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  1. PART 1 Of all the fucking days to have an appointment with my ID doctor, I had unluckily scheduled myself on a day that snow was coming down like crazy. I knew it would be even worse going home which pissed me even more. By the time I got to his office, the snow was really piled up and the parking lot was almost empty. I had 5 minutes to make my 4:00 appointment on time. I hurried as fast as I could. By the time I reached his office on the third floor, I had removed my scarf, toboggan, gloves, and winter coat. I was about to check-in when the receptionist appeared and said that all appointments had been cancelled. About that time, a voice in the hall began talking and telling the receptionist to leave now and forget about closing up that he would do it. The voice I recognized as my doctor who now rounded the corner and came into the receptionist’s area. “Don’t tell me you didn’t get the word?” he said when he saw me. Then, to his receptionist, “Go; now. I’ll take care of everything.” With that, the receptionist grabbed her belongings and took off for the door. My doctor began shutting down the office equipment as he told me to come on back and go in room one. In a few minutes, he came in the room and settled on his stool. We chatted about what had been happening since I had seen him last which was nothing of any medical note. He reviewed his notes on the computer making small talk and asking what I thought were silly questions. Then, much to my surprise and somewhat consternation he said he wanted to do a short physical exam because he had not done one in the last year. He handed me a paper gown and told me to strip to my underwear and left the room. He returned as I finished. He had me to sit on the table and began a slow exam of every crevice, surface, and orifice that I had. It was unlike his previous annual exams. After about five minutes, he began asking questions about my current sex life. I told him I was active. He stopped and looked me in the eyes and asked if I practiced safer sex. I looked at him and said that I did not and smiled. He shook his head and went on with his exam and questions. “Do you know your sexual partners?” he asked. “Usually, I do not,” I said blandly. “Yet, you allow them to discharge their semen in your rectal cavity,” he said. “Yes,” I said. “How can you do that knowing that is what caused you to be my patient?” he asked without a reproach in his voice. He really wanted to know. “Because having a dick repeatedly shoved in and out of my ass and hearing and feeling a man shooting his cum load in me is the greatest physical sensation that there is for a bottom gay man as I am,” I replied without blinking an eye. “Despite the propaganda, condoms do not afford the same feeling. And, from what I’ve heard tops say, it’s the same for them.” He continued on with his exam and other questions about my sex life such as how many partners, where I met them, where did we have sex, and so on. I realized at some point that his exam was different now. His hands were touching me on various parts of my body. They were innocuous but definitely not clinical either. And, then he announced that he was almost finished, but, he wanted to do a digital exam. As I had stepped down from the table and began to face it, I made a swift glance at my doctor and thought I detected a tent but couldn’t be absolutely sure. I assumed the position which allowed my gown to open in the back exposing my ass. In my mind I was chuckling as I don’t wear underwear and he had to have already noticed that I had on a favourite jock strap of mine. But, he said nothing. I felt the KY Jelly being applied and finally an index finger slowly being inserted in my ass. I suppose out of reflex I spread my feet a couple of inches further apart and bent my knees. I felt the digit rubbing all around inside me. It took a while but finally he began to touch my prostate. Slowly he rubbed it in different directions. He continued rubbing it slowly. I could stand it no longer and let out a gentle moan as my sphincter gave a snap closed impulse. He removed his finger but told me to stay where I was. I was a little uncomfortable now from embarrassment as I knew that my dick had been leaking pre-cum into the pouch. More KY was applied to my ass. I then felt two fingers being inserted. I knew this was not kosher but said nothing. The two fingers slowly entered my ass and pushed on until my prostate was found. A hand gently now rested on the small of my back as my prostate was stroked repeatedly. Again, I moaned as my dick stiffened as it leaked more pre-cum into my pouch. My sphincter reflexively grabbed the two fingers and tightened around them. A light sweat had broken out all over my body. Dr. Scholtz had been treating me now for four years. Never had this scenario ever entered my mind. He was my ID physician and physicians don’t get involved with their patients. They especially don’t get involved with their HIV infected patients. It’s just not done. But, here we were with me bent over the exam table, and he had two fingers up my ass massaging my prostate. I flashed back to when I had first met him. I was struck at how handsome he was but actually more than just handsome—he was fucking hot looking. I chastened myself for my lascivious thoughts. But, his 6 foot 2 inches, 190 pounds, dark features, and dark hair everywhere I could see on his body struck me as really someone with whom I could turn my back on so he could have better access to my ass. He was so damn sexy and sensual but in all these years I had held myself in check keeping everything on a professional. Now, he had two fingers in my ass. I moaned louder as his fingers stroked my prostate in unison. My body shivered as my head began a slow left and right roll. I shifted my stance as the fingers began to withdraw to the opening. As soon as they were there, back inside me they went. I gasped. I felt his fingers go as far inside as they could and once more began to be withdrawn. Ten, twelve, fifteen times Dr. Scholtz inserted and withdrew his fingers from my ass. With each insertion, he always stroked my prostate; I always moaned. Then, he began inserting and withdrawing his fingers faster until soon he was without a doubt finger fucking me. This definitely was not a digital exam. I tried holding myself still but just could not do so. My body was so used to this feeling. It wasn’t a dick but I was being fucked nevertheless. Soon, he was slamming his fingers deep inside me hard and fast. My prostate felt every insertion. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed and continued screaming as my balls blasted out their contents soaking my pouch so completely that some of my cum dripped down onto the floor. Dr. Scholtz pushed down on my back with his hand as he stroked my prostate with the two fingers on his other hand until I stopped screaming and began slowing my ejaculation. As the last of my cum load seeped out of my piss slit, I felt the fingers being withdrawn from my ass. When they had been completely withdrawn and the hand on the small of my back removed, I stood up and turned around facing my doctor. His face was ashen. I looked at his crotch and saw such a tent. I looked back into his eyes and knelt immediately in front of him. He moved backwards stopping only when he backed up to the counter top. I moved with him as my hands reached out to his pants unzipping them, unbuckling his belt, unsnapping his pants, and pushed his pants and boxers downward. He had made no effort to stop me. His uncut dick swung upwards as his boxers cleared his dick. Without hesitating, I opened my mouth and swallowed his uncut swollen dick. His piss slit hit the back of my throat. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tightly. I began sucking his dick calling on all the skill and tricks of the trade that I had. I slathered his dick with spit as I did a whirlwind job of getting his obviously hard dick even harder. It was his turn now to moan and jerk and shiver and that is exactly what he did as my mouth and tongue gave him what I am sure was his very first blow job by a gay man—an HIV positive gay man. In no time at all, my doctor was screaming as he held my head between his hands as his uncut 9 inches sprayed my throat with the first salvo of his cum load. Several minutes passed as the two of us enjoyed what was happening. He had a very sweet tasty cum. I relished every drop and swallowed every bit. With the last of his cum slowly oozing out of his piss slit, I began washing his dick with my tongue cleaning him as best as I could. I slid backwards off his dick which was still slightly hard. I made sure to clean under the foreskin. I stood up slowly, and we looked at each other both sweat soaked. What could be said at a time like this? Need anything be said? Time passed into awkward silence. PART 2 Dr. Scholtz spoke slowly and quietly as he avoided eye contact as much as possible. “That should not have happened. I take full responsibility. I have many patients but ever since you came to my practice I have not been able to put you in a patient-only position. I’m not gay, and I’m not bisexual. I don’t know what came over me. I am very sorry for what I did to you.” It was obvious that he now was embarrassed and racked with guilt. “Well, doc, now you know how I get myself into trysts without even trying. I’ve always seen you as my physician but also I’ve seen you very clearly as one helluva hot looking man,” I responded with blunt frankness. “I don’t regret anything that happened. So, don’t you be.” “You need to get dressed. We both need to get out of here,” he said and walked to the window. “Oh, no. It looks like we aren’t going to go anywhere. You get dressed. I’ve got to make a call. When you’re dressed, if you need to make a call, come out to the receptionist’s desk.” Dr. S left the room, and I got dressed. I had no one to call, but I was going to have a very slow trip back home as I now viewed how much snow had fallen as I looked out the window. There was at least a foot and a half on the ground and still more coming down. I went out to the receptionist’s desk hearing Dr. S say good-bye and hang up the phone. He turned to me and told me that the city was in shut down and that the major roads were becoming impassable. He told me he was going to walk to the Marriott about a mile away and get a room. He suggested that I do the same and wait for the storm to end and the roads to be cleared. I considered the suggestion and realized it was my best option. We left immediately. As the two of us walked inside the lobby at the Marriott, our numb limbs and faces had about reached their maximum punishment. The warmth felt so good. We dusted off the snow and loosened our coats. We walked up to the front desk and asked for two rooms but were informed that with the storm everyone from the interstate and expressway had preceded us. The only room left was a small room with a double bed. Nothing else was available. We looked at each other. I could not make the call, and it took Dr. S a few seconds to turn back to the manager and tell him that was fine; we’d take it. We registered, got the key card, and headed up to the fifth floor. The room was small. In fact, it really looked as if there had been a small left over space on the floor where someone came up with the idea of making just one more room. For me, it was heaven sent. At least I would not be curled up inside my car stuck on the expressway with no food, water, or blankets. I didn’t know and didn’t ask what Dr. S thought of the room. I suspected but he kept his thoughts to himself. I felt a tension from my physician which I considered realistic. I never approached him and tried to make everything to be as casual as possible. We ended up going to the dining room and having supper followed by a stop at the main bar. We each nursed a drink and talked casually as much as we could though numerous times there were awkward silences. Dr. S looked at his watch and said he was tired and wanted to go back to the room which we did. He called his wife and told her that he was at the Marriott and gave her the room number. I mentally noted that he never mentioned that he was sharing the room. We settled in and watched some programs on the TV. At 10:30, Dr. S said he was tired and was going to bed. I told him I was ready as well. I slipped off my shoes and socks, then, stood up taking off my shirt and pants. For modesty of some sort, I kept on my jock strap. I neatly put everything on or by the chair, walked to the right side of the bed, tossed back the covers, and slipped into bed. Dr. S began to undress slowly finally climbing into bed. He had left on his boxers and wife beater. We turned out the lights and settled in to sleep. I sharply woke up but not knowing why. I lay very still on my back and kept my breathing slow and shallow. At long last, I felt an ever so light touch on my hip. At first, a single finger traced down from the strap of my jock until it reached the bottom of my buttock. On the upward trace, I felt three finger tips making the trip. On reaching my strap once more, I felt the three finger tips follow the strap until it reached the pouch where an entire hand covered the pouch and began slowly and gently massaging the contents. Minutes passed as the hand continued the light massage. It took about a minute for my dick to begin to awaken to the soft massage. When my dick began to grow, I felt a jerky movement of my bed partner moving himself closer to me while trying not to awaken me. Still, I kept the same stance. His presence was noted as the mattress settled downward as his body moved closer to me. His hand soon began a more aggressive massage of my pouch. I thought it was time to move this “handiwork” along; I began a light moaning and sighing as I moved my arms and legs. I resettled myself on my left side. My bed partner held still until he thought that once more I was asleep. He then slowly moved closer settling himself so that his body was touching mine in about three places. Once more I felt his hand on my crotch. I let him again massage my dick for a couple of minutes before moving backwards and up against Paul who froze. We lay there several minutes as my dick grew hard and began to leak pre-cum. “I won’t stop you,” I finally quietly said. We lay there quietly for less than a minute before Paul began working on my crotch once more. He was unmerciful with his hand. I could tell he was getting his hand soaked with my pre-cum as he began to moan a little. His shadow now loomed above me as he tossed the covers off both of us. He moved in between my legs and continued to maul my hard dick and balls. Through the little light, I could see his face full of determination yet angst. Then, he grabbed my balls and dick and held them tightly with a look of panicked delight on his face. I let him suffer in his new wanton thoughts until I had a small streak of mercy. “Go ahead and do what you need to do. Go ahead and do what you have to do. You know you can’t stop yourself; you can’t stop now because you’ve come too far. You have to know. You have to experience it. It’s been eating at you for a long time. You’ve got the chance now. You know I won’t stop you,” I said quietly but firmly. He hesitated; I growled, “DO IT NOW!” Paul looked at me face-to-face. He released my crotch as I raised my legs upward where they were caught by his hands. He placed them on his shoulders as I raised my hips off the bed. Paul’s underwear was shoved down to his knees releasing his mighty 9-inch uncut dick that curved upwards ever so lightly. He pushed my knees to my chest where I held them. He fumbled with his dick trying to line the head up with my ass hole. He finally found the opening and began pushing. I was determined that I was going to get fucked and never to forget it. I clamped my sphincter tightly refusing to give way. I could hear frustration as Paul pitifully grunted, whined, squealed, and growled as he discovered he was making no progress at shoving his hard dick in me. Despite the darkness, I saw the savagery in his eyes when he finally looked into my eyes. He pulled his face and body upward, hesitated only a mere second or two, then, raised his hand high. He issued an open mouth primordial growl with his nostrils flaring as his hand raced downward slamming against my face jerking my head to the right. His hand made an equally as fast trip back from where it started. Paul grabbed me by my hips and slammed balls-deep into my ass ripping and tearing me in several places. I bit my lips at all the gloriously beautiful pain. Paul began to fuck me with such a wonderful violence the likes of which I had not felt in many years. On and on his dick was buried full length inside me and withdrawn so that only a mere fraction of his fat dickhead was still inside me. With each plunge inside me, I felt his two large orbs slap onto my butt. Paul was now driven by pure lust as he had finally discovered what it felt like to fuck another man in the ass. It was a feeling he now new and would know again. His inner anger controlled until now burst forth with a gusto of energy. I felt teeth sinking into my neck. A growl of deep savagery was sounded at the same time. I winced at the bite as my dick trembled with sheer delight of the physical pain. My dick strained itself and doubled the flow of pre-cum. Paul continued to deep dick my ass as he shifted into overdrive thrusting harder and faster into my ass. He opened his mouth releasing my neck and reared his head upward looking down at me never missing a stroke. He grabbed my hips and began pounding harder and faster still driving himself into a frenzy as sweat began to splatter everywhere around us and on me. “FUCK ME, YOU BASTARD! GIVE ME THAT CUM LOAD OF YOURS!” I growled and spit on his face. “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he screamed throwing his head backwards as he plunged deep inside me. I felt his dick swell and shrink a number of times as great globs of his sperm gushed through his urethra and coated my gut. More and more of his cum entered me as I clung to him. Paul finally pulled his deflated dick out of my ass and rolled over onto his side of the bed. I reached down and pulled the cover back up over us saying nothing. Paul, too, said nothing. What more needed to be said? I had already said it, and Paul had complied. No one needed to be remindful. It was what it was. I looked at my watch. It was quarter after one. We both went back to sleep. PART 3 Slowly, my eyes opened. I checked my watch: 3:07. As I nestled myself back into comfort, I heard a deep low voice whisper, “Fuck me.” I turned to look at Paul. His eyes were wide open when I finally could see them. “Fuck me, now. Please. Before I change my mind.” I raised my head a little and looked to be sure. Yes, his eyes were open; he was awake. I turned on the bedside light and looked at Paul again who was now resting on his left elbow. I looked at Paul closely. I finally said, “My rules; my way; no complaints; no stopping. If you try to stop, you will regret it.” I let him mull over what I had said. “Agreed,” he said as he tossed back the covers. He quickly got up pulling off his wife beater and boxers. He hurried to the bath room shutting the door. I began rubbing my dick through my pouch. I finally pulled my jockstrap off and tossed it beside the bed. Minutes passed. The commode was flushed as running water was heard. More minutes passed. At last, the water was turned off and Paul re-entered the bedroom. His dick was rigid in anticipation. When he began to climb on the bed, I held my hand up stopping him. “You need to suck my dick and get it hard; that won’t take long to do. As you suck me, get your ass as wet with spit as you can. You’re going to need as much as possible. It’s going to burn like Hell, and the pain is going to be like no other you’ve ever had. But, the pain will pass within a couple of minutes and eventually become very soothing and pleasurable. You’ll want more,” I cooed to him. “When you think you’ve got enough spit in your ass, straddle me and lower your ass down onto my dick. YOU will fuck yourself; I’m going to lay here. You have total control of how much of my dick you take, when you stop taking it, and when you start taking it. I’m not fucking you; you are fucking yourself using my dick.” Paul knelt between my legs and began sucking my dick as he did his best to lubricate his ass with his spit. He was so inept but made an effort. I relished the thought of the pain he would feel which hardened my dick. Then, removing his mouth from my dick, Paul looked at me, nodded, and scrambled to position himself astride me. It took him several tries to get the right spot. I maintained an enigmatic look. He finally began to settle his virgin straight ass onto my hard pre-cum smeared dick. Slower than a snail in a race with a lame tortoise, Paul forced his sphincter downward spearing the opening with my hard cut 7 ½ inches of meat. After several failed attempts, he raised his body upright, grabbed my dick with his right hand, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and shoved himself downward in a big jerk. Immediately, his eyelids flew open. I heard the beginning of a pained cry that was shut down in four seconds and muted in his throat. A terrified panicked look overtook the pain-racked face that I saw. Twice more Paul made his downward jerks impaling himself further onto my dick. Each body jerk elicited more pain and panic. The fourth jerk found Paul fully impaled on my now very primed dick. I saw and felt his body trembling. I wondered if it was from fear of my status or if it was he finally understood what a bare cock in a man’s ass felt like. Paul sat astride me with a contorted face. His body was swaying as his hands and arms didn’t know what to do to alleviate his pain. I flexed my dick sending more bolts of enjoyment into him. Several minutes passed as he adjusted to the sensations. I continued to flex my dick. By the end of his adjustment time, Paul was swaying still but this time from the pleasure he was feeling. He finally opened his eyes and looked down at me . . . and smiled. He began rocking and rolling around on my dick as he felt it up inside himself. He became almost giddy at the feeling. Then, he placed his hands onto my nipples and began riding me very slowly. He was in control for now. More and more Paul began lifting himself up higher and lowering himself. In short order, he began a much more directed slam back down onto my dick. His pace quickened and quickened again. He grabbed my chest and held tightly as his almost menacing eyes now focused in on mine. His eyes demanded that I give him the final reward that he sought. His growls were animalistic and threatening. His urgency continued to grow as did his lust. I timed myself so that just as Paul bottomed out, I wrestled him around on the bed until he was on his back with his knees over my shoulders and being slammed in his ass by my now fully swollen dick. I began madly pounding his ass driving my dick in every possible direction. Paul was shocked and stunned at how quickly I had changed our position. He did not fully understand what was happening for several moments. By that time, I was in total control repeatedly driving my bloated oozing dick into his hole. More and more I slammed into Paul’s now open and willing if not demanding ass as he moaned and groaned his approval. His eyes were aflame with lust. His mouth partially open seeped the excess spit that he was creating out of lust. His body was coated with massive amounts of sweat as was mine. His hands held onto my waist as best they could pulling me closer into him. His nostrils flared wildly as his breathing was labored from all the exertion. I was now fucking Paul faster and harder than I had ever fucked any man before. I knew I was close and couldn’t figure out what was happening. I had never fucked as hard or as fast as this. I was a quick shooter when I fucked. I just couldn’t get myself over the top. Then, without warning, I smelled it. My nose picked up the unmistaken scent of blood, and I went wild. I slammed my dick into Paul hard grabbing a handful of his hairy chest pulling it upward to my lowering mouth where I bit down on it as I began to scream. Paul yelped. My dick began pumping my balls’ juices into his ass. More and more of my cum poured into Paul who was now whining and whimpering as he realized he was now being filled with my tainted sperm. I know not how long it took for me to finish unloading my cum load. But, I did finally and slowly slid out of Paul’s ass. We settled our sweaty bodies onto the bed. Two days later, the roads were finally all cleared. I went home and cleaned my condo. Paul went home to his wife. It is three years later, and I am no longer a patient at Paul’s practice. He now makes house calls for me. Next year, Paul is monitoring my numbers when I go off my meds. We plan on making his first numbers. And, even more numbers after I’m done with him.
