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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2020 in all areas

  1. As Mike sat in the back of the car blind folded, his cock hard and leaking precum into his boxer briefs. He reflected back to where his desire for another mans cock all started. Remembering at the age of 14 with his best friend on a camping trip, showing each other their cocks. His buddy kneeling in front of him and taking him into his mouth and giving him his first blow job. Being so turned on that he wanted to know what it felt like to give one too. Returning the favor he took his best buds cock into his mouth and got his first taste of cock and the musky taste of his first precum. His first time getting fucked (total disaster). To meeting Bill, who would teach him how to take cock and only bare cock. After training his hole for cock, giving him his first load of cum. Mike was completely hooked after feeling Bills load inside of him. It was also Bill that encouraged him to start letting other men fuck him, telling mike that he was made for taking cock, and he should share his ass with other men. But to always remember. Bare only and no wasted loads. This of course led to taking anon loads over the years. All the different hotel rooms, bed rooms, parks, and book stores. Mike never contracted anything. He knew that he would eventually be pozzed with all the anon loads he took, but he always had the desire deep down that when it happened, he wanted to know when, where, and who it happened with. He knew that once he opened his hole to a cock he was giving himself over to the top and to his desires and needs. So when it came to when he was going to be converted, he wanted to have that little bit of control. The area that Mike lived in was very conservative. Plenty of guys liked to fuck and suck. But anyone that was poz was also on meds. So if he wanted a viral load he would have to travel for it. Such was life he thought laughing. One night her was on BZ reading the “Your last load” posts and stroking a little when he jumped into the Bug Chasing section. Even Knowing there wouldn’t be any grifters in his area, he looked anyway. He was looking through the posts when one in particular caught his eye. “Insemination Service Available”. Intrigued, he clicked on it.
    17 points
  2. Part 14 - The Opposite Direction Mark stirred feeling the warmth of the sun moving across his body, opening his eyes he turned and saw a peacefully sleeping Luca beside him. His dreams and love had become a reality he always hoped from the first day he clapped eyes on Luca in their dorm. It was being here in Tuscany with no interruptions from what was his world in Manchester and how full on and manic living in a city was, the pace of life here so energising in way he had never known before. A content happy look on his face staring up at the ceiling the days were simply floating by and already in to Mark's second week. Luca woke and quietly watched the happy look on Mark's face "Can you stay longer?" he asked quietly. Mark turned his head to face Luca "What here?" he asked sounding a little surprised. "Yes" Luca said stroking Mark's body "This guy Oliver arrives in a few days, my parents invited him". "Oh" Mark said pinching Luca lightly "and who is Oliver?". Luca rolled on to his stomach "A guy off the ship who fancies me" he said. Mark kissed Luca's back "Well he can't have you" he said running his tongue along his back "you are mine". "Good" Luca sighed his back tingling "please stay on" he now almost pleaded with Mark. "Okay" Mark replied shifting his body until he laid on top of Luca "I could live here I love it so much". Luca raised his head and turning it slightly about to speak only to be met by Mark's lips rubbing against his until they parted and kissed. The longer they kissed the harder Mark ground his hips against Luca's ass, he could feel the excitement and arousal between Mark's legs rubbing against his ass. He knew what was coming and bit down hard on the pillow under him feeling his cock working towards his hole. Mark kissed the back of Luca's neck and pushed down gently feeling the resistance and tightness of Luca's ass, his precum moistening the lips allowing the head of his cock to prise open his lover. He could feel Luca tense up and moan in to the pillow before relaxing, taking his time slowly easing his cock inside. Luca wriggled his hand finding Mark's thigh he stroked it lightly and running his fingers along the buttocks, getting excited every time he felt the muscles tighten and push down a little more. The long slow journey being explored between them until Luca raised his head feeling the pubic hair against his hole. He felt no pain just a lust and desire to be one with Mark, locked together in a deep sexual plateau. Mark rested on top of Luca kissing him delicately on the mouth their eyes locked on to each other in a display of true love and affection. His hips slowly and reassuringly moving in deep caressing strokes, he was in no rush and wanted Luca to enjoy every moment. The eyes looking back at him so seductively and full of desire like they were sealing their love once and for all. Their hot bodies riding against each other, the pants and sensual moans softened in the still morning air. Without even needing to speed up or hit home harder Mark naturally pushed his hips up against Luca's ass. Luca kissed him quickly, their lips touching he let out a moan and kissed Luca deep releasing the love from his balls into Luca's body in quick pulsing successions. Luca half closed his eyes moaning quietly and feeling the orgasm from Mark's cock. Their kiss lasting longer than ever and Mark wrapped his arms under Luca's body holding him. Luca rolled Mark over on to his side and grabbing Mark's hand and guiding it to his cock. Mark ground his semi hard cock in Luca's ass and gently rubbed Luca's cock several times before he orgasmed shooting a hefty load that mostly landed on Luca's chest and shoulders. "You made a bit of mess Luca" Mark said kissing his neck. Luca continued stroking Mark's leg "I don't care" he replied "that was amazing" he chuckled. "Does this Oliver make love to you like this?" Mark asked out of nowhere surprising Luca. Luca slapped Mark's leg "We have never slept together, he is pretty hot though" he said jokingly. "Maybe we should show him a good time in Tuscany then" Mark suggested and Luca stopped stroking his leg. "You mean have an open type relationship?" Luca asked turning his head to Mark. Mark smiled "Not completely, just on occasion we have a third or fourth" he said seeing Luca nodding. "Never apart only together?" Luca asked and Mark nodded "I like that idea". Eventually disentangling themselves they showered and went down for breakfast acting a little sheepishly not to arouse any suspicion from Luca's parents. Luca and Mark went to the orchard to pick fresh apricots giggling and exchanging looks. Sarah watched from the terrace and turned to Gio "They seem happy" she said walking back to the table. Gio looked up at her "It is crazy that they lived together so long and afraid to show their emotions". "I thought that Oliver was a good match for Luca" Sarah said sitting down and pouring a coffee. Gio chuckled "I know but Luca's heart is with Marco" he stopped himself "I mean Mark". Sarah laughed "That is the first time you have ever called him Marco, you look on him as family already?". "Yes, he has been in our lives for some time" Gio replied looking at his phone. "Nonni?" Sarah asked seeing a surprised look on Gio's face. He nodded "Yes, they want to come to dinner Saturday" Gio said "Luca and Marco as well". Sarah poured him a coffee "They like Mark a lot, somehow I don't think they would have approved of Oliver". "Who wouldn't approve of Oliver?" Luca asked approaching and hearing the last part of the conversation. Gio looked up "Nonni" he said beckoning the boys to sit "they are coming to dinner Friday". "Marzi" Sarah called out "you both are expected as well" she told Luca and Mark. Gio held the coffee pot "Cafe Marco?" he asked without even realising he called him Marco. Mark simply answered without making a fuss "Si per favore". Sarah and Luca both watched on at Mark who seemed to naturally slip in to Italian if he knew the words, he even didn't seem to notice Luca's father calling him Marco. The rest of the week was spent walking around the countryside and sitting by the pool, Luca teaching Mark Italian phrases. Luca also begun calling him Marco then usually ended up kissing him, they would walk hand in hand together through the orchard picking apricots that were in abundance. They talked at length about Mark's exploits at college and students they both knew that he had bedded, Luca would look on shocked when he named guys who acted very straight on the outside never suspecting any of them. When Mark began rearranging his flight Gio suggested he stay on until they all went back to the UK. They could clearly see the bond of love between their son and Mark, making it very apparent they approved now he spent every night in Luca's room. Marzi had even moved Mark's belongings to Luca's room after bringing the subject up much to Luca's embarrassment at breakfast. Saturday came around and the boys walked in to the village to pick up some supplies for dinner that evening, armed with Marzi's shopping list they collected everything on the list they sat at one of the cafe's in the village square for coffee. Mark smiled at Luca and took his sunglasses off watching the parade of villagers coming up to say hello to Luca. Many of whom kissed him talking loudly and excited seeing him again, many of them introduced to Mark as a friend. They simple way he introduced Mark fooled noone and they could clearly see there was more than just a friendship here. "What are you smiling at?" Luca asked putting his cup down. "You" Mark replied "they seem to love you very much in the village" he said. Luca sat back chuckling "They have seen me grow up year after year every summer". Mark studied him for a moment "Why do you not live here?" he asked suddenly surprising Luca with his question. "Maybe one day when the time is right" Luca replied "come on we better get back" he said standing up. The table was laid exquisitely for dinner when Luca and Mark appeared just before the grandparents arrived. The time went by so quickly with Mark trying to keep up with a lot of the conversation but floundered quickly unable to make sense of what was going on, he caught the words graduation and his grandparents waving their arms around at the expansive scenery. By the time his grandparents stood to leave they spoke to Luca and kissed him several times before saying good by to everyone else. Sarah took hold to Mark and sat him down at the table pouring themselves a glass of wine. "Hectic" Sarah said handing Mark his glass "I can hardly keep up when they talk so quickly". "Thanks" Mark replied "I gave up after 10 minutes" he laughed "It seemed to get intense at one point". Sarah nodded "Yes, they were going on about the winery and wanting Gio and Luca to take it over". "Oh" Mark said "I wonder if that is what Luca meant earlier" he rambled on to a confused looking Sarah. After explaining Sarah looked seriously at Mark "They want Luca to start learning and moving here soon". Mark looked over towards Luca "Somehow I don't think that is what you want for him though" he said. Sarah chuckled "No, I thought Luca would be a corporate world person" she said "but family first". Mark looked at her "Won't leave much room for me then" he said with a sadness on his face. "What do you mean?" Sarah put her glass down "is it serious with you both?" she asked. Mark shrugged his shoulders "I hope so" he said quietly "but making it work if he moves here...". "If your serious Mark you make it work" Sarah said topping his glass up "you might like living here". Mark smiled "Yeah it would certainly be different just the two of us" he said sitting back in his chair. Sarah laughed "You will become part of the family, trust me you won't be alone" she said "there is a BBQ tomorrow at nonni's house we are going to". It was something Mark never thought about, Luca being faced with a life changing decision that also had ramifications on them both. When Luca and Gio joined them at the table Luca was clearly conflicted about the offer from his grandparents. The offer was to good for Luca to turn down and he spoke to Mark about it in more depth, the last thing he wanted now was to loose Mark. Luca looked at Mark lovingly "I guess the question I need to know is if you would move here?". Mark sat there in silence before he spoke "I want to be with you Luca". "But..." Luca prompted knowing there was more to his answer and waited. "What will I do here, I don't know enough Italian to work or study?" Mark replied looking concerned. Luca smiled "My grandparents expect you to be here and run it with us" he said watching Mark. "We are off for a walk leave you boys to talk it through" Gio said standing up and walking off with Sarah. Mark looked back at Luc "Do you though?" he asked "it is a big step asking me to live here with you?". Luca leaned over and kissed Mark "Of course I do, you are who I have always wanted Marco". Mark smiled "Good, then I will" he replied "my family won't be happy me giving up university". Luca nodded "Finish your course and come over during the breaks it is only one more year" he suggested. "Okay, if I miss you I am going to jack it all in" Mark replied "Did you hear from this Oliver?" he asked. Luca chuckled "Yes, he still thinks he can win me over" he said "but I don't love him". Returning to their room and a little light headed from all the wine they collapsed naked on the bed. Luca kissed Mark softly on his lips, neck and chest then rolled Mark over on to his stomach. Mark giggled as Luca kissed across his shoulders and raised his head 'Slowly I am not use to being bottom' he quietly said moaning from the soft nips Luca made working down Mark's back. He could feel the sexual urge in Luca's body biting his ass cheeks and slipping his tongue between the cheeks, Mark let out a soft long moan enjoying the sensation of Luca's tongue. Luca drew his tongue along the lower back moving up towards Mark's neck and moving his body until he laid on top poised. He inched his cock up to the hole feeling the tightness and resistance, Mark wriggled underneath and moaned in to the pillow feeling his hole prising open slowly by the relentless force held in Luca's cock pushing down and deeper. Luca gasped and moaned suddenly feeling the resistance give way allowing his cock to penetrate deeper. Mark winced from the sharp pain and raised his head, Luca slipped his arm around Mark's neck kissing his cheek until he found the moist soft lips of his mouth. Their bodies joined together Luca slowly began moving his hips with gentle motion his breathing was heavy trying to control his body from climaxing too quickly. They kissed again allowing their eyes to lock on to each other 'I love you Luca' Mark softly said, Luca kissed him tenderly 'I love you Mark, always have done' he replied. Their hands entwining holding each other, Luca heard the soft pleasurable moans from Mark. Luca saw Mark in a completely different light, the dominating top was playing a submissive lover and he liked seeing this tender side of him. His hips picking up speed and the strokes remained so gentle, Mark felt every stroke that caressed the inside of his ass giving him incredible pleasure. Locked together for nearly an hour, their bodies sweating from the humidity of the Tuscan night. The occasional warm breeze wafting through the open windows Luca moaned and held his hips still, his cock deep in Mark he began to feel the orgasm flowing from his balls to his cock. He tightened his hands around Mark's, panting and breathing heavily his orgasm seemed to take his breath away. Mark pushed his ass up taking Luca's cock deeper feeling his lover reaching climax, the pulsing from Luca's cock reverberating inside his ass causing him to moan and wriggle rubbing his own cock against the sheet underneath him. Luca kissed his neck and slowly pulled his cock out collapsing in his back, Mark rolled on to his back and grabbed Luca's hand guiding it to his cock. Luca stroked it gently then leaned over slipping his mouth sensually around the head. Mark grabbed Luca's head and pushed him down deeper until he felt his orgasm rising. Removing his hand from Luca's head his mouth remained around the shaft and continued working until his hips began to buck. He looked down 'Luca' he said throwing his head back releasing his load in to Luca's mouth. Mark couldn't help giggling noticing Luca moving towards his mouth knowing he was going to get a very cummy kiss and Luca didn't disappoint. His lips and tongue salty and laden with his cum, wrapping his arms around Luca and rolling him on to his back he now resumed control of being on top where Mark liked to be. Their passion and love exhibiting itself through their continuous kissing until they both eventually fell asleep just after 4am. Awake Mark laid in bed and sent a long text to his parents explaining things as best he could, it resulted in a phone call and very heated exchange. Relenting that he would finish his course no matter what, Luca said he would come back to the UK during term time at weekends to see him. Striking a balance his parents eventually agreed when they found out it would mean cheap holidays to Italy during the year. Oliver was due to arrive the following day on Sunday, but today the four of them headed off in the afternoon to Luca's grandparents for a BBQ. When Gio told him it was a family gathering mostly to meet Mark he almost freaked out, especially when he saw the number of adults and kids around the pool terrace. Introduced to everyone as Mark the entire family insisted on calling him Marco. Luca's grandparents clearly happy that he had agreed to move here with Luca, the rest of the family all sat down listening to Mark explain how Luca and he had met and secretly hid their feelings all the time they shared a dorm room. Luca took Mark and introduced him to his uncle Nico, he was striking and a younger version of Gio. At 32 Nico was tall dark and handsome and well loved by all his younger cousins, his build was much like Tony's and his arms covered in tattoo sleeves. Apart from the tattoos Nico was perfectly groomed and Mark found himself a little mesmerised and daunted by this striking man. After kissing his parents Nico purposefully strode over to where Luca and Mark stood, his gaze fixed on Mark as he approached. Luca hugged his uncle kissing him on both cheeks briefly exchanging words in Italian that was way to quick for Mark to even grasp. "This is Mark" Luca said introducing him "Mark this is my uncle Nico". Nico studied him for a moment "You are the one Luca speaks so fondly of" he said moving closer. Mark's mouth went dry all of a sudden "Am I?" he replied suddenly thinking how dumb he sounded. Nico chuckled and gave Mark a quick hug "Very nice" he said to Luca "welcome to the family Mark". "Thanks" Mark replied trying to compose himself watching Luca giggle and twitching in his groin. Luca pulled Mark to his side "My uncle won't have sex with me he says it is weird" he said to Mark chuckling. Mark stood with an open mouth "Luca you are way to young" Nico replied laughing "one day after I have him". "I think we have freaked Marco out a little" Luca said putting his finger under Mark's chin. "Marco?" Nico asked then chuckled "oh Gio has already Italianised him". He found it amusing and confusing how the conversation switched so quickly "Have who?" he asked. Nico smiled "Keep up with the conversation Marco" Nico said winking at Mark. Luca laughed "I want to watch if you do" he replied. Mark's attention was drawn to another car pulling up and a blond tall guy stepped out. The muscular build evident immediately from his stature but the blond hair of the tall figure was quite out of place amongst all the Italians here. Straight away Johan was engulfed by all the cousins shouting greetings running over to him, Luca's grandparents kissed him affectionately and escorted the children away. Nico looked over smiled and waved "Marco this is my husband Johan" he said introducing them. "Your husband?" Mark asked astonished then turning to Luca "you never told me you had a gay uncle". Luca laughed and hugged Johan hard then let him go "So you are Marco that nonni has spoken about" he said. Johan gave Mark a hug "They didn't do you justice when describing you" he said laughing. "Hey" Nico said kissing his husband "enough of that, did your parents get off okay?" he asked. "Yes" Johan replied the returning his gaze to Mark "Marco the man who stole my nephews heart?" he winked at Luca. Luca rolled his eyes and Mark chuckled "Your accent is it German?" Mark asked. "No, near though" Johan replied "I am Austrian, Westendorf to be exact". "He is my uncles toy boy" Luca added "well 2 years younger but still a plaything" he said. Johan stepped forward "Here we go again" Nico said as Luca bolted in to the garden followed by Johan. "Is that normal?" Mark asked as Nico put his arm around his shoulder. Nico chuckled "Every time Luca likes winding Johan up" he replied "let's get a drink" Nico suggested. Mark took a sip of wine "Where do you and Johan live?" he asked putting his glass down. "About 20 minutes from Luca's" Nico replied "I hope we will see more of you both now his parents have left". Mark smiled "You know then?" he asked watching Nico nod "I hope I don't disappoint anyone" he nervously said. Nico chuckled "Only if you break up with Luca will you disappoint anyone but more so Luca". Mark looked curiously at him "What do you mean?" he asked picking up his glass of wine. "Luca fell in love with you 3 weeks after you moved in to his dorm room at Uni" Nico replied. Mark smiled "Really" he replied "The first day I saw him he captured my heart, so stunning and nice". Johan returned taking his shirt off "Come on Marco" he said grabbing him "you got to play water polo". The BBQ was in full swing with Mark in the pool with the numerous cousins playing water polo with Johan. Behind him the whole of Luca's family were discreetly giving approval of Mark to Sarah and Gio seeing how he fitted in so effortlessly with the kids, they seemed to like him as much as Johan. Apart from being exhaustive and fun Mark and Luca had such a good time it was way after midnight when they finally all left with Gio and Sarah.
