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  1. I’d been drinking, and in my inebriated mind decided to walk home rather than wait for a night bus. After checking a couple of apps, I was feeling a bit horny even if I had no mind to do anything about it. It was then when I noticed the illuminated sign for the sauna. I’d passed it many times before and knew it had something of a reputation for its theme nights where one night it’s Daddies/ Bois or no towels or whatever. I decided that I would pop in for a bit, freshen up in the shower and maybe get sucked off. Job done. Once I’m buzzed in I realise that I’m actually doing this, and so check in for a towel, give reception my email for some reason for their mailing list, and head into the changing area, clumsily undress and then head into the main part of the sauna. After doing the rounds – and discovering there’s even a sling area, which stank of piss – I settled into a wood cabin that seemed fairly quiet bar the two older daddy types, mid-50s, looked like regulars but were in hot shape, gently feasting off each other’s bodies, teasing each zone and clearly been there a while. I settled down on a bench to the side and vaguely watched them. One of them reached over under my towel and put his hand on my stiffening cock and smiled “What have we here?” He leaned over further and began nibbling on my cock. Fuck. I hadn’t quite budgeted for this, but my horniness seemingly had me pinned to the spot as his mouth started to suck. His mate slid over and handed me some poppers. I felt obliged to really. It seemed rude not to. Although the minute I whiffed a few snorts my head felt like the wiring had come lose and all that now mattered was this hairy dad feeding on me. His mate leant into kiss me and again and suddenly I’d never wanted this stranger more. I felt the cocksucker’s fingers probe my hole, somewhat looking confused that it was dry and tight, but almost instantaneously the evidence of a sick grin replacing it. “Slow night brother?” It took me a moment to realise he was talking to me. “Uh… not really. Just a bit drunk and horny” I replied. “Hehe, nice. Drunk and horny on a PozBro night. I get you” “Wait, what? I thought that was Tuesdays...” “No mate. Been Thursdays for the last four months. Every other week we let in non-members and chasers” “Really? Ah okay. Bit of a mistake. I’ll leave you guys to it then” as I went to get up, the popper daddy pulled me backed into a kiss. I was beginning to feel strange, and realise these fuckers had me in their web. I could hear the door being locked and started to feel panicked “Not so fast bro… Hey Steve I think we’ve got ourselves a newbie!” I kept struggling as Steve pulled out the poppers again. Fuuuuck. What was in them? They were making me react the way they wanted. My body betraying my frantic mind. Half terrified, half horny. Jesus. I could only hope to get out of this alive. “I think you’re right Glen. Luckily for him we’re on a recruitment drive. I think we should showcase a few of the membership benefits while he’s here.” Glen was starting to tease my hole with his tongue. Oh boy, not felt anything like that before. I had begun to bliss out with the intoxication, feeling reasonably good despite the fact I was naked, horny, off my face in a locked room with two poz fuckers talking about recruiting me. Holy shit. I found myself turning my face to Steve’s cock. Man, what a fucking amazing poz tool, I thought. Thoughts that evaporated as I begun to suck down on it. Meanwhile Glen had been probing my hole, and I’d been slowly aware of letting him begin to probe me further. I wasn’t quite understanding my behavior, but everything felt so good and right and I figured I could risk this. They must be bluffing, I thought, there is no way someone would be so toxic that it would take immediately… That’s how I looked at it. Surely every guy doesn’t get pozzed instantly… That said, Glen was still pursuing my hole. I noticed him spit on his cock. I hoped there’d be lube but it was unlikely I was to get a smooth ride. These two fuckers know too much as it is. “That’s one tight hole there. Good thing you have us here to help you realise what a pleasure centre you can be. So much potential for you as a pozbro”. Oh fuck.
    11 points
  2. Part 6 Jeff texted me, and suggested I drop by after work and have dinner with him and my uncle. I punched out, walked out of work, and lit a smoke and pulled the smoke into my lungs. I exhaled a long plume of smoke and walked to my car. I drove to Uncle Pete and Jeff's house and parked my car. I walked to the back entrance and Jeff was sitting one the patio, drinking a beer, his Benson and Hedges menthol dangling between his lips. He got up , planted his tongue in my mouth and told me he would grab me a beer. He came back with the beer along with two neatly wrapped packages with pictures of the male/male symbols intertwined on the wrapping paper. He slid both packages in my direction. Jeff said I could open both of them in any order I wanted. Just like a kid, I shook both packages but there was no sound. I grabbed the one closest to my left hand and unwrapped it. The box was plain blue and I took off the lid. Inside were three gold hoops of descending size. Jeff said, "those are going to look great on you, and helped me replace the piercing studs with my new gold hoops. Then he slid the second box in my direction, he had a grin on his face. Once I removed the contents sort or puzzled and excited me at the same time. Inside the box was a home Hiv test kit.
    8 points
  3. I struggled as those words sank into my head: ‘Good thing you have us here to help you realise what a pleasure centre you can be. So much potential for you as a pozbro’ – fucking hell. I need to get out of here now. However I’ve been sucking on a poz cock, and there’s another one targeting my hole. “That’s right bro. Let us in” Glen said as his precum started to drip over my hole and started to make his way in. Fuck it hurt, but a good hurt. Everything screaming at me to wake up out of this nightmare. These two toxic men have me pinned down, with no escape. “What’s your name, pig? Good to know which new members to keep an eye on” “Huh? Um, yeah, it’s Dan” “Hey Dan, hot body you have there. We rarely see guys your age – I’m thinking 40? - still neg here, so you have to understand our excitement.” “Yeah but… I don’t want to join. I just want to go home. Please… let me go and I’ll leave you to it” “Too late bro. You’ve got toxic precum in your mouth and around your pighole now, and those poppers are helping us to see what your prospects are and what you REALLY want” “Seriously, don’t do this. I don’t want to become a poz…” It was then when Glen rammed his cock further into me at the same time as Steve shoved his cock into my throat. The pain of gagging subsided as I got used to my plight. I’m being spit-roasted by two toxic fuckers and somehow calming down into their strokes and rhythm against my best wishes. I could hear Glen and Steve muttering encouragement to each other “Yeah, that’s the stuff. He’s adapting nicely”, “That’s right lad, accept your fate. Let these daddies incubate you and start you off right”. My mind was slowing down. The feelings of fear and panic put on the backburner, as I was reveling in my new glimpses of pigginess. Betraying my sensible side and belonging right in the moment. For the next few minutes I was part of a scene I’d longed for but always felt I’d know when to get out of it. My energy, my whole being basically acting as a life support to a cock. Hey… this isn’t quite as terrifying as I feared. Then I was jolted out of it as Steve roared and blew his load in my hole. My addled mind wondering why come I denied myself that cum, that hole usage all this time? A sense of calm flowed across me. Enlightenment. “Oh Steve, I think you’ve hooked him now” Glen then pulled out of my mouth and replaced Steve at my hole, and then set about adding his blend to the mix. “Two unmedicated poz loads. I bet you didn’t expect your evening to end up quite so exciting, hey Dan? You’re going to become one of us mate, and I can tell that you’re starting to come around to the idea.” Dear God help me.
    6 points
  4. Flirt I was a faithful husband in a monogamous marriage of three years. My husband was a god among men: handsome, strong, successful, and a great partner in every way. But when I let my mind wander, it wandered down the same path. What likely started off as a desire to see raw fucking had morphed over the years into a fetish for bug chasing. And such dominated my fantasies (as well as my porn searches). I was not on any hookup apps but was popular on other social media. Periodically, I received messages from strangers wanting to meet me or chat me up. I generally declined their messages., but for a reason still unknown to me, one such message didn’t go ignored. The sender’s name was Travis. A brief skim of his profile revealed he was cute (though skinnier than I preferred). He worked as an EMT and lived in the suburbs. His life looked decidedly less – refined? desirable?-- than ours, with a cheap and dirty looking apartment compared to our city condo, a pickup truck to our luxury SUV, a mutt to our Labrador. He initially messaged in response to a photo I posted from the gym, complimenting me on my form. I thanked him, and followed him back. Minor chit chat ensued between Travis and me periodically for the weeks after. And then one Saturday afternoon, our exchange took a turn: Out of nowhere, he sent a photo. It was a selfie from neck down, revealing a skinny torso giving way to what I can only describe as a perfect dick. Thick, long, and beautiful, with a mushroom head that I immediately craved. I was mesmerized and told him so. I wanted to see and know more about Travis suddenly – not just chatter, but substance. His dick had penetrated me through my phone. In the coming weeks, through online conversation, we got to know one another through words, photos and videos. I learned that Travis only fucks bare, which I found so hot. Condoms, he said, were a turn-off. I learned he had followed me online for a while, intuitively knew that I was a bottom who would want his dick. He was a master of words that struck at my core of sexuality: I needed raw penetration and I needed cum. Ultimately, our chats led to the inevitable question: would this be just an online flirtation, or could we meet up in person to consummate our passion. For him, there were no reasons not to get together. He wanted to breed me, and I wanted to be bred. End of story. On my end, all I saw were reasons why this could never happen. I was married (happily, I might add), and my husband would never let a third like Travis into our relationship or allow any open-ness for me to experience this tryst. And if I were to cheat, which I never had, I couldn’t do it raw despite all of our banter and my fantastical desires for Travis’s cum. Travis pressed for a secret get-together. He described how it could go down: I find you in a bathroom, where you drop to your knees. You pull out my big soft dick. You take my cock in your mouth and it grows to rock hard. I pull you to your feet and take you into a stall, bend you over and slide my wet hard cock, drenched in precum, into your amazing hole. Then you milk my load out of me. I loved every detail of this fantasy and tell him so. I told him how I wanted his load in me so badly. I told him what a god he was, how my hole was made for penetration by his perfect wood. But conflicted and faithful, I said I couldn’t. Travis said I was wasting his time by chatting with no future. Our online conversations were likely coming to an end, and that our fantasies were going to be thwarted by reality. But then, unexpectedly, my husband had to leave town for the weekend. Drunk My husband and I were rarely apart, so his weekend away was somewhat momentous. I went out drinking with friends, who treated the event almost like a bachelor party. Midnight rolled around after a long day of boozing, and I decided to call it a night. In the cab home, I instinctively opened my phone and messaged Travis. He was always on my mind. “Hey stud.” “Sup?” was his nonchalant response. “My husband’s out of town this weekend.” A statement that dropped like a rock into a still pond, with ripples reverberating forever into the distance. “I have to come over. Now.” Travis said. I guess I knew I’d invited this response, but it was just so… real. Did I really just open myself up to having an affair with one drunken text? “Like, now now? For real?” I responded. “Yes. Send me your address. I can leave right away.” My stomach churned with excitement and fear as I typed out our address and told him to text me when he arrived so I could guide him into our building. I panicked. What was about to happen? I didn’t know Travis beyond smut talk. It was already late at night. What was I thinking? I decided to jump in the shower to sober up a bit and to prepare for whatever was about to happen. Time was limited if he was already on his way. Fuck My phone buzzed: He was downstairs. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” I said aloud to myself. I was literally shaking as I walked to the elevator. I looked at my reflection in the doors as they slid shut. I’d opted for my go-to outfit at home: a jock strap, mesh shorts, a tank, and sneakers. I thought the lighting did right by my muscles, and I smirked at myself. The door opened into the garage level, and there he was in real life. Travis. He was not my type, but he was also everything I hoped him to be. He was tall and lanky, with a mop of sandy-blond hair and a mustache. He wore baggier jeans than I would wear, and his t-shirt had a stretched out collar. He was pale and wore a bright gold chain. For a fleeting moment I thought of my husband, tan, muscular, and perfect, some five hundred miles away for work as the warm summer air blew through our parking garage. “Sup, Eric.” He stated as he boarded the elevator and put his hand on my shoulder with a grin. The doors closed. His hand made its way down my back. He squeezed my ass. Once inside our apartment, he pushed me to my knees. Even though I could surely overpower him, I was powerless: he was in command. Just like in the fantasy he’d sent earlier, I unlocked his soft dick from his jeans and began working it with my mouth. Looking up, I could tell by his facial expressions he was pleased. “Damn boy, I didn’t think this would ever actually happen. Thought you were catfishing me. Yanking my chain.” I didn’t think it would ever actually happen either, I though, as his dick grew. A salty taste gradually took over my mouth; I knew he was pre-cumming a lot. My head bobbed back and forth, occasionally taking a break to suck on his balls or to lick his shaft up and down. His dick was as glorious as I’d thought via photos and videos. Perfect really, and now pulsing thanks to my oral pleasures. Finally, he pulled his cock from me and said “get up” And I did. “I want to fuck you in your bed.” He said with a grin. He liked the symbolism of fucking in my marital bed. I led him to the Master bedroom, turned, and he pushed me down onto the mattress. “Take your clothes off.” He commanded, but then seeing the jock strap said “Leave that on.” Spreading my legs wide, he positioned himself next to the bed and removed his clothing. He then stroked his glorious dick a few times and began aligning his dick with my hole. No lube, just pre-cum and spit. He pressed. It burned. His perfect mushroom head plodded inside me. My longstanding fantasies arose with Travis’s raw entry. I thought about how personal it was to be fucked bare, how there could be no further closeness to be had. I thought of how vulnerable it was to take another man’s bare cock and to accept their load, with whatever that load carried with it. I then thought of the dudes who begged to be pozzed in the videos I’d watched, and the dom tops who boldly proclaimed they were pozzing their subjects. My hard-on raged. “Are you….?” I trailed off. “Fuck that feels good. I’m… I’m not on PrEP. Are you…” It wasn’t my sexiest banter. I felt his dick drive slowly deeper within my tight ass. He diverted his eyes from his dick entering my hole to my face. “I’m not either.” And he grinned wider, pulling out slightly then pushing back inside me. He began these mini-thrusts with his hips. Slowly but surely, plunging his cock getting deeper and deeper. “That’s hot.” I exclaimed. “It’s too late for me to be on that shit. And too late for you now dude.” “Huh?” I half-asked, delighting in the rhythmic fuck. “What do you mean?” “Dude, you’re mine now. It’s just you and me. My raw dick. Inside your pretty ass. Soon my bare, poz cock is gonna be dumping an unmedicated load in you. I’m marking you forever tonight, Eric.” I arched my back and my eyes rolled back as I felt the ecstasy of our hairy balls finally hitting each other as his dick reached my prostrate. His words were processing in slow motion. “Fuuccckkk” I moaned as he pulled out a bit. “You like my poz dick in you?” he said, just as I’d heard many porn stars say before. Red flags were going up in my brain, but “Fuck yeah” escaped my lips. “I knew you would. I knew you were meant to be my slut.” Travis exclaimed as he increased the vigor of his thrusts. “Fuck your ass feels so good. I’m so fucking ready to take you as mine.” I heard and felt his slim thighs and his full balls slamming against mine as his rhythm grew even more. I clenched my sphincter muscles around his dick, hoping to milk it soon. My tender hole could not take much more of a pounding. My dick was leaking precum all over my stomach. I looked up at Travis, who’s grin had given way to an intense grimace as though he wanted to destroy me with his forward thrusts. His skinny torso was glistening with sweat. His chain bounced back and forth as he pounded me hard. He began grunting loudly – I worried my neighbors would hear. “UNH – UNH – UNH – UNH – FUCK I’M GONNA CUM! I’M GONNG CUM!!! UNH!!! UNH!!! UNH!!!!!! OH YEAHHHH!!!!!!” He screamed, as a toxic eruption took place deep in my guts. I was rock hard and my dick was throbbing as my fuck hole was now lubricated with Travis’s unmedicated being. I stroked furiously, thinking to myself how hot it was that I’d just taken a load from this stud with the perfect dick I’d worshiped from afar for weeks. He resumed slowly pulsing his dick out and in my ass, fucking his POZ jizz deeper into my chute, he wanted to make sure it would take hold. I gripped my dick harder and kept stroking. “You’re mine now, bitch. I’ve marked you like a dog pissing on a tree. You have my DNA in you forever. Your purpose from here out is to worship my cum, to worship me, and to become mine in every way. Lick my pits you fucking bitch. He leaned down and let me lick his sweaty armpits. My tough meandered down to his nipples. My balls tingled, signaling it was time for me to erupt too. “Fuuucckk!” I screamed, and a fountain of neg spunk erupted over my torso.
    5 points
  5. 8. After cleaning ourselves up lounged around and watched the lunch time football match on TV, not that I was interested and, as I knew Dan had a big-time foot fetish which to me seems harmless enough as he loves massaging my feet and I love him doing it. My bare feet are in his lap so I started stroking his cock with my feet through his jeans and he’s loving the attention ‘coz in no time, he was as hard as me. I'd never done anything like this before but his cock springing back to life just by my feet was driving me wild. He slowly unzipped his jeans and pulled his pants and jeans down and started stroking his dick with my feet. He was in heaven as I jacked him up and down as his cock became beautifully sticky and slick with pre-cum and he moaned out loud as I slowly teased him. My toes were a perfect fit around his thick shaft as he began stroking my toes…which just made me giggle and squirm. I pulled my shirt off as he looked at me very intensely “you sure you’re ok with all this” he asked as I finished stripping my clothes off and “Oh yes” especially as he quickly found I am ticklish so it went from light tickling to him saying 'one day I'm going to strap you down and tickle those feet'. He was still holding my toes as I somewhat egged him on with “Oh yeah, you and whose army?”. “Oh you’ve asked for it now!” He read me so well and without warning he pulled me to the floor and snatched his belt off his jeans while pulling my hands behind my back securing me. He ran to the bed room and grabbed another belt looping it around my ankles leaving me hog tied!!! Ben decided to leave us two love birds to it by suggesting to Olly, “Time for some afternoon delight ourselves….” As they made their way to the bedroom. “You are SO in for it now” he said as he began stroking my bare feet and then to my surprise his tongue went between my toes and up and down my soles. “Fuck yeah. I love your feet” I thought I was going to cum right then. It was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to me so far and so different from last night’s Sling experience. He never left suckling on my toes or licking and it was obviously I was digging the whole scene as my cock continually leaks long strands of clear liquid. I was sweating from the torture and could not wait to see what else he had in mind as I thought continually about him fucking me. He rolled me over, eased out the butt plug and slid his rampant cock in my once tight hole in one simple motion I felt nothing but pleasure as he picked up the pace. His cock is big and I just love every second of him fucking my ass. I stroke my cock as the orgasm builds between us...I feel him swell up as he blasts another dirty load of cum in my now full to the brim cunt as I too cum all over the floor.... “Very soon that’ll be Poz cum you’re firing slut” Dan whispers in my ear and upon hearing those words my spent semi hard cock stood straight up ridged!!
    5 points
  6. Part 24 Rob tossed and turned in his cage for several hours trying to sleep. He was so horny and needed relief. He rarely had found himself in this position where he needed it so badly. In his past life, he would occasionally jerk himself off to find temporary relief. However now that thought didn’t even cross his mind, he needed something in his ass. It was all he could think about. He tried fingering his own ass but that wasn’t doing it for him. Finally he was so exhausted and horny that he fell asleep. Sometime during his sleep he had a very vivid dream. In his dream, he was at one of Nick’s parties and bound in a sling. He pictured all the Tops in the room jockeying for position to fuck him while all the other bottoms were ignored. He had all the attention and he dreamed of cock after cock filling his ass. He was awakened from his dream by the noise of someone opening the door to his room and moving something heavy into the room. His eyes popped opened as he heard two men speaking and swearing to each other. The two were moving a heavy St. Andrew’s cross into the room. He didn’t know what to make of that and was a bit frightened at the possibilities. It was then he noticed the puddle of cum running down from his navel. He had had a wet dream of him being fucked. He hadn’t has a wet dream since he was a young teenager just beginning puberty. To the best of his recollection he had never had any type a dream where he was on the receiving end of a hard fuck in the past. He quickly tried to wipe up the cum with the fleece pet bed before it was noticed. Tanner then entered the room and came over to let Rob out of the cage. “Rise and shine pussy boy, time to get that pig cunt of yours to the gym.” “These guys need to get some things set up for future activities,” he said as he pushed Rob toward the door. Once in the gym Rob began his standard workout regime with a couple of noticeable differences. The butt plug on the seat of the work out bench was smaller and thinner. Rob also found out after he completed his first set that Tanner was not going to make the plug vibrate against his prostrate. Tanner saw the longing look in Rob’s eyes and started laughing loudly. “Poor little slut, didn’t get your reward today for completing a set.” “Finish your workout and we’ll see what kind of reward you deserve.” Rob was compliant and went through all his exercise on the machines but when he moved over to do his dildo squats, Tanner said they were skipping that for the day and told him to follow him to the changing room. The room was small; just a little shower a few lockers and a single bench. “Sit your ass down on the bench and look me in the eyes,” barked Tanner. When he had Rob’s attention Tanner continued. “I did my workout earlier and am a bit sweaty but don’t have any soap for the showers. SO…. I need for you to clean me with your tongue.” “I know how much you have enjoyed that in the past, so get to work; I even have let a little cheese build up under my foreskin as a special treat.” Rob started with Tanners cock as he figured that might be the worst taste because of the head cheese. Tanner roughly skull fucked Rob and then turned around for Rob to lick his ass and balls. After a few minutes he told Rob to lie on his back on the bench at which time he sat on Rob’s face. “Now deep clean my sweaty ass.” When Tanner stood up, Rob knew what was next. He stuck out his tongue as Tanner kneeled and placed his smelly armpit over Rob’s face. After both pits were done Tanner stood again and sniffed at his own pits. “Guess that is good enough.” Tanner then handed Rob a tumbler. “Here’s your post work out protein shake; bottom’s up.” Rob knew from the taste that the shake wasn’t just protein powder. He had had enough guys fuck his mouth and throat that he recognized the distinct taste of the cum which had been added to the mix. The additional tastes that Rob didn’t recognize were the XTC and G that had also been blended in. His head started to spin. Tanner grinned, “Looks like you need to lie down a bit.” “Get on your stomach on the bench.” When Rob complied, Tanner quickly handcuffed Rob’s wrists to the bench legs and stuffed a used jock strap in Rob’s mouth. “I’ll be right back slut; don’t go anywhere.” Tanner walked to the door opened it a crack and called out “Hey guys can you come here a minute and help me with something.” Tanner then grabbed a loaded point from one of the lockers and administered it to Rob. Four guys entered the changing room with Tanner and Rob. “What’s up Tanner; what do you need,” asked one of the guys. They then saw Rob hand-cuffed to the bench ass up. The T had definitely hit because Rob was lifting up his ass and clenching his ass muscles to make his pink hole wink at the guys. The other drugs were also entering Rob’s system and all he could think about was getting some sexual relief. Tanner grinned at the guys and explained, “This slut has a visitor waiting for him in the other room and we want to make sure he leaves a good impression with him.” “Therefore we need to get the slut pre-lubed before he goes back to the room.” “Nothing is a better lube than cum.” “Say no more,” replied another of the guys. He then stepped up and pushed his cock into Rob’s twitching hole. The fuck was fast and deep, since the guy needed to get back to work soon. As soon as he finished shooting his load he pulled up his gym shorts and went back to the gym. The other 3 guys followed his lead and one by one they each pumped a load into Rob’s ass and left. It all happened so fast that Rob was left still feeling a little unfulfilled; particularly now that the XTC had added to his drug induced euphoria. Tanner stuck three fingers in Rob’s ass and worked the cum in. “You know what this hole needs slut?” “Another load, that’s what!” Tanner thrust his cock in Rob’s ass hard; his fuck was more about abusing Rob than it was about getting his own rocks off. Ten minutes later he added his cum to Rob’s now slick fuck chute. Tanner un-cuffed Rob and pulled him to his feet. “Come on pig, like I said you have a visitor waiting.” Rob was staggering as he was led back to his room. He was flying so high he was basically a sex crazed zombie. He did notice that in addition to the cross that was being moved in when he left for his workout, that there was also now a fuck bench in the room as well as a cart with some things he didn’t recognize. In the room was also a large bull of a man dressed in full leather from head to toe. The leather stud was patiently sitting in a chair awaiting Rob’s return. What was missing from the room however was the usual camera man that always seemed to be present. “Pig, this is SIR Steve; he is a follower of yours on the website and arranged for a personal one-on-one meeting.” “Now crawl over there like the nasty little bottom you are and greet him properly.” Rob crawled over to Steve and buried his face in the leather clad crotch. Steve grabbed Rob by the hair and pulled his head up. ”Not so fast pig, you need to earn that reward first.” “Get your tongue down there and shine my boots first.” Rob was dazed but couldn’t bring himself to resist the command and lowered his head and started licking and shining Sir Steve’s boots. Satisfied that Rob was going to be obedient, Steve then opened the fly of his leather pants and released his 9” uncut cock. “You may now service my cock; I want it balls deep down your fucking throat so I feel your nose pressed into my pubes!” Steve’s cock was thick but after a few attempts Rob was finally able to deep throat it. Steve held Robs head so the cock was lodged in Rob’s throat. When Rob started to gag and gasp for breath, Steve would release his hold and allow Rob to bob up and down again. After 20 minutes of cock worship Rob was pushed off Steve’s cock. Steve stood and undressed. Steve was a large hairy built man. Although his body wasn’t defined, it was clearly packed with muscle. Steve walked over to the bed and laid down. “Get over here and sit on my cock,” he bellowed. Rob started to squat down on Steve’s cock when Steve stopped him and told him to turn around. “I want to see your faggot face while you are riding my bull cock.” Because of the girth of the cock Rob started to slowly lower himself on the cock. It was like he was doing his squat exercise from the gym. Steve had no patience for Rob taking it slow. He reached up and grabbed Rob around the hips. “Don’t be shy; I said sit on it.” With that shoved Rob down all the way on his cock. Rob’s eyes bulged out at the sudden intrusion. “That’s the look I wanted to see,” commented Steve. “Now start riding and milking my cock; you have 10 minutes to make me cum or you will be punished.” Rob started bouncing up and down on the cock as fast as he could. Rob flexed his ass muscles on the big cock to try to milk out a load. Steve closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. His cock felt like it was a being jacked in a slick wet flesh jack. When he opened his eyes to check the clock he noticed Rob had reached around to jack his own cock while he was bouncing up and down. “STOP that slut,” Steve yelled as he reached out to slap Rob’s hand. He then pushed Rob off his cock and onto the floor. “The fuck wasn’t about you faggot!” “Your full focus should have been on servicing my cock, NOT on pleasuring yourself.” “Now get over to the cross to get your punishment.” “Rob started to stammer an apology but Steve slapped him across the face. “Shut the fuck up, you only speak when you are given permission.” Rob was scared as Steve tied him spread eagled to the cross. A look of horror came across his face as Sir Steve picked up a leather whip and started running it across Rob’s back. “I should lash your ass good,” Steve quipped with a sneer on his face. Rob was terrified and began tremble. He was afraid to plead with Sir Steve out of the fear it would trigger an angry response and he’d be given a beating. Steve continued ranting at Rob, telling him what a worthless pig he was. Steve’s voice then calmed down as he spoke some more. ”However,” he said, “I was told not to leave any welts or marks or I'd lose my membership privileges.” “They need you at a party tomorrow and can’t have you there as a bloody mess.” Rob then felt the flow of electricity as Steve started using a TENS unit on his body. There was a slight pain at first especially when the wands hit his cock head or balls, but it soon became pleasurable. Rob’s cock started to get hard. He then felt a sharp electric zap on his cock. He let out a yelp. “The TENS was starting to give to pleasure you whore.” “When will you learn everything isn’t about your pleasure?” Steve showed Rob the cattle prod he held in his hand. “And remember this is a punishment!” Steve then zapped Rob’s balls. Rob again cried out “Please Sir, Please Sir ….” Rob begged. Steve smirked, “I see that got your attention, just remember you are nothing but a worthless hole meant to serve real men like myself.” Steve then zapped Rob a couple more times across his body. Rob writhed against his bonds at his treatment. Steve then released Rob and ordered him over to the fuck bench. “I need to finish my fuck, I’ve wasted too much of my precious time educating you on your role.” Steve then tied Rob to the fuck bench. “No hands this time,” he said as he drove his cock into Rob’s exposed ass. Steve taunted Rob the whole time he was fucking him. “You worthless pig, take my cock!” “Tighten that sloppy cunt, you are here to pleasure me!” The insults and name-calling continued the entire time Steve power fucked Rob’s ass. Rob then felt the sensation of a large volume of cum being released into his ass. Steve slowly pulled out; his cock remained hard however. Steve released Rob from the bench and shoved him over to the bed. Once on the bed Steve took some rope and trussed up Rob bent over on his knees with his face down and ass up. He looked like a pig on a platter. A red ball gag was placed in Rob’s moth and strapped on tight. Steve stood back to admire his handiwork for a minute and then moved behind Rob to mount him. Because Rob’s legs were tied together his ass wasn’t as easily accessible as before. That did not stop Steve from driving his cock home. Rod screamed into the gag as Steve power thrusted his fat cock up Rob’s hole. Eventually the fear subsided and the power fuck started to feel good. It was partially because of the drugs but something in Rob’s mind had snapped and he resigned himself to the fact that he was just a hole to be used. There was a knock at the door. “Steve glanced at the clock and then called out “Give me a minute.” He quickened the pace of his fuck and shot his second load up Rob’s ass. As he pulled out, cum began to leak out of Rob’s abused ass. Steve grabbed a butt plug of the cart and shoved it up Rob’s ass. “There, that will keep the juices inside.” What Rob couldn’t see was that the plug was actually shaped like a curly pig tail on the end. He now did literally look like a stuffed trussed up pig on a platter. Steve grabbed his cell phone and took a couple of pictures. “Just a few shots for my personal collection,” he said. Steve dressed and walked over to open the door. Nick and Tanner stepped in and roared in laughter when they saw the trussed up Rob. “Have a good time,” Nick asked Steve. “Definitely,” replied Steve. “It was worth every penny I paid.” “Would love another session next time I am in town.” “I did heed your instruction and left no marks,” Steve remarked. Nick nodded and smiled, ”That’s good, didn’t want you to leave and physical scars at this time; now mental scars that’s a totally different story.”
