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  1. Part 28 - The Real Mark Mark got out of the car and opened the front door, it had been a lovely dinner just the 4 of them and to boot Ben was staying over with him. They settled down cosily on the sofa watching a some TV relaxing in each others company like a dependable drug they had to be close and touch or be held in the arms of each other, Ben's phone started ringing. Ben reached over and looked at Mark "It's my father, do you mind?". Mark kissed him on the head "No of course I don't mind" he said. Ben answered the phone "Hey dad". "Ben, how are you?" Rob asked sitting on the terrace overlooking the ocean. "Yeah I'm really good, a lot of things have happened since we last spoke" Ben said resting back against Mark. Rob paused for a moment "I spoke to your mother yesterday, been wanting to call you" he said as Heike patted his shoulder. "Oh right, I guess she has told you, so why haven't you?" Ben asked raising the pitch of his voice slightly. "You know, this is quite big and a major turning point for you" Rob looked over at Heike who was nodding approvingly. "Does it change things between us?" Ben asked as he looked at Mark mouthing the words he knows. Rob sat forward in his chair "No it doesn't Ben, you are my son and god I miss you". Ben began crying down the phone "I will come and see you in a few months when I get paid" he sobbed. "Stop that Ben or you will start me off" Rob stammered wiping his eyes. Ben pulled himself together "I am moving in with my boyfriend next weekend dad" he sniffed breaking the news. "That soon Ben, is it Steven?" Rob asked him. Ben paused for a moment "He has never really liked me dad, but I want to do this for me not for him". "Good, I didn't want to say anything but he was part of the reason why you never came here" Rob waited for a reaction. Ben sniffed "Yes I know, something always came up and he was very controlling over me". "You know Heike and me are here and we both want you come out to see us" Rob said watching Heike smiling. The phone call was difficult in many ways, the part about him being gay was the easiest and Rob had promised to tell Ben everything when he would eventually get to LA. Rob had told Ben enough around how he was forced to give up custody for a clean break from Margarite and it was this that killed him inside every time he tried to Ben over to LA as he had no overriding rights until now. "You love him a lot don't you?" Mark asked as Ben cuddled up next to him on the sofa. Ben nodded "It still only seems like yesterday he walked out, but I understand a lot better now why he did it". "Well you know how Angelo and I feel about family Ben, you will get to LA soon" Mark said stroking his head. Friday had come and Ben was in the bedroom with Mark unpacking half of his clothing that he had brought with him. Mark sat on the bed smiling like a Cheshire cat still trying to believe this was really happening and he was starting to move in, his love for Ben was clear and he desperately wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. When he put the last shirt in the closet Mark walked over and kissed him telling him it was time to eat so they headed down to the kitchen. Ben nearly wooed every time he walked in to the modern stylish kitchen with it's island and counter. Ben sat down whilst Mark prepared dinner "You will need to teach me how to do these sort of things". Mark looked up and smiled "Nah, we will get a housekeeper to do this" he said then quickly went back to work. "Housekeeper, what are you made of money?" he laughed at the laudable suggestion. Mark tried to keep the conversation on a different course and put the pasta in front of Ben "Pasta alla Mark". "Thank you" Ben said smiling and waiting for Mark to join him. "So there are some things we need to discuss Ben" Mark said light-heartedly. Ben "And what is that?" he asked as Marked laughed and wiped the sauce from Ben's chin. "Do you a dinner suit?" Mark asked Ben shook his head "I don't think so, oh wait no that's a birthday suit being naked, so what is it?". "Tomorrow we will go out and get you one, next weekend we are having dinner with my parents" Mark explained. Ben looked at him curiously and put his fork down "Mark what is going on?" he asked. "Next weekend we go to my parents for a few days" Mark said trying to look casual about it. "A few days?" Ben looked shock "I thought you said dinner". "Well 4 if you want and I think you will want to" Mark was bracing himself to tell Ben with excitement. Ben cocked his head to one side "Your bursting to say something I can tell". Mark looked at Ben "My parents live outside LA so I thought you might like to see your father as well". Ben jumped out of his seat kissing and hugging Mark "Oh god yes I would love that Mark". "Great we will get the tickets tomorrow and get the morning flight out to LA" he said to an excited Ben. "Oh I.." Ben stopped his excitement dampening down "I will have to tell my dad, I am sure he will pay for my ticket". Mark shook his head "No I will sort it out Ben, plus there is something else I need to tell you". Ben sat back down "What is it?". Mark held Ben's hand "My parents are quite wealthy" he said looking at him. Ben nodded "Oh okay is that why I need the dinner suit?". Mark continued "I don't want any of what I tell you now to change us as we are". Ben looked confused "Why would anything change Mark?" he asked squeezing his hand. "You need to know that I am in my own right as well" Mark said thinking that Ben would understand. Ben looked even more confused "As well what?". "I have money from a trust fund" Mark replied trying to asses Ben's reaction. Ben chuckled "What you mean like you have a million dollars?" he asked laughing. Mark laughed and shook his head then looked seriously at him "No, several million dollars". Ben sat with his mouth open in silence and eventually spoke "I only wanted to move in to be with you". Mark smiled "Your not going to go all crazy on me?" he asked. Ben cuddled Mark "No, I am here because I love you. Why are you telling me this now?". Mark looked at Ben "I wanted to make certain it was me you liked, I don't want to hide behind a veil of deceit". "I would still be here even if you told me it was a joke" Ben kissed him "Eat your dinner it's getting cold". Mark looked at his plate of pasta "By the way I can only cook pasta and oven ready meals". Ben nearly choked laughing and looked at him "So we will both learn to cook together". Mark nodded "Yeah that would be fun, and I am incredibly in love with you". Ben put his fork down and looked at Mark "You are? So..." he hinted towards the stairs. Mark knew instantly "Get up stairs you randy little fucker" standing up Mark chased Ben up the stairs. Ben had very little awareness around money and material things, he knew that money was required to function in the world and if you didn't have the money you made do with what you could. It was this that never really dawned on him around the true extent of Mark was telling him. When they headed in to the city Ben stood in Macy's trying on different dinner suits whilst Mark was sat outside waiting for him to parade each one as he tried them on. Mark was on the phone finishing off booking the flights with his personal travel manager at the airlines Concierge Key club, Ben walked out and stood in front of Mark who was talking on the phone and twizzled his finger to get Ben to turnaround. Mark took the phone away from his ear "Looks really good on you Ben, do you like it?". Sheepishly Ben nodded feeling a little uncomfortable "Yes but it's so expensive" he replied. Mark ignored him "Do you want to try on another one?" he asked him. Ben nodded "Yes something not so flashy and under $200" as he turned to look admiring the dinner suit in the mirror. Mark nodded to the dresser indicating this suit "Okay well try on something you like" he suggested. Mark finished on the phone and hung up watching one of the attendants exit with the flashy dinner suit as Ben called it. Mark gave the address of his parents house and asked them to send it on immediately. Ben came out feeling a lit more comfortable in a much more plain and reasonable dinner suit at $120. Mark chuckled and nodded at Ben then as he went back to change he called his mother and had a very brief concise conversation with her that was over with in five minutes. Leaving the department store they strolled through Manhattan and rounded the block, Mark loved the way Ben walked so closely against him. Ben stopped "Oh the hotel we stayed in" he laughed. Mark smiled "Yes, where it really all started" he said looking at Ben. Ben looked at Mark "It is where I found my true self and what I wanted in my life". "Soppy, come on were meeting Angelo and the others for lunch" Mark said taking Ben's hand who was now excited. The six of them were a little noisy but controlled as they had a lunch courtesy of Mark and Angelo, Adam and Tony announced they had set a date to tie the knot in April and it would take place at Adam's family home in Harrison. All eyes then turned to Ethan including Angelo, he put his hands up and suggested June or July in the Hamptons and looked at Angelo who smiled and told him it was a fitting place to marry since that is where he first knew and proposed. Coffee was being served in the lounge and Mark went to speak to his friend Luka the duty manager of the hotel, Angelo circled around and collared Ben before he could leave to join the others. "I've been wanting to catch up with you Ben" Angelo said inviting Ben to sit down next to him. Ben sat and smiled "About the job?" he asked. Angelo shook his head "No, has Mark spoken to you about his family and circumstance?". Ben laughed and went in to hushed mode "You mean about the wealth of the family?" he asked looking at Angelo. "Yes, I'm pleased he has, he doesn't like talking about it and tries to live like a normal person" Angelo said chuckling. Ben rested his head in his hands leaning on the table "Well it doesn't change anything I like how we are now". Angelo smiled "Did he go in to much detail?" he asked with a little relief. "Not really he just said he had several million in a trust or something" Ben recalled. Angelo laughed "Several! that is an understatement. He also has a few million in personal savings". Ben looking up "How the hell do you save a million dollars?" he said looking amused. "Mostly his allowance from his father, he never spends it so it just keeps racking up" Angelo said watching Ben. Ben sighed "We don't need it to be happy, although he did talk about a housekeeper". Angelo laughed "Oh god, you have been prone to the pasta dish, that's all he can cook". Ben was laughing so hard and when he calmed down he looked at Angelo "I really don't know what he has done to me". Angelo looked at him curiously "What do you mean?" Ben sighed "I don't know Angelo, it just feels so right. Sort of like he needed me". Angelo smiled at Ben "He has been lost for a few years, I just think you brought clarity and love to his life". Ben blushed "Do you think things will change, you know the money thing?". "Some things may change Ben, but his love for you won't that much I can tell you" Angelo said patting Ben's hand. Ben sat back in his chair "He is taking me to LA next week". "Oh your going to Liongate the Davenport family home, it is lovely and I am sure you will enjoy yourself there" Angelo said. Ben stood up "Come on lets join the others". Sunday and Mark sat chilled out on the sofa with Ben who was on the phone to his father, he was amazed how Ben never brought up the subject since their discussion about his wealth, he sometimes wondered if he did indeed have a grasp at what he was told. What he found funny was how he chose the cheap dinner suit despite that he had told Ben to pick what one felt the best on him. He also knew that Angelo had told Ben his surname and if Ben had done a search on the internet he may not be so calm about it. There was nothing untoward in his family apart from his mother who being a descendent of European nobility attracted quite a lot of media attention when they appeared in social events and fund raisers, both parents wealthy in their own rights and his father was a successful businessman from Europe had married Madeline whom by birth was American. The flip side meant that both Mark and his sister were also media fodder and it was this that caused him the most concern about Ben stepping in to his world, other than this family was family and very private. Ben hung up the phone and looked at Mark telling him his father was excited and wanted to meet him as well. When Ben went home for his final few days in his family home he had decided to spend Thanksgiving with them and Mark would pick him up on the Friday for the very last time. Mark would be spending it with his distant relations at Angelo's family, Angelo and Ethan were going to Angelo's for the day then to Ethan's parents for dinner. Adam and Tony would also he in Harrison at their families doing a similar approach to Angelo and Ethan's way. Thanksgiving turned out to a dull and windy day as Ben watched from his bedroom window, he had just finished packing his last few bits that he wanted to take with him. Steven his step father had not spoken a word to him partly due to Ben avoiding him at all costs. His grandparents and Steven's parents and sister's were coming to dinner as well and Margarite had warned Ben to keep things private for the moment. He showered and changed before heading downstairs to receive the luke warm reception he always got from Steven's family side, Ben's step aunties in particular often tried to wind him up to the point where he would just stand with dignity and walk out of the room. Ben got to the bottom stair 'God I hope his is over and done with quickly' he thought to himself as he joined the family in the kitchen. The saving grace were his real grandparents who loved him unconditionally as he was their first grandchild. It was the mocking around the dinner table, Margarite tried to keep the peace but Steven's younger sisters Lucy and Beth were winding Ben up as usual. They did it more out of intrigue this time noticing that Ben had changed and was completely different from when they last saw him. Thankfully his grand father put his foot down abruptly as he was trying to have a conversation with Ben, the tension around the table with palpable since Lucy and Beth had never been spoken to in that way, it didn't take long for things to ease down. "So Ben what are your plans when you graduate? his grand father asked and a few people stopped to listen. Ben looked up "Oh I start work at a tech company in 2 weeks time, great salary and they will help me finish college". "Well done and good for you Ben" he replied raising his glass. Lucy bored with the conversation turned to her mother "Oh I see that Madeline Davenport was in town last week". Her mother looked off dreamy "I bet she looked stunning, was it another charity event?". "No, it didn't say why she was in NY, but there are pictures of her leaving NY on Sunday" Lucy said holding her phone up. Beth took delight in updating the rest of the table "European descendent probably not that nice but wealthy". Ben was sat between Lucy and Beth completely failed to register the name "Why is she of interest to you?" he said. Lucy looked at him "She is fascinating and always impeccably dressed, look how she departed La Guardia". Ben and looked at the phone being shoved under his nose "Oh yes" he stopped and looked at Lucy "What is her name?". Beth laughed at the look on his face "Stupid boy get with the times that is Madeline Davenport". Lucy waved the phone in front of him "The Madeline Davenport, but then your a boy what would you know". "Davenport" Ben said and looked at his mother "Can't be can it" he said to her recognising Maddy in the picture. Margarite just looked on as if not understanding anything "What are you on about Ben?". Ben pulled his phone out and dialled Mark "Hey I have a question I need to ask you". "Babe is everything alright?" Mark asked. Ben realised he was talking to his boyfriend at the dinner table in front of everyone "Yes, fine". "So what do you want to ask?" Mark said quietly and seductively down the phone. Ben chuckled hearing his sex voice "Stop it, is Maddy your mother also Madeline Davenport?". Mark was silent for a moment "Yes Ben she is, is there something wrong?". "No, my step fathers sisters are showing pictures of her just wanted to make sure" Ben said reassuringly. Mark laughed "Tell them to look at Davenports in Spain it includes a picture of me last year". Ben laughed down the phone "And you, is it known publicly?" he asked trying to be discreet. Mark laughed again "Yes it is public, I got caught kissing a guy which made the gossip magazines". Ben could feel the eyes on him listening to him so he did the bravest thing "Thanks, love you". Lucy mocked him "Love you" as she turned to Beth and they laughed. Margarite stood up "Stop it enough of this, if you can't be civilised to my son don't speak to him". "Mum it's okay, they don't bother me" Ben said as tension grew around the table. Beth turned to Ben "So who were you talking to, can't be the daughter she is married". Lucy looked at Beth then Ben "This is their son" she said showing Ben the picture. Ben took the phone and passed it to his mother "Oops" he said. Margarite looked at Ben and laughed "Didn't you know?" she asked. Ben shook his head "No". Lucy grabbed her phone "Do you know Mark Davenport?" she asked in a shrilly voice. Ben smiled "Yeah that's my boyfriend" he said, Lucy and Beth sat their opened mouth looking at Ben as he opened up about his sexuality. Mark excused himself from dinner worried and concerned about the conversation he set off to Harrison to see Ben. Without really knowing what he was going to do he had to speak to Ben before everything unfolded, he checked his pocket and breathed a huge sigh of relief that he had the ring with him. It was going to be a massive gamble but he wanted Ben so much he had to do it. There was a shattering silence around the table as everyone looked at Ben who just seemed to be in his own world at that moment. "Boyfriend" Lucy said "Your gay?". Ben snapped out of it and looked at his mother "Yes, and Mark Davenport is my boyfriend". Steven shifted uncomfortably in his seat "Well now Alex is doing very well at school" he tried to change the subject. Ben's grand father seeing how the others reacted spoke "Ben this is a surprise, I'm very happy for you and hope he makes you happy". "Thank you pops" his grand mother came round and gave him a hug as well. There was uncertainty amongst the others around the table and mostly Lucy and Beth didn't believe Mark was indeed his boyfriend, they searched on their phones and found several articles where Mark was seen kissing with a guy on a beach in southern Spain last year and the speculation around this. Since the family had not given any comment the story flatlined within a few weeks. Beth looked up "Wow" she said "He has an estimated fortune of some $30 million dollars" she showed Lucy and her mother. Ben smiled at his mother who now looked amazed "Blimey" he said not realising how rich Mark was. Margarite stood up "Well shall we have coffee in the family room" she announced "Ben stay and help me". Ben nodded "Yes of course" he started clearing plates as everyone else stood up to go. Steven's mother was heard by Ben as she spoke to her daughters "He is probably lying about this" pointing to the phone. Margarite hugged Ben "Don't listen to them". "Sorry I shouldn't have said anything but they were annoying me so much" Ben said. "No more secrets in this family Ben" Margarite asked preparing the coffee tray. Ben shook his head "No, it was a surprise to me when he told me he had a bit of money". Margarite handed Ben the tray "It's not a bit it's a lot, here take that through". Ben placed the tray down and walked back to the kitchen as the doorbell rang "I'll go" Ben said. Ben was beginning to feel a little down trodden by Steven's family which was nothing unusual and tonight it was more intense this evening. He opened the front door to see Mark standing there with a worried look on his face. Ben didn't say a word he looked at him and lunged forward kissing him madly until Mark pushed him off. "Hey hey, what's the matter?" Mark asked quietly. Ben sighed and hugged him "God I am happy to see you, I have had a hell of a night". Mark hugged Ben hard "Was it to do with the phone call?". Ben nodded "It's my step family winding me up and then I just announced at the table about you being my boyfriend and came out". Mark laughed "I have a lot of explaining to do Ben and I should have trusted you more about my family and me". Ben looked at him "Doesn't matter who you are Mark, I just want you the Mark I know". Mark kissed him "No question Ben, and my feelings for you have and will never change". "Mark" Margarite stood holding the coffee pot at the kitchen door "Please come in". "I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude" Mark said apologetically. "Ben get Mark a cup and then both of you join us for coffee in the family room" she gave Mark a kiss and walked off. Ben smiled "Come on, I think she is glad you turned up to shut the rest of them up". "What do you mean?" Mark asked following Ben to the kitchen. "Step mother thinks I am lying and my step sisters don't believe that you are my man" Ben said holding his hands. Mark chuckled "So you want me to by your man?" he asked. Ben pushed Mark up against the refrigerator and kissed him "Definitely, take me home and make love to me". Mark smiled "What about the family?". "Fuck them I need to be with you" Ben replied looking in to his eyes. Mark pushed Ben off "Coffee to shut the family up then I take you home". Ben smiled and grabbed another cup and took Mark's hand walking with him towards the family room, they stood outside for a moment and could clearly hear Lucy, Beth and their mother dissing him about Mark and then Margarite saying they should show a little more respect and regard for her son. Mark looked at Ben "Let's get this over with" he said. Ben laughed "Shame we haven't got some dramatic music to play as we walk in". Mark bent over laughing quietly but was nervous as hell "That would be funny" he kissed Ben then nodded to him. Ben opened the door and grabbed Mark's hand and walked in "Mother enough coffee for one more?". Margarite stood as if it was a well choreographed routine she kissed Mark "Of course how nice to see you Mark". Ben took a moment to look at his step family as he stood in a defiant stance and watched the looks on their faces as they saw Mark standing there in the flesh. "Everyone I would like you to meet Mark who is my boyfriend" Ben proudly announced at the stunned faces. Mark leaned in and whispered to Ben "How about husband?". Ben turned slowly to look at him slightly stunned his heart beating faster a smile on his face "Did I hear you..." Mark got down on one knee to the gasps in the room and produced the ring "Ben I love you so much, marry me?". Ben shut everyone else out as he looked down seeing his Mark, a person who loved him dearly and wanted to be with him "Yes" he said without hesitation. Mark slipped the ring on his finger and stood up to kiss him. Margarite was crying and Ben's grandparents came over to congratulate him and wanting to meet the person that had changed Ben's life. Lucy was about to start filming on her phone but Margarite swooped on her and knocked it out of her hand looking sternly at her 'Don't you dare' she snarled at her making sure she understood, Beth quickly slipped her phone back in her bag to avoid a confrontation. The step family not realising it immediately had been side lined by Ben in an obvious statement to them at how Steven had treated him over the years. Steven's father looked at his son and the look said it all, he had warned him to treat Ben any differently but he had ignored his fathers advice. Mark sent a text to his mother with two words 'job done', it was a code word they used in the family. Maddy looked at it and turned to David and told him that Ben had said yes, he smiled and kissed his wife saying thank god he finally found some one. Mark said he had to speak to Ben and Margarite alone for a moment and they rushed in to the kitchen. "I'm sorry I didn't forewarn you Margarite" Mark said apologising to her. Margarite patted his arm "It's fine, I loved the look on their faces it was priceless". "There is just one thing I have to do but it means word will get out immediately" Mark began explaining. Ban looked at his mother "What do you mean?". "My parents are public figures of sorts so it means Ben and I will be public knowledge" Mark was looking at Ben. "I see" Margarite replied "Does that mean it will be in the spotlight?" she asked. Mark nodded "It does. It will probably be for a week or so but you can never tell". Ben nodded "Do it before those two post anything" he said referring to his step aunties. "Are you both sure?" Margarite asked looking at Ben and Mark who both nodded "Okay do whatever it is you have to do". Mark typed the word 'Go' to his mother who replied within seconds 'Released' he smiled "It's done". Ben got his phone out "I will call dad and tell him now". Mark nodded "I guess we should let Angelo and Ethan know". They worked quickly letting their friends know but Ben said he would like to tell his father in person when they got to LA. Ben stood there for a moment taking in the scene, his mothers excitement and grandparents had wandered in to the kitchen leaving Steven and his family in the family room were also excited. Ben never thought his grandparents would get it but was surprised on how up with the times they actually were. It was just 15 minutes when the door bell rang and Margarite went to answer it. She returned with Angelo, Ethan, Tony and Adam who had all come to offer their congratulations. Ellie and Jack turned up with Sophie a few minutes later and Margarite was quite relieved to see Ellie and explained how everything just seemed to happen and she was happy for Ben. Finally things quietened down and Ben turned to Mark and asked to take him home away from all the chaos. Both of them exhausted they laid facing each other in bed laughing for no particular reason just happiness. Eventually Ben surfaced from bed at 9am whilst Mark was already up drinking coffee and sitting in the study on the computer. Ben plodded down to the kitchen and grabbed a coffee, his looked at his finger at the ring that he now wore as a symbol of Mark's love. He picked up the cup and wandered through to the study and sat down in the sofa. "Morning, what time did you get up?" Ben asked snuggling up on the sofa. Mark watched him "About an hour a go, my phone kept going off" he laughed. "Yeah" Ben said looking at his "mine hasn't gone massively crazy but a few messages, oh one from my step father". Mark looked up at him "And, what does it say?" he asked. Ben read aloud "Ben I know we never really connected, have wired money to your account use it to buy Mark a ring". Mark smiled and looked back the computer screen "Well at least he seems to be coming around". Ben shrugged his shoulders "What are you doing?". "Ah mother told me to check the Hello website" he said typing on the keyboard. Ben jumped up "Am I famous now" he laughed coming to terms with the conversation last night. Mark sat back and read the article aloud to Ben "The race is over girls Mark Davenport is off the market. David and Madeline Davenport made a surprise announcement last evening that their son Mark has got engaged to a Benjamin Midler-Warren from the east coast. We are yet to see who the beau is that stole Mark's heart and no one saw this one coming shutting the door firmly on months of speculation about his sexual orientation". Ben came round to his side "Oh shit" he stood scratching his head giggling "This really does happen". Mark laughed "I expect mother is negotiating the wedding rights as well". Ben looked down at him "It won't be big will it?" he began to feel a little jittery and slightly daunted. "No we can keep it to family and close friends if you prefer" he assured Ben rubbing his ass. Ben dragged Mark to the shops and being Black Friday it was busy as people clambered around trying to grab the best bargains, fortunately the shop they were heading for was busy but not overly manic, Ben used the money from his step father to get Mark a ring. Glad to be done they headed back home to spend the rest of the day packing before heading to Angelo's for dinner with the gang. Franco arrived at Angelo's early as he was visiting other family in Brooklyn and so decided to head straight over, as he parked the car on the street he spotted Josh walking in his direction so he stayed there waiting leaning against his car. As straight as Franco was there was just something about the way Josh would smile at him like he was doing now which got him all fuzzy and warm inside. As the evening wore on it was plain to see they way Franco interacted with Josh was very different, it was almost like it was on another level. From the stolen glances each would make when the other was not looking to the lengthy conversations they would have between themselves about absolute nonsense. Angelo watched them both carefully when not engaged in conversation himself but could not figure them out. Josh's dazzling blue eyes seem to sparkle in contradiction to Franco's Latin sultry looks he wore that evening and it had not gone unnoticed especially by Josh. It was towards the end of the meal when Franco announced that his parents and he were moving to Puerto Rico in 2 weeks time. Angelo quickly looked at Josh and saw the sparkle extinguish from his eyes at the news, he put on a brave face hiding his emotions. Franco and Josh had strangely developed an incredible bond of friendship over the few weeks they knew each other, Josh had secretly held a crush on Franco despite being told to forget about him. Josh was first to leave using the excuse he had to work in the morning, walking down the street towards his family home he had got no more than 50 meters before he burst into tears. Inwardly he was broken beyond words as Franco was the only guy who he had really taken more than just a fancy to. He slipped in to the small public garden and sat down on a bench and cried his anguish out. Mark waited until Franco left and walked in to the kitchen find Angelo and Ethan cleaning up whilst Ben chatted putting glasses away, he went over and gave Ben a kiss before going over to where Angelo stood. "Did you know about Franco moving?" Mark asked leaning against the counter. Angelo looked at him "There had been mutterings in the family but nothing concrete until now" he replied. Mark nodded "You know Josh is distraught about it". Angelo stopped what he was doing "Really?" he said looking surprised. "Have you not noticed how close they had become has friends since the kiss" Mark said. Angelo smiled "Yes but he knows Franco is straight". "He has a massive crush on Franco" Ethan chipped in hearing them. Angelo looked over at Ethan "Fuck did I really miss that, I'm usually dam good at spotting these things". Mark shook his head "I think we may have to look after Josh a bit, I saw his face when Franco announced he was going". Despite Mark and Angelo's warning to Josh not to get hung up on Franco he hadn't listened, he now sat in the park feeling like his gut had been ripped out of him. Stupid he told himself over and over, he unlocked his phone and looked at the selfie of Franco and him taken a few days prior.
    11 points
  2. My hubby is a total power top and I’m vers. We have an open relationship and agree we don’t need to tell each other about our escapades. But it’s hot to me when he lies, sneaks, or hides his hookups. And I love it even more when I catch him or find evidence. The first (and one of the hottest) times I witnessed him cheating was at Halloween in Castro several years ago. We met up with our mutual college friend Dan & his new boyfriend Caleb in San Francisco. We were younger and didn’t have much money back then so we decided to split a hotel room in the city with the plan to crash there after the night of partying. The only room available had just one queen bed, so we figured we’d all just share. We had a blast out in the Castro that night and got drunk and very high from pot brownies. Back at the hotel, in a stupor all four of us stripped down to our underwear and fell asleep pretty quickly on the bed together. I woke up a little later to someone snoring. But then I also noticed the soft sounds of kissing. I was on the edge of the bed with my hubby next to me, and I knew Caleb was next to him and Dan on the far edge of the bed. I quickly realized Dan was the one asleep and snoring, while my hubby and Caleb were making out in the middle of the bed. I got instantly hard. As far as I understood, Dan & Caleb were monogamous. So my hubby was definitely cheating here and risking Dan’s friendship. Listening to them was making me very horny, so I decided to stay still and pretend I was asleep, and just let them go at it. Since we were all squished together in the bed, I was pressed up against my hubby as he was making out with Caleb. In fact, I could feel Caleb’s hands caressing my hubby up and down and they kissed passionately. They pulled off each other’s underwear and started rubbing each other’s cocks together. Soon I heard Caleb start moaning quietly and I knew my hubby must have a finger up Caleb’s butt. I heard Caleb whisper to my hubby asking him if I was still for sure asleep. My hubby said yeah, he’s totally passed out. Meanwhile Dan was still snoring on the other side of the bed. After some more whispering, they shifted positions so that Caleb was on his back and my hubby was on top of him, facing each other. I heard my hubby spit a few times and Caleb began moaning a little louder. I knew my hubby’s cock was inside Caleb’s ass. My hubby began slowly fucking Caleb and now both their bodies were rubbing up against me. They continued kissing passionately and my hubby increased the intensity of his rhythmic pounding. In a whisper he said to Caleb I’m gonna cum, and with a few more deep thrusts he groaned as he shot his raw load right up Caleb’s ass. Caleb jerked his cock with my hubby still inside him and finally came too, spraying an enormous load all over the bed and onto my face, shoulder, and arm. I was so turned on, but I was trying not to breath too heavily in order to avoid giving myself away. They kept kissing for a while and eventually got out of bed to clean off together in the bathroom. As soon as they had gone, I licked up all Caleb’s cum droplets and jerked myself off to a huge orgasm. All the while, Dan was still sound asleep and snoring, Next morning, the four of us woke up to terrible hangovers. My hubby and Caleb acted like nothing happened. All of us claimed not to remember much of the night before, because we had been so drunk and high. Dan & Caleb made the long drive back to their home later that day. Even now, I don’t know if my hubby remembers what he did that night or if he’s just hiding it from me.