    12 points
  2. I was in London a few days ago and very horny to get fucked. I had posted on BBRT and on Craigslist. I received numerous hits, but they all seemed to be flakes: several of the guys were 'no shows', and the balance would want to chat and swap pics, but then dropped the conversation. London seems to have an overabundance of game players when it comes to online cruising. But then I began to chat with a guy who answered my Craigslist ad. He said he lived just a mile from my hotel and wanted to come over. I had not seen any pics of him, but his self description sounded nice. He said he was in his mid 50's, a very athletic and fit body, covered in thick, black/grey hair, large/thick cock that got and stayed rock hard. He told me that he wanted to get sucked and rimmed. And that if the chemistry was right, he'd fuck me, but he'd only fuck me if covered. Normally I would turn down getting fucked by a guy wearing a condom, but on this occasion I was getting desperate to get fucked, and, as everything else he said about himself sounded great, I invited him over. Within about 35 minutes, he was knocking on my hotel room door. I opened the door to find a very attractive Middle Eastern man standing there. I invited him inside. "Are you okay with how I look?" he asked? "Fuck, yeah," I replied. We both began to undress. Then he stood before me in just his undershirt, briefs and socks. I stepped up to him and rubbed his chest and his already hard cock through his white briefs. Then I dropped to my knees and put my mouth on the bulge in his shorts. I chewed on it for a moment, then pulled his waistband over his hard cock and took his thick cock head into my mouth. I worked his cock as I pulled his briefs down and helped him step out of them. Next he pulled his undershirt up and over his head. I looked up to see his very sexy, hairy chest above me as I made love to his now rock hard cock. He sat on the edge of the bed and I continued to suck on his very large and thick cock. My tongue slid into his large piss hole in his mushroomed sized cockhead. Then I licked up and down the underside of his cock, working my way down to his balls, on which I licked and sucked. He moaned as I did this. I then licked under his balls and he moaned even louder. Then I lifted his legs a bit. He got the hint and pulled his legs up to his chest as I began to lick and eat his very hairy asshole. I spread his hole and got my tongue deep up inside his tight hole. I lapped my tongue across his hole and he was groaning with pleasure. Then he flipped over onto his knees and climbed up further onto the bed. I took some deep sniffs of my poppers and pressed my face into his hairy ass and again ate his hairy hole. I came up for air, "Wanna fuck me?" I asked? "Not yet. Keep eating my hole," he answered. I continued to eat his hole, then he flipped back onto his back and I went back to sucking his cock. I couldn't believe how large and hard his cock was for a man his age. The hardness was like a kid in his 20's, not a guy in his late 50's. Whether is was from a little, blue pill or not, I could care less. I was loving this rock, solid cock in my mouth. Finally, he reached for my ass and fingered my hole a bit. "Okay, I want your ass," he remarked. I got off the bed and grabbed my lube, took care of my hole and then presented the bottle to him, knowing he had said he had said he would only fuck with a condom, but I didn't offer him one. I had a few in the drawer. But would only pull one out if he insisted. I climbed back onto the bed and put my ass up towards him. I was expecting him to ask for a condom, but he never did. He lubed his cock and put his hard cock head up to my hole. I started to sniff the poppers deeply, as I felt him begin to press into me. "Take it slow, please," I asked. The thickness and hardness of his large cock would take a little time, however, soon he was balls deep in me and began to pump in and out of me with some speed and power. He was soon slamming into me, making a loud slapping sound as his pelvis slammed against my ass. He had grabbed my shoulders and was ramming up into me. I had to take some more popper sniffs, but it was feeling great. "You like my dick?", he asked. "Fuck, YEAH," I answered. His cock was rubbing against my prostate and I was in bottom/pig heaven. Bam! Bam! Bam! His cock was ramming into me. Then he reached under me and pinched my nipples as he fucked me. That really gets me going. I was soon cumming myself as he fucked me and pinched my nipples. When I began to cum, that set him off. Now, he was groaning, growling and grunting as he filled my ass with his load. I was squeezing my ass on his thick cock as it throbbed in my ass. He continued to thrust into me for quite some time as he emptied every drop of his seed into me. Finally he pulled out of me in a quick withdrawal and then jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom to wash off his dick. I dressed as I heard the water in the sink running. He came out. His now soft cock, still thick and long hanging down between his legs. He dressed in silence then said, "You've got my email address. Let me know when you're back. I'm married and it's sometimes difficult to get away. But I'll fuck you anytime I can," he remarked as he left my room.
    9 points
  3. Ready to shoot my load
    9 points
  4. Got struck by a bottom mood...took 5 loads from 4 guys, all 21-24, in the last 24hrs. So many horny fuckers in NYC
    5 points
  5. irthday Gifts Cast of Characters Paul: 18 (birthday Boy) b. 1999 Sean: 21 (middle brother) b. 1996 Kyle: 24 (oldest Brother) b. 1993 William: 26 (uncle) b. 1991 Charles: 41 (Dad) b.1976 Josie: 41 (Mom, Lesbian), b. 1976 Sally: 43 (mom’s live in girlfriend) b. 1974 Cody: 18 (Diver, BFF, cuddle buddy) b. 1999 Jose: 18 (Soccer player, Boyfriend) b. 1999 Frank: 59 (Grandfather) b. 1957 Assorted other twinks, daddies, persons 18-71 I can’t say I have a really normal family, as many of my friends can confirm we are unique. Let me introduce myself and my family so you can see just how not normal we are. I’m Paul, born when everyone was parting like it’s 1999, throwing caution to the wind in preparation for the millennium. I’m 6’1” and weigh in somewhere around 145, I have deep blue eyes sandy blond hair and a athletic build. I swim and dive competitively and play soccer in the fall. I have two brothers, Sean who just turned 21, a junior in college studying medicine. He is 6’ and carries a 160 pound frame. He also is athletic and played football in high school. Then there's Kyle. He is 24, 6’2 and 160 pounds, has a hot athletic body. In high school he both played basketball and wrestled. Kyle is a grad student at the local university which both he and Sean attend. Then there is William, my uncle, who is more like a big brother than an uncle. My Dad Charles has always encouraged me to bond with his little bro as our ages were so much closer, so Uncle Will, my brothers and I are a close knit family. Even my Grandpa Frank would come around and wrestle with us boys. Now one thing I haven’t mentioned is the Gay Gene - it runs rampant in my family. Grandpa Frank has had a string of lovers, spare “uncles” for us through the years. William was a late baby that he had conceived with Grandma during a night of rambunctious partying in the 90’s. Dad and mom dated in high school to silence the rumors and both really wanted kids, so during their senior year Dad jerked into a cup and Mom inseminated herself with a kitchen implement. I don’t think they ever actually had sex in all the years they had been married. Each went through life with with one or another partner, weaving themselves into the fabric of our lives. Well today is my birthday. I'm sure what my family has planned - if anything at all, but you only turn 18 once, so I think they have something up their sleeves. Today started out as any other Friday: my middle brother awoke me when his alarm went off at 6:00 AM. I was met in the kitchen by my mom and older brother who happened to be home for a change. I think he was dropping off his laundry for mom to handle. I ate a quick protein rich breakfast then headed out to school to see if I could catch Cody at the pool and swim some laps with him before school officially started. Cody was already in the pool when I arrived and smiling his usual big shit eating grin when he generally saw me. We each did 12 laps then rinsed off and dressed for class. Classes seemed boring, and dragged on, it seemed like the clock was going two clicks forward and three back. School only had a month to go till graduation and I was beginning to look forward to being valedictorian this year. My grades were off the charts, even in my AP classes. Sixth period finally arrived and I headed back to the gym and aquatic complex to do my training in the pool. After an hour or so I noticed my middle brother standing on the side of the pool. He told me he had stopped by to pick me up. Now I knew something was in the works. As I finished my last laps my hunky brother came down to the pool and offered me my towel as I exited the pool. He went so far as to actually wrap it around my shoulders and patting my back dry. I began to harden up in my Speedo trunks, as he walked me back to the locker room. As we opened the locker room door and I walked towards my locker he directed my away from my locker and into the team room. Now, the team room was were the various sports teams would come together before a meet or event and get a pep talk from one or all the coaches. As we entered the room, I was greeted by a lot of my jock friends, a couple of the coaching assistants. All were weating athletic gear denoting their sport. I am a huge sports gear nut, so seeing them all wearing the gear and only a jock straps boned me up. Soon I was tenting my swim trunks as the Lycra was not able to confine my monster snake. They all sang happy birthday to me and then Cody and Jose began rubbing on me, paying close attention to my raging cock. My towel soon disappeared, soon followed by Cody slipping my trunks off my legs, having me lay down on the bench. Jose and I had been going out together for a year but we only kissed and cuddled. We never did anything particularly sexual, beyond groping each other, but today, on my 18th birthday, Jose slipped his cock to my lips, moistening them with his precum. Opening my mouth in invitation, Jose slipped the knob into my moist throat, his eight inches sliding down effortlessly. Some would label me a natural cock sucker. As I deep throated Jose, I felt a warm mouth envelope my rock hard cock, which made it even harder - if that was possible. I guessed Cody was sucking my dick, but as I was busy being skull fucked by Jose, I couldn't take the time to confirm as much. In any event, Jose and (I assume) Cody both worked me over for a while. I sensed the other dozen guys had closed ranks. Several of the guys were stroking themselves, a few were massaging a buddy's cock, and still a couple had progressed to rendering head to a teammate. We were having an orgy in the team room. This was wild. Sean had moved up in the crowd and was standing beside Cody who had stopped sucking my raging boner. I lay there, my cock dripping with precum. Without saying a word, Cody lowered himself on my shaft, impaling himself on my nine and a half inch tool. Holy shit. I was fucking my BFF, as, at the same time, I deep throated my boyfriend. Sean dropped down and was working the area between where my cock was penetrating Cody and my virgin hole. The sensation was incredible. As his saliva dripped onto my ass pucker he began fingering it into my hole, sliding his finger in and out, touching a spot that drove me into orbit. Then he withdrew his fingers from my ass, and slid two fingers into Cody's ass, alongside my cock. Naturally Cody groaned in pleasure. Jose pulled his cock from my throat and made me worship the head and top of the shaft while Sean pushed Cody into position so he was laying on my torso. Cody and I began to make out and as we aso tried to service Jose’s rigid shaft. Sean, however, decided then to align his cock with mine, pushing against Cody's puckered rosebud, sliding back and forth until the head stretched out Cody’s hole and popped in. Suddenly Cody was tight again: not only was I was sloshing around in Cody's boy cunt, my brother’s cock was riding next to mine as both of us pumped his tool in and out of the Cody's ass, pistoning in sync and alternate strokes. At that moment Sean leaned down and whispered in Cody’s ear just loud enough for me to hear “Ready for a second dose of my toxic seed boy? It felt great lubing you up earlier with my poisoned cum so you could ride my little brother's hard cock. Now, take my poz cum, you little diver whore.” Sean began pumping seed into Cody’s stretched and sloppy ass. I could feel his cock pulse against mine with each spurt. This pushed me over the edge and I also blew my load into Cody, so he took both of our loads, which filled his ass, each of us blowing until neither could spurt any more cum. Jose, sensing our climax, began shoot his load between our mouths, covering our faces with his spunk. Several other guys also stepped forward, each spraying his load across our bodies. Sean leaned down and licked the cum from Cody’s back and ass. As we pulled out a couple of the guys leaned in and licked the cum from Cody’s gaping hole. One or two even mounted him as he lay against my chest, each pumping his seed into Cody's hot cummy orifice.
    5 points
  6. Daddy's good little boy... The kid seemed apprehensive at first, but now that he got used to the taste, he can't get enough of it... Now it's time to show him that daddy's bugjuice tastes even better when fingered out of his little boyhole...
    3 points
  7. The feeling of daddy's bare dick rubbing over my tender boyhole drove me crazy with lust. I knew the risk it entailed, but I just had to feel him skin-on-skin. He was my daddy after all. Daddy lined up his dick with my virgin hole and looked me deep in the eyes. "You know I'm pozitive, don't you?" I found myself unable to speak, so I just nodded my head. Daddy increased the pressure and finally my tight virgin boyhole gave way and his fat pozcock sank slowly into my pussy, causing me to moan with pleasure...
    3 points
  8. HE: "You want daddy's dick?" You: "Yeah." HE: "Want daddy to use a rubber?" YOU: "No, please don't!" HE: "What's it you want daddy to do then?" You: "Please shoot your daddycum into my boycunt." HE: "You want your own dad to get you pregnant, breeding you with the same cum he used to knock up your momma?" You: "Oh God, yes! I so want to have your babies..."
    3 points
  9. In a week my baby brother will arrive in NYC for school. It will be a lot of fun or a giant nightmare.
    3 points
  10. Goddamn, I've been a slut today. [EG] Yesterday, too, cum to think of it. Gloryholes... craigslist... gloryholes... grinder... gloryholes... fuck buddy... gloryholes... fuck buddies (plural)... then... a black guy in the hallway of the adult bookstore... then... 2 black guys in the restroom of the adult bookstore. Goddamn. God-fuckin-damn. Everyone saw! And... here I am pulling up at yet another adult bookstore. In the ghetto.
    3 points
  11. In times of broken homes and corrupted morals, we've finally found somebody willing to uphold those good old family values. Both comforting and inspiring to see a young boy following in his dad's and granddad's footsteps...
