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  1. Part 31- Deck The Halls Josh sat on the bed looking at Bobby as he turned around and faced him, waiting expectantly to have sex with Bobby since he first saw him. His arms wrapped around Josh's body as they kissed like two deprived men of sex managing to grab a few minutes together. The jock strap and briefs were strewn across the bedroom floor as they laid naked on the bed caressing their bodies. Josh would giggle as the beard tickled his face but also turning him on even more, Josh's hand roamed lower down the body until he felt the hardness of Bobby's large eight inch thick cock. "Do you have condoms" Bobby asked looking Josh in the eye. Josh shook his head "No, I don't even think there are any in the house" he replied. Bobby kissed him "I'm poz but undetectable" he said carefully looking to gauge Josh's reaction. "I gathered that from the scorpion" Josh replied smiling and rolling on to his back looking down. Bobby didn't need to ask anything else as Josh's look told him what he needed to know, he climbed in between Josh's legs and began kissing his body gently pushing his legs up and moving his kisses along Josh's calves sinking lower and lower. Suddenly Josh wriggled and giggled feeling the beard rubbing against his ass and hole morphing in to long moan feeling the warmth moistness of the Bobby's tongue sliding up in to his hole. His anticipation was at boiling point a feeling he had never gotten before in foreplay, he felt his legs resting on Bobby's shoulders being pushed further up over him as Bobby moved forward positioning his cock. Josh didn't have time to think before he felt the immersive sensation of Bobby beginning to penetrate him, his ass seemed to slip around the cock in an almost welcoming manner, Josh arched his back and moaned as he ass adjusted to taking Bobby inside him. Even for him this was by far the biggest cock he had taken but Bobby seemed to instantly respond to Josh's body knowing to ease in gently and tantalisingly slowly to allow him to enjoy the sensation as a considerate lover would do. In and out, deeper and deeper with each movement until he was fully inside Josh and they locked eyes staring deep in to each other. Josh gripped Bobby's arms as he leaned forward to kiss him, Josh emitted a slight cry feeling Bobby's hips moving in slow circles interspersed with gently forward thrusts causing Josh to grip harder at his arms. The strange amber glow from the snow falling outside filled the semi darkened room and Bobby was completely mesmerised by Josh, he had never been one to be attracted to another guy so easily and was until today career focused but now he was focused on one person. Josh moaned loudly in pleasure as Bobby thrusted in harder his hands tightening their grip on Bobby's arms holding the biceps that displayed so enticingly from his finely tuned body, his eyes darting across the hairy chest and up to the perfectly manicured beard as he smiled making eye contact. The scent of sex filled the air and droplets of sweat fell on to Josh's body as Bobby fucked Josh harder and faster then slowing down to a slow motion rhythm to stop his orgasm from happening to quickly. He leaned forward and his lips met with the softness and sensuality of Josh's that parted allowing him to slip his tongue and kiss him passionately. They continued for what seemed like hours sweating through their heated passion. Bobby leaned further forward and began to produce deep rapid thrusts as he let out a guttural moan 'Oh Josh' he cried thrusting his hips up hard against Josh's ass who let out a lounder moan and plead 'breed me Bobby' he called out looking him in the eyes. Bobby's body went rigid feeling the flurry of activity running up through his shaft and releasing rapid bursts of his seed in to Josh's body. Josh felt his body floating never had he felt a guy shooting their load inside as he did right now, his hands gripped Bobby harder and triggered his own orgasm as they simultaneously moaned and panted through their excitement and the deep rough thrusting Josh's body was now taking. Spent and hot Bobby collapsed on top on Josh who wrapped his arms around him and kissed his neck. Josh got the fuck he wanted a smile on his for a moment then the realisation that he would have to spend the night with him, something that was very new to him since he only ever had fuck and go meets. He was unsure what was suppose happen and waited to follow Bobby's lead, he felt the arm of Bobby going around his neck pulling him closer as he rolled on to his back holding Josh close in his arm, he laid there stroking Bobby's beard and chest for a few minutes as his body relaxed. Josh felt alive, his body felt so high as though it would never come down from its current state. Gradually the amber glow from the snow mixing with the street lighting outside faded with his eyelids drooping over his eyes and drifting off. He had no thought of Franco during his sleep and the warmth of Bobby's body next to his soothed the night away giving him a tranquil sleep. The brilliance whiteness of the snow filled the bedroom as daylight broke, Angelo stirred and slipped out of bed to shower and no matter how deep the snow was he still had a company to run although he could pretty well guess that Mark wouldn't show up for work but was surprised to see Mark creep in to the bedroom with two mugs of coffee. Ethan mumbled at the clanking sound of the mugs and turned over falling back to sleep, Mark walked in to the bathroom and sat on the toilet watching Angelo showering with a smile on his face. Angelo shook his head "You look happy this morning" he said commenting on Mark's grin. "Life is almost perfect Angelo" he said rearranging the toilet paper. Angelo looked over to him "Why almost perfect and not perfect?" he asked. "I just got a feeling on the flight back from LA that Ben would like to move there" Mark replied. "What is stopping you both?" Angelo asked rinsing his body of suds. Mark sighed "I am not sure if Ben could live like my parents want us to". Angelo laughed "It's a big change for him having the trappings of luxury, he may feel different after the wedding". Mark smiled "You may be right, what about you and Ethan?" he asked Angelo. Angelo turned off the water "Perfect, although I know he is worried Ben will go to LA". "Really, why is that?" Mark asked sounding surprised. "There is love between them as friends that goes back years, Ben fancied Ethan for a long time" Angelo replied. Mark stood up and handed Angelo a towel "I never knew their feelings ran so deep like that". Angelo kissed Mark "This has been the craziest year and I am so happy you have found love at last". Mark took the towel and dried Angelo's back "Thankfully you dropped your guard and found Ethan". "Sometimes I think he was handed to me on a plate" Angelo said smiling. Mark handed Angelo the towel "I have to speak to Bobby, he has a flight booked to LA tomorrow morning". Angelo nodded and Mark left the bathroom passing a still fast asleep Ethan and he headed downstairs to get two more mugs of coffee. Josh stirred in bed and the back of his hand rubbed against Bobby's beard slightly startling him he opened his eyes to see Bobby looking at him. Bobby smiled "Morning sleepy head" he said. Josh rubbed his eyes "Morning, how long have you been awake?" he asked. "Long enough to watch you sleeping, I heard Mark moving around" Bobby replied running his hand along Josh's body. Josh cuddled up closer "I never got to fuck you last night". Bobby laughed "Next time you can, but I have to get back to my apartment" he said looking over at the window. Josh rolled on to his back "Is there going to be a next time then?" he asked. Bobby leaned over and kissed him tenderly "Definitely". Josh snuggled up to Bobby "Good" he said just as there was a knock on the door "Come in" he called. Mark entered the room "Brought you coffee" he said with a big grin on his face. "Thanks Mark" Bobby said "Has it stopped snowing yet?" he asked as Mark put the mugs down. Mark looked out the window "Yes, oh and your flight to LA is tomorrow morning I have all the details". Josh looked at Bobby "You going to LA?" he asked as the smile faded on his face. Bobby nodded "Yes just for the day to meet Mark's parents" he replied and kissed Josh. By the time everyone left Mark had decided not to go in to work so he could finish sorting out everyone's arrangements to get to LA for the wedding, Mark being Mark took his time and one day rolled in to two then three. Mark and Ben decided that their little group would all stay at Liongate, Adam and Tony took some persuading stating they would stay in a hotel but Mark stepped in telling them he had booked their flights and they will stay at the house. Josh would also be coming but Franco remained distant saying he could not confirm until nearer the time. Ben's mother and step father accepted and booked their flights for the 25th and looked forward to staying Liongate. In all the last count of the guest list was near 60 which shocked Ben and Mark laughed saying his mother wasn't done yet. Maddy had been busy and sent Mark a text giving him instruction that they were flying out on the 28th for 2 weeks for their honeymoon but that was all she would say. Josh had seen Bobby again for random sex but was back at desperation point after finding out that he was moving to LA in a few days so Ben tried to cheer him up by asking for his help to decorate the Christmas tree. "I don't really know why you are doing this" Josh said unpacking the lights from the box. Ben sat on the floor opposite Josh "I like Christmas, I know we won't be here but it is still Christmas". "So you still don't know where your going after the wedding?" Josh asked handing the lights to Ben. Ben shook his head "Maddy won't tell us, we just have to bring passports and beach wear". Josh smiled "Iit will probably be somewhere exotic and hot" he said. Ben nodded "Have you spoken to Bobby since he left?" he asked looking over at Josh. "No, anyway it was just sex, bloody good sex mind you" Josh replied. Ben looked up at him "Just sex?" he said "are you sure as I think Bobby looked as though it would be more". Josh chuckled "After Franco I am staying well clear of falling for anyone, I can do without that again". Ben finished stringing the lights on the tree "Do you like him?". Josh went silent for a moment "Dunno, sort of, I mean he is sexy and seems to be a really nice sorted person". Ben smiled at him through the tree "Well that's a start" seeing Josh smile through the branches. Bobby returned from LA and as promised Josh and he spent a night together where Josh got to play top before being flung on to his back submitting to Bobby's cock again. The rest of the evening didn't go quite to plan since Bobby informed Josh he was moving to LA in 3 days to take up his new job with the Davenports, he noticed that Josh that gone cold and distant in his way of sulking from yet another upset. When Josh got back to his parents house and up to his room he undressed and climbed in to bed. He head no idea why but tears rolled down his face before he went to sleep. Mark and Ben had finished packing and put their cases down by the front door ready for the 5am pick up, Ben was carrying his flight bag down the stair and placing it with the other luggage. Mark called from the lounge "Ben come here a moment I have something for you". Ben pricked his ears up thinking it may be baseball cap time hurried in "What is it?" he asked excitedly. Mark walked up and kissed him "It is something that is ours" he said handing over an envelope. Ben opened and took out a nifty looking credit card "What is this for?" he asked. "It's your credit card" Mark said looking at Ben and hoping he wouldn't reject it. Ben looked up "I will get one when I can afford one, I hope you understand" he said. Mark took his hand "My father has provided it Ben, he has never done that for anyone before". Ben nodded with understanding and put the card in his pocket "I will take it" he said giving Mark a kiss. Mark smiled "Thank you, and you better use it or he will be on the case" he said wagging a finger at him. Ben laughed "I will use it in Walmart". "Yeah I think that would upset my father even more" Mark said laughing at him "let's go to bed". Ben smiled "Hmm, is the baseball cap coming out tonight?". Mark grabbed Ben and kissed him "You bet it is" he said as they ran up the stairs like kids. Adam and Tony were frantically packing 15 minutes before the car was due to pick them up, they had no flight details just told to bring a picture ID and be ready at 5am for the airline car. They finished packing by laying their wedding outfits on the top and closing the cases just in time. They arrived at the airlines first class check-in doors where they met Josh, Ethan and Angelo and proceeded inside, the couldn't believe they wouldn't be flying coach and Adam was excited beyond words as was Ethan. Mark and Ben approached with the airlines Concierge Club escort who happily took them all through to the lounge. In Miami Franco boarding his flight alone was nervous as it would be the first time he would see Josh, he had changed a lot in the several weeks he had been there in the Latin community. He had found quite a fair amount of gay and bisexual guys in the neighbourhood that was quite open and seemed to be everywhere. He thought of Josh more and more and was nearly tempted to dabble in sex with another guy several times at a party he was kissing with. He did it more out of a sense to try and see what it was all about and found that he got incredibly turned on. He was beginning to find the whole bisexual thing more intriguing as the weeks went past. His parents would fly out on the 25th and be staying at a hotel near Bel Air with Angelo's family, he had been invited to Liongate and was excited as he knew about it but never seen it, plus Josh would be there as well. The planes door closed and a fairly obvious gay cabin crew member called Joaquim was completing the pre departure checks of the passengers and making the announcement as the cabin service director. Being the early flight the plane was busy but not full and he sat in row 10 just behind the first class cabin in the aisle seat. Several times he noticed Joaquim made eye contact with him as he ran through the safety announcement. Franco was amused as he had found out that gay guys just seemed to flock to him since he moved down here, so he returned a mischievous grin back at Joaquim putting him off several times during the announcement, he couldn't believe how easy it was picking guys up no matter where you were. The plane started it's push back from the terminal as Joaquim began checking the first few rows to make sure everyone was buckled up ready, as he moved to the next row he would glance up at Franco sitting in coach. Franco fastened his seat belt and settled in and noticed Joaquim walk back to the galley and gave one final glance before he walked back with the passenger list. Joaquim approached and looked at the seat number overhead then leant down "Mr Ramirez?" he asked. Franco nodded slightly worried "Yes" he replied. "Sir would you like to follow me please I have a seat up here for you" Joaquim said smiling at him. Franco unbuckled his seat belt as Joaquim collected his flight bag and embarrassingly followed him to the front row in first class. Franco sat down and was given a glass of champagne as he secured his seat belt and sat back in the a seat that was way more comfortable than his one in coach. Joaquim made eye contact smiled and leaned over to tug his seat belt 'nice and secure' he commented glancing at him, Franco just smiled and winked an act that paid off since he got the best service on the flight. There was no doubting with Franco that he just found Latinos much more interesting sexually wise and he had an very instant attraction to Joaquim who by no means was camp but very sure of himself and confident. Franco then did something very out of character during the flight, he wandered in to the galley on the pretence of using the lavatory and Joaquim glanced at him as he prepared one of the meals. "Anything I can get Sir?" he said smiling broadly. Franco quickly glanced back at the cabin to see everyone minding their own business "What's on offer?". Joaquim looked at Franco "What takes your fancy sir?". Franco held out his hand handing a scrap of paper to him "There is only thing I want" he said embarrassingly. Joaquim took the scrap of paper and read it "That can be arranged" he said and carried on. Franco closed the lavatory door and latched it locked 'fuck' he said to himself 'when did I get so corny with one liners' shaking his head looking in the mirror at his reflection and what he had now become. As much as he loved Josh he knew he would never be physically attracted to him, but Joaquim was just a different level and how would he explain this to Josh let alone Angelo. The sun was shining brightly as they exited the airport terminal and climbed in to the limousines for the ride up to Liongate. Mark checked that a car was arranged from Franco's arrival with the Concierge Club escort who nodded and held the door open for Mark and Ben to climb in to their own limo. Adam and Tony sat with Josh chatting away about how awesome the flight was and how this was the only way to travel laughing as they did so. "So Josh we finally get to meet Bobby then?" Adam asked sitting back in the seat. Josh nodded "I guess so as I think he is living at the house in his own apartment" he replied in a matter of fact way. "You don't seem all that excited about seeing him Josh?" Tony remarked. Josh looked out of the window "Why should I it was just a fuck". Adam put his hand on Josh's knee "This wall you have put up doesn't fool me Josh". He turned to look at Adam "I don't know what you mean" Josh said. "You afraid of allowing him in after Franco?" Adam asked looking at him sympathetically. Josh nodded "He moved out here without any question so I think he only saw me as a piece of meat". Tony laughed then went serious "Who would you choose if you had the choice?" he asked him. Josh pondered a moment "I still feel for Franco stupidly enough but I don't know really I don't". "Well it's going to be an interesting Christmas" Adam said patting Josh's leg "We are all here if you need us". Josh smiled "I have decided to quit college and get a job that much I know" he said surprising Adam and Tony. "Wow, have you told your parents?" Tony asked. Josh nodded "Yes, they are okay with it since I got my qualification, I don't need to do anymore studying". Tony chuckled "My parents freaked a little and then even more when I told them I was moving in with Adam". "Well they weren't happy about me coming out here until they knew it was the Davenports" Josh said laughing. The three of them looked out of the windows as they began passing the swanky homes of Palisades passing through up to Bel Air. In the limo in front Ethan was mesmerised by the homes and how they got bigger and bigger until they came to a stop at the East Gate Compound entrance before continuing through the leafy roads coming to a stop in front of the two stone lions guarding the entrance to Liongate. David and Maddy recognised everyone getting out of the limos from the party in Larchmont so immediately everyone was quite at ease, David took on tour guide and took everyone around the grounds except Angelo, Mark and Ben who went inside with Maddy. "The family grapevine tells me you are getting married next year Angelo" Maddy said as they walked on to the terrace. Angelo laughed "Yes in the summer at the Hamptons, I hope you will both come" he said replying to her. Maddy nodded "Absolutely we will plus I love the Hamptons and may stay a few days". "How is it going with Bobby?" Mark asked looking around to see if he was there. Maddy smiled "Really well, we knew when we met him we liked him he is in town finalising some paperwork". Mark looked at his mother "What do you mean?". "Well when word got out a few other families expressed an interest is using him" Maddy replied. Mark nodded "So what paperwork is he finalising?" Moddy looked up "Oh yes, your father and Bobby are setting up a joint PR company 50/50" she said. Mark laughed "Okay, we know with your names behind it it's going to be a success". Maddy sat down on the terrace "He is looking forward to seeing Josh, he talks a lot about him". "How much?" Ben asked out of the blue. "Quite a bit I think he was hoping for something more with him" Maddy replied looking at Ben. Ben leaned forward "They need a little coercing more from Josh's side but then there is the Franco element". Maddy sat up "Ah yes Franco, now there is a story of what's been going on in Miami". "Is it true then?" Angelo asked, he had heard a rumour but kept it to himself. "Well it's just his mother's observation that he was hanging around more with gay community" Maddy replied. Ben sat there opened mouthed "Heck that's not good" he sat shaking his head. Maddy agreed "It may get very interesting" she said nodding down the garden. They looked and heard loud noise of excitement as the rest of the group arrived back from their tour with David, all of them overwhelmed and excited, Josh was the only one holding back a little as he kept looking around as if searching for something he had lost. Pedro and Maria arrived and began setting the table for lunch, he gave Ben and Mark a nod in recognition. Ben walked over and gave Pedro a hug pleased to see him again. Mark turned to his mother "Oops" he said looking worried. Maddy looked at him "It's okay Mark he has been humming all morning knowing you two were coming home". "Really?" Mark looked astonished "Is he?" he asked expressing the question with his head. Maddy smiled "Oh god yes, he only recently told us". "Guys come over and meet Pedro" Ben called to the group. Mark did wonder if it was the Ben effect on his parents who were showing a little more openness about Pedro mingling after all he was employed by the family, but then his parents would often be more relaxed about the staff than his grand parents who were very old school in that fashion. Lunch was very enjoyable as both of Mark's parents warmed to everyone, Mark could tell they liked them all, especially Ethan who was very similar to Ben in many ways. Maddy and Josh seemed to hit it off big time sitting their laughing together whilst Adam and Tony talked to David about Liongate and the Davenports family history which they found interesting. After lunch David said he would take the boys down to Santa Monica pier and the beach and out of no where David called Pedro and asked if he wanted to join them. He was reluctant but Ben stepped in and pleaded with him to join them. At the house Maddy, Angelo and Mark sat discussing family things and how manage Ben's two sets of parents at the wedding. The butler walked out on to the terrace with Franco in tow who ran across to Maddy and gave her a big hug and also to Mark and Angelo his closest relative. Maddy asked for tea and although Franco didn't care to much for tea as a drink he always knew from growing up to mind his P's and Q's when with the Davenport side of the family. "How is the sunshine state?" Angelo asked him as he sat down. "It's okay, miss being up north with you all but I do like the tropical climate down there" Franco replied. Franco looked around "Where is everyone else?" he asked. "David has taken them all out to Santa Monica for the afternoon" Maddy replied. "Oh" was all that Franco could manage to say. Mark looked at him "Josh is with them as well". Franco turned quickly "He came, I mean neat glad he decided to come here". They decided not to broach the subject about his apparent antics in Miami, instead Angelo fired a warning shot across the table about Josh and how sensitive he still is about him. Franco nodded as he didn't want to upset Angelo but he so wanted to see Josh again, after all they had become very close as friends and they would exchange messages a couple of times a week. All the time Franco had been itching to get to his phone as he had received a message from Joaquim, when he opened it he found that Joaquim was in town for several days before his flight back to Miami and he was staying in Palisades with friends. He took the bold step of asking if Joaquim could meet him on Christmas day for a couple of hours and whilst Joaquim said yes he made it very clear it was not on the pretence of having sex. "Bobby" Mark called out seeing him walking out of the lounge towards them, he stood and went to meet him. Bobby smiled "Mark, so good to see you" he said hugging him "Angelo, Ben" he smiled hugging them both. "Come Bobby, this is Franco, Angelo's cousin from Miami" Mark introduced him to Franco. Bobby nodded and held out his hand "Franco nice to meet you" he said in a warm by guarded manner. "Yeah you to" Franco replied shaking his hand and staring him in the eye. Angelo immediately knew that Franco must have known about Bobby and Josh "Come sit down with us Bobby" he said. Bobby sat down and spoke to Maddy "It's all done plus I had another two enquiries this morning". Maddy smiled "I'm worried this is going to be bigger than we anticipated" she said. "Looks like quite a few people like the idea of having an inside Bel Air PR person" Bobby said sitting down. Maddy nodded "We may have to look at a website to handle queries and offers" she suggested. Angelo looked at Mark who smiled and knew what he was thinking "You should ask Josh" Angelo said in response. "Josh, oh yes he is studying web design" Bobby said remembering this from a conversation. "He could do it from Angelo's offices" Mark suggested looking at Angelo who nodded. Maddy agreed "Sounds like a good idea. How is your business going Angelo?" she asked. Angelo laughed "Too well, it's getting hard to manage on my own now since Mark never turns up". "Hey that's not fair.. well okay your right, but you don't pay me wages anyway!" Mark retorted laughing. "Plus Ben is suppose to start working for me but that is looking unlikely now" Angelo said looking at Mark. Bobby sat there laughing at the two of them going at each other "Is this always like this?" he asked looking at Maddy. She nodded "Every time but so much love between them" Maddy replied. It was getting late in to the afternoon and they had been on the terrace chatting for several hours before Bobby excused himself to get some work done, Maddy stopped him and said that for the next few days he was to dine with the family and friends and tonight being Christmas eve it was a casual holiday dinner, Bobby thanked her and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Bobby would normally wander to the kitchen and dine with Pedro and chef even though he had the apartment in the staff wing that was still bigger than his pad in NY he enjoyed the company and down time. Sometimes it felt strange working for a family but he was treated like a relative but would only dine with Maddy and David when he was invited to. Mark took Franco inside and showed him up to his room where he could grab a couple of hours sleep before dinner. David returned just after 5pm with everyone else and they joined Maddy, Angelo and Mark in the lounge whilst Pedro went off to get changed for work. Adam and Tony looking a little red from the sunshine were having an absolute ball and especially as David and Ben were spotted by photographers and decided to pose for a snap if they promised to leave them alone afterwards. David sat on the sofa next to Maddy "My god they are energetic" he said laughing. Maddy kissed him "Did you have fun?" she asked looking at them all. They all said in unison "Yes". "Maddy shall we go see 321" David said to Maddy quietly with a knowing look. Maddy smiled and nodded "I will get Ben and Mark". "I hope they will approve" David said picking his phone up and walking outside. Maddy stood up "Right everyone George our butler will show you to your rooms, Mark we need you and Ben". David returned "Ready?" he asked. Mark looked curious "Where are we going?" he asked. Maddy smiled and grabbed Ben taking him towards to the front and the waiting limo "Just go with it". They drove the few minutes on to St Pierre Road then turned through the wrought iron gates of 321 St Pierre Road and parked outside the modern yet old world type building with its vast array of windows set in the mansion looking building. They all got out of the car and met with the Joyce the realtor. Mark knew not to question his mother and just went with the tour of the house, which just appeared to be a guided tour rather than an open house sale. Ben had already clicked that they were showing them this house for a reason. Maddy looked at Ben "What do you think of this place?" she asked. Ben smiled "It's a lovely place and so homely, I mean Liongate is but this...." he didn't finish his sentence. "I know what you mean, it has a more warm homely feel" Maddy said in agreement. Ben nodded "It is lovely are you buying it?" he asked to which Maddy laughed. Mark and David joined them "What are you laughing about?" David asked. "Ben asked if we were buying it" she replied. David looked at Mark then at Ben "Do you both like it?". Ben was about to object