    5 points
  3. A few months ago I was at a bathhouse Aarows in Sydney Australia. I was wearing my jockstrap and had lubed my ass. After cruising for a while a saw this hot Arab guy checking me out. I walked into a room and looked back invitingly. He took the hint and walked in. He was fully clothed so I got on my knees and started taking his pants off. He pulled me up and started kissing me which surprised me as guys like him just want their cock sucked. When i felt his tongue trying to probe my mouth, I really got into it, and we had a few minutes of intense make-out. He started talking off his clothes and his hands were every where. After about 15 minutes of just kissing, sucking and a lot of body contact and body kissing, he rubbed his cock on my hole but did not enter. I realized that this was all he wanted, and I wasn't getting fucked. I was happy to oblige his kink as he liked having has ass rimmed and body and pits licked, and he moaned in ecstasy every time I did that which motivated me to keep going. We had a good 2-hour session, and then I sucked him off. He blew a huge cum load. He said he always came loads. Even though I didn't get his cock or cum in my ass, I had a really good time, and he is hot as fuck Arab. We exchanged numbers and messaged each other after. We met up the following week again. He book a hotel room as he said the beds were more comfy. We had the same type of secession as before, kissing, sucking, licking and rimming but no fucking, and I was dying to have him inside me. So after 2 more meet ups I decided on making him wait and get him horned up to get his cock in my ass. He kept asking to meet up every week, and I kept making excuses to cancel. After 6 weeks I finally gave up and said I was free to meet up on Sunday. As usual he booked a hotel room and messaged me the number. Before leaving home a cleaned up, douched and lubed up well. It was a hot day and I was a bit sweaty when I got to the room. We kissed, and I took a quick shower, I also got a chance to lube again. I got into bed. I was naked, and he was fully clothed. It was the same. We were kissing, and he slowly started taking his clothes off. Once naked he was pulling me close and grinding and pulling my legs over. His hands slowly slid over my ass crack and over my hole. At first he pulled is hand back when he felt the lube, I felt his body move back a little, but I kept on kissing him like nothing happened. He took a minute to compose himself while we kept kissing. He was back on my hole. He slowly started working a finger into my hole, and I moaned as it felt good. He took that as an encouragement and started fingering me - first one then two and then three. The more I moaned the harder he finger fucked me. and I was loving every second of it. Suddenly he stopped and got up. He pushed me on to my side and then pushed one leg right up to my chest and shoved his cock in raw without a word. I moaned loudly as i was in heaven. I looked back, and he was fucking me bareback hard and fast with a look of hunger in his eyes, I loved every moment of his rough fucking and his moans. After five minutes he suddenly stops and pulls out. I look back and realize he is on the edge and doesn't want to cum yet. He took a minute to calm down, and then he shoved his cock back in and started fucking me again even harder and faster then before. After about ten more minutes of fucking he moans, "I am gonna cum. I am gonna cum." The third time he screams, "I am cumming. I am cumming." I look back and see his cock deep inside me his body jerking as he shoots his cum deep in my pussy. I feel his cock pulse 7 times in my ass, and he coats my insides with his cum. I was on cloud number nine. He falls on top of me, and we kiss as we catch our breath. His cock softens, and it slowly slips out. He rolls over beside me. I slowly start jerking off, and he kisses me again. I cum quickly, and he gets up to take a shower. I quickly put on my clothes. We kiss again and say we should do this again. If you like this story, let me know and i will tell you how i hooked up with 2 bears that same night and got their cum as well
    5 points
  4. It had been a few days with Tony on the road and I could tell by the geography we were getting into the southwest - lots of scrub brush was starting to appear. While Tony had been using me, I'd been on the mend as far as my health, and I wasn't running a fever quite as high as I had been, and my cough was dry now. Tony had been really kind to me, treating me like a lady when we were outside the cab - holding doors open for me and buying me food and drink. He never left my side - of course, I was on a leash and he was holding the other end, but still....I felt protected. Inside the cab he banged me like a cheap whore - because I was. It was a lot of work keeping his balls drained, and I loved every second of it. We stopped at a small diner in Vicksburg, CO - the one room establishment is only open seasonally and, we were the only people there that day. Tony kept me naked and leashed, and walked me in with no shame. I behaved accordingly. The waitress reacted no differently than if I'd been wearing clothes, My guess is that I'm not the first bitch she's seen like this. I sat with my legs crossed at the knees at all times so as not to reveal anything, as a lady should. My collar 'bitch' told her exactly what I was. No need to flaunt. Tony, ever the gentleman, ordered my food for me - no, I didn't have a choice, and I didn't want one. I didn't start to eat my food until Tony had started his, a yield to his dominance. The leader eats first. Tony, as Jake, never traded me to others for sex or money - that's not what this life was about. It's not prostitution, though we're called 'whores'. Bitches like me are passed from trucker to trucker for them to use for their sexual pleasure while on the road. From what I hear, we lead short - but very fucking intense - life spans as no one is on meds. Bitches usually die first as we're constantly kept loaded up. We're also the happiest. Trust me, I think we're getting the better end of the deal. We had stopped at some mammoth 'mother of all truck stops' kind of place headed into Utah. I was asleep face down in the back of Tony's cab, with my leash running to an eye hook over my head. I woke up when I felt a sharp pain behind me - a pain I recognized - someone was shoving a cock into my ass. I knew it wasn't Tony. It's something only a bottom can understand. When you fuck a man, you get to know 'him'. You can feel how different his cock feels from another. Some men are longer, some are thicker. They have different styles as well, some men fuck wildly - sloppy - all over the road with no idea what they're doing. Others are more controlled and know how to hit your prostate with every move. Long, smooth strokes. It's not that you fuck, it's how you fuck - and it tells me more about you than a background check, honey. I knew instantly I'd never felt this man. He was short and thin, barely enough to feel anything at all...and his strokes were fast and short. He felt panicked with his motions. He was already throbbing very hard and I knew he didn't have long. Which is good because my eyes were still crusted over and I barely opened them. Still, a dick in your ass will wake you up better than a cup of coffee ,sugar. Try it if you don't believe me. I was turning my head around to face him when I felt my hands being snatched over my head, my wrists bound with what felt like leather, and suspended from the eye hook over head. I whipped my head back around and another man had entered the passenger side seat of the rig, and quickly shoved his cock right down my throat. HE was the one that was thick and long, and he knew what he was doing as evidenced by his smooth, precise, and slow strokes. It's amazing what a girl can feel. No? The man in my ass grabbed my hair, and pulled me back towards him, and wrapped his right hand around my throat. "You dumb fucking bitch, you probably think all this is about truckers just passing you along until you're gone, don't you?" It's tough to answer questions with a cock down your throat. Perhaps he should have chosen a better time because all I could do was gag and gargle. I'm not sure that was helpful. And they call me the stupid one. From the front, the man there explained. "It's not about you, whore - we know that's what you think. The truth is that we need you to be as viraled up as possible....we're going to flood your body so high that we can collect your blood and use it to poz others that want to turn. We've been doing it for years, cunt." He calmly explained as he held onto my head, shoving his cock down my throat and holding it there for a few seconds before starting to work it in and back out. The man behind me started pounding my asshole as hard as he could, spanking me every time he stroked in. Still having my hair in his other hand, he turned my head sideways and growled. "You're a fucking Petri dish, you fucking cock whore!" That comment must have sent him over the edge as he shoved in HARD one single time and held it. I could feel his cock flexing with each pump he was giving me...expanding, pushing the walls of my body out hard, then contracting letting me relax for a split second before beginning the cycle over and over. He felt warm - and his seed was going deep. I could feel that as well. The man in front slapped me a couple times, shoved hard, and screamed as he came straight down my throat. "WHORE! FUCK! YOU'RE A FUCKING WHORE!". His whole body locked...legs, arms, chest..his face frozen in suspended scream until he finished giving me the last of his precious load. Without saying another word, both of them pulled out of me - having used my body like they wanted....and like *I* wanted - closed the doors to the cab and left me hanging by my wrists. I rolled over and sat up to take the tension off my wrists. Tony didn't show up to untie me for a six more hours, though I wasn't alone for long as apparently word had spread and I got used by over a dozen more men - not counting those first two. You may be asking, "Why didn't you just untie your leather straps or unhook yourself"" The answer is, I'm a fucking whore and this is what I want.
    5 points
  5. Rode with a senior director to a client meeting once. Cocky straight guy who had a reputation for banging all the women in the office. Kind of an asshole and I didn't really like him, but he was a hot dad type. Arrived at our client meeting and we found it was canceled last minute. Got back in his car to head back to the office and as we were talking, he rested his hand on my left leg. I let him keep his hand there and eventually put my hand in his lap, feeling up his bulge. He pulled into a park and I sucked his fat cock while he watched straight porn on his phone. Grabbed my hair to push me face up and down on his cock then finally forced my head all the way down his dick as he shot his load straight down my throat. Didn't say much afterward and he acted like nothing happened. He left the company shortly after and I heard a few years later he got married.
    4 points
  6. Gripping the steering wheel and staring straight ahead into the darkness I muttered under my breath, "What are you doing here?" I had been parked for about ten minutes, trying not to draw attention to myself as shadowy figures walked around the car park, occasionally peering into vehicles hoping to get a show. I knew what went on here. Everyone did. This place had a reputation. Looking out to my left and away across the gravel I could just make out the block building of the toilets. Shapes moved in and out regularly and cars came and went as I waited. The headlights of the cars providing brief snippets that shaped my mental map. I knew it was popular but I never expected this much ... traffic. I knew I shouldn't be here but I just had to know. My girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, had said I was too distant and could never commit. She never knew about the late night stroke sessions, the times I was shooting loads to gay porn online. The chat rooms. The dildo I kept very, very secret. Now I was here ready to step over that imaginary line. Wasn't I? After a few more silent minutes, and being certain that no real movement had taken place during that time, I opened the car door. Stepping out I was glad for the moonless night. The darkness gave me confidence and, shutting the car, I strode across the stones. My crunching footfalls sounded thunderous to my ears as I approached that small brick building. I felt as though eyes were watching me from every darkened vehicle. My nervousness returned but my anticipation grew as the black doorway appeared in my vision. Standing before the pitch-black entranceway I strained my ears trying to gauge anything from within. It seemed like there was nothing, then a gasp, and a moan and then the unmistakable sound of flesh slapping against flesh. Even in the darkness I felt my face flush but I was driven forward by arousal. I stepped inside. I waited inside the doorway for a minute certain I was invisible. It was nearly complete darkness in there. Even after a minute I could only make out vague shapes. Stepping further inside slowly I realised the entrance was a corner that opened into a wider area. A long trough type urinal ran along one wall and a row of doors, all shut, were the cubicles. There was a smell in there. Stale urine, and fresher, plus sweat and..bleach? Not knowing any better I stepped up to the urinal as quietly as I could and kept on listening to the sounds coming from behind the doors. The rhythmic slapping and soft moans were turning me on so much, even if I couldn't see anything, the though that I was stood so close to someone fucking had me rock hard. I released my cock as I stood there and began stroking as I listened to whoever it was in that cubicle getting closer and closer to their climax. As my hand slid up and down my hardon I listened intently to the sounds of sex. My focus entirely on the passion taking place only a few feet away from me. It became my whole world for a few moments. So when a voice whispered from the darkness right behind me, "Seems like there's a lot of enjoyment to be had here." I think my heart actually stopped for a second. My hand froze on my cock and I think I was about to scurry out of that place when all decisions went away from me. I don't think I had another rational thought for the rest of that night. An arm reached around me and rough, manly, thick fingers grasped my still hard cock, gently if steadily wanking me. I moaned and leaned back, the only response I was capable of. "Fuck, you're a keen one!" The voice whispered right in my ear making me shiver as his hand kept steadily pumping away at my prick. His other arm worked its way up inside my t-shirt and his rough hands started rubbing over my nipples. I couldn't begin to gather my wits. I was loving finally letting go even though a distant voice in my head said to calm it down. The pleasure I was feeling in this near total dark was the most I had ever experienced. My hips were pumping in time with this strangers stroking and I was gasping in pleasure. All of a sudden he gripped my cock hard. Squeezing me tight. I was on edge and he must have felt it. "Not so fast." It was spoken like a command right into my ear, "We don't want you going off the boil so quickly." I groaned in frustration. I was so close to spraying my cum and had just been denied. Wasn't that why I came here? My cock throbbed in his hand as he squeezed and gently rubbed me. "Oh fuck!" I moaned out loud realising his intentions: to keep me on edge, to keep me going, keep me willing. Up until now my hands had hung limply by my sides. I had pretty much given up motor function to this man behind me. This voice that had taken me over within seconds of revealing itself to me. As he kept up his ministrations to my cock with one hand the other was withdrawn from under my t-shirt and he grabbed my wrist. Pulling my arm behind me he guided my hand until I felt heat and then flesh. Thick, solid flesh. The first cock, besides my own, I had felt and it didn't disappoint. I don't know if it was the darkness focusing my attention but to my mind this dick was huge. Certainly bigger than mine and oh so solid. My fingers felt along the hot, hard length from balls to the flared tip and I was rewarded with a groan in my ear. I wrapped my hand around and started stroking wanting to return some of the pleasure I had been given. This man in the dark then guided my other hand to the wall in front of me and pressed my hand against the rough brick. In doing so he was pressing himself more firmly against me. I kept working his cock as best as I could while he, satisfied I wouldn't move from him, let go of my hand and I felt him completely undo my jeans and push them down. Even in the dark I felt suddenly exposed, I hadn't worn underwear in the hopes of something and this didn't go unnoticed. "Fuck, you were ready for me weren't you?" It was then I realised I was stroking his very hard cock right over my now naked arse. As my hand continued working his shaft he let go of me leaving me throbbing and grinding myself to him. "That's a fucking lovely arse, boy," he hissed in my ear as both his rough hands began stroking, kneading and spreading my cheeks. I let go of his cock and felt myself leaning forward. With both my hands on the wall in front of me I had effectively offered myself totally to this stranger in the dark, sordid, public toilet. It felt so good. I pushed my butt towards him arching my back and giving him full access as his hands roamed freely all over me. His rough hands each gripped a cheek and spread me open and I gasped as I felt his heavy dick sliding up and down along my crack. "Oh fuck!" I whispered into the darkness. He responded with a chuckle advising "Don't panic I won't fuck you yet. I will fuck you before the night is out, but I'm going to make sure you are ready for it. When I give you my cock you will be begging me to fill your slut hole. You'll be taking a breeding you won't forget I promise." With that I felt him crouch down behind me and then I felt his hot breath on my cheeks. Then a warm, probing pressure straight on my hole. "Oh shit yes!" I almost shouted and my cock throbbed as I was introduced to having my fuckhole eaten out. Whilst he was behind me he had worked my jeans all the way down and worked one leg free. From here he spread me wider and went to town tongue fucking me. Lapping at my hole then pressing his tongue hard into me instinctively I pressed back to spread my cheeks this pleasure was too good and I wanted him to lick me over and over. Here I was, stripped from the waist down in a dark toilet, bent over at the urinal, pressing on the wall in front of me so I could push my arsehole onto the tongue of a man I hadn't ever seen. He was pushing back, the warm wetness I could feel between my cheeks just felt right. He leaned back and I felt him spit on my hole. "Going to make you ready boy." Was all he said before I felt a thick finger pushed up inside me. I winced at the sudden intrusion and he started licking around my ring again as he finger fucked me. The soothing laps of his tongue coupled with the rough pressing inside me had me panting against the brick work. I could feel my hole opening to accept more. "Tasty fucking hole you've got here, nice 'n' tight too. Going to enjoy giving you everything I've got. Bet you've never been stretched by a cock like mine before, eh?" "No, never." I gasped before I realised I was speaking out loud. His response made me look back but in the darkness I could only make out blurred shapes. "Fuck me! A virgin hole. Right then let's get you properly opened up and loaded!" Two fingers were thrust up into me and I saw stars as he began working them in and out of my now spit slick hole. He was scissoring his fingers and twisting them inside me. Even though it hurt, I was so turned on it only added to the sensations I was being introduced to. Pressing onto his fingers I couldn't believe I hadn't done his before. In this squalid, dirty place I was being shown who I really was for the first time. After a few minutes of working my arse open he suddenly pulled his fingers from me and, whether it was the roughness of his skin or his nails, it burned and stung for a few seconds. However the state of lust he had worked me into made every sensation something to be enjoyed. I heard and felt him rise behind me and I looked back to no avail, the darkness made it impossible to distinguish anything in that room. This man could be anyone, maybe I knew him away from here? Or maybe he was someone I would see around town? I would never know that it was the same man as had just opened me up to so much. I didn't wonder for too long about this as I felt him press to me from behind. The thick head of his solid cock rubbing between my cheeks, sliding up and down and making me wetter with precum. Involuntarily I groaned in response to the pressure his cock was exerting against my hole. I knew there was only one way this would end. Boy, was I wrong. As he rubbed himself to me his hands gripped my waist and slid up my body. He pushed my t-shirt up and easily stripped it from me and now I was totally naked grinding my arse onto the cock of this man behind me. It was dark but somehow I had never felt so utterly exposed. Just then he stopped moving completely and was silent for a second. Then there was a blinding flash and even in the blackness of the room I could only see spots of light and dark. "Just wanted a shot of that sweet arse before I ruin it." He smirked as he said this and I started to wonder what I had let myself in for. SLAP! "Fuck!" I cried out at the sudden impact. It stung like hell and was quickly followed by several more swats at my cheeks with his strong hands. For some reason my hands remained pressed to the wall in front of me, my knuckles white as I pressed my fingers into the brick. My arsecheeks burned hot from pain but at the same time I couldn't pretend my cock wasn't rock hard under me and dripping a steady flow of pre. "Mmmm, goood. It looks like this boy likes to be used." The hoarseness in his voice made me realise just how horny he was. I could feel his hard cock sandwiched in my crack for sure; but there was a need in his voice that made my hole spasm. I don't think I'd ever experienced true desire before. It was then that the nearest cubicle swung open loudly and a dark shadow hurried out through the doorway. A voice from the darkness just said. "Fuck sake, do you have to be so loud right there? You spooked the cunt I was working on." "Sorry mate," my man replied, "got a little carried away with this virgin hole here." If I had been a little wiser I might have spotted the implicit offer that this sentence carried. Instead I just stood there, naked, hands on he wall almost needing my next instruction. "Virgin eh? No shit! You want a hand breaking him in mate? I've got blue balls here." The next thing my man said caught me off guard, I had certainly prepared myself to take his cock and I thought naively he wanted me all to himself so when he said, "You got any poppers? I think if we give this slut a few sniffs he'll be gagging for both our cocks." Next thing I knew I was being turned to face in the direction of the cubicles and hands from the darkness found my face. I felt the cold glass of a small bottle pressed to my nostril and I was told, "Breathe!" I had little choice and the bottle was switched between my nostrils almost every time I took a breath. My head felt light and my legs felt heavy. My heart was pounding and every beat seemed to make my arsehole clench. I nearly slumped over but I was being held up by two stronger guys now. "Oh yeah, this bitch is definitely ready." The words came from so far away as I felt myself being bent at the waist and my cheeks spread wide. Hands were also on my head guiding me down and somewhere in my brain came the picture of the spit roast fuck scenes I had so often wanked to. Now it was my turn. The head of a hard wet dick was rubbed over my face and between my lips. "Open wide," an instruction came. Then I was sucking my first cock. Well I was getting my face fucked, not deep, not rough, but there was no doubt I had no control. My guy hadn't been idle this time, while I was trying to take as much dick in my mouth without choking he had been wanking his hard cock all over my ring and started to press in. With the combined effects of his spit, fingers and the poppers the head of his cock worked into me almost easily. Then he started driving forward. All my fantasies of being fucked and even my self induced dildo play couldn't have prepared me for this. Fuck he was so thick. My hole burned and I felt tears streaming from my eyes. With my mouth stuffed with cock I couldn't do anything but moan. Trapped between these two men I couldn't move away from either as they began to relentlessly fuck me. There were several flashes in the darkness and I knew they must both be getting souvenirs of my use. They kept up giving me poppers and making me spin out as they fucked into me at either end. It wasn't long before the poppers were wearing off and I became more aware and two things were apparent. First was the constant moaning I was making around the cock being shoved down my throat, I was holding the hips of the man in front of me and I was working my head back and forth as much as he was fucking himself between my lips. I could taste pure manliness. Sweat, spunk, piss all of it and I was drooling all over it. Second was the heat radiating out from my hole wasn't pain. The thick hard cock which was now deep inside me was fucking my once tight anus with long patient strokes. A constant rhythm that had his meat bouncing off of my prostate. I was arching my back, squeezing and clenching my hole around his dick anything to show him how good it felt. That's it boy, show us how much you want these dirty cocks up you." Wait, dirty, did that mean something? The constant pounding into me at either end was making my brain melt. I just needed more, more cock, more fucking, more everything. "Oh you're a dirty boy letting us fuck you like this! You love big hard bare cock in you don't you boy?" Shit, bare, everything had happened so fast and I gave in so easily I never even thought about protection...but...but it just felt so good right now. That thick man cock forcing its way into my guts, stretching me, pulling me I knew I wanted it. I moaned loudly around the cock between my lips and I guess we all knew I was agreeing. "Fuck boy, you're going to make me cum soon, going to plant my seed deep inside you." I could feel his thrusts becoming harder, he was deep inside me and stabbing his cock into me with short, brutal jabs. I was delirious. My hole was my entire world right now and I needed cock to fill it. The man making me suck his cock joined in the fuck talk, "Yeah, knock him up. Load up that pussy good. When you're done I'll make him take my strain too." I wasn't really paying too much attention with my focus being purely on cock but I gathered that they both really wanted to shoot their spunk inside me. Right now I was just a willing hole and they could fill me however they saw fit. The thrusts into me became a jackhammer and the guy behind me roared. "Fuck yes, take it. Take it you dirty little cumslut. Take my poz load!" My eyes bugged out as I put two and two together. I was in no position to do anything but take it as he said and the way his cock pulsed inside me and he was driving it deep inside me kept me grinding back onto him. It felt too good in spite of everything and a part of me realised it was too late to turn back with his hot load deep in my arse. "Fuck boy," he said as he slowly withdrew his wet cock from my now sloppy cumhole, "That was fantastic. Your cunt is definitely one I want to breed again." With that he stood and said, "Going for a smoke. Enjoy that hole!" Just like that he was out of that darkened place and I realised I had just been handed over like a toy to be used. The hands that had been holding my head roamed over my back and found my arse. I hadn't moved and he easily slipped two fingers up me and pumped them in and out a few times. "Wow, he really opened you up well." The cock I had been continually sucking was now withdrawn from my mouth and he moved around me. I was still in something of a state of shock, still bent over, practically frozen in place. Horny as fuck too. It was..confusing. Without ceremony he pulled his fingers out of my anus and shoved his cock into me. It took my breath away but because of the rough fucking I had already taken, and I guess the cum now soaking my hole, he was inside easily. He wasn't as thick which helped but his cock curved and he was pressing against my insides so nicely. As he started pumping away I was finally able to vocalise the sensations I was being subjected to. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," I was gasping with every long dicked thrust he was forcing me to take. He had grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back so he could more easily bounce me on his dick. The slapping sound of his flesh violating mine added to making me a moaning cockwhore. My own cock left alone was flapping with each pounding of his hips. Precum leaking from me in an almost steady stream. I felt like I was cumming but it was constant and there was no come down. Eventually he too started up the jackhammer thrusting that tells of impending cum. I was out of breath, and covered in sweat. He was fucking my hole so hard I was almost crying but still I was rock hard. "Say you want my cum slut!" He suddenly shouted. Pounding me over and over. "I...I want it." Was all I could manage. "What do you want bitch?" As he asked this he slapped my arse with a stinging blow that made me buck my hips and cry out into the darkness. "Oh god I want your cum, please cum in me!" I begged and he pulled hard on my hips pushing himself all the way inside me. He was shaking and his cock was throbbing inside me. He leaned across my back holding himself so he wouldn't slip out of me and whispered in my ear. "Never pozzed a virgin before, I bet you'll be begging for more dirty loads before long." He slid himself out of me and left the room. I collapsed to my knees. Naked, dripping cum and panting for breath. I had no idea where my clothes were in the darkness or how I would find them. As I knelt there I idly stroked my still erect dick softly moaning as I felt the pulsing from my arsehole. What the last guy said about me wanting more was clearly undeniable. Footfalls from outside made me panic, oh shit I can't be found like this. I scrabbled about in the darkness trying desperately to find even just my jeans. But it was too late. A flare in the darkness from a cigarette gave a brief illumination and I saw three men in the entranceway. "See I told you he'd be waiting here for more. I think we've got ourselves a proper little cum piggy." I recognised the voice of the man who had first fucked me and realised then that he'd just gone out to find more men to use my holes. I knelt there, hands in my lap. I knew I was in for a long night.
    3 points
  7. I was feeling horny Friday morning so I got up and went to one of the local bookstores here in Vegas. It was 4am when I arrived and although there were several cars in the parking lot most of the guys must’ve been in the theater and not the arcade area. It was slow the first 30 minutes and then this latino guy walked in and I was standing against the wall and he motioned for me to follow him into a booth. I went in and locked the door and when I turned around he had his big cock out. He was about 8 inches uncut and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was about 5’7 average body but handsome and masculine. I had already lubed my hole so as I’m sucking him he is bending down trying to get his hand under the waistband of my pants to feel my ass. I pulled my pants down and when he felt my wet hole he turned me around and as he’s guiding his bare cock into me he asked me if I was negative. He had an accent too. I said yes and then he said I’m negative too and starts fucking me. He gripped my hips tight and fucked me for about 15 min before I felt his big thick cock throbbing inside of me. He was so quiet that was the only way I knew he came. I pulled my clothes up and walked out. I walked around and went into another booth and this blk guy that had been there reached under the booth and grabbed my ass so I invited him in. The booth doors are half doors so people are always bending down trying to see what’s going on. He comes in and pulls his cock out and he’s about 8 inches too and cut. As I’m sucking him he says I wanna fuck you. I stood up and turned around and he guided his cock into me. He fucks me for about 10 minutes and then says where do you want me to cum. I said cum in me. He said beg for it. Beg for my cum. So I say please give me your cum, please cum in me and he moans and grips my hips and cums and collapses on my back. I pulled up my pants and walked out. I sucked off this sexy white guy and swallowed his load. He was sexy. Tall and lean. Nice body, rugged looks. As I leave his booth I see a guy walk away that had been peaking in to see what we were doing. It was the latino guy again. I followed him into the same booth that we were in earlier and I sucked his big cock again and then turn around and slid his cock in. This time my hole was cummy from his previous load and the black guy. He asked in his accent if I’m clean. I said yes and then he starts fucking me. This time he was a little more aggressive but it felt good and he was taking long strokes and you could hear his cock sloshing around in my ass from all the cum in me. He fucks me for about 15 mins again and then he cums again and I feel his cock throbbing again. He was still quiet so when he pulled out and I turned around to clean his cock it was covered in cum all the way to the base. I pulled up my pants and went home with the 3 loads in my ass. My hole was gaping and I was trying to keep all the cum inside me until I got home.
    3 points
  8. A buddy of mine is in town on business and looking for fun. He works for a local airline is 40, 5'10' fit vers/top, with 7 thick inches. He says he has an 8 day load that he needs to donate to someone and asked if I were interested. I was booked up but told him my bf was working from home today. 5 minutes later the bf texts to ask if he can play during lunch -- "go for it, but save it for me to taste" was my response. Two hours later I get a text from my pal that reads "That is hands down, without a doubt the HOTTEST sex of my life!" So, I decide to head home early in hopes of using his nut for lube. I walk from the garage into the basement to find my boyfriend still naked (sans a jock strap) lying in the sling playing with his cummy hole and left nipple. I dropped down and started eating his (delicious) ass and noticed that quite a lot of cum had dribbled on the floor. I start wiping it up with my right hand, using it to lube my dick in preparation to fuck my boy... He tells me that our pal shot a HUGE load in him, that he felt "so full" -- I asked him to push some out for me to eat and it literally squirted 4 feet across the floor (more lube for me!) -- he pushed more out and I licked up every drop before pushing my dick in his hole and fucking him until I loaded him with my 2 day load. The boy can't stop talking about how the guy made him cum without touching himself. It was a hot, loud, porn-style fantasy fuck so after I bred him I texted a hung black pal of mine and had him stop by --like me, he loves using a stretched out cum-flooded manhole. He's fucking my boy downstairs as I type this note... shortly when hear their moans escalate toward orgasm, I will return to watch the breeding --and just maybe deposit a 4th load of cum into my boys amazing butt. Damn, I hope he works from home and "cheats" on me more often!
    3 points
  9. Update: met up with fag ex coworker and slipped him a little something to loosen him up. Took him to mates and made sure he got what he deserved. Already forwarded video to his bf and half the office. Guess he'll have more time to enjoy exploring his single life as a pig lol.
    3 points
  10. you can't worry about what others think. a true Slut bottom gives himself over to absolute pleasure and use without hesitation. The more use I get from multiple partners, especially in the same night or over a series of days at a sex resort just adds gasoline to the fire. The biggest slut shamers are the guys who are most insecure and jealous that you can indulge your body in excessive sexual use by multiple guys, whose names you don't even know their names or care to,. Freeing yourself from fabricated social guilt and shame for being true to the carnal sex beast wit in you is true pleasure and happiness and more important than the shame a few may throw at you. I get off on seeing the looks on guys faces when they lean how many partners i've had in a given month, year or lifetime. I am an overbred piece of sexual livestock and totally proud of it. You should be too!!
    2 points
  11. sfbaystudmonkey https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/breeding-hot-hairy-ass-blindfolded-ass-up-middle-eastern-guy-39512341 I paid a visit to a sexy Middle Eastern guy with a big hot horny hairy ass who was in need of a good pounding. I walked in, took my clothes off just inside the door, and beheld the glorious sight of him in the bedroom, ass up, blindfolded, waiting to be penetrated, dominated and inseminated. I gave him what he wanted and flooded that sexy hole with my nut. He sucked my dick clean afterwards. He's nice and hung, and he promised next time we would have a hot flipfucking session.