    3 points
  12. My buddy and I (let's call him Scott) have had some pretty wild adventures over our 8 years of friendship. I have a partner of 10 years and Scott is single. The three of us do quite a bit together - dinner, movies, concerts, etc. Sometimes when Scott and I are alone we like to take it to a bit of a dark side. We were at a pool party once and a little tipsy and both had to piss. We end up in the same bathroom and pissing over the same toilet. He was enamored with my pecker and I was with his, too. We drained each other and returned to the pool party a few minutes tardy and two loads lighter. One night after he swallowed a load of cum out of my 8 inch dick we got to talking about drugs and party drugs. We'd done ecstasy, cocaine and GHB together on various dance floors across the world - always a nice euphoric escape from reality. Scott asked if I'd ever tried Tina. I hadn't. I'd heard the horror stories and always just steered clear of it. Scott told me that he'd been doing it off and on for the past couple of months and having some intense and mind-blowing sex. Hot! Scott's a muscle power bottom. 5'9" 180 blond, well built fucker with an AMAZING bubble butt. His other hole is equally amazing. I don't know how he does it but he sucks the hell out of a cock. Out of curiosity I asked if he had anyTina but he didn't. I was intrigued and aroused and he could tell. If I were ever to try it it would have to be with Scott. I had a bulge in my pants and his cock started to plump up, too. We decided to head out to a sex club spot with some open play spaces and glory holes -- he loves to suck cock and it turns me on to watch it.....and he lets out these little whimpers when he gets a spurt of pre-cum on his tongue. And moans louder when it's feeding time. And on the flip side, to hear the top grunt through the wall as he's emptying his nuts down Scott's throat. Really fucking hot. So we arrive and it's not very busy but there are a few hot guys. We make a few laps and end up in a dark corner, enter a stall and wait patiently. One of the hot studs had eyed us immediately and headed in our direction but he took a different path so we weren't sure who might open up that door. Heard the door creak and like Pavlov's dog, Scott dropped to his knees in front of the glory hole. It wasn't our stud, but it was a decent looking guy. Part of the fun is to wait for the cock pull out to see what you're working with. This cock was a beauty. Milky white with thick veins, uncut. Scott went to work and I dropped my pants, too. Too fucking turned on not to jack my cock. Our neighbor offered some poppers and we all sniffed hard and took off to outer space. It didn't take long for our neighbor to bust his nut. Scott's moans alerted me that the cum reward was on its way. He loved loads. And he loved standing up and kissing me with a freshly deposited load in his mouth. It's really fucking hot to smell it on his lips, his breath and TASTE another man's DNA while we kiss. We love to share hot stranger's cum with each other. Our neighbor zipped up and left and we decided to take another lap. It had gotten a bit more crowded and Scott recognized someone and hurriedly whisked around the corner. I assumed it was an old trick. It was - but it was one of the guys he's been smoking tina with and marathon fucking. I couldn't tell if he wanted to leave, if he was embarrassed, if he didn't want them to see me or me to see them. Finally, I bursted out do you think he has any tina? At that exact moment, Tate came around the corner and immediately noticed Scott. They hugged/kissed and chuckled a bit about seeing each other there. Scott then introduced me to Tate. Tate is a beast specimen of a man. Gorgeous milk chocolate skin and a smooth demeanor. Without skipping a beat he whispers to Scott asking if he wanted to party. Scott said DEFINITELY, but can my friend join, too? He motioned us back down a series of halls and ultimately led to a large door. I wasn't sure if it was part of the establishment or a security door for emergency. It was a small warehouse like room for storage more than likely. Once the door shut behind us it was pitch black. And eerily quiet.... I could hear our new friend fumbling in his pockets and the next thing I hear is the flicker of a lighter. He's got a glass pipe in his hand a lighter underneath and after a few seconds he lifts the pipe to his mouth to inhale the thick white smoke circling in the little glass bowl. Scott's already on his knees with black cock in his mouth and goddamn is it a big black cock. Tate offered me the pipe but I told him I didn't really know what to do. He kept the lighter under for me and coached me through it. I took my first hit and almost immediately felt a little tingly and warm. He made me hit it again as Scott was deep throating his monster cock. I have to admit that I loved the way the smoke was making me feel. It was Scott's turn to hit the pipe and I was enthralled with it. Hearing the flicker of the lighter.....the thick white clouds swirling the bowl and ultimately being inhaled for some inhibition altering bareback fucking. Scott was taking another hit so I dropped to my knees to get a taste of my new buddy. His dick was huge and dripping pre-cum. I cupped his balls with my hands and savored sucking his piece. Scott was loving the pipe and hitting it again and our buddy did that always hot, tell-tale sign from a top. He started maneuvering his hand back to Scott's muscle ass. He wanted that hot ass and Scott definitely wanted that black meat. Before long, Scott's pants were down at his ankles and he was bent over ready to take it. Another pipe hit and a few gobs of spit was all it took and they were barebacking with a frenzy. I couldn't see everything but I could definitely hear the fucking. The moans....the skin smacking against skin. The filthy talk between the two of them about where to shoot the load. It was very hot. Scott started squeezing his muscle hole around that big dick and it didn't take more than 30 seconds or so for him to unload. The cock reluctantly flopped out of Scott's hole and he immediately swung around to clean the cock and get every last dribble of cum. It was all incredibly hot. But I realized that after smoking some, my hole was hungry and absolutely on fire..... (Part 2 if interest)
    2 points
  13. This thread will contain the new adventures for Cody, his Dad, and his friends. You don't need to have read "Cody's Return" Part 1 and Part 2 to know what's going on here [Moderator's Note: Links Added] , but it can give you some back story. Also, I want to say a huge thank you to all the guys who's reached out to me... there's a few of you who've messaged me here and on BBRT and got my cock very hard (you know who you are), this first chapter is dedicated to you (and what I hope we get to do). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1: Cody: There is a tingling, a pleasurable stinging sensation when a man’s raw cock slowly snakes its way into your ass that feels like no other kind of sex; when that man is your Dad it's even hotter. My Dad might have been asleep, but his cock was wide awake and ready to play. Considering all of the time I had recently spent with Sam, I really needed my father’s cum. I also needed to have 'the conversation' with Dad about Sam, but while my ass was quite sore, still I couldn't sleep as I was insatiably horny. I wanted Dad’s cum in my ass; his boy needed it right then. Dad was so good, so practiced at breeding my ass. It wasn't, perhaps, fair of me to let something like his need for sleep to get in the way of breeding his boy’s tight (but well used) butt. Still, as Dad and I almost always cuddle at night, and as on this night he was on his back, well, with a little lube, a little precum and a little patience, his cock slid into me nice and slow. I gritted my teeth a bit, wincing from the stinging sensation. Sam, and his friends generally fucked me hard and hung me up wet, but I didn't care; I needed Dad’s bare cock. I worked his cock slowly, ever so gradually lowering my ass onto his crotch, eventually reaching that happy moment when I could feel Dad's familiar, hairy sac, brushing against my ass cheeks. I loved the sensation of his cock being fully lodged in my ass. It was no less amazing he didn't awaken. Still, it was now well past 3:00 AM, Dad's breathing was restful and calm, so I knew he was still asleep. Sitting on his crotch, with his his fully engorged cum stick lodged inside my ass, I found myself remembering the first time Dad had fucked me. I had just turned eighteen two weeks prior. When I was too young to completely understand, my Mom died; Dad later told me she died of pancreatic cancer. All I knew was one day Mom was there, and suddenly she wasn't, leaving Dad and I alone. The funeral and burial completed, the funereal luncheon over, and now even her clothing donated to charity, Dad and I were left with each other. Any how, after Mom died, life slowly returned to normal. Not surprisingly, I suppose, Dad and I grew very close. Around the house Dad rarely wore clothes, and subsequently neither did I. He never said nudity wasn’t normal so I never gave it a second thought. As I got older it crossed my mind that our custom of stripping immediately upon getting behind the closed door of the house was perhaps not the usual practice of my friends' households, but I reasoned it was a matter of choice, and Dad and I had made the decision to make nudity a normal part of our life. Dad and I had always been open and he shared everything with me, he never talked down to me, or lied, even when I asked questions about adults or sex or the body. As I got into my teens I became a bit awkward around him even though I knew our home life wasn’t an abnormal thing. Dad and I had the conversation and he told me what he thought was right but also said I’d eventually decide what I want and what is right for me. The other thing we did that I didn’t see others do is we never closed doors, even when using the bathroom. More than once at night, from my room, I could hear him moaning. I always wanted to go to his room and see, but I never did. About the time I found the internet, my hormones were raging, but while I had a pretty good idea what was going on with Dad, I pretended not to hear it. The year I turned 18 my Dad planned a big birthday party for me and several of my friends and we had a great time. As it got late, and everyone finally left, I immediately went to my room and got rid of my clothes. I was bent over pulling off my shorts when my Dad entered my room. He was already naked and, having had a beer or two, was relaxed. We chatted about the party for a minute, but when I thought I noticed Dad checking out my body, I really didn’t give it a second thought - we had seen each other naked far to many times for his curiosity to mean anything. “Thanks for the party today, Dad, it was great.” He smiled, replying “You’re really growing up to be a handsome young adult, Cody." I think I blushed a little, then he offered, “And … you’re welcome.” With this he walked over, giving me a big hug and a kiss on my forehead. I remember feeling like a kid again, warm and safe in his hug, but then it happened: I felt my Dad’s cock rubbing against my stomach. My cock awkwardly comes to life, but then Dad releases me and left the room. My cock, however, continued to rise, thinking about Dad. I hit the lights and climbed into bed, of course being a late teenager, I immediately thought to jack off as I was horny as fuck. As I reached for myself, however, it first occurred to me that, for the past several months, the thought of Dad's body had permanently worked itself into my 'jack off fantasies' with the result Dad had become a major part of what got me off. He had become my entire world - and his cock had quite literally just been pressed against my body. In fact I could actually still smell his scent. I imagined his cock pressed against me again, my mind was racked with the thought of engaging with him in a full blown fuck session. I wanted Dad, but honestly didn't know what to make of my yearnings. So I lay in bed, beating my cock, imagining Dad's body and cock, trying to work myself to release, when suddenly I hear Dad moan. Clearly Dad was also beating off, and, as I was more than curious, I made my first major decision as an 18 year old: I was going to watch my Dad blow a load. I soundlessly moved towards his bedroom with the intent of watching, making my way down the hallway, doing my best to be conscientious of my body and any noise it might make, doing my best impression of a cat. Dropping to the floor, I crawled into Dad's room, knowing that, giving the position of his bed and the fact that the lights were off, I had a good chance of being able to crawl to the foot of his bed without Dad being aware of my presence. I really loved his bedroom as it bares the scent of his body, which left my heart pounding and my cock hard and leaking. 'Fuck it,' I thought, 'I'm gonna jack off too.' At that point Dad moaned as he worked his rod. Then, to my surprise, I distinctly heard him quietly grunt “Cody… Cod… oh fuckkkk … ohhh baby … ohhh baby boy … that’s it yeah.” I froze, asking myself 'Dad's calling my name?' Did he hear or see me? My cock felt too good, however to allow me to dwell on the question, and involuntarily I quietly moaned “Ahhhhhhhh.” At least I thought I had been quiet, but apparently not as I then felt a hand on my shoulder as my Dad gently said “Cod baby, you don’t have to hide. You can come up here. We’ve always been open with each other. You don’t have to sneak around. We can jack off together.” My eyes must have looked like those of a deer caught in the headlights of a car on a country road. “Guilty," I muttered, not really knowing how to respond to him, followed by the croak "Okay", as I swallowed hard, my eyes completely trained on the shadow above me. I could barely see him as I got to my feet, moving to the side of the bed. “Get under the covers with me, son,” Dad said as he pulled the sheets back. I could just make out a shadowy naked form. Still I looked down, trying to see his cock, only to realize my father was awaiting me. “Come on boy," he urged. Looking back at him, I climbed into bed as he turned on a side lamp, which gave a dim light, enough light, however, that I could now see his face. “Dad, ..." I stammered. “It’s okay, son. I told you no secrets between us. I love you.” “I love you too, Dad.” "And it looks like I’m not the only one who’s horny.” I blushed a bit, but smiled, a smile which Dad returned, which broke the tension of the moment. “Dad … I … I’m just …." “You what, baby boy? It's okay, it’s me. We share everything. You can tell me anything." “I love you!, no, I want you!” I blurted out, interrupting him. There it was out in the open. Then I immediately look away feeling awkward; Dad, however, took my chin in his hand, turning my face to his. “Dad .…” Dad placed his finger over my lips, “Shhhh…”, his eyes looking through me, then he looks down towards my cock. Before I could think, he placed my left hand on his cock, and, taking my cock in his hand, we began slow-stroking each other, not speaking, but also not breaking eye contact. I couldn't believe I was actually stroking another man's cock - in fact, my Father's cock. For that matter his precum was slicking-up my hand. Dad leaned in towards me, a broad smile on his face, our eyes trained on each other. Dad’s face was now right against mine and he’s looking at me and my mouth and then my eyes, back and forth. This was it, the first time I was jacking off with my father, when he suddenly presented me with another first: without preamble, he presses his lips to mine and kissed me. Not a kiss such as he had given me in the past, a fatherly peck, no, this was a lover’s kiss. I did my best to match the intensity of his kiss, and as I did, his cock spurted a particularly generous quantity of precum. After that Dad invited me to sleep with him every night. It wasn’t long until I learned to suck and appreciate his big cock; my Dad, my boyfriend. Dad said, “Once you become an adult you can decide for myself what you want Cod,” making it clear he trusted my judgment. For me, I was sold: this was what I had fantasized about, my first boyfriend – my own father. “Ahhhhhhhh……….. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…,” a huge groan and exhalation. Dad’s hands were now holding my thighs; I was riding my father’s cock. He was, of course, fully awake. At this point though I’m impaling myself on his cock, and as much as it stings, I really want his cum inside me – I’m working him hard to get it. “Ohhhhh fuck boy ... ohhhhh fuck … you needed Daddy’s cock huh?” I let out a long moan, “Yeeeeeeeeess….” “Do it boy… ride Daddy’s big cock.” The sounds of sex in the room is obvious as we could both hear the sloshing sound of a raw cock fucking a cummy ass. “Is that cum in there, boy?” “Yes, Daddy,” I replied, trying to sound younger than my 22 years since I know it makes him a little crazy. “FUUUUCCCKKK that’s hot!” Dad seems so horny, but he also seems completely happy to just lie here and let me do all the work for to get his spunk. I start wondering if, having had a great deal of sex with Sam and his friends, I was HIV+, and then the thought also crossed my mind “If I’m positive from Sam having fucked me, will Sam also have converted Dad? "Ohhhhhh…. Ohhhhhh…. It feels so fucking good Dad." “Yeah boy… ride me… I’m getting close." I knew my Dad was about to cum inside my ass, if only because he never lasted long after he says the magic word 'close'. The thought of Sam fucking me flashed through my mind, especially the several occasions where I begged him to fuck poz cum into me, which he was more than happy to do. If I was now positive, what could I say? I had asked him for his poz load far more than once. “Dad … I … I …., “ but the words weren't forth coming, which was fine anyhow, as my next (quite involuntary) utterance was “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Oh fuck … Daaaaa…..” and my ass clamped down on his cock as a huge load comes flying out of the business end of my cock. “Oh fuck…. Oh fuck…, “ as my orgasm racked my body. “Cod! ... FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!” Dad's cock was obviously releasing its pent up load. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck Cod…. Ohhhhhhhhhh … Ohhhhhhhh.” Our grunts, moans, and ragged breathing were heavy as our orgasms subsided, and we gradually came down from the release. “That is so fucking hot,” I moaned between deep gasps. “Yes it is baby boy … needed that so bad,” Dad gasped, adding "…and I’m soaked now.” We both laughed. I climbed off his cock and lay down beside him, kissing Dad. He leaned into me, squishing all of my cold, wet cum into my stomach. I loved him so much, and couldn't think of the words to explain I might be infected, even if I knew Dad had always been there for me, and been open with me. Still, I had to find the words. “Did you have a good time with your friends last night?” I asked him. “Yeah it was good … this is better,” he replied as he kissed me. “You?” "Same with me …, “ pausing, and adding "Dad, I’ve been having sex with .…” "It's okay, Cod, I’ve been having sex too.” “Sam?” I blurted out. “Yes," he answered, pausing, only to add, “Sam … how did you too connect?” “Uhmmm… well saw a message from him on your phone once, and then didn’t know it was him, but met him on BBRT and we started talking and well ... He’s fucked me a couple times.” There was an awkward pause, then he says, “Same with your old man, I guess. I don’t ‘always’ go jogging.” A laugh escaped us both, giving me the courage to say “Haha… uhmm yeah … figured. Dad it’s just that … well, I’ve been fucking bareback.“ Another pause. “Me too, baby boy… always hated condoms. I got tested last week.” “You did… what did…?” “Negative.“ I looked at him, paused, ran the thoughts through my mind and resume saying “I haven’t actually tested poz … so who says I am until they tell me otherwise?” Then Dad piped in, suggesting "Why don’t we go this week? We can get tested together.” “But you just ….” “Doesn’t matter. Besides, the guy that works there.…” "Oh, I know. You mean 'Chris'." "Yeah… how did you?” "Fuckbud brought him over once. He’s hot.” "Yeah he is ... anyways, not that you’re positive, but you can see how easy it is to test, and maybe it’ll put your mind at rest.” “Yeah … uhmmm… okay” was my only reply. The day went by and Dad and I spend it together. Then next morning Dad was out for a jog when it hit me "I bet Sam is fucking him right now.” Part of me was jealous. I was really horny, so I decided to find out. Me: I’m horny Sam: Me too Sam: Busy today though Me: Breeding my Dad? Sam: Maybe: P Me: Fuck! I want Sam: What do you want? Me: + cum Sam: Dirty boy Sam: Jake asked if he can text you, gave him your #, hope that’s ok Me: That guy you told me about before? That’s cool, can I have his # too? Sam: Yeah I’ll send it, one sec Sam sends me Jake’s # and I decide to message him instead of waiting when literally a message from an unknown contact appears on my phone. Jake: Hey this is Jake, … Sam gave me #, hope it’s cool to message you Me: That’s weird Me: I was just going to text you lol Jake: LOL Me: Yeah it’s cool … Sam told me he gave you my # Jake: He talk about me? Me: A little lol Jake: Oh really? What’d he say? Me: Nm … just said you guys had some group fun Jake: Yeah we did … that it? Me: He said you’re HIV+ … prob from that night Jake: Yep I’m poz Jake: About a month now Me: Hope its ok he told me that … don’t wanna seem nosey Jake: Its cool Me: So you got it from him? Jake: Always bb’d here Jake: We think his hot friend Sergei is the one that actually gave it to me Me: How do you know that? Jake: I’m horned. Can we get together? Horny? Me: LOL… always Me: Yeah that’s cool Jake: HOT (includes a pic of his cock) Me: Damn… that’s a hot cock! Jake: And it’s poz … sure it’s ok? Me: Hell, yeah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake: Cody gave me his address and I told him I was immediately heading out to his place. The thought that we were both HIV+ left my cock leaking. But then he'll confirm as much at some point when he gets tested. I intended to make him beg me for poz cock and then when he does test poz, we’ll hopefully discuss it, and I’ll let him know he got it from me. The thought of watching him fuck and breed a few guys before he got tested, just so he could still claim to be neg, was perversely exciting, especially knowing when he finally learns he had converted, he might get weird about being poz and fucking raw. Or even worse, he might go on meds right away. Personally I didn't intend to take any meds until I had to. I wanted to share the bug with as many guys as I could. On the drive to Cody’s house the thought of Chris, the hot guy at the testing center crossed my mind, specifically the way he flirted with all the guys there. Was he truly an incorrigible flirt, or was he actually poz, and using his job as a way into other guys' pants? Or perhaps, was he still neg and chasing the bug? I decided I would just have to find out.
