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  1. Part 23 - The Hooded Figure Returning home Conrad went straight to his house where his parents, grandparents and Charlie had all arrived. Despite throwing up again when they landed at the manor he shut down the queasiness happy to see his parents and unable to control his tears. What had only been a few months felt like years and once Conrad and his mother had stopped crying he told them that Simon was hosting a dinner for them all at the manor. Harry stood at the bottom of the path nervous as hell and his feet stuck to the pavement unable to carry him forward. He could do with his parents and brother being here right now for support, his attention was drawn to the front door opening and Charlie standing there looking at him. A huge sigh of relief appeared on his face seeing a familiar face, Charlie walked along the path to Harry and picked him up swinging him around in his arms happy to see him. His worry was unfounded and he charmed the pants off Conrad's parents, despite his father being a little cautious at first until he saw how much Charlie liked Harry and acted like they had been brothers for years. The grandparents still somewhat perplexed by it all took longer to come around and still looked on it as unnatural, they couldn't deny how happy Harry made Conrad. Adam and Jamal were staying clean of the manor tonight and helping Dexter move in. At precisely 6pm Harry's parents and brother arrived at the manor and escorted in to the lounge where cocktails were being served hosted by Simon, Conrad and his family arrived at a few minutes. The uneasiness of the meeting soon vanished with the cocktails helping to pave the way and a more relaxed atmosphere developed before dinner. Simon as always keen to catch up with Charlie and his exploits since leaving were talking loudly and laughing, Harry's brother Alfie spent most of the evening with his brother and Conrad whilst the parents and grandparents took to sitting outside in the warm evening chatting away like old friends. As the evening drew to a close Conrad's parents insisted Harry's family stay with them the Saturday night to save them having to drive back to London. Conrad flopped on to the sofa next to Harry clearly shattered from his wild day, he knew Harry still had a bone of contention he was holding on to about him visiting Joshua. Conrad glanced at him "How long are you going to hold on to this?" he asked. Harry grinned "As long as I need to" he replied, "Are you going to tell me?" he asked. "Nothing to tell Harry" Conrad replied kissing him, "I saw him for a few seconds then left". Harry looked at him "Did you talk to him?". "Nope, he didn't even know I was there, saw him and then we left" Conrad replied. "So is he being held prisoner?" Harry asked wanting to know more. "Not sure, the guy who has him is a therapist of some sort" Conrad replied. Harry put his arm around Conrad "Well I hope he can therapise him, make him normal". Conrad laughed and looked at Harry "Bed time and I need to sex you" he said standing up. Harry stood "You think everything will be alright this weekend with Carrington being here?". Conrad took Harry's hand "Ah you mean with Charlie?" he asked. Harry nodded. Conrad shrugged his shoulders "Charlie doesn't know he is coming". "Awkward" Harry replied slipping his hand down Conrad's shorts and fingering his hole. Conrad slapped his hand "Wait, god you are so inpatient" he said giggling. Harry pulled him around shoving his tongue deep in to Conrad's mouth kissing him "Love you". Conrad pushed him away and ran off "Show me you do" he said laughing and running up the stairs. At Heathrow Sean's flight arrived a few minutes before Carrington's, Sean was through straight away with only carry on bag and met by Felix who was holding a sign up with his name on. When asked where they were off to Felix informed him they would be heading to Hampshire then waved seeing Carrington come through the doors. A brief recollection took place between Sean and Carrington having seen each other at the manor. This gave Sean some idea of where they were heading for the weekend. Settling in the back of the limo they chatted a little with Carrington being evasive of any probing questions. Simon greeted them both at the door and Carrington went up to shower whilst Sean stood there looking at him. "What the fuck Simon?" Sean said looking shocked and angry, "You own this place?" he asked. Simon nodded "Let's walk in the garden" he suggested. Sean grabbed Simon's hand abruptly "You have a lot of explaining to do" he said. "Don't take this the wrong way Sean, I protect my privacy as much as possible" Simon informed him. Sean looked at him "Okay, but why?" he asked, "So you have a bit of money?". Simon smiled "That is one way of looking at it, although I am not hung up over it". "So let me guess, this is about my porn career?" Sean asked stopping by the pool. Simon nodded "It is, that is if you are serious about me" he said trying to assess any response. "I am serious about us" Sean replied, "You know I can't do anything about the films out there". "I know" Simon replied walking off again, "Would you be happy giving it up though?" he asked. "Of course, I want out of it but the money is easy and the sex is good, sometimes" Sean replied chuckling. Simon smiled. "Figured the Arab guy must be rolling in it having a suite at that hotel" Sean said. "What about all the cute guys that hang around here?" Sean asked catching up to Simon. "Conrad is like a son to me, I guess I have sort of adopted him by default" Simon said laughing. Sean chuckled "So the other one that is always rushing around is his boyfriend?" he asked. "Yes, they are getting married this weekend. And Carrington works with me" Simon informed him. Simon stopped and looked at Sean "You know Dexter is moving here after the wedding". "What?" Sean asked looking shocked. "He has a job in Alton and is going to lodge with Adam and Jamal" Simon said trying to explain. Sean stood there shaking his head "This is so much to keep track of" he replied laughing. Simon turned to look at the manor. "Did I hit the jackpot with you?" Sean asked looking at him. Simon laughed "Kind of" he replied, "I won't give you money or expensive things" he warned. "Scrooge" Sean said chuckling, "I don't care Simon, just want you" he replied kissing him. "There is just one other thing" Simon started saying. "Is this the bombshell?" Sean asked interrupting him. Simon smiled "No, just don't be surprised if Conrad or Harry pounce on you" he said. Sean raised an eyebrow "And if they do?" he asked. "Tread carefully they are both ruthless sex machines, ask Carrington" he replied laughing. Sean nervously laughed "Are you serious, I mean it is not going to affect us?" he asked. "God no, Conrad still creeps in to bed with me every now and then" Simon replied casually. Sean smiled "I quite fancy banging Carrington" he confessed making Simon laugh. "Good luck there" Simon replied patting his hand, "Carrington likes young tender meat". Sean laughed and took Simon's hand walking back up to the manor for breakfast. Conrad and Harry bolted down the stairs bursting in to the dining room and smothering Carrington hearing he had arrived. Harry still getting dressed for his first proper day in the office with Adam was buzzing with excitement and too busy to think about eating so grabbed a coffee. Simon entered the dining room with Sean and Conrad looked over at them and nodded with the biggest grin on his face. Before Conrad had time to speak Harry and Carrington both kissed him then left to meet Adam and head off. Jamal walked across to the manor and into the dining room seeing Sean sat there he nodded and said morning then grabbed a coffee sitting down next to Conrad. "No change?" Simon asked looking at Jamal's fed up expression. Jamal looked up "Father doesn't want me in the house. Apparently I disgrace the family". Simon looked at him carefully "And you, how are you feeling Jam?" he asked. "Yeah I am alright, I have Adam and he is keeping me sane" he replied smiling. Conrad sat there watching him "You have us Jam, anything you need just ask" he offered. Sean watched Jamal knowingly "I went through a similar thing, my father only nods to me" he said. "It is even worse because of my career" Sean added, "Just be patient with him". Jamal knew the words were heart felt and meaningful from Conrad and Sean, he was glad that he had this group of seemingly growing friends who would be there to support him. After breakfast Jamal was going to help with the marquee that was being set up for the wedding down by the makeshift helipad leaving Conrad to spend the day with his family. They decided to head out to Alton as Conrad's parents wanted to buy some things that were not readily available in Australia. Conrad and Charlie having a lot of fun when their mother picked something up and grandmother was over her shoulder telling her she couldn't import that into Australia. They quickly got bored and said they would meet them outside by the car and walked out of the supermarket. "Charlie" Conrad said catching his brother up, "I need to tell you Carrington is here". Charlie looked at him "So" he replied finding his heart beating faster. Conrad shrugged "Thought you should know" he replied, "Asks after you every time he is here". Charlie smirked "He will get over me" he said leaning back against the car expressionless. The news had strangely excited him and his mind started imagining Carrington running over and hugging him pouring his emotions and expressing his love for Charlie. He blinked hearing the noise from the rest of the family returning, shaking thoughts of Carrington out of his head he got in to the SUV. Returning home everyone except Conrad and Charlie went to bed sleeping off the jetlag, the boys headed over to the manor for a swim and see how Jamal was doing. By some miracle Charlie didn't see Carrington that Friday, instead he had to sit with his parents explaining what had happened with Serena. The more he talked about her the more his mind wandered over to the manor where Carrington was. Conrad arrived with Harry and they set off for dinner at the local pub where they had enjoyed many joyous family meals growing up. Eddie and Jody complaining that Conrad and Harry had refused any wedding presents since they had no idea what they wanted. Harry continued charming the pants off the grandparents and it was having results since they started to take an interest in his life, family and job. The late June sunshine bathed the gardens as all the guests assembled, Carrington was already in the marquee with Jamal and Adam grabbing a sneaky glass of wine before the wedding commenced. The whole thing was kept very simple, Conrad and Harry would walk down together behind their families and their brothers at their side. Opting to start at midday to get it over with and let their hair down, the guests all stood as the Flower Waltz from the Nutcracker played, it was Jack's favourite piece of classical music and Conrad had to stop himself from trying to ballet dance down the aisle. He loved this piece of music and would often twirl around the greenhouse when Jack played it, Jack would go in to hysterics before composing himself then calling Conrad a poofter and raping him. Conrad had an overwhelming feeling that Jack was here watching over him again. He felt Harry squeeze his hand tighter, he glanced at Harry who looked up and smiled like he was feeling it as well. Charlie confused watching them had no idea what they were thinking and shook his head smiling over at Alfie. Charlies face forwards again and his eye caught a glimpse of Carrington who was watching Conrad and Harry standing next to Simon and Moham. He felt a streak of sadness or anger, he couldn't be sure, the American did not even look or acknowledge him and turned away when Conrad and Harry reached the official. All through the quick ceremony he kept taking quick glances at Carrington, nothing, not even a sneaky glance from him. Charlie couldn't explain what was going on in his head, there was frustration definitely and it was getting to him. Instead Charlie focused back to his brother and handed over the ring the an applause rang out. Charlie had be so consumed by Carrington that he missed most the ceremony and everyone was coming up congratulating them, champagned corks popped and the caterers began circulating with drinks. Charlie looked around but Carrington was out of view. A glass popped in front of him "How are you Charlie?" Carrington asked. Charlie took the glass "Fine" he replied trying to hide his annoyance, "Thanks". He turned to face Carrington. "And how is the navy thing?" Carrington asked. "Fine" Charlie replied being cool and distant not wanting to arouse any suspicion. Carrington looked at his glass "Sorry I must go an talk to Moham" he said excusing himself. Charlie sipped his champagne watching Carrington and unable to make him out or what just happened, underneath he knew he was to blame with his lame conversation tactics. Why oh why did it hurt him so much to be treated like this by him?. Charlie looked around the room and found Simon standing by Moham and Carrington, he was looking directly at Charlie drinking champagne with a school teacher look like he was telling Charlie off without words at his behaviour. Charlie had to look away and saw Alfie trying to get his attention, he smiled and walked over joining him. Carrington watched him for most of the day, one part of him could see Charlie was trying to be normal around his family, the other saw the unmistakable glances he would sneakily take. It left Carrington with an empty feeling and that he needed to move on and forget about him. The rest of the day was a celebration with just the right amount of people and Simon spared no expense as his wedding present to Conrad and Harry providing amazing food and champagne. With the evening drawing on Conrad and Harry were a little drunk and laid on the grass together giggling having a few minutes alone staring up at the sky and the reddish tinge from the setting sun. "He was watching" Harry mumbled. Conrad let a tear trickle down from the corner of his eye. "I know" Conrad replied sniffing. "Watching over us Harry" he said fighting tears of happiness. Harry pulled Conrad in to a hug holding him tight "He made it happen. I love you Con". "Love you Harry" Conrad replied, Harry wiped the tears from Conrad's cheek and kissed him. "Jack loves a good party" Adam said sitting down beside them. Harry and Conrad looked at him, "You feel him here?" Conrad asked. Adam nodded "God yes, I think he has achieved what he needed to" he said smiling. "And here is someone fighting against all odds" Adam said nodding at Charlie approaching them. Adam chuckled "Drunk but open like a book" he said. Charlie plonked himself down clearly drowning his sorrows "I got you brother drunk" he said. Harry giggled "Is he dancing naked yet, he usually does when he is drunk". Adam slipped a piece of paper in to Charlie's pocket "Oi" Charlie slapped his hand. "Get over yourself" Adam replied laughing, "It is just a bit of paper". Charlie waved his hand in the air "Whatever" he said laughing. Charlie sat up "I wanted to kiss the bride but I don't know who it is" he said then laughed. Conrad and Harry pounced on Charlie fighting with him as whistles echoed from the marquee and Harry heard his mother shouting at Alfie, laughing he grabbed Conrad and Charlie telling them to get a move on as Alfie must be at the naked dance stage. Entering the tent sure enough Alfie had his underwear on but was dancing on a table evading his mother who was trying to get him down. Simon and Carrington had grabbed chairs and were sat at the front enjoying the show and throwing money at him. Harry walked up to his mother 'chill out' he said kissing her on the cheek and grabbing a chair and watching the show. Charlie managed to get the video on his phone and filmed him. Jamal stood by Charlie giggling "Don't forget I still have the one of you and Carrington". Charlie grinned and leaned in to whisper "Fuck off, I will kill you if you show it" he said. Almost by accident or was it, Charlie kissed Jamal on the cheek "Slut" Jamal said grinning. Charlie laughed "You love it" he replied turning back to Alfie who was thrusting his hips. "Is he gay?" Jamal asked looking at Charlie. Charlie shrugged "How the fuck would I know" he replied, "Good dancer though". Harry's father put his arm on Charlie's shoulder "I know it was you" he said chuckling. "Sorry" Charlie replied, "I didn't know he would end up doing this" he explained. Harry's father laughed "I should get him dance lessons" he said. Alfie was eventually persuaded by Charlie to get down to the boos of the crowd. With his arm around Charlie they walked over to the bar to get him some water, with Alfie exclaiming to anyone who would listen that he loved his new brother of his brother-in-law. Guests were departing and Charlie almost carrying Alfie to the house were last to leave, he had a look around but Carrington had gone already. Conrad and Harry flopped on to the bed sobered up and exhausted, everyone had stayed at the party for nearly 10 hours, even all the guests were exhausted as they left. Conrad looked at Harry and they both sprang off the bed running down the hallway and bursting in to the bedroom. The figure in the bed sat up not quite having got to sleep. "What do you want?" Carrington asked, "I have an early flight". "Our wedding present" Harry replied closing the door. "Oh fuck" Carrington complained laying back down grinning, "Get in bed then". Conrad knelt on the bed "What happened between you and Charlie?" he asked. "Absolutely nothing" Carrington replied, "There is nothing there" his voice echoing how he felt. "Rubbish" Conrad replied, "You two are nuts for each other, Charlie just needs pushing over the fence". Carrington looked at Conrad "Are you getting in to bed then?" he asked. Conrad laid in bed watching the the incredible scene of Carrington's muscled body moving with elegance and ease as he slowly fucked Harry, a sight he never got bored of seeing. Only lasting 20 minutes before he pulled out and roughly pulled Conrad on to his back, legs quickly up over his shoulders driving his cock in. His eyes fixed on Conrad's face watching his changing expressions, deliberately taking his time and getting deep in to Conrad's arse, the erotic moans hitting his ears. Carrington smiled, his mind playing tricks and he could only see Charlie's face pinned under him. It triggered his orgasm delivering rapid thrusts 'Oh Charlie' he mumbled stretching his body upwards to get maximum penetration, his balls squashing against Conrad's arse. Electrical jolts of pleasure pushing deeper and deeper until he felt tapping on his arse bringing him back down. Looking down he saw a strange expression on Conrad's face and pulled back slightly. Glancing to his left he saw the same confused expression on Harry's face. "What's the matter?" Carrington asked catching his breath. Harry looked at Conrad. Conrad stroked Carrington's face "You called me Charlie" he said staring up at him. "Did I?" Carrington replied, "Sorry slip of the tongue". Conrad didn't know what to say. "You really fancy him don't you?" Harry asked after a silence. Carrington gently pulled his cock out kneeling on the bed "Yes. I know it will never happen". Conrad knelt up and kissed him "I wish we could make him see that" he said affectionately. Carrington smiled "He knows, suppose a man is not what he is after. Fact!" he said. Conrad pulled Carrington down and lifted the duvet over them. Carrington smiled, the best part of having sex with these two was sleeping with afterwards, one either side of him and he soon fell asleep. By 7am Carrington kissed Conrad and Harry and left for the airport. Charlie was using the bathroom and returned to his bedroom seeing the limousine coming out of the gates, he put a hand on the window pane and watched it passing beneath him, following it down the drive to the gates then turning on to the main road. Charlie picked up his trousers off the bedroom floor and diligently went through the pockets before putting them in the laundry basket. His fingers touching the small piece of paper that he pulled out and opened. The slip of paper just contained one line '3785 N Stratford Road, Buckhead, Atlanta' it took a moment to realise he had been slipped Carrington's address by Adam. He folded the piece of paper and put it on the bedside table thinking nothing more of it. He was still angry at Carrington, for what though he was unsure now. Quietly he showered and dressed sneaking out to the manor before anyone else got up, the house was busy with all his and Harry's family staying over. Walking up the pavement his head muddled with thoughts around Carrington and how 3 months ago the guy had so nearly seduced him, so lost in those strange memories he wore a wide grin on his face walking in to the kitchen just before 8am. Beth greeted him and poured him a coffee and Charlie sat down chatting away to her, mostly about Alfie's dancing what other guests got up to. Charlie cleverly swerved the conversation "Nice of Carrington to come over for the wedding". Beth stopped laying bacon on a baking tray to look at him "Yes, he has left already". "What?" Charlie asked then corrected himself, "Oh he has left already?". "Yes, Felix drove him at 7am to the airport" Beth replied, "Did you manage to catch up with him?". Charlie looked at his coffee "Not really it was way to busy". Beth nodded "Definitely wasn't himself when the wedding started" she informed him. "Oh, in what way?" Charlie asked trying to keep the conversation light. "Not sure" Beth said holding a sausage, "Something put him on edge for the rest of the day". Charlie nodded slowly. "You staying for breakfast?" Beth asked. "Hmm?" Charlie looked up miles away in thought, "Oh yes thank you". "Half an hour before it is ready Charlie" Beth said putting the tray in the oven. Charlie smiled "I will go and annoy the newly weds" he said jumping up. Charlie opened the door to the bedroom to find them fast asleep, he crept in and laid on the bed causing Harry to stir and wake up. Raising his head he smiled and patted the bed next to him. Charlie crawled up and laid next to Harry. "Did you sleep well?" Charlie asked. "Just got back to our room about an hour a go" Harry said sleepily. Charlie looked at him "Where have you been then?" he asked curiously. Harry smiled "Getting our wedding present from Carrington" he said, Conrad let out a loud snore. Charlie was quite amused at this "I guess it was a good present then" he remarked. Harry turned on his side moving closer to Charlie "Yes but he still has eyes for one person". Charlie turned his head towards Harry "Fuck off" he said quietly. Harry shrugged "Face it Charlie, you are a heart breaker" he said quietly giggling. Harry rolled on to his back "I thought you and Alfie were going to get it on" he said grinning. Charlie leaned over Harry "What gave you that impression?" he asked looking worried. "You were inseparable yesterday, Alfie really likes you" Harry said teasingly. "Your crackers but then I always knew you were from when you accosted me in London" he replied. Harry smiled "Yeah, but I got the best outcome from it, anyway Alfie is straight". Charlie smirked "I don't care, he is much nicer than you and fun to hang about with". "Yeah, yeah" Harry replied looking at Charlie, "So how about it then?" he said grinning. Charlie looked at him confused. "I want to kiss my brother-in-law" Harry said looking serious. Charlie chuckled putting his hand over his mouth "See, you are crackers". Harry smiled licking his lips then puckered up. Charlie just looked at him and found his lips touching Harry's sharing a brief but very nice kiss before he pulled away. "Dirty fuckers" Conrad said turning over, "Hands off my husband Charlie" he said rubbing his eyes. Harry chuckled "Tastes the same as you" he said to Conrad. Conrad smiled "Of course he does we are identical" he replied pinching Harry's nipple. "You okay Chaz?" Conrad asked. Charlie nodded then Harry rolled on top of him. "Get off you pervert" Charlie said laughing. Harry smiled and looked at Conrad "Imagine a foursome with Charlie and Alfie" he said. Conrad laughed "That is sick Harry" he replied, "But yeah I could go for that!". "Would love to see your twin fuck you" Harry said receiving a slap from Charlie. "I can't believe you two" Charlie said pushing Harry off him and unable to stop laughing. Harry kneeled up on the bed "Carrington is the only one who can tame you" he said to Charlie. "Give it up Harry" Charlie said feeling himself blush a little, "I'm going for breakfast". Charlie hopped off the bed and left the room and Harry's giggling, it did nothing to help Charlie and his now ever impending predicament and doubt. Sunday lunchtime they spent as a family having lunch, Harry's family left for London then early evening Conrad, Charlie and Harry all went up to the airport to see off the last few family members who were flying back to Australia. Conrad and Harry promising they would fly over later in the year to see them. Charlie was looking at the flight information screens and saw several flight flashing red with final boarding, one a flight to Atlanta. Was it in his head that everything just kept reminding him of Carrington today? Back home and alone in the house he fired up his laptop spending an hour browsing before closing it and going to bed. He had received an email from Dave telling him that repairs were going to take 2 weeks and given a date when to report back for duty. All night long Charlie kept waking up and at 5am he got up and opened the laptop again. He checked the weather forecast and it showed heavy rain and storms forecasted, definitely waterproof weather he said to himself. Unsure even why he was thinking this way, his email pinged receiving his confirmation. By mid morning he was on the train heading to London, frightened about what could happen later that day it was one the craziest things he had ever got himself in to. Charlie woke confused and trying to compute that it was only 4pm in the afternoon, fastening his seat belt he looked out of the window at the dark clouds shrouding them, jerking side to side until the aircraft escaped the last dark cloud and the rumbling of the landing gear being extended vibrated up through his feet. By the time he arrived at the address it was already 6.30pm, nervously he walked in to the reception and was pointed to an elevator up to the eighth floor. Brightly illuminated against the dark clouds and slightly wet, Charlie went to the the reception desk on this floor. "Hi, can I see Carrington please?" Charlie asked nervously. Evelina looked at him "I am sorry he is not around" she replied. Jose walked behind the desk handing Evelina envelopes looking at Charlie "Signed" he said. Charlie distracted by the way Jose was looking at him, "Where can I find him?" Charlie asked. "I am sorry unless you have an appointment Carrington won't be returning" Evelina informed him. "Sorry" Jose said still looking at Charlie, "Are you after Carrington?" he asked. Charlie looked at the strange way he was looking at him "Yes, I just arrived from the UK" Charlie replied. Jose tapped his chin staring at him "Are you Charlie?" he asked. Charlie looked surprised. "Yes" he finally managed to reply. "Come and dry off" Jose said coming round and escorting Charlie to his office. Jose took his coat and hung it up "You want a coffee or something?" he asked. "Coffee would be nice, thanks" Charlie said. Jose smiled "You came all the way from England to find Carrington?" he asked pouring coffee. Charlie nodded. "You are the reason Carrington has been so moody" Jose said handing him a mug. "Me?" Charlie asked. "Yes" Jose replied sitting down, "He came back to work today even worse". Charlie looked at Jose "I wasn't exactly friendly to him at the weekend". "So what has changed?" Jose asked studying him carefully, "I mean you came all this way". Charlie shrugged "I have no idea what I am doing or why I am here" he confessed confusing himself. "Carrington has gone to the gym in Buckhead then he will be going home" Jose informed him. "Listen" Jose said, "I will take you to his home but call me if you need somewhere to stay". Jose gave Charlie his mobile number and waited until he was dry then drove him to Buckhead and the address that was on the slip of paper Adam had put in his pocket. Jose could tell Charlie was a wreck when the car pulled up the long swerving driveway up to the house. He checked his watch "He should be finished and will be here shortly" Jose said. "Thanks" Charlie said unbuckling the seat belt, "Appreciate what you have done". "Hey, call if things don't go well and you need somewhere to stay" Jose reminded him. Charlie nervously smiled "I will, thank you" he replied getting out of the car. Charlie pulled the hood up of his coat and stood under the small overlap by the front door feeling nauseous and tired form his journey, the rain splattering against him from the gusts of wind. Jose drove out on to the road then stopped and sent a message to Carrington 'Dropped a package off at your front door, it is fragile and needs your attention, get home quickly'. Carrington looked at the message thinking Jose had lost the plot and got in to his car to head home. The intensity of the rain increased and a flash of lightning burnt through the sky followed by the low rumbling of thunder. 10 minutes later Carrington turned on to the driveway, the storm had moved in quickly settling over Buckhead the lashing rain illuminated by lightning then drowned out by the thunder. Taking the long curve up the gentle slope he saw a dark hooded figure briefly illuminated by lightning waiting at his front door.
    11 points
  2. Dean and Carl make their way around Jasons wrists and ankles, tying them in place. Jason is giddily smiling at me. I kiss him and tell him quietly “Let’s take it slow and keep it light; from Deans story I assume he’s also HIV positive.” He response “For sure. I love you.” I look down and his dick is already hard and poking out of the top of his jock. My dick is the same, straining against the leg of my pants. Carl pulls out a strange looking helmet out of his backpack. Dean explains “this is for sensory deprivation. Jason won’t be able to hear or see anything but his nose and mouth are exposed. It will enhance his sense feel, smell, and taste. Jason, although you won’t be able to make out what we’re saying, we’ll still be able to hear you. If you want us to stop, tell us. Otherwise, I will take good care of you.” Carl works the helmet onto Jasons head and pulls some straps on the sides so it’s snug. Carls asks “can u hear me?” A few times and Jason doesn’t respond. It’s so warm and humid that we’ve all started to sweat. Jasons beefy body and thick furry legs glisten. Dean is even more sweaty and I watch beads rolling down his chest and into his stomach fur as he positions himself in between Jasons legs. I’m on the side of Jason, and Carl is right next to me. Dean starts teaching “Tom, I’ll make sure he knows where I am at all times with my hands and body. Although I’m in control, the key is to play off of his reactions to maximize pleasure. First I’m going to warm him up.” He lightly grips Jasons ankles and slowly and sensually massages up his legs, to his crotch, up the sides of his body, into his pits. No ones touches Jason this intimately except me, and although it’s making a pit in my stomach, my dick keeps flexing and my mouth water while I watch Dean seemingly enjoy just rubbing Jason so much. I notice Deans own crotch is sporting a massive bulge under his jeans. As he leans forward it presses up against Jasons bare ass. Carl notices my concerned face and rubs my lower back comfortingly with one hand. I look back at Dean make his way up Jasons arms and back down his chest. Jason flinches, as his nipples are extremely sensitive. Dean continues down his stomach, bushes over Jasons exposed hard dick head and covered shaft and balls. Then he spits a large string of saliva on a few of his fingers and lightly massages the outside of Jasons hole. He presses in and one finger pushes knuckle-deep. Jason squirms, moans, and his dick flexes. Dean drips another large string of saliva onto his still-inserted finger and works a second finger in. Strangely my dick flexes almost in sync with Jasons as I think of Deans sweet spit entering inside Jason. I glance to my right and Carl is now stroking himself. He has a solid 6” dick with large balls. He grabs my hand and places it on his dick. It’s already slick with lube. I’ve never really gripped anyone else’s dick besides mine and Jasons. I grip Carls dick a few times, to feel all of his veins, shaft, and balls. He spits on his own hand and fishes out my dick. It aches with pleasure. Normally I would protest but it seems fair and fine in the current situation. We look back at Dean. He’s using one hand to hold Jasons dick and the other to twirl around Jasons precum-slick dick head. Jason tugs on all the restraints and moans as Dean twirls harder for an extended moment. Shadowy figures surround us, jerking themselves as they watch. Dean trails his fingers up Jasons furry stomach to his nipples and then teases them the same way. Jason moans louder, tugs, and involuntarily flexes his dick which is now oozing a steady stream of precum on his stomach. “Bingo” Dean says under his breath. As Dean teases his nipples, I see him grinding his tented crotch on Jasons hole. My heart thumps but for some reason I am transfixed watching Jasons lust. All the while my own dick already feels like it could cum any moment as Carl barely strokes it. I grab his wrist to slow him down. Random hands appear around Deans waist and unbutton and unzipped his jeans. Dean seems unfazed and continues to tease Jasons nipples while his rock hard dick springs free. He has no underwear on. HIs dick is about 7”, uncut, curved upward, its head is poking out of its taut foreskin and is wet with precum. I spot a tattoo on his lower waist, to the side of his pubes.. a black scorpion. FUCK. I figured he was positive but now I KNOW! And Jason has no idea! Dean leans forward farther and his shiny wet helmet rubs up against Jasons balls and taint. I think to myself “not much more.” and then feel my dick get enveloped in a warm mouth. It feels so good I grab onto his head to keep balance. I look down and it’s Carl. He’s squat down, jacking himself while working my dick like I've never felt ever before - swallowing my entire shaft and nearly my balls. Dean leans back, pinches poz precum off his dick, leans forward again and dips his slimy fingers into Jasons mouth. Jason sucks on them like he’s in heat. I feel my balls starting to tingle.. this is all going south. I barely muster up the courage to mutter to Dean “He’s not on prep so please keep it light.” Dean looks at me like an animal distracted from a feast and also like he didn’t hear me and responds “huh? Sure, my guy.” and then pinches off more of his precum and jams his fingers deep into MY mouth! It’s so viscus and salty. With my tongue I feel how thick and rough his fingers are. I’m completely lost in the moment and also suck on them. I feel a random hand go down the back of my pants and straight for my hole. My pants drop to the floor. The fingers feel great and I let them massage their way in. I look back at Dean grab Jasons neck with one hand while working his nipple with the other and rocking forward. Jasen is moaning and seemingly trying to push his ass against Dean. I notice Deans dick is no longer visible. My left hand jets to it and I can feel it resting and barely poking into Jasons hole, which is now slick POZ precum! Just as I opened my mouth to tell him to stop, a hand grabs the back of my head and another holds poppers under my nose. Startled, I inhale hard. They keep them at my nose. I feel Dean slowly push forward and his foreskin roll back against my hand as his hard spongy dick slowly sinks inside Jasons stretched, hairy hole. I get light-headed and move my hand to the chain while the others on and Carls head (which is still sucking me down to my nuts). My heart is pounding. I feel my dick head jam down Carls silky throat and my cum starts to well up in my balls. He must sense im close because he fucks his own throat harder. I can barely see that Dean is now choking Jason with both hands and is pressed all the way up against him. I know he’s now balls deep and leaking his poisonous positive precum inside Jason. Jason moans loudly like he does when he’s about to cum. Dean pulls Jason down onto his dick harder and then starts to hammer into him while growling “that’s it, welcome to the family you stud.. take my AIDS babies you stud.. FUCKKK!!” Dean pulls him down one last time and remains balls deep while shaking. I know he’s flooding Jasons ass with torrents of his AIDS cum. Jason pushes his ass harder onto Dean and groans louder than I’ve ever heard while he spurts volley after volley of cum onto his chest. I can’t help but grab the sides of Carls head and impale deeper while exploding down his throat. Carl moans while guzzling my cum. Deans twitches while remaining pressed balls-deep inside Jason and looks over at me “Good start to the night.”