    2 points
  12. Houston for sure. I've always had a lot of luck in New York. I mean, I kinda gravitated toward black cock and somehow, black pigs can always spot a tweaked out white cumdump from a mile away, so I've had a bunch of weekend trips to Manhattan where, without actually trying, every cock I took was a black one.
    2 points
  13. I've never shared this story with anyone, but I've never been so horny in my entire life since I created an account here reading all the hot stories, so felt it's a good time to share. True story here, this happened to me when I was very young. At the time I barely knew how sex worked, never had a real bf, and had just sucked and been fucked maybe a couple times. I grew up in a different country so there was a sort of craigslist equivalent there. One day I posted an ad saying that I was "looking for a bf" (yeah, right), and got tons of replies. But one in particular stood out. It was an older guy, I forget his age but probably in his 50ies so almost 3x my age. He said he was looking for a young boyish twink and wanted to take me to a hotel and make love to me like a woman and that he would pay me for it if I let him do what he wants. First I was offended and frankly disgusted and didn't even reply. But I kept thinking about it for some reason. Something about the thought of being treated like a woman as he said turned me on a lot. And also the idea of having another man paying me to be able to use me as he wants was very sexy to me, while still feeling it was degrading. After a week or 2 of thinking about it constantly, I decided it was time to give it a try and replied. The man replied almost instantly, saying I made the right choice and that he would take good care of me. We chatted a bit and convened to meet on a following Friday where he would pick me up not far from my place after I was done with school, take me to the hotel to spend the night, and drop me back at my place the next day. We didn't really discuss much what we were going to do, even though I asked multiple times, but he just said I had to be obedient and do what he says. I was SO nervous on the day he picked me up. I'm already very shy by nature, so you can imagine I was a nervous wreck going in a complete stranger's car and being his "woman" for the night. When I got in he was literally devouring me with his eyes. Said he was glad I was very twinky as he likes his boys looking innocent. The drive to the hotel felt like forever, but I don't think it was more than a 20-30 mins drive. It was way out of town near a highway, and I was very nervous arriving there and almost backed out. He probably saw I was nervous because he told me not to worry, that he'd be gentle and I'd have a good time, and that helped me relax a little. Once inside he wasted no time and as soon as the door closed he started kissing me passionately. I had never kissed a man at the time so it felt really weird. He was very forceful about it too. Then he removed my shirt, and told me to kneel in front of him. I had an instant of hesitation and he told me to hurry up, and I obliged. He was still dressed then, and didn't even bother undressing, and just unuzipped and pulled out his cock and told me to kiss it and smell it and tell him how beautiful it is. Now I was not a total stranger to cock at the time as I had blown I think 2 guys and been fucked twice too, but it had always been after long makeout sessions with lots of cuddling and sweet words and all that. So finding myself like this on my knees with a stranger's cock in front of me felt really uncomfortable. I probably managed to lick and usher a few words uncomfortably about his cock, and I like the he kept ruffling my hair and gently rubbing his hands over my face. I felt very vulnerable and liked the attention he was giving me while I made his cock go from limp to hard. When he got fully hard though his attitude changed. What was once gentle ruffling of my blond hair became fists who grabbed my hair and held my head in place. He told me to open my mouth, and didn't even ask me to suck him - instead he pushed his cock all the way down my throat while keeping my head still. I was pretty shocked then, had never had a cock in my throat before. I was gagging a lot and asked me to stop, but he told me if I want to satisfy him and serve like a woman I have to get used to it and that I should stop complaining. Still in shock, I did my best but probably wasn't very good at it, although I remember him saying he liked to hear me gag. After a while he probably got bored or likely there was too much teeth, and he told me it was time to make a real woman out of me. He put me back on my feet and went back to kissing me intensely, but this time one of his hands started playing with my hole and he started fingering me roughly. It hurt and he wasn't gentle about it, but we stayed like this for a while and my hole started loosening after a while. He put me on the bed on my back, lifted my legs and started approaching me with his erect cock getting clearly ready to enter me. This is when I started fighting back and telling him I didn't want to get fucked without a condom. He was actually very nice about it, stopped for a minute, told me he just fucks his wife and he's only been with very few twinks, and that I had nothing to be worried about. I was still hesitant, but figured I could trust him, so I went back in position. He entered me slowly while caressing my chest. He clearly had no interest in my cock, but he pinched my nipples hard while entering me. It didn't hurt so bad because he had fingered me well before, but felt very different to the couple times I had been fucked with a condom. He started fucking me harder and harder, telling me sweet words, caressing me gently, I really felt like a woman that time. His constant pinching of my nipples, and the feeling of his raw cock going inside and outside of me made me shoot my load very quick all over myself. He lasted a few minutes after that, and he had a deep groan and said things along the lines that I was now his boy and that my ass was his. Then he collapsed on me and passionately kissed me for a while before we fell asleep. He fucked me 3 other times that night, as I found myself woken up by his raw cock entering me and I just took it. Come morning after a last fuck he told me it was great and that he would love to see me regularly. He insisted on paying me for this, saying that I had been very obedient and I deserved it. Took me back to my place, and not an hour later messaged me to see if I was available the very next Friday for the same thing. I ended up seeing him for several months almost every week. He brought me gifts sometimes like pieces of underwear or t-shirts that made me look cute, and he was always paying me for it. Inside my head I was turned on by the idea of giving up my ass raw in exchange of that, even if that felt wrong. After a few months I moved to a bigger town for college so we couldn't meet anymore. He emails me a few times asking how things were going and if I was coming back for the holidays, but we kinda lost contact after a bit. He's the first I've let fuck me bareback, and the only one I've let do that before a loooong time. I was thinking about these memories fondly as I just had my first anon cumdump scene last weekend, and I think it was a great introduction for me to bareback sex. I regret nothing, except the fact that it took me many years after this to accept going back to bareback. This was a bit of a longer post than I anticipated, but I hope you'll find it interesting as this is the story the way I remember it. I've actually never told this story to anyone, there's a bit of a stigma with it being first bareback and then being paid for it, so I've kept it to myself, but this felt like a good place to share it for the first time.
    2 points
  14. 10. Jay Even after Doug dropped his thick load in my hole, his dick remained impressively hard. I had expected his shaft to grow limp and for his pace to slow down before his dick fell out of my well-fucked hole. But instead, Doug's shaft remained hard and he continued to thrust in and out of my hole. Each stroke pushed the accumulated jizz deeper into me and spread it out along my hole. Just six hours ago, I would have never dreamt of being fucked so intensely. But now, after several guys had used me, each one depositing his load inside of me, it felt almost natural. "Fuck," I moaned. Aiden was now standing in front of me, his body pressed up against mine. I was sandwiched between these two men, their bodies pressed up against my own torso, holding me in place as one of them forced his dick into my almost virginal hole. Even though it was a rough, aggressive fuck, I felt safe between the two men. Doug was nibbling on my back, whispering something I couldn't quite catch, but made me feel safe. "Oh god, that feels good," I grunted. Doug had just pressed the full length of his dick into me and pushed a thick load of spooge deep into my guts. It felt so honorable and perfect to be taking these loads and, in the moment, I couldn't imagine any other way to fuck. "Damn," I moaned once more. "Feel good?" Aiden asked. I nodded in reply. I was starting to lose track of where I was, of what had happened. All I cared about was that feeling of dick in my hole. It was a little scary letting go and letting Doug take such advantage of me. But It felt so fucking right at the same time. "It's good," Aiden whispered in my ear. "Let him fuck you." I lost myself in the deep, repetitive thrusts. Doug was an expert cocksman, and he knew how to fuck me. Plus, as Doug pounded my hole, Aiden held me tight, kissing me and whispering reassurances in my ear. I could feel his cock press against my groin and my leg; it was just as hard as Doug's and I couldn't wait to feel it in me. Despite enduring the reality of Doug's cock, I lost track of time, pushed forward by dreaming the fantasy of Aiden's dick. "You gonna cum again?" Aiden suddenly interjected. I looked back, as best I could with Aiden's broad arms wrapped around my torso. I could just barely see Doug in the low light. His face was locked in an ecstatic determination; he was on the edge of cumming a second time. I tightened my ass; I wanted to milk that load out of him and make him anoint my hole once more with his fluid. "DAYUM," Doug grunted, and he slammed his cock deep into me. "Fucking sweet hole on you boy. Getting a second load. Fucking milking me dry." "Give it to me," I moaned, and pressed back against his dick. In my gut, I felt the familiar warm bloom that I now knew to mean Doug had just shot another load into me. There was a second and a third jet of cum into me; the sequel was at least as good as the original. "Fucking hungry hole on you boy," Doug grunted in my ear, as he shoved his dick back into me, and spurt twice more into my hole. "You and I gotta play again soon. I'm gonna have to get to know this hole properly." He shoved his dick back in once more, and a sixth spurt of semen landed in my gut. The warmth from his cock was spreading across my body and made me feel protected and safe. Although I hardly knew Doug, I felt comfortable around him. Certainly, comfortable enough to meet with him again and to let him cum in my hole once more. "I'll make sure that happens," Aiden said. Doug had stopped pounding my hole and I felt his cock soften. I squeezed my hole one last time, in order to get the last drops of semen from him. I was dreading being empty but at least Aiden had promised to fuck me next. "Do that," Doug said and he slowly pulled his dick out of my hole. "I can't wait." He leaned against me, his hairy chest now wet with sweat from his intense fucking. "Looking forward to our next time," he whispered in my ear. "I'll make sure it's a big load." "Me too," I said, although my mind had already leapt ahead, hungry for more dick. I didn't want to wait to get back to Aiden's apartment; every second without my ass being filled was an eternity of torment. I wanted Aiden to fuck me right there, in the open and in front of all these unknown men. "So badly," I managed to say, right as Doug stood up, and stepped back. "Can't wait," Doug said, and he left me, still in Aiden's arms. Aiden leaned in and kissed me. It was a long kiss, deep and intimate. I let his tongue explore my mouth and longed for his cock to do the same. As he kissed me, Aiden let his hands drop down, finding my ass, and gently pulled apart my butt cheeks. The air was cool against my exposed asshole, but it felt good. I spread my legs slightly, giving him easier access to my hole. "Feeling good?" he whispered in my ear. "Yeah," I said. "Really good." "You want to go back to my place?" he asked. "And I can finally get into that hot ass of yours." He pushed a finger against my hole. It slid in easily, using the accumulated lube from all the men who had the pleasure of fucking me. "Damn," he said. "That's a wet hole." "Doesn't have yours in it yet," I said. "I want you to cum in me." I was surprised but not shocked to hear myself say that. It felt natural to ask another man to cum in me, especially a man like Aiden. "Don't worry," Aiden replied. "I'm gonna cum in you. Many times. But not before getting to enjoy this hole." His finger had slid deeper into me, but it was more a cruel tease having neither the length nor the girth of what I felt trapped behind his underwear. "Let's go," he said and kissed me long and deep. As we kissed, another man came up behind me, and pressed against me. For a moment, I thought it was Doug returning, but he was both shorter and less hairy than the earlier man. "I heard you had brought a new friend," the stranger said. Aiden broke off the kiss, and looked up, over my shoulder at the new man. "Edward," he said, smiling. "Yeah," he said, turning me around to face the new man. "This is Jay. Jay, meet Edward." I looked him over; I guessed him in his mid-thirties, a bit shorter than me, but sporting a big cock in his tight white jockstrap. He had a beard, and there were flecks of grey in it. Even though he was shorter than me, I could feel the masculine power and energy radiating off of him. I wanted to get down on my knees in front of him and worship his cock. "Hi," I said. I was almost blushing; despite my arousal, my dick was still limp. I was embarrassed for a man like him to find me like this. I wanted to ask him to fuck me, but somehow, I wasn't able to say it. "Hi," Edward said, then turned his attention to Aiden. "Damon told me about him. Sounds like he's just the way I like." "I know how you like them," Aiden said. "That's why you can't have him. At least not tonight." "Ha!" Edward said. He turned back to me. "Aiden's taking care of you?" he asked me. I nodded in agreement. Aiden had wrapped one arm around me and the other hand was covering my too-soft dick. "You been having fun?" he continued. I nodded as well. Edward reached down and pushed Aiden's hand out of the way. He played briefly with my cock. This time I did blush, ashamed of my impotence. But he only brushed lightly over my cock and instead settled on my balls. Edward squeezed them gently. It was just enough for me to gasp slightly; that elicited a broad smile from Edward. Aiden pulled me a bit closer to him. "He is taking good care of you," Edward said. Still holding onto my balls, he continued. "You been partying tonight?" My feeling of befuddlement must have been obvious. "You know, smoking the glass pipe?" He squeezed slightly, a reminder that I had to tell the truth. I remembered the pipe Tucker had shared with me. "Yeah," I said. "I did." "That's my kind of boy," Edward said, but Aiden didn't loosen his hold on me. He pulled out a thin black case. "You want to keep the party going?" he asked. He turned to Aiden. "You mind if I share a bowl with the boy? You want to join?" "It's been a while for me," Aiden said. "A few months now." I blushed again, and my cock shrank even more. I had just admitted to using drugs in front of these two men. I wondered what Aiden would say next, right after he had said he hadn't used in so long. "But I bet the boy would enjoy it." He turned to me. "I know you can handle it. Just know your limits." A pause, then he turned back to Edward. "Know your limits too," he said, with a bit of an edge in his voice. "Of course," Edward said, with a hint of defensiveness in his voice. But it disappeared as he smiled, holding up a glass pipe just like the one I shared with Tucker and Damon. "You sure you don't want to share?" he asked. The pipe was close enough that I could see the details I had missed the first time, the details like the slight imperfection at the edge of the hole at the top, the milky whiteness of the long tube, or the beautiful crackle of the white drug in the bowl. Each one drew me in and reminded me how good I was feeling. I didn't want to stop it, not yet at least, when there was still the rest of the night to play with Aiden. "You go first," Aiden said to me. "Do a good hit for me." It wasn't clear if he was giving me permission to do party with Edward or if he was saying that he was going to join the two of us in sharing the pipe. I remembered how it had felt when Damon had shotgunned the hit to me with his dick buried in my ass. I wanted to share that same feeling of closeness with Aiden. But first, Edward lit the torch and held it under the glass bowl. I watched as the drugs melted and smoked, and then he stuck the stem into his mouth. He inhaled slowly and carefully, draining the bowl several times. Once his lungs were full, he took the pipe from his mouth, and stuck it into mine. "Do it," he said to me, holding the torch under the bowl. I had gathered the basics from earlier, and following Edward's lead, I inhaled deeply. The clouds were so much smoother than the weed I normally smoked, and it was easy to take a big hit. "That's what I want to see," Edward said. "Now, hold it for me." As he spoke, I could see him exhale a thick cloud right into my face. "That smells good," Aiden said. "Brings back memories." "Do a hit," Edward said. "Just enough to get you in the mood." "I'm not sure," Aiden said. I wanted to tell him to do it. I wanted him just as relaxed and carefree as I was. I wanted him as intense as Damon had been. "Shotgun him," Edward told me. I leaned back, and Aiden met my lips with his. I exhaled my hit into his mouth and he inhaled, letting his lungs fill up. "Fuck, that's hot." He was stroking his jockstrap, his bulge straining against the fabric. Aiden and I kissed more, his tongue exploring my mouth. "That's good shit," Aiden said, finally exhaling the thick cloud. "Really good." "You know I have the best," Edward said. "You want another hit?" he asked. Aiden paused for a second, thinking. Finally, he spoke. "Yeah," he said. "I do." He smiled at me. "But give it to him," Aiden continued. Edward put the pipe back in my mouth, and we enacted the now-familiar ritual of heating the drugs and inhaling the thick clouds. I kissed Aiden again, and exhaled the hit. We repeated this twice more, the two of us feeling the freedom of the crystal hitting our blood. "Do one with Edward," Aiden finally said, as he exhaled a dense white cloud. "Fuck yeah," Edward said. "You ready for this?" he asked. I nodded, and he took the pipe from me. He stuck it in his mouth and I watched him hit it. Once more, he took his time, making sure the bowl was always full of the white vapors. "I like partying with you," Aiden whispered in my ear. "A lot," he said. I was transfixed Edward, watching him continue to hit the pipe. I had the presence of mind to nod. The drugs were hitting me hard and the familiar sexual urges were ricocheting around my head. "Me too," I finally said. "Good," Aiden said. "We'll do that." Edward took the pipe out of his mouth and smiled at me. "Your turn," he said, and pressed his mouth against mine. There was no mistaking who was the dominant man here; before I realized what I was doing, I had opened my mouth and let his tongue force its way into me. He exhaled and a condensed cloud of pure bliss filled my airways. "You got a pipe?" he asked Aiden. "I think I do." "Tell you what," Edward said. "If you have Jay here return it, you can borrow my pipe. Just in case." My heart jumped. As I gasped, the cloud escaped my lungs and engulfed my head. "One more hit for you, I think," Edward said. He put the pipe in his mouth. It was still warm, so it only took a second before the bowl filled up. This hit was bigger than the previous one. "Sounds good to me," Aiden said. "I bet Jay would like that. Wouldn't you Jay?" I heard Aiden, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Edward. He was staring at me, his brown eyes studying me, seemingly seeking out my weaknesses and vulnerabilities. "Yeah," I finally said, immediately worried that I had taken a step too far. Edward removed the pipe. He winked at me, then leaned in and we kissed. I expected him to exhale immediately, but instead we kissed. I was hungry for everything he would give me -- his tongue, his drugs, but most of all, I was once more craving cock. "Yeah," I said, taking a second to catch my breath. "I would like it." Edward exhaled and my lungs inflated with the thick cloud. I had no real idea what drug I was taking, but it was the last thing I was concerned about. All that mattered was getting another hit. "We're going to have so much fun," Edward whispered, his lungs now drained into mine. "Just the two of us. Getting to know each other properly." He reached down and grabbed my balls. He squeezed, once more finding that perfect pressure right at the edge of pain. "I'm going to have so much fun with you." He squeezed just a little harder and I gasped. The thick cloud escaped, and my head was swirling with agony of his playing with my balls. "Careful, now," Aiden muttered. There was a growl in his voice and my hole twitched at the depraved masculinity. "Right," Edward said. He released his hold on my balls and in relief, I exhaled the last of the hit. Edward stepped back and stuck the pipe and torch back in the case. From the waistband of his jockstrap, he pulled a small baggie, and put it in the case as well. "Teener for you. I want it well smoked when you bring it back." "Don't worry about that," Aiden said. His arm was still wrapped around me, holding me tight, seemingly protecting me from Aiden. "He's gonna be wanting more soon enough." "And I've got it," Edward said, grabbing his crotch. He had the cocky swagger of a confident older man which let him pull off such a bro move. "Leon's here tonight," he said to Aiden, before closing the case and handing it to him. "Perfect," Aiden said. "I'll make the connection." "Aiden knows my number," Edward said to me. He leaned in and kissed me one last time. "Looking forward to our time together," he said, before disappearing back into the crowd. Once more, it was just Aiden and myself. He turned me back around, facing him. "Let's get ready. I can't wait to get inside you." I nodded in agreement. My mind was racing, thinking about everything that we would do, and I didn't want to wait. I leaned in and kissed Aiden. "I want you inside me," I said. "So badly." I pressed my body against him. His cock was hard; I reached down and tried to pull his underwear off. "We have all night for that," Aiden said, as he pushed my hand away. "One last friend for you meet." We stepped away from the corner, and Aiden pushed his way through the crowd. "If I know him, he'll be by the bar," Aiden said, as he pulled me through the mass of men. The men were less dressed, and most were coated with a layer of sweat that came with fucking. Occasionally a man would grab my ass; once a man pressed his finger against my hole. I had to force myself not to reach back and spread my ass open for him. The crystal had hit me hard; all I could think about was getting close to another man, feeling his hard penis press into me, and then shoot a big load in my hole. I remembered how warm I had felt when the other men came inside me and how safe and protected it made me feel. I wanted to feel that feeling again. "I see him," Aiden said. "By the bar, of course." I looked over to where Aiden indicated. There was a pool of light illuminating the table; there were various bottles of liquor and beer all over it. There was a guy a little shorter than me with thick brown hair and a beard. He looked like he was only a few years older than me. Like the other men in the room, he was naked, except for a dark green backpack slung over one shoulder. "Leo," Aiden said. "Wow. Aiden Wolfe. Didn't expect to meet up with you," he said. "How's it going? And who's your friend?" He looked up and checked me out, lingering on my still-soft dick. "Leo, this is Jay," Aiden said. He turned to me. "Jay, this is Leo, another old buddy of mine." "He means I was his dealer," Leo said. "I see you've been enjoying your night here." "He has," Aiden answered for me. "And looking to keep the party going. You got a teener?" "Of course," Leo said. "$75." "I'll get my wallet," Aiden said. "Take care of Jay while I'm gone." "Of course," Leo said, and pulled me in close. His furry chest brushed against mine and his cock hit my thigh. "You're a sexy one," he whispered in my ear. The thick fur of his mustache tickled a bit, but also sent a tingle down my spine, right to my hole. "Thanks," I murmured. I was trying to stay still, but every muscle in my body was taut, dying for the merest brush of his body against me. "You too," I said, and finally forced myself to reach out and stroke his cock. It had been easy to see that he was already erect, but it took touching him to realize just how hard his cock was. It wasn't as huge as Damon's, or what Aiden seemed to have, but it was still very respectable, with a good thickness to it. "You want that inside you?" Leo whispered in my ear. "Yeah," I replied. "Me too," Leo said. "First time here?" I nodded. "Yeah," I said. Leo glanced down; even in the narrow space between us, I knew he could see my cock. Unlike his rugged and erect manhood, my cock was still painfully soft. "Partying, I take it?" "Yeah," I said. In the moment, I was totally unable to meet his eyes, and felt myself blush. "It happens. I took a V," he said. He leaned in and kissed me. His beard was softer than I expected when it rubbed against my face. "Can I fuck you?" he whispered to me as he broke off the kiss. "You are so fucking sexy." "Yeah," I said. I shivered in anticipation. His dick was warm against my skin. It would feel so good when he slid the full length of it into me. "Please. Fuck me." "I haven't cum yet tonight," he said. The crystal racing through my veins allowed me to believe him when he said it. I wanted to get every drop of his cum in my hole. "Give it to me," I said. Aiden was going to be back any moment, but it didn't matter. No matter how close Aiden lived, it was still going to take too long to get to his place, and I was ravenous for sperm. I had already taken so many loads, one more would not matter in the slightest. "Just fuck me." "You're grabbing it by the horns," Leo said. "You're gonna remember this night good." He spun me around and pushed me down over the bar. As I got face to face with a bottle of "naval strength gin," my ass popped up. "Fuck," Leo said. "That's a well-used hole." Before I could say anything, he stuck his face in my crack and began to lick my hole. "Fuck," I moaned, as his beard rubbed over my throbbing anus. I was suddenly thankful for how soft his mustache was; it would be near agony for me to endure stiff bristles. "Oh fuck," I moaned again as his tongue gently pressed into my hole. "Fucking cummy hole," he said. "Guess you like to get barebacked, huh?" I grunted and nodded. I knew there was something I needed to be sacred about, some reason why "good boys" didn't get barebacked by strangers. But it was hard to remember, especially as Leo's tongue pressed into my hole, licking up the sperm that had dripped down. "And you get bred too, huh?" I nodded again. "Breed me," I moaned. I had seen online porn where the girls had moaned like I just did. I now understood why they moaned and how bad the need could be. "Give me your seed," I grunted, no longer caring what Leo thought of me, so long as I got his load. "Fucking bareback that hole," Leo muttered. He was rubbing his dickhead along my crack, getting it lubed up and ready to penetrate me. "Sweet, spermy hole," he continued. He had stopped stroking his dick and was now lining it up with my hole. "So fucking wet," he said, and pressed it into me. There was a moment of sharp pain, but it quickly dissipated as Leo's cock pressed into my sperm-filled guts. As the accumulated sperm coated and lubricated Leo's cock, the feeling transmuted into utter bliss. I was getting fucked, and I was loving it. "I see you made short work of him," Aiden suddenly said. I looked to my right; he was standing there holding his pants and shirt in one hand, my cargo shorts and tank top in the other. "Yeah," Leo said. "It was easy. Your boy is in heat tonight." Aiden draped our clothes over a nearby bar stool. He leaned in and kissed me, his tongue probing deep in my mouth. It felt nice to have him near me, to be tenderly making out with me even as another man fucked my hole. "Just want to make sure he has a good time tonight." "Well, I know what will help you two have a great time," Leo said. Aiden looked down, and I suddenly noticed a plate right next to me, already set up with the now-familiar glass pipe and torch. "Go ahead," he said. "Sure," Aiden said. He stuck the pipe in his mouth, lit the torch, and started to heat the bowl. "Forgot how fucking good this shit is," he said, as the first bit of white clouds appeared in the bowl. "Get yourself twisted," Leo said. "Jay would appreciate it." "I know," Aiden said. He ran a hand along my back, starting at my ass, and ending up resting on my shoulder. "He's definitely a catch." He returned his hand back to the pipe, gently rolling the stem as he inhaled deeply. Leo forced his dick into my hole, filling me up. I gasped, but at the same time, tightened up my hole, trying to keep him inside me for as long as possible. "Oh fuck," Leo moaned. "He's a hungry one." He pulled his cock out slightly, then pushed back in. It reminded me just how deep I had been fucked over the course of the night and how much spooge was still deep in my guts. "Here," Aiden said. I looked over my shoulder. Leo leaned in and pressed his mouth against Aiden's. It was hot to watch the two men make out and see the beards of the two men pressed together, as Aiden's salt-and-pepper whiskers mixed with Leo's dark brown fur. I wanted to make them happy, make them feel like real men, strong and dominant. I already had one of their cocks in me, and it was only a matter of time before Aiden would fuck me as well. Aiden exhaled the hit into Leo's waiting mouth. "Fuck that was good," Aiden said. "This one is for you," he said, looking right at me. I pushed myself up a bit, careful not to disturb Leo's cock, still lodged deep in my asshole. Aiden put the still-warm pipe back in his mouth and started to inhale even before the torch was under the bowl. "I want to see you get nice and high," Leo said. I wasn't sure if he was talking to Aiden, me, or both of us. In a thick white cloud, he exhaled the rest of the hit. It drifted down towards me slowly, as Aiden continued huffing on the pipe. Leo continued. "Does he know how horny you get when you are tweaked?" "He's gonna find out," Aiden said. "Aren't you?" He exhaled a small hit, just enough for me to get the slightest hint of its scent. My ass throbbed, anticipating the pleasure of one more hit from the pipe. Aiden put the pipe back in his mouth. This time it was the hit I was going to take, a long, slow, intense draw from the pipe. I wondered how much was too much, but quickly decided that I wasn't there yet. "Please?" I grunted. It was for both of them, for Leo to force his cock deeper into me, and for Aiden to force his hit into my lungs. I remembered how Damon had held his hand over my mouth and nose. For a second, I missed Damon's forthright intensity. But then I remembered the terror of the encroaching blackness. But then, Aiden leaned in for the shotgun. His beard was stiffer than Leo's, more like a man's whiskers should be. It scratched slightly, but I still willingly opened my mouth and accepted his hit. It was thick and intense, and I felt the rush of the drug almost immediately. "Fuuuck," Leo grunted, as he watched just how much of the cloud still dripped out from between Aiden and myself. "That's gonna get you in fucking orbit!" "Me or him?" Aiden asked. "Both of you, I guess," Leo said. This hit was more than I wanted, coming so quickly on what Edward had fed to me. But I didn't care. Leo's cock was lodged in my ass and Edward's tongue was deep in my mouth. I was happy and the drugs were not going to make it any worse. "Glad to see you back with us," Leo said. Aiden leaned back and kissed Leo. "It's nice to be back. One more for you?" Aiden asked. "Of course," Leo said. "It'll do you good too." "I know," Aiden said. He started to heat the bowl again. "So, fucking good. And so nice to be sharing it with men like you." He put the pipe in his mouth and used his free hand to brush my back. It was another long, careful hit from the pipe, and then he kissed Leo. The two men made out longer than they needed, enjoying the carefree liberty the drugs gave them to simultaneously explore their masculinity and sexuality. As they kissed, Leo's cock throbbed and he leaked some of his pre-cum into my hole. "Fuck," Leo grunted, struggling to keep the cloud in his lungs. His pounding had been steady and intense, and he would not be able to hold his breath for too long. Still, from the way that one hit had affected me, he had potent drugs, and even the few seconds would be enough. "Yeah," he said. "Good drugs. Good men. Good fucks." He exhaled, and kissed Aiden one more time. "You want it?" he asked, turning his attention to me. "Hell yeah," I grunted. "Fucking breed me." He was just one more man in the night's slow parade, but he was still every inch a man. It was his birthright to cum in me, and I would not deny it. "Load me up." "Is he?" Leo asked. He had leaned into Aiden, and I almost didn't catch what he said. "No," Aiden said. "Not yet. He's spoken for, but he's definitely needy." "So needy," Leo said. He was talking about me, saying that I was needy. I didn't know if I was supposed to the proud or ashamed of the label. But in my cum-soaked gut, I knew it was true. I had lost track of the loads I had taken, but they were nowhere near enough. I needed cum. I would always need cum. "Give him what he needs," Leo said, slamming his cock into me. "Fuck," I grunted. The cum in my hole was still lubricating Leo's cock, but it would not last forever. I needed a refresher, and luckily, Leo was right about to explode. "Breed me," I moaned, squeezing my ass tight around Leo's hard cock. "Damnnn," Leo moaned. He slammed his cock into me one last time and exploded. In contrast to Doug, Leo's orgasm was blistering and intense, his hot cum spraying from his dickhead and literally burning my insides. I must have twitched, because Leo grabbed my hips and held me in place. "Need you to take this load," he muttered. "Oh god, it's so fucking hot," I said, scrambling to acclimate myself to the stiffness of his orgasmic cock and the heat of his fresh semen. "You’re fucking cumming in me."
