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  1. This morning a guy hit me up on squirt. Versatile, wanting to be fucked, profile said he was a 'safer only' guy. Just before I give him my address he makes a point to say he's on PrEP. He cums to my place, we make out, 69, he can barely take my cock but it goes in raw all the way in after several minutes of trying. His cock is still hard while I fuck him, I pull out and sit on him raw, and start riding. We flip back and forth for over an hour until he dumps his load in me. Great way to start the morning with a safer guy
    8 points
  2. I got stretched out at bookstore on way home from work. Geeky looking hipster guy, thin and bearded and maybe 24, was into my beard and belly. He had a thick af 9" cock and well, I did something I haven't done in a while. I grabbed his poppers and gave him my ass. Damn if it didn't hurt at first, but I made it thru the pain and that young man fucked me raw for a good 15 minutes before he told me he was cumming and asked if he could shoot inside me. "Bury it deep, son" I yelled back to him, and sure enough he did. ? When he slid out I instantly felt cum start to run down my crack, even though I was trying to hold it in. He didn't run off, so we chatted a few minutes, swapped numbers, and both agreed to a repeat sometime.
    6 points
  3. Part 18 - Family Ties There was a slight tension in the air barely noticeable by anyone sitting around but Angelo could sense it, he thought it would be better to leave them to talk this out. "You look well Ethan" Jack said moving the chair to sit on. Angelo stood as Jack sat down "I will leave you to catch up". "No Angelo, I want you to stay there is nothing to hide" Ethan said looking at him. Jack waited for Angelo to sit down then turned to Ethan "I don't really know what to say Ethan, in my head I had it all planned." Ethan fondled the glass in front of him "You are not often lost for words" he responded. "I'm sorry for what happened between us" Jack spoke tentatively. Ethan waited for a moment "Sorry about what, turning your back on me so quickly?" he asked calmly. "The whole thing caught me by surprise Ethan, how was I suppose to react" Jack replied apologetically. Jack continued "I won't to put this behind us and you to come back home". Ethan looked at Angelo then his father "Everything changed father when you hit me". Jack looked at Ethan "You gave back just as good". "I wasn't about to let it happen again, and you made your point very clear" Ethan looked down at the glass. Jack sat quietly for a moment then continued "I know but I never expected you would actually leave". Ethan looked at his father and Angelo "I'm sorry but I won't come back home to live". Jack glanced at Angelo "Is this your doing?" he spoke with an agitated voice. Ethan lowered his voice in annoyance "I made my own choice to move in with Angelo before our argument". He continued "What happened that evening just made it sooner than we both expected and don't speak to him like that". Jack was stunned by his response "Did you ever intend on telling us?". Ethan nodded "Yes, but I think you would have reacted the same no matter when I told you". Jack knew it would be no use arguing with him "I can't pretend to like this Ethan". "I wouldn't expect you to, but you will have to come to accept it if you wan me in your life" Ethan replied. Jack nodded "It will take time" he said glancing at Angelo "Can we at least re-build our relationship?". Ethan looked at his father and nodded slowly "Two conditions though". "Negotiating already?" Jack smiled at Ethan. Ethan looked seriously at him "Stop controlling my life and let me live it as I want, and accept Angelo". Jack studied Ethan for a moment "Only if you promise to finish college". Ethan glanced at Angelo "Deal" he said smiling at his father who leaned in and hugged his son. Jack turned to Angelo "I owe you an apology as well Angelo". Angelo shook his head "No Jack, I should apologise as I deceived you after realising who Ethan was". "I don't pretend to understand what is going on, that's is what is hard for me" Jack said looking at Ethan. Ethan smiled "I only want you to accept me and us, I don't want to shut you out of my life". Jack smiled and hugged his son again this time it lasted longer and unexpectedly Jack turned to Angelo and hugged him. Ellie watched from her table at the progress when she saw Angelo stand up and walk towards her. "Hi, I'm Angelo you must be Ethan's mother" Angelo held out his hand. Ellis stood up and hugged Angelo "Thank you for looking after my boy". Angelo smiled "I'm sorry for all the trouble it has caused, but he means the world to me. Come over and have a drink with us". As Ellie approached the table Ethan stood up and gave his mother a kiss and a hug, they spent the rest of the evening talking and slowly beginning to understand and accept how things would be from now on. As time healed the rift between father and son and they slowly re-built their family, Ethan was careful never to push or show affection towards Angelo around his parents at this early stage. Matt had kept a low profile but was still watching them both carefully, he knew of Mark and Franco and slowly his plan began to form to get Angelo back, he would wait with open arms when the time was right. It was a cold September morning as Matt ordered a coffee standing in the line behind Mark waiting for his order, he accidentally bumped in to Mark. "Sorry I didn't mean to bump in to you" Mark turned and nodded "Oh aren't you Mark?" he asked. Mark turned to face him "Yes" he looked quizzically at him. Matt smiled "How is Ethan, I know him through his friend?". "Oh, err.. he is okay, why do you ask?" Mark was curious now. Matt picked up his coffee "I know he is dating some guy for a meal ticket, you know just biding his time". Mark watched him put a lid on his coffee "I don't know what you mean" he replied shaking his head. Matt turned to make his exit "Oh you know, he doesn't love him or anything, just using him for now. Must dash bye". He swiftly exited the coffee shop and could see Mark's reflection in the window looking shocked and confused, he walked round the side of the coffee shop and got in his car and disappeared. Mark was jolted back when the barista called his order out, confused and quite upset at what he just heard he glanced over the office debating if he should say anything to Angelo. Mark walked back over with the coffees in hand and entered the office, he watched Angelo for a moment as he walked towards his desk and put the coffee down. "You look like you have seen a ghost" Angelo looked at him smiling. Mark looked over at him "Oh just something on my mind" he didn't have the heart to say anything and would wait. Mark tried to put it out of his mind for the moment and buried his head in work. Matt arrived in White Plains and knew from his diligent stalking where Franco would be at this time in the afternoon after college. He used the same tactic and rushed out as he didn't like the look on Franco's face, but he knew the damage was done and now it was a waiting game. Franco sat down and began typing a text to Angelo 'Is it true that Ethan is using you?" he looked and didn't know what else to say so he hit the send button. He never would have thought Ethan was like that but then unless you know someone you just couldn't tell, Franco pondered weather Adam was in on this as well. He decided to wait and see what Angelo would have to say before confronting Ethan. Mark looked up at Angelo who dropped his phone on his desk "What's the matter?" he asked. Angelo stared at his phone then looked up at Mark "Nothing, just something I have to deal with". "Is it Ethan?" Mark hazarding a guess. Angelo nodded "Yes" and a look of disappointment drew across his face. "Come on lets go outside and talk" Mark stood dreading this moment. Angelo stood up and grabbed his phone as they walked outside in to the chilly wind and sat down the bench outside the coffee shop, Mark went in and fetched two coffees and returned to sit by Angelo. "Has someone texted you about him and what he is up to?" Mark asked handing the coffee to Angelo. Angelo nodded "It appears he is not all it seems Mark". Mark touched Angelo's leg "Someone told me this morning he was after a meal ticket". Angelo looked at him "Then it is true, why didn't you tell me this morning?". "I didn't know what to make of it, it is strange someone just talks to you and says this" Mark responded. Angelo looked out across the parking lot "I can't believe he took me in like this". Mark shook his head "I don't believe any of it Angelo, don't make any rash decision". "What would you expect me to do?" Angelo asked sipping his coffee. "I don't know, who was the text you got from?" Mark asked. Angelo showed Mark the message "From my cousin, he is at the same college as Ethan". Mark sat there in disbelief "I can't understand it, sure it is not true". Angelo sat back and sighed "I put my heart on a string to be cut open again". "No Angelo, I don't believe Ethan is like that, to hear this twice in one day isn't right" Mark protested to Angelo. Angelo looked at him "Or it is". Mark stopped short of getting annoyed with him "Just talk to him Angelo". "I need to head home and sort it out tonight, I won't live with a lie" Angelo stood up and walked back to the office. Matt sat in his car smiling and turned the engine over as he needed to get over to Larchmont, he knew by the look on Angelo's face that word had got back to him. He wanted to be there ready with open arms for Angelo playing the supportive ex boyfriend. Angelo packed his things up and turned his phone off as he got in the car, he needed to think on the drive over. Mark sat at his desk with his head in his hands until Dillon made a noise taking his coat of the closet, Dillon had been with Angelo since the start of the business and had met Matt a couple of times in the coffee shop years ago and was surprised to see him there this morning whilst Mark was in there. "Hey Mark, don't look so down dude" Dillon walked up towards Mark's desk. Mark looked up "Hey Dillon, sorry a few things on my mind that are worrying me". Dillon smiled "Strange day, and never expected to see the ex back around here after their break up". Mark computed it slowly "Ex, what ex?". "Matt was over in the coffee shop this morning I saw him go in after you" Dillon said waving his hand about. Mark stood up "Matt, Angelo's ex?". Dillon nodded "Yeah he is a complete fruitcake, a couple of us think he hasn't let go of Angelo yet". "What do you mean?" Mark scratched his head. Dillon laughed "He sits in his car way over in the parking lot at least once a week, but this week 3 times from what I saw". Mark described him to Dillon who nodded "I never knew that was his ex" he replied suddenly looking horrified. Dillon shrugged his shoulders "Yeah, any how see you tomorrow". Mark was dialling Angelo's mobile "Yes sure Dillon and thanks". The phone went straight to voicemail so Mark tried the number again and did so a dozen times. He was now frantic and decided he would have to drive over to Angelo's place in Larchmont hopefully before Angelo did anything he might later regret. He stopped for a moment and searched the files for Franco's number remembering that it must be on file for when he works during the holidays. He dialled the number and waited for Franco to answer his phone, after the pleasantries were out of the way Mark asked him how he had heard of this rumour about Ethan. Franco explained and the described Matt but strangely he did not know his name. To Mark it quickly became obvious that this was no accident they both got the same message from the same guy, he explained to Franco telling him that he fears what Angelo may do before he knows the full facts. Franco swore in Spanish down the phone more so at how gullible he was being taken in, he thought at the time this could not be true and now it was confirmed, after he calmed down he told Mark he was also going to drive over to Angelo's. Mark ran out of the office and jumped in his car still trying to call Angelo. In White Plains Franco borrowed his mothers car and headed off to Larchmont.
    5 points
  4. I'd had to park about a block from the party house and as I approached, a Lyft car dropped off Logan. "What timing, eh?" he grinned. His jeans did nothing to hide the fact he was running at least half hard - that, and the wet spot that had soaked through any underwear he had on to show clearly on the faded denim. I pointed it out and he said "Fuck, man - the way my dick drools I'm over being embarrassed about it. The one use I have for rubbers is if I'm going somewhere I really can't be showing a wet spot, I'll put one on to catch it. Going to a fuck party? Not even wearing underwear." As it turned out we were the first tops to arrive and the host - Nate - showed us to where we could strip down and get ready before heading into the "bullpen" while we waited for the rest of the guests to arrive and everything to get started. Some tops went in for fetishwear - leather, rubber or whatever, partly because Nate insisted all tattoos that suggested a poz man be covered - but Logan had decided to keep it simple: "My boots, fur and B.O. is all I'm gonna have on." I'd decided to do mostly the same - to show off my thick silver pelt - but I added a pair of raunchy boxers I liked to wear while fucking; I figured there'd be plenty of cum splashback after the pigs had been bred a few times and I liked the idea of having that added to my fuck shorts. Nate had set an early and narrow arrival window, to keep "gay time" from delaying the start of the party; anyone who was late simply didn't get in and if it was without a good (and verifiable) explanation they'd simply be dropped from consideration. That might seem a recipe for killing a gay party given how many gay men are, frankly, flakes - but the stories people told about his events kept the interest high. I did notice he tended to lean rather heavily on dependable regulars - like me - and people those regulars recommended - like Logan - for his tops. Still, it seemed to work. Nate tended to pick bottoms of a similar nature for a given party and had a knack for picking a slate of tops for them; fortunately for Logan, this party featured young men in the cub-to-otter range, all with facial hair and hairy-assed. Logan had been lucky; Nate had run into trouble getting commitments from enough tops - and I had a good track record for recommending reliable people, so he took a chance. Normally, he liked to have men attend one of his less structured bareback parties to see how they did before inviting them to a more focused breeding event. As other men drifted in, I explained to Logan that the only party our host threw that was more exclusive was one bottom and a bunch of tops; for that, the bottom had to commit to taking all the tops as long as there were any that still wanted to fuck. In this case, a bottom could "tap out" after taking a minimum number of loads based on the top/bottom ratio and after all the tops had gotten at least one turn with each pig. Short of that they could signal for a 10 minute break in between fucks - the only things they were permitted to do while getting fucked is ask for water, poppers or more lube; they had to take the fuck the way the top wanted to give it. Nate supervised their cleanouts, so it was very rare that the only other reason for a break - a cleanout failure - would be relevant. He also had a queuing system that he'd explained to me once - it was a little complicated but struck me as a fair way to manage this kind of party so the bottoms' holes stayed full and made sure each top had a chance at all the bottoms - and for that matter, maximized the bottoms' exposure to the poz breeders. To get around revealing who was gifting the virus, all the tops were told to talk as if they were poz. (While there was nothing to keep a top from hooking up with one of the bottoms after the party and revealing his status - at least DURING the party, the pigs wouldn't know who was delivering charged loads, so they'd have to work for all of them.) The tops' room had a monitor showing the three fuck positions (the bottoms could choose between a sling or a fuck bench; in this case, they'd all gone with slings) and the queue showing what top was up next - and would indicate if the first man had to be bypassed because the next bottom to be available was one he'd already bred. Once every top had bred every hole, it went to simple rotation and once enough tops had called it quits, the last few tops had free choice. I wondered if Logan would personally knock out any bottoms - by which I mean once the bottoms could call it a night, doing so right after he'd bred them. Nate had told me that the queue was randomly generated - but he reserved the right to make "adjustments"; I noticed that one way or another Logan was up first, which meant he got free choice of the three pigs; the second man could pick either of the remaining two, and the third man had to take the last available hole. The three little pigs were hot in different ways; all of them were wearing jockstraps, because this was entirely about their fuckholes, and a reminder to the tops that if the bottoms wanted to cum, they had to do it exclusively from getting plowed. One looked like a hairy, bearded frat boy jock type with medium brown fur on a reasonably athletic body and a slightly darker beard; good looking but kind of generic, in my view. Another was more defined and muscular - the kind I might call a "wolf-pup" and with darker skin (I couldn't make up my mind between middle-eastern and latino), a broad, bushy black moustache and heavy stubble with a dense black chest pelt. The last one - and the one I figured Logan would make a beeline for - was an inked-up, rednecky looking otter with a shaved head, a big bushy long goatee and really hairy pits and ass; not too much hair on his chest - just a "torso T", but I knew that thickly furred butt crack of his would get Logan's attention... and I was right. I was a little surprised that the hot wolf-pup was the last chosen, but then I recalled that the top second in line had a thing for college boys, so there you go. The otter got a big grin on his face when he saw the biker grizzly with dick drool streaming from his rock-hard cock stomping in his direction. The grin got even bigger and he gave a whoop as Logan rammed his dripping cock to the pubes in the otter's lubed up hole; his expression shifted to one of blissed-out pleasure as Logan started pounding. The otter's vocalizations became non-verbal grunts as his eyes glazed over, staring directly into Logan's eyes. Normally, with a half-day break Logan would fire his first load fairly quickly - but even his rapid-fire had been slowed a bit by the amount of fucking he'd been doing lately and it took him a good 15 minutes of pounding before his trouser snake filled the otter's hole with hot venom; both of the other tops in the first wave had already shot and been replaced, and one of the men in the waiting room muttered "Show-off!" when Logan finally lumbered out of the fuck space. I smirked internally - if he thought THAT was showing off, the guy was going to be amazed as the night went on. The rules forbade any sucking or fucking amongst the tops - but one of the men down the list (just above me) went over to Logan and told him how "fucking awesome" he smelled, and in very short order the two of them were in an energetic rimming 69, having agreed on a "back off" signal so neither would waste a load that belonged in one of the pigs. The man had a full, thick blond beard and seemed to be wallowing in soaking it with the sweat in Logan's hairy crack. They set off more interaction amongst the tops - nipple chewing, deep kissing, mutual stroking, etc. - centered on the men up next, so they could walk into the fuck room raging hard and ready to breed; the quicker those tops came, the sooner the ones still waiting would get some (or more) ass. After Logan's hole-munching 69 broke up, he came over and said "Don't know about the other two yet, but that otter's got an AMAZING hole; I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of him."
    5 points
  5. New Year , new rules. im an my local sauna , arrived 23 minutes ago and relaxing after giving my first load. normaly on arrival I’d spend ages looking for a ideal fuck , often passing up hot guys for a better offer ( 20 years ago I was the better offer !) I think my new game plan is go with what’s on offer , and if your lucky you’ll get another go later. My ideal fuck would have been the short, young ,hung Asian guy in the dark room getting blown- but when I tried to play with his hole he didn’t shuffle up the bench so I could get a finger in ? However the guy blowing him had his ass up and was waving it like a flag on parade day. I fingered it , pre lubed . in my experience that’s like a neon bill board with the words “Slag for fucking , BB” on it. i stood behind him and he backed on to my very hard cock, wet - ether lots of lube or a couple of loads. i let him work for a couple of minutes whilst I admired his cute little ass and waist. Then I clamped my hands on his waist ( small , twinkish) and pulled him fully down of me. He knew is was in him raw and was loving it panting and grunting like a little piggy. i came quickly, with him urging me on. He’s the lucky bottom as he gets the bigg st load. Off for a walk now to see what is on offer ?
    4 points
  6. After he arrived, Logan called and told me that Teddy had bit *HARD*; he'd started out with one of the hookup sites that allowed searching by location, figuring that was more plausible than saying Teddy's profile had "just happened" to pop up on one of the phone apps. The photos of his furry muscular body and the big suggestive bulge in the crotch of a pair of snug jeans and a speedo got him an enthusiastic response when he told Teddy he'd be visiting the area soon. Their chat had quickly gone to sex and after Logan provided a photo of his big dripping hardon, Teddy provided his hookup app accounts to make sure it was easy for them to connect. Logan had gotten himself a prime AirBnB setup - and when I came over he'd already set up his hidden cameras in the bedroom, because he planned to record every fuck and load he planted while he was there - "Especially the stealth caps I'm gonna pop in that furry slut's neg ass!" he said. "Forget him for the moment - I don't want this hot musk of yours to go to waste, and you promised me some of that PrEP-busting bug too!" I shoved one arm up and was thankful Logan always wore sleeveless muscle shirts as I ground my beard into his ripe, dripping pit fur. Logan had made the trip on his Harley and clearly hadn't showered for some time before that - much to my pleasure. "Fuck yeah, buddy - gonna cover you with my stink and recharge your poz ass with my strain! I love the idea of having you out there knocking up smug PrEP pigs with my resistant bugs!" I pulled back from his armpit and as I moved over to the other side, he stripped off the muscle shirt and started on his pants; after he dropped those, he maneuvered me so his free hand could dive down the back of my pants and start fingering my hole, which was pre-lubed and ready. I opened my pants, dropped 'em and kicked them to the side, then worked my way down through his sweaty chest fur to the main prize: his thick, hard, dripping, rank, uncut cum-cannon. I skinned it back and while he wasn't actually cheesy he was right on the edge, so I did a first pass with my beard to add that scent to his pit funk, then went to work spit-polishing his shaft from pisshole to root. I was all the way down on his meat, swabbing his balls with my now-raunchy beard when he said "I gotta breed! I've been thinking about that furry fuckhole of yours all day and I need to get this load of poison in you before I waste it!" I simply dropped to all fours and braced myself; uncharacteristically for him, he didn't even give my hole a pro-forma tongue swipe (normally, Logan religiously followed the maxim of "eat it before you fuck it") and slid his dripping cock into my hungry hole. Not a brutal ramming - but an irresistable steady push, until his bushy pubes were grinding against my hairy ass. "You want this, Max?" "Fuck yeah! I want your fucking killer cum blasted balls deep in my hole! I want that PrEP-busting bug so I can go to pig parties and leave men who think they're safe with a gift they'll never forget! I want a hot strain that both gift-givers and bugchasers will beg me to share with them! RECHARGE ME, FUCKER!" His furry bulk slammed down onto my back, knocking me down onto my chest and belly; he grabbed my shoulders and gave me a few more deep strokes, then rammed in as far as he could, howled and I felt his hot, thick jizz loaded with his vicious virus start spurting into me. He ground his hips against me as spurt after spurt of his infectious seed filled my hole. "FuuuUUUCK! I've been holding that back way too long!" he said. "Get up - let's get to the bed 'cause I have more bugs to blast up your hole, but I wanna see your face while I'm churning that first dirty load and gettin' ready to add to it!" He slowly pulled back, letting me feel his broad cockhead sliding out; next thing I knew I was on my back in bed, one of his ripe armpits covering my face while he plowed back into my ass. I turned my head to one side and said "Fucking DAMN you smell good, buddy! Better than I remember!" "Don't think I'd ever been in my raunchy leather jacket for days before you got to me... not to mention a lot of those days roasting in the sun riding here!" "Pity to waste it because of that little prick..." "Hey, I raunch up fast ...and I'll have my stinkin' pit shirt and the jacket to help once I'm done with him. Sorry that first load was so fast, but I haven't shot in almost three days." "I figured - besides, I know you can shoot over and over again - that's one of the reasons you're so popular at sex parties." "Just wonder how many I'm gonna be able to get into that dude ... I'm hoping I'm still one and done, but under the circumstances I'll breed him as many times as I can just to make sure." "I look forward to seeing him still walking funny days later!" Logan grinned. "One of my specialties!" and with that, he covered my face with his other armpit and picked up the pace until he blasted his second dose of anti-PrEP into my hungry hole. Over the next couple of days Logan bred me frequently - as he wasn't sure if a guy already poz would be easier or more difficult to convert to his strain. I explained that I had an acquaintance who studied the bug and liked getting samples from promiscuous barebackers to trace the variations. I suggested that after his attempt to knock up Teddy that we get a sample from him so I'd be able to tell if my strain changed to match his. "Great idea! More certain than just breeding every dude on PrEP you can and wondering - if any of 'em convert - if it was really you." "Well - breeding lots of guys sure sounds good to me, especially if your strain takes." Then the (for me) sad day arrived when Logan stopped breeding me; he'd decided he needed to not cum for a day to ensure a performance with Teddy that would pass as "horny biker who hasn't cum for days". I thought he was being a little overcautious - but on the other hand, I could see wanting to ensure he had a full-potency depth charge ready to plow into the target. I mentioned Logan's AirBnB setup - he was right near the local "bear bar" so it would make perfect sense to go there after meeting up with Teddy, and thus get the breeding on video... and of course anyone else he picked up to fuck after he was done with Teddy. It was surprising to me how much the weekend seemed to drag - no word from Logan, and I didn't see him out at the bear or the leather bar - I hoped that was a good sign. Finally, late Monday morning I got a text from him - "Lucky #13! Chat me up on Signal!" I pulled up the encrypted chat app and said "You got THIRTEEN loads in him?! How many on video?" "Finally got rid of him because he had to go to work - in rumpled clothes cause he never went back to his place. Yup, 13 - and 11 of 'em on video. He took me to some other bar a ways off Saturday night that had this sort of screened off area on their patio - lots of guys back there having sex and apparently he wanted people to see him getting bred by me. Then yesterday I took him for a ride on my Harley - surprisingly, he's not a bad passenger - and I decided to breed him in a dirty men's room after we stopped for gas; he wasn't too thrilled about that, but I love that shit. Rode him hard with barely any lube but my last load in his hole and I could feel him squirming every time I hit a bump on the way back." "Any problems with your B.O.?" "Fuck no! I'd already decided to let my musk come back on its own accord and just see what happened - don't know if I converted him in that way too or if he was just being prissy in his profiles but by the end he was sounding almost like you talking about how much he loved my 'hairy biker stink'... so I'm already back to being nearly as ripe as when I arrived. Got him raving about my stink in a couple of the last videos, not to mention me in the first one reminding him I'm poz and does he really want to take me raw, with him stating he's not worried because he's on PrEP... so if he gets pissy about it if I did knock him up, I've got proof he was MORE than willing. I already had that from the saved chat log, but better to have him on video." "Awesome! What now?" "I'm gonna take a day to recover, and we'll see; he's actually a pretty good fuck, but he can't suck a dick as thick as mine worth a shit and my cock is sore from his damn teeth. I kept trying to tell him I just wanted his fuckhole but he kept trying to suck me anyway. I'm going to spend some of that time putting together a "best of" video for ya; I normally don't share my fuck vids, but in this case you might need to have the proof he was willing on hand." "I understand you being cautious but I don't think it'll be necessary; remember, he's turned into a real PrEP slut and I doubt he'll be able to pick you out of the crowd as the one who knocked him up." "I like to be sure about this kind of thing, but you know him better than I do. Besides, even if you don't need it to defend my 'honor' - I owe you for setting this up, and I know you'll enjoy watching me bangin' my bugs up his ass!" "Damn right! I look forward to seeing it!" "I'll ping ya here when it's ready. I'm gonna go grab a late breakfast then get to it. Later, man!"
