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  1. Part 17 - Villa Amalfi Oliver finished his messaging with Liam explaining he was staying on in Tuscany for a few more weeks exploring opportunities. Johan took Oliver off for a walk through the countryside to bide his time whilst Luca and Mark relaxed by the pool cuddled up together. Savio sat in the car just as his mother opened the front door seeing Nico's car arriving. Emilia smiled waving to Nico and what she thought was probably Johan sat in the passenger seat realising it was in fact her son Savio. She called out to her husband Alessandro that Savio was here, he came running to the door just as Savio stepped out of the car looking ashamed and embarrassed as he always did when coming home unannounced. Emilia ran over hugging and fussing over Savio, Alessandro stood there shaking his head and immediately asked how much he was after this time. He loved his son dearly but over the last few years his appearance usually cost them a bit of money bailing him out. Savio looked at his father and shook his head telling him he wasn't after anything. His parents were pleased to learn that at least he was staying with Nico here in Tuscany and close to the family for a few weeks to see how things worked out. Alessandro was keen to remind Savio there was a job here for him at one of the family vineyards, it was his effort to persuade Savio to give up this crazy life he had invented for himself and to settle down near family. Departing after an hour Savio told them he would be around but needed a few weeks before deciding on work, they were even more surprised to hear that his reasoning surrounded this American guy he had met. Alessandro tried to talk sense to Nico out of earshot but eventually he was persuaded by his assurances and to keep them updated on Savio. It didn't take long for word to get around the family that Savio was in the area. Luca's parents text Nico to say there were coming back early and to have a family dinner. "That didn't take long" Luca said sitting up reading his text message. Mark turned over "What didn't?" he said waving to Oliver and Johan who were arriving from their walk. "Family dinner tonight my parents found out Savio is here" Luca explained putting his phone down. He laid back stroking Mark's chest "Fancy a walk in to the village to help Marzi out?". Mark smiled "Yes" he replied hearing the splash from Oliver and Johan jumping in the pool. When Luca returned from chatting with Marzi and getting the shopping list he knew this evening was going to be a family affair, Savio's parents and his grandparents were coming. He ended up dragging Johan and Oliver along to help and within a couple of hours they returned home to Nico and Savio arriving back. Savio was annoyed finding out what was happening, one thing he couldn't do was say no to his grandparents. They had always supported Savio and sort of got his little rebellious streak that they found amusing at times, they always said it showed great character and not be reliant on others. But Savio knew it was the families way of assessing Oliver, underneath he was freaking out worried they would not like or approve of him which would make life hard if he moved back to Tuscany. Johan sat with Oliver for a while talking about how he had to go through a similar assessment as had Mark more recently. Oliver laughed feeling better and Johan's final piece of advice was be himself and show respect and he will win them over. By late afternoon Gio and Sarah arrived home excited to see Savio and even more happy hearing that Oliver was staying on a few more weeks. Oliver opened his door and find Savio standing there "You checking up on me?" he joked smiling. Savio leaned against the door frame "Making sure you don't run and leave me to face this alone". "Come here" Oliver said grabbing Savio and pulling him inside his room closing the door. Savio chuckled "I should help downstairs" he said watching Oliver move closer and kiss him. "Are you sure you want this?" Oliver asked needing to find out if Savio really did feel the same way. Savio rubbed his lips against Oliver's face "Very" he replied kissing him slowly and gently. Oliver smiled "That's all I wanted to know" he said quietly hugging him. "I don't know what happened between us Oliver but it feels right" Savio said letting go of him. Savio turned to leave "Hurry up and get dressed" he said "so I can undress you later". He left the room to Oliver's laughter smiling that at least they were on the same page and appeared to have strong feelings towards each other. The wine flowed freely during their long drawn out dinner, Oliver had survived the interrogation relatively unscathed. His friendship with Luca and his parents immediately made him welcome by the rest of the family. Savio's mother was not so quick and laid it on hard wanting to know everything about Oliver. Emilia broke all the rules in her relentless questioning that soon stopped when Oliver told her about his penthouse off Central Park and views across the city extending her and Alessandro an invite to stay. It was out of the blue and Savio did like it when his mother was stuck for something to say. He never got his chance to undress Oliver that evening, leaving with Johan and Nico meant he would have to wait until tomorrow when Oliver came to stay. Sarah returned leaving Gio to finish his goodbyes and sat down. Oliver looked drained from the exhaustive questions and poured him a glass of wine watching Luca and Mark sitting at the edge of the pool. "I think you passed Oliver" Sarah claimed handing him the glass of wine. Oliver thanked her "Is Emilia always like that?" he asked curiously. Sarah laughed "Only when it comes to Savio" she replied she wants him to settle down and stop his antics". "I'm torn Sarah" Oliver confessed "I love NY but I know Savio's family means a lot". She put her glass down "You have to do what fits you both" Sarah said "always follow your heart". Oliver chuckled and sat quietly turning his glass around smiling "That is what worries me." he mused "I am in love with Savio". "I know" Sarah replied casually "Savio is in love with you. It won't be easy, sometimes it will be strange". Oliver looked at her "Strange?" he asked looked perplexed. "Italian families" Sarah said to him "and Savio is by far the most unpredictable but very loving member of the family". Oliver laughed "You are the third person to tell me that" he replied "I like unpredictable". The following morning Luca had to drop by his grandparents and suggested Mark and Oliver come with him and they could stop in San Donato on the way back to pick up groceries. They drove around the village then turned on to the small road of Str Cerbaia until they reached Podere La Cappella. Oliver was stunned to seeing it first hand, it was a working vineyard with sprawling vineyards surrounding the place. Luca's grandfather offered to take Oliver and Mark or a drive around the estate whilst Luca sat talking with his grandmother. They drove around the vineyards and west of the estate skirting a clump of trees and another large house. Luca's grandfather explained that this house was home to Savio's parents and the house on the north side was home to his other daughter Lorena, Luca's auntie with her husband and 4 children house. Mark asked what was beyond the wooded are at the western far side of the vineyards. Luca's grandfather laughed Fattoria Cerbaia he explained, another vineyard run rather badly but they have excellent grapes and olive trees. They drove down for a look and Oliver sat quietly falling in love with the building that had been carefully restored from the outside and expansive olive grove and vineyards. Thankfully Luca's grandfather spoke English very well making conversation fairly easy. "How is it run badly?" Oliver asked noticing the for sale sign on the wall surrounding the main house. "They can't make wine properly always turns out bad, they are selling up" Lorenzo replied. Oliver nodded "Are you buying it?" he asked curiously. Lorenzo smiled "No, I only want the vineyards but they won't sell them, the entire estate is up for sale". "Is that normal then?" Oliver asked "they only sell the whole estate?". Lorenzo nodded "Makes it more valuable with the vineyards around this area" he replied glancing at Oliver. Oliver looked at Lorenzo and smiled "Is it expensive, this one?" he asked having no clue about prices here. "They are after 10 million Euros" Lorenzo replied "been on the market for a year now". Oliver looked out over the estate as Lorenzo turned the car around "How much is the land really worth?". Lorenzo waved his hand "No more that 4 million Euros" he replied. They drove back to the La Capella and headed off to San Donato, Oliver spent most of his time on his phone researching the Fattoria Cerbaia. Walking around the village buying groceries Oliver noticed the estate agent and saw the estate in the window. Luca joked asking if Oliver was buying a house already standing next to him, Oliver laughed and simply replied that he loved the look of the buildings. Luca pointed at the Fattoria Cerbaia telling Oliver that his grandfather would love the land but he won't pay what they are asking, Oliver nodded explaining that is exactly what his grandfather told him. Returning from their trip Nico and Johan were already at Luca's waiting for the 3 guys to return. Oliver had his belongings packed and placed in the boot of the car, promising to see Sarah and Gio over the next two weeks the 5 of them left for Villa Amalfi the home of Nico and Johan. Savio was excited to see them all and Johan put Oliver in a bedroom next to Savio's at the far end of the villa allowing them a little privacy. All afternoon and evening Oliver and Savio interacted under the watch from the others. Savio spent the most of the evening plying Oliver with wine and grappa, they were both unsteady and tipsy when going to bed. Oliver found himself being dragged in to Savio's room then pushed up against the closed door, Savio grinding his hips up against Oliver's kissing frantically with arms all over the place. Clothes dropping to the floor the two bodies tightly holding each other mouths locked together. The tension and excitement running rife through their bodies from the alcohol collapsing on to the bed naked with erections. Savio straddled across Oliver giggling and leaning forward to kiss him, Oliver freed his cock from under Savio and slapped it several times against Savio's ass. Savio the unpredictable pushed his ass back feeling the head of Oliver's cock at his hole. 'Ouch' he stifled a cry slipping down the unlubed cock taking it slowly he looked in to the eyes of Oliver and kissed him tenderly easing himself lower on to his cock. Oliver moaned and grabbed hold of Savio's hips holding him down and pushing his hips up to meet Savio's ass, he sat up right balls deep on Oliver's cock releasing a long slow groan. Savio moved his ass back and forth watching Oliver moaning who encouraged him on 'Oh Savio ride me' he moaned 'harder' he called out in a hushed voice running his hand up Savio's chest tweaking his nipples one by one. Their hands entwinned, slowly Savio ground his ass and worked Oliver's cock. The sweat trickling down his body from the humidity of the summer night, the warm breeze passing through the open window caressing Savio's body. He leaned back feeling every inch of Oliver inside him. Oliver overtaken by the headiness of the wine and grappa was smiling with his eyes closed moaning softly in a sexual state, his hips rising up to get deeper in to Savio leaking toxic precum deep in to Savio. There was no rush and Savio slowed down enjoying their first sexual encounter. Oliver almost fell asleep several times from the unhurried pace of their sex, it was so comforting and arousing to really enjoy sex that his body and mind relaxed so much. Oliver shifted on the bed moaning and gasping knowing this was the start of his orgasm, he let go of Savio's hands and placed them back on his hips holding him on his cock. Savio leaned forward and kissed Oliver unaware he was about to get more than just sex with the man he was falling in love with. Oliver used the leverage his hips now doing the fucking, the sweet moans from Savio dancing in his ear with excitement. Suddenly Oliver moaned and thrusted his hips up hard pushing his cock deep in to Savio, the torrent of love released from his body and flowing in to Savio. He could feel Oliver deep in his ass moaning and gasping whispering how much he loved him in to Oliver's ear, kissing his neck and sensing every pulse from the cock buried inside his body. Locked together Oliver moved his arms and placed them around Savio's body holding him close, in his semiconscious state Oliver whispered to Savio that he loved him and promptly fell asleep with a smile on his face. Savio tried to move off but Oliver was still hard making it difficult, he eased his body flat and laid on top of Oliver still in his arms and quickly fell sound asleep. At some point during the night they had managed to disentangle themselves, Savio woke from the sunlight dancing across his face. He had an almighty hangover from the grappa, shifting his body and rolling on to his back he sat up in shock locking down he saw Oliver sprawled naked next to him. He slipped out of bed and found a bottle of water and gulped from it heavily all the time watching Oliver sleeping peacefully. He remembered dragging Oliver in to his room but after they collapsed on the bed the rest was blank, the tenderness of his ass indicated they had sex but he couldn't recount everything. The one thing that was clear in his head that he knew did happen was telling Oliver he was in love with him and Oliver saying the same. He meant it, but was it the alcohol that caused Oliver to say it? Carefully he placed the bottle of water down next to the bed and climbed back in lying on his back staring out of the window, before he could think any more he was fast asleep tired from their late night. Luca walked out on the terrace a little fuzzy in the head and joined Johan for coffee "Morning" he said. Johan looked up and smiled "Moring Luca, you feeling alright?". "Yeah a little hungover" Luca replied sitting down "how come your not hungover?" ha asked looking annoyed. Johan laughed "I drank plenty of water before going to bed" he said pouring coffee. "Any sign of Oliver and Savio?" Luca asked "they were so out of it last night". "I don't think Oliver has ever drunk grappa before" Johan replied "they were at it last night". Luca looked up panicking a little "Is Savio you know?" he asked seeing a confused look on Johan's face "poz?". "No" Johan replied "well I don't think so, he has never spoken about that sort of thing". Johan suddenly clicked "Oliver is not on meds is he?" he asked watching Luca shake his head. "We need to get Savio to a clinic" Luca said panicking. "Luca" Johan said holding his hand "calm down let him decide what he wants to do". Mark joined them out of the terrace looking bright eyes and bushy tailed ready for the day, he had refused to touch the grappa last night and sat there delightfully annoying Luca until they kissed. Oliver opened his eyes rubbing his head, his mouth dry as desert he looked around the room to see if there was any water around then realised he was in bed with Savio. He moving woke Savio up who looked up at him 'water?' he asked handing Oliver the bottle who took a long swig and looked at Savio. "Did we have sex last night?" Oliver asked looking a little worried. Savio nodded "I guess we did, my ass is a little sore this morning". "I..." Oliver racked his brains "Savio I didn't mean it to happen". "You don't like me?" Savio asked looking worryingly at Oliver. "No it's not that" Oliver quickly said "I have hiv and might have infected you" he explained. Savio sat up "Are you on medication?" he asked already guessing he knew the answer was going to be by the panic in Oliver's eyes. "No" Oliver admitted looking distraught "I didn't want this to happen". Savio sat there looking at him "We were both drunk Oliver and I wanted you". "We can get you some PREP" Oliver said "it will stop you getting infected". Savio looked out of the window "Oliver" he said then turning to look at him "do you love me?". Oliver nodded, the full extent of what he had done caused a tear to trickle down his cheek "Yes". Savio kneeled in front looking him in the eye "I fell in love with you in the orchard that day" he said. "I know" Oliver replied watching Savio take his hand and place it on his body. Savio continued looking at him "I love you touching me" he said in hushed voice kissing him tenderly. "But you have to do one thing for me Oliver" Savio looked intently at him "you must go on medication". Oliver looked at him perplexed "Is that all?" he asked. Savio nodded "I don't want you to break my heart, I want you healthy and in my life for a long time". Oliver wiped his eyes "Stop it Savio" he said almost crying "I will do anything for you". Savio smiled and kissed Oliver grabbing his hand and placing it on his ass "Touch me Oliver". The kiss was long and sensual, their hands exploring and caressing each other. Oliver lowered Savio on to his back and laid on top of him. Oliver had never felt the emotions he was releasing in this moment, one person getting so close to him in such an extraordinary way was beyond his comprehension. It was frightening him how much he loved this stranger that had burst in to his life unsuspectingly. He laid there stroking Savio's back and kissing his neck and mouth happy and completely content. "We should get up" Savio announced kissing him again then kneeling up. Oliver smiled "Come to New York with me?" he asked "just for a month then we can come back here". Savio screwed his face up and then laughed "Okay, I'm sure my father will buy my ticket". Oliver chuckled and sat up holding Savio in his arms "Let me pay after all I am dragging you away from this". "Why New York?" Savio asked looking at him "I want to go to California" he joked. "We can do both" Oliver replied "I have business to sort out in NY then we can come back". Savio looked at him curiously "Back here?" he asked getting off the bed. Oliver stood up and put his shorts on "Yes, apart from loving you I really love it here". Savio's smile lit up the room "We can always stay here, Nico and Johan won't mind". Oliver nodded "I know, but we need time to ourselves" he replied "and you need some PREP". Savio shook his head and walked over to Oliver "I want you to be part of me, something that really bonds us together". There was no question that Oliver knew what Savio meant it was also a clear indication of his devotion to him. Oliver looked him in the eye and nodded, moving closer they kissed slowly and tenderly. It was a difficult conversation that Nico had with Savio in quiet as they made coffee. The unconventional nature and reason Savio gave Nico understood, he could see the value of having natural intimate bond and sex, it was the same nature that brought Johan and himself so close together. The following two weeks saw Mark, Luca and his family return to the UK. For Mark it was the start of his final academic year and knowing he was going to live in Tuscany he was going to switch one of his courses to horticulture, at least this way he would be more useful around the vineyards. Nico and Johan kept a sexual distance from Oliver and Savio allowing them privacy. They took a trip to Milan for a weekend to pick up Savio's belongings, Oliver had sorted out their flights and they were due to depart in a few days time. Savio and Oliver enjoyed long hikes talking getting to know each other, their talks never involved money since Oliver told him he was comfortable and didn't need to work for the time being. Oliver was never one to talk about his real net worth and since he retained a stock holding in the company the dividends were paying off quite nicely. Their last night in Tuscany was a big family dinner send off. Savio's parents and grandparents were happy to see him finally settle down and loose a bit of his unpredictable nature, Oliver seen as the reason for this change naturally became part of the family. He spent much time with Savio's grandfather talking about their winery business and the subject around Fattoria Cerbaia raised itself several times and what he would do with the vineyards. Savio happy to sit back and watch knowing that Oliver getting along with the grandparents was all he needed to see. Luca had spent an hour video talking with Savio telling him all the places he needed to see, he also confessed of loneliness without Mark who had returned to university. Luca would be back in Tuscany in a couple of weeks and getting his head down working, he couldn't wait since he needed to occupy himself.
