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  1. Part 2 I woke up the next morning with the visions of last night still burned into my mind. I really didn't know what to think. So......Colt was gay. THAT part really didn't bother me much. I mean, it IS Texas. It's really conservative, and queers are not totally accepted.....BUT....not everyone is so closed minded. And we had been so close for so long that I couldn't just turn my back on him. I loved the dude. But the rest of it? The rough, brutal sex, the drugs, broadcasting it on the internet? That's what I had trouble accepting. If Colt wanted to have a nice boyfriend, that was one thing, but everything else he was doing? I didn't know how I felt about it. It was pretty fucked up. But as I layed in bed and absentmindedly stroked my cock, I kept seeing Colt taking that big, black cock up his ass. I didn't want to, I was trying to think of pussy, but Colt kept creeping back in. And I didn't understand why thinking about it got my cock so hard. I wasn't gay! Other than jerking off with my best friend, I never thought about cock. But for some reason, I kept seeing it going up Colt's ass. I quickly jerked myself off so I could get on with my day, but I still thought about it all day long. And all the next day too. Monday at school, I was the one avoiding Colt. I just couldn't face him yet. Not after all I had seen. It was Thursday before Colt approached me. "Hey Austin." He said, coming up to my locker after last period. And yes, my name is Austin, Austin Allen Collins, and I live in Texas. You might think I was named after the city, but you would be wrong. I was actually named after Stone Cold Steve Austin, my dad's favourite wrestler. But any way, Colt approached my locker. "Austin," he said again, "I know I've been kind of an asshole lately." "You don't say." I replied. If he was about to apologize, I wasn't going to make it easy for him. "Yea, look dude, I'm sorry, I really am. I've been going through some shit and I guess I just needed some space." "So, you just push me aside? Is that what best friends do? We've always told each other everything, so what's changed, dickhead?" I prodded him. I didn't expect him to fess up to anything, especially not here at school, and frankly, I didn't know if he would ever fess up. But over the last couple of days I had done a lot of thinking, and had decided I would try to be here for him, if he wanted it. "Look man, I'm sorry. I really am and I want to make it up to you. I got some killer weed and I'm free all weekend. Come on, we had a great time on your birthday." "Yea, then you turned back into an asshole. What's up with that?" "Come on bro.....I'm sorry! I have been a total dick and I know it. But we're brothers! Please forgive me. Come on, we'll get some beer and have a great weekend. My parents will be gone again!" I looked at his face and he really did seem to be sorry. But knowing what I knew about him, and that he was obviously really struggling with some heavy shit, I gave in. "All right asshole." I said. "Just me and you, all weekend. And you better get some good beer, not some piss water shit!" "I promise!" He smiled. "It's going to be a great best bro weekend!" I just shook my head as he walked away. Maybe he was planning to come clean this weekend. I actually hoped for his sake he would. That's a big fucking secret he's hiding. Friday night found us at his house as promised. He had a case of beer and a fat sack of weed. We hit the bong, then hit the video games. After a couple hours, several beers, and a lot of weed, things started to feel back to normal again. We were both just sitting there in our boxers and feeling good. Colt's fly gaped open and I could see his big, soft cock nestled against his large balls. It made me think of him shooting off as his ass got plowed. I tried not to think about it, but I couldn't stop. Throughout the night, Colt kept getting text messages. He would quickly respond to them, then pretend nothing had happened. He also got a couple of phone calls. "Aren't you going to answer that?" I asked him as his ringtone played the Toby Keith classic 'Beer for my horses.' "Naw. Voicemail can get it. This weekend is all about me and you, bro." He said as he grabbed my knee and gave it a squeeze. We kept on playing video games for a while, and I knew he wasn't going to bring it up, so I tried. "So what's been going on dude?" I asked. "What's this shit you've been going through?" Colt looked uncomfortable. "I'm not ready to talk about it yet." "Why not?" I asked. "Remember we tell each other everything. We've been jerking off together for years, what do we have to hide?" Colt just chugged on his beer. "I can't just yet. But I will, I promise." I let it drop. I figured he would tell me soon enough, so we continued with drinking, smoking, and gaming. Pretty soon it was 2 am and we were drunk and high and decided to hit the hay. As we lay on his bed, we both just stared at the ceiling. Now that we didn't have video games in front of us, the images of last weekend filled up my head. It was tearing me up inside and I couldn't control myself any longer. I ended up blurting out, "I know." Colt was silent for a moment before asking, "You know what?" "I know your secret dude!" I could hear Colt taking deep breaths in the dead silence. Finally he asked, "What secret is that?" God damn him! I was over the games and the lies and was determined to drag the truth out of him. I rolled over on my side and faced him. "I saw you. Last weekend." Colt rolled on his side with his back toward me. I continued, "I was tired of your bullshit so I went over to your house, and I saw, through the window." More tense silence followed as Colt processed what I had said. Finally he whispered, "You don't hate me?" My heart hurt that Colt actually thought I could hate him. "No dude, I don't hate you. I'm here right now, aren't I?" Colt rolled to face me. "I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't know how to bring it up. The thought of losing you scared me more than anything." "Dude," I said, looking him right in his eyes, "We're family. And you don't turn your back on family. No matter what." Colt just smiled at me, a look of relief on his face. "I mean, if you want to be gay, be gay. I don't give a fuck. I got your back bro. But all that other shit? What's that about? Do you really like that?" Colt was silent for a moment, averting his eyes from me before he replied, "Yea Austin, I do. I mean, I really, really do. I kind of always have. I used to check out all kinds of crazy shit online, and I always thought it was hot. Then I started chatting with Dante and Carlos, and when I turned 18, I met up with them and things just progressed. You think I'm a sick fuck, don't you?" I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling again. "I don't know what to think, man. I'm trying to be cool with all this. So what was up with the camera? Why did they say people had paid to see this?" "Well," he began, "Dante and Carlos have this internet business, and people from all over the world pay to watch these shows. 50 bucks a pop. And they're good guys. They split the money with me. Last weekend I made a thousand bucks." "A thousand bucks?" I asked incredulously as I turned back to him. "Yea, I'm their most popular guy right now. I bring in a HUGE audience." I was still trying to wrap my head around everything. "But, doesn't that kind of make you a whore?" I asked. "I don't really think about it like that." He replied. "I mean, I'm going to be having sex anyway, so why not make some money from it?" I remained silent as I pondered this. Colt just continued to look at me while he waited for the next question. "So, what about the drugs, dude?" I continued. "What was that shit you were smoking? And what was that brown bottle?" "Well, that brown bottle was poppers. They help you to relax. And the other stuff was Tina, or meth." I shot up on my elbows and looked down on him. "Meth? Are you fucking crazy?" "Relax man." He said. "It's not as bad as you think. Once in a while it's ok. You just have to control yourself. Look at me, I've been doing it for a couple of months now, do I look like I'm addicted?" I had to admit, he did look perfectly normal. "But, you were so fucked up that night." I said. "Yea I was." He laughed. "And I felt great! T is amazing shit! It's like a hundred times better than weed. It makes you feel so good, and it makes sex incredible!" He opened up his nightstand and pulled out a pipe and a baggie. "You wanna try some?" "What the fuck?" I asked, shocked. "You got that shit right here?" "Yea, come on. Give it a little try. It'll make you feel so good." I stared at the pipe in his hand before shaking my head. "I don't know man...." "Come on. It won't hurt you, I promise! You're my brother and I love ya, would I steer you wrong? Just give it a little try. It's awesome!" "Fine." I conceded. "I'll try it just this once to shut you up!" Colt's face lit up and his eyes sparkled as he started loading the pipe with the crystals. "Fuckin A dude! You're gonna love this!" He handed me the pipe and lit the small torch, melting the shards as he rolled the pipe. "Now," he said, "Put the pipe up to your lips and when the bowl fills with white smoke, inhale and hold it." I did as instructed, inhaling deep. It had kind of a weird taste to it, but wasn't too bad. Then I exhaled, and a large white cloud filled the air. "Now, take another one." Instructed Colt as he looked at me with a big smile on his face. I inhaled another big hit, and I started to feel warm and tingly as a rush went through my body. Colt took the pipe and inhaled a couple of big hits himself before asking me, "How do you feel?" "Warm and tingly." I replied, giggling a bit. "Good, now take a couple more." I took 2 more hits and my body started to feel like it was on fire. It was like I could feel every nerve in my body, and every nerve was telling me I was super horny. Colt took 2 more hits and handed me back the pipe. I took one more hit and the pipe was empty, which made me feel sad. Colt could see the disappointment on my face. "Don't worry buddy, I got plenty more." He said as he reloaded. "We're gonna get you feeling REAL good." I giggled a little more as he handed me the pipe, and I took 2 more hits. By now, I felt like I was floating and was kinda dizzy, but felt more alive than I ever had before. And hornier. "I got an idea. Instead of wasting smoke when we exhale, let's do a shotgun." He suggested. "What's that?" I asked. "When I take a hit, instead of just exhaling it, I put my mouth over yours and you breath in the smoke as I let it out. That way, we both benefit from the hit." I looked at him through my high state and giggled some more. "Sure, why not? I've done this much. Bring it on bro!" Colt hit the pipe and then slowly moved his face toward mine. My heart was pounding in my chest as he gently placed his lips against mine. I thought it would gross me out having another dudes lips on mine, but it didn't. Colt's lips were soft like a girls. I opened my mouth a little bit, and Cole started exhaling into me. I inhaled and felt his hot breath as it filled up my lungs, causing my cock to stir. He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes as I exhaled the smoke that had been in his body. "Your turn." He said, putting the pipe up to my lips. I took a big hit and leaned into him. When our lips touched again I felt a bolt of electricity jolt through my body. We opened our mouths and as I started exhaling, I felt his tongue enter my mouth. Instead of freaking out, I found myself responding to him. My own tongue inched forward until it was touching his. Gently, at first, our tongues rubbed over each others, but soon, I had melted into him and our kissing became stronger and more passionate. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him as our mouths tried to devour each other. It was weird at first, his hands on my body. These weren't soft, small girl hands. These were large, strong, rough man hands that were pulling my body against his, our bare chests rubbing against each other. He rolled me on my back and placed his larger body on top of me, our hard cocks pressing into each others rock hard stomachs. His rough hands explored my body, feeling like fire everywhere he touched me as his tongue raped my mouth. I ran my hands over his back, his strong, muscular back, relishing in the feeling of touching another man for the first time. I felt his powerful arms and grabbed his rock hard bubble butt as I moaned like a whore. After furiously making out for what seemed like an eternity, Colt pulled off me and looked down at my face, brushing my sweaty hair off my forehead. "You're so beautiful." He said. Now the straight guy in me should have been bothered by that, I suppose, but I think he was gone at this point. "So are you." I replied, looking deep into his eyes. Colt just started kissing my neck and chest before he planted one of his sexy lips on my nipple. He started sucking and nibbling on it, causing my cock to twitch as I gasped and moaned. He worked his magic on my nips before kissing his way down my stomach. He grabbed my 9 1/2 inch cock in his big hand and I gasped again at this new sensation. It felt so different than when a girl grabbed it. So much better. He licked the precum off the head before placing it in his mouth. He sucked on the knob as I squirmed before he slowly sank down on it, taking the entire thing down his throat. Holy shit! No bitch had EVER taken more than half my cock, and my best friend swallowed it with no problem! I groaned as I felt his throat muscles massage my shaft. Colt slid up and down my cock taking it to the root each and every time. He pulled off and grabbed some lube from the nightstand. Lubing up his finger, he started to insert into my ass. Now, I really should have stopped him at this point, but I was so high and so horned up, and everything up to now felt so amazing that I didn't even try to stop him. Colt slid his finger into me until I felt a jolt go through my body and my cock jumped. "Feel that baby?" He asked. "That's your prostate, and it makes you feel super good! Now just relax and let your bro show you how good it feels!" Colt stuck a second finger into me and started really rubbing it. I involuntarily spread my legs apart to give him better access. My cock felt like it was having one long, slow orgasm. "Oh yea baby." He moaned. "Look at all that precum! Your cock is like a river!" I looked down, and my stomach was covered with a big pool of it. Colt just leaned over and lapped it up like a puppy. Then he went back to sucking my cock. He added a third finger into my hole, and buried them as he worked my prostate. Soon, my whole body was shaking and I cried out as I exploded into the most intense orgasm I had ever had! Colt buried my cock in his throat as the first couple of jets shot off. Then he pulled back and took the rest of my cum into his mouth. After I stopped shaking and had given him the last of my load, he crawled up to my head and placed his mouth on mine. As I opened my mouth, Colt released the cum he was holding. We kissed as we rubbed my cum over each others tongue. Colt pulled off and loaded another pipe. "This one is all for you baby." He said, handing it to me. I didn't question him as I hit the pipe. He licked his finger and stuck it in the baggie, giving it a light covering of powder. "Now, this is going to burn a little bit." He said. "Just trust me baby, it'll pass." He stuck his finger in me as I took the fourth hit on the pipe, emptying it. I hissed as my ass burned while Colt finger fucked me. But he was right, it passed and was replaced by a new hunger. Colt made out with me as he lubed up his huge cock. "I want to take your virginity baby." He cooed in my ear. "Would you like that? Would you like your brother to take it? To be the first man inside you? Come on. Tell me you want it." "I do Colt!" I moaned. "I want it so bad! I want to feel you inside me!" "Good boy. That's what I want hear. Now, hit this." He said, handing me a brown bottle. "You're gonna need this!" I hit the bottle like I had seen him do before, and a new warmth rushed through my body, relaxing me. Colt climbed between my legs and lifted them up. "Now, when I start pushing in, you push out like you're taking a shit, got it?" I nodded. Then Colt started. He pushed against my butthole and I pushed back. I could feel my hole stretching and burning until it got to be too much. "Stop, please!" I begged him. "It's too big!" "Shhhh, I have faith in you." He said as he handed me the bottle again. "Take a few more hits." I hit the bottle a few more times as Colt kissed my neck. I could feel my asshole relax a bit as Colt started pushing again. I pushed back and Colt gave a sharp jab with his hips. His head popped past my anal ring and I let out a scream. Colt just covered my mouth. "Shhhhh baby. You did it. I'm inside of you. I'm so proud of you! Just relax and hit this some more." I hit the bottle a few more times and the pain subsided a bit. "Ok baby, ready?" He asked. "Cause here it comes. Now look at me. I want to see your eyes as I take you!" I looked at him through my tear stained eyes as he slowly started pushing into me. My insides felt like they were being ripped in two as his massive log sank into me inch by inch. I whimpered as he went deeper and deeper until eventually he had all 10 inches buried in me. "Oh baby, oh yeah! You did it!" He congratulated me as he kissed my neck. "You took all of me! I'm so proud of you. You got all of your brothers big fat cock buried in you!" He held it still for a while as my body adjusted to it. Then, he started to slowly fuck me. Just a little bit at first. Then gradually more and more. "Oh yea. Open up that pussy for me! Give me that hole! Give up that hole to your brother! Oh yea, you're loosening up baby, I can feel it. I'm gonna start really fucking you now!" And he did. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on tight as he started pounding me. The pain had passed and all I felt was immense pleasure. "Oh god Colt. Oh yea, fuck me man! Oh God you feel so good inside me!" "Oh baby, I've wanted this for so long. I love you so much Austin!" We started kissing again as he pounded my no longer virgin hole. He rode me hard for a solid 5 minutes before he started panting. "Oh god I'm gonna cum baby. Are you ready? Are you ready for your first big load of man cum in your pussy?" "Fuck yea bro, do it! Give it to me! Cum in me Colt! I love you too!" Colt squeezed me tight into his big, muscular body as he let out a roar and pumped me full of his seed. My cock shot off again between our rock hard stomachs as I was filled up with his cum.
