted so terrible! "Urgh, don't you have any. The pipes must be playing up." Sam put his glass on the table just as there was a knock at the door. "That must be him!" I clapped my hands & dashed to the door. The MC came in and I could tell he was horny. "I didn't catch your name" I purred as I rubbed his cock through his jeans. He told me his name (I think it was John) but I didn't care, I was more intrigued my the extra lump that he seemed to have in his pants. I undid the fly and belt of his jeans and pulled them & his briefs to the floor. As I knelt down in front of John I saw that he had a cock piercing! I'd heard about them but had never seen one up close. I had to take it in my mouth. Mmm, I loved the taste of the metal in my mouth as I swirled the cock head with my tongue. "Been having a good night?" John asked. "Best night of my life" I replied with a smile. "But I thought the two of you just wanted to be one on one tonight?" "Things change" Sam said as he moved over towards John. Even though my head was swimming I couldn't help but feel jealous as I looked up to see John & Sam making out. They looked so natural though, I couldn't wait to please both of them at once. As soon as I got John's cock hard enough, I needed that PA inside me. I knew that desire deep in my hole would be helped by his cock and that big PA in my ass. I turned round and presented my aching hole to him. "Please fuck me stud!" I begged. "Are you sure?" he asked as he knelt down behind me. "I'm positive" "So am I" I could hear the smile in his voice, he was that excited to fuck me. I bet he didn't know I'd even been with a man before tonight! I could feel every inch of his cock entering me, and, even better, his piercing scraping the inside of my pussy as his cock filled me. Sam pulled his cock out and started jerking off. "Don't waste it for me babe", I pleaded. "Bring that cock over here" I saw Sam's beautiful cock in front of me & started to suck his cock again. Though John's cock was nice & thick and had a PA, it wasn't as big as Sam's. It felt so beautiful having a great big cock in my mouth and a pierced one in my ass. As these guys double-teamed me, I couldn't help but think back to my college days. There were so many sorority girls that me & the other guys had in the same position, fucking their pussies and their mouths. Those frigid bitches wouldn't let anyone near their asses though, and we called them sluts! Those amateurs couldn't hold a candle to a true slut like me. I'd show them how to treat a couple of college boys properly, fuck that, I'd show them how to treat a whole fraternity properly! All that thinking about sexy college guys must've had me really working my ass muscles as I could feel John's cock tensing inside me. "You want me to cum in your sexy ass?" "Of course I do stud" "Yeah, finish him off so he's ours" Sam yelled out. I wanted to make my man happy and finish John off so it made me feel so good when his cock hardened like a rock inside me and he shot his load. There was so much inside me, it felt incredible as he came through the piercing. While his cock was a bit smaller than Sam's, he came so much more. He pulled out and stood up next to Sam. I saw a bit of blood on his dick as I cleaned his cock up, must've been not using lube once again. John whispered something into Sam's ear and they started to make out again. Whatever it was, Sam must've loved it and he came almost straight away, all over my face. As I looked up with cum in my eyes, Sam said to me with a big grin, "By the time we're finished with you, there'll be no doubt". I knew that meant that they'd make me a slut and I couldn't be happier END OF PART SEVEN
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  30. PART SIX Looking up at Sam as he was inside me felt absolutely amazing. I'd been wanting him ever since we'd taken the E but my feelings had only intensified after he'd fingered me. My ass was desperate for cock ever since then. I loved Sam for awakening these feelings inside me and for his massive cock but for some reason I knew I'd need more. The deeper his cock went inside me, the more I needed. The initial romance was gone, I wanted to just be an ass for his cock, any cock to use. I completely lost track of time while we were fucking, but I wanted it to last as long as possible so his cock stayed inside me. Whenever I felt he was close to cumming, I'd suggest we change positions, partially so he could "cool down", but also so I could taste my ass on his cock. It had always been a massive turn-on for me watching Jessie lick my cock clean after I'd been in her pussy and I wanted to do the same thing for my man. "Babe, please let me cum inside you" Sam pleaded with me. I couldn't help but smile cheekily back at him, "I love it when my man begs." I replied. "How do you want me?" "Get on all fours" and I eagerly got myself into position. He pulled me to the edge of the bed so he could stand up and pound my hole. As he was getting behind me, he slapped my ass a couple of times. I couldn't help but moan as he did it, it felt so good. I was so excited when I felt his big, strong hands on my hips. My hole was gonna be totally used and pounded for this man's pleasure, like any good slut's should. I clamped my ass round his duck as tight as I could while he drove his cock deep inside me. "God I love your ass babe" Sam groaned "Give me your load babe" I panted, "You know I'm your bitch". I knew I was saying it to Sam, but it didn't really matter to me who was fucking me, I'd become a total whore and needed cock and cum. I felt his cock tense up and it wasn't long before I felt that warm rush inside my ass once more. Sam pulled me back onto his cock to fill me right up again, how I loved that feeling of him being balls deep inside me as I took the last of his seed! I continued to work my ass, doing my best to milk him dry in my hole. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I'd have to wait before I had another cock inside me. I needed more. I eased myself off his cock and started licking him clean, savouring his cum. His cock had tasted a little different this session but I enjoyed it so much I didn't care. It must have been that he'd used lube this time. "How long babe?" I asked between tonguing his cock head. "It's gonna be a while" Sam replied "You've taken a lot out of me" "Ohhhhhh..." I pouted. "I need more" "Well, the MC did give me his number when he gave me the pills. I know you didn't really like...." "YES!!!" I interrupted. "I'd love a threesome with him" Sam called him and asked if he was interested. He was almost as quick to agree as I was. We asked for his address and it turned out he only lived a couple of blocks from my place! "Let's just meet him at my place and we can fuck like crazy there." I said "But are you sure?" Sam asked. "It's not too weird?" I lay on my back scooping up and swallowing Sam's (unknown to me) tina-laced cum into my mouth as it dribbled out of me. "Not at all, what's weird about it?" END OF PART SIX
