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  1. Thanks for the comments. ---------- Part 15 - Testing… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Testing… Aaron parked the car he borrowed from the car rental company and walked the block to the clinic. His stomach was in knots he was so nervous and was afraid he was going to vomit. His body still ached and his neck was swollen still but he needed to know what he was sick from. Walking in, he noticed a large waiting room with almost all young men sitting in the chairs. A few looked like they were still in high school and a few were older guys in their 40’s or 50’s, but most looked to be about his age or a few years older. Most of the people waiting were by themselves but there were a few pairs of guys and one group of four guys. He looked at his watch and realized he was over 30 minutes early and walked up to the desk and quietly told the male receptionist that he was there for an appointment. The guy smiled and asked his name and handed him some forms to fill out. Aaron checked the guy out, reading his name tag which said “Douglas” and noticed he had a pride bracelet like the one Mark had, which put Aaron more at ease. “Everything is confidential, so please be honest. We can’t help you if you don’t tell us everything” the receptionist said. Aaron took the papers and a pen and found a seat away from everyone else and started filling out the forms. He couldn’t believe how much info they wanted. “Date of last sexual encounter”, “same or opposite sex partners?” “Do you have individual or group sex?” “Do you practice safe sex? Yes/no/sometimes/mostly/rarely” “Do you consider yourself heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, pansexual?” “how many sexual partners have you had in the past 30 days?” and it went on. He felt uncomfortable answering the questions truthfully and hoped that Mark was right about them not shaming him for being gay and the reckless sex he had been having. He finally finished the forms and took them back to Douglas who told him to take a seat and they would call him when the doctor was ready and then winked at Aaron. Sitting in the chair, he looked around the room. Every possible type of person was there - thin and fat; muscled or not; black, white, asian, hispanic and several he had no idea what ethnic group they were in; hipsters, preppy guys, average joes, hippies, jocks, cubs, bears, daddies and twinks; healthy looking guys and a few that looked not so healthy; one guy looked like some of the pictures he had seen of AIDS patients on the net. He kept looking over at the group of four guys and wondered what their deal was. “Who would go get tested for STDs with their friends?” he wondered. Soon a nurse came out and paged someone named ‘Steven’ and the asian guy from the group of four got up and went into what he guessed were the exam rooms. Finally a nurse came out from the door and called “Joe and Aaron.” Another one of the group of four got up at the same time Aaron did and they both went to the door with the nurse, the other guy, Joe, saying “Hi” to him with a smile and Aaron replied with a quiet “hi.” They were ushered down the hall and Joe was put in one exam room and Aaron the one next door. The nurse weighed him, took his temperature which was still a little high, and blood pressure which was quite high, probably from the stress. The nurse told him to stay seated and a doctor would be in shortly. When the doctor came in he had a very relaxed demeanor and seemed to be in his mid 30’s, wearing a lab coat over a shirt with a tie and dress pants and looking pretty athletic. The doctor looked over the forms that Aaron had filled out and Aaron saw a few smiles and a few frowns on the doctor’s face. “So, Aaron. It looks like you’re a pretty active young gay guy. Pretty normal, to be honest. Now, tell me about this illness you had this past weekend and why you’re worried about it.” Aaron explained what had happened and started to cry again. The doctor calmed him down and told him “Don’t be hard on yourself about this. Sometimes we meet guys that aren’t so nice and regret it. I’ve had my share. It’s my job to figure out if you did catch anything and then treat it.” The doctor did a few tests in the room and checked his throat, neck, and joints before having him undress completely and then examined him below the waist, including bending him over and examining his hole. Aaron started to get aroused as the doctor pushed a lubed finger into him. As he turned back around he was embarrassed to let the doctor see his hard-on. The doctor said “I guess that still works fine, then” he chuckled and then added “Don’t worry, most gay men enjoy anal exams so I’m used to it. So, the only thing left is to get some blood tests done. Between those and the cultures I took, we’ll know in a couple days whats really going on.” Aaron looked surprised “A couple days?” “Yeah, we have a lot of lab work between you and all the other patients you saw in the waiting room, so we won’t know the results until late tomorrow or Friday” the doctor explained. After getting dressed, Aaron got led down the hall to another small waiting area for the blood tests. There, he ran into the guy from before, Joe. Joe checked him out as Aaron took the seat next to him. “So, just a regular test or did someone give you something besides a good time?” Joe asked with a smile. Aaron looked at him with a horrified look and finally answered “Uh, not sure yet. Guess I’ll find out in a few days.” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just trying to break the ice. Most of us are here for the same reason. Nothing to be ashamed of” Joe said as he put his arm around Aaron’s shoulder squeezing it. The door opened and Aaron recognized the asian guy from earlier walk out towards Joe. “Fucking vampire took four vials of blood” the guy told Joe, who responded “You’ll survive, Steven” Aaron’s eyes got big. He hated needles and the comment was making him feel even sicker. Joe got up and went inside and Aaron slid down to the first chair as another patient showed up for a blood test. It was another guy from the group of four he saw before - the ginger haired guy that Aaron had stared at earlier. “Hey, don’t look so down. It’s just a blood test, not death row” the guy told Aaron as he sat down next to him. The guy reached over and squeezed Aaron’s leg saying “Hi, I’m Dennis. First time here?” “Uh, yeah” Aaron replied. “You get used to it. It’s the price you pay for getting laid” Dennis said with a laugh and then asked “You go to school here?” “Uhhh, no. I live south of here. I didn’t want to see my old doctor in case he said something to my parents” Aaron said after a long pause. He looked down at his feet hoping Dennis would just leave him alone. “Ah, gotcha. Been there, done that. Don’t worry, everyone here is cool and they’ll help you no matter what” Dennis said as the door opened and Joe walked out. Aaron got up to go in and was shaking as he walked into the room. Aaron looked at the guy that Steven had called a vampire earlier. He was a really cute blonde haired, blue eyed twink with a big smile. Aaron thought he could be a model. After verifying Aaron’s information and sensing Aarons uneasiness giving blood, the lab tech suggested that Aaron look at a painting on the wall and distracted him with a few jokes. Aaron barely sensed the needle going in and before he knew it the needle was out and his arm was bandaged over the wound. “All done! They probably have already set up a followup appointment on Friday to let you know the results. Don’t worry, just keep a positive outlook” the lab tech said with a wink. Aaron got up and opened the door. As he walked out, Dennis was walking towards him and gave him a piece of paper whispering “I don’t know if you’re interested, but here’s my number. Give me a call if you need to talk or want to get together.” Aaron walked back out into the waiting room and over to the receptionists desk. He said to Douglas, the receptionist, “They said I might already have an appointment set up for Friday.” “No, not yet. You can either just walk in and wait for an opening or set up a time. What works best for you?” Douglas asked. “An appointment. Anything after 10 and before 4, I guess” answered Aaron. “I have a 10:30am. That ok?” “Yeah” Aaron said, wondering how he was going to make it almost 2 more days. “OK, here’s your reminder card” Douglas said looking at Aaron with a smile “Relax, everything will be fine. Find something to do to keep your mind busy while waiting for the results.” “Thanks” said Aaron as he turned around. Near the door was three of the guys from the group all standing there looking at him. He walked towards the door trying not to make eye contact, but couldn’t keep his eyes off Dennis who smiled at him and gave him a gesture for Aaron to call him. Aaron walked outside and down the street. He got in the car and just sat there, shaking. “What the fuck have I done? My life may be over and I have to wait two days to find out. And what the hell, almost everyone in the clinic tried to hit on me!” The light was peeking through the curtains and Derrick rolled over and put his arm around Tony, pinching his nipple on the way. Tony moaned and awoke with a smile. “I heard the boys are getting tested today. What do you think their chances are?” he said to Derrick. “With as many loads as we gave those three, I doubt they’ll be neg, but Mark’s brother only let Mark breed him. I don’t know how toxic he is, so I’ll say 50/50 for him. We should probably go to the clinic too. My cock’s been dripping again” said Derrick. “Yeah, mine too. I tagged the new barback last night after we closed. Fuckin’ hot boy, but damn is he dumb. He believed me when I told him part of his job as barback was to take all the other employees bareback and he had a week to get bred by everyone or we would fire him.” Tony said. “Fuck yeah. I saw him hustling around refilling ice and glasses when I was there last night. Hot body, great ass and a big bulge” Derrick replied. “He got four out of 11 guys last night, so he’s on his way. Luis and I were the first to breed him and left him sloppy for the other two bartenders. He said he wasn’t a bottom, but by the time I shot my load he was begging to get fucked more. He should be knocked up pretty quick. I want to get him as a server for the other club. I think he’ll be good for that. Oh, by the way… any luck lining up special guests for the next party?” Tony asked. Derrick rolled onto his side looking at Tony “I had a couple guys that might be good. One guy called yesterday afternoon and told me he just tested poz, so he’s out. Too bad, too. He’s a hot muscle cub with an ass to die for. The other one is a good looking daddy, but I don’t know if the members want someone older. I’ve been meaning to ask the Joe or Kyle if they know any students that might be up for it.” “That might be good. Students are always looking for a few hundred extra bucks. Having a chance at getting knocked up is just a bonus” Tony said laughing. “Speaking of knocked up, I haven’t fucked you in days. Show me that pussy” Derrick said as he spread Tony’s legs. Rubbing his oozing cock around the ring, he lunged forward jabbing his cock into Tony’s hole. Tony grunted and pulled his legs back while Derrick kept thrusting his cock in. Between the precum and yellowish discharge, Tony’s pussy was sloppy and lubed for the punishment. Derrick never fucked slow and gentle, it was always with force and with purpose. The bed was creaking and Tony alternated between moans and begging for Derrick to fuck harder. The precum and ooze from Tony’s cock was pooling on his navel to overflowing. Tony stuck his fingers in and scooped some up and licked them clean. Derrick grunted and slammed in and Tony could feel his cock twitch and the warmth of his poisonous seed fill his body. Derrick pulled his softening cock out and fell back to the bed. “Damn, I still like breeding that hole just like when I charged you up.”
    9 points
  2. Part 16 - Connecting the dots Mark had been checking the intern at work out for a couple months. The company frequently got college students to come in and work cheap with the promise that if the company liked how they worked they would get an offer when they graduated. He could tell that the guy was hiding something and it wasn’t just that he looked uncomfortable in the corporate clothing of khaki’s and polo shirts. He could see there were several piercings that he didn’t wear at work, and he always seemed to be checking out the other people in the office but never said a word about what he did outside the office. Many people try to keep their private lives out of the office gossip, but Paul took it to new levels. Mark talked to his boss and got Paul to help him on his current project. They had spent a week together and Mark had caught Paul staring at him several times. Finally he called him out on it. Paul stammered for words, embarrassed that he had been busted but happy that Mark couldn’t see his crotch, since he was rock hard like he usually was around Mark. “Listen, it will be a lot easier if you just tell me what you’re thinking and why you keep staring at me. Is it the tattoos?” Mark asked? After a few false starts, Paul finally said “No one in the office knows, but I’m gay” and paused before he added “and there are a lot of hot guys that work here” and paused again before turning bright red and finished with “and you’re the hottest one.” Mark chuckled “Dude, about a third of the guys in this department are gay. Including me. Don’t be shy about it, its cool. Just don’t stare and stalk guys at work or it can get you in deep shit. That doesn’t mean that you can’t let them know that you’re interested in getting to know them better. Just keep extracurricular activities and work separate. Look, it’s about lunch time, lets go grab a bite to eat and we can talk more openly.” Paul gave a big sigh and a smile came over his face. “Thanks, I didn’t realize it was that obvious.” The two left the building and went to a deli that Mark knew of. They grabbed sandwiches and drinks, drove back and sat down on a park bench outside the office and began to eat. Mark broke the silence and said “You should be yourself at the office, unless you’re some twisted crazed maniac, of course. It would make it a lot less stressful when you only have one life to live, not two.” “I don’t think most people would like what I do in my off time” Paul replied. “Oh? You have some skeletons in your closet?” Mark asked inquisitively. “Kinda.” Mark probed a bit “It can’t be anything crazier than some of the stuff I’ve done, so give me a hint.” After a few moments, Paul asked “If I tell you, you won’t tell anyone about this, right?” “Of course.” Paul took a deep breath and said “I go to a lot of warehouse parties. I DJ sometimes, but usually dance and hookup. Sometimes I strip at clubs and get a lot of offers for, uh, services.” He stopped and looked at Mark, waiting to see if he looked shocked or pissed off. “That’s it? Kinkier shit goes down with some of your co-workers. I don’t think management would like to hear about the stripping and escorting, but you’re a hot early 20’s gay guy. Have fun, enjoy your life. Do the crazy shit that you won’t be able to when you get older. Don’t brag about it in the office, but be yourself. Hell, my boyfriend and I might even want to watch you strip sometime” Mark said with a wink. Feeling a lot more comfortable, Paul asked “You do things like that with your boyfriend?” “Yeah” Mark said, chuckling a bit “Last stripper we saw we took home for the weekend.” Mark could see Paul react with some surprise but also saw his cock twitch. “Well, I’ve been working on a new routine and if you would like I can give you a private showing sometime” Paul said with a big grin. Mark was stripping Paul in his mind and felt his cock get really hard. “Mmmm, I bet that would be fun. I don’t like to mess around with guys from work, though and I doubt I could keep my hands to myself with you stripping in front of me.” “Well, I’m just an intern and I doubt I’ll be around after the end of the year. I also like my customers to touch the merchandise” Paul said with a nudge. “What do you have planned this evening? Maybe seven?” Mark looked at him, shaking his head. “He’s bold, that’s for sure” he thought. “I should probably decline, but my cock says yes. I usually listen to it when I shouldn’t and it always gets me into trouble. I think seven is good. I’ll text Eric and see.” “I like trouble” Paul said as they got up and walked back to work. Sitting at his desk, Mark wondered what he just got himself into, but texted Eric anyway. “hottie from work wants to show us his new stripping routine. u up for it? 7pm” and he hit send. A minute later Eric replied “What? u sure u want to bang a guy from work?” “not sure it will go that far, but I do. U in?” Mark replied right away. “ya. It’s hump day and I’m gonna dick someone tonite ;)” was Eric’s response. Mark gave Paul his number and address and decided 7:30-8 PM would be a better time. The rest of the afternoon went quick and as Mark was about to leave for the day to get home and clean up, his phone rang. It was Joe and he answered “Hey, Joe, how are you feeling?” as he walked out to his car and started driving home. “Still dragging a bit, but a lot better than I was at the end of last week” Joe replied. “Good to hear. How is everyone else doing?” Mark asked. “Kyle and Steven are doing better too. Kyle hit classes on Monday and Steven and I were back Tueday.” “How’s Dennis?” Mark then asked. “He hasn’t gotten sick yet, but he keeps getting loaded from Tony, Derrick and Luis.” “He must have a really good immune system then!” Mark said laughing. “The four of us went to get tested today. Do you think its too early?” Joe asked. “Cool. Where did you go - the university clinic? I would think that a blood test it would show it, but you never know. I did mine a couple weeks after I recovered from the flu. Did they say when the results would be ready?” Mark inquired. “Fuck no, the university clinic hates fags. The only time I went there they told me I was going to burn in hell for being gay. We went to the Jones clinic. Most everyone that works there is gay. We have to go back Friday to get the results. There were a lot of people there today. I’ve never seen it that busy. There was this one kid there that looked like he was still in high school, scared shitless. Kinda cute, skinny with bleached hair and some colored streaks in it and big plugs in his ears. Bet he would be a fun fuck. Dennis was hitting on him pretty hard” Joe said. Mark’s mind raced as he heard Joe describe the guy. “Oh fuck. Uh, did you catch his name?” “Who, the kid Dennis liked? Uh, yeah. Oren or Aaron. Something like that. Why?” “FUCK! Uh, it sounds like the guy from the car rental place. I nailed him. Twice” was Mark’s response. “You what? Is he even legal? Does he know you’re poz?” “Yeah, he’s legal. Nineteen. He hit on me and I fucked him in the bathroom when I picked up the car and then again when I dropped the car off. And no, he doesn’t know I’m poz. He called this weekend all freaked out. He was sick and some guy who fucked him last week told him he was giving him AIDS. I sent him to the same clinic you guys went to” explained Mark. “Damn, bro. That’s twisted. Why did he call you?” “I don’t know. He said I was the only one he could talk to. He’s not really out and has just started getting fucked. If he has any gay friends, they are probably just as clueless as he is” Mark said and then continued “Listen, tell the other guys you gotta keep the chasing and gifting quiet with him. And me being poz, too. If you can, help him out. He’s a good guy. He just needs someone to guide him. I fucked up on that part and thought with my dick.” “OK, bro. I’ll let em know.” Joe said, rolling his eyes. “Let me know what the tests say. You might have earned your other tattoo” Mark said. “Oh yeah, I forgot to thank you for that. Thad told me about it at my last session. I’m trying to figure out what to do and where to put it. I’ve seen some hot pics on the internet and have a few ideas. I’ll text you on Friday morning when I find out the results” Joe said. “You’re welcome. Talk to you soon. Bye” said Mark and he hung up, sitting in the parking spot at his apartment. Mark got out of the car and shook his head. “How fucked up is this?” he thought as he entered the apartment. Eric was in the shower and Mark just stood there watching him through the steamy glass, rubbing his crotch. He started to take his clothes off and his phone rang again. “Fuck, who is it now?” Mark mumbled to himself. Picking up the phone he saw it was Aaron and he answered it “Hello?” “Hello sir, er, uh, Mark” Aaron responded. “Hey, did you go to the clinic and see a doctor?” Mark asked, pretending not to know. Mark could hear Aaron sobbing again before he replied “Yeah, I drove up there and saw the doctor. They took four vials of blood to test and the doctor checked me out. He even stuck a swab up my dick and fingered my hole.” “Sounds like a fun date” Mark joked before turning more serious “When did they tell you they would have the results ready?” “I have to go back Friday morning. I don’t know if I can make it until then. I’ve already thrown up twice since then from nerves.” “Aaron, relax. There’s nothing you can do at this point other than wait, so just go to work, hit the gym, watch porn or what ever you normally do and don’t dwell on what the results are going to be. Just deal with it when you actually know something” Mark said trying to comfort him a bit. Mark recalled his talk with Joe earlier and decided he should see if Aaron remembered Joe and his friends. “Was the clinic ok? Did they treat you well? Obviously they ask a lot of personal questions, but I hope they made you feel like you could trust them.” “Yeah, everyone was really nice. Even some of the other patients were friendly and tried to cheer me up. One guy even gave me his number. I’m not sure if he really wanted me to call him just to talk or whether he just wanted to fuck. He was really hot, but I don’t feel like ever having sex again. His friends were really cool too. But I feel like everyone was looking at me like ‘you’re a slut and are going to pay for your crazy sex life’” said Aaron. “Aaron, don’t beat yourself up. A LOT of people get an STD sometime in their lives. It’s what happens when you have sex with multiple people. And its natural to have sex with multiple people, especially if you’re gay. Maybe you should to talk to the guy that gave you his number. What was his name?” Mark asked. “Let me find the note. Dennis, I think” Aaron replied, fishing the scrap of paper out of his pocket. “Yeah, Dennis.” “You dog” thought Mark with a big grin on his face before asking Aaron “You said he was hot. What did he look like?” Mark figured if he could get Aaron to keep his mind off the tests, he would settle down and let Mark get back to Eric. “He was about six foot tall with reddish hair. He had a beard and a bunch of tattoos. And a smile that melted my heart. But he won’t want to talk to talk to me if I have hiv” Aaron replied. “It takes a lot of guts to give a stranger your number like he did. And you’re just turning away without even giving him a chance. Call him, talk to him for 5 minutes and see where it goes. Maybe he just wants to talk and that would be REALLY good for you right now. It will give you something to do and kill time before Friday morning. I have to go now, but I want you to let me know what happens when you get the results. No matter what the result is, you’re going to be fine. Life may be a bit different, but its still going to go on for a long time.” “Ok, thanks. I’ll be ok, I guess. Bye” Aaron said and hung up. Mark stood up and Eric was looking at him with a confused look. “Becoming a therapist, now?” Eric asked. “Nah, this guy I fucked when I was visiting my brother thinks he got pozzed from a guy last week. He needs some moral support” Mark answered. “Damn, that death stick of yours really gets around. You think you pozzed him?” Eric asked with a sly grin. “Probably.” Mark jumped in the shower and cleaned himself off and changed into shorts and a tank top and slid into some sandals just as there was a knock at the door.