    8 points
  2. I walked around the campground more and got fucked a few more times before I walked over by the pool area and saw a group of guys getting ready for a game of naked volleyball. I intended on just watching but one of the guys said they needed another bottom player to make even teams and asked me if I was a bottom and wanted to play.i agreed and he said great and said it's tops vs bottoms and we were all planning on an orgy after the game was over. I got excited by that and we got ready to play. The guy who asked me to play went and turned on a foam machine and a black light and it was then before the foam got to big that I saw all the tops had the same uv biohazard tattoos that I saw on the two guys from my school. I got really turned on and during the whole game I played with a raging hardon as well as the rest of the players. There was allot of grinding and touching as the foam got thicker and I couldn't focus on the game as much as the fingers playing with my balls and ass. After about an hour of the game the bottoms won 10 to 4 and we all had to catch our breaths. We all stayed within the foam and the orgy started there. I got grabbed by one of the hottest tops there and he wasted no time in living his cock and my ass and went to town fucking me. He had a really thick cock and long one too that went in real deeply touching all the right buttons inside me. Another top walked over with a similar sized cock and a nice set of swinging balls. I saw another uv tattoo on his hip and dove down to the root of his cock in one shot. I just stood there taking these two Poz cocks at each end and I couldn't be any happier or so I thought. The guy fucking me pulled out for a moment and laid down on the ground and was pulling me down to ride his cock facing me. The guy I was sucking knew what was happening and joind us on the ground as he lubbed up his cock and started to slide it next to the one already buried into my whole. The feeling was intense and a bit painful but I was loving every moment of it and shortly the pain of being split by these two subsided and I really started to enjoy being stuffed. The two guys stuffing my hole started to pick up the pace and from the grunting and the feeling of their cocks getting harder I knew they were both about to blast my hole with some more Poz seed and I was ready to be filled with more Poz cum. With one final slam I could feel my hole being flooded with both of their Poz cum being shot into my guts and I was in heaven. The top behind me fell on my back panting after such an intense orgasam and the guy I was riding was as well so I stayed still relishing in the glow of such a hot fuck. Once they regained their composure and their cocks started to soften they started to slide out of my hole and each kissed me deeply thanking me for such a great fuck. I thanked them both for their deposits in my ass and we started to move more around the action around us. After an hour of this intense orgy I had been fucked at least by six other guys and decided to take a break and head to the bar for a nice drink. I sat on the barstool and while enjoying my drink I started to finger my hole and see how much cum I had collected so far that night. My fingers were coated in the sweet sweet Poz nector I even swirled some around the rim of my glass and mixed some into my drink. The bartender wearing nothing but a bowtie smiled at me when he saw what I was doing and gulped my drink. He and asked me if I wanted a fresh drink with some more cream and make it golden. I figured he was asking if I wanted to drink his piss and I was excited at that so I accepted but said I preferred it from the tap and winked at him. He called over one of the other bartenders and asked him to cover for a bit while he took a break. He led me into one of the bathrooms and took me into the ajoining showers from the locker room and we started to make out. He rubbed me all over and fingered my puffy hole pulling out some of the cum inside and shared it with me. I licked his fingers clean and made my way down his body till I was greeted with a very large thick cock that reached full hardness. He was easily 12 inches and as thick as a beer can and I wasn't sure I could deep throat but I love a challenge. I gagged a bit but was able to get his cock down my throat after the 4th I was able to get his whole cock down my throat. I earned a big moan from the bartender so I know he was enjoying it and he slowly started to fuck my throat. He fucked my throat in long slow pumps and quickly picked up the pace. Soon after I could feel his balls starting to get tighter and he slammed into my throat gushing an enormous amount of cum down my throat and I didn't miss a bit of it. He was breathing hard but didn't leave my throat at all. I started to feel his cock go soft and he said just to wait for the next part. He pulled out so just the tip was left in my mouth and started to let loose the stream of piss that I gulped and gulped so I didn't miss a drop. Once he was finished I stood up and he pulled me in for a strong kiss pushing his tounge in my mouth to taste his piss in me. Once finished we walked back to the bar and in a flash from one of the rotating black light another uv biohazard tattoo showed up. He poured me another drink saying it was on the house and I accepted it and sat to watch the drag show going on. After one of her songs the drag queen said " alright boys it's Time to pull the drawing for tonight's star bottom of the evening before we do the fire works tonight, so if you're a bottom and would like to be the star bottom of the evening just put your first name and last inatial on the paper passing around and come up and put it in the hat and we will pull the winner before the show." I put my name on a sheet and walked on stage getting allot of whistles and cat calls put it in the hat and walked back to my chair. Once all the bottoms there put in their entry the drag queen shook the hat and pulled one out. "Ok boys here it is and the lucky winner is Daniel F." Everyone looked around trying to see the winner and I was a little in shock that I won. I stood up and walked on stage and everyone started to applaud me. "Ok boys here is our star bottom so once the fireworks are over everyone here at the campground will get a chance to fuck and bed our star bottom boy." Allot of cheers went out and even I jumped for joy
    7 points
  3. Mike was jolted out of his reflection of the past week as the vehicle came to a stop and the engine shut off. He heard Jason speaking from the front of the car. ”Okay Mike, we’re here. I’m Going to come around and help you out and into the office.” ”Okay” Mike replied. He heard the drivers door open and Jason getting out. The door shut, a few seconds later he heard his door open. ”Okay Mike, give me your hand. I’ll help you out and into the office.” Mike reached out and felt Jason take his hand. He stepped out of the vehicle and felt Jason leading him along. ”There’s a curb here Mike, so step up. There you go. Okay I’m going to open the door and then we’ll head in.” Mike heard a key in a lock and then a door opening. He felt Jason grab his hand again and start to lead him forward. He knew he was definitely in a Dr’s office, it had that smell to it. Jason led him through a couple of turns and then they stopped. Mike heard a door close and then Jason spoke. ”Okay Mike, we’re in the procedure room, you can remove the blindfold now.” Mike took the blindfold off and looked around. He was definitely in a Dr’s office, the room looked like a typical exam room, but it was bigger. Looking around he saw a counter with a sink, cabinets above. A couple of chairs. Blood pressure cuffs and other exam tools. As he turned, he expected to see an exam table, but instead he saw a weird looking bench. It had multiple flat surfaces on it covered in vinyl padding. There was a larger pad on the top and on either side there were narrower pads. As Mike puzzled over it. Jason saw his confusion and told him what it was. ”This is the procedure table, We’ll have you kneel on these lower pads on the bench, then lay forward with your chest on the top pad and your arms on either side. We can also raise and lower the bench for optimum penetration.” ”Gotcha!” Mike replied ”Well let’s start with the usual, height, weight, blood pressure.” ”Okay” Jason had Mike step over to the scale and step on it. Marked his weight then used the built in ruler to check his height. ”Okay Mike, have a seat in a chair and I’ll get your temp and blood pressure.” Mike sat down and Jason went through both checks and marked them down. He then opened a drawer and pulled out a binder with some paperwork in it. ”Alright, so this is a contract we’ll need you to read through and sign. I’ll give you some time to go through it and after we will start getting you ready. Okay?” ”Sounds good, thanks Jason” ”Anytime! I’ll be back in a bit” With that, Jason left the room. Mike opened the binder and started reading. The contract basically stated that the recipient “Mike” was here under his own free will and was aware that he was going to be inseminated with a high viral load of HIV positive semen. And that although the procedure would most likely lead to contracting HIV, it was not guaranteed. It also went on to state that the recipient would not discuss the specifics or the procedure in general with anyone outside of this office. Mike read through the rest of the contract, there was nothing he wouldn’t expect to see. On the last page there was a box for his signature and date. He filled in both and closed the binder. Well this is it! He thought, he was about to take his first unmediated load of cum. His cock was rock hard and leaking precum in his briefs. Jason came back in the room a few minutes later. ”All finished?” He asked ”Yep, all finished and signed” “Great! So let’s go ahead and get started with prepping. I’m going to have you disrobe and get on the bench.” Mike started to remove his clothing, pulling his shirt over his head, then kicking his shoes off. Next came his shorts, then socks. He left his boxer briefs for last. He could see his hard cock straining to spring free. Jason noticed his bulge. ”I’m glad to see you’re so excited about this Mike!” He said laughing. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, even though this is a clinical setting, it’s still erotic” “Yeah, I’m definitely turned on right now” Mike replied. He hooked his thumbs in his briefs and pulled them off. Standing there naked. Jason looked him over and winked at him. ”Very nice Mike! Okay I’m going to have you lay on the bench, go ahead and kneel on the lower pads and lay forward putting your chest on the top pad and your arms on the pads just below on the side pads. I will then adjust the pads so you’re comfortable. Okay?” ”Okay” Mike replied. He stepped over to the bench and mounted the bench as Jason explained. Jason followed him over and stepped on a pedal on the floor, Mike felt the bench start to rise up until he was about level with Jason’s chest. He moved to the front of the bench and reached under the arm pads, he slid two L shaped bars out from under them and turned them 90 degrees. ”You can hold on to these during the procedure so you don’t feel like you going to go flying off. Okay I’m going to have you lift yourself up so you’re just kneeling on the lower pads.” Mike pushed himself up so he was kneeling on the bench, he heard Jason open a drawer behind him and then shut it. He walked back over and Mike saw he was holding a condom in his hand. ”I’m going to put this on you in case you ejaculate during the procedure, we like to get a specimen before you leave.” ”What do you use it for?” Mike asked. ”Well the Dr’s one regret is that he will not be able to father children, so he collects a specimen from all of his clients in case they decide later down the road they might want a child, we will then have a clean specimen to work with. I know you’ve had a vasectomy, but we like to keep a sample from all patients.” ”Okay” Mike replied. Jason put some surgical gloves on and then opened the condom wrapper. He placed the end over the head of Mikes cock and started to roll it down. Mike let out an involuntary groan as he felt it cover his length. ”Little excited aren’t we?” Jason said laughing and winked at mike again. “Okay go ahead and lean forward again.” Mike lay back down on the bench. He felt Jason reach under him and grab his cock to reposition it under the bench. ”Okay Mike, now I’m going to shave around your anus so we have a completely clean area for the procedure, just relax okay?” ”Ummm Okay?” Mike replied a little apprehensive. He heard the sink turn on and cabinets opening. Then things being placed on something metal. He looked back and saw Jason rolling a metal cart over with shaving cream, a razor, and a container of water. ”The shaving cream will probably feel a little cold when I apply it, so just be ready for that. I’ll let you know before I do it though okay?” ”Okay” Mike turned his head back around and heard Jason squeezing water out of something then a warm cloth was gently rubbing his ass cheeks and then he felt it running over his hole. The warm cloth was removed and he could feel the cool air hitting his ass. He shivered a little, then he heard the sound of the shaving cream shooting out of the can. ”Okay, this will feel a little cold” Mike felt the cold cream on his ass cheeks being spread around, then he felt it being spread in his crack and over his hole. Jason stepped away and Mike heard the sink turn on as Jason rinsed his hands, then walked back over. He heard the sound of the razor swishing in the water container and then Jason started to expertly shave his ass. He made quick work of it with sure strokes and delicacy around his hole. Before mike knew it Jason was rinsing him off with the warm wash cloth again. As quick as the process was, Mike felt the experience was one of the most erotic things he’d had done in a long time. ”Okay, all finished with that Mike, now I’m going to apply some lube and insert a small camera to look in your rectum, we want to make sure your completely clean inside.” He heard Jason removing just gloves and throwing them in the trash receptacle, then the sound of new ones going on. More drawers and cabinets opened, more sounds of things being placed on the cart. He heard Jason roll the cart back over and then his gloved hand on his shaved butt. ”The lube will feel cold and so will the camera. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort though during this okay?” ”Okay” Mike said shaking his head also. He heard the top of the lube opening and then a few seconds later the coldness of the lube on his hole. He felt Jason spread it around a little bit and then felt pressure as Jason Inserted his finger inside of him. He swirled it around a coupe times and then removed it. ”I’m going to insert the camera now. It will only take about thirty seconds to look, just relax and breath evenly okay?” ”Yep! I’m ready” Mike felt the coolness of a metal object on his anus, then pressure as Jason started to insert it. He felt it go past his inner sphincter and stop. He could feel it moving around inside of him as Jason looked. He then felt it retracting from him. ”Perfect!” Jason said. “All clean and it looks like the cleansing did its job, your rectum is definitely red and irritated a little. Is it uncomfortable?” ”Honestly, no. I don’t feel anything.” ”Perfect” Mike felt the warm cloth on his hole again as Jason wiped the lube away. ”Alright Mike, just lay there and relax, I’m going to clean this stuff up here and when the Dr comes in I will apply some more lubricant for the procedure and then the Doc will go over how things will happen. Okay?” ”Yeah! Sounds good to me”
    7 points
  4. I’m a complete cumdump slut. I live for having men cum in my holes, or on my body. I’m a very outdoorsy and active guy, and wear little clothing when it’s warm outside (which is all the time in the region I reside). What I do wear is usually skimpy, so men know I’m easy and available. When I’m at work, I get away with tight pants and button up shirts, with a jockstrap (or commando). I used to live in a small town, which made finding cock difficult (except at the local bookstore), so I’d often travel to larger cities to live out my fantasies. Hardly a day went by when I didn’t have at least two cocks shoot their cum deep in me at the adult bookstore. Weekends I was busy, taking anonymous cocks at bookstores, bathhouses, parks, or just hooking up via grindr in bigger cities. What as missing from my life were friends who knew all of me and accepted me. My co-workers did at times stimulate my intellectual curiosities, but I found them to still be rather conservative and at times just dull. In general, friends were hard to come by in my area. Most just didn’t want to delve into politics, science, and society as much as me. Almost all did not want to be friends with a slut, so I kept secret my cumdump antics, and brushed off judgment of my non-work attire by saying I felt restricted by clothing. They bought it, so I kept running with it. When it came to dating….well, it didn’t happen. I hadn’t had a date at all since living in a small town! Why would you date a slut if you weren’t willing to befriend one? Things changed when I was finally able to move to a bigger city and very quickly found those who accepted me as a cumdump. This is the story of how I met my best mates, and even fell in love. PART 1 – A cumdump finds friends surprisingly easily and plans the seduction of his crush… From left to right they are Chad, Stanley, Ryan, Toby, and Steven. I met them at my first ever venture into the gayborhood after moving to the area less than 3 days ago. The bar had a superhero theme night, and I like wearing costumes. I was waiting in line for the bathroom, and the group of them was in line behind me. They were mulling over one of their phones, laughing occasionally. The line progressed, and I stepped forward. One of them - I soon came to know as Chad - saw the opening space and pushed the one dressed as Robin (Toby), who stumbled into me from behind. We didn't fall, but his hands did end up on my shoulder and on my ass. The only barrier between us was my skintight Spiderman costume, as I only wore a jockstrap underneath. Usually, I’d wear less, but I also didn’t have many options since most of my boxes were still unpacked at my new place. "I'm sorry! Are you ok?" he asked. Did he just squeeze my butt? I stepped away from him straightening myself out. "I'm fine. No worries." I replied. "Watch where you're going, Toby!" We turned to see his friends laughing at their friend’s mishap. After some quips between Toby and his friends, he asked formally introduced himself to me. I put my hand out to shake his, "I'm Slade!" Toby introduced himself, then introduced me to the rest of his friends. As we chatted, and discovered common interests, I found myself drawn to Ryan (wolverine). He was so sexy! We all chatted and had a good time until it was my turn in the cue to use the bathroom. I stepped into the available stall, pissed, and walked out to wash my hands. I saw Ryan and Stanley still waiting, and waived at them after I dried my hands. Stanley called me over and invited me to join them the rest of the night. I agreed, thankful I made new friends so quickly. I spent a few more hours chatting with the group afterwards. The loud music made it hard to talk, so we ended up on a patio bar above the venue. Ryan and I connected instantly. He was more than wicked hot, as at one point he seemed to get semi-hard in his yellow tights…holy shit was he huge! Not yet fully hard, he was at least 11 inches! He noticed my gaze on his crotch, but we laughed the awkward situation and kept things g-rated. We discovered we were both actually nerds in our own way, and we spent several hours laughing, exploring new topics, and all together forgetting we were in a group. I really liked Ryan, but assumed he wouldn’t like the real me…the insatiable cumdump slut. Ryan was intelligent, wise, and overall a nice guy. He’d never want me. I resigned myself to having a good friendship with Ryan. Around 2 AM I started to feel tired and excused myself. We all said our goodbyes, and exchanged numbers saying we would meet up again tomorrow night. I started walking away to close my tab at the bar, which was situated just behind where we were sitting. While I was waiting for my turn, I heard Stanley say, “Ryan, he’s cute…and you two couldn’t stop talking with one another…you should ask him out!” Oh shit! They didn’t realize I was still within earshot. This is awkward… “He is cute, but I doubt he’s my type sexually. Ya’ll know what I like. Well, what WE like,” replied Ryan. Toby laughed and loudly announced, “Yea, a cum-filled slut!” They all shushed their loud friend, as I processed the information that they all like cumdump sluts. My face turned red, and my cock started to harden. “He checks all the boxes, but I doubt he checks that one. He’d be a nice new friend though…better than some” replied Ryan. I’m assuming he smirked and glared at Toby. I got lost in thought, momentarily present to hear the group had moved on to meaningless conversation while I finished paying my tab. I got an Uber home and stripped down to my jockstrap, and collapsed on my bed. I lay there digesting what I just heard. Ryan. Loves. Cumdumps. My heart fluttered. I concocted a plan for the following day to make Ryan recognize me as a cumdump, hopefully opening up an opportunity to explore more than just friendship. I drifted off to sleep with a smirk on my face. Waking up the next morning I was hard as a rock, but I decided to do nothing about it. I wanted to cum as Ryan deep-dicked my hole, sloppy from prior use. Instead I researched my new friends…some call it ‘lightly stalking’, but I call it prudent research in this day/age. I discovered them all on grindr, and learned they were all tops. Funny, I thought Steven and Toby were a couple, as were Stanley and Chad. Their profiles were mostly nondescript, but I did notice that all of them left the safe sex section blank. There wasn’t enough to confirm Toby’s announcement that they love cumdumps…so moving forward meant risking a new friendship. I contemplated this as I busied myself with other tasks. I spent the rest of the day unpacking and cleaning. By 5 PM I was mostly done and had made up my mind to take the risk and assume my new friends do love cumdumps. I had read about a nearby forested park men cruised at, so I decided I wanted to go for a run to explore the city more, and to spend some time at that park. I cleaned out my hole and got dressed in ankle socks, sneakers, a black jockstrap, and short, white running shorts split all the way up the side. My athletic bubble butt was spilling out the bottom of the shorts with my straps clearly visible. I decided to not wear a shirt that would cover my toned athletic body. It would just get damp with sweat and be uncomfortable. Stepping outside I hit the pavement, listening to the sounds of the city as I flew by. After 30 minutes, I ended up at the hidden parking lot entrance of a forested park. If I didn’t know to look for it, I would have missed it. There were a few cars around, and feeling curious, I walked towards a large wooden post with a map of the park and was staring at that when from beside me I heard. "You're a fag slut, aren't ya? I can tell from how you're dressed." I whipped my head towards the voice and saw a handsome, athletic man in his early 30s dressed in hiking boots, shorts, and a t-shirt. The man wasn't wrong. I am a fag slut, yet I stuttered from surprise, trying to find something to say as he walked towards me and pointed out a location out on the map. "I'll be there in 2 hours and I want you to be bred by at least a few guys who cruise that area first." He then turned me to a trail next to the sign and pushed me in that direction. I couldn't resist. I complied and walked through the woods, taking turns I remembered from the map. This was perfect, I had planned on meeting the guys – specifically Ryan - tonight with several loads in my hole, so all was going as planned. I knew I was in the right place when I came upon a hot older gentleman playing with his dick through his cargo shorts. My approach caught his attention - first panic, then lust. I licked my lips and he motioned me over. I immediately dropped to my knees and undid his shorts. He was going commando, because out sprung a 9" thick dick. I'm in Heaven. I launched onto his dick and swallow it halfway down my throat. I gagged. Damnit, I’m better than that! I close my eyes and focus for a second, relaxing my throat, and feel his dick slide deeper into me until my lips are at the base of his cock and my nose is in his pubes. "Holy Shit! You are a fucking dream! Fucking hot faggot slut!" he yells. He then grabs my head and starts plowing me as hard as he can. After a few minutes of that, he pulls out of me and I gasp for air as spit drips from my mouth and onto my chest. He tells me to take off my shorts and bend over a tree. I comply, holding my shorts in my hand. He spits a few times on my hole, and then slips his tongue in me as I moan. After a while, I groan, "Fuck me." The stranger stands up and I feel his cockhead at my hole. He applies pressure and enters me. He stops after 2 of his glorious 9 inches are in me, I presume to let me adjust. I smirk as I open my hole and shove back, swallowing his cock to the base with ease. It’s been a few days, but a whore is always ready. We both let out a deep moan. He now senses my hunger and proceeds to fuck me hard. Our sweaty skin slapping with each thrust must have been heard throughout most of the cruising area. I didn't care. I was in heaven. All too soon I felt his cock pulse and his thick hot cum coat my insides. He slowly pulled out of me, and I clenched my hole around his cock so as not to let any cum escape. He slapped my ass and said thank you. I was about to stand up, when I felt another cockhead at the entrance to my hole. I didn’t resist and in one thrust a thick 8 inch dick was buried in my cum-sloppy hole. I moaned as he started to fuck me. I was feeling bliss that sent shivers across my entire body. The second guy also did not last long, no more than a few moments passed before he dropped his man scuzz deep in my hole. When he stepped away, I quickly glanced and saw another handful of men behind me. Smirking, I turned around and pushed my ass out inviting the next man. After the third and fourth guy, I blissed out and lost count of how many men took turns on my ass. Not all had large dicks, but I didn’t care. I was a cum receptacle. I was brought out of my high when the man I met at the park entrance grabbed my head and brought me in to a kiss. He tasted of alcohol and weed, and had clearly returned from a workout. He smelled of sweat. He broke the kiss to ask “how many loads?” “I… don’t… know…“ I mumbled between moans as my hole was being ravaged by another man. He repeated his question to the crowd of men, and the first guy who fucked me was still there and said, “slut took 15 loads so far.” Oh shit! I am definitely primed for Ryan, but I still wanted more. Park entrance guy said, “Excellent! I love cum sloppy holes. Let me in him.” The guy currently fucking my sloppy hole stepped away as park entrance guy pulled out a massive 11 inch dick and plowed into me. I yelled from the sudden pain/pleasure I felt. My yell quickly turned into loud moans as he started to fuck me by pulling his dick out slowly then slamming it back in. After a few minutes of this, he started to pound me hard, and cum was pouring out my hole and down my legs, soaking the pouch of my jockstrap. Men were encouraging him to fuck me harder. Some even came on my legs and back as he thrust deep in me and planted his seed deep in my hole. He stepped away, and someone else was about to take his place, when I stopped them. I needed to get home and prepare for tonight. With my hole barely closing, leaking copious amounts of cum, I slipped on my shorts and raced home, realizing that if I stopped everyone would still smell and see the cum they plastered my back and legs with, and the cum trailing down my legs from my hole. Luckily I made it home quickly and without much incident. I bumped into a handsome older gentleman who was probably left wondering what he was covered in. I tore off my clothing, throwing it in my hamper, and plugged my hole with a large plug and showered. It was a bit after 9:30 PM when I got a group text from the guys. They were planning where to meet to go out. I was ready for this and suggested we go out to a specific bar I had learned about through some research. It was known for having men cruise in one of the bathrooms, which apparently had gloryholes in the stalls. The rest of the guys were indifferent and said OK. I texted Steven and Toby separately asking them for their help in getting ready since they lived together nearby. They said OK and told me they’d be over by 10 PM. When they arrived, I was in nothing more than a jockstrap, still plugged. I saw both their eyes bug out and when I turned after inviting them in, I saw them grinning at one another in the mirror facing my door. I really hope this works! “Thanks guys, I’m just bad at knowing exactly what to wear. Do you want a drink?” They shook their heads no. “Well then, why don’t you follow me to my bedroom?” As they followed me Steven commented on how my apartment looked nice. When we arrived to my bedroom, I stopped right where I had uncharacteristically left a towel on the floor. “I’m so sorry for the mess!” I bent down to pick it up, exposing the plug in my hole. “Holy shit! Are you plugged?” asked Toby. I laughed gently, throwing the towel into the hamper. “Yes, I am. It helps keep the loads in after I’ve been fucked.” This was a risk. I knew they liked cum sluts, but I could lose friends so quickly if they found this too much to handle. I swallowed slowly waiting for a response. They stared at me, then glanced at one another. I couldn’t read their expressions. “How… many loads?” asked Steven. I hesitated for a second. My heart jumped. This was it. “Sixteen” Another moment of silence ensued. Oh shit, my gamble failed! “Guys, I’m sorry-” I was cutoff as Steven rushed at me and kissed me deeply. Toby got behind me and joined our kiss. I reached down to both their cocks, feeling them through their shorts. Wow they were both already hard, and big! Their hands explored my nipples, ass, and cock. I broke the kiss to say, “I’m so happy I learned you all like cum sluts!” “Wait! Explain, what do you mean ‘learned’?” asked Toby. We stopped fooling around for a second and sat on the bed. I told them I was a cumdump, and about overhearing their conversation the prior night. Toby seemed emberassed, but I said I didn’t mind at all since I clearly am a cumdump slut. I told them how connected I felt with Ryan, and assumed he wouldn’t want me until I heard what Toby said about cumsluts. Toby started to get excited and gushed about how this is perfect, and Ryan deserved someone like me. Ryan apparently had been chatting all day with Toby about how much he liked me, and was debating to still ask me out. Toby also explained that he and Steven are a couple, and both tops, but they have a solution they both love, fucking cumdumps regularly. That’s how they met at a bathhouse, constantly competing to get into the same holes. They also met Ryan at the bathhouse, who introduced them to Chad and Stanley – also a top-top couple. Ryan was interested in a more conventional bottom-top arrangement. While the rest of them found love in each other, he always held out for someone who checked his damn boxes. Steven started to mimic Toby’s excitement when I asked them if they thought Stanley and Chad would want to fuck me. They said they know they would, as they also love cumdumps. “I have a plan...but first, I want you to fuck me hard.” Steven wasted no time throwing me back onto the bed, removing his clothing and slipping his cock into my open mouth. Toby, now naked as well, lifted my legs, and yanked the plug out of my hole. Cum rushed out of my hole before I could slam it shut, which he gathered with his hands, and lubed his long 10 inch pole with it. He slammed his cock in me, eliciting a yell that evolved into a groan. They fucked me at both ends for at least 10 minutes until both blew their loads. I slammed my hole shut to hold one in, while swallowing the entirety of the other. I knew I would gape soon, releasing all the cum in me, so I slammed the plug in my hole again. Toby spoke first, “What’s the plan, slutty Slade?” I grinned when he gave me a nickname. “OK, so I picked the bar for tonight because I heard the one bathroom in the basement is heavily used for cruising.” Steven nodded in confirmation. “My plan is to flirt heavily with Ryan and make him want me more, but after a drink I’m going to go to the bathroom, and I am going to take any cock willing to fuck my hole through the gloryholes. I want you all to keep Ryan busy, and don’t let him in the gloryhole bathroom. After an hour of me being gone, send the first of you to come ‘check’ on me, by which I mean fuck me and breed me. Each one returns and tells Michael how you couldn’t find me, but thought you saw someone that looked like me flirting with some guy on the patio, or somewhere else. I want to make him jealous, even angry. But make sure you keep him away from the bathroom.” “Why would you want that?” asked Steven. I smiled and replied, “He will fuck me harder if he’s all revved up from jealousy and anger.” The guys grinned at one another. I continued, “After all of you have fucked me, hang out until Ryan reaches a boiling point, then tell him there is a cumdump in the gloryhole bathroom he should go fuck to let off some steam.” “OK, that’s hot, but how will he know it’s you through a gloryhole?” asked Toby. “He won’t know it’s me. While he’s fucking me, I want one of you to come in to the bathroom and tell Ryan that everyone’s ready to leave for another bar soon, but no one could find me, so you sent me a text in the group chat. Encourage him to breed the cumdump slut on the other side of the gloryhole until he shoots his load. As soon as he’s done, I’m going to plug my hole. I’ll text that I’ll meet you out front, then clean up and join you.” I told Steven and Toby. Steven spoke first, “I don’t get it.” I continue, “Well, when we are walking to the next bar, I want you all to talk about the slut at the gloryhole you all fucked. Be explicit. Then ask me if I got a chance to fuck the cumdump. I’m going to reply… ‘I was the cumdump.’” Toby put his hand on my lower back and just mouthed the word ‘wow’. “Too much?” I asked. Toby replied, “No, it’s hot. I’m curious to see what happens then.” “Me too” I replied. “For now, I should get dressed.” Turning to Steven I asked him to call Stanley and Chad to see if they’re down to join in my endeavor. He left the room with a smile on his face, dialing Stanley. I opened my closet and asked Toby, “What do you think Ryan would want to see me wearing?”
    5 points
  5. I admit it I am a faggot come dump who loves a dick in my hole and their balls slamming against my taint. I want my hole so stretch out that I can sit on a traffic Cone with ease.