    5 points
  7. I started Truvada/Prep in 2014. Long term bone density loss was very clearly stated as one of the long term side effects at that time. It gave me second thoughts about taking it voluntarily, but since I had been barebacking about 10 years at that point and started letting/wanting more guys breed me, I figured the alternative was to end up poz and on more than one drug anyway, so I accepted the potential side effects and started popping the daily pill. When a new clinical trial started for Descovy a little over a year ago I quickly jumped at the opportunity to join it since the bone density issue was one of the main benefits, and I also got off on the slightly increased risk of not knowing which drug I was on - Truvada or the untested drug. I didn't feel like they were keeping it any secret that ALL these drugs have some serious potential side effects.....they are pretty powerful drugs. Having said that, I also don't put it past the pharmaceutical companies to keep coming up with new and improved drugs just to keep the formula changing in time for the patent to be up/when it goes generic. The Descovy study has 2 more years left. I'm sure the intention is to make that the drug of choice for Prep. The formula is changed a little from Truvada to lessen the long term effects. If people were converting at a higher rate than on Truvada (the placebo) they were supposedly going to end the study. Since it's now been over a year, I am assuming it is just as effective, and they are now looking more at the side effects over the effectiveness against HIV. That's just my guess. I wrote more than I planned on that, but my point is that I thought it was very clearly stated as a long term side effect in 2014. Over time, they keep coming up with new/better drugs, but if the alternative is going back to the 80s, friends dying and FEAR of sex, I'll take the side effects and all this hot sleazy sex I'm having I may have a different perspective due to the fact I'm taking it voluntarily I realize.
    4 points
  8. Thank you for the support over this story and I hope you enjoy the way Liam is opened up to new experiences... 7. Share and share alike Dan, Ben and his partner Olly helped me to my feet, half help walk/carry me to the Locker Room, dressed me and got me back to their home only to reverse the process! Once stripped down I was bent over to have a medium sized butt-plug eased into my sore puffy hole. This time the intrusion felt alien and my ring clammed down on it in protest. They then led me to the shower, my tired legs not allowing me to stand just sit there as they sprayed water all over me and when satisfied I was as clean as I could be they dried me and then carried me to bed. I was sore, exhausted, and asleep in seconds, but not before Dan leaned into me, kissed me and said "you’re amazing – wish you were mine all the time" and laid back down. I curled up under his arm, my head on his chest, "me too" I said then fell into a deep breathing rhythm and I fell asleep. When I woke next morning only to I find myself alone in bed, I called out and got no response, there was no-one in the house and as I sank back into the pillows and reflected on yesterday. It was a mixture of thoughts, at first, I wondered whether the night before was just a dream but the ache in my ass told me it certainly wasn't and my jaw ached too from being stretched open taking so much cock. I needed to piss, so got out of bed, and walked slowly to the bathroom my legs were weak but managed to carry me…as I emptied my bladder I remembered being hosed in piss and instantly my cock began to thicken, wow where did this fetish spring from? I dropped my hand into the flow and licked them clean. The taste was not so nice, strong and bitter but my cock was rock-hard. Returning to bed and just stretching my legs made them feel a bit better as I slowly jacked my erection remembering the night before. It was at that moment the door of the bedroom opened as Ben, Olly and then Dan came in. "Ah, so we're awake now?" asked my brother smiling. Caught out wanking with a sheepish look across my face I don’t know why but I rapidly tried to cover my steel-like erection…, "We've just been for breakfast. Left you here asleep" and with that Dan leaned in slowly towards me, closer and closer, I didn't move. Couldn't move. His hand moved mine allowing my cock to spring free in a spay of pre-cum just as Ben's lips touched mine I willingly accepted his kiss; a gentle loving kiss and I didn't resist as he pushed me backwards onto the bed, my body involuntarily responded, my back arched upwards thrusting my cock into my brother’s jogger clad leg. My World revolved around what Dan was doing to me right now, so much so that I failed to notice Olly and Ben strip off as Dan's tongue jousted with mine as his hand began pushing the rest of the bedclothes away leaving me totally exposed, naked and as Dan released his kiss I found myself next to my naked brother and his boyfriend. My mind only had a split moment to work it all out as Dan’s lips were still clasped onto mine, tenderly kissing me, his tongue in my mouth, I felt the bed moving a little as Dan moved off and then felt hands caress my straining cock, lightly tug my balls, then move to my chest, as fingers pinch my nipples. I was in heaven! Then as Dan pulled away Ben resumed the kissing, gently rolling me on my side as his now naked body snuggles up next to me, his hard precum slippery dick pressed up against my butt as his hot breath and lips shower butterfly kisses on my neck. His hands running down lower over my back, gently holding my butt cheeks, squeezing, caressing and then twisting out the butt-plug. After closely inspecting it, “Oh yes, yes, yes, it’s dry, all that Poz cum has been absorbed into your guts overnight. Good boy” I hear Olly say as he tenderly stokes my face. Ben whispers: "lie on your side to face me, wrap your legs around me." I do so, facing my brother my legs wrapped around his back pulling myself so close to him skin on skin – an electric moment – as I kiss him hard on the lips I feel his slippery cock ease into my fully exposed hole. It felt so good. It felt better than anything I had ever experienced by another man as we kissed hard, passionately….”Why did it take us so long to discover this?” I barely felt the bed move, but then knew that someone was behind me, holding both of us, resting his cock along the crack of my ass, rubbing it gently against Ben’s cock which was slowly and deliberately sliding in and out of me. “Go for it Olly” purred my brother letting me know who was tight up against me. It was obvious Olly had lubricated his cock with something, so when he arched his back like an expert, then thrust upwards and forwards, his cock slipped straight into my already full hole. I grunt out an, “Oh fuck!” as my ass painfully feels like it’s split asunder as it spasms around two cocks. Yet it was just what I wanted wow I’ve gone from being an anal virgin to now taking two cocks at once in my love canal. The two hard cocks were like an electric current in me as they rubbed against each other, the pre-cum lubricating them sliding against each other within the tight confines of my anal passage. For the next few minutes it was an amazing mixture of sensations skewered on two cocks feeling every speed or angle change as all my senses focussed around my sphincter and prostate as the constant rubbing and constant kissing by them sent my brain into overdrive. As my brother and his partner alternated sliding their cocks in and out of my ass slowly, slow enough I guess for them to fuck and inflict damage yet with not enough friction for them to cum. Throughout their fucking my brother is whispering in my ear things like, "what a fabulous fuck your boy pussy is," followed by, "your cunt is so good around our cocks," then "what a nasty Poz cum dump you are," as other obscenities came I had to break the kissing to moan in arousal, arousal like this I had never felt before and was so turned on by the obscene compliments. Not to be left out Dan slid his hand between Ben and I and wrapped his free hand around my cock which was already jabbing into Ben’s now very slippery chest and as Dan controlled the movement of my cock, I kept fucking my cock into his fist. I was close, so close, my breathing now coming in short sharp intakes until I was begging to cum, to be fucked harder: it was so arousing. I also knew from their breathing that the other two men weren't far off cumming too. Suddenly there was only the instinct to cum, all three of us swallowed up in the moment. I felt my ass being pounded and my prostate prodded once too often as I cry out, “I’m c…c…c cumming” firing jet after jet of Neg cum all over Dan’s hand and my brother’s chest. “Fuck kid, where does it all cum from?” asks my cum splattered lover. As my sphincter squeezes hard around their cocks with each ejaculate I suddenly hear Ben cry out, “Oh fuck…” his cock stiffens, and I feel him pumping his radioactive Poz cum deep into my ass. It was too much for Olly as well. He screams out as he is pumping yet more toxic cum into me at that same moment. All three of us seem to last pumping out cum forever, but perhaps it’s only for a few seconds. Then all four of us are left lying relaxed in a heap together until Ben’s cock shrinks out of my ass…Olly relaxes in his arms as Dan looks at me "can I lick you clean as you suck me off ‘coz I’m the only one here yet to cum?" Dan squats over my face as his thick PA’d dick slides snake like to my open and willing mouth, my tongue dancing around his dick-head playfully licking around the horseshoe shaped metal adornment, as my hands instinctively grip his ass. Holy fuck, I think to myself, that ass of his. Like two blonde fuzz peaches. I have got to devote some time to just feeling that later and I went back to bobbing my head on his rock-hard dick. I could taste a mix of my own saliva and his delicious precum and I just fell into a comfortable rhythm. My head and tongue moved in tandem with his thrusts, as his tongue and mouth lick and tickle my groin, abbs and chest as he hoovered up my cold spent Negative juices. “Take care on the Prince Albert…I…I…I ahhhhh…can’t afford….ah…your dentaaaaaaaaaal…..Abruptly and without warning other than I see his body stiffen. “I'm...CUMMING! is all Dan said as he climaxed, grabbing my head tight between his legs and feeding me every drop of his Poz cum he could muster as it is filling me up, jet after beautiful jet, my mouth is full and his toxic red-hot cum starts to dripple down the sides of my mouth. “Liam! swallow before you fucking drown in cum!” Eventually our breathing returns to normal and I turn around and kissed Dan feeding him some of his own cum, “ummm nearly as tasty as you! Thank you, Liam, because that was... there are orgasms, and then there are ORGASMS and boy that was intense.” Then as he turns me over to inspect the damage done after my first DP fucking says on seeing my gaping puffy sore and raw hole says with laughter in his voice, “Err…Looks like we need a bigger plug to keep all that dirty cum in there now!”
    4 points
  9. STR8 CZECH TWINK TRICKS A FRIEND INTO TINA SLAM & POZ BREEDING - PART ! THE INTRODUCTION: Maxim and Ilya are two cute 18 year old Czech straight twinks living in Prague. They know each other since kindergraten and do almost everything together. People often think that they are bothersome because they both have black hair, a slim athletic body, and their tanned skin is smooth. But there are some differences; Maxim has a more defined body than Ilya, but Ilya has a bigger cock. When they where a few years younger they watched porn together sparking their craving for sex. After they both had sex with a girl from school, but they wanted it more like the pornvids so they needed to find girls/women with more experience. The next day they posted a message on a website for sex hookups. The message was straight to the point: “Two sexy ripped 18 y/o boys. Looking for sex with older experienced girls/women (20 - 30 y/o). 7inch and 9inch cocks are waiting for you. Whe’re quick learners and up for fulfilling all sexual wishes; dp, anal, cream pie, face fucking, etc. PS: We’re not gigolo’s or escort. We fuck for free & with our condom”. They added a picture of their athletic bodies and there rock hard cocks. Within 10 minutes the reactions started to come in. They received their sex dates at Ilya’s house during the day and in the evening. Maxims parents worked hat hard and always where home late. They had 3 - 4 dates per week and their dates came mostly alone, but sometimes they brought an extra girlfriend. Within a few month they were pro’s and already did every type of sex that they knew by watching porn. THE SETUP: One weekend Ilya helped his older brother move to his own apartment and he would stay the night so he can attend the housewarming party with his brothers friends. Maxim couldn’t join because he was laying in bed with the flu. It was a good party because Maxim didn’t see Ilya until wednesday. When Ilya came over he was talking about something he learned from his brother that makes sex hotter than hell. Before Maxim could ask what it was, Ilya continued by telling a that at the party a super hot girl that was checking him out and when he went to the bathroom she followed him and stroked and sucked his big cock. Ilya paused a few seconds and continue with “….Dude… She asked me if i knew a some place where we could fuck?”. So I told here that i knew a place but that would mean getting fucked by me and a friend. He looked in Maxim eyes and said that She told him that she loves getting fucked by two cocks! “So we only need to tell here when she can come!” Ilya concluded. Maxim started to tell Ilya that his parents won’t be home all weekend and that we could spent the whole weekend fucking. “I will text here right away” Ilya said. 3 minutes later he got a reply that Ilya read to loud: “If we have the whole weekend than i can bring over some extra girlfriends. All of them cum craving sluts like me!”. Maxim eyes started to twinkle. THE TRICK: Saturday Ilya came over early because he had to tell Maxim what he learned from his brother. He had a bag with him with a pipe a few syringes and a small bag full of white crystals. He started with “This stuff will make us so fucking horny that we can go on the whole weekend pounding”. “Do we need that?” Maxim replied. Ilya knew that Maxim would say that so he answered immediately with “If you try it you will know the answer. My brother introduced me to it when i was at his place. I also hesitated, but when i tried it felt so fucking horny and knew that we should try this out together”, he quickly added “let’s start by smoking a small amount”. He load up some crystals in the pipe, heated the pipe with a flame and took a few hits. He then gave the pipe to Maxim, put the flame under the bowl and told him to inhale deep a few times. “How are you feeling” Ilya asked Maxim. Maxim replied “Feeling a bit hot, getting a bit horny”. Ilya put on some porn and asked Maxim “Want another hit from the pipe? This will make your cock fucking hard so we can start the action right away when the girls arrive”. Maxim nodded and took the pipe, heated it and took a couple of big hits. His cock reacted right away by getting rock hard. Maxim let out a deep sigh and said “this is super!”. Maxim took a few deep hits every five minutes while stroking his hard cock. After half an hour his cock went limp, he tried to get hard again but it nothing work. Maxim started to freak out “What’s happening dude? Can’t get hard anymore!”. Ilya answered calm “You took the hits to quickly after each other. I had the same problem. It will get hard in about 1 - 2 hours”. Maxim start to panic and said: “But the girls are here in less then 45 minutes. Can’t stay like this?!”. “My brother showed me how to undo it. Let me show you how on myself, so you can decide if you want it?!” Ilya said. He took a leather strap tied it around his arm, took a pre-prepared syringe, found a vein and slowly shot the content into his bloodstream. He release the strap and started to couch, and his soft dick started to grow. “Okay! Can you do me now? Want to be rock hard when they arrive!” said Maxim. Ilya knows that his friend is exactly where he wants him to be. He takes out a syringe marked with a small red sticker and starts to tie a strap around maxims arm. He sticks the needle in the vein and start to push the plunger down. He knows that the syringe with the red sticker is pre-prepared with a dose 4 times higher than he gave himself. When he removes the strap, Maxim starts to cough very hard and Ilya knows that the conversion has begon. THE PREPARATION: Maxim is flying high on T not aware of his surrounding. Ilya throws Maxims arm around his neck and drags him to the bathroom. he puts him on a small bench so his ass is sticking out and his limp body is resting against the wall. He starts to clean out his friends ass. After 25 minutes he is finished. He takes a bottle of lube and squirts some up Maxims ass. Maxim is slowly getting more aware and starts moaning. Ilya says to him that he passed out and that he put him under the shower to revive him. Maxim mumbles. Ilya put his arm around him and helps Maxim back to the living room and puts him into a lounge chair. He takes some ropes and ties both arms behind the backseat. He then puts Maxims legs on his shoulders and start to lube up Maxims virgin hole. Maxim is getting more aware of whats happing with him and starts to mumble “What… doing… Un..tie…”. “I will tell you what i’m doing. I’m preparing you for the same thing that happened to me last weekend. You think using girls for lust and fucking their pussy hard is hot! it’s nothing compared to being used like a slut and getting your ass pussy fucked hard. You’re gone be reprogrammed to service cock… bare cock…” replies Ilya. Maxims mumbles “No… Stop”. Ilya starts grinning and says “You’re ass will start burning i a few seconds and you will scream… you can fight it or embrace it… either way you’re ass will turn into a willing open hole and you will beg for cock!”. He than places a big shared against the Maxims sphincter and places his hard lubed 9 inch cock against it and starts to push the shard inside with his cock. Maxim starts to scream, but slowly the 9 inch cock sinks deeper. When the whole length is in Maxims arse starts to burn and he start to beg to take it out. Ilya slowly pulls out but when he’s almost out he rams in deep. He starts repeating the stroke while Maxim screams. With each stroke he cranks up the tempo. Maxims ass starts tingling and a warm glow rushes to his brain. The screams start to change in to moans. Ilya is piston fucking his friends ass harder. But then he pulls out complete. The tingling and empty feeling in Maxims ass gets worse every second. The feeling is driving him insane and he asks Ilya to put it back in. “I want you to beg for it. Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to fuck you hard. Beg me to shoot my load deep in your ass!” Ilya replies. “Please fuck me… hard… en shoot your load deep inside me” moans Maxim. Ilya plunges his dick back inside and starts to fuck hard. Maxim feels Ilya’s cock swell up and moaned “Yeah… fill my ass… fill it with your cum”. Ilya starts breathing heavy and says “This will be the first but not the last. You’ll will meet the guys that converted me and they will do the same to you!”. Maxim could believe what he heard. At the same time Ilya made a loud roar and started to fill up Maxims ass. A few second later there was a loud knock on the door. Ilya pulled out and opend the door. THE GANG: A group off six guys in their early twenties came inside lead by Ilya’s brother. “Good job little bro” he said. They guys started to strip. Their athletic ripped bodies where covered in tattoo. All guys had a biohazard tattoo above their dicks. Two guys came into action and took two syringes, one walked towards Maxim and the other to Ilya. Ilya’s brother: “You’re only goal in life will be to service us. We will use you as we please and you will do ass we please. We will breed your asses with our cum… Our toxic cum… When you are converted you will be marked with the same tattoo we have…”. The couching of both boys interrupts him. “Love the sound of meth running to their veins” he says before continuing: “When you’re marked your part of our gang… And we are always on the prowl for new straight boys we can initiate!”. The gang gathered around the two willing boys. THE CONVERSION: Ilya’s brother is the first to ram his big poz cock inside Maxim. Two other members shove their cocks down the boys throats, one shoves his cock deep into Ilya’s ass. The other two take place behind the two ass fuckers and start to play with their nipples. Both cocks react by swelling up in the boys asses. — TO BE CONTINUED —
    3 points
  10. I’ve decided i only want to fuck bareback as a bottom, so i made an appointment to go on prep this coming month. I just want to fuck and enjoy it, no more latex....
    3 points
  11. I met this guy on a local website, later we followed chatting in Planetromeo. He is tall, bearded with a piercing in his chin, bearish enough and pretty hairy. We chatted previously about bareback, he was enthusiastic but unsure. As it is usual, we didn't keep in touch, but tonight he wrote me via the app. I was driving home, and I had a plenty of free time. He said, that he was horny and asked when he could fuck me. I replied immediately he could fuck me instantly. I was there within 10 minutes and after a 3-minute short discussion, we were kissing. He told me, he hasn't had sex for weeks and his balls are full of seed. After kissing I found myself on my knees with his dick deep in my mouth. His cock was hard, thick and tasty. I liked especially the thick vein of his tool. I sucked it long and deeply. I let it deep in my throat, so it squelched in my saliva. It was slippery enough, so I turned around and bent. He didn't hesitate. Pushed his cock into my hole. He started to fuck me softly, but I asked him to breed me raw. And he did. He fucked me cca10 minutes long when his body stretched and I felt his dick got thicker and started to load deep into me. At the same moment, I shot a big load onto his carpet. He said I didn't have to apologize. He was satisfied with our session. I went to take a shower, but before starting it I felt his cum was leaking out of my hole. One hour later I had to go to the toilet at home and I pushed out another dose of his scum. I was satisfied too. We chatted later and agreed to repeat this action.
    3 points
  12. Either post it to this site or don't post it at all!! I am too "social mediad out" to have to sign up for tumblr just to read a story.
    3 points
  13. Was working in the yard today in just a pair of silkies when a delivery was dropped off. The guy was a hot bearded fucker and when he walked by he stopped and said how sweaty I was and must have been working outside for a while with his growing crotch right by my face. I stood up, took my shorts off right there in the front yard and walked to the back of my house as he followed. He ran his hand down my sweaty back to wet my hole and pushed his cock deep. The zipper from his shorts was cutting up my ass as he plowed hard and fast. Two minutes of hard rough fucking and he was pulling out leaving his load in my hairy cunt. We walked back to the front of the house not saying a word. He got into his truck and drove away. I found my shorts and pulled them up loving the fact that as he would drip out of me the rest of the afternoon, my neighbors would see the wet ass stain in the silkies.