    7 points
  3. 2. Toasts I didn't see Seth at the gym again before the Friday of the party. We messaged a bit on line, but he had been busy with school, plus all the regular parties around Halloween, so we didn't message that often. I went to a few parties, and made out with a few guys. But even when I was making out with some cute freshman, all I could think about was Seth's partners. I wanted to feel their hairy chests against my body. I wanted to feel their beards brush against my lips. Most of all, I wanted to feel their thick cocks stretch my hole open. Other than Seth, I hadn't seen any of them naked. But I just knew that Jon and JP were hung with fat daddy dicks, and heavy, low-hanging balls filled with cum. I wanted to taste their cum, and I really wanted to feel what it was like for a man like Jon to breed my hole. It felt like it took forever to get to Friday, and then that morning went by at a snail's pace. I hadn't cum in several days, and I hadn't even tried to get fucked, despite being on prep. I wanted my first time to be with Seth and his family. A little after noon, my last class let out. I quickly found something to eat, and rushed back to my dorm. Seth had told me not to worry about a costume, that they would find something. I just took a shower, making sure I was clean inside and out. I found a cute pair of underwear to put on, and a pair of jeans that highlighted my ass. I was your standard skinny Asian twink, but my ass were two perfect melons. In the right jeans, I might have even fucked myself. As I finished dressing, my phone buzzed. It was Seth. I was excited and scared when I read the message. "Come whenever. But looking forward to seeing you, so the sooner the better." I was relieved that he hadn't cancelled. But I was still a bit scared. I was going over to the home of several strange, unknown men, and they were going to fuck me all night long, if not more. I was also hard as a rock. The blue briefs I was wearing hid nothing, and there was already a wet spot where my dickhead pressed against the shiny fabric. "On my way," I said, as I ordered an Lyft. Less than five minutes later, I was on my way. I shared my location with Seth. "See you soon. Simon, the door man knows you're coming." It was a twenty minute ride downtown, but with the traffic, it took thirty minutes. They seemed to drag by; I was fidgeting a bit, trying to will the traffic to open up. Finally, we pulled up to a tall condo building in downtown. I had seen it on the skyline; I knew it was expensive. "Nice place," the Lyft driver said as he dropped me off at the front door. It opened onto a large, and expensive-looking lobby. I stepped out and looked into the lobby. I had a marijuana vape pen with me, just in case I got nervous. I ducked off to one side, out of view of the lobby, and inhaled deeply. I held it, then did another hit. I was about to go to a sex party with four other guys. My dick cock was hard and my ass was twitching just thinking about it. Think about being sandwiched between Jon and JP, their hairy bodies pressed against me. I took another hit, just enough to help calm my nerves. Besides, it always made me horny, which couldn't hurt. I held it for thirty seconds, then stepped into the lobby. By the elevators, there was a tall, muscular black man, in an immaculately tailored suit. I tired not to stare; he was an ebony god. Just one of his arms was as big as I was. I read his discreet name badge. "Eli," it said. He caught me staring, and I blushed. "You must be Kenta," he said. Letting my eyes drop didn't help. There was little the tailor could do to hide the thick snake pressed against one of his legs. "Yeah," I said. "The guys are on Floor 48," he continued, directing me towards the elevator. "Have fun." I walked in the elevator; it was elegant, with dark mirrors and careful lighting. It took me a moment to find 48; I wondered how I would know which apartment it was. But the elevator was fast, and it was only a few seconds before it was slowing down, and the doors opened. Seth was standing there, wearing a white tank-top, black sweat pants, and a surprisingly realistic pair of goat horns coming out of his hair. Standing next to him was Jon, also in the tank top and sweats. He had a small pair of devil horns emerging from the cropped hair. His beard was also shaped into a proper devil's point. "Welcome," Seth said. "This is Jon." "I'm Kenta," I said. "Pleased to meet you," Jon said. He reached out and pulled me close to him. "You're a cute one," he said, then pushed me into Seth's waiting arms. "Isn't he?" Seth said, before kissing me. "I know we're going to have fun. I know just the costume for you." He kissed me again, then pushed me back to Jon. Jon kissed me this time. I wasn't expecting it, but I welcomed it, letting him explore my mouth with his tongue. He pushed me back for a second, and looked over my body. Even at maybe 5'10", he looked big against my 5'4" frame. "Let's get you into a proper costume," he said. Seth led the way out of the left. "Jon doesn't like to talk about it, but he made a lot of money with a start-up. So we live here. And have things like this for a closet." He stepped into a room about the size of my bedroom growing up. Around the edges were hooks and shelves holding various pieces of leather and toys. It was almost like being in the leather store downtown, except in one corner was a small bar, complete with a sink and small fridge. I had watched enough leather porn on XTube to recognize the other things in the room, a sling, a fuck bench, and a sturdy metal cage. I took a deep breath. My lungs filled with the scent of leather and sweat, and my head swam a bit. The marijuana was starting to hit, and now, this dirty porno jerk-off fantasy was starting to come true. My asshole twitched. I wanted another hit from the pipe. "You smoke weed?" Jon asked, almost reading my mind. "Yeah," I said. "You ever try G?" Seth asked me. "I've heard of it," I said. I had read stories about drug-fueled parties. "But not sure about it. What does it do?" "It's a bit like weed," Jon said. "It makes everything very mellow and chill. Great for making out and cuddling." He was standing behind me, close enough that I could feel the warmth from his body. I wanted it closer. "Have you been drinking?" he asked. "No," I said. I wanted to trust these two men. They made me feel like I could trust them. "Just vaped some weed." "Oh perfect," Seth said. "Just do a little, you can see how it feels. Then decide if you like it." He turned to Jon. "Maybe an ml?" "Him?" Jon said. He smiled at me. "Let's start him at .6. He's like half of you." He turned back tome. "Seth just wants to get you naked. I'll take care of you." He turned back to Seth. "But. Yes. Let's get Kenta naked and into his costume." "You get Kenta and us some G," Seth said. He stepped over to me, and wrapped his arms around me. He gave me a big kiss. "And I'll get Kenta naked." He peeled off my shirt with practiced ease, and tossed it into a corner. At the bar, Jon mixed something up. "This one is for you, Kenta," he said, reappearing with three glasses of orange juice. He handed me a glass, then handed one to Seth. "Cheers, boys," he said, as he toasted. "Do it quickly," he said, and then we clinked glasses. I swallowed it quickly, just like the others. But I could taste something bitter.
    5 points
  4. Chapter Thirteen Logan woke up to a hand over his mouth. His eyes got wide and he started to scream when Jack held a finger up, “Shut. Up.” He instantly calmed down as he realized hit was his brother. “You're going to stand up, quietly. And march into my room. You got that?” He nodded. “One peep and you're going to wake your friends up, and if you do that you're going to be the only one who regrets it.” He slowly lifted his hand and Logan whispered, “What's going on?” Jack just pointed to the door. The young jock knew better than to argue with his older brother, he just got up and walked out into the hall. Once Jack had closed the door behind him he asked, “What's going on?” Jack pushed him into his bedroom as way of an answer. I was sitting on Jack's bed, waiting. “You owe someone an apology,” Jack said. Logan looked at him for a moment and then to me, “Sorry Ev.” “Not even close to good enough,” Jack insisted. “What do you want me to say?” he asked his older brother. Jack pushed him towards me, “Make it up to him.” Logan stumbled closer to me, his eyes wide with apprehension. “Get down on your knees,” Jack ordered. I would have felt sorry for the guy if his cock wasn't fucking rock hard in his soccer shorts. He knelt down in front of me, looking up at me with those wide eyes. “Now try it again,” Jack said. “I'm sorry Everett,” his voice was low and had a little pout in it, “Please forgive me.” “How are you going to make it up to him?” Logan looked down at my cock, it was still soft but chubbing up some. He gulped and asked “Can I please suck your cock?” The way his voice cracked turned me on and I just nodded as my cock began to lengthen. He leaned in and took hold of it, his eyes glued to it as he licked up the shaft and to the head. He closed his eyes like he was french kissing it for a moment before shoving it into his mouth. I felt his tongue swirl around me and I left out a small moan in appreciation. The sound must have been a cue because he stopped just playing with it and started to service me seriously. I fell back onto Jack's bed as his little brother traced his tongue over the entire length of my cock. I looked up and say Jack looking down smiling at me, and I felt my mind start to fuzz up. I was getting turned on. Logan was good at this, I mean surprisingly good. I wondered how many cocks he had sucked before and who they had belonged to. Once my member was slathered in his spit he moved to my balls and under them. He sucked one into his mouth and rolled it around, making me call out in pleasure. Again my noises seemed to egg him on as he took the other one in his mouth and made me start to really lose it. He moved down to my taint and I spread my legs willingly, I was too far gone to care what was happening anymore. Which was when his tongue stopped and I heard Logan gasp. I sat up and saw his shorts were off now and Jack was behind him, rimming his ass. I sat there stunned as I watched Jack tongue his little brother's jock ass for all it was worth. Logan's eyes were closed and he was pressing back even as he said, “Come on Jack...please don't....” But I knew better than most, when Jack wanted something he got it. Instead of answering he smacked his brother's ass and spread his legs father apart, making Logan's face fall into my groin. This was fucking weird and super erotic at the same time. I lifted his head up and pulled it towards my meat, his mouth opened and accepted it willingly as he went back to serving me. I could tell when Jack hit his spot because he would gasp around my dick and shudder a little every time. When Jack came up for air he shoved a finger up the spit soaked hole and leaned in close to his little brother's ear. “Come on Logan, work that cock. Show me how much you are obsessed with Ev's cock.” Logan groaned as he worked up and down my cock faster, Jack looked up at me and winked as he shoved a second finger into him. Again he groaned around my cock which made me call out as the vibrations felt amazing. This went on for a few minutes, Logan blowing me, Jack finger fucking him, both of us in a state of horniness that was building faster and faster. Finally Jack had three fingers into his little jock brother and Logan was slapping his ass back as hard as he could, riding those fingers. Finally Jack pulled his hand out and slapped his brother's pert ass, “Ok, get up.” My cock popped out of Logan's mouth, his cheeks were red and his cock was leaking as he stood up. Jack grabbed a little brown bottle off his nightstand and shoved it under his little brother's nose, “Breathe in.” Logan looked like he was going to struggle but Jack grabbed the back his his head and held him to the bottle. “Jack no...” his brother protested but Jack held the bottle to his nose and kept his mouth closed this his thumb. Logan had no choice than to take a deep hit in one nostril. He continued to fight with Jack until it took hold and he slumped into his brother's arms. “Take another hit,” he said and this time Logan willingly inhaled. Jack put the bottle down and them moved his brother over towards me. “What are we doing?” Jack moved his brother over my lap, “Teaching him a lesson, grab your cock.” I took hold of my cock and it wasn't until Logan's ass touched the head did I realize what he was doing. “Wait are you...” I began to say. Then Jack pushed Logan down onto my cock. The younger jock was so out of it he just mumbled something as my head forced it's way into his tight hole. He seemed confused for a moment until my cock breached his ass and he let out a loud moan and slowly began to sink down my shaft. He was like a ragdoll, I held him upright as I felt inch after inch shove it's way into the high schooler's tight hole. He was babbling something but as I impaled him, his head thrashed from side to side and I heard, “noo.....” as the walls of his ass fluttered around my cock. Jack spread his legs over mine and he sank even further, a whimper escaped his mouth as he took the last two inches of my cock. His ass was so tight, hours and hours of soccer practice, squats, and probably being straight had made him so fucking tight it was amazing. His ass spasmed as he sat there, trying to accommodate my cock, which was as thick a a fucking beer can. He laid back against my chest as he slowly started to come to, his ass had not stopped quivering for a second. Jack slapped his little brother's cheek lightly, “Wakey wakey.” Logan's head dipped as he slowly started to come back to reality. “Wha...nononono...” he called out as his ass tightened up, “FUCK....” he screamed as he felt nearly ten inches of cock throb in his hole. “You like getting people high and fucking them?” Jack mocked. “Jack please....please....oh god...please...” “You think it's funny to just shove your cock into people?” “He liked it!” Logan cried, as he tried to pull himself off of my dick and failed, sliding back down it, “SSHIIITTT!!” “Well when we're done,” Jack said grabbing the bottle again, “So will you.” He held his little brother's mouth shut and plugged a nostril and watched as Logan inhaled empty once and then again. “Oh...please...of...” and then his voice trailed off to mumbles. Jack looked me in the eyes. “Fuck this cunt.” I pulled Logan up a few inches and again he half moaned and protested and then pushed him back down causing him to moan deeply. I waited a second and then repeated it, this time with less complaining. “Jesus Christ you're such a pussy,” Jack said taking my hands off of his brother's hips and taking hold of them himself. He pulled Logan halfway off my cock and then slammed him down hard. Logan's eyes flew open and his mouth opened for a silent scream that didn't come. His ass rippled around my dick as his ass muscles screamed. Jack didn't wait to give him any time to adjust, he pulled him back up and did it again and again and again. Each time Logan made a squeaking noise and his ass went nuts trying to clamp down on my dick. It felt amazing and at the speed Jack was shoving him down on me I wasn't going to last long. “S-slow down...” I warned and Jack let Logan go. The high school jock sank down my cock slowly, Logan moaning the whole time. “Dude maybe..” I began to say and then felt something... Logan trying to pull himself up off my cock. Jack just smiled at me as he watched his little brother try to fuck himself on my cock. His ass wasn't clenching any more and I had to assume my cock had just destroyed it completely. Logan was too out of it at the moment but he was moving his ass back and forth, trying to fuck himself as best he could. I grabbed his hips again and whispered in his ear, “You like this Logan?” and thrust my cock up. He grunted and then whimpered as I went up and down. “Come on Logan, you want more?” I pumped him again and another whimper and then a low, “ffuuuccc.....” “You want this Logan?” I did it again and again and again. Jack held his hand for me to stop after the fifth one so I did, and saw Logan move his legs around mine and shove himself back onto my dick. Jack leaned in, “You want that cock?” Logan nodded but refused to say anything. “Come on Logan...you want Ev to fuck you?” No comment, but his ass was still grinding against me. “Ok Everett, pull out. Guess he is straight.” I started to pull him off and his hands gripped mine, “Wait...” “Say it,” Jack ordered. Logan said nothing. Jack slammed him back down onto mu dick, “Say it!” Logan hissed a mournful, “Yeess.....” Jack grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him, “Admit it.” “Yes...please...” “Please what?” Jack asked. “Please fuck me...” I got right next to the cocky jock's ear and whispered, “Hold on.” I shoved my hips up, driving all ten inches of thick, fucking cock into him and he cried out in ecstasy. His hands braced themselves on my thighs as he steadied himself from my anal assault over and over again. His head was thrown back and he was crying out, “Fuck me, fuck me....fuck Everett.....fuck me....” I told you my cock had that effect on people. He was pushing back onto me, trying to drive even more of my horse cock into his stomach at this point. His meaty cock was flapping free, precum flying everywhere as he rode his first cock to an orgasm. I grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled his head back, “You like that? You like that cock?” “Fuck Ev, fuck...you're so....fuckkkk.....” “Feel that? That's a real cock, doesn't matter who fucks you now, all you'll crave is my cock. My fucking bull cock splitting you apart.” “Fuck..fuck....please Ev....wreck me...” “You got a pussy Logan? You got a little high school pussy?” “Fuck me, fuck my pussy...please Ev...please...” “You gonna crave this dick, dream about it. You're gonna be in the showering fingering your hole crying for this cock. Aren't you?” “Fuck yeah, fuck me...oh god Ev...your cock....” “You gonna have my babies Logan? You want me to shoot into you jock pussy?” “Breed me Ev...please....I need to be bred....” He could have been begging me to stop and I wouldn't have cared, I was too far gone and I need to blow a load into his little soccer jock so he would walk with a limp for the next week. I wanted this kid to get a doctor's note from school because I fucked him so hard. I wanted this brat to call me up in the middle of the night, and beg me to come over to fuck him, to breed him, to destroy his little hole with all the force my cock can bring. I grabbed his arms and pulled them back, and shoved into him as hard as I could, jackhammering up into him, trying to rearrange his guts. He was just squealing now, a sound I knew well from when I made it and knew he was about to blow. “Take my fucking load,” I roared and began to shoot into him. “oh, oh, oh...I can feel it I can feeel your cock....oh god it's warmm.....” His cock began to shoot everywhere, his ass clamping down on my dick as he came. Cum flew all over the place, on Jack, in the carpet on his two friends standing in the doorway jerking off to him getting fucked. He started to cum harder realizing they had been watching, a moan of shame escaped his lips as he fell of my cock and onto the floor. Jack and them huddled around them, “Look up,” Jack ordered as he stroked his cock, “Look up at us.” Logan looked up and saw the three cocks being stroked above his head. “Close,” one of the guys said. “Same...” another cried out. “Here it comes...” Jack said, his hand a blur. Logan, on his knees, my cum dripping out his ass, opened his mouth and closed his eyes as his friend and older brother shot their loads all over him. He moaned as the warm splashes fell onto his face, his tongue, everywhere. We had just witnessed the birth of a jock pussy in all it's glory.
    5 points
  5. I usually visit North Jersey one weekend a month to see my mama. I have a list of NJ fwbs I hit up beforehand. 1 of them is M; a hot ColumbiaN construction worker. Muscles, friendly, passionate, reliable, speaks limited English, hung and knows how to use me. I haven’t seen him in 6 months. He lost some muscle mass due to COVID but he’s still as sexy as ever. Kissed, rimmed, fucked my brains out (I was bleeding a little but didn’t feel anything; it was so amazing). Then he sucked me off and I couldn’t stop Cumming down his throat. I hope all of you have a buddy like M. I will see him again next month :)
    4 points
  6. Before we start, no this is not the end, no this is not the tone the rest of the story will go, and yes, there is a lot more Chem induced sex coming up, most notably with Jack's little brother and payback for DPing Ev. So before I get any comments saying this doesn't belong here, it does and will, just give it a few chapters. And if you don't want to wait, might I suggest one of the many incredible other stories on this site. Chapter Twelve I woke up to angry yelling. “...cking kidding me! Why would you do that!” “Why do you get to play with him and we don't?” “Because he's not a fucking toy you little asshole! How about I get you stoned and me and your friends run a train on you?” “I'd be up for that.” “Shut up Rick!” “If you hurt him I am coming back and kicking your ass all over this room.” It felt like I was flying as I was picked up and carried somewhere. I heard a door open and I was set down on something comfy. It was so quiet I almost drifted off again when something wet was pressed against my forehead. “Feels good,” I mumbled. “Ev? You ok?' Jack asked. I nodded, “Thirsty.” Something touched my lips and I drank down the whole glass. “How you feeling?” I opened my eyes and he was hovering over me, a look of real concern on his face. I smiled, “You're cute.” He smiled back, “Are you hurt?” Shaking my head I handed him the glass back. He put it down on the nightstand and placed the washcloth on my forehead again, “My brother is an asshole.” I didn't understand what he was talking about for a second and then the memory of the soccer guys going at me flashed in my mind. I felt my cock twitch at the thought. Jack glanced down, “Of course you liked it,” he teased. I nodded again and reached up to touch his face, I was still stoned as fuck and was feeling nothing but good thoughts. He leaned into my hand and I pulled him down into a kiss. Normally my mind would have been screaming at me that this was gay as shit but for some reason all I felt was affection. Jack moved on top of me as we started making out. “I'm sorry that happened,” he said between kisses. “I'm sorry you weren't there,” I whispered back before gnawing on his neck. “Oh fuck Ev...I've always wanted this.” The words, “Me too,” slipped out of my mouth before I knew what they were. “I mean it,” he said grinding his crotch against mine, “I've wanted to be with you since junior high.” I was wearing a pair of nylon shorts, which Jack had to have put on me while I was out cold. The thought that he cared enough to cover me up made my chest glow with warmth. I pulled him into a savage kiss and flipped him on his back. I was looking down at him and he was looking up at my breathless. “You should have told me,” I said, my hands pressing down on his. “I was afraid you'd freak.” I rubbed my dick against his own, “Do I look like I'm freaking?” He looked like he was stricken for a moment and then he wrapped his legs around my waist and flipped me over on my back. “Is this really you?” he asked, his ass resting against my swollen cock, “Is this because you're high or whatever? Are you going to feel differently in the morning?” I could see the fear in his face and realized how serious he had been. He really had wanted this, and even now he was worried I'd change my mind. I couldn't blame him, last week I might have freaked out, hell a couple of days I might of, but right now, with him straddling my waist, looking like he was close to crying, I realized something that I could never put into words before. I had always loved Jack, I just never knew how much. “This is all me,” I said placing my hands on his hips, “And I am going to feel the same way tomorrow morning, and every morning after that.” He just stared at me, not able to say anything back. I sat up and stripped his shirt off him, “Is that what you wanted to hear?” I asked, our faces next to each other. He just nodded. “Well you heard it,” I said going back to his neck, “So get naked already.” He moaned as I but down on the side of his neck, both of knowing I was going to leave a mark. His hands fumbled with his jeans as he felt my mouth marking him as mine. He got off me and shucked his jeans off, revealing he was commando. I slid the shorts off me, “Where you want me?” I asked. “Right there,” he said opening the nightstand and pulling out a bottle of lube, “Just lay right there.” “You wanna fuck me on my back?” I asked. He shook his head as he straddled my waist again. His hand was slick with lube as he stroked my cock, “I told you, I've been dreaming about this.” His words seemed far away as he his hand danced up and down against my length, covering my whole tool in lube. I felt him shift and his face was over mine, “Don't do anything ok?” I nodded, not sure what he was talking about. “Just let me do all the work,” he said leaning in for a kiss. I kissed him back, trusting him completely. Still kissing me I felt him sit back, the head of my cock slipping between his ass cheeks. My eyes popped open as I felt him slide up and down my cock until my head found his hole. His hands were flat against my chest as he looked down at me. “Don't thrust up, don't do anything until I say so.” I nodded, not sure if I said anything it would break the spell. He pushed down and I felt my cock head press against on impossibly tight hole. He didn't stop as my head crowned past his opening, inch by inch pushing against the ring of muscle. His face was a mask of concentration as he forced himself further down, trying to push the plum sized head of my cock into his little jock ass. It slipped in and we both gasped as one. His ass was like a furnace, and I could feel it spamming around my cock head as it tried to force it out. “Wait, wait...” he panted, trying to catch his breath. I laid perfectly still, waiting for him to take the next step. “Jesus...you're so fucking big...” he moaned. “Shhh...” I said quietly, “Shhh....push back, just relax for a moment.” He shook his head as he hissed in pain, “It's tooo.....big....” I felt him start to sit up and I grabbed his hips. His eyes flew open and looked down at me. “You can do this...” I said firmly, “This cock was made for you Jack...” I slowly pushed him downwards, “I was made for you.” He hissed and his eyes clenched in pain as another inch of me entered him. “Breathe....relax....” I said stopping. “Oh god, oh god....” he sighed as his ass flexed around my girth. “You ready?” I asked and he nodded. I pushed him down another inch and he gasped as he felt me enter him. “Breathe...” I reminded him, “Breathe in....and out.” He followed my words and I felt his ass open just a little. “Breath in...”I said and when he did I thrust upwards, forcing another two inched into him. “Fuckkk!!” he screamed and tried to pull off of me. “You got this...you got this...” I said holding him still. His head fell down, “I can't Ev, it's too big....you're too big...” I leaned up and kissed him, he weakly kissed me back. I moved to his cheek and then probed his ear with my long tongue. I heard him groan and his ass relaxed instinctively. I attacked his ear relentlessly as I slowly pushed another couple of inches into him. When he flinched in pain I moved to his neck and then to his nipples. Doing anything I could to distract him from the pain. He had about six inches in him and there were another three and half left. His entire ass was spasming around my thickness, doing it's level best to fit me in such a tight space. He started to kiss me back and I felt him push back, lowering himself down quarter of an inch at a time. “Oh god...Ev...Ev!!” he panted as we hit the eight inch mark. “Almost there, you almost got it,” I assured him. He stayed there, making out with me as he let himself get used to me. After a few minutes I grabbed his hips and locked eyes with him. “Push out,” I said, “Push out like you're taking a shit.” He was sitting up and nodded as I pulled him slowly off a couple of inches and then thrust upwards. His eyes bugged out as he realized I had pushed another inch into him. I pulled him out again and thrust up harder, and felt his ass hit my pubes. “Oh...oh...” he whined as he sat there, all nine and half inches in him. “There you go...you got it...you got it Jack.” He nodded, drops of sweat falling off his forehead. “How you feel?” He looked down at me, “You're fucking HUGE!” he said and I smiled. “This is what you wanted?” I said thrusting up, making his eyes close, “Is this what you dreamed off?” I thrust again and he leaned forward, trying to ready himself from the movement. I kept him steady with my hands and started to piston into him faster. “This is it right?” I growled, “You wanted to ride this donkey cock?” He just nodded as I picked up the pace. “You feel that Jack? You feel that fucking cock in you? That what you jerked off too? That what you whined about when you got horny?” “Yes!” he squealed as he held on for dear life. “That's your cock Jack, that's your tool. All yours...” “Fuck me Everett....fuck me...” he began to chant and I realized it had happened. I was used to this to be honest. When I first fucked someone they were always so hesitant and scared, each inch an ordeal into itself. But once I was in, once I had invaded them they didn't just like it, they lost it. It was like my cock just unleashed something in them and they were no longer themselves. They were addicted to the biggest cock they had ever seen. Within a minute he was pushing back into me, taking every single inch he could and more. He whined, he whimpered as I fucked his guts like a madman. He just started panting more and I knew he was past stage one. Time for stage two. I pulled him off my cock and there was an audible plop as my cock left his ass. There was a little confusion and a little fear in his eyes as I threw him on his back and pulled his muscular legs apart. I'd always had to be careful with girls at this point, not wanting to hurt them from hitting something up in there with my tool, but I knew Jack could take it. He could take it all. Before he could say a word I thrust into him and his eyes widened in shock as his mouth opened in a silent scream. Once people got used to my size they thought that they could take it, that what they were feeling was the most they could feel. It wasn't until I could really tear their pussy up did they lose their shit. I held his legs out like a wishbone and started to slide my beercan thick, nine and a half inches into him like a machine, smashing his prostate like it was only made for me to kill it. His cock was hard as fuck and his eightpack was already covered with cock snot as I hit into him again and again and again. He could barely breathe I was fucking him so hard, his hands were over his head as he lost all grip on the situation. His entire life was my cock now. No thought, no reason, nothing. All he knew was that he existed to get fucked and there was nothing else in the world other than my dick. His ass gave up the ghost and stopped fighting me as I was able to shove myself to pubes and back in one slick movement. Once I knew he was gone, it was time for the last stage. I circled my arms around his back and pulled him up into a sitting position. As he came down on my thickness his eyes bulged again as he realized with his weight and gravity, I could get even further into him. I didn't move and he began to panic. “Fuck me, fuck me!” he commanded as he pulled his ass up and shoved it back down on me. Both of our bodies were slick with sweat as he rode me, wanting every single inch of my horse cock he could. Once he had a good rhythm going I grabbed his shoulder and thrust up as he pushed down. He let out a squeak for a moment as he eyes rolled back into his head and I began to piston fuck him harder than ever. By the fourth push he was matching me thrust for thrust, desperate for every massive inch I possessed. This was the last stage because no one lasted long this way. They had no identity, no thought, all they knew was they needed to worship the cock in them and nothing else. “You like that Jack? You like that cock?” “Oh god Everett....you're so big....fuck me....fuck me....” he chanted, not sure what he was saying any more. “This what you wanted? This what you wanted to feel?” “Please fuck me Ev...please...” he whined, begging for more. “This is your cock Jack, only yours...” I said as I moved him to the right slightly. His mouth hung open as he made gibberish sounds as I hit his joybutton again and again and again. I had been able to do this with girls, know exactly where to hit them to make them cum by instinct. It was a feeling of where I needed to hit to get them to explode instantly. From the way Jack was whimpering my skill was just as good with guys. “I'm....I'm....unf....unf....oh god...Ev....Ev!” he panted as his cock began to pulse. Without ever touching it his cock erupted warm cum over both of our washboard abs. His ass tightening from his orgasm set me off and I sprayed his guts with what must have been gallons of cum from my swollen dick. I kept pushing him down on my cock as I made sure every last drop of my cum was forced into him. “”Ev...Ev....” he said, holding on to my shoulders. Once I was done I lowered him back onto his bed. My cock was still lodged in him as he laid back and sighed. “Is that what you needed?” I asked. He looked up at me and smiled, “I love you.” Before I could answer he kissed me, and I laid down on him, my half hard cock sliding out of his wrecked ass. “I love you too....” I whispered as a stream of my cum leaked from his ass. He nuzzled his sweaty body next to mine and he drifted off to sleep, both of us covered in cum.