    3 points
  6. I went to high school in the gay village, walking through it twice daily to and from the subway, past the bars, bath houses, queens and queers. I knew i was gay and wanted to break free of the choir/alter boy with good grades that girls fawned over image. I worked up the nerve to go into the eagle which was open during the day. It seemed less obvious than going into the porn theater. I walked up the stairs telling myself to act normal, just go to the bar, order a ginger ale and grab a seat in a corner. It worked! As I sat in the corner of the almost empty bar, petrified to move but so turned on I scanned the room, fixated on the sling so much so, that i never noticed the 6'2 dark haired 200 lb mid 30's man that had walked over and asked to sit. I smiled and said yea, grab a seat. He straddled the stool at the table dwarfing my slight 5'8 130lbs as he sat next to me. Every part of me quivered at the thought of him popping my cherry, b4 i knew it i had a raging boner snaking down my pant leg. He reached over hand outstretched reaching for my hand, and in a deep voice said I'm Mark, I couldn't help coming over and saying hello. Thanks your'e hot came out of my mouth b4 i could stop myself, still holding my hand he looked down at my twitching teenage cock and smiled wide.. wow your'e hung he stated making me blush.. i'm chris, short for christoher I told him. Wanna get out of here and go get comfortable? Sure, my voice quivering, we got up put our coats on and proceeded down the stairs when he stopped, turned around and started to kiss me, his stubble made my cock rage even harder making my underwear wet with pre-cum. His large hands quickly freed my cock from my pants, the cold winter air on my stiff "8 1/2" long 6 thick cock made me squirm a little, but b4 i knew it, this giant of a man was gobbling my cock in his hot mouth. After what seemed like an eternity he tore himself off of my cock long enough to grunt, fuck you taste so good, lets get out of here! My jeans barely contained my cock soft, I struggled to to get it back in hard, and decided to zip it up as far as it would go and pull my jacket down over the rest of my exposed cock.. mark smiled at me with this devilishly satisfied look on his face that i would have to walk out like that. As we got to the bottom of the stairs he said, don't worry we r not going far, just across the street. Again more stairs through a lane way door and we r at a counter with stacks of towels on them... The old guy in the background was familiar from the coffee shop; he said to the clerk, let him in, give them the double at the end of the hall and smiled at me.. Mark paid and was given a key, a bottle of lube and 2 towels. We walked down the maze of halls of open doors naked men and sounds of sex everywhere.. When we got to the room mark asked if i'd been here b4, I said no, I'm actually a virgin.... he smiled at me & continued to undress. The man was a mountain, solid, thick arms, legs, hands and a fat uncut cock.. I stood there staring at him as i undressed. he looked me over b4 picking me up and placing me on the bed standing up so my cock was closer to his face.. My cock responded with teenage zeel, but I was aching to taste his cock. his tongue darted under my foreskin tracing my cock head bringing me back to this sweet extacy; looking down at his stubble covered face with my hard cock buried in his mouth was almost too much, and he could sense it, so he turned around placed his hands on the walls spread his legs and told me to hop down and slide that monster cock in my hole. I hopped down and stood behind Mark with my hard cock pointed square at his ass crack not knowing what to do, but b4 I could move his massive hands reached down and cupped my cock, guiding it closer to his hot hole. I could not believe I was about to fuck this football player built daddy, especially without a condom. B4 I could even ask about the condom, the moist heat of his hole like a drug made me forget about anything other than that hot tight hole twitching and flexing against my cock head.. It made me so hot I shot a stream of pre-cum which just made my virgin cock head slide in his hole. Mark moaned and inhaled from a small bottle with 1 hand while still holding my cock with the other. I could feel his hole relax as he inhaled; with a low grunt he moaned as he began to been his hot dry hole my fat uncut cock. The more he worked my rock hard cock into his hole the closer I felt myself to cuming. Mark just kept moaning how good my cock felt in his hole, it hurt so good he repeated a few times; I told him i was so close to cumming, he asked if i could wait till he got my cock all the way in, so I grabbed his hips and drove my cock deep in his hole waiting to feel his ass lips cradle the base of my cock. Mark spread his cheeks grinding back into me; I lost my balance & fell back onto the bed mark following, as he landed on me his crushing weight buried my cock as deep as it could go. I wrapped my arms around this towering daddy who had begun to vigorously ride me raw moaning seed your daddy, shoot you hot load deep in daddy. Without much more urging I was shooting my first load deep into his willing hole. He kept riding my cock which now slid in and out with greater ease as my cum lubed his hole. This new feeling was too much, it's like a beast was awakened, I wanted to be in control, I wanted to be behind him controlling the thrust. I told him to stand up and turn around, as he did i could feel my cum drip out of his ass. He was hard and drenched in pre-cum! I wanted my first taste of cock! It was sweet & salty at the same time i thought as i tried to take his 10 inch un cut cock down my throat like he had done to me... he reached down lifted my chin so i was looking up at him as i sucked his cock and said to I hope you don't mind i have a lot of pre- cum. I took his fat cock out of my mouth and said Its my first time so you get to train me to love your cum and cock... you have to use your pre cum as lube to work this monster uncut daddy dick into my hole. And you have to cum deep in my hole so i can go home with your cum in me.. His cock shot a load of pre cum across my face as it stiffened to my words.. Mark laid down on the bed with his legs up in the air and said fuck me some more, i was so close just now... I pressed my cock up against his hole, feeling my load leaking out as he twitched welcoming my cock into his hungry hole..This time I slid the entire length of my hard uncut cock into his hole as i leaned forward to kiss him. Man it felt so good, i started thrusting like a wild man turned on by the fact that i was inside of this built daddy who just wanted my cock inside of him.. his moans became louder and his cock was shooting short thick burst of what i thought was cum so i aske if he was cumming, he said no that's pre cum.. i puled my cock out of his ass, he groaned as it plopped out. I straddled his lap positioning my virgin hole on the head of his fat, long uncut cock and started to rock back and forth working his pre cum into my hole getting it wet.. Mark reached behind me to insert a finger in my but. I hated the feeling of his finger inside of me... I told him, take it out, if im gonna loose my cherry its gonna be to a cock, not a finger.. I straddled his cock for a while only able to get his head inside of me, b4 he handed me the vial and said inhale slow and deep, then relax... I did as told. The pain subsided as I felt this rushing wave consume me, marks lubed his shaft, place his hands on my hips, a few thrusts and & a couple inches of his monster cock slid in. A few minutes of riding Mark my hole opened up, enjoying the feeling of his fat cock sliding in and out of me, I reached back and realized he was only less than half way in me.. I took a few more hits of the poppers, and asked him to get on top of me; with ease he flipped me over lifted my legs above his broad shoulders, and slowly dropped all his weight on me, forcing inch after inch inside of me...he got about 8 inches in b4 he paused to let me get used to it and to have more poppers... his cock was huge and filled me completely, i felt him grow inside of me as he laid on top of me kissing my neck..I grabbed his hips and pulled him deeper into me, I wanted to feel his balls pressed up against my hole and he did not disappoint. Once more he laid there & I felt his cock twitch a few times, Mark grunted, I can feel the pre cum leaking out my cock, filling u up.. I grinned and slapped his ass; he began to slowly fuck my hole & it hurt like hell...He slipped his cock out of my hole making me feel suddenly empty; he squeezed some lube in my gaping hole, then began to slowly feed his fat uncut head into my well lubed hole. Thank you I gasped as he began to bury his cock fat in my tiny butt, the lube really made it easier to take his long fat cock as he built up speed, forcing my hips down to the base of his cock with almost every thrust, making me yelp. Mark placed his large hand in my mouth and said bite down, I'm close. I pushed his hand away and said I'll take it like a man, he grinned picking up the pace, I was seeing stars it hurt so bad, then all of a sudden my aching hole which was already stretched to the max began to almost double in size as Mark's began to shot. He buried his cock balls deep in my hole, his cock twitching and growing each time he shot deep inside of me. Mark began sliding his cock half way out then slamming it mercilessly back in to his balls, each time flooding me with hot cum. He came for what seemed like forever b4 burring his cock balls deep in my used come filled hole, flexing his cock deep inside of me; then bam , without warning my hard cock started to shoot without me touching it... Mark opened his mouth and bent over catching some of my cum in his mouth then leaned in and kissed me. He stayed inside of me till his cock softened. We showered and came back to our room, my hole sore and gaping, I sat at the edge of the bed. Mark told me to lean back, and i did as told; fuck#@* he began to rim my sore hole sucking, blowing air into my hole like a balloon. B4 i knew it I felt a flood unleash from deep inside me. Mark grunted Yea! like he had just found gold; he furiously ate my hole lapping up every drop that leaked out. After a while I heard him say your'e nice and clean now. Ignoring my raging hard on I asked, what just happened? He said, while fucking you I felt your second ring open up when i was fucking you, so I figured you still had some cum up there. Mark reached into the locker for his pants, and a ring hit the floor, he leaned down and placed it on his ring finger while staring at me. I asked what his wife was like in bed; he said she doesn't like the amount of pre cum i have so she doesn't give me head..& says i'm too bug so doesn't like getting fucked too much which works for him... We exchanged numbers and saw each other a few more times...
    2 points
  7. AS they walked away I stood in the isle moth agape and dick hard as a rock. I had a hard on the rest of the day even after jacking off. His son was built like his dad had been at that age. For that matter his dad was still built the same, perfect swimmers body. But JJ had shaggy dirty blond hair and green eyes. Two days passed and my phone buzzed while I was at work. The message read. Got your number from my dad, you free in about an hour? I replied back YES and asked if he needed my address. I got nothing back. I rushed home took a shower and got ready in a pair of ball shorts and a t-shirt. At exactly 1 hour the door bell rang and when I opened the door he was standing there in black short running shorts, the kind with the split that goes up to the waistband and nothing else. He was hot and sweaty. He smiled as he walked in and asked if he could have some water. He followed me to the kitchen and I fixed it form him. After he drank the water, that was a very long silence to me. He looked at me and said so dad says you like to get pissed on and suck dick and that you swallow like a good fag, is that all you do? I hesitated for a second and said I will do what ever you want. He shook his head and said someone trained you well. He looked off out the window for a second or two then without looking at me he said, I'm not like my dad. I'm a little more open minded. He said back in the day he was gay for pay and that he has no need to mess around with anyone now that he is making good money and is married. I said really? He said that's what he says but his assistant at work is hot as fuck and is a couple years older than me so I don't buy it. Before I could respond he just looked at me and said, I'm Bi but I like to fuck around with guys more. You don't have to be gentle and lovey dovey with a guy. You can fuck his brains out and walk away no strings attached and no fucking kids to worry about. He stood up and kicked off his shoes and socks while looking me in the eyes. He said I figure since you like piss you like a little sweat as well so why don't you show me the bath room so I can drop this load of piss all over your ass. On my way taking him to the tub I was pulling off my clothes as fast as I could. No sooner had I stepped in his was pissing on me. Just like his dad it was a long steady stream of piss and now that I was on eye level with it his dick looked bigger. I heard him say fuck yeah, your a nasty little slut, you like this hot piss don't you? I shook my head yes as my mouth was full of his piss. When he finished he stepped in the tub and shoved his dick in my mouth and said suck it bitch and I swallowed as much as I could. He was most defiantly bigger than his dad. It was like he could read my mind and he said its about a inch longer than what dad says his is, think you can handle it? I just dove down deeper and felt his hands on my head as I started to gag. He began face fucking me hard and fast. It was all I could do to catch a breath every once in a while. After a few minutes he shoot his load down into my gut. I felt his dick spasm 8 times. The last one as he was pulling out and I got to taste his cum. Before I could enjoy the cum he started pissing and he held me in place and said drink faggot, drink that piss. I know you want it. When he finished he turned on the shower and washed us off. When we got out he said I don't have time for more tonight but Ill be back tomorrow, I want to fuck that fat ass. He was dressed and out the door be fore I could dry off. Tomorrow is Saturday, I think I will start preparing now! I can't wait....
    2 points
  8. I thought I was going totally gaga, lol Every time I attempted to get online via my smartphone or laptop I got the download thingy, which it would download without even asking me. Was happening all last night and today too. I have had to uninstall and reinstall chrome on my phone, and clear all my browsing history, cache etc on my laptop (I very much thankfully managed to keep passwords/auto fill, which would have been a right old nuisance if I had to erase all of that as well). And all is fine again in the land of BZ ~ I was having withdrawal symptoms 😉
    2 points
  9. First time positing on here, been reading a while and decided to actually join up. My last load was a few month back before lockdown kicked in (trying to be good but i am def getting too horny), was late and couldn't sleep so went out for a drive to a cruising spot i know in the woods near by. it was 1ish so didnt really expect to get any action and when i got to the carpark it was empty. Rather than just go home i decided to go for a little walk down a path and jerk off. After walking for a bit i found a bench overlooking a valley and decided to strip down and sit on the bench and slowly jerk off in the open air, i was really horny so was jerking with my eyes closed remembering a guy i saw naked in the gym but couldnt get an interest from. Not sure when but after a while i realised i was being watched by an older guy, he was rubbing his crotch watching me jerk off so i got up and started giving him a show, he was obviously interested. he was probably late 40ies, muscular build, greying hair. as he came over and asked if he could help out i was more than up for it so let him rub my body and cock. i slipped my hand into his shorts and before long i had him naked with me on my knees sucking his uncut 6inch cock, my hands running through his hairy chest hair. when i got up i pushed his arm up licking his arm pits, he loved it and was moaning away. i then bent over the bench spreading my cheeks for him, he got on his knees and ate my ass out, he was good and i was moaning and losening up fast then he got up and asked if i had lube and condoms, i was a bit disapointed but said i had lube but no condoms, he said he was sorry he didnt bring any either but smiled when i said that he would just have to fuck me bare. He quickly lubed up and was in me hard enough that i yelped in pain a bit but he pushed on fucking me hard, before he was halfway done he picked me up and lay me on the bench fucking my hole hard as he spat into my mouth and held my throat. when he finally came he exploded making my hole leak with his cum. when he was done he walked off and i got up and jerked myself crazy fingering my cum filled hole.
    2 points
  10. The guy setting up the new server made a change last night that caused all the sites on the server to prompt for a download. Thanks to @drscorpio texting me right after it started, it was fixed pretty quickly. I can't explain why you're still seeing the problem. But here's what I'd suggest trying… For starters, close the "Clear all local data" for Breeding Zone, then quit the browser and then go back in and see if the problem persists. Also, try a different browser. I suspect your browser cached the download as normal, and because you accepted the download (you should never accept downloads – they could be viruses), that behavior won't go away until you clear the cache.
    2 points
  11. I don’t like dogs, so it’s a big ‘Ugh’ from me when one shows up unexpectedly in shot. The hair, the smell, the doggy breath, the drool- yuck, it turns my stomach and is an instant boner-killer. But cats! I luuurve them! It’s so cute when one wanders by while two guys are hard at it, totally unflustered (the cat, that is). Sometimes they‘ll jump up onto a table or start cleaning themselves: they always get my full attention, and I totally lose interest in what the guys are doing. In fact, I think I might start a thread exclusively for clips of kitties in gay porn... No down-votes from dog lovers, please- we’re all wired differently: respect the difference 😉
    2 points
  12. I don't watch porn any more because I don't have a pornograph to play it on. Ahem... A few years ago I saw a profile on Recon of a guy who was really into boots. He posted lots of pics of himself in boots. All different types of boots. One pic was taken by him while he was sitting down--looking down his legs to his cowboy-booted feet, crossed at the ankles, resting on the top of the edge of a low dresser. And just to the left of his boots, in a silver frame, a photo of Marlene Dietrich. I have no recollection of what he looked like. But that one image is burned in my mind. Ugh.
    2 points
  13. I'm currius to know how that Covidiot is doing, 1 mounth later...
    2 points
  14. mohsen1st (Melbourne) [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/licking-sucking-nipple-play-fucking-breeding-hot-part-1-43901891 he made sure I'm ready so he could blow his load into me, I'm super sensitive to my nipple and he knew it with an added finger to please my butthole too. I got a nice load in me, but then we flipped and I blew mine into him. (Part 1) [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/licking-sucking-nipple-play-fucking-breeding-hot-part-2-43904551 Now it's my turn to blow my load in him. I needed more stimulation so asked him to squeeze my nipples. (Part 2)
    2 points
  15. The worst part of this whole saga (unlike HIV) is that anyone you come in contact with has now been exposed to your selfish activities. Very different from two consenting adults risking STD's / HIV. These people are more likely to go "visit" family members or "do whatever they want" without regard. I don't care what you do with your body - but don't put other people at risk (especially fellow high-risk gays) because you can't simmer the fire in your pussy for a little while. The inability for people to think or act beyond themselves is beyond comprehension. Still - guys on the apps are all open doors and shit. What fucking disappointments.
    2 points
  16. The Dragon Barely Speaks I slept soundly but I woke up before the alarm went off. I grabbed my phone and didn't see any messages so I watched the video I took the night before. It was hot reliving the fuck and soon my dick was hard as a rock. The video was a little shaky at times but I figured a few quick edits would make it look good. I got up, hitting the shower and then grabbing coffee and a bagel before starting in on work. At lunch I transferred the video to my laptop and did a few edits to trim it down from seventeen and a half minutes to just under ten. I didn't think we fucked that long, but the camera doesn't lie about those things. After putting it up on xtube, I ate lunch and went back to work. Later that evening, I saw college boy online and sent him the link to the video. He replied about a half hour later with "hot but cant get f'in marker off my back." I laughed to myself but knew that it would take a few days for it to go away even if he scrubbed every shower. The bug that was inside him would hopefully mark him forever The next day I logged in to xtube to see if there were any comments about my video and was greeted with 23 comments and 17 personal messages. Most of the comments were about the "lucky bottom", a few were like "Wish that was me" and a few "Hope it takes." The private messages were mostly from bottoms wanting some poz loads and I knew we would never meet since they were scattered around the globe. One was from a top that wanted to add his own strain into college boys's ass. "No fuckin' way. He's mine" I thought to myself which kind of surprised me. He might be the first guy I kept fucking until I knew he was toxic. I was looking forward to the day I could feel his fevered body, see the rash on him or even see the positive test result. Closing the laptop, I went to my desk and started working. My mind kept wandering though as I replayed the stairwell fuck in my mind again and again. A while later, I was on the phone with one of my co-workers and my phone ding'd. I looked and it was a message from dragonboy - "you need sex?" It rattled me a bit but I recovered and finished my call. The message wasn't like his usual wordy ones and at first I thought his account might have gotten hacked. "Maybe later, working now" I replied and before I had walked back to my desk he had answered. "Need soon" was his cryptic response. "Soon? is that within the hour? Sometime today? This week?" I wondered. "When?" I sent back thinking I might be able to take a little break from work and plant a quick load. A minute later he replied saying "until 6." I assumed he was trying to do it just like last time but make sure we were done before his cousin got home from working at the hospital. Or maybe he wanted my load to be the first this time and some other guy was showing up later. The clock on the computer said 2:12PM. My cock twitched and I thought about it a second and looked at my calendar. "Phone call at 3:30" and "video conference at 4" were all the tasks left for the day. It was tight, but I could probably get a pump-n-dump in before my 3:30 call or maybe I should be a responsible adult and wait until after the conference call. My cock throbbed again and I sent back "15 minutes?" and the terse replies continued with "yes." Finishing up a few work emails, I got up, put on my mask and headed down to dragonboy's condo. Part way there, I realized I was about to break my "no more than 3 times" rule for the first time in my life. I had stuck to it for well over 12 years and now, just because of a pandemic, I'd break my vow. I had already contemplated it for college boy, but that was different because there was a finite goal to our fucks - to poz him. This was different, it was just a fuck. I stood there a moment in front of his door wondering if I should do him or just head back home. My cock twitched again and made the decision for me so I tapped lightly on the door. The door opened slowly a few seconds later and I couldn't see anyone inside. I started in and once past the doorway, I could see dragonboy"s cousin standing behind the door. He was standing there in just some sweat pants almost frozen and he was nervously shaking. We stood like this for several seconds, staring at each other. His phone was in one hand and he finally pushed the door closed with the other. He spoke something into the phone and then showed me the translation. "I hope you are not mad that it is not my cousin" it said. I took the phone and swapped the translation direction and told him "I am not mad. I am surprised. How did you contact me?" He read my message and pointed to the tablet that was on the table by the sofa and I nodded back to him. "I liked last Friday and you are so beautiful" he replied via the translation app. I might be cocky and know that I'm good looking but it's always is good to hear someone say it to you. He was pretty sexy too and I already knew he had a very fuckable ass. I didn't want to keep chatting since I had to get back to work soon. I took his phone and typed out "thank you. I only have a short time. Sex now?" I knew it was awkward wording, but I had no idea how good the translation would be and thought that simple sentences would probably work better. He blushed and looked down a moment before he started walking to the bedroom. When he got to the bed, he pushed his sweat pants off and kicked them aside. He picked up a condom from the table and handed it back to me. I shook my head "no" and said "Bare only." He looked confused and I took his phone and translated it for him. Now he looked concerned, but set the condom down and handed me a little bottle of lube. Dragonboy's cousin bent over, placing his hands on the bed and spread his legs. I thought back to the comments dragonboy made when we fucked the last time and I started doubting that he knew of all of his cousin's sexual exploits. "I sold his virginity last summer and he's only had a couple cocks since" were his words then. Seeing his cousin's actions now, he was either a quick learner or a well fucked bottom. Not fucked enough to be loose, but experienced enough to know how to please a top. Dripping some lube above his hole, I worked it in with first one and then two fingers. The more I twisted and probed my digits into his hairless pussy the more I knew he needed to get fucked. He even winked his hole around my fingers a few times. I added a little more lube and jabbed my fingers in all the way. The sound from him was definitely more moan than groan and I decided he was ready. I slicked up my cock with a few strokes of my lubed palm and then spread his ass cheeks as wide as I could. His opening looked so sexy and it was going to look even hotter in a few moments as my thick, dark, poz shaft was sliding in. My finger rubbed around the ring one more time as I lined up my cock and pushed in. My prep work had done it's job and I easily slid in a few inches. Rocking my hips, I plowed in deeper. This wasn't going to be as quick as last time, I was going to enjoy fucking him longer this time. I pulled back and added some more lube before drilling him harder. His warm slick hole felt good wrapped around my bare dick. It was getting slicker by the second, too, as my cock started leaking pre. He started rocking his own hips back and forth, fucking himself on my cock while I fucked him. My hands moved up from his hips along the sides of his smooth body and I pulled him upright until his back was against my chest. My arms wrapped around his body and I held him tight while my cock pistoned into his hole. After a few minutes, I loosened my grip and my fingers began playing with his hard little nips. I pinched them and was rewarded with his ass squeezing my cock. I did this a few times and then held him tight again. His small size made him easy to toss around and pick up. Before long I was holding him in mid-air while I pummeled his with my very hard rod. A couple minutes later, I leaned forward and set him down in the center of the bed. Pushing his shoulders down, he was now in that classic head down, ass up position most of us tops love. I crouched behind him and began drilling his hole once again. I heard him moan out "yes yes" and I smiled knowing he was enjoying it as much as I was. I drove in hard and ground my hips on his ass and then pounded him again. I did that twice more and then on the third time he clamped his ass down on my cock. It took me by surprise and immediately my cock started to pulse. The fucker had made me dump my load. Shots of viral cum filled his gut with each throb of my cock. I growled out and was pissed that I had shot earlier than planned. I rolled him over, my cock staying in his wet hole and we stood there staring at each other for a few seconds. I began rolling my hips again. His hole felt velvety with all of my first load inside and I quickly built up the pace to pound him again. Once I got my rhythm back, I pushed his legs back and drilled harder. The sloppy sounds coming from my dick driving into his cum filled hole really spurred me on. The cousin started shaking his head from side to side saying "No" over and over. There was no way I was going to stop. I was close to firing off another round of toxic seed and I wasn't going to waste it. It was only ten minutes after my earlier orgasm, but I was ready to plant more cum inside him. A few more ragged thrusts and I stuffed my cock in deep and felt a half dozen ropes of cum shoot out. His small but rigid cock was pumping his pearly white load all over his chest and mask. One stream even went over his head on to the bed. Our bodies were covered in sweat and his smooth light brown body now had puddles of cum on his chest and stomach. I withdrew my softening cock and reached over to pick up his phone. Flipping over to the camera app, I took a few pictures of him covered in spunk and his battered, cum filled hole. Tossing the phone back on the bed, I crawled off on to the floor and picked up my clothes. Putting them back on, I looked back at him and said "Thanks" before heading toward the front door. He ran past me and fell against the door, blocking my way. He said something into the translation app on the phone and then showed it to me. "I beg you do not tell my cousin" it said. I nodded "yes" to him and winked as he stepped aside and I walked out the door. I hurried down the stairs and walked into my place with only a couple minutes before my 3:30 phone call. I rushed through the call to give me enough time to clean up before the video conference. There wasn't time for a shower, so I just washed my face, pulled on a company polo shirt and some khakis and connected to the video conference. Someone even made a comment that I must be surviving the quarantine ok since I looked happy. If only they knew why.