    2 points
  31. PART THREE I knew that Sam's comment should've made me feel uncomfortable but it didn't. Maybe it was the alcohol or just getting used to the environment itself but I was starting to feel a lot more relaxed and before I knew it, it was midnight. As we were sitting at the bar, the MC came up to us, "Hey guys, sorry about before. I want to make it up to you". We both looked a bit puzzled at him as he continued. "See, first prize isn't usually just the drink cards & a couple of sashes. I usually give the happy couple a little bit extra if you know what I mean. Here, have a great night on me." and slipped something into Sam's pocket. Sam fished into his pocket and pulled out a little plastic bag with a couple of tablets inside. Even though I'd never tried it before, I knew straight away that they were E's. "Wow," I blurted out quickly. "They don't do things by halves here do they?" "I know. Have you ever done ecstasy before?" Sam asked me "Never, what about you?" "Yeah, a handful of times." "At your age?" "Hey man, I'm in my 50s. I'm not 80!! Did you want to give it a try? I totally understand if you don't want to" "I'd never been to a gay bar before tonight either! And hey, you've protected me pretty well from harm so far so of course I trust you. Down the hatch I say" I closed my eyes and downed the rest of my drink along with the pill. There was no question I felt a little nervous having taken ecstasy for the first time but Sam was doing a great job in relaxing me. Our conversation continued to flow freely and I was starting to see Sam in a new light, thinking that I wouldn't mind catching up with again another time. Before I knew it I started feeling incredibly at ease with everything and I knew the molly was starting to take hold. Previously, if guys were giving my ass a playful pat when they came up to the bar I shifted nervously on the stool. Now, I was returning the favour and even flirting with them. I could tell it was having a similar effect on Sam as we were sitting closer together, hands "accidentally" brushing against each other's body as the barman came up to us, "Sorry guys. Bar's closing in fifteen minutes" Despite the rush, I couldn't help but feel disappointed as I knew I had about 3-4 hours of the high left but the bar was soon to close. I knew I wanted to make the most of it so I grabbed Sam by the hand, "Come on, let's dance!" Our actions on the dancefloor this time were the polar opposite from a few hours previously. We were dancing so much closer, Sam had his hands on my hips on more than a few occasions and even stroked my ass. Feeling so much bolder, I turned around and even brushed my ass against his cock once or twice. Although a few guys also brushed my ass a couple of times I only had eyes for one man. "LAST DANCE GUYS!!!!" and the unmistakeable strains of "I've Had The Time Of My Life" started up. "Oh no" moaned Sam. "Nuh uh," I replied with a smile. "There's no way you're sitting this one out" and began to grind my hips against his as I threw my arms around his neck. I looked deep into Sam's eyes, he mine and I was totally lost. I had no wife, he wasn't 25 years older than me, there wasn't a massive number of people on the dancefloor and his hardening cock pressed against me felt so natural. "Thankyou for such a wonderful night" I said with a smile, brought my face up to his and kissed him with more passion than I'd kissed anyone for a long time. No-one would have ever known given how deeply we were kissing that not only were we perfect strangers hours before but that I was a happily married straight man. I'd never felt so alive, kissing this sexy older man out on the dancefloor. There was no need to play coy now as he put both his hands on my ass and cupped my cheeks. I smiled at him only briefly because I needed his tongue back in my mouth immediately. I'd no idea where the rest of the night would lead, all I knew was that I'd never felt this way before. END OF PART THREE
    2 points
  32. PART TWO Fortunately the music started up straight away so Sam and myself made our way back to our seats. As we sat down Sam said to me "Man, that Jessie of yours is a lucky girl, you're a fantastic kisser", blushing I replied that he wasn't too bad himself. Our plan for one last drink went out the window though after winning the drink cards as I wanted to remove all evidence of me being there and whenever someone came to the bar they wanted to buy us a drink in celebration (and who says no to a free drink?) The drinks eventually took their toll though and I made my way to the bathroom for a piss. As I stepped inside I moved to the trough which had room for 3 guys side by side. I was pissing with my eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of breaking the seal for the night when I heard a familiar voice beside me, "Mmmmm, and a nice dick as well" and then gave my cock a couple of long strokes. I turned in shock to see the MC from earlier in the night. He was standing next to me jerking his cock and not even pretending to piss and I could tell that he'd be rock hard before too long. A voice on the other side of me said "Sorry mate, but he's all mine and I don't like to share." Turning round I was incredibly thankful to see Sam's smiling face. He batted the MC's hand away & took hold of my dick, expertly stroking me. Thinking it would be best if I played along I agreed, "Maybe some other time but tonight's it's just the two of us" and I slipped my hand inside Sam's pants and started to fondle his cock, turning towards him for another passionate kiss. I was thankful the MC couldn't see my face as I was so shocked by the size of Sam's cock. Even semi-hard it was longer & thicker than I could imagine! "Let me know if you change your mind then" the MC said as he left while I did my best to get my hand out of Sam's pants, zipped myself up & returned to the bar. Sam returned shortly after and apologise immediately. "Sorry I had to do that again mate but I figured it was the easiest way out for you and I'd already grabbed you once tonight. What's one more between friends!" We both laughed, "Hey I'm sorry if I went too far in there myself" I said, "It was probably the alcohol talking but I thought it was better if I played along" "No problems at all man, especially seeing I got to kiss you again. And Jessie's even luckier from the looks of that dick of yours" I choked on my dick, "Jessie's lucky!?! Mine's nothing compared to yours. God you could cause some real damage with that thing!" "It's been known to" Sam replied with a smile END OF PART TWO
    2 points
  33. I'm a bi bareback top bear who loves to seed a hole. I'm near Pittsburgh and looking for a guy to fuck raw in my area and willing to travel up to Cleveland area for a nice hole to deposit my loads into. Open to lots of kinks and [banned word] and taboos also (just ask!)