    19 points
  2. All I had to do now was wait. My name is Charlie and I've been chasing now for years ...just an itch I have to scratch... my wife has no idea. I'd had my flashes where men would make plans to meet me, but never show up. Perhaps it was being let down once to many, but for whatever reason I decided to take some drastic measures. I vowed that this month was going to be *the* month I got pozzed. It took some time but I dug deep into the dark web. One site led to another, led to another, led to a link and endless emails but I was assured that these people were real - and that once steps had been taken, there was no backing out. That was fine with me as, to be honest, I didn't care what the personal cost - this was happening. I was sick of not being HIV+. I took 2 weeks vacation from work and said I was going to Chicago. I told my wife I was going to New York. I even bought new cell phones and mailed them to P.O. Boxes in those cities so I'd show up on cell phone towers as being there. The people to whom I had been speaking called themselves, "Poz Incorporated". They insisted that all instructions be followed to the letter. As commanded, I flew to New Orleans and found a run down dive motel that had been condemned years ago.."The Moonlight". I opened the door to room #8, with only the clothes on my back. No cell phone. No money. They even insisted that I walk the 3 miles from the airport to the hotel. The room itself was lit by a single blue light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Continuing to follow instructions, on the nightstand next to the bed was a syringe with a little something in it. I injected it without question as it was part of the deal. Whatever happens, I was now in someone else's hands. That was the point. Within a few minutes I felt so groggy that I laid down on the bed, face up. The room was spinning as a blindfold was placed over my eyes. "You've followed all the instructions so far - and you're the first that has.." I heard a deep voice say as I felt my legs being opened and a firm hand grabbing my cock, stroking me slowly. "It's a nice cock, we're going to enjoy owning it..." He chuckled. "Here's how this works...." Another voice began. I felt a cock sliding into my ass smoothly. There was no pain at all. Without thought I pushed down on it and moaned loudly in pleasure. "There are 3 of us here - and tonight you're going to take all of us in both holes - and when we're done, we're blood slamming you. In the morning, you WILL be pozzed - that we promise." Another man slipped his hard cock into my mouth slowly as he stroked my now rock hard cock. "The price is your life. There is no going home for you. We're wiping you from everything electronic. You'll never see your wife and kids again." He slowly explained. The man in my ass picked up speed a little fucking me. "You're a worthless cock sucking faggot, and soon you'll have AIDS. You're going to fuck anyone we tell you to fuck - in any way we tell you. You'll take cock....you'll give cock. You're going to spread HIV for us, mostly to people that don't know you're poz." Someone stroked me faster. And hard. VERY hard. It may be the same man that was now sliding his cock into one of my hands. "You don't have a choice in all this...you gave that up by coming here." I nodded in response as the man in my mouth and throat fucked me hard. I felt my legs being spread wider as I was being fucked harder. Deeper. "You're going to go viral and stay that way - no meds." The man in my hand started using it hard and fast. "You have about 5 years to live - but every day you're going to either fuck or get fucked about 5 times. It's going to be a short ride, but you'll enjoy every second of it." He was throbbing...I could feel it. I'd never had a man cum inside of my ass before now...the man stroking me had me equally as close. I moaned loudly as I was seconds away from cumming hard. Harder than I ever have in my life. My cock was rock hard now...harder than I'd ever been for a woman. I slide up and down the shaft in my ass, fucking him aggressively as someone stroked my cock tightly. My body convulsed as I started to cum. With my hands I gripped the sheets tightly. I felt the man in my ass shove hard - all the way in. His cock was throbbing and I knew he was pumping me full of his delicious seed. "Take it, Bitch!" He screamed. "Take this poz load!" He remained there for a few more moments, before pulling out....I could feel my cum on my chest and even my cheek. I'd cum the hardest I ever had. The man in my hand pulled out and slide his cock into my asshole. I was properly lubed and took him with ease. I felt a pin prick on my free arm. "This is my blood, bitch. It's high viral. For every cum shot in you, you're going to get slammed." Whomever was stroking me didn't stop after I came. "There it is, bitch...the proof that you're a fucking AIDS chasing whore. That was a nice shot - but we're not stopping. Cum all you want, this is an all nighter." I felt the man in my ass lean forward, and he put his hands around my throat. I didn't try to stop him. On the contrary, I wrapped my legs around his body and locked my ankles. He used long, steady strokes to fuck me, even holding it at the top of the push. "Your asshole is nice and tight, bitch....but don't worry, we'll change that." The man in my throat grabbed my head with both hands and started to fuck my mouth and throat harder. Faster. Deeper. He was throbbing and I felt it...I was in tune with his cock. It was only a few more seconds before he shoved his cock into my throat and held it there. "FUUUUCK!" He screamed as he came. Hard. I felt my neck being squeezed tighter by two big, strong hands. "You're going to pass out now, but don't worry....we're not stopping just because of that. We'll keep using your holes till dawn." As I started to pass out, my cock started to get hard again and I felt two more men grabbing my wrists. He fucked me full stroke, but began to speed up. "I envy you, bitch. As of now you've got no wife. No kids. All your needs will be met. All you have to do is get fucked all day, every day until you die. This is what true freedom feels like." Were the last words I heard before blacking out.
    10 points
  3. Part Seventeen I fell asleep downstairs after awhile, there was only so many times you could watch the three of them have sex before you had to take a break. After Sammy had fucked John silly they had brought Eli in and it started all over again finishing with Eli riding John's cock while Sammy fucked John. Then Sammy fucked Eli while he blew John and me and then I fucked Eli while Sammy went at John again. After the fourth round I tapped out and came downstairs. I was awoken by Sammy sitting down next to me, opening a beer and downing it pretty quickly. “Thirsty?” I asked. He looked over at me, sweat matted hair on his forehead, fresh cum on his pecs and a smile as wide as all outdoors on his face, “Gave them alone time,” he explained handing me a beer of my own “They're still at it?” I asked sitting up and taking a drink. “You have any idea how long Eli has lusted after John's cock? Trust me, those two will be fucking until something falls off.” “And you? How was fucking John?” He leaned back with a contented smile, “Perfect. The way he looks at me now, the reverence he has, the way he waits on my words...it's fucking perfect. No one will ever know I own those two completely.” “We own them,” I reminded him, finishing my beer. He nodded, “Of course, you made it happen. I mean I wouldn't have even thought about raping my brothers without you.” “There's that word again...no one really gets raped.” He raised an eyebrow, “You think?” “Not if you do it right,” I explained, “I mean people do get raped don't get me wrong, but what we did to your brothers, what I did to you, was just unlocking what you were too afraid to find.” “So then it isn't rape, it's what? A gift?” I nodded, “Exactly, I gave you all a gift,” I giggled at the thought. “Cool, I am so glad to hear that,” he said taking the empty beer can from my hand. “Uh-huh...” man I was still tried, “You'll thank me eventually...” “Oh I'll thank you now,” he said pushing me back on the couch.” I looked up and saw him hovering over me, “God you're beautiful.” Did I say that out loud?” “You think I'm hot?” he asked, his eyes staring down into mine. I nodded, “For sure...hottest guy I've ever met...” He leaned down and kissed me, “How hot?” I kissed him back, my entire body reacting to his presence, “So hot, your fucking body, your fucking smile...and that cock...” He sat up and straddled my chest, “This cock?” he said, waving his half hard member in my face. “So fucking hot...” I said looking up at it. “Open your mouth,” he said. I opened it wide. “Stick out your tongue.” I thrust my tongue out, mere inches from my prize. “How bad you want my cock?” “So bad...please...” My words shocked me for a moment. And then he pressed the head of his cock onto my tongue and it was forgotten. The head of his cock filled my entire mouth as he pushed it in. “More tongue,” he barked and I complied as fast as I could. Again there was something not right but when I looked up and saw him over me, pressing that fucking monster deeper down my throat, my mind went fuzzy and I did my best to swallow it. “Open your throat,” he said as his head hit the back of my throat, “Don't gag...swallow...” he smacked me upside my head when I choked and I doubled down on trying to keep my breathing steady. I felt the head of cock slip down my throat and I did my best to accomdiate the length of his shaft as he pressed it there and started to skullfuck me. He held the sides of my head and I felt my eyes water as he forced hs lngth down my throat. I'd never deepthroated someone before so my first instinct was to panic, but his voice kept me level. “Breathe through your nose...come on...don't pussy out...you can take...yeah there you go...that's it...god I can see your throat bugle...” He put his hand over my throat as he pushed in and out of my mouth. “So good....you're making me feel so good...” I felt a rush of warmth as he praised me and I did my best to take even more of his dick. He slowly slid his cock out and I panicked, thinking I had done something wrong... What the fuck? “Lick my balls,” he said moving his shaven balls over my mouth. I started to lick them automatically but this felt weird...my thoughts wouldn't focus and I was missing something...” He forced himself own on mu mouth, “More, come on get those balls in your mouth.” I tried but they were so fucking big I could only manage one at a time. He had grabbed the top of my head and was maneuvering me to where he wanted my mouth to be, when he found a spot he liked he would coo and say, “Right there...more....come on lap at them.” And I did, but why was this happening? “Other one,” he ordered and I spit out one and took the other into my mouth before he snapped at me. Again he moved me where he wanted until I hit whatever spot he was looking for. “That's it, come on baby...work that tongue...harder...you make me feel so good...” His words turned me on and I doubled my efforts, even as I felt something in my mind screaming at me. He moved up and I licked his taint lower and lower, He spread those perfect, muscular asscheeks apart and positioned his tight little hole over my mouth. “Come on...show me how much you want this...” Part of me wanted to push him off of me but the urge to give him pleasure was too much and I shoved my tongue into his ass, trying to make him feel as good as possible. “Oh fuck yeah...that's it...come on...harder....harder!” I was desperate to get more of my tongue in there, I grabbed his cheeks and spread them myself. I pulled him down on my face as I pleasured him, his oohhhssss and ahhhhsss were turning me the fuck on. My own untouched cock was hard as a rock but for some reason I didn't touch it, all I could think about was serving Sammy. “You got them?” he asked. I nodded, as I tried my hardest to get him off. “Yeah, these?” a voice asked and I realized two things. One, we weren't alone and two, he wasn't talking to me. “Yep,” Sammy said, “Hand me the mask.” I paused for a moment and he got off of me, I saw Eli and John looking down at me, naked as the day they were born. “What's up?” I asked, embarrassed they had caught me with their little brother shoving his ass on my face. “Here,” Sammy said all of a sudden and out a mask over my mouth. “Breathe in.” I complied automatically, until I saw what it was. “NOOOO!!!” I cried as I tried to knock the popper mask system I had made off my mouth. But Sammy forced it down harder, pushing my back into the couch. “You can only hold your breath for so long...” he warned me as I tried to fight, but my limbs felt like I was underwater. It was only then I realized he had dosed my beer and I was already fucked up. I struggled as long as I could but my lungs began to burn and I had to take a huge gasp of air...which was mostly poppers. He took the mask off and I tried to sit up as quickly as I could, maybe I could run and get... And my whole world tilted sideways as I fell back onto the couch. “Ok hand me the rubber band,” Sammy said. I felt something tie off around my bicep and though I was completely out of it, I knew what was coming. “Please...” I moaned, unable to actually talk. “Shh...” Sammy said as he pressed my syringe to a vein, “I'm giving you a gift....” I felt the last of the liquid MDMA enter my system and my whole brain just fuzzed out. My panic vanished and I felt a sense of just euphoria come over me. I looked up and saw Sammy looking down at me, “How you feeling?” I could only laugh. “Get him upstairs, and cuff him up.” John nodded and picked me up, it felt like I was flying. “Why?” Eli asked, his voice sounding a million miles away, “He's already out of it.” “Because he deserves the whole treatment,” Sammy said getting in my face, “And I want to make sure he holds still when he finds out what it feels like to get fucked by the Parker brothers.” His words just made me giggle and I heard him order John, “Get him upstairs.” I was flying again up the stairs...and then blackness...
    8 points
  4. Chapter 4: Share your toys After finally finishing up in the shower and washing off the mix of sweat, spit, piss, cum, and lube off of each of us, We agreed to move back to my room. Jason was able to walk on his own, but after all of the crystal my boys had fucked into me, and getting fully gaped my Matt's monster cock (as well as both boy's hands), my legs were like rubber and I was stumbling, so Matt wrapped his arm around me to pull me close to his heavily tattoo'ed, tall muscular frame; helping me walk to my bed. As Jason walked in first, he flopped onto my bed and Matt taunted him playfully, “UMMMM, you aren't supposed to be naked in daddy's bed, you are gonna get in trouble!” Jason replied, “I Hope I get a spanking” as the both let out naughty chuckles. Matt released his grip around me and helped me crawl into bed, climbing up Jason's ripped body, kissing and licking my way across his muscular thighs first towards his rapidly hardening cock. I worked my way towards the tip, and pulled back his foreskin to allow my tongue to run around his pricing and tease his piss slit while I used one of my hands to massage his balls. Not content to be left out, Matt had positioned himself beside me hand pulled me ass cheeks open before diving face first into my crevice and began to lick and suck at my battered hole. He reached a hand forward to grab my balls, grasping both nuts firmly in his large hands before frightening his grip and giving a quick firm tug. The sensation of this causing my hole to twitch, trying futilely to close, but making it much easier to reward his continued oral attentions with the full rosebud he was after. As I pushed my prolapse out into his hungrily sucking mouth, he began moaning lustfully and pushing his face into my ass with enough force that I let Jason's cock slip from my mouth as Matt continued to push my loudly moaning self up his sweaty older brother's frame. By the time I was face to face with Jason, he wrapped his arms around me to keep me from moving further as he began kissing me deeply. His rock hard cock grinding between our sweaty bodies as Matt continued to lick and suck the folds of the prolapse he had created. Jason's moaning soon picked up as well when Matt slid his hand back into his older brothers hole. The attention on his fuckhole caused Jason's grip to loosen enough that Matt was able to push me forward enough to position his older brother's poz cock against my hole. Realizing his intentions, I pushed back and my ass eagerly swallowed his cock as Matt brother continued to Jason's his hole. Matt's tongue dancing along his older brother's shaft as it slid in and out of my mancunt. Soon Jason began to try to buck his hips against his brothers wrist while his toxic cock began to thrust harder into my stretched hole. Within a few thrusts we are all in a good rhythm and it isn't long before the pounding on his prostate causes Jason to yell out, “FUCK YEAH! Take my load Dad! TAKE... MY... VENOM!” he yelled, punctuating each volley of cum into my ass with another obscenity before his body stopped shaking under me and he breathed heavily in post orgasmic relief. During Jason's last orgasm, Matt had removed his hand from his brothers stretched out ass and stood up to enjoy the view. As Jason and I laid there, limbs fully entwined and slowly kissing, he let out a short cough and said “Let's re-up Bro” before stepping out into the hall to get his supplies. He returned shortly later holding his black hand bag in one hand, and the largest of my double headed dildos in the other. The toy in his hands was given to me as a “gag gift” and I had never used it. 22 inches long and 8.5 around... Not sure what kind of cock it was designed to imitate, but it definitely wasn't human shaped. “Damn Jason! Look at the kinds of Toys Dad has been holding out on us... and after always making us share our toys...” he said with a sadistic tone before SLAP He brought his open hand down against my ass cheek and I let out a little moan, pushing my ass back slightly in approval, but not moving enough to cause his older brothers cock to slide from my hole. SLAP, SLAP the sound echoed in the room as he took more swings, these two much more forcefully, clearly leaving hand prints with each strike “And here you are riding your sons cock like a faggot whore!” SLAP “Taking your boys dirty loads!” SLAP “and taking our chempiss” SLAP “and being a junkie slut just (SLAP) LIKE (SLAP) US!!!” SLAP My ass was on fire. The last swing had been right against where his brother's cock was still anchored in me by his heavy piercing, but the force of Matt's blow caused Jason's dick to pop out, leaving a stream of his poz cum trickling from my ass. Jason yelled out at his brother, “Fuck dude!” before Matt replied, “Now that I have your attention, Ski Time” he said as he began producing loaded rigs from his bag. Jason slid out from under me an joined his brother as they proceeded to tie off and slam each other. Each coughing as their waves hit them. They turned and looked at my hungrily. Jason was the first climbing back to bed next to me, grabbing and holding my head in one hand to resume tongue dueling me while holding my leg up to give his little brother better access to my hole. I soon felt Matt's hand against my slick, gaping hole, his fingers entering with little resistance, but I still felt scratching, only to realize he was fingering more shards against the lining of my hole as my vision blurred and I began breathing very heavily, fighting the urge, but still letting out the occasional cough as he worked more and more into my hole before slipping out his hand. I could only let out a few grunts of protest as I pushed my ass back towards nothing, all I could think of was the empty feeling he had left, before I felt his attentions return to my hungry rosebud This time though, instead of his mouth, hands, or dick, Matt began to press the monster double header against my stretched hole. The cold rubber causing me to pull back slightly, but he patiently slid it in while carefully lubing it to ease it's entry. By the time it was about halfway in, I was feeling amazing, By now I was again on my back and fighting off continuing waves of near orgasm causing me to helplessly quiver between my two naked sons. I felt the pushing on the double header resume slightly, but when I looked down, I saw that now Matt was on his back like me, legs in the air as he pushed himself down on the other side of the monstrous rubber cock Between the slam he had just done and the amount he and his brother spent with their hands in each other, he was taking his half easier than I did, and in very little time he had pushed himself towards me to the point that our torn up ass lips were brushing against each other as we straddled the giant double header. Matt was clearly loving having his hole filled as his mammoth cock stood rock hard, pouring his diseased precum like a faucet. As Matt and I locked hands to continue pulling against each other, Jason stepped over us pointed his dick down before he began to let lose a stream of piss over both of us. His hot nectar splashing us both as he moved his aim back and forth across us before finishing his stream aiming at where our chemwhore holes were dueling over the double header before positioning himself over his brothers monster schlong and slowly lowering himself down, impaling himself on Matt's tree trunk. As Jason's ass reached the base of Matt's cock, Matt began using his ass muscles to push the double header out of his hole and deeper into mine. After a few inches though, he relaxes and allows me to push it back into him. We continue slowly pushing the 22 inches of rubber back and forth as Jason continues to grind down against his stretched ass pussy around his brothers toxic fuck stick, all while seductively gyrating his muscular body in front of me. I run my hands across he sweaty, perfectly defined pecs and begin to play with his nipples. They stand up eagerly as I gently pinch them and he moans in delight. The pressure in my hole too much though, and I soon find my shriveled party dick is unleashing a few sprays of my hot acrid piss, which Jason aimed at his dick which he was now jerking furiously. Apparently it was having similar effects on Matt, as he soon exclaimed, “Take my chempiss you dirty whore” before unloading his bladder in his older brothers stretched out hole.
