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  1. *Author's Note* This installment is light on actual sex, but is very horny none the less and leading somewhere I hope you'll enjoy. -d Luke’s body convulsed, as cum splattered across his chest. His eyes however were locked on the figure in front of him. For a second he thought it was his dad; this man though was older, a little taller and more fit. Uncle Nick stood in a pair of running shorts and a tank top, seeming very large in the little attic. Luke scrambled to try and cover himself, though really, he thought, what was the point his uncle had just seen him ejaculate. He tucked his cock back into the old jock and grabbed his shirt from the floor. He pulled it on without wiping any of the cum from his torso making a sticky mess. “Luke, calm down. Its ok.” “I am so… fuck… look… um… its not… I… well.” “Luke… Luke. Its really ok. Certainly not the first time I’ve seen a guy cum, first time I’ve seen a family member but, really you’re fine. Is that my old jock?” “I… it was in this old box with a bunch of photographs and… and this journal which I guess is yours.” Luke’s heart was thudding in his chest. He knew he stunk of sweat and cum. He still didn’t have any pants on. “Here,” Nick said holding out Luke’s shorts, “Put these on. I guess we’ve got a lot to talk about.” Luke took his shorts sheepishly, and then scrambled around for his socks and shoes. Nick had taken a seat on an old trunk looking far more calm than Luke thought he should be. “Take a seat.” Nick patted the trunk next to him. Embarrassed, Luke now fully dressed sat down next to his uncle. Luke had never spent much time with Nick, he’d always lived far away, never came home for holidays or things like that. His grandfather’s funeral had been the first time Luke saw Nick in probably a decade. His uncle was objectively handsome in his mid-sixties. His hair was thick and still had flecks of deep brown in it, close cropped on the side and flopped over in the front. It was less conservative than Luke would normally expect for a man his age, the sides were clean and tight and there was height in the bangs. In fact, despite being older, Nick looked younger than Luke’s father. Luke knew why immediately… the gay brother knew how to take care of himself. His skin looked smooth and cared for, his clothes comfortable but hip and new. Straight would call him “well preserved” but Luke would have called him a silver fox, or a daddy. With all he now knew about Nick, Luke couldn’t stop his eyes drifting downward. He noticed the dark gray chest hair that exploded from over Nick’s tank top. The square chest, and pert nipples that pushed through thin fabric. His eyes fell to Nick’s crotch and saw an unmistakable bulge in the light fabric of his running shorts. “So, you found my journal.” “I… I didn’t intend to read it. I opened the box to sort through it and when I saw the pictures and the magazines I got curious.” “And the jock apparently.” “Well. Yeah. I like them. I wear jocks all the time, and I wanted… after I read the first few pages, that next day… I don’t know I wanted to feel like I was closer to the story. I hoped that it was the one Brett had given, well had given you, that first day.” I was stammering. My words falling out faster than I could think about them. “How far did you get?” “What?” “In the journal, how far have you read.” “Um… July 21st. I just started it when you… when you found me.” “Remind me, what is July 21st.” “Um… Brett eating Mac’s loads out of your hole.” “Mac… fuck… I haven’t thought about him in ages. Well I suppose you probably have questions.” “I mean mainly just how did I not know you are gay.” “That’s it?” Nick laughed, his face breaking into a big toothy smile, his head tossed back. “Wow, your nephew reads your journal where you described your sexual awakening in meticulous detail and his only question is how did he never know you were gay.” “I mean yeah, not like I need gay sex explained to me,” It was Luke’s turn to laugh. “We will come back to that. Alright. It’s not really a complicated story or a particularly unique one. About two years after Brett and I first got together I’d started living as an out gay person in New York. I came home at Christmas and wanted to tell the family. I made the mistake of telling your grandmother first and she reacted so poorly that I was terrified to tell anyone else. I think your dad guessed. I didn’t try to hide it too much, but we never really talked about it. After my mom reacted that way, I just pulled away from the family. There weren’t resources back then like there are not to help people guide their families through the coming out process. I probably… I wish I had tried harder. Ultimately giving up on her cost me my whole family. I lost contact with almost everyone. “Brett moved to San Francisco not too long after I came out. Without him, it felt like I had no family. I had friends in New York, but that distance showed us both how much we meant to each other. I followed him there less than a year later, and that’s where I stayed.” “Why didn’t you say anything after grandma died?” “I don’t know. Dad was so old, and I’m in my 60’s it just didn’t feel worth it to make things hard on the family or stir something up. I’ve made a whole life without them. I don’t need them. I guess that’s sad but it’s how a lot of guys my age ended up. Although, now I see that I’ve missed some things.” He looked Luke up and down, his eyes lingered on Luke’s chest, remembering the trim fur covered torso now covered by a thin shirt. “You could tell my dad. He was the coolest one in my family when I came out. My mom must have been in shock or something cause she just sat there but my dad just jumped right up and hugged me.” “That’s good to hear. Honestly. I’m really happy for you. The world is a completely different place. Christ, so much has changed since I wrote that journal. The freedom that I felt then, and then having it snatched away by a disease we didn’t understand. Fuck. I watched so many people just wither and… and now prep and everyone’s back to riding dick like it never happened. It’s amazing.” “What happened to Brett?” “What do you mean what happened… Fuck yeah if you didn’t know I’m gay you wouldn’t… he’s in SF right now with our dogs. We’ve been together for… forty years now give or take a few fights along the way.” “Seriously?” “Seriously, and he’s still just as fucking hot as he was then, just without the long blond hair and a few more wrinkles. And he still loves to eat another guys cum out of my ass.” “What?” “Luke, you’ve read literally pages upon pages about him fucking me, what point is it in pretending you don’t know what you know.” “I guess there isn’t really.” A long silent beat past before Luke said, “Why did you write it, the journal I mean.” “I started because I wanted to try and process what happened. I was lost after Brett fucked me for the first time. I didn’t know what it meant for my life, but I knew my life would be different. And, well, I kept writing it because that’s what I do. I’m a writer. Right after I moved to SF I got a job writing for a gay magazine. Then I did some time as a reporter and now I’m a novelist and contributing editor to another gay magazine. Chronicling my exploits just seemed like the most logical thing in the world at the time, plus it was fucking hot. We didn’t have the internet for porn. I had those magazines, and eventually I started talking photos, but at first all I had were my memories and what I wrote down. I jerked off pretty much every time I finished writing in that thing.” “I’ve shot so many loads reading this thing, and the other day after I…” Luke stopped but Nick nodded. “Go on.” Luke felt like the air in the attic was growing hotter by the second. “I, well, I was so horny after reading about the second time Brett fucked you that I found a guy on Grindr and went over to his place.” “What happened.” “He dumped a big fucking load in me, while I was wearing your jock.” “I’m glad to see that old thing is getting use again.” “I keep thinking about how hot it would be to get fucked by Brett in it.” “Well, stranger things have happened.” “Like walking in on your nephew right as he blows a load reading a journal you wrote in the seventies?” “Yeah, something like that. Look its hot as fuck up here, and I cant be bothered trying to move any of these things downstairs today. There’s a bar next to my hotel, lets go there and we can continue this conversation.” “Alright, yeah… I’m kinda filthy though.” “You could go home first if you want, but I personally don’t mind. I like it when a guy smells like he’s been working hard.” “Me too… alright, lets go.” “Aren’t you forgetting anything?” “What?” “The journal. You’ve enjoyed it so much don’t leave it behind.” Nick flashed a rather wicked looking grin, which after a beat Luke returned. He bent over to pack the journal back in the box. Nick wondered if Luke was intentionally bent at the hip, putting his ass on full display for Nick rather than kneeling down to pack. It was a good ass, Luke clearly had been spending a lot of time in the gym. Nick found himself wondering what his nephew’s hole would be like. Luke straightened up. “All set,” he said with the box under his arm. They drove separately, Luke following Nick’s rental car the twenty-minute drive to the hotel. He felt a mixture of excitement and nerves. There was clearly a charge sexual energy between them, how could there not be with how they had met. Luke’s cock was half hard the whole drive, wondering what was about to happen. For Nick’s part he found himself completely torn. He had already watched his college aged nephew cum all over himself. The boy was wearing his old jockstrap right now, and apparently had for days. His tight body, hairy torso and round bubble butt made him exactly the sort of boy Nick and Brett picked up in SF to this day, exactly the sort of boy he loved to breed, but this was his nephew. Nick parked around back of the hotel closer to his room door and walked around to find Luke standing waiting. Luke had been expecting a rather bland hotel bar, the kind that always seemed to be brand new but also five years out of date with the décor; however, they now stood facing a large neon pink sign reading “The Wide Receiver” and a rainbow flag fluttered overhead. “Your hotel is right next to a gay bar?” Luke said incredulously. “Why do you think I picked it. If I’m going to be back in this town for three weeks, on my own, dealing with my dad’s stuff, I need somewhere to get an easy drink that doesn’t require enduring drunk straights.” “Good point.” “You ever been?” “Here? No.” “Well, let’s go. You could probably use a beer after all that work in the attic.” Just inside the door sat the most wonderfully stereotypical lesbian gay bar bouncer imaginable. She sat, looking uncomfortable and put upon, on a tall wooden stool under the only bright light in the place. Her hair was a mix of gray and brown, cropped short and spiked a little in the front, still rocking the 1990’s boyband look. She wore a denim vest covered in patches and buttons, emblazed with an embroidered logo for the bar. She took their ID’s and flashed a halfhearted smile. Beyond her was a long rather narrow bar. Most of the left-hand wall was taken up with the bar, bottles glinting on glass shelves under multicolored Christmas lights haphazardly strung about. The right-hand side had tall tables set out with chairs on top of what clearly became a dance floor later. Little DJ lights danced back and forth aimlessly, throwing spinning colorful patterns across the few patrons perched at their tables while pop music with the bass turned all the way up thumped from the speakers. They both instantly loved it. They ordered two beers at the bar and then found a table in the corner to sit at. For a little while Nick told Luke about his life in SF more; what the gay scene was like, museums he and Brett enjoyed, drag performers they loved. Then it was Luke’s turn, what college was like, what he classes he would be taking in the fall, how he and his friends spent their free time. Now in a second location, with other people they both were a little less free with their sexual histories, feeling slightly self-conscious with the eyes of the public on them. All the while however, sexual tension bubbled, they each would make little references to hooking up, or some hot guy that worked at a store or bar, but neither pushing it too far. That is until Nick took the plunge saying, “So, who was this guy that you picked up the other day?” “Oh, um, this hot daddy I found on Grindr. Tall, big broad shoulders, hairy as fuck, and…” Luke was feeling bold and comfortable again, “with a really fat cock.” “Woof, pics?” “Sure,” Luke laughed and pulled out his phone. He moved his chair around the table a bit so they were sitting closer and he pulled up Jack’s profile. “Damn, he’s hot.” “I know right!” “He reminds me of a guy I used to meet up with at the pier.” “The what?” “The Chelsea Pier, it’s a posh mall slash indoor driving range slash gymnastics studio and bar or something now, but in the 70’s it was an abandoned warehouse next to the water directly across from the West Village. You’d go and jump these concrete barricades along the road, slip round a chain link fence and it was like you’d entered a whole new world. The warehouse had been abandoned so fast that there was furniture in the offices still. Once you were there there were basically no rules. It was just gay men living their lives. Some guys would go read, and have picnics, and sit with their boyfriends without fear of being harassed, and others… well others went there for sex, especially after dark. It was like this big maze, and you could find anything you wanted. The only other time I’ve ever found anything remotely like it was in Berlin.” “And what did you go there for?” “I’ll let you read the specifics, but let’s just say that Brett loved eating my hole when I came back from the pier.” “Fuck, I am so jealous. You got to live through this amazing time of gay sexual liberation. It feels like it was just everywhere.” “For a time, it was. There in the late 70’s it was a kind of freedom, but then there was a lot of fear and confusion that followed.” He paused and took a swig of his beer, “Honestly not really a time period I like talking about, all the uncertainty and death. Things are so different now, you’ll never know that fear, if you get sick there are drugs. It’s not a death sentence any more. You know I hate how much our community is still trapped in that time. It feels like every piece of gay cinema or theatre that’s come out has ended in one of the main characters emaciated in a hospital bed, or they only have a fleeting romance for a weekend and then never see each other again… Just once I want to watch some nice gay rom-com, or a coming of age tale where the parents are supportive and they find a boyfriend in the end…” he trailed off, and then after a long moment of silence took another big drink of his beer. Luke sat quietly, waiting for his uncle to come back from where ever he’d gone. The look of pain in his face was palpable. It was the same look he’d had when talking about never reconnecting with his father, as if the things he’d lost in his life were written on his face. One more big gulp of beer and the glass was empty. Luke turned his eyes back to his nephew and smiled. “It was an amazing time. Keep reading, honestly. I’d thought I’d lost that journal, I never imagined it ended up in dad’s attic. When I moved to SF I dropped off some stuff there, but I thought I’d gotten all of it.” “You should publish it.” “Erotica?” “Something like that. A true memoir of a gay man in New York from the 1970s filled with history and excitement and hot sex… all my friend would read it and then grow terrible moustaches trying to be Mac.” “Or end up bottoming for hot daddies?” “Maybe, although from what I know I’m the only one out of my friends with a thing for older men.” “How much of a thing?” “Enough that I have a couple of local fuck buddies at college over the age of fifty that I see weekly.” “Nice, sounds like this cute boy from SFU that Brett and I knew a few years ago. One of us must have bred his hole every week for his whole senior year. We picked him up at Oasis just before school started, cute kid, kind of a prude… well that was until he gave in and admitted he liked older guys and let us take him home. Fuck he was so tight that first time…it took forever to open him up, but by the time he graduated… one good wad of spit on his hole and he was good to go.” “The first time I got fucked the guy must have eaten me out for an hour I was so tight.” “Some daddy at school?” “No, actually, an older kid, just before Christmas my freshman year. We met at a party, were drinking and talking, then it turned into flirting and then we were back in his apartment. He was really cute, and at the time I felt so awkward in my skin I didn’t know what to do with myself. Honestly though, he was amazing, and kind, and despite us both being pretty drunk, he did, he took his time fingering me till I was moaning and wet. It felt so good, like every time his tongue flicked over my hole I got hornier. By the time he thought I was ready I was so horny all I could think about was getting his cock inside me. I didn’t even stop to think about condoms or protection. I just wanted him to fuck me. And he did, he blew a big load in me and I shot all over him while sitting on his cock. I was hooked, I had never felt that good before. Literally two days later I had downloaded Grindr and sucked some guy off in the library bathroom while on a study break.” “Quick learner.” “With a very high sex drive.” They both laughed, and Nick got up to get them more drinks. He turned away from Luke to hide his crotch as he adjusted his boner in his pants. As soon as Nick was away from the table Luke did the same thing. They both had been steadily becoming more aroused by their conversation. Both of them now wondered again where this evening and its revelations would end.
    9 points
  2. We just moved to this neighborhood, my wife was out for the day. I posted on DL, opened Grindr and got to work looking. I left the front door open, set up in the guest room on my hands and knees and ended up with 9 loads in 2 hours ^_^ Guys just walked in one after the other, knocked up my hole and went on their way. One guy tried to use a condom, I said raw only, and he dipped. (Not sure why he even came anyway) Doing it again tomorrow night can't wait!
    5 points
  3. Went over to this daddy’s house tonight. He’s 60 and I’m 22. When I got there and he opened the door for me he took off all his clothes so I did the same. We spent a really long time making out and 69ing, he ate my ass so deep it felt amazing. Sticking his tongue in as far as goes while I had my ass pressed hard against his face. He has a really nice cock, really big it was hard to fit it all in my mouth. Luckily I never have a problem taking big cocks in my ass. He has a glory hole closet at his house and bred my ass in the dark room. First time I’ve ever fucked in a glory hole kind of set up
    4 points
  4. Anecdotally, I wrote Silver Steele, the porn star who showed the world the lesions he had all over his face, to thank him for being honest about the realities of the virus. He is sure that he got it at a birthday party, not a sex party, where he did no more than kiss and make out with a couple of guys that day. There were no men there with lesions on their faces.
    3 points
  5. Good luck on the next draw! Hope to see you in another event soon!!
    3 points
  6. Not my MOST recent, but I was playing with a group during the winter at the very large apartment of a couple I know down in Jersey City. It was still fairly early and though we had been doing some puffing on the glass cock, we were waiting for their candy man to arrive. In the past whenever he'd come during a party, he had his girlfriend with him and one or both of the hosts would meet him on the stairs and no one else would ever see him. I was surprised to hear steps coming up from the lower level, and Tom my host escorts this stocky good-looking Cubano guy into the video room on the top floor, then calls me in because I needed this guy's help. Seems the candy man had a fight with his girlfriend and broke up, so he came upstairs this time. Introduces himself to me as Victor and pulls out his glass pipe, loads it up and passes it round - says "SHIIIIIT MAN!" when he sees the outrageous sized shotgun hit I give Tom - and asks me for one. I asked him was he sure, and he told me we didn't need to lock lips or anything. I did and each time the pipe came back to me I did it again. And each time he held me longer and pulled me closer. Tom encouraged him to "get comfortable" so he pulled off shirt, shoes and socks. Looking at the porn, seeing the guys two rooms away naked and fucking (the apartment is a railroad flat with rooms one after the other in an old corner building, my friends love a bit of window play for the gay guys across the street to check out what's happening) , and Tom and I in jocks and harnesses, Victor shortly dropped his jeans to just his grey boxer briefs. There was a big package in there... Victor mentioned that gay guys had it so much easier when it came to sex, he sees this all the time wherever he delivers and is jealous of how much fun we can have and how OUR partners don't have a problem with us fucking someone else, in fact they like it. Tom says, well, why not have some fun here tonight and no one has to know - it won't make you gay, especially if you just want to get your rocks off. Victor asked whether or not we'd feel degraded or something if he just let us service him, but we told him "not really, so long as we all know it's just for fun". He said he was game but needed to start slow. Tom told him I'd be the perfect one to ease him in, and went to let the other guys know what was happening. Now in these party situations where we're playing with favors, I mostly wind up topping as I still get hard, and get bummed when I don't get to bottom at all... so, I knelt down, pulled the briefs down and started to suck on a very thick, brown, uncut spud of a cock. He liked it, a lot. We fired up the torch and I blew clouds around his cock, his balls as I tongued them, and even blew some up his hole when I gave him his (presumably) first rimming. Then, having greased my hole as he loaded the pipe, I sat down on his cock, facing him while he took more hits himself, going all the way to his lap in one motion. This he REALLY liked and frankly, so did I. After his surprised cough, we kept exchanging shotgun hits of white clouds, but then he really started to kiss me - deep and wet and long. I worked my butt muscles and he started to really pound up into me, shortly howling as he blew a load up my hole... AWESOME! I don't get seeded very often, so I was really hot over this - I mean come on - a straight "candy-man's" load? Seriously? He actually came into the bedroom and got into the group a bit - let everyone suck him and rim him, he fucked a few guys, kissed a couple and even sucked a couple of dicks for a short bit. He blew another load up my butt with me on my back with my legs over his shoulders, then had to leave. He thanked us all for a good time, and decided it probably wouldn't be his last! As it turns out, it wasn't - he's been back a few times...
    3 points
  7. About 20 minutes ago, my FB. He came in my unlocked back door as usual, sees me lying naked and face down, as usual, sighs and says: "I won't lie, I'm probably gonna nut really fast." i told Him any way He fucks is awesome, that i love having His cock and seed in me anytime, anyway. About 10 minutes later, He was dressing and leaving, my ass creamed and both of us happy. He asked if i'm going to be around tomorrow.... yep.
    3 points
  8. A vaccine is a layer of protection. A tool in the toolbox if you will. Another way of thinking about it- the police and military issue bullet proof vests to their members. And some still die from getting shot where the bullet breaches a weak spot or an area not as well protected. But the fact is, a lot of bullet proof vests have taken a bullet or bullets, and the wearer has had a hell of a bruise, or even the skin broken. But within a few days they were 100% again, and not 6 ft under. Same thing a vaccine provides.
    3 points
  9. JUST YESTERDAY, I was fucking my #1 main man, I hit that point where I can feel a ‘pop’. On him, it’s just before as deep as I can get. It may not be a controlable muscle, but it’s a ring, a transition, a narrowing of the g/i tract, a turn in the bend, or something I can definitely feel, in him and in many other men. But yesterday I was working that spot in him for sure. I was extra horny. My dick head swells up big and purple when I am super erect or about to cum. I could feel it stroking in and out of that tight place, that bend. He could feel in ‘popping’ in and out of that tight place, that ring. I think usually that place opens up and relaxes. I have to be fucking hard and deep to be there in him. (I like fucking hard and deep.) Yesterday though, it didn’t relax the same way, and we could feel it popping in and out. Which drove me wild. I came there - one of those cums where I start cumming but can’t stop stroking . . . making a wonderful frothy cummy mess. After I held him in my arms while he stroked himself off and I talked about how I loved beating up that spot inside him so he’d be more receptive to my babies. I feel that turn, that ring, that whatever on maybe half the guys I fuck. With many guys I’ll be fucking fucking fucking and push in that extra bit to hit that whatever it is. Their eyes go wide. HELL YES Gobsmacked. It may not be a ‘second ring’, but whatever it is, it exists!