    2 points
  14. Hi all, this is my first story, based on real events from last night. I hope you enjoy! The Bi Virgin It was a Friday night and I had had a pretty long week at work, leaving me exhausted and horny as hell. On my way home, I stopped at a fast food joint to grab a bite to eat and popped up Grindr to see if there were any loads around that I could take. The usual old faces filled my cascade rather quickly. However, a pic-less profile sat right next to my picture. He had listed his stats: 28, 185 lb, 5’8”, neg, looking for bigger guys. As a larger cub, this piqued my interest. I popped up his chat and just as I was about to hit send, his message popped up: Him: Hey there! You are close. Me: Yeah man, just at X restaurant. How are you? Him: To be honest really horny. I am stuck in this hotel and really want to play. Me: MMMMM. Fucking hot man. I’m here horny as fuck. What r u into? Bottom or top? Him: So not really sure… I’m a virgin. Only jerked off a cock before. I think I’m a bottom though. I hesitated. I really wanted to take some loads tonight. But I also was boned at the idea of being the first cock to slide up this virgin’s ass. I could feel myself leaking in the restaurant. Suddenly my phone vibrated again and I noticed he sent me a face pic. He was fucking adorable! Shaggy blond hair, cool blue eyes, light scruff on a semi-baby face. I needed my cock in him soon. Me: Fuck man, you are hot. You are close, are you staying at the XXX hotel. It was the obvious choice. It was the only hotel within a mile. Him: Yeah man, wanna come over? Got lube and condoms in case it gets there? Me: Sure. I can be right over. Him: Room 228. I stopped at my car where I have a little first aid kit box repurposed as my sex go-bag (lube, silicon cock rings, condoms for those that insist, hand sanitizer… the basics I want with me at all times). I walked over to the hotel and was to his room in less than 5 minutes. He answered the door in basketball shorts and a tight lycra shirt. He was obviously tenting at the thought of being with another guy. After exchanging pleasantries, he began giggling nervously. I put my hand on his waist and pulled him close. I brushed my lips on his and then began to kiss him deeply. “Did you like that?” I asked. “Yeah,” he said with his nervous giggle. I began to rub his hard cock through his shorts. He let out a light gasp of pleasure. I let my hand wander under his elastic band. Damn, he had a thick cock. Hopefully one day he will use it to bred willing bottoms. “I have something I’ve always wanted to do with another guy… do you want to shower with me?” he asked. I could see in his eyes he really wanted to. “I’d like that a lot” I responded as I lifted his shirt over his head. I bent down to slide his shorts off, and on my way up gave his cock a nice little lick. He shivered. He then stripped me and led me to the hotel shower. After starting the water and getting the temperature just right, he turned and grabbed my hardening cock, stroking it and staring at it while licking his lips. I put my hand on his shoulder and gently pushed down, and he got the message to get on his knees and suck it. As the water bounced off his back he let my hard cock slide deep into his throat. He was gentle as one expects from a fairly novice cocksucker, but it still felt damn good. He bobbed his head up and down on my cock, taking it deeper each time and sucking a little harder each time. Finally he took it a little too deep and found his limit. He gagged on my cock, which just made my cock jump harder and gag him more. He stood up still stroking my cock. Without saying a word he turned around and started rubbing my cock on his tight bubble butt. He traced my cock head into his crack and started rubbing my precum on his tight, puckered hole. That made him moan. However, as much as I wanted to thrust forward right then, I could see he was nervous and I also knew he was far too tight and I would tear him. “Have you ever been rimmed?” I asked. “No, at least, I don’t this so. I’m not 100 percent sure what it is,” he responded. With that I switched spots so the water was to my back (this isn’t my first shower rodeo and I don’t feel like drowning while eating ass) and bent him slightly, spreading his cheeks. His pucker looked so tight. I pushed my face into his ass, darting my tongue in and out of his hole, sucking a bit on the pucker, digging my tongue deeper each time. He let out an amazing moan that made my cock jump. I backed away to admire his growing pucker. I rubbed it with a finger and using my spit as lube slid it in deep. More moans came from him, and I got even harder knowing I’m the first guy to explore this virgin ass. I went back to rimming him more, getting more of my saliva in his hole and getting deeper with my tongue. His ass tasted so good. This time, when I pulled back, I tried getting two fingers in. It was still tight, but luckily I put my little pack next to the shower. I grabbed the lube and slid both fingers in. His ass took them deep and squeezed hard. Fuck, it was tight. All I could think about is how much I wanted to breed this tight hole. I stood up and started to rubbed my cock on his loosened hole. “Please fuck me,” he begged as he ground his ass on my cock. He grabbed it an lined my head up with his pucker. I felt him lean back, and the tip started to enter. Not wanting a freaking-out virgin on my hands after, I asked, “Yeah you want my cock? Do you want it wrapped or raw?” He paused but continued to grind his ass on my cock. Finally, he moaned out the single word I really wanted to hear. “Raw.” With that permission, I slowly pushed forward. His hole was so fucking tight, and slowly I got my whole cock head into his hole. It felt so good. He tensed up. “Breathe,” I coached, “Just breathe, it will feel really good.” He began to relax and slowly I continued to slide my cock into his virgin hole, every inch feeling good in his unused tight ass. Finally, I got all 7 inches in him and felt him grind on my pelvis. I slowly withdrew and then slowly slid my cock back him. He let out an animalistic and unconscious moan of pleasure. His tight hole was milking me and I knew I wouldn’t last long. I picked up the pace of my strokes, and I could feel his tight ass loosening. It felt so good to be breaking in a future bottom slut. After a few minutes, his tight hole got the best of me. I was close. “I want to bred you, boy.” He panted, “Yes, yes, please, I want this. I really want your cum.” That pushed me over the edge. My body tightened and my load flooded his guts. I was washed over with a feeling of pride knowing my DNA was the first to be bred into him ever. He was panting and stood up. He had a huge smile on his face and kissed me deeply. “Thank you man. I never thought I would do that. I fucking loved it.” After that we finished up in the shower actually showering. He let me know he was in town a few more days so we exchanged numbers. Let see if he wants a second load. No matter what though, I’m glad I could welcome a nervous bi boy into the club of being a slutty bareback bottom.
    2 points
  15. This is one of the best stories on here. Hot and twisted. Love all the poz and incest. Hope you continue for awhile
    2 points
  16. Posted for a Poz twink top, Viral not on meds. Got a reply, getting picked up in a few hours. Getting brushed cum inside as many times as he can for 2 hours. High Viral Load, off his meds for over a year now! Then were going too use a vibrating Butt Plug, too keep all the millions of babies she gifts me overnight! Can't wait, never been so Horny/Excited in my life!
    2 points
  17. I wish I had a poz daddy - I want the cock that made me to be responsible for taking me out.
    2 points
  18. "Feel that, you dirty little bitch? That's my fucking AIDS cum coating your insides. Gonna work my toxic bugjuice deep into your worthless teen cunt. You've been begging for my POZ load and now you're getting what you deserve, you little piece of shit!" He was right, I had been begging for his POZ cum. Up until today, it had all been a game. Jerking off while chatting with strangers telling me what they'd like to do to my negative virgin boyhole. Don't ask me what happened exactly, but here I was, on all fours with a stranger's fat Poz cock balls-deep inside my no-longer virgin boypussy. It had sounded so hot as long as it was a mere game of make-believe. But now that my naughtiest fantasy had finally become reality, I didn't know if I felt more like cheering or more like crying... So I just muttered FUCK...FUCK...FUCK as the stranger's throbbing AIDS cock kept squirting his virus into my battered boyhole...
    2 points
  19. Fuck, son. You've not been lying about being an anal virgin. So you really want me to be the first to breed your pussy? God, that's one tight boyhole. Can't wait for your daddy to break it in for you, huh? But why haven't you told me earlier? If I'd known you were a cock-hungry faggot , we could've started our special dad/son bonding game years ago...
    2 points
  20. How about "That was really hot the other day. Are you up for a repeat?" The sex was good, and I want more is a pretty good reason to reach out to a trick. The way you approached him (I looked awful. No wonder you wanted me gone.) is totally the teenage drama queen approach. Just tell him what you want (to see/fuck/breed him again). It is WAY too soon to talk about feelings or anything, but you seem to have made a good sexual connection. After you fuck a second time, ask him if he would like to get a drink or coffee some time. If he is happy to fuck you but doesn't want to hang out, then at least you are on your way to a good fuck buddy.
    2 points
  21. Went to the bunker in Paris last night. V dark room. I leant against a cushioned bench, bent over ass ready. Quite a lot of people milling around and stuff strarting to. Happen but not for me. The I felt a hand brush my cheeks and feel my hole,,he stopped and guided his prick in. Damn, he was wearing a condom! But still, nice to get the first fuck. His cock semi stiff went it went in, hardened as he,thrust in and out. He grunted pulled out and left. I put my fingers up my ass, he had stealthed me! I could feel the stickiness inside me. A few more fucks and loads, and then I git team tagged. Again first guy fingers my hole, can feel the stickiness and pushes hi cock head in. It's really wide but with a nudge he breaks through and he is in, in cum heaven! He thrusts deeply and slowly, I can feel the cute churning and on his cock as he pulls for the longer strokes. I reach under and feel his tight balls. He starts to thrust harder, with longer strokes, every now and then pulling out, I gasp at the emptiness but love the feel of th cum leaking out. He fucks me like this for a good ten minutes. Then speeds up , I start to back onto him, I want this cum. He pushes deep and unloads with a groan, keeps thrusting fucking his cum into me, and eventually pulls out still semi hard and a big gob of cum comes with it. As I reach up to feel my warm runny hole another cock slides in. This is narrower, but flares at the base, he pushes in through the cum, his dick is already really hard and the cum is running down is cock out of my ass. We get into a rhythm as I back onto him as he thrusts in, we are both working this really hard! He pulls out and slams in, and again. His breath starts to get raggedy so I push back harder and he really groans, shoots his load in me and holds me there, on the end of his cock. We stay like that for a few minutes while he loses hardness and slops out. My hole is a complete mess, hot with cum, batttered, open, cum dribbling out. A great fuck!
    2 points
  22. The Stables (Part 2) “Oh fuck…. oh God….. sweet fucking Jesus…. fuck me harder…” Greg moaned. The invading cock painfully penetrated his body, still he struggled to push himself onto the hard piece of flesh, determined to give the guy in the other booth the best possible experience. Greg also took pleasure in knowing the man penetrating his ass would shoot a big load into his body. The barback also worked to assist Greg in accommodating the full length of the invading cock, applying lube and some gentle pressure to Greg's body, and sure enough, before too terribly long Greg felt the cold wooden wall against his ass cheeks, a sensation that brought a real sense of achievement to him. The top, meanwhile, realizing he had reached full-depth, vigorously churned his rock-solid cock into the accommodating cunt, mumbling "Fuck, man, nice - your virgin pussy is so fucking tight.” Greg could hear other voices encouraging the stallion to increase the speed, calling out ‘Wreck his cunt’ and ‘Make him bleed’ and ‘Use him like the whore he is' were tossed about. ’ they cheered. By this point Greg was breathing heavily, and truthfully wished the experience didn't hurt so much, but he considered by advice the barback offered, that by the fourth or fifth dick the pain would subside, and he would readily be able to accommodate the biggest dick. Taking comfort in the advice Greg voluntarily reached behind himself, forcibly separated his cheeks, thereby allowing the stallion's cock to slip in just a bit deeper. “You stupid whore, I’m gonna spray my poz load into you soon” the guy on the other side grunted, adding “Come on, milk my cock. Use your greedy cunt to pull the poz load out of my balls.” Greg felt the stallion's cock punching in and out of his twat, and it seemed as if the top was loosing his self control, a suspicion which was ratified when the stallion groaned and snorted loudly, announcing “I’m shooting my junk into you, you whore… Do you feel my dirty cum, bitch?” The barback smiled, giving Greg a thumb up for a great job, also admonishing him to remain still for a minute or so, allowing the stallion's balls sufficient time to shoot their entire load into Greg's hole. Greg complied, standing still, his ass chute centered on the hole in the wall. After the guy withdrew his cock from Greg’s cunt, the twink turned around and knelt in front of the hole, thanking the poz fucker for his cum saying “Thanks for giving me your poz load, Sir. Feel free to reload me anytime.” Tom, the barback, couldn’t believe it. He watched the boy kneeling in front of the glory hole, thanking the first AIDs bloke to demolish his cunt. He almost felt sorry for him, that he and his buddies had taken advantage of an innocent in this fashion. Tom had worked as a barback for two years, but had never experienced a scenario such as that in which he had just participated. Tom, like virtually every man with whom he crossed paths, knew about the risks of bareback sex. Still, Tom considered, there are always guys who are completely innocent and inexperienced - such as the mare in the booth. This feeling didn’t last long, as another cock pushed through the glory hole and a grumpy voice told Gregory to stop this fucking advertisement and get his twat back to the glory hole and onto his cock. Greg was excited feeling the next guy required attention to his cock and so he got up and turned around. He reached for the dick behind him and led it to his freshly pozzed cunt. This time the pain was more bearable this time. Greg’s eyes were closed while he enjoyed the feeling of being fully stuffed again. The bartender told him, he had to take care of other things outside, but would be back later on. Outside he saw the fucker, who just unloaded his toxic seed into the adolescent guy. He was talking to some pals about the slut they were corrupting right now. Tom congratulated him for the great job and saw the bloody streaks on the still semi hard cock. “I hope, you don’t mind” he said and knelt down in front of the bloke, starting to lick the virgins ass juices away from the dick. He loved to taste the innocent boy’s ass for the very last time. Everything was going as planned. Meanwhile the second guy ripped Greg’s cunt open mercilessly. With the first deposit he had enough lube to fuck the whore. “Slut - Push your ass against the wall bitch… where are you going? I said, against the wall you low life. Don’t make me come over there. That’s better, dick ditch,” the guy snorted obscenely. The fellow enjoyed Greg's tight slit and concentrated on his mission to damage the mare on the other side of the partition so a different strain would get a chance to contaminate the young mare. He knew once his venom would be in his victim another guy would work his cum into the slut’s system. He wouldn’t know what had hit him….. Greg tried his best to satisfy the stallion, now convinced he had been born expressly to be on the receiving end. He wanted to actually move his ass, but it seemed to be the best to keep his asshole close to the wall and let the dude take all the action. He tried to imagine the guy on the other side, but in the end it was not important. He was just another hole - right next to the hole in the wall. Greg gasped for air. The guy on the other side hammered his prick hard into Greg’s body, which lead Greg to beg “Fuck me harder. It hurts so good man.“ “Yeah… I will seed you with my cum. You deserve it” the guy on the other side chuckled, adding “Do you want me to breed you now bitch?” “Yeah man…. breed me. Give me your load man…. Give me your fucking load please.” Greg begged. He got his wish when his ass was flooded with hot and sticky cum, while the stallion on the other side of the partition wall cursed loudly. That morning Greg hadn't been truly certain that his decision to seek-out The Stable had been the right decision, but at least at this moment Greg was convinced he existed solely to get fucked. Even as the stallion in his ass was pumping his poz load into his ass, Greg couldn’t wait to get another cock up his cunt. Oh, and his cunt was already leaking. It felt great…
    2 points
  23. My mouth was watering for big black cock and my hole was absolutely on fire. Scott grabbed a butt plug and inserted it into himself with a quick eyes-rolling-in-the-back-of-the-head effect. "Feel good, pig?" I asked......he just nodded and licked his lips and walked over to add more crystal to our pipe. We definitely wanted it ready for our hung black guest of honor. The torch heated the pipe and and that familiar crackle sound and the hum of the torch filled the room when a loud knock hit the door. Neither of us had checked messages recently. Scott smirked and handed me the pipe and torch and headed for the door. I hit that pipe and blew out a huge cloud. I heard a very deep voice introduce himself as Tyrell and heard his belt buckle hit the hardwood floor practically before the door closed behind him. As I walked over to the foyer, Scott was doing what he was born to do....on his knees deep throating that beautiful thick black cock. Tyrell loved it and motioned for the pipe. We passed it back and forth and he was telling us that he had come from a gang bang. Scott groaned at those words and I have to admit it turned me on, too and we both looked at each other wondering if there could be more in our near future. Tyrell got comfortable and motioned toward the bed. Clearly he was ready to fuck some white ass. He bent me over and ate my hole for a good four or five minutes. I had to have that huge piece. I crouched down a bit and offered him my pink fuck hole. He spit on his cock and slid the head in past my hungry lips. I felt that monster disappear deep inside me and he started to droll me with deep deliberate strokes. Scott hit the pipe, egging us on. We decided to switch up and Scott got on the edge of the bed and grabbed his ankles spreading his legs wide for our new buddy. Tyrell stepped a couple feet to his left and started plowing that hungry cunt. It wasn't long before his breathing became more intense and he grunted every couple of seconds.....finally dropping that sweet nut that we were so fucking crazed for. Tyrell assured us there'd be another round or two and I exited to prepare some G/gatorade cocktails.