    12 points
  3. In the age of iPhones and apps, I had completely off cruising in rest areas. I did it throughout my 20s, but then it was replaced with online options and later apps. So when I stopped at a rest area yesterday for a quick pee, I was surprised to find guys cruising in the restroom. Surprised and EXHILARATED. It’s a rest area fairly close to my home, so I have never stopped there before. But I was running errands and, with most places shut down for the pandemic, I didn’t want to rely on chance because I needed to take a whiz fast. The rest area is along 495 outside Boston, so it sees a lot of activity, even with the reduced traffic due to the shutdown. I ran in quickly, the musty smell of a public restroom sheathed in concrete with too little ventilation quickly reminded me of being 20 and discovering this [banned word] cruising ground. There were two older guys hanging out at the urinals. I didn’t think much of it at first, but once I was in position I left the sexual tension in the air, and caught a sidelong glance at my cock from the guy on my right. I took a furtive glance at one, then the other, and saw both were semi hard. A thrill ran through me and I realized I had wandered into a cruising spot. It’s been a month since I’ve had any action, and I got hard right away. My next step may sound odd at first. I finished peeing, zipped out, and darted out of the restroom. I imagine the guys were disappointed I wasn’t a new playmate — or at least not an obvious one, yet. I opened the trunk of my car and pulled out my emergency overnight bag (I keep one in case I decide to crash at a friend’s house after drinking too much). It only took a moment to pull out the small bottles of poppers and lube stowed there. If I was going to get cruised, I was going to be ready for action! I walked back into the restroom, unzipped, and caught the startled guys quickly separating from one another at the urinals. I didn’t waste time stepping up the urinal and starting to stroke. The chubbier of the two silver daddies didn’t waste time either, immediately reaching over to grab my cock. I moaned softly — it’s been a month! He was actually a bit aggressive, but I didn’t care — I can work with aggressive. The other guy was more tentative, slowly stroking to my right as he watched us start. The guy to my left had stepped closer, working both our cocks. I knelt down and started blowing him. He clamped a hand on the back of my head and started pumping. I was totally caught up in the scene, blowing this guy at the toilets, the musty smell of his balls mixed with the stagnant restroom air, and the risk we were out in the open. “Come with me,” he said, pulling my shoulder. I stood up and we walked back to the last stall, which happened to be handicapped. I dropped trowe, both of us standing together stroking. I look around the larger stall, disappointed by the metal dividers. I remembered my 20-year-old self discovering the allure of gloryholes roughly cut in the old fiber dividers, and sucking anonymous cocks that peeked through looking for satisfaction. That little bit of nostalgia was helping feed my excitement now, and I reached out to take the chubby daddy’s hand and guided it to my ass. He didn’t waste a second. He aggressively handled my ass, separating the cheeks to find my hole and roughly finger it. His eyes got a bit wild as he looked at me and confirmed what was being offered. I pulled out poppers and took the first hit with one hand while pressing the bottle of lube into his hand with the other. He popped the top open and began lubing my hole. The intoxicating rush of poppers washed over me as I stepped one leg out of my jeans, finding a more relaxed position to have him begin working my ass. I was generous with the lube on his cock, making sure it was totally slick. He stepped behind me and I bent forward, taking a second hit of poppers. He pushed against my hole. It was an aggressive push. He wasn’t graceful, but was a man on a mission. I’m sure I winced and gasped at first, but he didn’t give me a chance to do anything about it. His cock just forced my hole open and he roughly grabbed my hips. He just banged away at my ass, thrust after thrust after thrust. It was easy to find his rhythm, and I matched it by pushing back onto his cock when he thrust forward. There was some quiet smacking of skin on skin while he raw fucked me. Otherwise we were quiet, knowing anyone could walk into the restroom and interrupt us. We both knew time was short, and he wasn’t going to waste this chance. I was caught up in the thrill of a sleazy rest area fuck, buzzed on poppers with a stranger’s cock pounding me. He started to get more intense, and I knew what was coming. He grunted quietly, the rhythmic pounding now becoming long, deep, deliberate thrusts — he held each thrust inside me a moment before delivering another one as he pushed his load further up and in. He never asked or said a word; he just used my hole as his dumping ground. After how aggressive he’d been, I was surprised he decided to linger in my hole a few moments after breeding me. He seemed to be relishing the warm, tight space he’d just violated. Then I felt his cock slide out of me, and I started to stand up. ”You’re not done yet” I felt a hand push me back into the bent over position. The other daddy was still there — I had kind of forgotten about him. He lined his cock up with my hole and entered more slowly than the first guy had. I gasped a bit and quickly fumbled for my poppers and a strong hit. This cock was much thicker and penetrated deeper. “I’m already close,” he whispered. I couldn’t hold in the grunts as this guy fucked me. He had more style than the first, appreciating how good his own cock felt inside a tight ass. In the moment, I didn’t care we were in a public space. “Oh my fuck!” I said, feeling that hot cock use me. He seemed to be panting, and it wasn’t long before he unleashed his load, cum spraying inside me. “Oh fuck. Breed me~” He added his load, pushing it in deep and making sure he got everything from me that he wanted before pulling out. He tapped my ass, zipped up his lubed cock, and walked out of the stall. The first guy was also gone. I pulled my jeans back on, washed my hands, and headed out. In my head I was still reeling from the hot experience. Bred by two anon daddy’s in the rest area. Yes, I’m going back today.
    8 points
  4. ******This is fictional, and in no way is an actual offer. This is for story purposes ONLY!****** "Insemination Service Available" "Looking to be converted? I offer a service that can help you achieve this goal, my service is designed and guaranteed to give you the status you are looking for. My service is not for everyone, I do not do hook-ups, give bug chasers a thrill, or work with individuals that are looking for my special essence for personal vendettas. Everyone has their own road to travel and are looking for their own purpose. I offer the chance to help you achieve this. My Service is 100% natural with full penetration and ejactulation done in a complete clinical setting (Actual Clinic). If this peaks your interest, or speaks to you on a very personal level, please contact me via message. Describe yourself, what you are looking for and why you think my service is right for you (Heavy screening will be done to make sure you are a good fit for this service). Please leave a way to contact you (phone number preferably), if selected, you will be contacted with further instructions for an initial screening."
    5 points
  5. Yes, I too share this concern. I fear saunas and cruise bars/sex clubs will be unfairly treated as we slowly come out of lockdown. Why unfairly? Because as far as COVID-19 is concerned, I don’t see them as any greater risk to public health than busy bars or crowded nightclubs. Yet you can almost guarantee these businesses will be allowed to get back to normal sooner. Yet again, sex will be demonized, and gay sex in particular. Even on this site, there seems to be a growing attitude that the problem here is sex and fucking, rather than just close human contact. We have to remember that this disease didn’t start in the bathhouses or cruise clubs dotted round the world- in fact, it seems to have been spread far more effectively at venues serving religious services, weddings and funerals, etc. Sometimes I wonder if a certain amount of guilt and self-loathing has crept into the way some of us here are talking about sex at the moment. We should take a step back, and remember this is not the same disease that devastated our community 40 years ago. Sex is not the problem.
    5 points
  6. As Cody leaned over a metal folding chair, I imagined how many dirty, gay daddies like me would pay money to be in this position. Maybe others will get a turn at this kid another time. Right now, it’s my time to own this kid, destroy his innocence, and remind him that I hold his dreams and his career in my hands. With Cody leaned over and staring at the floor, I slid one hand inside the back of his tiny white briefs and slid them down to the bottom of his muscular ass. He said nothing, but I thought I heard a slight grunt. I couldn’t help but to snap a couple of photos of this nearly naked country-boy hunk with my phone, using an angle that was sure to show the side of his face with his bare ass on display. That could be valuable down the road. With Cody’s face still faced toward the floor, I pulled a small container of lube from my pocket and greased up my right middle finger – the one with the jagged nail filed into a sharp point for occasions like this. “This might sting a little at first, but you’re going to feel better soon, I promise,” I said. With my left arm across the boy’s muscular back to hold him in place, I wasted no time sliding my finger and its jagged nail against Cody’s virgin neg hole and gently pushed inward. “Holy shit,” Cody mumbled. “Jesus, fuck. What the fuck, man?” Despite his meager vocal protests, he mostly didn’t move, aside from the flinch when my rough fingernail began to scrape the inside of his young, unprotected hole. I reached into my other pocket and brought out a tiny bottle of poppers I had bought just for this occasion. I reached around to Cody’s face with my free hand and ordered him to take a few sniffs from the bottle – he didn’t question me as he inhaled about four whiffs. “Fuck. Fuck. Goddam. Uhhh,” Cody said, his voice trailing off. I could tell that he was flying and under the spell of the poppers. Now was the time to get what I needed. I pulled my finger out of his virgin butt and briefly admired the bright red negative blood that had gathered under my pointed fingernail. Not wasting time, I slid my jeans and underwear down and lubed up my hard poison cock and aimed it toward Cody’s scraped and bloodied hole. My poz precum was already adding a layer of extra lube as I pressed my thick mushroom head into his virgin ass. “Oh my god, fuck, oh my god,” Cody mumbled. “Man, I can’t do this. I’m not gay, no way. Fuck.” Still, he didn’t resist, and aside from another slight flinch, he took my raw cock like the young alpha jock that he is. I don’t think he fully realized what was happening. Within seconds, my toxic dick was all the way inside this 19-year-old country boy god and spurting poison precum into his young unprotected hole with each thrust. “Cody, this is just another level of your training. I know you can handle this. You knew you’d have to make sacrifices,” I said, not sure if he even knew who I was or where he was under the influence of the poppers. “Fuck. But you … you’ll … help me, right?” he said between his low grunts. “I will, Cody. I’m here for you,” I said. “I want what’s best for you. We’re about to change your life.” Under my breath, I whispered, “I’m about to destroy you and give you AIDS, jock boy, but I can’t stop now.” I don’t think he heard me. Maybe he did. As I steadily pumped my dirty cock inside him, I really didn’t care. As he continued to moan quietly with every thrust inside his tight, tanned ass, I leaned down and bit into his smooth neck, determined to leave a mark that would further remind us both of my power and influence over this naïve country bumpkin. After a few seconds of hearing Cody’s heightened moans while I bit into his taut, sweaty flesh, I leaned back and saw that I’d broken the skin and drawn blood. I’m not one to waste an opportunity, so I pulled my cock all the way out of his hole and scooped up the mix of my poison poz precum and the blood from his hole. As I eased my dick back into his muscled body, I smeared my virus into the open wound on his neck, determined that he will leave this locker room with my disease one way or another. (This was a little trick I learned when Daddy pozzed me. When he fucked me, he pulled out a needle and jabbed two of my fingers with it, opening wounds that he immediately covered with his poz precum. Whether that was what got me, we’ll never know.) I knew my time with Cody was limited, and I feared he would come to his senses soon, so I worked quickly to seed his unprotected hole. I built up speed and felt my load brewing fast as I held onto his sweaty, muscled shoulders. “Here you go Cody, this is part of your sacrifice on your way to the big-time,” I said as I felt my thick, dirty jizz begin to shoot into the jock boy’s negative hole. My fingers dug into his firm shoulders as my poison erupted into his bare ass, pumping my killer virus (and Daddy’s) into this young, hunky, healthy straight kid. I’ve seeded a lot of young asses in my poz journey, but the feeling of shooting my deadly toxin into Cody was on a whole new level. It was intense. He moaned a bit but was mostly quiet. “Holy fuck, oh shit. Oh shit. Did you use a condom?” I think Cody was finally realizing what happened. “You have nothing to worry about,” I assured him. “I told you I’ll take care of you.”
    5 points
  7. Hot post! I didn't realize how much I'm into cheaters till this site brought it out of me. I don't think very many males (especially) are successful at monagamy - and personally I'd never try it again! There was a point when I realized at least half my regulars were "attached". They ALWAYS start out saying it's an open relationship, but most of the time I'd eventually realize the other half doesn't know it's "open" lol. Some will text, but when someone won't switch over to texting and wants to keep it on an app that's a pretty good sign it's not as open as they let on :) Attached cheaters are some of the most reliable fucks too though - they know when their short window of opportunity is and ALWAYS show up - not high, just horny to get what they need!!
    3 points
  8. As the poppers snaked into my body and Milos took the length of my throbbing cock to the back of his throat I felt Toby’s arm slide further out of my arse then before. I moaned, not from the fear of losing it completely but of how it felt as he pushed the length of it back into my cunt, flexing his forearms in perfect harmony to the fingers in his fist, using his thumb to push against the lining of my anal passage. I also moaned because I knew, even after he’d worked my arse, when he pulled out I’d still be tight. Sure, I’d push my bud out and moan as the boys took turns to kick and chew on it but I knew that their cocks would still feel the warm tightness of my cunt, marvel at how tight it still felt and then feel the urge to fuck it open. If I let them. Milos was mesmerised. His face dropped between my legs. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was licking Toby’s arm as it slid in and out. Tasting the deep liquor of my cunt juices. Savouring it. As I leaned up to take two more huffs, I watched as Michael gripped Toby’s shoulders and twisted him round to egg him in between deep, sloppy kisses. I watched. Incredibly turned on by the intimacy of the scene. Toby in my guts, the deep snogging and Milos licking my shaft, milking the constant stream of precum. Michael pulled away and pushed Toby’s head forward so he could feast on my balls as he continued to push his forearm in and out. Toby greedily sucked each sweaty globe into his mouth, swirling it between his teeth before licking the space under my sack and above my hole. There was concentrated silence as we all focused on the intense feeling that we were experiencing. All except Michael. He was standing back, and as I watched he was slowly jacking his massive tool. It had never looked so big, hard and dripping. His precum so sticky that it was dropping in gobs, which he was collecting in his hand and using to lather his ever hardening cock. As I watched he picked up a bottle of fresh poppers, ripped off the label and took a series of deep huffs. Let’s all admit it - Nothing better than that first hit from a fresh bottle. The heady freshness that makes your cock jumped to attention and spurt precum. The way it makes your balls tighten. The black spots before you eyes. Fucking fantastic. I watched in slow motion as Michael leaned forward to ruffle Toby’s hair. Playfully. Like dad and son. I watched as he stepped in the kiss Toby again gently. Tongues entwined. Like lovers. I watched as he guided Toby’s nose to the fresh poppers and exhorted him to take deep hits. I watched as he guided Toby’s innocent face back to my faces, urging him to lick and suck on then. As I watched, I took deep huffs. As I watched I raised my hips to push my cock deep into Milos’ mouth and to give Toby complete access to the deepest part of my guts. And then I watched as Michael, with the stealth and agility that should have defied his massive, muscular frame, swooped down and ripped his cock into Toby’s unsuspecting, tight and unlubed hole. Before he could react, Michael has pushed his face into balls, stifling his screams and was raping his ginger cunt. Toby was trapped. His arm in my cunt. His cunt was impaled in Michael’s massive, toxic tool. There was nowhere for him to go. Every deep thrust of michael’s cock ricocheted up his body, down his arm, into my guts and up my cock and down Milos’ throat. It was a perfect union. Pounding, forced fucking of cock to arse, arm to cunt, cock to throat in sequence. Toby, pulling away from my sweaty bollocks was literally begging Michael to stop. Michael just redoubled his efforts, slapping Toby’s head hard and pushing him back down. Toby was buckling under the assault. I could feel his fist clenched so hard in my guts, ramming in deeper, delivering that delicious feeling of pain I so craved. How did Michael know this would happen? Or was he just desperate to fuck a cunt hole? I didn’t care. I was lost in the agony and ecstasy of pain and pleasure. The intensity of thinking that at any moment my guts would collapse. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as Michael let out a shout and blew his wad into Toby’s guts. Deeper than ever before. As Toby felt the gush of poison seed explode in his body he gave one final push, hitting my prostate with such force and suddenness that I unexpectedly blew my own was down Milos’ throat. As I continued to spew cum, Toby collapsed between my legs, pulling his arm from my hole. Milos wasted no time and slipped in behind him, burying his face in my hole. Michael, leaning over Toby’s wrecked body, pushed Milos into my mound. Looking at me, he smiled and winked. Cock still hard, he dragged Toby to his feet, kissed him gently, chuckled, lovingly smacked the side of his head and walked him to the shower. Milos pulled himself up my body and lay on top of me. His hairy sweaty weight felt good, our cocks still hard rubbed together gently as he kissed me. My hand dropped to his arse and gently tweaked his hole as our tongues entwined. His hand pulled and rugged on my balls. A distant yell erupted from the bathroom. We chuckled. Michael was clearly hard again and fucking Toby. I got up and pulled Milos by the hand towards the slapping and moaning sounds coming from the bathroom.
    3 points
  9. Long time reader, first time writer here. About me: I am a 30 year old guy, average build, 6c cock, vers bottom. I have only ever barebacked, no pull outs. I recently got married, but I love to play around on the side. Say what you want and I don't need comments about what's right and wrong. The purpose of this story is to hopefully help get you off. Anyways, it's a huge turn on knowing I take loads without him knowing or his approval. Our sex life is good, but very vanilla. I've tried to do threesomes with him, but it's of no use. So I play around sometimes when I get the chance. Anyways, onto the story: Last week, I got off work and was horny as fuck. I hopped on Grindr to see who was around and got hit up by this hot 40 year old Italian guy who needed his dick sucked really badly. Now, I needed to get home to my husband but I had some time to kill so I went over to this guy's apartment. I walked in and immediately stripped naked. I walked into his living room and found him naked and hard on the couch, so I got down on my knees and put is 7 inch cock in my mouth. He was leaking precum and it tasted so good. I licked the precum off his dick and started to makeout with him. He pinched my nipples and I don't think my dick could've gotten any harder. I love having my nipples played with. Now, after being at work for sometime, I know I probably didn't smell the greatest, but this guy lifts my arms and licks my sweaty pits. Fucking sexy! We continue to makeout, and he sees my wedding ring on my finger. I ask if that's ok, and he says it doesn't matter, and it's a huge turn on to fuck someone's husband. We never mentioned fucking, I was strictly there to blow him, but I am always down to bottom. I tell him that he should send me home with a nice, warm load in my ass, and he tells me to bend over. No condoms mentioned at all, he starts to tease my hole. I feel him spit in my tight hole and he slides his raw dick in. I'm tight as hell, but so turned on that eventually it goes in pretty easily. He starts pumping and we makeout as he takes me from behind. I know neither of us will last long and after 10 pumps into my tight hole he starts moaning and telling me he's going to cum. I tell him to breed my hole and it sends him over the edge. As he's breeding me, I start to cum a huge load onto his bed sheets. When we're done, he stays in me and we makeout some more. Eventually he pulls out, scoops some of my cum off the sheets and tastes it. We make out with my cum for a few minutes and then I get dressed and head for home. We've made plans to hookup after I get off work. I really hope to see him again.
    2 points
  10. Ch 1. Michael stood outside of the packed club. It was Saturday night and everyone was out partying. The bass could be heard and felt from the sidewalk. He took one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out and heading inside. Michael was 27 years old. He was 5’11” with a solid athletic build, brown hair, and hazel eyes. He headed up the few steps just inside the door and walked to the bar in the center of the room. He already felt his nerves starting to get the best of him. He ordered a drink and stood as casually as he could by the bar. This was his first night out alone in over two years and Michael could feel how awkward he looked. Several guys around the bar looked at him. Michael felt like they were staring a hole right through him. He pounded his first drink and ordered another one before deciding to head upstairs to the second level of the club. As he climbed the stairs, the music and the bass became louder, more upbeat. He was now on the dance floor. Again he stood casually on the side lines and watched as the mass of guys danced to the beat. He pounded his second drink and headed to the bar on the other side of the dance floor. Michael ordered another drink. His nerves starting to calm down as his first two drinks started to run through him. As he waited, another guy walked up to the bar next to him. The bartender returned with Michael’s drink and then turned to take the guy’s order. Michael picked up his drink and as he turned to leave the bar, he caught a glimpse of the guy next to him. He stood 6’1” with a muscular frame and fire auburn hair. Michael locked eyes with him. He couldn’t help but stand there, frozen, and stare. His chiseled face, and from what Michael could see of his body being exposed by a tight fitting tank top, was covered in freckles. Michael was in awe. “Hey” the guy said to Michael. He couldn’t speak. Michael smiled sheepishly at him and went back to the dance floor. As he stood there he found himself starting to move with the beat. Halfway through his third drink and he was starting to feel looser. He let his mind go and danced in the crowd. Michael quickly came back to reality when he felt someone come up behind him and put their hands around his waist. Michael jumped and looked back as the guy still had his hands around his waist. It was the ginger from the bar. He smiled at Michael. “You’re really attractive.” He said over the roar of the bass. “Thanks. Hardly as attractive as you are” Michael said jokingly. He continued dancing as the guy grinded behind him and moved his hands all over Michael’s body. “My name is Evan.” He finally said in Michael’s ear. He kept one hand around Michael’s waist and moved the other up towards his chest. “Michael” was all he could say in return. They continued dancing for a few more songs. Evan continued to explore Michael’s body. He started to slide his hand in the front of Michael’s jeans. Michael broke free, startled. “I’ll be right back” he turned and said to Evan and walked downstairs. Michael walked out the front door into the warm summer night air and lit up another cigarette. A few moments later Evan came out the door of the club and lit up next to Michael. “Sorry about that.” Evan said after a brief moment of silence. “You’re fine. Just caught me off guard a little. Not quite used to this yet” “What do you mean?” Evan asked “I haven’t been out in the club like this in over two years. I’m a little rusty” Michael laughed “Ah. Fresh out of a relationship?” Evan asked him Michael nodded in response. “Yep. Now I’m just trying to go with the flow. Not entirely ready to jump into another one ya know?” “I hear you. Nows the time to let loose and have some fun.” Evan encouraged Michael smiled and nodded in agreement. There was another brief silence between them. “So can I buy you a drink and feel that body some more on the dance floor?” Evan asked with a smirk. Michael pauses for a moment. He promised himself he wouldn’t be looking to hook up with anyone tonight, but dancing seemed okay. “Sure.” They went back inside and Evan ordered them another round of drinks. They found they’re way back to the dance floor and continued dancing. Michael leaned back against Evan’s muscular body as Evan’s hands moved all over from michael’s chest to his inner thighs. Michael was really started to feel the alcohol at this point. Between that and feeling Evan all over his body started turning him on. The combination of Evan’s cologne and the musk radiating from his underarms was that much more intoxicating for Michael. He felt himself sink deeper back against Evan. Michael turned his head and their eyes met. Evan leaned and locked lips with Michael. Michael was in heaven. He turned to face Evan and they kissed again letting Evan plunge his tongue deeper into his mouth. As they kissed, Evan slid his hands down Michael’s back to his ass and latched on with a firm grip. Michael couldn’t help but follow suit and grab Evan’s growing cock. “I think we should go.” Evan suggested seductively. Michael couldn’t stop feeling Evan’s cock through his jeans. He figured it had to be at least eight inches and it was making him more horny. “Yeah let’s go. My place is only two blocks from here.” Michael said. They had one final kiss and proceeded out of the club.