    1 point
  34. If I'm ever in your area take me to one of hour favorite seedy places and we'll take loads together.
    1 point
  35. Must just be a Motel 6 policy. I usually use either Days Inns or Red Roof Inns with outside doors for easy access. Never run into that problem.
    1 point
  36. Maybe you read it here? [think before following links] https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/little-white-pills/
    1 point
  37. It's funny, my experience: Berlin, one night with 11 loads and at the very least, a fuck a night over 8 days. Returned home to Toronto a while later (other trips that pushed ym time away to 3+ weeks) and got tested, nothing. Fucked maybe 6 or 7 guys over the next three months and I got Lady Sif, chlamydia and Gono.
    1 point
  38. Or do what I did. Visit on daylight. You'll find the dark room easily just off the path running behind what was Jack Straws Castle. Sadly there's a bit of a mess there with used tissues etc. But when you're bent over with your pants down taking cock you won't care too much!
    1 point
  39. But he has, he told people to disregard basic precautions. Where I do agree is that any kind of national mandate is a slippery slope legally and likely would be challenged. However. Trump deciding to not take it seriously enough has lead to the continued surge in cases that public health professionals predicted.
    1 point
  40. No Condoms Allowed policy and when I'm done taking loads for the night I will find a slutty bottom with loads on his ass to Fuck and BREED him.
    1 point
  41. Chapter Eleven I immediately started coughing, the kids all laughed as I struggled to breath, “Whoa big guy,” Logan said coming up and taking the joint from me, “Can't hold your weed huh?” I shook my head, tears falling from my eyes. “Ok, here,” he said leaning me back into the beanbag, “Let's try this.” He took a long drag and then leaned in like he was going to kiss me. “Whoa...” I said stopping him. He shook his head and pushed his lips to mine. The smoke moved from his mouth to mine and I felt it enter my lungs in one gulp. He held his mouth to mine and I felt his tongue slip over mine. My tongue moved tentatively over his and he pulled off me. “See? It's called shotgunning, it's for newbies.” “Thought you'd smoked before,” one of the kids said, “Fuck off Tim, leave him alone,” Logan said taking another drag and leaning in. This time there was no pretense, this was a kiss with some smoke being shared. This kid was a good kisser, way better than Jack. I forgot for a moment he was barely 18 and kissed him back as the smoke entered me. At the end we were just making out, his body moving over mine. He pulled off with a smile “See? It's strong shit, so be ready.” I nodded and Logan passed the joint to another of the guys, “You wanna do one?” The kid nodded and took Jack's place. This one had dirty blond hair and a cleft in his chin that made him look like a model almost. They were all Tik Tok boys, toned, six packs, smooth, and horny as fuck. This kid leaned in and again, it wasn't anything but a kiss and I welcomed it. This one was skinny and he moved over me, his legs straddling my chest as he tongue fucked me. His kiss was messier but there was a lot of passion in it and I felt myself respond. I think he passed the joint away because both of his hands were on the side of my face, kissing me like he was possessed. “Fuck,” he said breathlessly, “You are fucking cut,” he said tracing a finger down the space in my pecs. “My turn,” the last kid said, taking a huge drag and handing the joint back to Logan. He came in and kissed me like he meant it, one hand behind my head, the other on the bulge in my jeans. My hips bucked up as he rubbed me, these kids were fucking turning me on and I didn't really care they were in high school for a moment. “Get naked,” he whispered as he got off me and slipped his shorts off, “I wanna see that monster in your pants.” The other boys shucked their soccer shorts as I unbuttoned my jeans. Logan grabbed the side and pulled them down, leaving me in my jock with my swollen cock pushing against the thin cotton. One of the kids leaned down and moved it aside and my dick flipped up, making a slapping sound against my abs as I sighed at the feeling of being free. “Holy fuck!” one of them exclaimed. “Told ya he was a beast,” Logan said, “Ev, stroke it for us.” I reached down and gripped the base of my cock with a hand, a light from one of their phones lit up as he started filming, “Yeah man, fucking stroke that motherfucker.” “Come on guys,” I said hiding my face, “Don't do that.” “Ev!” Logan said moving down next to me, “Show that fucker off,” he pulled my hand down and leaned over to kiss me, while his other friend put a hand on the top half of my dick. The double hit of pleasure made me let go and I just kissed Logan back and released my dick to let the other kid stroke me. “Fuck man, look at this thing!” the kid said propping my cock up for the other one to film, “I would tear pussy up with this shit!” “Put both hands on it,” the guy with the phone said, “Make it leak some.” I felt two hands grab my dick and start to move up and down my length. I moaned into Logan's mouth as I felt my dick start to weep precum. The weed was hitting me hard now and I just laid back and let this kid stroke me off as Jack's little brother looked down at me and smiled. “See guys? I told you, my brother said once he gets all turned on he does anything.” “Prove it!” the filming kid said. Logan moved up and brought his dick to my mouth, “Come on Ev, lick my dick.” I had been right, it was a nice fucking dick. It was nearly as big as Jack's but on a high school kid it looked huge on his frame and my mouth started watering as I licked it slowly. “OH DAMN!” the other two said as I tasted the first drop of Logan's nutjuice. He tasted like Jack and I instantly wanted more. I grabbed his ass and pulled