and looked at Mark "I didn't know" Mark said. David put his arm around Ben "Okay be honest Ben we won't get upset". "It is a nice place, not quite Liongate but it is amazing inside" Ben replied. Maddy walked over "It's our gift to you both" Ben looked over at Maddy and David "I know by now not to argue" he said with a smile on his face. Mark kissed Ben then looked at his mother and father "It is to much but thank you". Ben did feel a little pressure to move here "I.. are you expecting us to move here?" he asked nervously. David shook his head "No you can use it to live in, holiday in, let friends stay here. It belongs to you both". Ben nodded "Okay". Maddy looked at him "The house is yours and if you do decide to spend more time here you have your own place". Ben looked around "We can still stay with you at Liongate right?". David and Maddy laughed "Absolutely we love having you there" Maddy replied. Mark put his arm around Ben and kissed him "We will need to decorate" he said bumping his hip against Ben. "Oh yes, Heike can do it" Ben suggested but Mark was already nodding and smiling "You better tell her". As the limo pulled away the realtor was already posting the sold sign on the placard out front. This was the first time Ben really felt that his life was changing, his head was still yearning for a simple life with his lover but he couldn't help himself as he to was feeling so happy being back in California and he knew in his heart they would be spending more time here than in Larchmont. It helped understanding that he also now had the means to travel back and forwards to the east coast to see his family and the gang whenever he wanted to. The more he thought about it the more he was picturing his life with Mark and planning on how 321 would be. They reached Liongate and David took Ben for a walk in the garden to have a talk. "Lets have an honest talk Ben I want to know what your really feeling." David started off saying. Ben sat on the wall by the tennis court "It is all still a bit much to take in". David nodded "I understand that but we don't want you to feel awkward in anyway" he said. Ben looked at him "I love it here David, Liongate, you and Maddy and my father is here". "But" David suggested putting his arm around him. Ben looked at the house "You promise this is between us?" he looked at David. David nodded "Between Maddy you and I, Maddy and I have no secrets" he replied. Ben smiled "I know Mark is happiest here, you know I will do anything to make him happy". "Does that mean what I think it means?" David asked him. Ben nodded "I can't help but see our lives here, but when I just don't know that yet". "Don't be fooled Ben you know Mark would be happy anywhere with you" David said assuring him. "Yeah I know he would" Ben said then continued "It's the friends and family on the east coast". David smiled "Understandable. Remember though Ben if you want anything you only have to ask". "Thank you David or can I call you father?" Ben laughed and wondered if he cad gone to fast. "Father would be just fine Ben, come on lets get ready for dinner and use that credit card" David stood up laughing. Josh was showered and changed ready for dinner then popped next door to see if Adam and Tony had finished getting changed, the three of them headed down the stairs and out on to the terrace where they sat down chatting whilst waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive. Spending Christmas in LA was turning out to be stranger than they anticipated with the warm weather as they were use to biting cold winds and snow, they certainly never expected to be sitting outside on Christmas Eve. Ethan and Angelo arrived and sat down to join them. "How are you doing Josh?" Angelo asked sitting down next to him. Josh looked at him "Oh okay" he replied, Angelo raised his eyebrows and Josh knew "I haven't seem them yet". Angelo nodded "If you want me to keep Franco out of your way just let me know". "Nah that's okay, I have to have closure on that" Josh replied as Pedro walked across the terrace. "Mr & Mrs Davenport are having drinks in the reception lounge" Pedro said gesturing for them to follow. The five of them followed Pedro to the reception lounge all of them checking out Pedro's ass as he walked in front. They entered the room to find Maddy, David and Bobby standing there talking and laughing. Josh's heart seemed to beat faster seeing Bobby in the room, he didn't know it but the others saw the smile as big as his face and his eyes on Bobby. Mark, Ben and Franco entered the room behind the others, Franco stopped for a moment watching and seeing Josh and Bobby looking at each other, not how he hoped seeing Josh would turn out so he called his name out. Josh stopped and turned around and looked 'Franco' he said running towards him, they embraced and hugged Josh nearly crying at seeing him again in the flesh. Bobby watched on with a sad smile on his face at the scene playing out in front of him, after all he had hoped the few days Josh would be around he could get closer to him but it looked like the lights were fading fast. "When did you get here?" Josh asked him as the other moved away leaving them alone. "This afternoon whilst you were all down at the beach" Franco replied. Josh looked Franco in the eye "I'm so happy to see you Franco, god I miss my Latino friend". "I hear you were pretty upset about me leaving?" Franco hugged Josh again. Josh nodded "Yes, but I think finally I am now over it and the crush I had on you". "Good, I hope we can move on as friends Josh, very close friends" Franco said hugging him harder. Josh looked Franco in the eye "You have changed Franco, and I love you so much as a friend". Franco hugged him again "We need to talk later" he said watching Bobby across the room. Franco and Josh walk towards the rest of the guests arms around each others shoulders picking up as if it were only yesterday he left for Miami. Josh released his arm from around Franco's shoulder and walked up to Bobby who was trying to keep engaged in conversation with David, several pairs of eyes suddenly went on Josh and Bobby as he stopped talking and said hello to Josh and kissed him on the cheek. Angelo and Mark shook their heads with tiny movements as they had seen this reaction before as a very subtle brush off. Bobby hurt inside but he wanted to keep some distance between them seeing that Josh was completely occupied by Franco. Josh on the other hand didn't understand what he done and why Bobby just greeted him like a familiar acquaintance and not someone you had been intimately close with. He just couldn't fathom out why it upset him and caused turmoil in his own thoughts. Josh went back to Franco, Ethan and Ben and joined his college buddies whilst Mark moved around the group and got Bobby's arm guiding him just out of earshot of the others. "What's going on with you?" Mark asked him quietly. Bobby glanced towards Franco "Sorry Mark, it is seeing Josh with Franco, it was almost like I was invisible". Mark held his arm "Don't judge the situation to quickly Bobby, they are still close as friends". Bobby looked at Mark "Is it just friends?" he asked. Mark nodded "Yes and we clearly saw Josh was quite put out when you played it low key just now". "It's just I see Franco looking at me with daggers in his eyes" Bobby remarked looking down. Mark chuckled "Oh that is Franco to a tee, but don't be fooled, he will protect Josh big time". Bobby nodded "You all seem to protect each other". Angelo walked over "Come on Bobby don't be an outcast" he said taking Bobby away. Josh appeared very demur and watch Bobby, he figured it must be the distance and that he had a whole new world over here compared to back east. It was Maddy who watched Josh then Bobby and she knew something was not sitting quite right and put two and two together to get Franco, she whispered in David's ear and nodded towards where Mark stood. David walked over to Mark "What is going on son?" he asked Mark smiled "Trying to get Bobby and Josh together, but it is a bit awkward with Franco being here". David laughed "Has Franco said anything about his swing in to bisexuality?". Mark shook his head hushing his father "No, but maybe there is something you can do" he said looking at him. David nodded "You want me to invite Josh to stay a bit longer?" he prompted. "Well yes sort of, do you think it's wrong of us to intervene?" Mark asked wondering if it was a good idea. David paused for a moment "You mother asked me to find out. Would it work though?" he asked looking at Mark. "Don't know but maybe it would be the only way to find out, after all they did have chemistry" Mark replied. "You lot do seem a have a very unorthodox group here" David said laughing "Like your own family". Mark nodded "Oh mother told me you set up a company for Bobby" he said changing the subject. "Oh yes, everyone around here seems to want in and they like the idea" David said smiling. "Wow that is good news and I knew Bobby would be ideal and fit in" Mark said hugging his father. David laughed "Yeah we just need to get a web design company to build a site for members". Mark looked at him "Josh, I mean he has just finished studying web design and quit college". "Really, now that has made things interesting and gives us a reason to bring him here" David replied. Mark looked over at Josh "Lets see how things work out in the next couple of days first" and David agreed. Maddy deliberately put Josh and Bobby together at the last minute as she checked the table before dinner, both Maddy and David were in high spirits having the four young guys in the house brought things alive and gave Liongate much needed life and fun for Christmas. Josh sat down next to Bobby still talking and laughing with Ethan and Ben, he settled in his seat and made small talk with Bobby trying to find out if he had met someone already here in LA and hence the cold shoulder. Josh put it out of his mind and enjoyed dinner talking quite a lot with David and without realising he was revealing a lot of information about his family life and education. Coffee was being served and he once again glanced at Bobby, he moved his hand over to Bobby's that was resting on his lap and held it. Bobby turned to look at Josh "I miss you Josh" he said quietly. Josh looked down at his hand "Why the strange welcome?" he asked. Bobby glanced in Franco's direction "You seem more interested in Franco, isn't that who you want?". Josh's stomach sank and he felt sick at the strange reaction he was having and his eyes began welling, standing up he excused himself and rushed out of the dining room.
    8 points
  2. I stood at the entrance of club Orlando and was mixed with both fear and excitement. I had heard of this place many times before and was fixed on going when I did my research and saw it was a gay bathhouse. I had read many stories of times there and I wanted to go so badly to have as many cocks and loads shoved up my ass and down my throat. Most of all I was so hoping that I could find someone there to take my poz cherry. I went inside and paid for my membership and for a room and went in. Once I found my room I started to take my clothes off and took a moment to admire myself in the mirror on the wall. At 21 I stood at 6ft 2 and was 230 pounds of muscle thanks to the 6 years in the army. I kept my blond hair cut short out of habit but still managed to catch the eyes of anyone and everyone who looked and admired me. I wrapped my towel around my waist and made my way through the club to see what was going on there. I came on a night of a lights out party so the inside was dimly lit. I brushed by allot of thick hard cock and got my ass felt up many times as I ventured further into the bathhouse. I saw the theater room and the dark room they had there and caught a twink getting pounded on the table in the dark room. I stood there for a little while stroking my cock enjoying seeing the twink squealing for the bear that was fucking him to go harder and faster. The bear let out a mighty growl and yelled that his pussy was about to get his toxic load and I had to stop and walk away before I came myself since I didn't want to cum just yet. I made sure to make a mental note of what the bear looked like so I too could possibly take his toxic load in my ass too. I made my way out to the pool where I saw a nice cabana next to it lined up with many chairs to enjoy the time by the pool but there wasn't much there for me to get into. I walked back along and saw two guys making out in the hot tub and decided to keep on moving on. I saw the room that was in the far corner and decided to go in and see what was going on and if I could join. There was allot of guys milling around in here all in different stages of fucking. I saw the twink I saw in the darkroom earlier in the sling getting fucked hard by a monstrous man. I stood there admiring what I was seeing, the man was at least 6ft 4 and very muscled and covered in tattoos. I could see the biohazard tattoo at the top of his back and two of them one on each asscheek. I couldn't help myself any longer and went to kneel on the floor behind him and spread his ass to devour his hole. I could taste a few loads that he pushed out into my willing mouth. The mix of the cum and his ass juices made me moan. I tried to shove my tongue as far as I could and didn't even realize that there was another guy that got right behind me and started to thrust into my ass. It went in without any resistance and they went in balls deep right in making me moan loudly into the ass I was eating and with a savage hunger I went in deeper into his ass. The guy who was fucking me was holding no bar against plowing my ass and it felt so amazing. He reached around and grabbed my nipples and started to twist them making me moan even louder. Get ready bitch you're about to get my fully charged up aids load he whispered in my ear. Hearing I was about to get my first poz load of the night with hopefully more to come I dug my face in as deeply as I could into he ass in front of me as the guy slammed into me one last time and I could feel his pent up aids load gysering up into my rectum making me feel full and warm as ever. I kept up on feasting this guys ass and could feel his ass clench onto my tongue and I knew he was loading up the twink in the sling with a nice load of poz cum and I hoped I would be next.
    7 points
  3. PART FIVE "Turn around, show me your ass." Robert obeyed, still on his knees, turning around and bending over so he was on all fours, ass exposed. The man positioned himself behind him, and Robert could feel the thick, spongy head of the cock pressing against his hole, constant pressure, threatening to tear him in two. "Just breathe and push back like you're taking a shit." The man instructed. As he did this, after a few seconds, Robert could feel the entrance to his ass begin to open and allow this man's cock entrance into his body, stretching him open, with a slight stinging/burning sensation, but the more the man thrusted his member inside him, the better it began to feel. Soon enough, he was completely filled with hard cock, and a glow came over Robert, feeling his own cock which was hard as steel, he pulled the cloth front of his jock to the side and released it so he could stroke himself while being fucked... and, between heavy breaths, noticed himself suddenly begging "Fuck me..... fuck me.... harder, Daddy, please....". The man, smiling, replied simply "That's right, this is MY pussy, now, isn't it, bitch?", thrusting harder and harder into Robert's ass, his pelvis smacking against the young man's buttocks making a loud slapping noise with every thrust. He smacked Robert's ass, and Robert moaned in pleasure. "Yyyyyeeeessss, Daddy...... please cum in me.....". "You want my load, slut?...... Are you sure about that?" The guy taunted Robert, fucking him violently, grabbing him by the throat with one hand, and clutching an ass cheek with the other. "Please! I want you to fill me with your seed!" Robert cried out. It wasn't too much longer than that and the guy started moaning too, and Robert could feel the guy starting to swell inside him. "Ooooh.... aaaaahh.... uuuuughhh.... fuuuuck.... such a nice asss....... fuuuuck here it comes.... gonna cum.... cumming in your sweet ass, boy.... here iiiit...... cuuuuuummmmmssss.....aaaaaaah" the guy stopped thrusting and held himself balls deep in Robert's hole, his cock twitching inside him with every blast of his orgasm, and when Robert felt this cock spasm inside him, it set of his own orgasm. "Ffffuuuuck, I'm coming too..... ooooh....aaaaah...". With deep heavy breaths, the guy dismounted Robert, and laid on the ground next to him, catching his breath, while the young man remained on all fours, drenched in sweat and also breathing heavily. "You liked that, didn't you?" The guy asked Robert. "Fuck yes", he replied. "Hold still, I need to piss" the guy gave his instruction, and got up and stood above Robert, who, in a couple of seconds, felt a stream of this man's warm piss, soaking him all over his back and the back of his head. "Mmmmmm yeah, good slut. I bet you like me making you wet..... .....oh, and by the way, I'm HIV positive. Enjoy the poz load I just dumped in you. There could be more for you again, another day, if you want it....."
    6 points
  4. 5. Tommy's Glory I was in San Diego lounging next to a desk in a studio mansion where in about an hour or so I would be jerking off after giving a sexy interview, Michael one of the other performers for the weekend had helped me set up the internet for my laptop and I was about to start a skype call to my hopefully soon to be boyfriend who I called daddy when in the throes of passion, whom I had seduced after my 18th birthday party. Michael had climbed down under the desk and was Fluffing my cock as I gained connection with Matt. Matt answered on the forth ring of skype and we chatted, I let him know about the flight and that I had interviews set for the two universities in the area, small chit chat, trying not to groan or moan as Michael manipulated my now enraged phallus, suddenly my cousin stepped into the frame wearing a hot yellow Nasty pig Jock strap, a chest harness and a collar, it had been since Christmas since I’d seen Josh and the time off from school and in the gym had been paying off, his body was tight and sculptured, he’d always be my nerdy cousin but now seeing him next to Matt he was my Hot nerdy cousin. “Tommy, came home to find your cousin waiting on your doorstep, but with you being away I invited him over and guess what, he’s as perverted as you” Tommy laughed at the one “Matt I hope he doesn’t spoil any plans you had for this weekend, wait it looks like you may have included him in your plan” i giggled again as Matt explained he indeed had some plans for my cousin, but first things first, he got up and let the two of us boys chat a bit talking dirty and jabbing each other with verbal jabs. he came back with a couple of items which he kept from Josh’s viewpoint “Hummm, I can’t have my new slave talking like that to my favorite boytoy can I?” Josh was standing right behind Matt as he said it and he turned and pulled Josh’s jock down revealing a engorged cock about as big as mine, He wrapped what appeared to be a large bag of Peas around the phallus and chuckled. After removing the bag, Josh’s cock had shriveled up to the size of a little boys penis and moving quickly Matt placed a Cock cage with a ureteral tube over the quickly recovering prick, slipped the cock ring over Josh’s cock and balls and locked everything into place, then pulled the Jock strap over the device “There that’s better, got to teach the slaves the meaning of devotion” I sat there in shock and aroused silence, Matt had taken my cousin on not just as an intern, but as a slave. As we chatted some more I revealed my rock hard cock and stroked it until a small squirt of precum shot out, Michael pulled on my balls sharply to prevent me from cumming and as his head popped above the desk I introduced him to Matt and Josh, Josh sighed and Matt grinned “Take good care of my boy there, return him safely home” Michael grinned and shot back that he’d take real good care of me, Matt laughed and we chatted some more all the while Matt had Josh by his side evidently with one hand fingering Josh’s hole, as josh would wince or moan on occasion. We ended our Skype session about a half our later and Michael lead me to the Garden We were joined by one of the producers who couldn’t have been more than 27 or 28 and Michael took over a camera which was sitting on the table. Two other cameras were set up on Tripods Aimed at capturing our faces as we sat in the chaise lounges a video monitor next to each camera so we could make sure we stayed in the frame of the shot. Chet asked me some quick questions to break the ice and to settle me down a bit, he then called for the cameras to be start recording, he asked me to repeat my stage name and how old I was, he asked me if I was bi, gay or considered myself straight, I told him I was definitely gay. He proceeded to ask questions about my life and my sexual tendencies before calling for the cameras to be cut and we headed into one of the bedrooms in the house where the cameras were once again set up and started and I was instructed to touch my body and to slowly strip out of my clothes, before long I was rock hard again, fantasizing it was Matt behind the camera and he was instructing me to do naughty things about 20 minutes into the interior shoot I shot a massive load over my head and onto the headboard behind me. Chet called cut and it’s a wrap. And we headed into the living room after I had a quick shower and Michael handed me a plate of food, it was already after 8 but I was beat and after digesting some nutrition Michael suggested I call it a night. He accompanied me up the stairs and into the bedroom where I promptly undressed and climbed into bed, Michael stood naked in front of me as I pulled back the covers and invited him into my bunk, he obliged and I soon had a 19 year old porn star in my lap as he wiggled his ass back onto my hardening cock, he had evidently been prepared or already had a bum full of cum as he slid down my cock without much effort and began grinding his ass into my crotch, I whispered in his ear “Were you so sure I’d fuck you to prep your hole or is that cum that’s surrounding my cock” “It’s cum, cast and crew have been fucking me all day” “Omg your ass feels great wrapped around my cock” We both chuckled and I sped up my plowing of his ass before blasting a huge load, adding to the nearly dozen loads he already had in him. We ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms. The following morning Chet came in and woke us up grinning as he did so, I ate a light breakfast and Chet and Carl, the younger one of the guys who picked me up at the airport, took me over to the university campus to go on a guided tour then speak to some advisors in my major of study. The tour guide was really cute and seemed to know Carl, after leaving the campus I was driven back to the house and Wendy the costumer for the studio gave me an to wear, it was some running shorts and a tank top and running shoes with shorty socks, after adorning the attire I was escorted to a waiting car which contained my camera crew and a driver, we then were whisked off to a local park and the camera crew and myself got out of the car. The lead camera man who couldn’t be much older than myself told me to jog along the path down towards the baseball diamond and that they would be both following me along on a electric cart which they pulled from the trunk and from a distance, the one cameraman mounting the cart and the lead setting up a tripod, once they were ready I started jogging down the trail which looped over to the baseball diamond, on which some guys were tossing around a baseball and practicing slides. I jogged down to the diamond twice with the cart cameraman following me and the lead panning my run down the trail at various zooms then they had me stop at the diamond and watch the players, they had given me a Bluetooth earpiece and a small communication device and they instructed me to approach one of the players as the practice seemed to be breaking up, the earpiece also was a microphone so they could record my conversation with the player who it turns out was also mic’d. I approached the 20ish year old player who looked sexy in his uniform and was apparently aroused at my approach as his cock was tenting his uniform I began to tent out my jogging shorts as well, the cart camera man had gotten into position to record our interaction. As I approached the player I was instructed to act like we knew each other and that I’d be escorting the guy back to his place. I did so with great confidence and we got it in one shot, we then headed back to the cars which were waiting for us and taken back to the house. The house had a small cottage at the end of the driveway and we stopped there to shoot the next outside scene which consisted of him groping my ass as we headed inside. Once inside the camera crews began filming my interaction with first the baseball player then with the rest of the team who it appeared were going to hang out while my crush seduced and violated me. My man lead me to a bedroom where he disrobed me of my jogging outfit before I fished out his schlong and began sucking him off, as he peeled off his jersey and pants, soon we were both naked and taking turns pleasuring the other, a pause was called and lube was applied to my ass and his and then we resumed our passions as he sank deep into my ass with his cock and pumped me for about ten minutes before pulling back and having me slide my cock into his orifice it slid in easily with him already been loosened up and I pumped away at his internal organs, I began kissing him as I fucked him which just made him milk my shaft with his ass more, I lasted about eight minutes and had to pull out he then slide back into me and began pumping me in earnest whispering in my ear that he was a multiple cummer and the first few shots were going in my gut oh yeah I moaned out getting more vocal the closer he got then I felt a warm wetness and his cock pulsing at my hole before he pulled out and shot across my cock and abdominals pulling up and straddling my cock and plunging down on it impaling his ass with my mighty sword. I shot about four blast into his rectum before he lifted off and grabbed my cock to have me shoot another four blast across his ass and up his back. The director called the shoot then after whispering something to the guy lead us both back to the living room where a orgy scene was being shot having us join in on the action. I was fucked by three more teen boys and two of the older guys and allowed to breed three of the group before it was called a wrap and we helped clean up the mess we had created. After all was cleaned up dinner was served, a simple pasta feast but it was tasty, afterwards we hung out in the living room a few of us fooling around while a couple played on the Xbox on the TV. It was getting close to 9:30 and a couple of the older models went out to one of the clubs leaving us younger models on our own, I took Michael and carl upstairs to my bunk and we fooled around some before fucking each other’s brains out, we all had cum dripping from our holes as we fell asleep. Sunday morning I was again awoken by Chet a big grin on his face seeing three of us stuffed into the bunk covered in dried cum “Breakfast in ten boys” And he walked out of the room, I realized my cock was still implanted in Carl’s ass and I began to fuck him in Ernest filling him with my morning load. We headed to the shower and ended up in a piss fight with me ending up on his knees being showered by Michael and Carl who soon learned that I liked piss in my mouth and began letting me drink from their taps. After breakfast Carl and Chet again drove me over to the University only SDSU this time and I toured the campus and meet with my major’s advisors before returning to the house for another orgy shoot where I ended up taking five more loads of cum in me and being fucked by at least ten guys in a ritualistic frat initiation scene. I wasn’t allowed to top in this scene but that was fine with me. After the wrap was called I was told to go pack my belongings, it was sudden and stern and I wondered if I fucked things up by being too vocal in the scene, so did as I was told packed my things and texted Matt I was on my way to the airport soon. I brought my bag down and Chet was waiting for me along with Carl, they were both smiling “Well stud, time to get you to the airport and back to your normal suburban life” “I guess, so will you be contacting me if you need any more from me?” “Oh, you can count on it, you were great, just need to see what the fans will go for” With that they ushered me out to the SUV and we headed to the airport, upon arriving at the departures ramp Chet handed me an envelope “That should help with books etc., wherever you might go to school, there is also a little something extra for you for the extra scene you did yesterday” I got out of the SUV and headed into the terminal, glancing back as Carl waved at me blowing me a kiss.