    3 points
  14. Part 63 - Confrontation The alarm went off and the coach laid there in bed. All he really wanted to do sleep the rest of the day and recover from the nine hard breedings he took the day before. Instead, he got up and slowly walked to the shower. He stood there letting the water rush over him and then took the soap and cleaned himself off. He got dressed and then packed his bag up and took it to the van. His legs and ass were sore, he was sure that anyone looking at him could tell he had been fucked all night. He walked back into the breakfast area and the team was already there. “Hey coach!” Shane said. The team all had grins on their faces and the coach was sure they knew he had had a rough night. “Hi, guys. Ready for the last day of camp?” he asked. “Yeah. This was a lot of fun” Marty said. “I hope you learned a lot too. We need to be really competitive the rest of the season to make it to finals” the coach said as he shifted his position to find one that hurt less. “You ok coach? You look like you’re in pain” Ethan asked. “I’ll be ok. I just slept funny” the coach replied, getting up and then heading over to get a quick breakfast. The team all snickered and gestured on the positions they thought he was in while “sleeping.” The coach came back and they all finished breakfast. The coach tossed Shane the keys to the van and said “Get everyone’s luggage in the van and bring me the room keys.” Shane and Ethan handed over the room keys and the team headed to the parking lot. The coach went to the front desk and Dakota was standing behind the desk. “Hello, Dakota. We’re checking out” the coach said as he pushed the keys across the desk. “I hope you enjoyed your stay, Coach Adams. I know I did” Dakota said with a smile. “Feel free to stop back any time, no reservation is needed for that hot ass of yours. We give free booster shots, too.” The coach nervously looked around to see if anyone could have heard the last part and was relieved that no one was nearby. “Uh, sure” the coach replied. The coach started towards the front door and saw Ric walking towards the front desk. “Leaving in a couple minutes, Ric” he yelled out. “Thanks, coach. I’ll meet you over at the University. I’m meeting a friend first.” Ric replied. The coach shook his head. If it had been one of his team, he wouldn’t let him skip out of part of the camp, but since Ric wasn’t a swimmer, he just let it go. “Be sure to be over there by 4PM” the coach told Ric. The team headed over to the athletic center and Ric poked his head into Dennis’s office. “Hey Dennis, how’s it going?” RIc asked. “Doing good. I hope you guys had fun while you were here” Dennis replied. “Oh yeah. A lot different than the last time, but still a lot of fun. With any luck the room may have gotten another convert or two” Ric said with a devilish grin. “Yeah, it gets a lot of action and hopefully you guys were successful” Dennis said before he motioned for Ric to come closer. “Keep this between you and me, but you should keep an eye out on your coach. He may need some help in a few weeks.” Ric’s eyes got big “You tagged him?” Ric asked. “Yeah, my boyfriend, Dave, Dakota, Tony, Luis, Juan, Tyler, Carl and I all fucked him” Dennis said. “Dave? The escort? As in Joe?” asked Ric. “Oh, you know? Cool. Yeah, that Dave, er.. Joe” Dennis said. “Wow, you really did a job on him with that many guys. Does he know about you guys being poz?” Ric asked. Dennis replied “Yeah, Joe told him and he seemed to get off on it. We’ll see how enthusiastic he is when the flu hits.” “Now his comment when I ran into him in the sauna makes some sense. He saw my biohazard tat and asked if someone sent me in there. I bet he thought I was sent to breed him” Ric said. “Hehe, yeah. It doesn’t mean you couldn’t once you’re back home” Dennis said. “Fuck no! I don’t want to end up on the news as another student that fucked his teacher. It would screw both of our lives up. Maybe after I graduate, but even then I don’t know” Ric answered. “He’s got a great ass, but yeah, I get it. So you guys head back today?” asked Dennis. “Yeah. This is the last day of camp. The team already left. First, I’m going over to get pierced by Daryl and then meet them at the University before going home” replied Ric. Dennis smiled and asked “Cool. What are you getting done?” “I want to get my nipples done and then a ladder on my cock” answered Ric. “Wow, that’s a lot in one day” Dennis replied. “Yeah, but its kind of hard to get up here. Do you know what bus I need to take to get over to Daryl and Thad’s shop?” asked Ric. “Don’t worry about the bus. I can take you over in the shuttle. Just let me know when” Dennis said. “Thanks, I really appreciate it” Ric said. Dennis dropped Ric off at the tattoo shop telling him to call when he was done and he would take him over to the university. Ric walked up to the door and pulled. It was locked but after a few knocks, Daryl came up and let him in. Dennis drove off and Ric went inside the shop. “So, nips and a ladder? You’re going to be one sore puppy” Daryl said with a smile. Ric picked out a pair of barbell’s for his nipple piercings and they went into the back room. Ric pulled his shirt off, sat down in the chair and leaned back. He felt the adrenaline start to pump through his body and then there was the rush of endorphins as the needle poked through. “Fuuuucck!” Ric yelled out while still trying to hold still. “One down, five to go” Daryl said with a grin. He moved over and pierced the second nipple, with Ric yelling out like before. “Rest there for ten minutes and then we’ll work on the ladder” said Daryl as he got up and put the needles in the used bin and went to get the stuff for the other piercings. Daryl laid everything out and then said “Ok, now take your shorts and underwear off.” Ric did and Daryl smiled as he saw the hung cock between Ric’s legs. Ric sat back down and Daryl asked “Is that what its like soft?” “Nah, its a little hard now” answered Ric. “OK, get it hard so I know what size and where to put it” Daryl said. Ric stroked his cock and once it was hard Daryl rolled his eyes and said “I forgot how big it gets. Just a sec, I need to find some longer bars.” Daryl rummaged through the container of straight and slightly curved barbell piercings and then muttered “Shit.” He got up and went to the front of the shop and Ric could hear him pulling out case after case. Ric sat there with his cock rock hard and wasn’t sure what to do so he kept stroking it to keep it stiff. Daryl came back into the room and said “Sorry, bud. I don’t have anything that’s the right size. Most guys aren’t as thick as you are, and the ones I have would be too short and pretty painful. Let me measure exactly what I need and then I’ll do it when they come in. I know this sucks for you since you can’t get up hear that easy, but I want to do it right.” Ric looked up at Daryl, the disappointment clearly showed on his face. “Damn. Ok. I understand” Ric said getting up out of the chair. He put on his clothes and they walked back to the front of the shop. He paid for the nipple piercings and gave Daryl his number to call when the right piercings came in. Ric called Dennis back and told him he was done getting pierced and a few minutes later the van showed up. Ric hopped in and Dakota was driving. “Heading over to the athletic center?” Dakota asked. “Yeah, gotta meet up for my ride home” Ric replied. There was a long silence as they drove through the streets until Dakota said “Your coach is a great fuck. He took everything I could give him. You think he’s really neg? I mean, not for much longer, but now? He took some pretty potent seed.” Ric squirmed in his seat, feeling a little uncomfortable talking about the coach getting bred. “I dunno. I’m not even on the team, I just tagged along to have some fun with the guys and I haven’t fucked the coach” Ric replied. “Ah, gotcha. Dennis said you were in the club, so I assumed you had tagged him too. I saw you fuck the one coaches in the sauna. That was pretty hot. Too bad you got interrupted by those guys. You should have fucked the bottom guy and left him a surprise present” Dakota said. “I was tempted, but I really just wanted to get out of there. Besides, my balls were empty after I fucked the coach” Ric replied. They pulled up to the center and Dakota turned to Ric. “Here’s my number. Whenever you’re up this way I’d love to hookup some time. You seem like a nice guy and Dennis said you are a great fuck. Maybe we can swap strains” Dakota told Ric. “Thanks, that sounds like fun” Ric replied as he squeezed Dakota’s leg. Ric hopped out of the van and walked into the building and went to find his usual spot. He saw someone sitting over there and as he got closer he realized it was Joe. “Hey, what are you doing here?” he said as he got close. Joe turned and said “Hey, Ric. Well, I got a message from Marcus to meet you and him here. I’ve been waiting an hour. I saw him over with the rest of the swimmers but he hasn’t come over.” “Oh shit. This isn’t good. He showed up at the hotel yesterday and then ran out when he saw my biohazard tat and figured out we were poz. I guess you didn’t warn him” Ric said. “Fuck. No, I didn’t. I don’t think he knows I’m poz either. This might get ugly. I’ll take the heat, don’t worry” Joe said seriously. A whistle blew and that session was over. Joe saw Marcus walking their way. “I’m gonna take us to the wrestling room. No one else needs to hear this” Joe said as he got up and pointed towards the doors. Ric and Joe started walking to them and Marcus changed his direction there too. Joe and Ric got to the doors and walked to the wrestling room. They went in and then kept walking to the second room. “No one can hear us in there even if he yells” Joe said. Once inside, Joe stopped and turned around, waiting for Marcus to come in. The door flew open and Marcus came towards Joe and they could tell he was pissed. “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing? Setting me up with a poz dude? Are you fuckin’ nuts?” Marcus said as he walked up to Joe. He jabbed his finger into Joe’s chest with each of the last four words. “Marcus, you seemed to like him and he liked you. I just thought I’d let you know where to find each other and that there was mutual interest. We haven’t fucked in a while. I don’t know what you’re into or not any more. Shit, you’re both adults and you know you have to have these conversations if you’re gonna fuck… thats if you actually care if a guy is neg or poz” Joe said back in a stern voice. “What? You think I’d fuck with poz guys? This guy’s still in high school. Why would I think he’s poz?” Marcus asked back. “You don’t think guys in high school fuck raw? I know I did. I never used a condom until I got to college. And I know we never used one when I fucked you all those times. Who knows how many poz guys you’ve been with and didn’t even know it” Joe countered. Marcus was stunned. “I… uh… I’m careful about who I fuck with” Marcus finally said. “Doesn’t sound like it to me. Ric said you never asked and only stopped when you saw his biohazard tat” Joe replied. “But I told you, I never expect a guy that age to be poz” Marcus said. Joe could tell the intensity was easing from Marcus’s argument. “That doesn’t mean shit. Old, young, smooth, hairy, athletic or obese. Anyone can be poz and with most guys you can’t tell. Are you on prep?” Joe asked. “What? No. Why would I be. I told you, I’m careful” said Marcus. “Would you have let the other guy in my room fuck you raw?” Ric asked before Joe could say anything. “Sure. He’s cute and had nice cock, but he seemed more interested in getting fucked” Marcus replied, not expecting to get questioned from both guys. “Then you would have take a big toxic load. He just converted a month ago. He’s not on drugs and is really potent. He loves getting his dick in neg holes too” Ric said. Marcus’s jaw dropped and he backed up a step and was clearly panicked. Joe laughed and said “Who knows, that pretty little ass of yours might already be knocked up. You’ve always been a horny bottom. You probably want it but are just afraid to admit it. I’ve seen it a lot. First guys stop asking if the tops are neg and then after they find out they've taken a few poz loads they get comfortable and start looking for the poz guys.” “No, its nothing like that. It just makes things awkward” Marcus said. “That isn’t what guys that are intent on staying neg say. You’re just playing russian roulette. One day the bullet will end up in the chamber and you’re gonna be pozzed up like Ric and I are. It might have already happened” Joe said with a chuckle. Ric was grinning, since he thought he knew where Joe was taking the conversation. “You? You’re poz too?” Marcus asked incredulously. “Yeah, I am” Joe said smiling back at Marcus. “Why don’t you just admit that you want a good poz fuck. You always liked my cock and I bet you’d love Ric’s cock too. He may be young, but he’s hung and knows how to use it” Ric moved behind Marcus and gently ran his hands over Marcus’s speedo covered ass. He heard Marcus gasp and then his breathing became labored. “No, thats crazy dude. Why would I ever want to knowingly take a poz load?” Marcus asked. “Once you’re poz, you never have to worry about some guy pozzing you again” Ric said softly in his ear as Ric’s hands continued to rub over his ass. Joe moved closer and brushed his hands over Marcus’s chest, rubbing the hard, pierced nipples. Joe could see Marcus fight with himself. “I know you want it. Just tell us and we can give you a fuck like no other. You can choose who and how. Just me, just Ric or both of us. I could even set something up and get a group together, but Ric might not be able to make it and you really should experience his cock. Just say yes, Marcus and we’ll take you over to the storage room and give you the fuck of your life” Joe said. Marcus was muttering to himself as he listened to Joe. A large wet spot of precum had soaked through his speedo and his cock was getting harder. Ric thought he heard “oh fuck” over and over but since he was behind Marcus he couldn’t really hear it. Joe saw a tear run down Marcus’s cheek and then he said “I want to but I shouldn’t. Oh god, what do I do?” “Let fate decide for you. That’s what I did” Ric said. “What?” Marcus said, confused more than ever. “I took the loads and let fate decide if I got pozzed. My life has been so much better since then” Ric said. “oh fuck, oh god” Marcus said and then was breathing heavy. Joe and Ric let Marcus stew with the thoughts and finally Marcus said “Give me your poz cocks.” Joe's grin got more intense and he led Ric and Marcus over to the storage room. The three went inside and Ric locked the door. Ric moved in behind Marcus and started to kiss the back of his neck and put his hands inside Marcus’s speedo and pulled them down. Joe pulled off his t-shirt and dropped his shorts to the floor. A tug and his jockstrap was laying on top of his shorts. Joe moved closer and kissed Marcus deeply. He could feel Marcus’s cock get stiffer between them and rubbed his body against the leaking shaft. Ric was the only one with clothes on, so he pulled away and shucked his clothes onto the floor too. Getting closer, he got down on his knees and pried the firm ass apart. Ric inhaled deeply, smelling the sweat and scent from Marcus as well as the chlorine from the pool. He licked along the crack and and felt Marcus shiver. Joe licked and kissed down Marcus’s front and took his stiff cock into his mouth. Joe sucked and licked, trying to get Marcus to a stage of lust that he would never want to come down from until his ass was full of Ric and Joe’s cum. He could hear Ric doing his best on Marcus’s pussy and knew they had to be intense but not take Marcus over the edge. When Marcus started to squirm he knew that it was time. Joe pulled off and pulled Marcus down to his knees. Ric sat down on the rolled wrestling mat as Joe directed him to. Joe turned Marcus so that he was in between Ric’s legs and then moved in behind Marcus, like he had done dozens of times before and slicked his cock up with spit. Marcus started to lick Ric’s hard cock and braced himself on Ric’s legs. Joe pushed the piercing into the throbbing pucker and added more spit. Pressing in harder he could feel Marcus start to tense up. Joe gave him a few strokes with his hands along his back and Ric’s hands were caressing his his head which was enough to relax Marcus and Joe pressed in harder. A few more rubs of his hand and Joe felt the hole open up enough and he gave a nudge, letting the rest of his cock head pop past Marcus’s outer ring. When Joe had fucked Marcus in the past, Marcus was always eager to get all of his cock inside him. This time Joe was going slower and figured once he got a good rhythm going Marcus would become the usual cock hungry slut. Joe started to rock his hips, pushing deeper in each time. Marcus was energetically sucking Ric’s cock and Joe’s strokes got longer. Soon he was fucking Marcus just like the old days. He pushed all the way in and then got up on his feet, pushing Ric’s cock deep into Marcus’s throat. With Joe now in a better position, he began to pound Marcus’s hole. He could feel the ring tug and pull as he jabbed it into the tender walls of Marcus’s rectum. Joe was hammering away at Marcus’s ass and was amazed that Marcus was still sucking Ric’s thick shaft. Ric had his eyes closed and was enjoying the oral workover from Marcus. Joe knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, but wanted to make sure he got Marcus’s chute opened up and prepped for Ric’s larger cock. He pulled out and plunged back in a few times but that just intensified the tightness in his balls. Joe grabbed Marcus’s shoulders and drove his cock in deep. The pulses from his cock were intense and he could feel the cum shoot out and cover the walls of Marcus’s tunnel. Joe grunted as each wave of toxic seed pumped into the swimmer. Marcus had stopped sucking when he felt Joe start to breed his hole. It was too late now, Joe’s poz cum was now inside him, possibly infecting him. Marcus was expecting it to feel different, but it felt just like all the other times Joe had cum inside him. It was a feeling that he loved - the warmth and wetness of another man’s cum deep inside him. He let out a loud moan that surprised not only Ric and Joe, but himself. His heart was racing, knowing that he had just done something that he had been avoiding since he took his first cock. Joe left his cock inside Marcus for a minute after the shots of cum ended. He slowly pulled out and left the gaping, cum filled hole empty. Ric realized it was his turn and gently pulled his cock from Marcus’s mouth and slid over before quickly moving behind Marcus. He saw some of Joe’s cum dripping out of the battered hole and smiled as he lined his cock up. He pushed in and Marcus’s hole was tight. The coating of spit and Joe’s cum didn’t seem to be enough to let his cock just slide in. He waited until Joe was in place in front of Marcus and Marcus had started to lick the still hard shaft clean. With a little more pressure, his cock descended deeper into Marcus’s hole. He could hear the groans but kept pushing further. When he hit the inner ring he looked down and still had over an inch left to go. Ric grabbed Marcus’s hips and thrust in, plowing in the rest of the way. He heard a muffled scream so he stood there motionless for half a minute. When Marcus seemed to recover, he pulled back and heard another muffled groan. Ric started to rock back and forth slowly, letting Marcus get used to his sizable shaft. Just like he had done the first time fucking most of the guys, he let Marcus get used to it and then fucked faster or longer. Marcus seemed to adapt quicker than many guys and he thought it might be one of the few times that Marcus would know how it felt to be fucked by his own cock. Their length and thickness seemed to be similar from the short time that he saw it before Joe began fucking Marcus. Ric soon had a good pace going, long firm strokes felt good inside the experienced hole. Marcus even started to squeeze down on his cock occasionally. A tingle or two from his balls told Ric he was nearing the point of no return. He fucked harder and looked at Joe who was watching Ric pound Marcus’s ass. Joe grinned and nodded to Ric as he sensed Ric was getting close. Joe held Marcus’s head down on his cock as Ric pushed in all the way. Ric let out a growl as his cock pumped shot after shot of charged cum into Marcus’s wrecked cunt. After the first few spurts, Joe let go of Marcus’s head and let him gasp for air while Ric flooded his ass. Ric left his cock inside Marcus while his body recovered from the orgasm. Ric pulled out and sat down on the floor against the rolled mat. Marcus then backed away from Joe and laid down on the floor on his back, breathing heavily. “Oh my god that was wild” Marcus said. Joe got a wicked smile on his face and leaned forward and crawled between Marcus’s legs. “What are you doing, Joe?” Marcus asked. “I just want to feel what that hole feels like after Ric stretched you out” Joe replied. Before Marcus could say anything, Joe lifted his legs up and slid his hard cock right into the loose, cummy hole. Joe started to drill Marcus again, this time feeling Ric’s and his cum mixed together coating his cock. Marcus moaned as Joe fucked him. He tried in vain to clamp his hole down around Joe’s cock and just laid back and let Joe pound his pussy. “Damn, you’re loose now” Joe said. “Think he can take us both?” Ric asked. A look of fear came over Marcus’s face as Joe said “We can try.” Joe hooked his arms under Marcus’s arms and then leaned back until Marcus was now riding him. Ric pushed Marcus over so he was laying on Joe’s chest and he straddled Joe. He pressed his cock against Joe’s shaft and then up to Marcus’s hole. He shoved in and got nowhere. He then pulled his foreskin back and pushed slowly and felt his cock head catch on the battered hole. Pushing harder he heard Marcus whimper and then it stretched enough for him to start sliding in. Joe held Marcus still as Ric’s shaft pushed along Joe’s. Ric felt Joe’s piercing drag along the bottom of his cock as he gave Marcus the last few inches. Marcus was fully impaled on both cocks and had never felt so full in his life. Ric started to move back and forth with his hips and while the strokes were only a few inches long it was enough to send shockwaves through all three of them. He kept it up for a few minutes and then felt Joe’s cock start to pulse against his own. Another dose of Joe’s viral cum pumped into Marcus’s ass and the feeling caused Ric to shoot another load in too. Marcus whimpered and yelled out “Oh fuck!” as he felt the third and fourth poz loads fill his tortured hole. Deep down he knew this was probably it - his neg days were now numbered. He was on an adrenaline high like never before with the risk making it so much more intense. Ric pulled his cock out and Marcus stood up, his shaky legs barely holding him vertical. Ric put his clothes on and helped Marcus get his speedo back on. Helping Joe off the floor, Ric watched him put his clothes back on. They walked slowly out of the wrestling rooms and towards the pool. As they got closer to the pool, Marcus went over to where all the swimmers were. Joe and Ric went back over to the other side. Joe gave Ric a hug and told him to keep in touch and let him know where he decided to go to college and then headed out the door. He stared at Joe's ass walking away from him until the door closed. The final whistle blew and the camp was over. The teams showered and packed and Ric dragged the equipment duffles back to the van. Everyone hopped in for the drive home. They pulled into the school parking lot and as Ric was unloading all of the bags the coach walked up to him. “Ric, I’d like you to stop by my office some time this week. I think you’re the only one at school that can help me with a few things I need to know. This is just between you and me. OK?” Coach Adams said. “Sure thing coach” Ric replied.
    3 points
  15. I met Brandon, a local guy, online. He'd made no bones about being a POZ TOP and into BAREBACKING. I accused him of being a GIFT GIVER; and he replied he couldn't be, because a Bottom's odds for getting POZZED were 1 in 50, so it was unlikely he'd ever POZZED anyone on the first Fuck. I wrote back that I was NEG, a BOTTOM, and, since we were almost neighbors, we ought to get together. We set up a date for two days later. When I pulled into the parking lot, I quickly spotted his blue van. He was leaning against the bumper, smoking. 5'9", 155, bleached hair, wrinkled tee and cut-offs. I pulled up beside him, in my office duds; and we set off down the jogging trail. A footpath veered into the woods. I took it and approached a tiny clearing, littered with tissues and used condoms. I dropped my slacks and pushed down my briefs, to piss. Brandon came up behind me and reached around to pump my gushing shaft. My yellow stream overflowed his fingers. He turned me round and wiped his hand across my lips. We kissed, and his 6" slipped between my legs. Huge testicles, compact with Toxic Jizz, compressed against my thighs. He pushed me to my knees and fucked my mouth. His balls raked against my chin, an invitation to palm his naked Sac and milk it. Aroused, he turned me round and bent me over. I grasped a tree trunk for support. My ass was in the air and my legs were spread. I moaned in passion, and not too quietly, as the sun rays and summer breeze cavorted on my naked butt in concert with the hot tongue rimming me. He arose, and grasped my hips, and pressed his bare cock against my sphincter. It felt so good, him easing into me, even though he'd used no lube other than his spit. I faced the trail; and, through the trees, caught glimpses of guys and gals cavorting past, as I cried out in pain and pleasure. He pulled out, removed his cutoffs, briefs, and tee, and arranged them on a bed of leaves. He lay down on the blanket he had fashioned. His 6" shaft, glistening spit and slime and precum, winked up at me. I knew the fallacy of "1 in 50" – the odds for a Thousand Faggots getting POZZED. But I was not a Thousand. I was One. Some guys POZ from Precum, while others take a thousand loads—and nothing. Which was I? I straddled him and guided his throbbing Cock into me and eased down till my ass connected with his pubes. I began the rhythmic pulsing which I knew would spur an avalanche of Venom up my ass. It was only minutes before he groaned in hedonistic agony that he was cumming. Emboldened by his proximity, I ground away till torrents of his Poison Jizz invaded me. He got up, brushed off his shorts and tee, and left me naked, standing there, his lethal Load dripping down my thighs. I'd shaved that morning, and in my haste to get to work, had nicked my Mancunt several times. I reached behind and worked a finger up my ass. As I suspected, my digit came back laced with Pink. At work that afternoon my Hole felt open, fucked and gratified. My briefs grew damp and my thighs sticky as his pungent Cream drained out of me. It'd been just hours since I'd been Fucked and already I craved replenishment of his Charged Seed. I skipped my nightly shower and sat down at my PC to write him.
    2 points
  16. I was in DC Memorial Day Saturday. I checked into the crew club and rented a room. It was not crowed so I thought I would just relax. I took a shower and then laid on my stomack in the room. The door was slightly opened but I expected no one. In about 30 minutes I felt a hand rubbing my ass. It felt great and then a felt a finger in my hole. I looked up and there was this wonderful young guy. I did notice he had a wedding ring. He never spoke just smiled. He closed the door and took off his towel. He had a nice 8 inch cut dick Without a word he climbed on me rubbed his dick on my hole and then shoved it in me He started slow and then picked up the pace. He then moaned and I could feel him stiffen. He then shot his huge load in my ass. He stayed in until he went soft then slipped out. He. Opened the door and left. Before I knew it another guy was right behind him. He said he and buddy came here to fuck some ass while their wives were shopping. He blew his load in me and then left.mhe did say thanks and maybe another Saturday they would see me again. He did say they both liked to fuck ass bareback and blow their loads inside. Their wives would not let them so they came here. Great time.
    2 points
  17. Hit Club St. Louis this weekend. Here's what went down... Got there. The place was packed. Parking lot was full with cars parked out on the street. Stripped, showered and went on the prowl. I was moving with purpose. Sending the message I was there to fuck holes. FIRST HOLE: Silver bear. Had his door open laying face down. I walked in, closed the door. He turned to me. I dropped the towel exposing my semi. He didnt need anymore prompting...began sucking my cock. Did an OK job. When he got me fully hard, I snapped my fingers. He immed got on his knees. "Show me that pussy", i barked. He spread his hairy cheeks. I fingered him. "Beg for it!", I ordered. "Please...fuck me..fuck me raw!", he replied. "Fuck WHAT?!", I prompted... He whimpered the words..."Fuck my pussy...please fuck my pussy!" NICE! Nothing like a bit of humiliation to make a bottom submit himself fully. I laid pipe into him a good while. With NO consideration for whether he was enjoying it or not. Tonight was about me! I amped up the filthy talk throughout. He lapped it up. He needed used. "Jack off your useless dick til you cum!" He did so. Soon enough he came all over his sheets. With that, I pulled out, gave his ass a hard smack, grabbed my towel and left. No - I did not give him my load...that was just a warm-up fuck. I went looking for more. SECOND HOLE: Cumrag. I'm walking down one of the halls and at the corner there's a piece of trash bent over a fuckbench...couple of guys standing around at a distance jacking their soft dicks. I waste no time. Jack myself hard and slam into the public cunt. He was so poppered up that I doubt he even felt me. This was a quick public plunge and go to send the message: I'M HERE TO FUCK. After i gain a nice crowd watching me, I rip out and walk away with my towel over my shoulder. MESSAGE SENT. A quick shower and a break later, and I'm hunting for more. THIRD HOLE: Hot bearded daddy. He was one of the guys at the last scene. Just watching. He approached me and asked me to follow him to his room. Told you....Pays to advertise! We get to his room and he immediately goes legs up. I leave the door open. He doesn't complain. Yeah - I'm gonna like this guy. I open up his prelubed cunt with my fingers before going into him full bore. I'm talking pile driver. No words. No bullshit. Just grunting, rutting, and hard assfucking! All with an appreciative audience at the door. We are face to face. The honesty of the moment...cock...hole...fuck. I saw the hunger in his eyes. The unquenchable thirst. All too soon he nuts on his hairy belly. I kiss him hard. Full tongue. I do love the feel of making out with bearded man. Now, I was wanting to breed this one...but hey, I'll hold my nut awhile longer. I pull put. He convulses with pleasure. He thanked me for the load. (It seems he thought i had bred him - I let him believe it). Out I go when i find my FOURTH HOLE: Sling Boy. Hairy as fuck, hella scruffy and tattooed for days. And he's up in a public sling taking on all cummers. I hang out, stroking as I watch three men take their turns at his cunt. As the third is finishing, I mount right up. And ram his loose cummy pussy. "How many so far, pigboy?", I ask. "Six", he replies. "Guess that makes me lucky number seven!" I reply, increasing the tempo. "Damn....your cunt is so fuckin' cummy!" I remark loudly. He liked that. I do enjoy a shamless cumsleeve...and the sound my cock makes when it rams a cummy meathole. To my surprise, I manage to last awhile. Changing up the depth and the tempo. Really enjoying the shamelessness of it all. But in time, I began to feel that familiar boiling in my balls. "You ready for it? You ready for load number seven, boy?! CUZ. HERE. IT. CUMS!!!" I YELLED and with that my five day load jets over and over from my cock into his well used pussy! I growled with satiafaction. "Oh fuck! OH FUCK!! I can feel you cumming! I CAN FEEL YOU SHOOTING IN ME!!", the fuckboy shouted - his eyes wide - a massive smile on his face. I assue you, I was quite flattered. It was a damn impressive load. I lingered there in his hole awhile. Wallowing in the cumjoy. Moments later, I pull out...my cock replaced with another dudes mouth felching his very full, dripping hole. "NEXT!" I yelled as I swattied his ass and left for a well earned shower.