him onto me as I swallowed him whole and miked his dick with my tongue. “Fucking college boy blowing a high school jock, that shit is tight.” one of them said but I ignored it, I was liking this shit too much. “Lick my balls,” Logan demanded, moving his balls up to my mouth. I did as he said, his voice was too much like Jack's for me not to. His balls were smooth and shaven and the sound he made as I rolled them around in my mouth was a turn on. He moved again, trying to push them further in and I licked and prodded...until this hole was over my mouth. My tongue darted up and started to breech his tiny hole. “FUCK!” Logan screamed as he tried to jump off my mouth, but my hands held his hips still and I slowly started to rim him. “Fuck, fuck...” the jock panted as I dug deeper and deeper into him, “His fucking tongue is huge...” I felt precum drip on my forehead as I grabbed the side of his cheeks and really shoved my tongue up this soccer kid's ass. He squealed and stopped trying to get away and pushed back onto my face. “Dude, that's gay,” one of the kids said, still filming, still stroking himself. “Fuck that,” Jack whimpered, “It feels fucking amazing...” One kid looked at the other and said, “You film for a while,” and moved over to Logan, “Come on man, give me a turn.” Logan moved off my mouth and my tongue was left exposed, as I tried to find the tight, jock hole again. The other kid lowered himself on my face and I instantly speared his firm, little ass, pushing my tip into his hole and making him cry out in pleasure. “Fuuuccckkkk...”he moaned, “Fuck yeah, come on college boy....lick my high school ass....” Maybe it was the weed, maybe it was my fog, maybe it was because I was partly in control for once but this was so fucking hot I just grabbed his hips and pushed him down as hard as I could. The kid started to bounce on my face, fucking himself on my tongue as I tried to claw his smooth buns across to get deeper. “Grab me that lotion,” I head Logan tell the other guy. Seconds later I felt a cold wetness move around my ass and my legs were moved. “You ready to get fucked Ev?” Logan asked. “No way this guy is going to let a fucking high schooler fuck him.” “Watch me,” Logan said, his thick tip pressing against my hole. My legs parted on their own as he pushed into me, causing me to moan around this kids hole. He was stroking himself off as I rimmed him but I didn't care anymore, all I wanted was that cock. Logan's thrust was fast and all over the place. I could tell this was his first ass fuck as he just jammed it in, trying his best to get it anywhere. I moved the kid off my mouth and said, “Slower...slow down.” He pulled his cock back and lined it up again, this time he thrust in slowly and it moved past my muscle in one go, causing me to moan at the length. “Suck me,” the kid on top of me ordered and my mouth opened so he could shove his cock into my mouth. Logan pushed in all the way, not quite as big as Jack but big enough, once he was bottomed out he pulled out almost to the tip and shoved it in as one push. I fucking lost it as the impact went past my prostate, making my cock lurch to life, precum going everywhere. “Dude...look at this cock...he loves this!” the kid filming said. “I know, watch me fuck this bitch good.” He started thrusting into me, each one more confident than the last, working up a good rhythm, driving me nuts as I sucked this kid off. “Yeah..more...more...” the kid said as his cock began to swell in my mouth, “I'm cumming...fuck I'm cumming.” I grabbed his hips and shoved his cock deep down my throat as he fired shot after shot of teen jizz down my throat. Both hands gripped my hair as he pumped his load into me. I could feel his perfect, soccer ass clench as he emptied himself into my mouth. He fell off, “Fuck me...” he said, sweat covering his body. Logan ignored him, he was learning to fuck hard. He had brought my legs up to his shoulders and was drilling me hard, there was a cruel look on his face that looked like Jack when he fucked me and I started panting to myself. “Fuck my pussy...harder...fuck me harder...” “Did you hear that!” the guy filming said, “He said he had a pussy!” “You like this Ev?” Logan asked for the camera, “You like getting fucked.” “Harder...fuck me harder...” I pleaded, wanting more dick that the teenager could give me. “Where should I fuck you Ev?” “My pussy....fuck my jock pussy...” The boys exclaimed in excitement and the one with the camera said. “Ok my turn, let me fuck him.” Logan reluctantly pulled out of me and I laid there on my back, my legs open, wanting more cock. The last kid jock rolled me over and grabbed my hair to pull me up on all fours. He shoved his cock in with authority and I could tell this kid had fucked before. “Present that ass bitch...” he said, pushing me down , raising my ass up higher, “Show me that hungry cunt...come on you fucker...” I responded to the boys words and raised my ass and pushed back into this thrusts. He wasn't as large as Logan but he fucking knew how to fuck hard. I grunted each time he assaulted me, but my pussy was still empty...I wanted more. “Harder...more...fuck me more...” I chanted, losing all scope of reality. The weed with my own natural fog had mindfucked me, and I didn't care about anything any more, I wanted to get off and that meant more cock, more fucking...more everything. If Jack's dad came in right now I'd have begged him to fuck me, shit if my dad had come in I would have... My cock pulsed at the thought and I pushed back hard into this kid. “Yeah you want this dick don't you bitch?” I did, I wanted it bad. “Ok let me back in,” Logan said. “Fuck that, I just got here.” “Come on Donny, fucking let me fuck him some more.” “It's my turn fucker...” His pace had slowed and my ass was aching for more. “Fuck me...fuck me harder...I need more...” I intoned. “I have an idea,” Logan said, moving around to my front. He say