    6 points
  5. PART SIXXX It was at this moment the door opened and the store clerk walked into the room, heading directly towards the main lounge, calling out as he advanced "Hey Andre, don't mind me. I just came in to take a piss. Oh, hey, from the looks of it you've been enjoying yourself." "Oh, hey, Peter, yeah, I sure have," Andre replied with a smile, adding "I sure have, got a nice piece of fuck meat here. And he knows his place." Peter chuckled "I bet he does now, especially after you've been doing your usual antics. Look, his ass is still bright red," moving close and taking a good look at the scene in which Robert moved from being on all fours to sitting on the concrete floor. "Are you okay, sweet pea?" Peter asked Robert. "Well, I've had quite a night so far...." Robert replied, grinning slightly. Peter turned to Andre, and grabbing his crotch, asked "Well, shit.... I still need to piss pretty badly. You don't mind if I use the toilet, do you?" "Go right ahead," Andre replied, with a smirk, knowing full well what the store clerk had in mind. He and Robert watched as Peter took off his pants and underwear, and, his flaccid cock in hand, approached Robert, stood over the young man who was still seated in anticipation of some new perversion. With that Peter released a steady stream of warm piss over the lad, giving a deep sigh of relief. "Ahhhhh, that's good," as he pissed on Robert's chest and crotch, reveling in saturation of Robert, a now well-used slutty pig. The men were amused to note Robert's penis started to swell into a semi-erect cock. "Look at what you're doing to me, filthy bitch." Peter said, addressing Robert. "Has this asshole dumped a load inside you yet?" Continuing, Peter asked "Has he hurt your sweet little poo-hole? Is it throbbing and swollen at the moment? I bet it is...." Peter's cock was now in his hand, and he was gently massaging his member, which was filling out, and, as Robert watched, his eyes grew large as Peter's cock grew and grew, swelling in size to what must have been at least nine inches in length, and having a far greater girth than that cock which had just fucked him utterly ruthlessly. "Guess who else would like some attention....."
    5 points
  6. In the reflection of the glass doors I saw my small framed body ascend the stairs. I was so glad no one saw me come in. I stared at the floor, avoiding eye contact, as I approached the window. "Room or locker?" "Room, please." I quickly paid the attendant, and he handed me a towel and a key. Hastily I beat a retreat through the inner door, my heart pounding a mile a minute. I strolled down the crimson hall, closed doors on either side, hunting for my room. A naked man passed by, and I almost died! I couldn't believe I was finally there. I was scared yet excited. If it weren't for the Internet, I wouldn't have known the place was there. A couple guys approached, one wearing a towel, one not. I glanced at the nude guy's Cock—so long and thick—and soft like mine! I glanced at the floor to avoid their eyes, yet I could feel them boring into me. One of the men whispered, 'Nice!'. Perhaps this wouldn't be so terrible, after all. I walked on and peaked through a doorway. Two guys were having sex. I walked on quickly before they spotted me. I was nervous and sought out the solitude of my room. After fumbling with my key, the door swung open. I locked it behind me. On the TV above the bunk, two guys were blowing each other. I watched, and my body ached. I had never seen two guys in a film before. They were so young, kinda like me—nice firm bodies. One even looked like me—about 5' 7", short brown hair, smooth skin and Balls, with a massive curly bush above his cock. His cock was, however, decidedly larger than my six inch model. A knock sounded at the door. Cautiously, I opened it cautiously. Before me stood a cute dude about 5'9", red hair, nice body, dressed solely in a towel, but carrying a back-pack. "May I come in? There are old guys out here, and they're after me. Please. I saw you come in." I was scared; but he was very hot. I let him in. "Got to lock it, man. Don't want no fuckin' trolls in here." He latched the door and sat down. I sat down next to him and couldn't help notice the bulge beneath his towel. "I'm Matt." "I'm Steve. Ever been here before?" "Nope." "Oh, it's a hot place. Just keep your door locked. Lots of disgusting old trolls. Guys you don't want to mess with 'less you're really hard up." "Yeah, okay." "Nice video." He kicked back and watched, pulling out a thin cigarette. He lit up, and immediately I knew it was a joint. I stared at it, for I had never smoked before. Steve must have noticed me looking, for he reached over and offered me a hit. I vowed it would be a night of new experiences. My lungs burned as I coughed out the smoke. I took two big puffs and was going to hand it back, when Steve said, "Nah, keep that one. I got another." He pulled out his own and lit up. A few minutes after I forced the drug-infused air into my lungs I was floating. My cock was twitching in my underwear; and I felt so relaxed as I once again looked at the TV playing the porn. I was so horny; yet I was soft, but very sensitive. "Thirsty?" "Kinda." Steve pulled two bottled waters out of a small back pack and handed me one. My mouth was so dry. I twisted the top and noticed it had been opened; but I was thirsty. In a second the bottle was empty, and I was so taken by the video I almost forgot Steve was there. Several scenes had gone by before I turned back to Steve. I felt like jello. My entire body was relaxed and aching to be touched. Steve was rubbing his bulge through his jeans. "You into guys or just curious?" "I want a man." "Personally, I prefer young guys like yourself. You have a really nice bod—case you didn't know. But I'd like to see you get more comfortable. Why not slip out of those clothes and put on your towel." I stood up very dizzy. I removed my shirt. I couldn't believe how sluggish I was. "Can you pull my jeans off, Steve?" "Sure." He reached down and undid my waist button, then gradually pulled down my zipper, his hands lingering on my privates. Turning his attention to my sockless ankles, he jerked at my trou; and that's when his towel fell off. Face to face with his not insignificant organ, I blushed. "Steve, you have a great body, man!" 'though it was not his body I was thinking about. Meanwhile Steve had begun beating his dick, which was larger than mine and considerably thicker. He guided my hand to his tool. It felt so warm and silky. I ran my fingers over the piss slit which was oozing precum, and massaged the crystal-clear goo all over his dickhead and shaft. He pushed my face into his crotch: it was musky and sweaty. I grew so excited my mouth automatically dropped open and devoured him. Salty, delicious, and moist—with lots of sweet precum! I was beyond happy. Now, being a young guy, I got horny a lot, but I had never felt like that before—so weird and so excited. My dick was super-sensitive; and every time I moved, it strained against my towel. Steve was smiling as I fumbled to get his now huge tool in my inexperienced mouth. His cock had grown so hard, and I could feel my ass tingling like I wanted it in me. Steve brought his face close to mine and kissed me. It was incredible! I was overcome by his manliness, his facial stubble, as his hands wandered all over my body, exploring every inch of me until he came upon my cock. He squeezed it hard and tickled my balls. "Stand up, Matt." Standing behind me, he pulled my underwear down. As the air in the room assailed my buttocks, I felt as if I were flying naked in a dream. He nibbled my ear, which melted my shoulders like butter. My body was desperate to be touched! As his hands rubbed my chest and crotch, it felt as if a thousand fingers were massaging me. "Lie down on your stomach on the bed." Steve's hands lighted on the small of my back, working their way down to my pussy. "I have condoms and KY in my pocket." "Just relax. We'll get to those." Steve's hands felt so good on my ass cheeks. I was in another world, so calm and comfortable. My asshole felt something warm and wet. Steve was licking my mancunt. As his tongue grew more aggressive, I spiraled into ecstasy. Pausing, Steve walked over to my pants and reached in my pocket. When he returned he mounted me from behind. He dripped the lube onto my pussy and his raw cock. I felt my ass stretch. He pushed in harder, then paused for a moment. "Your ass feels so good stretched around my cock. Feels like my dick is made for your hole. You okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay now. Don't stop!" "You want it real bad, don't you? You should, you know. That joint you smoked was laced with Crystal. Same with the water. You should be screaming for cock and my pozcum by now." He'd drugged me! It all made sense—why I was floating. He had taken advantage of me! But, nonetheless, his cock felt, oh, so good! I was torn! I couldn't bring myself to order him to stop. And, yes, his off-the-cuff allusion to being POZ went over my head. "Oh man, fuck me. Fuck me good, Steve, please! It feels so good." Steve's poz tool worked my chute. I could feel his large head as it tore into my innards. "Feel my cock plow your hole? It's getting ready—ready to reward you. Your ass will beg for more cock after this." Then the volume of his incantation increased as he continued "YEAH, MAN, HERE IT CUMS. I WANT YOU TO FEEL MY SICK JIZM INFILTRATE YOUR PUSSY. SO WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE DOING THE BREEDING, YOU'LL KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE." It was all so unreal! Steve pushed in all the way, burying his huge pole inside my pussy. I felt his cock spasm, as his toxic seed shot up my insides. I had never experienced such great pleasure before. Steve left his noxious shaft stowed in my ass for a couple of minutes as we both came down from the exchange. "You loved that, didn't you, Matt? You fuckin' total cumslut. Why don't we leave the door open and let all the guys fuck you? You'd like that, wouldn't you?" My mind was racing. What about AIDS? If Steve had already POZZED me, did it matter? My mind gave me a thousand reasons to resist, but my sex-starved body screamed go for it. I looked at Steve. "I want to—but I'm scared." "Don't be. This is what you were meant to do. I'm gonna open up that door and let 100 guys come in and fuck you! You will never forget the lust you feel tonight. I've already pumped a nice creamy Load of poz cum in you. Right now it's penetrating your ass walls, cavorting through your cells—to your heart and brain, converting you into a cumslut. Soon you're gonna think and feel like me. Honestly now, don't you already feel a tingling in your hole? That's 'cause your body is converting - being overtaken by poz cum." He continued with his soothing words "know why are you so hungry for poz cum? Because you are meant to be a fuck hole for all the beautiful cocks who are coming your way. With your looks, you're a natural! You will eventually become a breeder. My poz cum will to set you free! Live for the hour, cause you never know if you'll survive till tomorrow!" I didn't know what to think. I was so scared. So confused. This good-looking guy may have given me AIDS. I knew I should be horrified, but just then my ass twitched. I could feel the warmth of his toxic Jizm circulating in my hole. I looked at Steve. He was right. It was already too late. It didn't matter. "Open the door." "You sure?" "Let them all cum in and fuck me." I had never been so excited yet apprehensive in my life. My eyes followed Steve as he unlatched the door. Within seconds a big fat guy stepped in. Fat and ugly and old! He dropped his towel, and I stared at the log between his legs. "You want that big pole to tear you apart, don't you?" he asked as he climbed on top of me and had his cock pressed against my asshole. Steve said "This little bottom slut took his first poz load a few minutes ago. Go ahead, and give him some more cum." With that the fat guy plunged his shaft into my hole. It was just as thick as Steve's, but much longer. I could feel his dick assaulting my ass walls, swishing around in the pool of hot cum Steve had deposited. "Hey Dude, tell me the truth now! You poz or neg?" Steve asked. "Poz," grunted the fat guy. a"FUCK YEAH MAN! DON'T JUST FUCK HIM! RAPE HIS ASS! GIVE IT TO HIM!" Inspired, the fat guy hammered away at my hole, soon enough grunting as his thick cock convulsed and more poz cum assailed my gut. Steve cheered him on. All in all my ass became dumping ground for close to 60 Loads that night. Cum was running down my legs, down at my balls, soaking the sheets. When the last guy had shot, I looked at all the cum on the floor and bed that had oozed out of my pussy. Steve helped me up, saying "For now the drugs will hide the pain. But you've been torn up pretty bad. You won't be able to go to work tomorrow." "I don't go to work. I'm still in school. I have a test tomorrow. Mom will let me stay home, though." "Even better then." We went our separate ways, and I made it back home. I got to my room and crawled into bed, still amazed at what I'd done, still feeling cum leak out of my battered hole onto the sheets. I hoped my Mom didn't comment on the condition of the bedding. Steve was right on two counts: first, about being sore, (I missed the next two days of school), and second, about needing more cock. Within a week I was back at the baths, this time neither looking down at the floor nor locking doors. I headed for the maze. There I was welcomed in the sling where another 20 guys used my ass to pleasure themselves and dump their shit. After all, I was among the youngest in the place, so I was popular. Some four months later I saw Steve again. He smiled down at me while I was getting fucked, and nudged a hot young kid next to him. I recognized him as a classmate from from the school baseball team. I think he played third base. Whatever position, he looked scared and really nervous. Steve put his hand on his shoulder and lead him away. I floated away and began to dream as another load shot into my hole. I remember thinking my classmate didn't know what he was in for or what he'd eventually become. I knew he'd be ready within the hour. I'd walk into that room, and Steve would be there, urging me on, as I plied his cherry with my poz seed.
    4 points
  7. Part 92 - Looking for Financial Aid Paul sent a text and soon the door buzzed open. He and Ric walked into the lobby area and Paul stopped. “You’re legal, right?” Ric nodded and quietly said “Yeah.” “Good. Follow my lead. I’ve met this client once before and he wanted a couple guys tagging him this time. Normally I wouldn’t do a job like this with someone I’ve never met, but the client picked you out and had me set up this three-way. Don’t fuck it up or you’re gonna see a really bad side of me” Paul replied as the elevator door opened. The two stepped inside and Ric said “Don’t worry about me, I’ll just follow your lead. I’ll top, bottom, suck… whatever.” “Unless he wants you to suck me or me to fuck you, you’ll be nailing him hard and dumping as much of your boy cum into him. Uh… you’re on prep, right? Your ad said that you liked it raw and were versatile” Paul asked. “No, no prep” Ric answered looking down at the floor. “Huh? You’re not going to stay neg long being a bareback escort without prep” Paul said in and almost fatherly tone. “I’m poz” Ric replied quietly. “Damn. That was fast” Paul said with a chuckle. “Kinda like me. You doin ok with the meds?” Paul asked. “No meds. I’m doin good though” was Ric’s succinct reply. “FUCK! Toxic too? Nice! This guy is gonna have a deadly brew in him when we’re done” Paul said as he raised his hand for a high-five. “If the guy says anything about status, let me handle it. OK?” Paul said. “Uh… I have a biohazard tat over my cock. I crop it out of the pics I send out… I’ll try to cover it as much as I can” Ric said as the elevator stopped and the door opened. They walked down the hall and Paul whispered “He probably doesn’t know what it means, but yeah, don’t bring attention to it.” Paul tapped on door 7D and a few seconds later it opened. Ric saw the client standing there in just a towel. He was a white guy about forty with a decent tan, curly light brown hair and a lightly muscled body. He would later find out that the guy had strong legs and a firm butt from running nearly every day. “Hey, good to see you again” the client, Craig, said. “Last week I had so much fun, I just had to do it again and maybe kick it up a notch or two. Since my divorce I’ve been experimenting a bit and found out what fun I’ve been missing all these years. I was always curious about guys but I’ve been stuck with that she-devil since high school.” Paul rolled his eyes at Ric as Craig rambled on. He knew the guy was nervous but they were just there to fuck and go, not hear his life story and Paul had heard most of it last time. Craig finally stopped talking and looked both Paul and Ric over. Walking up to Ric, he traced his finger over Ric’s chest and up to fur on his chin and then winked at him. “Way better than your pics. You need some new ones, Austin. I do need to ask you though… you really are eighteen, right?” Craig said. Ric chuckled and said “Yeah, I am” realizing that even with the beard he still looked young. These were the first words that he had said since walking into the condo and the guy smiled. “Sexy voice, too. Are you guys really gay or do you just do it for the money? Neither of you sound gay” Craig said. Paul laughed and said “You don’t either but you sure seemed to like having a guy’s dick in your ass last time and that’s about as gay as it gets. Where do you want to play this time? No sense in spending all of your money just chatting.” “Bedroom, I’d like to maybe get fucked on the balcony too, if we have time” said Craig as he led them down the hall. Ric looked around the condo and it seemed a little disorganized with several boxes laying around. They got to the bedroom and Paul closed the shades a bit so that they weren’t completely visible from the neighboring buildings. “Whatcha looking for this time, Craig? It can’t be completely vanilla with a three way…” Paul said while he moved closer to Craig and stood off to his right side. Ric took his cue and moved in next to Paul and kissed Craig’s cheek and then moved over to his ear and nibbled on the earlobe. “Ooooh fuck… Now that I know I can take it, I want you to get rougher with me. Treat me like a slut. I always wanted to fuck hard with my ex, but she never let me” Craig explained. “Ahh, ok. You just want to bottom?” Paul replied. “Yeah, Maybe next time I can try fucking you, but it felt so good last time and it just about blew my mind when I felt you cumming inside me. I felt it seep out of me the rest of the day” Craig said. “Cool. Well, I like it rough and I’m sure Austin here won’t mind it. If we get a little too carried away, just let us know. Uh… what was your ex’s name?” Paul asked. “Tracy. Why?” Craig asked as Paul pulled Craig’s towel away and threw it on the floor. “That’s your safe word. Just say ‘Tracy’ and we’ll slow down. Say it twice and we’ll stop” Paul said pushing Craig back to the bed. Ric was a step behind Paul and was pulling his shirt over his head. Craig was sitting on the edge of the bed with Paul on one side and Ric on the other, their pants both sporting significant bulges. Paul took his shirt off and pulled Craig’s face to his crotch. Craig breathed deep and reached over to feel Ric’s growing bulge. “Fuck” Craig muttered as he leaned over and buried his face in Ric’s crotch and fondled Paul’s package. His hand fumbled as he tried to unbuckle Paul’s belt and after a few failed attempts Paul reached down and unlatched it. Craig had more success unbuttoning Paul’s jeans. Paul slipped off his shoes let the jeans drop before kicking them aside. Craig moved back over to Paul and was licking and gnawing at the fabric of his tight trunks, the outline of his rigid cock easily visible. Ric removed his shoes and dropped his jeans, leaving him standing there in just a yellow jockstrap. Paul hooked his thumbs around the trunks and pulled them down, freeing his cock and letting it slap Craig in the face. Craig’s tongue was lapping at Paul’s member, coating it with spit. Ric pulled his cock out of the side of the pouch of his jock, thinking that the waistband would obscure his biohazard tattoo. Paul reached down with both arms and hoisted Craig back on the bed, straddling his chest and feeding his cock to Craig’s eager mouth. Ric followed them on to the bed and began to suck on Craig’s balls before swallowing his five inch stiffie. Ric didn’t know if Craig was one of those guys that was done as soon as he shot, so he made sure that Craig didn’t get too close while he sucked and licked. He moistened his finger and traced down from Craig’s balls to his recently deflowered hole. Ric briefly wondered if Paul had been the one to take Craig’s anal cherry and poz him at the same time, just like Joe had done with him. He cleared his mind of the distraction and went to work opening up Craig’s hole. Craig was moaning and would occasionally clamp down on his finger. He pushed in a second finger and felt the hole relax a little more. He looked up just in time to see Paul turn his head back and mouth “You fuck him first.” Ric nodded, unsure if he was to fuck him missionary or flip Craig over to fuck him doggy. His question was answered when Paul leaned forward and started to slow fuck Craig’s mouth. Ric lifted Craig’s ass and spit on the hole before pushing three fingers in. Twisting and prodding, he stretched out the hole even more, knowing that Craig had probably never had anything near the size of his cock inside him. Adding more spit, he knelt between the splayed legs and rubbed his dripping cock over the waiting hole. He tapped Paul on the leg and mouthed “now” to him. Paul thrust his cock into Craig’s mouth and Ric pushed his thick, wet cock into his ass, stretching the ring around his cock head. Craig writhed at the sudden intrusion and his inability to breathe. The twisting of Craig’s body pulled Ric’s cock out of his ass so Ric pulled back the foreskin and added more spit to the precum on his cock head before he made a second attempt. He held on to Craig’s legs tightly this time and let him get used to the thick meat that was stretching his sphincter open. Ric had noticed that he seemed to leak precum a lot more when the guy he was fucking was not already poz and this case was no different. He was soaking Craig’s chute with viral precum and he stood there for over a minute before he used the precum-as-lube to push deeper. Ric began to drive in and out, feeling Craig try to wiggle and his body shake the deeper he got. He remembered that Craig said he wanted it rough, so his thrusts got more forceful. His body was slamming into Craig and sweat was dripping and flying off, covering both Paul and Craig. He pulled back and adjusted his angle and drove back in hard, hearing Craig yelp around Paul’s cock. After ten minutes of varied firm strokes Ric started pounding even harder. A few more minutes and he went as hard as he could. In less than a minute, Craig yelled out a cock muffled, but distinct, “TRACY!” Ric dialed it back for a few more minutes of drilling and then rammed in and felt his cock shoot ropes of infected cum deep into Craig’s abused colon. Ric stood there, gasping as his cock finally stopped pulsing and looked forward to see Paul twisted back staring at him in disbelief. Slowly, Ric pulled his cock out as Paul climbed off of Craig, smiling at him and giving Ric a wink. Ric grabbed Craig’s hips and flipped him over, feeling his body still quivering. Paul took his place behind Craig as Ric climbed in front, brushing his cummy cock over Craig’s lips. Craig was obviously still in a daze when Paul, crouched on his feet, pushed into the swollen hole. As if on autopilot, Craig started licking every part of Ric’s cock and balls. He seemed to spend extra time pulling back and releasing Ric’s foreskin, marveling at something he had never seen up close before. Paul’s cock wasn’t nearly as big as Ric’s, but Craig’s hole had tightened up in the short time it was empty. Paul loved fucking cum filled holes and knew that Ric had planted a large load inside. He was enjoying pounding Craig’s ass like he usually fucked. Their previous fuck had been slow and gentle the entire time as Paul opened Craig up. He wished he had been the first escort that Craig had hired to pop his cherry, but he was glad to be the second one to get his cock inside Craig. He loved the innocence that Craig had, and how he appreciated every new aspect of gay sex he was experiencing. Paul started fucking faster and harder, trying to mimic the intensity of Ric’s fuck. He pushed Craig down flat and was piledriving his hole. Ric was face fucking Craig in time to Paul’s thrusts, but the angle was bad and he wasn’t nearly as brutal. His crotch was dripping with Craig’s spit and Ric noticed that Craig was no longer fighting the abuse to his body. There was an occasional whimper, but mostly moans. Paul slammed in one last time and let out a guttural roar as his cock pumped another virus laden dose of seed deep inside. Paul collapsed on top of Craig, panting like a dog. Ric wasn’t sure what to do next and had his eyes trained on Paul. Without a cock in his mouth, Craig’s moaning was even louder but eventually it faded and he said “Oh fuck! That’s what I was talking about. I won’t be able to walk for days, but god I loved that.” “Who said you were done?” Paul asked. Ric got a big grin on his face and wondered what Paul was going to do next. After a minute, Paul rolled off Craig’s sweat soaked back, got off the bed and gestured to Ric. Ric moved around and pushed Craig’s legs wider and then dug his tongue into the cum filled hole. The mixture of their cum and Craig’s ass juice, covered his face and beard. While Ric feasted, Paul walked over and pulled the belt out of his jeans. He usually used cloth belts when he went to meet clients that weren’t into BDSM scenes (leather was always the preferred material for those other meetings). He then went over toward end of the bed and picked up the towel he tossed there earlier and walked back to the side of the bed. Ric stood up as he felt Paul get near, leaving Craig laid out flat on his stomach on the bed. Quickly, Paul looped the belt around Craig’s wrists and cinched the belt down. He pulled and dragged Craig over to the balcony door and motioned for Ric to move the chair to the middle. Ric positioned the chair and Craig found himself kneeling on it and bent over the back. Paul tied off the other end of the belt to one of the chair legs and then opened the shades all the way. Craig was staring out at the cityscape wondering how many of his neighbors were looking this way. Paul folded the towel and wrapped it around Craig’s eyes and tied it behind his head. Paul motioned for Ric to remove his jock and plow his cock back into Craig’s ass. “Holy FUCK!” Craig screamed out as Ric shoved all the way in with one hard stroke. Paul was motioning instructions to Ric and Ric started to mercilessly pound Craig’s hole again. Paul grabbed his phone out of his jeans and took a few pictures and a video of Ric raw fucking Craig’s ass and got a couple with Ric’s biohazard tattoo showing right above Craig’s wrecked hole and a ring of slightly pink cum around the base of Ric’s cock. None of the pictures had faces but showed what a cumwhore Craig had become in a short time. Ric had only been fucking for a couple minutes and Paul motioned him away. He pulled out and Craig whimpered at the sudden emptiness. Paul drilled his cock into the gaping hole for a few minutes and then they swapped again. Back and forth, a few minutes of each cock at a time until they couldn’t hold back any longer and it was time to breed again. Ric came first, adding more toxic sperm to Craig’s guts. He didn’t yell out or make any outward signal other than pushing in and holding his cock deep inside Craig’s ass and feeling his cock throb as his balls emptied their contents. Paul took his last turn on Craig, pounding him relentlessly and then added his cum to the mess. Ric slid his jock back on and then his jeans and shirt. He smelled of sex but he didn’t care. Paul pulled his cock out and slapped Craig’s ass. “Now you’re done, fucker” he said as he reached down and untied the belt before loosening it and removing it from Craig’s wrists. Leaving him blindfolded for a few more minutes, Paul got dressed too. Paul removed the blindfold and looked at Craig. “Time’s up. Hope you enjoyed it” Paul said. “Fuck! That was intense. I’ve never done anything like that before. That first part was hot and I loved being used like that, but the second part was so strange. I couldn’t see anything or move much. I hope no one saw me get fucked like that” Craig said. “Pffft, that’s nothing. It’s just a taste of bondage. If you want, we can try some of the more advanced stuff some other time. But for now, we’re done. I’m beat and you look like it too” Paul said. “Oh, yeah. I don’t think I could take any more today. My balls hurt from shooting so many times. I’m sure the sheets are soaked with jizz. Uh, your envelope is over there by the front door. It’s for both of you. Thanks, that was so much fun. I really wish I had tried this sooner. I wasted half my life trying to be straight” said Craig. Ric and Paul smiled back at him. “Paul, I will call you about another appointment. Austin, I’m glad you could come. Too bad you won’t be in town very long. That cock of yours is amazing - I’ve never felt so full” Craig said. “Thanks, I enjoyed it. I’m sure you’ll remember this for a long time” Ric replied. Ric and Paul walked out, Paul grabbing the envelope on the way. Once in the elevator he counted the money out and split it with Ric. “Not bad for two hours work. He even put in a tip. Here ya go. It was good working with you Austin. You really did surprise me. Next time you’re out this way let me know and maybe we can schedule a few jobs together and share our gift. I wouldn’t mind feeling that big cock in me, either” Paul said as they descended to the first floor. “Yeah, it worked out better than I thought it would. I may be moving out here later this summer so I’ll keep it in mind, but I don’t do a lot of escorting” Ric replied. They walked out of the building and Ric waited for his ride back to the hotel and Paul disappeared down the street.