    2 points
  18. Round 2 I couldn't resist. I knew I needed to do it again. All anonymous, just more cock and more loads. I reran my Grindr post two days later in another motel in another town. I had to change rooms once. I told the clerk it was because someone had apparently smoked in this non-smoking room but the real reason was because when I put tape over the door lock it wouldn't stay closed, the hinges misaligned. I needed my guests to be able to just push on the door to gain access without me having to get off my knees on the edge of the bed to open the door. I was done with work earlier than normal but not early enough to catch the afternoon crowd. I knew there would be little response during the supper hours, at least not until after dark. And that is exactly how it panned out. It seems I catch little interest on a mid-week evening and being summertime the daylight stayed out longer. Bored, I cleaned out thoroughly, had a few drinks, read a few Last Load stories while stroking but without trying to cum. I dozed off when I was awakened by the Grindr notification brrrpp, a sound I recognized immediately and have even heard in public a few times. "Got condoms?" "On the nightstand" I replied. My bio goes out of the way to say I take loads but falls short of mentioning condoms. Sigh. But I needed that first starter cock, raw or not. His bio showed a man about 30, young face, lots of tats, sixteen miles away and kinda rough looking. He asked if the room was dark. It wasn't yet but the sun had now set so it wouldn't be long. He said he needed a shower as he couldn't even stand his own smell but would be right over afterwards. He asked for the room number but I told him I didn't give that out until a man was within a few hundred feet according to Grindr's GPS. I told him it was because I had too many no-shows or guys who show up after I've called it a night. He understood. He asked if he could bring a friend but I said I didn't do groups in motel rooms, preferring to save that for bathhouses. He said okay. I didn't hear back from him for about a half-hour. The sun was gone and the room was truly dark now except for a night light I bring to put a dim light to my ass and the nightstand where the lube and poppers were near the front edge, the condoms near the back edge hopefully discouraging being seen too easily and used. He was on his way, still 15 miles though. He asked for reassurance it was dark as he didn't want to be recognized. I told him it was but I'm thinking to myself why did he put his picture up on Grindr? Twenty minutes later, he messaged me he was nearby. Sure enough, 492 feet away. "You read my bio, right?" He replied he had with, "Yep. No talking. Pump and dump." Good. He understood. "Room 135. Just push on door." I put down my phone, turned on my hidden infra-red camera, lubed up and assumed the position, jockstrap on with ass up in the air and then put my blindfold on. My heartbeat increased a bit when I heard the door open and close, but as soon as his hand brushed my ass I relaxed. I heard his zipper go down (my absolute favorite sound!), then his pants fell off and he kicked them away. He stepped up and started rubbing his full but still soft cock up and down my crack. After about a minute, he put his hand on my neck and turned my head sideways and down as he pushed his cock into my mouth. He needed help getting hard. I wasn't a fan of giving head at pumpndumps but he needed it. Putting my best into it, I had him super hard within two minutes when he roughly pushed me back into position and started stabbing for my hole. He was forceful, got it lined up quickly, and just shoved hard. Ugh. It was a ripping pain, the kind that has me making sounds of pain from my lips. Damn if that didn't excite him. He didn't rabbit but he pulled back all the way out and shoved it back in several times rapidly, my sphincter clearly be abused. It dawned on me he hadn't had time to rubber up. I was getting it raw after all. "Brrrpp." The Grindr notification sound. I ignored it. I was getting fucked deep. My man grabbed my hips and pulled me back on to him for the deepest penetration. Then he reached around for my tits. I don't have any but guys still do that for some reason. Then he starts making those unmistakable noises of a man about to take what is rightfully his to use. He fires in deeply, my heels going upwards to his ass to push him in further, and he gives me all he has to give. He lays on top of me for about ten seconds (which always feels much longer), then gets up, lightly taps my ass twice, gets dressed and leaves. I stay exactly like I am until I hear his car pull away, the sign that he is not coming back. I pull off my blindfold, then grab my phone and send him a quick thank you. He replied, "No, thank YOU!" He's happy. I hope he's around next time I'm in town even if it was a bit rougher than my usual anonymous fuck. Back to Grindr. There were actually four notifications but I only heard one sound. It looks like three Grindr ads and one guy with no picture asklng, "Looking?" I check his bio again. It simply says he is Latino and a top. But it also shows him just 600 feet away. I wonder if I'm ready right away or if I need a break for a few minutes when he messages, "I'm by the restaurant out front. Room number?" This is exactly what I like. No pictures. No status. No endless messaging or talking. Complete anonymity (and risk) at its finest. I sent him my room number and crawled back on the bed. Blindfold in place, he was pushing on the door as I stuck my phone under the pillow. Thirty seconds later he was undressed and behind me, bent over and asks me, "How many loads you got in you?" I raise my index finger. I hear a muttered, "Oh yeah" and he slams it in deep in one stroke. He knew I was lubed from the last guy and he just went right for it. This dude was hard! It felt like a steel bar. I quickly feared I was getting sodomized by some sort of foreign object when I felt his balls slap my ass. Whew! It knocked the wind out of me. But he let me get used to it before he started stroking. It didn't take him long at all. He asked, "Where do you want it?" to which I replied by shoving my ass all the way back onto his cock while using my heels to hold his ass. A few quick jerks and he was done. He backed up, grabbed a washcloth at the sink, wiped himself off and got dressed. He thanked me as he was opening the door to leave and said he hoped we could do it again next time with just him alone. Then he closed the door. I was puzzled by that "just me alone" but pulled out my phone as I let my knees slip down to the mattress to rest. One minute later, I received a message from the first guy. I guess he felt the need to tell me he brought his friend over my objection and they just took turns with one waiting a few hundred feet away. Okay. I can live with that. It explains why the second guy was so close. I thanked them both and said to look for me next time and we might do a threesome. I got up off my stomach and immediately felt the cum trying to egress my hole. I stuck a finger in, smelled the bleachy scent, and licked my finger clean. I was actually pretty tired but I craved more. Usually I wait for guys to answer my ad as many are looking for love and not hookups, but I saw there were a few guys within a couple miles who were looking for "right now" and NSA. I "tapped" a couple guys to see if any responded. One replied with "Ass pic now" so I sent it to him. I never send them unless I'm asked. When they ask for a face pic I tell them that my ass is all they see when they come in. Some are interested and those are the ones I message with. He seemed aggressive so I sent it. "Room number" was all he wrote back. He must have like what he saw. He was 1-2 miles away. I asked him if he read the profile and he said, "Of course. What's the fuckin room number?" A little hesitant but still in need I gave it to him. I then read his full bio. "29, black, 6'5", 270 lbs, and "I'll make you feel every inch and I cum in cup-sized loads." I added a little more lube and got into position when I heard a diesel truck pull up. "Coming in" was his text. I put down the phone and the blindfold on. The door opened and shut. He said, "Nice ass. I'd like to hit it for a while but I'm in a hurry. I hope you're ready. I gotta get to work in a few." I heard him strip and put his clothes on the chair. No foreplay. He started getting himself hard with one hand while pushing two really thick fingers from his other hand into my ass. He felt the wetness and said, "I guess there is no need to lube" right before he stuffed that huge salami into me. He became a man on a mission but he was a gentle giant. He pushed me forward onto my belly and then put his entire weight on top of me, his cock well seated in me. He starts moving side to side and in circles and changes direction, clearly widening my hole as he plows me. His mouth near my ear, he says, "I don't know my status but I want to unload in you. So it's your call. Do you want my seed or do you want me to shoot somewhere else?" In response, I again started pushing back on my man but I moved as if I was pushing him off me. He said, "Too bad, because I already finished. " With that he stood up, slapped my ass hard, and got dressed. He saw my butt plug by the nightstand, grabbed it and pushed it in me. Catching my breath still from this whole scene, his parting words were, "Hold it all in until it is absorbed inside you. There is a lot of cum in there." As I heard his truck pull away, I smiled. Three loads is enough for tonight. I messaged him a thank you. He replied with "Keep my babies warm." I got up, turned off my hidden IR camera. Then crashed.
    2 points
  19. ok, not sure I would ever talk about this, but, here it is. I was overseas in a very muslim country about 8 years ago working. Well, as it would happen, I was super horny lots of the time, and using a couple of apps, managed to chat up with a European aid worker, and got some info on some fun. He mentioned that he had met up with a muslim guy who had taken him to a secluded location, taken him inside, made him remove his pants, told him to bend over, and had several men come in and fuck him! Wow! I was scared, but, after a few more days, messaged him for more info and asked for the contact number. He gave it to me, and texted the guy to let him know I was ok, as being gay there is punishable by death. Only a short while later I received a text from the guy. He asked me for some pics of my ass, asked if I was smooth, hairless, and wanted to meet. Yes to all! We set up a meet for the following night, and I snuck out onto the street waiting for him. A car pulled up, and a young guy told me to get in. We drove to the outskirts of the city, pulled into a gated villa, where some security guards, local guys, closed it. I was now very nervous! Kidnappings and murder of westerners was very common. Well, he told me to get out, led me to a small out building, took me inside, and told me to take off my pants. I did, and he turned out the light, and left. A few moments later, someone came in. It was pitch black, but, he found me, and started feeling up my ass. He spit a huge amount on me, and next thing I felt was his cock going into me! He fucked me hard and fast for only a few minutes before cumming in me! He left right away! Only minutes later, another guy came in, and didn't waste anytime! He pushed his cock into me, fucking me hard for a bit longer than the first guy, before grunting and cumming in my ass! I was in heat now! This was crazy! He left, and a third guy came in, and walked in front of me. He pulled his outfit aside, and had me suck his cock, only for a short time, before going behind me, and ramming his cock into me! He fucked hard and fast, grunting, and spoke a bit of english, calling me a slut, a bitch, then pulled out and stuck his cock in my mouth, shooting a huge load of cum! He did mention it was just like a porn movie, then left. 3 More guys followed, all just fucking me quick, cumming and leaving quickly. I was absolutely dripping cum by this point! Then, the guy who had driven me came in, and asked how I was. I said ok, is it time to leave? I had no idea where I was, or how to get home. He said not yet. Pulled his pants down, and started rubbing that hard cock all over my ass! He loved the cum leaking out everywhere, I could tell. He then pushed in, and fucked me deep! He lasted the longest, pulling my hips into him, calling me a fag, a cunt, before dumping his cum into me too! As soon as he was done, he pulled out, and had me suck him clean. He then told me to get dressed, as I needed to leave right away. A 15 min or so drive back to my villa, and he told me to message him again. Wow! I was dripping cum as I made my way into my villa, back to my room! One of the more crazy times or things I have ever done!
    2 points
  20. Out With a Bang I was in a bind. The minor league hockey team I was playing for had just informed me they were sending me up to the next level. That meant a move from Los Angeles to Boston. Normally this kind of news would’ve made my day, but there was one thing in the way. A big thing. Two years ago I moved to LA straight out of college. I’d gone to school in Minnesota on a full hockey scholarship, but all the time growing up in Norman, Oklahoma, my real dream was to be an actor. A movie star, to be more precise. The next Brad Pitt or something. I’d done some plays in high school and college and even some local community theater, so I figured I’d give it a shot. I mean, it’s not like I wasn’t not good looking or anything. People always told me I had that ‘All American Boy Next Door Look.’ I’m 6’2, 175 pounds, with light brown hair and brown eyes, and having played sports all my life, I have a pretty decent body. But breaking into show business wasn’t as easy I as I thought it would be. I went on countless auditions and rarely ever got a call back. Sometimes I think the only reason I ever got in the door was because I’m as good looking as I am. Soon I got frustrated and disillusioned with the whole idea of show business, and decided to fall back on what I did best: play hockey. I tried out for – and made – the Los Angeles Lightning, a second level minor league team. It wasn’t the majors or anything, but hell, it was a paycheck and I was playing again. It also allowed me to keep going on auditions. That’s when I got what I thought was my ‘big break.’ I was leaving an audition one day, confident I wasn’t going to get the part, when this hot chick approached me. She said she worked for a production company that made specialty internet movies and said I had the ‘look’ they were going for and wondered if I would be interested. I wasn’t sure what she meant by ‘specialty internet movies’ and that was probably my first mistake. Even though I graduated from college, I was pretty naïve about the way the world worked. And I was probably too trusting, because it didn’t take much convincing for her to sell me on the idea. She explained the movies were mostly fetish stuff: short 15-30 minute videos where a good looking guy lets his girlfriend tie him up and tickle him, or a guy gets kidnapped by some hot babes. Cheesy shit like that. I told her that wasn’t the kind of actor I wanted to be, but she reminded me that a lot of people broke into films by doing lousy TV or commercials, and then she went on to name a bunch of people I admired and some of the shit jobs they started out doing. I finally agreed and within a few hours I was all signed up. So far I’ve made seven of these crappy movies. I’m glad they’re only available online because they’re terrible. In every one I’m chloroformed (fake) or drugged (again, fake) or somehow (yes, fake) knocked out by some hot chick and then tied up and tickled. I don’t mind the girls, but I’m ticklish and one time this chick I was filming with realized just how ticklish I was and wouldn’t untie me when the director called “cut.” She kept tickling me until I was panting and gasping and almost pissed my pants. I was hacked off but she and Terry (he’s the owner of the company as well as the director) and all the crew thought it was funny. Yeah, not so much for me though. But the biggest problem I have is they always strip me when I’m tied up. Just to my underwear, but even that’s bad enough. I guess I’m too modest or something. The first time it happened I objected, but Terry told me to grow up. ‘At least you don’t have to be naked,’ he’d said. ‘And besides, it’s only underwear.’ I also made the dumb mistake of wearing briefs the first time out. I switched to boxer briefs when I started high school, only wearing briefs to the gym or on a run or – as that day turned out to be – laundry day. But anyway, so there I was in nothing but my tight white briefs I’d bought at Walmart, with my hands tied over my head being tickled until I was practically hoarse. And then it got worse – because face it, it always gets worse – I boned up big time and it was embarrassing as fuck. For the rest of the day I had to put up with the crew calling me ‘boner boy’ and making cracks about my tented ‘tighty whities.’ After that first movie I made a point to always wear navy blue or black boxer briefs to the set. The first movie turned out to be a hit with the internet crowd. Terry offered me twice what I got for the first movie if I did a follow up and I said yes. Of course, what I didn’t know at the time was the majority of the fans were gay men. I had no idea what I was doing would have so much appeal to pervs. I agreed to a third movie and soon Terry talked me into signing a contract. And it’s that contract that was now holding up my new hockey career. Well, I’d just have to get out of the it. How hard could it be? I’d already made seven movies for them and that should be enough. Terry seemed pretty reasonable and I’m sure if I talked to him and explained my situation, it’d be no problem to get out of my contract. Boy, was I wrong! I decided to talk to Terry the day I was scheduled to shoot my next movie. I threw on a robe and went to his office. His door was open but he was on the phone. I knocked softly on the door jamb and he motioned me in, gesturing with his hand for me to take a seat. I sat down on the couch across from him and waited for him to finish his call. It wasn’t until he was off the phone that he told me he could see straight up my legs to my package. Shit, had he been checking me out the whole time? I knew he was gay, but he had a boyfriend so what was up with the roving eye? “What can I do for you, Colton?” he asked. “Look Terry,” I said, stammering a little. “I’m just going to be upfront about this. The Lightning are moving me up to the next level.” “That’s great,” he said, “but what does that have to do with anything here?” I sighed. “The new team is in Boston and they want me there next week.” “That’s going to tough,” he said. “You realize you signed a one-year contract and it’s only been four months so far.” “Yeah,” I said, “but I figure I’ve already made seven movies for you and today will be eight. That’s a lot. You’ve got other guys working for you, don’t you?” Terry nodded. “Yes, I do, but you’re our number one guy.” “I am?” I was surprised and, to be honest, a little flattered. “Yes, you are, but that’s not the issue here,” he said firmly. “You signed a contract and you’re legally bound to fulfill the terms of that contract. If you want to move Boston that’s your choice. I guess you can fly in for shoots.” “Yeah?” I asked. “You’d fly me in?” He laughed and shook his head. “No, you’d be responsible for your own airfare and lodging. This wasn’t going at all the way I’d expected. “Come on, Terry,” I pleaded. “I can’t afford that. Can’t you just let me out of my contract? Please? I’ve done everything you’ve asked even when it was humiliating as hell and I’ve never asked for anything.” “I think you’ve been paid fairly for your troubles,” Terry said, his voice sounded a bit clipped. “It’s not that,” I said, exasperated. “I just feel like a piece of meat sometimes. I didn’t know in the beginning what I was getting into and to be honest, I feel kind of dirty knowing there’s a bunch of fags out there getting off over it.” Terry sat up ramrod straight, took in a quick breath through his nose and pursed his lips. I cringed, figuring my use of the word ‘fags’ had taken it too far. But then he sighed and sat back. “Tell you what, Colton,” he said, and I was relieved he sounded so cool. “I’ll think about it. Why don’t you finish getting ready for the shoot, okay? I’ll make a few calls and let you know in a little while.” With that glimmer of hope I stood up to leave. Terry was picking up his phone to make a call when I left his office. “Close the door, please,” he requested. It was about forty-five minutes later when Terry walked up to me. “Good news,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “I talked to the producers and they’ve agreed to let you out of your contract after this movie.” “Really” I said. “You mean all I have to do is make this last movie and that’s it?” Terry nodded and I gave him a hug. “Thank you!” “But there’s a slight change,” he said as I released him. “Anything,” I said quickly, so happy. “What is it?” “Okay, you know in the opening scene when Pam knocks you out while you’re on the couch wearing those boxer briefs?” he said, and I nodded. “Well, you’re gonna be dressed instead. And then, after she knocks you out she’ll strip you and tie you up.” “Oh, okay. No problem. So I can get dressed, right?” “Not so fast,” Terry said. “Instead of what you’re wearing, I want you wearing white briefs.” My shoulders slumped. “Really? Tighty whities? Come on, Terry, they’re so fucking ga–” “Look Colton,” he said, interrupting me before I could stick my foot in it again, “you’re getting what you want. We’re releasing you from your contract almost eight months and sixteen movies early. I think this is the least you can do.” “You’re right,” I said. “I’m sorry.” “Okay. Let’s just forget about it,” he said. “I sent Paul out to pick up some briefs. We’ll start as soon as he gets back.” Now I was excited. A few more hours and I was done! Despite the money I got from doing these movies, they were pretty demeaning and I regretted ever signing that damn contract. Paul was back a few minutes later and handed me a three-pack of Tommy Hilfiger briefs. I took them and went back to my dressing room. I didn’t have breakfast so I stopped at the craft services table where – shit, I always forget his name – was setting out trays of pastries and sandwiches and stuff. “Hey, do you have any of that juice you had last time?” I asked, grabbing a sandwich and a napkin. “Yeah, but I haven’t brought it in yet,” he replied. “Give me two minutes and I’ll bring some to you in your dressing room.” “Thanks.” Once in my dressing room, I tossed the package of underwear onto one of the chairs and slumped onto the couch. Talk about a final humiliation. A few moments later there was a knock on the door and the craft services guy poked his head in. “Here’s your juice,” he said and handed me a big glass. I thanked him and took a drink before I opened the briefs and slipped on a pair. Hmmm… they were a lot softer than the ones I had and fit a helluva lot better, too. My dick is six inches or so when soft and I’ve got pretty big balls, but these briefs cupped them just right and made them feel snug and cozy. I checked myself out in the mirror and actually liked how they made my butt and package look. Nice. I shrugged and tossed the remaining two into my bag to take home. I finished dressing and then sat and waited for the call to go to the set, polishing off my sandwich and juice. I was texting my buddy when a production assistant knocked on the door and let me know they were ready. Normally I’m nervous before shooting, but I was feeling oddly calm as I walked onto the set. The way the scene was set up had me sitting on the couch watching TV while Pam snuck up behind me and knocked me out with chloroform. Terry always told me I ‘went out’ better than most people. Said I made it look authentic. That was probably the only thing I was proud of in doing these schlocky films. The set was basic: couch, coffee table, entertainment center, and bed. After Pam ragged me she would drag me to the bed, undress me and tie me up. “Okay, here’s the set up,” Terry explained. “You’ll be watching the game and you hear the door but you don’t turn to look. You just hold your empty glass up and ask Pam for another.” I noted the large tumbler on the coffee table as Terry continued. “Instead of a refill, she presses the cloth over your nose and mouth and… well, you know the drill.” I looked around but didn’t see Pam. “Where’s Pam?” I asked. “She had a phone call,” Paul explained. “She’s already been briefed about the new set up. She’ll be back in a minute.” I nodded and Terry asked if there were any questions. There weren’t any so he called for quiet on the set and told everybody to take their places. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, pleasantly surprised it was hooked up to cable, and tuned to ESPN. The Minnesota Wild were playing. Bonus! “And … Action!” All I had to do was sit and watch TV and as soon as the cloth was pressed to my face, struggle and pretend to pass out. No big deal. Since this was my last movie I’d make it look extra good and convincing. I picked up the glass to take a drink and noticed it was completely full. Why would the prop guy fill it all the way full when I’m supposed to be asking for a refill in about thirty seconds? What a fucking idiot. I sighed inwardly and began to drink it all down. I heard the door knob click and I quickly finished the juice. “Hey Pam,” I called out, my eyes not leaving the screen as Terry instructed, “get me a refill, will ya?” There was no response but I could hear footsteps approaching so I held the glass up for her to take, mentally counting down the seconds. One … two … Suddenly the cloth was clamped over my nose and mouth. What the – Something was different… wrong. The cloth stank and – oh fuck – was this real chloroform? I began to struggle. “Mmmpphh!!!!” I tried to twist away, but the hand pressed more tightly against my face. This couldn’t be Pam. I mean, she’s strong but this was definitely a man’s hand I was trying to pry off my face. What the hell?! I tried again to buck the guy off, but by now I’d gotten a good dose of the chloroform and was feeling a little light-headed. To make matters worse, another set of hands reached over the couch and grabbed my hands, restraining me. The hand holding the rag didn’t let up and I could feel myself getting weaker and more tired. Within a few seconds I was drifting out of consciousness. “Cut!” I vaguely heard. There was a pounding in my head, kind of like when you hold a seashell up to your ear, and I could barely move. “Is he still awake?” somebody asked as my eyelid was lifted. I tried to see who it was but I couldn’t focus. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. “Yes,” another voice said, “but he’s pretty out of it and will be for a few minutes. That should be enough time to get everything set up.” I felt my body being lifted and drag-walked from the couch to the bed, barely registering as two blue, diamond-shaped tablets were put in my mouth, a bottle of water held to my lips, and a hand stroked my throat, coaxing me to swallow the pills. Then I was eased onto my back. “What did you give him,” somebody – Kirk I think his name was – asked as he picked up the glass I’d dropped, sniffed it, and placed it back onto the coffee table. “G&T,” Terry replied and it sounded like he was smiling. “Ah,” Paul chuckled. “Gina and Tina: my two favorite ladies.” “Yeah, they’ll put him in the mood we want,” Terry further explained. “I made sure the juice he had in his dressing room was dosed with a little G just to chill him out. With what he just drank, he’s gonna be feeling really good in a few minutes, and in the movie he’ll look like a total team player–” “Yeah… catcher,” somebody else interjected and everybody began to laugh. I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t know who Gina and Tina were. The only girl I’d seen today was Pam, and it looked like she was gone now. Somebody began to unbutton my shirt. I looked up and the guy winked at me. “How ya feeling?” I shrugged my shoulder and smiled. “Excellent,” he said. I noticed commotion behind him and watched as crew members brought in a padded bench and what looked like a saw horse. Then they began to set up a big contraption that reminded me of my sister’s canopy bed, except there were chains hanging from it and a black hammock-looking thing. My shirt was pushed back off my shoulders and slid off. Then I felt my belt being unbuckled. I should’ve been panicked, but I was feeling warm and shiny. And a little amped. “What’re you doing?” I slurred as the button on my pants was undone and my zipper was pulled down. I felt like I was floating… and suddenly it was no big deal at all. I was hauled to my feet and held up by strong hands on both sides as my pants fell to my ankles. I opened my eyes and saw Terry coming over. What was happening? I tried to talk but couldn’t make my mouth work. Terry was in front of me now. He reached out and gave my nuts a squeeze through my briefs. My dick twitched. The hell?! “Okay guys,” he said, “let’s get his pants off.” They laid me back down on the bed, took off my shoes and socks and then stripped my pants off. I was naked now except for my underwear. “Unhhh…” I moaned as hands began to roam over my body. I began to arch into the sensations. Fuck, I was flying! “Yeah, he’s feeling it now,” Terry said. I was pulled back to my feet and held in place once again by a couple of the guys. Terry came over and stood next to me. He clapped his hands. “Gentlemen, your attention please!” he called out. The crew gathered around and I struggled not to sway. Terry rested a hand on the small of my back and as he began to speak he dipped his fingers beneath the waistband of my briefs and I felt his index finger trace the crack of my ass. “As you may have heard,” he announced, “Colton here is moving on to bigger and better things and this will be his last movie with us. You can see there’s been a bit of a change to the script, and we’ve changed the title as well. The new title is ‘Out With a Bang’ and I think it will be his best one yet.” There was a burst of laughter and then he continued. “Now don’t worry, you’ll all get your turn, so be patient.” He reached down and started stroking me through my briefs. I felt myself getting hard and I wanted to be shocked, but instead I groaned my pleasure.“Let’s get his underwear off and the cameras rolling, okay?”Somebody grabbed my face and shoved a cock deep in my mouth. More hands roamed all over my body and I started to feel really tingly. Something was I was carried back to the bed and watched as my briefs were tugged down, staring in fascination as my now fully erect dick bobbed up and then slapped my stomach. What the fuck? Why was I so hard? I was eased down onto my back. I was stark naked and spread eagle when a set of lips began to play with and nibble my nipples while a hand grabbed my cock and started to jerk on it. I moaned as another began to tug on my nuts. very wrong because no way in fuck would I ever feel this good about dudes touching me! I was lifted off the bed and brought to one of the padded wooden benches. I was tied in a way that had me down on all fours, but left my dick, ass and upper body exposed. Somebody got down under me and began to suck my cock. I tried to cry out again, but somebody yanked on my hair and another dick slipped between my lips and suddenly I was being face-fucked. I could hear voices all around me, but they seemed to all blend into one. Two small brown bottles were put up to my nostrils and I was forced to inhale from them. It felt like fireworks were going off in my head and my body began to vibrate with excitement. “Unnnnhhh…” I moaned, my voice still muffled by the dick in my mouth. My head was spinning round and round. I was given several more hits from those little bottles before they were taken away. The dick in my mouth slid out, only to be replaced by another, and the face-fucking started all over. The first guy hadn’t come, thank God, but the second guy did, almost immediately, and I found myself forced to swallow. The first guy was still there and he was furiously jerking off as he watched me being skull-fucked. Suddenly he yelped and shot his load all over my face! The cock in my mouth pulled out and yet another one took its place. There seemed to be a never-ending supply of dick filling my mouth. If cum wasn’t being shot down my throat it was being sprayed across my face or onto my body. Soon I was covered in cum, my own as well as others’. It was in my hair, up my nose, and in my ears. It was rubbed all over my body, smeared across my face, and even into my ass crack. Hand after hand pumped away at my dick, which was so hard. A finger coated with some kind of lubricant jabbed at my asshole and I squirmed in pain. Then a second finger joined it and began to stretch and pull. I don’t know how long they spent prepping me because whatever was in the brown bottles they kept shoving under my nose had me in a daze. The dick in my mouth suddenly slipped out and I turned my head to see Terry kneeling next to me. He was tying some kind of rubber tubing to my bicep like a tourniquet and then held up a syringe. He flicked it twice and injected it into my arm. I immediately began to cough and sputter and when the wheezing fit passed, I felt hands on my hips and something thick and blunt against my entrance. Oh my God… My hole was wet and slick and the dick thrust its way in. “Oh fuck!” I cried out as it pushed past the ring of muscle and I felt balls slap against my ass. It felt fucking fantastic! I wanted to cry out again, but a dick shoved its way into my mouth and all I could do was moan and take it. They fucked me and used me like they owned me. Then Terry took his turn, making sure to take his time. His cock raked over something inside me that made me quiver and moan and my already hard dick felt like it could cut glass. He laughed and kept aiming at the spot. He called me all kinds degrading names, and the rest of the guys, lined up and waited their turn, laughed and joined in on the name-calling. Terry pulled out and a moment later slid his finger back in. I felt a burning sensation and then – holy shit – I wanted to be fucked even more! I wiggled my ass and Terry smacked it – hard – before pushing back in with a vengeance. The fucking started all over again. In and out, in and out, in and out. It was nonstop for I don’t know how long. It seemed like every stroke was hitting that magic button inside of me and I couldn’t help but moan because it was feeling so fucking good now. I felt like some kind of cheap whore but I didn’t want it to stop! It felt so good to be fucked and I wanted more. I might have passed out a couple of times, but Terry made sure to keep me coherent. At one point he shot me up with the syringe again. By that time though, I’d lost track of how many cocks I’d taken in my ass and down my throat. The last thing I remember was Terry standing in front of me holding a white cloth. He covered my nose and mouth with it and held it in place until everything went black. I woke up in my own bed. I don’t know how much time had passed or how I’d gotten there. My head throbbed, my ass hurt, and my jaw felt like it was out of joint. I was covered in cum and wearing just the briefs I’d been given for the shoot. I crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I almost didn’t recognize myself in the mirror! My hair was all spiked up with what I assumed was dried cum and there was still more on me – not yet dried – that glistened on my face, neck, chest… shit, even under my armpits! I felt sticky and tacky all over. And my neck was covered in hickeys. I dropped to my knees and hurled into my toilet. My ass burned and I gingerly slid the briefs down. What the fuck? As I pulled the briefs away, grossed out at much cum was in them, I stared in shock. My pubes were gone. They shaved my crotch? What the holy fuck?! I staggered into the shower and turned the taps on full blast, letting the hot water wash all the jizz off me. I stood there until the water went cold before finally turning it off. I dried off, careful to avoid my dick, nuts, pecs and ass, because they were all red and sensitive. I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way slowly into the living room. There was a manila envelope next to my phone, wallet and keys on the coffee table. My name was scrawled across it. Inside was a DVD and a note. I unfolded the paper. ‘Colton – True to my word, I’ve torn up your contract. The DVD is a rough cut of your last movie. I think it’s some of your best work to date. If your hockey career doesn’t work out, there’s always a place here for you. The movie is only for a select few. However, I’ll release it to the public if you do anything stupid like go to the cops. Then, not only will it be uploaded to the internet, but I’ll send it to every team in the league as well as your family, friends and every contact in you phone.’ I picked up my phone. There were a couple of missed calls and a bunch of text messages from a number I didn’t recognize. I opened the first one: it was a clip of me begging to be fucked. I closed it in horror and opened the next: me being fucked in the mouth and ass. Shit. I was so screwed.