    6 points
  5. 1. Halloween Preparations I had met Seth at the gym. He was a senior, and I think he noticed me checking him out. He was beautiful: about 5'11", muscular, but not too muscular, brown hair and eyes. He had a rugby player's build, stout and muscular, with a muscular ass. I was far to shy to say anything, especially after he caught me checking him out. But he just smiled at me, and despite my blushing, I smiled back. Luckily, we both moved on to different parts of the gym, and then he disappeared. I resolved to never work out at that time again. Unfortunately, he was waiting for me outside the locker rooms. He smiled again, and my ass twitched. "Like what you saw?" he asked me. Even though I was a freshman, I was hardly a virgin. In high school, I had a steady boyfriend, and we had done a lot of exploring. I had learned what I liked, and that was a thick cock up my hole. Safely, of course. But, also, of course, when I was watching porn, I only watched bareback porn. It was so hot to see a twink boy take a load of sperm from a hot man. I had to answer him. "Y-Yeah," I said. The chance of him beating me up here was almost zero. But I was still terrified. "Nice. Me too." He smiled, and licked his lips. "I'm Seth," he said. "Kenta," I replied. "I gotta run. Here's my number. Let's get a smoothie soon," he said. But Seth's social schedule was packed. I was reasonably popular, but I was still just a freshman. We actually ran into each other more at the gym. We checked each other out, and talked a bit. Once, I saw him in the shower. His dick was thick, even when he was soft. I tried not to stare too much. We finally did the smoothie, but we did it by skipping a class. He had a fresh joint, and we smoked it out in the park, sitting in the sun. He had told me about his home life. He was living in a complex relationship with three other guys, two older men, and then one a few years older than him. He passed the joint to me, and motioned me closer, as he pulled out his phone. He started showing me pictures of his family. I was now sitting right next to him on the bench. We were both in tank tops, and his skin was warm, and still a bit damp from the workout. His "husbands and brother," as he called them were just as hot as he was. I must have said something when he showed me Jon's picture. Jon was the first of the two husbands, and he was balding, bearded, hairy, and hung. He was totally my type, and my asshole was twitching. "Yeah," Seth said. "You'd like him." He continued to show me the other husband and the brother. JP, the husband, was almost better than Jon. I even liked Cal, the tall, lean gymnast brother, although he was far too similar to me in build. "You should meet them. They're great people." He swiped again, and it was another picture of Jon. This time shirtless, wearing a leather harness and jeans. "Wow," I said. "Yeah?" Seth asked. "Are you interested in that?" "It's hot," I said. "Really hot. But I haven't done anything like that before." "You should come over. We've got a lot of gear. You can see what it's like." He leaned in and kissed me. When he told me about his family, I thought he was off-limits. "This is totally fine," he said, almost reading my mind. This time, I kissed him back. The weed was hitting me, and I was horny. "I'd like that." All I could think about was the picture of Jon in the harness. He had been wearing gloves, and I imagined the feel of the warm leather against my skin. "And maybe you'd play with us," Seth said. I had seen videos like that. I had fantasized about it. But I had no idea where to find them. I think I was also scared of it. I had jerked off to the porn. But actually doing it was another thing. Health class had made the consequences so clear, and very scary. "Uh..." I started, utterly unsure what I was going to say. "It's cool," he said, and kissed me again. "Whatever you want." "No," I finally said. "I'd like that. It's just.." "You're a virgin?" he asked, sounding genuinely surprised. "No, no, not hardly. Just never done it with more than one guy." "Oh," he smiled. He kissed me again. "That's easy. We're good at this. Lots of practice." He paused. "By the way, what's your safer sex practice?" "Uh. Usually condoms." I don't know why I said "usually," since I always used condoms. "Cool. We're almost all on Prep or meds," Seth said. "So, we're safe that way." I had seen signs about Prep, and I hadn't really thought about it. But then, with my dick already hard and the weed kicking in, my mind wandered. I could take a raw cock. It was just a pill, and I had heard how easy it was to get at the campus health center. I could take Jon's raw cock. It was definitely the weed's fault, but I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. "I'll have to see about it," I said. "Yeah! That's great. You want to come over next Friday?" he asked. "We're doing a little Halloween post-party." "Sure," I said. "What kind of Halloween party? Costumes?" "Yeah. Don't worry about it. We'll get you into some proper leather beforehand. You'll fit right in." He smiled at me and gave me another kiss. We made out for a few more minutes, enjoying the freedom to do this out in public and the warmth of the late fall sun. But, finally, he had to be somewhere, and I had a lab section. Later, he texted me the details. He wanted me to have some time with his family first, before the rest of the party started. "Don't worry. JP and Cal get started on these things hours beforehand." My cock was stiff. By Japanese standards, I was hung. But I remembered the cock Seth had. He had made some comment that he was just average for his family, and I wondered how big Jon and JP must be. More than just my dick, my ass was itching. It had been a while since I had gotten fucked. I wanted to feel all of Jon, and didn't want him to miss any part of me. I looked up PrEP at the health center. It was easy and I had an appointment the next day. A day after that I had a bottle of pills. The doctor said I'd be protected just a few days later.
    5 points
  6. There was no question I was a slut when I really lost my virginity. But until that night I always got fucked with a condom, no if, ands, or buts about it. I was dancing at a club with friends when I noticed this guy staring at me. He was tall, lean, and blonde. We couldn’t stop staring at each other, and before I knew it he had pulled me from the guy I had been dancing with and we were grinding on each other to the music. Needless to say we ended up back at my place. As soon as he closed the front door we ripped each other’s clothes off, grabbing and sucking as much skin as we could. Ending up on my bed I went crazy when he started fingering my hole. In anticipation I reached into my drawer to grab lube and a condom. “I just need the lube,” he said. That freaked me out. “I only get fucked with a condom,” I said pushing him off. “No glove, no love.” We were both rock hard, so I wasn’t surprised when he took the condom and put it on. He slowly pushed into me, filling me up with what I loved most in the world. Cock. We kissed as he thrust into me, going faster with each pump. Before I realized what was happening he pulled out, flipped me onto my stomach, and rammed back into me. The only thing I loved more than cock was being dominated, so at this point I was in heaven. He kept pulling all the way out and shoving his big dick back in, until suddenly the fuck was just better. I started moaning louder than I ever had before, feeling more sensation than I swore I usually did. Something in me changed then. I became more aggressive, thrusting back, needing to feel his dick rubbing against my hole. We must’ve cum together because we both started howling at the same time. For some reason the inside of my ass felt hot. It was such a turn on! “Thanks for the fuck. Gotta go,” he said pulling out. Before I knew it he was gathering clothes and bolting out my room. I tried following him to the door, wanting to ask if we could hook up again. How could I not after the best fuck of my life? But I got to the living room in time to see the front door slam shut. Sad I’d never get to feel that dick in me again I rubbed my sore ass trying to soothe it. That’s when I felt something wet against my crack. I dug in, trying to figure out what it was when it dawned on me. Taking a look at my finger my biggest fear was confirmed. The jerk had cum in my ass! To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. I noticed the used condom on the floor, and it was empty. I looked at my finger slick with cum when an odd thought came to me. I wanted to lick it. So I did, and I couldn’t believe how good it tasted. I dug my finger into my ass again, feeling just how squishy it really was. Pulling it out I knew I was being dumb, but for some reason I couldn’t help myself. I needed to taste my stealther’s cum leaking out of my ass! After a minute of dipping and licking, I realized exactly what I was doing. Horrified I ran to the shower and scrubbed myself all over, taking extra care to clean my ass. The next day I started taking PrEP to try to mitigate the risk of getting HIV. For a week I was a mess until I got tested, racked with guilt and terror. Terror that I had savored eating cum from a stranger out of my ass and terror that I had been infected with an STD. My tests came back clean, but I knew it would be months until I really knew if I was still NEG. I stayed celibate for a few weeks trying to be extra cautious. But with how much I loved sex I couldn’t resisted a good fucking for too long, so I was extra careful to make sure all my partners were clean and played safe. Unfortunately something was lacking. The first few times I just couldn’t cum. The friction I had always enjoyed while my ass was getting plowed just wasn’t enough anymore. By my fifth hook up I tried something I had been reluctant to do but was sure would work. I imagined myself getting bred, and sure enough I came buckets. After that encounter I was freaked again because I admitted something to myself I hadn’t wanted to. Being fucked raw was soooo much better than being fucked with a condom. It was no contest. But it was also dangerous. I went online looking up the dangers of fucking without condoms to remind myself why I had to forget about the best fuck of my life. That led to me finding the site that would change my worldview forever. Breeding Zone. At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. People got off on chasing HIV? How could people actually want to be POZ? And stealthing. That was just fucked up. I knew from experience people did that and I was pissed people found it hot. I wasn’t amused when I noticed my own dick was hard reading stories about it. Before long I was obsessed. This whole time I kept hooking up, still vigilant about condoms. But every time I read posts or stories from Breeding Zone, the more frustrated I became. I did not want to use condoms anymore. They sucked. All they did was keep me from feeling the euphoria I had felt when I was stealthed. One day I just couldn’t take it anymore. So I did something I thought I’d never do. I made a profile on a site all about bareback hook-ups, BBRT. I was nervous making my profile. Taking a picture of my exposed ass was awkward, but also the most erotic thing I had ever done. My profile said: New to bareback. Trying to see if I really want it. It wasn’t long before I got responses. Some of the guys were really hot! Unfortunately they were also POZ. I still wasn’t ready to risk getting HIV, so I only responded to guys who were NEG. That first time was like an awakening. I went over to his place, still not sure about what I was doing. I brought condoms over, both out of habit but also hoping that maybe I could talk him into using one. When I got there I couldn’t believe how ripped he was. As soon as we were naked I was worshipping every inch of him, paying extra attention to his dripping dick. I started having doubts about the encounter when he put me against a counter so my ass was facing him. Then he rimmed me, dipping a finger in from time to time opening my hole up, making me forget the hesitation that had been building. But when he pressed his dick to my pulsing hole the need to tell him to stop, put on a condom, came over me. Then he pushed in, and I was officially a bareback bitch. He fucked me hard, making me moan louder than I had since the night I was introduced to the joys of getting bred. “Yea! Come on, harder!” I shouted. “Bred my ass!” “Yea bitch! I’m gonna fill your fucking cunt full of jizz! You want that? Don’t you faggot?” No one had ever spoken to me like that during sex, and to my surprise I loved it. “Hell yea! Cum in my ass!” I couldn’t believe I was begging for his load. Only months before I had been all about safe sex, and here I was screaming for him to breed me. I swore to myself I would never ask for a condom again. I was now a condom free zone, and I couldn’t have been happier. He filled me three times that night, and the next night I was getting loaded by another guy. I changed my profile to make what I wanted clear: My hole is meant to be loaded! Fill me with cum. NEG only. After a few weeks I realized something. I had become twice the slut I was before. While I had been fucked two, maybe three times a week before, I was now getting bred at least four or five nights a week. It wasn’t long before I’d hook up with several guys a night. One thing I was still careful about though was making sure the guys I hooked up with were NEG. Of course with how many hot POZ guys there were on BBRT, the temptation to break my rule was ever present. One night a guy messaged me who had the most beautiful body and dick I had ever seen. I knew I needed to have him fuck me, but before I could tell him to come over I noticed something. He was POZ. True, he was undetectable, but he was still POZ. I started messaging him back, telling him we wouldn’t be able to meet, when I remembered something I had read on Breeding Zone. Guys who were undetectable weren’t nearly as contagious as guys with high viral loads. The truth was guys who claimed to be NEG could be riskier cause if they didn’t realize they were infected their viral loads could be really high. That thought played through my mind as I debated over what my answer should be. Finally I decided. Fuck it. He was worth the risk. So that night I had my first POZ load. Once again I changed my profile: Breed me! There’s nothing I love more than sucking on a hot dick before its shoved up my ass to fill me with hot jizz! NEG preferred. Undetectable guys cool too. With the pool of guys open to me wider, I was soon getting fucked everyday. I started trying new things too. I was hooking up with one guy when he had to stop for a minute to take a piss. I said it without thinking. “Wanna piss in my mouth?” I blushed harder than I ever had before. I was about to say never mind when he grabbed my head, shoved his dick in my mouth and let loose. Gulping his piss down I thought it would never end, and it wasn’t long before I hoped it never did. Not long after discovering a love for piss I discovered another favorite pastime. Glory hole breeding. I had gone to a sex shop looking for some new toys when I realized there were video booths in the back. Curious I tried one out, turned on by the fact that I was watching porn and jacking off in what was essentially a public place. Soon I noticed a hole. Looking at it I wondered what it was for when a huge dick pushed through. I couldn’t believe it. I had found a glory hole! The need to go down on my knees and suck that dick was overwhelming. But I knew better than to hook up with someone whose face I hadn’t even seen. At least I thought I did until I found myself bobbing up and down on it, getting off on the fact that it was the most anonymous sex I had ever had. I whined when the guy pulled away, his dick going back to the other side. I started to get up to leave when I heard him. “Turn around. I want to fuck you.” At first I was alarmed. What kind of guy did he think I was? But my pants were already down and I was horny. For a moment I hesitated. I didn’t even know what this guy’s status was. With how much dick I was getting some were bound to be POZ with high viral loads just accounting for liars, but this was random sex on a whole different level. Bending down to pull up my pants I froze when he stuck his dick through again. That did it. Quickly I stepped out of my pants, turned around, grabbed his lubed up dick and pressed it to my now always lubed hole. Pushing onto him I felt like the biggest slut in the world. I loved it! Matching each thrust I focused on the feeling of his raw dick, basking in the euphoria it always gave me. When he came I came harder than I had ever done so before. It occurred to me my orgasms become stronger each time I did something more taboo. That realization was the nail in the coffin for my transition. Within a week I started to frequent bathhouses, getting as many loads as I could. I put out notices on BBRT and Craig’s List to make sure I’d get as much anonymous dick as possible. Between work and breeding sessions I barely slept. Status no longer became a concern of mine. All that mattered was that a guy had a dick and bred my hole. My BBRT profile now read: I take all cummers! No load refused! Bred me! Piss in me! Share me with your friends and strangers!!!!! Like I said status no longer mattered to me. Before long though POZ guys started to become an obession. One reason was because despite my year of high risk fucking I was still NEG. All the sluttiest guys I had come to know and hang out with were all POZ. I wondered how come I wasn’t too. Whenever I’d meet another NEG slut I’d be amazed I had found someone else like me. Then he’d convert. One night a hot, regular fuck buddy who was also POZ was ramming me deep when he became verbal. “You like that POZ dick, don’t ya you NEG bitch!” I had encountered POZ talk from time to time, but usually it did nothing for me. That night was different. “Fuck yea! POZ me up! Gimme dirty seed. I want to have your POZ babies!!!!” Once again I came harder than I ever had before. POZ talk became a huge turn on for me, and before I knew it I was getting fucked exclusively by POZ guys. The idea of converting was so hot it was all I started to think about. I started begging guys to POZ me, and without realizing it, I had become a chaser. One night I even went to the baths, paid for a room and put a notice on a board saying : NEG Cumdump. All loads welcome but POZ preferred. Help a chaser reach his dreams! My profile on BBRT changed again too, letting the world know exactly what I needed and wanted: Cumdump for POZ loads. NEG whore looking to convert. Bred me with toxic jizz, blindfold me, and let strangers use my hole! Just make sure they’re POZ and with HIGH VIRAL LOADS! I consider my POZ birthday to be the day I was video tapped in a gangbang with all POZ tops. I was in a sling with a mirror above me. I had requested it so I could see every second of my pozzing before I got to watch it on tape. I also wanted to stare at the message I had written on my chest in permanent marker that I planned to have tattooed: POZ PUBLIC CUMDUMP. At least twenty POZ tops were there, each brushing my hole with a toothbrush before they fucked me hard, leaving me their dirty deposit. Throughout the gangbang I thought about my decent and how far I had come. Once I was a normal guy, horny guy, who always practiced safe sex. Now I letting a group of POZ men, most of whom I had never met before being placed in the sling, abuse and rape my hole. As load after load of POZ jizz filled and overflowed out of me, I could only thing of one thing. I was home.
    5 points
  7. After Hurricane Zeta blew through I had a yard full of pinecombs, broken limbs, and tons of leaves. When it was looking safe I went outside to survey the damage and then saw that the neighbor had a tree land of their house and the tree split down the middle on either side of the house. I went back inside to have a cup of coffee and when I went back outside there were two truckloads of guys in cherry pickers ready to take down the tree. As it was warm but breezy I was just wearing a hoodie and track shorts. Watching the guys work made me horny so everytime I saw a guy looking in my direction, I bent over to pick something up. By lunchtime most of the guys who were interested knew what I was offering and one by one they came to my garage to either get sucked off or fuck me in my jockstrap over the hood of my car. 3 loads down my throat and 2 loads in my ass. Not bad for yard cleanup.