    7 points
  3. K, so, I recently moved in with my cuzin and her kid a couple weeks ago...since then...I've had to get my lazy ass up every morning, early as fuck, to take her to work and take little Jacob (aka Jacob Jr. or "JJ") to his dad's...long story short...JJ's dad's loaded me up a couple times...most recently, this morning lol....oh and did I mention JJ's dad has another gf lol. So, it all started last week on Tuesday...like usual I dropped off my cuzin at work and took JJ to his dads. Well, when I got to JJ's dads place JJ was asleep so I carried him into his dad's room and laid him on the bed...but of course as soon as I laid him down he kinda woke up and started crying...so I laid there for a minute to put him back to sleep (btw JJ is 4yo lol). Once he fell back to sleep I got up real slow and started to walk out of the room...that's when JJ's dad stood in the doorway with an obvious semi hard on lol and wouldn't let me pass. Nothing like creepy or anything just like kinda blocked the door way to where I kinda had to scoot past him in a way that he rubbed against me lol..... ok so a little back story on JJ's dad (aka Jacob Sr. or Jake)...when he was dating my cuzin I always thought he was so hot...ugh...but truly never thought he liked me cuz he would be an ass to me sometimes...like say stuff about being gay or making gay jokes...shit like that. So I figured he was pretty much straight...although, he did flash his cock to me one time when he was drunk as fuck lol...but so was I, so it was like whatever lol....besides my cuz saw him do it and she sorta laughingly scolded him...you know how that goes....ANYWAY.... so...once I got past him I still had to go get JJ's diaper bag and car seat from the car...so I did that and came back in...this time tho...when I got back in...Jake was pretty much fully hard as fuck lol (oh and yeah...he was high lol)....now...I'd like to say I was like OMG whats wrong with you lol...but come on lol.....so as I was putting the stuff down he asked if I wanted a hit (420) ...I was like fuck it sure...ended up taking a few more hits and got super fucking horny, like I usually do lol.........and like all of a sudden I got up all fast and said omg where's JJ...I went to the room real fast and he was still asleep (LOL I was so high and paranoid LOL)...anyway as I came back into the living room Jake was laying on the couch totally naked and hard as fuck...I sorta giggled and he said you want another hit...so I sat on the floor next to him and he started stroking his cock...omg I wanted it so bad...and without a word I knelt next to the couch, grabbed his cock and started sucking on it...ugh it tasted so good....after a little while he sat up and said come here and lifted me up off the floor....he spit on his hand...rubbed it on his cock...spit again on his hand and rubbed it on and in my hole...and he sat me down on his cock...omg fuck....finally when I was all the way down I started riding it up and down real slow...hearing him moan was soo hot.....so after a few minutes of that he told me to get up and he had me kneel on the couch with my chest against the back of the couch and then fucked me so fucking hard omg damn...like seriously his balls were slapping against my ass so hard....and after about 10min or so he grunted so loud and pushed in me as deep as he could and busted his nut deep in my hole mmmm fuckin omg it felt soo good.... sadly...hes one of those kinda guys that are like ok you need to leave now lol....but whatever...I got what I wanted and so did he....AND...he's had it a few more times since the first time lol...this morning being the last time ....cant wait till his next load mmmm hehe
    4 points
  4. need a good alpha to abuse my tight muscle butt. toxic dna preferred
    3 points
  5. Tommy is in the same situation as I was very little money and waiting on tables , so tell him what I did by working in the building and what I do now. He can’t believe me but is willing to try. I ask Larry and I tell him about his age and Larry laughs and said he is now much younger that you are. Tommy is 5ft. 7 weight 120 7 X 2 dick swimmer build blond hair , blue eyes with a cute bubble butt that needs a good fucking. Larry says the only thing Tommy needs is to what little body hair he has removed. I tell Tommy if he wants to move into my place he can as it’s big enough and he can save some money by doing so and not have to put up with the crap in the dorms. Back at the building I’m very busy and 90% of the ones I’m seeing are Tops and only a few want to PNP. The ones I Top all most want to PNP and I have a lot of fun fucking them and giving them my neg. loads. I had one bottom who wanted to be fisted by someone with a small hand and Larry ask me to do it . I have see it done but never did it before and the money for this is very good as it’s a long session. The client is in his mid 30s 6ft. very nice body with a lot of piercings,I say he has a 2ga. P.A. a Guiche on his taint , 10 ring Jacobs ladder on his scrotum , nipple rings the size of quarts with a POZ tattoo above the crack of his ass and over his dick. By looking at him in street cloths you would think of him as a banker but underneath he is a real pig. Larry gives me the list of what he wants done and if we run over the 5 hour time it’s ok as he is a very good client. A lot of the things I will be doing for the first time but others who work here have given me a good education on how to do it. We meet up in the room and I give a heavy Gator Aid after he finish it we talk a bit , then I take his arm tie it off and give him a heavy slam. When I see the flash of his toxic blood ( he is not on meds ) my dick is so hard and all I’ve done is give him a slam. I take him over to the sling and he jumps in to it like it’s his second home , I take a shoe lace and tie it off at the base of his scrotum to keep his dick up as he like sounds in his urethral , you use plenty of lube and just let the metal rod drop in by gravity , he takes the first one easy so I get a bigger one and the same it goes in easy, the next one is the biggest one we have and after that is in he says use your finger , I put so lube on my raw finger and it goes right in , he ha a big hard on as I stroke his dick. After I take my finger out I take out the mechanical suction pump and put it in his dick as I spread his legs as wide as they will go so I have complete access to his hole. Looking at his hole you can see this in not his first time doing this but I wonder why he wants me. Before I start I load him up on Gator Aid and give him a very heavy slam so he is flying. I take this big lube shooter that is loaded with J-Lube mix with Miss Tina and inserted in his hole , he does not need toys to stretch bill so I make my hand look like a duck bill and cover my hand and forearm. With fisting it’s the bottom who is telling you if they can take more or they want you to stop , go slower and even more lube. As my fingers go in his hole open up like a flower in the spring does , his hole is sucking my are after it go to my wrist, I was told about people like this as I move my forearm out to put more lube on and I’m past the elbow as I watch the sucking machine doing a number on his dick. I want to pull out to keep him hydrated and to put a gas mask on his and give him some poppers as I’m now to see how deep I can go with him.This time I just make a fist and punch it right in with very little complaint so I pull out and start to punch fist him and he is really liking it , then I re lube and go to see how deep I can go and it does not take lone till I’m up to my arm pit and I see my hand moving on his stomach. This is incredible as I’m about to cum from this as he says can you please use your other hand in me. So I put so lube on his body and let it run down and put as much as I can on it and put my hand in his hole as he is screaming and it’s not screaming of protest but of sheer pleasure, My one arm is as deep as it can go and my other hand is just past the wrist with me rocking my body back and forth. What I really love is how warm my hand and arm are with the total feeling of the power I have as he rocks back and forth , yes there is some blood as I’m sure I might have cut him up or the stretching did something but as I pull out I have never seen in my short life someone so happy high and exhausted. After I pull out I see how big his hole an apple would just fall in. I call for the nurse to help me as he will be needing some time to recover. The nurse comes in and hands me this GIANT butt plug and says just put it in and it goes in real easy. I look at the time and this session has been going on for 10 hours for in my head I thought it was only 3 hours , it’s then I realize how tired I am. I get home and Tommy is in bed so I just curl up to him and go to sleep and that night I was dreaming about thous piercing and the Poz tattoo and how much he was screaming pleasure. When I wake Tommy said they heard the screaming down stairs and they were joking about how much fun someone was having.
    3 points
  6. Oh...and the icing on the cake is that--completely unintentionally and not knowing that I was going to be called up in front of the crowd---this is the outfit I wore.
    3 points
  7. Liam was 21, had dark tanned skin, curly black hair and a lean, atheletic body. He was masculine and in the closet. Even though he was gay, he still fucked girls to prove himself to his friends, something I found pathetic. Him fucking me was pleasurable, but he always insisted on a condom despite the fact we were both neg. It irritated me: we were both clean, so why wouldn't he dump his load in me? Liam had told me previously that an HIV scare when he was younger turned him away from any unprotected sex, so it was a condom or nothing. I could accept this for a while, but as time went on he started to take me for granted, expecting me to make all the effort to get his plastic-covered dick inside me. But he was hotter than fire and had an amazing physique, so I put up with his bullshit for a year. One night I was desperately horny to top someone, so I invited him over as he had always told me he was vers. But when it came to fuck, he refused to bottom, let alone take my load. "I bottom for masc men only, fag," he told me. I decided that it was time for him to overcome his fear of HIV. I formed a plan. That week I created a Grindr profile on my phone and my tablet. On the tablet I found a picture of the only type he bottomed for: A tall, muscular, masc man. I used that picture to set up the fake profile of a man who I named 'Jim' I used a fake location app to move 'Jim' to Liam's area, and immediately began chatting him up. Soon Liam was begging to bottom for the imaginary 'Jim', but as expected he stated that he only did protected sex. "Don't worry," I explained through the 'Jim' profile. "I'm neg, and I ALWAYS use a condom." I spent days teasing him, leading him on, making him hungry to feel 'Jim's' cock deep in his ass. Then I moved to the next part of the plan. "I want to use u at night in a park." I explained through the 'Jim' profile. "To go there, find u on ur hands and knees with ur ass in the air ready to b fuckd. SAFE only tho!" I smirked. Liam took the bait, agreeing to be fucked, provided Jim wasn't rough because, in Liam's words: "I don't btm much." Now the first stage of my plan was in motion, I moved to the second stage. On the phone I created a fake profile with a picture of Liam. Then I searched my city for any poz man I could find, pretending to be Liam, explaining that I wanted unmedicated poz loads only. I found some poz profiles, and explained using Liam's fake profile: "I have a fantasy. I want to be raped in a park by a poz guy. I'll wait with my ass up in the air, and I want to be held down and have my hole raped with NO LUBE or spit. I want it rough, raw, bloody. I want a poz load in my torn up ass. I want to have any screams, tears or begging to be ignored, I want the real experience. I want me and my ass to be abused and used with no mercy. If I try and move I want to be held down. No safe words, no games. Pure charged poz loads in my ruined hole." I got more responses than I could've hoped for. Soon I set up a time and place, continuing to flirt with Liam using the 'Jim' profile so he would become hornier and more open to suggestion. Then the final part of the plan came about. The night of the event had arrived. I messaged Liam using the 'Jim' profile.. "I was thinking how hot it will b if ur blindfolded when I start fucking u. It will b so hot. I'll take the blindfold off at the end so we cum together " As I expected, Liam was hesitant, but I eventually I convinced him to do it for just the first minute of the fuck. Liam told me his hands were shaking. I told him I was excited to meet him and have some safe fun. Liam arrived at the huge park and walked to the very back where he would be furthest from the road... and anyone helping him. He got on his hands and knees like I had ordered him earlier, and he pulled his pants down to his knees, exposing his ass to the night air. He pulled out a piece of fabric and bound it over his eyes. He waited. Around the corner were 9 highly-charged, poz men who had arrived earlier in anticipation. I'd told them through my fake Liam profile to look out for other poz men who might want in on the action, and they'd noticed each other and gathered as a group to give a young, toned masc jock the gift he had been begging for for weeks. As per my request, they had phones ready to film every painful, dirty detail. Liam messaged 'Jim' that he was ready and putting his blindfold on. He reminded me "Safe Sex Only", and promised he'd leave if I tried anything. I relayed the first part of the message to the waiting men, and like wolves they silently approached the naive young man, unknowing that they were all being used to rape an innocent, unsuspecting neg boy. As the rape began, I blocked Liam on 'Jim's' profile and then deleted it. The next day I asked the men to send me their videos and pics of the night. They all mentioned how hot it was that Liam struggled and cried so much, thinking it was mainly an a roleplay act. The videos showed Liam being set upon by the group and held straight down on the dirt by the men as one by one they shoved raw, dry poz dicks in his tight, hairy hole. He had screamed. He had begged. His hole tore and bled. Toxic loads became the lube of each successive stranger until they had all fucked him more than twice and cum leaked out of his red orifice and dribbled down his bruised flesh onto the ground. After a while, Liam had stopped struggling and instead lay on the dirt crying, poz loads swirling around inside his bloodied, torn guts. Each man dressed and walked off from the crime scene. I saved the videos on my computer and still watch them regularly. The image of Liam being raped again and again for more than an hour makes me instantly hard to this day. I deleted all the Grindr profiles I had used in the crime and went back to my own personal profile where I had favourited Liam and where we usually arranged hookups. His profile was offline for more than 3 days before he finally came back online. I waited another few days so it wasn't suspicious then messaged him. "I'm so horny, I've missed you, sexy!" "Hey... I dont kno." He replied. "Im... not sure I can do sex anymore." He paused for a long time before adding "I want to see u. Im going through a lot right now and Im an emotional wreck. I dropped out of uni bcuz some shit happened that im still getting over. You're a really nice guy [NAME REDACTED]. Plz see me tonight?" I smiled. "I'm kinda busy. Next week?" "OK, I'd like that." Liam replied. "Thanks for messaging me. I rly need someone to talk to." A week later I asked if he wanted to see me. "Im not feeling well today." He responded after a delay. "I think Im coming down with the Flu."
    2 points
  8. The initiation What had I got myself into? I was now down in some sort of dungeon with three other 'novices' to be initiated into the “Fuck Club”. A friend had recommended I joined as the barebacking opportunities were numerous. Everything seemed normal upstairs after filling in but a few details, signing membership and consent forms and handing over my substantial subscription money. I also had to undergo some tests to ensure I didn't have any STDs. I was now downstairs being grilled by a sergeant major type dressed only in some leather gear with spiked collar, wielding a wooden baton. He looked sternly at us and stated “the first rule of the fuck club is that you must always fuck bareback.” “What do you think the second rule is?” I answered smartly “the second rule of the fuck club is that you must always fuck bareback.” “Wrong!”, he replied and proceeded to swing his baton at my groin making me double over in pain. “The second rule of the fuck club is this: during the first stage of your initiation during your first couple of weeks, it doesn't matter whether you are a total top or versatile, you are to behave as complete bottoms and accept everyone and anyone's bare cock and load!” “So, what's the third rule then?” I was still in great pain, but foolishly another of our threesome spoke out “To always obey your instructions.” “Very true but wrong!” and once again he swung his baton and another one of us doubled over in agony. “You will not be told the third rule until after your first stage of initiation is completed.” He pressed a bell and six large, well-built men dressed in similar garb came through into his office. He pointed at the guy still doubled over in pain and said “You two take him for his initiation; then he pointed to the other timorous guy and said “Throw him to the baying wolves” and then instructed the final two men to escort me to his private cell. The cell was fairly Spartan with manacles on the headboard of the bed covered only in a black plastic mattress. When we were alone, he stripped off his shorts revealing his impressive but still fairly flaccid cock and told me to suck it. I complied. It soon grew into an alarmingly big 10 inches. At which point he told me to turn round and attached my wrists to the manacles and with only my saliva as lubrication forced his huge dick right inside me. I was in agony as his cock violated my arse, ripping it apart, I felt violated as he forcefully thrust his cock in and out of me. He thrust his cock in my arse slowly at first, then began to thrust slightly more quickly. I felt just like his piece of meat. He was using and abusing me for his own pleasure, not for mine. He continued this hard thrusting with his enormous cock until a light winked on and off in the corner of the room. Suddenly, he went into overdrive, pushing his cock in and out vigorously. Then with a cry, he flooded my arse with his cum in long jets. He gave me a somewhat sinister smile and said “Welcome to the club! Now I'm sending you to Adam for your proper initiation, he's one of my best!” Once again, two hefty guys were summoned to take me to Adam. Adam was to be found in a cage in a corner of an otherwise large hall. It was very dark and could hear but not see the sound of fucking going on within this hall. At one point I heard a scream from what I believed came from the third novice in our group. I was taken into the cage, in which there was but a small red light to illuminate the dingy cell. It had a bench rather than a bed and what I presume to be Adam, already erect and raring to take my already raw arse. What I eventually perceived in this very dim light is that his penis was pierced with a series of studs along its length. I was made to kneel facing the wall with my legs off the end of the bench and the guy began to rub his cock up and down my bum crack. I could feel his dick was already sticky with precum. Then slowly and more considerately than the previous guy, he forced his penis inside me, I did, however, really feel his studs scraping my insides from the rough handling I'd previously received. He carefully began thrusting in and out, gaining a good tempo. I started to tolerate his studs despite the pain and began to enjoy the experience. This pace continued for some twenty minutes. The pain by now had largely subsided when his cock began to pulse as he came up my arse. I felt several jets of cum explode up my arse. He withdrew and his cum mixed with some blood dribbled out of my arse. “Welcome to the club!” he whispered in my ear. He then turned on a switch on the wall and I realised I'd been watched by a dozen others, all with their cocks out wanking to the sight of my initiation. At this point I was held with my arms and legs spread and tied to the bench. Lines formed at my head and my arse. The first man standing behind me and pushed hard and entered me while another guy forced my lips apart and placed his dick in my mouth. I could feel salty pre-cum sliding down my throat. Very quickly his cock body shuddered and my mouth was filled with hot, sticky cum. It ran out of my mouth and down my chin as well as down my throat. Meanwhile the man fucking me from behind let out a groan as he sent a sudden spurt of warm spunk inside me. He too said to me ”Welcome to the club!” Before I could realise it, another man had wanked his cock, giving it a couple of jerks, and shooting shot after shot of cum all over my face. It went all over my face. Meanwhile another man's cock took the place of the one who'd just shot his load inside me and started to slowly fuck me. After a while he thrust harder and then he just stopped moving with his dick all the way in. He released his load inside me too and gave the now familiar retort of “Welcome to the club!” He pulled out and another cock quickly took his place. His cock began to pulse and I got another arseful of cum, which then started running down my legs. The queue continued with guy after guy taking it in turn to fill me with their raw load and when they had emptied their cum into me, they all finished with the familiar refrain “Welcome to the club!” I was pretty exhausted by the end of the evening with at least a dozen loads taken and an aching arse to show for it with spunk and blood oozing from my insides. This pattern continued every evening for the next couple of weeks with Adam initiating me in front of other full members of the club and then many of those who watched taking it in turn to fill me with their loads. I must have taken a good hundred loads by the end of the first fortnight. By this point I was exhausted and not feeling very well. The owner of the club, who'd been my first introduction to the club advised me to take a rest from attending and return only when I felt fully better, then I would be ready for the second part of my initiation. He suggested I take paracetamol for my aches and pains, and felt sure I'd be right after a week or two. Although quite an ordeal I was determined to become a full member of the fuck club.
    2 points
  9. As I only want bb sex ,I always send 3 pics with 1st message My hard dick Me up the ass of a hairy cub And his ass gaping after ive cum - with a big glob of cum in his ass hair saves me a lot of ping pong emails about limits
    2 points
  10. Hey, guys, I'm curious about something. Anyone who knows me on here knows that when it comes to oral, it's not my first choice of activities. Sure, I'll suck dick to get a guy hard, wet, and warmed up for a good pounding. But I'm, sadly, not one of those guys who enjoys sucking dick for hours on end. However, if I was given the choice of oral between cock or ass, my mind instantly goes to rimming. Now, rimming I could get into for a long, long time -giving and receiving. And that's the other thing, while I'll suck another guys dick, having my own sucked does nothing more me. I'll get and stay hard but the urge to cum never arrives. Nope, first choice for me regarding oral is ass. Am I the only one who would rather chow down on a hot, beefy, juicy ass instead of sucking dick?