    2 points
  17. The rest of the weekend flew by hanging out with friends and the kids. Monday was a blur with work and before Mike knew it Tuesday was here. He started the day as usual. 20 mile ride, shower, breakfast, and then off to work. The morning flew by with projects and meetings, just after lunch his phone started ringing. Looking at it he saw Jason’s number. Mikes heart started racing as he answered the phone. ”Hello” ”Hi Mike! This is Jason calling from Dr. X’s Office. Is this a good time?” ”Yes, I’m just finishing up lunch.” ”Great! Well we have all the tests back and they are all good, so we can proceed with your appointment on Saturday if you’re still wanting to move forward.” ”Yes, absolutely! Thank you for letting me know” ”Anytime Mike. Okay so we are delivering the prep package to your house and it should be there this afternoon. Please follow the directions in the box.” ”Okay” ”Will you still be able to take Friday off?” ”I already did, I figured a three day weekend either way” Mike said laughing “Great! So on Saturday morning, I will pick you up at 8 AM. Then we will go to the office. Sound good?” ”Yeah that sounds great Jason. I’m looking forward to it.” ”Perfect! I’ll see you Saturday morning Mike. Take care now and if you have any questions about the the prep package, please don’t hesitate to call” ”Thanks. Talk to you soon” ”Bye Mike” Putting his phone down, Mikes stomach was fluttering with nerves and excitement this was happening. He was going to take his first known viral HIV load. His mind was racing the rest of the day, he could hardly concentrate on his work at all. Every time he thought about Saturday, his cock would start to swell. Finally 5 O’Clock rolled around and Mike headed home. As he pulled into his driveway he saw a box by his front door, getting out of his car he grabbed the box and headed inside. After getting settled for the evening, Mike grabbed the box and opened it. Inside he found an envelope and an enema bottle. Reading the instructions, Mike found that the bottle contained a special solution that would help cleanse as well as slightly irritate the lining of the rectum. He was to cleanse internally as normal throughout Friday and in the evening use the enema solution. The rest of the week seemed to drag on, Mikes mind was always wandering to Saturday and what was going to happen. He knew that physically it wouldn’t feel any different, but emotionally he wondered how he would react? Knowing that he was taking a highly viral load inside of him. His life would be altered at that point. After what felt like weeks, Friday finally arrived, Mike started his day as usual, 20 miles, shower. He refrained from breakfast and stuck to coffee and juice. He figured he would follow his normal routine before he planned to have an excursion at the book store or cruising spots. He spent the day relaxing and periodically cleansing and that evening he used the enema bottle from the package. Laying in bed that night. Mikes mind raced with thoughts of what tomorrow would be like. What exactly would happen? His cock was hard as a rock and he wanted to stroke it so bad, but he refrained as requested. He finally dosed off into a dream filled sleep with operating rooms and doctors inserting dildos and butt plugs into men’s rectums.
    2 points
  18. Chapter 56; *Ayan's call* Uncle Jim climbed off of me, his serpent dick sliding out of my now without question, highly charged poz cunT. He prompted me to get out of the sling and kneel before him, but I was too trashed to move properly, so he helped me out and guided me to the kneeling position. He looked down at me as I looked up at him with his hands behind his head and feet hip width apart, standing strong above the new poz pig in town; - I can see on my dick, your cunT juice, your cunT blood, my poz cum and what must be poz cum from various guys at lastnight's warehouse parTy, and my Gono pus too. Lick my serpent dick clean you dirTy pig. I took hold of his long dick which was still fully erect, and started licking up and down and around his shaft. Every now and again I would put his serpent dick in my mouth and suck for several seconds before resuming licking him clean again. Throughout my licking and sucking he'd sometimes grunt and groan as I eagerly ate the evidence of where he had been; - You are very good at that pig, you're a complete natural. And fuck, what about that Neg-Poz role play, that was fucking hoT. As I continued licking I looked up at him with eager puppy eyes and nodded in agreement. Once he was clean he had a carnal need to get irTy again, so he instructed me to stay where I was and that he'd be back in a bit. A short while later he came back, and carried me out of his play room and into his bedroom. Time to go to bed for some sleep? Not just yet! He had laid out a large towel and positioned me on it on all 4's in a diagonal position to a large free standing mirror, and made me look at my reflection. I could not quite see the ''S6AT6A6N's WHORE'' written on my chest, but I could see the 6-6-6 written on my forehead, my new nasal septum piercing ring, and my round ass cheeks clearly. I noticed that my complexion was now of a pale/grey appearance, and that I looked really wired. Well, I was still really high on meTh. For the next four hours he alternated between FFisting me with both his forearms, almost up to his elbows now, one arm up to the shoulder, fucking me with that 11" toxic serpent dick of his, and punch FFisting me as well. It was really intense to watch him via the mirror as my destroyed cunT received a further hard battering. At the end of the four hours the final punch FFist came at me; - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ... Now push it out, c'mon pig push out your cunT, c'mon, bloom for your Uncle Jim. I pushed and pushed and ... Out fell my big juicy, ridged, velvety, warm and wet prolapse. And an explosion of cum came with it landing on the towel. But it seemed nothing went to waste in this household as Jim promptly scooped it up, and rubbed it deeply in to my inside out cunT. He told me to keep it pushed out, then wandered off to his bedside cabinet; - Fuck, it's already midday. I think it might be a good idea to call Ayan and see if he can let you have a few days off. There is no way you are going to be in a fit state for work tomorrow. - No it is okay. If I can get home sometime this afternoon I can sleep this evening and then all day Sunday then go to work on Monday. - But today IS Sunday. - Wha'? I've lost a day!? - Seems like it pig *He said in a cocky tone* He brought his phone with him over to where I was on all fours, sat by me, dialed Ayan's number, then started to play with my prolapse, stroking and rubbing it as he was waiting for Ayan to pick up. - Hello. - Hey Ayan buddy, it's Jim. - Hey Jim, how you doing? - I'm doing very well thanks. How are you yourself? - Yes, I'm very good also. Todd seems to have suddenly developed a niggling chesty cough. But he is fine. - Sorry to hear that. I hope he'll be okay. Thanks for the parTy lastnight by the way. One of if not the best one so far. I've still got that slutty English pig at my home too. - Is he awake yet? I bet he must be out for the count. - He hasn't been to sleep yet, well, not properly. He did seem to be drifting in and out of consciousness for a while back there in the sling. - You've been playing with him all night. He must be totally wired. - Well, not just playing, parTying too. - Some more broTherhood shots eh!? - Well not exactly. I've given him one meTh SLAM, and three more pure blood SLAMS, alongside FFisting him for most of the night. Even got some Neg-Poz role play into the mix too. - Jim you wild nasTy pig. And three more pure blood SLAMS .... FUCK. But you had the highest viral load out of anyone at the parTy lastnight. -Yeah, think I may have contributed to raising his own viral load. They both laughed. - Listen, the main reason why I am calling you is, he indeed is very wired, and wondered if you could do without him at the office for a few days, give him time to recover a bit. - Actually, I just emailed him a little while ago to tell him to take two weeks off, and to return to work on Monday, two weeks from tomorrow. - Ahh, Great, I'll let him know that. I'm just rubbing his prolapse now, and want to cum on it, then I'll send him for some sleep. - Okay Jim, you dirTy dawg. Catch you later. They both said bye to one another with Uncle Jim kneeling behind me and spreading his Gono pus all over my meaty velvety prolapse before he began to masturbate over it. We looked at each other through the reflection in the mirror with his eyes full of greedy animalistic lust. I knew he was going to cum, and soon by the way his breathing was quickly becoming rapid and the way his body was already tensing up. I was so hoping he would be cumming over my flopped out cunT, especially as I was increasingly feeling submissive towards this man. I think his corrupt DNA must be working it's magic! 😈 I was right that he would be cumming soon as he started to roar and I saw the first handful of sprays of poz cum as they squirted all over my prolapse. Once he finished cumming he pushed my cunT back in, picked me up and carried me over to his bed, laying me on another large towel. This fucker was very well prepared. Still horny and still with a rock hard poz serpent dick he climbed on top of me, slid deep inside of me, and slowly fucked me, kissing me and stroking me for at least another hour where he then came inside of me AGAIN! He plugged up my huge gaping cunT with the biggest butt plug he could find in his collection, and told me to try and get some sleep. I do not know how I could as I was so wired, yet, I was also extremely exhausted, so at least laying down with my eyes closed was more than welcomed. I actually did end up sleeping the entire day albeit drifting in and out. Sunday evening Uncle Jim fed and watered me, then drove me home where I slept right through to Monday night except for piss and drink breaks. For the rest of the week my body and mind slowly processed recent events with lots of sleeping in between, a stray message from my boyfriend Lew back at home saying he misses me, and a few social tea and cake visits from my neighbour Ramon whom I knew to be a poz chaser albeit his hyperspermia poz bull husband Edward didn't want him to convert. I could feel an energy growing inside of me with the desire to give Ramon what he has been craving all this time! Would I be gifTing the neighbour?~ Keeping Uncle Chad's memory alive. On the Friday of my first week off the sexual health clinic called me out of the blue, telling me that the Doctor wanted to make an urgent appointment to see me, and a date for this coming Monday afternoon was set. What did they want?
    2 points
  19. Chapter 55; *Uncle Jim's DirTy load up my cunT* - What are you doing there Sir? Are you planning to inject and infecT me with HIV? - Eh!? ... I thought you were already Poz pig!? - No Sir, I am NEG with no other STI's either. - That's a big shame, I've a syringe full of top quality corrupt DNA here. As he said that last sentence he gestured the potential blood SLAM by slightly twisting his syringe holding wrist up and down in my direction. I was excited and becoming aroused to receive my fourth blood SLAM (the first being on the warehouse stage at my parTy) from this depraved twisTed Top. I was also becoming really turned on that we were both now pretending that I am NEG with our Neg-Poz role play which came to us all so very easily. He came over to me and started to tap for a vein. Once a bulging vein was located he slipped in the dirTy needle, held his very steady hand still and looked up at me with a full on intense look. I could tell our Neg-Poz role play was driving him crazy, but he knew he had to contain himself and his steady hand for the imminent moment. - What are you doing Sir? ... I told you I am NEG! - You haven't at any poinT said STOP, which I have interpreted as you seeking to get knocked up. Just like a little while ago we exchanged mutual glances of two highly infectious poz PiGs in heaT before he went to focus in on recharging me up. Looking at my arm his third and final pure blood slam of our private one on one parTy and play session rushed around my body as it was slowly pushed in. Again I watched intently as his toxic DNA entered me, trying very hard to keep still as just like last time I felt myself becoming highly aroused ... The needle came out, and he pressed down. And AGAIN I instantly became insanely aroused with the exact same reaction as last time; My eyes began to roll into the back of my head, I began to groan very loudly, I took a super firm grip of the sling using both hands, and then my loud groans turned into a combined stunted whimpering and hyperventilating. This entire process of my bizarre reaction again like last time lasted for several minutes. Uncle Jim knew the second time this was now happening that I was merely in a heightened state of arousal. This time concern was not needed nor given, and instead Jim came to the foot of the sling, slid his thin yet long 11" serpent 🐍 tatted poz Dick deep inside of my battered destroyed cunt, and forcefully fucked me with long and hard fast paced strokes as he poured out a constant tirade of Neg-Poz rolelay verbal on a loop; - Fuck YEAH, take my unprotected poz dick faGGot ... TAKE IT ... Open up that warm wet NEG cunT, c'mon pig, open it wide and get ready to accept my med resistant detectable virus nice and deep in your guts ... No condoms and no pulling out here boy ... He spoke like this and relentlessly fucked me during the several minutes I was psychologically reacting on a physical level to the latest blood SLAM. Despite my intense reaction I could still hear what Uncle Jim was saying which turned me on even more. Once my reaction had settled I was able to regain my focus and looked up at the man who was pounding away at me. All I could see was this animal lust which at this moment I could not get enough of. I kept with the theme of our Neg-Poz role play; - Fucking infecT me Sir. Knock me up. - InfecT you with what faGGot. - Your med resistant HIV. Let me have it. He suddenly out of nowhere stopped fucking me, and like he had already done this morning leaned in over my torso bringing his gaunt yellow face close to mine. We stared intensely into each others eyes for a few minutes where he gently rocked his hips back and forth as he remained balls deep with his 11" of poz dick meat. - So you want me to make you HIV positive? - Yes Sir. Breed my slutty NEG cunT. - You do realise I have Gonorrhoea too which dramatically increases the risk of HIV transmission. If I cum in you, you will become infecTed. I responded with moans of pleasure as his hips continued a slow rocking motion with his beautiful serpent tatted poz dick remaining fully impaled. - I have Hep C too, and I'd say with your wounded cunT from all the FFist Fucking we have done this morning, you really will be guaranteed to get both of my viruses. Guaranteed! His nasTy Neg-Poz role play talk again left me only able to respond with moans of pleasure. He leaned in towards me even more and now began to slowly lick my neck. Fuck, that was too much for me to take; - Give me AIDS. Both the rocking of his hips and the licking of my neck both stopped, and he brought his face back in line with mine, bored deeply into my eyes with his eyes, and very firmly said; - You say that once more, and you are gonna fucking get it! I suddenly felt myself completely submit in a way I had never experienced before. This feeling was followed with a few short sharp pants of my breath, and then ... - Give me AIDS ... Sir He gave me a real twisTed smirk filled with an intense depravity, brought his body up a little way from mine, spat on my face a few times, then brought his body upright, took hold of the sling chains, and without even a seconds notice commenced a violent hate fuck upon my poz cunT, and in about a short 30 seconds his breathing had become erratic, with his fucking changing to a pace that a Top does when he is seconds from unloading. He slammed his dick in deep and held it there, I felt it twitch, and then he began to roar like a wild animal. Every few seconds he'd release the tension in his hips then tense them up again giving out a short hard thrust each time his toxic cum blew inside of me. Once spent he lay on top of me and we kissed passionately as our sweaty bodies slid over each other.
    2 points
  20. Chapter 54; *GifTed with another Blood SLAM 💉* I had now been FFisted for six hours solid, with a small interlude at the half way mark where I had received a slam of meTh which saw the second half of our FFisting session become really intense with my cunT being completely and totally destroyed as I relentlessly BEGGED for another pure blood slam. Most of the second half of our FFisting session was also spent with our eyes fixed on one another. At this poinT of our parTy and Play he was once again shoulder deep inside my piggy guts, repetitively pulling out just past his elbow and back to being shoulder deep again. Shoulder Deep had been going on for about 10 minutes and I was now completely frantic to have his filth pumped into me, so I again took to BEGGING for what I needed, for what I craved; - Sir, PLEASE, I cannot wait any longer. I really do NEED both your med resistant HIV and HEP C viruses. I NEED them to completely control me, to completely consume me, exploding deep inside of me as my body surrenders to your ever growing powerful force of corrupt DNA. PLEASE Sir, give me your t☢️xic filth. PLEASE. I am BEGGING you. Charge me up. Show this nasTy poz pig your darkest demon! His face suddenly went from a horny piggy lust expression to a straight blank stare. Oh fuck, I think I was about to get what I had been begging for. He pulled his arm completely out, and without any prompting I pushed out my brand new hanging prolapse. He stood up, cupped his balls massaging his perineum area until a whole load of Gono pus flowed out to which he grunted in pain. With the Gono pus that he had just coaxed out now leaking down his Serpent tatted shaft he began to bang his fully erect 11" Dick of Death on my prolapse, also wiping it back and forth ensuring his Gono was also being transferred onto me. He pushed my prolapse back in and in no time was back to masturbating inside of my destroyed wrecked cunT. It felt so fucking great having him wank off inside of me, using me as nothing more than a mere flesh-light. Just like he did earlier when he was doing this he leaned over bringing his yellow gaunt face close to my face, again a mutual fixed gaze, but this time he was looking animalistic. I now knew he was about to get really fucking nasTy with me, and I could not wait; - Just so we are very clear here, you want me to inject you directly into your bloodstream with my med resistant HIV virus, and my Hep C virus. - Yes Sir. Again he straightened upright, continuing to slowly masturbate inside of me; - Then if that is what you want, I want to hear you say it just like that. Make it very clear to me. - PLEASE inject me directly into my bloodstream with your med resistant HIV and your Hep C, Sir. 😈😈 As soon as I said that he removed his hand from my cunT, but left his Dick of Death in there, grabbed onto the sling chains and bam, he finally started to fuck me properly, and at a decent firm moderate pace too. He gave me a knowing wink as though to say *let's fuck as real men should pig*. As much as I loved the 45 to 90 second pump and dump routine at my parTy lastnight this right here right now beat all of it, an unhurried fuck. Perfect. And he had stamina, however having now fucked me at this consistent pace for a good half an hour non stop he suddenly abruptly stopped and pulled out; - No no no no no no, I must stop. - Eh, what's up Uncle Jim? - I almost came, and I want to last longer. Right, I think you have rightfully earned your special gifT. He again winked at me which I returned with a huge big beaming smile, because I knew what he had meant. He attached a tourniquet to one of his arms and one of mine, and once again drew a syringe full of blood from his system. He then immediately poinTed the dirTy needle at one of my bulging veins and slowly slid it in. Holding very steady he looked up at me with that yellow gaunt face of his boring deep into my inner being; - You do realise there is med resistant HIV in this syringe? - Yes Sir, I do. - And Hep C. - Yes Sir, I fully understand. - You fucking nasTy cunT. We exchanged a brief mutual look of two highly infectious poz PiGs in heaT before he went to focus in on the task in hand. And slowly his t☢️xic filth went in, and I watched intently trying to keep still as I felt myself become highly aroused ... The needle came out, and he pressed down. It was at this poinT in time I became insanely aroused. My eyes began to roll into the back of my head, I began to groan very loudly, I took a super firm grip of the sling using both hands, and then my loud groans turned into a combined stunted whimpering and hyperventilating. - Steven, are you okay? Jim was concerned to how I was reacting. Was he going into some kind of shock he thought. No, that cannot be, he has already taken two pure blood slams from me, the first one over half a day ago at the parTy. After several minutes I settled down, looked at Jim and simply had the most massive smile from ear to ear. I was flying off of my tits on meTh, and was really getting off on being used, trashed, and infecTed with everything out there. I had changed and in a big way; I remember when I arrived in the USA 5 weeks ago and met my boss Ayan for the first time we had this conversation; - Well, firstly, no one is going to plant their seed inside of me as no one fucks me. I'm a TOTAL Top. And if someone were to fuck me, it would be with protection. - So you must be NEG then? - Yes, I am. All that stuff has always really scared me. Only a short while ago I was claiming I am a total Top (well, I still am, just not at the moment), and that if anyone were to fuck me it would be with protection only, and that the consequences of risky sex had always really frightened me. Yet here I was, in a completely different mindset compared to 5 small weeks ago. When Jim saw my huge beaming smile he pressed me; - What happened then Steven? - Sorry Sir, I just became extremely highly aroused just at the mere thought of your nasTy toxic filth rushing around my body. I watched it go in. Fuck, that was super intense. - Fuuuuck, you are so wonderfully nasTy pig, it really makes you so fucking sexy as hell. Maybe next time I SLAM you, you could pretend to be NEG? - Fuck YES SIR, that would be amazingly hoT. During my super heightened state of arousal Uncle Jim had removed both of our tourniquets. No sooner had we had exchanged words in regards to doing some Neg-Poz role play both the tourniquets went back on. FUCK YEAH, we were going to do it right now. Shit, now he really was charging me up, big time. He got a new syringe and needle, and once again obtained a whole syringe full of his super charged toxic blood from his system. Fuck, I could not wait to have even more of his toxic DNA pumping through my veins.
    2 points
  21. Halloween Horror CHAPTER ONE THE GRIM REAPER Living in a small redneck town had more disadvantages then advantages! Everyone knows your fucking business and have no qualms about spreading it around, talking behind your back even when they are right in front of you and then there is the “I’ll just be an asshole to your face in front of everyone.” On all that trying to stay in the closet in a small town is damn near impossible, but when it comes out it rocks the town to its core. That’s what happened to me. You would think that these inbred rednecks would have known that a single man in his mid thirties who didn’t date was gay, but when they didn’t. It wasn’t until a plain brown package order ripped open a little and the mail woman saw the dildo I ordered, was when the talk started. I just said fuck them and did my normal routine and ignoring them just drove them crazy. The real fun shit started on Halloween night. I didn’t want to stay home and pass out candy to the breeders fucked up offspring, so I decided to go to the next town over Halloween Haunted House and Maze. In my skin tight jeans, commando and showing off my large bulge, flannel shirt and boots I head over to the town 30 miles away. As I got out of my truck the seam in the ass of my jeans ripped. Other would say it was convenient, maybe in a different town or city yeah, but it was an inconvenience here. I was glad I had a spare shirt in the truck, dirty but would do the job since I was going to tie my flannel around my waist to hide the hole. I paid my way in and headed to the maze, I could hear screaming and laughing from all over the large dry corn field that was cut into a maze. I decided to go in and started to walk. That’s when I heard the voices. “It’s the faggot” one voice said “Got a hard cock for you to choke on” said another The unseen men voiced insults and pretty obscene sexual harassment. I laughed at the insults and my cock grew harder with the sexual stuff. It was hard to hide the eight inch throbbing cock down my leg, but I didn’t care. I must have taken a wrong turn because I was at a very dark dead end. As I turned to backtrack, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the corn stalks. “I got what you need” the figure dresses as the grim reaper said. He guided my hand to his crotch, where I felt his hard cock through his costume. It was thick and at least nine inches. His free hand was rubbing my ass under my flannel shirt and almost instantly found the rip and started to exploit it. “Yeah, heard you fags were more prepared than a scout” he said as his finger found my hole. He pushed me slightly forward at the waist and I went along with it. His thick dry finger pushed against my hole, scratching the soft flesh. I pushed back and felt his finger slide in and the finger nail scratching my flesh. I bit my lip, but ignored the pain. I was horny and this was more than just me stroking and riding fake cocks for my sex life. He lifted my shit up, exposing my gaping jeans and exposed hole with his finger deep inside. He slowly fingered my hole and using his nail to scratch my insides as he fingered me. “Got to get you ready for the tricks and the treats in the maze” I just stared out into the darkness. It wasn’t long until he pulled out his finger and spit in his hand, then rubbed it on my hole. I braced my hands against my thighs and waited. I stood felt the head of his cock pushing at my hole. I took a deep breath and my hole gave, allowing him to push his cock balls deep with one thrust. I scream loudly from the pain. “Scream all you want faggot, no one cares here in the maze” Grabbing my hips he started to ram his cock in and out of my holes. It was tougher than I fuck myself with the dildos. My hole was slowly adjusting from his assault and the pain quickly turned to pleasure. “Trick or treat faggot” he asked between his breathes. “Treat” I said “Fuck no faggot you are getting a trick” He pulled his cock completely out and rammed it balls deep over and over. I felt my precum oozing out of my piss slit, running down my leg. “Soon you will have my trick” I pushed back meeting his hips! “Hell faggot, you might think it was a treat” He rammed in and held his cock deep in me. I could feel the cum pulse through his shift with my ass ring. “Take that load!” He yelled, “you cum loving faggot” I had never felt pleasure like that fuck that I just experienced. “Love fucking faggots and passing along the gift” I was clueless then about the gift. As he pulled out he said: “Find the scarecrow” I heard the rustling of the corn and as I turned to see who just took my hole, I could only see darkness.