    2 points
  15. Bobby had been chatting with Steven off and on for a few weeks. Bobby was instantly drawn to Steven the first time he saw him on Grindr. And he was disappointed when Steven revealed he had HIV not too long after their first chat. Still, Bobby found himself drawn to Steven. Bobby was rather particular when it came to guys; and Steven matched every one of his preferences: tall, lean, white, smooth and under 30. Bobby wanted to be with him so bad, but couldn't bring himself to say it. The fear of HIV was just too much to face. Steven didn't need to do very much persuading, though - at least to keep Bobby talking to him. All it took was for Steven to send Bobby one picture of his thick tool for Bobby to stay interested. Over a few days, the conversations turned increasingly more sexual and suggestive. Bobby would send messages along the lines of "if you didn't have HIV, I'd like you fuck me every night. " Steven had heard those types of things before, but wasn't distressed when Bobby said it. He saw an opening unfolding. Bobby finally got the nerve to invite Steven over to hang out and "Maybe jerk each other off" if they decided they liked each other in real life. From the moment Steven walked into Bobby's apartment, Bobby could barely think straight. Steven was clever enough to wear basketball shorts and a wife beater which showed his body off amazingly well; he also had calculated it would be best to go commando; and the outline of his thick cock was very evident, even as he was soft and clothed. It was hard for Bobby to not stare at Steven; and Bobby felt himself getting hard just at seeing the hints of what Steven was packing. Bobby was still distracted and nervous about the possibility of doing anything with a poz guy. He figured a strong drink or two would help calm the nerves. After the second stiff drink kicked in, Bobby was feeling less timid. "So, lemme see that big dick of yours" Bobby finally requested. Steven stood up from the couch next to Bobby, faced him, and then slowly pulled down his shorts. A semi-hard cock began to appear as Steven pulled them down. And then Steven pulled his shorts past the top of his cock and it spring up slightly, still not fully hard. Bryan just stared and admired it, while his own cock stiffened in his jeans. "I think it's safe to say we like each other, so go ahead and jerk it," Steven prompted Bobby. Bobby tried not to seem too eager as he grabbed the dick dangling in front of him. Steven wasn't the longest dick Bryan had seen, but he sure was the thickest. It reminded Bobby of a slinky for a moment. Bobby tugged on it gently. "Yeah, stroke that cock like you want it," Steven urged him on. Bobby continued to slowly pull on the hardening cock as it thickened in his hand. "I won't tell anyone if you put it in your mouth. It's safe," Steven invited. Bobby stroked it a few more times as he considered it. He was nervous about putting this dick in his mouth, but was so desperately wanting to inhale as much of it as he could. A few moments later, and Bobby was struggling to wrap his mouth around Steven's thick shaft and make his way part-way down the wide girth stretching his mouth. "Oh yeah, suck on that dick," Steven whispered, "choke on my cock. Go all the way down." Bobby did as instructed, trying to put the thought of HIV out of his head. The involuntary choke that occurred as he tried to go all the way down distracted him from his worrying. He now felt challenged by this big cock and determined to deep-throat it entirely. "Fuck yeah, keep sucking on that dick," Steven said as he reached around and grabbed the back of Bobby's head to quicken the pace with assertive pulls on the head. "Mmmm..." Bobby moaned, his mouth had never been more stuffed with dick before; and he was rock-hard as he savored the meat in his mouth. Just a few minutes later, Bobby found himself on his bed still enjoying the big dick in his mouth while Steven laid back. Steven had a proposition for Bobby. "Hey, I have an idea," he said as Bobby slobbered on his cock. "I know you're afraid to get fucked .. but how about I just put my dick into you gently, and let it stay there without any fucking. Just so you can feel it inside you." Bobby stopped his work for the moment, turned to Steven and responded "Uh, I don't know. It sounds risky." "It's pretty low risk. I'm on meds and all. Besides, I won't be fucking you. I'll just slowly put it in and hold still while you jerk off and pretend I'm fucking you." Bobby was inwardly excited by the proposal, thinking to himself How risky could it be? It would only be a little penetration. A few moments later, Bobby's heart was racing as Steven made his way in between his spread legs, and positioned his spit-covered cock in line with Bobby's smooth hole. Steven licked his fingers and applied more spit to Bobby's pink pleasure spot. "Here it comes." Steven said as he slowly pressed his tip against the hole with assertive, but gentle pressure. Bobby's heart was pounding incredibly hard. "I should stop," he said to himself, but he couldn't bring himself to say the words. He was more turned-on than he was scared. The feeling of the tip of the thick cock making its way inside him was too enticing to stop. Steven pulled out a tad, and pressed in a bit more, picking up more spit to help lube the path inside. Bobby bit his lip and found himself closing his eyes, not his usual practice during sex, but he couldn't bring himself to watch a poz cock enter his ass. Somehow, closing his eyes made the reality less real. "That's it - how's it feeling?" Steven asked. Bobby forced himself to take a few long breaths. The thick tip stretched his hole and burned, but Bobby knew that the burn wouldn't last long. A few minutes later of of very slow gentle pressure, and Steven was half-way into Bobby's ass. The anxiety building in Bobby was being slowly washed away by the pleasure of his hole being filled. "Do you like it there?" Steven asked. "Mmm .. yeah .. that feels great," Bobby answered, his eyes still clenched closed. Steven held the cock in place for nearly a minute while Bobby jerked on his now rock-hard cock. Steven reasoned now was a good time to make his next move, "I'm getting a cramp, I'm just gonna re-position a bit" and with that Steven swayed his upper body a little, and pushed another inch deeper into Bobby's wanting hole. "Oh fuck!" Bobby blurted as he felt the cock invading further. He opened his eyes for a moment, only to quickly shut them again so as to not 'see' what was unfolding. "Sorry, you okay?" Steven answered. "Yeah, damn, that feels amazing. Right there." Steven held it in place as Bobby stroked more. "Oh fuck, that feels amazing," Bobby revealed as he stroked his thin smooth cock furiously. "I need to readjust again, sorry .. cramp again," Steven said, using the same lie to to take advantage of the tight hot hole further. Bobby was too horned up by this point to be concerned, and gasped as he felt the cock slide in further. He almost didn't realize that Steven pulled his cock out a bit and slid it back in a couple of times. The pleasure was overwhelming him. Steven held still again and asked, "So, what position do you like better? The first one or the this one?" Bobby stopped moaning for a moment, "I dunno .. they are both amazing." Steven slid his cock back a little and said, "You like position one?" and then slid it back in where it was "or position two?" "Ohh! Two! Damn - two!" Bobby nearly squealed in reply. "Okay .. and do you like two - or three3?" and with that slid in even deeper, almost three-quarters into Bobby's now inviting ass. "Fuck! Three! I LOVE three!" Bobby proclaimed. "Hmmm, okay, what's better? One...or three?" Steven pulled back and then thrust back to his deepest position. "Mmmm! Fuck! Three! Definitely three!" Bobby was beside himself. Any thought of HIV was buried deep in the back of his head while every part of his mind was screaming for more cock. Steven knew Bobby was giving in and continued progressing. "Hey, this is hard to hold here .. can you roll onto your stomach? I can hold your favorite position better." "Yeah .. hell yeah!" Bobby instantly agreed. Steven slowly slid out his cock; and Bobby complied and flipped onto his belly; and then Steven moved back into position. "So, when I'm outside you, this is position zero," Steven explained, "now, here's one, then, two, and your favorite, three" as he slid back into the hole he was exploiting. "Oh God, yes!" Bobby gladly accepted the cock back inside him. "Do you want to try a different number?" Steve asked playfully. "Yeah, man!" Bobby nearly begged. "Here comes position five .." and he paused. Bobby anxiously awaited. The pause seemed like an eternity. And then Bobby felt a deep pressure burying in his hole. "Holy fuck! I love five - fuckin' love five!" Bobby shot back. Steven slid back some, "You prefer five to three?" "Yes! I want five again. Gimme five!" Steven responded by pushing back deep into position number five. Bobby had never felt such ecstasy rushing through him. "Ready for the next number?" Steven asked, anticipating the answer. "Fuck yeah!" Bobby answered. "Here's six!!! and this time, Steven was not as gentle, he jabbed as deep as he could. Bobby shuddered as he felt the stabbing pain, but then pleasure washed over him again. "God damn .. holy fuck!" Bobby couldn't find words to describe the pleasure his ass was getting. "I love it. I love it!!!" Steven knew Bobby was under his full control now, "if you want, you can call out different position numbers, and I can change as you want them. For example, here's one to five." Steven pulled back and pressed back in. "And here's two to six" and again demonstrated with a rock and thrust that nearly made Bobby cum. "Oh shit! That's fucking incredible! Do one to five!" Bobby demanded. Steven obliged. "Two to six!" Bobby requested enthusiastically. It didn't even occur to him that he was getting his ass pounded. He was just picking numbers, as far as he thought. Again, Steven thrust appropriately. "I want zero to six!" Bobby couldn't get enough. Steven pulled all the way out, and slammed it back all the way in. "Oh FUCK!" Bobby nearly screamed at the onslaught of pleasure and pain simultaneously. "Ohh, I see what you like, now.." Steven said in his continuous playful tone. Without awaiting a response, Steven pulled all the way out, and gave Bobby another slam; and repeated three more times. Bobby was so turned on, tears were involuntarily forming at the corner of his eyes. "You mind if I pick some random numbers to give you? I think you'll like them." Steven was leading his now vulnerable conquest. "Fuck, yeah!" Bobby responded with a wide smile. "Here it comes!" Steven announced. Bobby felt the thick cock slowly sliding out and in for a few moments. Steven picked up his pace and did a few deep jabs. He then returned to slow strokes, varying his depth with each push. "Oh shit!" Bobby had a hard time verbalizing the pleasure he was feeling, "Fuck ! FUCK! FUCK!" And then, Steven stopped, and held position. "Keep going!" Bobby insisted. Steven, however, held still, about three-quarters deep for several moments. The pause was torturing Bobby as he was on the verge of erupting any moment. "Please fuck me!" Bobby urged. Steven leaned in close to Bobby's ear and said, "I'm so fucking turned on. I love your ass. If I keep going, I won't be able to stop; and you're gonna end up full of my poz cum." Bobby couldn't even consider the risk at this point; he was too turned on to care and instantly replied with, "Do it! fuck my ass! I want your cum!" Steven resumed his slow fucking and gradually picked up his pace and depth. Bobby replied with escalating moans as Steven picked up his pace. Bobby felt a tongue enter his ear and felt a hot wet sensation as Steven probed deep into his ear with his tongue and then whispered, "You're gonna get my poz cum. I'm gonna fucking own your ass!" Bobby didn't blink. He surrendered to the thick pleasure stick that was now more than familiar with his ass, and he was determined to let it remain at any direction Steven desired. "Have my ass!" Bobby pleased, "I'm yours! Own my ass." And with those last four words, Steven was drilling Bobby without any hesitation or reservation. Bobby's head bumped up against the headboard a few times while Steven made a point to jab as forcefully as he could. "Unnh! Unnh! Of .. FUCK! FUCK!" Bobby blurted. "When you're ready for my poz cum up your ass, call out for number ten!" Steven commanded. It didn't take Bobby but a few seconds to cry out, "Now! Fuck! I want number ten now! Gimme ten! Ten!" And before he could mutter another word, he heard the loudest slapping noises he ever heard during sex and felt balls slamming against his hole with each quickening thrust. Only now was Bobby starting to realize that he wasn't just changing positions of a cock gently making his way into him. There was no escaping what was occurring. A thick cock was violently assaulting his hole. A thick poz cock was about to shoot cum deep into him. And Bobby was surprised to find this realization didn't scare him; it only turned him on even more. He wasn't supposed to do this; and he was letting go. "Cum in me! I'm yours! Cum .. deep .. up .. my ass!" he managed to belt out. "Take my poz load you fucking cum slut!" Steven insisted while he unloaded deep inside Bobby with continuous deep and quick thrusts. Bobby's ass felt instantly wet and full. The thought of poz cum being shot up his ass managed to excite him to the brink; and Bobby came at the same time into the sheet beneath him. Steven left his dick deeply buried with Bobby until every last drop was deposited into his newly owned hole. The awareness of what actually occurred slowly dawned on Bobby. And his more rational reaction was to try and clean himself. "Umm .. I need to shower," he said as he nearly darted out of bed for the shower. Steven took the opportunity to put on his clothes and leave Bobby to reflect on what he just gave in to.
    1 point
  16. I had secretly fantasized about getting charged up. I'm a bareback bottom , love to get fucked, and having a guy breed my hole. The idea of having a hot guy fuck me and blow his dirty seed in all in my ass had inspired many spank marathons. I'm sure that I have taken a poz load before not knowing the status of whoever was fucking me or really even caring for that matter. I had never knowingly let a guy that was pozfuck me. One night I was cruising all the slut sites looking for other bareback guys to play with when this really hot guy messaged me. He said that he had read in my profile that I liked to go bare and that I was a btm. He told me that he was looking for a hole to use for the evening. That got my attention I had never been submissive and must admit it had been another fantasy of mine to completely give up control. He asked me if I was into pnp and I told him that I do party sometimes. We chatted a little while with the standard Q&A, u know how big, what position, where to cum. Then I asked poz/neg? He responded with poz. I told him that I was neg. To which he responded "u want to get a charged load n u tonight?" I was shocked and very turned on, I asked him if he fucked neg guys bareback. He told me he did all the time and that he even hosted several conversion partys. I wasn't familiar with the term, he explained that a conversion party was were a group of poz tops get together and breed a neg guy. The sole reason purpose was to spread dirty seed, and infect the neg btm. Before I could answer he asked me if I liked to pnp. I told him that I did, but I didn't have any party supplies. He said that if I wanted I could come over to his place and get ass fucked and get high. He asked me if I had ever slammed, I told him that I had been slammed before but I was terrified of needles. "I'm very good at slamming others" he returned. Should I go? The thought of getting slammed and pounded was so tempting but was I ready to take that step towards becoming poz? "I might ass well" I responded. He gave me directions and I was on my way. When I got to his house we sat and talked a while. He told me that he was going to enjoy planting his dirty seed in me, then asked me if I liked groups. I told him yes and he said good that he would get us slammed then have a few of his top buddies stop by and load my ass. He told me that I was going be a cum dump for him and his friends. I asked him if the guys were poz or neg he told me that they were poz. This made my dick begin to grow. He got the slam ready and did me first. When he released the belt on my arm I could feel the rush hit me instantly. Then came the cough. It was very strong. He did himself and sat down on the bed next to me. I started sucking his dick while I was taking off my clothes. He stood up bent me over the side of the bed, lubed my hole up with some elbow grease that was laying on the bed, and shoved his dick all the way in. Normally this would have brought tears to my eyes and a fist to his face, but it didn't even really hurt, I guess I was so high that I couldn't feel it. It wasn't long before he started to pound really hard and said he was about to cum. He stopped and pulled out and made me tell him that I wanted his seed. Which I told him. He managed to get his dick back inside me, and with a few hard thrust he unloaded in my hole. He walked out of the room and told me to stay put. When he returned he had a collar and some restraints, which he fastened on my wrist, ankles, and neck. Then I followed him into another room, it was a play room, with a sling, TV playing porn, fuck bench, some toys and lube and a computer set up with a web cam. He helped me into the sling and hooked the restraints to the chain supports. Then started to cruise the sex sites for tops to come and try out my hole. In no time 15 or 20 mins. there were three guys in line to blow their load in tight hole, and five more on the way. I realized that I had just came to this guy's house let him drop a charged load n me and now was going to be a cum dump for whoever accepted his invitation, and I hadn't even gotten my benefactor's name. He walked over to the sling and let me know that the web cam was on and I was going to be used all weekend. There must have been ten or more guys that had charged my ass with dirty seed before the slam started to fade away. He could tell that I was beginning to come down and he mixed up a booty bump and told me to get on the floor face down with my ass in the air, as he unlocked the restraints. Once I was on the floor he inserted the booty bump and told me to squeeze my ass tight so that the booty bump and all the spunk wouldn't drip out. As I started to feel my stomach cramp up from the booty bump he dressed me and told me that we were going to the baths and that I was going to take all loads. He rented one of the sling rooms and told me to get into the sling as he mixed up another booty bump. I secured the restraints myself, all but one arm. He came over secured the last arm and started to insert another booty bump. I told him that I was okay for now. To this he responded by placing a ball gag n my mouth and continued with my booty bump. It had only been about twenty minutes since the last one. Now I was so high that I couldn't focus or see straight. He began to fuck me again, telling my how sloppy my hole was and that when he had fucked me the first time that he had ripped me. He said that he knew because when he pulled out there was blood all over his dick. He said that was a good thing, it would make it easier to ensure that my neg status was gone for good. Then he told me that he had used a .4 needle for my slam and that when he slammed me, there was still a good bit of his poison blood in it, and now it was running thru my veins. He must have been fucking me for at least an hour, not that I was complaining. My ass was so hungry from the booty bumps that the only thing I could think about was getting more dick. He shot another death load in me then opened the door and walked away. It was a few mins before the first guy walked in and began to get his dick hard so that he could fuck me. He was a much older man probably 55 or 60 but he had a huge cock. He came after about five mins of fucking, wiped his dick off and left. I didn't realize that there was a group of four guys waiting, they took turns one after the other all loading my eager ass. A while later my friend returned, closed the door and mixed up a huge booty bump. He squeezed it into my hole and for good measure he pushed a large rock of meth up my ass with his finger. He massaged it until it was completely dissolved. Then he removed the ball gag and asked me how I was doing. I was so high I couldn't hardly answer but I managed to say that I was feeling a little dizzy and hot. He gave me a bottle of water and told me to drink it all as he unlocked the restraints. I drank the water and instantly began to feel better. He said that he had to leave to do something but that he would be back. Then he told me that he had left a message on the all the dry erase boards saying there was a "eager ass in the sling room taking all loads POZ IS A PLUS" as he left. I knew that I should probably get up and leave but the meth was starting to take effect. So I waited. It wasn't long before a line began to form, I eagerly took every load that was offered. I'm not sure how long I was there in the sling room or how many guys filled my hole with their juice. When I finally started to come down from the meth climbed out of the sling, put on my clothes, and left the bath house. I felt so trashy when I walked into the day light, like everyone knew what I had just done. Not to mention that there was a wet place on the ass of my jeans where some of the spunk had slipped out of my now opened hole. It has been a few months since that happened so I'm not sure what my status is but I did feel like I had the flu about 2 or 3 weeks after it happened. [For the record - be really careful about drug use guys. Drug use can definitely kill you and while a few can manage their drug use, many others can't and you never know which camp you'll be in... Plus, real sluts don't need drugs to be slutty...]
    1 point
  17. Met a guy to give him a deepthroat blowjob today. He wanted it anonymous with little talking, and I was totally game for that.He was small at first but definitely a grower after he went down my throat for a few thrusts! What intrigued me is that I kept hearing him on this phone type and the typical GrindR notification noise popping up constantly. At some point he held my head still and took a picture of me sucking him and I assume sent it to some guy. Then he innocently asked to see my ass, and started pressing his cock against it, and without even asking started fucking me. I did not expect that at all, as I was in the mood to just give a simple blowjob tonight, but I went with it. He fucked me for a few minutes then withdrew and ordered me to suck him again. Now I've never done ass to mouth before but I again just went with it and followed his orders. He told me to lie down and started fucking my throat pretty deep and I gagged quite a lot. Then the unexpected happened, I heard him call someone, and he was talking with another guy about how he was getting sucked and fucking a bottom boy right now. Then I realized he was on video cam because he told the other guy to look at me sucking. The fact that he didn't even ask me for permission made it even hotter. He went back after a bit to fucking me and was showing it to the dude on video. I was getting fucked raw by a complete stranger blindfolded and he was broadcasting it to another complete stranger. I think they were trying to cum at the same time because he kept asking the other guy if he was close. He asked the other guy where he wanted him to cum, and the other guy asked him to cum on my face and mouth as he wanted to see him cum. A few minutes later he came a huge load flying over my face and in my mouth, and asked me to show the cum in my mouth to the other dude. And they came at the same time and hung up almost immediately. This was a first to me on many levels - never been made to do ass to mouth, and never had pics or even a whole video taken of me being used, especially when we were planning for just a blowjob. The best part? My guy was asking the other if he wanted to fuck me, and the other was like fuck yeah. When he left he told me they're going to organize something to both use me another time, and I'm very much looking forward to my first 3some!
    1 point
  18. According to the FT A Lancet commission on healthy diets from sustainable feats food systems estimated in January [2019] that unhealthy diets account for 11 million avoidable premature deaths globally each year, posing a greater risk of illness and death than un-safe sex, alcohol drugs and tobacco combined. (Andrew Jack, 11 March)
    1 point
  19. This may not be possible for everyone, but shame can actually become a turn-on if you're able to make peace with it.
    1 point
  20. I love the sissy hypno (I run into them and watch every now and then) but I don't know whether its actually changed me. I was in 321 Slammer in Ft. Lauderdale and had a big burly guy come up to me and say, "you wanna be mine to get used for awhile?" just hearing that made me absolutely GIDDY. I said, "Yes sir" and it was on. All I had on was a cock ring and shoes so he grabbed my arm and led me around. First to the sling where I got on and he disappeared - then he came back with two guys and said, "have at it". I, of course, sucked and got fucked by both - I remember him saying, "loads?" and they both nodded. He told me to get out and led me over to the round, cushioned bench and told me to "assume the fucking position, pig". On my face and knees he had at least 10 guys take turns in me. Most didn't cum (most guys in those places don't want to blow their load until they're ready to leave) but a few did. He led me back to the maze and told me to wait at a particular glory hole - he sent about 5-6 guys to me over the next hour or two. I swallowed a LOT of loads that night and got at least 6-7 in my hole as well...but the biggest turn on was not being in control.
    1 point
  21. i don't have any piercings, so i can only speak to taste and not experience. For me, PA's are a Top piercing, really, any kind of piercing on the actual shaft strikes me emotionally as a Top accessory. Taint piercings, nips, ears, all strike me as more bottom. Probably no rhyme or reason for it, jus the way they make me feel personally. From the comments, everyone is different.
    1 point
  22. fucking hot story,lucky fuck getting his cunt gangbanged totally envious
    1 point
  23. This reminds me of traveling before the Internet and staying with friends of gay friends. The assumption was that the visitor was willing to get fucked or suck off the buddy’s dick. Often, I shared a bed with my host. We both slept naked, as I do now. It was fairly common for the host to wake up earlier and put my legs on his shoulders, lube up my anus, and start fucking me. I woke up as my hole was stretching and he was sliding his dick up my ass. It felt so good.
    1 point
  24. My bedroom. My fiance just pounded 2 loads of cum and a bladder full of piss into my ass
    1 point
  25. just took a few loads in a guys apartment from a couple of men and their best friend. they fuck me semi regularly. showed up with 3 other guys loads in me cause they like my hole to be sloppy
    1 point
  26. I love everything about sucking cock.i love being down on my knees for men.specially when other men are watching me and seeing how slutty and submissive I am. I love the taste of cock and the smell. I love how cocks feel in my mouth. from the first time I sucked a cock I loved the soft spongy feel of the head in my mouth. I love the feeling of a big hard cock sliding in an out of my throat. I love how it makes me feel like a slut and a faggot. I love how it makes me look like a whore. I love how deepthroating a cock or getting my throat fucked makes me drool all over the cock. I love feeling a guys balls slapping against my chin. I love knowing that guys know me as a cocksucking faggot.i have no gag reflex cause I was truly born to suck cock. it shows how cockhungry and cumthyrsty I am.i don't just suck cock. I AM a cocksucker.