    4 points
  7. Part 2 I woke up the next morning with the visions of last night still burned into my mind. I really didn't know what to think. So......Colt was gay. THAT part really didn't bother me much. I mean, it IS Texas. It's really conservative, and queers are not totally accepted.....BUT....not everyone is so closed minded. And we had been so close for so long that I couldn't just turn my back on him. I loved the dude. But the rest of it? The rough, brutal sex, the drugs, broadcasting it on the internet? That's what I had trouble accepting. If Colt wanted to have a nice boyfriend, that was one thing, but everything else he was doing? I didn't know how I felt about it. It was pretty fucked up. But as I layed in bed and absentmindedly stroked my cock, I kept seeing Colt taking that big, black cock up his ass. I didn't want to, I was trying to think of pussy, but Colt kept creeping back in. And I didn't understand why thinking about it got my cock so hard. I wasn't gay! Other than jerking off with my best friend, I never thought about cock. But for some reason, I kept seeing it going up Colt's ass. I quickly jerked myself off so I could get on with my day, but I still thought about it all day long. And all the next day too. Monday at school, I was the one avoiding Colt. I just couldn't face him yet. Not after all I had seen. It was Thursday before Colt approached me. "Hey Austin." He said, coming up to my locker after last period. And yes, my name is Austin, Austin Allen Collins, and I live in Texas. You might think I was named after the city, but you would be wrong. I was actually named after Stone Cold Steve Austin, my dad's favourite wrestler. But any way, Colt approached my locker. "Austin," he said again, "I know I've been kind of an asshole lately." "You don't say." I replied. If he was about to apologize, I wasn't going to make it easy for him. "Yea, look dude, I'm sorry, I really am. I've been going through some shit and I guess I just needed some space." "So, you just push me aside? Is that what best friends do? We've always told each other everything, so what's changed, dickhead?" I prodded him. I didn't expect him to fess up to anything, especially not here at school, and frankly, I didn't know if he would ever fess up. But over the last couple of days I had done a lot of thinking, and had decided I would try to be here for him, if he wanted it. "Look man, I'm sorry. I really am and I want to make it up to you. I got some killer weed and I'm free all weekend. Come on, we had a great time on your birthday." "Yea, then you turned back into an asshole. What's up with that?" "Come on bro.....I'm sorry! I have been a total dick and I know it. But we're brothers! Please forgive me. Come on, we'll get some beer and have a great weekend. My parents will be gone again!" I looked at his face and he really did seem to be sorry. But knowing what I knew about him, and that he was obviously really struggling with some heavy shit, I gave in. "All right asshole." I said. "Just me and you, all weekend. And you better get some good beer, not some piss water shit!" "I promise!" He smiled. "It's going to be a great best bro weekend!" I just shook my head as he walked away. Maybe he was planning to come clean this weekend. I actually hoped for his sake he would. That's a big fucking secret he's hiding. Friday night found us at his house as promised. He had a case of beer and a fat sack of weed. We hit the bong, then hit the video games. After a couple hours, several beers, and a lot of weed, things started to feel back to normal again. We were both just sitting there in our boxers and feeling good. Colt's fly gaped open and I could see his big, soft cock nestled against his large balls. It made me think of him shooting off as his ass got plowed. I tried not to think about it, but I couldn't stop. Throughout the night, Colt kept getting text messages. He would quickly respond to them, then pretend nothing had happened. He also got a couple of phone calls. "Aren't you going to answer that?" I asked him as his ringtone played the Toby Keith classic 'Beer for my horses.' "Naw. Voicemail can get it. This weekend is all about me and you, bro." He said as he grabbed my knee and gave it a squeeze. We kept on playing video games for a while, and I knew he wasn't going to bring it up, so I tried. "So what's been going on dude?" I asked. "What's this shit you've been going through?" Colt looked uncomfortable. "I'm not ready to talk about it yet." "Why not?" I asked. "Remember we tell each other everything. We've been jerking off together for years, what do we have to hide?" Colt just chugged on his beer. "I can't just yet. But I will, I promise." I let it drop. I figured he would tell me soon enough, so we continued with drinking, smoking, and gaming. Pretty soon it was 2 am and we were drunk and high and decided to hit the hay. As we lay on his bed, we both just stared at the ceiling. Now that we didn't have video games in front of us, the images of last weekend filled up my head. It was tearing me up inside and I couldn't control myself any longer. I ended up blurting out, "I know." Colt was silent for a moment before asking, "You know what?" "I know your secret dude!" I could hear Colt taking deep breaths in the dead silence. Finally he asked, "What secret is that?" God damn him! I was over the games and the lies and was determined to drag the truth out of him. I rolled over on my side and faced him. "I saw you. Last weekend." Colt rolled on his side with his back toward me. I continued, "I was tired of your bullshit so I went over to your house, and I saw, through the window." More tense silence followed as Colt processed what I had said. Finally he whispered, "You don't hate me?" My heart hurt that Colt actually thought I could hate him. "No dude, I don't hate you. I'm here right now, aren't I?" Colt rolled to face me. "I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't know how to bring it up. The thought of losing you scared me more than anything." "Dude," I said, looking him right in his eyes, "We're family. And you don't turn your back on family. No matter what." Colt just smiled at me, a look of relief on his face. "I mean, if you want to be gay, be gay. I don't give a fuck. I got your back bro. But all that other shit? What's that about? Do you really like that?" Colt was silent for a moment, averting his eyes from me before he replied, "Yea Austin, I do. I mean, I really, really do. I kind of always have. I used to check out all kinds of crazy shit online, and I always thought it was hot. Then I started chatting with Dante and Carlos, and when I turned 18, I met up with them and things just progressed. You think I'm a sick fuck, don't you?" I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling again. "I don't know what to think, man. I'm trying to be cool with all this. So what was up with the camera? Why did they say people had paid to see this?" "Well," he began, "Dante and Carlos have this internet business, and people from all over the world pay to watch these shows. 50 bucks a pop. And they're good guys. They split the money with me. Last weekend I made a thousand bucks." "A thousand bucks?" I asked incredulously as I turned back to him. "Yea, I'm their most popular guy right now. I bring in a HUGE audience." I was still trying to wrap my head around everything. "But, doesn't that kind of make you a whore?" I asked. "I don't really think about it like that." He replied. "I mean, I'm going to be having sex anyway, so why not make some money from it?" I remained silent as I pondered this. Colt just continued to look at me while he waited for the next question. "So, what about the drugs, dude?" I continued. "What was that shit you were smoking? And what was that brown bottle?" "Well, that brown bottle was poppers. They help you to relax. And the other stuff was Tina, or meth." I shot up on my elbows and looked down on him. "Meth? Are you fucking crazy?" "Relax man." He said. "It's not as bad as you think. Once in a while it's ok. You just have to control yourself. Look at me, I've been doing it for a couple of months now, do I look like I'm addicted?" I had to admit, he did look perfectly normal. "But, you were so fucked up that night." I said. "Yea I was." He laughed. "And I felt great! T is amazing shit! It's like a hundred times better than weed. It makes you feel so good, and it makes sex incredible!" He opened up his nightstand and pulled out a pipe and a baggie. "You wanna try some?" "What the fuck?" I asked, shocked. "You got that shit right here?" "Yea, come on. Give it a little try. It'll make you feel so good." I stared at the pipe in his hand before shaking my head. "I don't know man...." "Come on. It won't hurt you, I promise! You're my brother and I love ya, would I steer you wrong? Just give it a little try. It's awesome!" "Fine." I conceded. "I'll try it just this once to shut you up!" Colt's face lit up and his eyes sparkled as he started loading the pipe with the crystals. "Fuckin A dude! You're gonna love this!" He handed me the pipe and lit the small torch, melting the shards as he rolled the pipe. "Now," he said, "Put the pipe up to your lips and when the bowl fills with white smoke, inhale and hold it." I did as instructed, inhaling deep. It had kind of a weird taste to it, but wasn't too bad. Then I exhaled, and a large white cloud filled the air. "Now, take another one." Instructed Colt as he looked at me with a big smile on his face. I inhaled another big hit, and I started to feel warm and tingly as a rush went through my body. Colt took the pipe and inhaled a couple of big hits himself before asking me, "How do you feel?" "Warm and tingly." I replied, giggling a bit. "Good, now take a couple more." I took 2 more hits and my body started to feel like it was on fire. It was like I could feel every nerve in my body, and every nerve was telling me I was super horny. Colt took 2 more hits and handed me back the pipe. I took one more hit and the pipe was empty, which made me feel sad. Colt could see the disappointment on my face. "Don't worry buddy, I got plenty more." He said as he reloaded. "We're gonna get you feeling REAL good." I giggled a little more as he handed me the pipe, and I took 2 more hits. By now, I felt like I was floating and was kinda dizzy, but felt more alive than I ever had before. And hornier. "I got an idea. Instead of wasting smoke when we exhale, let's do a shotgun." He suggested. "What's that?" I asked. "When I take a hit, instead of just exhaling it, I put my mouth over yours and you breath in the smoke as I let it out. That way, we both benefit from the hit." I looked at him through my high state and giggled some more. "Sure, why not? I've done this much. Bring it on bro!" Colt hit the pipe and then slowly moved his face toward mine. My heart was pounding in my chest as he gently placed his lips against mine. I thought it would gross me out having another dudes lips on mine, but it didn't. Colt's lips were soft like a girls. I opened my mouth a little bit, and Cole started exhaling into me. I inhaled and felt his hot breath as it filled up my lungs, causing my cock to stir. He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes as I exhaled the smoke that had been in his body. "Your turn." He said, putting the pipe up to my lips. I took a big hit and leaned into him. When our lips touched again I felt a bolt of electricity jolt through my body. We opened our mouths and as I started exhaling, I felt his tongue enter my mouth. Instead of freaking out, I found myself responding to him. My own tongue inched forward until it was touching his. Gently, at first, our tongues rubbed over each others, but soon, I had melted into him and our kissing became stronger and more passionate. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him as our mouths tried to devour each other. It was weird at first, his hands on my body. These weren't soft, small girl hands. These were large, strong, rough man hands that were pulling my body against his, our bare chests rubbing against each other. He rolled me on my back and placed his larger body on top of me, our hard cocks pressing into each others rock hard stomachs. His rough hands explored my body, feeling like fire everywhere he touched me as his tongue raped my mouth. I ran my hands over his back, his strong, muscular back, relishing in the feeling of touching another man for the first time. I felt his powerful arms and grabbed his rock hard bubble butt as I moaned like a whore. After furiously making out for what seemed like an eternity, Colt pulled off me and looked down at my face, brushing my sweaty hair off my forehead. "You're so beautiful." He said. Now the straight guy in me should have been bothered by that, I suppose, but I think he was gone at this point. "So are you." I replied, looking deep into his eyes. Colt just started kissing my neck and chest before he planted one of his sexy lips on my nipple. He started sucking and nibbling on it, causing my cock to twitch as I gasped and moaned. He worked his magic on my nips before kissing his way down my stomach. He grabbed my 9 1/2 inch cock in his big hand and I gasped again at this new sensation. It felt so different than when a girl grabbed it. So much better. He licked the precum off the head before placing it in his mouth. He sucked on the knob as I squirmed before he slowly sank down on it, taking the entire thing down his throat. Holy shit! No bitch had EVER taken more than half my cock, and my best friend swallowed it with no problem! I groaned as I felt his throat muscles massage my shaft. Colt slid up and down my cock taking it to the root each and every time. He pulled off and grabbed some lube from the nightstand. Lubing up his finger, he started to insert into my ass. Now, I really should have stopped him at this point, but I was so high and so horned up, and everything up to now felt so amazing that I didn't even try to stop him. Colt slid his finger into me until I felt a jolt go through my body and my cock jumped. "Feel that baby?" He asked. "That's your prostate, and it makes you feel super good! Now just relax and let your bro show you how good it feels!" Colt stuck a second finger into me and started really rubbing it. I involuntarily spread my legs apart to give him better access. My cock felt like it was having one long, slow orgasm. "Oh yea baby." He moaned. "Look at all that precum! Your cock is like a river!" I looked down, and my stomach was covered with a big pool of it. Colt just leaned over and lapped it up like a puppy. Then he went back to sucking my cock. He added a third finger into my hole, and buried them as he worked my prostate. Soon, my whole body was shaking and I cried out as I exploded into the most intense orgasm I had ever had! Colt buried my cock in his throat as the first couple of jets shot off. Then he pulled back and took the rest of my cum into his mouth. After I stopped shaking and had given him the last of my load, he crawled up to my head and placed his mouth on mine. As I opened my mouth, Colt released the cum he was holding. We kissed as we rubbed my cum over each others tongue. Colt pulled off and loaded another pipe. "This one is all for you baby." He said, handing it to me. I didn't question him as I hit the pipe. He licked his finger and stuck it in the baggie, giving it a light covering of powder. "Now, this is going to burn a little bit." He said. "Just trust me baby, it'll pass." He stuck his finger in me as I took the fourth hit on the pipe, emptying it. I hissed as my ass burned while Colt finger fucked me. But he was right, it passed and was replaced by a new hunger. Colt made out with me as he lubed up his huge cock. "I want to take your virginity baby." He cooed in my ear. "Would you like that? Would you like your brother to take it? To be the first man inside you? Come on. Tell me you want it." "I do Colt!" I moaned. "I want it so bad! I want to feel you inside me!" "Good boy. That's what I want hear. Now, hit this." He said, handing me a brown bottle. "You're gonna need this!" I hit the bottle like I had seen him do before, and a new warmth rushed through my body, relaxing me. Colt climbed between my legs and lifted them up. "Now, when I start pushing in, you push out like you're taking a shit, got it?" I nodded. Then Colt started. He pushed against my butthole and I pushed back. I could feel my hole stretching and burning until it got to be too much. "Stop, please!" I begged him. "It's too big!" "Shhhh, I have faith in you." He said as he handed me the bottle again. "Take a few more hits." I hit the bottle a few more times as Colt kissed my neck. I could feel my asshole relax a bit as Colt started pushing again. I pushed back and Colt gave a sharp jab with his hips. His head popped past my anal ring and I let out a scream. Colt just covered my mouth. "Shhhhh baby. You did it. I'm inside of you. I'm so proud of you! Just relax and hit this some more." I hit the bottle a few more times and the pain subsided a bit. "Ok baby, ready?" He asked. "Cause here it comes. Now look at me. I want to see your eyes as I take you!" I looked at him through my tear stained eyes as he slowly started pushing into me. My insides felt like they were being ripped in two as his massive log sank into me inch by inch. I whimpered as he went deeper and deeper until eventually he had all 10 inches buried in me. "Oh baby, oh yeah! You did it!" He congratulated me as he kissed my neck. "You took all of me! I'm so proud of you. You got all of your brothers big fat cock buried in you!" He held it still for a while as my body adjusted to it. Then, he started to slowly fuck me. Just a little bit at first. Then gradually more and more. "Oh yea. Open up that pussy for me! Give me that hole! Give up that hole to your brother! Oh yea, you're loosening up baby, I can feel it. I'm gonna start really fucking you now!" And he did. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on tight as he started pounding me. The pain had passed and all I felt was immense pleasure. "Oh god Colt. Oh yea, fuck me man! Oh God you feel so good inside me!" "Oh baby, I've wanted this for so long. I love you so much Austin!" We started kissing again as he pounded my no longer virgin hole. He rode me hard for a solid 5 minutes before he started panting. "Oh god I'm gonna cum baby. Are you ready? Are you ready for your first big load of man cum in your pussy?" "Fuck yea bro, do it! Give it to me! Cum in me Colt! I love you too!" Colt squeezed me tight into his big, muscular body as he let out a roar and pumped me full of his seed. My cock shot off again between our rock hard stomachs as I was filled up with his cum.
    3 points
  8. 1. Halloween Preparations I had met Seth at the gym. He was a senior, and I think he noticed me checking him out. He was beautiful: about 5'11", muscular, but not too muscular, brown hair and eyes. He had a rugby player's build, stout and muscular, with a muscular ass. I was far to shy to say anything, especially after he caught me checking him out. But he just smiled at me, and despite my blushing, I smiled back. Luckily, we both moved on to different parts of the gym, and then he disappeared. I resolved to never work out at that time again. Unfortunately, he was waiting for me outside the locker rooms. He smiled again, and my ass twitched. "Like what you saw?" he asked me. Even though I was a freshman, I was hardly a virgin. In high school, I had a steady boyfriend, and we had done a lot of exploring. I had learned what I liked, and that was a thick cock up my hole. Safely, of course. But, also, of course, when I was watching porn, I only watched bareback porn. It was so hot to see a twink boy take a load of sperm from a hot man. I had to answer him. "Y-Yeah," I said. The chance of him beating me up here was almost zero. But I was still terrified. "Nice. Me too." He smiled, and licked his lips. "I'm Seth," he said. "Kenta," I replied. "I gotta run. Here's my number. Let's get a smoothie soon," he said. But Seth's social schedule was packed. I was reasonably popular, but I was still just a freshman. We actually ran into each other more at the gym. We checked each other out, and talked a bit. Once, I saw him in the shower. His dick was thick, even when he was soft. I tried not to stare too much. We finally did the smoothie, but we did it by skipping a class. He had a fresh joint, and we smoked it out in the park, sitting in the sun. He had told me about his home life. He was living in a complex relationship with three other guys, two older men, and then one a few years older than him. He passed the joint to me, and motioned me closer, as he pulled out his phone. He started showing me pictures of his family. I was now sitting right next to him on the bench. We were both in tank tops, and his skin was warm, and still a bit damp from the workout. His "husbands and brother," as he called them were just as hot as he was. I must have said something when he showed me Jon's picture. Jon was the first of the two husbands, and he was balding, bearded, hairy, and hung. He was totally my type, and my asshole was twitching. "Yeah," Seth said. "You'd like him." He continued to show me the other husband and the brother. JP, the husband, was almost better than Jon. I even liked Cal, the tall, lean gymnast brother, although he was far too similar to me in build. "You should meet them. They're great people." He swiped again, and it was another picture of Jon. This time shirtless, wearing a leather harness and jeans. "Wow," I said. "Yeah?" Seth asked. "Are you interested in that?" "It's hot," I said. "Really hot. But I haven't done anything like that before." "You should come over. We've got a lot of gear. You can see what it's like." He leaned in and kissed me. When he told me about his family, I thought he was off-limits. "This is totally fine," he said, almost reading my mind. This time, I kissed him back. The weed was hitting me, and I was horny. "I'd like that." All I could think about was the picture of Jon in the harness. He had been wearing gloves, and I imagined the feel of the warm leather against my skin. "And maybe you'd play with us," Seth said. I had seen videos like that. I had fantasized about it. But I had no idea where to find them. I think I was also scared of it. I had jerked off to the porn. But actually doing it was another thing. Health class had made the consequences so clear, and very scary. "Uh..." I started, utterly unsure what I was going to say. "It's cool," he said, and kissed me again. "Whatever you want." "No," I finally said. "I'd like that. It's just.." "You're a virgin?" he asked, sounding genuinely surprised. "No, no, not hardly. Just never done it with more than one guy." "Oh," he smiled. He kissed me again. "That's easy. We're good at this. Lots of practice." He paused. "By the way, what's your safer sex practice?" "Uh. Usually condoms." I don't know why I said "usually," since I always used condoms. "Cool. We're almost all on Prep or meds," Seth said. "So, we're safe that way." I had seen signs about Prep, and I hadn't really thought about it. But then, with my dick already hard and the weed kicking in, my mind wandered. I could take a raw cock. It was just a pill, and I had heard how easy it was to get at the campus health center. I could take Jon's raw cock. It was definitely the weed's fault, but I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. "I'll have to see about it," I said. "Yeah! That's great. You want to come over next Friday?" he asked. "We're doing a little Halloween post-party." "Sure," I said. "What kind of Halloween party? Costumes?" "Yeah. Don't worry about it. We'll get you into some proper leather beforehand. You'll fit right in." He smiled at me and gave me another kiss. We made out for a few more minutes, enjoying the freedom to do this out in public and the warmth of the late fall sun. But, finally, he had to be somewhere, and I had a lab section. Later, he texted me the details. He wanted me to have some time with his family first, before the rest of the party started. "Don't worry. JP and Cal get started on these things hours beforehand." My cock was stiff. By Japanese standards, I was hung. But I remembered the cock Seth had. He had made some comment that he was just average for his family, and I wondered how big Jon and JP must be. More than just my dick, my ass was itching. It had been a while since I had gotten fucked. I wanted to feel all of Jon, and didn't want him to miss any part of me. I looked up PrEP at the health center. It was easy and I had an appointment the next day. A day after that I had a bottle of pills. The doctor said I'd be protected just a few days later.
    2 points
  9. When I was in college, I was still mostly closeted and only hooking up with guys from a few discreet websites like a4a. I had one top guy convince me to get fucked, despite my "total top" attitude and desires. Pictured: me and Phil, the top The first few times we fucked the condom broke and he flooded my ass with cum, always making sure to point out how much better it felt for both of us. That is probably why I didn't give it much thought when he stopped using the condoms after that. He also helped me get into drugs and sex as a perfect pairing, and with his help I slowly worked from poppers to lines of coke and even some tina booby bumps that he called "butt blasts" and told me they were totally safe and organic suppliments meant to make my butt have (and receive) a blast! He even convinced me to bring in other guys on our play sessions, despite my fear that someone I knew might end up at the door. It never dawned on me that anyone who showed up would have also agreed to take part in gay sex with a relative stranger. To put me at ease he often sent me the photos and stats of other guys before inviting them to join us and that kept me from freaking out when I recognized a few from around campus. Usually I automatically told him no way when it was someone I knew, but after seeing the conversations some of the guys had with him online, I often found myself agreeing to meet and play. I knew there was a risk of being outed but the reward seemed far more tempting when he got them to describe their wildest fantasies, especially when they sent photos of themselves with fingers or dildos up their asses and even the occassional shot of their faces covered in cum or with some dude fucking them. This made me feel bolder about my own ability to get away with illicit sex behind my girlfriend's back, so I joined a few more sites my top friend had recommended to me, and one in particular that I had been too freaked out by before that time, a site known as bareback real time sex or bbrts.com. Most of you probably know that site to be a more perverted hook up site than a4a or the others of the time, which is precisely what excited me but also what kept me from joining until then. Once I was on there, I often saw a profile for a self described straight but curious jock guy who, like me, was a sophomore at my school and, according to the site, he lived close enough to me to have his location show up within 300 ft of my dorm room. I checked out the guy's photos every chance I could and got hard enough that I used his profile to jerk off nightly or whenever possible. It turned me on to read about his experiences which were limited to one night of anal play with a married older couple that started with the wife eating his ass while her husband sucked his dick and ended with the wife fucking him with a strap on while he sucked the husband to orgasm. He had no other frame of reference for sex with men but wanted desperately to try anal play again, only this time he hoped to get to fuck a guy's ass. The most surprising part of his profile was his insistance that he use a condom when playing since he had a girlfriend, and I am guessing that was what had kept most guys from contacting him since he was on a site with bareback in the name. I had tried contacting him a dozen times, but he always disappeared right when I messaged him, and I figured he was either all talk or a straight guy and his friends who were using the profile to look for queers in the dorms, so I gave up. Imagine my delight and surprise when my top buddy sent me the profile info and chat transcript for a guy he was trying to hook up with and it was the same straight guy! Their emails revealed that the kid was terrified of being outed due to his gf as he had mentioned but also due to fear he might lose his baseball scholarship. The more they corresponded the more I came to see that it was his status on campus as a jock stud that he was desperate to maintain and why he only talked with guys who didn't have anything to do with the university. In some of the emails they exchanged, my top friend Phil told him about his "nephew" (aka me) who he described as a straight guy who dropped out of college and was curious too. He made the guy horny with details of how I came over regularly, slowly progressing from jerking off and smoking pot to recent sessions where I had sex with a few bottoms, then getting fucked by him and another hot top. He had then sent the guy pictures of me fucking a few guys but my face was cropped out or blurred in all of them. School guy responded with pics of himself from the neck down in his jockstrap or jerking off. Then Phil sent photos of me taking his cock, again with no face, and school guy sent a video of himself jerking off onto his computer screen, specifically my photos. The guy from my school, who told Phil his name was "Dick Butz" lol, was really interested in meeting and fucking me, especially when Phil offered him some drugs to help get us in the mood and promised "Dick" I would even be too out of it to remember his face. Dick thought that was the best plan ever and was practically begging to do it after hearing that. Phil said he would set it up but only if he could be sure "Dick" was for real, so even as reluctant as he was, he finally sent some photos of his face in their most recent chats. I was filled with shock and desire when the photos revealed him to be my good friend and poker buddy Tyler, star of our school baseball team and notorious pussy hound. I'd had a crush on him since the first time we met freshman year and my crush had grown everytime we saw each other, making it almost an obsession. When he hosted poker nights, I always found an excuse to use the bathroom at the same time as someone else which meant I would have to use the one off his bedroom, allowing me to grab his underwear or cup and jerk a load into them. As I looked at photos of his nude form that he'd taken using his cheap ass phone and cheaper webcam, I was drooling and amazed that he still looked awesome in each pic. I went back and zoomed in on every shot featuring his rock hard ass, cut abs, hefty circumsized hard on, massive balls, and then stopped to drool more over his face with his dimples and goofy jock grin. Just as he always did in life, he wore a cheap watch in each photo and a cubs cap that was so worn we used to say it would disintegrate if he ever removed it, and I kicked myself for not seeing the watch before. Phil was still reluctant to get the guy to join us because no matter how much Phil objected and tried to talk "Dick" aka Tyler into going raw, Tyler was dead set against it and finished their last correspondence with a sentence detailing how desperately he wanted to spend a night brutalizing phil's nephew's butthole, even offering to pay for the opportunity, but his only firm rule was if he had to go without protection then he wasn't interested and they might as well stop talking about it altogether. I was not about to let that happen, and immediately told Phil that I knew the guy and begged him to get Tyler to join us. Once he knew about Tyler's sports skills and reputation as a ladies man he told me he would overlook Tyler's obsession with condoms and went to work to set it all up. Since Tyler was still nervous about meeting a guy his age, Phil suggested that all three of us could wear hats and sunglasses to keep our identities secret. Still Tyler was wishy washy about setting up a date to do it until after a poker game one night that we had at a mutual friend's house the day before halloween. When the host came out wearing a cheesy brown Mullett wig with a bandana attached that he planned to wear to a costume party the next night, Tyler seemed to have a sudden need to cash out and go home. Phil texted me on halloween and told me Tyler had emailed him and agreed to meet up the following weekend with an attached photo of himself that he took that night in a similar mullet wig (this one blondish yellow), wife beater and sweats. Apparently he bought his costume that day, and thought he would be unrecognizable enough that he even sent a photo in the get up but left his obscenely large stiff cock pulled out to make the image complete. Originally Phil and I had thought we would have to use the surprise tactic and some of Tyler's photos to coerce/blackmail him into going through with fucking me once he saw me at Phil's house, but now that Ty planned to wear the mullet and a pair of sunglasses, I decided to follow suit, pulling out a wig I wore when I was Superman at a costume party years earlier, and a mardy gras mask that covered from the top of my forehead to the tip of my nose, leaving my nostrils and the mouth fully uncovered. Even the eyes had a see through mesh fabric covering them, so I felt sure I would be completely unrecognizable too. Phil told Tyler to come around 10pm that Friday night and asked me to show up around 9, while he told Ty I wasn't going to be there until 1030 since I wasn't off work til ten, that way Tyler could meet Phil and the two of them could get high and drink before I arrived, which sounded good to Tyler. He also told Tyler that I was really shy and wouldn't talk much because of my self consciousness about a stutter that I suffered from. I couldn't have him recognizing my voice and ruining the plan. The night before we planned to meet Tyler, Phil had me come over and wear the wig and mask and made some vids on his phone of he and I fucking around, taking a lot of photos too, especially of his bare cock inside my tight hole. Thank goodness he had because, just as phil expected from a straight scared newbie, Tyler tried to text and cancel about two hours before he was scheduled to show. Phil acted like it was no biggie but told Tyler that "Mark" (my fake name) would be disappointed and sent Tyler some photos of me sucking Phil's 8.5 inch dick and when Tyler still waivered he sent a couple of Phil fucking me, and finally he sent a video of his big dick sliding out of my bubble butt and spewing jizz all over my naked body. By the time I got to Phil's house, Tyler was back on board and was hoping to have me there even sooner so we could fuck ASAP! Phil and I spent 45 mins hiding two cameras of his plus my camcorder in the bedroom, then we set up his webcam to record in the living room in case we played in there. Just as Ty texted he was on his way we did some lines of coke and I moved my car around the corner from the house so Tyler wouldn't see and possibly recognize the green Buick that wad famous with my friends due to the metalic gold trim that included gold hubcaps bumpers and door handles (you take what you can get when buying a used car). When Tyler arrived, I went into Phil's office and donned my wig and mask and watched the webcam feed on his laptop. Phil invited him in, took his coat and made him a drink while they chatted and watched some bisexual porn on phil's huge tv, all before Tyler even thought to put on the wig or sunglasses I couldn't help jerking as Tyler admitted to Phil that he was watching gay porn occasionally since they'd begun chatting online and I almost shot my wad when Ty stripped to his bball shorts and fondled himself while they shared stories of guys they wanted to screw. He even mentioned a friend he played poker with who lived in the same dorm as him but he was pretty sure would never do stuff with another guy, and despite the possibility that he meant one of our mutual poker friends, I was 99% sure he meant me. Phil told Tyler he might be surprised and said he should try to get the poker friend alone some night and feel him out but Tyler assured him that the guy was totally straight and was seriously involved with my girlfriend, but finished with adding he wished Phil was right because he lusted over the guy's "juicy bubble ass." I knew it was me when he described my rear and my girl since the other guy from our poker games was skinny as fuck and had no ass and no girlfriend. He teased me more by adding "I've lost some hands after seeing him bent over in front of me. lucky for me that gives me a chance to go jerk one out in the bathroom before going on." That admission made my ass quiver and I decided to "arrive" despite there being 8 mins early. I warned Phil by texting him that I was just parking and would be inside shortly, which was a code we decided on in advance, giving Tyler time to put on the wig and shades before I snuck out onto the back deck, went down the steps, came around in front, checked my wig and mask were on straight and rang the bell. As I expected, Phil answered the door in just a pair of tight briefs and talked to me about how work went. I kept my answers to one or two words and he went on and told me he had a friend joining us so I should put on my mask in the entry and take off my work clothes while he got me a drink. I practically ripped my coat, shirt and pants off, leaving me in a white tee shirt and tighty whiteys with my white crew socks to finish my innocent shy boy get up. Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and went around the corner. Phil handed me my drink, then turned around and introduced "Mark" aka me to "Dick" aka Tyler, who stood up and shook my hand enthusiastically while the semi in his shorts got longer and harder. "Dick" motioned for me to sit next to him on the loveseat and made sure his leg and mine were in full contact, then he put his arm around my shoulders when we were seated. As he asked me questions about what I did for work and how I'd come to try sex with my uncle, etc. I replied with mumbled one word responses that were somewhat due to my need to stay unrecognized but we're also caused by my real nerves, which now had me shaking. When Tyler began running his other hand up and down my thigh, my cock was hard as steel and I found my eyes sinking into my lap. Maybe it was because I wanted it so badly or perhaps I was unprepared for how much he turned me on, sitting there plying me with his million watt smile and his well practiced moves. It was easy to see what it was about him that had convinced hundreds of busty young co-eds to let their gaurd down and allow Tyler to plow them. Whatever it was he was asking, I was glad that Phil took most questions and answered for me, thus Tyler seemed none the wiser about my real identity. To help us relax Phil suggested some weed, cialis and coke, & 20 minutes later we were all high, hard and horny. I was barely able to pull my mind off Tyler's hands, which were working up my shirt and down my briefs now. But I realized Phil was waving to me from the kitchen, which was code for me to ask if I could use the bathroom while Phil and Tyler moved to the bedroom. Listening from the hallway I could hear Tyler thanking Phil for this, commenting on how how I was and how nice an ass I had. I almost laughed when Phil asked if it was as nice as his poker buddy's and Tyler responded that it wasn't quite as nice but added that he might have been biased since he'd been coveting his buddy's ass for nearly two years. Phil showed Tyler all the supplies and Ty wasted no time, making sure they had plenty of lube and condoms so he could fuck me as many times as Phil thought I could handle. I quickly peed and double checked that my hole was cleaned out and well lubed before returning to the two tops, my shirt and socks remaining in the bathroom. Tyler was now nude except for the mullet wig with his hard dick in Phil's mouth. he smiled and motioned for me to join him on the edge of the bed, and I licked my lips. As I went to sit next to him, I felt my briefs fly down my hips and Tyler's warm inexperienced mouth begin awkwardly slurping on my 6.5 inch meat. It hadn't occured to me he would want to suck my cock, but boy did he seem eager. Phil stood up and removed his own underwear and pulled me back on the bed while Tyler continued to suck me, now adding his dry fingers to the mix, working their way past my peach fuzz covered cheeks, beginning to force themselves unceremoniously up my hole. When he felt it was moist, he whipped back and investigated, probably afraid he was feeling something gross, but when he realized it was lube, he smiled and returned to his fingering, figuring I must be wanting this as bad as he did. Minutes seemed to stretch longer as I ached for him to fuck me, remembering countless nights hearing him brag during poker tournaments that lasted til dawn. My body vibrated at the promises he'd hinted at, telling us he was known far and wide for his huge loads of cum and his superhuman ability to get hard over and over. A few girls i knew confirmed his bravado and told me how he could cum and minutes later be right back fucking, with load after load and fuck after fuck, all night long. His hands and mouth were not satisfying my need to verify this myself tho. Finally I couldn't take the bad head anymore and pulled him up on top of me, whispering to him that I wanted him to fuck me, probably more words than he heard from me yet that night. "Not so shy now, huh marky?" He said as he rolled me onto my side and reached over to grab a condom from the night stand. Iwas usually a safe sex guy myself but not when I played with Phil, and now I was disappointed that he still seemed to insist on the rubber. Phil, who lay next to me, as if reading my mind, leaned in and whispered in my ear "not to worry." He had doctored the condoms so they would all break as soon as Tyler tried to fuck me. I realized for the first time that it was his doctoring that made us have such bad luck the first few times we had screwed around, and I decided I would be angry at him later. In the moment, I was happy to hear that I was going to be fucked raw by Tyler, my Poker playboy crush, one way or another. I looked back towards Tyler as he rolled the rubber down his dick and applied a generous amount of lube, before squirting some onto his hand and rubbing it into my ass crack. Phil rolled over and knelt on the edge of the bed when Tyler moved in to mount me, and it hit me that he was doing it so he could take Tyler's cock and insert it for him, while he instructed Tyler to lift my leg with one arm and brace himself on the headboard with the other. My thigh wasn't used to such a massive stretch right off the bat but it didn't break me so I just tried to relax as Tyler precariously pushed forward and began entering my ass with Phil driving his joystick. Tyler was not balancing well so it was no surprise to Phil or I that his first few thrusts missed my asshole and required a wiggle or scoot before the next. Finally he managed to push the first inch through my ring and the sharp pain and rough material coating his rod made me yelp which Tyler responded to with some enthusiasm, as if my displeasure was because of his massive cock. In a way, I guess it was, but I didn't like the fact that he was eager to hurt me so I said in my most convincing fake voice "go slow man. I need time to adjust before u rip me up." Tyler's brow broke out in sweat and he tried to pull back slightly, which resulted in his dick popping out altogether. As he pushed back in, the condom broke, and to my shagrin, Tyler immediately pulled his cock out and applied another from the pile. Phil seemed obviously disappointed at the young man's quick response so before Tyler could try again he had us each do a line of something that I assumed to be coke but burned more, and once Tyler let the stuff get to his brain, he asked if he could so some more, and Phil happily agreed, letting him do two more lines while telling me to try hitting the poppers. I took a few long hits and felt my body sinking away from the tension my ass had been feeling, and just as I released the second hit, Tyler rolled me onto my back and threw both my legs over his biceps and began pressing into my hole again. This time he got most of the way in before we felt the rubber break, and even kept pumping for a moment until he was almost completely inside of me, but his cock was not in charge yet. He removed his dick once more and reapplied a condom, but this time he did a much more haphazard job, not taking the time to squeeze the tip or apply more lube. Still the condom lasted while he slowly worked his way back in, inch by inch creeping up my ass, but the moment he was about to thrust for real, I felt something that may have been his cockhead opening the end of the condom and sliding further in than his previous attempts. My ass jumped as I pictured his bare boner engorged to such a thickness that it refused to stay encased in latex and with its jump, it also tightened and pulled him further in. Up until that moment my ass had yet to feel his dick anywhere near the second sphincter, but with the forward motion and the added benefit of his bare skin pushing beyond the torn latex, it popped firmly past my inner grip. With simultaneous moans of pleasure, we seemed to work our bodies around each other, as his hips drove his meat balls deep in me and my ass vacuumed his cock until it was sealed in the heat of my raw tunnel. "F-f-fuck, I think the condom broke, " Tyler said, reaching back to feel around the shaft while he slowly began fucking my hole. Phil insisted he could see the condom was still intact around the shaft, and pressed his cock to Tyler's lips, grabbing hold of his head, tearing the mullet wig off before brutally punching his hard cock down Tyler's receptive throat. Without any other way to keep his balance, Tyler had to return his hand to where it had been, and hooked my leg back over his shoulder, and for the first time since we began, he forgot about replacing the destroyed prophilactic and focused on destroying my ass instead. I worked my hands over Tyler's muscular shoulders and chest before reaching back and fondeling his balls as they swung against my cheeks with a rapidly increasing rhythm. Taking another hit from the poppers, I handed them up to Phil who took one himself before instructing Tyler to do a hit on either side of his nose. Once the second nostril was filled with the scent, Phil pinched Tyler's nose shut and shouted "Hold your breath in til I say so boy!" Tyler gagged a little around Phil's cock while he tried to hold his breath. His humping decreased in power for a minute until Phil released his nose and said "exhale!" Tyler let out a huge breath as Phil pulled his hard on from Tyler's mouth and moved to wear it was fucking my mouth instead, and to my delight, Tyler began really pounding my ass. True it was as much pain as it was pleasure but I didn't say a word or try to push Tyler off. My mind was made up that I was gonna take his cock no matter what. Tyler began saying dirty stuff like "yeah suck his cock" and "fucking take my monster meat you hot mother fucker" and I just moaned and grunted in agreement. Phil produced some kind of pipe that I couldn't really make out through the mask, and took a few hits before instructing Tyler to do the same. Tyler seemed reticent at first but Phil just told him it was a little late to be asking now, and Tyler must have decided he was right because he took the hits when Phil lit the pipe and then shot gunned each of them to me. The taste was acrid and nasty although not nearly as polluted feeling as smoking weed or tobacco. I figured it was something akin to coke and let myself go along for the ride, and by the fifth shotgun, I was exhaling huge clouds of white smoke. My brain was aware on a whole new level suddenly and without any warning Tyler turned the final shot gun into a make out session which I was happy to go along with. While Phil watched he also manuevered us until finally he gave up and told Tyler to pull out and move me to the edge of the bed. I freaked when Tyler did as Phil said, only to pull out, see he was inside me bare and ask for another condom. Phil told him he would get it in just a second, but first "I want you to put that wig and sunglasses back on so I can take a couple pics and a video of u fucking my nephew's ass bareback." You would think Tyler would be against such an idea but he just smiled and said fuck thats hot, grabbed the wig and glasses from Phil and slapped them on, topped them with his trade mark ball cap and told me to hang on. While he was distracted Phil produced his camera from behind a pile of clothes in the corner and acted like he was just turning it on. I could tell he got a really good shot of Tyler before he was masked in his disguise, but Tyler just asked if he looked good, and without much thought I said "you are the hottest fuck I've ever seen." This seemed to be the same as saying action, and suddenly without any pretense, Tyler pulled my ass to the side of the bed and entered me in one quick motion. For the next few minutes he humped and talked dirty, making sure to turn so he could show off his muscles to where ever Phil was at with the camera. I could barely see straight as he banged and rammed me. Soon Phil told Tyler how the "audience" wanted to see Tyler shoot his baby batter up my butthole and Tyler turned right to me and said "Well let's give the people what they want" and began taking me faster and deeper than before, only now he was screaming for me to jerk off as he did. While my cock throbbed in my hand and his cock throbbed harder up my hole, I began to see stars and told them I was getting close. Tyler told me how hot that was and how much he wanted me and then leaned into kiss me before putting his arms under my shoulders and lifting me off the bed and bouncing me on his cock for a minute while we both screamed. Dropping me as his arms began to shake he pumped me deep and hard a few times then rippped his cock from my ass and began spraying cum from my hole up over my cock and stomach, across my chest and neck and into the black wig and all over my mask. He then shoved it back inside me and told me it was my turn. I didn't need a second invitation, instead I began blasting my cum over the both of us, shooting 4 or 5 times before Tyler doubled over and managed to catch my cock head in his mouth for the remaining shots while keeping most of his dick buried inside me. Once my last cumshot subsided, he popped up and began french kissing me, letting me taste my own cum. Phil was hard as a rock and told Tyler to move, which he did reluctantly, before whipping me onto my belly, pulling me up to my knees and stuffing his own raw cock into my ass. It must have been lubed like mad because, as he handed the camera to Tyler to continue filming, he asked how it could be so hot and wet inside at which point Tyler admitted that the load Phil filmed was his third load of the night. He apologized to me as Phil began going to town on my hole, and admitted he had cum once right after he thought he felt the condom break and once more right as Phil started filming us but he didn't want to break his rhythm and figured the condom might not have been broken after all. I just moaned and gritted my teeth while phil worked his cock into my cum filled ass, and Tyler climbed up and stood over me, feeding his still stiff cock to Phil while Phil raped me. Phil took the camera from Tyler while they switched off taking hits from the pipe that I still couldn't see, and Tyler bent down to make me take a few hits just as Phil announced his first load up my ass. Unlike Tyler, Phil needed a few minutes to regain his strength so he disappeared into the bathroom at which point Tyler got me to bend over back to doggy style and began fucking me again, telling me within the first minute that he was adding another load to my ass. Now I knew Tyler had taken a strap on and from his emails and photos it looked like he used a variety of objects on his own hole, but it surprised the hell out of me when Tyler pulled his cock from my ass after another load and scooted up to my face as I rolled over and asked me to eat his hole. Everything Tyler had said about my ass earlier in the evening was exactly how I felt about his, so I had no trouble doing as he requested, using my tongue and fingers to play with his sweet clean butt while Tyler spun around and sucked on my rehardening cock. My whole body was on another plain of existance known as bliss when he rose off my dick and said "You're clean right?" Too which I moaned yes while tonguing his tight smooth baseball butt. For those of you who have never seen a baseball player squating to catch the ball or pushing off the ground to the jump for a pop fly, you are missing the ass and thighs of the gods doing their most holy work, which is why having him squating over my mouth was as much as I could have hoped to have experienced, until the moment he lifted off, turned around and squated down over my waist, and with one hand holding my cock up into the air, plunged his bare athletic hole over the tip. His eyes slammed shut and he sucked air in through gritted teeth, while pushing his butt til about 4 inches of my 6.5 were inside him. Then he began confiding in me that he had kept a cock with a suction cup on it that he stole from an ex-girlfriend's collection the year before, and had spent hours in the time since riding that dick on the floor of his dorm room or suctioned to the seat of his desk chair while watching porn featuring trannies and guys getting pegged. He even said he had done it in the showers at the university rec center and in the steam room at the athletic center with the hope he might get caught but had chickened out after taking it inside him and shooting his load right away each time. He stopped his tale just long enough to tell me I had better not to cum inside him or he would beat my ass. Ironic since he had shot at least 4 loads in me since we "met" that night. This was too much for me to resist, and without his permission, I reached up and grabbed his hips and thrust myself fully inside him, which caused him to yelp and call me a son of a bitch and pound his fist into the bed while he tried to push off me, but I just told him to jerk his cock and kept rising up and down into him as my load got closer and closer to exploding. He began jerking his cock but immediately told me he was too close not to cum at which point I said "then cum goddammit" and he did. Once his first shot blasted into my mask, my own balls began emptying up his hole, but I made sure to be as still and quiet as possible as I shot, choosing to hold myself as deep in his hole as I could get without my balls being sucked in too. Lucky for me, I was also pretty good at being able to stay hard after I shot my load, and with the cialis and the knowledge I had just bred him secretly, it was no problem. When his balls finally finished spewing he asked me if I could keep from shooting long enough to let him keep riding me for awhile and I said yes and watched as he worked himself back to full staff. To my surprise, I found my own balls were also ready to shoot again, but this time I warned him. "Good, then you'll like this," He said, grinning. He began bouncing on my meat while repeatedly telling me to warn him when I was getting close, and in about 2 minutes I did just that. With a smirk on his face he handed me the camera and told me to record then bounced a few times more on my dick before leaning forward, pushing his hands into the bed beside me and suddenly flipping backwards, landing with his feet next to the bed. He then spread my legs and slid inside me raw balls deep which was too much for me to take. I shot my biggest load of the night, all over both of us, while trying not to pass out. He applauded my immense load and told me I was the only guy he'd ever seen who could shoot as much as he could, before pulling his own cock from my ass and adding an even bigger load to our bodies. I wondered how it was possible til I realized Phil had been standing at the door when he saw the flip and snuck over and shoved half of his cock into Tyler's cum lubed ass just in time to make him shoot. Phil was not allowed to add his own babies to the butt though, and had to settle for taking video of Tyler and I on our knees eating his thick white cream as it oozed from his red pipe. After that Tyler made sure the camera was off (without knowing the other two were rolling) and stripped the wig and sunglasses off again, and went to take a shower. Phil gave me a hit from the weird pipe as he went and turned off the other two cameras, and quietly got me to admit I had shot a load in Tyler's butt. He turned the camera back on for a minute while he asked me if I enjoyed getting bred by straight stud "Dick." Somehow my character had become the same as what Phil had told Tyler it was, and I began stammering and quietly admitting I had enjoyed it a lot. Phil found this very very hot and told me to stay put while he checked on Tyler. I did another line of coke and drank some water before Tyler peeked his head back in and said he had to run because he was supposed to be at a workout at 7am and it was nearly 4. He reached over to the desk and wrote down his email address before telling me we should get together just the two of us sometime, then came over and did a line of coke, planted a kiss on me and disappeared. Phil returned a second later as I was trying to get up and get dressed, but he was having none of it and pushed me back onto the bed and turned the camera on and told me to tell him what had just happened. I thought I was out of gas for the night, but he had me take some more hits from the weird pipe while he loaded the videos from the cameras onto his tv in his bedroom. We watched the video while he fucked me and I decided to stay the rest of the night since he had handcuffed me to the bed and was cumming in me again already. stay tuned for chapter 2
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  10. Adam was considering what his hot soon-to-be lover was explaining, and found himself conflicted. "You see, the important thing is that you don't bleed when I fuck you," Joey explained. "So, I'll only put in the tip and then maybe another inch so that I don't draw blood. Then, I can fuck you raw, and you'll be fine." "I guess that's fine," Adam replied. Adam wanted Joey's cock. There really wasn't any denying it. But, Adam was terrified by the prospect of taking Joey's beautiful thick poz cock up his hole. Joey repositioned Adam so that he was stomach down; and then lubed his dick with the KY jelly he brought over. Joey applied some lube to Adam's hairless hole and massaged it in with one finger, and then two. "Here it comes," Joey declared, and then slowly forced in his thick mushroom tip into slim Joey's hole. "Oh shit!" Adam exclaimed, not expecting the pain to be as sharp. "Remember don't go deep," he urged. Joey smiled devilishly to himself and slowly, with determined pressure, slid the first four of his eight inches into Adam. "Ahhh!" Adam cried, "Just an inch okay?!?" Joey pretended to be compassionate "of course. I only have one inch inside you at the most. You must not have bottomed in a while. You're so tight." Adam's mind was racing and he thought to himself "Damn, I want him to fuck me, but i can't get pozzed" while his cock stiffened and he got used to the thick cock invading his hole. In just a few moments, Joey was building up his speed and shoving his first four inches in and out of Adam's hole. Adam soon forgot about the poz cock up his ass as waves of pleasure enveloped him, "Oh, damn, that feels good" Adam managed to say while gasping between breaths. "How about just one more inch?" Joey offered. Adam was overwhelmed by the intense sensations his burning hole was feeling and only was able to softly say "yeah, okay a little more." Joey took advantage of his lover in ecstasy and shoved the remaining four inches deep into Adam's hole and picked up his pace. Adam realized he was getting fucked hard and wondered how much of this thick poz cock was inside him, but he was too turned on to say a word. Joey knew he owned Adam now. He slam-fucked Adam with forceful jabs, taking his cock all the way out; and drilling it all the way back into Adam many times over. Joey tested Adam "You want more cock don't you?" Adam was out of control, "Fuck yeah! Give it to me! Pound me hard!" Joey obliged and aggressively drove his thick cock all the way in and out while Adam moaned and howled with each punishing thrust. Both of them were getting close to cumming when Joey announced "I'm going to cum in your ass. Get ready." Adam was too aroused and distracted by the pleasure and pain his ass was feeling to comprehend the enormity of what Joey was announcing. He surrendered himself to the whims of Joey. "Pozzing your ass NOW!!" Joey proclaimed while he unloaded a seven day load deep into Adam's wanting hole. Adam instantly came once he felt the jizz entering his hole. Too excited to pull away, he collapsed as he felt Joey's cock pulsating as it emptied inside his ass. Moments later, Adam came to his senses "Wait...I thought we said you weren't going to come in me." Joey quickly began to put on his clothing. "Oh, don't worry. I barely penetrated you. You'll be fine." Adam lay in bed confused, trying to make sense of what happened, while Joey quickly made his exit.
    2 points
  11. Pete had always loved his uncle Rob. Of course, now that he was a man grown, and their relationship had… changed... he'd taken to calling him Uncle Rub. The older man would use every opportunity to touch him. A firm hand on the shoulder. A soft, playful pat on the cheek, often in response to some smart ass comment. Pressing his crotch against his pert, twenty year old ass when trying to pass each other in the cramped hallway at the packing plant. Pete, of course, didn't mind. It drove him wild. Keeping himself from tearing the man's pants open to get at the giant sized tool the outwardly benign affections were secretly promising. As soon as they were alone, probably in Rob's run down house on the other side of the county, clothes would get strewn everywhere and Pete’s ass would be taken quickly and with whatever lube was handy. After Rob came deep up his nephew’s guts, only then would they take things more slowly. Leftovers would get eaten, reruns would be watched, as they languidly embraced and played with each other. A familiar alert noise sounded from his uncle's phone, and Petes curiosity was titillated. His uncle smiled as he tapped out a response. The phone went back on the bedside table, and his uncle rose and rummaged around in his closet. “Who was that?” Pete asked, lazily jerking his cock. Rob turned back to him, holding several lengths of nylon rope, and a shoebox. “Do you trust me?” “Sure, I do, Uncle Rub.” Pete smiled, “I like it when you tie me up.” “I know you do, boy.” Rob came back to the bed and took out a blindfold, “but tonight, I'm getting some help from friends.” “Who?”. Rob smiled warmly at the young man he'd grown to cherish, “That isn't for you to know.” the blindfold slid over his head, and all was darkness. Pete could feel rope being tied at his ankles, then his legs being raised and secured, his hole spread wide. Then his hands were cuffed together and secured above his head to the head board. The bed in front of him sagged. He heard his uncle spit then felt the cock head re-enter him. The dick sank into him all the way, making him moan. He felt his uncle’s strong body lowering onto him, making him feel complete. “You know I'd never let you be hurt, right son?. “I know that pretty damn well, sir.” “And you know I've always done right by you since your daddy left?” rob gently withdrew. “Yes, sir.” “Good. So right now, who's your daddy?” Rob thrust in slowly but steadily. “Oh god, you are, sir.” “That's right.” thrust. “You're a good boy, Pete.” His uncle proceeded to throw a pretty rough fuck into him. Pete was moaning and the creaking of the bed was particularly loud such that he did not hear the front door open. “Wow.” A husky voice said from the doorway. “Hey!” Rob greeted the newcomer, “Go ahead and get nekkid. I'll be done with the little bitch soon.” Hearing his uncle refer to him as a bitch made Pete’s dick grow even harder. Knowing he was about to be fucked by a complete stranger that he'd never see was also driving him wild. He couldn't help but moan. Rob was also going wild on his hole and was soon delivering the second load of the night. The bed shifted as his uncle disengaged and left the bed, only for a new weight to make it sag. “Fuck, look at that wet pussy.” the strange man said. Pete felt a cock at his hole, and it was thick. He felt a finger get placed over his left nostril and the familiar smell of poppers. He huffed deeply on the bottle his uncle was holding to his nose. Right as the rush hit, the dick entered him. He heard the screen door open again. But his mind was filled with the wide cock that was filling his asshole. “Hey gents!” His uncle greeted, loudly so that Pete could hear. “Come on in, get comfy. Here are the rules. Don't hurt my boy. There aren't any condoms in this house so don't ask. Feel free to fuck his face, but all loads go up his ass. Call whoever you think would like to use Michael Miller's only son as a cumdump. I'll be nearby. I got a cute piece of tail I'm gonna be using in the next room. Have fun.” This information hit Pete like a semi truck. His dad was the most hated man in Armstrong County. And his Uncle just invited whoever wanted to use him. “Oh, and make sure he takes some poppers on occasion, and let him out of the restraints every hour or so. Don't want him hurt, just used.” Over the next six hours Pete’s cute little ass was gangbred. After the first hour his hands were freed so that his throat could be fucked as well. Two hours in, and he had nine more loads up his cunt. But the men showed no signs of stopping. The screen door opened frequently, and Pete could hear his Uncle having sex with a woman in the room down the hall. When his legs were freed and he was allowed to stand Pete could feel a trickle of semen down both his legs. He was bent over the dresser and fucked up against it for a short while, but ultimately placed on all fours on the bed so he could be spit roasted. Eventually the blindfold came off and light momentarily blinded him. “How are you doing, son?” his uncle asked. Men, some strange, some familiar, all naked, filled the room, along with the haze of pot and cigar smoke. “I’m doing great, daddy.” His uncle smiled and nodded, “Yes, you are, son!” A gentle hand pushed Pete onto his back. “Where’s your woman?” Pete asked, already having an inkling of an answer. “She bugged out when she got hers. But I’m still raring to go boy.” With that his Uncle Rub guided his hard cock into his dripping hole. Pete moaned around the familiar stiffness and clamped his pussy muscles down around it. Seed squelched out along the shaft as it drove in and out, and Rob moaned his own pleasure as he blasted his second load of the night. When Rob got off of his nephew, the nice man who owned the Flying J down the road got on top and slid his cock inside. Pete diligently wrapped his arms and legs around the new man, and silenced the man’s cry of passion with his lips. The man fucked him briefly, came, and then left. Rob watched as the rest of the men all fucked his boy, put their clothes on, and wished them a good night. When it was over the boy’s bed was soaked with sweat and spilled seed. Not exactly fit for sleeping on. Pete was too exhausted to stand, and like a good dad, Rob picked the young man up and carried him down the hall.
    2 points
  12. I posted an ad for raw tops this morning. High af and will take any loads. 10 inch bbc. Cock pic only. He asked me if I was sure I didn't want him to wear a condom. I said absolutely not. He only used spit and tore my hole up before flooding my gut with his seed. On to the next
    2 points
  13. I had a fantastic, unexpected , great weekend. It all started on Friday when I decided to go to Jerome and visit a BI friend of mine. He was always good for some great cum loads. I had just turned on to the freeway in Boise when I spotted a young colored guy in an Air force uniform hitch hiking. He was holding a cardboard sign that said Mountain Home and I would be going right through Mountain Home on my way to Jerome. I don't usually pick up hitch hiker but I did this time. The young Air Force guy got in my car and introduced himself as Jason. He had lost all his money in a poker game and was headed back to Mountain Home air base. His buddies had left him because he wouldn't leave the game an he ended up loosing all his money. Now, for me, it had been a good month with out a cock to suck and some delicious cum to savor and I wanted to suck this young black guy and drink the cum from his gorgeous black cock. We talked and I found out he wasn't due back until Monday and I thought wow maybe I could suck and fuck him all weekend. Anyway Jason was from Texas. And after a while I slowly turned the conversation to sex. I noticed that he loved to talk about sex and it got around to gay sex. He just smiled and said it didn't bother him if guys liked guys. I asked him if he had ever been with another man. He said yes many times. Especially in high school. I asked him if he liked to be sucked and fucked. He answered yes and he also liked to suck cock and fuck balls deep bare back. I noticed his cock was making a nice tent in his trousers just talking about sucking and fucking. So I asked him if I could suck his cock and fuck him. He said yes as long as he could do the same to me. I asked him how long it had been since his last cum. He said week. Now I was really wanting to suck his cock and drink his cum. As we pulled into Mountain h Home I stopped and got us a room at the first Motel we came to. We had some dinner and returned to the room. We showered together and I ran my hands over his beautiful muscular young, slender 5 fo0t 10 inch body. Great ass and a fantastic 9 inch blacker than black cock with a nice big mushroomed purplish pink head. I washed it and played with his cock and we French kissed and I knew this was going to be great weekend. My hard meaty 7 inch cock looked small compared to his tasty looking BBC. I took him to the bed and he sat on the edge while I got on my knees between his legs and started to lick and suck on his big full balls. I licked my way up his beautiful veiny black cock and licked his gorgeous big black cock head. Swirled my tongue around the head and under the edge of his cock head. Just delicious. He soon started to precum and I licked the precum out of his cum eye with the tip of my tongue. Sweet nectar of the Gods and I worked his cock just enough to make it precum over and over. Can't believe some guys don't like precum it is so delicious. I deep throated this bbc and he wanted to shoot his cum load on my tongue. I stuck my tongue out and he jacked his cock a couple of times and he filled my mouth with a huge very creamy load of delicious cum. Then I sucked out the last few drops and licked him clean. He rolled over and stuck his sexy ass up in my face. I rimmed him and lubed his tight hole and my cock and fucked him bare back balls deep. He really knew how to move his ass and pinch my hard cock in his hole. I fucked him for a good half hour and deposited my seed in his warm ass hole. He sucked the cum off of my cock when I pulled out. I ate my cum out of his ass hole as it dripped out. Now it was my turn he sucked me dry and I loved it when he sucked and licked my balls. Then he fucked me hard. Man did that BBC feel good as he shoved it all the way into my ass up to his big hard balls. I could feel them slapping on my ass with each stroke. I felt him shoot in my ass and he filled me with is hot creamy, black cum. All day Saturday and Sunday him and I sucked and fucked each other. I sucked him at least 10 times an fucked him as many. He did the same to me. How I loved to French kiss him, suck his nipples and lick and kiss his beautiful young body. Just fantastic cock sucking ass fucking weekend. Monday around noon after a suck and fuck session I dropped him of at the gates of Mountain home Air Force Base and drove home. He promised to look me up and call the next time he comes to Boise. I never even made it to Jerome.
    2 points
  14. Oh how I miss glory hole fucking. When I lived in the land of Oz a few years ago, I used to visit a popular sex club at least weekly. It had a bunch of cubicals all bunched together, with glory holes all over the place. I had a favourite cubical to use which had a glory hole on 3 walls. On many occasion I'd be backed up against one being fucked, whilst sucking off another. Once I was loaded up, I'd reverse onto the cock I was sucking to give him sloppy seconds. Some nights I could get a dozen loads like this in this one cubical. Happy days...
    2 points
  15. Part Sixteen John woke up the next morning, bound in cuffs. He stirred slowly, making an audible groan as he moved his head. “Hurts right” I asked, sitting at the bedside. He slowly looked over at me with half open eyes. He went to move and found his arms were bound. “What's the fuck?” he croaked. “Here,” I said taking the cap off a water, “You won't be able to talk with that cottonmouth.” I put the bottle up to his lips while he just glared at me. “You can drink or sit there, I don't give a fuck.” He wrapped his lips around the bottle and drank the entire contents in one long gulp. I tossed the bottle away and sat back down. “Why am I tied up?” he asked. “Because we need to talk and I don't trust you not to talk with your hands.” He struggled with the cuffs, “Why what happened last night?” “You know what happened.” He locked eyes with me, “No, I really don't.” “Really?” I said pulling my phone out, “You sure about that?” He watched as I plowed him the first time, him grunting and begging the whole time. His face got pale and his mouth hung open as he stared at the impossible. “You raped me?” “See there is that word again, rape,” I said as I loaded the next video up, “Rape implies non consensual, and this is anything but.” I showed him on all fours as he begged Sammy to fuck him. I made sure he couldn't tell who was fucking him, but the sounds of him begging for more were loud and clear. Again he just watched in shock/horror/fascination. He wasn't looking away, which is a good sign unto itself. “See John, that's you,” I pointed to the screen, “And that's you shooting your load from getting fucked like a bitch.” “No...” he said softly, trying to convince himself that the video was a fake. I moved over to the bed, making sure the video was right in his face. He could have stopped watching at anytime by closing his eyes, but he didn't. Instead he was locked onto him getting fucked like his life depended on it. “It's not your fault dude,” I said calmly, “I mean what can you do about an itchy ass?” His eyes darted to me as a moment of recognition passed through his mind. “Right? You know it's true right?” I said, moving my other hand between his legs. “Don't,” he warned. “But why John? Look at the video...you like it. You want it.” “N-no...you drugged me.” “You were wasted sure, but you're not now. And your ass is itching all the same.” He looked back at the phone and then back to me. “It's no big deal man, just give in to what you want.” “I don't want this!” he cried. “Then why is your cock hard?” I said grabbing his fucking beast of a cock by the base. He let out a moan as he looked down at his judas dick. “You're turned on man, it's ok.” He shook his head while I stroked him slowly, the drop of precum pooling at the head while he tried to will it to stop. “Come on John, remember how good it felt?” I let go of the phone and slipped my other hand under him. “Please don't...” he whimpered, the sound of him begging for more cock filling the room. “But why John,” my finger touched his hole, “Why deny yourself this?” “Not a fag...” he tried to reason as I pressed slowly into him. “No, you're a not a fag. You just like getting fucked, there's a big difference.” My finger slid easily up his ass, he tried to clench it shut but his little brother had stretched him so much that it didn't stop me from digging deeper and deeper. “Stop...don't...” he intoned, his head thrashing from side to side as I got further into him. “But your cock, it's even harder now...” I made sure to jerk him a couple of times to prove it. “Just say you want it John.” His eyes were closed and he had already started sweating. “Just relax...” I said sweetly. “I don't want....” And I passed over his prostate. “Ugghhhhh...” he groaned as his willpower deserted him. “What's that John?” I asked, rubbing back and forth over his spot, “Your ass itchy John? Your ass itchy again?” He was trying to hold on for dear life, he really was. But the truth of the matter was that his prostate was being over stimulated, he was being triggered into flashbacks by asking about the itchy ass and he was remembering what it felt like to be fucked. Of course most of that was the drugs, but he still felt it and was remembering it. “Just relax John...accept it...” He shook his head again as I started to just straight on assault his ass. He was jerking up and down like he was being exposed to an electrical wire, his cock was burping precum everywhere, betraying how turned on he was right now. “Come on John, let go. Just accept it...” I slipped another finger into him, “Your ass is just too itchy...” With two fingers I could apply so much more force, making his open his mouth in a silent scream as I stopped moving over his boybutton and just started to stab at it. His hips were off the bed as he simultaneously tried to get away from my hand and slam himself down on it harder. “Come on John, admit it.” He still said nothing, but his abs were covered in cock snot. So I slipped my fingers out in one quick motion, “Ok, never mind.” His eyes flew open and he looked up at me, in a full blown panic, but his mouth unable to let him speak. “What? Fine John, I'll leave you alone.” He looked down at his dripping cock and then focused on my phone again, and the image of him begging to be fucked harder and harder. “Ok.” he said in a small voice. “What?” “Ok, do it,” he said. “Do what?” “Get me off!” he roared. And now for the last part of our lesson. I jumped up on the bed and grabbed his throat, making his eyes bug out in shock. “Listen your fucking pussy boy. You want to get fucked then you ask for it like any other slut. You ain't no fucking alpha jock, you're a bottom bitch who needs to be fucked. So the quicker you understand that the better.” I Let go of him so he could take a breath and grabbed the dildo off the nightstand. I shoved it up into him and turned it on full blast. A squeal came out of his mouth as I grabbed his cock again. “You get it bitch? You aren't in control here, I am. You get that?” He nodded, sweat flying off of him. “What was that?” “Yes, I got it!” “Yes what?” He looked up at me, trying to look upset so I stroked him harder, breaking his concentration. “Yes what?” “Yes sir,” he finally blurted out, “Yes sir I understand.” “You got an itchy ass cunt?” 'Yes sir!” “You want me to take care of it?” “Please sir, please...” he started to ramble, his instincts of last night kicking in. I grabbed my blindfold and slipped it over his eyes, “Fine, get ready to be fucked.” I slipped the dildo out and opened my door. Sammy walked in, monster cock bobbing in front of him as he climbed onto the bed. Without a word he pressed his hard to his older brother's tight, little jock hole and waited. “Yes sir...that's it...please sir...” John begged, feeling himself mere moments away from relief. Sammy moved his hips forward slightly, shoving his oversized mushroom head past John's sphincter. John let out a hiss as it popped in, Sammy just stood still, letting him adjust to his girth. “Fuck...jesus fuck...you're too big...” Sammy pushed a couple of inches in and John's head slammed side to side as he tried to maintain his composure. “FUCK! You're so fucking big......your cock.....jesus....” Sammy pushed another couple inches in and his older brother bore down on the pain. John didn't know it, but he was getting used to getting fucked. Sammy was about halfway in and he paused again, letting his brother adjust. “Fuckfuckfuck,..” John panted, “Shit...so fucking big...” “You like that cock stretching your hole,” Sammy asked in a deep voice, disguising his own. John nodded, “Yes sir...so fucking full...” “You want more?” he asked, holding his hips still. Out of nowhere John raised his hips and shoved another couple of inches into his ass, “Fuck em sir...I can take the pain.” The look of lust and power on Sammy's face was insane and I actually felt my own cock react. John felt his little brother shove the rest of his cock into him, both of them grunting from the sensation. Once bottomed out Sammy held still, letting his jock bother adjust to this cock, and giving him one last moment of rest. “You ready?” he asked. “Yes sir,” John answered, eagerly. Sammy slowly slid the length of his cock out, “Ask me.” “Fuck me sir.” “Beg me.” “Please fuck me sir.” “More.” “Please god sir give me your fucking cock!” Sammy answered by shoving his entire length in at once, causing John's head to fly back and for him to let out a groan that could probably be heard across the street. The youngest Parker wasted no time in laying assault to his oldest brother's ass. Sammy's cock stretched John's hole to it's limit, his own cock stood straight up as he got fucked, with each shove another bead of precum was released. John gasped as Sammy took his brother's legs and spread them wishbone style, allowing him even deeper entry into that ass. “FUCCKKKK!!!” John screamed as Sammy doubled his efforts, not just fucking but completely destroying his brother's ass. Taking what was a virgin, straight jock hole last night and turning it into a swollen, weeping hole full of cum. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck...” John panted as Sammy would not let up. His perfect as was a blur as he pounded all nine plus inches harder and harder into his brother. Sammy let go of John's legs and was rewarded by John wrapping them around his wait and pulling him closer as John pushed back onto his little brother's cock. It was hotter than nay porn I had ever seen, the toned, hung, high school jock plowing the built, football stud mercilessly. The fact that John was straight and Sammy was his brother just made it all that more hot. Now it was time to teach that to John. I moved over towards John's head and gave Sammy the signal to slow down. He stopped jackhammering John and started long, leisurely pushes into him. “No!” John whined, pulling Sammy into him with his legs again, “Harder...harder...: “How bad you want this cock?” I asked him. “So bad...please sir...I'm close...your cock is getting me so close...” A lot of people think that straight men are all the same. They think once someone has realized they are straight that it's the end of the discussion. That if they fuck enough girls, eat enough pussy, then that is just the way it is. The truth of the matter is, men, all men, have a preference and that preference can change. Sometimes naturally, sometimes by an accidental encounter, sometimes by medication, but in the end it's all just a preference. The key to overcoming that is to make the guy feel more pleasure than he ever had before. There is a limit on how much a man can resist their sexual urges before they just snap. They preference, common sense, all of it, it is just foreplay to the actual sexual drive that lies beneath us all. In the last 24 hours John had been given pleasure like he had never felt it before, and he was holding on to his masculinity and heterosexuality for dear life. But the drugs, the conditioning, the fact that Sammy's cock can make sex trans formative, all of it together had driven John to this moment, the edge of abandonment and desire. I was about to push him over. “Beg him to fuck you,” “PLEASE FUCK ME SIR!” John screamed. “LOUDER!” “FUCK ME SIR!” I looked at Sammy, “You heard him, fuck him.” Sammy began to fuck him for real, Not for strength, not for domination, but for sex, for actual sexual pleasure. As he pushed into his brother's hole he made sure to angle his thrust to completely smash his prostate, bring John full seconds of absolute pleasure like he had never imagined. He made sure to press down as he pulled out, dragging his entire girth along John's tight hole, touching him in places he never knew he had. He fucked him good, he fucked him steady, he was fucking him to cum. “Oh god...fuck yeah...fuck...fuck...” John cried out, his entire mind gone, only sex remained. I watched his cock, the way it bobbed, the precum that dripped down his shaft, the way it lurched in the air every time Sammy hit his spot. I watched and waited... And then I moved. “Thank him for fucking you so good,” I said. “Thank you sir...thank you...your cock....god your cock...thank you sir, thank you...” And I pulled off the blindfold. Sammy paused and John looked up to see his little brother between his legs, felt his cock swell in him and the fact that the last few minutes he had been begging him to fuck him sank into John's mind. His eyes were wide as the pieces fell in his mind... Sammy had a wicked grin on his face and said, “You're welcome...” and pushed into him. John cock's exploded untouched. A geyser of fucking cum erupted between them as John's ass clenched around his little brother's cock and the last dregs of his resistance vanished. “Sammy! OH Sammy!!” he screamed as he came, he pulled at the cuffs again as he came and came and came. “You like that john?” Sammy said, fucking him as he came, “You like my fucking cock?” “Oh god your cock...your fucking cock...” John wailed as another load shot over his lips, his tongue darting out to catch as much as he can. “You're my cunt now John...this cock owns you...” John was just nodding, “You own me Sammy..you own me...” I undid the cuffs and his arms fell to his side as Sammy pulled out and climbed up to straddle his big brother's chest. “Take me load, open that mouth.” John grabbed his little brother's perfect ass and steadied him as he opened his mouth and waited for his reward like a good cum slut does. Sammy unloaded into him, John chocking as his mouth filled up with his brother's spunk. He tried to swallow it all bit dribbles slipped out down his cheek as he struggled to contain the load. Sammy leaned down and kissed him, John sharing his brother's load with him as he embraced him and kissed him back. I let my cock free and came, watching them kiss like that, I had done it, I had corrupted the Parker Brothers.
