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  1. Part 2 - Belated 18th Birthday Present Finally we left for LA and my 18th birthday present was for us all to spend a week in California enjoying the beach and sights. It was exciting but in reality it wasn't the Medina river where Brad and I both loved the solitude it afforded us. Still this was an adventure and we stayed in one of the posher hotels in LA close to Santa Monica beach. Not bad I joked to Brad as this was the first time I had left Texas or even ventured this far from Medina, excluding my rescue of Brad in his hour of need. That afternoon we spent on the beach, our parents strolled along the beach for an hour or so and Brad and I laid in the sun and swam in the ocean. It really was a world away from our lives that were very simple in context to how hectic and busy the next couple of days would be. We fitted in two movie studio tours and some of the popular touristy bits. Always coming back at the end of the day to the amazing swimming pool and comfy loungers on the terrace. The weekend we all decided would be spent chilling out at the hotel or beach and dining as a family. For me it was the best present ever mostly due to Brad being with us and importantly me, we spent all the time together. That Sunday afternoon I stayed out by the pool, luckily I was a person who tanned quite evenly unlike some of the lobsters walking around. Brad and our parents had gone to the hotel bar for some shade and a cool drink, I had a niggly feeling I was being watched and did a quick glance around, everyone seemed to be minding their own business and not necessarily looking at me. I dived in to the pool and swam a few lengths at a leisurely pace then climbed out and walked towards my lounger, standing there letting the sun drying me off I was facing the restaurant and outdoor seating on the terrace above me. The woman ascending the steps from the restaurant caught my eye she was smartly dressed and very business like in her appearance and reaching the bottom it looked like she was walking towards me. She walked past clearly having a good look at my face any body then she doubled back and stood in front of me. "I'm sorry to be so forward but you caught my eye and trust me that doesn't happen usually" she said. I looked at her "Caught your eye?" replying and looking at her a little confused. "Forgive me" she said "I'm Patricia Manon from Manon International Models" she held out her hand. Not sure what this was about I shook her hand "Tom, just Tom from Texas" she smiled and handed me her card. "Have you ever considered modelling?" she asked me. I shook my head "No why would I?" I replied chuckling. "You are perfect, your facial features and your body is perfect" she said looking me up and down. "Oh right" was all I could say. "Pop by my office at 10am tomorrow, I would like to get some photos if your interested" she smiled at me. I looked at the card "Oh, well I am here on holiday with my family" I said trying to hand the card back. She refused to take it "Seriously think about it Tom from Texas" she smiled and walked off. Amused I looked at the card and picked up my things to find the rest of my family at the bar. Putting the card down on the table I explained to them about what had just happened. Brad was the first to encourage me to go and that he would come along with me as a chaperone. My mother agreed with Brad and said that she and Seth wanted to go shopping anyway and that I was old enough to make my own decisions and should take the opportunity even if nothing happens it will be an experience. Convinced that it would just be a day out and something to laugh about tomorrow evening we made plans and looked on our phones to make sure we knew how to get to the offices. Brad chuckled as we stood outside the building gently pushing me to go through the doors to the reception. The receptionist explained that only I was allowed up to the floor where Manon International were based, Brad said he would have a wander around and grab a coffee. He pulled me back and sternly he told me to call if I wanted out, I nodded unsure why I was feeling very nervous as my life was not depending on this, modelling was the furthest thing I wanted to do and shook off the feeling getting in the elevator up to the 10th floor. The doors opened and I stepped out in to another world, everyone was dressed in what looked like tailored designer clothing, perfect make up and hair styles, the few men I saw wore shiny fitted suits groomed to within an inch of their life. then there was me in my shorts and t-shirt wearing reefs. If anyone looked out of place then hello over here I seemed to scream come look at me and sure enough many people looked down their noses passing me by. The reception was manned by a young guy in his mid 20's who I assumed was gay judging by his mannerisms and the way he looked at man walking past his desk who had a very arrogant 'do you know who I am' look and obviously a model. I walked up to his desk and saw the plaque with his name 'Steve' written on it. "Excuse me" I said interrupting him typing an email out, he turned his head and continued typing. Steve looked me up and down "Were not casting at present" he said returning to his screen. Hell what now I thought standing there until he looked again "I'm sorry I was asked to come here" I said quietly. Steve's fingers stopped moving over his keyboard and he stood up and looked at my shorts and reefs "Oh". He picked up the phone looking directly at me "Patty I think this Tom from Texas is here" he said to the phone. Nodding at the phone "Okay" he said and hung up "Take a seat over there" he told me pointing at the sofa. I walked over and noticed from the reflection in the shiny wall behind the sofa that Steve was watching me very carefully. Sitting down I caught his eyes briefly then he turned and tapped away and answered several calls. His eyes continued to bore in to me when he wasn't typing on his computer. After five minutes Patricia came out of her office. "Tom you came, I am so thrilled you decided to come Tom" Patricia said walking over to me. I stood up holding my hand out "Well I have nothing on this morning" I stupidly said then smiled at her. Patricia laughed "Don't be nervous Tom, how about getting some photos" she said then guided me down the hall. We entered a door marked Studio A, it looked like one of those loft conversion places but segregated in to a few different scenes and a screen in one corner hiding another part of the studio. There was a photographer shooting a female model who I didn't really think was very nice as he called the model out several times 'Chloe if your not going to pull yourself together get out of the studio' was one remark I heard him say. Instantly I thought if this is how it is I might as walk as I don't need someone like that badgering me. Patricia took me to where the screen was and to wait for a moment. I could hear her talking to the photographer who she called Eddie, Patricia popped back round telling him he would be done in 5 fives and offered me a coffee. I declined feeling sick and unsure what I was letting myself in for. "Tom this is Eddie who will be shooting you for an hour" Patricia said introducing him appearing round the screen. Eddie nodded at me but without really looking "A new one, you got to be kidding me Patty" he said disappearing again. Patricia smiled "Photographers Tom, just ignore him he is quite temperamental when working" she said. It did nothing to quell my fear "I don't want to do this" I said standing up. "Nonsense Tom, you must be intrigued as you came here" she said handing me some white briefs. Nervously I took them "You want me to wear these?" I asked her looking shocked. Patricia laughed "Of course we need to see how you transpire on film" she said "don't worry". She disappeared round the other side of the screen leaving me holding the briefs, brief they were and very revealing. Debating for a moment and hearing her having words with Eddie to be nicer to me as he was frightening me off, I decided to do it and quickly changed. Eddie appeared and looked me over making me even more nervous, it also gave me the opportunity to study him in more detail. I guessed he was in his early 30's and pretty attractive, tattooed and muscled with dark cropped hair he wore a stubble and stood a couple inches taller than me. In the beginning he showed no interest in me, but then why would he I thought. All he saw was yet another model he was going to have to contend with, in his own right he was quite formidable and didn't take any crap from the models he was shooting, after all it was his work that made them. Fortunately I managed to supress my urge to vomit and run following him out to the staging area. It didn't take long for him to get annoyed with me as I didn't understand what he was asking me to do. Patricia came over and helped moving my body to the poses he wanted. She explained that I would get some training so I knew how to react to the camera if I was taken on, nodding in Eddie's direction she told me he was the best and bear with him. It felt like hours being photographed but in reality it was no more than 45 minutes, during this time I could see Patricia and Eddie looking at a screen as the images came up, they would both nod and quietly talk. Every now and then she would smile and look at Eddie who would smile back then look at me quickly. "Thanks Tom that was great" Eddie said without looking at me "we are all done". I just sat there like an idiot for a moment "What do I do now?" I asked. Eddie looked up and laughed "Go and get changed dude, then wait outside Patricia's office" he said. Yeah okay I admit I didn't want to leave as I was quite happy looking at Eddie in his tight t-shirt and wanted to lick him all over. Somehow I got up and found myself behind the screen getting changed, as I left the studio Eddie looked up and said good bye and see you soon, before I could reply he had turned back to the female model and continued photographing her. Steve her assistant smiled and brought me a coffee over being more friendlier than he was when I arrived. Patricia called from her office and her assistant looked at me and said to go through. "Please sit down Tom" she said as I entered her office "how did it feel?" she asked. I looked confused "How did what feel?" I replied. "Being photographed extensively like that?" she said holding large photographic prints in her hand. "Oh, just like having loads of selfies taken, I didn't expect I would be in underwear" I laughed. She looked up and smiled "Well I think we may be able use some of these in your portfolio". I looked at her "Is that a good thing?" I asked unsure where this was going. Patricia nodded "It's a start, I may need you to come back in a couple of weeks, your expenses will be paid". She stood in an obvious your dismissed way, walking me to the elevator she placed the prints on the assistants desk and I said good bye having given Steve my contact details, I pressed the ground floor button watching the doors close as she turned away clearly seeing Steve having a good look at my photos. "Oh my god Patty" Steve said looking up at her. Patricia smiled "He has no idea Steve. Get a portfolio together and circulate it" she said "today that is". Oblivious to what was taking place up there the elevator stopped at the ground floor and the doors opened, smiling I saw Brad was waiting with two coffees. He laughed and pretended to walk like a model towards me making me laugh. We left to walk back to the hotel and I told him how things went, how I felt like a fish out of water, what I had to wear and how rude the photographer was. We walked for ages and kind of glad to be outside feeling the sun beating down on me until we arrived back at the hotel. It felt so good spending this much time with Brad as I always felt at ease and comfortable around him. We had become even more close if that was possible and it turned out as we got older we liked many of the same things in life. The only annoying thing about him was his attempt to get me to have sex with any guy who looked at us, constantly he would rib me and tell me to start enjoying life more. When I had my head turned he would literally start pushing me back trying to get me to engage the person in conversation, just in case they swung my way. But on the inside I was still to unsure about myself and lacked the self confidence. The one thing that struck me was when we walked along the beach front and people often looked at us and smiled, especially as he always had his arm around my shoulder and we were laughing. They would clearly take us as being a couple and he didn't seem to mind it one bit and often played the part laughing afterwards. If you were clever you could read between the lines but I never saw it from my perspective. We spent the last few days relaxing and travelling down the coast visiting San Diego and stopping at various places along the route, at La Jolla we walked along the beach where I felt a certain kind of belonging imaging myself living here and literally falling in to the sea from one of the beach side houses that looked incredibly expensive. Was I sad to be leaving LA after our week, naturally as I had found a love for the beach and not so humid weather we had back in Texas, but you know, it wasn't Medina and it didn't have the beauty and tranquillity of the countryside. I got back in to my studies and returned to the ranch at lunchtime several days after our return. Everyone was out at work and the ranch house was empty apart from the housekeeper, I ran in shouting hello and filling my rucksack with fruit and water. Since the sun was out it was a perfect day to read up about my next course beside the river. The housekeeper Maria called out telling me a package had arrived on the mail table in the entrance hall. I wandered out and picked up the thick envelope it was post marked Manon International. I had almost forgotten anything would come of it, I took it back to our bedroom putting it on the bed and headed off to the river. Returning home later that afternoon Brad and Seth were already home, completely forgetting about my delivery I went straight in to the kitchen and family room grabbing a soda I sat down chatting with them. Brad and I headed to our bedroom to shower and change, we were at that stage where our parents had talked about giving us separate rooms. To my surprise Brad was the one dead set against the idea explaining that we were both happy living in the wing, I didn't seem to get a say in this but frankly I didn't mind as I really enjoyed his company and it kept me grounded. Brad stripped naked and went first then I followed taking slightly longer, it was times like this when you want to taste the forbidden fruit. Seeing him naked I loved how his body looked and the naturalness about his looks, I could see the results of his working out again since returning from university. He wasn't built like Eddie was and reflecting Eddie's build was way to muscular for me, but Brad, he was just perfect and it made my heart ache. Showering and thinking about Brad had got me aroused, think nasty thoughts I said myself trying to get me cock down. When I returned in to the bedroom drying myself I noticed Brad holding the package that came earlier. "You haven't opened this yet" he said handing it to me. I sat on the bed holding the package and looking at it "No, I don't know if I want to" I replied. Brad sat next to me "What are worried about Tommy" he asked putting his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him "The unknown, what if this changes my life and do I want it". For the first time Brad kissed me on the forehead "I will always be here for you and protect you Tom" he said. I gave a little sigh "Yeah, until you have settled down with Melinda" I replied. Brad ignored the response "Well you going to open it then?". Nodding I opened the package and took the folder out that contained a letter on the cover from Patricia. My mouth dropped open as I got in to reading the letter and opened the folder to find a contract inside for one year with a salary of $50k and a clause underneath I didn't understand, it took Seth having a look to explain that the deal gets better if you become a popular model he said with some scepticism. But he told me it was my decision but whatever I decide I must not throw my education away and keep studying. That night Brad had gone in to town to see Melinda so I returned alone to our bedroom, I was tired and leaned over from the bed retrieving my journal it's hiding place. Opening it to a new page I wrote 'It seems like ages since I downloaded what has been going on in my head or life. Next week I fly to LA and do some test shoots for modelling, yeah I know crazy right, but this woman seemed to think I had the looks and persuaded me to try it out. Hands up I am not expecting anything, in fact I don't really want to do it as it means being away from Medina, the one place where I actually feel safe and free. We spent a week in LA which is how I got hunted would be the word to describe the unusual set of circumstances. Anyway it was a great week and I got to spend so much time with Brad and do the things we like to do. I feel more and more for him but my feelings are best kept hidden from him and our family, I just can't stop them as the time we spend together just feels so precious. At times I have to remind myself who he is as much as it breaks my heart I wonder if I will ever find anyone like him. I have not been the same since that day at the river when he held me so close and I can't stop picturing him and I walking in the Medina river laughing and talking without a care in the world. So next week I head off with no expectation, probably an angry photographer who is sexy in a different way. Lets see what becomes of me after this'. I hid the journal away and climbed in to bed switching the bedside light off. The following week on Monday morning I flew over to LA for 3 days, my instructions when I entered the arrivals concourse was to look for a driver holding a sign with my name on, I suppose it was Steve's idea of a joke a man stood there with a sign 'Tom From Texas'. He ushered me towards the car and drove me to Manon International's office, I took the elevator up and surprised to see how busy it was compared to last time I was here. Steve spotted me and laughed "You found the driver then Tom from Texas" he said walking towards me. "Very funny" I replied following him down the corridor to Studio A "Who is the taking the pictures?" I asked him. Steve smiled "Eddie of course, never fear Tom from Texas you don't have tattoos" he said opening the door. What a strange remark I thought unsure what he meant by it, Patricia saw me and came hurrying over and I saw Eddie photographing a male model. Eddie turned and looked at me expressionless, he went back to the model and took a couple of snaps then threw his hands up. For one person he had a plethora of emotions that you would see in one photo shoot the grumpy, happy, irritated, irrational, elated. It was all there and you never knew what you were going to get in what order. Patricia took me behind the screen as Eddie berated the male model several times, stop smiling, smile, lift your chin, your chin stupid. I shook my head knowing this was going to be fun, already deciding if he started on me I would walk. Patricia brought over 10 polo shirts and 5 pairs of shorts, she apologised that she had meetings today but would pop by and check on me in between. Brace for impact I told myself as I changed in to the t-shirt and shorts provided, I could hear Eddie finishing. The male model came round the screen and quickly changed "Good luck with him" he said and stormed off. "How you doing Tom?" Eddie asked appearing around the screen "Came back for more punishment". "Sorry, I am nearly ready" I replied getting frustrated as I didn't want to start on a bad foot with him. Eddie put his camera down and walked towards me "Here let me help" he said straightening the collar of the polo shirt. My eyes accidentally caught his "Thanks, will you go easy on me?" I asked in hope, he looked at me and smiled. "Not a chance" he replied "Well maybe a little" he then said with a glint in his eyes catching me off guard. His hand brushing against the naked skin of my neck "Why do you want me to go easy on you?" he asked. I nervously giggled like a child "It is my first time" I quietly replied. "I know and what else have you never done before?" he asked slowly doing the button watching me. I was captivated by his eyes "Many things" I replied looking at his hands and tattooed arms. "Right come on, time is money" he suddenly said snapping me back to reality. It was definitely peculiar and maybe it was his way of getting me to relax. Anyway the shoot went well and he never got irritated with me instead he would walk over and help position me the first few times, eventually I felt a confidence to respond to him without guidance. You know Eddie really was a nice guy when you took the professionalism out of him and I actually liked working with him. Patricia had come in and sat with us for an hour, even she saw a different side to Eddie as he worked with me. At lunchtime they looked through the photos nodding and pointing I had no idea what was going on. "What has come over you Eddie?" Patricia asked him looking at the photographs. Eddie glanced at her "It's his first day, thought I would cut him some slack" he replied smiling. Patricia picked a photo out "You never cut anyone slack" she replied looking over at me "Do you see it?". Eddie nodded scratching his head "Incredible, you could shoot him from any angle it just works". Patricia left after dropping off some more clothing and we got to work. I was tired, yeah I know, but it is exhausting standing in front of a camera all day trust me. But at 3pm Eddie called time as I was loosing focus a little, he put his camera down 'Amazing Tom' he said walking towards and patting me on the shoulders. Sometimes crazy things come out of my mouth and this was one of them moments "I am not a dog you know". Eddie looked then burst out laughing "What you want me to hug you instead" he asked smiling. I didn't know what to do "No" I giggled stupidly "just thank you so I know it was okay". Eddie turned back to his camera "Oh right, you want me to boost your ego and you end up like the rest of them". "The rest of who?" I asked confusingly. Eddie looked at me "Just don't change and become self centred like the other models" he said. I stood there completely confused by him, hell no actually I was looking at his body under his tight t-shirt before I caught myself. I walked behind the screen and never saw him look over his shoulder at me disappearing from view. Getting changed I was all thumbs and knew it was down to him. So distant yet so very close it was like I could still smell him as if he was close, and he was, leaning against the wall watching me. "Not bad for your first time Tom" he said smiling at me. I looked down fumbling with my bad "Thank you for going easy on me". Eddie laughed "For you I will go easy if it is your first time" he said, I didn't look up in case I looked embarrassed. I smiled still packing my bag, I stood up and looked at him "Let's see what tomorrow brings" I replied. He walked over and hugged me catching me by surprise "Just bring your A game back tomorrow and we will find out". Dazed and totally aroused I walked out of the studio and sat down opposite Steve waiting for my car to arrive to take me back to the hotel, so I may still be a little wet behind the ears but I knew that he appeared to be flirting with me and I loved it. Steve turned to look studying me for a moment. "Did you have fun with Eddie?" Steve asked "Only you didn't run out crying or frustrated". I looked at him curiously "He is nice to work with" I replied. Steve shot a surprised look "Nice?" he remarked "Hmm no one ever says he is nice to work with". "He was very helpful and patient" I said checking I had my phone. Steve shook his head "Gay and bad tempered, models hate working with him but he is one of the best". I chuckled more so knowing he was gay "Maybe people misunderstand him, he does know what he is doing" I replied. Steve laughed at me "Right, one photo shoot and your now a professional Tom from Texas". Steve leaned forward over his desk "Did he try it on with you, I mean your straight right?" he asked me. "No well I don't think he tried it on, flirted a little" I replied but didn't answer about my sexuality. "Eddie has a partner in New York but has casual sex here in LA. Bastard won't even look at me" Steve said huffing. I nodded "Oh so your gay?" I said rolling my eyes to the ceiling at my stupid remark. Steve looked at me "Are you really that stupid you didn't notice I was?". "Sorry I just haven't met that many gay people before" I replied honestly. Steve shrugged his shoulders "Anyway I don't have muscle or tattoos. That's what Eddie likes I his men". "Car is here" Steve called over "See you tomorrow Tom from Texas". Today really did go well and gave me a lot to think about, what I never expected to hear was learning Eddie was gay and I suppose attracted to him but from what Steve said he was hard to get and very specific in his taste of men. I hit the hotel pool and gym, had a little dinner before reading then having a facetime call with Brad, my one sanity check when I was away and it would be these weekly chats that I loved most when not at Medina. The second day and third day was much like the first except there was more people in the studio who I had never met but seemed to know Patricia and Eddie well. I was modelling summer beach wear which involved some quick changes on the scene in front of everyone but thankfully nothing to revealing was required at the moment. Eddie chatted as he photographed me often making me laugh and catching it on camera, he would pause and place his hands on my body moving me gently and encouraging me. The difference towards me was very clear to everyone in the room and they were perplexed, muttering to each other wondering but none of them knew the big ass secret I was hiding about my sexuality and that Eddie was pushing it to the surface. Well to me it was a secret and to them it was life. When I had a break Patricia came over with a robe for me to put on and I sat watching him photograph a different male model, Eddie showed none of the compassion or chatter that they had just seem with me. By lunchtime we finished with a few swimwear shots then I went behind the screen to change for my flight back to Texas and home. The studio emptied except for Eddie and me, excitingly they were all heading to Patricia's office to go through the photos. "You know I have never liked a model as much as I like you" he said surprising me standing there. "Why is that?" I asked "I mean I see how different you are with the other models" I explained. Eddie looked at me "Your different Tom, not pretentious like the ones that come through the door" he said. I shrugged my shoulder "I don't really get it" laughing as I replied. Eddie sat down on the stool "Your just Tom, the man behind the face and you are incredibly nice". "Thanks" I replied unable to even know what to say to him. Eddie smiled "You must get loads of girls throwing themselves at you, do you have a girlfriend?" he asked. I chuckled and shook my head "No" I replied and left it at that. "Boyfriend?" Eddie asked and turned to look at me, I couldn't answer, thankfully the door opened. Steve walked in "Tom from Texas your car is here and I have your flight details for next week" he called out. "Coming" I replied standing "I will see you next week" I said to Eddie who was fiddling with his camera. He looked at me and smiled "Definitely". Steve looked up from his desk as I approached "I will send you through your flight details Tom from Texas". I gazed at him "Stop calling me that" I bantered with him yawning "sorry I'm knackered, it's tiring". Steve tutted "So hard looking at a camera" he laughed "Oh the life of a model". "I am no model" I said chuckling as I walked away "See you next week". Steve turned in his seat "Awe bless The Model called Tom, I think that is what I will call you now, and for the record you are a model" he said smiling. Steve was beginning to be more friendlier towards me and we were getting on quite well. He told me he only liked me as I didn't act like other models which lead me to wonder what they must really be like, since he was the second person to tell me that. But he and most of the other people at Manon International just saw me as Tom from Texas, most just ignoring me. I didn't want fame or fortune or to be the sexiest male model alive, but the word Steve used in the office that day 'The Model Called Tom' would cause me to giggle when he referred to me in that way, those simple words would get banded around the office and before long that was how I would eventually be known. Part of me was glad to be heading home and looking forward to seeing everyone, it felt like so much had happened and I had been away months. I slept in until 10am after talking in to the early hours with my family, they were all interested to find out how things went and what I was wearing and who was I modelling for. I filled them in with as much as I could realising I knew very little only that it was a department store. I did some studying and caught up with my coursework and spent the weekend afternoons with Brad at the river reading and talking. Brad confessing to me how happy he was to have me back for a few days. But time flew and before I knew it I was back at the airport Sunday evening for my flight to LA and this would mark a significant point in my life...