    4 points
  8. I was eighteen, short for my age at just five foot and very slim. Often people thought I was younger, but my Id proved them wronged. While I generally enjoyed school, I hated sports and took every opportunity to avoid them. When, however, I could not get out of sports, I usually tended to go for cross country runs, probably because they involved no physical contact. Looking back now, however, I see one of those cross country runs set me on a path for life. Our runs took us for miles, through urban areas and also through woodland and parks. On such runs naturally the urge to urinate would eventually arise, but my rule of thumb was to hold-out as long as I could, even if the act of running was exacerbating the necessity. One one particular run I found myself increasingly desperate, so when, as I entered a woodland, I spotted a sign for some public toilets, I immediately padded down the path through the bushes and trees and came to a secluded toilet. Entering, it took a bit before my eyes adjusted to the relative darkness compared to the bright sunlight outside. A sort of twilight, lit purely from whatever daylight managed to filter through the small and dirty windows at a high level on one wall. I stepped over to the urinals and, fishing my penis out from the leg of my shorts, let go a long stream of piss from my bursting bladder. As I finished I realised that a tall man was also standing at the end urinal and seemed to be watching me intently. Somewhat innocently I turned as I rearranged my shorts and our eyes met. Then he glanced down and my eyes automatically followed. He turned slightly and I saw this huge erection jutting from his trousers with two heavy balls hanging below. I stared fascinated. It was the first mans cock I had ever seen, and it was enormously erect with a big swollen purple head that glistened moistly. His hand was wrapped around the shaft and he slowly eased it back and forth, the foreskin rolling over the head as he did so. A big drop of fluid emerged from the end and hung there obscenely, glistening in the dim light. "Come here", he said authoritatively. As if hypnotized, my legs propelled me in his direction, stopping a foot or so in front of him, only for him to reach over, grab my hair with one hand, as his other hand covered my mouth. The shock brought me to my senses, but too late. His fingers were woven into my hair and he forced my head down relentlessly until my face was level with his swollen member. A small biohazard symbol was tattooed to the upper left of his cock. Two fingers of his left hand were being forced into my mouth and he pried my teeth apart until my mouth gaped open. He then slid the swollen moist head of his cock between my lips commanding "Don't try to shout or scream boy. Just enjoy it. Oh, and don't bite me or I'll hurt you," he admonished, removing his fingers so that my lips clamped around the head. I was disgusted but his grip of my hair prevented me from moving my head. He slowly eased his cock further into my mouth until the head hit the back of my mouth at the top of my throat. He moaned and then started thrusting slowly back and forth. He had about four inches in my mouth and transferred his hands to hold my ears while he settled into a rhythm, my saliva and his precum lubricating the thrusts. As he raped my mouth I adjusted to the feel of his cock sliding over my tongue. It seemed like ages but was probably only about five minutes. But he was not satisfied with this and his bell end increasingly bashed against the back of my mouth. Then he held me firmly by the ears as he pushed the head into my throat. "Stop teasing me boy and take it right down your throat. You know you want it.," he said. I gagged and resisted and my arms flailed about as I struggled to resist. But then I heard one of the cubicle doors creak open and realised we had been watched by another man. He came over and grabbed both of my arms pulling them together behind me. At this the first man forced his cock into my throat, ignoring my gagging, and started a brutal throat rape. His cock stretched my throat open and his cock rammed a couple of inches into my gullet. "That's it, throat-rape the little slut," I heard a new voice, as the second man encouraged the first man. I was now held firmly by the ears and wrists and couldn't struggle. "Hang on a minute, let's strip him," , he added and he grasped both my wrists in one hand, and using the other to pull my tee shirt over my head. He then proceeded to tie my wrists together behind my back using my own tee shirt. The first man resumed his rape of my throat, slamming his swollen cock into my gullet and into my throat. The second man then pulled my shorts down to my ankles and raised one of my feet to free the shorts completely. This unbalanced me and I fell forward, impaling myself fully on the tool reaming my throat. Pubic hair was ground into my face as my throat accepted the full length. "Yes, take it!", I heard the first man say and he started long dicking my throat to the hilt. I gasped for air and my breathing rasped noisily as I struggled to breathe around the thick shaft. At the same time I felt my buttocks being parted and a finger pushing into my virgin boyhole. It was withdrawn and the second man spat onto my hole, reinserting the finger to the knuckle. Then a second finger was thrust in alongside stretching my hole open. The man worked my hole loosening it up. Then he pulled out his fingers, kicked my legs apart and I felt his cock head against my spittle wet hole. He held my hips and pushed the head inside. The pain was excruciating, but my groans were muted by the cock raping my throat and my efforts to complain just opened my throat more. The second man pushed and slowly forced his cock further and further in, deeper than I thought possible. Eventually, with one savage thrust his cock was in to the hilt, his pubic hair scratching against my virgin buttocks. "God his cunt is tight", he said. "I think he's a virgin", responded the first,"lets break him in as a pussy boy, I need to dump this toxic load". The second man started thrusting in and out, long smooth strokes that pulled my hole inside out on each exit stroke. Together they long-dicked me both ends synchronizing their strokes so that both ends were filled at the same time. I realised my only hope of surviving was to cooperate and try to relax both my throat and boy hole. "He's starting to enjoy it", one of them said and they settled in for a long session. A whistle announced the arrival of another man. "Hey John, who's your new fuckboy then?" "He's letting you do him bareback. He obviously doesn't know you," I heard. It seemed the new arrival already knew at least one of the first two. "Didn't give him a choice, but he wants it now, Just see how he's taking it and he's gonna get my spunk soon." "You wanna bit of him too?" "Damn right, I'll just get my mate from the van and we'll do him after you." With that he briefly left, returning after a couple of minutes with his mate who asked "Fuck, he's a cute young pussy boy. What's his cunt like?" "Fucking tight. I'm gonna cum in a minute," the first man added. At the same time the rate of his thrusts increased, his shaft swelled even thicker and harder as he pulled my ears tightly, thrusting fully into my throat. His cock pulsated as a stream of hot thick cum poured into my throat. Withdrawing his cock so his head alone remained in my mouth, his balls continued pumping volley after volley into my mouth. "Swallow boy, get used to it," he ordered. I complied, the thick spunk sliding downing my throat as I urgently sought to swallow it all. It tasted funny, sort of salty. I can't say I was sorry when the spurts of cum slowed down, not because I didn't enjoy swallowing his load, but rather if only to catch my breath, only to have him withdraw completely, wiping his cock head on my lips as he muttered "Fuck, that was amazing." "I'm gonna cum too, take my poz load.", the second man said. Shit it made sense. The biohazard and toxic talk. They had HIV and they were cumming in me. I struggled but to no avail. I felt his cock swell and pulse and I felt his hot spunk shooting into my guts, holding it fully in as he filled my boyhole, the hot spunk searing the tenderised insides. Then he too pulled out and a rush of cool air replaced his cock in my ravaged hole. The muscles contracted, closing my ring and preventing the big load of spunk from sliding out. I could feel it sliming about inside. I felt relieved that was over, but I hadn't counted on the two new arrivals. As I looked up the two arrivals, both black men were stripping off. I stared fascinated, one had a long thick erection about 10 inches with a massive cock head while the other had a slightly shorter 9 inches but really thick. They both started to wank their shafts, and I watched, fascinated, as the one in front of me rolled his thick foreskin back over the bell shaped head and it became rock hard with a large drop of precum glistening obscenely at the tip. I started to panic but the first quickly grabbed my head and thrust the head of his cock into my mouth. My lipsstretched to accommodate it all as he slid in along my tongue and into mythroat. At the same time his mate lined his cock up to my open boyhole and thrust in all the way, his massive tool like a bottle stretching the tender walls of my boyhole. I felt spunk running down my legs as the savage battering forced it out. The savage rape of my holes was now taken over by these two black men with huge cocks. "Hold him steady will you", one of them said and the first two men took up a position on each side of me pulling my arms and holding me tightly and rigid. Sweat was pouring down my face and dripped to the floor and my breath rasped noisily as I stuggled to inhale. My throat had become an open channel to the massive invader long dicking me at each thrust. His mate was synchronizing his thrusts so that both were embedded to the hilt together. Fortunately the thick load of spunk lining my boyhole made the anal rape less painful and I focussed on just staying conscious. Suddenly both men stopped, as if by some signal and dragged me into a cubicle. One sat down on the toilet and pulled me back to sit on him, impaled on his engorged cock. It slid fully inside to the hilt. The second black guy grabbed my ankles and drew my legs up to his shoulders, my white socks and trainers each side of his head. His cockhead brushed against my stuffed boyhole. Then slowly he pushed forward and against all resistance forced his cockhead in also. He held a hand over my mouth and suppressed my screams as he pushed further and further into my hole. I must have passed out because after a bit I came to with both cocks fully embedded in my cunt. I felt stretched beyond what was possible. The sitting guy raised me by the hips until both massive cocks were almost out – just the big heads inside my newly formed boy pussy. Then he slammed me back down and the two massive black cocks mashed together expanding my cunt to its limits. Againand again, faster and faster, and gradually the wilder the doublefuck became the more I began to enjoy the invasion and ignore the pain. Slamming in and out, sliding against each other, their two dicks fought, tearing through the last remains of my sweet boyhood. And the tender walls of my newly formed cunt fitted the double fuckpoles like a glove. Then suddenly my head was pulled down to one side as a third guy forced his cock into my mouth and started raping my throat. My boyhole was stretched beyond its limits to take the savage double fuck that was happening and my lips were numb and my throat raw into its brutal rape. I managed to slip my wrists from the tee shirt and clung on to the thighs of the guy under me. Suddenly the door swung open. From the corner of one eye I could see 2 new guys had arrived and were enjoying the spectacle. Here I was, an 18 year old slutboy, naked and being gangraped brutally and at the same time enjoying my conversion into a hollow fucktube. They opened their trouser flys and started pounding their big cocks. It seemed to continue for ages. Eventually I could feel the two cocks in my boy hole speed up further and I felt them expand. One guy and then the other started shooting a huge double load deep into my guts. Then the third guy rammed his cock deep into my throat to the hilt and held it there. I felt it pulsing and throb as jet after jet of thick cum was unloaded deep in my throat. After a minute he pulled his still semi erect cock from my throat, pulled up his jeans and just left without saying anything. I slumped forward against the standing black guy. "Wassup boi?" he asked. But I was too exhausted to reply. He stepped back and the guy under me pushed me forward. I slumped forward onto the floor, naked and sweating, with cum seeping from my cunt and a dribble trailing from my swollen mouth and lips. "You've now got a pussy both ends boi", the first black guy said, pushing a thick finger into my swollen pussy, and the both laughed obscenely. I just lay on the dirty stinking piss covered floor as they dressed, too shattered to move. "We've got some mates who wud love to use you boi, so if you want you can be out new white pussyboi. Just be here next Friday at 5.30 after work". Then they turned and left laughing. The two guys who had been watching now pulled me onto all fours and one stuffed his swollen cock deep into my throat while the other rammed his cock into my tender raped cunthole. They rammed in and out to the hilt until they too unloaded their spunk into me. Then they simply let me slump back to the ground and left laughing. I lay there for a while gathering my senses, then crawled around and found my shorts and tee shirt. I pulled them back on and managed to stagger from the toilet into the sunlight outside. Bow legged with cum seeping from my ravaged hole I slowly headed back to school and decided to tell them I had got lost and beaten up by some youths. But I wondered if my throat and new pussy would be sufficiently recovered for next Friday and wondered how many mates they had and how much I could take. It wouldn't be long before I found out...
    3 points
  9. *****GETTING ACQUAINTED***** We met on the Net, and I meet lots of guys online; but this Kid was different. I am a Gifter, and he was a Chaser if there ever was one. I've POZZED a few guys in my time, but he was 25. I kept asking, "Are you sure? Are you ready for the BUG?" "Yes," Simon said. He'd barebacked long enough to know that he never wanted latex up his Ass again, although his odds of getting POZZED were excellent. After a month of chatter back-and-forth, I figured Simon genuinely wanted to convert. It was just a matter of who, when, and where. I suggested he cum to one of our bareback parties. It was Saturday night, and I hoped to do the weekend with him: a one-on-one on Thursday followed by an invitation-only POZZING party Friday. **********THURSDAY********** I was delighted to find the Boy exactly as advertised—a Twink at 25, if a very determined one. We couldn't wait to get to the motel and let our hair down. As soon as the door closed behind us, we passionately embraced, kissing and feeling each other up. He wanted to clean up; and by the time he got out of the shower, I lay naked on the bed. He took every opportunity to tease my Manhood, knowing full well how desperately I wanted to blow my Load up his NEG Mancunt. I'd left Lube in the bathroom; but despite all the grease, he was very tight. I just let the weight of my body push my Shaft into that Bubble Butt, till my Balls rested firmly against his Ass Crack. I wanted him to get used to me before I bred his Ass. I pulled him to his knees, doggie-style, and was able to get in a little deeper, enough to make him gasp. Then I began slow, rhythmic strokes, my hands on his hips, hugging him, holding on tight. My Balls started tingling so I lit into him—long deep strokes—all the way in—then out again. "Fuck me! Knock me up! POZ my Hole! Give me your Babies!" All of which made me want to fuck the shit out of the little Cunt. I told him I was gonna cum—the moment he'd been waiting for—Conversion! And when I shot: "Remember this, and cherish it!" Poison Jizz spurted up his Bubble Butt. He began to jack, and would have shot; but I told him to cut the shit and take his POZZING like a Man. I kept working my Toxic Seed up his sore NEG Butt, trying every trick in the book to make him one of us. Finally I let him roll over so we could kiss. He was incredibly passionate and appreciative of my Dirty Seed. It didn't take much to get me stiff again, and soon we were fucking missionary style. He wrapped his long, smooth legs around my hips and dug his callused heels into my Butt, forcing me in deeper. After that second Fuck, we lay there cuddling. He ran his fingers through my hair and thanked me profusely, calling me Daddy—not so much a reference to the difference in our ages—as to the very real possibility that I was now the Father of his Babies. I felt his stiff Cock against my tummy, and knew he had to get off lest he burst. "OK, Boy, I want that last NEG Load of yours." I slipped down and engulfed his Cockhead between my lips, his Piss Slit oozing profusely. I licked it off, willowy cobwebs of Boy Spooge connecting him and me. Then down on him again till his overstimulated Rod began to pulse. That night, while we were cuddling, I rolled him on his side and slid back in, We fell asleep like that, my Cock marinating in my own Dirty Seed, while traces of his youthful Jizz still steeped deep within in the periodontal cavities of my teeth and gums. **********F R I D A Y********** I’d asked ten POZ Tops to join us, knowing full well not all would attend. I'd also invited a Bottom, so there'd be a ready source of Fuck Meat at all times. The Kid was the only NEG attending. At the appointed hour they began to show, and each was introduced to Simon. I explained that the party was on his behalf, and admission was contingent upon depositing at least one POZ Load up the Twink's Ass. No one objected. They were a varied lot. The two Blacks were real hunks. The whites included a bear like myself, a swishy Fag whom you'd never suspect of being a Top, and one old Troll. With me that made six Tops, plus my Bottom friend, and my Boy. The two Blacks started with the Kid while I fucked my Bottom Bud. The others followed my lead and took on the Bottom. I'd already put a Load up his Ass, so each of them slid home on my virility. Everything was copacetic until the Blacks decided to double dick the Kid. I knew the Boy had never taken two Cocks at once. He'd had a Dick and a Dildo in him once, or so he said; but that's as far as he had gone. One of the Dudes got him to sit on his Dick, then very astutely pulled him down, chest-to-chest, to kiss him, thus exposing his Mancunt. The second Black got in between their legs and maneuvered his big Dick in next to his Pal's. The Black underneath held the Kid tight, smothering his laments with kisses. The two black Dicks were mashed together in Whitey's tiny Cunt, two sets of POZ Cocks in one NEG Pussy, united by stringy ropes of slimey Ass Juice and POZ Seed. After that, the party became a fucking free-for-all. I went out for a smoke; and when I returned, I was pleased to see the Youth was screwing one of the Blacks (payback time) who, in turn, was fucking my Bottom Bud. We lost track of how many Loads he took that night, but I doubted any Dude could take that much POZ Cum and still remain NEG. **********SATURDAY********** We slept late and opted to order breakfast in, as Simon said there was no way he was going out in public with Cum still dripping from his Ass. That afternoon we went swimming in the motel pool. The cool water and the sun's warm rays seemed to reinvigorate us both, or so I thought; but afterwards we napped till party time. We arrived early to give our Host some quality time with Target One. We strapped him in the Sling; he rimmed his Ass, spit on his Dick, and screwed the shit out of the Kid. A few more guests arrived, and when our Host pulled out, a blob of POZ Cum plopped on the floor, to the onlookers' delight. A former Marine with a beer-can Cock approached the Kid, and soon the chains were rattling again. I had one of my Buds bent over the fuck table when I glanced over at the Sling and saw the pained expression on Simon's face. One of our associates is a Daddy hung like a horse. After the Marine, the Daddy quickly rammed it home. Thing is—Daddy's Tool is immense, curving upwards at the head. Though the guy is wont to plow in hard and sock it to his mates, it takes him forever to get it off. I felt sorry for the Kid. We've all heard the fucking sound of two sweaty bodies, flesh-on-flesh; but there it grew so loud everyone stopped in their tracks to stare. I nudged my way past the voyeurs to take a closer look. Inspired by the exuberance with which Daddy had used the Youth, the partygoers’ mood turned ominous, with catcalls to "Breed the Kid!" The Maestro finished and pulled out, leaving the Youngster twisting in the wind. Simon was wiped; his head was limp. I had to get him out of there before the other vultures got to him. I helped him over to the couch and gave him a roll of toilet paper with which to wipe himself. To my chagrin, when I turned around, he was back in the Sling again—another compatriot up his Ass. I had to hand it to the Kid—he had more Balls than Common Sense. A line had formed, and he took us all on. Never one to cast aspersions upon the joys of bareback sex, I joined the foray. The Queen ahead of me wasn't nearly big enough to fill the Boy's slack Cunt. But he pulled his Dick out, awash in Spooge, and jacked—and as he shot—he plunged back in and bathed the gutsy Youth in yet another Load of Poison Jizz. I inserted my Rod very gently in the Boy, his pulverized Pussy now leaking Crimson Spooge. I shifted to-and-fro to slosh around in the oceans of the Manseed, and knew I, too, could never cum in that cavernous morass. So I borrowed the trick the Queen had used—and jacked—till I added my Manseed to the potent Sperm Bank incubating in the Youth. Last of all, Big Daddy's Partner still hadn't had a chance. Though not nearly as endowed as his older Mate, he had a reputation for fucking Ass and fucking well. Meanwhile a toothless Old Troll bent over the Sling to suck the Youth. Overcome by the irresistible two-pronged assault, the Boy's Ass tightened up. Big Daddy's Lover suddenly found himself engulfed in a much tauter Hole. The Kid blew his Load in the toothless old Troll's mouth at the same time Daddy's Lover shot up his Ass. The Top pulled out, his PA dripping the prettiest pink Spunk. The afterbirth excited one Sick Pup, who used his syphilised lips to soothe the Youngster's pummeled Ass. That drove Simon insane! By then the party was winding down. Again I helped the Twink over to the couch. Disheveled hair, awash with sweat, swollen Ass Lips oozing speckled Cum, gobs of Spooge peppering his legs—he was a mess. I got the Boy a Coke to drink and he gulped it down, though I cautioned him to take it slow. He had to piss, and prolonged his stay—shitting God knows what—annoying those who wanted in the tiny downstairs john. Twice I had to check on him to make sure he was okay. The rest of the guys were showering and cleaning up, putting on their clothes and saying good-byes, with the usual exchange of hastily jotted names and numbers that would likely never see the light of day. We'd been among the first to arrive, and were the last to leave. Finally I got the Kid cleaned up enough to put on his clothes. By the time we got back to the motel, a mere 10 minutes away, his shorts were soaked again. I told him unless he douched (and we hadn't cum equipped for that) the Spooge would likely drip all night. As we climbed into bed my Dick sprang to life; but I knew the Kid couldn't take anymore, so I let him cuddle up against me—and like so, we fell asleep.