    2 points
  24. 1. Jason I didn’t know what to expect when Nathan opened the door, or, for that matter, whom to expect. I didn't know his name. I didn't know what he would be into. Even so, even although I hadn't been mentally expecting any type of guy in particular, his actual, physical presence shocked me a bit. It was finally happening, for real. He was a bit on the short side compared to what I had imagined. He was also very cute. Even through his t-shirt, I could tell he was rail-thin, as there wasn't an ounce of fat on his body. He had short hair, blue eyes with just the merest hint of stubble, like he hadn't shaved that morning. "I'm Sean," he said, standing just inside the door, introducing himself. Nathan closed the door as Sean began to speak, and we were alone. "I'm Jason," I replied, feeling a little self-conscious at this point. I was in just a jock strap, but Sean was still fully dressed. "Nice to meet you," he said, smiling at me. I felt a little more at ease with him, thinking he seemed easy-going enough. "I guess I'm a little over-dressed for this," and with that he removed his shirt, revealing, as I had guessed, that his body was quite wiry and thin. He was not very muscular but there was a spray of hair over his pecs and the hint of a treasure trail disappearing into his shorts. "I guess this is always a little awkward at first, huh?" "Yeah," I replied, not having moved from the bed. "Want to break the ice a bit?" He put an emphasis on ice that was a bit unusual. "Sure," I replied. With that he pulled down his shorts, revealing a swimmer's jock, just like the one I was wearing. There was a spray of pubic hair poking out of the top and the pouch looked to be very well-filled. "Cool," he said, reaching into his bag, and pulling out a case for sunglasses. Opening it, he extracted a glass pipe and lighter. "You cool?" he asked, gesturing at his pipe. Remaining in the sunglasses case was a fat bag of crystal. "Yeah, I am" not knowing what else to say. It had been a while since I had partied, but I hadn't given it up. "Awesome. I love this stuff." He sat down on the bed next to me, and carefully wiped off the bowl of the pipe. He took the torch and slowly melted the drug already in the pipe. He did a long hit from the pipe and then motioned for me to shotgun it from him. I leaned in, letting our lips lock, and inhaled a thick cloud. Even after I had taken as much as I could, he continued to exhale the smoke into the dim bedroom. It engulfed our heads as we continued to kiss. "You party a lot?" he asked me, breaking off the kiss. "Not really. Once every few months, I guess. You?" "Every weekend, usually." He did another long hit from the pipe, and held it. This time he just exhaled it. "It's how I got into barebacking. No one ever uses a rubber when they are partying, you know." I smiled, agreeing, and enjoying that initial tingle of the drug with the promise of so much more pleasure. "You ever do a booty bump?" Sean asked. "Never," I answered. It had been only a year or so ago I had even smoked it for the first time. Hearing my answer, he dug into his bag again and pulled out a needle-less syringe as well as the baggie of crystal from the case. "Water?" he asked, looking around. I pointed to a glass of water on the bed table. "Perfect," he said. He pulled out a large chunk of the tina, and forced it into the body of the syringe. He put the plunger in and then filled it with water. He flicked the syringe a few times before sitting back down next to me. "Ready?" he asked me. He was gently shaking it and its powerful contents. I guessed it was to force the crystal dissolve. "I'm not sure about this," I said. I had been with him for less than five minutes, and already, I wasn't sure about how fast this was going. "Maybe just smoke it?" "Don't worry. You'll love this," he said. "Get on all fours, with that beautiful fuckable ass up in the air." I didn't protest any more and got on my knees. Sean knelt down between my legs and spread my cheeks. "Hand me that bottle of lube," he said. I grabbed it and handed it to him. I felt a drop or two of the cold lube on my ass and a slight poke as the syringe plunged into my hole. "This may sting a bit," he said, and suddenly, there was a cold feeling in my ass. "That's it?" I asked. "Yeah. Just hold it there, and let it soak in." I heard him light the torch again, and he took another long hit from the pipe. "You're poz?" I asked him. I wanted to know more about him. "Yeah, of course. Years now." He did another hit before continuing. "Nate tells me you're still neg?" "Yeah." There was now a tinge of warmth in my hole, like a big load had just been planted up there. It seemed to gradually radiate out from my butt, and it was beginning to envelope my entire body. "How did you get HIV?" "Same way you're going to get it," he said. "Letting poz guys fuck me." He rubbed a finger against my ass. "You're good. Roll over." I rolled onto my back; Sean was still kneeling between my legs. He did one more hit from the pipe, then leaned towards me. "Take it," he said, letting only the smallest cloud escape. I locked lips with Sean, and he forced the drug into my lungs, once more completely filling me up with the cloud. I was a light-weight, he was a heavy-weight. I was already in over my head. But still, I held the crystal for as long as I could. "Good job," he said, finally giving me permission to breathe it out. He put the pipe and lighter on the bed table. "You want my poz load?" he asked me. "Yeah, I do," I answered. I was feeling no pain and no shame. The idea of a hard poz cock sliding into my hole was filling my mind, crowding out all other thoughts, including any thought of self-preservation. "I need some fresh poz cum in me." "It's hot to hear you beg for it," Sean said. He reached down and pulled his jockstrap to the side, letting his cock hang out. He was already semi-hard, and I could tell it was a nice sized dick. It wasn't as long as some I had played with, but just the girth and weight of it was impressive, especially in contrast to his short, skinny body, which made it seem even bigger. I must have been staring, since Sean noticed me and said, "Yeah, it's a big one for a skinny runt like me." Sean poured some lube on his cock, stroking it and slicking it up. It didn't grow much bigger, which I was glad for, but just got harder. As he rubbed the lube over his shaft, he started to press the head against my ass, teasing it. I pushed back against him, wanting it inside of me. "Please man," I begged. I didn't want it; I needed it deep in me. "Patience," he answered, adding "you'll get it soon enough." He poured some lube down my crack and slid a finger in, pushing the slippery fluid into me. "You're opening up really nicely," he remarked, asking "You ready?" I nodded. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit. Sean poured a little more lube on his tool. I offered him the poppers, but he shook his head. "Give me that hard cock," I said. He grinned at me and lined his cockhead up with my hole. Right as the poppers hit, Sean pushed into me. Feeling my hole stretch open to fit his thick cockhead, I knew this was going to be another intense fuck. Sean took his time entering me. He didn't go very fast, but it was also clear he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Damn, that's tight," he said. "How long have you been getting fucked?" I thought back to when I had first met Nathan. I realized that it had been less than a week ago. Now here I was, tweaked out, with my legs up in the air, and a relative stranger forcing his poz raw cock into my hole. "Only about a week," I said. In my horny, tweaked-out state, I couldn't keep up with any story more complex than the simple truth. "Damn, man. No wonder you're so tight. And you're already chasing?" "Chasing?" I asked. I had never heard that phrase before, especially for sex. "You know, bug chasing. Looking for poz guys to infect you." "Yeah. I guess I am chasing." Sean had now gotten his cock all the way in my hole, and was starting to slowly stroke in and out. Between my insatiable desire for raw cock and tina's effectiveness, I knew my hole was opening up nicely for him. "Hot," Sean said. "What about you? Did you chase? Or was it an accident?" "Naw. Once I started seriously partying, and of course, barebacking, I knew it was only a matter of time." He shoved his cock back into me. "I was playing with all kinds of guys, poz, neg and unknown. All raw. I knew it was pointless to try to avoid it." "So, what did you do?" I reached down and grabbed his bony ass. He was small enough that I could grab both cheeks, and pull him deeper in my hole. His body felt so small on top of me, yet his cock was so large and hard inside of me. "I went for it. Whenever I saw a poz guy online, I'd ask him to fuck me raw." He took another of his deep strokes and his eyes closed in pleasure. "Did anyone refuse?" I was wondering how common it was for poz guys to knowingly fuck neg guys. Nathan had fucked me, but then, he had also asked me repeatedly if I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. "Hell no. Every guy wants to fuck raw, no matter what he might say." I had to agree with his assessment, as either a top or a bottom. "Only one guy wasn't sure about it, that is fucking me raw." "And, what happened there?" "I said I'd get him high. And he fucked six poz loads into me over the weekend." "Sweet," I said. "Yeah." Sean leaned in and kissed me. I was having a good time. There was an easy connection developing between us. He was also just fun to talk to, not to mention how good his cock felt buried in my bare ass. We lay there, kissing and fucking, working his cock deeper into my body, and then fucking and kissing some more. He was dripping pre-cum into me the entire time, further lubricating my hole. "How long did it take?" I asked, breaking off our long kiss. "Getting pozzed?" he asked. I nodded. "I don't know. I never got sick. And I waited six months before I got tested." He thrust in deep. "Of course, I tested out poz." We went silent again. He was fucking me harder now and I could tell he was getting close, but I didn't want the fuck to end quite so soon. "Any regrets?" I asked him. "About being poz?" he asked. He shook his head no. "You know that feeling, right as the crystal is hitting, when you have that feeling of complete freedom and total desire for sex?" It was my turn to shake my head, this time agreeing. "It's like that. All the time. I don't worry about who fucks me. Or who I fuck." I smiled. "It sounds nice." "And sometimes, just sometimes," he said, "You get a fucking hot neg guy, with an amazing ass. Who. Wants. My. Poz. Cum." With each word, he thrust his cock into me, emphasizing just whom he was talking about. "And it makes all the petty discomforts completely worthwhile." We took another long pause from talking in order to make out some more. Then he asked, "And you? Why are you doing this?" I paused. It was a question for which I didn't have a good answer. Nor would Sean be the last one to ask me either. I delayed answering by pulling him down and kissing him again. He probed my mouth but after a few moments, he broke it off. "You can't get out of answering that so easily." "I don't know for sure. A week ago, I would have said I was totally top. Bareback, but still a top. Then I met Nathan. And I had to get his cock inside of me." Sean was watching me, smiling. I could feel his cock stiffening slightly in my hole. I continued. "And that he was poz wasn't a worry. It was almost a bonus. Now I just want to not be afraid anymore, to get the inevitable over with. And enjoy the process as much as I can." "I understand. Nathan's damn amazing," he said. It was an interesting comment, said in a tone that implied much more was being left unsaid. I expected for him to be jealous, but there was no trace of it. "Any regrets so far? Any uncertainty?" "Some. It's big step, but so far, this just feels right. The first time Nathan came in me was the most intimate experience I've ever had. And your cock in me raw is almost as amazing." I pulled him into me deep again, and kissed him. "Fuck me. Cum in me, Sean. Breed me good, Sean." "Fuck Jason, I don't want to cum yet. I want this to last." Almost simultaneously, we both turned and looked at the clock on the bed table. Forty-five after. Time had flown by for us, twisted by the crystal into an encounter that was far too short. "Damn. Time's almost up." "I know. Seems too short. Is this going to be the only time?" "Not at all. Nathan knows how to find me. But let's focus on the here and now. Which means getting you bred." "Sounds good to me," I said. Sean grabbed the bottle of poppers and held it under my nose. "Do a good hit, Jason," he said. I took a long hit, before Sean took the bottle. He did a hit and then offered it back to me. I shook my head no, but he insisted. "Let yourself go," he said. Reluctantly, I inhaled more of the sweet scent. "Right on, Jason," he said, doing one last quick one himself. "Now, what do you want?" "I want your poz sperm inside of me, Sean." It was a true statement. I was having a great time with Sean, and it seemed perfectly alright and perfectly natural to have him shoot in me. That it was deadly sperm was only an added bonus. It was such a small, intimate thing to give him as a top: to let him cum in me. I couldn't make him pull out. I couldn't think about how it could change me forever. "Please, breed me." "Oh yeah, Jason," he grunted. "I'm gonna shoot. I'm gonna cum in your sweet raw ass." He bent down, stuck his tongue in my mouth, and shoved his cock in deep. "I can't hold it any longer," he said. Deep inside of me, his cock stiffened, spurted and injected his toxic cum into me. "Take it, Jason," he said, between frantic kisses. "Please, Sean, give it to me," I said. I was clenching my ass around his cock, trying to milk out every drop of his poz jizz. I was totally in the moment, unable to worry about the danger of this simple fuck. The danger was a part of the turn-on; this innocent-looking young man had a cock that could kill, coupled with a serious drug problem. "Fuck yeah, I'm breeding that hot hole of yours now," he said, pistoning in and out of my ass. I could feel his cockhead rubbing his sperm all over my hole, making sure it smeared across my hole, ready to be absorbed by my body. There were a few more shivers racking Sean's body, as he pumped the last of his load into me. We stayed linked with his cock connecting us. We made out a bit while the last drops of his precious spooge slowly dripped into me. "Thanks," I said. "That was hot." "Fuck yeah," he said. "I hope you get what you need. And I'm glad I could be part of the process." "Me too. I really enjoyed this." We were quiet a bit, kissing while his cock softened. "What's your plans for the rest of the day," I asked. "Not sure," he answered. He shifted slowly, finally letting his cock slide out of my hole. Soon I would need something back in me, but for now, it was enough just to feel his warm semen in my hole. "Still early. Probably head to a bath house and see how many loads I can get." He grabbed a towel from the bed table and wiped off his cock. "You?" "Nathan's got my afternoon planned. You're the first of several. But no idea of who." "Fucking hot. You're gonna have fun." "I hope so. You've set a very high bar." He laughed. "Let's do a hit for the road," he said as he picked up the pipe again. He lit the torch, and held it under the bowl. As the crystal smoked, he did an expert hit, draining the bowl several times. When he finished, he motioned for me to shotgun it from him. I took the hit. It was huge and it filled my lungs. "Hold it for me, Jason," he said. As I held it, he put his cock back in the jockstrap, and pulled on his shorts. "Now," he said, and I got to exhale. The cloud filled the room. "Your turn," he said, handing me the pipe and torch. I lit it up, and started sucking on the stem. I wasn't sure how big of a hit I wanted, but Sean told me what I needed. "Do a big one, Jason." I kept on inhaling, filling my lungs the best I could. "Nice," he said, as I finally pulled the pipe away. "Hold it." I held it as long as I could and motioned for him to shotgun it. We locked lips as I pushed the hit into his mouth. He only took a bit of it, making me exhale the rest. "Fuck Sean," I said. "I'm going to be feeling fearless this afternoon." "That's what I want. You need to enjoy this afternoon." He put away the pipe and lighter, and gathered up his things. He gave me one last kiss. "I want to see you again soon. Hopefully you'll be poz by then." He headed out the door, and I lay back down on the bed, waiting for Nathan to bring the next guy.
    1 point
  25. My apologies for the first version of this story. If the moderators will kindly indulge me, I'd like to rewrite parts of this and make it better. Thank you. 1997 I was 23 when I graduated college and landed a great job in a Midwestern city. I was young, not bad-looking and optimistic about life in general. I was (and still am) gay, but had no gay friends or any gay experience - which was fine. My greatest love at that time was routine: I loved doing the same thing every day in the same way. I'll share some wisdom with you now: your rut is a gift. Be happy if you're in a rut because that means nothing is disrupting your life. Visits to the dentist, colds, funerals, accidents, and so on take you out of your routine. The downside to this way of life is that you also have to let happy diversions go by. It can be a lonely philosophy because it means politely declining invitations to parties, happy hour gatherings or anything spontaneous. It's a sacrifice I was always willing to make. On this particular day I got out of work at 5:15 PM, as always, and drove home the same route I regularly took, when suddenly my car started to make a weird noise. Panic rose in my chest as the noise got increasingly loud. At that moment I was driving through a heavily-Mexican neighborhood and was near an auto mechanic shop called 'Mendez and Sons', so I pulled in thinking to myself 'Shit! I'll miss the TV reruns I had intended to watch that evening', but first I had to be able to get home. As I parked the car I glanced around the garage. Clearly it had been in business for a few years and it wasn't all that busy. Turning off the engine and noticed a little puff of smoke escaping from under the hood. A guy about my age came out from inside the garage and greeted me asking "You got a problem?" He was Latin, tall, skinny and had ears that were so large, they seemed to protrude comically. "I think so. The engine just started making a banging noise and I just saw some smoke from under the hood." "I see." I tried to read the inflection of his voice. Was this super bad? I couldn't exactly afford a new car now. "Can you take a look at it?" "Let me get my brother," he replied. I hated this. I wanted to be home, ordering Chinese food and watching my shows. And then I saw the brother. He was probably 30 and gorgeous, had a trace of a goatee, light brown skin and was at least 6'3". He did not resemble his younger brother except that the two of them were a similar height. "Hi, I'm Kevin. Can you take a look at my car?" "El told me about your problem and it sounds like an issue with your rings or your carburetor to me. That takes time to repair and we close in an hour." "Oh." I could barely believe how much this sucked. I guess I could call a cab or try to get the car to another garage which was open late. He saw the defeat in my face and suggested "Tell you what. Pull into that first bay and I'll do what I can now." I did and looked around. All the workers were tall, Latin and about the same shade of brown, and they were all young and handsome -- except for big-eared 'El'. They wore matching blue coveralls. The helpful guy with whom I had just spoken approached me, wiping his hands with a rag. "I'm Mike. I guess I run the place and all these guys are my little brothers." "Who's the dad?" "Oh, the 'Mendez' in the name of this place is my mom. She owns the shop -- got it from one of the guys she married. She's Mexican and loved marrying and making babies with white guys. I'm the oldest and so it's pretty much MY place." That explained a lot. As curious as I was to hear more, I wanted to get out of here and be home. I popped the hood and let Mike get to work. "We got a waiting room to your right. There's a TV, magazines and a pop machine." I went there. The TV was on a Spanish-speaking channel and I didn't bother changing it. I just watched and fell into kind of a trance from the monotony of all the quick talking that I couldn't understand. I must have nodded off because eventually big Mike had to shake me awake. I forgot where I was for a second. "The good news is that it's just a few bad hoses that need replaced. Won't cost you too much. Bad news is that we don't have one of them and had to order it. It might be tomorrow when we get it or the next day." "Oh. Well I guess I need the number of a cab then." "Here's an idea. Come home with us. It's a big house right up the street and Mama always cooks lots of food. There'll be a bed for you to sleep in and everything." No. I wanted to go home. But this was such a nice gesture that I pretty much had to accept the invitation. "Okay, great. Thanks. Let's go." "It'll be fine. You'll see. Come on. Do you work tomorrow? I can drop you off." "Yeah, but nobody is ever there on Fridays. I can take a vacation day and just report it Monday." "Then that's that. Let me lock up. Go wait outside with the guys." So I stood on the sidewalk with the foursome who all introduced themselves: Mark, Matt, Luke and, of course, El, who stood right next to me like we were old buddies or something. Close up, I could see that he'd pierced his giant ear several times. Why he wanted to draw attention to those things was beyond me, but I was a guest and had no right to judge. Mike finished up with his nightly duties and joined us. This was their routine, and I respected that. We all turned a corner and headed up a hill. Mike took me back and told me to retie my shoe or something so the others could move a little ahead in the dying daylight. He wanted to talk privately. "I have another brother. He is a useless human being who spends all his time in the basement playing video games. He resents me because I wouldn't hire him. He has so many felonies for drugs and shit