    1 point
  22. Cum as Lube When I was in college, sex with condoms happened a lot more than bareback sex. It was before PrEP, and taking cum in your holes was risky. That risk thrilled me, and still does. The story I’m about to tell may be the first time I shared a boyfriend’s holes on purpose. When I was a junior, I started dating a relatively naïve freshman. We went on three dates before he let me kiss him. He was sexy, tall, slim, blond bangs down to his eyes. The first time I blew him, he put a rubber on first. Ugh. I liked him and figured with a lot of persistence and trust, he’d let me fuck him bare. After a few times topping him safe, he complained that it hurt. I told him spit and drugstore lube were not enough to match the same glide as precum and spunk as lube. My boy asked me how I knew that, and I told him about a guy I dated the summer after my senior year of high school. He wasn’t honest with me about sharing his ass with other guys, but he did let me fuck him raw. I was topping him once, and gobs of cum squeezed out around my cock. I realized he’d been lubed up with someone else’s fresh seed. What should have disgusted me got me so hard. I came in him way too quickly, and stayed hard. I fucked him with now at least two loads oozing out of his hole. It felt amazing. Needless to say, that sounded hot and raunchy to my boy. He had an idea. A couple of days later, we went back to his dorm room. He went to his shared mini-fridge and pulled out a baggie. He grinned and told me he’d shot three loads into it, ready to warm up and lube up with. He’d still make me wear a condom, but he’d be lubed with cum. I knew he was starting his way down the slippery slope of begging for cum in his ass. I rubbered up and squirted the lukewarm globs of seed into his ass and onto my sheathed cock. It did feel better for him, and the nastiness of it got me off. I told him I was glad it felt better for him, but wanted to feel his ass bareback. A few days of prodding wore him down. We repeated the nasty freezer cum trick, and he was pre-lubed with three of his own loads before I slid inside him raw for the first time. I told him it felt so good mixing our seed deep in his guts and I bred him well. I was cumming so hard that I hadn’t realized that his hot jock ‘straight’ roommate had come home into the small room and was jerking off to the raw gay sex show in front of him. The jock slid his cock into his roomate’s / my boyfriend’s mouth and then leaned forward to finger his cummy freshly-bred hole. The guy looked at me and said he’d never fooled around with guys before, but he wanted to try it. So, my boyfriend took the second raw cock of his life that night, and his roommate bred him, adding his seed to the loads stirring around in his guts. The next weekend, we went to a nearby city with a proper gay bar. I was 21 so could drink, but my boyfriend had to wear a wristband and wasn’t allowed alcohol. I had a few beers and got flirty with a tall swarthy stranger at the next stool. When my boy went to the bathroom, the stranger told me we were a cute couple and asked me if my boyfriend and I shared each other. Not quite understanding his question, I grinned and told him about our cum play. He asked if he’d want to fuck a stranger’s load deeper into my boy’s ass. I told him I’d really like that. The guy switched places with me and started flirting hardcore with my boyfriend, telling him how lucky he was to have me as such an understanding partner to indulge his cumplay fantasies. My boy blushed, knowing his secret was out. Minutes later, he had his hands down my boy’s shorts and was playing with his hole. The guy suggested we go back to his place, so we did. Minutes after walking in the stranger’s apartment, he had me and my boy naked on the sofa making out with each other. He asked me to eat my boy’s ass and get it good and wet; he’d only have my spit to lube my boyfriend’s raw hole, but I’d get sloppy seconds. It sounded so hot that I didn’t think to look up as the guy stripped. I ate my boy’s ass as the man tore off his t-shirt revealing a furry chest, with a noticeable biohazard tattoo on his left pec. I knew what it meant. Maybe my boy did too, but he didn’t ask. Instead, he suckled the man’s thick cock and got it wet and hard to fuck him. The man eased me out of the way and had me spread my boy’s cheeks as he slapped his tool against my boy’s crack. I was drooling at the sight and spit on the man’s cock as it split my boy open and sank inside. My boy moaned and I scooted underneath to suck his cock and balls as the man pounded him raw. The man’s hairy balls were in my mouth when I felt them contract and heard him grunt, knowing he was breeding my boy. The man pulled out with a splat. I smeared his seed off my face and onto my dick as I slid into my boy. The fresh cum felt so good sloshing around on my cock, so did his stretched out opened hole. I’d felt the cummy squelchiness before, but never when he was opened up and freshly fucked, let alone by a total stranger with a biohazard tattoo. The whole scene got me so hot I didn’t last long and bred my boy. The stranger asked if we wanted to stick around, but my boy had an evil grin. He made me take a pic of his used slutty hole and texted it to his roommate. The ‘straight’ jock told him to hurry home and he’d add his load to the mix. We got the stranger’s number and promised to keep in touch. On the ride back to my boy’s dorm, I asked if he knew what the guy’s tattoo meant. He thought it had something to do with a video game he must have played, and I just nodded, not wanting to acknowledge that he may have just taken his first POZ load, and I may have just fucked it deeper into him, or that I was about to share his ass with a well-hung jock. In just a few weeks, I’d turned my safe-only boyfriend into a cumdump, taking loads, no questions asked.
    1 point
  23. This is my first time trying to write a story, English is not my native tongue either so bear with me. I hope at least someone finds my story hot to read. First a little backstory, this is somewhat based on one of my adventures with some adjustments to make it even sexier. I grew up on the southwest coast of Sweden, which, during the summer, gets a lot of tourists from other countries. Now, when I was really small I learned there was a nudist beach about 15 minutes from my home, and when I began experimenting with sex, I found out quite early that I loved being a submissive slut. As I understood the nudist beach was one of the biggest cruising spots in the area, attracting gay men from all over Europe. I just had to visit, so one day, gathered my courage and rode my bike to beach. At this point I was of legal age and had been fucked by ten or so different guys, so I knew I loved it. Arriving at the beach, I parked my bike and walked down on a path through the woods to the beach. I had brought sandals, my swimming trunks, a t-shirt, a towel, a condom, lube and a small bag. Just before I had taken my time to shave myself really smooth and had taken a small enema to clean my ass out. My heart rate picked-up considerably when I saw the sign. "Nudist Beach Ahead." I continued past the sign, and undressed myself more quickly than I had ever done so before. There I was, entirely naked, nervous, horny and on the hunt for cock. I decided to scope the place out at first. As I had understood nothing actually happened at the beach, but rather in the zone between the dunes and the first treeline where stuff happened. I walked down on the beach, where I encountered several couples and guys who were apparently alone. Most of the men were older than I, and spoke German, or Danish or English. I have no idea how long I walked down on the beach but when I did not see anymore people I walked up towards the dunes and into the maze-like mix of tightly growing trees and dunes. The sight were blocked from all ways and I do not lie when I say it was like a maze. Suddenly I heard steps behind me, I looked back and there was a man. I looked down and realised his dick was hard and standing, Naturally I took a closer look at his dick, and thought it was about five inches, (12-13 cm). I wanted a larger cock, so I turned around and kept going. He kept walking a few steps behind me but then he was gone. I walked past two men having sex, they were both really old and they seemed busy. I decided not to disturb the, so I kept walking. I continued forward, and came to a little glade with wooden benches. As I was somewhat tired as a consequence of my lengthy hike across the sand, I spread my towel on the bench, and took a seat to rest for a few minutes. After a few minutes I heard steps. I looked back and I saw a fit guy, who looked like he was around 25, although he looked could have been as old as 35. Some people are blessed with good genes. His cock looked big, it was still soft but I understood that it had just been hard. I do not know how long he stood there, but he stared at my ass and I stared at his cock. I was the one to break the ice, the conversation went something like this. "Hey." "Hey. Nice ass." "Thanks. Nice cock." "Glad you like it. What are you here for?" "Ahh, a nice cock. Like yours." "Do you wanna taste it here?" I nodded and sat upright. The guy approached me, and held his cock out for my inspection. I took it into my mouth, sucked with pleasure, and it grew quickly in my mouth." "You know," he commented, "I actually came here looking for more then a blowjob." My inner slut screamed that it wanted his his cock inside my ass, so, after giving a bit more attention to his cock, I paused and said "I would love to get fucked," as I handed him the lube and the condom, stood-up, bent over, and presented my ass to him. I heard him open the bottle and then I felt two fingers pushed hard and deep inside me. I could not stop myself from moaning out loud. He finger-fucked me hard and deep for a little while. Then I heard him open the condom. I prepared myself for the cock. He pushed it inside deep and hard. At this point, a part from my dildo, his was the largest cock that had ever fucked me. He was also the most rough top I had encountered. He fucked me deep, hard and fast. I could feel my hole stretching, and being abused. I continually moaned. I could not understand what it was that hurt so much. The pain associated with this tryst was much worse than what I usually experienced when being fucked. Honestly, it was almost too painful. When I felt my tears welling-up in my eyes, I remarked as much to him. He replied, suggesting some sand must have gotten into my hole as his cock was hurting quite a lot to0. I heard a twig break and I looked up to see three old men watching as they jerked. The man who was nearest approached, and presented me with his cock. Naturally I sucked him without hesitation. The taste was really salty and he oozed more precum than I had ever before experienced. The other two men remained in the background, each jerking himself. I kept moaning in pain, both completely horned-up, but at the same time my ass felt unbelievably sore, almost as if it was burning. The top guy picked up the pace even more and I understood that he was about to cum, and sure enough, he moaned loudly, and grunted "Take my load you fucking fag." As I was certain he was wearing the condom, I thought he was just using dirty talk. Then quicker then quick he was gone, but it still felt like someone was fucking me as my ass still felt like it was on fire. About then the old man blew his load, which I swallowed, and he disappeared as quickly as had the top man. 'Enough is enough', I thought, and with that I picked-up my stuff when I felt something hit my leg. Looking down, a saw some red and white goo. I took a second to think and then I felt on my hole with my hand. Then, inspecting my hand, I could clearly see both a few drops of blood and cum on the fingers. I panicked, especially since I saw the condom, still unopened, tossed aside on the sand.
    1 point
  24. my theory (totally speculative and unsubstantiated) is that sucking cock fulfills a need in you. The culturally conditioned response of having a hard time being submissive and your feeling guilty aren't enough to overcome the need/desire that sucking cock fills, so you refine it down, but find a way to do it. i think it's all about need, There are guys who need their cocks sucked by guys and there are guys who need to suck those cocks. It's a wonderful, symbiotic relationship. If you don't do it, there will be another guy who will and you will just be frustrated without your needs satisfied. Now, go suck some cock like you know you need to.
    1 point
  25. idk, i think boy-slits are pretty fucking sexy. To me they demonstrate that your ass is more for receiving than the other use lol. i think a boy-slit instead of an ass pucker is something to be proud of... though i get someone wanting to take it to the next level. 😉
    1 point
  26. If you’re a nice enough guy and a good fuck, I don’t care what your face looks like.
    1 point
  27. There was a band a few years back. I think it might actually have been called "Biohazard" that used the biohazard symbol for their logo. You will sometimes see it on young straight boys into that band. I have never discussed biohazard tattoos with any straight person who knew it was an indication of HIV+ prior to our talking, and this includes people who are active allies and otherwise very progressive. I think scorpions are even iffier. Lots of people whose sun sign is Scorpio like people to know this about them (myself included). I know lots of HIV- Scorpios with scorpion tattoos. Add a drop of venom or blood to the stinger, and it is more likely to be a Poz tattoo.
    1 point
  28. I went to Hampstead Heath Saturday got fucked a couple of times it felt so good it's the only place that's safe the other places don't feel safe as in gay bashing and I don't have a car so had to get a tube and bus.
    1 point
  29. Love seeing the bottoms ass lips dragging on the shaft of the top or when you can the sloppy ring of the bottoms ass go loose because the cock is big or it is being dp'ed
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  30. Pandora's Box Pure fiction! I was on my way home from work one Saturday night when I passed by my favorite book store, which by chance, I hadn't visited for quite some time. I was pleasantly surprised to see the parking lot was full, so I decided to take a look around. Entering the store, I knew I would need some one dollar bills to feet the video machines, so I approached the man seated on a stool behind the counter to break the twenty that was in my pocket. The clerk was stocky, had a big beer belly and, to my amazement, was naked from the waist down, and he had been stroking a nice, big, fat cock. It turns out he had been watching a bareback video of a group of men gangbanging a guy. "Private party tonight. We're closed." He looked me up and down his eyes settling on my crouch which was starting to bulge. I didn't look up as my gaze was focused on his cock. Something about his brazen behavior encouraged me to comment "Damn, I was really looking forward to sucking some cock tonight," adding "That's a hot video you're watching. Makes me wish I was getting fucked bareback by all those cocks." "You got any stds?" he asked. "Been tested?" "No, and yes, I'm clean" I replied. "Show me" he said. He could tell I was confused by his order, so he added "Take of your clothes and show me your cock and ass." Now I hesitated, not sure if he was joking. "You said you wished you we're getting gangbanged bareback so let me see if you look like the kind of fuck pig we like." I've only been fucked a few times and the thought of getting used by more than one guy had my cock straining to get loose. Although I'm over 60 I'm still in very good shape. I keep my ass, balls and cock shaved and I'm always being told how sexy I am. "I'm told I am very fuckable." I was wearing only a pair of gym shorts, a tee shirt and sneakers, so I slipped my shorts down and my seven inch cock was already sticking straight out. I am naturally smooth and have almost no hair from my neck to my crotch. The clerk definitely approved as his cock jumped to full attention. I bent over and spread my ass cheeks, giving him a view of my little brown fuck hole. No sooner had I done this than he spat in his palm and lubed-up my ass, massaging my hole with his index finger, probing deeply, and then offering me his finger to suck. "Lick bitch," he ordered as he stuck it in my mouth. I did as I was told. His finger, of course, smelled and tasted like my ass. I greedily sucked away. He apparently liked what I was offering 'cause he remarked "The fuck pig who was supposed to be here tonight didn't show so you get to take his place," adding "There are about 15 guys back the back now with more on the way." "Has everyone been tested for HIV?" I asked. "Positively" he replied. "We want to treat that negative cunt of yours properly," as he picked up a black felt marker and briefly wrote on my ass cheeks. "What are you writing?" I asked. "'Bareback fuck pig' and 'Cum here' with an arrow to your fuck hole. We want to make sure everyone knows you want your ass filled with spunk." "Now we need something nasty for your face". "How about", "clean your fuck stick here" with an arrow to your mouth? "Fuck stick AND ass cleaner". I suggested. "You are a nasty little faggot fuck pig aren't you". "I am" I replied. He used the market to write the message on my face. Well let's not keep them waiting. Leave your shorts and shirt here. You won't be needing them. Lose your shoes and socks as well". We went back past the video booths to the end of the hall and through a door into a large dimly lit room. There were 4 large screen tvs on the far wall providing the only illumination in the room. I was unable to see anything except the tvs. One was showing a compilation of asses oozing cum. Another was showing a gang bang scene, muscle tops barebacking a twink. The third was a compilation of ass to mouth action. The fourth screen was almost black but I could vaguely make out what looked like a short tall bench. "Fresh meat boys" my guide said. What the fuck am I doing I thought? I'm about to fuck God knows how many strangers bareback, suck strangers cocks and lick asses. I'd never fucked more than one cock at a time and I had no idea if my ass was up for the pounding it was going to get. Oh well, what the fuck, at least they had all been tested. I'd been very lucky as I always let anybody fuck me bareback. "Where'd you get him?" Someone asked. "Totally shaved just like we like them". "The dumb pig cum bucket just walked in". "Said anyone could fuck his negative cunt bareback as long as they were tested". "Wants to rim our asses to". "If they are clean" I added. "Oh we will make sure they are cleaned properly". "What about lube? I didn't bring any". "We got any of our special lube? "Yeah, it was a very busy day in the video booths. " Everyone laughed. "It's edible, smells and taste like cum. I've loaded it into this squirting dildo. What do you think?" He held a cock shaped dildo up to my face and pressed a plunger at the bottom. A clear liquid oozed from from the hole in the tip of the phalanx. It smelled like cum. I licked it and it tasted like cum. "Wow! Smells and tastes like the real thing". "Bend over Cumbag"."Time to lube your cum pit". I bent over and he placed the dildo at the opening of my joy hole. He depressed the plunger as he worked the dildo into my cock pit. He would push it in pull it out, squirt some more lube on the opening then push it in again until he finally had all 6 inches of the dildo in my fuck hole. "Fuck that feels good". "I think I'm ready for the real thing. " He pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth. It tasted like cum and shit hole. "Lick it clean pig". "Now face down on the fuck bench". There were rails along the side for my knees and with my knees up close to my chest it left my fuck hole fully exposed and open to be fucked. The bench was supported by a hydraulic piston on each end which allowed it to be raised or lowered to get either of my fuck holes to the right height. "Ready to get your ass bred?" I nodded. "Beg for it. " "Fuck my ass.""Pump it full of cum"."seed it deep with your spunk" No sooner had I spoken then a cock was rammed hard into my man cunt. "You like that cock in your faggot cum dump cunt" "Fuck yes, it feels so fucking good". "Fuck me hard and deep. Breed my fuck hole". "You like getting fucked by a strangers bareback?" "Yes use me like a piggy sissy boy cum bucket" He started hammering my hole hard and deep. "Beg for it cunt, beg to be fucked hard and deep". "Yes, fuck me hard and deep. Drain your balls". "I want all your cum deep inside my ass". "How did bareback a cum dump pussy boy like you keep from getting the bug?" "Only let hiv negative guys fuck me". I replied. I had to admit fucking strangers bareback with the very real possibility of getting pozed was a turn on. The danger just added to the thrill. " His thrusts were slowing down and he moved cock side to side and up and down as he ground his hard throbbing cock inside my fuckhole. "Well here's your first load of poz spunk you dumbass Cumbag ". A chant of "Poz the cunt"rose from the group of men surrounding us. My own cock was getting even harder. "Look at his cock" someone said. "It likes poz cum". The guy with his cock buried in my ass let out a deep guttural moan and I could feel his cock head swell as he released a huge load of his demon seed deep in my bowels. He kept his cock there until all his poz spunk had been drained in my fuck hole. To be continued.
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  31. Just had the neighbor kid stop by and unload inside me. 20 yr old hairy Latino kid with a thick 7.5uc. Loves to eat my hole and use his spot as lube. Love it when he spits on my face while he’s pounding my hole raw. He’ll prob stop by later tonight again. Told me he’s been super horny lately and needs to empty his balls. Some days he comes over like 3/4 times just to unload. Gawd i love working from home.
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  32. Drunk n horned suck me lads
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  33. “Hi Mike, I’m Jason Dr X’s assistant. Very nice to meet you” ”Nice to meet you too Jason, please come in” Mike held the door open for Jason, as he stepped inside. “This shouldn’t take too long Mike, I just need to collect a few samples and we will go over what to expect on Saturday. Assuming all the STD panels come back good. I know you said you haven’t caught anything, but we just want to make sure.” ”I completely understand” Mike replied. ”Kitchen table work okay for what we need?” He asked as he led Jason into the house. ”Yep that works perfect!” Mike led Jason to the kitchen and pulled a couple of chairs out. Jason removed a backpack from his shoulder and set it down while taking a seat. Mike followed in his own chair. ”Okay Mike, first thing and I hope you don’t mind. I need you to sign an NDA before we go any further. “ ”What is the NDA for?” Mike asked “Basically states, that you won’t discuss or disclose anything we talk about today or the procedure. The Dr likes to keep this on the quiet side and does not want details to be shared in the public” ”Okay, I can completely understand that” Jason pulled a folder from his bag and removed a document from it. He also grabbed a pen and handed them to Mike. Reading them over Mike signed and dated them, sliding them back to Jason, he put them back in the folder. ”Okay, now we can do the blood draws and other samples we’ll need Mike.” Jason started pulling tubes and containers out of his backpack. “So I’ll take two blood draws, a mouth swab, a urine sample, and just before I leave I’ll need a semen sample.” ”What’s the semen sample for?” Mike asked, feeling a little embarrassed. ”Well you stated that you’ve had a vasectomy, so the Dr. just wants to make sure you are still swimmer free”. ”Ah, yeah that makes sense” Jason started the process of the blood draws and as he did, he started to give Mike some background on the Dr. “Dr. X, and yes, he is a real Doctor. He’s been a general practitioner for about 10 years now. He spent a year in Africa doing Doctors Without Borders. While there he contracted HIV. Unfortunately, his particular strain is med resistant, so he does everything he can to stay healthy. There is a whole story behind this, but it is his to share. (*hint*). The idea behind his insemination procedure started when he had a patient come in with flu symptoms. The gentleman was obviously not feeling well, but he was actually happy and asked the doctor for an HIV test. Confused the doc asked him why that made him happy. The patient went on to tell him that he had been chasing HIV for over a year and letting anyone with it have sex with him bareback. He went on to explain that he knew he sounded crazy, but he truly wanted to have this, it spoke to him on a very deep level and he felt it was the next step in his journey of life and once he had it. Somewhere down the road he would like to share it with someone else who felt the same way. To be able to pass on his DNA and keep it living. So basically, that is where the idea for the insemination procedure started. The doc liked the idea of passing on his DNA, but he would only do it with individuals that were absolutely positive about it and were looking to further their own journey. Like you Mike” While Jason has been talking about this, he had drawn my blood and swabbed my cheek. Now he asked ”Think you can give me a urine sample?” ”Sure” Mike replied. Taking the cup, he went into his bathroom and filled it up. His mind was completely racing with all the information that he had received so far. Screwing the company back on, finished up and washed his hands. He brought the cup back to Jason. Jason started talking again. “Okay so, here’s what to expect now Mike. We will have the results back for all the tests by Tuesday, so once they are in I will give you a call. At that time assuming everything is good, we will send over a kit that you will need to use on Friday. Do you think you can take Friday off by chance? You’ll be on the toilet a lot.” ”Yeah, I can take Friday off. What is in the kit?” ”It’s basically a smaller version of a colon cleanse, just to make sure your completely cleaned out for the insemination. We have found it really helps because not only are you completely empty, but it also slightly irritates the lining for better reception of the semen. So on Saturday morning, I will pick you up at 8 AM. Once in the car I will ask you to put on a blindfold, this is just so we can keep the location of the office anonymous. Once in the office and in the room, the blindfold can be removed. At this point, you’ll do a little paperwork , then I’ll have you disrobe and get on the stand. I’ll prep you for the procedure. Then at 10 AM, the doctor will come in, he will explain the whole procedure, what to expect and what happens. He will perform the procedure, then after it is complete I will clean you up. You can then get dressed and I will take you home, blindfolded again. We will go over the aftercare while you are at the office also okay?” ”Yeah, that all sounds good, I’m really excited and kind of nervous too” “No worries Mike, any other questions you have at the moment?” ”Umm I don’t think so” ”I threw a lot of information at you, so if you think of anything, let me know. I’m really happy to answer any questions. So we’re about done here. Except for the semen sample. You ready for that?” ”Umm yeah I guess, kinda weird doing that with you here” Jason laughed. “No need to be embarrassed Mike, We’re just a couple of guys. Here stand up quick.” Mike stood up and before he could even say a word, Jason grabbed his gym shorts and pulled them down. And In the next moment he had Mikes cock in his mouth. He was taken completely off guard, but then that all went out of his head as Jason worked his cock over with his expert skills, Mikes head tilted back as a moan escaped from his lips. Jason definitely knew what he was doing. Mike was in heaven as he felt his cock going down the back of Jason’s throat, Mike knew he would cum fast if he kept that up and Jason must have read his mind because he kept the deep throating up. Mike looked down at Jason as he bobbed his head up and down his shaft. “I’m getting close” he mumbled. Jason grabbed the cup from the table, never missing a beat as he sucked Mikes cock. ”Oh god! I’m gonna cum!” Mike yelled Jason pulled off his cock and put the head in the specimen cup and he stroked Mikes cock. Mike let out a loud groan as the first shot of cum exploded from his head. More followed as Jason slowly milked him completely. He felt mike shudder and then released him from his grip. ”There we go!” He said as he stood up. “See that was easy” He laughed as he looked at Mike. Mike looked back at him. “Wow! That was amazing!” ”Holding the specimen cup up, Jason said. “This reminds me, no more for you this week. Please refrain from a sexual activities including masturbating. Doctors orders! Now I need to get going, we need this specimen fresh for examination.” With that, Jason packed everything up in his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “Remember, if you have any questions please get in touch with me. I’m happy to answer anything.” Jason started walking towards the door, and Mike followed him, still a little dazed from the head he just received. Reaching around Jason, he grabbed the door and opened it for Jason. ”Okay, I’ll be in touch on Tuesday” ”Okay, sounds good! Thanks for everything Jason!” Looking back, Jason smiled and winked at him. “Talk to you soon”
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  34. This is one of my most favorite posts ever. I too am a cheater bottom and top. Nothing is hotter than coming home from an errand or meeting my husband after being out on a run when I’ve got a load, a stranger’s load usually, percolating deep in my ass. Have encountered more cheater judgment but I’m like hey, do you want to breed me or what? They always do.