down and held his cock up, “Come on Ev, come ride my cock.” I scrambled to my feet and moved over to straddle this high school jock's dick. My jock pussy engulfed his hard rod and I sighed as I felt it slam all the way into me. If this kid had a few more inches he would have been fucking everything...so I just frantically bounced on his cock, trying to go as deep as I could. “Come on, your turn,” Logan said to the other kid. At first I was confused but then felt the other kid put a hand on my lower back to steady me, and his tip push into my already filled hole. “What....” I said, a moment of clarity coming to me as I felt the second cock start to force it's way into my ass. “No...no....don't...” I pleaded as the second head pushed past my hole and penetrated me. My mouth opened to scream as he pushed into, both cocks filling me up like nothing had before. I was no longer high, I was no longer fuzzy, I was freaking out because two high school jocks were double penetrating me on camera! The second kid pushed all the way in and I started to thrash, “No...get the fuck...” And both of their heads crushed my prostate. My eyes rolled back and I lost time for a moment. My hearing came back slowly and I could hear someone yelling and the sound of something wet hitting something wet. It took a moment for me to recognize my own voice screaming “Fuck me...fuck me harder....yeah...fill my pussy....wreck that jock cunt!” The sound of flesh hitting flesh was my sweaty body slamming back into their cocks as I rode both dicks as hard as I could, their thickness not sliding past but pressing down on my joybutton, making me fucking insane. The guy with the camera had it up to my face as I cried for them to fuck me harder...neither one moving as I did all the work pushing my tight ass down over both cocks in a blur. Logan was pushing me down by the shoulders as he screamed for me to take it, the other kid had a handful of my hair and was treating me like a fucking stallion he was trying to break with his dick. My cockhead was purple and swollen and as I looked down at it I knew, it was about to fucking shoot like it had never shot before. “Come on Everett, ride these high school cocks, show us how a big college stud likes to get fucked.” “Fuck me, fuck me...fill my cunt...breed my pussy....” My was speaking jibberish now as my cock just exploded, a gusher of cum spraying my six pack and chest with what seemed like gallons of cum, never ending, just shot after shot after shot. My ass clamped down on both cocks as I came and I felt them pulse as one as they pushed their jock babes into me, breeding me like the jock pussy I was. They both held on to me and thrust up as hard as they could to milk the last drops out of their members. I slumped forward, my head resting on Logan's shoulder as consciousness started to fade. As I passed out I head the boy whisper, “What until my brother gets back to see this.” And then nothing.
    1 point
  42. Chapter 3: Broken Chase kissed me more fiercely than any woman. When I parted my lips, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and began to swirl his tongue around mine. He held my head in his big, strong hands, and in that moment I lost myself. And just when it felt like I was going to disappear into this mouth, he grabbed the sides of my face as if to anchor me back to myself. He was directing the moment, and I loved it; I had never experienced power like Chase, he was a power that demanded my submission. And I found myself eagerly wanting to submit. Without pulling away from my lips, Chase moved his hand under my chin so as to to nudge me up from my seat. I stood up, and he wrapped me in his arms pulling me into his warm body. I couldn't get close enough to him. He moved from my lips, and began to probe my ear with his tongue. "Fuck, Lucas. You taste better than I imagined." I tried to form words, but all I could do was push out a moan. Chase's tongue slid down the side of my face and stopped at the crook of my neck. I shuttered, my whole body was vibrating. My breathing was erratic and loud, and all I could think to do was pull Chase closer against my body. As our groins pushed against each other, I could feel the hardness of his cock against my own. The softness of a woman's pussy suddenly seemed so dull. I could not believe I had gone 31 years without feeling another hard cock pushed against my own. I reached beneath the waste band of Chase's Clavin Klein briefs and found my destination. His cock was a reflection of him: 9 inches of uncut cock with a beautiful curve to it. It felt burning hot and weighty in my hand. Suddenly something animalistic took over; all I needed in that moment was smell and taste his cock; to bury my face in his crotch. I pushed him away, looked him directly in the eye, and grinned. Chase smiled back, and then laughed at how quickly I dropped to my knees. "Fuck Lucas, you broke more quickly than any of my other guys." The alcohol combined with the pure lust, prevented me from processing Chase's words. As I kneeled before him, I looked him directly in the eye, opened my mouth and took him into me. The taste was heavenly: first I picked up on the salt from his sweat, and as his pre-cum leaked out of the crevice of his foreskin, the salt combined with the sweet and created what must be ambrosia--the food of the gods. The musk from his sweaty ass was permeating my nostrils giving me a metallic taste at the back of my throat. I craved all of it, but I didn't understand why, nor did I understand how. Chase could sense that I needed more, but didn't yet have the skill. "Lucas." I wasn't listening. I was just focusing on getting more of his meat inside of me. I was laser focused on my need for him to consume me. "Lucas!" He pushed me off of his cock, kneeled down, and grabbed my head. "Look at me. Let me help you get what you need." I came to, and nodded. "Ok. What do I need to do?" "I