    5 points
  8. Chapter Thirteen Logan woke up to a hand over his mouth. His eyes got wide and he started to scream when Jack held a finger up, “Shut. Up.” He instantly calmed down as he realized hit was his brother. “You're going to stand up, quietly. And march into my room. You got that?” He nodded. “One peep and you're going to wake your friends up, and if you do that you're going to be the only one who regrets it.” He slowly lifted his hand and Logan whispered, “What's going on?” Jack just pointed to the door. The young jock knew better than to argue with his older brother, he just got up and walked out into the hall. Once Jack had closed the door behind him he asked, “What's going on?” Jack pushed him into his bedroom as way of an answer. I was sitting on Jack's bed, waiting. “You owe someone an apology,” Jack said. Logan looked at him for a moment and then to me, “Sorry Ev.” “Not even close to good enough,” Jack insisted. “What do you want me to say?” he asked his older brother. Jack pushed him towards me, “Make it up to him.” Logan stumbled closer to me, his eyes wide with apprehension. “Get down on your knees,” Jack ordered. I would have felt sorry for the guy if his cock wasn't fucking rock hard in his soccer shorts. He knelt down in front of me, looking up at me with those wide eyes. “Now try it again,” Jack said. “I'm sorry Everett,” his voice was low and had a little pout in it, “Please forgive me.” “How are you going to make it up to him?” Logan looked down at my cock, it was still soft but chubbing up some. He gulped and asked “Can I please suck your cock?” The way his voice cracked turned me on and I just nodded as my cock began to lengthen. He leaned in and took hold of it, his eyes glued to it as he licked up the shaft and to the head. He closed his eyes like he was french kissing it for a moment before shoving it into his mouth. I felt his tongue swirl around me and I left out a small moan in appreciation. The sound must have been a cue because he stopped just playing with it and started to service me seriously. I fell back onto Jack's bed as his little brother traced his tongue over the entire length of my cock. I looked up and say Jack looking down smiling at me, and I felt my mind start to fuzz up. I was getting turned on. Logan was good at this, I mean surprisingly good. I wondered how many cocks he had sucked before and who they had belonged to. Once my member was slathered in his spit he moved to my balls and under them. He sucked one into his mouth and rolled it around, making me call out in pleasure. Again my noises seemed to egg him on as he took the other one in his mouth and made me start to really lose it. He moved down to my taint and I spread my legs willingly, I was too far gone to care what was happening anymore. Which was when his tongue stopped and I heard Logan gasp. I sat up and saw his shorts were off now and Jack was behind him, rimming his ass. I sat there stunned as I watched Jack tongue his little brother's jock ass for all it was worth. Logan's eyes were closed and he was pressing back even as he said, “Come on Jack...please don't....” But I knew better than most, when Jack wanted something he got it. Instead of answering he smacked his brother's ass and spread his legs father apart, making Logan's face fall into my groin. This was fucking weird and super erotic at the same time. I lifted his head up and pulled it towards my meat, his mouth opened and accepted it willingly as he went back to serving me. I could tell when Jack hit his spot because he would gasp around my dick and shudder a little every time. When Jack came up for air he shoved a finger up the spit soaked hole and leaned in close to his little brother's ear. “Come on Logan, work that cock. Show me how much you are obsessed with Ev's cock.” Logan groaned as he worked up and down my cock faster, Jack looked up at me and winked as he shoved a second finger into him. Again he groaned around my cock which made me call out as the vibrations felt amazing. This went on for a few minutes, Logan blowing me, Jack finger fucking him, both of us in a state of horniness that was building faster and faster. Finally Jack had three fingers into his little jock brother and Logan was slapping his ass back as hard as he could, riding those fingers. Finally Jack pulled his hand out and slapped his brother's pert ass, “Ok, get up.” My cock popped out of Logan's mouth, his cheeks were red and his cock was leaking as he stood up. Jack grabbed a little brown bottle off his nightstand and shoved it under his little brother's nose, “Breathe in.” Logan looked like he was going to struggle but Jack grabbed the back his his head and held him to the bottle. “Jack no...” his brother protested but Jack held the bottle to his nose and kept his mouth closed this his thumb. Logan had no choice than to take a deep hit in one nostril. He continued to fight with Jack until it took hold and he slumped into his brother's arms. “Take another hit,” he said and this time Logan willingly inhaled. Jack put the bottle down and them moved his brother over towards me. “What are we doing?” Jack moved his brother over my lap, “Teaching him a lesson, grab your cock.” I took hold of my cock and it wasn't until Logan's ass touched the head did I realize what he was doing. “Wait are you...” I began to say. Then Jack pushed Logan down onto my cock. The younger jock was so out of it he just mumbled something as my head forced it's way into his tight hole. He seemed confused for a moment until my cock breached his ass and he let out a loud moan and slowly began to sink down my shaft. He was like a ragdoll, I held him upright as I felt inch after inch shove it's way into the high schooler's tight hole. He was babbling something but as I impaled him, his head thrashed from side to side and I heard, “noo.....” as the walls of his ass fluttered around my cock. Jack spread his legs over mine and he sank even further, a whimper escaped his mouth as he took the last two inches of my cock. His ass was so tight, hours and hours of soccer practice, squats, and probably being straight had made him so fucking tight it was amazing. His ass spasmed as he sat there, trying to accommodate my cock, which was as thick a a fucking beer can. He laid back against my chest as he slowly started to come to, his ass had not stopped quivering for a second. Jack slapped his little brother's cheek lightly, “Wakey wakey.” Logan's head dipped as he slowly started to come back to reality. “Wha...nononono...” he called out as his ass tightened up, “FUCK....” he screamed as he felt nearly ten inches of cock throb in his hole. “You like getting people high and fucking them?” Jack mocked. “Jack please....please....oh god...please...” “You think it's funny to just shove your cock into people?” “He liked it!” Logan cried, as he tried to pull himself off of my dick and failed, sliding back down it, “SSHIIITTT!!” “Well when we're done,” Jack said grabbing the bottle again, “So will you.” He held his little brother's mouth shut and plugged a nostril and watched as Logan inhaled empty once and then again. “Oh...please...of...” and then his voice trailed off to mumbles. Jack looked me in the eyes. “Fuck this cunt.” I pulled Logan up a few inches and again he half moaned and protested and then pushed him back down causing him to moan deeply. I waited a second and then repeated it, this time with less complaining. “Jesus Christ you're such a pussy,” Jack said taking my hands off of his brother's hips and taking hold of them himself. He pulled Logan halfway off my cock and then slammed him down hard. Logan's eyes flew open and his mouth opened for a silent scream that didn't come. His ass rippled around my dick as his ass muscles screamed. Jack didn't wait to give him any time to adjust, he pulled him back up and did it again and again and again. Each time Logan made a squeaking noise and his ass went nuts trying to clamp down on my dick. It felt amazing and at the speed Jack was shoving him down on me I wasn't going to last long. “S-slow down...” I warned and Jack let Logan go. The high school jock sank down my cock slowly, Logan moaning the whole time. “Dude maybe..” I began to say and then felt something... Logan trying to pull himself up off my cock. Jack just smiled at me as he watched his little brother try to fuck himself on my cock. His ass wasn't clenching any more and I had to assume my cock had just destroyed it completely. Logan was too out of it at the moment but he was moving his ass back and forth, trying to fuck himself as best he could. I grabbed his hips again and whispered in his ear, “You like this Logan?” and thrust my cock up. He grunted and then whimpered as I went up and down. “Come on Logan, you want more?” I pumped him again and another whimper and then a low, “ffuuuccc.....” “You want this Logan?” I did it again and again and again. Jack held his hand for me to stop after the fifth one so I did, and saw Logan move his legs around mine and shove himself back onto my dick. Jack leaned in, “You want that cock?” Logan nodded but refused to say anything. “Come on Logan...you want Ev to fuck you?” No comment, but his ass was still grinding against me. “Ok Everett, pull out. Guess he is straight.” I started to pull him off and his hands gripped mine, “Wait...” “Say it,” Jack ordered. Logan said nothing. Jack slammed him back down onto mu dick, “Say it!” Logan hissed a mournful, “Yeess.....” Jack grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him, “Admit it.” “Yes...please...” “Please what?” Jack asked. “Please fuck me...” I got right next to the cocky jock's ear and whispered, “Hold on.” I shoved my hips up, driving all ten inches of thick, fucking cock into him and he cried out in ecstasy. His hands braced themselves on my thighs as he steadied himself from my anal assault over and over again. His head was thrown back and he was crying out, “Fuck me, fuck me....fuck Everett.....fuck me....” I told you my cock had that effect on people. He was pushing back onto me, trying to drive even more of my horse cock into his stomach at this point. His meaty cock was flapping free, precum flying everywhere as he rode his first cock to an orgasm. I grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled his head back, “You like that? You like that cock?” “Fuck Ev, fuck...you're so....fuckkkk.....” “Feel that? That's a real cock, doesn't matter who fucks you now, all you'll crave is my cock. My fucking bull cock splitting you apart.” “Fuck..fuck....please Ev....wreck me...” “You got a pussy Logan? You got a little high school pussy?” “Fuck me, fuck my pussy...please Ev...please...” “You gonna crave this dick, dream about it. You're gonna be in the showering fingering your hole crying for this cock. Aren't you?” “Fuck yeah, fuck me...oh god Ev...your cock....” “You gonna have my babies Logan? You want me to shoot into you jock pussy?” “Breed me Ev...please....I need to be bred....” He could have been begging me to stop and I wouldn't have cared, I was too far gone and I need to blow a load into his little soccer jock so he would walk with a limp for the next week. I wanted this kid to get a doctor's note from school because I fucked him so hard. I wanted this brat to call me up in the middle of the night, and beg me to come over to fuck him, to breed him, to destroy his little hole with all the force my cock can bring. I grabbed his arms and pulled them back, and shoved into him as hard as I could, jackhammering up into him, trying to rearrange his guts. He was just squealing now, a sound I knew well from when I made it and knew he was about to blow. “Take my fucking load,” I roared and began to shoot into him. “oh, oh, oh...I can feel it I can feeel your cock....oh god it's warmm.....” His cock began to shoot everywhere, his ass clamping down on my dick as he came. Cum flew all over the place, on Jack, in the carpet on his two friends standing in the doorway jerking off to him getting fucked. He started to cum harder realizing they had been watching, a moan of shame escaped his lips as he fell of my cock and onto the floor. Jack and them huddled around them, “Look up,” Jack ordered as he stroked his cock, “Look up at us.” Logan looked up and saw the three cocks being stroked above his head. “Close,” one of the guys said. “Same...” another cried out. “Here it comes...” Jack said, his hand a blur. Logan, on his knees, my cum dripping out his ass, opened his mouth and closed his eyes as his friend and older brother shot their loads all over him. He moaned as the warm splashes fell onto his face, his tongue, everywhere. We had just witnessed the birth of a jock pussy in all it's glory.
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  9. Before we start, no this is not the end, no this is not the tone the rest of the story will go, and yes, there is a lot more Chem induced sex coming up, most notably with Jack's little brother and payback for DPing Ev. So before I get any comments saying this doesn't belong here, it does and will, just give it a few chapters. And if you don't want to wait, might I suggest one of the many incredible other stories on this site. Chapter Twelve I woke up to angry yelling. “...cking kidding me! Why would you do that!” “Why do you get to play with him and we don't?” “Because he's not a fucking toy you little asshole! How about I get you stoned and me and your friends run a train on you?” “I'd be up for that.” “Shut up Rick!” “If you hurt him I am coming back and kicking your ass all over this room.” It felt like I was flying as I was picked up and carried somewhere. I heard a door open and I was set down on something comfy. It was so quiet I almost drifted off again when something wet was pressed against my forehead. “Feels good,” I mumbled. “Ev? You ok?' Jack asked. I nodded, “Thirsty.” Something touched my lips and I drank down the whole glass. “How you feeling?” I opened my eyes and he was hovering over me, a look of real concern on his face. I smiled, “You're cute.” He smiled back, “Are you hurt?” Shaking my head I handed him the glass back. He put it down on the nightstand and placed the washcloth on my forehead again, “My brother is an asshole.” I didn't understand what he was talking about for a second and then the memory of the soccer guys going at me flashed in my mind. I felt my cock twitch at the thought. Jack glanced down, “Of course you liked it,” he teased. I nodded again and reached up to touch his face, I was still stoned as fuck and was feeling nothing but good thoughts. He leaned into my hand and I pulled him down into a kiss. Normally my mind would have been screaming at me that this was gay as shit but for some reason all I felt was affection. Jack moved on top of me as we started making out. “I'm sorry that happened,” he said between kisses. “I'm sorry you weren't there,” I whispered back before gnawing on his neck. “Oh fuck Ev...I've always wanted this.” The words, “Me too,” slipped out of my mouth before I knew what they were. “I mean it,” he said grinding his crotch against mine, “I've wanted to be with you since junior high.” I was wearing a pair of nylon shorts, which Jack had to have put on me while I was out cold. The thought that he cared enough to cover me up made my chest glow with warmth. I pulled him into a savage kiss and flipped him on his back. I was looking down at him and he was looking up at my breathless. “You should have told me,” I said, my hands pressing down on his. “I was afraid you'd freak.” I rubbed my dick against his own, “Do I look like I'm freaking?” He looked like he was stricken for a moment and then he wrapped his legs around my waist and flipped me over on my back. “Is this really you?” he asked, his ass resting against my swollen cock, “Is this because you're high or whatever? Are you going to feel differently in the morning?” I could see the fear in his face and realized how serious he had been. He really had wanted this, and even now he was worried I'd change my mind. I couldn't blame him, last week I might have freaked out, hell a couple of days I might of, but right now, with him straddling my waist, looking like he was close to crying, I realized something that I could never put into words before. I had always loved Jack, I just never knew how much. “This is all me,” I said placing my hands on his hips, “And I am going to feel the same way tomorrow morning, and every morning after that.” He just stared at me, not able to say anything back. I sat up and stripped his shirt off him, “Is that what you wanted to hear?” I asked, our faces next to each other. He just nodded. “Well you heard it,” I said going back to his neck, “So get naked already.” He moaned as I but down on the side of his neck, both of knowing I was going to leave a mark. His hands fumbled with his jeans as he felt my mouth marking him as mine. He got off me and shucked his jeans off, revealing he was commando. I slid the shorts off me, “Where you want me?” I asked. “Right there,” he said opening the nightstand and pulling out a bottle of lube, “Just lay right there.” “You wanna fuck me on my back?” I asked. He shook his head as he straddled my waist again. His hand was slick with lube as he stroked my cock, “I told you, I've been dreaming about this.” His words seemed far away as he his hand danced up and down against my length, covering my whole tool in lube. I felt him shift and his face was over mine, “Don't do anything ok?” I nodded, not sure what he was talking about. “Just let me do all the work,” he said leaning in for a kiss. I kissed him back, trusting him completely. Still kissing me I felt him sit back, the head of my cock slipping between his ass cheeks. My eyes popped open as I felt him slide up and down my cock until my head found his hole. His hands were flat against my chest as he looked down at me. “Don't thrust up, don't do anything until I say so.” I nodded, not sure if I said anything it would break the spell. He pushed down and I felt my cock head press against on impossibly tight hole. He didn't stop as my head crowned past his opening, inch by inch pushing against the ring of muscle. His face was a mask of concentration as he forced himself further down, trying to push the plum sized head of my cock into his little jock ass. It slipped in and we both gasped as one. His ass was like a furnace, and I could feel it spamming around my cock head as it tried to force it out. “Wait, wait...” he panted, trying to catch his breath. I laid perfectly still, waiting for him to take the next step. “Jesus...you're so fucking big...” he moaned. “Shhh...” I said quietly, “Shhh....push back, just relax for a moment.” He shook his head as he hissed in pain, “It's tooo.....big....” I felt him start to sit up and I grabbed his hips. His eyes flew open and looked down at me. “You can do this...” I said firmly, “This cock was made for you Jack...” I slowly pushed him downwards, “I was made for you.” He hissed and his eyes clenched in pain as another inch of me entered him. “Breathe....relax....” I said stopping. “Oh god, oh god....” he sighed as his ass flexed around my girth. “You ready?” I asked and he nodded. I pushed him down another inch and he gasped as he felt me enter him. “Breathe...” I reminded him, “Breathe in....and out.” He followed my words and I felt his ass open just a little. “Breath in...”I said and when he did I thrust upwards, forcing another two inched into him. “Fuckkk!!” he screamed and tried to pull off of me. “You got this...you got this...” I said holding him still. His head fell down, “I can't Ev, it's too big....you're too big...” I leaned up and kissed him, he weakly kissed me back. I moved to his cheek and then probed his ear with my long tongue. I heard him groan and his ass relaxed instinctively. I attacked his ear relentlessly as I slowly pushed another couple of inches into him. When he flinched in pain I moved to his neck and then to his nipples. Doing anything I could to distract him from the pain. He had about six inches in him and there were another three and half left. His entire ass was spasming around my thickness, doing it's level best to fit me in such a tight space. He started to kiss me back and I felt him push back, lowering himself down quarter of an inch at a time. “Oh god...Ev...Ev!!” he panted as we hit the eight inch mark. “Almost there, you almost got it,” I assured him. He stayed there, making out with me as he let himself get used to me. After a few minutes I grabbed his hips and locked eyes with him. “Push out,” I said, “Push out like you're taking a shit.” He was sitting up and nodded as I pulled him slowly off a couple of inches and then thrust upwards. His eyes bugged out as he realized I had pushed another inch into him. I pulled him out again and thrust up harder, and felt his ass hit my pubes. “Oh...oh...” he whined as he sat there, all nine and half inches in him. “There you go...you got it...you got it Jack.” He nodded, drops of sweat falling off his forehead. “How you feel?” He looked down at me, “You're fucking HUGE!” he said and I smiled. “This is what you wanted?” I said thrusting up, making his eyes close, “Is this what you dreamed off?” I thrust again and he leaned forward, trying to ready himself from the movement. I kept him steady with my hands and started to piston into him faster. “This is it right?” I growled, “You wanted to ride this donkey cock?” He just nodded as I picked up the pace. “You feel that Jack? You feel that fucking cock in you? That what you jerked off too? That what you whined about when you got horny?” “Yes!” he squealed as he held on for dear life. “That's your cock Jack, that's your tool. All yours...” “Fuck me Everett....fuck me...” he began to chant and I realized it had happened. I was used to this to be honest. When I first fucked someone they were always so hesitant and scared, each inch an ordeal into itself. But once I was in, once I had invaded them they didn't just like it, they lost it. It was like my cock just unleashed something in them and they were no longer themselves. They were addicted to the biggest cock they had ever seen. Within a minute he was pushing back into me, taking every single inch he could and more. He whined, he whimpered as I fucked his guts like a madman. He just started panting more and I knew he was past stage one. Time for stage two. I pulled him off my cock and there was an audible plop as my cock left his ass. There was a little confusion and a little fear in his eyes as I threw him on his back and pulled his muscular legs apart. I'd always had to be careful with girls at this point, not wanting to hurt them from hitting something up in there with my tool, but I knew Jack could take it. He could take it all. Before he could say a word I thrust into him and his eyes widened in shock as his mouth opened in a silent scream. Once people got used to my size they thought that they could take it, that what they were feeling was the most they could feel. It wasn't until I could really tear their pussy up did they lose their shit. I held his legs out like a wishbone and started to slide my beercan thick, nine and a half inches into him like a machine, smashing his prostate like it was only made for me to kill it. His cock was hard as fuck and his eightpack was already covered with cock snot as I hit into him again and again and again. He could barely breathe I was fucking him so hard, his hands were over his head as he lost all grip on the situation. His entire life was my cock now. No thought, no reason, nothing. All he knew was that he existed to get fucked and there was nothing else in the world other than my dick. His ass gave up the ghost and stopped fighting me as I was able to shove myself to pubes and back in one slick movement. Once I knew he was gone, it was time for the last stage. I circled my arms around his back and pulled him up into a sitting position. As he came down on my thickness his eyes bulged again as he realized with his weight and gravity, I could get even further into him. I didn't move and he began to panic. “Fuck me, fuck me!” he commanded as he pulled his ass up and shoved it back down on me. Both of our bodies were slick with sweat as he rode me, wanting every single inch of my horse cock he could. Once he had a good rhythm going I grabbed his shoulder and thrust up as he pushed down. He let out a squeak for a moment as he eyes rolled back into his head and I began to piston fuck him harder than ever. By the fourth push he was matching me thrust for thrust, desperate for every massive inch I possessed. This was the last stage because no one lasted long this way. They had no identity, no thought, all they knew was they needed to worship the cock in them and nothing else. “You like that Jack? You like that cock?” “Oh god Everett....you're so big....fuck me....fuck me....” he chanted, not sure what he was saying any more. “This what you wanted? This what you wanted to feel?” “Please fuck me Ev...please...” he whined, begging for more. “This is your cock Jack, only yours...” I said as I moved him to the right slightly. His mouth hung open as he made gibberish sounds as I hit his joybutton again and again and again. I had been able to do this with girls, know exactly where to hit them to make them cum by instinct. It was a feeling of where I needed to hit to get them to explode instantly. From the way Jack was whimpering my skill was just as good with guys. “I'm....I'm....unf....unf....oh god...Ev....Ev!” he panted as his cock began to pulse. Without ever touching it his cock erupted warm cum over both of our washboard abs. His ass tightening from his orgasm set me off and I sprayed his guts with what must have been gallons of cum from my swollen dick. I kept pushing him down on my cock as I made sure every last drop of my cum was forced into him. “”Ev...Ev....” he said, holding on to my shoulders. Once I was done I lowered him back onto his bed. My cock was still lodged in him as he laid back and sighed. “Is that what you needed?” I asked. He looked up at me and smiled, “I love you.” Before I could answer he kissed me, and I laid down on him, my half hard cock sliding out of his wrecked ass. “I love you too....” I whispered as a stream of my cum leaked from his ass. He nuzzled his sweaty body next to mine and he drifted off to sleep, both of us covered in cum.