    1 point
  35. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/two-men-and-a-hot-blindfolded-twink-43749051
    1 point
  36. He will do much better than Trump. Trump has done the exact same mental mistakes if you want to call it that As Biden has. Maybe even worse! Mental capacity is gonna be the selling point for the right though. It ain’t gonna work! Too many people are sick of Trump and his antics. At least Biden will have reasonable advisers around him to help him make decisions instead of thinking he is God and making all of them on his own!
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  37. Like many of you, I've stopped taking my PrEP (Descovy) about a month ago, three weeks after last play with another friend who is also on PrEP. During a tele-visit with my doctor this week, she reiterated that there was no problem stopping it so as long as I made sure to resume adherence 7-days before I intend to resume sex with others. My 3-month subscription was still renewed. I'm still filling my prescription and intend to save it as a buffer. I go to a state clinic to receive Descovy for free with the Gilead Advancing Access program. At the beginning of the year there were major delays in renewing my insurance coverage and I couldn't fill the script for some time, leading to a lapse in daily adherence. That's why I'm taking this opportunity to get a month or two supply to keep just in case that happens again, or some other unforeseen COVID-19 problem develops in the coming months. It's also nice to be med-free across the board for a bit 🙂
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  38. I guess I've officially quit at this point. At first I was sporadic just from being out of my usual routine and was forgetting it since it's the only Rx I take. But after the first couple weeks of no sex - and realizing I wouldn't have any for a while - I consciously stopped the pills. I've been in the Descovy trial for 2 years now (or is it 3?) and they do way more blood work on me than usual at each visit. Even though Descovy is approved now and the "trial phase" is over, the study keeps going on and they keep testing for another year or two. I had pretty much assumed the usual quarterly office visit would be cancelled, but then I got a call last week saying my appointment this coming Wednesday is still ON. I thought about starting to take it again to get it back in my system, but then I forgot again since I'm out of the habit. I used to NEVER forget. So at this point I've decided to stay off it and just be honest at the appointment. They're trying to assess blood levels etc, so I'll just be honest and tell them when my last dose was (a few weeks ago), and they can test how much -if any - is still in my system. I doubt they'll kick me out of the study at this point.
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  39. Congrats! Nothing like that first poz load blasted deep in your ass without worry (thanks Guido!) 🙂
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  40. Part 3 Nick froze, unsure of what to do. With much reluctance I removed my tongue from his ass. I Stood up and turned him around with his pants still pulled down and kissed him with his ass faced toward the door. With my cum slicked tongue probing every inch of his mouth I cracked the door open to what I assumed would be the busboy or the waiter. I couldnt see who it was at first but I saw the hand going for Nick's ass. I pulled nick in further to let the new guest in. It was the lanky busboy. He was caressing Nick's butt like it was a prize ham. I reach behind nick and spread his cheeks. The boy took the hint and fished out his already hard dick. Spit in his hand, rubbed his dick and went for it. I felt nick gasp as he tried to suck all the air out of my lungs. I loved it and kept kissing him. I was rubbing his body when I found his pierced nips. I groaned. God how i love pierced nipples. I tugged on those nips super hard and he groaned loudly back at me. I had to keep kissing him hard to keep him from moaning out loud. He just kept grunting and groaning and moaning straight into my mouth. Air would rush in and out of his lungs and go through his nose or into my mouth in a weird but so hot way. That busboy was railing his hole hard core and i kept feeling his solid body. He was tensing and doing his best to hold on as that busboy kept pounding away at that hole. Then I felt the chest harness and kissed him harder. God he was one kinky and sexy little slut. I was leaking all in my dress pants. The boy wore a leather chest harness under his shirt when going on a date? He didn’t know what was going to happen but always planned for kinky sex? Fuck this guy was too much. Nick was holding on for dear life as the busboy was railing his ass. I just kept pushing Nick back upon that rod that was thrashing his hole. This youngster wasn't gonna last long but he was definitely giving it to nick hard. The busboy was sweating like he'll and started to flush. He shoved in hard and deep in Nick and leaned forward and bit down on his nicks shoulder to keep from yelling out. I knew he was getting bred. I felt Nick sucking air as he gasped and I was pushing with all my might to as the same time the busboy was pushing to get deeper to leave his load deep in Nick's hole. Nick was being squeezed between us with a hot rod dropping goo in his ass. When the boy finally let the tension go I laid nicks head on my shoulder and continued to pluck at his nipples and rub his harness. The busboy finally pulled free, zipped up his pants and turned to go out the door. Apparently there was a guest right outside the door, because I heard the busboy say, "yes ma'am, just a mild plumbing problem, had to fix a leaking pipe and it took some force. Sorry if the noises disturbed u." I was giggling on the inside. I was on a date with a total slut. He has at least 3 loads in him. He got cum in 2 drinks and on a steak while out at dinner. I couldn't wipe the shit eating grin off my face. I was in heaven. As I'm thinking through all the things I want to do with this guy he started to rub my crotch. Like he felt like he needed to take care of me. I was super hard and I knew I could easily add to that freshly loaded hole but I knew he was going home with me. And i also knew that red head needed to drop his load in my date and hopefully shawn could too. And then when i took that hole home i would have an even better play toy for myself. So I let him pet, but i didn’t let him get my cock out just yet. I kissed him. I leaned down and scooped up the mess that was leaking out his hole and fed it to Nick. He smiled graciously and snacked on the jizz from his hole off my fingers. I then pulled his pants back up. Nick pouted, “your not gonna fuck me?” “Not yet” I replied, “I think we can make your hole just a bit fuller, a bit more swollen, and a bit more abused. Then i will enjoy taking it out for a drive. For now lets go get our dessert” “You know it’s just gonna be a donut filled with jizz right?” “Yep, and i’m just hoping you let me eat some this time.” NIck laughed as we exited the closet and made our way back to the table.
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  41. Part 2 - Social Blending Oliver stopped a few hundred meters from the Loeb Boathouse in Central Park taking a sip of water waiting for his friends to catch up. It was sweltering hot and they had been running for nearly an hour. Stretching his legs against the bench Liam caught up with him huffing and puffing and whinging about the heat. He plonked himself down on the bench drinking some water. "Did you give any more thought about the trip?" Liam asked placing the cap on his water bottle. Oliver stopped stretching "Stuck on a ship for seven days" he said looking at Liam "I guess it will be quiet". Liam chuckled "Quiet or busy, depends what you want to do" he replied smirking "or who you want to do". Oliver stood up straight and smiled "I could do with a break from New York" he said sitting down. "You never know you might even find true love on there" Liam replied looking at Oliver then laughing. Oliver looked down the path "That only ever happens in films" he said. Liam stretched his body out "Are we doing it then?" he asked looking at Oliver. "Yes let's do it" Oliver replied "are James and Brad coming?" he asked Liam. He nodded "Yes they both are up for it" Liam replied. Oliver rested back on the bench enjoying the sunshine. At 28 years old he had moved to New York two years ago having sold the tech company he built from scratch whilst studying at Caltech. He was a fairly unassuming guy from the outside at five feet nine inches and nicely built without being over muscled. His strawberry blond hair and brown eyes matched perfectly to his attractive face. Well educated he had made his fortune at 26 , he was always ambitious even from an early age. Moving to New York he hoped to find a better sex life or even a man. The sexual side of Oliver was a complete contrast, an insatiable sex drive often needing to get off four times a day before he felt satisfied. In his early 20's Oliver was going from bathhouse to cruising ground and could never get enough cock or ass. Contracting hiv at 23 years old after a drug and drink fuelled night and getting tag teamed by six bears and otters he couldn't walk properly for two days, he took in excess of 20 loads over five hours. From that day he swore only to top in groups as he couldn't go through that again. It also lead him to the dark perverted side of his nature, holding off from medication allowed him to gift men. He had a separate phone with dating apps on that allowed him to keep his identity safe. He would find a guy and date them pretending he still lived with his parents. When the guy would announce he had tested positive Oliver would break up with them faking shock and horror and never to be heard from again. Packing a juicy 7.5 inch cock he never had any trouble finding bottoms. Liam was a totally different character, he was also 28 years old and came from a rich New York family. Tall at six foot we was a lean mean fuck machine with his 9 inch cock, newly diagnosed he knew exactly where it came from. Brad had nailed him in the bathroom at one of the swanky restaurants in the upper east side after playing a starring game across the restaurant whilst having dinner. It was quick and over with in 10 minutes. He never blamed or accused Brad when he found out, instead he found him at the restaurant two months later and invited him around to flip flop fuck. Becoming a regular fuck fest he was soon friends with Brad's partner James and their friend Oliver. It was Brad and James who changed his whole perspective of being poz. He found a love of bareback sex and breeding guys, never stopping to find out if they were neg or poz. Easily he could make a guys eyes roll back when he moved in for the kill with his cock, hips like a jack hammer that left a trail of destroyed and wrecked asses in his wake. In New York he found his looks were quite an advantage, the cropped ginger hair and beard seemed to be sought after. He was ordinary looking with pasty white skin, his broad chest and trim body made guys melt to the point of doing anything to get him. "Finally" Liam said looking down the path at Brad and James sauntering casually. Oliver looked "I think James has had enough of running today" he said chuckling. Liam laughed "What took you so long?" he called out to them. James pointed at Brad "He found some muscle dude and snogged the face off him" he said rolling his eyes. "Turned me down for sex though" Brad said looking flustered and sitting on the bench. Brad the youngest of the four at 26 years old, he was also the sluttiest of the group carrying the highest viral load. An all American jock Brad was an aggressive ruthless barebacker for his age and not afraid to pin guys down to get what he wanted. If all else failed a few drops of something special in their drink would help the evening along nicely loosening up his target. Oliver had to admit that Brad scared the hell out of him with his tactics to nail guys. Brad came from a small town in Virginia, leaving home at 23 deeply involved in scandal after he pozzed up one of his cousins at a family get together. He loved nothing more than a squirming body underneath him trying to escape. At five foot ten with dark hair and eyes his body was muscular and thick like a wrestler. His grin was his weapon of seduction and the seven inch cock the weapon of destruction. Coming from a middle class conservative family he was very well educated albeit lazy. When the scandal broke around him fucking his cousin who was straight he ducked out at night and moved to New York, cutting off ties and not wanting to deal with the fall out. Whilst staying at a friends he went to one of the drag shows in Brooklyn and met James. After they fucked in the toilet cubicle Brad chuckled and said he was a pretty good at stealthing but wasted the condom on him. From that moment when their eyes met they fell in love and became inseparable. Time was ticking for Brad and he was due to start on meds in a months time at his next visit to the clinic. He didn't mind since he now had James in his life who also had a love for raw sex. James the oldest at 32, he had a long history and impressive tally of stealthing guys, always carrying prepared condoms for any eventuality. He was careful who he stealthed never revealing to much and nearly always they were fucks in cruising grounds at night. Wealthy from inheriting his fathers fortune they lived two blocks from Oliver and Liam. James on the outside a very business like man with his five foot ten stature and immaculately groomed black hair and smooth complexion, he was adequately built as he called it. He was very capable at restraining and holding the bottom guy on to his cock. A very suave and sophisticated character that almost hypnotised guys when he talked to them making it easy to seduce them. His speciality was picking out tourists in the city from overseas and fucking them using his condoms. He had no idea how many guys he may have infected having never stayed around long enough after the job was done. Since meeting Brad though he had calmed down a lot, still he kept a ready supply of special condoms. Once a stealther always a stealther, it as an addictive thrill he just couldn't and didn't want to kick. "Have you persuaded Oliver?" James asked Liam sitting down. Liam gave a thumbs up "Totally, looks like we are all sailing across the Atlantic next week". Brad laughed "Cruising more like" he added starting to hit on Oliver. "Cut it out" Oliver laughed pushing Brad away "if anything I will fuck you not the other way round". Brad grabbed Oliver's cock "I could do with a recharge before I start meds" he said giggling. James rolled his eyes and looked at Liam "Shall we book it then?" he asked. "Yes" Liam replied getting his phone out. Oliver leaned forward "Err no crap accommodation, suite only or not going" he said "period". Brad tutted "God we need to find you a lover" he exclaimed "someone you can adore and spoil". Oliver laughed "You mean like James spoils you?" he asked looking at Brad who was grinning with his hand on James's cock. The one thing they had was friendship that allowed them to sexually expressed themselves with each other openly. It made enjoying sex all that better when you could spend some passionate time with someone you knew who wasn't expecting anything out of it afterwards. Oliver though made it clear that when he found the right person he would cease all his antics and settle down like an old fashioned married couple. Liam finished the call to his travel advisor and telling the guys they had secured the two royal suites on the forward section of the ship. Considering they booked so late they were lucky to get suites at all, fortunately the previous booking for the two suites had to cancel last minute. Whilst not quite the top duplex suites he was hoping for they were the next best thing. James and Brad would have their own suite whilst Oliver and Liam would share the other. Brad got out his phone and looked up Dranuc line and became more excited reading about the Duchess Grill that was described as the height of transatlantic luxury for the discerning traveller. James laughed questioning if they were discerning travellers.
    1 point
  42. Chapter 8 Over the next few weeks I hooked up with Charlie and the twins whenever possible. I was growing attached to Charlie and Hunter. Jeff was fun but there was just something about the other two that really drew me to them. Not to mention Jeff was getting pretty serious with this guy he was seeing. He'd never give me a straight answer as to whether his new guy knew what a bug chasing whore he was. I was on the second to last flight of my current rotation. We were currently headed to the west coast, then tomorrow back home and then I'd be off for three days. As we were closing the plane doors I felt my phone vibrate. I opened the text and got instantly hard. I had a message from Hunter. It was a picture of his recent positive HIV test results. "Hot damn," I said out loud while I shot a quick congrats text back. A passenger sitting in the seat closest to me smiled and said, "good news I hope." I looked down at him and had to catch my breath. Damn how had I missed this guy boarding the plane. He looked tall, had blond hair, green eyes, couple days worth of stubble. He was wearing a tank top so I could see his shoulders and upper arms were covered in tattoos. It looked like he had a few on his smooth chest too. "Umm, yeah, my friend just got some test results back that he's been waiting for." "And from your reaction I take it's what he was hoping for?" "Oh yeah you could say it was a very positive outcome." I winked at the guy, touched his shoulder and went back to work. It was as pretty smooth flight. About halfway through I found myself in my jump seat trying to read an article but constantly looking up to see the hot tattooed guy who happened to be directly in my sightline. He caught me staring a couple times. The next time I looked up at him he smiled and spread his legs giving me a good view up his shorts. Well hello there, I could see the head of his rather long dick inching down his leg. I had to rearrange my growing bulge. He winked and squeezed his cock. A few minutes later he got up and came over to talk to me. He squatted down and said, "so is Seattle your final destination?" "Umm, no, I'm there just over night then fly back in the morning. What about you?" "I live there, I'm on my way home." "Nice, I've always liked Seattle, lots of hot guys there," I said winking at him. "Hmm, I bet you have a boy in every port." "Not really. I like to mix it up, you know spread my seed around to as many guys as possible." "Mmm so you're a slut, nice. I take it from your last comment you bareback?" "Always! You?" "Mostly, but if there's a cute guy I want to fuck and he'll only let me in if I play safe then I'll wear a condom. But that's not to say that the condom might not break." He gave me a wicked look. "I'm pretty big and I tend to be hard on condoms." He smirked as if to say 'whatcha gonna do.' "So, your bud that just got his test results back, HIV? It was my turn to smirk, "yep." "Hot, you have any part in that?" "As a matter of fact I did." "Fuck that so hot. You got any plans tonight? I could use your assistance on a project if you're available." "What type of project?" "A friend of mine is desperate for the bug but I'm only shooting blanks." I gave him a questioning look. "I'm currently undetectable. I went off meds last week but it'll take awhile before I'm toxic like you." "Umm you're a good friend." "How many confirmed sons do you have?" "Four so far but if my buddy Hunter just turned there's a good chance his dad and brother are members now too." "Holy shit you knocked up a father and his sons?" "Yep and his boys are twins." His eyes got wide and I could see his dick was even harder. "Do you know how many gay guys hate you just a little bit right now?" I laughed, "I know right. They're a lot of fun to fuck with. So your friend's okay if it's not you who knocks him up?" "Are you kidding, he's such a slut I'm actually really surprised he's still neg." "Well I'm always up for knocking up a bug chasing whore so sure sign me up. One condition though." He smiled at me, "of course I'll fuck you with my monster dick." I started to protest but he just kept going, "oh please I see the way your staring at my cock. Tell me I'm wrong." I laughed, "yeah okay you're not wrong." We landed awhile later and he was waiting for me in the boarding area when I finally made it off the plane. Damn, if his shorts were any shorter his dick would stick out the bottom. "I imagine you don't have any problems picking up guys especially wearing outfits like this one." "And I imagine you don't have any problems picking up guys being such a hot flight attendant." We both chuckled. "Don't you guys usually all travel to the hotel together?" He asked motioning to the test of the flight crew heading off. "I told them I was meeting a friend in town that I'd Uber over to the hotel later." "Nice, I texted my buddy and told him about you. Here's his response." He showed me his phone and there was a picture of a guy with his legs up in the air showing off his puffy well fucked hole. "Oh damn that's hot. Yep he's definitely not a virgin with a cunt like that. Let's go knock the fucker up." "Sounds good, okay so I've arranged for my friend to pick us up so follow me." We got outside to the pick-up zone and this 6'5" muscle guy got out of a SUV and wrapped his arms around my new friend. Okay this was not what I was expecting. "Hey JB fuck it's good to see you this is, oh fuck I don't even know your name," he said turning to me. I started laughing "yeah we were a little preoccupied. I'm Brody," I said shaking JB's hand, "and you are?" "Cal." We climbed in the SUV and headed into the city. "Okay so I have to say JB you're not exactly what I expected from that pic." "Oh that's not my cunt that's my boy, Paul. He's the slut you're going to be knocking up." "Umm okay," I was confused. "Sorry I don't think I was very clear on the plane." JB and Paul have been together, what five years now?" "No man it's going to be six years next week. My boy Paul has this fetish with poz guys he is absolutely obsessed with getting knocked up but he doesn't know that I know." "Okay I'm sorry what?" I was beginning to think I should've just gone back to the hotel. I wasn't quite sure what exactly I'd gotten myself into. JB chuckled, "sorry I know this is weird but I found all this pozzing porn on his computer and he sort of admitted to Cal how hot he thought big chasers were." Cal took over the story, "so JB and I were talking one day and he mentioned what he'd found and I told him what Paul had confessed to me and well we just came up with the perfect anniversary gift." "You're going to poz your boyfriend for your sixth anniversary?" They both grinned. "Well I'm hoping you'll do the honors. Cal was going to do it but he's only been off meds for a week so we'd have to wait for awhile." "And what about you, am I pozzing your ass too?" "No I'm still on PrEP. I'm not quite ready to convert yet but my boy is and I love the little slut and want to make him happy." "Umm, okay but is he on PrEP?" He got an evil grin on his face. "He thinks he is. I replaced his pills with sugar pills that look really similar and he never really pays attention when I feed him his meds every night so he has no clue." "Fuck you boys are sick twisted motherfuckers, of course I'll help." It took about twenty minutes to get to JB and Paul's house. It was a cute bungalow out in the suburbs. Cal and I stayed in the garage while JB got Paul naked and secured in the sling. About ten minutes later he came and got us and lead down to their basement sex dungeon. Man this place gave Dr. Manning's break room a run for it's money. In the center of the room Paul was blindfolded and locked into their sling. Cal went between his legs and started rimming his ass getting him nice and wet. JB and I got naked and he started sucking my cock to get me hard. After a few minutes JB grabbed a small wire brush and took Cal's place between his boy's legs. As he started to prep his boy's cunt, Paul groaned in pain as the brush did it's damage. "Ouch daddy that hurts. What are you doing?" "Do you trust me boy?" "Yes daddy, of course." "Good boy," JB said continuing to brush Paul's hole, "you're almost ready son. Ahh, I'm so proud of you, just a few more seconds." "Okay, thank you daddy." And here I thought I was hardcore using a plain old toothbrush. When he was satisfied he called me over and got me into position. "Hey baby, I know our anniversary isn't into next week but I got you an early present." With that I slammed my dick in until my balls were bouncing off his ass. He let out a gutteral moan. "Thank you sir, please breed my cunt." I started pounding his ass with no mercy and he just kept begging me to go harder. I'd been fucking for about twenty minutes and had managed to give him one load so far without him realizing. "Hey boy how you doing?" "Feels so good daddy please don't let him stop." I just smiled and kept pounding. "You ready to see your gift baby?" "Oh fuck yes please, just don't stop fucking me." JB removed the blindfold from Paul's face. He kissed him and told him to look at my arm. You could tell the moment he noticed my biohaz tat as his eyes got really big. "How'd you know daddy?" "My boy wasn't very good at clearing his internet history and your uncle Cal may have said a few things to me." "Hope you're not upset with me boy," Cal said. "No sir, thank you sir. But I'm on PrEP so it doesn't matter," he said pouting. "Well boy, you've been taking sugar pills for the last week now and our friend Brody here is very toxic and already given you one load." "Ahh make that two loads," I said as I shot rope after rope of deadly cum deep inside him. "Holy fucking shit are you serious daddy, I'm really getting knocked up?" "Happy anniversary son." "Thank you daddy that's the best gift you could ever give me." I pulled out of his destroyed cunt and fed him my cock, which was covered in the darkest pink cum I'd ever achieved, to clean off. "Give me little while to recover and I'll be sure to give you a few more loads before I leave." I leaned down and gave him a kiss. Cal caught my eye and motioned me over to the fuck bench. "You did good Brody. Thanks for helping my friends out. Now why don't you make yourself comfy on that bench and let me give you my ten inch monster as promised." He shoved in with little warning causing me to cry out, "holy fuck that things huge." "Yeah but you love it stretching out your deased cunt don't you?" "Oh fucking hell yeah." He gave me a little while to get used to his size and after a few minutes I was begging him to fuck me. While he was breeding me I looked over and saw JB lovingly fuck his boy's battered cunt. After he shot his load he took the metal brush to his cunt again to mix in all three loads deep into Paul's DNA. As I fucked my third and fourth loads into Paul I could feel Cal's cum dripping down my leg. The whole time JB was at his boy's head kissing him and telling him how much he loved him. "I'm so proud of you baby for accepting your true self, my little bugged up slut." After four loads I was pretty much spent. We hung out and relaxed for awhile. Paul kept thanking JB over and over again for the best anniversary present ever. Eventually I looked at the clock and saw it was getting late so I said my goodbyes to two very grateful men. Cal was kind enough to give me a ride to my hotel where once checked in I crashed almost immediately. Talk about an amazing day!