    4 points
  7. Thanks for the feedback. - - - - - Chapter 3: Messages with the German bear I'd sort of forgotten about the German guy that had messaged me. Well, I never forgot that cock (and nor did my photos app, having obviously saved it). But after that initial interaction we did keep up messaging. And then in March on the Easter weekend he sent me another message out of the blue, "Hi, it's Alex, so when are you coming back to Germany?". Just after Christmas I'd deleted all the apps, thinking that if I got rid of them, then the temptation to bareback might go. About a week before Easter I succumbed to my urges and re-installed Scruff, his profile pic was just a thumbnail. A thumbnail of that rather magnificently hairy, beefy chest of his. So until I realised we still had our private galleries unlocked for each other I was racking my brain thinking who on earth this Alex guy could be. "Hi, I'm might be back in June. How have you been?" I replied. He replied almost immediately, "Great. The summer is wonderful here. You must go to the lake, it is very beautiful"... "Thanks for the tip, I'll try. I'm only over for a weekend though. Visiting a friend." ... "A sex friend?" ... "Haha, no, we don't have sex" ... "Oh, that is a shame, German guys can be very good sex friends". Our conversation then descended into an exchange of more explicit pics that weren't in our private galleries, and some general chat about how hot we found each other. But it was late, and my eyelids were heavy, so I made my apologies and wished him goodbye. A few weeks later, he messaged again. This time I was on my way home from some late drinks with colleagues. "Hi cub. How are you?" he asked... "A bit drunk. Just on my way home" I replied... "Going home alone?" ... "Yes" ... "That's a shame. Sexy cub like you shouldn't be alone"... "I wouldn't be if you were here"... "No. That is true. I wouldn't let you go home alone. Especially if you are drunk. You need looking after"... "I think I need something else" I replied... "Oh really? And what would that be?"... "Your cock"... "Yes?" ... "Yeah, I love it. I love how thick and veiny it is. I want to feel it" ... "You can do that when you visit"... "I want to feel it now" ... "But we are so far apart cub" ... "I know :("... "But if I was there, you could definitely feel it". I got distracted by some other notification and exited Scruff. After a few minutes he messaged again, "Where do you want to feel it cub? Where do you want to feel my cock?"... "You know" I replied"... "Tell me"... "My ass" ... "Yeah cub. I knew you wanted it"... "So badly"... "You want my cock in you cub?"... "Yes"... "Tell me cub"... "I want your cock inside me"... "Like this?" he said, following it up with a picture of his thick, veiny, raw cock entering a guy's furry ass. "YES" I replied... "You want it exactly like this?" he asked. "Yes" I replied. "You like it raw then cub?". Despite my predilection for barebacking, I'd never actively solicited it through the apps before. It was always something that happened when I was drunk, or once I was at a guy's place. It happening in the spur of the moment was a way of excusing it, I was just a guy that barebacked rather than being a barebacker. That yes I had bareback sex, but I wasn't someone that actively chose to bareback. "So cub, do you like getting fucked raw?" he asked again. He wanted to know. He wanted me to admit it. I would have to commit it to writing. "Yes" I eventually replied. "Yes, what?" he asked. "Yes, I like getting fucked raw" I typed, my dick getting harder than it ever had before. "Good" he replied. "Will you let me fuck you raw when you visit in June?"... "Yes"... "Dirty cub". So there it was technically, I'd committed in writing for the first time to let someone I'd never met before fuck me raw. I never replied to his message, having just got through the door as it arrived. I got into bed, and wanked off to his private gallery, thinking about how wonderful his cock was. How amazing it would feel to have it inside me. A few more weeks passed until he messaged again. "Not long now cub". It was mid-May, and he was right, it was only 4 and a bit weeks till I'd be back. We flirted back and forth, him telling me how much he wanted my ass, me saying how much I wanted his cock. But ultimately, I knew it was unlikely. Jake had said that one of his German friend's parents had a cabin in a forest about an hour's train journey. Knowing I loved hiking and the countryside he said he'd thought it would be great to do, we could head out Friday after I arrived, do a hike on the Saturday, and then head back on Sunday via the lake. I flirted with the hot German bear, it was some harmless fun and we'd not specifically committed to anything. Part of me felt a bit bad for leading him on, but at the same time I thought that maybe the next time I visit Jake, perhaps I'd bump into him at the bear bar.
    4 points
  8. Tom and Daniel are best friends since they were little. Both boys were nerdy and got bullied a lot at school. When they were 15 years old Tom’s neighbour Sam encourage the boys to start working out at his gym. In the three years that followed the two transformed from 2 nerdy boys into two athletic studs. Tom and Daniel were inseparable and not very interested in making new friends. In their final year a new student transferred to their school called Max. When Tom first saw him he was mesmerised by this drop-dead gorgeous 19 y/o blond skater dude. When Max spotted the two boys he came up to them and asked were they worked out. Daniel told him that they worked out at Sam’s gym. “I’d like to be more defined like you guys. Is it possible to join you?” Max asked. Both boys looked at each other and then nodded. “Meet us at 7 pm in front of the Starbucks at Martin Luther King street” Tom answered. That evening both boys went to pick-up Max. When they arrived Max was already waiting for them. They went to Sam’s gym and after 3 hours of hard training the 3 boys headed to the shower. Tom had a hard time not to stare to much at Max’s hot tanned body. When they got dressed Max asked if they would like to chill at his place. When Tom and Daniel both hesitated, Max said “Dudes, it’s friday you need to relax more and have some fun!”. “Okay! Let’s have fun” Daniel replied while looking at Tom. Tom smiled and said “Count me in!”. When they arrived at Max’s place both boys could believe their eyes. “Wow!” gasped Tom. Max explained that he inherited a lot of money when his dad passed away. “Who want’s to join me in the jacuzzi?! Our muscles could use some relaxing!” Max asked. Both boy’s nodded and followed Max to the rooftop. “You don’t mind that i get in naked?” Max laughed. “No! You don’t mind if we do the same?” Daniel replied. They stripped naked and stepped into the warm bubbling water. After 20 minutes Max stood up and said “Are you both gay?”. The boy’s were surprised by this question and started to stutter. “I saw how you both looked at me in the shower, so…” Max continued. “I don’t know… but to be honest when i look at you i get a strange feeling inside” answers Daniel. Tom can’t believe what he is hearing and says “That makes two of us!”. Daniel looks at Tom and then looks back at Max. “Don’t you want to know?!” Max asks both boys. “I can help you explore your feelings” he adds. “I’m still a virgin” Tom answers. “Who cares!” says Max. “Good time for us both to lose it!” adds Daniel. Max sits down between the boys and moves his hands towards their dicks. He starts rubbing their dicks but feels that both boys don’t know how to act. “I have something to get more relaxed… wanna try?” Max asks. Both boys nod. “Follow me” says Max. Both boys follow Max to the living room. Max throws a few towels on the couch and tells them to sit. He walks to the kitchen and comes back with three Gatorade bottles and a bag. “Need to stay hydrated” Max says with a smile. When the boys start drinking Max gets a pipe out of the bag and starts to fill it with some crystals. He heats the pipe, brings the pipe to his lips and takes some deep breaths, after 10 seconds he exhales a thick white smoke. He offers the pipe to Tom but he shakes no. “Come on! For once relax” says Max. Daniel takes the pipe from Max and imitates what Max did. Max encourage him to take some more hits. Daniel offers the pipe to Tom again. Tom does;t want to be left out and takes the pipe. After 5 deep hits he returns the pipe to Max. After taking some hits Max loads the pipe again and offers it back to the boys. Both take some deep hits again before returning the pipe. Max sees that the T start to take over; clouding their minds. Max gets a remote control and with a push of a button the TV starts playing gay porn and the sound system starts playing Trance music. Tom starts watching the porn and after several minutes he realises that one of the guys is Max. He gives Daniel a nudge and points to one of the guys. Daniel is surprised to see Max on the TV. “Yes! That’s me… i make amateur porn.” Max explains. Daniel starts to get horny and begin stroking his cock. Max kneels before Tom and puts Toms dick in his mouth. Tom moans and begins to get hard. After 10 minutes of sucking Max moves to Daniel. Tom sees the pipe and can’t control the Tina induced urge. He takes the pipes heats it and takes a few deep hits before giving it to Daniel. After a few hits Daniel moves over to Tom and puts his cock in his mouth and starts sucking. Tom is in ecstasy after 20 minutes Max tells them to switch. Tom starts sucking Daniel and Max moves to Tom. After a few minutes Max tells them that it’s time to clean out and tells them to follow him into the bathroom. He shows both boys how to clean out their asses with an enema. After they are done Max leads them back to the couch and hands them a loaded pipe. When the both boys are busy with smoking he pulls Daniel’s ass towards him and lifts his legs exposing his ass. He gets a big syringe (without a needle) filled with a mixture of lube and Tina and squirts it into Daniel’s ass. He moves over to Tom and does the same. Both boys begin to moan about a burning sensation in their asses. He can see that both boys have enormous hard-on’s, so he quickly gets two laces and start tie-ing off the dicks so the blood can run back. Tom’s dick is 9.5” long and Daniel’s dick is smaller (8.5”) but thicker. Max sees how the Tina is loosening up their asses because Tom tries to finger his own hole. Max moves over to Tom and positions his cock in front off their hole. He takes a few deep hits from the pipe making him horny as hell. Max’s dick begins to grow to the full 12” and begins oozing pre-cum. He lubes his dick and begins pushing in the dick. Tom screams as his ass tries to resist but finally gives in and slowly the full length get buried inside. He pulls out but leaves the head in before plunging his dick back in. He increases the pass and the screaming turns into moaning. He grabs Tom’s hands and puts them on his chest and orders him to pinch and twist his nipples. Tom complies and the harder he works Max’s nipples the harder Max fucks his ass. Then he let’s out a loud roar as he starts to fill up Tom’s ass. He pulls out his cum covered dick and moves over grabs Daniel and rams his cock deep inside. Daniel screams and tries to get away. Tom sees this and climbs on top of him pushing him down, looks him in his eyes and says “Give in to it!!! Open yourself up!!!”. Daniel looks into Tom’s deep blue eyes and begins to relax. While Max begins to ram his cock harder and faster Daniel begins to moan louder. Tom grabs Daniels purple dick and slide it in his ass. Tom grabs Daniels nipples and start working them like he did with Max. Max sees this and grabs from behind Tom’s nipples. With every twist of Tom’s nipples he tightens his sphincter and starts to milk Daniel’s cock. The pressure begins to build up until Tom’s cock explodes by shooting out thick streams of cum. His orgasm tightens his sphincter so hard that it sets off a chain reaction. Daniel sphincter starts to pulsate while shooting his load deep inside Tom. With an enormous roar Max begins to fill up his second hole. The boys collapse onto each other. After 15 mins Max gets up get another bag and orders both boys to lay on the ground with their dicks side by side pointing up. Max hands the boys some lube. After lube-ing their cocks Max positions himself on top of the two dicks. He then grabs a strap, ties of his arm and slides a syringe inside a vein. He draws some blood before emptying the syringe. “This is going to be heavenly” Max says while removing the strap. He start to couch and with each couch his ass opens up some more. As the rush takes over Max’s body his sphincter relaxes. Daniel and Tom watch how he slides ball-deep over the two dicks. Max begins to ride on both dicks increasing the speed. Both boys see him ride their dicks as if it was a wild bull. Both boys feel the tension build up in their balls. “Shoot your loads in my ass” yells Max. The sight of this gorgeous blond skater boy with his tanned body covered in sweat is their breaking point. Max feels how both cocks start to swell up and start blasting huge amounts of cum inside his ass. “Wow! that’s hot… can’t wait until it’s my turn!” says Tom. “Me too.” adds Daniel. “That can be arranged” says a voice at the other side of the room. Both boys look up and see three guys standing in the room only wearing shorts. The guys where in their mid to late twenties and had ripped bodies. It took a few seconds before the boys recognised the three from Sam’s Gym. The black guy continued “I’m Dean, this is Andreas and he is Mohammed”. Andreas is latino and Mohammed arab. “We are the backup crew hired by Max to entertain you!”. Mohammed walks over to Max pulls him up and throws him over his shoulder. Andreas hands him a big plug. Mohammed forces the plug inside Max his ass and says “We don’t want to waste good cum”. Dean and Andreas grab the boys and lead them downstairs. They enter a dim lighted playroom with three slings. Mohammed drops Max in the middle sling. Max his eyes open up sees the guys and asks “Are the instructions clear”. Dean answers “Yes! They won’t leave before we converted them into one of us”. The boys were confused. Dean continued “It’s your turn now”. Mohammed and Andreas grabbed the two boys from behind in a neck-clamp. Then Dean began tie-ing off their arm and grabbed two prepared syringes. After he emptied them in side both boys he removed the straps at the same time as the guys let them go. They started couching. A warm feeling travelled thru their bodies and their brains got filled with horny thoughts. The guys picked them up and put them in the sling. The guys dropped there shorts revealing their massive dicks. Mohammed and Andreas dicks measured 12” and Dean’s cock was a whopping 13.5”. Dean was busy slamming Max. When he started to couch the three guys took their places; Dean with Max, Mohammed with Tom and Andreas with Daniel. They started to lube up the boys holes and started stretching them with their fingers. Then they pulled back the fingers and replaced them with their huge cocks. All boys let out a cry when the huge poles where jammed deep inside, but this quickly changed into moaning. “I want all of you to beg. Beg for our cocks. Beg to fuck us harder. And beg for our cum.” yells Dean. The boys started begging to fuck them harder and deeper. At one point you could hear Max beg to fill him with their toxic loads and to impregnate him with the Demon seed. “Do you see the tattoo on our chest? Do you know what that is? What it stands for?” Dean asked the two boys. The boys recognised the tattoo because it was the same as on Max’s chest. “This means that we are brothers. Brothers with the same DNA. Tonight you can become our brothers. If you want too… beg us to convert you… into our brothers!”. Both boys started to beg to be converted. Dean couldn’t hold it in anymore and exploded with a deep roar inside Max. Not long after also the other two filled up the holes of Tom and Daniel. They pulled out their dicks. The boys got straps around their wrists and ankles and got hooked to the chains of the sling. “Now it’s time to make sure that you become brothers!” said Dean. The guys began by lubing up their hands. Then they slipped two fingers in their asses, joined by a third one and a fourth. Their holes were stretch to the max, but were about to get stretched further. Then the thumb was added and the guys started to push their way inside. “We want to be sure you will convert into a brother, because tomorrow a friend of us is coming to mark you with the same tattoo as we have. So we going to fist our toxic poz seed deep inside you”. Both boys now realise what’s happening, but the tina laced lube is reprogramming their minds with raunchy and sleazy thoughts. Accepting their faith!”. The boys screamed as the fists ripped them open. For then next 40 minuted the boys drifted in and out of conscious while their holes got fisted brutally. At the end both guys could slide they arms in passed the elbow. Dean was fisting Max’s more experienced hole buried his arm in shoulder deep. The rest of the night the boys were loaded once or more by all the guys. The boys passed out and when they woke up they both had a tattoo on there chest. Finally they were brothers… Blood brothers! THE END????
    3 points
  9. This is a serial story I've been working on; it's finished through a good stopping point - but if there's enough interest, I can continue it further. There's also a side story already in the works. So - at least as far as THIS story goes, it will not be abandoned before a resolution. ***** "I detest that little shit!" I looked at Rick, puzzled. "Who? Why?" "The little dude over there in the green shorts hitting on that big musclebear." "Why - were you planning to go after that guy yourself?" "Not my point. Do you remember an obnoxious condom nazi who got himself banned from the bathhouses and the sex clubs who insisted everyone call him Theo?" "Oh, right... wait... that's him?! I remember him being a twink that turned up his nose at anyone who wasn't shaved from nose to toes." "He was... then I guess he realized he was aging out of the Twink zone, dropped out of sight for a few months and reappeared with a surprisingly heavy pelt grown back, a neat little beard and telling everyone to call him "Teddy" now - and instead of other hairless "little boy" types, now he chases muscle bears - emphasis on the muscle. If you recall, my big problem with him was that he had a vicious little habit of focusing his condom-nazi bullshit on guys HE didn't think were attractive - most often chunky bears and older men - and try and get them thrown out, like he was trying to turn a bathhouse into a hall of his own personal fantasy men. Well, he's still as big a body fascist as ever - to guys like the one he's talking to he's sweet as pie; if one's a little too old, a little too pudgy or whatever ... he's one of the nastiest little queens around ... unless he's trying to impress a potential trick, of course. On top of that, he went from condom nazi to Truvada campaigner - telling everyone it was a great *backup* in case a condom broke - to quietly dropping that and turning into a major PrEP Pig. I can only guess that at some point, one of those musclebears - on being told Ted was on PrEP - just held him down, raw-fucked him cross-eyed and he realized what he'd been missing all these years." "Aaaah, right, all the gossip is coming back to me now... I never ran into the little fuck, he never seemed to infest the sex clubs I like." "That's because all the sex club owners pre-emptively banned him when the first bathhouse banned him for his condom nazi tricks. Apparently he thought those places were beneath him until he got himself banned from all the bathhouses - and by then he was unwelcome at the sex clubs too. I know the owner of the Pig Trough and apparently Ted threw quite a fit when they wouldn't let him in, and would only tell him that it was because he'd been banned from the bathhouses. It's a little strange if you're expecting them to be competitive - but the owners of all the tubs and sex pits know each other and they share info about troublemakers. Usually it's druggies, dealers or guys who don't have even a rough idea of what 'consent' is - but Ted there got under their skin. I mean, sure they want to know about some kinds of misbehavior - especially if it's someone making a mess, literal or figurative they'll have to clean up - but a tattle-tale about guys he didn't find attractive who were fucking raw wasn't anything they wanted to deal with." "You said he's on PrEP?" I asked, and Rick nodded back. I started to chuckle. "What's so funny, Max?" "My buddy Logan is going to be visiting in about two weeks; he recently found out his strain of the bug is extremely resistant to Truvada; since he knows I'm as big a gift-giving perv as he is, he asked if I wanted to be exposed and of course I said yes. Now, I'm not Ted's type - maybe 'muscle bear' enough, but too old for his tastes. But from what you've said and going by that dude he's been chatting up, I bet he'd be all over Logan trying to get into his pants. He's about 6'4, built, covered in silky black fur and has a shaved head and a thick black beard. Oh, and a nice thick 8" to plow his dirty seed into any hole he can." "And you're thinking of siccing him on Teddy to see if that nasty strain can punch through the PrEP and knock Teddy up? I love it!" "Yeah - Logan used to brag about 'one fuck and knocked up' because his strain was so infectious; I don't know if it still is after whatever brought in the PrEP resistance, but it's sure worth a try if we can make it happen. He hasn't got any poz ink to give it away - while he gets off on any kind of breeding, he LOVES to stealth." "Damn... I'm getting a chub just thinking about it. I know a few guys in Teddy's orbit who'll know about what apps he's on and stuff." I looked at Rick. "This sounds like it's personal for you." "It's not about me, if that's what you mean. I don't want to talk about it right now, though." I dropped the point and we went on to chat about other things, and Rick later dropped me an email with a list of Teddy's hookup app and website accounts. I read them over and then contacted Logan - who, as I predicted, LOVED the idea; not just the stealthing part, but as someone who'd fuck anyone with facial hair and could be friendly with anyone else he loved the idea of sticking it to a former condom nazi who'd targeted "unattractive" men, and who was rude to anyone he didn't want to fuck. We talked about making some judicious edits to his own profiles to optimize his appeal to Teddy - who, for example, said he wasn't into "mansmells". (I'd just have to thoroughly tongue-bathe Logan before he showered to go after the little shit.) So - a photo of his arm in a bicep pose with his hairy armpit dripping sweat got recaptioned from "Wallow in my musk" to "I work out hard!" and other similar tweaks. He set up his travel dates to show a later arrival than he really had, so he and I would have time for our fun and getting set up for his pursuit of Teddy.
    3 points
  10. I decided to stay in tonight because tomorrow is Gasparilla festival here in Tampa, I texted one of my fuck buddies that I haven't seen in quite a while to see if he wanted to come over but he was going out with friends. My cunt was aching to get filled so I texted another FB I have nicknamed "vaseline daddy" because he is 47 (16 years older than me) and he loves using vaseline as lube which Im not a big fan of but he is always up to come over when I text him and he loves daddy/boy role play. He was out having a few beers but said he would be by around 11. I start my routine of making sure Im ready, play with some toys then hop in the shower. Im watching some porn when I notice my phone light up with his text that he is here, I quickly put on a jockstrap, unlock my apartment door and text him back that the door is unlocked. I hear him walk in/ make his way towards my room as Im getting poppers out of my nightstand. He walks in my room and tells me to "come give daddy some sugar baby" We embrace for a long kiss as he starts grabbing my jockstrapped ass. I can almost taste the beer on his breath. He takes off his shirt and I run my hands across his furry chest as he starts unbuckling his belt and slides his jeans down, his already hard cock was sticking through the slit in his boxers, I kneel down and start slurping on his hairy daddy dick, after a while he lifts me up by my arms and says "daddy needs to eat some hole, get on the bed boy" I do as Im told of course I lay down and he starts tongue fucking my hole, with his hands spreading my cheeks, I love getting my cunt eaten my cock is rock hard digging into my mattress, after nearly ten minutes of him eating my ass he stops and I hear the familiar sound of him opening his little plastic tub of vaseline, I grab the poppers and take a deep hit as he shoves a big glob of it into my hole and starts coating his cock with it. I feel the smooth head of his cock start pressing through my entrance, he dives all the way in and pauses for a few seconds while he kisses my shoulders and the back of my neck, he starts off slow taking long strokes, it hurts/burns a little as vaseline always does : (, he leans back up and pulls on my hips till Im in the ass up face down position, he fucks me for a few minutes like this alernating between fast and slow, then he pulls out completely and says "flip over boy" "Yes Daddy" I obediently respond, as I am repositioning I see that I have a long string of precum hanging on my now soft cock (damn poppers) I get on my back near the edge of the bed and take another deep whiff of poppers, he hooks his forearms under the back of my knees and pushes his daddy cock back deep in my cunt and locks his lips to mine as he starts really fucking me hard, Im moaning and whimpering into his mouth as he gives it to me rough, he starts sucking on my neck and licking my ears, which drives me wild as he continues to plow into me. "Want my load boy?" "Yes Daddy, give me that hot cum" "Im going to flood that boypussy, here it comes boy!" "Oh fuck yeah daddy!" He slows his jackhammering back to long slow strokes, he starts moaning as he unloads inside me, he slows to a stop deep inside and I feel the last few pulses coming from his cock as his seed coats my insides. Breathing heavy he leans down and we kiss for a while as his cock is still buried deep in my hole. "Fuck" he pants as he pulls away and out of me, I clentch my hole and carefully roll over as to not get any vaseline or cum on my sheets. He grabs the towel off of my nightstand and starts wiping off his softening cock. "I needed that" he said "So did I, my hole has been craving dick all week, thank you for coming over, are you sure you are okay to drive home? you are more than welcome to stay over here and cuddle with me for the night" ( I generally dont have fuck buddies over to stay the night but we have played together at least 10 times, so I kinda trust him, plus I was a bit worried about him driving as he reaked of beer) "Thanks but Im fine, I only had a couple" After getting dressed He comes over to me kisses me again. "Shoot me text whenever, I love taking care of this ass" he says as he smacks one of my cheeks and leaves. I jacked myself off, and immediately took a shower afterwards to get all the vaseline out of my crack, but kept clenched up to make sure his load stays deep inside me. Made myself a post sex sandwich and started writing this. Happy hunting everyone!