    2 points
  16. Look, if you aren't into this story then just don't read it. There are plenty of other ones on the site. I have been asked by multiple people to continue the story so I will, but if it isn't your cup of tea, just ignore it. It's real simple. Chapter Six I stopped kissing Jack, I mean I stopped licking my protein out of his mouth and fell back onto the rug. My whole body was covered in sweat and I could feel Jack's cum drip out of my ass. For some reason I was still in overdrive, something I guess I should have explained earlier. See, people think it's cool and all having a big dick, but it has its downside too. When I got horny, I mean ready to just fuck, I got lightheaded and everything just got...blurry. It was a lot like being drunk except I kind went nuts to get myself off. I really wasn't aware until freshmen year, when Jack and me started to really jerk off heavily. We both didn't have girlfriends and until we got more known playing baseball, we kind of relied on ourselves to get off. We jerked off together, a lot. He loved seeing my dick erupt and I liked him watching me. But when I got into it, I mean really into it, I noticed that a lot of things came to my mind. Jack's dick looking nice, the way he leaked constantly and the curiosity of what he tasted like, a lot of gay shit. Up until now, it had just been thoughts and they passed as soon as I came. But here I was, covered in my own cum and still fucking blurry and wanting more. “How you feeling?” Mr. Blackthorn said, moving over me. I just looked up and grinned. “Here, drink this,” he said handing me a bottle of water, “That stuff can dry you out.” Didn't know or care what he was talking about, but I did down the fucking water in one go. “You still horny?” he asked as I tossed it aside. I gave him another grin and he opened my legs with his own. Again, part of my mind screamed for me to get up, to fucking get out of here as quickly as possible. But as he reached down and fingered my cummy hole, I told the voice to shut up and spread my legs even wider. “You want this?” I nodded, my dick already responding to the thought of his cock. He moved and his thick cock pushed into my hole, proving that he was indeed much bigger than Jack. Like with Jack though, the pain was pleasure into itself. The tingly feeling I was experiencing was all over my body but as his dick slid into my it was so much better than Jack's dick. It was thick, really thick, and the walls of my ass expanded to fit it, I gasped as the head popped into my super tight hole and began to push in. It was like I was outside my body, seeing my long, muscular legs being held apart by his arms, the way he grinned at me as I responded to every inch of him entering me. I relaxed myself again, realizing I was doing it automatically without a thought. “God you're tight,” he older man said as his dick went deeper and deeper. I whined as I felt him touch areas inside of me no one had before. As he slid past that spot in me I cried out, bucking my hips back onto him. “There...right there...” I gasped. He stopped, held my ankles tight and then pulled out slightly, his head moving over the spot again, making my dick burp up another glob of precum. “Is that your spot boy?” he asked stopping and pushing in again. A whimper escaped my lips as I felt my cock twitch again and my whole body want more. “Look at this cock,” he said, letting my legs rest on his shoulders and grabbing my dick with one hand, “Look at this magnificent cock...” His fingers gripped around it, not quite touching because of my girth. As he pushed into me he slowly stroked my member, making me cry out loud in fucking joy. “Sir...that's it sir....right there...” “You have to ask yourself Everett,” he said, still slowly pulling on my dick, “Why did god give you such a dick...” He let go and slammed his cock all the way into me, “When you have such a perfect pussy!” My eyes flew open and a squeak escaped my lips as I felt him bottom out in me, causing flashes of light to appear before me. “Such a fuckable little pussy...” he said pulling nearly all the way out and then slamming me again. There were no words, no fucking thought, all I knew was his cock was my world and I needed more of it, all of it. Everything. “Why boy, why do you need it?” If he was asking me I couldn't answer, I could barely catch my breath as each thrust stunned me into submission again, making me realize how badly I wanted more. “This pussy...” he said with a trust, “This perfect, tight...” thrust, “Wet little jock pussy. Right Everett, that's what you have?” My inside voice screamed no but my mouth just panted, “Yes sir, harder, harder...” “Harder what boy?” 'Fuck me sir, fuck me harder...” I honestly had no idea what I was saying any more, the words kept falling out of my drooling lips. “Fuck your what boy? Come on, what do you want me to fuck?” My pride held on as log as it could, resisting the last bit of my masculinity...and that huge cock hit me three more times and I cried out, “My pussy sir....fuck my pussy hard! Harder!!” An evil grin spread across the teacher's face as he folded me and half and just wet to down on my ass. Each push left me breathless, and another spurt of hot precum splatted on my face. Within a minute my whole face was covered in more cock snot hit my face, my tongue darting out trying to catch as much as I could. He stopped, and got off of me suddenly. My ass spasmed and I actually cried out at the feeling of emptiness. I was so close, so close to cumming again. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Please sir...my pussy...” I begged. He sat back and spread his legs. “Come over here and sit on my cock son.” I scrambled over and pushed myself onto his towering dick. He didn't make one move as I began to ride his cock as hard as I could. My dick spit precum over both of our abs and I looped my legs under his knees to get more traction. “What are you doing Everett?” Jack asked me, as if from far away, “Fucking myself...must fuck...” I muttered. “What are you fucking?” “My pussy...fuck my pussy...” “Look up Everett,” Jack ordered. I looked up and saw his phone pointing at me, “Smile and say it again. I gave the phone a fucking goofy ass grin, and said with a smile, “I'm fucking my pussy...fucking my tight jock pussy...” I had to stop to wipe the drool going down my chin. “Perfect.” Jack said, continuing filming. “You ready to get bred boy?” Mr. Blackthorn asked. “Fuck my pussy...” I kept muttering. “You gonna have my babies? You want my babies boy?” For some reason I just nodded and he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down as he thrust up. Without thought I screamed, “Breed me! Fucking breed my pussy!” “You like that son? You like your daddy fucking you?” Another slight pause in my head but my mouth had no hesitation, “Fuck me daddy, fuck your boy. Make me cum...” “You like your daddy up in your jock pussy?” “Breed me dad, breed me harder...” I was slamming myself down as hard as I could, I couldn't tell it if it was sweat or precum flying between us. He kept slamming me down and with a growl he said, “Here it comes son, your daddy is going to cum in your pussy!” “Daddy! Daddy! Come in your boy...cum in your boy's pussy...” I felt his head pulse and my own cock exploded. Cum hit the bottom of my chin first and then exploded over both our faces, I could feel the warmth in me as he flooded my ass....my pussy with his cum. I clenched my ass, wanting to keep as much in my as possible. As I came I just kept repeating, “Daddy, daddy...fuck me daddy...” As the last spurt left my cock I felt my head go light and my eyes rolled back into my head. I don't know what happened after that.
    2 points
  17. The first time I got force-chemmed and raped was my first visit to NYC. I was barely 21, in the Army, all buffed out and a bit over-confident as I explored the gay-scene for the first time, alone in a strange dangerous city I had no business exploring by myself. I was walking down a dark, narrow, deserted street taking a shortcut on my way to check out a popular gay dance club I had heard about that was rumored to be frequented by gay college jocks my age. This hot Latin guy was leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette at the opening to an alley. We checked each other out as I went by. He was wearing faded jeans and a wife beater that hugged his torso showing off his nicely muscled chest and arms. He had some hot tats and this bad-boy look about him that made my dick hard, so after passing him, I turned around to look again. I noted that he was checking out my ass, and when he saw me looking back, a sly grin flashed across his face. He dropped his smoke, cocked his head toward the alley in a "follow me" gesture, and disappeared into the shadows. I was feeling a slight buzz from a few drinks I had earlier, which undoubtedly clouded my judgment. There were no thoughts of danger flashing through my mind, only this burning desire to feel this guy's naked body up against mine. I remember wondering if he was gonna fuck me or if I was gonna fuck him. I didn't care which it would be. Maybe both if I was lucky. I didn't have any condoms with me and that fact didn't even register in my mind. When I entered the alley, it took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dim light. I could barely see him ahead of me in the distance. He was waiting for me outside of what looked like a doorway. As I approached, I heard the door open and he disappeared inside. I followed him, enjoying this little chase thing we had going. I found myself inside a dark hallway. I could smell cigarettes and alcohol. I could hear muffled voices. I couldn't tell where he had gone so I started down the hall. I checked the first few doors, which were locked. When I got to the end of the hall, I opened the last door and stepped inside. I found myself in the back of a long poorly lit room. There was a small bar counter to my right with a couple of guys sitting on stools and chatting with a bartender. There were a couple of pool tables toward the front of the bar, each with a single bare bulb hanging over it. I heard nothing but Spanish being spoken and quickly realized I was the only white guy in the room. As I stood there, taking in the scene, the occupants of the room noticed me and the place fell silent as all eyes turned to me. I sized up the situation quickly and the alarm bells were starting to go off in my head. There were about 12 guys, all Latino, roughly 20-30 in age I guessed. It was hot as fuck in this room and everybody but the guy I had followed in here and myself had their shirts off. These dudes were all in damn good shape and I realized they looked like gang bangers. I noticed a couple fresh tattoos on the two guys nearest me that looked like prison tats. This was not what I bargained for. I started to turn toward the door planning to retrace my steps out into the alley. That was when I heard the door shut behind me and the click of the deadbolt. I knew I wasn't going out the way I came in. I saw another door at the far end of the room and started calculating how I was going to reach it. I'm a tough, wiry, scrappy fucker but I realized there was no way I was going to be able to fight my way through these guys. When I saw a guy at the front door throw the bolt and lock us all in, I knew that I had fucked up royally. Swallowing my panic, I figured I'd better make friends fast. I forced a smile onto my face, walked directly up to the hot guy I had followed in from the alley, and said, "Hey amigo, can I buy you a drink?" The room was silent as he ran his eyes up and down my body and I could see the lust in his eyes. I felt like I was in a fucking meat market and I was the new meat. After what seemed like an eternity, he smiled at me and said, "No white boy, you are my guest, let me buy you one." The whole place erupted in laughter and everyone turned back to their conversations and drinks. I felt such a wave of relief sweep over me I thought my legs were going to buckle. My "host" fired off some commands in Spanish to the bartender, who got busy mixing our drinks. My Spanish is shitty and these guys all spoke some kind of dialect that rolled off their tongues like gun fire. I was clueless what they were saying. In no time I had a cocktail in my hand and I was invited to play a game of pool. The guys at the closest pool table cleared out to make way for us and the game began. The cocktail I was drinking tasted REALLY good...not too tart, not too sweet. It was like something you would have on a beach in a warm climate, but I had never tasted anything like it before. My host had the bartender make me a second one and about half-way through it I started feeling really light-headed and unstable on my feet. I plopped my ass onto a stool and someone asked me, "You feeling alright white boy?" I tried to respond but my tongue felt thick and all that came out of my mouth was gibberish. Several of the guys around me chuckled and the sound of their laughter sounded like it was echoing down a long hallway. I started to fall off my stool and a hot muscle guy with huge arms caught me. He picked me up and laid me on my back on the pool table. My host, the hot guy in the wife beater, came up to me, leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Relax and enjoy it white boy. We're gonna show you the best time of your life tonight." The realization swept over me that I had been drugged, and the panic was starting to build inside me again. My mind was fully engaged, but I had no control over my body. I could see what was happening and feel it, but I was helpless to do anything about it. Guys in the room were stripping their clothes off and I could see guys playing with their cocks. I heard one guy say in English that he had gotten a taste for white boy ass in prison and now he couldn't get enough of it. Several other guys agreed with him. I watched as my host peeled out of his wife beater, then stripped out of his pants. He had purposely positioned himself so I could watch him strip and he was giving me a show. He had a gorgeous chiseled body with 8-pack abs. I was totally hot for him while simultaneously scared out of my wits. The combination of fear and lust was oddly erotic. My mind was doing this tug of war in my head. I realized that I was about to be gang raped by these guys and my reaction alternated between panic and lust. I was scared to death and horny as hell all at the same time. My cock had a mind of its own and it was rock hard. My host took notice and I saw him smile, knowing he was getting the response from me that he wanted. I could tell he got off being in total control of the situation and having me powerless. It dawned on me that I couldn't do anything about it anyway so I might as well make the most out of it. My host walked up to me wearing nothing but boxers. His cock was straining against the front of his boxers creating a tent effect and I could glimpse his cock through the overstretched fly front. He dropped the boxers revealing the biggest slab of cock I had ever seen -- even in pornos. It was long, thick, and rock hard. He stroked it as he showed it to me and told me I was going to enjoy being his faggot for the night. He told me how he was going to tear my ass open with his mammoth cock and how all his buddies were going to watch him fuck me before they took turns in my ass. I was thinking there is no way humanly possible that something that large could be made to fit into my ass. Boy was I wrong. My host said something in Spanish and then I heard him say, “Gibron is going to get you ready for me.” I wasn't sure what that meant until I felt someone grab my arm and pin it to the table. Someone growled in my ear "hold still motherfucker" and I felt something stick my arm. Then I heard, "got it," followed by, "hold on white boy and enjoy the ride," as more guys chuckled. Seconds later I felt a weird sensation. My pulse quickened, I felt a source of intense heat gather in my chest then burst, like a sun going super-nova, spreading outward through my arms and legs like liquid metal until the energy burst from my fingertips and toes erupting outward like jets of super-hot plasma. The heat in my chest rose up through my lungs and into my throat as I coughed violently a couple of times. The noise inside my head sounded like a freight train roaring through a tunnel. My vision changed suddenly and I could see nothing but star-bursts and colored lights. I couldn't focus my vision and my eyeballs wouldn't hold still. They bounced around in my head like a balls in a pinball machine. I experienced the sensation of weightlessness. It seemed as though my body has risen up off the pool table and I felt like I was floating. It was without a doubt the most intense and most pleasurable sensation I had ever felt. I couldn't help but repeat over and over, "oh shit", "oh fuck", "oh shit", "oh fuck." Then I became aware of my cock, standing straight up and rock hard, with this sensation of fullness and heat building inside of it. It felt like my cock was swelling and that it would burst outward from the pressure. Suddenly I felt the heat gather at the tip of my cock, and without any stimulation, the biggest cum load I have ever shot erupted from the head of my dick. My dick was like a fountain, with spurts of cum shooting several feet into the air and spraying in all directions. When the geysers subsided, cum continued to drain from my cock in a steady flow for what seemed like minutes. I was soaked in cum and could feel a huge pool of it forming underneath me on the table. It must have been impressive because I heard several remarks like, "fuck man look at all that cum!", "I've never seen a guy shoot like that!", and "I didn't know a guy could cum that much!" Then I felt multiple tongues on my body licking my load off my skin. The sensations of having these guys touch me were amazing. The next thing I was aware of was my host's tongue and fingers playing with my ass. He was telling me how much he liked my hot, tight, pink hole and how much he wanted to put his huge cock in there and own it. I realized that my ass was craving cock like never before and I found myself lusting after that mammoth cock he had showed me earlier. I felt confident that I could take every inch of it and I was eager to show him how much I wanted it. I knew in my heart that I would give every ounce of effort inside me to take all of him and that I wanted his load in me. In fact, I wanted every last motherfucker in that room inside me and I wanted every one of their loads. I tried to say something to that effect and someone bent close to my ear to hear my confession. He stood up and announced, "He says he wants all of our cocks inside him, right now, at the same time." That got a big laugh from everyone. Someone asked, "How much did you give the kid?" I heard, Gibron say, "Point 8, and I've got lots more for him when he wants it." My host walked up and showed me his hard cock. He held two beer cans in his hand end to end aligned alongside his dick. His dick was the same diameter as the cans and slightly longer than both cans put together. He asked me if I was ready for him to bury his tool in my guts. I wanted it desperately but the size of the thing scared me. Before I could answer he said, "It doesn't matter what you want cuz you're gonna do what you're told, faggot." He walked around to my ass, put the head of his cock against my tight hole, and with one shove he rammed it in ass far as it would go. I felt him bottom out inside me and heard him say, "No faggot. You're gonna take all of it, not just half." I felt him push harder and I was sure he was up against my diaphragm. It felt like he was tearing a hole through my intestines. I could hardly breathe and I felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I remember a tear falling from the corner of my eye and rolling down my cheek. I remember thinking I had never felt such pain inside my guts. I remember thinking I was going to die and wondering if I would wake up in heaven. Just then, I felt something inside me relax, and I felt a 'pop'. His cock slid further inside and it felt like another two feet of hard dick slid into me. Suddenly I could breathe. Suddenly the pain was gone. I heard my host say, "That's the way white boy. You know you like that monster cock. Relax and enjoy every inch of it." I began to be aware of how fucking amazing this guy's cock really was. He had me stretched to the point I didn't think my hole could get any larger. He liked that tight feeling and he told me so. He was sliding his cock all the way out until just the head was inside me, then sliding it all the way back in again. With each stroke, there was a point in the middle somewhere where I would fell that resistance and that pop, and each time he passed that point a burst of pure pleasure would radiate through my body. It was fucking amazing and I thought, “Maybe I am dead and this is heaven?” It dawned on me that my version of heaven would be spending eternity with an endless supply of hot tops with huge cocks to fuck me, tight bottom boys to take my cock, and this wonderful shit called tina flowing through my veins. The rest of my time at this place was amazing. I had no concept of time. Every so often someone would slam another rig into my arm, and I took every cock in the place multiple times. At one point I heard someone ask how many loads I had taken and I heard, "at least 30 so far". I was both proud and amazed. Every time someone would pull out of my ass, I could feel my hole gape open and cum would run out of my ass and down my butt cheeks. At one point my host laid down on the pool table next to me and I was lifted up by many hands. I was really wobbly, but they set me on top of the host and fed his massive meat into my ass so I was riding him from the top. It slid in easily this time and felt really great pushing up so deep inside me. I was starting to rock on it and ride it when someone grabbed me by the neck, pushed me forward so I was lying on the host's chest, and ordered me to hold still. My arm was pulled straight and I felt something tighten around my bicep. I felt a sharp stick and that amazing heat flooded through my body again. I shuddered and whimpered. The host whispered in my ear, "You love that rush don't you white boy?" I answered, "Yes sir. I don't ever want that feeling to go away." I felt the head of another huge dick push against my hole. There was a steady pressure for a long time and the voice said, "Fuck! This white boy is tight!" I felt a finger slide inside me alongside the host’s massive cock. The finger worked around for a few minutes, then I felt another finger, then another. After a few more minutes, the fingers came out and they were suddenly replaced by the second cock sliding in and filling my ass beyond comprehension. I moaned in pain and pleasure. I didn't think anything could feel better. The second cock slid back and forth inside me, rubbing against my host's dick and stretching me further open with each thrust. This went on for a long time until both guys announced they were getting close. They were both grunting and snorting and telling me how hot my ass felt and I came for the umpteenth time without touching myself. As my cock released, my ass convulsed around their cocks and they both shot their loads inside me at the same time. After they pulled out of my ass, my ass felt empty and it felt like there was a piece of my soul missing. I didn't like the feeling and needed something in there to make me feel whole again. I started begging for someone to put something in my ass, anything. I felt someone slathering my ass with this thick, creamy substance and felt fingers teasing my hole. In and out they went, working my hole, stretching it larger and larger. Soon I experienced four fingers and the narrow blade of the hand. Then it became five fingers and the intensity grew exponentially as the volume of the hand changed from flat to round. The hand was removed for several seconds while something cold and wet was sprayed onto my ass and into my hole. The cold liquid turned hot on contact and burned for a second, then I felt this warm sensation flood my ass and the irritation inside my hole disappeared. I heard the aerosol can spray again near my ear and I could smell some chemical. Someone shoved a wet cloth in my mouth and told me to breathe through my mouth. I took a deep breath and I got an instant warm, fuzzy feeling. My head started to swim and my vision closed in like I was looking out through a tunnel. I was fighting to focus my mind and stay conscious while someone was working hard on my hole. I was aware of someone's hand wedging my hole open and the fullness felt like someone had parked a truck in my ass. Someone stuck a bottle of really strong poppers to my nose and told me to inhale. A few seconds later I felt my body relax and the hand pushed really hard. I struggled to get away but several guys held me down so I couldn’t move. Someone sprayed more liquid on the rag and stuffed it back in my mouth. I was given another big hit of poppers and I felt my ass open up. My ass seemed to have a mind of its own and it started to stretch open as if begging for the hand. I heard the guy fisting me say, “Yeah white boy, suck that hand inside!” I felt him change the angle slightly and the intensity of that small move was off the charts, then suddenly the hand slipped all the way inside me. I felt instant relief and heard a chorus of approval from those that were watching. The hand worked itself around inside me and started to play with my prostate and cock from the inside of my body. It was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. I started oozing LOTS of precum from my dick and it continued the entire time his hand was in there. At one point a guy pushed his cock inside me alongside the guy's wrist and I felt him unload inside me. Several other guys followed suit and I took several more loads that way.
    1 point
  18. While away for a wrestle comp/ training camp our Coach & team Captain invite me to coach's room as rest of team sleep, we all have a couple of beers. I notice a slightly odd taste but shrug it off happy to be invited to chill out with Couch & stud Captain. We are talking about training & fitness regimes & Coach suggests that he wants to introduce the team to a new vitamin shot & ask if we two boys will have a practice shot now with him so we can explain it to our team mates & reassure them if they are hesitant. I say to the Captain that we owe it to coach after all he's done for us, taking us to championship, we only want whole wrestle team to do well. He agrees, & Coach pulls out prepared points explaining to both of us the process we'll feel a warm rush, cough hard a couple of times , then melt a bit into bed, then will feel really amazing & prob a bit horny. We boys giggle slightly at horny, & I notice my cock & Captains twitches & fills out a bit in his wrestle kit. Coach swap glances with me & suggest I go first. "Sure coach- no probs." I say slightly apprehensive but confident coach is looking after us. Coach puts an elastic fastener around my bulging boy bicep & tightens it, asks me to extend my arm & clench my fist, finds a a vein easily, I clench my teeth as the needle pricks my arm. Coach explains he draws a little blood out to make sure he has hit vein then he pushes down on the plunger, efficiently removes needle tip & puts a swab over spot on my arm. Asks me if I'm ready & he releases elastic fastener & says for me to hold my arm over my head. WOW I feel this massive warm wave immediately rush up my body, 5 or 6 hard coughs, then BAM... the most amazing all body ecstatic feeling, I feel small awesome feeling tingles, then collapse back on the bed, then I'm so incredibly Horny, my cock is hard a leaking precum through my wrestle kit & I have touch it, stroke my cock. Even more surprising is that I want Coach. I want my wrestle Captain. I want to kiss them, feel their stud hard muscled bodies, feel their hard 9" cocks, taste them. While I'm enjoying this amazing feeling & stoking my cock having found a bottle of lube on the bed which I didn't notice earlier I watch Coach perform same procedure on my mate the stud Team Captain while he smiles @ me. The fastener is released from his arm he coughs 5 times hard & he collapses next to me with his arm over his head. I wrap my arm around him, feeling his chest as he puts a leg over mine. He starts to explore me as we touch & feel each other. Both our cocks are hard & massive amount of precum leaks through our wrestle kits. Coach turns on his laptop & & a porn of bi nude oiled wrestling starts. On his iPad he has a porn of six hot young footballers with their Coach & a stud Dad. Coach explains that the oil wrestle porn was filmed at the last wrestle team Dad & Son bonding camp we had for a week. Being new I don't know the guys in vid, but says "I'm so horny & feel awesome coach. I've always wondered & wanted to join u & capt & guys from team when u hold your small feedback sessions in your office. I wondered if guys from team would worship & suck your stud cock I always sneak glances of when u join team in showers after game". Coach remarks that we are enjoying the results of being slammed. In unison we reply "Yes Sir!" Coach says he gave us 1.5 Tina slam & we'll feel incredibly Horny for next couple hours & shouldn't hold back exploring every fantasy we've had & each other. Then Coach gives himself a 2.0 slam. He coughs 3 times & has the most wicked Lear on his face as he joins his two boys on bed, we are feeling & teasing each other as u start to suck our hard cocks through our kits & lick our thick sticky boy precum loads. I moan & says this is amazing, finally getting to do what he's always wanted: be introduced to hot man on boy sex by his awesome furry stud coach & team captain. He trusts us, he's so horned up & feeling so amazing, & wants us to teach him everything guys do for each other. I leanforward as slowly press my lips against his introducing my tongue to his mouth. Coach says he thought i'd enjoy getting trained in filthy faggot sex. When i ask why the answer comes on the screen. Im amazed to see my muscle stud Dad & Uncle who were on Coach's college team, Coach, Captain, & his two stud bros are naked on wrestle mat. Coach & dad & uncle are pouring oil all over boys, tonguing our mouths while u explore our fit ripped bodies, hardhung cocks, sliding fingers up our hard bubble butts & teasing & oiling our tight boy holes. Then Coach & Dad's blast boys & Captain & themselves & we all explore & fuck raw for hours. Coach says I can join Dad & uncle & team mates with at next camp if i learn everything that Coach & Captain want to teach me. He also has to help win over, seduce & teach the new twin blonde ripped tanned surfer boys that just joined team. U suggest that captain & I suggest that we all join coach in his room to have a few sneaky beers & chill in the hot tub on the deck in coach's room. He says absolutely coach, I've seen their cocks in locker room. Both boys are hung: 9.5cut & thick. Coach orders captain & I to lift our knees up to our chests & we lock our legs so Coach can taste our boy cunts, his for first time, tonguing our holes deep. As we both moan, kiss, stroke each other's hard cocks as u enjoy our hard cocks, I say that confirms it.
    1 point
  19. So I was 20 and vacationing in Provincetown for my first time. I certainly was no angel and had had plenty of sex before. In fact, I was a bottom extraordinaire. I could take big dick, I had been fisted, I was kinky – I loved dom/sub play and piss play and spanking, etc. I thought I could play with the big boys. I was pretty big myself. I mean, I was 6’, lean and muscular, thick 8” cock that I never used, and nice round bubble butt from playing soccer throughout middle school and high school. People said that I looked like Ashton Kutcher right down to my mop of hair. I was hoping for some hot guys to really work me over in Ptown. I had never expected him. It was late one night…I had already been out to whatever dance party had happened that night. After the bars closed at 1:00 A.M. (Massachusetts state law), and I had hung around outside of Spiritus Pizza. I didn’t eat any, of course. I mean, I had gone out already prepped to bottom hoping to be taken home and get my brains fucked out. I still held onto that hope and didn’t want greasy pizza fucking with my stomach. But no one that I was meeting or talking with was doing it for me. I contemplated hitting the Dick Dock –a place in Ptown where you go to have anonymous sex – but I didn’t have the courage. As much as that kind of dirty sex seemed hot, I didn’t want to catch anything. So I hung out with my friends for a little bit longer and then headed back to where I was staying. By now it was about 3:00 A.M. As I walked, I opened Scruff on my phone to take one last look around and that’s when I saw his pic. A tight torso in a leather harness giving the thumbs up with a goofy smirk on his face. A face that was rugged and cute all at the same time. His body was jock built – large pecs cut into his chest and eight lean ripped abs covered with a dusting of brown hair; thick biceps and cut triceps totally defined even just giving a thumbs up. My cock stirred in my shorts as I read his profile: P4N Age 38 Height 6’2” Weight 195 I’m the top, you’re the bottom, that’s the end of the discussion. If you say yes on here and show up, you take it the way I give it to you. It’s big and there will be no whining. If you tell me you say you’re into something, be into it cuz we will be doing it whether you chicken out or not. Be hot, be ready, and be real. Now don’t be a pussy and hit me up. I couldn’t type fast enough… Me: Hey sir, hot profile and pic. What’s going on? No response. I unlocked my pix, still no response. It had been almost 10 minutes, and I was almost home. Ugh, I wanted dick. I had almost given up, when there it was…1 message from P4N. P4N: tight hole? Me: Very tight. P4N: can it take 9? Me: Yessir, no problem. P4N: you have ff, piss, and being submissive in your profile Me: Yessir. P4N: you neg? Me: Yessir, tested right before I came here. P4N: host? Fuck, fuck, fuck!! I couldn’t host. And clearly, neither could he. I was going to lose this hot fuck to not having a place to go. Shit! Me: I can’t, sir. Nothing. No response. I was home, but I wanted to stall. I sat down on the front steps of my rental house and waited. Finally – P4N: i’ll fuck you in the parking lot of my b&b Me: What? P4N: take it or leave it. sending you the location. let me know your eta. And with that, he sent me his location. I had never done anything like this before…but isn’t that what I wanted? A guy to really challenge me and work me over. I had to do it. Me: 10 minutes. P4N: see you then. I started walking, butterflies in my stomach stirring as I approached his inn. I found the place and walked around the building to get to the parking lot. It was a small gravel parking lot and I couldn’t see anyone else there. There was only one street light about 50 feet away from the cars. That’s when he stepped out from behind a pick-up truck wearing nothing but a harness – a different one from his pic. He was stroking his cock already and it was huge. I realized I had never asked for a pic of it, but he hadn’t lied. It was a solid nine and really thick and veiny. He gestured me over to him with his head. I quickly walked over to him and said, “Hi. Glad this worked out.” He took me by the shoulders and pushed me to my knees saying, “Shut up. You’re here to take dick, not make friends.” My knees hit the gravel but I didn’t have time to think about the scrapes because he moved one of his hands to my head and lined his cock up with my mouth with his other hand. Before I knew it his fat cock was jammed into my face, skull fucking me. It all happened so quickly but he wrapped my hair into his fingers and roughly pulled and yanked my mouth on and off his cock. His cock tasted funny. I couldn’t place it and I didn’t mind, but it didn’t taste like what I was used to. My throat struggled to keep up with his assault. I gagged and sputtered, saliva flying everywhere and soaking my shirt. His big balls swung and hit my chin over and over. I looked up and saw him tweaking his own nipple with his head thrown back, eyes closed. He had no concern or regard for me. He was probably thinking about somebody else. He was really just using me. I loved it and was rock hard. “That’s right, bitch. Open that mouth cunt, you stupid whore.” He slammed harder into my face and felt my uvula bruise. It wouldn’t be until the next day when I looked in the mirror and saw it hanging there all black and blue that I would realize that that’s what happened. Finally, he threw me off his cock. I landed on my ass, my hands scraping the gravel. I didn’t realize how much he was pulling my hair until this release and my head hurt. He aggressively approached me and pulled my shirt over my head, discarding it next to the tire of the car we were in front of. “Get up, cunt,” he ordered and I scrambled to my feet. He easily lifted me up and plopped me on the trunk of the car, my loosely tied tennis shoes falling off my feet to the ground. “Is this your car?” I asked, unaware of how ridiculous that question was. The problem was that I was still under the impression that I was a person to him. I wasn’t. I was a bottom. “Fuck no,” was his only response, and with that he yanked my underwear and shorts down to my knees. So there I was on some car in a parking lot on my back with my legs up, my shorts and underwear at my knees. He spit a few times on my hole and rubbed his saliva soaked cock against it. I had never been fucked without lube before. He started pushing in and I tried to relax. I started to moan and wail as he ripped into my pucker. Most guys loved my ass and reveled in licking and playing with my young pink hole to open me up, but he was only interested in getting his dick into it. His hand clamped over my mouth and he continued to impale me with all 9 inches. “That’s right, slut. That’s what it’s for. It’s for cock. It’s for cum.” My eyes widened and I looked up at him … or rather, the part of him I could see around my shorts and underwear. I had never let a guy cum in me before. He saw my look. He chuckled, “First time getting bred, huh?” I nodded furiously under the hand over my mouth. “Tough shit, not your choice. You read my profile.” And with that he stabbed my wrecked guts with a two extremely deep thrusts. I was in shock and extreme pain, but this guy was fucking me in a way I can’t describe. I could feel my ass being pulled out of my body every time he withdrew and I could feel my insides being tossed aside when he rammed it home. He hit spots that I didn’t know I had. I was didn’t know how much I could take but I never wanted it to stop. Suddenly, he pulled his cock out of me. I squeaked with agony, but didn’t have time to think about my throbbing asshole because he threw me to my knees again and shoved his slimy cock into my mouth. I sucked and slobbered, tasting his precum and my innards all over this beautiful cock. “Fuck yeah, eat your ass off my dick, bitch. All those ass juices. Taste both of those asses on my dick. Fuck yeah.” Both of those asses? I didn’t have much time to think. He pulled my up by my arms and bent me over the trunk of the car. In one thrust, he buried his nine inches in my bubble butt and clamped a hand over my mouth, muffling my scream. He went back to fucking me and once my screaming had subsided, he moved the hand to my hair and used my shaggy mop as reins, fucking me like a whore. “Goddamn, yeah. You are tight but it’s a big ass once you get inside. You know that? You have a whore’s ass once you get past that pucker. Not like the slut I fucked before you got here, he was tight through and through.” “W-w-what?” I stuttered in between thrusts, my voice shaking. “That’s why I can’t host, he’s still in my bed sleeping. Didn’t want to wake him up. Could you taste is ass on my dick? Feel his ass juices inside your ass? His ass was all over my dick this whole time, cunt.” I couldn’t believe I had allowed this. I was just another hole…and I had no idea who this other guy was…and I had juice from deep inside of him in my mouth and in my ass. “You didn’t tell me that,” I said. He slapped my ass hard. I yelped, knowing he left a red mark. “You didn’t ask, slut. In fact, you didn’t ask much. I asked all the questions and now you’re getting what you wanted. I’m gonna’ knock you up and tag you, you stupid cunt.” I moaned and whimpered as he sawed into my ass cunt harder and harder. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…” I started to chant as I felt him balloon inside of me. “Do you know what that means, faggot?” he asked me. “Yes,” I whined. “It means you’re going to cum in me, sir.” “More than that, little boy,” he growled. “I’m going to poz you, you fucking cum catch.” I started to panic and claw the car, but he held me firmly in place, fucking into me like a dog. “But – but – but – you said you were neg!” “No, I didn’t,” he started slapping my ass repeatedly. “I asked YOU if YOU were neg. I never said I was.” He was right. I remembered the conversation now…I had assumed he was asking to make sure I wouldn’t give him anything, but he was asking to make sure that he WOULD give me something. I kept clawing the car but there was nothing I could do. His voice went to almost a whisper, “You’re not tight any more, cum dump. You’re so fucking loose now, so fucking loose. Like a loose cunt. And I’m going to impregnate you with my fucking strain. And you’re going to love it. Say it, say it.” “I’m going to love it,” I cried. “I don’t believe you,” he slapped my ass some more – I was definitely going to be bruised. “Tell me you want that toxic seed.” “Please don’t. Please.” “Doesn’t it feel good?” he asked. Slap! Slap! Slap! “Yes, I love it! It feels amazing! But I don’t want to get sick, please…” “Beg me to keep fucking you!” he barked. I just grunted and took his violent pounding. He pulled my hard and spit on my back, “Start begging or I stop fucking you and go back inside.” I couldn’t let that happen. He was giving me the fucking of my life and my ass was loving it. “Please,” I offered. “Please what, bitch?” he barked. “Please, please keep fucking me.” “Fuck you, I’m gonna’ stop. Grab your shit and go.” He started to slide out of my hole. “No, please. Please sir…I’m begging you. I love your cock in me. Please keep fucking me. I’m a worthless piece of shit faggot that wants your cock in me, please!” He slid back in, knocking through my second sphincter, “That’s better, slut.” I was still scared to death of his cum so I added, “Just please, I don’t want you to cum in me.” Slap! Slap! Slap! I yelled out as he wrecked my hole and smacked my ass. “Who fucking cares what you want, cock sleeve. Get ready for my poz nut, bitch!” And with that he punched me on the ass, making me clench and pulled me back by the hair close so that my ear was by his mouth. He let out a series of guttural grunts and I felt his cock pulse against my sensitive ass walls. I counted six, seven, eight, nine shots as his cum hit the deepest parts of my hole. And this was his second cum shot in just a few hours??? Jesus! As he continued to fuck his load into me, I felt my own dick jerk and shoot all over the trunk of the car. Another first. I had never cum hands free before. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Feel that poisonous cum drench your pussy. It’s giving you my babies, cunt. You got my sick in you now. You’re mine, all mine.” As our breathing started to even out, he said, “Now hold still…” I felt warmth rush into me. “W-what—“ “You said you were into piss. And I need to piss.” He was peeing in my ass, bloating my insides. I moaned and cooed feeling his steaming urine fill me up. “Okay,” he said. “I’m going to pull out. Clench your ass so you don’t lose a drop.” I did as I was told and squeezed my hole as he pulled out, keeping his piss in me. Once he was fully out, he gently pulled up my underwear and shorts so that they were back on me. Then he turned me around and for the first time, kissed me, pinning me against the car. I loved having his mouth on mine but something seemed off. Then I realized what it was. He had me pinned and as he kissed me, he used his hand to press against my abdomen. My eyes shot open, bulging as he continued to cram his tongue into my mouth. I tried to fight him off, but he was too powerful. All the strength from his huge bicep and tricep was focused on my bloated insides. I moaned and whined trying to make him stop but his eyes just locked on mine viciously. He smiled as he continued to kiss me and push on my stomach. I was clenching my ass and trying to keep from letting all of the body fluids in my cunt from pouring out, but he wasn’t having it. He just kept pressing and then suddenly he drew his hand back and stabbed it forward catching me off guard. All of his piss and his cum shot out of my wrecked ass, drenching my underwear and my shorts. He stopped kissing me and stepped back to watch my shorts turn darker from the explosion and see his piss and cum drip down my bare legs. I let out a mortified moan and looked at him with teary eyes. I looked up at him and he was just smiling smugly, laughing at me. “So pathetic…” he laughed under his breath. I thought he was done humiliating me, but he wasn’t. He took aim at my shirt on the ground and started to piss all over it. “That’s my shirt, man!” I squeaked out. “I know what the fuck it is,” he grabbed me by the arm to prevent me from getting it out of his line of fire. “You said you liked piss, I’m giving you piss.” And with that he stopped his stream and then fired his urine into both of my shoes that had landed on the ground when he first lifted me onto the trunk of the car. Finally, he stopped peeing and he said, “Get into your shoes.” I just stood there so he repeated with more force, “Get into your fucking shoes, bitch.” I stepped into my piss-soaked shoes. They were drenched, squishing with his piss every time I changed my weight from one foot to the other. “Now get your shirt, cum dump,” he ordered. I picked up my shirt, completely wet and dripping with his stinking urine. “Wait, before you put it on…wring it out over your head.” “No sir, please…” He scoffed, “You bitches are all the same. You say you’re submissive and that you’re into shit, but you just chicken out in the end. So fucked up.” And he started to walk away. I felt like a failure. “Wait sir,” I said. He turned back and I lifted my shirt above my head and twisted it until cascades of his rank urine fell over me drenching my hair, stinging my eyes, and running in rivulets down my torso. I wanted to cry. This was the most used I had ever felt. “Stick your tongue out, cunt,” he said, dissatisfied. As I continued to ring the shirt out over my head, I stuck my tongue out and tried to catch some of his piss in my mouth. I turned my head up and let it fall directly into my swollen lips and drank him. When the waterfall of urine finally stopped, I looked back at him for approval. He nodded and said, “Put your shirt on, fuck hole.” I did as he said and slid the shirt on which much difficulty. There I stood, covered head to toe in piss and cum, my ass walls covered in poz seed, and without having cum myself. “Now you can go home,” he told me. “Can I clean up first…just a little?” I had always assumed he would let me use his bathroom after all of this. “Fuck no. I don’t want to wake my buddy.” “But what if I run into people. Or my housemates when I get home or—“ “I could give a shit, you stupid cunt. So what if they know what you are. You shouldn’t do it unless you’re willing to own it. Now go walk through the streets covered in my cum and piss and take whatever humiliation comes with it. Pretty good cunt by the way.” And with that, he turned and walked back to the house. I never saw him again. On my walk home – which thankfully, it was almost 5:00 A.M. so I only had to deal with two or three guys passing me and laughing when they thought I was out of ear shot. I tried to find him on Scruff to say that I had a good time and would love to do it again, but I couldn’t find him in my messages or in my views…which only meant one thing. He walked back to his house and immediately blocked me. I had been treated like a whore before but this was extreme. I immediately opened Grindr to see if he was there, and sure enough he was. I messaged him: Hey sir, I had a great time. Would love to do it again. Within a minute, his profile disappeared from my screen. He had blocked me there too. He was done with me. As I would find out a month later, he had pozzed me, and he was done with me. And I haven’t stopped thinking about him since. The end.