    2 points
  11. Dillon was a hot jock who always had a girlfriend. He got hit on all the time and could have any woman he wanted and often did. No one would have guessed that he watched gay porn video's of straight guys getting head from another guy. He would jack off often to these when he was alone and imagined that he was a straight guy giving head. He knew he should really want to be the straight guy wanted to get serviced but something about sucking a big dick turned him on. He vowed he would never do it but that did not stop him from watching videos all the time. He had a few of his favorites that always turned him on. One day while he live in girlfriend was at work he was playing online and searching Doublelist and found some post about guys giving head and he though why the fuck not, put up an ad and see if any hot dick presents itself and he created a post and put it up. He just needed more jack off material is how he rationalized it. The post read like this. Straight Jock wants to orally service another straight cock. Nothing more, just sit back and let me suck and service your road till you blow your load. No small talk, just some great head and I will even swallow your cum. 24 5'11 165 blonde blue eyes and muscled with a hot mouth. He loaded a pic of his body no face, showing off his tight body. Dillon went on to watch some new videos, and an hour later he still had not blown his load. He checked his email and there were more than twenty responses. He started looking through them and most were gross. Old men but he came to one where a muscled guy in he 40's that got his attention and another for a traveling guy who would be coming to the city in a few days and needed head. The local guys sent a pic of his hot boy shirtless in his underwear with his dick rock hard and it read. Hung straight guy,wife is out of town and just need some good head. You must be able to deep throat 9" and lick and suck my balls and eat ass. If you can't do all three do not respond. I agree with no talking, not fucking looking for anything but a regular mouth to service me orally. (Dillon was rock hard after reading this and looking at his pic over and over) The second was Married white guy with a pregnant wife. Dude, I will be in town for two nights and need some relief. My wife and I have not had sex and she is a few weeks from giving birth and I need to get off in the worst way. Liked that you just want to suck dick and unlike hooking up with a chick. Having a straight dude suck me off is not cheating as far as I am concerned. I am 29 a ginger 6'3 200 lbs, all muscle and have 8.5 thick uncut dick. I have sent a pic of my meat to make sure you can handle it. ( even harder after reading this one) Dillon fought the urge to respond but thought, fuck there was nothing wrong to responding. He set up a new email and shot off a response to the Ginger. * Hey, thanks for hitting me up. Fuck that is a hot dick, I would love to suck your big dick and give you lots of pleasure while you are visiting. I can tell from your email you have tons of built up cum and I can help you relieve the pressure and your blue balls. Where in the city is your hotel? Can you host? Dillon was proud of himself and somehow even more turned on. He decided to send a message to the guy was local as his dick was rock hard and dripping. * Hey, thanks for responding. I would definitely like to orally service you and make your build up a huge load to feed me. When are you available and what side of town do you live? Can you host? Dillon notice that the responses kept coming in and there had to be another fifteen in his other email. He went back and of the fifteen there were three he liked. 1) Hung Married guy who works out and cums a lot. Just need your hot mouth on my dick and to suck out a load or two. The picture show a really thick dick on a muscled stomach. Very private and just looking for a hot mouth. I walk in and you are blindfolded and you fish my dick out and suck me till I cum down your throat. 2) BBC need a hot mouth and throat to get off. Must be able to service big dick for a long time and lick my balls. If you start you must finish, no fucking leaving this nigger with blue balls. He sent a pic of his huge dick. 3) In a relationship but totally and sexually frustrated. Have not had sex in weeks and need to unload big time. Can not host but know a Glory hole you can suck me off at. It is private let me know. The pic showed a long not to thick cut dick with black pubs. 26 years old, 6" 180 and worked out. Need a cock sucker for anonymous head. Dillon Answered all three of them but he really wanted the first and third with the third being his favorite of the three. He kept checking but after an hour no one had gotten back to him. He went to grab a bite and he too was sexually frustrated. He had been edging all day and now more then ever he wanted to suck one of these guys dicks. He calmed down after he had a bite and knew it was just hot cyber sex and that was all it was really suppose to be. He walked back to the apartment and wondered if anyone had responded. ....
    2 points
  12. He pulled up to the parking lot in a BMW convertible. An odd choice to me since he was a self-described gay redneck. He even dressed the part. Dirty work boots, ripped jeans, faded t-shirt and camouflage hat. He walked up and gave me a big hug. To this day I have never met someone that hugs as good as he does. I don't know what it is, but when he hugged me I just felt immediately safe and like there were no problems in the world. We spent most of the afternoon together, and as he was leaving, he got this look in his eyes. I just stood there and he leaned in, without breaking eye contact, and started kissing me. This lasted a minute, then he hugged me and drove off. It was after this I realized I had pre-cum leaking through my shorts. When I got home, I had some texts from him. They were all pictures or videos. Wild ones. Guys in slings with masks on, nipple torture, hoods, double penetration, huge groups of guys fucking. I got another text: "Just so you know what you're getting into with us, LOL". He had explained that day too he was in a poly relationship with a few different guys. After that day, things definitely became more sexual. He was still a good friend, but there was that added spark there. He'd text me all of the things he would do to me, like put my arms and legs in a spreader, give me a gas mask filled with poppers and let random guys come and fuck me. Or tie me down and spend hours just edging me while stretching out my hole. A couple weeks after our first meeting he asked if I would want to have dinner with him at his home. Of course I said yes. I spent the afternoon before driving over making sure everything was trimmed how I like it, and cleaning myself out thoroughly. I wasn't sure if sex would be involved, but like a good former Boy Scout I'm prepared for everything. I was nervous the entire drive over, not for meeting again, but I was starting to contend with the side of me he had awakened: the submissive cum dump that just wanted to please this redneck bear. I got to the door, and he gave me a very long, forceful kiss. His hand drifted down my back and went down my waist band. Discovering my jock strap, he let out a deep growl of approval. We spent some time chatting, he had beer for us. By the third one I was feeling pretty warm. "Do you want to see the rest of the house?", he asked. I suddenly couldn't speak, and let out a small affirmative. He chuckled and took me through the house. "Finally, my bedroom", he said as we reached the end of the hall. It was very tastefully done and contemporary. He started kissing me, almost violently. There was an aggression to him, but I felt completely safe with him. He ordered me to strip, and moved to a painting. Standing in just my jockstrap, he pulled at the painting and it swung out to reveal a deep recess with lube, poppers, a couple masks, and several toys. "Bend over." I felt him rubbing my hole and suddenly his tongue was there. I gasped loudly. He spent ten minutes giving me the best rim job of my life, before putting a lube applicator in my hole and injecting me. He then put in a large plug. "Here, use these, this is going in you one way or another". I took four deep hits of poppers in each nostril (this was actually my first time using them but new the premise). The plug slid in, and he ordered me to sit on the floor against the wall. He stripped, revealing nothing underneath except a black harness, tattoos, and heavy gauge nipple piercings. His cock was at least 8in, cut, with egg sized balls that were framed in a cock ring. He walked up to me and ordered me to open my mouth. Resting his big daddy belly on my forehead, he put his cock in my mouth. He started gently but eventually began skull fucking me. I've never been great at blowjobs, I will admit that. He kept triggering my gag reflex, with the wall behind me there was no where I could go except onto his cock more. My arms kept moving so he got some restraints and tied them behind my back, then gave me poppers. We spent thirty minutes with me against that wall. At one point I nearly had bile in my mouth from gagging so much, but he stopped face fucking me and just held is cock in my mouth, making it clear the only place that it was going was back down my throat. My jaw began to ache. Finally he pulled off and threw me on the bed. He untied my hands, only to put them in restraints hidden on the head board and my legs back with my hole exposed. He put a pillow under me, and then a gas mask over my head. I could see him soak a cotton ball with the poppers, and then place it into the tube of the mask. Within seconds I could feel them hit me. "Time to ruin that pussy." He started working the plug in and out of me, getting more and more aggressive until it was basically falling out. "Tell me what you want". "Fuck me, please." "No tell me what you really want. What daddy to do to your cunt?" I could barely form the thought through the poppers haze, and blurted out, "I want you to wreck my pussy. Fill my cunt with your big dick and daddy cum!!" He removed the plug and slid his cock in, and started fucking me maniacally, his bear belly slapping against me as his balls hit my hole. He bit and pulled at my nipples until they were swollen and red. This went on for about half an hour before I could hear his breathing change, and with sweat pouring off of him, yelled out as he bottomed out and dumped his cum deep within me. That didn't stop him though, he never got soft, and fucked me two more times. He untied me, laid down next to me and stuck his cock back in me while curling me up close to him. .............................................................
    2 points
  13. Today is the big day!! My PrEP+ (Descovy+Tivicay) shipment just arrived about 20 minutes ago and after reading all of the enclosed material, I took my very first dose 5 minutes ago! I’ve been rock-fucking-hard since I took my dose. It’s been such a long wait since finally pulling the trigger on PrEP and decided to explore my sexuality I’ve repressed for so long. My physician said to wait 7 full days before putting it use, grrr, the excruciating wait continues! I normally try to play as safe as possible and I’m sure luck has played a role so far. Now I need to pin down a top I can be sure is free of the rest of STI’s...
    2 points
  14. Started taking raw loads at 17 and by the time I was 21 I was Poz.
    2 points
  15. Absolutely agree. I've never found anywhere like it. I worked in London for a while and used to go to the boots only sessions on a wednesday afternoon. Given it was a week day, most of the guys were older, retired, or unemployed which just added to the sleaziness of it. At the time (in the nineties) there were a lot of safe sex messages and barebacking was really risky. So it was incredible to find a sleaze-pit like the Fort where most guys fucked raw and many of them were poz. The second thing, as rawplug says, was the honesty of the place. You went there, you stripped off, you fucked and were fucked like nature intended and you - probably - ended up poz like me. The other thing was that from the outside, it was just a regular pub on a street corner with shops next door and a bus-stop outside. There was something really exciting about going up to the door and buzzing to be let in, knowing what was going to happen, whilst people in the bus queue had no idea. You paid the entrance fee at the bar and were given a key to some lockers on one wall to the side. Exciting to strip naked in that open bar area then walk up to the bar and order a drink as other naked guys looked on. As rawplug says, there was an entrance to the dark rook beside the bar, with a sling hanging outside it. I've written elsewhere about being gangbanged in the sling. Once I'd taken raw cock and loads in my arse there was no going back. I haunted the place for months on a wednesday afternoon, fucking like an animal until my hole was running wet. The best part was getting dressed and being let out onto the street with underwear wet with leaking cum and strolling off past the shoppers outside!
    2 points
  16. i need to have a Man inside of me. i need to feel His cock penetrating and fucking me, hear the sounds He makes, hold His cum deep inside after He shoots. i cannot imagine it changing. i'm having a really hard time not taking Men now.
    2 points
  17. I cheat especially when my bf and i travel. somehow having sex with someone in our bed is a huge turn on for me. my bf loves pound and dump so i always look for someone else's top husband who is into passionate sex. long foreplay and breed my ass. one time, bf came back literally after i just got bred by someone, didnt have time to clean up, he buried his horny cock in my ass, told me i was wet. I lied that i was getting ready, after he added another load in me, lots of cum drip out of slutty hole. he was surprised thinking he shot huge loads in me....hot
    2 points
  18. I've done it as top around 10 times. It only worked well when both tops were pretty well hung and very hard, and the bottom is a slut with a LOOSE hole. Def fuck the bottom separately for a while to get them looser and wet. The last one I did was just a couple weeks before lockdown and probably the hottest. My latin muscle bottom buddy is always begging to have more top daddies join us, and I had recently played with the perfect match, The other top guy was up for tag teaming the latin stud. So we were going at the basic tag team/spit roast 3 way for maybe 30 mins, which was hot enough. Then the bottom wanted a DP. I've been fucking him for a couple years and gradually figured out how much he gets fucked - a lot! lol I'm pretty well hung, and I was hard as fuck that night. Other daddy is hung pretty huge but wasn't "rock hard". We tried it with me on my back and other top coming in from the back, but it wasn't working that well. Then tried swapping top positions......his cock still slipped out (not quite hard enough). We then tried both laying on our backs (ass to ass) and our cocks gripped into one big fat cock and the bottom slid down us pretty easily. The bottom was facing me making eye contact - he has such an amazing body and gorgeous face - realizing what a slut he's become and the expression on his face was so hot to me I was getting close to cumming faster than I would have liked. The particular guy I was fucking him with has also been a fantasy of mine for 20+ years. The whole thing felt so amazing and hot I only lasted about 2 mins before I was unloading and juicing our bottom up even more. We then both pulled out of him and other top put him in missionary position and fucked TWO more loads into the latin stud, one right after the other. Definitely a successful DP and HOT AF for all I'd say :) I know we would have had a repeat by now if it weren't for lockdown - ugh! Latin buddy has hit me up about 5 times during lockdown. We are "sort of" friendly, but all we ever do is fuck, so I try to ignore his texts or I'm afraid he'd tempt me to break lockdown 😞
    2 points
  19. I was working in my shop alone on Friday when I got a message on bbrts from a guy looking for a cum dump bottom. He asked if I liked black cock of course my answer was YES! So we exchanged a couple messages and I gave him my address. He showed up in about 20 minutes. I let him in, locked up and we went to the back of the shop, turned out the lights and he took little time to strip naked when he did I looked down and stared at his 9 1/2" BBC I found myself both excited and a little worried because I hadn't taken a monster like that in a while. He ordered me to strip and get on my knees which I quickly did. He then ordered me to suck his Nigga dick ( his words not mine) It wasn't long before he was fucking my face hard calling me names. After what seemed like 15 min of getting face fucked he ordered me up and bent me over the desk, spit on my hole and proceeded to sink his BBC in me Raw. Not gonna lie it hurt a bit and I started pulling away from him of which he was having none of that! He grabbed me by the hips, said get back here bitch and pulled me back till he was balls deep! After a few minutes I was stretched out enough to were the pain went away and I started really enjoying it like the slut I am! I found myself throwing my ass back on him telling him to fuck me hard and make me his bitch! He fucked me for at least 20 min before I heard him start to breath heavy. Now we never discussed each others status so I didn't know if he was Neg or Poz but I got the answer when he grunted and said take my tox load bitch! I threw my ass back and he held me tight and shot a huge load into my guts. He stayed inside me a minute, pulled out and made me lick him clean. He got dressed told me to keep an eye out for his messages because he was coming back for more! He showed himself out while I got dressed. I spent the rest of the day with a smile on my face as I continued to feel his load slowly dripping out of me. Now I have a new strain swimming in me me and I cant wait for him to message me again 😊
    2 points
  20. breeding and using a cheater is much hotter for me,
    2 points
  21. Don't feel bad @drscorpio. I gave in as well. Although in my case it was with a buddy who has been in the same situation as me. We both have been staying at home for weeks and only go out for grocery shopping. He's an honest guy so I believe him when he says that. He's also a very sexy guy. A lot younger than me. Big meaty cock and multicummer. Vers top. Before the corona thing we had a sex date once every week. We have been texting for weeks and last night I was too horny and gave in to his hints to get together. It was fucking hot. His mojo is to shoot a first load within minutes and then continue to fuck for a second. Took him a while to get to his second load and I blasted my load all over my bed. We took a long break and chatted about the situation we're going through. Only needed to suck a short while before he was hard again and he went for it again. Felt like he was pumping my hole forever. Had one of the most powerful orgasms I can remember before he dumped his third. We were both pretty exhausted after that. I did feel a bit guilty afterwards but damn I needed that! We will probably see more of each other after this, social distancing or not. But he will be the only one I'm meeting with.
    2 points
  22. I got a taste and it awoke something inside me that I didn’t know was there. I was crashing at some friends, a gay couple, sleeping between them. I woke up with an arm around my chest holding me still as a hard cock ground up against my ass. Back then I only played safe, and I tried to struggle and say no but he wasn’t having any of it. I begged for him to use a condom and he clamped his hand hard over my mouth to muffle my protests, making soothing sounds and told me to relax and take it. He fucked me slow and deep. Penetrating me in ways I had never been penetrated before. He felt massive inside me as I stared in silent shock at the sleeping face of this partner. I didn’t want to wake him up. I didn’t know what to do but take it. He was stronger and I was unable to struggle and resist. After what felt like hours he flooded my ass with his cum for my first breeding. He relaxed and fell asleep still inside me. Since then I was addicted and kept coming back for more.
    2 points
  23. I asked Cody about his career, his “real” job outside of wrestling, his dating life. His answers: He wanted to be a full-time wrestler since he was a kid; his real job sucked, and he did it only to pay the bills; and his girlfriend broke up with him about a month earlier, partly because of his wrestling schedule. She hated it. All these answers were just about perfect to me as he sat there leaning back in the metal folding chair, legs partly spread open, arms behind his head, likely unaware that my own cock was hard, leaking, and eager to pump highly charged seed into his tight butt. “Cody, I’ll be honest with you,” I said. “Seems like we both need something, but I think we can help each other. I can get you that tryout you want, and I can put in a good word for you and give you a strong recommendation, but I need something in return.” “Yes sir, of course,” he said. “I’ll do anything.” Cody had always shown proper respect to his elders, always with the “sir,” “ma’am,” “thank you,” and all that. I could tell it was the result of a strict Southern upbringing. I couldn’t imagine what his family would think right now. If they were smart, they’d tell him to run. “Take off your shirt,” I said. He looked confused, but he didn’t say a word as he stood up and lifted off his shirt. Jokingly, he flexed his biceps and nervously laughed. His chest and stomach were tanned, smooth, and more muscular than I’d remembered. Damn, this kid really had been hitting the gym. “Which gear did you bring tonight?” I asked, glancing toward his gym bag on the floor. Wrestlers typically bring a variety of wrestling gear, wrist tape, boots, and shower supplies. Cody walked to his gym bag, unzipped it, and sat it down on the chair in front of me. I began going through to see exactly what I wanted him wearing when I fucked him. Two pair of boots. A variety of wrist tape. Several knee pads and kick pads. Two jock straps, one white and one black. And several pair of spandex wrestling trunks in a variety of colors. And a pair of small, white, thin cotton underwear – most wrestlers wear this extra layer under their gear during a match, because it helps minimize the outline of their cock and balls and adds another layer in cast of a “wardrobe malfunction.” I took the pair of small white underwear and handed to Cody. “Put these on,” I said. He hesitated but didn’t say anything. “You do the favor for me, and I do the favor for you that could make you a star,” I reminded. Without a word, and without even looking me in the eyes, Cody took the white underwear, turned away from me, and slid off his gym shorts and the gray jockstrap he wore underneath. For the first time, I saw his bare ass – tanned from hours in the tanning bed, tight from hours in the gym, and showing the slightest dusting of fuzz. He pulled the thin white material over his ass and fidgeted to adjust his cock and balls in the tight material. A couple of seconds later, he turned around to face me. My dick shot to full attention inside my jeans. Cody was perfection and wearing just about as little as possible: The white material was skin-tight and a little more flimsy and see-through than I’d imagined, and it showed the length of his slight treasure trail that went from his naval to the top of his cock. His pubes, slightly visible through the thinness of the material, were clearly trimmed short, but not shaved. His cock leaned to the left. It looked surprisingly thick and obviously was cut, based on the clear outline of the bulging mushroom head. His balls perfectly accented the overall package for a jock his size and age. “So, you’re just going to take some pics I guess?” he finally asked after several seconds of my gawking. “Cody,” I said as he stood there, nearly nude and vulnerable. “Think about all the sacrifices you’ve made the past few years to try and get where you want to be. All those hours of training, hours in the gym, hours driving to events. This is going to be one of the easiest sacrifices you’ve ever made, and it might be the one that finally gets you on that national stage. “Now bend over for me, boy.”