    3 points
  11. I didn't get the video until the next day - but it was worth the wait. His camera placement was excellent and he knew how to play to them without it being obvious to Teddy that's what he was doing. I was amazed when on fuck 4 or 5, as he got close Logan said "Gonna cum!" - and I was expecting Teddy to respond with something like "cum in me" or maybe "fuck me harder" - but Teddy started dropping poz chaser lines! OK, he didn't go as far as asking for a "toxic" load or begging to be "knocked up" - but he did say he wanted Logan's "dirty" load "balls deep" and like that. I don't know if that was genuine or what he thought Logan wanted to hear... but it was quite something hearing this coming out of a former condom nazi! I'd noticed - but it hadn't really registered on me - that one of the profile view cameras just happened to look all the way into the attached bathroom - a happy accident of the door placement. But then I get to the part where Logan ushers Teddy into the bathroom, shoves him down to his knees and starts pissing in his mouth! Another of Teddy's raunch limits blown to hell - maybe we need to bottle Logan's B.O. for the effect it has on bottom pigs! I should clarify - Logan was pissing in Teddy's mouth, who was *guzzling it down* not just letting it flow out again and getting wet in the process. The audio from the bathroom was poor, but I did think I heard Logan telling him "don't spill a drop". And then there were those 11 PrEP-busting, bug-laden loads! Logan had told me that he felt a lot of the stuff that some breeders do to willing chasers to try and ensure the bug "takes" was overkill; he felt that the best approach - and one compatible with stealthing - was just to *keep on fucking* after dropping a load, actively massaging that charged cum into the recipient's fuckhole. Of course with him that tended to just roll forward into fucking another load in - but that could only help too. (Of course, he was used to having a highly infectious strain, so who knows?) I had two particular favorites - Logan woke up first on Saturday morning after banging 3 loads in a row into Teddy on Friday night; he had his typical raging-hard, drooling morning wood - and just shoved that into Teddy's cum-oozing hole and started fucking, pinning him down and forcing him to take it. Teddy struggled a bit at first, but quickly got into it with Logan's broad cockhead banging hard on his prostate. The other was the reverse - Logan lying there on his back snoring with a roaring hardon - and Teddy sitting on it... which led to Teddy getting rolled over, held down and reamed mercilessly when Logan awoke. It was clear that Teddy was shocked by Logan's forceful approach - though you'd think after 10 or more loads he'd have gotten a clue by then - but he quickly got into it, encouraging Logan to "ride me hard" and so on. My own hole was no longer sore from Logan's plowing but his powerfucking style was obviously familiar and made my hole clench at times. I had to start stroking as I watched the video and the count of potent loads blasted up Teddy's hole rose; when I got to the last one - the Monday morning wake-up fuck that was just shy of sexual assault - I shot all over my own beard when Logan roared "Take my NUT, faggot!" as he plowed in toxic dose #13, his crotch grinding hard against Teddy's hairy butt. I wished I could see the entire fucks instead of just a highlight reel - but figured maybe I could convince him to show them to me someday, if not let me have full copies. (He had finally agreed to let me have the videos of him fucking ME, as long as I promised not to post them online. Our poz talk was very blunt throughout all our fucking and he understandably didn't want any potential stealth targets tipped off.) During the week I got several updates from him via Signal; he'd had a number of other men lined up to breed, mostly either already poz who wanted to get held down and plowed by a big burly biker or bugchasers who were hoping to get knocked up; but despite having told Teddy he had plans during the week and would be busy, the little shit seemed to not care that Logan had other things/men to do. Logan got progressively more irritated with Teddy's wheedling for more of his cock; "In a way it's an ego boost to have someone so desperate for more of me - but damn it, he GOT a baker's dozen of my loads over a long weekend! What a greedy little creep!" "Yeah, well - that fits." "I didn't tell ya before - but I'd actually started to wonder if he was so bad... then at one point I went off to get us drinks and I overheard him trashing people right and left with his friends when he thought I was out of earshot. I have NO regrets for doing my best to knock him up!" "Glad to hear it, buddy. Other than him being a pest, how's it going?" "Great! Lots of willing holes - had a 'mostly top' guy the other day who wants to go from shooting blanks to live ammo, so I really reamed him hard; after, he thanked me for 'doing the job right' so I hope he gets what he wants. I'm looking forward to that party Friday night you were telling me about, but I blanked on the details...?" "Oh, it's a 'breed the bugchasers' party - 3 slings, 3 pigs who want to poz and they don't know which tops are poz - and at the end, they're only told their *total* of charged loads, not who gave them the poison seed. I've been to a couple, they're lots of fun. The bottoms have to impress the buddy of mine who throws 'em because to have at least two tops per bottom is difficult to put together so they have to make it worth the tops' time. Like I said the other day, you and your machine-gun cock are going to be popular even if you have to wait a while in between turns while all the tops get rotated through. All the bottoms have at least a goatee, so I'm sure you'll breed 'em all. <grin>" "One last thing for now... I discovered I fucked up when I made my reservation - I have to be out of here on Saturday, but I wasn't going to leave 'til Sunday. Any ideas?" "Sure, you can stay here Saturday night. We'll go out, have some fun and you can gift me any dirty cum you don't want to take home. I've got space in my garage for your bike so you won't have to park it on the street." "Great! By the way, have you heard anything from your scientist bud?" "We just gave him your blood sample two days ago - it takes at least a week for all the testing. He told me he would like samples from me once a month for a while to follow what happens. I'll be sure to keep you updated on the results." "I don't know why, but it's really been turning me on to think of having a brother breeder with my strain of the virus... can you imagine us double-penetrating some pig and both of us filling him with the same strain? Just thinkin' about it makes my dick leak!" "Doing your laundry makes your dick leak," I joked, "but I know what you mean. Love the idea of our cocks slipping back and forth next to each other in the fuckhole of a piggy begging for us to plant our dirty seed...!" "Fuck yea! Whoops, gotta run, bud - have a trick showing up soon. I'll take a half day off before the party and I'll see you there - I found the email you sent with all the details." "Ride hard, man!" "As always!"
    3 points
  12. Lots of background since I plan this to be at least 4 or 5 parts. THE INITIATION High school had finally started getting better for Kelvin. It had just taken until February of his senior year for him to finally feel like things were finally going his way. His recent early acceptance to Columbia and his dreams of getting out of the small town in Upstate New York seemed to be unfolding for him exactly as he had hoped – something that never seemed to happen for Kelvin. His freshman year at Union-Endicott High School had been a rough one. Moving from a small elementary and middle school to a school with over 500 people in his grade was overwhelming for Kelvin. Kelvin had never been particularly social and quite introverted. He had always been at the head of his class academically but was never really part of the geek clique. He wasn’t a jock, in the band, an artist or any of the other dozen of groups that made up the classic high school social hierarchy. Kelvin was a guy without a country, so to speak and while he was occasionally lonely, he was actually usually quite comfortable being on his own. Any semblance of a normal freshman year died when in the spring his mother was diagnosed with cancer and by the start of summer his mother was gone. Losing his mother was difficult for Kelvin. She had been the one person he always felt he could talk to and who would listen without judgment. His father had always been somewhat disconnected from Kelvin. His father was a former high school A-lister, playing football and baseball and being good enough to make All-State through most of high school. Kelvin wasn’t exactly a disappointment, but he and his father just didn’t seem to have anything in common. Kevin’s father also tended to disappear after coming home from work using his homemade beer to drown the mundanity of his life. His father was never quite drunk, just very distant. After his mother’s death, his father seemed to almost completely disappear from his life except for dinners and occasional evenings together spent in relative quiet. Kelvin’s sophomore year, as could be predicted, was essentially a blur. With his mother’s death and his father’s self-imposed absence, Kelvin dove into his academics pushing himself even harder. Books became his escape and Kelvin’s world shrank to his home and his classes at school. In a rare incident of insight, Kelvin’s father pulled Kelvin aside toward the end of his sophomore. “Kelvin, I know things have been rough since your mom died,” he began, “but I’m concerned that all this focus on school is not good for you.” Kelvin shrugged in response. Kelvin’s father continued, “I think you need to get out and do something physical, so I signed you up for training at Scott’s Gym. Hopefully, this will help get you out a little bit more.” Kelvin nodded and sighed. And with that Kelvin began working out at least 5 times a week. After a few months, Kelvin’s dad didn’t think Kelvin was putting on enough muscle. One day, when Kelvin was ready to head to the gym his father pulled him aside into the bathroom. “Hey, I know you’ve been working hard and I want you to feel like you’re getting results. When I was in school we’d use a little something extra to help build a bit more muscle. Here,” his father pulled out a needle, “let me see your upper thigh.” Kelvin rolled up his shorts and his father stabbed the needle deep into his muscle, injecting Kelvin with the thick liquid. Smiling after the injection, Kelvin’s dad said, “There. We’ll start cycling you and see if we can’t get you some results you can really see and be proud of.” Kelvin knew the steroids could eventually cause problems but his dad had seemed so happy that he had finally found a way to connect with his son, that he didn’t have the heart to object. Through the rest of his sophomore and junior years Kelvin cycled on steroids and his body grew in both shape and definition. Kelvin knew things had changed, he could obviously see the changes himself, and also noticed how instead of being completely invisible he began turning heads of the girls at school which made him uncomfortable. The steroids had not only added bulk to his muscles but had two other effects Kelvin had not considered. The first was that by the end of Kelvin’s junior year instead of the light fuzzy treasure trail and chest that many of his classmates had, Kelvin was sporting a dense trail of fur from his crotch up to his chest which was also becoming thick with fur. Although his father smiled and said he was turning into a ‘real man’, Kelvin was self-conscious of the changes and tried to avoid showers after gym with his classmates. His arms and legs were equally hirsute and every afternoon he was sporting a 5 o’clock shadow. The second effect wasn’t as noticeable to others, but Kelvin was acutely aware of it. The extra testosterone and androgens flowing through his bloodstream had turned a normally horny teenager into a supreme horn dog. Kelvin spent much of his evenings online downloading and consuming porn. He found himself whacking off three, four sometimes five times a day to keep his urges in check. Kelvin also realized that while he initially had been downloading straight porn, he was now spending all of his time on gay porn sites. Kelvin had not given much thought to his sexuality, he had been too busy burying himself in school, especially after his mother died. Kelvin’s favorite videos were the ones where an older, furry, bearish guy got blown by a younger, but also furry otter or cub. He spent hours spilling load after load as he watched and dreamed of servicing an older, moaning, hot furry guy while gently rubbing the young guys head and murmuring out things like, “Yeah, work that dick. Show me that you want my load.” Kelvin always ended the movies after that scene because he knew that the next one would be the otter or cub getting fucked and while part of him found it exciting he just couldn’t see himself ever letting someone do that to him. Kelvin’s senior year started off unremarkably enough. By this time he had settled on going away for school, hopefully to Columbia where he’d have access to New York City and could leave small town Endicott behind. He could remake himself into whomever he wanted. No one would know him and it was a chance to start completely over if he wanted. Fall flew by and college application deadlines came and went. By the start of winter break, Kelvin was eager for the New Year and news about Columbia. He’d also told his father he was no longer interested in his regimen of enhancers but agreed to continue to hit the gym. And now, here he was, recently 18 and accepted to Columbia for the fall and the promise of a new life was just a few months away. His battle against the inevitable 5 o’clock shadow had led him to abandon all attempts at being cleaned shaven. Instead, he opted for leaving a day or two’s growth on his face – not quite a beard, but a short, neat patch of hair. Since his freshman year, Kevin had grown in height to about 5’10” and 195 pounds of muscle. His icy blue eyes stood out from his dirty blonde head of hair and the darker hair of his beard and body. The day after Kelvin had received his acceptance letter he was showering after gym class. He had waited until after his classmates had finished, as usual, since he was still conscientious of the differences between his and his classmates’ bodies. He was letting his mind wander about the freedoms he’d experience at Columbia, including maybe the chance to present himself on his knees to a hot older guy. His dick started to harden at the thought and Kelvin smiled. Suddenly, he heard a cough behind him and turned quickly – forgetting his half hardened dick was lifting into the air. “Hey, Kelvin!” It was Coach Foley, his gym teacher for the past two years. “I heard you got some good news the other day.” Kelvin gulped and felt the blood rush from his face. Coach Foley was about 35 years old and a former collegiate soccer player. He was perhaps a couple inches taller than Kelvin but not nearly as massive. Coach Foley had retained the upper body of his soccer player form but also had some of the softness that occurs as guys get older but still work out. His legs were solid unlike the softness of his upper body. Just looking at them, were convincing enough to believe that he was still actively running and kicking soccer balls daily. His gym shorts left little to the imagination, a good sized bulge forming in the front indicating either ample meat, potatoes or both. Coach’s hoodie was zipped up about 3/4 ‘s of the way and thick black hair pushed its way out all the way to just below his neck. His face sported a cheesy pornstache which looked oddly appropriate for him. Coach smiled as he noticed Kelvin assessing him. “Good,” he thought, “boy’s definitely showing some interest. I’m thinking this is going to go exactly as I planned.” Coach flexed his dick, tenting his shorts briefly, and watched Kelvin’s eyes get bigger while chuckling to himself. “I know things have been tough for you the last few years and just wanted to let you know how great it is that Columbia knows what a great catch you are.” “Uh, thanks, Coach Foley,” Kelvin stammered. Despite his embarrassment at getting caught staring, his dick refused to get the message to stand down. In fact, at the sight of coach’s dick suddenly tenting out his shorts, Kelvin felt his dick fill with even more blood and move from a downward position to nearly horizontal. Kelvin had always considered himself pretty normal in the cock department. Compared to the videos he watched Kelvin wasn’t exactly huge. Topping out at just shy of 8” long and about 6” thick he wasn’t nearly as big as the guys in the video. Coach Foley, appearing to ignore Kelvin’s obvious discomfort and pelvic reactions, continued on. “What classes do you have this afternoon? I’ve got the last two periods off for planning and would love for you to come by and we can celebrate your good news. And, of course, your recent birthday.” Coach smiled. Eighteen. The magic number. He’d been waiting all fall semester for the New Year and the opportunities it might bring. “Ummm, I’ve got AP physics and AP English, but my last two periods are study halls since I’m a year ahead in History and don’t have to take any more,” Kelvin responded. Coach nodded, but he had already known the answer. He had checked Kelvin’s schedule for the spring and had traded with another coach so that he’d have back-to-back periods that matched Kelvin’s schedule. “Good. Stop by my office on your way out and pick up your pass,” Coach said. “And oh, by the way, don’t worry, all young guys get boners whenever the wind blows the wrong way.” Laughing Coach Foley headed off into the locker room. Kelvin once again felt his face blanch and turned to make sure his now engorged cock was out of sight. Kelvin quickly washed off and headed to the locker room, making sure he got a dousing of cold water in a failed attempt to bring his dick to heel. Coach Foley watched Kelvin finish cleaning off. Coach’s dick popped up again tenting out his shorts as he watched Kelvin bend over to wash his legs. Coach couldn’t quite see it, but he could imagine Kelvin’s pink, virgin butt hole amid the furry crack just aching to be cracked opened. As Kelvin finished up Coach Foley headed back to his office. He quickly filled out Kelvin’s pass and handed it to him as he passed by. “Looking forward to helping you celebrate. See you in a couple hours.” Kelvin nodded, smiled and headed out of the locker room. As Kelvin walked away Coach smiled to himself. Looks as if he had timed things just about right. Stopping his meds right after the New Year, he figured his viral load had grown exponentially and was approaching maximum toxicity. Sure it was a risk, stopping his meds every year, but it was his duty to pass on his viral RNA to the next generation of worthy recipients. Unlike others he knew, Coach Foley was interested in quality and not quantity of conversions. Sure he could rough his boys up with a toothbrush or scratch their insides with lengthened nails to help the virus penetrate and take hold of their bodies. Coach thought of himself as a purist, he believed that those worthy of the virus would accept it and wouldn’t need the help of a toothbrush or nail. A worthy individual’s body would welcome the virus and let it in. The virus just needed the time to figure out if the host would be worthy. For the last 5 years, Coach Foley had watched and chosen a senior he thought was worthy of the honor of being infected. Infection meant never having to worry about raw sex, the way men should enjoy it. It meant a release to seek out other men’s DNA and to spread it far and wide. Out of the last five years, two of his choices had been worthy. His first and second choices had not taken. While they had been fun fucks, the virus had rejected him. His first success, David, had converted within a couple weeks of his first insemination. He was now a Junior at UCLA and had let Coach know that he was helping to spread Coach’s virus all over Southern California. Zack, his choice the year after David, had also been found worthy. Over his spring break, Zack had been sick and Coach smiled as he thought of fuck flu raging through him. Sure enough, he had converted and was now at school at Old Miss where he was spreading Coach’s viral genes to drunk and closeted born again Christians. Last year had been a disappointment. After two years of worthy conversions, Tyler, despite repeated inseminations, sometimes three or four times a day had failed the test. Tyler had been a true cum whore taking as much cum as Coach could find him. It just showed that even the perfect whore may not be found worthy. It would have been nice if Tyler had been worthy, as a natural slut Coach could have counted on him spreading his seed far and wide. Things happen for a reason, he sighed, and thought about Kelvin heading off to Columbia, with Coach’s DNA swimming in his bodily fluid and smiled. He noticed a small drop of pre-cum form on the head of his cock as it poked from beneath is gym shorts. A good sign that Kelvin might very well be worthy. As Kelvin wandered off to lunch after gym, he replayed what had just happened. Coach Foley had always been nice to Kelvin and, in fact, he had known his father. But something was odd about his interaction with Coach Foley. Had he just imagined seeing Coach’s dick jump inside his shorts as Kelvin’s cock grew and he had caught Kelvin staring? No, Kelvin must have been imagining things. After all those videos, he knew it was all just wishful thinking. Coach was just being nice and it was good knowing that someone recognized Kelvin’s achievement. Kelvin’s own dad had not managed to grunt out more than a perfunctory “congratulations” before disappearing into the cellar and back to his homebrew. Kelvin smiled, yes it was good that someone had noticed and it was someone one he respected like Coach Foley made it even better. And a quiet voice deep within his groin agreed that it was good that someone hot like Coach Foley had noticed. Lunch and afternoon classes seemed to crawl by. Kelvin found himself fingering the hall pass in his pockets as each period came to an end. By the time 8th period came around the hall pass had been worn thin. As he took his seat his hand once again went to the pass. Some doubts entered his mind. “Should I go?” he asked himself. “What if I get another boner? What would Coach think of that?” He fiddled a few more minutes with pass until finally picking himself up from his seat and heading toward the front. “Yes?” Miss Padakula asked. Kelvin fumbled with the pass and gave it to her. “Lucky you,” she said as she signed it and handed it back to Kelvin. “I’d give just about anything to get out of here myself.” Kelvin nodded a headed out to the gym. Kelvin didn’t know why, but his heart was racing and he kept having to remind himself to slow down. It wasn’t a race but somehow his body wasn’t aware of that fact. He moved through the corridors and soon found himself in front of the locker room. He hesitated for a moment but then screwed up his courage and walked in. Coach Foley’s office was the back, out of the way. It wasn’t the kind of place you’d just wander into without actively looking for it. As Kelvin approached the office he saw Coach seated at his desk with his back to the door. Coach’s office was a pretty good size. Having a winning football team had its advantages. His office was decent sized, housing a small desk and chair as well as couch along one wall. There was a single door, now wide open, with a thin slit of a window that was covered with paper like most of the teachers did to prevent people from staring in or students from looking out toward freedom. Coach Foley had his legs propped up on one side of the desk. His gym shorts slipping down just enough to leave his upper thighs visible and the narrow band of a jack strap along the edge. “Hey, Coach Foley. Made it,” Kelvin declared obviously. Coach turned around and smiled at Kelvin’s attempt at small talk. “So you did. Come on in and have a seat. Just grabbing a Coke here. Let me get you one and we’ll have a toast.” Coach Foley reached over to a small fridge and pulled out two Cokes. He handed one to Kelvin as Kelvin made his way to the couch. Kelvin accepted the open bottle and sat on the couch. Holding the Coke in his lap and leaning slightly forward. Coach began, “So, let’s have a toast to Kelvin for his early acceptance to Columbia! I also heard you might be getting a scholarship?” “Yeah,” said Kelvin, “I actually have a full ride.” Kelvin smiled. He hadn’t said that aloud to anyone and realized how proud that made him feel. Coach could see the satisfaction on Kelvin’s face and continued. “Okay, so that deserves a double celebration! So, a double celebration means we chug our first ones and grab another. You ready?” asked Coach Foley a glint in his eye. “Okay, if those are the rules,” Kelvin smiled back. Coach raised his bottle and tapped the top of Kelvin’s bottle then brought it to his lips and began to chug. Kelvin raced to keep up and began downing his Coke. The soda had a bit of an odd taste which Kelvin noticed but rapidly was lost in the effort to get it all down in one gulp. Coach Foley finished first and Kelvin saw Coach watching intently as Kelvin finished. A crooked smile crossed Coach Foley’s face. “Good job! Let’s crack open another one. Sorry it’s not beer, but I don’t really want to get busted for getting an 18-year-old drunk,” Coach Foley explained. Get him drunk? No. Have him spun out on G? Hell, yeah. Coach Foley started chatting with Kelvin making small talk, asking about his plans, his classes, and his work-outs. As they talked over the next 15 minutes Kelvin was thinking how easy it was to talk with Coach Foley. Where he was nervous before he felt himself relaxing and settling into the conversation. As Coach Foley talked, Kelvin’s attention began to wander. He kept finding his eyes wandering to either Coach Foley’s half-zipped hoodie and the hairy chest beneath or slipping down to Coach’s shorts and the bulge there. Every so often Kelvin would catch himself staring and raise his eyes to meet Coach’s eyes. Each time he thought he caught the glimpse of another smile. He was also sure that each time his eyes wander to Coach Foley’s groin the bulge there grew in size. Finally, after several minutes, he was sure he could make out the outline of a thick shaft lengthening along Coach’s thigh. Kelvin answered all of Coach Foley’s questions and, in between, took gulps from his second Coke. As he finished his second Coke, Kelvin slid back into the couch and closed his eyes for a minute. Opening them, he saw Coach Foley adjusting himself and staring down at Kelvin. “So, Kelvin. Haven’t heard about you dating anyone. Got your eye on anyone?” Kelvin felt a big lump form in his throat and gulped it down. “I, uh, have been pretty busy with school so I don’t really have time for other things,” as he let his thought trail off. “Funny,” started Coach Foley, “I’ve noticed you checking me out. You like what you see?” Coach watched Kelvin’s face and the struggle that appeared to be going on. “It’s OK, man,” Coach continued “Some guys like guys and some like girls and some like both. I’m actually pretty flattered that a guy as hot as you would even look at a guy like me.” Kelvin’s heart raced and his stomach clenched. Coach appeared to notice his loss for words but continued, “Haven’t told anyone you’re gay yet, huh? Probably not even yourself.” Coach laughed lightly, “In fact, would it help for you to know that I’m also gay? And not only am I flattered you think I’m worth staring at, but I’ve been checking you out since you started in my class junior year.” Kelvin was torn. A voice inside him screamed for him to get up and walk out, that this was wrong and shouldn’t be happening. Another voice though smoothed over the warning and urged Kelvin to tell Coach what he was feeling, to jump on board and let Coach know the secret that he had been hiding from everyone, including himself. “Coach,” he started, “you’re right. I’m gay.” With those words a heavy weight seemed to lift from Kelvin and something inside him broke open. “God, I’ve been staring at you thinking how hot you are and how much I want to touch you and press up against your naked furry body.” Kelvin suddenly shut up realizing he may have gone too far. Coach got up and walked over to the couch, bending over to pull Kelvin to standing only inches from his own body. “Kelvin, tell me what you want. I know you’ve been waiting, I’ve seen it in your eyes.” As he said this his hand slipped to Kelvin’s jeans and the growing bulge that was there. Squeezing Kelvin’s growing cock tightly, he leaned in and whispered in Kelvin’s ear, “I know you want to feel my cock. Go ahead and grab it. You’ve never held another man’s cock have you?” Kelvin shook his head, still unable to speak. Kelvin’s hands went to Coach Foley’s waist and down into his gym shorts. He could feel Coach’s jock and the solid shaft within it that he had noticed earlier. “Let me get these off. I’m pretty sure they are only going to get in the way,” Coach said as he took a step back. He pulled down his zipper on the hoodie, removed and tossed it onto his chair. Next, he released his gym shorts which dropped to the floor leaving him naked except for the black jock strap that cradled his balls and restrained his thick burgeoning boner. He slid back up to Kelvin and grabbed both sides of his face lifting Kelvin’s eyes into his own. “Close your eyes and reach down for my cock,” Coach Foley murmured just inches from Kelvin’s face. As Kelvin shut his eyes and lowered his hand to Coach Foley’s groin he felt Coach’s hot breath on his face and felt Coach’s lips press against Kelvin’s as Kelvin’s hand slid down to wrap around Coach’s hard and thickened dick. Kelvin gasped slightly as Coach’s tongue probed against his lips and pressed past into his mouth. Coach’s pornstache was soft compared to Kelvin’s scruff. He could feel it brushing against him as Coach’s tongue explored every inch of Kelvin’s mouth. Kelvin let out a second gasp as he tried to wrap his hand around Coach’s cock. It was so thick his hand could barely get around it. Kelvin’s own dick jumped in anticipation and strained against his underwear and jeans. He could feel his balls ache as if his semen was boiling in his balls seeking