    1 point
  20. I'd taken to jogging after work only recently. Despite what usually happens in college, I'd lived a relatively healthy lifestyle. I played basketball, did a bit of swimming and didn't really party too much like a lot of my friends did. My main vice was that I guess I used my allure as a sportsman to sleep with plenty of girls. Now those days were well behind me I was doing my best to get back to a shape where I'd get some attention again. I got home and quickly ate some of the leftovers in the fridge and got into my running gear. I'd gotten bored running the same way each night so I thought I'd try another park in town. I wasn't sure whether the leftovers had been left for too long or I'd started running too quickly afterwards but it didn't take too long before I needed to start looking for a toilet block. Eventually I found one in a tucked away corner of the park. It wasn't in the best condition and the area looked a bit sketchy but I wasn't really in a position to try anywhere else. The immense sense of relief as I sat in the cubicle changed when I heard a heap of male voices entering the block. Perhaps it was a tour group or a sports team or something on a bus trip home? I heard them greeting and introducing each other, what were they doing? Shortly after, I heard muttering of "Get those clothes off", the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin, the gate being slammed shut and locked and my blood froze. A gay orgy was about to happen! How was I going to get out of this? I sat there scared out of my wits as voices came closer to my cubicle, and then I heard one of them. "Shit, there's someone in here!" "Fuck," I thought to myself. "Looks like we've got someone crashing our party. It's OK, you can come out. We won't bite....hard" I wiped my ass, pulled my shorts up, took a deep breath and left the cubicle. All I could see were naked male bodies, something like 10-15 of them, all over each other and all different ages & races. "God, what a fucking hottie. And a great new addition to the group." one of the guys said as he looked across at me. "Sorry guys, you don't understand. I'm straight....I'm here by accident." "Nobody's here at this time of night by accident." said one of the guys as he walked over towards me, naked and hard. I gulped nervously. "Looks like we've got a swallower!" he said to the others. Some looked over at me while the rest were more than happy keeping each other amused. A couple of the other guys stood up and walked over. "Everyone in here has to join the party" "But I don't want to..." "Like he said," said the other guy. "You don't have a choice" and they each grabbed one of my arms and pushed me to my knees. "Open your mouth" ordered the first guy that saw me. "No way!" I replied before getting a slap across the face. "You'll do exactly what we say if you want to get out of here in one piece." My wallet was removed from my shorts. "And if you tell anyone, we'll make your life hell" In a complete state of shock I opened my mouth and almost immediately the main guy's cock hit the back of my throat. I could barely breathe as I was choking on his cock and his groin pressed against my face. I had no chance to protect myself as both my arms were held. 'He's a natural," I heard him say as the other two laughed. I felt strong hands at my legs, lifting me up so that I was horizontal with the ground. When I tried to kick out, the guy facefucking me pushed hard into me, "What did I tell you about funny business?" I felt my shorts being taken off. "What a great ass he's got too" I heard one say. "I can't wait to get a piece of it." I'd never been so scared as I felt hands pawing at my ass. "You guys are so good, the four of you are like a fuckbench" and I was being held in midair, spreadeagled. The unmistakenly behind me and between my legs. "Looks like a great virgin pussy" and I felt the cold shock of lube on my ass. The only hope I had was that he had a condom on. As if reading my thoughts, the guy facefucking me said "And we only play raw too." I squirmed in the four guys' arms and was reprimanded once more. "Just ride it out bitch til we've had our fun." I felt a cockhead pressing against my ass and before I knew it, he was buried deep inside me. I gasped in shock which allowed the guy in front to push his cock further down my throat and I choked a bit. "I love it when a guy gags" That in turn must've put pressure on my ass muscles as the guy fucking me shot his load inside me within seconds. "God Bill, cumming too early again. Get him to clean it off while I get a piece of that" said the guy facefucking me. Bill pulled out and they swapped over. The guy that'd taken my throat was now about to take my ass. As Bill pulled out I felt cum dribble out of my ass and onto the floor. I felt someone positioning themselves beneath me, a skinny ill-looking guy who wouldn't have been much more than 20. "Can't let all of that beautiful cum go to waste" he said. "You're such a slut Chris", the guy ploughing my ass said. "haha, true Bruce. But unwilling sluts are so much more fun." and then he started to work my cock. Despite my best efforts and the shock I was feeling, Chris was so good my cock grew quickly in his mouth. It must've turned a lot of the guys on as I could feel cum splattering onto my back. To be honest, I had no idea what was happening. I was going through the horror of being gang raped yet also receiving the best blowjob I'd ever had. It didn't take long before I was cumming deep down Chris' throat and Bruce shot inside me shortly after. I'd taken two loads inside me and no idea how many had been shot over me. I had a sense there was plenty more to come. My hopes were raised when I was placed on the ground but they were dashed quickly when wrist ties were placed on me and I was dragged to one of the cubicles. As I looked down at myself I was shocked but not totally surprised given the treatment I'd received to see a little bit of blood running down my leg. Same for all virgins I guess. My arms were tied to the cistern and a leg tied to each side of the stall with my ass facing the door, open for all to take advantage of. I honestly lost count of the number of guys that took my ass while I was in that position. I'd become pretty deadened to the whole experience. I'd feel a pair of my hands at my hips, a cock slipping inside and they'd pound away inside me until I felt them shoot. I didn't want to turn around but I could tell from the sounds that guys were having their cocks sucked so they were ready to go once it was their turn. I'd effectively become a cumdump. I guess this had gone on for an hour or two before they decided they wanted me in a new position. I'd given up fighting by this stage and so offered little resistance when they pushed me onto the dirty floor on my back and tied my arms and legs wide in an extreme X position. Most of the time I was tagteamed while I was in that position, one guy fucking my ass and the other my throat. I took load after load down my throat, in my ass and on my body as some of the guys jerked off or pissed on me as they watched. Banging on the locked door woke me from my trance. "Big Jake must be here" one of the guys said. It didn't worry me too much, I'd been through so much already, what else could be done to me? And then I saw Big Jake. Jake was a massive black guy, easily 6ft7 and probably 300 pounds, all muscle. He took his shirt off but all I could see was the rapidly growing monster cock in his shorts, it had to be 13 inches. "Is this a new guy?" he asked. "Nah, some guy who pretended to be just passing" Bruce replied. "Has he been inducted?" "Should be, but you'll make sure of it." Bruce then turned to me. "From memory we're all poz, but Big Jake has the most toxic seed of all of us. If you weren't poz before you DEFINITELY will be once he's through with you." He lay on top of me and his massive, rock hard cock probed my hole and, given the battering it had taken through the night, he entered me pretty easily despite his incredible size. I could feel his cock pounding my prostate and I found myself grunting in time. "God I love straight pussy," Jake whispered in my ear. "And it's even better when I'm pozzing it." As I felt his cock thickening inside me I came heavily, my whole body shuddering underneath him. His load shortly joined the numerous ones I'd taken through the night and with that I finally passed out. I came to about four hours later, being shaken by a groundsman from the park. "Come on faggot, you've had your sleep. Time to go home." "I'm not a faggot..." "That's not what your chest says. Now get up, put your clothes on and go home." I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Someone had written "POZ FAG" on my chest in permanent marker. I pulled my top back on, gingerly pulled my shorts over my aching and filled ass and made my way home, my life changed permanently.
    1 point
  21. I gave a load to a buddy in the parking garage at work. He asked me to breed him and I sure did. FUCKING HOT!
    1 point
  22. kissing isn't a must, but I really enjoy it. took me a while to do it, but once I did...WOW
    1 point
  23. Always. Love mystery loads
    1 point
  24. total bottom cumdump lad here in Cornwall, love being used by any raw cock
    1 point
  25. Not XTube, yet a HOT vid with internal cumshot: [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/25081/the-19-year-old-hairy-virgin/
    1 point
  26. Yesterday, I was having an abysmal time on the cruising apps (4/5 interested parties just ghosted me), and texted a buddy of mine who lives half hour away to see if his yard was dry enough for some outdoor work I had promised him. And complained about the cruising, in a hinting sort of way. Turned out he was down for some play - in fact, he already had someone coming over (whom I had met but never played with) and was happy to make it a 3some. So I showered quickly, hopped in the car, and drove over. My buddy is a 50-ish semi-hairy daddy bear type with a nice round belly, twinkling blue eyes, and a Santa Claus beard. His friend is a 20-something smooth black cub with long braids and a great frisky attitude. For those of you who haven't checked me out around here, I'm 50-something and wolfish build (not quite slim enough for otter, IMO) with gingerish fur all over, and at the moment I'm sporting serious face scruff. When I arrived, I let myself in and got my cock ring on in the foyer, then went to the bedroom and softly entered. It was dark inside and hard to tell at first what was happening, but I could definitely hear that I was the last to arrive. When my eyes adjusted, I could see that my buddy was on his hands and knees and the cub was eating his ass like there was no tomorrow. So I climbed up on the bed and greedily kissed my buddy before feeding him my nice hard dick. We did that for a bit and then the cub stood up and started giving my buddy a righteous plowing. After a good while of spit-roasting that direction, my buddy wanted us to switch, so he got up on the bed and I plowed him from behind while he sucked on the cub for a while. At this point, my memory is a bit mixed up, but I think we had the cub lie on the bed and my buddy rode his fat dick while I sat on his face. That boy seriously knows how to eat ass, and had me getting pretty hot and bothered! I'm not sure whether or not the cub gave my buddy a load during that session... My buddy was getting pretty well heated up by this time, so we rearranged things and I laid down on the fuck bench face up, and he rode me while the cub sucked him off, until he came very hard and the cub sucked up every drop. Then it was the cub's turn to be on the bench, and I fucked his face and then sat on it some more while my buddy first rode him and then sucked him hard. I was hoping the cub would fuck me a bit, too (I had asked him and he was up for it), but before he got the chance my buddy hoovered him so well that he was shooting, and my buddy quickly jumped up and sat on it, getting most of it in his (bare) bear ass... yum! Not one to be outdone, I took him over to the bed and plowed him on his hands and knees, and got a semi-orgasm that put about one normal cum load up his hole. I wasn't actually done - I had several days' worth built up and would have cum a lot harder with a bit more work - but my buddy thought I was and came off me before we got that far. Somehow the mood shifted and things devolved into laughter and comradely conversation, which was fine. Even though I didn't get completely drained I had a great time and it was the best sex I've had in a while - possibly since before Covid started. After I got home, I decided I'd take care of the rest myself (the reliable choice if not the most fun) and watched the (incredibly hot and nasty) "Breeding Nate Stetson" video with David-SF, and came ridiculously hard, completely painting my torso with cum. I could be happy doing that every week, indeed I could!
    1 point
  27. His BBRT profile says he's been on there since 2018 so there's no way he's a virgin.
    1 point
  28. I have had a couple gangbangs, I was on my stomach while 4 guys too turns. One of them plea 3 loads in me and another pissed in my ass, was a great time. I ended getting 6 loads, the last one was with me bent over, the guys took pictures and played with my cock. My ass was a mess and man juice was dripping down my legs. The guy that helped organize it shoved 3 fingers in me and about lifted me off the floor asking if it was enough The other time was when I was on a business trip, in my hotel room. I am not sure how many guys came and went, but I got 6 loads and the last guy pissed in my to make fire the mess went deep
    1 point
  29. This is why I live my life as an openly POZ man. Transparency is the best policy and I feel it is an ethical duty to inform people before engaging in sexual activity with them because I would feel awful about passing a virus on to somebody that didnt know the risk. I face rejection on occasion but it doesnt bother me because the next guy I talk with probably wont mind im POZ Undetectable and the sex between us will be great. Im positive about being POZitive and made the decision when I was diagnosed to be completely transparent about my status because I dont like hiding who I am. Im POZ and im not ashamed of it. Having said that, people should take responsibility for their own behaviors. If you bareback strangers, youre going to get HIV and thats not a surprise. If you go to places like bathhouses you should assume everybody in there is HIV+ or youre just an idiot. People that want to engage in bareback activity should either accept that or take the necessary precautions rather than looking for others to blame for their own behaviors.
    1 point
  30. Use a good razor (I use Gillette Fusion blades) and gel. I used to get a rash when I started but thankfully I don't anymore. I think your skin adapts after time. Be very careful with removal creams like Veet because if they are not used properly they will burn like hell.
    1 point
  31. I love Dark rooms, One time i was there It was getting busy and crowded in the darkened steam room, almost pitch black, very small and dim red exit light, small room and hot steam, sweaty naked men everywhere. A young guy who had been rimming me was now attempting to fuck my hole, i let him in he fucked me quick and hard, He groaned and shot his load up me, kissed back of my head and thanked me, told me i was a good fuck and left. A guy who had been sucking my cock was now rimming the previous guys load out of my ass. He beckoned for this other bloke to fuck me and he did and also my mouth was being used non stop by others cumming in it, it was like a frenzy. I was greedy for dick and taste of anonymous cum and I had to popper up numerous times, i must have been fucked about 10 times and took so many loads mostly in my ass and some in my mouth . I had knee trembles when trying to stand up straight, sometimes being pushed back down so a bloke could slide up my cummy arse. I stank of spunk and sweat, i never washed off , i just got dressed and went home, i could still smell some of the guys on me and the loads were gradually seeping out of my ass. That is why I love the dark/Steam room, my inhibitions go and i just love bending over and being fucked by anyone who wants to use and take me. Wish times were back to that.
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  32. Love to kiss here...don’t matter if it’s slutty random sex or with someone long term...every sexual experience should be 100% intimate
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  33. Oh yes, I agree, Gotta kiss. Gonna kiss you deep bareback- flipflop.
    1 point
  34. Thursday night late, I got hit up on Grindr by a young black cub who only wanted head. He sent me a nice dick pic, so I decided to give him a go. He was impressed by my oral skills and appreciative, but the whole thing only lasted 15 minutes. Last night I was supposed to hook up with the young black top who a multi-cummer. He and I have been fuck buddies off and on for 2-3 years since he was a student at my university. He is coming back to town to work at a Haunted House for Halloween (it's actually a haunted forest outdoor thing, so they have been operating with limits on how many people go through). About 2:30, I got a drunk text from him explaining he had gotten too wasted at the cast party, and someone had taken away his keys. I told him I was annoyed, but he should touch base in the morning. I woke up to a string of very apologetic text messages from him that were sincere enough to earn my forgiveness. 😉 I decided to make one of his fantasies come true. He is very turned on that I was a professor at the university he attended even though we had no professional interaction while he was a student. He had allowed that he always wanted to fuck me in my office on campus, so we met in the parking lot at 10:00 this morning. I let us into the locked building, and we went up to the office. We stripped down and made out for a while. He worked my nipples until I was about to come unglued. I knelt and sucked him fully hard. He worked my nipples more and fucked my throat for a while. He's big but not huge (7" and thick), so I could take it pretty easily. He pulled me up and bent me over my desk (I had already cleared a spot and laid down a towel). He spit into his hand and fingered my ass open. I wasn't sure how well just spit/no poppers would work, but once he got it into me, I started to self lubricate. He gave me a good hard fuck for about 10-15 minutes. He asked if I wanted his load (he knows that turns me on). After I begged, he shot a big one in me and collapsed into my office chair. I knelt down and cleaned him off with my mouth. We made out and worked each other's nipples. After about 5 minutes, he was ready for round two. I did grab the poppers this time. He bent me over the desk again and immediately launched into a rough, hard fuck. It was better than the first time because it was so much smoother with his load for lube. After about 15 more minutes, he could tell my legs were giving out, so he pulled out. I turned over and lifted my legs, and he slid back in. What followed was close to a half hour of some of the most powerful and intense pounding I have ever experienced. He moved my legs to his shoulders, then spread apart, then wrapped around him. At one point he put one foot on the desk and half climbed on top of me. He was pounding me so hard that my head was banging on the desk. My hole was making wet, squelching noised as his body slammed into mine over and over. I did not care. It was brutal and erotic and amazing. He finally shot another huge load deep inside. He collapsed back into the chair, and I again cleaned him up. I had brought some small towels and wet wipes. We cleaned up and got dressed. We laughed about how loud it had gotten although I think we were the only people in the building. He said if we did again in the office he wanted to do a whole role play scene ("I really need an A, professor. I'll do anything"). I walked him down, and we agreed to do it again soon.
    1 point
  35. We have a sex sling, fuck bench, tens unite, chastity devices, whips, floggers, canes, dildos, butt plugs, Anal chastity lock, rope, cuffs, chain, nipple suckers & toys,
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  36. Chapter 4: Share your toys After finally finishing up in the shower and washing off the mix of sweat, spit, piss, cum, and lube off of each of us, We agreed to move back to my room. Jason was able to walk on his own, but after all of the crystal my boys had fucked into me, and getting fully gaped my Matt's monster cock (as well as both boy's hands), my legs were like rubber and I was stumbling, so Matt wrapped his arm around me to pull me close to his heavily tattoo'ed, tall muscular frame; helping me walk to my bed. As Jason walked in first, he flopped onto my bed and Matt taunted him playfully, “UMMMM, you aren't supposed to be naked in daddy's bed, you are gonna get in trouble!” Jason replied, “I Hope I get a spanking” as the both let out naughty chuckles. Matt released his grip around me and helped me crawl into bed, climbing up Jason's ripped body, kissing and licking my way across his muscular thighs first towards his rapidly hardening cock. I worked my way towards the tip, and pulled back his foreskin to allow my tongue to run around his pricing and tease his piss slit while I used one of my hands to massage his balls. Not content to be left out, Matt had positioned himself beside me hand pulled me ass cheeks open before diving face first into my crevice and began to lick and suck at my battered hole. He reached a hand forward to grab my balls, grasping both nuts firmly in his large hands before frightening his grip and giving a quick firm tug. The sensation of this causing my hole to twitch, trying futilely to close, but making it much easier to reward his continued oral attentions with the full rosebud he was after. As I pushed my prolapse out into his hungrily sucking mouth, he began moaning lustfully and pushing his face into my ass with enough force that I let Jason's cock slip from my mouth as Matt continued to push my loudly moaning self up his sweaty older brother's frame. By the time I was face to face with Jason, he wrapped his arms around me to keep me from moving further as he began kissing me deeply. His rock hard cock grinding between our sweaty bodies as Matt continued to lick and suck the folds of the prolapse he had created. Jason's moaning soon picked up as well when Matt slid his hand back into his older brothers hole. The attention on his fuckhole caused Jason's grip to loosen enough that Matt was able to push me forward enough to position his older brother's poz cock against my hole. Realizing his intentions, I pushed back and my ass eagerly swallowed his cock as Matt brother continued to Jason's his hole. Matt's tongue dancing along his older brother's shaft as it slid in and out of my mancunt. Soon Jason began to try to buck his hips against his brothers wrist while his toxic cock began to thrust harder into my stretched hole. Within a few thrusts we are all in a good rhythm and it isn't long before the pounding on his prostate causes Jason to yell out, “FUCK YEAH! Take my load Dad! TAKE... MY... VENOM!” he yelled, punctuating each volley of cum into my ass with another obscenity before his body stopped shaking under me and he breathed heavily in post orgasmic relief. During Jason's last orgasm, Matt had removed his hand from his brothers stretched out ass and stood up to enjoy the view. As Jason and I laid there, limbs fully entwined and slowly kissing, he let out a short cough and said “Let's re-up Bro” before stepping out into the hall to get his supplies. He returned shortly later holding his black hand bag in one hand, and the largest of my double headed dildos in the other. The toy in his hands was given to me as a “gag gift” and I had never used it. 22 inches long and 8.5 around... Not sure what kind of cock it was designed to imitate, but it definitely wasn't human shaped. “Damn Jason! Look at the kinds of Toys Dad has been holding out on us... and after always making us share our toys...” he said with a sadistic tone before SLAP He brought his open hand down against my ass cheek and I let out a little moan, pushing my ass back slightly in approval, but not moving enough to cause his older brothers cock to slide from my hole. SLAP, SLAP the sound echoed in the room as he took more swings, these two much more forcefully, clearly leaving hand prints with each strike “And here you are riding your sons cock like a faggot whore!” SLAP “Taking your boys dirty loads!” SLAP “and taking our chempiss” SLAP “and being a junkie slut just (SLAP) LIKE (SLAP) US!!!” SLAP My ass was on fire. The last swing had been right against where his brother's cock was still anchored in me by his heavy piercing, but the force of Matt's blow caused Jason's dick to pop out, leaving a stream of his poz cum trickling from my ass. Jason yelled out at his brother, “Fuck dude!” before Matt replied, “Now that I have your attention, Ski Time” he said as he began producing loaded rigs from his bag. Jason slid out from under me an joined his brother as they proceeded to tie off and slam each other. Each coughing as their waves hit them. They turned and looked at my hungrily. Jason was the first climbing back to bed next to me, grabbing and holding my head in one hand to resume tongue dueling me while holding my leg up to give his little brother better access to my hole. I soon felt Matt's hand against my slick, gaping hole, his fingers entering with little resistance, but I still felt scratching, only to realize he was fingering more shards against the lining of my hole as my vision blurred and I began breathing very heavily, fighting the urge, but still letting out the occasional cough as he worked more and more into my hole before slipping out his hand. I could only let out a few grunts of protest as I pushed my ass back towards nothing, all I could think of was the empty feeling he had left, before I felt his attentions return to my hungry rosebud This time though, instead of his mouth, hands, or dick, Matt began to press the monster double header against my stretched hole. The cold rubber causing me to pull back slightly, but he patiently slid it in while carefully lubing it to ease it's entry. By the time it was about halfway in, I was feeling amazing, By now I was again on my back and fighting off continuing waves of near orgasm causing me to helplessly quiver between my two naked sons. I felt the pushing on the double header resume slightly, but when I looked down, I saw that now Matt was on his back like me, legs in the air as he pushed himself down on the other side of the monstrous rubber cock Between the slam he had just done and the amount he and his brother spent with their hands in each other, he was taking his half easier than I did, and in very little time he had pushed himself towards me to the point that our torn up ass lips were brushing against each other as we straddled the giant double header. Matt was clearly loving having his hole filled as his mammoth cock stood rock hard, pouring his diseased precum like a faucet. As Matt and I locked hands to continue pulling against each other, Jason stepped over us pointed his dick down before he began to let lose a stream of piss over both of us. His hot nectar splashing us both as he moved his aim back and forth across us before finishing his stream aiming at where our chemwhore holes were dueling over the double header before positioning himself over his brothers monster schlong and slowly lowering himself down, impaling himself on Matt's tree trunk. As Jason's ass reached the base of Matt's cock, Matt began using his ass muscles to push the double header out of his hole and deeper into mine. After a few inches though, he relaxes and allows me to push it back into him. We continue slowly pushing the 22 inches of rubber back and forth as Jason continues to grind down against his stretched ass pussy around his brothers toxic fuck stick, all while seductively gyrating his muscular body in front of me. I run my hands across he sweaty, perfectly defined pecs and begin to play with his nipples. They stand up eagerly as I gently pinch them and he moans in delight. The pressure in my hole too much though, and I soon find my shriveled party dick is unleashing a few sprays of my hot acrid piss, which Jason aimed at his dick which he was now jerking furiously. Apparently it was having similar effects on Matt, as he soon exclaimed, “Take my chempiss you dirty whore” before unloading his bladder in his older brothers stretched out hole.
    1 point
  37. Carl, my sexy otter who I forgot to mention is a gorgeous strawberry has invited 2 top guy over to join us & breed 2 or 3 loads each in me before taking turns in us both. I’ve had 6 of his load up me and just enjoyed a very horny piss fuck in the shower! I love feeing his big uncut dick thrusting up me making me howl with ecstasy! The lads coming to join us are both strong dark haired, blue eyed, stocky hairy east London lads both about 9” uncut & heavy cummers. Can’t wait to have my cunthole squelching & cum farting as is gets used by 3 big uncut dicks! Would love a big group on guy using me as their cum dump right now! 🤤🍆💦💦 Pic is my cum sloppy cunthole 🤤
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  38. yesterday. a regular fb texted me saying how he needed my mouth. He'd already texted me a couple of times the last couple of days, needing, but his work schedule was in the way. i replied: "how about now?" and he texted back that he had hurt his wrist and had just taken a pain pill. He was afraid he would not be able to stay hard. i asked him if the pill would keep him from enjoying getting sucked or having an orgasm, he said "no." So i told him i didn't care if he got hard, as long as he could enjoy and have an orgasm. He was at my house 15 minutes later, sitting on the sofa, legs spread watching porn. i came in from another room, knelt between his beautiful thighs and sucked him. He got hard and stayed hard the whole time and came hard and down my throat about 15 minutes later. After leaving, he texted me that it felt like i had sucked his soul out of him. Fuck yeah, i'll take that inside of me too. i love guys.