that I can't trust him around tools and shit. All my brothers have records. Assault, DUIs, domestic violence, and shoplifting. They're all good men with bad mistakes in their past. I've been charged with rape twice, but they were just bitches who were mad that I wouldn't fuck them a second time. Charges were dropped, but my name must be on some registry somewhere I'm sure. Sucks." "God, I'm so boring compared to your family. I do nothing and aspire to nothing except to live a normal life." "Did you ever model? You're not built, but you've got the kind of hair that could sell shampoo to bald men." El kept turning around and looking at me from a few feet ahead. He seemed to want to hang but with us, but Mike gave him a look to stay ahead of us. "You all have biblical names except for El, What's that about?" "His real name is "Luke", but we call him 'El' because he's got big ears like an elephant. I remember the man my mom brought home to make him. Ugliest motherfucker ever. He didn't last long, but then baby El showed up and he's family after all. But I'l probably have to let him go soon. He's sick and has no plans to get himself better. Poor bastard." We were approaching the house. This was my last chance to say something. "I'm gay, Mike." "Like I already didn't know that. We're a very sexual people in this area and can pick up on lots of clues." Then we got up the steps to steps of a pretty impressive house, Mike moved to the front and opened the giant door. The Mom greeted us looking slightly peeved. She was an older Mexican lady with a bright red wig and high heels. Big Mike stopped to talk to her in heated Spanish, but she was pissed and made a motion to a stack of Pizza Hut boxes on the kitchen table. She blurted out a few abuses, but they didn't seem to bother any of the brothers. El come up to my side and told me that her date for the night had canceled on her. He put his hand on my back and told me that we were all banished to the basement for the night. He and Mike led me down into the basement, which had been nicely finished with plush carpeting, four big sofas and a huge TV. In front of the TV was the guy who I guessed was the unemployable brother. He barely glanced up and looked annoyed at my presence. "Goddamn, guys. You couldn't find a decent woman to bring?" "This is going to be a 'guys only' night, Peter. So shut the fuck up," El said sharply. Mike spread out the pizza boxes and told us all to dig in. I ate a piece in the time it took the others to wolf down as many as three. Well, they worked hard and probably didn't get much time to have lunch. "Movie!" somebody called out. El took it upon himself to hit the remote and suddenly we were watching a hetero porn. It was kind of old and there were no condoms in sight. Big, beefy dudes fucked little petite beauties. Although it wouldn't have been my choice for a shared movie experience, it wasn't anything that I would call repulsive. It was set in a locker room. El fished a huge bottle of tequila out of a cabinet and we passed it around. I could barely get the first swallow down, but the second went down better. the third was great. Except for the stupid video, this was all in all, a very pleasant experience. I took a minute to excuse myself and use the basement bathroom. When I got back, I noticed they had all taken their shoes off and three of them were rubbing their crotches. I played it cool and didn't stare. I was getting a bit of a boner myself, but not because I was in the presence of so many hard dicks belonging to hot men. We had almost polished off the whole bottle of booze when the loser brother piped up and said "So, are we going to fuck him soon? I got plans later." Mike leaned close and whispered "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. If you're scared, go up to the first bedroom on the left and lock the door. They're all drunk and kind of crazy." And then Mike stood up and spoke to the group. "Ask Kevin if wants to do it with us first". Mike looked right at Peter and added "Ask nicely." "Dude, can I fuck you now. Please?" He stood up and started getting undressed. I had no idea what to think -- so I let my instincts do the thinking for me. I was incredibly aroused. "OK. But I've never been fucked before." That caused some general rumbling and whispers among the brothers. "Get on the floor and on your knees," Peter instructed. I was still fully-clothed, but did as I was told. Peter was completely naked when he walked over to me with his big boner bouncing with every step. "Here we go," I thought to myself. He turned around and said "Eat my ass." What? I'd never ever thought of doing that. Not ever. He was mostly hairless back there. I put my face between his butt cheeks and started putting my tongue on his hole. The taste wasn't as bad as I thought it would. It was a little sweaty though. He groaned a little and that gave me confidence to really go for it. I kissed his little pucker and then put my tongue as far into the hole as far as I could. "Oh God, yes! The good thing about Mike bringing gay dudes here is that they will always eat ass. Girls never will. Feels so good. Stop now or I'll cum." I pulled away and remained on my knees. He turned back around and put that giant hard dick against my lips with the order "Suck that, fucker." This was harder than just using my lips and tongue. I had to open wide and get as much of his organ into my mouth as I could. He put his hands on my head and urged me on further. I was afraid that he was going to insist that I take it all, but he seemed happy with how far I got. He started thrusting his hips back and forth faster and faster. "Oh SHIT! I'm gonna CUM!" He gripped my head even tighter and made one final jab before I felt the warm, thick fluid in my mouth. My first taste of semen. He stayed still and it just kept filling my mouth. I swallowed. "Damn! That was nice. Sorry I didn't get a chance to fuck your virgin ass, but I couldn't hold it in anymore." He got dressed and I wiped my mouth on my shirt. When I looked around, I saw that were all standing around naked, hard and stroking. I thought it was weird that they were enjoying the sight of their brother have sex. I guess this had happened before. Regularly. Mike announced he was next. "Take off your clothes and get back on the floor. Matt, go get one of the pool towels from the closet upstairs." He sat down on the couch and I was just there kneeling before him. Naked. He stretched one leg out and said, "Rub my feet. They ache." I guess this is what we were doing until the towel arrived. I massaged his giant bare foot and he made sounds of pure pleasure, "Suck my toes." That was my first taste of toe. I did it. It wasn't nasty at all....a mixture of soap and maybe some sweaty funk. I did both feet, and about the time I was finishing-up Matt appeared with the towel. What now? "That felt awesome. Women don't do that shit either. Now eat my ass for a little bit." He remained seated on the couch and spread his legs. I was so hard, I was afraid I'd cum right then and there. Moving forward a bit, I approached eating his ass in the same manner I had undertaken when I serviced Peter. However, as I liked Mike more than Peter, I probably put more passion into the service. I should mention Mike's ass crack was abundantly hairier than his brother's. After just a minute or so of being serviced Mike surprised me when he called out "Stop. Stop." I backed away as he stood. For the first time I received a close view of his penis. It was bigger than any of the others'. "Just suck it for a few seconds. I want to save my cum for your insides." I swallowed the head and maybe two inches of the shaft when he stood, spread the towel on the floor and told me to lay on my back. Producing a tube of lotion from somewhere, he smeared a bit on his fat dick head, as well as squirting a big glob on my ass. "Work that in a little. We'll try to make this as easy on you as possible." And then his huge body hovered over mine, blocking out the overhead light. I felt that dick prod my hole. 'Here we go', I thought as he shoved it in. The pain almost killed me. I tried to scream, but only a gasp of air came out of my mouth. Mike was not insensate - his cock lodged in my ass, he remained perfectly still, stroking my legs and lower torso as he cooed "The worst is over. Relax, relax." As much as I tried, I couldn't get used to it, but even as I thought I had reached the end of my endorance, the 'adjustment' was happening, so when Mike's cock resumed fucking my hole, I only whimpered a few times, and my protests were far less intense. An expert in calming bottoms, Mike gently urged "SShh. Sshhh. It'll feel better soon. I promise." And he was right. It started to not be awful and then it started to feel good. I knew I would cum soon and hoped Mike would also. Within minutes he had gone from a gentle fucking motion to a very vigorous assault on my ass. I shot my load right before he did. Inside. He let himself collapse fully on top of my body. He was heavy, but I felt pure bliss. Maybe soreness as well, but mostly happiness. At last it had happened to me. When Mike and I disengaged and got to our feet, I noticed two points, first, there was a big circle of blood in the middle of the towel, and second, of the spectator brothers, only El was still present. Addressing the two of us, Mike said to me "Go to the bathroom and clean up a little, Kevin," as he then turned to El and asked "Where did everybody go?" "They shot their loads while you were fucking him," El replied. Mike announced he was going to shower and go to bed, but before he left he said "You are El's now. Good night and have fun." He picked up the bloody towel and left. I went to the bathroom and used wet toilet paper to wipe up my ass and legs. When I got back, El was standing there with my clothes bunched in his arms. "Let's go up to my room." I followed him up a few floors and couldn't help but notice how bony his body was. His butt was perfect though. I hoped he wanted it eaten too. Once we were under the covers, he started smothering me with kisses. I worried that my mouth had had asses and dicks and cum in it. But he knew that and had seen everything. I kissed him with what I was feeling like was passion. He was really turning me on. "You know why they always make me go last? It's because I have AIDS." I guess I probably already knew that. "We've shared so many people, that I'm pretty sure all of us have the virus -- even the Great Mike. I'm the only one with symptoms so they make me the final guy to fuck. We don't have to, but I sure would like to have sex with you, Kevin." "Yes. I want you to fuck me." I've never been so certain of something. I kissed his entire body, head to toe, giving El the highest level of service I could, after which, as I lay on my back, El crouched between my legs, lifted them up, leaned forward, and entered my hole. It didn't hurt nearly as bad this time around. I really got a chance to enjoy being fucked, and we grunted, groaned and moaned in delight. Then my cock blew its load - for a second time that night, which apparently triggered El's explosion as he muttered "Oh yeah, baby. I'm giving you my seed...right....NOW!" It was the most intense moment of my life. I now understood why it's not a terrible idea to break routine once and a while. We just stayed in that position and kissed for a long time. "Just so you know...your car's already fixed. Mike tricked you, but I'm so glad he did. You're part of the Mendez family. It's in your DNA now." We were falling asleep, but my final thought was that I sure hoped my car would break down again soon.
    1 point
  26. Well worth the wait
    1 point
  27. Thanks for the follow! xxxx
    1 point
  28. Last Sunday afternoon me (I'm mostly versatile) and a top guy met a sub guy in a hotel room. The sub took everything we did to him without saying a word, we fisted him hard, pushed enormous objects into his ass and sounded him. We were drinking beer among other things, the top guy drunk non-stop and was well buzzed and every time he wanted to piss he just stuck his cock in the sub guys ass and pissed up his ass. Me being a guy who loves sleaze and filthy things, each time I couldn't resist putting my mouth to the sub's asshole and drinking the top's piss as it dribbled back out.
    1 point
  29. I love what you say Slender ... a real professional Btm, in touch with your mind and with your top. Sounds real awesome. Would love to fuck and unload in you then explore deeper, every twist and turn, with my fist and arm, watching you swallow me like a greedy pig xx
    1 point
  30. Oh my fucking God, son! Your pussy is so much tighter than your mom's! It maddens me to think of all those nights I tried in vain to get hard enough for her worn-out, sloppy cunt while the tightest, most fuckable boyhole was waiting for me just one door down the hall - and I had no idea... No need to use a rubber, son. We're family after all, right? Can't wait to squirt my baby batter into your teenaged boycunt. God, I'm gonna plant my seed deep inside my own son's tight hairless boypussy. But you'd like that too, wouldn't you? Want daddy to make a baby in there? Yeah, that's what I thought, son! Daddy's gonna knock you up just like he knocked up your mother...
    1 point
  31. The oak planks beneath my feet felt solid even though the ship rocked to and fro. The Captain had sent for me, so as I made my way from his cabin under the sterncastle to the forecastle and the front of the ship I had to try to maintain my balance while avoiding my fellow crewmates. Well, OK, maybe I was not a part of the crew yet - at least in their eyes. I was too young, too inexperienced, too pampered and formerly rich to be a pirate. Plus I was the Captain’s boy - his ship wife if you will - although I had not been a boy in age for a few years according to my father. Yet having celebrated my 18th birthday just a few weeks prior to the pirates capturing the ship I was on and slaughtering most of the crew, I still often like a child in my new surroundings. Sea spray matted my hair and once I climbed the forecastle steps, and the Captain dismissed his Quartermaster - he roughly guided the wet wisps of matted blond hair off my face. He then pushed me to my knees, unbuttoned his silk britches and had me take his sugar stick in my mouth. He loved being watched and loved even more shooting his salty seed into my mouth while standing on the forecastle, his arms crossed, pretending he was the ultimate master in his foppish silk, colored clothes. The Captain’s clothing choices always made my eyes hurt as he relished the brightest colors and the shiniest silks. Yet underneath his peacock attire, was a tall, well built man with muscles earned by years at sea and a demeanor that was rough, brutal, and used to taking what he wanted, when he wanted it - including my mouth and arse. Once the Captain had filled my mouth, I swallowed, cringing at the bitter taste. I had learned quickly there was punishment to be had if I spit it out, so hiding my grimace, I took it, and then as he stepped back and buttoned up as I left him on the forecastle. These displays always brought unwanted attention to me and while I made my way back to the sterncastle and the cabin the powder monkeys and others whooped and cawed like a cackle of black birds at my passing. In the cabin I reached for the bottle of rum that was dangling by its neck from a rope in the mid-beam timber. I gulped once - the fire burning my throat - then again and swished it around to remove the foul taste. I had tilted the bottle up for a third swig when a voice said, “You know there are better things to be swallowing.” I turned and sighed as I looked upon the Quartermaster. He was so different than any man I had ever known, or any other man on the ship for that matter. In size, he was a good four or five hands taller than the rest and just as thick and wide. His skin was black as London coal and mottled with the scars of battles past - each worn as a badge of honor and medallion of victory. The Quartermaster, or Sir - I don’t know his true name as when asked he just said Sir - was the real power on the ship. The Captain pranced around and hollered and demanded and the crew would say, “Aye Capt’n”, and then would look to the Quartermaster for the simple nod or shake of his head that would either affirm or change the orders. There were several dark men of the islands on the ship’s crew and when I first expressed my surprise that he held the rank and position he did, Sir just chuckled and said, “It is not unknown for someone like me to serve the black flag. We all wish the same thing do we not?” I had seen my share of the atrocities done to men like him in my few short years and was honestly grateful to the Father Above that Sir had found his place in this world. “I saw you coming back from the bow and your morning feeding,” Sir chuckled. I scowled at his humor, wiped the last swig of rum from my lips, and knew better than to state what I was really thinking. He continued, “I figured you would need something warm, sweet, and filling to settle your stomach, so I held my morning water and instead of sloshing down the quarter gallery figured I would let it slosh around in your mouth.” Sir quickly loosened his canvas britches and let them drop to the floor as he steadied himself with his left hand against the timber frame. The ship rocked and I stumbled as I made my way over to him, but got on my knees and held firm against his thighs as the first hot droplets of nectar kissed my lips. I quickly open my mouth and began to gulp the hot waters he fed me. His dick head was large, dark, and ripe like the giant plums I used to snitch from our neighbor’s garden when I was a child. First thing in the morning he tasted just as wonderful. Not sweet - not bitter - but like wild venison dipped in fig sauce coated with the frothy green foam that seeped from it’s eye like from the churning of small waves against the hull. Sir was my Neptune - my king of the sea. I think Sir had been holding his water all night as he really filled me up. Once I was sure he was done, I stood up, licked my lips, and gave him a smile, as I knew what would come next. I made my way to the Captain’s desk and shoved a pile of maps and papers to the side. Sir walked up behind me and slid his calloused hands under my canvas shirt, up my sides, and then grabbed my chest hard. “TELL ME YOU WANT MY PEGO. TELL ME YOU WANT ME TO FUCK YOU. TELL ME YOU WANT ME TO CUM IN YOUR ARSE, TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU WANT MY POX!” Sir demanded. I had never heard such words and talk until I was taken by the pirates and even then I had to figure out what some things meant like ‘pego’, which was his tackle or manhood. Oh I had heard my father and others refer to their manhood but never imagined I would welcome another man bloody buggering me with his like I did Sir or that I would enjoy risking my eternal life as a bloody Sodomite. While I enjoyed taking him, feeling him push in, pull out, and then grant me his seed, I was also grateful. He saved me - quite literally on that first day. As Sir took me from behind, rough and deep, those memories came back. Our attempt to evade the dark ship that stalked over the horizon; the fighting and screams and blood; the death and pillaging. A group of the pirate crew had me cornered in my cabin and were arguing over whether to gut me, ransom me, or use me like a wench - or all three - when the Quartermaster showed up. He looked me up and down, barely acknowledging my nakedness, then barked to his crew that I was to be protected and kept safe as the Captain was in need of a cabin boy to replace the last one who had died of fever, so I would have to do. As one of the three top men on the ship, by rights, Sir could use me just as the Captain and the Bos’n did. The Captain and Bos’n wasted no time and spent my first night as pirate booty rutting on me like brutal wild animals. The Bos’n especially liked rutting me like a wild boar. He was a filthy beast and just as hairy and smelly as any boar I had seen but his tusk - well I have to admit his big tusk felt awful good banging my arse open and I knew I pleased him as he grunted loudly whenever he wet my insides. Yet, while I enjoyed his man tar coating my insides, it was the tar that often coated his hands that was the worst. The filthy man never washed and while my skin and flesh toughened up from the beatings his tar-covered hands and sticks gave me, the taste of his fingers being jammed in my mouth to suck on as he rutted always left my insides heaving like the worst storm. Tar belongs on the timbers and oaks, not in my mouth! “MY POX IS DRIPPING FROM YOUR CUNNY - MAKING IT ALL HARD FOR YOU! TELL ME YOU WANT ME IN YOUR CUNNY! TELL ME YOU WANT MY POX!” Sir said, breaking my memories and focusing me back on the moment. The heat and pain he caused when he entered me were either the coal fires of Hell burning my soul or the Fire Sword of the Angel Gabriel protecting me. His manhood was massive, but the burning it caused was nothing compared to the wonder he stirred and the feelings of pleasure he gave me when he let me serve him like this. From the moment he saved me, Sir showed me kindness and mercies. Small things really I guess, but in this world, they were huge. A kind word, an extra crust of bread, a firm but gentle touch on the shoulder, a new canvas shirt when the bloodied, torn, and ruined shirt I had when captured became nothing more than nesting fodder for the ship’s mice and rats. Between satisfying the desires of the Captain, the Bos’n, and trying to learn my duties so I didn’t get slapped, kicked, or beat for disobedience, I had little time to wonder about the quiet, scary looking Quartermaster. That is until one morning a few weeks in after the Captain had buggered me and left me in his cabin, naked, afraid, and confused. Sir had come in to look at the charts but paused when he saw me on the floor huddled against the desk. I stood up, afraid I would get beat if I did not offer, so I bent over the desk and waited. Sir’s breathing got labored; the oak creaked with each step as he stepped closer. Gently he ran a finger down the ridges on my back left by the Bos’n. I was shaking and expected him to just take me. The air crackled like a storm was approaching and the hairs on my arms raised, my flesh dimpled; yet Sir held back and just said, “I’ll