desperate release. His shaft was growing rapidly, becoming engorged with blood. He fumbled as he worked Coach’s shaft feeling the thick mushroom head and the large piss slit which was oozing sticky pre-cum. With each exploration of Kelvin’s hands Coach pressed deeper into Kelvin’s hungry mouth wrestling his tongue into submission. As suddenly as it began, Coach pulled his face away from Kelvin still holding the sides of his face. “Good boy,” encouraged Coach Foley, “How did that feel?” Kelvin could only moan as his hands continued to explore every vein of Coach’s shaft and weighed his cum-laden balls in the cup of his hand. Coach took a step back and Kelvin’s hand fell in front of him. Coach Foley took in Kelvin from head to crotch and smiled. “Two things will make this better. First, you have too many clothes on. So lose ‘em. All of them. I want you naked in front of me. NOW.” The last word came out strong and as a command. Kelvin was overwhelmed. Every fiber of his body needed this and needed to do what Coach asked, no what Coach ordered him to do. He quickly lost his shirt and pants, only hesitating as he reached for his underwear. Coach Foley’s eyes, however, bored into his own and the command repeated in Kelvin’s head. NOW! Kelvin was now naked in front of Coach looking into Coach’s eyes which locked onto Kelvin’s. “Good. You can follow directions,” Coach stated matter-of-factly as he stepped forward. “Just listen and do what I say, Kelvin. I know how to make you feel good, feel needed. Right now I want you to bend down and take my nipple in your mouth.” Kelvin dutifully lowered his head finding the nipple with his lips. “Now, start sucking. Keep it up until I say otherwise. I want you nursing on Coach’s teat because that makes Coach rock hard.” Kelvin concentrated on Coach’s nipple, at first tonguing it gently. As he worked the nipple Coach pressed Kelvin’s head from behind forcing him to work the nipple deeper and harder. Kelvin felt Coach’s cock pulsing against his thigh with each suckling. “See, how Coach likes that?” he heard Coach ask. Kelvin could only slightly nod his head in response. After a few minutes Coach switched Kelvin to his other nipple to be serviced. Coach moaned as Kelvin worked the nipples. Coach’s dick seemed impossibly hard and large against Kevin’s thigh. Coach slowly pulled Kelvin from his nipple and stared into Kelvin who’s eye were glassy, a sign that his G-infused blood was in total control. Coach smiled and as Kelvin looked into his face he spat into Kelvin’s open mouth catching Kelvin by surprise. “Bitch, you’re mine,” he growled. “You’re my fucking cum dump from now on. Whether it’s spit or cum,” or other fluids in the future Coach thought wickedly, “you’ll swallow them and thank Coach for choosing you.” Kelvin nodded and licked his lips swallowing the last of Coach’s spit. “Good. Now that we have that understanding,” Coach began, “it’s time to start feeding you coach’s gift of cum. His DNA. The more cum Coach loads into you the more likely you are to continue to grow into a fucking man.” At that Coach grabbed both of Kelvin’s nipples and squeezed tightly. A shock of electricity shot through his nipples and down to his dick which had continued to throb and demand release causing it to press firmly against his belly. Coach pulled down on Kelvin’s nipples and Kelvin’s knees buckled. “Good boy. Down on your knees. Time to worship Coach’s meat with that cock sucking hole of yours. Once you get Coach all the way down that pretty little virgin throat of yours, he’s gonna dump a load of his DNA down your gullet.” Kelvin went to his knees and as he did Coach’s hands when to Kevin’s shoulders and guided him to the floor. Coach’s jock was inches from Kelvin’s face and he could smell the sweat from Coach’s balls. It made him a bit dizzy but he managed to focus on the bulging pouch in front of him. Coach’s hands went to his sides and lowered his jock freeing his thick cock and balls. Kelvin sat mesmerized. Coach’s dick was shorter than Kelvin’s probably just shy of 7” but it was thicker than he imagined. Coach’s shaft was at least 8” around and looked more like a Red Bull can than a dick. A large drop of pre-cum glistened at Coach’s piss slit. He could see shining residue coating the front of Coach’s jock, evidence of massive amounts of jizz that Coach had been leaking. Coach Foley’s balls hung low and were easily a double handful. With their size they promised a large load of cum when finally released and Kelvin, unconsciously, licked his lips with that final thought. “Start with the head, Kelvin. Open your jaw wide and take the head in. See how it tastes. You’ll need to try and relax, because once we get started, we won’t be stopping until my balls are against you chin and my head is swollen in your throat and ready to feed you your first load of Coach’s cum.” Kelvin’s eyes stayed glued to the monster dick in front of him. It seemed impossible that he would be able to swallow it. He leaned forward while Coach pushed his hips toward Kelvin and the head popped into Kelvin’s mouth. Kelvin could taste the salt and sweat of Coach’s head and it made his head swim. Once inside he could taste the pre-cum which had been coating Coach’s jock. Salty and slippery his tongue slid around the tip and spread the pre-cum through his mouth. He had always thought of cum as sticky but when mixed with the spit in his mouth it became slick and he could feel Coach’s head slide more easily within his jaw. Coach smiled. He could feel Kelvin’s tongue on his cock head and knew that he was exploring the benefits of pre-cum. As Kelvin seemed to adjust to Coach’s girth, Coach shifted his hips sliding his dick down another inch or so. Kelvin’s expression became slightly panicked but Coach placed his hand on the back of Kelvin's head and rubbed it slowly. “Remember,” said Coach, “relax your jaw and breathe through your nose. You’ve got a lot more to go and you need to make it easy on yourself.” He could feel Kelvin relax as he stroked his head and told him how good he was doing. Kelvin had unconsciously started sucking on Coach’s cock. Coach always had his boys start with the nipples and this was why. After working Coach’s nipples sucking on a cock was a natural progression. It also primed his boys for the signals that he would use for Kelvin to suck harder and deeper like he had with the nipples. Kelvin had the first couple inches in now, but the remaining 4” would be the real test. Bending over slightly and holding Kelvin’s head in place he reached for a small brown vial he had made sure was placed within reach. “Ok, Kelvin. So far you’re a prime dick sucker but in order to get Coach’s load we need to get the rest of this dick down your throat. When I put this vial under your nostril I want you to breathe in deeply. It may burn slightly, but keep it up for as long as you can.” Kelvin nodded as best he could with his mouth wrapped around Coach’s dick. Coach lowered the bottle with one hand and pressed his other hand’s finger against Kelvin’s other nostril. “Inhale now, deep as you can,” Coach ordered. Kelvin breathed in deep and the smell slammed into him like a freight train. He rode it out and continued to inhale as Coach had instructed. His head began to swim and he felt Coach switch the bottle to his other hand and plug his other nostril. Without a word, Kelvin again inhaled deeply for as long as he could. The rush was less intense now that he had felt it once but his head continued to swim. Coach repeated it once more in each nostril before setting the bottle down and placing his hands on the back of Kelvin’s head. Kelvin’s head was swimming and he felt as if he might black out. “Now we’ll see how much you want Coach’s load.” Coach gently and steadily pushed his hips forward and applied pressure to the back of Kelvin’s head forcing him further down the shaft. Coach knew that they were getting to the critical point when he felt the edges of Kelvin’s throat on his dick’s head. Gently he rubbed Kelvin’s head and whispered, “Take a deep breath and relax.” Kelvin took a deep breath and again his head swam. Coach pushed his hips toward Kelvin while also using his hands massaging the joint of his jaw on both sides. Steadily as his hips advanced, Coach also pushed Kelvin's head further down the monstrous shaft. At first, Coach could feel resistance as his cockhead pushed against the narrowed opening of Kelvin's throat. Coach Foley continued to thrust forward and work Kelvin’s jaw at its hinge with his fingers. Coach could see a small tear form in the corner of Kelvin’s eye and Coach knew Kelvin was doing his best. The sight of Kelvin straining to get Coach's mushroom head past the start of his throat, caused Coach’s dick to stiffen in anticipation. As it did, Coach felt the familiar ‘pop’ as his head slid out of Kelvin’s mouth and into his throat. The last two inches of Coach’s shaft slid easily into Kelvin’s maw once Coach’s cockhead was nestled in his throat. Coach smiled. Not even a single gag, Kelvin was good, maybe good enough to be worthy, but they had time for that and Kelvin still needed to finish this lesson. Kelvin had been straining to admit Coach’s head into his throat and after last the deep breath, there was a silent but noticeable pop, as his throat relaxed and Coach’s masive head slid smoothly into Kelvin's throat. As Coach Foley’s hips moved forward the head slipped further down his throat, and before he realized it, Coach’s balls were resting against his chin. Kelvin sighed and relaxed further as his throat snuggly embraced Coach’s mushroom head and the final couple of inches of the shaft. Coach stayed still allowing Kelvin to get used to the monstrous cock lodged in his throat. Again Coach reached for the brown vial and again Kelvin dutifully inhaled as if moved from one nostril to the other. The now familiar rush rolled over him. He felt completely relaxed and felt as if he could feel every vein of the shaft buried deep in him. Coach was smiling. Now came the fun part. Coach began rocking his hips back and forth while keeping a hold on Kelvin’s head. He felt his cockhead slide smoothly in Kelvin’s throat, enveloping him and smoothly sliding along Kelvin’s throat. As he became certain Kelvin was tolerating his small thrusts he made his thrusts longer and deeper. Kelvin came close to gagging a time or two but Coach’s hands rubbed at the joint in Kelvin’s jaw and the gagging stop as Kelvin relaxed. Kelvin’s throat was smooth and Coach knew that it wouldn’t be long until his first load was deep inside Kelvin but he wasn’t in a rush either, enjoying the steady tempo and building need to blow. Kelvin was completely lost in the flood of sensations. He could feel his throat as it massaged Coach’s head with each pelvic thrust and could feel his own dick stiffen. He moved his hand to grab his dick and began stroking himself, slowly at first but then becoming more frenetic as his balls ached to spew their load. Suddenly Coach’s hips stopped and Kelvin felt Coach smack the side of his head hard enough to get Kelvin’s attention. Kelvin immediately dropped his hands from his dick and sat motionless with Coach’s cock deep in his throat. “Focus on ME, Kelvin,” coached growled. “You’re my fuck toy and you need to show me you’re willing to work to get Coach’s cum. You’ll get your chance after I finish and only then. If you EVER cum before me, you’ll be out on your ass and will never get another drop of Coach’s cum. You understand?” A passing moment of fear raced through Kelvin’s mind at the thought of never feeling Coach inside him again. He nodded as best he could and folded his arms behind his back to help remove all temptation to grab his own dick. “Good,” growled Coach. “I’m glad we understand each other.” Once Kelvin’s hands were away Coach returned to thrusting his hips, increasing his tempo even more. Now without the distraction of his own dick, Kelvin’s attention focused in on the shaft penetrating his throat. The rest of him faded away and all he could feel was his throat and all he wanted was to show Coach how much he deserved that load of cum. As he focused in he realized that by flexing his throat he could tighten on the downstroke and release on the upstroke. As he experimented with this new found ability he heard Coach moan loudly. “Shit, Kelvin,” coached breathed heavily, “You’re a quick learner.” Kelvin felt Coach’s tempo increase and he worked his muscles to keep up. Coach’s breaths were short and rapid. “Fuck Kelvin, I’m about to shoot. You better make sure that every single drop goes down. Coach doesn’t want a single drop spilled.” Kelvin tried his best to make a noise indicating he understood. “Here it comes, bitch!” and Coach Foley roared out as his dick began to convulse. Kelvin could feel every wave as Coach’s cum flooded down the thick shaft and deep into Kelvin’s throat. At first, Kelvin thought he might choke but he pulled Coach’s head as far down into his throat as he could. Kelvin lost count after five spurts of cum slid down his throat. He felt almost like he was drowning. Coach’s cum was viscous and he could feel it sliding deep down inside him. Eventually, Coach’s thrust became less frenzied and Kelvin could feel the massive cock deflate slightly but still it filled his now cum lubricated throat. “Now that was a fucking blow job!” Coach exclaimed. “Hope that was a good load. It was at least 4 days’ worth.” Coach relaxed but left the head of his dick resting in Kelvin’s throat. “Now it’s your turn Kelvin. Show me exactly how much you enjoyed swallowing Coach’s load.” Kelvin hesitated at first remembering Coach’s previous warning but the aching of his dick and the tightness in his balls won out. Kelvin barely managed three strokes before he felt his balls lurch upward and felt spurt after spurt of cum land on the floor behind Coach Foley. “Yeah, we’ve got a shooter here,” Coach applauded. As his orgasm died down he looked at the wads of cum which covered the floor. Kelvin had never cum like that before nor had he ever spewed that much cum. Coach patted Kelvin’s head and slowly tilted his hips back allowing his cockhead to once again ‘pop’ past the narrow entry of Kelvin’s throat and slip out of his mouth leaving a trail of spent cum as it slid out. Coach grabbed Kelvin by the nipples, squeezing them tightly while pulling him up from his knees. Kelvin found himself face to face with Coach Foley who was grinning widely, obviously happy. Coach bent over and once again pressed his lips firmly against Kelvin’s and invading Kelvin’s mouth once again with his thick and powerful tongue. As they locked for several minutes he felt Coach’s hands reach behind him and squeeze Kelvin’s ass. Kelvin shivered slightly and Coach backed his tongue and lips away. “Nothing better than tasting my cum in your mouth, Kelvin. You managed to swallow that huge load and I’m pretty impressed.” Kelvin smiled at the compliment. As each of them fished for their clothes Coach said, “Now we need to discuss a few things. First, as we discussed, you’re now my fuck toy to use as I want, whenever I want. In return, you’ll get a regular diet of my cum to grow strong on.” Kelvin nodded. He couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to take another of Coach’s load. “Second,” continued Coach, your ass will be down here every 8th and 9th period from now until the end of the school year. I’ve written a note to your counselor stating that you’ll be taking weight training as an independent study course. That will ensure we have plenty of opportunities for you to get fed regularly.” Coach smiled. “And of course, once we’re both comfortable and need a little variety maybe we’ll work on busting that other cherry of yours.” A worried look passed over Kelvin’s face and he spoke softly, “Uh, I don’t want to piss you off Coach but I don’t think I’m much interested in getting fucked.” Kelvin dropped his eyes knowing that Coach could very well tell Kelvin to get his ass out. “Kelvin,” Coach sighed, “Let’s make a deal. We don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with and will stick with what we both enjoy. If there comes a time, though, that you change your mind, I’m going to make you ask for it. Maybe even beg for it. And like our previous deal, once you agree, your ass will literally be mine to use. Deal?” Coach Foley saw a look of relief pass over Kelvin’s face. “Sure Coach,” said Kelvin, “That’s a deal I can live up to.” Coach smiled as Kelvin picked up his clothes and headed out into the locker room for a quick shower and to get dressed. It was a deal Coach could live with too. Kelvin was going to make this a challenge and Coach loved a challenge. Even with a high viral load, Coach wasn’t likely to get enough cum deep enough into Kelvin during just oral sex to see if he was worthy of Coach’s virus. He’d have to make sure that by June he had enough cum swimming inside Kelvin’s guts to determine if he was worthy. Already this looked like this could be a challenge. But Coach always liked challenges and he always played to win.
    2 points
  13. My marriage had just ended. I also "discovered" gay porn and the fact that guys seemed to be open to doing darn near anything with another guy. I watched and learned about tops and bottoms and vers guys. I also realized that every now and then the guys would be fucking bareback. It gave me a little jolt and thrill. Naive? Yes. But, it turned my crank to think these guys were totally ignoring this 'safe sex' stuff I kept reading about. I hit that local spa a few times after work to see what went on in 'real life' and not the movies. Sure enough, it became obvious there were a lot of guys happy to take my raw cock down their throats or up their ass. And they enjoyed sucking cock and swallowing. And they insisted I shoot in their hole and not pull out. And it really turned my crank. Me? When I did bottom, I always asked for my top to wear a rubber. I was OK with topping raw but hesitant about bottoming. I was still experimenting and learning. Some would say I was selfish. It doesn't matter... double standard? Doesn't matter. I was reading and processing things. That's what I do. My male ex-partner and I met online and we dated for about a year before I moved in and we became a couple. The sex was undeniably hot. Lots of oral and rimming and fucking. When we did fuck, I topped him more often than he topped me. He always took it raw and talked dirty the whole time - egging me on to shoot in his hole, breed him.... and I did. I was still on the fence on the condom thing though. The few times he did fuck me, he dutifully suited up to stroke my hole. He would fuck me until I blew my load either hands free (he had a nice big cock) or by he/I stroking me off at the same time. If I took too long to cum, he would often go soft in the rubber and we would finish off another way. He never came in the rubber either. I would always finish him off by sucking him and stroking and taking his load on my face or mouth - he loved that. I told him I appreciated him not pushing me to fuck raw just yet and he said it was my decision. He'd wait. But we both knew he wasn't fond of the rubber. We talked about going monogamous and decided we would start off by getting tested. He tested Poz. I tested Neg. Hmm. Now what? We decided to stay together and figure it out. I went to all of his appointments for 2 years. And read a lot. Detection was early. They got his numbers under control quickly. I'm an IT guy by profession and I read a lot and do a lot of math and look at a lot of numbers. And I paid attention at all the immunology clinics. So, I made my decision and waited for the right time. We had a pool and hot tub and a 2100 sq. ft deck in the forest in a very private backyard. It allowed us to walk around, tan and swim naked. One particularly warm evening we were playing around a little out on the lounge chairs by the pool. At one point, he was laying back in a lounger and I was straddling his legs and sucking his cock and sensitive balls. I had him hard as a rock. I looked up and he was enjoying himself with his arms tucked behind his head, his eyes closed and a smile on his face. I had lubed my ass up in the pool house a few minutes before I came over to straddle him and suck his cock on his chair. I had lubed and fingered and opened and stretched a little bit in anticipation of what was to come (so to speak). I flicked the head of his cock with my tongue and sucked gently on just the head. I smiled to myself as I listened to him groan. I slowly worked that rock hard dick into my throat. Squeezing it a little as it slipped deeper. He was trying to push his cock deeper into my throat, so I let him give me a couple of cock thrusts deep into my gullet. I purposely coughed up some throat juice and spit to make sure his cock was completely covered in slime. Then, I slipped forward quickly from straddling his knees up closer towards his cock. I knew I had one chance to get this right the first time. It helped that his cock was wet and juicy and sticking straight out. I grabbed his cock at the base, held it firm and sat right down on it. My juicy hole easily opened up to his raw cock and I made sure to keep enough pressure on to just slide right down until the opening of my hole was at the base of his thick roundness. It took him about 2 seconds for realization to kick in. His eyes shot open and his arms flew out from behind his head, as if to push me away. I had expected that he would realize I was riding his cock raw and panic a little bit. So I quickly grabbed both his arms and pushed them to either side of his head and held them there. Then I leaned in for a wet slow kiss. I tongued him and nipped gently on his lips. I asked him if he was enjoying my hot juicy hole with his bare cock? He just kept groaning and thrusting gently upwards into my guts. All the while, I was slowly grinding my hole up and down his thick cock like I typically do. But this time? It 'felt' different. There was a different type of friction. I could feel the warmth of his cock without the rubber. I could feel the natural flare of his big cock head rubbing against my prostate every other stroke. As I pulled off for some air, he looked at me and asked if I was sure? I explained I was sure and that I had already shown him the answer by riding his raw dick. I was really squeezing his cock with my ass muscles and each time I gripped his dick, he moaned and thrust upward again. I told him to warn me when he came.... I wanted to know exactly what it was going to 'feel like' when he blew. A few minutes later, I saw his eyes go a little wild and he nodded.... and I slowed down my riding. We looked one another in the eye and held our gaze. He started one long groan and I stopped moving. I could feel his cock swell as he blew a massive first raw load of cum into me. I could feel the wetness and warmth start to ooze down around his dick and start leaking from my hole. He had a few days of cum already stored, and apparently this experience generated that extra-hard-cum that we all know about - from being turned on in a big way! I had been slowly stroking my cock between our hairy chests while I rode him to orgasm and the feeling of his first blast of hot cum breeding my 'virgin' hole made my cock spasm and my first shot of cum hit him right in the face. Second and third reached his throat, then his chest. The last shot pooled on his belly button as I sat right back down to the root of his cock while we made out. Eventually, he slipped out of my drenched hole. Any bottom here knows that feeling of a cummy cock slipping out of your freshly bred hole. It was the first of many times I would enjoy that feeling. I eased myself up just a little by straightening my legs on either side of the lounger and could hear and feel the cum dripping out of my hole. I looked him in the eye as I leaned forward and licked my cum from his chin, chest and belly. Then, I moved further down to slurp up all our joint juices from his cock and balls. I could feel his cock twitch a little and start to harden as I licked. He kept telling me how hot it was to let go inside of my hole and he had been waiting for a long time to do it. He said he wanted more. He gently grabbed my hips and made me turn around over the chair and pulled my puffy, cum dripping hole right down onto his face. I went rock hard again as soon as I felt his tongue push up into my open hole. He moaned and groaned to stimulate my asshole as he probed and sucked his cum from that dripping mess. By the time he was finished cleaning my hole, I looked down at his cock. It was rock hard again and the purple head was jutting upwards with just a little leftover cum oozing from the tip. I looked over my shoulder at him and winked, then got on all fours on the end of the lounger. He had that big hard cock shoved in balls deep in mere seconds. This time we really enjoyed a hot fuck that started out slow and worked up to him pounding my hole like there was no tomorrow. When he finished seeding me, he went down and once again ate my hole clean. First time he had ever felched me and I wanted more of that!! This was going to be great!!! I stood up long enough to take a drink of water and saw him turn around and get on all fours, ass up - just the way I like to fuck him. "Your turn. Breed me now".
    2 points
  14. I've sucked a few str8 guys. Mostly they just wait for me to get their cock in my mouth, tilt their head back and start playing with my hair. At which point I will grab their hand and push it into my head, as if to say, it's fine to skullfuck me. And they almost always do, take two hands and pound my mouth and throat til they shoot their cum down my throat. There's almost never any words. I'm just a fleshjack to them, just a skullfuck to get off. And I love that.
    2 points
  15. Three loads to report now: This evening I met up with a fuck bud that I hadn't seen in a while. So far we've only done oral, but he has a nice big, fat cock and I sucked a huge load out of him. Load#2 was probably the best of all night. With the sub zero temps around no one wants to go far. I get a grindr alert and look and it's a guy I hit up a few months back but never responded to my message. The boy is cute, mid twenties, says PrEP in his profile and that he's a vers/top. What the hell, respond to him, chat a few minutes and he offers to come over. He's only about a block away, so this is great! The guy arrives and he's shorter than me, a rarity, and hot as fuck. We make out, and work our way to the bed. He's got a nice cock, we're actually about he same size 7" thick, but he has this wicked upward curve that is hot. Eventually, I end up on top of him with his cock poking at my hole. I gently slide down and fuck does he feel good! A few minutes into our session and he grabs my cock, it feels like I'll come quickly so I pull his hand away. His cock head is hitting right on my prostate. I try not to touch myself, and for the first time ever I came hands free while getting fucked! I apologize to him, and encourage him to keep going. He flips me on my back and a couple minutes later I'm knocked up with his load. Apparently it happens regularly he says, no surprise to me. Lastly I just got home from another fuck buds. I've written about him before, he's a sexy, tall lanky guy with a nice uncut cock and huge bull balls. Took a couple years of fucks before he went bare. He caught me in a moment of weakness and I agree to go to his place. I jump in bed with him and start sucking his cock. This time I sit on him, normally we make out a lot longer and he rims me before fucking, but sitting on him just seemed right. We're high on poppers and eventually he flips me on my back and asks to play with his bull balls, they are very hefty. He flips me on all fours and instead of fucking he starts playing with my ass. I realize he's trying to fist me and I don't resist at first, but I know I hadn't really prepared for anything like that (ever.) In the end he gets 4 fingers in me before I tell him I want him to fuck me again. If I had prepared he might have popped my fisting cherry all the way. When he gets ready to fuck me, the poppers OD'd his cock so I had to work on sucking him back to full hardness again. He wanted me to work on his balls too and have I mentioned how big these are? I mean I can barely get both in my mouth at once. They are truly huge almost baseball size, anyway where was I? I finally work him up again to full hardness, and we do a repeat of me sitting on him. He loves the way I grab his cock with my ass. He finally tells me to get on my stomach, slams into my ass, monster balls bouncing off mine as he pounds me, and a couple minutes later I'm gonna have to do another paternity test. All in all a good 24 hours with 4 loads total (see other story.) Really needed that with the stressful week I had.
    2 points
  16. I've heard all the standard stuff, and I love most of it. Fag, faggot, cocksucker, slut, whore, etc. Being rather fem the ones that get me going the most are guys calling me 'pretty' (Vanity, I know), or had one guy tell me I was 'so cute with a cock in my face'. Or as others have said, silence and rapid breathing as they near blowing their load is wonderful too! As much as I do enjoy it I have to admit sometimes guys calling me faggot or claiming to be straight while I'm sucking them or they're balls deep in my ass is just kind of humorous to me. I find it a bit hypocritical I guess although I understand the denial for some guys. Like part of my mind just giggles and says to myself "Yeah sure that's why you're rock hard and thrusting as hard as you can into a boy lol"
    2 points
  17. The lower right corner of my mouth. Presumably it is HSV1.
    2 points
  18. u will love bb m8. I first barebacked about 6 years ago and finally made the transition to never using condoms 5 years ago. BB is just so much better in every way: the skin to skin feel, the physical closeness, the exchange of cum, even the risk......?
    2 points
  19. Definitely a turn on. One of my best long-term fuckbuds is a straight, married, family guy from Hialeah. It’s been a total turn-on for the last 20+ years to see him turn into a total whore whenever we’re together, begging for and slobbering all over my cock before I pound the hell out of him and send him back to his wife and family with my loads inside him. Once he sent me a vid of him fucking his wife while my cum leaked out of his hole. Sometimes I get a third guy to help work him over or take him to the bathhouses in FTL. It’s totally hot hearing him call his wife while riding cock and tell her he’ll stop by the store for milk on his way home...