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  43. Chapter 3 I had just flown home and was scheduled to have the next few days off. Both my roommates were working so I was looking forward to having the place to myself. I was also hoping to reconnect with Kevin, my poz daddy. I hadn't had a chance to hook up with him since I'd moved out to the east coast. When I walked into the apartment I saw James crashed out on the couch watching tv. "Hey I thought you were scheduled to work?" "I don't feel well, they sent me home a couple days ago. I was fine until we started to board the plane then all the sudden, let's just say if people were smart they would've avoid the front bathroom at all costs." "James, do you have flu and cold like symptoms?" "Yep, how'd you know?" "I think you may have the fuck flu." "Holy shit I didn't even think of that." "Well the timing fits and your hard cock certainly likes that idea." "I guess it's safe to say that I'm as sick and twisted as you. Even though I feel like crap I want nothing more than for you to fuck another toxic load deep inside me." Now I was rock hard so I did what any good friend would do, gave him another load. I sent Kevin a text to see if he could recommend a poz friendly doctor to take James to since he refused to go back to his regular GP. I guess at his last visit his doctor had lectured him for twenty minutes about how stupid he was being when he admitted to having sex without condoms. I received a text back pretty quickly with the name and address of Kevin's own doctor. He'd even managed to make an appointment for him the next day at noon. I went to tell James the good news but he was out cold. Luckily he was feeling a little better in the morning. He kept insisting I didn't need to go with him but I think deep down he was relieved not to have to go alone. We arrived at doctor's office a little before noon and were greeted by the cutest receptionist. "Afternoon boys, I'm Matty how can I help you." James just kind of stood there in a daze so I jumped in. "Hi, my friend James has an appointment at noon with Dr. Manning." "And what's your name ginger?" I smiled, "I'm Brody, I'm just here for moral support." "Well damn, aren't you a good boyfriend." "Not boyfriends, just friends and roommates." "Hmm that's good to know." He winked and handed me a clipboard with forms to fill out. "I'll give these to you since your friend looks like he's about to fall over." "Sorry he's battling the flu." "The flu or thee flu?" he asked. Of course James chose this moment to start talking, "he thinks I have the fuck flu." "Umm interesting, and what do you think hot stuff?" "Well he did fuck me repeatedly with his poz cock so I'm guessing he's probably right. I really need to sit down now," he said and walked over to the waiting room. Oh my god someone please kill me. "Umm sorry about that, I think this flu has him a bit delusional." "Oh there's nothing to be ashamed of ginger. If you managed to knock that fine boy's ass up that's something to be proud of." I must have had a confused look on my face because he just smiled and said, "you'll find this practice is just a little different than most others when it comes barebacking. We believe you should always fuck raw and poz guys are extremely special. Why don't you go have a seat with you friend, the doc will be with you shortly." Wow, if the doctor was half as easy going as his receptionist then I had definitely found my new GP. I walked over to the waiting room and stopped short when I couldn't see James at first. There was a guy with his back to me and then I noticed James, he seemed to have his head on the guy's lap. "I am so sorry," I started to say as I went over to them. "Kevin, well fuck me. What are you doing here?" "Oh I'd love to fuck you again Brody," he said licking his lips, "but I thought you might need some help with your friend here," he said stroking James's head. James was almost purring. He looked up at me with a big grin on his face, "do you like my new daddy? I think he likes me because I can feel his dick getting harder." I could hear Matty chuckling from the front desk. "James this is Kevin. He's the guy that knocked me up. So technically he's my poz daddy." He sat up and turned to get a good look at Kevin. "Mmm, so I guess that makes you my grandpoz then. I can't wait to have your dick buried deep inside me, sir." Before Kevin could respond a gorgeous 6' tall muscular hunk wearing skin tight scrubs walked up to us. It was obvious he wasn't wearing underwear as I could see the outline of his impressive cock. Fuck I was horny. "Hi guys, my name's Chris, I'm Dr. Manning's nurse. Hey Kevin great to see you again. So I take it this is your new son?" "Actually he's more like my grandson. Brody here," he said pointing to me, "is my poz son. He's the one responsible for turning this little guy." He had his arm around James who was busy running his fingers up and down the length of Kevin's hard cock through his pants. Chris smiled, "I love it when chasers seroconvert. Even though they feel sick they're usually horny as hell." He reached for James and helped him up. "Okay son, why don't you come with me and we'll go see the doctor. Matty, why don't you close for lunch and take Kevin and Brody with you to the break room." "Excellent idea," Matty said already locking up. This was by far the most laid back sexually charged doctor's office I'd ever been to. I was definitely going to need to visit the bathroom to jackoff soon. Chris lead James away so Kevin was able to finally to stand up and give me a hug. He squeezed me tight grinding his hard crotch against mine. "I'm so proud of you for spreading the bug." He leaned down and started kissing me deep. "As hot as this scene is I think we'll be a lot more comfortable in the break room." Kevin pulled away from me. "Mmm, Matty's right. You're gonna love this." He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall. Matty was holding the door to the room open for us. Words cannot describe what I saw. "Holy fucking shit! Is this a doctor's office or a sex club?" I asked trying to pick my jaw up off the floor as I took in the sling, fuck bench, Saint Andrew's cross and table with a ton of sex toys laid out. "Nevermind I don't care I'm so horny I just need one of you to fuck me now," I said ripping my clothes off. They both grabbed me and threw me into the sling. Kevin secured my wrists while Matty took care of my legs. My cock was leaking like crazy. Matty ran his fingers over my stomach to gather my precum that was pooling there so he could lube my hole. "As much as I love your fingers inside of me I'd really prefer your dick instead." Kevin started stripping Matty as he continued to play with my hole. "Boy, you're going to love Matty's cock. He's hung like a fucking horse and his PA always feels amazing as he's destroying a cunt." I looked up and saw a 9" rock hard dick that was easily thicker than a beer can making its way towards my cunt. The fact that Matty was such a small guy made his cock look even bigger. I felt the metal of his peircing first as he started to push into my body. He was going way to slow trying not to hurt me. "Oh dear god shove that monster inside me and rape my fucking pussy already." He didn't have to be told twice, he pulled out then slammed back in as hard as he could. I fucking saw stars as he took my breath away. He had this evil look in his eyes as he started to pound my ass. I was pretty sure I'd be walking funny for days. I was moaning like a bitch in heat, "oh god yes, destroy my pussy, fuck me rough." "Yeah you slut, you like my big poz cock inside you don't you." "Yes, yes, yes, harder!" "God he's a loud bitch. Kevin, why don’t you shut him up." I soon had a dick in my mouth to destract me from the assult on my cunt. So in other words I was in heaven. I'd been so busy concentrating on topping and spreading my poz seed that this was the first time in awhile that my cunt got to be the center of attention and the only thing that mattered was me getting used. Kevin came first shooting his load down my throat. Between the dick in my mouth and the one pounding my ass my own cock started to blow covering my chest in cum. In the process, my ass muscles clamped tight sending Matty over the edge. God that boy had huge loads, he shot seven or eight ropes of thick cum into my hungry pussy. Kevin pulled out of my mouth and leaned down to kiss me. "I'm so proud of you son." I just grinned at him, too exhausted to speak. I could feel Matty's cock deflating and slowly moving out of my ass leaving my hole wide open. Before I could miss the feeling for too long another cock shoved deep inside. Kevin was still making out with me and Matty was coming over to feed me his cock so I had no idea as to who had just entered me. I looked up and saw a hot man dressed from the waist up still wearing his white coat. His hard cock pumping in and out of my lossening hole. He saw me finally making eye contact and smiled, "hey slut, I heard you moaning so loudly I had to come sample your delicious cunt. Damn Matty did a number on you, look at that gapping hole," he said as he pulled out then slammed back in." "Oh god, I don't know who you are but please don't stop fucking me. Your cock feels so good." "I'm Dr. Manning," I guess Matty wasn't joking when he said this practice encouraged barebacking. "Fuck I'm getting close, you want me to add my strain to your DNA you whore?" "Yes! Fucking give me your toxic cum." He slammed in and started unloading, mixing his bug with Matty's." "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I kept repeating with a huge smile on my face. He pulled out and Kevin was right there to clean him off. Matty undid my wrists so I could shake Dr. Manning's hand. "A handshake seems a little formal after your raw dick was just seeding my cunt doc. I'm Brody by the way." He was laughing, "yeah sorry about that. I took one look at Matty ruining your pussy and had to take a turn." "You can breed me anytime. Damn, I wish all doctor's were like you. Oh fuck, I forget about James, is he alright?" Some friend I turned out to be laying here with two loads up my ass and one down my throat, forgetting the whole reason we were there. Dr. Manning helped me out of the sling and over to a chair. "He'll be fine. I think the worst of his flu has passed. Just make sure he keeps hydrated and gets plenty of rest. We'll have his blood work back in a day or two to confirm his status for sure but I'll let him share with you the results of his rapid test." At that moment James walked into room following Chris, both of whom were naked. I could see cum dripping down his leg. He grinned at me and said, "congrats Brody, it worked, you knocked me up."
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  44. CHAPTER TWO THE SCARECROW I quickly backtracked and started exploring again. Screams and laugher all around.y mind wondered if the screams were from others getting trick or treats. I turned a corner and came face to face with the scarecrow. He wasn’t just a scarecrow, he was a scarecrow on steroids and that was an understatement. He was a muscled mutant! The old jeans were not only ripped all over but the rips were new rips in the thighs. His face was covered with a burlap hood, with very small eyes cut out and an evil face resembling the Rorschach test. “You the faggot sent by Grim?” I just nodded. “Want my venomous strain” Again I naively nodded and turned my back to him, bent over and lifted my shirt exposing my easy accessible hole. I heard rustling and assumed he was pulling out his cock. “Ready for my loaded weapon?” I stayed silent. He grabbed my hip with one hand and then he struck. He rammed his cock balls deep. He wasn’t hung but he was thick. “Got to make it hurt, when tricking a fag” I screamed again as my hole stretched to its limit and beyond. “That’s a good hole! Open up” He didn’t wait for me to get use to his thick cock, he pulled out and rammed back in causing me to scream again! He did this over and over. It was brutal, but I stayed there bent over taking it. “Oh fuck yeah. I got some pink jizz on the ridge of my head!” I started to worry if I was injured badly, but something kept me bent over getting rammed over and over my the scarecrow’s thick cock. “Gonna add my strain to the Reaper’s” His grip on my hips was vice like, I could feel his nails digging into my skin. He was rapidly fucking my hole. His hips were hitting my ass hard as he punched my hole with his thick cock. His breathing was getting fast and faster! “Got a weeks size load stored up for you faggot!” He pullover out again and rammed in, then started jack hammering my ass, pulling out until his head was just in and then pushed back in. “Unmediated load about to shoot deep” My mind was now spinning! These men were doing more than tucking me, they were trying to kill me. His grip tighten more as I tried to pull off his cock. “Oh no faggot, your not getting away! You’re going to take it” He rammed in and I could hear him moan as his load was shot deep in me. “Oh fuck yeah, I needed that” I felt sick to my stomach. I had just taken two poz loads from two men whose identity was hidden from me. And the Grim Reaper had intentionally scratched my insides. “Fuck faggot, your fate is sealed.” The scarecrow said, “find the werewolf “ He pulled out and started to walk away, pushing his cock back into his fly. “Man up fucker, give in to being a hole to twisted fuckers like us”
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  45. at least you are well aware of the roadyo are on,i am more orless chemically castrated due to years of female hormone use and the only pleasure i derive is from havivg men use me as cum dump,hoping to be castrated soon
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  46. 8 by my 62 year old father. My hole has craved daddy dick/cum ever since.
    1 point
  47. If you find rule violations, report them. I can assure you that if you have seen a post that violates the rules, and the person didn't get an infraction, no one on staff has seen it yet. Do you really not understand that you are demonstrating to everyone that you are indeed a whiny bitch?
    1 point
  48. 6. "Sounds great to me," Javier said. "Get over here and clean me off," he said to me." I rolled off of my back and tried not to fall off the bed at the same time. As I sat up, I had a sudden head rush. It was made even worse by the poppers and tina. "You ok there?" Eli asked me. "Yeah, just a head rush," I said. I stood up slowly, next to Eli, as Javier climbed to the side of the bed. "This should help," he said, handing me the bottle of poppers. "Maybe," he laughed. I knelt down between Javier's legs and did a long hit from the poppers. His dick was right in front of me and it was still glistening from my ass. There was a light covering of lube, ass juice, and cum. Normally, ass-to-mouth was something I tried to avoid, but as the poppers hit me, it seemed like the most natural and right thing to do. It was my life and calling to lick Javi's cock clean and get it hard again. Hungrily, I took the very tip into my mouth, licking up the last drop or two of cum. "Oh fuck, that's hot," Javier said as I worked to take the rest of the head in my mouth. It was still warm from my ass. The neutral flavor of the lube mixed with the tang of my ass and the saltiness of the jizz. He took the bottle of poppers from me and did a hit himself. "You gonna re-fill that pipe today?" he asked Eli. Eli had been zoning out, dividing his attention between the porn still playing on the TV and watching me clean off his buddy's cock. "Yeah, I will" he said, before sitting down next to Javier. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him clean off the pipe, and then carefully tap a few more big crystals into the stem from one of the baggies. "Good?" he asked Javier. "Looks good for now," Javier said. "You want to do the honors? Start it off?" "Sure," Eli said. He held the torch under the bowl, letting the chemicals melt, crackle and smoke before putting the glass stem in his mouth. I wanted to stare and watch this studly man inhale the powerful drugs. But I knew that my job here was to suck on Javi's cock. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the smells and the noises in the room: the warm burn from the torch, the moans from the TV, the sharp smell of the crystal smoke, Eli's deep breaths from the pipe. Instead, I focused on the two most important ones: the sweat on Javi's body and the wet sounds of me sucking on his cock. They were a good combination and made me want to swallow even more of Javi's heavy shaft. "Oh, that's so fucking good," Eli said, exhaling a thick plume of vapor. "Your turn, Bro," he said, handing the pipe and torch to Javi. "Thanks," Javi said. I opened my eyes and looked up just long enough to see Eli put his arm around Javi as the Latino held the torch under the bowl. "Don't stop," he said to me. "You're doing a great job there. If you can swallow the whole thing, I'll make sure you get a few big-ass hits" "Giving him some incentives, huh?" Eli said. I turned my attention back to Javi's cock and took the head into my mouth. I worked my way slowly down his shaft. While I worked on Javi's flesh pipe, the Latino started to inhale on the glass pipe. He drained the bowl several times before letting the torch go out. As I struggled to suppress my gag reflex, Javi calmly turned to Eli, and shotgunned his hit to the black man. "Oh yeah," Javi said, "That's it." He put the still-warm pipe back in his mouth, and inhaled more from the smoking bowl. "Almost got it all," he said to me. His cockhead was pressed against the back of my throat. I could physically take the whole thing; I had done it before. Now, my only block was mental. I remembered how sore I had felt when Eli had first pressed his tool into my throat. It would be the same when Javi forced his hard tool back in. I hunted on the bed for the poppers, before Eli helped me out and handed them to me. "These should help you," he said. I paused my cocksucking long enough to inhale deeply, but made sure to not let Javi's cock fall out of my mouth. "That's right," Eli said. "All the way down." "Here you go," Javi said. He handed Eli the pipe. "Thanks," Eli replied. He flicked the torch, and repeated the process of heating and inhaling. While he was doing his hit, the poppers hit me and the mental blocks I had created for myself disappeared in a fog of drug-induced pleasure. It would be a bit painful when Javi's cock first entered my throat. But it would be worth it: to see the smile on Javi's face, to feel his erect member press against my airway, and especially to get another hit from the glass pipe. I swallowed slightly, tilted my head, and let his dick enter my throat. It was surprisingly easy to swallow the rest of his shaft. The lube that was still on it greased its journey and helped to soothe my raw throat. "That's it, man," Javi said. "Take it all. I know how badly you want it. And that next hit of crystal." He was completely right; kneeling down in front of him, my entire world was his crotch and the erection springing up from his mound of dark pubic hair. Between the lube, the poppers, and my slow-burning desire for another hit, it was easy for me to swallow his entire shaft. I was going to be sore and hoarse the next day, but I didn't care. I had swallowed the entire thing and I was going to get more tina. Those were the only two things that counted. "Fuck, he made that look easy," Eli said. "Guess he's definitely earned a reward." "Oh, he's earned it for sure," Javier said, pulling my head off of his dick. I looked up at the two naked men; a mahogany and an ebony god that I needed to worship all day, every day. The ebony god reached down and put the pipe in my mouth and then the mahogany one held the lit torch under the bowl. It was still warm from the last hit, so it didn't take long before the white clouds were curling out from the top. "Do a good hit, Matt," Javier said. "Not one of those little pussy hits you seem to like so much." As told, I lost track of the number of times I drained the bowl and I filled my lungs with the thick vapors. When I could no longer inhale any more, I nodded to Eli that I was filled with the drug, but he shook his head. "You can do better than that, muscle bottom." Javier kept the torch under the bowl. I had no choice but to keep on draining the pipe, just to keep the meth from burning. Finally, when I thought my lungs were going to burst, Javier took the pipe from me, and stuck it in his own mouth, sucking down the smoke as the pipe cooled. "Finally," Eli said. "That's how a real man hits the pipe. Now hold it," he continued, nodding approvingly. I held it as long as I could, letting it enter my bloodstream. The meth quickly traveled to the two centers of my body that were driving my actions: my ass and my brain. When I thought I was just about to pass out, I let myself exhale. The cloud engulfed my head, and for a brief moment, I couldn't see anything but the beautiful white nothing. I was lost in the possibilities, but it slowly fell away, revealing the reality of Javier's cock, which was starting to grow hard again. "Nice," he said. "That was a good start. Now one more hit for you." Javi pressed his mouth against mine and exhaled his hit into me. I inhaled and took another big cloud, the second in rapid succession. "Think you can go down on me again?" Javi asked. "All the way down? Lick my balls with your tongue?" I nodded. I could do anything he wanted me to. I would do anything that he wanted me to. I leaned over his glistening cock, still wet from its last time in my mouth. I opened my mouth and the head entered easily. It was soon pressing against the back of my throat. I didn't even need the usual hit of poppers to relax me; I just let go in. I had to make sure that the cloud didn't escape, but quickly, Javi's cock was doing its job of blocking my airway. "Oh fuck, that's perfect," Javi moaned. Eli had taken the pipe from Javi and while I was busy deep-throating the Latino, he did another hit. As Eli was taking a second hit from the pipe, Javi touched my head lightly, and nodded at me. It was his way of letting me know I could finally exhale. I pulled off his cock just enough to be able to breathe and then exhaled the thick cloud. "Fuck, that's hot," Javi said, before pushing me all the way back down on his dick. "If you take it all again, and you'll get another go at the pipe." "If you keep on giving him hits, he's gonna be way gone," Eli said, before he grabbed Javier and shotgunned the hit to the Latino. Javi rested his hand on the top of my head and held me in place while the two men began to kiss deeply. I relaxed and focused on Javi's beautiful cock sliding ever further into my throat. "That's the point, isn't it?" Javi said. He broke off the kiss and then the two men exhaled the rest of their hits. The two men quickly turned back to each other and resumed their kissing. But, Javi kept his hand on my head and held me down on his dick. "A tweaked out bottom will do anything and everything we want. And he's almost at the base of my cock now, aren't you?" I did my best to nod, even with Javi's cock limiting my range of motion. "Very true. Very true," Eli said. I took a deep breath before the final push, smelling the mixture of sweat, lube, and cum on Javi's pubes. Like the best poppers, the sweat filled my mind and with it, the last bit of his cock slid into my throat. "He made it," Eli said, watching my lips wrapped around the base of the Latino’s cock. "Oh fuck yeah, he's definitely made it. Made it to cocksucker heaven. He's got it all in." He rubbed the back of my head. "Good job, dicksucker. Don't stop," he said, keeping his hand on my head and complimenting my cocksucking prowess. "Feels fucking awesome, my cock up in your throat." It made me feel good, knowing how much Javi enjoyed me servicing him. He deserved it; that he was a man was good enough for him to merit getting his dick sucked regularly. That he was hot and hung was more than enough for me deep-throat him. Of course, I'd swallow each one of his rich loads. "Here's the pipe," Eli said, handing it to Javi. "When you're ready for him to pull off, of course." Javi grunted an acknowledgement, but he kept his hand on my head and held me in place. My reward, the hit from the pipe, would be later, once Javi had had more time to enjoy my efforts. "Maybe chill for a bit after?" Eli asked. I wasn't sure if he was asking Javier, me, or if it was just a rhetorical question. "Yeah, that's cool," Javier said. The question had obviously been posed to Javi. He pulled me off his cock, leaving me kneeling by the side of the bed. "Our boy here deserves his reward first." "Of course," Eli said. "Better for all of us." Javier stuck the glass pipe in my mouth and lit the torch under it. "Make it another real hit Matt. Make us proud of you, cocksucker." "Let it melt first," Javi said, as he ran the flame under the bowl. It took a few seconds before the pipe began to smoke, then I slowly drained the bowl a few times. Even though I had more than reached my limit, I didn't stop and continued to suck on the pipe. "Doing good," Javi said as he pulled the torch away. "Just let it fill you up." I got a few more draws before the crystal cooled down and stopped smoking. I concentrated on holding the cloud in as long as I could. Javi handed the pipe and torch back to Eli. The black man lit the torch again, and melted the little bit of tina that remained in the bowl. "Looks like one more hit," he said. "You want it?" he asked Javi. "You can have it," Javier said. "I'm good, at least for now. But I can tell you're feeling the need." "Oh fuck yeah," Eli said. I watched, enraptured, as he again pursed his lips around the stem, and began to inhale. Watching these slow rituals of getting spun, of pushing oneself to a new plane of sexuality, was just as much of a turn on as watching the porn on TV. When it was a masculine man like Eli, it was even more of a turn-on I couldn't hold my hit any longer, and began to exhale. "To me," Javi said, leaning over to take my hit. I exhaled directly into Javier's mouth, letting him find out just how big of a hit I had done. "Nice," he said, as he broke off. I turned my attention back to Eli; he was still inhaling from the pipe. He finally took the stem out of his mouth and looked at the bowl closely. He shrugged his shoulders before putting the pipe back on the bed table. "Done?" Javi asked. Eli nodded while he held the hit. The two men leaned back on the bed and slowly exhaled their hits before turning their attention back to the TV. "Here," Javier said to me, patting the space between them. I climbed on to the bed, making myself comfortable between the two dark men. On screen, a hung black man, his dick not quite as big as Eli's, had his unprotected cock up a young white boy's ass. As the boy's hole was opened up and he was made into the black man's personal plaything, his face was a mixture of pleasure and pain. Both Eli and Javier were chilling out, stroking their cocks and enjoying the movie. It didn't take them long before they were semi-hard again. "Hot movie," Javier said. "Yeah, very hot," Eli said. I poured some lube on my cock and started to play with it. But the tina had already hit me hard so my dick remained flaccid and small. "You got tina dick?" Eli asked me, noticing my soft cock. "Yeah," I said. I spread my legs apart, which exposed my hole. I let my hand slide down. I pressed a finger against my hole; it was still wet and open so my finger slid in easily. "Playing with your hole, huh? Feels good, doesn't it?" Javier asked. He was now fully erect. His member was a statue to masculinity. "Fuck yeah," I moaned; already I had put in a second finger. "You got any toys?" Eli asked. "Yeah," I said. "A few." "Get one. I want to see you play with it." I extricated myself from between the two men, and went to my dresser. Despite the light from the window still being grey and overcast, it was nearly noon. "Looks like it's going to be rain today," I said, opening the top drawer, where I stored the dildos, vibrators and beads. "Good thing we're inside," Eli said. "Staying dry. Staying warm." "And hard, and naked," Javier added. "And high," Eli concluded. "So, Javi, bro, what are you up to these days?" Eli asked as I shuffled through the drawer. "Oh, just things here and there. Running some stuff," Javier replied. He had that flat tone I associated with being tweaked out. I was still looking through the drawer. It was filled with the miscellaneous toys that a gay man accumulated. I wondered what I wanted to use, what toys I wanted to show these men. What toys I wanted them to use on me. "What you running these days?" "Ehh. Mostly tina. Some rock, molly. Weed. What people need. Sometimes what I can find." "Cool. Good to have a source," Eli said. "You hear that, muscle