    5 points
  2. Traveling with work and got to the hotel late around 10pm. Black guy on grindr, 38, 6'1", 195, 8" dick, hits me up no pic. Says he looks like Michael Jordan and doesn't send pics. Says he's 10 mins away. Asked him if he's into bb and fucking me anon ass up face down. He said yes. He messages when he gets to the hotel and I give room number, put a blindfold on waiting ass up face down. After 30 minutes of pounding he breeds me. Never saw him. While waiting for the first guy to get here got hit up by a 22yr old white guy, 6'1", 180, 8" dick....and hot. Exchanged face pics, etc. He asked about poppers, safe or bb. I said bb. He said he's 15 minutes away and is on the way. Other guy left 15 mins before he gets here. He comes in hot guy, tall, tshirt, jeans and cowboy boots. Strips down, already hard and I start sucking him. Soon I'm on the bed doggy style and he's behind, lubes up and inserts his dick. After a slow start he picks up the pace and starts pounding me for 15-20 minutes. I could tell he was getting close and I told him to breed me breed that fuckhole. Within a minute or two he releases and I feel him cum inside me. As he stands up i begin to suck him off for a few seconds. He cleans up in the bathroom dresses and leaves. Nice feeling with 2 loads back to back still inside and now headed to sleep.
    4 points
  3. Anyone know who this is?
    4 points
  4. I was snooping around in my brothers room while he was out with his friends. I have always had the hots for my brother ever since I knew I was gay at 16. I was looking to see if I could find any cum used items from any jerk off sessions so I could get a taste of his jiz. I couldn't find any clothes with cum stains but I knew the smell of cum when I was around it so I knew there was something close that had cum on it. I could smell it a bit more when I got to his nightstand and there I saw it. There was a used condom full of cum sitting in the bottom of his waste basket with a knot tied so none of it gets out. I was so shocked and happy to see my prize I quickly grabbed the condom and practically ran into my bedroom. I stripped my clothes off licked my fingers and started to play with my hole. I decided since it was in a perfect container to fuck my ass with my bro's condom instead of just drinking it up. I laid a towel on my bed so I wouldn't get my sheets dirty and started to push in the head of the condom into my hole. I pushed and pulled it imagining that it was him and instead of a condom that he was fucking me with his raw powerful cock ready to give me his load. I laid there for a while with my cock rock solid this whole time and I was ready for more to happen. I grabbed the vibrator I keep hidden under my bed and pushed it up against the condom in my ass and turned it on to it's max speed. I left it there and started to stroke my aching cock with one hand and started to tweak my nipples with the others. Ever so often I shifted from my nipples to pushing in my vibrator still imagining that my brother was that was shoving his cock in me. I was always the geeky kid brother that was always in the world of books and fantasy so I never really got out to do anything else and I always looked up to my brother. He was the school star with him being the captain of all the major physical sports so needless to say he had an amazing body. He was 21 now and went on to be a model for any and all magazines that specialized in physical well being and tips for workouts. My body was nothing compared to his. He let me use his weights that we had in the garage but I only did enough to keep myself lean and not really muscular. I helped him out when he was working out by spotting for him and helping him get his shakes and vitamins. We always were in the home gym naked when our parents weren't him, he said he always feels better working out in as little clothes as possible and I just enjoyed a chance to see him naked and he never said anything about me when I got hard in front of him just passing it as a guy thing. After he was done we both would go and sit in the sauna that we had at the back of our home gym and I would always be on the verge of cumming every time we were in there and I saw him all shiny with sweat. The only mystery I didn't know was why did he have a Tattoo on his inner thigh and what it meant but I would never be brave enough to ask him. As I returned to the moment I was in such a sex haze that I didn't here the front door open. I kept pumping my vibrator in harder and harder. I knew I was getting close to cumming and I sparked an Idea at the right moment. I pulled out the condom quickly and bit the tip of it the condom hard breaking the rubber and being rewarded with the sweet taste my my bros cum before shoving the rest of it back into my hole. Knowing now that I was pushing my bros load deep int my ass sent me over the edge and I came all over myself. I have never cummed so much and so strongly before. I hit myself in the face as well as my chest and stomach and then it finally settled down and covered my balls in what was left of my load. I layed there panting hard and once I recovered from seeing stars I started to look up and was in a huge shock to see Brandon standing there with his friends Josh and Alex watching me so intently. I didn't know what to say or do but Brandon looked at me all over and saw what was in my ass and asked me if that was the condom from his room. I couldn't find my voice so all I could do was nod my head. Josh and Alex looked at me then each other and then Brandon and back at me saying "well looks like we have a surprise member to the club and it is all thanks to Brandon." I didn't understand what they meant and all three of them pulled down their pants and boxers to show me that they all had matching tattoos like Brandon did and in the same place.
    3 points
  5. I’m 29 and blond, and though I have a boyfriend, I go to my local sauna a lot. The BF has no idea. I suck and swallow, which is risky, but have only got fucked bareback in the sauna once by this hot 18 year old top who I couldn’t resist. The BF and I have never used condoms, and I fuck him several times a week. I had gone to my local sauna as usual, and had taken a kamagra herbal tablet to keep my cock rock hard. Because the it always makes my head pound I took three paracetamol tablets also - or I thought they were paracetamol. When I looked at the packaging after swallowing them, it turned out they were nitrazepam (my boyfriend was taking to help him sleep), though I had no idea what nitrazepam was at the time and shrugged it off. Well after about 30 minutes I was rock hard laying on my back in the steam room, some random old guy sucking my cock. Thankfully it wasn’t that hot in there today so I could stay in there for ages while getting blown. I was starting to feel a bit woozy- the nitrazepam - but didn’t know why. My eyes were heavy and I felt so lazy, too lazy to move. When another random, somewhat younger guy came in and sat between my legs and started rubbing my anus, normally I would’ve pushed his hand away, but I just lay there moaning as I enjoyed my bj, my arms feeling too heavy to move. The younger guy rubbing my ass lifted my legs up, my floppy unresisting body complying with however he moved it, my head still awake but my body just empty and lifeless. It was weird: I was aware but detached. The old guy started licking my ass, sucking my ring and slobbering all over my anus. Normally, the thought of being covered with an old man's spit would have made me cringe, but not this time. I simply lay there, seemingly indifferent to his approaches. The old guy sucking me stood up when I was bent double and rubbed his cock on my face. He poked it between my lips, but I didn’t suck it. "Are you ok mate?" he said in my ear as he stroked my mouth. I moaned, but didn’t properly reply. He stood up and walked off, saying to the other guy "He’s too out of it to give me a good blow job" and left me alone with the other guy, who stopped rimming me and scooted up between my legs, his erection rubbing my bum cheeks as he reached up over my body, holding my face in his hand. "What you taken mate?" he asked, squeezing my cheeks. I didn’t reply, just stared at him blankly. "You don’t want me to put a condom on do you?’" he asked, shaking my head from side to side with his hand holding my face. "Noooo, good," he said as he shook my head "No" for me. He reached down and positioned his cock at my hole, rubbing the helmet in his spit as he nestled it in my anus, then he slowly pushed in, just shoving the entire length of his cock inside me bareback to the hilt in one go, his helmet drooling precum deep in my bowels. He started sliding his cock in and out as he hunched over me on the steam room bench, grinding my ass raw as he fucked my limp body. "Feel my cock and your ass skin to skin. I’m guessing you wouldn’t let me do this if you weren’t fucked up on something" he said as his fucking got harder. "You want my cum in your ass hey kiddo? Yeah, you’re getting it in your ass mate. Fuck, yeah. Here it comes. Gonna breed your little ass raw. Yeah. Fuuuuuuuck, I’m cumming in you kiddo... uh uhh..... fuck yeah, take my load, fuck." He moaned and shuddered as he bred me raw. I knew I was getting filled with cum, by a dirty old stranger, and I knew that was really bad, but I didn’t move, couldn’t move, just lay there, my legs hooked over his shoulders, my blank eyes staring at his contorting face as he came in my ass. As he did two guys came in, chatting until they saw the old dude finishing grinding his sperm into my bowels. "Sorry" one said as they sat down. "No worries" the guy breeding me said as he pulled out, cum dribbling out my ass. "This one is out for the count. Either of you want a ride?" he asked, fingering my gaping anus. "I’m a bottom, but George here might" one of the couple said. "Should I go and get a condom for you George?" "You don’t need to wear a rubber. Fuck, I didn’t. He doesn't care. Look" the guy said, pulling his cum covered fingers out my ass then shoving them back in. "Yeah, looks sweet" George said. "You got the clap, hey mate? It’s curable, fuck go for it" the guy fingering me said. "No, George is poz, I'm afraid" George's friend said. "Maybe I could, just this once. I haven’t felt bare ass in such a long time..." George started. "No, hold-on George, I'll get you a condom" said his buddy, leaving the sauna. George got in position between my legs, and I saw him for the first time as I hadn’t bothered to turn my head before to look. He was fat and hairy, fat cock but average length that he was rubbing on my toes. The guy who had already bred me was spreading his cum on George’s helmet and rubbing it up and down my crack. "Just put it in quick before your friend gets back" "‘I can’t, he’ll kill me" George said. "Nestle it at his hole for me quickly" my breeder said. George pointed his cock down and his helmet slid into my outer anus very easily, my ring closing round the poz guy's coronal ridge. "Oh my goooood, I am so close, I haven’t been skin-to-skin since I was diagnosed" remarked the poz guy. "How close?" asked the breeder, maneuvering my body so I slid into the raw poz cock another inch. "Like, about to blow. I better pull it out. Slide his body back again" said the poz guy. "Fuuuck, quick." ’ "Or deeper?" countered the breeder, pushing me down further on the poz cock instead of pulling me off. "Do it, cum in him, fucking poz his hole, I scraped it up real good, cum in him before your mate comes back." "Fuuuuck,’ the poz guy said as he buried his cock in my ass to the hilt. He rammed it in two or three times before moaning "Fuuuuuck, yeah, take it, take my load, buddy - feel my cum deep in your insides." He came in me, holding his cock buried to the hilt so his poz sperm was buried deep in my body. "Fuck yeah, fill him up, poz him, yeah. Stick your fingers up to keep the cum in when you pull out" instructed the breeder. "Why?" asked the poz guy. "You know why" replied the breeder. The poz guy pulled out and slid at least three fingers in my ass to the hilt. I was waking up a tiny bit, perhaps from the adrenaline of laying there and not resisting being fucked raw by a poz guy, and letting him finish off inside me. About then the BF returned with a condom, squatting next to me and wrapping-up George’s cock. "You’re not very hard, George. I thought you would be with your fingers buried in his cummy ass. Wow. What a lot of cum is leaking out, look at that" George’s friend said as he saw George fingering my ass. "Now, let me see you fuck this boy" he said. George pulled his fingers out and slid his covered cock into my poz cum filled ass, getting hard pretty quick again he fucked me for ages, trying to cum again, pumping his poz cum deeper into my ass as he fucked me with his sheathed cock. After about ten minutes of fucking George’s friend said "I’m going to get some water" and stepped outside. "You want me to help you cum, George?" said the other guy. "Sure, how?" George asked. "Pull out a second" ordered the my first breeder. "You can’t pull the condom off. My boyfriend will be back in a moment." "I’m gonna snap the end off. It will look like you’re still wearing a rubber." George pulled out and I heard a snap like an elastic band, and then he rammed his raw cock back in. "Better?" "Fuck, yeah" replied George. A few seconds later George's boyfriend came back in, and felt George’s cock. "I’m still wearing it" George spat as he fucked even harder into my insides. "Just checking. You getting closer to cumming honey?" George’s boyfriend asked. "All this is making me horny. I might want a ride after all." "Oh, yeah, real close" George said, grunting and moaning. "You gonna fuck him raw - since you're clean?" asked the first breeder. "Yeah, I guess so." "Fuuuuuuuck, yeah" George moaned as he came inside me a second time, his cock deep in my bowels as he injected his second dirty load deep into my guts. George slumped over me as he finished cumming inside me, discreetly slipping the broken condom off. He stood up, withdrew and his boyfriend took his place between my legs. "Wow, his hole is sloppy" the boyfriend said. With that he rammed his bare cock right inside me to the balls, unknowingly coating his cock in his boyfriends dirty load and pushing poz cum deeper into my bowels at the same time. "Yeah, fuck him mate. Fuck his cum-filled ass" urged the first breeder. "Fuck, I don’t know how you lasted so long George. Fuck. Here it comes. Yeah, take my cum, blond boy." I could feel his cock jerking into me spasmodically as he came inside me. The guy pulled out, and the first breeder sat between my legs and started finger fucking my arse again, sliding four fingers straight in. George and his boyfriend left, leaving me alone with the sick old pervert. I passed out completely as he was trying to get all five fingers inside me. I recall he had inserted all his fingers and was slowly trying to get his hand into me past the widest point. As it slipped in I must have passed out, laying there with his hand inside my body, completely at his mercy. I woke up as someone sprayed my face with water. Blinking my eyes open, I was being supported under my armpits by a huge tattooed guy. "Mate, are you ok?" he asked as I struggled to my feet, gradually standing free of him. I noticed, however, he didn't fully let go, as his arms still wrapped round me from behind, and his erection was pressing into my back. "Are you all right?" again he asked. "I dunno, um......" I stammered, still pretty out of it. "I found you in the steam room. Some guy had his foot buried in your ass. Seriously, the front half of his foot." I felt my gaping ass with my fingers, it was open wide by an inch, not closing up even when I tried to clench it. "Uuhhh, I err....." I mumbled for want of words. "He said you took nine loads. I think you might have got some dirty ones too. Sorry, mate." I flashed back to the poz guy and wondered what else I was impregnated with. About then the tattooed guy's cock slid into my hole. You know what followed. That was two years ago. I still haven’t been tested. Every time I fuck the BF raw, I know I could be bug-sharing with him.
    3 points
  6. Love that. I posted elsewhere I had an anon breeder come to my darkened apt blindfolded and lubed. He walked in, fucked, bred, told me to keep it inside he might want to come back and fuck me again. About 15 min i get a text to meet him at a bar 10 minutes from me to have a drink he's there, wants to see me sitting there knowing who I was but he's anon. I went in got a beer in this dive bar near me, no one really looks gay or someone I'd probably approach. Ten minutes some guy (sitting alone) comes up says his buddy told him he just fucked a load of jizz in me and he want to add his. We left, I got bred by this stranger (not really my type of guy, excessively hairy long skinny dick) dirty talking asking "I guess you take dick from anybody", dumped a lot big load, said to wait there laying down, his buddy may want to come back and fuck again. About 15-20 minutes later I get a text from first guy he wants another fuck. He came over a little drunk fucked telling me how sloppy my ass felt. I sucked his dick and balls off before he left. So hot, still don't know who he was.
    3 points
  7. Been having some horny 3way fun with my Polish mate Marcin(Top) & his Lebanese bf Rafiq(Vers). I was pleasantly surprised when Raf got out his fat 8” uncut dick, my first non muslim North African cock. He’s very hairy with a gorgeous hairy bubble arse. The horniest bit for me started with me on my back with my legs spread, Raf sitting on my face with my tongue deep in his hairy hole & Marcin with his tongue in my hole. After about 10 minutes Raf got off my face and straddled me, he eased my cock in his hairy cunthole and started riding it, leaning forward to kiss me as he did. Marcin got my leg & held my ankles on his shoulders as he docked his juicy bell end on my hungry hairy hole and push his thick 9” up curved length balls deep in me & fucked me hard. With his big dick hitting the spot & Raf working my dick with his powerful arse muscle I was groaning loud & soon felt myself getting close, I got my arms around Raf and held him tightly as I started thrusting up his arse, Marcin still fucking my hole, I roared as I bred my load into Raf gorgeous arse. “Fuck! Your dick is pumping so hard in him” said Marcin as he stopped to see me bred his boy, it obviously turned him on a lot cos he suddenly said he was gunna cum! He thrust in me hard a few times then he too roared as he unload inside me. As Raf got of my dick & started sucking my dick clean Marcin slowly pulled out & caught some of his leaking thick cum on his fingers & fed it to me. Raf then got his fat dick in my sloppy cunthole & churned it up for 5 minutes before dumping his thick load in me. The other horny moment was when their black mate Tyrone came over to deliver them something to smoke, Marcin brought him the bedroom & proceeded to pimp me out to his very tall muscular mate. I saw something big growing in his joggers & I spread my legs & played with my cum sloppy hairy hole. Tyrone licked his gorgeous plump lips, unzipped & took of his hoodie then dropped his joggers unleashing his huge uncut dick, 10”+ easily, big tattoo covered pecs, 8 pack abs, nice bush round his dick & big balls in his low hanging scrotum. He grabbed my legs pulling me closer then flipped me on my front, spread my cheeks, spat in my hole then pushed his big dick in and raided my cunthole, I felt his big dick in my belly as he plowed me, my hole stretch so much I couldn’t tell if I was actually gripping his shaft with my muscles or not. He raided me for a good 20 minutes then bred his huge load in me, I felt his dick pumping hard & I felt the warmth of the big thick squirts filling me up, still pumping he thrust in me & my cunthole squelched & spluttered as his thick load leaked out. He flooded me with cum, as he pulled out my gaping hole farted & spluttered and I felt a river of cum oozing out & running down my balls.