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  10. Part 1 Colt and I have been best friends since we were 10 years old. Well, his real name is Colton. Colton Sawyer Cooper. But he's always gone by Colt. We lived three houses apart in a town called Cleburne, just south of Fort Worth. We immediately bonded over our love of comic books, even though he was Marvel and I was DC, and our love for the Cowboys. But I'll have to say he was much more fanatical than me. His entire bedroom was a shrine to the team. Cowboys bed spread, Cowboys sheets, Cowboys lamps, Cowboys rugs, you get the picture. Even his walls were covered in Cowboys posters. But looking back now, I didn't put 2 and 2 together and realize the one thing he didn't have was the one thing every red blooded Cowboys fan had, posters of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. But he did have plenty of Tony Romo. So we were basically 2 peas in pod. Where there was one, there was the other. And we told each other everything. He told me when he got his first pubes, and the first time he came, which he said was the most amazing thing ever. I developed a little behind him, but six months later I got my own pubes and soon was ejaculating as well. And he was right, it was amazing! We became little jerk off monsters, as most boys are, and our sleepovers became one non stop jerk fest. We would lie on our sleeping bags on the floor next to each other and pound our dicks. We were always fascinated with watching each other shoot, and seeing how far our loads flew. Nothing gay, just two horny boys. And we were always good for 3 of them. We also liked to measure our growing dicks as we got older, taking pride in how big they were getting. Length wise, we were identical, but his was always thicker. Again, nothing gay, just curious boys. You'd think by the time we reached high school, we would have stopped that, but no. We continued our jerkoff sessions together. I mean, we had been doing it for several years, so why quit now? When we were 16, we got our first blowjobs together. It was at the drive-in in my quad cab Ford F-150. My dad owned a dealership so I got a really good deal on it. You know us Texas boys love our trucks. Colt was in the backseat with Stacy Turner and I was up front with Missy Powell. I watched Colt in my rear view mirror as his head layed back and his mouth hung open, groaning in ecstasy. We even shot our loads at the same time. In retrospect, those blowjobs weren't that great, but we didn't care. We were nutting into a warm, wet hole. I dated Missy for a while after that, but Colt didn't date Stacy. In fact, he never really dated. He'd fool around with chicks, but that was it. I dumped Missy after a while because she wouldn't let me fuck her. She was a "nice girl." Well, she wasn't such a nice girl the night she was on her knees sucking off me and Colt together behind his shed. The full moon provided enough light that I had a nice view of Colt's fat 7 1/2 inch cock as he gagged Missy with it. When he came, he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. After she had swallowed both our loads, she thought we were going to get back together, but I told her to fuck off, I didn't want to date a slut. She called us fags, and said she was going to tell everyone. The next day at school, one of the guys called us fags, but after Colt kicked the shit out of him, no one ever said that again. By our senior year, we had both become big strong men. Colt had turned 18 in August, before school started, and I was turning 18 the day before Halloween. We were both linebackers on the varsity team, which put us in the category of high school gods. You know how important football is in Texas! We had spent years working out, and had spent the last three summers working as ranch hands. Baling hay, branding cattle, castrating bulls, real cowboy shit. And our bodies showed it. I stood a nice 6'1" with a solid body. Firm pecs, hard 6 pack, defined arms, and strong legs. But Colt, he was a whole other level. 6'3 1/2" of solid muscle. And boy did he like to show it off! I don't think he even owned shirts with sleeves anymore. He was constantly flexing his big guns that were attached to the broadest shoulders I had ever seen. His strong torso led down to a surprisingly narrow waist. And the wranglers he wore should have been criminal. They were always so tight that they clung to his big, round ass. And the front, well, he liked to wear a big belt buckle to draw people's eyes down to his huge bulge. Not that it would have gone unnoticed. It was like an anaconda trying to bust out of there. He topped his look off with a pair of boots and a hat. He always wore a hat on his thick, brown curls. Sometimes a trucker hat, sometimes a cowboy hat, but always a hat. And not to be gay, but his face matched the rest of him perfectly. His vibrant green eyes were surrounded by thick, dark eyelashes. His strong nose sat atop a pair of pillowy, dark pink lips. His square jaw perfectly shaped his face. He hadn't started to grow facial hair yet, and his cheeks flushed a reddish colour, giving him a boyish look. His body may have been all man, but his face was all innocent angel. Not that my face wasn't hot too. I had strong Scandinavian features with light blue eyes and light blond hair. I hadn't started shaving yet either, so we were both still like boys in a way. So, right after Colt turned 18, things kind of got weird. It was like he was suddenly avoiding me. Our sleepovers stopped, he would take off right after weekend games, and he hung around me less at school. I tried to talk to him about it, cause it was really hurting me to lose someone I was closer to than a brother. He would just give me flimsy excuses, saying he was busy with stuff, or he was fucking some chick, basically bullshit. The one time during that early part of the school year that was somewhat normal was my birthday. We had scored a bottle of whiskey and some weed and spent the night getting fucked up and playing video games. It was great. Just like old times. It eventually devolved into a mutual bro love fest. We sat on his bed with our arms around each others shoulders and declared our straight love for one another. "I love you man." "No dude, I love YOU!" "I love you more bro!" "No man, I love YOU more!" And back and forth it went. In hindsight, I wasn't hearing what he was trying to tell me. Eventually, it wound up becoming one of our jerk off sessions. I smiled as I looked at his smooth, hairless body. Nothing gay, I just appreciated my best friend, naked next to me, jerking his fat 10 inch cock. I stroked my own 9 1/2 inch dick and we both shot loads that hit our faces, and laughed like nothing had changed. But things had changed. The next day, Colt started his weird avoidance shit again. He blew me off the following weekend, and the weekend after that when he did it again, I had had enough. I knew his parents were going to be out of town, and he claimed he was going to be fucking some chick. But I didn't buy it and decided to spy on him and see what was up. Friday night I snuck over to his house and went around the back to where his bedroom was. His lights were on and the shade was down, but not all the way down. There was a gap at the bottom. His window was open a crack, so I quietly creeped up and peeked into his bedroom. What I saw shocked the hell out of me! There was Colt, stomach down on his bed, his legs hanging off the end, while a large, heavily tattoed Mexican man pulled his head back by his curly hair and pounded his cock into Colt's round, white ass. Colt was wearing his football shoulder pads, athletic socks pulled up over his calves, his cleats, and a white jockstrap. His football jersey layed on the floor. "Take it slut!" I could hear the man say. "Take that load in your faggot jock pussy!" I turned away, my heart pounding in my chest as I heard Colt moan, "Oh yes SIR! Breed me!" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I JUST SEE? My head swam as a million thoughts ran through it. I knew I should leave, but like a car wreck, I had to look again. I had to make sure what I saw was real. I turned back and looked in again. The Mexican guy was flipping Colt over and spreading his legs. Another man with a camera moved in and got a close up of Colt's asshole. "That's right slut." Said the Mexican. "Show the people what they paid for! Spread your cheeks and let them see your dripping high school jock pussy!" Colt spread his ass cheeks apart as the cameraman said, "Oh yea, look at that jock cunt drip cum!" Then, another man I hadn't noticed stepped up. He was a large black man with dreadlocks pulled back into a ponytail. He bent down and placed his mouth over Colt's asshole and started sucking. Then he stood up over Colt and pulled his mouth open. Colt stuck his tongue out and the black man let a long string of spit and cum land on it. It ran down into Colt's mouth, and he closed it with a smile on his face. As my initial shock started to go down, I noticed a few things I hadn't noticed before. There was a laptop open on the dresser recording the action. Also, on the nightstand there was a glass pipe, a baggie with some kind of substance in it, and a few syringes. Then, the black man layed down on the bed, holding up a huge cock. That fucker had to be like 12 inches! Colt crawled up and straddled the man. He took hold of the cock and lined it up to his asshole. Then he slowly slid down on it. Inch after black inch dissapeared into Colt's bubble butt. Soon, his muscular glutes were sitting on the black man's pubes, and every inch of that cock was inside him. He sat there not moving as the Mexican man filled up the glass pipe. He handed it to the black man, who lit a small torch and waved it under the bowl. Soon, it filled with white smoke and he inhaled it. Then, he grabbed Colt behind his neck and pulled him onto his mouth. I could see the black man exhale as Colt inhaled. Then Colt sat up and exhaled a white cloud. They repeated this twice more as Colt began gyrating his hips. Then the black man handed the pipe to Colt. "Now, hit that bitch, and hold it until I say exhale. And start riding my cock, slut!" Colt held the pipe up to his lips, lit the torch, and inhaled the white smoke. Then, as he held it, he started riding up and down on the black cock buried inside him. He held in the smoke for about 10 seconds before the black man told him to exhale. "Again, Whore!" He demanded Colt. Colt did as he was told, holding in the smoke and riding the big cock harder. 5 times this was repeated until Colt was visibly losing control. The black man reached up and started pinching and squeezing Colt's nipples, and Colt moaned and squealed like a slut. Then the Mexican man approached with a little brown bottle. He held it under Colt's nose as the black man held onto his slim waist and started fucking upward. "Breath in slut, and hold it until I say release. Do you understand you fucking whore?" "Yes SIR!" Replied Colt. The man held the bottle under Colt's nose, closing off one nostril. Colt breathed in deep and held it. After the man finally let him exhale, he repeated it with the other nostril. Back and forth he went. After each hit, Cole became more and more fucked up. Eventually, he couldn't hold his head up. The Mexican man just grabbed his hair and held up his head, forcing him to hit more. Finally, after 10 hits, the Mexican man pushed Colt onto his back, causing the cock to slide out of him. Colt just collapsed, his head rolling to facing me, his mouth open and slack, his eyes crossed and fucked up looking. The black man just raised Colt's legs in the air and slammed his monster cock all the way into my fucked up best friend. Colt just gurgled as he was assaulted. The cameraman panned from Colt's fucked up face to his ass getting pummeled, back and forth. "Yes slut!" Said the black man. "Look into the camera. Let your audience see your face. That's what they paid for, bitch. To see a hot, 18 year old high school jock get fucked up and fucked hard! Tell them how much you like it you fucking whore! Beg to be fucked!" "Oh god yes." Colt slurred. "Fuck me! Fuck my hole. I love it! Give me that big black cock! Please fuck me SIR!" "Are you a little whore? Are you a pathetic, faggot slut?" "Yes SIR!" Colt answered him, still looking blankly into the camera. "I'm a pathetic faggot slut whore! Fuck my hole! Cum in me SIR! I'm a fucking cumdump!" "Is that what you are? A cumdump?" Continued the black man as he pulled Colt's rock hard cock out of his jockstrap and started jerking it really hard. "Can anybody come and fuck you? Can anybody out there watching come and fuck you? You wanna give up your jock hole to anybody that wants it?" "Yes please!" Groaned Colt. "Please come fuck me! I need your cum in me! Please come and fuck me! Anybody can! Come fuck my jock ass!" He cried out as his cock shot off, hitting him in the face and coating his chest and stomach. The black man scraped up his cum and fed it to him, and Colt sucked the cum covered fingers like he was starving. The cameraman handed the camera to the Mexican man. The black man pushed Colt untill his head was hanging over the bed, his mouth wide open. Then the cameraman shoved his hard cock right down Colt's throat. I could see his cock stretch out Colt's esophagus as he buried himself balls deep. Then both men started viciously fucking my best friend, pounding both of his holes as hard as they could. The Mexican handed the cameraman a sign that he held up, and it read.... Colton Sawyer Cooper 18 yo high school senior Football player with 2 Available cumdump holes Dallas/Fort Worth area (817) 347-1823 Any cock taken HOLY SHIT! They posted his full name and his real phone number! Did he agree to that? Or was he too fucked up to know? I decided I couldn't watch anymore and turned away. Part of me was horrified. Part of me was sickened. But what I didn't realize right away is, I had been hard the whole time. As I lay in my bed at home, I tried not to think about everything I had seen, but it was no use. The images played over and over in my head. Without even thinking about it, my hand traveled down to my hard cock. After only a couple of strokes, I shot off a huge load.
    4 points
  11. Sample of holes that make me pop hard ... basically any hot hole attached to a slutty guy who looks like he's up to no good 😛 FTM:
    4 points
  12. I always knew what my role was but didn’t know to label it until I was about 14. I saw some porn with to very masculine men having sex. They were both taking turns fucking each other and it was aggressive. I knew that was not the sex I was having and couldn’t relate.
    3 points
  13. While away for a wrestle comp/ training camp our Coach & team Captain invite me to coach's room as rest of team sleep, we all have a couple of beers. I notice a slightly odd taste but shrug it off happy to be invited to chill out with Couch & stud Captain. We are talking about training & fitness regimes & Coach suggests that he wants to introduce the team to a new vitamin shot & ask if we two boys will have a practice shot now with him so we can explain it to our team mates & reassure them if they are hesitant. I say to the Captain that we owe it to coach after all he's done for us, taking us to championship, we only want whole wrestle team to do well. He agrees, & Coach pulls out prepared points explaining to both of us the process we'll feel a warm rush, cough hard a couple of times , then melt a bit into bed, then will feel really amazing & prob a bit horny. We boys giggle slightly at horny, & I notice my cock & Captains twitches & fills out a bit in his wrestle kit. Coach swap glances with me & suggest I go first. "Sure coach- no probs." I say slightly apprehensive but confident coach is looking after us. Coach puts an elastic fastener around my bulging boy bicep & tightens it, asks me to extend my arm & clench my fist, finds a a vein easily, I clench my teeth as the needle pricks my arm. Coach explains he draws a little blood out to make sure he has hit vein then he pushes down on the plunger, efficiently removes needle tip & puts a swab over spot on my arm. Asks me if I'm ready & he releases elastic fastener & says for me to hold my arm over my head. WOW I feel this massive warm wave immediately rush up my body, 5 or 6 hard coughs, then BAM... the most amazing all body ecstatic feeling, I feel small awesome feeling tingles, then collapse back on the bed, then I'm so incredibly Horny, my cock is hard a leaking precum through my wrestle kit & I have touch it, stroke my cock. Even more surprising is that I want Coach. I want my wrestle Captain. I want to kiss them, feel their stud hard muscled bodies, feel their hard 9" cocks, taste them. While I'm enjoying this amazing feeling & stoking my cock having found a bottle of lube on the bed which I didn't notice earlier I watch Coach perform same procedure on my mate the stud Team Captain while he smiles @ me. The fastener is released from his arm he coughs 5 times hard & he collapses next to me with his arm over his head. I wrap my arm around him, feeling his chest as he puts a leg over mine. He starts to explore me as we touch & feel each other. Both our cocks are hard & massive amount of precum leaks through our wrestle kits. Coach turns on his laptop & & a porn of bi nude oiled wrestling starts. On his iPad he has a porn of six hot young footballers with their Coach & a stud Dad. Coach explains that the oil wrestle porn was filmed at the last wrestle team Dad & Son bonding camp we had for a week. Being new I don't know the guys in vid, but says "I'm so horny & feel awesome coach. I've always wondered & wanted to join u & capt & guys from team when u hold your small feedback sessions in your office. I wondered if guys from team would worship & suck your stud cock I always sneak glances of when u join team in showers after game". Coach remarks that we are enjoying the results of being slammed. In unison we reply "Yes Sir!" Coach says he gave us 1.5 Tina slam & we'll feel incredibly Horny for next couple hours & shouldn't hold back exploring every fantasy we've had & each other. Then Coach gives himself a 2.0 slam. He coughs 3 times & has the most wicked Lear on his face as he joins his two boys on bed, we are feeling & teasing each other as u start to suck our hard cocks through our kits & lick our thick sticky boy precum loads. I moan & says this is amazing, finally getting to do what he's always wanted: be introduced to hot man on boy sex by his awesome furry stud coach & team captain. He trusts us, he's so horned up & feeling so amazing, & wants us to teach him everything guys do for each other. I leanforward as slowly press my lips against his introducing my tongue to his mouth. Coach says he thought i'd enjoy getting trained in filthy faggot sex. When i ask why the answer comes on the screen. Im amazed to see my muscle stud Dad & Uncle who were on Coach's college team, Coach, Captain, & his two stud bros are naked on wrestle mat. Coach & dad & uncle are pouring oil all over boys, tonguing our mouths while u explore our fit ripped bodies, hardhung cocks, sliding fingers up our hard bubble butts & teasing & oiling our tight boy holes. Then Coach & Dad's blast boys & Captain & themselves & we all explore & fuck raw for hours. Coach says I can join Dad & uncle & team mates with at next camp if i learn everything that Coach & Captain want to teach me. He also has to help win over, seduce & teach the new twin blonde ripped tanned surfer boys that just joined team. U suggest that captain & I suggest that we all join coach in his room to have a few sneaky beers & chill in the hot tub on the deck in coach's room. He says absolutely coach, I've seen their cocks in locker room. Both boys are hung: 9.5cut & thick. Coach orders captain & I to lift our knees up to our chests & we lock our legs so Coach can taste our boy cunts, his for first time, tonguing our holes deep. As we both moan, kiss, stroke each other's hard cocks as u enjoy our hard cocks, I say that confirms it.