    3 points
  10. Love hooking up with a Top, who forgets to slip on the condom and finishes in me
    3 points
  11. Surprise Chapter! I hadn't intended to write this, but I sat down today and wrote from Jay's perspective, giving you a bit of a window into his twisted mind. It covers his two chapters and leaves off with a clearer picture of his "status" in life moving forward. Hope you enjoy. Part 14: Jay's Twisted MInd Since I was a teenager I knew I liked to fuck. Having religious parents meant conversations about sex revolved around one common theme: DON’T DO IT. I knew my brothers were sticking to this rule, but I had had no intention of doing so. At fifteen I lost my virginity, fucking a girl down the street while her parents were out of town. I even used the condoms I found in her dad’s bedside table drawer. The man had good taste in condoms. Fucked her three times that night. I never replaced the condoms, wondering if her dad would suspect someone had deflowered his precious angel. God, my brothers had no clue what they were missing. They were too happy with their right hands while I had the real thing. Over the years, I found more pussy to shove my dick inside, quickly experiencing as much depravity as I could. All I wanted was sex, whether one night stands, app hookups, or anonymous fucks. Sex was sex. My parents didn’t like the fact that I left religion behind and decided to live my own life. Fuck them, I thought. I didn’t need their permission. I wasn’t like Will or Zack. I made my own choices and decided for myself where my dick spent each night. Sure, this created a bit of a break between me and my family, but that was their problem. I was living my life, one orgy at a time. It didn’t take long after I went out on my own to discover something about myself: I’m a twisted fucker. I was the type of guy parents worried their daughters would bring home. I liked rough sex, hearing a woman scream out as my fat dick filled her pussy, threatening to tear her in two. I liked it when they scratched my back, holding onto me for dear life. I owned practically ever sex toy made, including a few dildos. I could go for hours, especially once I stopped using condoms. I didn’t always pull out either. I guess I always assumed whatever woman I was fucking was on the pill or a had a plan in place should my swimmers prove powerful. For all I knew, I had kids I didn’t know about. Do I sound like an asshole? Maybe? Did I have a good time? Fuck yes. Needless to say, I had dreaded returning home for my dad’s farewell sermon. He and I never saw eye-to-eye. Plus, I didn’t want to see my brothers. Zack was the perfect son and Will was modelled after our dad, becoming a pastor just like he was. I was the fuck up, and they always made sure that I knew it. I had prepared myself for a hellish week. When I found out I had to room with Will, I knew I was being punished. Clearly my bedroom wasn't going to see any action over the next few days. Fuck, was I wrong. Maybe that’s why I had been so eager when I saw Will's car at the adult book store. I knew it was his car, and once the employee confirmed that Will had indeed come inside, I had been over the moon. Finally, I wasn’t the major disappointment. I was excited to throw him under the bus for a change. “And you’re sure this is him?” I had asked. “I’m sure,” the employee said, looking at the picture on my phone. “He was over in that section briefly.” I looked over to where the man was pointing, noticing the titles. “But that’s gay porn,” I said. “That’s what he was looking at,” the man told me. I tried to understand what I was being told. Will, the son who was following in our father’s holy footsteps, the brother I was sharing a room with, the youngest of the three of us, was secretly gay? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The employee had told me that he had gone back into one of the booths. This is my time to expose him, I thought, eagerly making my way to the booths. Only one was occupied. I thought of pounding on the door, scaring him, even recording a video to show our parents, but something stopped me. The voice in my head which told me to fuck harder, to fuck as much pussy as possible, to take risks, directed me a different way instead. I popped into the booth next to his and waited, my eyes finding the gloryhole immediately. The twisted fucker inside of me did the thinking as I pulled down my pants and pushed my dick through the hole, waiting to see what would happen. It was only when I realized fully what I was doing, seeing my reflection in the blank television screen, that I felt a warm mouth engulf my dick, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. I nearly cried out but stopped myself, not wanting to be exposed. Was I really doing this? Was I really letting my little brother suck my dick? Was I this twisted of a man, wanting to feel my brother’s mouth on my cock, his tongue lapping up my precum? Hell yeah, I thought. “I’m… gonna… cum…” I moaned, unable to stay quiet. My orgasm shook my body, legs growing weak as I experienced the best blowjob of my life. “Fuck, man,” I said, pulling my dick back through the hole, momentarily forgetting who was on the other side. “Thanks, dude. That felt fucking great.” As soon as I had regained control of myself, I realized I had to run before Will saw me. I darted out of the booth and out of the store, driving as quickly as I could. What the fuck did I just do? Had I seriously just had my own brother suck my dick and swallow my cum? And had it been the hottest experience of my life? I tried to keep cool throughout dinner, hoping I hadn’t given myself away. Will gave me harsh glances, but that was nothing new. It wasn’t until we got ready for bed and I made fun of his pajamas that everything fell apart. “I don’t need to tell you just how much the ladies just love a thick cock,” I told him, showing off. I wondered if Will recognized my dick, knowing it was the same one he had swallowed only hours before. “Oh, that’s right. You don’t know. You’re the last virgin in the house. Maybe on the planet. Well, let me tell you, they love it.” “I don’t care, Jay.” “They love it when I shove my thick dick into their tight pussies. I’m too much of a man for most of them. When it comes to their mouths, forget it. I break jaws.” “I said, that’s enough.” “Fine,” I said, getting hard off the attention. “Jealousy is an ugly thing.” “Why would I be jealous of a dick that’s smaller than mine?” Will asked. In that moment, I knew I had him. His armor was breaking. I was going to expose him, even if only for my own benefit. I kept pushing, making him mad, saying things I knew would not only get him upset but also horny. He played right into my hand. Even seeing that he had a bigger dick than my own didn't stop me from enjoying every second of our battle. “Why were you at the adult video store today?” I asked him. From that point, I had him. I knew I could blackmail him if I wanted to, but that wasn’t my goal. The deviant voice was turning my thoughts in a direction I had never considered before. Sure, I was able to get all the pussy I wanted, but, as I stood before my brother, both of us with our dicks hard, I found myself wanting only one thing: him. I thought it wouldn’t take much convincing to get him inside me. Yes, I wanted him inside me. Seeing his huge dick awoke inside me a hunger I assumed women felt when they saw my cock. I had never been afraid of trying new things, and this felt as if it would be the ultimate sexual experience. Little did I know how ultimate it was about to get. “Does that mean what I think it means?” I asked, looking at the tattoo on Will’s chest. “I’m poz,” he said. This was a turn I hadn’t expected. “How long?” “A few weeks. Almost two months.” Never had I imagined Will doing something so crazy, so risky, so… hot. I knew in that moment that I should have been afraid, wanting to call the whole thing off, but I found myself only wanting him more. I needed him inside me one way or another. I knew then that this was the next level of my journey. Seeing my brother, the picture of a sexual deviant, I knew who I had to become. One way or another, I was determined to get my way. ### “I’m gunna cum,” Will moaned, his sweat dripping onto my body. We'd fucked almost every night, several times each night. It was the hottest sex I'd ever had, proving the men in our family were good fuckers. “Do it,” I said, smiling, knowing what was about to happen. Since Will would only fuck me with a condom on, I had been forced to get creative. I had lulled him into a sense of security, willingly giving him my ass. All I had to do was wait for the right time. I hid the condoms I had left, condoms I only had if a bitch made me wear one and I was desperate, and traded them out for new and “improved” condoms I knew I’d prefer. All it took was a few jabs from a needle and I was set. I was so fucking horny knowing that my poz brother was fuckin me full of his toxic cum, and he didn’t even know it. I could feel his cum shooting into me, a new sensation of warmth spreading throughout my body. “Shit,” Will said, looking down at something I couldn’t see, his orgasm glow vanishing. “Oh, fuck. Shit. SHIT!” “Be quiet,” I hissed, already feeling the burn of his cum in the scratches I had made at the start of our fucking. It really was too easy. “You’re going to wake everyone up.” “Jay,” he said, standing up and showing me his dick. “The condom broke. It broke, and I didn’t know, and I… I just… I just came inside you.” I reached down and felt my hole, loving the feeling of being used. “Yeah. Feels like you did.” I continued to shove his escaping cum back inside my swollen lips as he freaked out over the blood and the cum and the condoms. “I wasn’t going to pay a ton of money for condoms I was going to poke holes in,” I said. He stared at me, his fear fading to confusion. “What?” “I poked holes in the condom,” I told him. “I used one of Mom’s needles.” I loved the look on his face. “Why would you do that?” “So it would break.” “Why would you want it to break?” Revealing to Will how fucked up of a person I was felt like one of the best orgasms I’d ever had. I had always known that I was twisted, but admitting to someone else, especially someone so close to me, got me hard. Even with the look of horror on his face, I found myself turned on knowing that his toxic cum was swimming inside me. I had never imagined myself going this extreme, but it had felt right. It felt like the natural progression of my journey. “What if you get sick?” he asked me. I shrugged. “That’s a part of the risk,” I said. “If I do, then I’ll have a part of you as a part of me forever. Seems like a cool thing for brothers.” We didn’t speak for the rest of the night. By the time I woke up, Will was already out of the room. “Mom, where’s Will?” I asked. “Went for a run,” she said. I went back to our room and packed up my things, knowing I needed to give him some space. I didn’t want to push him further and risk exposing us both. Clearly, in his mind, I had gone too far. For myself, I knew I had only just started out on a new path. “Leaving already?” my mom asked, though there was a hint in her voice that showed she was relieved. “Got to get back to work,” I told her. “Mom, let Will know that I’m glad we were able to get closer the past few days. I hope he and I can get together and do it again soon.” ### “Fuck,” I moaned, my hands holding my legs up as Alan slammed his dick inside my hole. When I got back home, I started looking up the best places to cruise for dick, specifically poz dick. For now, I was done with pussy. Maybe I’d return, but, for now, all I wanted was for someone to fill me up. I met Alan at a local park where men met at night to fuck in the woods. I’d fucked in public settings before, but this felt different. Our eyes met instantly, both of us watching as two men shoved their dicks inside a twink’s stretched hole. Alan nodded his head to a section of the park which was unused, and I followed after him. The second we were alone, I pulled my pants down and turned around, showing him my ass. “Eager, aren’t you,” he said. Alan looked to be about forty, his gray hair stretching down to his face in a well-kept beard. Though his hair showed his age, his body didn’t. He was thinner than me, but showed muscle. I instantly got hard. “Know what this means?” he asked, lifting up his shirt and revealing a biohazard tattoo on his stomach. I smiled. “Means I’m in for a good fuck,” I said, spreading my cheeks. Alan smiled. “Yes you are,” he said, shoving a finger inside my ass and tearing me open again. More than a week later, and we were still fucking just as hard as we had that night. “Fuck, you’re huge,” I told him. Clearly, having Alan fuck me every night wasn’t stretching me out as much as I would have expected. “The biggest you’ve had?” he asked, winking at me. “No,” I told him. “My brother’s dick is bigger.” He smiled at me. “Fuck, that’s hot.” I looked at the biohazard tattoo on his stomach and watched as it moved with each thrust, his sweat dripping down his body. “No. That’s fucking hot.” ### Sunday morning came, and I woke up sweating profusely, a horrible headache splitting my head. I felt sick, as if I had gotten the worst flu I had ever experienced. I smiled. I didn’t know if it had been Will or Alan, but I didn’t care. The risk had been fun. Now, I just had to ride this out and reap the rewards on the other side. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wasn't sure how to get Jay back into the story this soon, so I thought this would work for the time being. Jay is considerably more twisted than Will, and his chapter shows that. I don't see Alan sticking around, but maybe someone else will catch Jay's eye in the future...
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  12. For the next six months I just kept scaring the shit out of myself. I knew I couldn't stop having sex with strangers, it was just too exhilarating. Two or three times I had repeat sessions with guys, but it just felt boring and wrong. Every time I approached a new stranger I promised myself I would have them suite up. By the time their cock approached my vulnerable hole it was always raw and I knew I needed the cum. They didn't all breed me but most did. I was easily taking ten strangers loads up my ass every week. And, I never had the fucking good sense to ask their status. I was loosing my mind I was so fuckin frightened. I couldn't believe I hadn't gotten sick and I hadn't gotten checked out, just too damn frightened. I knew the clerk at the bookstore must have been poz with his scorpion tattoo so I'd taken at least one poz load and seemingly dodged the bullet. I hadn't heard that guys could get it without getting the fuck flu. Then one night I got picked up by a group of three guys at the cruising woods. They had watched as four strangers bred my ass and knowing I was well lubricated wanted a more private party. They were all football player builds so I couldn't believe my good fortune. We loaded into a black double cab Ram pickup and drove for about an hour to a remote cottage. The guy in the back seat with me fished out his semi hard dick and I spent the ride servicing his thick 6 inch hardon. With each passing minute and each dizzying turn my fear grew. I'd definitely done some stupid things and had sex in risky places but I'd never been this reckless. They could be planning to kill me and dispose of my body. Noone would have had a clue where I had gone. The cottage was very rustic. One big room with a sling hanging in the middle. I was immediately stripped and lashed into the swing. The guy I'd been sucking pushed his ridged cock back in my mouth. One of his friends stood at my head on the other side and presented a beautiful eight inches for me to swivel my head and suck. I proceeded to alternate one to the other. Very soon hot lips were eating out my hole and a strong tongue began to royally fuck my ass. By now I was to busy and horny to remember any fear that might have existed earlier. After five minutes I groaned as the pleasure to my ass was removed. As if playing musical chairs each guy rotated positions and quickly my mouth and ass were kept busy. The new cock for my mouth was the biggest of the bunch. A good ten inches at full mast and easily beer bottle thick. I couldn't deep throat it but gave it my best try. When the lips came off my ass I expected another musical chairs maneuver, but cried out as the eight inches plunged deep into my guts. He pounded me for 15 or so strokes and then the rotation maneuver occurred. The last guy at my ass just plunged his raw cock in and fucked away at a rapid slapping pace. He kept it up for quite some time before suddenly pulling out declaring. "I don't want to cum yet." As I expected the quick rotation ensued and the huge ten inch naked monster drove into my ass. I gagged on the cock down my throat as it muffled my screams. Pulling off coughing and sputtering for the first time I let my attention drift from the proffered cocks at my mouth to inspect what was probing my ass. I got over the initial pain almost instantly I was so horn dogged to see that huge raw cock sliding back and forth in my body. Then my sight line drifted up below his belly button and I was flooded with terror like never before. Me; "What the fuck are you doing?!" Mr.10 inches (him); "What's it look like I'm doing? I'm fucking you, silly. " Me; "But your tattoo!?" Him; "What about it?" "Your not wearing a condom. " "Why would I wear a fuckin rubber? I never use those nasty things. " "But you could infect me." "Yeah, so what? So could anyone of those guys that bred you in the woods kid." "Fuck! So are you really toxic, not on meds?" "Yup" "Fuck" "That's what I'm doin. And for all your talk you ain't stoppin me." Not only was I not stopping him my cock just kept getting harder. Me "Just don't cum in me ... please." Him "I never pull out kid. And neither will they." "Fuckin shit, are they poz to?" "Of course they are. Who to hell do you think knocked them up? (Pointing) He had the fuck flu last week, and he's still got some fever. My monster's shreddin your ass for all three doses of venom. It's your lucky night kid. You can kiss your negative ass good bye." And then he really railed into me as the eight inch cock was jammed down my throat. "I'm gettin real close kid. Beg for it. " "NO Don't ... don't cum ..." I was blasting my load hands free and my ass brought him over the edge. "Argh .... fuuuuuuccck..." "NO, PLEASE NO" "To fuckin late kid." He was still convulsing while pressed deep inside. "Which one of you gets him next?" "NO, FUCK NO! I don't want their fuck flu. " He'd pulled out of me and presented his blood, poz cum and ass juice covered stick for me to clean. I didn't hesitate amazing myself with how deeply I was able to inhale the ten inches. Before I was finished my cleaning job the smallest knob was fucking my ass. When I had my mouth back I couldn't stop myself groaning with each piston fuck. I couldn't hide my pleasure. Him "You're a great cum dump kid. I knew you wouldn't stop with mine. " "Fuck no ... ooh.... that feels so good ... but no... oh yeah .... no, don't breed me " Him "Breed him man, he wants your poison load, don't listen to him. " Me "Oh yeah .... fuck me .... but don't... don't ... ooh fuck... your filling me now aren't you? Oh fuck, I can feel you painting my guts. Fuuuuuuccck that feels so fuckin good!" As I was cleaning this fresh cock the last guy stepped up and aimed for my hole, "What do you say kid?" Me "This is fuckin crazy. No way man. I want it, but this is fuckin crazy. " He stuck the head of his eight inches into me. Me "Fuck no man. Shit it's not fair. Your raw cock feels so fuckin good. ... oh yeah ...but no..." He pulled it completely out and I felt so empty. Me "What the fuck man? What are you doing?" 8"'s "You said no." Me "Yeah, and I meant it. But you gotta give me more than just the tip. " "Balls deep?" "Yeah, balls deep. Then you can pull oouuutttt ... Oh fuck ... that feels so good " He'd taken me literally and entered in one swift movement. "Fuck me man. I need another raw pounding .... oooo fuucckk ... yeah ... like that .... your hittin my prostate just right ... don't stop. " The other two "Breed him .Fill him with your toxic dose!" 8"s " Ugh ... I'm close kid, tell me what you want ... fast " "Cum in my ass! Shoot inside me. Oh yeah .... knock me up, poz my hole." And again it was happening as I spoke. By the time I finished cleaning this cock the ten inch was hard again and teasing my swollen sloppy hole. Me "I've got three in me what's one more, give it to me." Well it wasn't just one more, by morning there must have been 9 toxic loads dripping down my balls. I slept on the entire drive back to the city. They dumped me at the woods and drove away laughing and shouting "Enjoy the fuck flu. " My terror returned and that was the cold sweat I awakened to for the next month. The cement truck of the fuck flu fevers never settled into me. And I was way too frightened to go to any clinic. With such a fright you'd think I'd avoid sex or at least not bb with strangers. But oh no, after a full days rest I was back out there getting my ten load quota every week. And fuckin and breedin the odd ass along the way.
    3 points
  13. Chapter 4 The ginger bear and I continued to snog as four more loads were pumped into my guts. In the meantime the bear got a great pounding and one more load delivered with a great roar. Ginger bear suggested we leave now that our load counts were even. We scrambled around to find our strewn clothes and headed out of the woods. As I was unlocking my bike the bear invited me to his place. I tossed my bike in the back of his pickup and we were on the road. I began to worry about all the cum I had taken and asked if I should have asked status before taking cocks bare. He responded; "It's up to you kid. Maybe in the future, but it's a little late to worry about tonight." Delivered with a good natured laugh. It was not long 'til we arrived at his town house. He unlocked and invited me in the front door. The door was no sooner closed than we were snogging and ripping off each other's clothes. Both naked he pulled me up the stairs and threw me onto his king size bed. It smelled fresh, the sheets had been dried outdoors. I lay on my back and his big hairy body lay over me like a comfy quilt. He looked me straight in the eye. "So what would you like to happen here young man?" "Shit ... I don't know ... what do you want?" "I want to fuck your no longer virgin ass. " "Holy fuck ... you are massive ... I don't think I can manage it ... even with all this cum for lube. " "Don't worry, I'll open you up slowly. It won't be long 'til you beg for bigger. " "Holy shit ... I don't know... um... oh fuck it! Yeah ... fuck me , fuck me now!" He rolled me over, ate and tongue fucked my ass for the longest time. Then he started messaging and penetrating my hole with his thick fingers. He had amazing skills. When he figured I was ready he lay on his back and told me to sit on his cock; "That way you'll be in control. " I climbed on the beautiful hairy hill of his body and together we lined up his massive cock head with my hole. I tried to sit down but there was no way it was going in. He reached into his bedside table and brought out a small brown bottle. Uncapping it he took a few sniffs in each nostril. I followed his lead. My head immediately began to spin and warmth flooded my body. He encouraged me to take two more long hits per nostril. With head spinning and ass so fuckin horny I just squatted on his pole and three inches popped inside. He smiled and encouraged: "Sit on down. You're doing great. Take a bit more. " I pushed down and two more inches eased into me. As I stroked the hair on his chest and tummy he slowly and gently started to fuck me from below. After a dozen pumps he was eight inches in. I felt like I was riding a telephone pole. I was encouraged to take a few more sniffs and I was soon fully impaled loving the feel of his thick furry bush on my naked ass and taint. Again he smiled and asked; "You ready to get fucked kid?" "Five guys have already fucked me tonight, that makes six today... but, yeah, I'm ready for you to fuck the living daylights out of this newbie ass man. " And fuck me he did. First from the bottom, then missionary, then doggy. I lost track of all the positions and angles as well as the time. Back in missionary for the third time I could tell by his ragged breathing that he was getting close. His words confirmed my suspicions: "Where do you want my load kid?" "Inside me of course ... please, NO, NO ... WAIT ... what 's your HIV status?" "Poz " "Undetectable?" "Fuck no, no meds here kid, massive viral load. "
    3 points
  14. Damn, thanks man!!! Next up, Kevin and Tom. I hope I can get it done before my cruise next Wednesday. Then it’ll be two weeks before I can post again.
    2 points
  15. Wow Assmunch, if this chapter were a screen play you'd win an Oscar for Best Picture!! Weeble and Wicomb (oops, Hunter) are soooooo perfect for each other...Weeble has finally found his man!! Bravoo!!!! And the sex...Yummy!! Keep it up, stud!! Love my Bravos and their men...Kevin and Hunter!😛😋
    2 points
  16. The primary reason reactions are limited and grow as your membership level goes up is so newbies don't distort what's good/bad. If it were unlimited reactions for everyone then a person's status wouldn't mean much because a one or two people could just upvote everything they've ever posted and give the poster a high status. Ultimately this is a community and how important you are to the community depends on how much you've contributed to the community. So people who've contributed a lot get to be the primary arbiters of what's good and bad on the site.