    2 points
  24. Dillon went to work, his hole was leaking some after taking two loads and once inside he went to the bathroom and looked at his ass in the mirror to make sure he did not have a wet spot and he sat on the toilet and let the cum out. After the first gush of cum he dribbled cum for a minute and then whipped his ass and it was tender. He licked his finger and slide it in his hole and then brought it to his mouth and tasted the guys cum. He had really wanted to taste cum so bad this morning so he fingered his ass a few more times and tasted that hot masculine mans cum. His dick started to get hard again and he had to jack off thinking about him. When he came it shot almost to the stall door and landed on the floor in huge globs, He quickly whipped it up just as a co-worker came in. Dillon felt relieved , he got to taste cum and he got to cum again. He felt like he get some work done and all. He heard his phone and it was an email. Dillon looked and the guy from the glory hole hit him up to confirm today. Dillon sent back an email yes I will be there, I need to taste your cum! Then Dillon saw an email from the guy from this morning. Boy, your tongue and mouth on my ass was amazing. You have a great pussy too, looking forward to teaching you hot to be a real cock sucker but until then you can eat my hole as much as you want. Dillon did not respond although he was getting hard again. He tried to work on his project but he seemed to only be able to think about sucking some cock tonight and swallowing their loads. he hopped that guy from last week was there too. He turned off his phone and got to work on his project and by 2 PM he had made a dent in it but turned his phone on and the ding of an email so he quickly looked and there was a email from glory hole. He got worried the guy was cancelling but instead the email read. Hey Cock Sucker, instead of stall three go to stall one. It works the same way and once you see me tap my foot pull off the toilet paper dispenser and get on your knees. Confirm you have this and you will have your fag mouth there at 4PM. Dillon sent an email saying Yes! Dillon could not concentrate and tried to work but had to got the bathroom at 2:30 and touch his hole and jack off. He had never really liked his hole being touched, he had a girlfriend in college that went there and he stopped her. Now it was like electric, still sore but it made his dick even harder. Dillon jacked and soon slipped a finger in his hole and shot all over and this time he hit the door of the stall. Dillon cleaned it up and went back to his desk and saw it was almost 3:00. He decided to work another 30 minutes and then head to the building. He arrived at 3:50 and he waited in the car. He tried to listen to music but all he could think about was sucking dick. He played with his dick and then at 3:59 he walked to the door and went in and headed to stall one. He sat down and his dick was hard as a rock, he pulled it from under the fabric and jacked it while he rubbed his hole and then he hard the door. Stall number two opened and a foot tapped, once, twice and then three times. Dillon pulled up the toilet dispenser and a dick pushed through. It was not the guy from the email nor the other guy but someone new. The dick was really big and thick, dark brown and uncut. Dillon got on his knees and started to suck that big brown dick and licked and tongue the foreskin and the guy moaned, Dillon worked more and more and then pushed back the skin and sucked and licked all over the head and tasted all the guys precum. The guy was leaking big time. Then Dillon sucked and tried to take it all, it was so thick and the guy just moaned and said good fag, that is fag boy. Dillon heard the door and stopped sucking for a minute and and tried to see through the crack in the stall. He could not see anyone. Then he heard something move on the other wall of the stall and a dick slide thought. That was the first guy he sucked, He jacked the big brown dick and leaned over and sucked this guys dick while he jacked the big uncut dick. Dillon was in heaven and he would switch back and fourth and then the Dark Dicked guy spoke. Fag, put your ass up to the hole I want to lick it while you suck dick. Dillon had noticed that the hole on this booth was bigger and he wondered if that is why he was told to move her or if it was because he could suck two dick in this one. The big dark uncut dick pilled out out and Dillon put his ass up the thole and spread his checks and felt a wet tongue lick his hole and he moaned. The guy knew how to tongue a hole and soon was eating Dillon's hole making Dillon leak and suck hard on the other guys dick and then the Latin guy, the accent gave it away said really load. This fucking Fag has cum in his ass. Dillon was busy sucking cock but he was totally ashamed and pissed he let that guy cum inside him but his dick was still rock hard and dripping and then the Latin guy dove in and ate him for two more minutes, spit on Dillon's hole three times and then stood up and pressed his dick up against Dillon's wet hole. Dillon knew he should pull away but the dick slide slowly and somewhat painfully inside his still tight little ass and the guy said Baby, your fag pussy is so tight. Relax your little slut pussy so Papi does not cum to fast. The dick on the other side pulled out and slide some poppers in the hole and gave them to Dillon. The guy had a ring on his left ring finger so he was married. Dillon hit the poppers and his hole opened up and the Latin guy said again slut, Dillon did it again and then the guy fucked him hard for ten minutes and shot his load deep in Dillon. The guys said fucking stay right there you dirty whore and take all Papi's cum. The guy slowly slide out after another two minutes of slow fucking and then whipped his dick off and said, thanks fag, and walked out. Dillon had his hole right against the wall when he heard the door again and the guy he was sucking said slut stay right where you are and do not move. Someone entered and then Dillon felt a finger and then two. The guy said good whore pussy, then pressed his dick up against Dillon's hole and slide inside and slowly fucked him while he moaned and after five minutes he shot his load in Dillon. The guy he was sucking told Dillon to stay put while the guy who had just shot in him did not say a work and walked out. The door again and then he hard two guys in the booth, or he thought it was two. He felt a tongue on his hole and the guy eat his cum filled ass and then stood up and slide his big long dick inside Dillon. The guy had to be 9" but not supper thick and he kept hitting Dillon deep and Dillon loved that dick in his wet hole. It was the hottest dick so far inside him as to how it was making him feel deep inside. The guy fucked him for five minutes and pulled out and then he felt another tongue on his hole and this guy ate his hole for a few minutes and got up and slide in. His dick was a bit thicker and not as long but still felt amazing in his hole. They switched off and on like this for another ten to fifteen minutes and the the thicker of the two shot his load deep and then the long amazing dick fucked Dillon for another five minutes and came hard and they both got dressed and left. Stay right there the guy he had been sucking said as he moved to booth two. He just slide right in in one motion and fucked his hole and said nothing but pounded away. Then the door and Dillon watched the hole and this fat 7'5 inch dick presented itself. It was soft and the guy had ginger hair with some gray hair mixed in with his red hair. Dillon knew the guy had to be older but he had yet to taste any cum and he grabbed the soft dick and started to suck on it, The guy was leaking but did not seem to want to get hard but after five minutes of sucking Dillon felt his dick starting to harden and soon it was a this fat beer can dick and Dillon sucked and licked all over it and the guy started to cum and Dillon sucked and swallowed all his load. The guy came a lot and Dillon loved it and while hew as cleaning up the last of the guys cum the first guy he ever was with shot his load deep inside Dillon's ass and then pulled out and zipped up and left and the guy he had just sucked pressed his dick back through and it was now soft again and Dillon sucked it and in no time it was rock hard again and he did not last long and shot another load even bigger then before. The guy pulled his dick away and closed the hole and disappeared without a word. Dillon sat on the toilet ready to jack off but thought maybe someone else would enter but after ten minutes he shot his wad and left with the cums till inside him.
    2 points
  25. Dillon got back to his apartment and even though he kept telling himself that he was not going to act on any of this, he really wanted them all to want him. Once he got back he checked the first email his regular one and he had five more responses from old men. He deleted them, then he checked his new email and there were two responses. First one - Married guy coming into town with his hotel and times he would be available once he arrived. (Dillon's rock hard but did not respond right away) Second response - Glory hole guy, he gave Dillon an address and a picture of the building where the Glory Hole was located and a time. 4 PM for Dillon to arrive and told him to go into the last stall and tap his foot three times. He also said he would be wearing red converse high tops. So Dillon knew he was tapping the right guy. I will tap back and once I do pull up on the toilet paper dispenser and it will come off the wall and you will see a hole. Stick your finger up and rub it on the base of the hole and I will slowly feed my cock through. I will need to cum twice, so after you swallow my first load keep sucking. I will need a confirmation by 2 PM to make it there by 4 PM. (Dillon looked at his watch and it was 1:45 ) Dillon typed his response and waited but after five minutes he said fuck it and sent it off. He justified, it was anonymous and he could still blow the guy off and change his mind all the way till 3:45 since he was just 15 minutes from the location. His response read: Dillon - Dude, I will be there. I am wearing black kicks and so ready to suck your big dick and swallow your loads. Anonymous guy - Good, be there at 4 PM exactly. Not any earlier, my dick is dripping thinking of your work mouth on my prick. When you arrive come to the side of the building and use the second door. Ignore the signs that say no trespassing. Dillon could not stop touching his dick and had to watch several clips of Glory Hole action and he was really getting turned on. He took a break and responded to the straight guy coming into town. Dillon - Definitely want to service your big dick. love your foreskin and bush. Totally ready to drain you. Your hotel is 10 minutes from my apartment so I can get to you easily, so early morning before work, after work and lunch are the best. Otherwise we can play it by ear and hit me up and see if I can break free from my girl to drain you! Dillon grabbed one of the dildos his girl used often and began to suck it and he gagged some, although he continued and stopped gagging. He grabbed the bigger one he bought her that she never uses and tried it and gagged, He kept working it in his mouth and throat and after ten minutes he was sucking that big fat dildo without gagging. He looked at the clock and it was 3:30. Right then his Girl text him and said she had to work late again and would not be home till seven and he text her back and said no problem babe. I will grab take out tonight. Love you! Now Dillon was feeling entirely guilty and he went to shut his computer down and he thought about the straight guy saying having a guy suck your dick is not cheating. If that is true sucking a dick can't be either. He knew deep down that was bull shit but he really wanted to believe it as he started sucking on that huge dildo again. After a couple minutes he put them back in the drawer and left to go to the old building side entrance bathroom. He arrive at the parking lot at 3:55 and waited till 3:59 and walked to the door and looked and his watch said 4 PM and he entered and he went to the end stall as directed. It was clean in there and he played with the toilet paper dispense to make sure it came off as he was told and to his surprise it just lifted up. He put it back and then heard the door. He nervously sat on the toilet and waited as the stall next him opened and he saw two red converse high tops walk into the stall and tap his foot three times. (he did not even sit down) Dillon tapped his foot three times and then removed the toilet paper dispenser and he could immediately see the long uncut dick being fed through the hole. The guy had lots of skin and precum was leading out of it. Dillon began to suck on the skin and nibble on it and slide his tongue and dock his tongue and lick the guys head. Tasting that precum, Dillown was in heaven. The guy pulled back his skin a little and the rest of the precum poured into Dillon's mouth and he back to suck and swallow more and more of that beautiful uncut dick. Ten minutes in the guy shot his load in Dillon's mouth and all Dillon heard was swallow, Dillon pulled off and swallowed and the guy left his dick right there and Dillon went back to working the head and sucking his dick and it took another fifteen minutes and he shot his second load. The guy pulled his dick out slowly as Dillon swallowed the second load. He loved hot it tasted and wondered if it was just this guy or is that what guys taste like. The guy said, stay right there don't fucking move until I have done for two minutes. Dillon said okay. the guy undid the stall and headed out. Dillon stayed as instructed. Before Dillon could get up the door opened and Dillon jumped up and sat on the stall and before he could cover the hole a guy was standing in the stall. He was wearing work boots. He tapped his foot three times and Dillon did the same out of instinct. The guy unzipped his jeans and slide a fat 8" dick through the hole. It was cut, big fat head and lots of veins. Dillon got back down on his knees and licked the head and took the entire head in his mouth and sucked and he hard the guy moan a little and push his dick further through. Soon Dillon was sucking the guy deep and after 8-10 minutes of heaving sucking and licking the guy blew in Dillon's mouth. All the guy said was "Thanks, be here tomorrow at the same time." The guy left and Dillon had no idea what he looked like or anything about him but that he loves his big dick and his cum tasted even better then the first dude. Dillon put the toilet rack back on the wall and left quickly. It was almost 5 PM and he headed back to the apartment and he kept tasting the men he swallowed. All he could think about is sucking more dick. When he arrived back he had a response from Anonymous, great cock sucker. Be there tomorrow at the same time, I am off again tomorrow and definitely need to unload in that cum dump mouth of yours. Dillon loved told he had a cum dump mouth and hated it at the same time. He wondered why others did not hit him up that he sent an email to and thought I really need to hit up that bbc guy. Wonder if his cum taste different?
    2 points
  26. I'm in the same boat. No sex for a few weeks now and totally horny as fuck. Isolating and only going out for groceries and pharmacy. I hope it's over soon!
    2 points
  27. CTI-3 Meeting the Doctor I stood there for a moment trying to process what they fuck just happened, but I that was interrupted by a man in a white jacket coming in. He was a hot looking muscle daddy, grey hair at the temples, salt and pepper goatee and a hot muscled body. I looked at his crotch and he had a thick tube heading down his left leg. “Good afternoon young man. I’m Dr. Hazzard and I will be in charge of your treatment. I have read your case file and I see some very promising things in there” I just stood there silent. “I observed your first treatment and I have to say I am impressed with your quick response” “I though I was here to get rid of these urges?” “Young man, we use unconventional treatments to help with the urges. You will never get rid of them, but will be treated to be free when those urges happen” Again I was silent. “I noticed you checking me out when I came into your room. Your eyes gave you away. Your focus was at my crotch almost instantly” I swallowed. “You are a cock whore, I can tell, yes?” I felt my face flush with embarrassment. “Yes?” He asked again “Yes” I replied. “Good. Now get on the bed, on your back and lift your legs up in the air. Expose your hole to me” As if almost hypnotized I did as the doctor instructed. He stepped closer and reached out, running his fingers around my hole. “I know you have had cucumbers up there as well as our fuck machine’s smooth rocket but have you had a real cock in there” “No sir” “That will change, soon!” “Orderlies” The two musclemen entered the rooms and without any other instructions, each grabbed an ankle and pulled my legs apart, wide apart. I watched between my legs as he unzipped his pants. His hand reached into the open zipper and pulled out his massive cock. It was already growing, it was thickening as it got longer. I could see the Doctor stroking it, pulling back the skin covering the head. “It’s time for both your cherries to be taken, your virgin hole and taking his first poz load” I could feel the doctor rubbing his cock up and down my crack. Teasing my hole. The orderlies were watching intently. Without warning the doctor pushed his thick cock into my hole, which resisted at first but quickly opened and allowed it to penetrate deep. The pain was intense. I started to breathe heavily and sweat. “Take the pain!” the doctor said. His cock stretched my hole, as the pain slowly subsided and pleasure replaced it. He pushed all the way in and slowly began to fuck me. I went to grab my hard cock and tried to stroke it by the doctor pushed it way. “You’re a bottom, your pleasure comes from your hole, not your cock. It is useless” His cock was pumping my hole at a steady pace. The pleasure was something I had never experienced, rippling through my body. “Squeeze your hole around my cock” the doctor said, “use your hole to pleasure the man in you, enhance his pleasure” I tightened my hole, squeezing then releasing over and over. I looked into his eyes as I did, trying to see if he liked it but his expression did not change, but I didn’t stop. “What do you want” he asked “I want your poz load, your disease” I replied repeating what I had heard from the video. He quickened his fucking of my hole. I could feel his pants rubbing against me as he thrusted all the way in. His cock was getting harder as he did it. “You must be sure this is the path you want to take,” “It is, I want to be free” He pumped harder and faster. His breathing had increased as he fucked me. “I’m going to inject you with your first exposure to HIV. This will be repeated multiple times a day until you convert” He pulled his cock out and rammed it all the way in. I felt his cock pulse and my inside was flooded by a hot fluid. His cock jumped hard as his cum shot out of his cock and into my hole. “Milk my cock” he said I squeezed as he pulled out, leaving me feeling empty and my hole gaping. Something inside me wanted to be filled up again. The orderlies released my legs and left my room. “Rest up” the doctor said, “Tomorrow you have your first group therapy session” As he said this, his cock was slowly sliding out of my hole. I could feel it fall free and I reached down and ran my fingers around my opened, wet hole. I moaned as I felt it. I watched as the doctor tucked his cock back into his pants and zip up. “No jacking your cock tonight or pleasuring your hole” he said, “sleep” As he was shutting the door he said: “We will be watching”
    2 points
  28. No you don’t just take it. That’s stupid! No top or bottom should be having any unprotected sex if they can transmit any disease. It’s immoral and wrong. Get tested frequently for your own health and the health of your partners.
    2 points
  29. CTI THE FIRST TREATMENT We left the room with me hiding my naked, hard cock and in between the two muscle men. The each grabbed my upper arms, pulling my hand away from my crotch allowing my cock to voice free. As we moved down the hall, I could hear moans and grunts coming from behind the shut doors and at one door I heard “Oh fuck yeah, infect me! Give it to me” We arrived at an open door and went into the room. On one wall was a huge tv and in the center was a line wooden chair. Some sort of machine was under it, but I didn’t know what it was. I was moved to the front of the chair and I saw that in the seat was a hole about six inches in diameter. The muscle men turned me and pushed me down in the chair. One secured my ankles to the leg of the chair behind them, the other secured my wrists to the arms of the chair. Then one got down behind the chair and did something unknown to me as the other man reach down between my hips and the chair and pulls my ass checks apart. I felt something cold touched my hole The last thing they did was put when looked like an oxygen tube, like the ones from a hospital under my nose. As they left one said: “Breath deep through your nose abs enjoy the show” The tv came on and a blue screen was illuminating the dark room. A voice from nowhere echoed the room: “When you see the word ‘Hit’ breath deeply through your nose. When you see the word ‘hold’ then hold your breath. When you see the word ‘release’ you exhale” “Are you ready to begin” “Yes” I replied The screen lit up with an image of a naked man with a huge hard cock, then switched to the words “you crave cock” As the screen switched to another imagine I felt something pushing to get up my hole. As the images of nude men continued to change on the screen, the object pushed into my hole, sliding in deep. The word HIT popped on the screen so I breathed deeply through my nose, then the picture of a hard cock flash then back to hit - I did a hit again as the rush of poppers flowed through my body. Then a cock again then Hit. I followed the directions. The the word Hold flashed and I held my breath until the word release flashed The images changed to short videos of men sucking cock, licking nuts sacs and then sucking again. The object in my hole was sliding in and out of my hole at a steady pace, bring me pleasure. My cock was hard and leaking. The would Hit last again and I followed the instructions, hit again and again until I had hit five times then held for about fifteen seconds and then released At this point the sucking videos had been replaced my fucking, bareback fucking. The object picked up a little speed and my leaking increased as my cock bounced. Plus pleasure. The videos changed showing up close fucking with raw cocks sliding in and out of holes, to far away, then back close up. The instructions to hit again popped up again between the videos over and over until I had hit ten times and held and released. The rush was intense. I felt my inhibitions slid away. My mouth watered, my cock throbbed and my hole relaxed as the object again sped up. The raw fucking videos now showed men getting bred and I would hear sayings. “You want raw cock” “Your hole was made for cum” “All loads should be taken none refused” Then more instructions on hitting appeared. I did as instructed. As the videos of fucking and breeding continued. “You crave infected cum” “You want the virus” “Sexual Suicide is what you want” “You want HIV” “You crave toxic loads” “You want poz loads” “You want AIDS” In the videos I saw biohazard tattoos and tattoos of scorpions on the men getting fucked. Then more popper instructions. The rush flowed through me. The machine was fucking my hole quickly, hitting my g-spot and causing more leaking from my cock. “Tell me what you want!” “Poz loads” I replied “Where do you want them” “Up my hole” More popper instructions, that I followed. My head was swimming Fromm the rush and I could feel my heart beat in my temples and my cock. My hole relaxed even more as the machine fucked me quickly. “You want infected seed in you” “Yes” I screamed My balls were so pulled up tightly that they ached. I could feel the warm pre-cum puddling between my legs. I know I would not last long. The machine was fucking me faster. I screamed in pleasure and my load shot out my cock and flew high in the air. It was a massive load. As I shot the machine stopped and the object was pulled out. The video also went dark. I sat there breathing heavy coming down from the rush. I head the door open behind me and soon saw the two musclemen. “Damn never seen someone turn that quickly” one said They released me and half dragged me back to my room.