think it will be easier if I teach you by showing you. Stand up." I stood up while Chase remained on his knees. Chase was now eye-level with my cock. He looked up at me and said, "Now the trick to being a pro cock sucker is to relax your throat. If that's hard to understand, think about pushing out or expanding your throat." He smiled and said, "And if you are still not understanding, let me show you. Feel my throat contracting and expanding." In one motion, Chase took my 8 inches all the way down his throat. I felt it push past his mouth, and down his esophagus. Once my hard cock was lodged in his throat, I felt him expand and contract his throat. No woman had ever done that before. The sensation was incredible, and the moment was surreal. My cock was shoved down the throat of a man--an Adonis--who I had just met hours ago at my place of employment. I grabbed his black hair, and pulled his head further into my crotch. I wanted him to swallow all of me. Like our kiss, I wanted my entire being to be his. Even though he was sucking my cock, I was still the sub in that I needed him to swallow my entire being. Devour me starting with my cock. Chase pushed back on my abs, and I popped out of his throat. I was back to myself, and I felt empty. What was happening to me? Who or what was I becoming? Chase saw me begin to think. He stood up and grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me so that I was an inch from his face. "You don't think, Lucas. You just listen. Let this happen. You're discovering that you like to give up power, so let me turn you into the pig you want to be. Yes?" I nodded. "Good. Now get back on your knees and take what you crave back into your mouth. Show me what you just learned." I dropped on my knees, and all my thoughts went away. This is where I belong. I opened my mouth and Chase slowly pushed himself into me. As his cock slid past my mouth, I did what he instructed and pushed out my esophagus, my eyes rolled back in my head, and I could feel myself disappearing. I wanted to give myself completely over to Chase. As he began to pull back out of my mouth, I grabbed his perfectly round, hard ass, and drew him back into my throat. I wanted to suffocate on his cock. Chase grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled me off his cock. "You have to breath through your nose. When I pull back, take a breathe, before I slam back into you. Together, we'll create a rhythm." I took a deep breathe, reached behind him, and pulled him back into me. He pulled out, I took a breathe, and he slammed down my throat again. His 9 inch cock was so big that I could feel him stretch my throat. I fucking loved it. He did it again, and I took in a breathe, and again he slammed deeper down my throat. I felt something tear, and I shuddered with ecstasy. We had found the rhythm, and after 5 minutes of slurping, gasping, and sucking him down, I could feel him so deep that I could swear he was past my Adam's Apple, and the base of my neck. My eyes were so far in the back of my head, that I forgot they existed. In that moment, the world was just my mouth and Chase's cock. He pulled out, and I was back. He pulled me back up on my feet, and looked me in the eye. I was lost again. "Lucas, I'm going to mark you as mine now, okay?" I just nodded in a daze of alcohol and lust. Chase pushed me down to my knees again, and I instinctively opened my mouth. He fucked my face for another five minutes. I could tell he was getting close because his breathing was getting heavier, and thrusts were harder and more violent. He was giving me less time to breath. I began to flex and relax my throat to milk the cum from his cock. In the second before he blew, he pulled his cock out of my mouth, aimed it directly between my eyes, and covered my face in his creamy seed. Rope after rope of cum continued to pump from his slit. The smell of his sweet and salty cum was too much for me to handle and my cock exploded without me touching it. Chase knelt down. "Open your eyes." I opened my eyes and looked directly into his. His cum ran into my green eyes. It stung, but I loved it because I was absorbing him. He was becoming part of me. "Open your mouth." Chase reached out and used his hand to scoop all of his cum across, over, and down my face and into my mouth. After he cleaned my face, he stuck all four of his fingers into my mouth and spread them forcing my jaw wide. "Lick them clean." I moved my tongue around each finger in order to get every last drop of his nectar down my throat. Nearly his entire fist was in my mouth. "Look at you right now. " I stepped back from the moment, and took note of how pathetic I must look, and my discovery right then was that I had never been happier. "You're officially my pig."
    1 point
  43. You DID have teachers such as Lucas and Chase all throughout your education. You just didn't recognize them.
    1 point
  44. Mmmm love it.....always swallow every drop
    1 point
  45. That is exactly what my ex used to do with me. my load would be the lube for his cock or the cock of whoever he had there to fuck me. I was never allowed to touch my cock from that point on until he and the tops he would have over had finished with me.
    1 point
  46. I notice a gentle rise in my minimum age.... I’d joke that “breathing” (and legal) is my guy-criteria but sub 25 in a university town - for a university professional - just seems like asking for trouble so avoid them. With a few (fun) exceptions; a lot of 25-34 are focussed on trying to get into a relationship, good luck but no thanks. I like sex clubs and sauna ‘cause everyone knows why they are there; no risks of hosting, and someone else is worrying about legals but I’ve also noticed a lot of (I’d guess sub 25) voyeurs waiting for their ideal-man or such - I feel sad cause standing around, not even talking, waiting for “mister perfect” at a sex club just seems like a super waste.