    1 point
  27. Part 27 - The Journal The sunlight poured through the window causing Mark to stir from his sleep, he smiled with his eyes closed his hands feeling Ben who was still sound asleep cuddled up in his arms. He had come to love waking up in the morning with Ben so close to him, he felt Ben's hand moving over and caressing his thigh and ass, one thing Mark couldn't help was the morning wood when his cock was parked in between Ben's ass cheeks. 'Someone's excited' Ben mumbled pushing his body up closer to Mark's. He pushed his hips back and forth several times so Ben could feel how hard he was and delighted in hearing him moaning sleepily, slowly Mark pulled back and angled his cock pushing forward again feeling Ben's hole. Ben wriggled his ass several times as Mark pushed forward again, he gasped and grabbed Mark's ass as through the pain he felt as Mark's cock head penetrated 'Still hurts a little' he quietly said wriggling his ass a little more and pushing back to take more of it inside. Ben moaned and mumbled at the dryness of the cock gripping hard against his anal lining as Mark lightly poked away, Ben's hands caressed Mark's ass and thigh, it didn't take long for Ben to sense a slickness feeling as Mark's cock began oozing precum he felt the cock pushing away and slipping deeper in to him. Several times he moaned and groaned but it was no where near as painful as before so his ass continued wriggling at the feeling, Mark moaned as the final inch slipped inside as he kissed Ben's neck and slowly pushed forcing him to roll over to his stomach, Mark came to rest on top of Ben who raised his head and turned to kiss his lover. Hi hips slowly and gently caressing his cock inside performing a mating ritual, his arm going around Ben's neck to help hold his head up as their tongues entwined passionately. Every so often Ben would moan in delight as Mark gave a more pronounced thrust of his hips in a show of loving dominance over him. Their love making was silent as their mouths were locked together, Ben's hands gripped at the pillows as he felt the speed of Mark's affection increasing, his hips never lifted off Ben's ass as the undulating rhythm continued his deep penetration to the core of Ben's body. Ben's cock was hurting caught up in a fold in the sheet underneath him trying to break free but his mind was elsewhere concentrating on Mark and trying to be a natural lover for him. He felt Mark's arm tighten its hold on his neck holding him in position, he moaned in to Mark's mouth as he felt the speed increase again and the body laying on top of him tensed up as Mark's ass clenched downwards pushing in to the hilt. Ben almost squealed in pure ecstasy as he felt the raging pulsations in Mark's cock, the sensation of warmth filling him as he could feel his lovers seed flowing in to his body. Mark released the kiss and collapsed heavily on top of Ben as he continued clenching his ass pushing his cock deep in to Ben and moaning through post orgasm and his cock showing no sign of softening. Ben's body tingled he knew he was about to cum himself he pushed his arse down as his cock pulsed and began erupting into the sheet gasping and crushing the pillows he had hold of, he couldn't stop himself he trembled from the orgasm and his ass clenched tight around Mark's cock. The result brought Mark over the edge never having experienced this action before drove down and dug deeper in several rapid thrusts he moaned pushing his cock as deep as he could go, his orgasm more powerful that before flooding his lover with more seed. Mark was gasping almost to the point of crying in sexual happiness Ben laid underneath panting heavily, their hands sought each others and held on for dear life in post orgasm come down. A smile adorned Ben's face never had he expected sex to be such an amazing experience, Mark's kissed him and smiled 'That was awesome' he said gripping Ben's hands harder, Ben kissed him 'I don't know what happened but I loved it' he giggled. They were brought back to reality as Ben's mobile started ringing. Mark leaned over to the bedside table still deep inside Ben "Your mother" he said. Ben raised his head "Leave it" his heart dropped like lead balloon he knew she had found his journal and read it. Mark put the phone on the bed as the call ended "You should speak to her" he said beginning to lift off Ben. Ben pulled him back down feeling the cock he winced a little "Stay here, Josh isn't up yet". Mark kissed him and rested back on top of him "More than happy to". Ben smiled "I made a bit of a mess in the sheet" he said looking at Mark. Mark laughed feeling under the sheet "That's nothing compared to how much I just gave you". Margarite sat on the bed reading through the last few weeks of the journal again, somehow she had knew but it was still a bit of a shock but the fact she was more tortured by the words he wrote about having to tell his family were more a wake up call than she wanted. She had shown the journal to Steven her husband who simply tutted and walked out, Steven was the step father to Ben and as much as they shared the same house their relationship was at best neutral. His real son Alex who he had fathered with Margarite 10 years ago was the apple of his eye. Margarite knew this of course and over the years as Ben grew older he also began to resent his step father a little, after all he wooed Margarite away from his real father Rob who had now moved to California and remarried with his own young family. Ben would still get birthday and Christmas cards but hardly ever spoke which played heavily on Ben as he loved him so much. The last time they had spoken was almost a year ago just after Christmas, with promises they would see each other but Steven had always had some other plan to keep them apart. Rob married Heike a German born American and had two children, Rob had his own company now and was doing very nicely. He had often offered to pay for Ben to fly to the west coast but there was always Steven in the way. Ben had already decided when he started working one of the first things he would do is see his father. The facetime rang and it was Ethan Ben answered it "Morning Ethan". Ethan looked closely at the screen "Err your not doing it are you?" he laughed. Mark turned the phone to his face "Morning Ethan, no we are done for the moment". Ethan turned obviously speaking to Angelo "They are at it, and he is still on top of him". Angelo's face appeared "Oi mi madre, have you no dignity Mark?" he laughed. Mark smiled "Not at the moment" moving the phone away so they could see clearly he was on top of Ben. Ben laughed so much he hiccupped "You know I can't move even if I wanted to". Ethan screwed up his face "To much information Ben, anyway your mother called she needs to speak to you". Ben nodded "Oh yeah, I think the cats out of the bag." he said with a serious look on his face. "Call her get it over with Ben, will see you at midday for lunch and talk then" Ethan said waving at them. Ben hung up the phone "Kiss me baby" he said turning to Mark. "Always" Mark responded slipping his tongue in to Ben's mouth as the phone rang again. Ben saw his mother calling again, he held on to Mark and hit the answer button "Hi". "Where are you?" Margarite asked "Your not with Ethan are you?". Ben decided there and then not to play games "No, I am in Larchmont though". "Oh, are you at a girls place then?" Margarite sat with the journal in her hand in Ben's room with the door closed. Ben sighed and breathed in "No". "So where are you then, do you need to tell me something?" Margarite waited turning the journal in her hand. Ben looked at Mark "I am at my boyfriends" he held his breath waiting. Margarite steadied herself but inwardly she was okay with it "Is it the guy you wrote in the journal about?". "Yes, I didn't want you to find out this way. How much did you read?" Ben asked looking seriously at Mark. "All of the last few weeks, is he really as nice as you write?" Margarite was not prepared for doing this over the phone. Ben was silent for a moment "Yes, but I didn't want you to find out this way mother". "Ben, it's okay you know I just wished you had talked to me about it" Margarite said. Ben wiped his eyes "I wanted to desperately, but not whilst he was around". Margarite rolled her eyes "He is still your step father Ben, I know things have been difficult between you". Ben held on to Mark's hand "He never really wanted me around so don't pretend". "Have you told your father yet?" Margarite wondered if he had been speaking to Rob. "No not yet, are you sure you are okay with this, and what about Steven?" Ben asked shifting on the bed. "He didn't say much, can I come over and drive you back this afternoon?" Margarite knew this was a long shot. Ben paused for a moment "Okay, I will text you the address say 5pm I want you to come here to talk". "Thank you Ben" Margarite hung up and put the journal in the draw and heaved a huge sigh of relief. Ben was silent for a moment then looked at Mark "Well that was weird, hope you don't mind me inviting her over?". Mark kissed him "Not at all, I am very proud of you Ben you didn't loose it". Ben smiled "I would ask you to make love to me again but my ass aches and Josh is up". Mark stroked Ben's face "Love you" he kissed him and slowly withdraw his cock. Ben jumped in the shower whilst Mark sorted the bed out, he sat for a moment listening to Ben showering. He smiled to himself never expecting to find someone so adorable in nature and sexy to boot, nodding at the realisation that Ben could only be the person he could happily settle with. But then there was the other side of Mark which he kept hidden and only Angelo and Franco knew about. He stood up and went downstairs to make coffee as Josh wandered in to the kitchen fully dressed. "Morning Josh want coffee" Mark asked grabbing cups. Josh sat down at the table "Morning, just a small one I have to get to work at the store for 11" he replied. "Oh okay I forgot you worked on Sundays, you okay, you know last night?" Mark enquired. Josh smiled "Yes, I was a little drunk thanks to Franco but no harm done". Josh quickly finished his coffee and ran upstairs to say goodbye to Ben then left for work. Mark brought Ben coffee up to the bedroom as he was still drying himself off from his shower. "How's your ass?" Mark laughed and kissed him. Ben's hands roamed over Marks body "It will survive, shame Josh can't join us for lunch". Mark stripped off his clothes and went in to the shower "Yeah I like him, we need to find him a man". Ben called out from bedroom "Definitely". "Hopefully Franco has will join us for lunch before he goes home" Mark said as he put his head under the shower nozzle. As he showered it also brought home to him that Ben would be heading off later, he hated thinking about it and he wanted him now on many levels. Ben listened as Mark finished showering whilst he sat on the bed, his thoughts primarily on how things would be at home but more so how much he would miss Mark until next weekend. Mark stood at the ensuite bathroom door looking at Ben starring out of the window. "Dam even with clothes on you look sexy" Mark said interrupting Ben's thoughts. Ben turned "Sorry what did you say, I was miles away?" he put his cup down on the bedside table. "I don't mean to pry Ben but what is going on with your father?" Mark asked standing at the window. Ben shrugged his shoulders "My father lives in LA, my step father was who I was referring to". Mark nodded "Right, is he not very, I mean are things okay with him?". Ben looked at him "Tolerable, he dotes more on his own son and cares less about me". "It's not easy I guess" Mark offered in a sincere gesture. Ben shook his head "I want out and applying for jobs so I can finish college quicker". "Finish your education first Ben" Mark said sternly. Ben laid back on the bed "I only have one more exam to sit in a couple of weeks". Mark nodded and sat next to him "You know it hurts when I have to let you go". "Your not making any sense to me Mark" Ben said looking concerned. Mark laid down next to him "I love going to sleep and waking up next to you". Ben smiled "Yeah it is strange when I wake up at home and your not there to cuddle up to". Mark leaned over and kissed him "Move in with me Ben, come and live here with me". Ben Smiled "If I could I would, but I have no means to support myself yet". Mark nodded and smiled "I understand that Ben but I need and want you with me". "I to need that Mark, but.." Ben started saying but Mark put his finger to Ben's lips. "Ben forget about money, we can work things out" Mark said kissing Ben. Ben looked at Mark's serious face and stoked his face "Okay". Mark kissed him "Seriously you will?". Ben smiled and nodded "How about the week after next I will be on break from college after Thanksgiving" he said. Mark hugged Ben "I'm so happy Ben. Come on lets go to lunch". Ben nodded again "Yes" he replied and kissed Mark back laughing "I have no idea what my mother will say about this". Lunch at Angelo's was a small affair in comparison to previous weeks as Adam and Tony had a family lunch to attend but Franco stayed for lunch and looking worse for ware, Angelo had barred him drinking, he was sulking and wallowing in self pity for hi behaviour. Ethan was overjoyed when he heard Ben was going to move in with Mark over the Thanksgiving holiday, Mark told Angelo the news whilst they were in the kitchen preparing lunch. "I'm really pleased to hear this Mark, Ben is such a nice sexy guy" Angelo said cutting vegetables. Mark put his knife down "He is worried about the money aspect though". Angelo laughed then looked at him "You haven't told him have you?". Mark shook his head "I'm surprised my parents didn't say anything but he will find out when we go for dinner with them". "Mark you should at least tell him before you take him to your parents" Angelo said with a knowing glance. Mark stood silent for a moment "Maybe, but I want to be totally sure he loves me Angelo". "You are the most logical, sensible and good judge of character I know Mark" Angelo said. Mark laughed "I suppose you are right" he replied. Angelo shook his head "Mark it's pretty obvious he loves you and is completely crazy about you even Ethan said so". "I just hope he won't flip out when he finds out" Mark said seeing the funny side and laughing. Angelo smiled "Does he even know dinner means flying to LA?". "No, oh god I just realised he said his father lived out in LA" Mark stopped dead in his tracks. Angelo looked at him "Maybe go see his father then as well". "Yes, but we haven't discussed it and it is the weekend after Thanksgiving" Mark said smiling. "Come clean Mark... Oh by the way we have had 5 applicants for the job" Angelo said changing the subject. Mark smiled "Great are we interviewing next week?" he asked. "Yes, thought Thursday would be a good day, I had Patrick send the invites yesterday" Angelo replied. Mark and Ben walked around Larchmont before heading home it was 4 in the afternoon and the sun was sinking lower in the sky as they turned the street corner heading up to Mark's house. "Are you worried Ben?" Mark asked glancing at him. Ben shook his head "No, I feel quite calm about it actually". "Good, so your father in LA do you speak or see him?" Mark inquired wondering if Ben would be open about it. Ben stopped "Yes, well that is speak to, something always crops up when he invites me over." Mark looked at him "Oh, does he come up with excuses?". "No no no, my step father always seems to have something going on he always puts the stopper on it" Ben replied. Mark pondered on this bit of news as they walked in to the house and knew it was an opportunity for Ben to see his father. Outside they saw Margarite's car pulling up outside, Mark told him to be calm and sincere and he would be upstairs if he needed him. Ben looked at Mark hoping he would stay but he told him he has to face this in private with his mother, with that he went to leave the lounge and turned towards Ben at the door 'I love you, always know that Ben' he said before walking up the stairs. He felt a little anxious waiting for his mother to knock the door, it still made him jump when she did and he steadied himself as he opened the door. Margarite stood in the porch and looked at Ben "Hello Ben" she said glancing over his shoulder. "Hi mum, come on in" he said opening the door fully "Do you want a coffee or tea?" he asked. Margarite followed him towards the kitchen "Tea would be nice, I don't want this to be awkward Ben". Ben put the kettle on to boil and stared at it for a moment "It wasn't suppose to be this way". Margarite sat down "I guessed you hadn't left that notebook out on purpose". "No, it was stupid of me as I rushed to be with..." he trailed off "I'm sorry" he said looking at her. Margarite studied him for a moment "Sorry about what Ben, because of who you are?". Ben shook his head "No, I mean you finding out like that, I wanted to tell you properly". "I can't understand how or why you reacted to badly about Ethan?" She said watching him making the tea. Ben put the kettle down "I've had a long time crush on Ethan, finding out he had a boyfriend hit me hard". "I see" Margarite didn't know what to say about this revelation "So whose house is this?". Ben put the tea in front of her "It belongs to my boyfriend Mark" he replied watching her closely. "And where is he?" She asked "Is he hiding scared of meeting me?" she went on. Ben smiled "No, he is keeping out of the way for the moment". Margarite nodded "You know it's okay Ben, I spoke to Ethan's mother this afternoon". "Oh" Ben looked shocked "Are things all right between you now?" he asked. "Yes, we had a much longer chat today, she didn't seem surprised about you being gay" Margarite said. Ben chuckled "Sophie had me pinned a few years ago, she saw how I would look at Ethan". Margarite laughed which eased the tension in the air "Smart girl Sophie. I saw a change in you over the last few weeks". Ben sat down next his mother "Was it that obvious?". "No" she laughed "you looked a whole lot happier Ben. Was that Mark's doing?" she asked. Ben looked at her and nodded "Yes, I think I fell in love with him the first night we met but didn't know it then". Margarite leaned over and kissed him "Do I get to meet him then?". Ben smiled "You may as well I met his parents last night" he walked over to the door "Mark, come down". "And his parents are fine with this?" she asked him turning in her seat. Ben nodded "Do you mean did they approve of me., they invited me for dinner" he saw Mark standing there "Mark come meet my mother". Mark was ushered in to the kitchen "Hi" he said looking nervous but managed a smile. Margarite stood up "Hello" she looked and instantly liked him "Nice to meet you Mark". "You to" Mark walked over to shake her hand but she brushed it away gave him a quick hug. Margarite was smiling and shook her head looking at Ben "I can see what you mean Ben". They spent a couple of hours drinking tea and chatting with Mark revealing what everyone who didn't know him that well got to know, when the time is right he would tell Ben everything and he knew it would have to be before Thanksgiving. The conversation flowed and gradually began to wear down and Mark gave Ben a discreet look nodding to his mother, Ben understood the significance of the look. "So mum there is one other thing I need to tell you but please don't get angry about it" Ben started. Margarite looked at Mark then Ben "You are moving in?" she offered as she saw how comfortable Ben was. Ben looked at her and nodded "In a couple of weeks time after Thanksgiving". Margarite stared at Ben "I'm not angry, upset yes, but you are old enough to make decisions Ben". Ben smiled "It doesn't mean anything will change between us" he said trying to reassure her. "Absolutely, you will always be welcome here" Mark said seeing the look on her face. Margarite smiled "Thank you Mark" she said sincerely seeing how genuine Mark looked at her. "We could all have dinner Wednesday if you like?" Ben said holding Mark's hand. "So your coming home?" Margarite asked seeing Mark's expression change to a tinge of sadness. Ben nodded "Well yes I have college tomorrow" he said as a matter of fact. Margarite shook her head "You decide Ben, you look happy here I can't take that away from you". "What about curfew?" Ben said knowing that was the one thing he stuck to. Margarite laughed "No more curfew you can come home or stay here I really don't mind, you deserve the freedom". Ben felt Mark squeeze his hand and looked at him "Well?". Mark smiled "You know that is what I would like, I can take you to college in the morning". "Good that's settled then. Just promise me to ask if you need anything Ben" she said standing up. "I will" Ben said he hugged his mother and kissed her "thank you mother". It was hard to say goodbye but after everything Ben had gone through with the divorce and loosing his father she understood that it was time he was allowed to move on in life. As she drove back to Harrison she could see Mark in her mind and how Ben was clearly besotted and happy with him. Ben had called Ethan and told him how things had gone and that his mother on the surface seemed to accept it with unsurprising grace. Ethan went through his own conversation with his mother Ellie and how she guided Margarite on not to over react but look at it from her sons own view. Mark drove Ben to Harrison in the morning smiling all the way at his new routine of dropping Ben off at college, it seemed weird having such a partner who was still in education albeit for only a few more months. Ben showed Mark where his family home was and he turned in to the drive up to the door. Ben got out to get his things for college saying hello to his mother as he ran upstairs grabbed his bag and came down. He walked in to the kitchen where the rest of the family were sat having breakfast, his step father Steven was talking to his brother and stopped when Ben walked in, he looked at him with a dead pan face and went back to talking to Alex. Ben gave his mother a kiss and walked with him to the door. "Don't worry about your step father he will come round sound enough" She said with her arm on his shoulder. Ben opened the door "I'm not worried mother, I can't see anything changing can you?". Margarite shook her head and looked at the car "Morning Mark" she called. Mark leaned out "Morning errmmm..." he didn't quite know how to address her. "Margarite for the moment" she said sensing his quandary. At college Ben opened his laptop up to see an email from the company he had applied to and they invited him for an interview at 4pm on Thursday, it would mean ditching a bit of college but he spoke to his lecturer who agreed he should have the time and attend. He confirmed his attendance and arranged to borrow his mothers car so he was all set, not bad for a Monday morning he said to himself as he settled in for lecture. Thankfully the morning went quickly and Ben made his way to the cafeteria to meet up with the rest of the gang, walking in he noticed Adam, Ethan and Franco sat talking and realised Josh had come in behind him. "Hi Josh busy day yesterday?" Ben asked stopping to talk. Josh nodded "Yes it was manic for a Sunday" he replied glancing over at the table. Ben noticed his look "Come on Josh, I think Franco has something to say to you" he said as Josh followed him. Franco stood up as Josh approached the table "Josh, I am really sorry about what I did to you". Josh looked at the sincere look on his face "It's okay Franco, you caught me by surprise that's all". Franco smiled "For what it's worth you are an amazing kisser". Josh laughed and sat down "Better than girls?" he said jokingly. Franco winked at him "So much better". Things went back to normal and no tension existed between Franco and Josh, Ethan couldn't work it out as Franco acted so casually about it and seemed to talk a lot more to Josh than usual. Maybe there was a slight change about Franco kissing another guy, after all he was very clear about his like of girls. Ben's week dragged on, as much as he wanted to tell Ethan about his job interview he decided not say anything in case it didn't work out. Ben just bided his time for Thursday and of course Friday when he would go and stay with Mark again. Ben packed up his things after the mid afternoon bell at 2.30pm and drove out towards Westchester finding the office pretty easy he parked up. He still had half an hour to spare so went to the coffee shop to get prepared properly, at 3.45pm he made his way over to the office and was greeted by Patrick and showed him to a seat in the reception area where he waited. Angelo looked at Mark "Anymore questions from you Mark?" he asked. Mark shook his head "No, I think we have covered everything we need to know" he replied. Angelo smiled at John "Well thank you very much John, we will be in touch when we have made a decision". Mark stood up and escorted John to the meeting room door where Patrick came over and escorted John out to the reception. He walked back in and told them that the 4pm candidate was in reception waiting. Mark pulled the CV towards him and began to read through so they had an idea of who was coming up next. Angelo called to Patrick to bring the next candidate in. Mark laughed "You seen his name, it's short for BMW". Angelo looked down at the paper and chuckled "So it does, and he is pretty young only 19." "You don't think... no can't be" Mark said studying that Benjamin lived in Harrison. They both had their heads down going through the technical aspect of the CV noting he had no work experience but seemed to doing really well at college and already partly graduated. Patrick knocked and entered and introduced Benjamin to them. Angelo looked up first and stopped dead in his tracks his mouth open. Mark looked up and laughed, Ben stood there blushing through embarrassment whilst Patrick just looked at all three of them and left the room chuckling as he realised they already knew each other. "Well Benjamin Midler-Warren or is it BMW for short?" Mark asked walking towards him. Ben just had a dazed look on his face feeling Marks lips and tongue on his own "Is this a joke?" he said. Angelo laughed "No joke Ben, this is my company" he said pointing to the chair "Take a seat please Benjamin". Mark escorted him over to the chair and he sat down "I didn't know you owned a business" Ben said still in shock. Mark sat down opposite him "Is it Benjamin or Ben you prefer?" he asked in a professional manner. Ben giggled "Oh your being serious, Ben if you wish" he said fumbling with his papers. Angelo smiled "It is serious Ben, you are being interviewed for a job" he said unable to control himself from smiling. Ben threw caution to the wind "Thank you, as long as I am not expected to perform sexual favours" trying to keep it civil. Mark looked at him and sat back in his chair "Maybe but not right now" he replied winking at Ben. They began the interview in a more serious manner although Mark was undressing him and performing lewd sexual acts on Ben with his eyes and mind, several times Angelo had to prod Mark to bring him back to reality. After an hour Angelo gave up and threw his pen in the air in a sign of defeat. "Well since Mark isn't really here, do you have any questions for us?" Angelo asked Ben whilst he punched Mark's arm. Ben nodded "Is there a company policy about dating other employees?" he asked giving his most dazzling smile. Angelo laughed shaking his head "No as long as you keep it in your pocket in the office". Mark nodded "Absolutely although you may have to have sex with me on the desk every now and then" he laughed. Angelo stood up "I give in this is hopeless" he came round the table and hugged Ben "You got the job Ben". Ben kissed Angelo "Really I do?". "Yes, but you got it because of your qualifications. Are you going to finish the final exam?" Angelo asked. Ben nodded "Yes I still want to get fully qualified". "Good, we can come to an arrangement with the college so you can work and study" Angelo told him. Angelo left Ben and Mark alone for a few minutes to get whatever out of their system, he laughed walking back to his desk spotting Ethan coming in the building. Angelo filled Ethan in on Ben in the meeting room with Mark probably making out and that he was to join the company. Ethan gave Ben a hug when Mark and he eventually came out of the meeting room looking a little dishevelled, Ben drove back to Harrison and gave his mother the news in a quick 5 minutes as Mark pulled up to take him out to dinner with Angelo and Ethan. Ben felt on top of the world as he typed a message to his father, most importantly he said he would have the means to visit him in LA in a few months time and nothing would stop him.
    1 point
  28. Part 3 When I climbed out of the pool I was all alone. There was a towel as beneath the towel I found an envelope with ‘Jock Boy’ written on it. I dried off and headed for the gate remembering that my clothes were flooded on the outside and with the sun coming to I might be visible in my naked form. I quickly opened the gate and grabbed my sweat pants quickly pulling them on before anyone might see me. I grabbed my shoes and shirt and went to my car. Once inside my car I looked I the envelope to find $500. Texted Steven to let him know I had finished and they I received another tip. He texted back instructing me, ‘come directly to my condo’. I drove over to Steven's place with a raging hard on from whatever that guy injected into my cock. The movement of my sweat pants accords my cock head drove me crazy as I worked my way through traffic to Steven’s condo. I parked in the open lot across the street and quickly made my way into the building. After riding the elevator while trying to hide my hard on I knocked on the door. Some naked twink answered the door and ushered me inside. Steven was also naked sitting on the couch blowing clouds. He had net taken a huge hit from the pipe as he waived me over. Steven grabbed the twink and gave him a shotgun as I joined him in the couch. The twink leaned over to me and I accepted a shotgun from him as he grabbed my noticeably hard cock through my sweats. The twink was horned up and craving cock. Steven finally spoke, “From what I hear, you’re first night went very well.” Steven then grabbed his huge, thick cock waving it as if he was telling me to sit my ass down on it, but it was directed at the twink who had a look that was somewhere between fear and excitement. The twink slowly climbed up and (with Steven’s directly) slid his ass down on his cock facing me. When he had the full length inside him Steven handed me a fully loaded rig. I knew exactly what he needed me to do as he applied the tourniquet to the twink’s arm and held him still while I administered (what I later learned was) his (first) slam. Like he did with me, Steven unloaded deep in the twink's hole as he coughed it hard. The twink's expression was similar to the one I saw in the video on my own face as he attempted to process everything was feeling. After Steven was done with his first load he popped up placing the twink on his hands and knees, then administered his own slam and resumed fucking the twink. I was close to the twink’s head when Steven told him, “Suck the jock boy's cock.” That totally surprised me as the twink leaned forward as I slid my sweats off. The twink was good as he took my hard bone down to the root. Steven looked at me and said, “I knew you’d need that after your let client.” The twink was good as he worked my cock with his tongue and throat. I was surprised at his expertise and stamina as he sucked my cock while Steven loaded his ass with his poz cum. It made me wonder if that kiss was as dumb as I was or was it the drugs, most likely the drugs. The thought of Steven knocking this kid up as he had done to me some how had me turned on that when I got close I made sure he was going to eat my load. I grabbed his head and held it firmly as I unloaded down his throat telling him, “That’s it bitch, swallow my spunk.” Steven smiled at me, winked and gave me a head signal letting me know that I should leave. I pulled my sweats up, got up from the couch and headed for the door. I drove home knowing if be crashing soon. I got home lucky my parents were at work as headed straight for bed.
    1 point
  29. Hot story wish this could happen to me
    1 point
  30. Part 2 John had just unloaded inside me. I felt his cock throb as his sperm fleet me up. I felt his jizz as it hit the walls of my ass. For a briefs moment I forgot how much I enjoyed the feeling of getting fucked and bred, or maybe it was the slam. Most likely both I missed. John’s cock remained hard as he continued to fuck me letting me know the dominance he held overt me. He paid Steven for the right to use me as his fuck toy to breed for a couple hours. He kept fucking me, this time he slowed down and made it apparent that he was enjoying his time with my ass. He kissed me several times as he slowly worked his cock pig and out of my ass. I couldn’t believe how long John lasted as he spoke for the first time since he unloaded inside my ass, “You have a very fine ass jock boy. I could fuck your ass all week long.” I could tell John was getting close to cumming a second time. His breathing changed and I felt his cock thicken. I was hungry for a second load as I tightened my ass around his cock. The expression on John’s face along with the change in the way he we fucking me told me that it was pure pleasure for him as he thrusted into me hard and deep. With a grunt John said, “For a quarterback you certainly know how to play a tight end.” I felt the familiar warmth deep inside me as his cock painted my ass with his cum. His second load was even better than the first load he gave me. I killed his cock for every drop n as he slowly withdrew his cock from my hungry hole. He kissed me one last time before saying, “Damn jock boy, you have one hungry hole. I how you use to travel, cause I’m going to arrange to fly you in to spend a few days with me. I have a couple friends that would love to meet you.” I wasn’t sure what to say except to tell him, “I guess you’ll have to talk to Steven about that.” I really wasn’t sure if Steven would send me in a trip to see John. After he had fired 2 loads into my ass I wouldn’t mind seeing him again and meeting him fuck my ‘tweaked up, jock ass’ again. John got up of the bed and as I got dressed in just my shorts and t-shirt I was able to able his athletic body as I knew he admired mine. I had just finished putting in my shoes when he handed me a $100 bill telling me, “I paid Steven for your services, this is a tip for you.” I wasn’t sure if I should accept this or not, but knew not to insult then client by refusing the offer and said, “Thank you for this and than you for your cum.” John kissed me one last time, “I can’t wait to fuck you again. I promise a lot more cum the next time we meet. You are better teen Steven told me you would be.” I left the hotel and sat in my car as I texted Steven that I was done with my work at the Hilton. I also told him about the $100 tip I received from John. Steven’s reply kind of surprised me when he texted back, ‘for a jock you’re showing some smarts by taking me about your tip. All his need to be reported till me and I’ll know how much you get so don’t ever try to hide it. that’s nice John gave you a tip, you can keep that one’ I knew to rely ‘thank you’ Steven then texted me ‘I know you did good by him when he texted me asking if he can fly you in to spend a few days with him and a few of his friends. I’ll work out the details with him and will let you know the dates. I have another client for you to visit you'll be going to his home to spend the rest of the move with him” Steven texted me the address and I drove over to his home. This guy lived in a upscale part of town. It was a gated community where I knew the homes to go for a over a million dollars. I pulled up to the gate and the guard approached my car, looked at me, quickly opened the gate and waved me through. It didn't take long after I drove through the gate to find the house I Steven gave me where the client lives. I was told to park in the driveway and go to the gate to the back yard. I found a note for me on the gate telling me I was to strip leaving my clothes neatly folded outside before entering the gate and then I was to make my way to the pool where I would find a blindfold along with 4 leather wrist and ankle cuffs on one of the lounge chairs. I was to put the blindfold fold on (until the client removed the blindfold) along with the wrist and ankle cuffs and wait. I was a little nervous about doing as the note instructed, but then I remembered the Steven told me to always do exactly follow the client instructions. The client will not harm me for far of what Steven will do to them if they did. Steven assured that he will protect me from the client. So there I sat there naked waiting for someone to approach me. I didn’t have to wait long when I sensed someone approach me. I felt them secure my wrists above my head and my ankle were secured to the foot of the chair. I was immobilized which in some way turned me on causing my limp, Tina dick to twitch. I then felt a tourniquet applied to my upper arm and then the coolness of alcohol on my son. There was a pause that had me wishing I could see this mysterious person administering the slam. Then I felt the familiar needle stick and began to wonder how big is a slam was this guy giving me when he removed the needle, applied pressure to the injection site, raised my arm over head and removed the tourniquet. I coughed so hard as the rush hit me hard. I’m sure this was the strongest slam I'd ever done as I heard a ringing in my ears. The guy push my head into his from where I quickly opened my mouth and took his considerable sized cock deep into my throat. I guess he then administered his own slam as I heard him cough and felt his cock begin to leak a steady stream of pre cum. The guy grabbed my head between his hands and began to face fuck me and every so often he’d bury his cock deep in my throat and hold it there and I would feel it pulse as he dripped his pre cum directly into my stomach. This went on for a good 15-20 min until I heard his breathing change asking with his deep thrusts. He finally spoke to me asking, “I’m gong to shoot most of this load directly in your stomach” as he thrusted one last time pushing his cock far into my throat. I felt his cock expand and pulse as he delivered his load directly to my stomach. He pulled out as he fired off his last could spurts of cum onto my tongue giving me a taste of his seed. I had become just as hungry to eat sperm as I was to have it shot directly into my ass. With the Tina flowing through my body gave me a strong craving for cock and cum. After he finished giving me his load and I swallowed everything he had fed me he removed my blindfold. I recognized him from Friday night's party. He released my arms and legs been helped me to my feet. I was then led over near the edge of the pool. I noticed something in the pool deck. In the concrete opt the pool deck were a couple fasteners which my ankle restraints were attached too sharing my legs wide. This was a spot close to the house that allowed him to suspend a rope from it that he arched to my wrists. This forced me to lean slightly forward giving him total access to my ass. He left me exposed like this for what felt like an eternity. I sensed him behind me which increased my desire, my need to be touched. After what felt like hours (but I reality was only minutes) I felt him grab my ass as he moved in to eat my already cum filled ass. He stopped for a brief moment to say, “Nice, just how I like my boys, full of cum.” He went back to licking my ass for a couple more minutes before stopping again. This time when he stopped I felt him push a small rough object into my ass and said, “Not only does cum make the best lube it’s great for dissolving a nice shard of Tina.” I suddenly felt a burn in my ass as he pushed the piece of Tina as deep as he could into my ass. I felt my high grow as the Tina dissolved as I experienced my first booty bump. I felt my client stand up behind me in this restrained positron position as my hole screamed out to be filled. He teased me with the tip of his cock causing me to try and push back in a attempt to get him inside me, but the position he had me in made that impossible. He had total control over my getting fucked. His teasing me drove me crazy to point I begged him, “Please fuck me. Fuck me hard. Breed me, I need your cum.” I repeated this several this several times and when I thought I wasn’t going to get fucked I felt him grab me by my hips and gave me exactly what I needed when he thrusted his cock balls deep. I then got the fucking I asked for as he pounded me hard. He fucked me for a good hour I felt his cock thicken as his place quickened and his breathing changed and he pushed I deep. As his cock throbbed inside me delivering a fresh load of cum he spoke, “What a great ass you have. I knew the first time I fucked you that if I had you to myself you’d get fucked all night long.” He wasn’t lying as he fucked another 2 loads into my ass before he pulled out and put a butt plug in my ass. He then left me I this precarious position. I want sure how long I was left like this when he returned. He gave me either slam just as strong as the first one me gave me. I coughed out hard as I felt him pull the butt plug from my ass, grab my hips and penetrate my hungry ass. It felt like he was fucking me harder then he had before. He gave me 4 more loads before he was done fucking me. He released my ankles followed by my wrists, and in the position I was in when he released my wrists I couldn’t help from falling into the pool. The water felt great as I heard him say, “Great ass you have Jock Boy.”