    2 points
  30. CHAPTER 3 – JACE THE WHORE I love watching Brian plow a neg hole. He likes to get a boy on all fours, back arched—the position of total surrender. He grabs a giant handful of the boy’s musclebutt in each hand. Then, after impaling that poor unsuspecting bitch on his fat poz dick, he pulls back to expose the length of his shaft, throwing the full weight of his body into another deep thrust, his stomach and balls smacking hard against the boy’s wide-open hole. More often than not, a full thrust of Brian’s raw dick produces my favorite sound that humans can make: an involuntary primal grunt, emanating from somewhere deep in the gut, like pain and hunger at the same time. When he’s fucking a negboy, Brian pulls out every few minutes to slather more Tina-laced lube on his dick, leaving that hungry hole empty and gaping and slick with toxic precum while the boy whimpers a little louder and reaches back to spread his hole a little wider. With every dose of chems – with every shard of Tina smeared into that twitching fuckhole—the boy’s hunger keeps building, his fears and shames falling away as he gives in to a desperate, almost delirious craving. He starts mumbling incoherently, bits of pigtalk interspersed with sounds that aren’t quite words, but not quite moans either—the primal ravings of a bitch in heat. Before long, he’ll be making sharp backward hip-thrusts, impaling his chemmed-up jockhole at an increasingly rapid clip—smack, slap, slosh—as the skin on his bubble butt grows red from the pounding. If he’s like most boys, he doesn’t stop to ask questions when I put the Tina bong in front of him. By that point, he’s already tweaking on the chems in his butt, so he doesn’t put up a fight. He just wordlessly wraps his mouth around the glass stem, looking up at me with those pitch-black pupils as the bong chamber turns solid white and he eagerly fills his lungs with smoke. With every cloud billowing out of his mouth, he arches his back a little more sharply to elevate his fuckhole a little further toward the ceiling. There’s no question now: his ass is ours. In less than an hour, we’ve managed to transform a nice, upstanding kid into a helpless faggot with a Tina-fueled hunger for dick. I make sure to teach him the basic skills: how to take a nice deep hit, hold his breath for a few moments, and wrap his mouth around my cock before exhaling a thick cloud down the length of my shaft. (“Good boy,” I always say, which he usually answers with a muffled moan.) And while Brian’s cock keeps plunging its full length into that raw cumhole, I look down on our sweet, naïve, fucked-up negboy with a crooked smile of sadistic pride. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s get back to Jace. * * * After getting dressed, I headed back to the pool party. Jace followed just a few steps behind like some kind of forlorn pup. When we rejoined the group near the pool, I gave Brian a little wink. He walked over to Jace, chatted briefly with him, and led him back inside. They were gone for about five minutes. When they returned, Jace looked a little more flushed than before, and Brian was grinning the cockiest of grins. “I took him to the bathroom,” he whispered in my ear. “Then I worked a nice big shard of T up inside his butt with my dick. Had to keep my hand over his mouth to keep that bitch from sobbing with pure joy.” “You breed him?” “Not yet. Gotta keep his cunt on edge, you know?” “Good thinking, babe. Now it's my turn.” I turned toward Jace, flashing him a crooked grin before walking back into the house. He followed me to the bathroom. I locked the door behind us. Almost by instinct, he simply turned around, pulled down his swimsuit, and leaned over the toilet to expose his hole. I placed my palm over his mouth and shoved my cock inside him in a single rough thrust. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes and his hole spasmed in pain, but he nodded encouragement. I began pounding his twitching cunt with my raw dick. “Brian and I are heading back home in 5 minutes,” I whispered in his ear. “Cancel your plans. Be at our door in half an hour. Got that, pig?” He nodded again. “Good. Because I know you’re hungry for seed.” I felt a cold shudder run through his body. Goosebumps formed on his back. And then I pulled out, giving his ass a hard smack. “See you soon, faggot.” * * * Almost exactly 30 minutes later, I found Jace standing anxiously at our front door. He looked directly into my eyes and managed a single word: “Please.” I nodded and gestured him inside. Five minutes later, my dick was back inside his raw fuckhole. Brian placed the glass pipe against Jace’s lips and lit the chamber. “I’ll tell you when to inhale,” he said. “You ever play with Tina?” Jace shook his head no. I grunted in appreciation—as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing hotter than a chempig initiation—and my cock twitched as I delivered a little bump of precum into that boy's newly partied-up butt. Meanwhile, with my cock still lodged deep inside him, I grabbed my phone to call Tristan, our dealer. (I'd been sending him updates throughout the day, so he knew what we'd been up to.) Tristan and I never bothered with formalities. "Please tell me that boy came back," he said when he picked up the phone. "Please tell me you're bringing that hungry hole to me." "Oh, he’s fuckin' ready, dude. In fact, he just blew a giant cloud on Brian's cock. Want him?” "Yes. In fact, I've set aside a very nice reward for you guys. A finder's fee, you might say." “Fuck yeah, bro. We can head that way in a few. He doesn’t have any loads in him yet, so you can be the first.” "Sweet! Get here fast, fucker." And with that, Tristan hung up. I pulled my dick from Jace’s hole, eliciting a truly pathetic whimper. “Don’t you worry, pig,” I said to him. “We’re taking you to meet our friend Tristan. He’s very eager to make a little money off this chemmed-up musclebutt. You ready to be a whore, boy?” “Yes, sir.” “OK, but let's be totally clear about one thing: I didn’t say slut. What did I say?” “You said whore.” “That’s right, boy. I said whore. And by that I mean a literal whore—a trashy fuckin’ pig who eagerly spreads his hole for any dude with a fistful of cash. Got that?” He moaned and reached back to expose his butt, now leaking a steady stream of lube and precum. “That's what I like to see, boy. Now get your fuckin' clothes on.” MORE SOON...
    2 points
  31. Before we knew his name, we called him Neighbor Boy. Brian saw him first. On a gorgeous Saturday in May, I walked into the kitchen to see my husband jacking his fat dick while sneaking glances out the window. When he heard me approach, he flashed a piggish grin and motioned me over. That’s when I caught my first glimpse of Neighbor Boy. He was shirtless, maybe 18 or 19, and hauling boxes into his family’s new home. His face, square-jawed and intense, was still boyish in a lot of ways, but you could easily see the drop-dead-handsome man he was becoming. And to make things even hotter, he was obviously packing a man-size piece of meat, judging from the package bouncing between his legs. As sweat ran down the ridges of his abs, his shorts began to slip past the beltline, exposing just a bit of what appeared to be a bubble-perfect jockbutt. My eyes followed the dark line of sweat forming between his asscheeks; I wanted to bury my face in the fresh boy-musk around his crotch, his pits, his fuckhole. Brian turned to me with an evil grin. “That boy is ours,” he said, still furiously jacking his cock. Then, with a grunt, he sprayed three powerful volleys of thick, unmedicated poz cum across the kitchen sink. * * * Brian and I have been together for 10 years. I’m 35; he’s 40. People tease us about looking like twins, and I can see why: we both have dark brown hair, beards, and hairy chests. We also have cocks that are roughly the same size, about 8.5” by 6.5”. And when our big dicks spring out of our jockstraps at the same time, we can usually turn a run-of-the-mill bottomboy into a trashy, knocked-up dickpig in no time at all. It wasn’t always that way. Back when we met, Brian was a top. I was vers, but I wouldn’t let him fuck me raw. My reasoning was simple: I was neg, he was poz. And then one night, he invited me to his house for a homemade dinner. It was my birthday, and he’d hinted at some kind of surprise. I had no idea what was in store: halfway through my first cocktail, I started to slur my speech. I remember asking him what was going on, but Brian just stood there, grinning like a demon and rubbing his cock through his jeans as I slipped into unconsciousness. When I woke up, I found myself suspended in midair, my body swinging back and forth in a steady rhythm. In my drugged-up stupor, it took me a few minutes to realize that I was directly underneath a large mirror on the ceiling. Very slowly, I managed to process the image I saw in the mirror: for some reason I was naked, with my legs splayed wide and arms tied back. I’d heard of slings, but I’d never been in one. And just then, it dawned on me that my body was swinging back and forth in a steady rhythm because a total stranger was pounding my hole. That’s when I heard Brian’s voice cut through the noise in that dark, crowded, sweat-stenched room: “The second booty bump definitely woke him up,” he said. Right about then, the guy fucking me started to convulse, and everyone in the room shouted encouragement as he thrust in and out of my hole frenetically. Next I heard a loud round of clapping and grunting from the crowd, followed by an odd sensation of warmth and wetness when that cock pulled out of me. My hole released the stranger's mushroom head with a subtle *pop*, and then I suddenly felt an emptiness in my ass, as if my knocked-up cunt somehow wasn’t complete anymore without a raw dick lodged deep inside. But the emptiness didn’t last. Within a matter of seconds, I felt the familiar contours of Brian’s cock inside me. “Hey, baby,” he said, his big dick making an unfamiliar sloshing sound as he fucked away. “That was load number four, and you've just begun. It’s your birthday, remember? My gift is to get you fuckin’ pregnant. You want another poz load?” I stared at him, uncomprehending. Then my eyes grew wide as I realized what all this meant. “No,” I said. “Fuck no. I don’t want to be sick. You know that. What the fuck are you doing?” “Oh, please—you have no idea what you want,” he replied. “From the moment we met, I saw right through you. You’re just another clean-cut, handsome boy waiting for somebody to give you permission to be a cumpig. I mean, just look at your dick right now—it’s harder than I’ve ever seen it.” I glanced down at my cock, and I could see it dripping beads of precum onto my abs. Meanwhile, Brian kept pounding me. “Your dick seems to be a few steps ahead of your brain at the moment, because your dick knows what you need,” he said. “And what you need, little piggy, is an ass full of fresh poz loads. Don’t worry—your brain will catch up to your cock before the night’s through. Until then, we’ll just gangrape you full of poz seed, OK?" "FUCK YOU." "Sorry, bud, but I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. You're the one getting fucked tonight, remember? You're getting fucked and bred and, if you're really lucky, maybe even pozzed. So...are you ready to beg for another dirty load, boy?” “Fuck no, Brian. I don’t want this. Fucking stop, OK? STOP.” He didn’t stop. Instead, he nodded to someone behind me, and I was quickly muzzled and blindfolded. Brian stopped thrusting for a moment, lodging his cock deep in my hole, and ordered me to stay perfectly still unless I wanted to get hurt. In the stillness that followed, someone wrapped a tourniquet around my bicep. I felt a pinch in my arm, and the tourniquet came loose. Almost immediately, I gasped as a wave of dark energy rushed to my chest, my lungs, my cock, my ass. I coughed violently, and I struggled to catch my breath while the dark wave kept crashing through my nervous system. And just as Brian predicted, that's when my brain finally caught up with my cock. I was in heat. I loved the feeling of Brian's raw dick pounding me full of toxic seed. And by the end of the night, I would whimper and moan anytime my hole wasn’t stretched around a charged-up cock. I'd been transformed from a neg condom queen to a bareback slampig in a matter of hours. In the years since, Brian and I have developed a knack for initiating young men into the world of chemsex, feeding drugs to unsuspecting boys before knocking them up. The hottest of all, I think, was the seduction of Brian’s college-age nephew. And it didn’t happen on just any night, either, but on the night of our wedding. This kid was a hot little faggot with a naturally hungry butt. He was deeply closeted, but Brian and I saw right through him in a second. So after flirting with him on the dancefloor, then feeding him our dicks in a restroom stall, we took him back to the honeymoon suite, smoked him out with the glass pipe, and slathered Tina-laced lube all over his fratboy fuckhole. Within 15 minutes, he was taking a seat on my raw cock and bouncing on it like a natural-born bitch. Eight hours (and two giant slams) later, Brian’s fratboy nephew was a confirmed chemwhore, proudly spreading his wrecked fuckhole while it oozed loads from 11 strangers. Even then, he was still shoving fingers hungrily into his cunt, pleading for another slam of Tina in his arm. Instead, we dropped him off at our dealer’s house with instructions to push every boundary possible until this boy was corrupted through and through. Our dealer didn’t disappoint, and within a month or two our fratboy nephew was a slampig escort with a real talent for getting double-fisted. We couldn’t be prouder. * * * The day after we saw Neighbor Boy for the first time, we introduced ourselves to his parents. Over the course of a 30-minute conversation that included far too many details about the sister we didn’t care to meet, we found out exactly what we needed to know: Neighbor Boy’s name was Dalton, and he was finishing up his senior year at McKinley High. He’d just turned 18. He had a steady girlfriend named Melissa, and he’d landed a scholarship to be a kicker for one of the state university football teams. “Oh, and one more thing,” Dalton’s father said to us. “We’ll be chaperoning our daughter’s class trip to Washington, D.C. at the beginning of June. Dalton is perfectly capable of running the house by himself for a week, but could you just make sure he doesn’t throw any giant keggers? We’d really appreciate it.” We nodded eagerly, because we’d found our window of opportunity. As the conversation wrapped up, we slipped our hands in our pockets, attempting to hide the bulges from our rapidly hardening cocks. * * * When Brian and I returned home, we closed the door and fell into a deep, sloppy kiss. We would do whatever necessary to fill all of Dalton’s holes with chems. And if we had our way, he’d be going to college in the fall with poz blood flowing through his veins. “I wonder if Jesse knows Dalton,” Scott said. “That could be hot.” I nodded and grabbed my phone. “Let’s give him a ring.” We love Jesse because he’s an evil pig. But we love him even more because he’s an evil pig who happens to look like a blond, buff Mormon. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s hung like a lumberjack. Like Dalton, he’s a senior at McKinley, and we’d initiated him about six months earlier after chatting him up on a bareback fetish site. We pozzed him on the day after his 18th birthday. He was already entertaining some very dark fantasies by the time we found him—apparently he’d been watching bareback porn and trolling fetish chatrooms for years. But unlike most of the naïve little faggots we corrupt with chems and impregnate with toxic seed, Jesse was eager to get slammed into the stratosphere, and he required no encouragement to spread his muscled boybutt for our poz dicks. And now, in the months since his seroconversion, he’s been helping us lure boys to the world of chem-fueled bareback fucking. Jesse answered my call right away. Yes, he said, he was pretty good friends with Dalton, who was basically the hottest guy in the entire fucking school. We asked if Jesse was planning to hang out with Dalton anytime soon. Yes, he replied: he’d be at Dalton’s pool party the following weekend. “You guys should come, because a lot of the parents will be there,” he said. “I’ll tell Dalton to invite you. And I'll tell you something else: everybody at school would swear he’s straight, but I just don’t know. I get a weird vibe from him. Maybe not a gay vibe, but like a curious vibe.” “So you’re saying there might be a faggot buried deep inside that boy?” I asked. “Just a hunch,” Jesse replied. “Well, in that case,” said Scott, “it’s time for us to get deep inside Dalton and find out.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  32. lt's fun to meet a faggot to fuck it and piss on it but sometimes its fun to just piss on some whore with no warning at all. lt really puts them in their place and reminds them that I have no respect for them as a person. One time l was in a porntheatre and one of the regular community fuckholes was there so when he came over and got on his knees to blow me l made him take off all his clothes and hand them to me. Skinny little 110 pound faggot so the old trolls loved breeding him. So I offered his ass and mouth to a few other randoms and pulled out a huge dildo and rammed it up his ass to fuck the loads into him.After I fucked the whore doggystyle on the dirty floor l made him fuck my load in with the dildo on his hands and knees on the floor and pissed all over him. Even got him to look up so I could piss in his face. Another time @LittleCumSewerwas in a public restroom at the mall taking loads naked in a stall and I went in and pissed on him then pulled him out of the stall naked and bent him over the sinks and fucked him up the ass with a couple guys watching soaked in my piss. Do you ever just piss on a faggot without him asking for it or warning it?
    1 point
  33. This. Covid-19 is a respiratory virus. It doesn’t care whether you wear a condom or not. Personally I’m not hooking up at all though.
    1 point
  34. Breeding a diaper fag pup was one of the most erotic moments of my life
    1 point
  35. Before lockdown I got a message from a younger guy not too far from me who said he's a top and wants to fuck and get off and ignore my dick and needs. I said ok but I couldn't host. He gave me an address a few blocks away, I arrived he buzzed me into his apartment. He instructed me to strip in the living room walk to the bedroom and lay down ass up, put on blindfold. I came lubed to make it easy for him. He walks out from bathroom, climbs onto my back slides in and starts fucking me. He feels like a chubby very hairy guy. He asks if I'm ok with this, I said yea you feel good in me. He said he likes fucking my ass and if I'm not in a hurry he wants to take his time, and I told him to go for it. He apologized for not being big and I said I'm more into it for the cum than dick size. He said he cums a lot and he did. After shooting he played on my back and I love feeling a top staying in me, and he asked if I want more he can cum again. Hell yea. He only bred me twice but they were big loads, over about 1 1/2 hours. It was like he was edging himself with my asshole, felt great. We connected the same way twice since without a blindfold and him giving 2 or 3 loads inside for me to carry home. His dirty talk is kinda hot and he talks about inviting another younger guy to use me too. Being a real cumdump for a grad student or two to just get off is so hot to me.