    2 points
  17. WEEBLE AND WICOMB Assmunch was on a tear trying to keep all the guys movin to clean up the barracks before clear out. I didn’t mind much cuz I wanted to get out of there too so I could spend the rest of the day with Wicomb. I gotta say though I kept findin my eyes goin to Assmunch’s friend Kevin. Now that was a nice piece of man right there. He looked a little uncomfortable in those tight slacks and white dress shirt that didn’t hide nothin of what he had goin on. But that hair, and those dreamy eyes, eyes almost as nice as Wicomb’s. I was used to seein muscles, hell Sleeper and Zeus were damn near perfect, but somethin bout seein ‘em move in tight fabric like Kevin had on was so fuckin distractin. Nice meaty bulge too, not like I was starin or nothin. It was just, well… there, ya know? Hard to miss was all. It would be easy for a civilian to seem awkward or out of place, but Kevin wasn’t none of that, just walkin around easy as you please like he belonged. When the brothers teased him about his hair he just gave ‘em an easy grin like he didn’t care. Whatever he said back was too low to hear, but it made the brothers smile or laugh. Just comfortable in his own skin, I guess he was. Sorta like Assmunch. Some guys just knew who they were and that was that, with nothin to prove. That was easy for big guys like Kevin. “He’s definitely something, isn’t he?” I heard Wicomb say. I froze like a mama deer hearing a twig snap. “Relax, Victor.” He continued, puttin a hand on my shoulder. “I’ve been checking him out too. He’s got a lot to look at.” I glanced back at him, still uncertain if I was caught doin somethin bad. Lookin was one thing, but I had to try to remember if I had gone over the line. Wicomb chuckled. “Bud, you don’t have to worry. It’s cool.” Damn. He definitely caught me. Crap. I wondered if he figured out I liked guys. That was gonna ruin everythin. It was one thing to do Wicomb a favor for bein nice to me on that trip to North Carolina, and a whole nother thing for him to think I was gay. If he figured it out he probably wouldn’t want to be my friend. I felt a panic start to crush my chest. “Hey, I gotta ask Assmunch somethin, you mind strippin my bunk? I’ll be right back.” I rattled out in a rush. Wicomb looked confused. “Uh, sure bud.” I couldn’t walk away fast enough. I wasn’t lookin for Assmunch, I needed a quiet corner to get myself under control. FUCK! Okay, no more lookin at no one, I gotta be cool. Just around Wicomb. The brothers didn’t care or even notice if I stared at them. Sleeper kinda loved it actually, gettin stared at when he shook that butt of his. I swear he made his dick and balls flop around on purpose when he walked around naked. He’d stretch or yawn while he was standing naked in front of you, darin you to drink in an eyeful. He drove me fuckin crazy sometimes. I loved it. I guess I got too comfortable when none of the guys cared, and we all just accepted more than the usual examination by our brothers. Hell, when your platoon had an actual pissin for distance contest in the showers, then some of them went for a cum-shootin contest, no one cared who was lookin. Footlong even let us feel the weight of his big ole dick once, givin anyone who wanted to a chance to feel what a real big dick felt like. Just the once though, and I think he did it so the guys would just stop talkin about it. He seemed embarrassed by it. I think I’d have to explain to Wicomb. It honestly wasn’t no big deal. Sure Kevin was beautiful, but it was because he was exotic, you know, so different from the Bravos with his long wavy hair like a pro wrestler. “You good Weeble?” Shark asked when he passed me in the hall as I was leanin up against the wall slowin my breath down. I nodded. “Yeah, just had a moment. I’m good, brother.” Shark tilted his head and knitted his eyebrows together, fixin me with a hard stare. “If you’re lying, I’m going to beat it out of you. You’re either good, or you speak up, got it?” It was the concern in his voice that finally relaxed me. My brother would be there for me if I needed it. Just knowing that…well it made me NOT need it, if that makes any sense at all. I smiled. “Yeah Shark, thanks. I’m good now.” He nodded. “Just so you know, it’s when you don’t smile that we know. And we know your fake smile too. Any one of us will have your back, bro. You just pick one of us.” Fuck these were just the best guys. “Thanks for that. I love you, brother.” Shark reached out and pulled my head into a quick arm lock. I felt a kiss on the top of my skull. “I love you too, brother. Get back to your friend. He’s standing there looking like an idiot.” Well, shit, I couldn’t go back bawlin like a baby so I dried the tears before they could fall out of my eyes. I knew walkin back that I’d have to tell Wicomb. If he was the guy I thought he was, or who I hoped he would be, then it wouldn’t matter and he’d still be my friend. If he didn’t understand, then I figured I had plenty of better men in my brotherhood to be friends with. It was kinda funny how we all just tracked each other with part of our attention all the time. We knew immediately when somethin was out of the ordinary. Yeah, my Brothers were all I really needed, if it came down to it. The words sounded good, but I knew it would hurt if that happened, just like it always had. I took a breath before walkin back into the bay. Wicomb knew the barracks drill and my beddin was nowhere to be found, already deposited in the canvas laundry cart sittin at the end of the bay with an Army green AIRBORNE B1A stenciled on the fabric. He’d even rolled my mattress. I walked up with a smile. “Well that brought back all sorts of unpleasant memories.” He said. I guess he was talkin about the clear out. I saw Wanker across the way sittin on Bootlicker’s shoulders shovin who knows what crap up into the ceiling and replacing the ceiling tile. Those two were always up to somethin but they had each other. It seemed like they each found somethin they needed in the other one. But Bootlicker was the boss of all that, whatever it was. “What are they doing?” Wicomb whispered in my ear, throwin his really good feelin arm over my shoulders. I shrugged. “Secret Bootlicker stuff. We don’t ask. Assmunch might know.” “So, all of you have nicknames?” He asked. “Yup, it kinda just happened early on. A couple of the guys started it the first week, and after our first Barracks Bitch Saturday everyone had a nickname. A couple changed along the way, like Assmunch, but most stuck that first week.” I answered. “So what’s yours? Killer? Pit bull? The TERMINATOR?” He emphasized that last one dramatically with an Arnold accent. I laughed. “We don’t have no names like that, it’s all just fun. I’m Weeble.” “Wait…what’s Barracks Bitch Saturday?” Wicomb interrupted. I wasn’t sure how far to go to explain, and was saved by Sleeper in all his glorious nakedness. I saw Wicomb give Sleeper a long, slow once over while Sleeper waited patiently for Wicomb’s eyes to stop roamin. A cocky grin was plastered on his incredible face. “Damn.” I heard Wicomb say under his breath. “You should see Zeus. He’s a BIG GODDAMN when you see him naked.” Sleeper said. “Barracks Bitch Saturday was our only night without the fucking Sarges breathing down our fucking necks, so we had a party in the barracks. One brother got picked to be our slave, the unlucky fuck. Maybe Weeble can tell you about his turn at Barracks Bitch. I’d say you’ll find his second and last times the most noteworthy. Right Weeble?” I shot Sleeper a glare while his handsome prick face grinned with pretend innocence. “Well? What happened?” Wicomb asked. I scowled at Sleeper, who just winked at me. “I thought we weren’t tellin.” I said with a growl. Sleeper put his hands on his hips. “Oh, I think Wicomb can be trusted.” Then Sleeper’s grin dropped and a look passed over his face that I recognized from when I told them about what Delnick and Barnell had done to me. “You can be trusted, can’t you Wicomb?” What was happenin? A look passed between Sleeper and Wicomb. Just the tone in Sleeper’s voice caused the other Bravos within earshot to stop what they were doin and look over at us with a serious look. What the fuck was happenin? “Hey Sleeper, yeah, Wicomb’s good. It’s no big deal.” I said, tryin to smooth things over. “Victor…? What’s going on?” Wicomb asked softly, frozen in place. Sleeper stepped up close, pretty much pressin his naked body against Wicomb, and his eyes never left Wicomb’s face, they were exactly the same height. “Weeble means a fucking lot to us.” Sleeper said in a whisper no one else could hear. “Treat our brother with respect. He likes you, pretty boy, so If you’re just here to use him, fuck off or we’ll fuck you off.” And with that, Sleeper moved to the side and his face resumed its cocky grin. “The second time he was Barracks Bitch. That’s the best one. And Weeble? Tell him ALL of it, then you’ll know.” And then Sleeper walked away. “Hoooooly fuuuuuucckkkk.” Wicomb breathed out. “I’m sorry Wicomb, I didn’t know he was gonna do that.” I said, feelin really bad for Wicomb. That was a little mean of Sleeper, Wicomb hadn’t done nothin. “No, Victor. He’s right, and I’m glad you have guys like him to watch out for you. If I was more like Sleeper none of that bullshit back at Bragg would have happened to you. Look, let’s get this shit done so we can go somewhere and talk. I promise it’s nothing bad.” ****************************** ASSMUNCH Sleeper found me finishing up in the day room. He made me roll my eyes the way he just walked around dick out, shaking his perfect ass. I’m sure Kevin was loving every single minute of it. And Sleeper was loving every minute Kevin was loving it. I’d had Zeus get Tim and Kevin out of the bay before I sent Sleeper in to do his thing. I didn’t want them getting the wrong idea about Sleeper, or the Bravos. “You get it done, bro?” I asked my freeballing friend. Sleeper nodded. “Yup. It was exactly how you called it. Hunter Wicomb couldn’t take his eyes off all this foxyness.” He ran his hands over his chest and stomach. “Stone cold sex fox.” I gave him a slow blink and a deadpan look. “Yeah. Uh. Never do that again, ever. Or say those words. I will seriously puke on ‘all that foxy mess’. Ugh.” “FoxyNESS, you fucking asshole.” Sleeper laughed. Which cracked me up too. “I rubbed my dick on him. And I said something stupid.” I gave him a stare. “What did you say Sleeper?” The dick rubbing… well it wouldn’t be the first time Sleeper rubbed his dick on someone. I couldn’t figure out if he was marking them with his scent, or it was an insult, or some kind of dominance thing…whatever, if he was after you he was either going to teabag you or dick wipe you. Not important. Sleeper shrugged and had a sheepish look on his face. “Well he didn’t move back like I expected him to, so we were, like, dick to dick. And that kinda threw me so it didn’t quite come out like we talked about.” “WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY?” I swear to God I was going to grab his hanging nuts and yank them backwards up through his perfect ass crack in a nutsack wedgie. “Okay, well he did get the point, let me just say that first, okay?” He pointed both his index fingers at me like two pistols, thumbs cocked. “Message delivered and received.” Why the fuck was he drawing this out? “Say it.” “Okay, I said ‘Weeble means a fucking lot to us. Treat our brother with respect.” He paused. “That’s exactly what we talked about.” I didn’t see a problem. Sleeper looked down. “Um, yeah, well that’s where it went off the rails. I said ‘If you’re just here to use him you can fuck off or we’ll fuck you off.’ “Wha——“. I shook my head. “What the fuck does that even mean? We’ll fuck him off?” Sleeper cringed. “I know. I panicked. I think I called him a ‘pretty boy’ too.” I sighed. “Well you better hope we don’t have to follow through on that. If he was checking you out like you say, he has a much different idea of us fucking him off than you meant.” “I was trying to be clever like you.” I snorted. “You’re the pretty one, dumbass. Not the clever one.” His face changed into what I can only describe as a look of righteous victory. “YES! I’m the pretty one. You finally admit it. HA! Hey, you think my operator designation during ops can be Bravo Fox? That’d be so cool.” After which he turned about face and shook that perfect dumper all the way back down the hall while whistling some made up happy tune. “You’re fucking mental, you know that?” I called out to him as he strutted away. He flipped me the bird over his shoulder. And yeah, I watched those marble boulders of his amazing ass bounce until he turned the corner. *********************** We ended up at Wicomb’s hotel room off post. He wanted to get out of his uniform. I had my duffle and packed ruck with me so I put ‘em by the chair. Our Sergeant Airborne released us and after he gave orders to the randoms and holdovers, he told us Bravos we had four days liberty but we had to report back at 0500 Wednesday. I had nowhere to go. I hoped it was okay if I stayed with Wicomb until he went back to Bragg. “Victor?” Wicomb started as he came out of the bathroom. “I need to be honest with you.” “About what, Wicomb?” Wicomb grinned. “Hey bud, can you… call me Hunter? I mean, if you want to. I’d like that.” I smiled. “Sure Hunter. Wow that sounds weird.” He shook his head. “No, the way you say it, it sounds perfect. ‘Hunner’. It’s your southern accent.” He told me. It did sound weird though, to me. I’d always called him Corporal or Wicomb. But Hunter suited him too, it was a man’s name, strong. “Hunter. Hunter. Yeah, I like it.” I said, smiling up at him. “Do you think I could stay here with you Wic— uh, Hunter? I don’t have nowhere to go until I report back. I can pay you half for the room.” “Dude, don’t worry about it, okay? You can stay with me, and you don’t have to pay me half. ” Hunter Wicomb said. “Thanks, that’s real nice of you Hunter Wicomb.” Okay, I gotta stop that, that was way worse, his whole big name. “But…you only have one bed. I can rack on the floor, I got my bag. This’ll be fun! What do you want to do? I have liberty! Oh! I’m hungry! We just had MRE’s today. Hey, can we go to Burger King?” Wicomb held up his hands. “Slow down, bud! Sure, we can do anything you want. And you don’t have to sleep on the floor in your fart sack, bud. Geez, you really want to climb in that thing when you don’t have to?” I shrugged. “I’m used to it, it’s no big deal.” The truth was - I wasn’t sure if I should sleep in the same bed, I really wasn’t. I don’t know if I could sleep next to Wicomb all night just a few inches from his beautiful face. I probably wouldn’t sleep much. “Fuck. Here goes.” Wicomb said. “Victor, look, I um… shit! Victor, please don’t tell anyone what I’m about to say if I’m wrong, okay?” “I wouldn’t Hunter. You’re a good guy, you’re really nice. You’re my friend, right? I wouldn’t do that to a friend.” But now I was concerned. “Are you in trouble, Hunter? I can help. I know how to do stuff now.” If someone was messin with Wicomb well… I’d fuck ‘em off just like Sleeper said. I don’t know exactly what that meant, but I was pretty sure a beatin was in there somewhere. “No, bud, it’s nothing like that. Okay, I’m just going to say it. Please don’t hate me.” He took a deep breath. “Victor I’m gay, and I thought… well,” he paused. “I like you, Victor, a LOT. I understand if you aren’t. I mean, you’re such a bad ass, nothing stops you. I don’t even know how you got through infantry training but you did. I just thought that, you know… last time….” I was stunned. I had a million things goin through my head. “But you didn’t say anythin. After. Why Wicomb? If you had, it woulda changed everythin.” I should have been happy, right? And I was, truly really. I just wanted to know. I would have done so many things different. And then I realized what I would have missed out on. I never would have taken that offer from my Lieutenant that put me with the Bravos. I never would have learned to be strong. I would never have learned what I could do, what I could endure, and who I really was. I would never have learned what it meant to have brothers like the Bravos. I stood up real slow and went over to Wicomb. In a way, he’d done me a big favor. “Hey, bud… it’s cool.” He said, sounding frightened. “I can go. I’m sorry, it was just a mistake.” “Shut up you idiot.” I said, and it came out surprisinly as a command. I grabbed his head and pulled him down into me for a kiss I’d wanted to lay on him from the moment I first set eyes on him back at Bragg. With every kindness he’d shown me, every pat on my back, every smile he gave me when he said ‘Good morning Private Chambers’ like he was just glad to see me. Because he tried to protect me from the guys in the shop bein assholes to me. No one is happy to see Army Privates unless there’s some distasteful duty that needs doin, but Wicomb was always happy to see me. I came up for air and looked at his stunned face with those dreamy electric blue eyes. Such a fuckin stud. And a great kisser too! “I’m gonna do somethin I’ve been dreaming of.” I don’t know where it came from, this confidence, this control and dominance but I wasn’t stoppin. “I’ve had a thing for you since I first saw you, and you bein nice to me all that time, even after all the shit came down, I just wanted you more. I hope you’re ready, we’re gonna fuck our brains out.” Wicomb gulped. “You don’t want Burger King?” I threw him on the bed. “You’re the only King I need right now. We can eat when we’re exhausted.” I sure hoped he could keep up, but even if he couldn’t I’d fuck myself on his beautiful dick if I had to. The first time was kinda awkward, but I know it was on account of me takin charge when I didn’t know what the fuck I was doin. So I’ll tell ya about the second time. Which was WAY better. “Dang, bud.” Hunter said after the first time, in heaving breaths. “Holy shit you’re a wild animal. So meek and innocent on the outside.” He busted out laughing. “What?” I asked. “Fucking Sleeper…’if you’re just here to use him…’. Is that what he meant when he said you were going to fuck me off? Job well done, soldier. Mission accomplished.” He put an arm over his eyes. “I think you broke my dick with that amazing ass of yours. Holy fuck. I’ve never had the cum vacuumed from my balls before.” I was layin beside him, curled up in his arm tryin to catch my own breath. “Sorry, I just been waitin for that a long time. I kinda got carried away.” He chuckled, it was kinda awesome hearing his laugh and voice through his chest. “Sorry?” He snorted. “The fuck you are.” That made me laugh. I wasn’t, even a little bit. “God I love to hear you laugh. You know Victor, you’re just amazing all the way through. How are you so happy all the time, about everything?” I shrugged. “I don’t know, I just am. It’s better when you laugh and there’s lots of good stuff happenin all the time. Bad stuff happens, but it’s never as much as the good stuff. It never is. So if there’s more of it, that’s what’s important.” And then Hunter rolled over and kissed me. He kissed me like he wanted to, I felt it. I knew, because no one had ever kissed me like that in my whole entire life. It was all soft and tender, but with that intense hunger of a man. This time, Hunter was doin the drivin. Hunter was grinding his nice big cock into my hip. I liked his dick, the way it was surrounded by a dark bush of pubic hair that got thinner before blendin right into his dark leg hair. He also had a little trail of hair up his stomach to his chest where it spread out over his pecs. It wasn’t a lot, just enough to look like a man. See, that was the thing about Hunter I liked the most. Everythin about him was all man. From the way he walked, to his five o’clock shadow, to his slightly hairy muscled chest, his broad shoulders, his sturdy legs and awesome butt…and that dick of his. Nice large hangin balls too. I spread my legs and wrapped them around his waist. “Yeah? You want it again?” He growled in between aggressive kisses. “Yeah, please fuck me.” I breathed. “You’re so sexy. I can’t help it. I want your dick in me so bad.” “Grrrrrrrrr…” he looked me in the eyes with intense hunger. “Fuckin’ hot little muscle body on you. You looked good before, but now… holy shit Victor. Your tight little body gets me going. I love that you could kick my ass if you wanted to.” He broke off and pushed up onto his knees, then grabbed my legs and threw them up, knees to shoulders, bendin me in half. “Look at that sexy tight fucking hole. Shit, that’s nice.” Big tall dark and handsome Wicomb was tellin me I was hot. Damn. He started grindin his big ole dick in my crack, rubbing it all over my asshole and it was drivin me crazy. I reached down to grab it and get it in my hole, but he swatted my hand away. “You had your turn. All you have to do is let me love this hot man under me. I’ll make sure you get everything you want, stud.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearin. He called me a man, and a stud. He started kissin my neck, lickin my ear and movin down lower. I had a moment of confusion and doubt. What was he doin? Where was he goin with that mouth? Yeah, I showered at the barracks when I helped scrub the showers down, but that was a couple hours ago, and he fucked me already once (well…it was more like I rode him like a Triple Crown jockey goin down the back stretch just a head out of first place). I probably wasn’t smellin too good down there, especially after sprayin my cum all over myself. Besides, what do I do? How do I act? I was drunk that one time I 69’d with Barton, and he was the the only guy who’d ever sucked my dick or got anywhere near that part of me with his face. And I was tryin not to remember anythin about that asshole. “Relax, Victor.” Hunter said, grinnin up at me after momentarily takin his long tongue out of my belly button. His hands still pressed down on the back of my knees, pinnin my legs up. I was pretty much at his mercy. “I want to taste all of you. This is a dream come true for me.” Huh? Guys didn’t want to do all that stuff, that was sorta my job doin it for them. A man laid back and let you take care of what he needed, or he pushed you down and worked his dick in you until he came. That’s what turned me on, knowin I was gettin them worked up to cum. I usually didn’t cum if I was just blowin ‘em, mostly cuz it wasn’t about me. I jacked off after, when I was alone. But men like it when it’s all about them. And I liked it when they liked it. Mostly they just wanted to feel their dick in a warm hole and they didn’t take too long to get off, maybe a minute or two. I really liked bein the one that got ‘em off like that. The faster they came, the better I figure I did, and I was pretty good now, I knew. Men didn’t really want to do all that other stuff, the kissin, takin it slow, and definitely not a lot of touchin or talkin. And lickin me? Hell no. So I’m just gonna say it, Wicomb’s mouth felt weird lickin its way down my chest, and it made it so I was thinkin more about what I was supposed to do, how I was supposed to act (was I supposed to moan, or tell him it felt good? Hell, I don’t know how it felt…I mean, maybe good but did it feel like THEY thought it felt when I did it to them?). I was really worried. It wasn’t as incredible as they made it seem if this was it. Should I feel more? Was I doin it wrong? Was somethin wrong with me? “Hey, bud… relax. What’s wrong?” Wicomb asked, letting my legs go and coming back up to look me in the face. Shit. Yeah, I was doin it wrong, I shoulda moaned or somethin. “Nothin’s wrong, Hunter. You don’t have to stop.” He fixed me with those deep blue eyes and somethin told me I was caught. “You’re not having fun. What’s going on?” He asked. His deep manly voice was so sweet. I tried to smile. “No, I am.” “Victor, you don’t have to lie to me, bud. I want you to enjoy this too. Tell me what’s up.” Now I was embarrassed. Everythin was goin so good and I ruined it by not knowin what the fuck I was doin. You’d think I’d be better at sex, I’d had sex with eight guys, including Wicomb, so you’d think with that many I’d be as good as a professional. Eight guys is a lot. But I had to be at least a little good, or they wouldn’t cum so fast, right? Wicomb sighed, then brought his hand up to my face and stroked my cheek. That felt so good, ‘specially when he looked into my eyes that way. “You’re not used to a guy treating you like this, are you?” He said. “Look bud, good sex goes back and forth, both of you should be enjoying it.” I looked away. “I do enjoy it. I like makin a guy cum. I like bein the one that gets him to cum.” Wicomb chuckled. “Yeah, you’re good at that. Well, better than good. You suck dick better than anyone I’ve ever met. And your ass? The way you work that beautiful thing… fuck! But Victor…sex isn’t always just about getting the other guy off. I mean, that’s great if you don’t have feelings for them, sometimes just busting out a load gets your head back on track. But if you really like the guy, like I really like you, it goes back and forth. Yeah, I could just shove my dick in you and nut real quick, but if that’s all I wanted I could find a hundred guys I could get that from. You’re special Victor. There’s something about you, I’ve seen bigger, more capable men crumble when faced with some of the shit you’ve gone through. You’re so incredibly strong. I didn’t realize that until after you left. I kept thinking about how you showed up at the shop every single day with a smile on your face after the guys started treating you like shit. I’d see the way they hurt you with what they said, but you still tried like hell to be good to them, to treat them with respect, do what they said, to stay happy. You never got sullen, or angry. I know damn well a couple times you wanted to cry, I saw it, but you never did. You just let them be assholes to you and didn’t change who you were because they treated you bad. It takes a strong person… a real MAN… to walk through a situation like that with his head up. Victor, I don’t just like you. I admire you, I want to be more like you, I want to see the world the way you see it, where people are good, filled with optimism and hope. I want to look at every day like it’s going to be the best day. And if I can’t do all that, I want to watch you do it, because somehow when I see you looking at the world with those eager, gentle, kind, smiling fucking BEAUTIFUL eyes it makes my heart soar. I kicked Barton’s ass because I couldn’t stand thinking about how he might have destroyed that smile. And he was being such a smug prick. Why the fuck would he even care? He probably secretly likes dick himself.” I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want Wicomb to know about Barton. Nothin good was gonna happen if he knew. But the rest of what Hunter said hit me kinda deep. He thought about me that much? I still couldn’t look at him. “I don’t know about all that Wicomb.” “Hunter…please Victor?” He was right. It was just because he was older, and I looked up to him that it felt weird calling him by his first name. If I wanted him to be my friend - and I did - I needed to use his first name. “Hunter…do you really think about me that much?” Hunter sighed. “Almost every day, Victor.” He turned on his side and put his arm around me and pulled me into him, his front against my back. He kissed my neck. Man, he felt so warm and good holding me like that. I fit just perfect snugged up in his arms. “I’m glad you wanted me to come visit you. I felt like an idiot that I let you go without telling you how I felt. I was scared to come, but I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t.” I reached up and grabbed his hand, it was stroking my chest real nice like. “You were scared? What for?” “I was nervous you weren’t gay, even if you gave the best fucking blow job I’ve ever had. I thought I had taken advantage of you. I asked you to go see my brother because I had a huge crush on you. I wasn’t going to try anything, but you kept staring at me. Maybe you don’t realize how you come across when you look at a guy like you do, but it was like I was something incredible in your eyes. Like I was important. It felt like you saw