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  39. Part Seventeen I fell asleep downstairs after awhile, there was only so many times you could watch the three of them have sex before you had to take a break. After Sammy had fucked John silly they had brought Eli in and it started all over again finishing with Eli riding John's cock while Sammy fucked John. Then Sammy fucked Eli while he blew John and me and then I fucked Eli while Sammy went at John again. After the fourth round I tapped out and came downstairs. I was awoken by Sammy sitting down next to me, opening a beer and downing it pretty quickly. “Thirsty?” I asked. He looked over at me, sweat matted hair on his forehead, fresh cum on his pecs and a smile as wide as all outdoors on his face, “Gave them alone time,” he explained handing me a beer of my own “They're still at it?” I asked sitting up and taking a drink. “You have any idea how long Eli has lusted after John's cock? Trust me, those two will be fucking until something falls off.” “And you? How was fucking John?” He leaned back with a contented smile, “Perfect. The way he looks at me now, the reverence he has, the way he waits on my words...it's fucking perfect. No one will ever know I own those two completely.” “We own them,” I reminded him, finishing my beer. He nodded, “Of course, you made it happen. I mean I wouldn't have even thought about raping my brothers without you.” “There's that word again...no one really gets raped.” He raised an eyebrow, “You think?” “Not if you do it right,” I explained, “I mean people do get raped don't get me wrong, but what we did to your brothers, what I did to you, was just unlocking what you were too afraid to find.” “So then it isn't rape, it's what? A gift?” I nodded, “Exactly, I gave you all a gift,” I giggled at the thought. “Cool, I am so glad to hear that,” he said taking the empty beer can from my hand. “Uh-huh...” man I was still tried, “You'll thank me eventually...” “Oh I'll thank you now,” he said pushing me back on the couch.” I looked up and saw him hovering over me, “God you're beautiful.” Did I say that out loud?” “You think I'm hot?” he asked, his eyes staring down into mine. I nodded, “For sure...hottest guy I've ever met...” He leaned down and kissed me, “How hot?” I kissed him back, my entire body reacting to his presence, “So hot, your fucking body, your fucking smile...and that cock...” He sat up and straddled my chest, “This cock?” he said, waving his half hard member in my face. “So fucking hot...” I said looking up at it. “Open your mouth,” he said. I opened it wide. “Stick out your tongue.” I thrust my tongue out, mere inches from my prize. “How bad you want my cock?” “So bad...please...” My words shocked me for a moment. And then he pressed the head of his cock onto my tongue and it was forgotten. The head of his cock filled my entire mouth as he pushed it in. “More tongue,” he barked and I complied as fast as I could. Again there was something not right but when I looked up and saw him over me, pressing that fucking monster deeper down my throat, my mind went fuzzy and I did my best to swallow it. “Open your throat,” he said as his head hit the back of my throat, “Don't gag...swallow...” he smacked me upside my head when I choked and I doubled down on trying to keep my breathing steady. I felt the head of cock slip down my throat and I did my best to accomdiate the length of his shaft as he pressed it there and started to skullfuck me. He held the sides of my head and I felt my eyes water as he forced hs lngth down my throat. I'd never deepthroated someone before so my first instinct was to panic, but his voice kept me level. “Breathe through your nose...come on...don't pussy out...you can take...yeah there you go...that's it...god I can see your throat bugle...” He put his hand over my throat as he pushed in and out of my mouth. “So good....you're making me feel so good...” I felt a rush of warmth as he praised me and I did my best to take even more of his dick. He slowly slid his cock out and I panicked, thinking I had done something wrong... What the fuck? “Lick my balls,” he said moving his shaven balls over my mouth. I started to lick them automatically but this felt weird...my thoughts wouldn't focus and I was missing something...” He forced himself own on mu mouth, “More, come on get those balls in your mouth.” I tried but they were so fucking big I could only manage one at a time. He had grabbed the top of my head and was maneuvering me to where he wanted my mouth to be, when he found a spot he liked he would coo and say, “Right there...more....come on lap at them.” And I did, but why was this happening? “Other one,” he ordered and I spit out one and took the other into my mouth before he snapped at me. Again he moved me where he wanted until I hit whatever spot he was looking for. “That's it, come on baby...work that tongue...harder...you make me feel so good...” His words turned me on and I doubled my efforts, even as I felt something in my mind screaming at me. He moved up and I licked his taint lower and lower, He spread those perfect, muscular asscheeks apart and positioned his tight little hole over my mouth. “Come on...show me how much you want this...” Part of me wanted to push him off of me but the urge to give him pleasure was too much and I shoved my tongue into his ass, trying to make him feel as good as possible. “Oh fuck yeah...that's it...come on...harder....harder!” I was desperate to get more of my tongue in there, I grabbed his cheeks and spread them myself. I pulled him down on my face as I pleasured him, his oohhhssss and ahhhhsss were turning me the fuck on. My own untouched cock was hard as a rock but for some reason I didn't touch it, all I could think about was serving Sammy. “You got them?” he asked. I nodded, as I tried my hardest to get him off. “Yeah, these?” a voice asked and I realized two things. One, we weren't alone and two, he wasn't talking to me. “Yep,” Sammy said, “Hand me the mask.” I paused for a moment and he got off of me, I saw Eli and John looking down at me, naked as the day they were born. “What's up?” I asked, embarrassed they had caught me with their little brother shoving his ass on my face. “Here,” Sammy said all of a sudden and out a mask over my mouth. “Breathe in.” I complied automatically, until I saw what it was. “NOOOO!!!” I cried as I tried to knock the popper mask system I had made off my mouth. But Sammy forced it down harder, pushing my back into the couch. “You can only hold your breath for so long...” he warned me as I tried to fight, but my limbs felt like I was underwater. It was only then I realized he had dosed my beer and I was already fucked up. I struggled as long as I could but my lungs began to burn and I had to take a huge gasp of air...which was mostly poppers. He took the mask off and I tried to sit up as quickly as I could, maybe I could run and get... And my whole world tilted sideways as I fell back onto the couch. “Ok hand me the rubber band,” Sammy said. I felt something tie off around my bicep and though I was completely out of it, I knew what was coming. “Please...” I moaned, unable to actually talk. “Shh...” Sammy said as he pressed my syringe to a vein, “I'm giving you a gift....” I felt the last of the liquid MDMA enter my system and my whole brain just fuzzed out. My panic vanished and I felt a sense of just euphoria come over me. I looked up and saw Sammy looking down at me, “How you feeling?” I could only laugh. “Get him upstairs, and cuff him up.” John nodded and picked me up, it felt like I was flying. “Why?” Eli asked, his voice sounding a million miles away, “He's already out of it.” “Because he deserves the whole treatment,” Sammy said getting in my face, “And I want to make sure he holds still when he finds out what it feels like to get fucked by the Parker brothers.” His words just made me giggle and I heard him order John, “Get him upstairs.” I was flying again up the stairs...and then blackness...
    1 point
  40. Well @Dubconforlife... thanks for many things... For your story at first, well written, easy to be read, even by a foreign reader like me, and with a good rhythm (I suppose that in real life everything would have been slower... more resistance, second thoughts, regrets and revenge’s feelings but subsequently a more boring never ending story). Thanks for what I suppose to be a final chapter ... oh, please, don’t misunderstand me I simply love the stories with a begin and a end, that made the story complete (of course then Parker Brothers will be always welcome but in another story). Finally, at last but not least, thanks for the description of what I think to be the real domination... Dominate someone only by force or heavy drugs is IMHO to easy to do, everyone would be able to do it, instead the real domination is more subtitle, you have to be able to induce someone to recognise its own real nature and to desire to be part of your projects. It’s a pleasure you have found this site.
    1 point
  41. Chapter Eleven I immediately started coughing, the kids all laughed as I struggled to breath, “Whoa big guy,” Logan said coming up and taking the joint from me, “Can't hold your weed huh?” I shook my head, tears falling from my eyes. “Ok, here,” he said leaning me back into the beanbag, “Let's try this.” He took a long drag and then leaned in like he was going to kiss me. “Whoa...” I said stopping him. He shook his head and pushed his lips to mine. The smoke moved from his mouth to mine and I felt it enter my lungs in one gulp. He held his mouth to mine and I felt his tongue slip over mine. My tongue moved tentatively over his and he pulled off me. “See? It's called shotgunning, it's for newbies.” “Thought you'd smoked before,” one of the kids said, “Fuck off Tim, leave him alone,” Logan said taking another drag and leaning in. This time there was no pretense, this was a kiss with some smoke being shared. This kid was a good kisser, way better than Jack. I forgot for a moment he was barely 18 and kissed him back as the smoke entered me. At the end we were just making out, his body moving over mine. He pulled off with a smile “See? It's strong shit, so be ready.” I nodded and Logan passed the joint to another of the guys, “You wanna do one?” The kid nodded and took Jack's place. This one had dirty blond hair and a cleft in his chin that made him look like a model almost. They were all Tik Tok boys, toned, six packs, smooth, and horny as fuck. This kid leaned in and again, it wasn't anything but a kiss and I welcomed it. This one was skinny and he moved over me, his legs straddling my chest as he tongue fucked me. His kiss was messier but there was a lot of passion in it and I felt myself respond. I think he passed the joint away because both of his hands were on the side of my face, kissing me like he was possessed. “Fuck,” he said breathlessly, “You are fucking cut,” he said tracing a finger down the space in my pecs. “My turn,” the last kid said, taking a huge drag and handing the joint back to Logan. He came in and kissed me like he meant it, one hand behind my head, the other on the bulge in my jeans. My hips bucked up as he rubbed me, these kids were fucking turning me on and I didn't really care they were in high school for a moment. “Get naked,” he whispered as he got off me and slipped his shorts off, “I wanna see that monster in your pants.” The other boys shucked their soccer shorts as I unbuttoned my jeans. Logan grabbed the side and pulled them down, leaving me in my jock with my swollen cock pushing against the thin cotton. One of the kids leaned down and moved it aside and my dick flipped up, making a slapping sound against my abs as I sighed at the feeling of being free. “Holy fuck!” one of them exclaimed. “Told ya he was a beast,” Logan said, “Ev, stroke it for us.” I reached down and gripped the base of my cock with a hand, a light from one of their phones lit up as he started filming, “Yeah man, fucking stroke that motherfucker.” “Come on guys,” I said hiding my face, “Don't do that.” “Ev!” Logan said moving down next to me, “Show that fucker off,” he pulled my hand down and leaned over to kiss me, while his other friend put a hand on the top half of my dick. The double hit of pleasure made me let go and I just kissed Logan back and released my dick to let the other kid stroke me. “Fuck man, look at this thing!” the kid said propping my cock up for the other one to film, “I would tear pussy up with this shit!” “Put both hands on it,” the guy with the phone said, “Make it leak some.” I felt two hands grab my dick and start to move up and down my length. I moaned into Logan's mouth as I felt my dick start to weep precum. The weed was hitting me hard now and I just laid back and let this kid stroke me off as Jack's little brother looked down at me and smiled. “See guys? I told you, my brother said once he gets all turned on he does anything.” “Prove it!” the filming kid said. Logan moved up and brought his dick to my mouth, “Come on Ev, lick my dick.” I had been right, it was a nice fucking dick. It was nearly as big as Jack's but on a high school kid it looked huge on his frame and my mouth started watering as I licked it slowly. “OH DAMN!” the other two said as I tasted the first drop of Logan's nutjuice. He tasted like Jack and I instantly wanted more. I grabbed his ass and pulled him onto me as I swallowed him whole and miked his dick with my tongue. “Fucking college boy blowing a high school jock, that shit is tight.” one of them said but I ignored it, I was liking this shit too much. “Lick my balls,” Logan demanded, moving his balls up to my mouth. I did as he said, his voice was too much like Jack's for me not to. His balls were smooth and shaven and the sound he made as I rolled them around in my mouth was a turn on. He moved again, trying to push them further in and I licked and prodded...until this hole was over my mouth. My tongue darted up and started to breech his tiny hole. “FUCK!” Logan screamed as he tried to jump off my mouth, but my hands held his hips still and I slowly started to rim him. “Fuck, fuck...” the jock panted as I dug deeper and deeper into him, “His fucking tongue is huge...” I felt precum drip on my forehead as I grabbed the side of his cheeks and really shoved my tongue up this soccer kid's ass. He squealed and stopped trying to get away and pushed back onto my face. “Dude, that's gay,” one of the kids said, still filming, still stroking himself. “Fuck that,” Jack whimpered, “It feels fucking amazing...” One kid looked at the other and said, “You film for a while,” and moved over to Logan, “Come on man, give me a turn.” Logan moved off my mouth and my tongue was left exposed, as I tried to find the tight, jock hole again. The other kid lowered himself on my face and I instantly speared his firm, little ass, pushing my tip into his hole and making him cry out in pleasure. “Fuuuccckkkk...”he moaned, “Fuck yeah, come on college boy....lick my high school ass....” Maybe it was the weed, maybe it was my fog, maybe it was because I was partly in control for once but this was so fucking hot I just grabbed his hips and pushed him down as hard as I could. The kid started to bounce on my face, fucking himself on my tongue as I tried to claw his smooth buns across to get deeper. “Grab me that lotion,” I head Logan tell the other guy. Seconds later I felt a cold wetness move around my ass and my legs were moved. “You ready to get fucked Ev?” Logan asked. “No way this guy is going to let a fucking high schooler fuck him.” “Watch me,” Logan said, his thick tip pressing against my hole. My legs parted on their own as he pushed into me, causing me to moan around this kids hole. He was stroking himself off as I rimmed him but I didn't care anymore, all I wanted was that cock. Logan's thrust was fast and all over the place. I could tell this was his first ass fuck as he just jammed it in, trying his best to get it anywhere. I moved the kid off my mouth and said, “Slower...slow down.” He pulled his cock back and lined it up again, this time he thrust in slowly and it moved past my muscle in one go, causing me to moan at the length. “Suck me,” the kid on top of me ordered and my mouth opened so he could shove his cock into my mouth. Logan pushed in all the way, not quite as big as Jack but big enough, once he was bottomed out he pulled out almost to the tip and shoved it in as one push. I fucking lost it as the impact went past my prostate, making my cock lurch to life, precum going everywhere. “Dude...look at this cock...he loves this!” the kid filming said. “I know, watch me fuck this bitch good.” He started thrusting into me, each one more confident than the last, working up a good rhythm, driving me nuts as I sucked this kid off. “Yeah..more...more...” the kid said as his cock began to swell in my mouth, “I'm cumming...fuck I'm cumming.” I grabbed his hips and shoved his cock deep down my throat as he fired shot after shot of teen jizz down my throat. Both hands gripped my hair as he pumped his load into me. I could feel his perfect, soccer ass clench as he emptied himself into my mouth. He fell off, “Fuck me...” he said, sweat covering his body. Logan ignored him, he was learning to fuck hard. He had brought my legs up to his shoulders and was drilling me hard, there was a cruel look on his face that looked like Jack when he fucked me and I started panting to myself. “Fuck my pussy...harder...fuck me harder...” “Did you hear that!” the guy filming said, “He said he had a pussy!” “You like this Ev?” Logan asked for the camera, “You like getting fucked.” “Harder...fuck me harder...” I pleaded, wanting more dick that the teenager could give me. “Where should I fuck you Ev?” “My pussy....fuck my jock pussy...” The boys exclaimed in excitement and the one with the camera said. “Ok my turn, let me fuck him.” Logan reluctantly pulled out of me and I laid there on my back, my legs open, wanting more cock. The last kid jock rolled me over and grabbed my hair to pull me up on all fours. He shoved his cock in with authority and I could tell this kid had fucked before. “Present that ass bitch...” he said, pushing me down , raising my ass up higher, “Show me that hungry cunt...come on you fucker...” I responded to the boys words and raised my ass and pushed back into this thrusts. He wasn't as large as Logan but he fucking knew how to fuck hard. I grunted each time he assaulted me, but my pussy was still empty...I wanted more. “Harder...more...fuck me more...” I chanted, losing all scope of reality. The weed with my own natural fog had mindfucked me, and I didn't care about anything any more, I wanted to get off and that meant more cock, more fucking...more everything. If Jack's dad came in right now I'd have begged him to fuck me, shit if my dad had come in I would have... My cock pulsed at the thought and I pushed back hard into this kid. “Yeah you want this dick don't you bitch?” I did, I wanted it bad. “Ok let me back in,” Logan said. “Fuck that, I just got here.” “Come on Donny, fucking let me fuck him some more.” “It's my turn fucker...” His pace had slowed and my ass was aching for more. “Fuck me...fuck me harder...I need more...” I intoned. “I have an idea,” Logan said, moving around to my front. He say down and held his cock up, “Come on Ev, come ride my cock.” I scrambled to my feet and moved over to straddle this high school jock's dick. My jock pussy engulfed his hard rod and I sighed as I felt it slam all the way into me. If this kid had a few more inches he would have been fucking everything...so I just frantically bounced on his cock, trying to go as deep as I could. “Come on, your turn,” Logan said to the other kid. At first I was confused but then felt the other kid put a hand on my lower back to steady me, and his tip push into my already filled hole. “What....” I said, a moment of clarity coming to me as I felt the second cock start to force it's way into my ass. “No...no....don't...” I pleaded as the second head pushed past my hole and penetrated me. My mouth opened to scream as he pushed into, both cocks filling me up like nothing had before. I was no longer high, I was no longer fuzzy, I was freaking out because two high school jocks were double penetrating me on camera! The second kid pushed all the way in and I started to thrash, “No...get the fuck...” And both of their heads crushed my prostate. My eyes rolled back and I lost time for a moment. My hearing came back slowly and I could hear someone yelling and the sound of something wet hitting something wet. It took a moment for me to recognize my own voice screaming “Fuck me...fuck me harder....yeah...fill my pussy....wreck that jock cunt!” The sound of flesh hitting flesh was my sweaty body slamming back into their cocks as I rode both dicks as hard as I could, their thickness not sliding past but pressing down on my joybutton, making me fucking insane. The guy with the camera had it up to my face as I cried for them to fuck me harder...neither one moving as I did all the work pushing my tight ass down over both cocks in a blur. Logan was pushing me down by the shoulders as he screamed for me to take it, the other kid had a handful of my hair and was treating me like a fucking stallion he was trying to break with his dick. My cockhead was purple and swollen and as I looked down at it I knew, it was about to fucking shoot like it had never shot before. “Come on Everett, ride these high school cocks, show us how a big college stud likes to get fucked.” “Fuck me, fuck me...fill my cunt...breed my pussy....” My was speaking jibberish now as my cock just exploded, a gusher of cum spraying my six pack and chest with what seemed like gallons of cum, never ending, just shot after shot after shot. My ass clamped down on both cocks as I came and I felt them pulse as one as they pushed their jock babes into me, breeding me like the jock pussy I was. They both held on to me and thrust up as hard as they could to milk the last drops out of their members. I slumped forward, my head resting on Logan's shoulder as consciousness started to fade. As I passed out I head the boy whisper, “What until my brother gets back to see this.” And then nothing.
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  42. Part Fifteen I came downstairs and was almost tackled by Sammy. “Did you do it? Did you?” I gave him a grin as I tossed him my phone, “See for yourself.” He watched the video with his mouth, one hand on the screen, the other over his crotch as he watched me fuck his older brother. I grabbed a beer and sat down on the couch. I wasn't all that surprised to find Eli on his hands and knees getting fucked by one of the guys. It looked like the girls had gone which meant the rest of the night was going to be a lot more of this. Sammy plopped down next to me, “So can I go fuck him now?” I took the phone from him, “What? No! Not yet.” “Why not?” he whined, his desire to mount his older brother was tangible. “Because this isn't broken,” I said to him holding up the phone, “That is drugged. Right now he is going to sleep on it, dream about it, let it sink in. In a little bit I'll go give him a booster shot so he is zonked out again and we'll start all over.” “When do I get a shot at him?” The fact he sounded like a kid while arguing to rape his own brother made me laugh, “Probably not until tomorrow, but the next part is in public. So you can watch as long as you're out of his eyeline.” “Public?” I nodded as I finished my beer, “I'm gonna bring him down here and introduce him to the guys. Which reminds me,” I raised my voice and called out, “Ease off him, I need you guys ready in about an hour.” Chad, who had been fucking Eli nodded and a couple of the other ones moaned in disappointment. “Trust me, you're going to be fucking tonight, just not Eli.” Eli looked up at me, “But who's going to fuck me?” I nudged Sammy, “When I bring John down fuck your brother, it will keep you both from being tempted.” Sammy nodded but I could tell he wanted more, a lot more. I leaned over, “You wanna watch the whole video?” I asked, passing my phone over. He grabbed it and started the video from the start as I went and found some food. About an hour later I went back up to my room and found him still asleep. Man he was massive. All toned muscle, just a beefy fucking stud. Even soft his cock was obscene, just laying there like a slumbering python, ready to strike. If he had any charisma he would have been a fucking model, but like most guys that looked like this all he counted on his his muscles and never found the reason to gain a personality. Which is what made Sammy so dangerous. That kid could just stand on a street corner with no shirt on and people would throw money at him, the fact he was charming and funny and smart...well he was basically the devil as a teenager. I prepared another 50 cc and injected John, who barely stirred from the prick. I undid his cuffs, prepped him for what came next and then moved onto the bed with him. What Sammy didn't understand was that this part wasn't about control or power. This stage was all about conditioning. In this drugged state John wasn't going to remember much of what happened, not consciously. What I needed to do was set up a pattern a repetition that was going to be ingrained into him on a subconscious level. I already set up the start, now I needed to reinforce it. I leaned in and kissed him and was rewarded with him kissing me back. This went on for a while, our tongues fighting in his mouth as he moaned under me. He had no idea who he was kissing but with the drugs in his system he didn't care. All he knew was that it felt good and he wanted more. And I was going to give him more. I pulled back, his mouth still looking for mine, “Thirsty?” I asked. His eyes opened when he heard a guy's voice. You could see he was freaked out but too stoned to actually do anything about it. He nodded and I reached over and grabbed a bottle of water. He downed the bottle in one gulp, I had taken enough THC in my life to know how bad cottonmouth was after a serious dose. Once he was done he wiped his mouth and handed me the bottle back. I tossed it to the ground and moved into kiss him again. He pulled back slightly, which was expected, after all, he aware enough to know that he wasn't into guys. I smiled and grabbed his nipples, which cause him to moan in response, his eyes closed as he relished the sensation. On that much THC just feeling the carpet with your hands could turn you on, having an erogenous zone like your nipples played with was like hot wiring your dick. I made sure not to twist them too hard, just enough to turn him on. “You like that?” He nodded aimlessly, no longer paying any attention to his surroundings. That meant the X I had slipped into his water was taking effect too. I leaned in and kissed him again, this time there was no hesitation, no pause, he just started to make out with me like we were in the back seat of his truck in a drive in. His cock started to get hard, which was what I had been waiting for. I needed to keep this stud on the edge of horniness along with being just fucked up enough not to care how was making him hard. I sat up, “Hey you hungry?” He looked up at me confused of why the kissing had stopped. “You want some food?” He smiled and nodded, man he was wasted. I stood up and held my hand out, “Let's go find some pizza.” He took my hand and stumbled to his feet, dear god he was huge. If he fell there was no way I could stop this wall of muscle from going over. I put his arm around my shoulder and helped him out of my room. Either he hadn't noticed or didn't care he was buck naked cause he didn't hesitate when I walked him downstairs into the living room, where the guys were still playing COD on the TV. “Hey guys, you remember John right?” They looked over and gave him a nod, I saw more than one of them look his naked body up and down in hunger, knowing he was about to be served up. “Here John,” I said plopping him on the huge over sized couch, “Let's me find us some food.” He gave me a wobbly thumbs up and a dopey smile. God this was going to be good. I threw a couple of slices on a plate and walked them over to him. He was staring down at his own crotch confused. “Where are my clothes?” he asked with a chuckle. “You took them off,”I answered making him take the plate, “Remember, you had your condition?” He took the plate and looked up baffled, “Condition?” I leaned closer and whispered, “Your itchy ass?” His eyes got wide and he looked around nervously. “Don't worry man, the guys are cool, they've had it too.” He seemed unconvinced but started eating the pizza. I walked away and pretended to watch the game, when in fact my eyes never left John. I reached into my pocket and turned the vibrator I had put back in his ass on. It was at the lowest level but the effect was immediate. John froze in place, his eyes wide. He began to shake his head as he put the plate down. He was talking to himself and I let him stew there for awhile. I turned it up a notch and he let out a noise, I looked over at him, “You ok bud?” He shook his head in a panic and gestured for me to come over there. I took my time, relishing the fear on his face as I walked up to him, “What's up?” He whispered, “It's happening again!” “What is?” He looked around and then said, “My ass, it's happening again!!” “Uh oh,” I said, feigning concern, “That's not good.” “No....” he whined, his drugged out brain not able to process what was happening. I turned it up another notch and he let out a small groan as he tried to cross his legs. He was getting hard. “Shit, is it bad?” He nodded, his eyes wide. “Want me to help again?” He looked around in panic at the guys, “Not here...” I looked back at them, “Them? Dude, don't sweat it man, They're bros, we've all been there.” “Let's go back to your room,” he pleaded. “Nonsense,” I said looking over to the guys, “Hey guys, tell John it's normal to have an itchy asshole.” Josh looked over, “Shit man, happens all the time, ain't no thing.” Chad piped in, “Yeah man, don't stress it. It happening now?” John looked at me, begging me to take him upstairs but I just looked at him, “Come on man, you can trust them. Seriously, they can help.” “Help?” he asked out loud. Chad got up, “Yeah man, we always help each other out. It's a bro thing.” John watched as Chad walked over to him, he was wearing a pair of faded jean shorts with the top button undone, his shaved pubes sticking out of the zipper. From the bulge to the side it was obvious, Chad was not lacking in the cock department. He wasn't a Parker, but then who was. “How bad is it?” he said, kneeling down on the couch next to John. “I-it's...it's ok...” I turned it up again and John jumped and fought back a whimper. “Ok man, ok,” Chad said quickly, “You need something to distract you.” John was just sitting there, his hips twitching as he unconsciously tried to get more than just a little plastic tube up his ass. “Here,” Chad said urgently. John looked over to him and saw Chad's cock was out. “Here, hurry!” John didn't move, confused to how Chad's dick and his ass had anything in common. I cranked it up another notch and John closed his eyes and moaned, and Chad shoved his cock into the jock's mouth. As soon as Chad's dick slipped past John's lips I turned it down a notch. When John tried to push Chad off of him I cranked it back up and he froze. “Trust me man, it helps,” Chad assured him. John slipped another inch of the cock into his mouth and I turned the vibrator down a click. Another inch and another click, until John had the whole dick in his mouth. “Work it man,” Chad told him, “Focus on it.” John didn't do anything so I turned it back up and quickly John began servicing Chad's cock in earnest. It was a hell of a site to see John Parker work another guy's cock for all he was worth. Chad moved closer until his pubes were hitting John's nose and the bigger man was choking on cock. The other guys had abandoned the game and were waking towards the couch, like wild animals smelling a fresh kill. Paul got on the other side of John and pulled his cock out as well. I turned the vibrator up and John began to panic. I nodded at Paul who said, “Here dude, try mine.” John didn't even hesitate as he slipped Chad's cock out of his mouth and swallowed Paul's in a gulp. “Yeah, use your tongue more,” he commanded and from the smile in his face, John had complied. Josh got down on his knees and was eye level with John's massive pole, which was quivering from all the sensations coming from John's formerly virgin ass. Josh didn't say a word, he just went to servicing John's cock as he had Sammy's. I knew Josh liked to be controlled but I had no idea what a size queen he was. Between Josh's mouth and the vibrator, John was in a state of sexual bliss. He slurped on the two cocks, taking turns between the guys like a champ as John did his level best to take as much of that monster as he could. It was a hell of a sight. I watched for a good ten minutes, making sure that John was good and horned and that all the drugs in his system were working before moving to the real phase. I turned up the vibrator again and John practically screamed around Chad's cock as his hips came off the couch. “Still bad?” I asked. John spat out Chad's cock and nodded, “Soooo bad.....” “You want me to help?” He nodded slowly. “Move Josh,” I said as I knelt down. Josh scrambled out of the way, his hard cock bobbing in front of him. “Lemme see what I can do, keep him distracted guys.” Chad grabbed John's head and turned it back to his cock. John meekly opened his mouth and allowed Chad to start mouthfucking him willingly. I licked the underside of John's balls and moved lower towards his hungry hole. I pulled his legs forward and pushed him up some so I had better access, this allowed Chad to actually stand up over John's face and feed the alpha jock his entire length in one dip. John choked at first but Chad held his head still, forcing the bigger guy to take his whole length at once. I began to lick around John's ass, eliciting moans from him. His tiny, little jock hole winked at me, begging me in morse code to shove my cock into it and never stop pounding it. I pulled the vibrator out in one movement, which caused John to moan again, I quickly replaced it with two fingers. I jammed them up his ass, my fingertips looking for this already overworked prostate. His whole ass clenched when I brushed over it and I smiled as he let me know I'd struck gold again. I began to jam them in and out, abusing his boy button for almost a minute straight with no relief. His cock was swollen and leaking precum like it was a busted faucet. His moans had become screams had become pleas until finally he spit the cock out of his mouth and bellowed, “FUCK MAKE IT STOP!” I stopped fingerfucking him and locked eyes with him, “You want me to try to scratch it like earlier?” He seemed embarrassed for a moment. Chad leaned in close to him, “It's cool man, we've all been there. We're bros...we'll help you out.” John looked at Chad and you could see the gratitude in his face. “You want us to help?” he asked and John nodded. Chad leaned in and kissed him as John responded passionately. I pulled my shorts off and coated my cock in lube, “Ok John, here we go.” He broke free of the kiss and looked down at me. “Grab your knees and pull them back,” I said, knowing this would be the make of break moment. Slowly, this fucking linebacker jock reached down, grabbed the back of his knees and pulled them back, exposing his weeping little hole, all but begging me to fuck him. I pressed my cockhead to his hole, “Someone distract him.” Paul waved his dick in front of John and damned if he didn't open his mouth like a good little slut. I pushed into him as Paul grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down on his cock. It was happening, me and the guys had the hottest football player at A&M on our couch, servicing us like he was a fucking common whore. He held his legs apart as I began to really slam into him, making this little piggy squeal every time I bottomed out in him. I wasn't gentle and I wasn't slow, I hit this motherfucker as hard as I could, rearranging his guts with my cock without a hint of mercy. Abut seven slams into it he pulled away and let out a loud, “OH FUCK!!!” as I hit him again and again. Chad grabbed a hunk of his hair and said, “Get back to work cunt.” John's mouth was already open as Chad pushed it down on his dick. I leaned in, making sure he felt every, single inch of my thick cock up in him, working his ass, teaching it what he wanted, what he needed. He walked in this house a fucking alpha jock, pussy magnet, and he was going to walk out our personal cum slut. I fucked him until my cock was getting raw and looked at Chad, “You ready?” He smiled and pulled his cock out of John's mouth, “Lay on our back,” he ordered, pushing John down onto the couch. John laid back his legs up. Chad moved between them, “I like to look at my bitches when they get fucked.” He crammed his cock into John's hole and John let out a long moan as Chad began to work him. “Get this cunt to shut up,” he ordered and Paul moved over towards John's head and just held his cock out. Like a trained pet, John leaned over and took the cock into his mouth and began to service him as if he was born to. It was fucking hot to watch the guys work him over like this. I looked over by the kitchen and Sammy and Eli were there, both of them furiously stroking their cocks as they watched their older brother get gang banged. Chad had John almost folded in half as he kept pistoning in and out of John's abused hole. John's cock had not gotten soft, if anything it looked closer to popping than it had earlier. It's massive head was an angry purple and there were streams of precum traveling down it's veiny length. “Let's rotate out,” I said and Chad pulled his cock out. John actually looked distressed as his hole was suddenly empty. Paul got up, “Get on the floor,” he snapped. John fell off the couch and the guys moved him up to all fours. Paul wasted no time mounting the stud, knocking the breath out of John as he began to thrust into him with wild abandonment. Josh moved over to the front and once again, all he had to do was present his cock and John willingly began to suck on it, no instruction needed. This was hot, but I wanted more. “Keep him busy,” I said to Josh. He nodded and grabbed both sides of John's head, making him service every inch of his cock. I grabbed Sammy's hand, “Come on.” He went along with me as I pulled him over towards Paul, “He's going to play through.” Paul reluctantly slid his cock out of John's ass, eliciting another moan of disappointment from John. “No talking, no sounds,” I said grabbing Sammy's massive tool and lining it up to his brother's now wrecked hole. Sammy nodded as I pressed his head into his older brother, both of them letting out a throaty moan. John had been fucked well, but none of the cock's were even close to his little brother's. Sammy pressed forward, his fucking monster stretching his brother's hole further than it had ever been. John's mouth fell of of Josh's cock as he started to pant. Sammy just kept pushing in, not slowing a bit. “Fuck...oh fuck....JESUS!!” John wailed, “Your cock....fuck....fuckfuckfuck....” Sammy pushed thee last inches of his cock into his older brother and John collapsed to his elbows. He could no longer hold himself up as Sammy began to rock his cock back and forth into him, Every time Sammy's pubes slapped his older brother's ass John let out a grunt and a small whimper after. I had expected Sammy to just pound his brother to death but instead he was slowly milking his cock in and out of John's ass, making the older boy feel every single inch. One the sixth stroke in John jerked and let out a whine and Sammy stopped. He slowly backed up and again John reacted. An evil grin spread across the high schooler's face as he realized exactly where his older brother's boybutton was. Now Sammy began to push harder, adjusting his hips each time so that his fucking massive cockhead punched John's prostate dead on. The first few times John's head flew back, the sounds coming from him were part pain and part pleasure. But as Sammy began to really unload John's sounds changed from arrghhh to oohhhh....to finally....more. Sammy smile and began to fuck his brother harder as John began to push back. “Harder...fuck...harder....” John begged. Sammy grabbed his brother's hips and began to really grudge fuck him. John held on for dear life as his little brother's cock took him from pain to discomfort to absolute bliss in a matter of minutes. John propped himself up to his hands again so he could push back harder onto Sammy's cock. The sweat flying from his face as he begged his little brother to fuck him harder. “More...more....fuck me harder....harder...” he pleaded. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. I had broken alpha studs before, stripped of them of their bravado and left them a begging, sniveling mess of a slut. I had completely shattered their egos and made them serve me before. I had done all of that and more. But I had never taken a fucking alpha top like John and made him a power bottom, screaming for more and more cock at the top of his lungs. John didn't know where he was, who was around him, nothing. All he knew was his little brother's fat, nine and half inches up his ass and the fact he never wanted it to end. But of course it had to. John began to pant he was close and Sammy doubled down on his thrusts, making John let out a cry as he realized he was never in control of this fuck. He had never been a part of this with Sammy, instead he realized he was nothing more than a hole to this huge cock and he was seconds away from being a cumdump for whoever had been fucking him. As John shot load after load over his tight abs, part of him realized, from now on that was exactly how he wanted it. John groaned as he came everywhere, he collapsed onto the floor, his breath ragged and uneven. Sammy pulled out and moved to John's face. I tried to stop him but he put his hands over John's eyes and pulled his head back, making his mouth open. And he groaned as he shot his load into his older brother's mouth, making John eat every drop of cum that came from his elephant cock. I was surprised as anyone to see John's tongue dart out to catch every drop he could feel, even pausing to lick his own lips to get more of his little brother's cum. Sammy let go of his head and John collapsed into the carpet, already passed out. He looked up and saw all of us stroking our own cocks, each one of us close to blowing our load over what we had just seen. Sammy looked at me and winked, and my cock exploded, images of him riding his older brother etched into my brain like after images f looking at the sun. That was this kid was like, looking at the sun too long. And I was slowly going blind.