    2 points
  20. Last sunday was the last time I took a a load. I go through phases where I'm good, then have a day or couple of days where i let loose and I just crave dick and cum in my hole. I spend a lot of time working out and a lot of time at work, so finding time to fuck around isnt that common. On sunday my bf was away with work (we have an open relationship). I went to the gym, got home and was feeling horny as hell after doing legs and glutes. I got home, decided to take a shower and get my ass ready for some fun. I live in London UK, there's no shortage of cock and sex clubs/saunas there. Every sunday there's a good club called SBN which stands for Stark Bollock Naked. Always a good mix of guys of all ages colours and body types. I'm not a body fascist- if the chemistry is good and the dick is good and hard- we will get on. I got there- it was packed. It always takes me a while to relax into it, I have to do about 45mins of walking around getting really into the smells and sound of fucking everywhere. Then that was it, i saw a guy who was in the sling getting fucked. He was ok but i just wanted to watch his hole getting used. I stood there and for a second I was suddenly aware of a tall guy in his 40s with a huge 8.5 dick stood behind me jerking off. (Im 33, a bit younger than him) I saw it and wanted it. I got on my knees and sucked, then I pulled out the silicone lube (hate water based) from my sock and rubbed it on my hole, then on his cock. I took a huge shot of poppers and pushed slowly back on his cock. It was MASSIVE and so hard. I had to retract and take another shot of poppers, then he slid all the way in and growled as he kissed my neck. He fucked me standing up for a few minutes- that raw cock was stretching my hole so well. Then i decided i wanted to be on all fours and for others to watch what was happening- since I couldnt see his dick going into my hole I thought at least others can watch- god I get off on a crowd. We moved over to a large padded platform that had about 5 btms on it- some taking dick, some ass up waiting for it. He grabbed my waist, pushed me down and I arched my back to expose my hole, then he really went for it- sliding that thick long dick in and out raw. I was so horny for it, I wanted my slut hole used at this point. He got close to cumming then pulled out saying 'not yet, i dont wanna cum yet'. He pulled out and quickly another guy replaced him. His dick wasnt as big but still hard. He used my muscled ass like a fuck toy- i could feel him getting harder and knew he was gonna cum. I told him to breed my fucking hole and that pushed him over the edge. He came- pulled out and another replaced him. Another load quickly followed. Then the first guy returned- i knew it was him the second my hole stretched that bit wider and i felt him deeper. Again he came close to cumming but pulled away before he could. Another jumped in behind him and gave me another quick load. By this point my knees were sore and i needed some water- so i left and got some, feeling those loads in my hole as i walked away. I always like to stick a finger in and smell it to smell those hot loads that are in my ass. I went back to the platform about 15mins later and took some more dicks- no loads this time. By now I was starting to feel like I'd taken the dicks I wanted there, and needed a change of scenery. I got myself dressed and headed outside. As i did so I switched on Grindr. Immediately got an offer from a 35yr old living opposite. Nice body (not amazing but quite toned), nice dick. I went to his and he quickly slid into my used hole. Unfortunately the sex was really lacking a spark. He flipped me over and was kissing me, he pulled out and came on my stomach- I was so angry cos I wanted that load in my hole!! I dried off and left, thanking him to be polite lol- but blocked as soon as I left. I thought that was it, I'd had a good range of dicks and was carrying 3 loads in my ass. I love that slutty feeling. I headed to the station and jumped on the train home. People were heading home from their casual weekends out and I was sat there smug thinking 'if only they knew what had happened to me just a few minutes before'. On the train home i got a whatsapp from a guy I'd fucked before about 6mths back. He asked what I was up to, and i told him I had just taken some loads if he wanted to add. He said he couldn't wait. I got home to my apartment, got straight onto the bed in the spare room and left the door on the latch. He arrived a couple of minutes later. Hes a young 26yr old black guy with an amazing body. Hes not out to anyone but enjoys using ass when hes in the mood. His dick isn't enormous, about 7inches and medium thickness, but SO hard. He obliterated my hole. He pounded me so hard I had to hold onto the edge of the bed and just think about how much i wanted my slut hole used- it was the only way I could take that pounding after so much action earlier that day. After about 30mins of various positions of his dick attacking my ass from various angles he finally came a huge load. He put on his clothes, thanked me and left. I laid on the bed replaying the whole afternoon and evening in my head. I love to play with the loads in my hole while I jerk. Finally I allowed myself to cum- tonnes of it lol! It was all over my stomach and chest. As soon as I came I was absolutely exhausted and could barely get the energy to wipe myself off. But my god it was worth it. It'll probably be quite a few weeks before I do this again- but when I get my ass ready for sex I need those loads, and lots of them! Any London tops hit me up lol, always looking for hot guys for midweek encounters if we can both find the time- we can share the story on here lol. I need to find some cruising sites in London as I've never cruised- I think thats gonna be the next hit for me! Hope you enjoyed the read guys.
    2 points
  21. PART 14 Something about what Ted had said and just the room and the whole scene had had an effect on me. I liked that he had all the lights on. I wanted to see him clearly. And I wanted him to see me. As I worked his cock with my mouth, I wasn’t shy in making eye contact and making it clear that I loved sucking him. His cock was so hard and every so often a fresh drop of precum would leak out, and that taste would make me even hornier. I took my time and he let me. I ran my tongue up and down the shaft. I licked his cock head. I sucked and licked his big cum filled balls. And I practiced taking a man’s cock deeper and deeper into your mouth. I wanted to be a good cocksucker for my top. My eyes watered and spit dropped off my chin but i worked more and more down my throat for longer and longer. The next day, my throat would be a little sore from ramming his cock down it, but for now all that mattered was his reaction and feeling his hardness in my mouth. Feeling it flex and throb as I sucked and licked it. “Fuck yeah Chris, work that Dick. I can’t wait to fuck you. I can’t wait much longer. You gonna give me that hole? You gonna let me have that little cunt to fuck?”, He said thru clenched teeth. I enthusiastically nodded and it wasn’t a few more seconds before he was pulling my lips off his cock and I wa hearing him say “Show me that hole. Turn around and show it to me.” I spun around and bent over the bed and spread my legs. “Climb up and get on your knees ass up and head down, with your knees near the edge.”, he commanded. It took me maybe 2 seconds to assume the position and hear him tell me “Yeah that’s it. Nice and spread. Your hole looks so hot Chris. So tight. And you live showing it to me don’t you?” “Yeah please. Please fuck me”, I begged. I felt him smearing lube onto my hole as he slowly teased it open. I gasped and bucked back into his touch. “What’s that sexy boy? What do you need?” He asked me, as his fingers worked me open. “Fuck me. Please fuck me. Fuck me til you cum. I need it.” I practically cried. And then I felt it. The blunt head of a rock hard man cock pressuring my hole, pushing it open. I focused on trying to relax my hole as he slid into me. I am sure I cried out a little as he was not being so gentle. He wasn’t ripping into me, but he was determined. It hurt but I didn’t care. I was so overloaded that I just needed his dick inside me. Even as I cried out in pain I was pushing back trying to impale myself on his cock. “Yeah boy open up. Open up that hole for me,” he grunted out. He never paused and I didn’t want him to, he just kept working my hole and sliding that huge Dick deeper and deeper. Despite the pain I was urging him on and pushing back. I wanted it all the way in. I really wanted it. He wasn’t going slow and easy and it wasn’t long before I hear hi tell me “I’m so close Chris. Your hole... I just can’t last. It’s like it’s pulling the cum up from my balls. I need to shoot in you baby. You want thAt?” Frantically i was begging him “yes! Yes! Yes!” A yes for every thrust into me that was knocking my breath out. And then he stopped. “Flip over on your back. I want to see your face when I give it to you.” He said. As he slid into me again, he pulled down close to me and began whispering to me. “Yeah. So close. So close to cumming in your hole. And you want it. That poz cum. You love this raw cock. I’m Gonna keep fucking you til you read poz just like me. As many loads as it takes.” And maybe that’s when he broke me. Who knows how many times I repeated the following words: “Fucking poz cum” and “as many loads as it takes” he just stArted pounding me then and within maybe a minute he practically shouted as he drove hArd into me “Fucking huge load. Pozzing you now. Fucking take it. Take my fucking cum.” I wrapped my legs around to pull him in, my ass milking his shaft to get every drop. He throbbed and flexed as he tried to push every bit out. Finally, I felt his cock slip out of me and he pulled back to catch his breath. He looked down at me and smiled. “Are you gonna come back later when you need more?” I nodded. “Anytime you need my cum, just call. I want my cum inside you every day sexy boy. Every day.”
    2 points
  22. MAL 2019, ass up in a jock, open door, thurs night took over 12, then between sat&sun took 30. Some were hot poz charges I was told as they were pumping their hot cum in my hole.
    2 points
  23. Alright guys. I’ll try to be as detailed as possible. I’m about to turn 30, not a Prince Charming but I often get people telling me how good looking I am. I’m 5’8, 180lbs, average to muscular body, white skin, big lips, blue eyes and hazel hair. The thing is, no matter how independent, successful and “good looking” The BB allay scene is always on my mind. 24/7. - I have considered to go see a psychology to check whether I should look for help or not. The place I live (Miami, FL) is the most superficial and snobby place you could be. Guys in sex apps are always looking for the most ripped bodies, the biggest asses and the super fat big cocks. As I mentioned, I look good but the competition here in town is pretty heavy. Since the tops are rare down here, every time the urge of some kinky fun crosses my mind i pack, book a room at Days Inn in Fort Lauderdale and head out. And that is exactly what I did yesterday. I left my place around 5pm but before leaving I made sure to change my BBRT location to Fort Lauderdale as well as posted an ad on the ad session. Fort Lauderdale is SO SIMPLE and EASY. By the time I got to my hotel room I had received over 12 messages. All types of guys. I typically go for either undetectable or PrEP guys though I was so horned up that the “no fucks given” button was on. I took it all. Sunday night, around 6:30 the first guy come in. Not a monster cock, white fit average 6 inches but he had a five day load so no better way to start it off that party. He got in, ate my ass like a champ and started fucking me. Lasted for about three minutes until he shot inside. I could definitely feel his warm load inside up my guts. He left, I brought weed with me so as soon as the first guy left I smoked some to keep myself on the whore out mood next guy, another white man. Much bigger cock. Typical North Carolina man. On his 50s. One of the most beautiful cocks I’ve seen to date. White, cut, around 8 and according them 6.5 girth. That man was hungry and he fucked me good. Last time I had had a cock before last night was about two weeks ago so I was pretty tight. He was so into it that as soon as his fame his hole body had little spasms from time to time. Onto the next one. That was a buddy of mine. Totally fucker who lives in the area. Latino, beautiful shaped thick cock. One of those guys that definitely know how to fuck a hungry hole. We spent some time together. He fucked me on fours, missionary, in front of the mirror, on the couch. The other two loads were so big that we could hear how sloppy and wet my ass was. He shot inside and left. Next... this was a catch! Temessean guy. Visiting. 6’4, around 190 pounds, bi according to him and new to the gay life. Huge feet and typical southern white cock. 7.5 super, extremely thick, one of those you’re proud to call beer can. He wanted me to ride him, so I did.... SO MUCH CUM DRIPPING OUT FROM MY HOLE!!! That man was rock hard. Going nuts and deep in me. I remember feeling it all that jizz leaking down through his cock. We did feel a connection in between and decided to trade numbers. He will be back in town in a week or so so hopefully we can connect again. One of those cocks you want to keep it close. The next guy on that night was a super chub, with a 6 inches cock. The next was another super chub, sleazy looking. Three day load. He did his job and left pretty quick this next one was handsome. Like very handsome white dad. Beautiful body, beautiful cut thick cock. But I’m oretty sure he was high on meth. Those tiny tweaked eyes said it all. I haven’t ever done tina in my life but maybe you guys can tell me? His cock was super soft but then I started sucking it and he got rock hard, like extremely hard. I didn’t ask anything but he was hungry for that ass. Fucked me deep, loud, hard, no shame. It felt like that man was born to fuck. it was already 2am or so so I decided to go to bed and set my alarm to 6am so I could catch that crowd who likes to drop some loads right before work. Another post on BBRT. Less messages back of course so I decided to try Grindr. For my surprise I had this black guy really close by. He offfered, I couldn’t say no. 8x6 cock, huge feet, slim and tall. Although I douched that morning I still had some fun left right there deep. He loved it. Fucked me like he hated me. Deep, it reached places that the other guys didn’t. Shot his nut pretty quickly and left them after him I had a couple, one poz another negative. Nice cocks, I’d say one 8 and 4 girth the other 8 by seven. It was massive ! Next man was probably high as well. Couldn’t keep his eyes open and rock hard cock all the time... I was about to leave the hotel at 1pm and it was 10:30 so I needed to rush. So I sent a shout on GROWLr. Got literally 50 messages in 10 minutes. Could only get two guys from there the first, a tall beautiful muscle bear, white blue eyes, average cock but a total whore in bed. Licked my ass, my soles, are the guy left in my crack and fucked the hell out of me. The next one was also from GROWLr. Daddy on his 60s... total fucker. Not a big cock but definitely experience makes all difference. He fucked so good that my second hole was totally open by there. So opened that the soreness had disappeared in a blink of an eye. No more success on GROWLr so back to BBRT. I don’t even waste my time with Grindr anymore. It doesn’t work. Not a success in Miami, not Fort Lauderdale or any other place I’ve been. Grindr is back and forth all the way and no meeting at all. Back to BBRT... got a couple of messages there. It’s funny because the more loads o get inside the bigger the cocks I want it. So my goal for that last hours at my hotel was to have my ass filled up by heavy thick meat. I then started scrolling BBRT and unlocking my profile pictures to all guys with either a Large or Holy shit type of cock. It didn’t take long until I started receiving some replies back. I was lucky because the lunch time was approaching so guys were looking for ass... the last two guys of my journey came together. A daddy on his late 50s, poz look, humangous cock. (Another observation, most poz guys carry huge cocks... anyone know why?) it was easily 9.5 long and 6 or 7 thick. I’m a power bottom but trust me that dick was a struggle ! I was a bit high on weed and sniffing poppers like a hoe and STILL, it was painful. The other guy was a muscle bear with a pretty thick dick. I assume somewhere around 7x6 or 7x6. They both take turns, they went deep, hard, made me moan uncontrollably, once my second hole was right there opened I could’ve taken all cock sizes, even fists. Totally not into fisting but the hole was wide open. They eat it, fuck it, dropped their loads inside like two hungry pigs. The huge cock guy asked me if he could piss inside and all of sudden my dick got rock hard... he saw it and I didn’t even need to respond his question. Put me on fours, ass really up, started pounding my sore swollen hole until he shot his cum. As soon as he did, he was like... don’t move don’t move... he stayed inside for around five minutes then suddenly my whole intestine was getting full with piss. It was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done sexually. The feeling of having my sloppy hole that full with piss made me so slutty... they left, I showered packed and head out to home this afternoon. Back to return to my “regular” life at the office tomorrow. I have a very young looking, kinda guy next door, no one can say a big of whore I am... I have my prep appointment on Wednesday so this time I am sure an STD will say hi but to be honest as bad as they are my whole adventure was paid off. Here is a pic of my ass for you guys Hope you guys like it
    2 points
  24. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Pup Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): 9143412886 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Rancho California and Meadows Parkway Temecula, CA 92592 Times you're generally not available: 4am-2pm Daily Age: 30 Height: 6’2”  Weight: 185 Ethnicity: White https://photos.app.goo.gl/Bz3kFj2NuoYBX4bF6
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  25. When I was opposite married, I loved getting bred in the bed I shared with my wife, while she was at work or out of town.
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  26. I agree that the best things I like to hear when I blow someone is their moaning. I don't get off with these stereotype names as faggot, cocksucker (although I'm the best).
    2 points
  27. Hottest things a top can say while I'm sucking him off are, "fuckin' pig" "whore". The best is absolute total silence, just being used like I'm an object to take, service his dick, and swallow the contents. Then walk away. I had a regular who would do this, we'd meet in a park. I'd kneel when we saw each other, he'd walk up and either I opened his pants and took him out or he pulled his dick out for service. Grab my head, fuck my mouth and groan, then walk away leaving me there.
    2 points
  28. Kelvin’s Graduation PART THREE – Evolution Kelvin could feel the rivulets of sweat as they ran down into the small of his back. He was panting now as Coach’s hands held Kelvin’s hips in place as each thrust of Coach’s hips buried his cock deeper and deeper into Kevin’s eager hole. “This is what you were made for, Coach’s little fuck toy and cum dump.” Kelvin grunted as Coach’s dick bottomed out against Kelvin’s prostate sending waves of pleasure through his body like electricity. “Get ready boy, it’s time for you to get a load of Coach’s DNA up that breeding hole of yours. Once Coach marks your ass it’ll be his forever. That was the deal boy, remember?” The rhythm of Coach’s pounding increased as Kevin moaned under the onslaught. “Tell me that you want my cum boy, beg for me to mark your ass and make it mine. Tell Coach to take what you already know belongs to him. Give Coach your ass…your body.” “My soul” thought Kelvin but he could hardly speak. Between pumps he managed to grunt, “Yes, your load. Give it.” “What?” asked Coach, “I need you to be clear what you want from me.” Kelvin had never thought he’d be in this position. Never thought he’d be getting fucked on all fours, like some bitch in heat. He never dreamed of losing himself in the sensations of pleasure which now occupied and filled all of his senses. As Coach’s assault on Kelvin’s ass reached fever pitch, Kelvin managed to grunt, “Mark my ass Coach! My ass is yours, it just took me time to realize it. I want your load swimming inside me. Breed me, Coach! Breed my ass!” As the last of the words tumbled out of his mouth Kelvin felt as though a weight was lifted from him and he finally felt free from the burden of being fearful for who and what he was. He could also hear a rumble in Coach’s throat as Coach took in the words. “Here’s Coach’s raw load boy,” yelled Coach Foley, “and now your ass and your whole body are fucking mine!” Coach’s body shook and he let out a noise somewhere between a grunt and a roar and Kelvin could feel Coach’s dick flex and knew that his insides were now getting covered with Coach’s spunk. As Kelvin pictured Coach’s load roiling inside him, he felt his own balls tighten and his dick stiffen against his stomach. A wave of pleasure, like electricity, spread through him and he also roared out in release. Wads of cum sprayed his abdomen before dripping to the wrestling mat below. With each spurt, he could feel his ass tightening and milking Coach’s dick for every last drop. Again and again, Coach pulled back and drilled deep and each time Kelvin could feel Coach’s cock flex inside his ass filling his guts with DNA and marking him as Coach’s fuck toy. His breeding bitch. His cum dump. As Coach slowed his pumping he leaned against Kelvin’s sweaty back with his dick still buried in Kelvin’s now cum-filled ass and placed his mouth near Kelvin’s ear. “Mine now,” he whispered. Kelvin woke in a sweat, soaking his sheets. The room was still dark and Kelvin let out a heavy sigh. “Another fucking dream,” he thought. He didn’t even need to check, his cock was still wrapped in the metal cage as it had been for the last two weeks and was aching as it strained against its confines. Once again he found that even without a hardon, he managed to dump a load of spunk in his sheets. Fuck, third time this week. As he rolled over onto his back he closed his eyes and thought to himself, “How the hell did I get here?” It had been two weeks since Coach has caged him up and two weeks without getting off. Sure he was having these wet dreams and his cum was flowing - but the release, the power behind the orgasm was evading him. He had never been so horny in his entire life. He couldn’t not watch the videos Coach had given him, they were too fucking hot. They were also fucking with him and he could tell it. Gone, or at least diminished, were his fantasies of swallowing Coach’s loads. Now he was dreaming of Coach’s thick cock sliding into his ass and dropping load after load inside. But this wasn’t him. He didn’t want to get fucked. Sure he had some fun experiments after that first time fingering his hole, but his mind screamed against the thought of Coach’s monster busting its way through his hole. Despite the cage and the lack of cumming he still looked forward to his and Coach’s work-outs. He could feel his cock start to swell as the afternoon ticked away and was familiar with that ache which started after lunch as his cock strained against the metal in anticipation. He was now regularly getting two and sometimes three loads out of Coach each day. Coach had praised his increase in skills and was happy with how fast he had taken to both the cage and his role as cum swallower. Sure, he missed the orgasms, but Coach had turned out to be right. What he realized he wanted most were Coach’s praise and his loads. Coach Foley sat in his shorts in his office thinking about Kelvin’s next workout session. It was time to move the line so to speak and see if Kelvin was willing to take another step forward. Coach had been happy with his progress so far. Kelvin never bitched about the cage or not getting to shoot his load. Sometimes he could see the hunger, the need, building behind Kelvin’s eyes but it evaporated quickly with a word of praise and a dose of daddy milk from Coach’s balls. Kelvin was a good choice, a natural boy, eager to take direction. Coach smiled. He’d picked a good one this year. After last year’s disappointment, all that work and no seroconversion, he was gaining confidence that Kelvin would be the next to carry Coach’s viral DNA far and wide. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out another batch of chem piss for the next step. When Kelvin arrived, he stripped down as usual and assumed Position One, as he had been for the last couple of weeks. Coach arrived and handed his regular dose of energy drink and watched as he swallowed it down. Kelvin’s felt his actual workouts had been going well and even after only two weeks his muscle memory had kicked in and he was showing signs of definition. The testosterone probably wasn’t hurting either although Coach was careful with the dosing so that it was enough to help with workouts. Kelvin smiled. Probably also helps keep me horny, although that never really seemed to be a problem. At the end of the last reps, Kevin moved over and assumed Position 2 ready for Coach’s meat and a load of gravy. Coach smiled, saying, “We’re going to try something new today, get over here.” Coach led him over to another piece of gym equipment. “This is a table vault, normally used in gymnastics, but I’ve found other uses for it. I want to lay on your stomach on it. Your head will be at this end and your ass at the other. I can adjust the height so I can just slide my dick into your mouth. Give it a try,” encouraged Coach. It was a bit awkward at first to find the right way to lay on it, but once Kelvin found the sweet spot and once the height was adjusted, Kelvin found that deep throating Coach’s cock was even easier in this new position. It was a bit weird having his ass hanging off the end, but once Coach’s cock was in place, nothing else seemed to matter. Coach was enjoying the view and the blowjob. Kelvin was buried to the bush on Coach’s cock and was using his throat muscles to milk Coach’s head and shaft. That alone would have been enough, but in this position Coach also had a great view of Kelvin’s ass which moved in time with the boy’s swallowing motions. It didn’t take long of watching Kelvin’s perfect furry ass bobbing up and down until Coach lost his first load deep inside Kelvin’s gullet. Now it was time to see about moving that line. As Kevin began to work on Coach’s second load, Coach starting encouraging him and praising his cock sucking skills. “Your mouth and throat make a cock feel good. How about Coach doing something to make you feel good too?” asked Coach. Kelvin could hardly answer, which was fine because Coach didn’t really care to hear one. As Kelvin continued to work his cock Coach leaned over and set his hands on Kelvin’s ass and began to gently rub it. At first, Coach could feel Kelvin’s alarm but as he continued to rub, Kelvin went back to sucking and was actually starting to moan softly. Coach kept up the rubbing and worked his way down toward Kelvin’s crack to get a view of Kelvin’s pink virgin hole. Kelvin continued his work and Coach took that as a sign to try the next step. Removing his hands his wetted a finger in his mouth and reached with the other hand to rub and then separate Kelvin’s cheeks, opening his crack and exposing his hole. Again there was a pause but Kelvin went back to working Coach’s shaft. Coach wet his finger again and carefully placed it along the edge of Kelvin’s hole and began to circle it. At his first touch, Kelvin had frozen in position as the wet finger edged around his tight ass. Slowly Kelvin resumed his work on Coach and his moaning had gotten louder. “Perfect,” thought Coach. “Going just like I planned.” Coach continued to circle Kelvin’s ass occasionally wiping across it which caused Kelvin’s ass to jump slightly but to return back to normal when Coach’s fingers resumed their erotic laps around his hole. Coach could feel Kelvin’s throat working overtime on his cock and he was ready to deliver a second load. Coach carefully covered his finger generously with spit and placed it against Kelvin’s hole. “Time to move that line,” he thought as he released his second load down Kelvin’s throat as he applied gentle pressure to Kelvin’s muscular ring which, after the previous massaging, gave token resistance and before yielding to Coach’s finger which slid easily to the second knuckle. Kelvin moaned as Coach’s dick twitched and its warm load hit his throat but was cut short with a new sensation. Coach, who had been playing with Kelvin’s ass and making it feel quite good, had changed tactics and Kelvin felt his hole give way to Coach’s thick finger. At first panicking, Kelvin focused on getting the Coach’s load down but he could not completely escape the feeling of pleasure that was growing in his ass. There was a feeling of hunger that he had not known existed and it was coming from his ass. The invading finger moved slightly deeper causing increased pressure but also with it, came a wave of pleasure. The pleasure of feeling that fullness in his ass was new to Kelvin, but he embraced it. Coach knew he had won when after pushing deeper he felt Kelvin’s ass relax instead of tightening back up. Coach’s spent cock suddenly surged back to life at the realization that Kelvin has stepped toward the line and was teetering on the edge. Moving slowly and intentionally Coach continued to work his expanding cock down Kelvin’s throat while sliding his finger along the wall of Kelvin’s ass. Kelvin moaned louder but did not retreat on either front. Eventually Coach’s finger located Kelvin’s prostate. “You doing ok, boy?” he asked. Getting only moaning in return he positioned his finger along the prostate and whispered in Kelvin’s ear, “Coach is ready to give you your gift for being such a good cocksucker.” Coach Foley applied gentle pressure on Kelvin’s knob and began to rub back and forth across it. He could feel Kelvin’s surprise as wave after wave of pleasure hit his system. His moaning became ragged and his throat muscles loosened slightly as the pleasure in his ass replaced it on center stage. Kelvin heard the Coach’s whisper but didn’t know what it meant. Suddenly his insides were aflame with sensations he did not think possible. His moaning got caught in his throat as Coach’s finger pressed against his insides and waves of pain/pleasure rolled through his ass and balls. There was some discomfort at first but it fell away as pleasure replaced it. Within a minute he was back to working Coach’s now rigid cock with his throat and could feel the shocks within him each time Coach’s finger made a pass. “Good boy,” whispered Coach again in Kelvin’s ear. “Let’s see if we can encourage those balls of yours a little.” Kelvin could feel the pressure from the finger increase and it sent waves rolling through his balls. Suddenly, he felt cum oozing out of his dick in a steady stream. It wasn’t his normal precum, which was always generous, and it wasn’t an orgasm but he could feel it spilling out as the pressure increased inside him. It seemed to go on forever as more and more cum emptied from his trapped, flaccid cock. He couldn’t stop it so he focused on Coach’s cock lodged in his throat. “Doing great boy, I’m definitely getting off on milking cum outta your bloated nuts. Never knew you could dump a load without cumming, eh? Maybe sometime soon we’ll teach you a way to cum with that cage on,” teased Coach. “For now, Coach needs you to swallow his load.” Coach felt Kelvin’s apprehension slip away and smiled. The boy had taken the next step, had crossed the line. He was proud of both his boy and his own skill in getting Kelvin to accept Foley’s role as Coach and Kelvin’s role as boy. With that final thought, Coach’s third load boiled out of his nuts finding its way down Kelvin’s still eager throat. Yes, things were going nicely. After the last spurts of cum Coach Foley pated Kelvin on the head. “Good boy. I knew after watching that porn I gave you, you’d want to see what all the fuss was about get your ass played with. Your caged up cock seemed to like it.” Kelvin was still reeling from how intense the sensations were of Coach rubbing his prostate. Even now, with Coach’s one finger deep inside him and his now softening cock still filling his mouth, Kelvin was feeling good. Kelvin felt Coach’s finger slide slowly out of his ass and once it was gone he managed a low whimper at the now empty feeling that replaced it. Coach smiled to himself after removing his finger. He’d done it slowly and had felt Kelvin tightening his ass muscles as his finger retreated. The boy was trying to hold it in by squeezing tightly – a sign that made Coach re-stiffen. Coach Foley backed away slowly letting his now hard cock retreat slowly from Kelvin’s throat, completely sucked clean of cum as always. Kelvin was a quick learning and he was definitely developing a taste for Coach’s spunk. Coach lowered his head down to Kelvin’s ear and pulled Kelvin’s head closer by his jaw. He whispered, “Best you hit he showers boy. There’s a small mess since you weren’t prepared for the milking.” He felt Kelvin stiffen in fear of having done something wrong. “Not to worry though, tomorrow we’ll teach you how we can avoid that so you can enjoy having your ass played with again.” With that Coach stood up and slapped Kelvin’s ass. “Get going, boy!” Kelvin hopped up like he was told and hit he showers. As he sat under the warm water he reached back and felt his hole. It was still a bit sensitive but the sense of emptiness was still there and the memories of the sensations that had gripped him a few minutes ago were still playing in his mind. He leaned against the shower wall and sighed. Kelvin didn’t know what his latest experience meant for the future, but he did know that he’d do just about anything to feel that way again – and that thought made him nervous.