    3 points
  10. Part 2 When the guy fucking me pulled out his cock from my ass it was instantly replaced with another one that felt allot longer and thicker than the first. This guy bottomed out instantly driving me crazy and made me moan while still on the hot ass in front of me. The hulking man pulled out of the twink in the sling and I rushed to start lapping his diseaed hole not wanting to miss a drop. His load tasted amazing and from the cries and moans from the twink I knew I was doing a good job cleaning out his sloppy ass. The guy fucking me was starting to pick up more speed in my ass pulling out and slamming it back in making me dive into the twinks hole deeper and deeper. I was getting the fresh loads of the bear and the guy who just finished filling this hole and i was loving all of it. I looked around real quick and saw about 12 guys surrounding us including the bear from earlier and the hot hunk that just filled him up. My hole felt amazing and i could feel it getting thicker telling me this guys was about to let loose another load up my ass. To my joy he yelled that he was about to fill me with a fully loaded Aids load so I knew I was going to get my wish after tonight. I felt the warmness of this highly toxic load splatter the walls of my anus and it caused me to cum as well. I pulled my mouth away from the twinks ass and to my surprise there was a guy under me with his mouth open to catch my last neg load and I didnt see or hear him get under me. I got up from the floor and motioned for the Tall hink to follow me into the dark room there along with the rest of the group and said that I wanted to be double penatrated if anyone was up for it. Everyone was happy to hear it and the hunk climbed up onto the table that was in there ready to get the party started. I climbed up on top of him and made sure to clench as tightly as I could while sitting on his cock that I could feel him tearing the walls of my anus to make sure that I would convert. After bouncing on this great piece of man flesh for a bit I leaned forward to let the next guy up to add his diseased cock to my ass. I could feel that the next one had a thick PA and it felt amazing sliding up next to the other cock that impaled me. They both started to rock in unison and I was on top of the world. The guy beneath me offered me a bottle of poppers and I gladly accepted them to add more to this amazing feeling. With my head spinning, I didn't pay attention to the tourniquet that was being wrapped around my right arm and the needle being inserted into my vein. When I started to realize what was happening the guy beneath me pushed down on the plunger and injected me with a vial of his blood into me. When he told me this I was so happy and I started to make out with him as out other company started to fuck me with much gusto. I could feel both of them cum in unison and I was on a cloud as another hit of poppers was administered to me. The one who was fucking me started to go soft and started to pull out of me while the one I was riding remained hard so I stayed on his spear of a cock and could feel our next fucker climb up and add his cock to the mix. This went on for what felt like hours and I was sure that I had just about all the guys that were in the club at the time fuck me and load me up with their seed. I was ready for a brief break and went to the counter to buy a butt plug to help keep the loads I had inside for as long as I could. When I got to the counter the guy that was manning it asked to bend over and show him my hole so he could find one of the right size for me. I climbed up onto the counter and let him inspect my ass. I looked around and saw him as he was poking his finger in my puffy hole and I could see some of the cum with a pink tint knowing I bled a bit and he licked his finger clean. He went over and grabbed a nicely large butt plug and he said he would pay for this himself if I would let him add his toxic load to the mix already in me. I smiled at his offer and accepted it gladly. He pulled me into the back room and layed me on my back onto the desk. I watched him strip as fast as he could and I was wide-eyed at the biggest cock that I have seen in a while and surest would be the biggest I will have taken so far tonight. I begged for him to be as rough as he wanted to be with me and as he lined his cock up to my hole I caught a glance at a nice red biohazard tattoo right on the head of his cock. As promised he was rough with me and I loved it. He kept on slamming right on into me with no mercy and kept me drugged up with a fresh bottle of poppers it was amazing. I loved the sound of his balls hitting me and the feeling of his large cock hitting my prostate it made me cum all over him and myself. He didn't miss a beat as he scopped up my cum and lick it up and feed it directly into my mouth. His tongue pushed in deep transferring all of what might just be the last neg load I will shoot and I couldn't wait for a taste of my load when I was truly infected. I clenched my ass as he made out with me and it was enought to send him over the edge with one final thrust. Once he was done breathing hard he grabbed a larger butt plug than what he had chosen earlier and inserted it straight away once his softening cock slid out of my hole. Man you are a great fuck and whenever you decide to come in next just give the person at the desk my name if i'm not at the desk and they will let you right on in. Turned out his name was Alex and he was one of the owners of the franchise for the club. I walked out of his office feeling well fucked and greatly filled with poz cum. I went around to the other spots in the club and enjoyed everything I saw looking forward to getting ready for the next round on my ass to begin.
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  11. Just a short update at the end of this day, managed to score 13 loads in total, the first half I posted earlier, the second was an orgy someone hosted and I was invited, when I arrived I was told all the bottoms bailed so poor me was the designated bottom for 4 tops ? lots of rough fucking and sucking and ATM and DP and piss and... well you get my drift ? that’s what happens when a few piggies join forces lol got back home to my amazing bf, who enjoyed eating my cum filled pussy while I told him about today’s adventures night night my fellow pigs ? x
    3 points
  12. Thanks for the comments! ----------------- He lowered me back down, holding my ankles until his cock grazed my hole. He spit on his hand and coated his cock with it and then leaned forward. I could feel the pressure of his cock at my hole and I relaxed, letting him enter me. He slowly sunk every inch into me and paused there a minute looking down at me. It felt good to feel him back inside me, but I knew this was going to be a very different fuck than the one in the garage. We stared at each other as his hips began to roll and he started to fuck me slowly. This wasn’t the animal-like rutting of last time, this was more sensual. I could tell he was taking his time, feeling how my hole felt around his cock, both at the ring and deeper inside. I gripped his cock with my ass muscles and I heard him moan. We kept this up for several minutes and then the strokes started getting longer. I calmly told him “try pulling all the way out and then going back in.” The first few attempts didn’t work since his cock wasn’t lined up and his inward thrust missed my hole. He got the hang of it, though, and it felt amazing. I could tell it was getting to him after doing it several times and he was trying not to cum so soon. He went back to just pumping inside me, the strokes were long but never close enough to pull out. Slowly he started to thrust in harder. He was looking deep in my eyes and while the only verbal communication we had was from grunts and groans, we were letting each other know how great it was. It wasn’t long and the firm thrusts had become pounding. That familiar ‘slap’ as our bodies came together filled the room and the grunts from both of us got louder. He rolled me back on my shoulders and began pile driving into me. My ass had gotten sloppy and the spit and Louis’ precum added to the fuck noises. I reached up and stroked my cock a few times but I didn’t want to shoot yet. Louis’ grunts suddenly turned to growls and the look on his face was intense. His teeth were clenched and I could see the lust in his eyes. The pounding stopped as he slammed his cock in me deep, held it there for a few seconds and then pulled back and slammed in again. I could feel the warmth fill me up as he shot his spunk in me with each shove. When he gave me the last thrust, he slowly lowered me back down. His chest was heaving and I saw the glisten of sweat on his body hair. He looked sated for the moment but when he finished coming down from the post fuck rush, he said “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get that rough. You ok?” I smiled back at him and replied “Hell yeah. I’m not some dainty girl you have to be afraid you’re gonna break.” He leaned forward and laid on my chest, our sweat mixing together. I kissed his forehead as his cock softened inside me and eventually plopped out. We laid there for about ten minutes and then I rolled us over. I heard the rain hit the window and I knew that this was going to be one of those stay-in Sundays. I was between his legs and my cock was nudging his hole, just playing with him. He looked so sexy laying on the bed. I’d had lots of guys where he was but this was the first guy that I had enjoyed for more than sex in a long time. He was willing to try anything I threw at him with only the mildest of protest. I rolled him on to his stomach and I spread his ass apart, staring at the sweat slick hair around his hole. My hands rubbed the back of his thighs, caressing the thick hair that covered them and his ass. Slowly I leaned down and licked all over from his now empty balls up to and around the crack before I zeroed in on his hole. I spent the next half hour licking around and in his puckered hole. By the time I finished, my beard was soaked with my own spit. My tongue was tired and it needed a break, but my cock was painfully stiff and dripping precum. I crawled up his back and laid on top of him with my cock digging deeper into his crack. I slowly humped him adding plenty of precum to the spit I had left on his hole. My cock wasnt going to wait any longer and I slipped inside him, descending deep inside with one long push. I felt my balls resting on top of his as we laid there moaning. I began to rock my hips and plow into him. The strokes got longer and I realized that he was starting to learn how to use his ass muscles around my shaft. I splayed my legs and pushed against his back until I was upright and I could pump my cock harder. My body was bouncing off his ass and I looked down at the sheen of sweat covering his back. I saw the patch of hair in the small of his back was matted down and collecting my sweat as it dripped off my face. I tugged on his hips and quickly had him on all fours. I pounded him harder for a few minutes and then laid on his back and humped for a few more. I alternated like this several times until I suddenly felt him squeeze his ass around my cock. My balls tightened instantly and I let out a loud groaning “FUUUCCKKK.” I thrust in several more times and he did it again. “You trying to get me to breed you, Louis?” I asked as I was panting, trying to hold off blowing my load. “I’m trying not to shoot until you do, Ryan, but I can’t wait much longer. Please cum in me” he begged. I hammered his hole for ten to fifteen seconds and then planted my throbbing cock as far as I could. Ropes of hot seed shot out, filling him with my cum again. I was growling as I held tightly on to his shoulders feeling one of the strongest orgasms I’d had in a while. His hole was spasming around my dick as he shot again, sucking all of the cum from my balls. When my chest stopped heaving, I pulled out and rolled over on my back next to Louis. We slept for a few hours and then both got up. We lounged around the apartment naked the rest of the day watching TV, talking a bit and getting stoned. About seven that evening I got up and threw some cargo shorts on and started to make dinner. Louis got dressed and stood there watching me intently. We really hadn’t eaten any food all day and we were both hungry from our workout earlier and the pot. We finished eating and were cleaning everything up when Louis looked at me and said “I’ve been meaning to ask you… How much do I owe you for fixing my bike?” “Uh… the parts were about a hundred sixty, nothing for the labor” I replied. He pulled out a wad of bills from his wallet and handed them to me. I wasn’t really sure how much was there but I knew it was more than one sixty. “Come on. Just pay for the parts. It was the most enjoyable wrenching I’ve done in a long time” I said. He didn’t move so I flicked through the pile of money and then handed the extra back to him. Reluctantly, he took it and stuffed it back in his wallet. I could tell he wanted to say something but he stood quiet for several minutes. “I should get going… I gotta work in the morning” he said as he went to collect his stuff. He put his boots on without saying anything, but I could tell something was up. He stood up and walked to the door and turned to me. “Ryan, this was a great weekend. I tried stuff I never would have thought of and had a lot of fun. My bike works too. But… I don’t think I’m ready for a gay relationship. I don’t want to mislead you or hurt you. It’s just not me… at least right now.” With that he turned and walked out the door. I was stunned and didn’t even have time to respond before the door clicked shut. I heard his bike start up in the alley and he took off and I went and crashed in my bed. I finally knew what it felt to be on the other side. He was right, it was a lot of fun.
    3 points
  13. Last load was Yesterday, Sunday night I arrived at a busy hotel as I had business meetings today (Monday). I was in the hotel bar at around 8 pm having a drink looking at my phone; bbrt and BZ. This strange guy kept waking by my high table. Then I get a message asking if I’m at a bar in this hotel; very weird. His bbrt profile had no pictures. I said “yes.” He then asks if my profile is correct and if I will let any man breed me, no matter what they look like. I say “yes.” Next thing I know this tall XXXL chub guy about 40 comes up to my table and asks if I’m on bbrt. He had seen the screen on my phone when he walked by and was showing we were 45 ft from each other. I say yes and he says he wants to breed me. I really did not want to, but as a good cum dump slut I say “yes sir.” He follows me up to my room, he wants to watch me undress. I get naked and he touches me all over, then he pulls out his wide thick little cock and makes me suck him. To my joy his little uncut cock grows to almost 8”. I get into position on the bed and he mounts me and puts his cock inside me though he has trouble with his large stomach and starts fucking. He takes a long time, sweats profusely on my back. He is extremely heavy on top of me, but he fucks hard and aggressive and rough and finally gives me a huge load. He dressed, thanked me and left.! My last load!
    3 points
  14. I turned him against the wall and kneeled behind him. With my face buried between his hairy ass cheeks, I tongue fucked his hole trying to push a bunch of spit inside. He was moaning and I felt his hole quiver around my tongue. I pulled out and stood back up, pressing my rock hard cock to his hole. I felt his hole open up and the ring and cock head popped in side. I stopped and closed my eyes. I heard Louis quietly beg “Please fuck me” but I had other plans. A waterfall in a park I used to hike in as a kid was pictured in my mind as willed my bladder to open up. It was only a minute and the stream started to pump my warm piss inside Louis’ ass. “Oh FUCK!” Louis yelled out as his brain started to figure out what I was doing. I held him tight and pushed my cock in deeper. I rocked my hips a few times and then pulled my cock out of his hole and showered the outside of his ass with more piss. I pushed back in as the stream started to fade, rocking my hips once in side. After a minute, I felt his hole spasm around my cock as he let out a loud moan. I pushed in deeper and the spasms were milking my cock. I felt the first big rope of cum shoot out of my cock, mixing with the piss still inside. My hips pulled back and I thrust in all the way as the next few ropes shot out. I reached around and twisted both his nipples and felt his hole squeeze around my cock. Two more spurts pumped more seed inside him and then I leaned against his back, breathing heavily. We stood there like that for a few minutes and then I pulled my cock out. A mixture of cum and piss ran down his legs and then I turned him back around. Once again, his eyes were dazed and I thought I had gone too far. He didn’t move, he just stared back at me. Finally he said “Wow.” When he didn’t say anything more, I asked “You ok?” He stared back at me for a few moments and then said “I… I never thought of piss as being erotic. But damn, that was crazy. When I felt you start to piss inside me I first thought it was cum. I realized though that it couldn’t be and it made my dick so hard to know you were pissing inside me. And then when you fucked your dick in me while still pissing, I lost it and shot my load without touching my cock. I didn’t know I could do that” Louis said with his voice trailing off at the end. “You’ve never been so turned on you shot a load without stroking or fucking?” I asked. “Uh, no” he replied. “Well, now you know you can. Hopefully it won’t be the last time” I said as I turned the shower on. While I sometimes go to bed with dried cum and piss on my body, I didn’t want to push him any more that day. We cleaned up and dried off. I grabbed a couple beers from the fridge and we sat on the couch talking. He told me about the things he liked to do for fun, about his gay cousin, some of his girlfriends and why they broke up. We ended up in bed, but both of us were too tired to do much other than make out and grope. I woke up the next morning to the sound of running water in the bathroom. I laid there and it stopped and then Louis came back to bed. I looked up and Louis had a big grin on his face. He crawled into bed and straddled me, looking down at me. “So, how does that discussion go when you have two… what did you call them… versatile??? guys get together?” he asked. I chuckled “Well… Some times its verbal and other times it’s just by who is the aggressor. You act dominant, you’re the top. You act submissive, you’re the bottom… And sometimes it’s like arm wrestling - whoever overpowers the other is top. It can be fun when you keep flip flopping from top to bottom, too” I said with a smirk. “Hmm, that kind of sounds like fun. I did some wrestling in middle and high school. I wasn’t very good though” Louis said. “Middleweight division champion, my freshman year” I replied grinning back at him. “Fuck. I’m dead meat” he said, laughing. I quickly flipped him over on his side and then on his back, pinning him to the bed with my body. “I remember a few moves, still” I replied as I used my legs to spread his legs wider. I reached back and pushed his legs back as my cock nestled next to his. “So… you’ve now experienced being both top and bottom. Do you like one more?” I asked. “Well.. obviously I have a lot more experience fucking since I’ve done girls since I was a teenager. I’ve only gotten fucked since…uh… yesterday” he said laughing. “Yeah, but do you like it? They are different experiences but there’s nothing that says you can’t enjoy both. I know I do” I said. “Yeah it is very different. Plus I’m not used to having sex without condoms. When I fucked you in the garage I almost shot in the first thirty seconds. My dick isn’t used to the feeling of raw flesh against it when I fuck and you were much tighter than any pussy I’ve fucked, even the two virgins. When I did shoot, it was so fuckin amazing filling you with my cum and not having to worry about you getting pregnant” said Louis. “So you prefer being the top” I asked. “I’m not sure. There were times it hurt when you were fucking me but then I got used to it or my body stretched out enough that the pain suddenly became this huge rush of pleasure. When you came inside me yesterday morning, I was hoping you would go on forever. I know, though, that can’t happen. I could tell that you were cumming and I had the satisfaction that I was able to make you orgasm with my ass. You were right though, it does feel good knowing that you have another guy’s cum inside you. My dick was hard the whole way over to the garage yesterday” Louis said. “Cool” I said as I grabbed his legs and flipped to my side and on my back, swapping positions. “You want it, don’t you?” I asked. he went to reach for the lube and I said “Try eating my ass, first. I kinda like spit for lube.” He set the bottle back down and moved back, trying to figure out how. I grabbed my ankles and leaned back, raising my ass in the air. Louis pushed me the rest of the way back on my shoulders and leaned in. He gave one long lick up to my balls and it felt great feeling his beard brush across my ass cheeks. His technique was very different than mine or most of the guys that had rimmed me. I guessed it was from all those years of eating pussy. He wasn’t very aggressive and while he did get his tongue inside my hole I wouldn’t say I got tongue fucked. What he did, though, worked. My hole was slick with a lot of spit and was silently begging to feel his cock in me again.
    3 points
  15. PART TWO Entering the back room, Robert walked around the glory holes and looked in the private rooms for a couple of minutes, but didn't really see anyone. He continued to the main lounge with the big couches and TV screen that had porn movies regularly playing. As he entered this part of the room, he noticed a fairly athletic looking well built black guy, who was gently stroking a nice cock, which would have been at least 6-1/2 to 7 inches, and reasonably girthy, and uncircumcised. The black guy looked up, with the slightest of smiles, said "Come here and suck my cock, slut!" Something about his demeanor and his confidence pretty much instantly had turned Robert on beyond all logic and reason. This guy wasn't a D&G model or anything, but still handsome enough, but... with his attitude, he was downright HOT. He exuded sexuality out of every pore, and this made Robert feel tingly and physically hot, making his heart race in his chest. Robert headed straight to him and knelt down between the guy's legs, and began to take the cock between his lips, doing his best to pleasure this man, while enjoying the smells and tastes and feel of this man's cock in his mouth. "Deeper", growled the man, grabbing Robert's head by the hair, commanding control, and pushing him farther down his shaft, down and down, until Robert started gagging. "That's it, take my rock hard cock in your throat, you whore. You like that, don't you?" He asked, letting go of Robert's head, as Robert came back up the shaft and released the guy's cock from his mouth, gasping for air and drooling slightly, with his eyes watering. SLAP!!! The black guy struck Robert across the face with an open hand, stinging his face. Robert was feeling quite shocked by this, his face sore, his heart racing as fast as his mind was, and his own cock was now straining against the fabric of his new jock strap and leaking pre-cum. Robert had never felt this horny before. "I asked you a question, bitch." SLAP!! The man smacked Robert's ass. Robert let out a loud moan. "Fucking answer me! You like this, don't you? You love Daddy's cock in your throat, you little slut". Overwhelmed, Robert answered "Yes, daddy". "About fucking time, cunt." The man answered. "You'll learn. Now, get your mouth on that cock and raise your legs so you're bent over and I can get to your ass." Robert was obedient and did as he was told, and this stud began to lick his fingers and rub them against Robert's hole, and pushing them in, getting some kitten-like purrs and gentle moans from Robert, who was really liking the attention. This man had a dominant aura, and he was using Robert like a cheap back alley whore, and Robert was getting more and more used to the idea. The man produced a small brown bottle of liquid, and held it to Robert's nostril. "Take some deep breaths in", said the man. Robert took about three deep breaths, and felt a massive rush of warmth and relaxation permeate his body, as he suddenly felt massively horny, and naturally let the lust take over and began sucking the cock in earnest, deeper and deeper, faster and faster. The man grabbed Robert's head again with one hand, and forced him down his shaft, but this time, Robert managed to get almost all the way down without gagging. He was so into it that he barely noticed the guy shoving his fingers into Robert's hole forcefully and stretching him open.