come back shortly. Take what time you need. I believe the Captain will be wanting his spyglass.” That evening, when taking the Captain’s dinner tray back to the galley to the cook, I paused just long enough to accept an apple from a small linen bag he had sitting on the counter. His toothless grin when he handed it to me was all the explanation he could give having no tongue with which to speak. I nodded and smiled in appreciation and tucked it under my shirt. The Captain was fast asleep by now and the watch was late, so I stayed in the shadows to avoid the few men that were up as I made my way to the Quartermaster's cabin. I tapped the stout wooden door with my finger, not wanting to make noise knowing how it could carry in the ship. I tapped again, the door latch creaked, the door cracked open, and the Quartermaster held out the metal lamp to see who had need of him. The lamp swayed back and forth as its faint light, cast by the stub of a single candle, let him see enough to know it was I. He opened the door, I stepped in, the door closed, latched, and I shivered with a chill like from a cold winter’s morning. “Are you OK? Is the Captain OK? What’s happened?” The Quartermaster said with a tinge of anxiousness in his voice. “Quart...Quartermaster, Sir, I….” He gently laid his hand on my quaking shoulder, “Just Sir. Just call me Sir. It’s OK boy, begin again.” I really didn’t know what to say so I just reached into my shirt, pulled out the small apple and held it up for him to see. A gift. A token. A thanks. Sir smiled, stepped to the back of his cabin, hung his lamp on the small hook by his bunk, and sat on the edge. It was then I realized he was completely naked. The small flames and the light of the moon reflected off the calm seas cast dancing shadows over his night skin and I was mesmerized. He casually shifted his long, thick manhood off his left thigh and patted his bunk, “Come. Sit with me and share this bounty. Did Cook give this to you? You did not steal it did you? You must know that taking things - stealing - is a severe punishment.” I thought that was a funny sort of thing for a pirate to say, but I had also seen they had some weird rules - known and unknown - so I held my tongue and just nodded. Sir pulled a knife that was jammed into the side timbers out, held up the apple, and cut a thick slice off and handed it to me. The juice dripped across his thigh and onto my hand and I laughed in delight as I figured the apple would have been dry and nothing more than a husk. I eagerly chewed it and swallowed and Sir did the same. He shared another piece with me, then a couple more. With the apple’s flesh consumed and nothing left but the seeds and toughest bit of the core, Sir jammed the knife back into the timber, looked at me, then reached out and with a tenderness I had not known from even my own father, gently wiped the smalls bits and juice from the corners of my mouth and lip. His face was mostly shadows as he licked his fingers clean. I don’t know what possessed me, but I reached out and firmly grasped his stiff manhood and gasped in wonder at its size and warmth and his aching need. He squeezed my wrist painfully, “DON’T,” he hissed. With all my strength I slid my hand up, then down, feeling the slickness of his manhood, the roughness of the skin rash and chancres, the wetness of the pustules as they seeped open onto my hand. Was that why he had never wanted me? I let him shift my hand away from his body and smiled as I held my coated hand to my face and inhaled. The smell clung to my nostrils, filled my throat, made my chest clench, and only increased my hunger. I stood up and Sir watched me in confusion as I pulled my canvas shirt and britches off. My eyes locked with his as I kneeled before him, grasped his pox timber with both hands, and guided it to my mouth. BY THE SAINTS HE TASTED WONDERFUL! Sir’s manhood pulsed and twitched with every flick of my tongue, depositing a stew of sweat, pox juice, man dripping, and more. I moaned as I suckled on the tip, drinking him up, pleasuring him with a small kindness. Sir’s head was back, his mouth open, his hand’s gripping the side of the bunk as I stroked his shaft, mouthed the tip, and cupped his balls. I had to feel him inside me, but I knew he was too big. I would not be able to take him like I did the Captain and Bos’n. I stopped my work, stood up, climbed onto the bunk and wedged myself between the bulkhead wall and Sir’s back. He twisted, looked at me, then turned his body and lay on the bunk beside me - his face to mine - his shaft pressing in need against my body. Sir’s face was all dark shadows now, so I gently ran the fingers of my left hand over his head, down his jaw line, across the crooked bridge of his nose, to his mouth. When I withdrew my fingers from his lips he slid his right arm over my back, pulled me tightly towards him and began kissing me with burning intensity. The Captain and Bos’n had never kissed me. No man had. They had only used my mouth in other ways. This - this was so different, so… Back in the present, Sir had withdrawn his shaft from my backside and was using the long nails on his right hand to scratch and claw at me like a mountain lion gutting a lamb, “YOU WANT ME TO STOP?” Sir asked, knowing full well I would never ask that. “I WANT TO SEE THAT CUNNY SWOLLEN - RED - OVERFLOWING WITH MY POX. I WANT THAT CUNNY RIPE FOR MY SEED - SWELLING AS I FILL YOU UP!” Sir slammed back into my now even bloodier arse. That first night, after he had kissed me and explored every inch of my body with his hands, our sweaty bodies entangled, was the first time I had felt safe. Nothing else mattered. All the pain, fear, unknown of the past weeks was swept away with the tides. I had an anchor now. An anchor that would hold me steady through whatever storm may blow. “Please, please go inside me,” I asked Sir. He stroked the side of my head, “You don’t know what you are asking. I can’t. I musn’t.” I guided his hand from my head down between my legs so he could feel how wet and moist my body was. I let go, flipped over so my back was now to him, and lifted my right leg up and back exposing my hole. Sir sucked in a lung full of breath like the hiss of an adder snake about to strike. I nestled my head in the crook of his left arm, scooted my body back a little so I was firmly pressed against him. His choice now was to either enter me or let me push him off the bunk. OK, well maybe I could not have pushed him off because he is a lot bigger than me, but still, in that moment, I didn’t know how else to ask him to give me what I needed. “FUCK ME SIR!” I begged as I pushed my ass back onto his swollen rod, using the rocking motion of the ship to harpoon me like a fish. Sir obliged, fucking me with a roughness I would come to love and need. While over the course of the past months he had fucked me in just about every place imaginable on the ship, his favorite was still having me bent over the Captain’s desk. The stains of red, pox, and arse left on the oak floors was one more reminder for the Captain of who was really in charge. I arched my back as Sir grabbed my right leg and hefted it higher. He began stabbing at my puckered flesh with his fingers; his nails scraping my skin away like the barnacles that clung to the ship’s hull. This was a pain I wanted. This was a pain I had to have. His fingers found their mark and my body stiffened and I cried out. Sir cupped his left hand over my mouth to silence me and while the beating of my heart pounded in my ears as the waves pounded the planks of the bulkhead, Sir continued to create the wetness he needed. I could tell from the tenseness of his body he was going to take me. All doubt was erased when, with two fingers firmly buried in me like gill hooks and he whispered, “TELL ME YOU WANT THIS - TELL ME YOU WANT MY POX. I HAVE TRIED TO BE KIND AND GENTLE WITH YOU. WHY OR WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO THIS? WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DESIRE THIS?” I moaned in pleasure as Sir’s fingers dug at the nub in my arse, making it swell and oil up. I could feel his fingers getting slicker. “I WANT IT,” I said with all the effort I could muster. “TAKE ME MY LORD. I AM YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT SIR. AT YOUR GRACE AND MERCY MY MASTER GIVE ME YOUR SEED.” I yelped as Sir clamped his hand back over my mouth and forced his pox meat into my arse. The slickness let him slide in a bit, but then he caught up like a wayward ship running a-shoal. Before my body and mind could process the intense burning and pain he had inflicted, in one motion he pulled me closer, rolled his body onto mine, pressed my head firmly into the molded straw of the bunk’s padding and boarded me as he buried himself deep inside me. Lighting flashed bright and white behind my closed eyes as Sir pushed into me deeper and deeper. My body instinctively tensed and tried to push out the invader to no avail. All at once my resistance gave way and the deluge of his pox manhood began. Wave after wave of pox seed crashed and churned inside me. Sir pumped and pumped to expel it all and I took it. At the time it felt like he had spent an entire night’s watch filling me up, but I know that cannot be. “TAKE MY POX - THAT’S IT - OPEN THAT CUNNY UP - TAKE IT ALL - HARLOT CUNNY FOR ME!” Sir exclaimed as he filled me with his morning blessing. Far too soon his shrinking manhood slid from inside me. I quickly knelt and lapped up the sticky, pox remnants left on his mast and once I was done, I stood up, hefted my canvas britches up, looked at Sir, and knowingly asked, “SEE YOU TONIGHT?” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    1 point
  32. For the past couple of years, i have been fairly consistently, every couple months, sucking off a VERY thick 7.5/8 inch cock of a guy in his early thirties, who responded to a craigslist ad for anonymous walk in head. He always insists on late night/after dark and always wears a hoodie, sunglasses and hides his face even in my dimly lit living room. Even though, I think I have figured out who he is....a local Baptist preacher. This preacher is ALL man. The head on that cock of his is the biggest I have ever had in my mouth. It is easily the size of a baseball! The shaft is only slightly smaller, and I cannot get my fist all the way around it. He never speaks, but emails me telling me what a good job I do in sucking and stroking his cock. I have only gotten glimpses of his face as it is dark when he comes in for service, with the only light coming from the laptop computer screen I have positioned on a shelf behind me playing porn with 'huge titty blondes" which he has requested. He never touches me other than occasionally holding my head while he pumps my mouth until he cums. He also has a very distinct pube color. I always swallow his load. How have I figured out who he is? His truck. I live out in the country where it is dark as all get out....and have only caught a glimpse, and could tell what make and color. And I can hear it running as he pulls into the driveway and hear its distinct start up when he leaves. So, last Sunday I was running late to morning church services and had to park out a bit further in the lot as usual. After service, I got to visiting with some friends out front as everyone else was leaving. After saying goodbyes, I headed out to my car and saw the preacher and his family getting into a truck like the one that I caught a glimpse of in my driveway....and heard it start up with that same familiarity. I got in my car knowing that I am the preacher's oral bitch! I wonder if the preacher wants to fuck my ass? Hmmmm, I know that is one way to get me to pray....
    1 point
  33. Went to the baths in Providence last night. Figured a Friday night should be fun and it was! Pimped out a muscle boy who just wanted to kneel and swallow as many cocks as he could. The group that formed around us was getting too big, so I left and walked around. A few minutes later, I passed the kid on his way to the bathroom and couldn't help noticing that his entire face and neck were coated in cum that was turning to liquid and beginning run. I know the feeling, how hot it is to be marked like that. I nodded and smiled. Fucking hottie! In the sauna, I was sitting on the upper bench, not much was going on. I didn't really notice the big guy sitting below me until, out of the blue, I felt his hairy arm under the back of my leg. He was reaching up and put his big paw around my cock. No fumbling from below, it was like he had perfect aim in the dark. There's something incredibly sexy when big guys are gentle (or small dudes are rough?!). We went back to his room and he did something really sexy that I should remember. I was kneeling on the bed, showing him my ass. He reached under my balls (hairy forearm felt amazing all over again) and pulled my cock back. When he pulled it farther than it wanted to go, I had no choice except thrusting my ass way back and up in the air. Duh! That gave him total access to my hole, and that fucker took full advantage! Rimming, teasing the outer edge, sliding a lubed finger inside, and by that time he must have felt me flexing on him. He actually asked, "You want me inside you, don't you." Ok, I guess it was more observation than question. He fucked the cum right of me--no hands. Love that! I could feel him pumping a load inside. He was so gentle pulling out, and then he patted me on the ass and was gone. I was in heaven.
    1 point
  34. Sorry I havent said anymore. Ive been busy taking load after boiling load from my black lover. I left my gf without a 2nd thought and that night my man plunged the deepest into my pussy he ever had before, we made love all night and have been every night for a few months now He said something about "getting me pregnant" but i think its just kinky lingo lol
    1 point
  35. Hooked up with the same poz fuckbuddy thats been fucking me a few times a week today. Hadn't seen him a few days. Tonight came over his place after work, after some heavy making out, he flips me on my stomach and mounts me as I take a few hits on the poppers. A lot more verbal poz talk between the 2 of us tonight as he starts moving in and out of me faster. Right as he was about to cum, he tells me hes dumping a few days worth of toxic cream in me. He flips me over and gives me an amazing bj which he swallowed. We laid around for a bit and made out some more before he rolls me on my stomach again for round 2. This time hes fucking me longer, but I am also squeezing his cock with my anal muscles. He erupted a second time inside me. Told him to don't pull out and lay there while hes still inside me. We passed out with his cock still lodged deep in me, wake up a bit later then I went home with his load dripping out of my hole as I'm driving.
    1 point
  36. Dude, as a top you likely are neg. many guys are actually versatile and that's likely how "tops" got poz. Anything is possible. By all rights I should be dead. I wont used condoms, and although I have been on prep for about a year or so, I have taken thousands of loads since the 70s including some I actually knew were poz. I am addicted to cum in my ass. Funny thing, after bottoming bare for thousands of guys including in the early 80s when there was nothing to keep HIV under control, I am still Neg. out of fear I didn't test for years. If I am neg, you easily can be too
    1 point
  37. Part 3. After a couple more rounds with our new friends, the weekend ended and they went back to their home city. On their way out, they mentioned they had another friend-couple who were planning on visiting in a few weeks, and maybe we’d like to meet them. I smiled, looking over at Jake, and said, “If they’re anything like you guys, we would LOVE to meet them!” Trusting Andre and Alex understood my implication, they responded, “Yeah, they’re a lot like us. You will like them for sure.” We exchanged contact information (other than the app where we met) and they were on their way. The sex with Jake that night was beyond incredible. Talking about all the fun we’d had, and looking forward to another fun encounter in a few weeks. The next day on my way home from work, I stopped off at the drugstore and picked up a bottle of Aleve, making sure to get the kind that looked an awful lot like the PrEP pills in Jake’s night stand. Getting home before him, I confirmed they looked almost identical, and swapped out the appropriate number, replacing them in the prescription bottle and closing the drawer. Over the next couple weeks, we dutifully took our pills every day, with Jake fucking me at least once a day. The amazing weekend we’d had really reignited things for us in bed, and our sex was never hotter. Every time he unloaded in me though, I would think back to those incredible moments when Andre and Alex had dumped their poz seed into my hole. The memory combined with the expert fucking of my boyfriend would make me cum so hard all over my chest, usually hitting my face and beyond. Mid-week before our new friends were supposed to come visit, I started to come down with a nasty cold. Turned into fever, chills, the works. When I got a text from an unknown number, I was momentarily confused until I remembered I hadn’t heard from them yet, just Andre and Alex. Checking out the message, I saw he introduced himself as Eddie, said A&A had given him my number, wondered if we’d like to meet up this weekend. Then another text came through with a picture - an enormous brown cock, uncut and dripping. My own cock jumped in my sick-bed pajamas, the first time I’d felt even remotely horny in the past couple days. Jake had left his phone on the bed next to me as he went downstairs to fetch me more chicken soup. I looked at his phone and saw texts from the same number, but noticed they hadn’t been sent as a group. He received the same intro text as had I. He also received a pic of Eddie and his husband Bill, a solidly-built white guy in his late 40s - hairy daddy type. I thought it curious until I felt my phone vibrate and saw a new txt come through from Eddie - this one a series of pics, the first showing his muscular back, with a tattoo peeking out over his underwear, then a couple more successively closer, until the last one was a closeup of the biohazard symbol on his upper ass. I was rock hard now, when I heard another text come through for Jake - this one another couple shot of them in a tropical location, all smiles with their sunglasses on, drinking a fruity drink with an umbrella. I was getting the picture now - it was clear A&A had told our new friends the whole story about our adventurous weekend. Eddie and I exchanged this series of text messages. Me: Hey bud, glad to hear from you! A&A said they had some fun friends who we should meet. Our weekend with them a few weeks ago was a special gift to us as a couple - our sex hasn’t been this hot in years. Eddie: I’m glad to hear it! Sounds like A&A really charged up your sex life. Me: I’m actually down with the flu at the moment. Eddie: Oh yeah? That’s no fun. Want us to reschedule? Me: No way. I may be out of commission, but my boyfriend is really looking forward to this. And so am I. I’ll be participating, in my own way. Eddie: Sweet. We get in late Friday, so maybe we can meet up on Saturday? Me: Perfect. You have our address. We’ll be here. When Jake returned with my dinner, I had already saved and deleted the extra pics Eddie had sent me, so when we compared text conversations, they looked mostly the same. I told him they’d be over on Saturday. Jake was concerned about me being sick, but I told him there was no way I’d let my little illness get in the way of this happening. After the last time, our sex life was undeniably better, and I wanted another jolt of that whether I could actively participate or not. Jake reluctantly agreed, and then got much more excited when he checked his phone and saw the pics they’d sent. By the time Saturday rolled around, I had worked Jake into a frenzy of anticipation. Some jerking off was all I could muster in my weakened state - this was the worst flu I’d ever had - and we had several hot sessions stroking our dicks as we looked at the cock pics Eddie and Bill kept sending. Jake is versatile, but knowing my ass was off limits, he realized it was up to him to satisfy these studs, and I assured him he was more than up to the task. He couldn’t deny he was looking forward to being a little bottom slut for our new friends in their short time here. When the doorbell rang, I was laying in bed reading through the text string Eddie and I had had on the app he recommended I download so we could communicate discreetly. We’d had multiple long exchanges over the past few days, and I shared with him what I had been up to with Jake’s PrEP. We came up with a plan - Eddie and Bill were happy to help Jake and me continue on the journey we started that weekend with Alex and Andre. As I heard introductions being made in the other room, I quickly retrieved full condom from my bedside table - the only load I could muster in the past couple days I had deposited in a rubber for today’s festivities - and put it under the bed. I also laid out two unopened rubbers and Jake’s little blue pill on his nightstand. I was back under the covers by the time the door opened and Jake peeked in to see if I was awake. I closed out the last few pics Eddie had sent me - a cum-stained piece of paper with HIV test results - and smiled and invited them in. Eddie entered the room and I literally gasped - his pictures truly did not do him justice. Tall, dark, and handsome didn’t begin to describe his magnetic good looks - he was a Latin god, with a smile that made you feel like you’d just made a new friend. His husband Bill followed, no slouch in the looks department, just a different beast entirely. Jake made the introductions and they both expressed disappointment that I wasn’t feeling well. I told them I was doing OK, and was really happy they were here - Jake and I were SO looking forward to their visit. And with that, I thought we might as well get down to it - we all knew what was on the agenda, so why bother with the formalities? I threw off the covers and moved over to Eddie, giving him a nice long grope before tugging at his tight t-shirt, lifting it off over his head revealing a chiseled chest with just a light dusting of fur. I growled as I undid his jeans and struggled to slide them