    2 points
  29. It was Saturday night, and I had just gotten back to my apartment building, when I realized I didn't have the key to my front door. I'd taken it off my key ring for a friend to use that afternoon, and I'd forgotten to put it back on. Well now what was I going to do? It was 1:30 in the morning, everyone in the building was asleep, my boyfriend was gone on a business trip, and everyone else I knew was on the other side of town. As I was thinking about spending the night in my car, I saw one of my new neighbors drive by, probably just getting home like I was. He'd just moved into the building next door, and I'd seen him walk past my window pretty much every day, wearing his work clothes and looking fine as hell. He was white, pretty tall, and blasted hip-hop music in his car whenever he drove by. He always walked with swagger, but he also seemed really approachable, too, like he was always on a chill pill, and nothing ever bothered him. I'd been hoping to run into him at some point. My neighbor parked on the street and started pimp-walking toward his apartment, like he always does. I was still trying to think of where I was going to sleep that night, as he walked past my building. He nodded at me asking "Whatsup?" "How's it goin'?" I replied, thinking to myself he looked just as good up close as he did from afar. Then he paused at the foot of the staircase, looked at the keys in my hand, looked at the locked door to my building, and looked back at me and put the picture together asking "Are you locked out?" "Yeah," I said, laughing self-consciously, "I left my key inside." "Aw, shit," he said, "what are you gonna do?" "I don't know, it's not too cold. I guess I'll sleep in my car." "Ah for real?" he asked, "that sucks." "It's alright," I said with a shrug, "it's just one night." He seemed to think for a second, then he said, "Yo, I got like a big chair back at my place. You can crash there tonight if you want. It's gotta be more comfortable than sleeping in your car, man." My heart skipped a beat at that point. I'd seen this guy from a distance several times, but never even thought to speak with him, let alone being in a position where he would invite me to spend the night back at his place! I knew it didn't mean anything, which was good since I had a boyfriend anyway, but how could I say no? "That would be really awesome," I said, "are you sure it's okay?" "Yeah, man, it's cool, we're neighbors, right?" "You are incredible," I said, "I'll be gone first thing in the morning." "Don't sweat it, man." I tried not to look too eager as I walked down the stairs and let him take me back to his place. He told me his name was Simon, he'd just gotten back from some clubs with his friends, and he wanted to crash as soon as we got back, which was fine with me. He had a roommate, but the roommate was a heavy sleeper, so we didn't have to worry about waking him up. The chair in Simon's room was big and comfortable, and I was just starting to go to sleep, when I heard him say, "Fuck." I didn't think anything of it and started to go back to sleep, when he said, "Fuck, man." I sat up a little and looked over to where he was lying in bed. "What's -- what's wrong?" "It's all these bitches at the club, man. They want you to buy them drinks, buy them drinks, and they be rubbin' up on you all fuckin' night long, but then when you wanna take them home, then they got a 'boyfriend', or 'Maybe next time,' or some shit like that." "Oh really?" I asked, having no clue about bitches in clubs, then realizing I'd totally just given myself away. He didn't seem to notice, though. "Fuck yeah, man, and now I'm trying to get the fuck to sleep, and they got me hard as a fuckin' rock." What did he just say? Did he really just tell me he had a fucking hard-on, and did he tell me this as I was prepared to spend the night in his bedroom? Is this what straight guys normally talk about with each other? Or was he looking for…something else? "You're -- you're hard right now?" I asked, trying to figure out what the heck to do. "Rock, fucking, hard," he said without hesitation. "How the fuck am I gonna go to sleep like this?" I was glad the room was dark, because I probably looked like a deer in the headlights. If he weren't my neighbor, if I didn't have a boyfriend, and if I'd had a few drinks in me, I might have jumped at what seemed like an open invitation to this hot straight guy's cock. But if I made a move on my straight neighbor who walks past my place every day, and it turned out I was wrong…. Just then, I heard him make a slapping noise, one, two, three times. "Uh, Simon?" I asked. "Yo." "What was that?" "That was my fuckin' cock, man, I'm tellin' you, I'm rock hard right now, I can't go to sleep." "It just sounded like your hand or something," I said, still trying to buy time and figure out whether I should just go for it, or forget the whole thing. "Yo, if you don't believe me, turn on the fuckin' light, man." I still didn't know what to do, but there was nothing wrong with just looking, was there? So against my better judgement, I got up, went to the light switch, and turned it on. And there was Simon, no shirt on, his boxers pulled down, and his seven inch hard cock pointing straight up to his belly button. He lifted his cock up, then let it smack down hard on his abs a few times. So that was the slapping noise I'd heard before. "Wow, you're really hard," was the only stupid thing I could think of to say. "What are you gonna do?" "I need to fuckin' bust my nut," he replied, adding "I don't even care, a hot mouth, or a tight pussy, or whatever the fuck, you know?" When I didn't respond right away, he looked at me and asked, "You like dick, don't you?" "What?" I asked, panicked. I wasn't expecting that question, even though I guess it was obvious. "I -- yeah, I ...." "Can you help a brotha out? Please, man," he said, making his fat white cock smack on his abs a few more times, then looking back at me. I knew I had a boyfriend, and I knew I shouldn't be messing around with guys who lived right next door…but how many times was I going to get a hot straight guy begging me to suck his cock? So I turned the light off again, figuring that's how he'd want it, and walked over to the bed, filled with lust, and guilt. I climbed between his legs and tentatively put his cock head in my mouth, still not believing he was letting me do this. He sighed as soon as my lips closed around his hard-on, so I kept going. I slowly went all the way down to the base, feeling his cock gag me a few times. When he still didn't stop me, I sucked his cock a little faster, gagging myself a few more times. Then I went after his balls, swirling them around in my mouth and licking underneath them. After a couple minutes, I had this stranger's hairy balls rubbing all over my face, and I felt so disgusting, and so happy. Then Simon surprised me by grabbing my head and moving my mouth from his balls back onto his cock. I figured he wouldn't want to touch another guy at all, but he kept his hands on my head as he started roughly forcing his cock head down my throat, making me gag and slobber. "You like that fuckin' dick, don't you, pussy boy?" My eyes were watering, my nose was running, and he wasn't letting me off his cock, even though I tried pulling up a few times. "Yeah you do, you fuckin' bitch boy, I knew you wanted this dick the moment I saw you." Then without warning, he took his cock out of my mouth and started pulling my shirt off. I started to say something, but I was still trying to catch my breath, so I just let him do it. Then he moved around behind me, pushed me up the bed onto my stomach, and started tearing my jeans off, too. "No, I don't --" I started to say, but he kept pulling them off, and threw them onto the floor. He moved back up the bed and forced his cock down my throat again. This time as I was gagging on his cock, he slid his hand inside my briefs and started playing with my hole. Well this was happening too fast, and it was more than I'd bargained for -- I'd thought I would just suck off this stud, and keep my clothes on, and that would be that. That wasn't really cheating on my boyfriend, was it, if I didn't even take my clothes off? But it looked like my neighbor wanted more than to just get his cock sucked, which I wasn't really okay with. Well, maybe he just wanted to play with my hole while I sucked him off, I thought, and that was it. I mean, he was straight, wasn't he? And he hadn't even taken my underwear off. So after a few seconds, I stopped fighting him and just let him rub a couple slick fingers on my hole while he fucked my throat. But after just a few minutes of that, he yanked me off his cock and threw me up the bed onto my stomach again. While I was catching my breath and wiping the slobber off my face, he tore off my underwear, and then he was between my legs, with his tongue up my ass. How the fuck had that happened? He was straight, wasn't he? And I barely even knew this guy! What was his name again? And I'd been with my boyfriend for almost three years, and I'd never cheated on him. What the hell was I doing? This was totally wrong, and way too fast, and I had to get him off me, and get out of there…. But he was making me feel so good, and my boyfriend had never been this passionate and aggressive with me. In fact, sex with my boyfriend was pretty routine, and he almost never ate me out, and definitely never as good as this guy. I could barely even think straight…. Then my neighbor stopped eating me out all of a sudden, and after a few seconds, my head cleared up and I turned around to face him, remembering what I'd wanted to say. "Listen, I -- I should probably go, I mean I was just going to suck you off, and that's it, but I mean I barely even know you, and I just...." "Shut up, bitch boy!" he said to me. "You're mine tonight!" With that, he grabbed my face and slammed me down into the pillow, stunning me. Who was this guy? What had happened to the laid-back, easygoing guy on the chill pill I'd seen walking past my window every day? Was he seriously not going to let me leave? He kept my face buried in the pillow, then I felt his weight on top of me. I heard him spit a few times, then I felt him rubbing his slick cock head against my hole. No, this wasn't right, I wasn't a cheater, I couldn't do this to my boyfriend, this was way too fast, I had to get out of there. "No, wait, I have to go, I can't do this..." I started to say, determined to get out of there, only to feel a sharp, very painful slap across my face. "Shut the fuck up, bitch," he grunted. What was happening? No one had ever slapped me that hard before. I tried to force my way out from under him, but he was much stronger than me, and shoved my face back down into the pillow so I could barely breath. Then I felt his cock head push harder against my hole, and then he was inside me. I screamed into the pillow, and he held his cock still. "You can take this dick, you fuckin' slut," he whispered into my ear while holding my arms down so I couldn't fight him. "You know you want it. Let me in, let me get off inside you, make me feel good." I had stopped fighting him and was just focusing on relaxing my hole so it wouldn't hurt so bad, and he had started kissing me as he was whispering these nasty things into my ear. "I'll stay right here till you get used to me, I'm not goin' anywhere, I know you want this dick." I don't know if he was right, and I did want it, but my ass eventually started to open up and let him in. I couldn't fight him, he was much stronger than me. So maybe if I just let it happen, it would all be over soon and I could just forget about this whole thing, and my boyfriend would never find out. "That's right, I can feel you loosening up for me, I knew you wanted it," he kept whispering into my ear, with his hands still grabbing my wrists. "Fuck, that feels good, bitch boy, you feel so good." He started moving his cock in and out of me, and moaning into my ear. I hoped he would just finish soon. Then I heard him say, "I've fucked hundreds of bitches just like you, you always put up a fight, but you always take the dick in the end." Wait, did he just say hundreds? How was that even possible? I'd only been with 20 guys, tops, and I thought that was a lot! Was he even wearing a fucking condom? "Wait, are you wearing a condom?" I asked, but he didn't answer, he just kept sliding his hard prick in and out of my hole and breathing right onto my face. I know he heard me. Why didn't he respond? "You have to put a condom on," I said, "I never -- you can't fuck me without one." He still didn't say anything, he just moaned a little louder, fucked me a little faster, and grabbed my wrists a little harder. I had to get him to stop. I'd been so careful with the other guys, and I'd even gone with my boyfriend to get tested when we'd first started dating. Now here was this total stranger inside me with no protection, and he'd said he'd had sex with hundreds of other people! Had he fucked all of them without a rubber, too?? "No, stop, I have a boyfriend!" I said, desperately trying not to catch anything from this guy I had just barely met. "Get off me!" I started to struggle again, but it was no use. Instead of letting me go, he got up off me, grabbed both my wrists with one hand, and slapped me hard with his other hand, one, two, three times. My face was still sore from the first time he'd slapped me, and my eyes started to water. I knew there was no way to get away from this man, he was all the way inside me with no condom on, and he wouldn't stop no matter how much I begged him or struggled to get away. He didn't lay back down on top of me or start kissing me again. Instead he grabbed my wrists and started slamming his unprotected cock into me as hard as he fucking could, anger-fucking me into the mattress. I could feel sweat dripping off of him onto my back. He seemed determined to give me a fuck I'd never forget, whether I wanted it or not. I stopped fighting him, and just hoped he'd hurry up and finish, so I could go. Then he switched from slam-fucking me to piledriving me, pounding his cock into me over and over again without stopping. And as angry and worried as I was, his cock started to feel really good inside me, and I started to moan in pleasure. I didn't know what was happening, or how I could enjoy this even a little bit, but his cock started to feel incredible inside me, like it belonged there. Once again I couldn't think straight, and started to forget that I wanted to get out of there. Then after a few minutes of pile-driving me, he started to moan louder, and I knew he was about to cum, which brought me back to reality. For a second, I still had hope he would do the decent thing and pull out before he came, since he knew I didn't want this, and that I definitely didn't want his cum inside me. But then he started to really slam his raw cock inside me and hold it there, and I knew he was shooting his load deep inside me. He knew I didn't want his cock or his cum, but he didn't care, he was giving me his load whether I wanted it or not. After he finished cumming inside me, he let go of my wrists and rolled onto his back. "Fuck, that was good, bitch boy," he said, slapping me hard on my ass, which was now full of his cum. I couldn't believe what had just happened, or that I had this total stranger's cum deep inside me, and I didn't even know what his status was. Did he even know? What had I done? I started to get up so I could get my clothes back on, when he rolled toward me and held me down again, pushing me into the pillow. What more did he want with me? I thought he was done? Then I felt another hand on my ass, and I knew it wasn't his. What the fuck? He felt me jump and held me down harder. "My roommate wants some, too." His roommate? What the fuck? Had he been there the whole time, watching this guy force his bare cock into me and shoot his load inside me when I'd begged him to stop? Had he watched me struggle and done nothing? The roommate didn't waste any time with foreplay, and before I could say anything, he was on top of me, sliding his hard dick right into my loose, well-fucked hole. I hadn't even seen the roommate and had no idea what he looked like, and I knew he wasn't wearing a rubber, either. He must have already been stroking his cock while he was watching Simon fuck me, because he only pounded my ass for a few minutes, then he was shoving his hard cock all the way inside me and shooting his load deep in me to mix with Simon's. "Fuck," was the roommate's only word, then he pulled out of me and left. I couldn't believe yet another complete stranger had just cum inside me, and I hadn't even seen this one. Was I even still clean now? Had they given me anything? What had I done? I started to get up again, but Simon wouldn't let me go. He turned me on my side and crawled up behind me, pressing his semi-hard cock up against my cummy hole. "You did so great, baby doll," he whispered to me, kissing my neck and nibbling my ear. "You made me feel so fuckin' good, you know that? So fuckin' good." He held me tight, pressed up against my back, and for some reason, I could start to feel myself getting turned on. He shouldn't have cum in me, and he shouldn't be holding me like this. I had a boyfriend, and this was so completely wrong. But he kept softly kissing my neck, and I didn't stop him. "And it was so hot seeing you take my roommate's dick. I wish you could have seen that." His hand started sliding down my bare chest, towards my cock, which he'd completely ignored before now. When he wrapped his hand around my cock and balls, I was surprised to realize I was totally hard. He started stroking my cock, and I didn't tell him to stop. He spat in his hand and went back to stroking me. I moaned a little and relaxed into his body, and I think he knew I was his. After just a few minutes, I was shooting a hot, guilty load all over his sheets, and pressing hard back into his chest. "I know you're confused right now, baby doll," he said softly as he nibbled my ear some more. "But I know you liked it. And I liked it, too. And I know you'll be back for more." And as I drifted off to sleep with these two strangers' loads planted deep inside me, I knew he was right.
    1 point
  30. After receiving many messages from a negative bottom here on breeding zone, I finally responded, and we began some back and forth pozzing chat. I told him how much I enjoyed fucking a tight hole raw with the sole purpose of knocking-up the bottom. He responded saying how much he wanted to be my bottom pig. After a few months of message exchanges, I told him I was ready for him to follow through, or to quit messaging me. He replied saying he was a four hour trip from my town, and he would plan a trip to my locale, and would get back to me with the details of the trip. Well, a month passed before I heard back from him, and was somewhat surprised when he opened saying he had booked a hotel room nearby for an upcoming weekend. I was skeptical, but just in case I told him to let his beard keep growing and not to let anyone fuck him until after our weekend. The Friday of his projected arrival, I had dinner and just watched some TV, not expecting him until fairly late as he wouldn't even commence his trip until after he got off work. Around 10:30, I got a call from him, letting me know he was at hotel. He sounded nervous, so I reassured him he'd be fine. I got in my truck and drove the 30 minutes to his hotel room. When he opened the door, I was surprised at how sexy he was - at (approximately) 5' 9", beefy with a belly, and a beautiful bushy brown beard growing up onto his chubby cheeks. He invited me in, and I could see how nervous and scared he was, so I gave him a big hug to break the tension. He relaxed, and I pulled his mouth to mine and gave him a deep kiss which lasted nearly a minute. "Damn you're a sexy cub," I told him, and asked where my bourbon was. He quickly grabbed the bottle he brought, and poured us a few drinks. As he did, I removed my shirt and hat, and made myself comfortable on the bed. He joined me, and as we drank he rubbed my belly and tits, and my cock began leaking precum inside my jeans. Once the alcohol was kicking in, I told him to get naked for me, and he quickly did, showing me a sexy cub covered in fur from head to toe. As he stood beside the bed, his 5" cock was arching upwards, oozing clear fluid out the tip. "Get my boots off, boy." I ordered, and lit my pipe. When he was finished, I had him put his head back on my chest and start sucking my nipples. So I'm just leaning back enjoying my pipe as he's working my nipples, and I ask him if he's ready to suck my dirty cock. He nods, and I tell him to remove my jeans and get between my legs. I start stroking my cock, working more precum out, as the cub watches me eagerly. "You sure you want it, boy? You want my cock in your mouth?" I grabbed the back of his head and guided him down on my cock. Seeing his hairy mouth open wide for me just makes me harder. "Suck it slow, boy- remember this first load is for your ass. I've been saving it all week just for your hole." The cub slowed his pace, and, looking down between his legs, I could see his cockhead was a bright red, and it glistened with his own juices. Pulling him off my cock, I positioned him on all fours, along side me, his hole convenient to my position. Gently fondling his balls, I segued to stroking his hole as I finished my pipe. He whimpered in pleasure as, initially, I rested the warm bowl of my pipe against his tight ballsack, only to slide it onto his crack and rest it on his opening. I can see his hole clench. Smacking his ass, I told him "What a good little fucktoy you're being. Put your head on the bed, pig, and keep your ass absolutely still for me." Now milking my cock, I scooped-up some of my precum, rubbing it on his puckered hole. "You like having daddy's tainted cum on your pussy, don't you, boy?" "Yes, sir," he unhesitatingly grunted. Noticing a string of clear cum leaking from his cock, I caught it with my fingers and added to the precum I had earlier applied to his hole. A finger inserted into his hole met resistance, but I keep going, urging "Open up boy. You got some of my precum in you now." He moaned in approval. Repeated I finger-fucked his hole, increasingly roughly, enjoying his moans as my assault intensified, and even more enjoying the tint of red that was showing-up on my fingers. It was time to progress to the next level. Getting to my feet, I had the bottom position his ass at the edge of the bed, which was the perfect position for me to slide my cock up and down his crack, spreading more of my toxic load onto his hole. He held perfectly still, even if breathing hard. Finally I began to work my head a little deeper, urging "Take my poz cock, baby. Open up for Daddy." While I couldn't understand the words he grunted, I could understand his level of excitement: he was actually cumming on the bed, and I wasn't even inside his hole. Naturally I quickly shoved my rock hard seven inches in his ass. He flinched in pain, even perhaps intending to extract himself from my control, but instead I held him still, as I hammer-fucked his ass. "Stop, man, stop," he demanded, but I wasn't about to comply. Without pausing in my thrusts, and as my balls tightened, I snapped "You're taking this load, pig, shut the fuck up!" His moans continued, which added to my perverse pleasure in seeing the streaks of red which alternated with the precum with which my cock was coated. So I fucked him still harder, ever harder until finally my balls erupted, shooting my six-day load deep inside his ass, my cock twitching inside my new pig. Panting hard, I announced "That's it baby. Take your first dirty load. Let it soak in. Let it make you a whore." His head hung low, his body frozen as I finished stroking my final drops of toxic cum into his coated boy cunt. Afterwards my cock plopped out and his hairy hole slowly closed, but not before I saw a little bit of my load leak out - so I scooped it up and pushed it back in. Waste not want no, you know. Lighting my pipe anew, I lay on the bed, ordering the pig to join me, gesturing for him to lay his head on my chest. Some tears ran down his face, and he hugged me for support. "Hush, there, Pig, it will be okay," I cooed, and when he calmed down I guided his mouth to my cock. He knew what to do, and without a word licked my tool and crotch clean. "Look me in the eyes," I ordered, and with my cock still lodged in his mouth, but his eyes were fixated on mine, I took a draw on my pipe, and admonished "Remember the taste of that cock. It's the one that knocked you up." We fell asleep, and twice in the remaining hours of the night I bred him again. In the morning I left for the day, but came back Saturday night and managed to fuck four more loads into him before he left Sunday afternoon. I continued chatting with him online, until finally eight weeks later he messaged me to let me know it took. He was officially knocked up. He let me know it made him hard to think about it, but he was scared and wanted to come visit again. I replied "No. My job is done, pig. You gave me your cunt to fuck and to knock up, and I did that. You're a whore now. Go fuck strangers. Go fuck bookstore trolls and old men. Go share your little bear pussy with anyone who wants it. You're a cumdump now. I prefer negative boys." He deleted his account the next day. NEXT!
    1 point
  31. Becumming Blood Brother, Part 1 My dad recently remarried and in the deal I got a new step brother, Steven. Although I hadn't seen him since high school I do recall that he was a freshman during my senior year and I remembered him as a scrawny little nerd. When we finally got reacquainted I was very surprised at how much he had grown and filled out. He became a genuine stud. He grew from his 5 foot, 100 pound skinny kid to couple inches short of my 6 foot, 2 inch 185 pound frame. I he claimed the he even had a girlfriend he was supposedly banging. I learned from my sources that wasn't the true. As the wedding approached I was asked by my father to ask Steven too stay with me while he and Steven's mother would be going on a month long honeymoon. At first I was a little put off at the thought since it would cramp my 'weekend activities', but as Steven and I spent time together we began to grow close. We began working out in the workout room in my father's house. I could tell from this that I had the size and strength on him easily. Steven and I grew close as the wedding approached when I caught my new step brother say something about wishing we were real brothers. Steven's comment got me thinking about the month he'd be staying with me and how I liked to spend my weekend when I got an idea. I knew I could count on my dealer to help me with the appropriate supplies. It was my dealer that turned me onto partying and the joys of gay sex. I knew I was gay since my junior year I high school and was already smoking pot when during my senior year when I met Travis. I was Steven's age, barely 18 when someone introduced us and he got me smoking from a clear pipe that he filled with a white, crystal like powder. After smoking a while he got me too suck his 9", uncut cock. He gagged me as I did my best to work him into my throat. He had me on his cock for a long time till he shot is load for me to swallow. Travis and I became friends as I started to do a little work for him. I had been working for him for a couple months when hang out with Travis late one night we began smoking a couple bowls. As usual Travis got me sucking his cock when he asked me if I was interested in a better high. I ready liked smoking a bowl or two (or three) and he definitely had my curiosity peaked (and the fact we were starting to smoke our 4th bowl) had my inhibitions lowered I simply nodded yes with his cock lodged in my throat. Travis had me follow him into his bedroom, told me to get comfortable on his bed as he disappeared into his bathroom. Fifteen minutes later he came out with something in his hands that I could barely make out. He asked me if I was ready and I knew there was no backing out, besides I trusted Travis. He tied this rubber strip on my bicep, wiped my arm with something cool the I noticed the syringe filled with a clear liquid. He stated to explain to me that I was about to get by first slam of Tina and what to expect. Although I was a little nervous about getting my first slam iI was also a little excited when I felt the pinch of the needle. I couldn't couldn't my eyes as I watched the barrel fill with a flash of blood before the contents were emptied. Travis had me hold something over where he had stuck the needle as he told me to raise my arm while he pulled the rubber strip off my arm. I felt a warmth run into my chest as I began to cough out (as Travis told me) and I felt my heart beat faster and my breathing picked up. I also began to feel so horny, hornier than I ever felt in my life. As I sat there riding my first rush I watched Travis do his slam. As he coughed out I noticed his cock seemed to grow hard and precum began to ooze from the tip. Since I was feeling very warm I didn't object when Travis suggested I get naked. I took of my t-shirt then stood up and slipped out of my jeans and boxer briefs in one move. That's when I noticed how hard my own cock had become. Travis moved right in on me and began kissing me working my body over. When he began eating my ass is when I knew I was going to lose my virginity. He got me nice and wet when he moved in and slipped his bare cock inside me. It felt so wonderful gee fucked me for a couple hours before he had me switch and had me fuck him for a while. It was the best night of my life and I repeat it almost every weekend. With Steven staying with me for the month I figured it was time to teach Steven the joys of Tina and how to suck cock.