    3 points
  16. I’ve been crazy slutty but the last couple of months my insatiable desire for loads an increased dramatically. I’m spending my days roaming around for as much raw cock as I can get. I’m taking multiple loads daily and it’s still never enough. Not complaining though
    2 points
  17. This story is fiction and any resemblance to real events or real people, living or dead, is mere coincidence. Hope you enjoy it. PART ONE Robert was a pretty happy-go-lucky guy, most of the time. Life wasn't perfect, but he had most creature comforts and some good friends, and had had an ok childhood, for the most part. He was fairly average, but still pretty handsome and good looking, with blonde hair and deep blue eyes, that always looked just a little bit sad, almost like puppy-dog eyes. His smile could light up a room, though. His folks had split when he was young, though, and grew up with his Dad, who was quite emotionally distant, and this left Robert with a compulsion to seek validation or attention from wherever he could get it. In High School, he learnt to become the class clown, and enjoyed making people laugh, even if they were only laughing at him. When he was in his second year of High School, he had been getting bullied by some older students, being called names like homo or faggot, generally because Robert was not staunch or macho, rather more gentle and unassuming, and had a slight, lean frame. Robert was a bit of a late bloomer, and hadn't started showing signs of going through puberty yet, He didn't fully understand it when the other boys mocked him as gay or faggot or whatever, but he had some vague idea after hearing things from other high school boys about cock sucking or butt fucking. He wondered about himself for a while. It wasn't until he started puberty about a year later, that he started wanking and cumming himself, and having fantasies that included having sex with guys. He decided to taste his own cum a few times, which soon became very addictive. Fast forward a few years, and Robert was now in his mid 20s, and by this point, he had had sexual encounters with both boys and girls, but had made the conclusion that he was definitely gay. He had been visiting adult bookstores and going into the ones that had rooms in the back with video lounges or glory holes, and usually just got naked and jerked off until one of the other men, usually twice his age at least, got courage to suck him off or rim him. Robert was very passive in this sense, but, like his years of being the class clown, enjoyed the attention he got whichever way he got it, and started learning to enjoy being an object for other men to use. He would feel pampered as a man his dad's or grandfather's age would lick and press their tongues against his twitching hole like hungry dogs eating a meal like it was their last. He slowly, but surely, became addicted to cruising these places, and got a bit of a reputation. He got fucked quite a few times, but was careful enough to use protection, as he had been taught in Sex Ed classes during his high school years. He went again one night, after a couple of after work beers at a bar with his workmates, feeling horny as fuck. He took a minute when he arrived at the store to browse some of the items, the underwear section particularly catching his interest, and bought a white Bike brand jock strap, and asked for an entrance to the rooms at the back. "You can get changed into that jock in our changing room if you'd like, I'll give you a bag to put your other clothes in and keep them safe behind the counter while you're back there", said the guy at the counter. Robert took his advice, and got changed into just the jock, keeping his shoes on. He got a big whistle from the store clerk when he came out from the changing room, making him smile and blush. "Very sexy", said the clerk. "Comfortable?" "Yes, this fits great", replied Robert. "Have fun in there, I saw a couple of guys go in earlier, so I'm sure you'll get what you want", the store clerk said to Robert, with a bit of a chuckle, as Robert thanked him and smiled and waved after handing his clothes over and making his way to the back.
    2 points
  18. Copied from Reddit I've thought that I was bisexual since my early teens. I was always inserting anything phallic and smooth into my ass when nobody was around. My favorite was a cologne bottle I had received as a gift when i turned 14, it was about 6" long and about 1.5" in diameter and with a little work and plenty of lotion it would slide right in. It, without a doubt, made me cum so hard during my alone time. Fast forward 6 years and I was sent to my first duty station in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Fresh out of BMT (showering in basic was fun for me lol) and horny as hell. Having only had sex a couple of times with a couple girls before enlisting, then 8 weeks of basic I was ready to have some fun. I had heard some guys on my flight talking about some of the girls they had fucked over the weekend from Craigslist. So when I was released for the day I set up a dump email and quickly made a post looking for a uniform chaser to suck my dick (I'd never actually gotten head at this point in my life). About 6 hours later I got a response . She said that she was a 37 year old First Shirt from the guard unit outside my base and was interested in hooking up. Being as she had access to the base I told her was dorm I was and that the doors would be cracked. She told me to be waiting on my bed naked and the lights off. I quickly removed my clothing and had a HUGE hard-on. Cracked the doors and shut off the lights and laid there in waiting. I heard the first door creak open and instantly my heart started pounding, scared that my roommate was coming into the dorm. We had separate rooms but shared a kitchen and bathroom. It couldn't be him, he was very rarely in his dorm. I just laid there in the dark to scared to move, heart racing, but still had a rock hard cock. There was silence for a moment but then the door to my room slowly opened and I could just make out the silhouette of a person entering my room and instantly my senses started telling me something wasn't quite right. I laid there as this stranger got down on their knees and gently tugged on my thighs gesturing me to get closer to the edge of the bed. I did as they asked, scared, horny, and very curious to see what happened next. As they started to lower their mouth to the tip of my cock, the warmth of their breath and the wetness of their mouth about made me lose it. After a couple minutes of amazing cock sucking, I felt the bristle of HIS neatly shaven goatee on my sack. I started to freak out internally, this wasn't a woman sucking my cock, but a man. But it felt too good to stop him. I just layed there, frozen with shock. I didn't care what he had between his legs, his mouth had felt better than either of the girls pussies I had been with before. It took me about 40 minutes to cum because I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I was letting a guy suck my cock. When I came, he swallowed every drop. I acted as though I didn't know that he was a he. After he left, I sent him an email asking why he hadn't just told me he was a man. He said he was too afraid and that he just wanted to suck a cock, he was married and his wife had no idea that he was interested in guys. I told him my name and he told me his. We'll just refer to him as "J" for privacy reasons. We exchanged a few more emails and set up another play date. I had opened up to him about my being bi-curious and would like to experiment more with him. A week went by and it was finally time to play again. My roommate had gone on leave for 3 weeks so I knew I wasn't going to have to worry about him walking in on me. J had a banquet that night and said he was going to be a little late cause he had to go home and change out of his blues. I asked him if he could just come over as soon as it was over, I was really excited and the thought of playing with a SNCO in their uniform was not something I wanted to miss out on. He agreed and around 2300 he entered my dorm, the lights were on but they were dim. I stood and met him at the door, J immediately got on his knees, pulled down my shorts and boxers and took my cock into his mouth. He placed his hands on my ass and pulled me closer as he took all 7" of my hard dick in. Then he put my hands on the back of his head gesturing me to use his mouth as a fuck toy. I obliged and a few minutes later I pulled up on his arms and had him stand up and started to undress him. I ran my hands down his sleeves and slowing counted his stripes 1 up and 5 down. To this day I still don't understand why but that was such a huge turn on for me. I removed his jacket then started to undo his belt and pants while he worked on his shirt. Soon he was standing there in his boxer briefs and I couldn't help myself and started rubbing his semi-hard cock through his underwear. I dropped to my knees and breathed on it like I'd seen in some pornos, then I slowly started to pull exposed his fully erect cock. I reached out and gently started to run my fingers up and down his shaft. A whole new feeling of excitement ran through my body, if you've ever held another mans cock in your hands you know exactly what I'm talking about. I told him that I didn't think I was quite ready to suck his dick quite yet and he told me that it was perfectly OK and to lay on the bed. I did as I was instructed and soon he was back to sucking my cock and getting me hard again. Then he asked if I was ready to take things a little farther and I told him I was. He had brought some lube and started to rub it all over my penis and his asshole. He put his feet on either side of me and lowered himself slowly onto my hard-on. Feeling my cock softly penetrating him almost sent me to the point of no return. Once he was fully seated he started grinding on me a little to loosen himself up a bit. His hole was perfect, and the way he rode me felt like ecstasy. He asked me to play with his cock while he bounced up and down on mine and I obliged. when I told him I was about to cum he started bouncing harder and faster. I couldn't take it much longer and filled him up with my cum. J stood up and went to get a towel with warm water and cleaned my cock off and his hole out. He started to gather his things and asked if there was anything else I would Like to try tonight. I thought to myself, should I let him fuck me? It's now or never, I reasoned. I asked if he would be the first man to fuck my ass. He got a big smile on his face and said of course. He told me to roll onto my stomach which I did quickly. All of a sudden I felt the cold sensation of what I assumed was lube being applied to my virgin ass. He asked if I was sure if this is what I want. Of course it was. So he started working his finger into my ass to get me to relax. After I felt relaxed I told him I was ready and I felt him climb over me and he started gently lowering his weight onto me. I started to get nervous when the tip of his cock started pushing against my tight hole. He was kind about it and would push a little then pull back, he repeated this motion a lot until my ass received his shaft. I let out a loud "OH FUCK", J asked if he hurt me. I told him it hurt a little, but more so it felt so fucking amazing. (At this point I knew I wasn't bi-curious, I am fucking bisexual! :D) J started to pick up the pace and pushed a little harder, asking if I was OK every few minutes. Of course I was OK, I was being fucked by his amazing cock. After about 15 minutes I felt his cock swell and he exploded inside me and I could feel his warm seed filling my stretched ass. After he pulled out his now soft dick I felt his cum spill out and drip onto my balls. J got another towel and cleaned us up, got dressed and left. I laid there, full of cum and used, and I had never felt better. Me and J hooked up quite a few more times over the next couple years before I got out and moved back home. If you'd like to hear more just let me know and I'll write those out too.
    2 points
  19. So far I’ve had a very successful day ? i was super horny all morning, feeling my bf’s load swimming up my hole I decided to cancel my day and hunt for more loads and sent texts to some regular fuck buds and fired up Grindr. Immediately I had a reply from a friend telling me he was home and horny, 15 minutes later I was sucking on his dick getting him rock hard and then got spun around and got a rough pounding with nothing but the spit from bj and the cum in my hole it was a short fuck and I was rewarded with a creamy load up my hole, pulled out and I sucked him clean, pulled up my pants and headed out fired up Grindr in the car, got hit from a good looking body, 23, no face but I was horny so I said fuck it, 5 min drive and I was there. I was in the elevator and he texted telling me to get in the apartment, get naked and head to his bedroom, I like where this is going i got in to his bedroom fully naked, he was laying on his bed, gorgeous toned body, rock hard with a thick 8” dick, I was drooling! Got up the bed on my knees and started sucking him, he was verbal and addressed me as his bitch (only got me hornier) and then I moved up, and lowered myself on his pole, no condoms were mentioned. I began riding him and though that he was a lazy top but then he started pumping me, I was then moved on my back, legs over his shoulders and he really fucked me hard, till he blew his load deep in me apparently it was his second load he dumped while the first one was while I rode him, so I just sucked him clean andwe exchanged compliments and he told me he loved my cum full ass so we swapped numbers and I’ll invite him to our next group session When I left his I saw a couple of messages from fuck buds and on Grindr, one was really close (next building) from a well built daddy type, told me his wife was out and he needed a quick fuck, I got there, he was naked and swinging his meat at me (7” and average size) he didn’t want head and just wanted to fuck, and fuck he did! Pounded me really good till he dumped a load in me doggy, asked if I was up to one more and I just milked his cock with my ass in acceptance. He pumped me for 15min longer and I was rewarded with his second load, again he pulled out and I licked him clean thanking him for his loads before leaving 5 loads in about an hour is a great stat, gonna see how more I can take today for my bf to munch on when I get back home ?
    2 points
  20. Well these are my actual sexual adventures. Today I was cruising Grindr and I was kinda bullshitting with someone hoping that the sexy cross dresser was going to hit me back. But the phone battery was just about dead and I needed to get this three day load off. So I just messaged the closest profile a pic of my dick and asked if he wanted to suck it. He said yes and I told him to send me his address. ( hell if he was a total troll I could close my eyes). But anyway I got to his house and he let me in and surprise it was a middle aged black guy with a shaved head. We went into his room and I pulled out my cock and he went to work. He was sucking my cock pretty damn good with lots and lots of slobber and lots of deepthroating. He asked me if a blowjob was all I wanted and I asked if he was offering more. Turns out he was. He had me laid back naked on the bed and he just jumps up on my cock and tries to sit on it with no lube. Fuck that hurt. I told him to get on his back and I spit a nice glob on my dick and rubbed it over my cock and a quick swipe over his ass and I burry my cock right in his ass. I then leave it there and let him get use to it and then I slowly start fucking him but he’s not very flexible so I put him on his side and straddle his leg and slam my cock back into his hole. I then start long dicking him both slow and fast. He starts saying that I’m the best that’s fucked him in a long time so I roll him over onto his belly and Shove my cock back in his hole and start stretching his ass out by adjusting the angle of every thrust till he started to clinch up on my cock bc I fucked the cum out of him. Causing me to get to that point of no return so I burry my full 7 inches into his pussy and breed him as deep as I can go while his pussy is spasming around my cock. Definitely one going to be back to this guy and fuck him for a while.
    2 points
  21. I love having my hole waxed. The first few times I got a hard-on as the wax was being removed from my hole, cock, and balls. I guess I liked the pain. The guy waxing my hole certainly noticed the hard-on, and we eventually would play. He'd rim and ff me after he waxed my hole to make sure it was smooth enough.
    2 points
  22. Staying at Holiday Inn near an airport tonight in a smaller city. Checked out bbrt, a guy is 104 ft away and he’s a top. After a couple of message he comes over. Short, below average looking guy but what the hell, he was right down the hall from me. After a bit of making out I sucked on his average uncut dick. He was hard as a rock and totally turned on. This guy was not my type at all but decided to go for it. We exchanged oral, he gave me a nice rim job. Next thing he’s fucking me and breeds me nicely. We make small talk and he tells he’s married to a woman and is an airline pilot. He get dressed and walks down to this room.
    2 points
  23. i was trained that its a cumdumps duty to clean cocks off with my mouth after theyre finished fucking their load into me
    2 points
  24. I hose out pretty much everyday due to my love of large toys and my constant hookups for sex play. Fisting and huge toys have happily taken care of that kink in my rectum area and it;'s now straight. Ii use long big to ensure that no water is trapped anywhere and that i am full clean. For big events where know there are going to be hours of use, I pop a couple Immodium to ensure nothing change, especially if I get heavily fisted along with all the fuking.
    2 points
  25. My last 3 loads were arranged with the help of two guys that are semi-regular tops for me. They messaged and offered to bring a 3rd. They show up and I'm ass-up face-down on the bed. They strip and start waving their cocks in my face for me to suck hard. They take turns fucking my pussy until the two regulars blow their loads in my hole. The third guy has trouble keeping it hard and finally jacks off and cums on my face. After they leave, the regular with the biggest cock messages me to see if I want another round. Duh! Never enough cock for my pussy! So he comes back to my hotel room and I suck his cock hard (now tasting like my pussy and cum mixed together). He then proceeds to roughly pound another load in my hole and then I lick his cock clean from the cum coating all over and around it. LOVE being a slut!
    2 points
  26. I make it a point to get fucked by at least one guy every week (or upto 5-7) that various people could find unattractive based on their own common preferences. I’ve been fucked by homeless guys, very ugly looking men, janitorial staff and foul smelling men, men in their 70s, handicapped men, obese men and basically a multitude of guys. In my personal experience, the uglier the guy, the hotter the fuck. They never ask to use a condom. They are always rough and aggressive. They always breed. They’re always grateful for the rutt.
    2 points
  27. Have you btm'ed for a btm? I just did. It's not rare but you'll have to admit that dicks & asses don't always ... line up? At least not at the right time & place for it to happen, but I was in travelling and bent over for a btm that surprised me with both his cute self, sexy bod, and the skillz he threw fucking my face AND ass! He msged me on BBRT with the only pic in his profile being the so, SO typical topless ripped abs (that I DON'T go for), and his position being "Bottom", but he immediately wanted to txt and sent his #. What the hell, txting is free! We swap pics via txt, he's super cute, early 30s, but sounds drunk via txt. Meh. Plus he wants to "hang out", take a shower (together??), get naked, etc. good stuff BUT it was almost MIDNIGHT and I had to fly out early in the morning, and so txt'd that I can't do a long night, which makes him think I'm wasting his time. :/ But he persists: "I can shower at your hotel, u can get naked, and wait ass up ... and suck me too" WOAH. 1st mention of anon ... previously it was shower and get naked. He keeps blurting out what he wants later in txts: "Anon is hot. Want u ass up. ... Can I walk in without you? Prop door open. ... I'll shower [there] quick then fuck. ... raw" I had to take a swig of beer that I'd been nursing earlier from the hotel bar! This guy was all over the place, lol! I told him that I didn't have a blindfold but that didn't stop him: "Wrap a pillow case or towel around your eyes. I wanna see u on al fouse ass up when I walk in." <-- what you think he's done that before as a btm? He texts 10 mins later: "HERE". I prop the hotel room door open, drop pants and put my bare ass on the edge of the bed, flip the hoodie over my head (b/c I couldn't get the pillow case to work as a blindfold), and up in the air like he wanted, and waited . I hear him quietly enter, then the door to the bathroom shut, going to the shower like he said that he would, and the stench of cigarette smoke fills the bedroom. Ugh! (I actually have an allergy to smoke ). He either works at a bar or smokes a lot. Lucky we won't be kissing if he wants this anon scene So I wait like a good piggie, drink more beer, and wonder what he's doing in the shower for so long! -- jacking, injecting his limp dick with roids, looking for my meds (b/c I get paranoid sometimes), or ... The bathroom door opens. I smell fresh soap and the stench of cigarette is less, so may he only showered afterall. Then I feel a dick head pointed right at my ass hole. This btm guy doesn't waste time -- he walked right behind my ass. I reach back to feel his anon dick and -- it's ROCK hard! That fucker must have been jacking in the shower! Or is he just horny? He walks over to the side of the bed and grabs the back of my hooded neck. My jaw drops -- b/c I'm not blindfolded but only hooded I can clearly see the lower half of this sexy fucker! Two slim but muscled legs, pale in color, but shapely calves and thick thighs, all pale but with a big of golden hair all over, and inbetween stood this erect fuck stick -- it was this thick, thicker than my hands, long dick, smooth and pale as his legs, with a bull ballsac at the base. Above that a trim pubes, and above them a totally flat belly button. I cannot see above his belly button but his waste is clearly 30" muscled so I guess that topless pic was right afterall! LOL I grab as much of this btm's big cock and start sucking on his head. He moans and pulls the back of my neck closer to the base of his big balls. I'm in piggie heaven! I remember he is a btm so reach around to feel his ass. Oh his buns are a handful of smooth meat! I push the btm fucker's ass towards my face so his big cock goes down my throat and be a happy pig! Then his fingers slip down to my ass hole and finger it -- a reminder that he is there to fuck my ass. Just as my throat is opening up to deep throat him without choking, he pulls his cock out of my mouth and walks back towards my ass. I see his butt for a hot second! Damn what a gorgeous bubble butt he has! It's tight and cups right up to his muscled thighs! An ass build to be fucked!! I'd FORGOT to get a pic of his cock! I'd sent him mine but never got him -- he got invited over b/c of that cute face pic he'd sent. LOL. And now I'll pay for that mistake. He pushes his big fuck stick up my ass hole. No lube! NO spit! He just shoves his raw dick in! UGH I squirm, he lets out a soft moan. Damn, I know his dick likes that raw hole. He's a selfish fucker! Doggie, missionary, side, riding backwards -- every position he is ramming his big dick in hard and fast! Once I manage to lube up his cock just quick enough before he shoves it up my hole again. Sadly I squirm, and try not to squirm, but he never opened me up and I'm just a vers guy! LOL. He's relentless and merciless fucker. I didn't think he was going to be rough. I was in trouble. My ass doesn't do well with big cock w/out lots of foreplay/stretching, dammit! So I pull my ass off of his big cock, swing my hooded face around, and suck on his ass juice covered dick again. He's still on his knees on the bed from fucking my ass doggie, and his cock and balls are just delicious to see. I want this btm's cum! He's not letting me have it yet, and swings my body around again, pushes me down into missionary, opens up my legs, and pummels my ass again with his relentless fuck stick. I grab a pillow and bite and moan into it! After fucking my ass into the bed like this, he flips over on his back, lays back, and pushes my head down onto his cock. I know he's close. Now he wants a bj. Haha! No cum up my bum but I'm gonna be a happy pig when this fucker's cum down my throat. I spread his legs open as he lays back to get a good few of that bubble butt when my nose is burried in his ballsac. Oh, his hole! It's one of the dark deep holes between ass cheeks, totally smooth, and not wore out. Just from his hole it looks like he'd be tight bottom. Hehe. A big dicked tight bottom! LOL I jacked the btms cock and he announces that he is going to cum. His sexy legs squirm and his hands come down to grab his balls. He cums on my tongue ... it's actually pretty sweet cum! Not totally cigarette smoke. He gets up and I start to lay back. Only the TV is on in the room so it's a bit darkish. I see his sexy butt walk away to the shower -- and a bball cap on his head! He was wearing a bball cap the whole time he was fucking my ass! Nice!! After he's leaving we txt a bit that we should fuck again when back in town
    2 points
  28. PART FOUR "Get up, get on your feet." Robert did as he was told, as he was starting to feel a strange but powerful sense of comfort in taking instructions and being obedient to this man. He had made Robert feel things in a way that no other man had yet done, and he started to realise, he wanted more. The guy started caressing Robert's chest, running his hands all over him, and lent forward to his face, placing a hand behind his head, and began to kiss him, Robert kissing back gently, and opening his mouth to be greeted by the cunning master's tongue. This sexual beast had Robert in shivers as they passionately frenched a few minutes, kissing and sucking each other's tongues, then the guy started rubbing Robert's nipples, gently at first, then pinching, applying more and more pressure, getting some gentle moans out of Robert in return. Then the guy lowered his head and took one of the lad's nipples in his mouth, swirling and flicking his tongue his tongue around it, Robert's moans becoming more exasperated and pleasured while he did this. "My slut likes his tits teased, huh?" Said the stud. "Fffffuuuuccckkk yes, Daddy. Feels soooo good". Robert replied. The man then bit down, not too hard, but hard enough to get a loud set of pained and exasperated oooh's and aaah's out of Robert's sweet lips, then... The man stood back just a little, roughly grabbed a handful of Robert's hair, and spat in his face. "Cunt". Spat at him again. "Open your mouth". He spat inside Robert's mouth. "Say thank you." "Thank you", Robert obligingly replied, in his newfound understanding. This made him feel so dirty, so used, so..... He couldn't fully explain it, but he loved it. Again, he wanted more. He left his mouth open. The man spat at him again. "You really are trash, aren't you, bitch?". He slapped Robert in the face. Robert moaned in pleasure and approval. He wanted to show this dom he had began to learn his place. Who he really was. A faggot. A slave. A submissive whore. A cheap piece of fuck-meat for any man wanting to use him. Pain and abuse made him horny as fuck. He was, in essence, a Masochist. The man pinched both of Robert's nipples, hard. "I know how to use a slut. Tell me what you want. You really want to make Daddy happy, yes?" The man asked, in a dominant tone. "Yes, Daddy". "You're a trashy cum-dumpster whore, aren't you, faggot? You like being abused and verbally degraded, don't you?". "Yes Daddy. I love it." The man chuckled. He had the young man by the short and curlies now. He had broken him, and he knew it. He could see he had control, and the little slut would let him do anything he wanted. "On your knees, and open your fucking whore mouth, as wide as you can, and keep it open". Robert knelt down, and the man roughly grabbed his hair with both hands, then pulling Robert's head forward, jammed his cock down Robert's throat, making him gag. He pulled out, leaned over and spat in his face. "Take some poppers. Hit it about 5 times. Deep breaths." The man waited, still clutching Robert's hair while the lad breathed in the acrid fumes. "Open your mouth again." He forced his throbbing cock into Robert's throat, at first a bit slower and more gently this time, but built up pace, and was soon fully throat-fucking him, making Robert drool like a rabid animal. "Yes.... yeeeeessss, bitch. Get my dick wet. This is for your own good, cunt. Cause I think you know where I'm gonna stick my tool next."