over his muscled bubble ass. He was wearing a pair of light blue briefs, the fabric straining to contain what he was packing. I pointed him to the bed, where he lay down and watched as I repeated the process on Bill. The husbands now lay side by side in our bed in just their undies, as I gave Jake a meaningful smile and a wink and nodded toward them. He jumped on the bed and immediately fished Bill’s cock out of his briefs, taking it into his mouth. Eddie whipped his out, and Jake reached over and started jerking him as he sucked on Bill. I grabbed my stiffening cock as I watched my boyfriend eagerly service the cocks of two strangers he barely knew. Before things progressed too far, I grabbed the pill off the nightstand and pulled Jake’s mouth off Eddie’s cock - he had been going back and forth between the two enormous bones. I held up the pill and explained the ritual to our visitors, as if I hadn’t already explained it all in my texts. “As part of our agreement to play with others, we went on PrEP and we always use condoms. Because I’m not feeling up to it, the pleasure of playing with you two is all Jake’s.” With that, he stuck out his tongue and I put the pill on it. He swallowed it down, smiled at me, mouthing the words ‘I love you so much’ before leaning in and kissing me passionately. He then went back to sucking the two huge cocks before him as I sat in the chair opposite them and started stroking. I grabbed my phone and started documenting the scene - my boyfriend in a pair of jock briefs, his ass up in the air as he alternated sucking each cock in front of him. Eddie and Bill making out, smiling for the camera, winking at me as my boyfriend serviced them. I don’t ever remember being so turned on before. After a few minutes, Eddie moved behind Jake and parted his muscular cheeks, burying his tongue in my boyfriend’s hole. Jake moaned on Bill’s cock and ground his ass back against Eddie’s face, begging him to tongue him deeper. My boyfriend was being such a slut, which made me so damn horny. Jake reached over for one of the condoms and handed it back to me. I held it up to Eddie’s mouth and watched as he tore off a corner with his teeth. I pulled it out and took my time rolling it down over his enormous cock. I smiled at him and he went back to where he’d been earlier, next to his husband on the bed. Snagging another condom, I rolled it only Bill’s cock as I suggested to Jake “I think you should take turns riding them, babe.” Smiling at my suggestion, Jake smiled as he straddled Eddie and slid down onto his cock. I had the perfect view of my boyfriend’s hole stretching as he moaned and slid down on the big brown laytex-sheathed cock. Meanwhile, I stroked Bill, smiling as Eddie bottomed out in Jake’s hole - balls deep. Jake started moving up and down, getting used to being stuffed full. After riding him for a while, he stood up and moved over to Bill, squatting over his big dick as I pointed it straight upward, guiding it into my boyfriend’s loosened hole. He slid down easily and whimpered a bit as he took it to the hilt. I gave Jake’s dick a little squeeze as I shifted up and lay next to Eddie, who reached out and started stroking my cock as we watched our partners fuck. After we enjoyed the sights for a minute or so, Eddie leaned over, whispering for my benefit “I’m gonna dump my poz nut in your boyfriend’s hole, you evil little slut.” My dick involuntarily pulsated in his fist. I looked in his eyes, winked and nodded with a smile, as he got up to move behind Jake, who was still being pummeled by Bill. I followed, and wrapped my fist around Eddie’s huge cock, still in its intact condom. While Bill pulled Jake in for a kiss, I reached down with my fingernail and pierced the tip of the rubber, then gently pulled at the hole until it was about the size of a dime. I proceeded to stroke Eddie’s cock and pull down on the condom, watching as his beautiful brown dick head pressed against the hole, stretching the latex further and further until it emerged completely, the broken rubber still wrapped around his shaft. Eddie reached down and grabbed Jake’s hips, lifting him off Bill and pulling him back toward the middle of the bed. With one hand he guided Jake’s head to Bill’s balls as his partner stroked his shaft, and with the other, he fingered Jake’s now well-used hole, first one, then two, then three. He became increasingly aggressive with his fingering, and I noticed Jake twitch and jump a few times as his bowels were being scratched and his hole stretched even more. I guided Eddie’s bare cock head to my boyfriend’s hole as he pulled his fingers out, slightly tinged in pink slime. I watched as Eddie moved his weight forward and entered Jake in one long, slow stroke until just the base of the rubber was visible around his thick shaft at his pubes. Bill stroked with one hand and held Jake’s head on his balls as he winked at Eddie and me, as Eddie began to thrust. Every time he pulled out, I could see more of the rubber had shredded around his shaft and it was mostly just bare brown cock moving in and out of Jake’s hole. That sight, and the knowledge of what we were all doing, made Eddie realize he wasn’t going to last long. I saw Jake reach back at one point and touch the base of Eddie’s cock, and feeling the condom still there, returned his attention to Bill’s balls, even licking down into his hairy crack to tongue his hole. Jake was obviously feeling really slutty and horny, as he was moaning and pushing back on Eddie, likely squeezing around that huge dong pounding his hole. Eddie started breathing increasingly heavily as I pinched his nipples and ran my fingers down his lower back to his ass, tracing the biohazard tattoo on his cheeks as he thrust harder and deeper. The tell-tale signs increased and soon Eddie was growling, “I’m gonna nut!” I pushed on his ass, encouraging him as I muttered “Do, it man, go balls deep!” Grunting and he moaned a long “Fuuuuuuck!” holding still as he shot his load into my boyfriend’s hole, giving me an approving smile as his orgasm subsided, although holding himself firmly in place. Knowing the time was short to complete the deception, I leaned down and quickly reached under the bed, grabbing the full condom which Eddie made a show of slowly pulling out as Bill held Jake in place. We both admired the sight of his bare cock with the tatters of a broken condom around it, covered in Jake’s ass juices. I pulled what was left of the rubber off and hid it under the bed as I pretended to tie off the one with my own load. I moved down and quickly licked Eddie’s cock clean of any evidence, then dropped the full condom on the bed next to Jake. He looked up from rimming Bill, and smiled at me as Eddie encouraged him to sit on Bill’s cock again. In that brief window, I gave Bill’s condom the same treatment as I had Eddie’s, and then held his mostly-bare cock straight up as Eddie guided Jake down on it. We lay back and Eddie stroked my cock as we watched his partner’s bare dick slide in and out of my boyfriend’s hole. As Bill looked over Jake’s shoulder, Eddie and I mouthed words to him like, ‘Bareback him’ and ‘Seed his hole’. Our encouragements, in addition to the knowledge of what had just happened aided in pushing Bill over the edge. Pressing down on Jake’s hips, he helding his cock balls deep in Jake’s hole as rope after rope shot deep in my boyfriend’s guts. Jake leaned back, holding Bill inside him as he jerked off. I hopped up and stood next to them on the bed, my cock aiming at Jake’s face. We looked in each other’s eyes as we both stroked. I told him, “Babe, you were so slutty tonight, it turned me on so much. I just wanna shoot this load all over your whore face.” I never talk to him like that, but something about the moment made us both lose control and we exploded cum everywhere - him all over Bill’s chest and belly, me all over his sweet slutty face. After we came down from that high, Jake gently slid himself up and off Bill’s cock. As he reached down to take care of the rubber, he saw the state it was in. Reaching back, he felt his hole, which of course was dripping with cum. “Oh fuck, the condom broke!” All three of us chimed in with an ‘Oh fuck’ of his own, although I noticed, curiously, when I made my exclamation, my cock released one last spurt of cum. “What am I gonna do?” asked Jake.
    1 point
  38. I can't stop thinking about raw poz daddy dick inside of my tight smooth hole. Someone help me!
    1 point
  39. Love pissing up a guys hole when he is not expecting it.
    1 point
  40. That's the way you do it: fucking him hard and deep, making that cockhungry little boyslut scream with pleasure... And look how hard his teendick stays - the kid really seems to like getting deepdicked...
    1 point
  41. Since you guys are in a relationship and have bonded on a different level I think you should discuss this before going ahead with it. This could be something so beautiful if done properly. If he were some random fuckbud that knows your status then I would say knock him up. But this could be an amazing bond between the two of you. I fantasize often about knowing and loving my gifter and am pretty sure many others do as well. BBRT- fucknfeedme
    1 point
  42. Even though he is your bf, a discussion needs to take place on this issue. I would be willing to be bred with undetectable loads, but not so sure about someone not on meds. It sounds more like your fantasy at this time, and I get it totally. You know him best, so initiate the conversation and see where it takes you.
    1 point
  43. Nick is half awake and they are all finish eating out his blood red hole. I take the plug Jerry gave me to put in Nick ass and install the belt that will keep the plug in his hole till his body has absorb the cum that is still in Nick hole.The tray below has a lot of cum that was in his hole but leaked out, so I take the tray and put it in a 2 big glasses and give it to Nick to drink, he is so fuck up I hold the glass wile he gulps it down wile Jerry removes the catheter from his dick and after he has finish both glasses of pink cum its time for the bag of chem piss to drink and keep Nick hydrated for the ride home. Nick is a mess so I take him to the shower and his legs are real wobbly so I help him walking. Once inside the shower area a big applause breaks out for Nick as he was a big hit, a few could not believe he drank the cum & piss and he smells like a urinal. Nick ask whats in his ass I tell him a 2inch butt plug as I shower him off and Nick turns to me and gives me a passionate kiss and I respond as the more time I spend with Nick the more I’m falling for him. Jerry tells me to give a shot to knock out Nick for the ride home so he will relax and be comfortable. My mouth is sore from giving the ones with Prince Alberts on their dicks a BJ before or after they fuck Nick.Having a P.A. my self and other piercing I know the good and bad of caring body piercings. When we get home we carry Nick into the house and put him to bed, Jerry wants me to sleep with him and that I like but with both os us in chastity we will not be able to do much but cuddle and kiss, but that is OK with me right now.I love the feeling of his naked warm body in bed and Nick Loved it also. We are home 10 days from the 100 and Nick is not feeling well and 4 days later his body is aching with a 102 fever, nausea and vomiting,severe headaches. After a week Jerry calls the Dr to come over and check Nick out ,well Nick is now a member of the brotherhood for life , the DR ask do you want to put him on meds? Jerry says HELL NO as he has lined up a bunch of thous who want POZ cum in their holes from a young boy like Nick. I pay the DR as he takes me to the play room puts me in the sling gives a heavy slam and for the next few hours has his dick and fist in my hole.
    1 point
  44. The guy sought out PrEP because he knew he was at risk and didn't feel he could change his behavior. He was being responsible under the circumstances. The "shame, shame, shouldn't have done all that sex and all those drugs" attitude from some posters here -- members of a group that is devoted to highly stigmatized sexual behavior -- is really hard to fathom.
    1 point
  45. Fuckin' Oink~! Please keep sharing, love to see your pix. Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun. Wood love to breed it, & swap too. My VL= 100G. Thanks for following me.
    1 point
  46. Grabbing the meaty cheeks of the young hot pig pushing his ass out toward me I spread them wide and almost gasped with dark hunger as his pink hole smiled at me thru the tufts of black hair surrounding that still-innocent pucker. This boi's hole was MADE to be eaten, fucked, bred....and knocked up! And with the tina in my system ratcheting up my own piggy hunger I was ready to take care of the first penetration....my eager tongue into the depths of that virgin bi pig hole! Along with a good number of tina shards once I had him wet and loosened. And leather daddy and Miss T had him distracted. I moved my face within a couple inches of his hole and gently blew across it. I felt his asscheeks quiver in my grip as I did so, and heard his muffled moan as daddy had his entire dick buried in the cockpig's throat. I blew one more time on the hole then could not hold back, and moved my head and neck forward, my tongue leading the way as it made contact with his sweaty and quivering asslips. DAMN!! Did his hole taste good....and that was just the first taste. I couldn't wait to really taste him as I would get him loose enough to take my tongue past his hole into his chute. And I wasted no time! I grabbed his asscheeks more firmly for a better hold, spread them wider and noisily began licking, lapping and probing at his sweet never-before-fucked hole. His moans though still muffled became louder and his whole body started shaking as he pushed his ass back eager to get more of my tongue into him. I gladly obliged! "You like your pig brother's tongue on your sub pig cunt boi?" Daddy asked him. I heard an eager muffled response which I knew was a definite "YES!". GAWD! I couldn't get enough of this boi's hole on my tongue. It was going to be even so much sweeter once daddy and I worked him at both ends with tina to get him flying. As I feasted I heard daddy tell him to take a couple hits off the pipe. As he took daddy's dick from his mouth, just before taking the pipe stem between his lips he spoke in a heated half whisper half moan to me..."Oh fuck yeah dude! Eat my hot hole. Fuck it with your tongue! Damn that feels so good!! Never had anybody do that before...oh..yes..please!" I slapped one hand on his hairy asscheek to let him know I heard him, as I heard daddy tell him to take a couple of really big hits off the pipe and it'd make my tongue feel even better in his hole! I was only vaguely aware of their actions as in my hunger I was lost in worshipping this pig's ass with my tongue! I knew too that I needed to get it good and slicked up and loosened for the tina daddy wanted me to slide inside that hole. I heard daddy compliment the sub pig on his cloud then heard the click of the lighter as I redoubled my piggish drilling of this sweet hole offered to me. I ate him for about another 5 minutes or so before I reached over to the bag of nice chunky shards of tina and grabbed a 2 or 3 good sized pieces between my wet fingers. I pulled my tongue from the spit drenched hole and my face from the sweaty hairy crack as I moved the fingers with the tina just above his crack. I heard him whimper around daddy's dick in disappointment. "Don't worry, pig," I told him. "I'm not done. Just need to catch my breath. But I'm gonna slide my wet fingers in that hot hairy hole of yours. I think you're needing something in there don't ya?" I saw him bob his head up and down as he mumbled another yes around the meat in his mouth. I winked at daddy then pulled on one cheek with my free hand and slowly slid the 2 fingers covered with the t into his receptive hole. he winced and flinched as he felt the burn of the tina but I held his waist tight and daddy held his head. "It's ok, boi," I said reassuringly. It's just burning cause your hole is so tight. You'll start to feel real good in a moment when you get used to it. Why don't you ask daddy for another hit off the pipe in the meantime?" I finished as my fingers moved further into his heated hole and the tina began to melt in to him. Now the REAL pig boi was going to come out!!
    1 point
  47. No sleep boy? Does that mean you get into parTying and smoking Tina or just doing T anyway that you possibly can?? BC I am a parTy animal If you're into the same thing? Do you love to talk about perv taboo topics and If so then I am available to talk through text or call if you're interested in getting on the phone with me for that? Also I'd like to know if you're interested in phone sex and getting off by jerking off and dirty and nasty talking to each other and exclaiming everything we'd love to do to one another or to our victims if we have the same thing in common??? The name is Andrew and 337-900-9645, text me but let me know who you are and from here this site!!
    1 point
  48. I'm feeling needy this Friday morning... I desperately need some cum in my ass - and hey; I'm needy enough that I'd even accept a cock in rubber, just to get fucked! (But it's no secret that I obviously prefer it raw...) So far the only candidate for fucking me is a 68-year old man with quite a mediocre penis (16cm / 6 1/4 inches) who wants to fuck me safe. Not really ideal in any way but if I can't get anything else, I'll take it. Gotta have some cock in me - and perhaps I can convince him to cum in my mouth at least... Hopefully, though, something raw will turn up.
    1 point
  49. I love to be an exhibitionist, and I hate how it's hard to find tops into videotaping. I actually kinda like it when they don't show their faces but my face is being raped by one guy while I'm getting fucked or fisted by another. It feels degrading but I like putting my slut out there. All of my vids are on my cloud at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7weWWl6klixLVJ2NE9EVjlveTg. The one titled amateur ass wreckers was "too extreme for pornhub" bc the spiked PA, Chain, feet and fists made my poor friends cunt a bloody mess. And some were posted at raunchyfuckers until it stopped accepting new posts. Some of the best are my birthday gangbang from 2015 and my intense fisting session from 2016. If any guys would like to fuck and fist or do whatever to me and post it, I'm game. Love being pushed to my limits on cam, and you'll see that i love taking on black guys. Bbrt me if you'd be interested in making a movie. I travel a lot and can also host in memphis. There are lots of vids I've been in that I never got copies of, some of which were awesome. If you see my tattoos on pornhub or you're those guys in little rock that gangfucked me on video, post it somewhere and send me the link or let me know so I can put it on my cloud. My BBRT is communitybttm.
    1 point
  50. I don't have a brother but can contribute another true story. A couple of years ago I was in Egypt. One night in Cairo a young guy came up to me like those Arabs do when they want to show your their shop and sell souvenirs. I told him that I was not interested in buying anything, but we talked a little though, and quite soon the topic came to sex and how difficult it is for Egyptian guys to have sex with women before being married and so on. I told him that I heard that Egyptians have big dicks, and he said his was large. I replied "I don't believe you - prove it." So he took me to a house where we could slip into an open basement, he unzipped and showed me his cock, which rose to a full erection in a few seconds. He was huge! I went down on my knees and sucked him, but unfortunately he came immediately and flooded my mouth with a huge load of very spicy sperm. I was disappointed because, of course, I had hoped to get fucked, so I asked him for a second round. He said he couldn't, but he suggested I return the next day. I honestly didn't think I could be so lucky, and that he would be there the next night, but I wasn't about to miss the chance, however slight, of another round. To my surprise and pleasure, when I got to his street he was expecting me. We went downstairs and this time I didn't suck him but immediately bent over and offered him my ass. He pushed his rock hard monster balls-deep with one thrust. No condom, no lube, not even spit. Luckily I had just flushed out and my ass was still wet and prepaired with some oil. He fucked me for less then a minute and busted his heavy nuts deep inside me. I was again disappointed. Why couldn't he last a little longer? I told him that I had three more days in Cairo and asked if he wanted another round, so again he told me to come back the next day. Next day, same story, but this time it took him a couple of minutes to shoot and I started to really enjoy it. Then he asked me if I would be interested if another guy fucked me as well. I asked him who was this 'other guy'. He hesitated but then he told me that it would be his younger brother. I was really tempted now and accepted his suggestion, so the next day both he and his brother were there when I showed-up. The brother was quite young but not so young that I would doubt that he was at least 18. He was a bit shy, but his older brother pushed him and let him go with me first. His cock was similar to his brother's and when I bent over he didn't waste a second to enter my eager hole, but then he shot his load after only two thrusts and pulled out immediately. Shit. I turned around and told him to send his brother downstairs, which he did. The older brother needed his time with me now. He wasn't so horny any more as on the first day und he fucked me for a good five or six minutes before he unloaded in me. It was probably also because I was already creamed with his brother's huge load and the friction went down with that. I was about to close my pants when the younger brother appeared again on the staircase. Without a word I turned around and bent over. Two minutes later I had his second load in my ass. That made the older brother horny again and he took my ass over to deliver his second load. What can I say? I arrived back in my hotel with my ass drenched with six brotherly loads. I dumped a huge cum-shit.
    1 point
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