    3 points
  8. It is the right thing to do. You are missing one of the great joys of bareback sex...
    3 points
  9. Part 4 - Almost caught with my pants down The last six months with my partner were very difficult - we had drifted so far apart and I think we both knew it was over but neither of us seemed ready to end it. During this time I was fucking around quite a bit and took more than a few risks - and on a few occasions I came very close to getting caught cheating. One weekend we were staying down on the south coast with a friend of my partner's that he knew through work. I had met Paul on a few occasions and found that we didn't really have much in common but I hadn't met his partner. We drove down on the Saturday morning and arrived around lunch time. We all went out for lunch and I got chatting to Paul's partner, Sean. I liked Sean a lot and found we had a similar sense of humour and a number of shared interests. I also quite fancied him - he was in his late 20s, small and quite geeky looking, with dark hair and glasses - a look I really go for. We were starting to flirt a bit and, although we had to be careful in front of our partners, I got the feeling that he might be interested in me too. Our partners were going out on the Sunday afternoon to an exhibition and I couldn't help wondering if there might be a chance of getting together with Sean while they were out...... As it happened, I got my chance sooner than that. We went to bed that night but I wasn't really sleepy and after a while I said I would get up and get myself a cold drink. My partner nodded sleepily and I pulled on a pair of shorts and a T shirt and made my way quietly downstairs. When I went into the kitchen I found Sean sitting at the kitchen table. I explained I had come down for a cold drink and he smiled and said "Let me get it for you," He stood up and I saw that he was wearing only a T shirt and a pair of white pants that didn't leave much to the imagination. Sean saw me checking him out as he handed me my drink and grinned. He asked if my partner was asleep and I said I think so. We chatted for a while and then Sean pulled me towards him and soon we were kissing. He put his hand into my shorts and felt my cock as my hand went down the back of his pants and my finger found his arsehole. He pushed me gently against the worktop and got down on his knees. He pulled my shorts down and took my cock into his mouth. I leaned back and closed my eyes as Sean began to suck my cock. It was one of the best blow jobs I had ever had and I enjoyed every minute of it. Sean sucked me for a while and just as I was getting close to cumming, Sean stooped sucking me and stood up. I thought was going to get the chance to suck him now but he turned round and pulled his pants down. He bent forward, spat on his hand and then reached round and rubbed the spit into his arse. He repeated this a couple of times and then pushed his arse out, looking over his shoulder. I knew we were taking a big risk but there was no way I was going to pass on the chance to fuck his fit arse. I stood behind him, pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed. My cock slid up him quite easily and he grunted as I began to fuck him. I knew we would have to be quick and I was quite close to cumming anyway, so I fucked him for a while and then took hold of his hips and began to fuck him harder. He was moaning softly as I fucked him and after about ten or twelve more thrusts I told him I was going to cum. He reached round and pulled me close against him as I shot my load right up his arse. When I finished cumming I pulled out his arse and he turned round. I got down on my knees and he pushed his cock into my mouth and after I had sucked him for a short time he rewarded me with a nice big mouthful of cum. A short time later I was making my way quietly up the stairs and when I went into our room I was surprised to find my partner sitting up in bed reading. I had assumed he would be fast asleep and realised that he could easily have come downstairs looking for me. He asked me what had taken me so long and I said Sean was down there and we got chatting. My partner nodded and, putting his book down, said he was going to sleep. I laid awake for a little while, enjoying the taste of Sean's cum in my mouth and wondered if he was enjoying feeling of my load in his arse. The following afternoon our partners went out and Sean and I wasted no time. He led me to what was obviously a spare room and soon we were on the bed, kissing, sucking and licking. He sucked my cock again and then turned me round. He pulled my cheeks apart and pushed his tongue up my arse. Soon he was kneeling up on the bed and my tongue was deep in his arse. We sucked and rimmed each other for a while longer and then Sean lubed himself up and knelt up on the bed. I pushed my cock up his arse and began to fuck him. I fucked him for a while and then I pulled out and he laid on his back with his legs in the air as I pushed my cock back up his arse. I was getting close now and I told him I wanted to breed him in his own bed. He looked surprised but then his look changed to one of excitement and he nodded. I pulled my cock out his arse and he stood up and led me to the bedroom he shared with his partner. He knelt up on the bed and I pushed my cock up back up his arse. I was close now and I fucked him as hard as I could as he urged me on, telling me to fuck him harder and cum in his cheating arse. Hearing him say this pushed me over the edge and I shot what felt like a massive load of cum into him. A few months later my partner and I were spending a few days in Ibiza with a group of my partner's friends. I didn't have much in common with this group of friends - they had very clear views on cheating and on things like cruising,casual sex and darkrooms and were inclined in my view to be a bit judgemental - especially when it came to barebacking. They were nice enough guys though and I enjoyed the break but I was feeling bored and horny. On the second night we were all drinking in a bar in the old town. It was a nice modern bar and, needless to say, did not have a darkroom. The bar got very busy and I got chatting to a group of lads from the north of England. When they left to go on to another bar I went downstairs to the toilet. I had realised earlier on that, although the bar did not have a darkroom, it certainly had a very cruisy toilet. A number of guys were wanking at the urinal and as I watched this, the door to one of the cubicles opened and two lads came out, one of them buttoning up his jeans. The other lad was a slim, blond English lad I had seen the bar earlier on having a laugh and camping it up with some friends. He had clearly had a few drinks now and, as I got my my cock out and joined the guys wanking at the urinal , the blond lad went down on the guy next to me. It was all very horny and after a short time, the blond guy was down on his knees taking turns to suck me and the guy who had been wanking next to me. Once again I knew I was taking a big risk - my partner or any of the others in our group could come into the toilet at any time. After a short time, one of the cubicles became vacant and the blond lad got up and motioned to the two of us to follow him. Soon we were all in the cubicle and the blond lad was sitting on the toilet taking turns sucking us. After a short time he stood up, turned around, tugged his shorts and pants down and bent over the toilet. The other guy was up him in seconds. He was a fit guy, mid 20s, quite stocky, with a nice big thick cock and I was really turned on as I watched his big bare cock thrusting up the blond lad's pale, slim arse. He was one of a group of German lads I had seen on the beach earlier that day. He was fucking the blond lad hard now and before too much longer he threw his head back and pushed his cock hard up the blond lad's arse and held it there, obviously shooting a load of cum deep into him. When he pulled out I didn't hesitate. I pushed my cock up the blond lad's arse and began to fuck. His hole was slippery with cum and this turned me on even more. As I fucked him the other guy began to finger my arse and soon he was pushing his finger right up me as I shot my load up the blond lad. I wasn't sure how long I had been away from the bar and thought I had better get back. I pulled up my pants and left the cubicle just in front of the other two. As I washed my hands at the sink, one of our friends came into the toilet. Alistair was there with his partner, and although I didn't know him that well, I quite liked him. He nodded to me as I left the toilet and went back to join my partner and our friends. I hadn't been missed and thought I might take advantage of this to pay another visit to the toilet later on.... I chatted to some friends for a while and then I saw Alistair returning to the bar. He had been down there for some time and I couldn't help wondering if he had joined in the action in the toilet. I was curious - Alistair had always appeared very committed to his partner and I had heard him voicing strong feelings about casual sex and cheating on more than one occasion. I had another drink and then I noticed Alistair heading down to the toilet again. I waited a while in case he had just gone to take a piss - I knew he had had quite a lot to drink - and then when he did not return I made my way quietly down to the toilet. It was even busier now and all the cubicles were occupied. The walls of the cubicles went from the floor to the ceiling so there was no chance of seeing if Alistair was being a bad boy in one of them. There was a lot of wanking and sucking going on and the blond lad was now bent over the urinal being fucked. As I wondered just how many loads he now had up him I noticed a group of guys in a little recess area between the cubicles and the sinks. Two guys were fucking in the recess area and two other guys were watching and wanking and I saw straight away that one of them was Alistair. Alistair's had his back to me, his trousers and pants were down at his knees and I realised that Alistair had quite a fit, chunky arse. I had certainly never thought I would get to see it but here he was with his pants down in the toilet of a bar and I was curious to see how far he would go. He was kissing the other guy now as they wanked each other off. I decided to hang back so that he couldn't see me and after a while they stopped kissing and I watched as Alistair slid down and took the guy's cock in his mouth and began to suck him. The other two guys had finished fucking and moved away and Alistair and the other guy moved round so that the guy was leaning against the back wall as Alistair continued sucking his cock. I assumed he was going to suck the guy off and I was just thinking maybe I had better leave them to it and get back to the bar when Alistair stood up. They kissed for a while and then the guy offered him what was obviously a bottle of poppers. Alistair took a deep sniff, then turned round and leaned against the wall, pushing his arse out. The guy stepped up behind Alistair, pulled his cheeks apart, and pushed his bare cock slowly up Alistair's arse. He stopped for a minute to let Alistair get used to his cock and then began to fuck him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing - I knew Alistair was a bit drunk but I never thought in a million years I would see him let some random guy fuck him bareback in a toilet with his partner upstairs in the bar. He was taking a massive risk - they were hidden from sight but if his partner or one of the others came into the toilet they could easily be seen. I had my cock out now, wanking as I watched Alistair sniffing the poppers and wanking as the guy fucked him hard up the arse. I shot my load at the same time as the guy pumped his cum into Alistair's unprotected, cheating arse. I was quite close now and I watches as the guy pulled his cock out. I had a great view of Alistair's hole, gaping open with some cum sliding out of it and I wanked over that image quite a few times later. I knew a lot of guys often did things on holiday that they wouldn't do at home - but this was probably one of the most unexpected things I have ever seen and I couldn't quite believe I had witnessed it. A little later we were all back in the bar and soon we were all making our way back through the town to our accommodation, Alistair chatting happily to his unsuspecting partner. The following day we were all spending a day at the gay beach at Es Cavallet and we got the bus down there in the early afternoon. The bus was busy as it often was and it was standing room only by the time we got on. I looked at Alistair, standing with his partner and again thought back to the scene I had witnessed the night before. I was starting to feel a bit horny now and I could feel the guy standing behind me pressing against me. It was one of the lads from Manchester I had chatted to in the bar the night before, a fit, dark haired chubby guy called Mike. I wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose but I discretely pushed back against him. He moved slightly and soon I could feel his cock pushing against my arse through his shorts. I pushed gently back and we kept this up all the way to the beach. I had a definite hard on now and had to tie my sweat shirt round my waist when I got off the bus so that no one could see. I had enjoyed the experience and it had made me very horny and I hoped I might get the chance to go cruising in the dunes later on. I would have to be careful not to make it too obvious though. I enjoyed resting on the beach and swimming in the sea and just as I was feeling pleasantly relaxed I saw Mike making his way along the beach. He passed quite close to where we were and looked at me as he passed by. I looked around, no one was paying any attention and my partner was deep in a book so I said I fancied a walk along the beach. My partner barely looked up as he nodded and soon I was following Mike into the dunes at a discreet distance. I followed him for a while and soon we were in a little clearing by the sea. He grinned at me and took my hand, placing it on his cock which was now hard in his shorts. I had realised on the bus that he obviously had quite a big cock and when I pulled his shorts and pants down I was not disappointed. I sucked Mike's cock for a while and soon I was bent over sucking him and he was fingering my arse. I sucked him for a bit longer and then he produced some lube. I lubed up my hole and bent over. Mike produced a condom. "With or without?" he asked. "Without." I said and he grinned. Seconds later I was braced against a tree as Mike pushed his big thick cock slowly but surely right up my arse. He gave me a minute to get used to it and then he began to fuck me, slowly at first, and then he began to fuck me harder. I hadn't had a cock this big up my arse for quite some time and I enjoyed every minute of it. As we fucked, I had a great view of the sea, with the sun shining on it and I felt good. Mike was fucking me hard now and after a while he told me he was close and asked if he could cum in my arse. "Fuck yeah," I moaned. He asked me if I was sure and I nodded and almost immediately he started to cum in my arse. He seemed to cum for ages and when he had finished he pulled out and I went down on his cock and started sucking it. He grinned "You dirty cunt," he said. The last time I cheated was one of the most risky fucks I ever had and once again I came very close to getting caught. We were staying with a friend of my partner, Joe, and his new boyfriend, Rodrigo. Rodrigo and Joe had been together for about a year. Rodrigo was a very nice guy and he was also very attractive, dark skinned and well built with a lovely smile. He also had a very cute body and a fantastic arse. I found him really attractive, especially as Joe had let slip that Rodrigo had a really big cock. On this evening he was wearing shorts which did little to hide his massive packet. I found it hard to take my eyes off him, especially when he bent over to pick something up and I had a great view of the top of his pants and the crack of his arse. I realised he had picked up on my interest but he didn't seem to mind and I knew that nothing would come of it so didn't see any harm in flirting with him a little. That night as we were all going to bed I found myself alone in the living room with Rodrigo. He grinned at me and I could see his cock was hard in his shorts. He saw me looking and grinned again. As I watched, he pulled the front of his shorts down and I had a perfect view of his hard cock. He was still grinning as he wanked it a few times. Just then Joe called to him and he stuffed his cock in his pants and we both made our way up the stairs. The next morning we had planned to go out for breakfast but I was feeling tired and a bit off colour so decided to stay in bed. The others went out and I went back to sleep. I woke up later, feeling much better. I had a shower, then pulled on a T shirt and a pair of pants and made myself some tea and toast. I knew the others would not be long and so I sat down on the bed. I was horny and, as I thought back to Rodrigo with his cock out of his pants I began to play with myself. Just then I heard the front door open and a few minutes later someone came up the stairs. I thought it might be my partner but there was a tap on the door and then Rodrigo came in. "Hey," he said, with his trademark grin. "how are you feeling?" I told him I was feeling much better and he grinned again and came towards me. "We don't have long" he said as he pulled his cock out and seconds later I was down on my knees sucking him. He sighed as I sucked his cock and then I licked his big balls before going back down on his cock. I sucked him for a while longer and then I reached into my holdall and pulled out some lube. "Fuck me," I said. We both knew we would have to be quick and soon I was kneeling up on the bed and he was pushing his cock up my arse - neither of us mentioned condoms and soon he was right up me. I felt like I was being split in two as he began to fuck me. I was trying hard not to make too much noise as Rodrigo fucked me with his big thick cock. It was one of the best fucks I had ever had - a quick, hard, horny bareback fuck with an amazingly good looking guy. Rodrigo was fucking me even harder now and soon I could tell he was getting close. I could actually feel the cum pumping into my arse as he thrust up me again and again before he finished. Rodrigo was still up my arse when we heard the front door opening. He pulled out quickly, stuffed his cock back in his pants and disappeared out of the room just in time and I pulled the duvet over me, trying hard to stop the cum sliding out of my gaping arse. Soon we were all back downstairs and I couldn't help feeling a bit guilty when Joe commented that I still looked a bit flushed. I split with my partner shortly after that and never saw Joe or Rodrigo again. I knew the next few months would be difficult and they were but I was soon back on my feet again and enjoying some more horny bareback sex. I was no longer cheating - but the same could not be said for some of the guys I was fucking with........ Part 5 to follow
    3 points
  10. Part 1 - The Early Years There are two things in life I found I liked from a young age, reading and keeping a journal. Books were my everything at a young age since they kept me out of harms way and blissfully ignorant to everything that went on around me. Was I a sensitive child, pretty much so but also very impressionable with an erratic behavioural pattern that surfaced when least expected. Secondly my journal, I discovered I had a flair for writing growing up. It was a way of expressing my thoughts and frustrations, but also secrets. Some were not my own to hold but I became the keeper of them without any one knowing. So the impressionable part of me very much shaped my upbringing, sometimes life can cause things to happen that you never thought possible or needed until they presented themselves. My life was complicated from a very young age, some would say in a bad way, others would say it was destiny and things happened for a reason. I also had two people who played a very instrumental part in my life, one from a young age who would be by my side as we grew up then leave and come back in to my life when you believe there is no hope of finding a true path to happiness. The other person trusted his intuition about me and helped me become the confident assured person I am today. When you stand at a fork in the path and can't decide weather to go left or right, you simply go down the middle and to hell with it. Yes it will upset some people but it will force them to show their true colours and love you no matter what, hopefully that is. So who am I you may ask, you have probably seen me but never knew what lay behind the page or billboard since I keep my life very private. It doesn't matter how famous you become, the one thing you learn is never trust anyone on face value as information is power and the last thing you need is someone having power over you. That way you keep control of your life and protect those you love and hold dear to you. But I will tell you this, my name is Tom and that is what I prefer, annoyingly my mother still insists on calling me Thomas when she is mad at me and Tommy when she is doting me. I am a 24 year old rustic blond so I have been told by photographers. At five feet nine inches tall or short depending how tall you are, I have what was described to me as the most finely sculpted face and body. Now I don't assume myself to be attractive by any means, after all I just see Tom in the mirror who is an ordinary Texan lad. But all of that will reveal itself. So I will tell you the secrets about me that my journal holds but in a way for you to understand me better and how I ended up here. The problem with me is that I lived through my journal and held things in there that could have destroyed lives and nearly did as you can never predict how a person would react. That happened when I was 20 but it changed my life in a way I never thought possible. Should I have been more careful to hide identities instead of blatantly writing them down to be discovered? Yes, but then what? Wouldn't I be living a life full of lies or where I am now. I will start were things really began to shape my life in a way I had no control over and that was when I turned 8 years old, it started when my parents finally split up. I cried and screamed as my mother dragged me out of the house and placed me in the car with our belongings, at such a young age I had no idea why this was happening and being taken away from my father. I knew they argued and understood that their marriage was in ruins and she had to break free, but I never realised it would involve taking me with her. It's not your fault Tommy she would always tell me, but my father had put up with enough of her hard work ethic leaving him to look after me albeit I was a little out of control. I loved my father but also liked to play him up as much as possible by throwing tantrums usually when mother was out of town on business and father had his bit on the side over, he never suspected that I knew what was going on. I was an only child desperate for a sibling but that was not going to happen now. We must have drove some 50 miles to the large town where my mother worked, little did I know then that she was also seeing another man and that had become serious. Seth as it turned out was a few years older than my mother, at 30 he had dirty blond hair and stood an impressive six feet and still retained a muscular jock build from his school days, he was pretty successful with his small company and lived quite well in a sprawling ranch house in the countryside. Gradually I was introduced to him over several weekends, I didn't care much for him after all he wasn't my father. Seth was divorced and had a son who was 10 years old. At the time I paid little attention until the day my mother sat me down and explained that we were moving in to Seth's house in the country. Not only was I contending with a new school but now I was to be uprooted again to a different place to live, strangely I had calmed down a little by this time and was studying diligently at school, I showed a love for some sport especially wrestling, you could say I had become a model child. Maybe my father was the cause of my bad tantrums and his lack of love to my mother and me. At the start of summer holidays Seth arrived and began helping my mother to move whilst I sat in my bedroom head in a book as usual. I had packed my clothes, books and Xbox as that was all I needed in life to keep me happy. Seth was unlike my father he actually showed an interest in me from what I liked reading to what sports I did at school, I was torn between my loyalties and slowly I put up a barrier between Seth and me to prevent any closeness developing, but he was persistent and told me how I would really get along with his own son Brad who was 2 years older than me. Personally I couldn't see how on earth we would connect and it is what scared me the most, as much as I yearned for a sibling I never bargained on getting an older one. I carried my book out to his black BMW X5 which towered above me, for a eight year old I was fit and healthy albeit just five foot five inches with hopefully more growing to do, it still seemed like a big climb as I heaved myself in to the back seat and settled down. I was also trendy for my age with the latest haircut of buzzed sides and longer on top that was neatly combed, I took pride in my appearance as I knew it would help me get the right girls as school. Being gay or even thinking about it never crossed my mind but life has a way of turning your hand over before your eyes so I found out. My mother said goodbye and I panicked looking at her but she smiled and said she was following on in her car as there was no room for me to sit in there. I opened my book and stuck my head firmly in to it, I had never been alone with Seth and it was going to be 40 minute drive out of town. Briefly I looked up with what must have been eyes full of fear as Seth sat in the drivers seat and he glanced at me through the rear view mirror switching the engine on. Seth backed the car out of the short drive "It will be okay Tom" he said pulling away from my home. I watched out of the window as we moved away from my familiar surroundings "Really?" I replied. "You and Brad will get on just fine and he is excited to meet you" Seth said glancing in the mirror. I looked over at the mirror to see his eyes looking at me "Right" I said and faced back to the window. "You said you like wrestling at school Tom?" Seth asked me trying to engage me in conversation. "Yes" I replied without moving my head as a tear rolled down my cheek in sadness leaving things behind again. Seth smiled "Brad does wrestling and likes to work out so you have something in common" his eyes watching me. "Great" I replied emotionless wiping the tear from my cheek, the rest of the journey was silent. The car stopped "This is Medina Ranch" Seth said coming round to the boot of the car and opening it. "You have to be fucking kidding me, where the fuck are we?" I said kicking the gravel hard on the driveway. Seth didn't even look at me "Use those words again and you sleep in the barn" he said smirking. My mother pulled up in her car "Tommy what's wrong?" She asked walking towards me. I looked at her "How could you bring me here?" I angrily asked waving my hand at the expanse of greenery. She stopped at looked around "It's beautiful here Tommy you will love it" she said trying to calm me down. Seth watched me walking off "Leave him, let him get it out of his system" he replied shrugging it off. Julia turned to Seth "I really thought he would embrace this new life" she said. Seth pulled a box out of the car "He will come around Julia". Okay so underneath I wasn't quite the model child Seth had expected but little did I know my anger and frustration was born out of who I would eventually become as I grew older and understood myself better. In the meantime I found a quiet spot nearly half a mile from the house under some large trees where I sat down and cried my heart out, the thought of spending six long weeks with no signs of life or friends ripped through me in boiling anger. Seth took all my belongings and put them in the garage telling my mother that I needed to learn and will have to move my own belongings and grow up. My mother felt ashamed of my behaviour but Seth casually waved it off saying he had been through that with Brad. Guessing I must have been out for nearly three hours before realising that no one was coming out to look for me, hungry and thirsty I stood up and walked back towards the house, I got even more wound up and annoyed as I had got dirt on my book and frantically tried to clean it as best I could. In my tantrum I hadn't even looked at the house which stood imposingly on the plot, part single and two story sprawling ranch style it was definitely bigger than any house I had lived in, I stood looking at it with dread as it was to be my prison until I could move away, well that was how I saw it since nothing else seemed to be living around here. Walking up to the doors I opened the left one and let myself in and stood in the large entrance hall, I could hear my mother and Seth talking and walked towards the voices finding myself in the large kitchen and dining area. "There you are Thomas" my mother said reverting to my proper name, I knew she was angry. I looked at them both "I've ruined my book" putting it down in front of my mother. Seth turned the book around "I have a copy of that in the library you can read" he said looking at me. I sat down opposite them "Thanks" I replied with a genuine tone for the first time. My mother retrieved a plate from the refrigerator "You must be hungry Tommy" she said placing a sandwich by my side. "I am, thanks mum" I said already devouring it as she brought me a fruit juice as well. "When you finished I will show you where you will be sleeping" Seth told me with a smile on his face. Seth and my mother escorted me along a wing of the ranch house in to another lounge area that was clearly used by his son and then in to a large bedroom suite with two double beds, to be fair the room was almost as large as the apartment we had just left. It had an en-suite bathroom and wet room and overlooked the back of the house, the room angled around the pool area and my heart lifted seeing the large pool. Having never had a pool before I had not learnt to swim but the thought of being able to sit in it and paddle around made me smile. When they told me I would be sharing this area with Brad I argued to the point I upset myself realising it was a futile argument. Seth told me I would get along just fine with Brad and they turned to leave me with Seth pointing out my things are in the garage and to move them. I sat there alone putting my head in my hands cursing at my new life, I knew my mother was going away tomorrow for a couple of days with work which hastened the moving in. Residing to my fate I decided to make the best of a bad thing, I mean how much worse can it get. Eventually I found the garage and started moving my things in to the room, I was