me as some big hero. You just focused all your attention on me. That felt good. I thought I might have forced you into doing something you regretted, and after the rumors started I was afraid you thought it was me who told them. It wasn’t, I didn’t tell anyone, Victor.” I turned around in his arms, ready to look him in those deep dreamy eyes. “I know it wasn’t you, Hunter. I know who did it.” He stared at me. A few seconds went by. I guess he was doin the math. “It was Barton, wasn’t it?” My heart started beating real fast. Would he hate me if he knew? He pulled me tighter in his arms. “That fucking asshole. You sucked his dick, didn’t you?” I tensed up, but he kept going. “You gave him the best blowjob that ugly fuck will ever have in his entire life and he shit on you for it. I’m going to kick his ass again.” Hunter kissed my head again, but didn’t stop, just kept his face pressed against my hair. “I’m sorry, Victor. He shouldn’t have done that.” “You don’t hate me?” I asked weakly into his chest. “What?” He pulled away to look me in the eyes again. It was hard to look back at him. “Hate you for what? Victor, no.” I wanted to believe him. His face got really hard and serious. “Dude, you suck whoever’s dick you want to suck and don’t feel bad about it, ever. Do you understand? It doesn’t make you a slut, or a whore, or anything except a red blooded American male. Sex is awesome! It’s fun, it feels good - even better when it’s someone you love - so enjoy it. It feels good even if it’s just getting your rocks off.” “Yeah, but …. I didn’t have no feelins for him, it just happened because we were drunk. That’s different.” Hunter laughed. “Drunk stupid sex is good too, my man. Sometimes it’s exactly what you need, no feelings, no real concern for who they are, nothing to get in the way of just doing it. Sometimes that makes it even better, knowing it’s only about the dick or ass. Do you think Barton cared about anything except getting his dick drained? I guarantee he didn’t give two shits about you. Did you get off?” It felt weird talkin about this, with him, like it was somehow wrong. But a part of me wanted to be honest. I don’t know why, he just gave me a feelin that it was okay. “Yeah, after he went to sleep.” “Jesus, Victor.” Then - “What a fuckin tool. Look, bud, I think I get it, you like getting a dude off. You like being the one that makes them feel good. I also think you believe they’ll like you more if you let them do what they want to you. There’s nothing wrong with that except it doesn’t really make them like you more. Guys like that only care about getting off. There’s a whole lot more to sex if you let yourself get a little something back too. It’s okay to want more from them. Fuck, now I feel bad about that time in North Carolina. I did it to you exactly the same. I let you blow me and I didn’t give you anything in return.” “Hunter, I wanted to do it that way. I didn’t expect nothin back.” I thought he was bein too hard on himself. I know he didn’t get it, that there was somethin real sexy about a man just takin what he wanted then puttin his dick away and pretendin like nothin happened, even though we both knew he loved it the whole time. It was excitin like that. And it was real good thinkin about it later and jackin off to how I remembered it. That’s how real men were, just happy as pie if they got their balls emptied. Sometimes they said thanks, which felt good too. Sometimes it was just a smile. And later, when they were nice to you or treated you like a normal person it felt extra good. That meant they really appreciated what you’d done for them. Plus, that usually also meant they’d ask you to do it again sometime. “Besides, you did plenty. The way you treated me the whole entire trip, not countin the blowjob… you made me feel really good. That was real important to me.” Hunter sighed. “Maybe I’m the one thinking of it the wrong way then. For you, anyway.” He propped his head up on his elbow and reached out to stroke my face, smilin at me. Hunter had nice teeth, real pretty and white. “Damn you’re cute.” He said. I shrugged. “I’m just me. That’s all.” “Arrrrrgggghhhhh, fucking adorable. It drives me nuts when you do that ‘Aw shucks’ thing.” And he reached out to put his lips on mine, and then his tongue in my mouth. I loved feelin his tongue go past my lips. Hunter did it gentle, his tongue was long so he got it deep in my mouth. It just felt incredible. And he didn’t just leave it in there with his mouth open and pressing down on mine, he moved, sucked on my lips, he played with my tongue, hell, he played with my whole mouth. You could just tell Hunter Wicomb knew what he was doin. I hadn’t kissed but one guy in my whole life, and one girl. But the girl wasn’t no French kiss. She did it on a dare from her friend. And we were just 14, so neither one of us knew what real kissin was. The guy… well that was nothing like this. I gotta be honest, compared to Hunter’s way of kissin, that other guy was sloppy. He was doin it while he fucked me, moaning. He was a nice guy, not much to look at but super friendly. I met him at the mall one time, and next thing you know he was doin me in the back seat of his car. I was just gonna blow him, but he wanted to fuck me too, so I said okay. It wasn’t no big deal. I liked kissin like this a whole lot more. Maybe Hunter was right, it felt different when it didn’t feel like they were doin somethin TO you, like you were doin somethin together. I wasn’t gonna tell Hunter, but I also liked it when they did it TO me, except not kissin. Kissin was way better when it was back and forth, like he said. Alright, enough of all that, I had the sexiest man ever runnin his hands all over me, callin me cute, and kissin me. This time, I let him do it how he wanted. Now that I knew how much he wanted to do it this way, it didn’t feel so weird. In a way, I was givin him what he wanted, and that made me feel good. Real good. It was nice knowin I just had to be me and he liked ‘just me’ a whole lot. When he reached down and started playin with my hole it felt so good. He had my legs spread again, his other hand pinnin my leg against my chest while he never stopped kissin me. He rubbed his dick against my hole and I couldn’t stop myself from moanin. I couldn’t wait until he slid it up inside me. “You like that, huh?” He growled, and the sound of it drove me crazy. He made it sound rough. “It feels real good.” I was feelin all warm and emotional so I wrapped my arms around his chest and pulled him into me. I wanted to feel his body on me. He pulled his mouth off mine and spit on his hand, then put it back down to wet his dick. His eyes never left mine. He put his dick in me so slow, not like the other guys had fucked me. It didn’t hurt at all, not even a little, and bein a little sore from the first time actually felt even better. I’d never been fucked twice in a row like this. Usually the guy was done right after the first time and we just got dressed. And like I said, most of the time they didn’t last long on account of how I was really good at sex. Damn…DAYUM! Hunter was pretty good at sex too. That was so good when he got all the way in and I felt him pressed all the way against me, just perfectly deep. He stayed there for a few seconds, and I felt his rock hard dick jump. “Oh fuck, Victor. Your tight little hole feels so good.” He said as he moved real slow. He was fuckin me with his whole body, so nice and easy. I was relaxed. I ran my hands down his back and grabbed his butt to feel him move. I wasn’t tryin to control anythin, just wanted to feel him do it. Most guys don’t like you touchin their butt durin sex. Guys that wanted to fuck didn’t want you gettin any ideas about playing with their butt, I learned that my first time with Brody, the football player I told you about. But Hunter loved it. I don’t know what made me take the chance, I only knew I wanted to feel all of him. His ass felt awesome, I could feel it clench and relax as he pumped into me real slow and easy. I kept one hand on his nice butt, and let the other one rub all over his back. All I gotta say is WOW! He was makin my asshole feel amazin! But my body too! I wanted him to fuck me harder, faster…but I also wanted him to keep going like this, nice and slow, deep, then shallow. I couldn’t decide. I think his dick was breakin my brain. Every time he got his dick all the way in, he did this thing where he squeezed his ass and I’d feel his dick jump inside me as he held it there. Then he’d take another pump, but at a different angle. Sometimes he would do short strokes using just a couple inches of his dick. He never stopped kissin me. God, I hoped he wouldn’t cum, I wanted this to go on forever. My whole entire body was movin with him…I was fuckin him back while he was fuckin me, my legs were clenchin around his waist like I was climbin a oak tree, my arms and shoulders were unconsciously flexin with his movements, my head and jaw kissin him while he was kissin me. I started moanin. So much was happenin, so many things were goin on, I couldn’t focus on just my ass, just my mouth on his, my hands all over him, my dick gettin all smushed between our stomachs drivin me crazy too. I didn’t care what was goin on, it felt like every nerve in my body was singin. I’d never been fucked like this before. “Hunter, please don’t stop.” I begged him. “I’ll go as long as you want, stud man.” He growled back. “You are just perfect. Your ass is perfect, your smile is perfect, your body is perfect, the way you fuck is perfect.” “I’m just doin what you’re doin. You’re incredible.” I gasped. “Mmmmmmmm”. Back to not talking. I was all for that. Only two other guys had fucked me face to face like this. Brody back in high school, and George Thibideaux’s dad in his shed out back. He was supposed to be showin me where the lawn mower was for when I came to cut his lawn that summer after graduatin. Showin me the lawn mower took like maybe 15 seconds. The other minute and a half was me on a workbench gettin plowed by Mr. Thibideaux’s six inch dick. You know, I tried not to be disappointed when a guy doesn’t have a big dick, but Mr. Thibideaux’s didn’t feel like much at all. But it didn’t take too long, and he was real nice to me, always smilin and askin me if I needed anythin. Hmmm, maybe plowed wasn’t the right word. Stickin. Yeah, he was stickin me with his six inch dick, not thick at all. That’s what it felt like. He paid me $20 extra every week because he said his lawn never looked better. He always helped me put the lawn mower away in the shed after. That was nice of him, because I always figured that’s what he was payin ME for. And then he’d lift me up onto the workbench and do his thing. And Brody? He liked lookin at my face, but he didn’t kiss. I didn’t care no more about what I was supposed to do, how I was supposed to act. Everything Hunter was doin left no room in my brain for wonderin about all that stuff. I just kept thinkin how this was the best fuckin I’d ever had. God, I’d let him fuck me all he wanted. I felt like my dick was always on the edge of cumming, like if he just did it a little bit harder I would shoot. He’d been fucking me for ten minutes now, just nice and easy and slow, and it was the best thing I’d ever felt in my whole entire life. And then, he rolled me over until I was on my side, and he had one leg behind me, and one leg in front, with my underneath leg between, and my other leg restin on his chest and shoulder. I didn’t think he could go no deeper, but I was wrong. WAY WRONG. He kept up the same slow strokin, nuzzlin his face against my foot while he pumped his beautiful dick so deep into me. I sure’d never been fucked like this and oh my good gracious! He was pushing up across somethin that felt like he was fuckin the cum out of me. “Harder, please!” I was grunting and breathin real hard now. He didn’t change how fast he was goin, but if felt like he was punchin my asshole in the best way. And he was givin me this look like I was doin somethin to him, only I wasn’t. I was just there, lost in this incredible feelin. I couldn’t stop lookin into his gorgeous blue eyes, those eyes were what I first fell in love with, the very first time I saw him when I transferred into his unit at Bragg. There was electricity in his eyes, like they glowed. “Unngghhh. Yes! Oh please!” He was sendin me into some desperate need for him with his fuckin. “Oh gosh, it feels so good.” “Yeah, buddy. So fucking good.” He grunted out. “Hunter, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum, don’t stop.” I cried out, and he sped up just a little, but kept goin just as hard. “Come for me, stud man. I want to make you cum.” He punctuated every sentence with a thrust deep up inside me. He musta been fuckin me for 20 minutes now and it was the longest fuck I’d ever had, it was so incredible every single minute from the very start. How was he doin this? We were both sweating, and as he bent over me his face was dripping sweat onto me and I swept my tongue out to swipe a drop from my upper lip. The taste of him sent me over the edge and my dick started spurtin all over the place. “Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh Godddddddd.” I cried out. “Fuck me, please fuck me.” I didn’t know what I was sayin anymore, things were just pouring out of me everywhere, my words, my sweat, my cum, heat, and I swear sparks were comin off me too. My head was thrown back and my hands grabbed his hips to pull him into me as hard as I could. “FUCK! ME! FUCK!” I screamed. “YES! Fuck, I’m cumming too! Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” He grunted and I knew he was shooting all his cum up inside me. I didn’t think I could feel even better, but knowin I was takin his cum felt so right like I was made for it, like my ass was the place his cum was supposed to go. Usually a guy cums fast, like a few strokes, then pulls out right after. But not Hunter, he just slowed down, got more gentle again, repositioned so we were back fact to face and he started kissin me again while still stroking. “God, it’s still coming.” He said. “It’s so incredible. You’re incredible.” He said between deep tongue kisses. I felt all relaxed, like nothing in the world needed doin except this, except kissin him and holdin him, and keepin my hole on his amazin dick. Too soon, he stopped moving, keeping his dick inside me, but it was goin soft, I could feel. I still didn’t want him to pull it out. I wanted his dick in me all the time. He was murmuring all sorts of sweet things to me, rubbing his face up against mine, his beard stubble rubbin soothinly on my cheek. “You’re so beautiful Victor. Such a sweet man. I love everything about you. You fit so right here in my arms.” No one had ever told me nothin like that, not afterwards, and I couldn’t believe someone like him thought about me that way. I loved the way he called me a man. I loved the way his arms felt like they were comfortin me, not just holdin me in position. I loved how he wanted to touch me with his whole entire body like he was enjoyin how I felt. It was so different from all the other times. It felt like … like …. Together. Like he wanted the same thing as me. “Hunter…” I said. “Thank you for bein nice to me.” I didn’t realize sayin that would start tears fallin from my eyes, but that’s what happened, and I didn’t feel stupid at all. “Hey. Hey.” He said, smiling. He wiped the tears from my cheeks. “You deserve to be treated nice, stud man.” He chuckled, his deep voice makin it sound so sexy. “Well I never made anyone cry before. I must have done something right.” That made me laugh, even though I was still cryin a little. “That was the best sex I ever had. But this part is even better.” He smiled. “Yeah, I have to admit, this part has to be my favorite part so far.” He stroked my buzzed hair and looked deep into my eyes from just an inch away. I sighed. “I could stare at you forever.” He cocked his head. “Am I too heavy? Do you want me to get off you?” “No!” I said real quick. I liked his weight on me. “You aren’t crushin me. Stay like this, okay?” He grinned. “You sure?” And he relaxed, which meant all his weight came down. Oh fuck. Damn, that felt even better, knowin I had all of him pressin down on me. That was the best part of big guys. “Yeah. Just like that. I feel safe.” I just blurted it out, I didn’t know that was gonna come out of my mouth. He whispered in my ear. “You’re safe with me, Victor.” I felt the tears start again and I hugged him real tight
    2 points
  18. This morning by a big dicked ginger guy from Grindr. He hit me up whilst I was having my coffee first thing but wanted to use a condom. I was horny so I agreed. Got to his and sucked him for a while and then he ate my hole. He lubed me up and was using his fingers pretty hard and rough but it was hot. I went on top and started grinding my hole on his cock and I lined it up and sat down on it. He didn’t stop me to put a condom on and he pulled me down and pushed inside me. He fucked me for a good 10 minutes whist playing with my nipples which drives me wild. He then asked if I wanted him to pull out which I obviously said no. He shot deep and hard. I got dressed, thanked him and headed to the office.
    2 points
  19. Standard but horny fuck in small woods, Tall younger guy felt my ass, pulled my trackies down and his thick cock with just my spit pumped me for a brief breeding. I was surprised he also had a jockstrap under his trackies, bulging with horniness so I knew he needed to fuck. Amazingly he found my profile and wants a longer repeat. Yes please!
    2 points
  20. One of the guys I work for loves to fuck me and I have to say I am addicted to his beer can cock. It gives the perfect amount of stretch to my hungry hole. It’s a farm so lots of places to step aside for some bareback fun. Sometimes we fuck in the barn but most of the time we step off into the trees. All I have to do is flash my travel size tub of Elbow Grease at him and he knows I want some dick. He has never turned me down. A few licks and he is ready to go. He just fucked me by the orchard and I still want more but I do have work to do. The funny part is every time he breeds me at work I am still on the clock.
    2 points
  21. Part 5 (Programming note: I’m switching the POV to first person and will write the next section or two in the first person from Adam’s point of view. Hope that isn't confusing.) Josh kept playing with my hole while we made out in the back of Matt’s van. Every so often, he would tap the end of the huge butt plug that was stretching my ass open like never before. Every time I would moan deeply. My brain was kind of scrambled by the drugs and the intense lust I was feeling. The plug felt good but I wanted more cock. My brain was consumed by the desire to get fucked again and again. After a while, we stopped and the side door of the van opened. Josh gave the butt plug in my cunt one last thumping and we rearranged what little clothing we were wearing so we could get out. Matt and Ben grinned at us and Matt said “you ready faggot?” I got out of the van and we were in a small parking lot behind a four story brick building in a part of town I did not know. Matt didn’t wait for me to respond, he just grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet and out of the van. I was pretty unsteady on my feet from all of the drugs, so he held onto me so I didn’t lose my balance. I grabbed him around the waist and looked up into his face, which was grinning down at me. “Come on buddy boy. We’re gonna have some fun with you tonight!” The others just laughed and Josh jumped out of the van, holding onto Ben, reaching up to give him a quick kiss. I realized that I needed more pressure on my ass, so I started to reach into my shorts to touch the butt plug which was still deeply lodged in my hole. Matt saw what I was about to do and swatted my hand away.” “Bad faggot. Don’t touch the plug. Leave your pussy filled up. You’ll thank me later.” We walked to the nondescript door, Matt pressed a button and the door buzzed open. We all filed inside and we entered a small lobby with a window. Matt walked up and started conversing with the guy in the office, laughing and making jokes I couldn’t hear. The man in the back was handsome, in his 20s with a scruffy beard, hairy chest and no shirt on. He took Matt’s credit card and handed him back four keys, that I later found out were for our room and several lockers. Matt grabbed me and steered me toward the next door, which also buzzed open, and we entered the club. Loud house music was playing and we quickly found the large sling room that Matt had rented. I was still confused about what was going on, the drugs and my overwhelming need for cock meant I couldn’t really focus on much except my hole. I kept trying to touch the plug in my ass but one of the others would swat my hand away. We arrived at a door that said 101 on it, and was right across from a large shower area, sauna, steam room and hot tub. Matt opened the door and we all went inside. The guys quickly undressed me and I instinctively reached around again to play with the buttplug in my ass. This time Josh slapped my hand away and grinned. “Christ, faggot. Wait.” He grabbed my clothes and he and Ben briefly disappeared. When they came back a moment or two later, they both had towels wrapped around their waists, and Josh handed me a key. They all put their phones and, I later found out, my phone in a small locker in the room that Matt locked with his key. “That’s your locker key, faggot. But you won’t need it until you leave. Which won’t be for hours.” He reached over and put the elastic band around my upper arm, and pushed me back onto the bed. When I hit the mattress, the buttplug rubbed my prostate and made me moan, which elicited laughter from them. The room was dimly lit with a large flat screen TV playing bareback pro on one wall and a sling in the middle. I had heard of slings before but had never seen one, let alone gotten fucked in one. That was about to change. Josh said “Hey Matt, is Kevin gonna join us for some fun with the boy on his break? Might as well invite the staff to use our cumdump." They all laughed, and Matt said that Kevin (who I assumed was the hot man behind the window at the entrance) would be joining us later when his shift was over. “He’s also got some good shit for us.” Matt grinned and held up a small zippered pouch. “Gotta replenish our supplies.” He quickly held up four more loaded syringes and handed one to Josh and one to Ben. Then Matt pulled me up and pushed me toward the sling. I looked at him, confused, not understanding what I was supposed to do. He just laughed and said “lean back and I’ll help you up there.” I leaned back in the sling, he helped me into the leather seat and quickly secured my legs in the stirrups. I heard a sound and realized that Josh and Ben had both done their slams, the arm bands clicked off and both of them started to cough. Matt grinned at Josh and Ben who were making out on the bed, lost in each other, then he tied both of our arms off and inserted the needle into my arm. “Don’t move. OK?” I nodded and my heart started to race in anticipation of what was about to happen. He pulled back and got a register of blood on mine and then on his. He pushed the plunger down on his rig, then mine and reached over the release the band on my arm and then his, and when he put his arm in the air, I followed. My brain went into overdrive as the strong slam hit me hard. I started to cough and could feel my ass muscles pulling the buttplug in as far as it could possibly go. Matt leaned over and started to kiss me hard on the mouth. “Can’t wait to fuck you up some more and watch the rest of the guys in here use your pussy. You want that, Adam?” I grinned like a lunatic, nodded and said “I want it so bad, Matt. Please. Put your cock inside me.” Matt laughed and said “soon, boy. Don’t worry your hole is going to be dripping cum.” He reached over to the small pouch and pulled out a pill bottle, handing yellow pills to both Ben and Josh and took one himself. He popped the pill in his mouth and took a swig of water from a bottle on the table, handing the bottle to the others. They both laughed and swallowed the pill, stroking their cocks so they got hard. “Take that boner pill, guys. Let’s get this pig some loads. What do you say?” With that, Matt opened the door so people in the hallway could see my big hairy ass in the sling. The sling faced the doorway, so if you were in it, everyone could see when they walked by. I kept reaching down to push the plug further into my ass with my right hand, absently playing with my nipples with the left. Ben and Josh were making out on the bed, while Matt watched both of them and me, slowly stroking his huge, uncut cock. After a few minutes of relaxing and getting into our slams, I noticed a couple of men skittishly walking past the door. Then a man barely covering his crotch with the tiny bathhouse towel looked in and grinned. He was a tall muscular man, covered in dark hair with a buzz cut and a trim beard. I wanted him inside me more than anything I’d ever wanted before. “You boys got this faggot fucked up.” He could see a tiny drop of blood in the crook of my arm. “Playing darts? Naughty, naughty.” Matt laughed and said “You’re just mad because you didn’t get to watch me slam him into the stratosphere.” He laughed and said “you’re right about that. How many loads are in his cunt now?” “I dunno, seven or eight. Our dad fucked him earlier at our apartment.” “Wait. What? Your Dad? FUUUUUUCK that’s hot.” Matt laughed and said “we get that a lot. That’s my brother Josh over there and his boyfriend Ben.” Josh looked up from sucking Ben’s cock with lust in his eyes. “Hey man, you’re fucking hot. Take off that damn towel. Wanna see your cock.” The guy walked into the room and removed the towel to show off a very thick, uncut cock that was held in place by a thick metal ball stretcher and had a thick ring going through the head of his cock. Josh whistled and said “that’s gonna look good buried in his fagdump. You wanna be his first bathhouse load? He’s never been here before. We thought we should show him an extra good time.” The guy laughed and said “sure, that sounds like a good plan. If we’re lucky I got 3-4 loads in me. I’m Pete.” Matt stood up and grabbed Pete by the neck and kissed him deeply. “Nice to meet ya, I’m Matt and the pig is….well, he’s a fag. Basically just a hole. You can call him faggot or cunt.” For some reason, the way they were talking about me like I wasn’t in the room really turned me on, but my cock was shriveled up to nothing. If I wasn’t high I would be rock hard, but I was spun out of my head, and only wanted Pete’s dick (and every dick on the earth) inside me. I moaned and said “come on, man, stick your cock in my hole. I need more!” Matt laughed and said “see? He’s just a fucking fag hole. Go ahead and fuck him. Be sure to give him your load if you wanna shoot. All loads in his cunt.” Pete smiled and said “deal.” He walked over to the sling and touched the plug in my hole which made me moan loudly. “Damn this fag sure is noisy. Why don’t one of you plug his mouth cunt while I unplug his ass.” Matt stood up and slapped my face hard a couple times before he put his thick, floppy surfer dude cock in my mouth. I was in heaven. It quickly got fully hard but his foreskin still had some ass juice, jizz and piss under it which I greedily slurped. Suddenly, Pete grabbed the plug in my ass and yanked it out, dropping it on the table next to the sling. I gasped at the sudden emptiness in my ass and started to moan again, which caused Pete to slap my face this time. “Shut the fuck up, faggot. You want this cock?” “Yes sir! Please sir! Please breed my pussy!” All four of them laughed and Pete said “good little fagdump.” He spit in his hand, and lubed up his fat cock and quickly sank the entire length of it into my asshole. I moaned loudly as he buried his cock inside me. Ben and Josh were watching Matt and Pete use my holes, playing with each other’s cocks while three other men were standing in the doorway touching their cocks under their towels. I sure hoped they were going to wait their turns and use my holes.