    2 points
  14. I have quite a few tattoos and after many years decided to embrace the pig that I am. I live in the country with work, but travel to the city to head office often. I was due to go into the office for a week in the next month and decided that it was time to mark my place as the total pig bottom I am and get a pig tattoo on my arse. I did some shopping around and found a guy with a studio not far from where I was staying. It looked like he did some good work and while sexual orientation isn't necessarily an issue, I wanted a guy tattooing my arse. I emailed a few pics and after some suggestions and back and forth (daily) we agreed on a cheeky version of a pig. He asked where I wanted it and I said on my arse cheek. All of a sudden I didn't hear from him for a few days and thought he may have been a bit weirded out by it. Two days later I get an email from him: Sorry I took a bit to get back to you - it has been a bit busy and I wanted to float a suggestion back with you. In case you prefer to have something on both arse cheeks instead of one, what do you think of this on the opposite arse cheek. It was the word "Pig" in running writing and the tail of the "g" turned into an arrow. "And the arrow can point off toward your arsehole". I was so turned on and I emailed him back - yeah let's do it. He suggested his last appointment on the Friday afternoon the week I was down there, and I locked it in. I raced home at lunch time on the Friday and cleaned out as I wanted to make sure the whole area was clean and smelled ok since he was going to be working down there for a few hours. I turn up to a house and there is a sign with the studio name on it and direction down the side driveway to a shed/studio down the back. I rock up to the glass sliding door to see what must have been one of the sexiest men alive cleaning up after what must have been his last client. He was probably just under 6" tall, dirty blonde curly hair down to his shoulders normally but messily tied back. He hadn't shaven in a few days and had piercing blue eyes. He obviously worked out and was quite toned. He was wearing a white singlet with denim shorts. The singlet showed off his many tattoos and also he perfectly blonde hairy chest. I could see a healthy bulge in his shorts and he had glorious muscular hairy legs. I was lost looking at him when I hear him opening the glass sliding door. I was so mesmerized that I hadn't even registered him walking toward the door. "Hey buddy, I'm Sam. You Simon?". I responded with a whimpering "yes" as I tried to gain my composure. Sam was a confident as he was beautiful. He motioned me in and as I walked past him he grabbed my arse and massaged it and said "I've been looking forward to working on this all week". He had the sexiest, yet evil glint in his eye as he said it. After a quick chat about the tattoo, he said to get up in the table and lay face down. I did as he asked and pulled the back of my shorts down to expose my arse for him. "Mate, we are both men here and I like to have plenty of room to work. Take your pants and underwear off and lay on the table." I did as he asked and I was already starting to get hard. I was laying on the table face down and my cock was almost rock hard within seconds just thinking about this "god" touching my arse. Sam was moving around and getting things ready and just making normal small talk. He came up to the end my head was at to sort a few things out and turned around to point his crotch right at my face and leant over and rubbed my arse with his hand and said "These tattoos are going to look great here" He slowly caressed my arse cheeks whilst getting very close to my hole. I could smell his crotch which was basically in my face and I had to use every ounce of self control not to grab it. I swear I could see it growing. Finally he went back to my arse and soon enough he was tattooing the pig on my left arse cheek. Because of where it was his off hand rested near my arsehole and as he tattooed he would occasionally slide his little finger over my arse. I was getting so turned on my cock was leaking huge amounts of precum. He said "How does that feel? All ok?" I decided since he was not hesitating to flirt, that I wouldn't either. "It feels fine Sam! The tattoo is ok too". Sam chuckled "I thought and hoped so. The tattoo was a pretty good clue. Now that is out of the way and clear, we can really enjoy the rest of the tattoo." No sooner had he said it he licked his finger and went back to tattooing my arse and slid his little finger straight into my hole and kept it in there finger fucking me as he tattooed. I couldn't help myself and I shot a load under my stomach. "I'm almost done with the pig. Do you mind if we take a quick smoko break before I do the other one? Do you have to be anywhere tonight?" I responded eagerly and told him I had no plans for the night. When he finished he rubbed some cream on my tattoo and covered it and stood up. "Just throw your shorts on and we can step out for a quick smoke before do the next one." I stand up and he can see I have cum over myself. "I thought you might enjoy the extras during the tattoo. Let me clan up the mess". And he knelt down and starts licking all the cum off my stomach, getting some in his facial hair. I'm rock hard again and he swallows my cock and gives me the best head I have had in year. I don't last long before cumming in his mouth and he doesn't miss a drop. He stands up and I pull my shorts up and I can see he is almost bursting out of his shorts and a distinct wet patch at the end of a very thick 8" cock outline. Before I get a chance to do anything he leans in and kisses me and we share my load with tongues darting it back and forth till it is all gone. I place my hand on his cock through his shorts and he grabs me and says "We got all night man. You'll get it" and smiles and kisses me again. We step out and both share a smoke before going back in and he starts on the other arse cheek and tattoo. As with the first one, he spends the whole time fingering my hole whilst tattooing. "So you got nothing planned tonight you said?" I respond with no. He stops tattooing for a second and stands up and walks around to my head again. I look up at his blue eyes and he says "How about you spend it here with me and I give you all of this (and he grabs his huge cock) and if you stay the night and enjoy it I will give you a free tattoo in the morning." I think i responded "yes" before he finished saying it. When he finished the second tattoo, he tells me to relax and that we have all night and he buries his lightly bearded face in my arse and rims me like a pro. He comes up for air and says "I am assuming the pig tatts mean you like it wet, raw and bareback like a real pig". I respond with "The only way I take a cock is raw. No rubber goes near that hole". He responds, "perfect, I am going to really enjoy sharing all of myself with you then". He stands up and I hear him unzip his shorts and walk around to my head and there is a thick 8" cock in my face. "Get this wet. Tattooing your arse has me dripping and I need to let a load go right now". I am thinking he is going to blow a load in my mouth, but I only get a minute on his cock enough to get it wet before he walks back around and pulls me by my feet to the end of the bench leaving me bent over the edge and shoves his wet raw cock in me in one go. I catch my breath and before I know it he is bottoming out and I can feel his hairy balls slapping against my arse as he fucks me deep and hard. He is almost going wild fucking me and it is't long before I feel his seed flooding my insides and he is grunting like a pig and literally yelling "Take it, take it all". He slowly pulls out and pulls his shorts back up and says, "fucking hot! lets grab a drink and smoke". We step out and he grabs a few beers and we stand around and have a smoke and drink with the occasional snog in between. TBC....
    2 points
  15. Get fucked in full view. Everyone will flock to see you on show. And will join the queue to breed you.
    2 points
  16. Carl, my sexy otter who I forgot to mention is a gorgeous strawberry has invited 2 top guy over to join us & breed 2 or 3 loads each in me before taking turns in us both. I’ve had 6 of his load up me and just enjoyed a very horny piss fuck in the shower! I love feeing his big uncut dick thrusting up me making me howl with ecstasy! The lads coming to join us are both strong dark haired, blue eyed, stocky hairy east London lads both about 9” uncut & heavy cummers. Can’t wait to have my cunthole squelching & cum farting as is gets used by 3 big uncut dicks! Would love a big group on guy using me as their cum dump right now! 🤤🍆💦💦 Pic is my cum sloppy cunthole 🤤
    2 points
  17. Heya. So I’m now early 30s but look mid to late 20s, so once upon a time I would have been similar in looks to you. The key to approaching guys in a sauna is to not give a fuck about rejection, and to be willing to slut it up. Everyone is there for sex. Those who are uppity about it will get less sex. Those who are less uppity get more sex. As a young looking guy, you have an advantage over older guys. Most guys like youth. There will be some who’ll think you’re too young to know what you’re at, so expect rejection from those. They’ll be made it up for by guys who want to feel as old as the guy they’re fucking. Make sure you slut it up. Everyone’s there for sex. Don’t be a prude. Grab cock. Let your towel slip off your ass. Flash your bum. Throw the towel aside and suck/ride cock in the corridor, in full view, and skulk back to the desk later looking for a new towel. Have no shame. Everyone is there for sex, so fuck it.
    2 points
  18. When in London I am mostly at the Heath on Saturday nights. Can be fantastic depending on who is there. Usually get completely loaded up with cum and slosh my way back home.
    2 points
  19. I'm a skinny queenie cumdumpster powerbottom so I'm down with getting fucked by shorter guys but even with my height most guys never think I am a top just because everything about me screams bareback bottom. plus I'm a t-girl cumdump who is pretty passable for my height. guys still tend to mistake me for a bio-girl. I enjoy taking loads from skinny little girly bottoms but but I do love being tossed around by men who are bigger and taller than me
    2 points
  20. It’s Halloween weekend with a full blue moon and a extra hour to party and/or sleep. I’ll be having fun at Heretic and Xion at BJ’s after hours! Of course I’ll be offering my ass up!
    2 points
  21. If you’re profile is correct, you’re 21. You have enough money to live some kind of life without working. You have supportive family members. You are in an incredibly fortunate position that most others can only dream of. You need (and are in a position) to take a break, and I mean a proper one- not two weeks or a month, but a year, or two, or maybe even three. You worry that this will leave a gap in your work history, but honestly, up to the age of 24 or 25, this really shouldn’t be a problem in the long-term, and I’m talking from the perspective of someone with half a century of life experience behind them. You also need to put some distance between yourself and your family unit: it’s time to fly the nest. Travel is the obvious answer, and I know this isn’t the easiest of times, but there are still parts of the world where the pandemic looks to be largely under control, such as south-east Asia. Living life as a full-time cumdump doesn’t necessarily need to be the primary focus of such a journey, though it may well be a large part of it. Use the opportunity to work out what it is you really want to do with your life: it’s quite likely that your desire to devote yourself to full-time cumdumpery is in fact just a symptom of a general dissatisfaction with your current situation, and may fade to some extent if your allow space for other interests to come to the fore. Sure, you’ll probably always be a slut (and there’s nothing wrong with that), but it maybe that you’ll find other things in your life that mean you won’t want to be JUST a slut. No-one can tell you what to do: it’s your life, and it’s not about pleasing your mother, her BF, or some prospective employer five years down the line, worried about some two-year gap in your work record. Better to make this journey of self-discovery now, than having a full-blown midlife crisis in ten or twenty years time. Life is for living- get out there and live it!
    2 points
  22. Wrestle Coach Corrupts #2 The young blonde twins are cousins of the four brothers who play professionally local Rugby League team. The second eldest brother, Scott, had MSG Coach to ask about wrestle training for him & 3 bros. Coach, Captain, & I seduce the young surfy Twink twins, then suggest that the Twins invite their muscle stud rugby cousins round to coach's room. Coach has a grassed outdoor roof deck where we can set up massive wrestle mat next to the hot tub. Coach heard heard from his mate the Rugby Coach & sub-coach that they had caught four stud brothers in showers closely soaping each other's bodies, & exploring each other & stroking each other's 9.5" thick u/c English cocks with big pink mushroom heads. We all agree to the coach's game plan. Next day we bring blonde twink surfie twins to Coach's room & offer them some beers seeing they are kicking back & it's just us men. Little do they know that all our beers laced with strong g. Before it hits, Coach suggests we all jump in hot tub to relax & soak our bodies after the days training. The young twins are a bit hesitant & one says "...we didn't bring our speedos Coach." Captain says it's cool guys, it's just the boys from the team & Coach so why we skinny dip naked in hot tub. We are all men after all. The Twins grin & break out into a full smile they are excited by the idea of being naked with Coach & their two older team mates. Captain & I strip, blonde twins are shy but slowly strip. Coach notices their beautiful cocks are hardening, getting turned on by the manly sexual tension. Coach strips & follow twins into hot tub everyone admiring his ripped hard furry tanned muscled body. The twins remark on his "cool" Tatts then can't take their eyes off his huge thick still soft cock as Coach lowers himself into the hot tub. As we all relax in the warm water, the hot tub bubbles massaging our fit jock bodies the G starts to hit all of us, we four boys start to tease & play, our cocks bouncing over surface of water. Then Coach asks all of us boys if we want try the vitamin shots Coach wants whole team to have after matches, in shower room to "restore energy". Captain & I say yeah sure coach, we'll help. Twins don't want to be left out either. Coach hops out, goes into his room with a tray with rigs set up & his laptop & iPad. I notice Coach has selected his filthy chempig slammed raw orgy vid which he filmed at the last dad & son team camp. As the porn starts to play it's a new scene. This time, 6 slings & benches are set up under trees next to private beach. The beachside property is owned by one of Coach's mates, a rough Middle Eastern bi tatted furry muscle biker. The Biker Boss & club mates all get away from wives & girlfriends & get together for filthy week of bi slammed chempig raw orgies. This time though Coach struck a deal with biker boss drug lord that Coach & dad's happy to pimp boys from the wrestle team (& your own furry stud holes & cocks) if bikers supply the t g coke speed. The porn starts to play & I & other boys are in slings as Coach & dad's rim our holes. Bikers slam Coach & dad's with pure 2.0. Then they slam boys & I from team. As we are flying Coach & dad's start taking turns tag teaming us boys. Coach notices while he working my raw hole with his thick hard 9" cut cock that bikers are blasting each other. They all strip out of jeans & leather chaps. All massively built, tatted, furry. A german & black guy bikers approach & as Coach fucks me they alternate fucking coach's stud hole with their 10" cocks & feeding u & I their balls&cocks. The leb biker boss comes over & racks a few lines up on a mirror, feeding Coach, then the 6.5' massive built ripped 10" black bi furry dad who's slamming Coach's ass forcing his cock deeper into my tight jock boy hole . Then feeds filthy german who we are sucking, enjoying his PA, then feeds me a line, then Coach again, then himself. Leb Biker boss says he likes look of Coach's mouth & hole, Coach can take huge cock well & worship it. How about coach, leb biker boss & his two younger brothers man-at-arms all blast & oil up on wrestle mat in sun & the three hung chempig biker bros do a show with coach for his boys & their dad's. A blasted chempig incest raw tag team on coach's holes, show coach how much everyone enjoys the filthy weeklong chempig orgy coach organizes each quater. Coach & I are dragged off & boss & his two stud bros start exploring him & each other with oil. As they all wrestle cocks are in mouths & tongues tease & tongue fuck meaty furry muscle man cunt. The bros hold Coach down while boss double blasts him in each arm with pure 1.5 t. Then as Coach goes into crazed cock lust bros & boss blast same way. Then they force Coach on his back & younger bros slam fuck u with their 10' leb cocks while biker boss lowers his furry man cunt onto your face so you tongue worship. They tag team Coach. Then the boss lies on back on mat, Coach mounts his cock & one bros feeds hole to boss while other bros gently slides his 10" in Coach's hole nestled next to boss' cock. They tag double fuck raw leb orgy for hours as I & boys from team fuck with each other & dad's, doing shows for Coach & your leb incest biker bros orgy. Meanwhile I'm the hot tub- you've blasted 2 teen blonde twins, Captain, I & himself. The twins can't believe how amazing they feel & how horny they are. The softly whisper they want all of us to teach them... Teach them to please each other & Coach & Team mate... Teach them everything about man sex. I start to teach twins how to kiss men, while Captain sucks our cocks, i slide my tongue in their mouths & they respond immediately, their hard cocks are rubbing & bumping against our holes. The twins yell how awesome they feel, so insanely horned up, they always liked spending time with coach, capt, boys from team. & sort of fantasied about what it would be like to be gently seduced & taught how to enjoy & explore & please other boys & men. We are sucking their hard young u/c cocks while Captain oils ours. One of the twins looks Coach in the eye & confesses that being blasted while watching coach's & their team mate's filthy dad/ biker outdoor chempig orgy was most incredible filthy thing he's seen. His twin says they know the camp ground, their cousins the professional rugby players go camping there. & the leb bikers were at multiple pool parties their cousins hosted. Their mum would take them home but their Dad would stay & hang with his nephews & bikers & guys from the Rugby team. Twins wonder if cousins get involved with bikers, rugby team, & their Dad & slam & fuck raw in big muscle pool orgy after all women leave? The twins oiled cock heads are twitching against our hungry holes. Coach asks if they ever fucked a guy before? Have they slide their huge boy stud cocks up another mans ass & filled his hole ? No coach- we are virgins. We want u & capt to teach us, we want to make you feel as amazing as you make us feel right now. We want to fuck you. Coach order the twins to slide their hard oiled 9.5 u/c cocks slowly up Coach's & Captain's hole. They feel incredible after the awesome blast, the men are cock hungry. As twins bury their cocks up Coach's & Captain's man cunts they lean forward & tongue each other's mouths. Then Coach suggests that next weekend they bring their cousins the four Rugby players to his place for end of season party. Coach & I organise the leb bikers chapter & the other boys from team @ their Dad's to attend. Wrestle Coach Corrupts #3 There are 40 of us & we all get picked up at a Harbourside wharf by Leb Biker Boss' massive motor cruiser & cruise the Harbour all night. Not everyone realises that drinks are spiked. With the lines of coke being sucked up the atmosphere above & below decks becomes sexually intense. The twink twins bring their four rugby cousins over to introduce Coach, Captain & I. The eldest Laurie (30), Scot (28) and the two younger brothers, blonde identical twin Tony & Geoff (24). They are high, feeling horny, & are saying how much they appreciate Coach looking out for their young twin cousins. We are all getting horny rubbing against each other as boat bobs around. The four football brothers have massive rock hard bulging bodies from training & playing professionally & feel great as the boat rocks & we bounce against each other. By the evidence of the bulge in their board shorts they must be as hung as their young twin cousins. Leb biker boss & his 2 bros invite us all to his private cabin- a massive state room. The cruise capt, a hot furry silver fox Italian & the hot young South American crew are assembled. Leb biker boss explains that he had never thought to bring coach's wrestle team & the rugby team together but glad coach had thought of it. So as a reward we were all his personal guests & that we were to enjoy the best party favours & the other stud guests & crew. The cruiser is moored in a secluded & harbour cove that has a private beach. Coach notices that Rugby player Scot & his twin bros Tony & Geoff start to explore & undress us while we slide their shirts over their huge shoulders. The blonde twins & Captain are stripping & being stripped by silver fox Cruise Captain & his hot Brazilian boy crew. As everyone is naked & and starting to suck cock, rim muscled ass, tongue mouths the Biker boss & his brothers come round & start to blast Coach & I and four Rugby bros. We all collapse on bed coughing 6 or 7 times as the rush consume us. Cocks rock hard- biker boss just slammed us with personal freshly cooked pure t- 2.0 for everyone. Coach & I find that we service the four rugby stud bros. They tag team our mouths & man cunts with their 9.5 thick u/c pink cocks. As older rugby bros, Laurie, slam fucks Coach, Scot slam fucks me, their blonde twin bros slide their raw cocks up their brothers furry cunts. Then their twin Twink cousins appear next to us with their stud furry fireman Dad. Scot suggests that blonde Twink cousins double fuck their Dad while Scot & his bros double fuck Coach & I. Coach mounts Scots hard dripping u/c cock, I mount his older Bro Laurie's equally sized cock, then twins slide up us, rubbing their raw cocks against their bros. The onboard slammed raw chempig orgy continues to Dawn only to be interrupted by water police. A hot furry stud Sarg & 5 young new recruits. Biker boss invites them on board while the orgy continues below deck. Sarg clearly knows biker boss & announces all in order. One of cabin boys offers young cops a juice. They all linger Perving on hot sailor. Sarg winks to boss & whispers been craving to seduce these boys with u mate. The two dark hair boys are my sons & others are their mates in cops AFL Team. What do u think? When g kicks in we get a few of your Brazilian cabin boys up here with speedos & help them out of their uniforms. & as they are being sucked or sucking each other u & I slam my boys. Then u & I & your biker mates can take their cherry holes & teach them how boys should pleasure older muscled dom men? Boss says I can go one better. Let's slam them bring them down to my state cabin throw them in slings & let their cop cunts be used by Coach Phil & his wrestle team. We've also got the four professional Rugby brothers down there too. My two bros & biker mates muscle & silver fox Italian capt & his muscle whore Latin cabin boys. We've all been enjoying each other in a filthy slammed raw taboo orgy since last night. Sarg says fuck that wrestle coach is a filthy bastard. On his way back from his Dad & son camp each year he gets me & other bi closet highway patrol guys to pull bus over, arrest everyone. As we are throwing everyone in cell he bargains with me & 4 patrol guys that he & his team & dad's will do anything we ask want, or need if we let them go. I say there is a lot us cops will need from a hot sexy bunch of prisoner studs. I say they should all strip for us. As they do all boys & dad' get hard as do us cops. Coach says we shouldn't look in pocket in his bag. We do & find a stack of rigs prepared with meth. I ask Johno & Smithy if they remember when we busted the all male stripper crew & how they offered to get us partied up & let us use every hole until we fed multiple loads up their holes? Sure Sarg, they taught us how to slam. Good- let's slam this lot & enjoy ourselves for next day or two. We don't need to charge them for a couple of days while we investigate. You don't mind coach do u? Slam u & your boy wrestle sluts & their dad's & you show us what you teach these boys up at this camp? The cops come in & boys start to strip them. Sarg & cops blast coach & dad's first, then boys from teams who feast on Dad's & coach's cocks & holes then they blast themselves. As cops slide on floor of cell Dad's coach & boys join them sucking bi cop cock, riming muscled furry bi man holes, feeding hard dripping cocks into cock starved cop mouths. Cops order coach & dad's all fours, slide their rock hard massive cocks up holes then order boys to work their stud cops holes tag teaming cops while they rape coach & dad's hole raw. Aftert two days of investigating a coach who organizes taboo perverse Dad/ son raw chemfuelled drug pig orgies where innocent boys from the wrestle team are blasted with meth then used as chemed whores by Coach, Dad's, older bros & uncles in raw incest orgy all week, even pimped out to local biker drug lords. After 2 days in cells we we were exhausted & went back to Coach's place to relax & soak in his hot tub.