getting hot and sticky with all the walking and unpacking, I stripped off down to my shorts as I began unpacking my clothes and putting them in the walk in closet on the side that was empty. Outside and unknown to me Brad had returned on his quad bike and parked it in the garage, for a 10 year old he could easily pass at being 15 or 16 due to his tall broad build that he got from his father. Inheriting the dirty blond hair and striking blue eyes he was pretty well muscled up and had a very solid build for a kid his age. He carried it off well, even the seniors at the school daren't get on his bad side, he had a wonderful relationship with his father unlike me with mine. Brad walked in to the house and headed to the kitchen in his polite and mesmerising manner he sat and chatted with my mother until Seth said for him to go and meet me as they were going out to dinner and the housekeeper would prepare our dinner. Brad walked along the wing to his pad as he called it and saw the lounge area remained as when he left it that morning. He waited watching for his father and my mother to leave before he walked towards the bedroom, it was quiet apart from the clanging of coat hangers coming from closet. He looked at the bed seeing a few books strewn across it, he had never shown any inclination or interest in reading books unless he had to for school. He turned and walked towards the closet, standing at the doorway, I was unaware of Brad's presence or that he was scrutinising me from behind. "You like being in the closet" Brad asked making me jump that I missed the rail to hang a shirt on. I quickly turned frightened "Fuck don't creep up on me like that" were the first words out of my mouth. Brad's eyes looked at me trying to figure me out "Didn't mean to scare you" he said I could see the muscles in his arms and thought twice about hitting back "I'm Tom" I said shyly. "I'm not stupid I know who you are" he turned and left me in the closet. I walked in to the bedroom "I never asked to be here, so don't take it out on me" I said picking my books up. Brad was taking his t-shirt off "Yeah well were both stuck with this". I guess I must have been staring at him before I asked "How did you get so big?" then blushing at my upfront nature. Brad looked at me with his head to one side sizing me up "Working out and a muscle building compound". I nodded and went back to my unpacking, he ignored me listening to the music on his phone. Finally I finished after checking the clothes were hanging in an order that I liked and wiped my brow from the humidity. I had a quick shower to cool down and decided to look outside since Brad showed no sign of wanting to show me around. All I wanted to see really was the pool and I wasn't disappointed as it was large and plenty of shallow water at one end, I did a quick look around and took my reefs off and paddled in the shallow end for a few minutes enjoying the cool water over my submerged feet. "You can go in if you want" Brad said standing at the French doors watching me. I felt a little shame "No it's okay" I replied without looking at him. "Can you not swim?" he asked me walking out and joining me as I paddled. I hesitated "No" I said quietly not wanting to embarrass myself "I want to but never had a pool where I lived". Brad sat down on the edge of the pool dangling his feet in "I can teach you if you want". I looked at him but he was staring at the water "Really, you would?" I asked him surprised. Brad looked over at me "Yeah, well we got all summer vacation and there isn't much to do around here". I walked over and sat beside him "Thanks, and will you help me get muscle like yours?" I nervously asked. Brad laughed "If you want but it's hard work" he said nudging me "What are you going to do for me?" he asked. I chuckled "I have nothing to offer, I like reading and playing on my Xbox" I said to him. Brad smiled at me "You can read to me" he replied "you know the books I have to read for school, you can read them to me". That was the moment that we became friends, not quite step-brothers just then, but friends was a good place to start. The first few days I had terrible stomach ache as my body adjusted to the high protein muscle building compound, I think Brad got quite a lot of enjoyment seeing me running to the toilet. He told me not to worry and it will settle down in a few days, he introduced me to the gym by the pool house and got me lifting weights for half an hour in the morning and evening. True to his words he began to teach me to swim and by the end of the summer vacation I was at least no longer afraid of deep water and could happily manage a couple of lengths of the pool without loosing my breath. A week into our new found friendship Brad invited me to go for a ride on his quad bike, he packed some fruit and water along with a book in to his rucksack and gave it to me to put on my back. I was a little scared as I had never been on this type of bike but he drove slowly with me clasping him tightly in case I fell off we drove for about 20 minutes, passing fields and wooded areas until we hit an open expanse where I could see a line to trees and bushes stretching as far as the eye could see. Coming to a stop we walked a few meters in to the clearing by a shallow river the flowed gently meandering out of sight. "This is the Medina river" he said taking the rucksack off my back. I looked around "It's really pretty here" I said taking it all in. Brad smiled sitting down on the edge of the stream "My favourite little hideaway, the ranch is named after it". "Ah right" I replied sitting next to him. He pulled the book out of the rucksack and handed it to me "Your end of the bargain now" he chuckled. I took the book and laid on my stomach "Okay" I replied. I have to admit I started to find it intoxicating being here, the gentle sound coming from the water in the river flowing over the pebbles, the sun beating down and reading aloud was my idea of paradise, I even left my hair messed up from wearing the baseball cap. I kept looking at Brad when turning the page of the book, his eyes were closed hand clasped behind his head, whenever I stopped reading he would open one eye to check on me causing me to giggle several times. There was no doubt about him as rough and tough as he was on the outside he was a very different person underneath. I must have read nearly a hundred pages before he put his hand on the book to stop me reading and handed me some fruit and water. We walked in the stream hardly saying anything to each other until we returned back to our spot where he handed me the book again, I read a further 3 chapters before I put the book down and laid on my back looking up at the dappled sunlight coming through the trees. The rustling in the trees signified a change coming, Brad only to aware jumped up and packed the rucksack telling me there was a storm coming in, something that was quite usual for this time of day when the heat rose sharply like it had during the afternoon. Sure enough just a few hundred meters from the ranch house the heavens opened as the wind picked up in velocity driving the rain in to our faces. The storm lasted for an hour before the sun appeared again. We stood in the garage soaking wet and just laughed as puddles began forming at our feet, from that day we found our sense of humour to be very similar. A few days later at lunchtime we were heading out to the Medina River again, today the sun was already blazing hot in the sky so I sat down right the waters edge so I could dangle my feet in the water to cool them down as I read aloud to Brad, he sat a little further up so I could only see his legs, after an hour I turned on to my stomach and laid down resting on my elbows continuing to read. He did make me laugh seeing him chilled out chewing on a long stem grass, his eyes closed hands clasped behind his head. We walked a mile down the stream and back again before heading home, this afternoon was different as we chatted a little more finding our feet with each other. As the days passed we spent more and more time together bonding and enjoying working out then spending afternoons at the Medina river. By the time the vacation ended I was ready to return to school, it was my first day as this new school, as nervous as I was there was nothing to worry about as I fitted in straight away, Brad looked after me since we had become inseparable over the summer vacation. Those long summer days turned me in to a somewhat confident swimmer, I was beginning to show some muscle tone which I loved and many kids in my class commented over. Never would I realise how much of a catch I was to the girls and was never short of attention from them in my year and even some of the senior girls flirting with me. One thing I was probably more dumbstruck by was hearing them remark how attractive I was. It got worse as I aged, well I thought so anyway, it seemed almost all the school wanted to hang out with Brad and I, himself turning in to quite the muscle jock now having hit puberty. I felt a little overawed by all the friends and attention but there was something missing and that something was slowly beginning to show it's hand the older I got. It did take a couple of summers before Brad actually referred to me as his step-brother, after our parents married he began referring to me as his brother and it was this milestone that I articulated in my journal. I would usually write my journal sitting by the stream I found it gave me more flair when transferring my thoughts to paper. Brad would often sit there watching as I wrote, he knew I kept a journal and read it once when I fell asleep but he got bored as it contained nothing of interest at that point. It was from them I began hiding it and only writing when something needed to be downloaded out of my head, it had become my secret keeper. My reading to Brad had got him interested in books and studying and he did rather to well in his final years and won a place at a university some 300 miles away. Our years together were for the most part idyllic and every summer we shut ourselves away at Medina doing our own things. Our bodies changed but we both retained our looks and I grew from strength to strength with Brad's help. On his 16th birthday Seth allowed Brad to get a tribal tattoo down his arm. I sat with him and Seth as the artist worked for nearly 3 hours until finished. Sitting there I realised how much Brad was growing up and beginning to show independence, I knew our summers were going to come to an end soon enough. At 17 Brad was a real crowd pleaser and was now more often out than at home, I had heard rumours at school that he was bedding girls like there was no tomorrow, when he was home we would still go to the Medina river for some peace and quiet escaping life. I relished those days as I missed him like hell and was only too happy to read to him. At 15 I had a growth spurt and stood at my now five feet nine inches, I was pretty happy with my height, but it also caused my looks to intensify and muscle definition to proportionise itself to my body. It was several months after my birthday that I wrote down one of the most revealing feelings about me 'I feel my body has changed, I have hair appearing in places not much but enough, my voice is slightly deeper and I am beginning to feel like the boy in me is forever being lost. I like guys. Don't aske me how or why, I just do. I like their bodies, I like the masculinity of a guy who is very close to me. I never really thought I would write this down but somehow I need to express me and who I have become. I just don't seem to have any interest in girls and yes I know what this means but I am not ready for it. I need to come to accept it first and be happy about why my body and soul has gone this way. As much as I rack my brains trying to think why, there is no answer. No significance, no turning point, it has always been there waiting for the right time'. I put my pen down and watched Brad sleeping in his bed, discreetly hiding my journal as I knew that it was more important than ever to keep it hidden. I never wrote a lot down or did it on a daily basis, it was one of things I kept as a reminder of important things or situations now. I wondered if it showed on the outside that I was gay, I only questioned it as I saw less and less of Brad during that last summer before he headed off to university. It seemed his new friend residing in his pants was busy around and he started dating the head cheerleader from the school, Melinda. It was to put it bluntly my year of turmoil, I felt like my gut had been wrenched out the day he finally left. I knew he wanted to break free and be his own person. He left me fighting my demons, I was literally destroying myself inside out and it was after my 16th birthday I sat down for dinner, I plucked up the courage to discuss it with my mother and Seth since they had noticed I was becoming more introverted during this time but they put it down to Brad leaving home. Opening up to them about my feelings seemed to lift a massive burden off my shoulders, my mother was sceptical saying it wss just a phase where Seth appeared to have more control over the matter and I still remember his words to this day 'Don't hide or run from it, just let you discover you and who you are'. I kept my secret hidden at school and concentrated on getting my education over before deciding weather I wanted to go to college or university, rumours did surface occasionally as I had plenty of friends that were girls but never date or kissed any of them, I never acted gay or gave any one cause to question my sexuality. Not one for wanting to be away from Medina ranch I choose college and long distance studying, the benefit of which meant I could take my laptop out with me to the Medina river and study there where I didn't have to go in to college for assignments, tests and exams. So it wasn't all that bad coming out to my mother and Seth, they just let me get on with it. I was surprised that Seth would without fail every week sit down and chat with me about how I was feeling, I looked on him as more of a father than my blood father who I hadn't seen since the break up. Seth was reasonable and considerate, never judging me but always supporting and being there if I needed help. The year dragged by and Brad returned home for the summer vacation, he entered the house like a whirlwind and swooped me up in his arms hugging me. "God I missed you Tom" Brad said putting me down. I hugged him back "It's so lonely without you here" I replied. "Well I am here for several weeks book worm" he said using his nick name for me. It didn't take long for our routine to slip in to place, only now it just felt awkward as I was hiding the real me from him. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him, I didn't really know why at the time but I thought it would be best to keep that part of me in the shadows. All to soon his few weeks at home had come to an end and that last evening I heard Seth and Brad having a very stern discussion in the library. It was pretty fiery so I made my way back to our room and listened to some music reading a book. When Brad turned up he seemed his cheery self and said nothing about the argument going on, he showered and changed then headed out to meet his latest girl. A few days later when I asked how Brad was doing just out of normal conversation I got a strange look from Seth. He would not talk much about Brad just that he was doing okay, I knew he had gone to university several times to talk to him, and I overheard him and my mother talking about Brad's disciplinary hearing but nothing was ever said directly to me. I had no idea what was going on or what trouble he had gotten himself into. I had just celebrated my 18th birthday and was studying on the pool terrace late one morning when I heard Seth in the kitchen cursing to himself and grabbing his keys, I heard him talking to my mother on the phone to say he was having to drive up to the university. By the time I got to the kitchen he had already stormed out leaving the letter from the universities disciplinary committee on the counter top. My mistake or maybe it wasn't, I picked up the letter and read it. I couldn't believe the words of the last paragraph 'As such situations arise when a student is in possession of any form of drug the course of action is to expel them from the campus and forfeit their position. Whilst the committee have noted that no further action is being taken by the relevant law enforcement agencies we are in no doubt of possession and intended use or distribution and as such the student has been expelled. The committees decision is final and will not entertain any appeal to review'. It was almost like a standard letter but I felt really sorry how his life had spiralled out of control in this manner. Seth returned later that evening tired and upset, I listened at the door as he told my mother that Brad refused to see him point blank. I walked in to the lounge and they both stopped talking. "Are you going to tell me what is going on with Brad?" I asked standing my ground. Seth shrugged his shoulder "There is no point Tom, he won't see or speak to anyone" he replied. I sat down next to Seth "How bad is it?" I asked him. Seth looked at my mother "He has been expelled, he needs help but he can't see that or accept it". That evening was one of the longer entries in to my journey as I was troubled all night, when I woke early that Saturday morning I sneaked down to Seth's BMW and turned the key and looked at the SatNav which gave me a location near enough to where Brad was staying. I got my keys and sped down the ranch driveway and headed to Dallas, I almost stopped several times wondering if I was doing the right thing but I kept going on the 5 hour drive. I knew I was in the right place but I had no idea which building he was in, I stopped a student wandering by just on the off chance and asked if they knew Brad Felshaw, he laughed and said yeah building 2c Room 235. I rushed over not knowing what I was going to say to him as I reached the door, I knocked three times but waited to hear if there was any movement when another student walked past and smiled 'good luck getting him to answer' they said carrying on down the corridor glancing back at me, I now banged on the door louder this time. "Go away" he shouted through the door. "Brad" I waited for a moment "Brad it's Tom, let me in please" I pleaded through the door. Eventually I heard the lock clicking and he opened the door "What do you want?" he asked. "I came to see you" I said through the crack in the opening "are you going to let me in?". Brad was reluctant "Did my father send you here?" he asked. "No, he doesn't know I have driven here" I replied, he hesitated then opened the door inviting me in. He looked dishevelled and not the Brad I knew "What the fuck has happened to you?" I asked closing the door. Brad sat on the bed head in his hands "I lost control and fucked up really bad this time". I sat down next to him "Everyone is worried about you Brad. It hurts to see you like this". "Like what?" he asked in an angry tone. "This is not you, not the Brad I grew up with" I replied looking at him. He stared at me "Your not the Tom I grew up with are you?" he stated in a matter of fact way. I looked down "It hasn't change me Brad, I haven't come to terms with it myself" I said shyly. "Is that so?" Brad replied somewhat confused. I took a deep breath "Come home with me, I will sneak you in and look after you". He looked at me "I can't deal with my father he is so angry with me" he said looking sad. I put my arm around him "He is not angry Brad, just upset and very concerned" I assured him. Brad stood and paced around "Are you sure you want to do this Tom?" he asked. I looked at him "Are you an addict?" I asked. He shot me a look "No, I only did it 4 or 5 times" he paused "but I am getting drawn to it". I don't know how I did it but he agreed to come home with me after I promised not to let anyone know until he was ready to face them. He slept for most of the journey back home, I could have sworn he cried a little or at least his eyes watered seeing Medina Ranch at the end of the access road. He slid down in his seat to avoid being seen as I drove in the garage. I checked the house to make sure the coast was clear and walked with brad down the wing to our end of the house. Telling him to shower and as he did I quickly rifled through his bag to make sure there was nothing hiding in there and also the clothes he had worn home. I kind of felt guilty and didn't really know what I was doing, his hand grabbed my arm tightly 'there is nothing there' he said letting me go again, he certainly hadn't lost any of his muscle or strength. Something inside me caused me to stand up and face him, I was speechless and I couldn't work out if I got a kick out of him touching me aggressively like that. He backed off in obvious concern at what he did. At 20 Brad was a walking sex machine and it was hard to keep my gaze from looking at his body, I had still yet to explore my sexuality but I knew he definitely aroused me. I tried to keep a close reign on my preference for the male body whilst living in small town Texas, the last thing I wanted was to be out and branded like the cattle in this state. He looked at me "I'm sorry if I hurt you" Brad said drying his hair. "Promise me you have none of it here?" I asked watching him look me in the eye nodding. Brad slipped in to his bed "Promise me you won't let on?" he asked resting his head on the pillow. I looked at the sight of him staring at the ceiling "You have my word Brad" I replied picking up a book, I knew I would have to keep a very close eye on him. Sitting on the bed next to him he smiled for the first time "You going to read to me?". I nodded "Yes that's if you don't mind me sitting on the bed next to you?" I replied. Brad smiled "Of course I don't" he said getting comfortable. It took me by surprise and at first I wasn't sure if it was him accepting what he knew about me or just the brotherly part coming through. I read to him for an hour until he was sound asleep, it was only 8pm so I crept out and had dinner with Seth and my mother, it didn't take long for the conversation got around to where I had been all day and I told them at the Medina river and also headed in to town to see a friend. As far as I know they hadn't suspected a thing and after dinner I grabbed some fruit and went back to the bedroom to find Brad still sound asleep. I kept the curtains closed that overlooked the terrace and the French doors locked. I can't recall what time it was but I was woken by the sound of Brad, I could make out that he was sitting on the edge of his bed shaking and panting. Thankfully I had done some research on the internet after I returned to my room and believed this to be his body reacting to a lack of whatever drug he had taken. I turned on the bed side lamp and could see he was also sweating. I walked over and asked him what I could do to help but he looked at me like a helpless child tears streaming down his face. Trust me I said helping him stand up and took him in to the wet room and turned on the cold water, I sat next to him in the shower letting the cold water cascade over the both of us until his shaking ceased. I helped dry him and took him back in to the bedroom to my bed and laid next to him, so much of me wanted to cuddle him in this fragile state, he looked at me and quietly said thank you and falling back to sleep. I watched him as long as I could until my body surrendered and my eyes closed. I had one of the best night sleeps that I could remember, waking up I found my body was being held and my eyes snapped open. His arms were wrapped around me and he was cuddled up very close, to close for comfort was my initial diagnoses. Escaping was the first thing in my head, then the awkwardness of this as me moving would certainly wake him up and he may freak out. I laid there silently for several minutes until Brad shuffled and turned over releasing me from his arms. Silently I crept out of bed and let him sleep, picking up my journal I wrote a few words 'Woke feeling like I had a perfect sleep. Shaken I found my step-brothers arms wrapped around me, his body touching mine. Disturbing to say the least but somehow I find myself turned on as my whole body seemed to be in a state of flux'. I hid the journal and showered, when I came back in to the room Brad was awake and just acted normally. I came to the conclusion that he probably didn't even know, for the most part Brad seemed to be returning and the next few days I studied and didn't leave his side except to fetch food. Keeping him hidden seemed pretty easy and his withdrawal symptoms vanished which confirmed my suspicion that he had probably told me the truth. I guess I got to cocky at this hiding Brad game and he slid down in the seat of the car as I backed out of the garage and drove us to the Medina river again. I sat down on the banks and started reading, Brad laid on his stomach his head inches from the water resting on his hands watching the water flowing by. He wore only shorts taking his t-shirt off as we arrived since it was another scorching day. It was very distracting, I just wanted to touch and hold the body laying there, it was so perfect and the temptation to tickle his bare feet his toes wriggling in the sun crossed my mind. Refocusing I continued reading for an hour then we waded in the river and walked for a couple of hours. On the walk back to our spot Brad put his arm around my shoulder, something he hadn't done since we were younger. I felt like our bond was stronger than ever having faltered when he found out what his cock was for and put it to use. I rummaged in the rucksack and gave Brad some fruit and a bottle of water, if people saw us now they would think we were a perfect couple. I grabbed the book and sat down on the waters edge, before I could even get it open he had sat down behind me, his legs either side of my body and his arms wrapped around my body with his chin resting on my shoulders. It was one thing accidentally cuddling me in bed but this felt strangely weird but I carried on and opened the book to the page where we had got to the previous evening, he watched me leafing through to the pages but my mind was elsewhere as my body tingled by his touch. "Can't believe how much you have grown up and changed Tom" Brad said as he watched me turning the pages. I smiled but didn't look at him "We have both grown up Brad". Brad rubbed his chin on my shoulder "Yeah but at least you didn't screw up like me" he sighed. I looked up at the sky "I am just as screwed up if not more but in other ways". Brad stopped and looked at me "You are far from screwed up Tom, your confronting things head on" he said. "Well it's my turn to return the favour, you looked after me growing up" I said reminding him. Brad chuckled and waved it off "Was it hard, you know growing up feeling the way you do?" he asked me. "What way?" I asked oblivious to what he meant. Brad rubbed his chin on my shoulder again "You being gay" he said, I was slightly taken back. I turned and looked at him "It still is, I try to work out why but I end up even more confused" I said looking at the book. Brad ruffled my hair "Your still Tom to me. It is what is in here that defines you" he said tapping my heart. I sighed "I'm so lucky having you as a brother, as fucked up as you are" I laughed more out of nerves than anything. His hands hugged me tighter "You have helped me so much Tom. And now?" he whispered "Have you a boyfriend?". I stared at the words on the pages "No" I replied "How come you haven't got a girl?". "Don't know" Brad said "Melinda was mediocre for sex but she was getting to needy and I got nothing out of it". Brad lifted his head "Stop changing the subject. Why haven't you got a boyfriend?" he asked. I sighed "I am not ready to explore yet" I replied, it was the truth as I had no courage or even knew where to start. Brad hugged me tighter "Who ever get's you will be one lucky person. Come on then read to me" he said. I wondered if I was becoming a bit of a shady pervert as I settled back in to his arms reading the book. It is a strange feeling when your step-brother is the closet another man has ever got to you, sitting here time just seemed to get away from us. We hadn't realised how late it got and headed back home, no further mention was made by either of us about that afternoon, assuming it was just us rekindling our brotherly love for each other. I checked the coast was clear and we wandered down the east wing of the ranch house in our lounge and found Seth sat there waiting for us. Brad stopped dead in his tracks and Seth stood up and walked towards Brad, I didn't know what to expect, I stood ready to defend him. Seth looked at his son and hugged him, Brad kept apologising for screwing everything up, he told Brad he was just happy to his son back. Seth looked at me "Thank you Tom" he said. I put the rucksack down "I'm sorry for going behind everyone's back". Seth walked over and hugged me "You had us worried behaving weirdly at first". "You knew?" I asked Seth who nodded. "They described you and your car as taking Brad away from campus" Seth said to me as I stood looking ashamed. It was obvious Seth was pleased that I managed to get through to Brad when no one else could. As Brad slept I retrieved my journal from the hiding place and wrote things in there again that should never have been down on paper... 'A strange yet weirdly happy day as we went to the river only this time I felt like I was sat there with a lover. His hands around my waist and head resting on my shoulders. I know this is my step-brother but sometimes feelings are stronger than actions and he wakens me in a very extraordinary way'. I looked debating weather I should have written this but my journal was holding the true me, quickly I hid it away again. Brad was left alone in my company for a week partaking in meals with the family in the evening for as long as he could tolerate it. At night I would read to him and we often fell asleep in the same bed, it was as if we were 8 and 10 again. Brad got his life together and started working for his father whilst finishing his education. So that was me growing up and how I helped my step-brother through his problem, oh, and fell in love with him. The table would turn in a few years time but that was something I could never have seen coming, especially when your so blinded by what you think is love but in reality was the opposite. I became the closest friend to Brad as well, we would tell each other everything and before you ask, no I didn't write those in my journal. I knew they were things best kept between us. Part of me was broken but happy when Brad started seeing Melinda again in this on off story of theirs, so much so that it became probably the most serious relationship for the time being. As if you hadn't guessed by now, Brad was the first instrumental person in my life, he shaped me as the person as we grew up together in a very unshakable way. We stuck to each other like glue and did everything together. My life really took shape and turned upside down a week before my 19th birthday celebrating a belated 18th birthday present, and this is where my story really begins to unfold...