butt?" he asked me. "You got your new connection right here." "And he's always got the option of doing it in trade," Javier said. "Price I'm sure he'll be happy to pay," Eli said. "You found a toy there yet?" he asked me. "You've been looking long enough." I nodded, looking at the dildos, a medium-sized vibrator and then alighting on a string of anal beads. I hadn't played with the beads in a while. I pulled them out. "How about these?" I said, turning around, holding up the beads. "Very nice," Eli said. "Now, let's see you get a few of them in." I got back on the bed, bent over and on all fours between the two men. My ass was facing them with my face buried in the sheets as I huffed from the bottle of poppers. I rubbed the first bead with lube and pressed it against my hole. Right as the poppers kicked in, my ass stretched around the bead, engulfing and swallowing it. Then there was just the thin black cable hanging out of my ass, leading to the next round ball. "Damn. It just swallowed that ball right up," Javier said, moving in for a closer look. He ran his finger around my hole and then caught his finger on the cord. "Fucking hungry hole he's got." My hole was hungry. It grabbed against the bead and dragged it ever deeper into me. "Oh, hot damn!" Javier said, watching the next bead get lifted off the bed as the cord disappeared into my ass. "Just eating that thing up." "Still hungry for more," Eli said. "You know what will make it even hungrier?" "What?" Javier asked, and then the two whispered between themselves. It was something I couldn't quite catch because I was too busy doing another huff from the poppers. The second bead was pressing against my ass. It needed just a tiny bit more pressure in order to slip into my hole. I reached back to press it in, but Javier grabbed my hand. "Wait," he said. "I'll do it." I expected him to immediately press in the bead, but instead, he pulled on the cord, dragging the second bead back and away from my hole. The bead already inside me slid back down, settling up against my prostate. "Here you go," Eli said to Javi. Then Javi quickly pressed two fingers into my hole and pulled them back out. "Looks good," Eli said. "Yeah, doesn't it?" Javier said. He rubbed the second bead with some lube and then pressed it up against my hole again. "Ready?" he asked me. I nodded, and with just the slightest pressure from Javier, it popped into my ass. Its entry was a lot rougher than the first bead, scratching and roughing up my tender ass. I gasped before tightening my ass around the cord. "You felt that, huh?" Javi asked me. "Yeah," I said. "What is it?" "Just a bit of tina up there now. It'll make you ready for anything," Javi said. "Like me," Eli said. "It'll get that ass good and relaxed for this." I turned my head back, and saw that both men were again hard and fully erect. "Yeah, it's going up there," Eli said. He shook it gently as I stared at his cock. "You know you need it. How'd it feel to have Javi up there?" "Really good," I said, remembering how big Javi's cock had felt. I pressed a finger into my hole and realized how much Javi had opened me up, wondering if it was sufficient to take Eli's python-like penis. My finger bumped against the beads already up there and pushed it deeper into my hole. I felt the shard of crystal scrape against me while it slowly melted in my ass. "How big was that shard?" "Hopefully big enough," Javi said. "You feeling it? If not, there's plenty more where it came from." "Oh, Yeah," I said. "I definitely am." It was getting harder to concentrate. My mind was racing, from thinking about Javi's cock in me to dreaming of a line of men pulling a train on me, then back to imagining Eli shooting his load in my hole, and then to something else even more extreme and depraved. It was the crystal taking effect and it wouldn't be long before I would need another hard cock inside of me again. "Let me feel," Eli said, running his finger around my hole. I pulled my two fingers out, and he pressed one of his thick fingers into me. Just that one was bigger than the two of mine. At least my ass was relaxed enough to easily stretch around his finger. "Oh nice. Hot and wet. I can feel that bead up there." He pressed against it, pushing it and the shard further into my butt. "Did you like feeling Javi pounding your hole bareback?" "Yeah," I said. I had to admit that it felt amazing to be barebacked by the Latino man. We now had a level of closeness that could have never been achieved with a rubber separating us. Not to mention, it was just right that he shot his load in my ass. It was now slowly soaking into my body; now, I'd always have a part of him inside me. "You ever wear a condom?" I asked Eli. "Ha," Eli laughed. "You see this thing? Ain't no condom big enough for my tool. Would have to use a damn garbage bag." He shook his cock. It was nearly erect, the bend in it looking almost evil and scary. I still had no idea how he was going to fit all of it in my ass. The closest comparison would have been getting fisted; it was that big. I had never gotten more than four fingers up there. "Besides," Eli continued, "You know how good it feels, skin on skin." I did. Bareback was a rare pleasure for me and it was usually coupled with the joy of being spun. "Yeah, I do," I said. "Just a bit nervous." But, it seemed wrong to deny Eli the pleasure of entering me raw. He deserved that simple joy, after his year of deprivation while in prison. Besides, it was certainly wrong to deny him right after I had let Javier fuck me raw, not to mention breed my hole. Mostly though, I wanted Eli to know how much I respected him: his masculinity, his presence, and his needs as a man. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as possible. "Don't be," Eli said. He pressed his finger in deeper, forcing the beads and their meth payload further into my hole. "You'll love it. Trust me." "And if at first you don't," Javier piped in, "we've got plenty of poppers and some crystal to make sure that you at least want it. Maybe not enjoy it." He laughed. It was going to happen regardless of what I wanted. "Right on," Eli said. "How about it, stud. You ready for a big black cock up that tight muscle hole? Big, black raw cock?" "I guess I am," I said, ready for the next challenge
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  49. I had alway done bareback, right from the my first gay sexual encounter. I knew the so called risks of unprotected sex, but never really thought that the type I went for were anything other than perfectly clean! Which when you consider the fact that all my sexual encounters were one nighters with guys I had met at the local gay club, isn't an entirely sound train of thought. Well, after a while I had joined various websites, and met a guy online, he always professed to be neg, and said he was regularly tested and asked loads of questions about my status. He told me that before we could meet that I had to refrain from sex for 3 months and then get a full test for any unwanted std's and he said that in return he would fulfil my fantasy of gang rape play. The 3 months were like hell and I was so horny. But I did what I was told. I was absolutely convinced that this would not only be an experience of a lifetime but that the guy organising it was thorough about ensuring that all people involved were free from not only HIV but all STDs. When the day came I went to the address I had been given. It was a run down somewhat derelict building, which immediately put me off, buy reluctantly approached the building! As I walked up the door opened and the guy at the door was not quite what I expected. Before me was a tall guy, mid-40's and a bit of a gut on him (his profile showed him as being mid 30's and a somewhat toned Adonis. I was never one to back out, of things so walked into the building and he closed the door and locked it with what looked like a new padlock! Leading me through to one of the rooms he asked me if I was definitely neg and whether I had indeed followed orders, which I had! Looking pleased with himself he said "let the fantasy begin. The room was quite dark, no natural light, and all I could see was a sling in the corner. I soon became aware that we weren't alone in the room, as I listened closer I could hear the sound of breathing coming from various corners of the room. Suddenly a hand grabbed me from behind and firmly covered my mouth. Slowly I could see shaddows appear from the darkness. 11 men in masks of various shapes and sizes came towards me and within no time is was gagged, and strapped into a sling.* I heard one of them say "you've outdone yourself this time! Nice young fresh neg meet to breed with our toxic loads". At the time I was 19, and suddenly realising how trusting I have been. Realising what the guy was talking about when he said toxic, I began to struggle frantically, I was neg, and wanted to stay that way, and I had not had sex in months so was tight and my hole wad bound to tear from the approaching onslaught of 11 men. "there's nothing you can do now, you little pig, you our neg cum dump now, and we all need a nice tight neg hole to lay our toxic poz seed, and I'm the lucky bastard that gets the break you in" The guy was 5'9" and was very muscular, I looked down to his cock and saw what must have been 9.5" of thick meat! I began to panic, the guys had not spent any time preparing my hole, and I was tight, the guy stepped up, spat on his cock, spread my cheeks then forced his cock in with one forceful action, my hole felt like it was torn in two, and this guy was taking no prisoner, one of the other guys took off my gag, but before I had the chance to scream a cock was shoved in my mouth, and began to piss. I thought I was going to die, my hole was being plowed without lubrication by an extremely large cock, and I was about to drown on another guys urine. I wanted to gag, but the only way to survive was going to be to swallow. I know I wanted rape play, but this was a bit too extreme! The guy ploughing my hole pulled out and came round to my head. His cock was covered in what appeared to be masses of blood, and a trickle of blood could be seen making it's way down his leg, my hole was bleeding ( and the words sore didn't cut it ). "clean you blood and shit off my cock you dirty fucking cunt!" out of fear I followed orders, and as I began to clean off his cock another guy ploughed into my hole. As of yet I hadn't taken a load, but it seemed like these guys wanted to ensure my hole was torn to shreds first! They each took turns, being rough with my hole, I swallowed a fair bit more piss, and even had a few guys piss up my hole! "Your hole is in shreds boy! You know what that means? That means you're gonna get pozzed today boy! And each of us have our own strains of HIV and full blown Aids to add to your blood stream!" By this point I was pretty much out of it, trying to block out what was happening in order to survive the ordeal! So I just lay there and stopped struggling, while one by one they ploughed their seed deep in my hole! I was being bred by 11 poz tops and I didn't care! I soon lost all track of what was going on, and when I eventually came back to reality, I was alone, and on my own still strapped in the sling with a combination of blood and cum leaking from my hole! I struggled and eventually managed to force my way out of the straps. I quickly got dressed and ran out o the building. I never discussed what happened with anyone, and when I tried to speak to the guy online, he didn't respond. Time went by and I went for a test, result Neg! I thought I'd have been releaved, but a small amount of disappointment filled me! Were the guys really poz, or was it just part of the rape play fantasy?
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  50. 2. I tried to relax, bent over the coffee table with the shard of meth dissolving in my ass. I watched the porn, trying to take my mind off my current situation. On screen, the white guy was bent over a couch, and the black guy was poking his uncut cockhead against the white boy's ass. It wasn't going to be long before I was in the same position. Eli's cock was now hard as a rock, and he wasn't going to be satisfied with just my attempts at deep throating his tool. "Get up on the couch, bro," Eli said, after a few minutes. My hole was tingling, almost burning from the bump that had melted inside of it. It wouldn't be long before I was going to be wagging my butt, begging Eli to stick his tool up there. "Nice ass. Enjoyed that view. It's gonna be a pleasure getting in there and breeding your hole a few times." I sat on the couch and draped one of my legs over Eli's massive thigh. This position kept my hole exposed to Eli. He didn't waste the opportunity, and started to finger my hole. We were both getting lost in the drug-high, feeling the tweak come on strong. "What were you doing on the west side," I finally asked. "I was in the state penn, bro," he said. "Free and clear yesterday afternoon." "For?" I asked. I hoped I wasn't going too far by asking him. "Got in a fight, and ended up punching a guy out. Got a year for it. Just think of it as a year at the gym though." With his free hand, he rubbed his chest, squeezing his massive pecs. I leaned over and nibbled on a nip. I was surprised at just how muscular he was; I kept finding new mounds of muscle to worship. Nor did he have an ounce of fat on him. "Not worried by that?" he asked. I shook my head no. All I could think about was how much I needed some cock. Any cock. And his was right there, hard and ready. "Guess it takes more to scare you," he said. I was still locked to his nip, so I just nodded in agreement. He had moved beyond just playing with my hole and was now sticking a finger up there. I had relaxed a lot since he had given me the booty bump, and his finger had slid in easily. "Still pretty tight," he said, not quite agreeing with my feeling. "Gonna have to let Javi go in first and get you opened up properly." Almost as soon as he said that, my phone rang. I had to disentangle myself from Eli: finger out of my hole, no longer licking his pecs, and my leg off his thigh. "Hi, this is Matt," I said, finally able to answer the phone. "Hey, it's Javier, Eli's bud. I'm at the front gate," the voice on the phone said. "Come on up," I said. "You know where it is." I buzzed him in, and hung up. "It's Javier," I told Eli. "You gonna meet Javi at the door like that? Totally naked?" he asked. "He'd dig that. Get him boned right up." "Why the hell not?" I said. I got up and headed to the front door, my dick swinging in the air. A few moments later, there was a knock. I opened it, and Javier was standing there. He wasn't as big as Eli, probably about six feet high, thinner, but still muscular. Instead of Eli's stubble he had a small goatee. I couldn't quite tell his race; it was a mixture of Afro-American and hispanic; maybe blatino was the best description. Like Eli, his hair was shaved short. The light drizzle had wet it down a bit though. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. "Damn. You guys didn't waste any time getting started." he said, eyeing me up. He walked in, and I shut the door behind him." "Yeah, we have," I said. He paused in the hallway and looked me over. "Turn around," he said. I did as I was told, feeling acutely naked and vulnerable. "Very nice," he said and smacked me on the ass. He took off his damp jacket and I hung it up. Then we both went into the living room. "Hey Eli. Good to see you again bro," he said. "Man, Nice to see you again too," Eli replied. "When you get out?" Javi asked. "Yesterday. Just got here this morning." "Well, welcome home. Got you a little gift." Javi pulled his wallet out from his pocket. He opened it, and took out a small bag, placing it on the coffee table. Even from the doorway, I could see it was stuffed full of tina. "Fuck, that's totally awesome. Hope you don't have to be anywhere today." Eli turned to be. "Got another V for Javi?" "Yeah, I think." I went into the bedroom, and found an extra tablet. I came back to the living room by way of the kitchen, getting Javier a beer. I handed both of them to Javi. "Right on! Gonna be a fun day," he said as he popped the blue pill and took a swig from the bottle. He turned to Eli. "You're looking good. How's everything going?" "Don't ask. Cunt of a nurse was fucking things up. Gotta see Weiss this week and get my meds right." Eli grabbed the pipe off the table. "But let's think about better things. Like getting you up to speed with us." Eli took the torch and started heating up the glass bowl. Javier sat down on the couch and took the pipe's stem in his mouth, letting Eli handle the torch. He took a long hit, and held it. Eli motioned to me "Shotgun it from him, Matt" I kneeled down in front of Javi, and took his hit. Like Eli's hits, it was big. I knew I wouldn't be able to take many more hits from either without getting way too far gone. Almost as soon as Javi had finished pushing out the hit to me, he took the pipe and torch, and started to heat the bowl again. "Gotta catch up with your guys," he said. "Good plan," said Eli. "Matt's just done a big booty bump and its barely taken effect." "Sweet," Javi said, "And you? Where are you?" As he finished speaking, he put the pipe in his mouth. I couldn't hold my hit any longer, and exhaled it. "You know me. I've been sucking on the glass cock ever since I called you. And Matt's been sucking on my cock. Take the next one as well, Matt," Eli said. Javi was puffing at the pipe hard, getting as much of the vapor as he could. Finally when he stopped, he motioned for me to lean in and take his hit. It was even bigger and stronger than the first one Javier had done. I inhaled as much of it as I could, but even so, there was dense fog that escaped. "Nice," Eli said. "You'll catch up with us soon enough." "I'm feeling a bit already," Javi said. "But this bowl is spent." Still kneeling down in front of him, I took the pipe from him. He was right. The glass bowl was almost empty. As I was examining it, Javi stood up, and pulled off his shirt, throwing it into a corner. "Use my stash," he said, indicating the bag he had put on the table. "And don't skimp on loading it up." Hands shaking from the hits I had already done, and the booty bump starting to kick in, I emptied nearly half the bag into the bowl, filling it well. Javi kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his jeans. He wasn't as muscular as Eli, but was still well-defined. Across his dark chest, there was a smattering of hair, and a bit of it was grey. It was surprisingly sexy on him. He was wearing a pair of boxers and already, there was a definite tent growing in them. He sat back on the couch. "You should have the honor of the first hit, Eli," he said. I lit the torch, and melted the mass of crystals in the bowl. As the pipe began to smoke, Eli took it from me, and started to suck down the vapor. I held the torch under it, making sure he got a good hit. As he finished, he handed the pipe to me. "Your turn, Matt," Eli said, trying not to let any of the smoke escape from his lungs. I shook my head no. I was already feeling pretty far gone, and wanted to slow down a little bit. "Don't be a pussy," Javi said. "I want to see you do a hit." I reluctantly put the pipe to my mouth, and lit the torch. As I did my hit, Eli shotgunned Javi. The two of them started to make out as they finished exchanging the cloud. Javi reached down and pushed down his boxers as they made out. His cock sprang free, sticking straight up. Not as big as Eli's, it was still a very respectable eight inches. At the base, there was a thick bush and a pair of heavy balls. As I put down the pipe, Eli broke off his kiss with Javi. "Give me your hit," he said to me. "Then take Javi's hit." I leaned over towards Eli, and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Immediately, Javi grabbed me, and I was forced to inhale his hit. It took me a moment to realize that this was the one that Eli had started. We were all sharing hits now, making sure that the drugs had maximum effectiveness. Even third hand, it was bigger and stronger than the one I just done. I being taken far further than I had ever planned. "Wow, that was weak bro," Eli said, as he blew out the hit I had shotgunned him. " You're in the big leagues now. We're going to have to get you used to what a real man does." "No kidding, man," Javi echoed. "Let's do this right. Hand me the pipe," he said to Eli. Javi grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down to his crotch. "Suck me off," he said, as he lit the torch. I took the tip of his cock in my mouth, feeling the firm warmth of his head fill my mouth. Javi was taking a long hit on the pipe, enjoying the combination of getting high and getting his cock licked to a firm erection. Eli was the biggest man I had ever encountered. Luckily, Javi wasn't as big. As his cock got harder, I realized it was going to be about nine inches long, and reasonably thick. I hoped that he was going to be the first to enter my hole, since he would help me get ready for Eli's monster. Javi finished his hit, and let the torch go out as I continued to service him. He turned to Eli, and then shotgunned the hit to the muscular black man. Once done, Javi relaxed and let the waves of pleasure wash over him. "Hot movie," he said, kicking back, watching the screen as he kept a hand on the back of my head. There was just enough pressure from Javi to let me know I shouldn't stop servicing his shaft. I kept up my efforts, trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. Eli finally letting out his hit. "Yeah, it is," he said. Noticing my efforts on Javi's, Eli asked, "How's that feel for you?" "Pretty damn good. But it would be even better if I could get into his throat." I knew it was less a request than an order. I pulled off his cock just long enough to grab the bottle of poppers and do a huff. As my attention returned to Javi's cock, Eli lit the torch again, getting ready for another hit. I ignored the sound of the torch and the faint smell of the crystal and focused on the shaft in front of me. I opened my mouth and worked my way down as far as I could. I made sure to get his shaft nice and wet. The extra lubrication would help me when I eventually had to force it deep into my throat. As Eli drew on the pipe once more, I felt Javi's cockhead hit the back of my throat. I swallowed, then forced myself to do what I knew I had to do. I could feel Javi push into my throat. The poppers were filling my mind, and all I wanted was to get as much of his man's cock in my mouth as possible. I tried not to gag. Javi needed a man to worship his cock, and I was lucky enough to be the cocksucker he had chosen. Even if it was because I was the only one there, it was still an honor to be on my knees, Javi allowing his cock to press into my throat. Once his cock entered my throat, it was surprisingly easy to take all of it. My lips soon hit the base of his cock, his balls right up against my chin. There was no response from Javi other than a low moan of pleasure. Still keeping his hand on the back of my head, Javi leaned over, and shotgunned Eli's hit. The two men stayed lip locked, enjoying a long kiss. I watched these two strong, masculine men kissing each other. But their intimacy and closeness only made them more desirable and more unattainable. They were sharing something between them that I wouldn't ever be able to understand. I knew I was just their toy for the day, something to help them relate to each other. I was providing them with the drugs they were flying on, the porn they were getting turned on by, and most importantly, the two holes they would be abusing all day. All of this, I glady gave for their pleasure. "Nice," Javi said, as they both blew out their smoke. Even though they had swapped the hit back and forth a few times, my head was still wrapped in a dense cloud of smoke. I knew they were both getting a good tweak going. I hardly knew either of them, and what I did know about the two wasn't good. But yet I was getting them high, and allowing them get me higher than I had ever been before. I knew the day, maybe even the weekend, was going to be a memorable experience for me. However, at the moment, my world was Javi's cock. I wanted it inside of me. I wanted to keep it hard, to show how much of a man Javi was, and how easily he had dominated me. At the very least, I wanted Javier to acknowledge me as a cocksucker. "Bro, you feeling good yet?" Eli asked Javi. Out of the corner of my eye, I could Eli was still stroking his massive cock. "Yeah, definitely getting there," Javi answered. "Cocksucker is doing a great job on my cock, and the favors are definitely fine." He took the pipe from Eli. "One more for me, I think," he said. "Share it with Matt, man. He needs it bad, especially after that last pussy hit he did," Eli said. "Right on." He lifted me off of his cock. "Ready for a proper hit?" he asked me. I was already missing the feeling of his cock in my throat, and I could only nod in response. To my surprise, he put the pipe in my mouth first. I had thought he was just going to shotgun his hit to me. But he held the torch under it. "You need to do a proper hit first," he said. I waited for the bowl to fill with smoke before I started to pull. I did several distinct huffs, each time making sure the bowl re-filled with the thick smoke. Each drag I thought would be my last, until I looked at Javi or Eli, and knew they wanted me to do at least one more. Finally, my lungs were full and I simply couldn't do any more. "Now, that's how a real man hits the pipe, cocksucker," Javi said, giving me a sign of his approval. I had a sudden rush of pleasure from his small acknowledgement, thinking I might just be able to share in the bond these two men had. But I quickly realized it was only the favors doing the thinking for me, making me feel more connected than I had any right to be. "Give it to me," Javier said, leaning into me. Our mouths met, and I exhaled my hit into his mouth. He didn't try to break off the kiss, but instead pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was a nice bonus, and I was glad to share the intimacy with him. He held the hit for longer than I expect, the entire time his tongue was probing and exploring my mouth. His cock had already done one round of exploration, and his tongue was even more proof how he had easily laid claim to my body and holes. Finally, he blew the hit right back into my mouth. I wasn't expecting it, but was able to inhale a good bit of it. Even so, a lot it was lost in a thick cloud around our heads. Despite being passed back and forth, it was still strong hit, at least as strong as any I had done. I knew I was going to soon regret partying so hard with these men. I wasn't sure of my choices or actions. My only guide to what to do was to make sure these men were hard, they were happy, and any of their desires were satisfied "There's another hit for you, cocksucker," Javi said. "Getting you where I want you." "Right on," Eli said. "Got any left in the pipe? You're still lagging behind me and the cocksucker." Javier took the pipe from me, and looked at it. "Still enough for at least one good hit." The bowl was warm from my hit and began to smoke quickly as he held the torch under it. Javi puffed a few times on the pipe, clearing out the bowl, and then began to suck on the glass cock in earnest. It seemed like he was on the pipe for an eternity, but my sense of time was so distorted, it was probably less than a minute. Finally, he let the torch go out, and took one last drag, emptying the bowl. "Spent?" asked Eli. Javi nodded, and I took the pipe from him in order to re-fill it. Before I could do anything, Javi grabbed me. He wanted to shotgun the hit to me. I shook my head no. I was really starting to feel the tweak, with my cock throbbing and my hole itching. Even as I started to smack my lips involuntarily, a classic sign for me of being tweaked, Javi locked onto my mouth and pushed his hit into my body. I inhaled as he wanted, and it filled me up. I held it as long as I could, as Javi explored my mouth with his tongue. Eli leaned into us, pushing Javier away. He forced his lips against mine, rubbing his thick stubble against my face. I knew what to do, and exhaled the hit into his waiting mouth. He sucked it in, fast draining my lungs. I had to break off the kiss, just to get some air in my lungs. Before I could breathe, Javi grabbed me back, and re-filled me with more of the drug. Eli and I sat there, letting the tina soak into our bloodstream and head to our brains. Finally, Eli exhaled. Only then did I feel ok in exhaling my own hit. Neither cloud was as thick as earlier ones, but they still were getting the job done. "Good?" Eli asked Javier. "Oh yeah. Time to have some fun," Javi said.
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