    2 points
  21. PART 12 As my breathing returned to normalcy and my heart rate slowly came down a little from my fuck high, the guilt started to come back. Three times now. Three loads of hiv cum I have in me now, in less than a week. What was I doing? Why? And even the answer to those questions left me troubled. I did it cuz it felt so good. I did it because after the times when sex had felt wrong or incomplete, it had all of a sudden been all consuming, the hottest experience of my life. Tom was like some sex god that brought out this need. I couldn’t stop thinking of the intense sense that I needed to get fucked - that I desperately needed to get fucked. And the only part I didn’t get is why I had also discovered how much I didn’t just want bareback sex, I wanted Tom to cum in me. He had offered to pull out even. I had asked him not to, even when I knew he was HIV positive. As Tom lay next to me, I think he sensed some kind of battle going on in my head. “What’s my sexy boy thinking about? He has a serious look all of a sudden,” he said gently. What did I say? I tried to think of some way to gloss over it all. Or joke. But then I just thought maybe he was the one guy I could actually talk to about it. “Tom, I don’t know... it’s just, well, until a week ago I was very careful when having sex. But when I met you it just happened so fast. I just ... it’s feels so good when you fuck me, but I am scared about HIV. Like every time, it just feels so good and I get so carried away and want you to cum in me. And...” I fumbled off. He was silent for a moment and then he looked at me and again in a gentle voice said, “So yeah, it has been a big week for you. Lots of firsts. This is a little complicated because I don’t want to tell you what to do here. But I do have some observations. I have been actively gay for many many years and have been with many bottoms. There are 'types' of bottoms. You are the type I call a total bottom, the kind of bottom who cums just from getting fucked. Total bottoms don’t just want to get fucked, they to get fucked. Now, I don’t normally meet guys your age anymore, so I didn't consider your relative inexperience, but then you weren’t completely inexperienced either. Last night and today, knowing I'm HIV positive, you came here. I didn’t chase you down. You came here presumably because the sex felt so good you needed more. For some people, the risk of HIV or living with it is worth it, because the need is so important.” I just nodded as he continued, “Another observation sexy boy, I gave you the choice. I offered to pull out. But you didn’t want me to. Why? Same thing: the need. I can see you fighting it and some guys fight it harder than others. But from my observation, most guys who start taking it bareback don’t stop, finding bareback sex addictive. For example, how would you answer these two questions? Can you imagine going back to using condoms and never feeling what we feel when we are having raw sex like we just did? And can you imagine never having the sensation and knowledge that another mans cum is coating your guts?” The last part Tom said in an exceptionally low and sexy voice. I was already getting hard again. He was so good at pushing my boundaries. I knew it would continue to cause me guilt and that it would take a while to come to terms with - if I ever could, but still what he had said, so much made sense even right then. I hadn’t been able to stay away for even a week. And I did it knowingly and even asked for his cum. And the part that made me braver and feel gulltier at the same time was this, I already wanted him to fuck me again. And I was totally already thinking of his cum shooting into me again. HIV loadnumber four, it would be. I looked down and the talk had had an effect on him too. I didn’t know fully what I wanted to say and knew at some point I would want to talk some more about it, but in the meantime I had something on my mind. And the need totally was overpowering the risk. “Tom, can you... will you cum in me again? Please?” I whispered. Tom just grinned and then leaned into mine and kissed me. I felt his hard cock poking into my torso, and knew I wouldn’t have to wait long to get what I needed.
    2 points
  22. PART 5 Everything went into overdrive and I felt a surge of lust go through me like I had never experienced. And my was throbbing yes, but my hole was spasming and just felt so, so... hungry. Tom looked down at me, “You like poppers Chris?” “Fuck this is so... oh my god,” was all I could get out. “You should see the way your hole is just going crazy. It looks so sexy convulsing like that," he remarked with a smile. “Please lick it again. I want to feel it so bad. My butt, it’s just, holy shit, I never felt like this before,” I sputtered. My entire focus seemed to be on my hole. I knew my dick was hard, but I didn’t care. I just needed his attention on my hole again. “Chris, I can’t lick it now, I put that lube on and it doesn’t taste that good.” He edged closer to me and handed me the bottle again. I automatically did two deep breaths in each nostril. I was just flying now. And he came in and pointed his rock hard cock, with precum dripping from its head, and slowly began rubbing my exposed hole with his cockhead. And oh fuck it felt good. I ground my ass against his cock, bucking and teasing, but he just teased back. He was so good at it, driving me further and further over the edge. The thought that he didn’t have a condom on registered but he wasn’t fucking me, so I dismissed it immediately. Besides, it felt so fucking good. He seemed to sense when the poppers started to fade and urged me on again. “Three hits, Chris. Three hits in each nostril. Or else, no more hole-rubbing,” he whispered. I wasted no time hitting each nostril with three deep pulls from my new friend, this little brown bottle. He went back to work teasing my hole as I writhed and tried to stay still, when it felt so good that I just wanted more. He was so subtle that I barely felt him increasing the pressure against my hole. And his teasing got more pronounced,as he focused on the center of my hole. Slowly and surely, he increased the pressure and it was now impossible to deny the gentle burrowing of his cock. But it was okay. He wasn’t fucking me. My breath was coming out in sharp gasps by now and it all felt so good. When he said “Four times, Chris. Four big hits on each side. Do it. Do it my sexy little boy,” I immediately complied. And I was already so spun. And those last hits broke my final will. I didn’t even realize it had happened til after it had happened. It was like my body made the decision for me. About thirty seconds after those four hits on each side, with his firm pressure against my hole and his cock already burrowing into my opening, I literally heaved myself up and impaled myself onto his cock. The head popped through my ring and two inches of hard raw shaft followed. He held me firm. I didn’t take anymore cock in me, but he wasnt gonna let me back off either. I half screamed and half moaned. The burn of pain in my ass subsiding already. “There’s my little bottom boy. I knew you’d show yourself. Such a tight hole. A hungry tight hole,” he whispered. And he was now working more of his cock in, pushing me to take it but not trying to hurt me. “Hit the bottle again sexy. Hit those poppers and let that little hole relax,” he murmurred. I know I did hit the poppers over and over,but lost count of how much each time. And by now there was zero denying that he was fucking me. His cock was sliding in and out and he worked it deeper and deeper. Nothing had ever felt this good. Then I remembered he wasn’t wearing a condom. “Tom, what about, what about condoms?” I got out between gasps. “I don’t have any sexy. Besides it feels so good like this. Skin to skin,” was his reply. And it did feel so good. And he was going even deeper and fucking me more aggressively and the poppers... I lost it. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Feels so good. So good. Big fucking cock so good,” I babbled. And then he was whispering in my ear, “Your hole is so hungry I can feel it, like you are pulling me inside you. I’m almost balls deep. You know what’s gonna happen when I am buried all the way inside you? I’m gonna cum. Deep up in you. And you are gonna let me aren’t you?” I was grunting and gave no sign of discouragement, but that wasn’t enough. He continued, “ Say it. Say it’s okay for me to cum inside you. I’m not gonna let you have it if you don’t ask for it.” I didn’t even think about it. I was facing a primal need that immediately rendered my decision. “Cum in me, Tom, I want you. Give my your load inside my ass," I managed to get out as he was so close to bottoming out in me. “Oh yeah, fuck yeah, I'm so close so close to filling your hole up with cum. Take it. Take that big dick. Earn that cum load,” he whispered. With a last hit if poppers, I finally blossomed and he sank that last bit into my boy hole. It hurt in that good way that instantly made me want to feel again again. He was delivering short hard strokes with the result he was balls-deep in my ass. "Oh fuck yeah. Gonna give it to you. Gonna fucking cum. Fucking fill you up. Yeah yeah FUCK YEAH, take that fucking load. Take that fucking hot cum. Oh, fuck,” he groaned in a deep voice. “Oh god. Oh god,” was all I could get out. Over and over. In the back of my brain I realized my torso was dripping with cum - a load I had blown, but which I somehow hadn't realized when I was actually cumming. The feeling of my hole being fucked so deeply had overwhelmed my orgasm. My cock hadn’t mattered compared to the ecstasy of my asshole. “Please stay in me,” I whispered. He looked down at me and announced "You are the sexiest boy I have ever fucked. I swear your hole NEEDED dick. And cum. It needed that too didn’t it sexy boy?” A s I started to come down, the alarms went off in my head. Holy fuck, this guy came in me. And it felt like he came a lot too. I had no idea if he was safe or anything. I slowly backed off his cock, which fell out of my hole with a plop. I was losing that fuck high quickly. How could I have lost control like this? Because he was so fucking sexy, I answered myself. And those poppers. It made me feel like I had to have his dick in me. My body needed it so bad it override my brain. I started to back off him and got up on very very shaky legs to find my clothes. I was a little embarrassed now that I had acted slutty and lost control and I had even asked him to cum in me. I asked him too! Apparently Tom could sense my developing freak and reassured me, “ Hey sexy, I know that was a lot at once. I am so happy I met you though. You are so hot. And I would love to do this again and again. It can be our secret, if you want. But I hope you want more. And the look in your eyes says you do.” By now I had my shorts and shirt on. I knew I had to ask. And I was so scared as I quietly asked “Tom, are you... are you safe?” He looked at me and patted the bed to sit down next to him, asking with a slight smile "Safe? What does that mean? Was I gentle not to hurt you? If that’s what you mean, yes. Or do you mean something else?” He was gonna make me say it. "Meaning HIV," came my whispered reply. “Chris, I want you to think about what we just did. Think about how much you liked it. How badly YOU wanted it to happen. How it just got better and better. Like you always dreamed man sex could be. And I have more to show you and more to share. And you will be back. Maybe in a day. Or a week. Or two. But you are gonna come back here for more man sex with me. And it’s going to be raw like now. And you will ask me to cum in you again. You will even beg. And to answer your question, yes I am HIV positive. And yes, you took a huge load of my cum.” His gentle smile never faded. I don’t remember my reply. It was all about getting out at that moment. I am sure I said goodbye as I left as quickly as I could. I stumbled on still rubbery legs to my place, extremely aware of the wetness in my hole and asscrack. His semen was slowly leaking out of me. I shut the door behind me and locked it, made it to my room and fell on my bed. My head was spinning. HIV positive cum was inside my ass. What was I gonna do? And then his speech at the end. As if I'd ever do that again! But as my thoughts continued to unfold for every ten fearful 'Oh fucks!', there was a long thought of the knowledge I had just had sex that was so amazing I didn’t even think it was possible. But there was no way I was ever doing it again. No way.
    2 points
  23. DP is hot, loved reading this. The first time I was double fucked I was not expecting it. I was at a sex party, about ten guys in the living area, with a mattress on the floor, thick carpets, fireplace, sound system and a couple of couches. Really nice set up. A top who had been fucking me on the mattress rolled off. The host appeared, holding a syringe, and inserted it into my hole. I was on my back, with my butt propped up on a pillow, so he had easy access. He explained that he was giving me a booty bump, a mix of water and tina. He didn’t stealth me, but he didn’t ask for permission, either, he just did it. Soon I felt an extra warmth in my hole and ass, it was a different sensation than other ways I’d taken it. Once he pulled out the syringe he played with my cock for a while, slowly stroking. We made out, him sticking his cock in my mouth, but making sure I stayed in position so everything was absorbed. After a while he took a set of heavy steel anal beads that I hadn’t noticed he had nearby and started to insert them, again just doing it, but explaining what was happening. I was really in his grip, and getting hornier and harder as all this went on. The sensation of the beads was awesome. He told me to get up and walk around, which I did, and again, the weight of them felt really good. The end of the string and the metal tab at the end dangled from my ass, and I liked being on display as I went around the room, with guys talking about the beads, touching me and a couple fingering my hole. After a while I went back to the mattress and he fucked me, as did several other guys, at his urging. The tops talking to each other about my hole as they penetrated me totally excited a primordial part of my brain. I was leaking precum like crazy, and one of them fed it to me. Later, when I was back on the mattress, enjoying the glow of drugs and sex, suddenly and without warning, THE HOST PULLED THEM OUT VERY HARD AND VERY FAST! Hot holy fuck, one of the most intense experiences ever. My entire ass as well as my hole were warm and throbbing. It didn’t hurt at all. Later, I was on top of a guy while getting fucked, kissing him. The host came up behind me, I felt something warm press against my hole, I opened up and and his 8-inch dick went in alongside the other one. No pain, just very full, and once everyone was settled the two got in to a rhythm of rutting my ass. It lasted a while, maybe 15 minutes. More deep pleasure, mentally and physically. Later, I wondered if he had planned the booty bump, beads and dp ahead of time, or just decided to take the opportunity. I suspect that he did intend it all, especially since he booty bumped me first. Knowing my submissive nature, he figured I would go along. And he was right.
    2 points
  24. The encounter is a true story of my first time visiting Slammer, a raunchy sex club in Los Angeles. My name is Josh. I’m 28 y/o, 5’9, 145 lbs, with a smooth and nicely toned body from regular hours spent at the gym. All in all I’m a decently attractive guy who had been introduced to partying back in 2014, and ever since then my sex life has never been the same. I tend to have binge episodes where I don’t have sex for months, only to have my sexual appetite and tension build up to the point of exploding, resulting in a night or two or weekend of sexual frenzy. I had not had sex for over 2 months and I was really feeling horny. There was a top fuck buddy of mine that I had played with regularly. His name is Mark, he’s about late 40’s, fit and friendly white guy. He lived in downtown Los Angeles, had his own apartment, and he was always generous with his favors. In the past he had hosted me many times for some fun long sessions, and with my building horniness reaching a peak I messaged him asking what he was doing. After waiting a short while, he responded saying he could be free after 7 PM and that I should come over. At this point my hunger and anticipation had built to a climax and I prepared for the long night ahead by showering, putting on a black jockstrap under khaki shorts and a black tank top that fit just right to show off my lean body. I also put my laptop and chargers into a bag and drove the 20 minutes over to his place. When I got to Mark’s place he let me into his apartment and greeted me in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, barefoot, having just showered. He stood just slightly shorter than me, white-gray hair sparsely covering his toned pecs down to his lightly muscled stomach. He led me to the bedroom where there was a nice clean queen size bed with pillows, a closet with sliding door mirrors, and a TV facing the bedroom. I put down my belongings and immediately took off my tank top. “So can I offer you anything to drink or anything…?” He asked me, looking at my smooth body and smiling. I knew the game. He knew what I wanted and I didn’t hesitate to ask: “Could you smoke with me a little bit while I get comfortable?” I smiled bashfully as I asked – and when he heard my question his smile widened into a big grin. “I’d be happy to oblige. In the mean time while I get ready, why don’t you go ahead and pick out a movie.” Mark motioned to the DVD collection on the TV stand, and left me to go rummage in the closet for his supplies. His movie collection was extensive and I saw many of my favorite Treasure Island Media films as well as other bareback porn films. I chose one and popped it into the DVD and started it, just as he returned to me holding a little glass bong. Mark looked me in the eyes as he lit the torch and started to heat up the crystals inside. I watched intently as little wisps of smoke began to rise from the small hole in the bowl, at which Mark looked at me and nodded for me to go ahead. He held the bong pipe to my lips as I slowly and steadily began to inhale; slowly and steadily I heard the light bubbling as I inhaled, seeing the white smoke pass through the bong, through the pipe, and feeling it entering my lungs. I focused on keeping the bubbling at just the right amount, not too much and not too little. I had so much sexual frustration built up over my dry spell that when he started to pull the torch away from the bowl I motioned for him to keep going. A look of surprise and pleasure came on his face as he continued to heat the crystals, resulting in a huge hit. After holding in that first huge hit, I blew out the first initial cloud and it engulfed us, and I quickly went back to the pipe and inhaled whatever was still left burning. Almost instantly I felt the rush, a sense of clarity and an acuity that could only come with the crystal. I also became even hornier. “Wow, what an impressive lung capacity. Now about that drink, why don’t you keep smoking while I go prepare you some Gatorade with G. How much do you take again?” “1.5 mL usually but give me 2 this time. I want you to really party me up and make me submissive.” He nodded, smiling, and headed to the kitchen. I didn’t smoke like he had told me to, but instead, slipped off my shorts and stood facing his mirrored closet door admiring my smooth muscled body wearing only the black jockstrap. I looked really hot like that and the Tina was making me feel extremely sexy and horny. Mark returned with two small glasses, one for him and one for me, smiling as he took a moment to observe my new state of undress. He handed me the glass and said cheers, and we downed the drinks. He then motioned to hand him the pipe and the torch, and he began to take a nice big hit of his own; at the end of his inhale he motioned me to lean forward and he shotgunned his hit into my mouth, which I took in completely. He put one of his other hands around the curve of my smooth ass, giving it a slight squeeze, before nodding to me and lighting the pipe again, holding it out to me. Again he gave me a huge hit, making me inhale lightly and steadily until my lungs were filled with that white smoke. “Good boy” he murmured after I blew out the massive cloud. “You want me to really party up your hole, Josh?” Mark asked me, smiling at me. I nodded yes, feeling the high of the tina starting to take hold of me and unleash the submissive bottom I am inside. “Okay, why don’t you go ahead and get on the bed, on all fours. I’m going to prepare you a nice big booty bump to really teach your hole its purpose.” I got on the bed on all fours, facing away from him, with my back arched, as I heard him rummage with his supplies. Soon enough he had a needleless syringe ready with Tina. “Is that water with Tina?” “It’s about 0.3 grams of Tina dissolved in my spit. Now face forward and let me open you up.” I faced forward as I began to feel his tongue against my hole, probing. He spat once, twice, three times in succession. I love when a top spits on my hole, making it nice and wet. He ate out my ass, taking breaks only to tell me what a sweet tight smooth hole I had. After my ass felt nice and wet from his spit, he told me that he was going to bump me, and I felt the syringe being inserted into my ass with ease. “Are you ready?” He asked me. I nodded, and felt him push the liquid into my hole; a mildly burning sensation immediately followed, and he withdrew the syringe. “Now just hold that position for a little bit.” I stayed in that position, head down, ass up, with the booty bump slowly absorbing into my system. He came back with a moist towel to wipe my hole with, before he continued rimming my hole. With his tongue, he again made it nice and wet, and suddenly, it all hit me. The booty bump was the key to the locked room where I kept my submissive slutty bottom side hidden, and suddenly that door was opened. I felt so good, his tongue against my hole, his hands squeezing and grabbing my ass. I wanted him in me and I spread my knees even farther on the bed, reaching back to spread my cheeks as far as I could, and I exclaimed “oh God I can feel the booty bump and the G. I want you inside me.” With that, Mark turned me over onto my back and put a cylindrical pillow under my ass, elevating it. He handed me a bottle of poppers and said “those are brand new poppers so they should be especially strong.” He then ate out my ass some more as he looked straight into my eyes, my feet in the air, my hands holding them back as I looked at this guy who had his tongue in my ass, making me feel all sorts of pleasure. But I was too horny and high to be satisfied with a mere rim job. I needed his big white cock in my hole and I needed it bad. “Please, spit on my hole and fuck me raw with your spit as lube.” Mark smiled at that comment and stood up, slipping his cock out from the Bike white jockstrap he was wearing. “Well, since you asked so nicely…” he replied as he positioned his hard cock against my hole, sliding it up and down. I immediately unscrewed the cap of the poppers bottle and alternated 2 hits each nostril, - big hits, big inhales that created a beautiful sound of air passing over the bottle opening, and I held my breath to keep it all in after the last hit. I capped the bottle and then resumed holding my legs back, looked straight up into Mark’s eyes and said “please fuck me with your big white cock.” As I exhaled I could feel him begin his push in- the warmth from the poppers hit me and immediately I felt the wonderful lightheadedness and relaxed and openness feeling. It mixed with the G and the T I had taken and I was fully realized – I was now the slutty submissive bottom that I was meant to be. I looked up, taking it all in as he stared back into my eyes as he pushed his big 7” thick cock into me. With only his spit as lube, he managed to get it all in, and the feeling of fullness was more pleasurable than anything in the world. I responded by pulling my legs back more, further exposing my hole, and I looked up and with the high of the poppers and G and T enabling me, I said “please fuck me Sir.”