    1 point
  31. I've been very piggy over the years and most men I've played with would consider me a pig, but I don't feel that I am a true pig. To me, being a pig is about your headspace. Even though my actions may suggest otherwise, I'm not often in that headspace. Yes, I want dick. I want to be fucked. I want to be used. I want to be bred.... but I always retain my sense of self. To me a pig is always chasing that feeling - do what feels good BECAUSE it feels good. I'm more concerned with my top getting pleasure, than myself. Once he is taken care of, then I'm happy.
    1 point
  32. I might be getting POZZED on Friday! If it happens I'll let everyone know! Kevin 603-410-7622
    1 point
  33. Sorry, The London Patient Is In Remission, Not 'Cured' Of HIV Don't let the headlines confuse you or Trump convice you that we can cure HIV. That's not how to erradicate the virus. https://goo.gl/As3xx7 I think most people missed the real point, that is not the cure, rather what we may learn from the fact that after the transplant the virus seems to be gone.
    1 point
  34. yes, i drink my husbands piss. he drinks a lot of coffee, so it doesn't taste or smell like roses, but i really do enjoy swallowing his piss. the pure submissive sexuality of being on my knees, looking up at him, feeling his cock open up in my mouth, and swallowing his warm piss... mmmmmmm
    1 point
  35. CHAPTER TWO Through the eyes of Dean: Time to set the plan in motion, today is Scotty’s 18th birthday and he decided he didn’t want a party with his friends. So it’s time to test the waters and see what exactly young Scotty is into and wants from life. I woke early and knocked on Scotty’s door to wish him a happy birthday. I got no response to begin with and figured he was still asleep, knock knock again and got a cautious hello from Scotty. Its dad mate, can I come in? Umm sure, one second. I waited for his okay and entered the room. Scotty was flushed, his laptop on his desk chair beside the bed, and he greeted me as I walked in. Happy birthday mate, I said and gave him a big hug, he wrapped his arms around me, but something was odd, he didn’t touch me with his hands. That said though his hug went for some time, almost as though he didn’t want it to end. I told him the day was his to enjoy and I’d take him anywhere he wanted, then said I’d go and have a shower and see him when he’s up and out of bed, to which he thanked me and said okay. I then went to my bedroom, stripped naked and turned the shower on, I then walked out of the bathroom and closed the bathroom door, something I’ve never done. Now time to hide and see how long it takes him to come and spy on me. I found my place, behind the bedroom door so he wouldn’t see me when he walked in and I didn’t have to wait long. In he came, buck naked, athletic, smooth and tight in every way possible. He cautiously approached the closed bathroom door, and once he saw that it was closed he let out a sigh, saying ‘damn dad, why’d you have to close the door, why today, okay let’s see how quietly I can open it’. He stood at the bathroom door and his left hand went right to his asshole, then I noticed it, his hands were shiny with lube already, he must have been playing with his ass and cock when I went to wish him a happy birthday. That explains the hug. He didn’t wait long, one two three fingers shoved deep in his ass, this kid was a pro already, slamming his fingers in his ass while raising his right hand to the bathroom door handle to attempt to open the door and spy on me. Now was my moment, I stood out from behind the bedroom door and walked quietly behind him, Scotty was just about to pull on the door handle when I reached out and ran my hand down his back. He jumped so high, I actually scared the hell out of him. His shock turned to delight as he turned, controlled his fright and saw me standing there, naked, hard as a rock with my massive drooling cock within reach. Scotty blushed, I leaned in and kissed him right on the lips, he didn’t flinch, he just went with it instantly while melting into my arms as we kissed for quite some time. I broke the kiss, wished him a very happy birthday and asked if he wanted to finally join me in the shower, his response was an emphatic yes dad, I’d really love that. Through the eyes of Scotty: I had a look at the time when I woke up, 06:17am and it didn’t take long till I remembered today was my 18th birthday, quickly followed by realising my cock was throbbing and leaking precum. I needed to take care of it, and quick smart – I wanted to feel the release of my first adult load. I turned on my laptop, put on some Treasure Island Media porn, my favourite, gets my juices flowing instantly and grabbed by hard cock and started playing with my hole once I lubed it up. I’m a virgin, but have been playing with my ass since I was 16 years old, I can’t get enough. Love inserting more and more fingers in my ass and cannot wait till I get a real cock up there, and cum as well. I’m so turned on by unprotected sex. At school it was drummed into us that this is wrong, but I don’t care, you like what you like. I had been watching porn for about 10 minutes, I had 3 fingers in my hole, digging them around and feeling amazing, when I heard a tap at the door. I froze instantly not knowing whether to reply or not. I heard a few more taps and dad calling for me, damn I have to reply. Eventually I’d manage to look respectable again and turned the porn off and called for dad to enter. He wished me well for my birthday and gave me a hug, I carefully hugged him being mindful not to get lube on him from my play session. We spoke quickly about some plans for the day. But the best bit was him saying he was about to go for a shower. Okay dad I replied. I was hard instantly knowing I was about to see him naked again. I waited a minute or so, and once I heard the water running, I walked right into dad’s bedroom. I was surprised this time though as dad had closed the bathroom door, something he’s never done. I quietly made my way to the door, buck naked, hard as a rock and given I had been playing with my ass in my bedroom I immediately inserted 3 fingers up my ass while I reached for the bathroom doorhandle. Next minute, something brushed my back and I jumped, scared half to death. I turned to see dad there in all his glory, his massive cock almost brushing my leg. He leaned in and planted a kiss right on my lips, I was in heaven, I didn’t want it to end, he then invited me to shower with him and I jumped at the idea, following dad into the shower. We immediately started kissing again, while rubbing ourselves together and exploring each other’s bodies with our hands. My dad turned the water off and pushed me to my knees in front of him, rubbing the head of his cock over my lips, glazing my lips with his precum. I admired his cock and waistline while licking the tip of his cock. I glanced over and noticed the tattoo on his hip, I had seen a tattoo there while spying on him showering, but wasn’t ever able to make out what it was. I see it’s a biohazard symbol, one which was familiar to me, from some of the porn I watch, but I don’t know its significance. Dad saw me looking at the tattoo, and asked if I like it, hell yeah I do, tattoos are hot I told him. He told me to have a good look at it, really focus on it and then told me to lick and kiss the tattoo. While I did, he said that I’d learn to love this symbol and appreciate its full power. I wasn’t quite sure what he meant but I was so turned on by being so close to his dick, I couldn’t help myself, I needed to move things along, I sucked his cock for a little bit, getting it nice and wet. I stood up and kissed dad again, before turning my back to him and lined up his cock with my hole. He called me a hot little slut and this only egged me on even more, I wanted to make dad happy and I needed to be fucked for the first time. I pushed back, feeling dads cock start to penetrate me, a sharp burn was felt but it subsided pretty quickly and I felt dad grab my hips and push balls deep into me. I wasn’t expecting that, but fuck it felt amazing, I finally had his massive cock inside me, drooling precum and making my ass wet inside. I was living for this moment, he fucked me so hard, breathing heavily on the back of my neck. It wasn’t long until dad made me beg for his load, he demanded that I tell him to cum deep inside me. But that’s exactly what I wanted, I wouldn’t have had it any other way, I wanted to be like those guys in the porn I watch, wet and dripping cum. Dad leaned down to me, his mouth to my ear, whispering that he was so glad I wanted his loads inside me and that he’d wanted to flood my guts for a very long time. He went on to say today was the day, the day that I give myself to him completely. He told me he owns me, from this day onwards. This was a massive turn on for me, something I wanted also. He pulled my ass into his groin, I felt him go that little bit deeper, feeling his full 9 fat inches inside me. My dad saying - Keep begging for my load Scotty, my toxic load, you’ll be charged up once you take my load, and it’s not your choice bitch, its mine, I own you don’t ever forget that. My reply was simple, cum in me dad, I need it, I’ve wanted it for as long as I can remember, you own my ass, do it, cum in me. That was all he needed to hear, still pulling me into him he growled take my poz load Scotty, my little boy, take my dirty load as I felt his cock throbbing deep within me. I was dripping, worn out, exhausted, satisfied and in love. Everything I had ever wanted from my first sexual experience. I turned to my dad and thanked him, before we cleaned up, dried off and went to his bed. Cuddling while enjoying the afterglow of what had just happened.
    1 point
  36. I like to go clubbing and dance and listen to the throbbing music. I went out to an 18 and over straight club one night. I was 29 so I was putting away a few beers and had to take a piss pretty bad. I found the bathroom but it only had two urinals next to each other with no partition and I stepped up to the "short" urinal as it had some protection from viewers washing their hands. This short incredibly cute latino boy came up beside me and started to piss. I tried to make sure I didn't look in his direction because I didn't want him thinking I was trying to check him out. I felt like he was looking in my direction, then I heard him say,"no wonder you picked the short urinal, you didn't want your dick getting wet." I wasn't sure what to make of that, and kinda laughed and said,"yea, I don't want this big cock to be dipping into the urinal cakes." He smiled and while we washed our hands he got my name and added me on Facebook. When the club was closing down I checked my facebook and of course, he had already sent me a message. It was a non-chalant,"cool meeting you man, what you doing tonight?" I told him I was headed home, and he immediately responded and asked if he could hitch a ride to his mom's house which wasn't far from the club. We worked it out and he met me in the parking lot, got in and off we went. When we got to his mom's house he looked over and said,"I didn't actually need a ride, I ditched my friends so that you could take me home." I asked,"and why did you do that? you trying to get a look at my cock again?" hahaha He said,"yes, can you come inside?" On the way in, he said, that he hadn't ever tried anything with a guy before and that since no one was going to be home tonight he was wondering if I would show him some stuff. I was so hard my cock was about to rip through my jeans at the possibility of seeing this tennis player's ass naked. We got to his room and he apologized for it looking so "teenagey," As if I cared two shits. I grabbed him and started kissing him. He melted into my arms and let me dominate his mouth. He was moaning softly as I slipped off his shirt and quickly yanked down his pants and underwear. He was maybe 5 inches but hard as steel. I pushed him back onto his bed and pulled his pants and underwear off his ankles along with his socks. I got down on my knees and enveloped his cock with my mouth. He wrapped both arms around my head as I sucked him like the pro that I am. He was breathing harder and harder, I could tell he was about to bust so I slowed down and started licking his shaft, then his balls and started kissing his inner thighs and would lick his skin hard with my unusually long tongue. I was purposely licking and getting closer to his cherry hole with my tongue. I was afraid it would stink since he was new to all this, but he smelled like fresh clean sweat. No musky or unpleasantness at all. Which was all I needed to dive my tongue into his hole. I ate his ass and told him to jerk off while I tongue fucked him. He was experiencing things he'd never had before and his body was convulsing from all these new pleasures. I pushed him up on his bed and spit on my dick, lined it up right on his hole and started pushing. He said he didn't say he wanted to do "that." But I kept rubbing and pushing my fat cockhead on his hole and I asked him if he wanted me to stop, I wasn't inside him. He told me to keep going as he continued to jerk. I went down on his hole again and got it wetter with my mouth, this time pushing spit into him with my thumb. I did this for awhile and he was enjoying it completely. I came up a bit and sucked his cock some more while I slipped a finger into his tight wet hole. I took my mouth off his cock and found his prostate with my finger and started to rub it. When I pushed on his prostate his cock jumped and precum poured out. He looked down real quick and said with a shocked face,"what the fuck was that? Did I cum?" I told him I hit his prostate and not to worry, it's just precum. He laid back and let me suck him more while I worked another finger inside him. I took it easy on his dick with my mouth because he could've exploded at any moment. I got back up and started kissing and licking his neck and I grabbed ahold of my cock and started fucking his now slightly looser outer ring. I told him to breath, and to push out a little so it'd feel better. When his hole gave way enough I plunged my cockhead and an inch or two inside him. He yelled and moaned loud and his body froze. He told me to take it out it hurt too much, but I just said,"if I move right now, it's going to hurt like a motherfucker, get used to it first then I'll pull it out." He agreed as we stayed in that position without moving. I started stroking his cock and it didn't take long for him to get rock hard again. As I started stroking him faster I began rocking into him. My cock was barely moving in and out his tight hole. He was getting extremely excited and wrapped his legs around me. I kept jerking him and leaned in to kiss him hard, he was maniacal with lust now and he pulled me into him. I was halfway inside his hole and he let out a big sigh. "AHHHHHH! Keep going," he said,"put all that dick inside my ass." He didn't have to tell me twice. I pushed all the way inside him as he twisted and turned his body under me. I held him there for a minute then started to actually fuck his virgin hole. I was long dicking him now and he couldn't stop moving, he was grabbing at me, the sheets, his cock, everything. I could tell he was getting really close to cumming, his cock could cut glass at this point and was steadily leaking. I kept fucking his hole faster and faster with just spit for lube in his cherry hole, the friction was too good, I was about to cum too. I warned him,"I'm getting close. I'm about to cum." He was breathing so hard and about to cum so much so that he barely registered what I said and told me not to cum in him. I slowed my fucking way down to a near stop and said,"you don't want my cum inside your ass? You don't want me to shoot my load in you on your first time?" He was too close to blowing his load and the fact that I stopped fucking him halted his impending explosion. He said,"Keep FUCKING ME!" I said,"you want my cum? You want it?" He was jerking so fast now and grabbed me, pulled me deep inside him and said,"I don't care! Just fuck me like you were!" I obliged and started pounding his hole again when his whole body tensed up and he started shooting all over himself, stomach, neck and even into his open mouth, that's all it took for me as I began to shoot huge amounts of cum deep in his hole. We laid like that for ten minutes or so trying to calm down. I slowly pulled out and I got dressed. He just put some basketball shorts on and walked me to the door. He said "I can feel your cum leaking down my leg. I'm not out, I think I'm bi. I don't know if I want you to fuck me again, but maybe we could mess around sometimes." I fucked and bred his ass for the rest of his senior year and for three years in college.
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  37. Chicago boytown tonight, 11-Feb. Buddy and I looking for unprotected bottoms to breed.
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  38. Wow, I would love to get pregnant, my favorite is me on my back legs spread pulled up him inside me pinning me to the bed, his chest against mine his mouth on mine his tongue in my mouth, his cock thrusting in preparing me to accept his seed deep in side me , my legs wrap around him and I want him to claim me as his, make me pregnant I beg him then I feel the thunder in his body as he swells and floods me with his baby matter, at that moment I feel so fertile I can help but whimper and try to milk every drop of him as he pulls out I lay there rub my belly and think what if
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  39. Part iii Surrounded by darkness once more I remained still. Naked and on my hands and knees waiting for the two men I had been left with to do as they would. Being unable to see after the light had been extinguished added a new dimension to my submission. I was completely helpless now. Stripped, humiliated and already bred three times I had given myself over to this new way of being. I had already cum myself once and even that didn't assuage my desire to take more cock. So here I waited; knowing I could only leave this squalid place once each man that wanted to had used me to their satisfaction. The fact they were poz was no longer on my mind, they had hard cocks and I had willing holes to please them. I was probably already tainted so I saw no reason not to take all the cum they could give me. Two sets of hands were tracing over my skin, both rough skinned, both making me shiver in the anticipation of what was to come. As one set of hands worked up my back over my shoulders the other was working lower, over my buttocks spreading and kneading my flesh with a strength that made me shudder. If he was this firm with just his hands what was he going to do to me with his cock? The man who had worked his way in front of me took hold of my head and tilted my face upwards, still unable to see, I felt warm weight against my lips and opened my mouth instinctively. The cock that slipped between my lips was a good size and tasted of sweat and precum. I had already sucked this cock tonight...oh shit! That meant the man behind me was Mr. Big. My head was held more firmly as if my realisation had been transmitted through the cock in my mouth. "Shhhh...relax and you'll be fine." The voice was from the man in front and then I felt the cold glass pressed to my nose. "Breath deep! As much as you can take." He just held the bottle and I just kept hitting it until warmth spread through me and I felt myself losing my ability to think straight. The poppers were my new best friend but even with them I still felt it when spit hit my hole and fingers rubbed around my sloppy, cum soaked ring. I moaned as it felt so good and the cock in my mouth was shoved to the back of my throat and held there. I would have gasped but here was no time, breathing through my nose just meant more poppers and I was already spinning. I screamed. Well I would have if I didn't have my face stuffed with hard dick. The only noise was choked off as I was held firmly in place. Tears streamed from my eyes though in this darkness they were unseen and I could only imagine they would have meant little if noticed. The cock head that had just invaded my arse was so fucking thick. Even after the rough fucking I had taken and the three loads of cum that had slicked my insides I was being stretched beyond anything I had ever known. I couldn't pull away with the man in front of me pressing me back working together with Mr. Big who had his hands on my hips holding me tight and I could tell he was much stronger than me. He was coming in and there was no stopping him. He didn't ram himself inside me but it was a constant pressure, a relentless drive forwards that spread my channel and kept opening me up deep inside. I felt like he was splitting me, tearing me His whole length was thick and getting deeper inside me. I had to breath the poppers again and again and I felt my body relaxing as I gave in to the invasion. I pushed down with my anal muscles trying to open my hole as much as possible and I was rewarded with a pat on my ass cheek as he clearly felt his way forward was easier. The final jab took all my breath away but I felt his balls slap against me. Mr. Big was all the way in. Number Two pulled himself from my mouth and gave me another hit of poppers leaving me panting and light headed. I nearly collapsed to the floor, I certainly lowered my head as Mr. Big began to move. Slowly at first, he withdrew his massive cock from my arse and it felt like he was turning me inside out. I swear my passage was gripping him in a vain attempt to stop any more damage but he wasn't on the same wavelength as me. As soon as I felt his bulbous cockhead pulling on my ring he began his slow push back into my bowels. He would occasionally spit down between us adding a little wetness but I was still stretched tight around his member. Despite the slow movement, or perhaps because of it, the burning that had been enveloping my hole was becoming a hunger. My cock, which had softened from the initial pain of the penetration, was starting to thicken again and because of the pressure inside me it was drooling precum. I was grunting with every motion inside me. In and out, in and out, he was mechanical in his movement making sure my hole was sufficiently open for him. The spit and cum that soaked my anus and the effect of the poppers on me started to make me buck my hips following his movement. This and the fact his huge dick was constantly rubbing across my prostate had me moaning softly with each long stroke. With us both now working in tandem to achieve his total penetration of me, his strokes became easier. This ease of passage was quickly translated into a faster movement which had me gasping and grunting hard. "Oh fuck! So fucking big! Fuck!" My moans and cries were taken as a sign to go faster and he started to punch his prick into me. Jabbing thrusts of his hips that only took half his length out of me but kept me on edge with his every movement pushing more fluid from my cock. He grunted something that I didn't catch and he fucked me hard for about a minute shaking my whole body with the vigour of his pounding. Then he levelled off again resuming a long, slower, sliding fuck into me. I was delirious by this point. The fucking, the poppers, the whole situation had broken me into a fuck hungry hole and I was pushing myself harder onto him. I loved feeling this full, I loved being made to take this huge fuck tool inside me, I loved that these men all wanted to breed my sloppy arsehole. I started to beg for more. More cock, more cum, more of their virus. In answer I was given more poppers by the guy in front of me who just said above my head, "Yeah, this bitch is totally ready. I can't fucking believe he never got fucked before tonight!" Then hands on my head making me look up again. I expected to feel his cock once again sliding across my tongue, and I was hungry to taste his musk again. Instead I felt him lowering himself in front of me and then I was smothered, his fleshy cheeks spread in front of my face and his arse pressed back as I was instructed to lick. I licked, and licked. The cock fucking me pushing me on as my tongue became another sex organ. His taste was musky and sweaty and I felt my cock throb as I licked harder. This was the taste of a man. This was everything I was meant for. His hands gripped and spread his cheeks and he pushed his hole straight against my lips allowing me to kiss and probe his ring with my tongue. I ran the tip of my tongue around that muscle and pressed into the centre. He relaxed some and my tongue sank into the whorl. I wish I could have watched this scene from outside my body. Me on my hands and knees like a willing slut being pounded from behind by the biggest cock I've ever seen. At the same time pressing my face between the arse cheeks of another guy so I can rim his hole and relishing the task as only a true dirty boy can. As I did my best to fuck his arse with my tongue he was clearly wanking hard and telling me what good boy I was and how they were loving breaking me in. It didn't take long before the guy I was rimming moaned, "Fuck this feels too good!" He pulled away from my probing tongue and moved around behind me. Mr. Big slowed his fucking and leaned back. This allowed Number Two to straddle me and I guess point his cock directly at my hole because I felt him shuddering and the splatter of wet heat across my crack as he unloaded his cum. He must have been trying to get as much as possible on my hole and all over Mr. Big's dick because once he was done, signified by a firm slap on my arse, he moved away and that huge cock began fucking me again. The pace increased but the added cum was slicking my ring and the motion felt much easier. More poz cum being pushed into me and I was grateful for it. My fingers flexed against the concrete floor as that shaft kept on sliding in and out of me. As he sped up his thrusts I was pushed forwards my shoulders sagging leaving me face down and arse up giving him the angle to long dick me easily. I had been forced open by his monster cock and part of me wondered if I'd ever feel anything smaller fucking me again. The rest of me was focused on the feeling rising in me, the building pressure from his ceaseless pumping. He picked up his pace again and I was barely holding on, a gasping wreck moaning into the floor about big dicks and fuck and so good. Overwhelmed by sensation I couldn't stop myself, there was barely any warning. I involuntarily clenched my anal muscles down on his cock when he was buried all the way inside me and I came. My spunk pouring out of me in a stream splattering the floor as I cried out in definite ecstasy. At this Mr. Big's hands tightened on my hips and he started hammering into me. I swear each thrust was pushing more cum out of me leaving me delirious as my prostate was drummed making my orgasm high painfully long. Within a few minutes of this I could just register him tensing up and the tell of his thrusts becoming arhythmic. I couldn't tell if his cock swelled, I was already stretched beyond what I thought possible, but the roar he gave as he finally unloaded in me left no doubt. He held me firmly in place as he throbbed multiple times adding his own flood of toxins to the multiple loads already soaking into my anal walls. He gave a few more pumps of his hips making sure to push his load deep and he he slowly slid himself from my totally fucked hole. Once he was out I could feel the coldness of the air across my cheeks and arsehole and I knew it would be a while, if ever, before my hole returned to anything like normal. I was left in the middle of that filthy floor. My surprise that both men left couldn't have been more. I don't know what I expected but I think I smiled to the darkened room. Not only had I got what I came here for times a thousand but I had been left here after being utterly used. Somehow I liked that feeling. Somehow, after remaining in position for a minute or two, I felt the strength to move and I thought I really should before anyone else came in. Managing to raise myself on shaky legs I felt around in the darkness for my clothes. Nothing. Shit. My keys. Not to mention having to find a way out of here in just my trainers. "Ahem!" The cough that came out of the darkness was an announcement. I turned to where the noise had come from and realised the pitch black I had walked into had become a greyness. I could see the shape of a man near the doorway holding out the items I had searched for. Reaching out feeling relief tinged with embarrassment and shame at being discovered naked with spunk running down my legs from my gaped anus, I recovered my jeans and t-shirt and pulled them on hurriedly. The man chuckled and there was a timbre to his voice that I recognised, the daddy from before had come back. "Thank you!" It was all I could think of to say. I didn't know if I was thanking him for returning my clothes, or for everything else he had done including removing them in the first place. "My pleasure." He replied with a grin playing across his face, "Yours too I think, given how much you seemed to have enjoyed things. I get the feeling we'll be seeing you around here before too long." He stepped aside and I walked out into the lighter beginning of morning. I walked a little unsteadily across the gravel back to my car, only one or two cars were left in the lot and once again I felt a little self conscious especially as on this walk I could feel the dampness from the spunk soaking the back of my jeans and I was now clearly visible. The drive home was a little uncomfortable but as I played out the events of the night in my head I could feel my cock stirring between my legs and the last thing Daddy said to me repeating itself over and over. "We'll be seeing you around here before long." I couldn't help but smile and wonder precisely how long it would be.
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  40. Part ii Naked and on my knees in the darkened toilet after taking two loads deep inside me I was out of breath, sheened in sweat and still leaking precum from the experience. The fact I hadn't yet cum myself kept my brain in a fugue of horniness and my decision making had taken a break after the first guy had started using me. Now confronted by three men looking down at me, including the first man who not half an hour earlier had filled me with his spunk, I found myself reacting like I was on auto-pilot. It was as if I was indulging every pornographic jerk off session I had ever had, after enjoying so much porn and now having already taken two poz loads I guess I just felt it didn't matter what I did now. One of the men was holding his phone up high and in the spotlight that he was creating, clearly recording my debasement, I crawled across the wet floor on my hands and knees as all three men undid their jeans pulling out hard cocks that were now my purpose. As I reached them the man I thought of as the leader, the one who had taken my virginity, grabbed my head and pulled me straight onto his cock. I opened wide and his cock was pushed to the back of my throat. My tongue played around his length tasting the remnants of what I guess was his earlier fucking of me. I was gagging and coating his thick cock with saliva as he guided my head back and forth. My mouth was effectively being used as a warm fleshlight for his needs and I had already submitted myself to it. I came here to find out who I was. Now I had found out I was someone who got naked in public toilets and let strangers fuck them bareback. Who after taking poz loads had stayed for more. Who knew he was being filmed and photographed but kept sucking on the thick cock that tasted of his own arsehole. I evidently was a pretty good novice. "That's a good cocksucker. Enjoy that dirty cock in your mouth. We've got all night to play and these two want to try your holes too." Saying this he was indicating the two men he had returned with but all of my attention was on the thick dick filling my mouth and overwhelming my senses with the scent and taste. "Just so you know we all know each other and these guys are poz too. Once they heard I'd already bred you they figured you wouldn't mind taking some more dirty cum. Looks like they were right too, you need this don't you?" I raised my eyes to affirm that I did need this but the light from the camera shone into my face casting all three men's faces in shadow. I nodded instead, my lips stretched around cock. In that instant I realised that not only had I just had my cocksucking captured on camera with my face revealed perfectly but I had also just accepted I wanted, no needed, poz loads. The two other men now grabbed my arms and guided my hands to their rock hard dicks having me wank them as they watched my face fucking. I groaned around the length of meat stuffing my face as I felt those cocks. Both were so fucking hard but one was huge. Thick and long, I couldn't even imagine how he planned on fucking me but it was clear that was what was in my immediate future. The man in my mouth chuckled in approval as if he could read my mind. "Definitely a night of firsts for you eh?" Sliding himself from between my lips he patted my face with a gentleness that somehow made me even more willing to do whatever this man bade me. He motioned to the smaller man I had been stroking to take his place as he moved around behind me. This left me wanking the massive cock of the third guy. My hand sliding up and down it's length as he appreciatively rocked his hips and grunted his pleasure at my manipulation of his impressive organ. The second man stepped in front of me and pressed his cock to my lips. "Show me how much you love this toxic dick slut!" It was the first thing either of the new men had said but in that one sentence I understood that they all had ownership of me in this place. In putting myself in the position they had found me in I had offered myself unequivocally for their use. I immediately began licking and kissing along his shaft, using my tongue to tease his balls and running back up to his sensitive tip. With one hand on the floor now aiding to support myself and one hand still working Mr. Big, I could only use my lips and tongue to please Number Two. So I did. I worshipped that hard cock. Praising it with my mouth with a fervour that showed I knew my place now. Lapping at it with my tongue before taking every inch to the back of my throat and holding myself there until that cock was soaked in my spit. Then sliding my head backwards and forwards with my lips held tight around him. He too began rocking his hips and groaning in pleasure. Behind me I felt the fingers of my first Daddy press into my puffy, cum-soaked, hole. "Still nice and open I see," his other hand rubbed over my cheeks and squeezed my flesh as he finger fucked me harder. As he picked up the pace making me buck and moan his other hand worked a trail under me leaving my nerves tingling at every touch. As he reached my balls he grasped them and squeezed. His probing fingers worked deeper into me pressing firmly against my prostate kneading me from inside. My mouth full of cock I could only manage a strangled moan as my hips bucked urgently and I felt my balls convulse in his grip. Streams of cum splattered the ground under me and my whole body shook with the intensity. Number Two never relented fucking my mouth and Mr. Big kept my hand gripping his tool tightly. Daddy kept working my balls and pumping my hole with his fingers as he said, "That was so hot watching you cum so hard. Now we find out just what kind of bottom you are." Daddy pulled his fingers from me and almost immediately replaced them with his thick cock. I had no time to react or do anything, he was in me again, his big thick poz dick working my insides for the second time. After he had pumped inside me a few times I realised that I was pressing my arse back onto him and my cock was still hard flopping against my stomach as he began pounding my fuckhole. Even though I has just been so wonderfully milked of my cum my horniness had not abated. My need was still clear and present. I squeezed my hole, trying to show Daddy how much I wanted it. He got the message and gripping my hips firmly he began fucking me even harder. "That's it, that's the little slut I saw earlier! It just gets better now." As he said this his thrusts were deep, and measured, and were obviously all about his pleasure but the harder he used my hole the better it felt. At this point, as if choreographed, both Number Two and Mr. Big stepped away leaving me panting and moaning out loud as Daddy ravaged my arse. With both hands free to press into the ground I could brace myself against the powerful thrusts into me but my whole body still shook from each and every impact. My forgotten cock still slapped against my belly with each hard stroke making it throb harder. "Fuck! Yes! Fuck! Yes!" I was gasping a litany of my pleasure at being filled. I glanced up and saw the silhouettes of Number Two and Mr. Big still there, still stroking and still filming everything. Fuck. I had completely forgotten that was happening. I felt the pace pick up as I tried my best to stop collapsing from the hard pounding my now sloppy arsehole was taking and the firm grip on my hips became vice like. "Tell me what you need." There wasn't any question here, he was ordering me, making me say out loud it was ok for him to unload his poison inside me. "Tell. Me. What. You. Need!" His thrusts insistent his voice suddenly with a menacing edge and I felt another level to the excitement of having him fuck me. "I need it, your cock..your fucking cock and cum." I panted letting myself go with it, knowing just what he wanted me to say and why his cohorts were getting it on film. There was no going back from here. He slapped then gripped my arse cheek hard his fingers digging into my flesh making me yelp. "Say it slut!" He was jabbing his dick into my guts at this point clearly on the edge of painting my insides with his dirty payload and I obliged his desires. This was the only moment of control I had had in this entire night of filth and I gave it away in a second. "I need your sperm, your cum, your dirty fucking load!" I shouted as I felt him begin to spear me erratically. "Give me your poz spunk, make me dirty! Fucking breed me!" As I cried out my acquiescence his cock throbbed and he pressed himself all the way inside me. Load number three. My soaked ruined hole was now open for all and I knew it. As Daddy began to pull out of me he suddenly thrust one more time into me and pressed his face to the back of my neck. His kisses were a surprise but I pressed myself back against him relishing this moment of tenderness, he whispered in my ear. "I knew you would be a good boy the moment I put my hands on you, I hope to see you here again but I have to go now. I'll let my friends take care of you now, they are both very keen to enjoy your arse and I know you'll let them. Both of them have high viral loads so if it's not already working it's way into you they'll make sure you're pozzed by morning." I moaned like a whore as he withdrew his softening cock from my slick fuckhole and I stayed on my hands and knees. I knew too that I would willingly take their cocks and their loads. What he said made sense, it was already in me, why not just enjoy this? I'd already enjoyed so much. Daddy stood and quietly spoke to the other two while I waited ready for them to use me as they saw fit. As he left the building the camera was shut off and the room was once again plunged into darkness. Suddenly blind I was immediately apprehensive. I could hear them moving in the darkness and then I felt hands on my skin sliding over me, tracing the shape of my body as they both worked around me. I had no idea which was which or what they wanted to do. All I knew was I had just been handed over to their mercy.