    2 points
  11. Asleep and Taking Loads My boy and I have been coming up with some fun risky scenarios to play out getting him more comfortable taking raw POZ cock. It totally turns both of us on. Over the past few months, I’ve shared his holes with a few guys, mostly buddies, mostly NEG or POZ and medicated. He suggested lining up a few NEG guys online to come over for some group fun and pretend to be drugged up and knocked out. He figured I’d be there to keep things from getting out of hand, so where’s the real harm, right? He told me that he’d start to moan or ‘wake up’ if he’d had too much and wanted to stop. Plus, I’d get to watch these strangers breed my boy and then fuck their cum into his ass. What could go wrong? My boy decided that Saturday night would be our best bet to get a lot of guys. I placed an ad with a few naked pictures showing his hole full of cock, one of it freshly bred and leaking seed, letting guys know he was serious: GUY TAKING NEG LOADS WHILE PASSED OUT. FUN STARTS AT MIDNIGHT THIS SATURDAY. SEND PICS AND STATS FOR ADDRESS. Within the next two days, I’d had about ten replies. Most were from NEG guys who loved the idea. One was from someone POZ saying how risky it was just to trust people. He went on to say that some POZ guys might just say they were NEG and join the scene anyway. He included a pic of his muscular back with a big biohazard tattoo and a really nice, slightly saggy ass. I knew he was right, but sent the address and instructions to come on in to the rest of the NEG guys who I wanted to see raw top my sleepy boy. Saturday afternoon we had an early light lunch and I got the house ready while my boy lounged in the tub and took his time really deep cleaning. We put the bed in the middle of the room and stripped it of our normal sheets with a black rubber mattress cover in their place. My boy took a few hits of poppers and laid down as I ate his hole. Around 11:45, I heard the front door open and two or three voices chatting as they came up the stairs. My boy winked at me and closed his eyes. Three guys came in and stripped their clothes off as I fingered my boys ass, saying that he was out cold, and they could have their way with him. One guy shoved his cock down my boy’s throat. Another one lined up and spit on his dick before shoving it into my boy. My slutty boy must have been really struggling to not groan or moan on those cocks. The third guy, a real frat boy, seemed to be having a hard time getting it up, so I knealt down suck his cock until it was ready to breed my boy. While I was gobbling the frat boy’s cock, a fourth guy showed up, big muscle guy. I remembered his thick tool from his pics. He stipped off his shorts and winked at me while I went back to sucking the frat boy off. The first two men came, one shooting his load all over my ‘sleeping’ boy’s face and hair. The first top shot his load deep into my boy. When he pulled out there was a white river leaking out. I smeared some cum out of my boy’s bangs onto my cock and pushed their cum into him. I fucked my boy for a few minutes. The first two guys were naked and jerking each other off while the frat boy watched and slapped his thickening dick on my boy’s slack mouth. The muscle guy tapped my ass and told me he was ready for his turn. He was rock hard and truly thick, naked from the waist down, his frame peeking out of a black tanktop. I knew my boy must have been struggling to take it all so fast, even though he was well-lubed and pretty open. I watched from behind as he forced inside my boy, his broad shoulders flexing under that shirt. My boy remained totally silent as the guy stabbed his dick balls deep and then went to hammering. When he was about to cum, he shook his head and said, ‘not yet.’ The frat boy was finally fully hard and slid on into my silent boy. I needed a piss really bad, and the first top told me he was thirsty. ‘Not here,’ I said, and pointed to the bathroom. The guy got in the shower and I pissed into his mouth. He swallowed every drop. We were only out of the bedroom for a minute or two when the frat boy shouted that he was going to cum, and we raced back in to watch him hammer his load into my ‘passed-out’ boy’s hungry hole. The muscle guy was next to my boy’s shoulder with his back to us, tapping a spot on his arm. He jerked his cock as the frat boy came then took his place, not waiting for me to have a turn. The guy grunted and growled as he pummeled my boy’s raw ass but my boy never made a sound. As he force fucked my boy, I watched as his ass flapped around and realized where I’d seen it before. I wasn’t at all surprised when his shirt crept high enough that I could see the points of his biohazard tattoo peeking out, but I was too horny to do anything to stop it. I knew this POZ stranger was about to breed my boy, just like he warned me he would. The muscle stud roared as he filled my boy up. ‘I’m breeding you, boy, filling you up with POZ cum! You like that?’ he asked. The three NEG guys sort of freaked out and made a quick exit, grabbing their clothes as they left. I stood there shocked, but fully hard and about to shoot my load. Still inside my boy, the guy leaned forward, ‘You like this game boy? Want me to call my toxic friends over and share your hole with them? You want me to stop?’ My boy didn’t reply. I knew he wanted to eventually take POZ cum, and was waiting for a sign that it was time to call it a night. I rubbed my boy’s face and tried to ask him if he wanted more, but he just drooled. I was a little freaked out. The POZ muscle top went over to his phone and clicked around. He held the screen towards me and I saw a conversation on it: Person 1: Hey boy. Nice profile. You take raw POZ cock? Person 2: I want to… I have this fantasy. Person 1: Yeah? What’s that? Person 2: I convince my man to host a NEG-only party and pretend to be passed out. But, I get a POZ guy to come over and actually give me something so I pass out and can’t stop him from breeding me. Person 1: Yeah, boy? I could do that for you. I have connections… and maybe some POZ buddies who might be into joining… Person 2: Cool Keep your eyes peeled for an ad. That’ll be us. In case my man doesn’t send you the address, here it is: ********** Person 1: Cool. You really want me to mess you up and knock you out? Person 2: Yes, please. The POZ stud took his phone back and grabbed my hips. He guided my cock into my boy’s puffy cummy hole. ‘You like this scene?’ ‘Yeah,’ I replied. 'Breed him. Mix your seed with mine inside him. He wants this.’ He rocked my hips forwards and backwards faster and faster until I shot my load into my boy, pushing that POZ and those NEG loads deeper inside him. The stud licked his lips as I pulled out and spread my boy’s cheeks. He sucked out as much cum as he could until it was smeared all over his mouth. ‘Clean me!,’ he ordered. I licked all over his mouth as he jammed his fingers in and out of my boy. ‘Good thing you’re into this. My buddies are already on their way over…’
    2 points
  12. I have certainly done my share of public sex. Not as much where the general public can see it...but in a number of rest areas, especially a rural one that is very lively with farmers taking a break from working the fields and wanting their cocks sucked. I have fucked men in semi cabs there--and in the big interstate rest areas. The huge Edwin Warner park in TN has seen a lot of me. I cruised it daily whenever I worked down there. Mutual cocksucking was the standard, but there was a wonderful threeway fuck on a picnic table in a shelter during a driving rainstorm when we knew we wouldn't be disturbed. I have had sex in gay bars--especially the Phoenix in NOLA where, to a cheering crowd, I thoughtfully drank the piss of the bartender behind the bar so he wouldn't have to leave his post. In bathhouses, I rarely go to a room, but avail myself of the public play areas. The same with gay campgrounds in Ontario, Michigan and Ohio. Give me a public sling anytime. Stairways of the hotels hosting leather weekends. I couldn't count the number of bookstores I have used...always choosing the "theater" over a private booth if there is a choice.
    2 points
  13. I just into anon ass up thing as BOTTOM this year. First time was a built vers daddy on bbrt with just one pic open and hot stats. Wanted to come over but "surprise" me since we know each other. I agreed and offered one better - told him I'd wait hooded and in a jock. Told him we'd leave my hood on till he was balls deep in my hole. He could take my hood off or just use me and leave without me knowing who he was. He said he was gonna remove it since he wanted a longer session and flip fucking. I asked if he wanted to switch to text when he headed over, but he said NO, we're in each other's phones. That made me feel like so much more of a slut doing this, and I loved it. I stood in my living room in the hood and some NP underwear, hands behind my back. I never touched him till he was buried in my ass, then I felt him up and he was hot as fuck. He finally took my hood off, and it was this hot daddy fucker in my circle of friends and even used to get dinner with him one on one but never played. Ended up a HOT flip fuck and he even wanted me to fist him - hot two hour session I'm glad started out the way it did We've played a couple more times in 3 ways since then. Next time was a couple months later. Early 30s latin top bragging about his ass eating skills and long lasting top. Proflle said he loves anon. The sluttiness of doing that the first time was so hot I hit him up. He wanted me ass up on my bed in a jock. He came in I was in position. This was the opposite of a pump n dump. He spent at least 20 minutes sucking on my hole before his cock made contact. I had my hood on from start to finish. After the 20 mins of hole prep he spent the next hour and a half going back and forth from fucking me to sucking my loose hole. Flipped me all over from doggy to missionary making out with me. ALWAYS went back to eating my hole out the juicier I got. My ass was making that suction farting sound which turned him on more and he dove nack down on my ass. It was close to two hours getting fucked and eaten out before he finally bred me, hood on the whole time. I felt his body up the whole time, and it probably wasn't someone I'd seek out based on looks/body he wasn't bad either. It was the sleaziness that was the total turn on. He was a great long lasting piggy top too, which was great. After he bred me we laid on the bed talking a while, me still hooded. I finally said I needed to cum. He jammed a few fingers up my loose cummy chewing my nips and I came hard and fast. He left and I never saw him. He JUST hit me up this week for a repeat. I'm definitely game for it this weekend!!
    2 points
  14. Before leaving my mates I was checking my favourite swingers site to see if there was any str8 or curious cock about when I came across the profile of a right tasty scally str8 bit of rough called Roy who had fucked me before just after coming out of prison. I sent him a wink & msg to see if he was still into fucking arse or reverted back to pussy. He replied almost instantly & was pleased to hear from me. He said he hooked up with a guy a few weeks after we’d fucked but It wasn’t doing it for him so he stuck to fucking pussy, he’d also managed to knock one of the bird up & kid No4 was due in 3 months. He sent a second msg asking for pics of my arse which I happily sent him. 5 or 10 minutes passed without a response, I was about to log off thinking the pics put him off when he replied saying my pics had got him rock hard! I quickly replied suggesting he come to mine & put his big dick in my cunthole & give me a good hard rough shafting & fill me with his fertile cum. I included my address & he replied saying he was on his way. I headed home & he arrived 10 minutes after me. As soon as I closed the door behind him he grabbed hold of me & manhandled me to the floor, he pinned me down & pushed down my joggers & got his big dick out, he then force his dick up my arse, I gasped as his thick shaft stretched my hole. The cum in my hole lubed his dick and he raped me mercilessly till he climaxed & his dick spewed big thick wad of cum deep in me. It was the best rape I’d have in months. We got naked & he got me on the sofa on my back, he shoved his dick back in & thrust it up my arse hard & fast, on & on he kept pounding me with the stamina of a herd of bulls till I orgasmed & shot my load all over my belly, I milked his dick hard till his dick pumped his second load in me. I’ve got 4 of his loads in me now, pillows stuffed under my arse keeping it up to get his cum deep in my guts. All ready to work on load number 5.🤤🍆💦💦💦💦
    2 points
  15. Thats it good boy. Feel those fingers in your little pussy boy? you want more? maybe a nice hard cock? lets lube your hole up real nice to ensure my hard cock sinks all the way to my balls. Just relax and enjoy boy. Don't try to run or move away.
    2 points
  16. By the way, when you’re 20 you don’t yet understand (or appreciate) the fact that someday - if you’re lucky - you’ll be 50. I sure as hell didn’t. Think about what you’ll be like when you’re 50 and how you’ll want to be treated; maybe have a little more compassion and less judgment for guys who are already there...and NO I’m not saying “Go out and fuck an old troll” - unless of course thats what you’re into... 😜
    2 points
  17. Part One: A Blinking Light ********************************************** A bump in the road snapped me back to reality. It was nothing more than a gravel driveway, and I slowly navigated the darkness, the crunching sound of tire on stone and rock the only audible noise, heading for my destination. My stomach lurched with every tiny bump and pothole I hit. Yes, I was really doing this. My mind began to wander back again to our conversation just a few minutes previously. I had been driving when the telltale flash of my phones status light told me I had a message, that distinct orangish hue indicating it was from Grindr. I was in the middle of nowhere so I did what I shouldn't have and flicked open the app. He had started simply enough with a "hey man," and little did I know it would be anything but simple from there on out. As I always do, I flipped to his profile to see what I was dealing with: no picture, 46, 6'0", 145#, top, right now, positive. My pulse quickly sped up with that last part. It didn't say undetectable. Ordinarily no picture means instant dismissal but a guy on Grindr who straight up said positive was a rare find indeed! Of course guys who say positive often mean undetectable, but still the thrill of his stats (that one in particular) had me intrigued enough to respond. "Hi there." "You looking for some fun sexy stud? Slightly older guy here, but always ready to please." Slightly corny, but okay, I was still horned. "Depends on what you have in mind for me." Vague and elusive, I wanted him to give me more so that even if he turned out to be one of the thousands of flakes, at least I'd have something to beat off to when I get home. "Looking to slide inside a young buck such as yourself and ride him until I unleash my seed inside." A barebacker it sounded like, just my type of response! But now for the real test. "Sounds hot, you got any pics to share?" My phone fell silent for a moment. I knew it, he was one of those guys who probably hit up everyone in range just to amuse himself. I set the phone back down and returned myself to the task at hand of driving, though I noticed with slight amusement that he had definitely gotten the blood flow going down there. And then the steady pulsing of the notification light returned. He had responded. Oh fuck! His pictures took my growing uncut 7-inch piece straight to a solid state. His first pic was a full body shot. He was definitely rocking a semi-wasted look. He was thin with a hint of rib cage showing beneath his well-tanned skin, a nice but not too thick pellet of fur on his chest. His face was slightly gaunt, a thick but trimmed beard and a buzzed head. Thin, hairy, and veiny legs supported him, but his cock... my god, it was true what they said about wasting men--it makes their cocks more impressive. It looked long, uncut like mine, with an ample shaft but a quite impressive head that definitely flared out under the hood. It was the type of head, much thicker than the shaft, that would create that feel of a suctioning plunger inside an ass. There was a second picture, an even more impressive close-up of his wonderful monster. Now clearly hard and pointing at an erect and upright angle the head looked solidly larger than the shaft as I had noticed from the first picture, and just the tip of his piss slit peaking through the opening of his foreskin with a succulent and substantial strand of precum dangling down. I was sold. I responded with a picture of myself and one of my ass, as clearly that would be the most interesting part of me to him. I am a pretty good looking guy if you can get me to admit it. I stand 28, 5'11", 179#, fit though not muscular or ripped, but well exercised from all the sports I play. My chest is smooth, my skin a lightly tanned color, and my ass nice and firm--a slight bubble to it--and just a hint of fuzz on it. "Boy, I would love to be inside that beautiful pink hole, unleashing my seed inside you." "Fuck yeah man. It sounds like you play raw and shoot positive seed, right?" Again my phone fell silent. Had I perhaps broached that topic too quickly? I'm not one for small talk usually, but maybe this time should I have held off slightly, let the conversation develop more? The flash returned. "Prefer raw here, boy. My cock doesn't appreciate plastic. Oh, and my seed will change you - if that's what you want." Fuuuuuuck. It was. "It is, but your cock looks quite large, not sure that head will make it in!" "It's the hardest part to take, but once it's in, you'll never want it out." "Where are you?" This time there was no pause. Up popped the little map clip with the marker. Holy hell, he was just a few miles ahead. I was on a state road, but at 11:00 PM it was all but deserted and dark from the thick woods on either side. I had driven this road many times and had never noticed a house along my drive. "Looks like I'm driving toward you now and would arrive at your place in about five minutes. Is that too quick an arrival?" "Not at all. That cock pic is me - now. I'm ready if you are, boy." "Then I guess I'll see you shortly!" "Fuck yeah boy. Just be sure, 'cause I don't stop once I start, and once I'm in my head doesn't soften until it has unleashed its load inside you." Music to my ears. "I want it." "See you soon." And now, just a few minutes later, here I was, his small house in front of me, deep back in the woods. I parked, turned-off the Jeep, and took a deep breath. Last chance. I opened the door and stepped out into the crisp, cold, late-night air of a fall evening. Another deep breath and a pause. I turned and walked to the door and knocked. A few seconds later I heard footsteps approach the door. A hand on the knob, and the door opened. "Come on in," a voice said from inside. The room was dark, I couldn't see him in there. One last deep breath. I stepped inside.