    1 point
  32. Several years ago, shortly after graduating from high school, I picked-up a Saturday job in a local department store filling shelves from the stockrooms in the basement. It was a big, old fashioned place with some pretty weird characters working behind the scenes. I didn't mind. I was a solitary character, aware I was somehow different but not sure why. One day, I tore my trousers and a co-worker suggested I went to the in-house tailor who repaired staff uniforms and stuff. The tailor, who worked in a small room deep in the basement of the store, was a chubby, fresh-faced man with a high pitched voice, and almost always wore a grubby sweat-stained singlet. Arriving at the tailor's room, I found both the tailor and another guy who I recognised as a foul-mouthed character with a pot belly and tattoos on his arms. I explained the problem to the tailor and he examined the tear closely in a way which made me feel awkward. "Hmmm, well, take them off and I'll see what I can do." I hesitated and the other guy gave a dirty chuckle. "Don't worry, we're all boys here, aren't we? Not shy, are you?" "Come on" smiled the tailor, adding "get them off." I undid my belt and slipped my trousers off, feeling vulnerable yet a bit excited as I stood there in my underpants. "He's got a hard-on!" exclaimed the foul-mouthed guy. Sure enough, my pants were bulging with my erection. The room had got suddenly hot and tense and the rough looking man leaned towards me and grinned evilly. "Those panties too," he directed, saying "get them off." I was scared and excited and fearful about what might happen, but I hooked my fingers in the waistband and pushed them down. My cock sprang up and I felt a rush of pleasure and wickedness as I stood there naked before the two men. The tailor stood up " think I'll just lock the door." He did so, brushing past my cock as he went, making me shiver with excitement. When he returned, he had removed his singlet revealing a pair of sagging tits. He knelt in front of me and whispered "Mmmm....let's take care of this shall we?" To my shock and surprise, he sucked my cock into his mouth and I was suddenly engulfed in a delicious warmth and wetness. "Oooo!" I gasped. "What are you doing?" But my hands went to his head and held it as I couldn't help sliding in and out of his wet lips. Beyond his bobbing head, I saw pot-bellied guy stand up and strip off, gasping as I saw his thin, veiny body with the protruding belly, and the thick, glistening cock which sprang up beneath it. He began to rub it as he saw me looking. "You want it don't you, kid? I think we're gonna have some fun...."
    1 point
  33. This is my first story. Let me know what you think! 1. Rick had been standing in the crowded airport hall for the last 20 minutes and was getting pretty bored when he finally saw him. "Tony!" he called. "Hi, Uncle Rick!" "Come give your uncle a hug!" Rick said happily as his nephew gave him a warm hug. "So... how was the flight?" "It was fine. Although the food wasn't exactly great," Tony replied as he and Rick made their way home. Although of necessity Rick was focused on the road, he did his best to casually check-out his nephew who had turned 18 that Spring. Rick concluded Tony was growing into a fine looking young man. And Rick wasn't wrong. Tony was about 6' 1" feet tall, his youthful face with big brown eyes and becoming brown hair was really quite handsome. As for his build, Rick concluded Tony was neither muscular, nor skinny, but somewhere nicely in between. Unbeknownst to Rick, Tony was observing his Uncle with similar attention. Rick was 41 years old, about 6' 2" feet tall, had short brown hair and wore a stubble on his face. Unlike Tony, Rick was very muscular, and his deltoids, which were decorated by several tattos, were almost three times the size of Tony's. Rick's legs were bulging out in his jeans and his pecs were ready to rip his tight shirt apart. Tony couldn't help but conclude his Uncle was one hot hunk! Finally, they arrived at Rick's house. Tony got out of the car and took all of his stuff out of the trunk. Rick took some of it and together they stepped inside. "Hey Tony!" Tony heard a voice. "Hi Dan!" Tony and Rick simultaneously said as, wearing only a tank top and black briefs, Dan came out of the living room to help with the bags, giving Tony a close look at Rick's 38 year old boyfriend. Again Tony couldn't help but conclude Dan was exceptionally handsome and stunningly well built: he was abut six feet tall, his carmel-colored arms were fully inked, and his face was as handsome as Rick's. The rest of the night was kind of a blur for Tony. They had dinner and his uncle even offered him a drink, but Tony was too tired. That night, he slept like a log. 2. Rick had just come back, sweaty from his morning run. Entering the house, he stripped-off his shirt and was ready to go to the bathroom when Dan stopped him explaining "Wait! Your nephew is in there." "Oh, okay. I'll wait then," replied Rick. "Well, while you're waiting, check out what I've found in his room!" Dan grinned and waved around with a DVD. "You went through his stuff? What the fuck?" Just then Rick understood what Dan was bringing to his attention. Dan was holding a porn DVD. A gay porn DVD! Tony was gay? Rick couldn't wrap his head around the idea. Everyone from his family was automatically straight in his mind, because he had always been the only gay person within the family. Just then the shower faucet cut out. Tony was about to step out of the bathroom. "Quick! Put it back!" For the rest of the morning, Rick often found himself looking at his nephew, trying to wrap his head around the idea Tony was gay. After the three had lunch Rick and Dan were heading to the gym, so Dan asked "You wanna come with us?" "Yeah, sure. I was going to start looking for a gym anyway," Tony replied. Once at the gym Rick asked the girl on the reception desk to give Tony a complementary month-free-trial-card, and once the paperwork was done the three men moved into the locker room, changed into their work-out clothing. Now it was Dan's turn to notice Tony looked particularly good in his tank top and shorts. Dan also noticed Tony's shorts nicely showed-off his bulge, but that didn't interfere with the vigorous two-hour workout which the three men commenced. Rick did notice, however, that several times during the long workout Dan seemed to checking-out Tony, and his assistance to Tony was perhaps a bit more touchy than might have been strictly necessary. "Phew," gasped Tony, who was quite winded, asking of Dan "You work out hard! How often do you come here?" "Well, we usually work out five times a week, every day except Fridays and Sundays, but it's not always a two-hour workout." "Wow, I'll get really buff in no time if I'm gonna be working out with you," laughed Tony. "I hope so," Dan thought to himself as he and Tony moved towards the showers just as a group of men, including Rick, exited the showers. "It's all cleared out in there now," commented Rick as he passed Tony and Dan as the later two entered the showers.
    1 point
  34. I’ve found that Vaseline is good for the pre-fuck cleaning of the hole and is economical. After the flush session, I use elbow grease to reach in and test the hole and keep it lubed up. I’ve made my own blend of silicon and water based.. this extends the amount of lube you use. Ive recently got into spit.. especially guys under 7 inches. I will suck and use my spit then let them fuck me without lube. I would also ass to mouth a hung guy until he’s pounding me real raw without lube. I’ll use lube for really big ones but trying to see if I can take it without lube... fantasy: jack off and cum in my hand at a glory hole booth with a huge black cock waiting to fuck me. Use my own cum as lube on my tight hole to be raverage by a BBC until I’m bred.
    1 point
  35. I reckon I took well over 300 loads in my ass in the 2(ish) years (with a few 'breaks' ) when I was a PrEPster...
    1 point
  36. I remember hooking up with a guy once and it was so boring I almost fell asleep while he was fucking me. Does that count? Lol
    1 point
  37. https://barebackbastards.com/28592/pozzing-strung-out-pnp-jock/
    1 point
  38. Monday Funday Worked from home yesterday and of course wanted to go out cruising for a bit. I was logged onto Squirt when I saw a guy that i’ve played with before post that he was heading to the cruisy park nearby. I was about to leave to go shopping so I quickly left in hopes of seeing him again. I arrived at the park to a full parking area making me feel like i had a decent chances of hooking up. After a quick walk through one set of trails, I saw the guy from Squirt. He’s married and has a wife but is pretty passionate for a staight/bi guy. His cock is cut and probably 6” or so, he’s an attractive man. He walked up to me and gave me a big kiss. We decided to go to the closed boardwalk area for more privacy. When we got the area on the boardwalk where the sex happens we start making out and proceed to undress. We exchange oral for a few minutes since we are rushed for time although it is getting dark and the park will close at dusk. He leans in and kisses me and starts to rub my furry ass so I know what he wants. He tells me he wants to fuck me so we both use spit as lube and he slides in raw as usual. I bent over the bench and let him have his way with my hole. He kept telling me how good it felt and went from slow to fast and furious fucking. As i felt his dick swelling he asked where do you want my cum? Without hesitation I said inside me. Within seconds he was depositing his load in my hole. We cleaned off and walked out discussing his wife and my partner lol. Time for my shopping so I left. I arrived at Macy’s and got on the escalator to the third floor. As i was going up a guy passed me going down. It was a brief second or two at best but the eye contact was enough. I got off on the second floor and went to the Men’s restroom. This was once a cruisy restroom and it’s tucked away with little use. There is a large handicapped stall and one urinal. I went to the urinal and took care of business. When I was done, I went to the sink and washed my hands. I heard footsteps down the hall, the door opened and it was the guy from the escalator. Good looking guy in great shape probably mid 50s. We exchanged glances and he went directly into the handicapped stall but didn’t lock the door. After a few seconds with no sound, I slowly opened the door to find him jacking a very nice cock probably 7.5” or so. He stood up and I bent over and sucked his very rigid cock. After a couple minutes of sucking/jacking i move his hand back to my ass. Like always, I lower my pants exposing my ass when giving oral to entice the guy in case he wants to fuck. Once he rubs my ass I look up and tell him that I want his cock in my ass. He pulls up his jeans and walks out of the stall and to the urinal and leans against the wall. When i walk over to him, he turns me around. Without any words, both of us apply spit on ourselves and i slowly back onto his cock. Since I still had the load in me from my buddy at the park I had some juices already flowing. He took his time and rammed my hole hard and deep for a few minutes. Since it was in the early evening and this restroom is not very visible he had time to thoroughly pound my hole. He started making the usual sounds and with one final thrust he unloaded in me. He pulled out and leaned against the wall to catch his breath. I did a quick clean up and left him there. We did smile at each other as I left...
    1 point
  39. Follow up Part II A. The twink in the bushes The empty road ahead seemed endless while Rick is driving back from Jake’s place. Still high on tina, he is feeling as though this night isn’t over yet. Thoughts of violent rape scenes and images from the movies he had seen at Jake’s place raze and flash through his mind. He knows it now: This was definitely the hottest and craziest thing he has ever done. “It was fucked up and sick”, he thinks, while noticing the boner in his pants throbbing. He decides to pull over at the known cruising area by the motorway bypassing the city, a parking spot with a little path leading back to a busy area. He has been there before, usually on his way back home from clubbing or bathhouse visits in the city, and there was always something good going on there. Guys sniffing poppers and pulling their cocks out and fucking each other, why wait another second? Usually he sits in the car for a while, watching people get in and out of their cars, but this time he gets out and walks straight into the bush. Four cars are on the parking lot and a tall guy dressed in leather who is standing at the entrance to the bushes starts following him. Rick walks the path through the bushes, illuminated by the moonlight, and sees several guys, vaguely, his eyes still having to adopt to the dark. For a moment he feels the cold air and wonders what he’s doing there if he could probably have some good sex at home, but then he looks at the shadows intertwined with each other and hears moaning. Two guys are fucking there. He can’t see who they are but he is instantly turned on. He wants to join them and turn the bottom into a cum whore, inject another load deep in his guts. Shit, he remembers, they might not even be fucking raw. He walks on and sees a very young looking guy in sports clothes staring at him firmly. When he looks into his eyes, the boy looks down. He must be in his late teens or early twenties at most. Strange, he thinks: usually he is not really into the whole shy twink thing but now he is hot as hell for it. He probes his feelings and reaction to the boy's physique. Does he really get turned on by this shy young boy who looks really unexperienced? What is the logic behind this, after all a boy like that who most likely has a bunch of inhibitions just can't give the same as a guy who is on the same wavelength as oneself.. Right? But the only conclusion he can come to is that he is intuitively drawn to the young boy like a magnet. He passes him close by and turns around briefly, looking at the twink's body. His tool is throbbing in his pants and there is nothing he wants more than to enter this twink quite forcefully and mercilessly. He imagines the twink getting fucked for the first time without consent, listening to his moaning and expressions of pain, holding him down and grabbing him by the neck, forcing him into giving up resisting. He would like to rape him all-round. But how about those alarm bells, alerting him to the ethical unrealness of this image, to the fact of hurting someone intentionally against their will, something he tended to be averse to? He was listening hard, but the alarm bells he had been able to perceive so clearly before at Jake's place are... Gone. It's all quiet. And in the background rings his burning desire to invade the twink's hole and fuck him.. Poz him with his unmedicated fuck juice. "Poz him", he thinks, and contemplates the ring of these words. Although he has heard them lots of times he has never really been into that sort of thing. The words he just pronounced, quietly to himself, sounded to him like a sweet drug, pure pleasure, unlimited enjoyment which formerly had been forbidden. This is so hot, can he really program himself to let it all out, all the forbidden stuff he has maybe been blocking from coming to full blooming.. Is that what is going on here? Is he taking control and putting himself in charge of his enjoyment, in a perverted way (how hot the words 'perverted' ring in his ears), bypassing all moral limitations? He wonders how this is possible. Suddenly his only thought is *Yesss!*, and he turns around toward the twink, intuitively touching his own pants, fumbling around his erect cock while looking into the twink's eyes. The twink quickly turns his eyes down for a second, then returning his gaze to meet Rick's eyes. As Rick feels the twink's gaze and looks at his face he feels his cock throbbing. Man, what injection did this guy Jake give him? It has been hard like a rock all this time. The twink stares at his package and briefly, almost cautiously, raises his eyebrows, and Rick looks back at him grinning. He pulls his pants down and strokes his cock. The twink immediately comes closer and looks up to Rick, who answers with a smile. He bows over to him and says, in his sexiest voice, "Feel like going into the bushes?" The twink nods. He pulls up his pants and they walk further down the path along the stream until they come to a dark spot in the bushes. Walking further down, there is a little wooden table and Rick stops there. He leans back against the table and smiles at the twink, who looks undecided. He pulls down his pants again and starts rubbing it. The twink seems to loosen up, breathes heavily while whispering "yeah", while unbuttoning his jeans. He gets it out and starts jerking off frenetically while staring at Rick's hand moving up and down his shaft. He comes closer, drawn to it as if wanting to smell it. "You wanna suck my balls?" Rick says. The twink nods and gets down on his knees. He starts licking Rick's balls. "He's actually good at this", Rick thinks while the twink moves his tongue up slowly to his gland and then quite quickly (as if unable to resist any longer) takes Rick's hard cock into his mouth. Rick moves the twink head back and forth and the twink is visibly excited, beating his own flesh harder and harder. Rick starts moving faster and skullfucking him with a bit more force. The twink protests, most likely involuntarily, because after a brief gag he pulls Rick by the ass and takes his cock deep throat. "Yeah", Rick moans and feels kinky at the boy, he wants him entirely. He wants to defile him, every inch of his youthful body, he yearns for contaminating him inside out with his viral biohazard sperm. Thinking these thoughts reinforces a cycle of crude agression and violence he feels inside and he feels it growing until he is ready to unleash it on the boy. He moans with please and says "Do you wanna get fucked?" The twink stops doing what he's doing and turns his head upwards, looking doubtful. He looks at Rick scrutinizingly and hesitates. He gets up and says "yeah man, but it has got to be with a condom", as if he is anticipating what Rick has coming for him. "Have you got one?" Rick asks, and the twink nods. Surprisingly, Rick is not disappointed in the slightest. He intuitively knows what to do, he remembers a video he saw recently of a guy punching a condom with a bunch of pins. "It can't be that hard to wreck a rubber", he thinks. He remembers the times he fucked with condoms before, and on some occasions the condom actually broke. This was harder with certain types of condoms, and he is hoping the twink will produce a suitable one. The twink gets out the condom and some lube which he passes to Rick, then hesitates as Rick opens the lube, taking back the condom. It's obvious the twink wants to put it on himself. The twink puts the condom on Rick's shaft and turns around, grabbing his own cock and starting to masturbate again. Rick lubes up and touches the boy's ass with his finger. His hole is tight. "That's hot", he whispers to the twink, and pushes his cock against the twink's hole, teasing him, while the twink moves his ass back and forth, seemingly trying to put it over Rick's gland. But Rick wants to taste his ass first, he moves down on his knees and starts licking the twink's crack. "Yeahhh", he hears the twink moaning. "Fuck yeah", he says, while touching his own cock and remembering he has a condom to split. He inserts his tongue deep up the twink's tight hole and twists it around. The twink moans. "This fuck is going to be so damn hot", Rick thinks. The twink is busy now, jerking off hard and moaningly drifting off into his own world, seemingly using his ass musculature to take in Rick's intention to get it in there. Rick pulls on the condom with one hand. He twitches and turns it with the other while using his fingernail. The condom breaks. Rick feels triumph and relief. Everything is ready now. He gets up and checks the condom. His big red gland and part of his foreskin is sticking out of the condom. He briefly bows down to reinsert his tongue in there, saying "fuck yeahhhh" and then puts his gland into the boy using his fist. The twink moans and jerks harder. As Rick goes deeper he briefly protests vocally, but Rick keeps moving in a steady rhythm, slowly, not quite giving it full power yet. He opens the bottle of poppers he got from Jake and passes it to the twink, who sniffs if greedily. He then takes four big whiffs himself. As he fucks the twink harder and harder he feels like everything around him dissolves, and there is only him and the boy's hole. He grabs him by the shoulder, calling out "fuck yeah, this is so hot", and the twink moans "yeahhhhh". He feels the heat in his lower body, his balls, his intestines. Suddenly he feels it's Jake fucking the boy. He would do it differently somehow, he thinks. Harder, more ruthless, colder. Cruel.. Callous. He imagines Jake being poz. How would Jake poz that little fucker? He stops and breaths out heavily. This is so damn hot, he thinks. He passes the poppers on to the boy again, who says "yesssss" and sniffs at least six times. He takes some himself and relaxes. Now he will shoot him up with poz cum. He thrusts in deep. He looses track of everything for a brief moment. Is this him fucking or is it Jake? He thrusts in with force and moves in and out rhythmically, he feels his balls tingling and ready to cum. "Do you want me to cum in the condom?" He asks. "Yeah", the twink moans, visibly immersed in enjoyment. "Here it comes", Rick says. "Here it fucking comes", he repeats. He is going to poz the little fucker, shoot his dirty load. His thoughts fade and he feels his cum bursting into the twinks hole. He doesn't make a sound and keeps moving. Now his cum load is inside. He increases the speed of his rhythmic thrusts and bangs the twink's ass like a hammer, churning that load. "Yeahhh...", he calls out. The twink says "I'm gonna cum" and rubs it until he cums, spraying it over the grass. Rick can hear it falling and hammers it in deep. "Phew" he sighs while pulling it out of the twink, who quickly turns around and checks if the condom is still on. Damn, Rick thinks, and quickly puts his hand over the gland. The twink seems content with feeling the condom's presence on the base and says "Damn, that was hot". Rick asserts and they walk back. "Can I have your number?" He asks him. "I just lost my phone", Rick answers. "But we'll see each other around." The twink doesn't insist and they say goodbye. Rick starts the car and drives home. Part II B. Jake Jake sits in his living room and sips his drink. He watches the body laying next to him. How he loves male bodies, there's probably no other person in the world who loves them quite as intensely as he does. He wants male flesh almost like a meth addict needs meth. He would probably give up everything else for it if he ever had to choose. The body twitches. Well, time to get to work, Jake thinks. He gets up, puts the straight porn movie back on, and cleans the towels away. He then walks to the kitchen and pours another beer in a glass for Frank. Let's add some drops, he thinks, and takes out a different vial, dripping in a couple of drops. He returns to the living room. Frank is sitting on the bed. "Damn, that hurts", Frank says. "What the hell happened?" Jake stares at him and says: "You don't remember? You had too much. You went totally crazy, man. You even put in a dildo, and you shat on my sheets." Frank looks confused and turns deep scarlet red. "Fuck", he says. "I'm sorry man, I can usually take quite a bit." Jake grins and says "yeah.. that I know. Here, I got you one more beer." - "Thanks", Frank says and accepts the beer. He starts sipping it slowly. "So.." Jake begins. "What did you think about the guy that was here?" Frank frowns, obviously making great efforts to remember everything. "That faggot? At least he had a good hole." Frank's cock started getting hard. He sipped more beer. They watch the porn movie, silently, for a while, drinking. Then suddenly Frank's face freezes. He looks at Jake. Jake can see he is all pale, which is surprising. "What's wrong?" he says. Frank says "what the hell did that guy do to me?" Jake looks into Frank's eyes. His pupils are dilated. Maybe it's time. "Not much", he says. "He just fucked you with his HIV positive dick for a little while.. I filmed it, in case you want to watch?" Frank gazed at Jake in disbelief for at least three seconds. Enraged, he shouts "you sick motherfucker, you're fucking dead!" and tries to punch Jake in the face. Jake grabs him by the wrist. "Now, now", he hushes. "Just relax for a second. We don't want your heart going crazy on us." Frank looks faint and tired. "Bwwwhat.." he slurs. "Just relax now. Relax.." Jake says firmly. He lets go of Frank's wrist. Frank attempts to get up but stumbles. "Careful, careful" Jake admonishes and catches Frank in his arms. Frank is limp. He slaps him on the cheeks. No reaction. He measures his pulse. Good, he thinks. Now we can finish what we started. To be continued..
    1 point
  40. Being fisted a sling and a bench for fucking as it’s easier to suck dick on a bench and get fuck.
    1 point
  41. Part 1 Continued... Parker responded with a cocky shit eating grin then stuffed the baggie into his jeans pocket. Then I noticed it. It was something about his eyes, it was as if they were trying to emulate the reflection of a cocky and confidant at athlete but hid something deeper. If eyes are the windows in to one’s soul, beneath the portrayal of a popular high school athlete it seemed like they were the eyes of a captain commanding a stricken sailing vessel during a hurricane. The eyes just lacked hope… It was then I heard the slamming of the door as the volleyball player, had slammed to close as he left. I walked to the security monitors and watched him walk to a Mercedes GT AMG and peel off into the night. What could explain those eyes, I thought to myself. Why would a seemingly popular, rich, athlete have those eyes. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Hunters voice. “See something you like?” I turned to Hunter by instinct and I saw his eyes gaze down and chuckle. “Seems, so” stated Hunter as he glazed down to my crotch. I glanced down and saw that precum had soaked through the pants on my slate colored business pants. I could feel my cheeked turning red from embarrassment. Hunter had known that I was gay for a long time and did not give a fuck. The delivery of 90% of his profits back in the form of clean currency over four years ago took care of any prejudices about who I fucked. “So…”, I asked Hunter. “That was Volleyball. I call him that because he always wears some type of his volleyball gear when we do deals. It was a jersey here, jacket there, hoodie, or a full set of his high school warmup, I think it makes him feel confidant and he is a hot piece of shit. After my first few deals, I asked him about it and he told me that it helped bring in a bunch of pussy. I looked him up too and I think he is damned good at his sport. Hell, I was the one that taught him how to fake the drug tests, so he could play. Anyways, don’t think he will be sucking you off or anything. As far as I know his cock goes into about three different pussies a month on average. The only time volleyball did something with another guy was at a party I was supplying.” I motioned Hunter to continue. “It was some CIF regional playoff party. Apparently, they had won a big game and all the rich kids on the team threw a large party. Parker had scored the winning kill and was hosting. Until then, he was a kid that bought Adderall to keep up with school. That evening he came in with damp with sweat in his all white volleyball uniform and drops 2K on this table and asked for the “hard and good shit”. Later I get a text from him that he needed more supply and the cash was in his room. I drove over the mansion where Volleyball lived, went to drop off the goods and collect the cash. In his room was Volleyball and another guy jerked each other off both drugged out of their minds on the pot laced with Tina I gave them. Hell, I doubt he remembers that night based on the booze on his breath and all the goods that I supplied.” With that Hunter walked to the closet door and opened it grabbing a coat. “If you’re done, scooping out my customers and looking for a boyfriend you’re going to do it tomorrow. I gotta hit up the club.” As I stood up, I buttoned my jacket to cover the stain on my crotch and walked to the door. The cool Pacific breeze hit me as I walked out. Parker, #1, Volleyball stud…my mind and cock raced filled with lust as I entered my car.