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  41. 5. "You need another hit from the pipe," TJ said. "I do?" I asked. My head was swimming already. I had already done more tina than I had planned, done more poppers than I wanted, and now TJ was suggesting that I continue the process. "Yeah," TJ said. "Get you to the next level." Before I could protest, he had stuck the pipe in my mouth, and was already adjusting the flame on the torch. "Tweaked out faggot boy," he said, as I started to inhale the thick clouds. "Make it good for me," he said. I focused on the pipe and the tendrils of white vapor forming in the bowl. It was far easier than the alternative, which was to focus on my now empty hole. The loads from the three different men were mixing inside of me. My body was absorbing the sperm, learning and incorporating the jizz into a permanent part of me. I would never be able to say I was a pure white man again. "That's what I want from you," TJ said, as I sucked on the pipe. "Get you properly fucked up for a fucked-up night." My lungs were nearly at bursting, and I paused for a moment. "Little bit more," TJ said. I took one last gasp from the pipe. Mercifully, TJ took the pipe from me, rather than forcing me to ask the black man to stop forcing drugs on me. "Now, hold it for me," TJ said. "Focus on my cockhead," he continued, guiding my head back down to his dark, hard shaft. I was getting used to TJ's cock, and this time, the head slid in easily. "Just the cockhead," TJ said, reminding me to not go too deep on the cock. I ran my tongue around the thick head, savoring the pre-cum that was dripping from his piss slit. In the moment, it didn't matter that TJ was black. "Fuck that's good," TJ said. All that mattered was that I was able to give him some pleasure. "Ooph," I said, finally unable to hold my breath any longer. I exhaled, and the thick cloud obscured my head and TJ's dick for a moment. I was suddenly aware that the door was still open. Anyone walking by could see that we were partying. Not that it was a problem; everyone at the club was probably on at least something, if not several drugs. "That's nice," TJ said, and gently guided my head back to his cockhead. "Feels good. Your mouth on my dick." I took the tip into my mouth and licked off a bead of pre-cum. I didn't care that it was pre-cum from a black cock. I didn't even care that the door was wide open and anyone walking by could see me servicing a black man. All that was important was that it was a pre-cum and I was the lucky cocksucker who got to lick it up. "Just keep on doing that," TJ said. I obliged, working my way up and down his shaft, teasing out a few more drops of pre-cum. "You need another hit," TJ said. I shook my head. I had done more tina than I was used to, and it was time for me to slow down. "No," TJ said, contradicting me. "You need another hit." The tone was clear; I had no choice in the matter. I slowly pulled off his cock, carefully lapping up all the mixed pre-cum and spit from his shaft. TJ had the pipe ready, and as soon as my mouth was empty of his dick, he stuck the glass stem in my mouth. "I want you to do a nice big hit," he said. He held the torch under the bowl and carefully heated it up. It seemed like it should have been empty by that point, but the bowl quickly filled up with the thick white clouds. I inhaled slowly but deeply. Like sucking off the black men, getting fucked by a Latino, or all the other things I had done that night, I knew I was doing something I would regret later. But in the heat of the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do. "That's it, cocksucker. Show me what you can do with a glass cock." I stayed focused on the pipe, making sure that as soon as the bowl re-filled, I drained it. "Damn, that's hot. Seeing you suck down those clouds," TJ said. He was smiling, and I wondered what he had planned for me next. Finally, my lungs were filled. I nodded. TJ shook his head. "I know you can do more," he said. "Hungry faggot like you," he continued, and left the torch under the bowl and the pipe in my mouth. I gasped and inhaled even more of the thick clouds. At this point, there was no more air in my lungs; it was all drugs. "That's it. That little extra is going to send you flying," TJ said, and finally, mercifully, removed the pipe from my mouth. He guided my head down to his dick and then started to suck on the pipe himself. "Oh yeah," he grunted, careful not to lose too much of the drug. "Fucking good stuff." As I sucked on his cock, he took a long hit from the pipe. One hand, he used to adjust the torch, but the other rested on the top of my head, just in case I had any doubts about my job at the moment. It was obvious that he wanted me to hold the hit. I did just that, even as I wondered if I would pass out from lack of air. Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer, and I exhaled my hit. "That's it," TJ said. "Get you up in the clouds." I dared to look up at him briefly and saw him staring off into the distance. TJ's eyes were glazed over in that familiar haze of drug-induced pleasure, where all that mattered to him was the pipe and my mouth on his dick. "Mmmmmm," he moaned, as my mouth went back down on his thick, dark shaft. "Just what I'm needing right now," he continued. I looked up and saw him exhale a thick cloud. Even as high as I was, I couldn't help but want a little more of those wonderful white clouds, and the way they pushed our boundaries and limits. "One more, I think," TJ said, as he stuck the pipe back in his mouth. It was another leisurely hit from the pipe, making sure that his lungs were filled with the white clouds. I wanted to make him feel good as he held the hit, so I forced myself as far down on his dick as I could. Although I only made it about two thirds of the way, he still grunted appreciatively, and pushed my head a bit further down. I fought off the urge to gag. "Mmmmm," he groaned again, as he finally put the pipe and torch down. I glanced up. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the simple pleasures of getting head. There was enough light from the open door for me to see the smile playing on his face. Finally, he exhaled, and his head was enveloped by the cloud. By the time it drifted down towards the floor, TJ's eyes were open, and he was staring down at me. "Fuck," he said. "This is damn good shit. And you're not a half bad cocksucker, either." My stomach did a flip when he complimented me, as perverted as it seemed to be happy about a nigger complimenting me on my talents sucking his dick. "You think you're ready for a nigger to fuck you?" he asked me. I pulled off of his dick, just long enough to confirm I had heard him properly. "You want to fuck me?" I asked. "Me?" he answered, albeit slowly. There was the languid pace of speaking that I knew was how some men responded to the drugs. I ran my tongue around his cock. He deserved nothing less than my utter devotion to his ebony shaft. "Me?" he asked again. "No. Not yet. Waiting for the magic hour." "Magic hour?" I asked. "Yeah," TJ said. "Magic hour. You'll know when it is. But don't worry. It's not for a while yet. Plenty of time for you to have fun." "Yeah?" I asked, and went back down on TJ's cock, waiting for him to explain more. The room grew darker. It took me a moment to realize that it was someone standing in the door. "He as good of a cocksucker as he looks?" the stranger said. I started to turn my head to get a glimpse of him, but TJ put his hand on my skull and held me in place. "Oh yeah," TJ said. "And his ass has been pretty popular as well." "Fuck," he said. There was a bit of an accent to his voice, almost French, but with a hint of a song. "That's hot. Bareback?" "Is there any other way to fuck?" "I gotta breed a hole," the stranger said. "Knock that faggot up." "That's what he's here for," TJ said. "Just a hole for our pleasure." The stranger was now behind me, his cock pressing up against my asshole. Unlike the earlier men, I could tell he was circumcised. There was not the softness of the foreskin cloaking the stiffness of his phallus. This time, there was no buffer between me and the stranger. "Right on," the stranger said. "That what I think it is?" he asked. Even though my lips were still wrapped around TJ's dick and I was staring at his curly black bush, it was obvious that the stranger was talking about the glass pipe. "Yeah. You want a hit?" "Hell yeah," the stranger said. "First things first though." From somewhere unknown, he produced a bottle of lube, and let a few cold drops of it land on my hole. "He's got a few loads up there already. Not sure you'll need that." "So much the better." In a gap in the music, I heard the bottle land on the bed next to me. His cock pressed up against my hole. The three men who had fucked me had done their job well. My hole was open and loose, and at best, I could only put up a token resistance to his thick cock invading me. "Everything is better when it's the way Allah intended it," the man said. "Allah," he had said. The accent was Arab, from the former French colonies. I had been fucked by two Latinos, a Greek, and now a Muslim. When TJ had said I would be fucked by all the colors of the rainbow, he had not been kidding. "Allah," he had said. His dick had slid into me easily. The accumulated cum had lubricated its passage, and I could feel his balls slapping against my ass. I was continuing down a bad path: I was letting men of all ethnicities and religions fuck me. I wanted the familiar pleasure of a white cock, a good Christian cock, not this sand nigger forcing himself on me. "Here you go," TJ said, passing the party supplies to the latest stranger pounding my hole. "Nice," the stranger said. There was the familiar hiss of the torch, then the slowing of his strokes as he took the deep breaths of the drug. "Fuuuuck," he moaned, then pushed his dick further into me. "Fuuuuck," he moaned again, pulled out, and slammed back into me. "Fucking nice hole," he said. The tina cloud drifted down over my head. "Do another," TJ said. The stranger shoved his dick in to me; at the moment, I was little more than a dick holster for him as he got tweaked out on the crystal I had brought. It was a good feeling, making him happy in so many ways. "And don't hold back on this faggot's ass. He's due for a good fucking tonight." "Oh yeah," the stranger said. "Gonna make him feel like the faggot he is." I already felt like a worthless faggot. My throat was stuffed full of Black cock, my ass was dripping with Latino cum and it was stuffed full of Arab cock. It was hard to imagine getting any lower than being a plaything for these virile, horny, hungry ethnic men. I was a white man. These men should be taking care of me. The anger flared for a moment, but only for a moment. My thoughts were intense but fleeting. The stranger pushed his dick deeper into me, and my imagination jumped to the possibilities of an Arab cock deep in my gut. "Oh, I think he feels like that already," TJ said. The torch was hissing, so I didn't expect a reply from the stranger. TJ continued. "Don't you? Cock in both holes. Must be in faggot heaven." I nodded in agreement, feeling TJ's dick press against my throat as I moved my head. "Fuck," TJ moaned as I did so. "That feels good." He pushed my head down, making me take a few more inches of his dick. I fought back the urge to gag; TJ deserved better than me rejecting his shaft like that. "Ins ‘Allah," the stranger said. "How much cum does he have? He's so wet." "Just a fucking slut, getting what he needs," TJ said. A white cloud floated past my head. I heard the torch again. The stranger was doing a third hit. The horrible tweaker need kicked in, and I wanted that hit to be mine. I didn't want him smoking all of my stuff. "Yeah. Get what you need," TJ said. "I've got plenty more." I had forgotten that TJ had been smoking his own pipe. He must have at least a bit more crystal. Even a small amount would be enough to keep the party going for a few more hours. There was a pause. I could hear only the loudest of the puffs from the pipe over the music. The music had shifted. It was no longer the thumping techno music. Now, it was a deep house mix of a 1970s era sleazy porn movie soundtrack. I wondered if it was a harbinger of what the night had in store for me. "Oh god this is a hot fucking hole," the stranger finally said, as the clouds slowly filled the room. "Use it," TJ said. He took the pipe back from the stranger. The Arab put his hands on my hips and start truly to pound my hole. It was intense enough that I had to brace myself to keep from totally impaling my throat on TJ's dick. I wasn't totally successful, and another two inches of TJ's shaft disappeared into my throat. This time I wasn't completely successful in repressing my gag reflex. TJ leaned in, holding my head in his hands and forcing me to keep his cock buried in my throat. "Fight through it, faggot" TJ said. "This is what you were born to do." "OH FUCK," the stranger said. "This is fucking amazing. His ass. Milking my dick." "Yeah?" TJ asked. "You like that? "Oh, hell yeah," the stranger said. "Well, not hard to make it happen again." "Fuckin' A'," he said. "Bring it fucking on." "Better get him ready for it," TJ said. He fumbled on the bed and found the bottle of poppers. "Big hit for me, cocksucker. Then all the way down." I nodded dumbly. It was hard to believe that this was happening to me, and I wasn't just watching a nasty porn movie. But it was hard to deny the sheer reality of it. Buried in my throat and my ass was a dark, hard cock; coursing through my veins was far too much tina, and now under my nose was a fresh bottle of poppers. "Hold it for me," TJ continued, as he took the bottle away and screwed the cap back on. He dropped the bottle on the bed, then rested his hands on the top of my head. I gulped a little extra air, then swallowed. TJ's cock slid smoothly into my throat and before I realized it, two thirds of his black shaft where nestled deep in my throat. "Ready?" he asked; it was unclear if the question was directed at me or the Arab man. I nodded, although it was far more acquiescence than agreement. "I've been ready," the Arab said. With the permission from the both of us, TJ pushed down on my head, forcing his cock deeper into my throat, way my point of comfort. The results were immediate and exactly what I feared. My body rebelled against the invasion, and I was racked with visceral discomfort and agony. "Oh, fuck yeah," he said, as he slammed his dick in and out of me. "Fucking milk my dick. Make me cum in that slutty white hole of yours." TJ relented for a second, and I gasped for air. I remembered wondering if he had really just called me a slut. But then, I tried to count the men that had fucked me. There was the first stranger. Then there was Jose, and then Demitri. That didn't even count the anonymous black cocks I had serviced at the glory hole, or the very first man, TJ, in the back room of where I worked. The latest stranger was right. I was a slut. I tried to say it in my head. "I'm a slut," but I couldn't do it. Despite the reality of my position, I couldn't quite admit it to myself. However, my brief moment of clarity was quickly yanked from me. It had only been enough time to take a quick gasp, before TJ pushed me back down on his cock. "Make me feel good, cocksucker," TJ said. "Wanna see you choke on all of it." "You think he can take it all?" the other guy asked. "I know he can. Because I'm gonna fucking make him take it all." TJ was leaning in, pushing me further down on his cock. I was struggling against him, trying to do anything but have his dick buried in my throat. He pressed his face up close to my ear. "Don't fight it," he said. "It's going to happen. And if you don't fight, you might be able to enjoy it." I froze. "Hell yeah, faggot," the stranger said. "This is gonna be a night to remember." TJ pushed my head down. Before I realized what was happening, another inch of TJ's thick cock disappeared into my mouth, and his cockhead pushed further into my throat. Even if it took me a moment to understand what had happened, my body's response was immediate. I started to gag uncontrollably as spit and drool dripping out of my mouth and down TJ's shaft while I fought to regain my composure. "Fuck," the stranger said, as his dick slid deep into my ass. "Fuck," he repeated. "Yeah?" TJ said. "You gonna breed the faggot?" "Fuck yeah," he replied, as his pace picked up and his dick hardened. I was still desperate for some relief; TJ's dick was almost completely buried in my throat, and I couldn't remember the last time I had breathed air. But, I realized that my body's spasms of discomfort must have felt like the most intense dick massage the man had ever gotten. "You've got me fucking on edge." "Breed him," TJ said. "That's what the faggot is here for." He leaned in towards me. "Aren't you faggot? Here for a real man's pleasure?" I nodded as best I could. TJ's dick was uncontrollably slipping deeper into my throat and it dripped pre-cum directly into my stomach as it continued to choke off my airways. It felt like I was getting precariously close to passing out, but the promised oblivion never arrived. Instead, seconds stretched into an eternity as the stranger's cock slid in and out of my body, and TJ's cock bored its way deeper in my throat. "This feels fucking awesome," the stranger said. "I'm going to remember this." "Go for it," TJ said. "Mark your territory." "Oh, fuck yeah," the Arab said. In my heightened state of awareness, I was acutely attuned to his every action and motion. His dick had been thickening and the drip of pre-cum was now a steady stream of thick man-juice. "Getting close," he admitted. "Do it," TJ said. The top of my nose was brushing against his wiry black pubes. I had swallowed almost all of his dick. I felt like I was going to be sick, but whether it was from the throat fucking or the utter humiliation of gagging on a nigger dick, it was hard to tell. "That's it faggot. Take all of my big black cock." "He fucking swallowed it all," the stranger said. He slammed his cock into me. "And took all of my rod. Fucking slut," he continued. He pulled his dick out and forced it back into me. "Fucking slut," he repeated, as he repeated his actions. "Fucking take my load." His cock twitched, spasmed, and spurted. A jet of sperm shot down the length and directly into my raw hole. I had taken one more strange man's load, which was just another step down the dark and depraved path I now found myself on. "Give it to him," TJ said. "Make him feel you breed him." "Inshallah," the stranger said. Another surge of pressure traced the length of his dick, landing deep in my hole. "Inshallah," he repeated, even as he was inseminating another man. I wondered if this quiet prayer would be heard, and if it was, what would be his god's response to it. "Inshallah," he said once more, as another jet of sperm landed in my ass. "Fill him up. Breed that slut hole of his." "Inshallah," he repeated. The sperm was flowing freely from his cock. As TJ had commanded him, he was marking my hole with his seed, making me his personal fuck toy. "Fuck," he muttered, as the spurts grew less intense. "Hole milked my balls dry," he said. "Right on," TJ said. Mercifully, he released his grip on my skull. I took the opportunity and gasped for breath, unsure what TJ or the stranger had planned for me next. "Made that hole yours, huh?" "Fuck," the Arab said. "Faggot hole sucked that load out of me." "Feels good," TJ said. "Doesn't it? That feeling when your balls are totally drained of cum." "You know it," he said. "Gonna sleep well tonight." He slowly pulled out of my hole. The chance to breathe freely had not diminished the acuity of my senses; I could feel every drop of the accumulated jizz ooze past his cockhead as he pulled out. It was an amazing feeling, but it was also painfully obvious that this was the feeling of subjugation. It was hard to imagine how much lower I could go than to have some anonymous Muslim guy fuck me raw and cum in me as a black man choked me with his dick. "Big load?" TJ asked. "More than enough to lube him up for you," the stranger laughed. "Oh, it's going to be a while before he gets this up his ass." TJ shook his dick, even as his cockhead was still lodged in my mouth. I eagerly swallowed the extra few drops of pre-cum that leaked out. "I still have his throat to destroy." "Won't be able to talk in the morning." "All a faggot needs to know how to say is 'Please,'" TJ said. I couldn't see his face, but his tone betrayed not the slightest hint of hilarity. "Twisted," the stranger said. He had just the head of his dick still inside me. "You're a hot, sick fuck." His dickhead fell out of my ass. A bit of jizz dribbled out. It was warm, but it quickly cooled down as it dribbled down my leg. He slapped me on the ass. "Hope you know what you got yourself into," he said to me. He stepped off the bed and wrapped the towel around his waist. "Door open?" he asked TJ. "Open. Gotta find the cocksucker more dick." "Nasty, twisted faggot," the Arab said. His voice was clearer, less muddled than earlier. The fuck-fog was starting to clear, and he had a moment of lucidity. "Sick," he muttered.
    1 point
  42. 6. Jay I was empty. Rod had pulled his cock out of me. I had barely kept it together when he had been fucking me, and I was learning that the alternative, not being fucked, was even worse. The only thing that made it bearable was that Rod had cum in me. In the heat and passion of getting fucked, I hadn't even noticed him cum. But as I took my first hesitant steps, I could feel his seed slosh within me. It felt good, to have a man like Rod fuck me. It felt even better to have his load inside of me. "I'm sure you can get more," Rod said. "You've got a great ass." "Thanks," I said, a bit embarrassed. I had played around a bit with girls, but somehow, it had never felt quite right. But this, now, this was totally different. It felt natural to have another man's cock in my ass. It felt right. Now that Rod had pulled out of me, I was empty. All I could think about was how to get him back inside of me. It didn't even have to be Rod. I wanted a dick in my hole. Any dick. "It felt good. Really good." "I'm sure it did," Rod said. "You want to join the party?" He motioned to the balcony door. The lights in the hotel room were dim now, but I could make out some of the men inside. There seemed to be more men, some on the couches, some still standing. All of them were wearing less clothes than before. "Sure," I said. I went to where my clothes were piled up. "Don't worry about those," Rod said. "You won't need them. Besides, you look better naked." I blushed, and followed Rod to the door. He hadn't bothered with clothes either. There was an economy of motion with him; no motion was superfluous. It had been the same when he had been fucking me. Every movement had been done with his pleasure in mind; now, in walking, every movement was done with intention. He paused for a moment at the door. "Ready?" he asked. "Of course." Even this close, it was still hard to make out exactly what was happening in the hotel room. Men were standing as to obscure what seemed like important activities going on in the room. "Should I not be?" "No," Rod said. He reached out and grabbed my ass. "You're more than prepared for this." He opened the door. There was a slight rush of air out, and I could feel the warmth against my skin. I inhaled; it was the scent of sweat and masculinity and a new scent, one that I immediately knew as sex and passion. It was like a locker room, crossed with an orgy. My dick responded immediately. "Welcome back," a man said. It took me a moment to recognize him as Aiden. "You're just in time." My head was still swimming in the electrifying scent of the room. I took a moment to survey the room. The lights were dim, and there was a haze in the room. I could smell a bit of weed, but not enough to account for the cloudiness. It made me think of an opium den; there was something dark occurring here, but I didn't know what it was. "Would hate to be late for this party," Rod said. Aiden had crossed over and was standing by me. He took my arm, and guided me deeper into the room. "I want you to meet someone," Aiden said, as he propelled me into the dark room. "He's been working for me for a while now. I think the two of you would get along well." Even if I didn't know where I was going in the dim room, Aiden did. We headed towards one of the far corners of the room. As we walked, looked around. On one of the couches, two of the men I had seen earlier were now naked, their legs spread wide. Two of the younger men were kneeling, their lips wrapped around the older men's cocks, giving them head. As we passed, one of the older men flicked a lighter. The intense blue flame barely illuminated his face as he heated up a glass bowl. But before I could see what happened next, Aiden gently pushed me along. "You'll find out soon enough," he said, in reference to the glass pipe I had seen. It was a little lighter in the corner than the rest of the room. There was a candle sitting on a table there, and it provided enough light to see the two men standing around it. One was a younger man, maybe just a bit older than me, and right about my height. He was wearing little more than underwear and a pair of sneakers. The other was a hulking black man. He was maybe only an inch taller, but he was far more muscular, and between the muscle and a pair of black leather boots, he seemed far bigger. He had on a pair of boxers. "This is Tucker," Aiden said, indicating the smaller white boy. "And this is Jay." "Nice to meet you, Jay," Tucker said. "And this is Damon." "Hey," Damon grunted. "Tucker, Jay is new here. He's just had a chance to get acquainted with Rod." "Heh," Damon snorted. "Acquainted." He knew exactly what Rod and I had done on the patio, and didn't care for Aiden's polite euphemism for our man-on-man fucking. "Maybe you can help him get to know Tina, and then see where she takes you?" "Hell yeah," Damon grunted again. It was hard not to stare at his perfect, dark body. There was hardly an ounce of body fat on him, and every muscle was visible under his taut skin. I glanced down quickly, but it was hard to tell what he was packing with the loose boxer briefs. I remembered my middle school days, where the rumor among the boys had been how hung the black boys at the school across town had been. I wondered if Damon would re-enforce the stereotype. "I can do that," Tucker said. He reached out and ran a hand down my back, coming to rest on one of my ass cheeks. He paused, just enough to remind me who was in control here. "It's gonna be fun," he continued. "Jay is gonna love it so much." I nodded in agreement. "Right on. I'll be back in a bit. Time for me to find some of my own trouble," Aiden said, and soon disappeared into the stand of men in the center of the room. It might have been my imagination, but more of them seemed naked than just a few seconds ago. I tried hard not to stare, but the thoughts of the hard cocks just a glance away were hard to resist. "This is your first time here?" Tucker asked me. I nodded, not wanting to admit just how naive I was. "That's cool. First time for everything. You partied before?" "Party?" I asked. It seemed like a strange to ask. "You know, Tina." He held up a glass pipe with a round bowl at one end. It was filled with small white crystals. It was the same kind of pipe I had seen the guy heat up earlier. "You'll love it," Tucker continued. He held a torch under the bowl; the crystals quickly melted and the bowl filled with a white vapor. "Just inhale, like you would a cigarette or a joint." He demonstrated it, draining the bowl several times. "Shotgun it," Damon said. He moved behind me, pressing his body against mine. His skin was hot, with just enough sweat for it to slide against me. Chills ran down my spine, directly to my dick. "Yeah," Tucker said. He pressed his lips against mine. "Inhale," Damon whispered into my ear. I did and as I did, Tucker exhaled his hit into my lungs. "Hold it," he said. Tucker made sure that I couldn't exhale by keeping his lips against mine. Tucker's tongue probed my mouth, as the shotgun turned into a long kiss. "Hold it," Damon continued. His dick was growing, pressing against my ass, and it felt massive. It was a rush of sensations, as I tried to hold my breath, even as I was desperate to exhale. "Feel it?" Damon asked. I nodded. "Good. Exhale." Tucker released his lips, and I exhaled. It was a thick white cloud that momentarily obscured his face. As I exhaled, I really started to feel it. It was a feeling of freedom and possibility, of happiness and potential. Barriers that I had erected for myself came down, and anything was possible. "Oh fuck," I moaned, and pressed back against Damon. I wanted to feel his dick, regardless of how big it was. I wanted his dick inside me, filling me up, and challenging the limits of my anatomy. "Yeah, you're feeling it," Damon said. "Another one?" I nodded. "Of course he wants more," Tucker said. "It's your turn now." He put the pipe in my mouth. "Let's do this one right," Damon said, and pushed down his boxers. I felt his dick nestle in my ass crack. It was a perfect home for it. "Make it a big one." I was scared of what I was getting myself into. Whatever the drug was in that pipe, it was powerful and quick-acting. I felt the warmth from it fill my entire body and infiltrate my brain. Even as I worried about the effects of the drug, my ass rubbed up against Damon's thick black cock, to get him as stiff as possible. I exhaled the last of the previous hit, to get my lungs as empty as possible for the next one. "Of course it's going to be a big one," Tucker said. "Just wait for the bowl to fill, then inhale slowly. He held the torch under the bowl. This close, it was easy to see the bowl fill with a thick white cloud. I waited, then Tucker nodded. I began to slowly inhale. I expected the smoke to be harsher, more like weed or cigarette smoke. But it was smooth and easy. "Not so fast. Give it time. Savor it," Tucker said. "Lots of time to have fun tonight," Damon said. He wrapped an arm around me, holding me tight. "I want you flying tonight." I kept my eye on the bowl, draining it on a regular basis. Finally, my lungs were full, and I nodded that I was satisfied. "Just a little more," Damon said. I thought my lungs were going to burst, but I did what Damon told me, inhaling two more gulps of the cloud. "Fucking hot," Tucker said. He took the pipe from my mouth and stuck it in his, sucking down on the thick clouds. "Now, hold it," Damon said. One arm was still wrapped around me, holding me. With his other, he put his hand over my mouth, and pinched my nose closed. "Hold it until I tell you." At first, it felt almost safe, to be under the control of a strong black man. But it didn't take long for my body to demand, selfishly, the right to breathe. I tried, but found such a simple thing was being denied. "You can breathe when I want you to," Damon said. "Come on," Tucker said. He exhaled his cloud in my face, taunting me with his ability to breath at his pleasure. "He's new at this." "I know," Damon said. "That's why I'm doing this." I was starting to get frantic, trying to breath, and was squirming in an effort to escape. But Damon's arm held me tight and his hand was unyielding. He leaned in and whispered to me. "Just think what it's going to be like when my cock is inside you." I shivered. His dick was now a steel shaft against my ass. It was hard to tell if he was leaking pre-cum, or if Rod's cum was starting to leak out of me. Either way, his dick was sliding up and down, pressing against my hole, and demanding entrance. The night had suddenly taken a brutally serious turn. Even worse, whatever I was smoking was keeping me from being scared. The shiver was less from fear and more from hungry anticipation. I was struggling, helplessly, for breath, and my cock was throbbing. "Fuck, this is going to be good," Damon whispered, as he finally released his grip on my face. I exhaled, and gasped for breath. "You want another hit?" Tucker asked me. I hadn't yet caught my breath but I wasn't in control of my body any longer. "Yeah," I said, my mouth answering for me. "I do." "Damn boy," Damon said. "You're a natural at this. We're gonna have to play a lot more." He reached down and stroked my dick. I thought I was going to explode as the sensations ricocheted across my body. "Give him what he needs." We repeated the process, every step of it. Tucker inserted the pipe into my mouth and held the torch. I inhaled big gulps of the white cloud, and then Damon put his hand back over my mouth and nose. Even though I knew it was coming and how it would feel, it was still impossible for me to suppress my instincts to fight back against Damon's actions. "Just relax," Damon said. "We're only just beginning." I tried my best, but whatever was in the pipe was making it hard for me to concentrate. My mind was constantly flitting in all sorts of directions, thinking about my throbbing cock, before turning to my hungry, needy hole, and then skittering off back to my dick. The only constant was Damon's strong hand cupped over my mouth and nose, the band around his ring finger pressed against my lip. As black spots started to cloud my vision, Damon relented. "My turn," he said to Tucker, and released his hold on me. I gasped for breath, as Damon took the pipe and torch from Tucker. He made no effort to move away from me; the flame was close enough that I could feel the heat against my cheek, and could hear him inhale the thick drug. "Big clouds, huh," Tucker said. Damon just nodded, focused on the pipe. He handed the pipe back to Tucker; the young man stuck the still-warm stem in his mouth and inhaled as he re-lit the torch. Damon held his hit for a long time before grabbing my jaw, twisting my head around, and