    2 points
  18. Part 4 I awoke to loud knocking on the door of the trailer. I felt Eddie still at my side in bed but heard Marco's voice asking who was there as he made his way to the door. I heard Al's voice greeting Marco, then the sound of a door opening. Opening my eyes, I saw Al standing at the foot of the bed observing Eddie and me. My ass felt sore and stuffed and then I remembered the plug that Eddie and Marco had inserted into it at the end of last night. The soreness intensified as the memory came back to me and I needed to remove the plug right then and there. I reached behind me to pull it out and the first pull on the plug brought a shudder of pain. Al saw my discomfort, chuckled, and got onto the bed with Marco and me. Al moved my hand out of the way and grasped the plug. He remarked that it was going to hurt like hell to remove the plug and that he would help me get it out of the way. With that, he wrenched the plug out of me and brought a very loud yelp of pain from me. Eddie was just coming back to life when he heard me scream. He reached down and squeezed my nuts really hard. I was stunned by this action and stopped screaming as all my consciousness now alternated between the pain in my ass and the pain in my groin. Eddie laughed and said he knew I would be too surprised to keep screaming if I was hurting in more than one place at the same time. Eddie then told Al that my ass had gotten pretty torn up by their assault on it. He said if Al and Jimmie were worried about catching anything from me, they better fuck me sooner than later. Al was wearing a pair of thin running shorts and it was apparent that his cock was growing hard. Al asked me if I was going to only be a poz load-taking cumslut from here on out. I replied that I was more of a no loads refused cumslut. I moved Al's shorts down his hips and started sucking his cock. Sometime while I was working on Al's shaft, Jimmie had come into the trailer. Seeing me slobbering on his boyfriend's dick, Jimmie said he didn't expect me to be starting up so early after all that I had experienced the night before, but he dropped the towel he was wearing and climbed onto the bed. Eddie started making out with Jimmie next to me on the bed. Al stopped fucking my mouth to let everyone know that he and Jimmie would not be taking any loads from Eddie or Marco. Then he looked at me and said that I would probably not be safe for him much longer as well. Al then continued to receive his blowjob from me while asking Marco if he had some lube he could use. Marco gave him a bottle and Al moved around behind me. I felt his fingers slick with lube work their way up my ass and back out in a repetitive motion. Marco was caressing my chest while Al continued to prepare me for my first fuck of the morning. Eddie and Jimmie began to 69 each other next to me. Before I knew it, Al was balls deep into my hole and fucking me violently. Marco broke out the poppers and passed them under my nose.Al was thrusting so hard that it felt like my butt was opening up and bleeding again. Al removed his prick and it was, in fact, covered in blood. "Well," Al said, "it looks like you are going to be ripe for catching whatever these two pigs have to give you." Marco went down to clean up Al's blood-covered cock and then went to give me a deep French kiss. Al replaced his dick in my hole and continued his hard assault. "I hope you think that this weekend was worth it. You are going to be forever marked by it," he told me. "Yes, I want to be a poz cumwhore. I want everyone to know that all I want is want is cock. It doesn't matter what I might catch, I just need cock and cum in my ass" was my reply. "Oh, we've got plenty on tap for this filthy bugchaser" was Eddie's response. "He has no idea what's in store for him." "That's what I was afraid of and why I was reluctant to spend too much time with you and Marco" was Al's comeback. Al never let up in pounding me and let loose with a load in my hole. "Well, I've got this pig lubed up for whatever harm you're going to do to him." "Thanks, handsome. He has a long day with lots of abuse ahead of him" said Marco with a wide smile. While Al was fucking me, Marco was working on my cock and I was now rock hard. Jimmie and Eddie were now face-to-face and making out and stroking each other's dicks. Al shocked Jimmie, Eddie, and Marco when he announced that he wanted me to fuck him. I later learned that hardly anyone fucked Al. I cleaned off Al's dick of the cum, blood, and "other" accumulation from fucking me and shared it with Marco. Al got onto the bed on all fours and I dove in to rim his ass and work his hole open a little bit for my cock. Marco gave my dick a few sucks to make it as hard as possible before taking on Al. I went to my knees and guided my dick up and down Al's crack. Marco squirted some lube on my cock and on the opening to Al's hole and I began to work my way inside him. For not bottoming very often, Al took my thick cock with relative ease up inside him. Next to us on the bed, Jimmie began fucking Eddie in missionary. Poppers bottles were passed around as the four of us continued with our fucking. Marco alternated fingering Jimmie's and my holes and slapping our asses. Al motioned Marco to move around in front of him and he began sucking off Marco's fat tool. I slowed down my pace to avoid blasting too quickly inside of Al. Jimmie was pounding Eddie pretty hard beside me. Sensing that I was close to cumming, Al called for a break. I remained still inside of him. Meanwhile, Al directed Marco and Jimmie to switch places as he wanted a taste of Jimmie's dick and Eddie's ass. Marco and Jimmie switched places and the fucking resumed. Marco was really launching his cock into Eddie's ass. I later learned that Marco did not top Eddie very often, so he was really taking advantage of the opportunity he had thanks to Al's orders. Al's ass was really tight and I knew I couldn't hold off much longer before I came. Al sensed this and mocked me to shoot on of the last loads of negative cum I would ever produce into him. He said to enjoy what it would feel like because I was going to be marked as a poz cumwhore after Eddie and Marco were through with me. He kept on degrading me and calling me things like "stupid cumslut" and "dirty whore." Before I knew it, Marco was behind me shoving his fat cock into my ass. I was startled by the suddenness of it and my cum began to launch into Al's butt. My butt wasn't lubed very well and once Marco was fully inside of me, my hole began to burn with pain. Marco thrusted in and out of me causing the pain to intensify. As I was howling with pain, Marco noted that he was probably ripping me up. Marco's assault didn't last too much longer before he sent a toxic load into my bowels. Simultaneous to this happening, Jimmie switched back to fucking Eddie. Jimmie really jackhammered Eddie and came ferociously. After finishing up inside of me, Marco withdrew and had me clean his cock. There wasn't as much blood on it as I was expecting, but the day was still pretty early. Jimmie presented his own dick for me to clean which I hungrily did. Marco came up to me and started licking Jimmie's dick as well as my face. We traded the mixture back and forth before I finally swallowed my share while Marco smeared the rest all over my face. When he was done, Al and then Eddie presented their asses for me to clean. Marco was close by me to make sure more of the cum and assjuice mixture made onto my face, neck, shoulders, and chest. Eddie had gotten pretty turned on by me cleaning out his ass and was now ready to plant another poz load into my butt. With me flat on my stomach, he began to invade me. I was feeling really tender inside and his PA was serving as further irritation. With the others rooting him on and insulting me for being such a stupid fag, he once again made sure to really move around inside of me, dragging his PA around as much of my chute as he possibly could. He pulled out of me on occasion and presented his blood-covered tool to Marco who cleaned up the shaft and shared the bloody mixture with my mouth and face.In the meantime, he was also feeding me lots of poppers to help me ride it out. After a while, the pain caused by his PA left my ass feeling like it was on fire. I was moaning from a combination of pleasure and pain. Eddie remarked that my stupid, bloody slut ass was getting ever more receptive for the poison he was passing on to me. Finally, to my relief, he let go of his toxic cum filling me up. I never heard someone scream so loudly from cumming as what Eddie did with that orgasm. Al, Jimmie, and Marco applauded as he finished. Upon pulling out of me, he once more presented his dick to Marco who pulled me alongside for the cleanup. There was more blood on Eddie's dick than ever before. Most of the blood was swallowed by Marco or me while whatever cum and assjuice that Marco could smear on me was smeared on my. It now felt like most of my body from the knees up had some type of coating on it from the morning's activities. It was getting close to noon by the time we finished. Jimmie ran over naked to his trailer and brought back my clothing. Seeing the lady's gold thong that I had been wearing, Eddie said that their company coming later in the day might have a special interest in that. Upon mentioning the prospect of company, Al said that he and Jimmie were going to be headed to Green Bay to visit some of their friends and might not be back to pick up their trailer until the following morning. Eddie said that leaving their trailer in place would provide some cover for the rest of us. Jimmie and Al were gone in seemingly no time. That left Eddie and Marco to confront me with what could happen to me. Their friends, Bryce and Trey, were due to arrive in 2-3 hours. Bryce was newly poz and not on meds. Eddie and Marco had likely knocked him up. Trey was poz and had been on meds for a number of years. They were into much more than just fucking. They had seen Bryce's and Trey's ads on hookup sites, and it was clear they were into PNP, fisting, crossdressers, and more. Marco told me that he and Eddie were not into the PNP scene. A portion of Eddie's pension could be in jeopardy if he was arrested for possession of illegal drugs.Bryce and Trey were aware of that and promised not to use while we were all together. Eddie looked at me and my clothes and remarked that it looked like I could use a shower. He asked me how far away I lived and where my car was parked. I told him I lived about 10 miles away and my vehicle was parked on the ground level of the casino parking ramp. Eddie threw me my gold panties and a pair of spandex shorts with orders to put them on. I did and struggled with the shorts as they were about two sizes tight. Marco came up and arranged things so that the frilly band of my panties peaked above the shorts. At least he didn't give me a whale tale. They threw a pair of flip flops at me that were also too small. I was instructed to put them on and start walking toward my vehicle in the ramp. They would lock up things and the site and follow soon after me. I set off down the road wearing only the tight shorts, my thong, and the too small flip-flops. Because they were so small, I was not able to walk very fast. I could feel the layer(s) of grime on my body from the fucking I had done as well as being applied by Marco. I didn't encounter anyone up close for most of the way through the site. One woman seemed to recognize that something was off with me and shielded her kids from viewing me. The walk from the campsite opening to the parking ramp entrance was about 200 yards of wide open space. About halfway to the entrance, I encountered a car leaving the ramp. In it was a middle-aged couple that I knew from the casino. The couple did a double and triple take as they saw me barely clothed and clearly disheveled from something. I nodded in their direction and kept shuffling toward the ramp. This couple also knew who my ex was, so I had that added possibility of information sharing to consider. I got to my vehicle in the ramp, but there was no trace of Eddie and Marco. All I could do was stand by until they arrived with the keys to my vehicle. It seemed like 10-15 minutes and many people and cars went by before I saw Eddie and Marco come out of the casino doors into the ramp. They strolled casually to my vehicle while calling out my name and motioning for me to walk towards them. I did so and when we met, Marco embraced me, ran his hands down the back of my shorts and started making out with me in the ramp. Some elderly couples saw our display and gasped in astonishment. Cries of "sick fags" and "dirty degenerates" were lodged against us. Eddie said that we had better get out of the ramp before security showed up, so we got into my vehicle. Eddie got in the front driver's seat while Marco and I got into the back. Eddie took off while Marco worked on removing my shorts but leaving my panties in place. Marco gave me a leisurely blowjob while Eddie drove to my house. Sensing my confusion, Eddie said he got my address from my wallet and punched it into his phone for directions. When we got to my house, Eddie pulled into my garage and shut off the ignition to my vehicle. We had to walk 50 feet from the garage to the door of my house. I was only wearing the frilly gold thong with my cock hanging out the side. I don't think I was spotted by any of my neighbors, but I wasn't actively looking around. Eddie took his time unlocking my house and insisted that as guests, he and Marco should be allowed to enter first. They slowly walked in and then Marco turned around and tore the panty off of me leaving me naked outside my door.Neither he nor Eddie moved for close to a minute while I stood exposed. If any of the neighbors did see this, it was surely getting weirder. Marco finally stepped aside to let me into my house. They asked where my bedroom was and I started walking towards it. Eddie stopped me in front of the big living room window and began making out with me grabbing my ass and cock while shoving his tongue down my throat. He did this for another five minutes before releasing me. I was so horny that I wished he would have fucked me right there and then, but he said we needed to be back to the campsite pretty soon. I went into my bedroom and got my first good look at myself in a mirror. The dried cum, blood, and assjuice mixture was all over. I looked like I had either gotten into a fight or gotten seriously fucked. Marco asked where my personal supplies were for lube, enemas, and whatever else I liked to use. I pointed to a drawer in my dresser and he opened it and rifled through its contents. He found a dildo and lube and proceeded to work it into my ass. He informed me that I would need to clean out for the day, but he wanted to work in as much poz come into me as could before that happened. I was getting extremely hard as he was doing this, but Marco would not let me stroke my cock. The thought that I had taken so many toxic loads with the prospect of many more served to get me even more aroused. When Marco was satisfied that I had absorbed as much of their poison cum as I could, he gave me two enemas and told me to go in the bathroom and clean out really well. I did as I was instructed as I heard Marco and Eddie going through all of my possessions, talking to each other in low voices, and occasional laughter. Eddie came into the bathroom and saw me with an enema nozzle in my ass. This was my third such cleanout. Eddie asked if much cum had been washed out and I informed that I didn't see much if any cum in what I had expelled. Eddie smiled and remarked that was excellent news. Eddie took me to the bathtub and told me to lay down in it. After that, he took out his dick and started pissing on me. Marco came in and did the same. They both hosed me down from head to toe before concentrating on my mouth. Marco told me to swallow and I ingested as much of their salty piss as I could. After they finished, Eddie told me I had 5 minutes to take a cold shower to clean up my body. I did so getting no real sense of refreshment from the cold water pummeling my body. When I was done, Eddie gave me a towel to dry off and a blue, pink, and white-striped thong panty to put on. Marco had a couple of plastic shopping bags filled with things they were taking from my house, but I could not see what was inside of them. We walked towards the door to leave. Marco said he and Eddie would go out the garage and I should lock up. He and Eddie went out toward the garage. I locked the knob from the inside and pulled the door shut. As I was standing outside wearing only the thong panty, Marco said I should lock the deadbolt as well and threw the house key into the lawn 15 feet past me. Eddie commanded me to walk, don't run to retrieve the key. The neighbors in the house in back of me were outside doing lawn work, but I could not tell if they had spotted me. When I got to the key, Marco ordered me to bend over from the waist to pick it up. I did as instructed, and when I turned around to walk back to the door, I saw my elderly neighbor across the street staring at me. Eddie told me I had better unlock the knob again and start over while standing outside. I finished locking and re-locking everything for what seemed like an eternity and headed toward the garage. Now the wife of the elderly neighbor across the street was staring at me as well as her husband. As I got to the garage door, Marco called out to my backyard neighbor to have a nice day. I hustled into the garage. Eddie opened the door to the backseat and I climbed in. Eddie handed me a towel and told me to put it under my ass. Then he gave me a dildo and some lube and told me to start fucking myself. Eddie and Marco removed their shirts, Eddie removed his shorts leaving him in bikini underwear, and then they climbed in my vehicle. Eddie got into the back with me and Marco in the driver's seat. Marco fired up my vehicle, opened the garage door and backed out. I had stopped bouncing up and down on the dildo when we hit daylight. Eddie told Marco to stop and we sat in the driveway. Eddie said that if I did not keep fucking myself with the dildo, he would open the door and shove me out of the vehicle. Marco laughed at this and was revving the engine as we remained in the driveway. He fumbled around pretending not to be able to find the garage door remote. He then hit the horn a couple of times. Eddie moved over to French kiss me and muttered that I had better keep fucking myself. We finally pulled out of the driveway and I caught sight of my next door neighbor in the corner of my eye while Eddie continued kissing me. Marco drove slowly down the street as we made our getaway. Eddie worked to free my cock and began to stroke it. He told me to stop him before I came. I was continuing to fuck myself as Marco drove at about 2/3 normal speed to both prolong our trip and increase the chance of encountering other vehicles which we in fact did. A number of vehicles passed us, Marco sitting shirtless in the front seat with the window down, Eddie and I nearly naked in the back with lightly tinted windows. A few vehicles honked when they passed us. I wasn't sure if it was because Marco was driving so slow or if it was because they saw the lewd display I was putting on in the back seat. I was leaking a fierce amount of precum which Eddie smeared on my face. Marco finally made it back to the casino parking lot. He skipped the turnoff to head for the campground in the back and instead went to the last driveway. He went through the parking lot slowly and Eddie instructed me not to let up on the dildo. I think we went mostly unobserved going through the parking lot save for a few confused women. When we got to the campground entrance, Eddie told me to let up on the dildo but to keep it buried inside of me. Marco drove us to the back of the campground. Parked across from Al and Jimmie's travel trailer was a pickup truck with a popup camper. Eddie told me to resume bobbing on the dildo. As we approached it, Marco shouted out to the two men standing outside of it. The men came up to my vehicle as Marco lowered the windows to the back seat. Eddie told them it was good to see them again. He pointed at me and said, "This is Jay, the pig I was telling you about. He's looking to have a life-altering experience with us. As you can see, there are certain interests he has that you might find especially useful." Trey, the shorter black man of the couple reached in and ran his hand over my striped panty and my still-hard cock. "Nice to meet you, piggy. We're going to have some fun with you."
    2 points
  19. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/1-hole-2-cocks-and-3-pa-s-2-breeding-loads-21163262
    2 points
  20. Part 52 Randy and I were both startled by this gasp and rolled over to look towards the kitchen doorway. There stood my straight friend, with his mouth agape and staring at us wide-eyed in shock. I could tell he was having trouble wrapping his mind around what he was looking at. His mouth kept opening and closing, trying to figure out what to say and not being able to put into words what he wanted to say. Here I was under Randy with his huge cock still deep inside my ass, on my back with both legs wrapped around him. What a sight it must have been to my straight friend who had no idea what I had been up to. Randy took his time pulling his cock out of me and rolling off of me. He was in no way embarrassed it seemed. As he got off of me, my legs were still widespread and I could feel some cum slipping out of my hole and running down across my balls. It must have been quite a huge shock to see from a guy who knew nothing about this kind of thing. I am sure he didn't even realize, yet, that he had already taken a hot load earlier. He was going to be in for another shock real soon. My friend finally dropped into a chair with his mouth still trying to make coherent sounds. His eyes were bugged out and I could tell he was completely shocked and surprised by what he had just seen. Randy and I were having trouble trying not to laugh at the looks going across his face. He just sat there with his mouth opening and shutting and his face getting redder by the minute and his eyes bugged out and rapidly blinking. It was quite a sight to see and I couldn't help but wonder what he was going to look like after I told him he had already taken a load in his own ass just like I had? I also wondered about when he found out those loads were very high viral loads of hiv cum? This was going to be, I was quite sure, both comical and tragic. What would my friend do when he found out what had happened? Not much he could do except to rush his ass to the hospital to get PEP to hope it stopped his infection, that is if he could even think straight after he found out. I decided I had better get at least some shorts on and get him calmed down. I got up and grabbed my shorts and went to the kitchen to start some coffee. When I came back my friend was calmed down a little and was sitting with his head in his hands. I told him he should come to the kitchen table so we could have a cup of coffee and talk. He got up and walked like a zombie to the kitchen and collapsed in a chair. In a few minutes, the coffee was ready and I got us each a cup and then Randy walked in so I got him one also. My friend was looking at us both like he saw aliens or something. He still was not comprehending what he had seen. I then told him to get ready for a triple shock. He looked up then and his face was definitely a study in questioning. I started to tell him and stopped a few times before I could put into sensible words what I wanted to say. First off I told him the reason I had not been around as much lately is that I had become entangled in man to man sex, mainly out of curiosity to start with and then it had become almost an obsession. I told him about my new neighbor and owner of the property and the one who had first done me. I then went on to tell him about several others I had had sex with including Randy who I finally introduced him to, also explaining that Randy was also an exotic male dancer. After all this, my friend's eyes were kind of bugging out again. I told him about him getting way too drunk to drive home and that he had somehow staggered outside in my backyard where he had dropped his shorts and took a piss. I told him I had tried to get him back into the apartment, but that he had been too out of it to make it and too heavy for me to carry so I had left him out there hoping he would sober up a little bit and then I could get him inside. I then told him that while I was inside waiting on him, he had apparently got up from the ground, dropped his shorts, maybe to take another piss of something, and had passed out bent over the picnic table out there with his shorts still at his ankles. He still had not said a word yet. I then told him that I came back outside in a bit to check on him and, this part was kind of hard to tell him, found Randy with his big cock rammed up his ass. His eyes got even wider at that. I told him I had told Randy he was married and was straight and not into man to man and he shouldn't have done that. Rand broke in to say he was so sorry about that, but that with him bent over like he was and his pants down he had thought he was just one of the usual guys that were around here. I went on to say that by the time I got there, Randy had already just cum up his ass. Since it was too late to stop, we had just come inside ourselves and since Randy was a fantastic stud, we had done it ourselves also and that was when he walked in on us just as we finished up. My friend finally was able to speak a bit and told us that must be why his ass was sore and seemed to be damp. Randy and I just nodded. My friend then asked what the third thing was since I had said it would be a triple shock. I definitely had trouble putting into words this next part to him. I finally got it out though as I told him that Randy had HIV and was not taking any meds, so his viral level was quite high and the load he had shot up my friends ass was probably a huge load since he always came a lot. My friend almost passed out then. I then decided to shut up and let him digest what had happened and to wait to see what he would do.
    2 points
  21. I totally get off on public and quasi-public sex, preferably in a gay cruisy area. My favorite places over the years: Seattle area: Volunteer Park, University of Washington campus, Ravenna Park, Northgate Mall restrooms, I-5 rest stop near Everett Southern California: Griffith Park, Elysian Park, Vaseline Alley at West Hollywood Park, Balboa Park in San Diego, Blacks Beach in La Jolla, 1-5 rest stop near Camp Pendleton San Francisco/Bay Area: Buena Vista Park, Queen Wilhelmina tulip fields area at Golden Gate Park, Land's End, Baker Beach, Castro Theater parking lot, Dolores Park, Twin Peaks, Marin Headlands London: Russell Square
    2 points
  22. Has anyone ever sucked off a family memb? My first time was when my daughter had just given birth to her second son. I was babysitting my grandson while her man was visiting them in the hospital. He came home. Grandson was asleep. We watched a Knick game, had a few beers. I fell asleep on couch. I woke up a little later. He is watching porn. His BBC is out and he’s stroking it. I just stare at it. He catches me staring. Asks me if I like sucking cock. I said that as a matter of fact, I enjoy it! He said come over here and work this dick! I’ve been sucking him two or three times a week for the last 6 years. He wants to fuck me. Should I let him?