    2 points
  11. I have gone to a few piss parties. I love being hosed on and soaked by a group of pigs.
    2 points
  12. Love coming home to bf dripping poz loads
    2 points
  13. begging for poz loads is always hotter when it's behind your partner's clueless back!
    2 points
  14. Yesterday , unusually didn't find any willing asses in the dark room at local sauna. Was debating weather to want to the porn when I decided to give Grindr one last chance. Saw a bottom I fucked last week , early 30's very hot bod (judging by the medals pinned up on his wall a runner) He had been sent back from work early. I messaged and arranged to meet him 30 mins later. He messaged to get me know he was preparing. I let my self in as invited , he was on the sofa I rolled him over and deep rimmed , very deep the kind that makes your tongue ache. One he was wet ,wriggling and moaning I pressed my very hard cock against his hole and pushed in him gently but firmly. As he is young and fit he has a boyish figure and lovely skin. I held his hims firmly and started to ride him. he loosened my till he was a soft ward fuck. We both kept huffing poppers , the more he took the more he wriggled and moaned and (my favourite thing in a bottom ) arched his back like a dog on heat . I gripped him more tightly and lengthened my stroke till I came deep in his ass. He messaged my later to say I had cum a huge load and it was still cumming out. I am strting to take pics once I've cum in a ass , Ive just sent him last nights phots , his ass with my cum glistening on it. Another great fuck
    2 points
  15. This story isn’t abandoned. I just have a crazy whirlwind going on right now. Move to a new house, the continued lawsuit from my car accident, as well as the holidays and everyone at work taking vacation... which means chronic understaffing. As soon as my laptop is unpacked and my home office is set back up, I plan to start writing again. As of right now though, all I have is my phone and that’s a tad hard to write and edit on.
    2 points
  16. Part 24 It became clear that Thomas knew what he had gotten himself into as he began to beg to be 'knocked up' and for 'poz cum'. As people started to leave and Thomas was left with the twins and Steve he openly admitted that he had been looking to get pozzed so that he could be free to take any cock and load offered him and possibly poz a few neg asses along the way. This news got Steve thinking and as he looked and the fit, 18 year old asked him if he'd like ti work for him. Thomas didn't hesitate and answered yes without knowing any details. Thomas had a dark side from reading stories on Breeding Zone. He then asked Steve, "What would you want me to do for you?" Steve told him that there were many facets to his business from performing like the twins to being paid to have sex with someone. Thomas began to get hard while Steve went into detail on the money he could make starting with getting paid for his pozzing video that would be privately sold. Noticing Thomas's growing hard cock Steve asked him if he'd like to 'do something with his tool?' Thomas said he wanted to fuck the twin who had watched him fuck his brother. He added that he already gave his brother 3 neg loads and feels he should give his last few to his twin. Thomas had a talent of cumming without the bottom ever knowing it, especially when he's smoked some Tina. The twin in question took Thomas's place in the sling and before he knew it he took 4 loads from the soon to be poz friend. The fourth load was known since it was the largest and strongest orgasm. Thomas was eager to start working for Steve, but was told he could only start working after he had the 'fuck flu'. Thomas understood this and asked what the odds were that the bug took during his getting fucked by so many different guys. Steve told him that the odds were even money considering the rigs used to slam him with were dirty point from poz guys. Sure enough Thomas came down with the 'fuck flu' 10 days later. The first weekend after his recovery Steve had arranged a light schedule of clients and Thomas began his work. Some of the clients he met with wanted to show him off, some wanted to just party and fuck. During this time Thomas kept priming the pump (as he called it) with his nerdy roommate who he knew to be a closeted fag. Troy was his name and he was from a small farming town. Through the talks he had with the shy kid, he knew him to be a virgin. Troy asked a lot of question about gay sax and Thomas could see his little dick get hard as they talked. Thomas thought he's make a good cum dump working for Steve. He took the idea, along with a few pictures he took of his 5'6", 110 pound, brown hair and eyes, slim roommate for Steve to look over. Steve knew that with the right atmosphere and chemical enhancements Troy could easily be turned into the whore he was meant to be. Thomas made one request to Steve, he wanted to be the one to take his roommate cherry and give him his first taste of cock. Steve agreed and with his monthly party coming up the next weekend figured that would be the perfect time for this boy conversion of questioning, neg virgin to poz, cum dump whore. He supplied Thomas with GHB to dose his roommate with before they would leave for the party. All week Thomas started to tell Troy about this exclusive party he was invited too this weekend and that he was allowed to bring one person and he wanted to bring Troy. Troy felt special since he was going to his first real college party and an exclusive party. The night of the party Thomas suggested that they have a drink together before heading over to the party. As they walked across campus Thomas could tell the G was already starting to work on Troy so that when they arrived at Steve's Troy didn't really notice that there were no girls attending. The naked guys swimming didn't even seem to bother the G'ed out Troy, in fact he openly stared at the naked bodies before him, Thomas noticed his roommate gawking at the naked party goers and asked him, "See anything you like?" This made Troy blush and gave Thomas the opening he was looking for as he leaned in and gave his roommate his first real kiss. Troy seemed to naturally accept his roommate's kiss. Thomas made sure to introduce Troy to Steve, Matt and Bam Bam, before escorting Troy to a designated area where he could start to push Troy's buttons and start his journey to becoming Steve whore. The area was semi private with night vision cameras to record all the details. The two kissed again once they were in this secluded spot, this time the kiss was more passionate as Thomas slipped his tongue inside his roommate's mouth causing him to moan. Thomas knew he had to make this 'first time' for Troy one he would never forget. In fact it would be a feeling the soon to be whore would chase again and again as he would try to please any man he was going to be with after that night. As the long, passionate kiss ended Thomas whispered to Troy that with all the talking the two has done that he knew exactly what he needed and that they'd take it as slow r as fast as Troy wanted. Troy nodded in agreement as he leaned in for another kiss. This time as they kissed Thomas began to slowly undress his (now willing) roommate. Soon enough Troy followed his roommate's lead and worked to get his clothes off. In short time both were naked. Thomas first give Troy's 6" cock a light stroke before he made a quick move to give him his first rim job. As he keeled behind the naked roomy he dove in between his hairless ass as he began to lick the outside of his freshly washed hole. Thomas could still smell the faint hint of Ivory soap as he worked his tongue around and eventually into Troy's virgin hole moaning at the new found sensation he was experiencing. In Troy's slightly, bent over position he couldn't help but look between his legs and clearly see in the dim light Thomas's 8", hard, drooling cock bouncing with his heart beat. With the G releasing his inner desires he couldn't help himself as he asked, "Your dick looks so good, can I please suck it? I want to suck my first dick." Not wanting to disappoint, Thomas Stood up knowing (from his personal experience) that a good whore gets on his knees to suck cock. As he applied a little pressure to Troy's shoulders getting him to lower to his knees he let him know, "Of course you can suck my cock." As Troy assumed his new position on his knees Thomas let him know as he grabbed himself, "This is a cock, not a dick, if you want to suck my cock, do it right and please me, you'll need to follow my directions, understand?" Troy looked up and answered a simple "Yes." Thomas began to instruct Troy in the art of sucking cock. He first had Troy show his cock love with his tongue before having him take the head into his mouth. Troy was eager to please as he followed everything he was told. Troy was a little hesitant when it came time to take his roommate's cock into his throat. Thomas simply looked down at him and he knew his place and that if he was going to be good at sucking cock he'd have to learn to deep throat a cock. Thomas told him to breath in through his nose as he lowered himself onto his cock and to relax his throat as the tip reached the back of his mouth. Once his cock was there ready to enter he was to breath his cock into his throat. With Thomas's hand on the back of his head he had little choice as he felt his head being pushed down and the cock he was sucking slowly snaking its way down his throat. He did his best to follow the directions he was given. Just as he thought he was going to puke or pass out due to the lack of air, the hand on his head let up and he was able to slowly pull back. Thomas let Troy know that he did well for his first deep throating and asked if he was up to try again. As if sucking cock and deep throating was becoming natural to Troy (and it was) he bobbed up and down 2 times before burying his nose in his roommate's pubs. Troy repeated this a couple more times to Thomas's amazement and bring him close to feeding Troy his pos cum. Of course he had better plans for his poz seed. He pulled Troy off his cock as he lowered himself so that the two could kiss some more. While the two kissed Thomas asked, "Are you liking what were doing so far?" Troy answered with a "Yes" to which he was told, "Stand up and turn around, I was to eat that ass some more. Get you ready to lose that virginity you told me about." Troy had an idea where this was going and stood up and turned giving Thomas access to his ass. It was now time to get Troy's hole ready to be 'seeded'. Thomas had a small bottle of warming lube (warmed from the Tina mixed into it) along with a nice shard of Tina. He figured he'd tell the dumb farm kid as he started to lube his hole after a good rimming that he was 'opening' him up in preparation for his thick cock. Again Troy couldn't help himself as he began to moan while Thomas began to work his tongue around and then inside Troy's neg ass. Thomas again asked his roommate if he was enjoying himself. At first troy nodded yes, but then added, "OH FUCK! Take me, give me what you know I need. You know I want it all." Was Troy asking to not just be fucked, but to be pozzed? In the small farming community where Troy grew up it was very religious. It was so religious they never taught sex education in school. There was no information provided on safe sex, the use of condoms or HIV. Thomas knew all this and why Troy was ripe for the 'picking' (or pozzing in this case). Thomas knew it was time to 'lube' the neg boy up and start getting his ass hungrier for his cock. He alternated between tongue and finger as he let Troy know, "I'm going to start getting you ready for what you really need." Troy again could only nod in agreement as he felt the transition from tongue to fingers. The first bit of tainted lube pushed in by a single finger into his tight hole made Troy gasp. It was followed by a little more lube and a second finger as Thomas slowly worked his fingers stretching and tearing at the walls getting them ready for his seed to be planted. A low moan was still escaping through Troy's lips as more lube was added along with a third finger. When Thomas pulled his three fingers from Troy's hole he marveled at how his hole seemed to stay open a few seconds as if it was asking for something more. Thomas knew exactly what it was asking for and knew it was time to booty bump the unsuspecting roommate. Thomas took the Tina shard with some more lube and slipped it inside as he let Troy know he was almost ready after he stretched him open some more. With his three fingers he pushed the shard in as far as it would go and then began to flex his fingers so that Troy would think the slight burn was from having his hole stretched open to accommodate the poz spike that was ready to breed him. Troy's ass began to respond as the shard inside him was almost completely melted. He began to grind his ass backwards onto Thomas's hand trying to get more inside. Thomas knew he was more than ready as he stood up behind his roommate, wrapped his arms around his body, positioned his cock at the entrance to his neg ass and slowly applied pressure trying to breach the outer ring. What surprised him was Troy pushing back and trying to impale himself onto his cock. As his cock head popped inside Troy let out a decent moan that was sure to be heard by anyone around the corner at the party. Both of them held still as Thomas first kissed Troy on neck before whispering, "Breathe in and just stay still, breathe in and relax, let your hole get accustomed to having a cock inside." The two were frozen still. As much as Thomas wanted to just go ahead and plow on in and fuck he knew that he needed to let Troy enjoy his first fuck, to learn the pleasure his ass would give others as well as the pleasure it would bring him when he let anyone fuck him. As the two stood there Thomas could feel Troy's hole start to relax and open up as it accepted his hard cock. He was already heavily leaking precum as he asked Troy, "How are you doing bro? Are you ready for some more of my cock in your hole?" Troy not only nodded he began to push back as Thomas took the cue and slowly pushed forward. Troy couldn't understand how all of a sudden he felt this hunger inside his ass that could only be satisfied by being filled by a dick, no not a dick, a cock. As he continued to moan he turned his head a little and asked Thomas, "Push it all in. Please push your cock all the way inside me. Make me yours." Thomas replied, "Only if your sure." About a third of his cock remained to be pushed inside as Troy nodded yes and added "I'm sure." Thomas first gave Troy a kiss on his neck. He didn't need to be asked again. With the position Troy was in and the hold he had on his body gave him the ability to thrust forward sinking his cock balls deep and eliciting a yelp (that was definitely heard by the party guests) followed by a satisfying moan. Thomas held still allowing Troy to get used to his thick, 8" cock before he st about slowly pistoning in and out of the former virgin. It took about 10 minutes for Thomas to give Troy his first poz load. The next load took a little longer. Troy continued to moan as Thomas began to fuck him making Thomas wonder if this was just cause it is his first time getting fucked or would he do this with anyone who fucked him as a whore. Thomas made sure that Troy was enjoying his fucking, although he figured he must be since he was pushing back to meet his inward thrusts. Thomas said, "I can tell your enjoying my cock inside you." Troy replied, "Yes I am. Are you enjoying having your big, thick cock inside me?" Thomas gave a nice hard thrust as he was close to delivering his second load and answered, "What does that tell you" while giving Troy a couple more hard thrusts eliciting the former virgin to moan with each one. Troy then asked, "Fuck me like you know I need to be fucked. Give it all to me. I want to feel you explode inside me." He had no idea what he had just asked for and Thomas wasn't going to let him down as he moved his arms from around Troy's body to placing his hands on Troy's hips as he began to power fuck his roommate. He delivered 2 more loads without Troys knowledge before his cum dump said, "Your cock feels so hard, so big inside me. It feels so good to have your cock inside me. Fuck, I need your cum inside me making me yours." The cum already inside Troy had him marked. The drugs he has already had, and soon to have more, will cement his brain to chase this feeling again and again with every man he is paid to service. Thomas was really pounding into Troy. He asked his fuck toy, "Are you sure you're ready for me to breed your ass?" Troy nearly shouted, "Yes, fuck yes, breed me!" That was enough to send Thomas over the edge as he slammed into Troy deeper than he had past the deep internal ring) and shot his biggest load. As the two were recovering from their fuck Thomas noticed a figure in the shadows. He knew it was Steve.
    2 points
  17. By: monkstown25 https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/another-business-trip-with-slutty-daddy-part-2-32868902 Another business trip with slutty daddy. Part 2
    2 points
  18. THIS PART IS VERY BORING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, I will spice it up the next few. So after 10 days just like the nurse said my hole is back to normal and not deformed like it was after Mr.C pimped me out.Larry says that I have to see the camera man because I will need pictures for the building site so people can see what they are getting. I go up to the third floor and the camera man is waiting for me, he explains what he want poses he wants me to make, but first he hands me a syringe and I ask for a rope , he laughs and says this is not for slamming but for you to get a hard dick. When he shows me it then hits me as that is what Mr.C did before he fuck me the last time and his dick was hard for hours.I take the syringe and inject into the base of my dick and with in a few minutes my dick is like a rock hard sticking out ( I found out later it’s caverject ) he tells me this will last a few hours so we have to get to work as clients get off from seeing boys whit hard dicks. After he is finished he shows me the pictures and it’s WOW as I don’t recognize my self and the pictures of my ass and the hole with my finger in my mouth bending over are fucking hot. Later Larry shows my profile that will be posted with the pictures . Rates XXX Age Jail bate and that is very true Size 8 X 6 Hight 5 feet 6 Weight 110 LBS. Ethnicity Latin Services Escorting Preferences Anal,Nipples, Rimming , Oral ,Cum ,PNP ,WS , Body Hair None Body Build Skinny Safe/BB Anything goes Position Versatile/bottom Style Twink Orientation Gay Available by appointment only I will be working 3 days a week and during school and the summer I can travel I keep looking at the pictures and say to my self can I see this one now as I still don’t believe it’s me in the pictures. The next day I get a 2 hour session and it’s just fuck and suck as most sessions are. I will be working Friday , Saturday & Sunday and my first week I make $4,000 after Larry takes his cut. The rest of the week I in school and doing great with no financial problems and I’m wearing the hottest clothes. I hear about how are worried about how they will pay for school when they graduate , well if I keep this up I won’t have that problem. There is this boy that I see and like me he also skipped grades when in elementary school , he likes to spend time in the library like me as reading books is a passion of mine as most today are reading on I Pads. I can see every now and then he is eye balling me and gives a quick smile , I do the same . This goes on for a month before he comes over to me and we start talking and he ask me if I’m Gay. I take him by the hand and we go to a very quite are where no one goes but to make out. I start to give him a kiss and work my way down his body working over his nipples and his raging hard dick and give him a fanatic blow job that takes a minute for him to explode in my mouth , I get back up with his load in my mouth and kiss him and transfer his load back to his mouth as we kiss. Later he tells me no one has ever done that to him and would like to see me. He lives in a dorm so that is a big problem so I tell I have my own place and I know where there a few parties he can be my guest at, as Tommy leaves he gives me his number .
    2 points
  19. I decided on going Mr. C as might as well experience it all at once as the money is the same between the two, I’m such a whore. Being lock up in chastity for 3 months is no fun as I will do anything to get out of it . Larry says the funds are in my bank and the date is set, the room will have cameras in it for filming and I will get a cut of the film rights as this film will be sold privately. Today is the day and I’m escorted into to room , as I sit and wait for Mr.C to show I’m scared shit of what’s going to happen to me and if I can take what’s about to come. When the door opens it’s Mr.C and he is very hot looking with just a jock strap that is bulging out from the massive size of his dick. Next the bar tender shows up with the supplies and it’s WOW with what he is bringing up. I know what the syringes are all the heavy ones from the markings and the same goes true for the spiked Gator Aid and lube, but there is one box I have no idea what’s in that one. Mr.C has a key ring around his neck and I hope it’s for this chastity device that is killing me, he starts to give me a leather harness for my chest to be used by him to grab on to me if I resist and a leather collar. Larry comes in with some papers for us to sign that I’m willing to do this and understand what is going to happen and the building takes no responsibility in what happens. Then Mr.C boy comes I guess to help or something else, he is 5ft.8 maybe 140 LBS. and must spend 5 hours a day in the gym. The boy has a Bio Hazard tattoo just like Mr.C with a P.A. but with a dick about my size 9X2.When Larry leaves Mr. C want’s me on may stomach and for me to spread my legs as wide as I can , he takes some rope and ties my ankles to the bottom of the bed as this room is used mostly for BDSM so it has plenty of hard points. Once that is done Mr.C is taking pictures of my virgin hole and is saying this is so beautiful it’s a shame to be wrecking, but he is so happy to be the one to be wrecking. Next Mr.C has his face in my hole rimming me and using his tong as his boy is kneeling on the floor next to me, my dick is so hard I feel it’s going to break this metal cage around my dick. I feel him using so warm lube on my hole as he stick his finger in and soon it starts to feel warm then it gets hotter ( so I guess this is what a booty bump feels like) I guess he has his big finger in me as it hurts a little till he tells me that was his pinky. Shit if that his pinky how Am I going to take the 12X3 dick in my holes. After working my hole for what seamed hours he turns and says look at the mess I made from my dick leaking pre cum. Mr.C says I know you have been lock up for months , so he take this fucking cage off my dick he gives me a bottle of Gator Aid as he wants to keep me hydrated ( LOL I know but I have never tasted it before) They are right it taste horrible but this is a heavy dose. After I’m finished drinking his boy goes down on my dick and it’s WOW time soon he turns around so I can suck his dick and every movement he does to me I do the same to him, found out tater he was lock in chastity for 6 months and this is his first time out. Between the booty bump and the G what ever fear I ever had are now gone as I suck this boy dick and he does the same to me. I think we are doing our best to hold back but a few seconds apart we are both shooting massive loads in our mouths as Mr.C tell us the swallow each other loads as best as we can. The sheets are rubber and we are to lick up every place of where we drop cum, as we finish we both start kissing as Mr.C takes his boy arm and I see the needle goes into his boys arm then the flash of blood and the syringe is empty as his boy is doing a very heavy coughing up as he lays down on the bed. Next it’s my turn to get slammed Mr.C says this is a day you will always remember now he has to find a vein in my skinny arm,He ties off my arm and a vein pops up and I watch the needle go in then the flash of blood as he looks in my eyes and says enjoy the ride. I feel this rush and I can’t breath I’m gasping for air as I feel my heart is ready to explode as he turns me over and gets me on all fours. He take this lube shooter as stick it in my ass , then ask his boy to give me some poppers. The boy says to me breather real deep as he closes off one side of my nose as I take 10 deep breath then the other side , wile this is going on Mr.C is rubbing his dick head around my hole with out his P.A. on After I’m spinning on the poppers and my hole is begging for something to be in my virgin hole Mr.C just drives in till he balls deep and I’m screaming as the pain is to much for me as I go spread eagle on the bed and Mr.C weight is on top of me with no escape and he just lays on top on me and says your hole is now broken and you will get used to getting fuck. He laid on top of me for 10 minutes before he started moving and the pain level was way down as he lifted me up till I was back on all fours and started to fuck me as his boy kept giving me poppers. The pain was soon replaced with joy of pleasure as his shaft was going all the way in and out as I rode that dick like I always wanted. When he finally came in me I could feel his pulsating dick is giving me his toxic loads in me but I’m on PrEP but it’s a raw load and as he pulls out I turn around like I have seen so many do and put his dick in my mouth with all the cum and blood on it as I watch his boy take my arm and give me another slam.