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  43. All you self hating gays that are supporting trump need your heads examined All he has done is attempt and keep attempting to dismantle gay rights keep voting against your own interests that makes real sense
    1 point
  44. Chapter Five Jack caught a ride with me to Blackthorn's house. “You really think he can get my grades up?” I asked him. “Depends, I mean you're pretty behind. But I bet he'll find something you can do to earn the grade.” “Sheesh I hope so, if I lose my scholarship I don't know what I'd do.” “Go into porn?” “Huh?” “Nothing, just listen to what he has to say.” We pulled up to his house and I grabbed my backpack, “Did you bring your books?” Jack shook his head, “Nah, I'll just follow along.” As we approached the door it opened and Blackthorn was standing there looking buff as shit. He had on a tight black t-shirt that really showed his chest off and a pair of workout shorts that might have been old because they were pretty tight on him. He started to smile and then looked at Jack, “Um, this was a private lesson Palmer.” Before I could say anything Jack spoke up, “It's ok Mr. Blackthorn, I figured out what you were going to teach him and I'd like to help.” Blackthorn raised an eyebrow. “He told me about the private lesson you gave him earlier, and I thought if you were going to go into a full lesson, you might need help.” He cocked his head and he gave Jack a small smile, “Have you been giving him lessons as well?” “Well sir I've been trying, but I think he's finally ready to learn.” “Well then come in boys, we have no time to waste.” His house was pretty swag, I mean you could tell he was a bachelor. He must have not bought light bulbs because this room was fucking dark, I had no idea how we were going to study. There was a large blanket on the floor and pillows all around. “Sit, you guys drink?” Jack laughed, “Does a fish swim?” “Excellent, let me grab some wine, take your shoes off and relax.” Jack shucked his off quickly so I followed suit. “Dude, he might have forgotten I was coming by, this place looks like it's setup for a date or something.” Jack leaned back on a stack of pillows, “Maybe, but he's willing to teach so relax man.” I sat down and started grabbing my book out of my backpack. “Nope,” Mr. Blackthorn said coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and some glasses, “You aren't ready for a book yet Palmer, we need to go back to basics.” Man I was too stupid to even use the book? That sucks. Blackthorn sat down and poured us all a huge glass of wine. “Um, I don't really drink all that much,” I said looking at my wine. And it was true, I got stupid when I was drunk, a fact I learned in high school a couple of times. Both times I had gotten drunk I woke up at a friend's house, buck naked feeling like I had ran a marathon the night before. The guys always just said I was fun when I was that way but I didn't like it. “A relaxed mind learns faster,” Blackthorn said, indicating I should drink. Sighing I brought the glass up to my mouth and started to chug it. It was sweet, I mean it had that nasty alcohol taste but I drank it all pretty quickly. They were both just staring at me open mouthed. “What?” I asked putting the glass down, “You said drink.” Jack and Blackthorn looked at each other and smiled. “Ok then, well that should help. What was the last thing you recall us studying?” I thought really hard, but I was already getting a little wobbly, “Um, the civil war I think?” “Everett, we're going over Watergate, that's a hundred years later. You haven't been paying attention at all?” “No sir,” I said sadly. Was it hot in here? “We should quiz him,” Jack offered, “You know test and see what he knows and doesn't.” Blackthorn just looked at Jack in confusion. “We're going to ask you some history questions, and you try to answer them as correctly as possible ok?” I nodded. “But I know you, you're just going to say you don't remember to most of them, so let's give you a reason to think.” I didn't understand what he just said and fought back giggling and just asked, “Huh?” “For every question you get wrong you have to take off a piece of clothing.” “What?” I said shocked, “No way I'm not stripping.” “Then think hard about your answers,” Jack suggested. I looked at Blackthorn for help but he just nodded, “I think it's a good idea. The pressure of not wanting to undress yourself should give you motivation to recall facts.” I did not want to do this but he was the teacher and I remembered what Jack said. Just do whatever Blackthorn tells me so I can pass. I nodded, “Sure ok.” “Great,” Blackthorn said, “Who was the president during the civil war?” “Um, penny guy...Lincoln!” “That's right,” he looked at Jack, you lose. Jack paused for a moment and then smile, “You got me.” He pulled his socks off. “Ok Jack, who were we fighting against in the war?” “The south,” Jack answered. That was was way easy. Blackthorn looked at me, “You lose.” I wasn't sure how I lost since I didn't get a question wrong but Jack did it so I took my socks off as well. “Everett, who was Lincoln's Secretary of War.” I just stared at Blackthorn. “During the war, who was the man in charge of most of it.” “Um...Lincoln's son?” “No, Edwin Stanton, your loss.” I had never heard that name before but the wine was really hitting me and I just pulled my shirt off. “Ok, you got me.” “Jack, where was Lincoln shot?” “Ford's theater,” he answered instantly. “Everett, your loss.” “Man...” I said looking at what I was wearing, “Um, all I have are my pants.” “You still have your underwear right?” Blackthorn asked. “Um, no I've been freeballing it all day.” Blackthorn shook his head, “Rules are rules.” Sighing I stood up and wobbled a little. Jack jumped up and steadied me. “Thanks man,” I said unbuttoning my jeans. “Here let me help,” he said doing it for me. I pulled them down and stepped out of them, I was torn. It felt so fucking good to be naked because I was too hot but I was also naked in front of two guys. I sat back down and put a pillow over my groin. “Well that was fast,” Blackthorn said, “What are we going to use to motivate him now?” Jack thought about it, “Ok how about we move to strip poker rules? Loser has to do what the winner tells him too.” Those were the rules. When we played strip poker whoever was naked and lost again had to do whatever the winning guy said. I had lost one hand and they made me jog around the school statue completely naked. I nodded, “Ok fine.” “Everett, who was the president of the Confederacy?” “The what?” “The Confederacy,” Blackthorn repeated, “Of the United States?” I was confused, “You mean Lincoln?” Jack laughed, “The Confederacy was the south dumbass.” I blushed, “Well I didn't know that!” “Ok Mr. Blackthorn, you won, your dare.” “OK Everett, you have to have another glass of wine.” I made a face but nodded. Blackthorn jumped up and left the room. “Dude, I'm naked!” Jack just shrugged, “You should have been paying more attention in class.” “I thought you were coming along to help me.” “Oh I'm helping, trust me.” Blackthorn came back and sat down, “Ok little bit of wine,” he poured, “And take this.” He held out his hand and a little purple pill. It looked like a Flintstones's vitamin. “What's this?” I asked taking it from him. “It helps you with hangovers, for the next morning.” “Oh cool,” I said popping in my mouth and chasing it down with the wine. “So where were we?” he asked. “The confederacy,” I answered, leaning back on the pillows. “Right, so do you remember when the civil war ended?” I thought about it for a moment, “Um, 1900's?” “1865,” he corrected me. “Uh oh,” I said suddenly laughing, “I missed again.” “Jack, your dare,” Blackthorn said. Jack looked at me, “Ok, I get to tickle you for a minute straight.” “No way!” I said, trying to sit up but it was too late. Jack pounced on me, throwing the pillow off my crotch and straddling my waist. “Please Jack don't...” I begged. He tore into my side and I lost it. I was super ticklish, a fact Jack has lorded over me for years. “Beg for mercy,” he said as I tried to block his hands. “Please Jack, please!” “You want me to pick something else?” I nodded almost crying, “Please, anything!” “Promise.” “I promise, I promise!!' He stopped and I laid there, trying to catch my breath. “Ok, so anything.” I nodded and he stood up. He unbuttoned his jeans and my eyes got wide. “Dude,” I whispered, “Not here!” He dropped his pants, standing over me in just his black jockstrap. “You said anything.” he said stepping out of his jeans. “A promise is a promise Mr. Everett.” Sighing I just nodded. He knelt back down, closer to my face, his crotch just over my head. “Lemme feel that tongue,” he said. God I couldn't believe this. Just like Jack to find something humiliating and make me do it in front of a teacher no less! Man I am going to get him back for this. I leaned my head up and licked his pouch, the musky smell wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He didn't move so I kept going, his dick slowly hardening. He reached down and moved his pouch aside, his balls were now exposed. Man, this is the worst! I licked the smooth underside of his balls and heard him moan. “There ya go Everett, this is what you get when you don't study.” He was right, if only I had paid more attention in class I wouldn't be in the mess. I kept licking, sucking one ball into my mouth and rolling it around in my mouth. He gasped and I went for the other one. I just wanted this to be over with, I was already dizzy from he wine and now I was losing focus. I licked around Jack's balls, for some reason their smoothness was fucking cool. I was obsessed with the way they felt, so smooth, warm...they were like candy almost. Jack scooted down, straddling my chest now. His dick was hard as fuck sticking out of his jock. He pushed the head of it down towards my mouth and I opened it slowly, like I was in a dream. I tasted his precum as he pushed into my mouth and the taste was insane! The feeling of his dick on my tongue was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I grabbed either side of his ass and pulled him deeper into me. “Yeah buddy, eat that cock.” There was something in the back of my mind saying this was all wrong but I didn't care. Everything was like explosions all over my body. The feeling of the blanket beneath me made me tingle, Jack's ass on my chest was warm and smooth...everything was like a turn on and I was about to lose control. “Roll him over,” Blackthorn told Jack. “Come on big guy.” he said getting up and sitting near my head, “Come and get it.” I rolled over and crawled towards his dick, the movement on my hands and knees was like tiny electrical shocks. I went back to sucking his dick, now fully going down on him, wanting to feel his head hit the back of my throat. “Yeah, you like that don't you buddy?” I nodded while I blew him, I liked it a lot right now. My legs were nudged apart and I could feel Blackthorn behind me, spreading them with outward. I was on all fours, head down in Jack's crotch, ass up and I just didn't care. I wanted to say this wasn't me but everything felt so fucking good I wanted it to be me all the time. I was so focused on Jack's dick that I didn't even notice Blackthorn's face near my ass. I didn't notice until his tongue licked my hole. If Jack hadn't been holding my head I would have jumped up screaming. Instead I just screamed around his dick as Blackthorn's warm tongue moved again and again around my hole. Now I was fully extended as I kept blowing Jack but pushing my ass back onto the teacher's tongue. “Yeah that's it buddy,” Jack said stoking my hair, “Back up into that, come on, show him you want it.” As it darted into my tight hole for a moment I blacked out a little it felt so good. I came off of Jack's dick and screamed, “Please sir, do it some more.” Blackthorn's hands grabbed my ass and he plunged his face into my ass hard. His tongue speared into me and I actually squealed as I put my head on the ground and stuck my ass up higher. “Tell him champ, tell him how it feels.” “Oh sir it feels soooo good! Like that, deeper, harder...sir please harder.” His hands pulled my cheeks apart even more and his tongue went deeper, causing me to just scream in pleasure. I couldn't form words as he forced it in and out again and again, each time it going just a tiny bit farther than before. I was pushing back as hard as I could to meet his movement, I wanted that in me, I needed it...I wanted more. “More sir, more...” “Does it feel good?” Jack asked grabbing my chin and making him look at me. I looked up with a big goofy grin on my face, slobber running down my chin. All I could do was nod. “You want more?” Another nod. “You want it deeper?” Several nods. “Ok,” Jack said to Blackthorn, “Switch.” Jack got up and I watched his dick bob away with regret. But it was ok cause Blackthorn sat down and his dick was right there. Now he had a man's cock, thick, strong, not as long as me but it was a solid cock, like my dad had. “Come on Everett, it's ok.” he said pushing my head down towards it. I closed my eyes and began sucking the man's cock, his taste was completely different and the second I tasted it I wanted more. His hands were entwined in my hair and as I bobbed up and down he was massaging my scalp, making my entire head tingle in pleasure. Jack's tongue pushed into me and I whimpered again around Blackthorn's beefy dick. I began pushing back again, hoping Jack could get it in deeper than Blackthorn. As Jack tongue fucked me I slurped up and down Blackthorn's dick, I couldn't take the whole thing in my mouth it was so thick, I moved around the sides like it was a huge, flesh popsicle. I began to whine as I realized Jack wasn't going any deeper. “You want more?” Jack asked me. I nodded around Blackthorn's dick. “Ok, I'll give you more.” Something smooth pressed against my hole, something pretty big. I wanted to look at what it was but Mr. Blackthorn was pushing my head down to keep me sucking. Whatever it was slowly started to enter me and I felt the same sting as when Billy put three fingers in me. But with the sting came a whole other sensation, like the pain itself was a kind of pleasure. I remember what I had learned and relaxed, pushing out as it went in. “Fuck!” Jack said as whatever it was pushed inches into me. My ass spasmed around it, not used to anything that big in it and certainly not going in! It pulled out a little and I felt the spot where it had left ache with emptiness. I pushed back quickly, not wanting to lost the feeling, impaling myself on it another couple of inches. “Fuck Ev, you really want this?” I pushed back again, ignoring the pain and focusing on the fucking fireworks going on in my ass. Something bumped up against my ass and it took my spaced mind a second to realize that it was. That was Jack! The haze in my head vanished as I realized I had a dick up my ass! I tried to pull back but all I did was push onto it more. When it hit bottom I felt that same tingle as when Billy touched me and my eyes rolled back in my head. Jack pulled his dick back a few inches and then pushed into me again. His dick slide right over that spot and I felt myself moan in spite of myself. “Yeah, come on big guy, you can do it.” I didn't want to do it but every time he moved his dick my body just went nuts and I found myself pushing back onto him. My body was meeting his thrusts as I mentally screamed for him to stop. Finally Blackthorn let go of my head and I was able to talk. “Jack! Jack....you're...uhhh....stop...please...oh god....” Jack kept fucking me, each time my train of thought shattered as I instinctively pushed back into it. “What Everett, what do you want?” “Stop...fuck...stop fuc...ohhh...” He had stopped his dick right at the spot and was just moving it back and forth like not even a quarter inch. My thoughts blurred as all I felt was fucking sex. My reason and complaints just went away as a blinding light of pleasure overwhelmed me. I don't know how long I was like that but when I came back I was covered in sweat, moving like mad. “Yeah Everett, yeah...fuck yourself, come on stud harder...” I was confused to what he meant until I realized I was doing just that. I was rocking back and forth on his cock, he had stopped moving and I was fucking myself on it. The sound of my ass hitting him was loud as I used all my strength to rear back and take all of his cock deeper and deeper. “Yeah, come on boy, harder.” There was half a moment's hesitation but it vanished as I forced his cock to hit that spot in me again. It was fucking everything and I felt what little resistance I had left just vanish. “Yeah...fuck me Jack, harder...harder...” “Yeah?” Jack asked surprised, “You asking for it now?” “Please Jack, fuck me, please...” His hands went back to my waist and he thrust forward as I pushed back. And everything inside of me just exploded. The impact of his dick into my ass was like a bomb going off, and I just went nuts. “Yes, yes....fuck me, fuck my ass....harder Jack, harder!” “You like that Ev? You like getting fucked?” “Oh yeah, fuck me Jack, fuck me all night.” “Beg me Jack, beg me to keep going.” “Please Jack, please....” I said trying to push as hard as I could back. “You really want this?” I nodded and whined. He pulled his dick out. I turned around panicked, my ass sting from the emptiness. He sat back, “Here's my dick bud, come and get it.” I realized that this was different, that I was no longer being fucked, that he wanted me to go over there and do it myself. I could hear my ego scream and me not to do this, that I was straight and I needed to stop. I saw Jack's dick twitch a drop of precum pooled up at the tip... I moved over, straddled his waist and guided his cock into me. “Come on big boy, ride me.” I put my hands around his neck, looped my legs under his knees and pushed myself down on his member. I threw my head back and moaned as I felt it bottom out in me. My sexuality screamed in despair and I just slammed myself again and again on his dick. “Whose my fucking jock bitch?” Jack asked. I slowed a little and he added, “Only jock bitches get fucked...” And again it was another line...a line my ass didn't care about. “I'm your jock bitch Jack, I am...” “Who owns your ass?” “You do Jack, you do....” “You gonna let me fuck you anytime I want?” I nodded, “Just fuck me Jack...harder.” He began to thrust up with my movements and I fucking squealed again. “Yeah scream for that dick, come on bitch...fuck yourself....harder, faster...” I did everything he said, not caring about anything else in the world but the pleasure I was feeling. “You want me to breed you?” he asked. I didn't know what that meant. “You want me to shoot my load into you? You wanna feel my cum in your tight jock ass?” I nodded, not sure what I was doing any more. “Stroke your cock for me,” he commended, “Lemme see your big dick react to me fucking you.” I grabbed my dick, who had been ready to fire off at any second and he began to push up like a fucking jackhammer. “Come on bitch, come on you knock bitch...take my seed....take it....” “Breed me Jack....fucking breed me...” I cried as my hand blurred up and down the length of my cock. “Cum for me bitch, cum for your man...” “Jack....JACK!!!” I honestly lost time. My load shot and I think I passed out for a moment. It was like an out of body experience, I could feel the warmth of Jack's cum flooding my ass, the throb of it as he just shot again and again....I could feel his nails dig into the muscles of my back as he held me there, pressed against his sweaty body, making me take his load like the jock bitch I was. I could feel the cum splash against my face and I know my tongue darted out to catch what I could. The wet warmth against our chest and abs was like a baptism as a part of my mind realized what complete ecstasy felt like. As I collapsed forward into Jack he embraced me and pulled me into him. He leaned in and kissed me hard, and I found all I wanted to do was kiss him back. Jesus Christ...what have I become?
    1 point
  45. Killing off the mild or weakened ones just makes the stronger ones more prevalent and stronger. So in effect, you're actively making stronger STIs that won't be affected by antibiotics. It's stupid and irresponsible not only for yourself but that you are also passing those along into the community.
    1 point
  46. Actually boys Aside from the traditional douching ways There are at least three other ways that can get you clean out. 1) high soluble diet 24 to 48 hrs before (yeah right like anyone of you know what I am yakking about or plans for sex.. ) 2) HIGHLY recommended... Get some Glycerin Suppositories. (u may oray not had it as a kid, I sure did back in the 80s they look like tiny bullets you get them over the counter.. U store them in the fridge when it's hot as fuck in the summer. Hr before fucking or getting fuck you shuff one up your ass and no matter what you you hold it in it for 45min until u can't stand it anymore then you empty your bowel.. Do a quick rinse u are done... (OH! Don't go for the fancy one get the cheapest one it's like $3.95 for 12 pills...) 3) I do that to boys who say no limits and or plan to spend the nigh or as a degrading thing or plan for a whole weekend scene.. crave humilating when they suspect it or when I am. Breaking in a boy to slave or whatever of course. Citro Mag. the shit that you drink. Before your colonoscopy. Make sure its cold from the fridge mthe boy is chain or restrained to a bucket or put in porta toilet seat or if You have extra toilet sure. Gaga o not gag funnel. Feed 2 litres of water. For the next 6 hrs he will poop everything out.. U don't have what to worry a damn thing fluid diet. (yes I can be perverted and very sadistic. Personally I prefer the second one. Fast and easy for my boys.
    1 point
  47. Part 6 "Fuck!" Both of us said it at the same time. Mine was more a scream of pain. He warned me about the burning before he gave me that booty bump but this felt like a pain that started at my hole and then spread everywhere. I could feel my whole body buckle and if he hadn't grabbed my hips at the moment he popped inside me I don't know what would have happened. His "Fuck" sounded more like pleasure. More like "Fuuuuuuck". My eyes were closed tight as I tried to work through the pain. I thought about getting off him and stopping entirely. He read my mind. "You're good son. It's ok. Just hold where you are. I got you. I won't let you take anymore until you say youre ready ok? Open your eyes. Look at me." I was breathing short breaths. The pain was still so sharp. I opened my eyes but I didn't want him to see me cry. He was smiling again. "I know it hurts. We're going to take it slow. Try to take deep breaths and give it a minute." He was being so gentle with me. I know he wanted it to feel good to me but there was no way this thick cock wasn't going to be painful for my virgin hole. I tried to take deep breaths and he could see I was getting calmer. The pain was becoming dull. He took one hand off my hips and reached into his cloth bag. It was small but it seemed to have so much inside it. He pulled out a small bottle. "I want you to try something that will help. They're called poppers. You sniff them. I'll show you." It was a new bottle so he looked at me and asked if he could take both hands off. I was feeling secure with my hands and a lot of my weight resting on his shoulders still hovering over him with just the head of his cock inside me. He broke the seal and unscrewed the cap. The chemical smell hit me immediately. It did not strike me as a pleasant smell. He put the bottle up to his nose and inhaled deeply. He put the cap back and closed his eyes for a second before he exhaled and opened his eyes. "See that? Easy right?" He was going flush. His face turning red quickly. "Dad are you ok? You're getting red. Is that normal?" "Yes son. It means it's working. Ready to try? It will make it easier to take more of me. I took one hit but I want you to take two. I'll put it up to one nostril and then the other and I want you to breathe in as deep as possible. Then after the second nostril I want you to hold your breath as long as you can. Ok?" I nodded but all of the instructions were hard to follow with the drugs already in my system and a thick cock head inside me. He unscrewed the cap again and pressed the bottle against my right nostril and pushed my left nostril closed. "Really deep son." I tried to do what I saw him do but the chemical smell stung hard and I pulled away coughing. It seemed to be a pattern. "Sorry. It stings." Even though I didn't do what he told me to, I felt a rush and warmth that felt...good. "Youre good son. First times are always the hardest. Let's try the other nostril. This time try to hold it ok?" I nodded and he pushed the bottle up to my left nostril and held my right nostril closed. I inhaled deep again knowing to expect the chemical smell this time. I kept inhaling longer then he did for his hit. "Damn son. That swimming gave you great lung capacity. Ok now hold it in as long as you can. Even when you want to let it go, hold it for just a little longer ok?" I nodded. He put the cap back on and set the bottle aside. The warmth I felt with the first hit was much stronger this time and I was being hit by a wave of pleasure. I don't know how long I held my breath but the longer I did the better it felt. "Good boy! It's hitting you isn't it? Hold it just a little longer....a little longer...a little longer...You wanna let it go?" I was feeling like I was gonna burst. I was nodding fast. He quickly placed a hand over my mouth and nose. My eyes shot open in panic. "I got you son. Just a little longer. You got this. You're a swimmer. Show me what you got son." Slowly he pulled his hand away and I exhaled like I had been underwater for an entire 500 race. But the wave of warmth I felt when I was holding my breath turned out to be nothing compared to this. My whole body melted my head fell back and without his hands on my hips I started sinking down on his cock slowly. This time both of us moaned. I could feel him stretching me from the inside. The pain was still dull but it never got worse. There was something else now. It wasn't even pleasure. It was like a realization. Like I didn't know that I had spent my life partly empty until that space was being filled. "Oh my god dad. Your....your....cock is so....thick." He moaned. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open. I stopped myself from sinking further. I wasnt sitting in his lap. I couldnt believe there was more. I needed a break. He opened his eyes. "You're almost there son. You're doing great. How does it feel?" I struggled to find a word. "Good dad." "Just good? Because it feels amazing inside you son. Youre so tight and warm around your dads cock." Hearing that got me so worked up. I dont know how but almost as a reflex to hearing those words I squeezed my hole around his cock. He moaned loud and long and his eyes rolled back. It was so hot to see the pleasure I was giving this man. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as I could. And that was enough to make me decide to just hope that the worst was behind me and I sat all the way down taking the rest of his cock inside me. His moan went from loud to completely silent like he was screaming but nothing was coming out. His eyes opened the way mine did when he forced me to hold my breath and he looked at me in shock. The pain was sharp. I couldn't believe how deep he was inside me. My eyes watered and a couple tears were falling down my cheeks. He brought his hands to my face and wiped the tears with his thumbs. "We're just going to sit here so you can get used to me inside you son. This is what we both needed. Look at me. Your dad's raw cock is inside you son." I moaned and my hole squeezed on his cock again. He pulled me into him and kissed me. We put our arms around each other his grip tight as he moaned into my mouth. We made out for what felt like the longest we had to that point just exploring each others mouths and tongues pushing further into the other. He pulled me away to break the kiss. "You are so beautiful son. Perfectly smooth like a good boy should be and so tight around my fat bare cock. You know I havent cum in a couple weeks. When you told me your birthday I decided I would hold a load so that the first load that shoots into you is so big that you never forget it." Talking about cumming in me brought me a little out of the haze and made me a little nervous again. This wasn't safe. But that's all I wanted from this man. I wanted to feel a man shooting his seed into me deep. Either I show everything on my face or he can read minds. I think he could detect that my mood was beginning to change. He grabbed the pipe and torch. "How about a couple hits?" I nodded. I was nervous but I didn't want to stop what was happening. If the hits could cloud it again then I was going to do them. He gave me three hits before he took one. For good measure he gave me one more after his one. I was flying high again as the clouds hit me hard. "Ok we're going to do something now. We're going to stay in this position. I'm going to teach you a couple things that will make every top fall in love with you." At the moment there was only this man who I wanted to fall in love with me. I would do anything he told me to. "Eventually you'll learn how to bounce up and down on a cock but you just feel so good that I don't want you pulling off me even an inch. You're gonna grind into me and you're gonna find a spot inside you that is gonna make you cum." I looked down at my cock. It was still just semi-hard. There was no way he was gonna make me cum with my cock only half hard. He pushed my chest back so I was leaning back. He kept pushing until I had to use my arms to brace myself behind me. "That's good son. Now just make slow small circular motions with your hips with my entire cock inside you." I began trying to do what he said while being sure not to pull away from the feeling of the hair of his crotch brushing against me. Dad was using his hands to rub my chest my abs my legs and then used one hand to stroke my cock as he rubbed my body. Not even a minute of doing this he said "Let's do another hit of poppers. I think it will help and I also want to see how they mix with the T for you." I pulled myself back upright and in that motion his cock hit something inside me that caused me to shiver and moan. "There you go son. I think we found it. Let's do these hits and get you feeling even better. He gave me two hits letting me take a quick breath after the first but making me hold the second one. Before he took his hits he said "I'm going to take my hit now and I'm going to hold it in too. I don't want you to let go of yours until I let go of mine. Ok son?" I nodded but I was already starting to feel like I was going to need to breathe out soon. The warmth was working its way into me like a wave and I was trying to hold on. Dad took his hit and held it. He closed the bottle and put one hand on the back of my head. He pulled me in so we were forehead to forehead both holding our breaths. Finally he nodded and we both exhaled. What I felt was incredible. It was so much more intense than the first time. He pulled me into a kiss and we were both animals. But he shortened this kiss and pushed my chest back again. He put one hand behind my back to steady me. I knew what he was doing. "We're gonna find that spot again son. I want you to feel even better. Go ahead and try that motion again." I started making circles with my hips again still riding the wave. And then it hit. I actually screeched. Dad held me in that position. He was like a surgeon with incredible precision. One hand on my abs and the other on my back he held me at an angle that was not as far back as before but not upright. We sat still for a moment and he looked deep into me. I could barely focus I was so high. "Are you ready son?" I didn't really know what he was talking about but I nodded anyway. "Clench your hole for me son." He closed his eyes and moaned through his smile as I held his cock tighter inside me. "Try to match my rhythm with that move ok son?" Rhythm? I had no idea what he was talking about. We weren't moving. And then suddenly I felt his body buck slightly and inside me his cock pressed against that spot again making me shiver and sending my head back behind me. Then he did it again. And again. And again. And then over and over until I was screaming out. "Fuck...dad... your... cock....oh...my....god." So this is what it meant to be fucked. This is what it meant when all those guys in the videos who were getting fucked moaned like crazy. I was seeing stars in my drug and poppers fueled high on top of this feeling of his huge thick cock stretching me and introducing me to a pleasure I never wanted to lose. "Don't....stop...dad...please...." He started moaning too as I clenched down on his cock over and over. "Son fuck yes. You love your dads raw cock inside you dont you? This thick cock is going to breed you so deep with a two week load of ropes and ropes of thick dad cum. You want that son? You want your dad's load to breed you son?" I didn't say anything in response. Something was bubbling in me. The tingling that I had been feeling since those first hits were suddenly turning into something else and I was starting to shake uncontrollably moaning and gasping for breath at the same time and even though I hadnt been touching my only half hard cock I could feel this wave of pleasure make its way to my balls and through my cock as I came like never before. Dad pulled me against his chest as I was still shaking and with his mouth at my ear said "I'm cumming son. Oh fuuuu......" I could tell that he was moaning that silent moan again. His body against mine was shaking bucking over and over and after at least 10 spasms he moaned deep and long. The spasms kept coming but there was a longer period between them. He held me tight against him and when he thought they were over he pulled me back and kissed me. He bucked a couple more times and said "Oh fuck I'm still cumming. Oh...m--" I put my tongue in his mouth. If each time he bucked into me was a shot he must have cum almost 20 ropes into me. Our kiss got slowly and more sensual as our breathing steadied. I pulled back this time. I had shot a massive load. There was cum all over our chests. "How are you feeling son?" I didn't know what to say. I felt amazing like everything in my life had changed. I put my head on his shoulder. "Dad. That was incredible." I could hear him chuckle. He was still inside me and I could feel that he was still hard. "That was just the beginning son. I have an idea. How do you feel about calling home and telling your folks youre staying over your friends place tonight?"
    1 point
  48. I am aware of this phenomenon. Speaking only for myself... When I fuck with my husband, i experience that bond. The fuck becomes an expression of that bond. And the feeling that pass between us transcend simple physical pleasure. I also go out fuckholing (he knows this). And I will take on all cummers, getting used like meat and cast aside like a dirty cumrag. In all those times, I have never - not once - felt any kind of bond with those men (beyond that of the bareback brotherhood). Similarly I've fucked plenty of random fuckhole pigs with nary a care for their feelings. I imagine there could be some men that mistake sex-for-sport with true intimacy; but I believe men are naturally wired to separate those feelings...much to the consternation of women in str8 relationships who cannot even conceive of such a thing.
    1 point
  49. In general, to be called a "whore," you have to accept money for the sex. "Whore" = "prostitute." Some definitions just allow you to just be promiscuous. However, in general, "slut," "cum bucket," "cum dump," "fuck toy" and "skank" are good words for having lots of bareback sex. "Fun" is another good word.
    1 point
  50. PART NINE THREE MONTHS LATER... Those first couple of weeks after meeting Sam and John were the worst. I was going through withdrawals from the meth that they'd slipped me and then I came down with a bad case of the flu. Hearing I was probably HIV positive from the doctor sort of set me back on my heels a bit but it wasn't entirely surprising given what I'd unknowingly, yet willingly, subjected myself to....... Coming back after I cheat is the worst. Usually I've just taken a pill or two because they don't last as long but when I return home now after "a quiet drink" and I feel the cum deep in my now well-used ass and I hit the shower I feel so guilty. I don't really care if the guys are poz or not, the horse has well and truly bolted now from that perspective. Don't get me wrong and think I'm just using pills, I'm still hooked on meth too, I just like to take it easy once in a while and really concentrate on having a hot cock inside me without enhancements. The morning after, because I'm feeling so guilty, I usually provide breakfast in bed. I find the whole routine pretty cleansing. My favourite part of the whole routine though is when I slip on the G-string and denim cutoffs. I've even been working out so my ass looks cuter in them than before. "Breakfast is ready boys", I'll announce with a plate in each hand as they're lying in bed. "Someone had a big night", one'll say. "How many was it last night?" Sometimes I'll have a had a few cocks, sometimes just one lucky guy and other nights I either don't remember or will have lost count. "You know I always come back to you two, you made me after all" I'll reply, eyes usually still spinning as I slip off my cutoffs. I'm thinking I might get one of those biohazard tattoos myself, just above my ass. Sure it's tacky and a tram stamp but hey, that's what I am, why pretend otherwise? As for my wife, far as the frigid bitch knows I'm dead or disappeared or whatever. I doubt she'd recognise me anyway the times I do leave the house, after all the meth & working out I've been doing. I took all of my stuff out of the house before she came back and some of hers too for special times with my men when they like me to get dressed up.... I enjoy living with John & Sam, I guess I have to, I've given up everything for them! I certainly pay my way, as they have "friends" who they like me to entertain, to keep providing me with crystal. Does that make me a whore? I guess, I don't care. We're slowly working through my life savings as I'm pretty unemployable in the state I'm in now but it doesn't worry me too much. I'm having such a great time, I don't really care what my future is. We make a pretty great threesome actually but we always enjoy company. Maybe you could join us for a quiet drink sometime? THE END
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