    1 point
  47. Part 6. He stood there, staring at me, his eyes drawn to my trunks, eventually answering: "I've never done it before, wrestled I mean. And you are huge, I wouldn't stand a chance" "Remember what I told you about Pro Wrestling? A lot of it is acting or play. I'd be willing to show you the ropes" He considered that for a microsecond...."I'd love to". And for the next hour I summoned up my reserves of will power and showed this piece of innocent perfection the basics of grappling. Sure, that meant enduring the hardship of having him sat on my chest in a schoolboy pin, my face inches from what I was beginning to realise was a cute set of balls and neat little cock and another time where his slender little thighs were wrapped around my head squeezing for all their little worth but I endured it all. We treated ourselves to a couple of strong beers in our time-out which loosened Jakes tongue a little. "I can see that PA thing through your trunks" "Yeh?" "Yeh. does it hurt?" "Not me" I chuckled. "And what's the tattoo on your..erm..stomach?" "it's from a club I'm in" "looks like the bio-hazard symbol" "Yeh, that's right. You ready for a little more grappling, now you know the ropes?" "ummm, yeh. don't be so easy on me this time though" "You got it chief". I waited for him to down his beer, then put on my best Pro Wrestling announcer voice. "In the red corner, it's the Pr-Ed-ator, weighing in at 243lb and in the blue, it's Angel Jake, weighing in at..." I nudged him and he whispered in my ear "91lbs". What followed was like a bear playing with a kitten. We faced off and the mere act of putting my arms on his shoulders and allowing my weight to transfer to him saw him crumple under me. Careful not to crush him, I pinned the little fuck to the carpet under one thigh watching in pure pleasure as he struggled to free himself, allowing him to sit exhausted on my chest in his schoolboy pin effort. I feigned surprise and pretended I couldn't shift his weight, my efforts only shoving him further forward so that my face was pressing into his bulge allowing me to feel a hard little cock that I'd caught outline glimpses of already. All the while I was lifting my legs behind his upper body and with a quick lift of the chest he tipped back into the waiting 30'' jaws of my thighs which snapped shut around his torso. For a moment I got carried away and began to squeeze tightly as Jake panicked and his ribcage flexed but I remembered what I was playing with and quickly eased back, gently tossing him around in my thighs and eventually letting him drop with his arse resting on my semi soft cock. He lingered there for 30 seconds, teasing me it seemed, before we both rose to our feet. In our final "round" I had Jake on his back, sprawled below me and I couldn't resist squatting down over his chest my muscular arse hovering over his face. I lowered it further until his cute little face was nestling between my cheeks having taken care to ensure my trunks had ridden up into my ass crack. The kid was breathing in my aroma as I gently caressed his dick through the briefs. I felt him flinch at my touch but without protest. On my knees now, I was able to shift my position so that Jake got to feel the weight of my cock on his lips, still in the lycra and now semi hard. We continued like this for a few minutes, him nuzzling while I rubbed his sweet cock, before I shoved the briefs down his thighs, exposing a cute 3'' clitordick and tiny fury balls. At the same time I wrenched the trunks out of my crack and pulled them to one side so that Jake's nose was right in my hairy trench, lowering my ass to his face just as my mouth enclosed his tiny cock head. As I licked his nub his tongue began to feed on my trench, quickly getting into it and probing deeper, his concentration on my arse the only thing stopping him discharging his load. I wanted him to climb right in my manhole like a human dildo, shocked by how turned on I was with this little newbie and I began to push down harder on him and push my hole open further. The kid was really cleaning me out like a dirty pig pro but eventually we both got carried away, me pushing back too far and cutting off his air for a little too long, not recognising his panicky struggles and him blasting both balls into the back of my mouth (something I felt as they were both in my mouth along side his cocklet). As I swallowed that mini protein squirt I finally realised Jake's movements were now weak and his tongue had stopped excavating my manhole. I sprung off the dirty little fuck and hugged him to me as he came fully back to life. I kissed him, tasting my arse all over him as he told me how amazing it had been. I had to agree. "Now, can I see your PA?" he asked sweetly
    1 point
  48. One reason that anon, blindfolded, ass up, door open can be dangerous. Couple of years back I had just checked into hotel, mid afternoon. (this was still CL days). Two guys claiming to be college kids wanted to come over. I was already prepped so I told them to come over. Had blindfold on and headphones. They came in, and it till a bit before anything happened. One pushed his cock into my mouth and the other started pounding me. They alternated. Both cam, but stayed pretty hard and did me again. As the left, one pulled up the headphones and whispered their actual age. Let's say I was pretty paranoid for awhile after that. I may be an all loads cumslut, but I've learned to be a bit more careful.
    1 point
  49. I posted an advertisement on Craigslist and a young Latin guy answered. He was 26 and in great shape with a 7 " uncut dick. He was with three buddies and all were straight, but they wanted to gang bang a white guy. The guy also mentioned condoms were a must. I said 'okay' and in about an hour they came over. As they undressed, the guy who answered the advertisement asked me to lay on my stomach, ass in the air. I did as he requested. The one guy started to play with my hole and then I felt him slip in. I reached back and felt. No condom. He whispered they were all going to bareback me and cum in my ass, and not long as he did just that. The other three followed his example, all bareback. They must not have cum in several days as each one of them pumped three or four times. They left and a pool of cum was on the towel and dripping out of my ass.