    2 points
  20. If I suspect the bottom might ask me to pull out while I'm barebacking him, I put him on his belly and mount him so I can hold him down and control him. If he does then ask me to pull out I pin him down and hold him there until I have shot my load deep up his ass. I fuck men in order to breed them. I never fucking pull out. I'll do what it takes to dump my seed in them. Any self-respecting bareback top would do the same.
    2 points
  21. Several months ago, a 19 year old contacted me on grindr texting, "Want to suck my cock?" This was followed by a pic of a very thick stiff cock. We chatted back and forth for a bit. He was very horny and also texted, "I need my dick sucked", "I'm so hard right now", "It needs to be sucked", "I like getting my cock worshiped". Grindr showed he lived less than a mile from me so I agreed and he provided me the address. The first time he showed up at the door naked and we went up stairs to his bedroom. He laid back on his bed with his hands behind his head and after taking a couple hits from my poppers, I started to lick his balls and swallowing his stiff cock. With the exception of some moaning, his only words were, “I'm about to cum”, followed by his cock swelling and pulsing. Afterwards, again with nothing said, he walked me to the front door, with him still naked, and I left. A couple days later, I received another text saying simply, "Wanna suck my cock". I responded, "sure". Then he texted, "When you get here, just come in and go upstairs. Same room as last time." I found him laying back on the bed naked with a stiff cock, his hands behind his head. Like before, after taking a couple hits from my poppers, I started to lick his balls and swallowing his stiff cock. The only words spoken again were him saying, “I'm about to cum”, followed by his cock swelling and pulsing. Afterwards, this time I just walked down stairs and let myself out. Twice a week, I receive a text saying either, "You have time to suck my cock" or "You free". Since he lives so close by I usually head right over. Now I just know to go upstairs to find him naked in bed ready to be sucked. I enjoy sucking his teen cock and he enjoys getting off. I am curious if anyone else has had a similar experience. Where a teen contacted you on a regular basis for head or whether you had a teen who really liked to suck that you could call for weekly head.
    1 point
  22. Was in Dallas last weekend and ended up at Midtown Spa. Saw this hot white guy, probably 22, in the wet sauna. He motioned for me to come over, and I pulled him into a dark corner, and got on my knees. As soon as my lips touched his cock, he immediately took control. He grabbed me by the hair and raped my throat... at times I was struggling to breathe as he pounded his cock in and out. When I made a choking sound, he slapped me hard across the face — which hurt so bad, and turned me on so much. He used me as his personal recepticle for almost 10 minutes like that, before pressing my face deep into his crotch and dumping five ropes of cum right down my throat... I couldn't even taste it. After that he slapped me again, and walked away. I was so turned on, I just jerked myself off right there in the corner, with several guys watching and smiling at how much of a fucking cum whore I was. I nutted into my hand, then swallowed it before heading out into the rest of the spa to find more fun.
    1 point
  23. Part I: I stumbled across his profile on the gay message boards, "Poz Top interested in meeting Hiv-, bare only". Reading this and seeing his photos had me instantly hard. The photos showed a muscled Daddy type with somewhat of a gut (what I'd later find out was due to HIV meds). I sent him a message letting him know how hot his profile was and that it turned me on, even though I didn't go bare. He thanked me in his reply, but told me that he was only interested in chatting once I decided that I wanted him bare. His words stuck with me and I continued to look at his profile over the next few weeks. After 12 years of safe gay sex, I found myself wanting this man more and more. One night after drinking more than usual, I found myself home alone and back on line. I sent him a message telling him that I was ready to talk about taking him bare. He responded that if I was serious, he would help me "do it right." I told him that I was serious as the alcohol was doing the talking for me. He made me provide him with my address where he told me that he would send on the items for my preparation. The next morning I woke up and regretted the exchange as I knew that when it came down to it, I wasn't that serious about taking him bare. I put it out of my mind until I got a package in the mail a couple of days later. I started to get hard as I opened the package, not knowing what to expect. I was scared and excited at the same time. When I opened the box, there was a letter on top. It read: [I]Preparation Instructions for becoming a Cum Slut, enclosed are a couple of videos of men that have learned the value of becoming a Cum Slut through my instruction. They started taping themselves once they received a package similar to this one. You will do the same. For now, close this package and do not look at it again for two days. Do not play with yourself or cum in the meantime. When you are good and horny and have 30 minutes or more before any other commitments, take the top video out of the package and start watching it. It was signed, Your Trainer. Damn I was hard and I wanted so much to continue going through the package, but I did as I was told. The next day I was so horny, I couldn't wait any longer and put the tape into the machine. The tape started by showing the top from the neck down, then panned out to see that he was wearing a hood, but nothing else other than a cock ring and boots. "I want you to watch these tapes and follow the lead of these men, doing the same things and getting used to the idea of becoming just like them. If you are a true Cum Slut, you will start to crave it and will not be able to get enough. I also noticed that your skin if fairly light, before we meet up I want you to start tanning and I've included some special items in the package for you to use when you do. I go to Palm Springs every few weeks for play. When you are ready for me to take you there and turn you into your true self, message me and we will make it happen. The video then changed and I saw a man in his mid twenties with a nice but slightly stocky body. He was stripping for the camera, then arranging his dildo's from smallest to largest. He picked up the smallest one and worked on his hole for about ten minutes before moving on to the next size. After a few minutes, I noticed that the date stamp changed and he was now using larger toys. The video was just over a year old. After a few minutes, the video changed again and my trainer was back. He stated: "You will use toys on your hole for a minimum of 10 minutes a day. Do not go larger than the size of a large cock. I want you able to take any and all sizes, but I do not want you too loose. Now open the rest of your package and then send me a message if you are interested in going further." There was another video tape inside with a note attached reading "Watch this two weeks from now." Underneath were two dildos. One was the size of an average cock and one the size of a large cock. There was a note under the dildos. It read "Know that these toys have been used by other men who have progressed to becoming full service Cum Sluts. If you have your own toys, use them as well, just do not go larger than the largest one provided. The only other thing in the package was an envelope in the bottom. I opened it up and it was a set of stickers with lettering about 2 inches in height. They spelled out the words "Cum Dump" and "Breed Me". The note inside the envelope said" Use these stickers when you start tanning. Place the letters for "Cum Dump" on your lower back, just above your waist. Place the letters for "Breed Me" across your chest. The letters will not melt or burn in the tanning process, they will just leave you skin untanned in these areas, making the words so that they can be read when I take you to Palm Springs. Make sure you place the letters in the same spot each time you tan. I look forward to seeing your tanned body with your messages clear for all the men to read. I was overwhelmed, it was one thing for him to do me bare, but for a group of men to see me that way? This was going to be quite an experience. My heart was thumping in my chest. I was scared and excited at the same time. I got on line and sent my trainer a message. I thanked him for the package and told him that I would be following his guidance. I then picked up the phone and made an appointment to go tanning. After a couple of weeks of using the toys on my hole and starting the tanning process, I was looking forward to watching the next video tape. I had worked up to using the largest dildo on my hole for a good 10-15 minutes a night. I was amazed by how quickly I had been able to go to the larger size, just by being consistent and making sure I made it a daily routine. I put the tape into the machine and noticed a different man than the first tape, he was older than the man on the first tape with a long lean runners build. He was using a large dildo on his hole, it looked just like the largest one that my trainer had sent me. I wondered if it was the same one and felt my cock lengthen. He really went to town on that big dildo, taking it hard and fast for a few minutes, then he took it out and got a small dildo out and shoved it up his hole. As he did this, I heard my trainer's voice, which had been dubbed onto the footage. “Now that you have gotten your hole used to the largest of the dildos, we need to make sure that you give and get enjoyment of the smaller cocks out there that will offer you their loads. I want you to really open yourself up with the large dildos, then push the small ones in and work your ass muscles to keep them in, squeeze down on them." As I heard these words, I saw the man in the video stand and watched the small dildo slip out of his ass. He reached back down and shoved it up his hole again. This time as it started to fall out, I could see his ass clench and he caught it about half way down the shaft. He continued to do this over and over. I heard my trainers voice again “Don’t get discouraged if you are so wide open that you can’t keep the smallest dildo from falling out at this point. If that happens go up in size and practice on that dildo. With practice, you will learn to control your muscles and be able to accommodate any size of cock." The video continued to show the man working his ass muscles on the dildos for another ten minutes. Then the scene switched to show the man laying on his back with his legs in the air and a medium sized dildo sticking half way out of his ass. The camera view was at the same height as the dildo but back at an angle so that I could see his hole and the dildo. I could see his ass push out on the dildo and then it seemed like his ass was pulling the dildo deeper inside of him. I heard my trainer's voice again, “Milking a man’s cock with your asshole shows him that you are a true Cum Slut and will do everything to make sure that you get ever drop inside of you. Practice on the dildos, by holding on to them with one hand. No pushing or pulling with your hand is allowed. Push out with your ass onto the dildo and then squeeze your hole and draw it back into you. I’ve heard some men say that it helps to image that there is a condom on the dildo or cock inside you. Think about pushing your ass out to grap onto the condom and as you squeeze and draw your muscles back in, think about your ass rolling the condom up and off of his cock, do this over and over until you can imagine that your ass has rolled the condom completely off his cock. You will use this skill at various times, including just after a man has shot his load up your hole. Before he pulls out, milk his cock to force as much cum into your hole as possible." I looked down and noticed that I was rock hard and dripping precum. I wondered how I had gotten along all these years having gay sex, without doing some of these things that now seemed so basic for a bottom to be doing. I set up the video camera and started in on my new training. I sent a message to my trainer and let him know that I was progressing and that I was looking forward to meeting him. I also told him that I had gotten off of work for a three day weekend, just three weeks out in case he was interested in meeting at that time. I got a response the next day that he could make it work and was proud of my progress. Hearing that he was proud of me made me work that much harder. I was also getting more tan and the letters where I wasn’t tanning were really starting to stand out. I got excited every time I saw my body in the mirror and could see what I was becoming. The next three weeks seemed to drag by as I was looking forward to meeting my trainer in person. I kept busy with nightly sessions on the dildos, learning to open myself up quickly as well as squeeze down in order to pleasure the smaller men. Then the Friday that changed my life came as my trainer dropped by my house to take me away for the weekend. He got to my apartment, just after 9am on that Friday morning. He was probably 15 years older than I, slightly taller with a musky scent and a few days of stubble on his face. As instructed through our messages, I opened the door in nothing but a new jockstrap. My tan had come along well, so as he walked in, he could see the “Breed Me” letters across my chest. “Very nice,” he said. “Your on line photos don’t do you justice. We’ll have to take some new ones. Turn around" he told me in a more authoritative voice. I did as instructed and felt goosebumps as he inspected my body. “Oh yeah, you will be popular, this will be a great experience for you. Did you clean out this morning?" “Yes Sir,” I answered. He nodded and smiled and asked to see my bag. He had told me to pack all my dildos, poppers, a couple of jock straps, a pair of shorts and flip flops. “Looks good” he said. He moved in and grabbed me around my waist and pushed my chin up so that I was looking directly into his eyes. “Are you ready for this, is this what you really want?” he asked. “Yes Sir,” I answered and he smiled again. It felt like my body was melting. I wanted to feel like this all the time. “Where are the video tapes of your training?” he asked. I opened up another section of the bag to show him. “Good, I’m looking forward to watching those as well.” “OK, let’s get going. Show me what you were going to wear in the car.” I showed him a pair of shorts, a t-shirt of a local sports team and shoes. “That will work,” he said. "Put them on and let’s get this weekend going." I did as I was told and followed him out to his car. I was nervous about not driving myself. By getting into his car, I was allowing myself to be his. I opened the passenger door, took a deep breath and got inside. We had been in the car about 10 minutes when he told me, “We are going to take a detour to meet a man that is not able to get away to Palm Springs this weekend.” I had no idea what he meant. I was nervous and scared and beginning to doubt what I had gotten myself into. When I didn’t say anything, he told me “Relax, this is a good thing.” A few minutes later we were pulling into a parking lot between City Hall and the surrounding businesses. Getting out of the car he told me, “Leave your bag, we don’t want them going through it at security. Follow me”. With that he started walking towards City Hall. I didn’t know what was going on, but I followed him. We went through the main entrance and through the security and metal detectors. I was glad that I wasn’t wearing a metal cock ring. I saw my trainer talking to one of the guards, but couldn’t hear what he was saying other than “…expecting us…” The guard made a phone call, then motioned us to follow him. We went to a set of elevators in the back and rode to the top floor. The doors opened and we were greeted by a man I’ll refer to as the Politician. I couldn’t believe that I was standing in front of this man and that my trainer seemed to know him. “Good to see you again” the Politician said to my trainer. As he looked at me he said, “Looks like we will have a productive meeting. Let’s get started." As we walked down the hall, the Politician stopped to ask one of the secretaries if the conference room was currently in use. When he heard that it was available, he asked that it be reserved for him for the next hour. We were led further down the hall to the conference room, which was very impressive. Hardwood floors with a large hardwood conference table surrounded by large leather chairs. As he shut the door behind us, he turned to me and said, “OK, take off your shorts, let’s see that ass." I was stunned. Not only that the Politician was gay, but that he was so forward and forceful. Here was a man, older than my father telling me to strip in a city conference room. He then turned and picked up the phone on the table. I heard him ask for “David” and then a few minutes later say, “Bring poppers and lube to the main conference room, pronto.” Damn, what was going on here? I had only unbuttoned by shorts by this time and he noticed. “Come on,” the Politician said, “I only have an hour and at my age it takes me a little longer before I shoot my load.” I was stunned again, but managed to take off my shorts. “Now lay back on the conference table” the Politician said. As I did, he and my trainer each took at leg and moved a chair so that my legs were elevated with my ankles on the tops of the chairs. My trainer then stepped up and pulled my ass closer to the edge of the table. It felt surreal, it seemed like I wasn’t really there, but caught up in a dream. Just then the door opened and a man walked in and handed the Politician a bag. I was embarrassed, just laying there with my pants off showing the whole world my ass. The other man didn’t seem to pay that much attention and turned to leave. As he was walking out the door, the Politician said, “Oh, and make sure that the monitoring and surveillance equipment are turned off for this room.” Fear shot through me again, I had just walked into a situation where I could be filmed. I wondered if the words were really code for him to turn on the surveillance equipment. My heart was thudding in my chest. The Politician took the lube out of the sack and put it on the table, then handed the bottle of poppers to my trainer. “You know, I really should take a piss before I fuck this man,” the politician said. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, I saw my trainer drop to his knees and unzip the Politicians’ slacks. He reached inside and pulled out the politicians cock and balls, so that they were hanging outside of his pants. It was a nice package, large balls with an average sized uncut cock surrounded by grey hair. My trainer took a hit of poppers and then opened his mouth so that he was just below the Politician's cock. I couldn’t believe it. Up until now I had thought that my trainer was 100% top and here he was getting ready to drink the piss of another man. Before I could completely process what had just happened, the Politician started to piss. My trainer repositioned his mouth so that he was taking it all, not spilling a drop. I was fascinated and turned on. When the Politician was done pissing, he said “OK now, get me ready for his ass.” My trainer then started giving the Politician a blow job. As he was getting blown, the Ppolitician started fingering my hole and lubing it up. He noticed that my cock had gotten hard as well. I heard him say “Well now, it seems like this man liked watching you drink my piss, maybe after you turn him into a Cum Slut, you should turn him into a toilet as well.” He then let out a laugh as I believe he saw my cock jump and became fully rigid. The Politician slid one of his lubed fingers up my hole and started probing. “So I understand that up until now, you have only let men fuck you if they wore a condom,” the Politician stated. “Yes Sir,” I answered. “Well I’m glad that I get to be the first man to bareback your ass. I hope this becomes a good memory for you, of course you will not be able to tell anyone,” the Politician said. “I understand,” I replied. Just then the Politician pushed a second finger into my hole and pulled his cock out of my trainer's mouth. His cock was a grower. It was slightly longer than average, but it was the thickest one I think I had seen. “Let’s see how well you take this,” the Politician said as he lined his cock up against my hole. My trainer handed me the poppers and told me not to spill it on the wooden conference table. The Politician watched me take a long hit of poppers and then slid into my ass as he saw it take effect. “Very nice” he said. I felt so full inside and had to look around me to take it all in. Here was this Politician still wearing his suit, his cock in my ass. I could feel the cold zipper hit the side of my ass as he pushed himself all of the way in. “Take another hit of poppers,” my trainer said and he got behind the Politician and started pinching his nipples through his dress shirt. I did as I was told and could feel the Politician pick up his rhythm. I could hear my trainer whisper into the Politician's ear phrases like, “Breed this neg man's hole.” “Give him your load deep inside.” “Make him remember this seeding.” The words were obviously working as I could feel the politician grow more rigid inside of me. “I’m getting close, tell me now if you want it or not,” the Politician said. “Please, breed me, give me your load, Sir” I said as I started up into his eyes. I wondered what this man looked like out of his clothes, he seemed fairly fit, but having him fully clothed made me wonder even more. “Here’s your first gift” I heard him say as he leaned over and put his mouth over mine. He pushed his tongue deep in my mouth as he started to grunt loudly. I was disappointed that I couldn’t feel his cum in my ass, but I was sure that it was being deposited. When his thrusts slowed down, I started milking his cock as my trainer had instructed. “Oh, you want it all don’t you?” the politician said. “That’s good, get it all out of me and into you”. My trainer leaned over and told me how proud he was of me, that I was going to be a good Cum Slut. As the politician slid out of my ass, they both told me to clamp my hole tight and to keep it all in. I pulled on my shorts and we started for the door. Before we left the room, the politician turned to me and said, “that’s a real sweet hole you have there man, make sure you offer it up to every man possible and you will have a full life”. With that, he turned and walked down the hall. “Come on,” my trainer said,” let’s get you to Palm Springs and build on your experience.” We left the building and started walking towards to car. As we were approaching the car, my trainer stopped when he noticed a convenience store across the opposite street. “Let’s get some supplies for the road, I could use a drink,” he said. We went into the store and I picked up a Pepsi. He did the same and also picked up some bottled water and an empty spray bottle. We paid and headed once again to the car. After we were on the road again, my trainer asked me what I thought about my first experience. “It was damn hot, but also a little scary,” I answered. “Yeah, not knowing if someone could come into the room is quite a thrill, and I could see how it could be scary. Not to mention the fact that you are taking poz loads now. You will get used to it and get to the point where you don’t care if someone comes into the room or not. You will just want everyone to see you for what you really are. I still remember the first time that man fucked me. I’m pretty sure that he is the one that pozzed me,” he said. Upon hearing this, I got a chill and fear jumped into me again. I knew that I was going to be taking a poz load or two, but had no idea that the man that just fucked me was poz. I was having a hard time thinking that he was into guys so the thought that he was poz didn’t cross my mind. I took a drink of the Pepsi and wished that it was something stronger. I felt my face get hot and flushed. At the same time, my trainer took his hand off the wheel and placed it on my upper thigh and gave it a squeeze. “You sure did give him a good time. You are quite the bottom. I’m jealous that I wasn’t the first poz bare man in your hole,” my trainer said. Somehow that seemed to make me feel better as my attraction to my trainer was growing. “Let’s make one more stop before he get on the highway to Palm Springs,” he said. I didn’t even ask where. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know. I leaned the seat back in the car and just tried to relax. After about 10 minutes, I felt the car slow as my trainer pulled into a parking lot. I looked up and noticed that it was a local adult bookstore. I had never been in, but had heard stories. “We are just going to pick up some more supplies,” my trainer told me. “This isn’t really a good place for bareback play, but it does come in handy”. We got out of the car and went into the store. The clerk behind the counter knew my trainer and called out to him as we entered. “I was afraid you weren’t going to make it,” the clerk said. “My shift ends in another 20 minutes and I thought I’d miss you”. “Sorry about that,” my trainer said. “We had another stop to make first”. He turned and smiled at me when he said that and ran his hand down the backside of my shorts as he did. The clerk smiled back as he got the message. “Here are the supplies you asked about,” the clerk said and handed my trainer a small brown paper sack. “I hope you can put them to good use,” he said. “How about a good butt plug,” my trainer asked. “ I don’t want my man here to lose the loads that get up inside him. I want a tight fit, but nothing too large that will be hard to keep in for an extended period of time.” I could feel my cock stirring hearing this talk. “On the back wall, left corner”, the clerk replied. We went back and took a look at the butt plugs. They had so many different kinds. Some were so small they were laughable, barely larger than a finger. Then there were others that were so large it was scary. “I think this will be a good one for you,” my trainer said as he picked one up. I was turned on and surprised at his choice. It wasn’t the traditional triangular shaped butt plug, but instead round, like a small trailer hitch. “This will plug you nice and good,” he said. “And it will spread out your hole nice for all those future deposits in your hole.” We walked back up to the counter and he handed me some cash. “Pay for this,” he said. “I left something in the car, be right back” . There was a short line of guys getting tokens for the video booths in the back, so I waited and just as I was paying my trainer came back in with the spray bottle. “Go ahead and get some tokens for the video machines as well,” he said to me as he was walking in. I noticed that the spray bottle was full, I assumed from one of the water bottles that he had picked up. He took the sack with the butt plug and put the small sack from the clerk inside it and we headed toward the video booths. I wasn’t sure what was going on as I didn’t think he wanted to play here, but thought maybe that he changed his mind. I had those nervous feelings that were turning me on again. He looked into a couple of empty booths before he said, “this one isn’t bad, go on in”. I went in and he followed. He put a couple of tokens in the machine and flipped the channel to some gay porn. I noticed that there was dried cum across the video screen from at least two different men. My trainer reached into his pocket and pulled out some poppers. He handed me the bottle and told me to take a hit. As I followed his direction, he took the spray bottle, aimed it at the video screen and sprayed water over the dried cum. “That will loosen it up,” he said. “Now take your tongue and lick the screen for me”. I couldn’t believe what he was asking. It seemed so dirty, but was also a little of a turn on. When I hesitated, he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it toward the screen. By that time the poppers were working and I stuck out my tongue and started licking the screen. I was getting turned on as I did this. “Lick it clean,” he said. “Think about all of the types of men that have shot their loads here and where this may have come from. It doesn’t matter to you, you will take it all. Maybe it was an old man, or an overweight man, or a man barely old enough to be legal. You will take it all.” My cock was rock hard inside my shorts. I had pretty much cleaned the screen as he was talking. I couldn’t taste much, but it was a turn on. “Good job,” he told me. “Let’s find some more”. We walked out of the booth just as another man walked out of a booth a couple of doors down. “Let’s see if he left us anything,” my trainer said as we walked into the booth. There was a big fresh load across the screen and part of the wall. I was sure that I’d get a better taste out of this one. I started to take a hit of poppers and my trainer told me to wait. He reached into the bag and brought out the butt plug. He took it out of the packaging and started rolling the butt plug over the cum. A moist layer of cum was attaching itself to the butt plug. “Now, pull down your shorts and take a hit of poppers,” he said. I did as instructed and he then told me to take my fingers and run it through the cum to lube my hole. I reached out with two fingers and slid them across the screen. There was enough cum that it filled my fingers and started running over the sides. As the poppers took effect, I started to lube up my hole with the cum. I felt my trainer push my back to bend me over, and I took the hint and followed through. He then took the butt plug and started pushing it against my hole. The butt plug didn’t seem that big when I had looked at it, but it wasn’t going easily into my hole. My trainer told me to take another hit of poppers as he slide the butt plug through the remaining cum. As I relaxed, he was able to get the plug inside my hole. It felt big, but also secure. Once he got the plug more than halfway in, my hole just sucked it up and pulled it in. “Damn, that’s hot, “ he said and I had to agree. “Lick the rest up,” he told me and I did. We found three more booths with dried cum that I cleaned for him. “The key is to spray the water above the dried load and let it drain down and loosen it up. You don’t want to spray the load directly, or it may cause it to come off the screen.” “Good job,” he told me again as we were walking out of the store. “I sure could get used to having you around,” he told me. “I’m glad to hear that,” I said as I felt my heart warm in my chest. We got in the car and headed out of the parking lot. “OK, no more stops now until we reach Palm Springs,” he said. “This has been a pretty good time and we haven’t even gotten out of the city yet”. I had to agree. I was getting more comfortable, both with this man as well as with my role. When I stopped to think about it, it still didn’t feel like it was “me” that had done these acts, yet I knew that once I had done them I couldn’t stop wanting to do them again and again. “Let’s go through a drive through and get something for the road, do you have any preferences?” my trainer asked me. I told him that I didn’t care, but that I wasn’t sure I wanted much to eat if I was going to be getting fucked a lot. “Don’t worry too much about that, we’ll have plenty of time to stop and clean you out as needed. I want to make sure you get enough nourishment this weekend,” he told me. Hearing him say that actually made me feel really good. We went to a local drive through and placed our order. As we were waiting in the line of cars my trainer told me, “Take off your T-shirt and if it’s a guy working the drive through window, I want you to undo your shorts and pull them down as he is handing our lunch out the window.” I got butterflies in my stomach as I heard this, but also started to get hard again. I could feel the wetness in my jock strap from all the precum of the days events so far. I took off my shirt and waited. “It’s a guy at the window,” my trainer said, as we were one car back from the window. “Feel free to take a hit of poppers as we pull up if that will give you more confidence to show yourself.” I grabbed the bottle as he pulled forward and took a hit. When the clerk at the window leaned over to give my trainer his change I un-did my shorts and started sliding them down. I felt embarrassed, yet proud to show this stranger what I was. There were wet spots on the jock from my precum. I saw the man do a double take as he handed out the cash, then a look of disbelief as he went back to get the food. I’m not sure from his angle if he could see the ‘Breed Me’ letters across my chest, but I imagined that he did. A different man brought the lunch and handed it out the window. I wondered if he had told a buddy what he had seen in the care and that man needed to take a look or if it was the normal process. This other man definitely seemed to know where to look and didn’t seem as shocked. As he handed the food out the window, my trainer took his other hand and reached over and grabbed my thigh. The man in the window gave a smile and told us to have a good day as he handed the drinks to my trainer. We drove out onto the street and I couldn’t believe what I had just done, but it felt right. “Why don’t you go ahead and take those shorts all the way off for the drive,” my trainer said. It felt a little awkward sitting in his car with just my jock and shoes on, yet it felt right as well. I felt very submissive sitting there while my trainer was fully clothed. I told my trainer that I was getting a little bit of a headache from the poppers and he told me that there was some aspirin in the glove box and I was welcome to it. I took some and started to each the lunch as we drove towards Palm Springs. I wasn’t sure what to expect as we took the drive, but my trainer broke the ice by just starting to talk about himself. He gave me his background on what he did for a living, how he started having sex with men and how it had progressed over the years. He asked me questions about myself and I found it very easy to talk to him and share my past as well as my current life. I told him about my past relationships and how it never seemed to work as the other men were not dominant enough or didn’t want to get into some of the kinks that turned me on. I let him know that I was content in my current job, but that it wasn’t anything special and that I had plenty of spare time as I didn’t care to put in any extra time at the office. The time seemed to go by quickly as we talked and learned more about each other. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know too much about this man as it could dilute the fantasy side of what was going on, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. The more I knew about this man, the more I wanted to please him. The next thing I knew we were turning off of the highway and had entered Palm Springs. We drove for another ten minutes and then pulled into the parking lot of a gay resort. It had high fencing around the parking lot, so I couldn’t see much of the buildings inside other than the roof line. It looked like there were a few different buildings, at different angles to each other. “You better pull up your shorts,” my trainer told me, “but leave your shirt off”. I got the butterflies in my stomach again as I thought of men seeing me with the words across my chest and back. We got out of the car and got our bags out as well. My trainer had a much larger bag than I had and I wondered what all he had in it. He grabbed the small paper bag from the bookstore and we started for the main door. I noticed that the parking spot he had pulled into said ‘Reserved – Towing Enforced’ and brought that to his attention. I didn’t want to lose my transportation back home. “I guess I didn’t tell you that part yet,” he said, “I’m a co-owner of this resort. That is one of the reasons why I come down here ever few weeks. It comes in handy and you will definitely benefit from my contacts.” I was impressed and turned on again. We walked into the front door where there was an L shaped countertop. The small part of the L was the check in counter and the large part of the L was the bar which faced the pool. “Good to see you are back,” the man behind the counter said as he greeted my trainer with a big smile. “And I like what you brought with you, damn,” he said as I saw his eyes go up and down my body and settle on my face. “Welcome,” he said to me, “enjoy your stay.” With that he buzzed us through the door that lead to the pool and grounds beyond and handed a key to my trainer. “We’ve got number 102 ready for you,” he said. We walked through the door and I noticed that there was a good sized pool with a couple of hot tubs on each end. There were a couple of rows of chairs and lounges for men to lie down on around the pool. There were various buildings of rooms around the pool as well as yard areas with tables and paths between the buildings. There were a few men laying out around the pool, but most of the place was empty. My trainer led me to one of the rooms that overlooked the pool with a slight elevation so that we could see down on the pool and the men from the front porch of the room. He unlocked the door and we went inside. The room was fairly standard, a large bed with a table and two chairs next to the window. There was a dresser along the far wall and nightstands around the bed. I noticed off to the right a door leading to the bathroom. There was also a small refrigerator and microwave in the room as well as a sink. A large TV was suspended from the ceiling and it looked like it was on a pivot so that it could be moved for better viewing. My trainer checked the fridge and I saw beer, soda and bottled water were stocked inside. He then went to what I thought was the closet door and opened it up. “Take a look,” he said. I was surprised to see that it wasn’t a closet, but another room. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the sling suspended from the ceiling, as well as a tub, a rim seat and a locked cabinet. The wall had leather restrains of all kinds hanging off of it in various locations. There was also a TV suspended from the ceiling in this room. “Take those shorts off and get in the tub, I’ve really got to take a piss and it’s time to start getting that clean jock of yours dirty,” my trainer instructed. I have had some small experiences with water sports, but not much. As I took off my shorts, I noticed that I was getting hard. “Take a hit of poppers and enjoy this,” my trainer said. I got in the tub and took the poppers and then laid back. He pulled out his cock. This was the first time that I had seen it in person. I wasn’t expecting to see the big PA. His photos on his profile didn’t show it, but I had noticed that the photos seemed a little dated once I had seen him in person. He stood over me and started to piss. He was aiming for my jock, but the PA caused him to shoot some separate streams in different directions. I felt and saw my jock get wet as I noticed my cock straining to get harder inside the jock. I ran my hands across my chest and legs to feel his piss and rub it into my body. He did have quite a bit to get rid of and as I watched I realized that I did too. I started pissing through my jock as he was finishing. “Oh yeah, that’s good,” he said and watched as I relaxed and pissed. He reached up to the TV and picked up the remote that was fastened to it and handed it to me. “Flip through and find something you like,” he said. “There are a few channels that we control here with gay porn that you can get on this TV. The set in the other room also gets local channels, but this one is just for porn.” “Lay there and soak,” he said, “I’m going to unpack and see if any of the workers need to take a piss”. I wondered what kind of men could show up and just unzip and start taking a piss on me. I tried to relax in the tub as best I could and looked around the room, wondering what this place had in store for me. I heard my trainer on the phone as I flipped through the channels on the TV. There were four channels of gay porn. I noticed that they were all showing bareback films. The first channel was showing a pre-condom film from the 80s. The second was showing leathermen getting it on, while the other two were showing twinks and musclemen. I heard my trainer hang up the phone as I settled on the 80s film. I laid back and squeezed my jockstrap, feeling the piss fall onto my cock. A few minutes later my trainer walked in the room. He was carrying two leather straps. “Let’s try these on and see which one works the best,” he said. He moved in toward my neck. It turned out that the leather strap was a collar. Here again was the feeling of being turned on, yet a little scared at the same time. “We want to make sure the men realize you are only here to be used, not for anything more,” he said as he fastened the first one around my neck. It was a wide black band with studs around the top and bottom. “This one isn’t going to work, I want to make sure that you are comfortable and can move your head around.” He took it off and put the other one on which was not as wide and was just plain black. “Yeah, that looks good” As the words were coming out of his mouth, there was a knock on the door. “Be right back, take a hit of poppers,” he told me. As he walked out of the room, I opened the bottle and took a long hit of poppers, wondering what was in store for me. As I was screwing the top back on the bottle, my trainer walked in the room with three other men. They all took out their cocks, aimed at me. I really was feeling used. Of the three, I was only attracted to one, a 20s Hispanic man with a tool belt around his waist. The other two men were either too old or heavy for my taste, but hearing my trainer tell them to ‘wet me down’ and ‘get me soaking wet’, then telling me to ‘enjoy my shower’ and ‘feel it all’ got me turned on. Knowing that it turned on my trainer to see any man use me was enough for me. After they were done pissing, they zipped up and left. My trainer took a few photos of me sitting in the tub. I hadn’t realized that he had the camera and wondered if he had been taking pictures of me being used. “OK, stand up and pat yourself dry,” he told me as he handed me a towel. I handed him the towel back, and he used it to wipe my jockstrap around the waist band. He uncapped a marker and bent over to start writing on the waistband of my jockstrap. He wrote on the front and the back. As he capped the pen, I looked down and saw ‘Room 102’ on the front. I assumed it was something similar in the back. “I don’t think the men will have any trouble finding you, but you can’t be too sure,” he said. “Bend over,” he said and I felt his hand on the base of the butt plug. I had almost forgotten that it was there. The only times I felt it were when I would bend over and it would tend to go deeper inside me, as well as sometimes where I was sitting down. He spit on my hole and rubbed it around the base of the plug. He slid his finger between the side of my ass and the plug and ran the finger half way around in a circle. He continued to do this as I slowly started to loosen up. My ass was tight around the base of the plug. He told me to take a hit of poppers as he spit on my hole again. As the poppers were taking effect, he took hold of the plug and pulled it out in one quick motion. My ass gave off a suction sound and I almost fell backward, but my trainer caught me. “Let’s go down to the pool now. We can show you off and get the men horny for you, as well as dry off and rest.” He handed me my flip flops and we went down to the pool where my trained stripped to his underwear. Damn, I couldn’t wait to get it on with him. He took out some lotion and rubber it over my chest and back. “We don’t want those words to burn or worse, tan where they can’t be read,” he told me. We spent the next couple of hours at the pool. For a while, I got on an air mattress and showed the men my ass in the jock and the words across my backside. As the afternoon went on, the pool started to get more crowded. Various men came up and talked to my trainer, but no one seemed to talk to me. Many of the men did look at me and smile. I noticed that my trainer also continued to take photos. When the pool got so crowded that most of the chairs were filled, my trainer got up and had me follow him back to the room. We went inside and he told me, “Clean out your ass. Make sure it is clean nice and deep. I’ve got some work that I need to take care of back in the office. Don’t answer the door for anyone. I should be back in about 30 minutes or so.” He continued to show me how he had the proper tools already in the bathroom for me to prepare my ass. He grabbed my ass as he was walking out the door and it felt great. I did as instructed and cleaned out my hole. I was sure that I was good to go before he got back, so I lay down on the bed and turned on the TV and started watching some porn. A few minutes later my trainer came back. “OK, are you ready for some more?” he asked. “Yes Sir,” I answered. “Good, get your bottle of poppers and then get on all fours on the bed. Put your head down so that you can see your ass in the mirror on the wall”. I did as he instructed and noticed that he brought out the small bag from the adult bookstore. “Remember how I told you that the bookstore wasn’t the best place for bareback fun?” he said. Without waiting for an answer he continued, “Although, if you need some anonymous cum, it is abundant if you know the men who work there. That guy behind the counter has been saving the cum filled rubbers that he finds for me. “ He opened the bag and showed me that it was filled with various types of rubbers, holding cum and tied off so they wouldn’t leak. “You won’t be using any lube tonight other than cum,” he told me. “Now relax and watch your hole.” Between my legs, I could see him in the mirror. He took a condom out of the sack and held it so that the cum load drained back to the tip. He then tore off the top where it had been tied together and slowly turned the jagged edge upside down. With one hand he held the condom just above my ass crack and he positioned his other hand with a few fingers against my hole. I watched the load of cum fall from the rubber and onto my ass. I could feel and watch it slide down the crack of my ass. His fingers stopped the load from traveling past my hole and directed it against my hole and started rubbing it in. “Push your hole out,” he said as he rubbed the cum into my skin. He did the same thing with seven more rubbers. It was so hot watching my ass get lubed up in this way. Some of the loads were runny and came out fast, while others were thick and slow. After the third load, he started fingering my hole and pushing the cum inside me as well. As he opened me up, he continued the process and I felt the inside of my hole getting slick. When the seventh load was drained, he told me, “OK, I think we are good for now. If you feel yourself getting dry let me know, we have plenty more, but I don’t think it will be a problem.” “Here take a fresh bottle of poppers and get back in the tub and turn on the TV to channel 22,” he said. I knew from before that this was one of the porn channels. I got in the tub and turned on the TV as instructed as I heard him talking on the phone. The channel was blank for a few seconds and then I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Across the TV screen was the first video that I had made for my trainer. It showed me stripping and laying out the dildos. I knew what was coming next. Across the bottom of the screen was a running message like the TV news shows had. As I read the screen, I started to get harder and feel nervous. The message said: ‘The man pictured here was negative as of Friday morning. He is here to take loads. He will be taking any and all loads. Sign up at the bar for a timeslot. All men who sign up, must show up on time and be prepared to shoot a load within 15 minutes to maintain the schedule. No pullouts, all loads will go inside this man. This will go on through Sunday brunch. When the upper left of the screen is green, this man is taking loads. When it is red, he is resting’. As soon as it was done, it started over again. “What do you think?” my trainer said as he walked into the room. “I don’t know,” I said. He laughed and told me that at least it was an honest answer. I was turned on and overwhelmed. “We have strung together your videos with the photos on your profile as well as those we have taken today. Plus many men noticed you at the pool today. You should be in for a massive breeding.” He watched the screen and mumbled that it wasn’t quite right and left the room. I heard him pick up the phone again and talk. He walked in a few minutes later and watched the screen again. As we were watching, additional text filled the top third of the screen. The letters were transparent so that you could still see the image. There were two rows of three columns on the screen. The first row had the words ‘POZ’, ‘NEG’, and ‘?’ across the columns. The second row showed a “1”, “0”, and “0”. “We are only counting the loads that get directly injected into you by a cock,” he told me. “Now, get up and get your ass in the sling. I wanted you to be able to see the TV screen and see what was being broadcast to all the rooms at this resort, but you are needed facing away from the screen, in the sling.” I got in the sling, put my legs in the straps and held the bottle of poppers tight in my hand.