    2 points
  22. “I want your cum” [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_jc7y6Rv6wPkR
    2 points
  23. Luke pulled on his shorts and went back to cleaning. Despite his many lengthy breaks he’d made good progress. Most of the attic had been sorted and he probably only had one more day’s work left. That realization came with several twinges of sadness; it meant that the house would be ready to sell, that connection to his grandfather gone, and because the attic had become firmly part of his erotic imagination. Every word he read lived on in his mind, resurfacing at random and bringing him back to that hot, powerless night in NYC. His hook up the night before had been entirely driven by his wish to feel what the author was describing. Though he would take the journal and the box with him when he was finished, it would never be quite the same as sitting in the attic in a dirty old jock reading about someone else’s sexual awakening – possibly his Uncle Nick’s. That night Luke jerked off again, dreaming of what it would feel like to be fucked by Brett and the author, though now he imagined a young version of his uncle. He shot his load over himself, and fell asleep with it drying in his chest hair. He woke up the next morning and dressed without showering. He put the jock on once more. He knew he’d have to wash it eventually, it was starting to get a little ripe, but it turned him on so much to feel the old fabric against his body he couldn’t help himself. No one else was around when he went downstairs, so he grabbed a couple of waters and left. The oppressive heat was back, just walking to the car made Luke sweat. The attic was going to be like a sauna all day. He groaned when he got into the attic, it was worse than he’d imagined. Yesterday’s rain had only added to the humidity and it was like walking into a dusty sweat lodge climbing the attic ladder. After five minutes of work Luke was dripping in sweat, by the end of the first hour he’d tossed his shirt aside. He hauled box after box across the attic floor, tossing the contents into its respective piles and schlepping the trash downstairs. He’d moved a lifetime of refuse and memories now and was down to the truly forgotten and unwanted. The far back corners of the attic, places where things had been put probably before any of his aunts or uncles were even born. He tossed out moth eaten sweaters, stacks of old cards so faded you couldn’t read them anymore, cheap holiday decorations that had long ago fallen apart. He found ancient baby clothes, and a box full of nothing but socks. By lunchtime however, when he looked around there was nothing left. The only things in the attic were the things waiting for the weekend for his father to help him get down, everything else was gone. It looked so big now without all of the junk, big and empty. Luke slugged back and entire bottle of water at once and stretched his arms high above his head. He stank, and he liked it. He moved over to the old blanket he’d left on the floor and stretched out. No one was expecting him anywhere, and with the attic now as empty as he could get it he had no further responsibilities. He grabbed the journal box. One last wank he thought – and then he’d be done in the attic. We didn’t get power back till late that night. We were still laying in Brett’s bed. We had become so caught up in each other and our lust that I don’t think we would have noticed except the fan in Brett’s window came back on sending a cool breeze over out naked bodies. “There goes our excuse to not wear clothes,” Brett said when we noticed the fan. “I’m not sure we need an excuse anymore.” “You’re hooked now aren’t you? You cant get enough of this.” “I don’t know, maybe,” in truth when he’d asked me I hadn’t been sure. I had thought that maybe the joy and lust I’d been feeling had been isolated to that special time, that when the power came back on I’d come to my senses. I guess guys who come to their senses don’t then get fucked three more times by their roommate or deposit their own load in his ass before going to work. I don’t know if I’m gay – but writing all this down has shown me it’s not a fluke, I enjoyed it and I want more. Really its just made me horny as fuck. I wish Brett was home right now I’d go into his room and just get on my knees. I want to suck him so bad. Its not just him – I want a man’s cock in my mouth so bad. I wanted that guy at work to fuck me. I wanted him to feel the loads Brett had left inside me when he slid in. I suppose that’s the most definitive answer anyone’s ever gotten from a journal. I like having sex with men. I like getting fucked. I want to get fucked more. July 27th, 1977 It’s been two weeks since Brett first fucked me and then spent the two days of the blackout teaching me about gay sex. I’m still not entirely sure I know how to process what happened, but I know that I liked it and that I don’t want to stop. I haven’t stopped. There hasn’t been a day in those two weeks where we haven’t had sex. Most of the time Brett fucks me but I’ve been fucking him too. Honestly, I like fucking him but what I really like is feeling his cock inside me. I like getting fucked. God, it’s gotten so much easier to admit that. This morning, laying in bed after both just getting off, Brett asked me how I was doing, what I was thinking about in respect to all the sex we’d been having. It felt a little silly to be having this sort of conversation when my ass was literally wet from his load, but… “It feels amazing, and I don’t want to stop, if that’s what you’re asking,” I had replied. “That’s not quite what I’m asking but good to know.” “Look, I don’t know what I am really, so don’t ask me that; but I do know this feels fucking incredible, and I want more of it. For the first time in my life I’ve been consciously checking out guys, which is new, but good.” “What do you think about these guys?” “Oh that they’re hot and…” “And what?” “Well, just the things I’d like to do with them.” “Oh? Like what?” “I… Ok… I hope this doesn’t upset you, but I want to get fucked. I see these hot guys on the street and I think about them bending me over. I think about feeling them inside me. I Imagine them shooting their loads into me.” “Fuck! Why would I be mad,” he grabbed me then and kissed me. He pulled me so tight it hurt my ribs. “So you wanna get fucked by more guys than just me.” He was grinning. “Yeah…” I said sheepishly. “Well we can make that happen for sure.” He kissed me again. Obviously, the thought of me getting fucked by more guys turned us both on, because our cocks got hard again. Brett rolled on top of me and spread my legs, sinking his hard cock into my wet hole. It was easy to take him now, and I pulled my legs up to my chest so he could fuck deep inside my hole. He fucked another big load into me and then went to work. July 29th, 1977 That guy came into work again yesterday. The older guy with the mustache. As soon as I saw him I couldn’t help but imagine what that moustache would feel like against my skin. He was dressed in dirty white high tops, a pair of short cut off jean shorts that clung tight to his thick hairy legs, and a white thin tank top. A wild pelt of dark hair burst out from the tank in all directions, and occasionally a pink nipple would slip from the side. It was hard not to stare at him. I’ve been noticing guys more and more but this was the first guy besides Brett I’d understood my attraction to. He sat down at a table with another guy, young with dark skin and short cropped hair. He was cute and thin and just a little effeminate. Until then I hadn’t thought that this hunk of a man might be gay. I took their orders and tried not to linger so long that I was obvious. Still I overheard the younger guy say, “down at the pier… seriously Mac he was huge. I thought I wouldn’t be able to walk home.” Could they be taking about what I thought they were, I wondered. The whole time they ate I kept close to their table, probably being more attentive than was normal. When they had both finished their sandwiches the object of my desire got up to go to the bathroom, and then a short moment later the other guy followed. We have two bathrooms, so it wasn’t that crazy but it was odd for a pair to just leave their table completely. I walked back that way and noticed that only one of the doors was locked. When I leaned close I heard the unmistakable sounds of a stifled fuck. Jesus, they are gay, and they were fucking right there in the restaurant bathroom. I was instantly hard. I had to shift my boner around in my shorts, trying to not make it too obvious that I was hard as a rock when I went back out into the restaurant. It was impossible though not to imagine myself in the bathroom getting fucked. Brett and I had been fucking so often my ass felt permanently ready to take cock. About five minutes later they came back to the table, both a little flushed. They say down, finished their drinks and then my guy asked for the check. I brought the bill over to them, trying to sense who had just been the bottom. I guessed it was the younger guy, but maybe that was my wishful thinking. They paid in cash, and then both were gone. I collected the money – they had tipped well. I was about to crumple up the bill sheet when I noticed something extra written on it. It was a phone number followed by ‘I noticed you looking, call if you want a turn – Mac’. My heart skipped, and my cock throbbed. The guy had left me a note‽ He had noticed me, which scared me; but he also seemed to be into me, which excited me. I looked around making sure no one was paying attention to me and then pocketed the note. It feels so crazy, I know that I want this guy, but I’m also a little terrified. Despite how brazenly I told Brett I wanted to have sex with other men it still felt like a big step. Brett now feels safe, he is known; but this guy is new and sexy and forward. That’s something entirely different. Yet even right now looking at the note laying on my dresser my cock twitches. Baby steps. July 20th, 1977 I woke up this morning so horny I couldn’t stand it. My mind was on sex as soon as my eyes opened. Brett was laying on top of the sheets, naked, on his back. Sun clipped across him from the half-closed curtains and made his blond chest hair shine. His cock had the semi-hardness of a man almost awake, just enough to make it fat and lift slightly from his balls. I slithered down the bed and swallowed the head of his cock. He started to thicken in my mouth, and slowly wake up. I knew he was awake when his hands came to the back of my head, and he started to fuck my throat. His hips bucked up, forcing my nose into his pubes. Soon his moaning turned to panting. Then with a long groan he shot down my throat and I swallowed his load. “Fuck,” he moaned as I crawled up his body and kissed him, “what was that for?” “I woke up with a need for cock,” I replied honestly. “I’m glad I could help then.” “Me too,” another long kiss, and we both laughed. Brett stretched, running his fingers along my back. “God I don’t want to go to work.” “When are you back?” “Not till late. I’m at the store today, and the bar tonight.” “Fuck,” I said, laying my head on his hairy chest. “Yeah, ok… If I don’t get up I won’t.” He rolled to the side, getting up and padding barefoot to the bathroom. “What are you doing today?” He shouted from the other room. I stretched and licked the last of Brett’s load from my lips. The sound of piss hitting the bowl came from the bathroom. “I don’t know,” I shouted back. My own cock was still hard as a rock. “I have the day off. I’ve got a few errands to run and then I’m not sure. Maybe go up to the park and enjoy the sun.” “Damn, I wish I had the day off. Eating your sweaty ass after you’ve been out in the sun all afternoon sounds perfect.” “Don’t offer things you can’t give ass hole! I’m horny enough as it is.” When he was gone, and I was laying naked alone in the bed we shared most nights I was still so horny I couldn’t think about anything else. All those errands I had to run seemed impossible, all I could think about was my cock. I was slowly stroking myself when my thoughts drifted not to Brett but to him – to Mac. For the first time ever a guy had tried to pick me up. He’d left me his phone number, I still had it. ‘I noticed you looking, call if you want a turn – Mac’ written in a sharp straight letters under a phone number. I held that little slip of paper in one hand, my other hand on stroked my cock slowly. I imagined his thick dark mustache, his big pink nipples, his hairy chest, the tight shorts, and the hefty looking bulge. I remembered the hushed sounds of him fucking his friend in the bathroom. My eyes drifted to the phone hanging on the kitchen wall. I could call him. I could call another man and ask him to fuck me. I in theory that was exactly what I wanted, but it took a lot of nerve. I was horny, but some logic still floated around in my brain. Enough logic at least to make me nervous about just calling him. Still, I knew… or I guess I felt, somewhere deep inside that it was honestly only a matter of time. Brett had opened my eyes to a whole new world and I want to explore it. There was no world in which Brett would be the only man I would fuck… it was only a question of when it would happen. I got up, naked, and hard, walked to the phone, and dialed. It rang for what felt like ages. Then a deep, rough voice said, “This is Mac.” My heart thudded in my throat, stopping my voice. I struggled for a beat, and then managed to blurt out, “Hi! Um, you came into my restaurant yesterday. You… um… you left your number.” “Oh the cute waiter who couldn’t keep his eyes off us. How are you?” “Good, I’m good.” I laughed nervously, “how are you?” “I’m alright, listen kid, I was just about to run out.” “Shit, I’m sorry! No worries…” “You free tonight?” “Yeah, yeah I’m free.” “Great, meet me at Julius at like 7ish?” “Juluis.” “Yeah, 10th Street and Waverly.” “Alight, I’ll see you then.” We hung up. I was shaking but my cock was also dripping precum. I was still complete hard but I forced myself to get dressed to run my errands. Nothing wildly interesting. I dropped off a resume and my book at another paper, try and actually get a job in what I moved here to do. I did some laundry at the place around the corner, and I picked up groceries. By the time I was done it was just about five thirty. I’d never been to Julius before tonight, but I knew the area and it was maybe a twenty minute walk from the apartment. I took a long shower, cleaning every part of myself, and then stood naked in my room looking at my dresser with literally no idea what to wear. I was having drinks with another man, a man who I think had already expressed interest in fucking me, a man who I desperately wanted to be fucked by. In the end I modeled myself after Mac. I put on a tight white tank top, a jockstrap, and the tightest shortest jean shorts I owned. When I looked at myself in the mirror I was a little shocked. I’d never looked at myself like this, with this eye, but I looked hot. Or at least that’s my opinion. Hair popped out over the top of the tank, the jock held my cheeks high and the tight shorts showed off my still slightly hard cock. It was perfect. Julius from the outside looks everything you think a gay bar is going to look like. A long blank stucco wall along 10th Street, gives way to a heavy door inset into the corner of the building. There’s a little window in the door for someone to peer out of even. It made me kinda scared just walking up. The big beefy man sitting at the door barely looked at me though when I walked in. The inside was less formidable. I hadn’t noticed a big picture window on the other side of the door with a green neon sign hanging in the middle of it. A long bar in dark colors ran the length of the main room and a dingy mirror hung behind stacks of bottles in the back. There, sitting at the far end of the bar, was Mac. He wore a tight black t-shirt this time, with the sleeves cuffed up showing off his tanned skin. I smiled and walked over. He flashed a dazzling toothy smile from under the bushy mustache back at me and got up. I was immediately enveloped in a tight hug, his arms crossed around my torso. He smelled amazing, just the right amount of man musk wafted off of him. I felt the heat of his body against mine, and the weight of his arms on my shoulders, and felt myself starting to get hard. Embarrassed I pulled away. “Good to see you again,” he said. He seemed genuinely excited. He gestured to the seat next to him, and then ordered us each a beer. Then he just started talking. Maybe he sensed that I was nervous, but without missing a beat he took up the conversation. He asked me about work, and when I came to the city. We talked about his job (he owns a magazine shop), and how we had survived the recent blackout. Soon another round off beers was ordered and I started to relax. He's easy to talk to and radiates a kind of warmth. All of my fears seemed to melt away. He still radiates that sexual energy that drew my eyes in the restaurant but there’s more to him as well. He’s kind. Yet another set of beers were ordered and I realized his hand had drifted to my leg. He was slowly rubbing my thigh. My cock responded instantly, pressing hard against my jock and shorts. Another broad toothy grin burst across Mac’s face when he noticed me adjust myself. It seemed the most natural thing in the world how he shifted the conversation to sex. It just happened, without fan fair or lechery, suddenly I found myself telling him about sitting in my apartment in the heat of the black out with Brett. I told him freely about Brett saying he hadn’t been that interested in girls lately, and then coming out to me; his offer to show me what it was like to be with a guy; the blowjob’s we had shared; him eating me out; and untimely how we had ended up in his bed, with him on top of me as I took my first load. By that point Mac had an obvious bulge too, “So, you’ve only been fucking guy’s for like a week?” “Yeah,” I laughed a little nervously, “but there’s been a lot of it in that week.” It was Mac’s turn to laugh, “Shit. I can’t believe that… one week and here you are meeting a guy in a bar.” “Well when you put it that way…” I felt myself blushing. “Oh no! Cutie, its not a bad thing. I’m impressed. It took me so long to understand myself. I grew up in Iowa. Not really the easiest place for a gay kid, not like anywhere is really easy for a gay kid. I always knew I didn’t fit in, and wasn’t the same. In high school I eventually started to understand what about me was different. I had no interest in girls. I had way more interest in the captain of the football team. Joey Lewis. God he was fucking beautiful. Those think round looking muscles that guys get right as they become men when there is still a little baby fat on them. This sharp brown flat top haircut, and bright green eyes. Fuck. I remember the first time I really understood what was wrong with me – I know… I know… nothing’s wrong with me, but at the time I didn’t understand that – it was after gym class. Joey came round the corner heading to the shower, all swagger and confidence, buck ass naked with his towel over his shoulder. “He was the first guy in our class to really start to look like a man. He had this long strip of dense dark brown hair that spread across his chest from nipple to nipple and then down into the thickest bush you can imagine. Honestly he had ever reason to be confident naked in that locker room. Not only was he built and looked like more of a man than any of the rest of us but his cock was fucking thick. I can see it now. Big pink head swinging back and forth as he walked.” Mac adjusted himself, clearly getting turned on remembering his high school crush. “That night I jerked myself off so many times I was convinced my dick was going to fall off and I was going to go blind. “He walked to the showers like that every day for the first half of senior year, and every day I would turn my head just the tiniest bit so I could catch a glimpse of that cock swinging. I shot so many loads just from those quick flashes of his cock. Then a few weeks before Christmas break, we were assigned to do some stupid project together. I don’t remember what it was, that wasn’t the memorable part. We were working at his house after school one day, down in the basement. I remember that I’d bought over this massive stack of library books. We’d been going threw them for a while when he got up saying he wanted a snack or something. As he stood and stretched his shirt road up and my eyes must have flashed down to his exposed hairy stomach a little too obviously cause he said ‘are you staring again’ or something like that. I thought I was gonna shit my pants. ‘I know you watch me walk to the showers naked every day. You don’t gotta hide it. I like the attention.’ I was hard instantly. I didn’t know what to do. “Without saying anything else he just pulled his shirt off, and came around the table. He asked me if I’d ever done anything with a girl. I told him I’d gone to the make out spot a few times with girls but nothing serious, which was true. He said that his girlfriend was such a tease, and always left him so horny he’d been jerking off four times a day. When I tell you I was shitting bricks I mean it literally. I had no idea what to do. ‘But I’m getting kinda bored jerking off by myself. Why don’t we take a break from this and you can help me out. You like looking at my dick so much, do you want to touch it?” “He got naked right there in the basement, and I had no idea what I was doing. But I jerked him off like I would myself and he got so fucking hard I couldn’t believe it. I’ve seen a good number of cocks now and seriously Joey Lewis is fucking hung. I ended up sucking my first cock that night, and swallowing his load. After that every time he went through a dry spell with his girlfriend he would make up some pretext to see me. By the end of senior year he was sucking me off too and swallowing my loads. “We met up the summer after our first year of college. Turned out that there was some closet case on the football team where he went who he’d started hooking up with. More than that, Joey had learned that he liked to get fucked. I had always jerked off imagining him fucking me, but that summer I found out that I liked being a top. I fucked Joey probably four times a week. He had the most amazing furry ass. Fuck. To this day I can’t resist a furry ass. “Oh, fuck I’ve been talking for ages, I’m sorry.” “No!” I said, “Honestly that was hot as fuck.” “And all true.” “Good to know,” the beer had made me feel brave again, “cause I certainly have a furry ass.” “I don’t know if I believe you.” “Well,” I leaned in close to him, “You’ll just have to take my pants off and find out.” “Is that what you want me to do?” “Yes.” We were both very close and speaking in breathy whispers. “What else do you want me to do?” “I want you to fuck me.” “I live a couple of blocks away, let’s find out if you’re telling the truth about that hairy ass.” He basically ripped my clothes off as soon as we got inside his apartment. My shirt was flung to the side, my shoes kicked into a corner, my socks yanked down, and then my shorts flew off to land on a chair. In less than a minute of entering I was in nothing but a jock, that was wet from my leaking cock. I leapt forward and planted a kiss squarely on his mouth. His moustache tickled more than I had thought it would, but it was an exotic and new feeling. It felt sexy, [banned word], even more forbidden to feel this signifier of manhood against my face. Of course that is absolutely stupid, once you’ve had a guy shoot his load inside you you’ve pretty much crossed the last [banned word] off the list but still. I pulled his shirt off and ran my hands through his thick chest hair. I smelled his pits as I did so, the perfect summer musk. On impulse I bent my head down and licked at his nipple, nibbling at the pink flesh. He groaned and put his hands on the back of my head. He held me there, and then directed me to the other nipple. I flicked my tongue across that one too. All the while my hands explored his hairy body, moving further and further south. I finally got to feel his bulge and not just picture it. No wonder that guy in high school had wanted to get fucked by Mac all summer. It felt long and thick. I couldn’t help myself any more. I undid his shorts and shoved them down. He was commando, and without the shorts pushing it to the side, his cock sprang up and slapped against his stomach. I’m not sure if he pushed me down or I dropped to my knees on my own. My hands slid to his sides and I took in Mac’s complete nakedness for the first time. He has a square frame, not what I would call muscular but powerful. His whole front is covered in hair, it grows in one mass down his chest and onto his stomach. He’s pubes are a dense mound, out of which sprouts this beast of a cock. I know that this is only the second I’ve had but fucking hell. Hes got to be at least an inch longer than Brett and its just so fucking fat. The head is big and broad, like a really flat-topped mushroom. If you asked me to tell you how I wouldn’t be able to tell you in a million years, but I opened my mouth and swallowed half his cock down in one go. Immediately he was groaning, and fucking more of his cock into my mouth. It was hard to breath, and I was sputtering, and spitting, but it was so hot. He pushed so hard that I ended up backed onto the door with nowhere to go. I had to just let Mac fuck my throat. Occasionally he would pull his cock out and smack my face with it, leaving a thick smear of spit and cock juice on my cheeks. I was starting to think I wouldn’t be able to take any more when he said “Goddamn. I could cum right down your throat. That’s not why we’re here though. I’m supposed to be checking to see if you told the truth about having a hairy ass.” He helped me up off the floor and lead me to the bedroom where he got behind me and knocked me face first onto the bed. I was now ass up in front of him. “Well, lets see what we have here,” he said with mock seriousness. He moved my cheeks side to side, pulling them apart, moving them around. He made little noises like he was thinking really hard about a math problem or a riddle. Then he said, “yes, this will do nicely. A bouncy, furry, boy but for me to breed.” His tongue then replaced his hands. I gasped so loudly I shocked myself. His tongue just dove in, he didn’t lap around the edges like Brett did. The warm wet organ just pushed immediately into me. Thank god I’ve been getting fucked by Brett so much or I wouldn’t have been able to deal with what Mac started to do. He punched his tongue in and out, pulling at my hole with it. Then he spat right onto my pink ring and started to slide a finger up and down in my crack. I arched back, and pushed my ass onto his fingers. Brett described me as a hungry bottom the other day, and I think this is what he meant. I wanted Mac’s cock so badly right then. “Fuck this pretty pink hole has opened right up for me. You weren’t kidding, your roommate must be fucking you all the time. Your hole is so ready.” “I told you, twice a day on a slow day.” “You think you can take my fat cock.” “Absolutely, I want you to fuck me till you shoot inside me.” He started to rub his cock against my hole. I felt it catch on the edge a few times before he lined the big mushroom head up and added more spit. He pressed slowly but firmly till my hole gave way. I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt myself open up and his thick shaft start to slide inside of me. “Oh, Jesus Christ that’s big!” “Just breath, you’re doing great.” “Fucking give it to me.” He gave me a few deep pumps before saying, “You know what, not like this,” and pulling out. “Flip on your back.” I rolled over and grabbed my legs. He grinned, and lined his cock back up. It was easy to take him this time, he just slipped inside of me. I moaned as his pubes pressed into my taint. He lent forward, pinning my legs to my chest, and kissed me as he started to fuck me. It was a slow, tender kind of fucking. He slid most of the length of his member in and out, with a careful deliberate rhythm. I felt like I was turning to mush under him. My body felt open, and overwhelmed with pleasure. I moaned into his mouth, feeling his moustache tickle my nose, as he kissed me. He kept up that steady pace, as I whimpered and moaned, and he kissed me. His breathing slowly changed, the muscles across his back tightening. Then in almost a whisper he said, “Here comes my first load.” He pushed deep into me, and froze. I felt his balls contract and his cock begin to pulse. He held us there for a very long time as he unloaded inside me. Throb after throb of his erect cock shot yet more semen into my guts. His load must have been massive with how long he held me there. I dropped my head back, beaming, assuming that was the end of it, when he took hold of my ankles and holding them wide began to fuck me again. “I’m usually good for two,” he said by way of explanation, and started to pound me. I was literally putty at this point. I would not be surprised if he told me I had started drooling. Every time he fucked his cock into me I shouted. I was covering in sweat. I had my hands flung back behind my head enjoying the pounding. My cock was leaking so bad that the whole pouch of my jock was soaked now. “Two weeks and you take cock like a champ. God your ass feels so good!” “Fuck me! Give it to me! Fuck yes.” “I can feel my load sloshing around inside you. I’m going to make you fucking leak.” “Fill me up!” “Here it fucking comes!” He let out a load roar and once more slammed inside me. This one didn’t last quite as long but it still felt massive. “Holy fucking shit,” Mac panted. He fell forward and kissed me. His cock slowly deflated inside me hole. “Goddamn that felt good.” “Seriously, fuck.” Mac kissed me again. We stayed like that for a really long time, eventually his cock got soft and slipped out of my hole. When we were both recovered Mac offered me another beer. We drank it in his kitchen, still naked, and chatted about life. He offered to show me around more, take me to some gay bars. In the end I gave him my number and we made plans to meet up the next Friday at Julius again. He kissed me at the door and then I left. I feel kinda guilty about it, now that I’m back home and laying in bed. Like I should have told Brett, but also I don’t know why I feel like that. He even said he would help me meet other guys… I’m sure it’ll be fine. Maybe he’ll enjoy coming home and finding me ass up in this jock with some guys loads in me. July 21, 1977 I guess I really had nothing to be worried about with Brett. He came home after he got cut at the bar around two. I was still up, laying in bed in just my jockstrap. He came into the room, already mostly naked and smacked my ass by way of greeting. “Careful, some loads might leak out.” “There is literally no way my loads for last night are still in you,” he said teasingly. “Who says they’re that old.” “What? Did you…” He dove down and licked my ass. “Fuck, you’re fucking full! Who fucked you.” “This guy Mac,” and as I started to tell him the story, he went back to licking Mac’s cum from my ass. Two things happened in almost perfect synchronization that snapped Luke out of his reading. One: His cock gave a powerful throb, announcing that he had, without intending to, crossed the point of no return, and he started to shoot big ropes of cum all over himself. Two: a voice said from almost right in front of him, “I guess you’ve enjoyed my journal.”