    2 points
  23. Id been a hesitant, guilty feeling bb bottom countless times in my past. I would always slut out and feel terrible and hold off for months, always to slut out again. My attitude changed significantly, when in vegas on a trip I caught a variety of bugs, but would live with hiv and herpes forever. For months I went through doctors appointments, the fallout in my relationship, the difficulties resulting both health and home from that event. Despite how I got it I behaved myself entirely, no sex at all, for quite awhile. My medication has not been very successful, and with the pandemic my appointments were fewer and further between. My viral Load was still sky high, and I wasnt exactly feeling my best. But alone in my new apartment, with nothing but work to keep me busy, my sluttiness began to resurge. I saw that somehow, out of the blue, club orlando had reopened. Though apparently much of what I loved about the place was still closed, guys could meet and hook up there again. I said the same things to myself I always did, ill suck some cock so I dont feel so horny, and left right away. The hours were shorter so I got there much earlier than normal, and noticed a fair number of cars nearby. I paid for a room, having heard the darkrooms were closed, and went in. some guys were still in masks walking around, and the crowd was in general older than i was used to, but it was still surprisingly busy. I was rock hard when I got to my room, I sniffed some poppers and put down my towel, leaving my door open. Wanting to see where the action was, I left naked with nothing but a mask, feeling more confident after losing all the weight I have. just 2 doors down I saw a guy who reminded me of myself not long ago, mid 20s, chubby, and on all fours sucking a fat black cock. Ive been a total bottom forever, but my dick twitched, and I could feel drops of precum at its tip. id never been so hard in my life, and with 60 pds off my waist my cock felt bigger than ever. The man being sucked waved me in, and I put my hands on the bottoms ass. I felt his asshole, tight, dry, he hadnt been fucked yet. I reached for lube at the nearby table, and started working my fingers in the bottoms asshole, he hadnt even looked up from his work. I stroked my cock, it was practically drooling, id never felt this way before. I looked at the condoms on the stand nearby, and remembered I wasnt just some neg guy anymore. It didnt seem to matter, I felt myself climb on the bed behind this guy, and start rubbing my ill admit still fairly small cock against his now wet asshole. I realized I was essentially dripping poison onto his hole, and felt a wave of lust. The realization gripped me as I held my cock steady and plunged its drippy length into his tight asshole. I shoved it hard as far as I could into him, and with it buried deep in his ass I immediately started cumming. I emptied a massive nut into his asshole, shuddering and gasping as I filled him with my diseased cum. I staggered back and left the room, leaving them behind, and made my way back to my room. I grabbed some lube and began slathering my asshole madly, then immediatley bent over on the bed with my asshole up. less than a minute later, hands began slapping my asscheeks, and I hit my poppers as a complete stranger I could not see lined up his raw cock and slid nicely into my ass. I grunted in lust, and moaned and begged for him to cum in me. He was stubby and short, an old man, but he dumped his load into my ass fast, and I was so turned on it was difficult to think. I was rock hard again, like magic, and I motioned him to bend over. He had to be 60, with a saggy ass and bald head. He bent over and I grabbed him and shoved my cock into him in one hard thrust. I fucked him as hard as I could for a few minutes, though I was struggling to hold off. Id never once felt the urge to top, but I was loving it. Several bystanders were at the door, and I told them anyone who wanted my ass could have it. saying that to them sent me over the edge, and I blew a second load into the old mans asshole. One of the bystanders asked if I knew my status as he fingered my hole, and I said I was poz. The old man I just fucked looked upset, and asked me again. I said yea I figured we were swapping poz loads. He left visibly distressed, I remembered the feeling. The man whod asked first slipped behind me and slowly worked his dick into my ass. He was big, but I was ready, he whispered in my ear that he had more poz cum for me, and I felt my dick twitch yet again, despite its second load. I had 3 more quick fucks after, each less than a minute, as older gents took turns using my ass. I was fucked out, and the club would close soon, so I got back in the car, but my cock was still hard. I felt cum dripping out of my asshole, and hopped on grindr on the drive home. I saw a profile, 18, "never done this before" a guy who wanted a small cock top to take anal for the first time. My cock started to hurt from the swelling. we started chatting, and suddenyl I saw the question that would ruin everything "Are you poz?" on the screen. I knew the law, I knew the ethics, I knew the right thing to do. My cock twitched as I went to affirm, but it was like I didnt have control, I typed "No, tested and neg" which was followed immediately by his address. I got the directions to his apartment, and when he let me in I was shocked. He was tiny, maybe 5'6, no body or facial hair, looked fresh out of highschool. I towered over him, I felt powerful, and I felt my cock slowly leak into my pants. I remembered what had worked for me, and walked in without acknowledging his greeting, undoing my pants. He nervously asked if I wanted a drink, but I stripped and sat on the couch, stroking my cock. I motioned to the floor in front of me, and he seemed nervous. "Suck it" I said, putting force into my voice, and he slowly crawled down and put his lips over my hard cock. I stripped off his shorts and began to lick my fingers and open up his asshole. I forcefully shoved my cock into his throat as I leaned over him, hearing him gag and choke. I had him moaning and gagging with 3 fingers in his small ass and my poz cock slowly leaking its poison down his innocent throat. I pulled him up into my lap, he made some protestrations, told me he had condoms in the drawer, I just ignored him and helped him into my lap, kissing him when he woudlnt shut up. he wriggled in my lap, each time I lined up his hole with my cock hed panic and wiggle away a bit. I pulled away from the kiss and looked him in the eyes "Sit on my cock faggot" The words struck him, Id felt the power of them before. I kissed him deep, pinned his hips with my arms, and felt him really struggle. He tried to bat away my hands, wriggle his ass, use his knees to get away, but never broke the kiss. I was twice his size and before long he began to weaken and I forced his ass into place. I felt his mewls of pain as I trapped him and slid my raw dick into his virgin teen asshole. He was still trying to stop me, as I used all my strength to slowly bury myself to the hilt, and then back. his resistance gave way entirely, and within seconds he melted into my mouth and I was working his ass on my cock like a human fleshlight. "Dont cum in me" he murmered, and I assured him I wouldnt. soon he was riding me without my input, slowly working those hips back and forth while sucking on my kneck. I felt the need rise in my cock, and I pulled him and kissed him deep again. I picked him up and put him on his back on the couch, and began hammer fucking his asshole as hard as I could. he squealed and cried and moaned and I couldnt hold back. I flooded his tiny asshole with my poz cum, shoving it deep in and holding it to keep the poison deep. I left like the place was on fire, didnt even put on my shoes, leaving him gasping on the couch.
    1 point
  24. Into control of faggots working as cumdumps To be bred and used as they deserve. If your interested report to me.
    1 point
  25. Safe Sex Only Advertisement (Part 1) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** My friends and I met on a friday night in one of those gay leather bars. We knew each other for quite a while and were comfortable with us being positive through and through. It was for us quite a sport to convert innocent guys, but times are rough with all the prep around. And all of a sudden Brian ‘happened’. Brian was a cute blonde angelic twink, who had the goal to prevent other guys from practicing unsafe sex. The night he came to our table, he greeted us friendly and asked if we would enjoy the evening. Probably all of us got an instant hard-on. There he appeared, like an angel on the borderline to hell and we were sitting in the shadows, lurking for his innocence. Of course we asked him for which organization he volunteered. ‘None’ was his answer. That made us curious and so we started our conversation which led Brian to take a seat at our table and tell us about his story. After introducing ourselves we moved on. “So…. Brian. It is interesting to meet you. I mean such a young guy working on such an important subject is not so usual” Brian beamed and was willing to tell us about his reasons. “I didn’t come out to my parents yet. I mean… with 18 I just didn’t find the right moment to open up.” We nodded understandingly getting probably wet spots on our jeans from our leaking dicks already. “Then I met another guy on a chat. That was a year ago, but he used me only and since we had bareback sex I was very scared about HIV and stuff” he continued. “Understandable and so grown-up” “I see it as my duty to the gay community to warn them about the risks of getting stuff you know?” he blabbered. “Of course it is” we agreed wholeheartedly. I could see all my chaps were already in the hunting mode. It was our time to make the next move now and so I opened with a made-up story about an advertising company who was looking for male models, to star in an HIV commercial. He listened to my lies – in which we had found a twink-model, but that the guy turned out to be positive and since we would record dangerous scenes it was not justified to endanger our other active participants. We had to fire this guy and so the big deal was off and we would probably lose our jobs by the end of next week. “Why? I mean it is not your fault that your star was sick.” “But our bosses won’t care if we are guilty or not. They want to see results. It is a tough business…” we expressed with sad eyes. “Hey…. aaaaw… forget it” a pal of mine (Mark) interfered. “What is it?” the little angel wanted to know. “You would be ideal for the role of the innocent twink. You look young and would fit into age gap we want to reach with the advertisement” he explained. It was only one way he could react and that was with a polite rejection. “That’s too bad – see you could safe some of your twink friends with this add, instead of coming to bars or clubs. I bet people try to hit on you. You know what I mean? Your issue is so honorable and still there are so many guys out here who try to get into your pants. With this add it would be different you know? Yeah – they would see your cute face of course, but they would see the message behind it” Then he revealed his true problem. Since he wasn’t out of the closet, he was scared his parents or neighbors or probably his friends would see this. That was the reason he was scared about mostly. “Uhm… we work for an international advertising company with a european branch” and we explained to him, that this spot was only for the european market. We assured him, that it wouldn’t be shown in the US. “It won’t be even shown on the internet, only in certain cinemas in the opening credits, because of its open sexual content.” another friend of mine (Oliver) explained. “But we are dealing with a serious subject here” I added. “Guys… guys… our other models are gone too. The active studs – remember?” the third pal (Morton) mentioned. “Damn he is right… although, we could take the part. We are active and well hung and we are all negative” With that I assured him again we would be healthy and all over nine inches. “Our company would pay you and your time of course. The checks could be payable to you. All we need is your address and last name. We would handle the rest then. “Uhm… how much would I get…. if I am willing to participate in the educational spot” Brian asked and was obviously ashamed of bringing the subject of payment to the table. “Depends on how long we work on you and how much you are willing to do – we could explain that all to you, but only if you are actually interested” I told him. Of course he understood, that it would be a waste of time explaining all this, if he wouldn’t want to do it anyway and so he signaled to us, that he would love to a part in this advertisement. That was a great offer and after some exchange we welcomed him happily on our team. “What do I have to do?” he asked innocently. “Well – we need two days for this shoot. First we would film all the risky scenes, the bareback and stuff” we explained. “Bareback? No way! That is way too dangerous.” he revolted. We had to realize, that we didn’t have a young and good looking twink at our table, but also a stupid one and so it was necessary to get him back where he belonged. On our POZ cocks. “Actually our company requires an HIV and STD test every four weeks. You are the high risk factor here. You are young and attractive – it is highly possible, that you are sick already!” “No way – I had only one boyfriend and he was the only one getting into me without a condom. And since we broke up, I waited my share of time and made a test and it came out negative.” Brian answered. “See – and that is why, we are willing to take the risk with you, since we are totally positive about being healthy too” I confused him. “Do you guys have a studio?” he asked. The little brat caught us but Tim came to our rescue. “Our budget is big enough to rent a studio but our clients in europe want the spot as real as possible – so we wanted to start with some shoots here in the bar and then in a cheap hotel down the street. Only if it looks authentic, people will probably recognize the scheme and avoid this situation in future.” Brian nodded understandingly and mentioned that there are so many dangerous places around to be fucked up with HIV. “There are so many filthy toilets or guys get infected because the fuck around in a back seat of a car” he added. We agreed on that and discussed if we should do some sequels on the toilets but Morton argued against it. He brought us back to our client’s wishes (a lie: there was no client) and said it had to be a casual meeting between a boy slut and some POZ studs. “Too bad we only got our high definition mobile cams with us (a lie: we referred to the cams of our mobile phones). Our other gear is in our hotel and this is on the other side of the town. Those mobile cams are property of our company and they are really good” we fabricated but Brian believed every word we said by now. Almost like old friends we ordered him a beer and clinked glasses. He refused at first, since he didn’t like alcohol at all, but we convinced him to drink with us. In the end we had something to celebrate. He asked us to be kind to him. He had no experience with being an actor. “Of course – and remember it is all a reference to dangerous sex acts. We will penetrate you of course, but we are not shooting a porn movie or so. It will be still tasteful and show only the hint of risky behavior. If the scenes are too much hardcore after all, they will be edited anyways. So don’t worry about it.” We would explain every scene to him before shooting it. It was only important for him to know, that on the first night we would record the scheduled ‘unsafe’ scenes and on the other night we would do the ‘safe’ scenes and the contract between him and our fake company would be signed. The second night would never happen though. After another glass of whiskey, we decided it was time to set off. Brian was a little bit tipsy and as we left the bar, two of us helped Brian to walk straight. It was a funny sight. He looked so small and thin. His 5.4 foot and our over 6 foot tall bodies would make a nice contrast. I couldn’t wait to shoot my toxic load into his small and tight ass…
    1 point
  26. When i was younger my friend's father whored me out to groups of men. After one time he looked at me lying naked on a cum stained mattress and asked me why i liked it so much. My response was to grab his bare cock and roll over, exposing my ass and i told him that dick belonged in my ass. Ever since i'vd known i was just a hole to be used by men to nut in and relieve their stress. Any other bottoms feel this way? Tops, what do you think when a bottom asks to be used like that?