    1 point
  36. Brad tugged at his bow tie trying to get it aligned perfectly. Today is to be full of life changing events. His mind drifts back as he stares off into space. Brad met Jason nearly two years ago by chance. They lived in the same building and some of Jason's mail was delivered to him by mistake. Slipping it under Jason's door, he was startled by a voice behind him. "May I help you?" "Oh, I'm sorry, I got some mail by mistake and was simply returning it." Brad's heart was pounding. This man was a god hovering over him still knelt at the door. Their eyes locked on each other, fate was knitting its tapestry that would bring these two together. They gradually became acquaintances, then friends, and then much more. All this time, it has been safe sex. Who knows how many condoms the guys used during their relationship. Brad is negative, while Jason is HIV positive and considers himself a 'purist.' He refuses to take any meds unless he absolutely has to. He's never had to, being in decent, yet toxic, health. Tonight, Brad and Jason will be standing at the altar. Vowing their love for one another has another commitment. Brad was never a chaser, but his love for Jason has made him crave being bred, without a barrier between them. When Jason proposed, Brad said yes on the condition that on their wedding Jason would finally impregnate him, making them equals and one in the DNA. --- A voice breaks Brad from his mental trip down memory lane. "Are you ready, Brad?" Here it was, the commitment that would change his life, and his body, forever. Brad nods, and is escorted to the ceremony. --- After a beautiful ceremony and reception, the newly weds finally arrive at the honeymoon suite. Jason holds Brad from behind as they look out at the view beyond the balcony, kissing his neck gently. "We don't have to do this tonight if you are having second thoughts, Brad." "No, baby, I want this. I need to be with you fully and completely." "I've never knowingly pozzed anyone. I've always been safe." "I know, Jason. I've not been a chaser, but I love you so much, I feel I must give myself to you and take all of you into myself." Jason turns Brad around and begins to undress him slowly. Brad in turn lovingly disrobes his husband. Standing naked, cocks pressed together as their tongues dance, hands roaming and kneading shoulders, back and ass. Brad pulls Jason to the bed, grabbing lube from the nightstand. Jason kisses Brad gently, then down his neck, across his chest taking a nipple into his mouth, alternating between gently sucking and firm bites. Brad moans, his hips bucking against Jason's, their cocks leaking precum freely. Jason kisses down Brad's stomach, tonguing his belly button, then trailing down to his shaft, licking up the underside as it throbs. He takes the head into his mouth and slowly pulls Brad deep into his mouth. Teasing the pisshole with his tongue with each stroke. Jason licks back down the underside of Brad's cock, down to his full balls, tugging the sac with his teeth, tongue circling each of them. Looking up Brad's body, his eyes again meeting Brad's , who nods and bites his lower lip. Jason's tongue dances down Brad's taint, to his awaiting pucker. Making laps while pushing into the center, making Brad squirm. "Oh my god, I need you inside me!" With a serious look, Jason looks back up. "Are you sure, baby?" "I've never been more sure of anything my whole life." With that, Jason lifts Brad's legs, applying lube to his quivering hole as well as his shaft. The poz cockhead teases Brad's hole for the first time ever without a condom separating them. The head breaks through the outer pucker as Brad wraps his legs around Jason's hips resting on his ass. After taking his time to push in, his balls come to rest on the outskirts of Brad's now full hole. Slow deliberate thrusts send waves of pleasure through Brad's body. "I may not last long the first time without the desensitized feeling of the condom." "I don't care, I just need it. We have rest of our lives to make love. Fuck me and fill me with your toxic cum!" With that, Jason's thrusts increase in intensity. Slamming into his lover's negative hole. A sense of urgency flushes over Jason. "I'm so close. I'm going to make you part of me forever." "Yes, poz my neg hole!" With a loud grunt, Jason seems to be trying to force his whole being into Brad's chute. "FUUUUCK!! Take my toxic load!" Brad grips Jason tighter holding him inside him deep, feeling pulse after pulse of Jason's poz cock filling his ass with a seven day load, as they abstained prior to the ceremony. Jason opens his eyes as the orgasm ebbs, seeing Brad lost in thought. "Are you ok, my love?" "I couldn't be better. Finally your cum is where it belongs." "I love you, Brad." "I love you, Jason." Jason gets off the bed, with Brad looking at him quizzically. "What are you doing?" Jason rummages around in a suitcase then pulls out a buttplug. "We'll use this, my sweet husband, to ensure a wedding night knock up." He grins as he gently inserts it into Brad's red and swollen pucker. "If not, we'll keep trying." They kiss passionately and then drift off to sweet slumber. All was right in the world.
    1 point
  37. Two things: one, my PrEP doc has been "encouraging" all of his patients to continue taking PrEP and not to shift to a 2-1-1 or to stop altogether. In conversation, he mentioned clients who'd stopped their PrEP for the run of the pandemic, "cracked" under the isolation, hooked up, and both felt guilty and were afraid they'd gotten HIV. He said the worst thing would be to have COVID and an HIV infection. I understood his point. We need touch and interaction, some more than others. There are going to be people who despite their best intentions, break down and have sex. Two, that's different than people who've said "fuck the pandemic" and decide to fuck around anyway. While both are examples of being human, I'm sympathetic to the former, and not so much the latter. ps. I'm horny as fuck. I'm not breaking. This is hard -- sexually -- on most everyone trying to be responsible.
    1 point
  38. A preprint of a new paper suggests that the testicles serve as a reservoir for Covid-19 among men. [think before following links] https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.16.20060566v1
    1 point
  39. Well anyone with a compromised immune system should be avoiding all viral, fungal and bacterial pathogens as best they practically can all the time. But anyone, compromised or not, who is interacting with people they don’t live with now is just stupid and selfish. You only interact for necessities like groceries. Not fucking.
    1 point
  40. That was the video I was looking for : [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/28072/group-sex-at-a-sex-club/ Enjoy https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
    1 point
  41. When we walked back into the bedroom, the two guys were lying back smoking the pipe and watching porn. Not touching but wanking their own cocks and discussing the scene. Damp, we joined them. I slid between Milos legs and took his cock in my mouth. He gazed down and blew me a kiss and then stretched raising his hands above his head. Michael, whose own semi was in Toby’s mouth leaned over and kissed Milos. It looked so fucking hot. So fucking innocent. But as I watched Michael clasped Milos hands above his head, keeping them there. I kept sucking on Milos cock and gently grabbed one of his ankles and saw that Toby was doing the same. Michael pushed his tongue into Milos mouth as I sucked his cock and now Toby ran his tongue up and down his inner thigh. Milos was in sensory overload and oblivious - lost in three hot horny guys paying ultimate attention to him. The poor fucker I thought as Michael straddled Milos and lent all his weight on him. Suddenly Milos must have realised something was wrong as he tried to push him off. But it was too late. Toby and I leaned over the bed and pulled out the retraining straps from under the mattress and linked them round his ankles. Michael pulled his arms apart and grabbing them we slipped them into restraints hidden behind the headboard. To stop Milos from yelling I heard a sharp slap. Looking up, Milos looked stunned as Michael withdrew his hand. A trickle of blood seeped from the side of the Greek’s mouth. My cock went rigid. As Michael climbed off the stunned boi, I grabbed his chin and looked him in the face. Milos whimpered as Toby and Michael got off the bed and started prepping some syringes. “Pussy boi, eh, you cunt?” I licked the blood from the side of his face and then slapped his face again. But not too hard. My hand dropped to his body and grabbed his cock. It was rock hard and leaking. Milos was scared and horny. The perfect combination. I dropped my hand lower and grabbed his bollocks and squeezed. He yelped as I twisted them. Then I dropped my hand further under his balls. His eyes opened wide as I rammed three dry fingers into his cunt and yelled. I slapped him again. “Don’t make so much noise.” Behind me, I heard Toby cough. Something landed on the bed with a thump. I smiled, picked up the ball gag and despite his protests strapped it to Milos’ face. I walked away as he screamed in to the rubber ball. I pulled Toby back to the bed and clamped his mouth onto Milos cock. T’d up he didn’t need any bidding. Standing behind him I slid my cock into his cummy, wet hole. Involuntarily I moaned. Fucked cunt always felt so good. Michael came to stand next to me and tied a tourniquet around me arm. Then walked to Milos and did the same. Milos was shaking his head. “No, baby. You said if I did it, you’d do it.” He continued to shake his head as I slowly pushed my cock in and out of Toby’s hole and Michael lined up the syringe in my arm. I closed my eyes. The black hole in my soul was pulsating. It was hungry and as I coughed and felt the rush, it flared brighter than ever before. I opened my eyes and watched as Michael told Milos not to struggle or it would hurt. Suddenly, Milos went still, eyes transfixed on the needle. Michael inserted the needle into his arm. “How much?” Michael grinned. “More than enough.” Suddenly Milos was coughing and struggling, I lent forward to keep Toby on his cock, hearing him gag and retch as he tried to do as he was told. Taking two deep huffs of poppers, Michael then clamped his mouth to Milos’ lips and forcefully blew his lungs into the boi’s lungs. Milos stopped his struggling as his body fought the new invasion but when Michael pulled away it was clear that the slam was taking effect. Milos’ eyes were glistening, hungry and desperate. Michael came and stood beside me. His cock was hard and dripping. I pulled out and stepped to one side. Without any notice, Michael pulled back his hips and rammed his cock into Toby. He screamed in pain and his arse gave way to the massive tool raping his unprepared cunt. I pulled one of Toby’s arms behind his back and the other on the back of his head as he tried to pull away from Milos cock. Milos, pushed his hips forward, wanting lips on his cock. I leaned down and told Toby that this was part of his punishment for being so cocky. I pulled his arm tighter making him scream. Michael laughed, pulled out and slugged his cock back into the tight hole balls deep. Toby was begging him to stop. Milos was moaning with pleasure but struggling against his restraints. He looked at me pleadingly. He wanted to be Toby. His cunt was hungry and his own black hole was starting to grow inside him. I released Toby. The pain and pleasure he was feeling wasn’t going anywhere but being impaled on Michael’s massive tool was all he wanted. He was now pulling on his own shaved balls and then pulling his arse cheeks apart. He was begging Michael to fuck him and begging me for forgiveness. I stood back and watched then went to stand by Michael. As he turned to kiss me I slid a finger to his cunt. He smiled and I pushed a finger in, making him moan. His fucks were now so deep and hard, he was slamming into Toby with each thrust. Toby was delirious, lying prone and lost to the meat pounding him. I pulled my finger out of Michael’s arse and pushed it into his mouth. Michael’s tongue sucked the taste off my lips and then he kissed me as I jerked off. Milos, tied up, could only watch as Michael started to ramp up his fucking and suddenly lifting Toby physically off the bed with such force into his cunt that Toby was crushed into the mattress. Pulling out, Tony’s red tinged arse juices leaked onto the sheet. It looked so fucking hot. I flipped Toby over and looked at his cunt. Red and raw I slid my own cock up there, wanting to feel the heat and wetness of Michael’s fuck. It felt glorious. I told Michael to get the bulb from the draw and when he returned I pushed it into the filled up cunt and extracted the contents of Toby’s semi wrecked into the clear bubble. I smiled and lent down to kiss Toby, who finally opened his eyes and smiled. Michael joined us as we three kissed, completely ignoring Milos. Desperate for attention he screamed into his gag. We stopped and looked at him. I wrapped my hand around his cock and started to slowly wank him. Toby got up and retrieved his bag. “What, baby? You want to be fucked?” His eyes widened and he nodded. I grinned and pulled his foreskin all the way back revealing his leaking piss slit and leaned down to lick the precum spilling from it. I gestured to Michael who walked back over to the dresser. “One more slam, Milos. And then we’re going to fuck you up so bad.” His eyes went from hunger to terror and he started shaking his head. I grinned. “You know this is what you want. Why you came here tonight. Fuck you up so bad.” As he watched, Michael walked back to the bed syringe in hand and Toby pulled a baster full of cum from his bag, adding the new juice from the bulb. Milos screamed again into his gag and once again fought against the restraints. Futile. I straddled Milos and took his head in my hands. “Don’t struggle. Michael might slip and we couldn’t want that.” Michael expertly and quickly slammed me and it took all my control to remain where I was as I felt the T race through my body - to my brain, my cock and my cunt. All I wanted was a cock deep in me and it took all my willpower to fight the urge. Milos went still. Not limp. Like his dick, his body was hard and straining. Michael tapped the syringe and reset it and I watched as he pushed the tip of the needle into Milos’ arm, paused and grinned. Milos looked at him confused. “Get ready, you fucker. You’re about to become our sleaze pig. Our boi. Our poz and blood dump. We’re going to open you cunt up so much but you won’t beg us to stop.” Milos pupils dilated and suddenly he was coughing. And I mean really coughing. Coughing so hard he flung me off his body as he strained against the restraints and then went still, his breath whistling through the choker in his mouth. I admit I panicked as I watched his reaction, scared Michael had overdone it. But I then remembered that Michael was, as a dealer, an expert. I got to my feet and walked back to Milos. And I saw it. He had entered his back hole. He was staring at me but not seeing me. Isn’t down and kissed him and for a single moment I entered his black hole and saw his hunger
    1 point
  42. Guys do remember that on 2-1-1 dosing it's recommended to have the first dose 24 hours before sex... although 2 hours is the minimum.
    1 point
  43. Part 3; I stopped what I was doing, to admire and take in the beautiful sight of this boy's slightly gaping cunt. Beautiful. I had every intention of stretching him even further, and not letting my handy work so far tighten up even just a smidgen, so I plugged him with an Oxballs Rosebud Spec-U-Plug that 'blooms' open once inside. 'Get up'. He got up, and was a bit unsteady on his legs, so, I carried him into the bathroom, and ordered him to kneel in the bath, back to the taps. I climbed in, standing, facing him. 'Hands behind your back boy, open your mouth, keep it open, and look up at me'. 'Yes Sir'. My long awaited pee came. The first splash hit his chest, then I aimed for his face, moving my dick around so his face was getting a good drenching. Then aiming for his mouth I began to fill him up, enjoying seeing my piss overflow down his chin and chest. 'Drink it' After swallowing my piss, I refilled his mouth again, and with further overflow I once again ordered him to swallow. I then purposefully stopped peeing, even though I needed to release a lot more, and ordered him to stay where he was. In the kitchen I mixed up a fresh batch of fisting gel, putting it in the playroom, then returned to the bathroom. I put my flaccid Dick into his mouth and focused on peeing again. I started to get a semi, when I started trickling. Pushing the back of his head to the base of my Dick he made frequent gulping sounds as he had no choice but to swallow. More piss to come, but I once again 'held'. 'On all 4's boy'. 'Yes Sir'. I removed the Oxballs Rosebud Spec-U-Plug. He was definitely gaping a bit more than before I first put it in. I got Rock Hard immediately. I plunged in balls deep. He was certainly now relaxed, and sufficiently stretched (yet not enough), as my Dick wasn't even contacting the innards of his cunt, and I have a decent 6" Girth when erect. I love a tight ASS, but, I love it even more when it is loose. As I was now erect I had to really focus to pee again, and resist the temptation to start fucking. And out it came. During at least 1 minute I pissed to completion. I fucked his loose non gripping cunt for a few minutes, with my piss sloshing about inside. I pulled out, and piss started gushing out from his gaping cunt. I crouched down and caught a mouthful, and held it in my mouth. Piss still pouring out I quickly plugged him back up with the Rosebud plug. I flipped him onto his knees, opened his mouth with my hands, and fed him from my mouth the mixture of my piss, his cunt juice, and blood. And maybe some of my bio hazardous pre cum too. 'Do you like to slam boy?' 'I don't know what that is Sir'. 'It is when someone injects their blood into someone else. Like mine injected into you'. His response was to rub his chest, put his bottom lip inside his mouth, looking at me with an intense look with moans and whimpers of ecstasy. I carried him to the playroom, got him some drinks and snacks then went into my office to give my friend Tom a call. Part 4 to follow...
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  44. Trevor had just finished taking 4 huge hits from the pipe and another large shotgun from leather Daddy and was now stretched out on his back on the couch....his ass resting on the arm of the couch with his legs pulled back and his hungry tweaked up piggy neg ass at just the right level to be fucked and pounded by hard bare poz cock. And the cock about to do it was MINE!! Daddy was on his knees on the couch over the pig's head, brushing the open lips with his fat wet cockhead and teasing Trevor with the occasional taste of his dirty precum. He had told me to fuck "our bottom pig slut" first with my toxic meat and get him begging to feel my POZ cock deeper in his needy hole, demanding me to knock him up with my poison brew - all as part of our "roleplay" of course. I rubbed my precum soaked cockhead across the puckered hole freely being offered in front of me. In the light from the lamp on the table I could see the sparkle of the tina dust coating the head and part of the shaft, ready to take this cum hungry slut to another level of tina-induced need and craving. "Tell us what you want, pig," Daddy commanded the flying slut. "We can't give it to you until you let us know what you want." His voice muffled as he was licking Daddy's heavy hairy nuts, Trevor spoke with a hunger that sounded too real to be "just roleplay". "I want cock and cum, Daddy. I want POZ cock and cum filling up my neg hole from you and my bro. I need your POZ loads flooding my neg ass and fucking knocking me up! Oh PLEASE! Please fucking give me your dirty cocks and seed!" "Hell yeah, pig!," I said, grabbing on to his ankles and pushing his legs back and opening his hole wider. "Gonna give you all you want, bro! I'm gonna fuck you full of my dirty cum then Daddy's gonna give you all the potent cock juice in those balls you're licking on! Here it comes, pig! Take my fucking POZ cock!" With the last word I slammed my full length in one hard thrust balls-deep into the cum-and-piss-filled neg hole in front of me. We both cried out in animal pleasure at the same time - me from feeling the warm wetness of Daddy's cum and piss enveloping my bare cock, and Trevor from a mix of surprise and gratification at once more being filled with cock. "Oh fuck yeah, bro! Oh fuck your cock feels sooooooo good! Fuck your little pig brother, bro! Fuck me hard and breed me...just like Daddy did!" "Yeah? You want me to breed you bitch? What do you want me to breed you with? What do you want from your big brother?" I was pulling all the way out and slamming back in all the way with increasing speed and need. I had been wanting to blow my POZ seed inside this hole ever since Daddy had first shown me his profile and his pic and told me the plans he had for the boy. I knew this first fuck was not going to be a long one but that didn't matter. What mattered was giving him MORE unmedicated poz cum and getting him to beg for it..to WANT it! "Fucking give me your POZ cum, bro! Seed me and knock me up! Make me like you and Daddy! Oh fuck man do it...give me your bug!! PLEASE!!" Trevor was writhing on the couch as I hammered into his hole and Daddy was pinching and twisting his nips. His sexy young body was covered in sweat and he was pushing his willing hole out to meet my thrusting dick. He really wanted it..whether he knew it yet or not, he really wanted it. And I was about to do my part in giving him exactly what he didn't yet know he wanted. "You got it fucker! You asked for it", I breathed harshly "you're fucking getting it....nowwwwwwwwwww!!! Oh fuuuuuuuucckkkk! Take it pig! Take my fucking POZ dirty cum in your fucking tweaked up neg slutty ass! Pozzing you up bro! Fucking you UP!!" And I bellowed like a fucking bull as I shot five, six, eight hard thick spurts of life-changing spunk deep inside this hungry pig! Gawd did it feel good!! I couldn't wait for more. But now, it was time for Daddy to give the slut another load of HIS toxic juices..this time with Trevor eagerly urging Daddy on!!
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  45. Grabbing the meaty cheeks of the young hot pig pushing his ass out toward me I spread them wide and almost gasped with dark hunger as his pink hole smiled at me thru the tufts of black hair surrounding that still-innocent pucker. This boi's hole was MADE to be eaten, fucked, bred....and knocked up! And with the tina in my system ratcheting up my own piggy hunger I was ready to take care of the first penetration....my eager tongue into the depths of that virgin bi pig hole! Along with a good number of tina shards once I had him wet and loosened. And leather daddy and Miss T had him distracted. I moved my face within a couple inches of his hole and gently blew across it. I felt his asscheeks quiver in my grip as I did so, and heard his muffled moan as daddy had his entire dick buried in the cockpig's throat. I blew one more time on the hole then could not hold back, and moved my head and neck forward, my tongue leading the way as it made contact with his sweaty and quivering asslips. DAMN!! Did his hole taste good....and that was just the first taste. I couldn't wait to really taste him as I would get him loose enough to take my tongue past his hole into his chute. And I wasted no time! I grabbed his asscheeks more firmly for a better hold, spread them wider and noisily began licking, lapping and probing at his sweet never-before-fucked hole. His moans though still muffled became louder and his whole body started shaking as he pushed his ass back eager to get more of my tongue into him. I gladly obliged! "You like your pig brother's tongue on your sub pig cunt boi?" Daddy asked him. I heard an eager muffled response which I knew was a definite "YES!". GAWD! I couldn't get enough of this boi's hole on my tongue. It was going to be even so much sweeter once daddy and I worked him at both ends with tina to get him flying. As I feasted I heard daddy tell him to take a couple hits off the pipe. As he took daddy's dick from his mouth, just before taking the pipe stem between his lips he spoke in a heated half whisper half moan to me..."Oh fuck yeah dude! Eat my hot hole. Fuck it with your tongue! Damn that feels so good!! Never had anybody do that before...oh..yes..please!" I slapped one hand on his hairy asscheek to let him know I heard him, as I heard daddy tell him to take a couple of really big hits off the pipe and it'd make my tongue feel even better in his hole! I was only vaguely aware of their actions as in my hunger I was lost in worshipping this pig's ass with my tongue! I knew too that I needed to get it good and slicked up and loosened for the tina daddy wanted me to slide inside that hole. I heard daddy compliment the sub pig on his cloud then heard the click of the lighter as I redoubled my piggish drilling of this sweet hole offered to me. I ate him for about another 5 minutes or so before I reached over to the bag of nice chunky shards of tina and grabbed a 2 or 3 good sized pieces between my wet fingers. I pulled my tongue from the spit drenched hole and my face from the sweaty hairy crack as I moved the fingers with the tina just above his crack. I heard him whimper around daddy's dick in disappointment. "Don't worry, pig," I told him. "I'm not done. Just need to catch my breath. But I'm gonna slide my wet fingers in that hot hairy hole of yours. I think you're needing something in there don't ya?" I saw him bob his head up and down as he mumbled another yes around the meat in his mouth. I winked at daddy then pulled on one cheek with my free hand and slowly slid the 2 fingers covered with the t into his receptive hole. he winced and flinched as he felt the burn of the tina but I held his waist tight and daddy held his head. "It's ok, boi," I said reassuringly. It's just burning cause your hole is so tight. You'll start to feel real good in a moment when you get used to it. Why don't you ask daddy for another hit off the pipe in the meantime?" I finished as my fingers moved further into his heated hole and the tina began to melt in to him. Now the REAL pig boi was going to come out!!