    1 point
  50. There's a small park between the subway station I got off and the gay quarter; at night and in the early morning, it's naturally a cruising ground for drunk guys after the bars close, and I am frequently to be found among them. This particular night even as I began my trip into the city, I was already incredibly horny as I hadn't been fucked in a few weeks; in a small city with an underdeveloped gay scene it can be difficult for a tall, hairy, stocky guy in the transition stage between "cub" and "bear" proper to find a fuck. But it was barely past 11:00 PM so I figured I'd just take a cursory stroll through the park and then try my luck in the bars. It was a warm night in summer, so there were quite a few more silhouettes to be seen than I'd have expected for so early in the night, but no one who caught my interest; I was horny but not yet at the stage where I was willing to take just any cock. I lit a cigarette and sat on one of the benches, hoping for a promising newcomer after I'd taken stock of the current visitors. Finally, I started to walk to the park's exit - I would probably back in a few hours, with a few beers and a few more loads in me and in total cumwhore mode. Near the exit of the park, in a little side spot lined by thick hedges, were a set of table tennis plates. Usually, there were no guys there, as it was too close to the well-lit main path and easily spotted by any police car. Tonight, however, I saw a man leaning against one of the plates; he was short with a full black beard, and a thick pelt of fur poking out of his collar. His dark complexion and thick hair pegged him as Turkish or Arab, or maybe Greek, and I immediately wanted to find out which one it was. I approached him slowly, catching his gaze. His facial expression remained detached and cool, but he put on hand on his crotch, grabbing his cock and giving it a squeeze. I fixed my eyes on his bulge and licked my lips. As soon as I was within reach, he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me down towards his bulge. It was clear he wanted to dump his load quickly and without hassle. I dropped to my knees and eagerly started to lick across the denim covering his bulge, feeling for the head with my tongue and then starting to suck on it, making the bulge grow. He started to grind his still covered crotch into my mouth, pressing me against it. A low moan escaped his lips. Finally, he unzipped and with some diffculty pulled his cock out. It was above average in length, but not extremely so, cut (so most probably Turkish or Arab) and on the whole of average girth, but a massive thickness in the middle. Precum glistened in the dim light. I eagerly licked off the first drop, savouring the salty taste on my tongue. He wasn't in the mood to indulge me savouring however, and started to drive his cock into my mouth. I barely covered me teeth in time, his thrust making the inside of my lips scrape against them. I grabbed hold onto his thighs as he pushed past my tonsils into my throat, right to the hilt on the first thrust, my nose buried deep in his thick pubes and his balls pressing against my chin. He wasted no time starting to fuck my throat hard, allowing me only short intakes of breath, allowing me to smell a mix of sweat and old cum, probably this morning's wank. I did my best to enhance the experience for him, pushing his cock towards my palate with my tongue, sucking and swallowing the excess of precum and saliva in my mouth. He was half-grunting, half-moaning. Every once in a while he would violently shove his cock all the way into my mouth and hold it there, grabbing my hair so hard I thought he was pulling it out and making my eyes water, until I would have to push myself off him once I ran out of oxygen. After the third time he had done that, he grabbed my chin and turned my head upwards, locking eyes with me. With his thumb he traced my lips, while his other fingers were surpringly tender stroking my beard. "I'm close, want me to fuck you before I cum?" he spoke with a faint accent, his voice was deep and hungry. I could barely manage a nod and grunt signifying my assent. He pulled me up and stepped around me. I quickly undid my belt buckle and dropped my trousers. For the first time I noticed how sweaty I was, as my ass was exposed to the night air. He pushed me down onto the table tennis plate. I reached back to spread my cheeks and expose my hole towards him. He grunted in approval and he spat on it. I could feel him rubbing his hard cock head against my hole, rubbing precum and spit into it, teasing my and slowly pushing his head in. "No condom, yes?" "Please," I managed, barely. There was no question I needed him raw. He pushed the head past my hole, and I had to stifle a scream. He gave me no time to adjust and started to thrust in further. "You're fucking tight." His thick cut cock tore up my ass; I could take an uncut one easily with just spit and precum, but this was more painful than I had thought. I moaned in pain. "Shut up, I won't take long" he muttered. He placed his right hand hand on my head and pushed me into the table and held my right arm behind my back with his left as he starting to really fuck me, deep and hard and fast. He hadn't lied, after about two minutes he let out one more deep grunt, thrust one last time deep inside me and came, pumping his load deep inside my ass. I could feel his cock twitch inside me. He collapsed on top of me, and I could feel the of his body. "Thanks, I really needed that..." and to my surprise, he kissed the back of my neck before pushing himself off me and withdrawing his cock from my ass. I heard him zip up before he said "Hope to see you around again," and with that, he left. I was still lying on the table tennis plate, trousers around my ankles, my freshly bred hole still exposed to the night air, my left cheek throbbing from where it had chafed against the plate during the fuck, breathing in deeply. It took me a further minute before I managed to stand up myself and pull up my trousers. I quickly thought about going back home, before I decided that with my hole already fucked open and a load up my ass, tonight would be a good night to cruise the bars after all.
    1 point
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