    2 points
  29. I guess I'd better give my public what it wants, huh? Heh heh. PART THREE Robert's mouth was completely full of this powerful alpha male's engorged member, and he was loving every second of it, deep throating him, licking up and down the shaft, kissing and licking around the bulbous head and foreskin. By this point, he was basically drooling with saliva uncontrollably and getting the cock nice and wet. He could feel every bump of flesh, every bulging vein, the smooth texture of the glans, and the soft folds of skin in the foreskin, which, when loose enough, he sucked between his lips and pulled between his teeth, ever so gently. "Right. I think you're ready for this now. Bend over and show me your ass." Said the black guy, helping Robert move in to position, while he sat on the couch. "Fuck yeah, bitch. My kinda slut." Robert then felt two strong hands on either of his asscheeks prying them apart, exposing his sweet hole to the air, and this dominant man's breath. The man blew gently on his hole, causing Robert to gasp with surprise and pleasure, just before Robert felt the soft, warm and moist flesh of the guy's tongue licking him all over his ass, paying special attention to his hole, giving him the rimming of a lifetime. Robert was seeing stars, his cock rock hard to the point of being uncomfortable, threatening of being just on the verge of coming. "Aaaahhh.... oooooh... aaaaahhh..... mmmmmmm..... yyyyyeeeeeaahhh" Robert moaned, more and more gently and passionately.... getting more and more effeminate with each sigh or moan of pleasure. SLAP!!!! A big strong hand came down on his ass hard. "Definitely MY slut now, aren't ya?" The guy asked, seemingly very proud of his efforts. SLAP!! "Ahhhh" SLAP!! "Owww" SLAP!! "Please...." "Please what, bitch?" The guy asked, teasingly. "It hurts, Daddy". Robert replied. The guy started rubbing his ass with a flat hand over where he had been spanking the boy, rubbing the red raw flesh, making it warm, and kissed it. "Does it? It seems to me you're enjoying it" He replied, grabbing Robert's cock through his jock strap. "I think you need this more than you realise". SLAP!! "You're a naughty little bitch, a slut, a whore, and you're getting something VERY special, tonight." SLAP!!! "Ahhh". With this, the guy reached to where his clothes were, and removed the belt from his pants, then instructed Robert to kneel submissively in front of him, hands resting on his thighs, feet underneath his buttocks. He made a loop with the belt, with the buckle loose, and put it around Robert's neck, not choking him, but secured it tight enough to have some control if movement, like a leash... and then.... SLAP!!!! He slapped the young man in the face again. Hard. "You're a piece of shit, ya know that?" SLAP! "Whore." SLAP! "Don't fight this, I am under control of you and I will give you what you need. You don't have a choice now, do you? You may answer." The guy raised his hand above Robert's head, preparing to administer another slap to his now bright red face, and Robert was doing his best to not cry, but something was welling up inside him. Part sadness, part wanting this man to comfort him, the pain and sting of his face, not knowing what to do next, and wanting to obey, not just out of fear... but out of excitement. Out of doing something extremely kinky that he hadn't done before. Out of breaking some taboos. Out of becoming broken, and finally ready to really be the total faggot he was meant to be. "Well? You want this, right, slut?" The black guy asked. "Yes, please Daddy." Robert replied. "Treat me however you want, do whatever you want to do with me. Make me your slut." The guy chuckled a little. A sexy, slow, low chuckle. Almost a growl. Deep and low in pitch. "Just what I thought".
    2 points
  30. Usually by this time with a guy we had already decided who was going to top but the kiss had been so sudden I had no idea if this was just going to be a kiss and grope or we were going all the way. I heard him moan into the kiss and realized from his actions he didn’t either. Our hands explored over each other’s bodies and we kept kissing. Most straight or curious guys I had been with didn’t like to kiss but Louis wasn’t one of them. He seemed to love to kiss and was really good at it. But I needed more. While I usually topped, I figured that he would feel more comfortable fucking. I broke the kiss and rubbed our beards together as I moved back to his ear. I sucked on the earlobe a moment and then kissed down his neck. My hand rustled through the chest hair on his right side and down to his stomach. My head was following behind and my teeth latched on to his nip, biting it gently while I sucked on it. Louis’s hands were on the back of my head making sure my mouth didn’t stray too far from his body. I hooked my fingers around the waistband of his trunks and pulled them down, feeling his hard cock spring free and rub over my chest, drooling precum into my fur. I let go of his nipple and traced my tongue down his treasure trail, feeling the shaft brush through my beard to my lips. I licked the head of his cock and then wrapped my lips around it, slowly descending until my nose was buried in his trimmed pubes. I squeezed my throat around the tip of his cock and felt him shudder and moan. Slowly I pulled back until the flare of his cock head was on the inside of my lips and then I went back down. I began to bob on Louis’ cock using every trick I knew to drive his lust into overdrive. My tongue, lips and throat worked his cock like I’m sure no woman had ever done to him. I could feel he was getting close and I decided that I wasn’t going to swallow this load. I pulled off and sucked on his balls, one at a time, looking up and seeing his eyes closed and his mouth agape. I wondered what he was envisioning - me sucking him or some hot supermodel. I pushed off my shorts and walked the few steps over to his bike and bent over, the straps from my jock framing my furry ass. One hand was on the tank and the other on the back of the seat, I was braced for the fuck I hoped was going to happen. Louis looked at me and I looked back at him. He looked confused, like he had never fucked anyone before. Finally he said “You got any rubbers?” “Nope. No lube either, spit is gonna have to do. You ever fuck an ass?” I asked. “Nnnnno” was all he replied, obviously nervous. “Same as pussy, just better” I said before I spit on my hand and rubbed my hole with it. I knew it wasn’t enough for him to just slide in, but I like rough fucks. Louis moved closer, holding his cock in his shaking right hand. I pulled my butt apart and wiggled it suggestively. He spit on the end of his cock and rubbed it over my winking hole. I would have been in heaven if he had spent a long time rimming my ass, but I’d have to wait for that another time. Hopefully there would be another time, I thought. I relaxed and pushed back about the time he pushed forward. It took a moment of pressure, but then he popped inside. “Oh fuck… Oh my god… Aaahhhhh… aaaahhh… ahhhh” was all he said as his cock drove slowly into my hole. He got half way in and then pulled back a bit. He rocked his hips, getting deeper each time until I finally felt his hips hit my ass. The lack of lube had definitely given me the burn inside, but knowing he was fucking me raw made up for it. I felt his hands grasp my hips and he started to plow in and out of my hungry hole. His moans and grunts filled the garage and my hole started to get slicker as his precum coated the walls of my rectum. He pounded harder and I felt the sweat drip off his body on to my back. Louis slowed down after a while and I wasn’t sure if he was getting cold feet and was about to pull out or whether he was mixing it up so he could fuck longer. He kept fucking though and I enjoyed every thrust. When his hands moved to my shoulders and he started to hammer my hole I knew the answer. Several minutes later the grunts got louder and I could tell his breathing was erratic. A few well timed squeezes of my sphincter and he buried his cock all the way in. I could feel the throbbing from his cock and knew he was filling me with his pent up load. My own cock started to pulse, shooting cum all over the floor and milking all of the seed from his balls. Sadly, this wasn’t the first time I had wasted a load on the garage floor. I stood up, reaching back to make sure he stayed inside me and felt his sweaty chest against my back. It felt odd with one side furry and the other side shaved, but there was no way I was going to complain. I felt Louis’s arms wrap around me and his heavy breaths on my neck as the rush slowly dissipated. “Oh my god, that was amazing” Louis said breathlessly. He couldn’t see my grin but it was almost from ear to ear. After a few minutes, I moved forward and felt his softening cock fall out of my ass. I felt the familiar drip of cum run down my leg and I turned around to see if he was ok or if I had gone too fast once again and fucked it up. He leaned in and kissed me again. It only lasted a few moments before he backed away a half step. “So that’s what gay sex is like?” Louis asked. I chuckled and said “That’s just the tip of the iceberg, Louis.”
    2 points
  31. 39 yo bottom from Edmonton, Alberta. Recenty discoverd this site. Been barebacking since I was 30 after a hot hookup with a black dude that bred me. Currently still neg and not looking to get infected, but I'm kinda getting turned on by the idea of taking toxic loads after reading through the posts on this site. Although I do think I will become poz one day anyway considering how much I love taking the dick raw.
    2 points
  32. I'm a bartender so I work nights but I can host weekdays during the day at my place in Santa Clarita, CA. Unfortunately, the main disadvantage of being a bartender is that I'm free when everyone else is working and vice versa. I have however, thanks to a DoubleList Ad, found a fuck buddy who is able to come over and fuck me a couple of times a week. Like myself, he is married and states that condoms are a must. He's handsome, well built and well hung so even with a condom on he's a great fuck and I always cum at least a couple of times when he fucks me. He's got great stamina and loves to fuck so he's my kinda guy. But this last week, things seemed to change. He came over on Monday morning and asked that I wait for him face down, ass up but not lubed because he wanted to eat my ass. I love getting rimmed and so I waited for him on all fours. Sure enough, he came in, started caressing my ass and began to rim me like only he can. As he ate my ass, I could hear the crackling of the condom wrapper and looked back to see his shoulders moving, indicating that he was putting the condom on. "There's lube on the nightstand" I offered. "Ok" he responded, but resumed rimming me. He got up and I immediately felt his huge mushroom head pushing against my tight hole. I knew that there wasn't enough lube on my ass and the pressure hurt. I was about to complain when 2 things happened simultaneously; his cock head pushed past my hole's resistance and I felt the sharp snap of the condom breaking from the lack of lubrication and the tightness of my ass. He froze when the condom snapped but didn't say a word. I didn't want to call attention to the rubber because I've been wanting to feel his bare cock for a while now. Instead I said, "Thanks for giving me a moment to adjust, you forget how big you are ha ha." "Oh yeah, no worries. Are you ok with this?" He asked. And in agreement, I said, "Oh yeah, definitely, but please go easy, your cock can do some damage ha ha". He kissed the back of my neck and slid more of his cock in me. Once he was balls deep in my ass, he pulled all the way out and drizzled lube on his cock. I wish he'd done that before but I think that, all along, his plan had been to cause the condom to break. Soon, we were both in a comfortable rhythm and his thick 8" hole wrecker was pounding my prostate and getting me close to orgasm. By this time, I could clearly feel the ragged ends of the split condom which was now a sort of cock ring rolled at the base of his cock. His thick bare shaft felt amazing and I was loving every stroke. I told him that I was getting close and he said that so was he. A few more strokes and I couldn't hold back and I started cumming really hard and my ass tightened on his cock and essentially milked the cum out of him. I could feel volleys of hot cum spraying against my inner walls and I knew that his unprotected cock had just shot his cum straight into me. He collapsed on my back and just held me for a few minutes while his cock plugged me and eventually deflated and slipped out. He jumped up, ran to the bathroom and flushed the condom. I could tell that we were not going to discuss the fact that he had just stealth bred me. I was tempted to shove a couple of fingers in my ass and dig out his cum and show him but I knew that could potentially ruin a good thing so I just smiled as he got dressed in front of me. His chiseled torso shining with a light cover of sweat and his thick cock hanging down with a bead of post-cum on the top made me kneel before him and suck his cock head in and savored my ass juices and his cum commingled on his cock. He placed his hand on my cheek and caressed me as I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. "Thanks, I really needed that. Can we do that again on Wednesday?" He asked. "Of course," I replied enthusiastically, "you know you're welcome anytime you want to come over and use my ass to get off in." "Fuck yeah, I like knowing that that's my ass now. I'll see you Wednesday morning, wait for me on all fours but go ahead and lube up this time. I feel bad that I think I hurt you but I just needed to get in you. I'll treat your ass better next time, I promise." I walked him to the door, he squeezed my ass and said, "This ass is mine now, but I'll treat it really good." After he'd left, I shoved a couple of fingers in my ass and sure enough, there was a huge load of cum inside me. I won't say a word, but I'm definitely letting him stealth me from now on ha ha.
    1 point
  33. Oh dear. I’m going to stick my head above the parapet here. I don’t shave. Never have. Hairy all the way- just as nature intended. Actually, I’m just lazy. It seems to me that for every top out there that likes ‘em smooth, there’s one that likes ‘em hairy. So I don’t bother: I don’t think shaving would land me any more cock. But it seems to me from some of the other responses to this topic that a lot of bottoms shave simply because they prefer the look/feel of it themselves. And I’m all for that- it’s as good a reason as any to go to all that effort. But for me- well, I guess it’s just not my thing.
    1 point
  34. Completely smooth here, had it all lasered of couple of year ago
    1 point
  35. For reasons too obtuse to explain, I was a NEG on a quest for POZ Cum, so I was searching for a POZ Top who'd screw the hell out of me. Yeah, I was nervous about getting BRED, but remained resolute. I had almost despaired of finding Mr. Right, so I decided to try the Baths one more time. It was Sunday night, and the crowd had grown sparse. I strapped my key around my bicep, wrapped my towel about my waist, and headed out on the prowl. On my second pass I ran into a Dude, late forties, tats, with a large PA. I found him in the back room with a little Queen attached to his Cock. When it was my turn, I tongued his 7 inches and loved him from his Pits to his Toes. He invited me up to his room, "for privacy," so he said. I confided I was NEG and hated Condoms. He countered that, though he was POZ, his Viral Load was "under control," and he only fucked bare. I leaned forward to kiss him, forced my tongue down his throat, and almost gagged on the Bucket of Spit he passed back. That sealed the deal. I fell hook, line, and sinker in love with his Cock. As his PA pressed against my own rigid Tool, I knew I was closer to Nirvana than ever before. As he bent me over, I apprehensively I eyed his PA. He uncapped his Lube and wriggled three greasy fingers up my Mancunt. It didn't go easy, as he raked me over the coals, with all the brawn he could muster. As I felt his steel-tipped Rod grind his sweet, diseased Pre-Cum into my Pussy, I reached back and caressed his slimey Shaft; and my digits came away RED. His prurient onslaught culminated in a Butt Fucking Frenzy as his Balls pounded my Buttocks, his panting grew harsh, and his stale breath pelted the back of my neck. My Ass was on fire, and I watched BLOBS OF BUTT BLOOD smack the linoleum floor. He moaned he was cuming and spasmed in me. Is there such a thing as the numbing power of HIV? As his Gift of Death flooded my Innards, it doused the flame in my gut. I felt his Hot Jizm in powerful spurts spew Venom into my bod, and I shot my Load. His weight on my back, my NEG Spooge in my Pubes, and his POZ Jizz in my Pussy, combined to make me feel I'd cum home at last.
    1 point
  36. “Something spiritual”. Love it. It’s not called Cumunion for nothing... I think a lot of us cumdumps may feel there is something spiritual about taking anon cock and multiple loads. It’s hard to put into words because I guess it comes from somewhere deep in our DNA that predates language. But when I’m being fucked by a random stranger, I feel on one level that I’m not communing with just the one individual, but that I’m in some kind of communion with every male on the planet: half of humanity. The individual represents the universal. And so on that basis, it doesn’t really matter what he looks like, because in some way he represents every man that has ever existed. It’s powerful stuff. Not sure if the top feels the same- maybe he’s just getting off. But that’s just fine lol.
    1 point
  37. I am totally into giving my ass up for ugly and fat guys. Want to make the less fortunate have a good time and breed me like the pig I am.
    1 point
  38. The process of getting ready to bottom can be rather simple, but there are things we do that can make it very complex. It has five phases (at least for me). I know this thread is about getting the water out, but for the novices out here, I'd thought I'd go a bit deeper. 1 Diet: you need to observe how your diet affects your bowel movements. What things firm up your stool? What things make it messy? Are you taking fiber supplements? Yes Pure for Men is helpful but I've found that psyllium husk tablets are cheaper and work just as well. I take 3 to 6 a day depending on what I've been eating or if I plan a weekend of sex. 2 Timing of meals: it really does matter. We all dread having pigged out on greasy food only to have someone want to fuck us. But that's the breaks. Again this is something you have learn by trial and error. Maybe the meals should be heavier in the morning and lighter as the day goes on. 3 Use of over the counter aids such as Imodium: I only resort to this for weekends where I plan to be fucked over a 24 to 48 hour span. I don't think my body particularly likes it when I use Imodium but for me it seriously slows down all the traffic to my anus. But I've found I've got to take it anywhere from 4 to 8 hours before I plan to play. I've even been known to take it the night before. It really does make the clean out process a cinch. It's my insurance policy of sorts. 4 Cleaning out: the crazy thing here is that water is your friend and your foe. I'm not into fisting so I don't do those really long and deep cleanings. I control very strictly the amount of water I shoot up there, the pressure of the water I shoot up there, how long I hold the hose in there (eg 8 seconds) and how long I hold the water before evacuating (75 seconds). I use a Squatty Potty to release the kink in my bowels (or simply prop my feet up on something). Note: you have to totally relax and let the water run out. It doesn't work for me to force it out or spray it out. That relaxed motion of letting the water run out helps me avoid water getting trapped up there (along with propping my feet up). I douche several times until the water is clear. Usually when you see what looks like clear mucus come out your hole, you need to stop right there. 5 Testing: To make sure there is no water left, I use a butt plug while standing to fuck my hole. I usually stand in the tub while doing this in case the water that escapes is not clear. The final test is to close the lid of the toilet and actually sit on the butt plug while taking a hit of poppers. I really work my hole all over the dildo. Because my hole is relaxed and most open then, any additional water comes out. Then I'm ready to get fucked. So I say ALL THAT to say there are a lot of moving parts. Our bodies are different so this may not work for you. It's really about trial and error. If you have a mishap, try to understand why. And for goodness sake, if you mess it up, take it easy on yourself. Your asshole does have a day job. LOL.
    1 point
  39. Not sure why, but if I’m out on bbrt and hosting I get a good share of younger guys. Some of them very young like 18/19 years old. They are generally fast and very appreciative. I have had several of the young ones come with a best friend or bf. One young guy told me it was just faster and easier than most bottom guys his age. Hmmmm...Luv that they like the older cum dumps!
    1 point
  40. Best kind of cock... especially if uncut. The moment i discover the guy im meeting with us uncut... I make sure to ask him to not wash his cock
    1 point
  41. Here in Auckland, New Zealand, there's a venue called Lateshift that holds a 3 hour afternoon session on Sundays called Jacks and Jocks. This is possibly their busiest time, and one of the few times the venue has a dress code of either Jock straps, underwear or nude. It also usually gets the best mixed attendance, all ages, all body types. Lots of hot hung guys all around. I went yesterday, and within the first 20 minutes must have had at least 6 raw cocks in me and a couple of juicy loads. I went into full pig mode, and hooked up with any guy in the venue who seemed keen, bending over or laying on a bed with my ass cheeks pried apart, ready for more raw cock. Went in to the darkroom which was reasonably full, and sucked off a couple of guys, then bent over and grabbed my ankles, letting whoever wanted my hole to use it as they saw fit. Hooked up with another guy who was really skinny and gaunt looking, and he had a tight cockring on so his member was bulging at every vein... was at least 8 or 9 inches. Went to a room with him and bent over on the bed for him, he impaled me with his throbbing meat in a few different positions, and l worked his nips while he built up and eventually shot a huge load inside me. I was still insatiable. Feeling hornier and hornier, found a couple of young boys- early to mid 20s by appearances- and sucked them both then the top fucked my brains out. Then I went to another venue that has a dungeon room with a sling - Basement - and played with an older daddy, sucking his cock and playing with his nips and ass... dressed in red stockings that I had bought over the counter there, I let him touch me all over, then went and layed in the sling, him following shortly after. I ripped my stockings open directly by my hole, and he offered his cock, asking me if I wanted it raw. "Yes please, Daddy", I replied. He happily obliged, penetrating me unlubed but gentle and slow so I could feel my hole stretching to allow him entry into my flesh tunnel. His cock was at least 7 or 8 inches long and really girthy. I stuck my nose in my bottle of poppers and as he started thrusting, I was in heaven. Felt so good to be full of this dirty old man's fuck meat, and he talked dirty to me while we fucked, he eventually blew his load inside me... I thanked him. Then I played with my ass to finger his load inside me for shits and giggles, finding the rim of a used condom full of cum that must have been from the twink top that fucked me before daddy. I managed to pull it out, and scraped all the cum out and fingered it inside me. I played with a couple of the other guys there, then the daddy came back and bred my hole again. During both times he bred me I hoped he was poz and giving me a dirty load. Guess I'll find out. Maybe... Was ridiculously horny this morning just thinking about the possibility that I have taken some poz loads yesterday and jerked off in bed this morning and blew a huge juicy load all over my tummy. It tasted great.