    2 points
  24. I got hit up by this cute 18 y/o boy named Noah who wanted a quickie after school. I can't host and was a bit freaked out that he was still in HS and insisted he show me his DL before I would do anything at all. He was able to host thankfully as I can't and he was impossibly cute, shaggy curly blonde hair, cut face, blue eyes, smooth body and a nice sized uncut cock. I was kind of taken aback as to why he'd want to get with me, but he admitted he didn't want his buds to know he was "like that". I'm a pretty sympathetic listener and explained that I got it. We had been chatting a while and agreed to meet up today once he got out of school. We had talked about what we wanted sexually, which was to flip fuck, and had talked about barebacking. He said he wanted to talk about it in person once we'd met and that he'd feel more comfortable that way. It could be reductive and say I like a challenge, but I'm open to all kinds of play. We met up outside by his house and started chatting. He admitted he was too scared for me to know where he lived and wanted to talk first, which was cool. I was willing to do whatever to get with this hottie. Once we met up though I was totally charged up and horny as fuck and I got the sense he was too. He kept playing with his cock and it was obviously as big as he had alluded to. He finally agreed to go back to his house and once inside he was all over me, kissing me intensely, groping my cock and telling me how bad he wanted to fuck me. I reminded him I needed to see his ID and he pulled out his wallet and driver's license which, honestly, I barely looked at. Yes, his name was Noah, and I seared his last name in my mind so I could search up on him when I got home and memorized his DOB too. He cautioned me that while he had time to have some fun his parents would be home anywhere from 6 to 7 and we needed to get down to it. I smiled broadly at that and said OK, and we moved to his bedroom, locked the door and stripped down. We were deep into kissing each other and soon were on the bed, me grinding my cock up against his ass and wanting to put it in him in the worst possible way. He's awkwardly stretching for his nightstand and can see and hear him fumbling for something and he winds up handing me lube. Saying nothing I quickly lube up my cock and his ass and quickly force my cock inside him raw. His eyes are wide and his face live with delight as he's calling out "oh yeah" and "fuck yeah" as I enter him raw. He says nothing about wrapping and he clearly doesn't care to talk about in person as he'd mentioned earlier. Clearly, he wants raw, or he'd have said no. I have his legs over my shoulders and am driving deep inside his ass, kissing him deeply, telling him how hot he is and how bad I want to cum in him. He's also telling me how bad he wants my load, how hot my cock is, and not to pull out. I'm totally into him and before long I blast a load deep in his hole. I collapse on him telling him how hot he was and how much I enjoyed it. He's kissing me deeply back saying he loves how I did him and that he wants to do the same to me but wants to be honest. I pull him close in a hug and say I'm cool with whatever he has to say, and he admits to me that he's never been tested, and is that OK? I say it is, knowing full well he's not asked me my status before I bred him, not that I really cared. He's hot and I want his seed regardless. He looks relieved that I want his cum and eagerly roll on my back with him on top me and guiding his cock to my ass. I can reach my hand over to where the lube is lying on the bedspread and hand it to him and can feel him lubing up my ass and his cock. I'm gasping as I take his massive cock balls deep and don't give a shit that he doesn't know his status.... I want that cock and his load. And it doesn't take long until he is pounding me so hard, I can't even think straight. He's one of the biggest cocks I've taken in a while and he's hitting me in all the places I want to get fucked. He's kissing me deeply as I can barely breathe for the deep pounding he's giving me as I beg for him to cum in me. He finally gives me his load...an intense spasm, that I can feel all over me, inside and out. He collapses on me, panting, trying to catch his breath as I pull him in a bear hug, thanking him for giving me what I wanted. I know I should care about his status, but I wanted his load so bad I'm willing to take my chances. I loved that he took me no questions so its not for me to get all butt hurt. He looked at the clock and said we had time for one more quickie and did I want to fuck him or me fuck him again? I told him I wanted to fuck him again and quick shot another load balls deep in his ass. We both collapsed on the bed and again started kissing each other. He asked me why I wasn't dating and I admitted I hated being committed to a guy and liked messing around with other guys and liked having multiple guys fucking me. He laughed and said that sounded a lot like him, and that he liked guys using his ass too. I asked how often he got it, and he admitted it was a mix of buds and guys off apps. I admitted that was cool as I met up with guys off of apps and liked having fun like he did. It was getting late in the day and he was getting nervous about his parents coming home and said I should get going. I thanked him and said I was down to hook up any time he wanted and he said he was as well. He thanked me for being chill about not knowing his status and we had another bear hug before I left. I know I have no problems taking his seed and am guessing there are LOTS of guys that would take his seed as well.
    2 points
  25. Part 2 I felt a battle going on inside my head as I pedaled closer to the park. Part of my mind was hoping I'd see Drew here again like last week, but part of my mind was hoping he wouldn't be here. That it was just some one-off unexplainable thing and I could forget it and go back to my normal, routine (vanilla?) life. But I couldn't forget it and I knew that was a fact as the memories from last week in Drew's apartment became clearer and sharper and I felt an urgency inside to see him again. My mind gave itself over to the memories flooding in. I was taking a third hit off the pipe and getting hornier and more eager with every cloud I was blowing, feeling the smoke free my mind in a way I never knew it could be freed. I was slouched down a ways on Drew's couch rolling my head back and forth as I felt my cock once more burrow into the deepest part of his throat, loving the way he was making me feel with his wet hungry mouth. My wife was not very good at cocksucking so I had never experienced the sensations Drew was giving me. I was thinking to myself again and again, “What else have I missed and not known about all these years? What other seducing feelings and urges that Drew was making me aware of. I blew out a huge white cloud, feeling the immediate erotic wave roll over me, and thrust my hips up hard into the sweating face of the naked sexy young stud who was kneeling between my wide spread legs forcing my dripping cockhead another centimeter or two deeper into his expert and welcoming throat. “Oh fuck, baby! Hot fucking damn! Yeah baby suck that cock. Use your throat and make love to daddy's dick. Damn boy you're making my cock harder than it's ever been! Holy fuck!! Take it you hot fucker!!” I looked down my sweat-soaked abs and locked eyes with the handsome cock-worshiper impaled on my rigid dick, and saw the smile even with his lips stretched wide around my thickness. There was something else in his eyes and face as well that I couldn't quite name, but it stirred something in my head that made me want this to go on forever and made me want to please him as much as he was pleasing me. I felt another stirring too and realized almost too late that his sucking mouth and throat had brought me to the edge of orgasm. “Oh, sh*t, boy! Damn! I'm close. Your mouth is gonna make daddy cum! So good! Your mouth feels sooooo good!” Suddenly the wet warmth was gone from around my cock and I felt the cool air brushing against it's throbbing wetness. “No! No!” I almost sobbed. “Why'd you stop dude? I was so close. I wanted to feed you my cum so bad!” Drew wrapped one strong hand around spit-slick cock and slowly stroked it, dissolving me into soft moans of sensual pleasure. “I know you wanted to cum down my throat and I want to taste it, but not yet. I have so much more to show you, Justin, and I don't want you cumming too soon then leaving. I want us to have a lot more fun first. Don't you want that too, daddy?” he asked looking at me as his tongue rolled across the piss slit in my cockhead lapping up a thick bead of precum. “Hell yes I do! I fucking love it! Need to keep going, baby!” Still staring intently at me I watched him dip his head just slightly then felt that amazing tongue licking all around and across my cum-filled hairy nuts. “Oh gawwwwwddddd, boy! Your tongue is fucking amazing! Where'd you learn to use it like you do? Mmmmmmmm. Lick 'em, Yeah feel how heavy they are with cum.” Laying my head back and closing my eyes I began playing with my nips and felt Drew nuzzle lower and more firmly into my sweaty blond crotch hairs then felt him take one full bulging ball into his perfect mouth and begin washing it with his spit and tongue. Fuck yeah!, I thought! Keeps feeling better and better. Feeling Drew release my nutsac and sensing his movement I raised my head and opened my eyes as he stood up from the floor and straddled his slim hot tight smooth body over my waist, his knees on the couch on either side of me. A look of complete lust crossed his face as he began slowly stroking his own hard cock and asked me, “Did you like what I did to your cock and balls, daddy? Did it turn you on having your hard married dick inside my mouth and throat, treating it like you said your wife never has?” One hand still stroking his rigid meat, the other hand moved to my furry nips and twisted them making me buck under him and moan. “Yeah, baby! You know how hot it made me. You took it all so eagerly and willingly. I could tell you liked having daddy's cock in your mouth. My wife rarely even tries to give me a blowjob anymore. You are so much better at it than she could ever be!” Drew had moved upwards a bit more and now had his knees right at my hairy armpits and the head of his dripping cock rubbing softly against my chin. I was staring at the clear thick drop of precum covering his cockhead and didn't realize I had licked my lips. But Drew realized it. He ran the fingers of one hand through my hair as he waggled his manhood before me. “Looks like the sexy married daddy from the park whose not into guys likes watching me stroke my hard 7” cock for you. Do you? Do you like seeing it slide in and out of my fist, putting on a show for you?” “Yes!”, I said in a cracked voice. “It looks so good, so.....so.....” I trailed off not sure what I was trying to say. Drew helped find the right word. “So tasty and delicious? Is that what you're saying daddy?” he said with a touch of glee in his soft whisper. “Yes that's it exactly! It looks so tasty!” Drew rose up higher on his knees bringing his oozing cockhead into contact with my lips. “Open up daddy and find out just how tasty your horny boy's cock is.” With no hesitation or resistance I parted my lips and felt the thick flesh of cock enter my mouth for the first time ever! I growled in my throat and raised my head forward taking more of this sexy stud's cock into my mouth. I was addicted right away! (to be continued)
    2 points
  26. PART 3: Chaos deepens I sat there for a few moments, trying to work my phone. I opened the apps and saw a few messages here and there. As I wrestled with the phone, I felt a cool touch on my leg. A bottle of poppers, the same bottle of poppers I had used earlier, left behind. I really enjoyed them and they made everything feel extra heightened but I felt too overwhelmed to even think of using them now. I checked Grindr and saw a message from a blank profile about 200 meters away. I guess I was? Wasn’t I? I just sent him my location without thinking much else. It took too much effort to even do that, but I figured. What the hell. Im already fucked. I could barely get that message out. I was so out of it. I was also mostly messaging with one hand. My free hand kept going to my asshole, rubbing the cum inside my hole. It felt loose and when I touched it I felt so alive. Another man had cum inside me and I could tell I wanted more. And I wanted it anon. I started crafting another message when his next one came in. I wanted to say, “I want it anon. Ill be ass up and waiting.” But when I read, then processed his next message, I thought, does anything change? Fuck it. No it doesnt. This was it. I was going to get another round. I had saw a few other messages from other hot accounts, but I spent all my energy on sending these messages. I felt like I had reached a peak state of fuck energy. I just wanted to get used. I put down the phone and rolled over, ass up. I resumed the position I took for the earlier guy and I started huffing poppers. I didn’t have to wait long. Moments later I felt the air in the room change. I wasn’t alone. He was here. I didn’t know anything about him and overall, our engagement was much shorter than it was with the guy who railed me earlier. I heard clothes hit the floor as he shifted himself up and onto the bed. “You wanna suck me until my friend arrives?” He had a bit of an accent. I took that as a command. I took a hit of poppers, shifted a bit but kept my face down, and shoved his semi-hard cock in my mouth. I heard him make sniffing noises as his cock got hard in my mouth. “You partying?” I just moaned. It was getting late and I suppose I probably looked high. I was grinding my ass up and down, while sucking this strangers cock. I never saw myself as a partier, but here I was, high and getting used by anonymous men. “You want a rip?” I opened my eyes and saw a bunch of white powder on the end of a key. I had no idea what it was, but I wasn’t feeling hesitant about anything. I leaned forward and sniffed and put his dick right back in my mouth. “Fuck yeah, that’s it. We are going to share you and you can have some fun with us, okay?” I just moaned again. “My friend likes it really discreet. Do you mind if I cover your eyes with something?” I couldn’t quite place the accent, but it didn’t matter. His cock tasted and felt amazing, I was really feeling the extra effects of whatever powder I just snorted, and I was so incredibly horny. I took another hit of poppers and moaned, “okay…” I didn’t intend it to sound so hesitant, my mind was made up and I was ready to step it up, but I also couldn’t believe I was doing this. He leaned over me and grabbed something out of his bag. Then, putting his hands on my head and fucking my face he said, “alright, he is nearby. You ready?” He slipped something over my eyes, a t-shirt, or bandana, whatever it was, it was soft but it completely obstructed the view. While his dick was still in my mouth he said, “Take another rip. We are going to get you fucked up.” He pulled out, grabbed my head, and positioned the powder in front of my nose. I snorted, and just as I did I heard the door open and close again. What a satisfying sound. “Hey. He is ready for you. Dive in. He is partying too.” I felt a tap on my leg and the weight of a body move up behind me. I had no idea who this was. We didnt even chat. Now I was high and getting higher, already filled up with cum from another guy, and here I was about to get used by two more. What. The. Fuck. I needed it. Maybe this is who I was supposed to be? I felt fingers at my hole. “Is this cum or lube?” It was a different voice. I just moaned, barely able to form words. He didn’t wait for a response. “Doesn’t matter. It will be cum soon enough anyway.” I heard the sound of a bottle, presumably lube, then I felt him shove his fingers in my hole. Something felt different right away. It wasn’t just the fact that I had been fucked, it was also a new sensation. Something tingled, stung a bit, and just… just felt different. He jammed fingers in and out of my hole while I was getting face fucked by this other guy. He stopped abruptly as the guy inside my mouth pulled out and slapped my face with his wet cock. “Yeh… rail this bitch” The energy shifted. The guy behind spread my ass cheeks, then I felt the head of his dick at my hole and then I felt him completely inside of me. He dove deep, just like instructed. The guy at my face planted his dick back in my mouth. Both kept up a steady rhythm. Guy in my ass laid it on me heavy, moving my body up and down with the bouncing of the bed. Diving deep and pulling out all the way so just the head was inside with each stroke. It felt amazing. It was really rocking me in ways that I experienced with the previous guy, but it also felt extra. My hole and lower half of my body felt like it was tingling, light, and euphoric. I could only grind my body up against his as he shoved himself deep inside me. He pulled my hair and my head back with one hand, grabbing my neck with the other. The other guy’s dick came out of my mouth leaving a long strand of spit behind that fell on my face and neck. “Take some more”. A key was placed at my face. I snorted. Hands were shoved in my mouth. I licked. It felt like there was a tingling in my mouth and head that was spreading down me to meet the tingling in my lower half. I was flying and loving every second. I wasn’t hard anymore, just a soft wet cock with strands of cum and lube running down my taint and balls. The guy in my ass was making bit wet slapping sounds as he plowed me. It felt like he was close. Suddenly he pulled out and I heard him grunt. The guy that was in my mouth leaned over and I felt my ass cheeks being spread apart, followed by warm spray of cum all over my hole and ass. “Fuck yeh. Lube him up.” He shoved his dick back inside me for a couple more pumps then dismounted. Tingles everywhere. “Have fun.” That was also that was said again between the two. The sound of clothes being put on then the doors opening and being shut soon followed. The other guy was on the bed, but just leaning back a bit, not fucking my face or touching me. I took a moment to sniff some poppers. Before they even hit I started grinding my ass up and down. “Fuck dude. You are hot. I wanna fuck you, but I dont think I am ready to cum yet. You cool if I invite someone else over?” I could barely speak but my body was telling me I needed to get filled. Now. “Okay.” I didn’t sound hesitant this time. I sounded desperate. “Fuck yeh.” He slapped my ass hard and shoved his fingers inside. I felt every bit of his fingers. The texture of his skin, the knuckles, the base, everything. It felt like I was a part of him. “I just sent your address to a few guys. We are going to keep you partied up and pounded out.” Who the fuck had I become?
    2 points
  27. The evidence was building. Three guys claiming I had pozed them. I was pretty sure I was carrying it but I had no intention of getting tested. 'Don't know, don't care' continued to seem my best answer for the hookup apps. I considered changing it to 'not sure, problem poz' but decided to leave it for now. Over the next three weeks four guys hit me up to flip fuck. Two worked out and we pumped loads deep into each other. They both messaged me within three weeks to tell me, "It took. Got fuck flu and tested positive. Thanks guy!" All this attention really kept me horny and the next nice day I found myself at the cruising woods. I'd collected three ass loads when I noticed my ultimate fuck mate. Six feet tall, olive skin, black thick body hair, head and chest, classic handsome face. He was only wearing sandals and a khaki cargo shorts . I knew he was commando, I'd seen him drop the shorts to collect two loads. I caught and held his eyes as the second guy dumped in him. He just nodded in a way that told me to just slide in and take the other guys place when he was done. I started by eating his cummy ass, fetching some of the loads and snowballing to him. His million dollar smile let me know I had his piggy number. My raw cock slipped in very easily and we soon established a great rythm. As I was gaining momentum I remembered my possible poz status. This was my first anonymous non app hookup since suspecting I was not only poz but probably highly toxic. My raw cock and precum were already inside him. Did I need to warn him? At lightning speed I determined it was his responsibility to ask; or, protect his ass with Prep if he was going to offer it up for raw cock. I picked up my pounding speed. He groaned his approval and began to egg me on. "Breed me man. I need your fucking hot load up my ass." It was not long 'til I was fulfilling his wish and flooding him with my likely poz load. When he finished cleaning my cock he said "Hey Thanks bud, I so fuckin needed that!" "You are most welcome. " my enthusiastic reply. Him; "Little late, but do you mind if I ask your status. " Me "Single" "Yeah, I expected so, but no, your HIV status. " "Awe, yeah, I'd say you're late with that question. What are you hoping I will say?" "Well I'm not on Prep, and I've got a boyfriend who doesn't know I'm out here, so I'm hoping if you're poz your on meds and undetectable." Me "Honestly I don't know, have never been tested. But five guys swear I've pozed them, and I've taken a thousand loads where you've just taken mine and never asked any questions. " "Fuck man, no. You shit head. Why would you breed me if you suspect you're poz and toxic? "Four of the guys begged me to knock them up. " "Well I sure as fuckin hell didn't. You had no right." " You have no fuckin right to accuse me. Mines not the first load you've taken today without asking. That's on you fag." "You're an asshole being out here knocking unsuspecting guys up. A fuckin asshole!" "Sounds to me like you want another of my likely poz loads." "Are you crazy? What the fuck man?" "You could have left long ago and you're still here claiming to be pissed off. I think you want this again. " I shook my hardon at him. "You would wouldn't you? You'd pump another poison load into me if I let you? Right?" "Right. You want it? I'll give it to you. " "Why would I want your fuckin toxic load?" "Because you already got one. And I gave a great fuck. So how could another hurt?You know you want to ride my raw cock again and feel me blast inside. " "No I don't. " he lied as he bent over and leaned against a tree trunk offering his ass. I just shoved my full length balls deep. "Argh, I said no man. Don't fuckin fuck my ass with your poz dick. " he was riding back on me every bit as much as I was giving it to him. "Pull it out. I said no." His body was actively involved no matter what his words said. "Don't you dare breed me with your filthy seed man. Don't cum in me. " He was vigorously wanking himself. "Fuck me 'til I cum man, I'm so fuckin close. ...... Yeah, that's it .... I'm cumming, yeah, fuck! His ass convulsions were the last straw to trigger me; "Oh yeah,...that's what you wanted, another load of toxic cum from me." "Damn, you fuck too good. I had to have it again. Besides your's might not have been the first poz load planted in me tonight. " "It's time for you to return the favor ass hole." I took his place at the tree and bent to offer my ass. He fucked me relentlessly for 20 minutes. Long enough for an audience of four guys of various ages, races and body types to have gathered. They all had their peckers out stroking. I don't know how he managed it but the first of the onlookers to cum shot it onto the cock fucking me. My fucker came as he pushed the other guys cum into me. In quick succession the other three guys mounted, pumped and loaded me. As I rose from the last I said to my combative confused fuck mate. "That's how it's done. Once you convert, you just take loads wherever offered. Don't ask, don't tell. Don't know, don't care. "
    2 points
  28. I had a stranger's big fat naked cock up my ass in the middle of a crowded bar dance floor. I was only wearing my nastiest jock strap, work socks and boots. He had simply moved in behind me, fingered my wet sloppy hole and slid on in. (I'd collected two loads on my way to the bar. The first an app hookup, the other in a back alley. ) I hadn't even seen his body or face. Just felt his substantial cock in my ass, his hands on my bare chest and his mouth nibble my left ear. I did see the face of the red head pushing through the crowd in front of me. Built and moving like a Sherman tank he cleared a path and got right into my face. Placing hands on both sides of my head he pulled me in and planted a huge full mouth kiss on me. As we both added lots of tounge the cock in my ass started to convulse. I was in heaven. One stranger's tounge down my throat, another's cock unloading in my ass and all out in plain view of a crowd. How could things get any better? They didn't! The redhead pulled away from the kiss, wound up and punched me in the gut. I doubled over in pain too winded to react. The guy in my ass finished unloading and the redhead screamed over the music. "I hope he just gave you gono!" Then he turned and stormed away. The crowd parted for him like the red sea for Moses. I made my way to a wall and used it to to steady myself as I breathed through the pain. That is, when I caught my breath. After fifteen minutes I had calmed down enough to know I was angry but in control enough to not kill the redhead next time I saw him. I made my way to the washroom and found him seated at the bar when I came out. He saw me approach, a look of angry defiance on his face. Me "What the fuck man?!" Red "That's for knocking me up with no warning!" Me "What the fuck do you mean ass hole?!" Red "You don't forget your first time, idiot! You were the first guy to bareback me. It was in the cruising woods a few years ago. I insisted on a condom but fell for your 'just the tip' bullshit! Next thing I knew you were fucking the hell out of me. Without a word you blasted your poison load deep in my ass." Me "But I'm not poz man. I swear. I've never had anything close to the fuck flu. " Red "It was you alright. I was so fuckin scared I didn't even look at guys for three weeks. Then I got sick, deadly sick, and I got tested. I thought I'd die on the spot when the doctor told me. You fuckin knocked me up and knew what you were doing, you bastard." My head was reeling. 'Could this be true? Could I have had it all this time and not known? How many of the dozen or so other guys I've bred might I have given it?' Me "Fuck man, I swear. 'Til now I never even dreamt I might be shooting loaded bullets. I had no idea." He just glared at me. Me "Look man. You sure it couldn't have been someone else? Besides you're much bigger than me, why didn't you fight me off? Red "You think I haven't fuckin asked myself that very question a thousand times? It was you, you piece of shit! I've delivered my message, we're done here. " And he stomped off. I ordered three tequila shooters to calm my nerves. When the shirtless gym bunny bartender delivered them there were four. Bartender "Sorry, I couldn't help but here most of your argument. Let's toast to your good news." Me "What the fuck?" Bartender "I'm dying to get knocked up man. I finish a 2AM. I want your poz load if you can manage to keep it 'til then." He handed me a shooter glass and we toasted. Then he nodded his head toward the other two glasses and said: "Drink up, you've got a lot to celebrate. How many other guys you think you might have knocked up?" "Fuck man. I don't know. Could be as many as one or two dozen. Fuck!" "Fuckin A man! I want to be the first you knowingly gift." "But I don't even know if it's true. For all I know that red head is crazy. "I still want your load man." "But what if it's true? If I've got it I'll have a high viral load. I could be toxic as hell. " "That's what I'm hoping for!" The other barman was standing beside his work mate. His voice interrupted us. "Take your break now bud. I want to watch him convert your sorry negative ass right here on the dance floor. " He didn't waist a minute vaulting over the bar. He grabbed my hand and towed me into the pulsing crowd. He began to dance very seductively around me drawing me in with his beautiful inviting eyes and smile. My look must have softened 'cause he moved close and we shared a passionate kiss. He then dropped to his knees, fished my cock out of my jock and feasted away 'til I was hard. Standing he turned, dropped his jeans revealing a beautifully rounded hairy ass and pulled my cock toward his hole. I stuck a finger in, it seemed clean and wet when I pulled it out so I stuck it in my mouth. Me "Tastes like you're prelubed." "Yup, three loads in there. But your's will be the only known poz one. " As I shoved on in I said "Maybe " "Oh Red knows. And I think you know to. Now poz my negative ass!" The other bartender must have talked to the d.j.. The TV scenes all switch to a poppers training video with the song words "shoot your toxic load into me, poz my negative ass". The bar went dark, save the light from the screens and a spotlight trained on me and the guy I was fucking. All talking and laughing subsided as all eyes turned to watch our public rutting performance. It had been a while since I had topped. My raging raw hardon felt great in his tight hole and looked even better. I was soon giving him a royal fucking to the beat of the music. He kept moaning his pleasure and screaming to be heard over the music; "Harder. Deeper. Tear up my negative ass. Breed me poz. Make me poz!" The crowd took up some of these words as a chat. I knew Red was probably right. I felt a little sick for what I'd unwittingly done to him. But in this moment, with this crowd cheering me on and this hot guy begging me to breed him poz I was more turned on than ever before. Two guys reached in and offered us both sniffs from their poppers. My body temperature felt like it spiked by ten degrees and my horniness factor went up by 100% if that was even possible. My hole being was in pile drive and breed mode. He was pushing back as hard as my instrokes. I leaned in to hug his back and breathlessly and quietly spoke in his ear. "You fuckin sure you want this faggot?" "Never been more sure of anything in my life! Oh yeah ... that's it man. Oh God, I love your poz load!" I was indeed unloading and his ass muscles milked out every drop. You'd have thought a winning goal had been scored, THE CROWD WENT WILD! More guys approached me that night wanting me to poz them, but I just didn't recharge that quickly. Besides I'm mostly a bottom cum dump, not so much a dumper. I didn't go and get tested. I just thought, 'who the fuck cares?' I changed my app profiles to "don't know, don't care '. Turns out lots of guys cared but in the opposite way than I expected. 'Don't know, don't care' especially with my mostly bottom vers status, translated to them as 'probably poz' and upped their excitement to take the risk. I had so many guys tapping me on the apps to fuck, breed and gift them. If they promised a flip fuck breeding I would go for it. Over the next three weeks six guys seeded me and got my questionable load in return. Every time the sex was so fuckin hot! They usually kept the pozing talk going as they begged for my load and it turned me on beyond anything I could imagine. I was at the bar at the end of those three weeks and noticed my batender guy wasn't working. The other bartender automatically brought a tray of tequila shooters, offered them to everyone close by, and toasted my successful conversion of his workmate who was out with the fuck flu. I was also approached by a friend of someone I had flip fucked with two weeks earlier. He offered Jagermeister shooters to toast my potent toxic load. His friend was sick as a dog and so excited to plan going for his biohazard tattoo. I ended up breeding three more guys on the dance floor that night. Which meant I got their loads up my ass and five more. All delivered in the middle of the dance crowd. My jock strap disappeared after the second fucking never to be seen again. I didn't care, I was having way too good a time.