exhaling his hit into my mouth. "Hold it, boy," he said. This time, at least, he let me decide when I had had too much. Still, I tried to hold it as long as I could, before exhaling. Damon was still pressed up against me, his dick still nestled in my crack. I found myself involuntarily grinding my ass against him, eager for him to put his penis into my ass. "Yeah, boy, I know you want it now." His body was warm against me, and for a brief moment, I was at peace. But then, his dick twitched and grew, and my hunger for cock returned. "But first, I think you need another chance to suck on the glass pipe As soon as he spoke, Tucker stuck the pipe back in my mouth and held the torch under it. It was still warm, and it didn't take long before it was smoking again. "Make it a big one," Damon said. He continued, somewhat ominously, "You're going to need it." "He can take it," Tucker said. Nevertheless, I did as I was told, and inhaled deeply from the pipe. I was starting to get the hang of it, and this time, I could feel the thick clouds collecting in my lungs. "Fuck, look at him. He's a fucking natural." "I know," Damon said. "You should feel how his hole is trying to gobble up my dick. He's a hungry little faggot." I tensed at the word "Faggot." It had always been the worst of the schoolyard taunts. I had managed to escape it for so long. But now, it was hardly calling me a name. I had kissed another man. I had let him fuck me up the ass. Now, barely ten minutes later, I was all but begging a totally different man to fuck me. It was hard to deny that "faggot" now fit me. He rubbed his cheek against my neck and ear. The stubble on his face was rough, like sandpaper. It was not the soft skin of a woman, but the bristly whiskers of a man, and despite how much had grown in on his cheeks, I knew if I asked, he would say he had shaven that morning. It reminded me how I just barely had scruff on my face, despite not shaving for nearly four weeks now. He was more of a man that I would ever be, and it was an honor to be his faggot. "Big hit for me, faggot boy," Damon said, as I started to slow down on the pipe. "Get your head up in the clouds." I nodded. I wanted to make him happy, and if that entailed sucking down more of this drug, I was more than willing to do it. Even though I thought I had filled my lungs full, I drained the bowl a few more times. "That's good, Damon said, just as my lungs reached their ultimate capacity. "This is going to be really good." "His first time is going to be one to remember," Tucker said. He took the pipe out of my mouth, and Damon immediately put his hand back over my mouth and nose. This time, his ring pressed against my lips. As the hit of the drugs started to wrap its influence around my brain, my mind once more jumped to wild thoughts and conclusions. I wondered if he was married, and if he was married, whether it was to a man or a woman. Damon must have been reading my mind. "Yeah," he said. "Feel that against your lips?" I nodded. "Yeah, that's my wedding ring. But you know why I come here?" I shook my head. I barely knew what "here" was. much less why these men had come together. "Love my wife. She's amazing. But you know, she isn't into all the things I like." I nodded; it was hard to follow the exact words, the air I needed to think had been displaced by the drugs. "And boys like you, well, boys like you let me do anything I fucking want." "Umpph," I managed to grunt, but only the slightest but of the cloud escaped. I had no prayer of getting more air, and I felt my strength gently sap away. Nevertheless, I wasted valuable energy rubbing my ass up against his cock. Damon's dick was thick and hard, warm with the blood flowing through it. I wanted to feel it inside me. I wanted to milk it dry, and get his load. "Oh yeah," Tucker said. He had just done his own hit, and his words were formed from clouds. "Stop teasing him and fuck him." "Ready for it?" Damon asked. He nodded my head up and down for me. "I knew you were." Tucker was fading out of my vision as I struggled against his grip. I didn't know what I wanted: to give in to the faggot that had been hiding deep inside me all those years? or to escape, and pretend that I hadn't seen who I really was. It was good that Damon was making these decisions for me. He could give me what I needed. "Of course he is," Tucker said. A part of me knew he was standing right in front of me, but I couldn't see him. I couldn't see anything beyond a few blurs, as the drugs took over. Damon's cockhead was now pressed against my hole. "Give it to him." Damon pressed into me. His hand over my mouth was perfect for the leverage he needed to press his manhood into my hole. I was glad that Rod had fucked me earlier; if Rod was just merely large, Damon's shaft was massive; at least an inch thicker around, and several inches longer. Damon didn't give me any chance to adjust, and just pressed himself all the way into me. "Oh fuck, faggot," Damon grunted. "That's the raw hole I need. Fuck you good, and give you my babies." I was impaled on his cock. He slammed in and out of me, each stroke reminding me how I was little more than a fuck-toy for the black man. He still had his hand over my mouth, and it was getting far harder to concentrate. I had already closed my eyes; looking just felt too hard. All that I focused on was Damon's dick, forcing its way into me. "Oh damn! You've got a load up there. Fucking nasty boy." "You better let the boy breathe," Tucker said. In the drug-filled haze, I wondered what would happen if Damon refused. Consciousness was already draining away from me and I didn't know how long I would be able to hold out. But, Damon had one small mercy, and released his grip on my nose. I exhaled as quickly as I could, the thick cloud enveloping my head. I quickly inhaled, terrified that Damon would take away the small privilege of breath away from me again. "Awww. But it feels so good. The way the faggot relaxes his hole. No resistance. Just pleasure." "For you," Tucker said. "What?" Damon sneered. "You think I'm worried about the whore? That's what he's here for. For me to use." "You don't want to break him." "I dunno. You remember last time." Tucker winced. He was remembering something, something he didn't want to remember. I wondered what that memory was. "I do. And I told you can't do it again." "To you," Damon said. His cock was sliding, long, agonizing strokes in and out of me. I was glad that Rod had cum in me; the lubrication from the cum was desperately needed. "I didn't say anything about our tweaker whore here." With that, he slapped my ass. It stung; the last time I had been spanked was when I was six, over twelve years ago. But this time, it wasn't about being a bad boy. It was about being a good boy. About making Damon feel good. Making him feel like a man. Making him feel like he could do anything he wanted. I wanted him to feel good, because that was the way I was going to get his load. Tucker leaned in towards me. "I know that face," he said, as he pressed his lips against mine. His tongue pressed into my mouth. It was far too easy to respond to his kiss. I relaxed. Damon had the experience to know what was coming next, and pushed his steel shaft even further into my body. "You head is way in the clouds," Tucker said. "It's a dangerous place to be." "It's the only place for him," Damon said. "I want to see the two of you share another hit." "Of course." Tucker said. He produced the now-familiar glass pipe, but this time he stuck it in his mouth. It was my first chance to watch him up close, and I stared at the solid blue flame as it heated the bowl. It wasn't long before the thick white clouds started to form. Tucker took long slow hits from the pipe, never letting the bowl completely empty. "That's how a boy hits the pipe," Damon said. "Watch and learn." I didn't have to be told. I was mesmerized by the sight. I wanted to see Tucker get high, just like me. I wanted to know how far he would go and if what his limits were. As I stared, Damon pushed his dick deep in me. He was forcing Rod's cum deeper into me, where it could burrow into my body and become a permanent part of me. I could hardly resist such an idea, and pushed back against Damon. His dick only got deeper in me. "That's it," Damon said. "Your turn," Tucker said, as he finally pulled the pipe out of his mouth. The pipe was hot and still smoking. Thick tendrils of the white cloud sunk down, taking seeming minutes before they dissipated, like the contrails of a high-flying jetliner. He leaned in again, and pressed his lips against mine. I knew what to expect, and had already emptied my lungs. Tucker paused. He closed his eyes and savored the sensation of the drug flooding into his body and taking over. When he opened his eyes, I could tell it was no longer quite the same person as before. He was hungry; he needed something that he didn't have. I understood his desire. I had Damon's cock in my ass. It was enough to take the edge off, but knew what he was feeling. "That's the Tucker I want," Damon said, seeing the same need in the young man's face. Tucker leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. He exhaled and filled my lungs with the thick clouds. As he did, Damon pressed even more of his cock into my hole. "All the way in," he said. I gasped; this was more than just filling me up like Rod's cock. This was practically splitting me in two, and I struggled to get comfortable. Unfortunately, my struggles only meant I sucked more of the cloud out of Tucker's lungs. "It's OK," Damon said. "I know it's a big one. But don't worry. You're doing better than Tucker did the first time." Tucker suddenly froze at the memory. "Yeah," Damon said. "First time I fucked him, he passed out when I stuck it all in. Didn't you, Tucker-boy?" Tucker only nodded. He kept his mouth against mine, his tongue exploring my mouth, and prevented me from exhaling the hit. Damon pulled out, leaving just his fat cockhead in my hole. Tucker released his lip-lock on me at the same time, and involuntarily, I exhaled the hit. I shivered. I couldn't tell if it was from the drugs, from being suddenly empty of dick, or from fear of getting Damon's cock all the way back into me. "I'm sorry," Tucker said. "Your cock. It's big." "Oh, don't worry. I know it's big. It's OK. You just need more practice." Damon pushed his cock back into me. I gasped, but forced myself to take it. I didn't want to disappoint or demean Damon by rejecting his cock. He must have noticed, because he continued. "But Jay here, he's taking it like a faggot should." "Did you really pass out?" I asked. "Yeah," Tucker said. "And?" "And what?" Damon asked. "I continued fucking him. He's a faggot. That's what he's here for." Tucker nodded in silent agreement. "He did. When I came to, he was pounding my hole." He put the pipe in his mouth again. It was still smoking, but nevertheless he held the torch under it. As soon as the bowl started to smoke, he inhaled, pulling in deep gulps of the thick cloud. I wondered if he was trying to remember or trying to forget. However, I didn't have much of a chance to wonder. Damon had started slamming his dick in me, each stroke seemingly deeper and harder than the one before. I understood why Tucker had passed out; Damon was a machine, fucking me harder than I had even seen in porn. It didn't seem possible that I could withstand it and I silently prayed that he would let up. However, the prayers were for naught. After each stroke, he slammed back in, harder and more intense than before.
    1 point
  43. - In a Catholic church, on the organ bench by the choir director. - In a hospital maintenance room. - Several graveyards, changing rooms and backs of buses. ..
    1 point
  44. Absolutely! Especially if I'm forced to. Being made to piss myself in public, and telling the top while I'm doing it, so hot.
    1 point
  45. I did this once....got a cheap sleazy room, posted on Craigslist that "Door had red scarf tied to it" gave the hotel name and floor number, and said that i am "simply a fuck toy" and that "no cock or cumload is refused, and that definitely includes toxic cumloads" and I lost count after the 14th cumload. It was amazing. Made me feel like a good boy. ????
    1 point
  46. Recently started wearing the chrome one again. Love the feel of a big package, cock and balls rubbing against my jeans/shorts (no underwear) and gives me a semi-hard on practically all day ;-)
    1 point
  47. Chapter 3 I could feel that Mike’s cock hadn’t softened a bit. Maybe they’d given him Viagra, too? Without pulling out, he began to fuck me again, and this time I was able to put my arms around him as we kissed, and run my hands down his back, feel his ass muscles flexing as he drove inside me, urging him to thrust harder and faster. “You’re amazing,” I said in whisper. “No, you are. I knew you were the one, the minute I saw you,” Mike said. “Play with my balls, that’ll make me cum fast and hard.” I shivered with the intensity of our mutual desire, and felt a funny twinge behind my solar plexus. I worked my hand down between us, stroking and tickling his balls, reaching back to gently stroke his asshole, then teasing touches to the front of his dick as he pumped in and out of me. His huge, heavy balls began to tighten, and he started to drive his thrusts into me again. This time he covered my mouth with his, sticking his tongue inside my mouth to ravage me, just as his cock was ravaging my butt. He was still hitting that spot inside my butt, make me crave more and more of his hard cock, wanting more of his cum, no longer afraid. He broke off the kiss to shout to the room, “Ave libidinem, he is mine,” and like before, he gave three brutally hard thrusts, I felt his cock spasm, but this time my hands were free to grab his clenched butt and pull him so that his load would go deep inside of me. I came just as hard as I had a short while ago, and my response was driving Mike and his was driving me. He collapsed on top of me, again, his heart hammering. We shared a few lazy kisses, oblivious to the rest of the room, until the Father Scorpion said, “Show us the mixture, the blending of our charged seed and the Initiate’s blood.” Mike pulled out of me and I caught a glimpse of his cock, which was coated with a shiny, pinkish layer of what I assumed was his cum, the Acolyte’s cum and my blood. He stood and first showed his still rigid dick to our Father in Lust, who raised his fists and announced “The breeding has begun. Show your brothers the mixture of our contributions this night and the Initiate’s blood.” Mike turned towards our audience and was greeted by cheers and shouts of Ave libidinem and Fratres, in cupiditate. The Father commanded, “Initiate: prepare to clean his member with your mouth.” Member? Member of what? I didn’t get a chance to ask what that meant; Mike knelt over my face and brought his dick to my lips. I felt slightly queasy at the thought of licking and sucking his blood and semen covered cock, but I closed my eyes and thought about how this would please Mike. And judging from his gasps, he was more than pleased. Maybe he’d fuck me again when I was done. Once I’d finished, the Father directed “Now the rest of the Sons of the Scorpion will mate with the initiate, and mix our gifts and his blood. We will bring him into the light, he will burn with the flames of our lust!” I felt a pang of fear and looked to Mike. I opened my mouth, but before I could speak he said, “It’s our custom. All relationships are open within our brotherhood.” “But,” I started. “I’ll be right here. Just concentrate on me.” Then he moved closer and whispered, “It’ll get me really hot to watch you be fucked by my buddies.” I held on to that thought, that it would please Mike just as I had when I’d cleaned off his dick. First up was a tall, husky, muscular black guy. He had a build like a linebacker, and had already removed his loin cloth to reveal a huge dick, shorter than Mikes, but thicker. I gulped as he approached me, not sure what to expect. He kissed me, and murmured, “Mmmm…I can taste ass and balls and cum on your lips. Hot!” Then he pushed my legs to my chest, his head dipped and I felt his mouth on my anus. He was humming as he did it, thoroughly licking me clean, even driving his tongue up inside me. Then he was on his back, pulling my head down to suck his dick, pushing it into my throat until I gagged again. “Gotta train that throat,” he said, not letting up on the pressure. “Feels good to have your spit running down my dick.” Finally he let me go and I gasped for air and coughed. Then, he turned me around, put me on my hands and knees and shoved his dick inside me with one thrust. I screamed, and the room erupted into their chant as I was mercilessly pummeled by his immense dick and hard thrusts. Another guy – this one a smooth-skinned Latino sporting an even larger erection sat in front of me, his legs spread. “Suck me, don’t want to waste your mouth.” I moaned, then tried to take his dick in my mouth, but it was so think that I could barely manage the head. “Don’t want to suck me, is that it? Maybe you’ll like this better. Hey, Ike,” the Latino guy said, push him down when I’m in place.” The Latino guy turned on his stomach and positioned himself so that his ass was under my face. The Black guy, without stopping his thrusts pushed me flat, and made sure my face was buried in the Latino guys ass. He was more than musky – outright dirty – and I tried to pull my head away. “Get your face in there,” the Black guy growled. “You don’t suck dick, then you have to eat ass.” Forcing me to rim his brother seemed to push him over the edge; the Black guys thrusts seemed were violent now, as if he was trying to push me through the platform. Then he was howling “Ave libidinem, he has taken the first of my loads.” The first? I thought, horrified. He wouldn’t let up, kept fucking me until my ass throbbed. I thought Mike was amazing for shooting twice in a row. This guy came four or five times before he was ready to stop. Then the Latino guy flipped me on my back, raised my legs and drove into my already abused asshole. And another of his brothers – this one a smooth white guy with red hair and pubes – came to use my mouth for his pleasure. It went on for who knows how long; as soon as one guy had finished with my ass, the one who was at my mouth would fuck me, and another would take his place. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I counted ten guys, each of whom came at least twice in my ass. By then I was exhausted, and hoping that my initiation – more like a marathon trial by fire was over. “You have done well, my sons,” the Father said. I was lying at his feet, curled up on my side. “He is now prepared for the final stage of his initiation.” Oh, God. Now what? I heard a rustle of fabric and looked up to see him shed his black robe and his loincloth. His dick wasn’t the largest I’d seen that night, but it had that huge ring through the tip shaped like a horseshoe, but with large ball bearings on each end. I knew what was coming next...
    1 point
  48. No one really seems to be understanding what the OP is trying to say.... He finds the idea of converting a completely straight guy (not bi) to being completely gay....... Clarify enough? In answer to that fantasy..... Hot? Hell yeah! I've fantasized and jacked off a ton to that very idea. But.... The gay community insists that we are born this way. Gay or straight. So I guess if we are to continue believing that, it'll have to remain a fantasy.
    1 point
  49. Part 2 I clenched my ass tight as I walked back to my place, trying to keep SIR’s cum inside of me. I had just taken five POZ loads in my ass, and what concerned me was the fact that I didn’t care. In face, I was still horny despite having cum twice myself. I thought about what SIR had said to me just before I left, “Now remember boy, I don’t care who fucks you, or how many loads you take, just know that your hole belongs to me. So that means that when I tell you to get your cunt on my cock, you come to where ever I am, when I want.” Readily I had agreed and had left his apartment with my cock slowly stiffening again. By the time I got home I knew I needed to get fucked again, not even wanting to go back upstairs yet, I texted SIR. I know you said you didn’t care who I got fucked by SIR, but are you sure it’s alright? His response came swiftly: Take all the cock you need just remember who your cunt belongs to. Yes SIR. You have anyone in mind to breed your spunked up hole? No SIR, not yet. I just started looking at SCRUFF. Fuck that. Text my friend, he’ll knock you up good. Tell him that SIR sent you. He sent me the contact for “Big Mike” and I wasted no time in messaging him. I sat on my stoop, hole clenched tight, for a very long minute waiting for a response. So, SIR’s got a new boy, fun. You got a hole full of his POZ spunk kid? Yes. I responded. Good, I love fucking a sloppy cunt. Come over. He included his address, about twenty minutes walk across town from where I was. Without hesitation I stood up and started walking. A thought struck me as I crossed the street pressing into the throng of people swarming around Time Square: here I was, on my way to a man’s apartment, who I had never seen, and who was more then likely preparing to dump another POZ load in my ass. My cock twitched, I had my answer. If SIR had sent me to him I was certain that was good enough. I crossed town as quickly as I could and soon found myself in front of a stone fronted luxury apartment building. I blushed slightly at the thought of having to go through the very clean modern looking lobby to get to the elevators at the far side. Steeling my nerve, and hoping that I didn’t smell too much like sweat and cum, I had yet to shower, pushed through the revolving door. I had just made it to the elevator when a low cough drew me up short. I turned my head making eye contact with the doorman who I had been carefully avoiding. “Where are you heading?” he asked in a deep voice. He was younger then most doormen, with a dark completion and bright green eyes he was actually rather attractive. I told him the apartment I was heading to and he gave me a long appraising look before smiling to himself and nodding. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, as if the doorman knew exactly why I was there, I hurried off to the elevators. I stood outside of the apartment staring at the metal door for a moment before, feeling my hole twitch, and becoming aware of the small trickle of cum that had escaped my ass, I raised my hand and knocked. The door opened quickly, but not by the sort of man I had expected. A boy not much older then twenty or so stood before me dressed in only a jock. He had short-cropped blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a strong handsome face. He had the look of a twink who was quickly transitioning to jock. Between his well toned pecs a small growth of blond chest hair sprouted, almost but not quite connecting to the dense and slightly darker treasure trail that led into the waistband of his jock. He smiled at me, and I noticed that his mouth and cheeks were shiny with what I could really only guess to be spit. Gesturing, he stepped back to let me into the apartment. As the door closed behind me he said, “Take your clothes off here.” Dutifully I stripped off, leaving my clothes in a heap by the door. My cock was hard as it had ever been in my life and I gave the boy a wry smile. Winking at me, he said, “You have to earn clothes here, although looking at that sweet ass I’m guessing you’ll never be granted more then a jock.” He turned to lead me down the hallway and added, “I’m Greg, by the way,” as a bit of an after thought. “Aaron,” I replied. “Nice to meet you, I’m guessing we’ll be seeing a lot of each other if SIR keeps you. I’m Mac’s fucktoy, that’s what he calls me. SIR always sends his boys to Mac when they are ready to start taking other cocks. Mac then uses them and tells SIR if he thinks they’re worth keeping around.” He turned to face me, “When did SIR start fucking you?” “About ten hours ago,” I said a little sheepishly. “Seriously, you took your first load from SIR this morning?” “Yeah, um, last night I guess,” it seemed odd to be saying out loud what had happened to me, “he drugged me and I agreed to let a bunch of guys breed me, and then he sent me a video of it and told me to call him when I was ready for more. I, well...” I knew this must sound so wrong, but I had loved it, “I just called him right then and went over to his place and he fucked me. After he came he told me he was POZ, which freaked me out for a minute, but it felt so good that all I could think about was getting him to fuck me again,” the words were poring out of me in a word vomit confession, “and so I took four more loads from him. While I was walking home I texted him saying I wanted more cock and he directed me here.” “Jesus, you came around faster then I did. It took a week of daily breedings from Mac before he sent me to SIR. So you’ve got at least five loads in you hole right now?” “Yeah, if there’s any left from last night.” “Turn around, and bend over, I wanna see really fast.” I did as he asked and turned around, grabbing my cheeks as I bent over to really show off my hole. “Fuck, he ran a finger over my hole, Mac’s gonna love that. Come on we’ve kept him waiting long enough.” The hallway into the apartment proper was a rather long one, Greg led me all the way to the end when on the right hand side was a large open arch that opened onto a spacious loft. The left hand side was entirely composed of windows that looked out over the city, Freedom tower glinting in the distance. Facing the windows sitting on a gray, square armed, modern looking sofa was what could only be a younger version of SIR. At probably 35, the man who I correctly guessed to be Mac, had a dark brown beard, a neatly combed haircut, broad shoulders, powerful chest, and was covered in dark brown hair. My eyes only lingered on these features for a moment before falling to the thick veined cock he was fisting. My mouth started to water an my hole clenched several times just at the sight of it. “Well, don’t just stand there cunt, come and get on your knees.” He said gruffly, I rushed forward and fell to my knees between his wide spread legs. His hands landed on the back of my head and pushed me down so that I had no choice but to take his fat cock down my throat. “My fucktoy’s been keeping me hard for you. I’m gonna fill you up with a few more POZ loads before I send you on to your next stop. Now that you’ve shown SIR you’re a horny cumdump he’s planned a full night of load taking for you. Hope your cunt is up to it. SIR seems to think so, and he’s rarely wrong.” My hole twitched at his words and I slurped his cock down with even more gusto. I pressed myself forward, willing more and more of his cock down my throat. Quickly his shaft grew slick with throat juice as I slobbered up and down its considerable length. A blowjob; however, was clearly not Mac’s main focus. After what was no more then five minutes he pulled me off of his dick and said in a gruff breathy voice, “Sit on it.” I leapt to my feet and clambered up onto the couch so I was squatting over his lap facing him. With one hand on the back of the couch to steady myself I used the other to aim his cock at my desperate hole, and with no lube other then my spit and the cum that was still inside of me, I sat down on his cock slowly. His cock was thicker then SIR’s but not as long. I groaned as his unusually broad, blunt cock head stretched my sphincter wide. His cock felt as thought it increased in girth down its entire length so that by the time I felt my ass cheeks come to rest on Mac’s hairy thighs I was shaking a reveling in being stretched further then I had ever thought possible before. Mac gave me a few moments to get used to his thick cock before, his hands under my ass, he lifted me, and then slowly lowered me back down onto his cock. He did this several times, each time lifting me a little bit higher. I started to lift myself up, dropping down hard on his cock, feeling his head punching against my guts. My hole was twitching around his cock, and my breath came in short gasps each time he pulled out. After what seemed like a blissful eternity, Mac pushed me down, hard, on his cock, his head pressing against my second sphincter and making me cry out. I could feel my inner hole giving way, and as it did Mac flipped us over so that now I was laying on my back on the couch, my legs wrapped around him. Mac used the added leverage of our new position to force his cock past my second hole. I cried out in pleasure and pain, but had no time to get used to what had just happened as Mac now began to pound me so hard that my entire body shook with the force of it. “God,” he grunted, “SIR was right, your cunt is made for cock.” Mac didn’t slow down or lessen his assault on my hole for what I can only assume was fifteen minutes. I could tell that my hole would be bruised but I also knew somewhere in the back of my mind that I didn’t care and it wouldn’t stop me from taking Mac’s cock more. Sweat poured off of his and splattered against my shaking body. I cried out, moaning and grunting with every thrust. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if there were neighbors close by who could hear Mac destroying my hole. “You ready for your first load from me boy?” Mac asked after what had to be a full quarter of an hour of unrelenting pounding. “You ready for your next dose of POZ cum?” ‘Yes,” I yelled, “breed me! Fill me up! POZ my cunt!” His only response was a wicked smile and slamming into my ass a few times even harder then before, punching through my second sphincter each time. Then I knew he was coming, he growled and shoved his dick as deep as he could. Almost his entire load went past my inner ring, and I reveled in it. He did not pull out but instead, began to fuck me very slowly. “With a cunt a nice as yours ill probably be able to get out six loads before I go soft. You ready for that boy?” “Yes, my hole is yours.” “Good answer.”
    1 point
  50. Becoming a Poz Cum Dump (Part 3) Knocked up? What the fuck does that mean? I thought about what I had over heard when he came back to the room. He looked me over and said, “We need to get you cleaned up and ready to go out” as he released my restraints and helped me out of the sling. He showed me to the shower and we both climbed in to shower off. After we dried ourselves off he had me get dressed and as we headed out the door he grabbed a duffle bag and threw it over his shoulder. Now was my time to escape but I found myself following him like a little puppy down the street. We walked several blocks till we came to a brick building with no signage as to what the business was. There was a plain black door on the front and a keypad next to the door. He punched in a code and there was a click so that it could be opened. Once inside I saw a reception desk with a cute college age stud standing behind it. He said, “Your regular room Sir?” My host nodded and said “Yes” as key was slid across the counter to him along with a couple towels. I followed as we climbed the stairs to the fourth floor then down the hall to room #405. He opened the door and we entered. I was amazed at all the equipment along the walls. A St. Andrew’s Cross, fuck bench, sling, along with a normal bed. There were mirrors along one wall and the ceiling. A second wall had dildos, butt plugs, whips and other similar equipment. In one corner was a tiled shower and a couple lockers. He told me “Strip down and sit on the bed” as he fixed me another syringe for me he gave me a couple blue pills and a white one and told me to take them with the water he gave me. I noticed that the water tasted a little funny as I downed the pills but I drank it any way. I then watched as he stuck the syringe into my vein. I vaguely remember hearing a ringing in my ears as I felt like I was floating away. I could tell my heart was racing out of control and I felt very warm. He guided me over to the St. Andrews cross where he restrained me. He then dressed in leather chaps, a harness and mask as I watched. He then took down a belt or whip of some kind and began to beat my ass. I was so far gone I never felt any pain. I don’t know how long he beat me for but I do recall when he moved me over to the fuck bench. He made sure I was restrained well when he began to finger my hole. Before too long he had 3-4 fingers in me and was really pushing hard on my hole when he stopped and said “you need a little something in there to help you relax.” I felt him stick something in my hole and then felt a burning deep in me. He resumed his fingering of my hole as I felt my hole begin to throb and suck on his fingers when all of a sudden I felt like my ass was so full. I looked over to the mirror to see his fist disappear into my ass. I began to moan as he worked his fist in deeper. He was half way to his elbow when he began to flex his fingers and then withdrew his fist from my ass. He commented “What a nice gapping hole you have there” as he blew air into it. I was then Moved to the sling and fucked by him hard, long and deep. After he was through with me he allowed anyone who wanted to fuck me. I don’t know how many guys fucked me when he finally let me out of the sling, but I knew I took a lot of loads that day. He led me to the shower in the corner and all I could do was lay there as he, ad a few others that were left, began to piss all over me. They pissed in my hair, my mouth and my ass. I just laid there and took it. Then he turned the shower on and rinsed me off. He had me dress then led me back out side and put me in a cab and sent me home. Before he closed the cab door he gave me a bit of advice, “Next time you go looking for a hook up, read the profile instead of just looking at his cock picas.”
    1 point
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