    1 point
  24. I was in San Francisco last week and had a couple great encounters... as my nickname indicates I'm into getting head and taking charge of the situation. First one was in the middle of the day at an adult theater in the Tenderloin (skid row district). Had a couple of beers at a welfare bar around the corner, then went to the Tea Room Theater (that's its name). It was a real throwback - some guys dealing drugs outside, a window on the street you push your money through, the woman clicks a turnstile and you go in. Very sketchy on the inside, which I like (would not bring a wallet in there, though). The place was DARK - you could spend hours there and your eyes wouldn't fully adjust. Main room had bareback porn on the big screen, about 12 rows with four seats on each side. There was a little space behind the back row where some guys were lined up against the wall, feeling each other up. Behind the screen were two more small video rooms with benches and a cramped toilet. Not much going on back there, so I went back in the main theater. It was the middle of the day on a weekday and there had to be 40 men in the place. I went and stood in the back. The video was pretty hot, but not much action in the audience. A bearded guy in the back row turned around and gave me a look, so I unzipped and stuck my cock in his mouth. He was about my age and definitely knew what he was doing. Within a minute we had a crowd around us. I alternated between letting him go to town and grabbing the back of his head so I get my meat all the way down his throat. When I finally came I held the back of his head till I could feel him swallow it all. When I finished I zipped up and left without looking back. That night I went to Blow Buddies (blowjob sex club South of Market). They have glory hole booths, and also an open-maze structure where tops can walk a catwalk and look down on the cocksuckers below. You see something you like, you both gather at a glory hole (drilled at head level for the guy on the ground). Very open and very hot. I got a couple of OK blowjobs and came once. The scene wasn't happening so I went for a beer nearby. Came back in a while and the place was busier, but the maze-thing just wasn't living up to its potential, so I went into the back where there are dozens of booths with glory holes. Jackpot. It was slow as hell, but there was one guy in a booth with his mouth stuck to a glory hole. On my side there were handles up high, so the guy getting his cock sucked could hang on and really do a number on the cocksucker's throat. This guy REALLY knew what he was doing and was obviously submissive, which turned me on a lot. Rather than let him suck it at his pace, I told him to hold still, grabbed hold of the handgrips and gave his mouth a hard fucking. When he would gasp for air from the intensity of it, I would pull out slllllowly and than ram my cock back in his mouth. Finally I got so hot that I just started fucking it as hard as I could, just to hear him groan and gasp. Made sure that when I came he didn't even have to do any swallowing - I was pushed so far down his throat that I could just shoot a huge load straight down his throatpipe. When I finished, he was panting and sort of sobbing, saying "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir..." I'm not really into the master-sir thing but it was hot at the moment. One big regret on the trip was not getting into a threesome or a group scene - I don't fuck ass but I love to pound a man's face while he's getting fucked by another top or a group. (I also like to have a cigar while a guy's working my tool, but California makes that almost impossible in a public setting.) All in all a good trip. Could definitely use some guys around here whose only interest is having their throats used like a pussy... and a porn theater like that one in the Tenderloin.
    1 point
  25. CHAPTER II I watched the screen and could see David and the bear guy enter the spare bedroom, this was the room where we took any guys we brought home, never into our room and only very rare would one or us not make it to the bedroom for fear of the awkwardness the morning after David was down on his knees helping the bear to remove his belt and jeans while at the same time had removed his own jock and was balls naked now. The bear had a beautiful hairy chest, was sporting a beard and going slightly bald on top. His cock hung low under his belly and David was lapping it up with his tongue and the pleasure on the bears face said it all... My husband was doing his best and sucking cock like his life depended on it. They moved onto the bed where David presented his hairless, shaved and perfect bubble butt, a dream sight for any man but for a chub man like myself or anyone in my position to see that in front of you it's like all your Christmases come together. The bear wasted no time and dove straight in with his tongue; I could see the beard was turning on David even more as he was grabbing the bedsheets while moaning and telling the bear how good it felt. The bear responded in kind and just went deeper, he stretched Davids hole even more to get his tongue deep deep up his boicunt and it was working, David was in heaven. Eventually, after a good solid 30 minutes of eating my husband out the bear came up for air and David collapsed down onto the bed and was panting but doing a little twerk to show the bear he wanted to keep going. The bear was now rock hard and his cock was thick with a decent bush surrounding it and carried low hanging balls. He positioned himself over Davids ass and spread his ass cheeks wide and spat into his hole. Using a little spit then he rubbed his cock and without any hesitation ploughed into Davids cunt. David screamed out "Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck, fuck, fuck, we need lube" but the bear used his weight and held David down and started to hump him and fuck him dry... I could see David struggle to take the thick cock without lube but the bear needed his release and wasn't going to let this moment pass. After about 10 minutes of good solid hard fucking the bear pulled out and slapped David on the ass "Get the fucking lube so before we go any further bitch" Turned out this bear liked it rough and liked to be in charge! I watched over the next 2 hours as the bear seeded my husband on two separate occasions and I shot my load once in that time. I eventually fell asleep on my couch in my study, with my cock in my hand and the recording of my husband having sex with a stranger on the TV screen. I was woken by the feeling of my cock being sucked and opened my eyes to see David where he belonged, on his knees, welcoming my home. He was freshly showered, our home was back to the way it was when I left, everything in it's place and he was encouraging me to come to bed. The jet lag from the flight from the USA had kicked in and I needed a proper sleep. We kissed passionately and headed into our room where I proceeded to undress and watch as David climbed into bed ahead of me and present his hole for my pleasure. Between the wake up blowjob and the memory of what I had watched already I was rock hard. My beer can thick cock was solid so I grabbed our lube, smeared some on my cock head, onto Davids hole, grabbed his hips and slid right into my husbands well worn mancunt. This was what I needed, a good fuck and release... I pumped the love of my life for about 20 minutes and could feel the cum churning in my balls... I gave David notice that it was time and he pushed his hole back onto my cock as far as we could and I let loose. Wad and wad of hot steamy cum shot up my husbands hole as we both moaned in pure enjoyment. David shouted out who he could feel my cum shooting inside him and as the last of my load emptied into him I leaned in and kissed his neck and back and told him how much I loved him. We lay down and spooned and I fell asleep; David was due to fly to France that night so I decided I'd get myself some overnight company in the form of a twink... more about that to come!
    1 point
  26. Beautiful writing! Well told.
    1 point
  27. Well you have a slut here that is just your type of girl... So don't be shy i am the cumdumper you seek and more.. I am in jacksonville
    1 point
  28. Love this hot 3 way tag fuck https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/poppers-slut-fucked-by-two-horny-married-daddies-32081652
    1 point
  29. My former Daddy was a heavy cummer. His fat, uncut cock gushed out thick, white rivers of spunk. I think he could easily fill a shot glass with his nut load. One time we hooked up, he had been busy and hadn't cum for several days. He was so fucking horny. He normally jacked off at least once a day and usually more. He about gagged me with the first couple volleys! Each felt like full, 3 second-long gushes. I swallowed as fast and hard to get as much of it as I could in my belly. The rest oozed out of my mouth in thick, drooling pools. The best part was he still had a size-able load left over for my hungry kunt!
    1 point
  30. PigWeek 2017. I hadn't really posted any updates because its been kind of slow for a couple of days. At the Monday night party I got zero---yes that's right ZERO--loads. There was just too much going on and everyone wanted to try to fist me, and that's one of the only things I don't do in front of a crowd. My Tuesday night gangbang in my hotel room was mediocre. 8 loads, which is fine, but for Pig Week I was expecting something outlandish, like 30 loads or whatever. However, last night made up for everything and I could probably leave now and be perfectly happy (not that I'm going to!). They held this "gangbang lottery" where you submit your name and your picture and then they pull a name out of a hat and that person gets gangbanged right there in front of the crowd by a bunch of the featured pornstars and then anyone in the crowd who wants a turn. It just keeps going until the winner says they've had enough. MY FUCKING NAME GOT DRAWN. (I was like the 7th name they drew but the first 6 weren't there. How friggin' lucky is that?) So here's the thing: nobody kept count of how many loads I got and by the end I was barely coherent so I certainly didn't keep track. But in talking with people in the crowd afterwards (plus playing with my cummy hole when I got home) I would conservatively say I got fucked by about 30 guys and took roughly 15 loads. All on a fuckbench in front of a crowd. Over my years of playing I've been in a lot of hot situations and done a lot of hot things, but it will be really hard to ever top this one. Honestly, it was kind of surreal. As it was going on, I couldnt believe it was actually happening. Between this, my gangbang, a random load here and there, and all of the stuff from the first few days, I'm at 53 loads for the week with 4 more days in Ft. Lauderdale.
    1 point
  31. Part 14 - Aaron’s freakout Sunday morning Mark was flipping through websites looking for another hookup so he could dump a load or two. Eric had been working late trying to catch up on the days he missed while he was sick and here it was Saturday and he was at work again. Mark’s regular phone rang. He picked it up and it was a number he didn’t recognize, but the area code was from where his brother Joe lived. He answered the phone and heard “Hello, is this Mark?” “Yes it is.” “Sir, this is Aaron from A1 Car Rental. Do you remember me?” the voice on the other end said. “Sure I do, Aaron. Is there a problem? I don’t think there was any damage to the car.” “No sir, this isn’t about your car rental. Do you have a few minutes to talk? There’s no one here I can talk to and…” Mark could hear sobbing on the other end. “Yeah, no problem Aaron. What’s up?” After a few moments Aaron said “Well, I hooked up with this guy a couple nights ago after work. We met at this adult book store and we ended up in a room.” Aaron continued after a few more sobs “The guy got really rough with me, which I kind of like.” “Yeah, I remember” Mark chuckled. “Well, he held me down and slammed his cock into me and came inside me. While he held me down, he told me I was a stupid fuck to let a poz guy breed him.” There were more sobs before he added “He told me that I would have AIDS soon just like him.” Mark was shocked. He wasn’t expecting to ever hear from Aaron again, much less having to calm him down from a another guy breeding him with poz seed. His mind was racing trying to figure out what to say when Aaron started talking again. “And last night I started feeling sick. I have a fever and my neck is swollen and my arms and legs ache. Did he really give me AIDS?” “Aaron, take a deep breath. Relax. No one just gives you AIDS. He may have infected you with HIV and maybe other STDs, but you have to leave it untreated for a long time for it to progress to AIDS. Maybe he was just telling you that to shock you. Some guys get off on that.” “Uh…. OK. But why am I sick?” Aaron asked. “It could be lots of things, you deal with travelers at work who may be sick and passed their flu on to you. How many guys have you hooked up with since I met you?” “seven or eight, I guess” was Aaron’s response. Mark smiled and thought “The kids becoming quite the slut”. “Well, one of them could have given you something. If you’re really feeling bad, you could go to a doctor and have him run some tests.” Mark told him. “I don’t want to go to my doctor and tell him that I had sex with a bunch of guys.” “Ah, that makes it a bit harder. Let me check something out” Mark said as he picked up his tablet and started searching for gay friendly clinics near Aaron. “I’m doing a few searches, just hang on ok?” but Mark only got a few more sobs as a reply. “Aaron, you still there?” Aaron replied with a sullen “Yeah.” “There’s not much near you. The only thing I can find is the Jones Health Clinic up by the university, about an hour north of you. It says they are gay friendly and have sexual health programs with free testing. Do you think you can make it up there?” “I don’t know. I feel horrible. If I was infected the other night, do I need to go right away?” Aaron asked. Mark wasn’t sure how he wanted to answer - the timing was about right for Mark’s loads to have infected him. A test now would point the finger at him. If Aaron waited, all the guys he had bareback sex with could be the one. “Well, if you don’t feel safe driving up there and can’t get anyone to take you there then I guess you should go as soon as you feel well enough. If it is the flu that you get when you’re infected with HIV, then its already too late to prevent it.” “Oh fuck. You think I have HIV?” Aaron said before sobbing again. “It’s possible. The symptoms you said you have sound like when the body seroconverts, but it could also just be the common flu.” “Fuck. ok.” “Aaron, be sure you treat the fever. It doesn’t matter what kind of flu it is. Drink fluids and eat what you can, like soup. If the fever gets too high, you need to see a doctor no matter what. Worry about what kind of flu it is after you recover and can see someone” Mark said before adding “Let me know what happens. You have my number.” Mark gave the address and phone number for the clinic to Aaron before hanging up. Mark replayed in his mind both of his fucks with Aaron and remembered he said that he had taken some raw cocks between those sessions, so that would be his way to cast doubt that it was him that infected Aaron. While at work Wednesday morning, Mark’s phone rang. It was Aaron. He answered and heard Aaron’s voice on the other end “Hello, sir. Can you talk?” “Yeah, just a moment, let me get to a place where I can be alone” said Mark as he walked down the hall to a small conference room. “What’s up Aaron? Are you feeling better?” “Yeah, a little better. The fever is down. I called the clinic and set up an appointment. I was kind of vague but told them that I had a fever and sweats and aches. I’m going up there now, but what do I tell them?” “Be honest with them. If their website is accurate, they are sex positive and won’t shame you for being gay or having sex. The reviews looked good too. Tell them that you had a few sexual encounters that you didn’t use condoms and then there was the meeting with the one guy from last week and you’re scared he may have given you something bad. I don’t want to scare you, but its probably better that you don’t identify anyone you had sex with to them. They might get really nosy. Just tell them you met them in public places and don’t remember their names and don’t have any phone numbers. They’re used to that with gay guys. OK?” “Yeah, I understand“ Aaron replied. “Call me back after you finish. They are probably going to do some blood tests so you won’t get an answer right away. Don’t worry, its normal” said Mark “Thank you sir, I will.” Mark laughed to himself before saying “Aaron, please stop calling me ‘sir’. Call me Mark. If you keep calling me sir, I’ll come back there and put a collar on you and drag you back here to my dungeon.” Mark paused a moment waiting to get a response from Aaron, but got nothing. “I’m just kidding, I don’t have a dungeon.”
    1 point
  32. So great. Keep going. I love to get high, lay back in the sling and get on Zoom so guys can watch me smoke and get used!
    1 point
  33. Met a guy in the bathroom at work during my lunch break (I work nights). I was the only one us the office and was in chastity that night. He bent me over in the corner and pounded me until he shot his load and left it dripping out.
    1 point
  34. Holy holy fuck, this story is beyond hot. I have shot 5 times and only on story 4. CANT wait..... if you are a new story teller...congrats,you re amazing. Wow
    1 point
  35. Part 12 - Ink again Joe woke up on the couch and looked at the clock. “Shit! Only half an hour to shower and get to the tattoo shop” he mumbled to himself. He quickly looked in and made sure Kyle and Steven were okay, bringing each of them a fresh bottle of Gatorade as well as a damp cloth for their foreheads. He ran through the shower and got dressed as fast as he could, kissing Kyle before he ran out the door. Joe walked into the studio with a minute to spare and Thad looked up at him with a smile “I thought you might not make it. You doing okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine, but my roommates are pretty sick,” replied Joe and then added “Uh, how did you know?” “When you made the appointment you mentioned that you might be sick in a couple weeks. Speaking of which, do you know where you’re going to put it?” Thad asked. Confused, Joe asked “Put what?” “Your brother also paid for a biohazard tat for me to do after you earned it. It doesn’t sound like you’re ready for it, but you should start thinking where you want to put it. You can also do a scorpion or something like that. I like doing tats for other guys when they join the club. We gotta be proud and advertise.” “That sneaky bastard. He didn’t tell me, but cool. Yeah, I’ll try and think of something and where I want it” Joe said. "Okay, well, meanwhile have a seat and let's get this other one going,” Thad said as he sat down on his stool and laid out the drawing and began to work. After a short while, Thad said “You been taking a lot of hot loads since you were in last?” Joe looked at Thad, incredulous that he was having this kind of a conversation with a stranger. “I, uh, want to see if the ones I got from Mark do it, so I haven’t gotten anything since he went back to California. I’m not used to not getting laid, it’s driving me nuts. I even fucked our new roommate Friday I was so horny.” Laughing, Thad said “Nice. Was that the first time you fucked with your new PA?” “Yeah, it was. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. I didn’t last long and shot a big load into him” Joe said feeling more comfortable talking with Thad. “Cool, you fucked raw then. Just be careful, a PA heals quick, but you don’t want to stress it too much this soon. If it hurts, stop. Oh, and remember you can get pozzed when you top too. That's how my boyfriend got it,” Thad explained. “Yeah, I’ll be careful. I was able to start stroking myself after three days and it feels like its fully healed. Thanks for reminding me. I was just too horny yesterday. I keep wondering if I’m making the right decision so I know who gave it to me. Watching my boyfriend get bred by all these poz guys is making me jealous,” replied Joe. “Only you know the answer to that, but it you can have a strong bond to the guy that gives it to you. My boyfriend did me and I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else,” commented Thad as he moved Joe forward and started working on the shoulder blade. “Fuck, that’s hot. I suppose if Mark’s seed doesn’t do it I’ll have Kyle make sure,” Joe replied as the buzzing stopped and Thad blotted his arm and shoulder. “Next time we’re going to do your pec, which is tender skin, so be prepared. I’m going to put on some ointment like last time and gauze it up. You can probably take it off tonight or sleep with it on and take it off in the morning. When do you want to do your next appointment?” Thad asked. “Two weeks again? Hopefully I’ll have some good news by then,” Joe remarked with a chuckle. “Cool. Yeah, good luck. Just don’t get down if it doesn’t happen right away. It took Daryl three months of almost daily fucking before I converted, just before the end of my freshman year,” Thad replied. “Wow, three months? Yeah, I’ll be okay no matter what happens. Thanks, and I’ll see you in two weeks,” Joe said as he gingerly put his t-shirt back on and went outside. 'Fuck, I hope it doesn’t take that long', thought Joe as he got in the car. He sat there for a moment and picked up his phone and sent this message to Dennis: How u doin? Kyle and Steven sick” Then he sent this message to Mark: Saw Thad 4 next part of tat thx for bio tat 2. Steven now sick too. He drove home and went to check on Kyle and Steven. Kyle was sitting up with his phone catching up on his messages. He looked a little better but still not great. Steven got up and staggered to the bathroom and began to puke into the toilet. Joe’s phone buzzed with a new message from Dennis which read: I’m ok. was just with Tony & Derrick Mark was looking around online and came across an interesting ad: WM 29 5’9” 150lbs, smooth, jock bottom for anon fuck at my place, send stats - dick pics only Mark sent off a reply with a pic of his hard cock and his physical stats with no mention of HIV status but he did add he preferred bareback sex saying that condoms and his PA didn’t work well together. Soon he had a reply and a picture of a tight bubble but that looked pre-lubed. One more round of messages got him a anything u want, sir, followed by an address. Mark put on some clothing, slipped a lube packet and poppers in his pocket before heading over, told Kyle and Steven he'd be right back, and made the short drive to the bottom's house, parking the car about a block away and walking to the apartment building. He got buzzed in and went to the door which was ajar. He always enjoyed the adrenaline rush when he did an anonymous fuck with someone new. Pushing the door open, he went inside looking around and followed the instructions - left down the hallway, second door on the right. Walking in he found the guy on all fours on the bed, a blindfold covering his eyes and that beautiful ass winking at him. He tossed the lube and poppers on the bed, pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants, his cock straining to pop out of his jockstrap. He leaned in and planted his face between the guy’s taut ass cheeks and started eating his hole out, pushing his tongue into the winking hole and forcing some spit inside. Mark started to work his finger into the guy’s pussy, feeling the warmth and slickness. The guy had indeed pre-lubed his hole, but when Mark pulled his finger out and sniffed, the aroma was unfortunately that of lube, not cum. Taking a hit from the poppers, Mark moved closer and tapped his cock on the guy's hole, hearing a muffled "Fuck yeah, gimme that cock” from the guy. He slapped the guy's ass and pushed in, feeling the hungry hole suck his cock inside. Slowly he drove his cock all the way in until his pubes were against the guy's firm cheeks. The hole twitched around his cock a few times and Mark began to thrust in and out while the bottom worked his ass back and forth. The full length of his cock was pounding the guy and he heard the moans of a bitch in heat begging for him to fuck harder. Mark pulled his cock out and crouched behind the guy and slammed his cock in as hard as he could. The slut’s arms collapsed and he had his face on the bed. Mark held his shoulders down as he kept a constant rhythm of long, hard thrusts. He heard the slut repeatedly saying “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” over and over into the bed until the guy grunted, his hole started spasming around Mark’s cock, effectively milking Mark's cock into shooting his own load deep into the guy's cunt, each spurt added to the toxic, cream-filled hole. When the shots ended, Mark pulled his cock out of the guy's hole and pushed his face back down, licking up the cum from his hole and feeling it slowly close around his tongue. Satisfied, he moved back and wiped his cock on a nearby towel and put his clothes back on. “Thanks, bud” was all he said as he walked out of the bedroom and apartment, back to his car.