    2 points
  29. Chapter 6 There were about six booths in total, all with doors ajar expect one. I didn't know if the sex sounds were guys in the booth or from the porn playing. A tall handsome 30 something guy was leaning against a wall scrolling through his phone. Looking up he caught my eye and motioned for me to move closer. He opened his jeans showing me his beautiful big seven inch hardon with the most awesome upward curve. He pointed to an open booth with his eyes and we were inside before I could think. His pants were around his knees and I was kneeling on the floor with his cock in my mouth. I worked it for a while and his balls were pulling up nice and tight when he lifted me up and told me he wanted to fuck me. Once again, without thinking, I turned around, bent over, and his raw cock was pushing into me with only spit for lube. The danger of the situation only dawned on me when he bottomed out. My mind raced; 'Fuck! Yet another stranger fucking me bareback. And I didn't asked him a thing. This has to stop.' But his cock felt so good hitting my prostate I found I couldn't open my mouth or pull away. After a moment or two he pulled away and started to pull up his pants. I asked why he was leaving. "I just bred your ass man. Thanks " I checked with my finger and sure enough my hole was sloppy. When I was back in my clothes and leaving the booth two men in their 50's came into the booth area. The tallest of them pushed me back inside. He reached into the back of my jeans and finding my hole wet spun me around, dropped my pants and started fucking me with his small cock. Within seven pumps he was loading my guts. He left and without a word his friend stepped in and picked up where he had left off, accept this guy had a medium thick eleven inch man meat. My mind kept screaming 'get the fuck out of here, another stranger's in in you raw, what the fuck is the matter with you?" But my ass just kept pushing back and welcoming his pistonning action. He lasted about ten minutes before I could hear his soft moans. From the twitching I knew I was getting filled by yet another stranger. As I was proceeding to leave the store the young guy behind the counter winked and asked if I'd had a good time. "The wet spot at the ass of your shorts makes me think you did." I blushed back at him and noticed just how sexy he was. Rough looking, scruffy beard, slim sinewy shoulders exposed by a wife beater t. Lots of tattoos on his arms and shoulders. "There's usually a lull at this time of day. Why don't you come back here and help me pass the time." "No, I really should get going, but thanks." "Awe, I get it, such a good boy" he teased. That's when my brain flipped and I remembered my pact with myself. "Fuck it" I said, "sure." His pants were already off when I got behind the counter. I fumbled to get out of mine as his average seven inch cock slid deep down my throat. I froze when I heard the front door bell announce new arrivals. His hands just kept working my head so I silently kept sucking as he also proceeded to serve the two customers. They immediately headed for the back room booths. I took a closer look at the tattoo on the clerk's left thigh ... a scorpion poised to sting! I came out of my shocked daze and realized he was talking to me, "I'm ready to fuck you now, bend over this stool." And I did! His raw cock had no trouble entering my well lubricated hole and my brain was screaming, 'AGAIN?!'
    2 points
  30. Chapter 3 It was after dark and there were a few more cars in the parking lot when I got back to the woods. There were many more guys on the trails as well as lots of sexual activity around almost every turn. I found it hard to believe this swarm of sex had been so close all of my life and before today I had known nothing about it. I stopped to watch a group of three guys taking turns fucking a kid that couldn't have been any older than me. They motioned me closer and I reached in to confirm the cock in the ass was indeed fucking raw. Each time a top switched out it was clear there was no protection in sight. Within the next ten minutes each of the three tops bred the young man. I decided to move along and soon met a big bear of a man. His shirt was open displaying a forest of reddish hair on his solid chest and stomach. He had a medium cropped reddish beard and his nicely shaped head was shaved completely bald. When he was adjacent to me he gently reached out and pulled my face in for a passionate kiss. For the next few moments our tongues danced together. When he broke the kiss he took my hand and led me to a small clearing. Sitting on a stump he dropped my shorts and took my already hard cock deep down his throat. Having already had a couple powerful orgasms earlier my fear of cumming too soon was quickly dispelled. The sight of this ginger bear working my cock was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Soon one of his fingers was messaging my hole and my groans of pleasure betrayed I wanted more. He gently turned me around and bent me over a log. His luscious tongue, mouth and beard were applied to my ass. After a five minute tongue fucking he stood and started pushing his raw cock into my wet excited sphincter. I knew I was tight and he must have been huge 'cause there was no way that thing was going in. He tapped me on the back and invited me to taste his cock. I now knew just how huge he was. My jaw was fully stretched to manage his girth. There was no way his erect ten inches was going to fit down my inexperienced throat.. He was extremely encouraging of my efforts and soon invited me to sample his big hairy ass. I did my best to follow his example as well as the demonstrations I had been watching on porn sites. I must have done okay 'cause he was soon moaning his deep appreciation. Just as my tongue was beginning to cramp and tire he asked me to fuck him. I said I didn't have a condom and asked if he did. He responded; "You are new to this aren't you kid. " I replied; "Yes, my first day. " Him; "No need for rubber kid, just push your beaut up my ass. " So I did. Slipped right in his wet hairy hole. It was so slippery I realized the great taste while I ate his ass had been who knows how many other guys loads. As much as I was enjoying the experience of raw fucking him the question wouldn't leave my mind. My inner voice said; 'fuck it, just ask him.' "How many loads you got in there? " "Just three. " "Fuck, that's so hot. What's the most you've taken at one time.?" "Was hard to keep track. About 15 one night in a bathhouse sling. " "Holy fuck ... oh shit ... I'm ... so ... close..." "Breed me boy, let me be your first. " I was unloading as he spoke. As I caught my breath I apologized; "Sorry, you are the second. I bred a guy here this afternoon. Virgin before that though. " "Fuckin hot kid ... anyone breed your hole yet?" "Some guy was in me, but I pulled off before he could cum. ... I guess that's why I came back. I honestly regret not taking his load. But, he had just been bred with an unmedicated poz load. " "So fuckin hot." He stood,turned me and wrapped me in a huge bear hug. I had never felt so safe and cared for. I rewarded him with a deep kiss and we snogged for the next 10 minutes. "Come on kid, let's go get you some experience. " We peeled out of our shirts and pants and set off through the woods hand in hand. Coming to a large opening with ten guys in various stages of undress and sexual activity we made our way to the center of the group. We jumped right into the sexual orgy and quickly had hands and mouths all over us. I turned from sucking a thin six inch cock to see my ginger bear getting fucked by a big black man. My bear motioned for me to lean in and we resumed our snogging. Immediately I felt something at my rear door and turned my head to find the thin six inch cock entering me raw. I was surprised to hear my voice; "Yeah, fuck me. " Followed quickly by the bear; "Breed that virgin ass. Plant his first raw load deep. " We returned to snogging as the pace of fucking frantically increased. The big black guy was the first to bellow as he came deep inside the ginger bear. My top was quiet but I could feel a growing pressure from the fluids entering my gut. The twitches and spasms of the cock inside me felt fantastic. Ginger bear spoke; "Did he load you up kid?" I stuck a finger in my wet hole, then in my mouth; "Yup, he sure did." And we high fived!
    2 points
  31. This is definitely a difficult situation, but I don't think that there is no hope. I have had a few brushes with family issues (with a few cousins as well as with my brother), and I think one key to navigating them successfully is to be very clear-eyed and open-minded and think about things from everyone's perspective. It sounds to me like your feelings are OK, and so are your brother's. Both of you love the other one, and you have a good relationship. That's a truly wonderful thing, and in my life experience, not nearly as common as it should be. You have romantic feelings and physical attraction for him. You don't know if they are reciprocated, and probably he doesn't either. I'm guessing from other clues in your posts here that you are in a culture where homosexuality in general is not socially acceptable or is marginalized. Even though you are close in age, the viewpoint he learned while young may be rather different from yours, and he may have a lot of trouble accepting any feelings of his own toward other men, let alone toward you. You are comfortable around each other physically (you can sleep together and even massage him and you are both OK with that). That is also great, and also not all that common (at least in my culture). That makes things a bit easier in some ways and harder in others. A number of people have mentioned counseling, and I think you would probably find that helpful. What you also might find very helpful is to try and look at things from your brother's viewpoint, if you can. What does he feel about his relationship with you, and about living with you? What does he feel about his romantic life, and his sex life? If you don't know, perhaps asking him about those things (very carefully, and not in any way suggestively) might give you a lot of perspective about the issue, and maybe about where some of those feelings (both yours and his) come from. Blessings on you for happiness and for a continued great relationship with your brother, no matter what form that takes.
    1 point
  32. Thanks. Yeah, this one got to me too. Weeble needed this.
    1 point
  33. She doesn’t. About 2 years ago she grew suspicious I cheated on her cuz I had chlamydia 🤷😂. I told her it was a one time thing . She moved on from it . can’t help being a cum dump
    1 point
  34. Another Real Experience - How Big Are Those Cocks? This is another true party story from about a year and a half ago. A long term play buddy of mine on the Upper West Side had started using his large floor-thru apartment near Columbia University as almost a full-time party location and meeting place. Additionally as time went by, he began to also help guys find the potions and combinations that enhanced and ramped up their sex experiences. My buddy Jack was a shorter white guy, with a steel grey buzzcut and goatee - he was around 60, but kept a very muscular body with just a bit of belly - he had a nice cock and a beautiful ass. He still liked to play himself, but sometimes was so busy setting things up and dealing with the guys who came simply for favors that sometimes he could not have the sex sessions he planned... and someone else might benefit from what he'd set up for himself. That's what happened to me that fateful Friday. So one summer friday, responding to an invitation for a play session he'd set up with me the day prior, I headed to his place and arrived around 5pm. Jack figured we'd play a bit early, he'd break for a while to take care of those arriving in the early evening for favors, then begin playing again when he was through - while I could continue with any other guys who happened to be staying for his evening play party. When I got there, he was already mostly naked with some leather, so I also got out my harness, metal cockrings, armbands and the like and pulled on a jock-strap until things really got started. He had two adjoining rooms, the smaller had a daybed type affair and his computer desk the other larger room a very big bed and most of the porn screens. We sat by his desk, puffing on a huge glass bong and shotgunning while we chatted and he let me know some of what was going on that evening to come. He also gave me a vitamin "v", and I started getting hard watching porn over his shoulder as we chatted and puffed up. I needed to piss after a bit (and as we were not yet playing, I didn't think there'd be any issue with me getting rid of a bit) and he said to just make sure I knocked before going into the bathroom as there was someone showering and cleaning up in there. He also told me to take my time as he still had a few IM's and E-mails to respond to before he could take a break. Cool, I thought, I can wait outside if they're shy and show-off if a bit if they are not. Headed to the bathroom on the other end of the apartment - down a LONG corridor past the front door, then through the living room, into the kitchen and then to the bathroom which adjoined the third bedroom located all the way to the rear of this long narrow apartment. I knocked on the closed bathroom door, and heard a familiar voice ask who it was... I called out my name through the door and heard "just a minute, then I'll open up..." While I was waiting, the door to the bedroom opened and Derrick, the guy renting that room from Jack, opened the door naked with a bong in one hand and torch in the other. Derrick was a wiry very white guy with a ripped body, lots of ink and a damn big cock. He was also a very popular DJ and party organizer, and also an escort. "I heard it was you out here, and I wanted to talk to you a second... here" he said, handing me the bong and using the torch to melt the T. As I was shotgunning him, the door to the bathroom opened and he hustled me inside. The occupant was Craig, a 20-something African American guy with a soccer player type body and nice size cock. He was from the same part of the south Jack was from. Craig was a nursing student, and was staying with Jack partly as delivery man, partly as assistant, and partly as fuck buddy. I took my piss as we three shared shotgun hits from the bong. Derrick told me he was glad I was there, because he had set up something for the evening that was really special for Jack, fulfilling a fantasy that Jack had been wanting to try for many years. He was glad I was there because he himself could not stay long (escort clients, you know) and Craig would likely be in-and-out, so Derrick was pleased that there'd be someone with real control there who could make sure the scene didn't get out of hand. Had to admit I was damn curious at that. While Craig pulled out some Testosterone Gel (this was just before they started making an issue about them) and started rubbing some into my muscles and his own, Derrick continued, telling us he had set up a gang bang for the evening with three EXTREMELY hung black top guys. All claimed also to be straight but just liked a walk on the wild side occasionally, especially when lots of party favors were involved. We all took a few more hits off the pipe while we each took turns giving each of the other guys a quick suck and a quick rimjob. We didn't want to leave Jack alone for too long, and Derrick was "working" in a short time, so he headed back to his bedroom while Craig and I went forward to Jack's two adjoining rooms in the front of the apartment. Jack and Craig and I got onto the daybed and sex play got started. All three of us are vers, with both Craig and I leaning more to top and Jack more to bottom. Still in our first round, we totally round robin-ed with each of us sucking and rimming each of the other two, each of us getting fucked by the other two and each of us fucking the other two. A very nice start to the evening, let me tell you... We took a break as John had guys coming very shortly for party favors and Craig was going to need to get things ready for a delivery run. I kicked back watching porn and we puffed the pipe some and a few guys came through... some heading right back out, others hanging a bit to see if they'd be invited to hang for a bit and get into the scene. After a bit, Derrick came into the room with some guys behind him. Derrick announced that Jack's "birthday present" from him was here, and Jack looked like a kid in a candy shop. One guy, Alastair, was a lean lighter skinned Jamaican guy with dreads and a goatee and appeared to be in his 40s; Pierre was a shorter darker Haitian guy who was neither toned nor flabby but was smooth all over and could have been anywhere from 30 to 50; finally there was Alex who was early 20s, very nicely muscular and looked like the All-American College Jock type. And as they stripped down, they all had cocks that were pretty damn big while soft... The guys were given a nice big baggie from Jack along with some vitamin-v. We sat around watching the porn and hitting the pipe hard. At first Alastair and Pierre were really quiet, and I guess to some people a bit menacing. Two of the guys who'd hung around slipped out quietly, while I noticed that the next few of Jack's arrivals didn't even bother staying for more than a puff or two. The three guys prepared points for themselves and the rest of us puffed on the pipe. Craig passed around drinks with G and the guys started to mellow a bit. We were down to the three of them, plus me and Jack, Craig and Derrick - who each would be leaving shortly - and a string bean of a white middle-aged top named Jimmy and a cute Hispanic twink, Rico. The three "friends" of Derrick's started to get hard, and holy shit! I've been a player since I was a teenager, and these were some of the biggest cocks I'd encountered in all that time - almost impossible that three of that size were in the room at the same time. Alex, who did some porn occasionally, had a beauty of 9-incher, and Pierre a slightly longer, and somewhat fatter battering ram that had to be 10 inches. Then there was Alastair. He was slowly fisting a cock that seemed impossibly long - someone whispered "how big IS that thing?". Alastair rather smugly replied "Thirteen inches" to which Jimmy responded "No way." As proof, Alastair pulled from his bag a goddamn TAPE MEASURE to prove it - said he got tired of people not believing him. Sure enough, it was past 12 1/2 inches long - officially making it the second longest cock I'd ever personally encountered. "Satisfied?" he growled at Jimmy, who looked a bit scared. All three seemed to be getting impatient with waiting for Jack to finish up though when Rico tried to go down on one of them he was pushed away. Jimmy and Rico retreated to the daybed behind Jack's computer and started to fuck around. It was also becoming obvious that Jack was VERY upset about some message he was getting on his phone and he started to curse under his breath. The three guys looked a bit pissed and started whispering stuff to Derrick and then Craig who moved over to them to see what was going on. Craig went back and forth from them to Jack. Finally, Craig and Derrick came over to me and began to talk in a hushed tone, while Jack spoke to the other guys. Seems Jack was going to have to go out because he was having some problem with a supplier that frankly I didn't need or care to know any more about. He was taking Craig with him. Derrick was heading to paying clients shortly. So I was left to hold down the fort and make sure nothing went wrong and was given a set of keys to the various cabinets. "And there's something else," Derrick mumbled. It seems his three pals were tired of waiting and wanted to fuck NOW. Jimmy was a top only, and was clearly showing signs of avoiding them at all costs, and they were very much NOT into Rico, whom they found too feminine and girly (odd, for straight guys, I thought, but whatever...). "That leaves YOU," Craig finished for Derrick. Shocked I looked at them like they were crazy. "You want ME to bottom for three of the biggest cocks on the island of Manhattan?" They both nodded. "You HAVE to, or its not gonna be pretty real soon" whispered Derrick. "But don't worry, we can help make it easier." See here's the thing. Yes I do like to bottom, and in fact had griped a few times lately that I wasn't getting any bottom time at the last few get-togethers I was at, but really... I could think of 10 friends off the top of my head who would pay a huge amount to be gang-fucked by 3 super-hung black men, but being the subject of ANY gangbang had never been a fantasy of mine. And any of my fuckbuddies can tell you that although my hole is rather talented when it comes to muscle control, I am tight, and usually take a bit of time to warm into being fucked. Craig got me some G and some K and tossed a sprayer of Maximum Impact on the bed we'd be playing on. The three guys got the points they'd prepared earlier out, and Derrick pulled a tourniquet around my bicep and swabbed my arm. Jack and Craig slipped out quietly, and Jimmy and Rico paused in their play to watch as the three guys administered themselves and Derrick did me. There were several coughs and as I held my arm over my head, Derrick whispered "good luck" and headed out. I was pulled over to the bed and my ride began. On my knees in front of them as the sat all on one side, I sucked on each of those huge cocks - I could deep throat Alex, and Pierre barely, but I could not get Alastair all the way no matter what. I got to rim Alex for a bit and then they pulled me up on the bed and onto all fours. The maximum impact was sprayed on a cloth and I took a huge suck on that blessed cloth. Alastair and Pierre knelt in front of me while my mouth went back and forth between two dicks and two sets of balls. Alex climbed up behind me and I was astonished to feel his tongue give me a rimjob! Then the cloth was shoved under my nose and Alex started to sink his missile into my hole. Thank goodness for all of the chemical assistance, as I was able to take him in with far less trouble than normal. There was a bit of pain at first, and an uncomfortable feeling that lasted even longer but I wasn't in agony or anything. Rico, fascinated by all this came over with the bong, and held it for me to take some huge hits and blow them out on the two cocks I was sucking. After that, I settled into pure pleasure from Alex's fucking. Pierre's foray into my hole was a bit more difficult and he was far from the best top I'd ever had, but I was one of the first male holes he'd ever fucked supposedly, though he had received many blowjobs from guys over the years. Eventually it was Alastair's turn. I booty bumped before he began, along with many more hits on the pipe and more Maximum Impact. And amazingly, it was astonishingly good. He was narrower than Pierre, which helped a lot, and he also seemed to know his way around a man's hole. We continued to fuck and suck for hours, with Alex sitting his gorgeous ass on my face a couple of times when I was getting fucked on my back, and even giving me a little sucking action on MY cock every now and then. His buds did raise their eyebrows a bit when he did that. I also gave Pierre his first rimjob ever, though I could not convince Alastair to allow me to do the same thing. Jack and Craig eventually returned and things broke up. I wound up driving Alex back to his place in Spanish Harlem, and going inside with him. We smoked some more bowls and his cousin arrived during and got high with us - this teenager from North Carolina got quite an education that night, as I wound up sucking and rimming him, getting fucked by him, and briefly allowing the two of them to DP me. Unfortunately, that pushed things a bit too far for my overworked hole and I had to call it quits and head home. My butt was pretty wrecked for about two weeks. I certainly wouldn't have sought this situation out, and I'm not sure I'd ever want to repeat, but I'm glad I experienced something like that at least ONCE in my life. I have actually hooked up with Alex a few more times, and I'm close to convincing him to let me fuck him!