    1 point
  25. The Glastonbury Swim Team 1. Drake’s Wet I was accepted on a swimming scholarship to a small, picturesque New England college. Any story that begins: I was accepted on a swimming scholarship to a small, picturesque New England college, you just know at some point is going to turn into some Stephen King, fifty shades of crazy, tale of terror. Well, this one’s no exception, just not in a Stephen King sort of way. Banana pajama pants crazy, yes, but not a horror story, well, whore story, yeah, that’d be about right. I’m Kyle Dupree. Hi. How are you? My stats, to start, because that’s what I had to fill out on my college application: nineteen (I was held back one year before they diagnosed me with ADHD because it’s hard for me to pay attention for any long stretches of time, but I’m not dumb, quite the opposite), five ten, one forty-five. “Beanpole,” Jacob calls me. Jacob’s one of the quicker wits in our trailer park. He’s dating my mom and he’s nice enough to her, so there’s that. Hair: brown, short, spikey. Eyes: yes, I have them. Okay, my mom says they’re the color of freshly cooked maple. What she means is that they’re amber brown with little specks of gold in the right light. Nationality: you want them all? Alright, application sez: Native American, Belgian, Polish, German, Dutch, English and French Canadian. In other words a garden variety New England mutt. I put them in that order since I thought I’d have a better chance at getting a scholarship. I was right. If you want to know the truth, though, I should’ve put them in the exact reverse order, because I’m mostly French Canadian, eh, but if it’s good enough for Elizabeth Warren (the Abenaki people in my case—and I am damn proud of that, one sixteenth proud) it’s good enough for me. For those of you taking notes for a guaranteed A+ History paper (and you should), the indigenous Abenaki people covered a huge swath of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine and have been here for like twelve thousand years. The one tattoo I have is a dream catcher, that was before everyone and their lesbian sister got one. But mine was one of the first. I got it from Dash, who’s this old biker dude who lives in the second trailer from the park entrance, three down from our double-wide, at his kitchen table. I bartered for it, smoked some clouds with him, then let him diddle me on his couch before he picked up his tattoo gun and went at my ribcage in his kitchen. He’d been giving me blow jobs since I can’t remember, but this once I let him finger my hole while he sucked my dick, which the way he did it felt weird—like in, out, in, out, real fast—but still kinda felt good, but I’d rather it wasn’t Dash, but I let him do me anyway like that till I spurted in his craggily-face mouth of his. Other stats that weren’t on my application—because if you’re any kind of perv like me you’d want to know: seven and a half inches, uncut, smooth but with dark hairy legs, swimmer’s build (obviously) and short black pubes that I clip, dark wispy pits, and a little bit of dark peach fuzz on my tailbone that eases down the road between two perfectly shaped round, white boulders. See, I knew you’d want to know. So anyway, like I was saying, Dash got up to his second knuckle of his middle finger in my butthole. I acted like that was crazy deep, but I’d taken big cucumbers way deeper than that since dinosaurs roamed, I just didn’t tell him. Or anyone else, like when mom, Jacob and I were eating our dinner salad with a freshly sliced aforementioned cucumber. Washed, of course. My mom’s a nurse at the county hospital so there were a lot of anatomy books around the house when I was growing up, and I was a curious kid. I was fascinated by the human body, mine and others. Most of the kids in Cozy Meadows, our little trailer park in the sticks, weren’t allowed to play with me after a certain age because I not only played doctor with them, I played specialist: urologist, gynecologist, proctologist, you name it, I became an expert in the field. I didn’t really care that I was shunned in Cozy Meadows. I’d seen what I wanted to see, felt what I wanted to touch. I moved on. Cozy Meadows was close to this lake and for most of the year I’d swim endlessly, taking Waldo, our family’s chocolate lab, with me. He and I would swim across the lake to the side where all these older men used to hang out, sunning naked on a pebbly beach. Waldo was both a good way to break the ice with these old guys—never was any younger guys my age—and at the same time, if I didn’t want to talk to one of them, Waldo kinda sense it and would give a low grumble, and they’d high tailed it. So anyway, I got to know a fair number of these men, and them me. I was technically a virgin when I left home, technically—I liked getting my dick sucked and I didn’t mind returning the favor, but I didn’t like anyone touching my butthole. That was my domain. Dash was probably the only human that had gotten finger deep. Cucumbers and zucchinis fared much better. The school where I got my swimming scholarship was about two hours away from us. Jacob, who lived at the end of the cul-de-sac but was always at our house, drove me in his old rusty red Ford pickup, Waldo in the back with my one suitcase, and my mom scrunched between me and the gear shift. It’s a hot day as we drive down out of the mountains to the flatlands; the temperature rises another ten degrees by the time we hit the college town. Mom’s trying not to cry. Close to the school we pass a circus setting up in a grocery store parking lot. “Look, honey,” she says to me, “a carnival,” but she loses it when we pass through the school gates, and her misty-eyes turn to real silent tears. I get out of the truck in front of my dorm and grab my suitcase. Waldo tries to get out of the truck but I push him back behind the tailgate. He just looks at me and doesn’t know why he can’t go with me. I give him a big hug, my mom, too, and shake Jacob’s hand but, at the last minute, he pulls me in and gives me a big ol’ Jacob bear hug. And then they drive off, exhaust spewing black smoke out the tailpipe, Waldo shouting out barks from the back of the rusty Ford. My forehead’s sweating from the late summer day, and I look up at Hannaford Hall, this six-story, ugly beige cinderblock monstrosity, and spot the top floor where I’ll be living for the next school year. I almost didn’t get in at the start of the school year because I’m a fuckup when it comes to paperwork and deadlines, and rules in general. I was supposed to get some meningitis shot but I forgot, but my mom pulled strings at work and got me a shot the week school started. I got the form filled but I missed all that first days orientation shit. ‘Plunge into the deep end and see if you come up’ has always been my way. I was already in trouble with the coach because the swim team warmups started a week before school did. Anyway, I’m used to being a fuck up and feel like I’m always in trouble anyway, so what the fuck. They weren’t going to take away the scholarship from me. The only sticking point was that I had to try out for a slot on the water polo team. Swim season was in the spring, water polo in the fall. I didn’t know from fuck what water polo was. Sound ritzy, Jacob said at dinner while I was looking over my financial papers, doubt it’s a game for folks like us. Anyway, across the street there’s a nicer dorm. Hannaford Hall looks like some backwoods bunker hospital but Avery Beckwith Hall looks like something that exploded out of an architect’s brain. All angles of metal and glass, overhanging study rooms, electric sliding glass doors. Everyone there, I read in the school’s brochure, lives in five bedroom suites, but it was for the richer kids. Lot of them had their own room. Then there were the townhouses down the road at the school’s gates, but they were for upper classmen. Some of them housed twenty-one year-olds so they could legally have alcohol, but what did I care, I had a jar of gen-u-ine Micky-G’s moonshine in an old glass jar that Micky-G had given me himself as a going-away-to-college present; and some mighty pure crystal from Dash, the biker-tattoo artist, my finger-pumping mentor; and homegrown weed from Jasper, who was Jacob’s younger brother that lived in the backwoods in an honest-to-god teepee and farmed the best pot around, well, good for Vermont I guess. His farm was patrolled by these fuckin’ huge-ass geese who were nasty motherfuckers if they didn’t know you. Even if they did know you, you always had to keep your eye on where they were. Both Waldo and I more than once had them sneak up on us. Getting goosed by a goose is not my idea of fun. Anyway, he gave me a nice supply of his best buds. And then while I was packing, Jacob slipped me a carton of reds, which was very cool of him, ‘cause I know he’d catch grief if my mom found out. I told you she was a nurse. And me on a swimming scholarship. But that’s Cozy Meadows in a nutshell. We don’t think too much about the future. We concentrate on the pleasures of the now. So I walk in the entrance, push aside these heavy-ass metal glass doors, and inside it’s really air-conditioned cool. There’s this guy with a name tag that says Raf, a good-looking dark-skinned guy, who checks out my paperwork, sees I’m on a swim scholarship like him. He gives me a swipe card for the door, a crooked smile, and tells me I’m on the top floor with a guy name Drake Chadwick. We get to talking and I find out Raf’s the goalkeeper on the water polo team and a R.A., which means resident assistant, meaning free board and room. He’s like a concierge, he says. I tell him I have no fuckin’ clue to what that is. He says if I want something just ask. Cool. He’s a junior, polysci major. I tell him I’m a freshman, majoring in English I think. He says most of the swim team are sophomores, and live across at Avery Beckwith Hall. A couple juniors and seniors live together in one of the townhouses. He says he’ll introduce me to some of the team at dinner. Raf has a funny way of talking, like English is his second language or something. Well, it’s time for me to go up and meet ol’ Drake Chadwick. Raf and I shake hands, and I go up in the elevator. But I got to tell you, I get kinda nervous in elevators. I’m not used to them, see. You’re in this tiny cage and that kind of freaks me out. So my hearts beating, and six dings later I’m on my floor. The hallway’s hot and stuffy. I’m holding my swipe card in my sweaty palm walking down the hall looking for 6G. It’s at the end of the hall and I put in my card and it clicks and I push open the door, and there’s Mr. Drake Chadwick on his bed, holding a Maxim in one hand and jacking his big banana cock in the other. Just as I come in he’s spitting a huge load of dick juice all over his magazine and himself. He tries to stifle a fuck! then flails around with his jeans down around his ankles trying to get them up, struggling to not look like a spaz, but I’m sorry, it’s funny, and I start laughing hysterically. He has this totally embarrassed, humiliated look on his face, sees it’s hopeless to remedy the situation, and rolls over to his side hiding his face against the cinderblock wall and kinda starts groaning, pained, but chuckling. I close the door so no one else sees this, and I stand there admiring his perfect, white bubble butt that’s on its side jiggling in an embarrassed snigger. A nice light brown fuzz of butt hair outlines these two muscly white, perfect cannonballs. He can’t look over at me yet. He’s just staying there, tucked to the wall. He reaches up and takes his pillow and pulls it over his head. I find that I am suddenly in love with good ol’ Drake Chadwick. I want to go over and either kiss that big round ass of his or smack it. Maybe I’ll do both. All I know is I want it, wanna stick my tongue in letting it butterfly between his fuzzy crack, but I feel introductions are necessary first. “I’m Kyle,” I tell him, “and you must be Drake. My friend Jacob says you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And I gotta say, dude,” I tell him while I’m setting my suitcase on the empty bed, “you have made one hell of a first impression. Can’t think how to top it.” He finally flips over giving me another sight of his big wanger and low hangers, struggling to get his underwear over his still hard cock and Donkey Kong balls, carefully zipping up his fly so he doesn’t catch himself. Man, the bulge is still showing through his khaki shorts, I see. That eggplant ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. He sits up in bed, pulls down his black Mario Brothers t-shirt over his chest, which was pulled up while he was whacking. Sitting on the bed’s edge, I realize what a beefcake ol’ Drake Chadwick is. He’s this very pretty, very big boy, six foot something hunched on his bed, big feet wiggling in flip-flops, innocent looking face, wide lips breaking into a shy smile, a mop of golden brown hair, with large fluffy brows arching up asking for forgiveness or at least understanding. Come to the wrong place, bub. He’s got this cuddly teddy bear face that should have little black buttons for eyes but instead are dark chocolate brown, and cheeks that are all ruddy red like he’s been crying or just ran a marathon. I go over to extend my hand and he extends his. He doesn’t see it yet, but there’s a jiggling pool of cum slopped on the crook between his thumb and forefinger. I grab his fist and tightly embrace it. I bring that crook up to my mouth, angling it so he sees his wad’s just about to drip off the side. I stick out my tongue, let the spooge fall in, and audibly slurp it up. Two can play at first impressions. *** Drake tells me on the way to the cafeteria that he’s a second year. He worked all summer but didn’t have the bucks to afford Avery Beckwith with the other guys. Besides, he says, he’s found of cinderblock. I meet most of team already sitting around the table in the cafeteria as Drake and I bring our food trays over. Raf’s there eating a heaping of vegetables and rice, while everyone else is either scarfing down Sloppy Joes or cheeseburgers. Drake makes introductions around the table as we settle in: Kenworth Paxton (head nod), Marlon Reznor (head nod), Tommy Durkheim—“hi,” he squeaks—Trent van der Haus—“just House,” House says, reaching over the table to shake—and Steve Reynold. Steve Reynolds looks up from his phone for a nanosecond and then goes back down. I say, hey, to the table. I’ve already forgotten their names. “So, Dupree, you-you-you trying out for water polo to-to-to-tomorrow?” Paxton stutters horribly next to me. He’s blondish, my size, wide shoulders, prominent chin, and has three deep nasty looking scars on his left cheek. He blinks his eyes forcefully to get out a whole sentence. “Yeah,” I tell him. “Don’t know if water polo is my game, but I’m a fast swimmer.” Then this Marlon Reznor guy, who has a scruffy little chin beard, says with a heavy southern drawl that’s so thick it’s almost comical, “What’s y’alls event?” Reznor’s a little shorter than me, bulkier, and like Paxton, has sandy blond hair. In fact, everyone at the table except for Raf and Drake is somewhere on the blond spectrum. Aside from Raf, I’m by far the darkest at the table, then Drake, and then you could easily confuse Paxton, Reznor, Durkheim, House, and Reynolds as all being the same guy: all blondish hair, broad shoulders, high cheekbones, straight pearly teeth, tan, and privileged. Raf hasn’t said a word. He just sits quietly eating his veggies, studying all the blonds, quizzically. Looks at me that way, too. I can’t tell if he’s like Middle Eastern or Black; could be both. He’s got extremely buzzed black hair, big brown eyes, a broad nose with flaring nostrils, and thick dark lips that occasionally flash an absurdist’s smile when he thinks no one is looking. He’s around the same size as everyone around the table but has huge hands, whose fingers reach out and twirl the straw in his ice tea. “Dunno what my event is. Coach’ll have to tell me.” I chow down on my first burger. “No pool where I come from. School was a one room deal and that was it,” I say chewing at Reznor. He and Paxton look at me kinda pitifully, which pisses me off, but I just grin, gnawing some curly fries on my molars. “Hey, it was great. I had the same teacher, Mrs. Duckworth, from kindergarten to twelfth grade.” My teacher’s name makes the guys laugh, but it doesn’t faze me. “There was a lake I swam in, but we also had this quarry where this stoner guy, Jasper, taught me diving from off the cliffs.” I gobble down a few more curly fries. “First time I tried out for anything was here at this college. My mom’s boyfriend pushed me and I said why not. Coach said I was a natural but needed a lot of training. But what do I know?” I say and finish my first of three burger. I see Steve Reynolds, who’s in shorts and wearing a Glastonbury College sweatshirt, its hoodie pulled over his head, text something in his phone, and then a second later Reznor’s reading something on his. Reznor types something back. They both exchange a sly grin. Jerks. Suddenly there’s two large hand clasping my shoulders, giving them a tight squeeze. “How you men getting along?” Speaking of coach, Coach Brandon had snuck up behind me, the one who said I was a natural, and was kneading my taut shoulders muscles, quizzing the table. “These knuckleheads giving you a hard time?’ They all snicker. “Nah,” I say back over my shoulder, picking up a couple of fries and scarfing them down. “Just the usual poking and seeing what’s under my skirt.” I gotta tell you, I’m trying to act as casual as I can, but coach rubbing my shoulders like this is giving my pecker a little stir, especially when I look up in his face. He looks around forty, has on a tight fitting blue sweater, hugging these enormous pecs and massive shoulders. The sweater’s color sets off his fluorescent blue eyes. He’s bigger and fitter than any of these bozos, still has a slim waist, salt and pepper hair, big blue eyes—I guess I said that—he could like be the dad of any of these guys. Well, I guess not Raf. Well, on second thought, seeing as how they both share this same lopsided smile, maybe they could be related. Raf brightens when he sees coach. “Kyle was schooled in a one-room schoolhouse, just like I was," Raf informs coach. I look at Raf surprised. “Yeah?” I say. “Where?” “Botswana.” I’m taken aback. I’ve never met anyone from another country, and I have no idea where Botswana is. “A little game reserve on the Kalahari Desert,” he says. “An area called Deception Valley.” “Deception Valley, eh? No shit? I love it,” I say sipping my diet coke. Coach is still hanging onto my shoulders. If he doesn’t stop massaging me soon I’m not responsible for the stiffy percolating in my jeans. “Hey, Rafiki,” Reznor says, “y’all went to a little red schoolhouse like Dupree?” The others giggle. I interject, “Well, mine was actually a little brown schoolhouse.” “Mine was a brown grass hut,” Raf retorts. We exchange conspirator’s smiles. “A game reserve. For real, Raf?” Drake says. “I knew about Botswana, but I didn’t know about the game reserve.” “Yes. I grew up with families of giraffes, and cheetahs, prides of lions,” says Raf. He looks pointedly at Reznor. “Jackals.” The guys all laugh. Reznor puts on a sarcastic sneer. “Hyenas, too, I bet.” He looks at the guys who were laughing and are now back chewing their burgers. “Play nice, men,” Coach Brandon scolds. “Listen: I want you to hit the sack early tonight. Seven a.m. tryouts tomorrow and I want you all locked and loaded when you arrive. Got it?” He looks around the table meaningfully. “Locked and loaded.” All the guys look down guilty-like for no reason I can make out. They all nod sheepishly. I glance up at coach who gives me a wink, and he’s off. Swear to God, he packs a lot in one wink. I sip to the bottom of my soda until it makes a loud empty gurgle. I ask the guys, “So what’s he mean by ‘locked and loaded’?” There’s a long pause, until Tommy Durkheim, the youngest of the group, peeps, “We all have to wear these…” “If you make the cut,” interrupts Trent van der Haus, taunting in his rich baritone, “you’ll find out soon enough. But you got to make the cut first, Dupree.” He’s the blondest on the table’s spectrum. His green eyes sparkle like a cat’s. The guys all look at each other covertly. “O-kay,” I say nonplussed, curious but not willing to show it. I look to Drake and Raj for their input, but they’ve clammed up too. “I’m getting another diet soda. Anyone else want a refill.” There’s a cloud over the table now. “O-kay then, just one diet coke.” I get up. Tommy breaks the silence. “Diet cokes makes you gay,” he says looking up quickly at me, then back down at the table. I guess I’m looking at him quizzically, because he adds quickly, “That’s what Reznor says.” Renzor rolls his eyes. “I didn’t say diet coke makes you gay, dick-wipe. I said it makes y’all look gay.” “Hmm,” I say considering the statement while I scan the table nodding my head. Tommy’s studying something interesting in the catsup on his plate. Renzor looking at me challengingly. Paxton and van der Haus are looking at me expectantly. Steve Reynolds head’s down under his hoodie, texting away. Raf’s sitting back stirring his tea with his straw. Drake is caught mid-chew, and has one eyebrow raised at me. “’Funny,” I finally say, “‘cause I was gay a long time before I drank my first diet coke.” Steve Reynolds stops texting and looks up. I leave the silent table behind for the soda machine. When I get back everyone’s gone. I’m not too surprised. I slurp on my soda playing with a second plate of fries. I scan the almost-empty cafeteria. There’s some overweight girls with multi-colored hair in one of the booths, each one quietly texting on their phones. A few tables away, two nerdy guys in matching black-rimmed glasses stare and occasionally type into their laptops. The older lady cafeteria workers in hairnets and white smocks are clearing salt and pepper shakers, refilling napkin dispensers, and wiping down tables. Some of the lights around the serving trays are being switched off. It’s quiet except for the steely stream of cold air coming out of the AC vents, and an occasional “oh my god” coming from the booth of multi-colored hair girls. I take out my flip phone, the one my mom gave me today as a present. I bring up the only number I have stored besides hers and Jacob’s. u there? I type. I get back, yes. I think about Jasper, the goose guy. I think about his weed in my suitcase. 420? I type. There’s a pause, then yes pops on the screen along with a smiley face. I’m a little sad, this being my first night not living at home anymore. Knowing Waldo won’t be sleeping on my bed. A little scared, too, if you want to know the goddamn truth. But the biggest thing, more than anything else I’m feeling? I’m very, very horney. I type in: can i suck ur dick? There’s a really long pause. I’m waiting, finishing my drink. One of the nerds at the other table closes his laptop and reaches across the table for the other nerd’s hand. They clasp hands as an old red-headed cafeteria lady reaches over them and grabs their napkin dispenser. Finally Drake Chadwick, the third number in my contact list, texts me back: f i cn suck u2. *** Micky-G’s moonshine in a canning jar sits between me and Drake out on the lawn behind the library half finished. When I got back up to the dorm it was way too hot to stay in the un-air-conditioned room. The fan did nothing but blow around hot humid air. Avery Beckwith Hall has AC, as do the townhouses, but not good ol’ Hanniford Hall. So I take my reefer, my pipe, Mickey-G’s canning jar, and my roommate, and we traipse down behind the library. It’s dark and the entire night sky is spread out above us. It’s cloudless and there’s no moon, so we have billions of blinking lights outlining our dark shapes. I warn Drake that you don’t need much of Micky-G’s to get a buzz going. And you’ll definitely hurl if you drink too much. And here, take a hit of Jasper’s herb. You get a good balance between the two of them. I don’t think Drake is that familiar with either weed or hooch ‘cause he’s only taking small hits, imbibing on both minimally, and looks, in the dim light, pretty unstable. Me, too, but it’s not my first rodeo, muchacho—hooch, herb, or hombre. Drake falls back taking in the sky and pointing at small shooting stars along the horizon, wordless. I see them too, but it’s him I’m admiring. The enhancements help, but right now, looking at his silhouette, his long nose, the rise and fall of his chest, his sharp chin jutting into the shadowy outline of the Juniper bush, he’s the enhancement I want. I’m horney and happy and nicely roasted. I lean over and kiss him. He’s startled but not unwilling. He’s melting into the grass with me leaning over his face. I sense he’s never had another man kiss him before and, curiously, he draws his finger over the stubble of my nine o’clock shadow. For such a big hunk, his face is soft, smooth, his lips downy. I pass my tongue through his lips and he’s awash in a dreamy, smoldering passion. He’s warm and responsive to everything I’m doing to him. I reach up under his black t-shirt and feel his strong, smooth chest, his racing heart, stroke through the damp hair under his pits. I smell him. He’s between the musk of a freshly run mile and freshly laundered clothes. He’s the good son still, I can tell, but with every kiss, parts of his younger, innocent self wash away. I undo his shorts and slide them down to his knees, then pull down his checkered boxers. He tells me the grass is cold. Only for a minute, I say, and go down on his very hard cock. I can tell I could get him off in a few seconds if I really went at him, but I want it to last and just trace my tongue along his shaft, licking, outlining, every now and then wrapping my lips around his knob, pulling down his foreskin, swirling over his head, tasting bits of smegma buried deep in the bottom of his ridges. I have a white flake on my tongue and kiss him with it. If he wasn’t high he might have been revolted, but like me, in our ardor, it’s something that turns us both on. He’s into it and is clamoring to get into my jeans. I let him. All he has to do is unsnap a few buttons and he’s in. I’m good and stoned, and, yeah, the grass is cold, dewy, and the individual blades of grass astonish my tickled crack, but not more than the feeling of Drake’s hand running over my erection. This boy is good and goes straight in for the killshot, almost making me cum the first time he goes full-Nelson on my pecker. He peels the skin down my shaft, exposing my head. I have a lot more foreskin than he does, and he’s much cleaner than I. I’m trash and I know it and I revel in it. But I’ve a mom that’s a nurse and she’s reined me in. Mostly. His first taste of dick cheese, if I’d had my way, would have packed a lot more punch, but since he’s this great big one-eighty pound virgin, I guess he’s better off with just a hint of rankness. Anyway, we slip into a sixty-nine and he’s dripping and oozing like he needs a plumber and I’m there to lap it up. I’m sure I’m leaking too. He just taste so fucking good, the hooch and the pot say so anyway. I can’t get enough of his big bent dick and he’s acting on the same impulses. First he climbs over me, his giant rod angling over my face. My neck’s pulled back to look up at it, in a perfect position to thrust it deep down my throat. Between his legs, his furry balls dangling, I see the heavens and shooting stars as he slides his shaft into my mouth. Over time I’ve gotten good at deep throating. Practice from cucumbers, bananas, and countless men at the lake. He’s a challenge being so big, but with big challenges come even bigger pleasures. That big cock slides down my throat and ends with his