    1 point
  36. I have a couple friends that live there so rarely STAY at the guest houses, but I went with a friend to Inn Leather on a day pass about 6-7 years ago. I only ended up needing about an hour of that day pass to get what I needed though It was middle of the afternoon, plenty of guys out by the pool, definitely an older crowd (I am too). Definitely set up for sex - sling set up out by the hot tub. I was there with a friend (no benefits), so we got laid out by the pool (can't remember if it was naked or not), and in a pretty quick time a hot muscular guy showed up in his doorway, and I made some eye contact. He went back in his room leaving it open. I followed, and he had someone already there with his hole already sloppy....my favorite way to find someone. No talking, just started fucking around and eventually I added my seed, wiped my cock off and headed back out to the pool. No doubt everyone knew what I just did and were probably already in there before me. Definitely a sleazy place, but this was a while ago. If you don't get all you want there, you can head to the bath house or sex club at night and get filled up - hopefully you put that huge hot cock to use for some lucky bottom too!!!
    1 point
  37. I'm not sure how far I'll take this, but hope you enjoy another few chapters. ------ Part 10 - Joey’s turn? Joe came back from class and sat down on the couch and lit up a joint. It was Friday afternoon and just over a a week and a half since his brother Mark had gone back home. Each morning since Mark had left Joe awoke, hoping for symptoms of the flu, but there had been nothing. He craved cock, but had promised himself that it was his brother’s strain that would be the one that infected him. His sole sexual relief had been sucking cock. Almost any cock he could find - his boyfriend Kyle, guys at the adult book store, guys at the club, guys in the park. He couldn’t remember a time in college that he hadn’t been fucked at least twice in a week. What made it harder was watching Kyle take poz loads from Tony and Derrick. He would stand there stroking his newly pierced cock as Kyle got pounded by their big cocks and then hear the orgasms signaling another successful delivery of tainted cum in Kyle’s hole. Joe wouldn’t even felch the loads out of Kyle's ass, something he loved to do. No, it was going to be Mark’s cum that did it. His daydreaming was disturbed by the sound of his phone. He picked up the phone and saw it was Steven, who he hadn’t seen since Mark had been there. “Hello?” “Hi Joe, it’s Steven. I’m in a bind and was wondering if you could help me out.” “Maybe. What’s up?” replied Joe. “Uh, my dad caught me in bed with Luis and threw me out of the house. Can I crash at your place for a few days until I find a place? I can’t stay with Luis because there are already four guys in his apartment.” “I need to check with Kyle, but I think that would be ok as long as its not for more than a week or two,” Joe explained. “Oh my god, thanks. I have to wait until everyone is out of the house to get my stuff, so just call me when you know from Kyle,” Steven said excitedly. After checking with Kyle, Joe let Steven know it was okay. Steven was relieved, even more so when Joe drove over to Steven's place and helped Steven pack a suitcase with his clothes and a couple boxes of stuff - computer, trophies from high school, and a few pictures. Steven broke down crying on the end of his old bed. Joe hugged him and told him “Don’t worry, things will work out okay. They will come around and if they don’t, then you won’t want to deal with people that can’t accept you for who you really are.” They picked up the boxes and headed out the door leaving the empty drawers on the floor and the bed stripped clean. Back at the apartment, Joe cleaned a spot for Steven to put his stuff. “You can sleep on the couch and use the playroom to fuck, if you want. The inflatable mattress in there has seen its share of piss and cum, so you probably don’t want to sleep there.” The guys sat on the couch catching up on the last several days. Steven and Luis had been fucking each other almost every day since they met. “I had just dumped my load in Luis and had flipped over on my back and got Luis’s cock in my ass when my Dad burst into the room screaming like a crazy man. He told me to get my stuff, get out of the house, and yelled ‘No son of mine is going to be a faggot'” Steven told Joe. They popped a couple beers and smoked some pot and talked some more. “Oh, yeah. You didn’t see what I did the day after the party,” Joe said while standing up and dropping his jeans. Pulling his cock out, Steven gasped as he saw the piercing in Joe’s cock. “Fuck yeah. That is so cool. It’s smaller than the one Mark had, but really hot” Steven said. “Yeah, I’m gonna stretch it eventually, but I still like it with the smaller ring.” Steven reached up and held Joe’s cock and played with the ring with his fingers. He leaned forward and licked the head and the piercing with his tongue. Joe moaned and put his hand behind Stevens head and pulled it towards him. Steven began sucking his cock deeper and deeper and worked his tongue all over Joe’s shaft. He took a deep breath and relaxed his throat and pushed down as hard as he could, feeling the piercing and cock head enter his throat. Steven began to gag a little but kept pushing until his face was in Joe’s pubic hair. Joe had jacked off a few times since he got the piercing but this was the first time that his cock had been inside someone since then. Steven flexed his throat around Joe’s cock just like Luis had taught him and it drove Joe crazy. Joe started to fuck Steven’s throat thrusting in with his hips while also pulling Steven’s head forward. Steven was working his lips, tongue and throat on the cock and started tasting the precum leaking from Joe’s cock. Joe knew he wouldn’t last long since he was overdue for releasing his cum. Soon his balls started tingling and tightening while his cock throbbed and swelled. Steven felt Joe’s cock expand in his mouth and stopped bobbing on it. He wanted to taste Joe’s cum when he shot, so he pulled back so just the head was inside his lips which were sealed tight around the shaft. Volley after volley of Joe’s cum shot into Steven’s mouth, coating his tongue and throat. Steven started swallowing as his mouth filled with Joe’s questionable cum. Joe couldn’t believe the amount of cum he was flooding Steven’s mouth with. 'He’s a natural cocksucker. Amazing for someone so new to gay sex' thought Joe. As the cum stopped shooting, Steven swallowed more cum and began to lick and clean Joe’s cock. When he finished he looked up at Joe who then pulled him up to his feet and kissed him savoring his own cum and Steven’s spit. They fell back down to the couch with both of them breathing heavily. Joe looked at Steven and said “Thanks, I guess I really needed that.” “Fuck, do you always cum that much? I almost drowned!” Steven joked. After a pause, Joe looked at Steven and asked “So… Have you had any of the flu symptoms?” “No, I haven’t. My throat is a bit sore, but that’s from your cock just now!” Steven laughed. They smoked another bowl and had just turned the TV on when Kyle walked in. “Sorry I’m late. I stopped over at Tony’s place before he went to work for another dose. He and Derrick filled my cunt up with more spunk.” “Drop em and bend over, I want to see it” Joe demanded. Kyle grinned and moved closer before dropping his shorts and underwear and bending over the table and pushing a little bit of the cum out. “You fuckin’ slut. Any other time I’d use that as lube and fuck your brains out” Joe told Kyle, but noticing Steven who was rubbing his cock through his jeans, Kyle suggested “You should fuck him and soak your cock in that toxic swill, Steven." “Fuck yeah. Do it!” encouraged Kyle. Steven didn’t need any more encouragement and got up and slid his jeans down revealing a very stiff cock. He pushed it down towards Kyle's hole and smeared the cum that he had dribbled out all over the tip of his cock before pushing into Kyle. Slowly he sunk his cock all the way in before starting to piston Kyle’s pussy. He moaned as he felt the cum coat his cock and heard the sloshing sounds as he fucked the cum-filled hole. “Fuck, they really loaded you up,” Steven remarked as Kyle braced himself on the table as the thrusts got stronger. Joe was stroking as he watched his boyfriend get fucked and it didn’t take too long before he couldn’t take it any more. He stood up and moved behind Steven. He slicked his cock up with some lube from the table and added some to Steven’s hole before put his piercing on Steven’s hole. Pushing in, he forced Steven all the way into Kyle’s hole. Joe marveled at the new feelings with the ring on his cock as he fucked. His hands guided Steven’s body, so he did all the movement, fucking himself on Joe’s cock and then pushing into Kyle’s cum slick hole. The three emitted guttural sounds as Steven bounced back and forth between Joe and Kyle. Joe knew he was not going to last very long and when he felt his balls tighten again, he slammed into Steven and felt rope upon rope of his cum pump into Steven’s fuck chute. Steven felt Joe start to breed his ass and that pushed him over the edge and he unleashed his cum into Kyle. Kyle had been stroking his cock and shot his load all over the table, covering the baggie of weed with his cum. All three stood there feeling cocks get milked of their cum and asses getting filled with possibly neg cum until Joe slowly pulled out and sat down on the couch. Steven followed suit and lastly Kyle stood up and took the third spot on the couch. They all grinned at each other then sat back and watched TV, drank and smoked until it was in the early hours of Saturday morning. Joe was the first one to get up and told the other two “Come on, let’s get to bed and crash.” Steven looked up at him puzzled and said “I’ll take the couch.” “Nah, join us in the bed,” Joe insisted.
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  38. Predators and prey (Part 10) Predators and prey (Part 10) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Michael recovered slowly from the traumatic rape, which happened to him a few nights ago. Steven was busy working as a doctor in a hospital, and because of his long working shifts, he didn’t see him that often. Matt was the one, who took care of Michael, but he felt that he was not welcome. One morning Matt was preparing the breakfast for the boy. He pissed into the teapot, before mixing it with the hot water. Of course he didn’t forget to add some teabags. Then he prepared some scrambled eggs and blew his nose into the pan. It was so wicked, but it was Matt’s morning routine for the new ‘guest. He loved the idea, that Michael would drink and eat some of his waste. Michael’s room was quite dreary with only a bed, a small table and one chair. There was no window. Michael never knew, if it was day or night. Matt insisted there would be no television, radio or newspaper. The door had to be locked at any time and the boy got sedated heavily for his own goods. That was helpful, because this way Matt could abuse the guy regularly and throw some fucks into his body. Matt had convinced his boyfriend, that it would be dangerous, if the Michael would escape and inform the cops about this residence. They didn’t know, what was going on in Michael’s mind. Steven decided, they would to get him back to his feet and then set him free. Matt unlocked the door and brought the breakfast in. He served it on a small tablet. “Hey… you… wake up! Breakfast time….” he put the tablet down at the table. Then he pinched the boy’s sensitive nipples. Michael moaned in his drugged state. The effect of the drugs subsided and he could smell the food. He was hungry and so he stuffed some pillows beneath his back and received the tablet. Matt sat there with his leg spread widely. You could clearly see his nice package. “Thank you for the food. It tastes great.” Mike smiled cutely. “Yeah… drink your tea also….” Matt answered. He watched the boy picking up the cup and sipping the tea. It was still hot. Matt fondled his penis through the fabric of his pants openly and smiled. “I really appreciate, that you are taking care of me. I hope I will be on my feet soon. I am still aching you know? My butthole never seems to heal. Is that normal? I thought after a while it wouldn’t hurt so bad. But it is still hurting me a lot!” Michael blabbered. Matt thought about last night, when he visited the youngster to fuck him roughly. No wonder his ass would not heal up so fast. He was molesting him almost every night and every day. As soon as the pills would knock him out, he would bang the boy’s asshole without mercy. It was fun. Although the lad was almost comatose, he still felt the pain obviously. “It is so boring in here. Can I spend some time with you in the kitchen or so? Maybe I could socialize with some of your friends” the young boy asked. “Nah…. well maybe I could call some guys for you… if you insist!” After getting the twink back into his bed he actually called one of his friends. His name was Dean and he was a nasty POZ top. He was in his 40’s already, but had a trained body and a 9 incher in his pants. “Yeah… he is Steven’s patient. But 18 years old only and he was quite abused on a bareback party. Maybe you want to charge him up a little bit?” He mixed the truth with some lies, to make sure, that Dean would want to fuck the teen. 30 Minutes later the doorbell rang. Dean looked hot in his tight black jeans. His bulge was already bigger than usual, so Matt guessed Dean was already hot to share his toxic semen. “Don’t tell him, you are here to fuck him. I will sedate him with some pills first. Then you can use him, as hard as you wish.” Matt whispered. He unlocked the door and both guys entered the room, which was more like a cell. Dean just took one look at Michael and he started already massaging his dick through his jeans. Matt leaned against the wall, while Dean moved away the blanket and realized the twink was absolutely naked underneath. Michael felt a bit intimidated. “Michael… this is one of my friends. His name is Dean and he wanted to know you better.” “Hello Dean…” Michael whispered. “Hello faggot. You are a faggot, right? I can smell it, that you are….” Dean snarled dangerously. Michael looked very scared now. This aggressive behavior pushed him back into this fatal night, when he was raped and hurt seriously. Dean recognized this was not a good start and so he switched his appearance immediately. “Listen… I didn’t want to scare you. I turn that way sometimes. No need to be afraid of me.” Dean grinned, but he still looked dangerous. The boy looked at the huge guy suspiciously. “Will he rape me?” Michael addressed his question to Matt. “No… No, of course not, you are safe here. You wanted someone to talk to… that’s why he is here. But this has to be our secret” Matt explained. Subsequently he smacked Dean over his head to reinstate some composure. The new ‘friend’ took a seat. He edged the chair away from the bed, screeching the chair legs and parted his legs far apart. This way Michael could see the huge bulge in full view. “You must be very ill, Matt told me. You got to stay all day in bed?” Dean asked casually. “Well… I feel much better now. I don’t have to be in bed all day long, but mostly I am, because I am tired very often” Michael replied. “Okay… so if you are not tired now, why don’t you take a seat with me?” “There is only one chair…. and you are sitting in that chair” the twink responded. “Oh…. you are right…. but look how much space there is in front of me. You could kneel here, between my legs… then we would be a bit closer. You and I” Dane smiled. “Come on… don’t be afraid. I promise to you, I won’t attack you.” “O… ok.” Michael wrapped the blanket around him like a robe and got out of the bed. He kept some distance and knelt in front of Dean who smiled down at him with a pearl white shark grin. “Move a bit closer boy. Let us get acquainted. Use your hands and place them on my knees. That’s harmless, but we will get a connection.” Dean suggested. Michael slid closer to Dean, but in order to place his hands at the requested spot, he had to let go of the blanket. It fell down to the floor and finally showed his nudity. “Do you feel better now” Dean asked in a monotonous voice. The twink nodded uncertainly. “So what happened to you?” Dean asked. Immediately the boy got totally stiff and looked extremely frightened. He summarized that he was raped and beaten and that Steven had rescued him. “How did you get into that situation” Dean wanted to know. “I went to this place by myself” Michael sniffed. “So it was your fault that you got raped. You went there all by yourself. No one forced you to… hum?” The pup lowered his head. “I wanted sex… but I didn’t know they would hurt me so bad.” was the boy’s defense. “True… but in the end, it was you who chose to look for trouble” Dean retorted. “Believe me, talking about this stuff will help you to accept, that it is not always the fault of the other one. You got to accept the facts and ask yourself why you did it in the first place.” Dean felt like his pants would rip any second now. His cock was so hard, it was almost unreal. Michael was not so responsive at the moment. “I will tell you a secret, how you can relax your body and soul within a minute. But you must be open for new things – ok?” Dean asked calmly. “Do you know, when do Babies have their happiest hour?” Michael shrugged his shoulders. “They are carefree, when they suckle on their mother’s tits. Did you know that?” “As an adult you can get the same experience, all you need is something you can suckle on. Come closer between my legs” Dean ordered. Michael’s hands were almost placed now next to Dean’s enormous bulge. “Believe me – this is not sexual, and you don’t have to suck my dick. I am here to help you on your way and give you a good feeling” Dean used nice word, but his eyes were totally emotionless. He just wanted to free his cock. “Open my jeans…. open my belt slowly and then every button – take your time…” he almost whispered those words in a soothing way. “Don’t force me to suck you please” the lad begged, while working on the buttons. “I won’t – I promised you. You see my briefs? Do you see where my cock ends? Start to suckle on my briefs. I know you think this is probably sucking, but it is not. My cock is still covered. This will help you calm you down. You are not in danger, but you will almost feel like a little baby again…” Dean continued whispering. Very slowly Michael raised himself up a little bit and lowered his head to Dean’s white briefs. He could see the huge cock glans underneath the fabric and licked across it with his tongue. Then he half engulfed it with his mouth and started to suckle as he was told. Matt observed the whole scene and saw Dean was crossing his arms behind his head and seemed to be very pleased. “Do you feel it, how this is calming you down already? Concentrate on sucking my dick” “U-huuu” We heard the smacking sounds, and even Matt was jerking his cock through his pants right now. “Did you wear tight jeans that night?” “U-huuu” Michael confirmed that. “So you wanted the guys to get horny for your ass. And you were looking for some dicks. It was not the tops fault, that it got all out of hand… in the end you were responsible for the outcome. You and your faggot ass” The lad continued to suckle on Dean’s cock, while listening to his logic. He had already Dean’s cock taste in his mouth. Dean was leaking precum like a faucet and Michael sucked that all up. He sucked and swallowed his tormentor’s toxic precum. “You simply have to accept the fact, that you are a faggot and that you deserve such brutal treating” Matt talked softly to Michael, that it would be time for his pills. As soon, as he heard that he turned to Matt and looked at him sadly. Slowly he got up and went back to his bed. Matt handed him the glass of water and a few different pills. “You feel better now?” Dean asked the boy. He nodded gingerly. “I need to sleep…. now….” Michael stammered. He closed his eyes, as if he wouldn’t be able to keep them open any longer. “He will be out in two minutes” Matt explained. Dean nodded and got up. He started pulling his shirt over his head. Michael opened his eyes again slowly and looked very tired. Although he saw, that Dean wore no shirt anymore, he couldn’t connect these things anymore. “Thanks…. for your visit… and your… help *sighs*” Dean kicked his shoes off and started to get out of his pants while grinning evilly at the lad. “Maybe I can… suckle on your… cockhead again… soon *closes his eyes again*” “Don’t worry. You will do that and so much more….” Dean answered coldheartedly. “You can get between his legs now… he won’t remember a thing from now on” Matt stated without any empathy. Dean grunted as he got on the bed. He raised Michael’s legs and rested them on his shoulder. He wanted to give the boy and long and brutal ride. He forced his rigid stiff cock down into Michael’s tight and narrow asshole in a fast and ramming motion. This was too good to be true…
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  39. I'm the bottom you'd be doing it to. The only reason I would ask for a pull out, is that I want his load in my mouth or I have some other use for his cum. But what ever my reasoning is, I would communicate that prior to him fucking me. If he fails at the pull out, he can just feed it to me from his cock or fingers. Now with that said, If a bottom wants a pull out so he's able to collect the load for another use, it's the Top's jizz until someone receives it, so the bottom should let him know the plan. If the bottom wants the pull out to avoid infections, well, there's too many words to describe a guy like that. But here's a few: he's lazy, he's greedy, always points the finger at someone else, wont be held accountable for what he does, selfish, did I say lazy? If I was the top and knew this was the reason for the pull out request, I'd flip him on his belly, lean down on his face down head with one hand and pin his arm behind his back with the other hand. Then pump his ass full, as deep as i can get it. Then shrug my shoulders and say oops.
    1 point
  40. poz not on meds! would love to slam and be an aids whore for you! would love slamming with you! deamon aids - pervy aids! thick legal bugchading teens!