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  35. The ground floor has a small bar and a balcony open to the lower ground, which is the main space,. The play porn, there is an open area, fuck bench, sling and dark room. The crowd is mainly mature men
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  36. Not being possessed of a "PornCock", I haven't bumped up against the bend all that often. Still, I remember the first time, it felt like to me like something I had to push aside, or move out of the way. I don't "know" this, but through the years I think some bottoms take so much Cock that the angle softens somewhat - like the Hole is rearranging itself to take a Cock more invitingly. It feels good to bump up against the right angle, but it just doesn't happen all that much with a 7"er.
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  37. I just fired a big creamy load down my cumthirsty sons throat while he was down on his knees in Daddy’s favourite slutty schoolgirl outfit with the loads of 4 men dripping from his loose pussy. That girl is a natural born cocksucker. Actually feels like she is pulling the cum out of my balls with her throat.
    1 point
  38. A big BUT. It's technically illegal to be in possesion of poppers and marihuana (and more) in the "public way" or "public venues" in Spain. That includes bars, saunas and the street. It's a 600 euro fine for first offence. If you are a foreigner it's fine as it's unenforceable for them. But I've heard of plenty of cases where they've got the fine in the mail. The only place where I've heard any kind of enforcement of this law is in Madrid where the police does sauna raids and sometimes even regular bars just for fun. Plenty of people caught with poppers, pot, ...
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  39. Word had been spreading about me in my town but thankfully my identity had been kept secret. I had started secretly giving blowjobs and getting fucked through the hidden gloryhole in our bathroom at the local mall. It first started with one or two times but it grew into more. Being 18 and a freshman in college I felt out of place among all the upperclassmen. I also felt out of place among the other freshmen as well. Growing up my red hair and smallish frame got me picked on so i didn't make friends easily so i mostly kept to myself. Knowing I was gay and saw how the world looked ay the gay community just made me stay to myself even more but it didn't stop me from wanting to glance at the older guys in the gym showers and in the locker room. A few times I got caught looking but it was passed on just by a young guy wanting to see what an older guy looks like. From what I learned from what I saw in porn I have been using anything I can to re-create everything I had been seeing. I started using my hairbrush handle and when I felt I was ready for more I started looking for bigger things to put up my ass. I found a porn shop that had been far enough away from my college so I wouldn’t be noticed and found a few sizes that would do great things to my ass and make me ready for real cocks. When I felt I was ready, that's when I started leaving notes in parts of the school that only guys would see and told them that there is a time and place if they wanted to have a private release during the day. I had two free periods during the school day that were meant for studying but since I already had as much work as I could do I used those periods waiting in the bathroom stall for anyone who saw my notes and wanted to have some fun. The stall next to me opened up and I waited hoping this was the first of many to show up. Sure enough there were two soft knocks on the wall like I asked so it wouldn't be heard and I was excited for this. I lifted the panel keeping the hole hidden and as soon as I did there was an enormous cock with a thick head at the end. I had to be at least twelve inches long and six inches thick with a thick bush of black pubes. I licked my lips in wanting but then i saw written on the tip ass only no suck. I was upset that i couldn't taste it but i was more than happy to spread my cheeks and set myself on what was offered to me. I could hear the softest groan coming from the stall and knew this was going to be fun. The rhythm picked up as I got more and more used to his length and girth making it much harder to stay quiet for the both of us. The guy I guess heard me whimper louder and louder with him going faster making his balls slap loudly on my ass. We had to stop when we heard someone walk into the stall on the other side of mine. In fear I could feel the guy starting to pull out of me without filling my ass with his cum until we both heard the double knock on the wall and I began to feel him push back in. I lifted the second panel and there was a cock that wasn't as long as the one that was pumping into my poop chute but was thicker. Thankfully on the tip of this new member was written suck and swallow. I opened my mouth as much as i could and took as much down my throat. With all my practice at home with various objects I was able to take the whole thing without any issue thanks to not having a gag reflex. Whoever had their cock in my throat was loving it because he moaned loudly when I took the whole thing on my first try. I sat there as this guy fucked my throat without any mercy as the did the guy fucking my ass. Being pounded at both ends felt more amazing than everything I have ever experienced in my life. I couldn't think of any better way to lose my virginity than having two guys at once taking it on each side for the first time. I could feel it when both of these hung stallions were getting close to filling me up with their mature seed. I pushed back to make sure that the guy fucking me was as far inside of my ass to unload everything into it without wasting a drop as well as the guy i was sucking so i could swallow everything offered to me. The school bell rang signaling the first of my free periods were over and They slammed into me at the same time making me moan so much it brought them both overboard. I felt both cocks expand so much and unload everything into my body. I kept up my swallowing so I didn't lose any of the cum being poured into my throat. When both guys were finished and pulled out I set the toilet paper panel back down so neither of them had a chance to look in and see me. The guy who fucked me was the first to leave and shortly after that the guy i was sucking left too leaving me in my sex haze and i took the time to finger out the cum leaking from my un virgined and leaking hole to taste it. Once I ate all the cum from my hole I was hungry for more and felt empty without another cock inside of me. Once the warning bell went on signaling that everyone was supposed to be in class that's when i heard the double knocking coming from the stall that the guy who fucked me had just vacated so i was excited to know what was coming up next.
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  40. Chapter 6 The guy pushed it halfway in and held it there. He knew that all the Lube he had was from the Cum and piss and that would not insulate the tender walls from this piece of hell that was about to change the Kid. The Kid’s eyes opened up and he said “ Oh shit ! That is really burning “. One of the guys asked “ You like that Kid “? With his mind wrapped around the intense blazing fire in his rectum all he could say was “ not sure. Maybe “ . When he said that the guy that was holding the shard n his ass pushed it finger deep up the Kids burning canal. They all knew that once all that shard melted the Kid would be flying high and be in heat for any and everything he could get. About that time someone came through the brush into the clearing and said “ This is the Kid you advertised “ ? The one guy said “ Yes, what’s your pleasure “ ? The new guy said “ I want his mouth”. The other guy smiled and said “ You know the Price “. The new guy handed him some rolled up bills and stepped up and unbuckled his pants. The guy that had assumed ownership for the Kid said “ Stop “. He looked at the Kid who by now was starting to feel the heat in his ass start spreading to all parts of his body. The Guy told the Kid “ Get on your knees, Open his pants and lick his meat”. The Kid hesitated for a moment and then reached up and unzipped the guys pants and pulled then down. The guys cock came out and the Kid looked at it. It was on the smaller size and the Kid thought that this wasn’t going to be to bad to suck it. The Kid got closer and started to smell the stink on the guy’s cock. It had been up and ass and wasn’t cleaned off at all. The Kid hesitated when he smelled it but the guy standing in front of him had paid for the Kid’s mouth and wasn’t going to be denied. He grabbed the Kid’s head and pulled him forward to his crotch and rubbed the Kid’s face around. The guy that was selling the Kid said “ open your mouth and please the client “. The Kid suddenly realized what he was talking about. He was going to sell the kid all night. The Kid was horrified at first of the thought but except for the money this wasn’t anything he hadn’t done before. He opened his mouth and let the dirty cock in his mouth. He didn’t like this very much but realized if he could spit a lot on it the taste wasn’t to bad. That and the Heat that was radiating in his groin had him on cloud nine and he was feeling really good and that deep desire was really getting stronger. The guy was impatient and started fucking the Kid’s mouth. The Kid’s slobber was dripping off his chin while the guy used the mouth in front of him. The Guy wasn’t much over six inches so the Kid had no problems accepting him. The guy got close to shooting and pulled back. The Kid had a disappointed look on his face and the guy ordered the Kid to lich his nuts. The Kid stared licking and cleaning the Guys sack with his tongue and mouth. The guy said “ Oh man, this Kid really knows how to take care of my needs. I just might have to go a second time “. The Kids handler said “ That will cost you another entrance fee “. The guy said “ It is worth it ”. The guy Pulled back long enough for the Kid to open his mouth and engulf the cock in front of him. The guy stared working his cock at a frenzied pace. Everyone knew the Kid was bout to taste the guys cum. The guy groaned and held the Kids head firmly against his groin. The Kid could taste the guys cum. It tasted extra strong, like he hadn’t cum in a while. There was a lot of cum but it was enough to get the Kid’s mouth tasting of cum. During the Guys climax he farted a couple times, the second fart sounded really wet. One of the guy reached behind the guy and felt t, It didn’t smell but was definitely a lot of cum. The guy said I think he has been having fun. The guy that had just shot off said he hadn’t cum for a while and really needed it. He also said that the cum in his ass was from a couple POZ guys up the hill that paid him to take both their toxic loads. He said this was the best night in a while. Hot his trunk filled and sucked off and still have gas money. One of the guys that was there from the start pulled the Kid up and wanted to get in his ass again but the handler said to wait a few. He asked the Kid if he was thirsty after that. The Kid only replied “ I’m parched “. The guy got in his bag and got out a bottle of Gatorade and offered it to the Kid. He said that it wasn’t cold but it was wet. The Kid gladly took it and drank over half or it in no time. The Handler said “ Finish it off, you don’t want to get dehydrated, do you?” The said “ no Sir “. The handler smiled and thought to himself. The Gatorade was dosed with G and it would be working on the Kid. With that and the Shard he got shoved in his ass, He figured the Kid was his for the night, and he had plans for the night with this Kid
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  41. I jerked off to this blog series so many times. looking forward to your next update 🙂 super hoTTTTT
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  42. Does your current candyman have a female friend or two who liKes to use his product? You can see what's percoaTinG in my sluTTy piGbrain, especially if there's a strap on, pump, and a vibrator or three lying around ...
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  43. I’m in the tiny redneck town of forks Washington in desperate need of becoming a complete nasty cumdumpster whore!! If anyone could possibly help get me out there! Or if you’re near by to use my gaping cunt! Please oh please oh please!!! Help me become to biggest cumdumpster whore!!! I need to get butt fucked more than anything in the world!!
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  44. I remember going to the video booths in the mid nineties in NYC right before they started cleaning up the city Being all nervous going in because I so desperately wanted to suck dick (this was before I understood the joys of getting fucked) but was more afraid someone who I knew would catch me now about twenty years later I’d be in a video store in Queens being spit roasted by two guys I don’t know. Being passed around by random guys booth to booth taking loads in my mouth and or ass. A year or so later finding out that I was diagnosed HIV positive. Staying away from video booths and adult theaters for almost a year because I was beating myself up later returning to the video booths and theaters still taking loads in my mouth and or ass. But now more comfortable in my skin. Video booths and theaters was and is great I handled so much dick in the time from the nineties til now 14 year old me would’ve been shocked. But I also forged cool friendships and bonds tied together through the act of getting off. It’s kinda sad a lot of them or going the way of the drive in movie theater. But as long as there’s one wherever I’m at that’s where you’ll occasionally find me on my knees sucking dick, getting fucked and or both
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  45. I am hoping that this is the right place to put this story. There don’t seem to be any like it, so forgive me if I am mistaken in putting it here. I am a filthy cum slut. I was 23 or so when i figured it out for the first time after hooking up with a super hot couple off CL. I was already pretty deep into PNP at the time and I had only been fucked by a guy a once on the down low at the local Vegas ABS’s, but it was not bareback so it wasn’t great. I used to get really high and go lose myself in the many, many, many cocks that las vegas porn booths have to offer. I would swallow TONS of cum, enough to get full on. But something was still missing, no matter how many dicks I sucked I never felt satisfied. I figured this meant that it was time to offer up my ass to someone for fucking and breeding. So one of the times I was VERY high on tina, I was cruising on CL for some nice dicks to finally breed my hungry hole. I got a message from a SUPER hot couple that was looking for a bottom to share, one was white with a nice thick dick, and the other guy was black with a HUGE cock. We exchanged numbers and I got their address. I was so excited, my dick was leaking in my pants and my hole was tingling with anticipation. I arrived at a very nice house in Henderson, knocked on the door, and was greeted by the white guy, wearing a sexy ass jock and nothing else. I could smell the Tina smoke from the doorway. The smell made my ass tingle even more, and my dick twitched in my pants. I walked inside, my eyes slowly adjusting to the low light and smoky room. I saw the black guy sitting on the couch with a glass pipe and a torch, hitting it hard, smoke billowing all around him. He was naked, with his big semi hard dick draped over his thick muscular thigh. There was the typical bareback pig porn on the TV and his eyes were transfixed on the twink-ish guy getting his pussy stretched out by a HUGE black cock. Seeing his glazed over eyes told me that I was in for a real treat with these two. The white guy lead me to the couch, asked me if I wanted to get more comfortable, and handed me the huge glass pipe they had filled with white tina. I took a few huge hits, standing fully clothed by the couch, them watching me like a piece of meat. After 7-8 big hits I passed the pipe and took off my clothes. As the white guy hit the pipe a few times the black guy asked me if I wanted something sexy to wear. I said yes and was lead to the bedroom, which was FULL of gay posters, and leather gear. Boy was I getting eager. The black guy went into the closet and the white guy came in and stood by the door after passing me the pipe, which I started hitting immediately. As I was hitting it, I saw the black guy pulling out, lacey thongs, short skirts, a fishnet body suit and tons of girls clothing. I was getting super high so I didnt think much of it, until the black guy held up the fish net body suit up to me and said to the white guy “im glad we have a thin, smooth slut to wear this, we have had it so long and no one has been worthy of it”. I was confused and said “You guys want me to wear THAT!?! I have never dressed like that before, and im not sure I am up to it” The black guy looked instantly deflated. “Would you wear some panties? Nothing is hotter than a tweaker slut in some nice sexy panties.” I agreed, like the whore I was on tina. I slipped them on, and instantly loved the way they went up my ass, and cupped my dick so tight. He handed me some fishnet thigh highs and told me to put them on as well, and by this point the idea sounded great. As I followed them back into the living room I looked at my ass, it looked so fucking sexy in the thong and thigh highs. We all sat on the couch, me in the middle. We smoked A LOT! More than I had ever smoked before, and the sight of my legs in the fishnets was making me feel like such a little slut. Without wasting any more time, I took one last HUUUUGE hit off the pipe, and got to me knees, staring at the white guy’s thick hairy cock. My mouth was watering. I took a glance at the TV, and caught a glimpse of my ass sticking out like a whore while on my hands and knees in front of one of the nicest cocks I had ever seen. Feeling instantly whorish I devoured his soft chem dick into my slutty mouth. As soon as it was fully stuffed in my mouth, I let out on uncontrolled moan of pleasure, god his cock felt good in my mouth. I started bobbing my head on his dick, letting my inner slut come out. The black guy shot gunned me a few hits, after which id attack the white guys dick again like a hungry dick slut. Then he got up and grabbed one of the plugs on the table, lubed it up, pulled my panties to the side and started easing it into my tight cunt. I moaned into the fat cock in my mouth and pushed back, feeling the plug rip into me. I instantly wanted all the dick in the world in me right then. When the fat plug was all the way inside my pussy, he moved the thong back into place and pulled my head off his BF’s now erect cock. Roughly pulling my head in front of his growing thick black snake. I positioned the base of the plug right over my heel, and as I put that fat mushroom head in my mouth, I sat down hard on the plug, my heel pushing it achingly deep in my boycunt. I sat there rocking on the plug and slobbering on his dick for god know how long, but I must have been good, because he shot a thick, powerful load into my mouth and held my head into him, forcing his softening dick into my throat. God it tasted good. I got up off my heel, standing on my now wobbly, fishnet covered legs. While trying to stand I somehow found that It feels amazing to pull my thong tight, forcing the plug back deep inside me which I did over and over while waiting for what came net. The white guy wanted to suck the remnants of cum out of that thick black dick, so I sat and continued to chem up pulling the lug into my hungry hole with the thong. Suddenly the black guy pushed his bf off his dick and left the room, coming back with a needleless syringe filled with some liquid. He said to me “get on your hands and knees cunt, face down ass up” when I was in the position I felt my new best friends, my plug and my new black panties being pulled away from my ass. The plug was forced into my mouth, which I sucked eagerly in my horned up frame of mind. Not feeling I was being slutty enough, I put it on the floor, and bobbed my head up and down on it moaning, trying to impress my new friends with my slutty behavior. I felt something go into my hole, then a burn as something was shot up inside me. The plug was put back in my hole, held firmly in place by my sexy black thong. Wow…. Something was happening now. The horniness I felt was shooting through the roof. Standing in the middle of the room, facing the bareback porn on the tv, I started pulling the plug out of myself, then forcing it back in. Over and over and over. I was putting on quite the show apparently because they were both stroking and egging me on, calling me whore, cunt slut etc. Encouraged by the guys I pulled the plug out, set it down and grabbed one of the large dildos on the table, put the base on the floor and positioned my cunt over it. The black guy handed me what he called ‘special lube’, I used A LOT of it to grease up my now insatiable hole. Then with them watching and passing the glass pipe, I sat on the huge dildo, feeling it stretch my hole further than I had ever had it. I rode it like a pro, letting the whole thing fall out, then slamming it back home, sitting as far down as I could. I was passed the pipe, and while keeping the dildo in me, hit the pipe long and deep. My ass ate up the remaining length of dildo as I exhaled. The white guy put his dick in my mouth while I rode the dildo in the middle of the living room in my fishnets and moved aside thong. Finally I told them “I need some dick in me right now, please!” and with that pulled the dildo out, deep throated it and pushed the white guy back on the couch. Without preamble I sat on his fat cock, even semi soft it slid right into my chemed up hole. OH. MY. GOD. It felt like my hole was on fire as he pulled it slowly in and out. When I was used to it, the chemed up whore I am started roughly bouncing on his dick, while begging the black guy to allow me to suck him again. He shot gunned me a huuuge hit and slammed his dick into my mouth, asking me how the special lube felt, I could only moan like a slut around his dick and bounce on his bf’s cock. I was now a full on slut, fully hungry for cum. The white guy pulled out super fast, leaving my hole feeling extra empty, and told me to move to the floor by the sliding glass door In the kitchen, where I could see myself in the reflection, and damn my ass and legs DID look good! I saw the black guy now standing behind me with another syringe full of liquid, which was shot up into my hole, then capped with the plug again and held in place by my new favorite piece of sex cloths. After the feeling of bare cock, the plug was small. They told me to stay there and watch them through the sliding glass window while thy fucked outside. Outside they went, the white guy eagerly bent over the Jacuzzi cover and exposed his ass, which the black guy filled right away. I grabbed the plug, pulled it out, then back in a few times, feeling less than filled. I slammed the plug back in, replaced the thong to hold it inside my hole, and got up and grabbed the pipe. I sat on my heels smoking like a druggie whore until I the black guy motioned to me. Instantly knowing that his big fat black cock would soon be filling my pussy made me reflexively loosen my cunt. As I stood up, the plug fell past my thong, and on to the floor. My ass felt so loose, it needed to be filled! I felt the second syringe hit me as I was standing there, my ass tingled, and I could feel the drugs leaking out and soaking my thong with chem juice. Knowing it would soon be also soaking with cum, sweat and more ‘special’ lube I let it go, knowing id suck it all out eventually. Acting like a whore for these guys was something I was learning to enjoy. I opened the sliding glass door, arched my back, stuck out my whore hole and shook my hips like a wanton whore as I slowly approached them, the sounds of dick and wet hole filling the air. They grabbed me and pushed me onto the jaccuzzi cover, leg up in the air, my eager hole exposed. As the black guy lined up his cock, moved my thong asaide, and started to push in he said “get ready to be bred you little skank”. It was going to be a long night……
    1 point
  46. Yesterday I worked form home, but I had a serious contract to finish, but douched on the off chance. A regular texted me and came and busted his last load of the year into my ass at 4.20 before heading off to Canada today, then the local gardener who has fucked me a few times before messaged me on Growlr, and cycled over about 5.00, he is a beautiful tattoed dreadlocked Spanish guy, thin muscly and toned with a lovely thick 7 and the most handsome bearded face, came and fucked me with so much passion, blowing a huge load in me after edging me cock with my hole for about a half hour. After we chatted, and kissed until he got hard again, which led to load number two. Now dripping I posted an add on BBRTS saying "three loads in" and a guy I have been chatting to for ages messaged right back "can I be number 4" he arrived 40 minutes later after asking me to set up a door on latch scene where he came in and found me ass up on the bed. he made me suck him hard and work his cock to full mast, and was quite beary and dominant, then pushed in and gave me load number four, even after the first two cocks he felt thick in my ass. He then got me back sucking him and blew load 5 into my mouth. My boyfriend got home about 20 minutes later and couldnt believe how cummy my hole was, and pushed his huge cock in and gave me load 6. However much cum I have in me for him to use as lube, he is so big that it still is a real challenge even though he fucks me as often as he can I just never get used to it. I do love working from home, six loads in four hours.
    1 point
  47. OMG. Saturday 2 December 2017, what a night, I came to the realisation that I truely am one greedy insatiable total pig slut who absolutely loves to be Fucked and Used like a whore. I met up with my new friend and fuck buddy at his place at 4.30pm for a Wired fuck session, he fucked me senseless with his 8 1/2 inches of thick uncut cock in just about every position you could think of in a marathon session that lasted 6 1/2 hours, only stopping because I totally wore him out ?. I left his place at 10.30pm, still horny as all hell and wanting more cock. I then went to Sydney Sauna on Oxford st at 10.45pm, where I got completely naked, set myself up in one of the downstairs Cubicles, got on all fours, arse lubed up and in the air ready to take on anyone who wanted to fuck me ?. I stayed there all night until 11.30am Sunday morning and ended up having my arse fucked and Used by a total of 12 guys, 10 of these dumped their loads deep in my hungry hole and only 2 wore condoms, it was so fucking hot, got a few massive cocks too, including a big black cock, I sucked at least 7 cocks which was a bonus as all I really wanted was to be fucked? I was so fucking horny, I couldn’t get enough. I left the Sauna at 11.30am, but was still so horny, so quickly headed to the Pleasure Lounge just up the road, went into one of the cubicles took my pants off and bent over the bench where I ended up being Fucked by another 5 guys who all dumped their loads in me. By this time it was 1.30pm, my arse had been well and truly used and abused, so I decided to head home feeling tired happy and totally satisfied, having spent the last 21 hours being a total slut and loving every minute of it, never had that many guys fuck me in one 24 hour period before, a total of 18 guys fucked my arse, dumping 16 cum loads inside me and 7 cocks in my mouth. Very satisfied little slut here, who will definitely be doing this again very soon ?
    1 point
  48. I've played a couple of times with Mick and Don. I wish I had been there too the night you describe... Next time.
    1 point
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