dark pubes stuck up against my nostrils. He smells and tastes of soap, but the longer I spend nursing his huge cock, it starts to meld into that special scent and taste of a man. His acrid crack slowly pushes and grinds its way towards me. I don’t think he knows he’s doing it but his ass crack is coming into shadowy view. His dick pops out of my throat and before he or I even realize it, my tongue is buried between his two smooth white cheeks. I reach my hands up and feel the flexing of his muscled ass. I squeeze them and sense the conflict between what he wants and what he’s afraid to ask for. I pull his cheeks apart and settle that conflict with my tongue, riding deep into the valley to find his hole. He lets out an audible gasp as my mouth covers the entrance to the Drake I want to get to know. I dart my tongue inside and he lets out a fuck into the night air, in the dark, behind the library. We’re shadows writhing in shadows, him riding my face. There’s only the slightest of movements, we’re dark statues frozen on the lawn, the only unseen movement is my tongue tracing a spiral inside his ass, then jabbing into his hole. He emits a quiet moan of gratitude. His hole’s loosening. I feel his sphincter pushing out, wanting me to penetrate him deeper. I happily comply while I reach up his shirt, play with his pin-point nipples. He starts grinding his ass over my face, getting the scruff of my cheeks to burn against his rutting ass. There is no resistance in him, he wants me to go deeper. I wiggle a finger next to my mouth and let the saliva provide the necessary lubrication for my digit to slide in. Into the warm night air, in the shadow of the library lawn, he emits another amazed fuck, and pushes down on my finger so I penetrate him deeper, now up to my second knuckle. He’s still grinding down, but rather than pushing further into to him, I withdrawal a bit and wet my middle finger and let it join the first. Oh fuck, he cries softly, knees on the grass, realizing what it feels like to have two fingers invading him, and before he’s settled comfortably into it, I wet a third and slip it in. “Fuck man,” he says quietly, now aggressively pushing his butt down on my hand. “I’m going to cum,” he pants helplessly as his bucks on my fingers. “Like hell you are,” I say pulling out. “You fucker,” he says, his teeth shining from the light of the library windows. “You fuck,” he says. “Turn on your side.” “Why?” I say, but know where he’s headed. He pulls a small tube of hand cream out of his shorts and dangles it in front of me with a devilish smile. “You thought that far ahead?” I say. “Sneaky, sneaky, honey badger. Was that going to be for me or for you?” “Didn’t know, but I do now. Turn on your side,” he says sure of himself. I toe off my sneakers and slip off my jeans. We’re outside in the shadows, footpaths, flowerbeds, brick staircases, alone, quiet, lit by a billion stars, cloaked by night. I pull off my shirt. His Mario Brothers shirt and khaki shorts come off. His checkered underwear lies over them. We’re naked next to shrubs, dirt, the smell of freshly mowed grass, moist. I roll on top of him. Our hard cocks press into each other’s belly, his dark and my darker pubes intertwine, the dew of the lawn make us slick and slippery. I have one leg between his, and he has one leg between mine. Neither one of us has relinquished who, for the moment, will bottom and who will top. We’re dancing, we’re jockeying for position, we’re enjoying the chase, the pursuit, the open question. Our hands at first clutch tenderly as I bend to kiss him. Then I feel his palms clutching tighter. Then we’re wrestling for control. He’s pushing up as I’m holding him down. He’s bigger but I’m quicker. I flip him and have him pinned so his face is pushed into the grass, but I feel him powering up like a hydraulic lift, slow pushing me back. His face comes out of the grass and he’s wearing a conqueror’s smile. “You can fuck me afterward but I’m going to fuck you this second,” he says, throwing me onto my back, lifting my legs apart. He smears some cream on his dick and sticks his hand under my butt. I feel his fingers run over my hole, then push inside. Like I said, I’m pretty much a virgin with man meat but not unfamiliar with penetration. But there’s a universe of difference between me playing with my hole and someone else doing it. Especially if that someone else is as hot and aggressive as this fucker. He pushes my legs forward and lines up his thick member against my hole, and slowly pushes in. The whites of his eyes shine as does his shimmering wet body. He’s a merman from the sea and he’s diving inside me, burying his thick veined shaft, his foreskin pushing back revealing his velvety knob pushing deeper than even the most daring vegetable has ever gone. How can it hurt and feel so good at the same time? Fuck, yeah, I encourage him. Do it, I whisper in his ear. And he’s in up to his bone. I feel his pubes grinding against my hole, his solid rod spreading the width of my chute apart like its never been spread. I’m trying like mad to get used to his size but he’s frenzied and nineteen and in heat. He doesn’t care about anything but what he wants, and that would be cumming inside me as quickly as he can. I stroke myself and could easily get off this very second. I feel the burn building inside my balls. He’s pounding against them, abusing them with each thrust of his pelvis. Fuck, the thrust and pressure themselves could bust my nut any second I chose to let it, and I’m torn, but Drake decides for me, and holds my legs apart, shudders, breaths strained rushes of air through clenched teeth, and I know he’s cumming inside me deep. I want to cum, too, but I want it to be inside him when I do, so I hold back. It’s an ecstatic moment feeling him rutting inside me, spewing his first load in me, while I wait, watching him return to behind his eyes. His eyes are alive in a new way. Knowing something I don’t yet know. I’m jealous of the fuck. He rolls off me, looking up at the night, smiling. He lies next to me and grabs my hand and brings it up to his mouth, licks it. Doesn’t kiss it, but licks it. That makes me laugh. I comment, “So, we’re batting two for oh, boy-o, aren’t we?” “What’d you mean, boy?” He comes back and leans over my face. He licks my lips. He’s on top of me again, his dick’s still hard. “You gotta cum whenever you can, boy-o.” “Says my wanker roommate,” I say and knock him off me. Both our dicks are hard, standing off our bellies as we lie on our backs squeezing hands. There’s a fireball in the sky, not a small specks of light, but something that lights up our faces. I see his eyes shine. He’s enraptured, blissful. I’m jealous and want his lube. He sees how much lust is in me, scrunches his face uncertain, and grabs for his clothes. “I don’t fucking think so. Turn on your side, boy,” I order. “I don’t know, Dupree,” he says sitting up holding his checkered brief. “I do, Chadwick. Where that tube?” He hands it to me tentatively. “I never…” he begins. “I know. Me neither,” I say back at him. “You'll like it. I'll make sure you do. I’ll go slow. Hell, before, you were ready to have me to fist you.” “What’d’ya mean?” he asks as I lube my cock, shaking my head. I reach between his butt cheeks, those beautiful white boulders I’d first seen this afternoon and have been thinking about ever since. My lubed finger pushes at his hole. Boy is he tight, tighter than when I was fingering him moments ago. He’s purposefully clenching, not wanting me to go any further. “Ow,” he says quietly. “I don’t think I can, Kyle.” “You’re not the only boy scout that comes prepared,” I say rifling through my jean pocket. I pull out my bag of T, lick my un-lubed finger and then a second, and stick them in the bag. I pull out white fingers and rub them on his tight hole. “What is it?” he asks, as it goes inside his chute. He’s lubed enough to take my fingers up to my second knuckle. I rub them all around the wall of his wet rectum. He takes a grimaced inhalation. “It burns, man,” he complains. “Just for a second,” I say. I don’t take my fingers out, but leave them in him. After a few seconds I start wiggling the pair around. Then there’s the first moan I’ve been waiting for. His hole seems to not only be loosening up but wanting more stimulation. Another inhalation through his clenched teeth. My fingers inside are conflicting him. He squeezes. My fingers being squeezed is not of rejection but enticement. He doesn’t yet know it, but he wants more. His brain will catch up to his body, but even before it does I lube a third finger and slip it in, then a fourth. He gasps as he thrusts his hips back to take more of my fingers. I’m more than willing to give it to him. On his side, he pushes up on his elbow while he thrust back his ass and starts rocking gently. I go with his rhythm and let him pump himself on my hand until it’s buried up to the crook of my thumb. “Fuck, man,” he whispers. “Fuck that’s good.” “Yeah?” I ask him. “More?” He answers by pushing harder onto my hand. I lube my thumb and the thickest part of my hand. The thumbnail slides it. He’s pushing on me, hungrily, greedily. My thumb knuckle is buried and still he’s rocking, trying to take in more. He’s hissing on the lawn through clenched teeth, writhing, fingers digging into the turf, wanting something he doesn’t have a name for. “Ah-ahh!” he hollers loudly, and I look around to see if anyone hears us. I then realize he’s swallowed my whole hand. “Wait, wait, wait, wait,” he cries, gulping air like a drowning man, his head drooped over. I can’t believe it either. Neither of us can. But it’s done. I don’t move. I wait. We’re like that for some time, unmoving, sweating into the wet grass. I’m hard as a steel beam. He drops to his side, hissing again through his teeth, the slightest of moans germinated from deep inside his chest. He gently moves his hips. Stops. Tests the water. Pushes back a little. Stops. I let him control what we do, but my dick is getting impatient. It’s jealous of the attention my hand’s been given. I lube my shaft. Stroke it slowly. Try to appease it. But it know what it wants, and where it’s going. I slide up behind Drake, let my knob rest between my wrist and the top of his ass. My cock traces down my wrist finding my palm held open at the entrance of Drake’s body. Drake knows what’s what, and begins a torturous journey against my pelvis. He can’t help himself. He’s drawn to the thought of it like I am. He pushes back as I arch forward, the knob of my cock crawling down my palm into his out-stretched hole. He’s drenched, sweat pours down his back, off his butt, dripping on my arm; his body burning on the lawn. I fear any moment he’ll spontaneously combust, become nothing but ashes. His desire is burning as hot as mine, he’s as determined. I push forward and he pushes back, in small minuscule movements. Then, with a pop and a gasp from both of us, suddenly, like falling through an hourglass, I’m inside his ass, his hot lava ass. He cries out even louder, his fuck is deeper, more lustful, craven. He’s molten inside. His fire surrounds my hand, my groin is a wick ignited. His body makes me insane. My fist and cock move around inside this crushing volcano, my cock clenched tightly inside my fist. No anatomy book prepares you. The body is a body, wet, liquid, flesh, a hundred degrees Fahrenheit, pliable, strong, vulnerable, unimaginable; the mind is only one small occupants of the body. I know what we’ve done, what we’re doing. But it’s not knowing, it’s feeling that composes the body. He feels so fucking good, what I’m doing to him is a violation against his surrender. That makes me even harder. He growling next to me like a mongrel clinging to a bone, my fist, my cock. I lick the sweat off his spine. My free hand reaches across his slick torso, and I grab his steely cock. I fuck him from behind, jacking myself off in him and jacking him at the same time. We’ve found a rhythm we can sustain, not for long but forcefully. I’m breathing through clenched teeth. Wanting to hurt him, wanting to bring him pain and with it, massive, fierce, masculine satisfaction that only males can satisfy in other males. Fuck, he cries with my fist violently ramming up his shithole. We find a plateau of ferocity, a place where I could abuse him indefinitely, and he knows it, I know he knows it, except I’m feeling his dick leak, then spurt, then gush, then his ass squeezes my fist internally. The dominos of orgasm are falling mightily. His seized ass is pulling the cum straight out of me. I have no choice but to shoot, a steady stream of cum liquefies his perfect hole. I quake for a moment at the precipice, appreciate his beauty and his submission, then fall endlessly, rush after rush of pleasure, filling him with me. “Stop. Wait,” he gasps, trembling, after only seconds have passed. “Please don’t move,” he begs as I still feel a stream of semen flow into his bowels. I squeeze my fist to push out a few more drops, a last shudder, and then relax my hand. “I’m not moving,” I say, and it’s true. I’m locked within him. Only he can release me. He’s shaking and I pull him in tightly with my free arm. I stroke his heaving chest. Is he cringing? I can’t tell but his body quivers. I feel his guts rumble and tense, and he shits out my cock and hand savagely with a harsh grunt of exhalation. “Fuck!” I yowl at the intensity of the sensation of having my cock and first aborted all at once. He rolls over on his stomach, buries his face in the grass, his dark hair matted to his scalp. He’s a beautiful mess and I want to hold him. I slip an arm over his broad shoulders but he throws it off, hiding his face in the shadowy blades. I’m stung by his turnaround but I’ll wait for him as long as he wants. I won’t get dress. I’ll wait with him till daylight when the safety officers discovers our naked bodies on the library’s back lawn. I pick up the Mason jar half full of Micky-G’s moonshine, twist open the top and take several unwise swigs. I screw the lid tight and lay back, looking up at the inky sky; watch for a long, long time as meteors and satellites glide across the firmament above us. I lay the back of my hand on the small of his back. He rocks it off. I rise on an elbow. I want him to look at me, to show him I’ll lick his slimy guts off my hand, I have no pride, I’d be his mutt if he'll be mine—but his face remains buried. I lie back and find the rings around nearby Saturn, tick off the moons of Jupiter—Ganymede, Io, Callisto, Europa, Themisto, Amalthea, Elara. I stare into the black holes where the stars aren’t anymore. Observe galaxies whirl, whole universes dance through each other, disburse in a prism of gas. I see far off stars hurtling toward me at a million light-years a second, while others swim into the black emptiness toward oblivion, never to be heard from again. Like people do. “Drake?” I ask a bit panicked at how quickly I'm alone in the universe. “You there?” The vacuum of space swallows the question. u there drake? He’s a digital ghost, a celestial body untethered. I can’t reach him though he’s inches away. I don’t know how to chart this course; I’ve never traveled here before. Did I do something wrong? Do something right? The longer I stare the more I see the stars aren’t white; have never been. Some glow red, some yellow, others are a ghostly blue. I feel the earth rotating under me, the lawn taking me along for the ride. The constellations wheel across the black vault above. Their stories elbow into my brain—the hunter, the serpent, the bears, the belt, the lion, I know them all, just like at home on our trailer’s roof. Same stories, same stars; stories spread down through millennia, through a trillions souls, eventually to mine. I’m drunker than shit and will probably puke in a moment. I’ll push dirt over the puke like it never happened. As I look above my head, upside down at the library windows, three figures stand peering through the glass, backlit, unmoving. Even with the world upside down as it is, the central figure in a blue sweater, with salt and pepper hair, comes into focus. Coach Brandon. What I can’t comprehend in my addled brain, what I can’t wrap my mind around, is why he’s there standing next to a dark figure in a cowl and, on his other side, why there’s a bald guy whose head shines in a mosaic of tattoos. None of this makes sense. Huh. But I can tell you this: coach just winked at me. That’s the second time tonight.
    1 point
  26. PART 1 i was 21 when i got pozzed. i happened during a vacation in the USA. i was visiting NYC with a friend of mine. one evening i decided to go to a bathhouse i ended up in a cruising club. there were only a handful guys my age. most guys were around 35 - 40. after 30 minutes walking around in my towel i got eye contact with a hot ripped black dude. he started following me so i decided to drop my towel so he could see my ass. he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. he asked my where i came from because i didn't look American. i told him that i came from amsterdam. we talked some more. he asked me if i wanted to go to his cabin; i said yes. In his cabin he also dropped his towel and i was amazed by his enormous dick dangling. i asked how big it was and he told me it was 11.5 inch when it was hard. he asked me if i could take something that big in my ass. i said i never had a cock that big but that i already played several years with some big and long dildo's. i started to lick and suck his cock that started to grow and began to ooze precum. He turned me around and made my hole wet. Then he put his finger in a bag, when it came out it was covered in some white powder. he said that it would relax me more. he stuck his finger up my ass and start moving around. My ass started to burn. but he told me that the burning feeling will go a way. i was laying flat on my stomach legs spread while he lube up my ass and started to shove more fingers in my ass. a stranger feeling started to come over me. i was getting hot and became super horny. i started to push my ass up so i could feel his fingers deeper. he stopped and started to mount me. i felt the head of his huge cock pressing against my sphincter. he then said to me: "listen, i'm not wearing a condom because my cock is to big. and even if they would fit i don't use them. hate the feeling. you can leave now if you don't like it...". until that moment i only fucked bare with close friends. but i was so horny that i replied with "fuck me". he grabbed my shoulders and thrust his hips forward. my ass gave way for his huge cock. my ass was used to big dildo's but didn't prepare me for his black rod. i wanted to scream but he placed his hand over my mouth. he shove his dick deeper in side me. only the last 2 inch didn't go in. so he grab some poppers and held it under my nose. "inhale deep" he said. "more". after i inhaled deep he told me to hold my breath, but after 10 seconds i wanted to exhale via my nose, but before i knew he held my nose shut with the other hand. i started to struggle but i was pinned down. he was suffocating me. i saw stars and started to blackout. He took away his hand. at the same time i gasped for air he pushed his hips forward. my second sphincter gave way and he sank his whole length in my ass. the feeling was so intense that i could only moan softly. my body was shivering. after a few minutes i felt his cock slowly retracting. he grab his bag again, so i turned my head and saw that he was putting a good amount on the tip of his cock. then i felt how he shoved his cock deep in me. "in a few minutes you will meet Tina again and this time she will make you go wild". i had no idea what he meant and i didn't care. he had me in his power. then i felt a rush going trough me. i became warm. he saw me grabbing my hair and knew that the Tina did his job. he grab my wrists and put them above my head. his hips start to move. slowly he took out his cock a bit and plunged it back in my ass. with each stroke he pulled out more of his BBC. His strokes became longer and faster. then he said "your ass is great i can't hold back my first load much longer. do you want me to cum?". i replied with a loud moan. "you want me to keep fucking?" he asked. again i replied with a loud moan. "if you want me to cumfuck you... then tell me that you wanted it." he said. "do you want my cum?" he asked. I moaned back "yes". "Inside you?".... "Yessss. come inside me!". "No matter what?"... "Noooo... i want all!". "are you sure?! i will knock you up... merge my DNA with yours"... "My ass is yours... make it yours". Then he started to grunt. "I'm cumming" he shouted. he plunged his dick deep in my ass. i felt the cum shooting out. he waited a few seconds and started fucking me again. "I'm still coming... do you feel my toxic cum breeding you?". i heard him say 'toxic' but i was to high to process what he said. "Breed your bitch!" i moaned. MORE TO CUM!
    1 point
  27. Looking for guys who have no limits and are into extremely sick and twisted. The more fucked up you are the better kik is anthony5821
    1 point
  28. Hi Everyone, I have been a long time reader of this site but I have never posted before. But i took a step over the weekend that I wanted to share with you all. About a month ago I started on Prep as i thought it would be a good step to killing my worries. On Sunday I decided today was the day I would take a load from any guy that wanted to give me one. Sunday Morning Guy 1 A black bear started to talk to me on Grindr on Sunday monrning. He wanted to drop by on his way home from the store to give me a good fucking. I said yes! After about 15 mins he arrived. I started by sucking his 8’’ dick! (Also my first black guy). Once he was hard we moved to the bedroom where i got on my hand and knees. He pushed his massive raw dick into my ass (I had already lubed it up before he arrived) He did waste anytime and started pounding my ass after about a minute of allowing me to get use to his massive size. He fucked my ass for about 20 mins as this pace before unloading my first B.B load in my ass. It was amazing!! I could feel his dick get bigger as he came. Sunday Morning Guy 2 With the black guys load still inside me. I as high on the experience i had just had. I got back on to Grindr to look for my 2nd load. A guy just 100 feet away had already messaged me asking if i was free to host. I said yes! I did let me know i had just taken a massive load from a guy just 15 mins before. He was happy to add to it. 5 mins later the guy arrived. He was already hard and just wanted to get into my ass. I got into the doggy position again in the bedroom. He entered my wet ass with his 7’’ dick. He pounded my ass right away and lasted only 2 mins adding to my other load. He pulled out and left without saying a word to me! I left both loads in my ass. Whats next? Well I can say i have read a lot of posts on this and until now haven’t really understood how a load can really change you. I’m not sure what my next step is but i would be happy to repeat the above! Thanks, i hope you all like my first post.
    1 point
  29. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/horny-smooth-asian-rides-on-hung-cock-35624101 got an +ud load from this lad with ginger pubes
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  30. As a follow up to the above, I contacted my black top friend and asked him if he was hiv+(had not asked before cuz his personal said he was negative). He replyed that he was positive but undetectable. Myself, I am negative and really not looking to become positive. I do not have insurance nor the means to afford prep out of pocket. I really enjoy how he makes me feel emotionally and of course I love to take his cum. So now I need to either trust that he is taking his meds and is truly undetectable or walk away. Walking is tough considering it’s taken a lot of my life to cum across a top that makes me feel the way I do when I am his bottom.
    1 point
  31. Lawyers on every street corner. Sue anybody for anything if they have deep pockets hoping to shake them down for some cash. ?
    1 point
  32. Wrapped up Memorial weekend yesterday by nutting in a bear ass in swimming pool. He didn't ask me any questions, so I fucked him, nutted, then swam away. ?
    1 point
  33. I been a bigger slut than usual this last couple weeks. I got banged out hard at a local club (Tokyo Valentino) by four guys in an upstairs room, all of them black tops who took turns on me, all of them breeding me. The next night I met a black top off grindr who came to my house an fucked the shit outta me on my back, legs spread in the air like a good whore. He came first in my mouth standing over me, then put it back in my hole an fucked til he came again in me. Last night I had 2 guys in a row, both off grindr which I been using lately. The first was a white guy, a cop an prison guard who used to fuck me alot, he came over an bred me, then immediately after he left i got hit up by a black top who came over an fucked me in the same bed for an hr. He had me lay flat on my stomach while he lay on top an ground his cock in me deep. He made me beg him to fill me up, so I did cuz Im a good slut an luv to beg for cock an cum. Im cruising this morning hoping to get some more!
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  34. There are pages of warnings about side effects so I don't know how anyone can sue if given all the info. It works for what it's supposed to do, doesn't concern me at all
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  35. Was there this sat have a great time got breed twice both great fucks. Looking to go back in three weeks for more
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  36. Shared my poz nut with a negative bear couple at gay camp yesterday. First I rawdogged the top, then I bred the bottom while his daddy napped. Two big loads for em both.
    1 point
  37. Concerned1, what is the point of your threads. You state a position based on your own ill-informed ideas about how HIV transmission works. People then present their own experiences that contradict your nonsense. You then talk over everything they say making no efforts to address their points. This process continues until everyone else realizes the there is no point in having a discussion with you, and the thread dies out. The fact is that you have nothing but prejudice and internalized homophobia and sex-negativity to support your position. When bath houses started reopening, there was not a huge spike in HIV transmission Here is some ACTUAL DATA https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2891333/ This study concludes that the average number of sexual,partners per visit is less than 3 while the vast majority of visitors have sex with one person and then leave. We hear stories about people having wild sex adventures at the baths which certainly do happen, but most of those are guys who travel to a city with a bathhouse or who only go once in a while for a special treat. Most guys want to drop in, get off, and leave. The average length of visit was a little over 3 hours with a range from 20minutes to 17 hours. The biggest danger in the spread of HIV is guys who don’t get tested. They have sex with other guys thinking they are negative and telling them they are negative. If they happen to turn Poz, they might behighly infectious for months or years without knowing it. They spread the virus wherever they go. They are just as dangerous in your bedroom after 3 dates as they would be at the baths. The difference is there are bowls of condoms everywhere at the baths, and he probably had to walk by the table offering free HIV tests to get there.
    1 point
  38. Got a good tally going for the holiday weekend, and it's early still. Two nuts in a neg hole last night. More to cum!