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  46. PART 6 – DEEP-DICKING THE BITCH Dalton didn’t return to work. He marched right past the lawnmower and went back inside his house. Meanwhile, Brian and I texted Jesse—Dalton’s friend from high school—and told him to get his sweet ass over to our place, making sure he parked a few blocks away and entered discreetly through our back gate. About 20 minutes later, we heard a car pull up in Dalton’s driveway. It was the girl he was dating—I frankly couldn’t remember her name, nor did I fucking care. For the purposes of this story, I’m just going to refer to her as the Dickless Wonder, or maybe just Dickless. She wasn’t trying to be a cockblocker, but she was blocking my cock all the same. She needed to go. After she entered Dalton’s house, the two of them made their way to the pool out back. Brian and I were already sitting in our usual spot for spying on the neighbors’ backyard, and we heard a lot of giggling and whispering, with the girlfriend asking all sorts of questions about just how private this little pool was, and Dalton assuring her that it’s really fucking private, OK? Jeez, let’s just fuck already. But I guess she wasn’t listening, because she just kept asking the same goddamn questions. And finally—thankfully—he ended the conversation by shoving her down to her knees and pulling his cock out of his shorts. By this point, Brian already had me pinned against the fence, his fat raw cock shoved deep in my guts. But here’s the thing: while we knew Dalton had a nice piece of meat between his legs, we really weren’t prepared for the sheer impressiveness of that boy’s dick. So when his monster flopped out of his shorts, I actually gasped. Brian gasped, too. And then Brian shuddered, signaling the deposit of a thick load of sperm deep in my guts. I leaned back and kissed my man deeply. Then he pointed toward our neighbors’ backyard, and I turned to see what I’d missed: Dalton had already stripped the Dickless Wonder naked, positioning her for a doggy-style fuck on one of the poolside lounge chairs. “Spread your cunt,” he said in a low, cold voice. She dutifully reached back to open up her pussy with her fingers, but Dalton didn’t seem to pay much attention to her efforts. Instead, he was busy rubbing his cockhead against her asshole. Sensing where he was going, she gave out a sharp little whine. “Honey, no,” she said, trying to get back on her feet so she could negotiate. “You know I don’t like that.” Dalton didn’t reply. He just pushed her tailbone down, forcing an arch in her back, and brutally shoved his giant dick deep in his girlfriend’s ass. She yelped and told him to stop, trying to squirm away from being buttfucked against her will, but it was no use. He just closed his eyes, pressing down on that bitch’s back and crushing her perky little tits against the lounge upholstery, his hand clamped tight over her mouth to stifle her screams and sobs. After a few minutes of thrusting, he repositioned himself by bringing his feet up onto the lounge, squatting directly over her wrecked asshole and letting his full weight deliver a merciless deep-dicking while the poor bitch’s entire body heaved and convulsed in obvious pain. “Please cum or please stop,” she managed to squeak out between thrusts. “I can’t take this. Baby, please stop.” “You know how to make me cum,” he replied. She was silent. “C’mon bitch,” he said, his voice reduced to a cruel, guttural growl. “If you want this to stop, you know what to do.” She seemed frozen. Then he slapped her hard across the ass, sending her into action. Contorting her body to get maximum reach with one of her arms, Dalton’s girlfriend stretched her hand as far back as she could make it go, past her stretched-out hole, placing two of her fingers against Dalton’s twitching ass—her nails brushing up against that beautiful boyhole covered in a light dusting of late-adolescent fur, every one of his hairs illuminated by the late-afternoon sun. Then she hesitated. “Do it all,” he said, “Do it all, and do it now. If you don’t do it now, I’ll never fucking cream your tight little butt. Which means I’ll just keep going at it. Which means you’ll never get a break from my cock destroying your ass.” Hearing that, she stretched her arm further, slipping two knuckles of each finger into Dalton’s butt. He moaned. “Deeper,” he grunted. She managed to get another knuckle in. “Oh fuck,” he muttered under his increasingly shallow breath, his entire body now making the switch into primal breeding mode. His pounding grew more intense. That went on for at least 5 minutes, until he finally reached back and shoved two of his own fingers up his butt. Only then, with four fingers stretching his own ass, did he finally launch into a full-body thrashing assault on his bitch’s hole, unleashing a torrent of seed in her guts. Brian and I watched this entire display silently, unbelievingly. Afterward, I turned to my man and grinned stupidly, shaking my head. He did the same. “Un-fucking-believable,” he said. All I could do was laugh in response. We turned our attention back to Dalton, who was now giving his girlfriend the silent treatment. Clearly he’d gotten what he needed, and he just wanted her to get the fuck out. We heard snatches of an argument from inside the house, followed by the Dickless Wonder walking angrily to her car, stifling tears, then driving off as her tires screeched against the asphalt. * * * Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Jesse in nothing but a jockstrap, his face covered in a giant grin. “I didn’t get to see the whole thing,” he said, “But I think I heard half of it from a block away. So tell me: there’s been a rumor around school that he likes fingers in his butt. Is that true?” “Oh, it’s true alright,” Brian replied. “You wouldn’t believe how true. But listen, pig: see that water bong over there? Instead of worrying about your buddy Dalton, you need to be sucking on that glass pipe like the greedy little methwhore you are. Then I want you to blow some nice thick clouds of white smoke on my dick, OK bro?” Jesse grinned and ran over to grab the pipe. Meanwhile, I kept my eye out for Dalton, hoping that he would return to the pool. Sure enough, about 5 minutes later—while Jesse was silently gorging on my husband’s dripping cock between hits on the bong—Dalton reappeared in his backyard, this time wearing his Speedo. Just as I’d hoped: it was time for his evening swim. He dove into the water and began noisily splashing his way across the length of the pool. That was Jesse’s cue to stop worrying about staying quiet—he was now squatting over Brian’s cock, impaling himself on raw dick. I gave Jesse the thumbs-up signal, which meant he could start letting his ass slap noisily against Brian’s body, and he could start letting loose with the occasional moan. For those first few minutes, Dalton didn’t appear to hear any of the action unfolding in our backyard. But then Brian’s cock suddenly shoved past Jesse’s second sphincter, eliciting a sharp yelp followed by a gruff “Fuck yeah” from our partied-up jockboy. That’s when the splashing stopped. Dalton went quiet. I looked through our little peephole to see him treading water for a few moments, craning his neck in our direction to confirm that he heard what he thought he’d heard. As the water grew calm around him, he almost seemed to suspend his breathing. Somehow even the crickets seemed to go silent. And just like that, the only noise penetrating the evening air was the steady slap-slap-slap of Jesse riding Brian’s dick. Dalton silently propelled himself to the edge of the pool, doing his best to lift himself onto the asphalt without making any noise. Standing up now, he craned his neck toward us again. There was no way he couldn’t hear it now: Slap-slap-slap. Grunt. Slap-slap-slap. Fuck yeah. Without hesitation, Dalton walked right up to my peephole. He placed his eye against it—clearly he’d spied on us before. Except this time, instead of seeing our backyard, all he saw was my eye looking back. “Hey, Dalton,” I said. He didn’t respond at first. He just stared. Then after a few moments’ pause, he simply answered: “Hey.” “We’re hanging out with a buddy here,” I said. “If you wanna join, you’re more than welcome.” Again, no answer. Then his eye disappeared, and for a moment I thought I’d lost him. But I didn’t see him, either—it was like he’d just stepped aside to gather his thoughts. Then after a long silence, he answered in a near-whisper: “OK,” he said. Another pause. At last, his eye reentered my line of sight. “OK,” he repeated. “I’ll be right over.” I turned back to Brian and Jesse, who’d paused their fucking to listen to the exchange. Jesse had the most triumphant smile I think I’ve ever seen on anybody, plus he had a giant mess of cum all over his stomach and chest. His cock was still oozing seed as Brian’s dick twitched steadily, rhythmically, deep in that sweet boyhole. “OK, you twisted motherfuckers,” I said with an evil grin, “Our wait is over. It’s time to fuckin’ own this boy.”
    1 point
  47. I agree also! Anyone who can write such hot material at this standard is doing brilliantly. It is difficult enough to write material for work, without having to add an enjoyment factor for others... That said, I am so loving this piece.
    1 point
  48. CHAPTER 2 – THE POOL PARTY Dalton’s family has a private backyard with a large pool—or mostly private, anyway. Our two houses are perched next to each other on an embankment that juts out from the street like a natural cul de sac, effectively separating us from the other lots in the neighborhood. A fence runs along our shared property line, and we planted a thick grove of trees to give both houses a greater sense of seclusion. Not that it matters. Brian and I are voyeurs, so “seclusion” is a relative term. Before Dalton moved in, we lived next to a family of five, and the Dad was a silver fox type who would jack off in the Jacuzzi when he thought no one was watching. We discovered it by accident: one summer evening, we happened to be fucking a boy under the stars when we heard a sharp grunt from our neighbor’s house. We sneaked over to the property line just in time to see the silver fox climbing out of the hot tub, his impressive erection still at half-mast. The next evening, Brian and I cleared out a few spots in the foliage where we could have an unobstructed view of our neighbors’ backyard without fear of discovery. Then we sat next to the fence and waited, passing the time by jacking each other’s dicks; before long, I was wrapping my mouth around Brian’s thick shaft while he worked two fingers into my fuckhole with generous globs of Tina-laced lube. My ass began pushing back on him, squeezing his fingers as if trying to swallow his hand. Finally, he pulled me off his dick and fed me the fingers he’d been working into my hole. As I slurped greedily on the taste of my chemmed-up guts, Brian stared into my eyes with his trademark combination of adoration and amusement. “Oh, my hot little piggy,” he whispered, “I sometimes forget what a trashy little chemwhore you are.” “Not only that,” I replied. “I’m your trashy little chemwhore.” He flashed an evil grin before sliding his fingers back inside my hole, this time working a little rock of T into the liquid warmth already radiating from my ass to my cock to my nips. At last, when I couldn’t wait any longer, I removed his fingers from my ass, positioned my hole directly above his precum-slick cock, and lowered myself onto my man’s throbbing shaft in a single hungry downward thrust of my hips. Just then, as I was fully impaled on Brian’s twitching raw cock, the silver fox walked onto the adjoining back patio. Within a matter of seconds, he dropped his bathrobe—revealing a muscular mid-40s physique with salt-and-pepper fur—and sank into the hot tub. His head fell back; his mouth dropped open. And then his right shoulder began to shake as he beat his meat, unseen by us, beneath the surface of the water. Almost by reflex, I began milking Brian’s dick with my hole as I watched our neighbor stroke his cock. Then my husband wrapped his arms around me and began thrusting up into my hole, my entire body trembling in anticipation as I braced for a load of his warm poz cum. Moments later, we heard the silver fox grunt—the same grunt as the night before. And as we watched, he pushed his hips and his cock above the water, letting his cum fly in a thick spray from his fat mushroom head. Three distinct ropes of jizz flew into the air, then down into the froth of the Jacuzzi. And that’s when I felt Brian’s raw dick pulsing and flexing deep inside me, flooding my tweaked fuckhole with a fresh dose of his potent strain. Over the next two years, the silver fox jacked off many more times while we watched from the bushes. We started calling it “the late show,” and we caught it whenever we could. Most of the time, I sat on Brian’s dick when the silver fox started cumming, and Brian obliged with another buttful of poz seed. In fact, it became such a regular ritual for us that when our neighbors moved across the country, it was almost like our favorite TV show had been canceled. We shouldn’t have worried. As it turns out, the real show was just about to start. * * * Jesse secured us a spot at the pool party. He explained that the adults weren’t really expected to swim—they mostly sat around drinking and talking while their kids played in the pool. When the day of the party arrived, Brian and I chose tank tops to show off a little muscle and fur. We also wanted Dalton to catch a glimpse of the bulges in our board shorts, so we boosted the profile of our packages by wearing cockrings under tight white jockstraps. We arrived when the party was in full swing. As we passed through the sliding glass doors and entered the back patio, I saw Dalton on the opposite end of the pool, lifting himself out of the water, his swimsuit clinging tightly to his ass while a cascade ran down the muscles of his back and splashed against the elastic of his waistband. I glanced over at Brian, and I could tell he saw the same thing. His eyes, like mine, were glazed over with pure hunger for that hot little stud’s hole. The hostess—Dalton’s Mom—took us through the crowd, introducing us to people we didn’t care to remember. (We did, however, run into a few of Dalton’s football buddies, all of whom would look fucking fantastic buck-naked and spread-eagled, trussed up in our sling and forcibly impaled on anonymous poz cock.) Finally, our hostess waved to Dalton, who was chatting up some bitch by the pool. Must be Melissa, I thought to myself. I hope she’s enjoying that boy’s dick, because she might not be getting it much longer. I watched Dalton strut our way, his tight pecs leading the rest of his body in a cocky little bow-legged stride. Meanwhile, his wet swimsuit clung tightly to his cock, confirming the presence of a thick, fleshy piece of meat between those muscular legs. He gave both of us the once-over. And as he did, his expression changed: he didn’t grow visibly uncomfortable, but his face went oddly blank. “Dalton, these are our new neighbors. Meet Brian and Tom.” “Hey,” Dalton said noncommittally, holding out his hand for a quick shake. “Hey, buddy,” Brian replied. “Great party.” Dalton nodded vaguely. “Yeah, it's pretty cool.” An awkward pause. Then, turning to his Mom: “I need to grab another burger.” “K, hon,” she said with a pained smile. “There’s plenty of food, so eat all you want.” As Dalton walked away, quickly regaining his confident strut, she turned to us and shook her head. “Sorry about that. I swear he used to have manners.” “Oh, it’s fine,” I assured him. “Teenagers, you know?” I glanced back toward the barbecue, and caught Dalton looking our way again, his face still impossible to read. “He’s a little freaked out by us,” Brian said a few minutes later, leaning in close to me as we sat by the pool. “Definitely,” I replied. “Freaked out and fascinated. Poor little faggot.” * * * By that point, our dicks were straining against the fabric of our shorts. We needed release, and our first chance at Dalton wouldn’t come for another week at least. So when we were introduced to Charlene, a bottle-blond cougar who’d recently divorced and taken up with a much younger personal trainer named Jace, I saw the opportunity to let off some steam. Jace was clearly dumb as a post, but I didn’t mind—after all, that’s what muzzles are for. He was in his mid-20s, furry and scruffy, with a chiseled body that showed through his tight T-shirt. And from the moment I looked in his eyes, I had no doubt he was at least bisexual. After chatting him up for 10 minutes or so, I found what I was looking for: a pretext to get him back to our place. He said he was really into the Fast and Furious series, and I told him we’d just bought an imported box set that included tons of never-before-seen footage. Would he like to see it, maybe even borrow it? Of course he would. (Do we own any of the Fast and Furious movies? Of course we don't.) I winked at Brian as Jace and I slipped away from the party. Leading Charlene’s trophy-jock across the yard, I showed him through our front door and closed it firmly behind us. Then he and I stood in the entryway, staring at each other for a good minute or two. No mention of Fast and the Furious. We just stared. My cock twitched in anticipation, then twitched again. Finally, I glanced down at my crotch, gave my dick one more giant twitch, then looked back at Jace. With no change of expression, he simply dropped to his knees, pulled down my zipper, and fished out my rock-hard cock. It glistened with a layer of fresh precum. Opening his mouth wide, he engulfed me, sucking greedily and noisily—an experienced cocksucker for sure. I reached down to the small of his back and snapped the waistband of his shorts. He took my cue: with both hands, he gave his shorts a firm downward yank, exposing the muscled curve of his ass. My dick responded by drooling a long, thick rope of toxic cum into his mouth. “I need to fuck you,” I growled. He paused to consider. “You clean, dude?” My favorite dumbass question. “Of course,” I said with a smirk. “OK, cool—but you still gotta wear a rubber.” “No problem.” I grabbed him by the shoulders and guided him to his feet as I pointed toward the bedroom. “Now go get naked and wait for me on the edge of the bed.” Without even nodding, he did as he was told. Meanwhile, I grabbed the Tina-laced lube and followed him, shedding my clothes as I went. Entering the bedroom, I found Jace wearing nothing but a backwards ballcap, on all fours, his back perfectly arched to expose a clean-shaven, wide-open hole. I was a little disappointed that such a hot, furry boy would shave his ass, but then I remembered that a lot of closeted “straight” boys do that—they don’t seem to realize that pigs like me often appreciate a man’s hairy butt, especially when it’s dripping with piss and sweat and seed. “Look at you and your little shaved pussy,” I said to him, and he whimpered in reply. “You shave this because you hope some stud will mistaken you for just another bitch, huh?” Another whimper. “I bet you jack off thinking about a nice fat dick filling your cunt the way it needs to be filled. Don't you, boy?” He wagged his butt up and down, as if to say fuck yeah. “Of course you do, you fuckin’ faggot. Now listen, bitch: I’m gonna lube you up. But this lube is special—it’ll feel a little warm at first. It might even burn. That’s just how it works. Sort of like Icy Hot, you know? It’ll relax your ass muscles. Cool?” He nodded his head, his jockbutt still bobbing up and down eagerly. I scooped up a thick glob of our magic pig-lube with my right hand, spread his fuckhole apart with my left, and used two fingers to firmly push a healthy dose of greased-up chems into that eager, defenseless cunt. He tensed up, probably feeling the burn, but I just stayed inside him, rubbing his lower back with my free hand, slowly rotating my fingers to work the T into the lining of his hole. After a bit more squirming, he gradually exhaled in a low, guttural moan, and I felt a radiant warmth pass across the skin on my knuckles. He pushed his ass back against my fingers, taking me deeper. I grinned triumphantly: mine. As I removed my fingers, he yelped in frustration. I laughed. “Don’t worry, boy—I’m just putting a little more grease for your hole.” I scooped up an even bigger glob, this time with three fingers, then pushed all three into him, massaging his quivering fuckhole as he made a sound that was almost like purring. Then I pulled out again, and he reached back to spread his cunt wide open. “Patience, fag, patience. My fingers can’t get far enough inside you. If this lube’s gonna do your hole any good, it needs to penetrate further. That way you’ll be totally ready for my cock.” I reached into a side drawer and pulled out a needleless syringe that I’d prepared a few hours earlier by dissolving a strong bump of T in a little bit of water. (I always try to have at least one fully prepared booty bump on hand, just in case.) “You want to get lubed up nice and deep, bitch? Want to get your hole all good and ready for my dick?” He answered with a wordless groan. “Good answer, pig.” I inserted the plastic syringe as far as it would go, then pushed the plunger to deliver a giant payload into his guts. He arched his back even more as I pressed gently on his tailbone, letting gravity do the work of priming his hole for pozzing. As the drugs seized control of his brain, his butthole started quivering. I rubbed the length of my dick along that hungry musclebutt; he responded by burrowing his head deeper into the sheets and spreading his legs a little more. “Oh, and one more thing, pig,” I said to him, pressing my mushroom head against his taint, “I don’t use rubbers. Ever. And if you insist on a condom, you’re not getting my dick. Understood?” He reached back and spread his hole a little wider. “You just spread your hole for me. Does that mean you want me to bareback your hungry hole?” No answer. “Tell me, pig,” I said, grabbing a rough handful of his hair and pulling his head back. “Do you want my raw cock?” “Fuck dude, whatever,” he said, his voice shaking now. “I don’t fuckin’ care. Please shove your dick in me.” “Not sure I heard that, pig. Say it again.” “I don’t fuckin’ care. Please give me your dick. I need your fuckin’ cock, bro.” “You want my raw cock to slide in you, pound you bareback, and fill you up with a load of my seed?” “I’ll do whatever you want, fucker. Just please, please give me your dick. I can’t believe how fuckin’ hungry I am. Please feed me, dude.” “Feed you what?” “Cock, cum, anything. Seriously, bro. I’m begging you.” I grinned. “Good boy. Now brace yourself.” He exhaled—a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, I held his ass in place with my left hand. With my right, I slid the head of my cock inside his smooth fuckhole, just holding it there for about 10 seconds as I lubed his butt with some of my toxic precum. At last, with no further warning, I pushed the entire length of my raw dick into him. He let out another deep sigh as his starving cunt spasmed against the skin of my shaft. “You like this raw cock inside you, boy?” “Fuck, dude. Please pound my hole.” “You got any plans tonight?” “Yeah. Just with my girl.” “I want you to cancel. Got it? Cancel your plans.” “Whatever you want, bro. Please just fuck me.” “I’ll fuck you—don’t worry. But first you need to do what I say.” “Absolutely. Whatever you say.” “Alright, boy—then here’s what we’re doing. We’re getting dressed. We’re going back to the party. We’re saying our goodbyes. You’re cancelling your plans. And then you’re coming back here to get pounded by raw dick all night long. Are we clear, faggot?” “Fuckin’ A. Yes, dude.” “Don’t you worry, boy—your patience will be rewarded. I promise you that.” As we talked, my cock kept twitching deep inside him—and with each twitch, his wide-open hole absorbed another little dose of my virus. He would need as much viral lube as he could get, because in a few hours he’d be at the mercy of Tristan, our merciless dealer. Tristan was full of surprises, but one thing was certain: by the time he got his dick in this boy’s slammed-up hole, Charlene would definitely need to find a new personal trainer to fuck. MORE SOON...