    1 point
  23. Not quite my last load, but a really hot true experience. I was visiting Palm Springs and planning to go to the Cumunion party Saturday night and posted an ad on BBRT looking to get preloaded. I was emailing back and forth with a guy and thought we were about to hookup, unfortunately he turned out to be a total flake, when I got a response from another guy whose profile was. So I responded back that I thought I was about to hookup, and asked if he liked sloppy seconds, he responded by saying it was cool and asked if it was I was okay with a quicky in his carport. He responded back with a location and said hurry. I jumped in the car found the location and the hot guy waiting for me on the street just outside of his carport. We went just a few feet away from the street between his house and car, and his neighbors window just a few feet away on the other side of his car. We immediately kissed and I grabbed his dick through his lose shorts. He pulled his shorts were pulled down enough to expose his cock and balls and bent over and started sucking on him. I lowered my shorts enough to expose my ass, and he started fingering my anxious fuck hole. In less than a minute he spun me around and stuck his tongue up my ass to get me wet. He quickly replaced his tongue with his dick and briefly gently fucked me to be sure I was ready, he then sped up and started pounding me and quickly started grunting and filled me with his cum. When he pulled out I turned around and gave him a kiss before going down and licking him clean. I stood back up kissed him again and said that I needed to visit Palm Springs more often, he agreed and asked me to hit him up the next time. I was fucked, bred in a semi public setting and on my way to an orgy within 15 minutes of arriving at this guys house, which I found really hot. I did go on to Cumunion and let the tops that were fucking me know they were getting sloppy seconds. Just before I left the Cumunion orgy I took a load from a really hot guy I had just pumped my last load into. All in all a really hot night.
    1 point
  24. I went to Club Dallas on Friday night. Got a room, and was laying there stroking my cock and watching guys. This hot, sexy latino guy walks in and starts to suck me. After a few minutes, he sat on my face and I ate his ass while he sucked me. Then he lowered himself on my raw cock, riding me for a good 30 minutes before I shot deep inside him. Afterwards, he asked if I had cum inside him, I said yes (thinking I told you I was cumming) and he said that was his first ever raw load. Got his number !!!!
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  25. Part 1 I never found that perfect guy that night. I realised, a long time after, that he probably didn't exist. But I was young back then, that night when I agreed to meet him in a sauna. We 'had' to meet there as I lived with my parents and his flatmates didn't allow that sort of thing. I'd only just turned 18, but we'd spent so long talking online before then – months and months, at least. And he was the hottest guy I'd ever seen. He was a few years older than me, and had been a twink in school, but a few years of working in a physical job had given him compact muscles, his face was sharp and angular, and he had a great warming smile. He was perfect, and I'd made myself cum thinking of my skinny frame against his muscles many times. Usually on webcam, while he'd watch, but I'd never get to see him. So when I went down into the changing rooms of the sauna, I was just as excited as I was nervous. I'd always imagined saunas to be places filled with gross old perverts, but when I told my friend as much, he said he wouldn't let them near me, and that he'd take my virginity in front of all of them and make them jealous. Just the thought of it made me hard. The guys in the changing room weren't as gross as I thought they'd be, and in fact, some of them were actually quite muscular. I guessed they must use the gym upstairs before coming down. I was definitely the youngest person there by at least 10 years though, and I imagined they were all still perverts. I thought he'd be here by the time I got there, but one quick look around confirmed that he wasn't. I felt uncomfortable stripping in such an open space, and I wanted to see him first. I sent him a text asking where he was and sat on a bench away from the lockers, trying to ignore the stares I got from the occasional passerby. After a few minutes, my phone buzzed with a message from him "Traffic is hell – will be there as soon as I can. Try the hot tub or something ;-)." I felt a little chill as I didn't want to go into the place on my own, but I was worried that if I hung about in the changing room any longer, security might throw me out. A second text came through a few minutes later, asking "Did you take that pill I sent you? I'm so hard for you right now." A picture of his dick, his perfect dick, was attached to the text. His cock was eight inches long, blooming head, and he big heavy looking balls. He'd pulled down his jogging bottoms and taken a picture while at the wheel of his car. I knew I was going to struggle with it, which was why he had sent me a little blue pill, saying it would help keep me hard. He also sent a bottle of poppers for my use. Thanks to the picture, the excitement (at least temporarily) won out over my fears. I went to my locker, stripped, and, pretending to cough, slipped the pill into my mouth. Then, feeling a bit daring, (and perhaps because there was nobody in the changing room for the briefest of moments), I stripped down completely, turned-on my cell phone camera, held my semi-hard cock in one hand, and snapped a photograph of my cock. Just then the door opened, which quickly killed my nerve. I wrapped myself in the towel I'd been given, which wasn't nearly as big as I would have liked, and checked out the picture before I sent it to him. I thought I looked pretty good. My dick certainly wasn't as big as his, but it was still a decent six inches. My skinny, pale frame might have been a bit gangly, but he said he liked it like that, and he had also sais he loved my curly dark brown hair and 'pouty lips', to use his description. As I was pretty sure he'd like the photo, I texted it to him with the caption "Took it. Waiting for you." Gathering my nerves, I stood by my locker a few minutes more, and I noticed the guys who passed through the locker room in the next few minutes seemed more comfortable that I was wearing a towel, as opposed to when I was in my street clothing, but for the most part I was mostly left alone. I also noticed that while my towel went barely half-way down my thighs, other guys had longer towels, but I wasn't willing to make a fuss with the door guy, as somehow he seemed to annoyed about something. A few minutes later, another text came through saying "Fucking hot! I can't wait to have that. I'm gonna be awhile – take the poppers and go find somewhere to relax." A smarter, less horny kid than I might have worked out what was going on at that point, but I was too naïve. I felt scared, but the thought of him 'having that' was enough to push me forward. I took the poppers from my jeans pocket and, since I couldn't take it any further into the sauna, put my phone in my shoe, I locked my stuff away, put the banded key around my wrist, and, in a not-so-confident stride, passed-through the the door that led into the sauna.
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  26. The public humiliation is fine with me. That his neighbors see him in a compromising situation is okay with me. They ought (not need)) to know what kind of pig he is, in case any of them want to avail themselves of his "assets." I love the degradation of him taking loads or wearing nothing but a thong in public. This is who people like him (and me) are, and should not be hidden, rather, embraced! With luck, perhaps one or more of those observers will fuck, or be fucked, by him, and further the gift he is receiving. Before the cure is found, we need to spread the gift as far as possible before it is exterminated!
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  27. Looking for all you nasty no limits perv guys that want to perv right now. Im into everything no limits total perv and taboo the nastier and more perv the better. hit me up on wickr nastytaboopig or Telegram Pervypig
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  28. I love public play! I started out cruising parks a few times a week, cut to 15+ years later, I have gotten fucked in the entry way of my apt building that leads to the back yard from the street, rooftop of an apt building during the day, in my car, other's car, Macy's fitting room, bathhouse, sex club, adult bookstore, the bathroom at work, next to the car in a parking garage, parking lot of a gym, university bathroom, and on the side of the road. Places that i want to get fucked, but have not had the chance are alley, public stairwell, a train, and a store front.
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  29. Tops often fuck the cum out of me and fuck me to anal and prostate orgasm, but I don’t think a Top has ever succeeded in jacking me off whilst fucking me, even if I happened to manage to be hard. First of all, I find that such efforts by Tops who are in the middle of a fuck are almost always an afterthought and half-hearted (and why wouldn’t they be? Why should any Top give a damn whether I cum or not?), and secondly, it would take a pretty concentrated effort to get me off via my cock anyway. I can do it relatively quickly, but it’s going to take someone else a while, and they can forget about giving me head - it does absolutely nothing to me. I certainly don’t jerk myself while I’m being fucked - my duty is to pay close attention to the Top’s reactions and needs, and use my body to meet them, whatever that takes.
    1 point
  30. Yesterday i met With an a FWB from a few years ago. He is a sexy black Haitian guy about my age 35 with a thick 7.5-8. I started Sucking him at his job after hours like 8 years ago or so and would meet him pretty much weekly. He occasionally likes to be more dom slapping my face, choking me and he was the first guy to piss in my mouth. Well he moved away 4 years ago or so and we only get to meet when he comes back for work from time to time. He hit me up two days ago saying he is in town and hasn’t cum in a week so we agree to meet at his place. He tells me he is in a very dom mood and wants to piss on me but we have to meet in his garage. I am all in. So i show up at his place and he leads me to his garage where he set up a chair for him to sit and a cushion for me to kneel on. He orders me to get right on it. I drop And start sucking him. I instantly remember why i like sucking him so much. He slaps my face a few times and calls me names while i service his perfect cock and lick his balls. He says “you like that thug cock faggot?” And i say “Yes sir” he immediately slaps me and says “call me by my name bitch. Stop calling me sir”. Then he tells me to stand up and take off my gym shorts, which i did, revealing my jockstrap. He approves and tells me to turn around and tease my hole with his cock. We have spoken about him fucking me raw in the past, and there were times things got so hot he stuck it in bare but he he is very nervous about it and has always stopped immediately. After a while he makes me suck him some more Before telling me to stand again. This time as i back hole up to his cock i spit on my fingers and wet my hole. I lower myself to his cock and it slides in. He didn’t stop me so i didnt Stop until i felt His pubes against my ass. He was moaning and i started Working his cock with my hole. His breathing started to change and he started to push me off his cock. I resisted and lowered back down with all my weight. He was breathing heavy and finally managed to push me off. He stood up forced me to my knees and shot a huge load on my face and in my mouth. He easily filled my mouth with his load and i swallowed three times to get it all down. He is leaving the end of the month so hopefully we chill a few more times before he leaves.
    1 point
  31. I hope it is OK to post a *possible* conclusion to an unfinished story... it has been a few years since the author last posted. This is how I imagine things going... Part X The skinhead led me back to the corridor where all the side rooms were, and managed to find an empty one. We went in and he closed the door. "I think if you had stayed there much longer you would have ended up being gang banged in a sling!" he laughed. "Which might be hot, but not for your first time." "Thanks for saving me", I said, although I was secretly a bit disappointed. My cock was so hard and I felt so horny that I really just wanted to get off. "No problem" he said, straddling the bench in the middle of the room, and pulling me down to sit facing him. "You managed to hang on the the poppers?" he laughed, taking them from my hand, and pulling off my towel, releasing my now achingly hard cock. I hadn't even realised that I still had them, everything was becoming a blur. He removed his own towel, letting his cock flop out on the bench between his legs. It was only semi-hard, but still huge. Suddenly all I wanted to do was suck it back to hardness. I leaned forward, licking my lips. "You like my cock, don't you?" he asked, quietly, gently guiding my head down to his crotch. "Mmm hmm" I mumbled, taking it in my mouth. As I did I heard him spit in his hand and he reached down my back, to my now naked ass and rubbed the spit on my hole. I focused on taking his cock as deep in my throat as I could, before it became totally hard again. He continued applying spit to my hole, gently massaging and probing me with his fingers. After a while he stopped and told me to turn around, with my back to him. "I don't want to cum too soon" he said, "and I think you deserve to get rimmed after you rimmed that guy in the sling. See how it feels." Reluctantly I let his cock fall from my mouth and turned around. He pushed me forward so I was laying down on my front, and then he handed me the poppers. "Try sniffing these", he said, "it will make it feel even better." Then before I could even open the poppers he grabbed my hips, pulling my cheeks apart and licked my hole. It felt so amazing I almost dropped the poppers! He licked some more, and gradually pushed his tongue in to my hole. He was being so kind and gentle, and his mouth was so warm and the feeling was so amazing, that I felt totally relaxed and safe even as he began to insert one then two fingers inside my ass, gently twisting them around. I was so naive and enjoying the moment that I didn't realise he was preparing to fuck me. "Sniff the poppers now" he said, so I removed the cap and took a quick sniff. The smell was a bit gross. "Again, more" he said "you get used to the smell." I sniffed more and I felt my body flushing and I could feel my ass relax around his fingers. "That's better he said, " pushing in a third finger, "I don't think your friend is coming, do you?" "No" I said quietly. I was so off my head that I had forgotten all about Mr Perfect. I realised the bastard had stood me up. The skinhead removed his fingers from my ass and told me to turn over on my back. As I lay back down he grabbed lifted my legs and rested them on his shoulders. He leaned forward and kissed me, and as he did I felt his thick cock sliding in my ass crack, rubbing over my hole and trying to find its way inside. "You still want to save yourself for him?" he asked, spitting on his cock and rubbing it over my hole which was already relaxed enough for the tip to go inside. "Or you want to go home?" This was supposed to be the day I would get fucked by the perfect guy, and he had bailed. I was horny before I got to the sauna and everything that had happened since was making it worse. My cock was so hard it ached. Fuck it, I decided, I took another big sniff of poppers and told him "No, I want you to fuck me." "That's my boy" he said, pushing his cock harder in to my ass just as the poppers hit me "It may hurt a bit at first, but soon you will love it." As he said that he pushed so hard that the head of his cock forced its way in to my virgin hole. The pain was intense, like being split in two! "Fuck!" I yelled. "Just relax" he said, holding still for a moment before pushing in some more. "Use the poppers." Evan as he pushed futher inside I felt the pain gradually ease, Eventually he was all the way in and I could feel his pelvis press against my ass. He leaned forward and kissed me again, holding his cock inside me as I adjusted to the strange sensation of being full, in pain and more turned on than I have ever been. Part XI Just at that moment, the door opened and someone came in. "There you are!" Skinhead broke off the kiss and we both looked up to see the black guy from the changing room earlier. "Mind if I watch?" he said, locking the door and dropping his towel to reveal a huge cock. "Sure" said the skinhead, although he didn't look too pleased. He began moving his cock in my ass, slowly back and forwards. "Why don't you suck his dick?" he said to me. The black guy came closer and offered me his cock. It was so thick I wasn't sure I could open my mouth wide enough, but I stuck out my tongue and sucked the head as best I could. "Good boy" said the black guy, gently pushing my head with his hand so he could work his cock deeper in to my mouth. I could also see him run his other hand down the skinheads back to his ass, where he seemed to be urging the skinhead to fuck me deeper. At this point I wasn't thinking I was just feeling. The skinhead's cock was making my ass feel amazing, it felt like I could feel the cock ring rubbing over my prostate. I sucked on the cock in my mouth as best I could, but was still only able to take a few inches. Suddenly the black guy withdrew his cock from my mouth and went over to where dropped his towel and picked up a small bottle. "I brought some lube in case our young virgin needed it, but I guess not. Seems a shame to waste it, though." He squeezed some on his fingers and walked back over to the bench. To my surprise, instead of somehow applying it to my ass or the skinheads cock, he began rubbing it in to the skinheads hole. "Oh shit that burns!" said the skinhead, freezing. "Yeah, it's special lube" said the black guy "I heard it was your favourite. Loosens you right up. Maybe we can get you in the sling later? That's how you got your tattoo, isn't it?" He said, pushing three lubed fingers into skinhead's hole. "You always manage to fuck the fresh virgins before anyone else, so I think it's only fair if I fuck you while you fuck him" he said, lubing up his cock and shoving it in to skinheads ass in one powerful thrust. Part XII to follow if people want it.
    1 point
  32. Part 5 I laid there on all fours with my hole leaking his seed uncontrollably. It was so much and my ass just kept pulsing it out instictively. Feeling his poz cum slowly dribble down my ballsack on onto my wifes favorite sheets kept me in bliss for awhile. Seeing that widening stain of cum though got my inner cumslut back in control. If I was going to waste all of his potent hot charged seed I was going to need a refill soon but I also wanted to make sure I gave his babymakers a chance to impregnate me. I moved to my wifes side table and rummaged through all the dusty junk and there it still was, Gigantor. It really was not a massive dildo, just girthy. When I gifted it to my wife to try and see if she had any interest in sex at all I figured Gigantor would be the thing to peak her libido. Alas it did nothing and it has sat in that drawer untouched. I knew it's girth would be perfect to stretch my ring to the limit and hopefully tear a little. I know there are other ways to irritate that area but figured at least it would be hotter jerking Gigantor into my tight hole and have his poz seed as lube. I laid there working my hole with the tip and finally worked to press it into my hole. It took all my strength to push down with my hole and push up but Gigantor was slowly stretching me open. Finally I had it to the hilt and I knew from the pain I was enduring that I was definitely bleeding some. Then I got to work stroking that magnificient piece of silicone in and out as hard as I could muster. It was heaven and soon my hole was making nasty slurking slupping sounds as Gigantor whipped up all of my gifters load. Speaking of he sounded out from the other room wondering if there was a plumbing issue. I moaned, "No it's working just fine". Finally with my energy waning I pulled the monster dildo out of my ass and smiled when I saw some red streaks, I let it plop right next to the cum stain. Gonna have to run these sheets to the dry cleaners was my next hought, followed by, my top friend better have another load to add. Part 6 later
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  33. I make a point to not cum until after the top, or not at all. But in the rare occasion I do, I'll still feel my high for a while after. I try to get the top to cum before that goes away. If I'm still unsuccessful, I remember it's not about me, so I'll finish the top, no matter what.
    1 point
  34. Spent some time in a bookstore on other side of the state today. Lots of new meat to choose from. I think I sucked about 5 cocks over the lunch hour rush, every one of them feeding me a big load after some aggressive gumming on my part. I was worked up after all the sucking, so I found a hairy faced guy who said I could fuck him raw if I was 'clean'. I told him no worries, and slid my poz cock in balls deep and gave him a nice hard fucking for about 5 minutes before unloading. When I pulled out, I got to see a bit of my cum trickle out on his hairy crack...always sexy. I hope to get back tomorrow and share more of my load with this side of the state.
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  35. I love the idea that anyone you meet on the street, at work, or wherever could have possibly been inside you and had the pleasure of cumming in you. So hot!
    1 point
  36. I have 2 Twitter accounts (1for p'horny sex & 1 for domination & sluts). https://twitter.com/Notaboomensex😍 you will find the links on my profile with my blogs, Facebook & groups. Tumblr was switched for bdslrm, Blogger & a few others😉 you can also use Gab if not liking Twitter, it is very similar. Free places enough to share dicks & seed😋
    1 point
  37. In sexparties I fuck with many guys. It often happens I cum during being fucked. Of course I don’t want to interrupt or end the fuck. And then I need more, so I continue the fuck. Last time I was fucked by almost eight guy and I cummed three times. All my cumshots happened before the top ended.
    1 point
  38. Hey guys. Willl definitely write some more, this one actually happened and I ended up netting up with this guy a couple more times when I was back in the area. Have more hotel stories to tell also. Had to open new account. Forgot old password and email acct deleted.
    1 point
  39. If you do not let him fuck you, you will never know what you are missing. I sucked off my dad and older brother for years. After the first year of sucking dad off, he started fucking my ass. A couple of the things he liked the most about fucking my ass was (1) unlike my mother, I never told him no,; (2) unlike mom, I did not care that he was drunk, horny and wanted sex sometimes 1, 2, or 3 in the morning; and (3) he could fuck me as hard or aggressively without complaint from me. You may find out your son-in-law enjoys fucking you more you than your daughter. I know my father did. My brother on the orther hand only used my mouth and ass as a cum-dump fuck-hole when "real" pussy was unavailable or would not put out. However, sex with an in-law is not incest and not as much of a taboo.