    1 point
  39. Part 61 - Sauna Rendezvous Ric sat in the storage room between Joe and Kyle. He leaned over and kissed Joe and then turned and kissed Kyle. “Thanks guys, that was really hot. I think I should get back to the pool, though” Ric said. “Yeah and I don’t want to get surprised in here again” Joe replied. The three put their clothes back on and walked out of the storage room. They walked into the main wrestling room and stopped at the trophy case by the door. Ric looked around and found six trophies from the past couple years that had a name Joe on them. “Are these yours?” He asked. “Yeah. It seems that it doesn’t matter how good you are if the coaches are fag haters you’ll get booted. I’m surprised they haven’t taken them out and pitched them” Joe said. They got back to the pool area and then sat down where Ric was earlier. “Any idea what you’re going to do when you graduate?” Joe asked Ric. “I’ve been accepted here at State and a few other schools. Part of me thinks that this is too close to home, though” Ric said. “It depends on your relationship with your parents. Yours is much better than mine. It’s still good to move away and be your own person. You’ve changed a lot since I met you. You’re more confident and get laid a lot more” Joe said with a laugh. Ric laughed along with Joe. “Yeah and I owe it all to you. You really don’t know how much I appreciate what you did. It may have been a job, but you could have taken the easy way out and just fucked me and did nothing else. My mom is still pissed about the tattoo, by the way. It’s a good thing she hasn’t seen the other one” Ric said. “Its your body. You should do what you want to change it - hair, clothes, tattoos, piercings, STDs. Do what you want and not what others think you should do” Kyle said. “Yeah, I will. I want to get some more ink and…” Ric said, his voice trailing off. “And what?” Joe asked. “That piercing that Kyle has is so fucking hot. I couldn’t believe how good it felt when he was fucking me” Ric said. Kyle laughed. “The ladder? You were the first guy that got to experience it. It finally healed enough to fuck with and Joe was busy with some guy last night so I didn’t get a chance to fuck him with it yet” he said. “You know, that cock of yours would look really good with a ladder. I think your foreskin would make a PA uncomfortable. Maybe you can talk to Daryl about it.” “Hmm, thats a good idea. I’ve been wanting to get up here and have him pierce my nips. Maybe I can get the coach to drop me off tomorrow morning” Ric said. Ric tapped out a message and got a reply from Daryl only a minute later. “All set. Just gotta be there by 10” Ric said. “If you get a ladder, be sure your balls are empty tomorrow morning, you won’t be fucking for a few weeks until it heals” Kyle said. There was a short pause and then Joe said “State is a good school and you know a few people around here already. Unfortunately, we won’t be here in the fall. Kyle and I graduate at the end of the semester. What other schools did you get accepted to?” Ric’s face went blank. The smile disappeared and his head dropped. He never even considered that Joe would be graduating at the same time he was. “Damn, I was hoping that you would still be around here next year. I was leaning towards State. Do you know what you’re going to do?” Ric asked. “The asshole already has a job” Kyle piped in. “Yeah, I got a job from one of the job fairs here at school. I’m moving out to Silicon Valley in California after I graduate. It will be cool since I’ll be near my brother and he can help me get used to a completely new place” Joe said enthusiastically. “Oh?” Ric said, the smile quickly coming back. “One of the places I got accepted is in San Jose.” Joe chuckled. Ric continued “You don’t think it would be creepy if I I went out there, would you? I mean, I wouldn’t stalk you or anything but the thing that is keeping me from going there is that I wouldn’t know anyone within a thousand miles.” “Just remember what I told you earlier, Ric. If you’re cool with that, then no, it wouldn’t be creepy. Sometimes its good to be completely free to do what you want and a long distance can give you that freedom. You could even meet the guy who pozzed me up and therefore, you” Joe said. After chatting a while longer, Joe and Kyle left leaving Ric by himself again. He watched the swimmers and coaches, spending extra time with his eyes on both Spencer and Marcus. He wondered if Marcus would really stop by the hotel room but decided that there was little chance that he would be interested. The final whistle blew and the day’s swim sessions were now over. The team headed back to the hotel and the guys were all giving Ric a hard time about the mark on his neck. “Did you find a vampire?” followed by “that must have been a powerful vacuum that attacked you.” As they got out of the van, the coach said “Same routine as yesterday. Get some rest and we will meet for dinner at 7” Coach Adams went up to his room and showered and cleaned out. He was ready to head back down to the sauna and couldn’t figure out why he was nervous. He had hooked up with lot of guys before, but this one seemed different. He decided to skip the workout tonight and just get his sweat from the steam and Dennis’s cock. Dressed in workout gear, he headed down to the gym hoping he didn’t run into any of his swim team members like he did the day before. He got downstairs without spotting any of his team and walked through the gym quickly to avoid being seen by the two guys that were there working out. Once in the locker room he breathed a sigh of relief. After months of no dick to suck, let alone get fucked by, here he was being a total slut. His boyfriend understood - they had an agreement that whenever one was away, they could satisfy their needs elsewhere. The coach took his clothes off, stuffing them into a locker and grabbed a towel before walking over to the sauna. He opened the door and looked in. Two guys were already there, laying on their towels and enjoying the heat. He looked closer and one of the guys was the guy that he hooked up with at the bar. In a mild panic, the coach wasn’t sure what to do. It would look suspicious if he closed the door and went back to the locker room to wait for the manager. “Come on in, coach” said Corey. Coach Adams went in and took a seat back in the corner where Dennis had fucked him the day before. He looked over and Corey was leaning back with his eyes closed again. The other guy seemed to be a few years younger than Corey and had several tattoos that he could see. In the dim light he wasn’t sure what they were but he admired the athletic body that the guy had as well as the nice cock that was hanging between his legs. He thought he glimpsed something on the end of his cock but he wasn’t sure. He leaned back and felt the heat come over his body and he started to sweat. A few minutes later the door opened and the coach looked to see who it was. He hoped it wasn’t anyone from the swim camp or really, anyone other than Dennis. He was anxious to see Dennis and figure out where they could go for their carnal activities. Whoever it was, was holding the door open and letting some of the heat escape. He saw Corey nod and then Dennis walked in. He flipped the lock again and the coach looked back at Dennis. He didn’t want anyone else to see him get fucked. He guessed it would be ok if Corey saw, since they had fucked Thursday night, but the stranger he was concerned about. “Hi coach. I see you’re right on time. I guess that means you’re up for a repeat” Dennis said. The coach looked surprised and his body said he was very uneasy. “Uh… maybe” the coach said quietly. “Oh, don’t worry about these guys. I invited them along. Your ass is so good I wanted to share” Dennis said with a grin. “You’ve already met my boyfriend and this is a friend of ours… Dave” Dennis added. “Uh… I really don’t know. I don’t have a lot of time before I have to meet for dinner” the coach said nervously. “Already taken care of. The team knows you’ll be a little late. Now, who would you like to take first?” asked Dennis as he moved over closer to the coach. Joe stood up first and moved over next to Dennis and then Corey joined them. The three stood there looking at the coach, watching his eyes get bigger. The coach swallowed hard and looked back and forth. “Did he say boyfriend?” the coach asked himself. “Well?” asked Corey. “Uh… right to left, I guess” the coach said, pointing from his right to left - Corey, Joe, then Dennis. Corey smiled and kneeled on the lower bench and pushed the coach’s legs back, spreading his ass and started to lick the coach’s taint and then licked around the puckered hole. Sweat was dripping off the coach’s body already, adding a more intense salty flavor to the coach’s scent from the other night. Corey loved it and licked harder around the quivering hole. The coach closed his eyes and moaned as Corey started to probe with his tongue into the coach’s pussy. Several minutes passed and the coach was getting anxious to feel Corey’s shaft inside him again. Opening his eyes, the coach saw Dennis and Dave making out while stroking each other’s cock. He was jolted back to Corey when he felt two fingers push inside him. The coach clamped down tight around the fingers, letting Corey know he was ready to milk whatever went into his ass. Corey grinned and finger fucked some spit inside the coach’s hole. He added another glob of spit and twisted his fingers around inside, making one last attempt to stretch the coach’s sphincter open. Standing up, Corey folded the coach’s legs back and lined up his rigid cock, sliding into his hole. Corey’s face was only a short distance away from the coach’s and they locked eyes while Corey’s cock descended deeper into the coach. The coach breathed heavy, trying to relax. It had been a while since he had done group sex, but the last couple days had proven to him how badly he needed to get fucked. His boyfriend had fucked him almost every day before he left, leaving him sore and full of at least one load, but that was months ago. Corey’s cock was stretching him open as it slid in and out slowly. His cock got harder from the pain of a cock invading him with very little lube. It was a reminder that he was giving his ass up for another man to use as he pleased. The shaft inside him hit the spot, pressuring his prostate and causing his cock to start to ooze precum over his stomach. Each stroke Corey gave him got harder until the pain had vanished and he was in the zone. Corey’s cock thrust into him hard, picking up where they had left off two nights earlier. Their eyes were still locked together while their lower bodies slammed together. The bench started to squeak and the coach’s head hit the wall a few times until he had slid back far enough that he was pinned against it. The jabs from Corey’s dick were torturing the soft walls of his colon but he loved being used like this. Corey whispered “You want this, don’t you?” “Oh god yes! Fuck and breed me” the coach yelled out. Corey responded by ramming his cock in faster and faster until his balls drew up and he slammed in deep and laid on top of the coach. Corey kissed the coach as his balls shot their seed into the coach’s throbbing hole. The coach felt the warmth of Corey’s cum fill his body and he instinctively began to milk Corey’s cock, sucking every drop of semen out that he could. Corey pushed himself up and gave the coach one last kiss before pulling his cock out of the red, quivering hole. Corey stood there a moment, giving both himself and the coach a quick break before the next round. Once Corey moved out of the way, Joe took his place between the coach’s legs. The coach looked down and saw the pierced rigid shaft, dripping precum. He moaned, remembering the last guy with a pierced cock that had fucked him and how good it was with all sorts of different feelings that left him feeling it for days. He looked over Dave’s body, admiring the muscles before looking at his face. The thin beard framed an almost friendly face, except the fire in his eyes said he was an intense person. He looked back down and tried to make out the tattoo on his arm and chest and then was drawn lower to his cock. Another tattoo was behind it, partially obscured by his trimmed pubes. The coach felt Dave’s cock teasing his tender pucker and he pushed a little cum out, letting it cover the head of Dave’s cock. He heard Dave chuckle right before he pushed in. The coach felt the steel horseshoe plow through his hole followed by the thick mushroom head. The coach moaned as Dave’s cock sunk deeper inside him, lubed by the large load that Corey had just dumped in him. Dave held the coach’s legs up and leaned forward, laying them on his shoulders while his cock drove deeper into the coach’s silky, wet hole. He felt the ring tug on his cock with each stroke and it sent chills through his body and leaked more toxic precum inside, adding to Corey’s neg load. Joe drove his cock in and out and occasionally would give a hard thrust, slamming in deep and causing the coach to gasp. The more he pounded the more cum was forced out of the coach’s pussy. A froth of Corey’s cum and Joe’s precum surrounded the coach’s assring and the base of Joe’s cock. Joe felt his cock throb and he adjusted his attack on the coach’s hole, finding the right angle to bump the coach’s prostate with each stroke. He saw the coach’s eyes roll back and his cock head became shiny from the precum that was leaking out again. Joe’s thrusts started to get harder as his balls started to tingle. The coach looked back at him, knowing what was coming. Joe leaned over more, pinning the coach into the corner and asked “You want this load?” The coach nodded his head yes. “Say it? I want you to beg for it” Joe said quietly but with an urgency in his voice. “Fuck yeah. Breed me! Give me another load” the coach yelled out. “Yeah, thats a good piggy” Joe said breathlessly as he pummeled the coach’s hole. He slammed in, folding the coach up even more. His face was inches away from the coach’s and said “Take another poz load. You’re gonna be good and knocked up when we’re done.” Joe’s first volley of charged cum shot into the coach and his hole squeezed tight around Joe’s cock. Two more volleys pumped into the coach’s abused cunt. “Wwwwhhhat? Please! Oh god…” the coach said, with a mixture of fear and excitement in his voice. Joe pulled back and rammed back in, garnering a grunt from the coach and adding two more spurts of toxic sperm into him. Dennis was surprised that Joe had revealed his status. He had been planning to stealth the coach and let him silently join the rest of his team in the brotherhood “Oh my god… yeah… do it. poz me up” the coach said between gasps. The pulses from Joe’s cock faded, but he left his cock planted into the coach’s ass. A grin came over Joe’s face. “Atta boy” Joe said and then slowly pulled his cock out of the tortured hole. In the dim light it was hard to tell, but the cum dripping out of the coach didn’t look exactly white. He stepped off the lower bench and let Dennis take his place. “You want more?” Dennis asked. The coach looked Dennis in the eye and nodded. “Say it…” Dennis said. “Fuck me with your poz cock and knock me up” the coach pleaded. Dennis plowed his cock into the still gaping hole, forcing the air out of the coach’s lungs. He pounded the coach for several minutes and pulled out. He shoved three fingers deep into the coach’s hole, twisting and covering them with spooge. Pulling them out, he fed the mixture to the coach who sucked and licked his fingers clean. Driving his cock back in, he folded the coach up and hammered his hole until he felt his balls start to tighten up. Dennis let out a growl as his cock started to shoot it’s infected cream into the coach’s hole. The coach moaned out “Fuck yeah! Gimme that dirty load.” Dennis’s throbbing cock kept pumping more cum in mixing with Joe's and Corey’s loads. Dennis was face to face with the coach. He looked deep into his eyes as they stared at each other. All he saw was lust and a hunger for more - no fear, no regret. They stood there fore several minutes, with Dennis’s cock still planted into the coach’s pussy and not letting any of the bug ridden seed drip out. Dennis finally pulled out and climbed off the coach. When he turned around, he found Corey pinned against the wall with Joe’s cock deep in his ass. He only saw the last few thrusts Joe made before he added his cum into Corey’s prep’d hole. “Damn, I turn my back a few minutes and you’re breeding my boyfriend” Dennis said to Joe with a smirk. “I couldn’t resist. He’s got such a great ass” Joe replied. “Shit, that’s what that tattoo is. I thought it was a sunburst when I saw it yesterday” the coach said. Dennis laughed. “Nope. I like to advertise. Who knows, you might have earned yours too.” “I never had the guts to go looking for poz loads, but theres no way I was gonna refuse getting bred from three hot poz guys” the coach said. “Sorry, only two. I’m on prep” Corey said. “Still, it was a hot fuck from all three of you” Coach Adams said. “If you want more, I can try and send a few guys up to your room later tonight” Dennis offered. “Really? Sure. It just has to be after the team has headed to their rooms” the coach replied.
    1 point
  40. Now that we are back home working our ass off making Mr. Jackson high-grade meth he is showing a new product he now has a source of getting its called Caverject he says its way better than viagra as it keeps your dick hard for hours. Mr.Jackson has a friend who loves to get wreck on Tina but his dick goes soft. Mandingo loves to fuck and has an 11 thick tool and loves to fuck fast and hard and make boys scream so Mr.Jackson gives him a call and tell him about this new product. Mandingo is over and wants to see what this is about, Mr.Jackson says you take the Caverject syringe and inject into the base of your dick. He does this with much doubt as he looks at me and my brother and says that if this shit works he gets to fuck us till it wears off which he thinks he says he does not think it will work as Mr.Jackson says it will. Afte he injects his dick and it was already from looking at my brother and me he ties off his arm and gives himself a good heavy slam, as his eyes go bug-eyed and he gets breath back from some mighty hard coughing he grabs me throws me down on the bed and just shoves his dick in me with no warm up but I'm a well-used rubber hole so Mandingo dick goes in and starts to pile drive me as fast and as hard as he can and he still does not believe he will stay hard very long. I can feel him ready to explode his 2-week toxic load into to me and Its one of the best feeling there is when you give someone the pleasure of your hole. I feel him slip as he drags his P.A. over my cum filled hole as he looks down and Mandingo dick is still rock hard and says to my brother you are next. At least my brother will be getting a cum cover dick put into his hole. My brother is smiling as Mandingo pile drives his hole while I get under my brother to work on his dick and get any od Mandingo cum coming out from my brother hole. When Mandingo cums a second time I'm ready for the drippings and to get my mouth on Mandingo dick for a little cleanup. After 4 hours Mandingo is still rock hard and is so exhausted he can barely move so while he is on his back with that beautiful dick standing straight in the air I hop on top and start to fuck my self on it while my brother slam me, I think I was on that dick fucking my self for a good 1/2 hour then it was my brother turn to get slammed. Right before Mandingo left he was begging Mr.Jackson how much can he get as Mr.Jackson gave Mandingo a few free samples and just help spread the word about Caverject. Mr.Jackson has us making a run to Mr. Smoth place to deliver some Tina and Caverject as Mandingo did spread not only his toxic seeds but how hard he can keep his dick even after a heavy slam. My brother asks Mr.Smith how is the cleanup is boy doing and he takes over to him and we see he is no longer in chastity, I ask why did you take him out and Mr.Smith say he kept finding ways to play with him seld so he till the boy to lift up his dick and shows us what Mr.Smith did, he has his balls removed so instead of him being cleanup boy he is know LIMP DICK.
    1 point
  41. The three of us headed to Uncle Pete's car. There was a tingling in my white briefs. The last load Jeff had filled me with just before we checked out of the guest house oozed into my white briefs. I was somewhat conflicted about being filled with poz cum, but also not afraid or opposed to getting charged again. Would being poz be all that bad. We got to Uncle Pete and Jeff's house and brought our luggage inside. We stepped outside and took seats on the patio. I grabbed the pack of Benson and Hedges menthols, lit one and took a long deep drag. Uncle Pete did the same and while he exhaled smoke, he asked me what I was thinking. I admitted to being aroused by the situation I was in now. Jeff, grabbed a smoke and lit one. He was telling Uncle Pete I was a insatiable bottom. Uncle Pete just grinned. I got brave and asked Uncle Pete why he had Jeff be first and not him. Uncle Pete said it was his intent to have me broken in before the three of us engaged in a three way. They suggested we take ourselves inside. Uncle Pete moved closer and touched my newly pierced ear. Then he leaned in and slid his tongue in my mouth. I was so turned on by him kissing me, my cock sprang to attention. He told me, to head to their room and undress.
    1 point
  42. Me Getting bred raw bb poz by my verbal dom daddy white breeder
    1 point
  43. Jeff and I left the resort and took a taxi to the airport as there were no ubers back then. In the cab, I was thinking about the load Jeff had filled me with just before checkout. As we exited the cab, before entering the terminal, Jeff pulled out two Benson and Hedges menthols and handed me one. I lit mine and took a long deep drag. Jeff commented to how expertly I exhaled the smoke. Walking to the security area I again thought about the loads I had taken over the last three days. Taking our seats I just looked at Jeff with total lust. Thinking about how he had made me feel so special. I put my hand on my recently pierced ear and rotated the piercing studs as I had been instructed. The plane was jetting down the runway when Jeff leaned into my ear and whispered something that was ominous. Todd I should have told you that your uncle and I are both HIV positive and off of our meds. After what we did this weekend, you are probably poz too I was feeling quite conflicted. Three days ago I was a virgin and today I might be on my way to being HIV positive. Then I felt the urge to fart, but when I did all I felt was something warm and wet between my briefs and my crotch. Our plane landed and Uncle Pete was waiting for us at baggage claim. He noticed my ear and just winked at Jeff and me. Heading to Uncle Pete's car he pulled out his pack of Benson and Hedges menthols, and Jeff said "hand one of those to Todd." Uncle Pete just smiled and said, "you've grown up a lot this weekend, Toddy." More to come(cum). Let me know how you like this post, 97% is somewhat fictional but not all.
    1 point
  44. Love this story! Hottest piece of writing I've read on BZ for ages!!! When you describe the kid's all-consuming need, it's like you delved into my head and pulled my most secret thoughts out of that dark corner I'm hiding them in, dragging them into the bright light of day...
    1 point
  45. Wow great story and now his ass will get the fucking and gift it deserves mmmmm
    1 point
  46. Part 9; The kitchen timer went off. The hour was up. In that time Tom had fisted the twink using the 'Punch Fist' toy, and his own hands, naturally; using one hand in a beak shape, both hands clasped together in a beak shape (eventually going in halfway up his forearms), alternating between both fists clenched, and one hand fist clenched punching at an aggressive rapid rate. I happily watched, enjoying this HOT live show. 'Set the timer for another hour Keith mate. If Malcolm had any Lagers left I wouldn't mind one'. Fuck, was Tom going to fist the twink for another whole hour? Yes! I got Tom a Lager, and the boy some water, with a straw, which I held as he drank, making sure he drank it all. As he finished he looked up at me and said; 'I want lots MORE cum Sir. Are there any Sex clubs we can go to?' 'You Greedy Nasty Whore'. With that I spat in his mouth and slapped his face, put the ball gag back in his mouth, and restrained his wrists to the sling. Well, if that is what the little cunt wants, I shall help make his desire come true. Especially as it was his 21st in a few days time. Celebrate with a bang! As it is there is a large WhatsApp group of us, for a situation like this, where more horny Men are wanted at short notice. So, I put the feelers out; 'Tina'd blood slammed, fucked and fisted Twink currently being corrupted wants more cum'. As I enjoyed watching Tom now really totally destroying the boys cunt, I puffed, whilst also replying to the many messages coming through. Through the conversation I stated that anyone that did attend was to only piss in the bath, which must remained plugged. And bring your own booze, of course. The kitchen timer went off again. Tom carried on for a few more minutes. Wiping his hands we both sat back and admired his 'handy' work. The boy was now permanently gaping, so even when his Rose was retracted, you could still see it. But he kept it constantly blooming. Tom took off his executioners hood, looked at me, and gave a devilish smirk. His face was yellow and gaunt looking, and a few new KS lesions had popped up on his forehead. He looked rather deathly. He got up and walked over to the helpless twink. *I wanted to see this* I followed, placing myself sideways to the sling, kneeling. He rubbed his Spiked PA semi flaccid Dick on the boys bloom, taking not much time to be fully erect. He pushed in, and holding onto the sling chains he commenced a slow firm steady fuck. Getting up I stood behind the sling, to get more of a view of what the boy was seeing. A face of death towering above, it's owner having his Sarah Palin Dick impaled in an ass that was only several hours earlier much more innocent than it is now. Tom increasing his pace, looked right through the twinks eyes, and held an empty yet demonic stare. I went and sat on the rubbered mattress to get yet another view. Skeletal and pale, a captivating contrast to young tight youth. Tom suddenly took one final thrust. There was silence, yet, I could tell he was cumming, as his perineum twitched each time he squirted his load. Staying impaled, he lay on the boy, spent. ***** Squeal for Part 10 (next part to the evening) ...
    1 point
  47. cum loving whore , loves to be BB ed and shared by strangers
    1 point
  48. As part of Killing off Mr. Vanilla, no matter how disgusting, I'm game to do it. Soon I'll be gobbling shit under a rim chair, laying in tub which is bar's urinal, getting fucked dirty and then sucking dick clean, opening mouth for spit and hack, let the shit dry in my beard after Sir rubbed my face in it.
    1 point
  49. Pozzing Dave. I sent Dave to the bedroom, and told him to get that plug he had used on me out and not to lube up his hole, that I was going to rough fuck it again and get him really bloody to take my poz seed into his system. I locked the doors and walked back to the bedroom. On my way past the bathroom, I stopped and grabbed a new toothbrush from under the sink. Entering into the bedroom, I found Dave on his back, a look of lust and apprehension on his face and, if it was possible, a rock hard cock straining to get even harder between his legs. I placed the toothbrush on the bed next to his leg and slowly took off my clothes. Once I was naked, I told him to get up on all fours. I could see a slight sheen to his hole, probably where my load from the initial anger fuck had seeped ever so slightly out of his ass. I spread his ass cheeks and began to slide the toothbrush into his hole. Dave let out a slight grunt of pain as the stiff bristles pushed past his sphincter. Once it was in his hole, I brushed vigorously, twisting the brush as well, getting every corner of his innards bruised with the brush. After about ten minutes, I pulled the brush out, and to my satisfaction, the white bristles were now a nice shade of dark pink. With his innards prepped, the next step in his conversion was growing between my legs. I lined my stiff cock up to his pucker, and with one thrust pushed in till my balls hit his hole. I didn’t let him adjust to my intrusion, but began thrusting hard and deep into his dry hole. Soon his ass-juices and my precum (and a bit of his blood) were slicking up his hole. Looking down, I noticed my cock was covered with a pink tinged, slightly milky mixture of the ass juices and my last load. I didn’t think it was possible, but my cock got even harder at the sight and I began to really pound Dave’s hole. He cried out as I unrelentingly pounded on his hole, really tearing into him, no doubt adding to the bruising I had done with the toothbrush. Without pulling out, I flipped him onto his back and shoved my cock deep into his hole. Each thrust hit his prostate and made his cock jump. I knew if I kept this up he might cum, hands-free. I finally felt the tingle in my balls, signaling that my second known toxic load was about to erupt from my cock and enter Dave, hopefully converting him forever. I grabbed Dave’s leaking cock, and began to jack it as I kept pounding his hole and hitting his prostate. He moaned and screamed that he was going to cum. I told him to let it out, that I was going to flood his ass with my toxic spunk. He moaned “do it”, and a few thrusts and pumps later I was flooding his ass with my diseased load as his last neg load shot out; the first shot landing on his face and the rest coating his chest and my hand before we both collapsed in exhaustion. Once I recovered my strength, I slowly pulled out, and he squeezed my cock with his ass to keep that spunk in him. I grabbed the plug that was sitting on the bed next to me and as my cock popped out I slid it into his now cum-filled hole. We rested next to each other, and over the course of the night, I pulled that plug out about a dozen times and added another toxic load to his ass each time. His ass was so sore the next morning from all the fucking that I was amazed he could walk. Like a good boy, he kept the plug in him all day and made sure my cum would incubate and enter his body to infect him. We kept on fucking as often as we could, and a few weeks after I got my result, Dave came down with a fever, the shakes and could not keep any food down. Like he had for me when I converted, I took care of him, and got him through his conversion. When he was 'healthy' again, he went and got tested. Sure enough, he was now poz. With that taken care of, we set about to find as many boys as possible to convert and turn into poz bottom sluts. Together, we would create a legacy of our poz strain throughout the area.
    1 point
  50. I couldn't resist his hot mouth as he worked my cock with an expertise that had me blowing my load down his throat in no time. After he cleaned my cock off I looked down at him and let him know that we needed to talk. After my son had finished sucking a load out of my cock he disappeared into the bedroom as I finished drying off. I walked naked into the bedroom to find him lighting up my Tina pipe as I slowly walked across the room to join him on the bed. He took a couple big hits and handed the pipe to me. I followed his lead and took a could hits of my own. I asked him how long he knew. The question had a double meaning, one was about his own sexuality and the second was about his knowledge of mine. He answered both meaning by telling me he knew about my being gay from his mother’s conversations with her friends. Sean knew about his being gay since he was 13 when he was abused by one of my ex’s boyfriends who got Sean to suck his cock while his mom was at work and unavailable to take care of his needs. He went on to tell me that he found my pipe and stash when he was snooping around the apartment one afternoon and knew that we’d get along just fine. He also told me that he wanted me to take his cherry and breed him. I cautiously told him he may not want that from me only to be told as he took another hit from the pipe that he knew exactly what he was asking me. I looked into his eyes and knew he knew what he was asking. As I kissed him he wrapped his arms around me as he lay back and allowed me to climb on top of his slim frame. It didn't take me long to respond as my cock began to harden again. As we kissed he looked me in the eyes and almost pleaded me to seed him but not before he pulled out a couple points from under a pillow as he asked me to slam him up and use him all weekend. I didn't ask him anything more. As I prepped a point for him (and one for me) I explained how to prepare a point. I then asked him if he’d like to meet some of my friends. He shook his head yes and asked if I might take him to the local baths as well that weekend. A smile came to his face as I had his point in hand. I fixed the tourniquet on his arm and looked for a good vein. Sean watched as I explained to him how to administer. I stuck the point in his arm and drew back to register a flash of blood to make sure I was in the vein. I then emptied the contents into his arm and pulled the tourniquet from his arm and watched his reaction. Sean coughed out hard as the slam hit him hard. I prepped a good strong one for his fist slam. Sean began to suck me hardening cock as I applied the tourniquet to my arm. He had my hard 8” down his throat as I registered the flash and emptied the slam into my own arm. I pulled the tourniquet and coughed out as Sean was eagerly swallowing my cock. I flipped us around so Sean could continue sucking my cock while I began to rim his eager ass. He couldn't keep my cock in his mouth as he began to uncontrollably moan. I continued to lick his sweet tasting ass as he moaned and began to beg for me to fuck him. I wasn't one to disappoint my boy and flipped him on his back as I placed his calves on my shoulders. I placed my semi-slick cock with his semi-wet hole and began to push my way inside as I kissed Sean. As our kiss broke Sean looked up at my with a slight look of anguish and pain in his eyes. I continued to work my cock into his hole letting him know that that was all the lube he was going to get as I set to fuck away his cherry. As I began to bottom out balls deep inside my boy’s hole I grabbed the pipe and light the torch. I let Sean know that we were going to shotgun this hit and he was eager to try. I began to draw back a very big hit of Tina and then sealed my mouth over my boy’s as I exhaled the smoke into his lungs which Sean returned the smoke to my own lungs. The exchange went back and forth several times until we both were in need of oxygen. After a good shotgun Sean seemed to be more at ease as I began to fuck at his tight hole. I fucked away at Sean’s hole I could tell I was tearing him up a little bit, not too much, but just enough to be sure his hole would be more accepting to my poz seed. I could see it in Sean’s eyes that he was enjoying his first fuck and it didn't take long until I was really giving him a pounding he was beginning for when I couldn't’t hold back any longer and blew my poz seed inside his neg cunt.
    1 point
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