    1 point
  27. On a 18 days road trip. Bf hasn’t been too sexual so I’ve resorted to local-guys-tasting. Rough start at Denver. A really hot Stanford kid was interested . I went to his service apartment and it required a card to access the elevator. He won’t come down and get me and kept asking me to tailgate. I tried and failed, and the strict security of the building made me uneasy. He has the audacity to ask me to keep trying, after a twenty minutes of failed attempt. This is the my third bad experience with a Stanford guy, would be my last for now. Left the building, an average looking poz cub nearby asked if I wanted to fuck. I went straight over, he took me down to his basement. He lubed up my ass and kept fucking me doggy while interracial porn is playing loudly at the background. He then turn me over and said, “do you want my load?” “yes please,daddy,” I said. He opened my leg wide and pounded me real hard, unloading in me eventually. My boy pussy was satisfied. Another example that average looking guys often provide better experience than the hot ones.
    1 point
  28. I've only had it happen once. I hadn't cum in over a week and the dick that was fucking me, was hitting just the right spot.
    1 point
  29. Amazing bud. Love Colt corrupting Austin.
    1 point
  30. Can’t wait to read Austin’s journey into the dark twisted universe but as another wrote pleas tell how colt got into this. Thanks for another hot story.
    1 point
  31. Yeah that’s the conclusion I’ve come to myself. I’ve recently bought more gear and toys. I was tempted by these things, but decided to spend the money on stuff guys can use on me, rather than stuff I’d just use myself. Maybe next time. Thanks!
    1 point
  32. And the student becomes the master. Sweet. My cock loves the direction this is going. 😜
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. This is my first time writing something here, I hope you enjoy. I moved to a new city about 2 months ago after leaving a messy relationship. I eventually downloaded the apps, Grindr, Growlr, Scruff, hoping to find at least some kind of action and see who is around. I mentioned in my profile that I was 420 friendly, and this guy with no photo or profile info messaged me asking if I needed some. Long story short we get to talking and I get what I need from him, he brings it by my place and mind you, I still didn't know what he looks like, I hopped in his car real quick to say hi, and to my delight, there was a tall, handsome black man who looked equally as pleased to see me as I felt to see him. There was some sort of spark there, but I'm normally a shy guy, and panicked and dipped out not sure if I was quite ready for anything despite the stirring in my shorts. After he left, and I was kicking myself, I got a text; "Wanna hookup?" The bluntness turned me on, but I was still unsure of myself, and I made up an excuse about this or that. We started talking, and did the back of forth of the I'm into you, yeah me too, we should bang sometime, yada yada. Normal talk from most guys you meet online. We met another time, and again, my nerves got the best of me. I was worried he would loose interest, but he was also the weed man, so there's not really a lack of communication for very long. Today our meeting turned out very differently. He asked me to meet him in a part of town I had not been to before, and I half expected something sketchy, well, sketchier than what I was already doing. He had me meet him in the parking garage beside a mall, and the time of day and the weather turned out perfect for a very dark corner in the back of the garage, where we both pulled in beside each other. I was hesitant, but he didn't skip a beat. He jumped out of his car, came over and jumped into mine. I'm such an awkward person, but luckily I had mentioned being terrible at making the first move to him previously after our last meeting. He very bluntly said "If I pull me cock out, will you suck it?" I replied. "Fuck yes." We adjusted the seats a little and I got up on my knees on the driver seat and leaned over and swallowed his cock as fast as he pulled it out. He smelled and tasted so good. It was intoxicating. I could feel my heart beating in my ears as his hand found his way into my shorts and straight to my hole. I whimpered around his cock as his fingers traced my ass. He pushed my head down further and said "Shit stay there, someone's coming." and I was gagging, but also afraid of getting caught I didn't want to move. I had his cock lodged in my throat, the smell of his manhood filling my nose, and a finger just starting to enter my ass. Everything was perfectly still as I heard a car lock from somewhere nearby. The only thing moving was my throat struggling to accommodate this huge cock invading it. He finally let me up and I caught my breath and he looked so satisfied and it turned me on even more and made me want to take it further. Unfortunately, my car is tiny, and filled with stuff for work, so there's not much room, especially for a stocky bear to get fucked by a tall and built black man. So we took it outside and I got on my hands and knees in the parking garage facing the road and offered my ass up to him. He quickly grabbed my ass and spread my cheeks open to spit on my hole which made me slip out another whimper of desire. He knew I was ready and we never talked about status or condoms, and as the thought came to my mind, his cock started pushing inside me and I didn't care anymore. I just started pushing back to get more of him inside me. He crouched down behind me and didn't waste any time fucking. His big cock was sliding in and out of me and I could feel him throbbing, and hard as a rock. Some headlights caught our attention and moved super close to us, and as the car got closer, I backed up so I wouldn't be visible on my knees from under the car. As I backed up, I took all of his cock inside me. The headlights were still coming closer and I hear him say "Shit shit shit" then I feel his nut flooding my hole as the pulses surge through his cock and into my guts. It had been so long since I felt a big load splatter my insides. He pulled out quick and jumped up and headed to his car, smiled and waved as he drove away, while I pulled my shorts back up over my jockstrap. When I got home, some cum must have leaked out of my ass and onto my shorts and my car seat had a big wet spot. I love being used and I'm loving the free perks of texting the weedman.
    1 point
  35. A lot of good things have already been said, but one thing I've learned when confronting and trying to deal with fantasies is that the grass is always greener on the other side until you get to the other side when you start noticing all the things that are wrong with it and you start rethinking the side you were on or start looking for the next side to jump to. Time and again, this has proven to be true. Most of us have been really great sluts without the need to quit work full time.
    1 point
  36. It was last year when I met this guy on Grindr, a flight attendant having a stopover in town. He was looking for someone to dump his load, so I invited him over, waited ass up on my bed. After he entered, he pulled out his cock, shoved it in my ass and blew his load, maybe a minute later.
    1 point
  37. I experienced very much the same thing as @BB4fking wrote. I was very shy in meeting guys and very rarely fucked bare, so PrEP was really a liberation for me. I never used a condom ever since and didn't ask the guys for their status neither. Furthermore, every load I receive makes me even hornier and willing to take more cum. So I didn't experience any negative effect on my sex drive at all.
    1 point
  38. I'm not sure about the Billy Santoro look alike, but the other guy is Riley Mitchell, who is generally a giant bottom.
    1 point
  39. May or may not. I sure as hell won’t vote for a deranged lunatic like Joe Biden. I wouldn’t trust him with anything.
    1 point
  40. So Alex and I have been fucking Can three or four times a week for about three weeks now. The kid is a stud, he takes loads like a champ and he picked up really quick how to use his 8 inch cock like a pro. He came to me Friday night at work and ask if he could bring a friend over on Saturday. He still hadn't told his mom he was gay and I could understand why, his mom was a tornado on a normal day, cant imagine when she was pissed. I said yes so after work on Saturday I came home about 9:30 (I got off early) and Can and his new friend had let themselves in and were in the guest bedroom. Alex and I slept together in my room. I could hear the boys making all kids of noise and knew they where having fun. I started preparing supper and about the time I finished Can came walking in naked as the day he was born and said smells good, he got a glass of water and I ask if he and his friend would like something to eat, I had plenty. Before he could answer his friend popped around the corner also naked. When I turned to look at him I realized he also worked at the restaurant, he was a buss boy. He his name was Max and he was a shy kid about 5'5" and maybe a 100 pounds soaking wet, bright orange shaggy hair and freckles from head to toe. He never looked anyone in the eye and was a very quite boy. He quickly ducked back around the corner and Can took off after him. A few minutes later they came out and ate. The conversation around the table was nonexistent as the boys more or less couldn't keep from touching each other. It was cute. As they were leaving I told Can he looked a little flush and asked how he felt. He said a little run down and he had a headache but said he was okay. I smiled and as I kissed him goodby and said tell your mom before she finds out your getting sick because if its what I think it is she will find out you are poz and gay at the same time. The next day Can's stepdad told me Can was sick and would not be in. I knew the hammer would drop at home and then at work soon once him mom found out I probably pozed her son. Can ended up in the hospital and was very sick for a few days. We had not gone to see him not knowing if his mom knew but Alex had sent him text messages and he said he was better and would be home soon. We kept Max informed as he for some reason did not have a cell phone and the kid started to warm up a little to us and talk some. A week went by and Can called me before work on Monday and said she knows and is on her way to the restaurant. I'm sorry for what ever she says and does. I love you guys and as soon as I can I will be over. I told him it was okay and went to work ready for the storm to blow in. She was waiting in my office when I walked in and told me not to take my coat off I was fired. She then read me the riot act about how I infected her son and ruined his life and on and on. During the 20 minutes or so of lecture I packed up my knives and removed my thumb drive that had all my recipes and event bookings. I never stored anything on the computer and then cleared the computer. As I walked out she screamed for me to tell my boy toy he was fired as well and that she would not have faggots working for her. I laughed and said bitch not counting us you have 5 others, I tuned and walked out. I got home told Alex what had happened. We knew it was coming so had already planed to leave and open our own place. Just across the street. I had received an inheritance a few years back and had put it in the bank to make money till I was ready to open my own place. I called the realtor for the old Greek place and with in 2 weeks we were getting ready to open. I had been making plans for years so everything was ready. The last few items of equipment came in and we started looking for a staff. During all of this Can had moved in with us because his mom wanted to send him to a camp that would "fix him and make him straight again". We all got a good laugh at that. And Max who was raised in the foster system and was living in a transitional house with other and a lot of rules had moved in as well. He and Can sharing a room. The boys fucked every waking minute of the day when they were not helping us get the new place ready. One week the boys had been having some arguments and had a lot of tension between them. The Saturday before the soft opening on Monday Alex and I had sat down to eat and about half way through the meal Max came out and asked if one of us would fuck Can. We both where shocked and before we could answer Can came out and said don't both boys were on the verge of tiers. I asked what was wrong and Can said nothing everything is okay but Max said I can't fuck my boyfriend! I asked why and Can said they don't need to know. Max just lowered his pants and said because of this. I saw his neatly trimmed pubes and the smallest dick I had ever seen. It was maybe and inch long if that. With tears rolling he said his mom had used drugs while pregnant with him and had an overdose the night he was born. He had been told by the Dr's that was the reason he had a small dick and because of the small dick his foster bother and foster father had abused and used him and had pozed him. Can said when he comes its amazing he shoots a gallon and it goes about 6 feet. He smiled and said and his dick gets hard as steel I fucking love it. Max said but you want fucked and I can't do that for you. I didn't know what to say, frankly I was still looking at the tiny dick and envisioning it shooting cum 6 feet. Finally I said we could buy a strap on and Max said I want you two to fuck him while he fucks me. He looked up and looked me in the eyes and said please! I walked up and reached out and took a hold of the smallest dick I had ever seen and I felt it get hard as steel I leaned in and kissed him as I reached over and pulled in Can. I told both boys I loved them and as Alex joined us I said lets go to the bedroom. Alex climbed on the bed and and with his head over the side started sucking my dick while I started eating Max's ass. Can was working between Alex and Max"s dicks sucking each one like he hadn't eaten in days. After about five minutes Can stood over Alex and lowered his ass on to Can dick with Max guiding it in. Can moaned out a very loud fuck me, as Max said fuck that god damn ass like the fucking whore he is. I slipped in behind Max and started eating his ass while he watched his boyfriend get fucked by my boyfriend. It was hot so fucking hot. Max looked back at me and said I need a god damn cock in my ass fuck me Jay fuck me. So I slid up and slowly pushed my dick in his hungry hole. While he whispered in to Can's ear "god damn he's got a big cock" Can turned his head around and started kissing Max after a few seconds he broke the kiss and said Jay fuck the hell out of his ass fuck that ass like your life depended on it. About that time Alex pushed up hard in to Can I he gasped as he and Max started kissing again. We fucked like this for about 20 minutes or so then Can moved around and asked if he could fuck Max I pulled out and Can bent down and sucked my dick clean then tuned spit on Maxes ass and shoved in hard. Max screamed FUCK!! and Can said shut the fuck up bitch Can then looked at me and said fuck my as god damn it I need your fucking dick in me. I saw Alex crawl up under Max and start sucking his small dick and Max started sucking Alex. It didn't take long before I shot my first load of the nigh deep in Can's ass. As I pulled out Alex came out from under Max with cum dripping from his chin. He looked at me and said it was the best cum he had ever eaten then he climbed in behind Can and started eating his ass. I stood over Max and allowed Can to clan my dick again. Then I moved down to Max and shoved my dick in his mouth and told him to suck. I could tell Can came once with me in his ass and now just after a few minutes with Alex in his ass he was shooting his second load in to Max I moved so I was under Max and started licking the cum dripping from his ass and the base of Can's dick as it went in and out. Can was hard as a rock and still fucking his man and my man was getting close, I could tell my his breathing. Alex moaned out that he was cumming and physically shook as he shoot his load in Can's ass. He pulled out and I said let Max clean you off and he did. Can pulled out of Max and I cleaned his dick for him. We were all exhausted and after resting a few I said damn I gotta piss. Max jumped up and asked if I would piss on him? I looked at Can and he shrugged his shoulders and said I do it all the time. He loves to drink piss. All four of us ended up in the shower pissing and on Max and at one point Alex dropped down and took so piss as well. We cleaned up and I took the boys to dinner. What a fucking night.
    1 point
  41. I do Clapham Common and Hyde Park Corner mostly
    1 point
  42. Looking forward to the chapter on group therapy !
    1 point
  43. From my first cock at an early age (my dads) to the first time I fucked my own sons... never a condom. I taught my kids to breed freely and never use a condom.....if any of the kids friends want to fuck it must be raw.
    1 point
  44. Having aids cum in my neg Pussy makes me feel so alive!
    1 point
  45. I LOVE these types of breeding videos: Here's my first contribution: TWO DESPERATE HORNY ANON TOPS BREEDING CUMDUMP BOTTOM [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/butt-5396746
    1 point
  46. Hi! 21 y/o sub faggot bottom looking for a Missouri City/ Sugarland/ South Houston Master/ Dom to use and abuse me and whore me out to their friends! HMU for further detail or if you’re interested!
    1 point
  47. I'm in the Vienna/Trysons area, would love to come to Richmond to serve you!
    1 point
  48. Last werkend I had so much fun. Since a couple weeks Ihave a new buddy. Max is 18yo and a sleazy fuckboy. I met him at a parking and I took him home, where we had long and perv sex. He is a skinny tall boy that does bb since a young age. He told me he wanted me to meet his familly and invited me for the weekend. In the weeks before he told me alot about his 2 brothers and his parents. He lives in a shady/trailertrash area (got lots of pozfriends there) with lots of horny neighbors. He got me hard by the stories about his gay brothers and bi-sexual parents. At my arrival he brought me into the house were I heard lots of sex noisses and I noticed all the doors from the rooms were removed. That weekend I had a lot of sex and saw all of his family naked. Last weekend I went back and arrived an hour to early. I went inside and up to his room. In the hallway I heard him moan and looked for him. I found him in his parents bedroom getting fucked by his dad and facefucked by one of his brothers. It was so hot that I got naked and joined in. I fucked his brother and fot fucked by the 3 of them that weekend. I still am hard thinking about it and going back this weekend for more bare fun. Does anyone has a samelike experience?
    1 point
  49. Hairy cub asses are a weakness of mine. As is cumming inside them.
    1 point
  50. He had a strong jaw line with a the beginnings of beard shadow beginning to form, medium brown hair, sharp green eyes and a broad muscular frame. Despite the obvious power of his muscular arms he lacked the definition that came with manhood, his soon to be hulking form still soft and a little boyish. There was however nothing boyish about the stench of sweat that pored off of him as he pulled his wife beater off to reveal his broad tan chest and stomach. Sprouting up from his shorts grew a thick and enticing line of hair that hinted at the man he was soon to become, and in the center of his chest a thin patch of hair had started to from. As he walked closer he kicked off his shoes, pulled of his socks and dropped his shorts, deftly kicking them off to the side. He closed the last few feet of distance to where I knelt on my bedroom floor, cum dripping from my gaping and over flowing ass, in only his sweat-stained jockstrap. This guy may have only been just 18 but he was already a filthy fucker, his meaty cock strained against the thin yellowing fabric of his jock. He pulled his jock to the side allowing his already throbbing cock to spring forward and after smacking me in the face with it a few time he said, “Get that cock down your throat faggot.” I could taste sweat on his shaft as I desperately strained my jaw to accommodate his substantial girth. Slowly I worked his shaft into my mouth, slurping away at his meat as he moaned. “Man, faggots always suck cock better then chicks,” he said, “I gotta get in that sloppy hole though. Show me that cum dump hole.” Without hesitation I pulled off of his cock and presented my cum filled hole to him. “Yeah, that’s gonna feel good wrapped around my cock,” he said rubbing his cock up and down my slick crack. He only teased my hole for a moment though before slamming his whole length and girth into me. Had I not already been so well lubed with cum I would never have been able to take him as quickly as I did but as it was he slid home and started to jack rabbit away like the over excited 18-year-old that he was. “You want me to blow my load in your hole faggot?” “Yes please!” “Dump my jock boy load in your faggot cunt?” “Yes, breed my cunt.” “Oh: I will faggot, don’t you worry.” He held onto my hips and bucked deep and hard every time. The apartment was filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin and now the stench of sweat and cum was becoming even more overwhelming. “I’m gonna fill your sweet hole with my load boy, shit,” he panted, “Gonna save your number too and whenever I cant get a bitch to take my cock I’ll come use your faggot ass. Oh, shit. I’m not gonna last. Here comes my load fag.” The jock held his cock just inside my hole with only the head left within my sphincter, he cock throbbing as he slot volley after volley of cum into my already filled and slackened hole. “Fuck, your hole is so warm and even after taking so many cocks feel nice and tight against my cock. Whoever fucked your cunt first today must have had the sweetest hole ever. I’m coming back for more another day.” Then he got dressed again, and left. My phone chirped.
    1 point
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