    1 point
  40. I always lick a top's cock clean, not just for the top, but I love to taste any residual cum and my own assjuices!
    1 point
  41. Part Seven: Leaking Onto My Seat *********************************************** I began to come down from my orgasm, again my brain focusing on the wetness inside my ass and the thick, rigid cock stretching it open. I could feel Tom beginning to soften, and slowly he began to withdraw, the metal of his ring tracing a line of cum I obviously could not see as it popped through my inner ring and began to slide against the soft innards of my lower rectum. It arrived at my outer ring, and he paused as he spoke. "Squeeze down tight, it will keep any cum still on my bar from coming out." Squeeze down... right. As if my ass had any control of its muscles anymore. It had be savagely busted open by these two men and used for their pleasure, and after destroying any ability of my muscles to tighten themselves, he now wanted me to try to close itself as he withdrew. Nevertheless, I tried to oblige him. He popped out and I felt the cool air rush up inside me; clearly my ass could no longer close itself. "Yeah boy, that's a gaping hole there. Mmmm, nice and cummy, with just a hit of red to know the job is done." My own uncut cock had been released by Gary's mouth, and as I felt him begin to pull himself out from under me from under my ass I felt myself experience a strange disappointment, that the night was now over. And yet, not quite. Gary pulled himself forward enough that he was able to sit up, his legs partially entwined with mine, and I felt the warmth of his breath move toward my hole. His tongue began to gently lick what must have been a small trail of cum leaking from my gaping ring. He slowly moved upward, collecting the dribble and bringing it to the doorway it had escaped through, and gently pushed it back in. He hadn't spoken since Tom had entered the fray, and I heard that first, original voice again. "There we go, no cum left behind." He and Tom both chuckled. "A little tearing but not much. You took us both so well boy. Don't think anyone has ever handled both our cocks so well. Did you enjoy it?" Hah! Was it not evident by the fact that I had never said "stop" or such? Were the two generous loads I had expelled not a sign? My still exposed ass all but begging for more didn't make it obvious? Of course I had, and I responded as such. "Fuck yeah. Still can't believe I did that. I mean, taking poz loads was always a fantasy, but how fast it just happened. I've always managed to avoid it somehow." Gary continued to maneuver himself down around my ass, and I felt his still rigid and wet head come to rest against my hole. "You avoided nothing tonight boy. You've taken quite a bit of toxic cum, with more than just our gift of AIDS. Many bugs now reside inside you. And you've been ripped open a bit. There's no question of avoidance this time. You belong to us now." And with that, he pushed his head into me, the dull pain of my outer ring being stretched open so far was far less that it was just a short time ago when he had ripped me open as never before. This time, though he was still large enough to always remind me of his size, he was able to bust in with minimal resistance. And he didn't stop after his head broke through, sinking all the way into me, lodging just inside my inner ring as it also expanded sorely and then clamped down to hold that head deep inside me. I knew he had one goal, to push any cum that had escaped my deepest insides during Tom's withdrawal back where it belonged. He pulled back out of my inner ring and shoved back in again, deep short strokes beginning to build in force and frequency. He was clearly bringing himself to a third orgasm. It took only moments and I felt his head again become impossibly solid as he shoved forward once more and the warmth I had experienced deep inside me from his first two loads, and that I realized had been missing when Tom exploded, returned as several splashes of his virally toxic semen joined what had to be quite the pond of deadly seed deep inside me. I could almost feel a sloshing inside me. "Oh yeaaah. That's it boy. So much cum in my balls." He collapsed forward on my back and my weak arms and legs gave out from under me; we landed on the bed, both face down, his sweaty, matted fur pressed against my back, his cock still inside, the last bits of his seed dribbling out his slit as he twitched a few more times. Tom laid down up at the head of the bed, his softened cock coming to rest on his left thigh. It was still streaked with the tiniest hints of cum, and--much more obviously--red blotches of blood. My blood. I hadn't bled just a bit, clearly I had been torn open quite badly. I felt my eyes grow heavy momentarily, and I closed them for just a moment. Or so I thought. In reality, it turned out I dozed off for about an hour. I awoke to find us in the same positions, Gary atop and inside me, Tom to the left of me. My ass was incredibly sore, and Gary had softened a bit while I had laid there, but feeling my stirring, he flinched inside me, and I felt his head begin to expand as the blood flowed in. Softened, it had slipped itself back into my lower chute, but wedged inside me his expanding head and shaft again begin to work into my deepest reaches, and I felt him again enter my second sphincter. Surely he wasn't about to fuck me for a fourth time?!?! He was not. Instead, I experienced another previously unexplored sensation. I suddenly felt a deep heat inside me, and it began to expand upward toward my stomach. Suddenly I began to feel my middle colon filling up and I realized his bladder was doing just the opposite. He was pissing deep into my ass, washing his and Tom's cum deep into my bowels. A part of me they hadn't been able to reach with their cocks was now to be fouled with their deadly poison, propelled forward by a wave of positive urine. Clearly he had well hydrated himself because the expanding colon walls of my intestines were becoming hot and painfully distended by the forced expansion from his discharge. Finally it seemed to stop moving, and I knew he had emptied himself. I heard--and felt--him sigh, his frail, wasted body still on my back. "Oh fuck boy, I needed to let that go. I piss like a racehorse too so you are quite well drenched inside. Just hold still as I slide out, we don't want you to lose any." He slowly pulled back and as his head popped back into my lower anal cavity, i felt a little splash of his scalding hot piss follow into an undrenched area. His cock tugged at my outer hole slightly as his shaft, which had dried a bit during my nap, extracted itself and the bulbous head it supported down to my final opening. He pulled out, my outer hole expelling him more easily than before as he had softened again considerably, and I felt the cold rubber of an ample butt plug thrust between my cheeks and through the entrance he had just vacated. It stung a bit as the unlubed plug broke through and created a seal. Everything was locked inside. Gary slid off the foot of the bed into a standing position, and Tom also rolled off and stood up. Our night was over. I somehow summoned the strength to pull myself off the bed and forced my wobbling knees to hold me upright. We all managed to make it down the stairs somehow without awkwardly tumbling down, and with the flick of a switch, Tom illuminated the room slightly with a single lamp. There behind the couch was the pile of my clothes, exactly where I had left them. Wait, where was me jock? Shit, I still had it on as I looked down at my now-soft uncut penis, exposed by the fabric where Gary had pulled it aside to free me. I pulled the fabric outward, allowing my dick to return inside. Gary and Tom stood there, watching, as I awkwardly bent over to pick my clothes up, the butt plug in my ass making this anything but a simple task. It was compounded by the fact that in bending over, my inner ring must have stretched in a way that I felt a small torrent of cum-laden piss spill into my lower rectum and splash down to my plug-sealed ass. It was unable to go further. Both noticed the momentary look of panic on my face as I felt the piss break through, thinking it would blast its way out of me onto the floor. Gary chuckled as Tom stepped forward. "Yeah, it will eventually work it's way down, filling you up down there. You'll feel like you need to press down and take a shit. Best to resist that urge." I somehow managed to work my legs into my track pants and pull them up, but in doing so I could feel my movements releasing more piss, and it was beginning to seep down around the butt plug, lubricating it; I knew eventually the dry seal holding it in would give way. I pulled on my tshirt, threw my jacket on, and stepped into my sneakers, leaving them untied. I dare not bend over for fear of losing the contents of my ass. Tom walked with me to the door, still naked, opening it to a blast of cold night air. I stepped out into the darkness, grabbing my keys and hitting the unlock button on the small remote. "Thanks for coming." Tom gently closed the door, and just as unceremoniously as that, I stood outside the house. My ass was full of lethal seed, already doing its work, my bowels distended by an incredibly large amount of piss. I stepped up into my Jeep. I sat down, the plug pushing up into me as I felt the first signs of wetness between my cheeks. I knew it would only grow, and as I began to drive away, the uneven terrain of the driveway bounced me around, releasing more piss from deep inside into my rectum, where the increasing pressure forced more drops and dribbles past the plug and into my track pants. I had almost reached the highway, when I felt one more torent increase the pressure to a point I knew was unmanageable. I slammed the car into park, threw open the door, and hopped out next to my Jeep. I thrust my pants down, grabbed the frame, and squatted back as I felt the but plug painfully erupt from my ass, firing itself into the darkness of the brush alongside the road. It was followed by a foreful spray of hot piss, splashes of which came back against my legs and sneakers and the track pants piled around my ankles. I felt my ass contact again, pushing down hard as if trying to take a shit, and another loud, forceful spray shot out. A few more pushes, a bit more piss, and finally it stopped. Shit. My ass was drenched and I had nothing to wipe it dry with. I winced as I pulled up my pants, feeling a disgusting wetness. I climbed back in my car, and resumed my drive home. And yet, despite all that I had expelled, I felt a few remnants of piss continue to escape, drenching my pants; I drove the remaining hour home that way, the mixture of cum and piss passing through the nylon fabric and leaking onto my seat.
    1 point
  42. Part XII As my ass was being pounded over and over, my mind was still completely befuddled. What the hell am I doing? Then it was like omg I want this to never end. Back and forth, what a conflict, but the wanting was far greater and the feeling of pleasure of that beauty of a cock ravishing my hole and rubbing my prostate was too much to ignore. My bud was getting faster now and harder. It felt like he was trying to drive me through the table we were on, but the pleasure never stopped. In and out went his cock driving us both crazy with pleasure. Then I could actually feel his cock seem to expand more and more and I knew he was getting close to filling my hole with his POZ cum, again, and I wanted every drop of it. Then with one more mighty thrust as deep and hard as he could, I felt his cock start to throb and knew he was cumming in me and my own cock started to spew my cum between us at the same time. He ground into me and then it was done. He rolled off of me and then scooped up the cum on our stomachs from my orgasm and licked it off of his fingers and then leaned over me and kissed me, feeding my own cum into my mouth, with a deep kiss. As we both started to recover, I noticed that a couple of more guys, I had never seen before, had entered the tent and were standing next to the table. They were both naked as well and my eyes almost bugged out of my head as I noticed they both had hardons that looked like they might have extra legs. They looked like twin cocks and had to each be around a foot long and bigger around than my wrist. My buddy then told me that this was the surprise he had told me about when I got there. They had just come in last night and he had told them about me and they both wanted to try me out. I just stared, thinking there was no way anything that big could possibly get in me. As my bud got up, one of the new guys climbed on the table in his place and lifting my legs up he crawled between them and and started to rub his huge cock around my hole. I was scared out of my mind and could only think that there was no way that could possibly go in my little hole. Then he started to push and to my surprise I could feel it edging its way in, slowly but surely and then with a pop, the head was in me and then he started to sink further and further into me. My head just rocked back and forth as I moaned out, no, no, stop, it is way too big, but he didn't stop and kept pushing deeper into me. It seemed like forever when I realized his stomach was against me and his whole mammoth cock had to buried all the way in me. I couldn't believe it. With only a few seconds of waiting he then pulled back and slammed it into me hard. I almost screamed with the pain of that thrust and could actually feel the lips of my ass split some. I knew he had torn me up with that thrust and tried to stop but couldn't move as he started to pile drive my ass faster and faster and harder and harder. My pain became pleasure again and I found myself pushing my ass back at him on every instroke. My head rolled from side to side as I could only moan in pleasure. I barely registered my original buddy leaning down to tell me, have fun, these two probably have the highest viral levels of poz cum of any of us here, so you are being very well bred. For the next two hours, these two new guys, took turns, pounding my hole. First one for a while and then the other one would climb on. Finally, the first one to go, told me he was ready and I could feel every single throb of his monster cock as he came for what seemed like forever in me. Then the other monster cock was back in me and after another 10 minutes he told me he was ready and again the throbs and huge amount of cum were deposited in me and this time I felt my own cock erupt again and as he had basically tipped me almost upside down by then, my cock was pointed right at my face and I opened my mouth and my cum filled my mouth full as I gulped it down my throat.
    1 point
  43. Part IX I drive home in complete panic mode and totally confused by what had happened to me. My ass is still leaking loads of cum and I know my pants are getting soaked through. For some reason, though, I love the feeling. My ass is completely torn up and leaking poz cum like crazy and all I can do is shiver in the knowledge of how good it felt. This is completely crazy to me though and I can't figure it out or make a coherent thought other than ripples of pleasure every time I hit a bump in the road. Lucky for me, this is my wife's girls night out time, so she is already gone and won't be home till late. I pull into the drive and get out of my car and almost back up into the house so no neighbors will see the huge wet spot now forming on the rear of my pants. I can't get in the door fast enough to suit me. Then I basically ran to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes and sat on the toilet to let more cum flow out of me. Damn, it feels like gallons. I then jump in the shower to clean up. As I soap my ass, though, I find my hole is still so open, my fingers slide in easily and I almost cum from the feeling of my own fingers going into me. By the time I am done washing my cock is harder than hell and I find myself beating it as fast and hard as I can. In just a few minutes of this, plus my thinking of what had happened, my cock nearly exploded a bucket of cum all over the shower walls. I clean up some more and get out to towel off and get ready for bed. I know it will be another night of restlessness and little sleep though as I try to figure out what I was doing.
    1 point
  44. Part VIII I awake with a start and look at my watch and find find I have actually only been asleep a few minutes and only been at the park for maybe two hours. My head is on my first fuckers shoulder and as I start to get fully awake I find that his hard cock is against my ass crack. As I turn my head to look over my shoulder he is looking back at me and his cock slides down lower and is entering my wide open sloppy, cum filled hole again. I can't move away and can only move my ass back at him allowing his cock in deep. In just a few seconds he is pounding my ass mercilessly again. I can only moan my pleasure. He whispers in my ear that he is ready to fill me again and I feel his cock expand and throb. He is filling me full again of his poz cum and my own cock erupts at the same time. I am now fully awake and in full on panic mode, trying to figure out what the hell I am doing. Two days in a row, getting my formerly straight, virgin ass filled with HIV+ cum and I can't seem to stop myself. I jump off the table wide eyed at what I have done. Cum runs out of my ass and down my legs as I grab for my clothes. I then collapse on the bench in total turmoil. I reach down between my legs and lift them and feel the cum loads flowing out of my ruined ass with my fingers. I look and can see it is a lot and has even got some red streaks in it that has to be my own blood and I cannot figure out what to do. The guy has already gotten up and left the tent, leaving me alone. I get dressed and head out of the tent. The many guys there are in full on party mode it seems and drinking and several are fucking on blankets on the ground while others are watching and cheering them on. Looks very festive, but I just head to my car and start for home to try and figure out what I have become and what to do.
    1 point
  45. I am really pumped as I am about to take a Trans Atlantic cruise. My last cruise was over-the-top great. We traveled from Los Angeles to Miami, via the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal cruise was my reward to myself as I was very tired as I had just finished up a long, long three-year project so I took two weeks off for the cruise. I even paid the higher price to cruise alone. I was looking forward to good food and wine, time alone, reading and generally forgetting the 70- to 80-hour weeks of the last three years. By the second night out, things changed. During the afternoon of the first full day, I was working out in the on board gym when I spotted a tall, 40-something guy, with a dark tan and salt-and-pepper hair, who was lifting weights. Like me, he was dressed in loose-fitting workout clothes, but as he was bench-pressing, I looked over in time to see a rather impressive mushroom head appear from under his shorts. I am bi, and it had been along time since a man, but I immediately had to suppress a woody. I finished the workout and headed for the sauna (for which I had paid extra). Once in the steam room, I lay back and just rested. Shortly after I had settled in, the door opened and the guy from the weight bench walked into the sauna. We nodded, and then were quiet for along time. After a time, he shifted his towel and out popped the biggest cock I have ever seen. Thick. Huge head. Long. Grinning, he remarked "I caught you looking in the gym." I smiled and reached out to touch the giant cock. Immediately it sprang to life. Now, obviously I didn't have a tape measure, but I gauged his cock came in easily at nine inches in length. We chatted as I gently stroked him, watching the door for any intrusion. He was married, on the cruise with his wife, who was more interested in shopping on board, and hanging by the pool than being with him. I finally blurted out, "We can go to my cabin. I am cruising alone." So we left for my cabin. Once inside, we quickly undressed. He was stunning naked: great muscle tone, tight ass, and, of course, his huge cock. We lay on the bed and started to fondle each other. He began to kiss my body and worked his way to my cock. He teased, licked and finally engulfed my six inches all the way and began sucking with passion. "Stop Stop. I am about cum," I said. He paused, remarking "I have plenty of time, so unless you're in a rush, we should have enough time for you to cum twice." With that he engulfed me again. I shot. Wow. He took every drop and swallowed. Then he came up for air and it was my turn. I kissed him all over and worked my way to his massive cock, slowly licking the length and watching surge into life. I gently licked each ball and then worked my way up his shaft, finally reaching that enticing mushroom head. Licking and teasing it, I took it into my mouth and slowly worked on his cock as it slid into my throat, but try as I might, only about half of this monster would fit. I was sideways to him sucking his cock, and his hands began to roam over my back, stopping at my ass. Somewhere in my servicing his cock, he must have wet a finger because he started playing with my ass, rubbing his finger around my anus, before gently easing it in. I sucked even harder, and moaned at the wonderful sensations in my ass. "I want to fuck you," he quietly said. Understand, I was in sheer terror of his cock fucking me, but I nodded yes. I did not come prepared for fucking, but I did have some body lotion. I lay flat on my stomach on a pillow, he lubed my ass and his cock, and he positioned himself at the entrance to my hole. He was hard as steel, and he teased my with that giant mushroom head. I moaned in excitement, finally backing my ass onto his cock. At least I tried. There as extreme pressure but no entry. He then began to gently move the head around in circles and then with a firm push, the head popped into my ass. My breath was taken away. I could not even scream. It hurt like hell. We stayed like that for a bit and then he slowly started to push. Inch-by-inch. Finally, I felt his pubes on my ass. "I can take it," I said in a muted tone. "Yes, you can," he whispered, as he slowly and deliberately alternately entered and withdrew from my hole, eventually sliding in to the hilt. Slowly and deliberately. Within a few minutes of his magic I began to feel a twitch in my ass. I was loving it. The pace built. He pulled back to the head and then shoved all the way. My prostate had been stimulated but never like this. Each time the head of his cock pressed on my prostate, it was unbelievable. I felt like I would pee. He was driving me to feel something I have never felt. He grabbed my hips and increased pace. In and out. Deep. Deep. I was moaning. Suddenly, without touching my cock, I groaned and shot. It was a deep orgasm, such as I had never before felt. Just then he exclaimed "Shit, I cumming," as he buried his cock deep in my hole. I could feel it twitching, twitch after twitch, until finally he lay on top me, giving a deep sign of satisfaction. Afterwards we both showered and went to the deck to have a beer, where we crossed paths with his wife. Giving her a quick kiss, he turned back to me and made the introductions. His wife smiled and commented "Hello, it's nice to meet you. Let's get to know each other better over the next few days." Knowing her husband's semen was churning in my ass I smiled. Later that night, after the wife went to bed, her husband and I fucked again, and that's not all: for the next 13 days, which is to say daily on the balance of the cruise, her husband and I fucked. We parted after the cruise and kept in touch via email but have not seen each other. Last week, however, I received a message from him, and when we chatted we were able to coordinate our vacation plans, so all three of us, the man, his wife and I will be on the same ship. I cannot wait for 17 days of food, wine, sun and fucking. What could possibly be better?
    1 point
  46. Part 2 Troy didn't know that his fate was sealed the moment he signed the contract. If that last session had him questioning his sexuality, but the cash had him rethinking his actions. With Tommy's cock still lodged in his hole after the 6th load I let Troy know he made $750 that night. I knew the next video session was going to leave him completely defeated. This time Troy arrived early hoping to talk to me about what he did last week. He asked me if he could go back to the solo sessions. I let him know that he was such a success last week there have been requests pouring in for more. Besides, it's in his contract to follow the direction given to him by the owner (a.k.a. me). I figured that if he just followed direction, relaxed and just let what ever happens happen, he could make a lot of money. Troy then asked me how much could he make if he listens to me. I hinted that he could easily make close to 6 figures (and I wasn't lying). He seemed to agree as Tommy arrived to join him for that nights session. As they were getting ready I asked Troy if he'd like to get more serious with Tina, that he could really be put into a zone with Tina there's no way he wouldn't enjoy himself. I told him to just follow Tommy's lead and I bet he could double what he made last week. Before they began I offered both of them a drink. Troy was unaware that the drinks were laced with GHB (Troy's drink had a lot more than Tommy's drink). To help put Troy at ease I made sure to have Tommy pay some attention to his dick (before the Tina affected his ability to get hard). Sure enough Troy was sitting back blowing clouds while Tommy sucked his cock. Every so often Tommy would brush a finger across Troys hole. This teasing action had Troy spreading his legs. He could remember the pleasure he received from his hole so it didn't surprise him when Tommy slipped his finger inside. What Troy was oblivious to was the Tina laced lube Tommy was applying along with the occasional shard. Troy was getting lost in the sensations as the G and T began to take control. As the G dulled Troy's senses he hit the pipe more thinking it would help him focus. As Troy was lost in the sensations of the action between he and Tommy, he never noticed that a new person entered the room. The were being joined by Mike who brought with him the one thing that would take Troy to the depth of becoming a gay porn star. Mike had with him all that was needed to slam Troy into the stratosphere. With the G hitting Troy hard he never noticed Mike place a tourniquet on his arm and slip the very large slam into a nice his vein. By the time Troy realized Mike was in the rooom he was in a major coughing fit. Troy's cock shriveled up to about an inch soft. He had a little trouble focusing his eyes as he heard a slight ringing in his ears. All he now knew was that he needed his ass filled with anything. Tommy and Mike carried Troy over to another room that was better equipped for what was in store for Troy. All of a sudden there were a variety of guys all ready to take their turn to fuck the (no longer) straight jock. This turned into a full on porn production. Their were several cameras that could get just about any shot. They also made sure to keep Troy nice and high while they shot the raw footage. Troy took multiple loads from each guy that was in the room including the guys I had working the camera. Mike and Tommy made sure to give him his first DP and they also worked his hole with dildos. They even made sure that Troy got a nice blood slam to help insure he'd get the bug. I knew from this point on I would own his ass. I knew guys that would pay top dollar to breed a straight jock boy.
    1 point
  47. This ALWAYS turns me on. "Let me just finger you...feel my tongue. Doesn't that feel good?" "Think how good my dick would feel. Let just put my head in, you'll like how it feels. I won't go all the way in." Then you feel his balls hitting your ass cheeks. "Man! You should have a rubber on!" "Oh man, I don't have one...this feels so good, I can't stop. Your ass is so tight, so hot. It just feels too good squeezing my dick." It feels so damn good. That raw, hard cock up your ass. Fucking sliding in and out of you. You know you can't stop, you want that dick fucking you...RAW. "Okay man, just pull-out before you cum." "Yeah man, I promise I won't cum in you." Then for a moment you're disappointed that you won't get his cum. But, before you know it, he's full-on fucking you. Full strokes deep in your ass, pulling out, back in. He's fucking pounding your ass and you're LOVING IT! So is he. "Oh Fuck man. Your cunt feels so good. I'm gonna cum...oh fuck yeah, I'm gonna shoot my load." "Pull-out man! You can't cum in me!" "Oh fucking no way...I'm going to seed your cunt. I never planned on pulling out. Fucking going cum up your ass - make you my bitch!" At that moment I start cumming...shooting my load, squeezing my hole and he starts cumming. "OH FUCK YEAH! Take my sperm, fucking suck it down into your ass. You knew all along you wanted it!" My insides are now wet, warm, and slick. I'm in heaven. His slick cock working up a foam till its a bit soft. He pulls it out and brings it up to my mouth for a good cleaning. I'm fucking drunk on cum. ----------------------------------------------- The idea of a Booty Bump does really turn me on. Would like to try it just once. Damn I need a good fucking right now!
    1 point
  48. Sent you a message... we may still have a position to fill!!
    1 point
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