    1 point
  41. Just right now. I was sitting I'm my driveway stroking my cock as I just got home from an overnight shift at work. I open up grindr and see this hot lean muscle daddy online so I hit him up and he replys. Long story short he wanted to give me a BJ and I him at his hotel so I head on over. After lots of kissing and sucking while I was on my back he spits on his cock and lubes my hole and sticks his thick curved daddy cock in me. After like 2 minutes of fucking I asked if he wants to breed me and he says yes. He rabbit fucks my hole and gives me a load so big I could feel my as leaking it already. We both weren't expecting it, but I would never turn down a loaf from a hot older daddy. Cum is still in my ass as I am walking towards my car.
    1 point
  42. Things Change, Part 3... I was spinning out. My knees were beginning to ache from kneeling, the carpet was thin and I had no play in my position with my ankles locked together as close as they were. As he pushed his cum and ass covered cock into my mouth, I felt the plastic drivers license and tape on my forehead pull against my skin. It was secure, that much was certain. But that feeling quickly passed away as the flavors began to light up in my mouth. Sucking a cock that had just unloaded in my ass was always a particular high for me. I hadn’t yet met a top who didn’t love it, and being that much of a submissive slut just felt fucking good. Before I got too lost in the moment, he pulled his cock back with a pop from my lips. “Let’s get that mouth over to Bill,” he said with a grin, “gotta keep this moving.” With that two sets of hands grabbed me under my armpits from behind and dragged me over to the sling where I was immediately face to crotch with Bill. “Get his balls in your mouth faggot.” Of course I did this with no hesitation, but with my hands locked, it was a little like trying to stuff cats into a pillowcase. They got a good chuckle from my struggle and my commitment to getting his balls fully inside my mouth. Finally, my lips were firmly around the base of his sack and his rapidly firming cock rested against my cheek. I looked to my top man and as I locked in on his position, BAM, the flash hit again. “You’re going to have a face shot with every guy’s balls in your worthless mouth today faggot,” he laughed from behind my phone, “this day is going to stick with you for a long time. Now, get your mouth on Bill’s asshole.” I leaned back and let his balls slip from my drooling mouth. As I began to lean forward again, my top man interjected, “Hold on faggot,” he then gestured to someone behind me, “Sam, turn the fucking lights on. I’m going to start recording this and it’s too dark. Can’t see the faggot well enough.” And the lights snapped on. I was frozen because I knew better than to make a move now without the go-ahead. “Okay faggot, got it going. Now, ask Bill nicely if you can suck his asshole. And I mean nicely.” “Can I please suck your asshole?” I asked as plainly as I could, locking eyes with the man in the sling. “Tell me you want it, pig,” Bill breathed, “tell me how MUCH you want to suck my asshole.” “Sir, I really, REALLY want to suck your asshole. I want it as badly as I’ve ever wanted anything,” I said directly and honestly. I loved to eat ass, but I also wanted to try and get through this as quickly as possible. “Then go ahead pig, get that tongue in there now,” he smiled broadly and I began to move the few inches between us, my tongue extended, my mouth slightly open. As I did, I saw his belly tighten and his hole burst a wad of cum all over my face. The whole room burst into laughter as I sat there frozen, cum dripping from all over my nose, cheeks, and chin. “You have NO idea how hard was to hold that load in!” he was shaking with laughter and I felt like I could see the video as it was being taken. “Now get in there and get the rest of that jizz out of my hole you goddamned whore. Charlie really dumped a bunch in me while we were waiting in the garage, so you still have plenty of work to do.” I was now as low as I’d ever been, as I moved immediately forward and began to eat that hole as deeply and completely as I could. I realized how much I’d only been playing at being a sub whore all this time. Playtime was now over. As I swallowed and tongued and drank the cum from this man’s asshole with a room full of men awaiting the same service, my mind began to finally calm. I didn’t care what happened next. But I wanted it to happen. I wanted all of it to happen. to be continued...
    1 point
  43. I love the fact collage is back in session here in NH. this boy wanted it and he got it not just a hard cock balls deep but a special welcome back to collage gift. Enjoy and spread it around. Posted 25 minutes ago print ◀ prev ▲ next ▶ Hot Ass Needs a HUGE cock!! - m4m (Manchester) image 3 of 3 body: athletic weight: 180 height: 6'0" (182cm) status: single age: 38 Hosting in Manchester and looking for a HOT TOP to fuck this tight ass. I'm 38 6' 180, good looking, nice body, hot ass!! Looking for a HUNG TOP who's in shape and under 45. Find me blindfolded wearing only a jock with my ass up. Come in, lube up your cock and my ass and fuck me good!! Please reply with age, stats and cock pic. Mine attached!!
    1 point
  44. Took 10 loads from 8 breeders in the last 24hrs. Happy Pride, indeed
    1 point
  45. hot as fuck. I want in - deep in you lad,
    1 point
  46. I have done this and would do it again. For me it's about letting someone control who uses me. My Sir has taken me to bathhouses and bookstores and made me take anyone he wanted. It's not always about setting up big gang bangs. Having your ass traded for a few bucks, drugs, anything really feels amazing. Knowing that your pimp or sir sold your ass to a random dude off the street. Knowing that you will do anything to make your pimp or Sir happy. Couple times I have had my assed used and bred by really disgusting guys just because my Sir thought it would be funny. And I'm glad I did because it made him laugh and be happy I will continue to service cock in any way I'm told as long as someone wants me to. No questions asked.
    1 point
  47. Until death do us part (story a cheating boyfriend) – Part 05 The following day I called Dante and told him, that Marcus and his friends were still amazed of the good job he had done and that they would like to meet him again soon. I’ve made an agreement with Marcus, that the little bitch would serve them for more poz fuck. Quite a lot guys enjoyed the feeling to convert an innocent one. Tonight for example a group of perverted bikers were in town, looking for the right kind of fun. So I suggested to Dante, that it would be nice, if we would be able to repeat that whole game again tonight. Dante apologized, but he wanted to celebrate his anniversary with his boyfriend and they had already made plans for a romantic dinner. I was a bit disappointed and told him, that I was an invited guest. It would be impolite, if I refused the invitation, so I told him I would find someone else to accompany me. Silence…. “Hello…. ?” I asked through the telephone. “Well… maybe…. I can make arrangements…..” “But it is your anniversary” I interfered “That’s an important date… I totally understand that.” “Yes, but I would like to be with you also, and I don’t want you to meet other guys.” he answered slowly. “You know, I can still have dinner with him tomorrow…” he didn’t sound very convincing. We agreed to meet at 8 pm and to drive back to Michael’s place to enjoy another night of sex and action. Dante told his boyfriend, that one of very best friends had lost his kitten due to a careless driver and ‘she’ would be devastated right now and needed moral support. And his boyfriend believed him. Love is blind… you see…. I was staggered, when he showed up at the agreed time. His white jeans and white shirt was way too tight, but he looked hot in it. He stepped into my car and smiled cutely at me and then went down on my cock to suck me while we drove to Marcus’s place. I almost pumped my poisoned cum into his mouth, but I told him to go slowly. I wanted to enjoy the whole evening with him. There was no need to hurry. We entered the premises and Marcus gave us a warm welcome. “Here is the ‘fluffer-boy’ I told you about…. and almost 20 guys turned to Dante immediately and some of them high-fived him. The guys twisted his tiny and erected nipples, which made the boy moan loudly. Dante looked at me and whispered, that he didn’t recognize any of the guys from last night. Some of them looked quite dangerous and reminded him of a biker gang. I misunderstood Marcus (on purpose) and this was actually a totally different group than the other night. Dante sighed. He didn’t like this idea. More and more people got to know him. This was too dangerous, since he still got a current boyfriend. He turned to Marcus and said he was not happy with this development and Marcus totally supported him. He announced to the entire group, that the guys should respect the privacy of the fluffer, because his real boyfriend didn’t know, that he was here – sucking dick. The twink looked shocked as he saw the grinning and estimated faces of the bystander. The group of men nodded mockingly. They wouldn’t hold it against Dante, if he did a good job. Someone shouted ‘Give him the gift and send him back to his boyfriend’ Everybody was laughing – even Dante reluctantly did. “Oh well – where do you want me to take your loads. Do you want to splash into my eyes…. here? Like last night?” Dante asked softly. “Oh, that is important. Thanks for pointing that out. I suggested to this group, that you would suck dicks and would accept the guys shooting the cum right into your eyes.” Marcus told merely to Dante. “But imagine, they had the same event two days ago with another guy and they want to do something else. I told them, since you specified the rules last night, it would be fair, if they could decide tonight, what is hot…. and what is not.” he continued with his fib. He took Dante by the hand. “The group wants you to kneel… here! Yes… next to the sling…. no… more to the left. Perfect!” “Here you will suck the guys hard and as you can see, you will be placed next to the bitches ass, who will be abused in this sling tonight. This way the fucker can withdraw his cock from your mouth and immediately start fucking the whore. But he can also get out of the cunt and fuck your face for some assistance again. Do you get it?” Marcus asked Dante harshly. The twink nodded slowly. “This way you can concentrate on the next guy already and still assist the current top” he smiled at Dante. “They would also like you to swallow the cum after every third of fourth deposit. For this… you just move over here and put your open mouth over the asshole of the ass whore. Then he will fart the cum straight into your waiting mouth. You will wait until the cunt tells you he is finished farting into your mouth. Then you turn to us and show us the deposits. We tell you when to recycle the cum and then you simply swallow it. Don’t foget to show your empty mouth to us again. And you got to lick the asshole too. It should be cleaned out, so the next alpha male can get to business. Then you move back to your first spot again and the whole thing repeats itself.” Marcus looked expectant. “Can I talk to you, please?” he asked me. “Of course” I said but I showed no intention to move to a more private area. “Speak up….” “I don’t want to swallow the cum from guys I don’t know.” he whispered. The bikers grinned evilly. “Well…. hmm… well try to know them better. Ask their names, before you start sucking them. This way you would know them” I suggested. “But you told me, if I would swallow other guys cum, you would call me a cheater” Dante insisted. “No baby… I told you once, if you would suck a guy and swallow his cum – then you would be a cheater. But you are recycling the junk of other tops. The guy in the sling is the slut. He drains the nuts of these fellow gentlemen. You are just cleaning the mess up and this is exactly what a fluffer boy has to do.” I could see in his eyes he was confused. He wasn’t able to decide what was wrong and what was right. He lost his moral compass interacting with me. Every day a little bit more. Soon he would take dicks in a dark room. He was on its way to be a super bareback poz slut. “What about diseases? Are you all clean?” he asked and knew the answer already. Marcus told him, that he had checked all the papers one hour ago and all the guys were clean. No STD in sight…. such a fucking liar. “Oooookay…..” the boy sighed. Dante started to undress slowly. The guys were luring around him and touched his body. His nipples got twisted again and the blonde angel squirmed and squeaked from time to time. While he took his spot next to the sling, he got on his knees and three biker guys surrounded him. He started massaging their huge bulges through their leather pants and jeans. Suddenly there was a little commotion. The ‘slut’ entered the room and the guys went ballistic. Another twink actually got dragged into the room. He wasn’t able to stand on his own feet. He gazed around with a distant look. The dark haired teen has been drugged or he was totally intoxicated, or maybe both. The huge guys blocked Dante’s view. He just heard them clapping their hands, shouting obscenities. The ‘slut’ got positioned into the sling. He wore a tight jockstrap. Dante could see the hairless ass and he noticed, that the bikers were quite rough on the other young whore. He heard the boy moan, because some of the guys enjoyed squeezing the teen’s balls. “Are you the fluff-boy?” addressed to him. Dante didn’t react at once and got slapped into his face. “I said, are you the fucking fluff-boy?” the leather daddy repeated himself. “Yes Sir. My name is Dante” he replied sweetly. “I don’t care. Start sucking my dick. I want to fuck this filthy whore” he answered. “What is your name?” Dante asked politely. “I’m your first John… now start sucking, or you will deeply regret it” he roared. Dante started to unbuckle the heavy leather belt and opened the cage to a nice big cock. He was semi-hard, but even in this state it was impressive. Dante started licking the glans penis. The leather guy grabbed the boy’s blonde hair and started pumping his rapidly hardening cock deep into Dante’s throat. Really impressive, I thought. It must have been at least ten inches. The slutty bitch in the sling would definitely burst, if this king-size anaconda was raping his hole with this ‘big-gun’ Another guy needed already attention, although Dante’s mouth was still occupied he had to stroke at least one cock already, to keep the guys hard for the action. The leather daddy changed the hole now. He wasn’t the romantic type. You could see his positioned himself at the tight opening and while he drew the twink’s body closer to him, he used all his power to penetrate the ‘slut’ in one swift motion. You could hear the daddy grunt loudly, while he bottomed out. Although the bitch was sort of unconscious, he was still making whining noises and this made the biker even more aggressive. He slammed his pelvis against the young guy’s entrance. This was more than just an aggressive fuck. It was more like the boy got butchered alive. Although he had stamina, you could see and hear, that the first top was close to shoot. “You fucking dirty whore. This is what you get you filthy little punk. I hope I knocked you up you stupid cunt. Thought you could earn some money you bitch?” he groaned, “Now I will kill you…. I will kill you…. you little fag….. you stupid fuck…. this is all you can get….” and with this words he shot his highly toxic venom deep inside the ‘sluts’ ass. Dante had not time listening to all the shouting. He looked up to the second guy who wanted a blow-job, to get hard for the final act. “Hey my name is Dante. What’s yours?” he asked again “I’m your John too…. now suck!” the seconds guy ordered. Dante was so busy doing a good job and still his mind wandered to the sling. He imagined it could be him manhandled this way. And all of a sudden, he was scared…. curious…. excited…. He needed Scorpion’s dick. He wanted him so badly. Tonight…..
    1 point
  48. I grew up in a small farming community in Nebraska. I have 5 older brothers and from early on I was treated different by my parents as my brothers are big 6'2-6'4 with big mussels and I'm 5'7 with a string bean build. On the farm when not in school you are working from an early age. Where my brothers went to work after High School I applied to College and received many offers. I knew I did not wanted to stay in Nebraska. I think my parents knew before I did I was gay and when I told them they did not seamed shock and when I was pick on my youngest brother would defend me as he is just 16 months older than me. I knew where ever school I went to would have been near a large Gay community so it was either NYC or San Francisco. I visited both and the school in NYC bowled me over with the best offer I could get. It would not put a major Financial load on my parents or me and I would not be left with big students loans.As I wanted to pay my own way as running a farm cost big money I would try to find a job to cover my living expensive at school. I moved to NYC into the dorms and the first thing I said to my self did I make a big mistake of my life as everything is so tight here. My room mate was ok at first but in a few weeks turned into a real ass hole tell me all the time who he fuck he is not Gay. Not knowing NYC and really being a farm boy I'm in a new world as I know it's out their but I can't get into the Gay bars I pass by of find so I know it's out there. My sex life is giving someone a blow job once when we visit the big city near us in North Platt Nebraska. I'm fed up with my room mate and I have to do something fast or I feel like going back home and work the farm for the rest of my life. As I have to find away out of living in the Dorms as the commute is 20-30 minutes either way by the bus the school has or by me on my bicycle. Every place I look is way over my limited budget or the room is smaller than I have now. One day I look at Craigslist of all places and find a room for rent for a male only and when I hear where the address its BINGO 1 block from where most of my classes are. I get on time and it's a very old building, I get to the door and when it opens and I see the guy at the door I think I was struck by lighting as we look at each other for a long time. He's 5'8 maybe 125 in a tight tee shirt and I can see the out line of his nipple rings. He ask me in and the place is huge , with wire walls with pictures of MEN in full leather or men with boys arm in arm. The pictures stop me in my tracks as I don't know to run or keep looking. I do notice James eyes have not left me as I just look around and takes me by the hand to the room he is renting out. This bed room is very big also with a king size 4 posted bed that does look very gothic. When I ask him how much I say to him how much and I'm saying to my self it's going to be to much, but James ask how much can I afford and when I give him the number he says that's perfect. I gave a number more than I could really afford but I said to my self I will make it here some how.somehow I get the use of the kitchen , bathroom that has all these long hoses off the shower head and free wifi. I could not be happier. I ask if I could start to move over the weekend and he shoot back I have a friend with a truck and it can be done in one run. So I move in and settle in and I love the quite this place is but I look at the pictures on the wall and I get as hard as a rock and even pre cum is coming out. I try to hide how hard I am but James is always walking around half naked as goes late every night. I never ask what he does but is mostly at night. As James goes out late to work most evening and is back in a few hours or comes home early morning as I'm leaving for school it really working well for me with school but my life is empty in some ways. After a month James wants to talk and ask if I want to hang out with him this weekend, I remind him I'm under 21 and can't get into any bars, he says it's no problem where are going as he knows the doorman real well. I tried of looking at the books and I'm way ahead of my school work and it's a Friday. We get waved right in at Pyramid Club and once inside the music hits me and so many hot looking guys around, it take me a few minutes to understand what is going on as my head is spinning as James gives me a soda and says let's dance. On the floor it's more like a grope fest as James and I get closer and closer and when our lips lock my arms are all over his body as he takes off my shirt, my bare chest is rubbing up against him as I feel his nipple rings hitting my nipples. Something comes over me as I go down to kiss his nipples. The rest of the evening there was one big blur of passion & heat form everyone I met at the Club, what I thought was 1 hour turned out to be 5 hours. As we left the sun was coming as we grab a taxi home our hands were all over each other. Once we made it up stairs what cloths we have come off as we head to the bed. It's my real first time of having sex with any one unless you say giving someone a blow job is sex. James is the first one to take my anal cheery and I thought it would be very painful but he was so gentle with me it was pure pleasure. I wake up and James is sipping coffee and looking at my naked body as all he has on is a tong with a hard dick showing. He ask how I'm doing I get off the bed and get on my hands and knees and take his dick out and start to suck, as he's about to cum he picks me up and takes me to the shower. In the shower I find out what all thous hoses are for. He is making love to me wile he's working over my hole. I come out of the shower clean on the out side & inside. We spend Saturday & Sunday fucking going to some clubs and I'm having the time of my life not hiding who I am but living what I am. I no longer live in my room but in James room. As I get near the end of the school year my funding will not be available over the summer and my part time job will not be enough to support my self in that time and I don't want to leave James as I'm in love with him and he with me. When I tell him that I will have to go back home for the summer and work on the family farm he says he has an idea how I can stay in NYC and make enough money to stay here with him. He ask how I feel about doing what he does, my being so fresh off the farm , I say I really don't know what he does at night and he is Laughing. He says he works as an escort a he showed me his profile on Rentboy. I'm shock and say you get paid to have sex with other men, he says that I could do very good but I will have to be a Top as that is where the real money is. He tell me he has a very good client who would love me. James tell me we will go over and double team him as he will really like that. I'm scared to death but if I can stay in NYC for the summer with James I'm willing to do it. We get to his home and I don't know what to do but James leads me by the hand an tells me what to do. I can see on the client face he is very happy that I'm came, as once I'm naked he says to James is he legal, James responds do you really care. He is on his knees sucking my dick in a second as James starts to lube his hole up. Right before I cum James pulls him off and turns him onto his dick and hands me a condom to put on and tell me to fuck him hard.
    1 point
  49. Boiler is 5-star! Visited Sunday afternoon - arrived around 3PM. Quite busy - mixed crowd, all ages. No rentb-ys (at least that I saw and I was there for several hours). By 6pm the place had at least a couple hundred guys in it. Amazing space. 3 floors. Enormous locker room (there must be 500 lockers if there's 1), showers, restrooms - all spotlessly clean. Large bar/cafe with external patio. Lowest level is vast with rooms, saunas, showers, maze, dark room(s), glory holes, video room, chill out area, you name it. This is a world class sauna. I'd compare to Phoenix in Koln. Hot! My only complaint (and this is purely personal opinion) is that the guys in Germany are not as attractive/hot as the guys in Spain. But without doubt this is THE sauna in Berlin.
    1 point
  50. I absolutely LOVE getting fucked by truckers! They don't fuck around with a lot of bullshit and rarely use rubbers!
    1 point
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