    1 point
  42. I am not one for strong odor, but I have been addicted to the smell of a man's dick and balls since I began sucking cock. I think one of the reasons I was so extremely slutty as a youngin' was I LOVED the smell of cock. I would literally rub their ball sweat and pubes all over my face, so I could smell that scent even after. Plus I swear a man's scent changes while they're fucking, something about that subtile change make me nuts. I have definitely inhaled a pit or two as a man's pumping a nut in me!!
    1 point
  43. It's not painful for me... Just boring. Once I've cum, I lose all interest in bottoming for a while.
    1 point
  44. My Father always liked to Skull Fuck me in front of his drinking buddies.
    1 point
  45. Part 3. As he stood there motionless to gather his thoughts, I was quite. Looking around questioning myself of why I was there. The thought, again, came across my mind of why Jason referred to “We” in his email introduction. Finally, I spoke up. “Uh, I’m not totally clueless. I suspect that you want to have a threeway, right?” My cock became hard in saying that. Jason turned around and looked at me with a deviant look on his face. He was glowing from the flames off the fireplace. His eyes were aglow with shimmering red from the reflection of the flames of the fire. Jason spoke, “You are so right! But it’s more than a threeway. My ‘family’…my ‘brothers’ and I number in size. We would love to have you join us.” “Well, you can count me in. It sounds like a hot time!” I said. “When?” Jason reached out with his arm and latched onto my arm to literally lift me up from the couch. We went down the dark hallway. I literally was holding on to him in the darkness. We went to a back room. And, stopped. He snapped his finger and a dirty dingy dull light came on. It was a sleazy bedroom with black walls with scribbled in red glossy paint, various sayings, quote, symbol and prayers. and, a dirty large bed. Jason reach into the closet and said “ strip down and put this robe on.” he turn and reached to an adjoining side door, into another bedroom. As I stripped, I flung off my clothes to the side. I picked up the black robe and dropped it on me. It was silky smooth and felt good against my body. Jason already was standing in the doorway and told me to follow him. I think Jason was admiring my naked body from afar. We went back down the hallway and to another hallway that was much shorter in length. At the end, Jason open the door and a warm breeze came out. It let to stairs that were dimly lit. There was a scent of innocence burning. The stairs creaked as I stepped down barefoot. At the base of the stairs, Jason flung on his hood and grabbed mine to cover up my head. We walled down a corridor that had black smooth walls that glistened. Off in the distant was chanting. And a putrid piss smell wafting into my nostrils. It smelled like a mens bathroom that had never been cleaned. At the end of the corridor was a room that was lit by candles. I can see shadows on the wall moving and swaying. The chanting became louder. I stood at the end of the corridor and I was amazed to see it vastly open up into a large sub open space. In the center of the room was a slab. Around the room were a dozen or so men in similar black robes standing and swaying around the altar. Chanting in the back ground from an unknown source. Around the room were idols of demon like figure. Grotesque faces looking down from the corner ceiling. And a couple of cauldrons that were bubbling away with the smell of piss. I guess I hesitated too long, because Jason pushed me further in with his body to block me from leaving. Escorted up to the black/gray slab altar I was able to see the entry way being sealed off by a thick door. The spacious room was black walls. There were pentagrams on the walls and the floor. aside from various demon figures was a large horned figure with an enormous cock holding an orb that shined dull red. A voice spoke up from one of the hooded figures. “Welcome brothers! HAIL Sarah Palin!”. All returned a reply! “HAIL Sarah Palin!”
    1 point
  46. Part 2 (Corrupting Matt) Part one of Steve's plan was already accomplished with Matt becoming familiar with hitting the pipe. He had to get thing ready for the next step and had a meeting with few of his really good customers from campus. He was sure to have a nice variety with a jock (a guy was was on his college swim team), a nerd boy and a couple in between. He showed them Matt's on line profile and told them to keep an eye out for when he might seek out a 'hook up'. Although all the guys at the meeting were poz, party boy barebackers, Steve made sure to let them all know not to push the issue about partying or unsafe sex with Matt, It was Steve's intention to be the first guy to not only fuck Matt bareback, but to breed him with his poz load. He told them that the first guy to get him to agree to let one of them come oveR his apartment would get free party supplies for a month. The plan was simple, once one of them got himself invited over Steve would catch the guy coming out of Matt's apartment. After this he would then come on to Matt one night after they smoked with the girls. Steve had the girls suddenly head out of town on a business trip leaving Matt a little sex starved. This had Matt needing sexual release and on line looking for an easy hook up with another buy to satisfy his need. It was early in the evening and Matt was on line looking. The guys Steve had recruited did their part in trying to get the discrete wrestler to comit to meeting. Eventually nerd boy got the wrestlers attention knowing full well that he (Matt) could be te crap out of him if he told anyone. Nerd boy emailed a full copy of the chat conversation he had with Matt before leaving his dorm room for Matt's apartment. While Steve waited for nerd boy to show up he read the chat the two had moments earlier. It was apparent that Matt was a top when it came to guys and that he planed on breeding nerd boy. Matt asked nerd boy about partying and (as instructed by Steve) down played his own expeirience with Tina. Nerd boy told Matt that he didn't party. It only took nerd boy 15 minutes to ride his bike over and Matt quickly ushered him inside. Steve watched the entire action on hidden cameras he had stratigically placed in the apartment one day while Matt was at wrestling practice. Sure enough they were on Matt's bed as nerd boy took Matt's cock down to the root before they ended up in 69. Steve could tell Matt had some experience with guys and started to wonder what Matt's expeirence was with bottoming. From the chat conversation Matt had with nerd boy it didn't show any informatikon that he ever tried bottoming. Nerd boy figured he'd try a few things out on Matt to see if he might get pleasure from having his ass played with since part of his job was to get intel for Steve. As the two got naked on Matt's bed it didn't take long before nerd boy had Matt's cock deep in his throat. While he was working Matt's cock he played with Matt's hole a little eliciting pleasant moans from the wreslter. But that was short lived and soon enough Matt had manuvered nerd boy into 69, eventually fucking the boy raw. Nerd boy toook 3 loads from Matts balls before telling Matt he needed to get back to the dorms. Steve knew it was his que to be right outside Matt's door as nerd boy left. Steve made sure that as nerd boy left Matt's apartment. As it was planned Steve came to Matt's door as nerd boy was exiting. Steve's excuse for coming to see Matt was that the girls called him and asked if he and Matt might be around for some late night partying when they got hom from their business trip. This was all part of the plan and worked like a charm. There was Steve at Matt's door as nerd boy was leaving the partent shortly after getting fucked full of Matt's cum. Nerd boy made a gesture to Steve like they knew each other leaving Matt exposed. Steve's eye contact with nerd boy and then with Matt was to let his tenant know he knew the well fucked kid who just left. Matt tried to play it off like he knew nerd boy from class, but (in some strange way) Steve's stare was to let Matt know that Steve knew what the two were doing. Steve then informed Matt that the girls would be back home within the hour and if he was up to party with them tha night adding the comment if his balls weren't already drained. The expression on Matt's face told the whole story as Steve attempted to get the jock pff gaurd by adding something about jerking off a lot while the co-eds were gone. The added comment seemed to ease Matt's mind as he said that if they were going to smoke he was sure he could work a few loads into the girls. Steve told Matt that he was welcome to hang with him until the girls got back and smoke a few while they waited. Matt agreed and told Steve he'd be right up after he changed into some other clothes. Steve told him to just grab a t-shirt since their clothes would end up on the floor shortly after the girls got back. Matt walked back into his apartment to grab a t-shirt as Steve followed behind him into the bedroom. Matt could not hide the mess the bed had become from the sex he had with nerd boy. Matt wondered if the bedroom reaked of sex as he grabbed a t-shirt and the two headed over to Steve's place. Once inside Matt could see a well packed pipe as Steve offered Matt something to drink while Matt sat down in the chair. When Steve came in with their drinks he sat down on the couch. Steve ut on some straight porn while they began to smoke. Steve took a blue pill out if a bottle he had on the coffee table. Matt asked what was the pill Steve had just taken. Steve let Matt know that he took a Viagra to help keep him hard since he knew that the girls would probably want to party hard that night and the rest of the weekend. Steve then offered Matt a blue pill telling the jock that it was probably a good idea that he take one too, but what Matt didn't know was that the pill Steve gave him was a nothing more then a sugar pill. Steve made sure to smoke Matt up as the two waited for the girls while talking Matt up and making sly comments about nerd boy to keep Matt off guard while the Tina began to cloud his mind and the GHB in his drink began to loosen his inhbitions. Before Matt knew it he had smoke 3 bowls of Tina and with the G affecting him the way Steve had hoped. Steve then made a comment about knowing nerd boy. Without thinking, Matt admitted nerd boy left his apartment with 3 of his loads inside his ass. By this point Matt hadn't noticed that the porn playing changed from straight porn to bi porn. Steve then made the comment that it appeared that the co-eds weren't the only bisexuals that lived there as he shot his gaze directly into Matt's sole. Matt knew he was outed as he hoped Steve wouldn't tell anyone. Steve assure Matt that his secert was safe with him as his phone beep telling him that he received a text message. As Steve read the 'message' out loud letting Matt know that the girls got a flat tire and had to get a hotel room for the night and wouldn't be back until the next day. Matt said he was so damn horny and was looking forward to fucking the girls as he attempted to stroke himself hard. Steve told the jock the night shouldn't be a total loss as he stroked his own hard cock. Matt was no longer in control of his actions as Steve pulled him by the hand and guided the jock's head to his crotch. Instinctively Matt took his landlord's cock into his mouth and began to suck the hard, 8" cock like nerd boy had done to him only a few hours earleir. Steve grabbed Matt's drink off the coffee table and told him to drink it down as headed up stairs to Steve bedroom. Matt handed the empty glass to Steve as the 2 naked men began to kiss before Steve pushed Matt to his knees allowing Matt to resume sucking Steve's cock as Steve turned the bedroom TV on as it played gay bareback porn. While Matt was showing Steve his cock sucking skills he had no clue that before the night was through Steve was going to be sliding his raw, poz cock inside his neg ass and filling him with multiple loads of poz cum. Matt comtinued to try and stroke his cock hard. In his drugged up mind Steve was the one who was going to get fucked. Matt showed his frustration with his inability to get hard when he stopped sucking Steve's cock saying "FUCK! I'm so damn horny and I can't get hard!" Steve pulled Matt to his feet kissing him before guiding him onto his back on the bed. Steve then got between Matt's legs and began to suck his soft, Tina dick. Matt's head began to role from side to side as he moaned while enjoying the blow job still not being able to get completely hard. While Steve had him distracted from the suck job he was receiveing Matt barely noticed the lubed finger circling his hole. It wasn't long before Steve eased a finger inside the jock's butt elliciting a deeper moan from the unsuspecting jock. Steve was guessing that Matt was probably a virgin as he felt the tightness of his ass on his invading finger. Steve took his time as he urged Matt to hit a freshly packed pipe Steve had next to him making Matt think that hitting the pipe would help him get hard. What the jock didn't know was that the more he smoke Tina, the harder it became for him to get hard, the more he was falling under Steve's control. By the 5 hit on the pipe Steve had worked a second finger inside the jock. As the two fingers became three Steve had pulled out his well stashed Tina container that held several nice chunks of meth. As Matt continued to smoke the pipe Steve took two good shards and (as he switched hands) pushed three finger from the opposite hand and the two shards of Tina inside jock boy's hole. In between moans Matt made a comment about his butt burning while Steve could feel Matt's hole begin to relax as the TIna melted. Steve was now able to work a fourth finger inside Matt as he began to lube his cock with his free hand. Matt had no clue he was a few minutes away from becoming Steve cum dump as Steve's cock was rock hard and leaking like a fucet. Steve made sure to put some Tina on his lube cover cock as he moved up to take (what he guessed was) Matt's virgin ass. As the tip of Steve's hard cock touch Matt's sensitive hole it brought jock boy back to reality as he looked up to see Steve climbing on top of him with his legs under his arms. Matt thought for a moment how he had been in Steve's position so many times and now the roles were reversed as he felt the tip of Steve's cock easily slide inside him. Steve took his time as he slowly worked all Tina coverd 8" inside Matt. By this point the sensation of the first cock to ever to enter Matt's hole had him thinking the slight burning he felt was from taking his first cock ever. Matt never thought about bottoming, he had akways thought he was a top, but now he was mentally getting ready to being fucked and soon Steve was going to make sure he knew he was not only getting fucked raw, but taking a poz cock and, eventually,being bred full of poz cum. Steve looked down at the jock impailed on his rod and as he slowly began to pull out and push back in said to his tenant, "DAMN BOY! Your ass feels nice and tight. I bet that I am the first guy to hve his cock inside your jock ass." Steve's words brought Matt to the reality of what was happening in the moment as a moan escaped through his lips giving away exactly what Steve was guessing as Matt only able to shake his head acknowledging his former virgin status. With that information now known Steve began to pull out and push back in with more purpose. He knew he was good for 5 loads the way Matt's ass felt as it gripped his cock wiht each stroke. After about 15 minutes of Matt taking the first cock of his life fucking him Steve knew it was time for Matt to know that he was getting his jock ass fucked bareback. He grabbed one of Matt's hands and guided it to his hole as he stared into the jock's eyes. Steve leaned in closer to Matt as he softly spoke, "Feel how my hard cock is working your hole." Matt felt the hard cock that took his virginity and as he realized that he was taking a bare cock began to panic at first before he realized that it was the exact wat that he had fucked every guy (and girl) to that point. And after telling Steve that nerd boy left with 3 loads of his own cum how could he complain and ask Steve to stop and put a condom on. Besides, he loved the skin on skin feeling. Matt said to Steve, "FUCK YEAH, GIVE ME THAT RAW COCK!" This surprised Steve who responded with, "Yeah, does my jock bitch like raw cock fucking him? I know you like giving raw cock and your cum to others. You want my load jock boy, you ready to be my cum dump?" Steve was really fucking Matt long dicking him, at time he pulled completely out before slamming back in balls deep with Matt moving his ass to meet each thrust. Matt answered the man fucking him, "Yes I want your load. Breed me like I've bred others. Turn me into your cum dump." With that Steve thrusted hard and deep as his cock spasmed while he unloaded his first load inside Matt's ass. Without going soft and not missing a beat he began to work the poz cum nside Matt as he began working for load number two. He knew it was time to let Matt know he not only took his first load, but his first poz load. As Steve began to work towards his second load he let Matt know that although Steve had bred his breeding was not like the ones Matt had done on the asses (and pussies) he had fucked before. Steve was again fucking Matt hard as he was about to breed his jock boy cumdump he stared into Matt's eyes and as he shot load two let Matt know that Steve was breeding him with a charged load, a poz load. Matt had a stunned look on his face as he continued to take the fucking, and three more poz loads, Steve before Steve finally pulled his cock out of Matt's well fucked hole only to have Matt instructively suck Steve's cock clean when he gave Matt his sixth load of the night for Matt to eat.
    1 point
  47. Nicely done. The interlude with Zack {and his bone deep anticipation of what Coach Foley has waiting for him} could open an entire spin-off: "The Tales (Tails) of Coach's boi - Zack, and the Greeks of Old Miss"
    1 point
  48. There were a number of bar stools on the back wall. I took a seat on one, trying to get straight in my mind what was happening to me and what I had done. A big guy was seated on the next stool. His head was shaven, he stocky body sported a number of 'school tattoos', and his thick cock and heavy balls hung below his bulging belly. "Quite a show you put on just now," he commented approvingly. I noticed his thighs bore a number of ugly, purple blotches and just above his cock was a small biohazard tattoo in red and black ink. "Did...did you fuck me?" I asked. He saw me staring at the tattoo and the blotches on his legs and grinned evilly as he replied "Oh yeah. I never pass up on a chance to load up a willing arsehole. I imagine you have more than a few toxic loads swimming up there." I gulped and trembled a little as his cock began to thicken. His cock which may well have already infected me"You scared? Chickening out?" I shook my head and smiled shyly back. He chuckled suggesting "C'mon, I've got some friends who'd love to meet you." With that he levered himself heavily off the stool and led me round to the far side of the bar where a group of four or five older trolls were drinking and chatting. As we approached the men he began to introduce me, only to ask "This is...what's your name?" "Ian," I answered. "I'm Mick." The trolls looked hungrily at me. I couldn't help but notice their flabby, ravaged bodies, sunken cheeks and stringy arms and legs. Mick bought me a drink and as I took a sip I felt several hands exploring my cock and arse. I couldn't stop myself from getting erect and could sense the air of excitement which was building. "Show us your hole, Ian," Mike suggested. I bent forward and spread my cheeks. Someone spread some lube on me and then a finger slid up me. The lube helped but, even so it felt scratchy. In a few seconds I started to feel strange. A warm, tingling rush swept through my body. My cock felt even stiffer, my heart was pounding and I felt incredibly horny. "What's happening?" I gasped as I felt my self discipline slipping away and an incredible urge to fuck someone, anyone. "Just a little something to relax you," answered Mick as he nodded to the owner who was perched on a stool behind the bar, remarking "I think he's ready." The owner nodded back, and lifted a flap in the bar. They led me through and up some narrow rickety stairs to the floor above. I could feel their hot bodies around me and smelled their sweat and the acrid smell of poppers. There was a small room off to the left, bare apart from a filthy, stained mattress on which were a number of used packets of lube. "Lay down," instructed Mick. I complied, laying on my back, feeling a damp patch under my hip. Immediately I was surrounded by ageing, sweating flesh as the group descended on me. Fingers and lips probed and licked my face, cock and nipples and I could hardly breathe for the weight of bodies clambering over me. It was like animals in a farmyard with a bitch in heat. They turned me over and smeared lube between my buttocks. There was a pushing and shoving around me, and then I felt a heavy body on my back as calloused hands dragged my legs apart. A bony forearm snaked around my throat and then his cock slid into me. "Oh yeah!" someone whispered as he began to slide in and out, choking me just enough to make me gasp. Other voices whispered around me, urging him on as fingers probed between my legs, searching out the cock fucking me. "Take it, you bastard!" the top gasped as his body shivered and his cock throbbed and throbbed as he spunked in my hole. I could actually even feel his heart pounding in his rib cage. Then he withdrew and climbed off of me. Eager fingers probed my hole, feeling for the sperm which had been deposited and then I was rolled onto my back and my legs gently, reverently pulled up to my chest. An old man in his sixties with a bony torso and sores on his mouth and in his hair squatted between my legs, grasping a long, thin cock in his wrinkled fist. Grinning almost irrationally, he leaned forward and slid it up me, thrusting urgently back and forth like a rambbit. "Yeah! Oh yeah!" he gasped. Then he leaned forward and I felt his crusty mouth searching for mine. There was a moment's revulsion but then his lips found mine and I could only kiss him back as his tongue filled my mouth. Holding me like that, mouth clamped on mine, he gave a little groan of pleasure and came in me, jerking and thrusting like an animal. When he'd finished, he stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes as he murmured "Welcome to the club, matey." I glanced around at the filthy walls, the eager faces and realised I was in the depths of depravity and an enormous sense of relief and acceptance swept over me. Some one pulled me across the mattress until I was straddling a heavy, hairy body and a thick cock jutted up against my arse. It was Mick, his face sweating and swollen with lust. Eager fingers grasped his cock and guided it into me and he licked his lips as my rectum engulfed him. Someone knelt next to me, urgently thrusting his cock against my mouth. I turned and sucked it in and, almost immediately, it burst a thick load of cum on my tongue. I let him finish then looked down at Mick as his body rippled and thrust up into me. He smiled and opened his mouth, giving a loud groan which somehow recognized the pure filth of the moment. I sat up as best I could and gave him a kiss as we swapped back and forth the load of cum I had just taken, mirroring his thrusts into my arse.
    1 point
  49. A couple weeks after Travis took my virginity and bred my ass I got really sick. Travis told me I had the fuck flu and it would clear up in a couple of days and sure enough I was feeling a while lot better 4 days later. I had an idea of what had transpired with that first fuck, and the ones that closely followed. I had always noticed the biohazard tattoo Travis had on his right pec, but never really thought much about it until he took me to get mine. I started to do a little work for Travis selling to my friends. In time I became his best dealer. I was the only one working for him that knew where he lived. Travis had an old apartment that he used to deal out of and another one that be lived in regularly. I knew Travis would help with my plan, as long as he would get to breed Steven. I made sure to let Travis know that he would get Steven's ass to fuck after I've knocked him up. That brought a smile to my dealers face as I grabbed the Tina, some points and an smoke supply of GHB. The wedding came and after our parents left for their honeymoon. Steven had his spring break cumming up and he'd have a week and half off from school, just enough time to break him in and knock him up. During his last day of classes before his break began I prepared everything so that right after school I could put my plan into motion. When Steven got to my apartment after school I offered him a drink. He accepted as long as I didn't name it to string from him. I knew the taste of the G would make him think he had alcohol in with his coke. It was just enough to get him going to be open to hitting the pipe with his new bro. He downed his drink and I made him another before putting the pipe and crystal in clear view. I could tell Steven was open to suggestion as he picked up the pipe. It gave me the opening I was looking for as I asked him if he ever got high. He shook his head 'yes' as I asked him if he wanted to get high with his older brother. The G was definitely kicking in as Steven watched me light the touch and great the bowl of meth. I explained the process before sucking in my first hit. After I blew I nice cloud out I re-lit the touch heating the contents so Steven could take his first hit. I told him as the smoke began to swirl to put his lips to the stem and stuck in the smoke. Steven took in decent size (for his first time) before he blew out a smaller cloud than I had previously. I encouraged him to take a second hit and then a third, each one bigger then the one before. I took another hit after Steven's fished his third before he took a couple more on his own without my direction. Before I know it Steven was hitting it all on his own, he apparently was loving hitting the pipe. In between his he commented on how the Tina made him feel tingly all over. As we chatted I turned the conversation toward sex in order to get his blood flowing. I asked if he'd ever watched porn before to which he shook his head 'no'. I let Steven know that I had some great porn we could watch. Steven spoke his first word since we began hitting the pipe. As we watched the porn I asked him how many times he had gotten had from his 'girlfriend'. Steven bragged that she sucked his dick all the time. I egged him on asking if she swallowed his cum. He went on saying that she always swallows his cum. I knew he was lying, no girl likes to eat cum let alone suck cock. I then asked Steven about the first time he fucked her. His description of the events seemed a little far fetched I knew I could get him after a few more hits I the pipe. I definitely noticed a slight bulge in his crotch and hoped he'd swallow the bait. I asked if he'd ever done anything with another guy before. He stated to blush and wouldn't made eve contact with me. I led him where I wanted when I admitted that is jacked off with friends before, that that was innocent since we were both horny and watching some good porn like we were watching right now. Steven betrayed himself as he rubbed his hand over his crotch. I said in a suggestive way, 'damn I'm so fucking hard and horny, I need to stroke my cock'. With that I pulled out my hard cock and caught Steven looking at me as I slowly stroke my 8" bone. Steven took two more hits off the pipe before he joined me pushing his jeans and boxers down. He continued to hit the pipe (after I reloaded it) and as he did he began to get T-dick as he starred to get don't while I continued to free rock hard. He commented that he didn't know what why, the porn was great, as some bitch was getting her cunt fucked, when a second guy joined them presenting the bitch his cock to suck. After the bitch had had enough she left leaving the two guys alone. Both guys stroke there cocks looking at each other before the guy who has been fucking the bitch pushes the other one to his knees. The guy on his knees looked up at his more dominant counter part and began sucking cock. I looked over at Steven as his eyes never left the screen. After a few minutes of the action I made a comment that I heard that his give the best blow jobs. Steven looked at me then back at the TV as kept watching him trying to stroke his T-dick. After a couple minutes he asked me if that was true and if I had ever had a guy suck my dick. I knew he was about to be mine and let the drama build before I answered. I told him that I had to be honest with him and told him I've had guys suck my cock a few times. We sat there a few more minutes as the guys switched off positions sucking. Looking at hits shrinking cock as he continued to hit the pipe he asked me as he was hearing the bowl if I had ever suck a guys dick or every thought about driving a guys dick. I Answered him with a smile and said 'maybe'. He repeated my answer to me and told him I'd give him an honest answer if he is honest with me and asked him again about the sex he claimed to have had with his girlfriend. He hit the pipe again and as he blew the smoke out, looked at the ground and said no, he was still a virgin. I knew I had him right where I wanted him as I stood up, moved over to him, took the pipe and did a nice long hit before answering him with a yes that I've sucked a friend cock before. Steven looked up at me and let me know he really wanted to experience something more stimulating then his right hand as he asked that maybe if I'd suck his dick it would get hard again. He promised he'd return the favor and suck my dick after I was done sucking his dick. I let him know he'd have to suck mine first to show that he was serious about sucking my cock. I leaned in and brought my cock closer to his lips. I knew what was going through his head as he kicked his lips, closed his eyes and opened his mouth. As my cock entered his mouth I coaches him to watch his teeth as he closer his mouth around my 8 inches. Steven worked his mouth up and down my shaft as I coaches him on technique. I could tell with time he had the potential to be a good cock sucker.
    1 point
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