    1 point
  49. Be a REAL man, and when you go to the gym...wear a white one. Then, before you work out, walk up to the urinal and piss THROUGH it while its still over your balls and protecting your junk (or you might want to sit on the shitter...as it will run down the mesh and then out the bottom nearest your ass crack (the Perineum area). This is esp good to do if you'v'e got that dark, early morning, or vitamin (bright yellow) piss. Then wear it for the entire workout. It might leak though and show a little, but ALL of the mesh usually isnt soaking wet, as there still is a lot of the jock area left to absorb it. Then, anyone looking and you arer "wet" there will think you just "sweat" alot down there, and it can be pretty hot to smell it while you are working out. I also fucking LOVE it when some hot muscle guy then sits or lays on the bench or machine after me. And then that way...it can really pick up the color and scent of your moistened cock and balls for pigs like me...so that you can stuff it into my mouth while you breed me later.
    1 point
  50. 3. I put the pipe and torch down, then turned back to Javier. He had pulled off his boxers, and was now naked and hard, leaning back on the couch. His eyes were sort of focused on the TV, but also dreamy and distant as he was enjoying the start of the high. "Suck me, man," he said. I did a hit of the poppers, and returned to kneeling between his legs. I licked the tip of his cock, tasting a small drop of pre-cum. My hands were resting on his hips, and as I wrapped my lips around his cockhead, I felt him beginning to relax. This was something he knew how to enjoy: enjoying the first perfect moments of a crystal high and a personal cocksucker working on his cock. He knew it would only be a few moments before I had most of his penis in my mouth and his cockhead pressing into my throat. "Right on, bro," Eli said, "Swallow that Latino cock." He and Javi started to make out, as Eli stroked his cock. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that it was still the same size, as big and thick as ever. I was terrified of the moment when he was going to try to shove his tool into my ass. But I also knew there would be no way I'd refuse him that pleasure, especially with the crystal fueling my every action. I tried not to think about the future and what I'd be called on to do. When the time came, I'd face it and take it like a good bottom. While I had been thinking, I had gotten Javi's cockhead all the way to the back of my mouth, just hitting my throat. It was time to try my best and swallow his cock. I hoped that I would be able to avoid gagging, but was scared that I couldn't control my reactions with a thick cock in my throat. With all the hits we had done from the glass pipe, my mouth was dry, and it wasn't as easy as earlier to get used to his hard shaft going into me. But Javier was definitely ready for me to take his entire cock and to go all the way down. He had put his hand on the back of my head, gently but firmly pressing me further onto his cock. I swallowed, and relaxed my throat. With a pop, his cockhead invaded my throat and stretched it out. "Fuck man! That's what I'm needing now," Javi said. He pushed on the back of my head harder, forcing me to swallow the entire length of his cock. He was no longer being gentle or slow about it, but made me take the entire length of his shaft in one fast stroke. I wasn't expecting his sudden thrust, and had to force myself to calm down and suppress a gag. "You ok there, white boy?" Eli asked me. I was still trying to get used to all of Javi's cock in my throat, but I nodded yes anyway. Javi's tool was cutting off my air supply and I knew I would have to pull off shortly, just to catch my breath. But for a few more moments, I would let Javi have the joy of a warm throat around his cock. And I would have the pleasure of a hard cock stretching out my throat. "He's trying not to gag, I can tell," Javi said. "Feels fucking awesome for me though." "Maybe a different position would be better, bro?" Eli said. I couldn't keep Javi's cock in my throat any longer. I needed to breath and to have something to drink. Javi released the pressure on the back of my head, and let me pull off. Eyes blurry, I gasped a few times, and looked at the two dark men, watching my every move. "Let's go into the bedroom, bro." Eli said. I coughed a bit and was finally able to speak. "Yea, that would be good." It was nice to be able to breath again finally, although I was already missing sucking on their cocks. All I could think about was getting a cock, any cock, back into my mouth. My ass was twitching as well, the shard of crystal inside me had finally melted. I wanted to get fucked as well as suck cock. "You got a TV in there?" Eli asked. "This is a hot movie," he continued. "Yeah, I do. No worries." I stood up and gathered the supplies I had brough out: pipe, torch, crystal, lube, poppers. I went to the TV and stopped the movie, pulling the DVD from the player. "You want anything else to drink?" I asked the guys. "Water? Juice? Vodka? Beer?" "How about a screwdriver?" Javi asked. "You got any more vitamin V for us," Eli asked me. It took me a second to realize what he was referring to, the Viagra I had provided for the two men. "I'll have to check." I went into the bedroom, dropping off every thing I had gathered, before returning to the living room. Eli and Javi were still on the couch, just stroking their cocks. One of Javi's hands was resting on Eli's muscular thigh. Although the two were utterly comfortable with each other naked and aroused, it was hard to tell if this was just a friendship or something deeper. I had a suspicion that I was a crucial element here, someone to act as an intermediary for these two men and receptacle for their needs, desires; their cocks and loads. In the kitchen, I made two screwdrivers, and brought them out. I took a swig from one, and handed it to Javi. I offered the other to Eli, but he motioned I should drink it myself. "To the bedroom, guys?" I asked. Eli and Javi got up, somewhat reluctantly aroused from their relaxation. They followed me into the bedroom. I put the DVD on, and fast forwarded it to the next scene. I knew it was a three-way: a black and a white top on a white bottom. It opened with the bottom alternately sucking off the two tops. "Right on, man," Javi said, standing and staring at the large flat-screen TV on the dresser. Eli hopped on the bed and leaned against the headboard. Almost immediately, he started stroking his cock and watched the action unfold on the TV. "You got that extra V for us?" Eli asked me. I went over to the bedtable, where I had put the supplies, and looked in the drawer. I shuffled around in the drawer, looking through my stash. I found not only another viagra, but a full bag of crystal. "Double bonus," I said. I showed him the stash of tina and the viagra. "Right on bro. Hope you don't have any plans for the rest of the day." He turned to Javier. "He's got another V for us to share. And more tina when we need it. Or he needs it." The two of them laughed at the last comment. I put the baggie down, and handed the V to Eli. He took it, carefully split it in half, and washed one half down with the screwdriver. He handed the other half to Javi who swallowed it dry. Eli grabbed the bottle of lube, and poured some on his cock. I was used to needing only a small squeeze of the lube, but Eli needed far more; he poured it on for a few seconds. Even that just barely coated his entire penis. I was dividing my attention between the screen, where the bottom was still servicing the two tops and Javier, who had been playing with his cock. Javier noticed me watching him jerk off. "You ready for more of this, man?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I am." I took one last swig of the cocktail and put it down. I kneeled down in front of him, my head ending up level with his tool. Despite being hard, his cock was long, thick and heavy enough that it only just stuck out straight, almost hanging down a bit from the its own weight. I did a quick hit of poppers, and took his cockhead into my mouth. Javi reached down and grabbed the poppers from me. He did a long hit from the bottle, screwed on the cap, then handed them back to me. As the poppers hit me, he grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down on his cock. Soon after hitting me, the poppers hit Javi. He started to drive the blow job. He forced his cock to the back of my mouth almost immediately. It was all about his pleasure and he didn't care about me. At that moment, I was just a mouth for him. I prepared myself for him to push down my throat, and as expected, he did. His cockhead slid deep, and I suppressed the inevitable gag. I had to tilt my head up to accomodate the length of his shaft, an uncomfortable position for me. But he didn't notice or care, shoving his dick roughly all the way in, and then quickly pulling out. I did my best to keep up with him, but between the angle of my head and the intensity of his mouth-fuck, it was hard for me to not gag on his pole each time he went deep. "Not having a good time of it, huh?" Eli said, watching us from the bed. "Why don't you try the side of the bed?" I wasn't sure what he meant by that position. Javi knew exactly what Eli mean. "Right on. Get on the bed, Matt. Get on your back, and hang your head off the side." Explained by Javi, I knew what Eli had meant by the side of the bed. I had only seen that position in movies before, and never imagined that I would be the cocksucker getting facefucked that way. Javi pulled his cock out of my mouth, and waited. I was still on my knees, not sure if I was ready for that position. "Come on man. Do it," he said. Eli laughed. "You don't have a choice here, Matt. And don't worry. Once you're in position, you'll fucking love it," he said. "Or at least Javi will love fucking you." Still, I hesitated. "Come on, Matt," Javier said. "You know you want to feel this cock in your throat again." He slapped his hard cock lightly, and it bounced right in front of me. My mouth watered and reluctantly, I got onto the bed. I was lying next to Eli, only with my head by his feet. I leaned back over the side of my bed, assuming the position as Javier stood in front of me, his cock almost exactly level with my mouth. He had a straight shot into my throat. "Fuck, this is perfect," he said. "Right on," Eli said. "You're gonna stretch open up his throat for me?" "Of course." Javier handed me the bottle of poppers. I tilted my head up enough to do a hit, then handed them back to him. As the poppers took effect, I opened my mouth. Sooner or later, I knew Javi was going to slide his cock into my mouth, and worse, open up my throat. I needed to know just how bad that would be. The anticipation would probably be worse than the actual event, and I wanted to face my fears head on. "Ready, cocksucker?" Javi asked me. From my position on the bed, his cock and balls loomed large. I could just barely see his face, but I knew he was smiling and eager to be inside me. Driven by the crystal and poppers, I nodded meekly. I only thought about giving him the pleasure he deserved. He slid his dick into my mouth, his cockhead first filling my mouth, then far too soon, it pressed against the back of my mouth. I swallowed, and Javi's shaft pushed into my throat, filling it and opening it up. Even knowing that this invasion of my body was going to happen, I still had to fight back my gag reflex. Without stopping, Javi forced the entire length of his cock into me. His cock more than choked off my air supply. Above all, I wanted this invasion to stop, not have my nose buried in Javi's balls, and to be able to breath freely. I forced myself to relax and let my mind be ruled by the poppers and crystal and the needs they created in me. I had to accept Javier's manhood in my throat. I had to accept it as my lot in life, and my purpose. It took some effort, but slowly, I was able to find the pleasure in his throat-fuck. Javier was moaning slowly as he forced his shaft in and out of my mouth--his cockhead stayed buried in my throat. Those moans alone made it almost bearable, to know that I was the source of that pleasure. Over the wet sound of Javi's cock sliding in and out of my throat, I could hear Eli jerking his rod. "Yeah bro, get that cocksucker's throat open for me." From the moment Javier entered my throat, I knew I would have to take Eli's cock. How I was going to manage it was still largely unclear to me. Javier was just choking me; Eli was going to rip open my throat. Javi pulled out a little further than normal, his cockhead now in my mouth. I took the opportunity to gulp in some air before he pushed back into my throat. "He's a natural. Warm, wet, tight. And not gagging. At least not much right now," Javier said. He reached down and craddled my head in his hands. It was a tender gesture on his part, a kindness that his interactions with Eli had just hinted he was capable of. But this time was a feint; he held my head tightly, and used his grip on me for additional leverage. His cock forced its way back in me, ending up deeper into my gut. Slowly, a dribble of his pre-cum helped to lubricate my throat. "Nice fucking throat," he said, his cock hard in my throat. Javi's dark shaft was in my mouth and his cockhead was pressing into my throat. I tried to focus, to allow my mind to let go of anything other than this inescapable fact of my life. But the crystal wouldn't let me concentrate. I would think about everything that was still to come for me: to the uncertain pleasure of Eli's cock in my mouth; the inevitable moment when Javi would penetrate my asshole, and finally, when Eli would use me like the white bitch I was. Drug-fogged, all I could think of was my pleasure in making these men happy. I imagined all the ways I could use my body and its many holes to achieve their desires for pleasure. Even though my reviverie was personally arousing, I was dragged back to the real world by the undeniable existence of Javi's tool. There was no escaping the throat fucking he was administering; he would pull his cock almost all the way out of my mouth, give me a moment to get a quick breath, then force himself all the way back into my throat. Each time his shaft hit the back of my mouth and pushed all the way in I struggled to keep from gagging. "Fuck man. I wish I had met you months ago," Javi said. "Best damn cocksucker I've had in a long time." "You think he's ready for me yet?" Eli asked from the bed. "Almost there," Javi said. "He's almost done with the warm-up cock." He pulled all the way out, and I was finally able to tilt my head up enough to see him. He had that drug-glazed look on his face, but a big smile, and his hard cock was just inches away from me. "Do another hit of these," he said to me, handing me the bottle of poppers again. I took them greedily, and did two long hits, one in each nostril. I handed the bottle back to him, and let my head drop back down. My mouth was again right at cock level. "Right on," Javier said, as he slid his cockhead into my mouth. His cock was still wet from my saliva. I expected him to go straight for my throat again, but he paused. I heard him do a long hit of poppers and then another. My hit had begun to take effect, and I started to suck on his cock, licking up every drop of pre-cum that I could. I wanted dick, but I needed his pre-cum. "Slow down there, cowboy," Javier said, putting a hand on my head to keep me still. "Give me a second." He screwed the top on the poppers, then waited. I realized he was waiting for the poppers to hit, and I wondered what kind of throat fuck I needed to prepare myself for. He tossed the bottle on the bed, then grabbed the back of my head with both hands. In a single, forceful thrust, he pushed his cock all the way into my throat. Once again, I was impaled on his sword, and I struggled to keep from gagging. "Fuck yeah, this is what I needed," Javi said, as he pulled out, and thrust back in. "Too long since I've had a blow job like this." "Damn man, get him ready for me," Eli said. He had a weirdly flat tone. Even thought I knew he was stroking his cock, I knew that the crystal had hit him just as hard as it had hit me. "He'll need to be stretched wide open to take me." Having already tried to take his cock, I knew he wasn't joking. However, Eli was still to come. My immediate concern was Javi. Although he wasn't as thick or quite as long as Eli, he still had an impressive piece of meat. At that moment, his fat meat was deep in my throat, and his heavy balls were right against my nose. Sooner or later, I would have to drain those balls of their accumulated sperm. I found myself turned on by the idea: that I was lucky enough to get this man off. That I was able to swallow his sperm. Or to take his load up my ass. Although I knew that this feeling of luck was driven more by the poppers and tina, I didn't care. These thoughts and fantasies helped me to realize that Javi's cock was something that needed to be deep in my throat and not a unnatural intrusion. I surprised even myself when I grabbed Javi's muscular ass and held him tight against my mouth. I only wanted to worship this man, and right then, the best way I knew was to make mouth-love to his manhood. "Slow down there, Tiger," Javi said, gently prying my hands off his body and pulling out again. I gasped as his cockhead slid out of my throat, both because I needed the oxygen and because I suddenly realized how empty my throat was. "We're just starting here; there's no need for you to rush." He cradled my head in his hands, and slowly pumped his cock in and out. "Don't want to shoot too soon." It was clear this wasn't the first time he had done this. He was expertly teasing my tonsils: pushing in just enough to get me to start gagging, but also just enough for me to want the discomforting peace of a cock stretching out my throat. "You're going to fucking love his throat," Javi said to Eli. "Good?" Eli said. I knew that he had been jerking off the entire time, but from my position, I could only see Javier, and even then just his balls and ass. "Oh yeah," Javi said. "He's a fucking expert cocksucker. Knows just when to gag too. Feels so damn good on my cock." He pushed back in. I hadn't expected the penetration, and had to stifle my gag reflex. "See?" Javi said, as I flailed a bit, trying to find my peace. "Fucking got me boned up here, bro," Eli said. "Work that throat a bit more." Javi leaned over me, forcing his cock just a tiny bit deeper. It was at most a quarter of an inch but it felt like he was ramming inch after inch into me. Javi stood back up, and some of his cock slipped out. He was big enough that this felt like no change at all. I heard him unscrew the top on the poppers, and take a hit. "Give him a hit too," Eli said. "I love how it makes him into a cock-crazed slut." Javi did as Eli told him, and pulled his cock far enough out for him to hold the poppers under my nose. I inhaled greedily, wanting to impress both of these dark-skinned men with my compliance and eagerness to serve. It didn't take long for the poppers to take effect. "Please," I said, as best I could with Javi's cock still partially in my mouth. I knew Javi knew what I needed Javi obliged, and his cock slid all the way into me, forcing itse way into my throat. "Oh yeah, this is what I fucking need," he said. I no longer cared what he needed. I was flying on the poppers, and all what I needed was the thick piece of meat I had willingly impaled my face on. Driven by the drugs, all I wanted was for Javi to fuck my face, pound my mouth, tear up my throat, and shoot his load deep into my stomach. "He can take all of your shaft?" Eli asked. "Fuck yeah. I'm Balls deep in the slut's mouth," Javi said. He had slowed his thrusts down some from the earlier face-fuck, taking his time to explore my throat with his cock. I could feel a bit of pre-cum leaking out from his dick. It was lubricating my throat and his entry into my body. As the poppers wore off, I had a clearer realization of what this scene would look like to an observer. A clean-cut white boy with a gym body was lying on his back, his head hanging over the edge of the bed. A latino had his brown cock deep in the white man's throat, while on the bed, a muscular black ex-con was stroking his massive cock. The dim grey morning light filtering in through the shades picked out the last of the dissapating clouds from the trio's crystal meth hits. And I was that white boy, choking on the latino cock, tweaked out of my mind, waiting for the black ex-con to take his turn "Think he's ready for me? I'm getting bored of stroking here." "One way to find out. And if he's not, your legs are plenty strong enough to force it in." I hoped there would also be some poppers to help. They wouldn't make a huge difference in the strict anatomical issues of fitting Eli's tool in my tight throat, but they would grease my mental skids. It would be less Eli raping my throat and a little more me giving him the deep blow job he deserved. "He's all yours, man," Javi said as he pulled his cock out of my mouth and left me gasping for breath.
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