    1 point
  42. I'm in Dallas, Texas. Latino with an Uncut cock
    1 point
  43. I was seeing a very Dominant Top. The first time he fucked me, he pulled out and pointed to his slimy cock and said, "Suck it clean bitch." I was hesitant at first. He slapped me lightly on the face and said "NOW!" I complied and licked and sucked his cock and balls clean. It felt so nasty and degrading. I loved it! He never had to order me twice again.
    1 point
  44. I grabbed my shorts and walked over to a shelf and pulled two towels down, tossing one to Louis. “Sorry, no shower here” I said. I wiped my crotch and ass off and put my shorts back on. He wiped off, but still seemed to be in a daze. I looked at the clock and it was almost ten PM. “I guess we’re not going to get much done tonight. My place is closer if you want to just head over there. We can drink a few beers and you can crash there. We’ll finish the bike up in the morning” I told Louis. “OK, I don’t really feel like working on the bike right now either. You sure its ok to stay at your place? I can grab a Uber or bus back to my place” Louis said. “Yeah, of course. You want to go now or do a bit of work?” I asked, hoping he was on the same wavelength as me. “I don’t think I would be of much use right now. I’d just be staring at you the whole time” Louis replied with a grin. I dropped my shorts back to the floor and walked past him to pick up my jeans. As I walked by I felt his hand touch my ass. The garage was like a sauna with the door closed and our sweating bodies hadn’t helped it cool down. We both put our clothes on, me in jeans and a tee and Louis in his khakis and shirt. Once my boots were laced I opened the door and wheeled the Yamaha out again. All suited up I closed the door and hopped on the bike with Louis taking the bitch spot again. I left my jacket open and took the long way home, enjoying the summer air as it cooled me off. I noticed that Louis’ grip on my waist was tighter than it had been the week before and he would occasionally reach down and grab my junk. I pulled off the alley and parked under the back stairs like I always did and locked the bike to the post. “Welcome” I said as we walked in the door. I gave Louis the grand tour by standing in the center of the living room and pointing at the other rooms. “Kitchen… office… bathroom… bedroom” I said. “I need the bathroom first, Ryan” Louis said and almost sprinted over to it. He closed the door which made me laugh to myself, but I went into the bedroom and pulled my boots, socks, jeans and shirt off. I walked out of the bedroom about the time Louis came out of the bathroom. “Whoa” he said, obviously surprised at me being almost naked. “Sorry, this is how I usually dress when I’m at home. I can put my jeans back on if you want…” I replied. “No, no, I just wasn’t expecting it. It’s your place, your rules” Louis said, smiling. We sat on the couch and I flicked the TV on before I reached over and grabbed the pipe and loaded it with the weed I got earlier. We passed it back and forth taking hits until it was spent. Louis looked over at me and seemed to want to say something and then just pulled his shirt off. “Fuckin’ warm in here” he said and I wasn’t sure if he was complaining or explaining. He stood up and kicked off his sneakers and then his jeans and sat back down on the couch in just his CK trunks close to me. Sky’s comments kept haunting me in my mind and while I desperately wanted to jump his bones, I didn’t make any moves. Well, for a few minutes anyway. Louis nuzzled in next to me and I wrapped my arm around him. We finished the show on TV and he turned his head and smiled at me. We locked eyes and his nose was right next to my sweaty pit. I saw him sniff quietly a few times and then I had to know. “You like that smell?” I asked. Louis turned bright red, realizing he was busted. “Nothing wrong with it, Louis. Just about every animal uses smell to find mates, humans are no different. Go ahead, sniff all you want” I said calmly. Louis turned and then pushed my arm up. What he did next, surprised me. He attacked my pit with his nose and tongue. He was breathing deep and coating his beard and face with my sweat before he lapped at my whole armpit with his tongue. I heard him moaning quietly and a smile grew across my face as I realized he was enjoying it as much as I was. He spent almost ten minutes like this until his tongue had washed most of my scent off. My rock hard cock was sticking up past the top band on my jockstrap, leaking precum down through the hair and into the cloth. I reached over and grabbed his arm and was about to shove my face in his armpit when he stopped me. “No! I put antiperspirant on this morning” he yelled out. I appreciated the warning - I’ve gotten my tongue coated in that damn stuff too many times to count and it sucks every time. I knew of a few other spots I could savor his scent, but I didn’t want to move too fast. “You do like the smell of a sweaty pit then” I said. “Yeah, if I’m going to be alone for a day I don’t shower or use pit stick so I can smell my ripe pits, but I didn’t know anyone else did shit like that. Sorry, I've always wanted to try that with my own pit and you didn't seem to mind” Louis said. “That was hot. I love a man’s natural scent and when it gets really ripe it’s even better. I never use deodorant - the most I’ll do is grab a shower if I have to be scent free. If no one is going to be around, I’ll just let it build for days” I replied. “Mmmm, I want to smell that” Louis said while looking back at me with a smile.
    1 point
  45. Driving through Luton Saturday, remembered an old sauna with GHs etc, stopped to suck some cock as i was pushed for time. I ended up getting fucked 5 times, two over the edge of the jacuzzi with blokes in the pool watching me....one through a GH.And two in a Darkroom. I was so late.......
    1 point
  46. Part 18 - The Big Day Thursday night, Mark sent a text message to Joe “Aaron’s appt at 10:30. Can u be there 10:15?” Joe responded “ok.” Joe, Kyle and Steven drove over to the clinic and checked in. Joe looked around and there was no sign of Dennis. Or Aaron. Worried, Joe sent a message to Dennis asking where he was and got a response “Be there in 5.” Aaron and Dennis walked in the door together and Dennis led Aaron to a seat next to Joe. “What do we have here? Did you use all your charms on him Dennis?” Joe asked. Aaron blushed and looked down at the floor. “Nothing happened. He looked pretty scared when I saw him on Wednesday and figured he needed someone to talk to. We talked on the phone yesterday and we’ve been over at the diner talking for a couple hours just now” Dennis explained and then turned to Aaron and said “If you have an appointment, you better check in.” “We all should” said Kyle. The guys all went up to the receptionists desk and waited. The receptionist looked up and Aaron said “I have a 10:30 appointment. “ Douglas looked up with a smile and said “Oh good, you came back. A lot of guys get too nervous and don’t show up for the followup. It will be a few minutes, so have a seat and the nurse will call you.” One by one the other guys got checked in, each flirting with Douglas but getting nowhere with him. They sat down together and chatted about everything but the test, trying to keep Aaron from breaking down. The nurse came out of the door and asked for Joe. Kyle squeezed Joe’s leg and Joe got up and went into the exam area and was shown the same room as Wednesday. The nurse checked his temperature, weight and blood pressure and said “Have a seat, the doctor will be here in a few minutes.” Joe sat looking at the walls, reading the poster encouraging him to have safe sex, another wanting him to test often because some STDs can be silent killers, and another that showed a cutaway of a guys cock, balls and colon. He liked the last one the best, thinking about the nice fat, hung cock. There was a knock at the door and the doctor from Wednesday came in and sat down on the stool with a folder in his hand. “Hi Joe. We have the test results. Before I give them to you, I want you to know that we are here to help you both physically and mentally. Not just today, but for as long as you need it” the doctor said in a somber tone. Joe had heard this part in the past, it was nothing new. Opening up the folder the doctor said “Joe, you have tested positive for HIV and gonorrhea. There’s nothing to worry too much about. We can treat both of them and you can lead a normal active life.” Joe looked at the doctor, stunned. He had wanted to hear these words for a long time, but was still shocked when it really happened. “Uh, ok” was all he said. “We will treat the gonorrhea right away, it’s just an antibiotic and it will be cured quickly. HIV doesn’t have a cure, but we can treat it and you can have a long, normal life. First, we need to run more tests to see how far it has progressed and what the right treatment is. I see from your history, you have been getting tested for STDs about every two months the past few years. That’s good, since we know the virus hasn’t had a long time to attack your body. In the mean time, you should not have sex with anyone - oral, vaginal or anal. Be careful with any cuts and get them bandaged immediately. Once you start treatment it will take a while for your body to get to a point where HIV is undetectable and when that happens you can resume sexual activity, though we recommend always practicing safe sex to ensure you don’t infect your partner.” Joe was numb. He heard everything the doctor was saying, but was expressionless. “Do you understand what I just told you?” the doctor asked. “Yeah, I do” Joe replied. “Good. Some people get depressed when they find out news like this. We have counselors on staff for you to talk to if you need to. You can use their services at any time - today, tomorrow, next month, whenever. The nurse will give you the antibiotic and then take you down to the lab to take some more blood samples” the doctor said. After a pause the doctor continued “Do you have any idea who you might have been with that could have infected you?” “No, I don’t. I haven’t had sex in a few weeks, but before that I had been pretty active. I don’t even remember most of the guys, except for my boyfriend” Joe answered. “The reason I ask is that we usually have one new HIV infection every week or two and this week we have seven. The patient we saw yesterday thinks it was a tall guy with tattoos on his arms and a large piercing on his penis. Does this guy sound familiar? We would like to find him because he may not know he is infected and is spreading the virus around.” Joe had to fight back the smile that he felt coming on. “Oh, yeah. I know who he is and he knows he’s poz” thought Joe but he told the doctor “No, that doesn’t sound familiar, but I did have sex with a guy with a pierced cock, but I couldn’t see him.” The doctor wanted to chuckle, but tried to stay professional and just said “Ah. OK, well, I have a busy day and need to get to my next patient. I will be seeing you soon when we get the new test results. You should set up an appointment for late next week or the following week. I’ll see you then.” The nurse walked in and handed Joe a packet with the antibiotics inside and ushered him down to the lab area. He took his seat and waited for the door to open. Several minutes later the door opened and the same cute lab tech from the other day looked out. “Oh, sorry. I was taking a little break before the rush. Come on in.” Joe walked into the room and took a seat, while the lab tech closed the door and took a seat next to Joe. This time Joe remembered to look at the guy’s name tag “Tyler, remember that” thought Joe. “Are you Joe? It’s the only name in the queue on the computer” Tyler asked. “Yeah, that’s me.” “Can i have your date of birth?” Tyler next asked and Joe gave it to him. Tyler looked at the screen to see what tests he was going to need to do and how many vials of blood to draw. “Hmmm, I see. Well, I guess I should first welcome you to the club, Joe. Are you doing ok with the news?” Tyler asked. “Oh yeah, I’m doing good” Joe responded, maybe a bit too cheerfully. Chuckling to himself Tyler said “Sounds like it wasn’t too much of a surprise to you. Were you, ummm…” Joe interrupted “Chasing? Yeah, kinda. Not avoiding it, anyway.” Tyler looked at him and smiled “Cool. I did too. It was a lot of fun and now I’m on the flip side of it.” Joe looked back at Tyler thinking that he looked like a squeaky clean twink and not someone he would have thought of as a bug chaser. “Yeah, some of the best sex I’ve ever had. You’re not going to put that in my file, are you?” Joe asked. “Oh hell no, don’t worry about that. It’s more for personal info and, uh, I, uh” Tyler stumbled for words for a moment and continued “Here, give me your phone.” Joe handed over his phone and Tyler added his name and number into Joe’s contact list. “Call me if you have any questions you don’t want to ask the counselors they have here. I don’t do this for every new poz guy, but I think you’re really hot.” Tyler handed the phone back and picked up a syringe and four empty vials. Tying the strap around Joe’s arm he proceeded to draw the blood and then paste the labels on the vials. “All done for now. I hope I will be seeing you again… for more tests” Tyler said with a quiet laugh. Joe got up and went back into the waiting room and to the receptionists desk. Douglas looked at him with a big smile and Joe thought “Damn, everyone here knows I’m poz now.” Joe quickly made his appointment for a few weeks later and went back to his posse. Aaron was missing from the group and before Joe could ask Dennis said “Aaron is finding out now. I hope he’s ok.” About that time, the nurse came out to call another person back for an exam and everyone heard a loud noise coming from the exam room area and the staff went running. Aaron had gone to an exam room to get his results. The nurse had taken his vitals and he waited for the doctor to show up. His stomach was churning and he could feel his heart race. He had spent almost two hours talking with Dennis and occasionally crying. He heard the logic from Dennis - if he tested positive for HIV, he wasn’t going to die any sooner, his sex life wouldn’t die, he may lose a few friends and gain some new ones, and if he tested negative his life would go on as it had before. But it still was tearing him up inside and he was sure he would be alone and unwanted for the rest of his life. Finally the doctor walked in the room with a folder. Aaron had never been in a situation like this and was visibly shaking. “Hello Aaron” the doctor started. “We have the test results. Before I give them to you, I want you to know that we are here to help you both physically and emotionally for as long as you need it” the doctor said in a somber tone. Aaron turned even more pale. He thought his heart was going to pop out of his chest. The doctor looked at Aaron and opened up the folder and said “Aaron, you have tested positive for HIV, gonorrhea and syphilis. We can treat…” At that point Aaron fainted, falling on to the floor with the chair smashing into the exam table. The noise reverberated through the main clinic area. Nurses and other staff came running into the exam room as the doctor was propping Aaron against the wall and checking him for cuts or other injuries. The staff helped get Aaron up on to the exam table, laying back. Aaron came to a few minutes later, staring up at the ceiling with the doctor and two nurses around him. “Aaron, are you ok?” the doctor asked. “I, uh, think so” he replied. “I know this news came as a shock to you. But don’t worry. We can treat you and your life will be fine. Two of the infections we can cure with antibiotics and HIV is not a death sentence, it can be treated as well but not cured. Do you understand?” “Yes” Aaron said quietly. “We need you to take another blood test so we can find the right treatment for you and the nurse will bring the antibiotic. I want you to set up an appointment as soon as possible with a counselor since I think you need to talk with a professional about this news and how you are going to handle it.” “OK” said Aaron. “I want you to wait here for ten minutes and rest. We don’t want you to faint again. The nurse will come back and check on you.” Aaron nodded and the doctor and nurses walked out of the exam room. Steven was called next and given his results, the same as Joe’s. The doctor asked the same questions about who he may have gotten infected from and Steven said no, he didn’t meet a guy like that. He got his antibiotic and waited for the tech to draw more blood. When he walked in, Tyler looked at Steven and said “Mmm, my food came back to me” in a very bad Count Dracula impression. Steven and Tyler both laughed. “I guess you heard my comment on Wednesday” Steven said as he sat down and put his arm on the armrest. “Yeah, I’ve heard all of the jokes and comments before. You’re Steven and your birthdate is…” Tyler asked. They completed the blood draw and as Steven was about to get up, Tyler said “Welcome to the club. Its pretty exclusive, hehe. Don’t worry, everything will be ok.” Steven said “Thanks, I hope so” and walked out to the waiting room, running into the nurse escorting Aaron to the lab for his blood work. Aaron went straight into the room and Tyler had been told that he was the one that fainted. He was extra gentle and kept reassuring Aaron that he would be ok. Tyler kept checking Aaron out and even licked his lips once, before he caught himself. “I want to tap that” he thought. Once the blood test was done Tyler asked “Are you ok to walk out to the waiting room by yourself? Do you have someone to take you home?” “Yeah, I’ll be ok. Thanks” Aaron responded and slowly walked out to the guys. “Where’s Dennis? he asked as he got there. “He’s in getting his results. Have a seat. What happened back there? Someone said a patient passed out” Kyle asked. Aaron looked down and said “Yeah, that was me. I fainted when they told me I have HIV, gono and syphilis. Fuck, I’m so screwed.” “You’ll be ok. We all are poz now. We can work through this together” said Joe. “Do you think Dennis is too?” asked Aaron. “Probably, he was at the same party we were. He didn’t get sick though, so maybe he is still neg” Joe said. A minute or so later, Joe asked Aaron “Oh, by the way did they ask you who you think might have given it to you?” Joe, Steven and Kyle all looked at Aaron waiting for the answer. “No they didn’t. I bet it was that asshole I met at the book store last week. He told me he was giving me AIDS and that fucker did” said Aaron, and added “They want me to see a counselor but I would rather just talk to you guys, if that’s ok. You know what I’m going through better than they would.” The guys all nodded and assured him that he could call any time to talk. Dennis walked up and plopped down in a chair next to Aaron. You could tell he was fighting off showing any elation. “HIV poz and gono” was all he said. “Well, lets get our next appointments set up and get out of here” said Kyle. The group walked up to the receptionist and Joe said I already did mine, Aaron…” Aaron told Douglas that he needed a followup in a few weeks and Joe said “lets set them up for about the same time, so we can carpool.” Aaron got his appointment just after Joe’s and Douglas looked at him and said “It’s going to be ok. Take care of yourself.” The other guys got similar appointment times but with a much happier farewell from Douglas, complete with a wink. Luis woke up earlier than normal from the sounds of his roommates getting ready for class. Thankfully he had no classes that day and just had to be at work for the Friday afternoon rush starting at 4PM. He missed the constant fucking that he had been doing with Kyle, Dennis and Steven before the fuck flu hit them. He was horny and needed to fuck. He looked at a few online sites and apps and everyone seemed to want “neg only” or “safe only”. Desperately, he got on Craigslist and did a few searches and found one that looked good: Horny bottom cub looking for hot sex. 27, 5’10, 200lbs, furry ass, safe or bb, anon ok, newly poz He liked the pics, especially the one with him laying in a sling. “Newly, poz, huh? He probably won’t mind some more poz cum in his ass, then” thought Luis. He sent a reply saying he was poz too and gave a description, his phone number and a couple of his pics - the obligatory dick pic and a pic he took of his cock coming out of Dennis’s cummy hole. He took a shower and was reading email when his phone rang. It was the guy from the Craigslist ad. A few questions were passed back and forth and Luis was out the door on his way to dump a four day load in the cub. Luis knocked on the door and a guy opened it. They looked each other over as Luis said that he was the guy who answered his ad. The guy looked better than his pictures, more muscular but his face looked tired. He invited Luis in and they walked back to a bedroom. Luis was always friendly and chatty with people, even his hookups. He asked “So man, your ad said you’re newly poz. When did you find out?” The guy looked embarrassed and said quietly “Yesterday.” “Fuck, dude. You doing ok?” Luis asked as he sat down on the bed, and took his shoes and shirt off. “Not really. None of the regular guys I fuck with want to do it now that I’m poz. You were the only one that answered the ad. When I’ve put it up before, I usually get two or three hookups out of it and a bunch of time wasters. A few weeks ago I had this really hot guy with tattooed arms and a big pierced cock that was an amazing fuck, but I think he was the one that pozzed me.” Luis stood up and dropped his pants and stepped out of them and walked over to the guy and gave him a big hug. “Don’t worry, you’ll find a new group of regulars and things will work out. Trust me. I’ve already been through it” He slowly pulled the guys shirt off and let his shorts drop to the floor. Luis kissed the guy and slowly the energy shifted. Luis pushed him down on the bed and he climbed on top of the cub. He chewed on the guy’s nipples and worked his way down, rubbing his furry chest and stroked his cock. He went down on the guys five and a half inch thick cock, easily deep throating it and squeezed his balls. Working the guys cock with his tongue he started tasting the guys charged up precum and knew he was getting this guy out of his funk. Luis pulled off his cock and pushed the guy’s legs up revealing a furry ass. He spread the cub’s ass cheeks and dove in with his tongue, tasting the guy’s scent. He wondered if a guy’s scent changes when he converts and quickly returned his attention to the fuckhole in front of him. He fucked his tongue into the cub’s hole and felt it start to relax and pulse. He knew that this was not the time for a hard breeding, it had to be more sensual to make the guy feel like a desirable bottom, not an outcast. His fingers toyed with the cub’s hungry hole, slowly fucking in and out, pushing the spit deeper inside him. Once he felt the cub was loosened up enough he lowered his ass down and rubbed his precum soaked cock around the guys hole. He looked the guy in the eyes and softly said “Do you want this?” “oh god yes, please. fuck me please” replied the cub. Luis pushed in and felt the cub’s hole swallow his cock eagerly. He started slowly pistoning his cock in the warm soft tunnel, the strokes getting longer and harder. The guy kept begging for his cock and used his ass muscles to massage Luis’s shaft. Eventually, Luis couldn’t hold back his cum and began unloading his four day load into the guy who immediately began to shoot his own toxic load all over his chest. Luis began to lick up the cum from the guys furry chest and then kissed him with it. They laid there kissing and holding each other for several minutes. Luis rolled the guy over on to his stomach, smearing the cum all over the bed and began feasting on his cummy hole. Luis always loved the taste of cum, his or anyone else’s and was sucking his load out of the guy. His cock still hard, he mounted the cub and shoved his cock back inside. The guy moaned and yelled “Yes, fuck me again” and Luis did not disappoint. This time he got rougher and really pounded the guys hole. He pulled the guy up on to his knees and kept up the assault on his ass, varying angle and intensity of his thrusts. His cock had been leaking precum for most of the second round of fucking and the cubs hole was very sloppy and soon it would be even sloppier. The thrusts got erratic and hard and Luis drove his cock in all the way and felt the rush of cum pumping into the poz cub. He rolled over taking the guy with him and they lay spooning on the bed for several minutes. The cub rolled over, facing Luis, and kissed him and said “Thank you. I was so down before you came and now I feel so good.” Luis said “You have my number. Call me to talk or fuck. I’ll introduce you to other poz guys and you can get back into your groove.” He looked over and saw the time. They had been fucking for almost three hours and he needed to get home and shower before work. Luis got dressed as the guy watched him from the bed. He went over and kissed the guy one more time and walked out the door. When he got home, Luis pulled out his phone and found the Craigslist ad and copied the picture of the cub in the sling and sent it to Joe with a message “pls send pic to your brother and ask him if he did this guy.”
    1 point
  47. our first name (or a name you'll respond to): Steve Your cell number (for texts and voice calls):3236105307A location (be at least as specific as a zip code):Los Angeles, CA 90041Times you're generally not available: Varies with my work schedule Age: 33Height: 5'9Weight: 165Ethnicity: Latino
    1 point
  48. Marcus Isaacs and Blue Bailey are currently on my top list, the gangbang scenes from Viral Loads and Breeding Marcus Isaacs are everything!
    1 point
  49. So I clean out daily. I especially try to clean out before meeting up with a Top. They expect it. They don't ask if I am clean. They know I am clean. But not all bottoms are clean; so it's worth asking. Pig Bottom is right: it takes a lot of effort to get fully cleaned out. On days I go to Steamworks, I spend a couple hours getting fully cleaned out, and I don't eat that day (except cum) so I can stay clean. But if I hook up randomly with a guy, like in a bathroom stall, I might not be as clean as I like, and there's always the risk of a bit of shit. I haven't had a serious problem though. I am usually pretty clean, even on the fly. I just make cleaning out my cunt part of my daily routine. I am happy to do it. I love enemas, and I love knowing I'm ready for cock.
    1 point
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